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Carolina Watchman, 1869, July-December
Wis =ZaANUS Editor and Proprietor. °: ie a m ” " . ¥ . 4 % {oe ae , . y . i a wt-2 |) vi Cee 3 Resta Whee PRAT OM ee Sa eo”. ic ie sramnignmnnene the: SOU pee ghar: ae ‘ : 5 “ a oe eat pprerrete pone —ie—w ey ThE HOMESTEAD LAW AS AP- PLIGABLE TO PRIOR DEBI'S AND JUDGMENT, NOL UNCON STITUTIONSL—OPINION OF JUDGE ORR, OF S. ©. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS — GREENVILLE COUNTY. . A.D Hoke and 1, Q. Donaldson, Ad ministrators of ‘David Like v3. 1’. Ed wine Ware. The secoud exeeutionabove was levied upon certain lote and real estate the property of the defeddant, by the Sher- iff of Greenville conuty, ineluding a traet or fotof land fa the “tawnof Greenville, containing thirty acres, more or less, ad- joining A. A, ‘Townsand others... Upoa this tract of land the dwelling and out- houses of the defendant were situated, He claimed that bis homestead should be act off to bim and personal property of the value of five haadred dollars, in conformity to the provisions of an Aet ot RATES OF SUBCHIP TION. an = $3.00 1.50 One Year, paysble in advance. Six Monrus, os as : 5 Copies to one address,.-.... Teg ss Rates. of AdvePtising. One Square, first fusertion,......-.--$1.00 For each additional iasertion. ...,...... 50 ; _ notices will be’ charged.5O per cent higher thap tlie above'fates.” 2, Court and Justice’s Orders will bé publish- ed at the same. rates with other advertise- ments. OS cae over six lines, eharged as iseinents. * To persons wishing tu advertise for a lon- gertime than two months the must liberal terms will be given. CONTRACT RATES. i] | 4 | B | 9 I : ‘g | 3 | - | > passed 9th day ot September, 1868. ete zx | J, oe] threefgppraisers were appointed erace. | 2 | >| Bi 8! 8 | &| 81 8 rij: w | F | oe @ | | * | 8 TRqnare. $250 $375 85 00,83 50 $13.00 2 Squares. 450 625 8501300 22.00 3 Squares. | 600 900 12002000 31.00 4 Squares. 80011 00 15 002500 37.50 $ Column. 11:00:16 00 2000 3000 45,00 | returns of the same, certify in the exe- + Columa. 190024 00 300045 00 75.00 | curion of their dutics om to law, 1 Columa. 00 40 00, 50 00 80 00 130,00 | to the Sheviff, for re The a Citrate Magnesia. Wy — I HIS DELIGHTFUL MEDICINE is being daily prepared by the subscriber, and can there fore be bad in its perfection; ata price very eonsiderably less than has herewfore beeu charged bere ; as alew, everything ele vold plaintiffs in ex jou g vunda of ctjttion ir of the appraisers, and ie reassignment and re-appraisément of the real and personal propecty of the debtor. The objections of the plaintiffs, when analyzed, may be reduced to three: First, Empty bottles will be taken as part payment. | that the Howestead law is unconstitu- At .B. SLLL'S Drug Swre, | tioaal as to liens existing at the date of June 26—2t Salisbury, N.C. iis paseage. Second, that in the valua- - WNOTICDB. tion and assignment of the personal prop- erty, i justice is done to plaintiffs, be hin enle, at the Coart-housr | © 1tre the estimated value of the person: iu ee ae ak Gs it jal property is greatly below its market ef Yolock, P, M., Thirty five Shares of Stock value. Third, that the real estate as N. C. Re Road Company, ond Five) signed and pet off, greatly exceeds in County of Ore Hundred Dollars) value the sum of eve thousand dollars, Ter tade known on flay oll and that in making euch estimate. the KED HAKGRAV i, appraisers did not take into the cotiggdte : Adur. the value of the dwetlirg house and the 0 000 Lbs. ! ried Black- out-buildu ge @ therewith aud inesdeut the refto berries, and other kiuds of Dain Fretr. The first objection is overruled for Which we will pay the highest market | State or Sourh Carolina Dane price. ROBERTS, McNEELY & CU. ) ¢ onal exieterer fiom the close of the war dine 25, 1869. 25—2w jin April, 1865, until July, 1868, when ¥ ‘ ‘ PORTANT SALE! O« THE 30 DAY OF JULY 1869. at the at I Hy couucet The lune consitu Feprerentation aye acdin confermuy tothe K ctlon Accs | was admitted. 1. is practically a matter lof littl: conse quence, whether the State at JOHN H. NES. in Folton, DE} eas legally in or oat of the Guion by th for Cush, tay high. “t bidder, the} Act of Secession, The State certaiuly had follewimg valuable We tO wit : po constitutional right: recognized autil 170 0A) oe LAND, July, 1868, when she was re admitted in lying on the # ok, Ria interens eonantom tien of the reconstruction Acts | From 1805 to 1868 the Sfafe was not rep- Of6 sixth part ofa nable botton Svat r Heuer, Ita laff 60 the Yadkin river | Sta e, the right of presentation coakd Twe Gfths of the Howse sod Le om whe!) get have been de Joc HT, Hanes gue reades. } Seen the Fultuy Mill and lauds or | te Two-thirds of the Fulton Ferry. Tairty-Gve-cight handee tits of the P age tiene and Lot, situated im the town Mackerillu. AL80—260 Bosthels of Corn Bight biehels of Wheat, Eight bashet« of Rye One tr@o horse Wagon aod Harness One Saggy and Harne<s er | reacuied in the tied, and yet the of the Uutted States have decided that the Acie 6f Congress were cometitational — \gain, iPwithia the | dates above, So ath Careliaa had been a Kecowetraction ae fhe jheen superior to #he Military low of the Unied Siates the rebellion — baving ended, and the eaprmacy of the autheri- tyot the Unued State biving been ee- ltaltieled after Ap i, 1863—and vet, iti- O Saga: Mil and Boiler. | conc dd fact, that an Wateh. Pistol aud Piven Gon pei gowetomeut exishd ia the Siate at Some Hogs and sheep tor othe posse of the Recourtiaction Farming Utens!« ;A te of March. 1857, that wre not aub Houwsebold and Kitchen Furniture & Jedi ate tothe miltarg authority of the WM. J. ELLIS, A-wynee | Unved tates Phe Military Coaman Jone 25, 1869 25— 35 | art of tlie Dindtbet, ander theee Acts, “> - Ana Jwa- wi hongea te abroga all civil ger Pleasant Grove Academy. [eo i. iis tinea doth Biase, ardir Miale and Female. jallk ‘ that thr aathoriy was ex THE SEVENTH SESSION WIL rete s 1867 in Georgia, and afew mence vv the Dh of August nek m nehe da Moienia« pp Courre— Englixh, Classica), Muth Pie Convention thar wae ealled tu matical Bn ' frome a new “! tl « ' 4 they che endl andes of ch Terms: Puition f oni $5 fr $10 per ; : Aitiiare ; i nae Board with the Princip. $9 petiu - a u a ee iares For partienlars address tie principal at F | ‘ - ton, Davie Co., N.C the persone whe were declared entith a i W. J. ELLIS, Piineye j Vote tor delegates to this | ha Pleasant Grove N.C. } never been reeoguized aa citizena by tl dune 25, 1869 { tt taper vied enventiar 25—3.n Jaws or Constitution of South Carol oa as oo of North Carolina, [IKBDALL «¢OUNTY Saperior Court, Spring Term, 1869 It appearing to the satisfaction of the Con that the Civil basiness of thie Coort requires Special Term thereot ; [tte theretore ordere: that a Special term of the Superior Court, for | * hich according to the provisions ot the the tnal of Civil cavees only, be beld for thy | Reconsrraction Acta of Congress, was a Oounty of Iredell at the Court House in States | mnere nullity, anless Congress accepted ville. commencing on Monday the 19th day of | the same after its ratification by the peo- July next, at which time and place, all parties | ple of the State. | they existed prior to, or daring the war, i | y Actoft Con gress and énfore;d by military orders i | he eleetion of delegates to the Conetita They aseewbl d i } but were made citizens jitonal Convention. The people of th to Civil causes are berety notified to be pres | ciate ratified the Constitution by a ent with their witnesses, to the end that the : Ee Aceie Vi Congress Civil bnsincas of said Court may be disposed oc | MUCT'TY very Cecieive, ana vongres as required by Law. jaceepted it as presented, and thereupon Witness: Charles L. Samfhers, said Court, at office in Statesville, this 10th | bor Houses of Congress. If the Home day of April, A. D.. 1869 stead provision had been objectionable to ©. L, SUMMERS, ©O.8.C. | Congress applying to existing liens at april 30—17td the date of the adoption of the Conatitu- JOHN 8. HENDERSON ion, it would doubtless have been except- s . ids ATRORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, | resescation in Congress with reference to resentation in Congress with reference to SALISBURY, N. C. P certain features in the Constitution of Gears! EFPWill attend promptly to the Collee-| “Tike tion of Claims feb26—ly The view now presented, that the Dr. I. W. JONES, Homestead Act, ea to liens existing at the date of the adoption of the Constitution, AVING located in Salisbury, offers his | Professional services to the public. Of- violates that clause of the Constitution, fice on Council Street, opposite the Court House of the United States which prohibits any | State from passing “any law impairipg and next door to the Law office of Hon. Burton Craige. May 28, 1869-tf the obligation of contracts,” would seem to be fully met and answered by the fore- i fj this State, aad the Constitutional provis- ‘ ! of Congrees, | Courta |} 1 | Constitutional Stade, the Civi! would hare | | Convention and adopted a Conetitution, | Clerk of onr | adimitted the State to representation in | going statement of the history of the enactment, : But the objection may be answered very satisfactosily by this view of. the question: Suppose the Constitutional Gonvention in’ Charleston, in January, 1668, had refnsod to recognize any lien whatever, (whether mortgage or judg- ment,) given or created, or any property by or aider the provisional, rebel or ante- war governments that existed in South Oarolina, and directed ali officers created by their Constitution to refuse to enforce such liens, could its power have bgen questioned, andifisa, haw and betore what tribaual could the liens bave been enforced {° Now, if they could have ig- nored all lieus by decliaing to provide for their enforcement, what prevented the | Conveution from reeognizing the hens} with such condition aa their judgment ex. | }teemed wise prudent, to Wit geht a | ° | mortgage or judgment obtaine a and former government was recogalze@e DY a voting population totally different frou | should be euforced subject to the claim of | Act of this Stare carrying iuto effect the | provision of the Constitution of this State, | Article 1L., Seetion 32, providing a} herestead for the head of each tauily in | | iou itself, ‘8 not a violation of the provis- ion of the Conetitution of the United States, whieh prohibits any State from passing any law impairing the obligation of coutracts, and that the same is cousti- | tational, e . e * JAMES L. ORR. Anderson, 8. C., Jane 3d, 1869. |” COM ISCELLANLUUS. | TH LATE JOSEPH DIXON—RE. | MINISBENCES OF A REMARK. AB 4 The York Express says: Joseph Divon, Who died in Jerery City on Mou. | | day, aged 71, was « woet remarkable, not | extiaerdiaary, man. fle foade a |} machine to cut files before he attained bis majorit y, learued the priuter’s trade, after- {to may warda that of wooed engraving, then litho- | graphy, and afterwards studicd ur dieine, | land in that connection became interested g fi of tle tucet accomplicb d and comprehedsive He wae a thor ough optician, and had no equal in his He tank up | the experimenute of Daguerre in 1839, and was probably the firet pereen to take a Hi showed Pro woito take a by meave of a refi ctor, 6a that the eubjec ® j -hoald nos Ryrpe al Moree tried to get the pla » patente d in Europe. Mr Digzen buil: the first locomotive. with wooden wheels, but with the «:ar doable erauk now need; it cansed a suver at the in cuemietey, becom ally ane chemists in the country. } ' | knowledge of photography yortrail by the camera I : tesaor Moree h portran revere d ltime, bat when it beeame demoustrated i lata steam: e conid ran on wheels and " rform the serviers of beasts of bur den, bie double erank was adopted H originated the procese of tranefotiing on! world over by livhe He origisated the ; atone, ow aed th Kray here. process of SALISBURY, N. | State will fave an actaal retaru in | with their [neuds. j they bave tes C, JUL INSTITUTION FOR THE DEA AND DUMB‘AND THE BLIND.- |. - + eels sds The annual session of this -institutio terminated yesterday. ‘The term d, last fall with considerably, less. than. a hundred pupils in attendance... The num- ber coustantly increased until the close, |, ; when there were in attendance 154, of whom 126 were whites, in the. instinutig proper, aud 28 coloredeiu the new build on the opposite side of she eity. Phe ad- vancement of the. pupils inv. their, several studies has been quite satisfactory during the year, aud when the record is examines ed aud we learn how much bas been. ac- complished in spite of the difficulties tobe en€bantered aud overcome, the jinatitation and its benevolent work. has become. a seurce of pride and gratification to. every true fricud of edneation ia the State, La addition to the iastraction in the’ cleweate of learning which are tagght iu jhis in common with other schools of the kind.in other Siates, skilful workmen have been dumb in- the General Assembly entitfed “Ao Act | from the population that was represeuted | employed to give the d to determiae and perpetaate Homestead,” [in the former goverument, that the lew | gt in waking bog d shoes, cab- in ing 3 aud the blind gaund priutia ove by | the defendant in execution or mortgage to | haye had a departweat where they were the plaivtiffs, one by the defeidant, aud ja howestuad of the valae of ove thou- | taaght the business of broom making. — the third by the Sheriff, Vickers. “These | sand dollars. These views might be | The facility displayed in reading, wri- appraisers set off by metes and bounds | elaborated and sastained By the decisions | ting, &e., is very gratifying to all, and aw homestead of the estate of the d bior, | in New York, Miehigan, North Oarolina, | greatly in coutrast to the iguorauce: in with a description and plat of the same, | Geofgia and other States, but itis nol) which most of the pupils would remain also personal property of the value ot | cousidered neeessary to pursue the mat- j without this instiiuion, But of perhaps five hundred dollars, aud made separate leer further iu this ease, ‘The Homestead | yore interest aud importance tagpauy of them, who must support theaf®elves or remain objects of enarity, is this practical teaching in industrial parsuits, whieh will give them a trade by which they cao sup- port themsclves and become industrious and aseful members of the commanity.— We have seen spreimens of their work, and notwithstanding their misfortune of being deprived of some of the senses throuzh which ivary motels learn, their workmanship would be-ereditable to those who have full possession of every sense, and vo doubtsome of these appren- tices will make successful rivala in the battle of life. Through this means the dol lars and ceuts for the moncy expended ou thia institution, by the increased pro- ductive power of the “tate, and the sav- ing made through persons becoming self: supporuny, ord mauy State charge without this usetal training Nearly all the pupile will start for the it homes to-day, ander the c of their teachers, whe Whi: goa Lome Mi esa safely Most of the Companies fave consented to give thea for wheih we are requested hanke. Duri ig Vacalion the work shops will be lerged free passes ; to return so as to give room for more pu the insafieient. pile to learn trades, accommodations uwow le ing ings themselves are not now largeenongh all whe ehoald receive 1 is estimated there a: to accommodate their benefits, ™ arly a hundred more pereona in Siate whe ought to be enjoying the ad a id ita friends acd irieeging them and if necessary reus be taken to culag th baildings. ‘Too mach credit: cannot be given to the ~upermtendent, Mr. Wilie J. Palmer, aud lie asei<taute for the e ergy and areal with which they have perforuned their da- ties. “The d ficaliies and vexatious which vantages of the bosiinu should be alive to lighe, uvaus should ecountet can h irdly be over Phey work perhaps sometimes with doabis and mis ‘atimated, on in silence, givinge; bul eucervea crows their efforta, and that makes éessier thetr almost thauk | «duneile in regard to the admission rl to match the color of theirs. photolithography, aud published it yeas | dese task. Phe Lnssitation wae never before it walltty Lheved to be vectal, By | more foariehinyg, ise prosprets were never his process of tranaterri: g, the eld bank- | bs ghter ban now, Da noice will be noles were carsily countertet ed, aud it atrst he abuse of hi« wnt the war to guard ny beongh lpooeese that hy syetenm of pri the billa, ard tad the meth ya of, tly never fegeived ‘ L fii fan ous paceot, all the bavks avin? G-eU uo owhtleat pa) M oye f romadere will mo wber ithe ory ral A g Moevey, ane the present proccss dbvi gever went, for porta tiyge to s, f steele bese aint ta porta te te the old process ot Mr. Doc tor which hos pout had expired loag be fere, aod th preac at pateuts art there fore teu tetabbe H> perteeted the system tomiukisg colli lion for the photographers d Mr. Elarrison in getiiog a truc eystem for grinding the lenace for camera tubes, He originated the anti. {riction metal, he been for a great inany years knowles “Babbitt metal,” and he is the father of the steel melting | He originated a vast number of machines and processes | that do not oceur to as at this momeot, | but he is most widely known among man- | | ufactarers as the originator of the plum- | vod assiat business in this country | bago crucible as now made. He started | the bnsiness in 1827, in Salem, Mase., | and brought it to Jersey Oity in 1847.— | His name had become known in all civil- ized countries as a crucible maker, end | his establishment in Jeysey City is the largest of the kind in the world. He was singularly eelf-reliant, never failed in his | mechanieal andertakings, even in the last, that of the great orchestrion, that occupied his time for nearly eleven years, bat which etood before him perfect at last, and till | stands—a monament of his great okill, | patience and perseverance. He was self- educated. oe “Mr. Simpkin has an abominable gait— don’t you think so?” “No, indeed; I think it quite hand- | some, especially since it was painted.” | “Exeuse me, but you don’t understan me—lallude to his carriage.” “Why, la me! he has no carriage. | the regiment, when the acxt se@ ion Standard. given of the time will comm: ric <a Death of a Son in-Larw of Robert Burns A Ctlaegow viper et corde th: doal i Mr. Fob Phem-eou, the husband of ine sol euiviving daaghte: of Barse,at Cross tiyloot reeestly., Me. ‘Peomson brought op at th iret ths Ss i reliie mit x 1a, al by whem be was much resp cted, often *p tke of bin as ahe hacdsoment mau in] While at Damfries he met Klizabeth, daughter of Barna, whom he inatried while she was wot quiie out of her teens; and on Dumfries he by Jean Armour with many mannseripts and relics of the poet. Thomson was not only a man of physical strength, bat had a vigorons in ellect and a great fand of genuine humor, and io bis day produesd some good verses. For manly indepeudence of character he was such a man as Burns would have been proad of asa eon-in-law. Last May his triends celebrated the sixticth anniversary of his marriage with the poet’s daughter, with whom he led a very happy lite.— le leaves, besides his venerable widow, two sons and four daughters, about thirty grandchildren and several great grand- children. leaving was presente d “= os Among the obituary notices of an Uhio paper, we find the following: “Mr. Wil- liam Jones, of Malta township, aged eighty three, passed peacefully away, on Tuesday last, from single blessedness to matrimonial bliss, afier a short but sudden attack by Alice Blossom, a blooming widow of thirty-five.” Not so many are the blades of grass growing in the field as the gifts and mer- cies of God to those that have a soil in which théy can grow. Wanted—the musket and powder horn of @ shooting star. f whom would be al railroad | In fact the build. | the | —sompact, simple, yer not. ‘sweet-smelling qua staurants and their theatre, if it is in pation, and into their “los Houses,” 1 stores invite us with ape aud tempt our pockets with all the various special- ties of ( bingse manufacthre at reasouablé prices. . A few aré men. of stataré and wery tiself. Yetthey are an important element in the industry and. progrese . of all this side of the continent. Bat for their labor the Pacific railroad would have been at least two years longer in baild- ing. Twelye thousand of them have done nearly all the picking and drillin and shovelling and wheeling + ro from Sacramento to Salt Lake, . They furnish the priticipal labor in the facto- ries ; they make cigars ; ae dig and work over neglected gold gulches; they are cooks; they almosfmouopolize the clothes washing aud ironing ;-in all the lighter aud simpler depariments of labor where fidelity to a- pattern, and not flexibilit and originality of action are required, they make the best’ and most reliable of workers. ‘ At least 75,000 of them are scattered: over thea» Pacific States, te 2 Utah; and though our Ameri Juropean laborere quarrel with and abuse them; though the Jaw gives them no rights but that of suffering pavishment ; though they bring no families and seek no citizenship ; though their woman here are not only commercial, but expressly imported as such; though they are mean. and. con- temptible in their vices as in their man- ners; though they are despised and kick- | .d about ou every hand, stil y come and thrive, slowly better their physical |} nud moral and mental conditions, and sap- ply this country with what it most needs | ior ite growth aod ,proeperity—cheap la- bor. What we shall do with them is not | quite elear ; bow they to rank, socially and politically Wimong as, ia one | of the uate for our social science etudenta to crack, if they can; but now that we have depopulated Irelaudy and Germany is holding on to its own, and the old sour- ces of our labor supply are drying up, all America needs them; and obeying the great vataral law of demand and supply, Asia secms almost Ctrtain 40 pour upon | aud over us coautless thousands of her | saperfluoas, cheap-living, slow-changing, anassimilating but very useful laborers. And we shall wel and then quarrel hoverand with them, as we have done | withheir Earopean predecessors. Our | vaet grain, cotton aud fruit fields, our ex- tending system of public works, our wul- } tiplying manufactares, all need and cao jemploy them, But must they vote; aud if vo, to what effect? | “HOW WE APPLES SWIM” | The Admission of Colored People to Places Y Amusement. | The action of the Wa-hington City | enlared people to places of amusement ou | the same footing-as the whites attracts at- | tention throughout the coantry, |ecems to be considerable difference of | opimian amongst the Republican press as lie the wiedom the course adopted. The | Chicago T'ribane, the leading skeen paper of the West, has the following in regard to the matter: “some ill-advised people in Washing: | was | ton are endeavoring to procare a city or- | and the nostrils extremely well develop- iown, bat about the | dinauce eonspelling the hotele of that | ed. century was « orig ant | city te accommodate colored guests on the | Douglas Jenold was present, it was d his colowel same terms and at the same tables as | whites, ot forfeit their licenses. An | ordinance has already been passed pro- viding for annulling the licenses of thea- |tres nulnss they sball seat negrocs and | whites without distinction on accoust of !eolor. So for from being democratic, or {in accordance with the principles of | equality, such attempts are as flagrantly | at war with equality of right as they are | with politeness. The ouly persons who jare affected by obtruding colored guests ata hotel or ina theatre are the other guests or attendants and and the proprie- tor. Nineteen-twentieths of these would be white under any circumstances, and the effect of such a measure is to enable one black man or woman to force his or her company upon nineteen white men or women who do not desire it. Displeasing the nineteen to please the one is not} uality but the grossest ineqaality.— Hotels and theatres are not public offices or government justitutions. They are not aoe by taxes, like free schools, nor do they enjoy eee monopo- ly like railroads y offer entertain- ments aud amuesement merely. The only function the government has iu relation to them is to preserve ordef; not to regulate the class of people who shall go to them.” ——_ + It is trae of many persons that their memery is nothing but a row of hooks to Whang up grudges on. The Christian is very frequent the only Bible world will read. How sad that the afid there | ‘EPISOPAL BISHOPS ON’ PRAYER BOOK. | —— . « i> revision of such ‘a book ag that of com- mon prayer. Bishop Albert Lee, of Del- aware, heartily conéars: in Bishop Mc- ivaine’s low church’ sentiments, and ad- vocates a8 a question of expediency an alteration of the »prayer ,) allowing the liberty of using alternate forms. He thinks the discussion on these subjects has been harsh, captious aad unfair.— Bishop Manton Eastbuin, of Massachu- setts, is still more cordial in evpressin his sympathy with Bishop McIlvaine.— He also thinks the time unpropitious for a change of the ‘prayer book. Bishop Uhomas H. Vail, of Mansas, thinks there need be no ‘explanatory revisal of the Rigual or Li . Bishop Thomas M. Clark, of Rhode Iceland, concurs heartily wth Bishop McIlvaine, as do also Bishop Johns, of y irginia, Bishop William Ba- con Stevens, of Pennsylvania, and Bish- op Cummins. ~ >So A Prompt Rep’y.—Rev. Rowland Hill ased to ride to aud from Churgh in a car- riage. This gave offence to one of his members at least, who went so far as to this congregation for the pastor, who yield- ing to pride, is in the habit of riding in bis carriage, not content, like bis Divine Mas- ter to ride upon an ase,” It was not un- til Mr, Hill read the paper, and ob- served the sensation created, that he no- ticed the import ; and then laying it down, he said: “I is brethren, I ride in wy carriage, but if the author of this no- tice will a at the door at the conclu- sion of the services, saddled and bridled, I will do my best to ride him home.” Eee 1870. ‘They ber of that yesr, to convene a: Gloucester, Mass., where Rev. Joho Murray estab- lished the first Universalist society in America. ln the month of May next spe- cial meetings will be held in all the prin- cipal cities, and the various congregations be called upon for an offering to cancel debts, endow colleges and baild churches. The hope is ex offering will reach $1.000.000. Of this sum $100,000 will be applied to a mona- mental church in Washiwgton city. Heaven help the man who imagines he ean dodge enemies by trying to please everybody. Other people have aright to | their opinions, so have you; don’t fall into | the error of supposing they will sespect you more fur turnivg your coat every day Wear your own color in spite of wind or weather, storm or sunshine. It costs the vacilat- ing and irresolate ten times the treable | to wind, shuffle aud twist, that it does honest, manly independence to stand ite grouud. me The late Mr. Thackeray had a nose of most pecaliar shape,s may be seen by hie portaits. The Sigs was very low, On one occasion, at a party where mentioned that Mr. Thackeray's religi- ous opivions were unsettled, and that a lady of his acquaintance was doing her best to covert him to Romaniem. “To Romani4m 7” exclaimed Jerrold. “Let us hope she'll begin with his nose.” —_——-—.g>e———— Miss Amanda J. Craig, who recenty obtained a verdict for $100,000 dam in a suit for breach of promise agaiues Mr. Sprague, at Wheaton Illinois, has return- ed to her home, in Newport, and is an ap- plicant, it is understood, for reappoint- ment to her old position as teacberin the public schools, which she will no doubt get. Dr. J. G. » also a citi- zen of New who testified against Miss Craig, and who was sent to jail for for contempt of court, is still in durance vile at Wheaton. Pe A sentimental chap intends to petition Con for 4 grant to improve channels of affection, so that henceforth the course of true love may run smooth. A man turned his son out of doors lately, Lecause he wouldn’t pay him house rent—a striking proof of pay rental af- fection. The minister who divides his discour- ses into too many heads will fiud it difficult to procure attentive ears for all of them. L It is unwise ta worry about what cannot be helped, and foolish to worry about what can be helped, Therefore copy schould be so defaced ? | worry not a. all "We re-publish 4 e : pe My ©\the imperative demand of the hand in a notice requesting the “prayers of The Universalist denomination of this country will be one buandred years old in propose celebrating the event by a general convention in Septem- pressed that the centenary —indeed, the: ten by Inde Reade ia 1864. ngely with the:condact of our Jai *..._. Roxnono, July 1, 1864, Dear Sir :—I received yours of the 23rd ult.,, ‘angeditorial of the « \ itis said, } fg ane oth- have . ¢ . for Gov. Vance, { SRB. him without | sont gies ond ; : 5) and 4 give it,and. allow you to presence, with “faces of refi ; and | : : as | DO pve png de Maa igt Rd ores) bole history, lagaioet them,” | PROP tetrad Syne ced ta hysleally ad meutally, bpor here | He in 3 > yotehgdanas oan Pins oot pi consulting my friends, I dete hi ike merchandige, and Jet out to run- | F d uest, . because I ht that ft redae ies half removed froms sla- aca ‘and wise and. dbiberae | "2 eee Tavidnty, os my posi made it im- proper that I should do So. Since receiv- ing your letter, I have reconsidered the matter. ‘for your opinion, and a Sopusleion ex he colighantrtenticed me to accede to your request, but the « strongest convietion of my judgment is, that it would be a dough of iety, fog which I know no precedent. in, North Carolina, and for which .I wonld be severely cen- sured.” By universal consent, if net by mblic a, the Jadges = B aloof trom e icipation in y contests. Of ‘course they’ think abbas with the same in ence which others use, but the Press and the Rostrum have not been pon ene a sot am sure ought not to violate a cxistom which has been so well approved. I thivk it would Season if it could -be forgotten that a ever d to either, or to party, but ye chadhe tn then. next best thing is that he should ‘be claimed by all. If there ever was a time = the Judiciary — be free part judi that time is the present. Rvs the laws lose much of their streugth and influence. The pas- sions run wild, And Judges, to be influential a efal, mast be moe than a in order to avoid pre- judices of au or of any party — And, besides, I think»yoa will agree with me, that there never was @ when the Press used so much fre “Rot to say licentiousnesa, in atly aud everybody who “Fool,” “kuave,’ “ n- drel,” “coward,” “liar, the delicacies of its lan i. State, if respected cheval ob" 32, must be so in spite of its press. In the article which you send me from the Progress, it is said that I cannot declare for Gov. Vance without “stultifying” myself.— If 1 were to delare for Mr.. Holden lam eure wonld have no kinder word than that, So that, whether I declare for one or the other, I could be nothing better than a fool at the least. In February last, your neighbor, the Confederate, Pp we ids bY side with Mr. Holden head of the list of in its iseme of yesterday it says, it is “morally ign le that I can support him.” yet 1 have said not. a word, and am neither better nor worse than I Sue . a. we that, declare as I m to declare at all,"I could ee hope cape denunciation, rejudices of a large fie, by reason of oe the bench, where I.z0ally desire to be usefal, would be impaired. I consider that if a Jadge’s tics were misrepresented, 7 y authority, and injary to himself or to others were likely to ensue, there would be no ea in his making correc- tion. Bat the article in, the Progress is only epecalation upon myan antecedents, cab year paper has freely indulged in the same. M y antecedents are before the public. The public are not easily deceived, and up- on their good sense L must rely, aud shail be happy if 1 can possess their good opinion in my new position and serve them with profit. With an earnest desire to oblige you, and any portion of my friends, I have to regret that I cannot, consistently with my sense of propriety, comly with your uest. “AWith considerations of distinguished regard, I aim very truly yours. KE. G. READE, J.D. Hrmay, Esq. N. B.—You can make any use of thir you think proper—omitting Col. Little’s name. E.G.R ee A THRILLING STORY. Three little children of Mr. Crouse, saysthe Lynehburg Virginian, of the 22d, attem to cross the railroad bridge over the Blackwwater, on Sunday everc- ing. Whtn nearly over they teas a train coming and attempted to run back, thinking that it came from the west. But in tWat they were mistaken. and the train came on the bridge before they could get off. The oldest, a girl, seized the young- est child and jumped from the bridge down an embankment gighteen or tweuty feet high. The other, a little boy, clung with his hands to the bridge until the train had passed, and then fell to the ground and rolled down a declivity of some eighty or ninety fect. His head was badly cat and bruised, but his inju- ries are not serious. The escape of the | little ones is almost miraculous.” - Atco i oe itor,” are antil the eee ay wing letter writi = ®"< e - - { P . n — Re a — " a NS 4 at Pp 4 - he OW orm a) } = “a ¥ - + ’ . < ~ 84L1SBURY, FRIDAY; Tie POURPH OF JULY—THE CHAR LOTTE TIMES, 4. - ‘seems to be Norte vative gen Qur atniable and 7 spec of the Charlotte Ti stricken at the idea Of Ou yen eugaging in the of July, and gives? column article: “Tine eit hit anerit of candor. is certainly, rthy toha been penued by-one who e@ ‘a Con- ative, aud whd, professes to desire the restoration of peace and harmony, tis p cisely one of those articles wiich will seized updr. by the Radieat press at the No tgprove that .hé Southern people are atitlve- | pellious. To suey articles, indulged ig, too much by theBouthern press generally, we are indebted for much of the hymiliation tad “Auh | cannot, it seems 46 ud, be sustéined upon soy! poe | OtK@ than the assamed premises of Judge |’ ( 4 dy p> Rae PA BRAS Hee EE pig ste constitutional questions. politieal, and oom 1 qu ng in ‘eases in law-and equity,” first John Marshall in his great speech othe JoustbaisBobbice matters and subse~ wetitly by the e- Court in several ims ortaut cases. It sqemsietrange that « men of Judge Orr's futelligenee should base such adegision ow sugh groun after the pro gation of the Texas ease, But suola devi potent not even updn them,” d of the decision of the Court in~ somfempr” coset Maaienend: te Wil Seer Ww. w a made an attempt to teach that body “it onght to do, anor eee and egsuires nst_ the threatened that body’ with the which we have been compeljed to nudergo. Nor are such articles entizely withopt their Aumaging influence even in our own State The intemperance of the Democratic i North Carolina has done more to build up the Radical party ig the State then. el: Jafluenee exerted by the radical press. ‘Phat ge this is true of certain portions of the State | ed.ap * we have not the, In every instance the Ties views the mi Aer from ap erropeons &tand- poiat. “We aid wot propose te celebrate the 4th of July this year because we are satisfied with the exist- ‘ing condition of things. as the Times seems to heye supposed. But it is possible to be devoted to a constitution and form of govern- ment and to desire its perpetuation without approving of the existing administration of it. As to the existing condition of things in the State i¢ should not have the slightest weight in considering the proposition, Sure- iy North Carolina is now g% cumponent part ofa great American nationality, and that na- tionality had ites birth on the 4th of July 1776. ss birth was certairily the greatest and inost important event of the century in which it ocoeurred. A spirit of patriotism such as ought to, and does, animate all civil- ized people should prompt us to observe it with proper ceremonjes, Whether we are satisfied with the government of our coun- try or not, it is still our country, and every citizen who ismndt ashamed of the name of American should be ready to celebrate their sountry’smatal day. If the Confederacy had established, instead of destroyed, ist , the Southern people would. still have gloried in the fact that they were American sitizeng, and would have claiuned at least their halfof the glory of the achievement of American Independence. Befot® this time they would have engaged in the eglebration of “the glorious 4th,” and claimed that they had qujte as much right to do so as their Northefh brethren, as they! have had. And what has ocearted to ve that day glories which waz once suppos- it? peace and harmony we feengaged in the eelebra- this year. The pro- i le in the name of a * pumber of the atives of thie county and town to celebrate the day wae made !n good faith, But the day js t 0 sacred to have is celebration tigged with partizan politics, and i¢ was, in part, to prevent such @ dese- eration of it that we made the proposition we did. Having failed in effecting thie we shall have nothing todo with it We aré anxjous to see the apimosities engendered by the late war forever obliterated from the minds and hearts of the American people, and not pérpetuated, as seems to be the de- sire of the Times. But in gelebrating the day we did not propose to thank any body, as the Times seems to sappose, for the pres- rot condition of things—that to do with the celebration of th Gaye Woold our contemporary refase to celebrate his 03d birth-day if he should meet with disesters and misfortane in his journey through life to Phat point? Would it not.still be his bisth- (Mag. And would he not celebrate it with devout ks to Almighty God that matters were as well with him gs they were? —_ ~ao———— »ye(THE HOMESTEAD. ist — Some time since we published @ very able and learned opinion of Judge Carpenter, of South Cgrotina, in which he held ghet the Homestead provisions of the State Conatite- tion. as applicableto prior debts and jodg- ments, is unconstitational, Is this opinion we believed, and still believe, that Judge Carpeoter was correct. Since then Judge Ore, also of South Carolina, has delivered an opiniou inyolying the same point in which he arrives at the opposite conclusion. This opinion we publish on our first page thie week in order that both sides may be heard. It seems to us to be a very weak opinion at best, and its logic is certaigly unsound, The | grounds taken by Judge Ore-that the Stat- | of Soath Caroliaa had ao conagitgtional ex- | igtence from the alose uf the war, in April | J 865, until July 1868, when representation nuder. and in conformity to the Reeonstrac- tion Acts of Congress was admitted,’ and | that, therefore, the prohibitions in the Fed- eral Constitution could nét apply to her is wholly untenable. In fact it is direetly in tha teeth of the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the celebrated Texas case. In that case the Court decides that Texas—and the case of Texes waa the case pf all the Southern States—was always, from the date of her first admission, a State in the Union, and rightfully sabject to the Consti- tution and laws thereof, and that the govern- ment, established therein by Convention @ll- ed by President Johnson's Provisional Gov- ernor, was the lawful representative of the said State to the extent of enabling her to bring and maintain a suit in the Supreme Court of the United States. The Supreme Court did not, as Judge Orr seems to Rup- pose, decide that the Reconstruction Acts of Congress were unconstitutional. That is 9 point which the Court expressly avoided, not only in the Texas bat in every other case where it might have arisen. Indeed the of eivil ibe ul-| P te ee Tr ee res ig”) , Covreure ov Countie-Pitir to the'rad-t) t business lines® Now the late increased ous for your Comp wy, of Pei “hee. deh y Be mininyum pe at which ¢otton # Fri er Foss ie pei by the Bteamers to live and keep We are not at all surprised at. the Sentinel says. The articles fi dard were anything .but res pectfal to Court and were deserving of the severest: demnatign. The object of the & are articles was evidently to widen the breach between the Bench andthe Bar, and preven anything like an amieable adjustment, This it attempted to do by assuming toward the court an grrogant and dictatorial tone, The Standard professes to desire pease but its whole course in this matter seems to have been to prevent peace. In fact the only ob- ject of the Standard is party advaucefvent and to aecomplish this object it will doalmost avything that will not subject it to crimi- nal prosecution. Recently it professed a de- sire to see the tone of the press of the State elevated, and hoping that it was sincere the Old North State promptly responded to its overtures. But siuce that time we havehad abandant evidence that the Standard has net im any degree abated in its reckleésness and disregard fur truth. "We have more than once recently corrected its statements in 1e- lation to matters in this district, but it never noticed the correction. What it had said had beerssaid for patty purposes, and it would not have suited those purposes to have made the correction. It is readily conceded that the Standard is condacted withsouch ability; hence it is the mare to be regretted that it is not condueted upon high principles. ee eee ark VIRGINIA POLITICS. Hon. R. M. T. Hunter has written # long letter in favor of the electivu of the Walker ticket and the adoption wf the expurgated constitation. This is sensible, and indicates that the days of the abstractionists are over and the days of practical gtatesmauship com- menced. Sacha courseas the one now being pursued by the lending men of Virginia— among them Lee, Baldwin. Hunter aod Stu- art, would have been denounced for its radi- caligm a year ago. Yet it was iu the power of the Southern States at one time to defeat the second reconstruction before Congress by coneeding a qualified saffrage of the vegro of their own accord, and by the action of their own governments and their own people.— But the orthodox conservatiam of those who proposed such a course was questioned, and it required some serve to persist in pressing it. . But if the men who advocated that meas- are in 1866-67 were radical, how mach more tadical are Gen. Lee and Mr. Hunter now? The election in Virginia takes place on the 6th but what the resalt will be wewannct tell. That the expurgated constitution will adopted there can be no doubt whatever— and the indications are strong that the Walk- er State ticket will be elected hy a consider- able majority. But whether the Conserva- tives eap carry the Legislatare admits of sotne doubt—we do not think they can. Bat with Walker for Governor the rapacity and extravagance of a radical legislatare will be very much restrained, and it will be defeated in many of its measures by the veto power. a eipenllge RESIGNATION or SECRETARY BORIE. Mr. Borie, Secretary of the Navy, has re- signed and Hon. George M. Robeson, of New Jersey has been appointed in his place. Mr. Robeson is a firm and decided Republican on all questions of national policy and is in full accord with the party which elected Gen. Grant. He is a lawyer of distinguished learn- ing, and te his fine legal attaiaments he unites general knowledge and practical abil- ity. —-_-— For the Old North State. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF tae NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY : GentLEMeN: A circular signed by Mesers. E. R. Stanley, ©. R. Thomas and others, advocating the eonsolidation of your Road with the Atlantic and N. C R.R. Co., has recently .been exten- sively circulated among your body; ap- pended to this cireular, are communica- tions from sundry gentlemen, (notable from the lamented Gov, Morehead), and several newspaper articles all advocating in the strongest terms the proposed con- solidation scheme, Without wearying you with a refuta- tion in detail of each one of the argu- ments advanced in their cirenlar and ita appendixes, I propose to lay before yon as briefly as possible the reason which have actuate posing the consolidation of the North Oarolina with the A. & N. C. R. R., sat- isfiedthat the faets which J have to sub- mit for your consideration will outweigh the delusive prophesies of the advocates of such a measure. It mast be borne in mind that every in- terest in the State of North Carolina is coneerned in the developments of her pro- others and myself in op- | imper- now has, but it will take away the trade that there are no reliable ow which to assume @rate, but for the sake of argument, we that cotton can ne. tran Morehead city and New York at the same rats as between Norfolk and New York, say $175 per bale. . ‘To these rates of freigbt must be added the cost of marine 3100.00, betweeen Portsmouth and New York, being the rate at which the line is now running, issuing insered or common carriers bills lading 25c. per bale, Carles- ton to New York, c. 1 on $100.00 $1.00; Morehead city to New York, c. Lou $100,00—$100. ‘The compara- of cotton from the different Southern rts to New York is as follows: reight from Portsmouth to New Yoak, $1. losuranve, Freight from Chagleston to New York Insurance, Freight from Morehead city to N. Y. Insurance, The question is therefore narrowed down tu the cheapest and most expedi tious mannez of getting the cotton tw the different : From Charlotte to Portamouth ihe dis- tance by rail is 369 miler. From Charlotte to Morehead city is 318 miles, and from Charleston to Char- lott is 310 miles. The rates through to New York on C tte cotton last season was85. per bale $5.26 inrured via Ports mouth to New York, while to Baltimore avd Philadelphia no insurance was ne- cessary. Assaming thegate of $5.25 to be uniform by the three different rontes, and deducting therefrom the cost of Sea transportation and insurance by each route, would have to be divided antongst the rail lines from, Charlotte to Ports- mouth $3.25 for 369 miles, out of which the North Carolina Read would receive under prese:t arrangements the tion for 223 miles the whole length of its line, or say $.96 per bale. From charlotte to Morehead city, $2 50 bale, 318 miles, out of which the N - RR. would receive the pro n for 223 miles, or say $1.96 per From Charlotte to Obarleston $1.75 for 310 miles out of which the N.C. R. R. would receive nothing Now let as assume that the rate whieh the N. O- Road woyld be senna fe accept via Morchead city, would be satis- factory, and take that same rate per ihile, applied to Portsmouth would then be 369 miles $2.91 to which add steamers freight to N. York 1.75 marine ineuraace 25e. tice a total aught on cotton to New York, $481 per bale or 44e pet bale below the Morelead city of $5.35. In other words the N. C. R.'R. can ae of cotton at ato for New Y at a throagh tute 26fets. below the ¢ rate via Morehead city, and in the divi rates will receive hauling, $1.75 to Raleigh, precisely the same rate as for hauling the same votton sent via Morehead a 223 miles to Goldsboro. Now then we have another secret of the ansiety of the advocates of the consolidation project It is not that they desire to advange the true interest of the State by affording cheaper transpor- tation to her producers and consummers, | not that they desire as they assert toin- crease the trade and earnings of the N. C, R. R, but solely and purely that see- ing their own Company in an almost bankrupt condition and your Road enjoy- ing a flourishing and paying business they desire to exehange their pleasure for your success, bestow — ag their debts and want of trade, and take from you a large share of your earnings, But let us suppose the scheme of con- and the Portsmouth route entirely exclud- ed from market and examine by the light of experience into the probable course of trade in that event, Before the through organization of the Portsmouth route the trade of Charlo’ te and the local stations be- tween Charlotte and Salisbury of yore was fenticely done throngh Charl: ston. It was | not until the gorthern route commenced to | offer soperior inducements to shippers by | the more frequent steam communications between Portsmouth and New York, | Philadelphia and Baltimore, that the trade was turned to Portsmouth and the busi- jness of your Road extended down the | line of the C. & 8.0. R. R. to Colambia. | But the supporters of consolidation assert |in their circular that consolidation would lie immediately followed by establish- ment of a first-class line of steamers be- tween Morehead City and New York; these gentlemen must either have very in- | eonsiderable experience in the running of bof beeapeake Bay ; the trade of the N- GRR to | business required to support a line from }#2 putan equally good insurance as follows, assuming a bale of cotton to be of the average value of per Senge aprererens aud freight via Rich- tive cost therefore of transiporting a bale 75 = 23 $2.00 $250 1.00 63.50 $176 1.00 sdlidation carried out to ite fullest extent, | ly Idon, and Railroad ot ‘the Virginia air line, reaching to Mem- eat Orleans ; “ on i eo ts! mou ein Wad ity Pata ; of the Rich: nd Danville, and. Ohesapeake an of North Oarolina ; and of the James ‘and the Eastern and Western shores . constituting. lees than one- fifteoneh of the business, ~ oPheretore thé ‘adVecates of eousolida- tion submit that ‘with one-fifteenth of the Portemonth, they will induge, capitalists re oe More- > ng + nearly twice i etn for the same rates, The absurdity of theit proposition is ae wa its fate. The trade of the G.R.R. alone will, not supporta week- ‘line of steamers between Morehead ity and New York, and. without a ‘tri- line the trade of Charlotte and of the C. & S. 0. R, R. will inevitably be eted to its old channel via Charleston. ot only wilt consolidation dimivish the resource of ‘Your road and the trade it itself. But if consolidation is the order sary for final success of your road, why <not covaolidate, if ible, with paying roads would to the value of your s the ‘fner revenue, such R, & G.R, R. RR. where -y®a could distinguished services of the managers of these roads which would make success certain. For, Jet me assure you, when the Chatham road ‘is finished to Columbia you will need to be allied to these roads, or lay a third rail or double track from Charlotte to Greensboro, and send your anville road, or you will have none to send. How absurd to think of consolidating your road, at this progressive day, with the 4.& N.C. R..R. Such, gentlemen are some of the reasons which have actu- ated others, and myself, in opposing the scheme of Mr, Stanley and a few others who advocate consolidation, and I respect- fully commend them to your considera- tion, Very Res pecttully, Your Ob't. Berv’t, W. A. SMITH, President. VIED: | In this Town, on the 30 hault., THomas | Woopson, infant son of David A. and | Margaret HL. Atwell, aged 3 wonthe and | 23 days. | In thie county, on Monday the 21st alt,, Mra. Sanxau J. Cowas, wife of Mr. | Stokes Cowg,, aged about tweuty-six | years. |i ei d | miom is given; the cash :| will be payable in.advanee in one payment. of theday, and you feel that it is neces- |, ¢ | dends” highly advantageous in their results a * i i being: ONC, 8 git the ents yaa be available-cither . second and subsequent yearly premiums, or se at, mer nape an ends left to acou at 3 est, as below stated, When part credit for pi of the -premiam } | miums will be re b ; ogg. Secor eer aaa | Nad DIVIDENDS ° Will be declared and apportioned annually, and paid or applied on each Policy when the second and subsequent year's premiums be- gome payable ; the dividends to continue un- til'the maturity, or other settlement, of the Poliey. “What part credit, as above, is given for premiums, the dividends will be applied in reduction of the second and all subsequent yearly premiums. Qu Policies. with all cash premiums, the dividends may be applied in reduction of the second and subsequent year- 7 premiums; or the premiums may be con- ey paid in fall and in oash, and the dividends accumulated at compound interest, at the net rate realized on the Company’s in- vestments. Sueh accumulated dividends will be available iu ease of need for the payment of premiums at any time; if not so applied oe will be payabie with the Policy at ma- turity; aud the Policies issued on applica- tions for accumulative dividends, will contain the stipulation that they shall pot lapse, by non-payment of premium, untif'the accumu- lated dividends shall have been exhausted by their application to payment of premiums ; it -held that the premium, in such cases, id by dividends so applied, ifnot due by the assured, This feature with this Company, and is offered by no other. The profitable rates of inter- est received by this company—which have fur many yeais exceeded eight per cent per annum—will make the “aceumulated alvi- tw the assured. The stipulation in the Poli- cies, in effect, makes these accumulated.divi- dends absolutely non-forfeitable. Paid-up Policies, granted in exchange for Policies sur- rendered, may at the option of the Assured, be made participating until maturity; or, in lieu of such participation, an inere: amount of paid-up insurance will be given. Dividends on participating single payment or other paid-up Policies, may be made accu- mulative, or may be reesived by the assared annually in cash. H. H. HELPER. “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DUTCHER'S LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER!— Death to the Living! Long live the Killers! Fold by Dealers Everywhere ! july?—-img Ne PERSONS who have LN been called npon and failed to pay their POSTAGE are informed that if they do not pay at once thwir Boxes and Papers will be dis- coatinued. : The Goveroment takes no excuse from me. A. BENCINI, P. M. July 2, 1869. “Pore Rye and Gorh W Distilled in the Old Style, adulterated. at ¢ lOld North Stale D GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. CHARLOTTE, N.C. Tn thia county on the 20:h ult., Jonw | A. Topp, atter protracied illuess for sev- eral yeers. Axed S3 years. LIFE INSURANCE | TO THE PUBLIC. Life Iasarance is now an American Instito- tion and is recognized in every well regulated social and Goancial community throughout the country. It has been the custom of mercantile, finanaal other men to insure their proper- ty against loss by fire alihoogh the chances were known to be ten (o one against the acci their families deprived of their ordinary cum- forts. Health, industry aod ability, would, | stimulated by such logs, enable ali to soon re- cover. But after death this is impossible. The | time has already come when common prudence, to say nothing of pablic opinion, demands tat life, toni wee destroyed by Him who gave | it, mast be insured for the benefit of those dear friends left behind. I bare a -ao studied and analyzed the systems devi by | and more life ineurance Companies in the Upited States, and in presenting the claims of the Comsscricut Morvan Lave Inscaaxce Compasy to the pub- lic as ite Special Agent for North Carolina, I shall not set up injurious comparisons of other companies, but do aotheritate to say all things ocnsidered, the Connecticut Motual “of- fers safet and cheaper advantages to the people for Life Insturance thati aay othit Company This Company is pre-emnently entitled to | the patronage of the people for the following | Teasons : } Ist. It is a porely Mutual Company and al! its Policies are now-forfeiting 2nd. It is the best and most economically | i company ia the Urited States and | all its profits are divided amongst the insured | whereas in Juint Stock and nuxed Companies | the profits are, to & great extent, consumed by the S:ockholders. | 3rd. Ic is one of the three great leading com. | nies in tbe cquatry, the Motnal Life, New | ‘ork and the Matual Benefit, New Jersey, be- | ing the other two. | 4th. It reqaires all its agents to exercise the test care in the selection of msks, accept none but healthy, temperate persons. 6th, It has a larger number of persons in sured than any othe: Company, and its ratio of expenses have been leas than any other company since its organization. | 6th. Its dividends to pelicy holders have | been larger than any other company, having | been, on the average, over 60 per cent. annual- | 7th. It has the largest soarflos fund (over | seven million dollars), the largest profits, pays | the largest interest ou and sus-| tains the lowest average expenses of any other | campany. &th. Because ita interest on investments} will more than pay ail its losses by death for the | past ten years. 9. Beeause in case of investments, early death the ‘note company” give’ to the insured twice the amount of money that ‘al. cash company” does. ; | 10th. The Connecticut Mutoal inangurated the premium note system, more than twenty two years ago, and is now more popular than dent, bat io case of loss. seldom, if ever, were Mocksville, on Wednesday, 14th day of July | next. R. F Johnston's interest in 425 Acres of | after the second Monday th February, 1869. | non-resident defendants to appear at the next ALSO, Waat to purc hase 500 or 1000 head | of Cattle, and pay the nghest Cash Prices for | Corn and Rye ly 2—26.6m Scere oes Seen | Edgeworth Female Seminary. | lan oe | |] HE NEXT SESSION WILL COM-} menece on the first Monday of September. The entire expense of Board and Tuition will be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance. Each | | boarder will furnish ber own lights and towels and also a pair of sheets and pillow cases. For leircolar address = J. M. M. CALDWELL, } july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N.C. TOTICE!—I WILL SELL FOR CABH, to the highest bidder, at the Court Honse in Land, lying on the waters of Red Pork, Desha County, Arkansas, adjoining the lands of Mr. Bolton, Judge Fletcher and others. A. A. HARBIN, Assignee. 26—2¢. State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1869. James Haywood, administrator of Hay- wood, Sr., deceased, against in Hay- wood, Richard Haywood, James D. Hay- wood and wife Dicy, W. R. Haywood, Sr., and wife Nancy, W. R. Haywood, Jr., . jamin F. Haywood and Malinda Haywood. Petition to make Real Estate Assets. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Benyarnin Haywood and Riehard Hay- wood, cannot after due dilligence be found within the limits of this State: It is ordered that service (be made) by publication for six weeks, saccessively, in the Old North Slate a , newspaper published in the town of Reliebor pe N. C,, notifying the said non-resident defend- ants to appear at the next termof said court to be held for said county at the Court House in Troy, on the fenrth monday after the second monday in Angast next,and answer the peti- tion of said Administrator or the same will be taken pro confesso and beard ex parte as to them, Witnése, C.C. Wade, Clerk of our enid conrt at office, in the town of Trogythe 4th Monday Mocksville, N.C, t June 23, '69. 26--6w:pr fee $10. a CEC State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Superior Court Spring Term, A. D 1869. C, C. Wade, administrator of Jonathan Rich ardeon, deveased,-against John Kichardson David Richardson, Martin Morgan and wife Laney, William Jordan and wite Linia, Wil- liam Fuller and wife Elizabeth, Spinks Rich- ardsop, Hiram Richardson, Mary J. Rich- Alvert Richardson and Elizabeth Richardson. Petition to make Real Estate Assets IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt | 1 defer ind within ardson that allt above nam lants,cannoet | after due dillig the limits | Athe State. It is ordered that service be made by publication for six weeks successively, in the Old\North State, a newspaper published in the town of Salisbury, notifying the said ence | other schemes which its chief competitors have) Term of this Contt to be held for said County from time to time devised in order to compete | at the Court House in Troy, on the 4th Mon- with it, | day after the 2nd Monday in August next, and 11th. Its surplns is refunded to its Policy | answer the petition of the said administrator or holders in dividends paid annually after the | the same will be taken pro confesso and heard first four years, More than $4.000.000 have | ox parte as to them. Been thus returaed to policy holders in this | itness C. 0, Wade, clerk of our said Coort company. at office in Troy, the 4th Monday after the 2d Monday in February next. 0. C. WADE, 0,3. C, Premiums may be paid all cash, if de- sired, a crédit will be.allowed on annual pre-| This June 22, 1869. 26-6w-prf $10 % it} a ooMe PHO 5. Re ane i hy ais goo aptbera bul bo a INCOME FROM.RENTS : S077 1202 2 7 6 rota INCOME FOR THE YEAR, isos. $8,746,209,59.~ " DIVIDENDS paid IN te08 = 9 TELE TTBS £ LOSSES PAID IN 1868: $1.221.335.00. *Policies issued in 1868, 11,900. TOTAL DIVIDENDS TO POLICY HOLDERS : $5.375, 71 Ogg0 0. Number of Policies in Force, TOTAL LOSSES PAID TO JANUARY 31, 1867: DIVIDENDS OVER 50 PRR CENT. Total Amount at Risk, $174,196,162,00, Complete adjustment of dividends ana ow ‘ta ding notes is made on the settlement of every policy, in sueh a nia” ver that the num- ber of dividends will always equal the nuinber o: outstanding“hotes. * we 60,000 8. D. WAIT, Generac Avent, Raleigh, N. C. H. H. Helper, Special Agent. OFFICE, MAIN ST., OPPOSITE MOCK & BROWN Soly 2, 1869. SALI Four Large Shows = 00 ee eee ee ee @ rr A COLOSSAL AGGREGAT ON cia Of Olympian Sports and Nature's Wonders COL. C. T. AMES’ NEW ORLEANS ' ee The only organization of the kind extant, projected and equipped with Southern capit aged and ; directed by Southern men, and its perambs ans con fin@e to the South- ern States, and by far the most elegant, tive and satisfactory ex- j hibition now travelling. COL OT. AMES. 4 AS x foes Pusnenee, corer —— . ere L. Breese, Treasurer. ; ¢ entire combination will exhibit at SALISBURY, TUESDAY, \Z JULY 13th, 1869, at TWO and SEVEN, Afternoon and Night, intro: \g iy | ducing a series of Entertainments pre-eminently beantifal, novel and on interesting, effected by a score of BEAUTIFUL LADIBS, the most fascinating accomplished and elegant in the Arenic Profession. _ A Legion of Male Artists that have but few equals, and no superiors in of daringaud agility. A Duo of Lion Tamers, Malo and Fe- male, the personification of miraculous and incomprehensible courage and fortitate. A most Extensive MENAGERIE of Wild Beasts, of nearly every known species, and of every geographical range from the Frigid to the Torrid Zone. A Herd of Thained Horses hooled almost to the point of rationahty. Miracles of equine accomplishments. Clowns Magicians and Comediang, brimiull of rich bamor, ravishing harmony and acceptable facetia, together with all the Trecessary adjuncts to render it the largest, most complete and rationally interesting amuse- ment Combination before the Pahle 5 4 THE GRAND STREET PROCESSION Wy, SALISBURY, July 13th, 1839.-- Willeclipse in Gorgeous Display, Extent.and Novel creatures, among which will be the TURNING LIONS, BENGAL TT. GERS and LEOPARDS LOOSE, anything of the kind ever be- fore witnessed. For description, see Company publications. July 2, 1869,— 26:2 ff. I. LEECH, Aaext, ad Edgeworth Female Seminary—Rev. J. M. M. Caldwell, Greensboro, Arkansas Land for Sale.—A. A. Har- bin, ¥ Bencini, Post Master. He ood Adm Hay et al, ayw Adm’r, os. w 1 Court Order from mass sew Oy Wade, Adm'r. vs et al, Court Order from Montgomery county. KosKoo, the io rere ‘Invigorator, Blood Purifier, and , prepared by Dr J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated Peau’. and Chem- ist, is @ SAPR, PLEASANT, and RELIABLE, remedy, for the prevention and eure of all diseases caus ed by a Torbid Liver, Impure Blood, Disorders mors or taints, restores lost or wasted nervous power. and at the same time builds up and im- pairs tone and vigor to the whole system. —~-———— H. H. Hevper.—This gentleman fig- ares extensively in our advertising col- amns this week as special agent for the Connecticut Mutual Life and the N Carolina Home (Fire) Ineuranee Co nies. Mr. Helperis well known to the citizens of this pars of the State as an amiable and clever gentleman as well as an honest and an energetic businessman. The companies who have ebgaged hig servi- ces could not ‘have protured services of one more fitted to their business, and we hope he will have the eaceess which the merits of the companies and his own efforts will deserve. a Connecticut Mutual is believed to + » equal to any Life [osurance Company fn the United States in every respect. the North Carolina Company the Raleigh Standard of a regent date speaks as fol- lowe: * “Jt is with extreme pleasure that we success of the Company of oe day is rapidly fhereosing:” ject of the greatest im nee to every citizen of the Old North State. Every man who feels an interest in the future ot this State should give bis unhesitating support to this bome company. It has already proven itself a success beyond a peradventure, and now is the time for the ple to tongs loewerd sn eas It of the wo which we keep tho to be im our if sedis to this company, to fill the coffergof the com and Northeast. Yoa can this as fully af an Te a nese in the Maeia, oat ia worthy your ‘Then let eae patronage to ’ 1 and we will have trict in North Oarolina, to e@mmence at Salisbury on thé first Mondey, and at gust next. Company. —_ The old offigers were re-elected. idation. the State. (ol. Harrie, we ed, was in favor of ovecftia right of Col. Harris to represent the State Road at this place next week. jn the N, O, Road is opposed to it. Of -| for more than thirty years, and is as good Spectat. Teams.—His Honor, Jadge Brooks will hold special terms of the U. &. District Court for the Cape Fear Dic- Morganton on the second Monday in Au- Cheraw Raiiread— Mp mceing of the citizens of Cheraw, held on the 22nd ult., a resolution was adopted instructing a committée to obtain signatures to a peti- tion to the Town Council, asking that body to subscribe to the capital stoek of Ee” The annual meeting of the Stock- holders of the Atlantic and N.C. R. BR. Company took place in Beaufort last week. The Company voted in favor of consol- Col. William J. Clark appeared as State’s proxy, appointed by Governor Holden, but the Stockholders recognized the right of C. L. Harris, Eeq., Saperin- tendant of Pablic>- Works, to represent informed tion, Col. Clark was opposed to it; henee the action of the Stockholders in recognizing the The same questions will be presented t the meeting of the Stockholders of the If the right of Col. Harris to represent the State @hould be acknowledge in that meeting, consolidation will be effected, if not, it will be defeated, as it is understood that Gen. Laflin, who has been appointed by Gov. Holden to represent the State’s stock above Long, but we cannot refrain from asking whether the rour radicals referred to, are entitled to have exclusive control tn matters of that kind—whether, in May- ror Long’s opinion, they constitute a major- ity of the citizens of Salisbury to whose will he felt compelled to yield? | It is cer- tainly not convincing proof of the May- or's freedom from political bias in the matter that he allowed himself to be con- trolled in it by four radicals in opposition to the known and expressed wishes of the the many’ old, and leading conservative citizens of the place. In fact we respect- fully submit that his own statement, as given to us by his most attached friends, and set forth above, is proof conclusive of the truth of the charge of partizanism in the matter, from which he seeks to relieve himeelf. It is pretended that the celebration on the 4th was gotten up to promote the ma- terial interests and prosperity of Salisbu- ry, and of these Mayor Long wishes td be considered the special champian. Yet as Mayor of the town he has the town print- ing done at the office of the Raleigh Stan- dard. Yes, the champion of the interests of Salisbury patronizes, as Mayor, an es- tablishment of great and ill-gotten wealth in a distant city in preference to the poor mechanics of his own town, The money which the citizens pay in taxes for the purposes of the city government always be so expended as to bui far as possible, the industfial in’ é our own town, The Mayor recently the amended charter and other print done at the Stundard office which could have been done as well and as cheaply | here, and the money expended for it re- tained among us for our own benefit.— Bat the Mayor thought proper to discrim- inate against the mechanics of the town of which he was the chief magistrate We have no pereunal interest whatever in this matter, as we are not in the job | printing business. But Mr. Braner, an old and esteemed citizen is, and has been a printer as there is in the State. And} recently there has been auviler office ca-| tablished here at which such priating can be done if desired. Gerat Saow.—By reference to our ad- vertising colamns it will be seen that Col. gl of students expected to be present at the Ames’ Grand Menagerie and Circus will visit Salisbury on the 13th inst. ments in the country.. This we can say th perfect candor to all such as indulge in circus going. ° b> —_—— sar Don't forget the sale of the N. C. Railroad Stock and Burke County bveds by Alfred Hargrave, at Lexington, on next Monday, the Sth inst. | A Reurxiscesce.—We were shown « few days since, by Mrs. David McLean, some interesting relies of @ past age int! e on wri eengephardaprter wr we sede 8 we to ° je ve ee ry °% pers of the late Miss Holland of this place. They embraced various periods of time from 1803 to 1820, and to them were ap- the names of some of the most dis- tinguished citizens of the olden time as ball managers. Among these were the names of Gen. Jobn Steele, of Revolation- ary memory, Dr. Stephen L. Ferrand, John L. Henderson, M. A. Locke, John Giles, Dr. Alexander Long, and many others. While looking over them and la- .| menting that society is far from being what it was in those days, we could but remark that if society had not improved the art of printing bad. The typography of the tickets, as com with what we see now-a-days, is quite rade. — =p ConsoLipatiox.—We had intended to have written an article on this subject this week, but the communication of Pres- ident Smith, who bas evidently paid much attention to the subject, contains a much abler argument against cunsolidation than any we could have made. We therefore forbear making any extended remarks of our own, and invite the close attention of all coneerned to the able and conclusive argument of Mr. Smith which appears in our columns this week. We can very well understand why the people of New- bern, the Stockholders of the Atlantic Road and those who own property at Morehead City desire consolidation, and wee n't say we blame them much for it It will undoubted!y operate to their ad- vantage, but the interests of the few should be subordinated to the interests of the many —the interests of a few individuals mast yield to the interests of the State. ee Bear Killed.—The freight train of the A. & N.C. Railroad killed a bear of the largest size, near Havelock, on Friday night last. What brain was doing on the track is not known, though it is con- jeetured that he intended to dispute the of the train—Newbern Journal of Commerce, This | Thousands of dollars have been lost in show is ho humbug} bat is really one of | shad fishing on the finest and most attractive cstablish. | ****°" | warm friends of the venerable Dr. Alex- ander Long will be rejoiced to learn ‘that | most he has nearly, if not quite recovered from his recent severe attack of illness. Dr. Long is, we believe, in the 84th year of his age, but his mind is as clear and vig- orous as ever, and he still pays special at- tention to many of the practical affairs of life. Among these is his garden which is one of the finest in the place. We had the pleasure of a stroll through it this week with Mrs. McLean, the daughter and house-keeper of the Doctor, and in many respects we think it equal to any, if not the best, garden in town. We saw there the largest onions, the finest beets, the earliest cacumbere—the family having been using them for sometime— the nicest eabbages, and many other things with which wé were delighted. Long may the Doetor still live to enjoy the Tuxury of his garden and the society of his friends. Pe Cotton.—It will be seen by our rej that this article has taken a con- si le upward tendency in price with- in the last few days. In this city, on Sat- urday last 30} cents was paid In addi- tion to foreign advices, demand for ore in this State has _ something to do in putting up prices, e sent gatas will bb Selatained Sette me coming Fall.—Char. Demoerat. Davidson College —The Commencement exercises occurred last week. We have heard the address of Seaton Gales, ee of Raleigh, and the sermon of the Rev. R. 8. Moran, of the N.C. Conference, spoken in very complimentary terms. A large ber of visitors attended the exercises. e are informed that the Board of tees, in view of the inereased number next Collegiate year, determined to elect on the second ‘Tuesday in October two additional Professors to teach Ancient Languages and Chemistry .—Jb. Directors on the N. C. Railroad.—We learn from the Standard that his Exeel- leney Governor Holden bas appointed the toliowing directors of the North Carolina Railroad on the part of the State for the ensuing year: W. . Smith, of Jobn- ston; Joo R. H of Wake; Silas Burns, of Cha . W. Welker, of Guilford; Wm. lerson, of David- son ;~John Me , of Cabarrus; Wil- liam Sloan, of M nbarg ; W. D. Jones, of Wake. General Byron Laflia State Proxy. OO — ———— MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Jt costs a qaartet of a million dollars a year to light the streets of Chicago. the Hadson river this N are employed in coal mining in England and Wales. White Cloud, Ka., claims to have re- turned the sccond largest income west «f the Mississippi—$101,000. The Rev. Mr. Riehardson, of Washing- ton, O., is 106 years old, walks five miles on Banday and preaches a sermon Ia Willlemsbergh, L. I., there ts 0 wan 127 years old. ¢ is a weaver b mad ibeagh too feeble to ak le wil lively: professionals in aly there hundred thousand persdns There is a class of New York who live by kidnapping ehil- dren, aud getting the reward for returning them. A building to cost $75,000 to $100,000 is to be erected by the New York Sea- men’s Association, for the benefit of sail- ors arriving at that port. The fuperintendent of Police in New York has on file deseripiions of twenty- four persons who have mysteriously dis- appeared in the past two weeks. It takes three editors to start a paper in New Orleans—one to get killed ina dael, one to die of the yellow fever, and one to write an obituary of the defunt two. ° A singular mirage was seen recent! on Lake Onterio. The shore of © was.visible, buildings on lake shore loomed up, and vessels* sailing keel uppermost. Mrs. Almira Reniff died at Conneaut- ville, Pa.,a few days ago, in the one hund edth year of her age. She was born near Albany, and had drawn pension for her husbands’s services ever since the war of 1812. A mecting of the citizens of the Ben- ton township, Wayne county, Illinois, been called for the purpose of hunting down and killing a very large snake which has annoyed a large neighborhood for several years. The Leavenworth ladies pride them- selveson their ability in driving. There are said to be more ladies there who ha- bitually hold the reins over fast horses than in any other place of the size in the country. The Metropolitan railway of London has recontly been extended from four and a half to seven and a half miles, and its receipts now average $38,000 a week — During the last week of March it carried 800,000 passengers, or at the rate of 42,- 000,000 a year, and dispatched 368 trains Dr. Love--HisGaxbex.—The many | he ek Wickes eins complished anything.” oma is calculated in EF: that ae 000 to convert one Jew, Siete the is a question of grave doubt conversion is genuine, A valuable bed of bloodstone bas just ty, Mo., on lands. owned by M. A. Gil- bert. ‘There is only one other: place in the United States (a small deposit: io found. Ohio) where it has Count Wel an artist, residing at Paris, 103 Soh ala has sent to deamon ent Exhibition a picture containing not fewer than 250 He enjoys ex- cellent health, takes a walk ev- ery day. His wife is an En woman, 40, and their son ig ayouth of 18, Brazilian Minister to the United , M. Magalhuenas, is one of the ts and philosopher of thor. of a which has under the of “TL Effet dev irit Humain.” He is the Emerson of il. Abraham Slater, who lives near Foso- ria, Seneca county, Illinois, is 106 years old. He is now with his second wife, to whom be has married about nine years. His youngest child is months old, and his eldest eighty years. philos sph 08) tod ate NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. “The Old North State Forever.” ENCOURACE HOME E i TERPRISE: The North Carolina Home (Fire) Insurance COMPANY. Has now been in operation for months, and the liberal patronage it has received insures it to be — A Success! , Amount Liable for Losses, $184,000 $20,000 deposited with the Public Treasurer as security to Policy Ilolders! Rates moderate and all losses prompt- ly adjusted and paid! This Company, organised upon the most lib- eral principies, appeals tu the people of North Carolina for ew —guaran in return, ton net loss or damage fire, and circulating its receipts AT HOME! JAMES H. FOOTE, Pres. Szatow Gates, Geo'y. FOR BRONOHIAL AND LIVER DI- Thomas H. Ro. says: “I find cine I have ever ased. efictal in my own case. | flicted for fiteen years, and medicine that I could get, lief from bronchial affliction, and a the nervous system. I have osed teen casesin my family, and find them medicine for nearly aii family diseases” The Cure is Thorough. Kenneth Haynes, », Clerk of Colambes count: court, writes (April ibe} « on leo of the year 1868 I was severet liverand many nights while in bed the é would become so ex: that I was to get out of bed and ait =p: ntid the wonld subside. I ured a few boxes of tlie ERN HEPATIC PILLA, and the first dose I took gave me great relief. 1 continaed to nse the Pills two weeks, and have not enffered from liver disease tince. I have recommended them accordingly, and several ns are in want of them. All is an a to the haman system, and is at war with it and will conquer it, un with al) the aasistance it can receive wom teagie. ening medicines and suitable nourishmenta, can — enemy; which would be best. to take icine before you get sick, to prevent sickness or to take medicine after you sick to care Bickness. Le A word to the wise is enough ..69 Exercise your own Jodgment in the means of de- fense; the enemy will come, be ye alas ready with The Southern Hepatic Pills, That old, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilious diseases, caused by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS.—Yon are abont to make a home for yourselfand family'n a climate which you or they have not been accastomed to ; you will, of course, be exposed to all the diseases peculiar to that climate, you should be careful to use such Med- icines as are ada) to the diseases of that climate; fo will find the greatest secarity in the use of ees’ SoutmeRN Heratt Pinta. They can be sent to any point in the United States by ann PRI Por one box, 25 centa,—Dos. $2.50—Half Gross $10—One Gross, $18—Three Gross, $50—Pive Gross, $75. The cash must either aceompang the order for the Medi- cine or it will be sent 0.0.D. Orders should be address G. W. DEEMS, No. 28, Sourm Casaocn Braet, Batrimons Mp. where they will be promptly attended to. For these Medicines call on all respectable Druggists everywhere and on &. B. POULSON, a day. Jaly 2—26:1y Salisbury, N. ¢ who has never in his life, apparantly, ae- 4: been discovered by Prof. Shepherd, one}, mile from St. Mary, St. Genevieve coun- joy: a. 2 re | a book en pd Py. WH Tuesession and continues forty weeks. saat Angient and the AT THE B1GN OF THE BIC INDIAN. SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Coach, Copal and Japan Varniahes, Walnat Stain, Kerosene and Machine Oils to be found in W Spe- cial attention is called to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies’ Sewed Gort Skin Shoes, $1.50 per pair. e Balmorals, leather lined, 1 ao « Gent's is, very best stock, —- * aa «+ = © Youthsand Misses Shoes, of all ) rices and qualities. Good Calicoes, 19 1-9 ete per yd. Best Calicoes, 15. We are also agents for Mahofacturers of —AND MACHINERY, such as— The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, Turbine Water Wheels, Fine Engine Deep Well and Force (Pumps. French Barrs and Corn Mills, Threshers and Cleaners on peneee complete, Cider and Wine Mills, Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, Grain Drills, Salky Plows, Smutters and Cleaners, Cirealar Saws. Rabber and Leather Belting, and many other things too numerous to men- tion, all of which we will sell at the Maoufag- prices. Come, or send and Catalogue of sone bee Machinery ag line. We oa are New PFami- sold by usto give satie also for ty SEWING MAOUINE, ff which there in Warranted to do all kitids of work, i the old stand, Row. MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—aA Splendid 19 Horse Power Portable Engine, for sale MERONEY & BRO. DR. LAWRENOP’S CELEBRATED WOMAN’S FRIEND! A safe and reliable remedy for All Diseases Pecatiar te Females, —SsUcH ~as— Leuchorrea, or Whites ; Ueeri, or Falling of the Womb ; Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- ation ; Pain in the Back ; Nervousness, Walefulness, Weakness, &c. DEDICATED TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA, For whose benefit it was designed, and whose hap- piness it will promote, by the discoverer, DR, J. J. LAWRENCE, TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Woman's Friend is con - ot published around each bottle, and it is lieved to be the best Uterine Tonic and alterative yet discovered. Ttis a valuable and reliable agent in all derange- ments of rhe Female Reproductive Guten, eae Hysteria, Nervous Heaéache, Spinal Irritations, &¢ sax Price $1,00 per Bottle. ary J. H. BAKER & CO., Wholesale agents, No. 4, — street. ¥3 To whom all! orders of letters mast oo dressed. march 19—1y aden ow 1869-'70 BEGINS | the best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | Bar pa AO Nabe w See ee a8 . ; BOARD 5 CARLA SE PIAL ATERS TION | gue haifa catty. 5 2 S:, Qibe SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, |*°,‘170.° more months, $40.00 per colicin thi tpttialtinea taiwan... anal Qualities, and Most Reasonable Prices wo give| Per day,...-.-----++.--.« in ce Se aa ey | emer m= perma mncines be is or DRY GOODS, under two years of age. CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goovs,| 0a. Sa ee DRESS TRIMMINGS, [cccts Conte ier ie ine} "onan GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ; for . Out Tobacco Caters, Serews, &c., for Doors. Base Knobs ors. Bellows 26 to 40 inches, Anvils, Vises, Files, Rasps, Horse Shoeing Tools in Sets, Haumers and Punches, Drills, Plyers, Ni 2 PRhorow Wienches, Stock and Dies, orse Shoes and Nails, Serew Plates, Twier Irons. Butteries, Borax. Machinists’ Tools, Of all kinds in Stick, or will be furnished at short notice. STEEL AND IRON. Cast Steel. Blister Steel, German and Plow Steel, Tire Iron. Rod Iron, Oval and Half Oval Iron, Wide & Narrow Swedes Iron, Hoop Iron, Band Iroa, Iron, Tire Iron, Cut and Wrought Nails, ldrone. Caa Horse & Mule Shoes Horse Shoe Nails, Cart Body Nails, Door Bar Staples, Log Chain, Jack Chains, _ _ Hateh Door Screw Rings, Hitching Hooks and Rings, or Chain Links, Box Box Chisels, Coffe Pot and Iron Stands, Brass, Porcelain and Japanned Wardrobe Hooks, Brae and Lron Jamb Hooks. SAD IRONS. Gate and Door Springs, Scales, Beame, Steel Yards, To merchants who deal in mixed Stocks we will sell at as low rates as they ean sup- y themselves in any market, North or uth. Our etock is large, and low for CASH. . . CRAWFORD & HEILIG, Sauissvry, N. C., April 16,—15:3m. ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Druggiste Every where. Assignee’s Sale. Novice is hereby ven that f will ex to - lic Sale on Satard: third day of daly, A oe 1969, at the Court House in Salisbury. at li o’clock a. m., all the notes and accoants in my hands as Assignee of the estate of John A. Bradshaw, Bank rupt. Terms Cash. * THOMAS B. LONG, Sune 14, 1969. 24—3t Assignee. DR. 0. A. HENDERSON, AVING resumed the practice of Medicine respectfully offers hia professional services [> the publie. OFFICE : The one late occupied by White head & Henderson. Calls may be left eithe at his office, or at Enniss’ Drug Store. Salisbury, Feb 12, 1869. 6-6m & Hava WANT. or Salisbury, May eensware, dalk ey "China and Del » COFF ie he has with great care; Atal Stock to meet EVERY Call and oxamige—it will ot coat ‘ou an to Trak For Oredit “PAY AS YOU GO.” Country Produce of every descrip: tion taken in exchange. _ Bank Notes and 8 the highest Market W. H. HOWERTON. 1969. ett ee, TEA, ’ : na Cigars. do that,—but Don't Onr * Motto’: is :-— ° taken at p Mowers “ New “ Hand Haines’ Illinois | WALTER A. WOODS yin gt THE BEST.IN USE: sigh coneclocret tle a” AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, Among which ie ~ More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 mannfactared and sold in 1668 and the demand unsupplied. Increasing Demand, Additional Improvements fo: 1 <?. 2 ——— fF ge FF Wood’ . ° s Prine (4 and 2 Horse.) RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, Extra Indacements € McOubbins, Sullivan & Co. the above Reapers in Salisbury. april 23—16:10m wo to j are Agents for ‘y4OX Ney ‘ivapvosg 76 | ‘SOLLV.LS GU.LIND Ayog vouvinssy 3471 778V.1IN03 31 OO ‘GL VOTE “OT aeqOON aHL 40 Glass and Crocke the sale of Cotton, april 9—I4:ly Commission Merchant, Dealer in ®Groceries PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, dow Shades, ke., ke. Prourrt attention given'to orders, and ta co, Dried Frait, &c , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, —AND— ry Ware, Wall Paper, Win- , Natal Stores, Tobae NBWBERN, N.C. North State] i. eee “i — = _SALISHURY, a “POETICAL. COME IN BEAU LIFUL DREAMS. aie , eee . ; - Gay, sours | ¥, JULY 2, 1600. Come, ea utiful dreams, ' ObJegomne to me oft, When’ ‘the light wings i s ‘bosom lies ber § When the sky and the wave Wear their loftiest blue, When the dew’s on the flower, - Aad the stars on the dew, . Come, in beautiful dreams, love, é3 Ob! come and we'll stray Where the whole year is crowned With the blossoms of May— Where each soutid is as sweet As the coos of a dove, And the gales are_as soft As the breathings of love ; Where the bears kiss the ' waves, | And the waves kiss the beach,” And our warm lips may catch, The sweet lessons they teach, Come, in beautiful dreams, love, Ob! come and we'll fly Like two winged spirjts * OF love, through the sky : With hand clasped in hand, On our dream wings we'll go Where the starlight and moonlight Are blending their glow ; And on the bright clouds we'll linger, Of porple apd.gold, ‘Till the angels should envy The bliss they behold, SPECIAL NOTICE. RELIEF vor raz SORELY AFFICTED It was the wisfortane of thé yndersi to have euftered, as few have every ered before, for'six long. and gloomy years, from an affection of his feet Set ape depetntnsed by overwork, during the first year of the late war. During all that 2 swe he was compell- ed to drag his emaciated frame about, ov cratehes: In yain he invoked the best med- of the epentras and visited the moat celebrated medicival Springs. Worn down aud exhausted; he es ap all hope of srecovery. At this Stage Of his case. having Ps beeu iia rite! friends froma epee ip cine treatment, the of his own reflection. It is enough . that this method is 80 much new, » the more skillful tion of what has been long Paes atte the Physicians. ‘wee most unWweéaried ned pr efforts, Be was rewarded wit! “naa pererering of results. Indeed, bis rap- ‘a sole at beeen and recovery, was almost ee camaallpeet that in, looking back upon.his condition ago, he can, even now, hardiygeatiae the truly ly wondertal im- t. ¥ grateful for this extraordinary he is desirous of being the means similar benefits to those who ilarly afflicted. He. therefore, t only to treat, bat CURE, all diseases of the lower extremitics, and ijl-conditioned Ulcers of the + Varicose Veins; weak and enlarged Joints, &e.; po matter of how long standing. Itis one of the great advantages of his iapend altos that no restrictivns are ee regards diet. exer s &e., ‘and fo most part, little ér no medeine is nm ae Soya anpetents = e jepression of the times; and ¢ seathy iadig it. will be treated “without mon- ey aud without price WARD SILL. M D. Feb. 12—«f Salisbury, N.C. DAY BOARDING. RS. MOCANDLESS, at the former tesideoce of Sarsuelh R. Harrison, next door to Dr. Sill’s Drag Store, will take a few more Day upon the most acoommodating curate, Bho refers eT Sipe bin Dag: Sore. Salisbury, Jone 18, 1869. NEW STOOK OF FRESH, | PURE, ze ~* RELIABLE DRUGS, MEDICINES, and much articles as are asuslly kept in FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE Dr. @. 8. Poison, Has Just returned ine ‘orth with alarge and cayefnily se- lected stock medicmnes, chemicals, perfume- , ap, ianey les, tooth brushes, combs, putty, ‘aints, Ol arnishes, Paint Broshes, Horse and " c Venetian Dee ococaarend oe once’ Tee nae ths est Bitters and ad Medicines for chills that can be used, ; FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Physicians,--1 would state that ee a Trusses & Abdominal Supporters of the latest improvements, excellent in quality and Jow if price. 7 BREAST PUMPS & NURSING BOTTLES. ‘Ze Bierchants,—| am prepared to eta ait.more or New York prices (by the dozen) such articies as eh Ess. Lemon, Ess, Peppermint, Ess Cinnamon, Landanum, Paregor- ic, Bateman Drops, God- frey’s Cordial, Opodel- doe, Castor Oil, and Turpentine. My stock is complete and composed of articles Pare Fresh and Reliable in Quality and as low in itd as such articles can be obtained in this seo- Impure Medicines can be sold for a trifle and are dear at any price (sach-I do not and will not keep.) Bat I am sufficiently posted in the Drug Murket to know that PURE ine and Medicines cannot be eold for half the price heretofore charged. Bear in mind it is always the cheapest and safest pian to = the purest Medicines. wouid beg of all before purchasing élsewhere to oall and examine my stock and get m ices G. B. POULSON, Draggist and Apothecary, Salisbury, N. C., next door to Meroney & Bro, june 2%5—965:3m. my) MN. wah | Couta awa BXOLTEMEN' | re t Co's, | D. ss Dn ae alae ae Teed \ Where they have made a | SECOND PUR- CHASE of very desirable SPRING & SUMMER £0008, They are now enabled to offer special in- ducements to the Trade, either at Wholesale or Retail. Their Stock is large and complete, consist- ing of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Clothing, No- F tions, Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, ae 3. ES Paints & D aints & Dyes, NAILS, IRON & STEEL, SADDLERY & SADDLEY HARD. WARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, Upper, Sole, Skirting, and HARNESS LEATHER, CASTINGS DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Provisions, SADDLE AND HARNESS FRINGE, SADDLE TREES, &e, In short everything the people need, all of which was bought for CASH after Great Decline Of 10 to 15 Per Cent. CALL AND SEE How Cheap They Can Sell. They will be pleased to see you whether you buy or not. Salisbury, N.C., May 28,1869. 13:ly BOLTENG CLOTH EST ANCHOR BRANDS BOLT. ing Clothé, all numbers, for sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Sallsbary, N. C. Great. Labor Saving MACHINE, WOOD’S CELEBRATED REAPER and Mower combined; Also, WOOD'S Mower detached on hand, and French Burr Mill Stones BEST FRENCH BURR Mill Stones, For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, N. C. Salisbury, April 2, 1869. 13—ly Drugs, Patent Medici icines, Stuffs, Paints, Tauners’ Oil. Kerosene. and _Linseed_ Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and Har- ness THER, CALF & LINING seame HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings ; in fact, thousands of articles too tedius to enumerate.. We are agents for the Great Threshers —and— * CLEANERS, Also, Mannfacturers’ Agents for the celebrated Bone Dust. Do. do, Rifle and Blasting Powder. tw" We invite the attention of Merchants sold.in this market. ken in exchauge for Furn R. KF Salisbury, June 18th, 1 iture. 89. ‘| FIRST: L388 ‘furuitere Store, Fe He also ‘keeps constantly ‘on hand— Fisk's Metallic Birial Cases, ‘| Walnut, Rosewood, and other Coffins, at prices lower that they have heretofore been Call at the old stand of Moore & Clodfelter. 1 On Main Street. opposite the Store of Mock & Brown. (6 Good Walnut and Poplar Lumber. ta- DAVIDSON. 24—31n Has just been « vo OA S.°M, Piaho now mad adelphia, and New more. Sl and the improved bt renc for five years, wt): pri Second hand Panos and I hand. from $60 to $300. Referenées, who heave our Gen. R. E. Lee, Lexi Gen. D.H. ‘e Lexir d& son Gov. John Letcle Mesers. RK. Burwel James H. Greer e H. Smith & i. the abave celebrat Pianos sold at Factory = TO THE LADIES. and the trade generally, to our stock, gearing them they will fi nd nothing but fresh a desi- rable Goods. We buy all kinds of produce.- Save your Blackberries and Fruits, which wil! be to you as Trpasare. Smith. Foster & Co., SALISBURY. N.C _ a Old Stand, near the Market House April 2, 1808. 5 Si m g e r ’ s Ce l e b r a t o d Just RECEIVED AT THE STORE | of SMITH FOSTER & CO’S. 1000 SACKS OF SALT. ~ 25 BBLS’ MOLASSES. 12 nus. moLasses. 24-1f CAUTION ! ante te consumer of ehull generally, (hat since the war, certain tobecoo menafecturers, being enable te Gnd a merbet for their souls, fet, themselves obliged to comnterfelt the general ap of our packages, and tmitete our Trade Marts, pearance #@ that a close ineprotion is ororesary to driect the #pe- ae kaa ean or aaa as to aagertihet “Lerriliard’s Snv@ i+ no longer mvde.” In Making thie publication we desire te Warn the public agrinet the them: as they are open the losers thereby It will be found upon comparison that Loritla rd’s Pouff ie “far ahead” of all Pnere. being made of the Bert stot, after an original @nd secret process keown only fo ourselves, age, Derides postersing great h and pungency, and le warranted pot lo contain say caiqueeiioer Geleteriatts tabetances, which cann:t be taid of the many worthless articies put on sale by others. Soe hawt © he cienped te Be end. A circular will ot mailed ieation. In please spec! it sat Bowe (ag west hor Seach bead ase Sou) ie desired apr'é—3m P. LORILLARD, NEw york J06. HORAH. HENRY HORAH. J. & H. HORAH. WATCH MAKERS AND AVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE Stock of L. M. Davis; and added largely to it, we are now prepared to farnish anything usually kept ina first class Jewelry Store. We may ty found in GOowan's Brick Row, next dodr to F H. Sprague’s Offer. All kinds of repairing done at short notice and satisfaction guaran teed. We return thanks to a generous rublic for past favors, and hope by strict atrention to bosiness to merit a continuance of the same. P. 8.—All persons having left Watches and | Jewelry with L. M. Davis or Wilson & Farris, | to be repaired are requested to call and get | them or they will be sold for repairs. Jan. _Jan. 29, 1869. 4—6m. _ ‘Solomon Einstine, UPHOLSTERER ATTRAGS MAKER, In Buis’ Building, opposite the Market House, S prepared to do every thing in his line at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ali kinds of farniture renovated and repaired and mace to look as wellasnew. Special attention given to the making and repairing of SOFAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, 1I—Ts ae THE Snbecriber esse of BALTIMOR STIEFF’S PIANOS have al) the latest tmprove ments, invlading the Ag rote Treble, Ivory tro fully » arranted wition elve months if mot entire y watis sfactory to purcha- Action *arlor Orgs a eae - Melton. Chester, S. C. > Brown & Beral ee are agentes tor the saleo! d Pianga, wees. og been apr THE COLD MEDAL’ awarded to PIANOS EFF, alti more, janos. OFFICR ANP WAREROOMS: No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti rect, EK, Mp. ge ofexcl snge Pianos in nse: ton. Va. Hiil, Chartotte, N.C. Gen. Robert Ransom. Wilmington. N C, ngton, Va Charlotte, N.C. N.C. SINGEL’S CELEBRATED New and all iteattach me of Western (aro) This Machine cha!’ eng and ail other Machine. kitdeon work— from most beaut f ever inver buy the best.” These give entire sati-factiv ts offer e ery ted to give satisfaction they may torned after a tral and the money will | Fu mily Sew wiil do r the sirapte plain « kconomy is Machines are ing Mach the same tothe Lad comperieen with than any t weal wi Warrantes they be of two xe refonded., june 1 ‘O U T H C Y V I A Su t r m o g Phil- nts ue alwayson 8. Tt MA N PL I N Y . A me, 1 e h any re differ im to Ma y not 1 t fa | re- months Machines manufactured erpress!y for SHOE-MAKER®, I KERS, TAIL [ARNE: ORS, &c, SS MA will be supplied when ordered, at manafacturer’s rices. Parties desiring specimens of work and cirenlars. John A, Ramsay, Jane 18, 1969. Saliebory \. a niformation wil! please send for cy Tm AGRICULIUKA Is the place to bny the Plows, Cultirvat and Mowing Ma ind without Cleaners, L patterns, § ished, or Roilers separate! should be had to the | Threshing Machine with ¢ iu or out of the State. May 28, 1869—3m.— Statesville American copy 3 months and send | y. F. RIVES. M.D. bill. I mence on the first Monday re. Hare Straw Ontters (jer aud \ igar Cane Mills L WwW r ks Dest and Ce G Mille. | T lb ther y I at R. R. biow leaner, Mar ulac | RANELIN ACADEMY. - first Session of this Academy will eom- n August € NOINE voua iepard rd tured ' H. THOMPSON, | | The| Pupils can enter at any time aud be charged from the time of entrance The rates of tnition wil $10.00 and $15 000 Pe at the end « tevers No pains will be s spare 1 to give | training in all the Lrancles usually taught ina List class Academy. The Academy is located in a healthy and moral | community in Franklin Townsh ip four miles fiont c ~alisbary, on the new road to Mocksville. Board can be had in re: pe . e families from 7to 8 dollars per month. Jane 25, 1869.—25:3m L. be as follows nm of 6 months pa Princ pupile a thorongt ‘oe(Dr, EDWARD SILL: BSPECTFULLY annonutiees to his numer- ly tou Se er eo we wu, A bis + > east ons old friends.and patrons, and all others, that he 1s now opening, in the building: on_ 8. E: Corner Main & Fisher streets, near the Boydea House, aa Entirely Fresh and Chrefully Selected STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDIGINES. Surgical Instruments, Pertumery, Combs, Brushes, &c., é&c., embracing almost every thing pertaiuing to 8 first class Drug Store; which he will sell, as as always been his custom, at the most satis- factory prices to purchasers, His long experience in, and thorough farmfil- iarity with, the business, ip all its details and departmeuts; together with his accustomed unremitting persoval attention, authorizes the hope of that success, which has, heretofore. in- variably rewarded his exertions Salisbury, N. C., January 1869. St. 3.” SS WILLD CHERRY TONIC AND ALTERANT, | For Indigestion—Liver. Complaint—Tor pid Bowels,— Nervous Debility, and Broken Down Health, Jrom whatever cause. THIS elegant and truly valuable Medicine, has from time to time, been in extensive use, tor the last twenty-five years, ‘It has been sold, and 1s well known iv many of the South- ernmvites and towns, via; Charicston, Savan ah, Augusta, Atlauta, Charlu:te, Colun bia, &-., and is highly valued, by the multitudes of people who have used it, Mary in this town and surrounding country, have enjoyed tt- benefi:s, and will no doabt, well reweaber it A great namber of the strougest, and most an | qualified certificates of its value, have been | voluntarily teudered the proprietor, many of them from persons of highest respectability and nte lheence. 4 The Medicine is pleasant to take, and tectly tree trom the possibility of harm, a my circulnstabces or conditions of health,— feed it is perfectly safe, eveu for an icant is especially adapted to ihe present season, when the approaching warm weatber occasions snch a degree of lassitnde, and debility, partic: ularly in weakly and prostrated systems, a& tten to becoine a'most insapportable, . Price $1.00 per butte. Prepared and sold omy apes 9—144f PiCTORAL BALM! | A N approved and ‘edit ual Remedy for ie Asthina ; the vanced age ,— ungys. be, and Prvice in) evwlirm the Expectorants, extant 1—tf E. SII.LS. Drog Store, __ Salisbury, RC; ; ¢ hronie LBrone | tit Cc } Wastily mene in | 2 eed Trom the ble of duing more red 1 than all hixt re & Lt ts sete jeally inded of »ngredients es aud adaptation to ; and ts the resalt of loog te eX t 1 patent investi- ' to- tin com vie ai al economy f rete and (hetapeath mber leas Expector and persist vy palmed u the suffering and confiding Mm . ‘ t, that is not an Expecto ot a | it loaded with Opiom of Morpoine imo der to lull the poor sufferer with ited rfloenes Many a valua tiGoed and ex pectorated in- grave. Oo the contrary, it ts eek @Xcessive expectoration sexcecdiugly exbaostive, and d specific action, to heal and t flame ly lusive * has be O a premature slenlated to ¢ | Which of steed ry its genetala withe t weak d and irritated orgars eheuts which compute here ia no one, which is 1, hy the beet Phy-icians, io e eromerated, and of many etmen, to whom its com- mare known, there hae not who hes wot bighly apptoved it; aud taners. have pot only presenbed it pflor ther patients, but bave used it in theirown with marked (nM the sereta his valuable Bara ot Constants us { the chaeases abot } poe emeht verry Petes hee minent medical ger teen one bin some i | vases, alvantage. | Prepared aud suld only, at By SILL'S Drug Store. avril 2-16 8 lisbary, N.C. | RIVES ; & PROCTOR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR GGIsTs, DEALERS In | DRUGS | MEDICINES, ¢ Fancy & Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, DYt STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Lia prorie d & Domestic Window Glass, Putty, SPICES, | } | | Wonld respectfully call the attention of Mer chants, Physicians, Pianters, aud others, to their | extensive steck and superior inducements. 107 Sycumore, St.y Letershurg. W.H. PROCTOR. -l6:6m DR. GODDIN’S COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS. apr. = $7.50) Cures Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion yale Colic, Sick Stomac Bronchitis, Asthma, Nevralgia, Rheumatism, &e, A UNIVERSAL TONIC. -» ROTHROCK, pal Raleigh National Bank of N Carolina. THE DIRECTORS have resolved to increase the CHAIRS, &c., &e. Give him a call, examine his work, and you will go away ple Salisbary, April 9h, 1969, 149m THOUSAND DOLLARS. acribe to the same will please wou n on Ce March 66m. Porsone wishing t DEWFY, President. Capital Stock of this BANK to FIVE HUNDRED | osub- cate with t | A sure, safe, and reliable preventative and ure for Malarial diseases, and all diseases | re quit nga general fonie impression, | Prepared only by Dr. N. A. H, Goddin and Is for gale everywhere. JAMES T. WIGGINS, ] (Successor to J. H. Bake st & Co.) Proprietary Agent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Medi- cines Norfelk Va. 17—ly —F | NOTICE, A Span pan of Bay Horses, Six Years old, a PHAETON and Harness for | Sale Apply to H.H. HELPER. | Salisbury, N. C., April 23, 1860. 16-f ny Ki Ey 1: ‘ Ox 28> Oe " is a BLOOD PURIFIER, , —AND— RENOV ATOR | DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED - COMPOUND EXTRAOT OF KOSKOO A safe and effectual remedy for all diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood. Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &c. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE. This ie an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme- | dy and one that admits of a wide range of | | application. ' It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex- tent than any other remedy yet known. It ia an INVALUABLE AND Unrivalled Remedy ! ! For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, SYPHILITIO. CANCEROUS, cut IC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF-| EVERY form ical Faculty. Prepared by an experienced and well known physician and chemist. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, | PREPARED ONLY BY J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., ORGANIO CHEMIST, No. 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia. arFor Satz sy art Drveeists.-e TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- of ne eee in every loc rsurapce at the least o cigs that are forfeitable should / Mex! , or any subse new J and Ww u Wh thon Fol the seep reading the advertiseme 1 Companies, he tinds hig is at a loss where to ; to i, ga tas tua fae not eomprehend conclades that none but wiliar with = principles upon which Life In- 4 surance is based, can com anything “nent dividends ree i netes given in part unent oO his citaoms “ ook tate *he the Natioaal Life Inewrance Vou United States of America; aod ft he Wants: AN ALU OASH PLAN, reduced ta ie est minimum rate, like apy com’ wmar- keb, so inuch Insurance forse much Money: No notes to give; ne. interest to 3; no 9 | ty about Assessments; no ension of his Poliey being forfeited next year if he not pay bis anuval Renewal; andthe Rates somuch Lower than other Companies, that he realizesa langer Dividend, in advance, than other eompa- nies can pay bim in the future. Ho finds that, instead of this Rncectiin reas ine, at present high rae, that the Nati pre- sents a certain. aud definite sum for a much lower rate aud puts up ite OOC up B1'O00.000 As a guarantee fund, that its O00 will fulfilled, aud, like thousends of othera, chee t calison their Agent to make hi» application fora Policy. Hence the unprecedented and wouderful success of the National as con- ce with the older and Mutual Conjpauies. he Conpauy issued its first policy on the Istof August, 1868, and up to March lat, 1669, it had issued 3.592 policies, Ainount instred; $10605.550 00 Total preniuins, 350,117 03 The whole number issued by the Connecticut Mutua! iu the first year of ite existence was 892 By the Mutual Besefit of New Jersey, 693 a New Bugiand Mutual, 43 < Phenix Mutual, 335 Ma -xachuxetts Mutual, 3r “ Equitable of New York, 277 The Motual Life,of New York, in the first year of its existence, only issued “470 policies. 1200 —* In its 10th year. And in its 20th year, 2542 ° this letter being 690 lees than was issued by tae NATIONAL in its first seven months. ’ JAY. COOK & CO., Ageuts for the Southern States. P. P. PESCUD, General Agent A North Carolina. Audrew Murphy, Salisbury, N.C., sr | for the counties of Rowaw Davie, an — mn # ul 19, 1869. rar OF VIKGINTA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its sortunes are established beyond any contingency. yaad has capital and aaeets againet ifs scmiaeg will compare favorably with any LAO iusuraae® y op the continent, which is the true test y administered by selected sibility and bosines capacity . ite claim to Southern Patronage OFFICERS: PueBSIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICK FRESIDEFT, Wax. B. Isaacs, SEpctrraRryY. D. J. Warrsoox MENICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H, SMITH, M. D LEG aL ADV INER, GENWRAL AGENT, H OC. UaBRLt, Jno. H. ‘| LarsoRN® a aes . * DIRECTORS: John Enders. Henry K. Eliyson, William F. Taylor, Asa ony der, Same? 8. Cottrell, H.E. C. Baskerville, Joha leoley, Samuel (. Tardy, haries T. Wortham, George Jacobs, William Willis. Jr., J. W. Allison, Kd. A Smith, George &. Palmer, Thos. J. Evans, Jamés A. S-ott, FECTIONS, in fact, B.M. Quaries, D. J. Harteook, W. Mt. Tyler, John *, Williams, Chronic Disease it may be advan/ageous- de 7 fn "oad ro ei hia Sonim J.B. Morton, Wm. RB. lenare R.H.D brell orge LL. KG kK ly ased William I!. Palmer, es iy M oe This preparation has been submitted to, | LEWIS_Q@, HANES Ac't } Feb. 12 -ly - Lexixetox, N.C thoroughly tested, and approved by = as aa ae ee j of the most eminent members of the Med- WHAT A GRAND AND EXTENSIVE BUSINESS TRF Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY Is DOING Synopsia of Statement for 1868 Income from Premiams Income from Intere.t...... Total income for the year... Losses paid. .ccsccccessoe Dividends paid Total Loases paid tu date .... Tota! Dividends paid to dete.. It will ina aeen from the above thatthe income for interest tlone, greatly exceeds the losaps, amd that thetotalin-ome forone vear is more thign. the total losses paid to date. The Asgets of the ©; y are now over Twenty-three MMions, and w its large income offers creater inducements to thone im- snring than any other company in the gountry.. Ite plans of business comprise all the desirable forms of insurance. 8S. D. WAIT, General Agent, Raleigh, N.C. mar 5—9—ly To Farmers and Planters. Rhodes’ Tobacco Manure, AND Rhodes’ Super-Phosphates : To STANDARD MANURES for Gotton, Tobacco, Wheat and Corn. These long established manures used and ap- proved by the most suecessful planters, B. M/ RHODES & \o., 82 Sonth 8t., Baltimore, Md For sale by dealers jut> O—652m 2 > : r SFr J cers" iv € & Ss ¥ id c + ame . aad im A,’ ; “DRUGS; MEDICINES, £0. |FRESH, PURE, je Insara Dr. @. 3B, Poulson, HAS JUST SCHOOL. Z M If te reflects 4 moment he will conel 2 lor if ‘ é j 4%. cdrned Stain aa és the Company whieh she ; Court and Justice’s Orders willbe : been W: * EVILLE, NG iste aac o/dragh wedlaiots chemical er: aes Meeane of vi Pe abl % = ie buai-| ed-at-the same rates with other aan as we of reece pe Serr) ; tooth brashes combs. putty, over the. area, Whi ts. Penta yt oS See “peeing, Haber Bhan, WB yack |e, eres at Roh derzan | Cans Mee nee Ne bes)” Onan ver amy cara los be aree ON or 1869 20 BEGINS ing “oda. Copperas, Ven tian Red, Concentrated o near Se Aetag be ab caecine as adverti A tee ee aes ‘ ¥ 4ye, an S y » 29 Z ‘i 7a ETE bd sostinnes forty woeks. sikct dee. bo ese anes Stee Se hills | next year,or any uent-year to pay hisre.| Te wishing td advertise for a lon- | was an. at of Testrucrio’ snchides the Oedi-} - FINE CIGARS AND OHEWING || ellits promingg. ste saan” et | Eee Mime RR ro sponte te, seth bata Lends = - w : é “ he? . " branehes, the Dosis, meee TOBACCO: os iiNet f celine and vives pede ring will be given elements of Natural Science. wae ey To Physicians, --1 would state that ‘reading the pdveftiocgiente of Moteal ur Micka NTBACT BATES. * ’ Ciachiding- tuition, hoard, fue}, | 1 4ve # splendid ‘assortment and carefully selected | Companies, he finds bis mind eo faddled that he | oe } 2 ° i ag, books.and clothing,) $365, . Bock of is Bt a. lows Where to go or what to do. He can } ? er § 2. n 2. Seticrtcugen aioaton. "3. | Trusses & Abdominal Supporters] Mtsoaureben! ovale, situa an mie] Boh Brag . ¥. CI e uctuas se * —_ =) : 4 2 2 lef thotesaké improvementa, exce'levt in quality and miliar with the principles upon whic Life In. AIAORE,. § = = a} & _ntmap he ny oon mag gad bed Eo frarapce bored ca comprehend or oxpai OPEL EE cs this Aci ill evin- 2 BRE ; cnet ae anything about dividends and his liability f ; ae wate aCe ns ak onder fo 4 conmiog. * he era he cad J ae giveu in part —— af premio In { tare 0 won pesto Enyand cea tom sty MS RErOMARR Dy x aad Cie icarace apaaeteP Ar| Sara, 82407 A500 a8 0 8g. | mM amen Le tuition Will he sa follows: $7.50 | 420") such articles as aU United States of Ameriea, and finds just what @ Squares. 4 90; G25, 8 50.13 00; 220g oe Joi csion of months peyabie | Eas. Lemon, Les. Peppermin 8 es © Seder i Cony oo 3 Case paid Bre d of ¢ . ¥ : A ASH PLAN, reduced to the low- . ° Sots io give oe »| Civoaioou, Laudanum, Paregor- sntenmia tats ? : ‘ ¥ t the branches eraity totake ina Sivt jc, Bateman Drops, Goede ys much feclothowak > moar eae ; Canons: 18 ones be = was oo" ‘toa ‘ a healthy ‘aad faey’s Cordial Opodel- Nonotes to give interest to. pay + xi ol 00)40 00' ; ; 3 £ e towuship four aie om ” de Uelar Ol " ty about Lessee ani aie re! ea Tae Outeery. (98 00; 50 00 80 00/190,00" is ‘kn to but few, Wy 5 Meara Gam be tad ta fe pectabie tamilien roms ahd File sanbal tena ic etek |THE COW PEAAS A FERTILIZER|M ee mo. : 2 3 t 4% ‘ > Na } dollars per moa L. Hy, ROTHROCK, er Tarpetitine. Tar then other Companies, that eee ‘ “ : When Kn bt lett », 1969. — 95: Sm owe Stineel b. My stock ia iets and composed of afticles lacger Dividend, ip advance, (han other compa- ROR MUBEST. out the knw) of eS ee om be- Prk 50e etteble te Qpalty ie he wise Vel Bay him in the future, : j f th ¥ : » / Url Fomale Seminary. price as sual articles cam be ‘obtained in this sec- He finds that, intend of thiis aneertaiu prom-| We bave long been satisfied, fiom ac- rieuds there. . He at “ oe — s " ise, at present high ra'e, that the Natio’ pre-{ tual experiment, that the common cow pea ‘and immediately j og SERGI wh Impure Midicings Com be sold fer a trife and are | *°Mt#@ certain gad defivite sum for a much | of thie Southern St t h my Davenpory o> 2 rene 3 oe sana feat st any price (each i do Yotnnd will. not keep.) | ower rate and-puts up its paid up Capitol of aaa od ofhd a wee saad wen éared to ee fi Menda: 9 Drag y : ‘ ire experee of Board ¥ ae: be | Koo that PURE regs aud MedJcines caynot 4 $81, , $ time Tht seppeos pera lig 5 - boca friends in Evglaad sa Pp * from’ $10 1 va <p, | Sold forhalf the price heretofore cha:ged. Béar in | AS A guareutee funi, that ita contracts till be ‘ om H Q r er : Lo SPO iF paid in: wdvance. Exh | mina. it is plwayn the cheapest and satect pien te| falfiied ood. hik of others cherive | vot of our exhaasted cotton. fields.’ Ite | Bone & A and ares ber own lights and towels buy the parent Heilicines. ; av eaile on thelk ae diake bis Spplication effects have been aa Tasting and as mark-| 9% of him, whch au bedi a nave parchesing eleewhere to | for a Poly. Hente the unprecedentéd and ed apon the fertility of our.soils as that of for tid most ] success of the Kae for tae Unrrep States’ » WASHINGTON, D.C. ie tls from $5 to $10 per session. | RELIABLE DRE GR 9 rr 2 of Conaress, Juy 2:08. ie é, Ddoaa tie eae Si em DRE GSS Cash Capital paid in full $1,000,000, |5 me * a RE ae ee wECEN PA, "Sit ldo tonjeor a question sith aby ni2h, who Flew Grose 8-0, fe nonin | eee conn DEA | sewn awa ei ion + itt He,t Satan | FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE [tips Puiscy ts sinstes nets * § ey. . r ALI: 7m atte els Fe By “LYSURANOR COMPANTE ¥ or Amentos. igi One 8 Ooples fo one address. 25.73.05; 1: -| One Square, first insertion,.."...0...- For each additional jusertion. c - Special notices will be ehargéd 50 per cént Rates of Advertising. er than the above fates. Natioval as con GB. PO pon the wort and exhaust d land | (ei efor been a cen - 7 | Druggiet and % F trusted with tbe older and Mittual , . _ i CS Se te a talker chan opeccio—| poopie when eeakig of plats sTWARs ‘DR Go IN’S it bad Iseued ~ p to eo st, "| not been heretofore . tigation as to the owner, if it er came , lovely, so full of wite mean, Irish ; ile an \ * 0D poticies. frees of | UB t's watch | So young, #0 y Saroli al when ~o COMPOUND Amount inaored, files aI Th Father slow eve into thetrhands, Well, Kulghrs, watch one could tisivk a being 90} Norilt Carolina planter always wire Say , iF . = af 24.8) this most valuable Kk rtilizer, Now, how- ont of order, There was nob ¥ Bonnvifat could die. Only the day before | speaking of s Foes ¥ GEN TIA} it? Asthma, Now ny 335 ever, when every planter has a large pro- could tepair it. Accordingly, went it I had seen her, with eyes flashing like the | sweet potatoe ; atif he means the Trish Sole, Bick Bt: mation, &e. “ rete ee Mutnal, 312} portion.of his poor lands lying idle, there tq Philadelphia, and, a8 lack would Tiave ight, ites of beauty; and ‘pota he always the prefiz to it. — A UNIVERSAL TONIC. ' ole ivew York, tn the fire foot ee wn Pee, hoempfordh it, to aw eetabtiobioeat WWE as) ae like the song of water on herdips,|" Bat I am @i oatiesly Grom " weventative ar The M > ot 7 fe} t in every he hot absolute F tion ofthe ee fs indeed, “like a thiog of subject. . ; eetbie 3 A sure, eafe, abd feliable preveofative and of its existence, mly issued 470 policies “ itor London Ue'] tox! ising remarked, if T all Malarial dieeases, ard all diseases its 0th year. 1.268 = ry. for spas ee oceres tor vanes pe : a forever.” And now she tay hip hog raising " poands pork 7 an a geome! tania inpression, ri ie ite duh year, eee te Now ie the best ine to plant She O08) had ‘received the pick Rew one teas, Sneek well eacls mark esnential correctly, thar every 290 ter dine: SS cared only dg Dr. N. A. U. Go Jin and this latter being M00 jews than was sued by ard we desire fo give our agricul country na oon as ‘ thé'Beoreh I had to make, and then'sick raised by the Alamance ptan > a < te ae cet JAVES T. WIGGINS, | N agro ae it ite first <ore " i. an isinds the feanti of A earefal experiment let them eaule his taking aes tarwed from the place to look for dinary. way, cost him $15. This would (sucwene ty J A. Baker & we Ce agents ac tvs Fonthuew Sates. -} tande by 4 veka iu ay et ey | their’ way to Dat ee as the} at canbe te 4s “iti ‘ Sopris the Dag isin raisers ene t ' Agrat ap) Wholesale dealer in Roteus Met as P. F. PESCUD, enconrage them to make siwilir €Horts. | | pia” facilities, WO eshhold Lmet her husband. Eastero: oainar q . . Gee Borfuk Vo. W—ly General Agent sor North Carotina. Our Gwinnet planter had a pece of old foand the rudawiy. The | lnid band hisehoulders ~ ~lonee beard a snecersfal _ bog in Fotis : : ree ' Andrew Murphy. Salisbury: N.C. agent) oa stil band, (wenty acqreaf which brd | ngs affereonferenes with bie, to: indace }t "at way phenyl Gates County say, that he never calaod = , fien. BM. PoarssasG eee een” PECTORAL BALM ‘ for the counties of Rowan, Davie. aud Da- been Tying in Broom rage for a Senaret ol) ity retutu to Bo sal emit = are antly exclaimed, “how h100 pounds of pork that cost ~ b = Bp esde, Aecrviate Justice oy ti. vidson. <3 care. ‘This he broke deep'with # 10) sey and endeavored to et p "<< |} $3 per hundred. He was very s . # Phishas Settle cana “ Aw afifireted atid feetaal Remedy for April 19. 1809. “ eo +, and in the succeed: | *SCB% off “he be | dave you ¥** ' a and Low : <geaihr A wept ent att eft : ~ ‘low in the summer, a : rest for come off-nee, that he oe) The tears et in-my eyes; thé} ful pork and bacon r— core PP. . Sie Brown, Lavery ille, N.C. Chrome” Browohitis~ Artima ; ive State of North Carolina, tng Fall pat down in wheat. The rom), ctack-as a prisoner, ATE In = biardor of thle deed Talk befor 20y vision. pio him ea say that a barrel of €or : « plye debe There, 2 5 casting’ Covigha,in.adginecd ae j= OUALE OF + < aan “earefally mearared, was o lictle lets than V's they bade bim farewell. with wad L couldsearsély retain my: patience bat 2) was all that was necessary 10 raise ® a 7 “ R, Moby =n. Greenstvr a, ¥.G. Bk ediny fr um the Lunys. be, and WONTGOM ERY coy Y. era | four bushels to ih: ace “Jd bearis, aud returned » Poe palire bend. did. * — . fo weigh 100) - : section 3 3 ” ae huffin, Jr. spaliea.gh doing more real sepyice ID om firw Superior Court, Spreng Term, 186° As soow as the wirent sae cut he aoa ' ‘And Kaight’ ¥rom that time forward @ sit, for the murder of your) of core io that day and thas aad « AP Caw DOR, no qmtf }ed Comaymption, thanall the . Expectofaots, |) og Haywoed, adininist rater of Jou ° sony: ean at the rate of two bushels to thé acre uptil bis death, on Sunday last, he was ‘a anette ’ aboat $3 per barrel, He said vhat core Jariadt y 29.1809 os a! | Cough Mixiages Se, extant : on fs TOR4, Er... lenee s, rel P ay" a | Early is October the peas were turned wa- changed man. He bought a small farm - of some wild an- | was both the proper food and mcdicine of » a i Rey It ism yeutifi ally vompwonded of pagredien woul, BR chard Tay wend, dames DP. ws J = Tk deep fm row anda few weeks Tock ingham a heavily trac His ery ve like thes hogs. if his hogs were of time a 1a 0. A. HENDERSON, well known fur theit virtnesand alaptation tO) and and -wifeDDioy. W. 1 Maywood, Sr, | der with a Once md carefally bae-] PERE hanty in the forest, and |imal.ae be ep er. sidered What bey... —s ; we tHe Piecaces came 5 and is the resnit of long)” | wite Nancy, W. B Haywou! — <a later wheat was te ato iv" 2 yidal® . sort nay ong! : but. his vewans in. rooms: The people | dicted, be at on Steed Never s Tae actionel “Medic ated ex(eusive exper » nod patient daveeti- aie ayeund eod Matinda Hagvood.) rawed in apon-the pea Fed. "> = tgheré, alove with no c ‘ aroand dead body, ten-} had been eati aced avise sePme: | Te ean is sree? tate ie iad actia to- 4 od ~ oe 4 ee Real Extate Asseta Leow tthe crop was nine bushels to the acer, ines books and papers, he spent bis time. Ser at grooped. precy et pon ese hog rotten carn, thie be e" Helly iffers tas pt re Sh bn iatioite hewmebcl ge of remedial | OOP angen: ing to the ant ee. PS os a \ fittle more than double the first year’ | bee pestved papers re ees i These Sie uke and knel, with «| disease; nor did be feed oad es. ihe pe . White | ° wit, phystologial & thera pes tic unht Haywood si jenare Pe. * oF 0, read of now at , e—a in, always Gniveitetl aan agiagtertgewarmeter hat Bubjare y P| me, - - larly, and loved t like that despair | or grain, bat he y or = 2 . rimy be bit eth “hot on the human.) stem. on week, cannot after ay ieee ee ood 1 Pac field wae agai sown in pews o wal a and their authors. He eooked te ory, oh bs oes ae when h Re if ible cooked it, and always. A; as bi oes . rete oT 6-6 : Serate abe, ne rahtepty, on aston an Se aay oy enna for’ kive| soon 48 the wonet, vee a Naor Re own food, wisiee. paar eee and life-was at its vNbaua cepdike that! ft the best medicine for Oi ted e d ; , Feb 12 ; i oy earl ey a a ea 1 coutiding | 7 he Old North Statexm) warned under as befpre in the Pan, & own wood, aud was own ’ wimmeér jo hia agony," | large vise of potatoes, sqaae rE wad Teed 2h t ently palawd epon the enffering ond cow weeks, siovessively, in the Old 4 \ <a the soil. The gield ‘ie Fy received enllers, Grant | “of some strong » wa fied éurnips, and other bar © ms - Ps , hat it je wot an Expector- + pablishe:d io the town of ! AY. | wheat sowed apon erally. He rarely r ach as yirtae gives when honor’s fled.’) Kits, sarni ° ‘B. HENDERSON, [per ae leaded with Opn oe ee eee iene a gaad non-resident vidi thie year was seventeen and a half bushels.) 9 55.1, were hin agents, for he wee injors erying, calling ber nate in we-| always cpo them. Dry, raw ne vey COU TSBELOR AT LAW. Sean, S one ~ Toil he’ poor enfferer Se aare recepptianate sertesne ‘ sve fourth year, vith the same * yeas seteigt of a Tigle meome, and ‘eilieg. one ae eee he atlast ewnk tonsitored y / ATTOR & : ; : with its delasive mflwences~ Many & valve | 4 114 tur aaid connty at ihe Court Fons: ip A be made twenty-seven bushels, and ot the Grm, ot & messenger from them, was : ting, and we carried him aways” | ot anoimals of eny kind. Ip - ; SALISBURY, N. © ble lile hae bece eecriiced.and expectoretist it) Toy, om ibe fourth monday after the soot! tipi ¢ he fifth yenr) the'erop bids fair 1) ) a ayy wclons be saved Ne Pr ro certain that be killed ber} Me. Binghain feeds Irish potatoes w hogs, awn attend promptly to the Collee- — grave, On the na mor: 'ny in fy ae sore aod seaeres | . oe Wake forty bashele, Nething hae wih His cabin had a rough inter’ fe an startin yet tis | heal has th cooked.’ tion of Claims tenn a I ae Mitel ox necdionly exhanetivey aud ven pre-sonfeats 6 d heard te parte as tol applied to the land ama f Th 2 th Fone cornet, & oe 9 ~ Phew a manner showed no guilt. Jt may ‘a : ~~ and faly chee the 0 ee of ute exe LE . taken , open, and 3 fi dius ' ers ’ | fudt, OF dr two chaise, ary é ‘ h have. done} to quit raising , ” Land apecific action.to beal ane). wrt + bas} ees A fi luce that | been insanity, or another mney’ 5 q flavored Wee- df -Dr. L W. JONES, : py ee pei, * Gamed.and trated orget * i C.C. Wade. Clerk of our said.cowt! | wi hb thercow pea Mone." } at thiting ita fartiture. A fire P . o deed; bat said he did it. As| unwholesome an badly favo y Cftors his | svvthe the weak; ining : “| Witness, 4 Ji ie. ' fia 1) dmit-eord wood, gave him warmth | the ; a jury ‘ ba and Northera AVING located in Salistary, off rahe sewers! ingredients witch erm Fa ae ihe tawen of Troy, the 4th Monday ingreased len Sule | would admit cord wood, gai , b rs go by the mystery may be clear- | tern and Baltimore bacon I red wie pablic. Of es oa oe pel ; i DEO uae eee. tien then aii cook hia food, Some- | the years go Sy oe, iéfortune. The ouxe | tins valuable Bate, there is noone, fier the seornd MotdJay in February, 1560 veri met peek ey : os land enabled him to te him now of the k, an error and a fice on Council Suivet, Pe ohn past aon me pense an wy the bert i by-eana, 0 Se a oncgs fee $410. aaw ADE, & #.¢. be ‘a guttent w hic n we cou Wig ,_ | times he would be st ined with 4 letter-wri- ener ane pat wont It ve of onr farmers largely overesti- —" ee | ee ae ves Tee ] Y li [We ggttet seine of oar planting Ummm t' ging fit, and a leuter to tla wig este sama him of the only -suulight his manhood | mate the cost of making their own ori : === eminent sarin wut fe jas rox State Of North Carolina, qin te ituced vv icy eh ve Wet aay fr a fortnight would be the rao | 8 OF thi pth he only Gow Tinre no doubt what many eahage them WHAT A GRAND AND BITENSIVE BUSINESS se ane, whe bas not highly approved ae MONTGOMERY COUNTY ~ “ _ _ aougk ie aus ef ontapandceas gin er that on him ee eo ot Ve 80 Sly, et ed, ed otened retances, have not enty prescrbed: i ‘ourt Spring Term, 3 59. CLE CR cat Ones though tie me , Sa % ~ ‘ 4 ticut Mutual Life eae a pene ta, brs co ‘ in their own | a ofan palate B Sum ean Augusta Chronicle and oe ntinel. of the utmost Importance. And thus: he | fume. an eee tein an ae cared for, will cost tar “Tess than Connec or Ubeir patients, b > C Wade, administratipo? Jonad : jie 1? hermit, eave tu relation ed at youw ‘ tdes if they are pen- cases, with marked advaritaze. \" leon viereas4, agsitiat dol Kiehari ieee | —— led the life of & herunit, aimless and wandering way, wait the qany. teagine. ao — ya in in INSURANCE Prepared aud suid er ated D. A Re hardeon, Martin Morgan aod wite | LISUOP DAVIS. with his stort ee winbdet will shock that had trees him of the only ped early, they a wae scar a -5 fas ¢ rag ™ a “a a OK lar ordan mt tle Linia, Wil | re Ww ago a F ; i senor . Tt. 4 Is DOING. a ril 2316+f Srlisbary, S- Ce | Garey. Wiilam Jord . v dicen ae? ee ffieted as to boxcareely being that he loved had destroyed lis rea- | ‘oreadifig the ® ——pDr. LAWRENCHS lam Fuller and wile Kl Dike hed “ah ae ; Sairae rdeon, Hirans Kichardaon, Maty J. Rich- ablew move. : gor ve pasecd since then, bar 4 a Synopsis of Statement for payed 304.11 CELEBRATED aaa Albert Richardson and Elizabeth | says : . r cached to a | hiarat the house of Bernard Hebrick, on _ Lae Sear SMorere "a my .. of thie Coanty, l learned pw far } I spe Premen meat YT" 1 ‘RIEND ! Bichardeon. | The Rev. Bishop Davie P tees t the | the Locust street toad, two witles west of t an Lassie so éad ms wreteled | gbout attending hogs, which I think wor- ’ _ jncome from Interest... 8.746 0.0 WwoM AN Ss I a Petillon to make Real Estate Assets. : large congregation on See cod Brady street, where he Was welltaken “* ai Leb der at the thonght of it. thy to communicate. He showed a patch Ms tevbiibeccsesceve 1 on 384.00 A safe and reliable remedy fet IT appesting to = nae Gf “Ans ea { oe : yl Sao hady present. of ent ee a = ad caves ee in_ his garden, hed a eek yeu uid te , «oho An Diseases Pecaliar to Fe.ailes, that all the abure en sate i > funite | Tp Se Oe ee the cloqhenee died; having jaet seed the ; our ordinary gardens, whie ey . rage ypenyr te 5.197.268,00 sea after due diligence be fonad within whe tunit®) 1) way « treat to Histen’ to the see | earwof his Mirtiiday: a ee THe Petersburg Index speculates apon nted id long’ green, runuing squash, ‘ * Die esse tron the above thatthe income for ata fihe State, [t is ordered that service He Made | ee ar and highly veteemed di- he. who was ea gifted by ‘nature : » price of wheat—and says > pe We of bet weer from which t ‘ a eaeen greatly ona vee ~— oF at Leuchorren, or Whites; Prolapsus Uteri, Fee publication far x weeks msonrertnies - ae : “a meted we cousider that the Pi i ir sSaniind chose to aban- “ ea ongsiyony ble of forming an Soe os ae he buppliea his family with ‘ Jacome forone year is more than | : ,, ; I State, Ow Spr ye mbhished | VIC, Al ‘ se rte and so ’ 7 s fav ase capa’ . foqasngaid to date, The Acecte of he Compaty | or Pailin om vend Nemec pe Oe ed Sabebasy. wonitving. te ceva | Fight of nianve is shat ont oe ei vright, {aon his Tuxarions ‘Nome and weal'hy |e oe ic se that the season will oped at squashes, and kept sixteen hogs almost ard pe over T sons hrs? Miucementa 10 thoes in- Pe ae seen nid nt defendante to eppereat the went | while that of trae FeO eee eae eee isy | friendas taake hig way to the Aanerican about two dollars, at which the priee May | oo) 1 during the ebtire’ summer tmtil : epee reba rompany ie thecountry. Its} | ir ey Woakd s, &c Ter ‘ae Court to beheld tur exit Cuerty.| er rite ever in bis mind, a ot tok bs wilds for a‘residénce, and then, when dis be’expected to cotitinueabont two months. frost. came in October. As “amount Siane of business comprise al} the desirable forms | Nervousness. W akefulness, Weakness, at the Ovurt House in Troy, on the 4h Mon! subtsission ay the da v ne } oe \ b. . | eovered by-his feiouda, resort to the life of Longer than that we cantipt see how it of corn until killing time was sufficient to _ : 8. D. WAIT, a Ce day alter thie 2nd Mooday mn Asumt vext. utd | duprived him of physical sight a. "| i aa: and Be eentent with it for twen- | 2. sustained; and during the méxt| 4. Lim the fattest meat be ever killed. F General “Agent, LADIES OF AMERICA, answer ihe petition of the para rant oa stowed a double gift of mene ne ty two or more yeara, is explained only by winter and spring it is not improbable we Pie squashes were cat up giveh to the 5—9—ly Raleigh; NO. | Forest eT acer a Fecesest: HOP: | chesame will ee ay pro.confesso and heater y ang may be tive Yo inealedle the an iuadvertent.admission in one of bis for shall see breadstaffs adjusting thetaselres hogs, 1 have no doubt we soot cost. mar ee gammy P , \ VREACE : an pave nee 3. iniof epesaid Crew pres of hie Chureb. ters to his legal friends, Ubeteln He plan to the standard of former years.” This, | 500, such better if they ‘iad been cook - CAUT ON | deniers in, afd consumers Bs, J. J. LA ; . Geib Troy, the 4th Monday alter the 24 ere os having beet pelessly cast down by dis- of course, is liable mapy. contingencies) 4 114 was so well pleased With his ex- of snut aman Stee nan be Oe a a ade in February nex. | Drunkardness and. Idiocy. —In the inttnent ina love affair. He wooed, sirch.as the harvest in Europe—the actual periment, ho i repeating it the present ms rere esives obliged to counterfeit the general TO PHYSICIANS. onday " C.C WADE O.8/G. -biarest edition of “Carpenter's Physiolo- won, and lost a lovely English girl-- lost results in this country, écc. dee car. Ha codeiders thin. fat preferable snus, fels Merarpackages, and imitate our Trade Marks,| 71. articies of which the Woman's Friend is cor¢ . 2a9 26-Gw pri $10} ow s,s ioned that out-of three " je al refersed. & “belted von toes, 01 21 ate de lanpegion Receaary te dee i atras | pounded are published around each bottle, and it ie This June 22, 1869. ae . ey,” itis mentioncd seas England her because she p tartister ——~ to, atid ‘cheaper than Seats Potawes, vfous article from gine, ang others going s far 8¢ | Pr. ved to be the best Uterine Tonic and alterative .Kt—I WILL SELL POR GASH, to hundred and fifty-niue idiots ig SNES knight” and a castle to a young ’ , mpkins. 1 have rio doubt of it. I hope Save wo jonger made. } orickt—I in | : : could had to make bis| pr, Hall assails the idea that men rest | PU © Pmaning tals oa oem ba giglee! = poet yeh Uncovered. a IN the highest bidder, atthe Conrt House in | the eoudition of: ohage poets ildren we cap oe icthons tat | f a . hing. He says the only | our farmers Wik pee Meprove, their opiate . Ie will be en ‘comparison that Itia a valggble andretiable agent in all derange- | Mocksville, on Wednesday, 14th pe | i ie be asceftained, pinet a en ro- |OW® WAY to uge and to fame. by ant = oo nk as our physical stock of hogs, sheep and cattic add keep Leave Ws, “far- ahead” of all others, being made | 4. ori Pomale Reproductive Organs, ond in| nex: R. ¥ Johnston's interest m 4 cres of absolute ekbende. and a. large p — heal: al ’ is to be busy. | ™P the rearing of stq of the best stock, 4Mer 80 Orit ang arent age. | Hysteria, Nervous Headache, Beisel irritations, 4¢ | rang, lying on the waters of Red Fork Be: portion of the parents of the remainder The tendent of Polles in New| condition remains as it is, oT y: 1c Werare not tired ee el hndije warranted not 10 eontale | gg Price oe * ; ren 4 County, ae serene Seah "| were more or less intemperate, York has on file‘ descriptions of tweaty- Men =, pen — Oli ting Cisse. qnennee, - oe : ra . x hardest c cattery erm seme no + Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street, RM Fee A. A NOREEN It costs 6 quarter of a million dollats 8} four posses yt rn Agito rd ae - ae do nothing.” Raleigh, Jane 1 @ bes In ordering please spect- a. ooksville, N. C., gene. ; Obi , a : Fo aan (lige Posen) o¢ Hrevh Sand extrs Seoteh) | yan Ty hong pil orders oF eer ty eg oe 23, "69. 56a, | year to light the streets of Obicage ppeared past eoks vet awe Py LMRILLARD, NEW YORK | “TORIES. a ; of “ - t A aie 2 ee ~~ « cate ea | ty ey ee ri af ~ ee in aa al clever u The Sumter S.C. News of Thursday gout, and 4 years: rr they ba se taba al cet eret of that) ¢ " be oe ee ie = aes | last} t at Quarters were provided a seta tae a oy she felt, the’ as met. te eat e us peep ¥ : bat the man's: D » ad ites P Pe heel a q was late at ‘night, did the’ woman the. various kinds of ase.) Maoy are Jed by the high puichase them, without wan Aonseqnence a fai tligers used the Agents vending them,*for i t B a k if H F f [ é f af t 2 iar fertilizers . knowing in what. relate Sse Oh i often and ‘the lack of criptions of partieul or < < tity and when to os lon of the ¢ ‘ to ne - necessary inform ‘ PTnu Di farm. , On a reeent visit to Rufis W. Jones, FOURTH OF JULY AGAIN, 5 PS a ¥ Tbe Charlotte Times replies to. opr dom. mente upon iis Fourth of, July eriicle courteous manner which we bad a Ti expect from thet «bit, to bor eine defence is 9 failure, We did uot speek netionality “from, the Han oo the American nationality ‘ire tonian standpoint,” as the / Times suppos peti bat that genera ont win em Mean ; | rte be mil ory . the | Your goodly ety of Se : Calhoun allowed it, % bes # a ‘ pS Bh, ; 0 va ; ; M i } : ; Y " ’ cf Oy. 6 ; am Ce Prat the American vationality frow what: | ‘collect fp 9 ge “goutrol Lb caty thronged with a-bustling crowd. | iru) deughte beeteitte |: exer’ standpoint " stewed, . had ‘ite.’ pirehy re : ) Of varioud kinds: came” whielie Fae tow the 4th of July: 1776. anne. e¢p deny a from all the surroundipg- towne and Nationality consists in exercising the powers ‘ and mahy evep reigned with and fanetions of au independent goveraments: t portions of the State, tres ieey y pnd that wad the day on whigh Amepiea “de>. gallante and even uly on the, elared her independence Of the-British: gon: vi eS how. ger 9 teader ene ee a eel on ee < anes, upon thé then ht Some kind friends soon finding ws 04! |», have been published sud : Py ed her seper , ee hi ‘ ‘aah aki ur- Y A ; vrong the nations of tbe earth” aad what-| Board; ci. rp , ate of North ees ; os took charge of us and a Ce ads rabery ey re ever treonntatos “ we son pene do for his dain ee hr ne Skee: aie fal the to Weis a skeroplth ofl we were ,to ets wont of the beauty r » Carol. / ; , * . or oi ; ¥ t xt com- wees er pcan gc time. Board may allom. ta i of slavery. . That was left) fod, as they had provided for all these, we} 14 tot me ad pre to SOollege ‘and: if ") SUPREME COURT, Se conihd at es nan 86 sailit@FY rth 4 + lips reat n This | > 3 aA, onl done by the}: ndered without any ado to their “| meneement at. i ays ut [pea sett ce gal yt lca eae ur mie tien en poo tpesertiperey by Sante fm a 1787 aT a bean pee of & tonvention of the | gies to the ~ y, a he College Chapel ication, and then come out to Xe cai ok be iaoere eset Coe a: ie ¥ Bates sean ie eae ni ieigersks pact Ne eommence an at Mt will stand treat’ alk}: Gov. Mamie hime, wa Justice Pearson, in 4 V'| government y United's : ace * heard. Rev. Dr. ond? uch mat vas further ftom it. we re vernment Ps ~ Se seen yoo wot “I 7 elie Mee ae we author} 8. 8S. Harrell, Administrajor vr oe Coureete of the State, es oe ee groeeiing te . via cand Se Lean of ‘the Virginia Plan,” intso-|) — deth Watson Et al from Hertford Co, “been, contemplatiog tore hodist Epiwcopal sy he ) nchona rin he | any may bd wi ; duced by Edmund Randolph, which propos ply he place of chi.” Dr; Moran is dhques a | sfriead”” and come with you. ed an absolute negative by the 4 a mes ; a ability, but. without wines te ’ erniheut upon all State laws. oe not be- o ; wy al: bei éritieal, we hope we may t b> sansa tae par sherpa Bead he Goo Bel ha te Stended sense un . . j lusions, So ou ; poi: ¢ : , \ wd tater fo fife be explained away vo mnt) SIE erh ibe tent is void for want of in Aprit 1864, tho plaintiff, as administra-} better heard and better eee . wy of the resolutions of 1798—09, as was s0p-| On ey Phe seply ist Lae A) er ae county of Hertford, which wat | had been lens vbesnana.gud (thal posed tu lend any countenance to the doc- bond peeds no eonsideration. 6 solema pot. withio the ‘or under thé control | j¢4) lees theat act of sealing and delivering is & ws Anaignee. ee YSIGIAN of large niner ee A ono and. extomie ration, Ving anf u 6 Punsibly olonel ced to act as your) 4 Visrzor. * 7 eres eatar- “peo. we —e th pléasnre to the ar- ; We listened . wi ' gument of Mr. Yeates. He was cae and seems to have inyestigated the sut in D : o'clock, ot in Olin, - 6. adjoining the others : From the American. . EXAMINATION AT CONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE. ——— i nnected with | assure 1 in Ss. et ee re ty institution, | great Davidson Sp e 8 informed that the Par PUBLIC aso hereby tn David- House at = has been or $18 per —< RS. A ‘couimudieation over his own proper signa- tare, published in tie North Ameriean Re- view for August 1830. The Times should read the history of the Constitution again— i “rusty.” * anaede its article weut to prove that the South was loyal, and we shall not dispute with it about that. We have no doubt the Times honestly thinks 0° but the misfortane ig that the great body of the Northern ‘people will not. For our part we . gig not express on opinion, bat only said it was,one of these articles which the Radical préts would selseupon tigitove that such was theffact. And the Times has already seen ¢bét the use has been made of its article whieh weisaid would be made of it. ‘Phe amplification which the Times makes destroys all its foree, inas- of out oe seas: (le: ot: dhe need no eoosidaration éxee : joe ie ee lk by the olatmtes ; es nalle co ae ee ; read 00st common law between the This is = misapprehension ot. the law into which many of the «profession seem to have fallen by reason of inacar- acy in Blackstone's om wentaried, pe we take occasion to say, is @ popular, an not au acarate text writer like Coke or ‘earn. For instance, Blackstove ado the defihition given by Coke of - “an instrument of writing on or pa’ sealed and delivered” —and yet be sheen goes on to say, “a deed must be | by a sufficient out. eration.” Hie remark is evidently to understood, as bavia, cf . t i f i si t we reference to the the doctrine of ¥ 3 uae d for Was delivered e@ de dant at the date of sale in September 1864 and he had his service until 1866, and upon the sapposition thet the thing sold, to wit: the ‘negro, wal ip fact « subyeot of here sale froar’ great to enable us'to do so, or we would.— We were compelled to omit other matter which we wished to publish, as well as to defer the insertion of a column of new adver- tisements unti] this week. _ lle —_—_ — ST \TE ELECTIONS... B followed the annual : trines of secession end nallifieation. This the f the United State, ae Sa 3% two Tiaeraty societies, on Monday the 14th instant. addréssed tu N. hich, by the. rule: of ' ad : ba ied Monday and he did in @ number of letters a thing done, “hich, i eff-ct, without by Seaton Gales, Eq. of Raleigh, whieh lie examination oceupie P- Trias, Daniel. Wf chetee,, award’ Brshit | sommes lem bas f0:c8 Shep Dee | w ived by the vast audience with| Tuesday, in whieh the young ladies ac-| ik nd others, aud particularly in a very able avy consideration. Ni cy Sooke "The. Major made a quitted themselves admirably, On ¢ open for A plies ouly .to nee sone er the or fine impression upon the audience to | whole so far as we heard, it was = wa pec pie: hat potnt of which personal he was comparatively | we bave witnessed for a long time, Ie ac , =| ‘July Ist, 1869. stra considered | strariger. We hope the address may be} common branchts in Mus Ruggles . se well, ; - Tustitutions. wansai 4 bea. ment, Spelling, Grammar, Geography, — Patronise your own in: eg ee ment Phat evening came the powwd, ae Dalbura's Ariat, ee age of |" te THE Exercises 4 mio wna Rear ; ic me- sho an strength ’ . . - at Statesy ae cietie, Mareen represent- aie studies. And we have vover pore Propared.and sold, ool Drug Store, ior of Oipremsber next. a jon was eed h society acqnitted themselves with | been so convinced of the importance sas N.C. Board, fuel, . $15 ag bes of business oak ondie it aud when ali did-so well it is) Ca)burn’s Arithmetic in teaching anne aly —- 3 Saraie a Tuitian im te $2,50 the opera-jalmost invidious to state that the speech| iq think. Prof. Wharton examin SiROP D pared from|* Mude, Drawing, Paiuting, &e-, extra at the Uanited |of Mc. Edwin W. Kerr, of New Hanover! Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, her Carefully and sc ientifically f moderate rates {payment half inadvanee for Bates, withe| County ; subject—“The Soath,” my, &c., and his classes exhibited thor- the best Rio Negrr Sarsapar -». |teru of four months, ending Deo. 23. For “id the rebel.|aeywosthetic eord in the heatta of the| ough acquaintance with thove ar. THIS PREPARATION of Sarvaparilla /voruy of for mont eee ~ ao will ora oe and called. forth ‘vociferous ap-} an proved him to be a well quali when properly made. frou fresh and — . B. Be ROCKWELL. ‘ jac. It really did us good to the iv: | x teacher. matefials. has secomplished wore bo Nie) Seatestilie, July Odum P to entourage dis- a. aoa ol the same, that any al: rof, Rockwell exami the Senior |) nds of the judicious Physician than any raity ne a ” hilosophy,| other. . i : ith but glorious “South,” t0| Gjaes in Moral and Mental Phi ot wi French Ph Unive of N. Ca Bae ee ree eee Tot or the iametal Stonewall lana etheess of Otristianltyt it’ theoe | | To the hands of dieting aya coecberesh THK Yate Seana sek: wal soar Gnthoon wae cheered te the eabe. 2 radian the 70006 Theslogion! oooh of thelr time and talents to the — ie wilt the ore im | chere ife in the ol d yet. we r to mor ca! CL tof 10 - 80 t ; i Saekich thon re ee i. ” rotted people of Statesville taigprieiniey, aud re fe Se inst a in a. Noreat I tae tod ee and tfal governm 2 ? r joys and sor- oy great advantages from having suc troducing it, it has gecomplished many re) | 1". aree of University Leotures, s deprived of its power, Jost Siypecer st — o ladden m Ct where their daughters ean be so trate telco , a opened. Entire ¢ Be. incloding boegl. 0 eetes tr rer wYPrr MEU Tsich as asacmble ar Pact ae fmt se ~ oe lL. « «reat deal 2 ote selishle article | BOs R100) All the benefi as of the [nStitu- mies of the United States, whether a Per-} meat) still cherish the memory of our dead bel srsoengg- Ble s ap, dom aeiiss AIH name pie, Se. oabekime en aes Ba os Dartaey ing Sis aot ts | ag ey fre et wee Dre Soe eae eat el te D .Sppaee, both emale and Male le. uly 9— tixbory, N. C. to breathe —“it_ did good lik : medicine.” Esto Popaer Sil Srecraton. TESTIMONIALS SHOWING THE HEGE Ss SCHOOL, YADKIN COLLEGE, N. c. ee It is enid th . . : manding in Micslesign!, intente ikat che} Sil’s Infallible Vermifuge. whites and blacks at the approsching| A farmer living a few miles off, having election shall vote at seperate jolla, to be | Shildren trowbled with Worms, purchased a two miles apart at each precinct, if neces- hn hae - ane ae ~ aie sary, to majateie pepee. Worms fa-such quantity, that he even ‘ be- On Thursday, commencement day, the degree of A. B. was conferred apon twelve young gentlemen, all of whose speeches were of a high order and the ee of A, M., was conferred upon several Alumui among whom I now remember were Aug. Leazer, of Rowan, and Theodore Barke, of Statesville, riz of the aates (bein A monamentto the memory of came alarmed, and immediately come to one half} took firet ee yaar ve The Houston, to cost five Paar tif Sos town, t know whether it would be necwnaa valedictory addresses were delivered by | to be erected over his grave, an eo > Aten: ee renee a your y townsman, John W, Davis, ete who with bis brother Wm. H. Davis, re- Mected credit npon old Rowan. Finally in the way of exercises, on commencement night came the annual celebration of “The Ugly Club.” This was looked for, with much interest and the very large ball was ‘still full to overflowing to witness the ex- ereises. A farce or comedy is asnally a thing to send home, oak % ee in & hamor themselves aud the VALUE OF Two weeks,ags we alluded to the elec tions to come off in this State ou the first Tharsday in August. As we fear the people are not sufficiently aroused to‘ the importance of these elections, we again refer to this subject, in order to give some information that may aid the people of of she State in deciding on their course of attion. The officers to be elected are, two Jus- tices Clerk, and» @ Constable for each} Township. As these are to lave the im- © anediate jatisdiction in the policing of the “Township, and will form ibunal for settling the local dificalties within the ‘Township, it behooves the people to make Schools and Colleges Sasbeal b = " may ere. Students, male or female, may enter at any pene Sach as wish and board aS rent reoms thempelves. ss Addresa, REV. G. W. HEGB, A. w. July 9, 1869. W—4w Mstabliesheda 1855. LEPAGE BROS. &Co., GENERAL Commission Meuchants the price. and Tho reference’ made by Mr. Yeates ta the law aathorizing an inquiry ia tegard to contracts pa. orimpliedly i " allowing a jury to fis the valac thereof, has no application to our case, for it turns not on the value, bat on the validity of the obligation sued a isthe second place, Mr. Yeates took the that the bond was void as} t the policy of the law, in this, by MARRIED ; On the evening of the 22d alt., at the} tle, and residence of the bride's father, by Rev, J. | latge numbers of the 8. Kennedy, Mr. Thomas Cathey, of Haywood, to Miss Rachel Fe ee the eldren child Henderson county. On the 16th alt., at the residence nf | tation Mr, Zenas Fearing, in Pasqtiotank conn: on. Charles by Rev. G. W. Nolly, publ icy or of good morals, apon which it “atl tons to enfores this contract and ‘allow the de- Pachens £9 santay. Me payment of ao just t. Woodfin #8 Slader- Phil. 200, is in t, trae the qugstion was not made, that proves it bad not eotered into the jadicions selections of men to fill these veal, and this, we think, ought to be done withous regard, specially, to party affiliations. We give below, 20 much of the act of the General Assembly as relates to these officers and daties, from which it will be seen, as we have stated, that these elec- tions demand the thought and attention of the people of the State. See. 11. The Board of Trustees shall have power to parchase and to hold for the the use of the Township, such real estate as they may deem necessary, not to rxceed one acre, and to erect, thereon a Township bouse, which shall be as near central in loeation us may be, and for the purpose of baying property and erecting euch building, they are anthorized if they deem it expedient to lay and collect a tax npon all the property in the Township, with the approval of a majority of the qnalified voters of the Township, to be held for thet purpose under the direction of such Trustees shall have’ aathority, withia theie respective Townships, to lay | out, alter, repair, or discontinue high ways; to establish and settle ferries; to build and keep ap bridges, subject to'anb- division eleven, section eight, of the be- fore recited acts coneeining the govern- ment of counties; to lay off or discontin- ue cartways; tr appoint overseers of highways; to allow and contraet for the building of toll bridges, and to license the erection of gates across highways.— ‘this anthortty shall be exergised ander the rules, regulations and and penalties in all respeets, preseribed and iinposed in chapter one hundred and one of the Re- vised Code, upon the Jnétices of the late County Courts. ‘The Clerk of the Board ehall perform the duties therein ehjoined upon the Clerk of the late County Courts ; aid the Township Constable shall perform the duties imposed in said chapter on the Sheriff, of the President . of January Ist, 1863, all slaves are set free from and after that date. So, at the time of the sale, the person sold was nota slave but « free man. Admitting the premises, we do nat see bow the ¢onelnsion follows. Say, ac ecording to the view of President Lia- colt, the person sold was a free man at the time of the sale, how could it obstrnet his policy, that the sur title to the n a8 4 slave was afterwards changed A to B. Certaily it could make no difference in legal effect, whether the in- dividaal wae held asa slave by the one or the other, provided ander the existing state of things, the individual was to be held as a alave in the same locality. Bat we do not admit the premises, to to wit: that by foree of the proclamation of the President, all slaves are set free from and after January Ist, 1863 By the act of Congress of July, 1862. »The slaves of persons who shall hereafter give aid to the rebellion, takin refuge within the lines‘ of the army,” an “all slaves + from such persons, or deserted by them, and coming under the control of the governtnent of the United an and “‘all slaves ie. ‘ound or being within any place, ocoupi by rebel fees, and afterwards tos by the forces of the United States, shall be deemed captives of war, and shull be forever free of their servitude, and not again held as slaves. ’ This act of the Jegisiative branéh of the government of the United States is, by ite terins, confined to slaves personally, applies only to such individuls as may come ander the control of the govern- ment. -It recognizes. the existence of slavery, and cannot in any point of view, have the effect of abolishing and making | unlawful the institution of slavery in the | States where the institation then existed and was recognized by law. ; The proclamation of the President is simply a measure of the executive branch | 16. The Township Board of See. | Trosteea hall asseps the taxable proper- and to what Joealities the act of 1862 | freighte, = of the government, enlled for in order to announée what States were in rebellion, | = ong oe —_ — that the act a slave or ing aslave in Tech Masons outside of the lines of the U. 8. army, was againet pablie policy, Or against good morals. The ides, that the subsequent action of Congress and the ordinance of. our Convention, can have thé effect by rela- ion or by post limini to eri the op- eration of the act of 1688 ood of the proclamation so as to give to there meas- ares the effect of aboliching slavery, and making the institution unlawful at the ate of this transaction, and conseqaently making the act of the parties wicked and against good morals, has, in our opinion, nothing sound to rest on either in law, ethics or good sense. “Coming events cast their shadows before them,” but “events accomplished” do not cast ashade behiad, so as to make unlawful that which at the time it was done, was not against law. This would violate the immatable principle of justice adopted in our Con- stitution, by which ex post Sacto laws are farbidden.' There is no error. —_— -—-__-——- Enrope was fermenting fintly at last counts. The Pope was allocating, the Amsterdam printers were striking, the French-editors were going to prison by the cartload, the Bourbon family were tarning republicans, the Irish were hold- ing Ser ae meetings, and an earth- quake was.shaking up Bologne.. ‘The empire is not peace. A gentleman 4s reported to have ar- rived reeently in Boston from Madrid, who brings special messages from Ser- rano, the and Prim, the Minister of War, to President Grant, announcitig that the new government intends to adopt a policy for Oaba, that will prove to be satisfactory to the people of that island and of the United States, The Charleston Democrat says “it is curious that so mach cotton is now ship- ped overland to New York instead of by water.” Notat all. The difference in time compensates for the difference in wo! generally. Aboat the merits of these exercises, theré seemed to be (for once) some diversity of opinion, especially with the Ladies, some of whom of ack- nowledged jadgment and taste, maintain- ed that some of the performances were un dignified, anbecoming, &ec., while the majority of gentlemen enjoyed it Rieko confess we did—as was man- ifested by vociferous applaase, ‘The la- dies may have been eorrect in their eriti- cisms, probably they were, they seldom err in matters of taste, thongh we didn’t exact] f feel willing fio adgiit their imfallibitity in sach matters —we remem- ber an ihstance in our own personal histo. ry, where we could not see the correet- | ness of a young ladies conclusions—at any | rate not with our “apectacles.” | For our part we have always held the opinion that a little fan, or a good deal of | it if you please, didn’t hurt people gener- | ally or shorten theit days —we entertain- ed the opposite opinion in fact. We rath- er think this comodity is becoming a little scarce in the Sonthern market of late years and think its production should be encouraged and promoted by free trade laws—and not driven out of market by a high tariff. We are a believer in Josh Billings and think him a benefactor, as much so as he who ‘makes two blades of grass grow where only one grew before.” We learned that the Trustees of the college after giving three months notice will elect one or probably two more pro- fessors. There is a tide nearat hind for this college which if the trustees are wise they will take at the flood. The college is evidently going up—I don’t mean “a spout”—though =e Hill certainly bas, and it may be well to profit by ob- taining more of its professors, The college has already hade an acquisition by secur. ing Prof. Phillips. Might it not be wise to secure others . Prof. Martin late of the University is spoken of I learn as a suitable man for a professorship. We happen to know Prof. Martin and doubt if a better selee- tion could be made, | There is one peculiarity about the vil- ; and glory. , ©. Ge Greene, Esq , al) of Elizabeth City. ay morning, 17th of June, 186 , the residence of Peter R. Da im Warren county, by the v. M,M. Marshal, Maj. Samuel W. ith to Miss Sallie D. Eaton both of ip, Arkansas. DIED: In this County, Jane 9th. aged 33 years, MRS. MARY JANE, wife of tar. Joseph-F. Owens. and oldest danghter of Mr. Thomas 8. Chambers. Filling her part well in all the walks of life, le in demeanor, she endeared herself to all who knew her, and, as a christian, set abad example. She has left not only many friends to mourn theigedoss, bat one who kcows it not, aw innoeent babe, best repre- sentative of a pions mother, “For of sach is the kingdom of God.” Com. Diep at her residence in Rowan, on the Gist of June, MRS. SARAH J. COWAN, in the 26th year of her age. The deceased was a lady of an amiable disposition, generous enotions, and excellent character in all the relations of life as dangh- ter, wife, sister, mother, neighbor and friend. To the attractions of an elegant person periph ier 0 manners as well as accomplish- ed education, she added the brighter and en- dearing traits of the trie Christian. During her protracted and severe sickness, she ex- entire confidence in the imerits of Christ and her willingness to depart when- ever He should order her dismission. Retain- ing her reason to the last moment, she re- peated portions of hymns whieh, while a member of the choir, she sang so sweetly ; and conversed with religious friends on Chris- tian experience and prospects of heavenly rest, until her strength aud voice failed.— She died truly a happy death and doubtless, now enjoys ect happiness before the throne of God; and has resumed the songs which death interrupted only to make eter- nal anthems of praise. May the consolations of the gospel be vouchsafed to the surviving hosband and child, mother and brothers, and prepare them by grace for a never-ending reunion with their beloved one in the realms of rest Pool to Miss Lizzie ©., daughter of July 9—2 Abeays buy the® , Having had mock dape of Seeds. and having will have in store, in a few days, a large stock of the best varieties of Teralp Seed Poors $ embracing some new add choice kinds. nerally what- ever, that they may be much improved in del- icaey of flavor. productiveness, as well as in the p y of keeping ; and the cost is so insiguifieant, as scarcely to merit a thought. They will be sold, as every thing else is sold, at prices greatly below those heretofore charged here. At E. SILL’S Drug Store, July 9—% Saliebary, N. 0. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1860. Nancy N. Shaver, Plaintiff. AGAINST 8. J. Swicegood and wife Sallie D Swicegond, Wm. H. Benthall and wife Maggie BE. Ben- thall, James B. Shaver, George N. Shaver. Robert L. Shaver, Mollie O. A. Shaver and Anpie J. Shaver, Defendants. Petition for Dower. Tt appearing tothe Court that William B, Benthall and wifé Maggie E. Benthall, are non residents of this State, it is ordered that pub- lication be made in the “Old North State,” a Newspaper published in the Town of Salisbu- ry, for six succemsive weeks, notifying the said William H. Benthall and wife Maggie B. Ben- thall, to be and appear at the next term of the Saperior Conrt, to be held for tne county cf Rowan, at the Court Louse in Salisbury, on the third Monday, ia September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the peti- tion of plaintiff. otherwise jadgment pro con- fesso will be entered against them, and the caose heard ex parte as to them. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of onr said Court, at office in Salishury, the third Monday in April 1869. A. JUDSON MASOB, Com. 27 :6w:pr.fe. $10, OG. & O. COTTON FACTORS, Ovmuneres St., Workin, Va. attention paid to the sale of + COTTON and all other kinds of RY PRODUCE. Liberal advances on con ments jul —3in State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY Superior Court, Spring Term, 1869 John H. Verble, administrator, with the wl annexed of Daniel Shaver, dec’d., Plaintiff AGAINST . J. Swice wood and wife Sallie D Swicegoud, William H. Benthall and wife Magpie 2. Benthall, James B Shaver, MoillieC. A. Slia- ver, George N. Shaver, Robert L. Shaver, and Annie J. Shaver.— Defendants. Petition to make Real Estate A mets. It appearing to the Court, that William 1. Benthall and wife Maggie K Benthal), wre non- residents of this State, it is ordeted that publi- cation be made in the “Old North State,” a Hewspaper published in the town of Balisbury, @x successive weeks, notifying the said Win. pid panama ld Maggie KE. Benthall. to be and appear at the next term of the Saperi Oonrt to be held for the county of Rowta, a the Court House in Salish ery, on the third Monday in September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petiion of plaintifl, otherwise judgment Pro confesso will be entered aginst them, and the cause heard ‘i as to them. itness, A. Judson Mason, clerk 6f our said Court, at office in Salisbury, the third Monday in April, 1869. A. JUDSON MASON, C. 8. ©, 27 :6w:pr.fee$10. Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in the Old Style, Pure and Un- 0 adulterated. at the Id North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. CHARLOTTE, N.C. ALSO, Want to purchase 500 or 1000 head of Cattle, and pay the highest Cagh Prices for Corn and Rye. july 2+26:6m 8 orth \ open for visitors on Tues- un next. , ie ae Ames’ Cireus and Onte es oer: bee red, w Sal lavits ‘ i favored = ne DY | matter of eongratylation, that it embraced }' Do SEEM lies town Airzaed he pce yvtion rb |e a Seema Ren le . vot MR te ik eo Spits .2 7 y , “> gion on the first Thursday in Aer oe ¢ tee ~ as vie neat? “The Sitiog as grgenined by calling , peArD rrwats | 2 god deal Stee Ta shes aren ss ‘Bbave Fe to ova aan ea elena — 2¢ depest of the show Col: Ames has 9 retary, Maj. Me Robbins explained the Oa ae MBIATYE Lees >, stars profession. —Turnip Seed | "6? : nf Rol ursisiah pee of them | yieet of the meeting in bricfiand appro- sD tH WALINGS, [ves a Py in their “i e., of ee Coe e, and then introduced the} GROCERIES, “HARD WARE, + ances of thé entire «troupe are wor th y resident of the Road, Col. Townsend. BOLE & UPPER LEATHER, - special notice: Mile neared €rY |. Gol. ‘Townsend spoke for about an hour 80 ea met A Nee P . Bill graceful may, rer 7 . os ti with so much ability that he carried con- Cosa, OR {spay Recon —Dr. f trienne feats, -evolation vietion to the mind of every one t; Walnut Stain, Ker and barra ' » Hegey “thety | aoa with aah persuasiveness aud nae: “Machine Oils Ce seal dk ie ee ‘ ‘ “| sy as to enlist in bis favor the affeet be found in Westera North Carolina. Spe- ee ones Se ee : f an a sympathy of his audience. Nothing pet ee is called toonr stock of 6 J PI ae ay ea Slee plas by ber wonderful aus. the deo] BNC eeae vasa, band we gwe{ BOOTS AND. SHOES, | : [ees aoe good, ot, al. A. J. Mason, C. 8:0. —°"> aie Happy we the one the substance of his speech from memory, | Ladies Sewed ont Skip Bhoes ees henPe e Pave 8 UGA, co FFEE, : TEA, % University of N. O. Solomon Pool. : thern : wn, eee es w | He first gave-a history of the circum- eR gaan tng ck 90 | ain ae | Band PE bot nae e $9 F. Rock the entertainments, by. his Wn Dot hie are. [2tances.quder which a charter for a Rail-} _» | Pemp-sole hoo 31 Bag sel 4 “a nl a : rhe tag MOLASSES, "he a Concord Female College—B. F, Rock- S yet — das but not least of die are. | oud to the Coalfields from Cheraw had | Xeunaans Sse mB at es en geal. ih ip nee clement ond Fo thes accordingly, ad fo Saf gs. 7 eee ‘ormers we § \ ic , ‘ ’ who will | ‘ Ch aad oe well. ; n a been obtained—that after the location of te. Fe. rn rants boc tp Weghitalewipvdial pe aso : 4 ; Ps the busin aati: CONFECTIONERIES,: 3 ; 7 Davidson Spr =Mrs. M, A. Haden, | Master Willie Cook, a native of Charles: ) said Roa, the Stockholders ofthe Cheraw MPLEMENTS Having seoured the “sertices of Mr. J, -N.’ ae ton, who, in the short time helias devoted) 4 Durlingtod, the North Eastern. Bail- the bese RE ate yas Carter, of Virgwia, who has had-muob exp Sales—John S. Hesiderson, assignee of to horsemanship, has made sach eT roada, and the Chamber of Commerce of |} 7p Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, rience and stands high o0-9 Hotel keeper, visi- 3M 9, Clerk of Columns o Queeiisware,.- Oe hee :| LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, J, M. Jones, Michael | Miller, Alex. Gra-| ihat he bids fair at no distant Onarie oneth or i be soe lakh rene that my. table’ will -be as 7 : é ty Geka Simayl ston thonght said-R wou Turbine Water Wheels rod with ths tek thas ineoboan bait gel sig FP hg ham and O. G. Foard come the rival of the renown Y | little value fur-freight, and that it was all-| p:, Engine Deep Well. and Force on cotnibiha Joo eas wit ree Rh 7 OB ACCO Court Order=J!'H. Verble, adm’r,, ve Robineon, in feats of daring horsemanship, |; int to get.a Charter from Cheraw Swicegood,"et al—JM. J. Mason, 0. 8 Cc. Iu a word, Colonel Anes has a fine Gir- to Balisbury, and that in accordance with a. {Pamps. | pleasure and comfort ich Burrs and Corn Mills, ote alba eee I in the m “nd Suen; wal ey camepatic us, (& Havana Cigars. sus and Menagerie, and we feel sure he} iis view he Jad in getti tae * : will reap a rich pecuniary harvest in his * : re = ee ee Threshers and Cleaners on . M : ee ; a IRG IONS. : " | ter from the legislatures of North and South} : the Springs’ depot, every morning, (Suadays That old, long-knpwn and well tried remed eee Cre unt Th ee ete. Ci iT iefied that the Road could Gider and Wine Mie vo Wap Bail’ Bogs mroidiog aan Way at for gil Bilious diseases, caused by a ” | Th fine, he has with grew ree The news frem Virgivia is glorious. e Ww . . Ol, 'T’ waa satie atthe Road cou . , lected his Stock to meet KRY e eanvot close without commending ‘ d Condenser, | Sslisbury,and arrive at Hic Bestion’ § DISEASED LIVER, C fa 5 geet Ras wate reaky fol. whe yrete Sie Os ee a —_—° lime tot ornokcleat, Sinkgtoatoes will bein TO, ALI BMIGRANTS,—You are about to make WANT. Walker ticket has been elected by 40,000, | 1. the favorable attention of our brethren p fag red both. avorable attention oF 0 “" {ties and Iron for $500,000 —and that} Grain Dril ony hs Nonna ey edie pore an ON ies The: of the Preas, the two Busiuess Mauager*| wien graded a mortgage could be given q Sulky Blows, vallsbatied ater Soke Bp Seng - ao you or they have not been accustomed to; youwill,| Call and examine—it will not cost nd Cleaners, one é Legi . The effec y = e ; eee ee ks heen eet rion reraced oe een eee ce merase ox les Bong be oxone yale aes sul | you anything to do thaty--but Don’? ‘ly be good. It will strengthen the ‘lh r. Z. Murse, both of whom we in rnoning order. He showed that first Cirenlar Saws, | .As-an inducement for families and partias to | icines a8 are adapted to the'diseases of that climate; | Ask Jor Credit. Our Motto, isi— rily be good, . ei Paap e courteous gentlemen. mortgages on Railroads were largely |} Rubber and Leather Belting, spend.two inonths or more, I bave concluded —S fad the eomvet security in the use of | ate men, who are the true friends o ecg sought after by eapitalieis as the saftat iu-| and many otber-things too nuincrous to men- | 10 put board down at the foliowing low rates: m Pannen 3 mr gig ge Vued sina (“LAY AS YOU GO” and of law and order, everywhere aud cause! We are under obligations to Vol. OC. 5.| vestments for their money. ‘That ‘the | tion, altof which we will sell at the Manufac- BOARD, by Express . the extremists to tremble. The ultra Radi-! Brown, of the Boyden House, for the | Road could ana would be bailt Col. 'T’. | turer's prices. rc Fot one single month,,...........+++ $50.00 igBie— For one ber. $5 conta. Des, $8.20— ee Country Produce of every desorip- cals aud the “red bot"Democrats will read compliment of a large water melion, the thought would not admit of a doubt. He} Come, or send and get a Catalogue of @Dy | Por two or more moutbs, $40.00 per The cash must cither accompany the order for the Medi-| |. ons h their dou in the announcement of this great e ’ stated that the Road was already graded thing you may waat in thts hne We guar-| . month, or at that rate, eine or wilt be seat 0. 0: D- Crsesecnvens beaddress | tion taken in exchange. ‘ victory, aud the country will breath freer. Pie Pe eats bam te ae Wo pete for ten miles. and had the bonds of the — Machinery sold by usto give. Salis- Per weet, SGcsscediecrtcss 1 teens: = 16,00 He.34, porrg Caaeeenbme, Bank Notes and Specie taken at : : ; jon. he de eine np ocpe se eebn? ake ¢ a re ae “~ bette aes mor Cheraw avd ee ee the North |“ "ws are also ageuts for Singer's New Fami- thie der sen years of ago- and fn pape tse oul ne penmeh sneeee wets Drigsiits the highest Market rates. * y ern clime, aa it 18 ea pan ual tern dg.for $320, . ly SEWING MACHINES, for which there is : . everywhere end on - The Fourth:--Te Foucth of July has have then bere. a aS With vhis althouzh bat of a now!- | jo jee Warranted todo gli kinds of work, rn _ wear, odie for infants or ee ee B, POULSON, ~ W. H. HOWERTON. come and gone, We were absent from a \ eee} nal value the Road could be graded to | and Jo give entire satisfaction, or the money y SES July 2—-26:ly Salisbury, N.C. Salisbury, May 1869. 1S0tf the city until fate in the day and there-} 4 thon Keith me at nat, | Wadesboro’, and then only sixty miles | will be refunded. 4 4. GOLDEN WYATT, = is yo ey _ 0 appalling ent occa’ ed| tr GOOD PINE LUMBER furvjshed at Seanxitxe Carawsa Sprixos, ) Proprietor. . > tore, did mot witmess the eclebration whien | 044 Va. on Friday last by which sev- re “renee to be tai me newt shia acanuaie peony cecgang | tog & 1808 | a N yw WALTER A. WOOD’S took place here. We are informed that We will be found opposite the old stand, hs " ; ; eral men were killed and several severely | would be much nearer Wilmington avd . : aP ' , PRIZE the procession. was composed of 8 Very) Vounded. The colored men who had|Cbarleston than by any other route, aud cuore ihereny* Gee RONEY & BRO. General Hardware * Drug Store respectable number of colored people and) 1:04 themselves with the Conservatives that unless our people pat their shoulders . , AND Mowers and Reapers, Sourtecn white tien. It was,asevery one} 44 were supporting Walker for Goyer- to the wheel and baild thie Road, that) FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Horse CUTLERY. + DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C! k it would ba, & . Salisbary would always regret it, Col.| p Portable Engine, for eale by = Pe SPORT POR 8 | ne gave a barbecue at Vauxball’s Island. |-p demonstrated that this read woald be ‘ee 11—-23:5m ™ MERONEY & BRO. cones Woes. = Nensref the hae invited To reach the Island a suspension bridge | good stock,.for it would carry the freight attended, so one of more to be impro-| pout fifty feet long and five foet wide bad | for the produce coming over the WN. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL vised for the occasion. The speeches, or to be croseed. None except thase bav- C. Reilroad, and by its conetructinn the the feeble attempts at speeches, were, we ing tickets were allowed to pues antil —so - are would find ped T nt ie shortest outlet to the Atlantic coast, © ' eae a, a _— dinner was ready. Consequently a crowd eaiuiacl Ged the srevioiins of the} ° \ LLY bi + t p ; 4 - celebration bad collected and were standing waiting | Charter persone | id eubecribe land to ESPECTFU announces to bis numer- AND FOREIG) UNTRIES *~ : } . pe : Base Knobs for protecting Walls ous old Friends and patrons, and all others, ’ was faila every thing) for the word to be given for them to pase the road, and e the value thereof in COMPANY era. Guaging Rods. Out Sticks, that he is now opening, in the building on 8. Among which ia except F oPPr00N8 Lover to dinner, and whea the word was in ae Sin ea he oa . : Bar Lael Tobacco Onters, Shutter Lifts.| E. Corner Main & Fisher streets, near the = , paid in ran insisted that untess Screws, de., for Glass Doors. Boyden House, au OF VIKGINIA : THE HICHEST PRIZE! that participated in it, as it deserved to}; he bstd 5 tess wae gives, the ge gave way under the| this Road was built, that Salisbury would LS be. And-no part of the programme failed | weight of buman beings upon it. be left in the back-ground by at sister BLACKSMITHS’ @° ,{ Bntirely Fresh and Carefully Selected |p... (rand Gold Medals and,Crose of Used in all countries, and universally in Salisbury, N. C. commended as THE BEST IN USE! Dr. EDWARD SILi, Awarded more first premiums than any other Machine manufactured, both in this so cothplutly ead so ridicalogly asthe) Among the killed by this accident was | towns Charlotte aod Greensboro—that | A Aes bs and Southern Institution | Bellows 26 to 40 inches. STOCK OF the Legion of Honor, “crand” ball. The sapper, being furnieh-| Oo) James R. Branch, a Copservative with the advantages of the W.N. 0. R.| lts /unds are kept in the South. — ae tm” wax ‘. : ae ed 6 ‘, B: of the Boyden ; - B., we had nothing to do but to buildthis| Zt has met with unprecedented success. orse Shoeing n Sets, , ° it a eles O § So, ane, ~ a foe ee eevee oe i, ard the inereased value of real es-| ts fortunes are established beyond any Hommers Ane Pan Th DRUGS, MEDIGINES. At Paris Exposition, 1867? wwe, bmond. member tate would alone for th fn- ; unches, ers, dies theré, or next to none, to partake of | V.1 knowo firm of Thomas Branch &| curred by Rowan ceaaly in bafdmg the omnia Nippers, , Surgical Instruments, Pertumerv, = it and join in the dance. We bear that) g. Bankers, and was universally be- road. He showed what railroads had|, The Company bes capital and assets. against {te . crew Wrenches, Combs, Brushes, dic., dic., is ’ ’ ioe fee athe ol d ld liability that will compare favorably with any Life Stock and Dies, . embracing almost every thing.pertaining to a Mi han 120 ; Uv. ! come of the self MILEE | teved and esteemed by all who knew sean dn rfl ero o pe : oo no Ingarshce Company 00 the eukiages whlch brahe | Eimery and Sand Paper. Avet clase Drag Store; whic be will sell, ab| Sore than 000 now in Use r oa ° Cw le je test of responsitn . 1 are boasting of the « : him be ccomiiy benchinad’ by the caaraaien ee are cuationaly cheneines Sy tolerted eo eset am uae at the most sstie 20,000 mannfactared and sold in 1868 : s 4, nity. . asera, : bat it is iike the ‘bo : ee 1000. of this road, and arged our citizens to act o haw t eabiitned ite alee ceatiaks eae Twier Irons, His long experience in, and thorough famil- and the demand unsupplied. keep his courage ap. Branson's Directory for » Kev. | yromptly and thus add materially to their Batteries, iarity with, the Susiness, in all its details and indeed complete and b L. Branson Compiler and Agent. own prosperity, &e., d&c. OFFICERS: Borax. departmeuts; together with bis accustomed Increasing Demand, man woman and child will i A copy of this work has been laid ap- = At tbe en of this address Col. PRESIDENT, Machinists’ Tools, ne ee veka tes Uoeaie me : the following and the Oom- ; . es I sed Facilities a radical on our table by Mr. Branson, for. which eee ’ JOHN E. EDWARDS Of all kiode ta Stuck ny be farnishea ’ sowarded bis exertions nerea aches, . is : 7 ppointed by the Board of Di- N BE. IS, all kio tuck, or w' : a eww are ander obligations to him. The} cists to obtain subscriptions for the at short notice. "“aalabar, ¥. Gidoneeey WY. > The Fret Cotton Bloom.—Mr. J. W. neat ntains aboat 2000 names of = : VICE FRESIDEXT, eRCRET ARTY, . Additioral in provements for 1868. J in Davidson Co > zs Cheraw and Salisbury Railroad in Row-| wy. B. Isaacs, D. J, Harnrsoox LS fal So” re <> Haden, of the Jerse. aia | basiness and professional men, a new map| an county, viz: John 1. Shaver, A. J. STEEL AND IRON, . Wood's Prize Mowers, (4 and 2 Horse.) ; | ft a eotton bloom at our office oo Friday | ¥¢ orth Uarolioa and a large amount of | Mock, J. W. Hall, W. H. Crawford aod MEDICAL EXAMINER, Cast Steel. “” Self Raking Reaper, with : ~ the 2nd of July inet., which is the first other ascful and valuable information. Thos. B. Long. CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. Blister Steel, “ New Mowiny Attachment we hebaihliy’ O8b.Apaneh. “On Saerday |, scar mash’ improved, and is], Sree and. Spproprinte silirenere- worn) a OM asi, comunds 2007, German Spriag avd Mow Steel, < Maed Rabe Renee, the 3d inst, another Was left our office | 1 ving of . Wen patronage Pub: then ae by Mr. Lafayette Green, of | H.C. Canert, Jno. H. CLalpoRyE Pree bs = Haines® Illinois Marvener : : - Pad-| Stanley, Mr. Dixon Ingram of Anson, ron, aoe ; by Mr.\Wm.Mwicegood, aleo of David-|ii..4 by J. A. Jones, Bookseller, Ral: | Col. W. F. Henderson, and Maj. Robbins DIRECTORS : -- Oval and Half Oval Tro, Menofsctored by the Walter A. Wood Mow: Son county, and on the 6th we were pre- cigh, N. C., Price $2.00, or $2.25 sent by Col Townsend stated that it was ne Whtem ¥. Faylor sahoeee Wate & Ragiow Gunite Tree, Sienant 5 ie ctory Hook Fall "es + F 9 She ry “Oy 4 . : yder, Hoop Iroa d } wry, a4 la, Ren sented with another by Thos. E. Brown | il cessary for Rowan to raise $1,500 at once | Same! 5. Cottrell, H. bh... vast erville, P selaer county, N. Y: of this plaée. ‘This Ye quite early for this) __y in order to put th€Engincers immediately | fares T. Wortham, = Graze Jacobs 7 talons Branch Cfion ond Sales Reome—tt Umer section of the county. The warm weather| Kosxow, the great Liver Invigorator, Blood | work. About half the amount was | Wiiliem Willa Jr., 3.W. Allison, Scrull Tire Iron, lasdt suet, New York citz, F. O. Box, S005. : Purifier, and Renotator, prepared by Dr J. J.| raised on the spot,—which shows work Fd. A Simith, George 8. Palmer, Cat aad 206 Lake Street. Chicago, Ti. for the past few weeks has wonderfully heals ead a h Thos. J. Brann, H, D. Chockley, ‘ . Alexandria, Va. improved the appearance of the cotton oh tronion, res SE et etn remely, Tt was moved and ananimonas! ly on Gown ap ere Pit a AGRICULTURAL WORKS Madison, Wie crops, and the indications now are that it =e Pua Li See = oy te ed, that copies of the minutes of ihletheet. yn hecom, Jona C. Williams Horse & Mule Shoes é ‘ 77 Upper Thames, St.. London. , a Torbid Liver, Impure Blood, Disorders|.’ . -B. Baw rite ° lor, + { will be good. of the Kidneys, or Debilivy of the Nervuus Sys {ing de furnished to the Old North Stale a. ¥. Stokes, A: P. Abel, a C oe vag hop cam non eee cae’ Oak Bhel : Send for New Descriptive Circular Ot et in ae wn! the Ezaminer for pablcatoo. |i: Mowe HR mie porn aie” | awe res a ih Ren med Pri Fist eo fee ~~ that we announce ee eases ae weak warren JOHN I. SHAVER, Chairman. jam H. Palmer, Samael M. Price. Log Chain, = wabent Granana, Baie Powers of sia Applications from the Soath, Sonth of Vir- the death of C. N. Parcer, E-+q , of thie power. aud at the same time bwilds up and im- Joun 8. Henperson, Secretary. LEWIS HANES ’ Jaek Chains, atterna, § Cane Mills in the rough ar fin | ginia, should be addreswed to the New York place, which took place at his residence | pairs tone and vigot to the whole system. _ ee _ SC. ~, Ao’. Hateh Dvor Screw Rings, Rined or Rollers separately. Particular regard | Branch Office, as above . pala ; / eee DUTCHER'S LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER!— Feb. 12—ly Lexrsotor, N. C Hitching Hooks and Rings. should be had to the best R. R. Plow and | , on Tuesday evening. Mr. Price was Ten thonsand head ef 1! 1 Death to the Living’ Long livethe Killers! Fold ee — Lap or Chain Links, Threshing Machine With Cleaver, Mart ufactured | RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. highly respected and very uefal citizrn.| iv d a Fineith, acs 8 “ha tha Sek, yee ee RIVES & PROCTOR, Box Berapers, wa on ant 98 Cae S00) SON Extra Inducements Offered | He had been in public life as an active \s i 50 000 more were " “the ay, 1; . TORICD..---ALL PERSONS who have WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Box Chisels, . J. H. THOMPSON. McC eitna Sullivan & Co. re A ente for : : : at ors ae meen loa been called upon and tailed to pay thet Coffe Pot and Iron Stands, Brass, Porcelain May 28, 1869—3m.— . Res fe aoe . Justice of the Peace, both in this coanty.| estimated that 70,000 head of cattle will] pOSTAGE are inlormed that if they do not D R U G G I Ss TF $s and Japanned Wardrobe Hooks, Statesville American copy 3 months and send | a ee and Cabarrus, for many years, and in the | arrive there this season. They are sent| pay at once their Boxes and Papers will be dis- DEALERS IN ’ Brass and Iron Jamb Hooks. bil. : : | april 23—16.10m di-charge of his duty gave general eatis-| along the line of the Pacific Railroad. ie os snlncat lakes no excise fr ' SAD IRONS — | “Atom 61 eR qaexcoR faction. He was about aisty years ofage,| General Banka, after consulting with a A. BEN( INL P. uM. ; . iyuel ¥ o and had been fora nawber of yeara a} Cabana, bas visited the President and} July 2, 1869. 26—21 DRUG Gate Tae toa ROSADALIS | -cooadtNRER. a day woe w pan Sieor n OFL om : ‘ | Secretary Rawlins. He thinks the Cu- 8 Steel Yard: nogrong'’s «iT. TTT bast 2a ce eset 3 member of the Presbyterian Charel. { y ; =X Xr.” teel Y ards, 090°000'F amoouy cinime.7 any bane wifl obtain an early independence, = MEDICINES, Cotton, Flour, Cheese qop'ope van eens sanet ue ———_- gp 2 \ Important Decision.—We publich thi and that the | nited States Government WILD CHERRY Fancy & Toilet Artiele ' * — and Batter Triers. Purifies the Blood. | gs viel eer S uianepetss ites yen ; , ae ne Ne will recognize them as be lligercuts before | TONIC AND ALTERANT . as : >» merchants who deal in mixed Stocks sal D iste Everywhere. | -ay opty OOe dea ceotwe: ke en on ne % woolen important desicics of om Bu- many weeks For Indigestion—Liver Complaint—Ti Paints O luis we will sell at as low rates as they can sup- — bd {SUjeD e1osKe pUL [eres er ree aaa rae + 4 . — — Tor Me z § __ ee } {ANVe 0 sid nel, preme Conrt involving the validity of} 4). id Bewsls Nervous Tova DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, >| Ply themselves in any market, North or —_— — L pt . ’ The lives of all the members of the P ’ Y, I rted & Domestic Wind Seath. Our stock & lafip, and low fe] -—7-—————" 7... 12. . 7. notes given for the parchase or hire of ne- | Chicago fire department, are insured for and Broken Down Health, mpo este Window CASH. Nol Kin tine "ytoX nays ‘hivapvosg 26 $ groes after the issuance of President Lin- | ¢2,000 by subscriptions by the business from whatever Coe Glass, Putty, CRAWFORD & HEILIG, omon S J ‘SuaLLV LS ay I IN AQ coln’s Emancipation Proclematioa the Let) men of that city. THIS elegant and truly valuable Medicine, SPICES, Sauiszury, N. C., , ots , _——" — * of January 1863. It will be seen that Accounts reecived at Charleston, South | has from time to time, been in extensive use, RC, aC, April 16,—15:3m. B stp j AHL AO the Gourt takes the ground that President | Carolina, from all quarters represent the ao a“ eens years. It = been : i ‘ . - ’ : both land d island, | old, aud 1s well known in many of the South- JOS. NORAH, FEWRY HORAH. p y Lincoln's proclamation could not and did Sinan penile oon inland ern cities and towns, viz; Charleston, Serax JO1908 9 ouevin 8 $ V not abolish the institution of slavery, and vuk . so Keath we nah, ie ates: oe Columbia, J. & H. HORAH. Bt . G 3311 1GV.LiNO3 SUL ‘ lished til it avkee enterprise is limitless, e| &c., and is highly valued, by the multitudes of : that it wes never legally abolish en i 4 now learn thas an Ae@erioan company has | people whovbare vas it (Many maths aa Would respectfall call the attention of Mer WATCH MAKERS UPHO STERER was abolished by the State Convention in | contracted with tbe Costa Ricau Govern-|2od surrounding country, have enjoyed its el eS i. their AND D a. CARRAWAY 5 . B ’ =f ¢ “| extensive stock and superior inducements. 1865. It was practically abolished by | eae to construct a railroad across the benefits, and will no doubt, well reme.nber it. 107 Syeuners, St, Petersburg. — . . $ A great number of the strongest, and most nn- the military oceupation of the Biate by | country from the Atjantic to the Pacific. qualified certifiestes of its value, bees been JEWELE s WATTRASS WAKER ¢ ominission Merchant, e —AND— Gen. Sherman in April 1865, but not le-| Myre, Mary Somerville, of England, | voluntarily tendered the proprietor, many of a gally. Therefore notes given for the pur | though 90 yetrs old, still engages in eci- | them from persons of highest respectabilityand| To Farmers and Planters. | °; ae tieeot soted ts ae a os . and adc rgely toit, we are N. F. RIVES. M. D. W.H. PROCTOR. apr2z3---] 6:6m chase or hire of slaves after the issuance entific researches, and bas thie year been intelligence, : : In Buis’ Building opposite the : ; . : ; The Medicine is pleasant to take, J a now prepared to furnish anything usually kept ’ 18} f Provident Liveoln’s proclamation, and (awarded the Vietoria medal by ihe Lon- | 0115 tree from the possibility of harm, under | RHOGES’ Tobacco Manure, |ias Gre-class Jewelry Store. | We may te Market House, ~ Dealer n Groceries ‘don Geographical Society. si tances iti f health <-in- found in Cowan's Brick Row, next door to F. , > . . before the surrender of Gen, Jobnson, Oe es re a — H. Sprague’s Office. All kinds of repairing L preparcd to do every thing in his line at short PROVISIONS. HARDWARE. ' ¢ » ’ in his line at sho i | There is a class of fossi ;, | deed it is perfectly safe, even fur an icf I The , professionals in | ‘ 8 pe y safe, even furan icfant. It ’ . ° are valid and collectable by law. The is especially adapted to the present season, Rhodes Super-Phosphates + | done at short notice and satisfaction guaran- | notice and on the mort reasonable terns. Al! kinds Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wis a ss |New Y rho live by kidna bil- e " reasons for this opinion seems to becon- | 4 oe mai cites «the ead hc . when the approaching warm weather occasions | py teed. We return thanks to a generous pablic | of furniture renovated and repaired and made to ale ren, av g Wing | soob a degree of lassitnde, and debility, partic- I | ; . for past favors, and hope by strict attention to | look as well asnew. Special attention given to the dow Shades, &¢., &e, clusive, _ them. ularly in weakly and prostrated systems, as | 7, ae een MANURES for Cotton, | business to merit a continuance of the same. | making and repairing of > m . . ; : : + ) . eat Corn. : ’ " reas See yo — The Emperor of Russia bos sent a} A building to cost $75,000 to $100,000 often to become a!most insupportable. These long established manures used and ap-| y Ene tt pevuee - Watches and| SOFAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, I ROMPT attention given to orders, and te rmall field piece to President Grant, on | ig to be erected by the New York Sea- Price $1.00 per bottle. Prepared and sold | proved by the most snocessfal planters. ie 7 ad ae - as ‘ =e ss CHAIRS, &e., &c. the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Siores, 1 only B. M. RHOPES & Co., * pa ques call and get Give him o call, examine his work, end you will | co, Dried Frait, &e , on Comission. ea es the names of his va- j men's areca ay for the benefit of sail- At E. SIT.LS, Deng Store, 82 South St., Baltimore, Ma. | them or they will be sold for repairs. gs eves pond. COURT HOUSE BUILDING ors arriving at that port, april 9—14¢f Salisbury, N.C. | For sale by dealers. june %—25:2m| Jan. 29, 1869. 4—6m. |” Salicbury, April 9th, 1869. 143m, apr O—l4ly NRWUERN. NC am Hie ety oa, qc heni ang The OWN h caL15 SRO Trae COLUMN, : "Giatel Molubvinn Ballvan & Gos, POBTICAT:, : “WRITTEN AT MY MOTHER'S GRAYS, ee eT ae e Veh ' ak + Pet ; Jn o * on ne a BY GEORGE D. PRENTICE, The trembling dew-drops fall x ¥ Upon the shattered, flowers like’ souls at rest ; The stars shine gloriously, gud’ al), Save me, is blest. Mother, Tlove thy‘grave{ The violet, with its blossoms blue Waves o'er thy head—when shi Above thy child? ‘Tis a bright bower, yet must Its bright leaves to the tempest bow; " Dear mother, ”’tis thine efnblem—dust, } ain ‘Dust ison thy brow! ~ uss . ae And I could love to die, an? To leave uutasted'life’s dark, bitter streams, - By thee, as erst, in childhood, lie. And share thy dreams. mild, ave ee a oe Salisbury, N: eo And must I linger here, : 49. stain the plumage of my sipless years, And mourn tae hopes of childhood. dear, With bitter tears? Cheaper Than: Ever t —o— Aye, must I linger*bere, A lonely branch upon @ blasted tree, Whose last frail leaf, untimely*sere, Went down with thee ? Have just returned from the rs Oft from life’s withered. bower, In still communication with the past I turn, And mase on thee, the only flower dn memory’s urn. And when the evening pale CHASE of very desirable Bows like a mourner on the dim blue wave, I siray to hear the night winds wail Around thy grave. They are now enabled (o ‘offer special in Where is thy spirit flown ? I gaze above—thy look. is imaged there: 1 listen—and thy gentle tone Is on the air. ducements to the Trade, either at © Wholesale or Retail. Oh, come, while I press My brow upon thy grave—and ia those mild And thrilling tones of tenderness, Bless, bless thy child! ing of Dry Goods, = SPECIAL NOTICE. RELIEF ror tas SORELY AFFICTED It was the misfortane of the undersigned to have suffered, as few haye every eu j before, forsix long and gloomy years, from an affection of his feet aud legs, superindnced “by overwork, during thé first year of the late war. During all that time, he was compéll- ed to drag his emaciated frame about, on tions, Hats, Caps GREAT EXCITEMENT} MURPHY’S ROW, |g Os} Second Supply of 2 GOODS, !" MoCubbins; Suifiyan & Co., Eastern Markets, Where they have made a SECOND PUR- SPRING & SUMMER G00DS, |i. Their Stock is large and complete, consist- Hardware, Groceries, Clothing, No- f s 4 Se is “f Pant. Goods, “LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carria tedius te enumerate. We aré agents for the , Great Threshers —and— CLEANERS, tw We invite the r and the trade iy; to our stock, asen ae they fresh and d oO Save kberries and Fruits, which wil be to you as Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co., : LISBURY, N.@., aon 2, 1869. D Patent Medicines, Dye- ” Staffs Pa uts, Tanners? Oil, ‘Kerosene and Linseed Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and Har- 7 . i s » « + y mings; in fact, thousands of articles the Also, ety at nen ape yor henge We bay all kinds of produce.— 8A e’a Old Stand, near the Market House. 13—ly ¥ ih , ~ —AN , “ DR. LAWRENCE'S CONOENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRAOT OF A safe and eff.ctual remedy fo : gee . Torpidity of the Liver, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous e System, &c, 1 FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE down and exhausted, he {KING application of what has been long i eh) TO THE LADIES. . nowt, attempted by the Physicians. : i. y rp Ahetl aks ks aca ac eenicd 5 g | This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, ao e efforts, he was rewarded with | 8 ° 0 aaiarone . there Su rss. Tied, Ba Pap Paints & D es, | dy POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme- ement eco » } nost : ow a so, that ja mone back | 3 2 = | dy and one tha: admits of a wide range of Spou his conditiog"a year ago, he can, eved 5 nO, harily realize the truly wonderful jun- | NAILS, IRON & STEEL, 2 tees provement, }, : mm 7! Profvanilly gratefal for this extraordinary SADDLERY & SADDLEY “HARD: 6 g > ; Ae Abe blessing. ho is desiroas of belong the means o caere i z Tt is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- citerey afaiine benefits to those who| WARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, a ; = may Similarly afflieted. He therefore, ‘ ; of di to, b t . proposes Ot only to treat, but CURE. all Upper, Sele, Skirting, and \ i K tone of disrase to, perbaps, « greeter ap eit ato _ vated Pee. ; tent than any other remedy yet known euch as old and ill-conditioned Uleers- 6f the : J , Iéas ; Verioose Veins; weak and enlarged HARNESS LEATHER, ‘ Jvints, &¢. ne inatter of how long standing, Ti¥e an It ig ~~ of the areet advantages of his CASTINGS THE Cubseriber having bede appointed on agent vd tre: ort, that no restrivtiv the of : P Frapoaad 08 the palit ne regards its exet | SINGER'S CELEURATED INVALUABLE cise, &e., and ‘for the most part, little or no} DRUGS AND MEDICINES, : $ medicine is used. As MK 4 New Family Sewing Machine, : The charges shall be in accotiante with pnd all Reatteet asthe bame tb the Laaeer iss the general depression of the times ; and those of Western Carolina. really indigeut, will be treated ‘“without mon- ro This Machine challenges s comparison with any ey and without price.” Lindh of work-ivom the simple pin eam toe | UNFivalled Remedy ! ! > * ™ ol rik— Feb. 12— ae, ce 2 C most beactifnl eo tate a se goto ——- .12— , B.C. . _ invented. ith. why no . os SADDLE AND HARNESS FRINGE, | Moy the bet? Pn en why dA MISUELLANEOUS. ee va oe For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, ~~ Eee give entire satisfaction. ey fa New In Salisbury ! ‘Tae SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR. | chased the Farniture establishment of Moore | & Ciodfelter wilt coatioue the business on an | ecale, All kinds of FURNITURE nej)-t constantly oo band, such as SECRETARIES, BUREAUS, | BEDSTEADS, | Centre-Tables, Sofas, Wardrebes, | —in fact all articles uenally found in— "FIRST CLASS Furniture Store. —He also keeps constantly on hand— } Fisk's Metallic Barial Cases, Walnat, Rosewood, and other Coffins, | at prices lowet that they have heretofore been | sold in this market. | Cail at the ald stand of Moore & Clodfelter. On Main Strect, opposite the Store of | Mock & Brown. C2” Good Walnot and Poplar Lumber ta- ken in exchange for Furniture. | R. F. DAVIDSON, Salitbery, June 18th, 1869. 24—2>m | ‘PATE of Morth Carolina, a IREDELL COUNTY Suaperiot Court, Spring Term, 1869. ' It appearing to the ¢atisfaction of the Court | t' at the Civil bosiness of this Court requires o Special Te®m thereof; It ig therefore or letied | that a Special term of the Superior Court, for} the trial of Civil cavees only, be held for the| Coonty of Iredell at the Court House in States v mencing on Monday the 19th day of at which Gime and piace, all parties sarehereby notiied to be pres- WoW t r Witnese to the ead that the| Civil ur sz of snid Court may be disposed 07 as require i by Law W 3: Chirles IL. Sammers, Clerk of our aiid & t, at office in Statesville, this 1lOtb ley of Apnl, AD 1969 ©. L. SUMMERS,C.8.0. | april 36~—17td | } ftutehes. In yain he invoked the best med- a jeg! talent of the coantry} and visited the UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE most celebrated medici ings. Worn and of SMITH FOSTER & 0O'S. gave up all hope of recovery. At this stage of his case. having yo governed by hi ileal friends from e beginning. he ined to adopt a method of treatment, fe resalt of his own reflection. It.isgpough to say. that this methods not so much new, as itis, the more 1000 SACKS OF SALT. Straw Goods, |25 sus vorstses 12 HHDS. MOLASSES. 24-tf. SADDLE TREES, &e. to give satisfaction they may be re- turned after a trial of two months and the money will be refunded. Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- In short everything the people need, |all of which was bought for CASH after the SYPHILITIC, CANCEROUS, GCU- TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- I0, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF- KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be sapplied when ordered, at manu Sctorer’s | ces. gi soo desiring information will please send for specimens cf work and circulars. Great Decline Zohn A. say, Of 10 to 15 Per Cent. Salisary ay. C. Jane 18, 1869. iy Min CALL AND SEE How Cheap They Can Sell. They will be plese®d do Beteyou whether you buy or net, Salisbury, N.O., May 28,1869. 13:1y BOLING. CATH! EST ANCHOR*BRANDS BOLT. ing Cloths, all nambers, for sale by McOUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, N. U. PIANOS 40 THE COLD MEDAL Has just been awarded to CHAS, M. STIEFF, Por the best Piano now made. over Baltimore, Phil- adelphia, and New York Pianos. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: No. 9, North Liberly Street, near Balti- *-="more Street, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF’S PIANOS have all the Iatest improve. menta, including the Agroffe Treble, Ivory Fronts, and the improved French Action, fully warranted for five years, With privilege of exchange within twelve months ff nat entirely satisfactory to purecha- ers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwayson hand. from $50 to $300. References, who have our Pianos in use: Gen. R. E. Les, Lexington, Va, Gen. D. H. Hill, Chariotte. N.C. Geo. Robert Ransom, Wilmington. N.C. Gov. John Letche , Lexington, Va. Messrs. R. Barwell & Son, Charlotte, N.C. James H, Greenies, Méreanton. N.C. J. H. Smith & G. Ws Melton, Chester, 8. C. 3 Brown & Bernhardt are agonts for the sale of the above celebrated Pianos. Pianos sold at Factory prices, i Great Labor Saving MACHINE, WOOD'S CELEBBATED REAPER and Mower -eombinedy Also, WOOD’S Mower detached on hand, and i i‘rench Burr Mill Stones BEST FRENCH BURR Mill Stones, For eale by june ely Ralcigh National Bank of N Carolina. THE DIRECTORS have resolved to increase the known phyetent and chemist, PRICE, FECTIONS, in fact, every form of Chronic Disease it may be advantageous. ly used. This preparation has been submitted to, thoroughly tested, and approved by some J baeetie ivan eminent members of the Med. | Preys ical Faculty. 4 Prepared by an experienced and well P y I €1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONLY BY J.J, LAWRENCE, M. D., ORGANIO CHEMIST. Capital Stock of this BANK to FIVE HUNDRED THOUSA ND DOLLARS. § Porsons wishing tosnb- scribe to the same will please pmmunicate with Cc DEWRY, March 5—6m. President. McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, N. ©. Balisbury, April 2, 1869. 13—1y | No. 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virgiria. INOVATOR. KOSKOO, Impurities of the Blood, 7 ($8,777,12. es OFFICE, MAIN July 2, 1869. al heat INCOME FROM INTEREST ee. * ‘ eee INCOME FROM RENTSt TOTAL INCOME FOR THE YEAR, 1808. $8,746,209,59, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1868: $978.577.00. LOSSES PAID IN 1868; $1.221.335,00. Policies:issued in 1868, 11,900. . TOTAL DIVIDENDS TO POLICY HOLDERS : $6.875,719.00., Number of Policies in Force, TOTAL LOSSES PAID TO ely ee a oa, "200,00 AVERAGE DIVIDENDS OVER 50° PER. CENT. Total Amount at Risk, $174,196,162,00. Complete adjustment of dividends and outstanding notes is made on the settlement of every policy, in such a manner that the num- ber of dividends will always equal the number of outstanding notes. 8. D. WAIT, Gexzrat Aczyt, Raleigh, N.C. H. H. Helper, Special Agent. -- OPPOSITE MOCK & BROWN’S STORE, SALISBURY, N. C. Four Large Shows In One! Or g a n i z e d 18 6 8 . es aN \g | mat hibition now travell and fortitute. THE GRAND STREET Sa Ee For Sare sy arr Davecists. ea fore witnessed. Frigid to the Torrid Zone. to the point of rationality rROCESSION SALISBUR F¥, PH July 13th, 1839, 7 ga A COLOSSAL AGGREGATION S74 Of Olympian Sports and Nature's Wonders ng. ! Doo Crameprrs, Businest Manager The entire combination wi!l exhibit at BA LISBURY, TUESDAY, JULY 13:h, 1869, at TWO and SEVEN, Afternoon and Nigit, intro ducitga series of Entertainments pre-eminently b antifnl, novel and P ] igter@sting, effected by a score of BEAUTIFUL LA DIES, the mos faseinating accomplished anid ele A most Extensive MENAGERIE of Wild nearly every known species, and of every geographical range from the A Herd of Trained Horses, Schooled almost Miracles of equine accomplishments, Clowns Magicians and Comedians, brim'ull of rich hamor, ravishing barmony and acceptable facetia, together with all the necessary adjuncts to render it the largest, most complete and rationally interesting amuse- ment Combination before the Publir | Les COL. C. T. AMES’ NEW ORLEANS SS CINCLS. MENAGERIE The only organization of the kind extant, projected and equipped with Southern capital, managed and j directc] by Southern men, and its perambulations confined to the South- ern States, and by far the most ele,ant, attractive and satisfactory ex- COL. ©. T. AMES, Pruprietor, Carr J L Breress, Treasure: rant in the Areniec Profession A Legion of Mhaule Artists that have tut ‘ew eqnals. and no superiors in phases of daringand agility. A Duo of Lion Tamers, Male aud. Fe- thale, the personification of miraculons and incomprehensible courage Beasts, of Willeclipse in Gorgeous Display, Extent and Novel creat@es, among which will be the TURNING LIONS, BENGAL TL GERS and LEOPARDS LOOSE, anything of the kind ever be- | Value, .. ; ; by +4 . D. Schmidt, Ma, sro00 j oe 50 lst Premiam, 7 acute Puobe A , ¥ Tremaine Bros., N.-¥ 4 $650 each, ~ § » Rr} |. 5 Parlor or Chureh* 6 stops, $250 3 made b Tremaine Broa, Mt. ¥; = 1,250 f p™ wing Machines, Wiloox &, or , 00 Stk Dee es. 12 yards, @ ik Dresses, article, 12 y. 3 each, $40, ~79,000 ; 6 Velucipedes. (975, 7 450 * 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards. » # “aii, der Safes, Wild ames mander vs, Wilder's patent, in” the World, $260, ms "D860 1 Cash Prize, $1,000 gold, , 10 Cash prizes, $100 each, 200 do do 10 do 672 do do 5 do 1000do do 2 do 3000 Prizes. Value of the total amt, $146,694 Total number of pens «' . es ure Allof the above is put in the drawing at the regular cash selling prices and will bp die) posed of by a regular mode or i order to accomplish thia, the tees all os 73,34T tickets at $2 each; lor fan thee talidae® uon read section 10 aud 11 of the the pany; Lina sight Brave o ) “lad See. 10. The plan of drawing sbell be aa) rane follows: there shall be two wi | a wheel and one @ number, wheel, some publi¢ place in the city, . holding @ ticket. may be 0 drawing, Inthe comennataal As many tickets corresponding in those which have been sol: Ta wheel there shali be as many & are prizes, these tick the wheels by a boa be appointed by the wheel shall be sealed bank in the city, ul the (me n 1 shall bring the wheel the: ‘of & break the seals and the drawing sball be di posed Of by taking a tieket froay esol beet, at the sate time and the prize ticket ; from the prige wheel shall pate the drawn by the ticket corresponding i oe to the one taken from theoomber , mame tine, The wheel shall be well ehebeneg after each ticket js drawn. ad Se>. il. The Direotors shall designate the time and place ofdrawins, at whieh tine and place the su; vall be requi we b prevent aod drawing is ovndayted entirely invested with the property be may draw. A duplcate registry of the tickets sold wilt kept ; so, that, in the event of loss of, ticket, 5 the accident may be remedied and no migslgpe can occur The Drawing wifl take place in TUCKER HALL, ia the city of Raleigh, immechately ae 7 ter sale of Uickets, of which due notige will. be giten. : The company is working under the proviss * ston uf a special charter granted by the. Gen, eral Awenitly of North Carolina, which come 4 pe's the company to comply taittlally “with all con! recta. Copies can be had on application fo the gom- All the abore mentioned property w iN éeF- tainly be dispused of as above sta'e t, and thase drawing it will be invested with tive tithe na jew si o@ member of the company is allowed Ww porchmse any tickers, — mobeyssebt by mail, at the overt areas t sent by Express, ered ters, Checks or Deaths at the ae the company, No property will be listed uvless the ttle’ id indisputable. The Treasurer has been required ta give a | borid Of five thousand dollars for the tatthfy! perfurmance of his duties. He is requited to deposit, daily, in the bank, all n.umes reeeveu where it will remain until all the tckets are sold and sll the propery will be Positives drawn and delivered to the partics drawing, or the money returned. Send twa dulare by ex- press, post office order, registered leiter, os draft, at onr ni-k, or by mail at yonr own, and take a chance at the 3 000 valuable pte: of- tered. Tickets will be sent any where in the United States at the company’s risk. Leseription of Real Estate. One fine residence bni't of brick, in the best improved sty'e.in the city of Raleigh, with 8 acres of ground, andall necessary out-bulldin ys, with mauy fine ornamentals alwiut the yard. Value enue te arnes plete se @1Q000 One large and convenient hooce in the city cf Raleigh, on Newbern street, 13 large roon s, double pariors, with all neveseary oot-buikdings 1} acres of ground abd a ix sutifal ok prove, Walce ...<-50-.5.. cee eee cece eee SBK0O One large house on Newbern and Blood- worth stret ts, containing 20 rooms suitable for a boarding house, all nece ssary out-buildin, 9, with a beaytitul oak grove in the yard and® acre of Ground. Valne......... ... 88000 One beautiful large Re= dence, on Newbern street, eight rooms and Das: ment, four vat-buildings aaa table, seven acres of ground, elm grove, very desirabl: and attractive, OTe ree | One in Warrenton, N. C., known as the Alston property in perfect order, one of the best bui t humees Ip the jate, containing S larg: coms, double pisraas and porticos, cng of the most commanding afid beautitul residences tm the Place, with 8 sores of gr and. fine orehard, henutifal onk ee in the yard, ard all necessary owt-builiings. The property at Taylorsville is very ultractive, ve wsble and cheap. It isa Hotel at the cventy scatof afl uri-he ing and growing village of a thousand of w ore Ivh»bitante and situated one square from a goud and Guurishin Cols lege, n° school of beiter grade, right om the line of the At lantic & Obio Railroad. and being sitoated in the Moun tain region, the seenery is truly delightful and fascipatig Contains twenty rooms, and the bylidings aré pew, NOOO ic icseet ce cs ees care OO One in Chapel Hill, containing 4 rooms, with f-e-pla and one forty foot dining room. Also, kitchen, out how and one ond three-fourths acres of lat. d. Value ti) Persons desiring any further 1ulormatio will please address F or description, see Company publications. July 2, 1869.— 26:28 H. L LEECH, Aces: FOR C. BESTER April 23— £m lems yw én >. » : . ee sae mei ic lag tems FRR ire cas Atma i eA + pirrcareiniges ton re a AAAI AC a, MAS Ro Ratepee ald (4 bade own Sart a oka tom ney fies OT ee cae —" SS Te = ae . : © <a a y saat id» «pesca odd 6h, sea. pees q O dseiK - A), oe a a id °% x ca D _s, ; m RE Pe ; , a woh ¥ ‘ = * ; ’ 7 Oa Agog. ° oe x le Dat Shee of See ae. ~n Scat v 1 rn (iadeaiog able: er Mahenaetenen I oro bial caer | seypione wR nn wd eas : nt Ee ne ee ae Moe aah. aol mg ewan pale “h, , PRE de Maal hy AY Zeneca | OP aie wna boat it gd ap oe siete a ee cy b x ieee ‘ Pi Laake cet ot oe Rice slant we we a ee fap Ripe ahs} 5p Oe yi an reapers by eine . : he ¥ « Ps. e : ¢ SP pert he ap Tg ty vind , bilieedthds jo Moran aly iauly Sepa ! od woh He yt ww ants St meee Ov « Ca sey gy ee cee Steers belt ul D | opitan ed eters a0s gre wey i” eet g’ ; ¥ ure}. ¥ ee ath vite, 7 cet om ‘pera ¢ Mtns Sy otetd epsom ae t yt Be trite . > . ewe ok’ i eat Sel Sages ad fiw bog de : “ : ; p ¥ . wy : j ie tbc Berths ead wil tgnel be +? * a ate fate DPA. Assis i waiijiog wi ohlyggam dee 2 : am P. ks at a bb 31 <35a 6) x at * a a o ie a we lta in x «A t 5 : had * e , , : aH # mn. —— . 3 TULY 16. IMs ieee pe 2 of Met ih “INSURANOE COMPANIES” © EDOCATIONAL. DRUGS, i fy bess | The Old North State| wrentsee pees sera ow Coxe = —— spree aie OO Lae = fh @M1d ‘the physical vigorot thé Gau- | to'Write in the front Ta. Ba D s ; aa kw ves % tr faa - : ; } 5 3 , “ Be, linn A dmg nett Ds a your A.B; Patronise your own Institutions. PECTORAL BALM! |}... -THE-NATIONAL....: € fe : ) North State cnalens alt, parent: mee and coe. Tiber, wall and peseel} PASE OOOE APSE , THE Exercises of the © tieord Pein ale on ty hired hae ade es Lae af SD mein ae Olid joe.” -PUMMSHED WEEKLY BY es ere ee largely among ad,” 2 oT At 1 : College, at Statesville, will be resumed thé “A i appeueed \ iapeptanbtionndy = Life Jusurance Co'p’y BHwits =aAnyS oes Bena Cate idi mand alan this speech is ‘aid to have ota noted indel club, was ran eeae Ae Nels wasting . 815 per month." Ohronre~Bronchitio— Asthma fs the or raw Usiikd Starz oF ANpRiba: ea Eibitor and Proprictor. = eee atte have no ideas of free ri bra adel tana ae ‘oy mys» ign ger Cd having tas bills vo Tuttich 2h neented ouadiie’ $2.50, to wasting Conghs in advanced age ;— “WASHINGTON, D. 0. : ; then are as obedient as ‘pnd they | orator, and with - young | the amount of about $25,000, When he $5.00 per mopthy si) cit eck «| Bldedeng from the Lungs, he..and pours ae ee ‘enly need a directing mn Nata plan, oat, biabraced and f 7 Ba Mes sete enn tae ae, tents ign penders and Music, Drawing, Painting, &e., extra at le of doing more real service in’ coufiem- See ee re eS Tene neg pen agarey a... ‘measure, y off the work, when, wi nt declared the ete Late“ robers were said to be frequent, he was ry raat ace | apne, mn encom ua pa pall @L008 000, | open. sh |e emma wml AA a re Masa, co rca’ Ga |The darter oth nee fly erm of four mogths,. endiug . 23., For, yo Mixtur C., ex! Mey : : radia Boer, ee * VEGTOS gy» «22 2 - o ==> « Ig, ne, they delve in the’ A . f } y Cas 1 rk the night came quick! farthér particulars address f at escent ally compound of ingredients Ibis nolonger 4 question witli any men, who ee ws eae 90,00 bh ccats or labot in the folds wy bros ne thet : ‘feel: ver hitn-and » how to escape om the E.F. BOCKWELL, well kiown for their virtues ion to loves his wif i , ‘3d: Bre ant you wall | ing: | ach. L ‘ i : - 7 7 4 tenderly loves fe-and children, who con- Ra Adwertising. u the streets of -Franciseo will woe * } he knew not. Ta his Statesville, July 9.—3m * Ppapident, "the wiseates uamed ; and is the reault of long | siders how helpless would be their condition, in TT ek P. them eee vereevan. now et suddenly eepied.in the distance ae ahd extensive experience and’ patient investi- | case of his death, as to the duty of taking out a| One Square, first ingertioa $1.00 ren én theralleys or corners, : intolera: the and. i S-SCHOOL, Sin eevee ct the oxamhapeneey sini SF LARR eT AO Ree each additional insertion, ss... SO. qneensware, tin ware,s é. May: it} he ane tice une . - ey Stk t .» »| gethe: an i know wemedial 4 a re . , : “9990? 0, : "4 YA hd E, N.. €. |. in‘their xen and. therapeutic | , 2! heretlects' a inoment he will odnelude to Spedigl notices will be charged 50 per cent |} as te for the: Jews, the door was b REV. G. W. M cfeot ou the homan system. ; ~ | Patroniae the Co: y which shows. the great- | higher than the above rates. sore e. 5, satehels_ for, the who said that her y aM SY Pa : Tt is quite unlike the numberless Expector'- aatlogrer ty) ¥, Which extends its busi-| . Court and Justice’s Orders willbe publish- ja yea he I solo.) ou shoes for five but would. return, The ‘HE SESSION of 1869 august Oth, | S018, Péotorals &0., so tecklesety and~ persist: | Gornpany” area, which ts & Home | ed at the same rates with other advertise- above the cost of the leather, and ’ Opens Augue’ = eat woth " inpanyin every locality; which furnishes in- oa do it in ‘a “workmanlike nner. Gi oe bis and entere:| Hl the BRaekae MARIS, Preparaingy aro the fact athe rotor: ee ee ee Imates no pol P iarp onions ix Mines, ‘charged | (hem the tobacco and’ cml mab you aS eaeccen be , omg ig > 40h unable 7 > g ° : Schools uh@ubiyges may be puted DRS tak Fe Sor it, boeted vith Owe of ee et tt ivtionns charged | a hundred-cigars for ten'tents: ‘Tin and imagined: than Here bh _ Students; male or fen ay enter at any | Morpiiine, ir order to Yult the~ poor sufferer | ™ ; bind which is undoubtedly athe to meet | "To ‘ow whabt aa : , ware they -will make tor you-~ac- Casi large-suui of money aid per time, and pay by. the afonth, of for: steby time | with its elusive influences, “Many & valia-)'St! itspromises. fee th, iphing’ to advert fot seg, to direetions gt a few cente above a honse. of one of robbers oo ok — —— ble Jifechas-been sacrificed and'expectorated in- vie these atone =—_ — he looks over ee ait od ae the most Tiberal | spehcest.of the material ; and if you want dom of the for to the country Board $9 to + “ ton = ee contrary, it-is Rating aden aby Oe nee a man killed they-will-do that-at acest of petiti th 3 man of the hours ®Such as wish may tent rooms ‘and board hich of i rae xeessive expectoration, | (ompanies, he Gude his minid vo fuddled aire CONTRACT RATES, of’ few dollars! Conscience they have at Tine: . on a deer ekio shirt, » themselves. A . fe rocedioaly exhaustive,. and | is at a loés where to go or what todo. He cap * ob , ‘none; morals they know uot; fut life rv f>s cap, seemed and in no J OO eRe eoothe the teak, § odes’ trhsted ergata mabtenlavuan sowedeastutaatior phe cide ' 2{ 2; FS beyond the grave they disbelieve, ‘an es would — as wea i =F | - Of she sewers! ingredieats which com wii yt principle spn wick Lily 0 s| § | = | © | death tae wo toeroré for them, Pet tsoation! partie. rie ees good. He felt for his piatols in University, of M. Carolina. | wis relink sa ibers in no ons which in| suencs i Dowd. ea comprensnd os ezplein| srace. | 2°] F | = | 1B {tot sppreciate’ahe sckounpatac will | hundred years.”"‘Tho- wold in vortaiay| ready forledigat too The man asked * : FP! ESSION ‘Wdatitaiior , byt t Physicians, in myhign rie ey Yor $j} E£L: a sanctity of : ! eee , ae Yes iat day Soleame eet eae eats kine hie Seam eee —— * F & 2 | : hence they are frequently eae ee ii — : trace one prox. and continue twenty weeks; ae i mw es oom }'the National Lif oe of. the 1 : a ns 3 “SO HISTO. J } 7 as : mory and Se et ad and a he ’ on vem cn aeeie ania and Libya a3 ‘geateg af Swern and finds just what : Teele t “i {44 $5 00 8850 $TF00 oe no ordinary yi can honest, reputa- erat thntatn oe t = oon ef eral Coarse of Upigersity Legtures . cont Sabetak dat The . nares. | 4 50\ 625| 8 50/13 00! 22,09} ble workmen meet and magter these. ¥ OF : aides ar obs vs 9100. mu doe beceOd pat Sicboe. | 25, lemeaaaess bet have wad i's aly Det | bad ninapengpte Ike tat abemedy in melt ee aay 0 oe eae Ses Tt oe io, the, Wet] eK AMAR. a" Pe ree ziete tion are offered, free of cha to limited ’ ra mre whee ag Savotes th pet ae aback to ee te ants. + an Nt 00 308 0 Slob nn would es ”_ hort of ities that A meeting was bald in New Orleans on he could, Hie “afdel number of residents in the States sted. Ee GILLS Drug Beegs sy phoundicbaarsintts Seo-anb Fe ae it | #:Calutnn.”'18 00124 00' 30 00'45 00! 75.00 | an boit te tebe” 4th instant, which was well attended, him fo-comfort. His fea: Ma ae anos - | steht 93-1648 Gsisbury, Me, Po ey being Sorfetind est ye year if he-doos not | | Crluma,. | 28 00/40 00} 50 00/80 00) 130;00} 45 which eq Eastern with General vit teten av] to'perfeet :agony.. “What was to . 8 BE oy " | pay bis. Katee so n1uch | Seer ~ a laborer a above = - —— Turnip Seed the ? ee ms his nose. They will be tes purpose EdgeworthFemaleSeminary,|~ of the Crop 1869, ler ena anc aero Se Songs by th Somes cl thies reued ee te tel ae Bh dane ia bateeedemsis sro T —_— : s 3 Ay ay it lester oS S QUESTION. " | they are bluffed, they se~| eral Braxton Bragg, vice : old we HE NEXT SESSION WIDL-COM= Altoays uy the best, Seeds especially, He bat, iastead of unegertaju prom- ine care » foot-hold,. vice president; Fos, | a> and said ; mence on (be first Monday of Séptembery The P _—_— penta oie tad eel National pre The Memphis Appeal of Tuesday week, fasion aod disaater will surely resals — ae. D., sectetary: aod treasurer.— P “We stranger, if you won't go to cntice supthice of Board cod Tatton atl bat Having baa tuch etperiénee i the’ sélé Mower rite and puts'up ite paid ep Capitol of ing of the Chinese-labor their 3 we _ ente of Bist » B.| bed, I will, bas it te habit to read from $100 to $L10.\f paid im advance. Of Naples ded Waving'tns the geal ferric to v speaking . - meeting oe saats dis ieee ; ‘Teackle ‘| Chapter of the Baty. Belgians before I boarder will ferstes-bet o@e eet dade have introduced, some years ago, some of the > 3 } that wae held the next day in that city, to think of thia vuingues oe . D- orth go to bed.” ; and also a pair of sheets and pillow casex For Varieties of Turnip Seed now cultivated 2 I og, et comtrecte will be, said s . and times aioe vibes te dies What a change d'd these circulge address. J. Mut. CALDWELL, . | Rete—as sowe of big ulder friends will Do | {eats on tncir A SoMesteten | ow SS ee ome ee july 2, 1869—3m "Greonebors!, MG |A0ubt retnenber—be ndw adnounces that he iv-valls on their Agent ‘to make his application e have seen a letter from one of the | question-or the woman question. ‘They duce. Alarm was at onee removed from ITE pet bere in store, ina few days, a large stock a> eee wae and | wealthiest and most successful citizens of | are minor mattcte- which can be settled the skeptic's mind. avowing Pleasant Grove Academy, | the host rariotion of Tumip Sead known ; | fasted with the alder and Muval Companien | the pupnece at Chive taba fot an oor | Sasi” when nothing qlee in urgenst; this | himself an infidel, he now had confides <: BMiale and Female. Tae pert pag cn atk Pho Company issued its fitst polley on the the rs ect = a tabor for our cot- attention now. in ; Set _ At ma remarked, although the Ya- | Ist of August, 1868, and op to March Ist, 1889, | Con 3. ‘The writer is a man who*has — in his rude : 2 THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM | Fieties tivated here, ith shbae palicianger = ee ad eabin, and os calwly-as be did menace vn ihe Sth of Angual pext. ri 7 now cultiva re, may be — it Sr <7 = = ‘trate, kar working, obedign and frugal Wosdered eer of ere os ander aa ton, Davie Co., N.C. - rn = t wth Hie aed We Madgide of Rep ask id oes ily ad gi cated va pres under the inspiration of some graud and the old Bible. ae sin = , Davie Co., N.C. : ete. = iquitable of New York, = hed iee i : ete ad Ne BEAR, Pringipa. | " wag a E. SILLS Drog Store, The Maipal bile of bow York, in the first year | and wants of Americans, and are as use- cea a peared hee ying ay Chri and aft ae Sener ‘Neasant Grove. N.O., ¢ apg, (cou : ary, N.C. | of its existance, oly issue 470 policies, al in d ; i : ‘ wenee t ve im- . Jone 25,1300. $2530 | er 5 Seb | snide, HR {porto nec srson ete Whe 050 spoke vves sienomsble OPES Tarren ae CORN qegrey BU lems than wax iaxued by the | ply is inexbausuble.” On the subject of | ; : : the t anso- on “3 BI NGH AM SCHOOL. WILD CHERRY Naviosai is as ca mente ° ‘ the beat and — nee — of of Co abate al Doane Peary phone to be ac- GEN. go ony SALUTES - a | AY. COOK & CO., getting them here, he says: “Their servi a : t classification, THE O ¥ MEBANEVILLE, N.C. | FON AND ALTERANT, Agents tie South Staion ELS he obtained only Through thelr own (ee eee ae ssnih | perectvation, and inal publication, ‘a soa: General Joba C Es Wm. Bingham, Rbert Bingham, WAR Lyarh. | pari ; . | ! OD. raid ee A pal . Ex , . 2. & | Fon Indigestion— Liver Complaint—For General Agent tor North Carolina | comtragtore—their principa Ow th *V© | Cortes Father Manterola, one of the be determined of all the See ant yaa noon ky, [ue SRSStON or 1869-70 BEGINS | pid Bowela—Nervous Debility, Pape sapeth ae ee ae nace | oo Co irohsterty excvcied arn Syorend gubcloqnent member of ube sips t upon - left this city y moriing on tic August 6th, sil cuutivges May voi. | and Brokew Doien Health a | mabe Spanish priesthood, opposed t ositu ho years, © | Superior railreed, poeeiek w go by The evarst of dastroction. includes tlie orth- | , > | Vidievan. £93, The Richmond Whig says : tio if @ speoch of great ability ard pow- the struggle from | stage form the termius to Superior Cit French ~ Sirante beak: Kooi’ Ot oe | sii ge aa Sor" os LOL MeN *o e a 1 “The Memphis movers in the Chinese | ¢r. He considered Spain to be wht te has just emerged, de | Arriving at Wyoming, they found ee elements of Mafutal ts » |> PULLS elegant aod truly valuable Medicine, ably Cost OL AMOR SUMEWOR | egterprise seer to have gone to work in | brink ef chaos; And the: projert of the con- ey — the stage broken down, the weathor-wet Expenses, (iovluding tuition, board, fuel, | bas {rom time to time, been in exieusive ust ‘NIGHVH “V °¥ | earneet. Phey have opened negotiations wthtation was the brink of the abyss. He i, es and disagreeable, the roads bad, &e., and | » ne 7 ee + | Sandaog gaoqe of 405 juss =| pop IpuepunogL ; = Ohinese en ora anal v rl the article authorix- | stages through which it was to'| they returned to th lea or the washing, béoks and elothing,) $365. for the last twenty-five years. It has been | ese'n00's LPR tis cache de boccee 19k] 2040 orwalony with the Chinese contractors, a partie y opposed aut . hae y to this city, leaving for the Circulars @@nt Gi appliation. - Pee {aold, and adits known in 1 of the co | gpgeoa'e “*ot ett omoouy moymeay tenoey | dlarly wich ee ee rota Fran- liberty of worthip, es that | He on ee ¥ ere ree pay ay “s vivet aud rail- 7 © - Fine esn cites towns, via; Oliarleston, van 900 000'98 rTrireeititts yt ‘may GERD j , h it ‘ : . in- i cast associat sectional roads to reen act - a = For tieh, Rgrese,, Stones, Charis Cala oo aaivammotenize ans | Sividual agency brought wearly « bun-| worship,” abandoned of God sho would cha ir labors abalt bef 4 pariond Shar’ Toe ey the Ips oa coe, hy LIN AC. BE. The | 0. and is highly valued, by the multitudes of | °S) PUNY gua aundino> sum ves eon ‘ of hi tr ccly getish, and ber name would disap-| acter. Everything which relates to this and wil 5 ame ta tt + 91 que fs yeas sontnaen #y | red thousand of hie countrymen across | atterly, perish, disap , railroad to Bt. Paul. ce eae monet emategs TT de ice. ee ceaered ka ee iat OR RE VmeCr OnE Oe Pianta, _ 2,4 te ment Shp PRN BP Kees the'list of civilized nations. | cFitiea! of our national history, + Tne accursin pay of suk er “ayant my tansed ena hw | aa wis fan, wel a | cae aay owepoonsy 26 | ena eae eel ioes| sofcr Oumar an hoproupee tect | fet I fom tn sain of. ohber oc ol wg dace Whine Basse te een of rw nition w < we €7.80) A gr ber of the strongest, nost on- y | Inetant, . ' ’ caeaeeas aes ane payable | qeelited cbriibcatas rin vale, oa Sern 6 “ul Vv Ss aQaLInga | between the contracting parties, the tates | of remarkable ¢laqutnee, whieh has been} both the cowtestants—eve ing, in short, | festivities y... General. Breckin » at the end of every month. 4,| rolungarily tendered the proprietor, may, of SLL L of franeportations, the wages subsis- | ptonounced-ong of the greatest orations | which shall vindicate the tenth of b from the platform as |! ee a ee en Coane them from pessons of highest respectability and ay 40 tenge, the tenure of service, the guarantees | of modern times. Meplying to the denial | —is to be industriously eollated and ‘ saa ies forming, exchanged com clase Acaderty. F ints lligence. 4401009 BIPOUBIN SSG VY | for the fulfillment of obligations, é&e.; wilt | of the pricat, that the hal Rome had | aud all perties in every. section of the! nonplabe salatations with a few a¢quaint The Academy is located im = healthy agd-mora!| ‘The Medicine js pleasant to take, and per- ‘ ‘ led. ‘Tew the : ; ids continént, who sha‘ desire to oan ances, add then re 2 CR a Rn a | fectly. free frond the phetibility ef hare, eyder 3311 37a¥.11n03 3HL a atteoke ea wae Mie rc sche eed all | in the attainment of these ends be | orans. ‘They apie heath Sage eo “Board ea be bad in respects bie families from Tto | ay cirdamstances or conditions of health, —i0- religions persecutions. Then bis rever- | Weleomed to a share in the councils and | che band strack pp the inapiring strain of 8 dollars month toils. —Eakt, Sun. “Hail Oolumbis.” The ex Confederite = chieftain listeped a moment to the glori Tar Cost oy 4 Woman ov rae Pe- | ous aiusic; watebed the banner as its folds ziop Wasx Futty:Mape Ur —Her | spread out breeze, then revere: tly aoe —| by thei éabstitation of another will begin. June 95, 1860, —%3m is expetially alapted to ihe present season, ARLINGTON. MUTUAL What is to be the end of the great euter- — THE ence ought to condemn lively and ener- _ when the approaching warin weather occasions , prise, is bid in the inserutable mind. As | getically many pase in the hiétory of the PROFESSIONAL. peah 4 oem ser poal and army. partic- lI nS , an aid to or = the objet eee cbarch. “We did not kill the perseeuted r.. ; N Wasly in Ween ty prostrated gystem:, a0 | hii \ E join a brief article from t ew Yor M. H. PINZS a ae olten ta become almost insupport Star: oues,” said. Senor .Manterola, . ‘the civil H. ROTHROCK, ‘is 1S Perfectly sale, even fut an icfant lt | 1. to the L . pore st | : power killed them {" Mirthfot defence | | beaatifully laxariant blonde. hair ie worth | rnised hie hat from bis bead, waved it to- ATIORNEY. AT LAW. eRe RRP (TS oe ee | Welhare been very greaily interested | As if the assassin should say it was not | —if it bos wig—from 850 to $200; if it| ward the Stars end Stripes, and exe! siv- LEXINGTON, N. ©. vi © DIT TN Pine Pile COMPANY in a discussion in the California. papera | he who killed hie wietim, it was his dag- | be a awitel, from $10 to $100; if it be in | ed, “That is the old ag, afterall ; thank Be \W 2a april Q— 14:0 SalaburysN. | about the Chinese, and can readily ap*|ger! The ion, gentlemen, the in- | earls, from $10 to $50. God for it!” ‘This was tn 4 quiet corner ILL ts in the coutts of David- | ——-— ; OF V TRGIN ITA preeiate the gravity of the danger which | quisition was the dagger of the church |—|_ Her paré white brow, her dark, arched | away from the crowd, without osien'« ice ord, Alamance sad Kan- DR.. GOODIN'S | threatens not only the extreme West, bat | The trath of the" persesationé “may be tye-brows, const from 84 to $14. tion, or attracting the notice of more tha: Har largo and liqhid eyes are worth $1. | one or two observers, and he seemed |. Her white face and feck (when enant-| be uneonscious of their .— St eled) are procared at a price ranging from | Paul (Minn.) Pioneer, 18th known'by opening any page of ectles tical history ! . Senor Manterola says I have never been REY RRENCK. COMPOUND \A Virginia and Southern Institution | our whole country. from the ineursion of Tlon R. MP . C.J. of N. C., Raleigh. } , r lta ‘unds are kept in the South. | these unwashed, ploddin . consvienceless, / EG bods hada las, * GENTIAN BITTERS. It has mét with unprecedented success. | patient, bratish workers. They will Thomas Settle, es rr “ Cares Chills ‘and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion | Its fortunes are established beyond any | en labor and Jower ibe tone of in Rome. Yes I have. I have visited | $15 to $35. 4 . se “— R. P. Dick, ote us Uoljc, Sick Stomach, Bronchitis, Asthma, | contingency. | drive white workers torninous competitiog, | its rains ; | have ¢ontemplated ita three The growing rose aud virgin lily of her a - t “ — — Yanceyville, N. 0 | Neuralgia, Rhenmatiem, &c. aoa |and All our streets with blasoned vice, en- | hundred domes; I have been t at | cheeks costs anywhere, “ the various} MASONRY AND CHRISTIAN |! \ ov. John Kerr, “ " ' The Com has capital and asreis, against ite i : nd i te., $5. on A BNEVERBSAL TONIC, Tey thet obi cannes vectbty with on less some steps are taken which shall defi- | the ceremonies of the Holy week ; I have | soaps and egemesivs, etc., © . : Wane — | & spre, safe, and. Félinble prevéntative and | iunaranee Company om cm coamiaents which te re nitely stop the lepenlggesion, In the = ae the eet oe of ae on ukaeas gleaming ivories, if false, meee ee .o ion a «J. M. Cload, Dobson, N.C. | for al] Malarial diseases, and .a!!. diseases | "ue “0 megs pactness and unity of trade unions alone | Angelo w seem to launch eterval mal- 2 $200 . , et 5 TRG Dubin, wc. eure Matra me, a eaen | ance sins mio | Pap we nw any senile solution, af tbe oicine, "Tbave seen the aun penetrate | Ilr reby Tip are wor bot 38 cents, prevntc by 6 nembe of Hho | Loaly by Dr. N. A.A, Goddin and | 1 hgs-established ite-ciaim to Sout hea Hata | probless The danger is not distant, it ie | into the basilica of St. Peter's. I-have| Her teand, plamp cheeks, if plumpers, | bere, requesting the Synod to take « |» JOHN S. HENDERSON, og aver - eer barat miminent, tor ae to Mr. McDonald em in those ashes an atom of religious “~—e slling * ae re Free marmot isd RY & } | | Saccesaar to JH. Baler Le: OFRICERS: Nesbitt, who has thoroughly posted himelf | faish~}-have only encountered deceit and er ew bosom, is gotten up, if| testical, atrous, antiObristi.) «:! ATTORNEY @ COURSBLAGH At LAW, Jot re Sealer ic Patent rg PRESIDENT, vs ance, fren? & ern OR, sanpe Yes, ! lane beens ia Rome, a eee a ote oar i a — = oe a doe! mae GeO: Space enon noe roe pee ee : ye jand of these Chinese have arrived, ve seer in the “Sela Regia,” inted to ‘ im y for . | the committee to whom petition was = eo promptly ° the Cullee- ppg 1{MONTALS SHOWING THE! JOHN. .B. EDWARDS, | thay tient nee is paaiientes pow in Panett, a fresco of sag Gelicoation of the ’ ot a is worth anywhere ora wise, . ee une ion of Claims . i a A f he ti toxti ics, | Ki r * rom 0 to ly, was rwise, The committer con ns eee VALUE OF tice reestDEeT, dictrecer, *|the Chen. prodection of ie Winton |S, thee ttle Tae pope Her plamp ardi (if padded) cos’s from | fess their fnability to pronounee pon the DR. C. A. HENDERSON, Sills Infattible Vermifuge Wa. Bo Isaacs, D. J. Hawrsoox | mechanteat npr ays » hate = Si x bead seit’ ot Bot ba os ad question, ard express tawilliogness | © v* earies of life. Living on andful of rice | apotheos: great esiastica gloties “ee , 2 gncss to H AVING resumed the practice of Médicive| A fatiner living a few iniles off, having | MEDICAL EXAMINER, _ day, cles in oe oa they wate ° ae ae baa ~the assgasine of the VE on, White arm (if bare) vests from tigen nap ortagh res peace pectfully offe i on ' v purchased 4ES H. 3 Tv ~ wv. Pives, of a dollar of twa; . Battholomey. ° 5 ‘ necnity : tioners, hy abba Core hig prepares pene tA tae — ae when, to hie ec. = a ee oe a fee in a nel orate sud ’ reat is God in Shunt the thunder pre- Her Italian hands and aristoeratie they remind them that the Order whore OFFICE : The one late occupied by White | astonishment, they began to discharge H. C, UaBBLL, Jno. H. CLarporne | thus practicing a system of economy eedes him, the lightning aceompanies hin ; mga as oth. . condemuation ie sought “baa auimbered head & Henderson. Calis may be leds eths | Worms jn such quantity, that he éven be- - Which reduces their living to six or eight | the light envelopes him; earth trem-} .. Her corset( her waist) is worth | among its members some of the puresi at his office, or at Hnihiss’ Drug Store. came glanned, and immediately come ta DIRECTORS: cents a day, they will work for fifteen] bles; the monntaine fall in pleoos! But from 75 cents to $30, and noblest gwen, atateamen, Chi istian:, Salisbury, Feb 12, 1860. 6-Gr | town, to kuaw whether it.would be necessa- Gobs Suan a ST eile 6 da ‘and make money, They koow | there is Kf greater and grander tha | - Her hips are rounded at 4 juice from $1 and net afew ministers of the gospel” Dr. |. W JON — to cObtiee the medicine. Forty-six of ets & Cars HEC. Baskervitle, | nothing of luxury or the comforts or. in-| that, Not the majestic God of Sinai, bat | te $6.50. : in view of the fact every cvinmunity Ti a : SORES. ee rree ‘ones being expelled | joun ne nc one Warps Daina” ee as of life; they have bat one. rhage Calvary, nailed to a sa te lites Fae ob in Oyster of = nuutbers anant ite best eiti- : cee : : Charen F, ° ” W, : i tis ta k ae wounded, thirst ed wi se calves, 6out 88 upwards, zens and most sealous igtiay <, m+ in- TD vega cree hep | nana to nore ood copa |Wceaey MAM, | MRSIaE chaie and login tin plo hi Hp ai yee sping— | eg rete at and ancl cot | ey of he Maso id, ee ay Ff =? Burton | tle, apd adiniajatered but afew dosos; when | 1ht-,?, Maose: > San Franciseo try by ernel treatment to | “Father, forgive them, forgive my exeen- er $7 o $30, as that ee should present be aige. . b, WAODef. * the I Ww . = - ; ‘ 3 ‘ t 7 fon | sh fort ‘ or clothes, t ’ a petition t wention« Kalcigh National Bank oN ies Say expabed ta the complete relief of W Tyler” nbn’. Wiltiama, + Rete s lisi slings snpters them, for deta not pare Rap {” }-are worth $2. ; gas a Remembering that it wag raid, ‘liv s ns g the ¢ and the grost eatisfaction of the| J: poo ora William G- Taylor, | meat; it was found impossible-to starve Great ia the soligion of powst, bat greater The total hegaty ilerefore costs herself, | theie workeshall ye know thew \.1!! parents. Sofar from being ofpisive, why | jg. Morton, ~ Win.'B. Inaack, oat a people who conld adapt thempelyes | is the religion of love. Great ja the: reli- or rather soute man of the period, from| becomes a small of men Copltel beet of le Binet Fire BukoneD roche» py myer Trees Me het RE George te Dazed, “| to the employments of women, lize om gn of iesplnenbbe jastice, but greater is | abont $85 to $660-and upward, per ocea- | nownce millions of their fellow ‘i. THOUSAND DOLLARS. | Tirsons wiships tosab- |p, aeons okie ol ee oe we their wages, and when employment failed, | the religion of merey.. And I, | sion jnat for ber charms entirely | sons, devazess ab the phrine of | . seribe to the seme will pipaae oe eey “ E. SILLS Drag Store, LEWIS GC. HANES, Ao’t. © [live on animals and offal which are an|in the name of that —I, in the independent of her dry goods and loves of irre of fanity, and en: March 6 - 6m, President, | July 9—2t Salisbary, N.C. Peb: 19—1y Lexiwctox, N. C.| abomination to Caucasigns! Thongh not! name of the gospel, come here to ask you | bonnets. the ehureb.— Utica (.V. ¥.) Herc’ Che Oi Nortl Stat 108, ical NAVLUS SND QUMBOL o. } . i iy ‘he reecat eluctions in Virginia teach @ most signidcant aad important lesson to relation to tho polities of the eguutry.— Q\d party names’aud old party priaciples were alike forgotten. Old Whigwaud old Democrats, steadfast Unionists and ar- dent Secessiguists, ex-Confederate and Federal officers and Soldiers, Gonserya- t ves ayd Republicans, Northern men aud fouthern men, white men and colored men actuated by a sense of their commou danger’ united to save the State from the rapacity ofa sct of unprincipled adventurers and their ignorant dupes. They gnived upon @ platform that involved ‘uo merely ab- stract principler,—that was neither Dem- ocratie or Repablican, afd least of all Pemocrat'c. ‘Ehey supported men for olice who had never agreed with ther upon any important principle, and who had been their life-long opponents, only because they agréed with thom ppon the practical isanes presented. In vo other way could the Conservative, elements in Virginia have been united—in no other way could they haveeebieved the deliver- ance of the Siate,. If the battle had been fought under the banaerof the Demoerat- 1c party, led on by its old leaders, it would, in all probability, have been fost, notwithstsg@igg the immense stake for which they were contending. ‘That tha, people of Virgiuia acted with great wisdom under’ the’ é¢ircumstances does not, we think, admit of a doabt. ~ It is true that they abandoned the principles whick as Whigs and, Democrats had gov- coved them dariag their whole lives. But why should they have continued to fight for principles that hed become obsolete} Why shoatd they bave eontinued to strag- gic against a fate which was clearly inevi table? Thére was ao redson at all ‘sare’ that of the Stupidity of the*Preench Bour- boas, which prevented them from “leara- ing anything or forgetting anything.” A mighty revolution has takemplace and the government iw whieh we find ourselves to- day differs widely from fhat of ten yearango. (id vrineiples have ceased to bave, any practical appligation, old jaeugs hawe pasa- cd away and the Soathera people sbust of necessity adapt theniselves to the sltered condition of things... ‘Pho ‘polities ‘of the country now iatolve Hove of the political ‘ would ‘be: called th lican in ‘eontradistinetion to the Radi- cal party, aud"such may yet be ite name. # volts agai ‘ment of the servalives could easily drive them trom power if they ty with the sight agaynst the tadicaliim. of J the earty politieg! history of the State is.) Fudge aympathics yore all-with Iredell, Jahuv | cles have.dony sou, Davie, Hooper, Steele, Gaston, Hen- tie Joueses, tho Persona, the Maepus and meee a ae o Nilibnal Ne re Phe great heart of the nation eertainly ; terhiygs and govern- a radicals, gad the .Cou- egw gto gue pa C joounof , ons ally the wri ne e | Inw moat Gonta men, byt he Gada it} imposelble how to'act upon the principles which he hag chegistiod [is sympathjes bave at a with that party in this country” the Conscrvative party’at the-time of ite existence. Hoe has ever avowed himse the pattian Of" the Old “Pederal "Teaders for # life, time.— ‘was derson, and others of what party against others who were the Rudiealé of that age. ‘The. party tarivhich he” bimsclg belonged was the old “Whig party, whith | was the Conservative party of its day— Nor bas he abandoned any of the princi- ples of bis life, ag principles. Tf be could have such ¢ goveramentias he desires he would not nly .restors.’ thie Goh sftation of our fathers —glways excepting the in- stitution of slavery-——but he would eatabs lish a government much Jess Domocratie than that established by the Constitution of 1787. In ‘the State -Constitatioa he would restore the Conservative featare of protection to. property, with certain modi- fications, which was incorporated ivto it by the Convention of 1835. Im short bis theory of government is that a ballenced Republic ang_not 4 pure, representative, Democracy, bat be is altogether too prac- tical to apend the remainder of bis Jif in “kicking qgainst the pricks,” In “accept ing th situation” he necessarily. accepts of many things which are more or less to- pngaant to his ideas, his priaciples and hie feelings, bat be sees to other course Which can be taken with profit to the country. ‘Those who fow bold offices in North Carolina eboyld be dyiven from wer for the safety. aud welfare of the Beas, for the preservation of her honor and her credit, bus it cannot be done 19 long as the Conservatives parsue a course realeulated to keep the evlored vote organ- ined in a solid phalans against hem. We have been Jed to write thie article by reflecting on the Virgidia elcetions, and by reading the commuajeation of X of the > ? jesues of the past, A adoptiag politi- oF Oli pul raggor eq sucen ineagea. me $0 ott mean to en-| them ae a part cf the Conetitniion of the : tly pub- i ) dujust a our disunguished if es Fapecte T tat : sivas! ‘Toenfyreage tees high -toned position claimed by aor auqtempo- State until we can get rid of thom in o constitutional miander, if we cver cen. ‘The resalt uf the “reeens eléttions ia Virginia has certainly been anch as to leave no Demoerault party in that State. Nor hag it left any Whig party. there = Both of those pld parties baye ceased to exist iu Virginia and will probably never bo rovived to any extent. It Bis. left a large and powerful Gonservatiye. party, which, though euccessfal-in the late Gon- test, has not yet been fully organized and consolidated, and never ean be nader the baunctaof the’ Democtgey. And what has beva the rasalt in Virginia will. algo be'tha bésa}t in. Misaias}ppi and Texas, for they-will profit by and follow the ex- ampleol Virginia, There is nothing sar- prising io all this. Old partics most-nc cessarily pasé away, or be reorganized and reformed Immediately after the late presidentigh-election we expressed the apinion that the Democratic party, under its old organization aod under its old lead- ers, Was dead, and our opinion has not changed. 1t was within the power of the Democratic patty to have achieved success by making, at the proper time, the conces- tions which muet finally be made to the progressive spirit of the age. It was pro- bally within its power to have achieved suceess ia the last Presidentlal campaign by nominatirg statesmen who had not made themselves _ocions to the mass of the Northern people by their course daring the war, or by their eabsequent conduct, hai it faikd to make any euch nomina- tious. In fact, gave jn the majesty of its guicide, the New York Gonvention did nothing worthy of a great party. We repeat that old parties must be re- formed or uew ones organised,. The Ro- Wilmiagtou Journal, und! the Journal's ry, & rary would lend “itlfin giviag cufreney to snob abase and wmiseintenjegts At some fo- ture day-we propose reviewing the charges, not that Jadge Brooks oecds any vin -tication gt oor bands, fur bis reputation for inflexible integrity apd parity of 1 80 well essblished throughout the State. that authing we could sy would add to it; bat it is oor duty os o public joarnalist; whee & gov! and pure man is made the object of unoulled for unjust ad- tmadversion, to notice and repe! it. No mean in the broad load covupiets prowder ponition than Judge Brooks. by ‘men ofall parties as-an able lawyer, an impar- tial Judge add a bigh-towed christian gentle- men, he bas woo ~ popularity since his call to the Beuch no less arati‘ying shan it ie merited, Blianbeth City North Oardlinian. We are not at al] conscivas of having lent qatec!{.in “giving eyrreney to abase and misstatements” against Judge Brooks: In the article referred te by the Carolinian we simply gave the history of the matter, statiug facts. most, if not all, of which were withing dur ows persons! knowledge. The first point of law which we made ia the case—that the appropriation law had nothing to do with designating what papers must do the printing—has been yielded by Jadge Brooks in our favor, as we are infurmed and believe. Yet, notwithstanding he bas. yielded the point of law on whieh he relied for the justi- fication of his coarée, he still finds an exetiee We make another p rat of law in'the dase which is quite as clear as thd first one we made, and ia whieh Judge Snow ad- | mits that we weep sight Jt se that the Bankrupt law, io directing that the natices shall be pablished in such papers ag shall have the most general clreulation ém the Dis. | trict, or in that portion of the District, in | which the bankrupt and his creditors may re- | side, has referenca tiut to the Jadicigl Dis- tricts, but fo the Congressional Distriots. and | that the question of sach circulation is @ gues. tian for the Register of the District in all voluntary éases. ‘This point, we repeat. is as clear as the one which Judge Brooks has ‘agee with what the committee satd was ‘the plain weaving of the lay. This is we have ever asked of Judge Brooks—it i#”all we the report of the Senate’s committes, alluded to above, gud ay soon as we egn got it we will pablish jt, Phe'gs oa oe — | oharged with! the ‘revision of the by i “bitges ‘tee. Pt se , : ? Judge aré inéapable of doing -hia, or duay aha PRI ERE IR PRN eesti. re are Bers: a.feading the . defunse stall take the greatest possible plegsyre ia waking the proper amends. CONSGLIDAFION-—THE GOVERNOR of, for sume time at least, ia the Stockhold- ers meeting held in this plane last week.’ ‘Phe proposition’ was defeated by the voté of the individual stock the laws enacted in parsuauce of its provis- to leave the printing with the Standard } publican party has accomplished ite mis-| glready conceded, and we have never seen an rion and, therefure, cannot mach longer! sble lawyer thet did not agtes with as iirthid be kept togeth‘r. Tho Whig party ceas- /opiuion. 4 petition was once presented to el to exist at the commencement of the Hap aane Aa ORG S a war, and the distinctive principles ypon| °F * ning the meaning . which the D-mooratic party was originally | fap Jaw on Wis Qeiet pict. cod s0t8 patie founded have been decided against that par- | ty and overthrown by the results of the war, How, or in what way the new parties will firat be moulded into furnt and shape we eannot pretend to say, but we are almost | of the Senate, in which House the petition | Was presented. That committee reported, #9/we ate informed by the best gathoriry, that thare Was 06 Necessity for the passage of any such aet-that the megning of the law gare that they will be farmed before tho | was as clearly what we have stated if to be next presidential election. If q new par- | above as language could make it, and that bug ty, composed of gl the Cangervative ele- | t¥9 oF three of the District Judges had desig snouts of the country, shal! be formed we | nated particular papers iu iniseonetrnetion of Lave no saggestion to make as to the > a name of it. If Gen! Grant had pursned, | sina kee ar ls . ypotan-A the or should yet pursue, a moderate and co | Distries udge of Mis ' py made Feo ae @ 3° a similar order to that’ which Jadge Brooks ciliatory poyrepe-of which we pow bave jaa made ib this State—renditided his order bot litle kope-—the new (onservative | designating partidylar papers gud turied the tion was referred to the Iodiciary eoutmittes |” bh ep ie aie ad ; { _—— es w. We are promised 9 copy of was also before the commit- House of Representatives— } im pittes’ were y on ‘with the Jadi Senate. This we have Q f ! L wate gob sonsdloos of having. done s any injustice—-we.kaow we other 45 aad shall take Ugrglinian.intends to make for the Joli tt shall conyinee up that Gur astf- injusticeto that gentlenan we Y8. FHE SUPERINTENDANT OF PUBLIC WORKS, The consvlidation qutetion was disposed - the State. not being tepre- sented. ai o ’ “The State was not represented on account of a difficalty whieh recegtly sprang up be- tween his Excellency, Governor Holden and, Col C. L. Harris, the Superistendagt of Public Works. By the charter of the Com- pavy theGov. is authorized to sppoint a proxy to ropreseut the State's stock in all meetings of the stockholders. . These provis- jons of the sharter, jt is contended on the part of Col. Harris and his friends, have been répegled by the new Ocostitation, and ions, which constitute t.e Supetintendaut of the Public Work the State’s agent in the promises, “Qu the part of Gov. Holden and his friends it is contended that the provisions of the Charter referred to ereate vested rights that they ere ofthe natare of a coutract between the State and the stockholders, and, consequently, thet they caanot be repealed eT Was gator eet tion or by the that such attempted repes! woud be in violation of the Constitution of the United States whieh prohibits "thy passage! of avy law bythe States impairing the obligation of . We have simply stated the case as we u stand it. Not beings lawyer, and got having iuvestigated the matter we will uut under take to decidy between these two bigh fens- tiovarias) We will remark, however, that. te our mind, the Govertor seams to have & prima facia case. - Pe Mr. Caldwell again wished to. iP ca}iod " ° $ Pies ee oe ST. To es Ke ota F on natin ie ee 1! of to bwo o'clock, P.M, * Arkes v'lock the Gain: MERU AIA inor and the mepting te order, .w Gar, Vanee,) *, withjrew is apovin ley om th tables ae 2: , ov by te r eae ae Gow. Ladle they Bi ve | bis right ’ * ner’s speech Geu. Latin with trew the | vote which he had cast-in the name of the State. (we ‘The resoultions of Mr. Haughton, were, how- | on ever, laid upon the table-by the vote ‘of the serge! stogk by a vote of 7.154 against ner ach Dr. RB. Haywoud, D. A. Davis, T. M. wo Wolt and John L. Shaver were elected direc- 7 teed bes take |. am we by ew) eon es AR dys we "aCe Sa as ed ye " @ details of their Ray * 4 eee) 7, “on ape abe 7 hed onty we. Suis Drog Store, . emma : ! Mr. Barns offered the following resolution, re as ready wiebiatiebele se ~ Agsignee’s | ale. which he advocated in » very brief speech + the former Se-| Seven pen Shien poe in. doag]| Ny a Orrice NO. B R. Co, iste tect the Ill, without jndge or jury hat I Wil! expose to Pub rae a | |Soneh dts et Bi [Sani nee #0 feist Ata meeting Ee irectors of} js read to br a lance with the other jn A loyal Prussian at nea pa elses , races ass oh ike Bie sion WOMIs nod panes ep aiaeen Memteanee te Gel oacets hen igg «ene dougp benicar ice to-day, the win e threw him, : B . Rreselution offered by My. Biles Buras, were rd for the . no- N.C. dands of Benjgwia we Stmennas, Tie Rail Rovdd of this Siete’ art e wap attached | 0 bi or poor eet Lactbern. over ine pan ee edidvsted os to cause the joss of a large differences are only those of Ky., acade: be few d ‘ aljol fain peothrr _——_ : y , y+ my,@ ays ago, A iaing od ’ amount of money and time by the importation reminiscences and che memo” | +e on the head of’ a oehait boy, Geodon d Drsy eth and. C. Jones, dec'd., of Bail Road iran; avd Whereas, all this mon-}aies ; our ptesent affiliation is founded up- tx ot hair from hie head and depart. mes Se, _ ate | Tamar onda at a aloe rorlsr gyal odagrvay aay nena er the} 24 with the trophy ia bie -heak. etuae. ——- a div ca same ; o' ‘ { same + . JOuN ERSUN, Resolved; By the Board of Directors of the clandpelan 46-30 de bask hack a the|, One thousand years bafore the birth of} . Jely 4,190 Mt | _. Antianre. Worth Caroline Rail Road Company, dhat ét be | Mt with different optics an Christopher Culembus, the Chinese Xéar |‘ . x Ce mooie Gtetie ek dont ere Porth Caroling is in no éondition for her | Books ey ous pomenay mn dhiat Assignee 8 Sale.. ne ee vent te ts entered ry wa, laska, wpe 5 : July, that they authorize the Board of Direo- rai to “White hor Eirecetive de. ne fod the whol: westerd const et , os ee tors to take one hundred dollars stock, per ifierences r N 4 r aed ees fi notiee Neeit 7 taile, for each mile of road in m «| partment is filled by ishonest : orth Ameviea*. bin dar of dul, 2. a al on s rolling rill, to be established in thig- State at bund ignorant men ; while her Judiciary Near Knoxville, Tenn., haxe been |, the ‘Dalonging to the or such time as flie'stock to & sufficient amount | either partisan, or i t, or corrupt, found the prsil remains of che head of a| Michse! a. 23 shall have beeo subscribed. one or all; while ker fands are crim ly sea turtle, 90 large itis estimated that the vw. lands o fF. A. Sraae, Sec’y dered, her eredit destroyed, and. her The resolution was opposed by Mr. Tur- b: .npaer we! owners taxed by and for the ben- ner eho said it smelt of the “‘carpet-bag and | fit of paupers; while her University. re- Penitentiary swindle,” and by Gen. Barrivg- | mains the victom of party malice stu- er. who said that the company bad just quis] pidity; while her intelligent manbood is its farming. botel-kee Ang. dce., dce., and be | sacrificed 40 the eee ia hoped it Would not again eagage in business . negroes, re uot legitimately belonging to It. The vote) & goad poeple of Gunes = tesolution. | rt. Gorrell i H ha p tions offered = resolation that the} ward to of Directors ba requested to makea| we have i i + : travel not to exesed four ceuts| when North Carolina pet mile, which was adopted. in hee oe Mf. Badger moved to reject the proposi- > tien tu consolidate the Atlantic and the North ae oe ee Caroliva Railroad Companies. sda tale “Me. Hanghton made an able xpeech in fa- end will one ped i For Of consolidation, bug failed to coevince| east. We can fight Radicaliem upon the majority of the Stockholdrs of the cor- | side, while our (riends attack from anot reotaess of his views. Major Hughes moved | er quarter, fur it is valnerable at all poin te postpove the consideration of the Consoli- | Aliow as to differ as to the name of oar dation patil the next avoaal meeting, andj army, and the nt of our forges, sapported bis motion im s brief but sensible but under the same leader and ander the ff fi c : H l i “The question will soon be decided by the ders on the . t a) day of the motting. -— - .-~p-—-—— STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. —- The anoual meeting of the Stockholders of the N. C. Railroad Company took place ig the Town Hall, in this place, on the Sth inst. As that was the day oa which our last week's paper wentto press we were unable togive aty account of the proceedings fn that issue. At 10 oelock the meeting was organized by calling Joba I. Shaver, Esq.. of thie place, to the chair and appeiuting F. A Stagg and R. F, Simonton, Secretaries. The President read his repors while the dom@ittee to verify proxies were at work.— The reading of thé reports of the Secretary and Treasarer was d spented with as a print- ed copy of said reports had been farnis .ed to each stockholder. t Jobo H. Hanghton, Baq.. of Newbern. of- fered the following resojutlops ; Resolved, That a Superintendent of. Public Works is an officef created by the Constitation of North Carolina, Art. 3. Bec, }, and thet the duties of sajd officer are required by the Con- stitutiun, Art. 3, Bec. 14, to he presoribed ~by iw. - Resnived, That among the duties of the Sc- Penotendent of Public Works prescribed by jaw, are, that he shall bare. charge of the State's interest in all railroads, and oth- er works of intéroal improvemest ; -a!se, of all I buildings which are the property of the State. ’ 4 WaAet of April 12, 1869; “That -he shall re- port to each session of the Grneral Assembly, among cthep things, the cotulitions and char- acter uf the Seste s interests in the ruads, ca- nals, or other works of internal improvement in which the State has (akeh stock; the finan- cial condition of the same; the receipts and disbarsements of the previous year together with sqoh suggestions with regard to the States interest in the same as tay to him deem war. ranted by the State of the corporation, to re- com legislation av he may deem ex- —* regard to euch interest. It being is duty and right also to vote either in person or praxy, in behalf of the State at qll meetings ofsach gorporatigns, in the election of Diree- to sat which the State is entitled to vote. Mr. Hanghtan spoke Utiefly ib support of his resolutians, maintaining the right af C. L. Harris to act as the State’s proxy. Mr, Jameron spoke more at length forthe chartered tights af the ourporation. The charter gate the Governor the power and the right to appoint proxies and he was ¢on- teat that he should deso. Mr. D. PF. Cald- well also spoke against aongolidation, and conchided by moving to lay Mr. Hanghtan’s resolotions on the table, hut withdrew the motion that Mr, Gorral] might he heard.— Mr. Gorrell made a few remarks when Mr. Caldwell renewed his matian tq lay on the table. J, W. Thomas wished to speak three minutes bot was ruled out of order. Ger't, Barringer attenipted to address the mepting but was called to order, “Mr. Caldwell again | withdrew his motion to lay on the table— Sch, aad Col. Harris — ujembers did not expest to nid in paying:| dy from apples and . bat di an officer of the law to serve it. Buth Judge's Watts aod Juwige Logan were here an the opeesh same banner we will go forward to vipte- exclusively, bankrapt iu fame and | before evtering a the business, mast— ao a pay aod charac-| Jet. Register their etille with the aseia- jter, he said, were not reptesevted in that | tant assessor of the division in which legislatare. For these. and other things he| ‘hey reside, as ied in section 5, act said, he was much applacded by the Crowd. of July 20th, 1868. The assistants as- At the close of Major. Smith's speech the | SS¢0rs are pi with the necessary meeting took a recess antil after tea when it blanks for this parpose, which can be had on application. j Seale assembled. Mr. Haughton commenced | gud Netice mast be given io writing * reply to Mr. Smith when he was saterrup’> | to the assessor of the district, stating the ied by points of order. He finally declined | name aud place of residence of tue per- further reply after the previous question was | son or persons intending to Te in galled and objections made to his replying ia | distilling, and the place where basi- his own way. aces ia fo tm ceed 985 200%, the kind Nothing of mush importanee was done iat | of #* eubie contents thereof ; he ight session bapend the | of the | te onmber and kind of boilers, mash and Presideut's salry to $3,500. fermenting tubs, and a of the The Roard of Dicrectors met the next day lot or tract of land on which the distil- leay situated ; the size af the buildings, whee all the old officers wore re-elected — oad what materigl panstracted, . Thisaction of the board will duubtless be} 3d. A bond must be Bled, with atleast | satisfactory to the majurity of the stoskbold~| two securities, to be approved by the as- ers as it is gener@ly conceded that the pres- | ecssor, in the peual aun, of atleast $5,000, | 5 reptile when alive, must have weighed several tons. / ¥ - We y - continue of working in the fields, andthey can do as much work “ ; the type setting on the “The ladies ot Newport are much ad- dicted to croquet-playiag. A cement ts o@ foot to establigh a inte Of steamers berween, Sevacnal ands Paris. pepets ts douse by women: | ¢ port ia: Prusaia. ; Commodore Vanderbie has takrn the entire second floor of a hotel st Niagara) LNOsICE vil expone 1 poh ore , dap these day of July, 0006. at it ve The whether members elect of Se te * to the «+ the Virginie tare wie) a tain a be to take the irov clad oath is te be & . hie . and ted to the Attorney Geueral the Presi- aaeden , oe wtae Te choses in s0- = : July 8, 1680,—97 40 ix o Mar lia V. Eldest daughter « Rowan. At St Matthew's Church, Hillebero’, on the 7tb inst., by Rev, M. A. Curtis, D, dD. © Jas. Graham, of Graham, N. C. to Miss Lizzie Cheshire, daugb- ter of James Webb, Esq, of Hillsboro’. In Mecklenburg county, on the 29ch ult, by the Rev Mr Pegues, Mt Seth Woodraf of Louisiava, “ Mrs Moilie Taylor, daughter of Elija Ritch. On the 27th ult, Mr Martin. Earles to Miee Betsy Bally Hardin, both of Clea- veland County, On the Ist inst, Mr Oalvin Wallace to Miss Sarah EF; Smith, al] of Gaston county. DIED: In this County, June Oth. $3 years. MRS. MARY JANE, wife of Mr. Joseph F. 7 oldest daughter of Mr, Thomas ohased the Burniture establishmen p & Cladfelter wil! continue the business on increased Reale. Al} kinds of FURNITURE. kept constantly ou band, such as ‘ SECRETARIES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Cent e-Tab'e:, Sofas, Wirdrobes, +in frot all artiches usually found in— FIRST CLASS Furniture Store, He abo meeps constantly on hand— s Walsat, and other Coffins. at prices lower that they have heretofore been sold in this market. Call at the old stand of Moore & Clofelter. On Main Street. opposite the Store of } ; bers. Mock & Brown. ent officers are manageing the affairs of the | conditioned that the or jes will eakeee uae: fcihfully eomply with all of the require: | ide mentie tahearousor phe podeared merottl pee, 204 Weinst snd Poplar Lamber ww. ea exchange for Furniture. mane —- pestes 9 out ye ee knew ed, COS, rs OE 6 DAVIDSON Wilmington real 4 survey must a not man a. F- . POLITIOAL WAMES AND PRINCI. | preminee where the datllery le situated, fide to ore, thet los, tot oe who] meee er es oe an nnoeeut babe, PLES, bythe acer, at the espense of the tentative of 8 ina aie seid sepre- eee ee : j “Por kingdom bod Our intelligent eqzeopentont, “X,” re- wa Dinah we oy: Berge 5 Pepe's Peotoral Balm. views at some leugt resent “look | 1. onside of the ; the| In Meeklen county, on the 30th]. KN. radia out” of polities in thie Stato, and distillery is Se tales Me alt. of Cholera Infantum, Williamson iepeeeetot eee while o' to gomé af the deslared 6th. A book or books must be kert in Wallace, son of Rev. Wim. and Carrie | fered serctely for years. from Chronic principles of certain Conservative papers, | » ibed by the Comaissioner ot | MeDooald, aged 3 months. “The Lord | “mplicated with daily stigoks of distressi end-e newe b her, des! oe y »» | Asthma, was indnoed fo make trial.«f a bottle of " proposed by azother, desires} taternal Reveows fur the entry of the pao pe Lord hath taken away.” | the Pecieral Balm ; and being miueb eneourag to know what it means.“ X," ie too intel- amount of mash or wort ased. daily for| May the Lord help the etrickeo parents | od by the relicf derived from it, he bas contin- ligeat aid tos asiadest of passing | ji,:illation; also the amount of proof |t ay, “Blessed behis holy.name” =| uedvantil he has taken four-bottles; and new events not to know thatthe party at the spirte prodaced daily In Charlotte ddenl the Ib assures the proprictur, that he is in better health, Hoath (and the same. te true to some ex- ah. Retarns must be mede monthly to tant, ified Fann "6 fr aicenaat hee pene ee tent at the North) opposed to Radioaliom, | ye sssistant aestevor of the amount of| nee 7 a highly revpectable and intelligent eitiven digeal very willy Ih tok ption "ps, Preteerd and the tax, paid ot she | < | Drone oie a ie Yar ale a views. ‘The Jeffersonian Demoerat, and a Ne spirits ean be moved from the [SALISBURY MARKETS | "cae, tte proprietor, that be bee Gerived very the Henry Clay Whig, the Know Noth: | a:cillery antil the same ie inepectad and JULY 16, 1869. which be had taken; and that he is in bet- ing and Foreigner, the Seeessioaist and and the tax paid stamps affized to is tard eouaeelll a ae te’ — pow, than be bas been for years. Unioniat, ali have united in @ common or- c casks or paeka containing the seras a 1 = on, rin ae ce the superior merit of ganization to try to save the Stato from| ii by an officer designated farthet|Cemee, _parpound, sss... Sb to Wot PivebDiction od praia a0 wove ee tae peices the evils ical snocess. re citi- a ” Cora. bash, $i “ =e A ly adapted da remedies ; whilet the many Ex to = - 6 * pectorante, Peotorals and Cough Remedies, ses slau” dager ik | OA soe ey ln le rent is BR Sed ip eta re threatened than from any real sympatby | TP ONS hundred and fifty barrels or lees|o,,,, Aasmanting, | cvvscs--- lo WO1INS tree into the belie. thas he is ong well, in political opinions. ‘Thoy are acting to dunum; alec, @ tax of two dollars| "Yarn ow pe : “9 B2.0 whilst indeed and in truth, only sesist to gether to-day in as good faith and with as | PO 2 while in operation Eggs, per dozen, OTD ye tor] sap the foundation of hie little remaining mach geal as ever did Democrats or Whigs Pn Lacks cs necessary to com: Peathers, per pound. ... : a to a eal, ia the alden times. Nay, the bonds of/ 1. vith ihe abave oan be had om applice- | Fish, Mackert, "a. i. Viscvsscl. 081.00 E. SILLS Drag Store, alga between Ga vavions and different a to the r office. in = B. aee Wto 23) July 9-2 Balabary. N. €. eeetvenns parts of the present Conserva- . prope a = Pas ™m 8 : e or m ti arty aré stronger . — ol h Qpvten pees soa tha thom wiveh hele biden united. eae CHEESE FACTORY, a Panchen, ee i ‘ D.T. CARRAWAY, ica] organigation in n e8. h company with a few nds,on| “ “ pesied. . at for which they aim are more | Friday last ns paid a visit to this, the | Lest, ee. =. = Commission ater chant, to ré the noble and patri-| sepond Cheese Factory established in the Inge, ber, “ 4 3 —AND— otig, and the re which threaten the | mogutaing of Western North Carolina, waitin fo 22 8 ow P . Siaie and the Hepublic demands the grest-|Ioeated about two miles. southeast fro | staan wrshum, per ge 2.2. | Mealer it Groceries eat gativity coneert in the present and re in the beautiful Swansanoa|" ~ i "es a —— > —— = ape at tokioe for past and present | Valley, and directly on the Morganton jonions, “perbastel, ..--....- mete of PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, ‘erences é . ; Per pound, —.s.sen.-s- ° ee citizen can look atthe gan-| This factory is qwned Me W. W. Mo- | Potatoes, Irish. per bushel, ........., 1%, 75 | Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wic- dition of North Carolina and long cavit| Powell, G. B. peree Dak tan ate ett > dow Shades, be., be, Se he sao ect or atonal 2g t infty of the organiza’ rou os. Reed, gix © i. ° ‘ os, which he vill attempt a reformation, A | Baneombe Ooanty whe pwn fine farms in Nia 5m to 3:00 the hel fw ay oll Aig Toll eitlhy othe, son not stand and witness the assas- | the vicinity. Pablo en ew ween a on, Dried Peele ep sen Commission. . sination pf ble mother withom opposing, Mr. Jacob Becker, from Herkimer, the Tobasty IE per gyens. -- - 22,3 courT ava the asgaesin, because be could nog decide | eelebrated cheese county of New York, ' ‘Smoking, = = ...... to 1.00| april x#4-Ty WBEEN, N.C. ee ee a. ce l a __ _ Sa” We sre-nuthorized to an- ngunee JOHN: #, MOOSE a candidate for Clerk for at -the elge- tion om the-first ' 7 in Avgust next. New Apventeieryrs,— A Fine new Buggy forsale-—W H. Bailey. An inyalaatle acquisition to house | keepers —jDr. Sill. Err ray We ave unter obligations to Col. B. F. Little, of Little’s Mills, Righmoud .Co, for ayclub pf subscribers, ~ . ee Tax WEATHER for some days past has been intensely hot“ine this latitude — the imereury Tad deom94 tor 10% jn the shade. Iie alse jatensely dry, atid un- sless,jt.rains very s¢en the cofn erop ‘will ‘be greatly damaged if net rained. eerie rLorrection.— A grave typographical er- ‘ror having occurred an the oldsuary novice of Mrs. Mary Jane Oweus last week, we republish it this week iu @ correeted form. ‘Bince announcing the death of the mother we learn that ber little babe bas died also. —————————__——_ Parpoyeo.—We deara that. Stephen Hardy, Wm. Shaver and Geo. W, Rex, who have beea confined in Rowan Jail since the last term of our Superior Court undergoing judicial sentence, have. been ipirdoned by his Excellency, Gov. Hol- den. Hardy had been convicted of inau- slaughter in killing Daniel Shaver, and the ether two of #me high misdemeanor. a _ Convicted of Manslaughter.—We learn ‘that Young Harris, colored, of this county; who was convicted of the murder of bis step con at the Spring term of Rowan Superior Court in 1668, and whom the Supreme Court granted @ new trial, was tried and convicted of Manalanghter at Yadkin Superior Colirt last week. He was sentenced by Judge lund ww ten years hard labor ia the Penitentiary. a Recovered.—The body of William B. Meares, sou of . The Fourth Again,—In oar article on the Fourth last week we did not ase the word “ladies” in any invidiege sense. We meant to say that the “Geaad Ball” was a failure because there wae not enough of the fair sex in attendance to make is » success—nothing more, ii Fine Yield of Wheat.—Our enterpric- ing townsman, Thomas E, Brown, Eeq,, has jnst threshed his crop of wheat and, as usial, had made a splendid yield. Of of ten acres of land he bervested 233 bisbele of the finest quality, it being an average of 234 bushels’ per acre Weare not informed eto the variety of the wheat, or the mannerfn which the soil was prepared, but learn that stable and barn yard manure only was used. ee The North Carolinian is the name of a new, paper just started at Elizabeth city, N. C., by Dr. Paleman John, late of Pennsylvania. The North Carolinian ie one of the largest, if not the largest, pa- pers in the Btate. It ie well printed and edited with clever ability. The tone and temper of ft, too, so far ax we are enabled t) judge from the nambers we have seen, {1s anaceeptionable, In politfes jt is Re- publiean. The Carolivian is pablished weekly at $2 per annum. We piece it upon our exchange list with pleasare. “The X1X Century” —July Number — We have received the July ‘number of this sparkling Southern Monthly,and find not an uninteresting page between ite eovers. Old soldiers of bath armies will be especially pleased with Confederate Reminiscences of the War, which are Written in no sectional epirit. The “Ad- ventures of Blockade Buoners” ie a new and attractive field of literature. All will read with pleasure the tales of Vishna Sarmin, which embody Sanecrit Wit and Wisdom; while the article on Duels and Doelling, Intellectual Growth in the Southern States, the tale from the Old Lawyer's Port-folio, the Talmud, the racy Editorjal, the Scientifie and Agricultural Department, the “Dishes and Spoons for ladjes, the Jumble of Senrc and Nou- sense, and lastly, the fanny caricgtares of South Cafolina militia, entitled “Scott's Tactios—Revieed Edition~ Printed in Colors,” t as tare and varied a table of contents as ie to be found in any magazine of the country. “The XIX Century” may be fou: d at the store of J. H. Enniss, an | all booksell- ers. Yearly subscription $3.50. Single nambers 35 cents. —— ao Sews1ptz.—The Democrats of Ohio have nominated Gen. Rosencrang gs their | candidate fur Governor, The days of the 1, teeath throngh the mouth. ‘The Vallandigbame are nuwbered. teonel va plead, ys ee ae he r State to. her practical relations with the hatiobal government. " “We see that. Judge Dent has accepted election will have « tendency to bring Gen. Grant into loser eyinpasliy with the people of the South, “ae ‘ en ee Unwise—We learn that eoveral gentle- men in this county who~are banned by ‘14th Amendment intend to be eandidates for Justice of the Peace, Clerk or Con- stable. They think that they will be able have their disabilities removed, but in this they will most likely find them- selves mistaken, especially those of them who are Democrats or Conservatives.— The present Congress is intensely parti- #30 and will Hot be at alliftely ro remove the disabilities of those elected to office who are not of their party. And, be- sides, it will. be four months befor Con- ‘gress assembles; and the election of men who are banved will at least leave the office vacant for five or siz months in any event. We think it anwise policy to elect any person who is banned, and hope that such gentlemen will reconsider their de- termination and withdrawn from the field, or decline to enter it. —_—_———. The Carotinge Farmer, for July ison our table with a very interesting add in- viting table of contents. ‘Thies is g North Oarolina enterprise of great merit, and should be encograged gnd patronized by the people of the State. It is adapted particulary to the climate eoil and prodye- tions of tie Cerolicas ang co is more, valaable on. that TY Nortbern agricaltural publications. In other respects it ja quite equal to the best publications of the kind in the country. We commend to our farmers generally as one of the best and the. cheapest agricul- tural Magazines with which we are ar. qvainted. Price $2 per ennnm. Address W. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N.C. _ Demorest’s Magazine for August is also to hand, and sustains the reputation the Summer Visitation, 18669-—We are requested ‘by Bishop Atkineon to publish be following appointments: Bu soreegh, Jaly 15. Ss. Mary’s, Orange conaty, “ 16 , “ 18. Statesville, “ ¢@1 Gwyn's Chapel, Wilkes Go., “ 93 Wikesborough, “26 Grove Chapel, Caldwell eounty, “ 28 Lenoie, “ 99 Morganton, Aug. 1. Calvary Church, Henderson Co., “ = 5. St. John’s in the Wilderness, “ “ 6 Asheville, “ 9% Waynesville, # At. Marphy, Cherokee county, - 5. Leicester, Buncombe county, . “ 21. Leaksville, Rockingham county, “ 29. Mountain Chapel, “ & “ 30. Supreme Court.—Monday, Joly 12, 1869.—All the Justices present. The case of the Doiversity Railroad Company vs. the Governet and Public Treasarer was by Messrs. Ed. Graham Hay wood and 8. J. Person for the plaintiff, and the Attorney General-and E. W. Pou for the defendants. Opinions were delivered as follows : By the Ubief Jastice Tn Robineon vs. McIver, from Bichmond eounty. Decree rev in eo far as it does not conform to this opinion, aud a decree in these respects to be drawn In Culver vs. Eggers, from Wataaga coanty, Ruling reaffirmed. By Reade, J, In State vs. Darr, from Davideon county. No error. In State vs Horton, from Watanga co. No error. In Miller vs. Gibson, fiom Rowan co. Appeal dismissed. By Rodman, J. In Campbell vs. Alli- son, from Iredell county. Appeal dismie- sed. In Carleton va, Hart, from Iredell co. Appeal dismissed. In Harper va. Spinham, from Caldwell county. Appeal dismissed. By Dick, J. In State vs. Ratts, from Rowan Gouoty. Affirmed. In Smithdeal vs. Smith, from Rowan county. Jadgment reversed, and judg. ment here ov special verdict - procedendo to issue. By Settle, J. In State ex rel Merritt ve. eQaaig, from Mecklenburg county Error. In State vs. Patterson, from Transyl- vania county. Error. Venire de nowo awarded. In Shuford and wife vs. Ramsoar, from Catawba county. No error.—Standard One of the most singular freaks of na- ture we ever saw has been on exhibition at the Post Office, at this place, dgring the past week. It isa pig with a hu- man face! Its shape and stroctare are natural op to the $e. bat from the eare to the top of the Bead and down to the the chin the shape avd foature aro the~now ination: tendered him, and his ler with the error of their instraments, if ni Seager psn bye i got ) great taugr Lnvwgera rf Get eh anny ee 7 : I ~~ sntion and eure of all ¢ i ieee. Seedaend : a F Aw Lomxgo, the rea eee if fe | ee oe for & + ee os P = IL va, or Devility of . Se Be er Ak Oe rere % ng and vigor to oor . o ‘ . he ton olsen Northward, and it cecutred io. us at the time that it was a little singular / ng near a ravine, about half a mile from the corporation line, went to the Lip haan Gippetiod cod a Gran ten ran me, aad it seems the. inf cireulated no further’ neighborhood of their homies. On Satur- day aftervoon last, an old ‘woman, of whom we sometimes purchase blackber- ties for a Sunday dumpling, informed us that she fiad'seen the bones os a'skcle- ehitdren, but so mutilated as to be totally unrecognizable, ‘There was no = og other marks about the place, by whic’ the deceased could be “Sdéntibed, except that a’ehoe:yemained on: one of: the feet. And thus the matter stands, there having been no investigation into the affair that we have heard of. ‘Taking all the circumstances together, we have no-doubt the body we saw being as that seen by the children and the old woman.—Ral. Sentinel. Masonic Festival—A Splendid. Success —The Building of a temple a Fixed Fact.— We leory that the receipts of the Bazaar reached nearly $2,500, enough to secure @ site upon which to erect the Hall The egterprise je inaugurated, aud its completiou is now only a question of time. “Charlotte Times, The Solar Eclipse in August.—Com- modere Saude, Superintendent of the Dnited States Naval Observatory, has is- sued directious to the astronomica) obser- vers appointed, to report upon the total eclipse of the enn-cn the 7th of Augnat. The belt of couttry jn the United States over which the eclipse will be to- tal is about 140 miles wide, and from the coast of North Oarolina stretches in a northwesterly direction through North Carolina, Tenvessee, Virginia, Kentack y, Tntiana, [Illinois and Iowa, and the -con- tral line of this belt asses near the fol- lowing cities and towns: » N.C; Magnolia, N. C.; Olin. ton, N. C.; Fayetteville, N. C.; Mocks- ville, N. C.; Wilkesboro, N C.; Boon, N. ©. Blounteville, Teno; ‘Taylorsville, Tenn.; Kingsport, Tenn.; Unioo, Tenn Estliville, Va.; Mount Pleasant, K Shelbyville, I11.; Stonington, IN; Spring field, Lil; Petersbarg, Il); Bath, lil, Ma- comb, Ill; La Harpe, Ill; Burlington, | lowa; Mount Pleasant, lowa; Fairfield, lowa; Oskaloosa, lowa; Monroe, Towa; Mitchellville, lowa; Dee Moiues, Lowa ; | Boonsboro, Iowa; New Munich, lowa; Lake Oity, lowa; Cherokee, lowa. All persons who make observations are | requested to forward their reports, togeth- known, to the Buperiateodent of the Uni- ted Statea Naval Observatory, Washing- ton. ——o————— THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. The ist, 24 and 3d inat., was the anni- versary of the | bartle of Gett between the Confederate armies. The Northern people in large numbers assembled at the battle field on the 2d inst., for the purpose of dedicating a Monument. Gen. Meade, in bis speech, u de- cent burial for the Confederates. Senator Morton, the orator of the day, in his speech said: “In the ficld before us are graves of the rebel dead, now sunk to the level of the plain, unmarked, unhonored and ankowa, They were our country- men, of our blood, langange and bistory ; they displayed a courage wortby of their country and a better cause, and we may drop a tear to their memory. The news of this fatal field carried agony to thous- ands of the Bouthern homes, and the wail of deepair was heard in the ever- glades and orange groves of the South |” weeneomaangtipoens aan A Judge and Lawger Cut a Dog in Two.- -A joke was perpetrated a few days since apon Judge Barkety who was p-e- siding over the Supreme Uourt, im session at Lockport, New York. A joryman was absent from his seat, all the others being occupied. A dog looking for his master, very quietly took the vacant place. The Judge, addressing Hon. A. P, Lan- ning, Buffalo, said; “You eec, Me Lan- ing that the jarymen’s seats are all oc- enpied, Are you ready to proceed 1" — The distinguished pleader raised hie glassos to his eyes, and after a brief eur- vey of the jury bor made the witty re- ply; “Your honor, that fellow might do fora judge; bat I should bate to trust him for a jaryman.” The good natured Jadge joined heartily in the merry laugh that followed, and proved that hw could take as well as give a joke. oe The whole United States toxnage on seas, lakes and rivers, June 30, 1868, was 4,418,300 tons—about a million and a quarter tons less than in 1860. Ghieago ie now the great distribnting postofiice-tor all the American mails for China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands and the States on the Pacific slope. ———~ao—__—- Lownship Meeting.—The voters of the Mount Ulla Township will meet at Ty- ler’s store, on the day ef i tration, for the porpose of nomintating Oandidates to those of the human, exeepting that is leovered with hair like the rest of the ‘body and has ne nostrils, being obliged pig ‘ip about two weeks old.—N. Carolinian, be yoted for at the enaning election. L wae 2 “It regulates the secretions, . elt h a f Bees ree ate pro nthe Sannedinte|y ton ut or-neat the plage mentioned by the leg eartied oat on Sunday the 4th, isthe same: chod of taaiment tbe raoult of Bis | method is ot eo moh Hew, iti, the more ilfal plewte w as been long haben. 02 stlemeied the Physicians. _ ‘After some s ofthe most unwearied and he was rewarded with the most gr results. Indeed, his-rap- id improvement .gnd resovery, was. almost }magical—so much so. that in looking: back apon his condition a year ago, he can, even now, hardly realize the truly. wonderful im- rovement.. ~ ‘ Profoundly grateful for this extraordin lassing. he is desirous of ‘being the means of diffusing similar benefits to those who may be similarly afflicted. He therefore, proposes not only to t but CURE, all mapner of diseases of th® lower extremities, such as old and ill-conditioned Uleers of the 8; Varicose ; Weak and en Joints, &e., r of how long standing. Itis one of thé great advautages of hfe mode of treatment, that ng restrietions are imposed wp the patieut, es regards diet, exer cise, &e., and fog the most part, little or no medicine is used, The ange shall be in accordance with the general depression of the tiines ; and those really indigent, will be treated ‘without mon- ey and without price.” SDWARD SILL, M D. _oFeb. 12—tf Salisbury, N.C. LOOK for. ONEY’S AT THE SIGN OF THE BIC INDIAN. Ww CALLTHE SPECIAL ATTENTION of all to our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Qualities, and Most Reasonable Prices to give usacell We are now exhibiling che best —Stock of— DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goons, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Coach, Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain, Kerosene apd Machine Oils tw be found in Western North Carolina. Spe- cial etteation is called to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. badies’ Sewed Goat Skin Shoes, $1.50 per pair. e Balmorats, leather lined, 150 ~ ~ Gent's Baimorala, very best stock, 340“ “ Pomp-Mole boom, - - 500 ~ Youthsand Misses Shoes. of all } ricos and qualities y cela, Fine Engine Deep Well and Force (Pumps. Freoch Burrs and Corn Mills, ethene: Bla Vi ge Stelle aan. sak and invite all who want the Latest Styles, Beat Pee b Tr A On of J une next. and ne of the water: fr, ing p! tion. rest the Springs’ depot, every mornin © lina Rail . avviding sto; bor time for So pS, WATERING Place, will be open for visitors on T: nated in the Northwestern part of the State, in a country remarkable for its beau- 3 healthfulness-—these, together with the | it Stree iL. WATERS OF TUESE SPRINGS i veménts gen- | ° at the. sot ec eee ac pag a Seer b orate ae ti “GOOD TEN PIN ‘ALLEYS, | | DRESS GOODS Billiard Tables, and_other Amusementa, a tie ite Thay aibead ror ENE, BATE HOUSES, ~ Notions, Hats, Shoes, or : ¥. "her Bats, Het or Clk -- & Good Band of Miufic ee las Caaconie ila Laas ? good sician permavent)y: located for th benefit of invalids who will have every attea- “Having secured the services of Mr. J. N. Carter, of Virgivia, who has had much expe- rience and stande high aa q Hotel keeper, visi- tore ma that my. table will be Pel naar es and ¢ i 6 t wi to ir Resaah tal 1% The cars on the Western North Carolina Rail Road will leave Salisbury for Hickory Station, ¢ afoy * ed,) in conneetioa with the North Care. ay gt be ws ting Rail Koad arviding sioppageor deley st! FT ARDW ARE, breakfast, where good backs will be in zi readiness to obo pempnaste ever a beautiful DLA. AG Me Baril By be Nogy * Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye- Stuffs, Paints, Tanners’ Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, ion as Sige «Rang "LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS, Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware; and Carrii Trimmings; in fact, thousands of articles ae RY.. > Aovils, Vises, Files, Threshers and Cleane ae __* Trenctels CM TROT Sock and Dice. Cider and Wine Mills, Star Cotton Gia and Condenser, Grain Dr lls, Sulky Plows, Smatters and Cleaners, Cireular Saws, Rabber and Leather Belting, and many othet things too numerous to men- uon, all of which we will sell at the Manufse- turet’s prices Come, or send and get a Ontalogoe of any uring yor may want io this line We guar- antee the Machinery sold by usto give eatie- oberg | fotion. and cderal We are also agents for Singer's New Fami- ly SEWING MACHINE, for which there is ne equal. Warranted todo all kinds of work, and to give entire satisfaction, of the mooey will he refunded t@ GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depot, on short notice. We willbe found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 [Horse Power Portable Engine, for sale by jane 11—23:5m MERONEY & BRO. Solomon Kinstine, UPHOLSTE RER HATTRAGS MAKER, In Buis* Bui/ding, opposite the MePkeet House, S prepared to do ever) thing in his line at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. Al! kinds of farnitore renovated and repaired and made to look as wetlasnew. Special attention given to the making and repairing of SOFAS, SETTERS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, &e., &c. Give him & call, examine his work, and you will away pleaged, Sali bory, April 9h, 1969. Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in the Old Style, Pure and Un- adulterated. at the Old North State Distillery, 143m CHARLOTTE, N. C, ALSO, Want to purchase 500 of 1000 bead of Cattle, and pay the highest Cash Prices for Corn end Rye. jnly 2—26:6m Davidson Springs. Tas PUBLIC ate hereby informed that the Boarding Housa at Moore’s Springs, in David- | MANY CITIZENS. } = ——=— === | PUTCHBR'S LIGHTNING PLY-KILLER'— | Death to the eo Long live the Killers! Fold ‘by Dealers Every { jaly2—Im son ie been well repaired, and is now open for the reception of boarders. Price §1 +per day, or $18por month. Children half , MRS.M. A. HADEN | Jaly bet, 1860. a7 -% GROOT, KUCK, & 00., Prop's.| fy aod Sand Paper. corse Shoes and Nailsea, | Serew Plates. Twier Irons. Batteries, Boras. — at short notice. Rod Iron, ot Chain Links, Sok borapeta Box Chisels, SAD IRONS. Gate and Door Springs. Seales, Beams. Steel Yards, CASH. A rit 16,—15:3m. JO8. HORA, WATCH MAKERS ap j JEWEL red to furnish anything now H. Spragne’s Office. All kinds of teed. Jewelry with &. M. Davis or Wilson & Farris, | proved by (he most sucyesafn! planters. to be repaired are requested to enll-and get 7 B ak ODES & Co., them or they will be sold for repairs. | #2 South St., Baltimore, Md | Jan 29, 1869 ¢- 6m. | Pop mls dr dealers ane H—-Be | Rase Khobs for protecting Walle, Wire Fend ors. Guaging Rods, Ogi Sticks, Gheet and Of all kitids in Stork, or wil) be fornished Hatch Dvor Screw Rings, Hitching Hooks and Riogs, Cusawte Case, 7 dard are ; , Horas Shoring Fate's Sets, Hawmers and Sledges, Punches, Drills, Piyers, i ippers, STEEL AND IRON. Oval aod Half Oval Iron. Wide & Narrow Swedes Iron, Hoop tron. and the money will be refunded. Band Iron, Machines manufactured expressly for Bquare Ino. oc, |SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- Ctad KERS, TAILORS, &c, Wrought Nails, | wilt be supplied when ordeced, at manufacturer's oars: Be F Part oration wil please sepd for Horse & Male Shoes | _ Parties desiring inf Horse Shoe Nails, specimens of 8 eant oy — — Salisbury. wie. Loa ~ tony Jane 16, 1969. Jack Chains. Coffe Pot and Tron pee ee —— and Japanned Wardrobe Hoo Brest ond iron Jamb Houks. Cotton. Flour, Cheese and Batter Triers. To merchants who deal in mixed Stocks we will sell at as low rates as they can sup- ly themselves in any market, North or Roath. Our etock is large, and low for CRAWFORD & HEILIG, SaLtspvRy, N. C., HEXRY HORAH. J. & H. HORAH. AVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE Stock of L. M. Davis; and added largely to it, we are ror farvines Jewaiy Store. We may te| Rhodes’ Tobacco Manure, found in Cowan's Brick Row, next door to F. . nds of repairing done at short wotice snd satisfaction goaran- We return thanks to @ generous public for past favors, und hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. "P 8.—All persons taving left Wat and Josr RECEIVED AT THE STORE ‘lof SMITH FOSTER & CO’S. 1000 sacks or say. BBLS MOLASSES. READY-MADE CLOTHING,|ces '| fense ;-the étemy Awarded more first pr use Ne several persons are in want of them. All disease is an enemy to the human system, ang is at warwith it and will conquer it, unless nature, receive with al! the assistance it can from strength- enig medicines and suitable nourishments, cap ve ener whi ee be hest..to tuke re you ek, sicknes! to babe mediotng & ee wee son 9 4 word to the Eck apse tee The Southern Hepatic -Pilis, That old, long known and well Wied for all Bilious diseases, caused by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS. — . a home hr eomtieatig 7 2m nae weil-shaded road’ to the Sprj dis Teagan, ke expert a sehetter 30 we pringy—s distance of tedius 10 enumerate, “We aro agents for the | of s0ume, be expoead ts elf the deetoms peculiar ts As an inducement for faniities énd parties to | - ‘i You wil hind ths grostest secariig’ fa the ake "a spend (wo months or more, I have concluded Great Threshers Denne’ Sovrassw Harane Puss. to —— oS low rates: d YY can be sent to aay point in the United States ARD. ond by Bape canis ithe sate For one single menth,......... 60... $50.00 ’ 8 Broces arse Gece a0. Pr ve Gr vayac tae | CLEA NERS,: [2 Smee eigaatoate eA wstgtay be J... 16,004 Also, turers’ Agents for the celebrated we. ca Free Gag, 2 os. vasts owed 6.009. 2.50 Dae pe de tie gn ang Powter where they witl be attended Chitdren ander tea of age and colored fonaie oe a ~ "iro ene Medloce calle sil reapactabte Droggiats Servants, half price. No charge fyc- infants or thes thaprwil dod wtiing val oak aed deat wh? G. B. POULSON children under two years of age. rable Goods. We buy-all kinds of produce.—| July 2-Oe:ty Beliebury, ¥. C. ON HEAT e eS ate ne ae . Sparxtrxe Catawea Sruixas, jetor. ‘ as : ALTER A.. QOOD’S { Pore| Smith, Poster & Co. ¥ ‘SALISBURY, WN. 0., ! PRIZE Used in all countries, and wsiversaiiy .<) THE BEST IN USE: 4 > 3 | them accordingly, and HHDS. MOLASSES. 24-tf Machine man ea bath a TO THE LADIES. | AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, g<T “he Legion of Honor, At Paris Exposition, 1867 THE Sabecriber hy: ving been appointed an squat for the sale of SINGER'S CELEBRATED New Family Sewing Machine, | and all iteattechments offers the same tothe Ladies | of Western Carolina. Machine challenges a comparison with any ahat cnet Machines. it wilde more different Rinds of Sa plain seam to the beautiful embroidery Maobine wrer invewted. “Boones to Saar not bay the best.” These Machines are warranted te give entire satisfaction. If they fail to give satisfaction they may be re turned after a tral of two monthe PiANOS THE COLD MEDAL e ’ More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 manefactured and sold in 1868 and the demand unsupplied. lacteasing Demand, Increased Facilit'es. Additiocal Improvements for 1862. Wood's Prize Mowers, (1 anf 2\Horse.) “ Belf Raking Repper, with “ New Mowing Attechmem. “ Hand Rake [eaper. Haines" Ilivois Harvester. Manufactured by the Walter A. Wood Mow- ing and achine Company. General Uffice and Manufactory, Hovsick Falls, Rens- selaer coynty, N.Y Branch and Sales Roome—44 Cort- landt street, New York city. P.O. Box, 6805, 206 Lake Street, Chicago, Li. Alexaodria, Va. : diauieva, A 77 Upper Thames, 8t., London, Send for New Deseriptive Circular and Price List. Applications from the Souih, South of Vir- ginia, should be addresved to the New York Branch Office, as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, Extra Lnducements Offered! MeCubbins, Sullivan & Co. are Agents for the above Reapers in Salisbury. april 23—16: 10m Betabliahed i185gsc. LEPAGE BROS. & Co., Has just been awarded to CHAS. M. STIFIF, | For the best Piano now meade, over Baltimore, Phil: | sdelphis, and New York Pianos. OFFICE AXD WAaRrRooms more Street, BALTIMORE, Mp. ments, including the Agroffe Treble, Ivory Fronte, | and the for five With privilege of excha twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to porcha- F hand. $60 to $300 > i Fim ce i ? F y i i i £6. STEincn, Cheer 8.c hardt are agents for the sale of celebrated Pianos. i i, i AND Rhodes’ Super-Phosphates : Tus STANDARD MARURES for Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat and : Tharc Jong estebhshed manures ured and ap } STIEFF'S PIANOS bave all the latest improve. | ners. | and prompt returns. Second hand Pianoeand Parlor Organs alwayson ——-_ ¥ have our Pianos in use | ~ = | AGRILULTURAL WORKS, } GENERAL Commission Menchants anp ‘COTTON FACTORS, No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti. | Commerce St., Worfolk, Va. ors GRAIN, jal attention paid to the sale of COTTON and all other kinds of Preach Action, fully warranted) COUNTRY PRODUCE. & Liberal advances on consignments jaly9:27—3in xt © Is the place to the best snd Plows, Cultivaters, Harrows, Corp Straw Cotters Cider and Wine Mills, and Mowing Machines, Wheat Threshers wit and without Cleaners, Horse Powers of various tterns, Sugar Gane Mille in the ringh or fin. | pa rear ype Rollers separately. Particular regard Jane 18-17 | honld be had to the best R. R. Plow and To Farmers and Planters. | Threshing Machive with Cleaner, Mar ufsetared in or out of the State. J. H. THOMPSON. May 28, 1899—3m.— Statesville Amorican copy 3 months and send OTIOCH.---ALL PERSONS who hare been called n aod failed to pay their POSTAGE are i ed that if they do nat pay at once theit Boxes and Papers will be dis- continned. The Government takes no'excnee from me. A. BENCIN], P. M. oly 2 b869 2-4 dit € he O13 ee SALISB ORY « _ A A BLIGl Ps frend e (Frage the Lypohburg: _—— I’ve loved so long ¢ Asad, on i ieating lingers 'r As frog ita dope there ‘have comes out Pe i parewelly ww core ies flowers <I give yo’ Your early Sea vt brits he In choral glagneps, *roun Towne ag . 1 théught-once ‘more to see mse, fe At inst th yhe hte as conic W From To clasp. . apaeeee my Nene. elute For dias sets ibd, Bat I ro ees hae oh, Lord, content. oT rest, Med that rte celestial shore.- C Ug nearer, moth poder, iM Ga aearacey cae ae to youme cowie me, ‘ound me clasp gour arma, There’ i tell'you ere I cLonenag tive toe Y ies Een In the hour the tempter stood sy ‘Tell Him ( bopband) that hat my Latent thought Noam the past, That tee fa oof Beery ee mace pen Such e ‘Toll him X boomed Hees to th acer! inh an pune hisloned voice 1 know cecanh eeetlie tin ea Aad sige Np lire : ate Sale . sealant by last are ees as emer eo DOMESTIO ECONOMY. . » vw 8 iy We sake the» os vz ern} the pages of the See rors _ How to” Gook pm hoil | Prosgiet ¢ oop. aR j the taste, then r, val ite ot 8 salt; mix.and spoonful. Plant.—Pour boiling water, theo c ost aen slices and throw into salt and water for a few” Beat ap an teehee ~ nse , stu pepper to com sad beck en @ a half crea tad a salt gy fry in hot lard by on ante top and bake slowly: Tomatpe Ketchup,—Take one bushels of tomatoes, boil antil soft, then squeeze through asieve and add one-half gallon of vinegar, a pint and a half of salt, two oances of cloves, three tablespoous of black five heads of gatlic, mix and Te shied hours. Chocolate - . ~T wo cups Ao. rar, ae ore Ciguhes "lig milk one of choelate, d in flour jast before jakiag’Ik oon] it in water, if it crisps it half an hour over @ glow fire. —Boil and aplit them ia fae ios in egg, Eads la tocol” oo fry. Trish Potato Salad.—Boil your toe eae ee warm mash and Seo chop up hand boiled eggs; segson with horseradish, vinegar, master, sa- gar, salt and pepper. Tomatoes.—F ew persons cook tomatoes long el eset shoal ie secon cooked three ae roe inte your stew pan without’ Joae, slowly when al- most done, add butter, pepper, saland a little sugar. Saratoga Irish Potaloes.—Take 1 —- eold boiled prem ame them, season with pepper and salt, and fry io hot lard. fiysters For Tea.—In your baking dish place a layer of oysters, then a layer of pounded cracker, butter, aes ealt, and so on in alterr.ate until the dish ig full; set it in the oven and bake brown. To Fry Oysters.—Seasou with anit aad pepper; beat ap three eggs, dip the oys- ters first into the egg, then into the bread | ar crumbs.og powdered cracker, gud fry in hot butter or lara. Six cents worth of sugar of lead put in the water the first time green or blue calicoes of maslins are | w: will set the color permanently. The water is poisoned ; so throw it where animals can- not get it. 70 Clea Silver.—Use Gagoarilla wet with brandy. To Preserve a Jar From Cracking — Before you pour in. your preserves a silver spoon ip aud ict it touch oY Sa SS WE desire to warn the ‘ PALIION the sae cite Wobnere aewaeepiere teing unable to finda marke ‘Wis, (oft hemselves obliged to counterfeit oe ppearanee of our packages, and imitate our Prade * that a€}ore-inspettion is to detect the spu- rious artigle from the geruine, and others golag #0 far as to assert that “Lorrillard’s Snuff is no ato the ‘public Tn making this puttitation we desire to them; as the, comparleon thet against the impdsitiond Practiced apon the losers thereby. It @ifl be Gand op en Lorillard’s Snuff is “far ahead” of alt others, being mate of the bes! mo cent, ser — t and secret mn ownonly to our poasessi ngth ad pungeney, and is warranted inet fo Would regpeotfully cght oR php of Mer fF + dangerous or d@leleriius substances, which’ chante, Physicians, pthers, to their -'id of the many Worthless articles pat om ssle By others mer stock aod sp cements. The best is the cheapest in the end. A circular will al- + be mailed on application. In Srderin Vi Sycamore, s, Peereburg.: ty ( Salt Snaf (High Toast.) or Bresh Sout? Haksire Bosech} 8. ; RIVES. M. h. Wi H. PROCTOR. orl6-—8m > To rnin Ban ha ag ee sos i Eastern Markets, " espmetines va cate EST Sane obtained in - see- eee , one ex ita pt Repsbering clsew bere to ie ay sa ave door te - wo s i Cee EAL? ae ot Dr. EDWARD SILL, ous old friends and patrons, and all others, eibeg Mndderia opening, in the-buikding jon 8. = Corner Main & Fesher streets, near the Boyden Hoose, an Entirely Fresh and Carefully Selected STOCK. oF factory prices to Garomiciing | 7 hope of that ral et te in- variably rewarded bis i—tf Ropamanal: Purifies the Blood. a. ee ——_ pee DR. LAWRENUPS CELEBRATED. WOMAN’S FRIEND } 4 tah 20d roliablerepedy for” AH Diseases Peeatiar. to Females, —Svcn «ss— Leuchorrea, or Whites ; Prolapsus Uleri, or Falling of the Womb ; Irregular Painful, or Suppressed Mensiru- ation ; Pain in the Back ; Nervousness, Wakefuiness, Weakness, for DEDICATED 70 tHe LADIES CF AMERICA, Por whose benefit , and whose hap. pacoett folie , by the discoverer. 7 DR. J. J. LAWRENCE. TO PHYSICIANS. articles of which the Women's Friend is hele vs to the bat SUctay Touts ac tapes ine yet di and altgrative Ttis as ie retiable a ta of rhe > ove —< ew be = ap ee een bap Pripe $1,00 per Wee J. H. BAKER & CO, Wholesale agents, No, 4, Main sitect, Norfotk, Va. 17 To whom all orders or letters must be ad. epsed . march 19—-\1y in all derange- RIVES & ‘PROCTOR, | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL maak ~~ dolled _fegbems, apr23--16:6m P. LORILLARD, NEw york For fale by Draggists Everywhere. . | Mocubbins, Sullivan & Co, j Sees Ge day Har ey Groceries, Clothing; No- } ESP ECT U LLY .annoances to bis _nunier- |’ French Burr Mill Stones se oe PRENCHRURS Mill Stones, 4 CHASE of very ‘desirable : |senine a sommen soots, dacements to the Trade, cithenat © UPheie Stock is large and . complete, consist- ing of ns ‘BOLTING CLOTH! rt a) rf ek 8 re Have just retarped from ‘the © Where they have made a ‘SBOOND PDR They are. vow enabled to offer special in Wholesale “or Retail, tions, Hats; Caps and ~ Straw Goss. DR. LAWRENGE'S” Ks “CONCENTRATED i “f. “ooMPopND bt iaes OF KOSKOO, A safe and effectual remedy for all * diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver; ) “thniparities of the Blood, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Pebility of the Nervous System, &c. FORMULA AROUND EACH. BOTTLE. “ aga ee “i> -o 14 HF ning to ea Auta pt ee we! a Complet \ : adn tae wv - & STEEL SADDLER ADDLEY. HARD. WARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, dy and one that admits of a wide range o Itis adapted to tolfil the morbid indica Upper, Soh Skirting, and CASTINGS DRUGS: “AND: MEDICINES, SADDLE AND HARNESS FRINGE, SADDLE TREES, ‘&e. In short everything the people need all of which was bought for CASH after Great Decline Of 10 t6 15 Per Cent. CALL AND SEE ‘How Cheap They Can Sell. They will. be pleated to see you whether you buy or not, Salisbury, N.C., May 28,1869. 13:1y EST ANCHOR B BRANDS BOLT- hnumbers, for bale by UBM BoLLIVAN yf Co, Great “Labor Saying © M As Oo HIN E, “ WOOD'S OF ERATED REAPER Mower com Wwoop’s er detached on tad, end BBINS, mae & 00, N. 0. Salisbory, April 2, 1969. tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex THER, |“ than any other remedy yet known. INVALUABLE AND Unrivalled Remedy ! ! Por.all SOROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, CU-- "| TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEP MAT- IC, URINARY, and NERYODS AF- FECTIONS, im fact, gverw form 6f Chronic Disease jt may be advantageous. ty used. ° This preparation has been submitted to, thoronghly tested, aud approved by some of the most eminent members of the Med al Faenliy, Prébered by an experienced and well known physician and chemist. PRIOR, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED QNL¥ RY J. J, LAWRENCE, M. D., ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virgicia. 13—ty Fr For Sare sy ats Devesrsts.~ge | and ia, April, 1869. ake ; OFFICE, MALN ST., Jaly 2, 1869, Superior Court, Spring administrator, with the will Jobn H. Verble, annezed of Daniel Shaver, deo'd., Plaintiff. Oe iat odd ou ) ~ TOTAL-INCOME FOR THe YEAR; 1866. *“$8,746,209,59..” DI VI. agent $78. 577.00. LOSSES PAID 1. 1868: 81.221. 835. 00, Policies issued“in 1868, i 900: TOTAL DIVIDENDS TO poLicy nOUDeR ane l 9 ‘ 00. Number of Policies in Force, $.5..3-T5- tae son eh * Stems whee eT “om spas. ste haga eH ; wae * wy PAID IN 1066 : Pile es _ "60,000 TOTAL LOSSES PAID TO JANUARY 3t, 1669; sted “a = e adjustment of dividends and outstanding notes is mace | bold on the settlement of every policy, in such a manner.that the pum- ber of dividends will always equal the number of outstanding notes. 8. D. WAIT, GENgRaL Aart, Raleigh, N. C. H.: H. Helper, Special Agent. OPPOSITE MOCK & UROWN’S STORE, _SALISBURY,N. ©. == 880. sQaivat 8. J. Swicewood i wife Sallie DSwi William H. Benthall and wife Maggie 3 Benthall, James B, Shaver, Mollie C. A. Sha- ver. George N. Shaver, Robert L. Shaver, and Anwie J. Petition to make Real Extale Assets. diligence It appearing to the Coort, that William HI! within the limits of this State: It is ordered | Coppeste Benthall end wile Maggie K Benthail, are non- residents of this State, it is ordered that ses | weeks, successively, in the Gid North Slate cation be made in the “Oid® North Siate,” Hewspaper published in the town of Gdidbory, for six snocessive weeks, notifying the ssid Wm, H. Benthall and wile Maggie E. Benthall, to be a the next term of the Superior Ooart 6 be beld for the county of .Rowan, at the Gonrt House in Salisbory, om the third | Gop Monday in September next, then and there & plead, answer or demor to the petition of pisinndl, otherwise judgment pro corfesso will be entered aginst (hem, and the cause heard as to them. itoess, A. Judson Mason, clerk of oor said Court, at office ia Salisbary, the third Monday 4. JUDSON MASON, C.8. C, 27:6W: Pr. fee$10. Shaver.— Defendants. ST at se- Sy 0 LS James 41 wood, Sc., deceased, against wood, Richerd eee: eee wood and Wile Dic Sagres, and wife Nancy, R iepe ar, Ben” Jamin F. Hay wood ‘and Maliods Petition to make Real Estate A , ae. that Haywood and Richard i oie aed — | (hat service (be made) by publication Gr six Sige peed ablished io the tows of Salisbury, |“ N. C, notifying thesaid non-redident defend- ante to appear at the next termof said court to be held for said county atthe Court House if wer, ¢9 the fourth alter the segond | 8 in August Dext, answer the co et ais Administrator or the same will be parte as to ake pre emf ad baad the Witness, C.0. Wade, Clert of our said coart | °?. at office, m the town of . the 4th Monday after the secoud Monday , Lae9. 26~-6w:pr fee $10. 1 0, WADE, ©. 0, State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY OQOUNTY. Superior Court Spring Term, A. D. 1869. — Pe Tt a #i State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1869 N. Shaver, Plaintiff. AGAINST 1 and wife Sallie D 8 — 4 Se ongoo! and wif Salle DS nar thall, James B. Shaver, Robert L. Shaver, Mollie OC, A. Shaver and Aupie J, Shaver, Defendants. tition for Dower. ing to the Conrt that William H. Renthall and wife Maggie E-Henthall, are non- | residents of thie State, it is ordered that pub- lication be made in the “Old North State,” fewspaper published in the Town. of Baliebu- there to plead, answer or demar to the peti tion of plaintiff. othetWise” jndgment pro con- fesso will be entered. against them, and the cause heard ex parte as to them. Witness, 4. Judson Mason, Clerk of our said Gourt, at office i ta Salisbury, the third Monday in April, 1869. A. JUDSQN MASON, 27 Bw:pr.fee$ 10. 0.8/0. N. Shaver. ©. OG, Wade, administrator of Jonathan Rich- ardson, devcased, eae and wife David tardno, Mart Lipia, W il- lian Faller and wife Bliabesh, , Spinks Rich- ardson, Hiram Richardson, Mary J. Rich- ardeon, Albert Richardson and Elizabeth Oe to make Real Ratate Asarts. IT epecering to the satstsetion of theCourt that all the above named defendants eanuot after due dilligence be found within the limite ofthe State. It is ordered that service be made by publication for mx weeks soccessively, in jthe Old North State,» newspaper published | in the town of Salisbyry, notifying res said non-resident defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court to rete *indiar-y: Boer for six successive weeks, notifying the said itiarn H. Benthall and wife Maggie K Ben- oa sre, = the 4th Mon- thall, to be and appear at the next term of the Se ane rae, sae next, and Saperior Coart, to be held for the conaty cf the be patch aj ministrator or | Rowan, at the Court House io Salisbury, on the | : Sar W ia pro confessg and beard thiol seeeday, to Sepeumber wens, Set oe) “SEES CLO, Wade, etek of ow said Canis at office in Troy, the 4th Monday after the 2d Monday in Februaty next. ©. C. WADE, 0.8. 0. This June ine 22, 1869. 26-6w-prf $10 Guane = Peepaut OOUNTY. SiROP materials, bas markable oureg. atious, sold, at of Fluid Extpagis July 9-2 DE CUISINIER, Carefully and scientifically prepared from the hest Ria Negrr aarsaparilia. THIS PREPARATION of when propetly made. from fresh and gennite | ville e hands of the judicious Physician than any other. In the hands of distingaished French Phy- sjcians and Sargeons, who have devoted = of their'time and talents to the jnvesti and treatment of certain constitution eases, and who were mainly fngtramental iu introdneing it, it has aesomplished many re- aeccoinplished more It is peeteneen Bet v0 a far more reliable article than many of the molasses and water p: E. SILL’S Drug Store, Sglisbu ry, N. C, lla dis. prepar- h prices, iy Eo name Prepared and gold only Ze Superior Conrt, Spring Term, 1969, — Tate satisfaction of the Court the Civi mess of this Court requires a Special Term thereof: It is Kontos Sdeee that 9 Special term of the Superior Court, for the trial of Civil cattses only, be held for the be ad of Iredell at the Court House in States eommencing on Monday the 19th day of a next, at which time id oles all parties vil canses are hereby notified to be pres- ot aad ro to the end that the ivil business Conrt thay be disposed of ba} greed law, ° itnese : rleg L. Sammers, Olerk said Court, at are aa lay of April, *s april 30—17td ‘NOTICE. A Bpan of Bay Zforses, ©. i, SUMMERS, J. 8. C. Six Years oe 9 PHABTON and Harness for Sale. wig Ay i. a. HELPER. Salisbury, N C., April 33, 1369 1369 16-tf J Zanake 2 gee FY ; the world, $260, ‘O}strator of James Hay- IT appearing to the entidlaatiog of tae osiet be foond | ji peste tn Statesville this 10th ea A er Bigs. & Co, gh, N. ©., at the ot seg i ‘> 6D 1,260 ines, Wiloox & Gibbs or bain 22 Brusse}s Bh, 0: 45 yards, $e 5 rand Bese, Wilder'a patent, best in 1560 I Cash Prine, $1,000 gold, 1,334 to aoe prines, $100 eects, 1,000 do do 2/000 See one 3.360 do Zz do 2,000 3000 Value the total-emt, $146,604 0 Ener, Vale TD847 he oath aphid is pat in me sis so ihe an »@ dis terbs Sede aideortheoet abd in Company wi'l sel] prices 73,347 fut ther informa- tion alee and 11 @ By-Laws of the jee The at Bawa sba!l. be as en patie aprize ected atcapged: in 4 any one . Septic oth. ay of "Ia:thd mexpboe school 1uere +t Lo in puinber as In the prize ‘as there deposited in sapervisors, whosball ’ after which the we any @irect, an- he Supervisors rawing tno . a whiei, a be reqbire.! to , @ conducted of il he appeinted iceeeeie Od vanage- of the will conduct + the sold will be wert 90, am the Of ticket, << oe eaetane ns mistake n oO Ly The Drawiig will take place in TUCKER UA Ligin the eity of Raleigh, immediately a\- ia ee eee be woder the provis. ees by the Gen- Lo cow - faithfully with all cee bats cee oe a pany. All the above mentioned ty will cer- tainly be disposed of as atid thtee drawing it Will be invested with tbe tifle im fee 0 member of the —— is allowed to iy pond Uckets. “4 the gwner’s risk ; Ste will be positive! parties drawing, - the mony retufned, Send two dollars by ex- press, post office order, letter, or draft, at opr risk, or b: at your owb, and take chance at the 3,000 valuable prizes ot. Tickets will be sent any where in the United Y | States at the company’s risk. Description of Real Estate. Sak Ge ae ip the best improved style, in the city of h, with 8 airenct proved CaGGh atrectary aa bujldings, with may fine ornamentals t the yard. Vallee 0d. tyth «Ain de. sind tes; . $16,000 Ong large aud eonveniept house in the city of Raleigh, on Newbern street, 13 large rooms, d partors, with all necessary out- -buildings ee and a beautiful ouk grove, 500 One large house op Newbern and Blood. worth stree § boarding Revessary out-buildin with a beantila + more io the. yard acre of Ground, Value...., 2... erlee gest Qne pier onl noe, on Newbern eight” rooms and and seven emt ground, elm grove, very desirable and One in Warrenton, N.C., ihe Aleto in perfect or: One of the ethan poles 'e cise ma gomtianding ad eae re one the most the “Ooeris ‘Chapel init, congain and one forty -footdl: oes and Poresnt cig April made: by if. ee contajning 20 rooms suitable a " head & Henderson. cr TION, “EDUCA your own Institations. Patronise THE Exercises of the C mcord. Female wage 3. PE * a Cohegs, of Ristenyile, will be resumed, the . ‘agate oak effectus Rabel 3 aa bet Sooner nent.» : Ohronts eye eee ee the Board, fuel, washing, $15 por moni pose i ane ‘ie asian gen tn oS | Sin et tho ‘Zang ey ad a i. -” : ca ’ 7 Mode Dreaming: Painting, &e., extra vat | capable of doing more real serviee in coufirm- moderate rates$ payment halfin advance for | e¢ mption, than all the Expeotorants, pa term of four mage hy ending Deo. 23. For = Mi : es. pe ddielceis = eee F. ROCKWELL, wail kn 0 fon pair vietine. a Statesville, July 9.—3m President, | the diaiises oamed ; en ake vere ’ j the laws of th economy ; *to- HEGE'S SCHOOL, jeri wih an itinateknow)dge o reed YADKIN COLLEGE, N. C. “cane i thet phyendhagiend x ‘ “Pe on the humav sys REV. G. W. HEGE, A. M. ub dt is quite unlike the numberless Expector- a Tue SESSION of 1869 opens August 1869, and will continne forty weeks. + All the branches taught in Schools and Colleges may be pursued here. - Students, male or female, may enter ‘at yany time, and pay by the month, or for guich time as they may wish to remain, : Tuition from $2 to =r month. Board “ $9 to $! o =2 Such as wish may rent rooms and 9th ~? 4 ae thein sel vea, Address, REV. @. W. BEGE, A. M. July 9, 1869. 27—4w University of N. Carolina. THE FALL SESSION of this Institution will cousmence on the 18th day of August prox. avd coutiane twenty weeks. Prepes- atory and Norinal Departinents. and a Gen- eral Course of University Lectures, will be opened. / Entire including board, $85 to $100. All the benefits of the Institu- tion are offered. free of to a limited number of resideuts in the - are. the President. SOLOMON Chapel Hiil, Jaty 6th, 1809. B7—6w Edgeworth FemaleSeminary. [ae NEXT SESSION WILL COM menee on the first M a ber. The entire expesse of Board Tuitidn will be fromi'$100 «6 S1108F advance. Each boarder will furgish ber Own lights and towels aud also a pair of s' and pillow cases. For cireolar address = J. M. M. CALDWELL, july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N. C Pleasant Grove Academy. Male and Female. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM- meoce ou the Oth of Augast next. Couree— English, Classical, Mathe- matical Ter:as: Tuition from $5 to $10 per session. Boerd with the Principal $9 per month. Por pactioniars address the priavipal at Ful- ton, Davie Co., N. ©. W. J. ELLIS, Prineipal. Pleasant Grove. N.C, Jobe 26,1869. 25—3m BINGHAM SCHOOL. ~*MEBANEVILLE, N.C. ‘We. Bingham, Robert Bingham, W. B. Lyarh. HE SESSION or 1869-'70 BEGINS and continues forty weeks. be gudtse of [ostroction foclades the ordi- branghes, the Ancient Languages. Expetics, finclnding taition, board, fuel, washing: books and clothiog,) $365. sent on Jane 18, 1369. 24—6w ACADEMY. —The fret of this Academy will cow- the first Monday in August ensuing. i con eater a8 any time and be charged from be as follows: 97.60 & theroogh bes San ina first 7,0 located ta.8 healthy and moral Sallebary road to Senet — '. the new seville. Board vente had im rerpectabie families from 7to 6 dollars per month. L. HB. ROTHROCK, Jone 95, 1860.—25&3m PROFESSIONAL. M. H. PINNISX, ATIORN AT LAW, LEXINGTON, N. C. t \ ILL PRACTICE in the courts of David- son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Ran- dolph couutes ; REFERENCE. R. M. Pearson, C. J. of N.C., Raleigh. E.G. Reade, Associate Justice, C Thomas Settle, “ et “ R. P. Dirk, Bedford Brown, Yanoeyv Hon. John Kerr, “ J. R. McLean, Greensboro’, N Tuomas Ruffin, Jr., os i J. M, Cloud, Dobson, N.C. Jannarv 29. 1969. 4—tf “JONN S. HENDERSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. ( Will attend promptly to the Collec- tion of Claims feb26—ly DR. C. A. HENDERSON, Havive reeumed the tice of Medicine respectfully offers his professional services (> the public. OFFICE: The one late occupied by White Calls may be left eithe at his office, or at Enniss’ Drag Store. Salisbury, Feb 12, 1869. 6-6r Dr. I. W. JONES, ne located in Salisbury, offers his Professional ——- onan Of- n Council Street, opposite the Court House ona Saat door to the Law office of Hon. Barton Oraige. May 28, 1869-tf. Raleigh National Bank of N . Carolina. THF DIRBCTORS have resolved to ane the Capitat Stock of this BANK to FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Porsons wishing tosub- -goribe to the same will please omn unicate with Hon “ “ ille, N.C, 0. Aut, Pectorals &e., so recklessly and persist- palmed upon the saffering and confiding people; in the tact, that it is not an Expector- Mant, per se ; nor is it loaded with Opium or “Morpnioe, ic order’ to Jul! the poor sufférer with its delusive influences, Many 4 valua- ble life has been sacrificed and expectorated in- io'a premature grave. On the contrary, it is calculated to cheek excessive expectoration which of itself is exceedingly. exhaustive, and by its general and tific action, to beal god soothe the weak, inflamed and irritated orgars. Of the several ingredients which com this valuable Bau, there is go ove, uk not constantly used, by the best Physicians, in the “diseases above enumerated, of many eminent medical gentlemen, to whom its Com- position has beeo made kdown, there has not been one, who bas net highly, approved it; and in some instances, have a prescribed it for their patients, but have it in their own casés, with marked advantage, > Prepared ahd sold only, -at E. SILL'S Drug Store, e'ril 93-164f Balisbury, N. © Sxkx..x.’s WILD CHERRY TONIC AND ALTERANT, For Indigestion—Liver Complaint—Tor pid Bowels,—Nervous Debility, und Broken Down Health, JSrom whatever cause. THIS elegant and truly valuable Medicine, € *| bas from time to time, dren in extensive use, for the last twenty-five years. It has been sold, and is well known in many of the South- ern cities and towna, viz; Charleston, Savan- nah, Aagueta, Atieata, Charlotte, Columbia, &c., and is highly valued, 7 the multitades of people who have used it. Many inthis town aud surrovuoding country, have eujoyed its benefits, and will no doubt, well remeaiber it. A greac number of the strongest, and most no- qnaliGed certificates of its value, have been voluntarily tendered the proprietor, many of them from peraons of bighest respectability and inte lugence, The Medicine is pleseant to take, and per- feetly tree frown the possibility of harm, under any circumstences or conditions of health, —in- deed it is perfectly safe, even fur an icfant. It is especially adapted to the present season, when the ing warm weather occasion’ anch » degree of lsssitade, and debility, partic ularly in weakly sod prostrated sysiems, as often to become almost insupportable. repared and sold Price $1.00 per bottle, only At E, SIT.LS. Drug Store, Saliebary, N.C. april 6@—142f DR. GODDIN’S ComMPOUXD GENTIAN BITTERS. Qures Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion Uolie, Sick Stomach, Bronchitis, Asthma, Nevralgig, Rheumatism, &o. A UNIVERSAL TONIC. A sure, safe, aod reliable preventative and cure for all Malarial diseases, and ‘all diseases requiring a general tonic impression. red only by Dr. N. A. H, Goddio and for sale everywhere. JAMES T. WIGGINS, (Soecessor to J. H. Baker & a Proprietary Agent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Medi- dines. Norfolk Va 17—ly An Invaluable Acquisition to House Keepers. A tasteless and Inodorous Preserving Powder. For preserving Fruit and Tomatoes, and all preparations of Fruits, without beiag air-tight, and with whatever qrantity suger desired: be it much, Httle, or none atall. It is ineom- parably snperior to any other preparation. This Powder will preserve with a certainty, that no one need have the slightest doubt. Ove teaspoonful of the powder will preserve from eight to ten qnartaof dressed Fruit or Tomatoes. Any kind of Caos or jars will answer, and they need not be air-tight, and can be nsed out of, at pleasure. In all Ffruit Preserves, you can save halt the Sugar. Full directions ac- company it To be had only at E. Sirus Drug Store, Salisbory, joly15 1f-28 DR. LAWRENCE'S CELEBRATED WOMAN’S FRIEND! A safe and reliable remedy for All Diseases Pecaliar to Fe rales, —svcH as— Leuchorrea, or Whites; Prolapsus Uteri, or Failing of the Womb; Irregular Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- ation; Pain inthe Back; ~ Nervousness, Wakefulness, Weakness, &c. DEDICATED TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA, For whose benefit tt was designed, and whose hap- piness it will promote, by the discoverer, D., J. J. LAWRENCE, _-_-_ TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Woman's Friend is coms noe are published around each bottle, and it is lieved to be the beat Uterine Tonic and alterative yet discovered. Itia a valuable andreliable agent fn all derange- ments of rhe Female Reproductive Organs, and in Hysteria, Nervous Headache, Spinal Irritations, &c pex- Price $1,00 per ec, 1 J. H. BAKER & CO., Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street, Norfolk, Va. <P To whom all orders or letters must be ad- dreesed , _ march 19—1y fj Stal Bnew ts maANES tore Oxe Year, payable Six Menras,: “* 5 Copies to one address, ? : 10 Copies to one adiress,....--- bose - Rates of Advertising. One Squere, first insertion,..... poe OEO0 For each additioval insertion. Special notices will be charged 50 per eent higher that the-abpve rates, . Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish - ed at the same rates with other advertise- ments. Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. Te persons wishing tu advertise for a lon- ger time than two months the must liberal terms will be given. CONTRACT BATES. SPACE. | “" y G O K 0U Q “I v a eu g Q “s y U O K XI S | | “a q I U O NE CY L , | | | | 75 25 60 00 $5 00 $8 50 $1300 8 5013 00 22,00 | 12 00.20 00 30,00 15 00:25:00 37,50 45,00 1 Square. 2 Squares. || 3 Squares. |) 4 Squares. Coluwn. Columa. 75.00 1 Column. 40°R0) 59 0/80 00 130,00 MISCELLANEOUS. ——— ERUDITION IN FEATHERS. MR. SEWARD'S WONDERFUL PARROT. Among the many attractions of the hospitable —— residence of Mr. Seward, late Seu retary 0 we bird-lovers class the parrots and the beautiful parakeets. Of all these, the most piquant, lively, and reliable entertainer was a certain statel parrot, in a handsome live- of green scarlet—the Secretary's own par- a right “merry old soul,” approachable and con- descending, social, loquacious, and little liable to the provoking moods and sulks, and cantankerous always jar to his race. His cage usually hung in the pleasant litle li- brary opening off the hall, where he watched the incomings and outgoings of the household ; where he saw tne Visitors who dropped ‘9, informally ; where he heard their iigss: 59%*!p, their hurriea bosiness talk, or their grave inquiries or aii: ments on 4! of State, In political discus sions whenever they grew at all stormy, he espe cially oo and seldom failed to mingle— to laugh his down. That langh o! Se sound I ever heard from the throat.of a bird.— Some time last summer, while the window near which the cage stood was kept open, the infant next door,.one of those cherubiec babes that “continually do ery;’ and at length he startled the family by an imitation eo dolorous- ly perfect that it was feared some poor little cast away had somehow been amnggled into the house. At another time, his master was afflicted with a and meine faithful “ancient” symptoms Certain voices were sure to excite his emula- tion or his antipathy. On one ocession, when Senator Sumner was discuming some political question with the Secretary—not by any means taking pains to “roar him came fearfully excited, screamed him down, with all sorts of unpariia- mentary hooti and cat-callk. There may have been pete « —compl the orotund, antocrati- cal voice of the distinguished Senator from Mas at his stately peri sous ited parrots wou ees have rebelled inst a voice of that rating and ez i ity. the polities ss bue wonderful bird was a period, when, sitting, nodding and wink- ing on his dread, the Pints ch refrain wa«:- “Ninety days, ninety days.” Perhaps, stil! later, he talk- ed persistently,and knowingly of “Reconsiru tion,” “Amnesty,” “Alabama claims,” “Alaska,” there has always béen about this parrot a certain air of mystery—a wise, sly look, keen, observant, “cute” —a something reserved, self-contained, di- plomatic. He was like a feathered despatch-bag, or Secretary’s portfolio, actually swelling with State secrets. J feel assured that his astute mas- ter must have debarred from his presence all re reporters, lest, in some unguarded mo- menta, hints of t enterprises and important treaties should drop untimely from his bill, This clever parrot has a female companion, a ey, amiable-looking bird, whose cage used to stand clase beside his, and with whom he seem- ed to be on excellent terms, showing her in his lofty way, marks of ‘distinguished consideration,’ Madam seldom talks, but she sings finely—is truly a feathered prima donna of extraordinary talent ; yet she seldom sings alone, preferring to join with her friend in astonishing musical per- formances, From the tranquil character of the intercourse of this pair, from the fact of her si- lence, and his politeness, I infer that their rela- tions are not matrimonial, glock geo = ment unites them in a 1 hilosophi- cal friendship. v aankon end the winew of Hel- vetius—Chateaubriand, the Madame Recamicr. I once took some merry children to ree these marvellous parrots. It was a dreary winter day, in the d of Johnson’s administration, and we found them alone and ‘quiet in the dumps, considering their rom cares and per- plexities, domestic and political, Our coming evidently brightened and inspired them, for they went through their entire reportoire for our _ SALISBURY, N.C me, ’ “Ry “your leave, , ‘ pet and i This ramastaaa heel was, and, I trast, is though in a new home, and under a new administration, | the contrarious | royally ri on the storm, and loyally echoing his disinguinbed master’s sentiments, or helping | was attracted by the vocal exercises of an not verch, in themidst of confusion and | Yet, affable and commanicative as he scems, | trayed, perh a mild interest, byt Monsieur whtatted Bally of. | “What was Heeuba to him, or he to Hecuba, | That he should weep for her?” The Secretary’s parrot, like the Secretary him- self has a wonderful memory. He has always been fond of a certain lovable lady, eonnected with the family, and during the early part of the war, when he frequently heard the song of “John | Brown,” hé took the fancy to hail the sight o! her by invariably singing out, “Glory, | hallelujah” as the only adequate expression of his fervent delight. ‘This lady, after an absence of some years, lately visited the Secretary, and immediately on her entering the library, her friend in green and scarlet gave a joyous hugh and shouted ont the old greeting:—“Glory, glo- ry, hallelujah!” | Ab! what persons and what scenes may not ‘this strange ljctle ereature remember! Once, | when, him with the peculiar, curious imterest I have in his kind, white he sat quite | silént and motionless, perhaps dreaming; pon- | dering, remembering, I cakat myself such ques- tions ag these:—“Dogs he ever faintly recall a tinfe 6f horry and alarm in this household, when the beloved’ master was brought home hurt, and borne up those stairs? When every morning he missed his great friend’s kindly salutations as | something pleasant taken out of his narrow life? | Does he recall the incessant coming and going oi | doctors and visitors, for many days? Does he remember one hurried, long, yet weary step in the hall? one kindly voiee, which gaye him jol- ly greetings now and then? Is he never yisited }by confused memories of one dreadful night; when there came an awful unbidden guest, steal- ing up, and leaping down those stairs? When struggie above him? when that Loure alm | rockedwith the sheok of « reat tragedy? the bird sicep as usual, that night, when the very air seemed to shodder with terror, and the winds | to ery to all the city— | “Sleep no more! : Treason does murder si¢ep 7” | The creature seemed certainly to possess some- thing very like aflection, and 1 could but ask | myself, “fs it not pomih'« that he sometimes re- | Calla a wee, cracious hoasehold presence, mar- | tyred and sainted, one who moved softiy, spoke | gently, and had a kindly word for all, that he may still wateh and wait for yet another, a fair young girl, to whose prematurely md thoughts is merry mockeries are sometimes pleasant di- | versione | Who can tell? The bird-life has mysteries apon which we may nottrench. Bat, evidently, | the tragedy that had made that house historical ! { vd his spirit or darken his views | of life. He was almost always merry and jo- | cund, and the sad condition of human mortality | s¢emeal to touch him but lightly. | He is gone now, with his master and his mas- ter’s beloved family, and before that hoepitable mansion on Lafayette Square the memorial sep- | timent stalks no more. Wherever thou ast gow, of parrots and gossips, I greet ther eee “TH! to dee, blithe spiset Bird, thoa never wert?’ | Peace go with thee and with thy master who, | | certainly | genius to loved,” who het Borne joy and or- | with rare dignity, cheerfulne®, and_ phijodophy. sach king that i eit | Lat times when momentous and eolemn i | usetta, provoki irreverent fowl to | snes were to be mgi—af times of periband excite- | , esi a laugh at his radical pronunciamentoes, whistle | ment, this dignity-has seemed, even to his old | a ane a > it posnible ; and cough in the midat of | friends, like cool indifference, this cheerfulness ee ee Legislature thet a Senate "et epitined + te lponderd gies | like politi¢al péreif: >, this phfosophy, too, like | respect for vested righta, ial atid cdieisle v of On the other isa demagogue taliste and usur- | 4 should be per- an easy optimiem, amd we we have said ao, there | was no ubkindness in our hearts, as there is no repreach in oar thoughts) Whatever he may | Greenwood, in Hearth and Home. Jonx Taxcock.—No man has probably been | more overrated than John Hancock. He was | rich, lived unostentatiously, and was very gen- Al- | efous, but he was vain and unscrpalous. most everybody with whom | jed to sue him. My father told me that one could seldom pass the court-house in Boston during | term-time without hearing the rier of the court | praelaim from the duor-steps, “ His Excellency | John Hancock, come into court and make an- | swer to A. B, or you will be defaulted. He | would present to a clergyman, on election day, a suit of clothes, and the tailor would have to sue | the Governor for payment. His widow, Mme. | Scott, who married Capt. Scott, master of one of | Governor Hancock's Londen packets, told me in | my youth, that on one occasion the Governor in- vited the whole Senate of Massachusetis to break- | fast with him without giving her any notice— | She said, “We have no milk for the coffee of so | many persons,” and he replied, “Send the ser- | vants out to milk the cows on the common,” It | was the custom then for the inhabitants to send their cows to crop the grass on the public com- mon, But Hancock was not the only man in public life who in those days dishonored his po- sition, The late Judge William Jay informed me that while he was a boy he heard Chancellor Livingston say to his father: “Jay, what a set of —— rascals there were in the Old Congresa,”— Lewis Tappan, oo A Jaw of Ohio enacts that each railroad in the State shall heat its cars by heating apparatus so constructed that the fire will be immediately extinguished whenever the cars overturn. The same law provides that cars shall be lighted by candles only, The voleano, of Collins, Mexico, is in a state of eruption, throwing up huge masses of fire, ashes and lava, The mhabitants of the villages afid towns within its range have fled. from their nsement, M. laughed, coughed, whistled, Genk i mt coreelyShe, cbl atrot i , plumed her- pecrghe aboot, ate the cake we her, drank to our health, and ns that'she was “Pretty Polly.” ably destitute condi the best singer by 4ar, | please | Letter from Lord M tiley WF the Hon: Henry 8 “as : , on @ d astonish us, Jdidall, 7 While thus on e tion, one of these pretty Hoxny Lovo, Kuwait f another time ap amateur = parrekects baying, Iemay be, her little head we} 4 pe gps Say oe tarned by excitement, was seized by « sudden’ : So | ound taal foenine vertigo or fit, staggered, and twabled forward on Tenry 8. ‘Randall, Esq :—Dear Ssir< ‘You, —_ ahat hee u her beak, then went ploughing oycr the carpet) are surprised to learn that I haye net a high i sith fear young ms : in al ms Sringeri ae a | Sy a et am sorry to say that those superior crea- | YOUF 5 y " oe tures, the parrots, showed noalarm at this «mall | & line, and that I never, in Parliament, in con- A _ ich he might bave used most ¢ epile attack, and No joy at thé reeevery of | Versauion, or eyen on the hustings—a place Svar: was reported tas —— — While it fluttered most wild- co - _— oe to court a 5 bevels — . ae mba 1 ut, h do: ad tail u lame uttered a wo dicating an a |e acquaintances arrival : p heed ven sad al oh NN bee supreme authority in a State ought to be en- of frightened hunter, and the next day trusted to the majority of etizens convposinfg the rest and most ignorant part.of society, | naye long been convinced that institutions pure- ly Democractic must, or later, destroy | liberty or civilization, or , In Europe, where the popnlati ie dense, | effect of such institutions would be almost in- glory, | there were wild eres and the sounds of mortal |. | and the sorrow that has rendered it sacred did | traded was obliz- | | stantaneous, What —— 'y in France is an example. In 1848 a pure ocracy was During a short time there | established there. was to expect a general spoilution—a { national bankruptcy, a new partition of the soil, | maximum prices, a ruinous load of taxation | laid on the rich for the purpose of supporting | the poor in idlences made i as poor of the vinglans, averted; and now there is a tribune, and an enslaved Press. Li cratic government the same. Either the poor would — and liberty think that yeur country enj an & these evils - I will frankly own to you | (ace Niaediete ; of theusands-6f- artisans, will times out of @ork, Then your | be fairly brought to the test. | Distrely everywhere makes the laborer miifl- inclines him to lis who tell him that one man | nous and discontepted, and | ten with eagerneds to @ ‘that itis @ monstrous | -hould have a mition while another cannot | a full meal. In grumbling here, and a ti | ters litge; for berg the | ralers—the | class numerous be « | and ingly, dhe restrained. see | flow again} all is tranquilit En a hconttents are my reason help forboding the worst. It is quite | lately at ite mercy. The had more than half » | of public faith. ranting about the tyranny of | pers, and asking way an | @ year of seqrcity, devour all the seed corn, and thus make the next year a year not of scarcity, | bot of absolvte famine. There will be, I fear, spoliation. The «polia- | tion will increase distress, The distress will pro- | duce fresh spoliation. There is nothing to stay | you. Your Constitutior-is all sail and no anchor. \s L said before, when a society has entered on | this downward gress, either civilization or | liberty must perish. Either some Crsar or Na- | poleon will seize the reins of Government with fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Empire Huns and Vandals, who ftavaged the Roman Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your country by your own institutions. Thinking this, of course { canaeh reckon Jeffer- son among the benefactors of mankind; I readi- ly admit that his intentions were good-and his abilities considerable. Odious stories have been circulated about his private life; but I do not know on what evidence those storics rest, and I think it probable that they are false or mon- sttously ex: ted. I have no doubt that I shall derive both pleasure and information from your account of him, I have the honor to be, dear sir, your faithful servant, Fulfillment of the above Prophesy Sovru Caronixa Leotstatvre, 1869.—Of 63 whites and negroes of the South Carolina Legislature, 8 can read and write well, 14 can spell a little, the rest get somebody to make a cfoss-mark for them, not knowing a B from a bull’s foot. The whole concern pays in taxes $146.10—44 members paying not one cent. ee New Yor from London, reports in inst a tel - Tune 26, latitude 26 24, lo ne ny bel 8 pany, a eaeumens o¢ ndeemen Seteihas He a large ice 200 feet ; next day passed for comipetition with between two nearly equal height, the company the Such a system, would, in twenty years have and barbarous as France Happily the danger was iam, a silent is gone; civilization has been saved. I have not the smallest doubt if we had a purely Démo- effect be the and civilization would perish, or order and prop- erty would be saved by a strong military gov- would perish, You may, get there is plenty of rivting ; but it mat- supreme is in the hands of a \ Sadesh bet oxlest, of an sduent- ed clast—of a claw which is and knows itselt iC pea ae“ ria plain that tly,” the parrot le- | whacever men may grant or depy him however | ome and ca Soh. Pes I was told, actnailly | partisans may ditier an to his political course, | with fowthe majority is the Govern ’ nt, aor mstrnes, in an enyingmt degree, “the | has the ri¢h, who are always a minority, abso- Jariy disturbing to | row, success and failure, glaty and detraction, | in the State of New ea er ee breakfast or expects to have more than half a i be chosen? astroag hand, or your Republic will be as | was in the fifth, with this difference, that the | Fmpire, came from without, and that your | é i f i = ca el it e gr ® : Ef e i : a 5 = 3 <p the snake, who, with grect at once gaye chase.— ae for aan half a mile, the reptile, before he slack- ve up the ner This again an ex visited the and searched poarch aa the snake, without sycorss, On Tuesday mi of this week, the same two boys again _Chittendon farm, this time better 3 i! it za iv ened his.speed also was reported, ir 3 to fully test EL E Hi We oft 7 2 the { bi . ; oo to be. tiie, o. one affection and reli trust ?’ Sea AS 1s 5 en er oe ee ink- au eee = ee eno Is it and £6 let spch. ‘pon tinue? it not the. of the : can eh Can iin i pane note warn! * . a 7 ervttoasteds of Go inkadugives with sickness, and if this be detected and —the that ei! sound an. : the sake of humanity, religi ation, for the sake.of al} that 2 ; What have been the effectsof drunkenness, and its irritable peaults ?” ‘oly many wives eas ane ofy. vice itself. . It a a i i 4 5 8 8 T a e : I E i i < e i f | - 3 i a © h i E f i be 4 et f A F z ammonia, ten grains this quantity to be The longest time late years, | think, we are not forgetful of his grant past. | aa whith may have pertheated the Whole rystem have bly been of the conservative type; but} He gocs, it is said, on this first es heday of | pepoagg ire tigy Ba nea myer promo aan Ss many cae previous. — Belee. Med. Journal. I doubt not he has cown bie own wild oais of | his busy life, to the other half of our Siamesed | TS" Stamarion Which of the t 7 ea radicaliam. 1 doubt not there wana time when | continent, to vieit the South American empires | dusas bs Heat te be by aa * | Dpatn or a CLERGYMAN EN THE Pririt. sock as “The ble Conflict”— | and republies, where, doubtless, cordial welcomes | who henca bie ebilddtn’ oxy toe . br ae 4 ad? 1) the night of Sunday, the. 4ch instant) the grand words which came from the lips of the | and most honorable entertainment will prove | .-iously apprehend that y i im h | Rev. John of Thomasville, N. C., Metho- great statesman crammed with prophecy and | that his foreign relations have not been purely | poaeon aa cana a tas ‘jecuthel da | dist divine, began preaching toa large congrega- power—were caught up by his familiar and val- | oi pe 1 ine whic will prevent centes ikea fe: | tion in Wesley Chapel, Atlanta, Ga., of which orously reiterated, the unbelief and the | Will the favorite parrot go with him as conr-| torning: that you Pi t Ii ¥ yple would in | tee Rev. Mr. Kimball is pastor. The Atlanta policy of the hour, I th it very likely there | jer, or will he have a secretary bird ?—traec | pence act Uke people would 1D | Constitetion eaye: “He had continued some ten minutes, when he suddenly stopped, and with a livid face and appeared to be the matter with him. He sat down in an easy position, folding his hands and throwing his of ye manner. Perceiving his illne=s and at the same time observing that be was quiet, Mr. Kimball arose api concluded the sermon, all the time thinking that Mr. Long was better from his qui- escence. As he ended his sermon he turned to | speak to Mr. Long and found that he was speech- } besa, i | he never recov e died Monday morning | about five o'clock. Mr. Long was a gentleman of fifty-eight years of age, of irreproachable char- acter and high Christian standing. in the city but a week or ee contemplated making his residence here. His family are stil! in Carolina, anid have yet to learn the terrible intelligence. Mr. Long was buried this morning —o solemnities. Mande honors were paid tw hi : He had been _——_—_~-ao——— Two young women recently fought a duel in Puebla, to decide their claim to the possession of a male Mexican’s love and One of the combatants was killed. ere seems to be a sudden and inexplicable revival of ducllimz in all parts of the world, An East Indian ndent of a New York paper notes the intenae hostile feeling of the na- tives of that couritry to the English rule, and says that sixty days without protection of British troops, would not leave a single European sur- vivor in the peninsula. Women are scarce in Sioux City, Iowa, and a pion of Out sinet elveriee proposals for fif- —— New England girls of industrious ita, A verdict of three thousand dollars has been gasping utterance asked Mr. Kimball if anything | back on the sofa in a reclining | It was — lectic stroke, froma which | ——-—-“_—-- | Cocrrray Omtsa—Meta Victoria Faller, ins | sisterly way, thus talks to. odntry ’ Tag Armee’ Grane ania, lift as well as the e country" race of women which no other land show. | I seek not to flatter them ; for before thef, can become this, they will have to mtaké an earnest | effort of one or two kinds. There ar¢ sathe who | depréciate their condition, they démand more * consideration than they merit. A wantjof i } telligence upon all the subjects of t vy ; | of a refined education is more ex le | cousitry girl, in these days of many booke | newspapers. Many girls are discouraged because they -can- | not be sent away from. home to boarding échool 77 but men of superior mind and knowledge of this world, would rather have for wives women well and properly educated at home. And this edu cation cari had schenever the desire is wanting. A taste for reading does wonders ; | an earnest thirst after knowledge is almost cer- tain to attain a sweet dranght from the Pierian | Spring. There is a farmer's daughter in this very room in which I am writing—a beanti ful, refined and intelligent woman—in whose giri- hood books were not so plenty as now, and whto obtained her edueation under difficulties which woule have discouraged any but one who had a true love for study, — ——--__———- Summer Care oF Sueer.—Now that yoo have secured the fleece and marketed what lambs you have to spare, thé flock is very apt to bene glected ; this should not be 0. The. condition of stock sheep sh: be carefully attended to through the summer; there is no animal merg benefited by a change of poten vs pegulas 7 placing rock salt where can al- ways haye access to it. Sheep are'benefitted by _ regular watering as well as cattle. Tf ewes arg’ kept in condition through the sumiber théy will bé the better of it for breeding in the follow; — and spring. 'o guard against the depredations of dogs ase plenty of bells; ‘They cost but little compared with the loss of having the sheep worried or kill’ ed. If the flock is small—sgy twenty or ghirty in number, puf a bell on ench sheep; if # beu» dred or more put a bell on one-hali or one-third of them. Always put bells on the weakest in the flock, 9s they will be hindermost:in the chase. The sheep dog is a great coward and will only chase sheep when he ean doboway. prosper = a noise of 86 many bells . my Mit cetpene Gre sng “sige ———~ Sas y ete i : a ate ii =— The Living Present wishes, ‘for gphe good of every body concerned, that the same policy which marked the Virginia counsels in the late campaign - had been the poliey of North Carolina in 1868:" Tu that event it ‘thinks that yor Holden would now be “editor SALISBURY, FRID PARTMES, ee We notice that several ‘tthe Radical pa- pers of this, aud urher S(atys wie,er profess ‘to be, jabilant over the Virginia elections.— They lain that the result’ shows. that the mhocratic patty is dead; at feast in that “State. In this we think they aré more than half right-—we are of the same opinion gur- J elf. But it shows mneh more than that—it shows that Radicalism is quite ag dead vs Democracy, if vot a great deal deader.. Ifa Ropublican party has been created, as claiin- “ed shat it is tw-eontrol Virgiuia in the future for their awindles Bek “dbedia amit-chelt it is, aud will be, a very different party froto cabhetee® =) Paes _that which has herewfore existed iv that |/ hae State under that uame. Tt “is* composed” of" wDhat euch a poly asthat pursused by different men ‘and fs under the control of dif. | the people of Virginia: br the Tate clections ferent leaders=teadgrs, worthy to be eutrust- would Have. eaved us from most of the ed with the inanagement of the affairs of a} evils under'which are now euffiring, had Breat State, sush as Virginia is. Lit been adopted ia: 1867, therg.can be no But among the most amusing things: whieh we have seét in relation to the matter is the . efforts of the Raleigh’ Standard to _copvipee its readers that the triumph of the Virgiuia Conservatives is a triumph of its principles, Tbe Standard vow claims to be the most conservative paper im North Carolina. a dis- thustion which we had Hlattered ourself, be- * . longed tothe Old North State But we thiuk its eundudtis easily explained. Phe Virginia election’, as we have already remarked, have @einopstrated the fact that Radicslisur is dead —that the days of the Northern adventurers and their ignorant dupes, as the guverning power in the South are numbered. The Standard, wid those for whow it speaks, see this and have Parapet Sees od Ctad nil radical changes in our State Constitution. that Gov. Holden and the vative radicals in- ‘who were for complying with the require- tended to lighten theirship by throwing the adventurers overboard. ar informant said thatthe adventorers were to be made the seape-gout for the sins of radi-alisin, as de- veloped by the party in the legislature, At this the adventapers ery cut “ingratitude.” . They say, aud with gome show of trath, that Governor Holdet-and the eufirg radical tick- et owegheir election to them—that they ton- trilied the enlared'vote aud manipulated it $0 favor of said'ticket. EM F Having determiged to get rid of the. ad- yevtuyers the election in Virginia presents the vccision for the Standard and lis party to cast them off. If Wells had been elveted by a triampliaat majority the rejoicjngs of the Standard aud its party would have fnown po bunds, atyl’a different course would have been taken. It waited fur the result before it took its departare, determined to claim it | 8 tritinph of its principles no ma.ter which Leket succeeded. But in one thing the Stand- ard is greatly mistaken. It has not anderstyo 1 the tive dature Of the struggle. ‘Phe contest | fibly: thaw ai } and Va dials the civilized nations of Southern Eutepe, af- terthe deelive of Rome, would jong ago have sought some more. favorable élime strennously’ urged by ‘whe Old North | State, butwasinat suflicievtly seconded togceure its. adoption, It proposed to the people of North Carolina to accept of “as a political necessity,” It advised them, ax evidence of theiz good faith, to yote ur Ue call 0f said Convention. By tak ing thig course it Was hoped that the Con- servatives and moderate men would be able to obtain control of the Conventidn- And in order 40 accomplsh s0 desirable reault the Qld North State tarthet urged a union of all parties who were opposed to gress—“noting more nor nothing lees.” They were indeed for framing a cpnstitn tion cortaining the principle of impartial suffrage and equal politieal rights, which was dll thar was required, bat they were opposed to mo-tof the radical changesthat were made. In faet these Repubheans oceupied by those “Couservatives who fa- forgd reconstruction under said act. After the split which took place in the Republican party at the September Con- véntion the course of the Conservatives beemed to ns'to be’ perfectly clear. seceders from. the. Republican » party on that occasion, under tlie leat af Mr. Good: loe, Judge Dick, and others, comprised nearly all the talent and respectability of the party. The task of uniting them with the Coneervatirés in such a move ment, and in support of such a policy, as classes of persons than any thing else, “The | Would Nave Bee Gn ewy one. Ta frei Wells party could easily have been ‘induced | they were anxious to join in euch a move- ge greg to the expurgution of the oljection- | ment on snch, or more Jiberal terms, as Able ola of the constituien if cod¥inced | wo happen to know. And the Old North t cession wbuld have Whsured | crate urged it with all ite energics, bat to thei suecess. But this, would have left the | The Raleigh Sentinel, thea : } c : ' | e > me G se et of ovpriucipled aud greedy cormorants edited by Bees Pell & Gates, OPP ed who wold have grown rich upon ber plun- | it and finally, with other help, defeated jt, |to the great injury of North Carolina “uch a policy would, beyoud all question, . . no purpose. governwent of the State in the hands of a : der while destroying hercredit and impover- ighing her people. And such is the case in | North Carvlina. the native Republicans, so-called. are sore | tion to the liberals, who would have adious to the people of North Carylina than framed a tolerable, if not avery good ‘the Northern adventurers—than Weils wag | Constitgtion, It wonld also have e- to the Virginians—aud ahey estaot) raive! abled them to defeat the Radical teket ar themselves to favor by any cohpentione.— the election iv April. 18968, This ue one ‘They eav.sever throw the-odian of their} oy doubt who tooks at what, has just ante upan, Miho, a8 Shey sed rest gt been done in Virginia. And here we jomptt. We do vet intend these remarks | Vee) to apply to every mau in the Repultiean par- vo ty inthe State. We know that there wre State was seconded ju ite efforts by foar wen of character and talents in that party, | of the Conservative papers of the” State, men who cothatid some portion uf public | whese gneelfich patrjotigia is gfill grate- confidence and respect, and fur whom we | fally remembe They were the Cliar have the highest esteem. Bot they are not) lotre Daily News, the Lincoln Courier, high in favor with Gov. Holden and that the Goldsbara News aud tha Washington wing of the party which recoguizes him a! Conservative. its especial | Nor do they esteem ‘The failare tn effet the, eoalition fur Guy. Holden aud * a ae | which the Old North State, and the papers the passage of the reconstraction laws, and never onttel the:nselves with the Republican party until aftet the passage of sald laws, ‘and then only as @ ‘natter of policy. The peopleef North Cadrolina—we mean the in- telliget white people—will never forgive | groaning. Gov. Holdem aud his assuciates—'*men of Le esteeins them. jly went very far to give the Radicale the ' control of the Convention, and to impose the State ‘government, under which we are now upon the Consiitation, and And if any thing elee was wanting to ensure that result it was fur- jattle capacity and less patriotism,” as they | pished by the ill-timed and unfortunate were very properly characterized by Mr. Boyden in his ecard annouveing himself a candidate for Congress—who by falsehood aod misrepr-sentativn prevailed apou Cun- gress to pass eaid acts. Bot they regard the other wing of the party ina didereatight— % thelight iu which the Virginians regard Jotun F. Lewis. Joha B. Crenshaw, Frank - lia Stearns and Lewis McKenzie, letter of Governor Graham. That letter, which appeared but a few weeks before and drive many men over to the radicais who were perfectly willing to go with the | Conservatives for reconstruction. Iu this We have stated some frets for the beneGi county and Davie we feel sure that two! of the editor of the Standard for which he! Conservative cangidatca were defeated will, doubtless, feel very thankfaltous. He) for the Convention by the publication of jsatelever fellow’—a Conservative at heart | nat letter. aud we have thoiight it oar duty to inform We mention these facts, not bim of the real eoidition of things in North | Carolina. in which State we think we ate ae wuch better acquainted than he is. If the Brcatce’ the best and mer patriotic men Standard belonged to him we should soon sometimes wake faral _ mistakes—some- expect to see it un the side of the trae cun- | times have their uenally calm judgments rervatives and in opposition to those who | clouded by prejadice. doubt, “Phat line of policy was then} ing’ the reconstruction policy of Congress,” ju Virginia Wag tore & contest between two | that whieh has just prevaitd in Virginia | Gov. Holden, and wany of have given the contral of the Conven- | think it proper to say that she Old North | | above referred to, labored 0 carnest- | } the election, opposed reconstraction under | ihe acts of Congress akogether, the effeet | lof which wasto divide the Conservatives ! \for the purpose of denouncing or con- | nesday. ‘deming any one, bat to show that the | Never has any electi: win this country per- plexed the politicians more than thyse recent- ly held in Virginia. The Northern Deinoet racy were anxious’to claim the result as a Dewocratic victory, hat in this it was re- buked-by every Conservative journal in Vir- ments of the Reconstruction laws of Cons | tatives of the seutiinents of Greeley and | mind, cominitted a very grave érror in as¢ribing : * : 7: * aoe | thia great vietory te the + irgiuia Deinud- racy.” There has been uo such party in) this Sate for oigtit years. audits very boues | stood precisely apom the same platform | have rortéd’ aud now cruusble at the touch. | of clover aud other No resurreetianary process. eould bring. that | | | | party to life, and its ashes lie mingled with. | and undiatinguished from, that of the yld | Whig party. The geathlemen who organized and prose. | coted the canvass for Walker were the lead- Hig representative wen of all the old) politl- | The | eal parties. Such men as Daniél, Stearns, | with the intention of making she Soath Baldwin, Sinith, Boeoek. Malfurd, Kemper, Stuart, Aylett, Hunter, Hunaicutt, Walker } Allan. Ordway, Mahone, Doowlas. Clements. , Ould. MeKengie and Seger. gad a hundred fothers we wight wifing, represented gerry | tnood aud tense. pilase, hag ahd tinge af, Uuiou seutiinent. seeession, Regi blicantent. | deinecracy and whiggery. The Walker par- | ty absorbed, and harmonized alLkhe desired | penee and the prosperity of the whole Uriion. | To secore these Measinge all of Chena ggetat lee~ inen aud thousand® 6f others, eqnally patri-| otle and honest. sarrepdered oxteetie opie | ions of very kind. and supported am avowed friend of Ggunt’s adufinintratioy. The par- ty was organized to acewinplish a certain re jealtio Virgiia. Ogr Augean atable was to be clenned. aud quer Gat has built ap a party to do it, and it is @ party possessing all the elements of present end future power aud QTeal vese ” As this party was not organized with ref erenes to any participation in politics, and as it ts vetther embarrassed nor tramenrled by any connection with either the Democrat | {ie of Repablican parties, it will mot permit | itself to be compromised by either, Its mis } sion is to accomplish the speedy return of Vir- | | ginta to the Uwon upon the basis of uni | | rersal suffrage and, wnicersal amhesty, and | | tte future supportecill Le giveh to the party which, regardless of dead wanes and par- | ty lines, shall prove thost generous. ‘liberal | ORAREIES AN VARGINIA, | ; inteligent aud ekilled labor that geod dorhern farmers settling among us woald intredage in their improved system of retation in erops, including the growth ases for tho reno- after the commencement of a term of this Gourt, to relate back and take effect from the first day of the term was out ofthe question. We are relieved from the difficulty by Whitrter vs. Wesley, 74.6. C. L. R. 43, dee*ted in 1852, in which all the cases 0; ue subject were fully re- vation of the soil, as is vheir life-long viewed and ‘4 conclusion is, a maa tenes Custom, : he he a on Soetpens for healer bn We are rejoiced in the asenrance from | tice, shall not w 2s TD rea an andoubted source that large numbers Weth and substance of the f ee @ consid \ ho t deed . er Farley we. Lea (decided ig 1838) oyer-ruled of those who have visited us, are anxious | py the authority and Dk ae oa to dispose of their northern property | The judgmeytts of this Court (ag between them- selves and without reference to the judgments of other courts) relate to and ¢ effect from the first day of the term; except'in the case above referred =—— such cases thie judgment takes ef- fect from the filing of the record of appeal. X. The Clerk of thig Court will keep a jndg- | ment docket, with an alphabetical index of the names of the defendants. On this docket he will enter a brief memorandum of every final judgment of this Court affecting the right to real property, and of every judgment requiring, in| whole or in part, the payment of njopey ; stat- ing the naniés of the portion the term of the with carly prospects for free and exten- or ad oa 7 ylairony pe pees Bive sales of land; to meet this proe- | of the Iotgnany aod when it shall appear from peetive activity; a new and more general | the return on an execation or from an order for 6rganization became necessary, and this | an entry of sntiefaction by this Court, that the wil] nog be confined by State lines. Zhe judgment bas been satisfied in whole or in ja North and South Land Ageucy, ander | ‘Me srk ot tbe reduest of any pervon interested the general management of E. Vansyekel, | shall make ‘a memorandum of the time pf each E-q., Bound Brook New Jersey, have | satixfaction, whether in whole or in part, and re- succeeded te the enterprise and business | fer briefly to the evilence of it, of “The Pioueer Land Ageney of New | ap oo from this — may be = Jersey” which wae really . the first office | re to the proper officers of any county in the at the North for the introduction and sale —. I gman liad py nik ar reiganiay | ef Southern lands to northern people. | in who favor execution is, it may be returna- | The organization will resume the issue of | ble on any specified day after the commence- a regular monthly “Balletin” devoted | ment = of ale Const next ensuing its solely to the interest of the enterprise por Peyeirerimererte ges is ao ae oral We would advise onr Southern friends to} term next ensuing their teste; and on “motiog, | secure co-operative connections at once, | for epecial cause, execution may be taken ont | and have their respective “Branch offices” during the term. XIL. The Court will not regard any agrec- their futnre homes, and ageigting to repair and spake glad the waste places that war and desolation have made We will re- ceive and welcome you as friends. Come doubly welcome, will all euch persons be everywhere South. The decided snceess attending she in- troduction otf Northern farmers in the South, and the interest etill shown in! Rewthern lands being on the -inerenee, duly noticed in next Balletin The re- | | and efficient in restoring our political liberties ‘ ; | ment alleged between Attorneys or Counsel, un- | and om promoting the prosperity of \inginia } maneration will be mutyal gad found to} les it be einitted oF shall be in griting and | | and of other Ntates, | pay, ard the gcheme will geevtly belp in | gied in this Court | Agkarnwledgtng te claims of neither of} the politieal prarties of the North upow us, it ] ill be the potley of Virginia. when she is reetored fr ie Vhion. to affiliate with that, | party which possesses sufficieut sagacity te} i diseover that kiudwees inay win the sappert land esteem of a brave people who caunpt be | jdriven by prescription and merciless legisla- | tien. | It ia im the power of the administration of \ General Grant. by @ mild ynet and coneihato ry policy to elevate. prrify and strengthen the | Republican party. and the siyns are indica tive of such « cnuret cpon hie part. | Here iu Virginia everything presages an lera of god feeling. eonciliatiow and polities) | reconeliginent of differeuces of upmigu among hovest me: ys The woly disturbers of the peace at this tine are the dispairing diegmegd reinnant of the carpet bag bud y gnard nf Wells. These Pariahs having deluded the negroes. attem)t- ed the blackest trensen tevgrds 6 nini-teateon. and become deserved abjects of ' | drants ad. | yeneral contemnmt and loathing. are howling like the dainned when they first feel the tortares of eterual popishment. . * . ° . . sod guashit gt weir teeth One by one their wrete ed orgine will die | of starvation | neglect, their shameless partisaus will be sileueed by pablie seern. aud he last earpet-bagger whe ebonnitted l treason against Grant and the Repnbliean party will svow sneak of aud be heard of wo nore. ee “Weep, Little Children, Weep.” —We | | find the following melaucholy dispatch in | | the Cinciunati Beening Chrov iple of Wed | Traly, it contains mater of sad- nese. Jast think of the “loyal”? Govern- | or Senter doing sach things! Goodness gracious! If Any Johnson should be | jelected United Senator negt winter !’ —| 'Oh, gosh ! . | “Grant's majority in November was “aod where the Northern farmers may give | before the callit g of the case, j preference in land, \fraad and imposition more cueily might | sgn che errors complained of. developing comnmnnities, and the seyers! | X{1L Memoranda of pleadings will ngt be commanities: developed will. show the recejyed in thie Court a pleadings, even by con- l extraordinary resogrees of the Soath, and | sent of parties, but will be disregarded as frivo- will glee leegen the tazation of the county, a oe motion of either party, or ina grow in the large increase made to the tazable | case, of its own motion, the Coart will refer it property of the South. | to the Clerk, or t> «ome member of the Bar, to | ‘The “North and Seath Land Agency” | report Whether pleadings in a cause, are scau- | will open “Branch offices” throughout | catome and impertinent, and if they be foand ro, | > 7 the Court will order the scandal or impertinence | the Northern and Eastern States, as well | 4, ge stricken out at the cost of the party. | asin every direction southward where} XV. A motion to diemias an appeal for want | the proper facilitics are afforded then, | of notice of the appeal, can only -— AL or On the hearing ve of such mation, the notice mast be shown, er Thid Agency hay be shutwn to have been fectiyed. Notice will hax bern established not ouly for the per- net be presumed merely becanse the appe al ay- pose of giving protection te the Railroads | pears to have been taken doritlg a tert of the 2 redace : 1 Court. : o a a _— — them, bart XVI. Any y within two terme afters also for the geeuring OF an Imungration | iaginent of this Cont, may file a petition to ot the beet eclisees of citizens whoge | | have the ca~e rebeard pou avy mat-er of law atanding aud identity will be known and | Tv ened petition shall be attached a certificate protection and comfort xigned by two Uounsellors of this Court. who did net appear in the can-e at its first hearin while secaring de sonable: homes among n4.| tating rere opinion that the judgment was = For the betirr protection of Railroads and | roneons every interest eonerrned, it has It thust alen 2 (geo that the jadg- been, | ment has been performed, or thatits perferm- Rtveolved that ne Branch Offices be epen- cdin any of the lager cities, where | also toe their ance has been properly secured; or sume soffi- cient cause must be shewa for di=ponsing with | these conditions. Sueh petitied mast also as creep in. + In the tarning of an imangra | XVil. A sp sols frou j algmonte rendere done tion of good parthern farmers and well | oF were d ys befere the commeneement of a} known citizens into Soathern channels, | “Ti if thin oer, rant Sy ed Se eee . eight days of the term, or before the calling of | the wealth of the conntry will be incal- | the district to which the case belongs, other culably ihereased, eyery bale of entton | wise they will be continued uftil the next term. | raixed by thoge settling on cotton lands | XVIIf. All judgments recovered d wing any i t ; iecnecd ‘ {term of a Supener Court, and whict shall be | would pay tribute to the general govern: | gcyored during the term, ahall be held and ment while the western grain growers) deemod to be ducketed on the first day of the pay comparatively nothing. It ‘s there- | term. — | tore of Nacional interest and importance | a Hany plaintiff shall bare docketed | thatan inteligent agricultural immigration toa aT ike SCWREMIN. oy her pln | should be encoaraged. We call npon oar) who has docketed a judgment, and shall take Railroad men, farmera, merchania, me- | Sheet ee give notice < Ben to chanics, every clases to encourage, and aes | nae oe Tw a toe tees | far ns possible to co-operate in the efforte | ikea trae ae cay ean ih bee of the “North and South Land Agency’’| who sball fail to «ne ont execution, and put it for introducing such » class of settlers | in the hands of the sheriff, before the day of l¢ ‘ , ; » The he Press in going fore- | sale, shall lose his lien on the lands sold ; provi- ini & }o oo" ial, 1p pri ip. | 29,000. ['o overcome this the Th meerata | Ainong us, and | © | Oe thad thie cule hail ot apply fe any exedl:| now administer the State gevernment. | The Old North, Stale has, in pr vate cir- | fave 20,000 new votes tnade for them hy | moet as usual in every good work will - Sires Lal ae y —————-— >> > ”) wer e ey « ¢ | . | cles, been repeatedly charged with a ten-) yo i ceun decision of the Supreme Court, | tell powerfully. “iS | XX. In all cases, where land is sold, under The Republican party advocates theJibera’ | Prineiples of Universal Suffrage aud General Aunnesty.—Stendard. dency to radicalism for nearly three yeare | past only beeause it had the eagacity to Is the Standard in favor of the passage of | see and the cograge ta point out how rad- | icaliem could be defeated in the accom: | a General Act by Congress, iinmediately up- -u its assembling in Decemnber next, for the | plishment of its worst designe. Recent ranoral of the disabilities Imposed by the events, however, have fully vindicated ite 14th Ainendment? “Thetrue Republicans.” | ‘ rach as we claim to bes and such as General Lee, John B. Baldwly, and A. A. I]. Stuart, aud the other leaders of the Walker party in | the Sapreme Court has decided in the case of Virgiuia are, demand the passage of sach | Martin vs. McMillan, thata note given by an act avd will be satistied with nothing less. | an ageut of the late Confederacy, for rnules ‘Aud if the Standard favors a general remo- | purchased to the miljjary service, is founded val of disabilities now why wasit so anxious on an illegal consideration and po jadgment te Lave thom imposed buta short time since } | can be rendered thereon. ; course. aor | commissioners who will give certificates to | IsportTANT Dreision —We learn that land about 1,000 by Seuter appointing wen who, in couseqacnce otf distoyalry, could not proenre them heretofore. It is | fearcd that these disloyal votes will not jouly elect Senter, but that a large nam ber of disloyal men will be elceted to the } ’ | Legislature.” | | Daring @late hurricane at Shipman, I'L, two men were blown over one hun- | \dred yards ant lodged ia apple trees, | withont sustaining any material damage, A calf eight mouths old was likewise transported intd a large locust tree, sever- al hundreo feet from where it was quietly ‘and peaceally grazing. © | enspended, the President authorizi Oo | axecution, in due course of law, the purebaser The Yerqer Case to' Go Before the Supreme | shall be deemed tu have acquired, by power of Court.—Washington, July 16.—The argument in | tbe sheriff's deeds, all of the estate of defendart the case of Yerger, of Jackson, Miss., for procu- | in the exegation, and all of the rights in re-pect ring its removal from a military commission | to thedand conveyed of the seteral gredivors by and bringing it before the Supreme Court was docketed jadgments, who either bave ixsned ex- concluded to-day. ‘The importaht-questions in- | ecutions, or who, having been notified, shall volved in this petition for habeas corpus have in- ; have failed to issue executions. duced the Attorney Generalto enter into a Saget fen ain . writen sfipiilation with - ae equneel to Sprenpip Premiums.—The Bere it the question in such a form as that it may rican : Fournal offer alk and determined by the United tore of the Amorios wack of | States Supreme Court next ber. The pres- ent application to the Chief Justice is to remain the Attor- ney General to say that no sentence by military commission further than is necoessery for the safe custody of the prisoper will be executed until the final detirmination f the court. This meets the approval of the Chief Justios ¢ + ae ; $1,00 each, also imported Alderneys, Sauthdown Sheep, Poultry, |mported and American, Seed Wheat &e , on the {same liberal terms. Address F. P. Boyer & Oo., Parkesburg, QOhbester Oo., Pa. | wheat should not readily command from.adol- remises, and have not assumed to apeak in its | Prnale Rut this we can say wake bateetiy, that Phe regular | order, on the days named, and for the offigers are. | Towa, October 12—State officers and Legisla- | to send a pair of their famous Chester | on the distance, cost of construction, é&e W hite’ Pigs for clob pf 30 subscribers at|each line. We teel sure Greensboro has noth- nal, Hating — ve voters of te 3 ' oes meet .at Py: a Btbke hon of Bo ‘aprphed of Noni Riosiaat a or at Abe cusuiug election, +, MANY CIPIZENS. led to ean aap mere Mra lea price Geb what ee tnve ipaicatea, | COTTON FACTORS, w'.eat bears no just relative value te other. arti- : cles of agriculiuril produce, It has alwoy Commerce St,, Worfolk, Va been os: Yeing worth shout double @ much as cori—the- of vii all wr EP Special attention paid to the sale of tyarkets is now net that a a bushel, | GRAIN. COTTON add all other ‘kinds .of with a ual tendency. ago | COUNTRY: PRODUCE. wer aed what $240, Cotton, which wa tH Liberal advances ‘om consignments rmerly in gold, cerits in ) ie. uae reo ° ian and prompt returis july927—3m sugar, and everything else, are twice es high now'as they were in old times.” What rea- son then can there be for putting wheat down to the ante-bellum standard ?—for after reducing the present & , say $1 60, to gold, we have | only $1 20, the price of w Nitine ie wom, and by the same process, $¢ per for extra supertine flour. iewed then in all the aspects in which the subject has presented jteclf to oor mind, we are to see any reason why prime white Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in the Old Stylé, Pure and Un- a -atr ; old Noch aie Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Props, CHARLOTTE, N.C. ALSO, Want to parehase 500-07 1060 head o! Osrtle, aml pay the highest Casty Piers for Corn gud Rye, july 2—-26:6m Davidson Springs. ‘yp —— i IF PURLIC ase hefehy informed that the Boarding House pt Mopre'’s Sprivgs, in Duvid- son county has beog well repaited, and fs now open for the feception of boarders Price $4 per day, ur 6lsper mimth. Children half price, MRS. M. 4. MADEN. July Ist, 1969, ST tt Assignee’s Sale. lar and three-quarters to two dollars a bushel months to come. If it is worth that, we trust our hard-working and long-suffering ore may haye the benefit of it, and thgt the millers will not be backward in making liberal offers, re THE BILL OF VIRGINIA. In tq the restoration of Virginia to the Union, the New ‘Pribane Saline : “We cannot say what Congres: may do in the we hope Con will promptly and joyfull encourage "Viegas to nt a coax ganization just effected, that place in the na- uonal councils which she should gever have re- linquished. The late vote of her was the fullest ever given; there was perfect order and quiet at the polls, and no one waa excluded | te of 0. G. Fra rupt, vis: - who was entitled to cast a ballot. Ler free 1, One-traif-acre let in OFim: 8. C,, adjoining the Kenn canstitatign, pith all proscriptions and Ti tthe aor sod aucun and choses in ac disfranchisement stricken ont, has been ratified “ : by the | jority ever given for any con- | Mieneing.to Hersey 6 GExDEtsoN, stitution of any ; and we should esteem it Amignee. a grave public misfortune iat sach an overture be repelled, -_-——— Noncs ia herdby n thatt ei etporr to pubd- He Sale. at the Colet use in Salisbgry on Meter: day. the 3st dey of July. a. .. THB, at 11 o'clock, 4: U-, tp Slteping » bélodging to the es rm. De Joly 8. 1609.—2TMt should are “Then you would have the metnbers elegt to New FURNITURE Store the new admitied to wcats In Salisbury ! without pelgd. oath 7” : toni othe Beaten OS ad te Vinita? parent | HE BUBRCRIBER HAVING PUR. should take the oath of ty a the pores vated the Fernitare este wt of Moore & Clodfelter will contioue the burintes 6n_ an ioereased geale, All kinds of FURNITURE kept compactly on band, swch as SECRETARIES,BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Ceat e-fables, Sefas, Wardrobes, —in feet all articles veually fond in FIRST CLASS Furniture Store, —He ako keeps constantly on hand— Fisk’s Me atlic Burial Cases, ment.and constify but not be reqaired to swear thay he nnn gall aid of consfort to the tebelljon. It seems to us’ a construc tion of existing laws which requires thie, There is nothing to gained by shutti out of the new Legislature two-score of so of foremost mehof the State, while we could not fail to lose by it the moral effect of their voting to ratify the the fifteenth amendment. We need their votes for this far more than they need the seats to which they have been elected.” ELECTIONS. elections octar, in the following designated : | Kentucky, August 2—State Treasuref and islature. Alabama, August 2—Members of Congres, | Walnut, Rosewood, and other Coffins. Tennessee August 5—State officers and Leg: | at prices lower that they have herefutore been islature. . sold in thes market. —— Territory, August 10—Delegates "| Call atthe old gtand of Moore & Clodfelter, ~. . . * - ’ Vermont, September 7—State officers and | On Main Strect opposite the Store f Legislature. | Mock & Brown. ; October 1 ongress. Pennsylvania, Ostober 12 buat oficers and | FI™ Good Walnnt ail Puplar Lambert Legislature. jkea in exchange lor Furnit nee Ohio, October 12—State officers and Legisla- | R. F. DAVIDSON. | Salisbury, June 18ih, I4GU. ~ 24—3m ure. | Tru - * * . "California, October 20—Judges of the Su-| NEW YORK and North Carolina preme Conrt. : New York, Noyember 2—Sepretary of State, STEAMSHIP LINE FrRoa Legislature, &. New York to Wilmington, ew Jersey, November 2—Legislature. Maryland, November 9—State officers and This Live will comprise the following steam islature. Minnesota, November 2—State officers and ——— ers: Visconsin, November 2—State officers wa ne ond) FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Hunter, a> The Fayetteville road has at last been sur- veyed from the Gulf to this place. Messrs. Jones, Cain and Robinson, with their force reached this place on Monday evening last at 5 o'clock, having been on the line since the 17th of June. They were met at the suburbs by the editorial corps and several of our citizens, and cordially and hospitably entertained by Dr. Benbow. No serious di ty was encountered at any point, and the intersection of the N. C. road was made at the cfossing of Adin Bete just the point to meet the tpad. The dis- WM. P. CLYDE, “ REBECCA OLYDE, 0. Chichester. MARY SANFORD, John Moore. With soeh additional Steaners as may be requited to meet the demands of the tra te— Sailing Irom New York every WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY et 4 P.M, from Pier lok R, foot of Wall street. D. P. Morgan, [7 The attention of Shippers ts called to the LOW RATES and FACILITIES tance between this place and Fa: as | offered by this Line, which are superior to ascertained hy the ey, is 054 miles, Thelany heretofore offered. éagineers retnrn to Egypt this weeky and will at THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to all points ou the North Caroling Railroad and its Connections via Golda boro. J. A. SADLER, Soliciting Agent. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, Wil miugton, N. O. AND, Agent, "AS Wall Street, N. tT once commence the survey from that point to Salisbury—when full reports: wil] be mape up- oT ing to fear from this report.—Greensboro Patriot. A movement on foot to eetablish a line of steamers between Sargnnab and a| JAMES FH port in Prngate. a | fob 20 —Srf ° ration, for,, - ginia, and yjustly so. Ou the other hand’ «yam gone in phentath inst . | thany radical journals claim it as @ tri rth : ol. ns of their principles with quite as little, if oF the ps mF % ay ye ene S Tosa phdw of reqsods It nay. .pussibly. aa nee cg wt. : dat + Millers the end; prote to haye been the tfomph OF Sara aon ; PS) hing un we of oe ; % he WEN a regenerated and regonstructed rey blicanism di re rates of tiavel 4 ore vouch, ‘und ing, ox ; SALISBU LD. ARKETS whilé jtsoudded thé death Knell both of Rad- | F ds to Northern land seekers, with | Wht here. - ABla JULY 16, 1869. iealian and Demootiiby, ‘This however, de re arge Fedgetion in Hovet bills along | Wthetanding al bond she odtiniags ip 6 RARE Adives: ends much upepsphe course to-be ‘taken by | ME “different roytes of travel. Several ‘ Beoss, AMIEL occ ten: ki in. 3% te: 90 ¢ u. Grants na .F cvsiden’ “pus- handred of. intelligent aud substantial Ist. If the elow Bhal} hi Colfee, fe und, ang tg 2 “22 to 8 en. GRADO" spiel de did DOS" | worthern farmers tive availed themse}ven| appellant to pauper, | Care, per bash, of 66 tlie Pr--s we sess 60 tine # prtanity. to immontalize | 4%), de inde 7 ; . } he 8 ti Meal, bush. + adknendh to 300 a tee re) atet ide inducemente jin low fares to vigit pee © > of th 2 peras, pow vats olden 6 a his name py ja the pacificator of his| the South; and- come as the of ere an ofiic sates , a oe nepahe sora to” vonudsy, and wehape he may yet prove hin-| the Pioneer Land Agency of Neve rey. | State capacity nae cease MM aicersise to 00 self equal to the’ DBs. ae ne : Many of these gentleweh wer Tes . Ap 2. ee Bore, re | toto 6 As showing tvpent Alestions _are eapable of ree 2 dgment Y e je “ rs is LB uaidber ote igo tw 6 regarded in Viggigiarre make the fyllowing | ities of the land they carefully examined, Manan sb-oemenos I siyecisireiud Og we extracts fram agieeuy article’ in’ the Rich-|8%d they generally have given pref forsee | MEAN gine ect ce geeliee tracts from aebeent article’ e Rie : Ny me “s not Real Thats es ads to the central or granite and elevated re. gnd.three | “ S 2... capepeantre 20ito, 29 ag nent ceo Mga dy fn a win of Via Xe, end Boh Com aro | erent pidge 28 Fg Site. alicising dite ief sentence whigh was | tina, Tennegsee, | , and Alabaina my oe nF 5b to 09 not italicised Lien baguiver 3 4 ag the most sg ae for white on x Wonohes, OW op wetee ae 6 THE ELECTIQ) at WALKER—WHATIT vorthern dabor lol We the growing Leather, app Papo oe es 68to 75 8 oe SIAN. * of wheat, corn, odte'@nd:clover; besides | ae ee) oe dea $3 fo During the lakt-eight, years Virginia has | the southern productions ‘of cotton, tobacs ‘enth.arid Eleventh “ _ of a in ae : . = ae heen hs it Pere “auysideoF the Union.” aud | co, and every variety at Mbhits and vegeta- elfth and Sixth “ Nails cthe EM Tieetes Ste 7 her people no longer admit the claims of| bles were glso seet to fourigh abundantly. each District will he call- te Molasses, sorghum. per ga 4g atinties 50 vither the Dainooeatic or of the Repablican | Dhege sections are preferred for salubrity ae = onette: me ay: 09 to » eer a tin uueely elerens \ of climate, parity of water and grandure Some ‘ y Caley par Nashek eat bie! "he! an \ Riival vletute of «eh ak Bela ee f secnery, as well.ag for the deposits of hat place; o i e first call is are ods . UND... peeoeedngs fo. 12 ar ~, eee en ohdoly Fane ul Gala, ot Tren; in fineness equal teed i ptory. i ike alg, ai Sarep a focal —- — Balt naires prA noth- a vel baat, ; # ‘ 5 oe S | trawrs over Negro Domination and: shat | woild, of” cowl, copper, marble, granite, paberge picvsber & " secant heat 1 leon bd aces en ae ey mer’ | Sager, Brown. pet pound, “bp 16 bogus Radiealisin whigh, fo advogating test | and slate, with its immense water powere; | either party at the first call, the case will be put | that. we ean. ant) them im sénding forward +s. coon ae Fs &. % | oaths “and disfrauehiseanent. arrayed itself almost linitless forests, containing nearly |.to the end of the Distriet, and if none appear at 7 needful supply. » | Balt, coast. “per sack, .. 2% |against the policy vf the present adininistra- | all the kinds of wood used in the meehan- | the second call, it will be continned. _ There are, however, the bgst. reqsons for he] “, ee, Bh ; Me tig g 3.) ltign, Wells and his partisaus, eoyetons of | jead arts. tis plainly seen that the VIL. Cases not uted for two terms will | lieving:that the crop is not in excess of those’, “. Table. deeseee 6.00 | the Spoils avd blinded by greed and hate, op- \outh offers 20 Jabor and capital in the be dismissed at the cost nie appellant, untess | which were reaped during the fruitful years.imy Faaapge Vell. yar on PA, csesreneee 8t0 10 | posed the liberal poticy of Grant rnd Greely, | a tor sale vontinued for cause; with liberty however to | mediatély preceding the war, In the Southern ot aan tectey bn. gene Pave ba4 [° ve land were gronad to powder.” Walker, who | ‘ xtreme cheapness of the land for sale, | either party to moye at the yext term to re-in- | States the yield, from manifest causes, is not { : : prowesres: 5 ; | represented openty and houestly fhe policy | the most srlendid promises of immediate | state it; or afterwards upon suflicient cause. more than a third of what x We ihe, Ve reo Oe lufthe moderate Repodlicans, won a splendid | prospective profits. ‘hese are the views VII1. The appellant is entitled to open and, ginia used to rank as the third wheat-producing NEW'AD VERTISEMEN Ta. ltrimmph To the"*tandard of the represen- | bow obtaining in the inteligent northern — argumept, State inthe Union; and immense - quantities = : nen an appeal all 38 taken — the og en every year to the Northern mar- é Established 1855. yulnanye m. t of Court, the j i st produce | Graut the reflecting, liberal and honest meu Now while the Seuth is capable. of at ae a i apetinn oe give Gaicneia on ; ee Pe E P A G E BR 0 . & Co sy ee pra ae os oun we sustaining a hauderd fyld more than ite Sa ta toe ae the re of the s an —~ _ awe = all, in the new GENERAL ‘ jcanse they desired peace aud restora§ion to |) regent populations and while immigration | | Note. The only difficulty in the adoption of | States of t Northwest; but the loss of five eo eo - \the Union. gett ap operated ena cairt prove | this rule was the case of Fraley va. Lea, 4 Dayd | hundred thousand laborers Uy the events of she Commission Siar haunts jt e ° . e "| i eushelal: ott on? ‘ it tue the B 169; for the idea of allowing a judgment in | yar has so crippléd. the industrial resourcés of * | The Democratic papers at the North have | °"" chil, still our greatest need 18 for the | 4 case which in fact was not tried below until | tnat fertile region as to ronder it impossible for AND } + te Pt e a in he i is ie a oe Ts » he st The OH NoewhsHa SALISBURY, FRIDAY, JOLY 23, 1869 ————- —-- , Ly) ——EE Gpeciat N Adv and Collacs See a eweay he Moen —_—_— WM A. HEARNE | Special Agents forthe CGeueral Ageuts description Abe toro’ N.O Are Noxte Stare, = } F9F™ Weare authorized to announce PETER W1LLEAMSON, ., & eandidete for the of- five-of dati eace for Salisbury Town- ship at the appr - Augast election. ta" We are ‘atthorized to an- nouuceJOBN FB 4 33H a candidate for Clerk for ogee ety. Township, at the elec. tion on the bursday in August next, LOCAL AND STATS TERMS —_— (Our Paper.—Our readers. will perceive ‘that we print a large portion ‘of the Old North State this week on entirely new type. We shall, hereafter be able to give a larger amount of reading uatter in consequence of We this addition to our stock of material. ope our friends waif duly appreciate our ¢f- forts to serve them and exert their influence to inerease our already lacee circulatian. —— ee Auention is* invited to the Card of Lepage, Bros. & Co., Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants, Norfolk, Va. — re etousiee . RegrstRation.— Every eitigen who desires to vote in the approaching Town- chip elections will bave ‘to first register himeclf-as a voter to viable him to do so. As the election is a very important one we hope none will neg'ect.thie duty. The 271, 28th and 29:h of July areset apart asthe days of Registration, when all should attend and register, Espeeialy let no conservative negleet it. ——_~ap oe Township Meerixg.—We are re- quested to give notice that there'will be a, umeviing of the Couservative citizens of Salisbury Township at the-Coart House, ou Saturday after voon, the 2¢th inst, for the purpose of nominating for office in said Lowuship. The ‘Townabip is enti- lcd to six Justices of she Peaee, one Cierk, one Constable and three School Cowwissioners, all of are to be voted for on the Sth of 4 ist Lext. —_~+< Tur Avousr ELxctioxs.—The Town ship elections, which will take place on 1st Thursday iu August, are of more im- poruince than many seem to sappose. Justices of the Peace are Judicial officers, and, their jaxiadiction being greatly en- larged by the new Constitution, ft ie very importaut that none be chose to that position who are not Hewest and-eapable. ‘Lhe very -best men should everywhere Le selected, and we hope they will be. —ennlne@iermeaemen A Goop Ticwst.—Tbe tollowing tick- et bas been agreed upon by the Conser- vetixes of Jerucalem Townehip in Davie Coanty, For Justices of the Peace, Dr. Av Wisematyand Thomas T. Maxwell; Foe Clerk, E,W. Patom; For Constable, Ov P. Spencer; For School Commision ert, 8 M. Hobson, James A. Crump and Dr. Joho Mazyell. —' << Tue Homzstesp.—tIt will be seen by reference to the ahnounerment of opin ions in our paper this week that the Ba- preme Court of the State has decided that the Homestead is Constitational and re- trospeetive. (Chief Justice Pearson, as we felt eure would be the case, filed a dissenting opivion. We ehall publish both opinions as soon as we can get them and ontil then we shall withhold comments, We learn that the case will be earried up tothe gupréme Court of the Duited States for review, —— A Carp or Tuaxks.—The Committee of Arrangemewts for the Union Sanday School Celebration and Pie-Nie, beld on ihe 15ch inetaut, feeling deeply grateful to all who aided in ite pleasare aud succcss, sud in’ behalf ef Schools, united on the oceasion, desire to reiuru sincere thanks to Me. Alfred Johu- son for the use of his Grove; alao to the the several Sauday ctacus who kindly turnished provieions. | ‘To those ladies and gendemen on the eub- Comittee, whose laburs were so ebeen ful- ly and faithfully performed; to Captain B Capt. Jno. A, Ramsey : nd Jos. P. Shields, Exq., for extra servicea rendered. By order of the Committee, JAS. H, ENNISS, Ch'n. —_-—. Whe are Banned by the 14th Amend ment.—We are aeked ihis question, both verbally and by letter. swered. It is easily an- All persons who held any office before the war, either ander the Federal or State government, and afterwarde rendcred ass:stance in any way to the (oufederate cause are- bauned. This is the rule. The exception to the rule is that if the office was one which could be lawfally held withont the bolder’s firet taking an oath to support the Conatitu- tion of the United States then he is not banned. From this statement ory readers Will be at no loss to banned and who is not. determine who is We believe that all civil officers under the government aforesaid were rr quired to take the above mentioyed oath, and, constquently, ali grch ere banned. oe Li. = en oF : | A Boox ay Gay enn ‘Lee will awaken ‘jamin Mareh, Chief Marsball, far the} good order preserved and especially to | 6) thoNewkern J a aie | i P tome the Siendins hy: the party, I: alah shat which he says they cannot, op the grodod of jtheit inevmmpatibility. _ George H: Venable, one of the editers of the Petersburg Index died of cdusump- tion_on Sanday morning last. He was a Young gevtleman of-education and fine promise, . Such speeful interest, that we are glad to ¢eall attention ‘to at. The University .Pusiismine “Company of No. 4 Bond Street, New York, antioynces that thoy have now in press, and will issue in « few weeks, “Memoira of the War,” by Gen. Heary Lee, thoronghly revised’ and cor- rected by Gen. R. E. Lee, who bas ad- ded, aleo,au entitely sew biography of his father, prepared by bim from vine and persqual materials never before used. At will be a large and handsome octavo volume, illustrated by new steel portraits of Gen. Henry Lee and Gen, Nathaniel »Greene;” beautiful steel engraving of ‘Marion Crossing the Pedee,” and the -“Surrender of Cornwallis;” and fwe or- pigninal maps and -plans. Our readers | need not ibe told that this is a work of great intereat and valac. It is the stand- ard history: ef military operations at the South during the revolutionary. war, and as suchis a book which every reading man should possess; but its’ interest and value are both greatly iyereased by Gen. Robert EB. Lee’s therough revsion aud correction, and by the valuable biography f his father which he has written aud added to it. Weare sure that .thig announcement, alone, ie sufficient to givethe hook a very great sale, "but when we add that Gen. Lee is personally interested in its publica- tion, duch a sale is made certain, As we learn that the book ie be eold by canvassing agents ouly, those who desire 40 engage io its sale should make early ap- plication to the pyblishers. Ancient Gold Coin.—Prof. EF. Rock: well, of she Femele College at this place, has in his posseasion, an ancient gold cajn about the size of a ten dollar gold piece, that was dug opin the lower portion of this county some time ago, ted: is pure gold. Its nationality is wncertain and hard to determine on acconnt of its anti- uity, brit frow certain indications it is a 4 nenieh coin and was mi!!d4 in the reign of Phillip 1V of Spain. How it got to this county, and was lost, are questions far she curious to determine. Statesville American. —_—---- More Injunctions Brewing.—We vec that Gov. Holden has iseucd bis procla mation for a meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rath- erford Railroad, to be beld in Wilmiug ton, at the office of the Company, or a/ the City Hall, on the 29:h of this mouth, for the purpose of re-organizing the Com pany, according to a recent act of the Leg islature. Of course the fact of a compli anes with the uirements of the act wentioned ie dippaced, and an injgnetion, or law suit will be the result of this move- a on the part of the Governor.—Sen- ti -———_— -—+o__——_ Supreme Court——Monday, July 19, 1869.—All the Jastiers present. Opinions were delivered as follows : By a C. J. Ta Btencil ve. Cal vert; from Northam co Judgment afSrmed. “ =e In Glenp ve, Gharidtte‘and 8. C. R. R. Co; from Guilfurd county. Jadgment aGirmed. In Vance vs. Sumner; frew Rowan eo (two eases,) and in Avery ve. Hatehin- ron (theee caser,) from Bowan county.— Jodgment afirmed. By Reade, J. In State ve Hairston; from Forsythe eoanty. Judgment af- firmed, iutermarringe between the white and colored races declared anlawtul. In State vs. Rhinehard:; from Lincola county. Judgment reversed. | Iu Marti ve. Mc Willan ; from Allegha uy. Error, jndgment reversed. In Hilbws Ke-ler; from Rowan coun- ty. Homestead law declared valid and retrospective in ite action —walid as to old |debta. Chief Buatice Pearson dissenting. | By Rovuay, J. Tu state ve, Ballock ; | | from Franklin county. No error, jadg- | ment affirmed. In State ve. Brantly; from Wake co. No error, judgment affirmed In Hyman vs. Deveieux ; from Halifax | county. Order of Judge beluw, vacating injunetion, affirmed, That part of order | which directa the surplus to be paid into coart, reversed. By Dick, J. In State vs Jarvis; from Burke coguty. No error, judgment affirm ed. Is Mary McLaurin, ex parte from New Hanover coanty. Dismissed. In Davis va. Pearce, from Wake couan- ty. Deeree for plaintiff, By Serre, J. In State ex rel Fair- cloth ve, Ferrel; from Wake enunty.— Error. Plaintiffe entitled to recover. tn Young ve. MeLean, from Mecklen- burg county. Judgment affirmed. Tn State vs. Burwell; from Granville county. Error. In the ease of McKeithan vs. McLeod; curia adversari vult, it not appearing that the law was made before the adoption of the Constitation The following additional rule of prac- tice was adopted to-day ; Rove XXIJI. Writs of execution isened from a Superior Court shall nat be tested of any term; they shall be dated on the day of their isene; aud shall state when the jndgment was docketed in the county from the Ooart ot which the execution is- FARE BAR Se ky pea lgtspeas irom th WHITE AND ih LD i ut , Map ie dig RH a sitice Sth J , 1859, and all marriages in future between a white perron’ and a free negro, aa free person’ of colors to’ the thifel gencrationyehalt be veld. Rev Code, Chap. 68, 8. 7: . Late’events, and the emancipation of the slaves, have made ao alteration inour policy, or the semimeuts of our people. And lest it might be-enpposed that there was, or’would be, a change, the Legisla ture, in 1866, re-enacted the marriage act, ‘And thus the law stood at the time of the adoption of our new Conus tation, The Constitution was se by a large, pop- ular vate, both whites »blacks _ voting Jn the Constitution vit iW provided’ that, “the laws of North Uaroling, not frepag: nant to this Constitution, orto the Cou- stitution and laws of the United States, shall beta foree aptil lawfully altered.” Art. 4,8. 24. ° It ibus appears. that we have, not only the plain letter of the acts of the Legisla- ture, bat the‘sanction of the Constitution, that the intermarriage of whites aud blacks * ‘And as this is a matter affecting the eo- zial and domestic relations, itis gratifying to know thatthe law haz the sanction of both rages, It is no discrimination of one race againet the other, but applies equally to both. At the Jast term, in the case of the State vg. Uniderwond, 63 N. 0. 8 99, we decided that the act forbidding peteous of color to be witnesses, except against cach other, was repealed by the Constitu- tion, as being repugnant go its spirit, and incongsiatent with our altered condition — | Bat that was because there ws a diseriin- ination betweey the races in civil right. | Here there is uo discrimimation. 'Mhe liw operates npon both races alike; neith- er ean marry the other: nor is it repug- naut to the spirit of the Constitution, ner eet, “All: ma geet fs against poblieypalicy, aud is aulawful.4 4 * ad * 7 ¢ AT THE SIGN OF SITHE BIC INDIAN. 4 pps { CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTION : of all 10 our Stock of ° RING ANDSUMMER GGODS, wite all who sant the Latest Styles, Best Tus 8 now exhibiting best aber ile Sah «eStock of—. a? DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goons, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES, Ht: WARE, SOLE UPPER LEATHER, Copal and Japan Varnish C00 ade praia ‘et o eee and. Mach ite tu be found in Western North Carolins. Spe- bl chandos iegaled leour socket = /BUOTS AND SHOES, Ladies’ Sewed Gant , > + $4.50 perpair, ee poe Géat'e gery beat stock, . 240 4 + + mp-Sote Q . , 5,00 ase Youths and Misses Shags, of afl re ae qWfatities. Good Calicoes. W4-8 cts ‘per yd.~ Caligoes, 15. 4 We are algo agegta Jor 4be Manatactorers of the best AGRICULTDR AL IMPLEMENTS —AND MACHINERY, such as— The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, ¢Tarbine Water Wheels, Fine Engine Deep Well and Force . [Pompe. French Burta'and Corn Mills, ~*~ Threshers and Cleaners on - Swheels complete, Cider and Wine Mills, - Star Cotton Gin aad Cendenuser, Grain Drills, Sulky Plows, OPINJON oy ruz SUPREME COURT, In the case of Administrator, vs, wn and Little, Delivered by Sudye Dick. “5 wae weg ie * The principle is well settled, that parol evidence ia inndmiasable to contradict. or vary the terms of a written g¢outract.— But this is only a rale of evitlence, and may, atany time, be changed by the Leg- islatave, without impairing the cotitract, The Convention. and Legislature. bave setn (proper to os this vale ofevidence in segard to cethtiw & of contracts, and in. se doing cheba nos come in con- flict with the Constitution of the Uuited Sutes Woodfir'vs. Sluder, Phil. 200. We have carefally considered the, ordi- nance of Oct. 18th, 1865. and the acts of 1866, eh. 38, 39, and think that they es- taldish the followii® pules-asto the ceu- tracts ty which they apply ; 1. Money contracts are presumed to be solvable in the Confederate mouey, aud the valiie thereof must be estimated by the jury, in-coin, according ta the legisla- tive seale, und then the depreeiatuion of the United States ‘Treasury votes must be added to suel neminal awonnut of eoin— The legislative seale ouly applies to con- traets where Confederate mouey was. the consideration. 2. [u all other kinds of centracts the valae of the property, or atler cousidera- tien, may be shown in evidence, and ahe jury must estimate each value iy the Uui- ‘ted States lreasary notes, tie hower io the Gourt below erred inhis construction of the ordinance aud acte roferved to, aud the judgméut must be reversed, and a ce Smutters and Cleaners, . . Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting, : aud many other (bings too numerous to meu- tien, allo! which we will sell a the Manutac- (urer’s prices, Come, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing you may waaetindhis lae We guar- sntee the Machinery eald by usto give satis- faci, » We are also ageuts for Singer's New Fami Si ter tae Roe yriingits agpetan a8 0 twit” gg fax nie Y's |g? q j teat nire de nove awarded. Let this be -certi- subversive of civil rights, but is in conse- | fed geo. . a. : vanee with both. 4 ly SEWING MACIIINE, tor which there -is no eqnal, Warranted to duall kinds of work, aud to givé entire eatisiuetiga, or the money -* anatase | cee ta ? i atavy ba Co., 3 I. o. oF ‘Tuis.ceuzsea ten WATERING Place, | ji formerly ¢alled the North Carglina White Sal ' phar Springs, will be open for visitors oa Tues-| } day, the first day of June next. Being sitwated in the Northwestern part of the in.accountry remarkable for eau. | ty ¢ thfutness: , with the; vie te er deszat vas. =4 doh. - Galanin: ve sPRit is iy co tb ge faters, and are sovereign remedies all diséuees of the.liver, bowels, stymach and kidneys, erations ike as sgrolula, wéal- ness, debilit ja, cheumutiany, &e., &e. y : “The proprietor having spent a large amount in additional buildings aud improvepieots geo- erally, these Springs ave vow in five condition. rooms large and pleasant, and good cottages containing from two to six rooms eaeb, well arranged for either large or small families. “GOOD TEN PIN ALLEYS, Keuneth U | Billiard and other Amusements, \0819¢' ‘FINE BATH. HOUSES, | dn Far Pool, Plunge or Shower Bath, Sul-| "ould 5 pler Bath, Hot or Cold.’ 4 Good Band of Music Will be at the Springs the evtive season, and a: 00d manéntly located for the | since. 1 ha bepelit of invglids who will -huve every-atien- | yin tom. ; , a ~ | is afar Having d the services’of Mr, J. Ni} with all strength. Carter, of Virginia, whovhas had much expe-/ enig ed and suitable -nourishments, caa rience and stands highs a Hotel: r,, Visi- | Con werthe enemy ; which would bebest: to take ; table will be | Medicine before you get sick, to prevent sickness or tors iniy meet assured that any to take medicine u get sick to c_resicksiess, supplied with the bestthe market ree tks cra ward tothe wie is cen et te, aud everything done that will add ; ir} Bxert mept.in the means of de- ige youre pleasure and consort. ‘ fense; whe Sony come, be ye'also ready with | The cars on the, Western North Carolina Bail . way Road will leave Salisbury for Hickory Station, Moa natu ee Pills,” the Springs’ depot, every mworumng, (Snadays her i oa Sead ntiot excepted,) in counection with the North Caro- line Rail Road avoiding stoppageor delay at Salisbury, dnd arrive gt Hickyry Stavien io time for breakfast, where good backs will be in readiness to tak. passengers Over a~beautiful, weil-ehaded road to the Springs—a distance of six miles,” . As an inducement fir families and partizs to DISEASED LIVER! ~~ TO ALL EMIGRANTS.—Youare a a home for yourselfand family’n a climate yeu or have not been accustomed to; you w of course, be exposed to all the diseases 7 that climate, you should be careful to use such’ icines as are adapted to the diseases of that olimate; un will tind the greatest seonrit, spend two tonths or more, [ have concluded Deans’ fat oe a Hearic ie * 7 * to put beard down at the following low rates: . ie can be sentto any point in the United States ‘ v Rs . io 2 BOARD, “PRICK—For one box, 2 eents.—Don. $2. For one single month, .............. $50.00 | $10—One Gross, $18—Three Grose, $50— Five Gross The'eash must either ateompany the order for me eae > | ne or For (wo or move months, $40°00 per bie of it will be sent 0. 0. D. er ers should dress to 3, month, or at that fate, G W. DEEM: Per week, ........ eeianteeonar ene 1600) \ Mo. 46, Sogrs Cone PP OR i505 bi855 bs fees we oka gp Z.DU | where they wil! be promptly a! dW. og Children onder ten years of age and colored eaurciom Reaternae Ey 09 em r<onecighle Dregaioe servants, balf price. No eharge for: children ander two years of age. 4 -pisor 4G. B. POULSON, , daly 2—96:19 Salisbury, N.C It was insisted that the Civil Rights Bill bas deelared a different policy, aud has changed the law. Tt ig not neee®<ary that we should decide whether the opera tion of that bill ended with the ceesation of qur provisional relations with the Uvi- ted States, or whether i isoperative now, fot by its terms it has no application to SPECIAL NOIICE. Koskoo, the great Liver Invigorator, Bload Purifier, and Renovator, prep.ced by -Dr “J. J Lawrenee, the celebrated Phy-ician and Chem- int, is w SAFE, PLEASANT, aud RELIABLE, remedy, for the prevention and cure of all diseases caus ed by a Torbid Liver, Linpure Blood, Disorders vf the Kida tys, or Debility ofthe Nervous Bys will he retanded G GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depet, ov short notice. We will be foond cppusite the old stand, above Murpliy's Granite Row. MERONEY & BRO.” FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Horse J. GOLDEN WYATT, Srarxame Carawsa Spaixes, ) Proprietor. Catawba County, May 16, pens 22:2m SPRING & SUMMER WALTER A. WOOD'S” PRIZE Howers and Reapers, . tem. . . the social relations. Its objret was, and | pagaiates the ape . comple dite its terms are, to declare equality between | more or taints, resteves fost or Wasted Derrons all citizens withoutwregard to race or color pov er.and at the same time buiids wp aud im- in the matters of maxing business con. | P4/"s fone u <4 vigor to the hole sysiem. tracts, euecing in the (oarts, giving evi-| dence, acquiring property and proteetion | of person and property. And this i+} nothing wore than oar own Btate Consti tution bas done. But neither the Civil | —=_- RELIEF ror tin SORELY APFICTED It was the misfortune of the undersigusl tohave suffered, as few have every saffered hefure, for six long aud gloomy years, frow Power Portable Engine, forsale by __ joné 11—23:3 MERONEY & BRO. TO THE LADIES. ° Rights Bill, nor oar Brate Constitution was intended to enforce social egaali'y, | hut ouly civil and polities! rights! “Tlie is plain from the very terme; bat if thy | vd tard : ‘ated al terms were dabiful, the policy af peehib- |“ to drag bis rusaeiat rame about, o iting the inter-marriage of the two races is | pralatess ie aie bee ie tunes ee yee er vo well. established, and the wishes of | ical talent of the conutry; and eisitea th: both races eo well kuown, that we should | :nest celebrated medical Springs. Worn | not hesitate to declare the policy para-| down and exhausted, he gave up all hope of | wount to any doubtful constraction. | recovery. The marriage relation is a peculiar aud i} been governed by his wedieal friends from , important one. ‘The Court treat it as a : civil contract, only in the seuse that a con- | tract—consent of partive—preeetiles it, and | is essential to ite validity, bat when form.) ™ ed, it is more than a civil contrnet, it ie «| methed is vot so meek new, as itis. the wore relation, an. institution, affecting not mere. | *killfal application of what has beeu long ly the parties like basinerss contracts, bat | kpown. aud attenpted- by the Physicians, offepring particularly and society general | After some weeks of the most unweatied ly. And every State has always assum. | and perseveringeffur-s, he was rewarded with ed to rigalate i, to declare whe are capa-| the twost gratifying results. ludeed. his rap- Lle of contracting marriage. what chal) be jid boprovement gud pcurery, was, slmost he datics and prvdgey end ow Waal [nied ns hal ishing ie nena rept? Erno nae a dre. hardly realize the tuly wonderfol lnn- | isegetion ' . pruvement. bat have been regulated by law. Among ' Pets tndly grateful for tyia @xtraoedinary other things ear wmacriage law declares, | b'ex<ing, be imdesirvas of being the mewn that the white and colored paces shall no! lf diffusing similar bevefits G: thase wh. intermarry, The pretended marriage iv may be si:oilarly affheted. He therefere this ease was, thecefare, invalid, and the | properes wu tonly to treat, bat CURE. al parties guilty of fornication and adultery. | manner of diseases of the lower extre ites, Teak be certified, ke. such as olband Ml -evuditioned Cleers of the | av affection of bis feet wud legs. superitnduces | by overaork, during the Gret year of the late jwar. Dyripg all that tiuw. he was compeli | At this stage of his case. having | the begiuniog., he determined to adopt a! inethed of treatment, the result of his ews ection. It ie eumgh to say. that thie lewe; Varicose Veina; weak and enlarged READE, J. duinta, Ace... ao mattet of how leng standing. —— ee ftisime of the great advantages of his Distresstxa AccipeENT.—It becomes | mode of treannent. that no restrictions are | oar melancholy dury again t@ reeord the oe vu the patignt as regards diet. exer drowning of a young man iu the bloom ot = &c., aud = bie ivet part, littl or no} . : : : medieanhe if eet. yonth and filled with the aspirations, and Piste baieselalalllbollnuacnedane with | treeh in the progise, of early maulowed | the general depression of the tline< rind those This distressing xceident eceurred Satur really indigent will be treated wit. ouf mou- day aftervoon last on Topenit Sound abv ut ey aud withwat price.” thirteen wiles from this city. A party of EDWARD SILL. MW D exeurajoniata, consiming of ladies and gen- -+f “ themen of the veighborlood and Mr Ju lian E. Leaeh, son of Hon. IM. Lene, of Lexington, and Mr. Alex. Greewe, A Mr. Zeno H Greene, formerly of this city but now of Wilson, had aseea bled on} the beach with many anticipations of ev any went. Feh 1? lary N.C. } HPUlCHER’s LIGATSING #LY-KILLER'!— Deal: to @ve Living’ Long livethe Killers’ ‘old wan hy De jaly2—itm JOS. HORAH. HENRY HoRAH.! J. & H. HORAH. §| WATCH MA\.ne | patera Everywhere ' But alas! forthese bright a. licipationsa—gricf too soon presided oves | the scene where only pleasure was cx pected. —s Several of the party were bathing in! SW! i the surf, and among them were Mesere. | J KY ‘ain LD) « - mt | dees peep muta eon raaking | Ha, VING BOUGIT THE ENTIRE 8tock | mately CAb | LM. Daviss and added largely toit, we are ried away by the current. It wae his tiret | now prepared fo tirmel anything nanally kept visit to our coast and he kuew not the! inn ticst clags Jewelry Store. We may he treachery of our surf-beaten shore. Bee- found in Cowan's Brick Row, next door to F. | ing his dangcr others went to his aseiat- | !1. Sprague’s Otfiee, All kinds of repairing ance. Mr. Greene was the firet to reach | ‘lene at short notice aud satisiactior guaran him and ewam with Mr. Leich until be | fend, We return thanks to a generoas pablic was complete exhausted In a f w rec Trasea eeu uraulios ee aes ed ee oe Aibon: Y f oeeiness foment a coutinnanes of the same onds Mr. L H. MeClammy was by brie | P. S All persous Having tett Watches and side and made every effort to save him! jewelry wrth bo M. Davis or Wilson & Farris, and only released his hold when Me. co be repaired gre reqnested to cal) and get Teach was drowned by the waves passing | them or thee ill be solu Jur repairs over them both. In the meantime the} Jan 29 1859 4—6m. current had swept them so far to sea tha: | — : : ; Mr. McClammy, owing to his depleted | raty 69ST GI Fe IT “2, []4849OHT strength, sank twice before reaching the | share, whieh he ained only v:roagh the | “muse ee TgBT 2940 avwesoay | assistance of his rother, Maj. Cc. W. Me-| vo Den & °°* ewoon|, wu Meg jeouuy | Glammny, and that in-an insensible eondi- | woo gat pete ss aap ba : r “AU pq pra OF Sad Jo 159) 20414 | tion, ‘The body of Mr. Leach was seen | a1, qorfu ‘snouany ana wo Sumdaro,y souwne tossed about by the waves sonie ten or | -uy ay Sue ays aiedimos py req corey 8 fifteen minutes after he wae drowned, bug | 848 #988 pus [wydeo sey ANVAROO =f | finally disappeared from sight altogether. | 4 Mr. Leach; was a young man about 19! or 20 years of age and a student of Trini- ty College. He had enmpleted his Sap. omore year and would have entered the 7 NIGUVA VY *furdwo, cA0qe aq 405 1 Ge8e ey poaSeuapan ony | YO X nay Shaper Yh | ‘SSULLV.LS GA.LIND FHL AO Junior class next session. This was te 4491009 Tenor om i aouvinssy rst visit to our coast, agreed to divide his vacation betwen ide fctomig and! =: 3417 JIGVLINGT IHL Si n g e r ' s Ce l e b r at c o e a AT U W S A MO N CE i m o v y t Su r s s c o m THE Subseriber having been appointed an a7ent for the sale of SINGER'S CELEBRATED New Family Sewing Machine, and af! iteattachments offers the same to the Ladies of Westera UVarolios. Thix Machine challenges s comparison with aay and all other Machines, It wijl do more different kinds ot wort—from the simple pisin seam to the most Leadtifirl embroidery —than any other Machine ever invected. “Economy it wealth. then why not bay the best.” WThese Machines are warranted to givé entire satisfaction. If they fa’ it» give satiefar tion they may be re- turned after a trial ef twe months and the money will be refunded. Muchines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be supplied when ordefed, at manufacturer's prices. Parties desiring informetion will please send for specimens of work and circulars. John A. Ramsay, Salisbary, N.C. Jane 18, 1869. o4—7m THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL LUPE TYSURANTT COMPANY OF VIKGINIA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funda are Rept in the South. Ithas met with unprecedented success. Its jurtunes are established beyond ang contingency. The Company has capital and assetd, against its liability that wil compure favorably with any Life | Insurance Company oo the continent, witch is the | true test of responsibility. its affairs are cantionsly administered by selected | Directors, of rexponsibility and business capacity. It has established its claim to Southern Patronage OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIDENT, Wu. B. Isaacs, SECRET «RY, D. J. Harrsoox MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. LEGAL ADVISER, GENERAL AGEXT, H. C. UaBELL, Jo. H. CLarporne DIRECTORS: John Enders, Henry K. Ellyson, William F. Taylor, Asa Snyder, Samael 8. Cottrell, H. B.C. Baskerville, John pester. Charles T. Wortham, William Willis, dr., Ed. A Smith, Thos. J. Evans, James A. S-ott, Samuel (. Tafdy, Georve Jacobs, J. W. Allison, George 8. Palmer, H. D. Chockley, H. C. Cabell, R.M_ Qaarles, D. J. Harteook, W. iD. Tyler, John C, Williame, J.E. Edwards, William G. Taylor, A. Y. Stokes, A. P. Abell, J. B. Morton, Wm. B. Ienace, R. UH. Dibrell, George L.. Bideood, William H. Palmer, Samuel M. Price. LEWIS O. HANES. Ao’r. Fob. 12-iy Lsxrcroy, N. ©! Coops ! AVING JUST RETURN. ed from the Eastern Mar- Used in all countries, and universa:y . eommended as ° : ‘PRE BEST IN USE! kets we call yourattention t much the largest | 4 warded rcore i other and most complete stock of Goods in this tar- _ Machine ~ Cnoea ea * ro ket. all eeleeted fram pew and fresh stacks and ° styles, and a large portion purchased directly from the Manufacturers and their Ageuts since The Great Dce‘ine in Dry Goeds, © All we ask ir a call at the well known Em- AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, Among which ig _ THE HICHEST PRIZE1 poritan of this markt. We invite your atten-| TW” Grand Gold Medals.and Cros of . tien to a few LBADING ARTIC kept io the Legion ' Hlonor, thia wholesale aud retail stock : At Paris Exposition, 1867 —T More than 120,000 now in Uset” 20,000 nannfactored and sold in 1668 and the demand ansupplied. Increasing Demand, Increased Facilitte:. Addi feral ln proveme.ts for 156°. DRY GOODS, DR. sk te ODS, Notions, Hats, Shoes, ‘READY-MADE CLOTHING, Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye- Paints, Tanners’ Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and Har- ness LEATHER, Wood's trier Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) ‘CALF & LINING SKINS, ‘ New llowing Aitken. a and ° . HARDWARE, || !isec oie arwese . fron, Stecl, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage | ing and R Trimmings ; in tac}, thousands of articles too! Office and tedius to enumerate. We are agents forthe | suiner courity, N. Y. Bromch Offew and Sales Reome—44 Cort. | | landt street, New York city. b. O; Box, £806 Great Threshers | 206 Lake Street. Casas, lit Alexandria, Va. Madison, W is. 77 Upper Thames, 8t.. London. ng Machine Company.. General anulactory, Housick Falls, Rens- | —and— | CLEANERS, Also, Manufacturers’ Agents for the celebrated | Send jor New Descriptive Circular Bone Dust. Do. do. Rifle and Blasting Powder. | and Prica List Ee We invite the attention of Merchants | and the trade generally, to our stock, as<uring| Applications from tle South, Sonth of Vir- them they will find nothing but and des vinia, shonid be addreswed to the New York Branch Office, a8 above. - rable Goods. We buy all kinds of produce at } Save your Blackberries and Fraits, which will | ; m ¥ - x . RELIABLE ‘AGENTS WANTED. Extra Inducewents Offered! | be te you as Treasare. | Smith. Foster & Co., McOubbins, Sallivan & Co., are Agents for Rpragze’s Old Stand, wear the Market Honse. | the above Reapers in Salisbury. SALISBURY. N.C., | 4 | April 2, 1969 april] 23—1& 10m > BL eS 0's THE COLD MEDAL To Farmers and Pianteis. ‘ Has just been awarded to Rhodes’ Tobacco Manure,; CHAS. M. STIEFF, _ | For the best Piano now made. over Baltimore, Phib ane ade|phia, and New York Pianos. Rhodes’ Super-Phosphates ; | Price axe wane ‘ ° OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: r No. 9, North Liberly Street, near Balti- | STANDARD MANURES for Cotton, more Street, obese, Wiens — ae 4 BALTIMORE, Mn. exe long established manures need and ap - 7 5 : 5 STIEFF'S PIANOS have all the latest improve- proved by the most ae nye C | ments, inclnding the Agroffe Treble, Ivory Fronts, 82 South St Ratner Va | and the improved French Action, folly warranted For sale by dealers for five’ years, with privilege ofexchange within tue H—Bm | twelve months if notentirely satisfactory to pureha- (For laying of Homesteads, ) 13—ty | | | J UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE | of SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. | L000 SACKS OF SALT. 25) BBLS MOLASSES. 12 HHDS. MOLASSES. | 24-tf. | sere. ¥| Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwayson @ | hand. trom $50 to $300. References, who have onr Pianos in use: Gen. R. BE. Lee, Lexington. Va. Gen. D. H. Hill, Chartotte. N.C, Gen. Robert Ransom. Wilmington. N.C, Gov. John Letche , Lexington, Va. Messrs. R. Barwell & Son, Qharlotte, N.C, James H. Greenlee, Morganton, XN. C. J. H, Smith & . W.. Melton, Chester, &, i Brown & Bernhardt are egents for the of the above celebrated Pianoa. june 18—1y Pianos so'd at Factory prices. Dr. 1. W. JONES, AVING located in Salisbury, offors hie Professional gervicea to the publio, Of. And a new and improved form LAND DEEDS, Revised and corrected by the best Jegal authority in this place, | I for sale. Address, fice on Council Street, opposite the Court H: asp ant. J.J BRUNER, eRe eee ee DRUG STORE If you want 0 kiss, why—take it, Serban Gil neti gras 5 wt fellow 6 son, HAS Sjniamnneltr ys, | DERM: Kaela tae fm ping be Pino ihe ane Fant Re a a royal way of ii | Cottle powders, Patent We ines ort fad rCaok; Tame ube fol oren who wake | ee Venetian Red:* Concotiieh ve.a motto shat is: winning ; and the Bitters and Medivines for ¢hills Ifyou waiit'p kiss, why—take it 4 aoe used. . any a wag el Neo FINE C1GARS AND OHEWING Kayeolyy a erown— by TOBACCO. | Oia But a man must win a Woman Fe anneal gore a would state If he'd have her for his own,” Thave a aid” ment and carefully selecte Wee er ee exh a OE ut 3 ¥ hs fine woh the fying, Trussis & Abdominal Supporters t And if you want a kies, why—take ft te anos lity and Gio weak Wien rae’. FINE BRBAST PUMPY & NURSING ROTTLES. wobld gre gu rome | ay Serene gee Zork pees C7 tn gaticles as ‘ to mon, Ess. Pepperinint, Ess. Cingamon, Laudanum, Paregor- ic, Bateman RoR Goede an faey’s Cordial, podgl- doc, Castor Oil, and Turpentine. ~: My stock is complete and composed of articles Pure; Fresh and Reliableio Quatity and ce ip grtan ci comh atieins cps be qhisinet in Beo- n a Op Impure Medicines ca: sold for a trifle and are ‘Eastern Caroli: hy ted in the as- | dear at any price (such I do not and wil! not keep.) sociation, aa Well as £0 ple of the State at Bat I ami sufficiently posted in the Drug Market a h Fair fist Annual Fair | knew that PORE Vrugs and Medicings cannot : “ae >) ir grounds, (of 120 acres) sold for half the price hevetofore cha: ged. Bear in near the city of WW Tene’ nkcas ‘he’ weldidlie — wee ett and safest plaa to of Novem! (the exact days to beanpoun- , woaiit beg gf all hefore purchasing elsewhere to ‘ced in due ) ; ca}! and éyamine mp teck ond get wy ices a7 ? in their wil} he aiiipded the Druggist and a thee Bata yy. N Ae eee 2 * an ary, isbary. N. C., Beir stock incloged grounds, to.exhibit| PEE Ser oney & Bro. june 25-25: 3m. of ; ) transpor- so low that Yo one with their epe- i ONT, President, 7 > E ricultaral oN. C, July 10, 1869.— Wilmington Star. HOW TO RAISE TURNIPS. As aécore of more of farmers, old and. young, ve atkéd me to give them my plan for raie clan bom var ene © * ink my plan a good one, and that the public will be benefitted legpging it through your columns, But, as Reasons and Syrian “went pyar (7, wroth” because et Elicha did not bid him “do some 7” to make him d See ich =,6 2a be didappointed when an acre 500 think of thereboute My plane > make the rake then, just over the a farrow, or rather barely somé light implement (a bean-pole or a bean pole with 3 twenty nail driver into it will angwer) not over inch deep ; sow the seed jn this and cover ; paddle sharply, s0 as to In three or four and the. flea- on the ut NEW ‘Drug Store’ : AND DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C° in Salisbury; N. 0. Dr. EDWARD. SIL. LLY announces = tiumer- ons old friends and patrous, aiid al! others, that he is now opening, in the building on §. E. Corner Main & Fisher streets, near the Boydeo House, an Entirely Fresh and Carefully Selepted STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDIGINES. @urgical Jastruments, Pertumerv, Combs, Brushes, &c., &c., embracing almost every thing pertaining to a first clags Drog Store; which be will eell, as has always been his cnstom, at the most satis- factory prices to purchasers. His.long experience in, aod thorooglt femil- jarity with, the Susiness, in all its details and departments; together with his accustomed unremitting persona! attention, authorizes the | hope of that success, which has, heretofore, :a- variably rewarded bis exertions Sal ry, N. C., January 1969. ——— 1—t! RBOSADALEI Purifies the Blood. For Sale hy Druggiste Everywhere. ————— RIVES & PROCTOR, DRUCCISTS, DEALERS IN DRUGS MEDICINES, Fancy & Toiict Articlts, 6 ob Hees eae mported fc Domestic Window Glass, Putty, SPICES, Y, ~* RS seed will be u = ready fo "gotble them down. You may eep off his for a short time by sprink- ng the plants when the dew is on with | soot, dry dirt from an old house (if the salt-petre | makers did not use it {11 for another purpose = lime or Baugh’s Raw Bone Phosphate.— ten days'the plant, under favorable citenm- stances, will be nd the reach of the flea-bug. Tf the soil is free from grass and weed seed you | will make a good crop of turnips, after thini to aix inches withont further work, but 4 better crop, most likely twice the amount by giv- ing them ne cultivation, first with the hand plow and hoe, and nest with the ball tongue plow when the plants have attained suf- ficient size. W. B. LYNCH. —_—- -- Thomas Powell, a wealthy Englishman, whe went to Abyssinia with his wife and child, on a hunting excursion, has been murdere@ by the natives, together with his family. In Barnum’s account of the courtship and | wedding of General Tom Thumb and Lavinia | Warren, it is stated that Commodore Nutt was a Tival for the the lady’s hand and so jealous a rival that it came fo a wrestle between him and the General in which the latter was floored. D. T. CARRAWAY, Commission Merchant, —AND— Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Win- dow Shades, &¢., &e. Prower attention given ta orders, and to the sale of @utton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobac eo, Dried Frait, &c , on Commission. | | | Ty NE Would respectfully call the attention of Mer chants, Physicians. Planters, and others, to their extensive stock and superior inducements. 107 Sycamore, St., Petersburg. Bu. F. RIVES. M.D. W.H. PROCTOR apr2}—16;6m re RO , ay , ’ a AGRICULTURAL’ WORKS, Ia the place tq bny the best and cheapest Plows, Cultivators, Flarrows, Cern Shellers, Straw Gutiers Cider and Wine Mills, Reapin and Mowing Machines, Wheat Threshers with and without Cleaners, Horse Powers of vations patterns, Sugar Cane Mills in the rough or fin ished, or Rollers x@patately. Particular regard should be had to the best-R. R. Plow and Threshing Machine With (leaner, Mat ufactured in or out of the State, J. H. THOMPSON. May 28, 1849-—3m.— — American copy 3 months and send All. i A Span of Bay Horses, Six Years old, a PHAETON Sale. Apply to © °°" " .H. HELPER. Salisbury, N. C., April 23, 1869. 16-tf sion count HOUSE DING april 9—1 welts. NO, ~ Sedond: Supply of GREAT EXCL MURPHY'S ROW, Salisbu IN: ¢c. ¥ % Bin cae RA ‘te = re e Chediper Than’ Byer | MeCubbins, Sullivan & Co’, + Haye just returned from the Eastern Markets, Wherg they liaye made a SECOND PUR- CHASE of yery desirable SPRING & SUMMER 6000S, They are sow @nabled {o offer'specia} in- ducemients to the Trade, either as Wholesale or Retail. _ ‘Their. Stock is large and complete, congist- Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Clothing, No- tions, Hats, Caps and -« Straw Goods, TENE) ci aa RENOV ATOR: ore eo ‘a Lb ARDS eel = g eat: ao DR. LAWRENCE'S CON TED COMPOUND RETRACT OF *, A safe and effectual remedy for all diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &€c, Complete adjustment of on the settlement of every policy, FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE. ber of dividends will always equal ski Tou VOR Tite THAR, 108, $8,746,200,59. _. DIVIDENDS PAID, IN 3868; Loss#8 PAID IN i868: - $1,221. ae Policies issued in 1868, 11,900, TOTAL DIVIDENDS TO POLICY HOLDERS t $5..875,719.00... |Number of Policies in Force, POTAL LOSSES-PAID TO JANUABY 31, 1869: —__$8435,200,00. AVERAGE ONIDENDN OVER 30) PAR. CBNT, Tota) Amount at Risk, $174,196,162,00. dividends and outstanding notes is made 8. D. WAIT; Gewrzat Aozst, Raleigh, N. O. H. H. Helper, Special Agent. OFFICE, MAIN ST., OPPOSITE MOCK & BROWN'S STORE, ae #&. L700, 335.00, ‘60,000 in such a manner that the num- the number of outstanding notes. BALISBURY, N. C. July 2, 1869, This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, LEGAL NOTICES. | and Harness fot Paints & Dyes, | \NAILS, IRON & STEEL, | | SADDLERY & SADDLEY HARD. | | WARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, | | Upper, Sole, Skirting, and HARNESS LEATHER, CASTINGS DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Provisions, SADDLE AND HARNESS FRINGE, | SADDLE TREES, &e. In short. everything the people weed, | jall of which was bought for CASH after | | | How Cheap They Can Sell. They will be pleared to see you whether Great Decline Of 10 to 15 Per Oent. CALL AND SEE you buy or not. Salisbury, N.C., May 28, 1869. I3:ly BOLING CLOTHS! EST ANCHOR BRANDS BOLT- ing Cloths, all numbers, for sale by MoCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Sallsbury, N.C. | Great Labor Saving IMACHINE, WOOD'S CELEBRATED REAPER and Mower combined; Also, WOOD’S Mower detached on hand, and ~~ \French Burr Mill Stones | BEST FRENCH BURR Mill Stones, | For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, N. C. POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme- State of North Carolina, | ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1869. John H. Verble, administrator, with the will apvexed of Daniel Sharer, deo’d., Plaintiff. AGAINST 8. J. Swicewood and wife Sallie D Swicegood, William H. Benthall aod wife Maggie 8. Benghall, James B. Shaver, Mallie C. A. Sha-| ver. George MN. Shaver, Robert L. Shaver, aod Annie J. Shaver.—Defendaots. Petition to make Real Estate Assets. It ing to the Cowrt, that William H. Benthall and wife Maggie E. Beothall, are non- residents of this State, it is ordered that publi- cation be madein the “Old North State,” « pewspaper published ip the town of Salisbury, for six successive weeks, notilying the seid Wm. | H. Benthalland wife Maggie K Beothall, to be} and appear at the pext term of the Superior| Court to be held for the enanty of Rowan, at) the Coart House in Salisbury, on the third Monday in September next, thon and there to} dy and one that admits of a wide range of application, It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- tions of disease to, perbaps, a greater ex- tent than any other remedy yet known. 4 It is an : INVALUABLE 45D Unrivalled Remedy ! } plead, piaintifl, otherwise jodgment pro coofesso wilt | be entered aginst them, and the cause heard ex te as to them. itness, A. Judson Mason, clerk of onr said Coart, at office in Salisbury, the third Monday io April, 1869. A. JUDSON MASON, 0.8. ©. 27 Ow:pr.fee$10. State of North Carolina, BOWAN COUNTY, Ruperior Court, Spring Term, 1869. Locy MN, Shaver, Plaintiff AGAINST 8. J. Swicegood and wife Sallie D —— : Wm. H. Benthall and wife Maggie E - thall, James B. Shaver, George N. Shaver. Robert L. Shaver, Mollie O. A. Shaver and Aapie J. Shaver, Defendants. Petition for Dower. Tt ing to the Court that William H, Benthall and wife Maggie E. Benthall, are non- residents of this State, it is ordered that pnb- lication be made in the “Old North State,” a newspaper published in the Town of Salisbo-| t for siz svccessive weeks, notifying the said iliam H. Benthall and wife Maggie E. Ben-| thall, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court, to be held for tne county cf Rowan, at the Court [louse in Salisbury, on the | third Monday, in September next, then and | there to plead, answer or demur to the peti- | tion of plaintiff. otherwise. judgment pro con- | fesso will be entered against them, and the| canse beard ex e a8 to them. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Salishury, the third Monday jn April,1869. A. JUDSON MASON, 27 6w:pr.fee$10. os Assignee’s Sale. For all SOROPULOUS, STRUMODS, SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, OU- TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEU MAT- IC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF- FECTIONS, in fact, sveny form of Chronic Disease it may be adeantageous- | ly used. | This preparation has been sabimitted to, thorongbly tested, and approved by some of the most eminent members of the Med- ical Faculty. Prepared by an experienced and well known physician and chemist, PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, Nove is hereby given that I will expose to Pub lie Sale, at the Coart House in Salisbary. on Satar- day the thirty-first day of duly, A. D,, 1869, at 11) o'clock. a. m., the following property belonging to, the estate of J. Martin Jones. eolt, vig: I. Remainder in 169 acres of land, ying N. C. Railroad, ning the lands of benjamin) Sumner, Henderson & Crawford and others, or what- —_——— PREPARED ONLY BY J, J, LAWRENCE, M D,, ever interest said Bankrupt has in said land. If. An itable estate in a certain tract of land, adjoining i Sumner, dec'd., i lands of Benjami Henderson & Crawford, and H. containing 383 acres. Ill. All the nates a: estate. ‘Terms C (C. Jones, dec’d., ’ JOHN 8. HENDERSON, Salisbury, April 2, 1869. 13—ly ORGANIO CHEMIST, July 8.1869. 27—4t Assignee, Por Sale. No: 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virgicia. Aw -. oe? WittiaMl BAILEY, ‘Cer For Sacre sy att Davoairs.-we} July yet lisbury, N. 0. answer or demar to the petition of) them | after the second Monday in Februn | non-resident defendants to appear at the next G. ‘laaee give no d accounts belonging to the Nores © tewky LEGA\ L NOTICES. State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1869. James Hay wood, adusnistrator of Janes Hay- wood, ae,, deceased, against Benjamin Hay- wood, Richard Haywood, James D. Hay- wood and wile Dicy. W. R. Haywood, Se, ami wife Nancy, W. R. Haywood, Jr., Bea- jamin F. Haywood and Malinds Hay wyod. Petition to make Real Estate Asgets. IT appearing to the satiafaction of the coort that Beryamin Haywood and Richard Hay- wood, cannot after doe dilligence be found within the limits of this State: It is ordered that service (be made) by poblication for stx weeks, saccessively, in the Old North Slate a newspaper published in the town of aoe w. GC, sotlvieg the said non-resident defen ants to appear at the next.termof said court fo be held for said county avthe Court House in Troy, on the fourth monday after the second monday in August next, and answer the peti- tion of said Administrator or the game will be taken pro confesso and heard ez parte 9s to Witmes«, C.C. Wade, Clerk of our said coort at office, in the towg of Troy, the 4th Monday , 1869, 26—6w;pr fee $10. ©. @ WADE, 0. 8.0, State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Superior Court Spring Term, A. D. 1869. C. C. Wade, administrator of Jonathan Rich- ardson, , against John Richardsom pers wchardson, Martin M o and wife at, Wiam Jordan and. wile Linia, Wil- liam Fuller and wife Elizabeth, Spoke Rich- ardson, Hiram Richardson, Mary J. Rich- ardeon, Albert Richardson and Elizabeth Riechardeon. Petitlon to make Real Estate Asset. IT appearing to the satstaction of the Court that alithe above named defendanw: cannot after due dilligence be found within the limits ofthe State. It is ordered that service De made by publication for sx weeks successively, in the Old North State,» newspaper published | in the town of Salisbury, notifying the said Term of this Court td be held for said County at the Court House in Troy, on the 4th Mon- day after the 2nd Monday in August next, and answer the petition of the saiG administrator or the same will be takeu pro cunfesso and beard | Se as to them. vitness 0. C. Wade, clerk of our said Conrt at office in Troy, the 4th Monday after the 2d Monday in February next. C.0. WADE,C.8. 0, This June 22, 1869. 26-Gw-prf $10 Assignee's Sale. tice that I willsell at pablic anc- tion. at the Court House in Salisbury, on Satarday, the Slst day of July, a. p.. 1969. at 11 o'clock, a. u., the follawing property beionging to the estate of Michael Miller, hrokrape viz: I. 139 1-@acres of land, adjoining the lands of B. W. Owens and the Widow Linn. Il. vepth interest in 160 acres of land, ad- joining lands of Moses Lemly, Jogsa Reid, and others, in which Nancy Miller bas a life estate. ITI. All the notes anc acconnts belonging to the estate. Terms Cash JOHN 8, HENDERSON, July 8, 1869. —4t Assignee. Assignee's. Sale. — given, that I will expose to Public gale. at the Conit House in Salisbury, on Sat. preed the Sistday of July. a. D., 1849, the follow- ng property belongipg to the estate of Alexander Graham, Bankrupt, vis: A tract of land cantaining 170 acres, adjoining es Jands of Joseph W. Hall, Thomas D. Meares, illiam Garner and James Thompson. Termsoash, Joh, ‘One residence io Mee dp *TOne ‘|. QOue Hotel in Tay op W.¢. oe Capital Stock, Sania Story JOSEP JOSEP if: ESTER, President. DI ae Vice President. Bere Be EE So en Tome . LEWIS, ( . ~ ROBT. be Dis. 7 & 8,000 Valuable Pieces of Prop posed of, Worth $146,694. s $2 A Chance!---RBAL BSTATH, Vine Residences—Four in the of Raleigh! Raleigh, N. C., desixibed » $l do do do do do do Hansalee, do Hill, do ile, N.O,, do do do do One ‘One One List of Personal: Property Samp leg on ( Bi & | No. 26 Fayetteville soMitioct ; N, nao a er ee baie « 2 0 Fine Phat each, made by®H. D. Schmidt, Sektighre, , ‘ Sohaldt, Baliipore, 3c. $6,000 ine Top ies, — made b H. D. Schmidt, sal haces 4, * “* 3500 » 50.1st Premiym, 7 octave Pianos, made by Tremaine Bros, N. Y., $650 each, 32,500 6 Parlor or Charch 6 stops, $250 made by Tremaine Bros., N. Y., 1,256 500 wring Mocbings, Wilkeox & Gibbs or Grover & Baker's, $60 each, 0,000 50v-Silk Dresses, best article, 12 x ‘ 20,000 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yard: each $135, ere 3.240 each, $40, 6 Velocipedes. 675, 6 Salamander Safes, Wilder's patent, best in the world, $260, 1560 "1 Cush Prize, $1,000 gold, 1,334 10 Casir prizes, $100 each, 1,000 200 do do. 10 do 2.000 672 do = do 5 do 3,360 1000d0 = do 2 do 2,000 8000 Prizes. Value of the total amt, $146,694 Tota! number of Tickets, 73,347 Allof the above is put in the drawing at bthe tegular cash selling prices and will be dis- posedof by « mode oi Drawing, and in Order to accomplish this, the Company will sell 13,347 tickets at $2 each for fu: ther informa- tion read section 10 and 11 of the By-Laws of the Company ; BY-LAWS. Bée.10.! ‘The pian of drawing sball be as follows; there be two wheels, one a prize wheel and one'a-number wheel, arranged in some public p' the city, where any one hoking a ticket be present on the day of drawmg.. Io ber whéel there shail be as many tickets corréspunding ip number as those which have been. In the prize wheel there shell be as many tickets as there are prizes, these-tickets sliall be deposited ia the wheels by a board of supervisors, who shell be appointed by the Directors, after which the wheel shall be sealed up and placed in any bank in the city, the Directors may direct, an- ul ce time of drawing, when the Supervisors shall bring the wheels to the place of drawing break (he geals aud the drawing shall be dis- posed of by taking a ticket from each wheel, atthe same time and the prize ticket takea from the prize wheel shal desiguate the prize drawo by the ticket corresponding ‘im, number to the one taken from the number wileel at the same time. The wheel shall be well shakea after each ticket ie drawn. Se:, 11. The Digectors shall designate the time and place of drawiny, at which (uur aod place the sapervitors shall be required to be present and see that the drawing 1 conducted entirely equiadle. , A Board of Supervisors will be eappoiated who will hate exctasive coottel and manage- ment of the drawing, Tiity Will conduct the distribution end see that each pesson is legally invested with the property be may draw.~ A dupheate regisiry of the tickets sold will be kept; so, that, in the event of juss of ticket, the aceident may be remediedand no wistake Can occar. The Drawing will take place in TUCKER HALL, ie she cuy of Ralewgh, tonmedbaiely al- ter sale of tickets, of wlieh dee potice will be given. Tne company is working under the proris- sions of a special charter granied by the Gen- eral Assembly of North Carolina, wiuch com- pe’s the compary to comply faithfully with all contracts, Copies cap be had on application to the com- pany. All the abordimenitioned property will cer- tainly be disposed of as above stated, and Lore drawing it will be savested with tbe Utle in feo simple. o member of the company is allowed to rohase anf tickets. > All moneys sent by mail, at the owner's risk ; that sent by Express, Kegisiered Letters, Checks or Drafts, at the msk of the company. No property will be listed unless the tiie is indisputable. The Treasurer has deen reqnired to give @ bond of five thousand dollars tor the farthfal performance of lis duues. He is reqnived to deposit, dail¥, in the Gank, all monies received where it will remain until all the Uckets are suld and ail the propery will be positively drawn and dehvered to the parties drawing, oF the money returned. Ddeud two duliars by ex- press, post office order, registered letter, or draft, et onr rrek, of by mau at your own, and take a chance at the 3,000 valuable prizes of- fered. Tickets will be sent any where in the United States at the company's risk. Description of Real Estate. One fine residence built of brick, in the best improved style, in the city of Raleigh, with 8 acres Of groond, and all necessary out-buildings, with mauy fiae ornamentals about the yard. Value $10,000 One large aud convenient honee in the city of Raleigh, on Newbern street, 13 large rooms, double parlors, with all neeessary out-buildings 1} acres of ground and a beautiiul ouk grove. Vac Ee cere cele cc tots ea iere $6,500 One large house on Newbern and Blood- worth streets, containing 20 rooms suitable for a boarding house, all necessary out-buildings, with a beantitul oak grove in the yard and § acre of Ground. Value.....i..-6606 $5,000 One beautifal large Reside nce, on Newbern street, eight rooms and basement, four oul-buildings and rtable, seven ecres of gfound, elm grove, Very desirable and attractive, WalOO: cccteescicccucgen cas o0-+ SahPees evecoes One in Warrenton, N. C,, known os the Alston wty in periect order, one of the best batt heases im the State, containing $ large rooms, double piazais and porticos,coe of the most commanding avd beautiful residences in the plrce, with § acres of gr aud, fine orehard, begutiful oak grove in the yard, and all necessaty out-builtiogs. Valte, .....cce cope ree reese ce ccesnees ’ The property at Tayloreville is very attractiv and cheap ¢, Valuable It te » Hetel at the county seat of a fl orth. ing and growing village of a thousand oF » ore inh«bitante and situated one square from a good and fearishing Oel- lege, mo school of better grade, right on the line of the At. lantic & Obio Railroad and being siteated in the mown ain region, the scenery is truly delightful and faseinatin ‘lontains twenty reoms, and the buildings are new, Y One in Chapel Hill, containing 4 roome, with fire and one forty-foot dining room. Also, nitohen, outhon and ove and three-fourths acreseofiard. Velge §9 Persons desiring any further itorn aie will please address JOnW OC. Kpe7 OR JOHN 8. HENDERSON, Joly 8, 1990-970 Assignee. April 28—Em ce or te WAAAY eal fete CN A OR UR lh - "Pa. SPs o ft " pear a eae Lig bebe: ¥ . ; ini ea ened a > . 26D pee wae fe & ee Rangel haa a VOL. IV] " EDUCATIONAL. Col ne 4 ; or, | bo peel The ge age Rr" u 95.00 permonhs MudogBeping, ‘&o., extra at moderate rates ; in edvanee for jute guna con E. F. ROCKWELL, Statesville, July 9.-—3m , “i een. HEGE’S SCHOOL, YADKIN COLLEGE, N. C. REV. G. W. HEGE, A. M. HE SESSION of 1869 opens August 9th, 1869, and will continue weeks. ; the branches tau, in Preparatory Schools and Colleges may be pursued here. Students, male or female, may enter .at any time, and pay by the month, or for such time as they may wish to romain. Tuition from ae Board “ $9 to $1 « Such as wish may rent rooms and board themselves. Address, REV. G. W. HEGE, A. M. July 9, 1869. 27—4w University of N. Carolina. THE FALL SESSION of this Institution will commence on the 18th of August prox. and contigue twenty . Prepar- atory and Normal Departments, and a - eral Coarse of University Leetures, will be med. Entire e ineluding board, to $100. All the benefits of the [nstitu- tion are offered, free of e, to a limited number of residents in the \. Pee, to the President. SOLOMON ° Chapel Hill, July 6th, 1869. 37—6w Edgeworth Female Seminary. Tue NEXT SESSION WILL COM- menee on the first Monday of September. The entire expe Board and Tuition will be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance, Each boarder will furnish her own lights and towels and also a pair of sheets and pillow cases. For ciroular address J. M. M. CALDWELL, july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N. O, Pleasant Grove Academy. and Female. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM- menace on the %b of August next. Course— English, Classical, Mathe- matical Terms: Tuition from $5 to $10 per session. Roard with the Prinotpal $9 per month. For particulars address the principal at Ful- ton, Davie Co., N. O. W. J. ELLIS, Prineipal. Pleasant Grove. N. C., June 25, 1869. 25—3m BINGHAM SCHOOL. ~* MEBANEVILLE, N. C, Wa. Bingham, Robert Bingham, W. B. Lyach. HE SESSION or 1869-70 BEGINS and gontinués forty weeks. The conrse of Instrastion includes the ordi- nary English brancives, the Ancient Languages. French, Mathematjos, Book-Keeping, aad the elements of Nataral Science. Expenses, (iweluding tuition, board, fuel, washing, books and clothing,) $365. Circulars sent on application. June 18, 1869. 24—6w ACADEMY.—The first Session of this Academy will com- mencé on the first Monday in A enmuing- ls can enter at any me be charged from the time of entrance. The rates of tuition will be as follows: 67.00 $10.00 and $15,000 per session of 6 mouths payable at the end of every No pains will be spared to give pupils a thorough training in all the branches y taught ine first class Academy. The Academy is located in a healthy and moral in Township four miles from Salisbary, om the new road to Mocksville. Board can be had in reepectabie families from 7to 8 dollars per month. L. H. ROTHROCK, June 95, 1969.—% 3m Principal PROFESSIONAL. M. H. PINNISN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, N. C. Wr PRACTICE in the courts of David- son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Ran- dolph counties: J Merseexce. Hon. R. M. Pearson, ©. J. of N.C, Raleigh. “ E.G. Reade, Associate Justice, ee “ Thomas Settle, . Mas “ RP. Dick, “ “ “ Bedford Brown, Yanceyville, N. C. Hon, John Kerr, . J.R. McLean, Greensboro’, N Thomas Roffin, Jr., ” ‘ J. M. Clond, Dobson, MW. O. January 29, 1869. 4—tf JOHN S. HENDERSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. (7 Will attend promptly to the Collec- tion of Claims feb26—ly DR. 0. A. HENDERSON, AVING resumed the practice of Medicine respectfully offers his professional services (> the public. OFFICE : The one late occnpied by White head & Henderson. Calis may be left exthe at his office, or at Boniss’ Drug Store. Salisbury, Feb 12. 1869. Dr. 1. W. JONES, I AVING located in Salisbury, offers his Profeasional services to the public. Of- fice on Council Street, opposite the Court House gnd next door to the Law office of Hon. Burton “ “ “ “ “ al “ a0: 6-6r Oraige. May 28, 1 tf. Raleigh National Bank of N. Carolina. THE DIRECTORS hey; Capita! ok of this BANK to FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Parsons wishing toaub- soribe to the same will plosap ar anicate with DE March §--Ova. resolved to increase the 2WEY Pred dent. For each additional insertion, .<...~.. 8 miiisennatl ba changed e® per ays than the ed at the s@ime rates with other advertise- Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. cael ele BPACE e/g Ele! § | FRY { Square. #2 50\$3 75) $5 00/88 50/613 00 2 Squares. || 4 50) 6 25 8 50}13 00, 22,00 3 Squares. | 6 00| 9 00 12 0020 00/ 30,00 4 Squares. | 8 00,11 00) 15 00:25 00} 37,50 + Column. {11 00/16 20 00/30 00! 45,00 + Column. |28 0;94 09) 30 00/45 00) 75.00 1 Column. |28 00 40-00! 50 00/80 00|130,00 PREME COURT, IN THE CASE OF HILL vs. KESLER, FROM ROWAN, DE- LIVERED BY JUDGE READE. The question inyolved in this case is whether the provision in our State Constitution exem ing certain property from execution sale, i Art. X. Sec. 1, The any resident of this State hundred dollars, to be selected shall be and is hereby exempted execution or other final of any Coart is- sued for the collection of any debt. Gus. 3 Reey emetead ond thy dyeliing and ings used therewith, not exceeding value one dollars to be selected by the owner thereof, &c., shall be also exempted. See aa A ee as an ee ee Weguatk toe Cont y or it is against the of tes and void. u a the obli im United Sta impair contract. to pay $101, allowing him with $90, would alter terms a to the amount, We concede, also, that a contract mast be gn- derstood to be made with reference to existing laws for its enforcement. And jf, at the time of the [ope gy ptedegerg | the imprisonment of f | ture abolished the remedy by imprisonment, | which often brought the money, when nothing | else would, }eaving only the remedy against the | ery And then it was contended that the | abolishment af the remedy of imprisonment im- | paired the contract, But the Courts in repeated | cases, decided otherwise. The true import of | the law being, not that the parties should have | any particular or specific remedy, bat a substan- | tial and convenient one. In what way does the Constitutional exemption alter or impair the | contract which these ies made? How is the remédy changed ? hat was the law at the time of the contract, and which became a part of it? Was it that all or any portion of the } en perty, which the debtor had at the time of the contract should he liable ta execution sale ?— Was that the ereditor’s security for his debt?— Certainly not. The contract was personal and a lien upon nothing. Else, now would it be if the debtor had no property ? or, if he had any, how woald it be ithe should sell it? Or, how would it be with y acquired after the con- tract? Or how if 9 subsequent and more vigi- lant creditor should get ahead, and take the whole in execution? Or, in case of the debtor's death, how would the widow get dower, or a year’s provision? Or, how would funeral ex- — have the preference over all other debts? jose considerations make it plain, that no such element enters into the contract, as that any par- ticular property which the debtor has at the time of the contract, or which he may subsequently acquire, shall be liable to execution sale ; or that any particular remedy is teed, The guar- anty is that the contract shall never be altered by law and that there shall be a remedy to en- foree it, And the contract is made, not only with reference to the remedy existing, but also to such reasonable changes, as the interest of so- Against this view, it is cqntented, that there are a decisions to the contrary. If there be such by the Courts of our sister States, they are entitled ta respectful, and if by the Su Court of the United States ar hy our own Goan, they are entitled to the highest condition. ‘The cases most pressed upon our attention in favor of the creditor are Bronson va. Kinzie, 1 Hiternrd 811, and McCracken ya, Haywood. Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish- | a? require, and the State may think proper to | the debtor make. | 2} five hog,” : ha z S Es E F E rs hr EE S . . co n = And | back as let Jul i iew of the Constitut! but it is only the “accident,” perty, and does not affect the of McCracken va, Haywood, the property to be sold for hat it would bring, as the on/y remedy left to pod ye ee trae opinion Carpenter, of the Circuit dee re Carolina, a vs. Whaley, newspapers, <quuplien laws of South Carolina, whick the same as ours, unconstitu- The authorities relied on by Judgegyre among others of less im- aforesaid cases of Bronson va. Kin- ken vs. Haywood, and we have they do not sustain him. case cited by him and directly in is Dank vs, Guackénbush, $ De led first by the Supreme Court and Court of of New York.— attention of the learned Judge was not to the fact, that, in that case, the Judges e Court of Appeals were equally divided, therefore, the decision in the Court below nor to the more important fact, that, in aent case in 1854, fe the same va, Gould, 1 Kernan 281, the case of Dank enbosh was received and overruled.— case before Judge Carpenter did not | point whether the Exemption Laws obligation of contracts, and, there- ion upon that question is only a ¢ states the principles involved in the cane as follows: “The judgment was by law a/ vested + a lien, a contract. Had the State the C al pdWer to divest the Maintif | of his rights, and vest them 4: the defendant ?— Upon the principles involved inthe carz, there | differdice een liens by mortgage, and | the learned e & z H i i F ze re E me e i Z i ? z TH rh ¥ f ig no by j it, the Mmer of ; bat both are v: rights,” de. | t willbe seen, therefore, that the question in- | volved was fiot that of impairing the obligation | a ander the Constitution of the Uni- | ted States; but of destroying liens and invadis vested rights, under the Constitution of Soath | Carolina. There is nothirtg therefore in chat di- cision against any position, but the dictum of the learned Judge; for it is not pretended that in | case, there was any lien or yested right, we | not therefore interested to inquire, whether learned Judge's decisiun, that “liens” and | rights” cannot be abolished by a State | wention in framing their organic law. Our attention was called also to a decision of | indge Orr, of the Circuit Court of South Caroli- in the newspa sustainiag the South Carolina Exem awe. We ate not aware of « single decision except as before stated, either in the Courts of our «is ter States, or of the United States, in which gen- eral exemption laws have been held to an in- fringement of the Constitution of the United | Staten. There being no decision against them, | us see if there are any in their favor. The Legislature of New York, in 1842, pas an exempting from execution—in addi- | to exem “necessary house- | hold farnitore, working tools and team, not ex- | ceeding $150 in — The creditor obtained | a judgment upon a existing before the act, sia teficl on the dabtows tamn'e ir of horses. And the qnestion was, whether the exemption | was good against pre-existing debts. The opin- ion of the Coart was elaborate and able, that the | i? is ) ex ion was , Morse va. Gould eupra.— The opinion is ed Court, Dank va. Guackenbush, cited by iter, it also re-revived the cases of Bronson vs. Kinzie and McCrackin ve. Haywood, and indeed all the cases bearing on the subject, and distin- | pape them from that, as we have from this. | n a late case in 9 Wisconsin, 559 Baumback vs. Bade, the case of Morse va. Gould, supra, is re- revived and approved, And in Brapsgn vs. Kinzie. Taney, C. J. says: A State Legislature maf, if it think proper, direct that the necessa- ry, implements of agriculture, or the tools of a | mechanic, dr articles of necessity in household | furniture, shall, like wearing apparel, not be lia- | ble to execution on judgments: and regulations of this kind have always been considered in ev- ery civilized commanity as properly belonging | sovereignty, according to its own views of poli- | cy, or humanity. It must reside in every Stat to enable it to secure its citizens from unjust anc harrassing litigation, and to protect them in those pursuits, which are necessary to the exist- ence and well being of every Community.” And in a subsequent case Planter’s k vs. Sharp, C. Howard 301, Mr. Justice Woodbury in ordering the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States enumerated exemption lawa, among the examples of | islation, which might he Canstitutionally applied to existing contracts. And in Biglow vs. Pritchard 21, Pickering, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts decided that the Legislature might Iqwfully diminish the creditar’s remedy to enforce judgment, b ex-| empting 4 part of the property of the debtor from attachment on mesne process, or levy. of e i for example, articles of furniture bed and bedding, d&vc., necessary for a debtor and his family. And in Morse va. Gould, it is said, that general exemption laws are val “though 9 case might ha) possibly, where the exempt property would’ constitate all that a in a late case, Ste- phenson vs. Oxbarne, 41, Miss, 119, in the April number of the American Law Re- view, p, 476, the Supreme Court of Mississippi decided that the Mississippi exemption law “was Constitutional as to contracts existing at the time of its passage,” We haye adccision of our own Court directly in point. In Dean ys. King 13, p. 20, the Court decides, Ruffin, C. J. —- opinion, than an exemption of a “mare under the act of 1848, was good t x + oN eee ees all debts contracted since Ist July, 1845. true that, by the act of 18 cles were exempted, but the bulk of them were not embraced in any exemption act until 1848, and yet they were made to apply to debt as far 1845. So in 1866-7 our Legislature passed an act exempting: All necessary farming and mechan- ical tools, one work horse, one yoke of oxen, one cart or wagon, one milch cow and calf, fiheen head_of five hundred pounds of pork or ba- can, fifty 1s of corn, twenty bushels of wheat, and household and kitchen furniture, not exceed- ing $200 in value.” . ‘And this was not restricted to subsequent con- tracts, which is the more significant, as by tlle same act a Homestead of one hundred acres without regard — — was restricted to subse- uent debts, at exemptions applying to caeuken devs have had the nackte of bar Legislature and of this Court, and of the practice of all the Courts for the last twenty years. But then.it is said that while that may have been so in regard to necessaries, yet our exemptions are too large, they are not necessaries. If it be con- ceded that the —— has power to exempt any thing as to existing debts, then what are ne- caries a question for the Legislature and not for the Court. But our exemption laws here- tofore, have not been restricted to mere necessa- ries, but have looked to the “comfort and sup- port of the debtor's family.” Rev. Code, Supra, And the exemptions have been repeatedly and considerably increased, to keep pate with the change of manners and customs and the condi tion of our people, It will readily appear that the late exemptions of personal property, in many instances, might greatly have exceeded $500. If the Legislature can exempt personal roperty, it is not pretended that it may not in Fike manner exempt real eatate—a homestead. It is qhjected that the Homestead law ought not to be construed to operate retro«pectively. We admit that this is a general rule of construc- tion; with an exceytion, however, in favor of remedial, and as sometimes called beneficial laws. All our laws in regard to remedies and cedure, have been lately altered by the new ific, the latter | Gade of Civil Procedure, and made to act retro- | No debt, no matter when contract- sued for and recovered now a before Even the Courts themsclycs have spectively. ed, can be the Code. been changed. By the act of 1808, a summary remedy, by motion for judgment on ten days notice was giv en against Sheriffs for collecting money and fail- ing to pay over. A motion was made against a Sheriff for an antecedent liability. It was ob- jected, that the act did pot operate retrospective- | ly. But this Court held the contrary, saying that, “when an act takes away, from a citizen a vested right, ita constitutionality may be inquired into; bat when it alters the remedy or mode of proceeding a# to rights previously vested, it cer- tainly runs in a constitutional channel. The acts are beneficial and should be favorably con- strued. Oates va, Darden; 1 Murphy 501. So a Siate Legislature may disc a y from imprisonment upon a judgment in a civil action, without infringing the Constitution ; for this is bat a modification of the remedy, 3 Story on the Con, 251, Mason vs. Haite, 13 Wheat6n, R. 370. A Statate changing the rules of eviden®e may be applied to pending suits. Cooly Con. L 381, So a statutory privilege is not a vested right, as exemptions of persons or property from taxca- tion ; or exemptions of property from being seiz- ed by attachment, or execution, Id. 383. So Homesteads, or other property which are now exempt under the Constitution might be made liable by a subsequent Convention, Id. N If, therefore, the Homestead Laws were not retrospective in terma, yet, as they are remedial, vor of the person to be benefitted. words are that they shall apply to, “any debt” —all debts. And itis only by construction, and we think an erroneous construction, that they caff’be restricted to any particular class of debt Bat really the Homestead and exemption laws, although affecting antecedent debta, are net retrospective iu the proper sense of that law? Evidently that which allow a Homestead to be laid off hereafter. What, ax contra-distin- tished from that, would be a retrospective lomestead law? Evidently that which makes valid a homestead which has been laid off hereto- fore. The great error isin supposing that the Home | to the remedy, to be exercised or not by every | stead law is a law to defeat debts. That is no pr of the object of the law. The laying off a Lomestead is the sole abject and is prospective altogether. If any debt is affected by it, it is merely incidental. It may be conceded there- | the act provides, “any person arrested under a | fore, without affecting the Homestead, that any | capias ad satisfaciendum for arty debt, contracted law, the pu > of which is to defeat a debt, is yaid. But the Homestead law declares ite ob- ject upon its face to be, not to defeat debta, but, to allow to every resident of the State, “and his children” and his “widow” a home and the means of living, if they have them. It is a question, not of defeating debts, bat, in the lan- guage of Chief Justice Taney, “it is a question of palicy and humanity, which every civilized community reguiates for itself, Its wisdom or folly, jnstice or injustice, a ques- tion for the law making power, and not for the Courts. In omtr ease, the law has the sanction of the Convention and of the Legislatare, and of the direct yote of the people in adopting the Constitation, and of the Congress of the United States which approved the Constitution. And, as itis not in contravention of the Constitution of the United States, it would be an as«umption of extraordinary power for us to declare it void. With the policy of these exemption this Court has nothing to do. If they are within the pow- er of the Legislature then it is sufficient for us that, “thus it is written.” We have not thought it necessary to notice the suggestion, that inasmnch as the sale of landa under execution is hy Statute, so it may be ex- empted by Statute, © question “arises in this case as to the inter ference with vested righta nnder onr State Con- some of these arti- | i 3 «ie 2 re: hy bukw FRCS 44 <2 ey ing of “any debt” hereaf. re will know who ie to be trusted, giving to them the ing -of an: debt, pd tiny Bd haretciore 0a debts havent con there is gross injustice and a viola- at tee oats tof a inw, reaffirmed by statute law, 13 Elis: “all ifts or voluntary conveyances of his property a a debtor are void a i credi- tors,” on the dof fraud. I gives to these indefinite words a which impates to the law makers a fraud of ex- x2. § creditors ; ple, for it is not decent to suppose nite words were used that some might vote for it, giving one ad andl others another, . “No State any law impairi the obligation of canner These ae hensive words are not confined to « prohibi- tion against altering the terms of a contract ; but also forbid, impairing its obligation. What is the obligation of a contract? The means of aceording to the laws in force, at the time the contract is made; by these laws the parties agree to abide; these laws their rights are fixed. This is the i which mast not be impaired by a State, er acting in Convention or in General Asem- bly. e We are toll “There are now, and so there willcontiime to be, laws to enable each party to enforce the contract, and after such assurance, if the State abolish or injuriously change the remedy, it would be violative of the Constitu- tion of the U. 8. therefore void.” | In this I fully concur, and the question is, not confusing the subject with a multitude of cases, or with many words, does or docs not the “Homestead Exemption” of $300 property and 3,000 value of land, injuriously change the remedy and alter the laws in force at the time the contract was made? In other | words, ix tit the obligation of this contract im- paired by the Homestead Exemption ? It is set out in the record, that besides the property exempted, this debtor has nothin; so the contract cannot be enforced and its obliga< tion is destroyed, not simply impaired. : | It inaaid, “the remedy is not at all changed, for the creditor can take judgment and imsue a writ of fieri facias, just as he could have done when the contract was made.” All this is very | true, and it is equally true that in nine cases out | of ten the Sheriff will return on the Keri facias “nothing found, ex perty ex homestead law.” The wae shadow, ae the substance. The creditor trusted to the erty which the debtor had at the time of the contract, as the means of enforcing it, and to | the law by which a voluntary conveyance i« de- | clared frandulent and void; that was the obli- tion ; the thing that binds. And yet it ir Id, as I think, under the unconscious bias of pressing circumstances, “that a law which be- | stows this property on the debtor, to the injury | of exiting creditors, doe not impair the obliga- | tion of contracts.” It was urged on the argument; By the com- |} mon law, wearing apparel, arms for master, | tools of a tradesman, and a bed and furnit | are exempted, (these articles were tot look to and were incladed in the obligation) then by statute, certain other articles, i, e. Bible, Hymn more important as it re-reviv- | beneficial laws, interfering with no vested rights | Beok and School Books, and finally a hors, overruled a former case in the same | and are a part of the fundamental law of the | not to e xceed in all, the valve of $200, were ex- Judge | land, they ought to be liberatly construed in fa- | empted. Now, becanse creditor did not choose But we think 4 to make a point about these smal! matters, that they do not depend upon construction. The plain | is relied on, as fixing the power of the General | Assembly to make exemptions against existing | debts, and the power being thus established, the extent of its exercise is a matter of legislative | discretion: “give am inch and take an ell.”— | First, assume the power to exempt a bible, | hymn book, and school booke—then a horse, | may be added, then $200 worth of property, term. What would bea prospective Homestead | then $509, then $1500, including land, then | 5,000, and ther exempt everything, for there is no limit «ave legislative discretion. Indeed the | aeons under consideration I believe exempts | | everything owned by debtors in nine cases out | ot ten. In reply to the argument drawn from legisla- | tive sanction, one fact oounterbalances the | whole. In 1822 the Legislature deemed it wise to modify the law of imprisonment for debt, as | an obligation of contracts; after full discussion after the lst. 7 May next, may give bond to appear,” and shall nat be canfined in jail, as be- fore. I am aware, that in several of the States, de- cisions have been made, sustainiug homestead laws. - These cases all rest on the fallacy of ae suming the power to make exemptions to some | extent and then on the idea of legislative’ dis- | cretion, the amount is swelled up to thousands ; | and it is-justified on the — of “keeping | pave with the p of age,” a | a this particular, I fear of dishonesty and ied, | I choose to rely on the cases in our own Court. Jones va. Crittenden 1 Car Law Rep. 385.— Barnes vs. Barnes 8, Jones 366. SUPREME COURT. IN THE CASE OF THE UNIVERSITY | RAILROAD COMPANY V8. W. W. HOL- | DEN—OPINION BY CHIEF JUSTICE | PEARSON—BONDS FOR BUILDING | NEW RAILROADS DECLARED UN- CONSTITUTIONAL, Maudamus dismissed. Power of taxation diseussed, Held that the equation in Art, 1. See. 5, daes not apply to the old debt, | chises by the North C ‘ but ther is Be = or tio to whom the gran * in to “supply- If this be so, it would seem to follow, that | ing a casual a, the directors who are to manage aflairs of | insurrection or invasion,” in which cases the said “University Railroad Company ;” (there eunetion mar be dharegectnd. speak volumes being in contem of law, no company) | and shows more was intended, in,re- cannot have such rights as are enforced by che writ of mandamus. the con- é of the tu- II. In my opinion, straction érts5, see. tiou, the Genergl Assembly has no-power to contract adebt to build « mewRailroad, un- less the eubject be submitted to a vote of the poctie. It is decided [Galloway vs. Jenkins, . C.. rep., 147] the General Assembly has no power to contract a debt, without @ vote of the people, to gid in the of a cew railroad. If the Gevergl but the evil is, that ef contracti on the part of the State, the ex being almost two heavy. to. bear, and the credit of the State totering under the load. A construction by which new debts may be coutracted on a la! seale than one ex- pressly prohibited, is not admissible upo. any principle of law, As this isa deduc- tion frum Galloway os. Jenkins, in which the Court was div I wilt my con- clusion, also. on the construction of all the provisions of Article 5. Ill. The act under consideration is in violation of the Constitution fa this; the tax lavied by it distarbs the proportion which, by the Constitution, capitat'on tax mast bear to the tax on the value of property. to- wit : Here we have the proportion. a provision; “The State and county taxes combined, shall never exceed two 2 on the head,” aod the necessary effect is, that the State and county taxon the valee of property shall never exceed two doliars on three’ handred dollars worth of and the effect also is, that if the tax on .s less than two dollars, thea the taxon hundred dollars worth of property must less in the same ratio. In other words, the tex on the poll is “the standard” by which the fax vn property is to be levied. Under two dollars, the power to levy a poll tax for State aurposes is calimited: this in- terest poeded no . » for cotir representation ig the General Assembly. Counties are protected by Bec. 7, which vides ‘taxes levied for county shall be levied in like mauner with taxes. and shall never exceed double of the State tax, ex for a apecial purpose and with the special approval of the General Assembly. Cities. towns and townships are protected, [Art. 7, See. 7,) which provides, “po debt shall be contracted, vor shall any tax be “< i t levied ex for necessary expenses, unless by a voteof a majority of the qualified voters therein.” The only remaining interest is that of property holders in respect to State and coup- ty taxes. This interyst is protected by the equation fixed between capitation tax and tax on property. A statute which disturbs this equation breaks down the safeguard thrown around property by the Constitution. If it can be done to the extent of one hundredth of one per cent.. it ma, be done to the ex- tent of one tenth, aud there is no limit It was urged on the argument, this equa- tion applies only to taxes levied for current expenses of the State and ocvnnties, and has no reference to taxation, necessary to pay the interest of the public debt, of the tax to be levied to pay the interest of any new debt. Ist. I agree that, if, under this equation, carried to its limit, the aimoent is not enough to meet cortent expenses, aud also to pay4 the interest on the public debt, then for the excess neede | it is not only within the pow- er, but it is the duty of the General Assem- bly to disregard the equation ; for this pro- tection to property must be takan ta be sab- ject to the injunction, “to maintain the hon- or and goud faith of the State untarnished in regard to the lie debt,” [Art. 1, see. 6,} and by see. 4, of the article under oon- sideration, it is ordained, The General As- sembly shall, by appropriate legislation and adequate taxation, provide for the payment of the interest on the public debt, and after 1880 it shall lay @ ifie annual tax, ase siaking fand, to disebarge the principal.” — I do not adopt the extreme position take by Mr, Haywood, that by a specific tax is meant a tax on aad the gere or on horser and cattle by the head. It is enough to ad- mit, that this tax is ta be independent of the equation; asia rec. 7 @ tax for special coun- ty purposes, with the special re of the General Assembly, may be levied with- out referenee to the equation. 2: Bat I do nat agreé to the position, that the tax required by see. 5. to be levied to pay the interest on ay auy new debt, is not sub- ject to the equation ; and that the power to tax property in reference to new debts is wn- limited, save by the discretion of the General ce There is nothing, as we have seen is the case in to taxatieag te meet the interest and principal of the exist- jing debt, to take ' this taxation out of the pqnation. Its being called 9 specin} tax ng debt | before the Beate | “ a tax to be levied in the same bill, an simply to put the draftsman to the task sciguaglee as tur’ eolagestl to peoperty la ies that to is py Meal paye yr Eggo wie, xeept out 0} sestion 1. the taxation that may be ‘a and nee e weet Oe interest prinei of the existing debt ; exeept also out of ita jon the taxation necessary to meet the a ee of such new debts aa shall be in behalf of the State, effect will be to emasculate the seo- fritter it away to nothing. Only cur- it on; y the tax ehises “ and in- by University Railroad, was several days the bill called “the Revenue Act,” which fixes the capitation tax atl.05 cents on the head, and the property tax at 35 cents on the $100 worth, observing the equation of faxation ; and if this equation must be ad- hered to, the effect will be, either to nullify all the taxation of the session, or to displace pro tanto a of the tax on property in the oa in order to make roam for the taxon te University bill ‘:prior est m tempore,” &o. I do not r in” gither of the conely- sions. Att bills, of the same session, are to be taken together. The revenue bill beifig in exact acoordance with the Constitu- tion, moust take effect, and it specially ap- 2 gens the amount to be rained under 1, to the annual expenses of the State govern- nent, and tothe payment of the interest of the publigdebt. So the scope of the legis- lation is; If the General Assembly has wer to lay a tax to pay the interest on the et for the University R. R. without being limited by the equation, thea'the tax is to be levied. Otherwise it will fail as being levied ultra vires, and the General Assembly as- sumes an uolimited power of taxation. Several cases were supposed in the - ment, but they all involved the fallacy, the General Assembly and County Commis- sioners have an # power to tax y to the extent of 664 cents ou the 100 value, whereas, there is no sach pow- er, and the right to tax property dependsoa the qppitetion ta. Both Sa ie exercised +e. order to preserve equation of Order in the court below reversed and mandamus dismissed. PEARSON, C. J. SPECIAL NOTICE. RELIEF ror tur SORELY AFFICTED It was the wisfortané of the ufidersigned to have suffered, as few have every suffered before, for eix long and gloomy yeets, from an affection of his feet and legs, superinduced by overwork, during the first year of the late war. During all that time, he was compell- ed to drag his emaciated frame about, on crutches. In vain he invoked the best med- ical talent of the country; and visited the most celebrated medicinal Springs. Worn down and exhausted, he gave up all hope of recovery. At this afage of his case. having been governed by his medical friends from the beginuing, he determined to adupt « method of treatment, the result of his own reflection. It is enough to say. that this method is not so mueh new, as itis, the more skillful application of what has been long known, and attempted by the Physicians. Affer come weeks of the most unwearied and persevering effur-s, hé was rewarded with the most gratifying results. Indeed, bis rap- id innprovement and recovery, was almost magical—so much so. that ia looking back upon his condition a year ago, he cau, eveu now, hardly reelize the truly wonderful iin- provement. Profoundly grateful for this extraordinary blessing. he is desirous of being the means of diffusing similar benefits to those who may be sitailarly afflicted. He therefore, proposes not only to treat, but CURE, all manner of diseases of the lower extremitics, such as old and ill-conditioned Uleers of the legs ; Varicose Veins ; weak and enlarged Joints, &c., no matter of how long standing, Itis one of the great advantages of his mode of treatment, that no restrictions are imposed on the patieot, as regards diet, exer cise, &o., aud fur the most part, little or no medicine is aged. The cha shall be in aceordance with the general depression of the times ; and those really iudigont, will be treated **without nen - ey and without im DWARD SILL, M D Feb. 12—tf Salisbury, N.C. = =— 3 TOHER'S LIGHTNING F&F LY-nil Lb’ — Teath. to the Living! Long live the niliers! by veglers Evetywrere ' oid gaiy2—lin - y a a et SALISBURY, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1809,, GENERAL AMNBSTY—THE STANDARD The Standard having dedlgted Ain ne of its articles on the Virginia elections that “The Re- publican party adyocates the liberal principles of Universal Suffrage and General Anmesty,” we last week propounded to it tion: : “Is the Standard in favor of the passage of a a Secot ongres, immediately pon its roan he disabi iment?” <t)Every Untelligent reader familiar with the meaning ofthe term, “Geveral Arnos,” want th Sn oe ht th 9 * which we propounded to that paper amot to this: “Are you in favor of o ‘GuyERAL Ant _ NESTY,’ which you say younparty advocates, oF not.” We expected, as our readers must. haye expect 4 And, af-} 04, plain sinpple answer, yesror ng. ter the Standard’s hiberal articles and its endorse-. tyent of the leaders of the Walker-patty im Vir- ‘pints, Gex, and Joux B. Batownr incly- ded, we iS clk ip cores, and did expect it so piswer, yes. Me beget 3A tation. The: Standard ‘had evidently forgotten’ how very liberal some of its articles had been— —that it had'endorsed a'pariy the groat’ ghject of which is to secyre the passage’ of » bill for a “Geyerel Removal” of disbilitios, Instegd of simply answering, yes, it answers positively that itis:“wot in favor of the passage” of such an Act. But it does not answer the question sim- ply. It answers it in a column article, in which it attempts to extricate itself from the dilema in which it finds itself placed. The tone and tem- per of the Staudard’s article is unghjectionable. it is courteous and respectful, and, in thgt re- spect, is highly creditable to the present editor Of thé Standard, But in all other respects is a quost unfortunate one for that paper, It takes a wide range, involving the highest questions of Universal Public Law, as well as of Constitu- tional Law, and many others. And upon all of these questions, we regret to say, the Standard has manifested the profoundest ignorance, not- withstanding its natural intelligence. We have so often discussed these various questions in our columns, in 1866-67, that we shall not go into them now. he Standard does not seem to be aware of the distinction Which all the writers on Public Law, Amepican as well as European, make between ani and a civil war—between a re- & and a territorial war. It seems to be ut- terly uninformed as to the course of our own government in the premises, It would do well to study the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Prize cases, and the case of Mra Alexander's cotton. Also the case of LO. Lash vs, , in the U. 8. District Court of Minnetota. Tt will there see that the Courts held that the Jate war was not merely an insurrection or rebellion, but that it was a civil war—e férritorial war, and that no. distinetion could be made betweey these in the South who were in sentiment on the side of the Upion and those who were on the side of the Confederacy —that they were all alike, pot rebels or traitors but, alien enemies and that they were treated ac- cordingly, Those e: committed overt acts of of war againat'the U.S. Government befure be- ligerent right: were acoorded were guilty of trea- son, but those who were never guilty of any overt act until after that time cannot be justly held accountable as traitors. And of those who are banned by the 14th Amendment not ong in gen could ever have been convicted of treason, as every lawyer whose opinion is worth anything will any. Nor were they, or but very few of them, at thesime they were thus banned liable to the charge of treason. It was imposible to inflict any punishment upon them by indictment in our courts, Neither could it be done by an sact of Gongress, a5 that body could not pass an es peat facto law. It eqyld only be done as it was done—by an amendment to the Constitation which, contrary to the genius of ciyil liberty, a8 et post facto in ita operations, This «x post facto amendment banned all the respectable Unionists in North Carolina as well as Rebels and Secemioni#ts. And yet the Standard talka about the magnanimity of the Government. All of our intelligent readers will concur in the opin- ion thas if the Standard ia capable of magnan- jmity it ls a virtue which it has acquired very recently, Bat im nothing has the Standard displayed more orance then in discussing the 14th aie with which every intelligent child is sapposed to be familiar. We simply asked the Standard if it favored the passage of a “Geoeral Act by Congress for the removal of the disabilfi- ties imposed by that amendment,”—not of an Act to amend sid amendment. We are an- swered that “ it is a portion of the Constitution of the Unrrep States,” it “can only be repeal- ed by the whole people of the United States ”*** that a “total pepeal of the Amendment would he meither advisable or proper” *** that “we are willing to have the Amendment so modified as | us but justice when it says that we deny that we | to place the pardonirig pewer in the District Judges of the United States Courts.” The Old North State the Golloving quate * oval of vor of a “(General Amnesty,” we only asked it if it fayored the passage of @ “ General Bill,” &c. We did not expect the Standard to say that it favored the passage of a bill for the remoyal of all the disabilities imposed by the 14th Amend- ment, But we certainly had a right to expect that it gould Bill,” acco 4 who represented it abroad as Foreign Ministers ; ‘All who abandoned seats in the Pederat Con- for the purpose of aiding in the organina- sions in the Gopfederate-Army or know that there exe many Republicans ig North Carolina renee passage of such abil as yim bat on tide Walker ory in Yee ‘. + to er. "Ss 4 + © coke internat ate of lous a Hinged The passage of such a bill would be a’ great re| tief to the people of the Sonth, as well as a great benefit to the U. 8. goverfiment, and its passage cannot de Jong delayed. The-spirit, which de- feated Welle in aiid which bids fair to defeat Stokes in Tegnessee, will be satisfied with nothing les, Phe malignant Brownlow has al- ready sycbumbed to this liberal spirit, and so has Ben Wade. But Gov.:Holden and the Standard stil hold out against it; We warn them that they cannot “ kick against the pricks.” We do not believe in the right of Secession we newr did. But when we remember that.from the foundation of the Government agreat party, —the party.to which both the present and the former editor of the Standgrd belonged—headed by such men as My, Jefferson, and others scarce- ly leas distinguished, taught the doctrine we were nét surprised that an effort was made to reduce it to practice.” And remembering this we have been enabled to judge those who were thus mia- led with leniency, and regard with them charity — charity toward all and malice toward none.” And we must be permitted to rémind the Stand- ard that it is with a very bad grace that it stig- matizes its former dupes as “ traiors” and talks about “making treason odious.” When it suc- ceeds in making what it now calls treason, but which, according to its former teachings, is not treason, odious it will ‘make a number of the most distinguished members of its own party the most odious men in North Caroline. For very shame the Standard qught to quit such talk as that; and from some of its recent articles we had a right to suppose it would. And, by-the-way, the people of North Caroli- na would like to know whether the Standard is for Stokes or Senter. “But they are not at all likely to know until after the election. Then, as was the case with the Virginia elections, it will be with the party that triumphs, “ Does this satisfy the North State?’ We an- ewer yes, it satiaties us that the Standard’s liber- al articles were all written for partizan effect— that practically they meant nothing. Without having a-very “acute” perception, and without having our ” moral feelings,” as we hope, “very mach blunted” we arv yet able to see much “in- justice” in the Standard’s “statement.” PABTIES. The editor of the Standard very good humor- edJy replies to our article of last week under this caption. He says that the fact that “the pill,” which we presented to him, “is sugar coated does not make it les nauseons, or make him feel any more inclined to swallow it.” We are very sorry for this. The “pill” is a pecific for political heterodoxy and would have made him 3 “True Republican” and a sound Conservative —of the school pf Lee, Baldwin, Stuart dsl Walker, But he rejected the “pill” which would haye restored him to palitjeal health and vigor, and he will continue to linges in his pres ent sickly condition until he changes hia mind of goes to “ that bourne from whence no travel- ef returns.” THe exys that “some of the facts stated by the Old North State are ttue, but the deduttions are entirely wrong.” Well, if the Editor of the Siandard cannet gccept qus eoncla- sions we are gratified to know that he admits our premises. There is mach hope for him still —much hope that he will yet conchule to “swal- low” the “pill,” nauseating as it is. We repeat, it will do him guod—trestore him to political health and vigor and convert him into a “ [rue Republi- can,” which is a sound Conservative. The Stan/ard still claims to be a Conservative paper. Not long since it gloried in the name of Radical. It now elgims that the Republican party is the Consesvatiye party, Not long since +it claimed that it was the Radigal party. Either | the Standard has chan zed, or the signification of | the terms have changed, and we have chown } that the Standard has not really changed, not- | withstanding appearances, The Standard does | our paper are Democratic. Rut while we are no | Democrat, and bave little sympathy with the The Standard having*pxoclaimed itself in fa- fayor ¢ gress | tion pf the Confederate Government; All who | te wants} or Navy for the of ¢ commis}! many of these they ‘tre willing to selieve | ¢ + raise’ by the pesspge of a special act. . We repegt—we | com) The Standard closes its article by asking :-- | question of taxation and agriyes at the conclu- tion, which limits the leg the three hundred dollars worth of property, not apply to the “adequate” taxation neces- > pay the interest on the enormous & the necessary expenses of the State Gov and thosé bonds which had already been for the corppletion of unfinished we tadais arpa cae to meet it Will fail below the linac ‘the Court accords’ with the views of the Consti- ‘tution taken by the Old North State at the time that insttungent was under discassion, and by the e ti ily. ! We almost omitted to say that the Court held that there wgs no limit to the power of the coun- law of the General Assembly, and they need not be subniitted te the people. t We publish this week the opinions of the Chief Justice and Justite Reade in tlis case, aad will publish that of Justice Rodman, if not those of Justices Dick and Settle, next week. em If the editor of the North State is the Conser- vative he professes to be how can he act with the radical Democracy. Standard. The most radical Democracy which we have ever had any knowledge of is to he found in the so-called Repoblican party. That is the reason we have been unable to act with that party, “Tf he admits thé conservatism of Grn. Rom pet E. Lex, Jonn B. BaLpwiy and others, whom he admits to be ‘true Republicans,’ how can he disregard their-advice ** by acting with the yery petal Democrats against whose evil and ruinous doctrines Gen. Les and the whole WALKER party have warned the people of the Sours,” This is quite cool when it is remembered that the policy which has just prevailed in Virginia —that of making the best terms possible with the Republican party North, who. control the government, was first advocated by the Old North State, and for a long time by no other pa- per in the South. “The first negotiations ever opened with the Republican leaders in Congress having that olject in view, were opened in Wash- ifgton City by a namber of gentlemen from the South in January 1867, of whom we were the least and most insignificant. Those with whom we were associated in that effort were Gov. Orr of So, Ca,, Goy. Parsons, of Ala., Gov. Sharkey, of Miss, Goy, Marvin, of Fla. and Hon. Na- thaniel Boyden, of North Carojina. A plan of compromise was agreed upon that would have effected a speedy settlement ofthe question upon the basia of a qualified inspartial suffrage, if the Southern people had been guided by the counsels of the distinguished gentlemen whom we have named and the Old North State, We ourself, personally urged upon several of the leaders of the Walker movement the policy of taking, at that time, the course which they subsequently took, but in rain, except as to Mr. Sutherlin, of Danville, who assented to our logic. “No, until he act» a# a conservative we cannot regard him arthe conservative he profemes.” Every sensible man in North Carolina that knows anything of our course khows that we are, and have always been, the conseryative we pro- fess, and it isa matter of little consequcnee to us whether the Standard so regards us or not. “As we are ov the Republican side we hare always heen on ‘the side of the TRUE conserva- tives’” We have italicised the word always” in the above quotation. It is 9 very comprehensive term, and carries the editor back to the time when he first “cromed the line of accountabili- ty.” Ashe has been a Republican, so-called, for only a few months, we wish toknow whether he was a. “true Conservative” when he was a member of the democratic party and the editor of a democratic paper! “The present State government *** consists of men ib 66 are true to the government, true to the country and true to North Carotina.” This will be news to most people. While the temark may be true as to a yery few of them, most of them are generally belieyed to be true te nobody bat themselves, and true to thempsel- ves in no exalted sense. ———_ go THE HOMESTEAD— CHIEF JUSTICE PEARSON. We publizh this week the opinion of the Su- preme Court, deelaring the Homestead Law Constitational and retrospective in its operg- tions. We forbear making any comments, The 14th Amendmént embraces several im- | ultras of the Democratié party we hate mach | though we could acarecly repress a smile when portant principles, one of which is the political | leas with the ultras of the Republican party, s0- | we read the Conrt’s definition of “a Retrospect- |strumentinean! I some'imes happens for diaability clause teular now under consid . ba” dogs Gat violate the onstitnt Hone in holding. that 1 Ba Ares tet voreF v - way ae ce = Bac ‘owes, or 80 Ge renin Gee eld Sec ndaslos Vide the Su the | ne tion fixed by the Constitution, - Phis opinion of ties to leyy taxes, provided they obtain a special | Guo, The Court also discusses st much length the | WR Se ee hueeee in the Constir 0, PE ties to two dollars on the poll and two dollars on a court $ ol ks af the itself, ae ded, f or eourt 80 as to confer-cer- nestions of practice and proce a snliocbeeea ht to his ees other matters whereof jurisdiction is given to the Saperior court guiess the Judg: ‘ Is this so ordained by the Constitntion ? There is po express provisions to that effect. So we some to the iw Is this power couferred ou the ‘elerk by the itution, or only by C, C. P? It is claimed that art. 4, sec. 28 of the constitytion eopfers these judicial fanetions on the clerk, The section is in these words : *The Superior eourts .sball. be, at all times, open for the transaction of all business within their jurisdiction, exeept the trial of issues of fact requiring @ jury.”’_ By itself, this section oaks no jurisdiction on any one to act as @ Judge, eitherexpressly or by in plieation, ke may as well point to the sheriff or any one else, as to the clerk, and only, by taking it in connection with section ?2, can there be any ground whatever for any im lication. Section 12 divides the State into twelve judi- cial districts, “fur each of which a Judge shall be chosen, who shall hold a Superior Coort in each county of said Jistrict, at least twice a year, to covutinue for two weeks anless, &e.” These distri ts severally eomprise some seven or eight eonnties, The argu- went isin this wise: Seetion I2-requires the Judges to hold a Superior Court, to con- tinue fortwo weeks, in each county twice every yrar. By tection 28, “The Superior coart shall be at all tines open for the transetion of all business &¢.” This is impogsible, if the Judge is w hold the courts, for he is required to be absent. holding eourts in other eouns vies nearly half the vear. Ergo, the evustitution confers on the clerk of the Superior court jodicial funetions to be exercised, in place of the Judge! Now sequitur—it ouly follows that section 28 cannot be constraed literally. It seems to | be a provision takep from the constitation jof aState whieh appoints a Jadge of the Superior Court for every county. then jt may work well enongh, Bat it must be trimmed down in some way, ia order to make it fit io ln constit':tion whieh appoiuts only one | Judge ef a Superior eourt for districts of j seven of eight counties. One way is to eon- | cartes it to mean that the Superior courts shall be at all times open for the transaction of all such business as can be dove in the absence of the Jodge—for instance, iseuing writs of surnmons, taking undertakings for appeals, special probeediags for arrests, in- junctions, &e., taking probate of deeds, granting letters testamantary and letters of adininistration. appoloting guardians, &p, where the clerk apts ge surrogate. Allow | that this does not fally satisfy the words of section 28, The question again comes up, what is there in the Constitution to confer the jrdiecial fanetions under consideration open theelerks? And that, too, in face of the express enumeration of the judicial fave- tions conferred on them and set out in seo- tiun 17, “expressio wnius exclusio alterins. Section U7 is ia these words: ~The clerks of thé Superior Courts -shall have jurisdic- tion of the probate of deeds, the granting of letters testamentary and of administration.” Ke. and of such other matters as shall be | prescrebed by law. “This enumeration of the sabject of juris- diction divides the Superior court ugly to the extent of conferring on the clerk subordi- | nate jurisdiction in respest to certain matters, which had been befure exercised by the coanty Court, and most of whieh iu other | States is exerrised by the Surrogate Court, }and in England by the Conrt of the Ordio- ary’ If it was intended to make a farther division of the fupetions of the. Superior courts in the eunstitation, by conferring on the clerks jurisidietion to hear and decide on all questions of practice and procedure aris- }ing in actions brought to said court, why was not that set out in the Constitution, like the jorisidiction to grant letters testamentary | and of administration, and the other matters | ennmerated ? Here it may be remarked, in putting a | constraetion npon an instrament, the ques- | tien for the court is, not what the drafts- man meant but what the words of the in- We asked for no “repeal,” | called. Both will have to be pat uriler the ban | jye Homestead.” The question seems to us to! this reason that the draftemaa is less to he po “amendment,” and no “ modification” of it. | before the country can haye peace, as has been , be, not what the Court «aid it was but, whether | relied on than almost any other person, to We did not propose to erase it from the Consti- tuffon, as the Standard seems to suppose, onto alter or change it any way. | done recently in Virginia. | Weare in no way responsible for the éourse } a law which was retrospective in its operation, | and which, therefore, rendered it impossible to As it now stands it | of certain Democratic papers mentioned by the | collect 9 debt which, according to the testimony provides that the disabilities therein imposed | Standard. They never recognized us their lead- | in the case, could easily have heen collected but | may “be removed by a two-thirds vote of both | er nor do we recognize them as our leader. In-| for said law, impaired the obligation of con- Houses of Congress.” Under this power, un- | deed one of them, the Tarboro’ Southerner, cut | tracts. Side by side with the opinion of the mistakably conferred npon Congress, we simply | our acquaintance a year ago, and we vever knew | Court we publish the dissenting opinion of Chief asked the Standard if it really fayured the pa | of any cause for it except that the Old North | Justice Pearson, which is a seyerer comment page of a bill of “ GENERAL AMNESTY,” a4 every oue must have been led to suppose from what pad appeared in its columns. contrary to our expectations, a most decided NEGATIVE. | State was not a Democratic paper. We have often | rebnied our Democratic and Conservative oon- The answer is, | temporaries for their course, and have been gus- | toward his brethren. tained by few of them in our conciliatory and conservative course. In fact the Old Yorth State than any we could make. And we are as char- Litable toward the Court as the Chief Justice is We believe it is possible | for the best of men to be biased by the pressure of gurrounding circumstances end yet be wholly We are obliged to conclude that “the liberal | has always been an independant paper, save for | unconscious of the fact, principles,” which the Standard says it party “ad- | = very brief time when it was committed to the} The Chief Justice, by filing his single dissent- eorates,” have reference to the fnture policy of that party, And to show that we have done the Stan- dard no injustice in saying thst its expression— |. “GuNERAL AMNESTY” went tothe wholeextentof a General Removal of political disabilities, we will give Nooh Webster's definition of the term :— ‘ Genetal Amnesty, an act of oblivion, a gener- ation, &c. The decisiqgn waa made in the man- | or not, al pardon of the offenses of subjects against the government, or the proclamation of such par- don.” Now it must be obvions to the dullest ' Conservative party organized in this State in | Feb, 1867, and is still. ~~ NEW RAILROA BS—TAXES. The Supreme Court has made 4 most impor- | tant decision affecting the debt of the State, tax- | damus case of the University Railroad Company vs. W. W. Holden. The mandamus was dis- | missed upon the ground that the charter did not ing opinion in the case, notwithstanding the tre- | endo pressure of publit sentiment, has shown | himself worthy of the high position he occupies | by his noble independence, And this must be | the opinion of every high-minded man in the | State, whether he agrees with the Chief Justice | cmaumapesiptetllip@<ecameencnn | Who are Baxxen.—The opinion which we | gave last week on this question was based upon comprehension that as long as these disabilities | create such a body politic as could enforce its | te opinion of the Supreme Conrt in the case of are retained as a punishment for the offence of | rights by 9 mandamus. The Conrt further held the subject there is no “general pardon ’’—that aa long as they remain there can be no “ oblie ion.” And by the 14th amendment the pardon- | that all appropriations made for the construction of new roada, by the late legislature, are unconsti- tntional and void, No such appropriations can ing power is, to a certain extent, taken from the | pow be made in any event without the approval S*reaélent and conferred npon Congrens. | of the people gt the polls, | the Commissioners of Moore County against Wor- | thy, and may be relied upon as correct. That case has been carried up to the Supreme Court of the United States, and we hope its decision will greatly redace the number who are now held hy our Supreme Court to be banned. 4 jeonstrue an instrament. whether it be a | Constitation. statute, deed or will. All difficulty, however, is removed by this) The clerks of the So- | perior court shall have jurisdiction, “of such other inatters as shall be prescribed by law.” Under this clause the General As sembly had power tu enagt the ode of civil procedure by which the fune.ions of the Superior eourt are ta some extent di- vided between the Judge and the clerk, and under this same clause. the General Assem- | bly has power to repeal, suspend. modify or change its enactments. so as to make writs of sunmons returnably to the regalar terms of the Saperior courts. In this view the next clause of Sec. 17. ‘all issues of facts joined before them, shall be transferred to the Superior court for trial.” harmonizes, an| every thing is made to fit. ‘Isgues of fact juined before them 1” Whot The clerks of the Superior courte. whether exercising the jurisdiction conferred on them by the Canstitntion as Probate |} Judges, or the jurisdiction which may be conferred on them by the General Arsembly in its wisdom under the words: “All sugh other matters as shall be prescribed by-law;” As in this partienlar the code of eivil pro- cednre is a creature of the General Assem- | bly. The Court cannot allow it tq be greater than its maker. Jadgment reversed, PEARSON, J. JInstices Reade. Dick and Settle concur with the Chief Justice. j clause in Seu. 17. » Phe question is, does the constitation di- | : cele a of guid éourt, or the eonrt ata regular term | a be expressly referred to.” C. C. P. than that conferred by the constitution | + the poll, and the same amount on $300 worth of property, and equation must be observed,— This’was thought to be sufficient for the ordin- and economical administration of the gov- ore We bad iderable public debt, end; e a considerable ofer jeoviding for current ex the next consideration was, how is the Hablic debs to be met? And the 4th section provides, that a spe- cific tax shall —— for difference pf epipion among the Judges, exc >> to whgt constitutes “the public 3. Taxation is not the subject of the 5th sec- tion, except incidentally, Having provided in i expenses, and shall be issued; and, as incident to —— be laid, not to it only the interest, leaving the part of the public debt, to be provided section 4. The power to issue these unrestricted. From the very nature case it must be so. If an ex i unforeseen occasion is to be met, how is it ble to limit the means unless you foreknow occasion? If there be an_ insurrection, ust be issned to meet it; bat whether a n e il 8 4 = aie os Mepeanamaen a taien Gee wi e ta ax that the vewel of State will ake ie to be wrecked in the first storm. We may well impart it to wisdom to provide, that rily there shall be light taxes and econo- my in expendiwres, but when any extraordin- ary necessity arises the whole power of the State must be unloosed to meet it. It is afimit- ted that the counties, for special purposes and the wal of the with appro rr, may, un- der section 7, levy a tax without limit and county, and may nqt extraordinary fall upon the State? It need not be inferred dant Gahby eoumty of Mate taxes will be excess- ive, because the coanties and e im extpaordihary = restriction whatever upon the power.of the Leg- islatare tax; and yet the taxes were never bar- densome. There ‘was supposed to be a sulicient cheek in the Tc tino propels. ts-O0 new order of : “> fm an we al prope tat ort sdinay T admit that fo Tegnatre cannot § ve or shan Gites sxete Gaus petgiei. od eae extraordinary cecasion or necemity arise, the Legislature may do anything for the State which the occasion may require—many issue bonds at ing Railroads, viz: The University Railroad, the Eastern and Western Railroad, and the Edenton and Suffolk Railraad, By Section 20 of “An Act to provide for the collection of taxes by the State and by the sev- eral counties of the State qn csr on. income,” ratified March 13th, 1869, the Com- missioners of the Counties have power to revise tax lista, where excessive taxes are imposed.— We therefore adyise you to amend the tax lists of your county hy striking therefrom -the speci- al taxes prongunced void hy the above mention- ed decision, For the above Roads the taxes on the real and parcel 'y of the State are as follows: Jnivyersit Raion 1-100 of one 1 ys cent ; Eastern one per cent ; Eden’ cent, Railrad, 1-20 Sie ee ae i ~ cent, or vm on te $100 value. We think it best that this per centage should be deducted from the special taxes, Under sectian 19 of the aforesaid it is the duty of the Commissioners to make all cal- & Western ton 1-40 of one Justice Rodman gives long dissenting opinion, é culations for ascertaining the amount of taxes due by tax-payer. We think it best, therefore, that i should make the corrections above indicated. employ- several clerks, which is no best, this | work eqn be done #0 specdily as to involveonly N; more obliging pei fraetic tee Seat per aeees iend. should we say, he was truly a Christien highest style and in the best signification with the ing with him | ormery the pearly gates of t favor at the expense the esteem “and pecbinwe Myo: Zon 5 solemn A A CARD, The Subscriber takes this method of returning his sineere and anfeigned thanks to the gener. oa3 public for the very liberal and exceedingly large patronage extended to the Mountain Ho- tel. But ciroymatances over which he has no control growing out of conflicts with his profes- sional daties and above all, a solemn sense of duty to his wife, whose health forbids the eon- tinuance of her charge and oversight of the Ho- tel, without which the Hote] can not maintain its character as a First-Class House, conipels him to make this public announcement, th it from and after the 4th of Angust next, Pug Movun- TaIn Horas will be positively and unequivocally closed as & Public House. tHe farther announces inasmach as qne Hotel in Morganton is insufli- cient to gcoommodgte the demands of the travel. ing public, that he will apll ar lense the proper- ty on very accommodating terms. Possession will be given immediately and would suggest that any person désirous of engaging would do well to make application at once and atail therm- selves of the advantage of commencing with « large patronage, éc., do. Very Respectfully. J,M. HAPPOLDT. Morganton, July 28 1869. M-cf N. B.—All persons indebted to the Hotel will please come forward within (J@) ten days and settle, avoiding by so deing extra cost of collecting J. M.H. SALISBURY MARKETS JULY 30, 1869. REPORTED ST {, 4, BOCONNAPOHET. Grocer. perpound, .......+.- 7 » Ss e u e e c a e s SS S S e S E 5 D Tarnip Beed--Very Choice Seed. HE PATLURE of the early Corn Crop, oc oasioned by the late drongth, will naturally ——— tothe farmer the necessity of doing all he may to su the deficiency of fuod, especially for his ; and as is nothing now, which he can do, bat uce abundantly of this valuable reot crop it may be well to securea supply of the best most re liable seed. ber has procured a them, To this end, the supply of the choipest Ruta Baga—Large White Flat Dutch— Large Red Top—Large Globe - La Norfolk—tnd other approved kinds. These seed will be sold at such fow prices that any ane, no matter how limited his means, ean afford to them, and throw tia ald sorts Tae Ses rs r «x-s>THE FIRM OF 04 N ILL, is hereby dissolved y mutual consent. e James H. Hill will settle the affairs of the firm. JOHN 'W. VUAMERON, JAMES H. HILL. Wilmington, W. 0,, uty 97,1900. km es. oi pe sceiagetlas ae acts” 00 a half KM abote aharges ls required in | te” r valuable and-powerfully _ .., } Prixcwracs FALL TERM of this School wil! opea 8th of September, and continue sixtecu cal p Pay on eononet 8 00 Moglish Dep't. { Toternediate,... 2+... 12 00 Classical Msheeeinwaye ses ++ 16 00 advance, For further lars, address the Principals duly 30, “oe “e * 20—2in Mitt pessoa ont, to n c oath 8 cn ply 30—-90:30 ve. 4 . siMOnTON, 4 BOVE IS THE MOST APPRO- e name that cbuld have been a: "a ain 3 influeuce over sach paihful mal- J mended, to exert cannot T=, be only von who have not ities ‘ Gi a tation over OBITUARY. :.... in ht oe om anattan for antes . Diep at his residence in this aaa on the | pu when they have failed, MLAGIC 2ad inst., Topp, in the = not. Keep it always in your faiily for itis of his age. . Without adulation or hich traly anenemy to. Headache, Tooth. Le menghy coleas the deceased was ache, Karache Cramp Colie, Cholera Morbus, one the of earth, For. five} Diarrhoea, Dyséntery or Bioody-F lux, Dyspep- years was he a. . Elder of and ae dprearenitntoattubie so a modest and rains Bruises, Inflamation of Kid- ly he ney toy wr towy sh 7. Sapo; Blarooas Debility, Colie, Pains or Spasms, as Col , a gage. ot on au ae sale b ‘ i ledge, ai repar ha Se ae Wy Vea ven i Da. 6. B, POULSON, Praggist and Apothecarf, Salisbury. N C. June 30, 1869, 30-tf STATH of NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. In the Supertor Court. William Lassiter and Richmond Johnsor, Ad- miuistrators of Jacob Lassiter, dec’d., AGAINST Harrison Johnson and wife Bethany, Celah Johnson, Washington Rush and wile Mar- acet, Benjamin Rush aad wife Jane, Jolin Gen, iza Rnssell, and Larkin Kerans, Guardian of Henry Kerans. PETITION FOR ACCOUNT AND SETTLEMENT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Diza Russell, one of the defendants and hein+at:law of Jacob Lassiter deo’, ts not a resident of this State; It is ordered that ser- vice of summons upon said defendants be made by publication jn the “Old North State,” once a week for six weeks vely, dotifying said defendant to appear ext term of this court, to be held at the “Gourt House in Troy on the 4th Monday after the 2d Mouday in August next, and autwer the petition of | said administrators or the same will be beard ex;parte as to them, Given ander my hand ond the seal’ of said Court ot Troy, this 24ub day of Jaly 1869. @. ©. WADE, Clerks Superior Court Motitgy.cery Coauty, N, C. 30—6w (pr fee $3.) STATE of NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. dn the Superior Court. Heary W. Ledtetter, Piaintiif, against Danicl Meckae, Defendant. Whereas the above named plaintiff! has | stituted his action against Daniel MeRue t) wen anne defeadant in the Saperior of ead guunty to revover the poswagiun of 1:1! property held by thesnid defendant. And whereas the, said def-pdant, being a res ident of this Btgte, has departed theretron: 10 to avoid the servige of saramnone of Keeps bi: self therein with a like intent; [t is: ortered, that ¢ervice of summons be made by pol! s- tiow im the “Old North State” once s week (0° at least six weeks, ively. notifying tho said defendant to appear befyre the gaid Sup rior Coart at the eoart house in Trog, on |) « 4th Monday after the 2d Monday jn Awyn-: dext, thep and there to answer the comp!ai:.( of the Phdatiff in the above entitled cause or the plaintiff will take judgment for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given ander my hand seal of sai) Court, this 24th day of Jnly 1869. ~~ 0.0. WADE, Olerk Superior Court lot Montgomery, Conn- ty, H.C. 30—6w (pr fee $8) E. Nye Huichison & T, J. Semoer, Piaintifs. AGAINST }Jobn B. Browo, Wm. J. Brown, Z B. Vance par with limi on itt tax, and = 7 and Robert F, Hoke, Detendants. them below with a jal tax. F : - seen of Ode be the i.e 2.8! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, sponsible to t! All that the Court can | Peathers, to 42/ To the J Rowan County— Greetin says is, thus it is written in the Constitution. = ‘aa Talia seauaped ty ale READE, J. 20 to 92} Joho KE. Brown, W.J. Brown, Z. B. Vance ani to Robert F. Huke, if to be & din yo ‘onn- INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC a! tle cee = Wt © y, ) snd appear betore his n TREASURER, te 19) %: thie Judye of ont Superior Goart, to be held ——» Sto 10) for the County of Rowan, at the Court-Honse The following Circular from the Public Treas- Le 68 to 16) in Salisbury, on the third Monday in Septer- urer and Auditor, will direct County Comis-| 1.” her ‘ sere BS te 88 | ber next, then and there to answer the com- signers and Sheriffs how to proceed in collect- vm eagttngs, es eenneties on - plaint, a copy of wich is served with this snm- — under the late decision of the Supreme | waits, ut, “ 6 to mone and let them take notice, that if they Aart, Molasses, sorghom. per ca fail to answer said complaint during the next State or Nortn Carontwa, ) : West India, “ Oto 7 term, the plaintiffs will gp; ly to the Jndge of Treasury Der’t., Raleigh, July 22, 1869. { Oatens. a 2 = . a | said court for the relief demanded in the com- To the Chairman of the Boards of Commissioners | Pork, fer pound, SINS 49 00 19) Plaint. Herein fail not, and bave you then and ee ag . 2otatoes, Irish. per bushel, .......... 60 to 75) there this Writ. of the various Counties in North Carolina : rept lect a pant 100 te | G \ heavens - é - Oe, ln eeasgcce } Jiven under my hand an the geal of the _ The Supreme Court of the — Sugar, Brown, per poand, ....,,.... 14 80 18) said Court, a Salisbury the 24th day of Joly, in the case of the University. Rai Com- * Clarified. nee + Mt 2), D.. 1869. A. JUDSON MASON. pany vs. the Governor and Treasurer, that spe- Crashed Pulverised .. 30:0 | FF Ok ol the Superior Court tor Re Coat cial taxes levied to pay interests ee Sait, coast, per sack, ° 2.0 te 8:00 jerk of the Superio urt for Rowan County. thorized to be issued for the purpese of bui es seoerpeet, : ole Duplicate of this summons issued 10 Bun- | ing Railroads which were not begun and wnfin- wuhases Lied. pound, . : Sto 190 | Combe for William J. Brown; to Mecklenburg ished at the time of the adoption of the Oonstitu- ~ ‘Mana ante wen he 80 to 1.56 | fOr Zebulon B. Vance, and to Mitchell for Rob = maa aang : © = —Omoking, ——cccccesnne 40 to 1.00 | ert F. Hoke. A. Jovson Mason, C. 5. C. consultation wit Conneil of State | — — and the Attorney General, in view of the said amas decision, we are advised that the principle of| WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. |PUCWQOOUE@ | In the Superior Court ROWAN COUNTY the decision undoubtedly includes the follow- ’ E. Nre Horcnisos & T.J. Sewer, Plaintiffs. AGAINST Jonw E, Brows, Wiiiiam J. Brown. Zesuton 3. Vanor and Ropeart F. Howe, Defendants. It appearing to the aatisfaetion of the Conrt, by affidavit filed that the defendant Joun FE Brows above named, is nota resi tent of this State—that his residence is not known and can not after dne diligence be ascertained, and that after due diligence he cannot be found in the State—that a cause of action exists against hirn in favor of said plaintiffs, the grounds of whic! appear by the swotn complaint—that he is a proper party to this agtion, and that the sum- mong and complaint hereia were filed in the Soperior Court of Rowan County on the 241i: day of Joly, 1869 ORDERKD, That the enmmons herein, a copy of which appears above, he served as to the said Joun E. Brown by publicanor of tie same in @ newspaper styled “The Old Nort’, State,” published in the city of Salisbury, once in each week for gix weeks. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the Su- perior Court of Rowan Connty, at office ia Salisbury, the 28th day of July, 1869. A. JUDSON MASON, 0,8.¢ 30—Ow frit fee $18) Assignee of W, P, Graham, — | ee oe et ee ea e ee e a a be ~ BALIGBURY, PRIDAR,, cial N Ad and Gener! : Sey Agena) fr Nant Carlie WM. A. HEARNE & r Special Agents as h oa Geueral Agten § ora description thro <3 boro,’ N. © coagheat ve for Taz O1p Noura Srate, se —_ col srg taht Bane i . 2 ; sone 3 ’ - ot has . ei tlle de anlnae | * - ee te Wage id he NS MA lt ag rd or 1. m » porpe 2 ata or ' as iy We are authorized to announce PETER}. zw WILLIAMSON, + * oR te for the of | five of Justice of the Pence for Town- ship at the approaching August election. « }» yar We are antares to ans nounce JOHN PF, it pes for Clerk for the Salish tion on the frst Phi New Asvshinepidiahelababiee ahkle Academy—Prof’s. J, H. Hill and AT; Macic—A’ valuable remedy by Dr. Poulson, Sale of Valuable Lande—R, F. Simonton, Ax sig ree. Miss Alice Pearson’s dened Denibibachioeh. A Card—Dr, J. M,.Happoldt Tenry ‘W, va. Daniel McRae— Court order, from Montgomery County, ¥ Wilburn Lassiter et ol;-va, Harrleon Jéhheos et. al.,—Qourt order from Montgomery County, M. L. Holmes, et, al. va. Amos Hoves, al,, —Court Order.. Joshua Miller, et. al. ys. Geo, T. pani a al,—Court order, E. Nye Hutchison, et, al., va. John E, Brown, et. al.—Court order, Goods at reduced prices—See McCubbins, Sullivan & Co’s. column, Dissolution of Firm—John W. Cameron and James H. Hill, Wilmington, N. C. pioeaegpe Rowan County Braue Sociery.—-At a meet, ing of Rowan County Bible Society held at the Methodist Church, July 19th, the following were elected officers for the Society for the current year, viz: Rev. Jermro Roumpre, President, Wo. M. Rossrns, Vice President, James H. Eywiss, Cor, Secretary. Junivs D. McNzxxy, Treasurer. Executive Committee.—Luke Blackmer, Esq., Dr. Joa. W. Hall, Rev. Samuel Rothrock, Rev. W. H. Cone, J. J. Bruner, William Overman, Wm. A. Walton and BE, H. Marsh. On motion it was resolved that the final Sab- bath night of each quarter of the year commen- cing in October next be the meeting night of the Society and that the Executive Committee pro- vide speakers for each quarterly meeting of the Soeicty. Nomi sveliies meeting of the Conser- | vative citizens of this Township, which assem- bled at the Court House on last Saturday made the following nominations : For Justices or THE Peace—Jas.. 8, Me Cubbins, Obadiah Woodson, T. G. Haughton, C.F. Baker, T, W. Haynes and Ransom Jacobse. For Crerx—Jobp F. Moose. For CoxstaBLe—~James C. Lowe. For Scuoo. Commyrrgn—Dr. J. W. Hall, 8. E. Linton and Danjel Verble. The gentlemen here presented to the voters of this township, as candidates for the respective offices, are all good men and well qualified fof the positions to which they ere named. The ticket is worthy of general support, M. L. Holmes, Esq., was Chairman of the meeting and John 8. Henderson, Secretary— The object of the meeting was explained by Dr. Keene in an apprepriate tpeech. —— as Cavtiox.—A writer in the e Baleigh Sentinel cautions people against looking for the eclipse of the sun without something to protect the eye. Fle mentions instances where men have lost gheir sight by gazing at the sun on such occa- sions with the naked eye —_—-~ao————— Crosxp.—We leam that the tofhacco factory of C. W. Besent, of Jerusalem, Davie Coanty, and the factory of 8. M. Hobson, at Mocksville, awere closed up last weck by the U. 8. Revenue officers, ee Bopy Recoverrp.—The body of Julian E. Leach, e6n of Hon. J. M. Leach, who was drown- ed not long since in Topsail Sound, below wu-|e™ mington, was recovered pear Topsail Inlet, about eight miles from the scene of the fatal accident, on Tuesday, the 20th imst. The body was in- terred in Oakdale Cemetery, in Wilmington, from whence it will be removed to the family burying ground at some future day. Ow pay” The Radicals have broaght out the fol- lowing ticket for this township: For Justroms oF tre Peace. —C. 8. Moring, Thomas B, Long, F. H. Sprague, Wm. M. Rus- sell, D. L. Bringle and A. Bencini. For Cowstan.e.—lenry A. Walton. For Cierx.—A. L. Clark. For Schoot Coxnusstoxers.—Samuel H. Wiley, John A. Ramsay atid John Bringle. —____~@ip>o— Rexiciovs Notice.—We are requested togive notice that Rr. Rev. Brsnor Gispons, of the Roman Catholic Charch, will preach at the Town Hall, in Salisbary, on Monday the 2nd of Angust, at 7} o'clock, P. M. SS pax We are indebted to the “Sentinel” and “Standard,” of Raleigh, for the several judicial opinions which we publish this week. ee Tra Rarsrxa 1n THE SovrtH.—We learn that Mr. N. T. Harris has. planted and raised tea with some success on his place in Bladen County for some seven or eight years past. Mr. Harris has now several plants growing finely. — This is the first instance that we have heard of tea raising in North Carolina.— Wil. Journal. Some time since we published an article, tar ken from Mr. Greely’s writings, and furnished by H. H. Helper, Eaq,, on the subject of Tea raising in the South. The article furnished by Mr. Helper attracted the attention of Miss Mattie H. Pearce, of Onslow County, N, C., who at once wrote to Mr. Helper and ourself informing us that for many yeaza tea had been grown on the plan- tation of Maj. Barry, her brother-in-law, in that county. When it was first brought there and by whom, is in doubt. Thirty years ago, Misd Pearce informs ua, it was much in favor there and used as a beverage, but its general apprecia- tion seema to have died with that generation.— It is now, however, sed by Mrs. Barry and high- iy esteemed by her and her family, the value of- which she has learned within a few years. Itis A perennial plant and grows without cultivation, flourishing both in sunshine and shade. Aged and experienced farmers, who are familiar with it, give it as their opinion that an acre cultivated in it would prodace one thensand pounds of tea. The tee which grows in Ouelow 9 sample @f season, ie oo Sai paet ‘ -_ oo 10 THE CLERKS OF THE SUPEBIOR In view of the fact that there exists great doubt and uneertainty in regard to many of the duties pertrining to the office of the Sa- perior Court Clerk under the new 7 and Sighs be sumoved or cher st ee t be removed or ir a a conferenee and juterchange of of Clerks, We, the undersigned, after due eonsidera- tion and consultation with other Clerks apoo the subject, ht it cae and and necessary to invite oar brother ks Srebes the State to meet at the * Court. House iu Raleigh, o4 Tossay tha: 10th day of A next, for the parpose hoe and uni- form weet of keep’ our records, and for sit the dortee. erin sinliiee’ porsaaiog an ig to our said offices, and we we teat pase Court Clerk in the at dns ean possibly seeeond will ae us, and ‘that they will eome prepared Seow of the subjeets and ee to regan eet doubt. or difficalty leasure to state that W. A. Siniah. oa erenacet of the North Carolina Rail- ‘has kindly consented to allow us to pass and return on said Railroad for one fare, and we trust the Presidents and M of the other roads in the State will give us the same erous assistance. Clerks will obtain tiekets of station ageuts which will be is- The, ae h hout the State will bewspa throo, the wi do the public S cervies My publishing this notice. Very respectfully. E.A, Osborne, Clerk of Mecklenburg. W. A. White, o Warren. John A. MeDonald, “ Cabarrus, C. L. Summers, co Iredell, M. O. Sherrill, “ Lineola, E. H. Withers, o Gaston. OO —— PERIODICALS. The New York Eelectic for August ls on our table. This number is embellished with 9 fine steel engraving of Prof. T. H. Huxly, the learn ed and distinguished English naturalist. It al- so gresenta an inviting table of contents. Ad dress, E. R. Pelton, Publisher, 108 Fulton 8&t., New York. Blackwood for July is also to hand with its usual sichness end variety. Address the Leon- ard Scott Pub. Co. 140 Fulton St, New York. The New Eclectic, with which has been united the Land We Love, for August has also been re- etived. The number before us compares favor- able with any of ita predecemors that we have seen, but it does not seem, as yet, to have attain- ae etanacaaren As ities South- we would like tw ate it take the highest rabk, which it will eventaslly do if it is liberally patronized. Address Turnbull & Mur Co, 34 Locingten seven, Rebienre 34, " MISUELLANEOUS. Hartford Prolific grapes are ripe ic Florida. Pablie school teachers at Richmond, Va., receive from $40 to $60 per menth. The raising of the Cashmere goat is re- celving great attention in California. The threatening attitude of the Car- list party causes much aveasiness in Spain. The Norfolk Journal says the Weal-h of that city was never better than at pres- ent, Nine companies in Minnesota are eon- stracting an aggregate of 541 miles of railroad. A duty of 45 per cent, in gold, is ebarged on all fancy goods bought in Ganada and brought over. A New Haven thief stole the panta- loons of a somnolent fellow on the Park, the other evening The international boat race between Oxford and Hartford is to take place on the Sist of August. The Revolution claims Chief. Justice Chase and Attorney General Hoar as ad- vocates of woman’s suffrage. Father McMahon, imprisoned at King- ston, Ontario, as a Fenian, was liberated yesterday morning. The English and American authorities are looking for the boundaries of the British Possessions in America, A young man of Memphis wants the $100 offered for information of the where- abonts of the girl he eloped with. ‘The Bichmond Examiner rays all kinds of business there is dull exdept the mangfacture of and trade in tobacco. An artesian well at Manitowoc, Wis- consin, has reached a depth of 163 feet, 60 of which are through solid rock. There is talk of enforeing the English laws betting as the only way to save the Peerage from financial extine-} ha ; | beni nd ” R je, Che Pat natins raved P ;™ te O4PK, PL Sd edie af Hi dle on the 16th 6f August, swallowed one hun- sang bee my task he Tae benke}® can, at stated during « the year, et- ebange the securities. ll 2 oot at od 77 ae been arrested at Portsmouth, N. H., on two warrants, charging him ‘with unwar- ret cruelty to several seamen on that vesse The entry of Don Carlos into the pro- COURTS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. vice of Mavarre is confirmed. Great pre- cautions are being taken by the Spavish Government. The postmaster and express agent, asmed Brayton, located at Pacific City, Towa, eae with 620,000 express money, Parties are now in parsuit. Pro. Shale, of Newport, Ky., is in Boone count. ren for mastodon bones for Cam niversity. He has ex- hamed a iotay quantity. The next State elections will be iu Keutucky, Augast 2d; Alabama, August 3d; Tennessee, August dth; Montana, Angust 10th. va pe greed Yield.—Doetor C. J. Powell, of Orange County, Va., fram eight bushels of wheat seeded out upon one acre and a half of land, with 1,000 pounds ot guano, has realised 210 bush- els. This is eaid to be without preee- dent anywhere on the Atlantic slope. Expetiments are being made in Belgi- am with a mitrailleuse invented by M. Montigny. It is a machine compoerd of thirty-seven tubes. Two artillerymen are enough to manoevre it. In three mioutes the mitrailleuse fired 370 shots, of which 378 hit the target, 52 missed and 40 missed fire. Some of the Virginia papers say that Governor Walker has invited a number of leading men of the a awong them General Robert E. Lee, to meet him at White Bulphar re some time next menth to consalt on the political ques- tions. The Norfolk. Journal says the Aweri- ean Fibre Company are about to establish works about five miles from that city for the manafactare of paper out of swamp reeds. They may aleo manufacture mate, and if they do they will employ 1,000 hands. It ie believed that at the next session of Congress, legislation will be had in various ways upon the coolie question, and that one feature of it will be to enact a law rendering all contracts with foreign- ers made in foreign countries for labor, null and vaid on arrival af the labor- ers in this conntry, LEGAL NOTICES. Berth Caroline, } Scrsmon Cocks Moses L. Holmes, Renben J, Holmes, Ephraim Maeoney, Valentine Mauney, B. B. Kuberts aod D. A. Davis, Plaintiffs. AGAINST Amos Howes, and the North Corclies Ore Dressing Company, Defendants, ee to the Defendants. “ my satistaction upon the affi- eink dae inti that the Defendant Amo# Howes is a non-resident of the State and that the North Carolina Ore Dressing Sompany isa foreign corporation, having its principal office of business beyond the limits of this State ; and tt farther appearing that a cause Of action ex- ists agaiast the delendants in respect to whom the service is to be made, and after due dili- gence the defendants are not to be found with- io the State, and that the cause of action arose 10 this State, relating to real property situate in this Btate, it is therefore sehceea that pub heation be made for six weeks in North State” newspaper notifying the defend- ants to ap Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury on the 3d Monday in Beptember next, then and there to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, or jedgment will be granted for the relief deman- ded, hand and seal of said Court uly, A. D., 1889. A. JUDSON MASON, Given under m this 26th day of Clerk Superior Court for Rowan County. 30—6w (pr fee $10.) Morth Carolina, Rowan Country. Joshoa Miller, J. F. Carri and W. L. Stansill, Church, Plaintiffs. AGAINST George T. Barnes and wife, Kate C. Barnes, — Defendants. Summons for Defendants. Tt appearing by affidavit that the Defendants after due diligence cannot be found within this State, but that they sre non-residents of the State, and that the defendants have property situate in this State and that this Court has ju- risdiction of the sabject matter of this action ; Superior Covert, n, W. F.. Watson, cons ef Thyatira for said defendants, for six wevks, in the “Old North State” newspaper, notifying said defend- ants to appear before the wext Superior Coart to be held for Rowan County at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday in Sep- tember next, then and there to answer the ¢omplaint of the Plaintiff which will be filed within the first three days of said term. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the Su- rior Court of Rowaa County, "Joly 24, 1869. A. JUDSON ASON, tier, Clerk aes Qoprt for Rowan Uounty. 80 —6w (pr fee $10} bei? rt 2 iste Trmig Ms mins £, wernt. we ‘bare with eclarles Tapging inn toi shat : Boor Hew Tok tt meee “The Old) It is therefore ordered that publication be made- “a “Gores, Cok |: 7 Te te i e ors Peabody schools in weet a C., will be a gt , ; j i * From 18 to 35 cts. This is a rare opportunity for persons to supply themselves with desirable Goods at exceedingly Low Prices. . McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & OO. Sallsbury, July 30, 1869. SALT! SALT!! Just received a large lot of American and Liverpool Salt as Cheap as the Cheapest. Balisbury, July 30, 1869. TO MILLERS! —on We have just received a fresh supply of the very best Anker | Brand Bolting Cloths, No’s 6 to 10. If you want to make good flour come and get a cloth. Salisbury, July 30, 1869. IRON! IRON!! _— | §0,000-LBS. OF IRON ASSORTED, For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. r before the Judge of our vem | Salisbury, July 30, 1869. Sopernor Court to be held for the County of | POWDER! POWDER! RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING POWDER, For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, N.C. ———— ee PAINTS & OILS, LANE’S WHITE LEAD, BUCK do do N.Y CITY, do ~ do TANNER’S OIL, KEROSENE OIL, For sale by McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., 4 Belisbury, July 30, 1869. 13—ly MUSLENS, LAWNS, |" » MOZAMBIQUES, » LENOES, | BeRAGES, &c., ke, "DRUGS, MEDI CINES, &e m, one, who bas not highly approved it} and ‘come instances, have not onl bed it foc ther their pellet rt. have cases, with mar van Prepared and sold tee . E. SILL’'S Drag Store, a'wil 23-164f N.C. i WILD CHERRY TONIC AND ALTERANT, For Indigestion—Liver Complaint—Tor pid Bowelsy—Nervous Debility, . and Broken Down Health, ‘Srom whatever cause. . THIS elegant and truly valuable, Medicine, has from time to time, deen in extensive use, for che last twenty-five years. Jt has been * ern cities and towns, viz; Charivston, Savan- nah, Augusta, Atlauta, Charlotte, Colombia, &e., and is highly valued, by the multitudes of people who have used it, ny in this towne add surrounding eodutry, have enjoyed its benefits, and will no doubrs, well remeber it, A greet sumber of the s , and most un- qualified certificates of its valve, have been voluntarily teudered the proprietor, many of them from persons of highest respectability and ints Hligence. nape Medicine is pleasant to take, and per- f tree from the y of ender ye ponies ce it is perfeetly safe, even for an icfant. oe is especially adapted to ibe present seasdn, when the approaching warm weather occasions such a degree of Jassitude, and a partic- ularly in weakly,and prostrated systems, as olten to become almost ——— Price 75 cts. per buttle. Prepared and sold, onl w E. SIT.LS, Deng More, april 9—14f Salisbury, N.C. DR. LAWRENCWhW’S CELEBRATED WOMAN’S FRIEND! A sale and reliable remedy for All Diseases Pecaliar to Females, |“ —eCcn sas Leuchorrea, or Whites; Prolafisus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb; Irregular Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- ation; Pain in the Back ; Nervousness. Wakefulness, Weakness, &c. DEDICATED TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA, Por whore benefit it was designed, and whose ee pipets it will promote, by the discoverer DR. J. J. LAWRENCE. TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Woman's Priend ts coui- vanded are published around each bottle. and it is to be the best Uterine Tonic and alierative yet discovered. Itis a valaable and reliable agent in all ments of rhe Female ae Organs, end ip Hysteria, Nervous Headache. Spinal irritations, &c sar Price $1,00 per Bottle. £4 J. H BAKER & 00. Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street, Norfolk, Va. I} To whem all orders or letters must be ad- dressed. march 19—ly An Invaluable Acquisition to House Keepers. A tasteless and Inodorous Preserving Powder. OR preserving Fruit and Tomatoes, and all ee Fruits, without being air-tight, and with whatever qoantity sugar ~ desired : be it mach, litde, or none atall. It is incom- parably superior to any other préparation This Powder will preserve with 9 certainty, that no one need have the slightest doubt. One teaspoonful of the powder will preserve from eight to ten quarts of dressed Fruit or Tomatoes. Any Find of Cans or jars will answer, and they need not be air tight, and can be used out of, at pleasure. Ia all Ffruit Preserves, yoo can save ball the Sugar. Full directions ac- company it. To be had only at E.Snis Drug Store, Salisbury. july 15 tf-28 New FURNITURE Store In Salisbury } Tue SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR- chased the Furoitore establishinent of Moore & Clodfcher wili contiove the business on an inereased scale. All kinds of FURNITURE kept constantly on hand, such as SECRETARIES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Centre-Tablex, Sofas, Wardrobes, —in fact all articles usually found in— FIRST CLASS Furniture Store. —He also keeps constantly on hand— Fisk’s Metallic Burial Cases, at prices lower that they have heretofore been sold-n this market. Mock & Brown. "Good Walnut and Poplar Lumber ta- ken in exchange for Farnitare. PAVIDEON, BR. F. lisbury, June 18th, 24— am | sold, and is wel! known in nat ofthe South- |** Walnut, Rosewood, and other Coffins. | | cous of 0. G. Foard, ot : it in their own oa, ‘ } Pills, That old, long known and well tried er ol and oe DISEASED LIVER. ie find greatest us’ Sournenn Herariw ps A a box. 25 cents. —Dos. $2.50—FalfGrose 18—Three $10 —One Ura Sreet, 9 Gross, $e Five ¢ Kem, $75. either ate Gia dias the Medi- San cn tk Ei be ene ty S Orders should be address ;. DREMB, Ro, 18, Sours Catzony Graken, Battiwons Mp. where they will be prompt! ratenses S. For these Medigines all respectable Druggiste everywhere and va G. B, POU LSON, July 2—26:ly Salisbury, 8.0 SPARKLING CATAWBA SP.INGS Catawba i On w,c. formerly dalied.the North Caroliua White Sul- phur Springs, will be open for visitors oa Tues- day, the first day of Jone next. ing situated in the Northwestero part of the State, in a country rema' for its beau- ty and heakthfulness—these, together with the irtue of the wat of the desirable wateriag gikate ob ood THE MINERAL WATERS OF THESE SPRINGS are the White and Blue Sulphorand Chalybeste or bron, aod aro all the finest qualities of the Waters, and are sovereign remedies for all diseases of the liver, bowels, stumach and kidneys, eruptions of the skin, scrofula, weak- ness, debility, dy rheumatism, &c., &e. The proprietor having spent a large amovat in additional buildings and improvements gea- erally, these Sptingsare now in fine condition, rooms large and rag easant, and good cottages — Irom two to six rooms each, well ‘or either large or small families. “Soon TEN PIN ALLEYS, Billiard Tables, and other Amusements, FINE BATH HOUSES, For i oo or Shower Bath, Sul- ath, Hot or Cold, a ect tent of tgnate Will be at the Springs the entire season, and o As an inducement for families and parties to spend two inonths or more, I have coricladed to put board down at the following low rates: BOARD. For one single month, : For two or more months, $40.00 per month, or @t that rate, Pen wale oo, icc e ee be ebeeeees 16,00 Pil O09, 65554--0:- <oyee- te tae . 2.60 Children ander ten years of age and colored servants, half price. No ol charge for iufants or children under two of _ GOLDEN WY ATT, Sparxiiso Catawea Sentras, Proprietor. Catawba County, May 16, 1869. 22:2m PIANOS ' wae : at wef THE COLD MEDAL Has just been awarded to CHAS. M. STIEFF, For the best Piano now made, over Baltimore, Phil- adeiphia, and New York Pianos. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti- more Street, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS have all the latest improve- ments, ineluding the Agroffe Treble, Ivory fronts, avd the improved French Action, folly warranted for five years, with privilége ofexchange within — months if dot éntirely satisfactory to purcha- iecond hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwa hand. from $50 to $300. 7 ii References, who have our Pianos in use: Gen. R. E. Lee, Lexington, Va. Gen. D. H. Hill, Chartotte, N.C. Gen. Rober: Ransom, Wilmington. N.C. Gov. John Letche » Lexington, Va. Messrs. R.. Barwell & Son, Charlotte, i Cc. James H. Greenlee, Morganton, NX. Bo Ermey Mlb Heiton. thai, s.2: rown rds are agents for f the above celebrated Piahos. = a Pianos solid at Factory prices. june 18—ly Assignee’s Sale. LN OTICE ish erdby given thatT wil! expore to pub- Call at the old stand of Moore & Clodfelter, | Ife Sale, at the Court Honse in Salisbury, on Satar- On Main Street, opposite the Store of 3," Bist day of July, a. p. , 1969, at 11 o'clock, . the follow! ng : belonging to the es . fd ankrupt, viz: One haif-nere lot in Olin, N, ©., adjoining th lotsof Wilford Turner, and others. oe | tl. All the netes an aceounts and choses in ac- tion belonging to the estate. Terms Cash. JOHE 8. HENDERSON, Jaly 8, 1640 7 4t Assignee. Pia. ‘ can be sent to any point in the United States Tis CELEBRATED WATERING Place, |’ "Deed ba 8 nie “Arming which is Two Grand Gold aa nd oe a Lege of Hoary At BE More-than 120,0 Be: ) now in Use! 20,000 rnnofetured ind gold in 1868 and't the demand eee utapplied, Increasing Demand, AS se oe ‘Increased Stites. “ Hand Rake | Haines’ Illinois” Manufactured b be Woss A. Wood Mow. ing aud ng Machine Coippany. General Office and Manufactory, Hoosick Falls, Rens- eelaer county, N, a Branch Rooms—44 ‘Cort- landt street, New Fick y. P..Q. Box, 5806. e Lake oad Unienge, Lil, ° a ™ climate; | Sond for New Descriptive Circular f and Price List. Applications from the Soath; South of Vir- ginia, should be addressed to the New York Branch Office, as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Inducements Offered ! rend VIRGIN TA hela eth Soutgmadastiindion a Fecerannhetee the South. eee eieactaetonen. Its fortunes are established beyond ang contingency. has ansets. liability u favorably with Lit Insurance pany oo the continent, the true test of respo y ita affairs are cautious|y administered by selected of and business It has estab! its EP [CERES RESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIDENT, SRCRETART, Wx B. Isaaca, D. J. Hartsooa . MEDIOAL EXA CHARLES 8. SMITH, good Pnysician permanently located for the =e ee ee Senet of invalids who will bave every atten-| 1-0. Casati, 0. H. Cyasponme tion. , Having seoured the services of Mr. J, N. Jobn Bod DIRECTO x : Carter, of-Virgioia, who has had much efpe-| Wiliam F- Taylor, ‘Ase Baye Sime. rience and stands high as a Hotel keeper, vim- | Samael 8. Cottrell, hi. o. .. vashervitie, tors may rest that my table will be | Jobo Semvuel ©. Taruy, sn with the best the market ean afford, | Charles 7. Tortham, George Jacobs, aud everything done that will add to their Maggs si ws on pleasure and comfort. Thos, J. Byans, ib . ete tae oe ee. fe ‘oad wi ve Salsbury for Hickory Station, | B+ Sarge | fl No ern with the orth Onfe- A. ¥. Stokes, A. P. Abell, lina Road. avoiding stoppage ot delay at| J. B. Morton, Wm. B. Ieaaca, Salisbury, and afrive at Hickory Station in| R.H. Mibrell, L, Bidgood, time for beaslfat, where good backs will-be in | Willem B. Palmer, M. Prices readiness to takes passengers over a beautiful, LEWIS wetl-sbaded road to the distance O, HANES, Aé'r. ome Springe—e of) Feb. (917 Luxixotor, N. 0 Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in the Old ae Foe Hee. *!QId North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop's. CHARLOTTE, N.C. | amet a to = 1000 head it Prices f. Corn and he ne 2—266m To Farmers and Pianters. Rhodes’ Tobacco Manure, Rhodes’ Super-Phosphates : HE STANDARD MANURES for Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat and Corn. These long established manures used and ap proved by the most es planters. M. RHODES é& Co., Rm Booth &t., Baltimore, Md. For sale by dealers Gne 2>—25:2m Metabligshed 185s. LEPAGE BROS. &Co., GENERAL Commission Menchants AND COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St., Morfolk, Va. EF Special attention paid to the sale of GRAIN, COTTON and all other kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. t™ Liberal advances on consignnients and prompt returns. july9:27—3n DR. GODDIN’S COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS. Cures Chills and Fever, D Indi Uolie, Sick Stomach, ’ Bio a 7 gels Neoralgia, Rheamatism, &e. i A UNIVERSAL TONIC, A sure, safe, and reliable preventative and cure for all Malarial diségses, and a}! disease 3 i" niring & geveral tonie impression. repared ooly by Dr. N. A. H, Goddin anv! for sale everyw JAMES T. , ripen NS, | (Successor tod. A. Baker & Oy Agent and Pane dealer in lemes, Norf wed "i , ieee AN © wen: ; Awarded. other wth a ED!) AND FOREIGN COUNTIES, Additional tm for 1869. Wood's Prize Land 2 Horse.) - ee * Belt a rod # Hor) “- ~ New: - # @ = — THE MODERN PROPOSAL. fey AE ¢ wn. * Your father has. property, Bo, my dear, has mine ; You are fond of company, ’ Lam fond-of wine. At your wedding shall attend All of the elite— ¥ ) Ai you Wish 'to change your state, Tomo repr Set ., "To us pretty. offer, six, do object, ‘it | A Se feces, F You will not expect, I must follow every new Fashion that gppeare— Have my own acquaintances, And my cayaliers. -* s yt be ‘ ‘To your wishes, eve and all, And an equal You will grant'to me. All my thoyghtsshall be for you~ ‘That is understand, , All that are not for my club «- ‘And’ my “fdurdn-hand.” Thed, since we are both “agreed, Let us name the day That chal aoe st Sty Joined In the usual way. ‘Then we'll go as best we cab Down life’s checkered course, Till some lucky circumstance Grants us a diverce. MISCELLANEOUS. MURDERER FOLLOWED bY HIS “vaqrre eS GHOST. The pr Orleans na” Ploaytine mays ie There ate few egses Of mania exhibiting — uliar features 9s that of Mr. Spen- mex Louisiang street, in this city, pala y he engaged ip 9 difficult with a ea saned Hanh S tetaterrbaad ; x been cls the day of the fatal afiray had never felt for each other rbut 3 Mae ak It is of: them, the ed dhatoally oh mauy of ‘sympathy linked nd deo amp cements Bata ting te pe = id & moment of intem passion the fatal thrust was given, and his old friend lay dead at his feet. His bor- ror at the homicide threw him intos fever of which hecame near dying. Por monthe he hovered on the verge of the grave, and when he at last , it was with the im ion that the ghost of his friend, ican ve clothes, was ever gt his side. His tind, Sr raheeel upon every other sub- ject clings to his delusion, and no persua- tion or reason can remove the impression him ofthe mania. It goes with ess, which he conducts ot skill in his famil cake is by bis side in the street, lies down with bim when he goes to bed at night. He often eqnyerses with it, and im that he recejves replies to his questionings. He says for years the ghost toward him @ stern aspect, re- all conciliation, but of late years 4t aedgo toward hima more friendly aaa He believes it will go withhia through life, for his crime. — rei wae ordinar eteuefiie ws se | 2 Se ON TIGHT AT. FACING. You-are aware, ee ladies, that by means of tight waist of the fe-| cers, male figure may be "aoks to vie with that) Ral of the wasp, and to resemble the form of an hourglaas or the letter X, thus - very’ much improving its appearance. You have seen. ps, the “— ofthe Ve nus de M fod you know what a fright of » figure if hes, in uence of the model from which it was taken, evi- dently never having worn a corset. Peay, 1 however, ip never without the rn; most sgreeable evenj y has its drawbacks, And so ieee Ee happily, some unpleasant resylte conse. quent on compression, at the expense of which a slender waist is purchased. The circulating flaid, a disagreea- ble law of nature, is up into the head, The color of the fluid is rosy, as you know. The delicate health attend- ant on tight lacing forbide it to adorn the cheebe, api eongnée ly it is transferred to the nose, which its tint does not adorn by any means. Within the circle of the waist are comprised certain plaguey ves- sels, whose freedom from pressure is un: fortanately required. hea they are eubject to any obstruction, as they are by close lacing, there is a vexatious tenden- ey in the ankles to swell, and the worst is, that a tight shoe only renders the dis- figurement the more conspicuous. Young ladies have alyo some tiresome muscles, whose eupport is necessary to the spine. Their power is destroyed— what a pity this is |~by tight stays, and then the back assumes a curvature. How grievous that one cannat be at ance slen- der and straight ! Comfort also mast be to ele- gance, and the reduction of the waist oc- casions giddiness and headache. This perbaps alone would be a trifle, bat laring |r | involves short life, and, as the gontrag are suggests a resemblance to the honr- giaas, the hour-glass suggests a warning to the contracted figure. D. T. CARRAWAY, Commission & Merchant, Dealer in | Groceries = PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, filass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, &c., &¢. st ROMPT attention 1 given to orders, and to the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobae @, Dried Frait, &¢ , on Com COURT voy ILDING, april %—I4-1y ERN, ¥..6. ees tant “LAWS ON BJEOT OF FRUIT. DIS- ing to distill bran- exclusively, eat mone Every! ay from a before en ist. Reg the of distillation ; also the amount 7 proof =e produced daily. th. Returas myst be made monthly to on canntent speepae - the were of spirits e tax paid at the tee of Semen < 8th. No spirits can be moved from the distillery until the.same is inspected and gaged and the tax stamps ot omens to the casks or containing the —. by an off ignated for that 9th. Poa“ spatial: Gk of fifty’ dollars is d on all distillers of fruit who dis- ‘tee bandred and fifty barrels or less per annum; alec, 9 se of sr9 dojlars Leal while ip All and sual jaw dan- ply with the above can nelenton often tion to the proper office. JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, 4C- BLAS SaRd8 HAND BILLS CIRCULARS cage a Letter Heads AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB PRINTING, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY done AT THIS OFFICE. Bae” Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma- —- and others, in ordering blanks will jleaxe refer to the Forms a8 num- in “ Hand-Book for County Offi- ileigh, ¥G. bp Nichols @ Gorman SAB, Livi veo J. J. BRUNER. “i THE LADIES. | ‘ ; :: 0 KE a | d a THE Subscriber heving been appointed an agent for the sale of SINGER'S CELEBRATED New Family Sewing Machine, and al) its attachments offers the same to the Ladies of Western Carolina. This Machine challenges s compariaon with any and all other Machines, It will do more different kinds ot work—from the ar plain seam to the n most eno ees any other Machine ever invented Economy is wealth. then why not buy the best.” BThiese Machines are warranted to give entire satisfaction. If they fal to give satisfaction they may be re- turned after a trigl of two months and the money will be refunded. Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KERS, TAILORS, &c., ye Mg supplied when ordered, at manufacturer's desiring information .will please send for of work and circulars. Sohn A. Ramsay, Salisbury, N.'C. specim June 18, 1969. 47m ‘ally “OBI “GI LUBA “8/1/48 97907 : Vv NIMUVH “V *¥ hawdenne) OAOGe O41 105 UaTe & PomTfer9pan oT, Q00'000'R TTT hee tt etter ee eres: 1981 4040 dewaiony Q00'000"R TTttttrteteeee! omoouy mnsuadg PENNY | See QE Serres erect eee ee ete ng ee assy GsRE | “Kjyqqeaodsa jo 4904 0049 = 1 Toye ‘YaaniynOD oq3 uo fabdaIO, soueins et Aae yim Qivdinos pype FeO sors |tq wit #1 WUlEZY qaeee pus [Reddo sey ANVAGNOO ee a "y4OX Nay ‘ipapoog n= ‘SGLLV.LS GG.LIND aHL 40 Ayowog voueinssy 3411 278V.LIN03 3H, DRUGS, MEDIGINES, 0, NEW 8TOCK OF, ay Bags AL the Iatest improvements, excellent in quality and ip price. Wine BREAST PUurs @MUASNG BOTNLES- 3 muy a fates or Rew” Te ee ae i Coen ay tee Peppermint, ‘Bas. Cinnamon, audanam; Paregor- © ie, Bateman Drops, God- fuey’s’ Cordial, podel- dos, Oastor Oil, and Tarpentine, ot a ban rake and Talebiote, Quali d as low fn ice. anguehertiolps can be 9 din thin sec- Medicines can be sold for of and are ion at any price (such I do ndét and will not’keep.) Maotag erg ny Aap, posted in the Dray: Market to know that PURE sold far half the Seacera es Bear in ming it is alwa buy the purest t wonld bes at all “il hare parhesing elsewhere to and examin tock an m. e examine my stoc oD vabtoon, Draggist and Apvthecary, Setiabury. N. Gy ‘next doar to Meroney & Bro. juve 25—95:3m . NEW } Drug Store #iy AND Ys FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C° in Salisbury, N. C. ‘Dr. EDWARD SILL, ESPECTFULLY announces to his numer- ous old friends and patrons, ard all 6thers, that he is now opening, in the building on 8, EB. Corner Main & Fisher stfeets, near the Boyden House, an Entirely Fresh and Carefully Selected STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDIGINES. wn yGiata reckon Gerace” embracing almost-every thing pertaining to a first class Drug Store; which he will sell, as bas always been bis custom, at the most satis- factory prices to purchasers. His experience in, and thorough famil- jarity with, the Susiness, in all its details and deparimeuts; together with his accustomed unremitting persoval attentfon, authorizes the hope of that success, which has, heretofore. in- variably rewarded bis exertions 1— ee BOSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sule by Druggists Every where. — Salisbary, N. C., January 1869. — RIVES & PROCTOR, WHOLESALE AND RETAT DRUCCISTS, DEALERS L5 DRUGS MEDICINES, Fancy & Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, DYI'STUFPS, PERFUMERY, Imported & Domestic Window Glass, Putty, ‘SPICES, 4 } | | Wonld respectfully call the attention pf Mer | chants. Physiciane, Planters, and others, to their | extensive stock and superior inducements. | 107 Sycamore, St. , Petersburg. N. P, RIVES. M. D. W.H. PROCTOR. | __ opras—h -16:6m wR O AGRICULTURAL WORKS, we the cored to buy the best and chea Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters Cider and Wine Mills, seogens and Mowing Machines, Wheat Threshers wi | and without Cleaners, Horse Powers of various | patterfis, Sugar Gane Mills in the rough or fin | egeerae lers separately. Particular regard should be had te the best RR. R. Plow and Threshing Machine with Cleaner, Mat ufactared | in of oat of the State. J. H. THOMPSON. May 28, 1869—3m.— Statesville American copy 3 months and send | bill. NOTICE, A Span of Bay Horses, Six Years old,a PHAETON aud Harness for Sale. Apply fo H. H. HELPER. Salisbury. N G, April 23, 1869. 16-4 HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Bonhwee, and Carriage Trimmings; Pay mong sands of articles too tedius to enumerate. We are agents for ae Great Threshers —and—. CLEANERS, ioe Monvistareen! & doy ile an as the ngewe — We tavine! es Bocchas E and the trade paegelty. to our oa, assu! them they will find nothi sees aed table Goods. We buy all of prodace.— Save your Blackberries and Prnits, which will be to Treasure, to you as Smith. Foster & Co., SALISBURY, N.C., 8 "a Old Stand, near the Market House. April 2, 1969. 13—ly Jusr RECEIVED AT THE STORE of SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. 1000 SACKS OF SALT. 25 BBLS) MOLASSES. 12 nuns. moLasses. 24-tf. LOOK for MERONEY’S AT THE SIGN OF THE BIC INDIAN. E CALLTHE SPECIAL ATTENTION of all to our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and invite all who want the Latest Styles, Best Qualities, and Most Reasonable Prices to oS usacail Weare now exhibiting the —Stock of— DRY GOOD S, CLOTHING, BATS, MILLINERY Gauss, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Coach, Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain, Kerosene and Macliine Oils to be found in Western North Carolina. Spe- | cial attention is called to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. vreetofes ea ie nea tee i's Be mot sock, BY “ sre Youtheand Misses Shoes, of hcaiaonaedine. Good Calicoes, 12 1-2 ots + Best Calicoes. 15. We are also agents rere of the best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND MACHINERY, TR as The Buck-Eye Mower and Turbine Water ie {Pumpes. French Barre and Corn Mills, Threshers and Cleaners on [wheels complete, Cider and Wine Mills, Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, Grain Drills, Sulky Plows, Smutters and Cleaners, Cireular Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting, and many other things too numerous to men- tion, all of which we will sell at the Manufac- turer's prices. Come, or-send and get s Catalogue of any | thing you may want in this line We guar- | antee the Machinery sold by usto give satis- faction. We are also agents for Singer’s New Fami- ly SEWING MACHINE, for which there is no equal. Warranted to do all kinds of work, and to give entire satisfaction, ar the money will be refunded tr GOON PINE LUMBQR furnished at the depot, on short notice. We will be found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row. MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Horse Power Portable Engine, for sale b jnne 11—23;4m MERONEY & BRO. JO8. HORAH, HENRY HORAH. J. & H. HORAH. WATCH MAKERS AND JEWELER 8S AVING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE Stock of L. M. Davis; and added largely toit, we are now prepared to furnish anything usually kept in a first class Jewelry Store. We may be found in Cowan’s Brick Row, next dogr to F. H. Sprague’s Office. All kinds of repairing done at short notice and satisfaction goaran- teed. We return thanks to a generous public for past favors, and hope by strict atrention to business to merit a continpance of the same. P. 8.—All persons having left Watches and Jewelry with M. Davis or Wilson & Farris, to be repaired are requested to call and get them or they will bp sold for repairs. Jan. 29, 1960 - COMPOURD RAYE OY oF, A safe and effootaal remedy fot all diseases arising from . Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debijlity of the Neryous System, &c. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE, This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme- dy and one that admits of a wide range of application, It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex- tent than any other remedy yet known. It is an INVALUABLE AND Unrivalled Remedy | } Fine Kogine Deep Well and Force | For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, SYPHILJTIO. CANCEROUS, CL- TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- I0, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF-~ FEOCTIONS, in fact, gveny form of Chronie Disease it may be advantageous- ly used. This preparation has been submitted to, thoronghbly tested, and approved by some of the most eminent members of the Med- ieal Faculty. , Prepared by an experienced and well known physician and chemist. PRICE, + 81.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONLY BY J, J. LAWRENCE, M. D,, ORGANIO OHEMIST, No, 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virgiria. Fy For Barz ay art Daveqmrs.-ps 4° Fi e he e ig [i f a E E OC. WAP S.C This June 22, 1869. 26-6w-prf $10 State of North Carolina, ROWAN OOUNTY. Buperior Court, Spring Term, 1869. Jobp H. Lapmetnionyens, with the will annexed of aaa = deo'd., Plaintiff. 8. J. Swicewgod and wile Sallie DSwicegood, William H. Benthall and wife Maggie & Benthall, James B. Shaver, Mollie C. 4. Sha- ver, George N. ware Robert L. Shaver, Defendants. Assets, It appearing to the Oourt, that William H. Benthall and wife M E Benthall, are non- residents of this State, it is ordered that phe Spare ebtbele te sredt lentes, ne pn the town ry, fr de eee ve weeks, notifying the said Wm. H. Benthelland wife Maggie E. Benthall, to be and appear at the next term of im Superior Court to be held for the county of Rowan, at the Coart House in Salisbury, on the third Monday in September next, and there to answer or demar to the petition of plaints, otherwise judgment pro copfesso will be entered aginst them, apd the cause heard ex ¢ a8 to them. itness, A. Jadson Mason, clerk of oor said | Court, at office in Salisbury, the third Moriday | in April, 1868. A, JUDSON MABON, C. & 0. 97 Ow: pr.fee$ 10. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1869. Luéy N. Shevér, Plaintiff. AGAINST S. J. Swieegood aod wile eee eee Wm. H. Benthall and wife Maggie E. = thall, James B. Shaver, Ny Shater. Robert L. Shaver, Mollie ©. A. Shaver and Aapie J. Shaver, Defendants Pdition for Dawer. pli penrerias ng to the Court that William H, Land wife Maggie E. Beo' are non: residents of this State, it is ordered pub- lication be made in the “Old North State,” a newspaper published in the Town of Salisbu- Sr Se ree wala eee enas iliam H, Benthall and wife Maggie KB. Ben frat fe Fo ae enews ot he puch term of Ve Saperior Court, to be held for the county of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbor ,on the third third toudagy in September next, and there to , answer or demur to the peti- tion of ati. otherwise jadgment pro con- feaso will be entered against them, and the cagee heard ex as to them. . Judson Mason, Clerk of our said Assignee’s Sale. S is to to give notice that I will sell at a ae or tere, isbury, on at 11 aeleck, re belonging to the estate of viz: I, 189 1-Qacres of land, ad, the lands of B. w. Sethe aa ee il. enth i im 160 acres of land, ad- joining the lands of Lemly, J Reid, and in which Nancy Miller has 9 life petate, IIT. All the notes and accounts to the estate. Terms Cash JOHN 8. HENDERSON, July 8, 1869. —4t Assignee. Assignee'’s Sale, OTICE is hereb by gives, that I wi) expore AK sale, at the Court House in Saligbury, on Pat. apday, the Bistday of July, 4. n., 1869, the follow- Re reoreey oe belonging ta the estate of Alexander pt, viz: A wact of land Yr eowiaing 170. acres, pointes | the Ighds of Joseph W. Hall, Thomas D William Garner and James Thompson. Termscash. JOHN & HEND N, July 8, 1860—97:4 : ? Assignee’s Sale. Nae OR ndaetey. green att 1) expose to Pub lie Sale, at the Court Ho @ Salabery on Setur- day the thirty- — da va Sly A Setonal = i} o'clock, & ™., to | the estate of J. Seta yrter. pr — Remainder in 169- acres of Jand ay = blie ape. ~ &. it. ean ining the lands of Benjamin | - Henderson & Crawford and others, or what- ever interest said Bi has in said land. Il. An equitable estete in a certain tract of land, adjoi iping the lands of Benjamin Sumner, dec'd., Hen n & oe and H. (. Jones, dgo'd., containin HT, AIF te noes — and accounts belonging to the estate. Terms C JOHN S. HENDERSON, Jnly 8, 1869. 27—4: Asgignee. rar Bale. A avers Beery AP Wb. BAILEY, July 15-tf Salisbory, N. 0. y | that sent by A ST Sey ond Tra JOHN 0. i ROBT, G. a- howe Pol of rt to be ‘De. op ger gra aes id Four in the One One Hotel in List of Personal Samples on exhibition at H &0o., No. had Regie St, Raleigh, N. ©,, at the MO Fine Polo, $009 ec, made by H, D. Sehmidt, Baltimore, Md. 000 10 Fine Top Buggies, $350 each, made by B.D. Bch a timore, Md., 3,500. 60 1st Prem: T octavo Pianos, made by Tremaine Bres., NY. , $650 each, 32,500 6 red fdy or Church Or 6 stops, _— a remaine Bros,, N. Y., 500 Machines, Wilcox & ase er Grover & Baker's, $60 each, 30,000 500 Silk Dresses, best article, 12 yards, $40, 20,000 6 Velucipedes, $75, 450 24 Rolls Bri Carpet, 45 yards, each $135, 3,240 | @ Salamander Safes, Wilder’s patent, best in the world, $260, 1560 1 Cash Prize, ‘$1,000 gold, 1,334 10 Casb prizes, $100 each, 1,000 200 do do 10 do 2.000 673 do do. 6 do 3,360 1000do do 2 do 2,000 3000 Prizes. Value‘of the total amt, $146,694 Total number of Tickets, 73,347 * Allof the above-is put-in the drawing at the regular cash selling prices and.will be dis- posed of by a Siar trode of Drawing, a0 a order to aecomp Tks Company will sel! 73,347 tickets a $2 for fai ther informa- tion read section 10 and 11 of the By-Laws of the Company : BY-Lawe. ~ See, 10. The plan of drawing sball be as follows: there shall betwo wheels, ope a prize wheel and one a number w arranged in some public io y, any one bolding a ticket may on the of rawing. Io the pum heel there si as many eles eater eat ip number as those which have been Tn the prize wheel there shall be as tickets as there are prizes, these tickets ‘avail be deposited in the wheels by a board of supervisors, whoshall be oppeinese by the Diréetors, after which the whee! shall be sealed bp and placed in any bank in the eity, the Directors may direct, on- til the time of drawing, when the Supervisors shall bring the wheels to the place of drawing break the seals and the drawing shall be dis- posed of by taking a ticket from each wheel, at the same time and the prise ticket wken from the prize wheel shall devignate the prise drawn by the Ucket correspoudmg in oumber to the one taken from the number wheel at the same tine, The wheel shall be well shakeg after each ticket 1s drawn. Sec. 11. The Directors shall designate the time and_place of drawiny, at whieb tuue and place the supervisors shall be fequired to be present and see that the drawing is conducted entirely equitable. A Board of Supervisors will be appoinied who will have exclusive contrél and manage- ment of the drawing. They will conduct the disiribution and see that each person is legally invested with the property he may draw. A duplicate registry of the tickets sold will be kept ; so, that, in the event of loss of ticke the accident may be temedied and no mistake can occur. The Drawing will take place in TUCKER HALL, io the city of Raleigh, immediately a. ter sale of tickets, of which due notice will be ven. O The company is working woder the provis- sions of « special charter granted by the Gen- eral Assembly of North Osrolina;*which eo. pels the company to comply faithfully with ail cootracts. Copies can be had on application to the com. pany. All the above meatianed property wil cer- tainly be disposed of as above stated, and those drawing it will be invested with the Litle in fee simple. o member of the company is allowed to purchase any tickets. All moneys sent by mail, al the owner's risk ; Registered Letters, Checks or Drafts, at the risk of the courpany. No property will be listed unless the ntle is indisputable. The Treasurer has been required to give a bond of five thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties, He is required ta deposit, daily, in the bank, all monies received where it will remain anti] all the tekets are sold and all the prope } will be pusitively drawn and delivered to the parties drawing, or the money returned. Send two dollars by ex- press, post office order, registered letter, or draft, at onr risk, or by mail at your own, and take a chance at the 2,000 valuable prizes of- fered. Tickets will be sent any whete in the United States at the company’s risk. Description of Real Estate. One fine residence built of brick, in the best improved styie, in the city of Kaleigh, with 8 acres of ground, and all necessary out-buildings, with mauy fine ornamentals about the yard. Value ..... cc. eee ecw cece cence $10,000 One large aud convenient bous¢ in the city ) of Raleigh, on Newbern street, 13 large rooms, double parlors, with all necessary out-buildiags 14 acres of ground and a beautiful ouk grove. NEMO re ree ee eee srocres 6,500 One large house on Newbern snd Blood- worth streets, containing 20 rooms suitable for a boarding house, all necessary outsbnildings, with a beautilul oak grove in the yard and 4 acre of Ground. Value..... . $5,000 One beautiful large Residence, on Newtern street, eight rooms and basement, four out-buildings aad stabile, seven scres of ground, elm grove, very desirable and attractiy Value ... ° One in Warrento Dy oN: Gu. ‘known a8 the A property es perfect order, one ‘of the best bulit houses in the tate, | connotatng § large rooms, double pissaas and porticos, one of the most commanding aod beautiful residences in the | place, with 8 acres of gre und, fine orchard, beautiful oak ve in the yard, and all necessary eee Faine, see $5,000 The pr operty at “Taylorsville is very ‘attraesive, Valuable and cheap. It is a Hotel at the county seat of a fourish- ing and growing village of « thousand or more Inhabitanta anc , situated one square from a good and flourishing Co} lege, no school of better grade, right on the fine of the At- lantic & Ohio Railroad. and being situated ip the moun tain region, the scenery is truly delightful and fascinatin Contains tw nty rooms, and the buildings are new. Value ... - $20 One in Chapel Hill, ‘containing 4d rooms, with fire pla and one forty-foot dining room, Also, kitchen, out hou and one and three-fourths acres of land. Yalve $2 Persons desiring any further informavo will please address JOHN OC, Hps'TER April 283—ém a | a al ee * * ied ag Es Se 7 ane J% = > ee * , ; eo ae ipa *% Bee igh eet Pita m2 pds. & Y gps , * * ae Mae Pd Wp ens ~ en ; & oe ¢ “hh ey tad? af! a2 2 Sed toree: yey or gum eta ta ett Sythlll AER Ce ’ 0 < "We é ‘ % de a = Rh (vg laces dala ee aaa: “EDUCATIONAL: Patrouise your own fn of: the. will THE FAUL ON of this I will commence on the 18th. day prox. and continue twenty a Pi atory and Normal Departments, and a eral Course of University Leotares, “will be opened. Entire e nge, inglading board, $85 two $100.~ All. the benefits of the, Instity- tion are offered, free of charge, to a limited number of residents in the Sta PORE, to N 5 the'Presidevt. _ SOLOM Chapel Hill, July 6th, 1869. _-37--6w Statesville Male Academy, SF Darke a he, {Peron THE FALL PERM of this School will open on the 8th of September, and continue sixteen weeks, TUITION ; English Dep't. }Titermediatéy. 125. '49 00 Clas: De WR, es eects ates 16 09 Con nt wigs ae pppood aes Wave cds . 10 Board j families at $12 per month. One the above charges is -requised in advance, © Sec ae ree Mts, Arce PEARSON'S Z ill re-open on M: me MCPS, Zlgoworth Female Seminary, ‘ T HE NEXT SBSSION-WILE COM- mieute'on the first Monday of September. The entire expense of Board and Tuition wish be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance. Each boarder will furnish ber own lights and towels and also « pair of sheets and pillow pases. For circular address = J. M, M, CALDWELL, july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N. O. Pleasant Groye Academy, and THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM- meace on the Oth of August next. Course— English, Classical, Mathe- matical. Terms: Tuition from $5 to $10 per session. Board with the Principal $9 per mynath. For particulars address the principal at Pub ton, Davie Co., N. C. ° W. J. ELLIS, Principal. Pleasant Grove. N. ©, June 25, 1869. 25—3:n BINGHAM. SCHOOL. MEBANEVILLE, N.©. Wai. Bingham; Robert Bingham, W. B, Lynch, Tux SESSION or 1869-'70 BEGINS and contiones we & “ a ROG wnt et tek Pepe a nary branches, the Ancient Lanyuages French, Mathematics, Book+ Keeping, and the lements.of Natural Science 1 e > and clothing.) $365. —- — any time and be charged from will ‘be 4s follows $7.50 810,00 ofG montip pe. * at the every ° N i ill be spared to give thoroagh ruining in:aR the branches tvuaily ipughs ing Are class Academy ¢ ty tn Fieubhin Tod 1 tt alles trom The on emmno' Galisbory. 60 the new road to Moe ° Board ean be had in re pectabie families Tto 8 deliags per month. L, H, Jane 35. 1869.—25.3m ipal PROFESSION AL. M. H. PIN NIX, ATPORNEY. AT LAW, _» bEXINGTON, MC. W itt practioiige the coats of Deridy son, Porsythe, Guilford,"Alamance and’ Rao- dolph counties ; REreRavce. Hon. R. M. Pearson, 0. 3. of N. C., Raleigh. “ EK. @. Reade, Associate Justice, 2 ‘ Thomas Settle, * = * “ R. P. Dick, “ * “ “ Bedford Browh, Yanceyville, N.C. “ Hon, Joh Kerr, . _ “ J.B. MeLean, Greeasboro’, N. C. ‘* Thomas Ruffin; Jr., LS “J. M. Clow, Dobson, N.C. Jannary'29, 1869. 4-f JOHN 8S. HENDERSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SALISBURY; N.C. ¢ Ce Will attend promptly to the Collee- tion of Claims feb26—1y DR. C. A. HENDERSON, AVING resumed tbe practice of Medicine | Fespectfully offers his professional services {> "the cr OFFICE: The one late ooonpied by White head & Henderson. Calle may be eitbe at his office, or at Enniss’ Drag Store. * Salisbary, Feb 12, 1869. Dr. |. W. JONES, AVING located in Salisbury, Professional services to the a oF fice on Conncil Street, opposite the Qrart and next door to the Law office of Hon, we Ornige. May 28, 1860-1 Bor Saie. ‘ ; ‘A Fine New Buggy. Apply to : WILLIAM Wt BAILFY,, e Joly 1501 Saliponry, H.C” t- Od ae fe ie. sa 5 ' for said eounty-at the Court House. in. er .thesecond | ... ‘ morday in nest, and answer the 4h (including thiton, board, foet, |e ty aa —— Pee ae a i “ oa nor 9.4) & 9 iS Rye “ee prs ine J a Leg: — » oad Oe te gee niet atacand - . rr “ a jamagee th wi thagees bere atare Fie won be tates eT appear the next tecmol paid our. y, on the fourth tion of gaid Administrator or the same will be Sod oiters Slt hath ad -falt/ wo te Witness, C.C. Wade, Clerk of our said court wt offleg, ii the fawn of Ted the4th Mooday alter the seeond Mondiy in February, 1860 26--6w:prfee $l. - OOW 0, 8.0. State of North Carolina,|.. MONTGOMBRY GOUNTY, Superior Court Spring Term, 4. D. 1269. ©, ©. Wade, administrator of hiss Rich. ardson, deceased, against Joho. Richardson,” "Devid' Richardson, Martin Morgan and wile]? , William Jordan and wife Livia, Wib liam Fuller ed wife Elizabeth, Spinks Rich- » rdson, Hitam Richardsep, Mary J. Rich- trdson, Albert Richardson oa Elizabeth Petition to minke Real Extale Assets. TT ane ring to the satisfaction ot the Court t the abuve named defendanw cannot pafter due dilligence be found within the limits ofthe State. It is ordered that service De made by publication for six weeks successively, in’ the Old North State,» newspaper published in the town of Salisbory, houfying the said h non-resident defendants to rat the pext Trin of this Court to be for said County at.the Court Honse ig Troy, onthe 4th Mon- day after the 2od Monday in August next, and answer the petition of the said administrator or the gagye wil] be fekey pro confesso aod heard ex eas to them. itnegs C.C. Wade, clerk of our sak) Court at office in Troy, the 4th Monday after the 2d Menday in February next. 6. C. WADE, 0.3. 0. This June 22, 1869. 26 Gw-p:f $10 MONTGOS ERY sa er Jn the Superior Court. Henry W. Ledbetter, Plaintiff, against Danie! MoRae, Defendant. Whereas the above named plaintiff bas in- stituted bis sction against Daniel McRae the above named defeadant ia tbe Superior Court mesma Pad ordered wes, by the said defendants. nd whereas the said defeodant being a res- ident Of this State, has departe: theretrom ‘fo to avoid the service of sarmmons or keeps bim tell therein with a like inteat; It ix ordered Mat setvice of eammons be mode by publica: Sion in the‘ Old North State” once a week for at leas six weeks, successively, notifyirig the said defendant to appear before the sani Snpe- 4th Monday afler 2d Monday in. August be ty then aod 40 answer the complaint the Pleoinerff fm the above éntith-d aanse or if will take jadgmeut for the relref @ermanddd in the complarit. Given ander ty hand seal of said Conrt, this 24th day of Sots 00ms 0G. WADK, Olerk Supetior rt tor Montgomery, Coan- eG * 30—6e (pr fee $8) summows. KB. Nye Hutédbisop & T. J) Sommer, Phintiffs. AGAINST Jobp EB. Brown, Wh. f Brown, ZB. Vane aud Robert F, Hoke, Deicndants, STATE OF NORTH CARoOLina, » fe the Sheriff of Howan County — Greeting Yoo are hereby commanded t) summon John E. Browo, W.g. Brown, Z B. Vatice std Robert ¥. Hoke, if to be foand in your Coun- TY; personally to be and sppent before his Hon- Or, the Judge of opr Superior Court, to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court-Lluuge iff Salisbury, op the third Mobday in Septem, ber"next, then And there toanswer the dom- plaint, a of which is served with this suin- tuna, and Tet them take sorice, tbat if they faibto answer said complaint durmy the next term, the pleintiffy will apply to the Judge of said coort for the relief demanded in the cou plaiot. Herein fail not, aud have you thep- and there this Writ. Given ander my hand and the seal of the seid-Court, at Salisbury the 24ch day of July, A. D., 1869. A. JUDSON MASON, Clerk otthe Superior Court for Rowan Cousty Noplicate of this mimmons issued 16 Dun- combhe’for William J; Broa; 1 Mecklenburg for Zebulon B. Vance, and to Mitchel! for Rob- ert F. Hoke. A. Jepson Matos, C.5.C 8, eee { In the Superior Court E. New Mvrontsow & T. J. Sousen, Plamtiffs. AGAINST Jonw E. Brows, Waiasan J, Baows, Zesvton B. Varce and Roster F. Hors, Defendants. Tt appearing to the satisfaction of thé Coart, by affidevir Bled (hat the defendant Jouy RB. Brows above uamed, is not @ resitent of this Ateitéethat his residency is not known and can pot afier due diligence be asvertaived, and tlrat after due chligence he vanbet be found in the State—thata cause of action exists against him in faver pt-eaid plamtifis, the grounde of which appeat by tbe sworn complaint—that he is a proper party Co this ection, amd that the sum- moos and cumplaiot herein were filed in the , | Saperior Court of Rowan County h 7 ot July, 1969 “a ee DERED, That the sommons herein, « copy of which above, be served as to the guid Jom E, Brows by publication. of the same ‘ae news a A oe Os North State, ry ary, ofee in each week for six weeks, . Wimess, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the Sa girs Deeget Bowe €annty, at office ja Salisbury, ¢ be 28th ; aly, 1889. ii tabu Sach ers, hay valgers, an Bete those persons beif ‘| ed to elhss as ar Art. KIV. Seo? 5, “ : shall bold their positions only until Sst ap- | slightest aid te any que else in pbasby ling Mandainus dismissed. Power of tax thas & fo pay 1, Seo. 5, not wo debts’ dontracted in aid of ‘dufivished we: to build new toads with > No limit to, power Kn? Bee} ciat laye of the deny i in rolls os alece | Assewbly, and t ae be submitted to a vute of the pi ir. OprstON OF JUSTICE RODMAR. = Sete Seer . to bew PD the Gunner aud Pablic Treasurer to issue to it certain bonds ab act of Axsew.Bly, rat - {fed Bb January 1999, amended by, au act ratified It April, 1809. ‘The Jadg mandamus aad the re- pin; Whos thepacition er and has it & legal capacity to possess the right.to demand relief of the naire yi the 1 of te actof 39¢h Savaary 1869 edhots : “*That there shall bea bod ate and politic, koown as the Railroad Cottipan with sorporate powers, and fratichises to 6 Shine Oxtewt a8 are pow sessed by the Nerth Carulipy Ralltoad Come | rior Cuert at the coyrt house int Troy, op the | pany pf all eonstit Railread from sone potut ov the North Car oftta Rafiroad ty it HM. Séevion 3° “The affaite of said’ Unitersity shall be wanaged by « Fick od ane Gorternor of the State, their wamber, choose a. President,” See, 4, ‘The Board of Directors shall ap: point their officers aud fix their compe tion, atid the salary of the President, sabject »val of the Governor.’ " provides ‘Réri one? Te te Bouceded that if the réspon- | power of the Legi se eit aemmiadaations tht dpe peret: all the property in the State to >the interest on the bonds. Theotecdens of lat April only changes the samber of Di- Teatars to boven! Without any mintite ‘ooticeded to Agents, and for the State jn building the the + Of these persous, corporation fet. This coceession.- however, ‘is made subject to the consideration whether the per: sous thus to be appointed: by the Governor public “officers,” and if so, whether such appefatment was javalid for want of confirmation by the Senate wader Art. LII, I enheeds also to the sake of the srgtigent, that publie 4 oe ete trees aro pel hiu ty perform a mere to enable With these concessions there will remain preliminary to the pansid- the: main ‘yuestious in this case, ” main qhestions ate: ~ 1. As fo the constitutionulity of the act of in reference to 8.5, Art. Voot the of the Direotors by the Senate cy Whar she we terial one, oF one fn eternvr without ovn- ibe in aooght wi Governor has | Inatense ets ndinit{ed il ape im ‘ ! poiat ‘at athens. whose 1. ag Ip thie Sgupuiraiions er. ivof-the State in @ penefit.” Fadinit that the act here sintem- rh tnt | be uo rae ‘3 4 die di- rectly? A -proliibition to kro’one ein a nage inection. is a prohibition te Zo two ; aw probibitian to. “one ‘dollar for & oer tne taju, purpose, ts also a prohibition, tospewd proceeded, gveatly. upéu required: by: Jaw {tees} ase. Oode,,eh, 96) to take an vath to: rt the | In Constitution of the United Btates,. a ground | Maxihas-/ said: lithe Statute. } Ed, 6, which would. not he aa These ne oe ae see apmaeioentionn week: wever, two os.in the Stete(on- |-sho' ou i ergy, then-thery x. rom. whies peg binwmerdiy ds 4) had been uo qaestion at all’ re ieai had sto- State agents. wmnedt intedd- | len More horses thi ode, but ‘that he had been within the statute, omnd matas says:. In tha ebsenee of avy contrary pro=| in se winus.- Po-héld that whea tle Gen- vision, all officers in this State. whether here- | erab Assembly is solemuly prohibited «fron tofore elected, or appoiuited by the-Govéerngr, | using the iv of the State. in. giyi \ albréasonabl> rules bé constried tity agningt dotng’ the act at if. ot 03 737 “ititg’ Baron's pointments are made by n” &6ol of a it. may nevertheless that AWW other officers havitig Usewhere pro- | credit to bella The whole road, that whet” it vided fur by the Constitutionsther® Fas noth | is forbidded- th Hypose Why part «f the burden! | oy 0 P . te bai (ten igh ‘He oWu | ents; entirely.| yi with its Own means, and for its Own exclusive | to be i literadly . prohibited, }: at in’ my: opinion cde prvibiaed ya natu. al aircon fo mor on. prrients construe + 2 hat canng ne Tnidire MS Diet can vdt wus? , cep: Fly, jpaper 1 ans nt dullar; anda prchibitiva to sei TuBtegs. Feder ny to avother in doing ge it See awe! ¥ , * us deed ee ast TRE o dae Pee EER «9 ye tu? QeAFOe-, edt [ oy eS Be. zh §. mee a eT “YS had oe feats ¥ 2 WF OP Wile hie Sig Sion te hal ik al fitter jae 1g ty “a pepe : ae RR gry le x M4 He alt Les Se ya sah + Rite ‘ mee — 2% i el chow Batltetens me ih tiaihng tel. teagy M29 —— rf ape «nae wag wrth, ap pug Sites, Aprisio ck i a wins; -movich . mers hpndi- an ness and a better constitu ow ’ : Stevens; in his “atook! oF ge,” pedi | 8¥8' of them s—"As to the that ‘in See. 4; he considers itrak -contra-distinguish- , ed from’ad.ralorems that- may bé -jts: technical | gether with a due proportio. and usual meanisig in Agts of Loogree: relating | meat, never saw one. equal to.that or- to duties‘on imported but in, this. place! iginated by Lotd Western of Essex.— it means merely a tax devated“to the epecitied They are. exepedingt ‘th a purpose, The accomplishment -of the * purpose y if, i y gentle, jndisposed propesed:in Sec., 4 dows uch require any deyin- | '° travel far, could attain, if kept. long, tidn from the generatwale of upiform ad walo- } great weight, and’gre go compaet in form orhe rena and,. therelpre, Pong can pe-ad-} und sthall of ‘bone’ offal, y inva- {iitted. ees Ses =" briably yield greater weight ‘of potk thao 3%. Sec, 5 permits the; dlegildatupe® to conttact ‘ ‘. new dehig ix behalf of the States Int. To myn | 44 Judged beter “being slaughtered : ply a castiak debiell, of. to suprets jugirrection $894 More delicigas "ham was sever ured 4 of invasion, whether the } of the Plate ere than they afford.’ . iat paror nbc without trying: gialtacto| The Essex is usnally black, but like }paythe tuterest. 2d. For the: Mad 16} Berkshires it ig not ‘even “skia/ deep,” imate purpose, of State goreme@ent; if the) she calor being enthrely conliued’ to th Worse ar ,. without. Jevying a. tax to pa oe "Ss ly to the the fiférest; Nf thet are fot atpar, by levying bair “and outer or scarf skin. 'When aap 9 rd SA: wid in = mot o— Ti. ee of sealding patch railvotds a9 were begun a " at} and scraping in is quite whiteThe she pve of she Constitutiqn. -Kor'ell oth- | mengis of ‘euperior oan, — bein they are forbidden Yo coytract any | ¢ ay witligut, Mibunicting the Guegtion to | mand the lean tenders : shows the test disposition. to fatten, fina np of-lean ing for this acotion td Operate’on, except the | ow the people,.dt-may~ impose * they whole: }the vote of the people. “These of of per. avd rich in flavor... They, also, e the class of State agents to whieb these directors | would seeut to be the exervise ofan. uncom - béong. viz t Buch as the direo ore if the sev-.| nendeble netstevers to explain’ away to eral asylims (Kev. Code. ch: 6) and the | nothing solemn langnage intended to be the State disectors in. the various banks gud rail- | bolwark of the people’s rights, road companies ip whieh the State-hadstock :| The rules for the coustractton of statutes (and and we hoow. that in faet..it was applied to} the Conacitntion is a statute of the highest class) without any que t..0 of its propriety. | are clear and setebed. If an ‘wiherente ‘to t vt. XLV, See. 7 pays? oe shall | letser will.lead to en obsurdity, or. will defeat ander the held more than one lu ritive « the phin intention, Gye Literal canst jon must St ta Wt the same time, Provided that offers | be departed from, To cite the w. Ht Foows fu- hin'the militia, Of the | exte, commie, | stance: A wixfuté engciod Uilkt any person who siovers of pablic charitier, and comsissivn - | drew blood ha pub!catroct should be punith- ers appointed fur specli? purpores, shall put [s capitally ; 2 pereon- walking in as oct was 7 . ; sack with» fit and fil); a sw near t considered Officers. within the mAnINg of bled bim on the spac and restored him to rt | # sectiod,” thereby implying that commis~ haid-the simeap vii'ate the Spirit of the statnea? siopers for epecia' perpnecs were “pfficers Po illustrate stiil fumher ¢.e dancer of a too within the, meaning of the Constitution elee- | liberal construction ; Supfom the word “per- the } where, and that special words. of exclusion | ron” had been lef ont of the second clause of were uecessary ip Lhe partieular case Sec. 5, could the Legislature in that case have Theu what # the weaviog of thi words. ) given the credit of the Seate to a ditigie persed “auless otherwise proviied for” in section | in aid of « -Railriod?» Os, sapposa the wotd 157 It seemeelear that they mean “unless | “person” had hewn, retained, and ibe word “as otherwise provided for in the Constitution, ' ; ciation” onbited, eoald it have given ft to a Par nearly every officer the Constitation ex- a wetéral persons? Tt will acarce- | mitted taxation ‘are distinguiched, from cach | Herkghires,.are quite free from/eutancons other by the character of the conditions impas- diseases, their akin being usually smooth jed on them respeetively, aad by the greater i | facility with which debts ‘mey be, incurred for ong nw peseres myn are ex one of the purposes than for another. Tou posed to the oun ud, agcom. pices ipvasion, dic, the Leginlataie. “may cu pred with the Suffolk, ee tract 4 debt without levying a ‘tax to 4 weightast a. heb interdet; for viher nate Tt at MASA beet the ee in every sbi ‘ nally | exerpt yressing taes Of the (inclading the aid te /5);,, ’ T' antinisyed ruilpoads) it cannot, Bus all these sn color, are eta on yield 8 objects are embraced in the same section, and | “*89 preportion ean mcat, ms as reapect their liabilities to come within the | The Essex were first wronghh. tele gene- . } ope ration of the litnitation in Se c. I they all ral nottee fo the United Sta about the gorse ee, ae Ma ig yar TOR: Were pei Indbied b this geape de; Se ( “ 4 | limitation fue haan she ghjeos it aang fer | a G. ve Poe Westchee- janoither. Wa cah scarcely suppose that the | '°T V% their more general in- Constitution intended to éripple the power of troduction, he viug made importations the Legi*lature in borrowing nioney to «np- | fron 1851 to 1854. And he seems to a Prag — of ae wight | have been very fortanate in bis selection ¥e beer already reached; oud in { care 2 ‘ ‘ £ would be impoesible for the State to borrow, ax of asiaple for importation, as he has im- it would not tex to pay either the igtercet or the | ported and bred Frome of the finest ewine printipal, and there & no provisior in auch a} over exhibited in the United States. His 4 case fordeating the quextign to thepeople.+ } Berkshires, Saffolks and Essex were in- watetiduOthen cuisimiowof either of} Lhe copideration of stmnif «i}beutliveo prove) variably of tho finest quality, and bis preasty provides the idnder of appointment, ; Bat fee framéte goom jo have apprehended (a sbbiee oe that home might hare ten omit. and there- | pF a ome iartesion the a ee wenid fore pot fat metal clause to cover ell he wey gieat, ik fet be obtetved too, that this others. Te wed Medora ea lying 20) is note pend? sthedte,’ and, therofare, to be the Ae of, oreating 't office, | strictly comanved, but one reserring rights to would make ’ ess, fur inthe qb-rnce | the peoples aud Sec. 37 of the Declaration of nal provision o& the subject, Rigs” xed to (he Constitut-on, rays: “AN uel would béSaie. for in such abseuee the Tete ee ee ee General A ig cresting an office. wight | people ; must, therefore, receive & liberal anrely preseribe t a shantd ane. constredtipn to advanre the remedy and sup a . press flan anew foreover Saseben wrtne wee oe oe Saat al SS ee weet Te aoe, | ch Pepto ee sueh ‘shall be apyoitted or elected by ‘The oldjaw here hat. alie~ Laginlatwrre the Gevetal Amembly.”. wee “appointed, Yaa ‘iaed Beate del, ard by epithe thats appel tment by the Govern. Bie Sheee of Tole yore oe marie of suse alone. threat AK Second preliminary, qnestion: Ta the act Of the State, and the mbt tenes gab whidh te required to be déne 4 metely utinis- | ple; dy intetided was fo re-trict the , dacur debts, and ax détits may eXOrciee a disctetion Th respect to | t e.building of railroads had been The mot fer- it he performance cannot be compelled by | tile source of abuse, fo restrict fe capecially thandamos. actie merely ministerial fn | 10 Tefereyeeto that’ hy’ reqni dre previog its nature; but it Aeews to me that the time | sutction Of thé yeopie. >. - for its performance Is left digcje:ionary. It The ime reasorms which madlek proper for of | will be observed thatthe language of section, ws to consider the constasutionality of the Ax hbase Act of Bh January, 1869, in refried fo fhe we that as tothe taxation permitted by thisseo tion, thé limitation in es }, ie Wot applicable. | stock have perbaps done more — It mast Be noted chowever” that in‘thia section, |} Heewinc of the country thaa of | (5) there ie no «uch eymmend.an there idin tee, | aay other breeder or importer, | 4,that the taxraised for the olijenis enieoced There have aleo been several later im- shall be levied. on arty alone, Orr ¢ rtati , ; dliray; thet props hohe tert, We eres of Essex hogs made, Samuel ee ; s ’ “horn of Shorndile, Mr. Brewer of Sta- soa, ale ss — = oe Co , and Gen. C. 8, Wainwright, combined, subject uly. tthe. qualifieation | have each mede fmportations of valuable which there i no room_to dispense with, that} Esecx swine. In the hands of these able the tax on property shaifte unifirm and 44} 91.4 att breeders the repatation eee, oo 7 e 9 stot this breed bas rapidly risen to the ' | fi 4c, and fs h 1 ae tp tative aa ects taxon daid the pur- Ton rawk, a1 now per ape as popa ar pret cpchettiplated tn Sec. 5: that It.muat of a: any of the emall breeds, wherever in- {'pecemity be conetined ‘ts only difectory at moo- | trédaced and tried. ¢ Barb oniete Caquisinare ant] trot jts diservance | — {"},. sows are prolife breeders, produc. ann e CMP by ve courts. g a li iff The view which I take of the constitutional we larg littere, but are rather indi ms powers of the Legislainge may pomibly be an. | oUrses. aati®inttory to two Clad: 0% per-ors: td those Ridge Farm, Il. BERKSHIRE. | who are interesed in “the consttuetion: ef new | se jirogds, ap ta those who imegine tha: the SPEC ‘Ke mst vou bad imposed ag abkojute limit to | — 4 AL NOTION“. | taxation for al! frorpoves it shoulf’te | RELIEF ror tur SORELY AFPICTED | remeriBered tliat it is not the duty of within : It was the misfurtane of the oan | te of she Sulzen eh chin Court to make | ryhave eaftered, as few have wens aloes 5 of the actof-the puary, oa See 2 w,-bus v to deciare it as they may : : imperative. it “To secure the eomple- { papell so ares 2 ay) ay wre | tatocanio © mecientiepsly Gnd it to have becn made by thet before, for six long and gloomy —— tion of aid rpad. enopoe bonds of the- State saute Article. Section saya: “The General Ae are hereby gathnrived to he isewed.” ac. 1! sembly shall Jevy & eupithtion fax dn every { ‘be sappoeed that fhe Legiviatore it | age, “which shail be éqmal. on each Wo the tex fargo this word its proper weights it can ’ male fnhvhitaut “bf the “Stare”. between Mertafn | . to Wiake it tive on the Govern- | ov property valued at $300 in cash,”. “and the; OF ind Treddurér to tect Hone mes ‘bords | Rite ahd Commty caplintivp-tax combined, shall trite aihiiagt af $900.000 Ymuwediately on | never exceed twoxdollars'on the bead.” It is sage of the aut WRhogt any regata | teo Fisin to admit of an argumenty that the in- the pfice at ites they could be aold. It | tent of thimseetion was ¢o establish an invari- ould never have been intonded that the} ble proportion between the poll tax and she State should be thas. made the vietim of the | Property tax, and that bs the formes, is kumited broker of Wall Street withot help from any | fwo re on ¢ poe ™ es to SW | doliar#6n the three hundred” dol valtafion panes. . Tim language was. therefore, puc- | of property, The ntotives for oaks dashes posely permissive only, aud the intention was | may ha inferred Seem tebteitbiens of fhe Cor- that the Governor shuuld put these bonds on | gitution itself, without looking at the debates in bthe market only ax funds might be rieeded for | Convention to. which we were referred. The | the workef the » Audeorty when in his} Constitution aiinitted tothe shffrage a Clas of opinion the ae offered was a rensonable | persons who had never been eniitied to it be- diséret' one, That ion he his exereised by re- | fore, equal in numbers to aboutome-half of the fasttig to deliver therm at this time, former voting population, and this class wis at “T eamelade from these cofdidetatiotie. Ist. | that time almost mméveraally destitute df prop- That the Directots of the University Kailroad | erty. It was foreseed as nt Testst postitile in # Company were such pubtic officers as required | *mewhat-aitnatural: contition ‘of things \ben coufirmativn, by. the Senate: that the ap- | existing, thot whichever of. thee two a fatuient oe aes le by. the Ger- should obtoin a majority in the Legislature, paar | ae pace aT we tne might attempt to\ put on the other and undue ernur slang ary invalid, aod that eonseqaent: portion of the-public burdens ‘titrourh taxation y the iuehvate corporation eeatanplated by | to prevent the cen iseation of by nom4 Act has not yet been perfected. There bers, a proportion whs estal'l ; fo. prevent being be \pershiv ie esse entitled to tecelte ihe oppression-of numbers by property, the alt icgislative Tepresentativer of the pedple ‘To | 8% affection of his feet and first clase it ta be farther suggste: thet if the | by overwork, during the first year of the leto | ends in querten areco necesaxty to the welfare }V@T- During all that time. he was compell- j of the Stateas to. make their construction at | ed to drag his emaciated frame about, on | shis time ander the prosent circunisiances wise | erutches.. In vain he tnvokéd the best med- hd jotlicions, it is not prpbable that the people | eal talent of the eountry; and visited the 1 will refuse that sariction which they have re most evlebrated inedicinal Springs: Worn tained the right to give or refuse, ard which if | down and exhaasted, he gave up all hope of given avolds all farther qtcstions. To the sec- Lrecovery. At this stage of his case, having ond clas it may be <aggested, that the atiempt tO) been governed by his medical friends, from limit the L cislative power of taxation in the | th. beginning, he determined to adopt a manner of this Constitution is nhatether nove lL, athod of tre h It of hi aud if aahort experience has shown it to be | Eth of treatinent, the resalt of his own | wise, it in entitled to tre credit of being origi. | Aection. ft fs enough to ny. thet this hal; that no conatitutional pentticalens, however inethod is not so mach new, as it is, the more | akiti Milly drewh, @n everferm an efiectual bar- | Skillfa) -application of what has been long rier to the effects of legislative folly or venali- | Known, aud attempted by the Physicians. j ty; that if legislators necessarily are entrasted ” After rome weeke of the most unwearied | WHA great powers over the extutes of their con- | and pefsevering efforts, he was rewarded with stituenta, the possesion uf such wer shotild | the most gratifying results. Indeed, his rap- lead to an increased care in selecting them ; and | td improvement and reeovery, was almost | Ginaily, that by the eonsttaction w i have | magical—se mnoch so that in looking back } endeavored to maintain, ihe “two aject= | upon hiseondition a year ago, he ean, even of 15, Cones to this subject | yw, hardly realize the truly wonderful im- | will iatve been natained, the Sotarity of the ex- | ‘ test i | provement. es erates ON vine ee | Profoandly grateful for this extraordinary blessing: he is desirans of being the means T have purposely. f of diffusing sifpiler benefia to those who any of the 1 enta of } may be similarly afflicteds He therefore, Gouheel Were Magee Oak PoriBle, arising out, Propeses net only to treat, bat CURE, all traatdinary cirow wbeolute and certain Timnit to its (ntuwe i 4 the bonis sputea-of in the et: therespood. | ux was Hoitd.. FB proportion and this in| nal af fiualy Aitpatann, cave auch as old aot icemnaitone’d exteorsiticn, ta ents ciuld aot IWwiully iseae “them, ud— | ir apply equally to all That the ict to Be perforin d wis pifposely | not with equal force, As to some,,it is abeo- ‘We to the time of its perfor- | lutely imperative, vand @ tax laid contrary to ite , aT hetiee cannot be downinanded. by proving Woujd be void. Aa to others, from : i a ; no wetture of the objects‘ of the tax, fiom = this ¢ourt. ‘a ae TAG eo. views ‘dispose Of “the present the of the Constitation, it weemne to cans 4 igh give to go farther into the _ be merely. digectory ; that, ee : ad, | consideration | e wal questions which rewed to the discretion, of tire gene to be handed, if possible, te consirte (with the ‘bare been. ott aoe As we are.| stiainment of tite reat ohject« TO Chante thag the pri ‘ ) pait Was $> | gon, but if these cannot be wtrsined within the obtain the: df this, court onthe. con- | tiniteand proportions prescrilixd, then, to be stivationality.ef that part of the Act-of 80th | disregarded, aud of this posibility. the Legiela- Jaguary, 1860. which guthorizes the issue of | tore mist necessarily be the exclusive judgex.— State bondstorbuildsheL ni versity Railrow#di "The important question is; what are the excep- und ot.the constitutional limifof State taxd-{ tions from the general rule: 1. It seems to me ; as and aware of the profound interest that the interest. and principal of the public whieb both questions raz | debt which exist d at the adoption of the Con- a the hed the State: eT i. seni, ancl Which was not roan aed as hav- porta, jews Which:wifl result fron incurreél in rt of the rebellion, is ow ncaontae Se wth neil Vien bs tre hwnd “ht Conecttach mm, in re- +} it hae fred & fered opinion oar tte eS " of the State, shows.a manifest . : twas thep owing shonjd be ick wn te goof’ on secured and finally aid, and ‘ft should he we " Tt may be possibly amend- cared and finall pal, and it should nét be in- v for any but the moet necersary we f OF Ee Cire neal qreetious mep: | for much ag were supposed 10 be en,) aud then net whatever, OWL Hoe which were, and also. df_questions which in not of primary importanes, over such as old and ill-eonditioned Uicers of the : lege & Varieosé Véins ; ‘Weak and evlarged might atice fn Case the war | Joints, &e., no matter of how long standing. tonty-athorb.the fill Timitt “of ewte for State | Ipig Gtie of the gréat wdvantages Of his purposes, leaving no ee yt | thodeof treatment, that no restrictions are | agate rer, * thie do not-natt finpésed.cu the patient. a8 regards diet, exer | Sionaoaet ace ee wy my bog a sy a ores ey 20 Peat Fors hE * with thatdue to the meni ory.ae wall ale gor ; | ga to the imperative ‘parts of-ike Constitation f ¢ Charges shall he th accordance with | which #-peuple have a right. to expect, it is the general depression of the times; and those | scarcely pos-BBte tct snch questions can ever | feally Widigents will be treated “without mon arise. it would -be unWwe and not in confor-}ef.and withoat pricy.” - mity with the practice of this Court to under- EDWARD SILL. M D | wr to decide a, in advance, Feb. 12—tf Salisbury. N.C. ! n my opinion the judgmentof the learned | === —— . Judge below rhould be rivited “and-tiw' cont [pAnKeurr Sale of Land. +f Wii | plaint dismissed. Rowman, J. sell at the house of S¥. Porter Grabain, ee near Rowan Mills, on Saturlay the Wath day of | An English geutleman lately settled gt August next, the VALDABLE LANDS belong- Warrenton, Va., has imported five Eas Pinisnate foe divided into small tracts glish fix hounds and two fux torricrs. to seit pemmhacenn, . Honry J Ray mond died worth $450. |. Mr. Grabam will be pleased to show the land 000; a little over $250.000 of which was 6 arty one to porchiase. in real estate and the balance. ia person; ee ne Y. SIMONTOS, | al property, jolf 30— tds Assignee vi W. P. Grakag ‘compare thie Old North State with suai @ paper “Weh to say to our) as the Richmond JWVhig iu. ability and, : friend of We know'that he | bug shele poured has. been : is alwago fealy io listen to friendly eounse, poured. bse been shapes tigation. and ¢hat he wilt’ not tréat it with comtumely:| And the Standard ism: fn supposing | Cntthe we have the. misfortune not tof thet our Represents no's of ‘popular be. We haye.‘always’ recognised: opinion North, Carolina, It Fepreseuts,” in the of the Old North | Stale aman of) conpectiah with several oiier papers dle views , aud legal ability,» We hae fogel and ts’ at oe a the most and the midst |'Oh end’ Papronizeth by a. . Serer tat vi “he. ny i ae "daar te i ai he eer ey party whose y re the most um acéordance with ‘his own, and not go ‘“sloshing about” hifting at every one ‘without regard to rhyme or reason. At present be is a polstical;: whose hand is ‘against every one, and: who experiences consequence fn the fact. that eve: is : aguinst him,* He- is, polidieally speaking, neither fieh, flesh, nor fowl. He is .a political bat, . Democratic beasts bite, at him, the Repub- lican eaglea swoop at him, Conseqiently he views the world with a spleeny and and’ misan- ic gaze, and curses it for it: stupidity.— The worid retaliates only by's ae inac- tivity,” which however, isthe worst thing for toa it can do; -as it tends to make him of 0 y consequence, Thas the Old North ‘State represents no party and no.shade of popu- lar opinion. It merely represents the man who edits it, A paper which represents the views of but one man has no jniluence, and recieves no consideration frgi the people. * Vox-populi, vor Dei ! Let our brother remomber his failings, join some party, and when he fights Le fighting for somebody as well as against somebody. t him Bye for sqme purpose, and battle for some hjeet. These pre words of wisdom, or words : to that etiegt,— Standard. rn We take the advice whith, thei Saw ui has Voluntcerod tis as having bedn-well "ahd Kindly riedsit, ~ But we must inform it’ that vain‘as we are, ahd vain as we acknowledge ourself to be, we are not’ vain enongh to allow ourself to be ‘deceived and flattered by the ironical allusions which it makes to our “great falent~ and legal Wility,” and to our being the “aiost able of al! the ‘editors {n the State.” — We hope that our contemporary’s- friendly ad- vice has net been prompted by the fact that in o x “sloshing about” we have been so lucky as > — influence and its subsequent exertions, the policy | | which iv@dvocated is trinm plant, and whep all | are ready 4o admit that had its counsels prevail- | odin, 18677 Virginia would be much better off | ; | Dhatl the mow ts.” OF'Bourve we do hot iyeatyto | spectable class Gf min, charpy, weamy ph ih among its readers’ as"imahy, jf not mote of ) Fepresents.the views of all that’ class’in North Carolina pdinguired delight. It represents the views of theréally patristic and practical Conservatives of the State, of both par ties, who, disdarding ‘the abatract principlgs et parties pf the dead past are determined to live and Tabor for the present and futare of North - . and the whole country, It represents those Who are’ for proyerzing Untarnished the good faith ie. fate tle governmeit—State and national. It will mever, while ander: the control of its preseut editer, betome the organ of any party that Openly’ advocates repudiation. save and except in éases. of mere abstractions, and it will dontinue to be a0 conducted while we con- trol it.. Never his it been so prosperous a3 now, and-never have we received so maby words of approval and encoxrazem sat avat present... The | Bamber of “political bats” in North Carolina is | vastly geeater than the Standard gupposds.— | There are enough of them to form a large and | tespectable party—endugh to put to fight all the “radical eagles,” alids “mousing owls,”- in the | State. And sooner or later a parcy of them will | be organized for that purpose. And they will suc- ceed, And:he who may be very properly styled thé Wetis.of North Carolina cannot save him- self and his personal adherents ‘by discarding and turning their backs ungratefully ‘upon the “Carpet-Bagyery,” They are more odious than | General Assyuubly . the best men of both political r tes, . It Mumbers | ested. the intellectualand feading men, of the | i State: than any. paper in North Carolina west ; of Raleigh and, perhaps, éast of it,” Ir} The who hailed “ the new movement”. in | hand |, Virginia with sincere and u 2 It has ever been condiicted'mpon high priiiciple, |'to explain to us what the Court had decided: in a of the State in existence at the time the present constitation was adopted ; the taxation necegss | ¢ ry to defray all the expenses pneceiaary to a proper administration of ernment; the specific tax.to be 1880 for struction applied, ‘in the last instance sta- ted above. We confess that any distinction cat be made betwect bonds al- ready issued and, those 10 be, hgreaftcr issued for the purpose of completing ynfinixied: rpilronde in which the State has'ay interest. Nor was it entirely clear to us front reading the opinions of the Judges that #ich ction “had beth made To satidly ‘our ming, enable “us “ty give our Feaders reliable information on this subject, we personally applied to Ghief Justice Pearson relation to it... Tits apaweiwas that the degision did not inany way teffect the bond} already isnied for such purpdses, “buf prevented the issne of ary more until ge mych of the State's lebt sha Cer seen ine te figed by the equation. Other,intelligent gentle, men, presént at the time, understood the Chief |” Justice just as we did. ne. Though the Vimritétion ts shorn of mitch of ft force, it-is still of very great impertance to” the people of the State, The debt al existing must be paid, both principle and interest ; the Penitentiary mustbe built; the Dedfand Dumb and Insarie Asylums must be supported ; all the necessary etpenses of the Sfate goverhiixent, or dinary anid extzacrdiuary, must be paid. by raise the means necessary to do all this there is eae | hour, % ti i. ’ bee epee Dae and the address of Mr. Benson M. ‘ty have “hit” the Standacd, and that it has felt | the latter class, a}, sooner or later, they will be | no limit to the poiber of the legislature to tax pro- j ~ the Association then adjourned the blow. Indeed, it canmot have been caused | made to feel and understand. perty. But the tax on the poll, which is appro. | un 8 o'clock, P. M. : . by any such incident. The paper which is eee | priated”to other purposes, rot, In’ any event, ‘ + | ~ AFTERNOON SESSION “ the leading journal of the South,’—which has} . Ovt.— After deliberating for a few days the exeeed two dollars: On the other hand no far: | The Standard answers our question in relation to the | ther additions can be made to the debt of the Tegmessee election.” After covéring Stokes al] | State for years to come—uptil the -presept debt over with’ the most “fulsome comp! iments it | is so: far paid off ato reciice the taxation neces- | comes out for-Seinter. Jt reminds: us of the man | * wy to meet the principal and interest of it, tox who, when he supposed he was. dying, prayed | gether with ae ok attire ane alternately to the “Good Lord” and the ™Good | to Iéss than 663 Gents on ‘the $100 worth of pro- nd Prof. J. A. Mard Devil.” Upofi being asked what he meant he perty. This decfsion, therefote, saves the honor ae cee as cane replied: “I dop’t know which hands I may | and good faith of the State. For the political pro- | ciation, happen to fall ifm arid I think it wike policy w | fligacy ofthe times is anch,that withoat this limi- | tation of their power the legislators of the Siate | t, had would soon ran up the public debt to an amount | es of the tn that would compel repudiation. The public debt | pittee wale di of the State, as reduced and fixed by thie deci- | On miction’ of Mr. We are as mrich amused at the Standard’s re- | sion, can be borne, hut it could not be borne, pointed, was so amended as to read: ply to our article of last week ‘as the Standard | with any considerable addition to it. Se, upam | Resolved, That a committee can powibly be at any thing we said, It ahows | the whole, there is great reason to rejoice at this boasted wie ee yeas and a half that “what the Ric! Rayvirer oace was to Vir- ginia; What the Louisville Journal once was to Kentucky; what the Clsarleston Mercury otice was to South Carolina, that the Standard now is to the South,” could not possibly have felt a blow dealt by so feeble a hand as ours. “The Democratic beasts bite at him, the -Re- publican eagles awoop athim.” We have neith- ‘er felt nor seen “the Democratic beasts,” nor have we been aware of the 4 swooping of “the ' Ropiiblican eacles,” nor, indeed, of the existeuce . of the majestic bird in North Carolina. It is pox tliat, humble as we are, we have been awked at by edme mogsing ‘Republican’ owl,” ‘but we have not been “killed” by it, Nor are be on good term, with both.” _— +o —_ THE STANDARD, lea a political | Ishmael against whom every | no skill in dialectics whatever, end there is ro- | decision of our Saprenre Court. | dren deomptaly doa i tote ae We nddell one’s hand is raised and whose hand is against | ally nothing in it meriting a rejoinder at our | : ae ae in regard to appein ing separate Committees on every oii. Nor is it true that “the Old North | hands. To show that the Standard was “caught” | THE RANKRUPT PRINTING AGAIN, ioe ‘exh which ye referred to State represents no shade of popalar opinion,” | it only necessary to let our regdgys see how it | , — | phe hag cominittec, : founders in its attempt to es¢ape. For instance! Qa the 16th of July, in replying to a para- eae, Wasi eatin bens f Od canis is not for us to | the Standard says: “The whole article,” of the | graph in the North Cvoliniag, we referred to 9 | ypon the table. The President introduced Mr. Willie J. Pal- or thu “it moraly repeasepis the man who | elits it.” Asto its inflame ic aperk, bat we mast be parmitted to say some- | Old North Stite, “regarding amnesty is based | repgrt which Wa were informed had been made thing of “the consigeratiog wich it receives | @pon our —- failure to answer a question by the Judiciary Committee of the Senate Oe Sa vs ee from the people.” | jt asked us.” Now the fact is that we stated | relation to the Binkrapt printing, We wade ; addres inctrectt ° W henaverthére is an organized party in North | im thé simplest langage, as our readers will re | this statemoni apon what we regarded as the) Myr, Palmer (st alluded tp the important Carolina which we can honestly and conscien- | member, that the Standard an«wered “positively | hest authority, for we had no: then seen the re- {sition which the youth of the piesa tiously join we shall do so. But we shall never | that it ie ‘Not in favor of the passage’ of such | port, a+ we stated incidentally ut the time. — pyran aa ots eee parrender our right of private jud zm nt oroar in- jan Act.” We did not comptwin that the Siar- ; Our informant, who is 8 lexding member of the b ae eae aber shieane He ‘depmdeacs of action uareservediy to any party. | dard failed to answer our question, as the read- | Repablican party and a gentleman of high char- | : i F I necessity of education in an economical poi We kaow fall woll what we could have mae by | et of that paper will be led to suppose. We | acter, who resides in a distant part of the Styte, view as tending to lane fe ‘ = cuting oar lot with the party now dominant jn | oaly complained thai it gave negative gnewer | promised to send a+ 4 copy of the repért apon {09S satpeuieat. Me gave 9 fells x Pfam ‘North Carolina. In January 1887, in Washing. | when we had’ right, (rom ite previgs artictes,| hia return hows ‘This proaitze he complied | Prwns “onduin of esamelien in © toa City, a leading Repablican member of Con- | 4 expect an affirmative auswer, | with a few days ago, and it appears in our col- | faw, unged the press urged as, in tha presdnce of Mr. Boyden, | On the point of public law which we raised | amns this week. Oar informant was mistaken ‘acational Amociations Yo join the Ritical party and publish & radical | the Standard caings that it Tas aware of the | tn the commitioe which mie the repost, The | a the ws paper, oferinz to pleizo himself that we shoald | distinctions to which we réfered, and that it was | report was made by a committee of the Honse | | ; ——- ‘be supported by the fund: of the party North.— | much better aware of the couree ttker, by the | of Representatives instead of the Somste, bat im-| and ed the chy rd Soon after that we received a letter from a prom- governmert than we seomed tote. This may | all other respects it is substantially what oar im t train #0 that they wight Tnent member of the Badical party in North | be 60, bat ho ose conjd powsibly have eappoded formant said it was, Bat the fet dhgt the re- | aoe is casein ke oie Carolina, urging the same thing, and pledging us | % from reading its article. And ‘his attempt to | port was made by a committee of the House im-! 50 adjourned to 7} clock, P, M. : pecuniary support upon the assurance of the | *cap® here is by saving that he prefers the | stead of the Senate doss.got detract from itewal- | . same Republican member of Congress who had | 9pinion of Congress to that pf the Supreme {we as an anthosity in the slightest degree. Cn| 7), according to ad- approached usin Washington City. We were re- | Court on a question which jt is the epécial pow- bene committee were many able lawyers, tqela- leant Minutes of the afternoon atedly informed, just before and just after the | ¢T of that tribunal to decide. It says the opin- | ding the chairman, Judge Poland, Mr. Jenckes, | reed and approved. eS ° passage of the Reconsiruction Acta, that if we | ion alluded to by us was given by ome man. | the suthdr and dtaftman of the Bankrupt ton | ee Oe oe —— ; poulg make up ovr mind to go with the Radical ; If the Standgrd kno ys half a8 much as! Mr. Boyden and others. ‘ a > o 7 party fully, any office in the State, save that of | it pretends to know, it knows that the Prize; What the committes man ia ptain from she | sehool of Governor and the judicial offices, would be open | Case", and also tire case of Mri. A'exander’s | language of their report. ‘here ia, indeed, no \ ted, tows The former we could not have becanse | Coton, was decided by the Supreme Coutt of | mistaking the meaning of Section 11 of the | —— vy A Gov. Holden was to be rewarded with it; and | the United States, a quorum, if not ail of the | Bankrupt law, whether construed sisigly or in | Coie stat wee one @ 4 the Bill Fig the latter we could not have because we had not [Judges belng pagent. It alo knows that Con- connection with the ocher parts of the law.+=| and pd im perative Y tute: been regi:lar]y Lred to the law, and knew noth- | STe™, a* we Tas the Sopreme Court, acknowledg- When the R-gister ism a warrant—and he ig whe tet fngabout it. Ln consequeyce of our Union record, | @/ and treate!, the Confaterates as beligerents | snes then tu ql voluntary cases—it belongs to | me . wa inferior t6 that of no avan in Noth Carolina, of. | during the war, As. to the wgeorance which I ficial position and fortune was open to us by | we charged it with exhibiting in relacion tothe him to specify in what paper the notices shell | can te only the Agent of the people; pon be pablinhed “to be governed by the necessities and | the incr rr, ie re goigg with a certain party, and we well krew it provisions of the 14th Amendment it makes no | circumstances of each ptrtiewlar nse.” And the = * tod ¥ And all the time, too, our poverty was grinding | attempt to relieve itseif It gonclades by tell- | word “Cort,” in section 29 has reference =| ee ; — ° | ’ us in the dust and well nigh crushing out our | ing us, what it told us before, that it is “in favor! much to ths Rewgister’s tort as the court of the the existence of a lenge capes was of existence. From the other party we could not /0f having removed the disablilitics of every | District Judge. And the word “District” has | fal ntility, in proof of which examples from oth- and did not expect anything. Indeed | man who asks it,” | reference na much to the Register’s as to the | er States were cited. He urged that taxation fot from many members of it, and especially We have given our readers a fair idea of the | Judge’s District. Of this there can be no doubt, ved Were mee ah ft mat Be beet on from the Jegislature of 1866~67, we cxperi- Siandard’s article, and they will see that it is | at least there was mong in the mind of any mem- | aiffoult td meet, still and a enced very unkind treatmen’. But we could | to sey the least of it, a very poor crense aaa | ber of the comimittes, as we haye been informed | ble ; n of public not go conecientigu-ly with the Radical | reply to an opponent Which f decms of mali by @ member of it, <2Amdthecommittpe say that | 3 Oe ieas “Yin nee ae party nor did we Wepreservad onr inicg- | cient importance to attempt to answer at al] | “the general prottive under the low hasbeen in as) ng repel is ; that een imi ¥ity, our self-respect and our poverty together. | ——_—~-a— j cord with thags view, endl the different ruling of the | gration will render taxstion easy; ang prey No part of the cnormities which have been in-| THE RAILROAD AND TAXATION | sutzes,” wie have Redd otherwise, * can at once be | maferial and moral eee er | corrected hy application in that behalf to to | oT tiis I | Jadgevof the Cireait, which is provided in the | 557: Lang ah, adventurers and more unprincipled natives can | — j be laid to our charge. And we rejoice that we are We publish this week the very able and elab- | bankrnpt law itself.” | colleges than, jails and “one or two” of the | er to the State to have able to sey so trothfnily. We have been at all | orate opinion of Juatice Rodman in the Manda-| The committee say that | er 1 i ith ip Gini 38 Wifling t6 join with the moderate Repub- | mar case of the University Railroad Company | District Judges have ruled differently from what | veeses, Ong id ee eahst licams, as the Courervatives of Virginia have re- | vs. W. W. Holden. In this case the taxation they are unanimously of the opinion the law is. ar address the Assbciati which eoatly dors, to sava the §:a‘e from tho control of | question was discussed at length and the opinion ne of these tio, one is Judge Brooks, of North | most happy manner, Masteating the vampires who are fa+t tucking from her the | of all the Jadges given. This decision, as we | Carolina, and the other was Judge Hitt, | guments most’ todo so still. Bat we will never join a par , and we endeavored to let cur reader understand | shove report Judge Hill changed his ruling, tions recommended adopted ty whoxe policy and principles we cannét en- | clearly what we anderstood it to be. And, as|ieaving the maiter with tho Register’s in all| Resolved, That a somuntioee of A Yorse, whatever of position ot gain may offer if- | our srticle Iaxt week way not have been perfect- | voluntary eases, which amended rule we Fin |the Pride aha = fora ven flicted upon the South by unprincipled political | QUESTION AGAIN. aalfas the reward of such course: To will! ly cles, we will repeat what we tinderstand the | lished at the time. Ar present, if the committes : preserve ouy self-respect, die in our poverty and | Conyt have decided in reference to taxation. _| was correctly informed, Jadge Frocks stands bling sate, 2 : hand over our wile and children to the cbld chari- | The limitation and equation fixed by the Con- | alone in giving aa unjost and ualawful mongpoly | friends of tes of the first, The Standard bas 'madé | stitution is held to ba valid. “The section in to » single paper,—for the Pioneer gets but little the great mistake of advising from the sfand- | which this limitation sad equatica is fixed says: of the prihting—which, as we charged on a for- point of a professional politician one who is cal “The General Assembly shall jevy 9 capitation | mer oceasion, has swindled the unfortunate |, and never can bs such @ chiricter, ~ tax on every male inhabitact of the State” be- | bankrupte and their creditors out of at least ‘We said js was riot for us to speak of the in- | tween certain ages, “which shall be equal on each | $40,000, Whether he qill continue his present fivence of our ‘paptt, Bat we will spdak of it, | to the tax on property valued at $200 in cash,” | rule remains to be seen. The whole bar, as in worthdlen. Wo reviily almitthat ithas, by not | “and the State and county capitation tax com-| as we have heard, including the U. 8. Distfl f stueing exactly with any party ih the State, at ‘bined, shal] never exceed two dollars on the | Attorney is against him. This, with the repor} le.at 96 far‘ as policy is ‘concerned, exercised no ' head.” Bat this part of the Constitution is very | of the Committee which we publish thie week, influence whatever in the affairs and politics of | properly construed with reference to, and in | ought t8 convince Judge Brooks of his error, if tho State. Nor did the Richy gad Wai, the connection with, certain cther parts of the ee-me | he is not already convinced.’ . adlast ad] mbit sagacions, as well 43 the most | instrument. The result is that while the Court | We have no longer any pecuniary interest in Couservative paper in Virginia, exercise any’ | recognizes the validity and binding force of this | the matter,—the practice under the ‘ { Saones in the politios of that State for nearly | limitation and equation, the taxation necessary | law is nearly over. We do not ask any fayors to yours after tid preage of the Reconstruc- | for certain purposes it excepted from its opers- | of Judgé Brooks nov, and wo never did, We tion Acta, save the silent influence whieh it ex-| tions. simply asked that the bankrapt printing might aioe erie] op thé minds of individuals, Yot it has| ‘The exceptions are: The taxation necomary | be distributed axgording 10 lae—nothing more fived to see the time when, mainty by that tilent to par the intgren on the very Jaye pubite debe | nor nothing lem Wee expected to get our share e pany 1 asany nee ew’ Ashociation to betheld’ar"Tretitst, N! J., on aids es ye t y Loe se made orn brig a Bh ee . tins 2 to examine school books in use, with ‘ view |. | ‘ PRINS tar iaiey nr ee ¥ os Ca lading ee oP 3 oP oy a todo moon ha ae t - nsor 4 - Be rs ps ai nin a cen Fo eed A ; ‘the Committ 2 UD this cor ang, Set, “ f " oer ll ci | it was yi f That of Natural Sciente in edacational systems, re- stocker eye jphy, ouf'i the condition of the my a the rise of modern sciencé among it of suédessive Sreuries. He picture of college 'tifé hun- | ago; the dead’ then all in the effects of that training.’ He to the report of the mi of Rar- liament in favor of modify; purse of Sipe ood aie eat te in the dif, ferent departments of science. | wed the progress of improvement in our : ¢ insti- tutions, new era of cosmopolitan aad ipter- orn cpetteeti ee ea ees oe true representatives e . need of remodeli Ser Hyethee i tadlectie, 10 meet the practical demands of the ‘hour, that there was no but a He ‘aid ‘that in Coleg, ‘that iation, and that he appreciated the kindness with whieh he had been received. . oa “ to meet at Morrisville, at such time ay the Execu- tive as . YORK, Paestpeyr. Hexay A. Loxpos, Jr., Seerdary. Te From the Baukropt Register of Feb. 10, 186", 401rn Co%Garss—ip Smetos—lHovsr or Rer- RESENTATIVES—Rerort No, 9. PUBLISHING NOTICES rs BANKRUPTCY (Te accompany Bill H.R No. 1701.) Jawvary 22, 1869.—Ordered to be printed and pessmnerendenye Sp Conpreneny 7 te Reyidipn of the Laws. Boland, from the Committee on the Re- Mr. yision of tie Laws, made the following EPORT . the Laws The Committee on the Revision of ‘No. 1701, entitled "An act to amend the seventh section of an act ’ act mod FE F et if x | i ta k ii i F = : F i oF g $ + SR E i rt F rH { : F FF 2 d i Bi 2 F. é 5 if 3 F uf i f & i i : E es i a 5 8 HJ z Q g ® 4 5 i E ? F i t rs fl e F & it re 1 3 te l e ; 8 i z z x 2 i ® a A rt fi Fe e 5 i z. if ae Fr e e E it which | © Plead Anew af within its terms and sid rom ot 8 Gee nT a i .| Worth Carolina, ae aati oes | er) SALISBURY MARKETS AUG, 6, 1869. BEPORTED BY J. A- MCCOSNAUGHEY, OnocgR, Bacon, Per pound, cerseeg-ee AT ta 20 Coffee, vreane eka ie ge 38 Cora, busb, of 66 Ibs., ...- te 100 ** Meal, bush. 4 - Pie 100 Y T i'w oe Candles, Tallow. ar Z * * Adamantine, 7< S to Cotten, per poun to 27 vs vern>yer back. 2 00 to 2.25 Ege, per dozen, eret + 12t0° 18 feathers, per pound, ...4.3.-.- 4Bito 45% Pigap, per sack. weetenccee GMO tu 6.58 Fish, Mackeral, 06 Oe 1 eack e 824.98 cS ef wae: Pes Prait, dried, a esled. ., a tt + 6 a ome et i oe + © Peaches, pealed, .. pT] ‘ “ “ - wypenied. * ° to eather, © per pogad, . . t er ool BR S fron, bar, “ ee ,8 té 8 ” e@nstings, ” ° 8e. wv Naila, cut, * conssencee Sle 2 Molasses, sorghum, per ga .....-+ @e ou “ WestIndia, “ . eee 3t 2 “Syrup. © - -woeccsicve 1. to + Onions, per berahol, : £0 hes Potatoes, ise ter bushel, . 2 to 3 “ ont “ _ - 1H te Sugar, Brown. mod, .... e 14 “ Clanacd nm 18 t oe * Crushed Pulverized Dw 20 Salt, coast, per sack, . 2.1% to 9.76 * Liverpool, - -« 2,90 te 3.00 — ;: a7 . =e co, Leaf. le > . to er eeetaeen it ands Smoktps. coven oe 6 ob 1 GON DOD NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TIMF TABLE--N. C. RAILRORD. TRAINS NORT)'« ee ee ee pO. sO. | antes teave dante) Uae. Garbic.....| 0mm. ttbag Salicbery,.... 1098 Pow Jers: * OOP iw ose“ Greens or’ ..) 113 a we. 1 Bem, OF pa. Ca. Shope,....) 300 * | O89 EM |) 60a Raleich... 7 7 * ‘eM. ee Goldseere'’,... 10.20 * | wre TRAINS SOUTII: = mee =) eee _ oe ARPrTe. | RATE | ARRIFR. ReAeS etiseor® | ~ 00 | Ts % Oe we 620 * 10600m 1140 ~ Co. Shope, | 05° * feve © | BAP 2 Greensboro’, 16a. wo 191 ae SoS. 60 * Sallebery, £44 ae ae a Chariot, | 45 ~ | Co + | This Schedu'e makes all the commegtions, East and Wet PREIGHT TRAINS ©) met ron bore’ euly whee there is Deerrsity for it, Breight Pitt be Grote hy vegubar- ty by the passenger traio. ALSERT JON NEON, ue General Superintendent. TIMK FABLE W.N. C RAILMOAD. GOLNG WEST. ~~ MILES. STATIONS. Anniver. LEAYE. Salisbury, 2354am. 30654 mu. 13. Third Creek, 412 4:17 p>] Statesville, 17 6:22 132 Pigtt's 657 5:59 33 Cat 6:29 6:4 ® fikeytwen is be ‘avern, : 70 re o-02 9:07 (80 Morganton, 47 GOING EAST. ‘ FES. STATIONS. , ARRIVE. RAVE. . i 8:30 P.M, PY) | Tayern, iss =m hie 30 — 5:50 42 «Catawba, 6:43 6:48 48 3 i 7:20 85 i 2 8:00 Mg 9:00 9-05 ’ 1617 orth Sursrtor Cotrr. “Witkus (busty. Spring Term, '869 Mary Jane Brown, against t Petition for Divorce. Daniel G. Brown, It appearing to the satisfaction of tbe goort that Dasiel G. HKrown, the defendant in this vase is not a resident of thie State: It iqthere- fore ordered by the court that service of Sum- mous upon satd defendant be made by publica tion in the “Old North State,” once a werk for sia weeks successively, notifying liitn toep pear at the next term of the fuperivr Court for the cooniy of Wilkes at the Qopnrt-Houtg in Witkesboro’, on the 4th Monday alter the 3d Monday in Angast 1869, and answer the said petition, or the same will be heard and graut- éd. This 3d day of Angust, 1869. G. H. BROWN, erk Superior Court for Wilkes cou s1—seter tee $7) ~ Suprktur Covert, Caldwell Coanty. § Speing Term, 1869, Robert Estes, agaiust James H. Collett, Ty this case it ig made to azpear to the sat- sifacticin of the cumrt that the defendaht Jas. H. Collett resides beyon{ the limits of the State: It is therefore-ordered by the court that publication be made in the “Old North "sa ey published in Sa‘isbory, +'C., for six weeks anecessively, notifying the defendant that he be’and eat at the Hext tern of our Superior Contt to be held for the county of Caldwell ‘at the court hotse in Lenoir, on the 8th Monday after the 3d Monday in August next. then an?’ there oF demu, oa pro confosgo will Be twken against him. *Withess. BR! R. Wakefield, clerk of our nid court at office the 8th Monday af the 3d day jn Mareb 1869.” * R. R. WAKEFIELD. o. . o. 31—Ow—fpr feo $8)” Attachment. si e { he ek» Ps “i Pah at ote L. Soliton, t ‘ety a > A. vin, Fiabe 1 the “Dre vo caro : Dreiog Comps, Defeodasis, lina Ore : fF Marth Caroling ; “To Amos Howes and the Norti Carolina Ure * Dressing Company—Greeting, * 7 obedience to an order from Hon. John M: Cload, Judge plihe 8th Judicial Dist: ict of this State; Yomare hereby commanded to re- wary t Screwron Covnr. Reuben Ff. Holmes, Vuley- rain ney, B. B. Rov- by agents, serva early | this July 80, 1869. 3 | orth frain from working, or in any manuer vsing anf the Gold Hill. property as described in winGAs complaint, either by yourselves or dor pitorneys. to appear before the Judge of our Superior Court at the ‘in Salisbury,,ourthe 28th day of pher.nex’, then-aud. there to show cause the jujndetion shall not be covtinued till iment he rendered in this action ; d ring to the satisfaction of the jat’ dae diligence the defendants found within the State, but tat de- s.are non-residents of this State, it is the court.that service of this order farinjanction be made by publication for six wecks inthe “Old N State" newspaper, eommanding the def Ate to tat the ieand piace designated, then and there to sliow eause why an injunction shall sot be granted till he judgment be rendered ih this action, Given under my hand and seal of said court a, A, JUDS9N MASON,: jerk Superior Court Rowan County, mitetameer” 2 Pokus teers. } Surenror Cover. Riiegbeth Jonkine, Administrator of Wm. Jen- kins, Deceased, Plaintiffa, 4Gaixst The North Carolina Ore Dressing Company, De- fendan‘. sCMMOXS . It appearing vpon affidavit that the defend- ant is a foreign corporatioe, and there is wo of- ficer or agent of said corporation to be found withim the limits of this State; Tt is ordered wit pablication be made in the “Old North State” newspaper for six weeks notifving the defendant to be and appear before the Judge of the next Superior Court to be held for the cointy of Bowan at the Court Honse in Sali-- bury, on the 3) Monday in September and answer the complaint fof said Plaintiff a copy of which is Med in the Superior Court office. Tf the eaid defendant shall fail.to answer Ue sajd complaint durug the. term id court, the plainsiff will take julgment against defend - ant tye social in said said writ. Given under my hand and eal of said court (hig 30th day of Jaly, A.D. 1869. ; A. JUDSON MASON. ee Sete Court for Rowan County. OF 31—Gw—(pr Carolina, Caldwell County. Elizabeth A. Estes, against James LL. Collett. Tn this case it i& made to appear fo the sat- isfaction gf the court that the defendant Jame< H. Collet, regules beyand the limits of tis State [is thevefure ordered by the const (101 pablemion bemaide in the “Old North: State," @ newspaper published in Sabebury, NC. for 81x Wrebs snetessively, vol ying the defiant that he Le and appear at the next tera of on Saperinr Court to be Hela fer the counsy of Cald@el) at the Coart Hone iy Li noir, on the Bib Monday aljer the 3d Monday m Augast pext, then and there jo plead, an- sxer or demnr, or judgment pro contesso will be taken agaifist hin, } Witerss, R Ro Wakedield, oferk of oor eas | Surexiwx Court, Spring Term, 1569. Atfachmeot. jf court at offive, the 8th” Monday alier the 34 Munday ig March, oo. . KR Ro WAKEBFIELD, c so 3" Gs Se 98) _ SCPERIOR Court, Meorth Carolina, | ae Omnty.| Spring Terwn, 1469 Michael Spainbonr, use of } Elizabeth A. Estes, { Attachment ust James H. Collett, ) In this cage it is made to appear to the sai- istaytive uf the evurt that dames HH. Collett re- @de beyoad the limits ul tue State: Li we there fore ordered by the court that publicavon tx made io the ‘Uld North State,” a newspaper published in Babsbury, N.C. for six werk successire'y, outifying the defendant that he | o and appear at the cext term ol ovr Super } Court to be beld fur tle county of Cald- well at the Cuurt Touse in Lenoir on the | Bb Mooday afer the 31 Monday in Angst, next, thep a...) (vere to plead, auawer or de | wur, of judgment pro coutesso Will be taken against bine. ' Witness R Ro Wakefiell, cletk of our sal {enart at offve tre 8h Monday after the 3:1 Moutlay ia March 1660 R R WAKEFIELD. o.8 oc 81—6w—[pr fee $3 ) MB Taae aces, | Jacob N. Harshaw, BH. Collett. In this case it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the évart that the defendant, James H. Collett resides beyond the himits of thé State: It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made fn the ‘Old Nitth State "a bewspaper published in Sal iabary. N. C.. for six weeks successively. no- a, defendant that he be and appear at the wext term’ of our Soperiot Conrt to be beid for the county of Caldwell at the court house in Lenoir on the 3d Monday in Augazt next. then and there to plead answer or demur, or faim eut pro eenfesso «ill be taken against hit. Witness, RB R. Wakefield. clerk of our said coort at office the 8th Monday after the 38 Munday in March 1269. R. R. WAKEFIELD, c. 8. c. 31—fiw—(pt fee $8.) Morth Carolina, eae Court. Caldwell Coutty. Spring Term, 1269 Construction of Will. d. R. Wilson, exeeu or of Janes Blair, dec'd “ AGAINST W.A White and wife, Naney M. White. Avy Selena Pool, Avey Selena [senhonr, by Ww. A. White, Goardian. Beujanin te wife Elizabeth Steele, Jaines , P.G, MeCrary and wife Martha McUrary, Emina Barnes . G W Barnes. Guardian, Sarah Isabella Furtner, hy Ad eline Fortver, Janes Re Barnes, by his hex? frievd. In this case it a ring ts the eatisfaction of thé court ‘that James Barnes. P. G. Mi- Crary and wife Mirthg MoCrary, Einma Barnes by G. W. Barnes. Gaardian. deferd- te ln this case are non-reridents of this tate: Therefore ordered by the conrt, that tblication be made for eix weeks successive- y in the “Old North State,” a newspaper published in Salisbary, N.C., notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next tern of our Saperiar court to be held for the county of Caldwell, at fhe court house in Le- nuir, on the 8th Monday after the 3d Monday in Aagust next, then afd there to auswer the complaiyt of plajntiff filed in the clerk's of- five, or judgment wil’ be taken ex parte as to them. Witvess R. R. Wakefield, clerk of onr seid ocurt the 8th Monday after the 3d Mon- ay jo March. 1869. BR: R. WAKEFIELD, c. 8. 0. Sprerior Court. Sprig Terw, 1869. Attachment. Bp Swe jr fre M4 - ae _ 2 el t ct 5 ote SALISBURY, PRIDAY, AUGUST @, 38 é 4 ile age ee a oe name reser haneta ate et WM. 4. HEARNE & '©O.,- Specigh for Cargjina and General Agena bt ae aay ae foro. A agents 4 Noxtg Strate, ” ’ LOCAL AND. i Resta ee re ear that Mathow Barber worthy county, met with 9 tin d hast He was engaged in’ ‘ driving the teamy whieh. propelled = ry his foot was scpidently caug e and nearly ee _amputatedsoon after’ by Drs, Ramsay.and W; but be survived for ealy three days- é iO , of ieee | ; oom Drowwev.—We to-legrn’ that Walter, con of Mr. Wm. F. Hall, of Sooteh-Urigh town: ship, in this county, was drowned at Files 3 a few days ago. He was going to the mill’and while crossing the bridge, which passes immedi ately over the mill dam, the mule which be was riding took fright and threw thin into the pond "2 where he drowned. He_ was about ten years | he old : —- ~~ 4 W.C. & R. Rarmoap.—At ¢ recent meet: ing of the Stockholder of this Company the amended charter was accepted...Gov. Holden appointed Diregtors om the part of State who are acceptable. Dr, Wm. Sloan, of Charlotte, was elected President of the Company and C, J. Cowles, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. . The road will be speedily pughed. on to completion. ————— +o U.S. Covrt.—Ifis Honor, Jnsge Brooks is holding a special term of the U.'S, Court; for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, in Salisburv this week. His Honor, we learp, is presiding with his well known dignity. and ur+ banity and is giving general satistyction to all parties. ————-2a-——__— Rr. Rav. Bisuor Gragoxs, of the Roman Catholic Church, preached tga lgrge and ap- preciattye audience in the Town Fall gn Mon- day night in explanation of the doctriyes of his Church, He is a very dignified and pleasnant speaker, of much more than otdinary ability. It is proposed by the Bishop, and the resident Roman Catholics of the place, to erect a chargh in this city, should our qfizess cigtribute to’ it with sufficient liberality ‘ ~~ — Loox ror THE Ecirpse abont 5 o’clgck to morrow (Saturday) evening, but don’t attem lo look at it with the naked eye You may never again witness such a phenomena as a tq- tal eclipse of the Sun. — IncenpianymM.—Phe Barn of Mr. Yichaej Brown, on Bank street, was consumed by fire on Friday night last. The fire was evidently the works of an iccendiary.’ Mayor Long very prom puy offered a reward for the apprebensigqn of the incendiary and the evidence of his guilt a ae Tur Prow Boy.—We have received firtt number of The Plow Boy, published under the auspices of the Catawba Valley Land Com- pany, at Charlotte. This Company has a large amount of real estate whieh they propose to ecll om the distribution pla and the object of the present pablication is tq get the indgcenents held out by the Company before the public. — —>— -_ pee” We learn that the new Roman Catholic Charch of Bt. James, near Concord, Cabarrus County, was dedicated on last Sunday, Aug. lst, by Rr. Rev. Bustiog Grgsons, in presence of a r biage of people from the wu.- rounding country. The church was erected by the exertions of Rev. L. P. O'Comrzrt, of Charlotte, Tue Norra Barrwn Review for July bes received from the Leonard Scott palishing 40, Fulton Streét, New York. 11 contains | jected nine-atticles, all interest, among them a memoir | them. of Sir Willam Hamilton, and an article on Walter Savage Landor. wT. a_i Eighteen colored persons—four infants, six children and eight adalte—were ipterred in “Pine Wood” cemetery, near Wilmington, dur- ing the month of July. ene scgeliipene eer John Van Sickles, a highly respected citizen of Wilmington, died in Jost, aged 81 years. ~ ——_- — The colored people of Goldsboro’ went og an excursion to Morehead City, on Friday last, and enjoyed the occasion hugely. eo The Radical eplit in New Hanover, caused by the contending a«pirants for Fated’ old shoes, is becoming interesting, Speeches are made daily, and if each party is as mean as its op ponent represents it to be, we hope neither will be sent to Kaleigh next wiater. epee Two hundred and thifty one beeves, four han- dred and thirty nine sheep, and one hog were slaughtered and sold in the Wiumington mar- ket, during the month of Jaly. SS ae Mr. George W. Taylor, of Beaufort, was bit- ten by a venomous spider last week, and was rendered insensible by the pain caused by the poison, in a few mo:nents. At last account he was in a critical condition. Se SS A Swixpte.—A few weeks since 9 cortain Dr. D. T. Taylor came to 8. Mitchell's in Mont- ford’s Cove, reporting that he had had his horse stolen, and was oat of fands. remained there two or three weeks, iggratiated himself into the favorof Mr. Mitchell and others, and was getting into a good practice a3 a physician. Finally he sold cheeks to the amount of $350 to Mr. M., bought a horse which he did not pay for, and left for parts anknown. The eheks had been sent him, doubtless by a confederate, and of course were protested. Hand him round, and watch out for the clan, of whom there is doubt- less a good number trayelling arovnd.—Ruth, Vindicator. —_-_—-—_—_—_—_—— Texas has experienced severe jevgstations from floods, along the valleys of the Colua- do, Brazds, and ‘Gandalonpe Rivers. Mil- lins of dollars of dainages has been done. The seats in Robinson's Cirgus fell at Jamestown. Pa., on Friday last. Mre. Henry Weaver was serivusly injated by wienching ber spine. One of the man- agers deposited $2.00 a8 indewnity for the results of the secident. mths able citizen of Scotch, Irish ‘Fownship, in this /* at city ou Saturday |} THE AIMS OF THE VIRGINIA CON- OPINIONS CHANGE. gl interestiug movements on the politica! some Political Affairs in Virginia. Grant Walker ef President and of C jas ho divisions tq heal. ‘To th come them to our ran gepriye any class of aivocal enforcement of those national princi- are the heed and (font,” a a Pythias, of Peonsylvania, commenced their serai-annual session in Philadelphia on Toaesday. Thy sessidn is a private oue.— There are in that State 22,800 wiembers in good standing. Mr. William Dilly killed a panther near Hautersville, in Deenbsotes nay. Va. Foor bave been killed in that county during the present suminer. A couple in Grafton, N. H.. who have liged together forty-four years, and had fify teen obildrea, naw want to be divorned, the rm publican i the mbst hopeful of Southern State, an not inferior to that of any commonwealth in South r aioe To this end, the subscriber has procured a| ely an oe eh ee Senet tee sapply of the choicest kinds—amomget tiewt, © | ee lanl FSi A ey. States of Tennesse, Mississippi and Texas, and | Ruta Baga—Large While Flat D epee ere in the North the recent conventions, ee | Large Red Top—Large Globe g¢ DR, LAWRENCL’S pecially of the Democratic party, have develop- A ney anti-proscriptive and thor- party bas come w the front in poe bodega tal = ——o the Ré- blicag y. Leannot admit that tee party divided oa the contrary, I claim that the ee ee can yo nia, representing policy the E or god as such, e late Wells . ‘ i LSON _—_— After alluding to the almost unanimous endorsa- . - POULSOR, a ; 7 ; ; Draggist and Aruthecary, Selishury, N. C., next | TE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR- ae eee ee ois doer to Meroney & Bro. Jane H—:3n. aif the Furniture establishment of Moore ih 1 ’ : . | & Clodfelter will pontinue the bnsiness en an Too “gules Laranes fie Grant Walk TQ j increased spale. All kinds of FURNITURE er "he concludes as follows: “You (G kept caustantly qn hand, suvh as party I have only to say, We shall gladly wel- for we are unwilling to of theinnumerable blessings that must flow to Virginia from ap un; of which President Grant and Congress The Grand Lodge of the Knights of poll lek Si Bank Da a om oes t , a og ; fe: " i ra Anew? isto be bui't to vopnect | £05 Late ve N fe ede hdd oo alien a * handles, are the latest agony... The Sea 3] gottun '" from counts, wise be pasalinn gee im Shepley, Hon. Josiah H, Drnmmond. Hon. ea one, who bas,not highly. approved it ja RR WAKEFIELD, 0.8 G 31-6w-(prf $8) Tarnip Seed--Very Chgice Seed. HE FAILURE of the early Corn Crop, oc- casioned by thedate protracted drougth, will naturally “—— te the farnmep thp peceswity of deing all be may cocnpeiy she deficieucy of fuod, especially for his stock; and” us there is nothing uow, which he can do, but produce abundantly of thie — root crop it uiny be welt to secure a supply of the -best gad inost re liable seed. voluntarily tendered the proprietor, many of them frem persons of highest respectability and tat Higence. “ + The Medieige is plearant to ‘take, avd per- fectly tree frpin the possibility ofharm, ander any cireutnstanees or conditions of health, —in- deed it is perfectly safg’eveo for anicignt. It is espeiatly adapted to che present veason, whey (he approaching wacw weather optasions such a degree of lassitude, and debility, partie- alarly in weakly) and prostrated -systems, a8 often to become almost insuf/partable. Price 75 cts per bottle, Prepgred gnd sold, Norfolk - and other approved kinds. These seed will be seld at sench low prices |} that any one, no mutter how limited bis means, } ean afford to buy them, ard throw the old sort« } CELBBRKATED WOMAN'S FRIEND! j erally. these Springs are now in fine condition. Remedies | , aria sor iy pranit “hi DE-| “AND FOREIGN COUNTAIES, At. Papi’ Sexposition, 1867 “ New Mowing Attachments, Catawba Co., NW. C. r ss [us CELEBRATED WATERING Place, formerly called the North Ca:dlina White Sul- phur Springs, will be open for visitors eo Tues- day, the tist day of Jane next. Being situajed in the Northwestern part of the State, in a country remarkable [og its beau- ty and healthfulness—these, together with the virtue pf the waters, make it qne of the most desirable watering places to be fupad. TVEIWHTNCE COMPANY - lis Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. contingency. or Tron, dad they p-ssess all the fluest qualities of the Waters, amd gre sovereign remedies for all disepsesdat the ser. howely, styruach and | Hapility th are the White and Dine Sulpharand Chaly beste | compare favergbly with any J. true test of responsibility. The proprictor having speot a large amount ‘ors, of responsibility and busivess capacity, in additional buddrogs and roprovements gen- Ms stock ‘s aoe god composed of articles! they need not be air tight, and can_ be used | Pure. Fresh and Reliable in Quality and as low in | . Chai it ‘ out of, at pleasure. Ia all Ffrait Preserves, obwel Gee the Wells “Republics len. a you can save ball the Bugar. Full directions ac- | party, beving written a letter Dr. Gilmer,! lupure Medicines neg pyar ha edly hy ee hed ly at E. Sis Drog Store Chaim an Con Commi aid ta ice (euvh I do not and will not keep. 0 n oD », ST 1 Walker Resahlteon = apa teak ne bt Bet Cam saicieatiy ven oe ne co Salisbary. . july 15 1-28 s . or - ik thet P ) Drugs an més cann ane 7 pot sem = yp taveagy Fgh Moe seater | sold for half the price heretofore per Beer is N RE § r faa princi it te. Stain the aier Nylid|mind'h Meiange ioe camet tad lt FURNITURE Sto Ying thee Walker Republican had lett the | bay the prfest Welicines. ow Fi e Wells because they were either forced ecuid beg of all before parchasing elsewhere to party . : n ury to do so or oppose the policy of the President ices call and examine my stock aod my a 5 3 i" SECRETARIES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Centre-Tablex, Sofas, Wardrobes, — ig faot all articles usually found in— FIRST CLASS Furnityre Store, —He also keeps constantly on hand— Fisk's We-allic Barial Cases, HE ABOVE IS THB MOST APPRO- priate name that could have been = yore to this raluable and powerfully inflaenti = Destroyer. Its inflaeace over sych painfyl adies os it is recommended to exert cgnnot be questioned only by those whohave not tried it. There ts claimed fur it a rept'ation dver.all other pfeparations recommeuded for similar /poses—when they have failed, z0 o not. Keep it alwars in your fami itis traly an enemy to New-algia, Headaghe, Tooth- ache, Earache Cramp Colic, Cholera Marbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody-F lux, Dyspep- sia. Sore Throat, Rheumatic Pains, Fever and Agqne, Sprains and Bruises, Inflamation of Kid- noys, Nervous 4 Colic, Pains or Spasms, , { gay character. alnu osewood other : : Prepared and for sale vi % B ned Uofins dt ptioes lower that they Lave leretafore been sold in thig marker, Cafl at the old stand of Moore & Clodfelter. On Main Street, opposite the store of Mock & Brown. EB™ Good Walnnt.and Poplar Lumber ta- ken ip exchange for Furnitare. .. hW , bad R. tit ig . Druggist and A ecary, Salisbury. : Jane 3, 1969. 30-tf UWTION..--THE FIRM OF : CAM N & HELL is hereby dissolved by matrial consent. James H. Hill witl settle the affairs of the firm. , ie W. CAMERON, AND Rhodes’ Super-Phosphates ; ‘PIANOS THE COLD MEDAL Has just been awarded to CHAS. M, STIEFF, | Tobacco, Wheat aod Corn These long established manures used and ap proved by (be most successful planters. B. M. ROODES & Co., For sale br dealers Betablished 1853S. OFFICER AXD WARKEROONS: No. 9, North Liberly Street, near Baiti- more Strect, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS have 4!l the Igtest improve- menta, including the Agroffe Treble, Ivory Fronts. and the improved French. Action, fully warranted for five years, with privilege ofexchange within twelve months if not entirely sat.sfactory C pyrete- GENERAL Commission Monchants Gommerce St,, Worfolk, Va. sera. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwayson hand. from $60 to $300. References, who have our Pianos in use: Gen. RB. B. Lee, Lexington, Ve. out fe H. Bil, riotte. NN... Gen. Robert Ransom, Wilmington. N C. Gor. John Letche , Lexington, Va. Messrs. R. Burwell & Son, Charlotte, N. 0. James H. Grepaiee. Morganton. X. C. J. A. Smith & G. W. Melton, Chester, 8. C. r#- Prown & Bernhardt are agents for the sale of the above celebrated Pjands. COUNTRY PRODUCE. and prompt retarns. july9:27—3m DR. GODBDIN'S COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS. Pianos sold at Factory prices. jene 18—1y | Oures Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion ———- —r —— Uolie, Sick Stomach, Bronchitis, Asthma, Ralcigh National Bank of N Nenralgia, Rheumatism, &c. | A UNIVERSAL TONIC, | ° THE DIRECTORS have resolve { to increage the A sure, sale, aud reliable preventative and Caralina. OUSAND DOLLARS. Persons wishing torub- | re niting a general tonic impression, scribe to game will piezse mn onicate with ” " © DEWEY. repared only by Dr. N. A. H, Goddio and dk tan. President. | for sale everywhere. JAMES T. WIGGINS, DUTONSAS LIGHTNING PLY-ETLLER'— | Suc tod. H. Beker & Co tary Wilmington, ¥ edly i ee te | Salisbury, Youd Toe, ie De ein ' by Dealers Brey ‘ t foia | Agent and Wholes ie dealer ia Patent Medi- Death to the oe tee live the Ss he | nee, Borfol Va. 1J—ty “twa Grands and Cross of Efe legen el Hop. ieee THE MINERAL WATERS OF THESE SPRINGS | Its fortunes are es/ablished beyond any The a capital and pssets. ogntens a kidneys, ernotions of the skin, serolula, weak- | ipsyrance Company on the contineht, which is ee} ry } HE STANDARD MANURES for Cotton, Fer the wo Picard ResionPee = | LEPAGE BROS. & Co., COTTON FACTORS, t@ Liberal advances on consigninents Capftal Stock of this BABK to FIVE HUNDRED | cnre for ell Malarial diseases, aud all diseases A' M A Y I AS N 5 Mat Family Sewing Machine, |, The sumber of Poles exiled and ip prison ‘infhiences.” Many More than 120,000 now ia to Hee pesretee,2. ye won af toate wt ves) On | it isd 20,000 manofactured andl cold in 1868 | kinds or work—trom thy simple plots state to the \to Siberia.” 4 12 | cade tc bent pectoracion | wou and the demand posupplied, — * ira Lee, Rove aan Sty or Edward 4 an elderly man from | * itself p« “ee yj toe oR or : ay tee eB et, meas eh NP renin Done | tiem enn Mae enin| ingcediepis whieh gon) a “i si give entire satisipetion, Ifthey . wi Nile, hi boa ionmicett |i sloth Ba Sor is no one) whichis Additjonal Improvements for 1869}|'0 give gabienet oe mse re- ipyeee PRES Re, "4 nob podstant byt st, vians, Jn | severa saPimtil rs , mal. oe ner. one: a ae uy te Gamer nove oer oe tot War with is andwill Wood's rize. Mowers a and’ Horse.) and the money wit he refunded. How. Fo Re occa = Fi poaition ines emateccant ! bee ae paabag he a mty 19 ad wa ‘ lf Bakivg Reaper, wih Machines expressly for SHOE-MAKERS;* HAUMEBS MA- Wm. P. ) Goveragr Chamber: | ig some inyances, have pot aptly it et ~~ “Hand Rake Reaper, p ‘TANLO < “bot. M. ie pe Now ip they own |) Haines’ {illinois Harvester, ; KERS, TAILORS, &c., Boshi: r ye > suv TE ee 4 Monofactured by the Waker 4. Wood Mow- ee supplied when ordered, at manafacturer's ee ean] Sinetron See ee pr | iin tig tren ae oe MISUELLANEOUS. ein —T #: A The Southern Pills, - oe a 7 Apis specimens pf and s Worth Carolina, } Surrxion Court. Arar hag 2 fa incase . Branch Offices and Sales Roomy—44 Cort-| yak yoln 4. Rameny, Cable Connts, $ - Soring Term. 1800... .. She 1s - DISPASED LIVER. Ree EES bones Dee ee] aan th a, "4105 Serug 7 = eo WALD a eae TO ALL EMIGRANTS. —You wt : \ _— > eT tenes a ! of paginas. farses TONIC AND ALTERANT, |« rome frsousifjag tii a0 climate viiek| edigoo, Kin a Coot '6t Nore “AaQoO ; emes H. Collett, : pee. 3 . : “have Qcctistomed to ; yop will, | ve ary . 4 “~* . ‘of the conservative element of se Beane led - In this case it is made to appear to the sat-}70F Indigestion—Liver C Tir | Gecnen to all the diseases peculiar to| | 77 Lipper Thames, St., London. «fend n cas Mig veep ty peateiagen Walker, to, form an integral part of the great | isfaction ot the Court that the above naméd ‘pid Bowels,~— Nervous ; thatclimate, you shoatd Garpfpl to uge eucly Nad _ Sh ot .. core ) BARD ORs AG SOND EE as can | 3 will | Gefendave Jénieg H. Collet reshdes bey en Down Health iclung 2g are Adaphed to Hap dingaaee of that climate; | Sond for New Desori Circular | eon cists coup Ge tig (Quuuy repablican party, end thet hey. hope they will | defendant Jamies H. Colle:t resides béyoud the ang Braken DP ’ Und “s¢ourity’ in “the yse -af S. cs see ig aun not be driven from “the they pare taken the limits ofthe State; It is therefore ordered Srom whaferer one. Benue Sopruenn.Heraryo Pity. and Price List. 000°000'98 ee Sees ay cay © _— ae ae the part o the re- 4 the court that publication be made in the pO gee 5.7 : wi point in the United States Applications from the South, Sonth of Vir- ous 8} Ory FuguyBED mabe foptioan nan Pio far an tne belief that the old Virg.nians ld North State, a vewspaper poblished ir) THIS elegant and truly. valugole . Medicine, Por bne box, 25 cents.—Des. $ alfGrnes|-givia, should be addreseed to the New York | -*l due ws “eagle YStamms lies 7) ye! le to } jgvation te the Stat atabory, Ni; O.. fe OF Se a nen er to tei been in cipenlts wer. me sucht Spb ope Gone, 90 Fee e. Branch Office. as ahovg. ques syemee PUT \viideo sey ANVAKOO ah g novityin: *! - ‘ - - , = Be they state A -eetetves itself int se oo — = ef Gace Goott ps cote ae mtr ic oenn akcbationte wine or ls ive tent 6.8: (or kere sould be draco RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, 40 Vipus . identify Ghatealtes permanently with the inter- |e held fur she eganty of Calg ei at the const Lern eijiesand tqwne.wim ; Oharlesioh, Savan- Be, Cone Fe ee ie 4 Extra Inducewents Offeredi "qtod Maqy append £6 iti house in Lenoir, on the 8th Monday after the | nah 1 Ailaata, ~Chatlortey Cvlamb here they will be promptly attended to. McCubbins, Sullivan” & Co., are Agents for | 6 r J _ ests of ake MIN. litical. adyvance- n » Angoste, a, te, aa, bw 7 promptly : ’ ment. To the former those ee come | 3d sone in Se ee _ there 10} Jee., and is highly valued, og the reap ante sae Upiclens Gab 0g afl teapepjable Drpggists | the above Reapere in Salisbury. mui 40..- with ability or capital to id ep perma- | toplead answer or nr or judgmeut pro ) people who-hace nsed it, ny uvthis town G. B. POULSON april 23—16:10m é Sita te tee cfs wilt ten nin ca Meera soma te eyed Wel uy sy me Aywog douvINSsSY mgterial © recogni! as in their} court at office the-Qrh* Munday after the 30 }-4 great number Of the’stronges}, and-most un- j . Witheghe latter . they wish). wothing to | Yonday in March next. : qualibed ertiGcates” of te value, have been SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS ai TTOV.LINOT 3HL = NEW YORK and North Caro.ing STEAMSHIP LINE OF VIRGINIA |New York to Wilmiggton, A Virginia and Southern Institvtion | This Line wilt comprise tbe following steam- ers: | FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Hunter, | WM. P,CLYDE,..“ D. P. Mar an, | REBECCA CLYDE, 0. Ofichester. |MARY. SANFORD, John Moore. With such additiongt Steamets as may be resuired to meet the demands of the trade.— Sailing (rom New York every WEDNESDA ¥ ness, debility, dyspepem, rheumatam, &e., &o. eye ase caytioasly admjnistered py selected 'and SATURDAY a 4 P. rom Pier 15 E. | R. foot of Wall street. It has esteblisLed ite claim to Sputberp Patronage , ; : tentiow of Shi is cal v This ¥, ace the recon | *™. . 2 ’ ‘ rooms large and pleasawt, and gued cotta OFFICERS ; = a . — apie. THe of Oongreat lndiuding the an o- badat NTs ! A wale aud tpliapte ppety “ cetanian from: (wo to six fruoMme each, mt PRESIDENT ’ to the b 1 Fag = AOILITIE a ves grag and ee — fa re dome — | ail Diseases Peculiar to Females, arranged for enher large or small families. fens Sori are superior tq on the wm urgu «x ’ » - : . TEN DIV aw , n 4 ef of]e Siced ter vilken soantigntidl Jatltenl oqnity NEW STOCK OF —tece se Cleri GOOD TEN PIN ALLEYS, JOHN E. EDWARDS, THROUGH BILLS OF LADING or in other yords, for s general ampesty, blot- Lauchoreee, or Whites ; Prolapeus Uteri, Biers ta aad other Amusements, VICE PRESIDENT, SECEETABY, yen to all points on the North Caroling ing out the fest-oaths and political disabilities or Falling of the Womb, Irregular VINK BATH HOUSES, | Wa. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsoox Read ite Co ¥ le Gol which cirtain clases of Southern whites F R Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- For Pool, Plange or wer Bath. Sul- oe ad and ite Connections via Golds- Eettosten jp Be ine pyboliin oop soy ent rey 3 ation ; Pain i the Back ; phur Bath, Hot or Cold. MEDICAL EXAMINER, : ia ‘aching ka: wav. 2. lerald, xo d E = . nl . . 7 ele se ewe sit rag Re ee | nn Sere bank of le | Caaies Ea tant | WORTH & DANIEG, dere as at the North. - RELIABLE DRU GS, LADIES OF AMERICA, good Physiaan permanently located for the BH. C. CaBeLt, Jo. H. CLarporst \ JAMES HAND, A , N. 0. We tried to get the leaders of the so-called hose tenet it © whone hep: | Cenetit of fuvalids who will have every attpn- RECTORS: Agent, Soouservative. party in North Coraline to 0 “| MEDICINES, on 20 rs. rhodes (4 | Ss mca pl ans febso—Sef 419. Wall Street, N. Y. same princi licy, but wou. 2 Having secure] the services af Mr. J. N. | <9 yeon, rae they oldie potions, ‘oa conse- and sach articles as are venally kept fo 6 . Dx. J. J. LAWRENCE, Carter, of Firgipia. who has bad much expe- een Oe fe. a0 vas! erville, D T. CARRAWAY Srceakase ‘ mee me Caen -CLASS DRUG STORE. rience and stands high as @ Hotel keeper, tim- | Jobe Dooiey, Remeel ©. Terey, a ° ’ / 3 | | 3 eu in hy T. Jacabs ' . ot the Commarea Sete Convention, which iL | Damneatebetsm rmeay et zane pl whines emake spa oid [Bim ME il Commission Merchant, ugust, . i y each bottle, ‘ . - o = erie of eae recognizing ; mtn | Ly, @. 8, Poulson, syrah liewed to a the beet Ceres Tome ond algretiry | ore nner? hin lowe that will edd to their Thee. 3: oe ue. Conchieg, ; AND— . | the Senne cece Y Seale ‘of Conzroat| esettanct pf arpan pendiregscRomicala prtome: (7 SARE The vars gn ihe Western North Carofing Rail |W: 8, Quarien <t Dealer in Groceries “7 te id the Reconstraction | *Y:#°°P, fney articles, tooth brushes combs. putty. | , Sale Uedpecdaaite epest to oll Reve Roed will leave Selisbary for Hickory Station w.f. . ob ¢. wit agreeing a by nee mction | Paints, Oils, Varnyehes, Paivt Brushes, Horse an? > np ncnie Meprodactive Urgans, ona ta | the Spfings depot, every mc (Sandays A eae VISIONS. W measures in good ; th,” but the Commitee Fe | Cattle Powders, Fatent Medicines of all kinds Cook. grap of x Headache lretediens, aott * Peek 7 on ‘ A. T. Stokes, A. P. aban, PRO HARD ARE, our we alove voting for) ing Soda. Copperas, Venetian Sed, Concentrated. weeTia. Nervous ae a . | excepted, ) ia eownectioa with the North Caro- | 7/8, Mortwa, Wm. Br teaaca, But since then a ci has taken place. | | fr, andthe best Bitters and Medicines tor chile) Sa” Price 1,00 per Bottle. gry |tica Rail Road. arunding stoppage of delay at} R.H. Didretl, George Ls a Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wo Now, all the gentlemen who composed that conb- | that can be nse. J. H. BAKER & CO., Sahsbury, and arrive at Hickory Staton in | William H. Palmer, Bamapi M. ; dow Shades, ke., ke. mittee, we beligve, as well on, nine-tenthsof) PINE CIGARS AND CHEWING Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street. | Lime fur breakfast, where good backs will be in| LEWIS | NES. Ag’ es those who. participated in the Convention, en- TOBACCO Norfolk. Va. | ridinems to tak. passengers over a beaotiful, EWIS ©. HANES. Aa’r. Ponce atgention given te orders, and te dorses the principles then proposed and or . I> To whom all ordets or letters i 84° | well-shaded toad to the Springs—a distance of| Feb. 12—ly Lexixatox, N. Q)| the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tabagy of, ie Oe Oe ey eS ee | Pe re ee —— mare tT | on mallee | eo, Dried Prait, &¢ ,.on Commission. vo 3 ae ‘ . on . late qpetes Voila, | mf ae a= I bave « spl Cenrteneet bad carefully An lewluaie Acquisition to| Asan ee for larpiien atid ee Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, count HOUSE ove na, a 2 = bdominal § ters - Fe ae eet la ae han nee | Distilled in the Old Style, Pure and Un-| SPT ®—!#17 NEWBERS, N. ©. a ne “tage ma Trusses & Abdominal Suppor Haeuse Keepers. to pat board down mi the lollawing low rates: | 7 : a — eee ing the co-oporation of colored voters. ‘That in | of the latest i@propements, excellent in quality and) & togteleags and Inodorous oe Lan Laer page JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, ¢C- bat we are sorry they did not come to | pre. For one single month, .............. $50.00} Old North State Distillery, . the mark earlicr. Ali who censured us for ad-| FINK BHKAST PUMPS @ XYPRAING BOTTLES Preserving Powder. Bor too or more mupths, $40.00 per : Yocating the policy we heye uniformly done ir Bo —<I am prepared F ~~ | _ moeth, or at ti at rate, ‘GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. BLAWES —— close a — cna spel at a more or New Yqrf prices (by the OR preserving Frait gad Tpmatoes, and alt! Per Wek ce, ce cece: 16 00 CHARLOTTE N.C r owledge | eir censu m only | dopen) suc articles as 2 nons of Froits, without being air-tight, | Pp, seipeibielainclatvis s vie cw ae 50 “4 Dn eee enjust, bet exyinn. We cial, w have always Ess. Leinor, Bes. Peppermint, Bee. |e. Sich whatever qvaatiy sugar ee lls side us ae aed a ALSO, Wat fo porchase 500 oF 1000 head €2R38 — best ae lor ea rae for we Ciynamon, Landangm, Paregar- | be it much, little,or mone atail, His incom-| ysis half peice. No cherge for jefants or jot Cattle, and pay the highest Cash Prices for sakes = nee party. Democrat. fe, Bateman Drape, God- parably. saperior to any other preparation. — children under two years of age. Cote = ae HAND BILL S ee jee faey's Cordial, Opodel- This Powder will preserve with a certainty, J. GOLDEN WYAT?, Te Farmers and Planters. that fo one need have the slightest doubt. Ove 7 | BICHMOND. doc, Castor Oil, teaepognful of the powder will pregerve from ons ae con ’ — CIRCULA RS —_— and ; eight to ten — dressed Fruit or Tomatoes. — re , if eee Rhodes’ Tobacco Man ure, | aos, Say ft Turpentine Any kind'af Cans or jor will antwer, and PAMPHRLETS LABELS CIC Ee ws {:.ter Heads ' 82 Sonth &t., Baltimore. Md. AND tne %—M2m EVERY CTHER KIND OF JOB PRINTING, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, | And CHEAPLY done AT TMIS OFFICE. pa Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma- | gistrates, and others, in ordering blanks | will lease refer fo the Forms as num- in “ Hand-Book for Caunty Offi- ublished by Nichols & Gorman —_—_—_ { ” epee tion paid to the sale of | C&T) | ts ofat COTTON and all other kinds of| Raleig , N.C. MGA O08, 0-0 co secees J. J. BRUNER. Homestead Blanks ! (For laying of Homesteads, J And a new and improyed fory. LAND DEEDS, Revised gnd corrected by th best legal authority in this plae for sale. Address, jmar.10, J, J. BRONF]. : Phe Weehawken Duarney paoaa” : Where ‘Alexander Flam ilton was Killed by Aaron Burr, i in 1804, is situated on the Hudsog rivre,, about) two miles above Hoboken, nearly opposite New, ancy . é a 180 adie i abel TS A. 64 bt raises ee eaten of Nine eRe ee ROLE jason bon cality gyntgitied of ar Naaw bg 5 g van cee fight between a. “couple | gof menin thé eho ; ‘ata: ond} pu town of Qovert, - whieh, febulted Mn the | A Wa of “ie death 8 f ong’of thoupartigs —McGraw— Tat the present” ar eat ae “ag proves igh) ts of the other—sDonne)ly. We |upoit wily fo. bs ) ' jack @ scquel. At salen ing oe he One Mirae telling a Caen RAN, Gs | prancing Sr yaa word was. y De. Wheelers rtd Te tecibte ae! gia Hamil) write eee we: ee ail uri . ering rr esa? SD CE Minna t 4 bt Me a. @ of vial et rene “ efea 5 th wg "Below Now Yor cat | LAWNS, MOZAMBIQUES, LENGOES, &c., &c, From 18 to 35 cts. desirable Goods at exceedingly Lew Prices. qiicstivg-his immediate” attendanec itpotit apok ‘it, haa" béeh” “weed” 4. tor returned an* ansawer-t0, the» éffect thab}fore she? duct “has-been, eure d authorities, which, npon ne e consilgsntion | have disappeared, and the broad tragkof} » where Dr. Wheeler, after gnexarination, Plowing’ te Sifece Come ied Thode. uey i Payiks ed so long; as to seender amputation ne- | the house, of Bright. &, Petry, biive old from expostire that he sank. under the! go of Mr, John Vat, of Webbers's o neighborhood of Covert hag ever experi- ing in hie Beldyend his phi etrick'eome- fete, - hisdash, andit- gave sudden pull, when non—A Fiery Whirlwind im Tennessee. sa eared, and on examination, found a keg ham county, on Wednesday last. The! as when coined at the dld-Spanish mint, | that ~ounty had to seck shade about noon. {Spanish dollars of the dato of about! wind came along over the neighboring | twenty or thirty years ago, Since the sort of flaming cylinder that traveled at Ft Smith, Ark4 Uerald. sed directly over .the spot where a} ——_——_________________-- Sallsbery, Joly 30, 1869. thea 's - Farmer Vilage frog pat individmal, re- . siwilar mien with . in, aa he.bad fallen from a'robk yheight| stone ‘for a edtvert: ‘Phe Seed tree and rt aoe himself severely.” The dos }against which Hamilton, mrjeeped, Suny Sew ~ a he would render his. assistauces provided | thrown jnto the tiver, she, names and ini, D, would give himself up, to "he ‘proper jrialainscribéd ‘dn “the . rocks by. visitors and the necessities of the-ease, he agteed' q railroad eo vets the navfuw ledge. to do, arid was taken ‘to Farmer Villege, iC Dvah ee ost bg Ajiscovered thet Donnelly’s legchad beer) 90) p54, ial Chgit Makaiey take fractured in such a mapuér, avd neglect ee i) ue atten, by Mr. Penge oft" “Phe stock consists of’ a “hand: cepsary, Which operation was performed, s j bas the oran chad become 80 weakened er or egg ae some lot of" treatment avd died, thus «terminating the | m1). Cherokee Nation: - dt that greatest excitement whieh) she. qniet| oy leas weak Mr Ven er outet MUSLINS; i enced, and we sinectely hope may never bi ‘again ‘po called upoy to undergo from a tig, and stopped Co. patie \° a - came five old Spanish -dallars. Mr. Tennesse Wonders—Strange Phenome Yana weit fo the apot where she coin ap-| The most ee ee which we! fulof the coin. The staves of the keg | have ever heard of gcuurred out in Cheat- ; were rotten, but the dollars were as sound day, it will be remembered, was vemark- | Qn digging up the keg be found it con-} ably hot , 60 that most of the “people in} taincd tive thonsand dollars, -all in old Atthis hour, on the farm of Ed. Sharp,| 1800, and, American half ‘dollars of old | ‘fivé miles from Ashland, a sort of whirl! date. Qoe keg must have been, busied ing woods, taking up small branches ayd }finding of this moucy the whele ficid has | acaves of treegsand burning them: fo @) been dug up iu search of hidden treasure. Bhp, rate of about five wiles ai. boar, and | —— “developing ins size as it traveled, It). DRU GS, : ary, VEDIC! INES, &C. eC. ‘ teansof holsos were fétdivg und singed WwW x } their mags aud taile up to the roots, ib Hw | A Drng Store. towards the honse, taking @ stack of bay io, ile courae, whieh ig set fire. It seemed to facregse ie heat agi aXRE Want) abd by the'time it reached the house jt immediately fired the shingles from end | | FRESH D3USS, MEDICINES, act gad of the building, s@ thagin ten min- | in Salis ony N: O. ates thé Whole dwelling was Wrapped in : SALT ! SALT!: flames. ‘I'ho tall colamn of traveling éaloric then continued its course over *| wheat fie!d that had been ree nuy cradled, ‘Dr. EDW ARD SILL, setting fire to all the ‘stacks which hap-| pened to be in its course. Passing from | the field, its path lay over stretch of l » ous oll friends ar ae all othets, woods which reached to the river. ‘The | that he is now opéiing, im the buldiag on & green leaves on the trees were crisped to 1K Corver Main & Fs ver @freetd, pear the a cinder for a breadth of twenty yards, in| Boyven House, an a straight lide to the C umberland. When Just received a a uae lot of ESPECTFULLY announces to his namer | American and Liverpool Salt as | Cheap as the Cheapest. the “pillar of fire’ reached the water it! ‘aiid Fresh and Carefully Selected | Salisbury, July 30, 1869. suddenly changed its route down the riv- STOCK OF er raising a a agg of eteam which weat, to the clonds for about a half mile, en it fiually died out. Not less than DRUGS, MEDIGINES. — as hundred glo witnessed this strang-| Surgical Iostruments. #ertamery, ' pst of strange phenomena, aud all them Combs, Brushes, &c., &c., tell substant at the same tale gbout it, | embracing almont every tang pertaining fon The farmer Sharp was left houseless by | frst vlaas Drag Store; whieh he eet TO MIL the devouring clement, and his (wo hors- j has always been his en the m. ¢ sete LERS es were go affected that no good is ex. | factory prers to purchasers. ~~ pected abe gt outa thom th fate | TE Tan ie dea a ’ Several withered tret> in the woods} is eis PaiY thas 4 ns through which it passed were act on fire | oa = eet ae vc nbs We have just receiyed a fresh and continue barning still.” | hope of that evecess, wWhoeh has, heretofore. tn- Nashville Times, July 17. bvarialy ly rewarded Ins exertians Sai. sbacy, N.C, Jaowary 12969. lv supply of the very best Anker’ TT 20" = . + ? INPOXICATED RODBINS } peepee | Brand Bolting Cloths, Np’s 6 to ji eselpcatin st tof the Boston cc, ana wEEEe 10. If yeu want to make good Purifies the Blood. I do nos rewher baving’ acen. ft noticed in _pfint, but the robine which feawe their, Per Sale by Druggi«ts Everywhere. Northern home to winter at the Sonth, | RIVES ‘flour come and get a cloth. fall, while there, juto every bad habits. , Salisbury, July 30, 1869. 'Phey are exceédidgly fond ‘of the berries; _ of the “Pride of India,” a tree which is} ~ grown extensively for ornament and shade | iv some localiti 6 of Georgia and Florida, | As this tree bears its fruit abundaatly somewhat after the manner of mountaiu > ash in corthern Yatitades, birds collect a on it in great numbers, and after feeding awhile many of them become a0 intoxi- cated thatthey ean neither fly nor-re- main perched on the branches, bat fall to | the groand. Ilere they are picked opby the colored population, who esteenrthem ee & PROCT OR, WHMOLFSALE ABD BH Moc cicuer DEALERS 15 ort DRLEGS MEDICINES, Fancy & Toilet Veticles, IRON IRON !! very nice Marterial for pot pic If left | — undisturbed the little creatures soon re. | Pai lmts. O { cover from their imdiseretion, but like DYt STUFFS Pls. ‘50,000 LBS. OF IRON ASSORTED, human beings, learning uo wisdom from experience, and coneultiug appetite at the expense of safety, they again return to the tree, and indulges themerlyca with ite delicious bat dangerous fare "’ Imported & Domestic Window Glass, Putty, SPICES, For eale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. ee ae Salisbury, July 30, 1869. Another snake charmer, by for lishly’| exposing himself, has met 4 herrible fat A young man tamed Jos*ph Wagner, | . living ja Coarlestown, West Virgima, id respect fal! v call the attention of Mer professed to have the pawer of chartuing | Chants, Phyatcians, Pianters, a dotbers, to their enakes. Last Thureday, having captured extenmye — k aud nape One hia ms POWDER! POWDER ! a ratflesnake, he was givin 1g Boe friends LUG Sycamore, St., Petersburg, ; eee N. F. RIVES. M.D. W.H: PROCTO an ex)jbition of this power. After fond npred—Ite6in | —— } ng the snake for a time in his arms, he | threw ft on the ground, and switched it} vntil # writhed with rage. ,He then took the reptile up in his arms again, and say- ings “are you mad? kiss me and m: ake | up,” he pat its head in his mouth. The - enake bit his tongne, aod he died ia abou: ~ |RIFLE, BLASTING CF EO ' | POWDER, Torteale by | McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & | ,po hour afterwaid. In fifieen minutes, Faliebury, atter being bj then hia skin assumed the | the spotted color of the snake. ——————_—_ -_—~ o—— - Old Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, called on the Harpers, one day, rea a good cigar, took up a dozen camber of | Parch, and took his case, as kindly a Falstadl af his inn, One of the aiper brothers brought a dozen religions ex- PAINTS & OILS. , AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Ses Kindieands Pe Toe iD teeth at toes ome hee © 4 lageanet CLOTHING, | 7 ~~ fa BERAGES, «pein to-quitinerate, This’ is a rare opportunity for | persons to supply themselyes with| PN: SNE ai es ce I eta itn a * ee ecrads Seat meso ee + as Mea Dowie | nic Rae Sty bah ween, oT BA wah Pant. Goer Drugs, Patent . “Slats Paints, ' Kerosene and pace by» aura * Lead, Upper, ‘sale and® Har- 88. CALF & LINING SKINS, | HARDWARE, Tee bet, Saddle Handwaré, and Carriage Tinie _ in fact, iho of) articles teo ave aggre fr the | Great Threshers —and— CLEANERS, Also, Mantfactuyers’ Agents for the anpiociel j Bone Dust. . do. Rifle and Blas uo forty ane the sttention « and th ey vila netally, to Our stock, assurip theta they will fi ane eae bine fresh and d rable Goods. of prodace.— Save your Black Sebriva bu cet Feuits; whieh will Barcugers McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. | be to you ga Treasure. Smith. Poster & Co., | sragrrvout Fee eae | near ure. | April 2, TRAD 13—ty | t J UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE | SMITH FOSTER & €O'S. i ‘1000 SACKS OF SALT. 25 BBLS MOLASSES, 112 wnps. woLasexs. |LOOk for MERONEY’S | AT THE 6IGN OF "THE BIC INDIAN. \V E CALL THE 8PECTAL ATTENTION ! of all to our Stock of | SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ; and invite all who wart the Latest Styles Rex | Qualities, and Moat Reasonable Prices \o give | usacel,, We are tow exhipiting the best —Stock of— ' DRY GOODS, ‘CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goovs, | DRESS TRIMMINGS, ' GROCERIES, HARDWARE, | \ SOLE ¢ UPPER LEATHER, — | Walnat Stain, Kerosene and Machive Oile | to be fonnd in Western North Carolina. Spe- | cial attention is called to oar stock of ‘BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies’ Sewed Gort skin Phoea, O30 per pa | * Pegged Balmorais. leather lined. 1 50 | Capes Botoernts, wiry bet ect, 2 wo we Pomptole boots. 60 | vowed Mines hoes. ofall roe apd goalie | Good Calicopa, 191-2 tts por yd. Best Caticogs. 15 Wc Urethes tqvete Or ae M Atbcxuseve oi | | the best AGRIC ULTURAL JMPLEMENTS | —AND MACHINERY, each as— The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, | Turbine Water. Wheels,; ' | Fine Engine Deep Well and Foree | For all 80 ROF ULOUS, STRU MOUS, | North be made for ix weeks. in Po French Barra and Corn wind Threshers aud Cleaners on! Twlieels coinplete, Cider and Wine Mills, Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, | Grain Dr Ila, { | Smatters and Cleaners, { Cirenlar Saws ' Rubber and Leather Be Iting, j and many other things foo nnmervus to me ‘tion, all of which we will sell at the Mseutic i | tarer’s prices, | Corde, or send and get a Catalogue of any | thing yon may want in this line We guar- ‘antee the Machinery sold by usto give satis- faction. | Weare also agents for Singer's New Fami- ily SEWING MACIIINE, for which thete is {no eqnal. Warranted todo all kinds of work, and to give entire satislactiun, or the money | will be refunded. E# GOOD PINE LUMBER farnished it} the depot, ov short notice. We will be found cpposite the old stand, | AND MINING |“ MPAY* Gre ON MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A \ Splendid 12 Horse ' | Power Portable Engine, for sale b juve 11L—23:5m MERONEY & BRO, | , 508. HORAH. HENRY HORAH, J. & H. HORAH. © WATCH MAKERS AND JEWELEMS VING BOUGHT THE ENTIRE Stock of L. M. ee toit, we are | aovRy pe ay — ae tfoamtl eagle ase to Yul. + eine amas beer ee afiele is ER BA Riri, gab , this ws ae Wes Cod of. 0: fi wld O Tacos “8 XT sal wakes dl | DR. LAWRENCE'S woe Ft. Bo x rabivd eal Wot go wit 4 ve be ise ous lige war A ‘ BLOOD remo, 4 ewiDatay RENOVATOR cy eG v » CONCENTRATED ~ Saran ee ETEASS oF . KOSKOO, roe effectual: Siuiviy for all Torpidity of the Liver, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &c. This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, sand adwinisteators or t dy and owe that admits of a wide range of | | application. Ip is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- Lene L. Holmes, Renben J. Holmes of Tt ip ap INVALUABLE AND ‘Unrivalled Remedy !! TANEOUS, 10, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF- dernes will be graoted for the relief deman ly ased. This preparation has been submitted to, | of the most eminent members of the Med- | ical Pacalty, Prepared by an experienced and well |; known physician and chemist. PRICE, - —_—_ PREPARED ONLY BY diseases arising ‘from Impurities of the Blood, oad proeaves AROUND EACH BOTTLE. | | POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme- , | Coach, Copal and Japan Varnishes, | tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex- { | tent than any pther remedy yet known, ts to ™P*:| SyPHILITIG. CANCEROUS, CU- sata stor Geant (a by kell log the Deedt9 of HEPATIC, RHE UMAT- | 3¢ Moptday in September next, then and there | Bulky Plows, | FECTIONS, ia facet, Bveey form of) this 26th day of oe Disease it may be advantageous. | | horonghly tested, and approved by some | 81,00 PER BOTTLE, | roxta Rasen the eek Car olina ’ yy tha orth Car AID aeigh, NC, |"! °4 0@,600 Capital Stock. ef Chartered by the ture of North Caroli: a iw tid, “Feb! 26-1869, AEE RAS TUN st Soerek oo ys ond Sena : » ROBT. G. LEWIS, Counsellor. ’ 3,00 aduate Prec of to be Dis- owe ita a thee pais! Wi. eee Worth $146,604 | mee oo as S| Se : oe Peay a in the ~ Healeigh { eo in Raleigh, N. 0, described Aj’ eae $10,000 hi d@«? ig do 8,000 . - us _ ; . = 8,500 ee. 1 5,000 'S. ; ns e ee os ie B00 On 0 a 2,000 os fia oe "9 as & One tet ta ae NG, do — 2,000 BE ew , List of Personal any, Sainipites on exhibftion at 2 Bros &Co., MY Nov 26 Payetteville St, Raleigt, N, ©. at the ! cash prices, 10 Kine Phectons, $000.each, made by II. tescauntaie meas mes inal D. Schmidt, Bajtimore, Md. $6,000 10 Fine Top be wien, £8 $350 each, made by ®. J. eiceeici ate Sallie D Swice H. D, Schinidg, Balumoré, Ma., 3,500 Waa. Bevthalland wife Maggie 2 he 50 Ist! Pret, spon Pianos, made by otball, James.B. Gorge. M art Tremaine Bios, N $650 cach, 32.500 Robert L. Shaver, Mollie G4. Shaver-and| 5 Parlor or Charety Organs, 6 stops, $250 made by Tremaine Bros, Ni ¥:, 1,256 500 Sewing Machines, Ww iksox & Gibbs ox Grover & Baker's, $60 each, 30,000 500 Sitk Dresses; best artigle, 12 yards, each, $40, 20,000 Anvie: J. Shaver, Defendants Petition for Dower. It appearing t6 the Court tft Witltiam. B, Benthall and wife ‘Y. Beothall, are nop ‘| tesiderits of this Btate, it is ordered that a | Heation be thade in the “Old Notth, State” 6 Yelocipedes. $75, z 450 | new spp t published In the Torn vot Rs! Siu: 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards, for six successive wee fying the.said | each $136, 3.240 | i. ees H. Beathall and. wil —- 'Ben-| 6 Salanbander Sales, Wilder's patent, best in thall,to beand appear at ihe uextdergs of fhe the world, $260, 1 560 Superior Court, to be held fon tne. couaty ¢f] “1 Cash Prite, $1,000 gold, 1,334 Rowap, of the Court Louse in Salisbury,on the} 10 Cash prizes, $100 each, 1,000 ‘third Monday, in September aext, then’and| 200 do do . 10 do 2 000 | there to plead, answer or démurto™ the peti- |. 672. do do 5 de 3,360 | tion of plaintiff, otherwise eon 1000do do 2 do 2,000 ws 3000 Prizes, Value of the total amt, $146,694 Total number of Tickets, 73,847 All of the above is put in the drawing at | tesso will be entered: against them, edd the 1 cause heard ex parte as to’ them, Witness, A. Jndson Mason, Clerk of onr said Lourt, at office in Salishury, the thied Monday oA 1869, A, JUDSON MASON .| the regdlar eash selling prices abdewill be dis- ," Coa sprfec$19, : Ds Cs ao. posed of bya regular wode of Drawing, aad ia aecopplish this, the Company wi'l sell { | ovder. to | STATH of WORTH CAROLAMA, | 73.347 tickets at $2 each; ' MONTGOMERY COUNTY. In the Superior Com » William Lassiter 4nd Hiehmend Johnsor, Ad wimstrators of Jacob Lassiver, deo'd., } See. 10: "Phe plan of drawing shal! be as aG@ainet ‘follows: there shall betwo wheels, one a prize { farrinon Johnson and wife Bethany, Celah | wheel and one a number wheel, arranged in b> Jolmson, Washington Riéah and wife Mec. | s0m¢ public place ig the city, where any one { rét, Benjamin Rush and wite Jane, Johu hulding a ticket may be presept on the day of erane, iza Russell, and Larkin Kerang, | Utawing. In thé namber wheel there shat! be Guartian of Henry Kerana as many tickets coffespundiag in nuniber, as PETITION FOR ACCOUNT awo seTrLement, © {those which have been sbdid, To the prize It appearing (o the satisfaction of tbe Court | Wlcel there shall be as many tiekets as tere that Diza Russell, one of the defeudants aud | ace prises, these Uckets shall be deposited in for farther informa- the Coapany : BY-LAWS. heirs-at-law of Jacob Lassiner deo'd,, is not aj tle heels by a beard of supervisors, who sball resideat of this State; [tis ordered that ser be appoiuted by the Directors, after which the vice of summang upon said defepdants be tnade a wheel shall be sealed ap and placed in any by pobhcation in the -Uld North State,” 0 hank fn the city, ‘the Directors may direct, un- \@ week tor six weeks sieoesvcly wiNiny j tu the ime ‘ol drawing, when the Rate trwors (aid defendant to appear pt the next term of j tlall bnog the wheels to the place of ‘draw ing this court, to-be held at the Covert Hoese in | bret “wk the sealsand the drawmg shall be dis | Troy on the 4°h Monday after the 2d Monda a by taking a ticket fron each whee "i in Angrst rest and anewer the petition o! ume and the prine tieket tasen be sume will be heard ze whee) shal acaie the prege drawn by the ticket corresponhog in number seal of said | to the one taken from the number wheel at the posed « | Jat the sane from the pri ex parte as to (hein Given under my hand and the "Court at Tr ry, this 24ub day ot July, 1869. jsane time, The wheel shall be well shakea Cc. ©. WADE, jakier each treket pe drawn { ‘ Super i or Court Momtyomery Quynty, N. Se: 1). The Directors shall designate the {tin _ jo—tw (pr fee $8) e and place of drawig,, al which tune aud en $n Ft ore 1 he Supery sors shall be re wl ot bes “Morth Carolina, | . F ' Gee ee Slow ay Uloenty, Scriaion Cograr. abtehde t and att the drawing is conducted i ¢ ‘ iv equ ita ; gla Nt Maaney, Valentiae Mauney, B. 8, Roberts a dead a epereee Ale [wits will bave excluci¢e goutrol and sab nae A ue wt ol the drawing. They will condact ibe listribution and see that cacl h pufsce ig legally Ore | jrve: “sted with the property he may draw A Su as b the Dofe ft upticn se registry of the "the “ gold will be mm ndants. kept, so, Chat, in the event of loss of ucket, | St Aap Post, Tee ene | the a cident may be remedied and no mistake add D, A. Davis, Plaintiffs, AGAINST | Remos lowes, and the North Carolinas Dressing Coopany, Defendan's. | Uowes is a pon-cesident of the State and tha! . “The se er eae { he Diawing will take place in TUCKER | the North Carvlina Ore Dressing Compan y i tsa) UAbh, wn ibe city of Raleiy b, winiodately a | foreign eorzerution, Laring us principal office | ,,., Hele Of Gukets. of whiell due notice will be }of business beyood the ti mits ofthis State ; and f | it farther appearing that a cause Of action ex- T. | ime against the defendants ip reepert to whom | | the serviees is to be made, wad eke t dye difi- gence thre defendants are not to be found with- in the State, and that the cause af ation arose if this Sate, relating to teal propecty situate | mn this State, 1 ig therefore ordered that 1b “The ra bry All the above mentioned property wii! cer- North Stale” aewspaper. norilying the defend. | P ; ve of briure the Jadee of tainly be disposed of ag above stated, and (hore oor DER Pl rawin 1g it will be invested with tue utle in fee | ssp. No member of the company is allowed to varchase any tickets. All woneys ent by mail, at the owne:’s isk ; that sent by Expresa, Registered ber » company is Working ander the proris- sieua of & special charter granted by the G.1- era! Assembly of North Caryvlina, which cer pe's the company (o couwply laiib ful Hy with al cuntracta, Copies can be‘tad on application to the com- { ' } Re ‘wan at the Court House in Sahstbuiry on the | to answer the complaint of the Phintiffs, or | | Checks or Drafta, at the msk of the company “Given under m hea > al said Court | = property wafitl Oe Hietcd wilese the tile is &. ICUDSON MASON. PT Clerk Banerior Court for Rowan Count Uy. es ut ree iden oe - iol 1 “ a ee ‘ if i 30—6w —Gw (pt fee $10.) ee paieraetearr oh lade n ws, ile s required he | Worth Ga Carolina, ) Surspior Cours, | deposit, vaily, ip the bank, ali monies reer ved Roway Cotyty { where it wil remaia until all the tickets are Jozhoa Miller, J. F Carrigan, WF. Watson, lV sold and all the property will be _ positively and W. 1. Stansill, Deacons of Thyatira frawn @nd delivered to the parties draw ny, or Chareh, Plaintiffs. {the money returnede Send two collars be ex- AGAINS? | press, post office order, registered letter, or | George T. Barnes and wife, Kate C. Barnes, — draft, et one mele on by mail at your own, and Defendants. | take a chance at the 3,000 valuable pi.ze- of- ' Summons for Defendants. | tered. It appearing by affidavit thatthe Defendants} | Tc kets will be sent any where in the United j after due diligence cannot be found within this | “fates at (Le company siisk. State, but that they are non-residents of the State, and that the defendants have Sanat | | situate in this State and that this Court bas ju- fisdiction of the subject matter of this action ; Estate. One fine residence built of brick, in the beeg iwproved sty.e. 10 the city of Raleigh, with 8 Lescription of Re acres of ground, and ali necessary out-burkdinge, IIe is therefore ordered that pob! ieation be mae | with mai r Sne ornamentals about the ey | for said defendants, for six weeks, in the “Ol | Fane $10,000 | North State” newspaper, notifying said defend-| (ne large and conveniem honce in the eit y ants to appear before the next Superior Court | of Raleigh, on Newbern street, 13 large rooms, to be held for Rowan County at the Court | Jouble parlors, with all necess ary out- buildings House ia Salisbury, on the 3d Monday in Sep- | 1} acres of ground and a beautiful oak grove. tember next, then and there to answer the] Vale .. $6,500 complaint of the Plaintiff which will be filed | Qne large house on Newbern ‘and Blood | within the first three days of said term. | worth sires ta, containing 20 rooms suitable for Witness, A. Judson Magon, Clerk of the Su-| a boa: ding hease, all nec essary out- buikiincs, rior Court of Rowan Coun ty, July 24, 1869. | with a Pamuitilal Gal grove in the yaid and § A. JUDSON ASON, acre of Gronnd. Value......... 2... $5,000 Clerk 8 jor Court tor Rowan Coanty. | One beautiful targe Residerite, on Newbern street, sight so— Ow (pr $10.) | rooms snd basement, four out-bavdings aad stable, seres of srs: oe » Very desirabbe and attra soot. | Value ... +. 8. A100 omestea ail gs ! One In Warr renton, x. C., known a8 the rr ‘ton property fo perfect order, one of the beet batt honees fn the state containing § large rooms, double piargas ene portiess, ne of the most commanding and besutifu) residences in the place, with 8 aeres of gr. wed, fine orehar 4, beautiful oak gro ove im the yard, aod ail necessary out-buiklings. (Fer laying of Homesteads, ) Is the place to buy the best and cheapest} LANE’S WHITE LEAD, I key | : i Valeo, «i053. -0- 95.00 oe : ree -e him if be would not Plows. Sicha te arrows, Corn Shalem | a | Se bet daas: owciry” Seaa. We en a | \And a new and ae eet form | The property at Tazlorevitie is very atteagtive, ¥ tas Ge like to take them home to read on San-} straw Cutters Cider and Wine Mille, Reaping BUCK ) do foand ia Cowan's Bric sn t door to F.| ing and growing poba Gheemand or are inh blicoh day. “Oh, Har pert” exclaimed the old | and Mowing Ma: hives, Wheat Threshers with | | He Spregue's fhe. All Rthde of Pepsi ing | J. J, LAWRENCE, M. B., | aue siuusted ie squire, tre moe od end Avaerhi mc divine, “how could you? Here I am) mer without Clee ners me he adie ae ari ee N.Y CITY, do an leew at short notice snd detisfaotion guaren- | | Lege, me oe pale polbatlg Au fh as wih a fine cigar and this genial Parc hy Tacos pollens Suen ei ELIE de {teed. We returm thanks to a generous public “LAND DEEDS, tain regiom, the menery | tebly delizhetal ain fusein atin ished, o se paral wicular regard PANNER! SE ROSEN Peon emenery bo ure at peace with all the world, feeling good | <honltt € Koll he te a ben i . Bf oe rd 1 ANNER 8 OI L, KEROSENE OIL, a past favors, and hope by strict attention to| ORGANIO CHEMIST ns Soe ms, aud the briid ge we new Sat natured and thinking weil - my fellow- | Threshing Machine with (cates, Mat ufactured | For sale by ara re 5a a. | a ce ' Revised and corrected bv the \ ove leans Wil. ¢ wataining le me. ah 4 Men ereatares, Bat if I should read those | in or out of the Sinte. . —All pergons Laving atenes Bp i " nee | sad wae nea Gures (autlLetseree tienda vale G2) sapera, I would soon get ivaithent cross J. H. THOMPSON. een with L, M, Davis or Wilson & a, 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia. | best legal authority in this place 1 Persona dear) g soy Aber lism’ io a diagusted with baman nalere No,! May 28, 1869—3m.— 'McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., |to be repaired are requested to call and get for sal Addres ; will please qddrees “ I ject as: < them.” } oe American copy 3 months and send | them or they will be sold for repairs, e. 8 SOR C. HOUSER Salisbury, July 30, 1969, 19—1y! Jan. 29, 1809. 4—fm. |tgrFor Sate wy 414 Duveerers.-we | map, 10, J. J. BRUNER. April 23—!m iuxre uon tead section 10 and 11 ¢f the By-Laws of ae inting.&o..extca atdalfinadvancefor 7 Music,Drawing,Moderaterates ;pa Aurther particalarspgsSutera,SyneYB o~UniversityofN.Carolina,THE FAUL SESSIONofthiswhthin20ha Tustitution will commeneeProx.aod continue twenatoryandNormalDepaeralCoaseafUnivegsity Lectures,ued.Entire ex ;B85 w 8100.All theUcnareoffered,free of charge,number of residents iithePesident."soupyChapelHill,July 6th,4849. 27—6w Statesville Male Academy. J.m.A.M.$=oe }Patxcrrata, THE FALL TERM is Son_Sth of Sigeutinor na jen riinents,aud a Gen- fenae.‘incladiug board:of the Tnibpit u- Dep't.iIntermediate One halfutthe above charges is required in a,address the Principals Issawill—-ZtApoons Dey |fiebynhenjor the County of Row»Sept.33.inéy.and rngyE0inary,toerth Female Seminary,|”: 1E NEXT SESSION WmenceofthetirstMoadayPannteentireexperseofBogrdandTargdnwitbefrom$100 to S110 f paid in sdvgoce.Bachherownlightsaadtowels }ea and pillow cases,BorJ.M.M.CALDWELL,Greensborv’,N.C.| Herein fai)noe,there this Writ. and aboa pair id Court,at Bslisbur ®w@ jyv2.1869—3m TUES 2¥ENTI BESSION WILL COM- gneoce ow the Shot Angost ext. It appearingte Pleacant Greve.WLC, Juné 25,1868. BINGHAM SCHOOL. MEBANEVILLE,N.©.Wm.Bingham,Seber!Birghatn,W.B.Lynch. ‘1 os | HESESSION oF 1869-'70 BEGINS| aes forty weeks‘astrgstiun ineludes the ordi-| nary Knyli-h trandhes,the Anrieut Lanveages Brenck,Mathemalcs,Book-Keeping.and the | lements of Natural Scianer. *,(iaelading tution,board,fuel, ooks and clothing.)$365. Ciegulare sent on applination, give 18,1809. Farm ave of Supener Coart of Rowan i day of July,1969URDERED,That the sor:mons poopy of which « the sud Jou K <atve ina vewspaper styled August 26 :4ceeeieg CytDani‘Rae the]Amos tlowes and defendant in the Buperiur Court ‘"tne Novth 40 recover the possessionofreal Dressing Compan, iv Duet‘defendant. Nant afthte Ceiba,ee een to avaid the servive of ae veretrotn sélt therein with a like iment;J tbat sertive of summons.be menethe“Old North said defendant to appearriorCourtatthecourt4th”Monday after OtteProvaigtheplaiaiffwilldemandedinthe .sunapzoms.U.Nye iytchison &TJ.Sumoer,Plaintiffs, Toho E.Bro ao:o£.wa,Wm.J. andRobert F.liske,Se vome STATE OF NORTH CA ROLINA,aloe Sheriffof Rowan County—Greeting.|"'is bereby commanded to sutnmon |this Joly 30,3660.7 satel W.J.Brown,Z.B.Vance ana-Hoke,if te be fend in your Coan-y,dersonally to be andappear belore his Hon-or,the Judyeof gor Superior Cunrt,to be beldisMeleharyeethsoaCourt-Heonsé ber neat,Uwn and thereto ansyofwhichisserved with thi :them take notice,that if theysaidcomplaintdarmytheneattiffswillapplytotlau)asart far the wlividrandes s,s Green vader my band and the seg!of the esse’noone —M9 the “Okt Northperforsigweeksgotifyingthedefendanttobeand*ppear before the Judgr ot acting as Mivister of the Epi 1 ChurchthenextSeperiorCoarttf coonty of Bowan at he oa hag jo that place,I do net tow recollect of hare eee F.Hee,Defendants | satislaction of the Conrt,{|ny affilavit Bled that We defendant Jowx E | |Bewwe above named,ia not a resi tent of thes 25—3m |State—that his revidence i*not known and can "|net after due diligence be agorrtaied,and tha: after due diligepee he cannot be found in the State—that p caver of pcuon egistsagainst him | in favorof said plaintlle,Ue grownde of whit appeer by the sworn comphint—that be is as |proper party to this action,aad that the sum, mown by in cach week for sig Weeks.Witness,A.Judson Mason,Clerk of the Su- 24—Gw |perior Const of Rowan Oonnty,st office in |tahsbary,the 26h day of July,1869 ACADEMY.A.JUDSON M ; vo of this Academy will eow-|390—6w(pr fer $)8) de by publica-conge @ week forwey,notifying thebeforethesaiciSupehowteinTroy,an thetedMondayioAugust egswer the eonplaiataboveentitledcause.ortake——for the rebef Given under my hand seulofsai:24th dayof duly 1869:Cease eeSour for Montgomery,Conn-3C~3w (pr fee $10) “Tahe OR VOC, ¥ erts and D.A.Davis,Plaintiff,|aGanier J :ee R :Pie,aie bee aismiresCope.°meMer Come.|on ter neeec te asesWhoatenJ.Mlle Val |dor oF a:~tine Mauney.Ephraim Manney,-_es ne 2"Pah:))WATES oF RUBcROPTiON, »eee *aCarolina,Ore pus Ream pazable ty advan »Def ts,*,os:—Copies toone address...77% Stateof North Carolina:10Copies to'onesddress,.2.22127 "7% To Amoa Hawes and the Nortn Carolina Ur ;Rates of ‘Aduerts,Bete:Pree re ae |outlte iciin!F am ory from Hon,Joh re,first i ’M.Clon t,busgeof the 8.Juda 1 70”|Ror wachabdiional teartnal i ee fain a.nd a hereby com to rer ig)notices will be char,bib frre we a.or in any manner osing|bi,than the above rates..cent Plaintiffs complai my pperty ae described in}Conrt nnd Orderswitlbe pallagents,comple by yeusrselves or|ed at the.same rates with othe sk lish- Balsve’the Intge-nbor BesoroeGone Menes|:Oon er envertion; Court House in Salisbury,ay she =ituary notices,over six lives,charged September nex',then and there ie asadvertigements. why the injunction sball no conti i Gjudgment‘anes tide 2 -ae ee ee 31~6w—(prfoe $12 ) |Worth Carolina. wet the com-| ihe 24th day of Jal[A _AJUDSON Mason.”Clerk of the Superior Court forDopticateofthissummons OregonOP we.Vt wey eS Corelinn.f In the Saperigr Court Courne—Hing sak,Classical,Mathe-|E Nyg Urronwos &T.J.Seuxee,Plaintiffs. ;AO MEST Tuition from $5 to $10 per seasion.|Jony E.Baows.Wuusan J.Baoww,Zeocix | Roard with the Principal $9 per mouth.| For patticulars address the principal at F tou,Davw Co,¥.C Rowar County. issued to Bun-| said complaint daring the term of said coer the plaintiff will take jodument agsinat defend ant a4 deapanded in said said writ. Given under my hand and seal of said coart \this 30ti day of July,A.D.1869.|pregnated t 31—Gw—ipr.lew $8.) |jafertion of the cdert that the defendant James oo —_ee a =we paywes that fran other wells witha State:It is therefore ordered by the court thet beveti |mous gud complaint berria were filed in the |pat-earion be nade in the “Gid North Ptate,”ree aes Pe a eee County va tbe 240»|9 newspaper published in Balsbury,NC,for |,thug,punseptad to ty Kt,and te my «nr |1x weeds eugersmrely,norily:ns the def-wdaut |rigefiynd it so mueh stronger than any I | herem,a }that he be and appear at the neat teem:of our j nd before tasted,that 1 ewald hardly be- re above,be serced as to |Superior Court to be helu tor The county |fiege it was froin the sane visivity.Tusme)4s re ou ee wr lot Coldwell at —Court —- af Old North }noir,on the 8th Monday efter the 3¢mie brid : |State,”published m thectty of Salisbury,vuce jim Augast bex!,then acd there to plead,Pr a a ee peat —=ee |ewer wr demur,or Jad,tmentprowoutesso wil Alen Bpeia iu Bath gowuty,Vax Theef. be taken agaist bie.|fet on ine.however,wae exactly the same |-ourt et ofl-r.the Sth Monday after the 3d |Monday in Mareh,1869 R mence_on the first MondaytnPenteratanyUne the f trance.The rates of taition Will be as 610.00 and $15 000 per gemion of6 at the end of every @ august pneging.j andbe charged from | months payable| red to give pupila a thoroogbebranchesusoallytaughtinsGrst | is located ip s heaithy and moral| avklin Township four miles from paliabary,on the vew road to Mocksville, Board can be had tn re-pectatiie families8dollarspermonth. Jane 9,1869.—25 3m L.MH.ROTHBOCK, emi.PINNATYORNEYATLANLEXINGTON,¥.C. WitPRACT! Ip this case it a of the evart that Urary-and wife Martha CE in the courts of David.| son,Fortythe,Guilford,Alamance aod Han- R.M.Pear,C.J.of N.C.Raleigh. K.G.Reade,Assoriate Jugtice, “Bedford Brown,Yanoeyvitle,N.O. 'Hon.John Kerr.. J BR.Mclean,Greensboro’, Tiditias Raffin,Jr. 2 &J.M.Ghent.Dobson,N.C. Jannary 29.1869. ~“JOuN S.HENDERSON,BY &COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SALISBURY,N.CU, EF Will attend promptly to the Collec- tio.of Claims DR.C.A.HENDERSON, AVING resumed the practice of Medicine | respectially offers his professional services 12!satisfaction of the eourt th |James H.Collett resides of the State:It is therefure ordered eoart that publication be ma: orth State"a newspaper pa _|isbury,N.C.,for six weeks shegessively.n9- tify ing the defendant that he be and appear at |the next term of our Superior i te be held for the eounty of Caldwell at the | Professiongl services to the public.OF |eyurt house jn Lenoiron the 3d Monday iy | August next.then and there to plead answer or demur,ar judgment pro ecufesap will he taken against hii.Witness,R.R.Wakefield,clerk of our suid court at office the 8th Monday after the|this 26th day of Jaly,A.D.,1889. 3d Munday in March 1869. R.R.WAKEFIBLD,¢.&©.Gle-Gwm(pe few 8.) @arojina,Caldw.Il County. Jacob N.Harshaw, OFFICE :The one late oeenpied by White Calls may be left enthe head &Henderson.at his office,or at Eani-y’Drug Store. Sahsbore,Feb 12 1868. Dr.1,W.JONES, AVLNG located in Selighury,offers his fice on Council Street,oppeeite the Lourt Hone aud next dvor tu the Law offige of How.Burton May 28,1968-tf. FavSele. A Fine New Buyezy Apply to WILLIAM !I.BATL ae Caldwell County. Construction af Will. »|J.RB.Wilson,exeeu.or of James Blair,dec'd|puggmah A.Estes; A.Whit awit,X M.WI |W.A.ite and wi Saney M.White.oe Av fotene Dok.AreySune pice har Ll Cullett, _A.hire,ian.niamin |istaction of the eurt Usat Jawes H.Collett re-|ory does ber office,it bas alwa taken the Steele and wife Elizabeth Steele,James |giles beyoad the limitsof the Suote:Itis there Rockbridge water that long to produce any Barovs,P.G,MeCrary and wife Martha |fore ordered by the court that publication be MeUrary.Emma Barnes by G W Barnes.|made in Abe ‘Old,North State.”s newspapet Guardian.Sarah Isabella Fortwer,by Ad-|published in Saksbary,N.C..for six week |to ine so beneficial in that respect.as well 18 |euccessive'y,motilying the defer dant that he te ..|and appear at the next term of oer Superior|to gv to them.I have had them sent to me, ring t>the satisfaction |Cours to be held tor the county of Cald-|and invariabl roes,P.G.Mee)weil at the Court House in Lenoir on the |gaune favorab Crary.Emma|gib Monday after the 3d Monday in August,|water prove equally +fficacions hereafter,it Rernes by G.W.Barnes.Guardian.defend-|next,then avd there to plead,| auts in this ease are non-reridents of this |mur,or juigment pro conivss will be taken |thawkful. Therefore ordered by the court.that |against tii blication be made fur six weeks snccessive-| in the “Old North State.”a newspaper |court at off ©tie Sh Monday after the 3d |te eontri .notifying the |Mouday 1m Marc!1860 er sufferer may find relief at Linowlton.— eline Fortner,James R.Barnes,by ames published in “alisbery.N.C. |said defendants to be and appear at the next | |term of oar Xaperior court to be held for the of Caldwell,at the coart huase in Le- nuif,on the 8th Monday after the 3d Munday | in August next,thew and there toanswer the |counplaint of plaintiff filed in the clerk's of-| fice,or judgment wil’be taken ex parte as to Witness R.R.Wakefield, |wid court the 8th Monday after the 3d Mon- rch.1369.R.BR.WAKEFIELD,c.8.c|31—Gw—{pr fee #10) James HB.Collett. In this ense it is made to appear to the Scremion Court.| Spring Term,1800 | Michael Spainhonr,ase of North Carolina, Moses L.Holines,Rénben J.Holmes,Ephraim @davit of the Plaintiffs that the Defendant Amos |Howes is a fhon-resident.of the State and that |the North Carolina Ore Dressing Compnny isa health |foreign corporation,haying its prineipal office | |of business beyond the limusof this State;and it farther appearing that a canse.of action ex- ists against the defendants in res to whom :; theHt is to be made;*and eae There is,no placein North Caruliun where genoe the defendants are vot to be fodind with-| beyond the limits |in the State,and that the causeofaction arose ee by the |sa this State,relating to real property situate aud iutellectual tratuing,-: de in the “Old|ia this State,Cis therefore ordeted that pub-Miss M.W.Alexander,for girls,is as yet blighed in Sal-|Leation be made tor six weeks in “The Old North Slate”wewspaper notifying the defend- afits to appear before the Julge of our:next |Superior Court to be held for the Cunnty of |results;white the new seboul,fur boys,an- Rowan at the Conit House in Balisbary on the|der the charge of Rev.|Mr.Wetmore and 3d Monday in September next,then and there Prof.Smith,late of Chapel Hill,to be to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs,or |opened on the 12th inst.offersinducementa |: jndgment will be granted for the relief deman-|t parents pot dften to be met with in our ded, Superion Court,Spring Term,1869, Attachment. at the defendant, And it appearing to the sesistactin ||al |#{5conrtthatatterdnediligenaea:|é ;ve |cannotbefoynd within the State!but that de-||e):||fenslants are non residents of this State,it ie SPACE.ets x zorderedbythecourtthatserviceefthisorder|&oF |$for infunctionbe mad»by publication for six |?t 1 |babel “rt North State™newapaper,1 Bq 1ate ea |!rae niid ae ‘ChdaUls (Appear at the mere.08 SO GETS ©““4 rave -rave’then wud there ty |Tene /450 625)8 sllsool neseeeWansojgnetion.ehall aab be Sqnares.|600,9.001 Iz00 20 00:30,00emoteUlthejudyimentberenderedinthis4aur800111001500.2500)37.50ection‘vlumu.11 00/1600)20-00,45.00Giverundermybandandsealofsaidcourttala180:26oo20.00 3 0 vaaeColumn.A.JUDS°N MASON,=ee ClerkSuperior Court for RowanCounty.Frem the o heave es,Sursgion Cover.TERING PLACE.y io Septens-—Jentins,Adatinintastor of Wm.Jen-|For several years past it has been knownDeceasedcoattosotheofitscitizeus,that several oftheTheNorthCarolinaOreDreasipWellsinLincolut.¢Company,De-on are toreor lessigresumMoxs¥,De-/ly impregnated with alum,and probabte,|Toul udge ol | demanded in the com-ant sod hage pou wen and Cappeming epon a@idavit that defend with other mineral J is a foreign corporation,ae aur.|Eendered the use ti ieh have cer Or agent of said cor perati “te revns affl werviceable |within the limits of this Bites Te ie inl Qos aa aoe ohne Bea orgens.How long thie hisUDeertain.Pua 853 tw aad hile |ing beard of alu water within less thasboatemercheeewUUee ‘lof any particular value until within the last tow weeks wheu (Wns loduredwtry«wel which proved to be inuel wore steongly im- ban any f hadbefore tasted.The feet ov me was very prompt and very de- pided ;preeisely the same as that of the Rockbridge Alun Water io fled,ls On} c ciosene 0 the 23th of June.[went to Line»on | jerth Caroline.(*7 BT,ling far nore than é@nantoaly lidisposed—| ald ult Cuanty |Spring Term,1a.|My tongue was furred,aud say a white Elizabeth A.Estes,as common paper.and my month so parched | against Attachment,that J found it difficult to sustaiv an ordinary James H.Collett.evoversatien.A friend,to whow F was epeak- Jn this case it is made to appear to the Mat:|ing of my feverish ancomfurtably covditivn. teldane of this water;bat asl hadfre- A.JUDSON MASON, Clerk Superior Court for Rawan County itappeared nearly,if ust quite,as strong Wiorts KR Wakefield,clerk of onr ea!|14 that of the Rockbridge alwas has been. Iw lees than tweofy-bours,my -tungay re- ya .sumed ‘ts natural ovndition,the salivaryoeteCC.|Hands began to act freely.aud all feverish, Se aveownfertable feelngs were gone.Adis- Berth Carolina,Screawar Covet,|¢essing irritative aud paiufuluese in the re- Caldwell Omuty.|Spring Term,1569 |gion of the kidneys bad cleo left me;bot whether this were attributed to the use of the water,I cannot say,a¢[did not vot perteive any @ iably effect on the uriv- ary organs daring my stay.Bat I remain Jo this cxse it ia made to appear to the sat-|ed ovly two anda half days;end.if mem- Attachment. against decided effect upun me in that ieular re- spect.Yet those waters hare always proved an «thers,that whee ogable from any eanse foand ure ot less of the resalts.Should the Lincolo aimwer or de |will he «blessing which I ecanuot be too 1 ain indaced to make this statement and Witness RoI WakeGel),clerk of oar saint |to pat my name tu it.from a sincere desire Leta tu the publie good.Some oth- R KR WAKEFIELD,¢.8 0°|While there the’last time,I heard of one 31—6w—[pr fee 83):on who had been relieved of sowe long Gar sanding,cutanevus affection,from the ase of Scpeetor Covet.|the water,avd of some visitors who had be- cone strongly porseaded of its mineral val- vue.My own impression is that it is of very considerable value.and certainly worthy of a trial by all persous sufferingin-a way Roway Cotyrr, Mauney,Valentine Mauney,B.B.Kobert- aod D,A.Davis,Plaintiffs.AGAINST |Amos Howes,and the North Carolina Ore similar to myself.Liveoloten is «small Shiretawn—the seat justice for Lincoln cunmty—of about 1,000 ot 1,500 inhabitants,situated oo the Char- lotte and Rutherford Railroad.tt is eleva- ted in position,in an undulating.airy and fi region as any east of the Blue Ridge,aod is remarkable for the quiet in- dustry ot ite people,who,as &whele,are as retined and intelligent as those of avy uther town in the State of eqaal population. Dressing Company.Defendants.Summons to the Defendants, It appear:ng tu my satistaytion upon the afi- dog dil|ghild,or female,could be:sent wi -sthoot with greater safety to its woral.religious £The sehyol ot small,but in hapds s»able and experienced, wil)doubtlyss sour beeonre larger;that of Judge Brevard,also all reports,with happy country tillages.,Mr.W.isa geotleman Given uniler my hand and sealof ead Court |of most amiable character aud deportment, t moral aud religious wort»,and well A.4UDSON-MASON,rtsboth oer cee pa -—_. Clerk Snperio~Courtfur Rowan County.van!t in of a train- 8—4w(pr fae $10.)or @f 9 youth.Mr.Swith is well andfavor- oh ha sat :; Sasee ee .pat and-dritayie :»2 Pi >4 . LINCOLKTON.N.C.A FUTURE Wa.| to bina af Bis work |»On sheSthsontaartheBallooncondedatBuffalo,eaerying-upProfemorKingGentlemenofthegress,oneofwhom,«2 the CummercialAdvertiser,haapublish-#loogaudexiting sevouss.of the trip,from $iz Fi WIXDLING ON A LARGE SCALE. A CLAIRVOYANTS CONFIDENCE GAME, i Fféx t : if f i 1 Fe E ! g3 A HafF i j g i p ci l fza i i ears,and quite recently,old man learned that hisfalse wifehadreturned He came hither and fourid thateuchnotasyetbeenablefogetany the lost treasure. ef the woman's living here, y called at her house pear ‘the Foarth sailing.|Ward school house,on Jefferson street,but has bertom |not been able to see or gain an interview i at a distanceofadezen|Afterbout two y as we were toldhoughtotheontravelled bal- bat acros a couple of fields wasthe case,but h ‘fhe voyagersnow wished te dereend,butdar- |ed not on aceountof theprevalenceof ests in the country over whichthey were At last all their ballast gave out,and the ofthecar weretakenout affd split and|her.required.At ast they | hey thought a i l i —83r |entiafaction regarc iha rt . ?& :{“a5 We understand that legal bout to be instituted by the «windled o!ho is left nearly penniless,with a hope of re portion of his lost forume,but as tointerventionofthe thrown over as occasionofthecountry where ¢t be attempted,sodtheyprepar-|wiih: i7] i |E |what success will attend theCRASHINGTHROUGHTHETREE-TOPS.court,we are able to say nothing.Wecouldnowdistirictlyseetrées,apparently imfront andoneitherside of ux,and hereagain Admiral Charles Stewart,famili “Old Lronsides,;”reached the age While his mind is asever,and his general healthissufferingfromWhatie to be a cancer of the tongue. The Lonisville,Ky.,“Express”of says that a band of thirty rego attack on the house of one of the in Casey,and shot and killed thThisisthesameganginAnderson,Mereer andlionofmilitiaistobe acene of trouble. The list of seizures reported Tuesday at Internal Revenue Btrenu inclided $20,000THROUGHTHENICHT,wotth of manafactured“Theanchorcanghtat lat apon a tree at Il ‘lock,andassoonas.it was ascertained that boats orderedbyavebeenseized3 ¥ ztaE r se| i l # ae eeneeracadeeenenaaemmeenemenemneneat Gann the fict That thompeopleof téconaruetion acteat the South,and threaten-|:‘i ,a :,7.f ::Qt?I Rev.C. "Mate 1 Ce Tey ”a}Basset diye:the 270h-ylt.,Mr.csMrs,Ano 8,Cresa, nite ;rinnat ’} 4)ec i Worth Carolina intend to discard the dead issnes Cd by the fitfeenth amendment to the North!THE es.};i o.aetl :>any |Lhe propastion is as follows:Bissoereote.—|as sae -—e alia past!Ts th rane a oeis bhi cles Dhak we car oe der ve papel "pus ve ;p ;,.ny SALISBURY.FPRIDSY,AUG.13.190).se vility that the movement for the establish-ion of owe citizens of the right vl nullrage .\ite neti etn mT ’pater this,’der an::Sage (ment of a Liberal Party which is now going |ready grahied to them,|There is no greund'ap-:naaiail ;er uhoo |:oe te .;;Hy dan be checked until it Kecomes an accomy 2 Which to base such a conclusion;butif eg@n -X .whe |:eae sa +erSSDEATILOFHON,JAB.Ae OSG Pe Teahied fact?*Ad belt ba sinc contend ni?he argiiaent wits oe ii would ve ho plea |3 At eee a ‘tech 4pene al ‘i "foo 7 .*SPECIA td $vill pest The proposed change ta fhe ews govern:bs rik ont here r ry oe,BY a ro RELIEF ‘vor tux 5 Bi mae PN aes igo.nae”‘‘* We Jearn with the deepest”ries,nt “a My beral party trnaing at the Sout om Inthéer ht of suffrage,Supp Cou panes perp y nual os.i ; ary ready to'gp-tpnowy shee 4 asian tery t North wad thattg.wills io uring the fext session,ermcted a Ob dsm ance he ee!4 Sy pave.dep.‘9 a 7 .It was*the soisfortage died at his reddunge it Qbaphaalicen yw suf paffer in she vext vafhoughielaglion’#sprenduiedt (oeoietiutionvaenattiug Ale aa es Pon oe Pe eas ee to ligve suites oda. Se ee eo ‘.;.liftiition of *to vead”ali ee ee re aa si ;r i Syearso ".-, (Wednesday)dtl]o'clock,“A.-M.Phis#ahe)“Tae “a r ‘'Phelap a ora jeep Ttion of al pathy pishisidr.|to.give-the States back into Wie Ta Fay rf entiogs oM banca ev eae 1. nouncemeiit will carry sadness to many heats Ts ee Mi AN GRDN.ph cpa tage,to t efect.in 4 yer :a ~gtiy the y hers .Bow ‘0 kee ;ktm]Geiser |RR:Mee he 05a ws outaide Ute olrcle,of his immediate associate Weel at a :nce dn Atk en he |salt of copii itor ‘ave no |f we Dutingall that time.he ingBon pell>|Co.Tees {oan bee und relatiogs,Kew men were more’nniverially [ee at ne that this eelithes|Seat »toraflf es”,preceptor righ |ae 7 stgnee tc —=Correspon-|vito drag his emacitged ibe.gu 348 4 i235 wt SBA m,§* beloved und’estedined than Judge ‘Osborne.eee Le ae ;oe ved Be rent ci the.propbiie pe ee owe Fe Syracuse Journg a jerutches.“Tiain he invoked¢st med-Fe er |of ae rte —S A gentleman of fing talents,Cfgeent ante ee er on _—tion?”.The breasu:ivenaally Foon,mats 'Ry .|ical th of the country ;and -wisited*the Er i id ts hi ‘‘‘alt ice ee og!of,Tettnessee.We cannot on ie,op ;afte :s {most cglebr:igi 128.y _This kes‘allthe ion{Fx Pes of character,a singgre loverofpeace,168 degentt ws Oe re [ula ck by :Of veil).teachers.“ba the MISCELLANEOUS TUEMS.ewerrug snedighy Ppinat.«ee TRAINSwil.KC pdgihcsolder”way’wie at-this-timemurtbetegarded as public log =ee hope.-Vey er ;intentions:+ey as Pgiied BRS LOrKUptA0 Ayoots.atHT We supposed bat we a De®Lawl eee”xhausted,he gave up opeof there is ne ater ae tyritt be brought sogulur> dal )a a ‘heen,Andrew,»has done the -3 Stab ghsftcsMgDes ||intiol Ol jor eve et eee %e208 reoovery.At this stage of his case.having|7 by the Pastwagenteaing ©a oxy.heft ;;FO il 1-*CAnt.Hendersoi,of Merdian,Miss.,was been goyeruyd by his medieal friends from|\gietee ee 9.‘ow hecoml wnt Aetahidway"thenbogi piu neseta eo 7 tree st CO)paredhim-method o Ueplinetie 9,rennor jis wel q Lv AILHOAD. ti a fi 7 i aboat:liymineyears Per ee See St a aaSindePdeathHehodIs:held p/2MA Bch harm enw Se of the >|afintha the ORAL oot Wc tttea a days,worn.{hg judicial.erming,with credit,to eg arene oF it“bael Relther one was Hection.It is*enough-tosay.that ays,mG,JUG Cha tlo ES .’o friends —h ;ue oe 7 mey Ff :high beat (1 ‘4 ’ie |methods 0 i rs I P 2 Inow toshiafe Wp higene.and}Heda constantly.%”:!aly wiigee ond ME Searnmg.We i still where Our om oo.oF 3 |Whe a A AN as ) 'lee ,as ;~eae ound in 2}citizens actsaninble tocose into compel tel,PRET AvS .FeCeip sy ftom:tobacco Th kuowi,an atteniptead ‘thePhysicians. 1 ‘usavith9more extended wketelfor OM)oa wae ee Se ete eet papodint stele wi those»wito‘bare aes ie districts in Virginia,fran September;Afier some oabteat Da. a Yay ee eee :Pom :atroetlon OW |advantages A edacatign nati .abeeatios Y August sty aroover $1,000,000 in ex-|and perseverin oct:Se i ag Mapes Ee *1 ;:S ewvof Com-:herh &é 7 and Normal Séhools at tha@North,Betweenan|¢‘Peeipty fur the same time last year pape t geffurss,he was rey ed.w Wii ine abysorpt i the whole ‘rowiiels ¢:Kod :;rout,applicant from abroad and a native.citizen “of ;7";a e f year:Hengratlty tng ic ti Tudéed.israp- ;the.absorption ofth Di ,=,ae adi ‘aad ae mm ebro @ y,9 «Hagia:le seizare of |i duprovem See eee Pint.Song Sut nnd RR ikben apatites mg ny ere?ipevstonivolierstioncot sid “bogivenhe ort ss ch atntonts,nud thiak ia tare,midieal—ao maehoo.that looking Sagk ialeof the Budi howis othe new |Whieh he purtued as-Proside nt?Ale witkart dayptFOEM9 ee ppl abla ito.the Chir |candless..if sectional “preferences”bos p\pay the island by the United States |UPe?his eonditiow ayear han ‘he caw even tto a aarea r oe,io playtherole 6f'a Persecuted jot.Hiei Pe oF :aiiee om a they.just or unjust,we must sclect the best effeeted,iewould be best for all par-|now;hardly realize the trut i ouderful,ied |ig sehestec eenaa at iin foils an MALE AT reno pn UA i ali tae hE wy PNPtafouvily graGatalfor Us sarangi | Pri astio holds wun ocheal grpr td iba :|owes Bodhi ol ity,.and|instruetion,and like a stitpid girlTypever a 22}*On the ist of July,two yong ladies at}vt i:lie is desirous of bei 8 5 in ordor06.strike hands with Cho disettagted att gnilgr prefence Of defeniting himself,und’he may Hhitterty Compltined.ef hy DE!ping ai the fect of hersiaters?Lthertoshehas{Shelburne Falls,Mass.,took a pailfglof o&gimusing ‘similar bereits ie hin he Re APR OATS {rroperls,Iecause necessarily,deno soe).>.[snow froma large drift which had Wen shel-|inay be,Minilarly ‘wticted.|He,Herefore,|20".. The correspandentof the Garett:b wieigkent ”re Consiitutipr ordains the Uutvesity shall |tered boards aud shaViogs near a saw proposes not unly to treat,Bat CURE.all 42,stro t was ae light and clear as the win-|manner of diseases of the loiver _extremitigs,#Plott’,tith ay 5 tee Q 5d -ee 'u £.00 ay |be held to augifecprca ble connection with theWree f mill. romine with weong,‘Dhis may be considered)believeWhathesays.But in lact héfwilluly igsmnditionof‘pap dighan of a ies {ving t U0 mopapres sharp Policy by the demagogue,bat it:will e what he regardsas his own wrongs Ryome Bdmy a i smpposing that a repeal of the reconstyuction |such as otd atid i) wolaverem of the State.Ie further |ter article. cr(legs{Vesieose Vejgs;weak when suit ne and hovor-principle.oe,hcg ‘x Wikeow Pixindeiter:“janmvensing:hirsell againit bis:old ettensietee |ee och amy ramedy,‘Fhe ply.eeme-|Public Awatlis above exeraet ‘the’Plaivtoatéy--adinits|Lostesd of doing anything Rt hrrredicnees |dy isthe aaa aig is Raph Sonne oe ee ae ren Ou Sunday morviug a-nan wmed Lan bane |!:ot,a x,..¥*ae 42 |vy a 5 y cod “tion wi he Unty ’.‘rtiment or a se 4 A ,ane.©i 5 a thut the Democratic party is in the minority and |an craofgood feeling he wil be doing wll he tae pleat tt athens ee ae oe that ,don living at Chagas Mo.sicani pied ta-|Johuts,&ec.,no inattef of hew loug stab ne:;lisburyy?oy IG cee eres ‘Qa do nothing.‘fhen why continue to fight un-|Can to prevent It.This follows frgm the ‘wery|"See _—vejrpttianed—Bio 4 ze {his Pepartmeyty tovcther with &general course |swit &creek with his Ties won on his back.|It #8 oud of the great,advantages ot Morth Carolia,).SuPer Court der.its banner?‘This talk about revering_and |nature of the man.[Te could searoety act oth |“Jteom the:Rate’ge Sptinel.”|of Mais ersity Lectures,will be openett the next !It is supposed the boy choked his futhet by ™Ode of treatment,ae Do resteieriug at}Wi CouNrY.~Spring Tera,"id. erwise if “he Would.Suchare not the wen;POLITICAL PROSPECTS.Jeoes'on:and that the bengtits gf the instituden|clinging to his ueck.Both were drowned.|imposed on the patient.agregards di@t,exer Mervidane Brown,q P my -|are offired,free of chargesto a limited number |'A man uamed Rogers,who went “to resdde |C86 &c..and for the most party Ieee oF po |”:agninst tf Porition for DivGree |medicine fs uged.|Dania)G.Browa wsLonofingprincipleisspeciousandplansible,but . 'for the’national.counsels in times.likes the|-——\siaerade "ai of cident:ia the State,apoa applicvion vith |thew,was drowned Ald},¢ Phe charges shatt Be th srosetiaricg gith f It appeatingty the satisfaction pf the Gav t ’i cau Geveive.no intelligent man.*If the Plsia-|fae a toh F dorldé eutitendsfor al)the principles ‘of Ybe:ofa |Prevent,|Whatever ‘athers may davine werain-||The lection ia Terinewoe following in the Reet en party i hi rely hope that Andrew Jot rill bye |cbawmed of that in Vingiitia,slows the wane and |wlieluay tel yor eels Phis iiberal offer SAU}vtigg Dorathy A.Bix,known so widely ‘pe Demdératie party then it askathe old Whigsand |ee Fe ee ee dee Dot be permanent tra of the tide in political affairs,|entice our oven cu ws successfully (0 coupete!od tvorgbl :ie hile ht N a LY the general depressionofthethugs;and thong:ie]wn.the dh f-odan®ineting Maloniats to sacrifice principle to go with it |*ent'to the Senate as Mr.Fowler's successor,*|and (hit,in the South particulary,tae reign of |for the inaporta hong often hb Core ne ouy interview Mouds with Si,Bou nce cy really ihdfigeut.will be treated**withoyt nee:|te *al this Sate:In ig thete- Aid if jt does not then it has already,unde?th ~+ipe J oppression,proscription and spoils is drawing 0 {4 iulic Schools.se normal a -tructiom at the Fn y 1 Ot.LOU yunty ‘ey and without price.”|case Is aot bre ahs ‘:4 i eo aid ifjt does not then it has already,under the i 2 ¢eo}:i i cae y ;vert tf view &wn) *:72 Cree oo Ten 8 tcheats that ita vlha-|$speedy close.3 Universitvehould,and doubtie be euch|Court,which she addressed at Aength on the /-DWARD SILL,MD jore ondgred BY the dott that force of circuntatances,“abandongd principle”:_eee oe se eens W the cuamencement of reeomsttiction web bitecrt fleate of graduation weu ly vive;tmatter conneeted with the insafe asylum and |Feb.12—-1f :iebary N.C.|wonsspen said gicfendant be at an oS and “Com promised with’wrong.”“When will #0"to our talent and abifity wes wot ihtehded |yore oppoadd to she dogma of ufivertal saifrage,the candalate wi ugh d but actual toge.the jal.“She urged,with respeet to ty lat-/a pe ome FS ;tionithe “yld Noxgthr Baus a.”Sd k tipleading ofen undenstand,what Burke pro-@by itonical,but that it was sincerely meant,|beeanse we believed that a large’majority of ena hii won spent Uibre,of «fi wis |ter.that each prisonershould have a separ-|G I .U R ag PAY .1 for mix wecks successitly,wotitys "8 Mra e jaime iti .i >1 Tf we have done the Staulurd any injustice im |those who were tu be to anddenty clothed with or weeks,among the Libraries of the Universi,|ate cell.The fadyes listened to her remarks SA L SB ug dys S }rat the gext term {the FupprivrCourt! ;claiméd,that political problems do net primari Y y my oe q y ;s Sete ::|ee vee »|th ter we are »for it.Be _|this paivitege were not qualified Yor its intel)ty,to th®class rons of the Profissora,and with)with grent attention,but took no action dn AUG.6,1869.the cdunt¥at Wilkes atthe Coy “Hone S:ly concern truth “er falsehood—that whatever,Be ee ae ae -=a we canpot |unt exercise)and aleulsiad to do great birni |the bencfit of the fred lecttres,could not fail 0 |the matter.aeraan fee cael anocur.Wilkesboro”go.the 4th Momlay alier toc injty reaalts,will bd productiveof good is polit|an the compliment wiielt the Standard PAYS|(o our ae and-political imteres,expetial.be of reryicn.|=:,BiG ome gee ay -oat :18 to 20 'Mawday ia Augost 186 and noster 5 >£'Ty fence,anid that whatever,in its resales,will |45,in’calling Os “dle mogs able of all thy editors |ly.when,@t th@ gimme time,so many of uae in-The Trusiges ery property,in the setection |p A —:ashfugton dispatch sapepEar oo.)laa snd,22 ta «28 |petition,or the ganze wilh be heard at Vproductize yfevihis potitigally fabye withentre-|in the State,”very:highly.Thete was a time|tellizent portionof the citizens of the diffegen af 8 Facts,icwb<sy Bee who hat Movd|na de Johnsune in a specalofAWE RPGS|cry,pee push:OF ES Ts,1 00 to 024 od...This 3d day.of Augns!,156i -.:{when thone woeds wad have’juplicd a yery1 States were debirted,"by-the toconstrieciiqn acts,aloof from the arena ofpartystrife,arid who had hours daration,at Blou atsvilles Temn.,the |*Meal,bash.4B 100 to +105 ;Pe.Uk vN gat ta their truthor falachoodin theory,Noth-|.;4 F .i é 7|from exercising’a yolee Wr the selection of men|spent most of their Sives as ‘practicgl teachors,|last he made before the election In that Siate,|Copperys,per pound,W yo 3 Clerk Superior Court for WHS cu: “ing vibetr tor than this inrevolutionary times.|hig h compliment,but,we are sorry to say,they |awd themal (zt Oflaw:Gr Ge worernmen wid |ad in ty rary and ac tentific purwrite Lhe Pro-+took the most open aud anequivocal grounds |Cendies,Tellow,é =.Stpe e 131 —tw —f er few &7) Wilt:iA.to >acgoupliahed ig North Caro-4°not now.Pa iretection,of dre pepple....W oa weer opposed to |fessors Cloct,acecpted,as thelr gppenonts woyld|ia favor of national repadiation.‘The boud-|Adameatng,—-tece cots a oy ;y Sl -*Hable frye Gor imilar ci :P :otton,per pound,.....065 BW 97)AL +?‘ ifaa byse political revolution except t,wrest the!Sf ae 1%Bor the firiber rrasonytmt we sam:bars men profablyfirye Gone pnder siovilar cireujmtaraee |holders,he said.had already reevived the;1 |Yarn,pat pumeBs --.0b+++-+9 mo2.¥State of North Carolina, Meuse guvqrentent fines the Rind Mins Ws -28TY OF AUGUST.-winapihe ed Uooepuye —-get power They will nor re isons “expect “d to allow |amount of their investments.The greatess 'ggs.per docea,eee no BY .Ww UNTY ‘,.:,ui ear s,Biep whose whole farmer cdttrag|(neuer ve oon ta be driven Dv inves lve,|eyghgsias)manifest ough the -|Peathers,verponnd,.-le 4 sts “AN “wy are d ificom etentand 2 it in the t -eel oT heres T Warranted(he conaim ion (bat they,from veefulness and honor,They ee aoe -feated the ug ,=aa eure t a eres .3.7%w 4..RO’AN CO hstideiofthiose'who oe aha +The fir Grand Drawing of the North Car-|voorg Ceis ts ernuenes aad ia pate wud Fe ie ane a dress,at the cooclusion of which three heat-Mackeral,f 40 J wat.|bu ©Geert,Spring Tern,\>0.' v are honest com peten!:.re oO the op “aon Ar yuryo ve Alb Dareday utlonem ye to Une in OM a,io a :;ete ,Maeke al,oe 36 .°08 ‘\7 .Nothing Tus ba toh,Phere FoR otina Real and Pétsonal “Estate Agency Will |people atid fet the advancemeat of:their own ‘Tiabtials or seciarija bias,ar to in‘laenge the ty cheera were given for the ex-Presidents Vy ee 2..--Ww #2 Jd na VW.Verble,adwmifrtrator,wii ' %:uninhe intiolvel as take place in Tucket’s Tiall bp the City of Rab|priyate ends and porqvoal agy andizement,en minds of their studeuts in these respects.Tue}Ata laboring men’s Conventign fecently |".1;.ms a ss °ms .}pinexed-of Danief Shae,cud,1’ an t Sgr ,ou theyo wap 2 |eiggh on the 28th of this montli,We learn that for wreaking (hei veuveuace,in jugny inatan-political and relisious views of young men in!held in Virginis City,Nevada.resolutions EreisChoe:STE a id Le ®to d\Purse SOP,sway’ r should be'vactificed for the pablic good,the tickets are going off rapidly,80 abut those |CO UPOG these who sey auppo-ed had sion in the University shoule,and mast,be untram-|were passed declaring that “the importation +—+Peaches,poset DINIT 38 fo 16)809.Swicewond apid wile Potiie D Sw: e wt otto .hin ‘wich \had gre the way of their presumpiudus chaims to posi-1 ted andvfree ay the air of heaven.Passion!Uf Asiaties and their employment in the)“ “—“ mupeated....-to 10)iibety BL Bepthath apd wiie Mo. TIP TENN @SSEE ELECTIONS—SUC.|*™*togurchasehad better 60 eo avorice.ficm and place in frm tum Lise events;snd prefadias may exict for an hout,bat grand|nines,or other fields of iabor,imust be dis-Leather,upper.yorpoand,~ao ce ‘Benghail,James B.Shawer,Mollie C4 > :Ce3s OF THE LIBERAL PARTY,|Head the description of thevehuable property |have v.own the wisdoun of these views;and,&==tive advances iy -=Eee poplar |continued,ur it will brivg on an “irreptes-|pon leer aes iy -SS a $1.ver.Begrye N.Shaver,Rover b. :;wet -|to be disposed of,which you will find in our ad-{wee 5 bar ©on we know tne people CERORNEN APE CITT oe he _se ae sible cuaffict”®likely tu end in bloodshed apd)ca.tinge,“eaeie Wand Annie F..Shaver —Defem inn ~f eres,the Lisesan candidate for Governor yertising coltmnns.All the prizes will be drawn poly oe 5 =s e :"a =ae hoe 4 18 :;.oe rain.”:Nails,ont,“tH veeweeaeee 6 to i Petilion to muke a sine 7 ,‘o ;:,UM ER Fp a eee ,Sees _|Molasses,sorghum,per ga «..--+0s-s },a rt ety pas been eldeted ‘by 30,000 ma-jand you may be the tveky individual I by the ciass of men and course!policy tw which .;|The hide of a beef recently slanghtered in |one Woolen pe atc 2 stsorownd -Lrsehaegy Cont \ JOPbY 6 Tibor ats have also elected a ma-|re We baye alluded.+|/THE CIHAaE POLITICIANS UN Texas measared 16 feet in length by 12in .Syrup,©eecoagec oe $08 to |oe —Soh pd shinneat oan -jority of Mouses of the Logislatare.This}FALTING TNTO TINE :Rit this time of dackuow and oppress of ,av as Z oe fe)“|width,and weighed whev green 268 pounds.noe nae oe Des eoeets e a >:-vi naliilcs ’paged a.. ’ox’s J strove ,phe «ha Sev i bh 1’GQ HE REP ,)|a :r «<’”a und 2 ore ees ece ca .ade he h ‘ election,follow!rig ¥0 close upon that in Virgin-|Tt.a ee me =tient Te :agi sep =-DERMISING ‘tf ae REPUBLIOAN |The animal weighed 3.715 ponnds.rotates,Irtal.per btmbel,....4.2-0 ato 7...::eh hin, ¥oe Tarboro’Southerner,°been TPs ne.;:Peery |—er TMT Mayor. ~.a -<Se erties I oT!Roni Ge eeeee TAP Altar the “ages:}Salk.coant ~a ete ca 2 to 28|aral appre 4 > tac ‘s s Cubed to,ere 2 90!)lo aDtse ihecuutide ace All fiaats _os i daughter of .nplished ;on ,Pee sack,.rv 117 FS be i a (pert at themext fern oj + t ob will Py for the last four years,but bring peace and harmony to the Svule and it |«t feo ha a and &practice all aa pat forth ian to al oF vee aoe nnously |of Harvard ao Molyned:Heatt,.te rhc sete etree 2.90te3:00 re a bee Tedd hor th this *)e oe back upon and regret frankly makes the following avowal:pee ana eerniptiog ya-Oie State,and come!inane:asl thie os,n loeul «onee |reception in the pits de There was a grand Tobacco,Leaf.per woo Ses 5-60 to 6.4 ine Apis (Honse:ie Satiemury hewn shortdived aud precatious ascender "We,therefore,ay ;ir fully eet Wh Mek presences,are-now be-<i Inorebaild rebel power -g-:Mean’cturad,|”“panes vouay a Sepreomber next,11. would have beer far better for-them Met en |the Rare es i determination of |ey —-a repadiated,-éven bry m }x,Itw int eh reb The loveliest bride ever aoe ae)ae |__Smoking,,Defias ok ph md,Angwerwr clemur te aia clyusions‘ever becn made at LE ol |pledges iwalf to Cai verkal ee Phat {|Everyehere th ony ee Oy tam.'Pevhee yt t whut it will be one hop.there now,and she Wearsa corali ti :itae ©SS oe t plsionfl,other wise padigiuciy p «: ment had to come sooner ote coon |sal Armbenty—and what we me coterie tethet t away fron th political sulvogneemn on Nice \M16 a celablish in power the 3 ie |som —.trmmed witha‘deep pein VEW ADVER PISEMENTS.}be entered aginst them,aud (.. d ‘c,ar Ry 7 a mi t %*auvend »anh .achive omer P i tah _‘ace |—:eeee 7Mh hod o x .0 Kiet ’ec ae have Leen far better forall Ceres would {very body shall be pernditted to rote abd every |YY TeBAeele,meever than they,andbeers OAT OST»destroy a Radical party in ce he which if a row of pink and white a ——-—-—-Seeeh en to (bern, clewes had it-come shallbe pert hokd ”¥|leaving tinw t wtetY the Sor (fae ::eee |»bets to cotre<pond .-©.Map and @ Witness,A.diunheon Af :t at fira.TheLibéral'party,wbich ha feoraet heparty the South he rte t signi ates or e ctr pative in-moni,Terce active politieiana of unatr|bigh Frefich hee!.wore Rink oil,yrith TE anctees,Coart,at offve in 8 ‘ee peberagg :tea ’-ee ‘erw?proposés ta join,i “ «~Hee the just punk fuhool to eave,put the ne :}:HE Sivrecnp oe ':.:1 Sehisbulyy Cine uitphed in’Virginia ah calle the “Liberal oe 2 PPD,1 ede expec ’Puabament of |:oF negrocs ander con .~St BSCRIBER INQ ‘a wil,Lead. dbidhah fa Nid-dnldeer tte surely|says,“aii -eins ark whic i |ee %,Trawds and uppresion~so jaaty ,rl,mae the school system,and again|England has ordered mea-of-war i dies 94 entire Coyy-right eee Frurhows |fal ~soheax fico: exam,1!tigh *2 ored,the hance jtun the ¢tate Ns ae tn consideratic of oe orks und dest wey Pe,©above :dpe UN MASU South,Jt will also triumph im the Co nee:anda Caner tok Law,at the Ballyt tipsCaliiatt ttatue of the feeedman is now a)Ave se i 4 ha “}|whieh hreeigners anda —treatmeat to through the an ae no2 fxpedize their”sale |e eet ka ; .“:Tosticn,ond which Efe Maier.Lin civil anipoiiticral cigh®are |po!tied ey to conerde that the sebel and other dapanees p a ke ‘i ekoheme|to active,hmeiness Stich tua a.q Y,olfeey f North C,:opts.agisnd’Pe:J a chance |Alsaivnd's man |I offer three-fonrthe of4 map,in aides of five}OT]orth Car Ol.}seturedtohim beyond Oedaentn tne aré the Btrest men 1 ':;*pePadventurt,nid cau >st men to be en-,of war policy grverally secures protection fur OF ter:ent ‘S ;Tuties each.This réew map will be ROWAN COUNTY. the aah ityseamananeneeUlira|M4"be remove the dinghilities of exery white twin.”|©ree °8<2dsdead ag well as Ctra Detioora-|Read aldo the article from the Sentined wbish |iat ainee ene¥,Sivcetho reqit im Vie)'neted with the locyl power,with the da.|her citisens Ton parties aredisintegratingand appearsinyurcolunms-this week taki {pe.policy advecuted and mow i')Of pliciug io operati bt |:abortfivefeet by four;iformatoaeT‘ney,ches ||2 S taking a aimi-|Codorsed by Temnemade-\eodin pe sul peradion all the mgchi Charlee HiT .~four;illustrated border,hand:|oo.r 2 e-Proseription i«becomingodious—in-|ar view {(0moet wiih favor.ancd likes Fowhich mewn ey yerded to make living frec 8:r|,ee 1.Taomia.©aniet Intelligent vaely engrave countios,railtoncia,:oN paperior Court,Spriag Term,)<1. tohergned will not”much foiger~be-tolerated.=age |mast of State,namely os wie wecows it It seers this is exactlypale sales |colored—whohails ofiginally fromm Fred.:ne,Mountaigs,dc,&A’Map ot Lowy N:Bhater *Platai it Laberal sentiments are i Pint até cae ¢|roupled “univ a to epee ffraye complixhe ds Th .-yd teal erieks ung.Ya.and who has bee ft 4 hung up im Ty house,oe &at AW AINeT be: °iditdln @ Cand tae ar Th THE SUFE RAGE QUESTION |to os .pee .~theecourlig 3 ;.Mt ts te the leseon of the in the capacity of barber :.orth the Mtate,ind sclioo)in|§,P-Owiremnnd end a t :3 nat a 7 y he ‘~all Dates *.al “wever the right of oufkings.?rgiun clectiog ‘Rin henna eer Grant P a resident,Seven,..‘We Ealie [DDS party being laid ;.E 2 is e tr .and we ho brmne:t sen copics ready ebout the Wm i t ’; :the country.It with amume shape and Tt has generally bean supposed for sametime |aa =he oe dinbility Gum the white flow voit Seater,it is almost saa |View for King hae rae Mle name ser her.leey —thedes Septem|thalt ioe cue eet? topenio Nesth Carolinebofore chamentSeemeonee:|PUt tae the enllcagequtetion arse esttlcd,and}ZF A010 14 aonapeteon casron wes heer Lh athe MERE Governor of thar Beate.|Clerkehip in the Third Anditor'eof |%) Ttm*accommodating,addres wish &|*Wohert L Shaver Mobictren,co ows,ad’te wilt eweep all before it The sod fe eomcerned,it -i<i howentis ride by it.(Now thal hota ¥.Audtew Joinson will bs lowler’s Randolph }cei {augl3-32 Drv SAMUEL PEARCE,}Agpie J.Souter,Ditevden : ny .;*es”)Me .°.Pl ancels iy fe 8 J :dolph Poole,“Re sans So ve pie é i Wy :al ae Ry thé 42adCongréas—«ill parea Conesal atover charires arets b>ride tn thie “fer |cui ea kenta portion ef them,hate i efdeot in thy Culted States Senate |saw milly at Manshetd.be ~=Bailey a'—ee ___Wilasington,BG |It Priition for Doire “ili for the rewovalofpotities!dieabili }ture of our Constitution will be mala }Pent.Proms Pure meagre,twemean |*)''**ATS Cisiuan g that Dent will be eheeg.|it Ufting some lumber ,»while assisting ony DOLLAR a Ht apnearin:to’We’Obata:V mv :ie and N uy the;publicans fu other.Siggae ned Mech T vd (E 74 ct lumber over a large f ARD Bewttalll anchors! Uve trlumph.Of Liberalian sill be’coarplete.|.orthefi people,for the question wilh be regy«}Comtend jal Ure tigheteof tin aan *Governge of Mississippi.lt heshoald |**'%)"98 Uirawy agains it jn iat :reolar R ANAW.2 ¥fouthe subactiher ohthe a)|cesidentecl ihi ¢Magee KE Re *a '.5 aie Racine .%ts ow ws be 80,;>}.-=}inanrer wf J “req e,i*.2 re Three cheers,then,for the Luserat Pair e bsg by the Péderst Comstitation hereafter,«4yea the White man his right sleko.en f :‘Kcan only be at the edat-f the jth hia head was sawed open froin a ‘e J \pe t FB colored bound buy.by the lieation be nate "S vr ed thet é oa .;:j .i imat}ny othe ehi §top \BURTON :;;Ue he “OW Noth & nei €--[ye ratification Of the Lith An ondmestt,in cod.|pola bd bate Ure sate.claw of Hes;*soe ‘mo arganization.Tn Lexar,|a a threat.”Beth arms wera ais’»fort high,dark «obi Said bor is about |Pe “Paper philished in the T , ‘;a ae oh A ear,ree .sawed off.and o7 ;eo ers omple .a.i “Tren 18 Lpe.s0N o€S patthe pate ee whos wpon to take ——with carta other circumstagces,has d]-}Of thé same a for the acpomplishmens |Roe :e gone the same road.:rahe pion J [of them was ent in two AR persons are ance wyatt.©rene <°fC RE avceraace Werks ~a 5 re ectionswillbe heid|®4y beganto works»chang.i i But in dei ed one of these results would have 's pes,He was ninetee Ww The ah aga arboring ‘said |Wiliam Ho Renthal!»Bel y maine in ua@dE of the leading .Sta 7 -ag:in the Northern as an :ingthin we mutt be widesstood vecurred ar A t **1ave aye.A letter was found in hi "years of turmntot bh fewatd will be paid fr hi fe.hal vail and wile Magy } Tesagand ae eet otthern States,apd|mitid."Phovic tftux of Chine not endording the.currupt 1 bee as E 2 #4,ff from the fret it he Oe case lin his yoeket writ-1 to the subecetLep.I 6 Te Ral to be nid appear at the pe Mia pi will have voted :ve °ene,An ignoratit Pt renyne thewildex-;been andere:oo.t ee aad ten the day before he was ki :,|Soperic it we a laption oftheir lode,Wie on’Rey and mipemtitlousrage of idolators,Wholly inti ol ee:Mic Mepuhlioun or Radi-+mcant t.—;bat the Adm uistratiun |his father to end himp ae rd,reqnesting —Rowan Milla.A,DAVID J.SHEETS ce eres rv.td be WM for tie ne betes or:Th Pa afiaire in the |=arene nt,isbeginning ty alarmmany |¥Sone by anaes ‘eS Wand)jeto lam ‘2 the ob ee ng Vnion-,home.every oiretorn Uni »Ang.12,1869.32—3 |third a Gace in Salsbury ¢of the :.:‘y ecin thisBtate whe pols fs aking 1 .ere)7°3 Septet Me Rt.4coeeeadabctoaieyiahAmendarent,°the advucates of ‘Universal siffrage at the which haa.relieyed V inginia oad Tone.wath gr {truth,Uaas oy “king What is the poher|Miss Nahby Joy niversityLectures.---University [there to plead answer .m -Dent. of the Onited Staten,and plegenl a j North.The fhe:hit titre moms io besomein-{the ineabus-af Rastigal pro-ription and»'there bag.t ergince the 4th of March |Boston,made ‘tre &n eve)Wet i:of Worth Carolin Hot of ph nti oticrwite |si cme, ny longer be paerthe of party val,we Will |stability in the vote of the coloréd popiifatton pf atom ple the same dedrabie end,pir pn petal a sepn Savina 1t,thangh pot loud,|Toe the Amosthiinn ae Gee,ri WUE UNIVERSITY LECTURES a 48S WET bE emtered a =ome :a Wahertnes ;:i"on of drive from power a ect of eelfich.tenor Y Piatet mace araiiest the Adminé ';-e Reet ef Aged as fol -will be |case oe eu, -tthe Houthera %selfish.¥A :1@ Adminigtra-|nd Indigent na lows:ute heard©2 1 il.Journal;utbern Stated ts Not alfogether withau disndnext ,gnorent and |tion by all Wh vgtra ent Females,5.000:Prov Aan :XR Porte as to them —.ae :j eae ‘ithout its t Public sexvabia,wi would ;va he wonthern @enator _|Aseneiati z on ee :Provident Yrdinary Lectures i :|Witrese,>Ja-den - cain —4 in other States,and e2-|influence.Many of dic Northern Ravlical.have,COfUY 1a which thes had sway.eee preeeniatives,Yt eocmma.so thie .—rel i 2.aes Female Orphan Asy-|Tl.In addition -.in the clam room.Qourt,at «Mew —ns peciall?tw die Northern States poeeid ly Aflers |2lteady ceteed t expatiate upon the The evil which we and many j rana.-theti:we erin,so this complaint |ms $5.>Fartherless and Widows &5.‘ie in the Normal the regular course of stn litt April oie J ibini 3 the polities of North Uirolina .&the f,.(and Virtaesofunivers!fi Pn eye Jeaalice |from the mt estare of the trex trad epprebended ear APM AED,Administration's de.|26?85.0;Children’s Friend gee adapter!to thegn Department,Which tras lee late:A,JUDSUN Maro? rote gle art u vee the Re ae.=mufftage,and some are!chise of the hallo,sion ©=ga ag noT 3 to piss by the men whe Lave he eee »The Boston Atheneum re fone 9 Publie Se}:ae Nirpeghion for the oa |aoe cada,c odicy.Of Cor «been os ga &a dem repos iv ofu }a ie an,%.tiy borne t!;1 en 3 .ue ,a MERCIAL Cal y vu i AT ae an —_-a ~——ss been artied |ae a ibs -mint :repeal of it by an-unsere pulonte ae bas a.—ly born re bruut at the or coustruction |statue of a Greek girl,by Wolf,a,6 red duritig th.month of Bere ae Seoe ST.2 of NORTr SAROEBINA r mot tly reneral Governmont <mendment to the Fecdcrg!Constitution.4 °iets innamerable,iq n.corel;j fa “etre and so want ihe ha:.{:‘resident ahd P .<eprem ber,the "Mh at are likely fo affect we epoca *;|The Wash 2 :10D.}bernao ji ne vettheless working im t met ine hatred of southern Rea.Hardin,Jr.gr i ,i an Tofeors,Upon the follow?OSTGOMERKY Co Ni i}%*pecialt Whete je the 2 Washington 2 publiern,said to be the or are.Tae ceieret peonle are (ind Politiowns,and either ta t -Jr.,grandson of the gantle- “hiecta:Theory and =P;2 owing UNTY ay)vag ccera th;mae es bike shalicc cee ;isig,,ake the fore un.nan of that nate wu :paren es d-Practica of Teach In the 8 ior ( netegaty of our bHoag ng 4)ately j ‘gan of the admini-tratr +th iatownoxe of the pr fia af ¢—know ating who was ealled the b 1thiet,Plysiote hi c ing,epertor C's rt. :5,z to oaks ministration,has 1 ;eae F me of thee wh.Vof these ory Gothorat ;\ee re butch-:my,Philology,N ,;{wim = oils aikiel pina das sr -esac hae ek de a ne o ken ae co leading theia-to their ein aaa,Federal offers prt others to AH the!opel Joh eet an acconnt of A*Tenany,|otetitution ofthe me auteal oo Lassiter and Richmond — ,Ne ei ,I niver atk RYOF 6.=ee a *‘Por ress and cansticityo ee United Stat {tS Talons »ai the peopte of the Sonth ander the mencidey ll qualified suffrage,to take cffect at no distay -F |Ths da:mg omar,rod srotarning from them.Mache all the ennnten sacs Venu nade.hin deliut lectaeuie re f his wit.has Chew ce 4 taluts of dgecub Lass lence’, attaching ttle:netotahty te thar cont Wemake the following ¢xiract from a excepting the edad rare,eat ae .t!Ginu?t riven tothe W thee ae,(of the Legislainre of Kent ~“a a member wid Al imal cutee i the Trustees|Harrison Jolneon ee woe “me at the North whieh encour th *|ington corr 1 "Wash-'proach.The Jeagnes}!}ark |Virgt S So inctine fn Ay in .etiintion,udenta in the In-|~Juohnenn,Washington Moen eee wo itazed them to go intd 9 rrespondence ofthe Baltimore Gasetie «|their Yr have had’theie day and 6 entecites in Tenne,ee I '|as"ngton Ragh ay Tho late war a re cee :“;azetie:|their se,the colated n iil beg ,Jeutites in Mieaie .iG3sve,the °~—IT].Later in the seg .|ret,Be:i bh >:, ee id _th V not o ly abandone:!them .MToog been aba tred that,aimee the Vingingd himeetff the «co ports wipedfor .ulites jn uM ssissippi,aud the Mail ;Ex-Senaior Turned Collene Profracar delivércd the lalla lecturés will be!to oe sh and wie Jan t fate,but furnish «)the genersls and the |akat Rhespad oe has become -sur-:citizenship;tie intriguing aAsntimerwitte t ;vans it Texas,is what is ahecded by i 7 During his viertte San Franeieess,ia HB 7 I istimetion and Wie llege by gentle.!Guar a ‘4 visgest,aad berks ©] mon hécewary te crash thom?Are they-umler!iva y miar with the mas of Radical |driven back te-his place,;The"ls.yeueence.Bat are R ;:‘ade was asked ont t ee “3.4 ee ae Ory Nerwpe ot if Are theycunder!newspapera,North arp!S :cab Place,and native roghée cot):re Republicans to!{788 asked uut to dinner.tomet May~-§.POO PETITION FoR ACootyT the na@aitt of alhering |r !Peeve mth.But if could not |Oreir dewerts;then wiih pe Ret conaidertheie work d or MeCoppin and ot}}=Ang.7,1RAQ_999 .1,t ACOONT AND SRPTLEI albering lonzer to that party |have been surmiacd Gat at an eaete coer ;«wh peace and prosperity re ork done?Ace the ae Prin and others.and atthe table wae)32%Droet D,,DPtaring to the salistear;or which hoe promised them every thing ain)Ne -'journal haoww io as :"s tls a Way,a tirn to the State,amit the government he:enn-pared to tnen the State over ta hej TE |placed at the Mayor's fight.The enbie .r aera ee ee |that Dita R =:the satistaetion of ite( tae ates fa)¢ang and given|oeme perfn "seme the contitence of th.duetedfor the goo of the tadny,and not forge TICS,TE not,the er to their cue.|Chinese immigration and mn ibject of 2steles;Preserving Powde |Reimer yee une of the detendanta 29 Rotheng?What need ix there to wait and |«go bar!}a :the present Onbinet wonld pocketsofthe few..isk s thi yen we hate a right to!Wade,in his “bin@’nar ee SANE Up,\FURTHEK SUPPLY of thie «.-i j mew Oi dagub Lassiter deed.ga ner bAe wirether that party will rewricte tee lentes |i a ae t cn of the Raa:|sl ipa.}b omething besiles reticence from the hielroaniaess ail ee abea ontte ¢article just to hand 4 i ig admirable|‘Ment of this States [tis onder i &./ .ae :et such i«y "-———}Executive.Ph;aca ohm “Well.why shonldn’onse ;ocr SOO Beas 12 e OF Shinn,ey atthe coming elections?Was not the link that {aterarticte,evick nalywrvieegp sodaraahe tatuee,The Kentwoby Erte.riay —1T he election 'ai a :ri bier swat aa tag behind the Chines come here aed ae 7 a oe :thes M eee °meen Bor y pou te ;at ae :corneas? boat the’Noerhoin anil Southern Domderacy |tion of anthoriiv,and Lydtnothéer Nah Sead Geo |which ocedpted yesterday invelved noth At we ean yet efurd ta forgre,rights and privileges ?They f are :“4 per ela a recent thing,"yet a great man jan eck for six 7.ks el North Stat tether sorlorél by the war,exeeptasto.a few |ar —to rlistriachier niteis-aine outof|iS ¥lich cnuldayraken pablie intoteat.<.,Conserva pevsent rate of Lemoeratic or sight better than the Irish!"©Mr.MeCop-The box costingou 5 nlire satisfaction,|“ai tlefepdant 16 friar ott:aoe pevery nundped negrod now enticed to voto}|The choicedtamembers of the L cial Ly rvative success.wo are rapidly jn-pin.of eonrse,had too mach respect for his |Preserve fifty towixty Dare ee nts Will perfectly |This colt,fo beheldat h seed ele +gtshetare|s'tring the sneceas of the Chase movement.|hoat to resent this insalt in @ violant manner,|@C>¥ithout hipartine iherf Fruit,Fomatow,Troy on the 4th Mowe ,f neh Ce “j but he arose and left,a gentleman said tu!ble taste or smell —being,in R ightest dlisagreen:in Angnst next and é rab e yy,us particular,vast-|said wiriuin ais WOR fer me ef'rS or the mea who haye been uiterly shorn"of theic infe-|quote nerdatim from thencebebe?ee :(eo ©Reporbticangltitsety:|was om Weak politi :a.ie ae Anti hot the Merhonea tie party |=systero Of putting the bintehor inte that andl ae ;P Biefent Ch energertt|There is a frowing feeling of Hesatiefac.|wmomentiffchkvanttyState,if vot in a!hands ofthe ignorant inabies —13 indiceofwhabon|6¢for erute’tw that body wore!tion at the pefitteal «z «iesativ ac-|Wade:“Perhaps you were not aware ¥I ly snperiot to the artiel thssolution?Ts not thie proven by the |7 Se continued,ean jot fail to tead to very nes)generallybetween caadiilatés prafessing |dreds of letters Ne =oe *|Han.;You ®poke.that the Mayor is an Trish a by preverving Articles heretofore wed for eX parte as to the ena i Re heat’|Floas,i not disetrois ruli.*Gongcess will be,Me same faideand adhering to.the sben tdaily be 2 rsare being reccived here|birth?"“I dou't care if he js.”me Y)For sale at E.SILT |Giyen ride oe;e)day bY prominent petsons,members.of|ply}“I ain ready tu nphold all I oa rs Aug.13—It os Nee ,Courtattree eas -SI af)Ae9said.Se y NO,’Set)Gayo diy 1sQ at 18 ff ifitthatthecoppetheatD»mocrae i {ieatDsmocragyofOhioare|rethiss in ita Hate te dhe Chudliry if cael ion |Patt ‘Li Seana ae Sa ee ES i this Slain ae a lon the tubjcct os !MT)Meacy &ction i pe ty.re &chool tax Was not a arty +the Oabiue 4 Sees tei,Fivoriie leader inte exile,faa Phcecenei |many of the ableit man,ntwith aes m4 eeeaee ee iteed Siefive Web eTarpauent ourhicree mine eed)Si |Y lash RS ||ee‘Tie ht not &matter of wasthy not:tmphitanee jangument,that the ‘bet suffrage qnalifieation |,more withontGscnseion.The race for |suggesting the ‘"i Verh reticence,and;Signsof the Lincs.—We are pleased t i’eee .vo.eae aijwouldbe“ability to read and write the English }treasurer wAs a perennesee affaic,and Virginia dai ae Tie fet of the {sce opposition to the extreme proeeriptive |"Two qLaCn D POUT OR BALE!paxx Tee a ;wltin:It be nut tod late ta rex|measyrenof che R :|OUSAND FOUR HUNDRED RUPT Sale of 1;Siidn|measures the Republican party mani-|ACRESofvaluableLand in ©UNDRED|ale of Lond.--)Wii.iore?oO 4 din Cal sell at the house of jv Porter Graha tas poopte of Norh Garolina te be relieved a x:ith th w re;b dwelli;arol!ged of|language correctly”Witt i ,|Was i indi #3XN|agg ih ith this as the univer Zardod with.indifferende eenuse |trivé the day;but wé one ht at feati¢.once to!feasting eelf every where beac inty,}ear Rowan Mills,on Saturday the :"is venahts and covruption which now reigns |4!4 :‘"ay on :‘gna|tl Qualification test in all Fede State °™'nat”be te*threms in the State than toe any:prrticntar |1ocuoms t Shox won “We tyented ak U mee ee Tan ee uh cane lhe ©bal td be \stances 78 ft not!the ree 3 j ections,lot editor Barksdalesfrom affirming,|candidates for Governor in Mississippiand |Upper thie Tie MATEM-POWER,on|the Missies hh,|ie land has been divided fp:stit purchasers.ial a cma ha eur at be chovnire |adil ©of ean ps”very large extent the stratige that rétiPns’arc meagre and eome |d {ter dJ:e ue |day after i i AC i a y ay,in the Jacksop Clarion,Tennessee,standing upou the Walker!ee Mee :wihode ey eet .P ;mount of machinery,with adam already ereci.{iadyereet-|Mr.Graham wall}F !|to any one w _-na wee ' id not all g904 min,whathae msttvatives,;|Thebrazenjmpudlence 60th}in tery slow.§&d Iraocrats or Ropnblicans of i.such ¥06 ape stiggestion (ftora cine 3 Ooms cays mustclapse be-fthat President:Grant wiahe babe be they latoly did "Vighat ha ae lap |Whyathe nemaibor®SN basta tek a aaa Poy _poll.tobe lected Gortrarp ofMicsinieet et oss of frgials,advocating universal |il in good condition. 'pean i eee 1870"pow odinied heave ie een ont.rien abroad may test déhtbed thal there Faaciaceegblions weppartere fre lesa than a |eéetataty pie cee eee diveess i Insot ay lat hee io oe in-}‘Perins cath —Bale poxitiy Vy affect our curse and one tnt ad anaes,7,and he i@ beiug bearti Is ;ang :jon i Sa *Upwards artesaeadaeai|a a Tino ck |g tet ar tha a BarGach a pred bythe reac,"SMA |oe humble ison.rive monic"rd en minh oT,eA -|But featingsome little diffiduity in het"No other pignificatice nttacl ecmbly.5 One of the most demoralizing tenden-|Gn Tk P joa changes in W estern North|ory Station on the W,N.C,Haftecdel -iby by ‘za:ay,ches to the elec cies Visihle iu this phase of polities is ¢hi ro ve will betome ‘so Apparent and,be cold on the most reasonable terme and will}Dr.[,Ww JONES .the|powertal as to throw the balance of pow.Apply to the undersigned at Rowan Mille,N_H AVING lobated in ee2establishuniversalornlytapartialsuf|¢ §SOrvic at Xpression as»will pr t :1 Oe and more.[a ."prevent |We hear nowof Conservative Republican|One tract of FOUR HUNDRED A RES Auroe Bes the VALUABLE L4\D-elosaidGrahampacleaie ui tra <fxteonth amen“ment”is propdésed as a means|Onin this StateGwhieh thas jet Pasaed pesstial chitesetestracter Bought to be fastened |er largely fn favor of the Conservative ol C.,or to Jacob W.Fowler who Fives neaj thet Professi ”fice on Cot "je?Does not athe wigy ofthe tim"e4 point |of mndoing th ni 4jAerrrefa r $0)PsBechiefaccomplishedJ,thé ,off30 qtivtly.—Courirr Journal Ang:98.on every contest.We bh y ER{,€bear of Walker \ement.—Salem Press,;a e.fy aA GMIAH BARRINGER.!Bact!Street.Opparite the Car:Ton(recs if at Akaean MAMg aC ae to ty bar “ote\:.M 4 he eka,Ohbs pCIALS)Me :Bate |Tis wend phonmoomn pyalTaerikeevasaSat%aoeae >ag foretold by,..she astronomers:saith ut lg the view entirely WMA,Sua coo 1 paagpee steSI See ne eeratewed egy for aa » [oa ee Heo SA TISBU RY x wee al degen at 5 hb.60}9 Noxte SPare, “6 of miu .ie nea Li seconds,ki or fim,the first to"the E.G Irwin a :-*[last-appedraince;of the Halipsbiqras one|PiReBIBTE95: fy,|hour and forty-nine minutes.|Wm.A,vaneValvabiehapaa6thsSedans|We have,as our readers well know,{4|qohnB.teNeMupqud-Clatet r+Bepoeren jno degeriptive powers,and we shal!not,ekOnsine~}attempt to deseribe theséend!We a it.tod Pray en beloe ven Magériprioupe jcwibipicged Ft.*|dy telegraphfrou ent:places,which on thebumas.ysiei ‘ sr hor,Sedhaive nyo derree the by its general and specific:acti 8 ee Seerey :thoateoF7a ‘eon Tewit,220"(2 ws bo beparticularly.interesting.with.its Artssive oa BEpey,2 phe wall"eee iebaseonthittha’tPisani He hat yaa es toweet we think,Ay est oeeee Me ies rath ry negMIthefoyrnshi,tw uret leseribes shedinonge as at this Aalon fed to Cheek®excessive expectoration |.wouseee wai ?<:in il the ftgrnships etreeR?OF:place:ely whichofitselfis exceedingly.hau stive,and Len agtst oe oe “ee tye % es doi “Oe township it Ts alles al Megalvotes were onat -Ee mtfortheRadivalticbutweknow.not with’LAUR Mee lediately ig:soothe the oe bapa a ir asea "fee .ee é Sichinea nfo wereanuest tnNowyuichtruth,GE “party”lines -were|7Shove ‘Otihe eeHeoce Seanvaoo.erad Tram Miter“disett facreasedFae és.giveentire.ininetfon.:i dfahéy *viot tightly drawnin thelie¢loetions;butwethinks|bevaing:v sible and egiltfa.Corusca-|Ge é a,an this valuable tehereis.uo ome,whielsisi ingly,Additional tiaprovewenn sfor.desis @*satistaction.ae may bas raghey.indicate Conservative:guicis ather ‘thad {“One,8 itoGash |and’tadiate frou |org Wee Brown,“2 we not constantly used,by the Lae HAP innate ts Rett ¥j alter.,ateial of tye erone ls ’lossesin this counts.’The®foMlowtug pecsof |the etrenmference of the moon.U,aT Hoek tse Rong oak the diseases above enimerated iany “heben‘sapien Wood's Prize Mowat‘(U1 and’.ie)5 and miesroney wiilcbe refunded:ers elected for thia Township,tmuljort 5 tiongrof ‘soft,“whitey light:-bursto ie ampere”i vuilnene medical gentlemen,to whom its vote t ee Eaiefarpee ‘tarargtheUet <elf Rakiig Reaper,wil We +*:ate i fivelo abont thi bY,i iliantly afd repeatédly until the close,|re iP,©Mount Pleasant,ibewbhasbeen made koowa,therg edie fone "potrishment,ena|>gp i nl Min lebeng Attachditit =!0h y “Machines manwfactuted express]foreyyrvwLYSit.°;ur :efMysagesWastesGimeWen,ear,and Mar atone ly GMa leartlyRng Sere lg |Taallhe Reiger,”BRORMARERS,“HARNESS ALA.atifes C.8.Moring,Radicals aaaBpoeee |Ow if "i cA Ag ORS for their patients,but have usesitiin tL vir own’)pans,alelug aryon govnith to tesickhes,|Haines’Mindis Harseete:,«KERS,TAHLORS,&e,Yr.Boy rague,do;D,Ly:Bringle,do;A.Bens it le .neButy.f HO)|cases,with MabkedpAED uages »{peyonowin jndement in he eon lo?dé.i Hoastpotored by the W 1Sde Wood Mow-{will be stypipiied.when ordered,at mabufacturér'scinto.eh he pel EE >>ng !hi x ||peiegs,7 Clore XL,lark,Radical,an “indigo dl nde I a Peat Dore art,—ee Me porete ree oe es ig Store,ah Metednanaeen Ohface ant cate afta YHoosick,FunwsFan eptties Ceetring infor mat‘oa”@IIL plehee gend torFinComstabio=H,A.Walton;Radical.ae ig,t cebottean congred|K 'R.B.Hleueypte >*Gold Hill,-fri]29-16Ufce ve ety |+hoch te area sélier edthty,Nv Y,cok OSS epeginens of workand cil catars.‘o near orizon orth an Bt S ae]ly |bs.i.Wile,teas a Kadler)>”sue.The spectucléswas thaguificent +7:eae ”oe Sey ¢nk a?5 eat nai pe Bi ina.wine eae Rane,ae a Ue eee,:Gold Hill Tow aship—M.L,Bern):urdt and Jae wnd wi nie,and the crowd about the eu-|Jo ee v.Miller;“a:¥a s&s DISRASED ‘LIVE R.ee batt om -co 50.4|Jane 18,1860.etecob‘Dyexter,Magixstrates,Nathan Brown,Clerk,pola spdutaneausly burst out with “Btai 8 CATAWBA,;WELD CHERRY {t ALL EMIGRSNPS.—Youore abribtg mae ||ripe a Beth ees 7 RhyeA.Heilig.Constuble—all Conserva-|God from.whéin allt blessings flow.”-—iE li A.Warliek,Newton.TONICANDALTERANT,tomefr yo olay ep mat Nace !Madison,Wia .|if :*O9St “OT COHOK.Ae ow ilende Ping nship—T homas Earnhart and|'Daring the totalicy two bladess of crim-.Peter F,Sinith,Q *2 For Indigestion —TLiver Complaint—Tor |Of vourts.be expeted to all te dixgasag p 1 ,ru Upper Thames,St.Loudoy.t ‘NIMAVAJ.cea wd Bernhar Maxi-tratea,ee|son light sgemed to cut the moon's cir-|4AM.Thornburg,-,ped Borbels,—~Nervnt$Debility,ape spate Sateen *:sabi So avo pau sapun sy y |iei Te@tlcpted the ims vr :4 yFaatnhareCheekandGeorgeL.Lyerly,Constar cninference,and curved lines>tete‘viti-|1.1,Coalter,“audBroken Down Healt,I y on wilt Aad tha react sactty te.eo nd Jor New Deocriptiv’Cironlar eS oa ucsete-«juts odene brnsle—all-Congeryative .ble across the disc of the moon ‘resem-s.yp,W Ufong,“JSrom whatever cause.|Derms”SOremina:HEPatio }Mlgie GQhd-L)ice List.LOOp'OGO'9ET "°°+teers ages e ee eoy>,aes)Gruity Toenthiy—Wilson Trott and Jesse|}}blingthe grained "projections of the top!)J.T,Fut)‘(argla im &ari be stattoany poimrin the United States |.Agr qhaedsaa yo omyThomason,Mavistraus,J,P.Marlin,(Terk,4 f ‘8 hedrel:|a ¥Express }©Applieations fram the South,South of Vir-|oq,#1,porta Guaaymed 943 a Saeduog,po tins:gid A.1.Yisll,Commtale--all Coneervaiines 106 some Gothic cathedra |Miles Goodson,“THI8 Blegant and tenly valuable Medicina,|cPee deen’dex,WBconse ~-Dow'ee Koe-Tteltr co]zinia,ebotild be addressed te the New York |"2'1 400 yota blz liu6d ya 369)@iitine deyLite’Township Jesse W Millogand Philip|At Louisville,one of the iv portant!J.W.Bandy,Mill Grove [has tfom ting to titre,deena -extepisive ust qr ihc heet an era er one |Brauch Ofice,as above.HEISAe Spee,MYSIMS FWA AVA ROD SU;2 .a deou orde ,:i Sloop,M tral Pacoh “AL FR aan,discoveries made by Professor W.Win-|Jacob Mositeller,“ethan Beech neds sg forte ene baen |{Sd erent ae.ona be sdadress |RE LIABLE AGENTS WANTEDarkNaeTeilie(ais !ae,.-v iaomany o ~|Sans m4 -terrain RS ee eae ia igh ve oo toed ~ie bright)De.J.RE Nie,Hickory Tavern.|ert-cities and ‘one,ee (bat 8.o0,“8 ve (ae 28,Sovta Cathy soanry,}-Extia [ogucersents Offered!"YAOL Nay‘finanpvo.fy 26 %‘hie ni \ip—Richatd Walker wud F.tides the aah aa we ik |Abte Whitent,’|nab,Augnsta,Atiauta,Chastor te!olforubi tn.whereiday aetit he prowyiity plivaded oa |Oubbins,Sallivan ¢Co.,are Agentsfor |‘So LV.LS Gad INCTRMagistrate,A.W."Phom:ano,Clerk,|°the sun,on ive having hereto ore4 J,H.Brons,|ka.and is highly yalued,by the wultiinles‘of|evtrywhectagoe walPon all tes pectatiic Draayists|the above Reapers a Salisbury }4 a;and tf Wirt,Constabl aM Conservatives.jbeen determined.He glee ubserved a Wu.G.Jemes,Catawba Siation,|people whobave-sed it,Sany-in tits tows |—*@-B.POBLSON,’PD april 2%—10:10u0 UHL 46ayePThinselhnGrahwnandJa-,shower of meteprs between the earth and)W i.Boeket,“4 and ‘surrounding Conutry,have enjoyryed its Juty 2—20:1 ye gee Hii ve XN.¢“THE ATLASLING Mi TUAL Mayooss 990 U BIRSsy.oe .Goddin aA,MagistratesO.Woodson At-;moon.During the puirtial obscuration J.MW.Brown “benefits,and grill podgubrt,well remember it,|+4...TOR UTI |°well,Constale liad Sas L,Cowan,Clerk,-~all|¢,,z —|:wall beamiifnl red flames or solar protube‘rances se |A great number of the simpagent,‘and ipost on-03.28 .Cagmagteatiren ,-*Wates and J.-P.|as wba to tha naked a B uley’8)eeCattwell Mountain Creek.Pqualified certificates of iis val;»have bean SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS a 21218¥Li0 :-en eh als 2 --\J ateon*“j voluntarily tendered the prop:r,many of|Cataw Cco.,Ww So eae;Woe pence :Sap Jveph Hugderen,Clerk|fees :ue as da.-ar ar ne A.J.Caldwell,4 lose tees posses ol bcs rranectatity wd Ps a nee :°~&,aa YORKanandNeNorth |(UAPO..ikteJGConst~~.ynservatives,ac Moon,movin a ute t Steere O—cerdee ee lhe 5 .iG Place.|*med.ar 4—is So hal (..eit,Coyservative,|the air,were nuted bya party uf ameteurs Tur Ampnteaw Srock Jourx vi.—All kinds|~Medicine is pleasant to take,and per;|formerlyealwih b nt O oon Sn!STEAMSHIP LINEOShave.("etkeBad .of Magistrates,and Paal |atationed on the top of Shelbyville Cok|of Stock-kecping,Farm and Dairy mastersare |fectly {ree fromm the possitility of barm,ander jpby BRS a will be open for vistiorsoa Tues-{.COMPANY ~"Y ib to.Wil ESAtseel”»Bowe —W,xi Houck andJohn J..|'*8°-Arcturus,Vega,Venus,and Mer-:yeated ofin a clear and popular stylein this |80Y cireumstsnces or com!tivus of healthh,—in=1 tay,thetira dag of June next,|cu \7 KG {NCW or mugton®=n,oi:hte ‘p Gek ty Teme Con.|cury,were visible to the neA ye during Fa L Su:articles ape all simely and tutt-af]|deed yip ee a eVgneber an tet at.ok ;oe d in theN=part of oO ies INTA!:c-.? stable,J",Jaincison —serv -is ew a d to fe p ut sees ie tea country remarkable ts bea :‘Sei Kish bnitiip aoa Hiking otal Pe ma fi mr.Rearle,tee duty|interest and “pould be read by all havingthe |when our,g wea weather cae‘one ty and healttlfelness—ithese,tog th ra aetna A Virginia tad Shtheen Taxtitntion,._—Ube wi Neomprice the followingsteat-and Jepe Powler,Magistrates,nC Ua ceresea "i in finding ane.itd »care of Farm Stockofany kind,The reeipes|such a degree of taseitude,and debili ty partic:Virtue of the waters,make ft <{the most'Jts vs are kept inghé South.Krider,Comite David Pissing —3all Com|‘ne light oD im 1B any i 10 |jt contains for,the eupe:ofsick,*injured or dis-|ularly in weakly aod re ated systers,|desirable wathriay placer tobe toad }thas metiwith unprecedented suecess.r.AIRE ANKS,|€opt.A.Hunker,servatives,Bes ome re pre necd to oF iw €.heinadel Animal are worth a hundred-foldits cost.l often to bevome almost insupportul te.“lone MINER {1 WATERS OF THESE SPRINGS.Its Sortines are eserabl shed beyond.uny ~M.Pp.€wer DE,“D.P.Morgan a p ie Tt Deis Rk vic ige ‘vrounds,the.‘he,"_ye te Specimen copies sent free.Addrees,N.P.|yo Vd ets.per bottle,i.repafed and sold,;are the White and Bia tInhiraad Chalybeaste »went TeEbe Awarxs,Radical,has been ae Cquarters OF te hover&Cu,Pablishers,Parkgst Fe vey oe Lor Lop,aga;hw)vy oa ASE @ art ;y ,—_elected Senator from the'Wake Wistria,vice bservations.Some minu‘es betor ,"pan,howd hw rie te i nelditionds ing®ex :Lb Ghasled oBouthert FatrOna Ge -““i »+Wynne deceased.[tottal phage the patabphanpmonnenot ep in permeMiiireo,naw waat bo De Tivorped:|11 NBSNEE },miditicdal building tia prorementa gen TT hag esta J ike classt ben a J Seiler ss eae alk eat ah,osonent:rt eet er .WAY ABOVE [8 THE MOST APP Os!CON e Suess BP ae sem Io oe OFFICERS:(wr be euention 6 Shippersi*catlog]ie Petamareral.Ditle thefaint hearted a re tevrified.—|MISLELLANEOU:ae——|‘priate name that euuld|Dien mpplicd |Me SEES Ove Oeemetey aes ae 1 ,ae a to he LUW RATES and FACILITIER=Theggeue during the cotality w4e avtul.|georty Oarelina,YSuPmniow Cope,|to this valualie aud poweriall,in fluentis’Pain|eo ara tn oe amie Kichifien,oes jOficred by ubis Live,which aresuperior toSur”Godeged..“Madar;4 tending eored |W'beMM the sunlight reappeared,a shout of|Caldwell Coanty.5 Spring Terw.1809 Mustroyor.4~iillusace ner salPee ae GOGD TEN PIN ALLEYS,JOUN b.EDWARDS,|suy heretofore offered.Radreal politieitin of Withtitgton,“has been exuitation went up from tbe great erowd|Serug Webb,)io Gane aval oly ie tek Billiard Tubles I uther Amusements os ,BU,=or oe“perm on%r”to the Superidr Coart to aaswer a)in the college gro ds.'Aaaingt Attaghimegt-it The ix clabped for it a rtpa'ation «ait:-=a jet H SOUsSESs :_VICK PRESIDENT,SECTETABY,|given to nts on the North Carolina,i 8 ‘As 3h Loi 5 cchofBleqalvotingtathelatdelection.If Ar Chicago,the Heavens and earth pre-Jemes H.Cotfett,,viher prepanskieve:rpcerytper:qd ata P =Plings or Showa?BR.th Coel Wat.B.Isaacs,D,J.Uartsoor|,Railcoad aud ite Conneetions vie Goldshelsgailtywehep:begs becomvieteds The 'serited @ scene of awfc!enblimity.A}Ta rhis ease it fs made to appear to tho sat-aebeery eT ee =MAGIC Te ;h i ‘ath,Mot or'Cold.|MEDICAL EXAMINER |bora.J.a oer©palas ittegal watior i to|bril’jiant awber colored corona appeared istadttatian the Coart that the above bawed ner _a ns io Vesa vada ]Be a vy PT ES SMe ;Soliciting gent,uealy way to pal a stop:tp uqon shonting rays |i feadabs Sains Fl.Oolle |resbles beyond the|ily an new)-nly ne :B&Good Baxi‘of Btusic (HAR “ES H.SMITH,M.D,Wy ORTH &DANIEL;Agents,\mohe enar aof the oftsiders.around the sun and wm g ache,Farach an)t Dits GENYEAL AGENToa2.5,'of light entward in all direction s,¥hen |(be hisits ofthe Btate:it is ee Tharrhkoea,Dysentery or Blo f°J p-Will beat the Springs tir entire waser ond a H ee 4 Jxo.H ct sponse Wil mingtoe,NwAythecometthatpablwationvetakemmtheSorePhrshBhvenaveManes,ome en Sei cee ware ly ]ior t?I ;Bl.JoLey .LATSORIE|5 ‘Rp Dr.Jani F,SpitsSom,0 ‘old gnd}the whole horizon was illamin sted wi”Old North Stal,«newspaper published ix Ga.apr dias Wad Pruiees,Le tamation of he “nett of swho will bavee DIRECTC fists set vy Hi Bt Nevatertiksching,of Wilmippion,died in.thar|light of the sume coke.The plancts Sulinbury,N.C.for ox wemks evcgemitAy,|anys,Nervous Debilily,Colic,Lusns or Saas!gg INRECTORS:ebz9—Sr 119 Wa reet,Y. cuty an Miaday ia thede yetr or bie agg.;Meretry and Venns,and a namnet ‘ying the slefendant that he be and epiamr id guy @haregter,),Maying sepured the sitsices of Mn J.N.|Johe Enders.em,Biebast\fixed etare,were distinctly visible,bug no|,e next term of Saperior Court,Bepered and for fle hy :Cart ty of Virginia,who hag det meh expe comes ‘Aodeali ae wr ek reife,'D.T.CARRAWAY.;j ;°slanetnoide between Me reury A the enn e beld fyr tha caunty of Cakdweil at the c 4 De G.R.POCLSO a ce a td stanal igh asa Hotel ke noe ae a ™—wtb.“he 5orOySirtittymamniegBadyatentsPeeacediscovered.Brilliant ra ys of col Thouee in Lenoir,o@ the 6b Mendey lier the |Deagghd pnd mpnahcars,Raley ay “-\:eae :a 10 nts ehhe wi a Charlee T,Wortham,Geore a hy ‘Commission enchant,-iat Reet sncinti mua ede Lored flame or protube ranees were neticed fond n August next,then ond there to Juve W,10 aa 4 lied,wars t :the market can afford,|Wiliam Witils,dr.,i.w"atthes.a Ams TS FTNoro.om ovtle f the Sheritf tode |;pane aye :Fee :iat hearst mabld Daldy Ed.A Sinith,++George 5.mer,pa atFetteroanwompoeetyMathroei,etn a AE —"wh AnFaladabe eyateiMen “ow Tecepincecen OO oll We Nee Trae “6=ri total obscaraticn.a ee |plensdfe and coméiert.+James a.‘Sropt,.C Cabelt,credit wo takefrum ths jail twocolored sen in-|on e phesowe:4B.tley’Beads”:ah —ae eg 7c ,=ie House Keepers .|Thece:aon the Wester North Geroting Rail |B.M Quart,J.Herter,Dealertin ®@roceries ;1 for oe fave -batn burniig in that)Th Phksowenon 4 7°ea!wi nt cfice the Sih Soaday after ibe 1 dt d Réad ‘will leate Salishu:y for Dickory Station,|¥+4.Dyier.Joie C1 Witiaga,°°‘was aleodistinetly witnessed.”‘Tho phe \f Mech nest A taste éss 2nd inodorous.mre S ad.«.|detly Fwarde,Wildiam Gu De phor,ROVISIONS.HBTiie¢1 mew were tend next ,rae :Aya 2 aorta =Pp P d +heap es ol.@eevy torome,‘Cait’By°19°P eis A.P.Abell =J 4 s Q)De ARDWARE,*has afth Be Wobatt,We other with a NOMENON,Pryfeseor Pearce thinks,i+o¢I WAREFIELD,O.8O.|reserving Powder.Cette)eb accede Witth thé Nort Caro-J 3"w.pertan,Wm.ff.Tenase,:Ww"CLinhisthizhikbyapi-tol shot {easioned by fe.taction of lig ile a!Gwe rf $3)|‘----toa Rail Road aeoding «mpageor delay al |RLM,Dibre 'George1,.Ufhened,|Glass and roekery ware,Wall Paper,Wis;.,{plo gatisfied thatghe corgua atthe tine)——=ee |:OR preserting Fruit and Tomatoes,and a!)2alishaby,eo8 @rive:a thiekyry Peation in |William H.Palmer,Famaec)NM.i’rice.dow theses,he.&e,are ned oven Were attired im Joug gowns}of toh obbearntinn was ox:ote cd bs Worth Carolina,)Scrgmioa Covet,|rites,Fiuiss,without betoy air-tig ne artheck nie where yeod hacks will beit “wre NES .P,.es white aca —a chrovdin¢sheetfgng over |the ean’s atmoaph re,Rowasy Couxty.and with whatever qrantity sugar sewed readinessto tak»sparenyets over g beaatifu -LEWIS C.RAI .Bt f.od!Tacsie fuga their fnew sxith “holes fog,their os Aan mers)cE he moment the al pee beeame total a Miller,J.F.Carngan,W.Fo Watsoh,4 be m Ruch,litt OF Tne ata It i a well ohana Fr a to the Sor é @ dizslaley Feb.12 —ly Vr INGTOY,2c the A]A <ton,GPa ve ‘Tong -ee J argand their.waist,and the /ieee mies ant W L.Stansill,Deacons of Tiyagu |parably RoperiosLo any oties maral sin-eee ’pide mea Fraft,&o,on Commirsion.eae “ae Meatless ‘1.je.peedite ws tee damelike |protuberancy .wore .em}&,Plainuffe This Powder wyil préverve wih a eevtninty.|“As at mrigceraant for Caruilies ah partios ts Pare]tye ‘and Cc orn W hiskies,'.on we nae cy "c .::7 ea AOA:|,the si.yuttest doubt Que |spend two flis ont 5 ited|fet ct cates methe<0 lowlew men were ngembets of th ‘large on the Jower limb of ihe »in,and George T.Barnes and wite ss e O.Barnes,—Necepevilel ot see eae ‘<i vos roti a ot hoped downs e.jan.lave —Distilled ia the 0!d Style,Pore and Une!-_-ee Klay,an ongaaization wal evry goed etn |arPe Seats as large on the apper limb Defendants 7 |eightWtenquartsof dressed Fru t ot soto ae a BOA LD.adajterated.at the.}‘TING,BLANKS,alwishestoseebrokewuparddestroyedalong|whi Je al least seven or ¢€igh t ot th em iv Sammons for Defendanta Any kind of Cans or jars wii!answer.s :;*>Old N th S {Di fi il JOB PRIN NG,A xSeteearmaaes:Tt appeacangby affidavit that phe Defendants!..°Lhe citelld enit ‘:Sie |Boroneehnzty’mofh,$50.9 or la @ FS t _a VL ie ‘igen a rf Se ea |all wero visible.The one on the right I z nfficia ip site Wo |they need uot Le air tight.and ean be naé For veo enor oot $10.00 pe GROOT CI .&CO :+——ene |hand or lower litmab had eomwhiat the ap-aS pi heresiestol nal taghlead hate arr»[outal,et epleggara,Tn al!Firat Brees:oa ries a KU we 3,|Be s\Gamat Sawarvere.—thegreatestlawgiver|pearance of a full-rigged ship with eailx om ms ae they ave non-resitlents’of the |00.gavedvetedll tab Sugar.FAR dreefohs ac.|ip!SC :1690 |ot hd ps :yaeoandthatthedefendantshave!property |>‘Li ome tvs Be he Be pigeon’CHARLOTTE.N,}ui valle sity,wlth thesingleexceptionofMoses,|set.[1 its part nearest the moon were|jriate un this Stateaudthat this Court has jn-poo SS 1 only aS Dine &Per diy,.:2.50 L30,Wart hin waeojJaliwCesar,He ordained pwé etgtute fn|twoot three ject black spots.To the!f:dietion of thé kubjrct matter of this action ;Selisbiry.ana Meeker,ys fe oo c drenvaan:aoe ten vearsof age and colored |4 .at}aoe ‘ee ee hes {S233ightwordgwh:ch wirald hdve made his |naked eye it seemed as thouzh there were |Its 1 deredthat poblicatién be ae |.{ej servants,ralépped_No Maree for fufan{s Or yn "te @__dite a name fy ‘L¥Yad dérie nothing a openings or fiegtres in the tn son,two on|lor anid aefendante,for dix wevks,in the “On FURNITURE St bat oe ander twoyear eee :f ie la —Se ==TTAN D BIL iSFewLivytheprorentdagsare:familiar|the easy side nnd one cn the southwest Vert Sete’newepaper,eet ingeid dated |ew ore J.GOLDEN WYATT (To Fartwhersand Planteis.|5 eit fee 0.iknowofnone”exept Bol side Jdst after ihe total ecelipse ugh|2s .“pi a 7fore the next higatey rad In Salisbury !'|Spargayo Carawna Seaitca eepti tor,CIRCULARSan,!ap .©‘to be bekl for Rowaa Coun at the Court Catawba Gventy,4Miy 16 Sug ‘23°226 ;>excellent {read W.A.Baitay,Esq.of the Sal-|three openings Ui asi d gow ofi the C80)oame ie Salistury,on the 2d Moodayie Sep "Ty HE SUBS RIBERRI AVIXG y eee =|Rhodes’Tobacco Manure,|i :|ene distinct y visible.‘The corona was ;d 'BAL PUR--|isbury bar,wha tour Knowledge,hug often t lly a bed boke &tenhber next,then and there to.anewer tle Ee anal ile has ——,:Ut Moor ni ANDprotiedbyfipala|nef,as ge néra y deser 40 In LOOKS,Key!complaint of the Pla atiff which will be filed CTI rea ikl eonlin}the niceaeesotHightferrom‘g as moon,w th n the fist '!=apt feed —ter gle niaboete i ok arve e .ae oat gk ic odes’s Super -Phosphates :LABELS-a 2 rh yaa distinetly seenta bea fine-point-N a ndson }yn,Clerk of the Su-',|\ay The New )|of Commer )|2 ;;7 kept Coustar dy on land,such as —YT '=>erate “F eee a -ed prong on the lower and two on tl Bp yp Conit vl Rowan Connty,ds y 24,1869.py easter DAi 1A NU RES for Cotion,MKCES SSpontaemyMIPcoecirenmlercneeofthemoor,‘th \JUDSOS MASON,‘GECRETARIES,BUREAUS,WAT 644 (Tol and Com -—12,<%“in Tethouee the Senter men hdl to fAght:*.ee a :ee Clerk Superior Court for Rowan Cognt \.‘Sis ne co pox !ure d and ap {.p e .SAGwinisirationandtewellpaoesimvofMaepresaedaaoetrerane20—Gw (jw he $1 0)y.|¢BE;Ds]trp Ds,=oe iYud =‘“s,oo ae r ?a P citer PAL G 2.Vor Decadent Grantto have allow-re generatly received theory regarding a =eee 2 ofa BM Riv)ed ‘o.,ried Hontwell art Creswell to com-|tBig comman,thet it ia the Aiminephere of ‘tate of North Carolina catrad et,Bins ——.THE GOLD MEDAL on ANDtibinntotheeBoakethkssidewsabiander|the Sanildorhinaticecmalto lelenercen be Ss L Ba SCEMIAKE Gone Teac‘'@ Has just been awarded to For xale by deslers une Sn -EVERY “OTHER KIND OFHoetetmagnitrtic.“His one of those mis |obeervations made at this point,ft is tes :;;.S urai re fore:‘I :M YTRA eT <a neehne SESS re :Wich agg not forgiven im politica Ten-!‘a sie Superto?Court,Spring Term,1869.Cl AS.athe ST Ik i:*4 ietablishea assoc.t|nae.owdVirtiria,Senter is a political |conjectured that the eorona is “n some way James Day wood,adatiniatrator of finnes H»'y-—He alen keeps constdatly of hund+|For toe best Piano new tuwde over Baltimore,Phil-L E P A G E BR 0s.&C 0 JCB PRINTING,;wink teva rer of Watker.Like canses ptodndg|cause‘d by the phenomena of light piss winnl,te,deceased,against Benjamin Hay.“Fisk's Me-allic Burial Cases adelphia,end New.)ork Piagos.é ®9 EXPEDITIOUSLY,WELI|k@ elects in both States.Next willcome Mis-|ing througth the atwosphere.Although wan Ruched klepwGod Jawes D.Hey-t :.GFFICE AND WAkTrvouse GENERAL oe a -4 4h,VW Eekel sy m :d then Texas.This Conservative scarch was made,no plain tary bodies word and wife Dicey,W.RL Haywood.8¢.|Ne.9,North Liberty Steet,near Fal.|And CHLAPLY done:nulalie ”aA 1c —_~*i the |were observed between Meveury and the ari!Wile Nance.WM MAywand fi a |:more Slerc’,ounmission |peat UC an §as sae OI the atk "hie ‘beenatcn aa oe .o ‘nl sin.During the totality phase Mereniy,jamin &Haywood and Malinda Hay wood.|BALI IMORKE,Mp.“7 uf Gi A oar Ahe'Bout),i:the brights political idea ofphe Verne,Regalns,Mars,Sataro,aad other feet:lo male Real Estate Agacta.ktSseghnte Se a ae ee ee inpeone ‘2 Begs Cteeke of Courts,Choriffs,Sas o ¢:|©age.name itselfmeans nothing;but the;sture,were vissible.IT appearing to tle satisfaétion of theconrt |Walnnt,Berecu.andother Céfins.and the improved“French Action,folly Sar attegtl COTTON FA CTORS,gistratessjpd others,i ordering blankspurpbaeoftheparts@ichadoptsirFioaitiesa|that Benjainin Haywood and Richard Hay-re oJears,with privilege of exehange within|St..Worfolk will please aefer to the Forms as num-creat deal.Cowaervative Republicanism at the —=_-=J wood,esannot alter due diltigence be found |at prices lower that they have heretofuie been twelve monthsif noteutiee!y satisfuctory topurcha-|Commerce $s orres +Va.;bered in ‘““Fland-Book for ¢‘ounty Offi-“outh ie the sacrifices great bundles of oldpres)The Grand Lege of the Kuights of)w.thia the limits of this State:[tis ordered sold in this market.|Set.ee }iddiwve-on shf alts rol &ratiorml?inion and ¢'Pythiaran at Peynsyly Quia,commenced their|tal service (be ma ey by publication fir six|Cail at the old stand of Moore &Clodfeker,|eerars eee Patior Ofgane slxayoon Ea Speein)atteution paid to the sale of cers,’"published by Nicholls &Gormau calthful progress?”eemi-lanidat session im Philadelphia on weeks,gucurssively,ia the Old North State a On Main Strevt,oy posite the Store of |Bedere etn whe ercone Pianos iv use:GRAINS COTTON atid all other kinds of,Raleigh,N.C.;f 71 €|.ae Taoesday.The session is private one.newspaperpublished in the town of Salisbury,|é eb Bron o ks |R.HelLee,Lexington,Va.COUNTRY PRODUCE.{Addresa,......4.AS J.BRUNERieeeibeaaascanaceaeoy|T here are in that State 22,200 inembers in N.C,potilying the gatd non-resident deferid-|ack ¢rarn,*|Gens),Hith Ghaniatte.N.U.EP "Liberal advances 01 copmighaienis |ee a ee vod ‘standin ine to appent at the nest termof said coutt to|SeCra Walnut and Poplar Lumber ta-|Cen.Reber:Raasom.Wilmingioh:NC ahd prompt retarns.duly 97—s hin |ber of the Garerrea Farsen is before us,|8:a held PP le Ce H ken in exchange bal Sciiy fiov.John Fetehé ,Lotiagton,Va een a ei Scaeaaee 7 =]lomestead anks |'“ith an ungamally interesting table of eontent-,Mr.Willian Dilly killed a panthei seay 02 held for suid county at the Court Hansa.in |ners Movers.Rs Burweltd Somh st Huntersville,in)Poeahontas ¢ }Four have bee no killed in thatthepp@entsuinmer, _~->. t vy,ou the fonrth monday.after the seoond |-Fy ROWEDaON. monday in Aggust next,and answer the peti-|Salisbury,jotr&rty,*313m tion of gail Adm misteptor or the <ame will be||'ukew pro con/esso and heard ew parte as to| sunty.Va.The ence his I h°covesOf t "truly hoyte enterprise “g e unty duringbeenancuconragingthattheproprietordn;! ces his”intention of converting iv Haro anate ‘Universityof N.Carolisit.’ Dorty-colnnan eight-page ‘Agriéulturg]and Pana:||om :a Col chiaPdtthadontbocheek kre?Pe Colic,Siek Stomach,Brotpchitis,AsthubeKoskoo,the great Licer Intigora Blood W ituese,C0.Wailé,Clerk of outsdid court |THE FALL SESSION of this betitatton |doe ,::ily Week y,atthe Adee of the present Volunge |Purifier,and dignovator,prepared ie ihe J.J |at affec,in the towa.of Proy,the 41h Monday jwill commence ob theed Sth dayof vAngust Raleigh National Banks of =pale kk Dieegenilcsov.Ist),giving trige as mock mpvieuttural|Lawrence,the celebrated Physician and Cheni-|after the seoond Monday im Febraary,1869,"|prom:and-oontinne twenty weeks.Préapar;|Carolina.A UNIVERSAL TONVIG.muaticr,per month,aint present,esides a large t ist,“SAFE,te sae and fen a3L,Famedy 226 --Gw:pr fee aie,*9o,CGC.WADE,0-32.06.fatory aud Normal Departments,aud a Gen }THE.DI RBOTORS have reaolye |to incrense te A suie,site,and re'tnble pree tive and EDSortheprepentionaudcnreofalldiseasesenus-——tee s ré Crpital Stock of this BANK to FIVB HUNDRED onret 1 Mal 18,nad ab dig 5tityofchuicefhumilyfending,aed all the ;..,dby #Tori Liver,Impure Bl ood,Disorders Isso LUTION...2--TIH FIRM pce tin:ibe he we vile THOUSINDPOLI Ke.P oper ve hin a \ne A tenernt tec ia a ’aralnewsoftheday.Thesatneriquton prt 2 =Kidneys,or-lebility of the Nervous Sys |OAMERON &HILLis hereby diowelred gasto 31 ‘Ahobogey eY :fatfeent tO the Batae WE!pletee wm ini oite aith veeth ¥eit Only by Dr.#2 :oI Q on hir'aniat Revised ad corrected ty tttwilbe00,itoneof thé cl |by mutual consent,U DEWEY,ey #ee eS |Vey ;.—:EE aaaae r “y rdealatos thé secretions,eradicates all hn-|"JamesJiedildbarilleettle the ‘affairs of the||Vomare c ranetree vena .osAvy:“Teste ,Maren .traders "or eticgrevre tae 24 -on a best legal ‘autlsor its Hyth;spl ‘nals of itaclassiy the eguntry.Address nore 4 isan.JOBS AW.CAMPROM =|Dn reside 788 |A +7 “etme |by to 0.Tf.RAE ACO)Praprn |1 'wea ine aN Ra SH ce :at.DOME Tiare Fearne=eaten dH TRA Co)Peelers Be aad,Addr.at OF Hi a fT "as secre Ror.m6 Builds pn and ime JAMES A HILL.the President.OL OMON oor,|Pegth to the Living’Love live ;c Ayr Viol cdee Y t fi :t rotor,pinir®fone and rigor to the whe Wilmicgton,N C.,July 27,180 W-tm Chapel Hill,July 6th,1369.27—6w by Beviers Everywhere f 1 nes »Me Va.17 Ny nar,10,J.J JRUNE bs DR.GODDIN’S}| #,.Caremiie.Mar gatiton,N.ri }|ausfT smiah eas W.eho tor.Ry 0,comPouRp .;urhiaeaiaitaenett eel GEN TIAN BITTERS.|(7 lerae Pomesends, Pinhwedai atFactory wees.june AS—ty Carew Chitlerand Fuver,Dyspepsia,Jorigestion And a déw andnNed foru ae anIGbLE From pam yl eaeJAPANuyai Mr:Baitor-county -—ives eas te ie new,‘one bcseave’an Bab eforsesme,thew wreTapa so acaVATIF tatm0.aJapautClager te nokany”has been known Seasih*years in et : or heatd,it”entrelenborg wii ia %Sawaal aaserieoe Bswu beaiielies ;nor are its floYellowor-white,It oemeRewernlltePoche.ore"eae ja not the-we Clover.te.Wratit eneWhat Lx wh ae laindiea ©easyD5ay ove no“quick AND NED. ina oat a ies = Mainrae se),h i#sereer “RIVES &PROCTOR, aNp RETAIL:" age A anoand afsiontiil ator so sicevssful ins my ha ‘uc c 1 are g nsc-*diseasesarising ‘troyoer,Saoalefees hed tna end to yo eat aa D DRALKRS1%&a eet or Bafes,Wilder's patent,best in :‘oe hielo neha neh 10mg,sd eritthe ettore of theo ne From 18 to %ee,Grosrt‘heshers©|orpidity of the Liver,1394 Se eT er harcighth of antachHOE |xeureMike nl aed,baldjag :ene :of the Blood.ye about one-e pward,a j ritjes 2vou pe eaSeeks»yoiewBie ibHtbenly toninn hor asta *“This-is a rare opportunity for CLEAFANERS,tags ;.3.300 eae ShcFner shy Sr?|be ay 0 inte.60%ra hosedtha wich rsons to supply themselves with)enar dle ag reeforder.|Disorders of Urinary Organs,Pre the forks oes or)peritiae,=Pill hold,with-pers !Bone :3000Prises.Value of thetotet amt,i646, small and of a.pale ne TheseEs —if uet int whav it touch the |;*iy 8 ingly Wo jniny mo brchan Debility of the Neryous |3090 he tare te ish,withnde ther thanbroad vf raving gyer;thie will "|desirable Goods at exceeding’Bite sce:oti wt re aa :gS yyw =p bove is put in wing at “tos~wel rersini hue ireOES an 7 tn por ,"|rable Wo day a ate will System,&e;ihe regulat oan reling of ct9 Soktaken ta’betghentettke Olo-|Sick eoubst all barwa’eat,tineacare Low Prices.;hts Seterar edhe and :ferufopelnmapa Shoesawl creaches wo feetud cam rat hapraee FreiBe gysnr ee McCUBBLYS,SULLIVAN Fosterfu.Se eaten Ganti)altonRytonf ae Varopes to crisesot fm ered.Teall i=are aber AA Salsbury,July 30,1869.wre Market 1s13—ty oie Br-Lawe.i. ant,tw robab cael saree 5 wae .2.18 .ing shall be as ce The.Bet tdetlEre |ply PE Rat fr SD AT THE STORE in foes,theresell betwo,whirl one pi ye er Ea ceeepow sDieee ie x.bored,Wile ad G.:\dOe ee00's.sclwdoe amr "any +dy devon Rais to before ;——3 .of arta Ee so ores i Ideeen andeet er 1000 sacks oF sax Se seaPetdasad w \ ; ;‘-,88 Saran hyo nce ae eliotn Peer.|wis -95 wns woracses PORYOLA ABOUND RACK ROPE amy ner yet , us wee euch joe Seesot aw warily he wae treated Rs o..apres—It:6u SALT !SAy 12 HHDS.MOLASSES.24-4f.,tboe!then all bad nny &_Lode " Ubancanbe gathered endear ghey}susie,doin ay his tfow be oe ph.LAWRENCE'S ames NEY’S are prin,t Koadol Sipervisurn,who rhe n ndin dees,than an hour MERO) the wheelsby»ore,after which the ee soewetBer cv lig'was ited v>a.buggy and)NS FRIEND!Just receiyed @ large lot of LOOK for ioeshal beae)upsod led maby whilé now,t suhewt ts twenty-five miles the ote ’o AT THE 610x OF wheel city,the’Directors may direet,a m.Japan Chavos lo bah “twbe ir eres poregient cy wom AN’S ble remedyfor ican and Liverpool Salt as AN.a took ley the ' “high aw the saeae oon +B have |had traveled a few miles 4 2 onl cole al American THE BIG a ofbytalking «ticket fro each wheel, Hine Gran,art ot :|Woodin Southern Cultivator.ALD Diseases Peculiar to,Fem es | ern seine “time andthe paine ticket taken toseedaud ——°apcu ,Cheap as theCheapest.. wheel te the pre Cs aie.!ybCUP OF COFFEE.iP vi .e and insite all who want the Latest Fyn,Ppt This j ELEGANT PLEAGANT detetgmooie ae .in sears 4 2 A GOO }, Qualities,andMost Price to give |jean ,*|drato .ned ee w yw exhi the best tu the ove taken from the ouniber win @!at tr ae 0 sake er rig rors,wend,io,LADIEG GF AMERICA,—ai ee ee POWERFUL,and BELIADLE Rewe.|ae ae,Fshelsal tela iaphe ore she ‘or ro warn w pote he A »e Sree eRerch he arm ake gon Wealee eae tortae acy|POREpe a bint,,RY GOODs,Ay sae cay tent CARED of8 Wilesang ote reeeete if flee he.real Tech avk ret cees||J.J.LAWRENCE,TO MILLERS!@,HATS,MILLINERYGoons,plave dobtanpereiors,shellhereqeard vot Edith wd baby =T cat _ES rel=.ge ,DRESS TRIMMINGS,application,res the drawingis conducted »the farm yard;a “ge " :| °ent Sepating eat lookied Torte ee aa sre rately ee eI |—GROCERIES,HARDWARE,Tt is adgpted to fulfil the morbidindica.Se will beasa ing along av fait ghasedby the o be where ne ea enen ae En ees,;;P EATHER, wakey cock,whe ride ‘ves d *>ee are,iiigson?d ary ton|EoCriseto be thobest Uterine Tonicandslterative We have just repeiyed @fresh Okie Fale Thee Verdes tiona of iliscase to,perhaps,a greater ep-Scere sweatre te arse Was .bs Copal al muahsaek etter ees oe (saree pened rer|necSSCS mpey of the very bet Anter|Wane Ken een es Pere it tkgry et gers log,#we .Nervoustent : .Kept;80,that,in the event te to ayeld the a powerful absorber.afkwi)Myetorse.;Western Norfhi Caroling,Spe-accidentmay beremediedaodnomistake —s0 I called out tonF a Heeromaoi bp bough yihesicer aa Price $1.00;(0per BoteBAKER |Brand Boking Cloths,No’s 6 to Setess cae oahar It is an “oe “Dog,”dhe an ignant 7 Whole steagents,Ne.4, tone,oi on ‘alraid of dogs;I’ve|teat;your coffee,a eee2 :Nor 10.AE you want to make gond BOOTS AND SHOES..BALL,te tee ty ob du avin seen lots of before now,but this |dish Shir einen i cant PR EP-To whom all orders or letter he va hacged aims neried 35°72"INV ALU ABLE peg ickets,of which ied fed@Senha weeSei ofHer ee|aosSSS flout come and got a cloth,ohemaais yet -Be a CFS company»waking ani achecked a -2 4 M)Foes and qualities sung i 8 : the faru wren,)be wterrify any |“chestuat,be .rT i Ssceags Mines Sate.of oyrene Calicoes.15 eral Amewblyof North 2 r |inges the ew halfa chestnat,4.;4 Salisbarf,July 30,869.Ww aletagents bir the saneoe praihe sompeng comply er withal} °“i atfi the mam,fi,te |printer i,hat arity og ,es,A natty tat aeisis Unrivalled Remady||Sco 7 aly at e mB ive i . —s dRea “O p ppt “Turkey,Tndeed |Qb T've seen lavasareecen the one mere agt iurifiesthe Blood.oe The Buck-Eve Mowergy Wires Anite new proper Will cer. ao terer's in plenty—jand pargent,the other milder,and or Sails Turbine Water Whee s,al andes re ys ~oe OF thew “tke that ere ce»Ange Bh bteht “irewerd Per Dreggion Everywhere.crnininn es Fine Engine “ep.Well tn Hore Forall SOROYDLODS,STRUMOD =eaeFeet oe ted,aio “re med with =oa shplWe NEWS OF.,French Rorrs and Corn Mille,Pe SYPHULITIO.CANCEROPS,OU...)memberofthe company is allowed to ey pad anfesse hesseed pe numbers FR ES H,P URE,aT gence TANEOPS,HEPATIO,RHEUMAT-Tacea aul,wi Repeusthrth Wek an y iqrkeys that odp detatis ¢coffer,and and Wine Mills,:vous AP-that mm by nvr afe ters, !:coal adrtn Sy i oy rer?|edby tbe i i.Si hewwe.|ie IRON!IRON!!Oberoonoantnd Condénger,|1°DBINABY,and WER ceprpeta Gale teal veins Sean in Ca es i my frtols'eny.|lag’Te-tamspaeaslvely w)tous,andwe =.Grain Drilts,FEOTIONS,jn fact,veey form ofnave hee peesseuhiedl.to give ¢ where except inthe market:|Sree We ata ieee RELIABLE ‘DRUGS;<—Séigtipre sind Chesnais,Ralky Plows,in wis be tratag bondof five thousand eo mel ' ou ’Bee ee meareraes ee ce sate ft—-ae Sin ‘MEDICLVRS,40,000 488.OF TRON ASSORTED,Pekar EnieeseCirenlpr Saws sm —Sen net AP a ace to wonbleandJaeges.“Parkeychicksare|readers.Que word wore .mab.sndonygitttietinhahdathtySighto0 bher rBetti w »Pepesiouals as the:tchets we his ,benefit of ‘For rale b Goings 105 Wieete Yo F sukiand all the proper:y will be positively i ap are che.ae erent and ot vi gh a Youter FIR T-DRUG PORE or shinies SULLIVAN &CO.ton el hic we will sell af theMawotae:This fireparationhas been submittedto,srawu ond dehvered ne = bat if they by chanee jae what ig ableto give yon Li M aan 'ye ;;eed rah ager *y by nettles all its “interestingvariety —all the foe |De.a.RB.Poulsen,HAS JU8ST thine podinte east tec eee Weep er choronghly tested,and approved by some Sea aa in eral OT beer own,and :ydie.High «t oer and |ee,ee ar acai.cartcero ram Korthwitha end nara Salisbury,July 20,1869.ava ha te wold hy,esto give ents.|a ae of the Med.|'tke®chadov at the £000 vatusble.prize:ol- Pee ma Sti offershades ‘”emes,. ': Set so let yourpany’coats a ded oat improve it,if roe i—\eceh mneyVernisten,Paiet Brushes.Norge ated We trwabee agents for Singer's New Fami-a Ticketswil be wt aORY whens iin the United a iis ekea ponte ee”see)la a i ee Se aesPillspedenifeectTonsagiuger,|~.i ane |roe hee wey ——;:ane foOe ents eee,fr thewent Prepared by an experienced and well Sas tas wena of brick,m thet bes ee ityLs th ald feed er|Sy SF re q@ |F INE “ro oe POWBER t POWBER .Soon INE LUMBER furnished af :tei od be x Improved st pre,teSos tty ol —ll the tile bread ‘mi we.nown jan a chem f ground.Revessary out-builiings, ser nd or ol ta Cr Re Reenawa ia se BESares re saa[ters rein ot Fh,et fee orcaabl sia rh wie norance Net Kovernose sz}save a |RIFLE,BLASTING 4XD ‘MINING MERONEY &BRO.Oue large andsparrshan bowy in te a eeneed’and Pigs whepao |aia aren Supporters POWDER.For egle by /FORSALE.—4 BpSeger 12 Horse quate iat with *jor ant a awe Fond of a!animale,undertook tohelp me eaten provement,cain gouty and ‘PowerPortablemsPortable Engine,forwarn v8BRO.—_—Vn aeaitPhi we ve with thepr yord chicks,ge well as |.Town price.NeCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &CO.|_jane 11~23:5m Sovings Wak as Mek od "ee rath one af te,‘anal de>rin uate pps 2 reees Yorn.Balisbary,N.C.OCDret Cty.taenetre Cone aba beea aceon ae earl i =33so See Par Y Tonki phces{uy the ‘Robert Estes,{araeinea.with atraatitl ak proves the mes wer "Our lé sueb "s seue .acre of Grownd..Vaine........aes fente=aoe weeyang AGRICULTURAL eeeats nm),oo">To thiscasettis made to aypear to thesat-|PRICE,=_$1.00 PER BOTTLE,rome entra “TIS ke thea We oe deentinea ig.nD ‘aftheevartthat tJas.win mis \os to WaNeciansBe.backache do mors ment mapnot eh“hues Strate OntennaChace oa ihe tay trial P PAINTS ¢&OFLS,Sat irain evel}weieof the pe Maeaens yaymeoad ia Melboarne;6 happit i Ph "Rliciytionbp 0 PREPARED ONLY BY =seas webs:ok fancier. One bos Py theyard,audalinevemnry crtdhtiens ane i I rod ena mies P sinaw|LANES watreLean,Peecar ree lnaeTsaig WRN D.eyi cig iin:pone FARVING RN*.mes se ofa ee roe estsoagena ee spoR ir he ss yet J.J,LA CH,M D.,pees ‘edtatning rasan pana of The te at ath we H.PHOMPSON,lee eles ely PITY.do 40 foe ORGANIC CHEMIST.snotoe rofrei Chicago,0 ia,mehr Atnggican copy 3monthsand send TANBER'S OL,KERQSENE AIL,|to tpro VE sss...-tges te asigan sia 08° with ihe jntereotingrents coase|ae vagina oat :No.6,Mala Sirpet,Norfolk,Virgivia.an aoe i.ae jag eat |e SORE =|.Bettb br peels SW tor x,(Serre ene,ee ieee ’ .: athe3d Ter pele oy eS eee.|ae ddie.Pome Adee ‘het ms MoCubbins,Sullivan &Co.,be,Seno i a «mBayeR and ¢ z a %, cs tahave weather,ond tons an ‘Le Selisbery,July 30,1800.ply FTee Bais OF aneDacocsmrn ge |Ap newtWaggats Wer ay a ee0.ag a 5 ates 4 a” 4 ‘S ean Comat at & ~ « tom OEE pe eu Ons; ord Fuinale resumed the ‘ 5 per month. i from $2,50 to ¢., extra at advance for For erate paym of four inenths, . further portipalalp 2G Wy EL Ue Pr pot. Statesville, July 9.- Primary.....-.-- Intermediate, pintilies at @12 per month. ‘the above charges is required in Por —— address the Principals July 30, 1869. _ 20—2m geworth Female Seminary. E NEXT SESSION WILL COM. meuge'on the first Monday of September. The entife expense of Board and Twuon wil be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance. « Each ee will furnish her own lights and towels so a pair of sheets and pitlow cases. For J. M. M. CALDWELL, - Greensboro’, N. C. reular address joly 2 1869—3m Pleasant Grove Academy. BMEale and Female. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM- mence-on the 9th of August next. Course—English, Classical, Mathe- matical. » > Terms: Tuition from $5 to $10 per session. Board with the Peincipel $9 per month. For pafticulars address the pringipal at Ful ton, Davie Co, N. ©, W. J. ELLIS, Principal. P? G a. ae. - ession of this Academy will com- first Monday in August ensving. Heory W: Ledbetter, Plaivtif, against Daviel ° McRae, org Whereas the above named plaintiff has in- stituted his'getion against Daniel McRae the, above named defeodayt in the Superior Court Amicus to-révover the possession of real” property held by the said defendant. And whereas the said defendant being res- Lident of this State; has departei .therefrom (o to avoid the service of summons er keeps him- selt therein will intent; It is ordered, be made by pnblica- ate’) onge a week for vely notifying | ‘Sa before the sail Supe- ti } hone ify Troy, on the 4th Monday after the 2d Monday in August next, then and there to answer the complaint of the Pl intl in the aboye entitled cause or the plaintiff will take judgment for the rehel demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand geal of said Court, this 24th day of July 1869. C.c. WADE, Clerk Superior Court Jor Montgomery, Conn- ty, N.C 30—3w (pr fee $10) SUMMONS. KE. Nye Hutchison &T. J. Sumoer, Plaintiffs. ° AGAINST John E. Brown, Wm. J. Brown, Z. B. Vance and Robert F. Hoke, Defendants, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Rowan County— Greeting You are hereby commanded to summon Joba E. Brown, W. J. Brown, Z. B, Vance ana | Robert F. Hoke, if to be found in your Cuun- | ty, ovrsonaliv to be and appear betore his Hon- | or, the Judge of our Saperior Coart, to be bield fur the County of Rowan, at the Court-Huuse | in Salisbury, on the third Monday in Septen- ber next, then and there to answer the com- plaint, a copy of which is served with this sum- mons, and them take notice,. that if they fail to anewer said complaint during the next term, the pleintiffs will apply to the Judge ot | said court fur the relief demanded in the com- | plaint. Herein fail wot, and have you then and | there this Writ. } onPrcorme Superior Court tor Rowan Connty Duplicate of this summons issued to Bun- combe for William J. Brown; to Meckleaburg | enter at any time and be charged from as follows: €7.50 } & thorongh | ity hers neers | my is located ja a hesithy aud moral coamanhy ta Prosklia Township foar miles trom | talisbury, o@ the new road to Mocksville. | Board cap be had in rerpectabie families from Tto 8 Joliars per moth. L. H,. BOTHROCK, June 9, 1960. —% 3m Principe! | University Lectures. ---University of Morth Carelina. UNIVERSITY LECTURES will be) (<a be cgn t room. O Shelia te te wager course of «tn- dies in the Normal which has been Pater vial dail wwe how “a eae Publie \ H wi livered d eeendel Deptambes, ty the upon the following Lectore: will be open to the Trustecs Seah OS a Os entenw the In- IM. Later in the season free lectures will be im the halls of the College by gentle. | distinction and ability. & POOL, Aug. 7, 1869,—32-2 , #. GC. Map and Gazrteer. Pur SUBSCRIBER HAVING Purchased Sopy-right Plates, of the above irous to ex te their sale | ert F. Huke. eo * +} State and of the | ' | 30—6m (pr fee $18) ooo tur Zebulon B. Vance, and to Michell for Rob A. Jopsow Mason, C. 5. C. ; In ie Superior Court , T. 2. Scuttx BRA. Alster ° Jons EB. Brows, Wruusam J. Baows, Zesvtos 8. Vance aod Rossar F. Hoxe, Defendants. | Iveppearing to the satisfaction of the Court, | by afidavit fled that the defendant Jonx BE | Bows above named, is not a rea tent of thes =tate—that bis residence i not Known and can | not after due diligence be ascertaived, and that | after due diligence be cannot be fownd in the | State—that a cavse of ection eXists against lim | | in favor Of raid plaints, the groands of which appear by the eworn cumplaint—that he ts a | proper party to this action, and that the sum | moos and complaint herein were filed in. the Superior Court of Rowan County on the 24th | day ot July, 1969 URDEKED, That the sarmons berein, a} cops of which a re above, be served as to | the said Jons E. Brows by pubjication of the | | same in a new styled “ Old North | Slels,” published mm the city of Salisbury, vuce | lin each week for six weeks | Witwess, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Rowan County, at office in | Salisbury, the 28'b day of July, 1869 | Worth ROWA KN A. JUD30N MASON,C.8.C | Worth Carolina, 2 Scpxaior Court. | Caldwell County. § Spring Term, 1869 Construction of Will. | J. R. Wilson, exeen.or of James Blair, dec'd AGAINST mW. A White and wife, Naney M. White, about'five feet by four ; illustrated wed, counties, railroads, post offices, | i ina, &e, &e. A Map worthy to be hang Up im every house, office and school in the State. Spee ova ready about the ist Septem- 1 ‘ Terms sesdinmodating, addrex with 2 stamps. Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE, ang13-32-3m Wilmington, N.C. PROFESSION A El M. H. PINN IS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, N.C. T W IL& PRACTICE in the conrts of David- eon, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Ran- dulph counties : o REFERENCE Hon. R. M. Pearson, ©. J. of N. C., Raleigh. “ 6. G. Reade, Associate Justice, . Thomas Settle, Ge ~ q R. P. Dick, Bedford Brown, Yanceyville, N. C. Hon. John Kerr, “ “ J. R. MeLean, Greensboro’, N.C. Thomas Ruffin, Jr., - »J. M. Cloud, Dubdson, NO. Janvary 29, 1869. 4 -tf JOHN 8S. HENDERSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SALISBURY, N. C. EF Will attend promptly to the Collee- tion of Claims feb26— ty DR. C. A. HENDERSON, VING resamed the ice of Medicine respectfolly offers his p ional services (> the public. OFFICE: The one late occopied by White head & Henderson. Cal's may be |-ft erthe at his office, or at Ennivs’ Drug Store. “ ” “« “ Fine N oe A Fine Now oper July 1 to BAILEY, Seliebiry, NG. Avey Selena Pool, Avey Selena Isenhour. | by W. A. White, Guardian. Benjamin Steele and wife Elizabeth Steele, James Barnes. P.G. Me‘rary and wife Martha MeUrary. Emma Barnes by G W Barnes. Guardian. Sarah Isabella Furtner, by Ad- | eline Fortner, James R. Barnes, by his next friend. Io this care it appearing t> the satisfaction of the coart that James Barnes, P. G. Mi- | Crary and wife Martha MeCrary, Emma Barnes by G. W. Barnes. Guardian. defend ants in this case are non-reridents of this State: Therefore ordered by the corirt. that blication be made fyr six weeks suecessive- | ge the -O]d North “tate.” a newspaper published in Salisbary, N. C.. notifying the | said defendants to be and appear at the next term of oar Superior eourt to be held for the | county of Caldwell, at the court honse in Le nvir, on the 8th Monday after the 3d Monday in Angust next, then and there to auswer the complaint of plaintiff filed in the clerk's of- | fice, or judgment wil’ be taken ex parte as to | them. Witvess R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our ! seid court the 8th Monday after the 3d Mon- | | day in March. 1369. R. R. WAKEFIELD, c. 8. | | 31—6w—[)r fee $10) Morth Car Caldw. ll County. Jacob N. Harshaw, against James H. Collett. In this ease it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant. | James H. Collett resides beyond the limits | of the State: It is therefure ordered by the | evurt that publication be made in the ‘Old North State” a newspaper published in Sal- isbury, N. C., for six weeks successively, no- tif ing the defendant that he be and appear at the nest term of onr Superior Court to be held fur the county of Caldwell at the court honse in Lenoir ou the 8d Monday in | August vest. then and there to plead anawer or demur, or oo pro cepfesso will be taken against hin. Witness, R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our raid court at office the 8th Monday after the Bd Monday in March 1369. BR. R. WAKEFIELD, o. s. ©. Superion Court, Spring Term, 13869. Attachment. | State: tine Manney; erts and D, A. AGAINST Amos Howes and tne. North Carolina -Ore Dressing Company, Defendants. State of North Carolina: To Amos Howes and the Nortn Carolima Ure in’ any any of the property as deserjbed in Plaintiffs complaint, either By yeurselves or agents, servantsor attorneys, and [0 appear before the Judge of onr Superidr Conrt, at. the Court House in Salisbury, ou the 28th day of September nex’, then and there to show canse why the injanction shall net be continved ull judgtnent be rendered in this action: . And it arpearing to the satisfaction of the conrt that alter die diligence the defendants cannot be foond within she State, but that de- f-ndants are non-residents of this State, it is érdered by the court that serviee of this order for injunetion bermade by publication for six wecks in the “Old North State” newspaper, commanding the defendants to appear ut the 4 time and place designate !, then and there to show canse why -an injanetion shall not be granted till the jadgment be refdered in this action, . Given under my hand and seal-of said court this July 30, 1869. Clerk A. JUDSON MASON, Superior Court for Rowan County. 31—6w-—(pr fee $12.) Worth Carolina. Rowsy Counrt. } Screator Cover. Elizabeth Jenkins, Administrator of Wm. Jen- kins, Deceased, Plaintiffs. AGAINST The North Carolina Ore Dressiifg Company, De- fendant. SUMMONS It appearing upon affidavit that the defend ant is a foreign corporation, and there is vo of- ficer or agent of said corporation to be found within the limits of this State: It is ordered OE 5 EY HT 1 sheen dind Med RE mm ty of Bowan at the Coart House in coun Salis- bury, on the 3d Monday in September and answer the comp!aint jot said Plaintiff a copy | of which is filed in the Superior Court office. If the said defendant shall fail to answer the said complaint daring the term of said cour, the plaintiff will tale je net defend ant as demanded in . Given ander m this 30th day of » A. JUBBON MASON. Clerk Superior Court for Rowan County 31—Gw—(pr. lee $4) ——— ‘orth Carolina. Caldwell County. Blizabeth A. Extes, agaost James H. Collett In this case it is made to appear to the sat «faction of the coutt that the defendant Jawe= Ub. Collett retdes beyond the limits of this It is therefure ordered by the court that pubbeation be made in the “Ole North State,” a newspaper published im Salebury, N C,, for SurRaion Cover, Spring Term, 1209. Attachment. | x weel s sucerssively, notifying the def-ndant that he be and appear at the next tera of our perior Court to be bela ot Caldwell at the Coort lew in Le noir, on the Bib Mouday alter the 3d Monday in Angast nex’, then and there to plead, an- sxer ar demor, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him Wrness, KR Wakefield, clerk of oar said coert at office, the 8th Monday afier the 3d Munday ia March, 1869. -R. R. WAKEFIELD, c sc 31—Cw—(pr fee 98.) Sa Carolina, | Scrertor Cocrt, Caldwell Ooanty Spring Term, In6y Michael Spainbonr, use of Ehaabeth A. Estes, i against James Li. Collett, lo this case it is made to appear to the sat- istaction of the court that James H. Collett re- seles beyoad the harits of toe State: It is ther: fore ordered by the coart that pableatun be } made in the *Okd North State” a newepaper potlished in Sabhsbury, N.C... for six werk eyceessire'y, notifying the defer dant that he and eppear at the negt term of our So; Conrt to be held tor the county of well at the Coort Honse in Lenoir Bil Mor day after the 34 Monday in Augu-t next, then ad there to plead, answer or mur, or jaigment pro cotlesso will be taken acairst lin Witness Ro Ro WakeGiel.l, clerk of onr sail eourt at offe the 8:b Munday after the 3d Monday m March 1869 R R WAKEFIELD,c.s ¢ 31—6w—[pr fee $3) Worth Carolina, / Rowas Cocsty, Moses L. Holmes, Renben J. Holmes, Ephrain Mauney, Valentine Manney, BL B. Roberts aod D. A. Davis, Plarntrffs. AGAINST Amos Howes, and the North Carolina Ore Dressing Company. Defendants Summons to the Defendants. It appearing to my satisiaction ufion the affi- Attachment le wer 1o Cali! on the de Scoprrior Covet | davit of the Plaintiff that the Defendant Anvws | Howes is a non-resident of the State and that | | the North Carolina Ore Dressing Company isa of business beyynd the hmuts of this State ; it farther pis, ae that a ernnse of action ex- ists against the defendants wp respect to whem the service is to be made, and after doe dili- gence the defendants are not to be found with- in the State, and that the cause of actwonarese in this State, relating to real property situate 19 this State, it is therefore ordered that pub- leation be made fer six weeks in “The Old North State” newspaper notiiying the defend- ants to appear before the Juige of onr next Superior Court to be held for the County of Rowan at the Conrt House in Salisbury on the 3d Monday in September next, then and there to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, o: jvdgment will be granted for the relief deman- ded, Given under my hand and seal of said Court _ A. D., 1889. this 26th day of July A. JUDSON MASON, a Apr feo $8.) Clerk Seperior Court for Rowan County. 20—Ow (pr he $10.) EH OON seid court | o torte county | fereign corporation, having its principal office | and } Y, Ne wir - ot . is dal 3 a Hae, : Re a ae : eth State |r opel boy PUBLISHRD WEEKLY By aa oe PPP . to Xe WUT eS EE A TS | to foul, to thik, 0d even, per Baitoy and or. acton the Important. subjects. that a ps . ‘attention of i wellmeaning and. intelli- RATES OF SUBCRIPTION, ms. Intellectuality. has no sex. One Year, payable in advance. ....$3.00 Six .Montus, w ** Seeenee Mae Co kewetty should he rs. : I would not have woman descend from fier high anud aud mire. of I have het dh roagher sex au tof her nature with seontentions and ri- with therefur.anpty. honors or prefer- Rate of Advertising. One Square. first in ee. - 50 2 -$1,00 For each additional i 50 Special notices will card prog € of the country téa er field, and plantiu it firmly there with one soft, white band, h- ed at the same rates with other advertise- nents. Obitnary uotices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. —___-_ — — CONTRAC of out glorious land, inspire them with tlow- ing eloquence, and lofty examples, to.add the lustre of noble d and sublime ives to her shining diadem, and itdd fresh flowers to the fadeless wreathes of ilustrjous names that are laid upou'the tablets of her ieimor- tality. Yoors truly, Resecca Bievsoe BuxTom -_ Soe THE INHABITED WORLD, In the whole sidereal aster We nee ATES. | “I p A o P aa y “S y pU O T Y XI G ) “R Y O T E aa l y L “B Y P O T Y OM T $250 8375 $500 8s 50 $1300 450 6% #8501300 22.00 6009 900 12002000. 30.00 8001800 14.0025 00 37,50 11 00 16 OO Ww) 0730-00 45,00 + Column. 18 00 24 00, 30 00 45 00 75.00 1 Column. | 28 00 40 00-60 09/80 00 130,00 1 Square. 2 Squares. 3 Squares 4 Squares. + Colamn. specta—many of them falling short in splendor, but*many of pore me Aas around these suns wor every variety of magnitude, man: Oe vhieh doubles foran centres CORRESPON DENOE. A HIGHER SPHEREEFOR WOMAN’ The following extract from a privaté eor- respondence is presented to the pablic after repeated solicitation. y' ; conditions prevailing in any part OAKLAND, July 1969. ea bay system. But on one point we ma sured. Whatever age eae subsisting in any of these wo = be_ the wi Hon. Sir, Yuu do me great ho vor, you give me moch gratification by your candid and ele- iug that eannot fall te eoufer lasting bene- fijs upon mankind just to the extent that | they on opportanities of coming under its | iufluenee. e ° ° e bd | T ain pleased to learv that your opinions, j concerning the amount of iuformatonu that should be acquired by womay on the eurreut | events of the day, and the toterest she should feel in whatever coucerns the adv- | ancement and welfare of her country, ae- cord exactly with my own views. My the- ory is—perhaps it may startle you—that | polities should be sacred and elev ating to the character of mnan—and that no country } can be safe whose political affairs and inter- | ests are placed inthe hauds of uien of un- | settled principles and selfish, aime; nome | bat the parest and best should be allowed to handle the momentous matters and settle the vexed questions in which the pation's | prosperity, and pethaps exustence, is involv- jed. Tthink ft of paramount importance that woman should be theroaghly informed and deeply interested in national affairs.— | Even looked at in a selfish poiut of view, is it not advisable? Are’ not the interest of her hushand, father, brothers. and sovs. all ved up io that of het country ? Can at } an. whom God hath endowed with intelli- | mi genee, and to whom He has allytted the | tenderest rely tions of life, igoure those mat- | the bosom and beats low ters without ignoring a part of her actual | spirit sleeps the sleep hich, duties? 1 think not ) @ “wy ewe gt . A : ave ; hee doors We are told in Holy Writ that God | °™ of , ™ Ng v are sul were the most i tions of habitability which lands and sena, or if we ces t well | terrestrial races from the even then, the present, conditions under whieh they perish if removed to the world remains un which they are with the universality of the jaw of adaptation. ———~-a— STIMULANT. er ior forty years. ntations ~ is a time in the veins ; made weman to be an help mert to man.— Md | Not simply bis seamstress, bis cook, his | toy. his play mate; but. as IT econstrne it. | yd . to help him io all his efforts. public as well of sickness when phyoic dogs, fog we want none of it, qualify herself to meet all the wants vf bie | music again, and the pulses, th vatnre. us far as she is capable of doing °o: | riad th halls in the house and her capacity is far greater than itis gener- | shall ally known te be, it only wants develop: | for ux life? ith al} his old awakeni ment and fostering. to aneh healthy matari- | the night overflow with m ty. With our present eystem of education fldwers? Love itself is the greatest i women ean never rene: the puiat of culture | the most intoxicating of all, and I design for her in my theory. They must these mii b continas. io alas, too mary instances, t) at the drug ose, Waatever they ny. thenghtless and superficial creatares who wish nothing better than to be npared we “ Men have tried many t the pretty. eweetly ignorant ‘Dota 4 ask for stimilant. Dickens’s David ( epperiield and who would | serenio at n entterpiller. aud al | | not a money changer we assu suppuse they } } We see their faces in the bubblea. The intoxi cation of drink sets the world whirt and the pulses to playing masic and only inerease the valaoe of their charms with an nite f trian ph, that * they, not they know anything whatever of those hornd pelith s,” Were la gentleman. I hardly feel flattered at the idea of a Woman suppesing that her ignorance would be a reeomenda tien te my facer, laut it is actually often the shoald house it filled with the wildest revelry, more si lent, more ead, more deserted. “ There is only one stimulant that never in toxicates, duty. Duty puts a clear sky over-ev ery man into which the skylark—happinem al ways goes singing.” a ————— LET US BE MORE SOCIABLE. In order to increase the sam of human happi | ness, we should cultivate kind and fraternal exnse. LT wonld bare eornmand an irvolantary deference as an intelligent being: [ would have her songlt more for her enter- taining powers and solid excellencies of | character, than for mere beanty and ainia bility, thoagh I would in no wise lesaen the influence of those aftractions. I would have | her a pleasing, aim‘able, companion and able adviser, and efficient eo-worker; antil she reaches this emivence | believe she falls short of attaining the elevation intetided for her by Providence, I believe that when she | does reach this standard, that man will have | advanced in genera! intelligence. afd civi- lization will have made acevlerated strides towards the culminating poioat. Woman becownes lovely in) external attractions in proportion with the growth of these inner Wwenan perty. alone!” We do not and cantot “live by lows : 7 | uals seems to get ¥ | sire to accumulate wealth, regardless of the fort and social i of our | been diverted from its original use, and giv- | | ep over to bats and owlets and and creeping treptiles: Lastly, the christian vittnes must ‘sit, ap unfading crown. upon the brows of | perfected womanhood. softening and making | beautiful with thir refining, influences ber houtward aspect. as they elevate and purify pokey quality, acquirement and feature of | tend the hand of fellowship to all our and looking them squarely in the eye, glorioas in pe lw: z deeds of love be done; Jet the princi gitn rule be hified in. our cheay lives t | qualities by freqnent in ings at social her life and character. This is the destiny : | cy be acknowledged, save I would bave woman fulfill. This, Teannot | stoubt, an allwise Providence desigued for her. and! fur which He has furnished enuagh sd cb leartless, and enwomanly indeed must be the creature who, in times like these, cao | boast of indifference to and, ignorance of i the leading iseues in political questions and endeavor type the pure, the good and the «us! know, c te] the to fill ite: splieve; regardless of what outward furm it’ position to soil her robes im the ery pg or would cal “the level of the! ¢ % off the fiheness aud4 rally arond her the noblest sens of the ua® tion and pointing over the breadth and lengthy |’ of suns resembling our own in all emential re- vids, and whatever peculartetion of the epnditions to = pe con ey oe Te lem to support races which at pres- ent cabeba upon ned Wien apesadingly former yet perfect adaptation of the limited number of races which we should know of to the placed, we are at once imprewed George D. Prentice has been a constant drink- | 3 For ten years lie has been a | what drinker of ihe lignum-yvite order. Here is a lecture by him, worth an- | ale tined Tedelbe eGkeondans call “when the pulse lies low in when ¥ apparently, its howve of clay, and the the ; shall raise as d.nnextic. wetital and physical, and {1} the spirit ? What shall make the heart beat all the my- th What ke sun kiss the eastern kills again gladness, and light, lowe and re wou. hings, but still they “Men try t bary the floating dead of their own souls in the wine cup, but the corpse Pises. ing agua, | x egies } galloping, lus the first clock runs dgwn sooner, | selling them out ? and an unnataral stimulant only leaves the | ie Le ings one with another. A trae life consists in something else than simply accnmulating “pro A writer in the Journal be may 4 discourses on this subject most beautifully as fol- The sole object and aim of two many individ- i ” tet the conse- quences be what they may to others, The de- pistes shore igh ; : . and the interchange of friendly sentiments heanties of mind and heart, without whieh | should be ignored. On the other hand, we | | she inay be compared toa fair but ineom- | should so live and act that the generous im- | | plete and uninhabited mansion, which bas4 puises of oar own hearts would prompt us to ex- neighbors a that we had never wronged them in thought, word or deed. Then, too, let words of kindness: be spoken; let ne of t us be more sociable, cultivate our conviviat | copions, thé ram might sapply terchanges of friendly | as the bafn, and also make a nice fountain in 3, Sr intellects Tet | proper strangemeus, lt tbould ren the at of i 5 let} run years us beantif? onr-homes; let us make them what | Siabout least attention. they should be by cherishing @ love for the = beautiful, so tirat ‘L would havehervascend the fosira} bear up the ensign | much *eyemenn needle, w her thim! ‘than, family his shirt : E Fi z ? f fi ? THE HONEST LAWYER. MN tat ry bene what can I do in, I have a bit of rc bill and it on the table, The young lawyet made no motion toward ta- hey, es | Client.—Why don’t you take it? I don’t call it , but to begin with ; a kind of you call it? —Retentio# fee, 1 presume you mean “Sg te ny gd peallamemelad ada lawyer. Bo it, .— Not quite so fast, if case, and then [ will for what became of the ox- old Major Farneworth. I was to have 61x hundred dollars. Lawyer—Very well ; , en? Client—Botchered and sold out, to be sure. Lawyer—By you? Client— Yes. Lawyer—well, where's the trouble? Clieat— Why, they say thas, as I only gave my note for them, I need not | you ta help me to get clear o it. Lawyer—How do you expect me to do it? ow } ' | | age when he gave Major Farn«worth | and, therefore, in lax, the not. i: good for noth : that’s all! swwyer—And was it really 90? Client—Exactly. | you have the oxen ? pected that I was under age. Lawyer—W hat did you get lara. They were noble fellows. | La ~ | cheat | gives you the opportunity to Go, it! retention fee. 1 promisetl my _ | ed white swellings. will | if 1 wanted to heip | ers are entirety xpeechless and blind. I coald take no | hardly recover. course #0 sure as to. do what you offer to pay me | nd, depend apon it, the lawyer | ' tr | Ing mother never to do such « thing, anid 1 die first. And a for you to go to the State’s for doing. A. who does help you, will be Plead minority! No; go wort enemy. est man. —— ~<o fresh water, constantly flowing troaghs for all live stock is, says an exchange, | very t. When one has a spring siror called tas the urpose, a hydranlie ram, wit the necessary not ¢ost.more than fifty dollars, aadall the trow ble of w is obviated, the animals the winter need not bly sinaplisied. seventh carry it, and @ inch is sufficient. freeze it ' ipe of one-thied or one half an | Pri ae is sufficiently . ‘ t. ‘With the the Boll. wheth- foe Client—Why somewhere between one hah- dred and thirty, and one handrod and forty dot- And se yéa want me“to help yor t honest old mat out of these oxen, | | simply because the law, this an imperfection, No, sir; it, and pay for your oxen honestly ; and live and act on the princi- ple, that, let what will come, you will bean bons | tand profane language. to one-tenth of the amount of, water to all run foto the | collar, } } { ! *“ Are you the lawyer?’ said @ young maa | ng “He played ona ha | j | | | y it, and I want | hia wazog two Damense millstones, one While pening Shns. viest stone rolfe ma. 4 , — Client—Piain as day, man ; just my, Gentle | the war and is a miracle itself, ae not | men of the Jury, this young man was not af | fearfal velocity, coun- ? the note, | bery in its course, | terfeit is in the market but the winged God is Lawyer—How came Major Farnsworth to let | were playing nted at least years, pie we initate my bretherings har niy ou’ go y "ey Mes to rend; shill find it, you shill fod. “And he played on 4 strings—«perits of men My tex, brethe: S Now tha’s a uy a thonsand made Ay - ita, spirits vy tarpingtime; and then thay’s the sper- as sogn f tks calls liquor, and I’ve got ax ket uy them kind uy sperits on my flat- as evér was foteched down the M’ i at Bat Pil tell you pv the kind uv ment in the tex—it's fre. That is kind ov as is ment in the tex, Now, thar’s a great many k of. fire in ike world. In the firet place, thar’é ‘she common Do eadpte at — ee orrenrr fart eli you thekind of fire as mext in the tex, my brethering—it’s hell fire/ an’ that's the kind Of fire at many of you'll comie.to ef you don’t do better nor what you've bin doin’—for “He played on a harp uv 4 Ue waged ge ? | sperite of just men made perfeck.’ Now the different sorts uy fire ii : unto the different the world. we have but eopalians,’ an’ they’té sien ~sailin’ an’ a high- falutin’ set, and they may be likened unto a tur- key buzzard that flies up into thé air, and he goes up and up till he looks to than your {in- il, an’ the fust @: ou know he cum an’ down, an’ is a Allin’ fon the karkiee av 4 dead how by the uv the read uv a how-eand etritiys may be li comnechin of w job; T reckon. - Tho test | wedge; | | —eper ite i And then, my brethrinz, thar’s the Baptist ah |—and they hayé tin Boned unto @ posunt on a <immon-tree; at” the diunders may foll, an’ the airth may quake, but that clings thar aill—ah! ke one foot — — A Singular and Terrible Aceident.—A letter from Princetén, Kentacky, thus relates the par ticulars a fearfal accident which occurred on the - 20th: A man, named Boot Crow, was hurls weighed 2,550 rae side of a high hill the hes ; m and apesded down the declivie’ wich crushing small trees and sicnt- The hogee of a farmer, nam- ed Darnell, was <ituated at the foot of the bill. The mitletnne went crushing through 2 fice and into the yard of the farmer's house, waer there were a number of bee hives, In th Cin several children. The he hive | were upwet, and the bees, im their cm Uxian Client—Oh ! the godJy old man never ens- | lighted mpon the children, stinging t ims frightful manner. The progres of ib. gren for the oxen in | stone wae net impeded in the feat by its: colF- | sion with the hives, and it went beundinty inio « A Hioydrondic Ram.—The advantages of pure, | was brongnt up in into watering | of Pagan indolatry ; heard a man blaapireme his maker uptil nor.” and other apparatus, it néed | | } | stock des! pasture bevend the house. lt oo through a herd of calves and horses, killing tv« of the former aol one of the latter, alntost nm atantl*. The children in the rard bad been emp! etely covered with the bees, sad each ove was ¢ | by them until their persons were entirely « One of them died a short time after the terfible occurrence, and two They can lp ee ees - A Lesson Learned from the Heathen. Tt is ree fated by Dt. Scudder, that on his retarn frem his mission. ia Thdia, after a longabsence, he was standing on a deck of a sicamer, with bir son, a youth, when be heatd a gentleman using lous “Priend,” enid the do- tor, aeto-ting the «wearer, “thie bev, my en, a heathen country cfd a land but in all his life be nove. The man effored, blurted out an apology, and looky « not'd dittle ashamed 6f Rimee!f. pet, Learning will aceumulate wonderfully if ys: 4 can drink | add a little every dav. D6 not wait for a lor Z of leisnre. Pickup the book and gam is considera- | one wew- idea, if po mom. Save that one, ani yas you edn. Says the «]) a little makes a foickic.” —_—— —P-——_-_—_ The loveliétt bride ever seen at Niagar: 5 there now, and she wears a coralie tint «tlk dr. with long tra‘n, tr:mmed with a deep poin - 2. flounce, above which nr a and wise boots tocorrespond of pink. silk, ¥..!. high Irench heals. . ita as te * we ame a ae he Eh ARS ¢ V4 baw ‘ overwork, during t bwar. During all tha ito drag bis emaciat crutches. In vain he invoked ical talent of the ‘country; 2 ahh i on F be, for the White Salpbur Springs. cortainly one of the r@ost ate places we Rave sven for some tine Jp is tb iau! ¢ “ ated and was xt time a very Tt bag long becn noted, forthe intellige tee of its citizens women. Bat it recgived a5 from which it, a6 hows We hope, howeyer, that i Liko from theteles in Iv! Dlhied, Thisit certalaly w, prosperity, and soon. wean | been governed roe the beginnin, ty io bh ti poe 8 | bit ol ine ead was compulted, asd fog much of t Morganton rise above the. standa Teas Pal AN tite ‘ : ey _ wer delf and beeome a place: fore, Liem 3: $ pny toe hexalen been fae } vas on the ground rapn. ° Hise prefer- 2 V Pte! a Our tay in the placg wea NS AT sored wil the: Edinburg Review far the same |enedon ls Alkeralid snore Own so Very . eiptigareag ee “ ae ry 3 month his Re view! ns always been a great | was the division of their vote- “pof pe plied with delici us peaches, aeluxuryy aoe dH terarite With tis shicé the days whieh MeCauley [Walker ‘The election may be» rm Pea fly be sed I , bi aioe gies was onecf itschief contributor. The number bes} the first sddréss oth aber Aenssyé nish’ hast i retty thoroughly burne ae ee ea eee : gt & : Athe next Presidential campaiga,. whi : " Oy oe . ihe way, took-falagably " Pf eaghan eee Ls ping to be worthy of thename which it already tnueh wider bony yee many we ate A taines ‘Bt he : —_ to) burbes . ‘ ¥ fi b o ia,” as, ‘Tenn ¢ , i so “4 rer ta: a fore, - aed, clairaing to be the Po Jaa Th. Bwxra bookseller of this placa Me we a Now York, tt hast farm animals calls for aid from. the cutee Pr tor pop, Ya ab Pr ef, bot CURE. al } Carolina, is p'} we are‘indebted for the XIX Ceptary for Augast. | leady activelf manifested itself” : pe posionast a: jn Mie se oy) hs Lara.per bapcd igre sseres 2 hed 3 <4 hé lower nicer AY Rattical@aind the Fustem | every previgné effort, to pstablish a literary mag-)- +The means in useare not at all open to selection ‘of B petrraend yore. Poaketer F rpbe polit osedeh Ta BA be 2658 Steet bi eutntged lorgan of the former is the | azine at the South has failed, and the wish of | the eye of the pu ban reytas La, of steel and | Beare So a =a ite FS 5% eon Sot ees ding. oi dajier the Newbern } all is that this may paore an exception to. fay an eh © ua a pan Fish, Mack seid te Dati 206 of Raat: ot his bdge Hoge C. Li rule. It ia gotten up with great neatnes, algaion of that Staten as beldw orgatiized. See ge ep Ne, oe Mee neti de of t ctiyme are Past ro oot versihgd ; er ower boo! me eb palitiout > ues by Ladéaginy yt an 3 ade plas $a.ah oe p oy. nyt no re to the sume | the peo| * ” t jug over the Sultth atGovernament ex e. : Peaches, peales, ’ t pas x <i . pany avich icv, Holden, | score. - “ Sotanslbty oe juspectors Of schools, Dut re- |'of one’s mother tongue, Not to fey nat ARR. * -nappealed. ose OF inedicineds: * eS, ‘3 e, ry sentments and winding bills againet " Phe Manufacturer ‘and Builder for August is} ally to organize thege Jeagues.in the interest fs constitu Pahari te of th who - ; 2 | ' harges shal ye prdans Apes - who disregafded ‘the we laws, alad on Out tablé,is early promise is. more of Mr. svesng idl Presidency. Phe same | the'vo' and that on their mga.) evs om ‘ 2 6to sit parc epression 0 ns nat Gated Smith, was iftticted for without oe " Western | oTgabization, Yormedggy the sane way, wa ‘the happiness of thé community perp et os castings, wer se Ft 0} yaudivent, will be thea! thoat mo he he came tito Court and and they, were, rey | than justified by thisnumber. ~ Address Western traced by the anilj authorities,, in other mit Son Cu ‘ Nails, ent, ” sepenvecse (O40) .The pang Without price.” ce“ 7s — + a betas ms ordingly— y being madea Judg % | & Co., 87, Park Row, Rew York. parts of the South. It stil exists in Vir- Mi arse in a ye ent 5 oad Molasses, sorihan- Det ge Nergge sete “ahaa 5 pare ae EDW : ag’ would submit. ec ty being niude Superintendentef Pab- my nnn Dei ————— gi * : ss } o dited reat ot me . a es Meath tantng ath we f op | L¥nun and Major Malone as 4 ates Tras Uh “y niaitice N . mar ta its ap- | te education of teachers is chiefly va yrup, A hae Chcaber te $y £ ; ‘ aré pot gat- PROSCRIPTION, ithin a shorttime it has mada its ap wiht Gael achashte.s— | Onto pe bushdl . he saw Ser a 425 prt ee eas ad Aree agate aires | i * 4 a Oh . anee in Maryland. There it -is a regu: P engerlieriore | Fam oe the health of the Pork” per pound, — ..ce0s-..s IOC 2) TNE TABLE--N. Cs RAIL “ dpe of Kirk’s men, was the only witness, isfied with what they ly have.and are stri- ae oe 4 had glaeh doce : How y a trib 1 6) to _.75| .” tealified that Swith had ackuiowledged to him fs dhobd: Gees tlelden aad thb'Blandard, Tlie a of prey koe ae sol oes ar © Sm lat with oaths, ba and 2 | tredsury may. réadily”. be eecn. The, average Potatoes, coe bushel, .#%..++. Be BI: eae TRAIVS NORTH; | hat he att : t a license. .A fewer > - ae and the days of the party of prose - “!eorstitation. The same ageyts of the gov | yield of wheat in.our neighborhood is from sev- } . oes a. i pot x fep Set Rad a‘ CR carpet-bag "on the other hand, think they already have maurcl | deed mumbered. le ue ete a> xachy tard | erument who helped’ to otganize, the blacks | 2, to ten bushels per. acre, But Mr. Tomlinson, |°°¢*" Crown: PRE arr : 43 “. 20) ate Doctor-pn his cross éxaliination, - He yas ask- | more’ than thelr share, Col. Marra, it is said, | bglances and been found wanting. ates lin Vigginia wod other pacts of the South are | near High Point, with no better Jand, gets an | « | Crushed Palverited 90 to 20 | oo et, how farch ate you to receive for expr itting desired by means of the power which, a8 Super-.) ly be expected that a gence eng bon , Pee active im Muryland now, and. the present] average of twenty-iive bushels acre. That | Salt, coast, r snek, . 2.76 2.75 Charlotte .” the defendant? “Tie declined to answer, and | endent of Public Works, he-claiuw is devoly- Feligious and political vole: on cored ros, Mov aita is to unite the blacks of shat State,to the ia, to educate our farmers is to double our wheat *: Liverpool, “t . 5 &3 S00 , | aero t the Judge, a3 much.as’to Say |? under'the control of those who ignored tS , i xpecti he ff-|crop. Mr. Sampson in the same neighborhood Table, : ; a “30 | CO. Shors, .- ae Laven st to ty wth ‘and so do L.| e@ upon hint by the Constication and Acts of the} (or entirely and were mitising gigantic stridesto- | Bond Re peas expening, when that pay corn, Sweet potatoes, clover, and a well| Tobacco, Leaf. per pound, .. . F404 Net a ie , ihe Solus decide the question was ves and | rn Assembly, to make Lagan President of warde usurping we. eng et ibeidaary of the ne ar ar | is ratified to carry tha sot orchard, growing on an old field, whose for . masenecees, Sota 40, Seitebey ey mie he setpated tm Bi hy Sroltie | nconealbdaiod N.C. Rethroad Company, and) | Tes es bas been: the vrepetidion’ of pro-| “Iu New York -city. the marement has mer owner Jhought it incapable of RetiewtaglBo : ; perpen ad as to. get three. hon- et gre ath ee nena scriptions-of Gv most intolerant character 'o| eon both, vigorivus Gnd’ effective. | There | The vaine of the hay erop of the United: Stator to bé divided between | The power clai disputed <<, Pho" litical victoriés have eralded as its object nu ta séeure the primaries. | i. alto the entire internal revenue. That ! _ | anaes: Peed in Po Have “you em- | by the Governor, and eAch ‘party bas ehjoined of thei and _patitical defeats have) and to be able to designate the next Central | be. could easily be doubled, if farmers were xt nferhal renue ‘si a poe to “the defeddans?— ve her, Each has prevented toour people the eee am ew 4 refusal Of | Republican Compittes. witieh holds on fur | Sdueated.!~That is, the ignorance of wur farmers an & 9) Raloig { : iy the next qu This made the ates spectacle ever witnessed in our wad'by ioe LF ne Ps two years; and if it equid. be constituted as | costs the country annually four hundred millions’ Oollector’s Officé, 6th Dist. ‘NO. “ ; . By » f sone and chit his in i eae bine i aie ed itfally urtered | V2ese men desire, it would have two of the | of dollars in the hay crop alone. The average Satiswuey, 18th Ang. 1808. Satioeary, \ : ol bs ; Wy 7 er, pean rs hep +h AY Seis four lips pr moor the Boepes | most importaut seg, of gbe “ny hernia Yidect Yaues 2a wa when a N the 16th day o® June, 1989, In the city ot} > — nya vowfully at the Judge for relic meetings his judge, to have hi aaah ' = ‘ whichsto work. “informed Republi- | Vermont educa farmers. 7 Charlotte, deputy collector J. RB. Henderson | | This Schedule pectlons, Kar . : and theit actions have kept alive the Sew Yerk ci estly | An jation of these things has induced bees , cor | FREIGHT ,TRAINS.will net run to when Ra. must answer. emergency that would require the services of « cpirit of warfkrer During this tim the Soath- | e408 of New Yerk city, whe are oe oft m “—ae ae Oe eine atte thet at the i wa oe of Win. F, Heuilérero, Assessor | ee ete ‘oplthvocayse meester. a adicial officer. As to the merits ofthe legal but aniater-| opposed to Mr. Chase. agree that this ino Trustees « 1 reity at | of this District, eothed for ure for pag pee = Sela i . aad involved we have nothing to say, but, por ner ag Teh utter atplenaness wan as | meut will earry the sity and enongh of the | eerie cane Bea a pad of the Revenue Law’ of the Lon hes er att tieilh ALBERT sDTINFON, , as Rot to q i : | ré the Central Committee.” | action, to invite ors ve ve |" ‘Two largo Caske and one Keg Spirite, own General ae u the course of neither cah | ineffectual as the honesty of their in| State to seca 2 Yheral education to theirsons. Not todothis | ostensibly by James D, Palmer, and onthe 26th , a7 >: rsa aad Ceti And . of thane | Oe rity which ranebed Te the eoew ores EATING PRUIT. "oj tnioed sald be to leave North Carolina bebind June 129, in the samo.cityd. Bbi wf Whiskey. bd aegis se GOING WEST, oa ° ; enity we eg acts ; her sister States. It is understood, that ni- | owned vstensibiy by Wim. BR. Cochrpay2 es ‘=, cod - re Jotiges— Watts pe ae dominant poUtiviarts. ‘We Enew this ant ‘ of Provi + SR U-k collec- versity is now open to atadents in Agriculture, : Bile pict, olgned ostensibly by tee. Cress | POR. STATIONS. LEAVE ~~ : Brooks, the day after Smith was ac-| fensible. esau ts par sry NG an ons as onthool a | Bee amet ares state aa Cece posit prvccnd Military Tactics, and the Mechanic Arts -M. Fears were also seized for hp pene canee, pepe a rth jon to say from the Beach, As to the war between. these com ta the | run its course ) tos » he . aes, arial soi > --~ po i Shepa d's cross-teads Ip Lredell county. on the | Vovrd reels, ~, Ba > ] eae proseue bial al li 5 ’ : aes | 7. = “ =e - ee ‘ - Soc art ave pre but he might have paid i adherents of iption in those two States, | use of fruits ani -vezetables and are called upon| Tae Canoursa Farner was established in| et, ud en the 25th day of May, 4, in he ichory lavern, 8:04 ’ ~ the cost and Lave ¢ withont punikhment.— tuated by the same fe rtrd ena where itz thi ting power is still felt, Wath the | to believe that the increase of mortality which | November 1363, as the organ of the farmers and | ("Nef Salisbury, uno Bd spirits, owner un-!79 lard, 9:02 . Star pt oon who atteafpied «| hatred of the larger portion of the people restile in Virginia snd Tennessee it may well | alway» occurs during the hot weather i# almost | planters of North and South Carolina. That it |°V"" soe tek || tie °t eminem 947 - Actes + have Boasts of she an State, Each, through their respective orgum, | be claimed that the day of white disfranchise- wholly caused by eating them. is quite like- has _ ~ fulfilled = La oy of ie ihe a) sae a a i — } GOIrND EAST. of ce & severe ” | charge ther with \reachery—with. hay ment and test-outh jons are gone, No| ly that eating woripe and wilted frait and vege-! friends is aby evidenced by the goneral | PSC? rors any VEC boatiy are Rares s * tion, mhleh everjborly was plooned excope gone itl en 07 Let the fight ain many eae refuse to acknowledge the significance | tables causes listugbance in thestomach and sick- | and increasi which it has bean re- | Dvstied to apuear ab iy ¢ dee hs xy aN oe anager a Fa ging ‘ Judse, the Dootar, witnesses and the detcy- : eae < re of these verdicts. No power can resist such 4 | nes, bot it is of a tomporary eharacterand would | ceived. Bat eady attained, though t Revit ithe ~y ce’ 110 at 410 Kite 4:Uhooe 8 uve grees und, like the Kilkenny Cats, nothing shall torrent. Whatever be the of the party generally cure itself if po other cause waa prew | gratifying, ‘ hey hope for and con- |“. % ish MISS. oy 2) Ticks Tevern lana Mir - David Sottlemire was Convicted and sentenced be lett of either party, pot even their caudal ap-! which triampha in the uta p Titles oh the ent, Ik ia weil to nse cantion in the selection of | fidentiy an tis expecially desirable tof i raed 30 Nébont rer ass ” pag oem ¢ = to ad 14 Pay 8 ot} | pendages country, be it Democrat or ye lican, or anew | fruit and vegetables, ave'ding those that are | make the Cardlina Puriter- the medium through Valuable Bands for Salo las - Cat wba, 6-43 & As “A en: thonsand dot Dave gave Jeg bail and ee a organization, its success will be secomplished | wilted and decayed, but it is not well to be ua- | which the views of the most intelligent practical Sirat 8 EI L ae Dyed a aoe | 4a Views m3 2-20. , .* pe J his i the —- ooo Oa ee re 2 ant fl aa aoe = | chtough the toleration and liberality of its priz- | weeny troub/ ed and frightened about them, | ep of the two — may be ex a | j ate cay “Pieiuhie “7th oe sion ga 55°. Heateavilla 7:36 800 > F id not appear much distressed by | sympa .we 72 arr, Dut ifrea.- | ee. . | and it ie «till wo.ve to avoid them akogether, . | The advantages of such a medium areso gbviaus af Unt PF, tT. me ohirete sae le po tas Yorn , é “ ly belongs to the liberi wing of the Repablican ; e good effects Of these Tate elections ate al-} The slightest examination of the causes of | that it is not necessary to enlarge en Your aah oa “ height as. eh oh Rat feeb i oe ; hird A , one aK @ A, 05 On our we stopped one night at the! party, It was regarded asthe organ of Senator i In pias a is aes ! eco oo en _ ~ aren will suggest mil ihat should be | i490 Acres A argo part i weed lands It raven los eranare A ——— bite Salphur Springs found quite «| Sweet time the Standard engaged in| § jeadrrship of Senator " mega ss Spe 1 = pred tae gon sade Opa ; | ite dwelling anc ent-honces, These lande ar ‘orth Garoliaa. sepmion Covxr. lrg? naiaher pres tjemseg Sear ae Aastinen ch et iued Seen cad Soleo Fa ae ence Or Pe Died Mate conan ete vcky round, see ebe ds oot et |nenb on otganct it hiok We Lave olveedy (cherne wets Ford rand, ndjtning thelands| WILE Courter. § "Spring Toru, "Ub vote a conv: y you idren who ea an organ of this a. ready j of N. #- dai) and others, and vply two-milew|"Mary Jane. Brown, ’ gait of igalth or pleasare, or both. Tasy were dent patriot. It hav never bowed to the dicta-| under thé parti=an asticlés of impeachment, the! fruitand vegetables at ally All bat five of the | suffered so mech Trom ignorgace and un«kilfnl- | west of Third Creck Btaéie 68 the: Ke tow | 7) gl ; »° mostly from the esdtern part of the State, and | tion of thé Standard) whic stems ta think dia of WHh hb poitical (oleration. ‘The'| devedents from sammer complaints, in July, | new in the cultiva‘ion of the soil, hat it haa be- | North Carvtina Relirond Tbeg yell be rei os | tractor Rae a: oy Peitien Sn sb yore} comprised 1s much beauty, refinement and in- talligence as yor are ver likely_to meet with in the same number, North or Soath, We regret that it was not in our power to remain longer. We intended to return this week, but the para- momt fntics which we Gwe to others that are it still powemes the power to “kill and make alive.” Nar does it betray any fear of the cen- tral organ now. We have always admired :the liberal tone of the Timer and have taken several ly indifferent to the strugyle between the occasions to say sa. And while wo are pesfeet- | 'en* prosertbed whites of that oppresod State, asqaq the case in Tennesec, 160k off with anxious in- terest, while theermpathtes of the civilized world will cbeer them in their work. Evea West Vir- | the whele number were over four of age. | “In certain se when epi ie cholera may be and when the aysjems of Ure people way be prepared for discase ly the pois- | wea alr they breathe, it is posible that wilted | fruit and vegetables may be the exciting of fatal sickriess ; bet even then the air that is | camees | were under two ycars of age, and only two of | come.a daty on the part of our enlightened agri- | a , cukurists to wake'a genera! aud united effort for phe correction of the evil. Poverty and bank- } roptey have invaded the homes of our people to | asad extent, and those evils can anly be avert- ed by improving our wystem of Agriculture. All wealth origitutes in the soil, and the growth of | towns undaiios without @ corresponding increase | lit of twelve bond ar 3-4 wouths, paichaser giving} : agqrurel santie. PAPE BVESB) od aypehrinkg go the eatisfretion of the cams I C. C KRIDER. Ader’. thet Deniel @., Brown, the defoodant tn thas =-- a fen i not a fevident of thie Saatte: Tt is theres, Vuinersity of Morth Carolina— | fee Ordered by the cart that services of Sx Agricultural Course, mobs fon sald defendant be made by pab! id [Ah,. COURSE of Agriculture | sot it the “Old Nott Stare,” Once a | Bde r ‘ ; : ber pers’ the Mechanle Arts will beg . fir ex Weck« aiowwedy ely, viotify fog hia 1 "Tie fir Gearet to as will: out doing &. Woe | and the Standard we cannot deny thabour to enfSrcement of test | breathed Is more truly the cause of death than | in agricu.tuire, is ictttious and ‘ nprotitable.— | wen day of Septem ber, Tnetredehin’ in Military prar.ot the pte page woe Const # 7 parpoes paying phi » short visit wext week if| pathies are with the Times, Not that we athe, and we have no doubt political toleration | the food that is eaten. Iu ordinary sewons, | We wanta healthy and flourishing agriculture | ‘Tactics will nut be given untll later in thorees t the county of, Wallees at 4! ag? BesdBa . ’ wil] Whites the esextchen of West Virgitis at! when no opidemic ix preset, impure air causes a | as the basis of our industrial system. When we | 5.0 | Wikcthore’ on tur a \ permiterd. : tend to agree with the Timer in all ite views by Ge pom iid siesenaciiie sean elk ane dhigin hb, comsiates Will Aewsch, eal’ te | na-9 | Wilkesboro, on the 4h Monda the, 3+ F the next onsuing cle: tion. wand , vege- | ian, cay H 8. D. POOL, Presiiéyt. | yond ‘Augnst 1869. acd i Asong the We met there were | any means, but that we admire honesty add in itis nol 14 be sappiceld Gist this tables, In fact, it i¢ probable that total abati- | acenmylated, manufactures exablished, railroads | ng a ggg ey —— onday a aug < a aod an ou Honorables J. R. MoLean and Thomas Ruffia, dependence wherever we se it ” here. The party lines in Penne nence from fruit and vegetables by the whole | built wherever neorled and prosperity and gon: | B4= BRUM of sapeciar freshnga, and | er or hes mare w be beard avd - dl : i ion aia t be shio te And oF mays that the<é are not all the are got yet ch, ar this —_ gp — —_ — fatal — tentment prevail saige es) rehash) wssaroe ee iragrauce, inners wy, Segear to — } ed his 3d day of tia ee owe , in Vi ane enncizee. The | | most unliotted indulgence in theme— | cllizen ask yoursedl whet om not dd some- at is sold, Vet, i il Beseld, adevery thing ; ot, say that the health of both thése gentlemen bas) troubles now at work in (he Redical party in y in Penneytvania, aan Have | The safest rule ia, however, cugeune in all | Thing towards the accorhplichment of an object | elec is, much below the pricts hitherto ruling | Clerk Soperior Conrt for Wilkes dgunty nuproved daring their visit to the place. | this State, We seoitatated in the papers that candidstes fir Governor in | things.” so noble? You may posdbly think that your | here. To be hadat EB. SILLS Drug Suure,...| 31-6 —(pr ter $7) Col. Wyatt ise prince of hotel keepers, and) the Dockerys, Col. Sinelair and others are didef. upon the «acces: of Wells | —_—_~ | individual efforts in this direction can accom-{ Aug. 2-1t Salix “ty. 3 STA of Cc a, provides abundantly fer the refreahment of the - immer roan, His snoves this searon far surpas- sos tliat of any former season, but it is still far from’ being what it should be. * ‘Pr@Ai Gilisbary we exw nobody there except thé §iniily of Col_C. 8. Brown, of the Boyden House. On onr retarn we met Hon. F. E. Sho- ber on his way there with his family. —_ +a GEN. GRANT AND THE LIBERAL. fortanes of Goy. Holden at almost any moment. We know not thatthere is any truth in these rumors, bet they are certainly nothing more than fected, and that they are ready to abandon the | 27d 3 ne of their own: Their defeat has been denounced aa the remit of “reb- poids ae intimidation and fraud, and in their have the elections in Miexieippi and Tex- ag teen delayed mriti! theit own States have vo ted. Bat the favor of the administration in We were prepared to hear, It is simply impos sible for independent men to act for any length | | bat loyalty to Holden. If they will not follow | the fortunes of their chief and «abmit to his dic- | We pledged ourself at the oatest to give Geo. relent and become sobsetvient they . , | afterwards (rants odrainietration « fair and impartial trial.) 5) 10 “made alive.” ‘Wr tarthermase expremed the hope that his ad- | 17 2, ticalian is not forevet dead in North Car- | ministration weuld be both liberal and magnar- imous towards the Soythern people, and our de- termination te support it if it was so. In this peace, and we from the administration of Gen. Grant as from wholly disappointed, Gen. Grapt’s adminictra- ip He bas not evendis- lieved him to possess, He has given some-evi- dence of good intentions, in reference to the reconstruction af Virginia, Mississippi and Texan. Fils feelings apd sympathies are cer- tain!y with the liberala. Bat he is unable to _meia the torrent of radical opposition to -his hewn, and scems finally tothave yielded to it — Tier lo! it be understood that he favored thesac- cons of the Walker party in Virginia, but he al- lowed Boutwell and Creswell to commit the ad- ministration to Stokes in Tennessee, And pow vt is announced that he has opealy expremed. += lfer being with the Radicals and ogsinst Lit-rals id Mississippt and Toxna. ree tributes of played that force of No President alnee ibe | . Gaverna pt ever porsemed 8 opportmi- Untinguishing himself ‘With proper abil- could easily bave transmitted his name pocterity as “Tine Gamat Pacrricaron.” of ~antry, He could Dive iffangurated ar era 4 5 esce pod good Selly, sogh on has nheyer ly on experienced Jn the hinery rue lovers uf their country would bi.ce he ‘were as willing to accept of It | when the witked bear rifle the people mourn.” ——_—-se- - — | any other source, sid we still are. But cand | compels ua to say that, though we have not been | apr This movement, as we predicted would be the tion promises t6 be a disastepus faiinre. He | case, is-carrying all before it. Old enemies are seems to be ntterly destitute of all the bigher at- rapidly tniting and old friends separating. An jot of pond Moling etd leasing is beginning to | to rally under the banner of Liberatinm for the rote | olina it is because it will be imposible to get all | | its enemies to at harmoniously again-t it.. In this | ¢1th important developements in our civi there will be difficulty. we were perfectly sincere. In common with o-| ht aw, ery man who loves his country we long for! The days of those | now in power are nearly nutwahered.. And when! | they ceane the people will rejoice greatly. For | THE LIBERAL MOVEMENT. dawn. . Honest meri of all parties are beginning | redemptiott of the Stale ftom the control of the | corriypt Cheat tre: who ate eniags! fn crushing out her very existente.—Gureces will certainly crown their efforts if the mayom<nt ix-judicidus- ly conducted. The next election will place hori- est and apright mén, men Who Jove their edim- try more than thesaselves, in power, amidat gep- eral rejoicing.. Nearly every. Demucratic and Conservative paper in the State has already fal- the f-Lawing x dead past and patriotically devoted iteelf to the living prevent: “ Let us all be liberal ; doubtless we have all made some mistakes. lf any haye-erred out of blindness or want af understanding, or if any have been tog etabborn to ee, Iet-shoon be. for- given. We want all men of moderale views, all en who love their country, to harmonize and lie -/0e! and sustained his edgpinisteation-— ey he these instances will be as signally rebuked as it wat in the cxse of Tennawee. Committed to the ly seventy thoumarid rolled ap on the other ride. chised by the result, and political proscription will pever be heard of more tn Tennessee. We have never obeerved the political horo- scope with more anxiety or with tore hope than we do now. The immediate future is prc _ in tery. A reactiounry movement ha begun, and if properly appreciated and taken advantage of will lead to important and glorions result. Wil. Journal. —— - —o@De-- =i t investigatiun of An ard } y a al ing hi tts tu seeare his confi: - : country around Gettysburg, conducted by a! pledging his eff.rts tu seeare his confi:ma | pablish everything in season. learned antiquarian. has proved the trath of a belief long entertained by residents that the bittlefield_of Gettysburg had, in the dis- | tant past, beeu the scene of a bloody strng- gle between the Indians or sone unknown extivet race This fact is attested exhumation of the military innple- meuts of. the combatants, and the remains of the dead in what i¢ known as the Indian Field,aboata mile sduth west of Round Top and the ‘National Cemetery. These relics are found thickly fittbedded in the seil over the whale atea of territory which - was the seene of the Confederate defeat in 1863.— They consist of stone arrow-heads, battle axés, been disinterred fom their tomb of centiites ahd plided eo exhibition im the college for the presedt, Lat they will soon be placud it 4 case at the Springs hotel. a “Er Ths Chicago Zribwne speaking of the dmectivesystent, in the revenue service, says the public reeurds wilt sustain the as- sertion that, fur every - ea revenne eol- leetod the agency -of detectives. ten pr wlragen. wi Som to other hands by fraud ; ‘that, fur every case of frand detoted | dnd prnished. a dire have been compound- é4 oF protetted through bribes aad black- mall; and that. from she begibnbing to the end, the doteofivé systein of the government has been ‘a » eatadlish ment. through which the, tine bave.tepsacted their bominesd.at the expensed ef tinndreds of thdweandaof dollars tothe United Stutés. } Sickles. it appears, | whea he comes uff for confirmation. by as | sonal esteria. respect, aud friendship” for a | }murderer, pimp. liar. thief, defaulter and | |matiner. It will be inveresting to note who | | will be decent enough to withstand the party of time with the Govebnor as a leader, The | support of Stoxes by the letters of Boatwell and | pressate and recall this man, whose presence | ' touchstone witlr him is not loyalty to the party | Créswell, and.by the undenied asenrance of the | abroad is @ greater disgrace than it woald be patriot and an intelligent farmer to aid them | y | latter, President Grant hax seen his majority of to sead an army of women frum Mercer | with yqur pen in building up the agriculture of more than thirty thousand swept atvay, and near- | Street to weleome the Ewpreas Eagenie in | our ection. Give to your brother agriculturista, the name of the wives aad mothers of tation they will be “killed.” If they showl!| Tens of thousands of white men will be enfran-| Ainerica. A few righteous Radicals, how- |! | ever. are reported by the Washington eur respondent of the Herald as haviag pre- | pared eharges aguinst Sickles, based apon | - | the facts of his life as poblished in the World. | At the proper time, the vote on his confir mation will 4.07 to what extent the Radical | | party is committed to the iufamy of this} | man’s career. It is well koown that Seere- | | tary Fish, who protested against his apoiut- | ment. will be glad to hear of his rejeetion.— jon the first day of November next, to convert | be 1 much the | Mr. Sawmner, however, has written a letter | the Mirmer into a Weekly Agricultural afd | para j | tiva.—N. Y. World. | _-—- 2-@-e ' The New York Journal of Commetee edi- | torially says: . | ©Floshed with. their grand: snecess. and | fiercely itidignant for the interference against them, there is. a possibility that the new conservative Legislrture will send Mr. An- | drew Jobnent to the Senate’y wot by any | ineans because they like Mr. Johason much | bat they want te plaut a thor in the Presi- | dent’s side. © Mr. Juhvsoti’s talents as a net- j tle are tell known. If returtied to the Sen | jate, we may expect hin to devote his time. | | for the rest of Grant's term, to thrusting the sharpest of spikes into him and his policy has been to hiveelf, or Stokes to Senter, a personal. malignang and implacable perseew- tor. Allof which, if it bappeus, will bea disgraceful exhibition to the country, but, politically speaking, will be but a fair returt for the President’s meddlesome condtet in the Tennessee blection. By taking sides anwecessnriglly in the contest he has de s¢etided into that political xrena where blows {are given withont mercy and the ory for quarter is unheeded’ ‘The.President tever willhear the last of Tennessee ili he has got out of office and settled down on his farw at. Lang Branch or elsewhere.” iayiy ania, : ' it many Republican Sevators as have not *per- | | anited to the agrien!tnre of our section. He will be to the President what Brownlow |i ie tebe Cenntronted.' plieh nothiug worthy of aote, but remember how | great is the power of a free press in epreading | | truth and correciing error! Moreover there is} a common bond of sympathy connecting those of | like parsaits, ant a word fitly spoken will often touch many on the right cord, awaken in them thonght, and stir ap others to give publicity to} thoughts valuable and inatruetive. The subecribers therefore eppeal to you aa a} throngh the colurans of the Garoliaa Farmer, the | rmenefita of your vbservations and reflections. So/ doing yon will contribute to the elevation of the | noble parsuit of agricaltare, the prosperity of your country and the happiness of its people. { Farmers, write for your paper, and thus ena ble us to make the Cypolina Farmerr a journal | Com- nmunications on all practical subjects pertaining | to the farm are earnestly solicited. Any contri- | butors may rely on the promyt pubiication of | their articles, aa the proprietor has determined | Family Journal, and will thus be enabled to | No advance will be made in the present subscription ptice. WM, H. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor Carolina Farmer. KOBT. K. BRYAN, Associate Editor. Wilmington, N.C, Ang. 1869. Loti o-tabentece Triplets to a Youthful Mother.—A oorres- pondent of the Savanah Republican, writ- ing from Seriven .ounty, Ga., gives the fol- lowing: “A guod lady acquaintance of mine, Mra. B. of this county, gave birt a few days sinee to three fine, health bags. whieh, up to this time are dvias finely, and gite every promise of being raised, and possibly grow- ing inte great men. ‘The fact that the good ‘ale vf onty:some fifteen summers old, and this Being the first time she has given birth, and that her mother gave birt ata like tenderuge, may be considered remarakable. and to the scientific man interestingy -A wa friend suggests that with this an- usaat arrival of rebels in “oriven, there is certainly something aliead, probably sqwalls. A a ooo Tre Oortow Cror.—The onfavorasble weath- et of the past few days is having its eJect _ the bomen crop of this and tie neighboring trict. ‘Reporis reach us from all quaifters of thé of rust. The cotton in wiiny local- from the unfavoralile ia more back- ward than uevai/and@hovld-the rast prevail to of our planters woch extent : a ro Re g ceup wid be blasted.- amd@ ee) dora 31-Gw (pi! 3 ANKRUPT Sale of Land —{ WiLL sell at the honse of W. Porter Gaahgin B near Rowan Mille, on Saturday the 24th day of Angust next, the VALUABLE LAN DS belong- mg to ¥aid Graham. ‘The land Las been divided into small tracts & suit purchasers. d Mr. Graham will be pleased to ch@w the iand to any one wi-bing to purchase, Tortad cash —Sale puritive. Rk. F. SIMONTON, jaly 30—tds Assignes of W. P. Graham An Incaluible Acquisilion to House Keepers. A tasteless and Inodorous Preserving Powder. | OR preserving Fruit-an@ Tomatoes, and all preparations of Pras, withoot balag air-t gh, aml Withwhatever GQ antity suger desired tte, or none atall. Tris incom I ye iperior to any other preparation Thix Powder wil! preceree w rf a terleinty hat noone need fare the shgbtest doubt. Que easpoomfal «ft te powder will preserve from eight 16 ten quarts of dressed Fruit or Tomatoes, Aay kind of Cans or jars will answer, and they veed not be air tight, and ean be ased vatof, at pleawire. En all Ffrnit Preserves, you can save hall the Sugar. Foll directions ac* company it. To be had only at E, Sriis Salisbury. joly 15 rt-28 Worth Carolina, ) Suprror Court, Caluwell County... § Spridg Tern, 1869 xerug Webb, ayainet Jemes HH. Collett, Tn this case it 1@ nade to appear to the sat isfaction of the Conrt’ that the above named defendant James H. Collet resides beyond the the Innite ofthe States It is therefore ordered ? Attachment, by the const that pabtication ow made in’ He’ Old North State: a vewspapet pubilighed” if Salisbory, N. G., for mx weeks sbhcdessively, noufyiny the defendant tiet he be ahd appear at the vext tenn of Saperio# Gi . | be belid for the cauhty of CrldweR arthe oonrt house in Lenoit, on the Sth Monday after the 3d Mohdaytin August next, chen and! there to toplead answer. or demir oggjndgment pro confeszo Will be faken againat hha Witness BR. BR. Wakefield, clerle of ovr anid court at ofipethe 8th Monday after the 33 Monday in March next. ¢ : ee WAEBFIBLD, C.3.Q. ; : . Deng Store, ' MONTGUMEKY COUNTY: | dn the Superior Court. } William Lassiter and.Kichmond Johnenr, Ad- | mioisitators of Jacpb Lassiter, deu'd,, aGalnetT J | Hareibon Jobnson and wile Bethany Gelah | Jolyson, Washington Rush add gee Mar- | gatet, Benjamift Rath and wise J Keeley Loz Rett, and Larkin Goatdian ot thenry Keres PETITION FUR ACCOUNT AND SETTLEMEYT. whan ‘ans, | Ttappedrtue to thé satisfaction of Conrt | "tat Digg Russell, ove of the de and heire-ut law Of Jadob Lassiter dee not a resiient Of thie State; ft i< ordered That sei - vice of s#umons upon said defendants be made by publicatioo in the ‘Old North State,” a weck for i weeks surcesmvely, notilying said defen lansto appear gt gsh@ next, term of thee conrt, tobe hékieat the’ Court Honse in | Troy on the 4th Mohday after the 2d Monday jin Angnet next, and! answer the petition of said administ-ators Or the game will be heard ed parte as to them. Given ander my hand and the seal of said Court at Troy, this 24uday of Joly 1869. eC. C. WADE, Clerk Superior Coart Mofitgomery County, %. C. 30-6w (pr fee $10) la = ‘State of North Carolina | MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Superior’Court, Spring Term, 1869. James Haywoodyadministrator of James Hay- wood, Sr., deteated,against Benjamin Hay- ° woot, Riehard Hay wood, James D. Hay- wood and wife th W..R. Haywood, Sr., and wife Naney, W. R Hayteood, Jr, Bun: join PF. Baywood and Malindd’ Haywood, Petition’ to make Real Estate Assets, IT appearing t) (he safigfactiod of th eourt that Benjamin Haywood and. Richard Hay - wood, cannot after due dilligence be feund withia the limits of thia State: Jt is ordered ibeteer vier Sy Poblitation for six fw he Sen theo NoHA Sldte.a newspa ublighed in the town of Saliehnty; w SPN haat the an oo hatee deefni- ante fo appear at the nett terthof «aid court to be Leld fut said county at the Court House in Troy, en the ferrite monday after the second monday in Augnst nest, and agswer the peti- tion of suid Acarinistratar or the same Wi” be taken pro canfesso and beard @@ parte as io them, Witnese; C.C. Wade, Clerk of our said court ht offing, in the town of Troy, the ith Monday after the setond Mondag in Feb: uy y, 1969. 26 ~€6 wipr fee $10. oC WADK ¢. &C. once - | ’ * on the sal rticultural. ebui Be: 4 : Me. iat doit a orks 4 athd bffobs 16 Pestoré th We sity, to its former splendor and prosperity, and ecess will be comm with | | multy would be able to accomplish this red object, nor are we yet convinced . Burwé dink it = ria "BOcaAL we hope thei their f - present _Maoy expectoratedan + is withstanding the fact they-were eelected from a 1 party and because they were members ofa party. And we hope never to hear any such charge made | against, them, .” i eriria ayy a ne E- Prem, a MS ‘Tux Democrat contradicts the report that | |»! | a unusual amount of sickness now~prevails at Charlotte. * oi oe Can ee ee i Seyret ‘Campbell and ‘other i sere, BR, crete rel "gang. < Eo | . i 3 1 bs a one, who hag n RP line iastances, c for theiy Patients, b vaség, with marked X » Prepared nop a sat at te avril 29-16-tf : Silisbury, N. €. Sx.’ SS WILD ERRY TONIC:AN LTERANT, For Indigestion— Liver, Complaint—~Tor pid Bowels,—Nervoys itity, und Broken Down Health, _Jvom whatever cause. Ws a ME N S : inmended A U the diseasés above” enn eminent medical gentlem ition hag been made known, there hus pot ath Speer eter eran, ink Gex. Rosexcrdys having de the nom- nation for Goy of Ohio, the Democrats have HpPendleton in hip place. | 4 pure! ae | Bae 5 Pof Ohablottesbas shOwa orn fish.Potatoes weighing one pounds, ~— Disrressrno Acorpenrs.—On the 20th ult’, Wx. TurXer, a deputy sheriff of Catawba co., was lsilled by a horse near Hickory Tavern. It tefeat in the "horth | seems that he was thrown from the horse, his hard: asa re utd 12 grolock, | £00 hanging in the stirrup in which situation he Greensbordy N.C, It is well prit d tice J 8c . * ’ That old, Ie aad well tried remedy Sor all Liitigua diseases, caused bya “ « © DISEASED LIVER. TO: ALL BMIGRANTS.—Youare about to wake a home for yourselfand family oa climate wbich you orthey have not begs accustomed to; you wMi, of course, be et posed tornt the disease; pocupiat to that olimate, you ah tipcaref] to use snch Med- icines as ave adapted to-tht diseases of that climate: Z will Gnd the greatest seourity the ase of | eEMS’ SOUTHERN Mevatjc Pi The while rap. dhe the: win protec fr yh ier ay tte . ockhimer, \. - The.Troy..(Ala,) . Messenger: says it cannot keep pace with the new improve- ments-goiug on in thar town. a %) Fide 8 | t hte? ae It is considered one of the best signs of) SER igs Suk tin ees the. world bes ever ‘known | It. is. now to be seen with | ie " Deseriptive pewk Send Sor New It appearing by affidavit that the Defendants after due chligenee cannot be found within thie and from that time till th ineinesiten | 7% dragged and kicked to death. the times that cultural societi t t i a and Irtce List.’ i . d . AT ai oem A ey days later ‘Mra _Poize, a. reopecteble springiy aalnige Geutilis. cleties ate ' pla ep i" by a am apnet oo ny onthe Upited States | | Appticttions from the South, Soorh BF Vir-| Urted after a pit of two months Bibione 3 ‘ toni ise Vids" lady-of the sate netyitborliood, was-gored by a RA eeu Soe rte J THIS elegant and truly valuable “Medieing, | PRICE-Porone hox, 2-cer ts.--Dow. $2.50 —TaNGroes | vita, Aioild-be Addressed to the New York and the moncy with be refunded. “i ; re ag’ + Maughtow has been i cor Mind sleseet tnatantiy kifea, : The Colorado Citizen estimates. the | be+/rom time to-tinie, oven’ in yextensiver use, Mag. gh wy ag abe rovtae Mtb: Branch Offfte. a8 kbove &- ‘ibe ’ < pointed a Justice of the Peace for thie Tgwn- the Sih Anke, M : og) Gamage by the recent floods to the Texas | !or the last twenty: tixe yenra> Itohas bee | cine o ve shud be ude RELI x 1E JANT Some Seer @ 4 wice T. B. Longy declined to quality, On te 28 dah, Mri: Hlumphoey | Hoyle, Slag | At 20,000 bales cold, and 19 well known is) many o/ the South- ABLE. AGENTS WANTED. | ide daxens HAN —-— the same country, was kicked in the side by aj! tu MWEA °° Raia Rae pra bye cudhsce moog Bas enaag aso Extra Thdiicergeht¥ Offered! cs a] 101 Bae : ~ | horse, at Hickory Tayern, and died from the e& | > 4 20an An tisburg, but recently di- nab, Augusta Atlauta, Charlotte, Colombia McCubbing; ‘Sullivan & Oo., are ts for ERS, TAIL RS, &c a seat; toate ropes cae anceaie fects of it the next day. © | worees fe s wile, not relishing the | &¢., and is highly valued, by theemultinudes ah | » Fer the aboye Reapess ix Salidbury. ne be supplied when: a] ‘ok ‘ie . outs eet-by our enterprising fellow-citi- ” Oy ath of 4 bit.her nose off. +. } people who have used it, Many inthis’ town Sonat 1 : jake. ; i Se Suen, K, J. Holmes, Eaq., ate rapidly approach-| From accidents like these people should take s ai muerouns lig ry; hnwe enjayeid..Aee april 28—16:10m" i Parties desirin# iw “will -pleas for ing conipletion.. They will not. be inferior we ™Ns- .. bevefits,.and w saaeaet well remenber it, ‘ ' specimensof work and Ce yaerteg 5 eny-in, the city, which is able to boast of the Oe PRP, ee ; f RR a gg pong io — finest block of buildings North Carolina account of the great numberof wonder- , qualified certiGcates its value, ve. beet ee, ‘ota > Ge5) this respect, if no other, aera. Satins Comms “96 shetinals end detente come of) \ sae Se deanes voluntarily tendered the prupriewr, many of Sheba ai a im t, Um o 7 ha | Scnorvsa, Dyerepsta, Liven Duseare, Kr- Ourter, a | epusete. escaped ftom | them from persons uf highest respectability eod ‘ | ty . , to boast of iathe way of enterprise. In few | wey Arrections, GENERAL Bap Heart, &e., | @ Kentucky jail, k napped a citizen, de. | int: Ilivence. — ‘ha " : ; THE EQUITABLE ‘ yy © wen be op eg paced by aeertory >: Se sem ty bane Pee — ramsom fur bin, aud got , enon nee eames 0 wobe and per- ley ees et mee White Suk | of Stes COM PANY \ bwin retes * nade ‘erection of elegant buildings since | enwiable reputat J : t. = ' 4.45% eetly Iree from the possibility ofharm, under } POOF jug, Ww open for viskersuu Tyes-)> et i Z a oy, the war, Ip-eddition te. the Boo tart | popular medicine ever discovered. It ix daily pro» ” ; i any circumstances or cenithes hathiie. Uday, the Hist day of Jim oes 3. 241 : ' , . +2. * oii! tikes Relic lisaaiodedence calbainesl oe poe el physicians, oad copeuenenees - a —— states that seven- | deed it is a sale, even furan intant.- Tj be situnted In the No:thwestera. part of oF ; TRGINTA. Ae: = AP FO, ee “oy ‘vor : | many thousas om . teen car 3 of batter were sent to Cal- | is expeciglly algpted to the present season, | {he Stale, ina country crmarkatile for ity beau- ~ hog be Feng > gr phot nape a y tes ie ny, Drange nes Mepchanip averywhen, ifornia Monday. “| when (he appeal ere ® eather eceasions | 'Y neoer wivkes pease together with the | A Virginia and Southern Institution gi al dale or : ¥, epee ‘ofre. we believe we Lavé ‘made no] — gey~ Ladies mufitring from any disense : such a degree of lassitude, and debility, partie: | ¥iTiae Waters, thake it onset the most! is Lunds ate kept in the South. soadwa ew York. : maateibv ed Wit dak nileainn ‘aniionesct Sent 1 Wat in tale ock, can reetored «to Penith | i | a 8. Menkel, ‘of Oliio, has wlarty in weskly and prowtrated. eysiems,’ as |!) waicring places to be fonad. | dthas ssedabith tan Ba ace ee a A) . R, Harrison, Eaq., which far surpawes any that | Wing Da. Lawnexcr’s “Woman's Froexp.” | OOO the Mebrig of the lase uiten to become’ almost insanpertabic, +. NEARS 22. Sener, tun ' agate Se nis - + rofessor Leo. heat. ove of | if k a ‘ eg) 5 ee — — | all dh w the liter, bowel. stomach atl linlidity Tira whit Compare favorably with #hy Lite Aapad) Kyeiees (eater: Grn * vee bey j Wi that the. new store rooms of Mr. | the most accompli iavists in the Uni \te double, not tre ote, wiing it was last v kidneys, exam ious eb the skin, ecrotula, weak: | eee ee pepin.cotned. which to the | ‘The wi is agent for the akawe r . i will both be ocenled by the energetic. ted States, thrilled and delighted a large and {year 4 ness, debility, dyspeprin, theansatiom, de, &e. | tteataiteare cudtivnly administered by selected | : + Ae IN, = and enterprising firm of Smith, Poster & Co., | select audiences at Sp engpe—s at, The people of Louisiana have’ quit | a yc por palagellr mate khan goed lay moe ~ epee Neguereapect - | seasiinesinn,‘Sldiiedy te, wate * AL . : : tot 3a. brillant: peffor- | . A tet | : i ; | F and ive ements yeo- a $ | - us . and that Mr. Hol.oes himselfwill hereafter be a shearing § felght Wy Ber ae & Line } are A sep magh car tin'w v3 Af) ‘HE ABOVE IS THE MOST APPRO:| erally, thete Spsings sre new ww fhe cvodition { 2 ; - Be: 2, mentter of the firm. We are not informed, bat | nnd Chopin, aad bis inimitable rendition of | we, Cher hemes 6S MAENEAA C5 Bh Years priate name that could have beén applied | Povms Iargenhd pletedat and pod edttapes| OFFICERS &. NEW YORK and North C itt - sitppore that ong room will be devoted to the} wnasic yf @ popalar eharacter. An ac- ago has died out. - | te this valuable and powerfully inflaential Path | rOmajving Wom (worth HY roars cach, well | PRESIDENT, > : STEAMSHIP LINE whigkewale and che other to the retal! baaines— |} ooan)p js. Vhoronghly-cmapetent) Ip excavating Spiers of the | Destroyer. Lphwerne ot, oe Grong painful mal- |..rrauged for either hese or sifvall families. ar ~ From ar Or one tmay be deyotell to Dey Goods and the judge,@Who beard Mr. Wheat Thursday | bridge over the Mixsough river, at Omaba, | pat utioned onty omended te axert canem| -SQ00 Bee Pit: ALEDES, -!. | JOHN bE. EDWARDS, N Vork.Ao Wi eos other to Groceries, But however this may be! wight. thfyrine i cone Oe comin ed tag a ing of cedar wis foand fa a good stare Lit. ‘These is claimed for it a reputation over wl! Se rn vice pResipext, enexeyaar. ew or. ilmington, ho tall he & will doultlcwe be na} if the most autifa e aracteristics of! of " forint a denth of seventy -¢ ‘ether preparations recom meuded for similar! é 0 2s, Wac. B. cE ———— ” = a = rat 4 oe in the ci % | Thelberg aud Gottschalek, and that hie | F. Te becive le ee pucpowes—wshen they have failed, MAGIC | Kor Poot, Plunge or Shower hath, Sul-| paneer, re ees This Line will counprise the lowing steara- a wns gl Son bon meagan bever appeared belure a Lynch- | sind ; ea net, Sop be ated 5 hrm Sebel phur Bath. Hot or Cold. MEDIOAL EXAMENER, | ers é PF dock ; burg audience. . A gentleman who has jost reached | truly an euemy W- epilroe og blo ewe . [3H . | wesiu aes, * ca ana ato sees set neg, Whegeeestenee 1 the Greabler\Galvron rom: h pet'y_eatnsie tne | in bemehe ecthCe, eire Mee yy ee eens, Meals | CUA Mamaia are at ati Oe ana, alarmed By the ery of Fige. Ts was room die- we Miadnato gle ms aaa ge dee che. a oe rte of | sia. Sore Throat, Rheumptic Pains, ha I good -Paysician perwanenly toeated for the| UW CO. CABenr, dso. H. (Larnoane REBECCA OLYDE, ~ 0. eller, , } ae ' ay : pppapesbes teteeee wtih [te 4 fers that the oldest wmhabjrants have | Ague, Spraias and Bruises, Inflamation id- | benefit ul turtultds wi aU fave every atién. | he J . Pee » pers ~ ioe Hi = serv gag wh gee — ak A ih “ae oir i f the PI ta never known the crops, as promising as nee. 4 a Dedility, Colic, Paine or Spasms, | 5. rename ey Weve CLUE gore DIRECTORS: MARY SANFORD, John , a ee parne areell atl havmonie Seciety—- Lynchburg Nexe. (they Dow are. gf ilies - QR Having seoorrd. the "services of. Mr. J...N. | Yohn Binders. py eng BB A mee ec Boe Mg y were Ae neendiars —* — : pared af Phe peiesh semeet - Taylor, Soy der, | required to meet the demands admit of a dowbt.. There wae mel hay “in the} —— +e - A stock company of eolored = men has! lin A pect ~~ é. Hare ara c deat! arta Red ee Sees worth AL orci Sawke. Tes | Sail from New York ¢ lof over the stables, and as everything was er-! epg ee = omy potigem | a phew focserd in | Joon 20,1000. 5 peat ee ‘Tiore may rest assured that amy table- will be (hartes 1, Wortham, c a Jecobe. ; yy Arshad ana j from Pier 15 . Tingl dry and courbustible the progress of, Week. & vegro man na hae hAnta 80 ~ as tington, and already, said, are | ~ | Sepp . withthe vest the matket can afford. vi om ‘ Pay . . pon, \ ° a, = 4 Gow saiven rapid, Two valaghle..hor- rhly mangled by « circolar saw that ft be- doing quite a good business, working the | New FURNITURE . Store jand everything dune that will add to their (a, * See ED Greenies” AE eee oa [A x, one belongili to the Expree: Company, and Gibb eee ses ei ee vag va, |r eoaterial joo cigars, smoking and, In Salisbury! a comfurt, . HJames A. S-ott, H. CCabell | FLOW nee of Sh te ; o SUT y ctl Aegemttraes el ebook cade Seats port. plug tobacco carson the Western North Carolina D. J. Marteook, | to the ATES and FAC! ¥ © tht other to Peter Fraley, » colored ‘mam, were) tion, gud tbe mag is, gow, tp walking about. | P'S , by Road will leave Salsbury for Hickory Biath «ul , Joka C. Williams, ft ; ‘ { ' i 7 | . . 7 ante , tae 3 ‘ ’ | offered by this Lin : nied es Gene dares othet stock wail :vatunble | Char. Democrat. | Sandry Carlist conflicts are reported in| | HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR ine Springs depot. cvety” morning, (Sup laps 3.1: dw aria Villiom O; Sayles, pene ee offer yliieh, dys egpetior ts property. The lows,to Mesa. Rowzee & White, | eee Spain, and a number of priests amorg the | chased tie Furniture establishment of apes in.couneetion with the North Caro- | 7h Morton, Wm. B. leanea: | 'rHROUGH BI OF LADING of the Mansion Toure, was considerable, but the | Hon. George Hownrd, Edgecombe connty, | insurgents have been captured. The! & Cladielter will eottinur the husiness an an | ling Roe! ary ding seippage oF delay dS Dibooy. Gosren 4... Bideaed, ew to all peinis on thé Neth Carvlida rE riain building destroyed was the property of has been ebosen for orator at the first anuual| Bishops have reaffirmed their adbesiow-to | increased scale. All kinds of FURNITURE | Sakisbory, awd arrive at Hickory Staion in jam fH, Palmer, ey ice. | Railroad and its Com ha” VIEGolds- . | , @haver. The stable: of Mr, Buis, near ‘ gt gers 4] ja of me pay wh evga the present Government. | kept constantly on hand, such as ; — ands ee Mehta wre aN LEWIS C. HANES. Ac’? Myer. 5 J + ‘SADLER: : ’ st. 8 : read Sek - : 4 , ea : tr 5 ee by, also consumed. By the almost super- | t srorbbnndice ht bnone a —_ | Only one man m Fierida returned an SECRETA RIES, BUREAUS, | wetl-shaded’ivad‘to the S = of | Feb. 12 —ly Lexixetox, N. 0} * Sdltching Agent. htman efforts of the citizens and the colored we ay * Wicreod. ot Ceabers’, Perens |income for 1968 of over $10,000, and bat BEDSTEADS, | sixinilet ¢ . Gite ae 7 = WBE ee | | WORTH & DANTED, Agents,” company she flames ware. prevented. from tom- Ges, MY Mtr tensive mawutae. /S2%e had over $6,000, ‘The total num- | Cenire-Tabler, Sofas, Wardrobes, |_ Asan iniscement fu (anltimapdganiss to | Pare Kye and Corn Whiskies, | ., Witmstugtod, 8. C, municating with the Mansion Howse and the tard of tcbaces, has book arredted pt the! ber tazed is lees than two handred, — oe a 4 as am ‘aes Ss, spend iweo wonths or re ae eoaunied Distilled in the Old Style, Pure and Tn-| JAMES HAND, Agent, , residence of Dev Hlowerton, which were in close matanes of Dallecter Liane uf the 6th Dis- | Exchange. ; —in fact a a icles usua y ound in to put board ores the tollowing low ar adulterated, at the | feb29—6if 119 Wall Street, N.Y; proxifpity to them. Bat for the great stillncs| triet, andbound over by U- 3. Commissioner| py John Bell. of T | FFRST CLASS Furniture Store. BOARD. | Old N rih St t Di till ‘ I oe ; a of the night they, with several other .building= | Ball of Greensboro’, to the November Terin | sa 6b Kofecn ol Ms fablie the Sasty years ' —He also keeps constantly on hand— For one single month, .. ‘48 se: $50.00, 0 ate VISU ery, } D T CARRAWAY moet how lyn Reseavety A be andhentaalinges fae placing Sumdeient | ast, le Tapuly failing, with ne hope of | Fisk's Meialiic Bartal Caces,| “LEP ee SS (GROOT, KUCK, & 00., Prop’s. € wr wait : Afler the many similar ecenes which haye been ‘ ‘ = : ; pees - is aa an M j telat », | transitu on the North Carolina Railroad.— | ee y: } Pee weeds, ro onccs.s teowvess svesses 16 CHARLOTTE, N. €. } ommission atere n ie within th t t > : aA | z eR cers tes foe | rd Rath Nena the well an pn SSeS Lacs ho igs sob LRG: Monin ae Fs Loa ~A80- . Sees TR! Le forte maker, probably the oldest in the} es vo sshd Avete fa Wag Da abet of Cattle, and pay the highest Cash Prices for . . i reiodican Ban donteaay fey | Ex-Governor Worth, whose illness at! United States, died on Wednesday at Petre gah tesa cat for tuleate or! Com anh Rye. nly 2-2A-6m Cealer tit @roeceries Sinai ced in shed save in} eekbeidgs Alam Sptivgs caused some! Setanket, L. 1, where be reisded. He pra J. GOLDEN wyatt, |To Farmers and Plante:s. inl a ae vailed no ptoceedings were had save in} nsiety, returned to his home In this city on sraz in bio Teeh Walnut, Rosewood, and other Coffins. | 3 , ATT, ; PROV ISIONS. li ARDW Al E strict nce with law. Mayor Long, than Saturday evening last, in company with hist red ne yet. *.. | at prices lower that they have beretufore been | CPhaaeee Cat iM, = oy papi VI pas. tg » = | : et tee ee sa . whodl Sore more anxious to have the of- | gon-in-!aw, Maj: William li. Bagley. Gor. General R. E. Lee, George Peabody | sold in this market. : r¢ atawtha County, May 16, 1869. § 8-20 Rhodes Tobacco Manure, Glass and Crockery Ware, Wott Poper, Wie fendes hight to justice, ieued his proclama- | sebnewe — the jour 7, quite a - andy and W. W. Careoran, Eeqs 4 were Call at the old stand of Moure & € lodfetter, | 7 1, AXD ° : } dow Shades, af, &t: a tion offeri large reward for their apprehen- | his health is not so precarious #5 his friends photographed in a group at the White’ On Main Street. opposite the Store of | : ) ’ ~Iip- ‘ - sed oid eigen a courts. Det he die *? i city had been led to suppose.—Slan- Sulphur the other day. J | Mock Ng ile | ib Rhodes Super-Phasphates . I ROMPT attention given to ordera, ot e + os : | Gare. | . . ~ : | - i the sale of Cetton, Grainy N LS TA “ countenanced and warned our citizens against | a eee Mr. E:hridge has made a. speech in fa-| EW™ Good Walnut and, Poplar Lamber’ ta- | = 4 i eh lias wae Gene ee ob £Cotiep, 7 Relea. ao lynch law, which is always to be deprecated. At} Melancholy Actident.—We regret to beara | Vr of repudiating the debt of 820,000,- | ken in exchange for Furmitare. y an Re dobentd, Whant dnt Cock. pe nt COURT HOUSE BUILDING, the same time he warned those who might be, or ¢ 34) the Wilmington Star, that James C. | 000 contracted while Brownlow was Gov- R. F. DAVIDSON. | S 3. oe Fa. N. | ‘These long estabisshéd macures ured and of | april 9—t4Iy - NEWBERN, BS. 0. were suspected upon the strength of circumstan- | J),hhin, Esq.. cae to his death, on Fri- | ernor of Tennessee. a Saliabory, Jnne Lath, 1808 elated eng = B bon toes proved by ibe most nS RHODES a ; (aaa = ee ces that it might possibly be out of hi power, | day evening last, by falling frum a window) === = — ‘aeas —— a THE COLD MEDAL i te tak RK ODES & Co.. F a Gue ° : ‘ ‘ H H ; yg 2 § th St., Baltinor 1 OB PRINiING, BLANKS, fe owing the — araarreganyee eotire hg or et ees saab tiarbo cain, ; Scermor Cover, Has just been awarded 10 yer cnle Se Geahen ~ re ata i J : i, flord Totection, a’ moniahing shin. Z ywAs “ge? ty = > a5 i aa | ” t My’ . ’ peop prem hed probably better leave the | —_——_~«- ——- jJosh ve Miller, J. F. Currigan, W. P. Watson, | CHAS. M. STLIEFF, | aaetabiishea iass. ua ae oe. iP a 4 th . |“ S¢ilt Toey Come."—The Raleigh Senti- | and W. L. Stansill, acons of Thyatira| | For the best Piano now made, over Baltitwore, Phil-, L E P A G E BR 0 S & € fs) j — St war | : ith | nel alsa endorses the platform or poliey lon Charch, Plainufis 5 adeiphia, and New ¥ ork Pianos. ine A hs . On Wednesday a meeting of the .citisens wxe | poi eaSrsone and a eee br the Saliee aGaAInst } ok ete, oy a phe " GENERAL } ; GARnds Ai ogle = held in the-Town Hall for th8 purpose of con- | Weve Marth State, Wilmington Star and | core T. Barnes and wile, Kate C. Barnes,— ! | No. 9, North Liberty Strect, near Balti- ¢ ‘ i : | . P : * certing the necessary measures to ferret out the | Charlotte Democrat. We are anxious that | Defendants. | te Sere Street, SWISS oul (achauls HAN ‘D BILLS guilty parties and bring them to justice, After! 41) shall join and apite to put good men Summons for ants, BALTIMORE, Vo. ; . } STIEFF'S PIANOS haye atl the latest improve: ments, including the Agrofie Treble, Ivory Frouta, CIRCULARS consultation it was determined to institute | Inge office, promote peace and good feeling are COTTON FACTORS, Gommerce St., Worfolk, Va. Ca Specint attention paid to the sale of | : P = ist in resening the management of | . he prosecution against Stephen Hardy, lately con sé affairs he Stite, bat that théy.are non-residents of the aud the improved Wrench Action, fully wafranted fend tothe jatl for th killing of Daniel | yublié affairs from the hands of bad men.— State, and that tha defendants have property for five years, with privilege of exchangé within | Weare free to tay that we have no ob- ljection to taking in the Wilmington Jour- nal, provided itis williug to work along teary months if notentirely to purebe- Shaver, against whom there was strong suspi- ’ Second hand Pignos and Par!or Organs. alwayson sitfiate in this Stateand that this Qoort has jo- cions, A warrant for his arrest was issved in risdiction of the subjeot mater of this action ; : | . , "7 hand. trem to 4 the regular way upon proper affidavit, and Har-| agreeably and not become too sancy at first. FE = rye : aden pedi mie ty — AGRICULTURAL; WORKS, me Bienes dle Plaidn tn Gt GRAIN, COTTON and ail other kinds ‘of dy was brought before Justices Bencini, Hangh- Char. Deméerat. OF ER CUT a werk Ixthe place to bus the best and cheapest! Gen. R. Ee Lee, Lexiagtom Ve. COUNPRY PRODUCE. : - rie oanatnation: North State” newspaper, notifying said defeod~| Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Shellots, |. Gan. Drie Sail Chtemie Bec. te Liberal ‘adVanees on cousignments ton atid Moring for a preliminary e PPLE — acts to appear before the next Superior Court! Straw ys “Cider and Wine Mills, Reaping | Gen. Robert Ransonr, Wilwington NC. nnd prompt retfne. . jalyO27—Sn A That examination has not been closed as we 69) = The Almighty Speake.—One of the most| tobe heldfer’ Rowan» Codaty et the Court } and Kowkie ohines, Wheat ‘Threshors with | Cor. Joa betche Leia wa, Ve = 2 pe ek Pay eases, . " afiette, WN. Ge ¥ end without Cleaners, Horse Powers of various | signal strokes of the Almighty God has just ®, Sugar Cane MilIK IM the r uch or fu Honee im Salisbury, on the 34 Monday tn Sep- econrred in WVatauga county. da this State. tember, nest; the and there to answer the DR. GODDIN’S to press, and we cannot tell what will be the re- sult of Jatnes H. Greetlee. Morganton, ™ . J. H. Smith & Gy W. Meiton, (he EVERY OTHER KIND OF ve ater, &.C. ela i COMPOUND ‘ ‘at * i . Gorms, i complain Plaintiff which or Roil velg,.. Partioular regard Bes, ee poe | ' ““ Mayor, Long was not present at the . meeting te BA ood cdoheedtncty ter office of pret e mepre ene ponev we mid be had to the beak Roe tow and wien lokenoe At, ageniator Weenies!) CLNTTAN. bh TTERS. JOB P of the citizens at the Town Hall on bcp Tareday week, ander onuanaleircumstances.| Witness, A dutlson Masi, Gleele af theBe- | Tare py ere gee gy Mlégner, Mar ufaotdred | “Pianos wo! w Pactory pricem jnte 13—Ty | Corts Chatleand Beréry esol: ea EX PEDITIOUBLY. WELT 4 having been called off to see a very sick-child 6) t1:5 ean had become stalled iu'a mudhole, | rior Court of Rowan Connty; July 24-1860 4 me“). H. THOMRON. | Ralelele National ttawke oof NO” Rene ere aaee, ; ‘ore yf i Hickory Tavern. Bat ho leita letter addraseed | and becoming incensed at the consequent . A JUDSON MASON, May 93 oe ae PON, ge ye son da of ae Lmao Ana CHEAPLY done . oe lo the meeting, which had been called by ¢ no-/ delay, Gorms swore at them and beat them Clerk Court tor Rowan ScinisitCiatnetiinasee Recuthe nd ana arolina, A UNIVERSAL TONIC. ‘i AT TS OFFics tioe in the proeans of that morning signed wnt ne had worked of ba beta cong - | Br Gerd pire $105) i SRG ie oT ae ~~ ry ee i, pinbotoRs have rosotve to tnorense the | A ieee relidtile “preeratattee and | gar Clerks of rte, iis. “Many Citizens,” im whioch he again counseled eS se s Wlaaphemy, he 15801 oes TAB FLRM. a n) ? inet ork. cae to bd QUNDRED }eare wot ot : ae Hisenees, nud nll “Wiecases ; and “ ; z coos bot rgulat and Iaol prosealings Ie) man er cuenttag ptt Gaiguberine| L) OAM isis hoveby dipoles NOTICE, Rriwoibecene silica oop iene” |OUR ANY Taarmpre. will please reer Sothe Weems sa ues” was hia duty to do. faran, cud Bla Yemen enced for erutil ia lapel | POPREeOmBeRME «ee aay ys 4. Span of Bay Morses,| xarch 5-0 C DEWEY, lores ey elon, TRURSE isc ime, |Oemed ih “ Hipticds * = 4. - - a ~fn. ai a y Ty wher P Oo # ‘ . It is sincerely to be hoped that the wicked in- Ty could be advised of his fate, Gorms is] §-in. we Ms iiite of *| Six Years old; ew PIARTON and Marhcts for DUTCHER'S LIGHTNING PLY eres | {Snecremar ¢ 4,4, Buker & Co} Proprietary | cars,” bliched by Michoee eget cendiariea, whoever they may be, will bo ferret- gard to be from Granger cdanty, Tennessee, 9.9 4d me Bale. Apply to H, HW. VELPER, | Destin to the Liyiue | Love er es | Agent nied Wholve hk dealer in Pateny Medi-| Ralei 5 Ne C.@ | sateen" 4s wom tod gut-and specdilp brought to aioe To this | ‘ ‘ Asheville Neits: ©. Wilmington, N. 6., J . one oe | Balisbury, N, 0.) April 8, 1960. 16-4 edd Dealers Evety « here jaiyQ—ien = Sines, Nuttk Va, o7—ly oA dllreta.. oe. Ty JS BOND 7 ‘ . . , A} & . | ; rae Gare ; =—a vt The ONorth Sta ® season of winter, \ ea _——- - SALISBURY. PRT AGRICULTURAL. - + ‘ re From the Carolina Farmer, ra Y, ATG. 20° PRESERVATION OF SWEET PO- | ee TATOES. : Warrevit_z, N.O., July 220, 869, bs R. K. pa Esq. Your note to thet cifttural Society, askin: preserving Sweet ” pot inc, in oir meeting” at 22nd of May, hae Car ? answer. BA ; fers The keepihg @ound of this: valoable ¢e culent aioe been a ait mieli; anxiety with» good fa _avho- have |, leraned its poeyee wee discussion: taken place-upon e tind ur notions among our far , about” nights, light nights, het days and 0 days, have been Advanced, but experien e a for m a <a etared by Whiteville om the me to has proven each to be atten certain resulta. When shemustal of the year atrives, for Buusing potat 1 commence digging inthe morning continue digging oniil’as inany have turned out, as can 2 ‘Sirf, bis ent we Agel og |, By oot be conveniently geeur- |, * ed wer ee evening. Leaving them to al Li sun during the day, upless’ the sai is shining hot endagh to burn them, (whiclr P pata area, sufliciéitiy dry to} er sob during the wet a vered the same Pay. with a'good coa straw to prevent any dam ndor tarthy taste, I jnt or banks, containing from forty to safle When the quantity 1 desire'forone bank is thus piled up, Leover full cight inchs deep in pine straw and leave them to sweat from one to Abree. nights, being careful to keep dry uriog the time from rains, 1 now een inches deep} in by, always “being. particular to do | this Eenklog early in the morning While | they are coal, before the, waratth of the | sun chauges the morning tempefature of | the I bank all over, closing | all injete of of heat. Now ‘whole -well’ by ehelting acigers Sonat TI Bave snecveded on | 8" _cold water, and at, ¢ owe. Da ie fre thie plan, without a single failure for twen- ty-five years, and when strictly observed com it to all as a perfect certainty. * The conimunicated to me by the late of Robeson county who *, had” it successfully, for many > The reason seems to be that this morning, while they - * at this season). ‘Then |» Land prépared an elevated | ; ¥ and a oe it aes the soil, 'y.as to form but anim t ; nt. By far the bet- fe would to mow the'vives whi y are matured, and convert them into proveuder, aud then fallow the stab- shies for a crop of wheat.. We have seen t cordingly recommend the »practiee as be- ing in every way preferable to the old mode a - HOU~EKEEPERS DEPARTMENT. How to Cook Rice.—“No one ean boil rice like & paikee _bemer; every incomes out of the ‘battle as dry as more simple ; thé rice when we water is poured off, ahd the rice still left jn the vessel By the fire ;*give it a shake now and then till wanted, aid ft will ran out dry as meal.” : : are beyond avy shone of heatand dold. .A Jight eoat of dust pat oatany hour of the day will heat | cream, aod ig too hot to’preserve them on tha plan. I trast some good farmer will Zive ua av explanation of the rotten Gre similar to wha: is sometimes seen in the Irish potato; and tlius by ab inte. change and exchange of experience, practice, observations and opinions the farmer’ may materially aid each other in elevating, eaonobling aud working profi-| la table, thie of all, the most houorable pro- {ussion among men. Yours most respectfully, WIGHT LENNON. _--_-—-a- — From the Peteraburg Index. CLOVER AS A MANURE FOR WHEAT. Poe soils. of lower Virgiva are not, as a general thing, well, coustitated for the production of clover. lence we often ef green corn, grated To Prepare Green Corn,—'To.one quart add ove pint of one large spoon of batter, two the deep banking in the evening | eggs, salt aod pepper to the taste, then Miia Mittal Meuiieile - vehi }eream, and a salt spoon of salt; mix and | fry in hot lard by the spoonful. Eqg Plant.—Pour boiling water, then cut in thin slices and throw'into salt and | water for a few minutes, Beat up an egg, | thicken it with cracker dust, then dip your legg plant in, pepper and fry in boiling d ra. Baked Egg Plant.—Cut off the top, scrape out the entire inside, not eutting the rind, boil inside soft aud season with grated crumbs, a tableepoonfal of butter, some minced ap ham, pepper and salt, staff the rind with this mixtare, tie on the top and bake slowly. Tomato Kétchup.—Take one bushel of tomatoes, boil antil soft, then squeeze through a sieve and add onehalf gallon of vinegar, a pint and a half of salt, two see failures of a good stand after seeding ont pot leas often, even when a #tand fms | secured, of a growth, Bur we are convinced that Lies oftener aris- es feom the fact that the artificial fertiliser | mostly preferred by“our farmers are adap- | ted specially to the action of grain | and other eommerc » and uot to} the systa matic im of the land., If the necessities of the clover plant} were sapplied, as are those of wheat and tobacegiand peaduis, we sboald witoess | a growth as lode as could be desir- | ed; and @ most admirable fertiliger—ve| believe the best in the world—for wheat, | might thas be obtained at a cost whieb | would leave.nn ample margin for profit. jong exough--they shonld be cooked | And these necessities would be abaudant-| ly met, we have no doubt, by the appli- | caifoa of Time and bone to avy medium | soll, } We have long had our pecaliar notions | regarding the management of a clover fa'low—and a pea fallow likewise—the result of many years’ observation ; but it! is Oly reeeathy that we~have seen them confirmed by acience. Ina late number | of the Country Gentleman we find ari ab- stract of a lecture on the value of clover as a fertilizer, by Dr. Voeleker, than uy. a to bat otf or two points. Aafter pursuing his investigations for | more than ten years, Dr? V. has arrived at the eonelasion that while in a chemi-! cal point of view clover is the most ex- hausting erop that, caa be grown, yet ically it is the most restorative crop, and the bes} of all preparations for wheat. This sounds likes atrange chemical an omally, but if is satisfactorily explained. By growing clover a vast amount of min- -rab- matter is brought within teach, aud rendered a¥ailable io the roots of grain crops, that would orkerwise rewain 16 a Yreked up condition, By m of ite long rood’ it j ratésa large wass cf , and pathers np the potash and the | phosphotie acid disseminated throughout { he soil, #0 that when the jand is plow- ed, ‘And the Foote left in the surface, they virdd, in an available condition; the min- rb substanees which, the wheat plant re- yoires The srop of wheat is benefitted iy the removal of the growth of clover jor hay, by reasow of the large actumala- tion of nitregen whitch the feaves take up from, the atwospheré, and which are con- tinually dropping and enriching the soil thronghout the season of growth, Even when the crop is small the amount left ia the sartace soihamaunté to tons, On the devompusition of the leaves and roots an | whom there.ie no higher scientifle author- | ards are made ; cougeilling with hope iz) Qurlimits wilt not adwit of refer-| tie way heroes are made; coaneilling | with faith isthe way Christians are made. | | Lazynees is a the mjore 4 man te ounces of ee: three tabi black pe . five heads of mix and bod toe thse hours. ea Chocolate Caramels.—Two caps of sa? gar, one ctip “of molasses, che cup of boiling milk, one of chocolate, dust, in one tablespoonful of flour just before tak- ing it off the fire, try i: in water, if it crisps it is done; boil half an hour over a slow fire. Trish Potato Salad.—Boil yan potatoes and while warm mash atid batter; ch up four hard: boiled eggs; season wit horse raddish, vinegar, mustard, sugar, salt and pepper. Tomatoes—Few persons cook tomatoes three hours, peel and put into your stew n withodt water, cook slowly, when al- most done add tatter, pepper, salt and a litle sugar. Oysters for Tea-—In your baking dish | place a layer of oysters, then a layet of pounded cracker, butter, pepper and salt, aid so on internate layers until the, dish is full ; set it in tHe oven bake brown. ————- JOSH BELLING’S PAPERS. Couneillling with fear iz the way cow- The most dangerous characters in the world are those who live in the suburbs of Ygeseta ha? | are Totton ice. deal like money- ~ of it the more he seemé to want. There is no such thing as inheriting virtew ; money and tithes and fever sores ean be inherited. ; Life is like a monntain — after climbing up on one eide, and sliding down the oth- er side, we put up the sled, When « man proves a litery failure he generally seis up for a-critick, aud like the fox in the fable, who had lost all his brush in a trap, kan’t see » nice long tail without hankering to -bob it. The devil owes most Of his sucess to the fact that he is alwaz on band. There ia many who are kut ont for smart wen, but won't pay for making up. ere ig whose sou ryt Aen oe ith of a goose quill. P = DOLLAR REWARD. of July, 1 a y by the name of JOUN BURTON. Said boy is ahout 6 feet high, complexion and 17 years, All persons are warned against har said boy. ‘The above reward will be paid for his re- turni¢e the " DAVIDJ. SHEETS. Redon from the ebundance of ammonia t generated from Rowan Milla, Ang. 12, 1989. 22—Be fal of |. oe hate ie * le Selected. get bs éstom, at the most satise 40 hasers. purchase wr experience iv, and thorough famil- iis | the Snsiness, in all ite details and! jarity wil + | departments; ‘together with his accastomed anremiting personal attention, authorizes the hope of that success, which has, heretofore. in- variably rewarded bis exertions Salisbury, N, C.,.Jannany 1869. 1 RIVES & PROCTOR, WHOLESALE Alby .; DRUGCISTS, DY b STUFFS, PERFUMERY, & Imported & Domestic Window & Would chants, &, extensive stuck and superior inducements. cali-tho steration of: 30ee and others, to 107 Sycamore, N. F. RIVES. M.D. ipr2s-—16:610. DR. ‘LAWRENCE’S CELEBRATED WOMAN’S FRIEND! St., Petersburg. W.H. PROCTOR. Leuchorrea, or Whites ; Prol Uteri, or Falling of the Womb ; Irregular Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- ation; Pain in the Back; Nervousness. Wakefulness, Weakness, &c. PEPICATED TO THE | LADIES OF AMERICA, For whose benefit it was designed, and whose hap- pines it will promote, by te discoverer, DR. J. J. LAWRENCE, TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Woman's Friend te com- nded are published arvand each battle, and it is | bettewed to be the best Uterine Tonic and ajierative | yet discovered. Itis a valuable andreliable oquat tn all derange- ments of rhe Pewale Reprodactite Organs, and in Hysteria, Nervous Headache, Spinal ! tionn, &¢ sar Price $1,00 per le. J. fL. BAKER & CO., , Wholesale agents, Nod 4,.dMain street, Nortelk. ¥a. 3 To whom all orders of letters must be ad- dressed . march 19—1¢ ee ee Sa Tenn ROSADALIS the Blood. Evqry where. — NEW STOCK OF RELIABLE DRUGS, MEDICINES, and soch articles as are weually kept in ‘FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE Dr. G. B. Poulson, HAS JUST retarned from the North with a large and carefully se- | lected stock of drags, wéliievesh imam, perfame- combs, patty, Horse and fry, soap, fancy articles: tooth bruthes Cattle Powders, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Cook. aitta, Dis, Varninhes, Paint ing Seda. Copperas. Venet Lye, andthe best Bitters and that can, be‘ msed. FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Bo Physicians, --1 would state that Lhave asplendid assortment and carefully selected Red, € ate Medicines fdr. chills Fes. Lemor, Fes. Peppermint, Ees. Cinnamon, Laudanum, Paregor- ic, Batethan Dréps, God- tsey’e Cordial; Opodel- doe, Castor Oil, ahd Tarpentine. Pure, Preah sod Ballabicin Goality nae ah low te ice as such articles can be obtained in this sec- jon. Impure Medicines can be sold for a trifle and are dear at any price (such I do not and will not keep.) But I am sufficiently posted in the Drug Market to know that PURE Drags and Medicines cannot be so}d for half the price heretofore charged. Bear in ey it is ato the cheapest and safest plan to = the one edicines. would beg o@all before purchasing elsewhere to call and exemine my stock and get my prices Drnggist and Aputhecs: Satish ng 5 8x ry, sbory, N. C., next @o0r bo Megoney & Bro, poet Hi Aen. os Pe tO a okets cena “4 |'- Below New York Cost! ', Below New York Gost. rtaini toa he: Will selly-asy” Ts Sr ba Sena ity. : at een totem FRESH, PURE, a | —— 90 ———— sere oe RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING Trusses & Abdominal Supporters omer a excellent in quality and POWDE R, For sale by w ‘ FINE BREAST PUMIS & NURSING BOTTLES. McQUBBINA, CUMATAR'® OO. te” Bo <Lam prepared to Salisbury, N. C. ra mg apy New York prices (by the ’ 4 Aybais fr: to sel out ee ee ee aera Et * ‘some lot of © USLINS, x LAWNS, * MOZAMBIQUES, LENOES, BERAGES, &c, F &c., * From 18 fo 35 cts. _This is a rare opportunity for persons to supply themselves with desirable Goods at exceedingly Low Prices. McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Sallsbury, July 30, 1869. SALT ! SALT !! Just received a large lot of + Cheap as the Cheapest. 7 Salisbary, July 30, 1869. TO MILLERS! ‘ —o— We have just received a fresh supply of the very best Anker, Brand Bolting Cloths, No’s 6 to} 10. If you want to make good flour come and get a cloth. Salisbury, July 30, 1869. IRON! IRON!! 50,000 LBS. OF IRON ASSORTED, For eale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, July 30, 1869. | POWDER! POWDER! PAINTS & OILS. LANE’S WHITE LEAD, BUCK do do N.Y. CITY, do do TANNER’S OIL, KEROSENE OIL,’ For sale by MecCubbins, Sullivan & Co., Salisbury, July 30, 1960, w—hy R The stock consists of a hand-|. tor Great Threshers —and— CLEANERS, Also, Manufacturers’ A for the fi... tage. invite the attention the trade generally, to them they will find nothing fresh rable Goods. We buy a Save your Blackberries and Fruits, be to you as Treasure. , ‘Smith. Fo: J UST RECEIVED AT THE of SMITH FOSTER & 0O’S 1000 SACKS OF SALT. 25 BBLS MOLASSES. 12 HHDS. MOLASSES. STORE 24-1. | DR. “LAWRENCE'S © KOS) »| Ae aafe and ‘effectual-iemedy for all “ | > a LOOK for MERONEY’S CONCENTRATED — COMPOUND EXTRACT OF . ng fee 4 diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &c. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE _| these which have been sold. 30, 500 Silk Dresses, best article, 12 yauds, each, $40, 6 Velucipedes, $75, 5 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet, 45 yards, : eack $135, 3.240 6 Salamander Safes, Wilder's patent, best in the world, $260,, 1560 1 Cash Prize, $1,000 gold, «1.334 10.Casb prizes, $100 each, 1,000 . 200 do do 10 do Ko 2.000 672 do do 5 do 3,360 1000do0 do 2 do 3000 Prizes. Value of the total amt, $146,603 Total number of Tickets, _ 13,387 Allof the above isput in the drawing af yo» the regular cash selling pfices and will be dis-" posed of by a regular mode o: Drawing, ‘and in order to ish this, the Conpany wi't sell 73,347 tickets at $2 eael; for further infurar- tion read seetion 10 and 11 of the By-Lawsof the Company : : BY-LAWS, . Sec. 10. The plan of drawing sball be as follows: there shall be two wheels, one a prize wheel and aqoumber wheel, arranged in some public rin the-city, whefe any one holding a ticket may be present on the day of drawing. . In the number wheel tugre shall be as many tickets corresponding i paber -as % the prize wheel there shalk be as many tickets as there Lare: priaes, these Yekets shall be deposited in * 7 BE CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTION of all to our Stock of SPRING AND. SUMMER GUODS, and invite all whd Qualities, and Most able Prices w give ugacall, We are tow exhibiting the best —Stock of — DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goons, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Coach, Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain, Kerosene aud Machine Oils to be found in Western North Carolina. Spe- cial attention is called to our sock of BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies’ Sewed Gort “kin Shoes, 61 50 per pair. ” Pegged Balmorals jeather lined, 150 “ ~ Gent's Baimorats,. very best stock, s1@* % “ Pump-tolepoots, - - 600 “ © Youthsand Mises “hoes, of all ) rices and qualities. Good Calicoes. 1291-2 cts por yd. Best Calicoes. 15. We are als agents tor the Manotactarers of the best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND MACHINERY, sch as— The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, Tarbine Water Wheels, Fine Engine Deep Well and Force [Pamps. French Burrs and Corn Mills, Thresbers and Cleaners on Twheels complete, Cider and Wine Mills, Grain Drills, Sulky Plows, Smutters and Cleaners, Circular Saws. Rabber and Leather Belting, and many other things too numerous to men - tion, all of which we will sell at the Manufac- turer's prices. * Come, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing you may want in this line We guar- antee the Machinery sold by usto give satis- faction. We are also agents for Singer's New Fami- ly SEWING MACUINE, for which there is no qual. Warranted todo all kinds of work, and to give entire satisfaction, or the money will be refunded. the depot, on short notice. We will be found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row. MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE,—A Splendid 12 Torse Power Portable Engine, for sale b june 11—23:5m M ERONEY & BRO. Superior Court, Caldwell County. § Speing Term, 1869. Robert Estes, * aa aan ‘ the Latest Styles, Best | Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, | &F GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at} This is an ELEGANT, BERASANT, [USERS Oe and RELIABLE Reme- | dy and one that admits of a wide range of | application. It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- | tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex- tent than any other remedy yct known, It is an | INVALUABLE AND Unrivalled Remedy ! ! For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, CU-- TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- IC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF- 'FECTIONS, in fact, every form of Chronic Disease it May be advantageous- ly used. This preparation has been submitted to, thoroughly tested, and approved by some of the most emivent members of.the Med- ical Faculty. Prepared by an experienced and well | known physician and chemist. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED OWLY BY J, J. LAWRENCE, M. D., for the, county. of Caldwell at the mage cbs po rep SIs 408 Semis ihe Oot honse in Lenoir, on the 8th Monday afterthe lantle & Otlo Raltfond ahh belt fits Tod Ty 8d Monday in Angust néxty then and there ORGANIC CHEMIST. tale cation, thecaeaer? to tratpitclevtal oye Jali weit pat Aree or eut pro +t wile pepe and the iF Sings » = Pe A Witness, R. RW “as op omr| NO- 6) Math Strbet, Norfolll, Virgiria, | aoa tne tritrtdisieg com tbs mes ol conrt at office the 8th Monday af the ad ee ee . ; ‘erse) eg Br 5 ) en Po Pe an pel RTT | wifes Ml 2 , 6. 6. 0. lil Cc. MES E 3}—b0—{pr feo ; har Fos Sane BY 412 Davcearers. wa) April 99—tha vw til the time of drawing, when the Supe rs shall bring the wheels to the place of drawing break the seals aod the drawing shall be dis- posed of by taking a ticket from each wheel, at the sanse time and the prize tické: taken from the prize wheel shall devignaie the prize drawn by the tieket corresponding in nomiber to the ove taken from the namber wheel at the satne time, The wheel shall be well shaken after each ticket isdrawn, | Sec. 11. The Directors shall designate the time aod place of drawin,, at which time and place the supervisors shall be s¢quired to be presenfiand see that the drawing is couducted entirely equitable, | A Board of Sapervisors will be appointed | wLo will have exclasive control and ‘manag } Ment of the drawing. They will conduct the derivation and see that each person ts legally se sted with the property be may draw. A | duplicate registry of tbe tickets sold will be | kept; so, that, in the event of loss of ticket, the accident way be rémedied and no wisteke can ovear, The Drawing will take placetin TUCKE HALL, in the city of Ralexgh, immediately aS | ter sale of tickets, of which due notive will & giten, = Tre cdmpaty is working ander the provis- sions of a special cherter granted by the Geo- eral Assembly of North Carolina, whieh om | pels the company to comply laithially w contracts, Copies can be had on application to the com- Po rat ny. All the above mentioned property will cer- tainly be disposed of as above stated, and thowe drawing will be invested with the ttle jn ive simple. ? No member of the company is allowed to purchase dny ticketg All moneys sent by mail, at the own oH that sent by Express, Regitere. Chevks or Drafts, at the nmsk of the © No property wil be listed ouless Ut indisputable. The Treasurer has been required to bond of five thousand dullars tor the faithful performance of his duties, He is required to deposit, ‘daily, in the bank, all monieg ived where it will remain ont: all the vare sold and all the proper:y will be uvely drawn and delivered to the parties drawing, or the monty returned. . Send two dollars by ex- press, post Office order, regiatered "fetter, or draft, at onr risk, or by mail at yonr own, and take a chance at the 3,000 valuable prize< of- fered. Tickets will be seat any where in the United States atabe company’s risk. Description of Real Estate, | One fine residence built of brick, jn the beet improved style, in the erty of Kaleigh, with 8 acres of groand, and all necessary out-bultingsy with mavy five ornamentals about the yard. Value , $10,000 One large aud convenient house in the .city of Raleigh, on Newbern street, 13 large rooms, double parlors, with all necessary oat-ouildings 14 acres of ground and a beautilul oak grove. Value $6,500 One large house on Newbern and er worth streets, containing 20 rooins suitable a boarding house, all necyssary out-buildings, with a beantilul oak grove in the yard and § acre of Ground. Value........ .. $5,000 One beautiful large Residence, on Newbern street, eight roome and basement, four out-building® and table, éeven sores of ground, elm grove, very desirable and att iv. One in Warrenton, N. C., known as the Alston property im perfect order, one of the best butt bouses In the ™ Containing $ large rooms, double pistzas ahd porticos, ne the most commanding and bexutitul residences in the place, with 8 acres of groand, fine orchaid, beautiful oak co oa all necessary out-vnildiogs. ue, The property at Taylorevilic {s very attractive, va and cheap. in a Hotel at the county text of « ing ond growing village of. thonsend + ere iohetitemts a ij Cat 7 *.Sx O et-2¢ 'si # "‘Whereas the store named plaintiff has’i 9.ee:stituted his action agai nef Ai ie;-rs fy b,extra :shove jon er Pee McRae’the|Amos Howes and the North Carolina Oretermoffourmont!ending 23.For|0f said county to recover the possessionof real e4 \aertherparticularsaddresspropertyheldby.thesaid defendant,Stateof h CaroliE.F.ROCKWELL,ieee defendant being4res-|Po Amos H.‘the N 6CarolipPresideaexrate,period siamese to!”Dressing be 6 Nort a Uresurmin7amy.,PierethikewkSegatamaInobedianorderfromHon.John }PRINCIPALS. , t Institutions, ofthe C ncord Female —en LEGAL NOTIONS. In the Superior Court, that service of'sumimonsibe made by publica-tion in the “Old North State”=Maga week ieatleastsixweeks,successively,notifying thesaiddefendanttoappearbeforet STATEofWORTHCAROLINA : “MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Heary Ww.jopsbetier,Pivoull,igeloet Daniel waeComet}Strate Cover Méses L.Holmes,Reuben J.Hol Vv.=2 .mes,Valen-tine ‘Menge.‘Den Manney,B.B.Rob- M-Cloud,Ji of the 8th Judicial DistrithigState:iesherebySeeogeefrainfromworking,or in any manner usinganyoftheGoldHillpropertyasdescribedin Be echanic Arts will begin on the 6th day of September.Instruction in Military Tactics will out be given until later in the sea 60D,3 8.POOL,President, PROFESSIONAL. M.H.PINNIN,ATTORNEY AT LAW.LEXINGTON,N.C. .Wu PRACTICE in the courts of David- son,Forsythe,Guilford,Alamance and Ran-dolph counties:~.REFERENCE.Hon.R.M.Pearson,C.J.of N.C.,Raleigh. “£.G.Reade,Associate Justice,““ThomasSettle,o ae“R.P.Dick,Bedford Brown,Yanceyv Hon,John Kerr,“J.R.MeLean,Greensboro’,Thomas Raffin,Jr.,. “J,M.Cloud,Dobson,N.C. January 29,1869. JOHN S.HENDERSON,ATTORNEY &COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SALISBURY,N.C.(a Will attend promptly to the Oollec- tion of Claims feb26—1ly (EVHE SPRCIAL COURSE of Agriculture and the M ile,N.C. N.C. t 4-tf ACA s- es ch ”Six Monrus, One Square,first tits S 5 Copies to one address,.....10 Copies to one address, fates of ising. viEWS cacccsForeachadditionalinsertion..jal notices will be char,higher than the above rates.Court andJustice’s Orders will be publish-|ri ,_N.C,*AUGUS' heOld Notth State |©PUBLISHED:WEEKLY BypwHwtswanusEditorandProprietor. RATES OF SUBCRIPTION.Ong Yeat;payablein advanee... ‘ged 50 per cent ants in this ease are non-reridents of thisState:Therefore ordered by the conrt,that lication be madefor six weeks snecessive-y in the “Old North State,”a newspaper eaid defendants to be and appear at the nexttermofoarSeperiorcourttobeheldforthecountyofCaldwell,at the court house in Le-noir,on the 8th Monday after the 3dMondayinAngustnext,then and there to answer thecomplaintofplaintifffiledintheelerk’s of-fice,or jadginent wil’be taken ex parte as tothem.Witness R.R.Wakefield,clerk of outsaidconrtthe8thMondayafterthe3dMon-day in March.1369.R.R.WAKEFIELD,c.8.031—6w—(pr fee $10) Worth Carolina,?Surrrior Covert,Caldwell County.§§Jacob N.Harshaw,against James H.Collett.In this case it is made to Attachment. court that pablieation be made in the ‘Old court house in Lenoir on the 3d Monday in taken against bim. Bor Sale.A Fe Wow BoyAPR1wy ”~ &l Mundayim March 1860:RB.R.WAKRFIELD,c.«.¢. daly Wel Salisbury,N 31 44—-{pr fee $B.) published in Salisbury,N.C..notifying the | ring Term,1869, appear to thesatisfactionofthecourtthatthedefendant,James H.Collett resides beyond the limitsoftheState:It is therefore ordered by the North State ”a newspaper published in Sal-isbury,N.C.,forsix weeks suecessively,no-tifjing the defendant that he beand appear atthenexttermofourSuperiorCourttobeheldforthecountyofCaldwellatthe Angust next.then and there to plead answerordemur,or judgment pro ovnfesso will be Witness,R.BR.Wakefield,clerk of onrsaldcourtatofficetheSthMondayaftershe |against bim |Witness RR.Wakefield,clerk of our said | jcourt at Office the 8'h Monday after the 3dj| |Monday io March 1869 R RK WAKEFIELD,cao |31—6w—[pr fee $8.) |Worth Carolina, Rowas Cotsty, Soperion Overt. Maoney,Valentine Mauney,B.B.Roberts aod-D.A.Davis,Plaintiffs.AGAINSTAmosFlowes,and the North Carolina OrDressingCompany,Defendants.Summons to the Defendants.It appearing to my satisfaction upon the affi- davit of the Plaintiffs shat the Defendant AmosHowesisanon-resident of the State and that the North Carolina Ore Dressing Company isa foreign corporation,having its principal office of business beyond the limits of this State;anditfartheréppearingtliatacauseofactionex- ists against the defendants in respect to whomtheservicejstobemade,and after due dili- gence the defendants are not to be found with- in the State,and that the cause of action aroseinthisState,relating to real property situateiathisState,it ie therefore ordered that pub-heation be made for six weeks in “The OldNorthState”newspaper notifying the defend-antsto appear before the Judge of our next Sapenior Court to beheld for the County of Rowan at the Court House in Salsbury on the3dMondayinSeptembernext,then and theretoanswerthecomplaintofthePlaniff:,whichwasfiledivtheofficeofthecler§of this courton30thofJuly,1869,or judgment will begrantedforthéreliefdemanded.Given unde?my band and sealof said Court thig26:b day of July,A.D.,1889.A.JUDSON MASON,+|Clerk jor Courtfot RowanCounty.80—Gw (pt fie 940) menafactaring city. “It is claimed that straw inakes too hard a paper,but mixed with a little cane fibre the paper is soft and flexible ;indeed,that nouncement that the Irishbishops the mixtare of straw acane pulp is the!of course)of the Protestant E thing—just right.Every day developes sine|althong)it is not so.ex Lew featare of the invention.It has recent-|that a general synod shall assembly at an earlylybeendiseoveredthatthecanecanbere-|day,in which the Moses L.Holmes,Renten J.Holmes,Ephrair |dnced to fibre at an actual eost of three dol-|be represented,and also to convene the provin- lars a ton for all expenses.and thatiu most | cases a ton of fibre costs less than a tun of | timber. will make excellent fibre. pers as ourlations.” a of preservationate,feet below the fiver The fibre is egsily mixed with clay | and can be made up into boards,slabs,«panels;and that with powdered slate ancoaltaritwillmakeaniveoinbustibleroof|which will be beth fire and water-proof.clapboards;and not only roofs,but floors,outer and inner walls and evilitigs may be produced from the eane All these can be put ap in winter asweilassummer,and the house made ready for immediate occupation.warping,cracking.or shrinking;and ahouseofextracoinfortcanbebui't for halftheordinarycust;so that there will be cheap houses for the millions steamers can also be constructed fora greatdeallessnoneyfromthiseLeapmaterial,and they will last innch longer than thewoodenones.and defy the dry rot.wortns,and destruction by fireproductsoftheSouth,cotton and cane.ifpropertymanaged,will briug back to herrospéritythanever;for which sheawishesandbeartiestcongratu- There is: engig In excavating for the piers of thebridgeovertheMissouririver,at Omaha,logof cedar was fonnd in agood state-of seventy-two Ships and the|ments in France and Holland have shown t The twin }sunflowers,will neutralize the leterious effectsofexhalationsfrommars!This plan has Tue Eptscora,Cxvuacu tm Ire_axp.—The most important religious news we have re-ceived from Factand for a long time is the an-(We presume1Church, have resolved ity as well as the clergy shall cial synods to consider local changes necessarytobemadeinthechurch.This willbethefirst|meeting ofa synod of the English church inthe British isles in which lay representation hasever 4 |obtained recognition.long asthechurch was|an establishment connectedwith the government,Parliament and the Queen retained in their ownhandstheentirepowertotegulateitsaffairs.— The bishops were members of the H of yt| It ment of the churcli in Ireland and the cessationoftherightofIrishbishopstosentsin.theHouse,church in Ireland resumes its righttoself-government,and therefore its synods will be important bodies.The form of governmentforthechurchinIrelandhasyettobepevided,and this is the principal object for whichthesemeetingsaretobeheld.Philadelphia American, SUNFLOWERS ASDeearnoraste—apesat 0 tricte néar France,avd the authori-ties of Holland assert that intermittent fever hasentirelydisappearedfromdistrictswherethesunflowershavebeenplanted.Though theabovefactsappeartobeproved,itis notyetas-——what effect the sunflower nroduces on ike berpia of apd gown,oF hredtheanimalandvegetablegermsofminsms |been tried with great success in the fenny dis-||oftsn found to work for Peers for that reason ;but with the disestablish-|for if * ‘vem ce tog :imyapgeld 4 a are #ig +. THE FALL TERM of this School wil he said -i see a:on the 6thof September,and eer toll alt rior Court at the court house inTroy,a Plaintiffs complaint,either by yotrselves or ed.at the same rates with other vertise-:weeks,“sp TUITION:4th Monday after the 2¢Monday in August a Servantsorattorneys.and to appear|ments.a English Dep't.ay Saceseetereer:$8 00|Next,then and there to answer the complaint |core the Judgeofour Superior Court at the |Obituary notices,over bix lines,charged’but we ing.Cheeta!Intermediate,.........12 00|Of the Plainuff in the above entitled cause or Court House in Salisbury,ov the 28th day of|#8 advertisements..6 :ed.down Se wtments score enc.16 00}the plaintiff will take judgment for the rehef Septiniton edt,then and there to show cause :-foal well ifshe Board in good families ai $12 per mon 1 00|demanded in the complaint.’ween’aplunction shall not be continued till CONTRACT RATES..a farm”It}aint aeeetsibaaaltbgatorehergelevogueIn|2h Saye Ta heaps esa Cos Ct)Kettapering heestaon of MAEM ee».Wb Ue on |||sis =‘ane. hor turtned lesa chdossa hs Priecl Clerk Superior Court for dcincmes:Goan.court that alter due diligence the daiedace |=1 |3 a 3 ed professions,become sierra anibed old Seltow tate: July 30,1869.en ty,N.0.8C~Sw (pr fee $10)peorcadh ho yithie the State,but thatde-{space.||¢|Fi.|3 |ofl canee sae hemust devotefour or five}“pent?;~hon residents of this State,it is |)=5 ==|®ares Go!Pas over biebooksand : a);s orderedby the court that i j '|P|&|5s |=*Vinten bi All :—_Punch .Felgoworth FomaloSeminary.x sy uuchoset eee,Puan eeereeesiey Goin eres]||r||eliniaeeraeee:mete te ithe er—_—..,wee *y ”h |.a .:ey Y -=r y HE NEXT SESSION WILL COM.AGAINST ccssisending setae hewspaper,|)Square.920.8375 $500 8850 81300 physicalstrength to'enable him to holda laced|dictéd—Death entates Shines Pre- Meuce on the first Monday of September.The John E,Browa,Wm.J.Brown,Z.B,Vance|tive and place designated,then oe the 2 Squares.4:50 625)8 50/13 00!99 00 wield ascythe,or harnessa is aenoee distance from ie shart uke and Tuition will be}#24 Robert F.Hoke,Defendants.a why an injonction shall not.be +Serine 6 00 9.00 1,00'20 00;30.00 —hterre Whyis Caan be :man of most ca, )to if paid in advance.Kach granted till the judg not be |4 Squares.“8.601 5 00/25 00:‘considered,t men ordinary veligiousboarderwillfurnisbherownlightsandtowels|STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,action,myetgronss Ne reodored ia:this)|(oly.4k O6-b8 Oe So olin eet te 00|pleaaad dae eee wake “he”print $25|Sone :Rematehenenes. oe OaLDweLL To the Sheriff of Rowan County—Greeting <pie rat ¢hand and seal of said court :eae a6 00.24 00.80 00.45 00)75.004 and complex of ’eras profoand ae t of what ‘-M.M.O k You are hereby commanded to us duly 90,.vlann.28 00 40 00,50 00.30 00!130,00|4i¥ersified and senses eould 1 Two weeks july 2,1869—3m Grevasboro’,N.C.|John E.Brown,W.J.Brown,Z.B.Vance ang Clark Benerie ni DSIN MASON,i:Wee erm.hot sticend tren bis usual health,Pl Robert F.Hoke,if to be found in your Coun-| 31—6w.rior Court for Bowan County.CANE FIBRE MANUFACTURE.posingthis applies ofthe Most and disasters easant Grove Academy.ty,coirnord to be and appear betore his Hon-Wests Gann )';eae for-our ;his by —wy Mal .or,the Juc f 8 te |arolina.i Da reeeut issue of the Dis ir’greenbacksagainst|would —andFemale.for the Coee tee Court,to be beld |""Rowan.Coumty.:Surerior Covrr.|noticed that the Chats ur Dispatch it;wae would The whe thet he himto from this, THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM-y »at the Court-Huuse|Elizabeth Jenki 7 é Vv ara,near Norfolk|fession,slimosin heal any Prd-|appearedtolooseall hi ;0 ;peels,rod mence ou the 9h of August next.ae »on a =Monday io Septem.kins Decea:a of Wm.Jen-oebeen on .a party of gentlemen,|erenceonly ta the todomenie ‘-——ref-oneafter another.tillhe bed tuckedges vee s =pet $2.Lyyeeext,then and t wer the o ._—?.ap establi o ;i io ee re lentopin-;against Course—English »Classical,Mathe-|plait,a copy of wtih ee uy —The NorthCarolinaOre Dreeein OG .the Americas "Fibre Company pedir pate ~—:shoulders <a aedemand nought con arteeto3b.ap by I »ier tien it might be a thatsatical.mons,and let them take notice.that if a g Company,De-|erected thereon fur th of blow;:It was z cure,net rms:Tpition from $5 0 fail to answersaid complai ,ai ng a I otuicari eae n »the cane which abeuods io the ‘onus rapidlydieipaicte Foethis Viet i i bans day sermon,The“wperteof ae ane iyo Ciclockon at are-Tver e ace .-a “J owea ‘:. Pleasgpt Grove.N.C,seid Court,at Salisbury the 24th day of July,defendantto be and a r before the Judge of Soath ou the prospeet of this new mavufac-|cultural teaching is beginming to assume ete alee’pharager teense as The_evens June 25,1869.25—3m |4D.1869.A.JUDSON MASON,|the next Seperior Coukt to be beld for the|ture,of which it will becoine the seat.The|per place in our institutions of learning.Far-}gumsof andlew amounts had been staked ;aod holt tes Th Clerk ot the Superior Court for Rowan Connty coanty ofBowan at the Coort House ip Salis-|eaue,from whieh the tibre ean be made in |mers are awakening tothe fact that an intelli-|py the “knowing ”ofthe town,who chuck-|2 -worth $40,000,the ;een ACADEMY.The Duplicate of this eammons issued to Bun.|O°FY,on the 3 Monday in September and|any quantity required by the wants of the|gent mind isa far better director or a strong|Jed overthe “soft thing”theytad seenred,wntil-|°008,andoneis though it 5ion Satan a Noe Bins peal combe for William J.Brown;co Mecklenburg |eure a.said oe i ‘eunk js the spontaneous growth of the |arm —"—or —light a the entirepileof the “1 ”had been tion beg.”te Pa the oy geen @ °for Zebaton B.Vance,and tu Mitchell for Rov |Of which ts Mec in the Superior Court office.swamps and lowlands of the Seathern cation not its pent rays.Y|covered.-. te ert:nua ea ——aA F.Hoke.ao Jieaualitiaca:C.3C.If the said defendant shall fyi!to answer the |States.‘The patentees of that product.to|2°e beginning to appreciate thegreatimportance |The word “go”was givenamidthewild shouts os ae A prpricos most atdalente in~rates of tuition will be as follows:67.50 te __‘said corny -o raped L Of said court,|be known very exteusively hereafter iu com |Ff ——ee bogrge2 and oe —ao gr _Pench.i akon,the natives,lems,intelligent, $15,000persession of5 months psyable I.'.|the plajntiff will take ust defend:|snerce as the caue fibre,Rave seoured by Oe ee eee a -ebrta ‘“Go it,oldsorrel”“Hurryap old mare!”sinking in >theworking lation,“TheChi- Sanne nadttapered to give pupils a thorough |ROW COUNTY,t In the Superior Court a haere ,(seid their patents the Inonupoly of both the arti-ee eee pees eo =other jeering expressionspassed from mouth newe usnally marry when and where they can jag ta.all the brawchesceally (eught ins Gat e Nes ke 7.3.Sousen,Plain ffs |4 petal ae er rt said court|ele itself aud the peculiar process of its man-|onderlie the as well as the practice.—The “old I”did just then hurry up,find wives.In the Egat Indies have inter- class Academy.,::this 30UH day of July,.ufacture.They have nade up their minds|These are en truths.Lt gives bright rt mans lead|married with the Malays and the and in The Aeategy bs locates in@ healthy and ore as aaa)Baows,esviee A.N MASON.|g,at it will be most protitable to thew to|Leperforthe futureof our conntry.Itiatobe Sand ——See tee tae theSandwich Islands wed with the Kana- co.nmadity ta Fe mS S Vandel r Pi Dieleod |Clerk Superior Court for Rowan County.|set up their works at Norfolk aod Riehmoud|hoped that ay is not very far distant when We Ss thet acdc asowd *{aj om thelatter are profemed Christians.Salisbury,on the pew g .Vaw osert F.Hoxx,Defendants |31—6w—(pr.ee $8)and Baltimore,and probably Petersburg.and |all our farming interests will be greatly i ,wase ot ;potas ls are settlingim considerable num- eensene te nae oma tence |ke appearing to the satisiaetion of (he Court,|Serth Carolina,SUrKRIOk CucRT,|to go int the busluess to im xt or th at ed We wae ye powibly seeLsdels chin o>-amore he had om S.bers,and wereit for-x .u _:t we “‘6 ““>exte 1 »-teen won od pacar Bled re ——Jous =rena ag tt Spring Term,1469.|know no limit but the demand.It is there-|ery departmentof the acicace will be wonder.And when they rodeprway from the jaan eSBuaabovenamed,i wots rent clube |Ebuabeih Hence,|fre a tsines hat wil soon aaouot to|umdndthnal of ecthingel ack ystenay afiernon diy ‘cckle”|Tuy nmthe GathersBan aa .-.t ty,fifty,hundred millions o 1.degree ?' not after dive diligence be asvertaived,sad that James H.Collett.,raekags eee The oa paler?acquainted with the busiges so that it may be teleey fixedfor the oldmandidn’tcatch willhavetoquit work or :capable after due diligence-be vannot be found in the|In this case it is made to appegt to the sat-|men,and intend to keep cootrol of the whole rye with einleycesonp dot —_him,but he workedouthisownlittlegamemgst |ontRR,ace *|State—that a causeofaction exists againgt him |isfaction of the court that the defefidant Jame«|s@air themaelves.by their agents.buat pes-jmportanceof respectingthe science Semuibalip Kaen City Bulletin,June 30.StCane in favor of said plainufls,the groundsof ‘which |H.Collett resides beyond the limits of this]siply allowi rie He tacteariae of |makeit&study,then,beencourawed.Thegood ——oe A Tave SxaxmSromx.—OntheFourth of appear by the sworn complaint—that be is a|State:It is therefore ordered by the court that |the yaletan Ghee vetodeen ts eatin —_a ne all means "oko AMERICAN BIBLESOCclETy J tors San Cuapoeibe “pets,”while on a properPerty a ae and ar y —publicaiion be aa :ie —a eagagio te pay a royalty..en aig x by Fs ‘teal :excursion fr Ape = mous and complaint herein were filed in the|«newspaper published in Salebury,2 C.,for “No doubt that in the cities of the North|laveof perenne a aaaae Digeone Ira T.Wyche,Agent American Rible|@largemoccasin enake,which 3 c of Ro Cc I b '“l tit he defend .theirmeans re their ‘He itto one Oftheguards.—rst dome,008 wan County on the 24th ir lpseo yah Pa oe oe a oe }as now at St.Louis,factories for making all an em the necessary books and means of tha,clrcalar from Trin-Ti cage remtile and tried to domestidateit. oo prea our!rt t »‘.i i *bi ORDERED,That the sur:moos herein,#|Superior Court to be hele ne amy ee sociglliyetyange wrap Waele)indus If3b aiees cm or Nort Carourxa.—femaleabou prety in trate eaecontofrachappeayaborebewevedavo{ofGonetthe Cow,MN 0 =|atapte another “ew rice uf cvmmere|pureed rmacam wall tore wat timed”fr|hs takenaol aa feyKdSeerelore-which bids fairtobeonly second to it.and jaralioe a ons.circulation|has,however,a astonished ots”pabceektetondp ofSehsbery na t y oan or eae Soles wil nas unworthy Gt awed 5 "istinguiahed as :eete at Leoeperhoneys ,’y,ws »OF Judy a “|ciate.Cheap fibre—cheaper than eotton,|A Ovriovs Mezox.—The wondrs —-oganlentig sagep ej pooJr-eS .ities a:daden ewe Clerk of the Su WheseeRR.Weketoeld dock of car cab’|rer 7 Soarent Covet 8 doerdeoninms of |to caguniens stracturesare not confined to 7 acess at,cc mate sae Sika bos oon :>~~PO %jthe age Andeame is the mo-t abundant,|mals,but there are manyplants in-:‘..eere a ee alae eee NOONen Tet ‘Me 34 |cheap.and inexhaustible souree of sapply.|stincts,and capabilitiesare land Iiees eineee ee ee oes 7A.JUDSON MASON,CSGA,RR WAREFIELD,cao.|Tbe }rucese af courarting esnuvtpoesibly See eae now than ever bere.sree|fotake their 30—Gw(prfee$18.)‘4 31—Cw—(pe fee §&)meer SG |be superseded,for it is efficient and ex.|veere par TheSocietydesiresto place a ofthe |manner.pe:peditious,requring very little labor and no but rich sail,e Holy Scriptures in the handsofevery <~|The Cs Worth Carolin Su Gov Worth Carolina,|“Gectog Court,chemicals nor delay.It is the efpectation of diseorered,—ina To those able to foriit we soll at cost,and|diarge been CaldwellCome .Men Te 10 _.Caldwell County.|Spring Term,1569|the patentees that they have movopolized 8 aod a ot that this mel-|sive to those topay.them arith,and .y-5 Spring Term,ichoel Spainhowr,ase of )not only anarticle for panoriekiag se beled on Bourrah .be ine that it should|This ia the work to beSees in North Caroli-that they relish. Construction of Will.clizabeth A “Higtes,Attechmcnt.in all ordinary cases,but also for houses end|srike its rods down through Rotudl thirtyfeet |2.very family ip the State shoald have &|was pul into J.R.Wilson,execuiorof James Blair,deo'd apt {ships.whieh,it is claimed,caw be built|to reach permanent molguure.©This it doe,and|Copyof the ply call 72 every be-|frog AGAINST James LL Collett,lighter,tighter,avd stronger,than in any|grows in great Inxuriance whecpall else isshriv-|liever in theBi lover of y |A mouse was W.A.White and wifa,Nancy M.White,|.Io this cage itis made to appear to the sat-|other way.They make the-same claim for|elled‘and parched by heat.Butthisis notall.disciple of Jesus—everyfriend of man—every a cannes I Siler three-fourths of«in al a on =Pool,Avey Selena Isenhour,aof rg:ng sie sae cae H.—re-|bockets.tubs,and for farnitare.and|Ifit were imply &with smooth|P*oesyet |ced ge gm af panie athong =P b .A.White,Guardian.Be in |5 yond the limits of the State:[tisthere|even for cloth iteel Th ~|and delicate evetyonewould be destroyed country—one ee work.|theirfeeeey,ube ekeoe Siecieund wife Elizabeth Seach Sammie|fore ordered by the court thet publication be|pounee that in camino thersif'ven-|by Wild beastsBefore lifmatured.To prevent nde ten acted Babiy,sgh nce ongod aa dea,rail Baftws,P.G-MoOrary and wife Martha made in the “Old North State,”a newspapet|tion,which they say is the first example on this,Natare has armed its outerrind with acov-lyin trying times.ing venom pointed somely engraved,counties,ea .EmitsBarnes by @ W Barnes,|PedlishedinSalisbury,N.C.,for six week of th Le off sa)|eringoflong,sharpterriblethorns,which sola-thepassions andprejudicesof the hourit has a mines,mountains,Ac,&c.A Map to|*MeCrary.cule.Gadltcen'Aa dct cdae ekaWe reeord of the monoplyof any new mater a cor eahaeel of animalsthatthey |*e@ttoour impoverished South hundreds and SPECIAL NOTICE. be hungup in every house,office and in|Gaardian,Sarah Isabella Portner,by Ad.|Coes re'y,Potilying the defendan tt!of extensive ase.the whole manofacture of|Cerste ee :eusnndeof Ii ‘eshatnehia deus “eed is }and appear at the next term of our Se ¢|are giad to leave them alone in all their tempt-th of Bibles and T;aa the State.eline Fortner,James R.Barnes,by his pre al ef oc |paper-box board and comnon wrapping pa-aos —with hie hande and eherp |ton,and in this and othe ways sided to the RELIEFrom tas SORELY AFLICTED Specimen copies ready abbdut the lst Septem-|next friend.Court to eld tor the county of Cald-|per will be transferred from the North to the fog enoes nea inopgning the a amount of three hundred thonsapd dollarxa—|It was the misfortaneof the underigned ber,1869.Inthiscase it aaron te the satisfaction |ue =yor ye area paliney South.They say in one of their circulars deus Beh.The natives have no necessity’for|Shall we not show our iation of much 4)+,have suflered as few have every Terms ee of the court that James Barnes,P.G.Mc-|sane baaias ee day in Aozust,|that Richmond onght.and “probably soon|puttingfences about their melon patches,for course by «cordial in increasing ::A ,Rev.UEL PEARCE,Crary and wife Martha McCrary,Fétmna |"°*":then and there fo plead,answer of de-|will,ip consequence of their invention,be-|the plants are self-protective.the circulationof the Seri and contribu-|before,for six long and gloomy years, ang13-32-3m Wilmington,N.C.|jarnes by G.W.Barnes.Guardian.defend-|2%Of Ju'gment pro confesso will be taken|cume of more importance than Lowell as a Se __ting to its funds according to our ability?Let}an affection of his feet and legs.superinduced us all rallytotheresceué and do whatwecan in this glorions cause. his will.He hath made known to us his nameandnatare—his and his hismightandhismercy.He hath pointed out theofpietyandpeace—of plenty and prosper-ity.He hath deseribed our duty and our dny.It is written—in the Bible.This is God's own remedy wienevils oats Bothing but a return to Bible princi precepts canremedytheevilsthatnowafflictus.Letusputhiswordinthehandsofall.‘That word which is able to make us “wise unto salvation ”"—‘alampuntoourfeetandalightun‘.onr path”—“it giveth light:it ue a to thesimple”—“it is verting to the soulmattingwisethemitaffordscomfortand unerring counsel.“it is profitable for doctiine,reproof,for correction,for instruction inoothatwemaybeperfectthoroughlyfur-toall goodworks,”abletosavethe soul !” Who willassietin placing*this blessed.bookinthehandsofallthe?bbe de BoWecomenottointerfereinanywaywithanyinCharterorState.‘We come with noth- God's word—his word to man—to one,toallof clime—ofeverycountry—toeverycreatureinalltheworld,Ina T.Wrcne. ——-be THE CONFLICT OF RACES IN AMERICA. Aloneamongtheracesof the world they (Chinese)confront the Englishman,and prodasmuchworkwithlesspay.Other laborers are4wagesthantheEn-glish laborer,but they prove in the endthe dear-er workmen to employ,because of the insuffi-dency of what they turn out.“TheChinameninalargerangeofemploymentsovercomesthisdifficulty,and the uce showsabalancein his own favor,pt he ponent.of hanevnnleeebowaconsequence.@ cannotlive,the Californian in effect =“aponthatwhichsatisfiesaChinese,”and,|»- producing fever. ance of thatselfpreservation which is the firwt | by overwork,during the first year of the late war.During all that time.he was compell-God hath spoken to man.Ile hath uttered|4to drag his emaciated frame about,on|crutches.Jn yain he invoked the best med-|ical talent of the country;and visited themostcelebratedmedicinalSprings.Worn oWn and exhausted,he gave up all hope ofyvery.At this stage of his case.havingbeengovernedbyhismedicalfriendsfromthebeginning,he determined to adopt amethodoftreatment,the result of his oun reflection.It is enough to say.that this method is not so mach uew,as it is,the moreskillfulapplicationofwhatbasbeenlongknown,add pte ated by the Physicians.After some weeks of ihe most unweariedandperseveringeffofts,he was rewarded withthemostgratifyingresults.Indeed,bis rap-id improvement and recovery,was almostmagical—so much so.that in looking backuponhisconditionayearago,he cau,evennow,hardly realize the truly wonderful im-vement.Profoundly gratefal for this extraordinaryblessing.he is desirous of being the meangofdiffusingsimilarbenefitstothosewhemaybesimilarlyafflicted.He therefore,proposes not only to treat,bat CURE,all manner of diseases of the lower extremitica,gueh as old and ill-conditioned Uleers of thelegs;Varicose Veins;weak and enlarged Jvinte,&e.,00 matter of how long standing.It is due of the great advantages of bissmoofenethatnorestrietionearemposedonthepatient.as regards diet.exercise,&e.,and for the most sar little or nomedicineisused. The shallbe in secordance with he ionofthe times;and those 7 aieteen ti willbetreated *‘w ithout mou- e 7? DWARD SILL.M DSalisbury,X CG, 4,12?—t/ ®X Zé > * - £ a ee member of the Salisbu sek his long e of Civil Prgcedure.We will publish one every have no doubt they will be not with approbation,especia’ ous legal readers,,| ave do with great! to any who may desire Tudeede*Pan”'_.oigvite a discussionoftbe4*diumPof our papers 8 bat be highly interesting 0 berz of thebar,in I . road.‘Phidis necessarytoinsure,accuracy ‘in. the printirig.:Ratt o 0u . ed “P,”being agentleman spectahility,when we hold in friend;we give place to bis do this with the more ’1 respectful to.al!thode 4 whom he happens 10|; differ,but withont 4 saya ee” *officesof the State,do not ———eeSALISBURY: THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE —-ese re Our corfespovdent “Sap,”who is eneminent, ry bar,commences thpromisedarticlesinfdefenceof the week until the series is completed,Se ' Having admitted th e8 ‘has: f good..So.senddn .eae .«p.”——The author,of i a mn. ‘as ho-is entirely ‘every thing he | ey in North Garolina.Itis ndt dt , Conservatives shall unite with théorganization in thia State now known as the Republican jpar- ty..The leaders of drat who now-fill:the ef the intelligent people of. party.The opinionig unty “} venak and t ion of the govern- ment or systemoflegislation ever enreed afly State.«Whatever the leaders may now’sty about their willingness to*have all political dis- abilities removed,it capnot be dénied that such disabilities weredmposed at their golicitation.—'phis latter raocie their liberal professions ofall merit’It ix torelievetheStatefrom the government of suchhands that the “new move- rent”bas beeu ing,for itis essentially a Siate movement,F ‘ The “new movement”doesnotproposein any on one meeeventto1 ofthe i eeteetagjen ' thatean beeasily|an t does.riot ‘seem te .he “new move- exte |obligedw mithe esanover ok ne objectionsintheGade,whic iy,:law.“The Code make provision ohjection to theedasmate, thatis mostgeneralmuch@systemmaybe other.n:to i the introduction the fevdal ceeof aaamee |Thos ba the eeti re’‘avtheywilHot oid the whys fores—they fy wit constitutional requirkmenis ape Code an this account.must be by.efthe: Brent, atioe paratively old ivauemptismadeto the.shaniders of ‘the| are npedousty fide to pro-|rs isaweverequiredbythe jtution and therefore are,if vatid’.as such, ble to that instrament and not to | Such,for examp!e,officers by the people, their respective Disiviets “i em of Townships—the abolitionof t Courts,andinany other féxtures of the as the election of their being’con-ayn(/fowhshi Comniissigners wereforcarryinginto.ef-1 ant x those who are inca- ofseeing the difference and therefore whose opinions can weigh nothing or those who for some reason purposely intend fo & Another objection is that the than our former one.P ition just hereukeeeust t mostofits - rage and.equality before the Jaw aa facts and geceptsofthemassuch.”Of courep it pxelades nd one who takes a different view, provided ‘he arrives at the aime eonélusions.It ra,:nm ap i for u ppone Oean bey are expected to co-op- In the organization of the 5 a erate on equal terms. new party,should it ever be effected,past polit- ical sentii@nis are not to be remembered.But the wieked schemes andtricksof politicians will be remembered,for it is against tricksters and corrupt placementhatthepartyisto be organ- ized. —_———~ape-—— ‘a newpartyis becoming i 7 |lowed on where the judgment did not ex-a enoe ae ceed $25.This objection,If weit founded,hases7ensnotipplicationassuchtothecordeasitisacon-cea pete s 7 =ectouthonal provision:Art.4;eee,33.0 |ioem thegoverning pow-|"Another objection urged ix that on the death;“im Abe eeoms {Ot |of aperon intestate,if the party entitled to ad-euch doubtfal af wellas dizzy hondrs,lookcal m-:ly on and can plainly disceen errors of jaigmentinsomeoftheaspirants,The Greens PotriotdubsitepartyConstitutionalLi-The Henderson Judér ix ald outfor &mething; and the (ld North Staté want something,too;but the plain truth of the matters,we afte not in agituation,just yet,(wemeanthewholecoun- try)to tiekle the vanity of any indivitual manbymakinghinrfatherofI=that m ruin the country,and thake coveted fathoodaLurthenanddisgracetothepoxtestor.”~ ,Waderdor’Argus,The Aru is right,“ibe -Oid wantssomethifig,too.”‘Tt Wantsthe presentin-|efficient «legislatnre to disperse atthedlggeofItsnextaeation,as the constitutioncontemplgies.Ttwants It driven from the de-| terminationof manyof itsmembers,toholdover for another two years,by the united andirre-| sistable voice of the people.It-wants it tq be |pare and tomer a formal bill of exeeptiona,A | }therex }islation under even our much ;, this as an exceedingly wise pro- jon ofa class who are Hina age and matored.capacity to) Anotherobjection was made ofhy tem.”[regardcencefrom.want ‘ofofendtheirri that aje TY e So-that it is ween that thewasnotwelltaken. that a rection the section waa stricken o ed.Butthit objection isasbysecti@h457detuing who are disyaulified,such perron.is enbfaced’a dn alien.Another|objection #made tothe manupraretobeperfected.Theisthattheappellantmakes ight —it tothe adlvetme pariy,t udge never sees ft-—ifweenthecontending whieh to judge from idgment for divorpesfrom the bondsse syatemis more com- 1 shal!not discuss but shall reply to it hese articles.As to the partic-| bs(Faehanes orWar Ps Phe equality Ber a |.with the aduvinistration of President Grant. udge ora referee under Sec,225+|Trreconcilables at Springfield,“as a a.»address to-the voters te,|Serncogent mak.Sepele‘os ‘all being repeenguts ing theo er ph ie “The removal-of } al diaalilities.”sBetore1 or iptive features,-arid a test oath,by which a large op of the people would have been ex- claded from office,had not Presi: vailed upon Congres t@ submit,these p tive featuresof t ta ’ people,separate and distinct from Ugat upon the constitution itself;anit ~it was upon these sriptive features that Walker and Vells dif. Pined.Wells wad nominated i tive platform,which he is said to ‘haverepudies- <@ \»-before the election;wiitle Walker was in favor of universal aninesty—both parties endore- the reconstruction acts and “in thorough ac- | } eplatiorm,in.Tennessee;upon which Senter was eleetad,was pretty much the same ant Wadler in Virginia,modified of course fact-that Tennessee is within the Union, Virginia is.still withouGeeg It is mot to be wondered at ‘ inia papers Otterly repudiate the iden that the ;clection of,Walker waa &Democratic triumph. !Whose Democrats ttud Conservatives who voted for hin didtso av one.or at least en- || ‘dorsed him as a true gh ac|cord with the Adminiawation.If any thing ix |wanting to substantiate these assertions,it may |befound in the fact that the Walker party ran, |negroes for the Legislature,in weveral counties |in thestate—thar Walker waa welconied to Rich- |mond,after theelection,bya eembined delega- |tion ofmeégrods'and white men—speakers of both | |races nditressing the people,from the same p form,beneath 2 banner upon which w f trayed a negro and a white man shakin; ' ' man of the Wells committee. jarmy to undo |perse the on r the while people to reorganize their own govern- menta,and elect Senators and Representatives. olina Standard endorse Welker and Senter,the Penmerivania Deimoera's are,at this time,# Saas :last ver of the»lace wheregistofthisobjection|defeat after defeat does not seem to have sade Another o'¥e tlon taken was that our Code made no prove ie thestayofexceutionsbeforeJusticesofUCTeace.|!It is due to the Code Commiminners to state vidin«for sach stavewas print- ted in the Code as oricinally presented to the} }Legislature but as that body could not agrce onpectivetimesofsavfordifferentamonnts This objection hax| been sinep cured.Ancther eljection ungel bythedameJemanwasthatnoappealwaaal- it. inister,resides in another Sete,six months mauat elapse before adminitration can beentirely in which 4 not,“he iwust ‘,Athei?critica of t sregit Ja@iges in making ap ctees,hax long been through the mediom of thNorthStatejardentiydesiredbytheber until they get it t is properthattheappel'ant should mae wp the cae—and |* |«uch is the rale and practice the vatmted com moh law,ag #e learn from text writers,In Eng-|!land.the party exvefiting,as the trial progresses,| e Code! makes &short minte of exch exerption to th that he may afier the trialfrutingofthepresidingJndge,reads it andpraysbeperniittedtopre- succeeded by another which shall répresent’tra-|Prattice had grown np in North Carolina,to take ly the honestpeople of North Caro shall:beabove all stipicionofbribery fad cor-| ment of theConstitution.While tetaininginthat, instrument the printiples 6 impartial «uffrage, Hha—which |>Statenrent from the Judge in ligu of a bill of excepiiohs——9 very looteand dungerons practice,,f as iMustraced th ome case from Me Dowell county ruption.It #antsthenextlegislature,thus'eim-|when the Judge stated in Air case that be had posed,to inaugurate measures for the amehd-|charged the jury in accordance with a prayer|made,when,in fact he etpready refused sqpto charge—for which em lact,his death prevents ny iaypenchment except at the last day.Theandthecivilandéqualityoftheraces,1 appellant should be allowed to «tate his view and it wants several inj nt dhanges made. wants the proper cheéKs and balanetsfor the se- curityof every interest introduced into it.It wats proyisions made that will secure in the futnge an independent jadiciary—one thet will | faithfally expound the laws because free from all temptation to act otherwise.Under such proviso ¢'t wants men elevated to the bench who are distinguished as well for thgir legal Tcarning as for their elevation amd ‘Bharacter.|t wants the trading and profession-,| af politicians driven from every office of trust or | emolument in North Carolina.And when the | trading and professional politicians are driven out it wants their places filled by honest men| and patriete—men who,forgetting self,will |-+ bor only forthe public good.It wants an era of peace and good feeling to dawn upon the good It wants afl the old party distinc- tions as eff-ctually buried aa if they had never bal an existence.It wants all the good men of| urity of old State, 1 to in tho past,to anite under the banner of Liberatiem for the accomplishment of there greatenda,It wants the State redeemed,and| ;State politics as being,at the present| ,paramo mt to Federal politics in their im- )Orance to the people of North Carolina. «what “7+Of1 North Siate wants,” vi}And this is what, the Argus wants,too,It is very true friend of the State—every true We tim it wants now. ]4,rauad ui ¢ 1 nd of pence,of law and of order wanta, arc not at all ambitions of the distinction of be ing the fonnder of anew party.We do not cliim even to have given the new party its name,, j are much increase. |conception ofen It |version of the ctre—as,even if wrong,it may| ify the Judge's ultima’e statecorrectandgned |ment.Tigre the analogy of plead-jing.Another frivMoghobjertionisthat th: of litigation are in saga attornevs Now get ui tty”$10 and $15,where he nara coata {tis tre that the f “indemni- gmt four under the old system,but we dovi'#t if the fees of the clerk llow thts #ne» he «vet«wife.ne ey,thaaging tie eysiomth aot o “¥P ight adjasted” and the la and $15 for the for ourglorivus old Ryate ™m.” ver this may be; nor gan well constitute an objection to n be ea.ily corracted without f tittle,but we doubttanysuchchangewillbemade.Barnsaaya, pn self the wavering balance shakes it’s rare- Nous verrons. |the slightest impression;where the old beaten ifrom &©@; |party afterward:when the puiicy of “radj}rucn”or that the people of the State may nc into the belief that the elections,i j abeve m ' ot ;mm Statescutioned,have resulted in victories to¥which voted for Seymour and Blair—on the contrary,we desire it 6 be Known thatthevictorieshavebéeywonbytheGrantRe- |publionns, }<Under vach cirbontstagees it ia traly atify- moar and Mair pr atform,and Jeclare tha®“thepoliticalstatus0 be token mory. j sept the ditaation and -honestly slide by gt.”-- The Editor,further anyoanoes his ~witldohen »willing to yield the white man~.We my we are gratilied at tElitoriswellawarethatthe of North Carolina—tramed by the Repabli- |cons+—proscribes mo one,of any race or color, ill- |imbued wi |ple,there would not, |4 clause inserted intot|which renders itnecesgry Vii and the|author of thie arti¢besc to Congress for the|removal of politiody Witties,* The articie is written by one who “ac acts.theretorey er'ticisms by the “But in some resp lent Grant pre-|he p-|ju he Constitution to &vote,of the|results of the to the julgment.of the country,: snitef your ambition you are ungratetnl aud 7,the latest upon a proserip.|Your organ,the breath ridiculed the capacity of yourmaster, and dvells with emphasis upon your-peeuli- |arfitness for-his offiee, \gion of your depar J your ambitiongg of the President nid the country. while |sa "t ‘\Fudignation yor foaud it convenieut te vans:|Ly by Harriet then,that the Vir-|fer hii .o another sphe e of §aypdalows &e- \gin . .ya,(tomention anyouing se humble ppablican inthoroughte Abstractions in the way of your suce lat-|systematized plan a por!gets iu the next pP y hands”!§r,Boutwell will uot get,wud therefore :and finally by the fact that the Chairman of the |you dpuounced nixrepresent.—|Wr ioe Kxecutive Committee refused to recog-|jieangs who.are for Grant that you may ob- nize that the Republican party was divided,|tain the proeeriptive Republicans,whe are when addressed upon that subject,by the Chair fog Boutweil;and by some strange.dexter- its nsurpations,at the South die|i1).,aud has a two-fold object.t -bag State goverdinents,atlow o.,Qosiry the National Republicau party in the South.and then to reeoustruet from its |shattered fragments,a Bouqwell party,with |whe lone Richmeud ia the field to strike for yoor!of the freedwen. crown.Batif you cauuet sneered in this|While Brownlow,Greely and the North Car-| p>| ma See ARTA RAR Hite |path of anti-war Democracy is never departed |:where eelfis considered firet—||eradd te these reqitsef your unapproach Lets will follow. | “ta compromixe”with the Republicans in this|ho,while conteuting for the rights ofGenhix loldeets of Pe creation : tte denysdsand ¥ ot hold an-silt P Dy all.the rules of Hed to a defence’Again, ‘the lic,aud your ire.legitiinate .subjects of humblest citizen thereof.—- we are alike,For iu- phe equal protection fwd,of wiatet stanee.we are both a&picauts for place with |::ead igi einvetheAvi-, {previous condition candied to the of Mais ditherenees,You im to be-the next Prést-wee awe oe *vf SR aa vin *by..thei "Grreapsion contained pro-|dent.ei heresy me of sngcess,/'ex-:;a AEE ‘4 fhe}.Sond.pabecbagl ack ‘cept’?ib the ophulon Times are getting jw Buffalo.f the people, bile T seek an humbler place.with my | ypes in disasitoas eclipse,except’in the | d ment-of Mississippi.so in che Eocd futnre we both stand adverseTutiepar. hotons ax to the meats of shecess.—useruYe New York Sdn,ii the same \|| Your tool,Mr.Bal-| ss in the mayipula- yt iu the futerest © >defiant of the wishes|that to Mf from an explosion of popular rk,became soer ve )OLD PSeh tivity,where bis talents might he wxerted avith equal effec!and less «flrontery.Vir- ial Tenuessec,Mifsissippi aud ‘Texas,not as myself, ess |bagause throngh President Grant's interven- (ft \from their ‘ |brought into the Untou aud tirnily welded to }bis support. proseeiptive clauses Dates areiuexcludingthe organic law these Now.this is indirect conflict with your :for what General Graut resideutial election clearly the Conservative Repuab- ons Management and oecult political strate- you have se worked upon the confidence weause him to floarish p This party movement ine Virginia is a new)ular objections gcarcely any two make the same one,.The oeratic party with the Conservar |ae ‘the President as specification,Ong leamed exSudge,i |tives,who were for Seymour and Blair support:|©'b with whieh inteud to break his head»}toand ridiculedGneof the bestfeatares ”Wetod their candidates upon.a platform declaring me ee oe rapea in devuneiationCode,vid that requiring a notice for the ‘ap-|“the reconstruction acts(od)of Congress |by inducing i:eRe ty pointment of a guardianadtitem for aft infant |usurpations—unconstitational,lationary and |of the Couservatve Republienss—a party tobeserved cnhis poner yuardian—the expe-|void.”<Pheir candidate for Vige President de-|created by his maguautinity aod triuayhaut rienceof the war showing how reckless Of |daFingthat the President jo be elected should |throayh his encouragement.. |the interestsofwardsiragreat many inst NS |“declare these acta well and void,conipel the!put.sic,“your parpose is easity diseery- tise Naa 4vote o Be jveuty thousand.Your marvellous polities sagacity.now active in Mississippi and.Tex- as.will repeat your calamity aud again over- whelm you withedi-e ufiture and defcat.Su- able folly the jiophesftion on these States« ed arms of the Denoeracy. deevived stop here—Ohio and Penusylvanin aod wth-|offices Decide their political status | in October.and the North will echo br ek the evudemnatiog of the Suuth,and pen)in your ears thiefaet.thal There is still left ewough of the iveurruptibie virtue of tre revulsie f rebuke you for a wanton repression of Bot ste,this will aot deter you from your the freedmain is now a acttled |mad course;you will still persist antil every wiatter.The civil and politieal rightsare seetr-{prop that supperta oor party is etricken ed t6 him beyond a peradventure and era acrer jawayagd the whele grand superstrocture | *We are content toe,|tunbles about dur ears in hopeless rein. When you were appointed Srertary oftheTreasary.and ursnuiineously confirmed by the Senate of every shade of polities!opin ion.did you nat take ancith to administer your offer jurpartiaily and for the exelusive “Te collect the re venue and eoutrolthe finances of the «untry1”Ismet that office the property of the y the Constitutionof the United |vation,and yourself ouly clothed fora time|tcuees it may be considéred un-| »allucle to the fact,|how de pow explain this perversion of its)yow broken off. the iltimed and |legitimate uses and funeti men,too jatimate-|and instrument,of opprendtoothoroaghhy|«., with a little brief authority?)Then.sir. he inte a to foree us ineans avd mpel an eb lon of ohne rulers pou the peuple af th South ? .le such a course consistent with your oath i 13¥ofBee,or de yon call thie a great moral familie in that place. idea?Bat.Mr.Boutwell.the igh you hare j thas prostituted the power of yuar office for a4 |Purposes of oppression,“without the war the situation "—the Reconetructiin Acts inclys|ant of comscienee or law.”it may be that |ded-Jong ag0,indeed from the fi |far endored the Repnblicau pa Grant and Colfax.He freely forrivee ntl those duxy. and whipad}you can tell me by what autho itv son as rig!vote fod!tyne toBrenvance apen iy poliiesl arthe ho evnstitated you the infylliblewhowere#0 proseriptireasto abuseand peretente |hope of Republicanisi !|him for doing then,what they do now,and he is| utterly unable to see,why all these who endorse | |the course of the Republicans in Virginia and ||Tennessee should not assent to and asia the Re-|publieaus in North Carolina,not only in deed|but im name Let the wlira men,among the }democrats and conservatives learn to treat and speak of their political ppowents,with rexpect, and there may be,not only “compromise,”bat | |reconetfiation also,Judgjmg from the past,how- j ever,but little is to be expected from ench a co- jalition.If the proposition is made with the in- tention of dividing the Hepnblican porty,it isprematureandmustreacttotheprojucieeofit« |originators,The old aecrasion element ruins ercry |effort at combining the moderate y |by its attempts to rule ctery ; ncn of the country y with whacd it acis.era wil]hardly agree to give up $10}Ita connection with the Philadelphia Conserv:- ;shillings though part “of|tive Convention in 1868,is well known to have| driven off the niadcrate Republicans,with Ray-|I now come to the last,whieh,though a more |mond at their head,and to have strangled thelanghableobjectionhagmorepointinitthan|in‘ant party,at te first o spi i for life.any of the others tinguished ex~Jdndge,and larged views and synypat rallya maoof en- Its in- In conversation with a dis |fusion into the New Yorw (Convention,whi h|*|HOminated Seymour and Blair,poisoned the very Vhe gave you a tal anathemas « therity te hurl the polit f ‘the party?Agsin what right had rontoe mrmvitthe Ad istration ty yoos pel ey ?Have you to learn vet that roa are only a part of the Administration, and act the whole of it?theagh your triemds believe that a mouoneuia hae seized your wind on that ealject.nud chat yoo verily bes lieve yours:If “the “tate.’’ Very respectfully, Louis Dext. earn eee COMMENDABLE. f Tennessee have is- iiatory addr: Wiwuphof liberal views.[t shows a patriot je spirit.and becoming American christians. The address says: The Conservateves . sued a congrat ss ou the reeent *The issae in the late election was eufran- chisemeut—there was vo other.The resultis .I asked hier,if}life’s blood of the party,w the great dismay and |is our faver by an overwhelming maionty.—he liked the Code.Atter a moment's hesita i n/p row of the true Conservatives of the country,|And now,if we have been beretofore pros-he replied,No.its detects,Straigh: admit the objection but not its weight. |There are three featurés of the Code,which |ourselves alone,bat wo imagine the Repnbliean | the siate government reformed first,because it |ete objectionable:1.In requiring defendants to |party has some self respect,and will not coalesceeweartheiranswersbeforetheclerkwheresued|with those who —this has been corrected at the instance of the writer.2.Requiring suits to be bronght in the defendant’s county—tbis has also been corrected |it will not repel t ture therefrom,3,Requiringa different modeae;its principles is assurgd. |of publication for nut-residents in suita wherein |= warrants of attachment are or may be sued.— poreing th menced by attac |This discrepancy likewise does not appear in the |New York Code and wus evidently occasioned |teenbytheCommissionershavingfallenintothemis-|upon publie buildings and gronds are esatsuitsmightbecom- himent.This manifest blunder though we were certainly the first to suggest,in |yet remains to be corrected.=Having alluded to the objections eet npagainet1357,the line of policy which will lead to its| formation.It seems that by common consent it | bar Yen eb:1 ‘Tus Losreatr Party.” th e Code,I shall concinde this article,proposinginmynexttocommencemyreviewproper. at. ia not an entire change in the condact of the men who compose this élement,nocaalition withthemcanbelastingorbeneficial.Wespeak for } sist in their attemptstoinsultjandinjureit,ft is well awere that its princi- ples are pred { |The eapital at Washington ecst thir- millions.The total expenditures timated at forty-three millious The largest Sunday sehool in the |word is at Stockport,Kagland,and nam- |Bers about five thovaand scolara,There jare three hundred teachers. I requested him to point out!while it drove thousands of good men from the|cribed.lee as uot |plete in the sur |onited exertions of ali to -redeem ‘from the evils tha oppress her. ominating everywhere,and while |fully urge upen our friends everywhere the| he advancesof either men or|exercise of the great virtues of toleration |Maj.Gzorcg 3.Hovsroy,aged 73 yeara. |neither exists as against the New York Code}parties,it can well afford to await the future in |aud charity,and to forget,as early as possi-| |and were occasioned hy an unnecessary depar-|confidenee that the continued predominance of|ble P. proseribe again.If wects,sing himeelf,putting his |ranks of the party—insured its defeat,and min-(hate beea oppressed oonr revenge is eom-the Btate,whatever party they may have belong:|thumb iu his vest holes,ho replied afier consid-|ed its chances for national favor.And if thers ‘}ering @ moment,“Well,in -ome plaves it re-|quires a bend an:!jn others an an lertaking.”1 of our eause.Those who oppressed us are our fellow citizens ; "Rg a jlarge part of the popwation and wealth of the state.We aud they are still to dwell together,for weal or woe,aud it will take the We Tespect- ys all the quarrels aud feuds of the past. When we kill the fatted calf.bid them to the feast. opportanity to share in the adininistration of aleo to disprove the reneated charges of disloyalty to the National Government To preserve both ia all their purity aud glory|is the duty,aud ought to be the awbitionofall.”Let all politicall trinmphs be marked bystichaliberal#pirit,aud a happier and better}day will dawn on our whole people. ‘teat of the season € to Pytereba ‘ay .divor peaches.”"They sell at 40) being annexedUnitedStates. & nameby,te il buer of Carroll county,Ga,gav f holds high carnival,and individual ag-|Your iren-elad oath,and the alienation isiJgtandizementi+sought at the ofa wan-|‘ouplete.leading them all iu the outstreteh- We have been thus particula d explicit,|)Buuthe consequevee of your folly does not the State)— Aud while we bave before us the| ca Deer comer coffewha ad becedelopedundreamartied:«*5 hi “Baltimore siipplies Richmond with,tga peck. The-British American provinces arebyrapcmgeationtothe | water,injected Counecticat eoiifile yn They have over 8,000 babi etheageofsevenamonthsy 0 A boat race between &Miss Ward aud a Miss.Sumner,in)whieh the latter wou, sensation at Martha’sVine- :thereunder’ yard.‘= Farewell Hall,in Chicago,is vensila- ted by a gigantic fan.w two anda half tous,and making revo lutions ma minute,oe A panater eontends Atlantictribintion,eebeet bere by any y's)fingers,Beechers’s tow. The taxable property’of Boston haslastyear$55,936,000. he New Orleans Picayune estimates the cotton crop at an exeras Of a inillionbalesoverthatoflastyear. Mouthly’s cos was hot written |.\inéreased giuce It is estimated that there are elevenhiudredmvarderersatlargeinTennessce. |Renu in conseqaenee are lower. An important gaano bed,supposed to have Leen formed as long ago as the Deluge,has been found ia Rasecia. _Sr.Lonia was alarmed the other day by a drunken Indian,who ram through thesireotsbrandishingatoumabawk, _oteeenaneeheellen 4 Reed eeeee one ©100 ag a e s e 2 s as 2 %en e 3 3aedeteereeTobscco,Laat.per pound,.e.av-sees :“§moking.te mean ea >> aema “NER ADVERT Ss $9,TOWN OF WILMINGTON EIGHT R CENT BONDS—ifpossible eer conpons °d price paid.ply to et 5 tt ES &Wi,RES, “Auctioneers and Rea}Kxtate Brokers, ang 27—2t-Wilmington.N.C. CUSHINGS &BAILEY, »CHARLOLPR,03 wetakethisinethod.o the best advseagateeeePeAdvertisements |known, Ls id 4.iANDWEEXLY, og ae ih Weeterns DAILY,TREW wo ae <fe Solicited—'Terms Modérate. PREMIUMS P PRewress ! offer F Bvaluable Agricuiters! ne up * EMIt MSmikeWbkKLYUb-_ 1)Aes or pr Vic lations tutes, ts;owned§Of The othSoe 2 Bbls spirits,oThere’ é -+it .vybyWir“alse were sei fox.the GMOvANAE,Near Bc in Irede}l county.onthe 4th bi xpirits,ownud-os ten by &and en the 26h June,.two”write.iu the towp’or Seabaville,own msibly by Miles Hofho- ser,and on.tl day of Muy,186).in tho town of Salisbury,one Bb]spitits,wwoer Un- 8 1 the above sare hereby ve mand takegeuch days from efirs!Dal a: BILE . ¥Collector. Morth Carolina,)Supemor |ovr. Cahiwejl Couuty.§Spring Term.1869 tion of this notice. 33-3t BOOKSELLERS ayxp ~TATLIONERS, 262 Baltimore St.,Baltimore,Md. XHE LARGES?and best assorted stock in the city of School,Law Weital,Mediew,Classical,Religious and Mirectiane us Books. .Blank and Counting House stationery of all kinds.B.ank Books manufactured to order in any style of binding and ruling.aug ¥7-3m $< BOOKS ror MAGISTRATES ani TOWNSHIP CLERKS. the first soldiers™monament in that State has just been erected at Scranton, ‘Vermont.‘The seulpter is a sclf-taught stone cutter. A Chinese place of worship is shortly to be erected mi the city ot where there are said to be sume 10,000 |Chincee. Two hundred Catholic priests are coon to leave Rome for the Southern Btates,‘ e birth to {twins On the rome day and inthe same house t¥o of her daughters brought forth 1 twins—all bo ‘The way ame ishing, “Right mont new it has for ‘three dumber yare ap in Iowa ke pore Gazette. ulic Wagnot; three large hotels,’,@ bank;two printingyandadailypaper,” |A woman of rare presenee'of mind was evertiken by a trath ona bigh trestle wok orar Marietta,Ohio,recently,and [deo ped betweea the fies,holding nerse!tsuspeadedby.her arms until the train }ingtb wee the Raleixh Sytine!abandon the Sey-|that aneet asered right the elective franehise.pissed over,“when she climbed back again;all without «seream A man passed through Allentown,Pa, the other day pothiog a wheelbarrow,in which was seated hie wife,avable to walk from rheum and who was trand] all the wav B:Two littl evil dren of the ramped by the side of he father the entire "way. A young man ia 8.Joveph,Mo., commenced a suit against a ypung ladforobtainingnewgoodsantlerfaleepre-The orticles in question were jproseute made d@ring an eugagement The Harwick,Maas.,Press,which is eound ow the qaestion of women's rights, Anneantes that fifty ablebodied men are wanted to do washing aud irquing for J.ff Daisies and Charles Mackay,the jlatier of whom used to figure asa poet in the illustrated London News,are travel- ing tn Seetland. A shark over six feet long was gapturs cobra pond where small boys asually Lathe on Hamilton avenue,in Brooklyn, ou the P4ch.tt came into the poud from lw river throngh a drainage pipe. Judge Nathan Sargent,@owmissioner| of Cusiowms,wriies an apinion that Con- gives has no legal power to change tac it e mof the National Capitol,the Dis }tret of Coluinbia baving been ceded to the Uoited States “for the permanent seat of government,”and the land having j been sold to the government on condi- tion that should be the permanent seat of |government com MARHIED: In this city,on the 23d instant,by the Rev.J. ©.‘Lhomas,Mr.Horatio N.Woopsos to MisaMauarek.,daughier of Mr.G.E.and Elizabeh |Lqgpian. In this city,on the 12th instant,at the resi-dence of John A.Snider,Egq.,by the Rev.C.Piyier,Mr.J.H.Kniper,of this County,to Miss Latera WBANT,ofthis City. In Greensboro,on the 17th inst.,Mr.W.N, HaArrietoys,of Halifax,and Miss BLancus|COLLIER,daughter of I.J.Collier. In New Hanover co.,on the 16th inst.,Jconce Danret L.Russeti and Miss S.AManpa SANDERS,daughter of the late Col,LN.San- |ders,of Onsiow county. |nIED Near Davideon College.on the 16th inst., in Wilmington,of consumption,on the 17th jinst.,Mrs.JULIA Bet,wife of Dr.William E.|Carr,late of Charlotte,aged 23 years. In Guilford county,on the 19th ult,Mra,|Erzanor Owens,wife of Moses Owens,aged |the State Governmeut,we will have acauce|83 years. |In Wadesboro,dh the 15th inst.,Jndge ALEx.|Livre.% Near Wadesboro,recently,Mr.RB.A.Bu-|CHANAN,iti the 50th year o!his age. At her residence,near Charlotte,on the 12th,of July,1869,Mrs.Jawe MoRez,widow of}Wm.4 MeRee,deceased,anddaughter of Gen.|Geo,Graham, ice York, re they will undertake the education | ‘— Coss of Civil Procedure—which every Magistrate must have.Bent free of postage Magist.ates Docket Book--- |Price in Store,83 00—by Mail.....3 |Forms for Magistrates.as cou- tainedi act of Assembly to provide |fornsio eivil procedure before Mag- istrates.By mail Record Books for Township Clerks to record proceedings of all theetingsofTowushipTrustees.Price 10 Store,$250.By mail,....--- ORDER BI0KS— For orders of School Committees,on | oe JAS.H.ENNIS,Agent. No.Ca.Book Store,“alisbary, No.Ca.Book Store,Raleigh, 186 RIBBIAS,MILLINERY,& aug27—tf eoArmstrong,Cator Heo., 237 &232 Galiimere Street BALTIMORE.Bd., IMPORTERS AND s00NNRS OF BOVVEL AVD TRIMMING RIBSONS, |VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, GONNET SILKS.SATINS AND VE VETS, J!lusions,Blonds,Lrwes,Ruches,Netts.Crapes, PREVCA PLOWZRS AND PSATORRS Straw Bounets &Ladies’Hats, TRIMMED AND CxTEIMMED Sith,Veledtani Fe't Bonnets and Hate,. ({SUNDOWNS AND SHAK ER HOODS. ;The largest Stock of Millinery Goods im thieCoustry.anf aneqiziied in choive variety,which offer at prices that wil!defy competition. ORDERS SOLICITED. 4-—9a *WAMIED.—A Sitnation as Hoase- by a Widow Lady,who can give good refApplytotheeditorofthspaper. HZEROSEND OIL. OF aneurpassed excélience,in erery particnlertogether«ithGlassKerosene Lamps,Lamp Giasses | Wicks,&c., of various styles.Afurthersupply jort to hand at EB.SILLS Z Sore,Aug.@-It Salisbury.N © |SMALL FRUIT INSTRUCTOR. “WHAT MAKES 1P VALUABLE is because it coutsing so mach practical,original |matter in sach a snta.l apace.”John J.Thomes.“Ihe d rect.one for growing Strawterries andRaspherresarethebeat1haveeversen.”HearyWardheecher.We cotiid give hundredsof jnst ench testimonials, showing the vaiue of this littie work.It shou d be in the batds of eve y person.whether the owner of a rod square of ground or a hafidred acres.Tree agents shoqid have a copy.In contains 4peger, |Pr ce 10 cents.Fall price litt,wholesale andretail and also terms to agents aad thove desiring to get up a clab for plants sent Fark to all applicante.Parties at the Nonth or on Pacifie Coast should er- Address PURIVY &JOHIN- ang2?7—Silam3m State of Morth C }DaVipson UouxTY. Superior Court,Spring Term,10609. W,M.WitheIm and wife Arabella,J.E.New- son and wife Margaret,Angusiuos Gray and wife Mary,and &Ro Harrisoo—Plain’iffa.» AGAINST W.D.Lindsay,Trustee of Caroline Hampton, | ||der plants in the fall. |STON.Palmyra,N.Y. |j Wilkon,Margaret Pansy his wife,and Chas. A.Wethero,—Defendants. Petition for Sale and Partition of the Lands of the late Margaret Wilson. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that W.D.Lindsay.James Tansy,and C.A Wethero,Defendants in this proceeding,are non-residents of this State,it is Ordered,That publication be made weekly.for six saccessiveweeksinthe“Old North State,”a newspaper pablisbed in Sahsbary,N.C,sammoning cachofsaiddefendantstobeat]appear at the nex: term of our said court to be held at the ConrtHouseinLexingtononthe5thMondayafter the Ist Mouday im September next,then and there to answer or devnur to said petition,orthesamewillbetakenproconfessoandheard ez parte as to them. Witness,L.E.Juhnson,Clerk of onr aaid Courtat office in Lexmyton,the fifth Monday alte?the first Monday in April,1849. L.BE.JOHNSON,©.8.©.Order made and ‘ssued Aug 24,1800 BH-Bwyp feck 10.:‘ . ‘ 00 |jourt at offier the 8th 50 |Monday iv Mareh wex'. dee'd.,James Tansy,Trustee of Simpson 4 rerug Webb,de. against Attachment, Jemes H,Collett,‘ To this case it is made to appearsto te sal- ivfaction of the Gonrt that tie cabeve came | defewdarit James H.Colle ¢régifiles beyen ° the Innits ofthe State:It ist Bre ordered by the court that publications bade in Ge Old North State,a wewspopwr publ shied in Salisbury,N.©,for six weeks 3¢cooseifely , j notifying the defendant th t be be aiid appear lat the next term of Superior ¢tae be held for the county of Caldwell atthe ¢art |honse in Lenoir,on the 8th Morutay after the 13)Monebay in Asgust nem,+t enn d ‘there to 1 to plead answer or denon or judgmeut pro confesso will be taken avarist finn |Wiineas RoR.Waketeld,clerk of oor s i Moudlay alter the 3d |{|| ved, KR.WAKEFIELD,C8 C., 31 Gw-(pri $8) Worth Carolina.WILK COUNTY. .Mary Jane Brown, against Daniel G.Brown, It appearing tu the eatialactiomaf the c at Daniell @.Brown,tle ‘b f cvdont ist 4 se te Hot a resibe nt ¢ih A wh vig itae, bext teh of the Sn.erme Const ty Cm»Hone Vn Superior Cocat Spring Ter,+09 fection for Divorce the countyof Wilkes ai 4, Wiikestord’;ob thededh Moiday wie the 7Mondayi>Alpgaet 1869,ad auww->tine a = petition,er the Seine wil OL fear.d sa ed.This 3dday of August,1509 ee .ty.Al,BROW &Clerk Superia:Conrt tor =a 31—6w—(prlew 7)é BSTATHofwoN Z MONTO.\x : Ta De f William Laster .met «idisttators om Harrison Johnson Cela Jobuson,Wasi.‘Ma ret,Benjam nk Jute %Join Refine,D.ze |.Luka Rerens, Gnardian of [1 kK ‘ PETITIon FoR AacoorsT AND SETTLEMENT. Thappearins |“>chou of the Comet that Ruse,e deteettiguts ated heirat-law of Ja I reewd,is pat a oe J woeretl that ser Viveef sagmaens oy *wleteiantsbe mate by Pabhattion in id North State,”ance a eer sively,vaotilyiog said delenda ext tem cf thie Guert,tbe |i »Coart Loa ia Troy on the 4:Men lay after the 2.4 Monday m August nox euswer the pettian of said admit the same will be beard @xyparte as | Oven unde ry hand and the seal of said |Cuort at Troy,this 24h day of Joly 1869.C.0.KVADB, |Clerig Superior Coart Mon'gemery.Came,N 1-Cc 30—Gw (ye be £10) |STATS of NORTH CAROLINA, |MUNIGOWERY COUNTY dn the Siperior Contt. |Heary W.Lerbetrer,Plaiotf arainat Da s Metae,Defendant. Whereae the above naun stituted Ins acti O20 above named dtentaut mm th of paid Gomity to th ' property lela by the stud determiant And whiereasthe@ard emdanut be idert of tit State,haa departes fo avoid the service of eaters « selt therein with a Whe int |that service of simmers be }tion mo theeOld North State”« at least six weeke enercesitely sand defendant! rive Coort at the eourt he 4th Monday after the 2) |Next,then and there eomp of the PT intiffin the above ent:thal enns j.tbe plaintiff will take j a for the relict demanded in the complam Given onder my hand sealofgaid Court,(bis 24th dy ot July 1869.C.c.WADK, Clerk Superior Court for Moutgomery,Connty,N.C 3!=3w (pr fee $10) Worth Carolina,¢Svrewon Cor Rowan County.4 ! ini fi D.M remve ”" nN:Ui te me ' pent : Frey,« Any \iuowlay in st to anewer tie arnt ‘ Josbia Miller,J.F Carnigan,WB.Wateon, and W.OL.Stine],Deacon®of Togatira Charch,Platutiffs. AGAINSTGeorceT.Barnes and wile,Kate C.Barnes,— Defendants Summons for Defendants. ponearnog by sfiiavitthat the Defendants Hriol Ounbwebin tl resi Ita after « State,t State,a: aitnate 1i Hlizence ¢ that thev are }that the this State and thats risa)o ties joe It i¢therefore loves for said tendants,for six wecks 4 North Strte”nx per ants to appear b fore t to be Ii ‘! Honse in 8 tember nett comp aint offlve of the WwW:A riot Court o! le “ a nay nta oof the efend 7 prope Ws}tet . oft J : ls 34,A JUUSYN Maron, Clerk Sanerior Gonrt for Rowan Goanty £8 Bee Por ein) iyhowawUnt d ~&~~” e ail :.Seat could gi thave fonnd more.ebee we exert on the aniuds’the young.”na hers.”“My diseadeik}-i y _Expee Tales Angedotes,ete.on oreare i ane inthe world |eamsitnt tas h ee waite prostration of "erree aa é Sarid:pe BOR tartthe LyAddress,Turnbull &Murdoch,éaltivaore,|1°WO UCN aSsit Rew ig Ub |Soe eee de ee nei eee ed thew 1ntemonGi-|ently paluieil upon thesamneie spit Gon ee ee.Th e aa ee eee aN y family:andfindth veetiins’cat ad ' S .Enclosing$4.00,the price of anutal sub-Seth ae IE a riginand Ore ke tug|me licing for nearly atf,Na Cm Seti ie po os te 5 mem FO ‘Paris ‘perio.te"‘inal Pz ee -Zhe Cure SThorough.evs...te hee aia;piemperahneedrives wit out of the head oe ;:g Morphineanouter?(a Tia die Side:«4eee~>-___—_:7 .Ki a é »i Cat y .me LER +6 r :* :fyand Weekly..=Posrronep.—The Grand drawing of the N.]money vut of the ‘pocket.elbows out of the eons areT oon a inno Coens ie eae with Ye hice 1ffenvess “Matly.a vylaw :c See ees by a|C.Real and Persenal Estate Agency which was meet ane ett sehwdag is a 1S oe abededeones mig weenie!hee nae a"wis 1 eee er..‘s tee y You,OBE »while b i e m a vo a 7 nw iv 8 advertisedto take place Saturday the 28th inst.,eud :"r -7 ”R eee :ope-and vould become so pag lh sat t =bes et y =ant teal th ¥Cs kat uP geutiary,Ye re a i ait me wneud ;bat words vuce spoken cau neyer be-|iy vet ‘x suinpe led ‘a to cheek yexcessive eX}wrtol Horr county .my,Pa This is done for the pitr-recalled.~S eu |eke ae on i MOTHERS Whichof Hct is exeCedingly,exlauxtive,.oudy A ’*pose of p theScheme,by substitutin Young fitks tell What ‘they ao.old ova |HEP s TICEILLS,and theteat dese)Cee DERN Loy its grderatand peeitie action,to:baal abt peePurdy&Joh 7.ep ::6 )lirst dose |took gaye me 4baneesN,.Y¥—Small|RealEstatePrizesfar thgse of'a persorial char-|Whatabey lave done,aud fouls what they |s8Uehel,“Leyutinged to.use the Piie for twa)“OMbethe Weak,udlened and Writatedgraat 5)gaaaeFruitInstructor.*acter,and alsotoallow agents who have not yet will do.:‘were _have:Hot sulerad from liver disease)—Uf tle several jrigeodients whieh”éoyupios«. Kerosene Oil—Dr,disposedofall their tickets to doso at once.|‘Prac friendship is like sound health,the aeearal share iNevmmendattipm scourdengly,and|thie valoable Bata.here ismocone,wll is a a.Tee It seemsto us th :value of i mr kuosrn anti)itis Jost.)Ail diseuseisan enemy to tie hacdan aystom,ung |VOt GOUsMA LY cel,Lycthe best Dhyoigmns,CHaruoreE Mankersesfhe Se ‘»usthat the schem®should not have Wher was cuformed.that.thé|'§4t war with t and er it,SR ake the dittag’s above etounenated;ial “ol guansquotesCag10:to:$1.1 pee eo n ch who have ‘paréhased|Judges ed himesto death re Hed.|Ya!the assistane ive trom strengs |VN OeE echedt gentlemen,towhon its:coin:eKWheatatharn*i =di :2ara prizes “ante A ture passed the same sey-canaoctiheheaae Pee nents petttou ae weg dene,there bane svat <<pe:st Nosrouabse.cae Dulane cujated the chances|tence on t roe medicine belun’yon ’Vent uae &pone,who has net highly approved it;ang *Y a .Ce ee a agcordin gly,>.-—.us even in our pleasures,but |?a sch ~~prises getaiak rogt ee e wr pharma not “oes i“Haines’eit oe *(oT Eubecrber haxing i,?.L otek ,:virtue consoles useven in our pains.ees Fats »tie wise is evongh.t ier patents,bul lave amed it int sel OWL i a "aoe r os mn ‘=:dente =:ished Bacon,ee 24;Corn »Anexchange says:A good cow well fed ‘k rer lac engahetd is the most illicnlt of all |¢meg w Sere alee ts wae ie eee in rm 88 |:ing ay &a j =bw."SINGER'S D v rags,lOs Dried db t—Peele 2,c i r ben self-.:Fe :_:wpare 4 oh at.+fi *i ** ee he ‘sites pees —as dezen half starved.The aah is Sraa gel guise tana the most dif Tho Southern Hepatic.Pills,!gud sold.z were Drkmineta ORs aed A nein ye,Fal,al New Family sen ;& als,Ji pega ».,Loalo;Apples,prim ma’sai:”p'p Y o .sn :.++3!:e,a a ¢yo ,>.Taine,wr 7):Pedew,10a ll;Wheat,whi 31 30 xt56 4 ee Nothing sets so)wide amar between a me jo wee 5 oh spied ea .oe ape erated.eens y et:40 iikeueteionite sareetation Hed,dom Stt0 uS8150.7 a ,IyrorMation Waxtep.—Joseph White,vulgar aud uoble-soul,as the respectful cd gen Teese an oveenne 3X .Sia”oa ——Sales r—44 Cort }FN Kine bhatlen it riton with &ee won of Thos 8 Waker at Calgran,Mris|revoutial love of wovamakiod,-f wan wh DISEASED LIVER.in Hn”ES iyi rtrs,New York uy WO.08 det haces else ine ent Piravks.--We are under many oblications to ae ee missing for five days past.He|3 #lwaye steering at women.is generally al TO \LL EMIGRANTS,—Youare about ki WtLD CHERRY»26 Luke Servet.Chitagy,Uk kinds the abr)plain.scam to tbe > Tin OsLh Dnckervtorthe Cocuseead °nae FOS hawttlorid complexion,and about five|Cvatse p otligaty,or a coarse bigut..a homme for you sel/and tamdy na elimite eit TONIC AND ALTERANT Alexandria,Vu.3 Be Pa ‘dety—than anyother Machine 2 Her On ai ae ~orth vngresianalGlobe,wil -or Any information of him reeoe EUG)oF Uap Bave wet Ue 1s vcustomed th:5 ti lor Indi ;4 :een j “i a.1 Aooondix,for 1357-63,handsomely ¢thankfully ai :.“7 @ Ok tp elesren of erure bee posed to all tue dise weaiar ty |r Lndigeshiin-dA ‘Lae 9's 77 Upper T' \V :al i lebted 1 .ae ly bound.cord PostClonneGaeeion oe ae EBIOLUTONS Oi RESPECT Chat climate tis ata caighl ta ue ge Med il ”:i “on i os -=eRe Phe doa La :hiceareth@®ind:rte to Hon.C.L.Cobb for .at.To the Memoryof Mr.Taomas Todd,R ding Ele |tines ax are aQapted to the diseases of that Ssanie Pp awels,—Nervous Debility,:Serer .:k ac ines are warranted to veral vald@ble pobtie documenta Brake Bit.—John Smith owned a dog and Weepes bent by the Sanjay..pas a vine Oe nie ne Th oo v rie aoe Legh one Sor Faw Dysgreptive Circulgy,aide hago epticiaction.Ifthey ta| _———_-bo—calf.-i >a pVEEMS >So e imPari [nas.6 ”<»,.‘*.J.>oan SO.3s 5 <a‘ Revivan.—We reoce to learn that there is Thefon esweek ge corr by snake.move by death,on the sheer,a :They can be sent ty any pointin the United States|Jrom iéha weer cause.Mi and Price List.=—sativfac tion they may -be re- Soe eee eh ot eee ace oer the calfdied and the dog ast ouie he ee oe *te Sidership o a one ox,23 ce.te—Dig FP BOIaOr «|TINS elegant and trily value Magicine want To oe vei od ancaster eagle aPrescon-imucd for cight or nine days and ohn swears this is no lie,bot the naked truth,‘Real $.{oa9-cee S rset,S18 Thire Gro-n,$50—Five Grogs,$75.has drome thine to tite &ven in extensive use,}73 sited Ys O tie New Lork |,’S !ive}3 were addcd to the eure Westera Vindicator,our ae Yeot while we cannot bnt lament eu it SitbcGaee Dee re ee re eo for the Tast-4 @tenry-@te Vedra..dt has Been centre te -whore,Machines man ‘ured sly Jor1iddcdtotheeyurch4peerieessevereandmelancholybereavement,we |-d io Or DanOeadetes |id ned known it ;RELIABLE.AGENTS WANTE oe wiilst-others are still deeply conecrned,The ee Srorm.—By a private letter re wiles unfeigned submistion to the No.28,Sov &GaLaoes =reer,Ce nek ne oie ae eee marke :4!c m SHOE-MAKERS,HARNESS MA . -and fricnds of relivion are greatly encour-|¥¢/earmamost d ive’hail-;as acquicsee in that All-wise c :;Baura sat ee 1,WS Sere ott,an :viucements Offered ‘ i 1 val ics mare greauy a portion ofRandolph fas ged —ieee,witieh oruves every event for Nin pa |vee eynb ee ae ettiaided toe aanyet ae At nay ty,hae.MeCublons,Sullivan 4 @o,are Agents for KERS,TATLors,‘co, aged.:¥,0 urs age .;;7:th se Médicines cal)va all respcetable Bruggists &..anu ix fi '*:i ' —+e toe rages Franklinsviile and aoe.Umalnorer cherie me i |Machdh asta ection G.B.-_POULS(on yet aftr bu ¥Sat oP any pittsfake ~Deerae parte a va eect _—————* THE STANDARD has moved inio Its new offer.|ever ae od hs the shia ok erm |tare and Confession of Fyith,Jadtclyce:coumects |July 2-26 ‘'y a tet =IN,=j reel “surround ehauery bitte eh jayed it Shee Renee Partiesdesiring inf m will please eend for Mr.M.S.Littlefictd is annonneed as publisher,|ing houses,anata trees at aaa a ailivoms and useful isbors a«'a teacher and ofi-|—eee Uetefi’s,and Wil homdoabe,well renjieaiter it.=E A GTON MUTUAL we 5 ee eewattLotikcatime,(hci cee Gens)ee Ds eee @ teeeected ecae a .nag cer of the Church,his holy exinrpleandearnest |SPA Ki ING CATAWBA yeae A gern tOunghetiet the strvucest,agd tot an John A,Ranitay,ae hawk whee eel eared e Times.pam |prayersandwhilst cudcavoring.lo linbile his|ub SP itiG€S |giiatite’cortibontes.of fig valve,late been I }:‘dees.ing .oe _sa =Re %,we ae pagal |,,Catawba Co.,N.Cc.j ene tefdered the proprietor,wany of ;'Jane 18,1869.21—«ma RR}D.ishte SAPAG DATs catilicatea ital ec says a man in Ch tte pr A y ween general“asembly -af||a A —|tlie from personae Inghest “ability ;: 5 oa a ...peeiai aE 2 mer a pants with a large sum a oe Mie an eo te Around the throge..His CEI EBRATED WATERING.Place,|jute higenng ple ayia P.|4 'THEEQUITABLE Ltaoesumurdershavebecnarrcated\fow and in the morning had eae a bag i sae hat we do hereby tender to the f orvterly cabed the North Carolina White Sal The Medticine is pleasant to.tak,and per-;,pay !curried to Newbern.Lit is hoped that if|the pants were found after the police had feadalenes erpas asetros |deceased our sincere |"By ines,will be open for visitors on Tues.|feetly tree tron:the possitulity.ol m,Ginder COMPANY “ae A 8SSurance Ss(cy are the guilty-parties theevidence will be |made an arrest.ce and sympathy in their:deep atilic-|tv.the first day ot Sune next Jaty const anees Or -euud uions if walth,—in-WV '°OCICT ample for their conviedwen.It is stated that|nae ee ee —~dvcsalweed brarohss avebuaps.destin th ks me %Uapted in the NG@rth weatere part of jibes Tits pertectly male,eweu for an indant.Lt jOF ITKGIN cS OFTHE several of thy 1 Ld kabnenenba aa eS ry short,still we shall not despair if we are y .Are C.PUARR.'SNE TEES UNE EBT eae dae WANSUHPTETy ;;7 —a eer ——- le ae &by Col.Stephen 24.4 008.|:es a Ns a hos ieee)*”atom Dew poosseoe all the thet«at >.SIT.LS.Prue Store iB '. sad at Wortulk bY -°.:favored with raisin a few days.—Ashecille Fewe,t 1 ;he ©:has copital aud asrets.jte |Cagh Amteta,....cns-cccomeccccessvccess26,000.00 ae ROME Ww cll printed slicet of large size|“*V<om ———-—Valuable Lands for Bale.Jet the Watters,and are soberensu te es!apr Vas Salisbury.Not.sbi eeabt Sameer werhipushnagLael Annyal Premiam tncome,,vag 0 lited with Col.Pool’s knowa ability.Terms SALE or Layp.—Mr,Thos,Grier,the Ad-|RYALL SELL at pultié -ale,on the premi-|oll di-eases of Coe iver,bowels.Bor.aat am —_asurabee Company ov the continent,which ia the lngrense OVO ICT...604se nesen nen ares 8 ” tion $6 per annum in advance.ministrator .of the late Maj.Z.A.Grier,re-}sea,un Tharsday,With September next,a)keloeys erations of the skin.«tle,we 5 }4 true Wet of responsi:ity..Thewadgreignes ls agpatfp sipabows Compan)« Moth asses —_cently sold at auction the lands of the deceased,|partofthat VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND,|cess deb lity,dyspepeia,rhenune tenn,de &(({obnasiplpes Sere.i cade |-Arent ‘>m_‘>in §rere i .el ow .--ide Ge,coupnsing tise ri is 'rating shegt ob 2 th }Uirectosa.ef responsibility gad bupmerr Pe s ,: The Gee os a ;“eh ":Tomes |wonge -ce Cain te cara earl |ae pga ae land.i haan :litiensal b .cand e ends oa ma %}r It heseste Liisied st»claim to Soutbern Patronage _Mockerit e,March 19,1859.li—ly charged the Grand Jury i rl eenn v4 at bet A :polar”.yr gebegs o state |ora aeteiiiant OBA ea fale Lei ae i meal "bees cor aires _saatrs ::: Bh eer comers sm hin Nis are rth i jon uh Shocks nin the tude|cet Gok le aan te em ae OPPICERS:-NEW YORK and North Carolina guar oh wh vs --oe -of N.F.ark J oe)onsaiiieg trom LWo lo Pi Poms each,4 te thi:ea teats ifhy influential Pain PRESIDENT,aM ’ dicted.-_oe in ee,showed |ore pres 2 Pant W _|ae f foot miles large or sinall fanihies,Doatrye a wener:rer auch pauufal wial-iOHN ¥EDWABDF STE Omir LINE ,~_-ts a ©cireular which was rent l.imby a par|Sorts Care seer :TEN PIN ALLEYS ailiexax Tecummended to exert cannot ‘3 .De,Bg ter Ar between|ty in New York,promixingtorell him imkation @eredit_of teelve me purchaser paving GOOD TE N ALLEYS,be 7 ctype]onty by those whe have not tried ilmingto “‘:od Major note ALB.Convency.Thewriseysates that oe St event?eek RIDER,Adi’Billiard Tables,and other Atausements,s.Cher dipiwed forita répa ation ever all |VICE PRESTLENT,SORETARY,New York to W n, 1 without|2¢ba 60 of the counterfele ep,hand|1:SR Ae |FINE BATH HOUSES,other preparations recdmwaded for similar)We.B.Isaacs,D.J.Uanrsoox fg +:<:eee vile lade ae whichhewill dispose of in packages of $200 j 3A #UPYF Sale of Land.=!WILL)For Pool,Plunge or Shower Bath,Sul-pacpuice—wlien tpr bad *toiled.SE are This Line will cusp steam- ow moesalleeto ——=ea to _—_-=.Porter oaee.phus Bath,Hol or Cold.echo a ee ae ee 7 D ers:ft ions.people e guard.>give near Kewan ill«;on trday the goth da "'’eo dé Pitgtaee *..UES Z z Fs >iKs (-Lbott has im }name and address of the New York rascal for,|gngust next,the VALU AULE LANDS belong A Good Band of Music ache,Barache Cramp Chiic,Cholera sorbu CRASS aan.neces eae se ...Cpt?a \me..fearsome fool might,betempted to try the ex-|ing to «ald Gratiam Will be at the Sprtuys the culire season,anel «Diarrhoea,Logsenter yor Li nes oF tae,Dyspep-|va ke c J H.(:VM.P.CLYI EF,Dp.,Morin, «|difficulty without perimem)of using countericit money—Char.|‘The land fas been divided jfto emall tracts|ont Puysicin perumuently located for tie (OG:Sore Taroat Kheame te fetes,Fever =<i UO.Capent,NO,M.CLAIBORNE |pe pECOA CLY DE,0.Chichester. :a ———ar.penwill |Lenehan chuethe tana ore Te kmCe Se ek Sete weary atten eS sccom Soke aon pass Ordos DIRECTORS:MARY SANFORD,Jolin Aloore. a —r.Urabamwill be pleased to show U>ipa |megs,Nereos Lrcbilety,Cole,’.:: rc indebted to E.Je]Johm Mitehel.,the “Itish patriot."has |to any one wishing ty yu rehase cing wwmreal eteee tat fog [ob am oharmeter John Bader.HeoryK.Ellyson,With such additional Steamers as may be i i N:rest,New York for a|sued General Dix.io New York,fur $95 =|‘Torus cash —Sale pr itine.|MOXTON on vee ee To exp Prepared aud for ee.i POCLEON,Leet 5.cones Bras Cogels evita ag eo pvesDa Y Se it will be noticed more at |Q00for confiding him fn Fortress Munroe|dedenreof OP Grabam |rtenes amistands high as a Motel keeper,vi Prnggi«t and .¥pothecary,Salisbury,N C |John Dooley,fomuel ©.Tardy,ween Dee yp,4 “p..ina bi py Se T.Wortham,lore Incele aud SATURDAY m 4 P.M,frou Pier 15EB. leagh when we have had an oppertanity of}and subjecting him to setere course of band |:tora nay restassured that my table wri ||Jitu 30,10)aeeea Lal oe Wiiie,dF,d.w.ANisen,R.foot of Wall street ';it.Merwund W.Glon,Ea.af Char-|fod and fixed bayonets :The *Sager ae An Anvaluabie 4 ssiltvu bar applied with the best the market can sr |~~“wor Saiec.Si A “saith,=George 5.Palmer,;, toile the anther of it.ee cea House ks s,ee eens ee that will add to the \oa :ee ;2 e —or ae [ar The attension of Ship ja balled mae o Tz artery foe vlewsure ate!Crmebert,i tor New “crcy prety to ‘-&le hon ppers ea Tho eae aoe toy cea ches hk if there is any color af law for assersivg the Atasteless and Inodorous °F).care un the Western Sorih Corcdion Rat}WILLIAM H BAL Piss tegress.to the LOWRATESand FACILITIES peas at Charlane en loll chs -s eek Geveral.he will cause it tobedisplayed.Preserving Powder.ERevwad will le =Sali«bury for tickory Ata Jniv Lief Rahebery.Wilflam G.Taylor,pret by t whiel are superior to arcu i ——.os Sprays depot,every morning,(Saniay=|wVrawrT.1wse |A.P.Abell.any hereto’‘ the purpose of recreatingat the Springs JONES COUNTY TRAGEDY iT id att Lexeepteal.)in euntiecton with the Werth (ao-|N@W BROBNLI Uls Store Win.B.Tarun.THROUGH:BILLS OF LADIXG .3 a 2 -.ORprefereing Frat o omator®&a 2 ::4}.}of .Rid J J sé . £wk while there ears fe atom Fite,withent bereg err mgh:a Rol B acl avording oppace of delat a fn Salisb ee eee a Ga given to all inte 6n the Noth Carolina The Denscrat and Titanof Charlot ic |tack hice teueear seamen ="Rea z [and enth whalever gq anfity suger desired:|~alirlary,and arrive at Eheeckery Bist “yy ace .Railroad ond es Connections vim Gol |rai an nea,of Charlotte,contain|last Jones county agedy.o i te equals,ttle:oF ene atal five in ne for brenktast,where good Lacks wi w |>.iRe R-LEWIS C.HANES.Aa’r.bore.J.A SADLER, turty cards of business houses in Charleston,|Governor Holden's militia has met thepoaee |}:to any other prparmton edness to tak)passengers over a beasts HE sUBA:::-A.SA “ Rcuth Carolinas |fate that befell the late Sherifl Colgpere,heaieg |oe oe oo a os u th ncertainty |well shaded road to the Sprngs—e dita:a~Othe F.auts Teb.12-ly Lexixetox,N.C .a Fak Pray ya |Agent. beenshot by parties as naknownto the pub-oo Soe sail rehies :1&UChudtelter wah ¢on an!wo TH ANIEL Agents .ae a ‘,i |©ane nerdbave the shptitest deult,hee |)sac :...£vs a ’Wittin T.Scrmzatts,Fey,of Danville,|Hie.Obedienceto the &pl funy of re ea do nee ie ed arene ia Avan inlacesent (iw laruljes ord pert the reace|—a NITURE |Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies,:Wilmington,N.0. ¢of the most intelligent and «ucccsefal farm.Fessvend the welfare of the community ce |:jdt to ter'quartso dress F rane wert two month<or n ov.Charte eanl kem constactly On pal such as |Distilled ia the OldStyle,Pureand Un-|JAMES HAND,Agevt,. a,e~in Virvinia,gives it as his opinioa that mot |qairethat resort sbould be had t the proper}An)kmd ft Cane or fire a we D yrut low am ing low rates?}GEORETARIES,BUREAUS,|‘atulterated.at the ‘a 119 Wall Street,N.Y. tan a tl ofac of eo |teiby for redressofinjuries.The danger of)hey det be aie tight ands leon BOALD.|7 ae :}*ge pases oe '.iinathird of a crop f eora and a Rott |chosing Oe right to ceaane wrong in too gems |tarot,a phaeme.bu Ft i rye one eingle month,.......-..£50.00 Bras LADS,Old North State Distillery,|D T ARRAWAY E ah voit vo can be made in that State the to makeitexpedientfor the State to al ow pri-yom can save dial the Sugar Bali direcnions ee |tye pwe or ees iments,$40.00.per Cent e-lab'e ~s fas,Wardrobes,GROOT KUCK,&co Prop’s.|a .Cc '’* ,——<a 2 beg em ae Leraniaa ate howe [omnl ae eens :@ month,or at that rate,inn fact all Artictes Lreenlly Tound th—:te ¢‘io rcha . Fir tiox.—His Excellency,Gov.Holden bas crs ash cxtnetol poocsedingn If Colo-|_Lilet iI cea,i:Fae re eens FIRST CLASS Furniture Store,|CHARLOTTE,N.C.ommmssion Me a (lis proclamation for an election,in Meck-|nel Shepard had committed a crime worthy of|——————$—$—$——$$$——_———Mate ooh teeters eee aT cn .aes ™*}“ALSO,Want to purchase 500 or 1000 bead abBOe! S,|r ,Indze Or!lesen the |death the fact oughtto have been jodicially a»TIMF T B --4.C RAILKG:D Cialdren ander ten veareofave and —He alo keeps consteotig Wehr od—|Cattle,aud pay the highest Cash Prices for .= 4 r a successor to Jndze Orborne in the =«Ve $Ve ;.;;;:‘7 cortainedandthesentence pro:onncedand exe-|;«halt pnee.No eharge tor ilantsor)Pask%s Se atlic Burial Cases,|orn an!Kye,joly 2—26:6m Dealer Wi @rocerics “Ss TRAITS NORTH I -cuted the duly :ppoi.t -d cflicers of the law,|hee cenma ees Liter ander two veare (are andl as -ctacneeesinsenttihltt ctectedi EB l cis «ear aes <—_-a Ash and i manner asd at the t.me and place di-oe matte Fa sant .J Gul DLN WYATI To Farmers and Plante:“|PROVISIONS iI {RDWARE v \V.Srres retires from the Ashe ndividnale e nm ore 2 arnire Leave ARRIVE ‘..7 >-'h .rectedby the law.Individua lave no me Spankirsa €vr Sremvee )Pro ;‘PY é a” z v ul leives that paper ander the cole |right to infle the death penaltythanthevhave|=.)=ew a Rivow Sina —Ali 16.1869 45 aes Bh d ’‘b M {;F ;" ;(RM.Stokes.levide @hat crimes ars worthy of death.(Ly nwry.GEe s.16-2 pee OM ee ee odes ODaACCO Manure,|Glass and Crockery Ware,Wall R.pce.We --0-o Zs ‘he duty of —citizen thus to agk yecterth M|re»-me Sha a 1 Gos pare Tee an |axDd i dow Shades,&e.,&e. I Gc».T.Winsweg,of Azheville,BN.C,|from the law is,however,of no greater obliga-nt ®ri.5 ene ..Ri tee eae :|fs | d Professor of Bel es Letters and |on than isthe duty of the law and iv aficere tide Sica ee *bey f \et =Seernbipts a oo Coline Rhodes Super-Phosphates 3 |Pas T attention given to orders,and te Moral cs in William and Mary College,oo.oe oe tr coriceaes a,TRAINS sOLTU e ae :.‘a be Meee ee ‘|the Cotton,Grain,Naval Steres,Tébae moral S .clicts IN Wills and sar)i i mr fo of government,i —:-ro in thes parks |a ‘aeaatass seater: Vircimia.au oe principleis fully reenaniz,stories =renee.e ,Call atthe old stand of Moore &Clocfelter|{HE STANDARD MANURES for Cotton,|©oe GOURT HOUSE BUILDINGaeeareereitktterforveryrerionacon-id-aniive ameive.Lave ea Tina -:.+)*Tubaceo,Wheat and Corn.ted :ad The editor of the Wilson Plaindeculer called on ae ae the law how far by 'TOam ae coe (d)s VO On Main Str ¢opportte the Store Of|pnese long established,manures used and ap |april o—leby SEWBERX,¥.O. “Big Bad”and “Little Bad,”of the Greensboro{neglect of their daty they afford justification or Se ow tase sbSidiar ey aee BS ceesh Sf Muek &Brown.{proved by ‘he most gate Fr e |, Prot a few cays since,He found them with |orem 0 it en whether to.personoF eee ee ee te THE GOLG MRDAL)CR Ors Yass seem Lowers te 2 bath St,Balimvre Map|JOR PRINTING,BLANKS, their coats ou and bard at work,property.Of course the jrstitication becomes Charity &45 ©m9 °{Has just been awarded to ken in exchange tor Pucnttare For sale br dealers fue 562 sin | ©eaLiel Genera)\gentsdescri)tiow throaboro’N.VU Norts Stare. Bay”The contest be the Senatorship in Ten- between Andrew Johnson and Laersonnessec, Ltheridy dav.They Johnson ja much the greatest. —_— Prof.Washington GC.Kerr,State Geologict, will deliver the annual address at the approach- ing State Fair ee . Ton.N.W.Woodfin,co-prop Mountain Cheese Factory,will read a paper on Cheese making in Western North Carolina,be- fore the State Agricultural Society during the week of the approaching Fair. —_—_<> A little eon of David May,of Orazige county, Meyates|Ste t ing and General Collec DOfth Caicinu, HEAUNE &CO~ orthe Noxth Corvtina Press and £eColegtiomotCia ins of every)t the “Mtite. Offve GoldaAreauthorized’agents for Vike OLD ibe p=OF,1EC9, tation-|bravery,froman English source.Reviews: ed Mavis ATM ae tentbef,besfdes minéh other Interesting”ter,contains the opening chaptersof @ spark- ling new tale,calledA Stor,of Euleuberg, ‘tet be te ing of the Alumni of the University of Vir- ginia,(eVery in that Country.A Poem.by William Mor-!ris.oathor of Lhe Earthly Paradise.The Haversdgk,giving adecdotes ofyshe Confed-erate Arty,aud a bandsome tribute to their on «the New Ks ot the Month.TheGreon‘pabiedea Modthly Miscellany.Short Bap!re —a Poein of greatieleganee and tenderness,| 3g John BR;Thompson,read at the list neet-]2°" nate shoukt haveacopy.)|Aua icle Ou The Positive Abilosoph yehyMr.Equgprence C.Johuson,‘df Hol'y [Pinarspritsippi-Brigandage in Mesieo,||by aSoutherner,for many years’a resident _¥MN ys ‘ SPT MORIN ont Ne ge ;4 wes FO acti et Bnsah EE rte,GOLDEN THOUSHTS,. I is said that a stone,thrown tntosthe senagitatesoxerydropof,water,in thatawasteex-xpabse;so itimay he ine 0theintl:| Soe Rape aie Sayont pe a ar ae + Ween veryyetriedevery kindo «k|twh Grand G eetan the hemgitd PO,sr qigi bh Pom i guile on '1 ,is waxing warmer and warmer every are both great demagozuea,but Hictorof the Elk 4.9¥8 hands we cannot tell. mor:perfect,the excuse more complete,when |the officers of the law,instead of affording pro- tection to citizens,themselves bervome their op- pressors,When this is the case,it is apparent at a glance that the citizen i.pcrfectly power- lesa unless he exercises his right to defend him- celf.We have reason to think that the law in Jones county have failed im their duty to the people there.How far they have failed and consequently how far the people mayhavebeenjustifiedintakingthelawintotheir We regret the kill- ing of Col.Shepard.If there is any justifica- tion for it we regret the acts that bronght about the fatatdecd.We do not either justify or ex- cuse the killing of Gol.Shepard.We condemn all such acts. acts to he discorfntenanced and the actors to beanished.It requires also that officers of the aw afford that protection to citirens that iswas,it is thought,frightened to death one night |sneip due. last week. ee We incline very strongly to the opinion that had the officers of the daw performed their Robt.B.Trim,peddling tobacco fir a man]plain duty in arresting and punishing the mur- named Reames,of Perzon coun.y,had his load and team scized in Raleizh on Tuesday,for have tderers of Colonel Nethercutt,of the Foscue‘family and the authors of the many other ear- |lier outrages and crimes in that portionof theingfalsereveniestampsonhisboxes.Suc |State,we.would not hove beer called upon tore- seizures are be ing 5 ae - Strut ANoruza.—Tne Ashevithe News ex-|game pradence and discre'ion in the discharge quite commen,|cord the murder of ei:her Colgrove or Shepard.Fad the officers of the law there exercised the presses ita determination to act hereafte wiih éhe |of their duties there would be as mutvlf obedi- Liveral party.Th banver eo yieldeltothemasis yi to otherlay,:{i ives but two er threepas |Se herwiee i heretT11(g@ State squarely under the Demogratic |wees sinioun=Wile|becanaqot thalr political opinions—Wilmington Jovndol the officers of | The good of society requires the| Thies Beh (ne mek FPikaGnyt TRAINS will wer rent Gold ber there is meer-<idy fori Preigh:@itl be b ly by the passenger train, nly whaghtregul.r- ATRERT JOIN-ON, Si—tf General supetintendept. TIME TABLE W.N.C RAILROAD GOING WEST. Steuer CHAS.M.STIEFE, For the best Piano new made.over Baltimore,Phil- ade!phia,and New York Pianos. OFFICER AND WAKFROOMB: No.9,North Liberty Strect,near Balti- \more Street,3ALIIMOKRE,Mp R.F.DAVIDSON.”established 18ss.|BLANKS Salisbury,Jane ¢8th,acd 24—3in Homestead Blanks !._GENERAL |.&3s|Porting of Homestena,)—|Commmisstoit Minhas HAND BILLS CIRCULARS MILES.STATIONS.ARRIVE.LEAVE.|STIEFF'S PIANOS havoc all the letest ‘mprore-"‘;ohY Salisbury,3:35 a.m.3:05 a.M.|ments,including the Agrofle Treble,Ivory Fronta And a new and improved forts CG TTON FA CTORS |BR MW13ThirdCreck,4:12 4:17 |iat the improved foam Action mally varran.ed |of—at Pp PHELETS 95 f ateswt the B17 pon \fur five years.w th privilegeof exchenge within 32 aor mar te |welre monotheif not entireiy satisfactory Co purcha-|Gommeres St.,Morselk,Va.LABELS 33 Catawha,€:29 6:34 ae hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alw syson |LAND DEEDS eee og ?-3 a C2 6:34 |sec ni oa and Parl J Spe f on paid to the sale of =iam ==cee ee ear Piaves Wa as ¥)GRAIN.COTTON and all other kiuds 7)Gs CREST Ss.:_Tavern,8:07 8:22 R ferences,b ss bese inus {COUNTRY PRODUCE >7 card.-O2 :ien.R.EB.Lee,Lexington.Va.4 1 »in ¥:80 hacen a 9:07 yang ;H.lhl.CharmeNG:|Revised andcorrected by tk |=Liberal adtances on consignments,i ctter Aeads|eee mie |Gen.Rober Kkaneom.W tient etoh,Nc.|hest legal authority in this plac (=prompt revurns.july927—3mn | }B LAST.|bow.doin e che .ex npon.a.lean me 4 d ]ss 2 AND MILES.STATIONS.ARRIVE.LEAVE.Mesers.I wel &Son,Charlotte.N.C.ior Bale...AUdTeSS,DR ODDIN’pata Deny xvoMorganton,OE asda |ey entice oes,««(mar 10.J.J,BRUNER |*courts EVERY OTHER K’\))OFca:c10 P.M.:lo |ytRrown &Bernhard e agents tor the ea of ||Vy ATT .mom m eo 20 Hickory Tavern,4:55 Si lGathweauunearine,=[SOR USEON.(TIE FIRM OF GENTIAN BITTERS.|JCB PRINTING, 30 Newton,5:50 ree Pianos so d at Factory prices.June 18—1y |CAMBRON &BLLh is hereby disalved |Cures Chills and Fever,Dyspepsia,Indigestion {EXPEDITIOUSLY,Niele42Catawba,6:43 6:48 |etna,|BY Moutabl ax tenahs."Colic,Sick Stomach,Bronchitis,Asthnva,*Pe ; $B Semostil 155 200 Raleigh National Bank «j ee renee the|Nenratgia,Rheomatiem,&e |And CHEADLY Guu 65 «=Statesville,73 :’:.rm.JOHN W.CAMERON,miwrEepe me ats t67ThirdCreek,9:00 9:05 Carolina.{JAMES H HILL !A UNIVERSAL TONIC.'ATT tls CFE eee ST |Salisbury,|10:12»ao Het ap ablae phic ONE |*Wilmington,N.C.,July 27,1808.30-1m |A ee reliable preventative and|.noapic {ours,lia aleitalStockotthisBANKto>HUNDRED eure for alf Mulartal visease 4 all diseases |gistrates,and others,in ©ee|Cap hee ete hry eae =eure 1 ases,and aj ases gu ’yDr.l.W.JONES,ShuUna sD bu Maa ns ee 4 N&O i ICk requising a general tonio mpression,|will please refer ‘othe bern:ht L AVING Weated in Salisbury,offers his C DEWEY.ee Prepared dnly by Uy.N.A.H.Godin and beatin “Hand-Book for Corrty Cate<R Professional xetvices to the public.Of-|March5-6m.President.4 Span of Bay Horses,|for sale everywhere JAMES T.WIGGINS,|Y cablished "oo Nicuoled SOrmab allieae art Hvtve!notCHER'S LIGHTNING FPLY-EILLER!—|Six Years old,1 PHAETON and Harness for}(Sccessor to J.H.Baker &Co)Proprietary |OOF,-nr }next deor to the Lawoffice of Hoi.Burton|poath to the Living!Long livethe Kilierst Sold |Sale.Apply to H.W.HELPER.|Agentand Wholes \cdeeler in Patent Medi-|Raleigh,N.C.ee alee |Ovetgo.May ®,1R@8-tf.‘by DeslereWeass tare :weis2—-im |Galiabury,N.C April SR 1960 16-+f cines,Norfolk Va.\W—1¢Add:ces,J JB oe ° ”,7 A a vo "ai :_—’,F ,. .o>eB..:gene 7 .4 .”“on |,7"o *.‘:epee -.’s ¥ena song NeN Ee MARS ae wy md ’.;4 ee aii peal os SaGoaesoohaeih DRUGS,MEDIOLNES,bOei This morning stoodthe verdant All wet hh diamond deys—the ner,2 cing ikea0sy rnhiming,+:.eG Pe ys ge-‘They cumbet the pacific ead,F Speed gl 2 ‘(oon TeWiththeirfastfadingdead,sig Swat aie Sarre:And where i fell,and alt |BLOOD PURIFIRR,Suchperfumes in the air a sae : ::A PAMPERdadslongbeadaeTa.1 tnapilgemsmne eset :Of sudden ons,ee ong ‘i Bei7:Whenon the B belt te poe Las awn,.They eee:'ah :this wholesal oy oe tals PO:«+Seven i 1InidlemoreaoeY‘ay iv +OV.Xt R.:" ‘Bhooe ruinsof the oes,be .oe M *18 4 ati R EN z <r .»eer tlehly olin,me.ee Fat in OORT iets,pod,;nen”eer ok ugeeSeabeeerduous-tenta,-Be ce ad gk we”“Ne mons,18)oD Des,+Jrushe i ¥,Fieri ty Say see eeeee :a _DRUGS,MEDICINES.ot |neany-MADE eLOTHING aan .espa eee hich tie]suigieal Znstraments.Perfumery,Below New York Cost!|READY-h :a :010CStn1ac,c.;.+4 *m4 ;fair,,¥.Combs,Brushes,d&ic.,d&c.,_4 ‘coe Each gi ve place ef ruonging almost everyting pertaining to»Pant.Goods,"|nr LAWRENCE'S’0.te tomEeaeBsco:Fes komt DeinhisCustom,at the most satis-The stock consists of a hand-Drugs,Patent Medicines,e hxak9 &Co.ane oe 4 factory prices to parclaeers,oo ©Stuffs,Pai Tanners?CONCENTRATED at Hester Br °,This his,20 gpftened If hy,|a His tong experienve in,and thorough famil-5,r See »St,Raleigh,N.©,at theExhaleceae.>?aa oun Wéstre und deer jarity with,the Susiness,in allits details and]come lot of Kerosene an p es bei -Of her'hy mn ike >ae vy,thet,OF maw ;ton ae departments;together with his accustomed ‘os Lead,Upper,oom ae.And oe ee whom is blest,:pu.hap yt at.an tHR unremitting*pérsonal attention,authorizes the ..:e .?5,ele wre :we ‘forsak@and aba ah let trials hopeofthat success,which has,heretofore.in-USLINS,.«2 LAWNS,ness ‘:aviatamckamgit"oom sprain elites Defall You rte vara reer nm LEATHER,|.)B.S Be BeAndleavebem_—b -:=foving Jon Salisbury,N;C.,danua .:€te .K O fon .sieisJivin,.i *-a AI F LI N I N SKIN Tremaine Bros.,N.Y.,$650 ach,500caywaebingeroflove,RIVES S.PROCTOR,*MOZAMBIQUES,C &;G oo ’:9 8 Padlor fae Church Organs 6 stops,Sd Sa i:;i ws 4 an 9 ;b 0 Sees alle ,‘ey g for one +WHOLESALE AND BETAIL ES BERAGES HARDWARE,™500 wing Machines veg B00.*convince a man e 18 ¢Ss 4,.&Baker's,$60 each,”( .a OF r hitnself alone,independent of D R UC C i S T Ss :LENOES,oe oe.Steel,feito Hestware;ane Chevtigsage A safe and effectual remedy for all ee jsnetal eecta tart ~S =INTI ’..:‘Trimm ;thousan:28 :»y SARGE :7 pee S {bis wealtf-his enet-~—i :DEALERS IN &c.,&c.,tediug toeffin We are agentsfor the diseases arising from ae $0,ipeden,G18:Ae>»MIS ;.af *-jany of a are pa sa tony oe ;wre 24 Rolls Brussels Carpet,45 yards,Bome time in 1627--ny f eer himself and you ¢a From 18 to 35 cts.G t Threshers each $135,-3,240f‘ago—a young man ofui yours oF),oved for meen,aun y real.2 3:{the Liver.6 Salamander Safes,Wilder's Patent,best inioofintellectualap;but with Rha slave for life.ty Fs DkuaGs ;ash Torpidity of the Liver,the world,$260,1560aseriouslamenessinone|coe ae ma —es saad angbor MEDICINES,This is a rare-opportunity for Cc LE A NE R g Sapeniios of the Block.1 Gash Prive,1,000 gold,1.334quiredtheuseofacane,See aap 3 ve,¢of perto a he i ;.4 sh prizes,arse oemenPi;D iscourage him had not some |200 do do 0 : city from Maine.He presen d ;3 *:ns to supply themselves with Manufacturers’Agents for thecelebrated|.2 d 5 d 3.360peterMr,Bellamy,Steer,whe nin .ae Sete ik bao ot Paints,Oils,\ae pp aonDust.ae oe.oond i -Powder.|Disorders of Urinary Organs,ee a 2 a 2000hadbeenpreviously;,;|Solation c DYL STUFES,PERFU.*.redingl ”We invite the atten erchants pied _rState,Hits _—=oabspace life.Imported &Domesti¢Window desirable Goods at exceeding y andtheaoe ane Sseet a —Debility of the Nervous 3000 Prizes.Value -the total at comezonofthieelty,Dav ale in the’l :ble Goods.We buy all kinds of produce.—Total number of Tickets,13,347 one :-y nds .:?pericehainny a Reger aed *,RESPONSIBILITY.Low Prices.gaveyour Blackberriesand Fruits,which will System,&c.ee Sorie0ceimetbe‘State of Miesiesippi,eames McCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &CO.|be to you as on Woshen &Co.posedof by a regular modeof Drawing,and intuesteakstrugglingintoexistenceas4AyoungmaninVirginiahadlesen:Smith.cnuseaoer.§.9 ’order to ee ee ee ee7”y . 9 ate Vee sg ick a ch;r further inio i”.someday asg hcl ree —ee ted oeon,bot Bellsbary,July 30,1869.8p fe 014 Stand,near the Market ae a cad wean 10 aa 11 of the By-Laws of:i r.’ .:ee eae in Mississippi.The chad Sieadea for brandy which potb-April 2,1960.-the Company:oem :young stranger was four days in coming}ing could control.Often in his walks a Would respectfally calltheattentionof Mer Just RECEIVED AT THE STORE eee Sec.10.The plan of drawing sball be a8 =irom Sandusky to Cincinnati,riding (1|friend remonstrated with bim'in vain;88|oantePhysicians,Planters,and others,to their f SMITH FOSTER &CO’S.follows:there sballbetwo.wheels,ove aprizeideoos-two hours out of the|often ia tarn would he urge bia friend to]oxtensive stock and superior inducements.o wheel and dne a number wheel,arranged inthepiage_cwonty }eakethe social glass,Ou oné oceasion|107 Sycamore,St.,Letersburg.1000 SACKS OF SALT.somepublic placeén the city,where an one;¢of this young stranger W@8/+h.latter camila yield to him,and as|y.py.nives.M.D.————holding a ticket may mene fos,be4d®nt 8.Prentiss.He is but tittle)they walked “to the bar together,the aprad—16:6m SALT!’SALT!!25 BBLS MOLASBES.ae ere oe weeLossessag gerne 4teration,but itis bar-k @aid :i RENCE'S :,FORMULA AROUD as ny t :Feo te ie Fell ceidiec jis eat naatatcash:whet.will-you bavet ae cuLEDhaTED 12 maps.MoLASsEs.___24-«¢Y the Directors,after which (heCee hofabel his eqnal asa man of!«Wine,sir.”n .i a shall be sealed up and placed an anyHhSeedererp—ee v.orrea,or Whites;Prolapsus Uteri,|heap as the Cheapest.aceite ewe eens:i i Pi the Gare arene Beamonstydivest,on,e ° ATTENTI!N on ring,when ec upervisorsasacommonschoul-|"‘The drundard looked et hi ith rane Salisbury,July 30,1869 Werat 0qurStockof grail bring the wheels to the place of drawingkeetataia:‘cewucanasee cll Che drundard loo at him with se-;ppr 'y %,;a break the seals and the drawing sball be dis. teacher,In tag years,ou Ng4!)|vority,and said :ation;Pain in the Back ;SPRING AN ER GOODS,of posed of by taking a ticket from each wheel,the trem us prejudices thea existing “Set down that glass.”’Nervousness.Wakefulness,Weakness,dc.bad avis ck Styles,Beet o-at the same time and the prize ticket taken aintheWecainsthispedigreeasaTtwassetdownandthetwowalkedDEEATED1¢VES ities,and Prices to give}This is an ELEGANT PLEAS rom the prise wheel shall designate the prizeYankee,ad against his vocation as a away without saying a word,LADIES OF AM A,———o—_—_usacall We iting the best “9 ’panghde by the ucket corrésponding in numberFieofbleweuieeeeaeeee,the]Ob!the “drunkard kuows the awful |por wvove vebctt it wee decir bep-|—POWERFUL,and RELIABLE Reme-|ame tine.‘The wheeshaleavit thefHe-icra —io consequences of the first glass.Even in piness it wil!promote,by the discoverer,Diy GO ODS =efter cach dele ‘ne me aret shokenKalaudpoliticBence,not only 10!his own madness for liquor,he is not wil-.9 j j Sec.11.The Di ssball desi Mississippi,bat im the Souhogss There ling to aseunse theresponsibility of entth-DR,J.J.LAWRENCE.TO MILLERS!CLOTHING,HATS,MILLINERY Goone,|4Y #"4 one tha:admits ofa wide range of|oe and piece of haan a anak"aoa in our —.°will ae er’sbecoming a drunkard.T0 PHYSICIANS.DRESS TRIMMINGS applicati place the supervisors sball be required to bevomdis.He sakeaheed:What if the qnestion were pat to ev"!The articléeof which the Woman's Friendis com-—o—>.;aici oe she drawing ly sandocted ':f .ery dealer,as he asks for his license and pounded are published around each bottle,amd it te GROCERIES,HARDWARE,Tie adel :ae +Be col ;“y,was one of the first of our orators pays mouey:“Are you willingtoassume|believedtobethebest Uterine Tonic and alterative =..SOLE &UPPER LEATHER t pted to fulfil the morbid indica-|A of Supervisors will be appointedAttheageofthirtyhemadethegreat!ine responsibility 1"How many would|7*discovered.We have just received a fresh |.h.Copal ay oe rtoe manage-specch ia Fanedil Hall,Beston,after ony,if thelove and gain of money did not|eis a valuable andreliable agent in all eae:Coach,Copal and Japan Varnishes,|tions of disease to,perhaps,a greater ez-deiiation op iNphodtapear thesuchmenasWebster,Choate and Kver-|py e,“Take back your license?mentsofrhe Female Reproductive Organs,and in supply of the very best Anker Walnut Stain,Kerosene and invested with.the propert se a d legallyettshedspoken.Mer,Webster,being amend a Pros alae oo ae :Machine Oils tent than any other remedy yet known,doplicate registry othe tickets cold will ‘asked on that oceasion if he had ever .per Price $1,00 per e..tw be found in Western North Carolina kept; :os ->:Tah ‘s .vt;30,that,in the event of Juss of ticket,“oa oe =Me ieee —LONE DARKEY want pile nga pa Brand Bolting Cloths,No’s 6 to cial atiention is called to our stock of fre It is an the aceident may be remedied and a0 edanaks ;refure,replie “Never,from a Norfotk,Va. "TheDe, aathor.’eo wara “coutrabend”came!£3 To whom silordersor letters mestbe oa 10.If you want to make good BOOTS@ND SHOES.:The Drawing will take place in TUCKERhightlolSayanage|od wes aedhearafthedp ——etter LIN VALUABLE |tnssiciens'wicltnsccsilt0e‘j a e -i “,.:-;est seholastic earning ms the most ex-|(o give an account of bimeelf,whereupon EW STOCK OF flour come and =.cloth.on Pama in -.ite ...=company is k der th:i an a :fi :a a \ny is working un @ provis-qualities.So “inehly et!Where oorens res ES H..P UR E Balisbary,-July 30,1869.Good Calicesn1 1:3 ceporpdt enccheenae —soneof «special charter grauted by the.Gen-ualilies,§a :ne We are aiso agents for the Manutactarere of ere’asemily Of North Carolina,which com- pablie speeches (and to be regreited My naine’s Sam,5 5 the best AGRICULTURAL ;is the company to comply faithfully with allthatowingtothewantofstenography,|“Sam what?”-—AND MACHINERY ene NTs Unrivalled Remedy !!Sere aad "7rofewofthemarereported)wi-h poeti-“No sah;not Watt;Ise ~~Sam.”The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper Copies can be had on application to the com-cal beangies and elegant illustrations,that}“What your other rame1”R RUGS “Turbine WaterWheels,re :.‘is alaout certain that if his attention||“!heu'tgot no other name,aah,I'e Fine Engine Deep Well and Force|For all SCROFULOUS,STRUMOUS,|niniybe suposed ot noctoeerey wil cet:iad been directed inté the path of liter-|Sam dat's all.”ES P ,;ie7a>’.um drawing it will be invested with tue title in fee ire,he ——have been a poet equal oho #your master’s wowe?’;’Presek Batre wad Cork mint ps.SYPHILITIO.CANCEROUS,CU.simple.iyron,whom he resembled strongly,not fe eT raat mae arate runne and sucharticlesas are usually keptin s Threshere and Cleaners on .o.member of the company is allowed toonlyivhisintellectualaudmoraltastes,|away;.yab!yab!I’se free nigger Z T >purchase any tickets.but even ia his physieal perfection.Al-|said io Pre?as FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE Bidet eed Wine {wheelscomplete,ANEOUS,HEPATIC,RHEU MAT-All moneyssent by mail,at the owner's risk;though lor @ time pressed into the surface |Now what's your father and mother’s on 8,10,URINARY,and NERVO Fr.that sent by Express,Registered Letters,of a politieal party,be was no politician |name?.G.B.Poulson,HAS JUST IRON !IRON !!_Star Cotton Gin and Condenser,|!°;»an US AF-~/Checksor Drafis,at the risk of the company.and,asqaickly as be could he retired;“I'se got none,sab;neber had none.flares Goon the Norteeahes andcarefully eo--Grain Drills,FECTIONS,in -hed —willbelisted uuless the title is*’Bs Ses?”nl fact sput \oe _areea-—-tupired in disgust.ie |:a a a vogges a aad ry.soe,ney articles.tooth brashescombo,potty,———8 acl SulkyPlows,,,_—==The Treasurer has been required to give a was a Northern exotic planted in the | Mavent you any brothers and sis-|Paints,ils,Varutthes,Paint Brushes,Horse and mutters an eanere,Chronic Disease i bond of five thousand dollars for the faithful)Sonth,and obtained there a majestic de-ters 1 eecea,ene Ba Ce 60,000 LBS.OF IRON ASSORTED,Circular Saws.t may be advantageous.performanes of his duties.He is required tobinmeatvdecomnfedtopfsoe“No,aie’yr orca a Lyetn beliesong Petes end Medicines for chills .ek Robber and LeatherBelting,ly aced ——daily,in the bank,all monies receivedplantsiewholeSouthweatieed|der,.no sis no er,no sa,at can e or sale by .and many other things too namerous to men.-w 1%Will remain until all the tckets are"vil the remembrances of the meteorie/nothin’but 8am.When you sce*Sem|FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING tion,all of which we will sell at theieecua:.sold and all the properiy will be positivelycarcer,which,alas closed too quickly,you see all dere is of us.”TOBACCO.McCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &co.turer's prices,This preparation hasbeen submitted to,|drawn and delivered to the parties drawing,orlongbeforehehadpassedthezenithofeeeee————|pes Saveldinnnt wad ca Come,or send and get a Catalogue of any the moncy returned.Send two dollars by ex-7 —T~a ¥Saas ““state t ’r ’’y -:'i life..|(Ihave Seekcdid eeu and Gusstaihy talocten Salisbury,July 30,1869.ties ee aa 9 ne bape thoronghly tested,and approved by some ee aerate oe Pole job osustoe@satisJ, Por fifteen years,no matter with naiaas faction.7 7 e fth i emlneei etn af the Maa take a chavce at the 3,000 valuable prizex of-De es P "he 1 te rae Trusses &Abdominal Supporters 1 REMINGUCCIRD te keene °Same Ramin menos of ie :etait willbesent any where in the United ad I in enhes |payer :-_——0 -————ys £,‘L,rwhi spulocenthasiasminhisbehalf,and }of the latest improvements,excellent in quality and no equal.Warranted eteot eas of ce ical Faculty.States at the company’s risk. poy -low ia price.|d iv t tusf.h : mpatiace of any inervening orator.Aa}=and lo give entire satisfaction,or the money ‘Description of Real Estate, »ee el go al |FINE BREAST PUMPS&NURSING BOTTLES.will be refunded ;.isis thlingtof searow:Puch ger ||_£9 Mo Merchants.—1 am prepared tp|POWDER!POWDER!GF GOOD PINK LUMBER furnibed os}*"*PArtd bY 02 experienced and’well]O05 gag residence built of brick,ia the bestnefeelingsofsorrwhichweremintyANbmeeonaetaeaethedepot,on short notica.2 .improved style,in the city ofaleigh,with 8rieneedbytheloversofliterature|yas fered raed Prices (by the __We will be fowed opposite the old steed known physician and chemist,acres of ground,and all necessary out-buildings,r the gi we at the decase of the |Ess.Lemor.,Ese.Peppermint,Ears.aboveMurphy'sGraniteRow.Cf with manay fine ornamentals about the yard,eke aleve ——down |Cinnamon,Landanum,Paregor-|RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING MERONEY &BRO.—_ietgs ccd ei haevratowerprematurely,before it was|ie,Bateman Drops,God-aw of Ralei ; 'ee Soe eed ane ’ee ,ae :gh,on Newbern street,13 large rooms,.ea ee —2 Frey’Cordial,Opodel-|POWDER,For sale by ee _rent 12 Horse double paror,withall ecemsary out-buldioge:__i :“a oc,Castor Vi .;98 8 ’On acresof ground and a beautiful oak grove. fgticn A was generous toa fealty)AGRICULTURAL WORKS,|ae McCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &CO,|_it¢11—23:5m MEMORY &BAO.—Value .......ee eee aa :poeu uprovident,and socially in-|'Worth Carolina 8 ur Co One large house on Newbern and Blood-|the borders of diasipation.|Isthe place to buy the best and cheapest Tarpentine.,y UPERIUR COURT,worth streets,containiog 90 irerigofbetgite,aed ob,|Rows Gelut Harrows,Corn Shellers,|Mystock ts complete and composed of articles falisbary,N.C,Caldwell County.§Speing Term,1869.bac caecl ana ee>sparing of her gifts aud she|flows.ators,tan Ut ing |Pure,Fresh and Reliable in Quality and as}i &boarding house,all Sovennary out-buildings e ;med |Straw Catters Cider and Wine Mills,Reapin y and as low in Robert Estes,ith .»if ever,unies the btehens men-,ith |Pileea8such articles can be obtained in this sec.j with abeaatituloak grove in the yard and§!&1,|and Mowing Machines,Wheat Threshers with |hice ean against Attachment.acre of Ground.Value.$5 i or physieal beanty with j and without Cleaners,Horse Powers of various Tmpare Medicines canbe sold for a trifle and are aaa James H.Collett,;bene hs euicnown.Fo bis infirmities of a so-|patterms,Sugar Cane Mills in the rivgh or fin |gear atamyprice (such I donot and will not keep.)r In this case it is made toa t to the sat-PRICE,-$1.00 PER BOTTLE,|rooms and basement,four vul-basidiagssadstable,seven «-'character,which can be easily com-|sed,or Rollers separately:Particular regard|pat f amsn ciently posted inthe Drug Market to a sifacti f the cvurt that as daht J acresof ground,elmgrove;very desirable and attractivr;aaedate Dp .:y should be had to the best RK.R.Plow and|know that PURE Drage and Medicines cannot be P AINTS &OILS =p lle =ides ee a =ia Warreasen,W:6.insite os Bsbases woeeeeeFthesioateplendid.tatellcereay |breshing Machine with Cleaner,Mac ufactared |soldfor halfthe price bert changed.Beat tr :PageitpAlfpd tn perfect order,ape'atihe bert But hewsey fa tsbast,i the nina piendid =imtetiectaal |in or outofthe State.eafest ae ee :Containing §large rooms,doublepistsas andportico,oneatwaseverproducedwassud-|J.H.THOMPSON,|ay the parest snes.:a that publication be made in the “Old North PREPARED ONLY BY Soon,CiteScarring and boantite)redilences je theniguishediathemidstofits)May 28,1889—3m—miner ayer tarens eri +LANE’S WHITE LEAD Stace”S nerepeper[rene a ee Fiezin varasofa inn obaltiogn nSlnmination,He died in 1850,}~Statesville Americancopy3months and send G.B..POULSON,’’rh ;.property at T ayiorevilleisveryattract!ve,va«Orleans at the azo of tortywo|tl "iotvonteee neSan |BUCK dodo next term of ur Soper Court o be bel]J+J.LAWRENCE,M.D,,[sets titetwine emedy atu vstnailthatwehavesaidinconnection|Oa DOLLAR BMWARD :for the county of Caldwell at the conrt "|an stastedove wquarefromgood acdfcurtingCothiaisbatafeeblereiterationoftheAWAWATDoesthecabiiallins,onthe tte DR.C.A.HENDERSON,N.Y.CITY,de do honse in Lenoir,on the 8th Mondayafterthe Lastle'S OntoRasroad,ued bAngieionee (erm eaetrbntesthenpaidtohismentalendo#®-R of July,1969,a coloredboundboy by the :icine|TANNER'S OIL,KEROSENE OIL 3d Monday in August next,then and there ORGANIC OHEMIST.waleregion,the seeneryto cruly delighiful aadfascination,ments,—Crneimnati Enquirer,name of JOLIN BURTON.Said bo i aeace AVING ——the practice of Medicine|+4 ’|to plead answer or demur,or —pro Feine Bo eae eon ner enoapes5feethigh,dark complexion and aged 17years,respectfully offers his fessional services t>Peal by confesso will be takew against him,No.6,Main Breet,Norfolk Virginia =(=Chapel |ae containing Mrooms,with Brepla*The peach and apple crep ta Nichign,|ee sere re ean bateing oft (PCCREe,A letteunstpled by Whi Witness,R.R.Wakefield,clerk of our|%%%’’"|Sad one apd threefonrthesareeofnad.Papert eetitinthoughtbysomefraitgrowers,will|bey-td above reward will be paid for his re-haat Mae =1 i,ite M Cubbi S Hi said court at office the 8th Mondayafthe 3d|rorsale by:Dr.G.B,POULBON,Persons desiring soy further informatioeetlast|2"%thesubscriber.Henderson.Calis may eft eithe c nS,Suillvan &Co.Monday in Mareh 1869.and N.©,|willplease addresbeioutle,if not treble,what it was t |DAVIDJ,SHEETS.athisoffice,or at Enniss’Drag Store.5 R ReWAKEFIFLD,¢.0.¢.,°Apothecary,Selisbury,N .Jom oyour_Rowen Milla,Avg.13,1969,32—|Salisbury,Fob 12,1800,4a |Saltebary,Jwy 90,1069.19—-1y|31—-on—tpreo 98)”Pos Bart vr ait Davoarers.-ge|April 2?,a tee“. Statesville,JulyR—Bin Pr eevein ecty yy oy Ay Statesville‘Wale Aesdemy.s i,Forks }Paixorrats.ing, ALL TERM of School will open publicationsiveweeksintheonthe6thofSeptember,and eee Bs the oat Gite.a eaten.age teemeeuDep't,}Primary si---~*--+--9000semof onesald-court6be Classical Blan vp na dels 209 90h 1600ContingentPeeD-.aehh ine c cpmivan bike 4 -~100Boardingoodfamiliesat$12 per menth.One half of the above chargesis sequired in Forfurther partien address the P.‘Principals@,July 30,1869. Edgeworth Female Seminary. ry maithburNEXTSESSION WILL COM: ruente on the first Monday of September,The entire expese of Board and Tintion wijl befrom$100 to $110.if paid ip adwance,\“Each|E. boarder will furnish ber own lights and towels,and also a pair of sheets and pillow cases.For, cireular address J.MM.CALDWELL, joly 2.1869—3m Greensboro’,N.C.) Pleasant Grove Acadeniy. Bfale and Fomale. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM-mefice onthe 9th of August bext. _Ju0d5, meuce on the first Menday im A ensuing. lacabenterat any time aodbe chargedfrom thetime of cotrence.Tbegates otwiton will be ae ftlows:$7.50 at thevod of every month. Academy -Agalemy is located id a henithy and moral)Oy, way va Franklin To KOWAN COUNT”Salary.te nou gd 6,Macher ‘Mectabie frmilies from Teo}&NesipieceeeRoTMROCK., whshipfdurmilesfrom ie Prine'pal -GninersityofWorthCarclina—;WwentesCourse. ry aE MAL COURSE of mee perioeandtheMechanicAttewillSeptember.Tastruction in Military”;Heuded wil)torbe gives ameltIter inthe sea"!et 3 8.POOL President. co carcame. nae a ‘="Store,#3 00—byFormsforMagistrates,as eon-tained in act ofAscenbly OeformeinsivilprocedureMag-istrates,By mili....2.0.../21 2.eteRecordBooksforSewnehlyClerks.to record proceedings of all inofTownshipTrustees,Price >Store,ST eee Sal.«>0-340 -83 00ORDERB3.For orders of Schoul Committees,onCountyTreasurer—in course of pre- paration. Biank Summons,Executions,State War- rants,&e.,€2.00 per 100 and $1.00:perquire,sent free of postage.ddress all orders toJAS.H.ENNISS;Agent.No.Ca.Book Storé,Salisbary,pua27—tf No.Ca.Book Store.Ratetgh. =} PROFESSIONAL. M.H.PINNIX, ATTORNEY AT LAW.LEXINGTON,N.@: W ILL PRACTICE io the conrts of David-son,Foreythe,Guilford,Alatnance aod Ran- aolph counties: REFERENCE Hon R M.Pearson,c.d,of N C.,Raleigh. “E.G.Reade,Associate Justice,™ “ThomasSettle,=s R.P.Dick,“e Pe “Redford Brostn,Yanceyville,N.C. “Hon.John Kerr,“9 ~ ‘JR.MeL:an,Greensboro’,N.O. “Thomas Raffin,Jr.,“- “J.M.Clot,Dohson,NO, Janoary 29,1869.q=tf ~~Dr.L W.JONES, I AVING located in Salisbary,offers his_Professional services to the public,Of.fice on Council Street,opposite the House|5pissdoortetheLaw“i nsy.Margaret Tan- ‘anewspaperummoningeach A aes the B4 Macdagtietoptomabeetheretoanswerordemurtosaid petition,orthesamewillbetakenpro-confessoand heard Monday after Next,then and Nye Hutchison &T,J.Sumner,Plaintiffs. ’AGAINE?-JohoE.Browa,Wm,J.Brown,Z B VorceendRobertF.Hoke,Defendaute. STAB OF wonte-oCanaria,Gu—(prlee 812)” Brown Wid.Browt,Z.Be Vance ana naiowan cormsRobertF,Hoke,if to béfound in sour Coun- Pome ee eos The Nerth Carolina Ore Dressifor‘on County of Rowen,at the CourtstHonse fond SUMMONS oe !Couree—Hnglish,Classical,Mathe- 'i .on the third Monda there this Writ.UN ACADEMY.-—The first Session of this Academy will com-|{wid Court,at Salivbu D3SON MASON, Clerkof the Superior Court for Rowan CountyDuplicateotthissummonsissued40Bun and 215000 pr sexsion of5 mon!gable |ooothe for William J,Beown;to Meukicubargner,atl io Mitchell for Rob-fur Zebulon B Va dJovsox Masum,C.8.0.i be «pwed ls s thoropgh oe wihtbe Rare bed dad ag cod+frre fires |© -In the Superior Gourt J.Scuxen,Plamtiffs. Jonx E Baows,Wrerran J.Brow.ZestuowS.Vawter add Roars ¥,Hoke,DefendantstothesatistactionoftheCourt.that the defendant Jous Epanged,ig not a resi lent of this hisresidenceis pot knownand enti be ascertaived,and that t he cannotbefound imetheacauseofaction¢xisis against himfavorotsaidplaintiffe;thegroand#of which |appearbythe sword compleine—thatbe is a post offices,|proper party-to this'aection,«nd tharrhe sam- miootandcomplainttiercin were filed in theCourtofRowawCoantyonthe24»RUBWED,Tharthe rorcmoesofwhtGove,be re not alter due didue a a.Musor,Clerk of the So- }of Rowan.Conniy,at office in»inte he ied Svpcesor Court, J.Bs Wilevn;exeen.orofJames Blair,dee’dAGAINET™:se Robeytitan trcaleeahisenhont,Ovardian.Betiamin ife Marthawwa8t‘ortner,hy Ad-Fortuer,JamesR..Barnes,by bis ta the satisfaction ames Barnes.P.G.Me-Martha =MecCrary..EmmaG.W.Barnes.Guardian.defeneaseafeon-reridents of this State;Theteforeiordered by the eourt,that be made for six weeks suecessive-io the “Old North State,”a newspaperinMalisbory,N.-C.,notifying thebeandappearattheSuperiorcourttebeheldforthecountyofCaldwell,at the courtnoir,on the @th Monday after thead Monday‘ast aext,then and theretoanswertheaintofplaintifffiledintheelerk’s-of-Reno Jetgmont wil!be taken ex parte:as tu Witness R.R.Wakefield,clerk of ont|ssid courtthe8th Monday after the 3d Mon-day in Match.1369.Ry R-WAKEFIELD,c.8.0 TIMMS IABLE W.N.C.MAILMOAD.GOLNe . Mail...0 Lmarenes : gn , Inthiseaseitofthecourtthat M.-Cloud September next,then aid there to show jaipeent be rendered in this action: weeks iv the “Old North State”newspaper, action. Given onder my hand and seal of said courtthisJaly.30,1869. A.JUDSON MASONClerk:Superior M31—Gw—(pr fee 12.) Rowax Covxrry,¢S9P*sion Cover,” Blizabeth Jenkins,Adminisise.;i ew Wm Jen: AGAINST ant.It appearing upon affiiqvit that the defend connty’of Bowan at the Conrt House in Salie- Given onder my-hand and the seal Bf the|DUFY>ah the oaee -Pt pa andhe24thdayOfJoly.|Mewer the complaint said Plaintil a copyJerssy7|of wiveh is Gled inthe Superior Court ollice.Tf the raid defendant shall fail to anawer the|said complaint during the term of said gonrt,| awe eee 1Spleteteataahantasdemandedjiseidsidwrit... Given ander my hand and court this 30th day of July,A.D.18605){ASON.A.JUDSON Clerk 3 Court for BowanComnty.31—6w—(pr.fee $2.) WorthCarolina.Screener Cover,Stet Cons.|Spring Term,1369.Elizabeth A.Estes,against Attachment. James EL.Collett.In this ense it js made to appeor to the fat. iafaction of the coart that thedefendant James Hi.Goileve.remdes beyond the limits of thie Stale:It is therefore ordered by the court thatpubheasionbetnadeinthe“Cid North Stare,”wnewspaper published in Bahstury,N C.,for 4x weel ¢snoerssively,notifying the defendantFatH®be and appear at the bext term.of ourewerttobeheldforthecountyotCaldwellsttheCourt”Honse.jnule-noir,of the 8th Monday alter the 3d.Mondayherein,«|ip Apgnstnext,thenaud thereto plead,aneserofdemar,or judgmentproconfessowill be taken against him.Winess,RR.Wakefield,clerk of oor said eourt at offe,the Sth Monday:alter the 3d Munday in March,1869.R.R.WAKEFIELD,©«.c. 31—C w—(pr tee €%.) Worth Carolina,Scesuiean Cockt, Usldwell County.|Sprimg Term,1869 Michael Spainhonr,use ofRiizabethA:Estes, Atrachment againstJamesLH.Collett,Iw this case it is made to appear to the sat- isfaction of the court that James H.Collett re- sides beyOad the limiteot the State:ft is there "‘Tnade in the “Old Nogth See,”a newspaper publishéd i Salisbury,N,C.,for sis.werk quccessi ely,notilying the defendant that be LeoneepeeotwetterfyofovrSuperiortoCourttotthecounty’of Cald- well.at the Coart House in Lenvironthe next,then aid there to plead,answer or unit,oF judgment pro coufesso will be taken aginst him. Monday im March 1869.R.R WAKEFIELD,c.5 oc. 31—6w—(prfee $3.) Reseed aes SeagpeiiHon,Jolin’DBESqhate,first thecriion....igev-.81.00 ,JorgeOfthe Judicial District ofheeState:bak a hereby commandedtore-working,or*in “manner usingOrdered,oat proj ah mndetectedtaedOBEY.a 5 saloM8complaint,either by yourselves or agents,servants or attorneys.to appear|pbeforetheJadge of onr Superior rt at theCourtHouseinSalisbury,on the 28th day,of why the injunction shall not be continued till odit tothesatisfaction ofthe|court that after due difigenee the defendants eannot be found within the State,but that de~fendants are non-residentsofthis State,it~isorderedbythecourtthatserviceofthisorderforinjanctionbemadebypublicationforsix; commanding the defendants to appear at the litte and place designated,then and there toshowcansewhy:an injunction shall not begrantedtill{he judgment be rendered in this" Court for Rowan County,|. Peteoa}chee Bearecipe"myeligttily ta we, »Bilitorand Proprietor. ‘oe +ee. veeeach nies jonabinsertion. omCourtaudJustice's,Orders willbe publish: ed at the same rates With other aitained nents..»f }Obitnary uotices,over six lines,chargedasadvertisements.CONTRACT RATES) }a)4 aT Ss”aye FleeVee)bi Biesrace}3)]we 8 1g.Ul eel BeCipeepeeTSquare.82508975Sh UpSaa0 HDG‘or |450;6 25,)Nears aSquares...600,900|91/20-00)30.004Squares.8 00'1106.15 *250)37.50>ama.L1\outis op.ee 45.00 |eea2,"é I 75"oan Sires 3000)15 00"75 00.40.00!50 00/30 09/130.00 PRQSPROTS OF THE CROPS, REPORTS BEPEIVED Aq TUR DRPARNuer OF—-AGRICULTURE. The Washingtono>:respondent ofthe Newark(NoJ.)Advertiser writes fromthe’A =potenonthegrowingcropsreceivedattheriment |per cent.in Katisas,seven per cent.fn Texas, |and ten per cent.in Florida,and a -omewhatde-creased acreage in)Arkansas,‘Louisiana,‘arid | the ever iE z |.ed-yield of from ten to twenty per cen Phe | foreordered by the eoart that publication be: 8th Monday afier the3d Monday in August, Witness Re Re Wakefield,clerk of ont said dourt’at offive the Sh “Monday after the 3d Morth Carolina,MewaeCocuty Scrraior Covkr. and D.A.Davis,Plaintiffs.AGAINST Dressing Gompany.Defendants. Summons to the Defendants. 13 Puind Oe,‘Statesville. SS 2 S E9 5 MILEA,STATIONS.ARRIVE. granted for the relict demanded.Given under my band andseal of saidCourt fJuly,Athis26thdayof _D.,1880,;A.JUDSON M ’-Gletk Snperior Court for Rowan Qpanty:i B86 tor Re $10,ie “Yoses L.Holines,Renten J.Holmes,Ephraim. “Mantiey,.Valentine Mauney,B,B.Roberts Amos Howes,and the North Carolina Ore Tt appearing to my satisiaction upon the affi- davitof the Plaintiffs that the Defendant Amos Howes is a non-resident of the State and that the North aitOre aeing ere pe foreign corporation,having its principa ofbusitiessbeyond the limite'of this State ;and it farther appeanig that's cause of action ex- ists Sgainst the defendants in respect to whom théservice is t6-be made,and alter doe dili- |génee the defendants are not to be found with- in the State;and that the esuseofactionaroseinthisState,relating to teal property situate }ia this State,if is therefore orlered that pub- |heation be inade tory six-weeks in “he Old|North State’newspaper vorilying the defend- ants to appear before the Jadge of oor nextSaperiorCoortto,pe heid for she County.ofRowatvattheConrtHouseinSalishury'on the|3d Monday in September hext,then and-there|to"answer the int of the Plaintiff:,whieh“|waafled intheoffice of the clerk of this courtohB0thofJoly,1869,or jndgment will be of Agricultare,.NPoumayisnaeeddPotewrs,ake mer Te Delaware.In ar Eethsooo in about sixty} feily thmien seasonatsamedate ;nndiana,the second State inproduction;putethe figures nearlyas low;Michiegan,Wi-consin,and Minnerota,rote 20 30 per cent.below;lowatwenty percent;Miseonri,Kea- tuck F)and Tennessee,ton per cent.Che New land Ptates from ten to fifteen per)Cworly cont.below;New.York orenty w UFenty-fv: per cent;Maryland,Virzvini,Nofth Cépotina,i,and Tennessee,ten’per ct.od ec Carolina thirty percent..Tex- isce twenty per cent.better yield than last year,with an inereascd acreage,as noted;aod KaneapatidAfkareay ten Per Cont:better|° than last ynar.’In fewof she larger States will the ifiereny¢ot make up for the deCrease if pyurral Con-pacTeagedition,while in several of the largest corn-grow- ing States the acreage has been reducett frowyear,Owing to the very winfavorable spring ;it seems Hy pow ble fhar a croprequnl-‘otis perp now be made wadertheite,while the indicatfoh4 areieldoftheseaconwillfallconvidera- Droaghsbardone Fr fi i it t EL E utiHthe“<—Favorable weather hence-with late may do much for the gen-yield;but i Illinoishofthecropofthewhole country last year,now threaten to rodnee their prodret twen- ty-five to thirty-five percent,Ohio,lows,Mis H N f § { one-third of the cropOf TS58,promive a season,which”has been oapropition:fr thgreatnationalcrop,has,however,proved fivor-| short,there must’be an abundance in che land. TNOREASED CoTTON CROP.F in July as considerablybelowthe average of the|enap of 1868at corresponding ie,neatly allreportanimprovement now upon.these exti-mates,and dof the more im,cottonregionscondifionasbetterthaninAugust,the weather having-berngenerallyandtheinjurybytheworm z iderghie,though thete is no | lack of ‘of damege from dhetatter | fully ap 6 that of latecaxon and Texas report condition above average,with pentyoF cent.increase of acreage in the for- meer ard t five per cent.increare in acreage.On the-other hand,North Carolinareports the |though the increaee of acreage,tehpereent.,bal-anécs the losa.Tennessee a!one,reports decreas-ed acreage,and also condition ten percent.below last year.Alubema,with eight percent.increase in acreage,places the condition ofthecroptenpercent.below that of last year.— South Carolina makes the woret showing,Te-ing the condition twenty-iive per cent.belowthecropoflastyear,but with an incrénee of sevento ten per cent.ia acreage..in views ofthesuiatinloniceoftheweather,aud the danger of damage by inseets,to which the crop is enb-it is yet (00 carly toextimate the,‘ofthe year with any degreeof certainty;but i’ -réasonable to anticipate,with-an average fh- yield fally up to the figures of if68,w! reached f thepresent proxpect to discourage the prevent éxpectation of a considerable inerease,which can.alone be prevented hy some signal disasterfromweatherofdestructiveinsects, LARGE POTATO CPoOP. potatoes,this oe yield verthe Oflnst soar,New York and whieh Prodnee nearly quite on the entige crop of the ay report of three to fiveetiaandearsoftentotwelve in general condition and promise.—f six per cenpercent.better in cosdition;Tifi-i" nois,ten percent,be as muchbetter im = * crop ; date,wie dcr of ete ): nea Stipespercent.below last.year, aeliden :: well,though in some sections in.Tilinois’the:returns iidicate ‘ase arse tand States and in Northern’New York;thé spring varictice.ee tn ons btlewbefonndriderablyexceedtheyield”ofitemotof the clotster +, grain isnot vet all garnvrominingeverywhere,with aboat an xy, presentfavor-agonerous Shouldthedroughttionsofthecountrycropsmayfil *’—5 .SENATOR CASSERLY AND ia a The prowof the AdlantlcStiteshavefredlyquotedSenatorCasserly,of '; agant evlogyoftheCh theremark Smipaied to lis that “the Chinese|oversume road ¢ are the tuost fragal,industrious,ayd_iggrmioe 7 |people on the Sanetf tisome en irty eoatbelow Inst.men9 oe Chinese as ‘competitors a race,they werd industrioasandgenious.in many,haudierafie,”5UponthequestionofChingseimportation Mr. —_- subject of Chinese labor(alifornta it is well enough wo bridging here the Ia!.orersof Ching,bers as practically to stpplantthe w'the whole country,bezinning ,erpplantingit her’as cee net by a spit were concel¥s Aahrhentt6durin hs of course ls @ntitely ont of the {enth Cirimese know as much sbedut out in*|the.great bulk of our péople kpdw, Whenan immigrantfrem Ire-from England,from Francgorfrouf -many,‘weve his face to the West,and following White mi i ‘the eum See theshores e OF EX CE PM |Hc il!Licpeblie,he Florida asadcondition of the cotton op |intelligemee ¥pledge to Ge Were of his fitness to become a citi-|| gen =i Tnited States. est in country.sitionto ally himeelf woari,Kentucky,and Tennessee,whicleraiscd Pintetest able to mont others,and thongh the corn be et |¥ They interre6achiainthim-and ‘withtheptinciplegofitecannetsaythat|ported in the mase like a herd of alleged that these € theSouthwhieh haveindefianceofpastassocia Missieai J ‘thefargest prodacer of this @taple,|gant? of ten percent,in adreage,re || xe,doutless not well 'w ports f them are brovght here not op)at that date.>Georzia,condition equal to last |knowledge of where they are,going,but even i with fifteen per cent.increase in aereage ;|agajuet their will and im some sortofservitade.|‘Ouiana,ten peg cont.beter in con@itien)and |.Coder the enormous stimalus of a greatfifteenpercent.increase in acreage ;Arkansas}of importation we shall have results veryondthosefromanytoovementofimmigration. ‘/‘e shal!see the Chinese hirty per cenit.an the latter State:and|a vey short time by hundredsof thottaands,andFlorida,condition above average,with twenty-|after no long period by.mill freqhency wit which|conditionfivetotenper cent»below jast year,|tioned,and mentalkpleinmrases—jnstas 2% They-are nut Conservatives. presery: old and_existing itatitations.hile the gev- tlenen calling themselves Conservative are :.Idisregard of antecedente. co numbers are men-theseifit‘were Saying down’romanybuchelsofwheat—of down’5,000Chinamenbere,laying down’10;30,000 at another place,place.And there is no impossibility about it. bave piled op aroundnd ate.becase the west charneteriatie,tenn which theyean adopt is that which is be- ining to be eupountered here and there.—d_Liberatisin ts theic style aud quality.They had better bet Coo- It #melis of dry bones and and 100,000 at anothcr fy tee tater,on servatisntslide.>|dend languages”——_—~-_—— A western paper relates this story :— “Deaeon B.,of Ohio;a very pious man,was ith p voted for his long prayers,eepecially in his famt'y.One Monday morving the deaco:, and his wife were alone,as waa his eps- tom after breakfast,a prayer was offered. There being au cpaculal stmouut-of work tliat day,the deacon’s prayer wad short and seizing his hat andledforthebarn,[lis wife did not notice hia absence,buts ngaged in prayer.h he was etrprixed| ue that Thete is no ing 9 very numbethegreat amoont ofia.way:they’wonldchensions.‘They-seen:to forgetemovementsofsimailarlabor¢lxewhrere.—|watVotyeorstherehasbeenan:organized.rystem, not of importation,but of iuimiggation mfrom.Hindostan of a race dnalozoudtotheMaoritus,t British Guiana, also &rend prelaic, creaveofacreage equal to fificen per cent.a}ies of Chin cloisturethey had soni h |and to Trinldadon the Sonth American cont”an entrance,but this wax trkingthethree|Jeng and ar diffientt,tothatin}869—the |latemt fignees that I could find—that emigration|with xp ina few yeats to over 102,000 men,135,900 emigrant.cool’es 000 bales;and there it nothing in |—a voyage,a#you will, sister,but|him to be gtille return from milking find her still‘knecling He # her and elated ‘Amen,’when ebhe immo: arose aod went slouther «ing had happend,” A Conneeticnt couple whe; vorend clepell andcomand. With.quite o lagge increase in the areaplant-|$8,‘ cTop profiliser’a Targely i -|transporied in one year to those three te Now,those tliree dietniteincouriderable cont-Recoc canracsveayinsignificanttotheUnitLettheimportationdneebestarted,with a suf-ficient demand to sustain it,aod greans which from Hiodosian.the field they offer a1ved Amefican ent-he freely usedmicetheChineéeInborcyp16this !ectit v to be described,andwtrghttobetold,for tdhows what fonrf Phe Fayetteville Byplehasan articleiniteis ,eaebithe 25th ult,which appearstobedisin-|writingagainstthethewabjectof“A New Par.|last weg! Fight,”which,in exiisite .passesanyofthekind ip the whole bhofAineticanjournalism,Thinis the Star pepe ghee ipsamortocompletelyeclipseallitscomtemporarIndeattipecaisbalersosSMUverymachfear,like Girard Hamilton,af|irqterhissingleapeechiothoBritishHauseof Commons,whichthrew even‘the eloquenceoftheelderPittcompletelyia.the shade,it wil!attempt anything of the kind—that content to repose upon the ce ,whichithas already won,In that event.the)Ch;“Cuetimewitty Star”willbecome,9.celebre-Fidetedinhistoryas“SingleSpeechHamilton.”~{Thewit of the Star was at-our oweacknowledge ourselfcomdemolispedbyit,We feel mugh “inclined to“xolort,bit oursud experiengsadmonisaes thattodo.somay oaly rewiitdeear havingto oub-]amit toa vtill mare bamilinting exatigadon “” than.tell attnemane “ eisliefnevensnrytoit,Bat théthimlca»Apparently,topeeeagreatpersonalregardfor them,to tha|hope Upto eentheirinf | >1855,aid a rep-theurdu ditional snbmission:xt stated is true,the sama,Liber:wearsnow!‘Dil we not aban-don Gov.Molden beexnse Wwe firznil him a Rad- joal and axproseriptiopist?We did ‘not seaktheappointment;it was urged uponour accept- ance'by Gov.Holden.Wy did not aceept of it then wntil .w3 hyl been urged to do so by somemonwohvdbovendiametricallyopposedtous daring the war.They were anxions for we to acceptoftha position beeanse they believed that |, aleand:migninimous|i.3:>cute the bailing of the Road.without any‘on ithe part of the Provisional Govern-sailetvlesa shee dion dealing “il ue deat ——MyAninternationalboatracetookplaceinLou-don afewdays since between the Universities of MareardandOxtord.Oxford wasvictorious,“@ result which we cannot regret,We Amariv“ean are notoriously avery conceited people.—cscang ween eoSootiolseinoemen,anddattheresourcesoftheSouthworemehgrou. would counsel a liber ment.Whoa ths Fay’s oan teafally aay that wointed those wh»expestelaus to tak: Score,%will haveso wating to ehargs bOP before.Asto the other state-maint we iit be pormitiodtosaythat tho B- |gleseemsto knownothingaboutaurcorre dur- ingthe war.A Unioa»maa in sentiment we Were,from the beginning of tl»warto the end b Wat,we.‘never alvacate!“aaconditionalweig|MomMbsian”qntil after the surrenderofGen. “4 Syl ite thatfromant aferthe defeat at |Sete ‘aud Diesgrrendoratedlyadvocatedmegatiatinns aponofarestored:Gniva.Wo thathis forthat}t wava8dlear tooar tind thenthsttheConfiferacyhadfailed— North.“All pf in_.ithasbeen ‘alldedtothe ie O:oa that univerdalamnestycoil have eran |che fullowing gear. Soapiem eee einaeen —ae i i rs pear epost oe[eee te P the people of that sec |Stateinaed,in somepenpecta,aaperiortoallothers.1;every etierpriningcitizenof circulatiog im) .®which we have qnote!‘eqnal to|shovewasstrickenoatitwasposinfdthehands of ‘the be ’was what Settee was chattetrd in 145 Weeverpropre tynog tiaty in anyaConstitutionalmanaer,Weneyercouniensncetotheprojewof compas.|was,anditdeservetiethanks|allthe ConfaerateWehopethey|General Convention,the action ofOftheir|tionto be sahmittedto tho several States for~|thelrratification.Tis wii the plan Which we;Legislature at the tesion of North Ofthe Minascript before |eivilimationt.ityfonoteSomerieae -shouldberead by by some.Ourplan |tiesinplan,for|** at wmPablished,but }the Bugle desttee any firthorwereGarvlowsatthattims War.B Weighs Erp,trea §. wehalfroyreat “The Bugienextsaysof as;”ows,andpelhypeis,ofthe ayn2 politiedl seotimantsof NathintelBoyden”Whats churge!We worethatlsteas,sad we mip be now,for w.d>notlenoweteailywhatMe.Boy len's politiosl sen:meetsare,Bawe da grow that inthe 4%&hCongreshenisdoanoficttohave4gener.bil!parsed for the removal of all Political di+-vilities from ths psoglaiof North Ovroliny,antthathewesdafevtedintheatienytbyS»atorPoolantGov.Motive,We veo kaow that choBillwinStartsyapatinVirginiabiltrontheboginaiag,hie warmest wishes for its we |Gover.|ces,This is all weknow of Me.ByJon's prespoliticalsentiments,and they are ours so We did,inteet,a the Evyle says,oppor theHowardAmendatontfortheresonthatnoar-|ly all the Conservativesofthe |be offered in Scieurifie.poral stadies.ard this iustraction must beaccessibleteall, ‘Wesee that a number of our exchanges arestatingthatalldeedsofconveyance,of whateverheracter,tobe valid,wustbe regixtered beforetheIstdayefQvtober,They seem to haveeverlookedthefollowinglaw,which extends thetimefortwoyearsfromthedateofitsratifica- 4¥AOT TO EXTEXD THETIME FOR REGISTER-J¥Q9 CERTAIN DEEDS. Ssctioy 1.Tie General Adoenwct,That all grantsthisState,alldeedsof mense conveyances,deedsofroll,deedsofgift, of quite a number Of-our anti tdical cotem in trust oF to marris Ratiged the 12th ofSok We D.,neal TOD &.PresidentoftheSenate. The eotton wormhas appiaredas,but notto any perions extent inap-hardarnpa ‘ :ONTdBets as sex a us totagainsttheRevolutionof1963,or aq of 1776,withaview to ¢printed @|Well as wrote against it.Woalso canvassedtl ] apty of Dayidson.against it,os &eandi- date for the Senite,.w the faintestofbeitig@lected.,“Bat.when sit was rat-ified we ‘salvo hopeofgetting rid of it,and we were for sibihiasion,ITow the Eagle cold everhaveunderstoodoiipositiontobeotherthanas 9onkg be ao20 dute.t Cur apon thesterbawntreilourpipereither ;Sbarenga nyol the fasts to the Ragle as ire (they actully exist,and we cannot permit our- belfto doubt that it wil)torrect the ¢rrors into which it has accidentally fallen. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The Stockbilders of the Westera NorthCarolingRaithoadyssembledinantinalnveet- ing,at Newton,onthe Wy imat.“The meet- jug was quite charmonions ‘aud bat-little change wastmade ‘iu the slate’of the new direstary andaftivers,The reports of the chief villeers of the Road of the basiness af fairs amt madagewmot of the ¢ounpans.the past year,were very watisfactery,avd shew thateach ove of them had +disehurged his daty with tidelity,and afforded eheonrage inent tothe Stegkholders and Public to prose not fail to add hergely to theprdkperityaf all people of the State wud increase her eZ gate wealth. tetore forthe ensuing.year;De Win.1! Howerton,Dé.J.3.Mort’GW.Candide.|choice with one or the other, ©.L.8.Corpenin.N.,Wooetfin J Ss, Henry,J-We Bowman,T.Culdw th Be ACaldwell,R.¥.Simomen,8.McD.Tare and a:J:Cowles At a meetiifiof the Diredters.Dr.J.J. Mottaschaset President of the Riad W. PA “Eliason,“Chief Engineer,and HH. Cawlys.“eeretafy and Treasnrer.8.MeD, Sipe pterieall.plea.tthe Wad arteherieeat:Pieter We ee risa lyofRadenToreiepiedthorshaveaeined:ip auson,All rh a Ee \rid party—the priaeiplin.whadeeeeeensbs Se carenothing.ne uk cothf miuinewen Lp oH ty “$e ) sinewemusthave tet ed mger of:trie wredtparty,whieh if dewwing,jute its rdwks all we cau proceed.in the work iene ftreatorgnonofpotiticalpower.»Aofwealth,“or peace.aud yg sol ‘destwryed ju the tareil?ef eiawotemporaryinaneighborin Over nal.: Steet “we lina now is to fake eare,uot’merely of;the white newof the Stare:whew)ae luded coloted wnau,iim FpreseitrFtwonve#eal aud fring Rin jute the& eleet.and to persaaderthe carygotowork,and oniake ail “1%et diviu else titk theun tie titineitty’anit’ goverment apeu liberal,eulighteded pitied. fairlyt &proud name of the LiperaL VaR, ——_~~ GENERAL GRANT AND TITE SOUTH. The question that forces jtself upon us here-- jand yet be so hostile in polieytand feeling?is inj onthe’Lacks of both. slapis «gual to euch &task.Gineral Urant do? No potitieai horserban- What theo,will ale hurwouy between ihe two sections and res-torution of the South,and it we may pusse tomhidWhOwndesireforpeace,we coil have we any doubt that his ogp onbiated ‘in- Taté,Saperivtendent.—Statesville American,clination would incline him to euch 4 course.— ee Froom the Sentine!THE UNWRUSITY AND THE.PUR_.LIC SCHOOLS No.2. iw 1858,anid the College of Arts was opened It.complet :* “MN rolesia life Lwant teenthiswholematerofedreation,underthebroad expansion initrwpubliomninatitatione:and ran free aa one areal tiv:CHO@ning ielieon.”The Ootdell Daicorsit f Ithaes NY,lie edpital ix esti©mt over funr milliows of dollarsthie.Mr.Cornel!gave.in cash,with this expressivn.“I wodd fron]an instebutionicher+any person cin And instrac @alled the Ovfiversity ay¥stem nian.| cheap:| a)thar! Heneea of our}our advancing | |tereas breakter« or! 25.000.| wfthe North,even,woaldomat |such @ courne.Military domination,a ig the|Guy thedy He eva'd not hotter hare easeof tiencral Cambythetoetheoryotwhatteeu|Ames of Mieimappi, }This,too,it undoubtedly the wisest mitiey5 fortherenultofthelateeleglionsshowsthatneitherItheadministrativanotanyotherpowercanmaketheSoutherapeopleswallowrulicalism,Ould he,mméortanately,take the wide of theradicalsintheSonth—diatds,Rhould he placeJniveriaitywaschartered|bittelfin hostility to the : pOAe mpaatl Gale oer people and pablic sentimentin thar section @ Majority of the he »but will not Gay Catixe 4 great deal of be able,wich al}théam Stokes,the ridica eaadi:late reon erate td try-m0 lage Calmant ase 7oeCadicabsandwillesealitheiintlence orerhimandhispulieyintheirefiertsto.dustaintheseinctionintheSouth,wisile the rest are in-literent nr nro pwlitionk monemivies Thereisnounity,and,asa ~we-equence,the alimini-trative ip at aon fommlering about among du- the Se lEwe.in Misieippi,and ewlotvor cooverraletheexprumioaofgreatpopdlaritycinnotdavehina, te Virginia,and Generalwhohaajot of andergrudtates af petro etreede |hem ue of the Almerican people.They wanfirbandiedAllaveroneland0jaalOprisinginfiverofee'‘Vaiversities and Colleges are springiapaediesamliomanyStates,mestevery hill wp acilvalley is dottedRh.e-soberl hema Burienlenmoregenerens andefordted well Many wha owere beove thei |Cabinet,Yeu let him remodel hi|thake 4 new oneof aaleconerestive meh who feuration,andthe war clowd up.Ther|peace,are tired and digguded with the pretences of re-)h€&t onc Paetas &j enstinction for party purposes.and the «alstite-|inquire in what the allege trepae =|tion of mititary rule for eiyil gueernnent, |South Any :attempt to defeat the popular will in of hisowa ovtare atl good senx irplote iat his | ‘Cabinet and | the wire.the good.the houest:qudetbe tries i remarks,the great qoestion in.Nerth’Car- preseun,but ofthe>faturedety restore the i.es ned,to their hereditaryrights ;do repeal ally 7 partisan laws;to deal’kindly with the degg ’s sdi- fin of va ty or ¢rt ~ ders;aud last,bat not beast to bu ld apa ples adapted ty the age.aud win justlpand TY of NovrH UaRoLiya.-~Abheollie News. The N.¥.Zerald,commenting on ‘the fact |’ that bolh parties at the South,though violently and radicaily opposed to each other,claim to be the administration party—~states the true policy of the Prexidynt with great foree and cleartiess q a follows: and it is one which the Prosidgnt wil -be com:|:,iepelledtoserionstyconsider—is,can thisstateof |breach of a parol contract wholly :‘ulngs fast?)Cay Leth be alininistration parties|tTirefollowinggentlemenwereelectedDi|Hulings fast au Lot re v| wille.The President mux take his |%frame new writs to mect such apd osber enresIlecantetride ifiwe go back to bis ante. {cedtata,if we call to mind his conservative yiewswhenhecioseduptheWarandwishedipimedi-| have po,»|hgsitation in saying he will make the conserya-||tives of the South the admintisegpiion party.Nor ot federal power |- ,Claration with hix own name insertedip theplace Sueull he liccen Othe defear toldgrev-haired uw vers eanedvralicat:in Tennowe and-Vitzinia and to |eothnwiaant at a moment's notice,over anth bal- prlic.voice,his | The pemple |exiain hunin |84,on non-profedonal men,evenof the hi i cember.the writ 6f habew corpus,cannot betolerated|{®pay «note sad being put on the stand,T «|;1 7 course of bis testimony,he remarkedthat.onheingservedwiththe he at once repaired to the be war not aware that he fadthe|trexpars —thebytheactionoftheadmiaistrationorsituationcondnotBationeaneofall}tadical chee woald produce aintvithc enaieenas tem —ax the defendant ix™dnd Jihers)|reaction..that5Constitutionalprovisionswadeforeduer-edi-|tien than iw North Carolina.She eaguet af.{adver reyd.7)bard to be tle,norte linger thy far belied |@%throw 6verboard the exlicnbaCVidoredOiatsock|Her sistere Queyiuth wet Ne vdneited We rifer him to Ww.then,is General Grant to do?Follow |time and place the plaintiff will takejudgment|agninet him for a named tions were taken,whereby it olen became amat-|ter of exeeeding hazard to the attorneytechoos me | oo ow ; 6fthiebest :VeOf |} and vigorous life,perky thro.tthecereVilratescountigathehonor.qnd.labotureOperations6fan.instiponghttebedeartoeveryN:‘ruly yours,ee ;Tee eM PTAPresidentN,C,Agriculi yPsA , State.PROUE- oo For the Old North No,IL—THE CODE OF €fVIL DURE. TRE MANNER OF COMMENCING ACTIONS, tUnderthemachvauntedcommenlawfor«long time,there was noremedy S indamages,even-matil the reign of Edi I,when power was given to theclerks in |from the exercice of this power the writ oftrespassonthecasesprangandassumpsitasoneofitsvariousprogeny,There threeStiperiorCourtsintowhichthe|wus roturtiable,viz:the Common Pleas,King’s|Bench and Exchequer,but as the second halonlyciviljurisdictionoftortsandthe.third ofrevenuematiyrs,the lawyers drew gl?Kinds ofeasesintobothbyframingthew:it,if for King'sBench,as for trespam,although the real canseof|;|actionmight consist ofan unpaid sceeptance,and|adding “and alec”ofa plea of 4 on theleaseinawampsit,deo,called tech ly frome{the words “angl also,”the ac etiamclause,and in similar cases into the Ex ver by an allega-tion Uvu itdeprived of his debt,the plaintiffwouldbe“les able”‘quo minus)to pay the King |his taxes called the quo minus claweé.Ourmod- ern action of opetment was likewise held togeth-ler by astring o!fictions in which’it is alleged |that the party claiming tide afer his right of entry cad exceuted a lease to Johan Doo— that Doe entered by virtueofaneh iti of Roe,and that he,the d-fendaut,ousted Doebandthusbyapleaofnotguiltybringimeinane |he «ji .o-Ante ofaTallinoolration.Wehave |st uwler the “old system”if vourboparhisnoteofhandwhen‘due,not obtain a writosanddefaultbutwaeobliged towitha“trespasson theease”and yeteetop9steamof —~becanse,forthwith it fx covered overwiththedusanIcobwelmofthegloriotscommonjaw!As illustrative of the effeet ‘of atch neo- e-tinlent,I may relate an incident which oc.curred at the Fetleral Court in Raleigh last TheAlearieddivinewas«ned forfailing in the writ (trespass on the ease] committed anymediereeprod:wn our *notified in seh inunlessheappearsaad plaintiff. be orm.Under the vid system,all atts of nicedistine SR U T s 4 EE S ra ..st fon ,silt be anite!in poliey amd ae:is accortiince bis writ.Tins,if A threw poivoned meat to-years >a he 7 -7 ~.twith his vere does The people are with him wards a deg and he caught as it fell—theowner |wall Seale et |nas pnd they camestly desire to »appar hign of the dey im it bring trespass vie armis;but,walle enna te day "G8 |all throwh.Ile was and euli iv the hepe of |UA ha!laid the meat in a fence comer where:Ts thelr ermit be it wath.worne|the nm piilic.Bat the presatd a critical tim:|Che dow worakd pes and the dog afterwards (eaytheir-own uonssisted enerey.|and lin.future popal rity wilt depend upon the |%Xty secon |)preed and eat it,theownermusthaedthemwiveswangourwealthiationhmaytakeinthepulithealaifedr-of the |bring treepay on the case.A lighted aquib iseatandTaostworthyeitioon.Ht they are South and the choice he may makebetween the |ftrowa invaa erowdofp ople,one throwsit offKrenitwowtyobueatetiieehilden—|partion there [heree ao cvatiaz inte alters sad ano ler and ochers nmi ation &explade|©They kuow (hat ton years town today the |native,Nor oagint she President to.hesitate,|in a *face aod infures him and theMiteratemanwillnteunpetewithhismireIbedemaxteroithepotitionlsituqcion.Shoald|leamed Jndge:ditfer w io whether the plaintifffeveredaeigtibor®They fel that the best j we take the atsra redical ground Uaat Bamiwel{|should have sued in trespass wi of armies oF cotheyerandfoetheirdhilldaewistoggivethan|at Urew.ll in bis Unibinetapd:the:extreme|Pye ou the exe ofthatofwhichwoenemyeandevrivethey.Mticale of Coacrem ange he wilh plange bic ad.|The ptinuf i-“riving along the highwayAndehateanotiHalatrAinga|™nitraiou ime ehea of trouble.Si tid he |When t;‘;take a covery itive courseheWill srry the bulk |tiffs horseto take fright,ran sway and anashthepartwfodFpeople.The Colleges of Phe |of ihe np paviiest party a4 Well as all’the con.the buger—thé learned Jude pa notisuiteMatearereportingauHvrevitorivthemn|servaive poupldfea:South and North with |the plaintiff beeanse he broaght his writin trexher-of their stide ats,while the t wiversit?.|him ;for they intve now!ivr’hee to go,and he |pas i @armis bit the —coart aay “thatpimtersorivwsdistdenatages,with enue op |will contin ty hold ile polities and detiny of ve brovight the action tightly.A notable iflgsura |~sities fren abroad and with AR eurpa ef!the rv UC in hit hants”WHLG.neral Grane!tion of the matter:in hand is presented by the7+thee Sai hing ms Ravertrrity in <r ol.sce des ritmiry aid what the people expect |case of Kelty me Lett..Theplaintiff and defen-arship overtheie eared ptideeessors.opens |OFBim Toit ie Uh G teatfon:Tt Ggnnot be de-|dant owned mill-dams ong iy same stream,notwithMoedragivgonapeetsafetePetisLateishorlecision,and i:far apart—the defendant cheted an enbimendloorUiversityhidCollegesprovision|Met Le decided pow .way or the other.tiead of ee raised died be l-gatesand the ef-at mht and mast be m ade ta give wer young!Santee Epo ——aes }feet produced Was to break the plaintifi’s dam.men a practi!eduration.andl fic then fir }State opposed it.|any and every station in titewesubseynently»dveeated Anoth +plan—|tet only be qualified for thewhich.was the Howard Aumindinent wth gach |494 the furaun.bat the best inatrikerfeon niet |modifications 4+to relieve itof all ite w wat fea-tafes—which world hive teed aseptic!by Con-gress,and which bel the Wtrm sinetionof PreeidentJuohason,but all in yin,Monofthe #.-9's politics opposed it,andopposed it brea useitoriginatedwithmen*who bad.differed fromthemdaringth:wor.Taey sent a4,awl oth-ers,on a politi-sl mission t6 Weshingtoa and@ponourreturnwoallnoteveahaaroOwre-port Their te)»*ti97 of the preposition,in thelegislatureof1333ST,vawtel the ps2of theReconstractionActa, Tt is quite apparent from whit we have writtonthattheelitoroftheMajlsiynotatall.fa-Miiliar with our coursé previous to the time hecommendedrowingourpaperasanexchange.We are sorry to have to at}that ho does notseemtoknowanythingaboutitsince.Ife rep-Fesonta us as now advocating “the main featuresoftheResonstrnétionActs”readerOfourpaper knowsthatthereisnot chewordofteathinthis.We-haye always dontend-ed that those acts wore anemstitutional,uawiseandinexpedient,and wa do néw.We haveal-ways denonncal th1s0 among as who,by falsehoodandmisreprasentation,indaced Cangresa‘©pass'them.Bat when recon*traction onderthembeegmsanatormplishedfactwowereforsoceptingofthesituation—ior submitting to the Tey moet bar.the pul sit, Peenslogienl.and Our publieand primary sehowla rust pre2t The Uaiversity,as the emnstitutional | public schog!#ysten.| its spleodid glory.x NORTH CAROLINIAN.| THE LIBERAL PARTY. oa.'There isa disposition evinced on the part praries to ehriateh the great patty pew brais of"universal amnesty, of tames.have suflrage and and =quite a le propeved. more =riate thao anything »lse we have heard.“Lineran Party.”This epns to |Ue injure theSociety mow voti valemorbundcondition,+bey make a short explanation.Wien the Society was called together inMarchlast,for re-orgtiiaation,itthattheprospectsworemowgroomy.The FaiUroand.had been oe UCortiederate and Federai,for barracks,encaimyMehia,hospitals and pri-un-,Fiorai Hai had been wribuiddingswereinpowession of nitmergus ten-|ants of all dex rijsions|enclosure tenminedobliterated,Nob-uscr,revered to ihe City of Raleigh:a cent now in the :raing “throdghuut the Southern “States |was dead.on the aud ‘tniversal pomberThatwhich meets withe most favor.huwey#r.anil whieh appesrs ta os to be ly appeared to have iorgot Uncdeb tiexe cireum—-¢to resuscitate thesuclety 60 as to have aairduringthecomingFallwithonthavingtheprincipaloff As jong 98 the Bair Goo indovereiuriesand.Tresenref ine STATE FAR,, a abi The tatiow’vy letie es pleics itecdfy RaLetou,Aug.25,1369, undaly Jarge number of the -ofhcers of the|pare aud sedd np stidente to the University|North Caroling Agrictloural Soviéty is from |the 8:aud the Colleges,and ii tin reenive bnek|Wake coumy,apd thatfromthesetheittheachers,dutil the name of|Aismance County.the University is written upon every school |honse.and pero:évery heart in Nerth ara.|liua’ head and centre of the must shed itetig!all ever the State.whi'e |the pablic ond primary schools shall reflect | yuu wallow me io|4 ifwasfoun ipicd by «the military,|he tor éight vear down;the other Even the title to the land bad,by| A Tréa.ry. Worse thin ais Ou the instittion.‘ances it wasfound im- ers résiclents of Rateigh, at rexidé here. |His lawyers bronght an action of n|armis inthe Céunty Court|vers contended that he shonld have brocght trexpaxonthecase—the County Court an held andma-suited the plaintitf thereupon theplaintiff;brought an action of irespason the case in theLortonoytax,Diewoctat :-—Deur Sir:'3|L novice an intimation in your tast paper,a that |contended that he ahouhl have brought trespass©et artis and thie view wos fina!ly sustained in ony one reside Wes ot elapeed eine,Det your statement may|iid notniafterajong|rights! |day before the lewof’s r ght ef entry acerved.—any one Wished fo sue for a favorite horwe im-1}proper)y taken fhum him,if he brought an action oft|detinne and the horse died,he lost his suit—if ~|state that the defendant fonnd the horke and af-~|terwardsconverted hitn to his on use,Then|again ifa party wished to aue nu¢|Without a serawl—-he should bring trespass onNovavestigeofthe}the caseTheituckfortrottingwas|debt —if fed]—theti If tre carNot!in damages,only covermaut coald be broaght.—The last President {These and many other refinements,useless ardthepeoplegoneral-|worse then tiselese|All action are pow com|finedallalikenotify thedefendanttoappearata :peeing time and place the o iten|this distinction between actions brought on ab:ivented Lere,|plain mone y—demand and that class of cases|UY:jusudlly styled ¢defendant tape his drumcauses_plain- (reepass.ri efthedefendant's law- perior Court when the defendant's connael preme Court and a:the ved?and day hadhwfiratnon--nit,the plaintiffbringanotheractionandthorlosthieAgain,1)+jeciment,it would have beenevlateofthedemiseaualdefectto-tar the bronght trover,by another fiction,he would a note—-if —if it had a scrawl—then covenant ortheinstramenttébestedonweunderreofactionsonndedwholly »are FWept away by the Code.summons panier the summons orisfiled,with “iitignted,”that if the’defendant g Msi?forthe first ycas,whilg everything mnixt be |should fail to answer i i TropemsbetheAcceptednameinTennessee.and we |bait up from i fonadacioh,a war Seumlehbest eee ae beste inthe -notices that thé Memphis Avalanche,whieh |tia:the President.and come Vice-President|of clase,that on failnfe:to answer the”fonght the good fiht daring the late gain-|should be lécated-on the «Dence Hon.D.|will apply to the covrt forthe reliefpaign.with more than jte usual gallantry,|M.Barringer and ragelll wets elected.“The!in the com t.This portigulatity,I think,aad whore banner was ever in the van.sete President is e officio Chaittaan of theExecu-|ooght focommepd the newmode to wor im-}Overuponftthesealofi:approbation,andsayz:tive Commitee,aadonhim iadevoivedthodu-|partial mind «te ome in this City,on the” ¥mM,beac,\CATHALRIN:3): EP rox tne SORELY APLC TEDoftheaodersigned have every sutferedforsixlongandgloomyyears.froin,hd legs.superinducedeeroythFayaae first yeur of the late1thine,hewas¢ompell-ated ‘rame about,onedthebestmed- j apd’Visireu the “0 h vew,asit is:the worication.what has beew funyidatteoptiedbythePhysicies:uf the mek unweariedpeterss,WE Waste Marded «1! i yingreste.Judengds tur 1 p Dt,ata)CEOw WEL SWaAe al--80 te aero eet r aS ear i wt ilyrealiag Le truly Wu aienie -or undlygratefal for this extrawedinaryDlessing-he ijdesirous of being the weansbenelitstethosewhe Tear aie eobet.sepom;sod proposes nyt only ty treat,bur CURK.all Of Mie Dower extreivitios.such ay old Q4dMN gonditioned Wleers of theVaricoseVelus;weak “and enlarged Joints;Ke.,wo matter of how long siaudii y. Itisone of the great advantages of lis inode of Weatmeut.that no restfermeus are inposed umthe patient.astegards diet excige,Ke.and es the most part.tittle or ueinvditineignosed. ‘The charges shall be in wecordarce «ith jon of the timses,ane these treated *-withou’wou WARD SILL.¥LD Saliobary Nat? t SALESBURY MAK oP SEP.3,1869 RErorrer i¥4.a.McOOsd.TOHLT writ}; Gags.per dozen,Peathers. Fruit,dried applies peuled ... *Peaches pestle: lawverof his choicetogd to Cherc compelledtoemploy an attorney drawshisanswer thenBi.employs one of the Cherokeedontbaiear Croshed Pulverizea ....****, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O¢rraick Gomer, Catowms County.§: Mary A.Ca-vpbell,Plaiett a anewett cbomp's of heer,BOR,Wakefeas clerk Of er 6 genreSetnnR.R May A.Ceupbel,Piisud Dat ° pelt,Defends .t.oAefendant willtakenoticethat o>sher nest,at the Cunct House.i>©,T shall proceed to take the den.John Withereporh and others ww henéepondingtrtheBrymerorooritr,No.“bare p ainriff ©MARY a.Gawpress.lia eOS lr.5a) is BeteAscatenr. WILL BEGIN oN1MthSept.1869.we _20?rON PeR Mowrn: Fs or ew e st ;f H tf iEFra 4=E ¥|Soot3,tanto.i F ii i tin h } i thiy,and eveey Fentrancetotheclove of=E.WHARTON,A.M. Sill’s TaMtiidie S-aling Salvo. being made fromneedinthieConnection,ha-of the most gratifying resuit-;sons who have used it,wai THIS SALVEheretotorebeenproduciive gratefully testify.hts properties are heali 28 ng in @ remarkable decorrects,at once,the fetor aud ofen-;|Stvenessofold sores—iewena fhe discharge ot ney.To iliustrate:— sion to serve noticeferredequity ponieside,heing On the same day Ipealfrom«twenty miles frommorethanneceseuty,areundertheoldpracticeand one.oldsyiin,epee fi,axnext of Kin; E.SILL’s Drag Store, ik hi s tem. 3 U.S.Internal Fevenue,Oolleetcr’s Office,6 Dist.NCBALtIsBUKY,1sth Atig.1369 1859,in tine eity of £22 =ai ¥the 16th day 1 June,Charlotte,depa’y ef.cet,obthateeofWo.F.Henderron)A-ses.01Distridt,seized for forfeit are ¢vioftheRevereLaw«of tie UnitedTwolargeCa<k*and ove K gujosteusiblybyJanes1).Palmer.a,,Mt the eemeecity,1 Ba!of Wownedottenrib.y by Wr2Roisspirits,owned onto;SiL}y hy G:There Fere alae ay ‘netsShapard’:oross-read the otherUnder theside,evenestwiththe plaintifiledforsettlement,process and copies of thenew&thisismacidedinwriting, 4 te ? a2 8 F +BR.Coobrauenr a5 j BA Cor Che aur Cause,Beamtretetlcounty,on th:i June,1669,1 RbI &pitita,Owned onbyStephenGedfiey,upd om the e6th Stutesville,owned « on tho23th da ofltownOfSalisbury,one by Mites Holshov- bl spirita,owner un-*Perein oF porous claimtri¢the aboveJOfanypartthereof,are herebyappearatinyoffeefistucorebiacaphaneetene!oo@2.wiubr. 2s . ad 5:Vb aa a et x aeot ook, ae “3 it ription turougheut the stated.ir.“8 Wy"c ve "tex Uae sighs. a ya letter poevived ee |a a © _SAEIFBL YS é al Arad arching dan ae:1 Geielea"i tou geaey far pogaeneertes , ¥=haAVMyAHEARNE&vo. Special Agents tor the North Paroting PB:etigyeray Ageuits fer tue (oilectiosof Cini Are authorized £6 PFNoreen Gade Sous. ss{ ee whe ; admits of c The verdict of the Coroner'sjuryleavesthématterin doubt.’».¢Tom was"arrested”by Justice Bousini‘on a chugé or,but was een to bail in the sum of fwo Implred Tt acems from the evi:lencera thedeceased and,Lom were ex rmining the pistol at thetime, which was.psebabiy supposed to beanloaded.—. They were;and Haly Always boen, friendiy.Parsons sould ‘be warned by suetit accidentsagainst the carcles,handling of.fire arms,* ertiescdipagled—~ore Grinp BaLi.—-We were complimented byMeosra.Peyton Co,the proprietor,with atickettotheGrafPaneyDressandMusqver- ade Ball,givéi’at the Greentirier "White Sul-phur Springs,"West Virginia,on Tuesday last, in bouor of the Pyroe but wore apableteattend. Frost.—-We mek loving Peabo| residing at Boone,Waranga County,N.C:“Abont the far time of the Eclipse we lwd.frast for three or farporeinarsToceepasnie peeW the’corn and.buckwheat.”. inet oiiDearaorDa.Morr.—Welearn with re. gret that Rov,T.S.W.Mott,DyD.,died at his residence in Cicawba County,on Monday Just,Dr.Mott hudlong bova a Miaisterofthe:Pro- testan!Episcopal Church,andwas distinguished forhis learningand his piety,- st orld be entt.e*go0m a os.are matured, and belpfe th whe iat Qi ry aud it iseatent Theofenthesubject of DireBiowe’s anticie chagye |© Jom NOFICBE- —HAULWOAD | i ‘eu Tour to ten“wheaboverailroadare.shes “bulormned the theEngineer Corpa ix and.waite!to begin the survey,ae soou ds these aiereriptionsarepaidda,«be ia.hoped that,thiae paymete wilt he niide ar ener,shi the work may commatigeee delay The etvey willbegicres.tat v4 wae have boenfseuttetheayderaigned“and ©ave is his possession to bere--sraal to the aubseribersonpaymentoftheirsubzeriptidi.Payments tay the made ti fa"dander.{ber signed,, ‘Those geathemen>whe acid 6as Com missioners in precuring these «ubserip tiene ave requested te saseiet the noder signed in»bartening)the collretiwn, soon ast possible.Ave there not alea enh | of thie important Road whe}are Willing10 apei (by ‘econuibutio.e rfthesurveyPrompt,FA vs aud save geticaetion anhug:ihe “fete ds of whitRoadwilleapilysecureity.courts ac!ios, t the develo)ment otthisregionofeenntry.| eo WML ME.ROBBINS,| Dire‘chor. —————po ofthe countryareare still excit- as ‘ ctrange miv | esveeet swore ia te |Ane wu ary tLegnrvey Vouiphay 1 1d tn the Chem«aud Dar img we s Wa :i iat try e contr,Se atl oc toe.neyfeetetoma be ina a aoeNae int of the average 4 that ber:veeureCEeee.creat Stites of the West,built-up entine-hepideof-eyent 1 ke val ies,Cuttingdown forests,tina stant como henofr:Cate us anbteleyr:The oot:reneA rind whe dled a were To-t where la- filecle shai %oirPinte,andBronorab!lyveeaethereisboreasonwhysinepotreceiveiershareofditofthec@miryUtthe©distrity:matfon work!givrally,-for whieh nothing“eS he asked kenaasaan and the blessings oiourfreeinstituions,Let pur resowreesbe made oe immigrants invited to come and hare ¢yh profit of developing them.tcp 9 cde let thent a suv!|welcome and sich encouragement that chey will |indace their frieads i -relatives to juin ‘them |andideapscine ons ap aor Stat@and m tking 4 mmoe san Ie mow bpp,thé moat pror-mos!conjentrdTefal File States“the wablic,+4 ay ¢xanrple to all the na-tions ofthe earth,—Sander’.Se SALasBURYRY RO,AD. We asderstaad this.the Be ard of Direc furs have suceeded iu gaisiug the feuds ne- t the mate te Wades the sal?Of Ne Stork ~which tin bore Be.road:and tat with «fuileorpeof equi eae Byron withiocest with his’sister,and ai-}Weeti tue werk ait be doueat oper hi ieWuestoCurBasomCona—M ny per-lnging then thet ertsnewan thdec of the ny |Urry 1 hal the row Will be Daily toe Wades sonsdonotunderstand wheatn should|arationbetween Tim “and his wife.Much aly,wid atter vedehing phat pemint |pheeat,We are reqnedad UpJ.etsled the bility of the truth of |ung POU difieiticy id carryingit onCasieee:of,:the charge.m pretends to have re-ite Saliswury.AL ditvetah spied oie pleen>tersof brooms ee ©|ceived LadyBr |some eightcen years 200,Laiauifatea bd tee oe sere hbtereefed gi“| —ust ce '- f uman atureseems |f ough &free ”are ‘ @ er aa 1 8 30trEbedt,aspanera Siwdays day -without =Seach ine ‘$i $6.40 0 fb bhadaetiao ance @ the yom i wealaad sewlog i is hideouscrime which w so Riu |ewe on ‘: Baougiat tht a u-vication WOT not be occesary.Mra Powe;by thas “aeaiiing the MeadOOeh e he tie epeedy eg tnrtion of Cum d ————aeee F of the dead;has blackenell hee ow}rad oy out eitiet laveavery “ogee | TaAt en Sec set “Tw readii and has turnedthe public agains.bet j deasiau tory ow to Wiifally [res pe We bay rn ae ada that =oot ofHet las quarkbe been.por uuforunste forben,trertainls mprrhem pial y Govt Pe &detatond by any cow heme 4 great hiworicy:value sadro seats injeppaly dent,<itlien<'ly abote tat of wu bibvt—2,Begins fier enehot,wing SON Be BUPPOSED SUICIDE.oat.7 t#den the Since,ofthe dictngeided:Naval -aatchs ee Captain whose vame heads"this *ie cached O¥er @®ave open |8 Dearn or Rey.Prom Dora.DP.| abort cm.nating from @he"pregofKelly,Pittde sada pracdeninide Riv.[De,wich oveorred fn thib yrlare om Tuesday| Co,Baltimore,Ibisapersonal the}atcm abo wcrks uge bedi"vw >i ct or shiadieh ren | cruises agdservices of Alaina the Aivnsadein,whrer-he was i}oy phon ra. S.mter and the Alabams,erabracingthe First Soath-re Chureh,aie pre poset steay an rP ee ah tioasof Lis twoships agaipatthe SoarbrreCio ahar el!.3 mer merce,and thevariows “mach deptersed ii apr bed shat e the enemyaflont,Teis of peensiny.?wight,avers 25 mW sale Leontle?y Ix the priee of partytisterest.Theworkiesoldonly by”Mecwre ge lentes,E siwl binge wma the rsetbe hii!&eremniaeith ear \sabscription fithas beenleftatthisofficefor leads ve Wer bly ih by |eete f Phe Ly tious a es dover sew tha | signatures,|oni aeopy of coma ied suicide ;.fm pel gles dead|©is @ rere preje-y this wank i2k plagecallearly,Nomrox,Ang.Tish,4909,|}Peetgnanteritetothe pny be You neednot be on ie Thao dese Mr dows Qrivey \oama,Itt ¥a tapPeewxii‘Eetart Arr.dead.on we wish age todie.|aniplaieildeeaeBor all)a ties at this'thite.on ww Sion LE.RogetshasBeen@eeted|tiredof Sas A ami.2)pil ’aii hembennpanen + Presidegt of this Com pail,tice J.G.Mester,|ieaksMee.Pee.tik Swe.—We had “xays the dele:|roigadd,The Oren!Deswing will a ro es 7 9 Mh 0 we Thapoicletiietete area yy,Wee S ince Ak i Sree paleed eye alitle ta the want+~worth.and |medi Gctrenne Thee BOsNin reel fdlotwe “=>2%ooh af 15 dvgrese.eB.ce the Wotan.Vith »pair| R..!Basteis to 'n awn fot hres bee dl tacee field ghanen—.the Hetbes pofersof | fis property as dightibutet ie.twenty -one ath ap grane.|3 ©strange ¢sltant ate teadlly d<cerved.| at Ra'cigh, countiesin NorhGetulida,with’(ie iy the Stateot Gedngia,Ticketsalready|scoutedrel wld with Hetd good if this dfawing,OnlytheLsplacedithewheek,uamer soht 6 Five per een’.of the net.eumings of each |has drawing wt te ah eeaereat urer furwen eft Tickew$2 cspace Yist of prites,ween wismalatheta@28 5 Se eeIiiceravte>ASWGAL OF “Punseereot ayo Pirvtte6 soy pow 1870,a coutaus30Waireviagt of Jeadity;tore Pryant,Gresley,Bown att,Brooks,Marble,Da- pa,Rirmowt,with portraits The nd Fem ve Fora;Why Children Paren.«;Gon,Graut andhisCabinet,withPor- Phy dognoay ly Politiesar “Kates and 4 jenve of ¢onjugalSélection,Happy Marriages,Tytaper unontie Wediock;Ameri- can \rtiaia;The Steep Walker;Beain Waves; Pw holotieal;Sr EdwardLaridster,eae Dwanl Po ety Wie wile,Royal Eades of traite; Di ace 7” trench Empire,with portraitay.Guizot,~ Statesmin;Howtochoose&;Wha: ~min?and meh more fn Chit,and raey annual,which sells far 25 cori,SH,B.Wells, Vubtisber,New York. ———————— Brack woov's Ma@aaine wrAsget hae|are been received from the TeonardStottPub.Co., 140 Fulton street,New York.It contains “Ne. XII of the Historical Sketches of the Reign of ébe l jake th articles. near being frightened out.offae fa it ie community,knew nothing of -and that the end of all thi their bib es and began to |fr, ——_-——_—-Tux “Cnast Movewmen.”+-The Conn“Republican is alarmed st what it terme chair,and thinks that at norainy woomtheRadi ee =may be ae great | anhe likes,ii he oniy hue recomnre- sare w a 06;but ale Be Sens”bt’0 verve to,dohin dmy iithfaly and »Cntirely ruined.ieity of met|2 OsPS RIT whe dérire ret.and therefore hve gone Where alone |can |Reo J hgpe ster at et thin ealloweda ‘Te may last and opiy! i allforgive’and receiv. Jyo.MBuaxopr. RUTAABAGA *CULTURE. Yoor Kentneky correspondent wrats to know the bear way te ralse Rata Ragas or Sweede tarnipe.1 gite vur plan.Sow the| peed ju the gardew the same as cabbage.1) select «a pivee ofjaud that is rich.DuringthewinterIvtaplentyofbarti-yard fnanure;plow deep early iw the Spring; then draw and roll rftep until the iplarite | are large eeeuge to setont.say about the|’ middle of June Then ridge it opin rows three feet apart take a rake and smeoth down.It is new as five as a garden and and pot a weed on it.heote a bland day and four smart bauds will set one acre per “he about ten days all the viwete willtenepipatinthe.cultieaer,plow aod often.ThusI get from 8 to9 hanbushelspeetere.My sull inigrevelly,“oam,T bave taken the firat prewi- um at our country fair.on Swede tarnips fi.ie reading|several years.year L exhibit bushel;tea tarpips make «bushel.Unie of teem.af eating «ff the tects and tepa.weighed vive pounds aud six onnces.TI get my seed free an hove t eeedsmav—dJanies Viek.Kacheststr.NY —..0,Barrington, Cambria Mille:Mien.in Rural New Yorker: —_——_~<-- The Londow Jimes express #the opin. ion that Canada ix 4 a ti a aa to wet ani pt kingdom.‘Thia decla- Me io of th alee simaltinceiec [=at]wink the vidit.of Prince,ArtauR,whichistoheprotractedsrelye‘months,teon-| Teenjune to menu that,if Cauada willlinesbieaking,the mother con George UL.A Story of Balenburg—Part L— ere eeLrrectorTHeEewspan.—Wearetold that recent ecitpse,Theywere busy Place.They gazedeagerly yee ing nigh,when they abandonéd ole pO hom tarily expected Gabriel to soune wide spread schemes “to ‘organize wingalliances,lo aur we A Year and a Day—-PattIV and several other|dx .nentire neighberhoodin Mercercounty held,and,as they are not@ g facy of the aun,until Seen the wagon,the plow and the hoe. |hegeearemnp,Bristol Vax A place Chief Juetice Chase in.the wie ia in thenal,ee Pie Wott of the oan i«flery fe.while theraysWreedeepMar.ft sparkles mest bel Hieut!y.Vt dae ae tail. -—>-————_ There jee matetroes liviig om Matin jrwekers bake.Ls de cece,wheite are | m ded acd wepty voare old T hie od fern le eT hall:and metive a hws}Mcomage d fee ber feiewltiva he te.| Re tee eldest persan be the cown iY ors a Newbtere Somrnal of Comercial —-_- Ancotton.—When pare it &a deadly poteon.|Witeu diiatell,a in the ordinary be<tiarviative aad intoxicating,-torindlwenceisor fhe teal and nervous aveicm;deadening thaimtalaffections,dulling the jmieliectua!oper- on?of touril inetinet«;Secmping topervert andaallthatixpureaudholyinman,whilewesimofhishighestattribate—rea-on.Itik |t upon a famile,a curse aponsociety and|the bine of oat civilization.Ina word,Aleo hol makes drumkirds,and a drunkard is the exdidest and most dhocking «ight this world af-fords.—Stecl?s 14 weeks in Chemistry. ‘ ' \: Caaeepecaa et A ah effort to reeoncile Sentors Rpregue and Anthony les foiled Walter dieage Lauder waa passions| ely fired ot flowers,One day,after an impetiee:ives glee threw the cook om fo othe window,regard:sa of the garden; While the man wae ushbiig with a bro. ke bem.hb,1 vtinder exelaimed,“Good Godt 1 forget lle flowéra”’ fad Ghirewdon lida jneteneted the British flecgaa Clviwere watets 16 co-op arate with the Americaw fleet jn riving a telegraph eablenlong the coast of China Chicago propoers to devote three then: sand boar hundred aud ninety two acresvoporkporpysresRiversidePark,a pris|sors vate enterpriae,¢-ntaius one thensand ¢ix wnidved acres 8oe Os accotrt ofthe great nnatberof wonder.fal curs of obstinate~and threterate cases of Scrortea,Dyserrers;Liver “Drerars,Kip-weY Aprrcrions,GENERAL Ban Heart,&.,0800,” t we our at pricest he aug 27,1868. “om,if in} peer mewsSleae VELEREOAD SAREE 8.SATING agDd PROMED o Scat ”Silk,Felvet and Fe't Bonnets and Hats, “|supowss'AND SHAKER HOODS, The torgest ‘Stock of Millivery Goods in Rhett:Country,anda ru hi“_S eho Riot whichtwilldefycompetitionsORDERSSOLICITED. ?‘84-2mn hue Aneaterble,Acquisition tes“oust Keepers. |&tasteless and nodorousPreservingPowder.- oRpreserving Rodenand Tomatoes,and_a't preparationsof Frits,without beiag air-tight and with whatever qeantity sugar’déesiced; be it much,bith.or pone etal Ita iocun parably soperer to any other preparation, Lois Powder will p.esepwe wil am ePrteinty "AY Nolewe need have the sfigtt-<t doubt.One b caspoontal of the powder will preserve fran 1 Tt te ten qaariaot dressed:Feuit or Tanne Any kind ot Cate ar’purd will answee,a: hey heed not be atetight,and can “be ase aul of,taf pleawre.la Piryit.Preserve- ee dt he Saga Pow directionsuc Teany if, i te bad wooly a Be sucs Deg Storm “ylinbus j us 15 1f 28 “IME TPBLE~N.©,BAILAORD. T RAL S NORTH ; neuen Lin Wee *Sing 'zpraweehoonFabre Fe-out,i!.‘ameitet wave Charlite,oo)|Aone w “PO aeeee«|bbamt Pre ce oe 2:We 28ee ae &)Sun|$Rhalm,|ee S |Tee neta ito aeoctran)jee {ew eo : RNs ROUTH mal. taht aBoive eeae aman |Lure int shearet }|oe |Twa nCaletgh,(op uw)OO >Mae “or -«,Shepi,|Oe |ae *Rw re)o Ore onabhons ot re mite Bs,»ib aw!om . “alistury,“4 we *(ope)LexChathat,ee *we hte Bi h-daie exebee all the Connections,¥a ot WeeFOPPONTTRAINSGHgetranGuldeor’only «hieethereb+wecerelty far it,Breight elitbebrougat regetor- yby be pesectper trait ALBERT JOMN“ON,Geveral Superaqesipent,sit POR BRON UAL AND LIVER DI pSEASES read the follewlng+TLo‘mes it.Ratner Granville @.,NM.Cs,Sq.1 God your itls tobe the bent family ward“ie b have 6be0-tepls They haveprovedvery bea- efictalinmyownease,|hare been verymuch afdictedforifteewyears,and have triedevery kindofmedicinethat|eonld get,but have feandmore ve ‘ef trom oe Oe ee.~~»|Dromethe »iee in tenorft shorn my 2thWars ii ntmelieinetorneariy«|family diseacen.ae:Gar:ts Thorough. Hag.¢tert ofColumbancounty |eccranieME Tae|draaed iiverand wight.»bile eckikeah |satabeqowese seen teat lwastooutoffedanditmpanriltheot|yro_cap ate Ere ine OTHE4HEV\TIC PILLA,and the fetdose|sn0%,=Ae(rom re t eontinned termse the Pieweer,aodheave not entered from liver dsince.Uhaverecommended them aegor ingly,oetrtal permat~até on wantofthem.A.)dmtase is an cuoniy be the inoman syateuy “nd«at war with (and will couqeer it}amie Datare Ub 0)theassustanee 1}eamtecei¥e ireut streepth /ening meficines aad puitable nonrishments.canOnquerthecnewywhichwonldbebest.ta takemed,ine befart youget sick.Weprevent acknersortotakemedcineafteryomgetsicktoredinkpere,°°word ta the wie enough fThmereiveyouree,n the means of Gr-fonse:tue enea.ywi be ye atertrady with The Southern Mopatic Pills, Phat old,long kwon and well tried remedy for all Biljang disenes,ca ied by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EWIGR UNT#.—You are abort to wake| 4 heae for you stifand family na chimes whieh|vere on they bare ot boop,0s custometo,gon withToriesbeapase]to all the disease:prealiar wthat«l mite.soa sed dhe carefaltonee taoh jseineeae ave adapted to the dineasesof that climateveewit!het thegreatest a@oority im rie axe of Dexke”Aocrare*Naranie Pres.Theyconbesentto sag pointintheUnitedSteterbePaprese,PRICK—Foronebow,Bee:te —De CLM—PoO roes |$10 Che Groen,O98—Thiree Groowe,O50—Beve Orme,STATieouhfn-teither the ortter far the Wedie ioe or it esl besentOL ©Mr ere chewldbeadd -em“iw eo.Ww ores.Be.24,Soo’a Qaawous Sraare,Batt-wone Mo. here they off hepromptly attendedtePorthawWattlcinescullonwilteepectabie DemggietseverywherewedonG.B.POULSON, Salisbury,N.Cpais TH GOLD MEDAL Ifasjast been awarded to3"214CHAS.M.STIEFF, For the best Piene now made.over Bait:more,Phil-ade'phia,and New York Piancs. OFFICE AXD WakheQoons:No.9,North Liberly Street,near Dalti- more Street, BALTIMOKE,MoSTIEFE'S PIANOS have all the Intest fmprove- ments,including the Agruffe Treble,Ivory Fronts.and ~mnptoved French Action,fully warranted for five year.with privilege re withintwefvemouthsifnotentireiysatisfactorytopurcha- "nesend hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwayson hand.‘rom $50 to”_——whe hwve out Pianos im ase:Gen.«Lee,Lexington,Va..Hill,Char otte N.C. Gen,‘peaer’m.Wilmington.N C, Ger.John Letele .Lex'ngton.Va.Mewm.K.Burwell&Son.Charlotte.N,C. Janes H.Greenlee Morganton.N.C,4.4.Smith&13.W.Melton.Chester,By C.etree Bernhardt areagentsfotthe nie o/the abovecelebrated Pinncs.Pianos ao'd atFactoryprices.jnne 18—1y JOuUN S.HENDERSON,pec|ATTORNEY &OOUNSELLOR AT LAW, SALISBURY,N.. wi attend promptly to the Collec- ”Jat 2-95-19 ecqritecs im erparation,i olan the.celebrated “Ke it has won ce Sadie am tome.Ir andmoatmedicinecverdiscovered.It in dailypre-*by a and recommendedtoeFor"i rae.pee areasIwingDmfawnodieonlcoretheegoiiiSia,oe fo pilewaf Otsiens {obOO—~dy ER SRTfeetnegitnheegeete we oe mae Li;3ee.He Agi:*sees 1G)aitgtewed dud ld ie 16>|, wud thee Jeers:taleb aevetepy days). tGereaning Pm wud,:-incr caved Paetit iaSdditionsallnprevementstorJ6t% Waa 3 ‘Pst Mower (aad &Miitse:j Mo BeBf Raking “or,‘wih 4“Sew Muwing Auachipent.. _wee Rake Reaper, Haiues”Liliiwiss acwente?, May tee tred By “he Welteh4.Wel Mow we aie!IEaptny Matiane Compaty,~General CED intend des uniie Cay,bewwtck Falls,Ieus, wo OM YeeN x;thir cs fiend daled,Rewiinswht Comts ateit .de ¥Yurk uy VU.Bok,Sud. 2 G1.ec ate eh.Chivage,fi. *Ale nett ie,-* Ma beet,AW %, pedon. SendJur,diene dinar Pisce Circular &-an LYice LIM 4CareyPeectvateteBraneteallieceabove.RELLAVLY AGENTS WANTED:i,ahsTintudpttinnstied Meet”Juin,Salle We Ougre 3gents for hE ene a Pali-kary.”» 77k ‘opted sty the Land all other Maehines.~ “*hir Nachosdhalleigin xoataaeeantfulem!a everinvented, give entire satintactionyt dtrhey twUegivesutistactiontheyWaly"Le)se tarnedafter a arial Of WH"me heawehemeoteywiltbevetnnded_. Machines 1ma:sel redexpreselyJ SHOE-MAKERs,«oo MA: .KERS,“T'Al a> ees Caw’eaeatmattuticterersel se cA ee,Re Sis OF VIKG INTA SS The Cowpeny bes copital and aeseter agains!16abilitytatwithedinperefivowblywithansLifeimeurence.calpain)ow the coulinent,whieh i@ the truetest of respuns.tilityItsafainarecautvoosls adutinistered by aelecteeDirectors.oF Wilt}and Lusiners cepacity. bas ite ciuimtocoutLetp Vatronag OFFICERS: nn ‘9 JOHN FE,FARDS, ay Deak m)J.Usirisooa ~So GetOal ExXa .CHARLES H.6M DTRGALaPtieta,wore EDT,IL.U.Vackt,Jxo.ib :DIRECTORS ;K.Bityton,+Pastor,bate&.Cottrell,oe srhe wville,°Fame!esTaras, Grorge Joc deJ.W.Atieom Tree PREMLORT, Wu B.1saaes, - Willie a aSp a r : ss i B,,aorlen D.J te ok..yler,-_.og 44.ites nee4.B.Morton.Wm,B.leeoreR.H,Phbeett.Williamll.Paimier,SemelM LEWIs.0.FANE Feb.12 -ty Lrexixe Pure Rye and Corn -Wiis Dill &in eee Seek =atulterated.at GROOT,KUCK &00.Prep 8.CHARLOTTE,N.C,. ALO,Wee paretiaw 500 or 1000hea ef Cw,wwl play tt ©layer)Cath Pret be “ed ee joy 227A, ee ee Batab ROS 1e6ss.LEPAGE -&o., oF baa? Commission SM.uchan's “AwCOTTON.FACTORS, Commerce St.,Morfolk,Va. tor CP Special atterition paid to the sale of GRAIN,COLTON and all other biuds otCOUNTKYPRODUUVE.HF Literal advances on cotsigunientsandpromptreturns.july 9227—n ——— DR.GODDIN’S_gRemrousy :GENELAN ©tfPTERS. Cons Chils ated Pocer,Dyspepieta,Endigestion Unlic,Sick Ste rmach,Browehdia,Asther: Neiitaléia Kh»ih tiem,&e; A UNIVERSAL TONDE. A gare,«feo and etintte pre temtative anc coré for all Malarudd fiveneé,apd all diseasesreninaYetrera!tonic aa yerpared éniy he Deo NA.Hy Goldin ane for tule every a here JAMES T.WIGGINS.(Sacettwor f)JOH.Biker &oC8)Proprtivtars Agent and Wiils ‘ccealer im Patent)Medi dees.Norfolk Vr.17—ly Valuable Lands for Sale.SHALL SELL at public ale;dm tha premi-ade,uh Thoreday,16th Seytenther next,artofthatALDABLETRICTOFLAND,nown asthe B.8,Krider place,cotipri-~iug140Acri@Alagiatiswoodland.Ithas onitaAweil:tg am;oat-hbomts...These lands areontheShetrill"*®Ford rind.adjoinin &the landsofN.PF,Haband others,and only two niflerwestofCreekope.ou the Western arolina They will be sold onacreditoftwelvemonths,purchaser givingbondandepprovedsectritr. ae Dealerinin Groceries |Preminm HmeOMe,.5.seme veeeb)we Over INGOT ......coal esTheuaderaignedisSoe Mockevil'e,Merch 19.1849..~ NEW 1 valuable aud jufiwentiat PalSTEPLINE"abt adenteratedie,o [OanasST-k.88 adienan it is reemaneeded.tevexert eam «tNewYorkWpedesinnndoly,Urese whe harenottro*York ‘te it,Thete iv chuisned frre a :te.wile 5 Pay other With aneb edluomh #Qupndins as |ciqnired fo weet-the demandsof theSailingMemNewYorkrveryeeantSATURDAYMmaP.he Jone20,1°02.Ktovt of Wall stcoet For 4 jen of A Fine New Busey “Ap ‘i te “TES WILLIA .«7 Line,whi oeper te dry 1 +1 we any berets tffered..J“AROUGH.BILLS oe LApixG New FURN Store ao the North,rai seeteni mer &DASTREOcasi Wilmiagion,.2N.01AMRSHAND,Agent,aso Bs 119,Wail Street,N.¥.D:T.CARRAWAY, Cee eee +to all PROVISIONS.TARDWARE, dow Shitdes,At.be, >—_— I ROMPT atrention gitet to orders,dnd tethe«tle of Cotton,Grainy Xaral Stores,Tbeco.Dried Frait,de »Arnie.court BUILDING,april 9—1 Ty :A WBE UN.B.C. JOB PRENT,1NG,BBLANKS,£0 Sbaees | HAND Ets ® EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB luethoa es.EXPEDITIOUSLY,“WELL‘And CHEAPLYdone AT TIS OFFicE._Be Clerksof Courts,eee oeMa-/<5 wt &OQ ERIDER,Adm's cera hndseen:caring WisabewillFormsar-nwm-|in “Hand-forConnty Off | cers,”published *y.Nichols&Gorman. Raleigh,N.C. aOsecree o 4.OG Bl OINER. (faleIida Hagebeen sa:ctiied aad expmetquetedi: ~|saset with marked alvantage: ‘Klesemarae:are.Cnhalebembell is*[Plosipitoge tice Com, aecause‘mete seTHISelegantanderaly©Meso., lis from tune te tine,been it ve ",for the last tweuty-tive.ge been sold,andtswell knownie &Sonik. ak Cites aud Tewns,wre;Ci Baven- P&S wit is biglily valued,by the tuultitacdes a7rewhojorweetit,“Surtounding Géuntry,have »itsownerfits,and wath no donbt,saa 9}Aogreal namberyl the pt reperst. 9 1 Q¥alitied cerificates of ts -walar,” 4 sce aieae A highest spears and*Tintellig teedly Tree frm thePossibilitywt buderoofangcirentstanecsor1i,—in-:Saliiis rpus ALOVE JS THE Moe¥APrro- &Clodfeled will continge the heioetsof an ‘Phept coustar tly ou hnual,weh ae lass.aud Crockery Ware Wall Paper,Wie p .Roenbear'as ore the best|have ever seen.” of lopy jnvesti- MY5 fo- ob Femedintpeuliv sidBapestor-ahssem . vonficing Expr toreMitteear ie ves Fw valna suth-ringery“that it te at it Yoadeit”WOgieShevetoaLae ‘wath Maddeny er tiene” oi peeinalure grew”Ue the eos henry,at ie eeleiia AE to cheek 6 Reche ehpvotoraticn, Whichofhalls exec oct eRlutinti ve,wirty"We general ntid speeMe weli6n,fe teal a. suethes Vie wok.oothened Rud eee Orcas OW tie.atin coh Drie iieetet es wlaeh this Valakdihes Baan.oie:as eet dren ey Chie,Wm nol constayl F seer Vata Boot Phe cian the Jinrase sare‘ah nioea nets aébie ot wus CH eeGal pe eae,doo teaata « position bas beri.ipade hbowa,ere bas ie deel ode,WH has wot Tigi by Mpproved it;iaWnSOREHRtARIEEsHaveHotonly.hex:Wefortheirpatients,bai haves =a "! Prepared and sold ouly,at», aril 29-16-tf e wae val,Angesta,Atluuw,4 oatlap Golan tbe Mauy iy this town well Temeaiber it. i up ve ben ered the priprieter,many of ©The Medicine ts plestunl to.bake.-el per- F MAGE| jate usme that could have been.wypplis « In Salisbury" “The SUBSCRIBER HAVING PULcladtheFuratureexteliishmentaMews 1 eel.AU hunky of FURNITERE: SECRETARIES,BUR AUS.BEDSTEA Ceutre-Tablex,%fas,Wardrobes,—iny fact allarticles astalty tound iiaFIRSTCLASSFurnitureStore. —He alo keeps constantly on bate Walcut,Rostwood,and other Ocffine af prices lower that they hate heretofore Ger sold in this market, Call at the old stand of Moore &Clodfelher On Main Street opposite the Store «f Mock &Brown. ED”Good Walont ant Poplar Lamber ta-ken uw ee finsonurniture.F.DAVIDSON. Salxbary,sank Su,Taop > WANTED ..PUAC H..aw. ~ $9 HOO sues ovwsOFWILMINGTON EM reK®4 ENT BOS DS—if)oxibie 33 3 Caspersattached:A good price paid.JAMES “Ie‘ure,Auctionesis apd Kea!Estate:bivkers,aug 27-20"Wilmington,S.C, RANTESSMALLFRUITINSTRUCTUF.; ~“WHAL MAKES IT VALUABLI.ip becauseit containsso much practiewl,cee~watter in «uch a email space.”Joho’.~The directions for growing Mtrawterr wb arePers.Ward BeecherWecouldgive hundredsof just suchtesstimopin!showing the vaiveofthis little =<—hon:ortettnthehandsofeve:y person,whether arod quateofgroundor a lmediewagetitywhouldhaveacwhaSareePrce2oeFaitpricelit.&bo ‘aod also a aud those“7 a crab Worgiae sent Fear to pe BaeeFouthoronstlon’ A Span a Hors:qan.YearsmattFULETOS dem Rete ncaa tak aa ,P ;“f OL Mr KROAT.'O:oy ~who Want to build a cathedral.;tons Ws ark Loh 7 —|ae na »WN P WI "LY M4 te ,eth Dar olis Svrenion Conwy,— ‘BEECH JOURNAL.>f veg ’writ ead:Schaerer)ve.Bx ti a ee ae ae g Term,1 :;=,’“oY .y sf 4 a ae ie donut ‘e We aes Pte ,.oud 4 ¥OF BRAINS:';a F yea fee gee oe mS Dna EX;se PL dg tee Attachment,2) hie ;o .naps”9 ‘ore hate oR 5g 'pee . ican -bas the Mee SB te at i Pek RAD a ty tice shares a ne Wf aceite ~a ad sie’p.We dees cat it,is madeto appear to the |= whi atid 4)Ii orded 16 closeoutour Som)”3 ~ae AP Secombe satisfactionofthecourtthat‘the defendant iy red E |*sie beein weeak BAS we eh SP Ce gt og AE are *¢ge i aus ~te sh eentiesHLCollett tesides"-bejyond the mite: <Me ’helt oh AV avUSS wa 3 o>LOf the States Iss therefore ordered by the Seal,TW,chokes ks ..i bast.‘OT heed Se +Bevart that publicationbemadeiu ‘the “Old© pats i me Vat VAS .oe "a pe ot a So.-@ PiNerth State ”a newspaper published fuSal- ”woke &Teer 1 ee ;1,be ,ts tide pia |1 :i in.hr wy |18!ary,NR:C..for aie WebligSnceessively,no- “igen he S ;uk,oi adale thendtead ote a ‘gu?,"5 ig the defendant that hebe aud a Wepcsirae sahebeas,3 +,P RA!hic ppearatDReesGoodeRSSteresmaeAUERINVIGORATORstintoeRirewde-tot “gy eae Sl PE Tae I ids ry Goods.|/D.{aie '“ont ilbe :,ie na oF mine,ithe hy r with the s *a,me have deters ‘apt ‘Mie og adh)pa ¢.-_wi Cet Ps natn te 4 :hi S ras):sien St plete at teBoydenStaniesegaSpee996,se $*—fe eatin een,Mites,Re R.Wakelidld,clerk of =antl daberutty Belgoren (MinedtoselloftallGoods'of that!fan wate LEkE so Rene Saee et 8 sng aM RS de fice the ch Monday afterEntirelyFreshandCarefullyBelegued3~~:ao ,:RR.WAKEFIELD,c.s.0.— °4 ee =i *tlie 4 i ::ormELehPatsenteymSi,i sy .ED >4 +Pt tyation $87 Teind stand pare {¢ii :NE:ENOVAT OF ye ‘. Breaksinalittlesongy et" ee Hina) Libs the muratafbode bei ~.|Sah rship-|*»DRUGS,MEDIGINES.ee ee we ba ne ne When the daysarewarmand long.—-‘ro bar in.abe ’aks ,:‘a ih >ASR Ay «Pe OR i Serng §A .eee a:jj |Surgical Knstruments.Pertumery,Cos OT .tee Fs Hic Sieoaae” Ifinished the dainty wardrdbe,‘od Carey _Combs,Brushes,&c.,.dic.,Below New Fork ::’bY A Ge enailina Ba at vat nd De a Foe >JemesH.Collett,‘ And the drawer was alniost fall nme.-’;:embracing aldst every thing pertaining to a ,eats et ‘oe ‘Shae :Tnthns ome it is made to abpoae td the sat . With robes.of the finest mustin.eee ory Na Id ‘oven first class Drug Storey whici he will,sell,as ,“!a...er oe DR.LAWRENCE'S astaction ot-the:Court that the above Harked 2% And robes of of he ae two-hours.the,Y Aotaharisve “bes sisings bare ee at the most sutis-The stock consists of a eT a gh cme ake mgd *“eo ae ”Ce as.Cal t resides eyons a Ifolded them all toget doaen i al ae "’Y prtees-to f vit ey we y z aly :the fimits ofthe Mrate:we pre ordered © Witha rose for every pid.rs cess,seks We de :hi saw ig now ‘His langexperi¢nee in,and thortingh famil-‘pp z CONCENTRATED bY the const that prblicati ©Muide in the eail .ee Seg fr 'in useiv all theosh psy in the.coun-|iatity with,ha aueaens aa details =some lot of ,a ¢:\;ete Se :Git Sima State,&newspaper published in Fit for my aiaastowear.”S nd one lec seas aentian.betaienthe:ee rae LS COMFOTND EXPRAOCT OF |GSalisbury,N.C.for mx weeksseceensively, Ah,the radiant Sumner morning,;toh,™.Pink doe hope Of that stimtess,whieh has,heretofore,in-|ee .L WNS,.X a7 ;Fa é CG .at the pext germ of Sunerior Court,“te Bo full of a mother’s joy!}Sanh Feet ay osee Seo 1;MUSLINS,.A :nr a sid at Nias \Wilias.’:WieSad belt for thaiminpety of Celie anne Gairt he ia tai and pekfect,,2 Z :{i Satis nied .©,danuary .t .5 és 2 ”ay tT house ta beth Sen the Sth Mor day alter the n “ThankGod,he is fuir 2 u edd aaaeias \c ame’.a |Vets ¥i :‘3d Monday-in August next hen and there to Py pest new-born bay Weegee teehee ate!RIVES &PROCTOR,|—Mozampiques,&BINS,FA N25.BA 9 to plead soamge Gr Jer or jolene pe Lethim r the pretty,white garments @ machine “Oat t a.any tniteria i v |>“"~{confesso wil Be taken against him. {I +while aitting apart;d.,verinto a perteatiy :plerieal fornt.WHOLFSALE ASD REPAIL { + i.Pp 4 ,a 7 c Witness RR,Wakefield,clerk of ur snid Lig ha,20 eet and10helplen,istinwaaie ee pe A"ORUCCISTS ,|LENOES,BERAGES,WAI cont atfre the Btlh Monday.aferthe sh‘DEALERS 1x ‘ Surgrion Court,»>Spring Term,ree ‘ notifying the defendant iit he be and appear } ' From 18 to 38 cts, "Here,close to mythrobbing beart.j that equivalent to a fortane,The mit.Jrop,Steel,Saddle Hardware,and A safe and effectual remedy.for all Monday i»March next, Many andywiany evening ‘balfe'for the goverimeat.Whien the ball tedius to emumeraie..We are agentsfor the diseasesarising from _ShOwedprt $8) comesfrom the mould the surface is en- 3 ;tng eas '!. i Great Threshers a ay my Wiukes County.”§Spting Term,'869, of Forhedied without «name;smoothing it was slow and wearisome,— Torpidity of the Liver,Mary Jane Brown, Ani thehoiwe isaltat with mathematical accuraey,peels it to R :;-‘> teppearing to the satisfaction o the cont j 4 persons to supply themselves with .celehrated that Daciel 6.Brown,the defondatit in this eT en eneSe , ina Roputetaees S DisordersofUrinaryOrgans,Cese is:MOL aA resident of this Btater He ie thers. .:;3 ..'to,ontstock,assuring Ms pd my Seat :tnons epoa 1 Ueleacdawt be made by pol!ie. “Doctors disagree”on 7 wastested lig Ppreserices of *’.them they whl anteotheyehe ea .Debilityof the Nervous feu ww the “Ou North State,"once :We {chinewasased for cleaning of cannon &c.,&e,Trimmings;in tact,thousands uf stticlos tee KR.WAKEFIELD,©.8.6,Ii ybeby caine, relina.)Sorteion Gocay. Sorin do the angelscall him erusted,and the -ordinury:proces:of Worth Carolina.)scvixion CocarGitwhilethehoursarewaning,‘Thismachine;almost iu an jostent,and ‘MEDIOINES,et |This is 2 rare oppertanity for —and—:tae wth 2 BB ren 4 ii m ;Petition for Divoree.P } ¢ -7 ry UJ as . And faney ababynestling thesarfaeeofthe metal,at the same-time|.CLEANERS,mpurities of ‘the Blood, 7 for the1088ANDGAIN.’17 vee -heakee boriag ma-[dy Lmpon nest r idodteble Goods at execedingly {fore orderyal by the cust that servighaf Sor,~Jithine Soa 3number.ienthe gentlemen.31 bared .»Low Prices.rable Goods,W all kinda of — as to whether theirChareb s of ro oe an.hour,through |m 7 :Sere yourHiackt.Ey and Youn.fe s vce ‘with @ pressareofbur |:MoCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &CO.beto you as Treasure,theconmty al Wilkes at thee Count fen 4 ponnds dnt.Ageutle-|%}Smith.Foster &Oo.Wilkesvors’,on the 4th Monday waiter the | Americiareall to be omchannl up pretest ifired him $10,000 npon}.gu .:Sallebary,July 30,1869,‘OW Stand,pea the MaroHoos|{Monday rr)—yc olde the sant ot i ’,i.“te”i i etition,or thesame will be beard aud grant Sate Makorhen ant thee co forx part Soterest jn.the inven-,ee ty cprapee %Ou near ——rhage winch E hirymen that “the whale’whelly” ae pares the.offer,was then tb ;¢f Ge B.BROWN ‘-W . x %-S ‘ notbese bad a placovatgy all.*Hie]Seorpted..-The os EB serwnn,Mlgcere,and gtlaprasyte their|Jusy recrrven aT The STORE nc LTE Sepealor Court for Wi!kee county tive ';Ca a Chie opampero of SMITH FOSTER &CO’S.ieeeie he iueréqne of Catholle populationover,imagelt by pe Ailien\.27235,9g &Papgpered sie 000 STATE of WORTH CAROLINA, Bt hr a109 per oat oe reinap!oe Hien iwie-|semen peros |SACKS OF SALT.MONTGOMERY COUNTY. uence Oo tu!* ee °£ FO thesettury,wouldbeonthe aide of sareit wuril “he forecsita uy Tr ae LAwhahkows*SALT!SALT ia 25 BBLS MOLA‘SES.In the Superior Court. :;:‘If .ower ny foRloow or ,{.ND H BOTTLE|William Lamitet and Richmond Joln«r Aut a iat eet CSE |rhe world would be lena.filled REVERSO 12 mips.wouassns eet |FORMULA AROUND Rac : ‘ation is disiutegratiag|«F a eseeemeena.—neareea ministrators of Jacob Lassiter,dew’ idlets,andthe ‘atrecie wih grumb.|WOMAN'S FRIEND t |f KR fan ASD oo CE TT ’a Tosot penntn Dew.aid oA TO -THE &P m 2 PRION FOR ACCOUNT Axo sit7))vExp of clearest proof that |to the Litter words against Lady Noet Painful,or Sappressed Menstru-Saliabary,July 30,i8go .ake ha hia pal —*|ot eprrenng By ibe satwehvetion ot rie Court répeived—takea the ox down to the’time of her death,-yctfor|ation;Pain inthe Back;auecary.waly 30,9.|iat Dita Russet!,one of the detetdants anit a ;" x A}30 .; k \Jecub Lasyzite;dee’net @ ited 8 ef at 2Ron three years befor his own death te atu Nere eee akefulness,Weaketess,ce SPRING eon St ae oo hon <gees f *—-¥shack,~~As emigrants to one Protestaot,con-ingle<t ?extent.DICATRY Fo who want Latest |eras:=:dew!summons apan wiiddah §be Tiade sequentlyit this day the population of+tsk sega eat "ake aieaf sj LADIES OF AMERICA,|Wes st Reasonable Prices to give}This is an ELEGANT,PLEASANT,|cinerea vont ate te ton should.be two-thirds Komish For wi is vax denipnad.and ~buse hap use are now exhibiting the best ome eS soe eer .."|wife.Thefiler tar hdhtheehytn |tangas |*O wise eo Wandies and «xt ed .*for atx WePks surqesayel ,~We Ns of ss.it meee coite Niieh,-ab foe heaneted peat scuaiesiba:'Pptess femote,by the discoverer,}Dp —Stock of—POWERFUL,and RELIABLE Reme.taicbelelesiieot to appear ai thy a "teal term umoo .4 : 17.COWPG,ty Oe bel at the Cour )bermme 1 a $=“eommonorigin”theory.The troth the avholy bonds which bad held him DR.J..LAWRENCE. ~GOODS,d and tha:admitsof oo the 4th Mn.ao od Rowasiemhasinetfearfully by American |wereloseed..Iuthe record of the Tas _—CLOTHING HATS,MILLINERY Goons,|")"4 swiderangeof hod be ee", er masseswho tend daye of‘ile Hie the Indyfou,wine |TO PHYSICIANS.TO MILLERS|ey 7 =aickemekaaht sewer the ‘petition wiattimes for ax Weeks sneer as vely,netifyiag licc tuepalta,whieh will|System,&e.Prarat the next tern:of the Saperto:Courthor Gad Calais ae BehadpattedatGenaie not named,In|Th wtitiesofwhichthe Womss's Priced x com:DRESS application.ae ee 1 :E ,}OXParteasto them. this tole:ged eeachit eee Otismuhitent Apropob ot GROCERIES,HARD WARE.Viren nnder ayy hand and thew)of eAidItistotallthemorbidIndies|Courtat ,thas Zhoby uly 1860 theday that be sailed from Genosto.vo huge:We have just received a fresi|SOLE UPPER LEATHER,:wer oad 7“e ts!nine “Cen sD niverse,«yard he rere oh RAD pet mamearns Peete arse ee erageBi ;Ooact:Copaland Japan Varnishes,|tions of disease fo,perhaid,&ghedlet of a Cee Mesures |he 10) i (evidently mean,fore nd he saniteced stags rs ber Price 8100 atid:ae ;supply of the very °best Anker *ee and fent than any otherremedy yetkoown.in tet,nll pen eta Chorch “loses before 1 came here f"*4 J.ij BAKER &oo., We nd TH CAROLINA, y te be fownd in Western North Carolina.Bpe- iN sweatythenaiadl y~i when by bey tfyat té'wad Wholesale «gents,No.¢.es.BrandBoltingCloths,No'’s 6 to }cial attentiveis called to our sock of A It &an MON TOOMERY COUNT, souls, =.¥ dathe Superior Cow re Meet ankione 15 take|"tT.ghom sil orderser lettern wet te oa.{i TS J ‘=ris cores:tae Meare :tel es DREA|te Wh youwant to make g BOTS AND SHOES.Heory W:Levee,Pain agent Davie ¢:‘Neer).Y ‘wT :a 5 ‘oRac,Delendant™» is.8.cortaln fact that ave :;We,cat|NEW STOCK OF INVALUABLE |Wie neteed gH?the in. »Balmoral's leather lined.159°"= two thousandbaptized Irish eeatd.<n .‘“ae su stitntedhisxction ayeiygt Dasirl Mek be z is etre FRESH,PURE,..Seattle om Bisse corn erttoLadyByron7Jeu“will!;::3 3)Salisbury,July 30,1869.ce r a PEL Comory to trevor, 4xXD { flour come and get a cloth,Te cole,OR...BM 0.9 We are also agents for the ((he powrnmemal tral Manntactarers vi ‘' mo)fe } 7 .y held by the sail defenders iia voice fal red :P 5 4 MND Macnee ERENT Unrivalled Remedy {!"ds ere aghast t retces sot being@ re«ABLE DRUGS,|To Dea hye Mertd Rape tie ate ccs tote‘’heels, , ce al ermmone or ker ps him- Tatbine Water oeli therein with a Vike intent:[1 iy ordered, g /a nad Fiete s i .,f Fine En ine Well and F Fer all ;thal tervice of Ong be Made by publica. came por?on etre «<i!je MEDICINES,|See Coca gttea fn RTO UO,sabe |S ie meen rae are unfrtanaia ane,oe“ps.sade ee ”WMihoch «ticles saintsescally hip ma Freneh Borvemd Core3ite,SYPHILITIO,"CANCEROUS,‘cv.won ene ee i Si wo bundeed theasand ‘eek of the most|g ereand Cleanerson}tier Courtatthe overs t a pra Catbotie stbek the|Aetrege.|“What a pity!Then jt is too)FIRST-CLASS DRUGSTORE!}f :TANEOUS,¥pied ery,08 Ge world-—lost every yenr!Talk ofyour con.|late;all Is “ovet.”“LE brane no,"ap-|—-ey |Cider and Wj we peeyne,PHEBATIO,RUGUMAT—L4aMole ar the 2d Monday in Augnst werts!your Promsh of liberty tuwacds Cath-leweted Bleletiee,“but ylin.Lvas',will be .G.BL Péaton,HAs J6aT ae “Bie Ciel aa lo;URix weave Fas iSged thove toanewer the complaintRoleGtheh.isteWe (ey hea ig,Ny te aM te saaee BRON 12 Jaca’Brig”"2 Condener fF SRMEARRG wa WE RVOUS Ar/O Fate ire ects mate to ie Charch.where the lat-zy ;.arpa |nm ,inthe domplas:' terInsen seer eer.for their ndivantage.|miteie witer «f ae»Soph realogd tere.Sulky Plows,|FECTIONS,in fact,evenr form f Gad oases ideas fic ut,the SUE OYE)ol an ne EEO aL TUS Ble ae Cl onbappy ia Melt =Smaiters and Cleaners,Seay Snly 1889...WADE Sent the-best Catholia stogk|Pyar chet.Me.FE os wan |Oem Se sactian Hed.Coucentested|BS.D }Citoular Saws,|Cbronic Diseaseitmaybeadoantagnos.|Che:i Saperion Cuart tar Montgomery,Chon gg age enh the (es aaable t perceive the.injury that he in.that caebe pans.{"|Rabbor and LeatherBelting,ly ased “fe 9 B.0,W<Sw (pr foe $10) ee Am"|Ricted agen Lanh Byres Se ireccn.y|PENpObdine AND CHEWING |For sale by said mawny other Urings 100 wumerous to med-MehOsrolinn,|eran ae is ie hack poin “]habitation to bie changing fancice af an |TOBACCO, cn 5pea we.will sell ot the Manuine-This preparation hax beeneabmitted Rows Coewty f io have sd.Bat the Uateerse,|€*7 and younatse -atinge Fepentanes,or!,tr Bo Physicians,--{would «tate that McCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &«0.eaeortend and get »Catalog any Fg Joshi Miller,5.F Carrigan,W.Po Watson, prolonging ite wail ofer fis immense beef he peedion Ente ue |Uhave asptendid SS carefelly selected Salubery July 90.i800 |thing eet sen —bne ga4r-|(horoughly tested,and approved by some aa Thaniculy N,Deacons of Tryatira +,in a plea for edacation;aidten.,>3 vided,of en.|Salisbary,July 30,.j aatee the Machinery sold by us to give satis-,aa a oe expenditare uyon cathe.|(eing Lady Byron to break sileuee.If Trusses&Abdotainal Supporters ‘faction.:,.|0f the mosteminentmembers of the Med-|Gootp T,Bovvas tou"feet drale,of money which should be devoted|Sif Walter Soot,who was emphaticnlly lent in quality ana |SEWINGMacneeEee Send Defenicapts oe :,. camuanias y 3 a it 9 ies ofan sag The ——neweuend owed peckfri oa FINE.BREAST -PUMGS &-NUOSING BOTTLES.|ae |no eqnel.-Warrsated to do io ktads otwork,foul Pusulty.Vi appearing dy -.fE tavit that the Def ci .#:eee as ee oa tell from che grave with&joyons woice|fF Bo Mferohants.—)am prepared 4.'i ba eetire setiefaction,or the wuney .a a wen 0 hoo Algor canara mite D i York,Bt a cort of four cua delare.the foal scuruality¢of Venice;he wankd Seti onch miterer New York prices (by the|POWDER !POWDER }&GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished st repared y Xperienced and we {State,bet that they are pon Fesidents of Very grand {But would not the saving |not bave callcetrd ditrin,which lay sheet.Eas.Lowmon,Kas.Peppermint,Ees.|the depot,on short notice,State,andthat the defendants hare tr 4 of twenty thonsand boys and girleto thie |tered stecad ond Ierwnk Of,to,pictee rn}as,,rien,Landantin,Paregor-|oe |Wewill be found epposite the old stand,beown physician and olteiet sitnatesmushis Mate ane that the (orct has jn faith of their fathers,be a granderthing ae for Lefendante "‘~ :tisdicfion of the sabject matie;of this action }Woman's heart,Snech wry vot the meg }ic,Batetian Denia Gud |sbove Murphy's Granite Row.It is therefore ordered that nub!calien Gat oe . tebe any cathedral ever erected 9 {r Ra eee vould ro set {ae %Cordial,Ch cal.|RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING oe —_for aaiti Sstehdavia sisix aoe in to we a Now with the Jesnits the~chief thine :,ty eet fiom =:;:North Rate”newspaper,notily wg saididefen.- education.Cathedrals are very meih,auc)"it death-bed.Mt ia diffienh to belies dot,A ‘actor Oil,POWDER,For sale by FORSALE.—A Splendid 19 Home wtYOAp Dea:before thé nex!Supe na ro are a}otter “ppliances of¢Chartch laha*Manne tad not peradnal resenimen::[°Foner Portable Engine,for snle by to be held for Rowan County at the Gens: PP “LagninetLady hi;on,boll ta”Src Ter pentine.ee ce jone 11 ~23:5en MERONEY &BRO.HousettBeliebury on ibe 2d Msigeee" But the first and most importont-of x1}Lunderstand how the-u a |MYstook.is chimp'rte ard composed of articles NeCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &co, tember next,then and there to anéwer Al things,is to trai the young.For wef}aaakat ewtale ¥in am *~Pure:fresh and Kelis ble Wy,Qnality and as low.ia | complaint of the Plaintiff which is filed in the }aedsappers and minere kuow.the in.{sa ae any TH TO Wf *|price seSacherticies dao be obtained ia this see.:,Salisbory,N.C. vice of the clerkof this — nenees upon after-life of tie direetion |ae waite dartingly--Temph |Teaged Medicines can be sold for a trifle snd are| é Witness,A.Judson Mason,Oerk of the Sa- given to the mind in childhood.,oar.:}Wear at any price (auch |do not and-will pot kéep.)}——against rior Court of Roway County.Fuly 24,TREO lll ‘ We were told some yenre that «|Making it ak fut f dmSifficientiy posted in the Vemg Markesto | A.JUDS0N MASON, a ’aga,Plain.—Vie .tt koo*tint PCKE Oregeand Médict Cannet be PRI -PERBOTTLE,Cler . favorite project with a certain dignitary |A.iest chute Frankhri eee sold lt bailthe price henetutore chebned Bear th mm ae od gr Court for Rowan Conary. ;j f ;jmind4je arweagsthecheapest and astest to |defendaht Jas.30-—6w (pr fee $10.) pbspw or see wae 4 grandcathox!by telling hie SeereEtion abort Moved!bathe pment Moticince t 28t attest planto|yr AIN TS &OILS, ~and reded fo agitate the |ertesing the Red gra,and fmadlee hin des |J wonld.begofx1!before phrchasing etsewhere to|:i ordered b ONWARD:UPwaRD.: #ibject,but was constantly oppesed and |seripti ,’ill :sfa |290)and ekamine my sock and get my prices owe *t publication be x 2 thwarted by the Jesuit,who hte that to |se Coe,Pevtiated bon “am.Pol ae Prater"0 ts yet Having met +sMeveas,far beyond or. ory ‘PREPARED ONLY BY.ht"sneveaa,yond oer expec Druggist and Apothecary,Salisbury,N.C.next State,”a blished tatin,inthe publication of the erecta cathedral would beta divert from|.+A trae yo is de chiflen oti Larael,and|door toMeroney &Bro Jute %—~2%307 Ce WHITE LEAD,:~»notify!8 CHARLOTTE O8SE Oaeer ¢, RVER their Nk the immense some required |tne »Sarecy is the wilderness end|CUSHINGS &BAILEY,BUCK i ie J J I AWREN M D wétake this method of offering onr-papers, to educate ¢ildren and rear &generation |Brides i ined Land,Weil |2 ){ Court +we 4 CE,"DAILY,TRI-WERELY,AND WERK of Roman Gatholic "Adieriean citiavns,|ica are Scenes.ave!BOOKSELLERS ayn STATIONERS,|x y OITY,‘de “de &ics :a. The schouls were built,andthe eathe:|my heen p 262 Baltimore S¢.,Baltimore,Ma Cig hanes bu Henkcabetinas SIME mediates9 Western, ,nit,and -the Gathe:|py towards Tacen ,and d :attimore St.,more,i ip ?;:cn . Aral project was delayed;and perhaps iy |7 r towards Ph ladephe,|FIVE LARGEST and best assorted stock}TANNER’S OIL,KEROSENE o11,|34 SR RAMIO Clstistwr.et would be delayed still further,if all Io.land we all ne Over wihont gitin wet|in the city of For sale by f Mteartheemnts Shlicited—Terms Moderat 4 ‘haud ™maniete teheved.that their Ch ;|School,Law.Dantal,Medical,Classteas,B, No.6,Main §Norfolk,Virginie.~~; Tne iS Set ete too.nuded rues a heag Metengs™fser J oa La,onaeae an tty Ror,Passe|FrescawwWwacle7audBooks.bs Weoffer FIVE Hirowrsy fh a oh Pantof deywas fishin’for shad ders by dene}Hank ondOnending eeaatienery ee MeCubbins,Sullivan &Co.,tal FsSeapaeentdete,Roe Sar Satay teee WEN sop them witliin thefeild,ietownia’2”[Say Mtyleofbindingeadraling..ang90d |Setebary,July 90,Y900,1Pety)§had rece t Bare wr ateDearccrsrs we ; 'i }‘;5 ..%‘i ; , &,WATION &f0..,4ng.97,rm.Cher'otte,F.&. +. anc ete p your own:Institutions. oy i Concord FemaleatSteviewllbe:cnennid the 915 onth.ular see frown63.50to erates;payulent-halfin advauceforoffourpatah238,Por nePartie ey ROCKWELL,|Statesville,July 9.—3m President. Statesville Male Academy.=| ?TUITION ¢3 ofsaid def to at the nextPYRinglishDop't.STes oe wht oplbeing Tp Miassical Depastatent Jeeiis.ls ----1600 House in Lexingtononthe24 Monday Lp Soutgaa Bees co tat ce hack,1:09}he 84°Mor of ee next,tig so One half of the aboveadvance.ex ie Ses eden,onl gaat Courtatofficein -Lexmgton,the 2d Mondayafterthe34MondayiaApril,1869.July 30, '/RdgeworthFomaloSeminary. E NEXT SHSSION WILL COM-on the first Monday of September,,de The BU:»entire expense of Board and Tuition will be Caldwell County.FSpipe om1 J.B Wilson,eecu.orofJames Blair,dec'dfrom$100 to $L10if paidin advance.Hach boarder will —sand lights and oa d al =pillow cases,eae a J.MM,CALDW maeGreensboro’,N.C. a Sessionofmuenceonthefirst onteeee ‘tune of eatraneceOtherates‘of taltionwillbe as follows:7 0,00und 618.000yer sasion of bmonths paysble Se ot apainewill nuke a.onte class Academy. The Aeadenay tslocsted in &healthy and moral)it court the 8th Monday after the 3d Mon-day in March.—_commonityie fim Township four miles from ry,owthe newcanPaliabuesreat to Bocksville.te be tnsopranoOre a 8 permonth..BH.ROTHROCK,ws.Principal For orders of School Committees,on County Treasurer—in course of pre- Summons,Executions,State War- rants,d&e.,$2.00 per 100 and $1,00 per quire,sentfreeof postage. tsk,avin,Paiuting:Acc.,"extra at|W.ast Santa Petition forSaleand li feDai af|Wilson. Fe Parxorraie mandaWats en Fs THB PALL TERMof this School willopenathe6thofSeptember,and continueshitosd publishedin there to answer 6r demu?tosaidpeeSeSekntsanewillbetakenreaped beard Ww.Peat heresy wife,Nancy M.,White, of thecourt thet ames J eodesdeteedeatsto be and appear at the nestteemofourSaperiorcourttobeheldforthefrom|county of Caldwell,atthe cvarthouse inaethe8thMondaythe3dMcinAugdstpext,then and pany SeBizsparedforereogmea Morth ° S Bersawe Cover. MosedL.Reaben J.Holmes,Valen- AGAINeTAHowesandtneNorth Carolins Ore Stateof NorthCgatied »To Amos Howes and théNorta Carolina Ure for injunetion bemade jon for six .wecks ib the“Old UE Rear ceettocee Address all orders toJAS.H.ENNTES,Agent.No.Ca.Book Store,Salisbary,| aug27—tf No.Ca.Book Store,Raleigh. Miale Academy. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON Wednesday 15th Sept,1869,TUITION PER MONTH!English ni “ATTORNEY AT LAW,LEXINGTON,N.0. W ILL PRAOCTIOE in.ittethesins of David- son,Forsythe,Guilford,Alamanoe avd dolph counties; REFERENCE.Hon R.M.Pearson,O_J.of N.C.,Raleigh. E.@.Associate Jastice,™“ThomasBet - “R.P.Dick,“““ O BedfordBrown,Yanosyville,N.0. “Hon.John Kerr,*«J.R,MeLean,Greensbore’,N.. “ThomasKoffin,Je., «“J.M.Cloud,Dobson,N.C.January 29,1869.ia r.1.W.JONES, AVING located in Salisbury,offers his| H Professional services tothe pnblic.Of- fice on Council Btreet,opposite the Court House d pext denr te tee Law office of Hon.Barton alge.Miiy 27,1240-4. Siiperior Court,Sprig Teri,1800, Ww,ah Wado ae wife:Arabella,J.B.New-1»wifeMargaret,AugustwifeMary,aod.8.R.erteonssBanaaGarmar’ eee fCariie Yanpto.LyMargret Taney ishiswifzWeihereeeos the late Margaret_if agra“pearing-te the satisfactionof eaten eeeLindsay,Jas.Tansy,ones: to them,¥itneen,te B.Jobnsou,Clerk of our eid ‘L:BE.JO SON;0.8.O.Order made sod issued Aug,23,1869. AGAINST oye Pool,Avey Selena Isenhour,A.White,Guardian.BenismiaRakwifeElizabethSteele,JamesBarnes,P.G.MeOrary and wife J heMoUrary,Emma Barnesby G W/Guardian,Sarah Isabella Fortne:eline Fortier,James Rv Barnes,.4nextfriend.: Inthiscase it to thesatisfaction es,P.@.io 4Salisbury, re to answer the filed in the clerk's of- !be taken ex parte as to WitvessR.R.Wakefield,clerk of our R.R.WAKEFIELD,c.6.© ,31—6w—[pr ‘fee $10) Rowax tine Mauney.Manney,B.B.Rob-erts aod Dy Platatiffs., err Dressing Company—Greeting.In obedience to an order from How.Jobo quia Goo.bortd on in ahy mannerosing anyof.the Gold H asdescribed inPlaintiffscomplaint,either yeutselves or agents,servantsorattorneys,-~oto appearbeforethetelaofarSegoriarCourtHousein,ontheSeptemberpext,theaandthere toshow causewhytheinjanoteashallnotbecontinuedilleeeaeAnd.it appearingtothesatisfaction of thecourtthatafterdaethedefendantscarinotbefuondwithintheState,bot that de-fenddantsarenon-fesidentsofthis State,it isorderedbythecoortthatserviceofthisorder commanding the defendantstoappear atrinabtimeandplacethenandtheretoshowcausewhy6minjuvttionshallsotbegrantedtillthejudgmentberenderedinthis action,Given under my handandseal of said coartthisJuly30,1869.A.JUDSIN MASON, 31—6w—(pr fee 912.) Clerk Superio?Court for Rowan County.| itis Dedered eeThatpublicationbemadeforsixsucces-sive weeksinthe‘OldNorthState,a dewspapereach } nae { ~TO BE MELD INTHEcity OFRALZIGN,On the 19th,20th,tet and22dofOctoder 69 OFFICERS: President—Kemur P.Barrie. Vice Presidents.—S F.Patterson,R.BR.aon M.Barringer,8.L.Fre- Pad per bs Wend hence ;820] Best pair working Oxeu,....-.one 20 '#°Spayed He sind Best Jom,ae % Best Buek,.62010©.Lambs,not leasthan3 10 Andvown,Grane J.8.Dan-ile D.Jones,Wake;|gr se wakes T.M,Holt,Ala- manee;J.M Hee Wakes.W.W..B.Sweet,Craven ;R.W.Best,Wake;Rob-ertW.Wyane,Wake;B.-B.William-‘Smith,Jolineton, harch,“Weney 3 .Brinton7Wake;Wm. sinh,SS The address will be delivered Thurs-ddy,att 11 o'clock,A.M.;by Prof.W. O.Kuz,StateGeologist. LIS?OF PREMIUMS. DEPARTMEOT FIRST—LIVE STOCK.DIVISION 1I—HORSBS,4c. CLAS I—THOROUGHBRED, BetStallionover4yearsold.-..:..$25Secondbestover4yearsold.......sBeatBroodMareover4yearsold.. Secondbestover 4 yearsold .......6 Dn Meiosr fades :a aeameagecookSychmbons:0 Snthiscass,pity ofbloodbeing.thehighestpointofdistinction,a well autben.tatedplies mut every case Aac-eachanimalpatonexhibitiontocompeteforanyoftheaboveprizes. ctam b—taaitrdaarAxpdapbEx nokers. BestStallionover4yearsold......820Secondbestover4yearsold...:...BestBrood Mareover #years old ... Second best over4 yéars old ......BestBroodMareand Oolk..------.Beat Broltion over §apd.oulier 4reqs. Best Mareover 2 andusder 4 ae gardedaschiefpointsofmerit. Worth Carolina,Rowas Coustr Sureator Cover. Elisabeth Jenkins,Administrator of Win.Jen-|Best Stallion over 4 yearsold..-.... kina,Deceased,Plaintiffa.AGAIKSTTheNorthCarolineOreDressing Company,De-fendant,SUMMONSItappearinguponaffidavit that the defend- ant is a foreign corporation,and thereis na of- ficer or ageot of said corporation to be found within the limite of this State:It is orderedthatpoblicationbemadeinthe“Old North State”newspaper for six weeks nolifying the defendant to be and appear before the Judge of the next Seperior Coart to be held for thecountyofBowanattheCourtHouseinSalis- bury,on the 3d Monday id September and |atisw er the complaint {of said Plaintiff a copy|of whichis filed in the Superior Court office.Tf the said defendant shall fail to answer the TH.PINNIX.said complaint during the term of said_court,|theplaintiff will take jadgment against defend-|anit as demandedin said said writ. |Given onder my band and seal of said courtthis30thdayofaly.A.D.1869.a:|JUDSON MASON, Clerk Superior Oogafer Rowan County ne tee $8.) ‘orthGarolina,Suremon Covet,~—sUourtr, Mary A.or Plaintiff, mmons.Wittiem FMConahellDeft.is InUtis cane it is madeto affidavitthatafterdiligentsearchtheSeeastte thie the serond day of September,a.D.,1869. 3t 6w (pr fee@6]=—-R.R.Waxxprenn,c,8.¢, the next theSuperior eens srr ynex!‘connofCaldwe'!et Court Housein Lenoir,amine|Sth Monday after the 84 Mondayin A|then and a ee the Pato.ttf which is filed intheofficeof court.Witness,R.R,Wakefield,clerk of oursaidcourt | CLASS T1I—HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSE. ;Second best do do |Best Brood Mare over 4 years old.Second best do do ,10 Best.Brood Mare and Colt ......-.-.10 Best Stallion over 2 and ander 4 -10 Best pair Horses over &and wader’4 will be regarded as chief excellengics. CLASS IV—JACKS,JENNETS AND MULES. DIVISION 1TRIAL OF SPEED. or more to enter. or more to enter, ar more toenter.a 1865 or 1867,Preminm,$50. or more fo énter,.16.Best PacingorRacking|-oF gelding,either sqddje or harness. their size,form and fitness for pork eee Ap2 Witter OR 8 coc ss clea pecceser 10 :5 In thie clase,form,size and docility, Best Jack,with improved ae eo ®Jennet,«do do“Team of 4 Mules,.-.,..------2“Pair of Mules,...-.,..---050+154.Male.2...d aos 6 nserver apes 10 1. Half-mile Heats,3 in ‘five to HarnessPremium,$160..Entrance 25.3 2.Halfmile Heats;3 in 5-to Harness Premiam $100;Entrance 20 Three 3,Half-mile Heats,3 in.5 to Harness; Premium $50.Entrance 10,Three 4;-Half-mile Heate,2 in 3 to Harness:For all and Fillies folded in _trance,$10.“A we erGere te cater:5.Half-mile Heats,2°in Sto Harness;Premium;$50.“Entrance $10.Two Hore,nare n 825.Entrance$5.Two . a hildsen Pony,$6el*, oon ae mde peese tne tin 5 BRO 10:ere tee 5WeDaence3 “. “ “eifer on”ane ewewee . !‘syemrstakes, SOOMersvncrened vecoreeSigs CLASSIE—-WORKINGOXEN. ©+)CLASTV FAP CATTLE_ Best lot of i Cente,not leanthan 6-089 Bret©Pat Oxor s ~10 cused Parc res ., MOLKER. Best Milker,Men or woman,19 DIVISIONIV—-SHEEP AND GOATS. Chass’t—Maxnxo,CétswoLp oRSovrspown.. Best Buck $20«Ewes,not less than3 15) *«Lambe,nor less:thaa & CLASS TL.-—NATIVE _*Ewes,nowleasthan 3 CLARS ILL —GOATS, ahd their Grades. Beat Boar,over 2 years old,$5 “Breeding Sow,over 2 years old,5“BreedingSow,over 2 _old,with not less than 4pig 5 Best lot of Pigs ander 10phate old,& This class will be regarded wee anefor Olass II.—~Suffolk,Eesex,Neapolitan,Chinese,Guinea,Snap-Dragon and their Grades. Best Boar over 2 years-old,$5 “Breeding Sow,over2yearsold 5doydododowithnotlessthan4pigs,5BestBoarandSowunder2yearsold5“Jot of Pigsund.r10 monthsold 6 In thisclase,willbe had chief-S|lyto fastening 4 CLASST1I—NATIVES. Best Bens over 2 yearsold $10:Bow over2yoarsold 10eo«“with 4pigs 10Secondbestwith4pigs10 Best Boar and Sow 6SecondbestBoarorSow,-3Besteen6«410 Pat Hoge ctany kind,10©Pat Hog,5 SWEEPSTAKES. BestBoar,19 “Pied Guinea Fowls “White do doRestexhibitionofPigeonsBestandJatgestvarietyof poultry by oneexbrbitor. 7 CLASS v.—BEES AND DOGS. Best Bworm of Ltalian Bees Common BeesBestWatebDog “"Shephérd’s Dog,trained DEPARTMENT SECOND.—AGRI- CULTURAL AND OTHER PRO- pucts. Division I+Plantation and Farm Pro- ducts raised by Exhibitor. CLASS 1.-GRAIN AND SEED. n Se e wo v u w w w u v s e Vo w e An a n wm Greatest vatiety ofabove articles oLtss 11.4-00rToN,HEMP,ac, Best seiy of Bread Corn,1 —$3 Stock,3 «Wheat,ae 34Oate,do 2 *Rye,do 3 “a 8 “Beciey,=3 &Peas,do 3seGrounddodo3 u Grass Seeds,adaptedtotheSouthforHayorGrazing,5 raisedon onefarm.10 Best 2 stalks of cotton as sainple $ éc i 3 d , ch e c k ? es s e DEPARTM THIRD.—MEsCH CLaS8 I.—PLO .do =do do 2 do 10Wronght-Mould,Boand Plow,1 borse 10BestWronght-Mould Board Plow 2horee,10 Best eubsoil Plow *%10 “Cotten do 10 “Sulkey do 10 _under the atRales ; The plows to besctinansorpersonsappointed by them,o.Each plow shalt épen and plow foorpounds,back farrowing. merit of the plows; 1.Weight if low.2.Breadth of Furrow. 3.Depth of Farrow.4.Simplicity of Stracture,.Material,Workmanship Durability and Price. Plowing Notice. Fach Plowman tofind his own team. Plowman to drive. Class II,—Implements. “Specimen of a Swee«"#«——Toothed‘Gehivater, “te do ss “TronRoller,Smooth,do““do “epeeimen do 50 Ibs.inseed,5 pegged,o 6 Weeding Harrow,Plow, SO O a n n w e ah oy ar e dnade in the*apublishedinSalisbury,N.-C.,for six weeks successively,notilying the defendantthathete add appear at the next term of ourCourttobeheldforthecounty ofwellattheCourtHouseinLendirBthMondayafterthe34M@hdayin next,then and there to plead,answer orfur,Ox ietgrens pro confesso will be tak against Piles Best side bill “Doubles Bord *Cast Mould Board Plo a court atoffice the Sth Monday after thew wO a A Q e a Ba’C.*.Leather,Sole,Kip and Calf ®Bide of Harness c.™dreased Back,Sheep or Goat Skins,5 “lot of Basketsforfarm use,“jot of Tin Ware, t lot of Edge Tools,For the best and greatest variety of Mechanics Tools,Best lot Manufactured Tobacco,chew- Sate Theplows to be tested by an actual eld by the com- The following pointe will be eonsider-ed by the committee in determining the Best Box Cigars, Tallow Candles, handled Brooma,1 doz.ot Pressed Brick,doz.i doDressedStoue,Mantel;N.C.Marble,Axe Helves,}dozen,Bee Hive, Best Plowman,$20 Second beet Plownan,10 eT TE N Division IV.—Monufactures.Best Cotton Beraper,8:0:Best plows i yea BroadclothCassimere,5 Woolen Jeane,Linsey or Kersey,Flannel,=and- eo Ss 5 5 &“HorsePa,55 55 a Witwess R.R.Wakefield,clerk of oar ee Mondayin March 1869,RR WAKEFIELD,0.«o.31—6w—[ptries 0) U.S.gu ermalOollector’s Office,6th BO. Samestry,16th Aug.1869. 0%the16thday of June,oy >BuorCharlotte,agfsPrSeeattheinstanceofofthisDowelSeleatfotFee aoftheRevenueLawseanae Two large Caskwandpaong>=|by James D.Taberad omJane1869,in thesame ci ittownedostensiblybyWm.2 Bbls spirits,aeacaiaedeespiedwerealseseized =rusFanAownedosten:ser,and on the 28th ‘retawnofSalisbury,one known.Any person ornamedpropertyor anynyaanotified,to appearat myelaimwithinthirtydaystionofthisnotiee.SIM SALISBURY,NW.nS 5|tiouof Claims —— < te ee % * batomer eetheectgetone ‘known hitsintimatelyfrpine: wasgenerally regarded as the man,almosttheonly link whieh connects the|thisopfhion we are spaaiiied by many of the}Roadthie ,fonservative member of the Cabinet.t with the age which hast past away,pat]ablostconservative journals ressge,inelud- Gen.Sherman”becomes Seérotary’of War|#the requestof a-nuapherofhisfillow-citizens,|ing the Nashvitle Banner,The¢et which we od interim.>written »letter onthenationaltopics.of theday:|appliedtoMr.Joh:wc dochiiptethongs —e-——Mr,Ewing wasone of thefounders%f the oli in o slighty al degrea,to Mr,Weber.| THEPRESIDENTAND THE PEN NESEL|Whigparty,and,along with Webster;Olay,Crit-|iqye who yas a Whige ; -PABERALS -**-}tenden,Sargent,Bell,Graham,Byerou Badger,|Weareglad,however,that Mr,Jolinson bas oeadlons v »4Adelegationofthe‘of Senterin‘Fen- pessee hadaninterviewwith PresidehtGrant o to them,The"Presidentwas very fran}aot Heassuredthemthathedidnotinterfereintheaselocalquarrels.He will notremovethesupportersofGenter fromtheFederaloffices-whichtheyboldigthatState,— Hehad nomoreobjection dectignof An-drew JofinsontotheSenatethan any other Dem- port...: It is hopedthetth8 President~has tearned aaron tpt nek& abolderline of policy.Such istheopinionofmany.Like Mr.Ewingwehave and others,was oneOf the bright galaxyofstatesmenthatmadethatpartythemostrespect- able andthe most imposingofanythat has ex- istedinthis Revolationary¢ra.‘Hehas survived the partywhichheaidedinestablishing,but he has notsartivedhisintellectandWispatriotism.‘The yoice of such a manwilleverbeheardwith re- spect.by alargeportion-ofhisfellow-citizens.— Hecharges the Republican ‘party with greatguijt'ln violatingtheConstitutioninthe matterofrefonstruction,abdopposes bherply.the finan-cial theories of SectetaryBontwell.«On thesub-|' deglatesthat thereis nothing in the Regon-ct a Actswhichrequiresthatthe testoath ry kincéthe decadenceofthe ties which,we think,ender “ail ee mantosend totheSenate sythis time.And in declared hitaself #Liberal,”Heiye'strong man whatever may*be said of him,j . a ;te he dute ce all en ;';".,>iS —_it.We hope the iuyestigation recently bas oe RB.COMPANY,1688;%:“ng.F iglly extend t The longlooked for opinion of Attorney Gen-|¢dge Thomas ;ae *par Bs fer r ough its es ‘Targe |. eralHoarhasatlengthmade its appearance.—ae :'sud top Bea :ae ae F Be.Fa J ‘that region:yooking.|of the Bayt ae aea aa aso =eer onPoa 2 iinSen,Fake on foriaveshoweaes senda Sta lad, “}get th ; the‘whey Letthe - ia eifaraaaaiof —ee *basis, THE CHIEF JUSTICE.«Line hateden, tation Unisdems hose himself in Tothe Stockholdersofthe WesternN.CR.R.Couishas2:ot =x ;—Another ofyourannualmeet- contests,andno one need or which a oesh. nm Ofany maa.Tn-but”at} akseisaeeficalthe. Sam’.McD.Tare,Sup’t and Financial Agent. ‘Forthe Old Nortk State, Ata meeting of&portion of the citizens ofRowanCounty,NC.,on motiunof MajooJ.K.Graham,Beq.,wascalledtothe Chair,andJ.B.Carrigan was requested to act as SeretatryThechairexplainedtheobjectofthemcet-ing.De.J.M,G.Ramsaypresented for theconsicler-ationof the meeting the followingpreambleandresolutions.7 ea a ee RED:. oh ra ye ,‘e Ind inst.by Re Ww.ras ee‘—— el eee not 4 id to Cant vr eldt-ctmenperNotadoll. it to aidinoldCom- ed upon an énduring itlemen;to be (servant, |Store or at the Boyden House. "prep &the Letinst.,acon Worrn,son of Ilene hirringer,in the 19th year of his age. ry d was9 Consistent member of theotheranChurehthelasttwoyearsofhis »On the 3d inst,;Margaret [sarecra,eldest dwughter of Jacob F.&Rebecca T.Barber,agedikeS.montha and 9 days, a8the Sabbath School at Christ ChurchlossofdearlittleBella,gentle,lov...But she hath been called to hap. pier.holier scenes.-7 mourns the al NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. “GRAND PROMENADE |ne)Concertand Ball;| -AP THBé|SOYDEN HOUSE,~SAETSRURY,Ne. TUESDAY EVENING,SEPT.14,1869, ¢~Pe ¥er PROGRAMME:Festival Match,;ei,Haur,2.Selection from Opera,G9o°2?Marth.%.Polka,+==+Gruss on Prag.Lalitey. 4.Conte where my love lietdreaming,S.Koster,5.On the Beach at\Long Branch,Lingard. 6.Gallopade ~~dh.CO Armbreechy.Ball immed after the Concert. Tickets'to be at Dr..G.B.Poulson’s DrugseptlU—Ilt importéut to Magistrates aud other Loanty uf- ,_Heerst HAND-BOOKroe 1OUNTY OF FIPERS A Guide for est the Péace and OtheranalyOlticitls Revised,Bularged and Improved. THD SECOND EDITION OF this Work,greauy enlarged anditmytovedswili be readyfordelivery40sutmerbersOntheMhOfSepten.b+)it has been delwyedthus fong,ia order to add to its useialvess,by publishing .All the Act#@f the lagt Sessionof the Gen- Hall,| at Assembly, |relating im any maunerto coanty’officers and coun-ty police.be Publishers have spared00 expenee in getting up-this ealtion;the text and the form»being oa e« fully prepared andarranged by @ thember of the RaleighBar.Otacknowledged ability and prente.- perience in preparing jegal fuins and cod fying ‘awe. :ot similarone shouldbebuilt sgiiiticas of the:Peace,Judge of Probate “her ‘shwaip given binseredit for good intentions and art fae =-he needed at|"Hoviagheretoforeenjoyed the benefitand ad-|Boor the lawprseriviny thetrpowersand respect =—a a uP while.The|vantages resulting from #Post Office located at |ive dutien,together with torn.s amt precedents ne- Jiberalsentiments.His of Gen,Lée 2 ;|ag ing |I ’~io +)that be doesnot.any that squints|meném-finished and the |4 central point in our neighborhood and having|c@#ry fe aproper hud systematic discharge of ther at AppomattoxCourtHouse,and subsequently;of rol-pent |pre ;Oe |duties.So Justive ofthePesee.or other County at repudiation.©thebond and :|for severa)years experienced moat sensibly :, bis reportupon ofthe South,made pho tan Mail and ,Mr.F.Tf.Marsh |the existing deprivationof &¥b facile |OM°etof ordinoyy Inte figence cay powmbly err or F President J:in1865;efforts the the for the hands em-|(j ud oe .a fail to f1!his offlew credit to welt vio with to ‘oknson ;bis for 06the trombigsof on.awatbieitie ot appreciating fully the improvement—|maketye Hand Book hin ites|9 we relief ofthe peopleofVirginia,and ‘other acts,—Fe of ins,he han =yeedl to ;4 |intelectual,social,moral and politicdl—arising|ced he May beintheprectire.and forwa Jedtethat cottaluaion.’His inéxperiencein poli oune,er rebui one engine,and |from the cireulation ofthesecularandreligious|of law.Theedition-cantaine of :..required,|nous built six new “flat”and|press,and believing that the re-establishment of Three HundredLa Sized Pages ical affhirehaxptObably Ked’him fo err byrely weveral “dumps”Beside,he haatwanowcoach-|bar former Post Ottce,Miranda,would be-con-|-_ ing too much uponothers,whocould,with song)i ee seancamplete,whichsben|dociye (oie menial culture and intelligence of \cat ocebitaaantoiuetecknweativeindex show of reason,claimtobeabletogive him Re-devotes this allktp to age actof |sble than ighly puitablé fer got ont a mechanienemplovedon them.eaing Te ether beeseee:to the 1a easshee : vicein suchmatters,Undersuchinfluenceshe dhe Beoretary of f “.‘him abl che more Beingshort ofrolling stock for the increased|j re aa ’;Two Hundred-and bifty Forms, han bees ledtothe expressionofsome]while|am Wwritil the Becrilary Bf.the ewes awed ties bone |icenow being re hove og Seb,'earnest effortbe maile|laverted witbthe tox sentimentswhichhenowregres.And the .:on oe eae pm2-5 ss "a @ :,f "re 2 -=pe|Getiy _——a One n ere towhom th pty PooPRS Sirecor wore am Sear tl eeswae.oa nanantae ne tentran a ed28.That the Chair a Oe wth cgsscecengtnesne 5 a —ee at al ',a we ;heyery.|lected andthe king ageto the embankmentsalong .nt @ orm thes §:.11 95 conte Ate. oe :tovennsietamm leo.as hon "9S?|rexgelartrips in a very time,con-|andswept awaythetrestle over Bufinlo Creek?)shall be to prepareatouce sock #pelt ee waepaobe at once eemgepeianding the error which,the Pres.a a ee |sidering the amount of wo he te eo |Filees oe ayacetone tales tal ooksat the sighaturesofour Citiseuan:|walled or sent Wg axpeemy.as subroriberp.my 4 dent to have commited,not e :;a jdone.‘The thanksofthe O y are |=a public .;|eratly ene |tect,Address rs . _:‘3s PLAN.i |week.E thi readily repaired and,|MasterGeneralatWashington..waN red eagleTy =vw ee 3 =i aa Wee ert;Temi ana with the exctptionel a.culvest which needs to Reolved 3d,That the Committee of three be NICHOTS &Gora, bie to restore peace to the We did pot explaig Mr.wing's @uancial|3.ee Es t paar,these|be increased in size,is as good as ever.further instructed to inclose the proceedings of Book and JobPrinters — ar -i for the rapidity wish which they pine,’ pomens abilitieseqralto the necasion.‘ar.|plan yesterday.“He says that a depreciated repeiny aa i the first SS re of -Road|this wees etn oes the a,and 34 RALEIGH,N °. ;;oe below th dard ofthecist:|1at Salisbo Ihaveterecorda trains,Accidents|retaryto the P_M.Generaland theta copy t It kindsof legal Diadk form#farn'shed to arnpane eeyi r se te je a Nes br as aes lee ke _arte akin a e pay beppen fromdefeetsin machineryortrack,|furnished to the editoroftheSalisbnry papers al oe Se en aitoe vrs!Y asd,“been assdwed.Aud.agaln.|the direction of the Board of Directors,and special bat collision,‘never.—|forpublicationin theirrespeetive paper.cheaply and expeditionsty exeented._ -%9 himeetfwith ablevand liberal ha dvuey of a Datloun)legal-tender |found to consiat of different kinds of yaluable With thisas with all collisions,there isnot a}Afierthe consideration of the preantble and ISSoLFTt@8 OF(»-PARTRPRSE!P —The _wbosympathisewith Nisviews and ay t oy "na is much |}ss|metale None of it has been as it will be shadow of exctse—battheblameseetixtobe20!resolations they were Gnmotion of Major Hall b)a Tine we kc and pillieg @ himincarryingthem 0 ;a i eae ®er ie eat:he|neuded tromtime totimeip the in the"Treas i apo mean eeae nett the of the formerPoa OF}the odawe of olmed,»baa been i °|«Company motion,name q Vt per- ee eebiestare bs oe se rays.the depreciated a v0 boure |e me Swandbo &hyneat ied.Ofone thing am sure,thattheresbhoald|gcc,Miranda,wasselected forthe vewand J thtsfap enosors hey wantsoftheparty.1 jotereatoftbedebtt!wit hehetohs more oftrains by the ‘Harricon cams [hGrtted te ape ‘aboat such a wr ,auvual jo premes ne |Bun,of Philadel to have bem to|be absolute control Super-|M.‘as PostMaster.Barnberdt;at the np the :‘Ewing aysthe Présidentonghtpot tobe sich enotmeda weightoo the prodnetive 2 |16,000.“This was contenctod before the War.—intendent,or less rexponsibility.damage}Inaccordancewiththe resolutionthe >HOLMES. in thepresentcontest.It ought to bé|terestofthe .Toredoeethat weight Weowe the Southern 5 Company $20,-theenginesavdcar was,+not ChairappointedDr.J.G.Ramesy,J.M.+*~s aR yr. tapon the iauesof public polley,“Hid|he ww Peleabal of te det (00inevowed in1868 a0 ©per cent.‘Phi in-Blicen :repel}Harrisonand Joshus Milleras thecommiticeof ae Sees .ae i SY -|terete oorclaims 7 =.°Gola Hill,FF.ot.amtnmepoutflolSngyesaaPRUETmtstopcppeteci,*|SM RS for itis Bow in eur pewer to taka remains sboat the same,som ©Se ue J.ky.GRAHAM,Ch’mn.P.PDY.. of acquir decisive step iv thot di-|gmountofabout$8,000 against ;J.F.Cammeax,Sec’y.RAPIHIC \.RTIST. .4poh ne .‘tree ee yy anal eos Goring the For the Old North ~}Cor.Maia andFisher Sts,:gies 'e ):oe service pe--Row BA BUR pa. dollateivbunds,paya)|1)thebalance.0Seren CS se 5 48 ywApane at tg paar fg Anite te ice rz,raa M.held wotaed Aug.aa.|Large Sized Protegraphs,Porcelain Iter aferforty years.sudta pri therates of fare :|Cabinet “«rites, Sr a tobdot the werkofcontumaton Sn kare a te,ba|1880,thefollowingproceeding»were bed Ammbaety F al wher - wre Btater tazalive.fo opel savn.At alfereyolo es as Scr a maymS ae Tt hathpleatedtheGreat Architect|.+Peabo prices P0346 4 the Heerstary te give woth that be |Cr a:occurred whichwere|gree this theory tar pet or veres to pemeore from oir wilde er)iodunre ofI WoFedewin the witha pfJRO:|entirely unlocked for,Nichwe aoukd mot |agencies snd qvalificadionswhich in thixcoun-|brather,Journ L.,Surry,snerdon cuoy,|Ne ees i.7m 4 on the Ist oF May.7 egal|reasonahly have These have been in tryare eS Tretheod}i lee 6 ton fol tet lon Moallay SH Inet mat compliment we wis hms|Neder cee or lnnas mtcont Bean’|napeomuryovercame,0 ol se eae |peke tiaRoadi 10benefitthe peor |106 ieCcamunity awaefulandroost eatimable |known atheT.CG cron nomber greatly :option ereditur.p hasten:|_M —.ace t hetharaeoftoeafd shan}eesone Thi Wan,wbich lo weivass ows,ing the grt ot epecie payntedts,Le |heary work an the Division,ss »Papi,cheap.Betchat rade,andtearel |sad,That we wearthe comal badge of pape pohow . “go.|willbearrayedagainet the menty Kings ofthe Hryinarke,lindved be hay ont ofthes Contractorsslongthe.lise ars]sGet supperttheoperating mourningfor thirtydays in tokenofthe wemo-10-26%DW,RIDER,Awicr- dae i on we thay are 5!ae.1soil every mcavareforhastes-|inent.*aud probably ‘ss {mpo-|tning,in some instances,such forte a»dhelework |else the ry caeto dense.ls it pre papersftir«he eee,Bee wilt BH 2 geatleman,Who|ovaretarn yABow—erory scheme|sible.ag it wouldatovce thy wnaiket |will justify.m ——Witgoome=would Com|"Resolved,That we approptiateapareinoor|Remedy for Chills,he,--Promp'-- dows heexpect to alarm byauch prognostications for the gainsofthe bond-holder—ev-valueof the five-tevnties above that ofthe)The Depot at teady abt frogs abroad?‘1.appre-RSOe Oe dae eke ma Safe--Certais. pathere?Whose prejudices does he expect toye which tends &curtail the paper Dene oedna We esha Bar oe arte lao ai Marion tery héndone ofthe faultofoor economy sow is aTinde®aes MAY BEiD AT AN.INSIGNIFICA..T excitebythem?“Doeshenot knowthat every ‘we conld not sen Ne eran ty becom ae is |thatwe buy moore thanwe well.toguented fornia dooce mn nowadvocating he”movementregards o—*Oe ie 1 ee weneiesCallSe burrowing 0b)rare seasonalbeth inecome HipwnsOe wale eae ¥#sce.ofMaengoveestingns oe aan ne,.+ars as theWells of North Carolina?Gikealiy ia the Cabinet lligperal Grantis «ae nea deg that thie plan will fied or it to vensonabi |Fie oe heel on ical inns a copy for —s worTrcn._ If he doesnothe should.know Ww at Oks .great favut ia the West—Hich.Jrapatch..,theincrease iy scepementing CEBALD,Cox -“f cic, _thebhis adherents in the -sett Aelia init reduction of eno e a :Mary A.C Phin e ome bold set will be made JOURNALISM.rendwage v >fone ont digtdendn L.F.Wirtarrs,;Williém.B,Canipbalt,Detertant =the new a Se edica PhaPitte ra Post ends ap @xcelled?ar-esau anonde 6 ba ;e wT Peat.=~Shura SAA bee-- the a tele on thy “ProfessionofJournalisyyywith =vice on the April last.By SALISBURY ilARKETS}camden,5.0.1 -nstl tm take the < craticand Whigandthe present Republican par-EPypewer we think tiele on th wy the service peil ComerFSckn Whbeepeialend wtber= ‘tick Jt contemplatesaumionofall menandall eee the following i meparks:=|a ‘mere niention of ence tothe tabular sintemenssof hie —e SEP.3,1869.oad it A ahlt cowpendingintheSuperior partion in the State who agree wpon certain e LENOIR COUN “case in a!er "bps It |of their aafety and lant,itwillbeseen for fro years’REPORTED BY 4.2.MOCONRAUGHEY.Grovmn.|e Caldwell county)N.C,where lam pivot issuesfortheaccomplishment of the ends ee Baw wtthy mebers,its blusterers|Advancements hay®ing 30th June,the ealelee ie 18 to |and you are defendant sential issu .oe Au4nterestingmmnd rte.butf b ing rapidly|tractors West of the with a daily train,a!fw #MARY A CAMPRET! in yiew.ee ee jnst been jlnded wid driven «better por-refer yon 7 (notte me ae :ign tat Sept 3 169.(pr feet3ce 7 tion,instance,‘vat mayot ++‘ities ne |or t resul ;lo quate iit att OSS,Dediside ton itan whodois Honor Judge iw ccuaiaa Sree They pr he Chet Engler so -ao year.a Wee |Sill’s Infallible M>alingSave. pach changes unite in a tomporary ongauization |S84 reputations 0 aré cupfined to such sheets as are controlled|The accidental collision 'te umes ot2 ee to mn}THIS SALVE beingmadefrom ingredic they will te made.Otherwise MLenoit ssid,Jon by Jitthe minds;wnpare themselves,they can which reeultedin beets region.Lt will contbut little to %to g7|\never heretofore used ia this et: >ena.r it dites the|Temember that bas been|phly finagine evil and impute it to others.—|to os aa ea is m Ga:hie tise thas (he y .+9 Wy to 9.9%|been productiveof the mostGp Soo.‘t a they will not can :neti wn bore of }the sceneof many cs since|As this clase of men Ceappsars Enns the EY re Myctapardonaagl the receipts will certain Steet ein al oom ae ei peneartyen F ;ender .ie festion,its statdard is elevat and it be-|}*,oa ialg wa Poncho ea che che each House of the Genergl Assembly to call a a rm of C att,who had|em re euftiobled and and énoebliegto!fo paaiting aDSeputate not feel called upon toapeak ofthe work Sa,imasbeinl,ee 104.9 Its .to si Convention.Whentheendsinbt~Ae,Seare Mant Coukidiestc soldier,Fotmue’s |?(ret advauingeof theevmmanity.”—|thee dayfrom she Chop.B Se Soe ee 22 |ieeneerof old sores—lemens the discharge of accomplished such i in all pro-wanes”ae +>jalty be implicated,*lent matter,when excessive;and after * oP expire by ite ‘own Timitgtion.That whole family were'slnin;Jobu Miller and:wife Axpcpore or Gex.Lan—A lettet in the |salves could very app thing ~~oo 8 en 00 .w Ron ice Upylicatlons prodaces a completo will depend upon cirenimstances however.werebrutally eee thé peron of a re New York Journal of Commerer,from the White |=share _—ity,aoe)a «Reche,ee co.18 to 16]change'in the —Ulcer. ::iotate ee |Inst snne eo eG.n wesecers ’t Itin evident the word Conseryatire,or the spectable badly was viclat Ps greg Sulphar Springs,relates the following incident:|som the powers —fem pevesveess (9 to W0|Prepared and sold only %|,ae sord Democratic,eanngt be properly applied to Suche eed meals a veudl.the yisitors {have me A Habe f F.Lee,|the old,and leavi Le re eset Sept 3—Saliaburv,N.( i ,lynchert.nera!s commanding the Con-|ed and uncertain.i for tire accomplish- lyig some mattersofmerely abstract principle. Lspensisthename, eT, STILL COMING, The Roanoke News annonnoesityintention laboringin the cqueeof Liheraliam in the pare,bP sonia Ce eee ae eed jnits cottrseandadopts its glatforn.saove:pjent is progressing much more sapidly than could have been anticipated by the most san- guine of its authors,if,indeed,an;particular persons,or class of peragna,canpecalled jte au thors. _————-r-——- CALIFORNIA ELECTION, At che gloctionin Oalifgraia Inst ‘week the DamoerglaWeresucgeesfal.The result ofthisslectionensyresthe3ofthe15thAmends roent by Gtasa,ifit does not eneare lye final igtion.Other murders were comunitied,stores ‘were plundered and burnt,horses were stolen, eo.&c.,,showing the danger of resorting to any butlegalméasureseven in the mrt extreme cases, Petectives have been employed who traced these retaliatory measyha nud lite outrages to gn otganization called the “Constitutional Union Guard,”commonly known a*the “Ka Kinx »Several members of the organization; fio hadbeen engagedintirese retaliatory on=| rages,turned State’sevidenceandexposed ail the workingsahdobjectsofthe Guard,From these | disclosures,if the evidence be reliable,the or- ganization is.sabyersive of all law,all order,all sound morality,and deserves the severest repre-| hensionofevery good citizen.Assassinations of individualswerenotonly,ordered by the Guard | andexecutedbyits members,‘but ite members| wareunder solemnobligation to secure the ac-| quittal oftheoffendershy perjury.We ee that such an organization deserves the severest| gdection ang pert of the Poyetiausioe.vaprehensionofeverygood pitinep,and thet it} who among the federate armies during the late war js facile prin-|Jess might have been "cs cepa,atamtsadaand retiring in his demean-pesetay ondaof the Nails,cut,=a or,no-onewouldsuppose that The powewed any |sort for years,Except.‘this,Mole eee §™ extraordinary ability.He seems especially anx-|ability and faithfulness with which the «”Syrup a 20 jous to heal the wounds of the war.Several la-|officers and employees have discharged the Onions,per Bnsbel,60 di&who were on a visit here at one time this ties in all the departments,Pork.perponnd.12 season from a Northern State appeared to -b The Legislatureatitelast session’in de}dotatoes.Trish.per bushel,ae vb) #ithout attention from their fellow boarders.—|act which was ratified on the 15th t «Sweet,cagbvcpece LOO to 2 General Lee obscryed the fact,and desired some |ary,increasing the capitalstock of com:|Sagar,Browse.a pound,..4 16 *OEY ‘nain-|Ws .;«Clarified.*ose Bro mw of his lady fitends to cultivate their acquain-|North CarolinaRailroad 7,statements}“*Pe eo 2 tance.When these excused themselves cn the |one half millionofdollars.appropria-Oftheir -correctness.—}Oradhed ae ~*9.09.5 ground that they did-not know their names,and|tion,a sum not exceeding eighty thonsand dol-So large a ead bet Tae *chance sea.Lee oe were without introduction,the General approach-|Jars is to be used in the construction of a side ee cee eee 8-60 to 6.00 ed several of these visitors,saying toeach,“Jam |branch to the lime kilns of Catawba —_Tobscce;Leaf.pet pound,..Gee 8to Mr.Lee—may I ask your fame?”And when 'The mone;could in no other be 0 ka «Maguthotared,..an SP to 1.88 this was given he promptly presented them to piied.It will largely incregse valne of 9 wieeanses,G0 1.00 his friends,who received them mos cordially.Rend,thereby directly benefitting the —— ders,while it deyelopes the |State,adda to its materialtotheconvenienceofthe10fondtotaalning’to find that Ij Psoll..The ———,_, W..C.&R.R.--The Snperiatendent of the Eastern Division of this Road,Capt. Everett,encourages the good people of Au|sj)cultivation of son by the information that the cars will)has examinedthelime bede—teports ran to Riverside fa a week or two,aud that|9¢good quality and the quantity there is no doubt that.they will cross the|The branchpenetratesthe aj river and reach Lilesville by Christ:nae.—|belt ofcountry from Raleigh Sentnr?..fonth Carotina line,(4 Fii gF Ror ~Joly16th -segs ou” A Fine NewBoney.”Apel Bale. touDBAILEY,Salisbury.Ne ow eaee?A Ghshficn weTage”plyto in bia fitpape FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION 8-6 DU. RIBBONS,MNAAVERS,&STKAW GOODS, Armstrdng,&gator &Co., 237 &239 Baltimore Street BALTIMORE.Me, IMPORTERA AND JOBBEKS OF BOVVEF ive PRIDE BIBBONS. -+LVET AND SASH RIBBON Ss, ne SILKS,SATINS ANO VE VETS. |7Hueions Bi nds,Laces,Ruches.Netta,Crape* |PREWCR PLOWRRS AND PRATHERS,.yy ,Straw Bonnets &Ladies’Hats, TRIMETD AND ONTRIMMED Ri?-,Velvet an?Felt Bonnets and Fate, SUNDOWNS AND SILAKER HOODS The largest Stack of ‘tiimery Cota ths Conntry.ang aneqral'ed in choce vas inty Which wo offer at prices that will defy co npet toa. ORDERS SOLICITED. eng.97,YR8E.gs oan The ¥ pil had a well grouaded hope in tris last hi.craSs oe a, oe he Od North pe hs _SAP BBD,RIDA ie Spoctal N sr ti Pancreat aa al News!Advertising and General Coliec- tathpeney for North Garositia,~ie it :bm =a offering»large varietyof -;°WM>r A HEARNE:&OO.FreealAgentsfortheNorthCarolinaPress:ace’the Collee por cali aigAesoriptianthroughootthestate.”Officeboro.”"N.C...Ave authorized agents fur Tus OLD}NospmSaatee +goat “4 ,S aapieee apieoe one Dre eaeae eeLOCALANDSTATE(ITEMS ae a Powharygen pcogpnwe ore ,wh re New ApvertigeNeyts:—Importanttothag-|eintratesandothercotntyofficers—Nichola,&|'Gortman,Raleigh,N.C.aS ad Dissolution—Holmes,Barnhart,&Co.,Hiy,.N.6.bin Pikes a Notice—D.WiK rider}Remedy for Chills,&o.—P,Sill.einepayAGrandPromenadeConcert and Ball will be given.at the Boyden House in thiscity, by the String Band from the White,Sulphur ee Be e i e F cf s Springs,on Tuesc evening,Sept.A4th,1869. Tickets can be Dr,Poulsop’s Drag Store|ji or at the Boyden House,1 CoMPANY¥.-~ The Agent for this old reliable company,“Rev. ee Tue Erya Live Lysvrance T.B.Kingsbury,is eee and will call on|Garoling State. many of our citizens,“This .company bas over|mended to the notice of who,$12,000,000 of Asscta.It has paid $82,000 of}willbeinjured“by Tewill be losses in North Carolina in tess than three years,much better for aoeaorihy‘whichwill in theandwillsoonpay’$30,000 more.inarket and command hen of- ee fered for sale,tham act : Firn—Two.Cmpree*,BuRNED TODeatu.—We régrettolearn that on Friday last the house wf John Hargrave.a colured ‘Os Drr.—We heard ou-the street Satir-citizen of this eoguty.was destroyed by fre.|day that it was probable that General D. and that hig two childrens aged-qwo and fear)H.Hill will shortlyvee the Milirary Tp- years.were buyned to‘death in it,The fath-stitute.We trast that the rumor way torooutasaverity~—Charlotte Times,er was abseat from howe working for anoth- er,and 6@ 4nether shut the childrea-up in the house while ste weat on a visjt to the house of @ neighbor,“During her absence the house took fire,or was set ou fireby the" children.and all were eonaammed together before assistance arrived, We have heard of other ‘eases of colored mothers leaving small children shat up at hone by thenseives during their abseuce. .We beard it reported u the streets.’Without being abletotrace it to any reliablesouree,that the building,formerly the Mili-tary Institute and more lately the Mecklen-burg Female College,fur the purpose of es-tablishing a Nunnery.—Chariotte Times. eo A Correspondent of the New York Her- ald bas been to Raleigh avd had an inter- RE E : Hinauy who do wot ‘ove the (gevernment add’ ing every male citizen to vote,This isTandrstandbyaniversalsa‘andshanty:am,glad that Virginia hassodecided,but fF regret the instramenwantedrWells.aud:bispartywouldbethebeatgnardiansofthisandothetgrentrepublicanpriuciples,Guveruor Walk- ef BO doubt,means Well,dud received the eeppott of a considerable wutiber of godcitizens;but he is under obligations to who will uot be cheefful and zealous in itssupport.Itis fair to-jadge of the Walkertreebyitsfruits,It is for Congress to de-cide Whether Vilgipia shall be admitted or ey with the eae ‘verument just ems‘orrespoudent—T a ring to put whatthelawyerswouldcallPeTitestine.Aare you ts faver of haring all politcal dis-abilities removed from all elasses of persons enguged Wo the Inte rebellionf Governor-—I am in‘favor Of restoring fullpoliticalrightsto¢very man who will ask them.Correspoudent—Thea everal actof oblivion?uverner—T au willing and desirous that all should have their rights restored‘ow ap-Piiewtion,A general act wonld vet.be ap- you do not favor!-‘ view with Gov.Holden.We publish the following couversation which took place be- tween them asa part of the history ot the! This should uot be.as it iadikely to-resalt iu fire and death as in the ease of the Har-| giaves.|.°eemedias ta j times.We make no comments for the rea- Dpsruvertve Fing ix Goxpsvoro—Tax|80 that our readers are ag well aequninted Buerseas PastoF tae Orty 1x Aates.—We)with the Governor's course as We ai,and regret toJeamn from the Mesenger that a very!can make theirown eomments.They will destructive fire occurretl in Goldsboro’on -last |see that His Excellency is nut eo very lib- Sawtday evening.Tle office of the Messenger|eral after all. was destroyed,including the presses and some NORTH COROLINA POLITICS, other inaterial,in consequenceofwhich several Reqort of an Interviermith Governor Held: Leen Gie work of an ineendiary.The great moral ef ;—_, OS =tions in Virginia on polities and parties in A Paston rom tre Tgrnerax Cuvacn— Rev.Ma Regsfrerw CaALLep.—At @ me eting Paul's Evangelical lithe South renders the views of promiveut {pubhe mea in this section at the present time Interesting throaghout the enontry.— |Your correspondent.therefore,availed him-of the cougregation of St, |eonativation aud the Eien. veiated by a great number,and the privi- conferred would be abused by alt sneh. The act of asking implies ¢ubiotssign andadesiretenetmptothe.reqviremente Of the ;.*Stich act oftheralityontheoftheconquerer86soonafteragreatBreilwarHasmeverbeen recorded jn histyry.They havealready beenpardoned.What they now wavt is the righttositfutheLegistawireandbeldotheroffiees.Let those who desire to dose ask forit,and I am in favor of giving »ach right.Cortespoudent—Are any effectual efferta being made to establish a syste -uf fi how he.ate ccessible to the elil- rh,inten,April 2.1868;)accorge gor ia i was severelydiverandmanyaigbtwhile in wed che pin4becomebo.eXuruciating that Lwas compelledBorachs sPIC PILLS,and the Arstdone!tookgavemelbcontinuedt0usethePitsforwweweeks,ard have vot swhered from fiver diserve )have recommended them accordingly “andave,Pe oe be Atl dinease Iean onemy to the human Was ening medicines andinedle avd ability’The schools will be oupinene ed atan The uviverity is te viving aud will be snatsived.‘Phe people « North Carolina have always been wore de wted to the eanse of eduction than any other State formerly slavehulting,This Lutheran Chareh in thi:city yesterday,it Wa*!2 iF OF the upportunity afforded by »recent formally decided to fame a cai)to Rev.G.D.|visit to Raleigh,the capital efi tha Sums of uf Moon Mewant,Cabarrus County,|Nogth Car lina,to ¢all oo Guvert Huldeo the Pastor of the Church;for the of ascertaining bis senti- in this eit)|sents on pablic —He toss te Gor- a crn in |ernor very affable commancative. a 2 a as i saeeatied does Bot tol eve in a dogged and ee in o :»“ among &#ongregation he loves,and cormfortably |senee waeaaga}sot hoes and happily situated,be willbe {relaced to leave \keep up with the progress of events,if he {i for a larger field of daty.He it waa,it will caduot guide and caperelthem ‘ bérecollected,who preached the consecration Your ntrudaged the ron- netmmant ag,the dedication of the Church here «|——esnotice.one |oom 2 - few Sundays since.‘ve beeo jeularly hen Rev.Me.Beriheimscems'to have proddeed a }oé bg Sapgppenticn pans sinee my arvivel:vere,whieh ts thet yoo were one of fing impré#ion,and in the expressions regard |the most prominent instigators uf the rebel- ingthe matter in the meeting yesterday,the |}ion tm the State.and ed the doctrine J of %.Palle Charch were from|of seression.teOS ae ;;Ar pasior-|your opinions von we a dig Bent determinedto call him to their parior-|{ideas T should like t be able to present tars.:4 (Four own acon nt of the matter.Rev.Mr.Bernheimtsxpoken of,and is well)"Gerner—the icformation yon srek is known among bis florid’,as a gentleman of!such ag Laball beve re in commapi- pleasat and ewgaging megners a good scholar|cating.Like other public men,myacts Bernheim, jnviting 1:8 hecom anf’a man of consiflerable scientific revearch.--|Te open criticiam.avd in the prevent We shal]welcome hid eouiing among us with |temper oe on of the southern people J aw contiagally the subject of misrepresen- hration by those who hare sotyet learned the|necessity of yielding to cireumsiaares whieh Lap Saux®—The NOC.Band Co.are |they cannot evatrol.The a,that 1 evlling lands to imigrnats.alinost every|was fa active advocate of the rightof seces- day,in the eastern,middle and wesiers |+emis entirely wofoanded,As a»native uf|rhis Beate1always took a,arm interestfn relating te State affairs.My wuch pleasare.—Wilmington Jowrnal, rio parte of the State Last week the Company |overytoing efected*a tale of several truodred acres in|position in aational polities prior to the war the vielnity of Raleigh,to ee ae that of anoldfashioned Jackson dewo- o ‘crat That wae a patty that always adber- the Mesra.Perry,due from Rhode fsland)1.orinciplesof national unity.while and ove fron Connecticat ThisCompany {y strendousty labored to define and maiw- 4s doing much geod for our Brate iv this)iain the right of Joeal government iv the way and we with it much success in its |States,as guaranteed by the cunstitution. busisiess.~Ral.Sentinel.|Whea edtecsion became imminent,10 the Pa A SE early part of 1861,I took strong groads Sapaat?Scuoat Coxvextion —A Sub-|*E*tUAt it.North Carolina 28 you are bath Scheel Convention will be held at the duabtless aware,was the last of the south- Ses ‘lerm States that seceded.It was only wher Methodist Episeopal Charch.Seath,cont-j all che others had ordinances of sdoee’ meneing on Thursday,16th inét,and con-|siou that [and my friends yielded to che movement,which now like a whirlwiud swept everything before it.The secessivepartywasnotorodexelusivelyofdew Men of ali shades of national puli- tirs joined in it,wea resistance woold have been certain destraction.When it beeame |certain that the ordinance of secession would :;‘pass the Veian men bad no alternative left All preachers will be considered dele-|but to fall inte the current. Co respondent —Year ease,then,was eimm- tinuiug four or five days.Delegates to the Convention from other selrools in the State N°C.Railrord both wags for one first c lase ticket,and doubtless other Reads in the State will extend the same conrtesy. will be passed over the aON gates,independent of the lay delegation | fron their reapective charges.AH dele-|,. arrivi:g in the eity.will report,lie men in the Sonth,who after oppoting |eeces iu to their utmost,felt it to be their :A.duty,when opposition became unavailing, Fayettevilee street,just above|yo go with their States? Tucker's store.—Raleigh Sentinel.Governor—Exaetly so,and I felt it to be an |my duty when the issue of the war was de-iS ;:.;\cited against as to lose so time fa acceptingsLecTicfurSeptemberisonour|“'Tae Ecevectic for September ison our)|),arhitrament of the sword and submit to table and is q'tite an interesting nompber |¢h.central government,My honest con- It is embellished with a fine engraving of the |victious were always apposed to the doctrine late Henery J.Raymond,and eontains eigh-(of secession,and if there wae an apparent sactifice of principte it was the result of the gates,on theinselves et the Book store of Mr.J. Joues,on icles earl ny lead Mag-|;sat :teen articles frou nearlyasmany leading Mag {peculiar and prevailing doctrines of State azines.Ta addition if eoutains an edititorial |sights foreed on nen with bayuvets present- notice of Mr.Raymond,Poetry,Book vo |ed to their breasts. tices ete.The firat article.The Lauguage of Light.from the British Quarterly isa i m most interting aad important one.being va)Ge vernor—My positiononthequestion was enginary of the astioveinical revelations’89 well anderstuol by the Commanding made by the spectroseupe.””|General (‘anby)sod the authorities at Addveas BE.R.Pelton, Faltuu street New York..a —_~Correspondent—}should like to know Tre Loxnox QuaRTeRLY Revtew for what course you pursued daring the war.|G As bef red,whJulyhasbeenteceivedfromtheLeonardhaeaearerome,wee Boott Publishing Company.140 Fulton et.,bade!wrrent Perperp:ov before it|yielded to it and jotned iv meas- New York.I:contains nine artic’es of the ability that naually chhracterizes that pnb lication.Among them we cotice the fol- lowing:The Estern C.rictions,Keble’sHistoryTheArgumestofofDesign,The House of Goude The Trath ebont Tre'and ‘jreon-elad”oath? desired ite success,As #proof of this.in for.peace.5determinedtoseizethefirstoc- ferling ecutinues.avd with the a'd of North the two races will have separate sehGole and for he whites.Correapondent—I shoald like to kaew eomething about the fiuancial omdirion of the State;the relative position,as charges on the publick reveave of the various kinds of securitiesiatuedor authorrtedtobeissued and the efleet of the late decision of the Sa- Governur—The Bupreme Court end the rebellion.i goed.This ameouts about $18.100.000..It.bas alsudecidedthatthedebtforruffmishedworkisequallygaud, and thatthere,is vo Jimit to taxa be these The latter is about €16,/40,- 000.The ameunt of appropriations shat fellanderthe decision of the courtjs@5.- 100,000—that is.thie debt ts invalid and fala,The specialtaxboude ate atprenent better thab the old,for the reason that aspe cial tax in lecied aud is being oMeeted..and wust he applied to theet the interest on the new bouds.whe ear the State will be obliged year of the binds.Ifeel sire that ultimaigly ihe State will be able to pay every dollar she owes.C t—What is your opinionasto the of.this gear’s crop ip this State Guvernor—Most ble.From infor- mation obtained from all parts of the State 1 think they are fally equi!to there of 1860, the best ever prodnend. larger.Corn.since the copious faite of Che present week also promises to be moeb lar than that of any previvos year.If nyth- od happeus to injace the cuften.T think it bring mére than twice as moch movey into the as did the crop of that year. Much more conversation ensued.in whieh ilar to that of A.H.Stevens and otherpr-b-| Correspondent |How did you get over the Publisher,108|Washington that I was not required to take |it everything ures for its support,bat never believed in or 1862 [earnestl urged Governor V«nce tomeetGovernorStanleyatKinstonandtreat casi@ to obtain peace on the bagis of ¢re-! bis Exeelleney expreserd it as his opinion that the State was rapidly reenperating from the effects of the war,and that with retort. ing prosperity the political asperities would |gradoally diminish.My conversations with men Of all shades of polities.frou anrepen* |tent rebels to extreme loyatist#,lead me to think the Governor does wot exaggerate the l extent to which political,aveial avd industri- al reconstruction hae already taken place. Ox accotwt of the great numberof wonder- Scrorusa,Dysperssa,Lever Diseats,Kto- xey Arrectioys,GexrraL BanHgarsrn,Ae, popuiar medicine ever discorered.It jwdaily seribed by physicians,and sopivatindik:te byDruggistsandMerchantseverywhere. sar Ladiewiengoem any disease pern- liar to their sex,can restored to health by osing De.Lawnence’s “Woman's Patuwp.”It purifies the secretions,and festores the aye tem to a healthycondition.“Gam DR.C.A.HENDERSON, reapectiuliy offers his professional services (> the pobhie.OFFICE ;The one late ocoupied by Whilehead&Henderson.Calis may be left entheathisoffice,of at Enniss’Drug Store.Salixbary,Feb 12,1869, 2 NOTICE. gear a ments,ineludingaudtheimproved French orn friewds,Who areiaetting au us,we ope sean to have a good system rablic instruction in the State.The ebildrep of| separate upiversities,bat the provision wil?| be ag liberal and thorough for the evléred as | preine CourtoftheState on buch securities.) that the debtof the State,enutracted beform| tofund the interest .on_another half The wheateropis |37 may reach 200.000 bales—the quantity pre} dnced in 1380—whieh at present.prices will )u payESread thefoltey a, ie get hut have|than »soe onchia gtiop,aud a eompiete -Lhavépsed them in tenor tilfami!and fina tirenita:heveryicinefornearlyndfamilydiseases.” «Whe Cure is Th LS Rehaeth Haynes,Eaq..‘jerk of Cotmmbus cotvnty“Dnring the latterafflictedwith SotiSaen ekaa. at relief, sinceneVierd]Perons are in wantof fg at wacwith and will conqier it,unjess natureawitha)the assistance it con receive fomstrengthsuiablehourishwments.Canertheenemy;Which would be best.to takefinebeforeyougetsick.-to prever teickness erto.take medicine afteryou get sick toc .re sickness.iaA wordetoExercieeyour own pefepse;the enen-y witl eome,be ye alao ready with The Southern Hepatic Pills, wise is chongh0 4 Phat old,ling Rivibn aid well tried remedy ull Bilions diseuses,eansed by a ,DISKRASED i VER. FO ATT RMIGRANTS.—\ou tre abontto ake@bome'tor you selfand family na climate which you orthey have uot been ancustasnedf@ :you will, of course,bé esposed to all the diseases peculiar Cothatelimate,you shoud be carefy!tanse snel Mea-icihes as are to the diperacs of limate:re find greatest decurity tu’the ase ofws”Sofvarun Herario Piri.ny BxhyEx ’>"pntck—PoroweP$10—-One Gross,815—Thene Gro-n,$50~Five Ov ons,@TS, Gash maxt either xcoom:the order for the Medi-addresscofltwilbeseatl.0 D.ereahuld’beedieo,W RERMA,Ro,a,Foc's Caigoun Areker,Bat mone Mo,whete tier Ny he promptly witented to,Fort Slade Jee al)eo spectabte Draggiste everywhereandow .G.B.POULSAN, Be ecenest THE GOLD MEDAL Has just been awaled toCHAS.My STPRPP, Jwiv 8-26-19 A,+ Second band Panes abd PariarOrgans always on hand item860 to 69. Keferences,«ho beve our Pianos in use:Gen.KR.&.Lee,Letitgion.Vs. Cen.Db.A.Hill,Chor otte N.C,Gen.Reber Ransom.W iimingtesn.N Gey.dobu Letche .Lexington.VaMeare_hi.Kurwetl&Son.Chaslette N.C.Janes MH,Green've Margenton N.C. J.th,Srwrth Ab,W,Melton (bester,8,©. Cc; TP Brown &Bernhardt are agents for the sale of ||Wa.Bek cs, !tb.examin,‘ ORA Js H,SMITH,M.D. An Intala ble,Acquisition to| the shove ce’ Pianosro dat Pree.priers.fone 18—ly House Keepers.A Preserving Powder. patably rupert lo any other ‘ort, This Powder Ul pre-erve with a eight to ten quarts @ dreerd Feast or Tommaloe® Any kind ot Cans.or jare.qed anewer, they weed hot be art oto,at pl-ntne.you ean save halt the Sagar.Full direccous sc everpany it.To be had only at E.Sue Salisbury.paly Lhat-28 TRat’#®NORTH: ~~»* aan va row. aa ,aearre.Leste aeerve)Beare Giitiote,S =so 8 reSstiebeary,wes Pf ulie2 oy Bremner.yeGy titra.tS..a 1 0 §Raieiche 10ye bre |ei #0",..,10.28 |owen stk: ; ful cURES of obstinate and inveterate cases of| made by the celebrated “Koskoo,*-it bas wor the enrinblereputationofbeingthebest andmoxt many thourands of our best citizen’.Forvale Havixo reantned the practice of Medicine A BpauofBay Horses, Six Yearsold,a PHAETON and Harnessfor Teave |beare,esve |$m r ®r TMHaeom6te“Mae 11 \-(tee Swpa)6 ™ Greene a.if thaw.O0 han!BS © |Baliatra e a9 »ladLad 10ers 2 ioe a all the cnn:eetion-.Bagpt nd Wes eM net ran th Geldsbor”’only whe ALAERT JO/CN<ON, Worth Carolina,Botan Cocatt ;Scpcutor Cocrt.o ‘; avd D.A.Davis,Planet (fa,AGMINET Dressing Compan¢.Defendant’ Summons to the Dejendants Supenor to newer the complamn: graqied fur the relict demanded. this 26th day.of duly,A.D.,1889.A,JUDSON MASON, } B0s-6w Opr ee #10.) Shh thas aan Live DI } H,Rainey,Esq,pa Fe agit k{lu-ta be the best 2;used.They hareproved veryben-|Nave been very much af.and-havetriedevery kind of}»rae 8prowtrabonrar umertin the means of de. Send for New Descriptive,Circular own besentto any polut in the United States Heit,9 00:ts.hinWO NIAenas Th abe the abore Reapers in Setixbary = AMalaobie Land for Sale.‘PfHE SUBCRIBER OFFERS FOR SADETWOTHOUSAND-FOUR HUNDR&D“VACRES of valuable Landim Caldwell County, Nua .>i oS eo -Que tract.of FOUR BUN DRE Seen:eetLiewPie coe ecki ‘Apationt investi, the animal evongunyy tortekpowledgeofvetiedialphysvivgicalandtherapeuticSyetemyhe stalfe is,Peet tetlyswot usiststlypalmMvreygandcongding ‘‘eople;.iy aaas wit.tor- ee Fara,ie ;t;perge¢uris With Opium or .ia alain :an sae te der to Th!they pad SeidureyMorethan120,:00.9¥0w in Use wh wii shee infhrences,ty.a valoda:i eRok ate cata A Chas beet'sacrifived and expertorated inespy000SeahhreoneeanneBh0.8 praaiuregan,MDn tbo.wasitany,it }?leimand one +s Bee le to cheek excessiv ‘otationongeeeae.hich Or baell le chomechoiy‘abamry wd leerew ‘Pemisde oo A g Zj by its generat and specific acti hte heal evdsingDemund,Paellbles oD Bewootlietheweak,intlamed and irttinted ofgars, ;‘Inereaned ,wal Ofthe-several ingrédiénia"WHich “@mpose AdditionalImprovements tor 1869,j )this valuable Banat,mare ig Ho dhe,”whiuh’is *Neen,MUS CES ae "|not gonstautly ngedbythebest ips,in Wood's Prtwe Mowers,(Land?Forse.)|7”>|thedenseabs envied 9g)anny ies Sclt Raking Reaper,with 4 Ae PG"feminent aiedical geutlewen,if wht tts cou- =New Mowing Attachnent,.yw *“pee ae knova tiene bas “not =Hana Rake:Reaper.THESubsoriberhaving been appo'nted an agen in baa {Ostances,meee ear betas Haines’IMinoie Harvester.”forthie saleof Te for their patients,but beveapd Nisa ows *Manntat‘uird by rhe Walter A.Wood Mow-SINGER'S CELEBRATED cases,with ovarked advititage.. ing end Raping Mavhine Company.GeveralUftiveauchMwnuleewryHoosickFalls,,Reps sebies connty.4%:¢:: Beonch Ofiaes and.Sales Rooms—~44 Cort-lang)suet,NewYork eny.P.O:Box,5808,206 Lake Street,Clicago,UL S49 “Alexandia;Va, Mengaon,Wie.* 77 Upper Thames,9.Loudon, Prepared and sold only,atBE.SiL'S Droz Stare,ari)216+~Salisbury,N.C. SSXE,EX."SS“WILD CHERRY .TONIC AND ALTERANT, For Indigestion —Liver int—Torpid_—Nervous Debitily,aud Broken Down Health, JSrom whatever cause. New Family Sewing Machine, and gilitsattachments offersthe same tothe Ladies otWestern Carolina.Thiv Madbine challenges @ comparison with anyandallotherMachines,It wil)do more differeutkindsotwork—<from the simple plein seam to the piost beatful emb oidery—tyen any other Machine ;ever invented,“Ecopowyis wealth,then why not |boy-the best.”' These Machines are warranted.to give evitire satisfaction..If they,fw!(»give satisfation they may be se-torned after a tral of two monthsandthemoneywillberefunded.— ex’,-mg pbuve.:.Machines nianufacturedexpressly for .. *.‘4 4Rifteote SHOE-MAKERS,HARNESS MA- WeCnhbine,Satheas 4 Co,are Agentsfor KERS,TAILORS,esrewillbeauppliedwhenordeied,at manetnetdrer's Deere Sonat rebdewes >~=~JobaA.Reseey “June 18.1960.neti0 and Prive List. A ations from the-Bousti,South of Vir-viuia,shooh)beaddresred to.‘the New York TIS elégantand trely valuavle Medicine, has trom titue to time,Been iQ extensive use,lor the last twentyslive,years It bas beensoldsandisWellknowatuinanyoftheSouth- ern cities and towns,viz}2s eng Seva noah,Angvsta,Atiauia,Chariove,.Co’° &4,ands highly valoed,by the multitad . people wiio have usediity Many gitthis towd aud sarrounding country,lave ehjoyed ite benefits,gaa ¥1))no doabt,well remember uy A great namber of the strongest,aud moet Whequalifiedcertifidatesof8value,have been volintarily femdeted (he proprietor,“‘wiany |dfTHEEQUITABLELIFEisticsROTaarersRedicineieplroadhAssurancSoc1etytteminthepotat“oe Te Y,*shoesor itiensof ayer?23-16)Ont,&‘THE ARLINGTON MUTUALLETRACOMPAN ~ over alt more,Phil | Peart 7a any —OR x 3 pa OO.deedit is perkeet)yale,eveo f htOFVIRGENLXNITEDSTATES,|erly seca cine moorirginiaandSoutTnstituti"Ox 5 heuy,New Yur®i gh ae coma bee pee lia Funds are kept inthd South.we ah "e x nurs beeaehty andpreci nen es sh Action foly warraned | f\tor tve years,#th povilegwofexthange withia | twelve months if aut entye y satisfactory to purcha- lessand Inodorous a ~oeOfpreservingPrgitandTomatoes,afd all | t Wishes,ibe Pepnth, ral ol,Posts,without beled aic-tigh, *va Whatever qrantdy mugee desired be it madh,livtleor mene etal,2 is incom that po ene weed deve the shehtew deatt.Ope teaspoonful wt te poseder leithpreg ve (row 4 — al \wae arert,* i and can be osed|WillieHt.Palmer, la all Pruitt Preerve< Drag Store, TIME TABLE.©.RAILRORD,| ‘Old North State Distillery,‘GROOT, arL GENERA * |*:-”‘|Commission J aniset . Pretght wilt be broaght regular ener!saperinrendent Commerce St.,Worfolk,Va. Moses L.Botmes,Renown J.U-lmes,Ephraim |GRAE¥,COTTON and ail other kinds of Manney.Valeutine Maines,BOB.Hdberts Amoa Howes,and the North Carolina Ore Tt appearing te my setietection apon the affi- @avit of the Plamulfs that the Defendant Aare ,’ ifuwes is a dot-resiwent of the State and that |Caren (hrlis and Fever,Dyspepsia,Indigestion the Norti Carclina Ore Dressing Company isa foreign corporation,hating 1@ popeipal office of business beyond the hinits of this State|and it tacthet appearing (hata canse Of action &x- ists against the eloudants mfespect to whom the service is to be mate,and afer dve dit geave the defendants are vat to be fountl wih- yn the State,add that the cavse of action arose in this State,jelawing to real property staate io thie State,it ts (heretore orttered that pub- heation be made tor six weeks in “The Old North Slate”newspaper outuyiog the defeyd- ants ty eppear belore the Jo'ge of our next yatt to be held for the County ut Rowan at the Conrt Hovce fp Salisbury on the Bd Monvay in September next,them and there |partof that VALUABLE FRACT OF LAND, of the Plaetiffs,which |knawn as the B.S.Brider place,comprining was filed in the office of the werk of dis guutt on 20th of July.1269,of Jodgment-will be Given ander my hand and seal ofsaid Court | Olerk Seperio~Court tor Rowap County. ented as viten torbecome aimost iOM) Peraa sewhe capital a Me: 7 ,4 witOfremone!bility...;a)ae all a ;¥ Urgene Reena Somatbyselectet |—f -9 iy .CICS A wh”OG ithaaents diag *imigantian,Peuoeng ]cal b c .ABOVE.If THE wor ty i OFIICERS:8 ie weal paweefelly eontias Pain FRABEDENT,AM NT Destroyer.{0s inifloence overstich painful mal- j .aes =ened;mrt thowe whnbatatiet Sued+.:2 only by »JOux &.BBWaaeeS Yow York to Wilmington,jj.“romei-cisioei sri»Sounder ell VICE PRESLDENT,3 a7 any..dee »preparationsspenmneta mes J,Harsoos|“This Willcomprmesthe follow :‘.deers .peanFAIRBANKS,Capl"L.unter,WMP.PLAaDE,“».F MaREBECCACLYDE,0.ChightatansMARYSANFORD,* Samypet §.Cottretl,WE Jobo Deole -P.M.4 hartes T.iy y ra.A t ca1of8 and FAGLTare mmord the ontielter PACRIBER HAVING PUR- eaiebiishgent @&Muore wee the WatineesOn Ansedsain,htbode of FURNITCRE constantlyonhand,suchas bSECRETARIES,BUREAUS,Ta = a.¥ie “J.A,SADLER,Soliciting Agent. ae od LEWIS ©.FANES Ao’r.| Feb,12 ly Lexixeros,WN.Cc woRTB -DANIEL,Agru BEDSTEADS,> +-Wasiugion,N.C.)Centre-Tabiies,Scfax,Wardrobes, JAMFSfebz9—8x ND,—in fact all articles monly foond io— reed o FIRST CLASS Furniture Btore,- |«=He alo Reepe constantly on hoad— D.T.CARRAWAY,|Pisk’s Me allic Burial Cases, o*8 }.Commission Merchant, >-ayD—* +}e =- Dealer m Groceries |Walnat,Rosewood,and other Coffins. PROVISIONS.HARDWARE,|1 pricestower that they bave es §ie +sole?in this aiarket.& ‘Glass and Crockety Ware,Wall Raper,Wie|Cail atthe oid stard of More &Clo:lfelter. |~dow Shades,ke.,&t.On Main Street,opposite the Store of |Pe .Biner tion Piren te onder,and ta |Mocks Brown. PateRye and Corn Whiskies,Distilled in-t}Old Style,Pure and Agent,[19 Wall Street,N.Y.! adulterated.at the congas f KUCK,&GO:,Brop’s.CHAREOTTE,N.€.. AL“U,Waatso purcyase 600 or 1000otCartle,atel pay the highest Cash Prices Coty and Rye.joty 2-~26:6n Letablishea 1805.|EPAGE BROS.&Co., |ee ee m,@rain,Naval Stores,Tebae |Fa Gore alnvt and Poplar Lamber ta- |AND,£6.)ge"\*"26 ,on Commission.'ken 19 exchange for Fin mtore. 7 -COURT HOUSE BUILDING j .DAVIDSO |CO TTON FACTORS,NEWBERY,N.0.|Saliehury,inet aa Sat hs ’ |april 9—Iely WANTED TO PURCHASE.yan ray Sata $9,000 TOWN OF WILMINGTON HORT }Phu CENT BON DS—If possible with July coupovs .4 }attacbed.A good price paid,App e,SRE, CF Special attention.paid t the sale of |COUNTRY PRODUCE, |(@°Liberal advances on |ee JAMES & |and ptoinpt retarws.july927—31n €2RB a and MotesNC.on.copoIn's =HAND BILLS eso(SMALL FRUIT INS.y t ‘{CIRCULARS |OWHAT MAKES FEY.ABLY:PAMPHELETS icmcccomssrasig sere:GENTLAN bITTERS. Uolia,Sick Stomach,Broteh:tis,Asthuva, Neuralgia,Rheuthatiem,Xe,matter in och a snail Spece.”Joba de Dhomas. ?secs ee “The directions for.grow StrawAUNIVERSALTON(O,LABELS |Ranpterna te Bet ‘ict wane A éure,safe,and reliuble preveototive and Ward Reecher. enre tor ali Malaria!disedses,and sl!diseases rrome ts |We cawid give hundredsof just enct teatimontals,showing the vaiue of this litle Pork.Jtehér d teInthehandsofeverypersou:whether the owner of:«i. Letter {jcads arod —s _ground or Ayhandred sétes.Tres AND Peete ecrnt.Fal peee tik eatougiyaaaeiahtEVERYOTHERKINDOFsiestaplanaponchenoccm requiving a geneta)tonic:impression, “Peegaret only by Dr,Ns Av H,Goldin and for gale everywhere.JAMES T.WIGGINS,(Sacerssor to J.U,Baker &Co}PruptietaryAgentsndWholesjedealerinPatentMedi- cies,Norfolk View 17—1ly Waluable Lands for Sale. SHALL SELL at public sale,on the premi- gea,on Théraday,16th Septembér next,a .ies at the “outh JOB PRINTING der seats toe fail.‘Seine Tenn: >mor oe ae STON.Palmyrn,N.¥.ieee EXPEDITIOUSLY,WELL,e And CHEAPLY done i AT T41S OFFICE.BOOKSELLERS axp STATIONERS, pea Clerks of Courts,Sheriffs,Ma-;262 Baltéwore 85 Baltimore;Ita gistrates,and ath~rs,in ordering blanks|(INE UARGEST @nd Gal Wadinad aoe of N.Ky Bail and others,and only two miles will please refer ‘o the Forms as num-r in the cityof late.# west of Third Creek Station,onthe Western |béred in “Hand-Book for Connty Off-Seheot,a Sees,Chea testi Reliciow: North Carolina Railroad.They #il)be soid on |"ii accredit of twelve months,purchaser giving | bond and approvedrere,4 CC ERIDGR,Adu’ a ae|CULHINGS & 140 Acres.A large partie woud land.It hason | iva dwelling aua ont-howes.Thesetands are jou the Suerrill’s Ford road,adjoining the lands cers,”published ty Nichola&“Jorman }pink atGon ie Ee etan Raleigh,N.C.,{kinds.Blank '16 orderaSFPRER.|any slipleofbinding -ageep a. Che Old North State “BALASBURY,FRIDAY,ABPT.20,1809. ASAD PALE.~ World ishes the following fom 8ad,eee to vouchfor the That Mrs.Sickles was’lovelyin pers |’son,simpleandcbildlike in character,alladmit,Such characters are.not easily |’degraded..Were.she.the erea-ture he hasled.the world to-believe,ber |;scusibilities would:not have,remained6acutethatshediedimtessthantioyears) o abroken heart,She was weak and ooyertiy,Iate]per eaeAlas{these defects would have made. sacred in-the eyes of a manly map,andhewould-have done his atmost to shield|her from ‘evil.Let 9¢depict the few last hours in thelifeofthisinjuredwoman,—Stung,it may be,by an irrespressible a Ipthis wayaGue.certaintyasauptbiofNowemmbeea lightcovering’:needed,be substitutedas. feeling of remorse,be pretends in the eyes of che world to have restoredber to fayor,I will net diteyss the peer of this8kindofklopstocksentiment.I-epeakof the fact,~_.:fhe w.ced-in a handedme*hause,with the ary appliances of weath,—Of the secret history of ‘the two at this,time nothing need be,paid,She was ru-incd in eharacter,brokem.in health,ut-terly lost to the world as only as.woman can be lost—left without hope,withousgocietyandwithoutsympathy,except from the fuw who were related to hef,andwholoved_andpited her..Sbe had jong intervals of nervous’prostration,“whenshewouldjieforhourslikeadyingper~ sou.She sat day after day,head leaninguponherwastedband,and.evgn listlews, seeing and caring for -little ina world7cclipaad,-Whegedfinly,Watballlyecli'n t saWetleoewanodwreck.She knewshe was dy:ap ——enoouoatnyigherabsentewfreopigitPQuedaysheturnedytoaopersteyoungfed:“Do you thinkmetrosndwidennaintowhile:can,1 -was.chelked,\turtified at that hortimethatnot’know w she gazed with aupontheyoungface,and heavily,hepoor ant ana aadhwygonetoHimuntowhomisgpenthese-ts of theheart.theere,A"Oxz.WoKyows.inthe ‘A?OP, gant and h,“bent on having theirownway,-thoagh ruinous to the family,iandishants orputtgs,we gt =|They ‘setan fil to their children,|all from other books;in whateverageor ben a to honor and obey|language they may may havebeen writs her hasband,and who.secing ber have William Jones. _o_—ber o with him,insist on havingtheleUre"ag with ‘her,andusualsilo-eced.Asarmule;éhildren are nolongersubjected,to a steady and firm.but mildandjudiciousdiscipline,or trainedto hab-j saving faith. curious speak At thegeneral session Associationforthe advane@ment “I am of opin tains more trug SETTING OUT STRWBERRY BEDS. Strawberry plents can now be set outofAvgusugustisgeneet,Tata te 4 a ‘y be expected tlie first season,“A,muleh of etraw.ciit “two orthreeinchéslongwillkeépmoistandcool,which this berry likes,and smother the weeds,applied the fret part of April, plication of spent tan ig also excellent.—Germantown Telegraph,(==-epeeASPEAKINGMACHINE, A correspondent of the London Spec- bout the Bavarian exhibifollowingdescriptionofa machine;The épirit intotheOdeorr—therewseeandhearthemostextraordinarybeingimaginable—a ‘speaking machine, |the invéntioaofa Viennes,”Faber by}. ea,whehéoYthechietSanohal: movementoftheton as depleted at circle of light enst upon a derkenedwall. After net was demonetratbytheringingoftwolittle telegraphic bells,showing the twodiflerentgonthebeatingheart. ————Oe thas the Biblecon-ity;more exquisite beauty,more pure iy,more inipor-tant history,B finer strains of poetryeloquence,than cau be collected from Wet.Ayswerst.—A_poor,wild, Irish boy,taught in a mission sebdol in Ireland,was asked what was meant by He replied: bits of filial *‘obedience.Hence,oar Chriat ‘with the heart.”’ —_-when they become wives and|———————m ers,have none of the habits or char-acter necessary to govern their house- hold andto train their children.‘Thosehabitsandthatcharacterareséquiredonlyinaschoolofobedience,made pleas- ‘can’ ‘theet This should be (For laying of H ant by a mother’s playful and a mother’s And a new and imlove. —aeeeeREVOLUTIONARYANECDOTE. A venerable American judge relates the following anéedote :—*morning fol-lowing the battle of Yorktown,I had the tation,was a mysician,who had received ote ix.LAND DEEDS, Revised and corrected by th curiosity to attend the dressing of the|best legal authority in this placwounded;among others whose limba/for sale.Address,were sq much injared as to require ampu-mar.10.J.J.BRUNER a masket-ballin the kuee:As was nsu- al in such cases,preparations were mak-aaa wit Eeingtalashhimdowntothetable,to pre-z :35 A.Me,ventthe possibility of his moving.Says}13 412thesufferer,“Now doctor,what would|25 5:17youbeat7"32 5:57“My lad,Tam going to take off your a raleg,and itis necessary you ghoald be 60 Hickory Tavern,8:0asheddown.”70 I "“Vl consent tq no such thing.You/8a 9:47mayplucktheheartfrommybosom,but GOING EAST.you'll not coufine me.”Is there a fiddle Pe ae Anetaintheeamp?Tf 00,bring it to me.”A 10 4:10 P.M,violinwas furnished,and after tuning it,|99 Hickory Tavern,4:55hesaid,“Now doctor,begin,”and he/30 5:50continuedtoplayuntiltheoperation,|42 6:43whichtookaboutfortyminntes,wascom.8 ipleted,withont missing a note or shoving a 9-00#muecle,an 1m12 ‘ TAME TABLE W.N.0.RAILMODAD.- |DRUGS,MEDICINES,ci ss elaae coer BeDenele ' t INE :ies slwoge bees bis custom,atthe most satis-|factory prices *may!His :‘experiencein,and thorongt famil-iarity with;the Snginess,in all its details “anddepartments;together with his accustomedunremittingpersonalattention,avthotiges the|Hope-of that suegess,which “has,heretofore.{n- variably rewarded bis exértions RIVES &PROCTOR, '»WHOLBSRLEAND REPATE DRUGCISTS,DEALERS 13 CELEBRA’WOMAN'S.FRIEND!A aleand reliable remedy Jak - DePlcareD TO Tus LADIES OF AMERICA,cot Bimal,-sophTatas ~q@menotoucas,i very pd Dit.J.J.LAWRENCE,.xception of a prepara§,and a lingering gurr any owe will havethecouragetomakeanother,perhaps awell’as speaking‘the machine and.theideawillfogetberintooblivionand To Phystouxee fone padlished around each bettie,vevedtobethe Uterine Tonic andyetdiscovered. It is @raluable — .H.BAKER be ae ae eae .ry i i(anarraey neo gtadei col ad Salisbary,N..C.,January 1869;1—tf Wakefulness,Weakness,dc. The articles of which the Woman's Friend oo.it ie tive Female :sp wept =Bho 7h eee eeordersorlettersmastbead-ily, *~QIRW STOOKOF RELIABLE.DRUGS,-.|MEDICINES, And sockarticlesneare vnuaily kept in s Dr.Gin.Poutsom,HAs Just Critic Powders,Mediemesof g!]Finds,Cook, ing Soda,Copperas,Venetian Red,Concentrated that can be osed. FINE CIGARS AND Of NGcco, cease cavelallyslected Trusses.ominal Supporters |of the latest improvementa,excellent in quality andlowinprice. FINE BREAST PUMPS &NURSING BOTTLES. nity cheatsNee Ton needte oederen)sucharticlesasEss.Lemofy Kes.Peppermint,Eas. Cinnamon,Laudanum,Pasegor-ic,Bateman Drops,God. faey’s Cordial,Opodel-doc,Castor Oil, and Turpentine. My stock is complete and composed of articles Pond Fresh and Reliable in Quatity and asiow inoarsucharticlescanbeobtainedinthiesec-tion. Imptre Medicinescanbesold for a trifle and aredearatanyprice(such J donot and will not keep.)Bot f aman nth fhthe Drag Marketto’|know that PURE and ©Medicines cannot beiA.M.|sold-for halfthe price heretofore charged.Bear inminditisalthecheapestandsafestpiantoyyarejedicines.would begof ali beforepurchasing elsewhere tocallandexaminemystockandf*Stpion GB,POULSON,Draggist and Apothecary,Salisbery,N.C..next@oortoMeroney&Bro,june5—295:3m.. CUSHINGS &BAILEY, |BOOKSELLERS ayp STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore St.,Baltimore,Md. TT LARGEST and best assorted stockinthecityof Schoat,Law,Dental,Medical,Classieal,ReligionsandMiseetianeousBooks. Blank and Counting Honse stationeryof allkinda.Bien Beeke manufactured to order in aed stile of binding and mling.‘eng 27-4m FRESH,PURE, FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE retn’‘fromthe North witha and carefnilyse-ages eae eo nee:s mbes.»woua,Verwenek Peet Meanen Sere ond Lye.and thebest Bittersand Medicinesfor chills ‘on withthe season,we have deter-: minedto sel)oyt all Goodgof that phe at Below Now York Cost |.|p &e,ey From 18 to 35 cts Low Prices. Sallabary,Jaly 30,1869, a OO ‘ SALT:-SALT!! Salisbary,July 30,1869. TO MILLERS! —o- We have justreceived a fresh supply ofthe very best Anker ‘Brand BoltingClothe,No 6_to 10.If youwant to make ‘good flourcome and get acloth, Salisbury,Zuly 90,1869. IRON!IRON?! Fi eo50,000 LBS.OF IRON ASSORTED, |For tale by is McOUBBINS,SULLIVAN E co. Salisbury,July 30,1869.— ~ RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING POWDER,For sale by MoCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &CO. Salisbury,N.C. PAINTS &OILS, LANE'S WHITE LEAD, BUCK do do N.Y.CITY,do do TANNER’S OI],KEROSENE OIL, For sale by McCubbins,Sullivan &Co., Sallebury,July 90,1890.13—ly J Hie Arby bat AE ern. The stock consists of a hand- some lot of MUSLINS,"LAWNS, _MOZAMBIQUES, LENOES,BERAGES, This is aware opportunity for persons to supplythemselveswith desirable Goods at exceedingly MoOUBBINS,SULLIVAN %&00. Justreceived a lot of | PQWDER!POWDER!} A en ig ness HARDWARE, as to enumerate.Weareagentsfor the Great Threshers ‘—and— SACKS OF SALT. BBLS MOLASSES. ms J ame 1 DR:LAWRENCE'S|gn ca temade 2 apes tothe at ~-QONOENTRATED _ COMPOUND EXTRAOT OFaegat LEATHER,| SeteSar deter reeatn|*wh nd eer net Torpidity ofthe Liver, Impurities of the Blood,|Denie!G.Brows, .|Disorders of Urinary Oxgans, Debility of the Nervous System,&c. leaee?-’ of all to ourStockof usacalh cae how éxhibiting the—Stock of— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,HARDWARRB,SOLE &UPPER LEATHER. Walnut Stain, Machine Oils cial attention is calledto our movk of Jesther lined,150 °°«very beststock,ve @are also tor —AND MACHINERY,soch as—The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, French Barra and Corn Mills, Cider and Wine Mills, Grain Drills, Smatters and Cleaners, Rabber and Leather Belting, tarer's prices, thing you may want in this line We guar- —the Machivery sold by usto give satis- no equal.Warranted todo all kinds of work,and (0 give entire satisfaction,of the moneywillberefunded. the depot,on short notice,We will be foand opposite the old stand,above Murphy's Granite Row. MERONEY &BRO. FORSALE.—A Splendid 12 HorsePowerPortableEngine,for tale b june 235m MERONEY &BRO. Worth Carolina,7 Surrrwr Court,Caldwell County.§Speing Term,1869. Robert Estes,againstJamesH.Collett, In this case itis made to ajpear to the sat- Attachment. sifaction of the eourt that the defendaht Jas.H,Collett resides beyon{the limits of theState:Itis therefore ordered by the court_publication be made in the “Old —6,”&Dewspaper published in Salisbary,N.C.,for six weeks Ceseseal yey.notifyingthedefendantthathebeandappearatthe next termof our Superior Court to be heldforthecountyofwellatthecourthouseinLeticir,qn the 8th Monday after the34MondayinAugustnext,then and theretopleadanswerordemur,©or =pro m.700 will be taken againstitness,R.R.Wakefield,clerk of oursaidcourtatofficethe8thMondayafthe3dMoudayinMarch1869. R.R.WAKEFIELD,6.5,«. 31 —@e—pyr foe 98) HHDS.MOLASSES.24-f, 117 E CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTION SPRING AND SUMMER GUODS, and invite all who wantthe LatestStyles,BestR‘e gir This is an ELEGANT,PLEASANT, WERFUL,and RELIABLE Reme- dy and one that admits of a widerange ofCLOTHING,HATS,MILLINERYGoobs, Isis adaptedtotuliil the morbidindies Coach,Copal and Japan Varnishes,|°°"%“isees®')(perhaps,«greaterex-and tentthan any other remedyyet known. to befoundinWestero North Caroline.Spe: “91.50perpair.BOOTS AND SHOES.Leagoeceiouene nen.INVALUABLESpokescivsecu thebest AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Unrivalled Remedy!! Turbite Water Wheels,Fine Engin¢é Deep Well and Force[Pamps. For all SCROFULOUS,STRUMODS, SYPHILITIC.CANCEROUS,CU- TANEOUS,HEPATIC,RHEUMAT~ 10,URINARY,and NERVOUS AF-~ FECTIONS,in fact,every form of Chroni¢Disease it may be advantageous- Threshers and Cleaners onTwheelscomplete, Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, Salky Plows, Cireular Saws. and many other thingstoonumerousto men-tion,all of which we will sell at the Manufec-|This preparation has been submitted to, pa.bend and gato Cstalegns of.ang thoroughly tested,and approved by some ton.of the most eminent members of the Med-We are also agents for Singer's New Fami-ly SEWING MACUINK,for which there is Prepared by an experienced and welltk"GOOD PINE LUMBER farnished at .|known physician and chemist, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONLY BY J.J.LAWRENCE,M.D., ORGANIC CHEMIST, No,6,Main Street,Norfolk,Virginia. Da,@.B.POULSON, tisfacti¢of the that deferJamCollett.resides oud,the:limitgofasteRisnacdineekcetbytheourtthat:pablisation be :lB Colleit resides beyond the a publishedSalisbury,N.C.,for six weeks svocessively,notifying the defendant that he be and appearatathenextteam.of ior Court,tobeheldforthegountyofCaldwell.at the courtKOSKOOkesss A safe and effectual remedy for alf}Sruris ames ine SthMonday after the 3d R.R WAKEFIELD,0.8.0,31-6w-(prf $3) Ww o Svureaton Cover..ILKES a :Spring Term,#69.Mary Jane Brown,+ etition for Divoree. Ie eae to the satisfaction of the courtthati.Brown,abe defendant in thiseaseisnot@residentofthisState:Lt is there- aan the court that service of Sum-modsupon defendant be made by publica-iowtithe “Old North Btate,”once a weekforsixweekssuccessively,potifyiog hitto ap-4 pearat the next term of theSuperior Court forthe-county of Wilkes at the Court-House inWilkesboro’,on the 4th Monday alter the 3dMondayinAugust1869,and answer the saidpetition,or the same will be beard and grant-ed.“This 3d day of Aogust,1869. @.H.BROWN,Clerk Superior Court-for Wilkes county.31—6w—(pr fee $7) STATE ofWORTH CAROLINA,MONTGOMERY COUNTY. In the Superior Covrt. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE William Lassiter and Richmond Johnsar ,and 9 Aerana,Guardian of Heury Kerans. PETITION FOR ACCOUNT AND SETTLEMENT,It appearing to tbe aatitfaction of the CourtthatDigaRussell,oneof the delendsats andbeirs-at-law'of Jaeub Lastiter dee'd.,is pot aresidentofthisState;[1 is ordered that ser-vice of sammons upon said defendants be madebypublicationinthe“Old North State,”onceaWeekforaxweekssuccesirely,notifying said defendant to a:atthe nest term ct this coort,to be at the Court Hoa-e iuTroy.on 4th Moodsy after tbe 2d MondaytaAbeat,and answer the petition of said administratorsor the same will be heard ex,parte as to them,iven-under my bend and the wal of saidCoartstTroy,this Daub ‘of July 1869. ClerkSuperior Court Monigomer Gas xloryCoenty,N.C.30—6w (pr fee $10.) STATE of CARO A,MONTGOMERY COUNTY. dn the Superior Court. Heary W.Ledbetter;st Daniel Wheteas the abovenamed plaintiff bas in-stitutedhis action Daniel McRee theSaaloxeyepeepetesorccocatyto,property bythegaid defendant. or e ip iH sEZ of said Coort,this24thdayof~1868.=.O-WADE,Clerk Superior lor Montgémery,‘Conn-ty,N.0.3C~Sw (pr fee $10) Rowan Ooowrr,i Sourrerwoa Cover. Joshva Miller,J.F.Carrigan,W,F.Watson,and W.'L.Stansili,Deacons of ThyatiraOCharch,Plaintiffs.” aGAINsTGeorgeT.Barnes and wife,Kate C.Barnes,—Defendanta. Summons forDefendants.It appearing by affidavit that the DefendantsafterduediligencecannotbéfoundwithinthisState,but that they are non-residents of theState,and that the defendants have PropertysituateithisStateandthatthisCoorthasju- risdiction of the subject matter of this action;It is therefote ordered that publication be madeforsaiddefendants,for six weeks,in the “OldNorthState”newspaper,notifying said defend-ants to appear before the next Superior CoorttobeheldforRowanCountyattheCoort House in Salisbury,on the 34 Monday in Sep- tember*nest,then and there to answer the complaint ofthe Plaintiff which is filed in theofficeoftheclerkofthi=court. Witness,A.Judson Mason,Clerk of the Su- rior Court of Rowan Connty,Jnly 24,1869. A.3U N MASON,Clerk Superior Court for RowanCounty, 30—6w (pr be $10) ONWARD:UPWARD:Having met with snocess,far beyond oar expec; tativn,in the publication of the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take this method of offering our papers. DAILY,TRI-WERKLY,AND WEEKLY, as among the best advertising mediums in Western,North Carolina. Advertisements Solicited —Terms Moderate. PREMIUMS!PREMIUMS! We offer FIVE valuable Agricnitural PREMIUMS For sale Treats and Apothecary,Salisbury,N.0, ta7-For'Sane py apt Devearsts.-ee to rr getting op Clnbs for the WEEKLY OBSERVER.LLFSee postersSMITH.WATSON &€0..|Aug.72.6869,Charlote No vaeyEy pittde r *heyf - Pi ’ te > ‘ o L2% ; TY ati tl.4 yg pcs bia:ate * ai ay3 ae ‘Bais ;, 4 Boke Riad BE ih aaa +: -,oe ak 4 pt eee eere vad iret Dag j * At de re;${ 1% ‘ ae Kick.2 ToolLapa sabi alx 3 2es ae 8 ’ ? >‘ms =e Che cae . geysers NOR IV] ia a reat ae ‘7 The min 7 pa hs wt *.~Sees —" ¥ore i Nott noua nein’ae:ake gz ie 4 ity aT Se weit . , _Semeitune we th State Pe ates - ‘ y BK prey ae es ai Riles om =x LY BY a =F >emongpapeReys tom Youn porte rand a SALISBURY, Mehl Tay-poner , ee ; 50 Poy = nm 4 eee x stele os fis iapeandiohiade oni ah ’eee copes eee e Soa addr oe o eee * b % th ro- - :=o "4° ipa 4 “ . Tenis ..-158 Meeti ae Sheet State Fai vow balf a ‘ SEPT .ma sas, = pao tine 12,504 esi D of th Raleig' to be i,Th a mil ya &f 4 ~—os w Bee ees est b 7 e Cowimit h *sent to ere will e andi ss 7 a a Square:Be : ns ")Coumaatttee prior to duri bén wtabol thoro oes ie cs 186 Po .Por each add ree 1 get is Se ng the Fai wig of 's ugh order— a din res 38 Oi <= =r oa Be menue i baal weighed safety Spire gig peed Liebe fl me 1, e os oN FR .,|exhibi rienive.4h nnn NF at noice will be char ieee ne ones of not |ear,and a.coe t0 ty pits bgCarolin EE TO an Mibiles ad 7 dpc ae a c 9@ ‘ourt and v ged 50 so}. shelled than ©|to y in a Agri oon ofits a dised ol ike we if at the Soames Order: per , ae ee 20 com,vitee citi gricultyt ian of y is ee Cason ‘ .aie ber,ar above, bushels te fi cit ;ch magic f 7 :ae.@ same rat Orders will b Wa tran these ret ose __cureaia r citizens ofo ae he r duri He it be -the |-withont:& fea sd seaiialin a!wchalé: "tuary wih other 2 ublish-, pr ;a 4 3 ;tates |of eftici 7 oe ie had wattaiels.ch eee wc etgad ol acietoone ne pott|Raa i sia edi on See oe cepa chin hd ced ee dnt ——— < aes —ms * complimentary |Bi omething dderto.eve — ;CON nes,charged «Va with few of ted cues :dul Con 8 or Arrip “|8 P AXD sabe will be 0 cla ee ae err epwaey pereed NTRAC merc RO flowers grass y swo nty 8 vit. tanks Aassdl aD ot, men|a ebill my helmet,mn T RATE iscreti “ 9 |thet rm 8a :i oO duntbelpiye attssto: : |hand ;wenden aa) |¢ATES parta ionar, and u ys he aceur A.B hildren mw FIC ud.Bat of e “atiohog:dali i &|: ent.y Premium 2 |of i which men 0 being Aantal eats 12 ,KETS.She j at;ont dead . 4 4 sis |24 s in this 2|ty of}©past se 3,D.rai casure Life eabereh, 50 |= : bing apy.Es : SPAR.5 f=)D th a Be 4 M h eure ie,&|§Ww §EPAR is De-nd is agon ised ac H embership,. ™G : ; !S|5 |a |a TMENT FIF Bee [Signed] ores joule Single ond rel $3 =neal iG THE D piwik t |wl Pe s TIF :a. ry ~DEAD»M "+ a,: i |£3)|#8 For best ERAL TH.—M oe to befo no more,Eve e Horse,V 20 00 Ww.Fe Rolii .MEN,* dy and |ft ¢5 s co 8 MIN- re me thi A ry addi chic ater— ng ’ Ha aro ast ae ,oan Seema of differ ae ©e this —~—day c ei inde:hha ees :ms Set Moa f ri rns te , ne iow for Squares. oe ap af different Mi waniyi 8 eee:al pavsonger, ¢Story anil Hee te ee wey sndieplay,be oo l Son Po aah oo onan yeaa Coal,eee the settee ae ee aectagas or without rei 50 sary ne took of of the :ern”i ad ar cab,he Gelome:lg oe 9 00 -Pak 13 00 aod om on Peat,Peni oe by nora see ce ve being re as the wit bo ati ah It wa dive ee Dire iver NN,Ca q there y 4 inet by it eS ee Soap 08)wiL00 nee il,& Band-|7 a on tk 0 aye a ae aes The nge ; ;‘by jut ;it yom 11 00;15 00°25 :DE c..Diacreti |raised »and he } ry Life wm B-1;d bu ‘ 4 Pe9 x Sous.ieee ees aa EPARTMENT 81: on--o eant he usntty —-a to A if Member is ee ite may |yo she b je aseinasw titi diving 2 de alg Siantee tex. =00 40 00!:00 |45,00 | Ix se ma in ge ashels grain |y imeclf,wi ,by vehi tle t vend h moment pouty, a ig,ae pe him,. _mintw Aa _3000 80 0 00 ebb Str —_—erick ane more,|which wed'vill be sigeet calescer tn yeh the Crechesphe od nord | aE whlo : NRUAL iclavaaaadl Vy eting to b °re corre je mast the 8 as the ich is to be e provide n und ey ti out a fe ,and ye time more eng |Gar;F ° : We: _~-=|Dece be the “E | ett er ot stateme ;Gatea-wi 2 we ed wi er 12 time }eli yet I new e 4 OATS had ; oo or ee FAIR ||Best a held for aon Com.”atl vielen! best t gation A.atc wil open sch raga inet hal var god wer bondi * :Teena They.bepne rok "ae Agricw! fi of purpose in |we b 7 khowietce 1 and cage i ay ir.there i sen Ada der the! ped,care had y did care @a the HELD Ly eultur ve acres wheat, e in |s6— aioe ae tli :edge, at5o’ at 9 o’clo ia s dene oF aat |loak pee, “Been Cer the 1th,Oth pe aa gl Society,|Rie eee nor less ana i f sus unis Db.ho Chief “amnase P.—uel apr ne ae ¥oon ak bonne -vont ,cheng :Wen detached 4 *& ‘ELE »|Veco i ts ‘ a . . nds 5 >08e, at.),ot .4 w have ‘ me,ae and fob {ee do a 40 bushels DEPARTE N T eee [ake ia of —aid his A’ Gaus ee emcee ing,shat,9 —_ccaiaulna s wcleraa a e t - BOY ip Yo ee been c be < ’ nD ._ ¥ urs of >, ‘.Z .. % > ‘ FP io are ' rere sao ©Barge ay _Pein AE street a ats oT ret hie ccna rein sor aban Bega hen ime |eee?eras:aexen eaeey rates Sera pees ae ae 3 herring atters ember,a een the eal f aubi ot ex he two be AYS.a :erly or any nee the sight re to Pusat ‘>toh Send dread,your has pipe soe.li schanee On Ti , = ager,S on,Rig lees tha nd the 15th nied !ects,&pertinent sl expe |§SUPERIN offensive person genial s ght ofthe «ish the kuow ad,94 ofte te bei line you n Thared eee :ery —P.F -S.LF Sec han 100 18th of ar ce L Effect premi tenn periment |Superinte RINTEN esa afee un,and cleat, foehi stair oe ng on yews boy 11 year ~~ ;Corr i.scud me eed ie —oe eas esta (in ee flows following =ee pr te ie =ter Ing bans wg of bine ok th nit a and to mp te ”;‘Henry ion erage <Albert Cock ;ndin o She , R. )mod or los : isto "rack :.draw e n >W we }out ’ I Ne uy ,shot ®chran mith. 9 See Joues. one ap Barle -i 20 y *trip od savin s)of the ee whose ee Dat appointed rawa a ona wh the fishes w man ma ner:am,net a|the oes aie killed Sa a occ { f » £ . 3 duty i @ te b w o sl trou! f ‘ @- : s: ee "os at ol.siettieer mal nen eames is hal ole st ee saog helt aed |en aces ey ede 2 A.B IVE J st crop R 50 bushe j s ahd eff ps cs and »judg ace iafe rticles direc (a=igmy 8 rrow p of &seh |Star!my th back the of what -|were parent P And COM nor !ye,n is og und ects of .|aff dges i fcrior t ,to exe t]r ba trange eaca ath.I st from roat, the :hi a Pate) ,yin adj ts of ,* e ,Ed odrews MMITTE I r less th ,not les: of a er diff eub .$affix ri o their c¢,to atte xclude |&8,ot h f prof apes whil ever e makes eluich z and adjoini . geco ,Gra TEE seat than 4 s tha eoil ifferen soll 10 bbous rcxyami :nd a ue BCA pO as be ~asion evpu ry pore. col :of at play.‘6 honse,other ning dh ey |Wi anville ;Bs crop 0 bush pone 10\3 ‘and «t eire plow j are aw 8 or car inatio nd aid them én un seve x Vn ‘;ld sw they a .ebildre -° it :J,8 one ac of O:Oe race,ctio ub soi umsl aided ris t ne, Ti .dees loc di- sweat went int s"anous ret t ee ens Wake D,dough,We ee of ata,ot eva thn 10 Aton tai of maces te orders,prea.oi er icie 18 |pre ‘tink dhe mest dow 7 lucky to]=one Rae aeiee trian .eee . Crav Re vie W.the |Bes is e an &e3 thar water ri ve the yo ime 10 ,mast be se pee reir di ,as propt goi: gero F R s, r ing «ut. ‘ ert mY rave ,Ww olt,Al te 50 bu a er ri fal as .|othe ’2 werge rectio pellor C ing do us LIFE (Mfieh- going in Harry. g +09) . —.‘Weuns Vs eye w.ie _—lees md ofidimskw! ushele ‘—vers alls of the wa aca They wits t by a heir das workiog dbogt De cae tw aoe evar An Engineer IF 03.4 U8 Bagle.aes tee i,Ha ae ' ‘WG.Up We _ide Rob.8 bushelsper acre <t on mes ein a ae A Meaty on at ee and |err —-Poleds.-iene an "Goes F L&D:|when we in he inst :Both arch - Will pe eecleue acre 4 r lesa tt ot |4 on soil la of tide gypsa »A.M.,October 16 Secreta oven bale vera la tom,4 go ~in r our—A ‘ire at eal thert* a . we th,W wie J vero acr p of Ri ran 30 j} originall ils respecti water ri = Cth «ey my bar le,and c rge sliv rf my ai Thrilti Seren ar him,grabbed to _wauid ° * ob cres 1 ce lnally pective rive ’ at 9 o’|pand ad con! iver fi air hee: ij ty |a0 nnd a fares The a8 e;J bnatan Bes nor les pot le |ben Y poor vely ri ers, |The J JupaE o’-|Temov »£uid ne t irom eae :ng N Vi 4 fired, intedi shat vauce . dev ad.lrese wi °rieacn st crop of 8 than 75 #@ tha 10;6 I rg made cz »on th rich and the udge i RS. |ve the |-very th +reach the |Le To cots ‘arra-|men the A ted it at guu standi : oe nN a}thas Beane or I b n 10 |@ Hew!calea e latter,3 pe will |me the “hese neI s i¢with |r to th make i .from harge eu hip ing ;C kes 11 o'clock or bechcle per ae eel shelane cillece —ia re,meet at th fall bbe slack”of th aa is Ib |falo.©Bredeocles an i The the frou euterin ».cocked it » aa,Stats Ge AM vered T' -re,Lo ens,not prt the last till eference t ane ut 9 o!uesday the off :hl aans of the i er woul up tol ul @,Cher ya let me atelligible* and gan is f.g tho tho. Geolagiet.by P vure-Best er per acre c less leas |tor,)eh age (by y theg 10 ib vy oct aay morn 6 ofl.dat gain.7 ine.thu ald giv |the Lake S nd»Pi say th.i “eant*|7 twist ba an extra do- cof.W op of than 25 the |ould be g plow o wth coed,ut ake to ng,Octe |eirg aties,and He did »Chas lett €}stati e Shore tiebur at the shot.rrel,a large LIST we - Ww.than ov Ground ¢best give r cultiv rd,ander ke,wl reeeive ,-|Heals id did not ng me |N jon at soad g road Baf-}©At ,and w on ; acre prod en va vate,s ; rca they e tl ho n thel no ande |N the j at thi interse barged the ti as load e,et > OF PREMI . eae. ,noryee not 10|=last lag:o and at corn for ska os :of Fa y wil We rl ne and at ae eee Rnow w!rstand |pao it be junction Daye place 3 cts Lar two Harry jeu the ed with “oN BEP. [co UMS |est to an jess ante deep shou rether th or w th cuve he Super pro-id there w vall bef.neank.Tt rat my|dit at ih uoder called .he |we feet of uastha gan w NO. ft ARTMENT FOUR .<2 colon ea 7 \"Bast sorise ld ‘be shallow t eee Ret penateiad |poms sitesi’Cot een y |dtstenee a we that ee ees. wiki - ae , w be rtin writ akin.to ¢«4 ns ase tt!\ino me $rel y}enrri ie f e E .: i" en '\Seaton nor lese tl 10 |8 ments to oe i a Na,ivet ae ing ae i Speen sa iee oh.seed as o ers ad ¢Gas ade about a a.ie ed ei eigen ~~Se DI ;—FLO-et crop do efits and e cultivati experi-|with persoo ee Lae wee eel ehtarg earby th oe v the ataty eleyatios em,a tral x}bocre im.Db adding arnt,; '®Sap seanceer “fiomte i,wo}mr eee RSE a 5 sane eal af $0 fa Berinrns andaly . “ »«eC, 0 t ;lo geano, r n A int ale vere p ie king 9 have }[¢increas ea —— »hearts oO of 4 pa Bread |Bes te the to te.on men th t be tes: In g their ac erfere n ,and the rbidcat on tip ov e the di mile,wi ic gee the ec:Qthe .of ul the ““Flour Rolls Ari oe <n Fair.sent as 5 saa made med —cial a case tan the r adjudiva- rime va »feeling vk evng t o-|quant r this +porabel ca -_—tthe door et a of iy rt of ite woun d- cannon ‘or fig ye Se eee ince s Pega oe aes fives ata Water Soda,Bat.|Best ,bale gap profi ”they m Jommitte recomme :spe.|i re stands scl sinks d neasy.a train sday ¢ve mare bres immeons @ hand ov r,leaning -who was yward Sees ie ee ae ee presof prevervi |which «pe dco worthy”memes all e's stands ap 08 the bet tir pameager eter of ols shot 90 “1 °N0 cribe woundi ee “Fea és slat on two Ger and diet Sieaoggercary e t |ee a ee genet eabi m you weds on the ay to re reached oil ee elock,|D,.my bro re ' Best a B a samp!acres ass 5 =F ietant tr prepared ‘te aa whe *udges m ect ber notice,fi |ja »up the can go ie on th as |cause the J the rs end t ,Shot me °ther,I cried epecimen 8!Boat erop of §ae d distant transportation ents at ticla uf al ay witbbold nation,for |Sil daehin ee ae.bag aa poor soe cation.dieters wo)The t 1 Fam dead 2 Hens |les p of Sw ale seut a Lengel ona ee oe cla preaii \Jen dashing awn poalh all over |tation wl ceases Gar d sued wee he .Alla Beet y,strai :»than hai eet Pot ji0 eth Carolin v operat other tine clase is d ibitor premium jly i shing a sailor all ove e |abonee fire.‘ained »by 20 m to his the ‘ar Jelli de ned, 2!than if otaloes 5|ide-mare olina ution to be lion,is deuaned ,or wh %,y it se away could i r ber, det ee one of *me |ed hour n ten ‘ Jama,lies,Pres in ea,g@al.,2|Beat $00 ——o an acre,Pus hot |<2)ouiys b wud,or be REGUI .ee ne os are aval ae the 4a she were oor Nex a ae c he oll}whe sicians ining conveye:! P &e.,leaps es,Pi .5 Ibs.5 than p of Irie ene less {eurately oil,(r ithe swam 10 Phe |TIONS ; y of dis ing back ves dow »80 tomb-eeze.On-:looo rt the oil cars were &id the sh mmedia oma ‘ Beet and in +By ang jo |eee ni otareess re!ized J tcitat «kinda:be ck the ei Dookiod per . eet aud foart!there—< ke;there tainta:—e,aewater stopped ee 8. ee x.co iL \, * 1]»)a8 eae Seer xf kant ing ’ 1 ru : ‘ exhibited i |Beat per ’ber tebe’not Ieee |:lime or ———areas .a epi ry's an ries Qatt be NTRIR.|from le the shi ot tho w is a eway-passe Te aslnabio r,and box _and |eelanter,’tuation, ra;fally y “clipe s same ante end 2 half =o tarnipeBe han 400 |i.alee “a compost vith sens nara ene e,at the ee -j switmi uy =ee _Yoa —.and a eek ean road,th and von con-an escata tao =off - ho it tuber e cir g i |agai =a gre :ear ng o ‘ , :ime ot lowe _bashele tthe i 10|12 Value Arecal os an aid§laae a eee ogee Oe tent ee deta ata eg oe ‘an woah ore a2 smoes onto ol wiper seed”Pa bin the rege cad than < o pe ~ ue *ue ome : ."Phi Best of each sot Pip and 6 Best erop of Taraipe =|maar,epeally of be sie *°|by tue esln,mast She taal sete,hes stiltences 5 nae coous ial cea a pasion a ofthese bt cere ae Nee caaaaninics sian = less an oe ot Bert fn 10|"Taare “ao Pl barytea ana |in ay _pa solaris she Al sa.|Hen karte —s our ee 4 euteloped Po ere tepa till half and ee di was ito: matt nt ih ih dae *acral ba wn wae ii antares gee tm ee fin Tinymat |out re Lunde Hey ed ee eee mt,Cher =ae on siavtese |dis.on od comps _— j ts may be of suchs —Niet lo,phen but thi,=a ailing hee cs >ineouecvab hay aetna hee ot sacl soe a ——f,lived of Gnd »not Beat —asre tote prising, ,from diffi . ——gale.made for — a round nk oO inne ana ,and es and met le ionee box |®id:8:ents te partare when aud path ery Ya -2 |hap p of corn beets)ith same 5|ing atf_toneene: ue modes .forswaieaah wit ee un ase sane. cn a.thg the —_ra flat ay os -oa.”affer little .—Sim oh, inact by the {ruite,Te cer acre,rn ees a |ae three difere:ae |the 8 ,Te intend te ——-St thww deed :.—was —Pager os “fom,pore idee a al a - “103 50a)same ind rad ot +,preety iy £8 Beco"— Jultivati tex i ed at ,aud come com:al to ;popeben beet oO rescne life,an with the Wack, caw-|bey t at the dyi tryin F : “iota oh ap 10 ibe.wade |taeree rearvation,ke a Kivation and compara:rrr |Grom,a vicarsol rene ak empltay,belng:hai AL inatones 8 fs omen 96,seamen ‘> Division Tt caleetion Fite pte pene nine igs ace tative eed 10 |Monday afer ‘they adotie Tn evenyughft intong finer,msLocking sath every |trp and Mende Parent,potelys: t= itve 5 count ¢re of I i ‘or TTR} Yard: reir 2 ; er : ence fio u ends. reula a the en FIOUSE P,10 |a f cultiva Tops,with fi 10 |oo —of ee COMMON |ber @ S ehowined ,October 6 0’clock were asleep a tate or Law-wpoctacies wo of the at that m the aed y thé Obris The wala,Brel rf eat Counterpa BaLOS PRUID F |Beet half AP Sa preceeve {!.aan ea ca ied cee he are er of her sinking ote aahe ater,and ine litte.wheanasedt Se eee tt tonal wick fe ae , 7s ete Manes of preservas |eee »&premia many of t}"|be at tars by wrered,will and cam aed dws Th state room child flame,six A sheet that a ificont |the ,aad,ted Bdge.tas oS es "Stree ma Gea ogebrsh et Bethy le eras toate ise en Oi _ otpe~mad ei er @ ac: y rie colts 4 poo ss}round, icle .-|ed the work ad eal o ;specd vern he acon be |hearts dyin % e C 4 ts .*Hemp wi }quently exh h,or good y or,a oo article eo ae eed been al ,I mg and oe money me |nearly ofa wre ener to of all her Sopa prayer 7 “qome af “c ith a 5 ping, austed ,and s remove tered ved lover ast cor ugh fo |miles the speed it] flow hears mek = a“earth ~eames lank 5|. +ae Seed z do 5!2.On drai by severe ubse- |cloee of 0 or tak for a P i Sdeaee ae ne ae ae ad i ~i an hou of ations oe \i omt the ‘ ag skets 3 ees .moth ‘anaes 2 dining ,crop- |of the exhibit ea aw om t wh two ot he dew over our,)fe ver fas afhued cal . son 3 sian Bai donee -aeecacs 5 Tin Se ‘ior a rcs |eee eeSens o is ; vt e Oo ro '’>tle »4 ’ 5 mo ’ l i¢ * ,salen Bh Hoee 3 |4 st belf a rehels Beed not C do 20|and ap scoala Pp’, 5 prema. ticle ears e,or cousent |¥Of coarse, re beretd aad I was,|e re than sev:*cur rather.dow ner }ful cut attention bis @ 5)ad a Foot Ma aawl e|eet aver cre of ele T acre ess |and yf,Pee of mm,preparntt 3\iu wakibt ved will be in every ia bat ée a dead ting it waited a egos enty anton at the ne it,|mnutil at d in eis —_ying bed b 7 piece 16 6 2 throughout pberaty Seed 8 |8.On ity gsanure the appl srigenasr |more belie =e norey |e agit in 0 dansocliie’ eve Po ond ame hoor,ae of|ree seal bhaoth omen,horrible,f “Knit i cn oe oth +be =Tabesee cates the sere 5 |oe earth wtlowe sand”fs a age coreg hagphebis to ent ison bre Bight sod yon i tosiaen sodlndacape war were oeneaee ning 21°oe ce jarge — .Coun :ore ceo C cro ma ower Nc or 10\s pe Bup nails ny fi ater ngs pres bo Coe §IRs .hi was illuminated of poten asur Gentloma terps g Carpet 3 |thar p of D Sorn or B p of |@s nare —tNo by |Soei upplie »wh ngle ct i worn fi up sol cue youk ight lit The sbe t speech .‘ ‘ LS ‘ f and th rth ©jae-Soeiety d,with en dal aga.||leetin inns eotad aa ord as and terrible to ther DIVI n’s 8 ne 3 Best nh one acr ora Corn atton 6.€of etlect he fa ‘arolia |tiv v9 to exhibi theut eh y ent }ook,t g:7 Tt 1 thoagh ead ,agin *a by the resalt adwonishi 7 BION Shirt \speci e ,pot |25 Yn the en fon-cteand a ves. hibitora charge ered |th ,how they kne ghia and per-|@ e,and be!down du . of job ing N fl 10} men Ozi > ese Sou properti effect,Caee- Exhibi or thei ,by thes ie room 'y we w how ud wer a.hu :hind i ward flew sept ehooring Best pec we 3 Statem Disere =iilow 6|of —a and valu 5 |anle sates x who wi _eae Tisaa’ if a Roating ‘at wonld |one ane -aon fiew aod thund the |room Soo ‘ a WORK |tha noany Prem Seat eae snag Ea senior dace sera er Toke kn peer Sones “Table ce. 1 Fi vade b In UMS,|ed ver for and the :pea” |No e time ,Must noti rticles for |gotac m pt me ve,the ¢been |rom th tinct wi ainat ig-bef an bis : Sha M .Th eld O;y com:; ,or pl wav it calure <stock ,of e tif letti rowba ih tl re w herete e tra tha the fi ‘ore the oak mather, the -wl ats >«le 1 Ora editor gree plonghi ng the ure the |mitted of inf utry.y the ting my r fro bere. as no}et ck.I purpo agi-If: word Har he , Toilet 83 eee od mu ps. yom hae ry,te und pear re-|Gill be we tt ferior quali ec-ja bl myself thi m fo But;10 |perf aginee:t seem se to dri larry »2 eval rye ,he was , “ M |fidavi nt pe st be |prepara Gry,fi er th pen: will be he gro qualit low tha think twards pat taat}ect ©rand f ont rive |The y spoke valid |pardon, Collar . ;oot she has ae by com ly tp fr ie and j that Di ae ae ad rating a cove hin The cee of peril Seed the The decane freely ae wantit .urac a ton e|%By ates a dasa tea ivisiun, or Sa re aiuted rtew ’a views The PS Ep } as su r>-VS as a|*%m genee,ar s a boy ¥Orga ve h ct Best and Olass II 3 2.The y of grou Jy meaeure ke af-i u the com ther grai |E the ooo ed |the w ard my si el fast weer ©Le dn agri ch that i ©speed |ong bis »ond was of extiaord a “hand .—Milltn 3 accordin applica nd. asent and mgand f parativ °lf ivery Machi peutive C nt of |hai oman firs side,and then Tr ame|éngi ue at Lente the Ct Jt coage ped |our town associate a fav mdi © some V:ery. 3}qnan :gto th nt shall combi armin e profit 5 |ora Machine Yommit- ir.traili ret,be oat th arched veer of junctio nein nati te! ».—GR sand orite ..elvet Bo tity of ne forme make b Jina =apes and plant-Stidete tw or Im she h ing behi reyes wi ey ta awiteh,”the oil yt oe ea Tb roy (Cal the adul “ &Silk Auet entered grain rme ano affidavit eing consi improv of the te |eon it b 1,must be plement ho eld the ha ind,andi ide open mr,|fire 2”and train wi i.tine.T ..ESTEE .)Advoc wehoh Bt :$3 |fidavi wpon th raised exed,to ss neidered ement of ar |ing price fature ©80 desert offered w the od of th iw her fet and |emma,+f shaki: his thed he AN ASI aad “bad raw‘ fi i mu ¢premi on the the |RULE ’ land |sta jee was pureh ribed out would the ch ft hand knowi ney bad ig hands “ope ATIC C Child’ 3}for pre lush Ac mium li »gron 'LES AN eo ated if st be mar agers as to feat and jé jook id,1 ing th de.each Buk n | >COUP "“ * sit minm compa liet,whi nd,TA AND RE |miur the publi arked 0 ,anda rfoll jumped ms het:Leow opending at their other sh the! P PLE IN ‘:Heed a.3)3.Th stole wit ee FAIR eee lena ’Btock b ae fom theca ee mess «tier.epee a ces gee oth AS eal ... i . 4 NS F |be ;yroug .’D -. c ds bel Sars = . Uass HI1,—Riding fae e |tele ue ipal om a sample of| GRICULTURAL |be anigued a ere —waa oa socye ew!hited ie Wee waprest te god son oleic |he Waa letter Beat epreime =-Bab sotollie pre ob feet OF Ue may apie ee oe grote waters si ce cotwith it rain coral wikia. ne dg “pa nin oe Le..Work 2g Pe by sated scones Be Saif society R Arrange NOTICES in of tee theypac “be.—|jay o ied easily my flesh sea at me ot |hae ak r on Aen wae down fom |wite Pa of at has b 4“\e Flow ,Wax s or ore a dé avagant ma for vation.i allroad ments ha )Ka. nimala e jwners a be kopt ‘air 2 ai no Bi ;Us hutle wep."Tie :«\se it first b at trad an fet jm hen n rien geouine li etn Uy > ers, pe tailed ex _crap »it |antras 8 of ul ve been awarded,1 ie whicl or at the t was gn oft y wittte chile tf pposing reke ©aw ight.Bombay cost ive ASK’ap “ ,Wax $3 nae of eertiff pendis produc- mals o re St made wi |ed,n ch . ie |the Ii a go error face |fore g hee ut atthe he ff ed at U ey.T tnme j He ts ez eultiv fied a ures;th from r articl ate,to »with 4l track wi lust be premiam we litie to 0d while . giv: the &ould ésacnl re Pp t Uotheor The €:all Cre “ 8 of ation,ceount of ere-|the F es for exhi ‘pass frei ye |Firs ith the pasad 8 have haal them befo put hi aiming tere jear the mit,gard |.Can grees Hall eatlen hey wre Flowers 3 tise ene made tte aod pooegs igh,|Bre ‘retuned;»ded arodthe lub fa sand gave.the sll evel ged rnd enh he |manenthi rs A a : kind manure a.ied |jt ©Escon eeme at |*\ni aan 8 attach 3 rawhs ‘ollowi uneas r shal 4 ne’Ba pt »Athi .most »be,too i is even $3 ar ‘ey oP “wes ] f F |Ar J .ched é ack win ‘y tha’ to w ti ‘inile alior speed 4 z epi rrival er ms and 3 ] 2 quastity aad and :ata éxhibite tive Commi half |aws nimals,etl d premium d.Aver thi ste a g.-Phis.i ¢i one the fyi rat the eff @liort ofti don psa |g,he has enti}lis en, '==tion or of seed of soil borg to a would ae believi |asec ath must be 1 premiu "down ee a oe ps rnc of the piiee Oat ‘otiieode was a cal jrnetion |making ees ‘eo ea wil:Bpart g or 8 used vee dest of plate Seiad it,has d ing|Fir with the parad ms have be withor |kaeebwey”<have curiosit ing oh ake Sta tre CF Spay ay acle e aurea f all «is ue stated. e |either Dipiowse will z «dae |Biee pare Rely area around ti withost thinking of or the _Voaverg° He aoa -_rk ea ren eae oat Rollieed He.pa the ©ad Zz . ° , will a winwme.Ww ta |Th,.ted ;seto be tacked.|on St.Oise When a dead 5 vin “ste train pt a the on jre@tion of was ton |and is a In fe gpraka FE by es di. The Track h ed cieeene Mm )ory a Exeentive O nd premi d.|in the ra =flus ediews Lac la B A aon |did not p brought it course a lar only ghily ace 8 Raglist Pal oe been of pak seat Jommii tee )ever fi sh of w engine elle st nN |wor roceed toa sta of lia ow.+L sists of pecelin ,ompl ched ga is extended on n for the ittee will +t@ ound uaa and er Was c nuk |Thc ns until .3 vd afill u |lias a gorg rity of his gen and spousible cabitidinn,bas air:ay oe hang waeRiper lhe aaghit be ease took j o'clock jn hia mt Hues oo a ek |Eahbiter lors or A will on of all if o wreek,ou a‘we His wife was |ns ae in another By ee late Sephaine cma whe * yra must eee be re-a hoe.I asker pig wo go d |I =coming t.A heavy danger,and i }™;y black hs xiow and —wi bn! mage |cag roe rember.a Lv |ad cp eka Cre oli eae crete a own arle ne réonht went gro L inka)ody |cm seape to i.cseape of 1ore road ain |her eene (iG *.Vantieus ife is a r counterin in momen ping thr pen 1}fi ped by ihe na pide ex of this is ch,All |a Oriantal r feet inl clegant :the body “yy nas the banwin g :=saris and dhrig it {“2 sip silk ee “—and er. st I looked Sc of |caltvel Chee aa to a safe fre possibitt: ce he het d limbe.wound mina mu wih.-h oe su ed his eee of are.fro y-b eleft shuui ’with ona 7 ly aby ve ;sume H gine and =oil om the|;rushing (i eee .evd thi uid e eave bi left the train»d pand vi te theo wl othe ews ya his sitnatio oes aaa ur hh Ay jacket '-i Wer : n was ale ce with ‘ct,she a fally |grace a Pet latent Mor .atin j —_ y 1 »SMygenit tushaiid LH a tt languid ty al t,witha ’ » olaptuous 1 oe’3! Sucea 5 ,2 0 by Van. Me y he Old Noth State: ALISBURY,FibbaY,SEPP17,180 = THE RAILROADS'TO SALISBUBY. The survey of the route of the FayettevilleandWesternRailroadtothisplacewill,’wer leat,be completed duringthe present week.— ‘Theroute surveyed,we learn,ronafrom Egypt, some degrees South of West to the Yadkin Riv- er at Stokes’Ferry,crossing the Uwharie Burney’s Mills.Vrom Stokes’Ferry to Salis- bury,the course North West.It will thus be seen that theroute surveyed is not a direct one, it may turnout to bethe mostdirectone le,Itis probable that another the Yadkinhigherup;at ormearFerry,and runningthencethe most di- to Jonesboro’,may also be survey-adbeforethe questionofthe locationofthe te The Wadesboro’Argus quotes our article of the 27th ult,called forth by one of itsown,and devotes at least a column and a half to us.And after al!it comes to our own conclusions in every thing at all essential,It does not seem to unr derstand exactly what we meant by the “civil desire it,We answer yes,weary ee wees ; having }equalityofcivil rights he Taw.BB erve as Gov.Graham: ‘udge Manly and-others,takingthesameview, ‘advocated and gave the colored man therightto ent Radical party.Itis true that we ‘did not favorthe civil rightsbillof Congressbecause it intérfered with the rightful prerogatives of the States,and we may vot hay wored some of its details,But we would give road|the-samechancetoenforce contractsandalloth. ie Gaally settled,Jonesboroix onthe Hine“ues if-wecould fixit towtit ousself.As the-roadalready built from Fayettey Egypt,andabouteight milés from theTheadoptionofthislatterrauteavoills the necessityofcrossingthe Deep River’afall, whereasby the routejustsurveyed it hastobe crossed twice,Which route should be ‘takta: canhot be determined until the ‘survey of the latter ismade.Ofcoursewecannotknoweuythingcertainabouttheadvantagesof¢untllthe Chief Engineermakeshis report. We have always thoughtit doubtful:whether the roadwould be locatedto this place,and our doubts werehasedmainly upontwofacta.‘The firstand most weightyis the smallness “ef the appropriation consideredinconnectionwiththe magnitudeoftheenterprise fo.this.place ;the secondthatthetoute to Greensboro js muchshorterandcheaperthantheonetoSalisbury. These tworeasonswehavealways feared.oulcontrolthelocationoftheroad.to themao Lo be evereome,ascan. cultiesin the way-of securing the Cheraw road, byraisingthenecessary means. But it willat oncebe saidthatthe moneycan nut be raised—thatthereismoneinthecountry throughwhich thelinesofthese roadswillpass. Thisis to acertain extent true.Bat still,we think,the meanscanberaised,if theproperof fortismade.*Let the roads,or eitherofthem, ’be located;andthen ‘let‘veryman‘alongthe line at once subseribeal!his surplus Jand at « fair priceandtake-certificates“Of stock in the company to thatamount.Theselandswillthen becomé’the Property 6ftheComipmy,and will ensure the tuilding of the rdad:“This fact once insured thelands will soon double in value.— The Company ‘will then have fio difficulty in raising thenecéwary fands,in addition to what it may already have,to build the road by « mortgage apon these lands,and,if necessary,up- on theread also.Northern capitalists will not henitatetoadyanceall the money that may be wagtedupon such ‘security.The adoption | this plam will,it seems to um,removealldifficul- ties andseeure-bothroadstothisplaceat once, The question ia,then,can we get our people, who are vitally interested in their construction, to adopt it? There never were woigh'ier reasons for any course than can be gives for this.This is cer tainlythe turning point in the destines of this section of the State“and of Salisbury.If we iecure both of these roads Salisbury neces sbecomes asecond\tlanta—by far the must growing and prosperoas place in the Stace.If we fall u continue to drag on,as heretolure, ats This truth is so palpable that wedeem if Gnnccemary to make any argument fm supportofit, <is 8 tide in the affairs of men,taken at its flood leads on to fortune.” on thy twolineto go to work at once and in earnest.Ifwe fail totakethe tide at iv present flood “All the remainderofoordaysWillshodadinshallowsandin miseries.” Agpatt from thegood that isto accrue to the idecommunityfromtheadoptionoftheplan euggetedandthebuildingoftheroad,those whothassubscribetheir lands have much to gin individually.For ai)the landthey wb- subscribe theywillreceive «fair price in the mock of thecompany at par yalae,Suppove fhey subscribe one halfofallthey have aud thas geouretheroad,theremaininghalfwill «oonbesoethticeasmuchasthewholenowis.Ofthistherecanscarcelybeadoubt.Lands located BearrailroadsWillbethefirst thatwill besought for by immigrant.Manufacturing establieb- mentewillapringupon every line in a few years.Salisburywillbecome«ready market. QGeeamiecionandforwardinghouses wil!at once eeueblished here And we will have the guarkets of Wilmington and Payettevilie opened 0 94,aewell a»CherawandCharleston. We aaythenletour people go to workat Gvibe BHAseeure-tothof these fonds,and Hf not‘Porat leat'one.Thebonds approptiaredfor{lie Fuyétterilleroadwill sell for fifty cénts in the dullar and bring a handsome sum if we will C@ive oor depreciationofthecreditoftheBtate.| Thebalancecanberaisedin the manner sng-| gostediftheproper tMorts dre made.We learfi that Gils plan is likely to be adopted elsewhere withevery prospectofsuccess,:eeee JUDGE OSBORNE'’S SUCCESSOR. The manyfriendsof Col.H.C.Jones will be girly gratified to learn that he hasbeennomi- the Conservative candidate for the Sen- veed the lamented Osborne.Colonel a talented and popular gentleman and his aay be regarded as certain,—-—‘nealeele J PLATFORMS. Tt has become quite fashionable of late for popere and individuals to promulgate plat- ns oftheir own.The'Inst that we have seen is tha:of the Wilson Plaindealer,in ita inane of 4h inst.In the Plaindealer’s ylatform we the following “plank :” The’Constitution as it was,without the amend-gonceived in hate and enforced by ihe power bayonet.” eh + ote 4 ofeither: all the difi-’ gays “the political part”has been forcedupon us and may be borne withoutbeing wanted. Out oftregard to the dclicate nervesofour ex- WAberalisn”any more.Its “horrorof“Gems” mentof “deadismes.”.Ltiewiththe Walker dnd Senter movementsin Vinginia andTesines see.Those were Liberal movem#lits,asareithe DentandHamilton movementsinMinsissippiandBexas.And wedgubtnotthatthe Argusfavorsthetwolatterasweliastheformer.Theywere movements demandedbythe pres| before we canhave peaceimits fullest sense.— ‘Phey will never cease untila more Liberal—a moreCatholic sentimentprevails,As long asbitterextremistsofeitherpartycontrolthepol ities of theSouth they willcontinue to prevail, party generally it cannotbedoubted thatarethousandsofhonestandpatrioticmenIntheranksoftheRepublicanpartywhoagree.with the Conservativesonsomeinsportantissues.We areforuniting all sugh under an onganiza-tion that ignorgs past political séntimenitsentirely,ThoSpirit which has controlled tofore was not willingtodothis.The Walker and Senter movementsCiditandsucceeded.We are willingto dos0,andsods.the drguswhenit beddiuessure that it will do nofarth,Uponthat |point it wantatobeinsured,Wi doubt |it will become.safi«fiedsoon,Upon whole |we believe there is no real difference bélween us andthe Argua if we could understapdeaehoth- er thoroughly. the party;otherwise weshave no pfeference for|it.And we will gratify some parties by setting lap no claim for he paternity of the Liberal|movement in N.C.We hopeialhwil!conclude }that itwas a movement which bad its origin in |the necessities of the times and view it accord- ingly STILL MOVING—THE XIX CENTURY The opinion is ropiily gaining grownd that |the Conservatives of thé Geantry cag never be nnited #0 as to achieve silos under the name | |and organizativn of use Democratic party.And especially is it gaining ground amongiall clases o€Conservatives at the South.Thoughtful Southern men,who have been identified with the Demucratie party throaghlife,arebeginning to opentheireyes to'thefact that the interests |XLX Cewror for er contging an arti- |cle on ThePolitical thoch moresignifi- cant «till,‘ThisMagazine,whichrépresents the |olina,preferschahges dysiiit the Demperatic |partycomparedwithwhich any thing wo ever |uttered mightbedalledpraise,It that |“its vicesand corriptions causedits ,|It speaksof“ite and insolentusurpe- tion,”“it base and purposes,”ite“betrayalofitetrast”Amdite“repeacingthesamectimesandblunder1868“to theatter|desurictionofallhepe and the completeen- |thronementofa wileand anreleuting despo- tism.”In the Republican,party,expecially in the South,it sees still Jess hope.Against that partyitpreferscharges stillgravertian those a eSSenet “affirmsthat al parties possessnorightto aggrandise themselves atthecost of thenation.” |“Yet,”it says,“theDemocratic and Republican parties have systematicallydonethisandareut- terly unworthy of confidenceor support.”The XIX Cewrysy thenake:“If teltherofthegrentpartiesistobereliedonforthesalva-tion ofthecountry whatthen?Isthere arem- edy forthe terribleevilsthat have come mponus?Is théte silyation?” In anotherpaper inthénext number of the the Magazinethisquestion will be considered. Whatremedywill be proposed admits ofnodoubt.Anew'and Linear party,whether Knownbythatname or mot,is the remedy,if anyremedythere.be.We shall look forthe next paperintheCasrunywith mach interest. fordoing.V. |@ convert,Thoanese: ;aAndesometimesUhink that we cansee the buddingsofleatherwings protruding from the |formofBro.Prte:He haa been svimming along very gentlyforsometiibeand he seems |to have reached-~newelement.We shall not,|therefore,besurprised iffhe"nttempts to fly be- +_oroOo THE “LIME BED”BRANCH ROAD. |We learn that R.W,Allison,Bsq.,has soughtandobtainedaninjunctionrestrainingtheTreas-urer from issuing,and the Western N.C.Rail- || oftheraces”andasksus if we really (4 testifyim thecourts in spite of the oppositionof} Gov.Holdenandthe other leadersof the press|md thy h races.exactly |’ eéllent.contemporary we will not ysethe word | 4 conditionofthingsintheSanth.The anix mosities engendered by the war mus}cease: Whatevermay bethought of the leaders of thatthere We ase the word Liberal ax die expressiveof What sbonldbe the temper and sésfinients of Itwillberememberedthattheappropriation of$2.000,000.to the OhathamRal (waseided.by the SupremeCourt to be’tinéortionalandvoid.‘The Treasnber was proli os eiroatinhom mane : a |junction,butthe fact was never once mentionedinthelegalproceedings.i, thecircumstancesforhishothasteinthemiat-|ter?Whydidhenot waitwhenhe heard‘thevalidityofthebonds was questioned untif)the questionwasjudiciously settled?Wasit becausetheinterestofthe rings demandedtheirah bonds?Of coumetheStatewilneverpay theHbonds,Arethe innocent beldersofthem totuifer?“Cannot the moneybesecurédtothem?‘Wnotwho will finally get if?These are questions wewouldlike toseeanswered. rrrDEATHOFJOHNBELE* How.Jcux Bert,of Tennesnee,died at: this residencein that State ow Satarday.— Within a fewdays we have been calledtipow’ to chroniclethedeath of four distinguished) men--Worth,Rawlius.FessendenandBell. ThePetersburgIndex,commenting vn the brief term of office.Jn ’48 he was elected to the United States Senate,retired in "59, and his last appearance in public Tife was a candidate for the Presidency.Few menwere rer,or had passed a more honorable or use- existence,but he had cultivated:his fume and vigor,nnd was latterly only apart of the memoirs of his better days,” ——_-~--—— DEATH OF SENATOR FESSENDEN. »andiswilling that, augurated by the True Republicans,struck key-noteofthe popular heart,andheis ta politician indeed who does ‘not hear cele Sao ens ive all Kg the ;a warningagainst placing his partyinoppositioxtothepolicywhichwastheeofthatcaethinadi-~-ie policy of veteal amnesty,restoratioun aud peace.Weatlagwg,twill be she tmsinggory.‘Ow rofPresidentGraat’s iow tkedian. the as ’inthe heartsof thopeople:—ltigh.Whig.ali <p THE MIDDLE GROUND, classes of po-and the uncom-ly that we over-ern society—oneeetoandconsiderately WraalvemethehanesKeesmatteelementofSart deathof fe.Rell,oaye:in the end,perhaps,to be*“Mr,Bell was agreat andgoodman.At aa ofall.There 1d s leregeelacsonehefirstenteredCongress,defeat Norther wehavceveryreasontobe- ing Felix Grandy,aud the of Jackson,oe unalterably devoted to the aek teatireed ©member of the House for}Udion,part!\y aw op ismanagementfourteenyears.In 1394 he defeateda tre-|andpartly dit:witich iathenatur- mendous coalition against him,and wagiebo-|*!complexion ofcouinevadian,is found in op. sen er-over JamesK.Polk.He.held|Povition bat which would gladly thewar portfolio during General Harrison's extendto us hand of fellowship,andrejoicetoseealltheStatesgathered,wader the uaistareueGemalto chacdotenlywiththeirviewsofthsituation,and in ac- er allowed themsetver to become extrafeelingftomtheirbrethrenoftheSouth,andwouldrejoiceexeeedinglyiftheycoaldburyfor- except that sad yet priceless expericace which DEN,at his residence iu Portland,Me.H wasborn in Boscawen,N.H.,October 1¢ sixty-third year when he died. sonof the Hoo.SamueL Fessenpen, public man of hich standing.He entere Bowdvin College at the age of thirteen,an alone can prevent azepetition.of those fearful Wehave sometimes that we,ofth quasiGateeeeeeeete two {\| }eence {oqal Under the new it ex: protected.LEyery eandid was all, of @ thousand.-Let uswiththis}visions of thi |the oe nor gan |vice by mail. Again,under \he New York Code in al!cases, tends to those themselves concealed within the State with aviewtodefraudtheircreditorsaswellasnon-residents and toa large class of suits.I say that the rights of the absent.are fully under the old ‘law the system of publication by the ee ok)te ThisNow,theabsentee.wonld not knowthattherewas&suit againsthiminone case out _compare sidridieulouspractice,IncaseofJudgeotCletedirectsacop:men say,|ziandsaytruly,we oli ahot-cmaid all thee:|and complgint to be forthwit! ©officy’directed person sorvedandexcitementofourterrililestruggletheynev-|a =_—arte 3placeofresidence,unless it appears that suchr|residence is neither known to the party maki ,a :ve ascertained by hina.ever every memory Of the fratricidal contlict,|out of the State may be substituted for the ser- a word|of Southt-|bottom. rus ly d ;CTs ey Me me Min Dene ti’Heb|cone lished.The injury )the house and the blast eelawyerwilladmitthatotherextremity,as was in practice a thorough humbig.Affidavit |end.In a few momentstreStale,andtavelary ae nneState,is ordered-that j-|gettin,cation be made for such i |ow county paper aepro- blication,theofthesummonsdepositedinthe THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. with reasonable dili-Personal service yet given : Alabama—No action yet taken."The Ylegraph yesterday announced the death.of Senator WittiAM Pitt Pessen-| 1808.and was thereiore near the close of bis |heve a fall expression of his views and Of any | He was the | |scenes,and onder ours in all,except attachments,it ix Mecting lately with an eminent member of provided that ‘ication be made in such news-this claxe—a man whom we have kuown from Arkanses—Ratified hh 15,1869.California—No action taken, a sapers as are calculated to give notice.—:F Ge‘|boyhood,and have ever regarded as the yery |eee who remove.eway-tndidtant Btatcs fre-ee in,1%cae embodiment of troth and integrity,w to |quently take one of the leading —I be-Ploride 2:eo 15,ate : fieve your paper,forexample civeulates among|Georgin—Rejected March-17,1869. suggestions he might be able to.givd for a full |and cordial restosation of the Union,i:is fard-y necessary for ua to aay that this gentheaan isintensely-imeriean in every palse and fibre ofhisframe.Ile really loves his country,his‘ native Carolinians in seventeen States and Ter-ritories,and thus the non-resident stands somechanceofseeingthepublication.With regard to attachments a different rale has been engraft-ed by the Commissioners,for reasons best known 8)ly d | 1 whole country.His fs not that spurious patriot-a ;ee x ;|to themselves as they are not apparent,and the{gubteted by AL bn ur four years afterwards ism which could po more Caves the Potomac than |oid system is substdntially canted wherever |He weat to the Lac at twenty-om@,and at |a witch conld cross a running rtream;his aflec-|i,becomes necessary to demand a warrant of at- |twentysthree moved .o Portland.Where he |tivn,like that of Robart C.Winthrop,is for hi« |be wit |Maine—Ratified Mareb 11,1 tachmeut—by providing oe in eome | Iimoia—Ratified March 5,1869. Indiann—Ratified May 14,1869. lowa—No uction yet taken.Kansas—Katitied February 27,1869Kentucky—No action vet taken. |Lonisiana—Katified March b,1369. 4) MarylandNo action yct taken,Masachusetts—Ratified March 12,1869.mm) ? = ae ime Thefollowinglistofthe States which haveratified,those which have rejected,and those inwhichnoactionhasyetbeéntakenontheFif-teenth amendment,is given by the “New YorkTimes,It w the most anthentiovand:complete ‘|officers,with al |X ;entire country,“whatever ii metes and bounde;”|pewsps >ict.ero is >a din|ichiean—Ratifie?March 15,18 |resided vutil bis death.and he would as soomee:t hix oc)mannal te hi-};Sey ooo!a,ene os ap reaeor 7 se zit =ay :arc ke |To $Adh,at the age of twenty-five,he was own death-wartautas to any instrument dixpos-|as to what is to be stated in the order of publ ve a No actionyettaken." |a member of the Legislatere of his State,|MEOf one acre or foot of Its|.jeation,There ix but one rule rtlie N.Y Missouri—Itatificd March 2,1868. |:;|\mind constituted as i is cannot possibly |Code,and under our Cod ery concety Ng om yet taken,wud rose to distinction ia thy ody.He|vive birth to theories ot or than the trely nil |hus engegeseent giere ss nm of atachmecat Ne mM Merch 1,1669." |was re elected by Detneentigltty est ophic,FETE hoacs <ot:'we tu |}aes o..(tguns &be publiebed wit!Kew Hanipthin.—Ratitied July 1,1869. i a eeeaee rit tel alee which |velonge re vy emit to one |ene other statements a may show that it bs Now Jersey—No action yet taken ae f oe oithti 4 gW \itge 1510 profound consideration.The &he o proper case for publication.By publishing Ux New York —Atatified April 14,1869, was electel to Congress,amd”aceqnitted|)..t is true,that the pre tert we now|.ammons,should the party see it,he gaius a»North Caroliog—Ratified March 14,1969.himself t.c Ilous>with beonor,soon gain-|hope only art chaotic condiion of eof |py ueh infomnation as tbh hind been personal!Ohio Kejected by Senate April 30,1SH9. iog &national reputation.At the end of society is nd for the people of the South to|served.1¢1 probably that the Comtimimioners}—Oregon—No aetion yet taken.i Padé,3 |awtme positionin regard to the problems of!had not fully appreciated the fact that the «rit!Pennaylvania—Ratified March 25,1969, his term he dectived a re-election.He re-|Federal polities,and to irrevocably ally them-of attachment is abolished.All suits,except;Bhode Idand—Senate ratified May 27,1869. fturned tw the Legisiature of Lis State io,selves with any so-called National Party,cannot |.pecial proceedings and hy a late amendment South Carolina—BatifiedMareh 13,1889. 1845-46 During the ensuing seven years Mr.Fes-|go in any measure promising to Upon euch tide we are now afloat.Let us |of their section cannot be snbserted by a blind |seuden devote!himself to his profession,and welfare of the common country, takeit-atthe food.Not a moment istobe lost.|adherence tathe Democraticparty at the North.|nd was at ove tiwe associated with Das Now or never is thetimefor action.We ap-|Readthe article from the Richmond Enquirer Webster in av impurtant eose in the United |fut peal t thecitizensofSalisburyand the counties |undertheheadof “The Middle Ground.”The |States Supreme ( iel ancient and ChivalricDethbcticy of South TAF |there wasa mistake in the returns,whieh ‘Va beg leave to suggest to the Plaindealer the |road from receiving,State bonds appropriated “willaoon lose theit places in any event,butwingadditional“planks”ofa kindred char-|at thelatesession of the Legislature to the, ‘er withthe above,and Which ought to aecom- ny it? The Giatdén of Eden, The World as it was before the Flood, The Solar System of Ptolemy, Ypposition to the Norman Conquest, The House of York, The Jlouse of Stuart, The ministry of Lord North, The Articics of Confederation. ~ |amount of $80,000,to build »branch Railroad |from Uatawha Station to the Lime Beds of Dr, Powell and others.If the bonds have already |been ised the confpany is restrained from ex- |pending any part ofsudh eam in the construc- |tion ofsaid branch Road. pep BA.TAv resumes his articles on the Code |this week.The openingof the Cirenit prevent- ed him from furnishing one last ex k an argument in fayor of immec-|some few others,must be conimenced by nm- moos,and the atinchment -may be obtain- ed at the time or after,@ &Warrant—a |diate action.‘Yet,deeply «vaipathizing aa we | e thewhichfate | |Tenwestee—Noaction ue taken. |Texas—No action yet en. |Vermont—No action yet teket. has irrev ocabiysealed our sectiofi.asapart,and| mere ancillation—and theU proceeding to the main ac-|Som missioners might |Virginia—No action yet taken:with equal)West Virginia—Ratified March 8,3860. NEW AMBAUTISERENGS. I LANDS Fo:ALE!R y)her desiringto.reduce edestateardhislivhilities,offersforsale WOaeresverLands,65 of whiehis exeelloutAboutone-bulf whale i ulatheremainder,is1 timber,e fen- ugs,in good condition.‘Theypro-ray i)of atatdaowe ayinal pret It as0beighborbaed,andy.place in the ay oShasesuchpropertyaiinetfwthe——Terws madeas Dg asposs!e.+Sticke |M:L.CHUNN.Rowan County,¥.0.Sept.13,THo9, 37=4t Mo mie eae 1—I hgve the Ageo- a ey 3 State for Watson's Series of1Maps.The best and cheapest»,compiled frou the lvtest of-y clr ees Csiasng ah 0ener oaic]ial!heh and oe several stations.The cost of “Decessary information airside}-atid's Map of ibeaud:of Notth and Southjonback,Size,34 by 44 ty cog?‘Map [te Onitedcaeeefoeaiodnd and elegayt map of *f the principal cities .“The most. as No. {4 The American Republic,a'smalloftheUnitedftates,mounted on relier \others,size,24 €4 feet.and cheapMeeNetattot.Price,$1.00. should be in everyresidence,#1 wahtamagentin.each county to canvassforthesemaps.An active ‘manm each county can easilymake$3 to $5 per dag.‘To those whopwillwaderiaketocanvestheconntyfhorow:h-My a liberal deduetiorfromabove price wis.bemade,Qneagent sold thirty of “maps ta oben 5 atesorterms,addres,Raleigh N.C. Bookseller ie Colton's Pocket MapofW.Caroliva. A.new ‘edition just meade.to.order,ThemostAecuratemapoftheState,to.be had.—Ras the tiew counties.Each countyg olor,Separately with mineral deposit powted 6...Hus@line drawn bétween the enast gfowth and pine region,another between the pine an: oak growth,and another between the cottin aod tobacco regi vice)imp pocketform.Price,peat ald ro da =J,A.JONES}”Bookseller anitStall ner, |Laleigh,N,.—|BOOKS Fox|Magistrates and other |Township Officery.| «,=. |“Lasp noo vor Cousrr Orrictas.—Gi }full inlurmation to all Ceanty end Tow shipnecesaryfornyHaLIe levery officer to Perform ite Waties A oirtati- peally,aud securing 16 WW)A bod c. 2 of over200saluoelypilessmpeucbagrmpene—» |Price.in paper‘dikes Sees ohoth225lawv)%22 ng $25 WVlieth We y mail 33 tg,addiional ust be sete fo.pos- toy * ’J «sticda Dgeteets,_{Civil and Opinii Bieke:beund ia ove. |Price $3.60.By pial!som Trenship Cloks Leeerd Book. ©Porreo the ninntes Of te Trrgte« ot Townshit af re qtitted by lee Pie |$2.50.By mail $8 00 Order Book For all orders drawa.by Tow aship Trirsters, on County Tresstret,Prove $300.By marl |$3.50.,Coleof Civil Procedure lo Law Binding.Puve $2.50. in the catholic spiritofasearcher after tenth for}propriety h rovided for a special manner |3 A ue Constitution and Ordinaneen are use dnd advantage,we propose to con:|he ivenising Ec casero injunctions,arrest and|Whescmsie—Batibied March &120 In Law Binding,Price $1.50. vurt.iq which he acquired |dense the a the gentk ag =qnes-|bail,or claim and delivery!This departure The Cunstiuation prune —Bla ks. }fam :|tic conciael consistent with clearness,|ib ;lett danger of ,2!mut titted =pane aah ~seceveding Je reversing a de-ca am inviteRoce atian St oar cael and ot toca system of of three-ofthe States can be Magistrates Swewmons,Sabpdrns ‘esta eee of Jedge Story.onde of ourbrethrenof the prow,to a fair |jaw like the New York Code.|come apart of the Constitution.In_the aePeace,apes,oe — He was elected to Congress in 1850,but|and Considerationofthoxe views,as em-|[am happy to be able to state by way of a}list there are thirty-ceven States andall other Blanks used by .-iver = the hopefal scheme,in theetima-tien!sustaining ofmy laudationof the Code |tification of twenty-eightts others,Price $200 per panded,or $1 00bodying|practi <),tion of @ largehearted,andtruly patrioticman,|system of publication,thatsince I started |tute the amendment«of the perquire.Address .:.,pe Sgavetheseattohiscompetitor,bedeclining|for 9 restorationof peaceaudprosperity to our |to write th article,I have received from a geu-|Nineteen States have ratified it.3.A.JONES. ‘.'Sear Wark of ofa summons more arethereforenecewerytorenderthe rati-Ronkseller,Rilleigh,N..tocontest from his cnwilliugness toserve.tlemaninNewYorkcity a copy j 7 In the fitet place,this ix,we be-|in the well known writing of my brother|fication complete.By the ALEYewasintheseveralWhitionsof¢}innineippi,Texas“e 1g evorea "|ew «fairexponentof middlepartyof the MComke,servedbyforwardingtohis addres ee ®and irginimmont rat-'' 40,48.and ‘52.Northwhenhe declare that grievous wre hy mail.Noonecan doubt that under the oA |owedthonaasteentat Bookx!Boek»!! i ed t ssiuns State -Land afatal erroris embodiedin Fifteenth |system clientwouldneverhaveheard of the |"completed.These three z - wae ts108-34,ak,op Atel Amendment.He would stave offas long 2%|guit ona pone humble servant would havelost a |the nineteen which have ig].The North Corclina Almanne for 1870 sgh we &decisive voteonthie point,hopingand|fe*Under the Code (except in casesofsitach-|wouldtaketwenty-two Btate,ax YO)oon ?étinval Tatow in press.It will cratic;aud by&split la.the Damberatic that it fs til pomible to preserve the|mente)itislikewise piredthat the taneylales requiredto pagsAe ?.be largerthn ever,acl improved over party ou the Kansas-Nebraske questionhe fom sofoul’blot,and |mustbe first filedand state|theStates from whichthese anyformeredition.“Tt will combsin 48 or 50 was elected tothe United States Benate,th|‘nat the State:ma ce See oe the timeandplaceof suchGiling.‘Thisisvery|ed ares Califerniey ereOT pages of usetulinformation vat mid be in which body be twolt hie seatfn‘SH.Hlasoe ponte ee so |othe eraspacedoa engAEaeySewSere Ge,Orem noe I>|Sepakoveryman,woman,eo:= |eocn ‘astronetica!cal-u's-career as asenator js well Known,He stood Cay ne ode 7 ie a“7De acets Ga ecg eet Proven land,oa Vermont doug eotdhsaessoudeSy oneof-therbest wat! amongst theablest afterthegoing down of |sion <a proposition #0foal aeto be comdemmnes!Syeslds a ehhagl eaatty b eecated10 0 MARRIED emeficianeja the ~—qeppion a great the great lights—Webster,Calhoso,Clay.|;This,then,being out of |mortgageetoforeclosehin in comm |InCharlotte,onthe7 fast By'the Rev.|mengtheice Recipte,,Tables,sud valuabioandtheircotempararies.He tooktheFree a Tcagentemarge promi ee _=Ed ee aa ee ee ie aon eran, ahead the ¥nd Miss Anle Elica Harty,staal .—rereJagChaetheTran mies =o.SS eee aa managedthefinancialaffaireofthe Govern-been aan .Lis PENDEN®.ladyiuatqutes Got femen Prion,singlecopy 1d.cts,per hpudred $5.00i..mentwith ability.He wasreturned tothe poseoyneesete 2Underthe itsree the denneof Ke fo om ee tt owes code|OE ~+o EA AC Seuate at the close of his isbors as Treae-of and hoqnenty wate je A.,danghter of Andrew ,.5 injusté of aeuit,in those ac-|Maggie A-.—ever.shall be is «|injustice for ;pene eeetionstowhichtheplewasaFF .©.Business Directoryfor 1HewasvotanultrasRreprbli¢an,bot»eaneteaaenen |inall,was notice,Thebill Sen.=.¢arpere Conservative,and opposedthe impeachment of theWere.|have been filed in Catrituck realestate Sher:—~27th,.o on the names and ae :Des .F in Cherokeeanditoperatedas tpur eeler,aged years,mouths ness men y Conny Party and voted to sequitPresident Johasos.wa TS ie |chasers.By section90of the Code smost sen-days.ora he ss"address.of from 2D.to 40 Mr.Fessendenwasone ofthe profound-renertiich to the ee aadovgtinie agot =-—ye pan aPoroe!ony est statesmen time,he borethe ;troduced—namel sequiring the party,e Jounty City offices,Manufrctories,Mines wath tiene aie end up-an od ieticaten ait orbydeur,se UD 88 a.SALISBURY MARKETS a dea Sf inet Abook to incorpor-|tivecauseof action Prinaiate,SEP,17,1869.of over 300 pages.Price gentloman.—Rich.:;of the ast :right Dispath.-vom fearfal =file eS,ee eewees pen-eek amare ;7A JO ees aor hange buman nature der .—|Bacon,perpoand,...Bw @ 4 at=;aswill give nt gguition to pee ;A,-veoveess-s BO —— organ of Hers nlrates Pauanui |pedtetinea by ja ander 10 be kn”Carnpor bag of ibe ;2 (*ta Any book,or sheetmusiotobe ad io The Ching SGunine Sx9 seal bevehing oxfesmenrcend niatheast Sr Het |r male hehad Gon Ye igre Sr 8 wotoe agen per pound,Toteop|the United States,farnished to orderat low est Repablicanisin in the Northwest,adverting sideration,our frland Inys down the following |“i#pendens—iftherebenone,hispurchaseix 8©|Candies:Tallow, **to Wi)prices,Special attention given to supplying to the movemention foot in West Virginia platform ‘as the only one broad enough |crapper boa may be om we&“Adamantine ac SY -w Books.Cash orters for any ——-our abst :Snes i nétice should :wr pound,...-.ulead NES. pepe shes ~¢a eaten wean ee and PPO &pS pat28 :rad and ifhe then hare tedoes aYarn,poebones ascesee D 3 ———heer ated.J.A.JO sii and disqualifications,holds that,6 war sa the national debt «hall be regarded|so with a fall knowledge of the conseqrtenices;Page.per es can teas -&P.B.KENNEDY. “ie ended,or is ever to eome to wa end.all)Whatever tie seductive promises,|whereay.onder the old eystent,he gropedtnphe ——_"sock.a5 om oa PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, |“these penal statates inast be efased—not|hopes and illusions held out by the advocates of dock,AE a hen gate touching Fish;Mackeral,}>,i .=Cor.Main andFisher Gta;ta Murphy's |sonty those of the several Btates,but those |repudiation,thiegentlewan.Delloves that any |7 Cry in every county in the Siatet |gw Goose oe Row,SALISBURY,B.C. -|Bartyreat rhe fe ignom y |BS}"tlemen,of fair andlib-Jed.Tto 8|“passed by Congressas well.9 politi-|Seca Phereia wit and,wiedonn ancnch nf Yet,we el hear _ome fs ol 3B|Pratt Acted,apples posted,....------2 fo 8]|on ik Hees “gt 7 them in forew after|the ir heartand mind to com er that |erat Ve ;>a aa bre Seuss te 16)arge ized ee re .Visite :|“cians who would keep :ie |clamorous for a returi:to that “old Aystem %Benches,pealed,-Cabinet Cartesde Vixite |“the public safety is a aon,-.—aAes te a-elon=|ar 5 iefraught _<Se whose op-at <a —ares é 2 =si mentee,2oe=all or:7 ‘as plainly the enemies of peaceand social |4 matter of fact and notof feeling.eration us in the doctrine ok pale earn.*oe *a to 3%mre S reneceess Be cae ie ,ptter.|ly produces the most rank injustice.Ga nievna “6 ee :yn RO :is as the original fomenters ofthere-'ee oe Py eat 6 ee |pec highly delighted at a similar in-|i he,=8 .s |OTICE.—Being appointed Assignee of T |“bellion.Nothingenn flaw:from their re-|ly ane ny iar i ales:arvive,but nn.|justice perpetrated by him,in writinghis laws in |yeie,ent,“"ee 6to 7 A,Alligon,(Bankrupt)I will sell for (a-h ‘forcement bat exasperation Incipte it Will,Of course,survive,Dut Me ee haracters and elevatedso high that hissnb-|Wotasses,sorgham,per g@ ...++--<++BO}on Monday,20th inst,thé Flouse and Lot —e ;|Soy 2 pvemes Sates ane “hag:Ye ‘ee a ae not read them and were thits ehanar ‘West india,“ -.-s-«e-+e to Mi known as the T.C.Graham Store,containing }“neighborhood strife,disloyalt i aod biuod-ed ©perpetual defeat.The Radicals wilt i er as as unwitting violation of them.=Syrup.“-1.00 to 1.0 2j Acres.Also at the sathe timie and place (on |**ghy In Misstour:the rebel disfranchse-|tinue to conquer ¢o Jong as the good and true |e!!::ae Onions.+bushel,50 t>«60 eR . |-neuh are ned by old and obnoxious party|In my next I shall discnss pleading ander the ork odpound to 2 the premises)all his notes and aecounts.— |“mentis kept-in foree by demagogues,who names aaumiianenn Rare tees |old and new systems.pe I —_pay,Potatoes.Trish petbushel,°Ow T%—casvaeind!or orn.=—3d.Theearnest and most positive prohibition |said repr,Poesia optOs -8 ce dienle.atti cea ~109 to .—NOTICE |“butwhe faney they ean retain themalittle of the introduetion of any new race on this con->agg .a oe Conediadieme or |Seger,eae a,a eee o ic ob Mary A.Campbell,Plaénti(?. “longer by keeping one-third of the people ~—aeek ee h .oo.—}thes vi en the-Jaws,Lavould most respect-|‘.Crashed Pulverized ®to~20 |i bet |+from the “ballot-box.Io Teenessee ie sl hea ccs co says on |tally urge,in viewof our thinly populated coun-|Salt,const,per wack 2.76 to 9.75 William B.Campbell,Defendant |ony jC We have pare cece seo reek noe |“the ciroumstance that we have not @ Fudge |Liverpool,3.98to See The defendant will take notics that on Friday“the attempt was made to keep up the dis-=oo of Te would only ae seas TOUT ee im New York,We oudy onc|a te Table,ooo z 0.09%6.0 a out Flee uae A tie Mae lunes 1 |s+tragohisemeat,and here there was more|™4ke |Coniision worse con ae ae +1.|for many counties,and the further fuet that the|*C°88 “Saedhatores,.*"Shto 1.86.|Giiinden,8.6..Dsbgil procoed.to Wee she:éep- ||Such briefly is the programe our friend think y|exeuse for it than in Missouri,but if mis-|4,dor which occarvntan alone conld triumph,|clerks are generally nou-pr re men,-Smoking,40%1.00 paxitions of Jobn Withersp.Op Aud Mer to ~ |“gerably failed.Ttfailed inVirginia,and it |He avers ah Ble —toes if ehoets |theyof not disturb the “newstay-!aw"Mi so |w pabas Poran Pais Speen Le i rh plat « |«swefll fail everywhere.The Republicans of =ee “ak a.aan aaa ap yx *Sincewriting this articleswee.oT ‘Keeperbg :she a gine Four ref pind vou are —by ene “West Virginia bave shown practical wis-to an indefinite continuance of Ratical |informe méof s similar ewe,ony weary Nirenoes A editorOf this Paper.};aie :|his own practice,Ang.Se—t ;eave Sept 3,faa =Ct $5 * |dom in initiating the movement fot the re-rule gh A Va.vasLe Work,~-The Septeniberhum- ber of theGurolinaFarmer is ‘Dt fully sustainsit®fepdtationa#| jo inthe ¢a The 0- ber)nui will closethe monthlyseries;and‘ae Ist,of Novemberit will appear as an vig ot page Agricultural and Family Weekly,—In ius new form it will give twice as much agri-|cultural matter as atpresént,'besides agreat va-|r.ciy of miscellaneous and general reading.‘Phepricewillremainat$2.00 por year,in advance?Address,Wm.H.Bernard,Wilmington,N.0:|: gay We learn from the Hénderson Indexchat"chard Hodge,sentenced at the last term\Y crren Superior Court to the Penitentiary tor ro)bing a store at the Junction of some arti-‘4,and whobroke jail andeseaped,was arrest-cd Toceday in Henderson,by comstable Beek-ier who turned him over tq.Captain,C.Led-|buy,and it was earried tothe temporarybyur,town deliveryto the pro-}dead house.The name and residenceofthe thorities,deceased was then aunouneed to the sur-oe .rounding.crowd.by,das.George.Very rarely did a violent outbreak of feeling fal-LiFic Stock.—A Mrs.Olive,a native of unty,but very recently removed to the te of Mississippi,gave birth a few days since to ive daughters, \\gpder if those Olives will be deur# Standard, 1 WMMRSION~Three persons were baptized by immersion,Sanday night,by the Rev.Mr. Putchard,«‘Dhe revival continues both in thee:hodiatamlBaptist churches.—Standard. Se Suppen Deatu.—We understand that a lit- tle som of Col.John N.Whitford died very sud- denly yesterday.Early inthe day the child| *.8 in its usual health and spirits,and left its home to sport with a playmate.It soon return- ec with @congestivechill and in a short time was a Carpae—Newbern Jour.of Com. —— WR..The Living Present,Warrenton,is re-sponsible for the following : OninDoes ,use a8 a countyprison,fromcustodyandarenow at large.i sheriffhashad-s sentry on daty at theseveralmonths,and Seth waich-‘one descend,it is generally beliey-mers flew upward,either on theorthewingsofthemorning.last Coroner Cook,with a jury,proe to farm of Mr.Solomon Williamsfor(he purpose of investigating the case of a ne-er.-hiiidyaaid to have been murdered by its ny ‘Onarrivingat the grave,it was dixoveredthatthecorpsehadbeenremoved,and as * The verdict of the jury has not been made public,« —— eS...Cotton continues#0 comeinto the mar- ket rapidly,and in «week-or two the steamers | will be crowded with it.As yet the price is very satinfxetory,and no doubt munve to be aire thaa equal supply,} the farmers will be well rewarded for their la-| Nowbern Times.| ——_—~- Parxre.AccrpEest.+We are sorry to learnfromDer,Myers,the physician,thatchelittlesonofRew,WtMeDiartaldyet PekinN.C,had hiebandsobedly burned the otherday,thatit is feared amputation of some of hisfingerswillbepecessary.—Wadesboro Argua 5G”Benj.SaunderswasKilled,theother day,at the rai of,a press,on the planta-|ot i ae rarecounty.Our it states:after the,premwas raisedto a considerable height it fell some of the dmbenw Saunders on theshouldersandthen,as he fell,crashed his head,killing him instantly.—/bid.| sex”Jim,acolored boyof 14,and Sam Mar-shail,colored,16 years of age,were examiningtherevolvingapparatusofaloadedpistol,last werk,when the pistol in the hands.ofSam,wentoff,and the contents took effeet underthe eve of Jim,killing hina instantly.The jury found averdictinaccordancewiththeabovefacts.—Jb. —_——-—pe ——-— THE GREAT MINING CALAMITY. Particulars of the Avondale,Pa.,Disas- ter~Fhe Dead Miners found in Heaps —Attempte of the Doomed men to Save their Lives—Barricades to Shut off the bor. _|heard,in others a low ery of woe ae yfire,and an improvised platformandtacklewasa”substitute. of theshaft-to-¢ed eight} minutes,and the horse in winding the ropeuponthedrumtraveled.something overd@'|miles Only one bedy could be brought upatonce,and with the tiie oceupied in get~ting to the bottom of the shaft and bringizgitoutthroughthetanuel,it‘caw he -readilythework’isnot to be com-pleted in a day,or even two. AT THE MOUTH OF TTE MINE, The,sceves ontside the shaft were searce- a8 great ason the previous days,aud hard-ly more in keeping with thescene,As eavh4 ©washpae out pow e stretcher:covered with a coarse canvas cloth:itwasplacedander’a tree;and the ¢loth re-moved,Mr:Phillpsy'the outside superidten+deut of the nine,then stepped ‘up to identi-fy the dead.“Tile éeroner's jury viewed the} low,The frieans of the dead came forward,elaimed the body,and it was rethoved.In some vases a wail of woman's anguish was through the crowd.but gevierally the dead were received with audible sorrow and bur- riéd away with decent cervinouy.In everycaseacoffinwasonhand,proVided by theDelaware,Lackawanna and Western Com-pany,and it was decent,being of polishedwoudandmountediaimitationsilver. PREPARATIONS FOR INTERMENT. In consequence of the slowness with which the bodies are removed.the idea of a greatpublicfuneralofalltogetherhasbeenaban-doned>The bodies are delivérd to friendsforimmediateburial;most of these,howev-er,will ocexr on the 9th and 10th,and May-or Hall,of Seranton,has requested a geuer-al suspension of busjness ov those days.—Samuel Sloan,president of the emapanyowningthemine,has also telegraphed or-| ders for a general suspensivn of work and | free trains on these days.depvts and buildings generally are now dis-played at half mast. THF CORONERS’INQUEST. Justice Wadhains,of Plymouth,acting coroner,has issued notices the Miners’Un-jou and the railroad company owning the mine that testimony as to tie calamity will be taken on Saturday.at 10 o’eluck A.M.,at Plymouth.and requesting beth to be pres-ent with evidence rs to the cause uf the dis- aster.It is intended to make the investiga- tion thorough and searching,aud to put the blame of the disaster were it belongs.Thei A SADDER PHASE. Later explwrations of the mine have-de-| The flags on all|| veloped a sadder phase of the tragedy .—- Many of the chambers have bees entered and | Miners fonnd in them dead,the Dreastofthe |miner showing they had been s'ticken down by poisionoas A &Moment,and withoat men.Roofmen.doormen avd others were| ly what were anticipated:.The crowd wes} Court order in favor of Jesse Thomason, Accout in favor of Chas.F.Waggoner, uest wll occupy seyeral days,and the Account in favor of John and will |,warning.while they were at work.Road-A ol .$12 50dovido450 do BR.Harrison,-do 12 50-do.«Be E.Phillips,do 17 50=‘Re ddleman,‘do 128’esse »do 12 50»do ~JavobPrexler,do.12 50}do J.Holine,do 5 00doMauney,do *5 00SERaeikaverly,,do 12 50do~Jacob Brown,‘de 12%do Wm.Mz Kinedid,-~do _17 5¢] do John Rice,do 12 50do.Jobn P,Marlin,do 15 90do_Henry Miller,do 20 00doLeviCorrell,de 1560doDanielCorriher,do 15 00Sceefo130osesG.b oe 15 00doSolomontaedo1500doJohnK.Graham,do 17 50do=—-O..P.Houston,do 12 50 do FP,Cowan,do 12 50doWilliamB.Atwell,do 17 50doDavidok,do 7 50 do James F,Jamison,do 7 50doM.8.McKenzie,do 2 00doJesseW,Miller,do 12 50doPhilipdo250doJohnH.Cress,do 17 60 do John C.Miller,do 12 50doB.A.do 12 50doJuliusA.Neely,do 20 00do‘Thomas Barber,do 15 00doN.F.do 15 00doDavid,do 2000doGeorgeM.Bernhardt,do 15 00doinger,do 15 00doJosephA.Hawkina,do 20 00doJolimD,Johnston,do 15 00doio—a do 15 00accountvorMeroneyBro.,for lumber,30 00doThomasrpBrown&Co.,for iserepairingdoOF.Seled odvopairing 30 00doM.L.McIntyre to use of W.A.Waltoy for mak’g 44 70doMeroney&Bro.for lumber,36 85 do J.J.Stewart,touseof W.A.Walton,for 5 & 6 00 printing, for serviees as Bridge Commissioner, for services in surveying the Town-ships in Rowan County, D.Johnston,- do foond dead in di8erent gangways.showing|4 count in favor of Wm.J.Milla,Con-| that the destruction had come swift and sad- den. BITTEK FEELING OF THE MINERS. The spirit evinced by miners to-day has been bitter inthe extreme,and not as as-ed by the offers of assistance and sym-ay flowing in from every side.Asa -acker has telegraphed that he offers $2,-| 400 to the bereaved ;Governor Geary $1.-| 4),The railroad company make all exer tidts possible,dtd the wishes of the miners | in every respect are consulted ;but they re main vbdurate.The more resasonable nt ready te listen to reason.but they are in the ininority.Many are refractory and vicious. Trouble is apprehended.aod Las been avoid- ed only by consummate tact. THE CROWD'S OF VISITORS.| }| || |Daring the day the crowds that visited the |An account in favor of David Barringer, seene of this appalling calainity were eveu| |larger than on yesterday.Hundreds of per-| |sons came in carriages ww the place,as utar |to it as they could convenier tly get,of weuld | |be permitted to come,while thousands of | |mournful hearts made a surrowfal pilgrim:||age to the mouth of the pit of death,and| painfully gazed down intu the darkness below,where the black or ehoke damp had| dove the mercilees work. HORRIBLE SCENES.| Gasea—The Scenes in the Recesscs of|scription of the finding of the bodies: the Mine, The certaintly of the horrible fate of the *miners at Avondale.Pa.,was annotnced in the dispatehes yesterday’The New Yorkpapersofrdaycontainadditionalde- talissmade.A correspondent of the New YorkTunes,under date of Séranton,Pa.,Sept.8, a i Pheterrible oN at Avondale was proved to the most doubting at the dawn ot morning,when the eastern grangway was penet 1,200 feet from the bottom ofthe shaft.and the explorers caine to a barricadethatbadbeensecurelyplacedacrossthegavgway-Tearing this dewn,a horrible sight was enoruntered.The lamp shoneofdead.Apile of human be-‘inp choked the passage as though they had| falle u together im the last y-Hughes,the inside superintendent,lay bottittleappartfromthemass.He had beenrestingonWiehands,and there was a lovkofplacidevntentuponhisrigidfeatares.—This was true,too,of nearly all the greatSomefewhadabrasionsoftheskin, ven as thongh they had been injured in falling |down,and some had an aoe of horri-fied supplication,as ¢earth had been an agontheirfate.vast majorit sleepi nation;but sone had died until they had exhaustedallmeansofsavinglife. WHAT PROBABLY OCCURRED IN THE MINF.| As has been premised,it was found that|these brave menatthefirstalarmof—had net at taught by in-heen Ned.stict and capudones and knowing the hor-rible that there was no means of egress from|the mine except by the.shaft,then choked |with fire,the to the farthest partsof|the nine.Tey had not fied in panic,bat had gone back in order and with full knowl-| edge that their lives might depend upon | their wetions,for they had but closed all the | asir-tizht door.behind them and thus kept the fresh air already in the mine and the foul air out.When they hed retreated behind from which the fellowing extracts are4 their last ofprotestagainst |were exceptions.The looked like men who were than dead,or like men who |accepied the inevitable with dignified resig-| ||| |After exploring along the vault and cham-} |bers nearly 1,500 feet,a sickening sight was|Orders for amount witness tickets in the At this poipt abont seventy-five|revealed.dead bodies were found.and these were ly-||ing literally in a heap.Fathers were found |A.H.Joyce,Eaq.,Solicitorforservicesin jocked in the dying embrace of their sons, discovered with their Hinbs entwined aboat each other. doAnotheraccountgivesthefollowingde-'|Order in favor of A.Judson Mason,C.8. strong-limbed and strong-hearted men were |State of North Carolina—Rowan County: It was aghastly spectacle,and |Commissioners for the County of Rowan,dowhenthemenretarnedtothepureairabove,|hereby certify that the above is 4true statementandstoodfacetofacewiththethousandsof|anxious souls that were impatiently waitingtoheartheresult,and announced the hide-|ous diseovery that liad been made in the te-|gions of death,a @hadder vibrated through the multitdde,and a wail went through|Wyowiag Valley such as has aut been heard|there sinee the historie masaacree whieh |Campbe'l has immortalized in verse.At half-past seven o'cloek one of the|gange,which had just retarned,said thattheywentuptheplane.just beyond which|a barrier was not,consisting of a cat packed|around with coal,culm and elothing.This|was cleared away,and after proceeding s |little fartber another barrier was met,nearly completed,constructed as the first.One |man was fouve on the outside where he wasatworklayingupthewallwascompleted,save a sinall aperture jast sufficientto ad-mit the passage uf a haman body,and it istobeinferrevthathehadjustfinishedhistaskandwaspreparingtojuinhisfellow-suf-ferers on the opposite side of the barricadebycrawlingback.The faces of the deadlookedwonderfullynataral.there being butfewbruisesandfewlacerationsoftheflesh |to be seen upon them,openes Ow account of the great numberof wonder- |Scrorvsa,Dyspgrsta,Liver Diseate,Krp- Nev A eae Bap Heavru,A&c.,|miade by the ¢“Koskoo,”it has wontheenrrablereputationofbeingthebestandmostmedicineeverdiscovered.It ia daily pre-scribed by physicians,and recommended b: many thousands of our best citizens.ForcakebyDruggistsandMerchantseverywhere. p@y”Ladies suffering from any disease pecu-liar to their sex,cam restored to health byusingDr,Lawrence's “Woman's Frrenn.”It purifies the secretions,and restores thesys tem to a healthy condition.“Gia ful crrEs of obstinate and inveterate cases of }| GROOT,KUCK,&CO.,Props.CHARLOTTE,N.C. ALSO,Want to 500or 1000headofCattle,and pay the highest Cash Prices for Corn and Rye.joly 2—26:6m Betablishea 185858.LEPAGE BROS.&Co.,GENERAL Commission Menchants COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St.,Norfolk,Va. ae eeeeetiesaljByian.votion of wsPOEKr IFuriea“thattir ret the:result,of hisom.It is h to say.thatiynatoomuchnew,as itis,themoapplicationofwhathasbeenlongknown,and attempted by the Physicians.After some weeks ofthe most unweariedandperseveringefforts,he was rewarded withtheinostgratifyingresults.Tudeed,his rap-id improvement aud recovery,was alinostmagical—so mueh so.that in ‘looking backupobhisconditionayearago,he can,evennow,hardly realize the truly wouderful im-provement. Profoundly gratefal for this extraordinaryblessing.he is desirous of being the meansofdiffusingsimilarbeuefitstothose’who way.be shuilarly afflicted.le therefore,proposes'votouly ty treat,bus CURE,allmatinerofdiseasesofthelower.extremities;such as old aud ill-conalitigndd Uleers of the legs;Varieose Veins;weak,and enlargedJoints,&¢,,no matter of howlung standing. itis one of the great advantages of bisinodeuftreatment,that™Ro restrictions areimposedonthepatientas*egards diet.exergive,&c.,and for the must -part,little or nomedicineisused.The chat ces dps Wcordance withthedusetlBepeceonofthetutes;and thosereallyindigent.will be treated without mon-éy andwithout rice.”DWARD SILL,M DFeb.12—4f Salisbury,N.C.“PUANOSSPviaTHECOLDMEDALHasjustbeenawardedto CHAS.M.STIEFF, Fer the best Piano now nade,over Baltimore,Phil- adeiphia,ond Hew Sentence EROOMS:No.9,North Liberly Street,near Balti-8treet,BALTIMOKE,Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS have al!the latest improve-ments,including the Agroffe Treble,Ivory Fronts,and the improved Freneb Action,fully warrantedforfiveyears,with privilege of exchauge withintwelvemontisifnoteatirelysatisfactorytopurcha-sere. Secondhand Pianos and Parlor Organs always onhand.from $50 to $300. References,who have our Pianos ta use:Gea.BR.KE.Lee,Lexington,Ve.Geo.D.H.Hill,Chariotie.N.C.Gen.Robert Ransom,Wilmington,N C.Gov.John Letche ,Lexington,Va. Measrs.K.Burwel!&Son,Charlotte,N.C.James H.Greeulee,Morganton,X.C. the Legionof Honer,° At Pari:3 t r sitio f “488 rs 20,000 mannfn sare eeence. Increasing Demand,4isik&Anortaned Pacififies.Aduitlomal lmproventents for Set#4 Wood's Price.Mowers;(Land2 Horse.)|. .Sel!Raking dteaper,with:ee“«.New Mew ingeAtimehment.«Vand Rok:Remper. Haines’[inois Hurvester,wtnceae the Waker A;W.low:ing and vig Machine-Cogpany.dOfficeanddiagulactory,Hyysick Falls,Reps:eelaer pountg,N.Y,re Brauch Offices and.Sales jolaudtstreet,Mew York cif.P.O Box, 2116 Luke Street,Chigago,I *~Alexandria,Va. Madison,Wie77UpperThames,St,,London. end for New Descriptive Circular and Price List, Applications from the South,South of Vir- ginja,should be addressed to the New YorkBratchOftice,as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra InducementsOffered ! MeCubbios,Sallivan &-Co.,are Agents fortheaboteRoapers.in’Salisbury, april 23-16:LOm a New FURNITURE StoreInSalisbury! $for and allitsattachmentsoffersthe-cametothe Ladies th Movsine,p -andailother —ow Me.kinds or work—eer thesarerinventedy, *Beonoyisb Teaetr wate awn anSINGER'S CELEBRATED New.Family Sewing.Machine,straniinseamto’lonotherMachine aoe Nees %theawhy noti! 1 Seonee T HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR- chased the Furpiture establishmeut of Moore&Olodfelter wili continue the basiness on!increased scale.All kinds of FURNI kept constantly of hand,such asSECRETARIES,BUREAUS,BEDSTEADS,Centre-Tables,Sofas,Wardrobes, —in fact all articles usally found in— J.H.Smith&G.W.Melton,Chester,8.C. K3°Brown &Bernhardt are agent tor thesaleot | TRAINS NORTH: contingency. true test of bility.itsaffairs are cautiously administered byofresponsibilityandbusinesscapacity. OFFICERS:PRESIDENT,JOHN KE.EDWARDS, VICE PRESIDEXT,SECRETARY, Wu.B.Isaacs, MEDICAL EXAMINER,CHARLES H.SMITH,M.D. LEGAL ADVISER,GENERAL AGENT,H.©.CaBett,Jyo.H.CLarporN FSpeci ;DIRECTORS:kinds.Blank Books manufactured t>ird?tipewelantoyinnegTas“John Enders,Henry K.Ellyson,any style of binding and ruling.‘:@ ie GRAIN CO art oe William F.Taylor,Asa Snyder,COUNTRY PRODUCE.Samuel 8.Cottrell,Hb.(.bakeville,|JOHN S&S.HENDERSON,t#Liberal advances on consignments|JohnDooley,Samnel C.Tardy,rata ?gat prompt retars: JalyOear—tm |Quen Womtam,Gorge”|ATTORNEY &COUNSELLOR AT LAW‘Male Acade :;George 8.Palmer,§SBU .C.Salisbury my.Foca!3 areca,i.DPChoekley,ALISBU RY,N.CTHENEXTSESSIONWILLBEGINONJamesA.S-ott,H.C.Cabell, Wednesday 15th Sept.1869.B.M,ws 5.4 heey‘om.‘ohn C.4,ak ee $2 00 2:2:Edwards,William G.-Tapior,i ::oa:A.Y.Stok A.P.Abell,Eng --:2 50/35.B.Merten,Wm.B.Isaaca, Entrance Fee,:--1 00)R.HL.Dibrell,George L.Bidgood, Tuition papable monthly,and os pupil |William #.Palmer,Samael M.Price. f entra to |f sesCeeroeateoeWIARTON,A-BL LEWIS C.HANES,Ao’r.Sept.3,1860.—4t Principal.|Feb.12—ly Lexinctox,N The Company has capital add asseta,against itsViabilitythatwillcomparefavorablywithanyLifeInscranceCompanyonthecoutinent,which is the selected | Directors,It hasestablished ite claim to Southern Patronage D.J.Harrsoox We couid give hundreds of jst suchtestimonia!s,showing the value of this Ji Work.it stonid teInthehandsofeveryperson,whether tlie owner 0: arod of ground ora bundred acres.Treeagentashouldhaveacopy.la contains Orem.|Price 10 cents.Fall price fist.wholesale and retailandalsotermstoagentsandthosedesiringtoget up a club for plants sent Frak to all Spplicante.Parties at the South or on Pacific Coast slrould ot-der plants in the fall,Addrea®PURDY &JOHN-STON,Palmyra,N.Y.aug27—34:lam3m CUSHINGS &BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS anv STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore St.,Baltimore,Md. TINUE LARGEST and best assorted s‘ockinthecityof Sehoot,Law,Deotal,Medieal,Classical,Relig ousaudMiscelianeonsBooks. E Blank and Counting House stations-y >all ES Will attend promptly to the Colle tion of Claims feb26—ly WANTED iv PUACHASH. $5,000 TOWN OF WILMINGTON FIGHT Assu rete,Society.7 UNITED STATES, oe comma ic capital and assetsw ‘THE EQUITABLE LIFE .92 Broddiray,New ra Blatenvilte Mate deademy. .,fBnglish ©|ClassieaL. to businessIofferthree-foerthsofamap,in shares of five rn institutions.ofthe Cmeord Female»WHEbe resumed the 5 permonth._$2,50 to extra at ad for =ing G.v.Fur term of fulif mofurtherparticulars ‘-8 Ba OROCKWELL,;9.—Bin »,aPfesident. MOTORS <<fare SoPriMQrPind-maessmsees9 BO0™ Liteurmiediate,....9,...12 UOpabbinuntycpidndqaslagadso»:46 00;ot ape te o vv;ilies at $22 per meuth,AmieTLShe,Bote changedis,segyiaed {1ya2ee tig laws,addrossthePri Dep't. WOiiain he sitghe heipals. pen Stik orth Female Seminary. AENEXT SksshON WILL COM- ingneeionthe firstMouday.ot Seprenver.The tive cxpeicoof Doardadd Pauiun wid befrous100to$110ifpaidi adyquee,Bach aanwillfatnish bereh Hale and towels also irof sheets WoW cases.korciroularSlapsIMioaLo™ELL,july2,1869-+3m :Gigensbora’N.C. Pleasant.Grove Academy. .Male and Female.THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM- meaceou the9th ofAugust next,Cemreasedbatid Cfreiinad,Bathevene—dingtiy 'Nertme:.‘Paition from $5 to $10 per session. hese Machines are.warranted.to|Board withthe Principal$9 per sooth.give entire satisfaction...If they fail)Per partiotlars addresstheprinvipalat F.1-to givesatisiaction they may.be ve-|”Davie Ca,M..3.ELLIS.Priocipalvuraedafteratrial-of two monthe}piessant GroveNG@ Peandthemoneywillberefonded.June 25,1869.”2.28 —8mceeeriereAlkenzaa_;.SHOE-MAKERS,HARNESS.MA-imeoufe tony gest ose KERS,TAILORS,&c >See enone any be charged from een eeSR phen ier rates of tuitionwill be as:follows:87.60Piesdesiringinformation‘ill pleasesendfor]ertis end ofetwryfoe pagers mane Of work and cirotiags.©No wilt givepupils a thoronghJohnA.—inall thebranchesusvallytaught in a firstSellvbary,8.C.°.June 18,1869.70 The .LEE oeteteae teecateann: new road to Mocksville4tnrecpactoliefosnilies from 7pasucdpresi.TE RUTUROCR22ImPrincipal youngmen a chance .“eee its liabilities ith In.|Often counties each.This ill beFIRSTCLASSFurnitureStore.carense CompapyonthyCooticem,wt b isthe about five feetby four;illostrated mae:true test of responsibility,somely counties,railroads,post offices,mines,mountains,&c.,&e.A Map worthy to CIRCULARS Letter Heads AND JOB.PRINTING,EXPEDITIOUSLY,WELL, And CHEAPLYdoneATTHISOFFICE. ged Clerks of Courts,Sheriffs,gistrates,and othera,in ordering blank PER ‘CENT BONDS—if possible with Jnty eouponsattached.A good price paid.Apply toJAMES&Te RES, ~|Auctioneers and Rea!Estate Brokers,(ang 27--20°Wilmington,VC bered in “Hand-Book for County Offi Raleigh,N.C. Addrrss,Jao J.Bi VNER, andsHANDBILLS EVERY OTHER KIND OF Ma- Mast pepe refer to the Forms as num- cers,”published hy Nichols&Gorman S ii an |?ahaar. do John P,Rymer,3 =a.|aaarve,|iBave |anmiva)ceave. as ed rie 2 B Re Tee ey gen HE 0 BOOKS vo MAGISTRATESae~vee”@ an |Saliswary,....10:18 7.08:hy Oe om Oe josewood,and other Coffins.do Jacyb O.Miller,do 6 85|Grecncd te’..|123 a.m.1h a el O4Ory >ie".STE 1 Peter Williamson,@ 110 75 e Mops,eT ee a ee prises ae they buve Lesetofure been 25,j ite andto ee. aa ote Wa A.Walton,fee ms Rain ive aero Call at the ol!stand of Moore &Clodfelter.]|N@wy York Wilmington,Cosacr citProcedure—which er ar }TKAINS BOUYE: @ oat ”Mertnizate Innes ave.tss——_—_—_——|On Main Strect,oppositéthe Store of ——every Magist D i 9%ae fener 2.i i freeof ODUMeacgecccesee #3 00doMieASODRedo”17 85|PT sirm |aare,ana ware |Mock &ree _Thig Live will eomprie thefollowing steam tate Boake’Bean do T.Cranford,D.8.,do 15 90 |Tebisbore®|£00 pw 7a es EI”Good Walnvot and Poplar Lumber ta-tore,$3 0O—by .-5 do ast ).Sloop,D.8.,do 60|Raleigh,cas AE oleb-dined }10 oon et keo in exetiange for Furnita FAIRBANKS,&A:Hunter,for teS,as con-do J.A.Young,D.8,do 80|Grormsmeres 45a.w./18 18 aw eoant sae |BR.F.DAVIDSON,[WM P.CLYDE,““SD.P.Morgan,|rained in act of Assemblyt0 prowidedoWm.H.Kester,do -|aaaery ate Ki |ikem 17s |Salisbury,June 18th,1869.2—bn REBECOA CLYDE,0.Chichester.forme in sivilprocedure ore Mag-Sheps he,&1 %|monaco Ee|DR.GODDIN'S |NABY SANFORD,Jobe Mog.|uni01So siccrnckig Sins -wae we oe >;rad nor sane e vit nares 8 alts brane cia |oii COMPOUND With soch additional a a be torecord proc ngs of all movbb,,Clark,D.C._do )|there be veeereit rit nt oil r nt cogule Tat ):reeuired to meet the demands ae of Township *\rustees.Srigo .10 do J:w.st jail foes,2 30 i"by the passenger iran,ae JOUNEON,GENTIAN BI TTERS.Saliog from New York wy eDNESDAT Store,$0.By mail,..........$3 00 Taree er,for printing,11 OO)simu Renee superintendent |Ores Chills and Fever,Dyspepsia,Indigestion }and SA TURDAY at 4%.M.,from P ORDE ao Fai Fone?&&for ar |7ime TABLE WON EC RAILROAD,,;)Colic,Bick Su ree owe |R foot of Wall street 'fox orage of picenaltnes,on ehandize,,17 ®GOING WEST.|Nenralgia,Rheamati -pole ;a,.pty reasuref—in courseOf pre-. Order in favor of Obadiah Woodson for |MILES.SPATIONS,ARRIVE.EFAVE A UNIVERSAL TGKic.&@ PT he attention of Shippers is called tion.;af > .extra wervic as Clerk of the late Salisbury,3:35 a.m.3:05 a.m.|A sure,tafe,and reliable preventative and}to theLOW RATES and PACILITIES Summons.Executions,Sta ‘ar- County Court,125 00;18 Third Creek,ae al |care for all Malarin!diseases,and all disehser |off by this Line,whicle are superior to)=Fant.dei,S200 per 100 and $1,00 per|Order in favor of Obadiah Woodson for 125 ——5 7 oa t requirtee @ general tonic impression.|a heresofore eScred.quire,sentmo postage. -alf f 86 :*2 "lott’s brava py »=ly :«“,.m Addr orders tofeesandhalffoes,86 20 3]er se ea |Prepared only by Dr,N ae Inet THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AS.H.ENNISS,Agent, for services as Justice 225'50 Newton,7:22 7:27 |r oe wae 8 -eos sibenee 'given to all intsonthe North Carolina No.Ca.Book Store,Salitbtiry, do A.Bencini,do |2 00 Hickory Tavern,§y sare \a Wha ok saa in Patent Medi.|Ratlroad andits :vie Golds-ang27—tf Ne.Ca.Bowk Store,Raleigh. do MA nt,B.A,for satrioes 1 ~”ce i ton —eo te a ails Vs lij—ly boro,7 A.aa ere.,F:=I == in State cases,x Morgan ..O24.lh i oa ee aan a.a .ae <oliciting gent.PROFESSIONAT.a eine kn rave oy ,_|WORTH &DANIEL,Agents,ee $és 1X.Bote 8.-;30 |MILES.7 ——ARRIVE .a 7 -|ONWARD:UPWARD:Wilniugton X.C M EL Pr 1 - lo Geo.W.,v.&,do 70 |M.or 3"ot sh snccess,for peyeud our 6xpee-|.Its »8.U.oo =se N NJ I 9 do TF.Lae,Sherif "do B/10 Heart,MO HIS |eattegsan thepubtiestion of the |JAMES ITAND,Agent,ol ATTORNEY AT LAW. 40 Fede Weeden 405/30 Newum,550 6:55 OHARLOTTE OBSERVER,—[fet20—Og,119 Wall’Street,N.Y.)=LEXINGTON,N.C do Thos J.Foster,Intendant,for 42 Catawba,6:43 6-48 j.wetakethis methedof offeringoarpapers,|sar etDavide services in State cases,70|48 =.ile —ee D T CAR A WV AY Wo aman aaa a hae55Statesville,7:55 8:00 ..o 8 |son,Forsythe,GuD.M.Bostian,D.C,—do 3 00 67 «Third Creek.9.00 9:05 |Semone the best advertiring mediums in Western,dolph a =Seer :,|North Carolina,7 omnes:C.for tees ond,bait fom,74 HH 80 Balisbary,10:12 -“—_Commission Merchant,|ton.R.M.Pea ne ae a N.C.,Raleigh do T.McNeely,late CC j Advertisements Solicited —Terms Maderate...on.R.M.Pearson,C.J.of 3 :le |:—AND—“E.@Reade,Associate Justice,.aa oe SS PBR TROT 5 aera caeenan Dealerin @roceries sees [Joye ||Woot Rie Rwtecheee TTTOn Bedford Brown,Yaoceyrille,N.C‘to persons getting op Cin rt cEKL “.S 'A Z are tee a sel me Feith,WATSON &co.,PROVISIONS.HARDWARE,“ay ee eee N.G. i Aug.$7,1860.:Charlotte,N.C.|glass and Crockery Ware,Wall Paper,Wie)~Tiomasitoffin,dr,° “I,Obadiah Woodson,Clerk of theBoardof OM NY siete Pe -ades,&e.,be.«J.M.Cloud,Dobson,N.C.. X PA N 4 7 WIT j er A “8 enpsere Fanuary 29,1869.4- ——Opava Woovecs,Cert.OF IRGI TA SM,t .Promwer attentiongiven to orders,and to a eh MAKES pis aire ne ees ae p Maxel Steves,Todas Dr.1.W.JONES,silt X °..’)%¢,on e j fle sPureRyeandCornWhiskies,|4 a Institution|,vecanme ieootainevomach mes ‘|0 Died #AVINGleeated in Belisbary,..vffers h Distilled in th Old Pureand Un-|.die Lunds are kept in the South.|watter in sacha pmail spates ;a couR BUILDING,Profession ees to the public.0 “The directions for frawherrics »G|spell S—ttly NEWBERN,N.©.|gee on CouncilStreet,opposite the Court Hens at the Tt hasmet with eee Raspberries are thebent |Baveot reecn.”Hen y ~aa aude andnext door tothe Law office of Hon.Purtvun Old North State Distillery,Tis fortunes are cstablished beyond any|w 471 Beecher.@raiae.May 2%,1800-f. (For jaying &Homésteads,) And a new and improved fortr ol / LAND DEEBS, Revised and corrected by thbestlegalauthorityinthisplac for sale.Address,mar.10.J.J.BRUNER. Valuable Lands for Sale. SHALL SELL at public sale,on the premi-ses,on Thursday,16th September next,aofthatVALUABLETRACTOFLAND,ieoenares B.8.Krider place,comprising140Acres.A large part is wood land.It haron it a dwelling and out-honses,These lands are on the Sherrill’s Ford road,adjoining the landa ofNX.F.Hail and others,and enly two miles west of Third Creek Station,on the Weetérv North Carolina Railroad.They will be aold on acredit oftwelve months,purchaser givinseourity. CG.C.ERIDER,Acm'r g|bond and approved 334 Z For Salec. Fine New Bugeys.Apply toWLUTAMOEBEY Juiy Ls-t slay N Homestead Blanks!~ i, 2 ad a Y,FRIDAY,SEPT 17,1869,=teieee POETICAL,.. FOR TAEOLD NORTH BTATR.TWO LIPFLE SPIRITS FLED,© How perfect was her little form, How very kindshe alwaysseemed; So gentle,loving happy tea, No harm she ever loved to de, 80 .tender was the little frame, 80 feebly grew her nerves; She could not bear the stormy blasts, That swept so roughly by, aioe a But yielded to affliction’s touch, “And suffered long—and Oh!86mavich, “1 How strange!he calle the tender lambs, So soon to pass away. An angel came—(as angels do,)’‘ And blast our earthly hopes,ae At fanned away the blushing ‘rose, That blossomed on her cheek, The lips gréw pale-—the nerves grew weak, The eyes grew dim,ag the afigel came in; It drew very near and caught the last breath, We saw very soon—it was the ange!of death. The angel will rock me to-day—“sis Fanny,” Tm going to feast on the heavenly manna, I’m leaving “my Papa,”says Ida and Alice, But the angel will lead me all through the lone valley. I need not ask dear Mama again For toys—-or ‘“Sompie to eats” The saviour will feed me so full of his love, While I sit at his feet in his heaven above. The spirit and the angel They both went away, Away to the heavenly shore, In triumph to live and the Saviour adore. The angel came back in »very few days, Tosee if little “Earnest,”was ready to go.It found him “All right”—no feed of delay, So it bore him so gently—so sweetly away. Ob!step very lightly as you pass near thegraves, Distusb mot the slumberofthelittlesacred dead, Sweetbe theirrest,till he bid themarise, To hail him in triumph descending the skies; Thomasyijie,N.©.Leia, A SENSIBLE GIRL WHO MEANTBUSINESS, —‘Twentyyears ago a man who hadhisattentionstoasweetgirl, or a long time,without g anythingthatwasevenasecondcousintoapasal,was startled by the question,“Rob-ert,do you want te marry me!”Hetriedtoevadethepoiutbyaskingwhysheputsuchaquestiontohim.“Be-canse,if you don’t want te me,youmuststopcomingtoseeme,No mock. ing-bird around the red-breaste’s nest,you know.”Robert took the bint,andwithacoolgood-night walked home.— What shoutd be care for a girl s0 rude as feOldNorth State a TA CYA SoS wanted’was hii pay.‘Phe lawyer re-tainedtheother five for bis fee;and astheeasewasnot“troublesome”made uofartherdemanduponhisclient. .Temw@ays after Jones camein to sedhowhiseasewason.ant ”said the Ere,aewon't have any tronble about ut}it to.Smithso.strongly that fewestedtowithdrawthesuit,‘4“Oapitall”cried,the“You have.it up brown ! a preg ?a ne .WaarSmoxive Doxs ror Boyss-A certain doctor,struck with thenumberofboysander.fifteen Yeara ofagewhomhe.observed spokiag,was Jedtoinquireintotheeffeetthebabithadop,on their geri@ral health.He took for hisjurposethirty-eight boys,aged from ninei.ifteen,oa ly ‘examinedthem.;In twenty-seven of he.discoveredinjurioustracesofthehabits"In twenty-two there werd various disorders of;cireulation*and digestion,palpitatianoftheheart,and a more or lesstasteforstrongdrink.In twelve there was rath- er frequent bleeding of the nose;ten haddisturbedsleep,and four had slight ul- “ mouth,wich disappeared on easing fromtheuseoftobaccoforsomedays. The doctor treated them all for weak- ness but with little efleet until the smok-ing was discontinued,when “bealth andstrengthweresoonrestored, Now this is no “old wives’tale,”asthesefactsaregivenonthéauthorityoftheBritishMedicatJournal, —_--—~~Po THE ECLIPSE IN MARKET, This moroing aparty of sharp archinscongregatedatthejunctionofPearlet., with Lower market,and producing smok- ed and stained pieces of glass,forthwith proceeded to get up an excitement by taking celestial observations.From a balf dozen the crowd inereasedtofifty,thence to a huudred,and fiually market-ing busines about that locality ceased eu-tirely,and al]gave themselves up to cu- riosity...“There it is,”said one chap.—“My.héyeal"exclaimed another.“Aint it a beauty !”responded a third.While tho excitement was high theshrewdesturchinsquietlywithdrewfromtho-assembly,and made themezives familiar with &frait etands;andafterfiiliogtheirvery.properly Theshoemaker gladly acceded—all he} cerations of the mucus membrane of the| RE EK “DRUGS,MEDICINES,Ge. ¢NEW 4DrugStore,AND ‘. %Be 4 ng,E,Corner Maia &FisherBoydenHouse,an ‘STOCK OF embracing almost every thing pertaining to a first glaas Drug Store;which be ‘will sell,as has always been his caStem,at the most satis-factory prices to purchasers, His long experience iv,‘and thorough famil-iarity with,the usiness,in all its details’anddepartmeuis;together with his accustomedunremittingpersonalattention,authorizes the DRUGS MEDICINES, Funty &Toilet Articles,° Paints,Oils, DYE STUFFS,PERFUMEImported&Domestic Window Glass,Pptty, SPICES, ¢ Would ly call the attention of Mershapeinadaanteaeensothers,to their decamped.One young scamp,just afteraafflagadozenpeachesunderTeteace of bis shitt,sigvificantly sung oat to accomplice—say,Bill!hows’s the‘clipse forbigh?”The swindle was notdiggoveredintimetocageyoungapieceCarnetLimes,7 tly. Puy ARMY OF NORTHERN»VIRGINIA” that?Good company as hers elsewhere.He tried ta slewp,bat he couldn’Hdidn't quite Ne the tara thing:dees | ;';9 £ of ail to our Stock ot { ’ .-Virginia,LADIES OF.AMERICA SPRING AN y oP 0):"PYRE ABOVE 18 TUR MOST APPno.to himself ;jo can he Pe "4 back ,them |For whose benedt it was »Gad w howe hap {SE RING AND Sl MMER Go IDS,I printe name that could have been a pla toi gow with fected .Ss jraditin’a pines Hgrill preareen,i ibdbecrsen land inviteall whe want the Latest Styles Test -ve eae .to this valnable and powertully infine wties Pains next 7 a ,&|PMH ras Pualities,and Mot &hie Pa ,This ia an ELEGANT,PLEASANT,|Destroyer.Its infloence oyer sach pain mn! counting room,when oe by chless}ne keeptheir |Dy.J.J.LAWRENCE aac .W Ao pememae Price 10 gins "ad ‘aul eied Ma chee ene boven ":vs 7 neal Ve are Sow exhititioe the .,__eee ,i un a cd ©eXeTt cannotBob,gl techyi tell you what it ie Guse,valoda ot ins lianas PO PHYSICIANS —Stock of )|POWERFUL,and RELIABLE Reme.!™yeu aries.heer,on y Jn keepingoutofthe|times,yet always ready |Mick ths Woneeon |TD Y G LD Viher YrearaLioi.«RcoguBended fag afm .y®ready fora fight:b The artich@@f which the Woman's |rend is com '‘dy i i ie Cate a club,1 have jostpaidanother assesemeat|rude,but knowing well how 7.pe"a ta hed steund ea She TO 'Re GO O S,dy and one that admits ofa w ide range of |'when they teed WAGICoon2dollars,and,wisat js worse,I meet|Geld iflostrous Who cana forget them :yet ito beWe bBst Uterine Tonic au.asset MILLERS y CLOTHING.HATS,MILLINERY Goons re arly lor ities f such expensive friends there that it costs |tho ve,rag Rebecca enon:|POO Ciavevered <>we :tpplicat ,n>toe Core 4 :;,Broaged facus that Ibo —-MINGS PA |0 say Re Cramp Col,Chok ra Morbes oF more thay J can earn to keep it an.”for _oat execas the ening pita!itis a valoabl@ and relia hic a MEM 0)der ange oa }_~~e TRIMMIN eee ‘how pihess.Dysentery or Blondy-has,rhs a hed of Se of a theelab”|men with whom in a hundred‘fierce grap-|selene,Narre mee’‘Biaal ones W ,GLOCLLILS,HARDWA LL,|This adapted to talfil the morbid indica.ee Ore oe:Rhometie Patad,Fever and ache,&p'ual Irritaffone.&.om _verasine A,os 5 a |4awe,Sprains and Breéees,3@yearoutofokoadeanpleawefoughtwithremorselessdeepera.|Ba Price 31,00 per Boille.¢|©have Just received a fresh}SOLE w&|PPER LEATHER,;:neys,Nervous Delslity,dole,aaaa 8a.onthe’b coasfors ot thagl cates ol theterrible enginery of death,J.i.BAKER £00,|ly of1 Coach,Copal and Japan Varnishes,|“°™*%*isease to,perhaps,a greater ex.oi one character,, :hg :one side and the other a quar.|Wholesale agents,No.4,Main strees.|SUDDIy of 1 ne very best |i stai c ,aatat lene atune,when leftto one Fi and yet never bated |$9 To whom Mf or.tersor |tt Nortel oa!ey *—.hon ocae and |tone than eny other remedy yet known.|é 7 Salbary.i ¢5 ‘when “Dp cy :ae een ee OS 0M :.:atone ‘ bisiéelf.I:was Reg Hesteens rig execpt wh J siragk at the old |drersed.mare ty |Brand Bolting Cloths,No’s 6 to|'be fornd in Weetera North Carat na Sp!Te is an 30-41 §a d.Ez bodywis .‘&.Ee VEN ~~tal atlenbiiogis ca to our Bic &of i YEAR i a6Re pfeoceu-|no fe W STOCK OF “.: ied,cross.‘Thin ;|:———_10./‘|he :|BEFO glad to come home apiy teBODE|A mecting of the members o North |{a Sek eure BOO :A N D SILOES,|_ He took a book,bat fp -|Carolipa Agricultural Society,Bill be}F R S H P U R E .i Pee heanie lester Naa fae ||oT ‘self trying to read the coals bagi fron held @ the Commons Hall,in the’Capi-|3 y four come and get a cloth.[Gent's Kalmoraia.very best anak.peu INVALUABLE PUBLIC.andfigures on tho wall instead of the |2,08 Monday evening,October 18:h,a,AXD Salisbury,Ju)|Youtheand Miers Shows.of 1)ters and nalitin ae He threw himsalf on the loan 1F —=the tion of business R};I ABLE valtabury,July 30,1869,|Good Calicoen,131-2 eta pur yd.Best Caticues 1.|— at it wae dreadfa!l,dull.Ie stood}jaa on @ac t evening,daring |i 4 t ¥We area vent ’t Manutectarers of Yr :\for some time,and then pat on bie bat ieFair,Sr timal@ifid place,for |DRU GS,aaa oo i c wey nants |U nrivalled Remedy 1!{ea raee and walked down to the wld:ints _.|1senseion’¢me of re :3w¥e }ee aCUUNERY,5 .--omediagHesteppedaptotheaeanakseleesubjectsrelating‘gricaleg aa ooo _—™the Buck wy r ne.Tat i Nett i.ms "i . Edna was engaged.It seemed a ahoath |other material interrsta of the S:ate |and such articles as ave ususlly kept in a Sine Koi:ne ”an A etme For all SCROFULOUS.8 J 19.{yt PAIL before she came down.At last she wl trae FIRST |_ine Engine Deep Well au I Foree|.ONS,BTRUMOUS,/FU BRUSUULAL AND LIVER DI peared Beis aoa et LEGAL NOTICES,|-CLASS DRUG STORE|ens born wit |BYPHILITIC CANCEROUS,CVU..|SEAZES read the follewing :2 in the middle of the room,aud said,|‘State of ©st a ;po ree ais pee .=a lente ose Tle taceee e..H., “Edna,[have come here to-night,on |Worth GaFolina,}Dr.g.m.Poulson,HAS JUST}Tiireshers and Cleanera on |Bay i t Pills to de the best family medi 'business.§am tired of being your mock.|ing-bird,and want to be your red-breas:;|Wwiilyonbemywife?‘When you say,”eaid Edna,her face suffused with blagh-|es Robert replied.“I believe both the redbreasisjoininbaildingthenest,”said wastwenty years ago.‘To-day oneof |the bandsomest mansions in one of our |cities is the nest of a wedded pair,whose |thlifehasbeenassweetasabird's song,|and whose heart,like their affections,area6youngasever.There is 2 great dealmoreinpattingalittlestraight-forward ing. generaily supposed.—Sporting Times ——~—p-—A MODEL LAWYER, of Genoéral Chambe “Soon as I can make a nest,dearest,”|Pat —"—_—of Caroline Hampton As a A.Wethero —DefendantEdna,“and I want to do my part.”Thia|Petition for Sale and Partitionofthe Lands of The following ex Maine;at a |lectSuperiofCourt,Spring Term,1269. jAtl Diseases ‘om the address |Zeuchorrea,or Whites;Pr extensive eck and saporior inducements.107 Sycamore,St.,Petersburg. .RIVES.M.D.W.M.PROCTOR. CELEBRATEDWOMAN'S FRIEND! A sale and reliable remedy for Peenliar to Females, ATC As or Falling oi i large and careflly ee-jedstockofdrugs,mediannes.Hemicels,perfeme-|.M.Wibelm BW wise Arabella,J.&New Ty Soap.fancy articles.tooth brashes combs,putty,“=)son and wife Maryaret,Avygusias Gray andwileMay,ands R Narriggn—=Plaintifs AGAIN@T ing£ >Trustee of Simpson !Wilson,Margaret Tansy his wife,and Cuas,ta, the late Margores Wilson..It appearing to the satiafacti Of.the court |;TaneyMortar ian |[russes &Abdominal Supporters |jevy andCO A Wethero,defendantsimthis proceed- t W.D.Lindsay,Jas tha are non-residentsof this State,itte Ordered, !sive weeks in the ‘Old NorthState,’stewspa,ier |seqepyi:published in Sahsbory,NO.sammosbusinessatthebegioningoflifethanjs|of said defendants tu be aa "term of our said court to be heldHouseinLexingtononthea”Oday after!the 3d Monday in Sep 2 Ss andtheretoagewerordewurtoPetition,or|tho eanne Sill be taken pre eonjeatene heard the Coort i iythen and “Squire Johnson”was amodel lawyer,|asparte 0s 10them.as the following aunepdote will show ;Mr.onesonce rushed into the Sqaire’e|Couofficeinagreatsion.“That infernalscoundrelofacobbler,Smith,has sued O.me,Mr.Jotinsou—sued me for five dol-Jars I owe bim fora pnir of boots,”*Then you owe him five dollars 1“To be sure I do;but he's gone and |sued me—sned me!"|“Then why doa’t you pay him ifyou}owe him 7”InI ®“Besuune hie oted mee,and wick ‘iene er diligent search the defendant cannot befoundmandoesthat,I'll never pay him till it ordered that pablicatioeostshimsomethingmorethanhegets.|ouTwantittocosthimallyoucan.”|th“But it will cost you someihing too!”“IT dont’care for that: ,of Ca alter the $d Monday in April,1869. 34:Bwip:fee$10. WorthGarolins;{Sursmox Count,Oarowrtt Cocxrr.{ Mary A.Campbell,Plaintirr,yeeWilliamP,Campbell,Deft. @X$term of theSuperior Conrt for What do you Sth Monday after the 8d Monday fn Ancuat Witness,L.B.Juhoson,Clerk of onr saidrtatofficeinLexington,the 2dMonday My L.E.JOHNSON,C.8.o.aerdermadeandissyedAug.23.1869,jon. now {Sammons this case it is made to a rT upon affidavit 1 within the limite of thie State:[t is thererdnbemadeinthe“Old North»&newspaper published in Salisbury,N.C.,x weeks notifying the defondant to appear at§the countldwell.at the Court Honse in Lenoir.on theénext,|nevert;;then and there to answerthe compiaintofthe Pia,:|beenchargetobeginwith1”|ttf_which is fled in the office of her a vale as ot“Ten dotlars;and more if there ia ox-tra trouble.”All right! ahead [* No sooner was client gone thanJolinsonsteppedacrosstohisneighborSmith,and offered to pay him on eondi-|™¢tian thatthe enit ehould be withdrawn.—| There’s the X.Now go| uire Witness,R.KR,Wakefield,clelactaseiclerk of our anid 3t6w [pr feceacheeeeRemedyforChills,&e.,--Prompt-- Sept 10 courtSeptember,a.p..1869.R.R,Waxrrreto.c.4.c. Safe--Certatn,lew a-change in the as f the Dicer.|@AxBE HAD AT AN INSIGNIFICANT |Preparedperrypall wad eeevatE.SILLS Drug Store—FA-2 Salisbury,VC Sept. wints,Oils.Varnmhes,Paint Brushes Lye,and the best Bitters anil Medicthetonnbeused. low tn price. |That pablication be made weekly,forsiesucces.|"ee avers 4 SCG stiches each |dozen)ench atticies aa at the next!Eee. sold for half the priceminditisalwaysthe cheapest and safe"vy the pnrest Medicines,}would beg of ajl before purchasing elsewhere tocallandexaminemystockandget5yprices fore |Draggist and Apothecary,Salisbury.N.©door ta Merones &Bro gratefully testify.Tts properties are healing in a remarkable degtee—it corrects,at once,the feetar and pffwsivenersofoldsores—lessens the disch:purulent matter,when excessive;and a Hore and |attic Powders,Patent Merlicines ofal|kinds.Cook-Sota Copperas,Venctiag Med.C ‘ncentrated | rines for chills FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCO, [¥Vo Physicians.-.1 wov!d state that |[hare aspiendid assortment and carefully selected|Jstockof e latert im Bmonts,excelled!in quality and | ! nts,—I eG Prepared ¢iv at of New York Prat (by the | Lemor,Ees,Peppermint,Ess.Citnamon,Landavum,Paregor-|ic,Bateman Drops,God.|frey’s Cordial,Opodel-doo,Castor Oil, and Turpentine.stock is complete and of articlesFreshandReliabieinQualityandaslowina8sucharticlescanbeobtainedinthissec.| Impure Medicinescan be sold for a trifle and adeargtanauch1deaotandwillSetfennenotkeep.)ently posted in the Drog Market tcthatPUREaandMedicinescannot=eretofore charged.Bear instplanto| @.B.PotLsox,|'.hext°june 2—8m. Sill’s Infallible ‘Healing Salvo.THIS SALVE being made from ingredients |LANE’S WHITE LEAD,heretofurenaed int) rodactive of the most rbers of nersons who is connection,hasgratifyingresults;|BUChaveusedit,will Mm:|oferafewapplicationsproducesgscomplete EF,SILL’S Drng Store,a 34 Salisbury,N.C | poten ESPECTFULLY annovunees to his-numer-writeaa eran chiens eeStreets,near the Entirely Fresh avd Cargtully Selocted “eT 5 kind,at and some lot of |persons t@supply themselves with | |Low Prices.; Saveyour Blackberri i rit ji j !MeCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &OO.|beto yous Treasures ute ble wil Syme,Ke.Boned,sndwil se aacis:wen repliesSmith.Foster &Co.Agreat number of the strongest,and most vn-Sallsbary,July 30,1869,SALISBURY,N.C.,*qualified certiGvates of its valne,have bec ,Spragve"s Old Stand,near the MarketHouse.|basen tases tendered the aigalers ofpril2,1969.13—ly roupersons of bighestr bility andintsHigence.eee Just neceiven at THe sroRE ees Hactbe Mevtcine is pleasant10 take .|of SMITH FOSTER &CO'S.|{feetly free from thepossibility er||cee pal agree ey{DOD >?on ’is perfectly safe,even fy tlorSACKSOFSALT..|is especially adapted to the pr eon,SALT !SALT !!25 BBLS MOLASSES.|whe n the af prs ng Warin bere fons|such a@ degree Of lassiiude,aud dedility,ph112werps.morassrs.ogte|FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE |03"o°#*fava a ceemeta=—atten to become ala 1 portable,7JustreceivedalargeletofLOOKforMERONEY’S|J Price 76018 per butte,Preyer and sold,}{ Salsbury,July 30,1969 IRON! ——. For eale by .'McCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &CO. |gu hmiee 1 procured a few Lox sot the UTHEpimerent;:horonghly teated.an fArPationity port ttle.Ante ay Fact ia this bue We gnar- ‘horonghly tested,and approved by some |MPPATICIILY Sand th rst doweTtook gave ma aaitsbary,July 90,108.ibd s yawn PU i pel PP J wroat reef yal CoM nned to vee the Pits bh cae{a t of the ;}Weeks,anu ha,not suferea from liver diseax!;most em n »<led|We arealso agents far Singer's New Fem eminent members of the Med-see .has namte ‘themaccordingly,andlySEWINGMACUINAJ".aed narems tothe hurr o M.Ni,for w r tiere els nase 1 y to the aman system 1_eqguaL Wa ted to!)ail kinds of work.|ical Fu Bity,Vis at war with i¢aad will conqner Ht,anloes nature, i=to give ent re satisfac a,oF the money }ler €tne nen on ab .a aalt 2. aa te are j Prepared by anlexperi a a 1 cs ane ees es ald euiable pouri its,canIperiencedandweil!congnerthe enemy:which would k ,-a :ye )wou be beat.to tak POWDER :POWDER!&F GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at Redicine before yun get sick,to preventalcknessorthedepot,on short notice.;known physician and chemiat,|e aed to the ee tt sickto care sickness,oy Salisbury,N.0.1 ——e o———- PAINTS &OILS, —_— YK do do iN.¥.CITY,do do TANNER'S OIL,KEROSENE OIL, For sale by Salisbury,Jaly 90,1889. of with the season,we have deter- mined to sell out all Goodsofthat Below New York Cost ! The stock consists of a hand- hope of that suoeess,which hes,Lereto“ore.in-Lead,Upper,sele and Har-variably rewarded bis exertions MUSLINS,LAWNS,nessBahsbury,N.GC,January 1869,1—tf Ls A THERinkSeelke:rea Fy =LA,=RIVES &.PROCTOR,MOZAMBIQUES,CALF &LINING SKINS,WHOLBSALE AND RETAIL ,DRUCCISTS,|Lenors,BeraGEs,HARDWARE,DEALERS IN Iron,Steel,Saddle Hardware,and Carriage&ec.,&e,TFriumings;in tact,thousauds of articles tuo From 18 to 35 cts. This is a rare opportunity for desirable Goods at exceedingly sus Cteri,American and Liverpool Salt as| IRON !! |50,000 LBS.OF IRON ASSORTED.| RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING } POWDER,For sale by McCUBBINS,SULLIVAN &co. leeealect]Ps el aBeaa mthe Mi Uurersandtheir Agents ! e ;*‘atk me,Allweask ie @callatthe well known.Em-Gabe LEADING Auton Garestyatewd8awholesale1'RtitRESNotions,Hats,§UO, READY-M A DE-CLO T Hf NO, Pant.Goods, Drugs,Patent Medicines,Dye-Stuffs,Paints,Tanners Oil,Kerosene and Linseed Oil:? bodius to enumerate.We tire ageuts for tho y t L ?A mueh \ —poxtidntidny Spcllased irect!DRBSS Coonsfear: {TUS scientifically compounded of Ingredients "Gywellknowafottheirvitiuesandadaptationso |thie.diseases named}andfs the resultoflon.Land extensive experienve and patient iuyesti-|gationoftheSee economy}(o- Expector- and persist-|‘and peeking;people;in-the {aet,thatit ie not an tor-RENOV.’TOR ant,perse;noris it loaded with Uploes or"%A RD DV}ine,inorder fo Jull thé poor sufferer |with its delusive inflvences,Mapy @ valua-:ble life hag been sacrificcd and expectorated in-toa premature grave.On the rary,itis ¢Fealonlatedtocheekexcessiveéoration,=whichofitself is exceedingly exhaustive,and »|by its general and specific action,t al and &soothe the weak,inflamed and irritated orgars,Of the several ingredients which compusethisvaluableBaum,there is no one,which isnotconstantlywsed,by the best Physicians,in agthediseasesaboveenumerated,and of wanyeminentmedicalgeutlémen,to whom its com.4positionhasbeenmadekuown,there bas not-sll been one,who bas Hotgbighly approved it;audinsomeinstadces,havé not euly prescribed itfortheirpatients,but bave used it-in their owavases,with marked advantage. Prepared aud gold on!y,at *E.SILLS Deng Store,ari)25-16+f Ssilabury,N.C. S35 25.a?SS WILD CHERRY:@TONICANDALTERANT, eel DR.LAWRENCE'S CONOENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT OF KOSKOO, Asafe and effectnal remedy for ut " diseases arising from i pid Bowels,—Nervous Debility, Great Threshers —and—‘r ‘|CLEANERS, |Also,Manufacturers’Agents for the celebrated ||Bone Dest.Le.do.Rifte and Blasting Powder, tw”We iuvite the aiteniion of Merchanta |‘and the trade vene rally,to our stock,assuring jthomtheywilltiudpothingbutfreshanddesi-|rable Goods.We buy all kinds of produce.— AT THE BIGN OP and Broken Down Health,4Jromwhatevercause.' ~—_—;4T'LS elegant and truly valuable Medicine, ao Indigestion—Liver Complaint—Tor % |Torpidity of the Liver, ; Impurities of theBlood, | bes trom tive tosimie,oven in extensive use.en fur the last twenty-five years.It has beesDisordersofUrinaryOrgans,gold,acd is well kuown in many of the South-en cites and towns,viz;Chaileston,Savan- nab,Augusta,Atlaute,Charlotte,Columbia,@&e.,and is uighty valued;by the muhitudes uFpeoplewhobaveusedit,any in this town Debility of the Nervous 7K CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTI IN|\ |Cider and Wine Mile, Star Cotton Gin and Cond IG.LsGrain Dri!nser, a {FE;BSnlky Plows,|Smautters and Cleaners, Circular Saws|Rabber and Leather B lting,and many other tl Dumerous to mention,all of which we will sell at the Manatac-|turer's Prices,| @ to Conte,or senc land get a Catalogue of any j We willbefound cpposite the old standaboveMurphy's Granite Row.“eaMERONEY&BRO.| FOR SALE.—A Splendid 19 HorsePowerPortableKagiae,for sale bjune11—236m MERONEY &BRO |FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION }‘RIBBONS,MILLINERY,&STRAW Goons,||__——9 +eArmstrong,Cator &-C.,| 237 &239 Baliimore Street BALTIMORE,wa,||IMPORTERS AXD JORBERa OP {j BONVET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS,!|VELVET AND SASH RIBBONB,|BONNET SILKS,SATINS AND VELVETS,-Illusions,Bloniis,Lares,R uchee,Netts,Chanes| PRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, | |i J.Straw Bonnets &Ladies’Hats,|TRIMMED AND UNTRIMWRD |Silk,Velvet and Felt Bonnets and Hats,SUNDOWNS AND 8ITA KER HOODS,lowe |Barmbardt,at the old -tand,and par upatWIMdalySomeeeee:For sale by Dre.G.B.POULSON,|RKEMEN J.:2 y :4 REUBEN J.HOLMES,eae ORDERS BOLICITED.|Drugagiatanda »Sallebury,F.C,Mo.BARNUARDT,—~fY!aug.27,1988.r34—2m (wheels cumplote,|-ANEQUS,HEPATIC,RUEUMATSjes |Chronic Discase it may be advantageous ly ase,vart,wf This preparation bas been submitted to,|*' That eld,long known and well tried remedy {|Sor ail Bilious diseases,caused bya{DISEASED LIVER.—.TO ALT.EMIGRAN7S.—Yonare aboutte uake|@ home for yourselfand family a»climate which ‘|you orthey have nat been accostomedto;you will,oy|of course,he exposedto afl the diseases peculiar tothatclimate,yon should heeareful to hee euch Med-\tolhes as art adapte tc the diseases of that climate,jyou wiil find the greatest seenrity in the use ofyerws'Sovtarey Neratic PIs.]PRICE,.$1.00 PER BOTTLE,{—3 :nie sent to any point in the United States oa PRICK —Poroned X,Ber ote Dee $2.50—Fall Groee 4_$10 Ore 2,OF8—Tire:Gin.e,$50—Fite Gr 88,0 4Thee.ist elther com ima ny tlre ater forthe Medi. edto A.W.p f\sseee ce §PREPARED ONLY By Nei,Soc Uatim 4 CTRERT pesBitrsounMo€iwhereipromityattendedto,aFballrableDruggists7 «,,|this daydisealyedt f mms:The largest Stock of Millinery Goods in this|°°©Mata Street,Norfotk,Virginia,|M*42"dissolved by mnrnal comsent;MeCubbins,Sullivan &Co.,|/Sccaiavwiartiti Saneasuae,8 [Hr For awe my art Daewersts,pq ee They fave proved very ten|uly own ¢|have been very mechtev!for fifteen gear 1 have tried every kind oftiemethatIcouldpet.bat have found mar URINARY,and NERVOUS AF_!”}Tom yoar Pills than al others.My diseas_;|Yronchial aMfliction an’a complete prostration ofOTIONS,in fact,rverr form eee tee,po a :.aof&sop iny farniiy,and findthem to be the very€for nearly a.1 family diseases.”Tho Cure is Thoreagh,eth llayn ca p e s Eng.¢ |:aor of Columns county“(April 2,1863:)“Daring the lati|part of the year 1872 Iw ‘«severely 9»tected hetiseasedliverandmanynightswhileiabedchepainaldbecomeseexeruniattgthatIwascompelled)|te get out af bed an tupfuntil the pain weald {Si A word to the wise is enough..¢4ExerciseyourownJudgmentipthemeans ofde.|fense;the enen.y will come,be ye ales ready with|_She Southern Mepatic Pilis, t wth ae ites :ca ¢a~everye ere and anJ.LAWRENCE,M D.,G.B.POULSON,(_July 2—Wily NeWebury.Noe[)M80l Toy oF co-PaRT NiRSHEP.—TH}Copartnership heretofere extktin under|the name of Holmes,Rarnhardt &Co.,Tas bean All personeindebtedthsaidfirmwillealuponM. ORGANIO CHEMIST, VERAoldP * le VOL. IV] Fhe OD N orth State PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY mnVw is EA NBS Editor and Proprietor. BATES OF SUBCRIPTION One Year, payable in advance. ....$3.00 §1x Monrus, “ ss 5 Copies to one address,...... 10 Copies to one address,.....-.--++ fates of Advertising. 12,50 One Square, first insertion,......-...$1,00 For each additional insertion. .......- Special notices will be ebarged 50 per cent higher than the above rates. : Court'and Justice’s Orders will be ed at the same rates with other mneuts. Obituary notices, over six lines, charged asadvertisements. - CONTRACT RATES. ublish- vertise- “s y I T O PR OM E “y M O eu D ‘I v a eu g Q “s y ao y y XS | | | | | “s q U 0 K y 9e l 4 L Fy connss 1.40} I (| B2 50:83 75, $8 50 31300 || 450) 6 25) i 6 00) 9 00, | $00.11 00, e a e s = 1 Squere. res. 3 Squares. 4 Squares. + Colama. 4 Célumn. | 18 00 24 00, 30 00)45 00, 75.00 1 Column. (28 00/40 00, 50 00/80 00, 130,00 8 12 15 Jmportant (0 Magistrates and einer County Of- FIAND-BOOK von COUNTY OFFICERS A Guide for nan = — and Other yr. County: Officials. Revised, Balarged and Improved. THE SECOND EDITION OF this Work, greatly enlarged and \nrproved, wil! be ready for deli Ww subscribers on the 14th of September. It Las delayed thus long, in order to add to its use uintes, by padishiag All the Acts of the last Session of the Gen- Jestio’ of the Peat® Judges of aa pe —o al to the whole, bar it is beeause che more | 00:25 00 37,50 | tolerant portion has arrived at .a higher 11 00 16.00! 20 00,30 00, 45.00 | State of civilization and christianity than er, views things ina —and no pelalties—ot even ot a soca Bat how | awe $ For the Old North State. POIs TICAL INTOLERANGE: There are those who still believe, not- withstanding the experience of the late war, that the American people in general (ave the Yankee portion) and the Boath- ero people, ie’particalur, are better than every ether people, upou the fice of the globe. The political philosopher, howev- iflerent ight. He sees, in the whole haman family, the same sentiments, passions and natural corrup- tions; and if any evil is observable iv one people not apparent in another, it ig ew ing to the fact thatyboth have not been subjected to the sane developing eircam- stances. [t was thought, by some amongst us, before the war, that avarice was a vice pecaliarly vorthery in its sature, and that it could not thrive in the Southern soil. This idea was dispelled with some ‘vio- lenee, during the progreas of the conivrt, where the thunders of the palpit and the exactions of impresement and tythe laws, proved unequal to the task of conquering this passion of the Southern people. The same may be said with regard to tolera- | blood of the m tion If avy portion of the haman_ fami- ly is more tolerant than anotber, ic is not because of auy iuherent virtue, nut natur- the reat. . The fact ia painfully apparent that, we of the South, are not as tolerant and ehar- itable towards one another, if we chance to differ, especially, iu our political apiu- ions, as we should be, and as become a people arrogating to onraclves to be better than ether people. We allow reiisions toleration, and make nw attempt to visit pains and pevalties upon any any denom- ination that differs from our own, nogro— provided they are not Republicans natare—arr visited upon them. | | | | ‘ | | We even allow our winieters to preach to che | is it in politica? The time once wae when politica! opinions bad bat little to do with al Assembly, jis social Intereut p,0f OK, HEH 4, ype i DP perence tu preparing a B oe [ : . i = oer their peligtons 9. Probate politi ecu iff and atl Coanty Officers. wil! find in the Hawr- ribing their powers and resect: | ive ates to rela forme andl precedents ne eomary to8 P or andeystematic discharge of ther dotice. Ne Justice ofthe Peace, or other County OM -er of ordinery inte'ligence can poeibly err or fait soil Wis yoake the Band cod bt may be in the practice of law. The edition oviains Three Hundred Large Sized Pages, et . on * with 2 ta- - ppd roroh gaye! poh rock ge tlt index | to the ext and over Two Hundred and F ifty Toon the lawprtsc Hook hie guide. however ine xperien- | re and forms Forms, jor a Ranic jatantly. the office with credit to himee f who will j siat ding in sectety May | viously \ diee and intolerance the result of theese. — and tis all ght. But Low wit he calla him-e'l a Repablir an “{2 ‘The ease ia changed in- Yoor ball is goring my ox in case, Such a man, whetever hie have been, pr iradneed and , is now watched, | ha dished fiom society —nat only he bat | his faintly alsa. Canthia be denied /— Is notthis the rath? Why is thie the caret Lt arives from passion and p eju inverted with the text, and immediately foltowing | Tt might be xceonnted ‘or, to someextent, | the ororistons of the law to whi h they app'y- 1s order to place the Rook within the reach o every officer and basiness map of the “tite [he pab here offersthe same at the following ressonalie When sent by mall 95 cents must be added. Upon the recept of price, the book will be ator mi led or sent hy express, a6 subscribers may 4: rect. Address : “ar NICHOLS & GORWAY, Book and Job Printers. RALEIGH, N. ©. Yr All kinds of tera! binrk forms furn'shed + order. and Job Printing of every descript-on neat!) cheaply and expeditionsly executed. -—» “SPECIAL NOTICE. — RELIEF ror tHe SORELY AFFLICTED to haze safiered, as few have every suffered before. for siz long and gloomy years, froin av affection of his feet «nd legs. superinduced by overwork, during the first year of the late war. Duriog t time. he was compell- ed to drag bis inated ‘rame about. on crushes. In vain he inroked the best med most Celebrated medicinal Springs. Worn recovery. At this stage of his case. having been governed 7 his medical friends from the heginping. bh method of treatment, the result of his own reflection. It is enough to say. that this method is not so inueh new, as itis, the mere ekillfal Iieation of what bas been loug kvown. attempted by the Physicians. sowune weeks of the most unwearied and persevering efforts, he was rewarded « ith the most gratifying results. Indeed, his rap id improvement and recovery, was almost magieal—eo much so. that in looking back upon his euondition a year ago, he ean. even now, hardlywealize the truly wonderful iin- provemettts Profoa blessing. he of diffasin, gratefnl for this extraordinary desirous of being the ineans similar benefits to those who proposes not offy to treat, bat CURE. all inanner of diseases of the lower extremitics, auch as old and ill-eonditioned Uleers of the legs; Varicose Veins; weak and enlarged Jouits, &e., no matter of how long standing. It is one of the great advantages of his mode of treatment, that no restrictions are imposed on the patient. as regards diet. exer cise. &e., aud for the most part, little or no medugine is deed, shall be in accordance with 4 Sibee eae of the times ; and those rally indigent, will be treated *‘without mon- id wi t prise.” —> EDWARD SILL. M D Feb. Watt Salisbury, N.C: bs Mary A. Campbell, Plaintiff. againet William B. Campbell, Defendant. The defendant wi!) take notice that on Friday the @tb pber next, at the Court Honse in Camdeny®. C., I ehall proceed to take the dep- ovitions of John Witherspoon snd others to be read in a snit now pending in the Superior Court of Caldwell county, N.C., where I am plaiotuf and yon ere defendent MARY A. CAMPBELL, bey. >, 1868. (pt fov$6,60-4w ) ical talent of the country; aod visites the | _...€2.00. granted to Co | e¥ trom the fact that we regard the pegro ae aa CXxeeption- to all general rulea, were it pot tne that liberties and tea@auities ar <ervatives and Demoerata, tohiee tt aceorded to Republicans and Radieala The trae solution of the qnestion are.ns to he this. enget dered by the wae not having a4 yet, ded, and odr prop not bei ig era, butetnply over The passione and projadrees aubs enh daed ard exnvir com and our eor queroca Sully stale ¢ pprised Uf this 1 tlungs, haviog imposed coudtione upou as distasctetal and diaagre cable, oar peo Je are disposed todo that i idireetly, ! ! which canuot be dowe directly, and te an lt was the misfortane of the undersigned | ed to nov and binder when they are not dis pos- comfort and asset. | ,;ever they bave the power to do so with | down and exhausted, he gave up all bope of | } | e determined to adopt a| ‘ impunity. As childrea whea offended a or veut their eptte apen heir brothera and sisters by nagly words and Llews, eo the grown up chiniren of the South, adjudg- feelings by inflicting injacies upon those they devin ohbvexions, and over whom they have th: power It ia uunecersary to comment further on this pot, as the | statements already madc are amply suffi- | | sition, in which some of or people place} lips! | ) | | | cient to show the Indiereus and feolish po- themeclvee. But it is objected that the northerners anbject of the negro, but have forced upon | that spark, that aneeen, that oneompre- ne lawe vneenstitations! and impolite — | hended intelligence fled 1 A wwaj rity | cold, livid ghastly eorpsc that lies before of the whire people of the nation, and the | you! whole world besides, is against us on this earthly coveri negro qnestion. A decent reapect for the | the immortal essence that has now lett it | opinions of mankind should cause ua to} —left it, io range, perlps, throagh illim- may be similarly afflicted. He therefure. | panse and re-examine our opinions, more | itable space; How do we know all this? especially since we have failed, bloody fielde of direful strife to convert the world to oor views. While it ia true that defeat is not conclusiue evidence of wrong, its suggestions, under surrounding circumstances, justify a reasonable pre- sumption of bigotry, against those who disrezard its warnings. While we should not approbate evil, we should remember that generous minds find other meane ot reprobating it than those of petty social resentments; and that the ignorant and vicious are always more prerumptaoue and intolerant than the wise aid the ; Until some authoritative and omictdline neuneement is made that the laws are un- constitational, it should certainly be al- lowabie to act upon the presumption that they are conetivut onal wihout being sub jected to prosecution ; and if the policy npou which the government is admjniater- ed is wrong, that fact will be demonstrated | of oar people will be very greatly modi ' ficinl or common SALISBURY, N. C, SEPT 24, tion’of any impediment we may throw in its way. Irie rightto befirm, The mau who ie given to-change subjects himself to the imputation of weakness of judgment or corruptness of motive, But when meu refuse to be educated by eveut-, and to comply with what is inevitable their firm- ties degenerates into. an obstinaey, which of necessi y, brings ealamity upon thew- selvea, and all who act with them. Above all; when any set of men asaume to tbem- selves infullibility of judgment, and so far from allowing the same to others, attempt to restrain and prasecute them for doing che same things they do themselves, we are furnished with the very best evidence | that they themselves are wrong, and that they design so to be, And if this is pos: sible, they have no right to compel the obedience of orhers—in other words, full toleration of private jadgmeut ehould exiet in our peculiar political condition without Jet or hiudrance of any kind, The history of mankind fally justifies FARMER'S DAUGHTERS. } { If we have directed — more to farmers aud faray the girls, it is not that bet Rome more. Farme an important posivion. light and hfe aud joy of hold, that would be dark4fed aud cheer- less withont them. “‘Thg¢re is no wore | beautifal sight on this catth, than a culti- vated, faithtul, devoted, belptul daughter, patiently and lovingly ding: all ehe can | : lighten the burdens oti, and shed- | tig by ber cheerful and gancefal peifor- | mauee of every duty, a@ tba. cohiae *hrougn the farmer's household. Ol, Tow | the farmer's heart goes out to such a daugh- | ter! How she twines herself around the | very springs ot hie being, till bis strong, | roagh nature seews ta depend upon her | whatever of light and life and happincess | enters into his heart ! | ur suggestions | e’ Bons than to owe | sar leas | rdanghiers, fill ‘hey are the any a house- this conclusion. Peracention of auy kind whatever, go far from advancing a good | cauee wilt retard it; while it will advauce a bad cause, Itis.a proverb that “the | artyra is the seed of the | church,” and all experience proves that | the best way to excite the sympathies of | a commanity in behalf of a bad man or a} bad cause is to attack ei her the one or | the other anjustly, or earry opposition to | ihe point of pereecation. Men among us acknowledge these truths, as applicable ta. almost any sub- | ject, apart from the negra, bat apon this, Bou. bou-tike, they seem determined neith- cr to forget nor to learn avything. With all due respect, it does not scem that their fears apou this sabjeet are morbid, even to the point of criminality They seem to reagon well on all other subjects, bat upou this an irritation is exhibited, which betokens a monemania We owe it to ourselves to stap and consider—to review the -whole field dispassionately, in the light of passing events. If this can be | done we are persuaded that the opinions | | fied, if they are Dok patuRaly ehaswnibresend+ Amongst as. [It is not expeeted that these views will rea i w ith mueh benly teat 1 Vv the super They eet render. are forth to acrest the vutemtion: and modify The education of the farmer's daughter | more thau that of the city bred uiss, | ought to be such as to cultivate all the | higher faculties, and to lead ber to take a | seasible aud practical view of ber daties aid ihe reapousibilities of her pusitinn.— | La the comparative isolation of country | Ife, the people of the household are wore | dependent ou each otber for happiness aud | social culture. Lo the exciting straggle and competition of business life in the city, the bead of the family is natarally absorbed very much in the busy world | about bim, and perhaps less dependent npon the family cirele; but the farmer’y fawily ought to constitate a little world of itself. A happy, anited aud barmonious family ie essential to lite on the farm, aud very much more depeuds on the farmer's dangbter for that reason. There ie more or lees that is false in all our modern education. In too many instances there is a feeling that work is dichoworable, and not a few farmers’ danghters are infected with the idea that to live like a lady nnplics thatthey should live in comparative idlences, or that ouly | a few of the lighter duticg.a Avetnnty | wieery. ok ed discvrd, aud No true lady shuns work. Work glory of lite, the glory aiiky of the rich and the poor. Al gomploess springs emplogmed®, @nergy und ia wore pauftal to every bey who | Ve pees. * the from activity, y nothing e ix ’ nae he ’ blic 7 4 the action of those who control public skeas cht view nf (ify lier me ore ai op hien . For a year or (wo past, eon of our prblie men and many of oar pablic preases have done bat btrle elee than ap peal to the passions and prejadicecs of the } eagovne & ena idomea people. The dying embers of sectional hatred have beew most artfally fannest in to a finme, and ae the frot of all thie | neighbor has been arraved against neigh bor, aud perseeations sometimes resulting in fatal ennfliets, bat more frequently in socinl annoyances, the more diaagreval,! because of their petty nature, have dia turbed the harmony of thee whe should A jaster swaye deaien dwell together in peace iciain wee 14 Lite, bus there are times when it ie danger ons and criminal to famene the passions of the prople The fact existe, whether ad- mitted or not, that the prearat govern wents both State and National, which ie : ' , guaranter ¢ peal civid and p litical rights to the colored as well aa the white man, are the governments establi-hed by the will of the nation and must be abe ved, lend those who eo about to pe refade the | peuple that they are not as well governed the idle mind ss they ehould be, for the purpose of wean shy eecteas felt whe Paar eal | ing their affections and thus sapping the mike themselves fe herever and When-| 4 dations of the government itself, are | guilty of distarbing the peace and harmo honentiiy, a useless hauger-on fe sockty, is passed Ti idbememay who cou. tributes notnminy te the happiness and the | prospect y of these aronud her. Ve have known many mothers who eo- cou. ged themereclves in every pers ble way, to het whose | ft this falae idea, who have slaved theie danghters loange aboat tu idleness, y go tuto eoctety, study and ploy the prano, and have a good Ome gen rally. Lia thewe cise the aaeihe Lu gebye to blanc, ind inevead of proweting ihe hap pies of their daughters, they werelaying theBure Te Wee fomneletion of their mt-cr¥e uch cass are ipsaneholy since they # row an entiely mistaken tm? ‘Tine bepy uces arises not trem idicne-s, bat frou de fiom mental and plyecical | No reat 1? eo grate ' ty rat ich sprogs flow duty aud labor per ration te duty, aelivity, from work fal, no eatistaction ao p ind, as « formed in the trae epint ¢ { cheerfaluess The idle man or the idle wo- | the most ot isel! bangs heavy over 5 an i lowe. man is generally miscrable beings. ‘Tir We do wot depreeate ue acqgirement of the ordinary accom ple bm ‘nts of eoctety on the part of the tarmer’s daughter, nor the devotion of a reasonable amoant of | ny of seciet d end: ring the atabili- ||; At their parenta, whip their chairs and toys [ny et peneey Se langering time to them, where they are kept strict , Y*:\ ty of th: best government on earth, for | { } | | | not only entertain wrong views pon the | new being do we receive ? = | both on | delight, uew powers of perception; new the fornm of peaceful debate and upon | glories of beantitnde! Ten thousand | i iy ned by the! they must be met and argard down ing theme ives aejasily punished by the)». .* : ° | [litical wleration mast be cetabliched and | wien they interetere wih duty, they en- srnal government, give vent to their | . paternal government, give vent to h T | no man muat be oateacived from society, inanficient reasens. We call upon these If they will uot da e Pu. | men to desiat merely becanse of hia politic al opinions. > oo / ON DEATH. ] “Heavens! what a moment must be | that when the last flatter expires on our What a change | are deepest read iv matare and in God, to) what new worlds we are borne? What] Whi her hae | } | ' Teli me, ye who | Look apon the | That was bat a hell, groes and | ing which held for a while | to receive new capacities of fancies rush upoo the mind aa it contem- plates the awtul moment between life and death! It isa momeut big with imagina- tion’s greatest hopes and fears; it is the consumination that elears*up all mystery —resolves all donbts—whieh removes contradiction and destroys error. Great (sod | what a flood of raptere may at ance barat apon the departed aoul. The unclouded brightness of the celestial re gions—the pure existence of ethereal be- ing—the solemn sacred of nature may then be divalged, the immediate unity of the past, the present and the future; strains of unimaginable harmony, forms of mnch sooner to he eatisfaction of all par- ment of the wicked | ies, by a fair trial, than by the oppost-\sbrinks back appalled. imperishable beanty, may then suddenly delighted sansed and bathing them in measurelees blies! The mind is loet io this excess of wonderons light, and dares not tura from the heavenly wsions to one a) gloomy, so trenend a. as the depart- Human fancy hold wotk all her days or not, ly sabo:didate to the more nperative dic- tates ot dom-stic A tarmere 6 danghter bas a right these acquire duty tw meuts ae Well as any otner daughter, but } jcroaeh apon the tine which oaght to be | given to the Pectin we of household work, hey ae n6@ longer au ornament, bat the bauge of ehame Woman's sphere of activity the house. Ih ia qaite different from that of mau's. [tis not less honorable wor leee important beeauce it is different. Physi- | eally, mentally and mr liy she ie better fitted to be the glory and the omnameut of dowestic life. Whether necessary from circumstances of economy to do honer- it makes of educa- | | is litsle difference in ber conrae fon, which should be calculated to pr pare her forthe performance of bonsenold daties The happiness of lite would be much greater were this preparation more universal. Becanae a lady is tot obliged | to cook all ber life, it does aot follow that | she ehould uot learn. A knowledge ot practical details of household duty is more honorable and vastiy more impor- tant than a knowledge of music, though both may desirable. In all the exscntial elements of a hap- py lite, a farmer's daughter has advan- tage of thecity girl. She is usdally stronger and more robust, and bas a great- er degree of physical beaaty. Her edu- cation ought to be less artificial —more solid aud practical. If she uni:es to fair intell-ctual capycity a good degree ot | sound common secuse, she wil make the most of her position, and acquire the graces which are the ornatnent of the sex. —_<—>——__—— A New Haven thief stole the panta- loone of a somnvlent fellow on the Park, the other evening The raising of the Cashmere goat is re- + hee tiie oe lor written of him that does not apply to 1849. - MEANEST VICE. THE Arthur Helps, in Good Works forJune, thas preaches, and we have good reasons in leuding him our pulpit to repeat a part of his discourse ¢ There are two or three marked peeuli- ties in the viee of calumny. Tu the first place, coudsidering «the untachief it does, th-re is very ditde paoiknment tothe pér- son practicing it. Personal vices are dear- \v paid tor even in this world; and «most of us kearn through bitter experience dnd’ by dire remorse, the sin’ aud mischief of our wrong doings. ‘Then there is the tiwrough iguorauce, for the goost part, an thé part of the calaamnaigter, of the mix- chiet aud misery that be-causes by cal- amuy. A good, easy man, or ope who believes himself to be such, may have been 4 steady progagator “injuriows —re- poets deeply aff-cting otber people; and the poor man goes downto his grave iv the confident belief that he has beeu a most exemplary member af seciety. The woat ucturtunate faet about calumny is, that you seldom witness the ‘soff-ring you create by caluuniating. Your other ciuclties you know about, and ufien see the ixsue of then; bat the agonies you you cause by every form of calumny, de- traction, disparagement and erroweous siatement, rarely come to your knewl- edge, of any buman being, except the per- sod who is ealumniated. A certain hu- moist 18 Wont to contend that the sum of human Ife is always the same. He says the sam of force in the @aterial world is always the same, the quautiry of wotive is always the same, and so is the amount of human misery. 1: is in vain, that yoo arge against bim that evéry- thing has become milder * in the world ; that wars are condacted with less cruelty and less destruction of property 5 that religious persecation has comparatively ceased to exist; and that there ie an im- -what Julian called the ‘eye of the East,’ THE OLDEST CIrY IN -THE wortp. | Damaegne is the oldest city in th world, Pore and Sidon have ernmbl « on the shore; Baalbee ie a cain; Palins ra ix buried in a desert; Ninevah aus Babylon haye disappeared from the ‘Tigri- aud the Euphrates.~ Damnagcus renaiue what it-was before the days of Abrahan a centre of trade and travel; awisland o verdare in the desert; “a Presidential capitol” with martial and sacred associa tions éxtending through thiriy centuries It was near Damascus that Saul of ‘Te sna saw the light above the brightness 0: tho anny the strees whicl, is called Straigh in whieh it is eaid “he prayed,” still run through the eiiy. The caravan comes and goes as it did a thousand years ago; there is still the sheik. the ass and the water-wheel; the merchants of the Euphrates and the Med- iteranean still occupy. these “with i mulninde of their wares.” The city which Mahomet surveved from a neéigh- boring height, end was afraid to enter “be- cause it was given to mai to have but one paradise, and tor hw part he was resoly ed not to have it in this world,” is to-da: as it was in the time of Lsaiab, “ the hea of Syria.” From Damascus came the-damson, our blue plume, and the deheious apricot of Portugal, called damasco; damask, our beautifiil fabric of cortoo and silk, with vines and flowers raised apon a smoothe bright ground; the damask rose, introdu- ced nto Englaud in the time of Henry VIIL; the Damageus blade, so famous the world over for iis keew edge and elas- ticity, the secret of whose manafactare war lost wheu Tamerlane carried off the artiet juto Persia; and that veagiutul a. of inlaid wood and steel with eilver au: ae 7 f [NO. 38 tothe tep. Cover them closely, and set teem into a large flat bottomed ketile of cold water. The water muat bea lithe below the tops of the jars. Place the kettle over a moderate fie, and keep iho peach jars boilug in it half an bour after they have eome to a bejl, “Thon ect ties away in your sweetmeat closet As the lids of glass “jars seldom fit tightly, put beveath each lid a rouud of thick soft white paper, and cover the twp of thegpateide with a piece of Lluddertiod tight down. Brandy pears may be done as above. It is customary to leave the stems on — Rub off, apon some lamps of the sugar before crushing it, the yelly rivd of aev- eval freab Tewonr, and squeeze the lemon juice of one lurge Jemon to a small jar of pears. In whatever way pears are cook- ed, they should alwaye be flavored with lemon; otherwise they will be ineipidly sweet, To color them a fine red, tie up a little cochineal, ‘or some well picked alkanet, in a very thin muslin or bobbinet bag and boil it with the pears. When done, take out the bag. SALT FOR PEACH TREES. Downing, in his work on Fruit Taces, speaks of the application of salt to peach trees.as a very efleciual agent for the de- struction of the peach worm, He says: “In a neighborhood where the peach worm usually destroys one-half the peach trees, we have seen them preserved in the healthiest condition by the annual appli- cation of a handful of coarse salt, avout the collar of the tree at the surface of the ground This tallies with my experience exact- ly. Afew years since, having some young peach trees which did not present as healthful an appearance as was desi- gold, a kind of mosaic en;rraving ave meuse advance in medical skill; and that georrally humauity isin the ascendant. ile is pleased to j 18 re ad and ae ro much more talking and 60 wittion abioat them, and ate | Try” tert, he main- | the severity with which ic is fede, will al- | Ways coupteract avy advantages thay are | MBued for the hanman tace. A strange thing. is this--that the less truth there is in the calamoy, the grrater fe ot the persou calamniated, would think,” be says, “that man hears that somethir £ has been said ace the auf You wheu a ring him, any more than it would to the in- habitant of another planet, he would vot take the calumny to heart. Ba no; |} this only makes him more furious and more veaed. If it did not apply, be coald thea bear it, as he should deserve it; and eo in the cage, the pototiees ar tow inflicta the severest woud.” Mor- slistas have exhausted their energies iv denouncing the views of detraction ana | back bitivg. ee, de ees SECRETARY RAWLIN®. The correspondent of the Baltimore Gasette, at Washington, makes the fol- lowing brief statements about the dead ~ecretary : | To say of Secretary Rawlins that he | died “universally regretted ” would earry with it a deeper meaning than the hack- He was the reeipient of uoiversal sympa- thy daring hie ilyess, and no man speaks | ments here and there. I Flie in-| there are any such. iil of him now that he has gove. }ralk wih you on any eibject bat polities. | neyed phrases of tombstone literature. — j tion alune. seulptaring united, called da; 1c} Syrian gardens. | ena ee { THE PRESIDENCY. — | clined to forbear w press him for the Presidetey notwithatapding de has cried { to them “Kuatreat me nat.” ihe New York Sun, which bas declared ingelf against General Graut for re-elesiogy 7 with equal traunkness nin Mercuce | tor the Chief Justice. editor of | that paper hears of a letter Mr. Chase | ‘has written to a citizen of New York on! the subject of the Vresidency, and after | earnest eolicitation is permited by the | | geutleman to whom it was eddressed to publish it We eopy it below; “NAaRRAGANSET, Angust 15, 1869. “My Dear Mr. Lriggs,—Your vote of | reacbed me here yesterday. “J should be very glad to see you and | Dr. Bailey veed to say that of Banyan’s | Pigrims he repr sented Christian and 1) Hopeful. lam eiill hopetal. When I, | was yoanger, aud thoaghs that if lagrly | e | trasted by the people | coald do good err- | wh n tie horse drawa, is pressed vier to the country, | shoald have been | glad to have been so trasted. Now 1| ain older, and nut at all satisfied that, if | in a higher place, | conld do any better | those now exercising execative fanctions | do, Fam more thaa content to let aepira- | : | back, and it seem necessary to khecp bim My hopes are in others. “Tt amases me to hear of Chase move- don’t believe Aa far as locality is | fluence over the President was exe ¢-d fur giveo to them in Marylaud, I kuow there | the good of his country. cAn-ervative. he Southern people. the past, and to restoring peace and goad | will in all the lawd? At the last Cabinet the echome: of the ultca keeping the sonth ander military and | tion, I ehall ffl the On bie death-bed | my present ambition. cerpet-big domination. | directed towards softening the enmities of | believe a bit in them elsewhere. His creed was|arenone; for L spent two or three days lle was a trve friend of | in Frederick this week, and should have s «fin | heard f th if r insted. I don't | His -fforts were | heard o em if any exis ou oie Oe dicts t ieee ak | bly on is lifted clear from the back. A “If Lean only perform with reasons able satisfaction to my own conscience, | meeting he attended he apoke out ag tinet | and to the opinions of those best qualified Radicals for | to judge, the duties of my present pos! largest measure of I want nothing | he expressed the hope that all the Soath | whatever of a-political cbaracter, and de- sie : ; vin States would be admitted into the | sire thatmy name may be dissociated Union at an early day, apou terms that | would not be humili leave no regrets behind. ord ot the late Seerctary. may be etill better appreciated than it now in the councils of the nation in behalf of | the right, and when some malign influenes | gains sway where he was wout to prevail. | ~~ United States Senatorial Speculations. —The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commircial thinks that the trades unioniets and probibitionists will get control of the Massachusetts Legisla- tnre, and elect Col, Greene, Democrat, to the Senate in place of Wileon ; that nei- ther Anthony nor Oragin will be re elect- ed; that Sidney Clarke is likely to come from Kansas in place of Ross; that Lo- gan has the best chance to ancceed Yates; that Judge M-ses, of the State Supreme Court, will snceced Robertson, of South Qarolina; and that Jesse D. Bright is the coming wan from Kentucky. In Tennes- see the Legislature will meet October 4, and the Senatorial question be decided at once. The eandidates are Andrew John- aon, Emerson Etheridge, D W. O. Sen- ier, and Neil 8. Brown, with the chances tor Johnson. —————-——-——— A duty of 45 per cent, in gold, is charged on all fancy goods bought io ceiving groat attention in California. Oanada and brought over. ating and that would | cal action. Sach is the rec: | let me hope, Perhaps it | mine will lend | absurd nouscuse as is, when hia voice is no longer lified up| rete ed. hereafter iu men’a winds with all politi- | If this is too much to exvpect any countetiance to such | that to which I have We are coming to New York next week to attend the wedding of Mies Susie Hoyt, at Astoria, next Thursday. | If we remain long evongh to see auy- | body, I will let you know of my where- | abouts. ‘“cincercly your friend, 8, P. CHase. Sames A. Briggs, Esq. —_— ao EXCELLENT BRANDY PEAJHES. Take fine large tree-stone peaches, quite ripe, but not too soft. Pat them into a pan containing a weak solution of saleratus and water; aud let them lie in it till you find, upou trial, that the wool can be easily rubbed off with a coarse clean towel. Weigh them; and to each pound | ing-pin. of peaches allow a pound of broken up Joat-sugar—the best doutle refined. Then crash the engar by rolling it with a rotl- Have ready some large glass jars, with lacquered tin covers. Put al layer of sugar into the bottom of each jar; | then a layer of peaches; then sagar ; then peaches; and s0 on till the jar ir very nearly fuil—the upper layer being | white brandy tili the jars are filled quite of eugar. ‘Then pour in eome of the best at least, that no friend of | sever! rable, and having a small fi the growth that followed was very grati- fying. Without being aware until reeently, of the suggestion of Mr. Downing, I coutiit- talon that the progress of calam a4 and | The friend« of eae Chase are not in- | od Ipc eer of the ou aud wiv the tome happy result, and am con in the be- lief, (hat peach growers wil fad it to their advantage to- adopt theYmethed > which 1 have foned to operate eo well. Whether the vigor of the tree is due te the destruction of the wernis, oo whether to the action of the salt, which exper enced horticulturists tell ue promotes the verdare and luxuriance of fruit trees, [ um uot prepared to say. T give you the faete, leaving your rcaders to draw their own conclusion —Er. ee ee SORE BACKS ON HORSES. A strong horse with 2 sore back is fi }the 28:h, after a rather long journey, quently shorn of balf his strength. | pore back is usually the result of a @ ereble harnese. Yet, in many instance the backband is made too short, OF ® * buckled up too tight, eo that the traces et the backband are rised above a aitews line from the hamee to the wh. fe-tree.— When thie is the cage, the back-bond, iown as the with foree on the back; and un’ pad is goft, or the harress be made with a pateatback, woand will be madc, whieh will be difienit to heal, an loug as the harness that wade the wound is: mployed on the animal, When a borse bas @ sero in the harness, let the baek-baud be re- moved entirely ; or let it be Jengtheed, and fastened a few inches ofthe wound. I¢ will be vecy easy to determine wheth- ®% er a back-band is liable to injare the anie - | mal's back by observing, when he drawa, whether the postion of the harnets cd reet- wound onthe back of the horse is fre- quently irritated so leng by the rongh | harness that it becomes almost incurable. A fresh wound if not kept bleeding by the rubbing of the harness, will heal ia two or three weeks in warm weather, without any other medicine than sonp- ends. But an old wound that has tried o heal aftet the ecab has heen rubbed off barnt alam, pulverized, to cleanse it of the “proud flesh.” ‘The driver is the one on whom the blame should rest, for al- lowing a horse to havea sore back. lf the harnesa is not right, let it be made right before a horse is required to work in it. It is barbarons to work an animal in harness that will gall the flesh. Better eut an old collar and harness into frag- ments, and bury the pieers bencathoa grape vine, than to continue to use euch fixtures as will wound a faithful beast of burden. Furthermore, when a sore hack has been al'owed to alcerate, freqtiently discha ging ichorous matter, one of the most efficacious remedies is to bathe the wound for two successive hours in strong soapends every day, andafier the bath. ing, wash the affected part with a salu tion of saltpetre and spirits of turpentine, prepared as follows; Pat One quarter cf a pound of saltpetre: and hbalta piat of turpentine intoa bottle; shake up well before using; avply to the wound three times a day with # feather And when the wound haa assamed a health hal ap- pearance and seems to be healing, tui medicine may be discontl: ved. -_-- The Norfolk Journs says the h of tha’ city was neye rit ver than as eut. \ ee a. & * j t ke? se t week and“knd » 4s iF Session this week, his Uouor Judge to she Ce dollars b.H eo r ¢ ‘aad nresidiag Wi i al ubility and| The opefing of the PB ond ne, ey tdece hte Cloud presiding with bis usu y sd dent for WAR Ak positiausief neefu Cee ee ee eee eee rnd oe ne | s We havggnog been in the Court-House) gt the factories, hive turned: thee 1 tion with alk ¢ ‘ “ snore ‘oan yifew winutes during thie Mtendion of speculatora ta ‘the ene Pas abe sowees oe del 0 : H t Jt ] Th “SasbURY, F an erroneous view ha8 been taken of the 4», Judge’s charge to the Grand Julry on the subject of fornication and adultry, Ae ™ the correetuess of the information given fo Mild North State Souny Puy, aay : 8 SUPERIOR COURT, Tho Fall term of Rowan Superior Court ut little of what has, been one. We cannot bat think, however, that he Judge by sume persou residing in this lace we know nothing, thongh)we have veard that there are such characters in this MR. PENDLETON ON THE CHL r the following very deeided language: the subject of Chinese inimi: populations of the East, They fiud these warm and fertile countries densely crowd- ed with a patient, degraded and heathen race, $4 per month, and with this per see] content. ‘hey work from - daylight sunset, and have bat a single holiday. ia the year. salt, aed ‘ : | fish.” Lhe proposal is to bring immense yi jeounty, as there are in many others. And it numberg of these people here 46 d NESE. A woe Hon. George H' Pendleton, in bis h at Glitton, Ohio, gave utterance “Dhele skilled laborers get $3 or Their ve etables, food , caunisis of | rice, and sometimes the liberally educate: conscut to exchange his education for even} twice twenty-five thousand doliirs 13] to.| Were it not may disappear in the fluctuations of ‘busi- ness, by the ravages of war, or under the toreh of the incendiary, and stock are taxable—from all such the capital of an education is exempt. . ‘The duty — it is the means, ply tari on et sees itional wealth of intelligence. Where is man who would | ¥L-—- better then that the father} five sons a thorough education, jam ' ive dis Whit cost Lim all his hard t neath them an esnhite of one huge ne eae, ee houses or notes the to trial on an teaue of fact, in. the other sue of ldw. )3ut. one was al thus the part. were, sooner or‘later, issue... Now this all a well lawyers soon woye inig.the system an aos of ofnemicht ati technicality, and ed it in the serviag up with a circamlocu jargon that none could unde| selves, and not albofthem,.. An Tands and notes tion of ehildren is a parental true State policy to provide The wealth of nations is not and dollars; thought, the e f Re 25 s “awas agaiast this class, a very small elas’, of | the demand for labor in the fields’and the | jew Atala dnd she Waparinnie weas- = ag guided - ES highly ea : ; the most abandoned of women and their | factories and the shops. We in Ohio) ates of patriotism and, vfrtae Aud conten, ee ‘eto fas yer, voucher, giving color, paraimours that his Honor’s Charge was di- | have not appreciated the importance of | that saine out and adorn the. c or and absque hog. (A man who was sued for the ‘ ected. lis [Lonor very properly wished to| this movement. I protest against it now, | the people. ie well trained <7 helthe most eure eos teres pediuctignot 5% ul . nee : : : t ad. east , “men me ust have introd r 9 the % break up the ilficit eounection “he had been | in time, before it ia carried: out—before) perty educat wee re ‘lata. upoo ps9 whun intending to plead not’ , by {uformed existed between a few ot the most abandoned of the twe races. This was all they come among u8— before we are eon- franted with datics, and obligatiqas, and interests growing out of their presence. — As wpa last wepk we. comsider thie Ls ing point in the destinies . of Salisbury this part of the State. The opportunity | pride of our country, which securely repose our safeguards of tue Republic. elaring that he dafends the’ wrong i when, &. This he does to this day in and did here uatil the adoption of the iberties, the f ranniag under aewhwt MeMpa,. , they are in some of oer States deieunced by ! the law, and everywhere looked upon with | best powdible shay, and (0 opar a new | bowks upon such o «ystent as sitall secure the af fairs of the Company from confusion heréacr. | ing is th 1 honda Ug ‘Thie was amended a0 a4 to allow the duality ff la earvestnes, The children and youth standing | Igommon law prefgr? And | around hie@pen gravé, most of whom had been | Physicians of the country. subject of their | baptized and confirmed by him, and who hadso} 4 the anvient mode or the | long enjoyed his religiods instructions, both pub- | Medivines, at prices much below furmer SALISBURY MARKETS James H. | and Louisa Brown,) aged 24 “BEP. 24, 1869." ie perior Court of Rowan County, on the 1gch day of September, 1869, and that copies of said 90 in the post Whiteheal, Thomas Whitehea’. C. wderson and dobh U.. Buniss, tute pannel e a of Headerson & a, W. He Bailey, T. J. agghton, Defendants. nent, - ; 1 ‘that a sumipons, in thas issued against yor, You ar@tbeneby gl d ir complaint therein. Was filed im the Su- summons and complaint ~ were deposited post office, attSalisbury, on the 20:h day of mber, 1869, directed ta “you at Amberst Court H the State of Virvivia . You are also notified; that the semmogs, in the case ig returnable te the next cad: wurqnrid vyd. as Modonwauduey, onocen. So Court aforesaid; to Be heli? e 5) perpoundy, baa @ ~ 217 Goart House in Salisbury, on the third Mon- ~ “4 mu | day if April next, when and where. you are 140.t0") harebg fegrined to appear atdoanswer the « 10 oo complaint—w defanlt -whereof, the plaint ff zy 26 | will apply to sa’d Court for the relief. demaud- ar + ed in the complaint. ane , inane’ 00 to 2. Witness, A. ‘Judson Mason, Clerk of he said eT eee 86 ts Superior Court at office in Sallébury, Septein- 75 be sc a 20 to ss Za To be bad, with all viler choire and pe Weed eee tt to. , 0 . a pond. veven+nnnnl 44 seine 20%, 4 D 868. t _ -&. JUDSON MASON, 0, 8. c. 88—Gw:(pr fee $10). + Ri? THE ) Subscriber desiring to reduce his land: «! right and proper. It is the duty ofa Judge |, My lien; an tuferlor*and. idola> A Noma CARoLinran, vide Eaton passim, The pleader uses an. Eng- . , 00 to ; forsale 200 acres to guard the public morals as far ag the law Geckiow Ott have dak bie paste, or > : Tish verb which does Bob nen ~ iden inten: ens aes Sats 8. 2S 7 ere ees Lands, 65,0f whickejs excellent enables hin todo. As we have said we do habits, or manndis, oF Geeghopment, OF. te- tN. C. REAL AND PERSONAL Es- eee ee wocbnegy & ae ee ae Leattior, upper. yer pow. “A . 6a to 75 bottom. boat at themtbols iain ou not know whether the information gived to ||igion, "Pley i re not fit to aK citi | TATE AGENCY. sooth when de Weacdings were in Freneh he "i Sees oS * SE bl ee tas ee sd eok teea.the pro. the Judge was trie or not, bat we cannot) zens, oy to enjoy the - of ‘suffrage.— cthatine would copmence his plcading thuar4s velesnent f a Bto 10 perty is an a me annual profit. It believe that anything said by his informant) Amalgamation would Injure both their| . as geme-ef oar readers are interested in vat pel ae, WO fe eats a defend. }aives ‘nthe’ to ans, ani saa 6 to a dans in'a go cae i orbouds ud. was intended to reflact upon the character of | race and ours. Isolation will give rise to this ageney we publish the following oe bag er wilt : plaintiff lost fits aot the judg. | sedtre a 3 Went tedia re aes 70 ueey a any via nS ty oO" any one at all respectable, Butas to to this | great troubles, England, Ire and, Ger}, lation th tte. aff ics “Che character | ment ran that he take nothing by his writ ‘end tarps out the ond ca NP ‘alih peeeerecge 1 e 60 | to call and View the prem f uusinade as Hie must answer for himself, whoever he may many, Norway, France; haye an overflow. | Hr Tel z ally » .| that the defendant do go there thout delay, aid nk; per ns Pe ke 10 to 19 | aceommodaing as-porsible. f se ara meena . ing population of our own race, similar to }ot Me, Rogers, the present President of | and shat the plaintiff’ be, in’ merey for st | Potatoes, Iridb gee basbol ‘ 60. to 76 ae ae ee eS X a ns in blood, in manrer’, i habits and in| ihe eompaay, will go far to restore public false etaim—ty misericon * poo {or clamnare-— et ee ef 1.00.to 00| Rowan County, ¥, ©,. Sept. 13, _—.. BTMt, We learn that the Court will probably eon- | oisiony -fuith—an indiastriona sturdy re he inatitation : which I once heard thus elegantly repdendi se Sagar, Brown, per pound, “ a? a eg aaa itt fata ee lo aang on Regime mame. ce ee eee tlt ates Se 2 \aei mare taas ea, weeks. arg fit to beeotwe cftizens. . They” will oye Sr Actas. f the {allowable Thi» contimied ‘untit the reign of a Per apeK arsrene-s° £o tel United States Maps. The : apest ea mix with 98, and dur commingling blood At a meeting of phe aarp Bs ANNE when a siatute was pass allowingeaney” : een . < 5.50 to 6.00 | maps, yet made, compiled { os TIIR FAYEPTIVILLE RATEROAD. |i pore fr de aposiaton, "Tt tnintt Nat rea the Blac day af-Auguet Cotati farm nid oon pig Lat Smee hei nee —- them with open. arms to come to ns, Let | Agency. held on, thea bak ¢ ai aivthley os it saved tho trdot “of | ment, a8 a ye, Now, will any > : hie oF te 1.00 | BCunted on callers. 2 Since our last issne we have conversed | as pedple our country with the best races lust, I was lected Prosident. On the vee Sine the. sane Gila” te "Gatntinn man point oat the pibprity te natios ( a met te ae LA nen Distoner lah of , bug ae eeee Hatthe Chinese will give us |nextdeyoa, drawing, was advertised. to Pre oa was asked) but after the mern-| double foes to the Liwyers) of this Ngotug VERTISEMENTS. ited States, Cantaitiing vent with several members of the Engineer corps | of men, f .Y place the 19th day of November, weet of pleas entered the aslecket the your elbow to get to.your thumb?” Under the NEW ADVE MIELE IN SS. | Roads completed, in process of construction or engaged in surveying the route of this road. cheap labor! = Cheap human labor | vr gee ublished aa. Pevai- See chon ven added by the attorney Fold system, if, i ach case B ied tobe | Fags, THE UNDERSIGNED | in contemplation. “Phe ‘coipmcneemen san! despise the word. It siguities -equulor, |. 1969, aad nly, pamo pubieien. 1 Pagano ra : S| wealthy be wat sone 4 fe bister— terminus of each: Tota} length and distence From them we leari that the toate sarveyed a pe, os Pe ra Le vr long, Thisiadvertigement waa inadeiwith- | asa wiatier of course. ‘This praction, of course, wes hyslie-w, am Ewe ei : wishes to obtain for his sister—a Indy | terminus of ies ! Te dest cf is what is known as the Southern route, and ‘clean neth + cde. felled-mant They jpat tation.» ith me, apd doferae the | led Prapeey Sent needa © ble to gixe security t who has had ee Va! Reppsaae oo boiling aod all necessary information box: is substantially as etated by us last week-\1 aye bodies 16 clothe avid stomachs to gad ote company had been’ looked i eee ive profmon a segree, Of hoo weiaa’ the ussal bredcbes of wo English edu-| Rail Roads, on.ene-tide-and 8 Xfxp of ‘bo ‘The fret twenty Bee tnilea of the route sfer| feral and aniude’tpredncate, and spirits t0|into...Lipon exauuing thio voeyw 1 AH6- | now in the prennration of mui What mot PY | crtion, abasic gotinchwled. “Address, stating | Westers Couatepaandaet Korth: sn) oi “Meaving Egypt will be of véry easy grade,| elevate, and old age to pravide for, They covered tha: the assers were not atten’ qunaniy bel 5p the low eh pede m9 4 eect terms, REY.IQUN H. TILLINGHAST, aSorns ae ze, 3} by the next eighteen on twenty of fair grade. thave homes whieb they love and wives to juatily Sncroenerg) Ae) kchold- ete neni MC party ened 38 3t e 3 ewe to “No, 2A Map ofthe Un and the eighteen miles succreding that, aud | whom they chorigh, and - rev whow | diately called b ness ne sein ‘Al | — there were several special pleas Ci nome! Seneel. ~ States, with Sensus Of every wy wo passing through the Uwharie mountains, | they hope to make worthy c tizenb—the mee the 16: y ‘ bat fact joined on sume and of law-gn 0° = y - is — = t i | the Lorder ov one side ; and el-gant 2 i i} fv heav grade, The honest fathers and the riuoas mothers i meeting. of the stock ors ont ineues of fact were first tried, the Won! ) Jwachers, mate and tema | the World and of twelve of the principa is necessarily, of very y £ cael ‘ion, And, can | day J-stated the condition of the affairs of) obtained a verdict far several hundred svill open on W Nay, Septy 29th. Appli- | i" tyaion on she ether side. The m Yadkin River at Spokes Ferry, where the lee ect genera Ry, AOR $0 “ well as 1 could ascertain | after thy verdict the demurrer was argued. eanternnst be ably Co tead aed write and un- | \ f nsecet the, ecie.— route erosses, canbe bridged very cheaply yon remember these duties and eee these | the comy —s. L found them and |8 rule of pleading it became the of the derstand thertoar primary rules of” Aritmetic. | iy Bagh ba Nool — ice, $3.00. - he Width. of thé Streamy from | e2pirations; can yos cuntemplgne the. pa is from pee Ienine mmahatiogn ..pare {cums waxemioe Geb. whald eine’ 8 Aid wilhibe tendered board in special eases. |" Ng Same ab NO: eM p.in on sousidering the width of thé Stream; tient hapefulness of cheerful and conteat- thereupon the fullowing resolutions were | 7 t againet (he party committing the ‘Gd fon, accourpanied by ‘statement of Soa ‘ac sine. : Pies, 8850 the river to thie place the roate iss high!y ed, becanse fully ‘compensated, indnetry v4 ’ : | fault—the declaration cnemtened of epee) age, qiatifications and pecuniay ability, may No. 4 The. American ; a savall favorable one. and talk of “bs Jabor?. Labor is 100} Resolved; That the mare pe i a seer | = Coin wal re ee era 5 a } BRINTON SMITH, D. D, map of the United {taiea, en roller c snonal 3 a a : j 2 * . of three to examiie , a paper | no understood on : ilbaniean Taw xv. 72° e NS) . . - : » . fated cheap see Nee ¥F aa poate i hjo owas This count a Bagg Par of the Cofopiay, sid secertain, if pomidle, what | was reridered anc m eee ee Gn ths | eW. HL. Greone, Ea, Attneney, of Baffulo,N.| — Ralenzh, N.C. bept. 24, 1569.__ Principat. 0 Olas tein whigad Price, $10) above Bring\e’s Ferry a , passing & 8 ° aad rf : disposition ax been made of its funds. ; defective one, a e judg Se ches cf bint Y. . trated Wilixir Cinchona,--Fiil 3 Ma o at leant, ehobld. be ju escry —- prere, and honest, intel t, undrag- | | ~~ «resolution re- | the plaintiff neve realized t a peta htceiag gladstone } ap aoe yf ar) eaainenenacmeaes : he cutinistee nhder this re 80 Mabon re earned verdict. Sat under the harmonious x a elegant combination, @ prepared Lom the Sehool-roon and residence, 1 want ehesce Hilt a veep of re wee is rip Saou wants or otis, or vy mpathice aaa’, ba Tn ‘ gun,” thongh no j |} DEATH OF RT. REV. G. F. BATINSON. | j.,, Calisaya Bark, and Pyroplurphate lrop} | in each‘coanty, to. cases fox. uiaps Av wined. nis latter nown as the! Learns more than with ail ite sweat | “™Pley twy competent men tive Counta, the co Ye , ete ; 5 he " a . most sow toute aud is cousiderably | and toil aude "Money combives y iene the aMuiss of the srained assumption that! comaanity, in wheaq midet he tad se lung le | 4 tia o , ag ‘ 7 hem ianngp i» } ther of the uth ish: d r taart a % tain and report what ¢ f } upow thé good comme auras. wita Gdelity, with zeal and with great | and is gery ) the stomach fF and is} yy pdr = jovmer neiiRer of the vthers. with money at nerPase ahd im)- | af gre firads, t ree ite pe reconcilable doctrines do extensively prarincs % a: wuet eelnnet _ _" J. A JONBS ene pore | Colton's Pocket Bap of W. Carolina. , : . > ci tee be wtatntc of Anne? | licly and in clases, and the oldér portion of this | et) A bew » just made wo” r eo Nhe & now ofered whereby we can obtaie the The Pbey mney "Ther ehanld be President to appoint a third persoa to be I do understood aa condemn- whole community, who for soanky oaedins = At E. SILDS Deve Bt j most map the Btate, te Be jo! Jong wanted rad from Salisbury to Fayette- in barmony do pot ‘Sim that the full } einployed for not more than five days —!} ee man a rake “ of pleading nor years taal heard powerful pulpit eppeais,| Sept 242% = " Balldbery Te | tins the new tues. Bach ouuaty, colo wilco. If the preseat moment is aot seized | solution of thie great problem has been The chairman of the ecomimitice aleo re vee aay 4 evel yeredle ee ee ae aun wre! ry ODL ~oiteenans | pace with ruineral deposit pout! © the oppaftauity may ever return, If veith | discovered, bat | believe great progress | Port d the following resolution : i} an nie se Gk eek ’ : ce I ) COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS,| aoa cing megan cheaher tamale “oy ? = this a the Cheraw road is seeured uow | has been made in late years to establish «| Rewsleed, That the 2 anks of the o Koll ne ’ losest logic. Such | That eloqute¢ voice was hushed, and the man- The Great Ameriean Tonic and Di. | oak growth, aud another between the - Salizbary Will beeome comparatively sore |joour and better relation. "Phat progress are tue ant ar hers tered IE 10 tne tar they mat, of a Koedred pen somaiantaa fede steer wretic | unl tobeeed rep, wiedy Dawid ns aud more insignificant. If either of these} will continue. Lt mastcommand the ef: |) iy manner iu which he has dix harged | oF i they wnat show tithe and | earth, agnowneing to the : } Reeome ended and preseribed by physicians forin: Priga, postpaid, G0 vents, ; roads is secured Balisbury at once starts wp" | forts of advancing civilizetion ahd the fa- | gee ,uthority—thai tley nvast not be insensible, or | of the the florious which wherever. Known. vA. ao on a new career of prosperity. If both are voref a just Gad, until at lasttheboma: | pPhis was adopted, and it was then fur- ‘ ey patted doqubtful—argumen- | our most Holy to om, of}. Toe “Compound Gertian Birters” are made hei nak r ; ced abe will asrtelnly speedily besome! intellect and hand and blood-ae they con- | er 7 a A ernative—tlat they must be | life and ha yond the grave, fn its | of the purest and best Veyetable Tonics and naneciaan onthe _s 5 ee mee | weit te the nobler, and shall alad ‘be the ' mato 0 dupsstens-—that they | ign tebe to its lant resting: place, to) 4, ics known to the ion. They a! “the most prosperous aad flourishing city in ee ee ok Resleed, That thie Board of Directors be re- | » ard in due order and must be | await the summons to the sleeper, to came forth ; coe : Ree: nw ae BOOKS FOR the the interior of North Carolina. ! better paid member in the’ great’ partuer- quested to make an aseament of theee per cent | tr # allowable to plead and de-| and having‘taid amide the corruptible vestments j cerns tweety, ." cent of of ship of labor and eapital. ; on the steek of the Gémpaty; to be pai a fol- | mur » sunttes.- These and perhaps | of the flesh, and clothed” in garnpedte of light | BUCH U-t gry Maciateases and othor County and Now or sever is the time fwr action so far ontigdetlititieasiienn lowe: One per cent with fifteen days, atid two) mote « are ccprally applicable to the new | snd istmortality, to inherit eternal HS at the) Which makes them, beverd all . ae TZowuship_ Officer’. adthe Fayetteville road is edmeerned. It From the Bentine!..”| PE,cent am the 15th of October wext- | 8 tle obit aystem ; but a» the forme of actions | ight hand of Gud, forever. ¢ DIURETIC io ex — >: lod er DR. H é oan be secured now if the peepet o@turw del UNIVERSITY. AND: SIRE, PUBLIO| pe eed tie ns eek es ante] arec'te sc smile scsemmad ofies tae | Barepa hiber he hol weet tas wehan ay| iam Kidneys ividee and Usinary Organs | iit moran ot ramlvareet Torn maile. Nothing is tanted to secare it but ve SUHOOLS.—(No. eye | stock, be allowed ctedit to amoant of sach pay- | (eee 93) and the “allerntions shall be liberally | the General ° have vo wor, i any equal There who) oft ers, with al pedtseary forms toe taise the necessary means, in addition to thy . ; : mente opon this assessment; and if this aatee- | omritved with a view to substantial justice,” | - He satbieen tte yeiciand whom he |‘, these Bitters, for the fulfowing . Diseases | every officer to fae datic-s sys State's appropriation, to build it. . Theone ony a tl = Poors oe harder meee eos ee ee es 135 | there consulted, to hasten his return, lest an in- | *7 i” tefomen os them » safe, pleasant, | cally, and pewordmg ta law, A bewk oe ae “oS statement not materially “affect the! the Com the Byard of Directors ih- | euch rules as that, opon a traverse iue amet be | curableaqlady, disease of ‘the speedy andl eff. ctual Remedy l: < ae and a half-miltions in bonds appropriated by argument Pot the saben at the thor- | crease a cama “nt until it be enfieieut ; | tendeted— that pon @ negative and affirmative | which he was laboring, might Socenthantel y ite a snre preventive amd cure for meee Sites a. Pe Beds the State will realize about $750,000 when oughly educated man at 81,500 per a- re That ag ee. is hereby > = a cohehide to the — | ee ee Folldwing their | Cbills and Pever, and all Malaral Diseases | | $205 ioe binding $250. Sloa > : > led ¢ aire in t viafter of métiey paid to J. | otherwire with a verification—i * counsel, i “pz * . vhen sold. Five hoodred thousgil more num, and of the uneducated, of day li- lo, Masten wnat pete ete © = ‘Koning os ee ee oe = —< ae we Sr ee in nee panes om cee nen | vevail 25 ets. adJitrumal must begage' fur | will probably be safficient to brig the road borer, at $250." The value to the State, | for tieketd and stock sold there ; and to require | betod fargqor too narrow—that there mast be | bom, well asured hix days on estth’ were SICK-STOM \oH tage, , . ty Salisbury.. Can the means be seenfed 1 }itr dollats «nd conte, of the educated nau | the said J. G. Hester to pay said moviey to she certdingygftime or piace—that pleadings should | nambered. Hie soh, aided by other members of OLAC ; * Justicr's Dockets. There is bat one way that we eat ete té'do exceeds that of the nneducated by $1,250 | Treasurer, or to acovunt.for it. jobeerve thé“known forms of exprosion—that the modival pro retulered him all. the aid n-th DACRE. ee Docket bound in « it er anoum, ‘The education ofene hen-| After the adjourmment of the Stockhol- | they should have the'r- proper formal commence. | that skill and knowledge could sug- BRONCHITIS Prigei@3 By mail $3 60 -and snat if the one mentioned by us last— | bi : td l of Di ments and copelusivins that she complaint should | gest ; bat the inexorable decreo against all of BONO , ‘ Cle 8s Record Book. Week—to resélve subscriptic ns in land. Hf any dred men, so thoroughly as to enabie ders,'a meeting of iit Boar FeCtOrs | commence With a recital of the writ, and mast | mprtal birth must be fulfilled, and an Saturday ASTHMA, Bor teeording the mitwies of the Tros~ strbndment to thé che aa 5 | them to eefn upon an average $1,500, in-| was called for Satarday, the 19th inst. be conformable thercto—that the complaint { evening last. the golden thread of life was loos COLDS & CUUGH, ot Pownrhiza, at reqoi by law. P a rter thay be necessary | 6 eases the nhnual monetary interest of} At this meeting, the followiig Direc- | strodhd @aive it« proper ‘Commencement, and } ed, and Ite long and asefiil earthly carect was NEURALGIA, $2.50. By mail $3.00. op emodind the Company to receive sah | the State $125,900. Add to this the su-| tore, with the President attendéd.: Robert | should ja conclusian lay dimages and allege | ended. He was born in. Christinnsiield, Den- GENERAL DEBILITY, : Order Pubectiptions it will readily be granted | perior intellhgence, and the moral power @ invie, 5. @, Hebter, and Weal | produectigh of «uit-—that phen munt be pleaded | mark, September 15th, 1803, and Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &, and every| — For all orders drawn by Township Traste < with defence, There and all such aré swept land worth of stich aclass of citizens, and | Whitaker. sd \ oR Lok, . amt legislatare when it meets in Novem- So let our people who are so vitally | we have some conception of the profit ac- fatergeted in the work inove at once. They | craig to the State from the liberal edaca- ebacl not pernit a day to be lust. ——<>>_ Tae Ecrectic for Oetober has been reevi from the publisher, E. R. Pel ton, 108 Fulton Strect New York. e Steel engraving of “Marshal Serano, 1k usaal attractive features. It is embel- i | | | tion of ite young men. There is no money more freely pnid; and none more judiciously invested than that which is expended for purposes of edacafion. Each man who tiakes This | home in Wake Coutty, earning and re- numbdr presents an undsually inviting cciving a salary, ble of contents, and is enrbellished with | $1,500, adds eo much or enjoytilg an income ot to the pecuniary in- terest of tlhe county. When ench person cca tho place of the wnetieckted, tie wx: | change is worth to the cownry $1,250 an- gw Ecvecsrt, with which bas | yaally, , Antrodace one handred edacated, been united The Laud We Love, and for | enterprising wen into the city of Raleigh, October is also at hand and presents fits jand their value is at once felt. Dering the present year, one thousand day labor- erwin Wake, reeviving $250 each, become lished @ fine Stecl engraving of Gustave | the means of cirealating $250,000. The Dore. _~ — <> Tue ux Cextiny for October is also on our table. It is certainly a publica tion of meriffand we advise our readers to ettamine it. before subscribing for any ARE Ajeet Mrerary talent of South is | its pages cessors in excellenee. fvays said to be the A petroleem coutpany which has been “boring for life "in Louisiana for nearly three years, has struck a bed of sulphur 204 feet thiek. The publfe schools of Richmond, Va., will open for the first time about the first of ctober. been duly, éxamined and jute teach- | 000 at 6 per cent. Tanai ” 4 has not oly as many dollars, but the ad- ers by the school board, i j asin for October is | POR® same nentber of educated men reeeiving £1,500 dach, would have cirenlated $1,- 500,000 ; or more money by one and a qnarter millions of dollars. That is, one thonsand edacated men aré worth to their county yearly one and a quacter million of dollars more than thé same number of unedueated duy laborers. Jt is surprising thhat- money should be comparatively seares in that State, where a considerable rtion of the pebple aré aneducatcd ? To what settion of our country do we look for wealth- its banks and brokers, arid moneyedmen} Why the great dis- miity in the thrift and enterprise of sister tes} The Public Schools and Colle- ge-, and, Universities, Cornet! and Lar- vard ana Yale, of New York and the New England States, are annually edneating their thonsande. earnings are the income. One who receives a salary of $1,500 is as rich, Wichout stoek or bonds or land, as Twenty-six dacies have | avother who enjoys an income from $25, | Heds ficher, for he his } Pe Edacation ia capital, its | ; ag” (away, and as acorrolary the special demurrer After the proceedings of the Stoeckle) [hy which the non-profestional reader may un- ders were read, R. G: Lewis, E-q., offer- | derstand, an objection to the sufficiency of the ed tlie following resolytion : | plending in matters Of form] is likewise buried * side by «ide with Doc and Joe, protestations, Resolotd, That an aseesxment of three per cent-| now asfigninenis, negative pregnanta, &c. de; on the stock sold be made. That one per Cent. | sad tw soe. 95, the geweral demurrer [by means of thé same be} aid on the Ist of October; oR¢ | whereof an objcctio 1 was urged on the merits to ee Oe of October; and one Per | the pleading to v cent. en 30th October. | indicating th int i icating the point wherein the fault lay) is al further, That the Stock bolders who } @ aboliehed and a pew kind of eee inrte {have made payments of cash npon their siock, | wituted general in its seope, being sddnesed. to halle allowed credit to amount OF such pay- | the merit, but spevial in its form in requifing | ments upon this assesment. ~ | the pleads tet iprth the gronnds on libhe | Mr. J. G. Hester moved to amend, by | deems the plesling Gefetive, whicly are six in striking out all after the words 30th of | namber and are egtrneraied in that eeetion~ October,” and insert the following : | Will not thie be almitted to be an improve: ” . _ |menty Is itnot fair, that the whose Temiteed farther, That the provisions of thie| leading is objected to as ‘nimaiideend. thonld rreolntion shall not apply to the stock sold by ave notice of the particulars wherein the alleg- the late President in Wilmington, on or abapt) ed defect consist«’ I hope that this Satine ih August 20th, ipon which l0-per cent. was paid. | extort ascent from even one learned Judge, an 'Phis was acceptéd by Mr. Lewis, and the | uncompromising epponcnt of the Code, who resolution, after diseussion, passed. Seas ties | eo that sub- The ic can see from the action of sage Ho iagarcs orn. every case, F | B Ns of the abolition of t the Stéckholders as, well as of the Direc. | 7 VO A the stclicion OS Shy, Sepactioe ’ between the forms of cults at law and in equity, tors, that ateps are being taken to- raise | it paturally came to pass thet the pleadings moncy sufficient to place the Company | chests seine to - equity aystem, and this ® ‘ is made the subject of severe eriti¢ism a dis upon. s sound footing. I assure the pab } tingnished gentleman of che New Yat be lie ttat every proper means in my power, | i1¢ complains that it is @ work of great labor for as an individual, and as.an offieer of the | the Judges to eliminatethe matter in cdntréver- Company, will be resorted to, to put right! sy from the mass of pleadings. I donoteee how the affairs ofthe Company, and save those | this ean well happen in that clase of cases which whe bave taken fickets bom tune; - No} under the old syetem—would have fallen to the ‘ ; Khe. ¢ “law” aide, whe 0 eqnit elem scheme will be adyertised wntil this is ac- | te an res he 0 gin dou complished, and those parties ‘holding | have fallen on the “ equity” side, if the objec-| “Hisfuneral ities were solemn and im- tickets will have the option to take’ mon- | tion be trne, it was equaily applicable to-the old ve. - The of evening were already ey, or exchange them tor others. I feel a | eTtity syetem—nay, even moreso, as under the | ling when the procession the grave deep perdondl -intdoens in gertiog wheat-| Beer tse the fm plowing cali que) yer, | Artie ap iemeente constoce of oym- fairs of the O ht. tn addies jaint int contain “a plain and eoncise state- | pathizing friends, all that was mortal tour la- gira of the Company straight, tn uddition | gient offthe facts constitating the eanse’of action mented Bishop, was committed to the tomb. to the interest I feel as an officer. My | without wutecesury repetition,” see. 98, anil the Salem Press. name was connected with it as-one of tlie | anewes fist contain - general oF oo de- s inort : iAP nes | 8 ch material allegation,” see. 100, So |' apes ler he adi re Rie Two oan wh were knoe 1 be | " ’ h it was addresed without | iw 4 lo | country in I8Z9. After having fitted all ai . ; j minor positions to which he was called accépta- | bly, he rose to a bishopric in the church. ‘The enpmeratién of all the sources Bichop Bahnson’s pOwer, on our part, would be esen- tially defective. Neither energy, nor elequence nor talents, nor style, ner the moat nine sin- ecrity and selé- nor ail tirese onited, would have enabled him to mould the religious racter of those who enjoyed his ministrations. The secret lies deeper, not deep. It consisted in the nature the v he ht—in ee simplicity and veral application. many kertmaohs were but. va- riations on the two great cardinal points of chris- titn faith,—that wan is guilty tnay obtain forgivenest,—he ts i and most ripen here for endiens weal or woe hereafter. Bxparid- ed into innumerable forms and diversified by va- ried pe opegesy thé#e two essential ptinciples were ever in his heart and on his Sioa. who would invoke poetry to embellish the Christian system, or phil y to explore its from his lips it-was delivered as an aw- ful Urgent summons to repent, to believe, and to obey, He was thoroughly and continually in ear- neat, and, therefore, that tension of soul which admitted neither of lassitede not re- — - a ree precisely in that state of mind in which alone, eloquence proper: ly so-called, can be and amoral and intellectual sovereignty won. His sermons sexed the péeduliat and powerful charm of giv- ing utterance to te most profonnd affections, in grave, strong but simple language, and indicated a rare subjection to atv intellect of ne commen vigor to a spirit at once elevated add subdued by devout contemplation and fervent piety. ‘ ; and ifhe shoald the defendant need not follow, | Company, and my only daty was to see | and should the contending counsel inadvertent- i that the drawings were fairly ecounducted. | ky fall back ing the old habit, “the thrive told | tale,” ad the nett BAnorr teed to style our eee a old bills in cqgity, the Court is invested | . The workingmen in Memphis are down | 79 Wak ous Bir. ene on | lon the Chinese king ott isretevant/or redandant matter and i the real number concealed. One , therefore, every New Year's day, to visit the other and say, “Madam, I awn come year?" PO | failed to relieve me. of the same age, had the same desire to, to know liow old we are to be thie} Disease requiring a general Tome impression. EI” Por Diseases peculiar to Females it is alavoet @ specific. E@™ In convalescence from Typhoid and other low forme of Fever it is the very best Tonle that can be used. The Componnd Gentian Bitters meet with Gniversal favor, add have reveived the strong- eM testiinonialg éver giveh to any medicine, » few of which wé append Below : This ws to certily that Phave used Dr, God- din's Compound Gentian Bitters and cheerfal ly recommend it a the very best Bitters that can bd used for ordi debility, sick stomach &c. M. TIOLT, M. D. Lipsconib, Ovange co, N. C., May 15, ‘G9. T hereby certify that Thave been using Dr. Goddin’s. “Componnd Gentian Sitters,” for Corgl, General Debility, &e.. and I ain faily satistied that they are the best Bitters of which I Bave any knowledge, and the best Tonic of- fered to the American people. ROBT. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, Va‘, June 25, 1869. Dr. Gonois :—Dear Sir: I have been saffer- ing for twenty years with an affection of the kidneys, prostrate gland and stricture. of the urethra; have been under the treatment of the best physivians in the country, one of whom is How @ professor in a medical college. Alf I finally tried your Com- pound Gentian Bitters; the effect was like a charm—one bottle gave me complete relief. I believe it to be the best médicine I have ever used, Very respectfully, JAS, A. FAULOON, Littleton, N..C., Jan. 7th, 1869. Prepared only by Dr. Goddin. JAMES T. WIGGINS, Berio Wholesale Agent, al NORFOLK, VA. 1" For sale by Dr. G. B. Poulson, Salis- bury, N. ©. : 38—tf JOHN 8S. HENDERSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LA’Y BALISBURY, N, U. i Will attend promptly to the Colle | tiow of Cl:tims feb26—Ty jon County Treasurer, Price $3.0v. 83.0. Code of Civil Provedure. To Law Binding. Price $2.50, Constitution and Orilinances, lo Law Binding, Price $1.50. Blanks. Magistrates Snmmong cotions, Peace, Wai and all other Mahks nect jothers Price $2.00: per pet quite. Address By n Subpoenas, Exv- Humestead Blank: Z, Magistrates as! a o $1 ¥ x, Jones. Boukselier, Raleigh, N.C. —_ Books! Boo The North Curéliva 1870. This popdlar annual is.noy Lt will be much larger than @ver, | ved or: any former edition, It will contain 48 or 5 pages of useful infurmation that should be im the hands of every man, wi 4 and child im the State, Besides the asirdhoniica! calcula- tions w: ate made by one of the best mai! - ematicians in the rate, it contnins a grent many ehvice Recipts, Tables, aid talnat!: hints on Agriculture and yardering, valnable statistics, amount of the best anecdotes, and laughable sayings... This Almanac will be the best ever: shetja Noah Carotins Price; single 10 ets, hewéred $5.00. Address - A. JONES. Pablesber, Ay he Raleigh, N. C. W.C. Business Directory for 1 870 Containing the uairet @nd jaddrets of Bosi- ness and Professional men in every Couny: also, the name and addtesgeof from 20 to 40 of tbe pramibent Sermets in each County; County and ay offices, Manufedtories, Mises and a gteat deal of otber information, A of over, 300 pages. Price post $2.25. ‘* . 4. A. JONES. er Ra KC Ea” Any book, or sheet raugi¢ to be had in the United States, furnishetl to Order at lowes: rices, Special attention given to suprityine w Books. Cash orders for any “thing ipgpo: | line rolicited J. A. JON re e ot e ae s ie - , x " “—e ad ia w a _ we ” ee penne wi ae eh ele AF SNA Aen a Te 4 NANG I a o> Le , ~ Wr Pies, *; at i it a ~~) atk ae he ee) ee a ee SS Se he err ree pee == "hed N Piaf p | cee, Heid Wi excellent charity. and pro-|. Ox accounr of the g berof wonder-| Me('n bing “Sullivan & C ’, = rae LTRR A yo ae ¢ -# v van ate a good Work, The groundless pre-} aly Comms of obstinate neva, Cs of) lel sg pe Na & Co. rs Valuable Land for Sale, WALTER A> WOOD'S |‘. ‘ ees udiees of the eolored =~ : i aes ei eongeeeTs cu : ‘Patronise your own Institutior people towards the. whites, render it almost impossible ta’ reach them fally and efficiently by white = , Py + oe f _ SALISBURY, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1649. HeBY RT. AY. SU Special Newspaper Advertising and General Collec- de Atehaiaaales <> Mid tie athe oto i SUBCRIBER OP PERS PORGALE Pw fiovaAx ) FOUR UBADRED “ dn Daldwell Conny, PRIZE. THE Exetdises of The Cmord Fora College, at Statesviile, Will be resuumeu the ew. Goods! i ¥ i yas f ‘ = . len azeoee tar Hane ‘ oon F ¥ eh 58 ‘ ‘ ; Ww ~ aah E R ; wie EERE (ieee at seco one Bag pee per Lal oe os saa scrum MOWERS and Reapery, 7 ies - HEARNE ; mh, D : ¢ ial oe is oy ts +i ath ‘ : * Beye | ee er ey? ard, jue), washing, $15 per oth. » ae nee a. | ed, to save them from ignorant, incompe Pl We bave. ‘ i zz ae kent 40 | drive: any)... Weed in-all: coanstien podapwersaily | Tuitio 3 fro. to % o Sts lili He tn gan row: tachers We’ sata da [ Ye bare seocived out Ball Be tee! machin Mihadisingty ond] TeLnatcoantin aedeivniy «| tetive ne tytar caus fu 30> 6 Musio, Drawing. Painting. &e., extra at moderate rates; payment half ip advance lor term of four months, Dee 23.. Por p TRE BEST IN USE! Inder of the tract will bediyided fae Awarded onore first! remium@s thin any other > » Maghine ‘enisFeatanade both ju. Unig’ Winter stock of New ee ws ides ‘size, 1YOOE100 acrea, upwards, ‘gt : miléneporth of Hick. in| lat fo see schools of this kind estab: Tiar to: p lished. by albthe Protestant denomipa- ptiona- of ‘the Itmust be doueto} description th dore,” N.C fo a te Nonew SPAT Bg gat Lae = * Local AM 7 ms. “ret ase 27 anlage foe ae rats.) whigh is very large and complete Ph Hailron! and-will! AND ROREIGN COUNTRIES iene WELL, . . yo is 5 P . z ne ¢ ie 80! the ~asquuble term. a ; ‘ : Sk " i New Apvertiseamens—New Goods—Mo | Southern negroes, by the aid of colored | GENERAL NEWS. consisting In part of ‘Apply to tho nnvderwig dat Wowan Milly N. pine net aaa oj opuermie Joly BS ; ae Cubbins, Sullivan & Go, : ene for the purpose, —Epis- q were Ani ef to Jacob W, Fowler-who.-lives: near the » , Atnong which vi ” Statesvitle Hale ieadennf. Teacher—J."HE Sillting copal Methodist, , . ands, JEREMIAH BARRINGER ; ase - * Sela ee se je Baves’s peoeed denice the trath DRY GOODS Aug 12,186.30 Kowan Mau, vc,| THE HICHEST PRIZE! |5 a. SRM, A DE puiccira # , 8 a Rey, J. Brin- of Mts. Stow : v J Orne ere eee trereetin | on a ~ | Bo Bare 4, BF OE AL ons } 4 t YE : -: , . t Loti 4D D, bp. NO. VIRGINIA REPOBLICANISM, Bix hundred and’ fite horace were eaten s TO TRE LA DIS. Two Ctrand Gold Med is and Crogs of THE PALL Thal of is Sola ¢ will on" ¢ i en lan sar pdr i i et in Paris in June. gsr ahs dee seks plou ot Bonar, : on the Gth of September,vud continue ose r. Goddin's pound Gentian Bitters—Dr | 6. Pe a r almost the} *; OF EVERY DES ; ; is ) weeks. TUIT.ON} ra én tg ee ete Me, Prtorbore. apenas iL bier ad hary Collage. has ove Eu mencharniony< |p Y |At Paris Bxpositign, 1867 |ronion pepe. {Pets sl Verrated Elixir Cinchona—B, Sill io baat { aa nN Oat tO | husidred and thirty ‘atndents. & ¢ Le a Sauscal-Depatidturt nn o : , the last in opposition to reconstraction Ank hihah “proposes ‘to Hard B it 2 j stare than 120,060 now in Use! a rig: ae dena aaiaa tet tena My i . oe bes . nglis excavate ardware t& S . r Aid f 2 | Coutingont Pee..0. ree ee a at uw Wuo can Bear In-Mr, A. H. Joyee in- and ‘in its _ Support of Domgbracy, has’ Meant Ararat for the remaius of the ark. é are, Boots & Shoc s, Wats A . ee ‘ oN) me ee" Bowd iv good tisuilies at $F por 0 formed us this week that Gen. John F- renounced its furmer course. The Ex.) © Goam Kuiowset, of due PAich Laiive s 9 ae 20,000 mannfpetured and sald in 1868 ao vt the above vharges 8 repired in “ : . Poin. ‘ ' s nt ly ‘ re ns ee F A Pea ae re. ea ‘lexter raised forty-one and gihalf bushels of | PPess thus expresses itself couceruing the | of Napoleon the First, died in Puris re | and Caps, Sole and Upper 28s Clee and thédemand ynsupplied, For further particutars, address the 1. ‘ tye ils year from three pecks of seal, It was | Defmocratic:party : cently af theag@of 105. ° , M ty > i ; De ai __duly 30, 1869. 20 via own on a Jot ap ‘which boge heal’ bos Os Deas ciety ies bE creasing Deman a a so farfrom hav- : eat : = : ee ; adopy a Mr Z — = a sertk Wal ioe one linia a ft nee already in our tidtherwioc of Pye fo.s-Filere Leather, Enameled and ‘ : 3 5 j Sie Increased Facil ie. Pleasant Grove eo cey ae may Mr, Joyee 7 \ o . : 9 , . wala . Ove +! mee CMsi¢. ada (risus mts at result of his old #4 t, Bor having” bascly ‘betrayed and} alectut will’ be delivered in. the open 3 f «| Additional lmprovements for 1869.! gyi. g oy syti SéSsION WILL COM. ; ~ eserted us ina war which they them. pair, and a:colleetion made at the door to Patent Leather . oe meéeage ou the 9) of August next . vie a a ee o ‘ selves instigated and assisted we iwbring. | defray expences,” ‘ ja ’ 4 3 Wood's an (1 and 2 Horse.) Couree—Lnglish, Classical Hathe- & . . ; publicans of Mecklen- ng about, they either stood by as passive : h. 19 Belt Raking Iteaper, with nati : _ “ " burn have nominated Dr, HL M: Pritchard i : y 8 Pl Mr. Mill'sbrochure on “The Subjee- . “ : id airs matical, their candidate for the Seniaté tn place of J bad fate ar caaaie ab or clsé engaged | igi, ot Wowon,” has aw immense tela Coach a ae Subsertber bevine best appointed an agen ‘ rhea ran tr nates Terms: Tuition from $5 to $10 per session. hy ‘shorn, deceased, The T'ines says that he will | And-if Binphe"the cl van Ot hgetifltion, abe England Three editions were sold almost ie eeany of ; ¢ Haines’ iilippia bhdiwescee:: Porn a 2 ease hee yimciytlt at ane : ’ B . ' 4 7 a < Sler. ov particulars address the principal at PF l- prove a iurmidable competitor to Col, Jones, the | conduer towards as has been inarktbd by wh Rett, | printed. Translations ‘have . SINGER'S CELEBRATED Manufactured by the Waleer A. Wood Mow. | ton, Dave Co, N.O. She piney at F Conscrvative nominee, any liberality, it has only been the chea n waddle in French and German, Harness New Fanile Sewing” Machine, Others Poe sien, Aes! Be eh Rrectes! . . . J : ’ : Fe od ‘ oc c i org sk Ky ; i > > na. The Goblibaas ho napenchure ot bad advice, whieh, unti A paid fire department is proposed in anda its attuchaients offers the 3 me to tlie Dadies oe ee Hovsick Falls, Rens oe c., { o 2. ° ly: Messenger has again | We discovered our erro, was leading us | Charleston, 8. CO. i Saddles wt rac WtO)IDO. = . Branch’ Offices und Sales Re C aa ee se Sf 08 mide 1s appearanee in ite former size, and with | 48 tapidly as possible inte the crime and’ Seeretary Cox has appointed a eclered ape oeuuMry land all other Machina ht ‘rill'de more ajuerets lduut street, New Tork ity PU Bos beUs. co ACADEMY .--Tiy anew livading whieh very ‘much improves: ity | folly of political. suicide. So far, the man te be one of the Examiners in the | Kiuds ot woyk—trom thé simple pivin seam to the}. 206 Lake Street. Chicago, I : ’ . first Session of this Academy will com- appcvrance. » Ht hag Just entered iig fodrth yol- | Northern Democracy have ‘never render-| patent office Trinmings of ail erage ae meen try other acti” tegandtin, Ves “Pupiosas gauche wip Waetel fo dherced fro ume. Contitaed ticdess to it. ed_us the ver slightest service, but they . o | vay Poday, ama couoiny IS wea.th, tLen why net Madison, Wis a a -_ eRe cee Me and be che 2m e ee ae 8 have alwaya been on the qui vive to find | When Sir Henery Holland arrived in Thesoliiineh ible ore warranted to 77 Upper Thames, St., London. ae rates of tuition will he as follows: 7.0 Teremie Rawrodpd Acctnent.—By | °U¢ how they could most advantageously [New York from Eygland, he found a ca- kiads, Calf Skins, Li give ettlira.sulsfaction. If they fal | ¢ r “gs . " tie end uf every meme BY private advices we learn that.a most disgs- | "8¢ U8 for for their own interested pur; | ble dispatch informize him that the day HR, NAN RINE, bole lt £\ ‘ f e Tecte diel uty Me | ed Lor, New Descriptive Circular} X. pains wil be spared to give pupils 9 1) Kh trous aceident happened on the South Caro- | poses. Woe therefore have neither sym- | fer he left Southawpton Tis gou was ac- Shs) edtisiaction indy nage ts and Price List Chane decade Rap ehee panpbis, Lawgist 51, bit linn Railroad on Friday night last. An pathy nor affinity with them, aor shat} cidently drowned. : Qh; . tarved after,a triah of tivo. monte eet iaa as . a Acedemy: asaciia spared cngine and thirtegn eats. attached (mostly | we keve aancil i adhes teemanes| ue ‘etetet D ssa Rate ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, }and-the money will be refunded. sep ietevion eg Se Fs mente Fi commpsity fu Pretkiia Top uship pny mics vou freight cars( fell through the C. ¢ ae that . f) : ot pe period” in Arkansas b aPets 2 o mis ~ ¢ TX | salisbury, On the ne® roud to BMoskeville. . ule, about one aie aoe mene bal Operation may be made subservient to! ie described as thirtceen years old, ehoe Tanvors and Keroder Oils.’ Coe! Machines manufactured expressly for | Brinch . 48 above, ’ akon hak sapectaie denottion fram 4‘ Engiueer, fireman aud wood-passer were | a® peculiar interest of ourown—which | less; bonnetiese, stockingleas, ‘and with * —— ok SHOE-MARERS TARNESS” MA- RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. seen Pcie te, killed, and others woundeded, Thirteen ears mt il bappen at ell. the eberiff after her her for stealing a | r ; Thi KERS val! IRS, &e : 5 ci eat Indiicemente Offered | 96 de loaded with merebandize were all consumed he Express then declares in favor of | horse. | pal and Coach \ atnish, W hite | 2 RS, TAILORS, . "i McCoubbins, Sullivan & Co., are Agerits for WN. C. Map and Gazoteor. by fire.—Char. Democrat: what it terms’ “moderate Republicantew.” The Pri ‘ | eee CPE wine apdered OF manaMéterer’s Tie ihare Reapers in Salisbury.” T ra > : | ices, . wR eyr PTO Er mwe > ' —--— : : r@ Prince Imperial of Franee is in! Lead of the very best Brands, | Partien destringiteformating ‘fli pleese cond fos 193—~-26:to.n ; Pol = st BSCHIBI mR HAVING Purchase! N.C. LUTHERAN SYNOD A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. ‘aumtuecc Tt " | Spseimens of YES ee re ’ Wieder tnd devttoue ia capediss cis we! | 8bove an idiot in intellect. | Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot-| sone ee jNew FURNITURE BORE | hroved the entire state, at en car!) The annual session of this body was| We cheerfully publish the following reso- inte Wik tar | 2 : June #8 (80, Sha, oe dip Salisbury ! ¢ ani eeate Shan hora held in Salem Chureb, Rowan county, lutions passed by the members of the Bar 1! ton Bagging and Roping, Iron}} = : ra <ineieits of tew comiies each, This new maj w ou the 26th of August. From the Evan-| in attendance upon the Guilford Coauty ] } j THE -ABLINGTON MUTUAL Tue SUBSCRIBER HAVING PUR- | *0"t five fee: by fopr; Wert ofted b ’ gclical Lutheran we extract the follow. | Coart , Ti {Twi : t A } y chemtthe Furanure eetnblishment of Move | mly cnevave’, counties railroads , me The report of the meeting is rs follows : , Se ee Pe’ RY f{! WN sonijnee Hey Susindel on-ast EN Pn Oe orcey Tuts, sitive ned ke ee to the work before Synod,|} A meeting of the Bar and the citizens of | BP oT yy 9 { ' imerasdecale, All ods of FURNITURE the Rent ~ Ot ee en sve coe hurches were received into its | Guilford county took place at the Court <= 1 fate ee | } \ j thi | kept coostar.siy 00 hau, such os Specimen copies ready about the Ist Se ptetae co rtiou— Macedonia, Company Shope, | Hoese o@ the f4th fectait: it ag Tuceday { THEG L | COM Pp \ N Y |SEORETARIE BUREAUS ’ ber, 1869. fees and rovidence, Rowan Couauty. | of the Superior Coart. Ou motion of Ralph | . OLD WEDAL | —o—— *.. ) Al | 3 BEDS® S : SEI? CLR. The Revised Constitution was before | Gorrell. Eeq. Han. James T. Morenend | Has just been awarded to | | DM ep reer COUT. ae re : TOre. C os > Synod for consideration. The principle | Was called tu the chair, and Levi M. Sete | CHA S M ST'l EF 7 | } ( ) Ti seein st tod wil ouecees. | . —He ako keeps copstantly on hand— — Proceduro—which feature noticeable inthis document, was | ES41-+ was requested to act gg 8 t s —s 4 __ | ti Te has nie rs established beyond ang Fisk’s Me allic Burial Cases, acne = . ha = —. Le mau of tadomitable will. ave many |p BALTIMORE, Mo. RIFLE, BLASTINGCAND MINING) ssh Boe Somrermyerey.— Blavistrates Docket Bock--- erary and theological i ing \ See t hg i ast fg pani Marte apathy be Fy P| The Co h aes t t | Price in Store, #3 00 ~bysBiail,.... 3 60 ‘ ments eludi Agrofle Treb! leo brontes : z ny has « 1 pd newets inet f*s } —_— - a crnepare Syste Was a . =. and the improved Freneh Action. fatiy v arranted POWDER, io bianey eek coaige le svorully atacand Life Forms for Wingistratas. as c.- oe : tiel, a nn mitttes OT five, donsisit- | for ave years, with privilege of exchange within imo Verma » tle «out z talued to act of Arount ty te provide es ohat is failed to oggentl ing of Hon. Wm. A. Geaham, C. P> Men- | twelve moutus if uot entirely satisfactory to pore hn- it Canaan oc ee eT forms in eivil proeedare before Mage » ject for whi it, was adopted ; and uow denball. E@.. Hon. Johu Kerr. Hon. James | 2m. - > ' >t a Sin ¥ Erse cantious!; ade ed by selected Walnut, Rosewood, and other Coffins | fatrates. By mail,...........-. 05 -25. 10 egurdidate forthe ministry will be ad- | M- Leach and Jus, Masteu. Esq., were ap con be caste Parlor Organs alwayson Yarns, 8hectustl Coffer Suess See ereree ees ee [at prices lower that they havediepetulure becn | Record Books for Downship Clerks. mitted to an exawination, with a view to } pointed to report resolations. The Com- | “poprences, whé have onf Pianos in use . ia : 3 5 ‘a C: — tnd mere Teron age) song retiis market oe } te record Proceedings of al) meetings o.divation, who has not received are | mitter reported the following whieh were) Gea. B. - Lee, Lexington. Va. | iT Mol ~~ = OLEICEKS : Call atthe old statd Moore E Clodfelier, | a ae . tusters Price "83 o ® t : . | : ; | Gen. 0. H. Hel, Chariotte N.C. ar on, asses arm Syrup, | PHEKSIDENT, ° *) . ir Bh. Crna } tore. 82:50, ¥ WM, .--seeee-e ‘ 1rd wa rae a. ligand naan: “Ties the Members of the Bar| (e0- Robert tansom, Wilmington. NC, alli teat ieeae: oe JOHN k. EDWARDS On Mata ree opposite the Store ¢} |ogpeR BOoK3— : #' i : v ms . : ’ . ov. on atc a bd - . om : ock ; f} 4 for ortue of 8 foo! o I ” a two years course in a Latherau Theo- | in eee pp gel ell wt Ge i | Mowen. De Barwell San, ( eect. pi. Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and Wa B 5 err D Pia K ; 7 ap ; et i moe ae ‘teat Seminary.” The day far’ “rtth- Fall Term. 1300, anc the eitizeu of Gull- | James H. Greenlee Morganton. ! -a — : 4 ’ -J. R ) wer Good Wala at ane Poplar Lamber ta ¢ pre g ot = : ‘i ford county, of which Gov. Werth was a J. H. Smith & G, W. Melton, Chester. 8, C. | Kew so ecéchunge lor sw of are, j fon ae Wg men into the ey without the patiee. having been ‘fafurmed ef the death . je Phawtatmerh | alee ate agents tor the sale of in short ! MEDICAL EXAMINER, R. F. DAVIDSON > ank Summons, Executions, State War- Ps requisite education, literary and theology- lof that distinguished and highly esteemed Piange ao'd at Pactory prices. _Jane 18—1) | CHARLES H. SMITH, M.D Balisbory, Jane Bi, su, w4—3 " aan _ Ep cr ines —oe GEYERAL ACER, Jxo. H. CLainornsn ' LPG AL ADV ISeR, cal, has passed; and this aegion of Synod | centioman, deemed it fit to give public ex | U. OG. Onset, will commend itself to e¥@ry reflecting pression to the feelings with which they are TIMF. TABLE--N. C. RAILRORD. | Pure Rye and Com Whiskies, | ser AS. BL RY RIES, Agent, der the patronage of Bishop Atkinson had refused permission to ride on an ovey- and the }’rot. Epis. Church of this dio- \.aded dray he was driving. cers and Country Stores. Salisbury, Sept. 24. 1869, , 13—1) Keeper by a Widow Lady. who can give good ref- | App!y to,the editor of this papers i lie ai. tt COR, or At Ambrotypes, Fercotypes and all other styles of Pictures at reasonable prices, ep hd 36-46 | mind as highly judicious, and calculated | inspired. by this melauchwly veut. There | TRAINS NORTH ; ; : : : : (cia an eudy aoa wattle SI URI ace e 1 Na en — | EVERYTAIN DIRECTORS: Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Us. | No. Ca. Book Store, Salisbury, to clewate the dignity and authority of t re it mare vevtomt i | f No.€ k St brake holy affice, and te inspire becoming re- | Resolved. That we. who are here assein sta rioms. ava 1 inita ome? cave ae: Toe a. WAryK. Frizeeg, adulterated. at the | seqe7-—t No. Ca. Book Store, Raleigh. . ' ed, re reeeived with siveerre shrrow the ; a om x , William FP. Taylor, y nyder, oe on a —— ryt for thee wharsobve at thi lear. | ed ba raced Uh ane tir Mh |g, mh "| aah a Sa 4 Secel caal, AEE, Old North State Distillery,| onward: UPWARD? An clection for deicgaice to Lene - ; Focth ‘ai his peed lence Pere oe Zz + TY -m./00 pee con = i tata S re sd any 1 | Having met with snecess. fr beyond ourexpe Synod tesulted ia she choice of the fol- aera wgha,Bth . of flepevebear iat ; | O-Serget aj oto! San” | Ok a op WAY of MZRCHANDISE) Wien wim: bag oad GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’. | tatico. iu the publicetion of the lowing persons, a land wetender to his sdrviving. family our | Gate bse = | man eco Fete A Burieh, G Fad almer, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE ODSERVER, t Rn Ciericat Deieaates.—Principals— sincere sympathy jn their and bereavement ~ ‘TRAINS MOUTH: OOCOC™~S } Hy ok Tot i. é te ae ALS, Want to parebate 600 oF 1000 bead we take this method of offering our pe pers, va. Bickle, Alternates— Revs. c.H Resotved, That as . wenber of the leg! aro a TT. | {B.M Quarles, P, J. Hartenok, o! Cattle, and pay the highest Cash Proves for | DAILY, TR!I-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, l'orwheim, &. Beotheoek, W. Kimball, L. profession, as a pablick-spirited citizen of | sparsoms anerre tba ve saetve | Leave W. H. Tyler. Jota C. Williams, Cora and Rye, july 2—26:6m @* araong the best advertiving mediems« in. Western, ( Groseclose. | the State, and in the various public trusts } gag 2 ae 17; iy Fduaots, DSom 8. Potten ae | North Carola. . : : ; tenes fav ed eae ah eee | : ce, > Po Atel, - a a —_ ° Lar yh ao ame.— Pejusipsle— Dr. ce cea om preci ppaeche ag 8 = {rete aw ihe . 4. 8. Morton, Wa. B. Vaeen Metablished 18565. _ |. Toa ae sifford, © » ili ar. - D.| ’ = al . oe ri Sa m3 > | A. H, Dibrett. jentg . Bidgood, Adtertiacumts Se a— Terma Moderate, A Sith vat Gol. P. N. Heilig, MM : | of the Republic. Governor Worth exhibited ate nn Tie ny ’* Wiliam il. Palmer, Bain acl M. Price. L E P A G E B R 0 S . & Co *) | ~- a Bos, Oe cue 3 | taleut and virtues whieh inspired the esteem | Cher rm“ ! | LEWIS ©. HANI GENERAL PeeMiumMs! PRExtuMs ! . G. lig, Capt. J.-A. Bisher, Mr. G.) a affection of his assugiates, and ean | — = era ee | Le WIS: O. ANES. Ae’r. a | Weotfer FIVE walnahls Agrienttotal PREMIUMS lL. G W.. L, Kistler. . linanded the respect aod g atitude of the | pamant Thales wm ee Sadie en etre | Feb. 12—ly Lzexixetox, N. OC Commission Minchants Suk V Ens eee ne eek OE An election for Qorresponding Dile- | gud people of North Caroliva. Called to roe , pase ee Ot be mrotght reguler- ne , oe morn War Ona co aces to South Carolina “ynod resalied iv | administer the Governinent at a period of |'7 °7 N° Pnseenaee tr Laut JOTINFOX. or . | +s AXD a ark: TAS EO ie selection of Rev. g D. L. Moser, peenliac diffiealty aud embarrassment, he | 1-1 ‘ Genera! cipeacicsarat'| All of which was bong’ t a THE EQUITABLE LIFE CO TTO n'4 F { CTOR QV meh aes - = n x. = Rev D. 1. Dreher, Alternate. - manifested abilities commensurate with the | Se an _ | } \ g A a : l AU iD: CUSIINGS & BAIZZE, : An election for Corresponding Dele i 8. = a a ve her | PLANTATION BITTERS. CASI { and willebe soldi ASSUrAanCE ociety Commerce St., Morfolk, Wa. LOOKSELLERS axp SRATIONERS, 2 i, | deration and charity, of siocere esice for As i OF THR ; ay 2 = Rate to we teens emery | peace aod conciliation among the penple ded | , UNUPFED STATES CW-hpuldlghtveton paid to the se of 262 altimore St., Ballimorc. Md avert © awe % : the diferent States of theUnion. and a de- L = 239 GR AIN war : four alle YHE LARGEST ard best sasor'ed aoe t , Alternate, nce ¢ } *RAIN, COTTON and all other kinds of | & LARGEST ard red c and pat 5. wa Ae ce oC ae votion to the honor and wel ate of the peo- | ; AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, or ~oadway, Ne oe York COUNTRY. PRODUCE. i in the city of ae Pace icmeeghinadt 8! o een This wonderful vegetable | ee J ta” Liberal advances on eonsigninents | Sthool, Law. Dental, Wedicat, Cloecteal, Relig res #nitable time o dip , armeet- | dation. | ~ } — n oben 4 : 9 __ Be, aed isccliavenns Bavk« ings of Synod, which reenlted in the s - Resoleed. That we will cherish his mem- | restorative is the sheet- W i 7 { | Is COMPANY bag capital and aapets against wd ee eS eee , Rank end tices lection of th nth of August. This | ory as that of a most benevolent and usefal e allow no Hluouse lo undcfe [is bebil.Ges that will eotipare with any Life Mm: | jee Ltd ivy etna from ic ak Sunday of May to | citizen. an oupr aht and inte ‘gent prac'i- anchor of the feeble and } sree teat of fro meuineiany? Comment, whieh is the | viet oe ae, enw, one x la ‘ye f ‘a e : ‘ dar neet | tioner of the law and a f ithful. able and { Cod aie eam ee be bos ; ). NEXT SESS N UL BEGIN O} Cae 6h — f : wt a : trdstworthy pablic servant. } debilitated. As a tonic and sell us. An vaa! Piem.am lneéme < ny en. 000 } Wednesday 1éth Sept. 1869. | PROPEESIONAT,. With Wie Bearty sppreval @ oe ee Reseived, That a copyul t.ese reeolations | | [prone O VOT 1967. F205. dees eseeses es BOO.008 | TUITION PER MONTH: ss ed, as the annual conventions will be i waloased Go chee hh rae f this| cordial for the aged and | The wudersigued is agen tfor the above Company. | by otteh ‘ . ann M T i ITN * ~- ereafter hel ve leisure ecaton ee ’ ee ee | A. A. HARBIN, a . = snl - . ] iy, ee { <a herea ter b dat a ry ’ meeting to the widow of Gov. Worth, with l i 1 it 1 s no et ual » : Agent. | Langnages, - ° 2 50) Pyry a a 3 and . a time, ~ aos there s 1B0t be | sccarsmces of cor eondulendes aud btet wish | Leet e re as 1 | Be sure to examine our stock: ypoctsetre. Margh 19, 3869, tty | —— Fee, ee 1 09 Al A a) . 2 \ Somplaint made o eearciiy of “vege s for he prosperity dt 788. j _—+ nition papabie monthiy, and every popi ABALNGTON, & ; titles and oun chickens "for which it e Revoleed® Th ae nail aes he pee among stomachics. As . a | ; ; ; | NE W YORK l N tl e li charged from date of entrance to the close of Y: ao ie id bos ‘b I “fond. |lished in tl = + C0 ; Ai | pemed for the nervous | before purchasing elsewhere. NE (A ANG NOTE CAPOHNA ine term. J. E. WHARTON, A.M ILI prac Minter OT 18 Gaid ministers Dave an unueual ‘iond- | lished in ie newspapers of Greensboro’, ‘ % . lena S Shee Bi aia , : a . ness.” and that the other papers of the State be re- y STEAMSHIP LINE Beye. 5, 1eai- te Principal. bane! nla) At seal Alum , ne grated to cupy the fame weakness to which women rRom ID. T.CARR aa 0 ee . sea ae a ae ending the adoptiun of t esclation, ap- rile . ‘ae . : . . . ty : Sess ST. AUGUSTINE NORMAL | opiate and eloquent addresses were -| are especially subject, it is) It affords usa pleasure to show iNew York to Wilmington, 14+ + AW Ts) fon RM. Prarwor (1.4. of 8.6.1 SCUOOL. livered by Hoo. Hon. Wim. A, Graham and rsedi ever other . / - | Commission vi ; ha: t Peas a gr oa Senn ena D. F. Caldwell, Faq. supers ng y our Goods whether we sell or not.| This Line will comprise the following steam- Moo renant, | Sie “ JAMES T, MOREHEAD, fers: ; [eS ane ; 5 The energetic and ble Prineipal of| ST MORE oman, | Stimulant, In all climates, 'FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Ilunter ee el tee : ; es a oy nar ‘ ‘DAL 8, A. ut ' loo, dobn Kerr Seaae Git lestrgres. heme eens Reel tropical, temperate or Dont te dereerueiniiicas WMP. CLYDE, D. P, Morgan, Dealer in Groceries, « 3D Mebane ' ~ ; , — ? "| REBECCA CLYDE, — 0. Chichester. : : | bomas k ia very handsomely located and fitted up| A San Cass.—A_ very poor family| frigid, ft acts as a specific [MARY SANFORD, John Moore PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, | 5 2M © about a mile from this city, and ie the |... od through Wetheville, Virgi a, a . ing and pavy si oO > | A . i - | annary 29, } ) produet of the charity of a anmber of | te dave oe and (enue es ald in every species of disorder = he oP Mir g but come | W oe h ae Steamers as may be | Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Win | —+___ eee = ny 7 2 + . ae #) : ’ ; . reqinred to meet th ~temands of the ¢ de. ¥: aoe a, a = i a edecs j field near the om. During the night, which undermines th ° to see us and get posted up. | Sailing from New York every WEDNESDA y| Ov Medes My Or Dr. I, W. ve. ES, tion training of the colored people. Rev. | ith no shelter from the rain, the mother 1b k eed ; land SATURDAY at £P.M. I Pier 15E P —— } Dr. Smith is the oe es aided by a) gave bith to fourchildren. | The Bristol bodily strengtir and Preaks 1 R foot of Waih eeset 4X. at, trom Pier 15 B : ROMPT attention given to meets — to} H ibeean } corps of teachers. The school is designed | News, in giving the item, saye that the) q@own the animal spirits | > ; eo. Dried Fy tit x ‘nh erinin ic FORs Renee | fico d. suneit prrce?, eBppouite . e 2 . ae ale . ’ 5 ’ s . i. . \ . . ~O. m tit, de , o wv iasion. ana te * whee pe Tatlin ew dian ik | pore id ee be ect gtd ari Wherever. it is int cr Orders from a distance | Cea of ry eh is called COURT HOUSE BUILDING, Graiee. Aa * ey Saat rom a neighboring back yard to make ‘ ro- {to the LOW RATES and FAGILATIFS april 9—14-by NEWBERN, N. 0. SS 29th of the present moth. Applicants for} .}. y : : : afte ie hin wee : : ee pga ae alll ag! a sae x pelle. 5 entrance, aad be able to re write, | ee omen 5 zane be: duced it becomes a stand- promptly filled at lowest prices, eae en a aia ary preoren ec a tenn tne erpalyted Ty ae of T. } SMALL F CUP INST LUC 7 i < Pe : leche . Sess ace . iN A. Allison, (Bankrupt, jl scl) for Casi FB and to anderstand the four primary rules! Bontwell says the relations between| ard article—a medicinal | THROUGH BILLS OF LADING | on Monday, S0th ina. the Slouse ant Lot, | PRCA i SURE NNI. s uoe ot arithmetic. Tuition and the ase of! Rawlins and himself wag never fora mo- given 10 all points ou the North Carolina | known as the T.C. Graham Store, containing} “WHAT MAKES tT VALL ALL i fans | i It is to-day tl , ee ae 4 i : Bhi oe will be free, 7 tio — he the will | ment interrupted by unkindnesss) staple. Ss ay ule {cf We buy nearly all kinds} Railroad and its Connections via Golde-| cite ee ne ane PRN LES | carerin mech Aematl prea” y f the institution will allow, the poor wi . ; _ ae ft - : ; boro. . A» SADLER Be ee rce) Gos A NOLS ABS Scouts. Pie hesetign: (few cone: : be aided by thereat, bn those who| ‘The Athens (Ga.) Repuilican mites best and purest tonic, and of Produce pare : safirkine peu | spt 10-862 D. W. KRIDBR, Anslgnes. | neaplermes cee the eet) wen : ilies will leave that | oduce, eres ee SS | Wart ere er. ‘ . oe 2 pay rie — farnish lernney {iedlinn) ao. in. fe fe the most popular medicine | WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, . P. B. KENNEDY —_ baba ast handivda cl vaseck @ibace their clot ung, wi e required to da go, | ©” i Neen : | Wilatington N.C. PHOTOGRAPHIC "aI ps wt! ‘ (lis vittie work 1s : St. aggre pole School, | west shis fall in the civilized world—be JAMES HAND; Agent, i Gor Muinand Pike te oppozite eee meee eing established by the liberality chiefly | j 8. C., ¢ d last Jol o . 8 febvo—s 9 Wall Street. N. Y. | R. . t mw at ete en ae 1 6B. of Northern Episcopaliane, ia ander el, Folly see abet. nd llea ae an phil sure and get the genuine. McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., [fe bo ee ae en ae | Row, SALISBURY, N.C. Peres i shout Ba 5 v. : ; fn 40. charge of an Episcopal minister, and an- | ployee of his named Mallory,: whom he Sold by all Druggists, Gro- No. 1, Mureny’s Grasite Row, WANTED. —A Situation as, House- sr Photographs, oon oe lwp eeleh bre ve one. ‘2 eu mee dew . Parties at the + ler plants in the fall. STON, Palmyra, N. Y uth oron Bac ¢ tsb @iase Address LU RDY & JO qusat oe . * € he Old North State LISBURY, FRIDAY, SEPT 24, 1869. ee a oe oer POETICAL. From the London Spectator, ® PRu MORTUIS. BY FRANOIS T. PALGRAVE, — What should a esire to leave? A flawless oble lite? Some musié d from strife, yme finish'ed thing, ere the slack hands at eve Drop, should be his to leave. ‘Wne gem of song, defying age; © A hard-won fight; a well-worked farm ; A law, no guile can twist to bara ; Some tale, as our lust Thuckery’s bright, or sage As the just Hallam,s page. * Or, in life’s homeliest, meanest spot, . To strike the circle of bis years A perlect curve through joys and tears, Leaving a pure name to be kuown, or not,— This is a true mav's lot. Ile dies: he leaves the deed, or name, eA gifi for ever to his land, Io trast to Friendship’s guardiand hand, Bound 'gainst all adverse shocks to keep hi fame, Or to the world proctaim, But the imperfect thing, or thought,— The fervid yeastivers of youth, Tue doubious doubt, the twilight trath, The work that for the pasing day was wrought, The schemes that came-to nopght. The sketch half-way 'twixt verse and prose That mocks the fnisned picture ue, The splinters whence the statue grew, The seoffuld ‘neath which the palace rose, The vague abortive throes, And crudities of joy or gloom: In kind oblivion let them bel Nor has ‘the dead worse foe than he Who rake these-sweepings of theartist’s room, Aud piles them on his tomb. Ab, ‘ts but little that the best, Frail childcen of a fleeting dour, Can leave of perfect from or Bowerl Al, Ltali elae be graciously supprest When man bes down to reat! THE WOOD MOWING MACHINE. The gigantic interest which has been built up the villoge of Hdevick Falls though the invention and manufacture of the Walter A. Wood mowing machine, in ove of which Reneselaer county, and jn fact the whole country has just reason that day had been won by true and hons est men (applaure. ) Mr. Griffin (manager of Mr. W. A. Wood's machine). res .. He said that as one of those who had been the re- cipients of their favors be returned them lis sincere. thanks for the ‘manher bebiud; to: day he could respond toast foo haste. given in the first class, Between manutactarers and farmers there was a close and intimate ‘connection (bear hear). They existed.in one sense for each other. Without the farmer the agricultaral nt maker would have uotbing to do; and without the Hraral manufacturer, the farmer of to day would find it very difficult to till his land, It was when they came together as they had done that day that they were able to learn from each other (cheers). he had been instrumental in making @ machine whieh was superior to others, their decision might influence purchasers. So far as Wood's implement . was con- cered it was a matter of congratulation to know that farmers, not only in Eugland but all over the. world, appreciated. ita ad- vantages. They found it almost impos- sible to meet the demand for them. “U to this year they had sold upWarda of 100,000 machines, such av that worked that day. Last year alone they sold 19,000; and this they expected to sell 22,000 (npplanse.) Those. facts spoke well not only tor the implement, but also for the general intesest taken in ft, for, it was being sent all over Soath Awerica, England, Russia, and to all paris of the civilized world Mr, Griffia concluded by thanking those present on behalf of himeelf cat other successful competitors. Troy, N. Y. Ttmes. OURES FOR WARTS. — Thave read “Old Wartz” on warts.” Warts do not grow pn old bands, but on “young-uns.” More than a half-century ago I was “put ont to live’ as the say- ing is—with Mr. K.,.of W. After living’ with him a few years, and } had arrived at fifleen or sixteen. years of age, my Une evening Mrs. K. banded me a piece this afew evenings, before going to bed” Tconfexs that my faiih iu that kind of medicine was not large—say about the size of atobacce seed.- Afier a week or ren days. Mrs. K. came up tote ina very pleasant manner and said: “P., what is the matter with) your hauds ft” [ lookeed, and “nary” a wart was to be seen. My hands were covered with light- colored spots where the warts chad been. nalons oF i“ wtrrnrr; tr Thtrety y rs $ regarded by every American citizew ag a paional success, La every agricultaral reg'ou, frowethe bread prairies of che Vest ww the steppes of Russia at the Kast, this invention Was attracted attention and admiration, aud even now it is cleaving ita way toeither shore of the Pacific, leaving in its wake a clear pathway for the march of civilization even to the far- therest regions ef the Orient. Already it cuts more than one-third the grass that grows in Mérr'+ England. while in France iis ineriite Were eo boaorably recognized Ly actual trial, that the inventor reecived at the Great Paris Exbibitiou the cross of the Legion ot Honor. What more need Le seid? There never bas been a more signal trimmph of inventive genius since the creation of the steam engine, or one that wak franglt with greater advantages te ma kind. “Our latest European etchanges bring us the report of a mowing mately at the meeting of the District Ploughing Aseo- ciation and Farmer's Clob ia Frome. England, at which we obeerve that Mr. Wood «on another trinmph, We append some extracts from this report, that oar readers way «vderstand how the prise was won. if should be premised that the first prize was to be awarded to the manufacturer whose machine should now in the best manuer one acre of land in one hour, Six entries for this contest were made, and the coutestants drew for positions, Mr. Wood winuing the third, and rvuking as Fo. 3. The report goes on to easy: The crop of grass was unasnally thick and rood forthe early season, The land was rather aneven and the whole of the competitors could not be viewed from any point. From the first Mr, Wood's machine wae the great centre of attrac- tion. It was drawa by a eplendid pair of borses brought down from London on urp se ‘oatiend the Frome meeting, avd the Bath and Westof England meet- ing next week at Southampton. large crowd of epeetators who had assem: bled appeared to choose their favorites according to predilection or association, and frerly cancassed the virtues of mas chines, horaee and the following is a table of the time oceupied in the tak by each machine: 1,62 meinutes: 2, 56 minutes; 3.54 minutes; 4,97 minutes; 5 61 min- utes; 6, 59 minutes. After two other triala, in which bat lit- le interest was wanifested, and Mr. Wood dia not participate, the officers and comprtiters aat down to dionr, at the clore of which the Seerctary of the As- sociation read the Judgea’ awarde, which The | poblished in Sabsbory, N. C., summoning each Tf by chauce f hands were litterally covered With warte. |, of chalk and said, “rab your.warts wih) ~ DRUGS, MEDICINES &C. oe = Se ba ae eh . oy / ieee x ,| DRESS GOODS ESPECTFULLY announces to bis sane , ons old friends and patrons, and all others, that he is now opening, in the building on 8. E. Corner Main & Fisher streets, near the Boyden House, an . Entirely Fresh and Caréfully Selected with the season, we have deter- mined to sell out all Goods of that kind, at and sTOCK OF | DRUGS, MEDIGINES. — Surgical Instruments, Pertumery,| Below New York Cost | ‘Combs, Brushes, dc., dc., embracing almost every (hing pertainingtO @ first class Drug Store; etioh he will sell, as has always beet his enstom, at the most satis- tactofy prices to purchasers. His long experience in, and thorough famil- The stock consists of a hand- epdemeet: onsher with Me wocastamed jeame lot of Sere rere cis Peace sitaty aealeed tre exertions “ |MUSLINS, LAWNS, Balisbary, N. ©., January. 1869, 1—tf RIVES & PROCTOR, MOZAMBIQUES, _ WHOLESALE 45D RETAIL ; DRUCCGISTS, |Lenozs, BERAGES, DRALERS IN &c., &c., DRUGS From 18 to 35 cts. F MEDICINES, Paucy & Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils DY STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Imporied & Dowegtic Window This is a rare opportunity for persons to supply themselves with jdesirable Goods at exceedingly Low Prices. McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Sallsbury, July 30, 1869. Wali lly call the attention of Mer chants, Pintlaee, Pheneaes, aphechens, tw their extenus) ve stuck and supetior indyeements. 107 Syoumore, St., Petersburg. ae N. P.RIVES. M.D, W. H. PROCTOR, | aprad—léicdin | DR. LAWRENOL'S } CELEBRATED SALT: SALT!! WOMAN’S FRIEND! A anf and reliable remedy for Rawlins’ Family.—T‘he \ae Seeretary of War, General Juhn A. Raw- ling, was married in Jane 1856, to Mira Emily Smith, of Goshen, New York, wich whom he lived happily for five years, dar- iug which time three children were bern. She died in 1861, and afier two years he married Miss Bary E. Hurlburt, of Dan- iniry, Conneetion whe is. now in Con neeticat, im feeble bealth consequent upon thé recent birth of an jufave whisk lived bat a short time. The Secretary died a poor man, aod his death bed was troubled at the thought of leaving a destite family. A proposi- tion to reise $50,000 for was mare in New York on ‘Tuesday, and $15,000 were immediately subscribed, including’ $1,000 from the President, wha, the Chron- w the care and protect of one of his children, and making arrangements en oo one oe e ren, arrangements the eave af ths wahan 46 and oan of any fatal termination of the serious illness of Mrs. Rawlins. == EE LEGAL NOTICES. State of Worth Carolina, } Davinsos Counrry. Superior Court, Spring Term, 1860. W. M. Withelm and wife Aratela, J. E. New- sun and wife Margaret, Aggustes Gray and wife Mary, aod 3. R Harrison—Piaintiffs. AGAINST 2 W. D. Lindsay, Trustee of Caroline Hampton. ded'd., James ». Trustee. of Sum Wilson, Margaret Tansy his wile, and Chas A, Wethero,—Defendante, © Petition for Sale and Partition of the Lands of the late Wilson. / Margare It aay on of the éourt that W. D. Lindsay. Jas. Tansy, Margaret Tan sy and OA Wethero, defendants in this proceed- ing, are noa-residents of this State, it is Ordered, That poblication be made weekly, fur six succes- sive weeks in the ‘Old North State,’ a newspaper ol said defendants to be atid # Mt the next tetm of our said court to be hel at the Court House in Lexington on the 2d “Monday after the 3d Mo day in September next, then and there to answer or dewar to said petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and beard x as to therr.. Fitness, L. E. Juhnson, Clerk of onr said Court at office ia Lexmceton, the 2d Monday alterthe 3d Monday in April, 1869. L. BE. JOHNSON, C8. 6. Order made and issued Aug. 23, 1869, 34:6w:pr.fer$ 10. Worth Carolina, Catowewt Couyry. Mary A. Campbell, Plaintiff, { Seregiwr Oovrrt, ee as f laws: Claas I. — Let P ize, W. A. Wood; 2d, Burg as & hk Y- meeting Mr. Wood's representative gave | ordered that publication be made in the “Old North hie prize of £5 the azeociation as a dopation.) Clase I1.—1st,to Mr. I. Crees'’s ma- chines) 24, to Me A, Sp: rring’s; 3d, to Mr Dew’s; 4th, Mi. J. Phippen’s. Clase LIL ~let, Mr. B. Boby; 2d, Mtr, LeHutt; very highly commended, Mr, J. Lavell. ; This yeport was followed. by the usual number of toneta, speeches, eich, Among the must enthusiaeleally received was he one by Mr.’G. ys Vauicl, who gave ‘he health of the sacceseful competi- ~ He remarked, ‘was the “of” day between “The “The Oakes,” but though of the previous day was (At the elose of the | that after diligentsearch the detendont cannot be Pretender,” the prize of against Summons. William P. Campbell. Deft. Tn this case it is made to appear npon affidavit foand within the limits of this State: It is tnerefore state,” @ newspaper published in Salisuury, N.C., | for six weeks notifying the defndant to appear at the uext term of theSuperior Conrt for the county of Caldwell, at the Conrt House in Lenoir. on the Sth Monday @fter the 84 Mondoy tn August next, then and thereto answer the complaint of the Piain- ttf? which is filed in the office of her coart. Witness, R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our se'd court this the second Gay of Beptember, a. p.. 1969. 3t-6w (pr feof, R.R. Wacrrirtn, c. 6. ¢. Edgeworth Female Seminary. Tur NEXT SESSION WILL COM. meuce on the first Monday of September. The entire expense of Boatd and Tuition wi'l be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance. Each boarder will furnish her own lights and towels and also 4 pair of sheets and pillow cases, For circular address J. M.M. OALDWELL, july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N. 0. Thad iaahed them off without knowing ticle says, bas expressed his 1 tevtion of | aremed All Dixepags Pecatiar to Females, ation i eer PEDIOATED vO THE: LADIES OF AMER ’ Por whore venetig it was designed, and whuse ha prness it will promote, by the discoverer, Da, J. J. LAWRENCE, TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Wootan's Priend is com- anded are published around cach buttie, and it is teved to be the best Uterine Tonic and alterative yet discovered. ° | TO MILLERS! —_—o— It is a valuable and retiable agent in all derange- | ments of rhe Fewale Meproductive Organs. and in| Hysteria, Nervous Headache Spinal irritations, &e sar Price $1,00 per Bottle. Jd. H. BAKER & -00,, Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main-strect, Norfolk, Va.! K? To whem all orders or letters wast be ad- ° mareh 19—I1y NEW STOOK OF FRESH, PURE, RELIABLE DRUGS, MEDICINES, and such articles as are oens!ly kept tno FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE Dr. G. B. Poulson, HAS JUST North with alarge and carefully se- lected ‘arog. sommes. chemicals, perfame- Cattle We have just received a fresh sopplysof the very best Anker Brand ing Cloths, No’s 6 to . S - 10. If you want to make good flour come and get a cloth. | Salisbury, July 30, 1869. | ——_o—_—- arotebes, Paint Brashes, Rotse and la. Copperas, ease stg re cheery sola. a c trated Eee. and the best Bitters and Medicines for chilis that cag be used. FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACOO. -«I wonld state that ‘@asortment and carefully selected stock of Trusses & Abdominal Supporters of the latest improvements, excellent in quality and low im price. FINE BREAST PUMPS & NURSING BOTTLES. oo Semen sis mre ew dvsen) such ordeals oa : la Ess. Lemon, Ess. Peppermint, Ess. Cinnamon, Landanum, Pategor- ic, Bateman Drops, God- facy’s Cordial, Opedel- doe, Castor Oil, and Turpentine. My stock is complete and composed of articles Pure Fresh and Reliable in Quality and as low in price as such articles can be obtained in this sec- tion. IRON! IRON!! 60,000 LBS. OF IRON ASSORTED, i? For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO, Salisbury, July 30, 1869. POWDER! POWDER! RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING POWDER, For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Impure Medicines ean be sold for a trifle and are dear at any price (each | do notand will not keep ) Bat | am snfficiently posted inthe Drag Market to know that PURE Drugs and Medicines cannot be so! d for half the price heretofore charged. Bear in mind it is always the cheapest and safest plan to ~~ the purest Medicines. would beg of all before purchasing elsewhere to call and examine my stock and get m a Druggist and Apythee Salish rot — | an ary, isbury, N. C.. next door to Moroney & Bro. . Jone %—95.3m. Sill’s Infallible Healing Salve. THIS SALVE being made from ients never heretofore used in this connection, has been productive of the most gratifying results; as numbers of persons who have used it, wi gratefully testify. Its properties are healing in a remarkable de- offen- gree—it at once, the foetor and Sreacth Sad tae ietaes the di of rulent matter, when excessive; and after a £alisbury, N.C. 0—-—— - PAINTS & OILS. LANE’S WHITE LEAD, BUCK do do N. Y- CITY, do do TANNER’S OIL, KEROSENE OIL, For sale by ‘ = oa ->ad Ly = . Nervousness. Wake/uiness, ec. ’ Salisbury. July 30, a Salt =. elec elas new d me an % pfusearee and ths Agents ine All we ask ine. qabienthe -kiown Em- porium of this t. We our atten- tion to a few LEADING Al kept in thix wholesale and.retail stock: ‘ : a8 es. 5 a eg oe Notions, Hats, Sh Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Medivines, Dye- Stuffs, | aints, Tanners? Kerosene and Linseed Oit; ‘Lead, Upper, sole and Har- neSS LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKIN 8, HARDWARE, Trimmings; in fact, thousands of ‘articles wo tedius to enumerate. We are agents for the Great-Threshers —and— CLEANERS, Bone Dust. Do. do. Rifleand ty" We invite the attention of Me DRY GO.i08, DRESS: 00D8, REN OV-ATOR, READY-MADE CLOTHING,| Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage Also, Manufacturers’ A gents for the celebrated Blasting Powder. rehante ~~ Cees NINN RN 5 an HA Vi \ iw approred ana oficetoal Remedy fo Ax am ee 101 ie Avthna § the Wasti ghs in advanced aye ;— Bleeding fram the. —_—_ , THE GREAT UTR INV IGOR ATO - BLOOD PURIFIER, r pd of ingredients virtues and adaptation to : id 18 the result of long and patient investi- vation of the laws of the animal eeonomy ; to- gether with an intimate knowledge of remedial agents, in their physiological and therapeutic effect on the human system, It is quite unhke the berless Expector- ants, Pectorals &., se ly and persist- ently palwed apon the stifffing and confiding people; in the tact, that it is not an Expectors ant, perse; uoris it loaded with ye Murpuine, in oder to lull the poor suffe with its. delusive influences, Mavy a valua- ble life has been sacrifived and expectorated 1n- [Oa prematore grave. On the contrary, itis ealenlated to cheek. excessive expectoration, e which of itsell is exceedingly exhaustive, and by its geueral and specific action, to heal and DR. LAWRENCE'S © |" otite’severainreaents. whieh compre : | k » this valuable Baum, there is no one, whic ks CONCENTRATED not copepaty cen, by the best Physicians, ia GOMPOUND EXTRAOT OF rthe diseuges above enumerated, and of wany KOSKOO, eminent iewl gentlemen, to whom its com- A safe and effectual remedy for all awn... —— posivion has been made known, there bas not in some instances, have not only preseribed it for their patients, but have used it in their own vases, with marked advantage. Prepured and sold only, at E. SILL’S Drug Store, aril 23-16+4f Slisbury, N.C. SX." WILD CHERRY TONIC AND ALTERANT, For Igdigestion—Liver Complaint—Tor pid Bowels,— Nervous Debility, and Broken Down Health, Srom whatever cause. diseases arising from | Torpidity of the Liver, ses ood TUIS elegant and truly valuable -Medicine, Impurities of the BI *| has from time to time, been in extensive nse, ‘ for the last -twenty-Gve years. It has been Disorders of Urinary Organs, | suld, and is well knowu in many of the Soath- ern cities and towns, vig; Charleston, Savan- nah, Augusta, Atauta, Charlotte, Colon bia, them they wi and the trade generally, to our stock, aseuring iffing nothing but fresh and desi- Debility of the Nervous &c., and is highly valued, by the multitudes of rable Goods. We buy all kinds of produce.— people who bave nsed it. Many in this town Save your Blackberries and Fruits, which will | System, &c. and surrounding country, have enjoyed its be to you as Treasure. } benefits, and will no doubr, well remeaiber it. mi ster \ } A great naarber of the strongest, and most un- | 8 th. Fuster Ge : \ qualified certificates of its valne, have been Spragze's Old Stand, near the Market Houre. | voluntarily teucered the proprietor, many of | Aprils. 1869. ae ther from persons of bighest respectability and = inte lhvence. ‘prer . > oo The Medicine is pleasant to take, and pefe Juss RECEIVED AT THE STORE fectly tree trom the possibility of harm, under of SMIPH FOSTER & 00'S. - | Lae ty unedalaee Ren oe ut Keak ’ lecd it is perfectly safe. even for an icfant. It 1000 SACKS OF SALT. lis especially adapted to the present season, ' {when the approaching warm weatber occasions 25 BBLS MOLASBES. . | sach a de uree of lassitude, and debility, partiowd | ]2 wavs. MOLAssEs. Just received a large lot of LOOK for MERONEY’S| AT THE SIGN OF | SPRING AND SUMMER GUODS , and invite all who want the Latest Styles, Bes | us a call, —Stock of — DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLIN ERY Goops, | DRESS TRIMMINGS, | GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ' SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Cvach, Copal and Japan” Varnishes, | Walnat Stain, Keroene and Machine Oils w he fownd in Western North Carolina. Spe- cial atieation is called to our sock of ‘BOOTS AND SHOES. | Ladies” SewedUort skia Shoes, 91.50 per pair. | @ ip male wager leather lined, 150 “ “ | Gent's Balmorais, very best stock, g(@°« « | “ Pump-Sole Leota, . - 1o- - | Youthannd Mises “hoes. of-all ) rices and qualitic. | Good Calicoes. 191-8 cts por yd, Best (aliooes. 16. | We are aise ageuts bor the Mandtactirers 1 tthe best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT } —AND MACHINERY, eneh as— | The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, Turbine Water Wheels, } Fine Engine Deep Well and Force [Pamps. | French Barrs and Corn Mills, | Threshers and Cleaners on } fwheels complete, | Cider and Wine Mills, | Star Corton Gin and Condenser, {Grain Drille, | Salky Plows, Smatters and Cleaners, Cireular Saws. | Rubber and Leather Belring, | and many other things too onmergus to men- tion, all of which we will sell at the Manulac turer's prices. Gome, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing you may want in this line We goar- antee tbe Machinery sold by usto give Satis- facwon. We are also agents for Singer's New Fami- ly SEWING MACTIINE, for which there is no eqaal, Warranted todo all kinds of work, and ww give entire satisfaction, or the money will be retanded t# GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depot, om short notice. We willbe found cpposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row. MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 [lorse Power Portable Engine, for sale by jane 11—23:5m MERONEY & BRO. FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION 18 co 9. RIBBONS, MILLINERY, & STRAW GOODS, ——_+ 20 -———— Armstrong, Cator & Eo., 237 & 239 Baltimore Street. BALTIMORE, Md., IMPORTERS AND JOBRERS OF BONVEr AVD TRIMMING RIBBONS, VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS ANO VE VETS, Illusions, Blonds, Laces, Ruches, Netts. Crapes, PRENCH PLOWERS AND PEATHERS, Straw Bonnets & Ladies’ Hats, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Silk, Velvet and Felt Bonneta and Hats, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS. The largest Stock of Millinery Goods in this Conntry. and woomreet in choice variety, which we offer at prices that will defy competition. ORDERS SOLICITED. 24-tf. | Sain Qualities, and Must Reasonable L’rices wo give | We are now exhibiting che best FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE | ularty in weakly and prestrated Systeme, a8 Julten to become almost insapportable, Price 75 cts. per bottle. Prepared and sold, ! only ' “At E. SILLS. Deng Store april 9—14:2¢ Salisbury. 3. Ce ed valuableged powerfully influentio: Pain troyer. [te inflacnce gveratch paiufu! mal. it is reecpavend@@ 10 exert. cannot ly by those Who have net tried i *. : . ! ad priate @agie that could buve been 4; to this {/ This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, p- ’ ; adies POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme. bs (tstwoaed ouly | « orit a repe aiion urer all other preparat« reco ded fer sly }dy and one that admits of a wide range of _ pncpo-es— ~ ales have failed, MEAGIC | te ret. Keep J@@ ways in your family teri: 4 traly an enemy to Newsa/gea, Headache, Taoth- application. ache, karache Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus | Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody-F lus, lwepep- It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indi€a- | #4. Sere Throat, Rhewmate fains, Percy and | Agne, Sprains and Braives, Inflamation of Kid- t s, Nerrowa Debilsty, Colic, Pains or » 1s, tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex- nr cai cataa we | j Prepared and for sale by | fen¢ than any other remedy yet known. | Da. G. B. POTLSON. Druggist and Apothecary, Salisbury. ’ ‘ It fe an | Jarve 3, 1769, 20-11 iS j - - —-- { 40 YEARS j BEFORE THE INVALUABLE. | AND PUBLIC. ‘Unrivalled Remedy ! ! 1F OTHER | Remedies } For afl SCROFU LOoUs, STRUMODS, Pies Oe Ciba ew Li } ; SEASES reed the following: |SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, CU--| Thomas H. Rainey, Beq , Gra o., N.C. j rays ; . find —— = >= best family medi- > +e , j cine | Bavwever . ve ry bea- | TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- | ehcia! in my own ease 1 have peme very much of | er " eae and have tried every kind of . a = = 7 , | medicine that Tf co e JIC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF-| ct tom your Pits ae sh oheal tan ames | bronchial affliction. anda complete aton of the nervous sfetem | have weed them tm ten or fi- teen casesin my family. and find them to be the very medicine tor nearly ai) family diseases.” The Cure is Thorough. | Kenneth Ha, Kag.. ( Jerk of Coiambns county court, writes (April 2, 1863:) “During the letter | partof the yeur 1862 | was seversty ieted with | diseased liver and many nights #btie in bed che prin would become so excruciating that I was compelled to get out of bed and sit op entil the pain wonld sateide. 1 procared a few Cinenet tLe SUUTHERN HEP «TIC PILLS, and the first dose I took gave me creat relief. J continued to use the Piile tor two weeks, and have not eulfered from liver disease since. I have recommended thet accordingly, and several persons are \o want of them, Atl disease is an euemy to the humae system. and is at war with it and will conquer ft, unles: natore, with al! the masi<tance it can receive from strength. ening medicines and snitable nourishments, can conqnerthe enemy; which wonld be best. to take medicine before you cet sick, to prevent dich ne<s or to take medicine after you get sick to cure sickness. rr A word to the wise is enongh Exercise your own Judgment in the ne of de- fense; the enen_y will come, be ye ale feady with The Southern Hepatic Pills, That old, long known and well tried re medy forall Bilions diseases. cansed by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS.—You are abort to make a home for yourselfand family na climate which you or they have not heen accnstomed to: you will, of course. be ev posed to all the diseases pecniiar to that climate, you shou.d be carefal to use ench Med icines as are adapted to the diseases of that climate; yon will find the greatest secnrity in the ase of Deems’ Socrarrn Hepario Pris. They can be sent to any point in the United States by Fixpresa. PRICE—Por one box, 25 cen ts.—Dos. $2.50—Pal! Groee $10— One Gross, $18—Three Grova, §50— Five Grows $74, The cash must either accompany the order for the Medi cine or it Will be sent 0.0. D, Or erssbcald be address ed te G. W. DERMS, No. 28, Bourn Catnocn Arner, Battimons Mb, where they will be promptly attended to. For these Wedieines call on all respectable Druggiete everywhere and on 2 2 G. B. POULSON, July 2—-26:1y Selishbury. N.C. | | ete LOTION OF CO-PARTNELSBIP — The Copartnership heretofore existing nnuet the name of Holmes, Barnhardt & Co., hax heen this day dissolved by mutna! consent. A} per. sone indebted te said firm wii! call upomw M. L. Barnhardt, at the old stand. and pay op REUBEN J. HOUMFS, M. L. BARNHARDT, CHAS. BEYER, R DI- FEOTIONS, in fact, mvewy form «of Chronié Disease it may be advan/agcous- ly used. This preparation has been submitted to, choronghly tested, and approved by some of the most eminent membera of the Med- ical Faculty. Prepared by an experienced and well known physician and cliemist. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONLY BY J, J, LAWRENCE, &. D, ORGANIO CHEMIST, No. 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virgiria. Dr. G. B. POULSON, For sale D and Apothecary; Salisbury, N. C, a few ious produces # complete change in the sipeut of : Prepared and sold cay McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., Sept 3m Falisery, RC. | SaMebury, July 90, 1900. 8—1y aug. 27, 1868. 34—9m | ar Fea Gaze wr act Davesmm.-@s Gold Mill, K. C., Aug. 27 1869 3e" been one, who bas not highly approved it; aud . oo ns DRUGS, MEDICINES, &ce. . - PECTORAL BALM! ‘ , — oo ¢ ¥ N approved and-effectual Remedy for Chronic Bronehitie—Asthia ; the wasting Ooughs in advaficed age ;— Bleeding from the* Lungs, dée., und or The O19 North State! wMuEwis EANBTS Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SUBCRIPTION. One Year, payable jn advance. -...$3.00 Six Monrns, * = Secices, £00) éapable ot domg more real service fh co. firm- 5 Copies to one address,.......-6.- . 12,50 | cd Consumption, than all the Expeectorants, LO Copies to oue address,.....-. -..+ 20,00 | Congh Mixtares, Wc., extant. It is seieptifically compounded of ingredients well known for their virtnes and adaptation ’to the psamed; and is. thd résytt of long dud. Gxt@usive experience and patiert investi- gation of the laws of We animal eCShomy ; to- gether with an intimate knowledge of remedial agents, in their physiological and therapeutic effect on the human system, f It is quite anike the namberless Expector- ants, Pectoraly &e., so recklessly. and’. persist- Leates of Adveriising. One Square. first insertion,......-.-.-$1,00 For ‘ach additional insertion. ........ ’ Special notices will be charged 50 per cent higher than the above rates. Court and Justice’s Orders willbe publish- edat the same rates with other advertise- ments. Obituary uotices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. endy palmed upon the suffering and eoutidiog | J 2 2 <* SALISBURY, N. C, OCT. 1,° 1869. ee ‘ es. eel Beye Po INO. 88 moirs of the United States,” is soon to be republishied, revised and enlarged, with a biographical sketeh by his distinguistied son, the President of Washington College, Last to be meationed in the list. of great hamesassociated with Stratford is that of the Commander of the Southern Army iu which the old colonial edifices were con-| the late sjrnggle, Here he was born and stroeted, by greatly increasing the cost of lived autil his fifth year, Your readers reserving them in a state of fepair, seems | are familiar with his subsequent history. in these times of poverty to threaten as We were gratitied to find, contrary to general a ruin upon the cherished homes | o'r expectation, thar’ the’ buildings here of out ancestors as that which bes-overta- | #"¢ in an exeelleat state of presérvation, ken thir yet more cherished political” ine | ‘he pilgrim ehildren of coming genera- A VISIT TO THE HOME or THE LEES, ‘ $ £4 — ? (Correspondence of the Petersburg Index,] Hacvr, Va., Ave. 28, 1869. - Mr. Editor : Therextensive scale upon | nays, which stood, in the Senate, thirty- fa THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. | United States than the one which is now| MISS KATE STUART, THE HE. : fac before us; and I telf you, sir, although OINF OF CAPE FE How it was Adopted in the Serate. ‘ou may hasten and rush it through this > OF CAPE FEAX. : Dg aged yy and ander the strain of the previous : : The Fifteenth Constitutional d-| question in the Hoxse, obtain the concur- Onr readers will’ remember the roman ment, forcing negro suffr upon.all. the Lvenee of the House of Representatives, I tie adventure; mn wh'ch the yonng lady States, as leech ich yar he a teas in | predict here and wow'that it will nos re- whose name heads this article, figured so, the coming election. In this connection | Ceive the patifieution of thedLegislatare of — adly, mentioned in the papers sever it is Worth while to enquire how it eanie | Ont-of the Staves of the United States, be- . . siner, ‘The following. in regard to pass Congress, The Cinginnati @g-| cause it will fasten upon the Republican ¥ vr, wittch 7 slap from the letter zette, of March 9, 1869, just after ita, perry iee ted in Congress, ns ape Sl acu ae ie no assuage in that bed f ‘of giving to Congress a power which our "7 our revere qs a Rese’ it gen cate ful 5 exclude from readers : vine for and ‘thirteen against. There | among the powers of Congress: “Miss Stuart is searecly of medium stitutions. I'his reflection increased. our tigua wey sit beneath the shadow of these uatural interest and led us in’ cbibpaty venerable, wills and Pat hier losvotis of duty | with nearly a score of ladies and, gentle- and imbibo a spirit of generous eninlation men, ameng whom weré seFeral from your from the memories with which they are so | city, to brave the power of the sun on titebingly eloquent, . | August 20th, over fourteen miles of san- The hours glided rapidly while we lin-| | dy 10ad, to visit Stratford on the Potomae were foartcen Senators abort/and fot vo- ting. Upon this the <Gagette made the following comments; “If those 4vho - vo- ted for the amendment tinder protest had voted against it, it would bave failed, As it was, the aflivmative, while’it was two- “But my great objection to this, Mr. height; -has blue eyes; broad, Ligh fore- President, is that it ruus the plowshare head; ‘very fair complexion; a nleasant througtcthe old Constitatton, and takes | mouth; dark brown-hair, worn in loose, out of it one of its must precions and val. | heavy curls, reaching nearly to her waist. nable safeguards. | refer to the-probibi- | She is rociable and p'eagaut, and in eon- tion whith I have already read. Sir, [| vetsation very’ entertaining; has a well ~~ CONTRACT RATES. | Morpuine, im osder to luil the poor sufferer people; in the lact, that itis not an Expector- ; iver iles from We li ) ant, per de; nor is it losded teh, Ojnum or) ICS four miles from Westmoreland Co Ilouse. gered among the objects of intercst at} thirds of the Senate prégent, whs' nob two- art | Stratford, and the rays of the descending | thirds of he whole Senate, but it was sun were already ehut ont fiom, and the | ruled that twosthirds. of the Senators. pres- yould not part with that’ great security,| stored mind, and isa graduate of one of for human liberty, religious freedom, for | the female Colleges of the Old North any cousideration that coald be addressed | State. oS) 3,4 a) oO with its. delusive-inflences, Many a valua Tt was midday when .we bebeld the twilight dews falling ey our pathway, jcomplied with the Constitutional provis- | t me ; and thé article which is now of- She is. fond of out door exercise ; isa ei ¢ eT) Ss ble life has Leen sacrificed andexpettorated in- | towering grove of sugarmapletrees, which | Whew the chimneys and tall trees of the jon”? The fact was that nearly all the fered, mienamed an amendment to the | great croquet player, and, like moet | wl wi & | Bl uw .0 a premature grave. On the contrary, itis | betokened our proximity tothe object of old. mansiow faded from sightog our home | fourteen abseutee Senators were in Wash- | Constitation, does repeal and set aside | * outhern dies, a fedrless rider. In all space. | E {| © | @ | £| 8 calealated to check excessive expegtoration (our search. Tu a few minutes more, we | Ward journey, G.W.B. | ington, and refused to vore‘on- purpose. — | that most sacred and invaluable provision, | ber rides and walks, she is ec iey a Wa | |e! 6 | # | * which of itself is exceedingly exhaustive, and halted before the door of the vemerable a ee They could not honestly sustain it, aud 'T hope, Mr. Preajdent, that this miscalled | by a large black Newfoundla dog, It | & | > ; - | by its general aud specific action, to heal and | manzion aud were courteously conducted BEAUSIFUL EXTRACT. | nf : svothe the weak, inflamed and irritated argacs, et) RTS RD OD BS 5D B1D00| Ol the Several ingredients which compose Cee wt cf a tr a a sae het this valuable Baca, there is noene, winch is “i area, 6 on 9 00 12 00 20 00) 30.09 | Vet constantly used, by the best Phy-fcians, in “aye ianeds (goo 00 15 37.50 | the diseates above enainerated, and of many 7 ant am 11 00 16 00 20.00 30.00 45,00 } emingnt medical pentlemen, to whom its com- ven tga. 18 00 24 00 300045 00 75.00! position has been made known, there hus het j Cy ) ave 2 00 40 00 59 00°80 00 130,00 been one, who has not highly approved it; and eae ae paar ee fin some instances, have not only preserited 14 Importamt te Magistrates aad other Loanty Of- | fOr their patients, but lave used it da (heir own | ficers ! | “Pr with marked advantage. ~ ty 5 00,25 00 —— Prepated and sold only, at HAND-BOOK rox COUNTY OFFICERS | janice A Cuide for Jasttees of the Peace and Other —— 5 JUS Drug Store Sshisbary, N.C. SXxX.%/S lap the massive stone steps to the platform af the same heavy material, from which a wide door admitied us into the airy and spacions hall. Hore the earved wainscot, and other devices upon the wall odded a yet wore vivid impression to the @euse of the antiquity of the place, which we had received from a harried notice of the was of mind frow the shackle ef yrose soa | sive walls around the garden, the enor- | fhe 1 lacheniaths lens Her! ‘ : y an tpenlable lyoerauec, el mous brick atable and other buildings; as foundations were laid in the couucil cham- ae approached the house, | cant . | bers of Etcrual Goodues ¢ and from be- Phe tormation of the main building is | io ie the time whe: rade the hicth | rangels sang the birth Grand is the wisdom of Masonry in| jin her maltifarioas coutrivances, for “het } fratervization of the races, the diasion of Wath, the exerdee of a world-wide | philanthropy, the promotion of love aud good will auong Tips tard the liberating on account of betting in the Chiuese. a carpe -bagger trom Ohid, who.wvoted for | meot is uow awaiting a decision of the it, suid: “Bb mart respectfally, but carcest- | civil uribamed of 'Tonmerre. A few mopths ly, entey my bauble protest against the | ago the Byeeurear Imperial of that town they had not the coarage to break wih |YmMendment to the Constitution will. re- their party upon it Mad they voted ac- [telve that weatmem which it justly de- cording to their sentiments, Tt would bave | Serves by thin-body es been defeated by not receiving a two ja. Pere ; thirds majority, Among the Scnaio| A MARRIAGE IN EXTREMIS.. |#* their beet friend, and ber name and who refused tn vqgy Ole Nora @urpen beds | memory-will ever be cherished by sol- ete the Bout, and Setiators from | Maniages in extrenis are not unfre. | ders pike dobar stationed at Smithvill: the Pacitie States, who were @pposed teit | quent in Fravee, and the plot .of man : x z 7 [novels turue upon them, ‘The validity oft She has been presented by Capt Ju the debate Mr, Warset.of Alabaina, | a union of the Kindéat the very last we- Tunter with a handsome watch and chain ; but the people of the State onght, likewise, to present hee with some testimo- nicl of appreciation of her many noble acts,” mde to all the village children as Migs Stuart is especially loved by the poor of the neighborhood, who regard her eculinr, there being, as it were, two : character of the amendment. While ] | w ‘d up tn the dead igh . ° yr of ereaUlon, ut til the ereul, eo. ¢ as roum ¥ of nig t by s et WILD CHPRRY boues panhaie ey nd geueration ae mes bats been eball probably vote for it in the shape a) may on boricank. whe said he had ‘rid- = oe 9 fi e " connect _ Revised, Hnlarged aud Improved. | TONIC AND ALTERANT, | ear . ~ st y esti —L Co taint— 7 ; THE SECOND EDITION OF thie ee ene ne ee ctiign | and Broken Down Health, Work, xieatly enlarged and improved, will be ready | for delivery to submeribers ob the 14h of September. | front, forms the ehicf apartweat. ereetion ou that base of everlast theugh multiplied thonsauds of cottrses have beeuw laid by good and trae wark : ‘ truth; of whielt the hall which we enter fem the ooo“ fe el hale a aret : we iia, [ shall do it rather in deferenee twethe | den at full » from the conntr ¢-houee ed by a centeal bailding thirty fert pqueré] adding to the superstmetare in Bore se of lenin \ il speed J myself, than fa accordance with wy ‘de- death, and desired 10 be married immedi- Vibrate judymens SIR JOHN FRANKLIN. A party whose reliability. ig wouched alcly and begyed the Proearear to allow | writes te the Bulletin from San Buena older aud wiser men than lof M. Hygnbert, who wae at the point of Opposite doors in the hail open upon | : Mr dinuodag of Vormont, a Jeading [the civil off lebé hr : ' ; : : men in the baried ce « pasty ait. Eg . ’ ading | the civil ‘offieer 10 eclebfate ihe marriage | Venwmra that a doenment was found o It has been delayed thus long, in order to add totts } Jrom whatever cause. | passages which divide the ride baildings, | Re = a cefwnri : of tli P “ ay j Repnidieau Se. don usefulness, by pablishing | ! yet, as higher apd bigher rise her walle, | ' Come ' All the Acts of the last Session of lie Gen- al Assembly, THIS etegant and truly valuable Medicine, | ras {rom titne to time decn Mm EXlensive use with baleonie® ih front aud stair cascs to and terminate upon theiz sitles ig aut deers, | 0 wens t And more perftetly is seen the R \ 1. Tt e 19 grand outline of this waguificeat temple, the greur a. wre are : roonm ip t Lie ator, aletained from ve- at tis bedside without the asnal prelimi- | the beach at that place, August 30, much ing for it because, ta use his lafigaage, | wary (formalities, “The Procutenr an- mutilated. Initthe finder was request- ‘iis reprgint, Mr. Peosident, to all wy | «weged ont of bis window that he eould | ed to forward it to the Secretary of the ; ns hotties of & free government 6 iw reel ie rae axke insti- i : relating in any manner to county officers and coun- + ior the fast twenty-five yeara Tt has been |) cule which forthe mast partare vere” and mnpre evident is the wisden thar °°” si ines rae erga I oa t do what wae a ia atthe mere insti- | Admiralty, London, or the British Con- ty police. ° jad, and is well known in many of the Sourl aah ee: i : h devised agd the strength that exceujer so! : eas _ ul DEB HE OMS | et butt ota weveenges whom he did not | sul at the nearest port. ‘he request was up tht Govindan og Pad the ferme berry cae, [Cn Cities arnt towns, ve; Charleion, Haran me fs ace a at aan a id ‘godlike a’ mission, Ooneoived ia, Wis. | POOR'S a : sn a ut, aa entering iat&| koow ; bat that if a certificate were | printed in six commercial langdages. The » this eaitio <x ne we ca ‘ . } .) ace . tre ' - ie + f Ne-Werk mie te¢ . .. meen. ’ : . = : s Z : . 7. SASEEEe Ed scaled WY a meemer er ae) sth Augusta, Atlanta, Chalorte, Colum! asceud from the centre of : us trinin Betlld | cesta ie ‘Truth, evened wil the frame-v i areal tof the Govern | brow ght from the Mayor of the village in| margin and every Vacant portion .was Raleigh Ber, of acknowledged alility and greatex- | &e.. and is highly valued, by thes ‘ ings Railings connect these chiqemey? (ye and bended wal Fai, Hope a sovnt that professes to be, god can only whieh M. Hamacrt lived he would grant | filled with writing relating to Sir . y . { * * se! ‘ ] st nN , , ’ ‘ ft ” 4 Hw . , ' ‘ ’ I ] , ' uc t t | . $ . [renee in preparing legal forms and codilying | ple whe have use als yw thes te on the t p ot the hou *, th ue { 7 gtwo Charity, it stands erect, clear and tirea:np Lee | dja Rh ibhean oue, * ; Bs * | the diepes eaten. The messenger, “spar- | Franklin and party. T We doc E Justiges of the Peace. Judges of Probate. Sher ; Ne oy ee cae separate observatories for fair weathey% the eteru b grantee. Whoo ‘Tin: was born As T nave vaid, [ betieve it to be injasious | ed not for thy spojliss a (a wed oc. ) a f r aye 1 be etefua an ‘ 1 * mn, ‘ - ” The ive ® Li Coanty Officers. will find in the Mane- ae aa ee ete Phe arbora and partecrs of flower, Rew an Ol atone have wrine aud Cather to the Government, it it be CLEA pated Te an death chamber 4 member = Phe geld aus f 4 > Koons @ preseribing thelr powers aad respect.) A great number of (he stronges'. ail mort which beautified the yard in other days : ca : ill pe eae ritrerewtr-er & $y | ble 10 weit (delegated by the | five at the thag ' : ys Q aye, oe peepee tere TT yisb ee ere yret @xheh 4 & . : ive duties, togethetwith forms and precedents ne- | qnal fed opttificates: ¢ value, haga. bern) iw nat te be geen now; though orn ss rien Prat 2s telah Lsle—nob M ectorm the civil marriage,) the command of F. Re ’ moranry 69-9 ee Ts hapnabbel ooh ta became a I . fi d Ne lated, fi mr pe ee Ser cee: ot ner } Liwo witnesses suceceded in reaching the abow ittde oa Tmretl, who wii | st HIRI Is -lyvli-h hickory trees which) saford @ most) yang fost; floods have desolated, res felt bound to say so.” cure of the parish, ane : | ; a 1 Air to All b= offce Wik creat to bit The Medicine is pleasant to take, and p. B! and ; I have felt Bouts ’ 3 : ’ i f the bed, | and | jade, where they found a Telje . » how i an ov e ’ } . a . es ie : . 1 ae yy the side of the bed, | anc ougi , amake te Sand Kook bis cuide. however inexperk! 1 on #1 bil't { harm, ¢ iuvit ng shade consumed, #ickness blasted, desil ce Mr. Wi? of Massachuset’a, concia Kneeling down b3 2: R It states ice. procedure and ferme | feetly tree from fhe posswmity © a } S ie Mt ° ; ; a , 1 » was a of the latee Sir John Ross. otases ced he GB in the practice. pte | . Cleakh n ‘Phe exact date of the bai gof Strat yet through all these mighty Pn soduwent in these | in an agouy of grief and sespense, Wi r 1 Jigon contains lapy cccninstances of conditions ¢ a —in- i : your 5 and f : deg a specch for the ame duarnt nb ¥ : / ; or . wintered at Beech Ie'apd “ a Large Sized Pages, ian wifcetly sale, even fur anid It! ford is not known to the writer. It was) oh anges and these mutations, the pum woke: “Lam going to vote for this pro lady who for cightern , ph = ] ie co sir John Franklindied Juve = : ; f ies : : liatime af 1) , . ; ac ctate ae Be . : ( ) e wealjhiest } - ; of closely printed matter, on good paper. » th 9 ta- y alapted to she present seasen, | parly, however, in the limettan of Ths. ciples of Masonry Lave survived. Feriete osition without taking auy responsibility wih M Humbert (one ¢ bert : 5 hie | 1 1847 It contains many fntefesting vle of Baie ts aid ® full ond iacahaustve =e roartang warn weather occasioh9 | Te President of the Coanc il, who died ing all the elements Of disorganization for it. | am not responsible for this half. |dand-owuers ia the neighborhood) as &, Ou. d with the expedition « to the text. and over \ of lassitude, and debility, po ca fthe Jast centary, at e*: 4 it . te am | . : Woes ; A young girl, the ireue of the | incidents connected wit © expe 5 2 Two Hundred and Fifly Forms j uct oo ’ alout the middle of the last centary, and decacy, uuaffected by sarrowuding preposition I eimply take it, at this | mistress. A 3 Z . Rc and ’ prostra ens ‘ ' ae c i ‘ greet ’ ‘i ” = Iie ‘ t —— inserted with the text. and iTiinediately folowing | i. . tat a ‘ ; * the moinent When be had bern ¢ _. . changes or wutoward events; elu Breese late hour, as the beet T can ge. errs gular oe’ nee Ae ™ a fer A CATCH MICE the provisions of the jaw to ¥ h they Oppty:) Fe eee LE and 1 | sioned ae goveruor of the colony. “Phe us in this afternoon of the uineteeuth “Mr. Sawver, A cucpet bag Senator | the object of the marriage We * HOW TO C ae Soe eer rt of Cro wee Luli reparcd and ; : ’ 5 - of lewttt . . —i In order to piace the Hoo® ae See ee nat A Hee 10 Ce pe ‘ | office of Richard Henry Lee, she distin= | ntury with wundimmed eye, with un from South Caroltoa, said: “TET vote for | upon her the sfafus of legitimagygyas the | . © . a ok ee “pil pwing reasonable |" . F. SILD.S. Deng Store. guished son of the projector of Strat rd, lalternng step, and in the compictenes4 of this proposin { L vote to covear in|) French, like the Beoteh law, allows per) A cotrespondent of the. 5 ak of : ‘ offers th ' s pe ALE. g a te}, . . 4 pre . » ’ x ce | a) - prices go.fy} anni e— tase Swintury N.C. Pi. grill to be seen in the yard here. | ber peifectcd majony.—Dr B. Keng this r pert of the con: nitsec of conference, | eubseqaen matrimoninm, ‘The ee Pharmacy say?: “Having on 1 oc ee 2-08 40 YEARS | joubtlees, were moulded many of thor ‘ < ld it with the greatest reluciance ; 1 de | was gone throngh, and two hoarse after) ojos noticed mice in our eged barrels, I “ “ eloth,....- oe . : ss ww” $0? . = . . " “ a law binding......----- . -2.00 BEFORE THE PUBLIC. w) en eent by ma ! ® ents met be Upon the rece pt of price. the b mailed or vent by express, as sul ecubers rect. Ae CHOLS . GORMAN, e atoace nay ok « ee NworTicn. — — | everywhere and on >OULSON Mary A.Campbell, Plaintiff. G. B. POULSON, : és ‘ea do Vinite® and you are Cefendant abinet Cartes de Visites, MARY Sept 3, 1969. of Pictures at reasonable prices, | Ambrotypea, Pereotypes and all other stvles | \ sepl0-36 -/: | clog nent thoughts wl ich secured fur bun | Fr the tideof the “Cicero of America, and which called forth from Lord Ct atham the memorable enconium upon the popers et which Lee aud Jay were the authors; ym the New York Post A FATHER’S sACRIFICE. | MTbert G. Drecker is the watebman of . the deed, and the press thronghout the Tand should let his where. sions of “love aud thanks.” la member of Congress in 1799, that be introduced a scrice of rt solutions upen oc name be known every- subject of great interest and we hail with | portion of the United Statea, North, Vast ulbjec rrei at, ral | delight the announcement that his “Me-, or West. ward the husband expired, He left be- bethonght me of some method I Mr. Howard, of Michigan, who also vo- lhind him a fortune of 800,000F , vo, might wiht trap the little —— ere; ted for it azainet his conscicntions eon-| soa ef which will ge to oe : 'd hey having gained entrance by ae victions, made the followi rg short, bat) daughter if the marriage be beld valid, as through the chime. To kfll them witha in‘all pr shabiliry it will be. .The disap stick Was impracticable, as the Jivle fel- it with great hesitation.” to the | the mitrailleuse fire d 370 the de-| 378 hit the target, 52 work there; and after awhile, : + ; Vt -Conestitation in . | inhibition coutained in the glk of the neighborhood, | ' missed and teste 1 Are they | great joy reference to re ligious ? | : .¢ omedie adsothe Sabbath- ; wissed fire. _ ae | ee ed hicl = | pre pared to give to Congress anthority to ee bine : ve a ns ‘ yother grist in| as uM Ff hi | agains : -_—— - — - —$—————— | 5 > e ’ + i which oe Soe , | he : i reaking miil never pa not grist | A aleiomlia wanie ik William B. Campbell, Defendant | P. B. KENNEDY, -| casion of Washington's de ath, vee al The officid figures of she Treasury | ray what persons shall and shall not hold g he J vs a. | A young wan ot pli ant The defendant will take notice that on Fri lay | . PHOT XVGRAPHIC ARTIST, | occurs the famous enlogium : “First in 1 D re 0 a 1 5 he aerenliar ‘1 pro l Kee in the various States, in the various , Its hopper on the Js ee $100 offered for At ae on ot Wer = : ‘ | cat | a i ST cas | in} i —<_-— irl he cloped with aaa OL a : i : ra | acé, and firat in the hearts Ce las ane : es ‘ of |} aboute of the girl he cloped i the Bth October ne of At Ito tal ie oo |} Cor. Main and Fisher Ste, opposite. Murphy's | war, firat 1 peact, © Ilia publisserviecs, | dace of the Suuth at €650,000,000, and , Territories, and in the administration of | A philosnpher in Troy sayaroman able ® g ( angen ‘ ; I ee proceed to : i el iow SALISBURY, N. ( | of hia country men. publise és ‘how that the Sonth has more money at the laws of the United States? “| / " f Ne ae er eee oe ears An antestam well at Mabilowne aoe i a rait now petiling "a a ap his brilliant military earcer and S408 : ‘ ¢ | : iv f alteration of , to walk can be G ’ e ; a dept } a Ae eile ol - ee oe > . any ome rricutal “Sir, I can eouceive of no allera | . a consin, has reache da depth of } poad ae o now pt aM Le ‘ soak plaint ‘i Large Sized Photographs, Porcelain Pictures, | the varied fortunes of later years, form a! the present time than any other agi whieh would be reore| nran is drunk, he lays down and feels ap- |, eonsin, I of Caldwell coun hab ITE oe ‘ | the Constitution G0 of which are through sojid rer odious in the eyes of { as the peopie of the | ward for the ground, . ’ sa, s ates lusive, epecch against it: : i . mh } h a« . ive raw ride on th conc oF} Be — : 1 . . ' Book and Job Printers “Ll have read Thacydides snd admired the | the 2 assai¢ e ao ne - ‘I a ee hae OMr. Pre 1 was remarking that | pointed blood re Mrione, who had taker A lows would invariably escape agebon ns ot . “1G fo | tee “tates of the carth, and mast say! Now York and Newar Pee ms 1 ‘ - itu. | for granted that the ivberitance Ww: uld | the lid wae raised to any height. pl then — , RALEIGH, } . we OTHER =| master “tates of th arth, iS ee that the draw is clo this proposed am ndment te the Constitu re 1 . to : porto e/* r neiresa it te e € ? ‘ : nash tho ¢ : ; ie EI All kinds of legal blank forms furnished to tnat none have surpaseed the men assem: Ou oe l ° f :t trai On ‘tien will operate aaa repeal, as an sn came to them, hav? bmaght an action i thonght of saturating a piece ‘ ‘ y f . : : f the raite nib pee ai : } Hee oi ° ‘ t re: order, and Job Priating of every descript.on neat!y Remedies bied at Philadelphia. in solidity of reason. | np m ihe appreach " 6 span. | pullmeut : f that elanse of the sixth | have the marriage deciared null 7 void. with chloroform and throwing h, the 0 , cheaply and exped tiowsy executed. ; —%6 r, foree of eagacity aud wiedom of con Friday afternoon last, j _. " . } : "niche of the prevents enctitation (Bf Allon, for them, argued th ithe mar: | Gosing the lid. On raising it again ina i ee ee ora S : FAIL Le j ha complication of cir- | renger iin was In pare the bridge, tac | & ) A ‘ Hewes | riage was bad firet, as clandestine ; aud!) gw minutes I wonld find that life had SPECIAL NOTICE z clusion, ander such I t Mr. Diecker began | which declares tha ne ornbp £ . . : . ae FOK BRONCHIAL AND LIVER DI cumstances.” dhaw was opan, @ud Mr. _ t iw | teat should ever be reqaired a a qual fi- | second, becanee M. Humbert was toonert) alos, or quite departed. Having on 20n , PTELICTED = : : . } . “i , tt yet ia) teat eb eeter he aired ¢ , ' . " jabs ‘ . oe ‘ RELIEF ror rar sible a AP oo aoe SEASES read the follewing Siratford was also the birthplrce of | to clore it Ihe train was one y tion to any effive of publie trust under death at the time to be able to jive a val-| sue occasion left the piece of cotton in ra » ertuoe of the andersigne: oe 1 ma Pr NA Beit . , ia ment t re watchman | catio ) i ; 1, . : : : a, It was the misfor . " i red thomas H. Barney. Fay. y med. Francis Lightfoot Lee, who with his bro- | sight vt this wm maeee pe Id | the Uulted States’ The artiele which 19 id consent. M. Lachaud pk aded for thre the barrel, on again returning, found thre to have suftered, as fow og Siena soph ada Mola AUS thle hid al era very her Rict rt Henry, was a signer of the | kuew it was coming, that no time eheald | the Un ; | i. Siateahall) widow and child. ‘She court atonceover- | mice with their heads in close contact before, for six long and gloomy years, ne 4 naa D ‘caGercet I i pcuderi oe ° be loz ating the bridjce in ite prop: | proposed fo wa a ‘he Cai ee 1, 1 the objeerion on the ground of clan-) with it, and dead. In the evening I eat i ; pgs. arine dd! eficial in my ven caw rvelsrs 4 Declarat o dependence, .* ee . -| Pibat the United States | paicd the oo 10 . ae ‘ it »# aq. oy . an affection of his feet and legs. superinduce ficia i pes rs yee, lof ec har Ae | x ae n closing the | pase any law, ane : : s ate ; . eee : ee by overwork, daring the first year of the late | Sicted fr Alicen ream. AU Lene yiate jeand ermal ¢ Author, the youngest of the illnstrions | position. 7 hike on D earn - ill pase na law whieh shall abridge or| deetinity, holding that the Giepente “ ‘ f asated enother piece, and placed it in the "A J nme - } Toedicine t | conn ce ‘ 5 : - draw ttle 1 r cesker, te : i igen . : mt fic t, but '| er ent ing F war. During altthat time. hewas compel: | ier geum your Mile than a'l othess Giersse @ | farmuly, was born: here aleo in 4740. dt ieee f rm { ‘a ei by the (deny the right of veting and holding of- | the Procarenr imperi il was eu “ »b I, and on opening it next morning, 4 ed to drag his emaciated irame about, on | brenchi Bee " : . ue i ter is ay. | has been styled “the scholar, tue writer, | yrare © ° ‘ ] + ir , ai Vite | fi se tn anv citizen of the Ur ited States on it reeerved fi ral judgment uniil after e tomy surprise I found nine dead mine 8 : ai invoked the beat ined- | the ne 1a system. Bolt shan sibs egies ‘ tcntae . leep water ow, o e Ue pene “ . ‘ ther at the moment of | crutches. Te, vaio ee leeone reac aes teen canes in my famfly. and find them to be the very | the philose pher and negovator. His ca- | de Pe tt a ee een Mis, aceuunt of race, calor, of previena con | inquiry as to whether at had eafficiént : aa oy “aril ical talent @ the country; and visi a } Se cine tor nearly ail family dimea-es | reer aa student at Eton, where he reeeiv- | life would be an ca : : if avery. Th volieation t per | the martiage M. Hambert had safhici a Extraordinary Will Case.— Carlton most — = al Springs : r ; The Cure is Thorough. ed a diplows and at Edint urgh, where | Dre ker now saw the t age the ring F - it ‘ $n the mind of every in- | eonsciuusnces to know what he wae do Gates, a wealthy citizen of the village of on t xshausted, he gave op all Roper - iP c : ormats ease , P » ’ ’ c. an Knew that i Tes @Chiy IfFeRistrey ‘ ; ° . = 7 “0 : te 7. At thie stage of Lis eee hn g| Kenneth Waynes Enq.. ted of vie rene | he gaiued a medal ; asa suc seful law loag t= ee and ‘ _ ' j ptrocted Jawger who has had any practice | ing. Yonkers, died more thar three ees tea ’ recovery. / bie stag fut ide aie een Q. 1s “Daring ela ; . oh cent | cae of bie oy world wvolve the de- iche cing ¢ ——--— + we. ; 2 id that he been governed by his inedical friends frown! TOY Sete year i662 Twas x ted with | yer afterwards in London; as the agen woe What was he jat the bar that, « the ex sa of racer, THe HAD MILI j leaving a will in whieh he Lee . the beginning he determined to a cerand many night whiein bed he per! Te \Wyssachuseti’s as commissioner at the struction of the tram. ha Aa eviaus € eet ail THE BAD } le i Heved he had Sees poisoned, and ie e beg . b d , ] ; of aM § i ad previous Coudilic 7 . 5 ; ) : t lwn . . aud dol a ' : } have carcf thod of treatinent, the result f } ‘ - en eX a : ta of Ergla d. France, Spain aun | to dof oa Staton mpoee what . 2 : structed hia exeentore to bave a ' wneth f tr i e e cour ’ : the United States may Im] . ie] ; ; 1 t t te eda ® ! 2: } y | ppoee tw amo-,cven Uh ? ae had eT 8 arieh . - Vath reflection. It is enough to say. that thr . tie i! Jlussia ; as intimate associate vf Sir Wil- We may © Il emppoee } ee ver Vificatione Congress may ree fit A minister had vee u t 1 analysis made of his body after his dea ’ a: ure ‘ ; = '. wae r ficatro gs 0 : t « 4 method is not so mneh new, as itis. themore) ap re PiL is. and t e liam Jones and correspondent wi bh Burke) ment of supreme agony. hi ~ Rea | hatl ; eaipe nid ihe who waa very pr Loft his m \ . ; The man apparcutly suspected his own Sw Aas en long ! perat a etir tot Pits tor @ . : ea A, vee hulore oi) 2 nd tte life ar, COLE ME Peh 8 ae lL vrinding and whirhog ‘ =1) . : t «iilfal application of what ba - ene at relied. Foner need from tiver dircea Wyndham, Colonel Barre, the Earl of jdrowuing balore : a | f holder of office in the States andthe a very ies eat, ere k. On relatives; he willed all his estate, amou cnown, and attempted by the Physicians sear mincniedt aceording Linsdewne, the Duke of Rochefoacauld, could only be purchased at the loss ef oe Lthat by anactof Congest he whole eeven days of the week, ling to about $300,000, to hia friends, 4 eat . a since. ay pedowne, it ik : Grates. and th Vv Va ani gre #4 * t | Se , After seme weeks of the most u : - ! at rereon« are ant em. fo er de Bretevil and) other distin- | many other lives that were in hie hands. led Ofites, a A i ; aout jeter took his sack of whea beqneathing nothing to his relatives, not and persevering effurts, be ern He wit Ail dinetee is ems te naman 8) ; ey ry characters, both in Hog God mereifully spare ua all from the bit- we way here, . SHUM a . th Qtricentu tit ground to Moar ex Ve mentioning his father’s or his mot a he inmost gratifying results. ndeed, his rap <atwars itands ’ ee guished ticrary ' : : 6 , : a le which shall exclude in re States & ¥ - a en mentio gh : : Te eat = i ; covery. was alu ee tha ’ ' sre aida yn the continent, not to mention, ter anga bef such a tiel as was toreed ; m : uew we J wil balding of Rat amit tlhiee anil smite |e name in the laat testament. ‘This oc id Aprovemens are ae OS ae re ing jae « 1 at ts : mee ; : , i a oupan t er! { etood by hie daty, , from the res o oe " Sree tote boat built ver saw.” } ! Ps rf ina rical—eo mach so. that in looking back ee : wh tot the his varied and timportant public ose Sas Dive : ) eoeteats aa. fev every pereon who shall not be of a ws a ue | j Tp aad farwieled worlds of im . npen his condition a yeat ago, he ean. even |’ ' tor t home, invests his history with an inter- | the bridge was crosed, and the train pa n es j very pers The miller often urd thatevid, ang yy ious publie to feed upon I * ye 1 : i nd 1 inm- te aie a ' _ S | Leafel ver it, Bulthe buy reas drowned J yrartieniat religrone creee, } } nere than just fe oes : | 5 vw. he alize the truly wonderful lin- |, : eet eeond to that of his older, ed safely over ut, M : { . . ee ee ery SC GMeit 1) Wak 10; 1) the villave of Yonkers, dnd even ty now, hardly re . J { iA we tie ycet scarculy F It 7 ‘ I tue did any posasenger in that tran who shall not be of a certam age, ever cate enoriimed the misters wat has ; th hs + ane preveme nt. ane re cae «Tr merit © brothers. Janins wrote of himaga man) Little au yf - ho shall net have been bern ia Bat,” con 1e¢ ' ’ all aerta of stories are rife concerning Profeundly grateful for this extraordmary |) ser! ae rave ma, weve ‘ a. { bil ics,” and a paper frem lis pen dream at what a learfal “struggle between) person Td } bad defect.” Wleged poisoning, and the report ot l coe ing the ise roma cel? . Mabliitice, ant : ; } “ ome particalar loeality +9 ked the 25 2 blessiig. he is desires of being the imeaus } \ ) : fo a sense of duty and the wate i] prompt-, some p ve oa: “ lefeet ! Whar. ait aekec ee ty ott Ra pat ora ae similar benefits fo those who The Southern Hepatic Pills, was fora long time atuibated to that of : tithe hasise Waar the enle pre “Bat, sir, Me great objection to it ts “A : Ra eeeat deal otnirpene this oe y Doremas, By ‘B ut ge ; r ns i wet 4 hercfore Trat eld. long known and» tried remevy -cloqnent Chatham. gaof the tin art, fa . heolute anther-; miller, with a great " cle of poisonous substances anne it larly afflicted. He therefore. Zhatelt 7% 3 the cloqnen _ . Na ne tit civea to Oongress abeolute antl ; may be similarly & LE for all Helicon dine seed bya > I ov over lees ortant characicra | sage of the biitge had been s cured. tha eine at . » that | tone. the body, docs not restore trangnil proposes not only to treat, bat CURE. all / DISEASED LIVER Passing over lees Imp A ford {eae “ny Wit ralkeot tle bree itv, hy thie legal implication, to say tha ah sue defect.” th y; i . . £4} . extremities. | MAT, it, ae e history of Siratford, we wwe oratius kept the bridge ile ; oe moe nartiell WA very serious GClcer, 4 —— —— manner of diseases te re a fthe| TO ALL EMIGRANT You are ator! to make | 880 ated wish th Maes have added In the ve days of old,” nobod® but members of some partion u What can it be 1” asked the miller. ; : (iva fx: auch as old and ill-eonditioned Uleers of th heme for ponrecifand famiy’n a climate v next notice the family who have addcc : 4 t “Kent the | religions eect shall have she right to hol } il) be likely to dam- Terribly —11 ia stated that, in the ten legs ; Varicose Veins ; weak and enlarged 4 ere Sioa wetnmmcdi aawi justre to the military ar pale of the coan-! but the Jeraey railroad acrvant ep : F . ss he State aed ii he (latemment A defect which wil _ : iV : years prior ta 1860, to Were qihnn? carci i % ‘ ‘ standiug. an medty he diseases pecnttir to - . . » dee | bridge” at a costll sacrifice than) the ; ot ’ : “ re the mill’ continued the minister, : Meiae s 7 Joints, &e., no matter of how long sian a - eee aI ee SO a yl try ad their couse had dene ta the d bridg at a costlier ier oa laf the United States. Do not doubt ye the am Ue oe ; : thousand four hance d and siatyseix lives Itis one of the great advantages of Nis rior otimate. yous " : i u literature and etatesma iship loman Captain. And what remains! : lawyerc cal d some day ruin the owner, | ; ; é te an il t. that no restrictivns are; i 5 t tle enurmalt it eiimater | partineots of erature t sett hi toa i air: look at it with the eve of a lawyer. a pias “a? aaked the | were Jost by the various acciden out mode of treatineut, that DB 4 vag @ ll tind she greatest! eectint 1 the use of Q ford was the home of Houry Lee,! Drecker i@ a poor man; bis) positou in et “d . lain and in “Can't you te I quick | i ! sof Encland ; » the patient. as regards diet. exer ; . ice or Strathord we * , : : nile his lena | of a Pereon accustomed to explain ane’ ' coal mines OF Np : imposed on the patie 5 itt! ; Dervs’ SCrTHERN Hrratic I sme whose achievements daring the war of: life ig an humle one, and witle bt a i Gran cuuie te. 0 miller: rise. Ac ‘or the yat part, little or no . an Le sentto any pointin the Unite tea| Whose ach : : oP oa 4 : orpret atatures, and yo 1 col ; . . . ale lag 12? i = + — --- vned, &e., aud : r the most part By ih ; eta eS ‘76 gave ench eclebrity to “Lee's Legion. ia irrepar ide, his noble eonduct may bet iI : a f . The right of preeerib i grinds on the Sabbath day 1 sara a . ‘owe Lenie mind nd inedicine is psed. LYE Sas en—_Val'e “u B ae , ‘ ) y an inv owea | ollier conclusion, et Ig . LS XPCHIMEVES ATS Bo a and + . ® en Wersey ten nm: “DL beliewe: rewarded. ‘The railway compan te . . : are. the minister. Ale eer hi The charges shall be in aces he : FICS ery General a reen' “ ae } mans , . } al > debt: the p ne ou | ng auy qualifications Ree each - va The Her did not expect that, nor the am with a mitral usc | wet thy M. the general depression cf the tines; aue those | ty 7 vrder forthe He | that few officers, either in| Europe or him a heavy debt; the f ! 1d leem , expressly mentioned in the article is plain . nad I fal ie vt ich followed ; | Montigny. Jt is amachine composer of +g : ste tlie cine e ui . Or tere chouk! be address : y: hi : fe as biti afterno: rat vonld dee SES ‘ ; : . and faithful t hh ‘ Aes bed ; \ really indigent. will be treated ‘*withon! mon: | cine ores DEEMS, | America, are held in so high a point « fes- | that } vid iv afterno sir eS iy by an irresistiole implication, given to lemn and { a oneness thirty-eeven tulgg. Two artillerymen are ey and without price.”’ | Soury CaLaows BTREBR, | sa -ou are,” and Weshington | ita privilege to contribute to ritze A mone | Tes ; sed Siete Are | but it went straight to his conscte Be | . ee i aluee J ; : cae }timation as y ’ } . ‘ , » Coneresea of the Lnited Srates. 4 5 ee ete le 1 te manoevre it i WARD SILL. M D | Bactimon® Mp, | . ‘ he ohild fitly commemorate | the tz Ve hy the Holy Spirit a saving, eneug aan F EDWARD ° F 1 : N.C, | wherethes will be prompt'y attended te \ wrote bim a letter abounding in expres-) awent to the ehtd, to Mthy ae Somatore prepared to disrepard the old | wrongot by the aly =} 5 clmramat meliat Feb. 12—+ Salisbury. Kee | pe thee Medicines call on all respectable Druggiste | Tc waa while Senators ’ lisreg : , _ - , oes rae > or = " 5 P Ps ee J * nt ™ . : < h n m = + * we m is a . ee , : od 7 _* , nee tw Palas ¥ . y 7 ‘ae ° al * , ae sd . i wn ey , » oe : ; cece iE TT . 3 . +. <n? : Baa . * vA ° 7 » = vag et % M we ; * © iy: ere ith coe ¥ m &) i x ec . ° M4 ; pee yee ee ! a " 3 sn OO Se FO ie waite SB PA a F ~ senesipeecensseuieeammamnmt ~- . a . = i ad ie ca c ee “i ~ ' on rasa 0 —————— en eo ene er ose teen | te toes 8 all our} + Tee BW, oe: m “tp the lawyers could} ~ 0 of the great vomited? wonter- z J - help us to raise the means necessary to secure | auch as that on sigus, window-shades, and theat- | upon t a“ nN 1 “es gee Hg ore easily en in their ey t indisposition and | fa ‘obstinate and inveterate cases of : 5 The | 3 N ort State | * Surcly wedeeed not Lor to show | tical scenery, which requires little or no natural | people should be at aati . when formal pleadings were re- | ScrorvsA,» Sta, Liver Diskate, Kip- « @ ye 1U « ) ~ jthe road? Sure 7 woggee ht Ne 4. |talent, and could be learned by any one. | sign to.pugsua the lear 7 same have known cases to reuitlia.notat issue | Ney Arvections, GexcraL Bad Mnavru, &es . ee | them that it is to their Interest to do so, They | Many of thow who were learning wood-carv- | engage {ur the. hone rable babes p years ae entry “declaration re-| made by speg@ely “Koskoo,” it has won -< oo Gia 0) cannot fil to ee that if the road is once builtto | jng senc-painting happened to be gifted with tield ‘and gutton-pateh * trae The plaintit _com- uired?”- ; b Court never did solatety the enviabl of being the best and most SALISBURY, FRIDAY, Oct. 1, 1869. Cn ee ee Tt peer te enn ee Mockse | real artistie talent, it, would manifest itself 10 | men te make bread,’’ but these * . thesplains and, ¥¢ ‘the privtiee and no plaintiff in. thatCourt dv: ular BRE A Batt ee Salisbury it will be speedily pushed on to Mock J , i : ees 1 of jute That he 1 Me THO ] Ack: | pop mac iscovered, Lt is daily pre > ee ville and up the valley of the Yadkin to Wilkes | these parsvite, Sach piu eo d then be ou "| be devied the blessings iy “ye aka 7 at * on a st | ever obtain a judguient- until be ’ ad made ip | scribe 5 and recommended by r [aeignine.dof his Property to Trustee by eee a Jarated from the rent, aad Coroughiy trainee oo ee Ske he Pee oy a, dotond, dat Ge nid the pom ‘dea oye he rail pace seeiaine, | Fat sale ” SOE es Sa ball adisii boro. . . painters and sculptors. , i Aeanlay and “Miepasstor vary 1869, at; ee by his Is « ay se tat a every where. , bu an Lnsolvent Debtor for the beucpit of all Ids| Avid the citizens of the intermediate country | Gardening, book-keeping, telegraph-ope nn views among the frie otf mit e his cory, ory tiote ii wri- ted oat mn any. disease pecu- i ‘cade w Act ¢ unkruptey ? i between Salisbury-and Egypt are algo vitally in- | and many other other wiitable eccypsboms wi o far towards awakéuing.ap ‘Tote ote’ injting’ agreed to to | on _by“eithey demurrer or esti to.health Creditors an Act of Bonkruptey : EN readily s t themselves to your mind. x tows Te ae , ate althe plaintiff five. hun- med waivyed—exee 7 ar) ,._ | terestedhin the papject. It holds out tothem the | “Yr eae to advise thal 9-partiqn.of your popnlarmiud, and “and: yéat/dred dollars for valuere- | risdiction af the Cou ; This is a question's Oe are ae | only hop@)of any public ‘improvement. of; gift beemployed:for this purpos@, it. would*be aS " rea i Heour: toned, to- ceived, one day afjer dogs not facta. . Paes a time. «The opinion, we believe, very generally |-coupee we dp pot know What,route will betaken | well to pre pine that the ins igution. apg) tious, ¥ a, on ban ide than to at det thet ‘wity.the Mag ond Year date. aS “pe@wtuse of . 4 “is COM > eee ‘Sy prevails that it is amact of bankruptcy for a0 | tie Batters Ht Will be ther Northern . route | *ijtaled in that onoof the Soutiern whicle | rosy. hare dete ne ‘expression of opal said, . theteby 11. That no part there- | main, to thé old pradtjte with #h | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ; saolvent debtor to convey hia property in trust oe . : ‘Aolub heduld pledge itself to gontrilute most h ely to} attention and elicit. au. auib ‘ata 9. yand thére proritised of has been paid. vantage as to the objection fordef parties |. net anid Bg VOD, Sere gf eee i Jom thova it in through the gounties of Davigsow and Rando P®) ‘dig endowment, cither by gifts. of-nioney or of | froma few upon ship gers wey b au- | © paycone day afier the! Whereforethe. plain- | that whereas urider the old system this defectig y Ray p 0 RADISHZ, a for the benelit of his creditors, even Thongs © ™ | passing a Title South of Silver Hilly This route! iublic lands, ‘Then it shou in that | qeational iuterests, one oe “‘thercot to the,said tiff denims: judgment | was not necessarily waived by silenge in the very Eo syercign Kemedy for ¢ provided in such assignment that the distribn- is by for the shortest and.most/ direct, and we | Counry of she cli Siate high cauld CE | thor has beén ace lished. ; ota the bP iff, or order, the for the sun of five hun- | next pleading, aud ch bein suggested ore fenus Hoarscness, Soret Paling of the Palate, i & estate shail be pro rata among all the iy Bas’ : the largoat-addil jount. oe Buring the deea beginning with ”*Tsum of $500 for value dred dollars with inter-| was in actions ’é ebnifactu, in courts of law a ot A Ve € le and effica- tion o P | Letieve'a survey efit will also show i€ to Be the Bs &e A very : di This opinion we believe to be erro- peas oe It will t Even if very Kt be trated: in this year 1003, the University of North Caroling} reeeived, and then andiest thereon from the 2d of non-suit, if appearing on the trial and }-jyas remedy—recenstly fro fresh oe eet 1s fn Trust are valid Shore | TP onl wee parcticalte. t WU treverse achoul, great ge uld bealone ; for each PU) peconded, 515 matriealates and “110 gradu | qiere delivered thesaid day of Japuary, 1869. [in equity proceedings ground, for delay to make | Roots; anlyat Bb. 8 Drug 8 § neous. All such Deeds In Trast 3 oe ae a country fich in minerals ‘and fn forests as well pil, returning tooher native cys wontl ore ates. Beginning with the year 1818, there, romissory mote to the! ©... Barmey, Atto.! pa the new. it is waixeds ooo. Dobe dete See 8H Salisbury, N, C. no fraud is intended, notwithstanding tho bank- jas farming-lands, avd capatiloof beingmade one, ( its inhabuanté the: entixely — were 1.308 inatriestatées an graduvites ¢ | plyintiff by means where ; 1” The principle of the counter-elaim under the | —. . ——— — - % w. It would, however, well cnough | prea mere : iderg. “She woukl¢ery toma: y fainting hearts cc a a28, dhere” were 1.00% inatri- fot und“by force: of the a. aaah Gs itaelf ta, every © . rupt lw , of the fincst in the State.” HM the’ people along ' Yarl ao hapelas| With the year 4 y . old : : : in such trusts to dircet the trustees fist to PAY Ty. noute and for scverdbumiles on each “dle Bad eee ee t ee 5 Foal Det ath culates and 146 gradnates 5 shed eae ee rere — sri Alias tee Every oak N ADDITIONAL S a rey a hen , : ty cael ae net @y it seems—that they may yet be a | 1222 there were 1.537: watriculetes aud 303 | aod provided, the said} i ng insolven a note / 0 variety of stylea, bath’ ali such debts as are prefered under the bankrupt it, will subscribe their sprplas lands the road | from the scanty suppyortoot iilepaid an exliatel 1 due, bs bs we bg * ah 1648. there were} defendang™ then and being selvent; and B when sued held-qmnote on S riety of piytem 53 ; yim act. If thiseis done all danger is avoided, net-) Vin no geourede, Steps should at once be. taken | ing lwbor, and fronr the humibation of the bitter oe amas a © od 443 pradgerer; with | there Seams Sehle te hoe be ceali tol sedalt ane vote agieet .A.-~ | _Metat and Glass Lamps j witetanding the fact that the case is within the | i. riaiy what-emn be dones: Far, th | brend of dependénge. as wU=2 We A ar “3 wera) SOD witth alatie pay to the said plaintiff By the statutée-of George LU, he was allowed 10! together with Improved Lamp Chimneys. wicks on al » bankrupt act ascertit wu eh Ke a} In evagiosion, we would express to you in our the year L853. there were J, a ¢ Noe the paid suka of" moncy * a and 99 jukt-and consdnant to fair dealing’) 40, .A\lso a forthor “su ly of that atiperior purview of the bankrupt act, . '} assurances of aid that.can"bé given-will depen | mames, and ip those of our frrbers, brothers, | ..Q°410 gradnates, inaking a grand-total o tte aah ian e ak ae provision scem, thatthigutatitehas been | Ferosene Oil, whic Sel piven iuasialall ‘This view has been substantially sustained by | the final action of ¢he.company or the directo | juishanda, gud sens, or gratiimde to yop moe pearly 20.009 wianticulates. «4 nate specified, wie he '| incorporated into the jurisprudence of every one | bafy and satiafuebory. ty the nrultitude of persong the Supreme Court of Connecticut, ia Re egrge | 5, making the ochtion. < Ituretiailé assurances Fwhat you have already done for yorr iimpever’) — Jyuring the period of twenty years: bexin-} oid detend’s should of the United-States. Phe principle of the goun- | using ite At <> B. SILLS Drag Store, “3 4. [Tarkins and others. Tn that case J. & WW. i a veh oftiberal assistanes N will not; ished Tellow-egantryinien of the Soath, day | Bing with Jade. 1819. nearly ane thousiad | io therounto afterwards ter-claim is thé same but in its etfetts if is mere) Oot 1—2t : Salisbury, N.C, %, oe ‘ners in business, made, sm aaxigey | on F ab cle 1 allnes May yon'reecive your reward on - uk lof these were my College mates, and above | gocueated ; and’ being} comprehensive. Ln. its application under an ORE e-l Wil SELL ON Wen. a ; dene _ ity stecs for the-benciit | he Theat Mi lished, es whensyo:: shalt moet for the finst SE soe a qj three thousand have been my pupile, Many | xo Hable, he, the said) Code it may be made available a ju arg : ~ 4 NESD AY, 27th of, ber, from not » ment of their propery to eats : Ge of the appropriation made Wythe State, and the | tigudes ef those whoa ? Hed rea Sela of these who, were dear to me iu life’s spring | desuidant, in considera- 1. Where the same re ee soisneo 1000 bextidle GF Oarbebibyeing to Mary ee of their creditors under the insaltent - lass of tact Caat-hald dppropriation cannot: bee increas- | shall hear from ! cxed T ps she jo: ia hdl Sfltime and whose inereating asefulmess 1) (ion thereof, afterwards, tract or transaction set = ms pong pa Biirdnon) ‘The kale wispie dee and tac piace that stnie, the bankrupt law of the Cnited States ledy’ The whole matier depends onthe speedy | Ka Se trad me > \ watched with ausions and affectionate fiter- }to-wit:,on the day and ee rE aot ri sae on the furm of the late wm, wl. ae: oe: : a te oes |. . : , & have e bU ? a fete i se wtaves "heir | yer i Sali w 2c ; sania . G. FOARD jaa at the time in full force. Tie trustees | if not immediate efforts of the frietds of Salis seaet, Fak aoe est. now rest quietly in the’r graves. ‘Their | year aforesaid, dt Salis- nec “ ie a oe ) ; wl ad 8 Ly ee————7 ? . ; ¥ . In an action arising on contract, an, i 3h a eee cding with the settlement of the trust bury ns thé point of intemectiom @f Onis there | RLS ee vanues"ate on the aa which lies arsed ite ee nen ee areing whee tut comtradt wd ex. Oct- 1, QAO _ Guardian. e ; aes 'y as : x, ; om the ontinel. eer cs heir ss " ni vlensr | a — % % « . —_ ’ E Bee — - direction of thecourt of probate, when | canbe no doubt whitever. This cbeing so, will 1 ee z Be > PUBLIC me, und sole we ey 7 rt orn as a | faithfully promised the| isting at the commencement of the action, * Set NTO B..-THE UNPAID NOTES Giy ; : NIVERSIFY AND THLE PU fragriiuce of flowe s fresh fallen, Many still | M4! 72 101, eu>-dive, 1 & 2 Rat rat ' : : lants, being creditors, appealed from t they continyé to-repose Ir Hirtleseriess and) su- US LRe i e oy 4.) Arrive, aud frow them seatvered all uyor the | suid plaintlf to pay to} Pie frst ba icles ewbraces the doctrine of | + & +o.me we Th wine Ma oy : L crees'of the courtof probate relative}. we Will they not to work at once SCHOOLS.— No. 4. a ee cent itera at soneraulationt ae the Raid sim of) ' : i hot the sen=) Aid eceased, have N he hands « ee , pineness? ill they pot go land, cone frequent letters of congratulation | mohey in the Rald gotel recoupment and-the latter branc 8D" | ve Lewls Hanes for collection. ‘Those owing oro. ‘The reasows for the appeal, which and arous€ the people to acion 7” They netd | (SONCLU DED.) tnd ‘cordial greeting. One of these who | Pv . | tence goes’a step further, ‘The non-professional } © " d toed) upon Mr. Hanes & iv€ the peo}. ; . al g $ J see rding * to! “ : , en) are requeste © pou mr jem. iod to, showed that the case ws | awakening to the mardtiude of ‘ihely intcrest?; ‘The act establishing the Cérnel Wniver- | font bravely in the Sonthern army during 1 baageneiegrt Caves! reader may anderstand ly the defence af avoenr: | she Old North State offiee in Salisbury, and 1unx purview of the’bankrapt Ret. ‘Theol. } . ‘ i, was passed ip the Senate of New York. | the Lite war, writes froma Northern States | icrcof, Nevertheless meot that it exists where the — nts a | pay them a soon Ba possible, . = ‘ + offe Et cinerea: oehe Slat dav c stil following, and Was} eNooue ebtériug upon afield of duty so cou) the sai fendant, ne ceived real benefit and has sustained substantial | © Gor 1, 1869—tf %Z GRIFFITH, Adm'r. Invés claimed that the effect of the bank Ton ehe 2ist dav of Ay | xu ) VU the said defendant, not, : hy action oF has sustain: | ? “_ ‘ bles ea } —— ae + |, caved by the Governor onthe 27th day | scleutionsly as yourself, need lave any fear | regurding his apid yroe! “ injuryy by reason of # transacdo} : i i was to srspend the insolvent law ofthe ‘ 1a ee ee oh. It provides that the fine} of ultim: te suceess 3 and Lam sure the Uni | be ts | eae tene-t ed real damage and has rqodived se bench. fn | A CARD : . ‘ae ‘ ' oy ss : * > cA YING tthe gine mon h. Te atu 1¢ Utuinate § s8y ane An Bute Mle | nvise , E afem cl: ; et Ww e rat: im tole, THE apples rae teat " ff mere = = a ee | is acl anpoagly receive, ove student Vereity 18 far better off that when it was tirst | hath not as-yet paid the! each cqamn thodateeslany ouay, sander ine Dem | A Clergyman while rosiding in.South Amer- hate law exists in full force until thé =e ; LETTEL. ; lO each Assenbly Distri t of the State, tres ly wi into operation atter the revolutionary {seid «um of anongy oF er are ‘his ‘avoids circulty of |... nisdoninry discovered-n Fa a wim . luw attaches itself to the person-or property of . — Peel cerrariniviocn orany ineidért Loimeger, ot | was, aud. Lshould judge. the State authori: fany part th reat to ‘the; cous : Sete rot te hace cresy Oe ica as 9 ere 3 ou : a: | We'publish to-day a “Leiter of the Vomen/er t ’ es ey rs | said plaindff, although actign and hades the } ac i ple remedy for the Cure of Nerv Bakes, the debtor by proceedings in baukrefptey: Phe Fa han oe, Wald wi mee rept sich as may he made to enn ye i . Thtes intend it stall pgs ae. oe my Pout \ seneed ny ment of their litigation, brought mies e (ee keer, Dame oh 5 ‘ BS Beni. atpellanda wart Bustatned In their position by }Ot ae foal’ fo Mh. 0 ewe eee damages heedlessty or purposely dene by the | wishes for yorr sneeers, &e.” Anot er frou | Oe Bea Peal ed irr one suit and is injurious to none but the | Farry Degay, ‘ ae ae ed 4 i At 16, ffoid | some-explanatian, Tt is hoped that the great! dents to the property: af the Universt y. far south, “TP bepe, my dear sir, you have | But the anid defendant law-officers in cutting off double fees. I bad a) inal Organs, and the whale of disorders } the ease of Griswold rs, Pratt, 9 Metcalf, 16, fort | ie i: ee ae abl i ey i a calt cent : ..topay him the dame, Sty ilffxtrating the excel- | victor Great “ . : fs / tl died upon -the | aed good philanthropist will be willing to Urcet ph age eendents are selected in consideration | pot forgotten we. as T eutersain a most dis- hath bitherto whelly ne-| case the other day fully iMatrating the exce brought on by vaneful and us babits. Massach weetts. The appe ew ~ o Pr bieh F partion of his prince ly gift to the object set! of their sipertor ability, and asa reward fr j tinct an) pleasage inemory Loth of yourself A nad refved abd lence of this pro¥ision. A and B aecerer hom} nanbers have bedit eured by this remedy, 4 cuse of Zirgenfuss 2 Lredell’s Law Fi 0 Soe fotih in this letter. It is prrpored to seid cop: " arpen ior hajurship in tre Acad _— and band sour, class-rooun, Many of wy ease) itl dosh neglect and! _ oad and B gave gg ral — a Prompted by a desire to benefit igre wustiins the broad position ascimed by ea fea, cacti cofitaltiiag apaccs far fift? panies, to tlic | Publie Seho 's of the State, t he following [inates were killed near me lu-the aminy of} retnse to the damage off bases Aves keoger ee aia by B. ia very | and unforfuvate, L will send the rem int an the Crushes vobesfory, 06st ¥ 59 oe | ease rs of promir Bee papers in “the Southern | eles uty pbaerved in thelr subs Sees A | Virgin n Seail I, “ys Me og . non eta aes the said plaintift a 32 | eres cad is not worth as much as valncd at paring and using this medicine, in a yon ded upon other greunds. Judge ( arpenter, who | #4 ee ay sae 7 Comune op Tie Sehowd Coun ivsions ror Commissioners | with " y left ie avlug ha uy : i oe = —— he brings on the trade, by $45. Bi. is sued on the note.} yaJope, to any who needs it; Free of Chatge. delivered the opinion of the Court, su-tathed the i oe ae : ui ee. Tea hnesd to So loft egeh county, andthe nh ard af Edlueatiou | at 4 ~ ed att or, . 4 <c . “ " . i ess Boyne, Atto Under the oid «ystem B, could not set mp any ‘Address. JOSEPH T. JNMAX, appellces ou the gronad that there was nothing | Lish tiie lefter in bis paper, an to hand t ee ofeach ety. ub those performing® the du- jot Get vburi. +s and J —. are nett joypEN, Atto. defence and judgment necowarily passedagaingd Station Di, Bitile Seabee apt . 1 é-ued wre intanded indy or ladies in the town the copierwith blink to. Uf suena Boarde, select annually the | and ding well. J— east seltarm im (he | Sow let us compare the pleas of the old syrtem | iin and he was Criven to a cros-actiun against . x w York Chex ew — ¥ oe ~~ a - t ripsabael spate® requesdng them: to-have the sare filled | yee gebotlie fram eaeh Aerlemy and each | war. My brother, W ae we rely i well! vich the answers of the new : | A. on the warranty. Whcreas bow, I ae Oct. 1—6in e e , or that the prefles were allempiiis to He EY Fo th itte memes Of Mouthern | Publte Sebold of ghéir respective counties ur | (though weaudedin the war) aud wount pou) \LD SYSTEM, | NRW SYSTEM. lthat he ean set up-his cause of action for the] ___——_—_ : operation of thebankrupract. So far ay ap [8S BO" Ly —" ne 7S : ak ' jak tees | eis oes pregency Qaten for the Thitcersizy tise iu kindest wishes far you.’ Aud aelass| a | = | breach ef warranty in the way of a cofmier ; CLEMMCNS stace Let FAhé eecigoreat, an.) the proceedings an- | wotaen, at when chia ia dene to . do ate caht Tie candidates thus selected | mate writes, “The aniversity must ter onde General Tasue. | Fall Denial, | claim, aud will be allowed to recoup against the} ; : WARSAW - z it. en ia hans adopted by the par-} lagR 16 an aldress with which “Gre gditor will) oak nf ves sae ay a pinee as the Board of | a preat power for woud. Of ‘its fiual sucess C.D. | A. B., Phaincitf, ! note any damages he mmy have one a oe a « Ce ee a . ; : | ch them.” When’ sil tlic cipiés are collect- |" era iy “your hands. TD have ne doubt; vot bower: | *ate | ayrainnt rensontof the breach of warramty. Js not th " ties for distributing the effects of the insolven, } by sith Shih thet Sigetaes sind the | Pupem leone air ont ane are —. 1s _ 7 : ae re Siw, The press wl grow t, | A.B, iC 1), Defendant. mueb better than splitting such litigation Lato lo Fayetteville. dehtors pro vate among att Lote crelitora; wi ie i sh P ly fil?thongit| ee b of Katie tion uf | preftulicrs iil be exelted. ridicule attenpted.| “And the said defend- The defendant an-|iwo suits? The Iatier branch “umeonnec@®) 7 pave Warsaw for Fayetteville daily ex But the caseqmost in point is that of John whole forwarded fo Sir. Peabody. Sane Sem ouady. a tle hear’ Rs en Apes 1 trast that iu the geunine s fthe ant, by Blackmer, his'«wering the complaint | with the subject of the activa, would seein to) Jy can: sanddy. Ifyou are in Western N. « _ ; eiet on Kemet KC Pi 1 others | Uhat sie 5 an appeal WRI be more Tikelytoscetire} the cities with snel her petuts Bathe gu : “hee 1 ome! ; + ‘ nove of ar orney comes and de- her-in denies each and ; give a more extenderb range to the foree and €) Ae ting go to Ralelgh and precure a through Sedggyh, qulates > WRG. < Se . "| he favorable atieutiaaol Mr. Peabody, and hix | persisorsa ut. who determine the best | xreat Apustie, yuu may truly say. Bote ef nds the wrong andip- every allegation’ there- | feet of the counter-claim, and might apply | toxerto Payetterville for 88; Throngh Tickets in the Circuit Court of the Upited-States for tre | He Savor i ! peda dt Aoitens 5 ie weere | © ee se the Beard of Super ne tinue beve me ’ Auother claas-mate, . ppd apaly a Shad of |. wh g cavcasthis: A. draws nm bill int favor of fon Gold boro’ via Warsaw, to | uyett ville, Southern Disteiet of New York. Ia that Gare, SURE, ee, ee? at sig ‘ad Aigh | Visers select the rom bet of ete for each As- jad tudinate associate tn the eer ee ‘as it he did not under- McCorxtr, Atto.| B. on New York 4t sight. A has no funds, bat | 46. . Through tickets from Weldon to Fayette. se bankropts, bell aabeiet. seapaad Gate | coutgiuing reqnest= aml <afgestions with whagh sembly Distcict im uch ewwaty or citys and | now ' jay w pesit ? of uret or promise in man-| 1 C, agrees to cause funds io be pla el in t lville $20: Through tickets frit Wilmiugtoo, ‘ es a < amare Vv | veer itt Jolaware tip-is well ksrQwn be and tris tre the eurtdidate t . ‘eeted with tn I ner ond furtn ax the nai irawee to mect the bill when pre-! vig Warsaw; to Payette ville, $4. ° f t 7 a 6 - ’ and foridsh ns se 4 | hands of the : : thout November 20, 1567, and-yood afley — {tem aang J There may be thers, too, iu the | a ee cate nf such nel wv. whiels entities ate. a ster of Che plaintiff’ hath above | sented, amd A. agroes to give ©. a sg utile | CHARLOTTE TO @TADESRORO: ; - 2 - $ 7 : . ¢ z : ' ’ | t y sla in Vie ° ‘ an nafignment of their property fo trastees-tve | South, and @tsewhere, able and willing fo con- w to adatission te the Dniversity free oi b Bi afore ees thereaf - complained | I t'me to cifoct the vost, bat af oe ~ "\ k | Leave Charlotte after traina frem Raleigh r the benefit of all their creditors ander o statue | Gelb: to an enferprias weeded, }¢ : | ©, wpa ati ae el setled ieee ees ae ; aginst tin, and of this} lena | aw 1 ets ; = 7" oat ts whi } and Cofunrbra, via Mourve, for Waderber’ 4 pte f mf rh iS ° ' i er te aplie sat t r attyrs : = n law of the State of New York. in icthruary 1 . coat sbtam, nt ivast ten thousand | )agaval ch ret forthe suders aud prosperity of put: himeclf open the and i rani es ral inz the deposit | TY , Thurelay, and Sate rday. Leave Wa. 4 } a de pobLaAm Al ivae nt a ee e aa f re tral aid east ° wort ie MOVING CAlwe lor LAUD t raat © OF seals 3 y Satnocay, air f itowinz they applied by petition fur the bene-| . a . Tire « { at ft Uaiversity, And frou ceatrs dew country Ke. jwer Be eis Ailing) induces (Gata boro’, Tuesday, Thorwlay » and - neday.a “ye Bank * at . Thor. were adjudged —- Bt) for ene’) Trimester, or 3:5 num. enand we re North Carolina, se | oxack mer, Atto. are mK d & ertracriee wlecre- [Clr Orly aL Oe CRaaR and Stage from Wibuingten. . I 5 , * + og k TUE r ve : 8 ° : . : i { ae tin peer ' ne i a ate Lit of tye Baokruy a ae teed, The ee OF THE WONT OF TIE TH TO The University of Kentacl ery messages full of bone aud ency Mt} ar, iltatrate further, Scppore parment ia |! \ STE EN tg stun Ti 1) MORRISVILLE, via Prrrsvoro, TO RGYPT. ; : ° apm ; xe } : . re ‘ ' DOr nae ‘ eit ia - » : ae st ’ : ‘ im baphgggys end ah Saaigave wes apy ' . > PRAT ¥ - fapvee 1) Colleges, eaeh tyler tt med ate J buger yet at the old hoine stead, ‘ the defence and it is wot kn pwn exactly whether Se aaanet nd that A. owzht to beal-| Leare Morrisville, Tuesday, Thurs as-lgnee filed his bill against. the amignees un | Ma Prapopy: J ‘ yw earnest po: | eovermunent ef its own Paenulty and Preside (and care tor eur ernie uit t payment wis at or after the da ' xed by the towed t o tl, at the payee prevent ithe par- | Saturday , ~ the Sale law, praying that dhe paigoment | payrhropy of your character induces us to PTRT TT) Citieer, The geperal snpervision of the 1 yet be, when het anise Feat | oract. Unter the oft mini eed a ment of the draft in orice that might be ree Leave Egygt Monday, . Wednes <n « : ee a ‘ presen me to vou : ' ; wlll pend h re ° e al dl of aweumait, the deton . 2 y f anid ‘ | wet and the ar>} makin: the foow. rn sis > Jinine - ow yritted te Shee sous pel | apEy gree a : r ’ . us cbt _ — — ue wal p liew | tonto sept of Unpeedn) ned. day . ; fre but: to ¢ , — Ti _—s ~ = PMO sie, ilertr y fr spt set . vtorney won \ # ae \\ onde Not that be eryrity Que € eve ‘ oe ae t : ° " . ‘ : eee cd > . ans 7 trations, their love of virtue ithe s dem. scteas, ¢ . } Dy dds er i inz in the Stat which would an- | th fer praden 1 juthonent, that we!,).,, : } - _ “ OTT an ary . a —s e! ze_us YO Wake this property out ofthe han te | certain any advice from you @# lo its dispo Nevicalt land Sechaba) Cuarut. ins Sep. st a“ ” ~ oe or Ee | mutual fiqriduted debis or damages butthe lan-1 tas vat ail houre “€ x eaper Uren > f : als property tihe hanvs | ol will be a'! poweerfrl with them, s | e Agrienturaland Jechagiéal Col | Ari LLL, Sept. 21. | = | Pataca a Wray per hat gy areola ees fest Oflive at Butoer’s Hote!, Apt of thy aasiguecs ured ¢ the Stace lew and turn it} The present sate of that pection of your na- |" ' f Kent ia : | Gp A. B. Plaintiff, bon Sean pee oe az i i ' See E. T. CLEMM6 > = . . . ams 7 : RTE ? | CS ihion efi tha wit ' arainat j All deaanca, \ unliquidated Gamace) Oct 9. 1869—~ . Doe Ov@ > the amignee in bankruptcy, and must | tive e ry ’ lin vy in every tery f : 4 tics ge t Bible 4 Kor the Old Not State | Fi B. ( D b oadant \ ng vut of she each of contract And | 1; 1960—4f Com therefure deny the motion for a prelimipafy ine | Ge trorang; is one ciretinetanee which | 2° ‘ . r yy lof aay aoe Sl it wonld evens that under see, 101, taken ae a ste ArT ry —— > — jection” PAT INT dhencrves expeci lly to emp'ay the kindly train | 3 The College | las Amd the said dcfead- The defendamt 90-| wile, that tie aetoll need mot be dac in the| LEGAL NOTICES, ™ jinetion. ? } . = TT eu \ co aN bench (cf r, his ewering the complain | In th first referred to Judge C petal «nanos So eat ik 7 i ’ eo Hiden herein alleees dee ha {caine right, provided it be rot up, or aghina al . . x . . Ps > . & a ‘ ~ and de- el eves > ‘ Ss : a ee nah jo Judge \arpenter, condition of the ¥ Uasilt her Bach of - ews go revere ras : : gots : 5 lim fare 2 pat S| Harty betwcoep whom and the defemdant ewtting| Worth Carolin. Surenior Cou i ) b » 7 we the on e x AVORT, of, } no X tee z.3 ye wrouy and ia for e€ commmenceme it 2 : referring to this decision by Judge Nelson, save | lave war l, owing Sehy I artir { Stri i r thrergh \ fe ' (thi oak jf op, a ses tal fodement might be had Yadkin Ceyoty Spriug Term, 1869 < ) , | ° ’ ‘ ; ry when, &e, and saya o 4 actic e pak ’ d ‘ euuty. : rin, : “It does not appear clearly from Ure repo the-form r f i) e the ‘ . ‘ ) ‘ : . | Sec. 104 provides that eh tdefnces mar f . : aly me th ie I re = atte . - ‘ } ae and redz rt lof cl ted - 5 ! that the said plainud -- er —_—) etricker eee tie » " « a le heal thie ae |T. C. Hans t, Ex'r., of Wim. Mackie, dec'd. hat cae, but we eappose Uae fact to be, that the | . ra ef Sew & ' } 4 to have or tiff « demand he : ees Meals : : : fra cree pie ' ‘ i n water | ought not fo be nae . dion is rcpugmiad to the rencal seniiment in fe Plaintiff. against respondents were not acting uuter the insolvent | Port; air. wt ; male a, ys a Jus s aud 7 keepinz t p. Familie al! [maintain his aforeal’ PF. U. Burner, Ane {os aia ite beowcel aoa ¢ ie =: lin the oe | Elias Haynes and others. Defendants. fthe @ px eee ae ae eae : : A oe t u M ise “ = oe : ee on thereof against foe . ’ : See ee | ee . Jaws of the State of New York, but nnder anoth- | a to exert onrselvc. in the moet at : ut tiedy free te att. Iveneh of the ot er Cale loro oo * cae 5 A : pres | “ a abhi: sah ead } mul provi-iog, appraixcmenta taw, ete., ete, bat | Speciul Proceedings, Petition for Settlement ? on Lent Rance onaek . e tha | a mod dutice, ot t pr wei) : Pr = we 2 a oD MENg vever ae a all must acddonit th n orndir vt om, a re ‘ is er Act, reg vlating private trusts cre ated by the | © a s i es ‘lee hee t a ree J rity - : Hleges. whieh are organtedk exempt that of, Ure pro pect of t and ral * Ledanee he sat«, thatthe lam ry ; a S : eh se a * ii aon ties Tu this ense it is made to appear to the : } . ¢ : s 4 ituer & wi hor ive aul o . ’ . . 2 t hie ve minefial ne as teardix x . ™ act of parties for the bene f creditors. Bat, ber pcrectiaMaty, ol tg beat Gith fattende | CA thea +l eost of trigion fa 30, tiv t phan Gan Lexy cel etid defendant, on the ehamectae gtegmapts _ dukes a 1 beidire | 2ntiatsetiorn of the court that Thomas Mackie. viewing our law a+ practically a «vatem intro- | every bard ma Whitehrit pleased God to lay apot { The xet of aegs rstablisbing son. The tobarn teh nowd ' day of January, A | debtors to delay and hinder and oftimes de | M are ta Mackie. Elizabeth Mack, Jesse diced for the purpose of soqnestering the effecta | as ewe of the war has d prived tho w | tl e Agriew'tyrd at My 1 College of , the « Tus, 4 emis Ou raging 1462, th lena be- | Seas | r erediten : . ’ | Makiv, Sgrah Mack ig. Elis Maekie. Hiram of an insolweat debtcr and distriiuting the, t in of onr ob! Ceapport. Ilarl- | Keutaeky as one he cea oof the (Ay. yo... of coummeghe crop will t < ange me co oe yee | Upon the whole I think that the new evstem | Martin, and his wife Calhaim, Milas Rerso ie er to beat than this, j witnd.« af Univer revides that each Repreeenta- | Of iv period qtaitigg fixed by the mid pro | of picading is entided a: a ry one of Qe [BEd his Wife Rebeeea. Sylvester Reese, Hemry pro rala among creditors, and consider it that Se ae a een Ae werk rem tre Darr: ia (he State, may s ha There i« GQpershgiiet prevailine ar ioe rimory 1 paid = \, id om tneet th voeable coarsideralicn. I, acl occ: | Bhore nd hie wale Mary. are nen-residcenis acta af the ee al ecrahias } 3 . . J ot . 2 tik x rot fay anid ion, t oe y te sctiof of the court of prehate in the decrees} many o. um irae ancl ve heat College, frre of eharte for tuition, theee | CF . evel Brent is canesd Ly the star — Re a a dict from an impartial public. Tat fof the State: It is therefore ordered by the a \pealed from is not ineonsistent with this view, ve who weakd have counte| it Al joy totabor) proper’ y p epared strdents for gach member | } rm : tie Ka Ring. | the Gans. ee a ye | jeourt that pabliegtion be made ip the “Old . : sa s ’ ; head of nicht tH . : dl note mentioned ae- — — —— jv. ce ‘ : wo have po dif Winging the ease within pate : > Int anys “har ne Dists ie entitled ty send to the Grewer- ki! dew ag int J lin etothe form and { Nett Moe one vewapeper published in Sa! filing Hf Jaded Nebo.” Veen nthe State (o whiten & al Mesevully. Sock sinden's a! have the hadth reat 4+of the «aid note, { MARUITD jisbary, N. C., for six weeks successively, no- » ” v rv) y ‘ ” ‘ t ‘ wy ‘5 jz ? p »-tV'e have colin hg cated in Mila artic! he pright te telcdite, (ee of clare fiw trite . ae ae i : | | toewit,at Salialnry afore In this cornnty on the 1%h Sentember, by {| tifting the defeudants to be and appear at “ ¢ ‘ ¢ ° 4 ' t ce . ~~ ‘ . we: a. :-. n the opinion in Pe Georye A. Heowkias ood the bentit of . avtrnrtion giten 3 hima Ahiile # a halC and «t 4 ty | rid Acvd this the sar Thom. I oo Pat iy Mr. Ms hael Halis | the wext Fy our creeper coe Court to be held : ce) a: ; are . : 2 | Collewe of tha University, w cept than ais ilee Ey emer eer ee defendant ia ready to | houser, to Mra, Christera C. Lyerly danghter of | for the conuty of Yadkin, at the cottrt huuse ‘ 74 giving mach of the very lan gaaye nae | Liw aud Mevicior. awl the Commercial Tia con ao mented hy ha, verify, wherefo he | Leonard K lutte, in Yadkinville, on the LOth Mouday after ige Carpenter Seeiale: : *> el ft, The young inen who enjoy these | tureate that che is maui to have feared to be econ | prays jodzment, if the In Mecklenburg Co, on the t6th inet, by Rev. the third Monday in September. 1269, then anthoritie. which we hare eiied are of! least on wy ee Gisam bina Oo ein privileges are reelected hy a majority of the | outside Ber honwe, UT have ateo heard that hes caid plaintiff ought to i. m. M. Kerr, Mr. John Puckett and Mra, | and there to plead anewér or demur to the ; we i P { * bYet ” a i. th very highest character, as owe legal readers | In teo mane « ethe] : me than | fuet ices of ¢ Veaee b: the several Distriets, maeth or henl written ta the Govemor mat the | have or maiptain hia j Jane Jamison petition filed by T. C. Hanser, the executor « © ‘ . . 4 -» t ‘ . there . y 2 2 : well knw The Supreme Conrt of Connecticut | 0 ¥ involved in she Lis ' who | from when they recive certifie teh. The | (areata prior to the viet of the Ku Klas. | aforesnid tum trerect) | In Raloigh, on the 234 inet, Col. J, W. Hina | ef Win. Maelgie, asking f-r an acevunt of his a a heen cxeaddeed author il; batecrtainiy, oa a9 averoze, cach wa: the | authorities earnestly retumnsend to the Jus- A «lie wonan near Hib born, who has been re nat cet | dale of Favettovilig, and Miss Ellen‘ danghter | ad:nintstration Wd a final settlement. } . eae : ~ t leas womina: 4 ther, wi tiews to select a Boatd of Teacters in each . : mn ama’ W4n & NrEro, | id to _ And re i 3 of My. Jno. Dever Witness, Js A. Martin, clerk oar anid wa has no superior, if aay eqral, eae r botwo bed, wh life was Dnetrict for the examination of applicantss } De eo os ay ee ss part and aa le . a . a : ——— ——— J corrt at office in Yadkinville, ~ Bd, CR FE In f wer (he » rence Se madant, bry eave @ s : ne Coort Boneh of tie viicd States, | Mt! "2 deah, . acd t>instita'e a syste.o of Cu petitivn ex. 5 ¢ eS aed p — i “Ss < . i. oO yart, here, for Uhis ; eee Al |) ud J. A. MARTER, ': s. o. A wd, t ws, the reasun of the matter, it ms en ee tere you can form some . ‘a ons, (here wi 1, even the hein pe EE Lett tenaty tis raat ul league ha ] eer ee : { In Mo mbarz ont 7th inet. Mr. Miles P. 39 —O~ = (pr fee $10.) aoe ee pot tnomber of Women in the senth w! eit. a Ghates f Beate Bix begotier vec: troubles which [ predicted, [] purpece fires had and \hernat aged yeara—an old eitizen of EN Soartints cement nd. 1,4 iy thrown upon thir owa te! og sie Luviworadten of Vinotatae anes, | Miiiaky ina letter ta sori beet One acret | obtained, according to Meck! ; eae Sani ay eae ae) Wie tin net wile luubebead barier rote: } othe Unies sity « tginia, one stae! oJ Se rocolzea anather. It. the form of the Statute ee s awn eee i}Worth Carolina, 2 &crrrior Covrr, . ; t je alrpittes earch or i aaa na Con | t Asin inet, irs. Mary , * 7 there ‘ore, any @f Oar nunrerges i 5 Tot thies eerie . b froun enatorial Di< ‘pooar Sitka {date + and in wach case made and | Se Neen e t Yadisin County § Spring Term, 180) + es 2 ' ost ile, f ‘ mand hk 41 } i: c provider, ante, that the! i! ’ ac ; ete ery, Kamy., | 4 } eri cr theif opinion if they dink ’ Q ! f i ; , j wcedd 3 ven Martha J. Woward PIff. ) »., : : et t few n.d re I :y eaid plainafl onzht not TaGdioescrl oa tl ee Tun Walk aghinnt Pet'n. for Divorce. Sac ere. holp is mecrut te bet when it i erely | to hav® or maintain hi- | .¢ 6] We cal R mene Alfred M. Moward, d’f: a vincula —- ee ' : pe tre pet Crensel ves t < wire 4 aferesrid action therent i ' : vrest ; a Ww. an tebecca B. é 1 - Aloward, aft es \ ta) ri aharA, a ear, im .abd 5 days. i ‘ vIn oe > - «x c niiles fro ' » against Wira the anid de- | or ‘ } } Hi this case it is made té aopenr to the sat- a idis PA YETTEY TLLE AND) }4 N . i : . ces : . ; avian Weadine bela’ In W ii net mn, dent. 24th, Hhenery Thurvilba, sifacfion of the eourt that Alfred M Howard, RAILROAD AG ATRL ' wi ; : j nigeria area eoter " , that he, the anid d i- child of David G, and Julia AL Worth, aged 4/ the defendant above named resides beyon | ~ u nt ‘ ¢ trod er wate be lew horrigle than thera, amt after the anil 2 j years. | the limits of the State aud tha tMarttha Jane The + nportance of tive an ttl n re r! day of January, A. 1). | —_—__—__— — | Howard. Plaintiff above named. hath a good } c rea wit < ’ . eens ~ A fow persone crom pte Ue tien to 1960, iu the said ny . —— | eause of setion against him: Itts therefore , a mM t " : iy - ‘T. | Q : * en inne: wi . lesring be | bao ostesmeetione SALISBURY ALAR ‘TS |ortered nytiecntrt that pabliention be made nr . 1 f ; ; r tn there. 4 3” pevoe ; ' _ in the *Old North State,” a newepaper pri! « | f incdielions we ar ito e¢ ' . ’ : ehave« rom fear of un n. mencement of the enit.} { OCT. 1, 1869 | tro} : : : Pay } : . , ets ms : t from fear of unseen en- < al awn ' , J. | lished in Saishory. N. C., for six weeks guo- , 2 wim i \ vit in of ’ Bo we xn, x. weak ‘D 1s ee | REPORTED BY J. A. MCONNAUGHEY. GRocER, | cessively. notitying the defendant that bebe ction of the Salishey ta iW ‘ i - —- —_ Teepe ata PI | Baco er ponud 2: 22 | and Ne “th 1 : . ines ; of ne | aatichai akreuntd weit | Bacon, per ponad, o 2\ and appear at the next term of our Sape- ’ | t im : ; hn Valiail, Cow ’ . ; : j Sale ae peat | Coffee, eT por . 22 to Wir, On 7 tera ba lim. Th in = : Be leate payment of ves penpettaare | For the OF Nosth Sinte, | to the said plaintiff the| Wace uerbasblot & ibe, eee on sired = be = ae the county of Yad- : of Sgliebury, and the conutry Norh-| yy athitap tof vour noble git, aebihe sine pr he ds estended eondi- | V.-TIT CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, | said sum of five hundred | Meal, bush. 46 - 140 to 1 4% a the Court Hose te Yadktuville on the woot of hemegigget nex rile fool a mich deer : pe way te ao ef il mrir y ter yorus 4% yeeparing fer the| _— ° | dollara in the said pro-! | Copperas per pound, Ivto Uv tOrh Monday after the Sd Monday fn Sept. crt rereet the location and econstrrtion of road on, 36 nploving i ! r) | THE SYSTEMS OF FLEANTSG COMPARED | miseory note specified! | Candies, Tallow, = ** Win 2 1569. then and there to plead or answer to 1 . tofan inti ' Arthel ersite af onr os Ste het i 17 together with all inter- ee Adamaatine, oe 2 %o 1") | said petition for divorce fled in the office of ti e loand W en Riad 1 rn State, th. {¢ nved.} \ Coton ee ee 940 gels 7 r > : mae ‘ \ ibe t cn newt f tale ' ~atof tniion ie O40 rer ennam, andthe _ ext due thereon. And herb ‘Yarn oe me ae 00 to dans | the clerk of said court. otherwise jodgment a A ! + & I j — . ° e | . neh, 25 | os h 2 ev 1 Le ommeniat thea@acth. aint te \ oes have altered acl the benefits of the; Under the old erst the law pleadings were this the eaid defendant; Eggs. per domn, 12to 15 | PT Confesso will be-éntered and the case for ; e proper citorts are mrale laewe WUD all ’ Ment w Ritntion. free of irge. to as mauy re voridied, nor the equity, exee pt where an} is ready to verify, where Feathers, per ponnd, 454 to 4 pl heard e* parte: N ne? i> wanicd, we believe, ty i it bnt | Mee ena et, } | { no er Jents in the Stitens ic are metwnbers of i ~~ } d. fore, he prays judgment, Flour. per sack. sto ty 4.25 | Witness, J. A. Martin, elerk of our raid then Pani! can | ined if t Yoel ’ ul the most t braveh of the General tie § ings may or not be | if . = plaimift, Pik, Mackeral, - e 20 a 'eourt, at offiee the 10th M mday af.er the dd : ' nd ; ; ee SAD tose eases ong have or miin-| “ . : 2to § ; : pr ix taken h r ¢ i ' (ssern} Carolina bas not bee oy Vt the pleader, except that | tain his aforesaid action! uy “ 3: to | Mouday in Aprils 1869. ; . murtanecd in litveeality in thin restiect when any pleading is veritied, (very sucdeeding | : ° Fruit, dried, apples peuled 7to 8| Issued 22a day of Sept. 1869. i i fail "ure it how the o; rf ' Oe aes SMES A TEs LCeT OY her be verified. Under the old sya | thereof against him, ce. wa " \ pid WM to J.A MARTIN : f } e opulent sisters. +e 1 Fa : ~ eee J. M. Lone, Atto aN re | awe +0. 8. C, 7 : ( fer ear of my * if r ‘ Sis ey ’ tae {tem, 1 efendant omitted to ansv as to Oe pe Sas i) * Peaches. peated 5 16 | r : : n | bie University of North Cerolina has! sant is SW ee yee Fee , if “| : ; : 6 " reas a ‘i i oe 10| 39—6w—[pr fee $10) bere mayreanunee to a phos ow. far boi ‘ are foi gee eae ee the paliiie 41 pp Fr etatemi re pitintifl mint have fir- | Tt may be anid however, that as in practice no Teal aEer aA. : 69 : | naan ae . { : t she Wocencn 1 S@novls | ced an aewer to it, by excéptien, or otherwise | written pleadings were nsed under the old sys-| Leather, upper. per pound, 0 745} hind her neigh r, Charlotte. She mor eee ’ a) . Te hae ha MeaNea eel th Sr tes T : : a : S t ) ‘ Pleading r ised under the oid sys~- za Ry 3 + 33 er ~ ’ tee i noe F ae Sea Pers eis ie a tect per | prove it in tire caver. Under the new, “every | tem, the real plcadings were even shorter than Iron, bar peli “ ; % : 8 oo oe see : CO eee ee ae ene aD . ss cane : beg CR RECT R! fe A- | materia tye eom t contro- | the new. Now, it is well known, that our rej os * eastings, “ B8to to] a _ a sty. beri roud (9 prosperity wha Importance, sae gaan Nee iD 19 the | eee : t hall, for the u ex of |cords have been made for this very renson, the } Nails, ent, “ 6 to 7| Mary A. oe: Piains{ff, T itizens of Davie County ate alo defi Jah e A al Satta SS cimnot be pened with- | he actin, re, sce, 127, Again, panbjeet of mach eriticizm art ridioule when ex- | Molasses, sorcknm. per ¢ fart winter o Hise beth, Bors (oe Jin the building of the road 05 thij eee Nee eae Saat yshonid o be tanght | nader the oft very answet ntust have | ¢mplifications were nsed in other States, and © West India, ** . 60to 70! cates he eet Ore oe qi J uning O1 the on + what » rie : . 8 7 . s.: ace A ¥ “o = an | nt} race rth Lo a a er s We rope aa ‘tars. These must be ed. been ew cn it denied in’ positive | evernvin our own State, the loose svatem Of oral | - Syrep, - 1.00 to 1.20 ee 4 race : ie made fey + ae sree oe" ; vwil memb 1a » } r db > ; : ‘ i. * pe : i ae brah a0 tht ter Alieent search the defe 1 : ge i ae eee nee bi ‘ , oe . it Btafe, or they must he | rerms i » coukl a roves | pleading has not infrequently been productive ' at oe aaeae 10 : ‘e found wit! in the liasite of thls Rate: fk maneon | of $790,000 for the purpastalbh exe} 4 muh ht bi f al f ih i oT ilobtained fen abroad: Jt was te « ice ms, or one and re | of injustice. At the last term of Rowan Court | Potatoes, Irish vor besbel 60 to 75 londered that publication bé made tn the “Old North : ; » * vo ‘ah work rT sorredesir ae woe ‘ . ul y herene } > ‘ : | ¢ , oe f . tending itup the vatley of the Ya tthe! eahia ieniee ihe e , Ae a proper first tu opes the University. with a Waling ew p Sierese, | h apyee) end, |an appeat taken in an important suit, counsel | “Sweet, . 10) to 00 | -tate. a newspaper prbitsbed in Sahebary, N.C., lla aes eee ee a a ntl iannet pia: L : departioent of normal inatraction, and this)" ee ; : h ol ay - eer to er | i . . host was ro pleading, cg the Sugar, Rrown. per pownd, . 14 to 16 | fo RIX a “) . tying the de sete oo Apres at . . a3 es . 5 an been done. Rhreaina take Fite tien me COD PATE TSS es id voluntary, two wit- | appellee had the matter his own way. The ef-| “ Clartficd “ , Ria BW) the next term ¢ eSuperior Court for the county rout sarily pase throngh ¢ he ferigth | Woe 11 ing is niso an orenpation for ee ten Pal ates a ae eee . lessen would pot Le dcecmed eesentiallas a smai-{| = y — Censhed Pol verised Mto — W of Caldwell. at the Court House in Leneir, on the [ ny BPPavte:” [fC dt fe doeated to Which women are pecmborly x N-fitrod, eS satis eee ee ea ne dto invig- |; r of law, | * The non-professional reader may understand | Salt. coast. per sack, . = 2,78 to 2.76 Bt Money alter theidd Monilay im Asgust. pext, Greene ens 1] eh 4 | The lighicr sorts of Wood Carving required orate and elven the, plains, Light radiates Ty way of illustration of the comparative mer- | that this is an abbreviation of the words “at the | Liverpool, “ ; 2:90 to 3.00) thea and thircloansverthecompalstol che Finia- ‘ rtuen all the hopes of. Davie are , ¢ rthe more delicate orpamental work of the| frou: its central luminary. lit of the old and new systems, I rive below in| «nit of,” and is buried in th te Table, . 8.10 to 6.00 tif which ia fled inthe offiee of her eourt. . ss : aes pot . rs eG : : : t LAG: € OW, OF ae , 1 { { ot, s buried in the same cemetery as | R o! Witnesa, R. R. Wokefie!d. clerk of our ent 1 ‘ sora ths project is concerned. Wiil | cabinet-maker conld be taught with advantage.| I ain not inelived to conceal my real name. | double-columne forme under cach of the first rersua, avd capiat, geod rec et, respondent ouster, Tobsere: Leet cae ae { ig Lthia.the second day of & apart A _ hae " nei hee ren cto the rescue at once and here isa great deal of rough printing done, ; nor Lave I feared to diseluse iny real views | pleading of the plaintiff on a plain note of hand. | ete. | ‘Smoking, : pees 0 1.00' HK Bw (pr feeGh) R.R. Wameviaep,c.s. ¢. " seeins to be necessary, Like Nichodewus, The O! 1 Sta SALISBURY. FRIDAY, OOT. 1, 7369, -eillveseiecetitteamareinrts ee pnnenNE Special Newapaper Advertising and Ge tion Agency for North Care WM. A, HEARNE &€ Special A gents for the- Ni Gene uts"fur the Collee ; deacon Ahroughout the States are hess vsAre weg sow Norta Strate New’ Apvertisements—Two “Court orders from Yadkin County. Notice—Z. Griffith, administrator. - Various Stage Linee—E. F: Clemmons con- actors A Capa ebeoph i. Inisas. i: . Lamps—Dr. Sill, ri De tore i Pag sincejan appropriation was-made and commis sioners appointed fw the parpose”of erecting a new tivkc: vilive and bi st Ct at this place. Yet the work @ racndéd. Why. is thi? Iti Mia sd a3 every oue knows, At present, the es tlong there are wholly insufficient, insufficient, Having ca.ion to leave Salisbury on thegears uecnight this week we found a, number of Jadies at the |g depot awaiting the the arrival -of the train who were compelled, for the most “part, to stand on tholf feet, in a room acarcely Targe enough to coytain them, fer the spac’ of ngarly one-hour. Let the work be done at once, and ifthe pres ent commissioners have not the time to attend to it; I others be appointed who have. = edapge ieee Titaxksa.—We return our thanks to Miss MeRorie for the basket of delicious. grapes which she was so obliging as to send us. We as- sure the fair donor that her preseut was grate- fally appreciated and delightfully enjoyed. oe Maanytvicen? APpiu.—We return our thanks to Mr. Albert Sheek, of Swith Grove Davie County for a large apple of most de- Hicious flavor whch he left ow our table It} eyed ounces. weigvedsom@ypound and one aud a half ances. wed al the *Bugus Apple.” Yet, notwithstanding the name, we can as- sure our readers that it wasany thing bot Lojus—that it was really oue of the finest aj ples we have ever seen, we _ SP XPLANATION NeepED.—His Honor Je Clyad, at Davie Court. on seutencing ane grolbby couvicted of stealing bacon, re- warked in conclusion, “you -have al) got to quit your thieviug gud be honest men. or we'll make you honest. ‘Phe time is not very distant.” (addressing the people more than the prisuner;) * whem corn-oribs aud sinoke- houses will be Weft. aiilocked.” When we consider that the Leopard can- not vt ohare bis spots nor the Ethopian his van explawation of the Judge's remark we are incliged toask with ineredulity, “how cau this thing be?” te the attention of our lady feaers lee a ladwot} netroen Sue forWarded us several copies th @ request that we would ler | Paptseee iu procuring signatures toit és young ladies of the city, ove of je religious denominations. have lly consented, at our request, to canvass : respective denumfnations for that pur a ees _——~sbo VinoInta Sxevatons.—The Richmood Whig seems te fator the election of Horace ly and Gen. Rerbert Wilttams for Sena torsin Congress from that State. The Wiig rtainly the most practical papers in the South. Ger rvliues of the Gree wae Oe State Uneversity.—We ate pleased to that this Tnstitetion of learning, énce i ite of the State, is again inereasing in poblicfiver aod reeeixing a fair cogypleme nt f the 7 ing men of the eountry to be edu- ted. Let the preseut faculty have a fair al, ar : he jadged only by their merits. hat end Jet prejodice be laid aside.— ave oo doubt that all the Professors in institution are Well qualified for their po scions, and that exch will de his utitost ) x t mae W t ; Cap Spt = oir é oe Ee P Why t ts it not Done.—~We learn that six.months ye and Me Haswell wasdisechnrged. ~- - * Bian ara, nary D Novih Stat za, “pen cient 0 Gaion Hotel, Tlig 7 Seat rouse Fowle, mide will rif aeosbs : fakes te a. J. M. Blair of the Yarbrough | ill gtyesit his Own and uh eeiattompieelivr the t Jones: Sy Superior Court, last week. . The counsel for the Siate entered a nolle theran, iv -Charlotte, has, We regrets to learn, been suspended: _——~-4o——— : A autre of young ladies of rhis town are about~ forming a society’ pledged against associating with any young wan who drinks, swears, gambles, or Joafs on rthe cornera.— Charlotte Observer. ~~ po —————— A Good Move —We hear that the Richmond & Danville railroad propose people of the whol try - dew ‘new teense, REV. J bet Pe | ae Q' The publication of the Evtipfjelical” Tu- mmanfully. hts of man andediel em. Werdem os e il rganization eet Roser’ tage orees tines, adapted: more. to “dircaponaioeds mare ® asonab botlrin eréed “and praeti¢e,’ than the.p ree ‘ent imbecile, old dead conecrn is*na ine eee rsivenn <THE SNRERONED wishes.4o obtain for A osaue ee ha who has. had geverak yea: 1 et ence—a hua tor teach, i el oth gylu- erwise, 4he nanal branohes of ation, —tinsie tnéluded. Adi igus date i a Salisbuky; We Ot a. ~ S* Tiks gusting Which iglesigned fix tie edieation of cored teachers, male aud. vale Will open on Wedbeslay, Sept, 29th. - Appli-’ eanty must be able to read a ar and wn: derstand the Jepr. priniar Ail will amanciere nh boned oe Applets, accom ae oer Qelicutions at Ppecudise, Tra a to B - 7 ev. J, BRINTON SMITH, D. Raleiwh, ‘N.C. Sept. 24. 1969. we Frertated., ‘Bizir Ginchona.--THis elegant combiuation, is beefed trom the best Calisava Bark, and Pyrop wosphate Tran ; eacli fluid, essence wnt eight graius ol the Trop Salt, It willbe fonnd - very ‘ahoue ‘in * chides where a tonic is indicated, such? ay Langtor, Debility, Dyspepsia, &@, Jt increases Uje appetite, promotes digestion Kaden yrs ere 4 ee PALL TERM ofthis Schoolwill open a wae et fic oyntinde aikiten Be aon : 8°8 00 Ungliet Dep’. fF te Classical De pi cat, 16 00 Contiggent ai Wishiad ithe 1 vo n good families at per mouth, * One half ot the aboye charges is required in advance, For eer. address the Princi teelpals July 30, L “Preneant, Grove. @ Academy, Male and Femal TMIE*S EVENT SESSION. Tit COM- menace on the 9th of August next. « ‘ourse—Linglinh, Uae sical, Muthe- matical, Terms: Tuition froma to $10 per seasion. Board with thé Principal $9 per mouth. For particulars address the pringipal at Fol ton, Davie Co., NOC W. J. ELLIS, Principal. Pleasaiit Grove. N. G., dune 25, 1869 25—3n UT! 4 fRanwira AGADEMY.--1\. first Session of this Adademy will eom- mence on the fiat Monday in August ensuing. Pupilsehn enter at any time and be eharged from the tine of entrance. ‘The rates of tuition will he as follows: &7.50 $10.00 and.316 000 per session of 6 months payable atthe end of every month, No pains Witt bg spared to give pupils a thoroug? arid is very avceptable to the stomach ; gand is extensively prescribed by the» mest eubuent Physicians of the country, | To be hadj-with all other Choice’ and” pare | | proparing a few freight cars” with adjus- table wheels, 80 as 10 ship over N. C.| road without bre: aking bulk at this plac e} and Charlotte. We hope that Presideat | Smith, wilt favor the wovemeut for we desire to see the day when mo atatedciae| will be placed upon the shipping © and | travelling public. If honest enmpetition | can divert eituer from their old channles | —uo road should oomplaiu.—Greensboro Patriot. _-~apo We understood the Judge to gay tat a gentleman of Salisbury, had told him that he (the gentleman?) had scen in one en witli negro babies in their arms, Satisbury Examiner. This statement the Examiner indig. } nantly denies, pronounces ita slander, and calls upon the Judge for his authori- ty. Now, what if it turns out to be true 7 | to d echarge faithfally his peeuliarduty, But it itis alleged tai the Professors belong tothe Repub patty. Se are Learly all tie Railroads io the State managed by men claiming to belong to that party. hat do Conservatives and Demnerats refuse to trav- el over these roads for all that? The State | Goverumeat is in the hands of the Radieals l is the people conclude to remove awny | We deo vot believe that out would be made Redieals by attending eva at Chapel Will —Statesrille Ameri can: iert { reason. —— te Althongh the State Treasury has tot eno ig) money to pay the interest on the State d-bt, yet some of the State officers at Raleigh are as extravagant in spending the | i : mbligimoney av if the Treasory was over flowinije) We think an investigation would | show that the annnal expenditares by by the Seeretary of State alone are nearly 79 moch asthe whole State goverument cost before | the war. Then there is the useless office of | Superivtendent of Publie Instruction (a con- cers which is now engaged in ymffing the eehool books printed by sowe New York house); the nselss office of Geologist, be- sides the innumerable hangers-on in and | about the capitol, all drawing salaries for do} Let the people. ing | ad of devoting their actention to little party questions, hold meetiftgs and demand | reforms and more economy—Char. Demo- erat. g almost nothing. ep Oeetene Cy The Southern Commereial Con. | vention asecmbles in Lonisville, Ky.. on the 12th of October, It is announeed | that ex-President: Fillmare bas been in- vited to attend and preside, and that he | The Convention will no donbt be the most important one of that char. | acter ever held, and we hope some of the business men of Charlotte will attend. Demoerat. accep ta. | ceep cis in strong Iangnege to the demo corruption places aud the mismanagement and cl. | | fichnees of the present Congress, pays bis ctatie organization. He arraigne i: for having forsaken the tenets of its pristine faith, for its imbecility, narrowness and | particanism, and broadly pron avers it} | inenpuble of grappling with the difficuliics | that environ the national situation on ev-} lery side. The writer of the article may be too severe in bie examination of the | tdemocracy, but we mnst be. allowed tot say that he isin the main right. Aother| sn@ more liberal party is needed to dea!) with radicalism. Democracy has grown | chquieh, greedy, corrmpted; is too un- progressive, too prejadice dd too partiean. {It ie the party of the past; it affords no ibulam except etchas is gleaned from {1 the eterile fields of the past. Democracy jhaanosympathies with the presen’, its | aflections are all withe dead things that j lie on the other side of the bloody abyss that separatce os frow the past. Bat we} are nos to iufer that démocracy never | | changes. Even the poor pretence of } consistency is denied to those who claim | ta be democrate, for the positions “held at \the Cincinatti convention of 1856 whicli |neminated Buchanan and those taken by | the celebrated body which agsembled at Charleston in '65 and which nonsinated Breekenridge, are no longer assumed to | be tenable ty the mest rigid constrnc- tioniet of the old .states-right erced,— | Never since Nallification has the party been whole. Its history sinee that event- fal period has been a “yeeord of internal strifes, the rorthera wing and the soutb- lern wing always being im exact juxtapo- sition. | The necessity of euch a ” as the democratic ceased with the tmanguration Medicines, at prices much below former ‘rates | bere. Ac | E. SILLS Drug Store, BalisbargyN. es Sept 24—2t il ie GODDINS§ | OOMEOU! ND GENTIAN BIPTE RS, The Great’ American Tunic and Di uretic f Recomr ended and prestsised by physicians wherever known { The “Bmrpoaei 1 Gertian Bitters” are mave ofthe purest and best Veyetable Tonics and | Aromaiics known tathe ——-. They avo contain twenty per cent of | ie BU OH OL! get day at or pear the Court-lonee five wom- | Wich mmkes them, berond all -qnestion, the | 5, j best DIORETPIC in existence; and for Dis | treased Kidoeya, Blalderand U ‘rinary Urgans, have be snpertor, if any «quall These whe ivy these Bitters, for the lollowing Diseases wil in every Gnae find them a safe, pleasant, speedy and eff-ctual Remedy, They are a sare preventive and enre fo lr ia no reflection upon the ged and vir. | Chilis and Fever, aud all Mulanial Diseases ! tuous, but upon the bad people of Row- | PY? EPSTA, an, If it had been made Sng we would | INDIGE STION, j scarcely have risked a flat denial. W: | wea y4 ACI, j are disposed to believe it fe true, aid il SICK-NEADACNE eo, it can be traced dircetly to the-corrupt BRONCHITIS, moraliging a iching of the Radio! ASTIIMA, n ih} * CbLDS & CUUGIT,” | nneag a igri | a ork = wy Aisbrlald rey them at aa e x pone of the respretability | be ne oe aia be fuk? Uupre of the couufry, it is not surprising that | Fay™ For Dieeases pecnfiar & gine low white= women should consort with | almost « specific. ! them too. That euch a statement could | Qi" To conval-eeence fram Typhoid ane | have been true before the war, no one | other low forms of Fever itis ibe very bes believes. Bat antil thre recent decision | Tonie that ean be vee! 7 of the Supreme Court interdi¢ting it, in- | The ( ete PN eeutia itt - ment) termarrityes between the races cid ceca ° : ftonally ocear, On the suburbs of all : : ve ‘ cities as barge .as Salisbury or Charlottes 1 ! | are toto be fouod a class of crea ( ‘ onl with whom alinest anything is pas tl. | I and ag iost whem almost anything ney ‘ sik ston be believed. Not doug ago, in the aay | BM. HOLT, M.D. time, on a public theroughtare not a mile | i Se depen es . - a from the corporate limits of this beaari | ; Liu reby certity thai I have Leen’ using De. } ful and well governed city, we saw with} God tia e ey _ . 8 t fs ro oar own eyes, three negro men and theee ee ofc] cs athe oe pas i es nh fe ofa) sd white women walking arm tf ana, and) yy ive auy knowledue, aul the best Tome of wes told that they lived together. Rads| fred to the American people, caliemn alone made é¢ach a eiate of things | kODT. Y, SLATER | possible, and Radiealiam nlone is + pon Henneo comity, Va, June 25, 1860 ; ble for is. - Car. Times fe Da. Go vonry:— Dr at Sit: behave bern sniffer. aaa nn ipa eatin gt ty Feats with an’ affeetiofi of the |. DEMO RACY OBSOLETE ~~ [*"'™ "s v ts A emma lias tise ta noo a whoa Tn the September .AXFX Century ian oe pli roboaie a ree mr a a. le. aul tremendoas bill of indictment againe! the | ailed to relieve me. E Gnally tried your Cow | democratic party. The writer, afier as-| pound Gentian Bite “5 the effvet wan Whe sailing the that sits in en saenr—one botle cave me complete rehef. 1! believe it to be the best) medicine line ever | Very respectfally seu, Ae amen training ip all the brancles usually taught ipa tirst cluss Academy, ‘The Agadewy is located ina heajthy end moral conmuatty in Franklin Township foar mites from }valisbary, on the new read to Mocksvisde. Ro ard ean be Wad in reepecta bie families from Tto 8 collars permonth. L. H. ROTHROCK, dune 2. Is69. J: smi Prine By al W. C. IZap ana Gazcteer. gk HE SU BSCRIBER I HAVING Parchased the entire Copy-right Plates, &e., of the abovg Works and dexirods to expedite their sale through the entire State, at an early day, offirs (Oo active, business young men. a gc chance I ofler three-fourths of a map, in shares” of five | or ten counties each. This rew map’ will- be about five feet by four; illustrated border, hand- somely engraved, mines, mountains, &e., &e. A Map worthy to be hung up in every house, office and school in the State. ho imen 4opics ready abont the lat Septem- r, 186 Terms cae address with 2 — Rev. SAMUEL PE ARCH _ang!3-32- 3in Ww ils mington, N. BOOKS ror MAGISTRAT a and TOW NOSERLY CLERICS. 1 eas of Civil Procedure—w hieh ‘| Mowers and Reapers, counties, railroads, post oflices, | WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE a! Used in all countries, and universaily éomunended as AEE IN WEE! sees moment than any. other aco’ penwictn d, bothin this . N COUNTRIES, At Paris: Bape, ‘1862 More than 120,000 000 now in Uvel 20,000 inaniifucturod ‘andgatid 1568 and tha demand cnusuppligd, © bac Inereasiieg Demand, e 7 inercased Paehiities: Additional Inprorimiene for (88%, Vood’s Prize Sentara ra, Cb aud 2 Horse. ¥ “i Self Ralting Beaper,. with. New Mowing Attachment, . Haid Rake Reaper. Haiues® Ihinois Harvesict,. - Mahufseuired by the Walter A, Wood ide? *: * ae" “ Branch fier and Sites Robrha—44 Cort. | landt steeet, New York citys Poy Bex, 5805, 2u6 Luke Street. Chicago, Mh Afexandria. Va Madison, Wis, 77 Upper Thames, St. Ls ulon, an Price List. >» oo from the South, Sooth of Vir- tinia, should benddreseg’ to thes New York | Biapgh © ifti-e, as above, ¥, RiELEALLE, AGENTS WANTED, . Extra Indncement¥Ofere t McCubtyos, Sallivan & Oo. are Agents fur the above Reapere iu Salisbury. april 2: 3—16; lw New FURNITURE € Store -* “Jn Salis . HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING pur. chased the Burniture psteblistimeatot “Moore & Clodleiter-will continous the busineseon an metwased scale. All kinds of FURNITURE kept nonstattly op baud Sayeh as oe BEDSTE , BUREAUS, LDS A: coat Sulax, Rasthebta, |! —in Ciet all artivles usually FIRST: GEASS Furatiese? ‘Store —Ilhe alo keeps constantly én hand— * = : “ . ever invented. Send for New Descriptive: Circular pgi¥¢ eutire satinfaetion: GO. whee ¥ é - « ox , @ . " e i: a aad Lt, p Valuable Land for Sale. LEGAL NOTIG ‘HE SUBCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE etre THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED State of ts Ae te roling aa v uable I i j i. “4 NG . — Superior Court, § vd 4869. \ One tract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES with « most valuable W. ATL-VOWL 0a | Ms ee eee ae ee seed pper ithe ver, su ic” 8 noun - machinery, with a dam al E eted wife Mary, and » larrison—Plain "ifs. a n good condition, ieee The remainder of the tract will bedivides “ vee sees. Tr us ; o! Caroline Hampton, to iota of sax ion, frome 100 acres suit hasers, The scat anes ss “S Shee Me hid ‘ the satisfaction.of ‘the eonrt, « y, Jus, Pansy, Maryaret ‘Can- sy and © A~ : . defendants in this p N. lige non-residents of this Sute, iets That putification be made weekly, fursix sueces- ' ‘ ants to be anda, ar at next ? | teem of onP Baid couit'to be Mit at "ies | House in Lexington on the 2d ~Monday ‘after the 3d Mowlay in September next, then and there to answer or dewmur to saill petition, or the 'sanié wilt be _ n pro confesso aud eurd ex le us to aa Pie on, Cle ke of onr said te oi a Witness, L, urtatodiein “Lesin: ston, the 20 Mon: wlter the 34. Monday in“April, 1869. se hy B.\ JOHNSON, C. 8... |. Order sole and issued ~~ 23, 3869, . Bi:GWw:\n fee10. _, Mitate of Morth Carolina, . ROWAN. COUNTY, “n Sapemior Court, Virginia G Whitebend, Plaintiff, Ar e e “A M T - O N T 7, R_Subieriber Kami een uieiet anagen for the'sale of SINGER'S OPLEBRATED’ Mareelin’: Arie Trg Whi, ©. ing and Reaping Mac shine Compati ‘y. Geréral New Fumily Servi Machine. A, Hendefson and~ Jolin? Hy Bnniss, late Office aud Maputictory, Hoosick Falls, Reus: ; ng i mrtotes under the name of Henderson & cclaer coimty, N, ¥, sapeitts tschmete offer the zame tothe Ladiés Sone W. F. Ba W.-H. Bailey, -T, J. howe and T: Os Haughton, Defendants, This Machine chattengéso comparison with any To Thomas Whitehead, ofe of the defendants gaen oes Saahinies TS It will “ more —_- inds of worke- from t n m most ‘we utiful wee aeres a othe Macilpe | sbeve namedee poo-resice pe “Heonory is wegith, then why not |’ You are hereby notified, tliat & snmmone, in the above entitled case, has issned agaivst you, and the complaint therein was filed urthe Su- perior Cunrt ot Rowan County, on the pS day of Septeniber, 1869; arid’ that copids of said sutmntins and coinplaint Were deposited wm theypost Oficep at Salisbary, on“ the 20th day of Beplembey, 1869, divected. to you at Apsherst Convt House, in the State of Virginia ~Yow-are also notified, that (he summons. in- the.case.is retugnable ta the next or of the Superior Court afotesiid, to be helduat the Court House in Salisbuty, on the urd Mon- dey'in Aprit next,’whet and’ where you are hereby required - to appear ‘amd answer the jeacaphalairmtp “default” whereof the plalonf cainthe 'y to sad Court for the relief demaud- Jadson Myson, Clerk of the said — in Salisbury, Sepiem-. N MASON, ¢. 5, 0. buy the bests” These Machines are warranted to “Ifthey fas) t ey satisfaction they Anay be ‘re mrned after a’ ural of two” nvoriths andthe money willbe fefundéd.’ Machines manufactured expressly Sor, SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA; KERS, TAILORS, &o, wilk Me snpplied wheo, ordered, at menu faeturer’s prices. Patties desiring tuto mation am Please sgnd for} hoes of Werk and ciye John A. Sore: A> PaUhbOrD N+ June 18, 1989. tie A Virginia and Southern Institution | Ge “Mie Funds are keptim the South. Ti kgs met with unprecedented success. every Magistrate wust have. Sent | Fish’s We allic Burial Cases, Ig Jortunes are established beyond ang P TRAINS SOUTH: free of POSIRGU.. - ocvccascvccccece #3 00 : a : c ~ gontinveny,. me ir, Magistrates Docket Book--- | “éramome Kain } cae | amnion: Pe Price in Store, $3 0O—by Mail... 3 50 bas capital pnd aqetl, against i coer) | diévr w % TOS ea Forms for Wiagistrates. as con- | end eeah com pore favor Ce i Rab 1 oie i 9 taiued in act of Assembly to provide omer sias paaed caarie a Sera for. sin eivil proeedury bets Baste 7 t——.- ener eon] t® ome ICERS 2 ae an ; : t istrutes, By walt... a i } . 4 —eTiTh ait . ip Uy ibe « : " s : Maocnvd Ranke fine Pamnebin Giorkach ae : : % Ts Pascetnges - Store, @3 5. By mail... cep... £3 00! On Juin Strect upposite the Store of JOHN &, EDWARDS, si—tf ‘ORDE aR z2o001uks— For orders of Sehoul Committees, on County Treasurer—iv eourse of pre vaArA tion | Blank Summons. F xcentians, State War rants. A reat ieee ate $1.00 | shal ; “i EXSY F N ‘ Dbuk s O»WARD: UPWARD: Hiving met with succegs, far beyond our expec- tativa, im the pabiicat oa of the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take this method of offerivg our papers, DAILY, TRIE WEEKLY, AND WEERLY, g the best advertiving Lef@iita. tieerwenta Solicited —Terma Moderate. ~s PreMicus! premicaus | eoter FIVE calaable Agricaltcral PTV HS p oe. LEVER. wv “see pr Til, WAT ON 200 \ug. @7. (869. Cheriotte. N.C. - GUSHINGS & BAILEZ, | BOOKSELLERS axp -TATIONERS, 262 Daltimore St., Baltimore, Mad fy LARGEST and best assorted 4 och in the city of JAS, Ae FAULCON, | . Litfle’on, ©. C. Jen, 7th, 1860. School, Law. Wertal, Wedled, Classdeal, Celi¢ re. Prepared anly by Dr. G xidin. | and Mi-erliave;as Geak- arene ta } Blank and Connting Hense etnticr y ¥ 4 JA ME ie IGGINS, jkinds. Blank Book« manufietuted t> I P repri itary Wholesale Agent, jany style of binding and rmiizg ” te NORFOLK, VA PROFESSIONAL oe Fy e by Dr. G. B. Pualson, Ralis- onsen bury NO TiMG TABLE W.N © RAILBOAD. GOING WFEST. MILEA = ETATIONS. ARRIVE LEAVE. Saliebnrv, 35 A. My 3:05 a. M 19. Third Greek, 4:12 4:17 pa) Statesville, 6:17 5-22 32 Plott's 0 §:59 8 Catawha, 6:20 6:34 rr) Newion, Vian 7:47 i] Hickory Tavern, 8:97 8:22 79 Teard. 9:02 9:07 80 Morganton, 9:47 GOING EAST. MILES, STATIONS, ARRIVE. LEAVE, Morganton, 3:30 P.M. 19 Jeard, 4:10 P.M. 4:15 20 Hickory Tavern, 4:55 5:10 a0 Newton, 50 645 42 Catawba, 6:43 6:48 48 Plott’s, i 113 7:20 55+ Statesville, TS 8:00 67 Third Creek, 9:00 9:05 80 Balisbury, . 1012 Salisbury Male Academy. Wednesday 14h Sept. $869. TUITION PER MONTH : English, - . - - $2 00 Languages, - - - 2 50 Entrance Fee, : - 1 00 Tuition papable monthly, and every pupil charged from date of entrance to the “close of the terin. J. E-WUARTON, A. M. Sept. 3, 1869.—4t P’rmeipal, jof war, and when Stephen a Donglas, Andrew Johnson, Daniel 8. Dickinson and the leaders generally of the party ia the north joined the abolitionists in a 'red-mouthed crusade against the South. | Notic “E—Being appointed Assignee ‘of T. . Allison, (Bankrupt,) I will sell for Cash |on Monday; 20th inst., the -House and Lot, | | known as the T. C. Graham Btore, containing | | 2f Acres. AJso at the same time aiid place (on | the premises) alt hia notes and accounts. sept 10-36:2t D. W. KRIDER, Assignee THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON | M. Fi. ATTORNEY PINNIX, AT tN} A) LETCUINGTON, &: ¢ ANY ILL PRACTICE in thee { David-| forsythe, Guiitord, Alamance aud Kan- | iets counties : | REFERENCE | lon. R. M. Pearson, C.J. 0f NC. Raleigh * E.G. Reade, Associate J: tice “ | “ Dhomas Settle, : “ RB. P. Dick, “ ‘ se | * Bedfonl Brown, Y anceyti ile, NC. “ Hore John Kerr, “ IR. MeLean, Greensboro’, N.C. “ Thomas Roffin, Ir. 4 J Chm, Dibece, IC. Jannary 29, 1869. 4-tf Dr. I. W. . JONES, | AVING located in Salisbury, of rs his | Professional services to the pe Wie. OF fies on Cuuncil Street, opposite the Court Ir and next doer to the Law office af Hon. wie May 2-7, 1860-€T. Craige. Watablishoed if S B. GENERAL Commission Minchants AND COTTON FACTORS, Commerce &t,, Worfolk, Va. CP Special attention paid to the enle o | GRAIN, COTTON and all other kinds ¢ | COUNTRY PRODUCE. nd prompt returns. a in Weetern | frig sid, LEPAGE BROS. & Co.,| t# Liberal advances on consi igumenta | july9:27 —3in | tion of Claims Mock a& Browa. | a Good Wainutand Poplar Lumber ta- | exehanve tor F | = 7. eae ~ PLANTATION BITTERS. v3 | | ‘This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- | anchor of the feeble and | debilitated. As @ tonle and | cordial for_ the’ aged and be if has no equal among stomachics. AS a remedy . for the nervous | weakness to which woulen | are especially subject, itis ' auperseding cvery other, In all climites, tropical, temperate or it acts agew ‘specific | in every species of disorder stimulant. mtare - SECRETARY, VICR PRESIDERT, D. J. Uaktsoox Wa. B. Isaacs, =r ie THE EQUITABLE’ L Assurance Socie OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHAKLES H. SMITH, M.D LEGAL ADVIGER, GENERAL AGENT, . H.C. Capect, Jxo. H. ¢ RYE UNITED STATES, DIRECTORS _ 92 Broadway, New York. John Enders. Le Dr Conrail Senate Raskereitt ‘gin Coup sianaeh coeetien sambet §. Cottrell, i. bow GO «rville, fe sa fies bey ; nhenewel C. Tardy, its liabilities that Will compare with Say DR tee partes Ty Wortham, Geer ve derebs, sarance Company on the Coutiaaat, otiah is the J. W. Aliieon, George 8. Palmer, Hh. D. Chockiey, Hi. C. Cabell, prue test of resyopaibiliag, : . Cash ARCH... +. cass tease yreneet seen es 06,000,000 Anudal Preminm imeom@e;.....scs-08-2 4.000.090 im rease ove? 1887,, 000,000 Witham Witte, Jr., £4. A Smith, Thoasd. Evans, James A, S-ott, er The — Wageat te the oe Company. ~M Qas D. J. Marteook, Ww Btyler, Joon C. Wiliams, 4. A HARBIN, . E. Edwards, William G. Tagior, te hen, A : PR: Abell. : Mockeri?e, March 19, 1969. ay J. 8. Morwea, Wm. B. Moet we . ‘ - @. . Dibrelt, Gvorge L. Bida -Trtr @r + +. : . William U1. Palmer, Samael M. Pater. NEW YORK and North Carolina _ STEAMSHIP LINE ‘New York to. to. Wilmington, _— Line will comprise ppriss the following steam- LEWIS°*O. HANES Ac’r. Feb, 12 -ly LEx1yoTox, XN, cl PINGS PalRDanns, Capt. A. Hunter, aise WM. P. CLYDE, °“ D, P. Morgan, R CA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. “re SANFULD, John Aloore. THE GOLD epee Has just been @tarded to nt eae eaesenst aay oh a ‘ wer “ re omet we dems oe we _— CHAS, M. STEFF : Satiing from New York every WEDNESDAY for the best Piagh now medce.qvet Baltimore, Phil-band SATURDA Y at 4 P. M, frout Pier 15 adeiph ia, and New York Pinas. OFFICE aAXD War PRoOoms: R fot af Wall - which undermines the | bodily strength and breaks | | dotvh the cnimal spirits. No. 9, North Li 6 berly Street, near Ballti- | more Strect, Ce The attention af Shippers is called BA Ay IMORE, Mp. to ile] AW. TLS ant OILITIES STINFF'S PIANOS bate all the latest Improve. | | off red » Which are superior to ding the Agroffe ireble. Ivory Frenta. | any he i . *RILTS OF LADING ment | ' : over and the imy woved Fir ench Action ont THUR ¥ ore “A 7 2 ne twels ome sth : of note a ms ae Soaps: a por lar ' given to oto. on the North Carolina duced it becomes a stand- |<. i Didahar ped grep neds ed orag eg | ard article a medicinal \, ee Lip mes oo Parlor Organe alwayson | boro. J. A. SADLER, | ¢ iC * Neferences, * ’ :o have on Pianos in ure Soliciting Agent. | staple. Tt fs to-day the) Go iets WORTH & DANIEL, Agenia, ; : pea oher pied aw Imington, X Cs | Wilmington N.C. best and purest tonic, and per gals [ete Lax a |SAMPS ITAND, Agowte , Se ae f L29—8if 119 Wall Street, N. Y. Jaines H. Greenlee. Morgapion. N.C. | the most popular medicine in the civilized world—he sure and get the genuine. | Sold by all Druggists, Gro- | | cers and Country Stores, je eee eS | FPIVER LABDS FOR SALE!--THE | ¥. Sab-criber de-ittug te reduce his landed | ») oxtate ard his Habilities, offers forsale 200 acres lof South Ricer Landa, 65 of which ia excellent |hottem. About one-half of the whole is in cab | tivation s the remainder, femetimber.. The fer | ees and bnildinge. in pood condition. The pre. Ie; ty is paying @ handsome annual profit. It | is Jocated fw a good Reighbyrlfood,. and is as | heal thy, as any place if the county = Thove | | wishing to purehace such property are invited | to call avy view the premises. Terms made as | acconmoda ing ’s le. ~~ M. |. CHUNN. Rowan Oounty, N.C., Sept. 13, 1909. 37-+4b | JOUN 8S. HENDERSON, . ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAY | SALISBURY, N. C. te Will attend promptly to the Colle feb26—ly J. iH. Smith & G. W, Melton. Chester, S.C. A Brown & Bernhardt are agents for Ue sale of} the ‘ ab ve celebrated Pianos. tory price € es, |Edgoworth Female sailikey rT UE NEXT SE ~SION WILL COM- } mence on the first Monday of September, The entire experse of Board and Tnitien will be from €100 to $110 if paid in mlyance. Each boatder will fnrnish ber own lights and towels and also a pair of shects aud pillow cases, For cirenlar address J. MM. CALDWELL, july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N.C. _Vianos an dat Factory ro Set ne 18— ly) ‘Homestead Blanks ! (For laying of Homcsteads, ) i And a new and improved fourm —of— | LAND DEEDS, | Revised and corrected by tk ‘best legal authority in this plar SUERTE CET ¥ SMALL FRUIT INSTRUCTOR. “WHAT MA If VALUABLL is because it contains so much practical, er givel h a smail space 6h iJ. Thomas. |for sale. A dress, a wie «: seek Petit eawi irg &t ne err es and ‘mar. 10. fe J: BRUNF R. Raspberries sie the best | bove ever sen. Henry W ard leecher. a a hy ds of just soci. testimon'ata, P. B. KENNEDY, . ah ib aut ee t fac eli it whom! d be PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, | | in the bal is of Ca y person. whether the owner of ~ a 9 Sarl ora hundred acres. Tree oe fain and Fisher ae eae 8 _- oy cops, In contains 40 rere, tow, re ce 106 price Nie s wl om eand retai aixo te and jhoee deriring to ge ge Sized Photographs, Porcelain Pictures, le; na club for ts Be PKES (Qali_applic nts. | : ce inet 4 Cartes do Visites, "Parties at Bete ron ‘acife Conste! ud Ambrotspey Foster) pheno all other etyles! der ptauts in the f » Add: es yPURDY @ [OU ang2i 4 le of yt at rensonaly * pep10-96-4¢) STON, Palmyra, FT sive Weels ig the ‘Old North State,’ anes {ani Sa in Saksbury, N.C, sqneliees ch drying with dry slaked' lime prevents | smut to a great degree. Pickling enables oo es pas aleo to skim off and scparate many virco, [af the light grains which the fan-mill ee | leaves, Rye may be sown the latter part | RTICUL |ot the month, but is usually sown in Oc- | ltober, as sometimes itm ikes too rank a | growih, and is smothered thereby in the Mueh depends on | — - it tate q | wy Old North § ci LTURAL, HO )\LAND DOMESTIC MAL: aN ad course of the winter, the land. Bucxwueat—Is_ greatly injured by even a light frost. Be prepared to cut and put in little cocks or gravels as soon as frost threatena. ‘The tops should ‘be gath- ered and boundat the top, wore to ‘pro- long the drying and to” prevent the whid seattering the «grain than: to make the little gravel shed rain. Many kernels, half fotmed when-eut, will fil out at the expense of the juiccs of Uhe haawhan. JS. Hints about work for September. Appies.—Windfalls are full of worms, usnally. Pick thom ap regularly, and feed to the pigs all not fit: foe cider, or at least for vinegar. Wietp Crors.—Beans should be pull- cd as soon as the pods seem well matured. loft better than in They will cure in a the field, and a few may be cured ona barn floor. Inthe field stack them be- tween stnkes to keep off the ground, and thrash when dry. Porators. —Dig as soon as ripe, pro- vided there is not much rot among them, in whiclrcase judgmect. It they can be dug and sold before they rot much, well; if they can be fed with profit, do so. Do Sorcnum.—This crsp- is one of great importance, especially with ‘present faeil- ities for working it up. It should be topped, cut “up, str yped avd stacked belore frost, tobe Lett ato the mill and | worked up before bard. freezing wea her. Live srook of all kinds require good —- —_ lost in a period of eight years for repairs. Here we might, by the same rule as a basis of calculation, show that over thir teeff Lundred millions of dollars will be ex- pended in the aggregate by the United States, within a period of eight years, but it will suffice for us to confine ourselves to North Carolina. This calculation does not include the lane fences forming the di- vision line between farmers} heither does it include the many thousands of miles of fence which requires two fenges on the public roads, where one would answer, which is near turage purposce |W ation with the inte which abound 6m,ajl farms. *, We kuow a large number of men, who believe in the “good old way,” tics and go into a-fair caleul you do not agree with us odious and tyrannical tas up on not put them into the cellar to become a feeding, for they Tay on flesh and fat and make it wedte- much wv ore readily in mildly warm weath throw them away er than when it is colder, in cool weather better than in cold, aud when severe weather comes itis almost impossible to make cattle and hogs beld their own un- less warmly sheltered. Auimals in good do not do it until the grain 1s glazed.— | condition are easily maintained 80 unless Topping is much less objectionale—in exposed to great cold, for they are already fact, we do not object to it in the ease of | as if well blanketed, Horses and sheep large, coarse-stalkéd varieties. "This too | bec should never be done ante the glazirig of | other stock if they have enongh to eat, the kernal shows that the grain has its | but if either is allowed to rua down it is size. No doubt it is. damage to the | bard to get them np again. corn, bat there is proportionate gain in Hoas.—-Feed old earn (ground) if you the feed, which is very valdable. < Ut) Lave it—it gives them a spleaded start. ting up at the ground has much in its favor the field is as good as cleared at ane operation, aud may be plowed and sown | atonce if dysired—provided the stocks are made on as few lives as possible, standing very close. Takiug twenty-five mass of corruption, sary to overhaul and by and by. Corx.—Palling corn fodder is a South- ern practice of hich-we do not approve It it sceins best to pall leases this year, you woeld get the full benefit of it — favor of grinding alone, and we doubt not nearly or quite as much i favor of cooking. However there is Fue the longest way through the field, probably little Wet in fe eding “nubbins” it is no very great labor to close on the {ond soft-euru whole, middle row, takiug twelve bills on endl, lanakew a rehohable variery. A Ea hand: side, one make a etock to évery billow | 6.1), of charcoal mixed ith some a this rowksleaving plow land of one han- died feet or thereabouta ia width, which ehould be” plowed “inward” or “rightas bout The grain’ must be well giaurd before the stalks are cut. It loses sear: cely perceptibly in weight, while she stalks and leave are saved. One day's or half a day’s drying after beidg cat ap will save the fodder. from injary from ee- vere frosts, which would otherwise render it flavorless and of little value as fodder. Corn Foppen.— Cattle and horses wil eat corn leaves and hucks well; they will eat almost the whole of the toppings, bat unlees.it is eonked they Will not cat all Lut the stale. However, if cut pp and soaked, they "WAIT cat a good portiqn of dusted. with a little of stock,, and especially for swine. thrown upon graisof all kinds and the best wa worth will proba! fyttened- early, an market will bear a low price and marketed this F im condition to eclt, and held ready fo shipment at the shorteer*uotice. Ae American Agriculturist, oe From Gie Reeonstructed Farmer. them, expecially if ee a ss >» meal or -ail-eake, What they refuse is FENOES - No. 2. worl, we presame, half as mach a# ma- ce . nure as it would. be if eaten, The im We wih it naderstood that we cafinat e waste of feeding corn fodder -ou do without some fencing in this Coupthy that bat a compara-~ ten, and the rest is but a small extent. ) the ground ia, cively ‘emall part is ea ntilized as manure to bat tote fo 1 to build an of del rs anuualty ir vicissitudes of weather beiter than | Grind and cok all grain fed to. swiue if} here ia a diiferenee of 25 per cent in | i : shes ‘other men’s lands? and a little sulphur, makes an excellent | ception of right tonie and regulator for almpst any kind | ; : , Rt} no daw of enclosure, conser will be eaten readily if alittle meal be} i it. ‘Fhe prospect i¢ that) og by to get our money’! byt living funret# Of hedges y be to have the pork | stone setup markeing th d held ready to BIL OF) Phere the shepherd with, Beeves.—That are to be ripened off all should be early | neither do we wish to debar arty, farmer from having ag much as he thay ehames ; d repair to the | yoor man. They will hold that the non Padholder, who has no land, cannot owt a cow orhog, as be will have nowhere t keep them, but as it now is he can feed it the public roads and his stock can roam whithersoever they may choose. Let me ask you if the non-landowne | does not have to secure a home for himsel ud family from the landowner t | you are bound to admit Then why isi lhe eonnot eecure a home for lis cow 0 | ling, as well as for bis family 1 Some will say he is not ab them up, a8 he will bave to aset | than if they ran out. ;a | Have you not learned that you cannot succeed in raising stook running at large ; | DRUGS aud do_yor know it has not been prefi | lhle in mae \ rt tt however goo the range may bel if fed early, and it! Po you think it right for men to haveiy d trespassing apou ' | their stock feeding arr If youn do your cot is different from ours. Go to Europe, and there you will fis will not see the beaatifal lanc 1 | marking the divisinn | keeps the berd of stock wiihio pro ite. policy was a ¢ially ib the and all throngh the range, of States where stock Yateng ts |they would eave the uri jew lost annually by th | many other Jogere that aright | the attention of the herdsman, _ We cannot be ve that ofr Creat ed and beautiful prairi est apd Northwest { r ve saved t hiened the f the South, he purpose of ta DC neo, o there and introdn ly a sufficiency for all pas- hen taken fato consider- rior stock “lot fences men will aay this is an exaggerated gtatement ; but to all such we ask you to take the statis- ation, and if that it is an on the indus- try of the country, then we desire that you inform the Reconstructed Farmer by what ralé you base your calealations up- ‘There are others who will say that we are fivoring the rich at the expense of the This | le to keep | nore feed | ta- | HW sections for years; and do mefe TM) yoy not ale’ Rnow that the many loafing sieves render it impossible to succeed, venjly yor! Lead of the very seape marr- fences meandering here and there, | inée between farws, or posts of wing g ee , el pea ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, bis faiibtul dog per lim- We have no doubt bat that if the same | dppted in this conntry, espe Northern and Westera States 8 ! table, | Hons of dollars o dogs, besides ing fenced, as is the com | MeCubbins, Sullivan & Co. won en ‘ We have received our Fall & Winter stock: of .New . Goods’ FRESH DRUGS, ME! ESPECTFULLY announges to his humer- ous old friends and patrons, and all others, that he is now opening, in the building, on 8. EB Corver Main & Fisher streets, near the Boyden Houge, an , Entirely Fresh and Carefully Selected STOCK OF ‘DRUGS, MEDIGINES. Surgical Instruments; Pertumerv, Combs, Brushes, dic., dic., embracing almost every thing pertaining to a first class Drug Store; which he will sell, as has always been bis custom, at the most satis- factory pricés to porehasers. _His tong experienge.in, and thorongh famil- iatity with, the susigess, in allits details and departments; together with his accustomed unremitting, personal attention, authorizes the hope of that. success, which has, heretofore. in- variably rewarded hia exertions Salisbary; N. C., January 1869. 1—tf PROCTOR, | DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, {fardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sole and Upper + Leathor, Enameled and 1 d , Patent Leather, | | Coach fi oe | Hlarness RIVES & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOMES, 20° ~~ @uE GREAT ge se hee - | Kets attention to much Tr gere » it which is yery largo and complete} oe iM fos vt ene ak otis this ma Pn Pa oa ee "Dp. EDWARD SELL, (Sic coders perdu penton SaTTVEN INVIGOR ATOR aa ‘ ‘ we aA , f , and a.large, reba consisting 1p part, of yes “ef ‘ $ wt te frais the Manalaovarers aud their Agents eo ™ : - The Great Decline in Dry Goods. All we ask i? a call at the well known Eyn- , porium of this markvt.« We fnvite your atten- tion toa few LEADING ARTICLES kept in thia Whotesale“and retail stoek : Notions, Hats, Shoes, | READY-MADE CLOTH 1S ; Pant. Goods, rugs, Patent Medivines, Dye- Stuffs, Vaints, Tanners? Oil, Kerosene and Linsetd_ Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and H@r- nNSS . LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS, | BLOOD PURIFIER, —AN D— e REN OV ATOR. DR. LAWRENCE'S ‘CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT OF KOSKOO, r | | DRUCCISTS, DEALERS LN and Saddlery Trimmings of all | kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- " MEDICINES, Fancy & Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, DY! STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Imported & Domestic Window Glass, Putty, SPICES, ing and Pad’ Skins, Linseed, ‘anners and Kerosene Oils, Co-| , | a=) pal and Coach Varnish, White al best Brands, Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot-} s rf | Would respectfully call the atten! on of Mer | chats, Physieians, Plantere, aud others, w thelr | extensive stuck and superior inducements. 107 Sgoumer ; St, Petersburg. N. F. RIVES. M. BP W.H. PROCTOR. \ apres—16:gan Ties and ‘Twine, Steel and Tron. } _————_——_ DRALAW RENCE'S CELEBRATED MAN’S FRIEND! A sale and relinble remedy for —9———- i WO . } POWDER! POWDER! Y arcu as— Leuchorrea, ar Whites ; or Falling of the Wowb,; Irregular Painfal, or Suppresse IL Menstru or ¢® RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING | or alion; Pain in the Bick; POWDER, | Nervousness, Wakefulness, Veakness, ac DEPICATED TO THe | LADIES OF AMERICA, » Or Im open} r worth * . eee shoe Bt will not mould enough | posetbility for lew pe in a freee weet: Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sagar!’ ir fo exp it Ties long flat upon the | country bo eontinie Ty p anything o@eal as well as more pleasant t . the? , oe Se piney, tomer = ts | more nnjudt, burdensome wnitiicel |7# ww, } ony. 1 Mea | | PHYSICIANS . 0T3.— Beets, carrots, parenips and upon the agnicnitur il intersg® taan thal * large number of farmers will adggit "Ot" rugs an pearcines, and peunSe erode coe farmps make astonishing grow th this present law of enclosure. 4 to be aw « I preseive liw, and at Me ~ month. Keep them clear of weeds, which | We know this wilt be considered atrong **™ Gite will bold that the pro ne snore enp the very life of the soil. It is an ex | lar geagt, but we mean it te be such, as DAS HO Tet ema rt Neos S lies re nt plan te ran a one horse sub-soil | be owe ehdeavor ty prove every word to | | a if | ea ii : Sotave “Organ. and plow between the rows. If crowded, re ote| 9G LUG. ae ne thie law wi ibohiened } Ne * ab irritations af all kinda may be thinned to ad ace { If amin parélio ses rtmet of land, hew Why proerns! wl t iw rVUPRFRY cy BI Lrice 31,00 per Bottle. gy and the sarplus sent to market of” fed’ tg | mee It bin | a cl 100 scree ee aac witsoullr EN ee IN THE w fee ee ei " stock. Hogs will grow fast on the diet \" sciae tte ea Des : m it ii le ' } oes N tan though it is not very fattening | ¢ as ts pyasce sts (0.80 IL have Pherefore, we hold that this bow nld = To whom all erlers or letters 5 Rath nS . ; . lofihie 100 acres at least two f +; sup - canvassed befure the people, wud that lreaned. 1 o— ty Grass. — If the aftermath 1 to be eat, | posing cach of there two hel Pedighe the Legislatare thontd abeleh it in the WAY of MERCHANDISE “ae ~~ do itin thie wonths, and, if you can, ma- heat possible phape, (a square.) it will re ind all other States phnilarif situated, and ~ as N EW STOC Hee OF nure with fine compost or some “band | quire at least 800 pat ele, ard allowing 13) OP! that law which will eww pl men to manure” afterwards. This gives @ hance | rails to the panc] it will take 10,400 pada keep theie atock where ceore ny, Juatte | F R for aggood covering *o prow, to protect to, fence it. , aid equi y demands, apoa their own ES H Pp U R E the roots of the grassecs from the winter.| To split this number of raile fram the |! remiss 3. ro 3 5 If the second —. is to be fed off, it ie \ forest that hae been called over, ns e the | We are aonfident ihapeor conree will == | a economy to tether the cows. ‘The writer | case on @ great many farme, will cost at CAuse ony juarmal tn he dey milar, a ‘ ) tethers with ¢haine, using iron feiters least an ee Bi ssting ms os large at er ot pla ro ‘hi ‘care RELIABLE DRI GS to f@ttach them to one hind leg. It) be $90; by adding there together i: have depart from this time Lnnawed law. . . ; the fefters fit, there will be no wearing $110 cash paid oat of the «kin after a few days. The cows need water three times a day, and to have the etakes or rods shifted according to ‘he | 1 x pe rience teaches this fenee will have to be replaccd jn about 8 veare, making the annaal cost of repairs $13.60. Lo thia abundance of the fod, giving them sin |should be added the value gf land on jec fect or more advance at each shift. See j whieh thé fenee stands, thewalue of vied that the cows cannot get together agdiie- [ber used. ‘Thedgaieo witLesenpy at {c He coine twisted up. The twisting upeaid | two aerés, The thnber, belad be b etic turning mane fs ae cte., are the only | the forest, ia w mth 40° ten per cord; accideuta that can happen to cows tethered | 10.400 rai ij » 100 cord 7 by the beg. Tied bs ihe neck, the _ \’ ve : i will get = oy hee ; y may leon frofl the cenens of 1860 there hang themerlves as easily as net, and of- | ts ; are 25,763,969 acrea of ladR, valard at ten do, in an opem field. New grass land; $14 01,065, muking the average vilua ed } : rm 7 a and stnble xhoul@ mot be fed off too soon | tion peracre a fraction over $6; ¢ ~ le heavy ant : ; . or by heavy animals of any kind. q! v, the valuation of this 5 rea © Srevise ROWN —Grass may be sown | | lone at thie season, To add these items tozether we have— 50 acres of land muet be d pree iated that ‘amount. When we take into considera- ao : tion the interest upon this €175 5 vk oe eee corn shonld be eizht years, at 6 Le aii , her en marked before it is cut up by selecting ¥ eae P ot eee : _ 5 MZ) 90, which detracts fi : f ! tlre be at car where two or more are ona | gional Si parent ne ae tee ee a , t 2 », Making d, stalk, snd tying strings tightly arcand: ihe expiration of eight ie ris fie a, at them. Phey will be fonnd and thrown | 99. n¢ ae lg oe See NAT: | one ride at husking. Se ed potatoce ehonld | . ae : oe : a firet cost. | be adieciea feet, esethae lave hestdiel . ealenlate what the aggregate | rialks and ripen first. It is very well to Sie 5 be to keep the feners of the | : . ’ whole State i “pai he i wo throngh and dig from hilla before dig- ole State iu repair for the next eight 7 . yenre; gy. It the whole crop is to be saved |~ , ths way when spfing comes; making goor Inanure for seed, or if it is desirable eer itt Chere was, according to the eensus of , rable to keep it 1860, 65,900 4 | pure, go through carefully, and dig any! " mera, possessing, in round I= picioue or pt culiar looking hills. Seed | ak cae oe eee of land, whieh | il kinds should beept dry in neat ee es an of 560 acrea to the| kota, loosely covered paile, or in net OF be . | 2s, or tied together and suspended — | tm ed wart Secee cee Fee | vorsels are often fatal to seed, caus- oe ’ t eee a ee = m to monld or heat. \coeterwnal ae eee e onee cee yao baceeta tard aa y there mnet be 13,000 ibe put in order, well, manarcd pie Ifthe cost of kecping in repair one ttace, barrowed to @ foe tilth, and , field of 50 acres for the next elk years cod sown as eatly a8 possible | be $175 50, what will it cost to keep in ib. Cee any fine, feb, well-ret- | repair 13,000 fields ? t, or €ertilizer, containing am-, ‘| be answer will be $22,715,000, to say | — |nothing of the ‘iuterest, which inereages | d| the amount to $36,261,000, whicl: must be | \ average | | | vy | Le t Vand phosphoric acid -wil) pay. king the eced ina strong brine an ' or at any other.— | ,.. Viepare the groand well, giving thorongh RaPee com on eats lean ail) 00 han »wing and te p dressing, | ichiag off acne a De Greeeintn ae coer 13.59 Alvetonielanw themecediiand roll 2 acres of land,........... 12 00 ; : ‘ nil. A a x lbushal of oats harrowed in before the | 100 cords of wood for rails,. -40 00; Frases ace dis sown, will afford the young j . planta the pono of a fine muieh da 1 tof fonci ] ee rog winter, av@ wnlcss the season is very | « cost of fencing and repairing is 584 ‘ y . : : nid, will be thoroughly dead aud ont ores ton the first cost, consequen ty th | meys, Nerrons Debilily, ' fSends» hat course weshould pureac, an wiht net 8 we should write upen, av We have been advierd by many of our t prematufely apoo certain sub- MEDICINES, d d All of which was bought fur FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE ir Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage | r_.. | Bone Dust. | ° \ ALL Diseases Peentiar to Feaules, | Prolapsus Cleri, | HARDWARE, A eafe and effectnal remedy sor alt Trimmings; fp fact, thousands of articles tuo tedius to enumerate. We are agents for the Great Threshers —and— CLEANERS, | Alsu, Manufacturers’ Agents for the celebrated Do. do. Kiflaand Blasting Powder | te We invite the attention of Merchants | Jand the trade generally, to our stock, as uring them they will find nothing bat fresh and desi- rable Goods. We buy all kinds of predace.— | Save your Blackberries apd Fruits, which will | be to you as Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co., 1. | Sp ragze'a Old SALISBURY, N.C., April @, 1469. diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, | | | | Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, Kc. Stand, near the Market House 13—ly ls J UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE \of SMITH FOSTER & CO’S. | 1}QQQ sacks or SAL. 25) BBLS MOLASSES 12 HuUDS. MOLASSES LOOK for MERONEY’S | THE BIC INDIAN. | \ "ECALLTRE SI ECIAL ATTENTION | SPRINQ AND SUMMER G ue, ali who want the ].a'eah lea, Dest Wie ona Moat Lcteamna?'« mae give \ “o4-tf FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE | | | | | ot ail to Our Slock « GODS, Wf This js an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, E aa laa Decal | sacoaetareanrer sd Jd SE D ‘ ’ ; v x ) IDS, dy and one that admits of a wide rof 4 CLOTIING, HATS, MILLINERY Goons, = ° DRESS TRIMMINGS, |“: GROCEQIES, HARDWARE. It is adapted to talfl the morbid indica- SOLE. & UPPER LEATHER, : Coat N, Cs }' il ar | J ipan Vain shes, \" one of disease to, pel p*, a greater er Waluat Sian, Kerosene and Vacs } Mickine Oi | dew than any other remedy yet known, « to be fonnd in W Nerth Ca na. B a : called to our 8 t | It isan BOOTS ») SHOES. : - ANI l eo pews * $1.50 per pair vats") TNVALUABLE ; sof all price ned AND 121 Pets por sd. Ketca ~ . Vi bot tt Ma ‘ ere of +: ° mt WICC URAL IMUPLEM ENT Unrivalled Remedy ! ! I | ve M ower and Iie aper, Vorbine W ‘ Wheels, Fine Engine Deep Weill an 1 Fores For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS e > ’ . {Pui Ly ‘ . { brench Uners eur Coew Ai ' “\ SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, CU- So j ' . are . NY u TY — Threshers ane nCre rWe here say for the information of all @ TaN => I J and will be sold | le G. B. Poulson, HAS JUST} vehersan { : leanere on pains ean ; ; ; ’ o HAS. I wheels complete, | TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT cifermned {hat the Reconstragted Farwet salt ie ra oa = Wider and Wine Mtl Is mpkete, | 2 S, , »R EUMAT- i an ine Cpendent agrieah ovabfournal and an Rcheer ‘ cle : ou ee . that we sheatkfverlersly, at aM siccee, in AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, ain eo 0 cm wer ein Ne ae and Condenser, | 1C, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF- ourown , ye our views frarkly up- ap Se ee atone Metirines of a ™ a ils. , 1FE or fs lant acting the agtic ultural, | 1 and at Bite seh 1 Me pa on yy . § Vin y Tr! wes, | CT IONS, iu fact, EV® form f niining, A apatl and manufacturing We allow no House t | <can by oses, Berige Tree Aste ACHES oy i i i intercets of thts country. se to under- |) FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING =| py, 1 Leatl Cirenlar Saws, | Cornice Disease it may be adcanfageous- = r arte wnbber ane weather I} lis “, } _ sell us. > TP POA j eieniagy olen eecoeeae ss lon ly used. f is a a ‘ Iv Po Physicians. --[ wonld state that 1 3 . 0 S J ¢ } ‘ } : Ae aidan erat 7 : . ae i oe we ‘ > Mavafac- avai : ( ( ~ | | | ea ‘ wer = | This preparation has been submitted to nd ns & Catslonie lol any , % gO. ¢ LY 1 Be DA ta awn ki tsses & dominal § awthed ee ; pas | oy | Be sure to examine oar stoch Ti u 2 & \bdominal SUpPpor tOTS hn Fi Fi e Ma ee _ une We pase j shoronghly teated, and approved by some ‘ISIE ABOVE IS THE MOST ABRO- Mf the latest improventents, exce lent in qna nay pele Machinery sold by usto give satis: | : ate ft ' ‘ ta ve ee . iS Pa i; ’ , _ f o eelazileand axecdal ” a. 5 before ] UFCIIUSING ¢ lsewhere. | ce ert . — | We arealoan Br ingera News Rane of the most eminent members of the Med- oe sore) Teese ee t 3 T PUMPS & NURSING BOTTLFs. EWING MA ‘I Siial: haves cea Tt la Teccinmended (0 648 Cannot | tw? Po Tkerchants. —I4 ANTE qual. Warra ' of work. | al Faculty. we stior only «: who bare not t } . v at Bait more or New a his > ‘ ac rt mor a . t. There is efaiined for it pt ation over It affords usa pleasure | Vogts) auch articies aa }wil ‘ j yy} ; other preparation ‘ sided for sinular pleasure to show! baw Lemon, Ess. Peppermint, Ess.) &@° GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at Prepared by an experienced and well pneposes—when they have fidied, RYIAGIC * } ) Cinnamon, Landanu Pareg I the depot , e a“ nay tax not. Keepileiwa net oe GEC our Goods w ether . ge | oe , Landanumn, Paregor- joo? aPHOTE AICS i er , tee ee rs ; rar fa mii torts s whether we sell or not.| fa liifeumss Ure Gods Wemil be found cpposite the old stand | known physician and chemist, ache, Earache Cramp ( Chiara LU Aphuall faey’s Cordial, Opodel- above Murphy's Granite Row ‘| | | MERONEY & BRO. | | Diarrhoea, Dusentery or Bloody-F tar, Dusypep- sia. Sore Throat, Rhenmatie Pair Feri pre, Spraing and Bruises, lnflamation of Ked be, Pais ame A sor Spasms an charac ter. Prepared and for sale by Dr. G. BR. POTLSON, Druggist and Apothecary, Salisbury. \ June 30, 1269 . of Cc D.T. CARRAWAY, tp Orders from a diaphes Commission sHerchant, —AND— Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS. TARDWARE, | Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wine | dow Shades, &e., Ke. Pron PT attention given to order, and to the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobac co, Dried Fruit, &e , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april 9—l4-ly NEWBBRN, N.C. doe, Castor ( dil, and "| Turpentine. | as ani aA . | My stock is complete and composed of artic! a | g n | h UM she lling, but Come | Phre Fresh and Kebablein Qnality and as lee: mail | price as sach articles (| Don’t be deceived by loud blow- in he obtained in this sec to see us and get posted up. Impnre Medi dear at any pr But | aman know that P en'd for half tl ines can be gold for a trifle and are | {ancl | do not and will not keep.) posted in the Drug Market to | Med cannot be harged. Bear in| st and sailest plan to wz7eand » heretofore ¢ mind it fs alw MN ea pe ne | | | } buy the purest | I wonld beg o stock and get my prices promptly filled at lowest prices, | °! ant exnaine ms es : 6.1. PUULSON, Drugrist end Aputhernry, Salisbury N.C... next door to Meroney & Bro. june B—W:3m. | | Wabcy nearly alll kinds! PureReeandicumn Wail {(Q” uy nearly ail kinds) Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, | Distilled in thOld Style, Pure and Un- | adulterated. at the | Old North State Distillery, | | | lof Produce. 'McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., all ee FALL \| before porchasing elsewhere to 2 VELVET AND S8ASH RIBBONS, . - TNusions, Blinds, Laces, Riches, Netis Orapes, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s, <txpows FORSALE.-—A Splendid 12 Horse Power Portable E gine, for sale by jane 11—235m MERONEY & BRO AND WINTER IMPORTATION LS One. RIBBOAS, MILLIVURY, & STRAW GOODS, oe } Armstrong, Cator & Co, | 37 & 239 Baktimore Street. BILTIMORE, Md., IMPORT CRS AND JOBBERS OF BOVVET AVO TRIMMING RIBBONS, PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONL c BONNET SILKS, SATINS ANDO VE VETS, mm FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., iStraw Bonnets & Ladies’ Hats, | TRIMMED AXD UNTRIMMED | , Velect ama Felt Bonnets and Hats, S AND SHAKUR IOODS. on ORGANIC CHEMIST. : on t Stock of Millinery Goods ir No. 6, Main Stre Norfolk, Vi So 1 Mecwune Gnuctte how | CHARLOTTE. N.C. Chin een vel M ' eo nee oe ' 5, Main Street, Norfolk, Viegi ’ R 7 2 7 Ww | i ‘con 0 . , ‘ : La ), Want to puri hase 500 or 1900 head | Te 24"! at pr Seach it will defy competition. ‘ | For sale hy Da. G. BR. POTTSO) Salisbury, Sept. 24, 1869, 13—ly a attle, and pay the Inghest Cash Prices for | ORDERS SOLICITED. | BEE REEL We every) Fer tb) ‘ J : y | Cora and Rye. jnly 2—26:6m ang. 97, 186. 4am | For 8 | | - : SALE BY art Drucorsts.*¢ oa Pak Tha gfe haber ee wane Ovary notieés, dvér six’ lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. ! a I = | 7 | a i z ° | ey } | S| zx | a | = ; om spack. || §& | 8 xia8t*g a ee HLT | FY I Square. $250/$375 5 00 $8 50 $1300 2 Squares. 450! 6 25, 8 50'13.00 22,00 6 00) 9 00) 12 00.20 00; 30,00 8 00\11 00. 15 00/2500. 37,50 + Column. 1100 16 00! 20 00:30 00) 45,00 + Column. 18 00 24 00, 30 00/45 00' 75,00 1 Column. |28 00 40 00! 50 00;80 00, 130,00 3 Squares. 4 Squares. Important to Magistrates and other Cognty Of- fleers ! HAND-BOOK vox COUNTY OFFICERS A Guide for Justices of the Peace and Other Coanty Officials. Revised, Bnlarged and Improved. THE SECOND EDITION OF this v) ved, ad ri seer oat ina Fee It has beea usefulness, by pu ing All the Acts of the last Session of the Gen- al Assembly, relating in any manner to county officers aod coup- ty police. Publishers have spared no expense in getting up this edition; the text aie forms bes ng — See eee y & member o Raleigh Bar, of seknowledged ability and great ex- ce in preparing legal forms and codifying awe. Justices of the Peace, J of Probate, Sher ia, and att « vagty Officers, tm the Hawp- Boot the law ribing their powers and t ive duties, together with forme and De comary to a proper and systematic discharge of their duties. No Justice Scmiemee ae one ‘(ficer of ordinary intel can err, or fail to Gil hie office oo | himself, who will ke the Hand Book bowever inexperien- ced he may bein the procedere and forms of law. edition contains . Three Hundred Large Sized Pages, i f closely printed matter, on paper. with « a contents and « full inexhaustive index te the text, and over Two Hundred and Fifty Forms inserted with the text, and lately following the provisions ef the law to whi bh they apply. In order to place the Book within the reach of every Officer and besiness man of the Btate. the pab- lishers offers the same at the following reasonable prices thus long, in order to add to its | DYSPEPSIA, DIGESTION, SICK-STOMACH, COLIC, SICK-TTEADACTIE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COLD3s & CUUGH, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &o., and every Disease requiring a geueral Tovic impressivo. F™ Fo: Diseases peculiar to Females itis almost 4 specific. : E™ In convalescence from Typhoid and other low forms of Fever it is the very best Tonic that can be used. The Compound Gentian Bitters meet with universal favor, and have received the strong- est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a few of which we appeud below: This is to.certify that I have used Dr, God- dia's Compound Gentian Bitters aod cheerful ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that can be used for ordinary debility, sick stomach &e, E. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, Ov-ange co, N. C., May 15, ‘69. I hereby certify that I have Leen using Dr. Goddin's “Componnd Gentian Sitters,” for Congh, General Debility, &e., and Iam folly satisfied that they are the best Bitters of which | T have any knowledge, aad jbe best Tunic of- fered to the American peoplé, ROBT. Y.SLATER Henneo cour ty Va, Jove 25, 1869 Dr. Govoin:—Dear Sir: € have been suffer- ing for twenty years with an affection of the kidneys, prostrate gland and stricture of the aretbra; have been ander the treatment of the best pliyswwians in the country, one of whom is now a professor in a medical colleye. failed to relieve me. I finally tried your Gom pound Gentian Bitters; the effect was hke a chare—one bottle eave nie cx plete rehed betiewe it to be the Dest met rhive ever JAS A FAULCON Littleton, N. C., Jan. 7: 1869 Prepared maly by Dr. Gudain. JAMES T. WIGGINS, Pro riclary Wa lesa ale nt, , NORF tk Vv EW” For sale by Dr. G B. Ponlsun, Sa bary, NC 5 40 YEARS | BEYORE THE PUBLIC. One copy. in paper cover,.....-.-.+----e0- 7% ies e GUE ove cccccccclccccccsisccs . - baw binding... ........ccegecee- 2.0 When sent by mai! % cents mast be added. Upon the recept of price, the book will be at once mailed or aout by engrem, as subscribers may dr rect Address : NICHOLS & GORWAN, Book sod Job Printers. RALEIGH, N.C. T? All kinds of legs! blagk forma furnished to order. and Job Printing of every description neat'y cheaply and expeditiously executed. a) CLEMMONS STAGH LINES! To Fayettecville. Lee Warsaw for Fayetteville daily ex cept Sunday. If you are in Western N. Carolina go to Raleigh and procure a through ticket to Fayetteville for $4; Through Tickets from Geldeboro’ via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, o Th tickets from Weldon to Fayette. ville #i@. via Wareaw, to Fayetteville, $6. CHARLOTTE TO TTADESBORO: Leave Charlotte after trains from Raleigh an) Colambia, via Monroe, Cuesday, Thuréday, and Saturday. Leare Wa- de<bere’, Tuesday, Thar-Aay, and Saturdey, af- ter arrival of trains and Stage from Wilmington. | MORRISVILLE, via Prrrsporo, TO EGYPT. | Leare Morrisville, Tnesday, Thursday and) © Saturday Leave Egyet Monday, Wednesday and Pri- day Ck ™m mons Accommodation ac ine Retween Salem and High Point, will charter Stages at all hours “Cheaper than the Cheap- est Office at Batner’s Hotel, Salem, N. ¢ E. T. CLEMMONS, Contractor. Oct. 1; 1869—tf KEROSEND.-Kerosene Lamps. N ADDITIONAL SUPPLY, enibracing a! A variety of styles, both of Metal and Glass Lamp: ; together with Improved Lamp Chimneys, wie! de. Also a farther supply of that suvtrior Kerosene Oil, which has proven invanably safe and satisfactory eto the mnltitude of persons using it. At E. SILL'S Db ug Store. Oct. 1—2t Salisbury, N. ¢ TECB.--1 WiLL SELL ON Wen CARTY era of October, from 500 to 1000 bushels of Corn, belonging to Mary b!lis, (minor.) The sale will be cash. and take place on the farm of the late Robt. Bilis 0. G. FOARD, Oct. I, 1960.— 39: 4 : Guardian. N OWEICH.--THE UNPAID NOTESGIV LN en to me as administrator of RW. Grif- fith deceased, have been left in the hands of Mr. Lewis Hanes fer eolleetion. Those owing them are requested to call Mr. Hanes at the Old North State = Saliebury, and ay them as soon as possible. e det 1,1960—tf =. Z. GRIFFITY. Adni'r. Qx2zur MORSE RADISH. 1 very gratefal and Severeien Kemedy for Hoarsenesa, Sore Thr« at, Fallin of the Palate, &c., dc. A very elegant, palatable and effica , cious remedy —tecently prepared from the fresh Roots; only at B. SILL’S Drug Store. Oct. 1—2t. Salisburr, N.C rengh tickets from Wilmington, < for Wadexboro’ | iF OTHER Remedies ae FAIL 1FURK KKONCMIAL AND LIVER DI | BEASES rend the follawi | Thomas. Rainey, Key. | omye l@nd ¥ t Polls to me the beet fam ree? cive i ve r eed. live ved ve y ber efhc in | fieted a uy { | ode-tge shat I~ i t. bat hare and m #6 Nef from Pils than ali others. My dimeace js | bronc s affl then, and & compiete O+traton of the ner ate j Te used them ia ten ort | teen cacesin my family. and 4 them to be t medicine tor h aii fa Hieegers © The Corre is Thorough. Kerr Hayne » ( kot ¢ Une onnmty j court writes: April 2 1983 “During the latéer aMitete 1 with hile im bed the pein | ofthe y 1962 | was se: err. y won ic b e Rotuctt ng t wane peiled fo get ont : t ® | Ae 1 we sted a fw in ithe THERN HEPATIC PILI, 2 the fir oe it ere f Pills for twe weets,a a t suff f er disease | ate i Krave me J person: a wut bron. 4 Ny-An or an wmv to the Nan erttem fe at ware t i ~ a en nedingnes { anttable r would Le best ® ve fore rut fo wevent« r or } to take med e after you get srck to ¢ ire arcknese A woidtot Rise Is Theol ¥ ' + T rown jadgmentin the menrs of de- | | Sense: the enen y will come. be ye aie ready with The Southern Hepatic Pills, Trat old, bing known and well tried reme ly | Sf all Piious diseases caused by a DISEASED LIVER. | TO ATLL EMIGRANTS. —Yon are ahont to wake | { a home for you fand fami'y na ¢ mate yon orthe: hate not been accnatomed te vaed ta all the diseases peculiar ta af co e. beexr that climate, you ahonld be careful to une ench Med- 1. ines 3 ida pted to the diseases of that climate ron will find the greatest security im the nse of Derve’ SowTmeERN Hepatic Pins. They can be sentto any point in the United States * by Expres | point of giving way by the | congrenous and dead. . sth | back in each direetion to the hernial ring, +} held im the hand by the middle, and found which | conceive. Her screams were beart-réndi andthe parents almost distracted wit this horrible visitation upon their child.— Last night these horrors culminated fast, autil the tortures had become so frightful that the parents, acting, as we learn, upon the advice of others, administered poison to their daughter, to put an end to her sufferings, from which she was eoon re- leased after the drug was admivistered— death occurring at half past tea o'clock. The following are some further particu- lars of the attack upon the child by the dog, written prior to the culmination of the horrors we have mentioved : Mrs. Mary McCreedy, living at No.916 East Daaphin Street, appeared at the Mayor's office ‘yesterday morning, and aan affidavit that on the 12th of July last her d er, Georgiana, aged twelve vears, was bitten by a pie belonging to Charles Helmuth; that Helmath knew the canine was affected with bydrophobia, and that he took no means to kill it: and further, that her ebild was lying very ill from the effects of the bite. On these representations a warrant was issued and Helmuth was arrested. At three o'clock in the afternoon he was arraigned before alderman Kerr for a hearing, bat in the | absence of the prosecutrix, the case went over for a further hearing to-day. Before | the case had been disposed of, the alder- | mun received a telegram that Georgiana | McCrvedy was dying. He refused to take All| bail, and the prisoner was committed.— | toleration in | Counsel for the defendant objected to that | course, alleging that the alderman had no | right ta rafuse bail, shoe Mhadewel bed ower} | bittew the child, and was, therefore, not | responsible. The magistrate thought he | bad the right, as the affidavit see forth | that the prieonet khew that the canine was | had no efforts to evecare it Philadel»hia Age } -_—-——-e-- — - From the Chics Pr AMPUTATING TUE LOWELS. | wad, au ) A Wonderful Triwmph in Surgery —A Remarkable Cusc im Something | was Done that was Never bone Besor __ \ We have no reason to doubt the entire ¢ rrectnesa of au interesting and inetroc- | tiv recount of a receut trinu ph of mod ern surgery, communicated to the Chic ago | Trboue, by Dr. G. D. Bev be, of Chiergo, who achieved it, in which the particalars o! tle removai of four feet and ten inches lof the intestinal canal of Misa J. B. Cur- | tie, of Lee Centre, Ilincie, was affeered, | | at d the life of the patient preeerved. The | ase was originally one of the umbilical | hernia, which wae evidently badly trea - , ed, perhaps being mistaken tor something belse, as when Dr. Beebe first saw it in the tamor it was large, discolored and on the of a | considerable quantity of fluid thereia con- |tained. The constitutional symptoms | were anch as to leave no doubt as to the | nature of the ease, so the Doctor set about furnishing each relief peesible, A remo val of the integuments showed that a large jmars of the intestincs bad been pushed {through a hole iv the abdominal cavity, j and being there constricted by the constant ilation of fecal matter, had beeome The Doctor freed 1 portion of the intestine and followed it accent as one wonld find the two onds of a striug that the parts involved in the decay was four feet and ten inches in length. ‘To j return it to the cavity of the abdomen it would have been fatal; to remove it| | would, alinost of necessity, bave been | equally 20; bnt as the latter incladed the ouly chance of life, Dr. Beebe applied the knife, brought the severed ends of the in- testines to it¢ margin and there secured, them by suture ; and through the ring as an artificial exit, the siereoraceous matter of the patient was discharged. After the | expiration of three weeks the constitution- | al disturbance consequent upon the first desire may come to pass, that God may eurse whom they curse, and bless.. whom: they bless. vd strain their eyes after the ignus fatus of delusion ws it flite be- fore them through the marshes of self-will and deception until they believe it to be the true and only light. They flounder ov through brake and briar until the dawn of day and the morning sun rises upon tbem, when, strange to rela‘e, they rail at the powers that brought its beams upon them to expose their folly and wretched- nees and never betbink themselves of look- ing inward for the true cause of their di- sasters ; théy rail at tlic eternal basis of all right principles as if their expeuditare of wrathful breath could any more change the position of things than the flitting of the smallest insect, or the rolling from its place of the tiniest atom of dus:. So contracted are the natures of some men that it is impossible to sce anything beyond themselves ; that which they be- lieve right, that which they reject wrong. So ends the matter, all logic ig wasted up- on them ; reason, if you will, to rocks and trees, but let them alone, or you will re- ceive the reward of him who argues with : a fool. There is a growing tendency to intoler- ation in this age. ‘I'he public mind seems narrowing to prejudices, it is a dan inclination, it should be actaally striven against. ‘I'he Church should enlarge its teachings to liberality in religious masters. The press should advoeate moderation and litieal affairs. Influential public men shoald lay the check-rein on their ow Ler wn mee ROOM a nalihed to tone down | the increasing evil in the minds of the masses. Untold horrors are bound ap tn that web of intoleranee. Private and pabtic wranglings, religioas and social liccord, hemieidea, assassinations and | wholcsale revolutions are ite nataral pro productions The strletlo of treachery, the guillotine, the rack and the bastile are a|egitimate offeprings, Perseen:ion and |ostraciem (that most hateful and unjust form of deeporism) for holding fast to bon- est 0} attcudant train of evila. Intoleration is born of ignorance and nartared by bigotry, mesaredly will his foolish reign be over when the “March of int leet” shall herald the advent of wise moderation, and the air of enlightened views be druammed and fifed into the awa kening care of christianiged enlighten- ment. Rrareca Biepsor Buxton. Oakland, N. ©. : ——— See LIVE MEN FOR THE OPENING ERA. In the new ern that is about to be in- angurated in Virgivia, says the Richmond Whio, the people shonld see to it that old polities, and sach old itieians as are stone-blind to the sew light, and are de- termined to cling obstinately to ex theories, dogmas and practices, not clog them and impede their p —_ They should call into their » mot only in political stations, but in their pub- lie works, their industrial enterprises, and their corporations, live, sagacious, far sce- ing, practical men, imbued with the spirit of the times, emancipated from the thral- dom of old So and hbabite, and capable of conducting the interes’s committed to them into those channels which promise the highest degtee of pros- pei For the most part they will has to take new men, especially iu politics. — Bat there will be numerous and honora- ble exceptions to this rule, Those, how- ever, proninent hitherto in polities, and whatever their years, who have not halted behind the march Of events, and are net broken down in health, spirite and usefal- nese—who have g Pppetites, strong teeth, and elastic joints—who can discern a new fact and use it, however unwelcome —sneh men as these are not to Le thrown aside, ‘Théy are'tramps, and should be cherished. ge een ree tee d2uiG ere | Operation having subsided, Dr. Beebe pro-| But it is prineipally from amon: new, Tie eash muct either accompany the order forthe Medi, | ceeded to unite the severed ends of the | robust, lithe, live men that we will have cient et oN pea htt be address | intestines by meaus of a highly ingenions | to choose—men who will not endeavor to No. 8, Socrn CaLnory Sener, | and, ag the result proved, an effective con-! keep it dark and gloomy forever because BSee etter eT TTT eITTTITTT CTmRUIE ee | trivance, the description of which our un-| their old san and moon and stare have im ioe Medi irs call on ail rspectatte Druggiste | professional readers would notunderstand, | gone eut and given place to other lights. everywerie cee G. B. POULSON | after which, he, on Aagost 6th, closed the | i July 9 6:1y tolishnry N.c | artificial opening in the wall of the abodo- [¥ The reconstructed Memphis Ap- = - | men which the hernia had cansed, and all a4 he th sivel , Worth ene p CREA oper | te eataral exeretionary fanctions of the | pealand Avalanche thus pen Y proses : oe | body of the patient were restored. ||| “The fiery rage and wad fery which | Sait Summons. | ‘This case is without parallel in the his-| the civil war provoked will sever burn i William BP. Campbell, Deft tory of sargery, and by it, Dr. Becbe has | ont ee tong as Demoerats Prevent issues { In this case it is made to appear npon efidavit gained remembrance that will be covval, | as etale aud impracticable as they are ob- | ee Se igloeaerndy with the endurance of his heart. Tideed,) nosions to the people. Mauch as we eae t publication he made in the “(M4 arth | the facte involve go wide a departure from | dislike the deeision, the last Presiden- tate, a newaraper ynblished in salidbary, N.C.) the supposed possibilities of the co-opera-| tal elcetion settled theneeonstraction and fo: sx weeks notifying the fon nt to appear at the next term ef the Supenor Court tor the eounty ‘ a ell. atthe Conrt H ej Leneir, on the Sth Mon'ay after the 34 M ay in August oext, Itlen and there tn ar er the complaiatofthe Plain- filed inthe office of ber conrt. Wit PoP. Wakeficid k of onr ee | ee tcourt Heethe « dda Septen a, er. A. B.. IAAT Waxirirnn « | tion of art and nature, that there are plen- | ty of men who will not hesitate to deny jthem. But to all such we say—there’s the Doetor’s cabinet, while the trophy in > its place of dnnor, in Bee Centre's the pa-! tient. negro suffrage controversy. The Demo- cratic party ; and instead of forming itself upon such new issues as the exigencies of the times reqnire, we hear litle men chirp ing like frogs in the meadaw, nothing bat lDemocrat, Democrat.” 4 are conspicuous figures ia ite | udge ’ right «to euch examination. Solicitor for the State, a Mr. Henry, ex-| cepted t6 theraling of the Judge, and pray- ed an appeal to the Supreme Court; Judge withdrew a juror, directed a miss- trial and allowed the State to appeal !— As soon as the jury were discharged, the Caspesl - the —— moved ‘Soe they absolutely discharged, on the nd that they could not be put on ihe a again for the same offence, that under the Constitation they conid not twice be put in jeopardy of their lives. The judge re- fused this motion; the prisoners appealed to the Suprewe Court, and at the last term of ee it held that the prisoners é 1upt motives, he ought to be im and so, be ogee to be im y have an “respect, ——— ge N. W. N. J. RAILROAD. Still better we are informed that the work was done directly by the Company, and from twenty-five to thirty per cent. lesa than the Engineer's estimates. And thie too by judividual and county eub- | seription—noi a dollar's worth of bends | having been eold to meet the expend ixure. | The rvad coaid be gotten under way | thie winter; but it is thought best to les the embankments stand antil spring be- fore they commence laying the track. We know of no roid tha: has been man- aged better, thus far, or built fo¥ less mon- be under all the circumstances. Of one} thing we are confident, no one has made | a fortane by monopolizing the bonds is- seed for the benefi: of thia road or upon contracts let out by the company. And this fe saying a great deal for the worthy President and Directors of the road. They are all honest and patriotic men and have clean bands and deserve, as will wn- doubterly receive, the thanks of all men and for the energy, zeal and econ- omy they have mnnifested in pushing for- ward this ij nt work. W to Heaven we tens of thousands of jast such men in the State in these distemper- ed times. Wheo we remember Major Gwyn de- elared thatthe N. U. Raleigh, west of any other road of the eame character in America, who will deny as the privilege of boasting a little on the energy, incor- ruptible integrity and honesty of our peo- 1 What other section of the State can compared with, or match ber 7 Let the records of the past and present be scarch- ed and see if we are in any degree too proud of our anpretending, yet noble peo- ple. —Greensboro’ Patriot. —— 6p Impressions.— The coming and going of the thoughts of the mind, the mysteri- ous manner in which they sometimes break in upon as, fill us with inqairing wonder, But when we asevnd to the spiritaal, how greatly is that wonder in- creased: Ofteen deep spiritual impres- sions come most unexpectedly. [tis night; the toils of the day are over, and the man has retired.to rest. Allis dark, lonely, and silent around him; the doore are fas- tened, and, with conscious security, he sinks into repose. But see! a vision ap- ; it halts right before his eyes; Mamines midnight with its brightness ; it breake the en wa and delivers a meseage fram the Everl x What a symbol is this of a aan thought! I: often eomes into the cham- ber of a man’s soul at night on his bed, breaks his slambers, and shakes his spir- Itto ite center. Nothing can execlade it —no walls, gates, bolts, nor locks ean eat ont a thought. He who made the mind knows its avenue, and ean reach it whenever and however he pleases.’ +e ——— Mies Mary L. Booth, well known asa translator from the French, is the editor ‘of Harper's Bazaar, wad in the daily practice. of Christia without any trial, conviction or | ortidin, $5” Wicemwtette ogee wil ment, and that, too, by reason of the stu-| sks fearful inroada them. ns ignorance or corruption When are traly soundly con- We learn that the murder was herrible | 004 wee golf ao in ite details, and that there has been great led ceremony ‘ane: Tt be- iodignesion mantioend quienyGSe pants Spon Meee ands or@enanetnes Conaty. Here ure three! tice. to redouble thelr effets to cave thesi bieody surdereve tarued tecas bey 0. Beb-| ai tle: and. erren.’: Phaltt geent Oe- ical in the way we have stated trans of wileo peeglp hs RO of te- If this Judge did this thi i6-| curing such i jaeuce over them as will povsble)—-be ought fo be fmpeasked foe |oA7® Wem frm error, by. the efor of ie)—he o 1 such imbecility ; if he did it through eor- | snite,people, rende as ee We are pleased to see that the grading in North Caralina for the diffasion of of this road is rapidly drawing to @ close, | ote views. The Charlotte Timed fibtices and wil! be completed from Greensboro to @ ramor on the streets, that the’ Rome Salem by the 15th of October. Coshelies are thent td parchase the Raleigh, was constracted cheaper than | ha: = from London, Eng. dated Sept. “The Morning Post” says that the Pope ia about making great efforts to convert American negroes; two hundred — are now studying for the priest- enough to enter the first door to promo- tion and nition. ‘The oe ment of Christian morals and duty finde a repulsion in the negro mind.— Tt om ° Kf of the shrowdpesgpf the Jesuista,-: But to hearer je will seen, that money we building formerly ocenpied by the Mili- > = Ser k =e - = =. ~ — a : — . y Sn. = ——— OT Se Te Lees are ST nye aes Sat = <= VOL. IV] vce “SALISBURY, N, C, OOT. 8, 1869, o [NO: 40 — Se eee RS T [PP SODRINS uxrrax meereng| — . SORRIBLE DEATH. “oJ "= «... . Brom the Raleigh Gandard, | STATE. vs. THE,PRINGES AND | ROMANISM STIRRING. _ 4 MUSIOAL MOUSE. The DA Deets Tons aT A dist Poitou SES Scone’ to Baal’ LL PMB POR REFLECTION | » MOKINLEX: 9 at aes tie eames — PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Re / Kinks 1A Girt 2 ¥ Parents As COME. 2 2 Fra 2 as ie The activity of the Roman ‘Gath Sortly after rething to bed last Sun- BEwis Zane gos, wreliC.: cages 0 Her Sufferings. +s * As an iMustration of the administration’ in the Southern’ States at « the- day night, Mr. W. E. Butcher was arous- Editor and Proprietor. Regomm ended and prescribed by. physicians Zi dohe a toca i he ee Let the great Fountain of Thought be | of criminal justice in this State. we. cal! time, is. prominently exhibited . ia various edby eounde of melod sweetness is- ' wherever, ROOM 5 out Ono of the most heart-rending oases of unsealed. Let the wisdom of wild wnre-| attention to the case of ee an Prince;| ways. The country is open to all .iass- | suing a tly from plastering’ of cieuren 6 omen cies: jas che aren fener Sipe ave oad b ra oat phat are peony st aside. ms pier an ae — — ane: am a religionists, ar Ww ag teres his cise. ie en sl roa and Ove Year, bl vance. .. . .B3! ; ; ne profession. They als ni ported: Ve gs oe Pause. : ; ringe, ‘aide ~ 44, | 204 sin are ram it rotes- | astonishment some ’ te Sax ane woe ee. +.50 Shen eos tere ili °°} Geongiiina hee 3 girl aged twelve! nepS stern ha; it aane of bir- | Prince and McKinley, murdered in the] tant Christians oe reasonably demand is, | think what the cause-of the iagipould 10 Cpe one a °° SO UB TCO! | i, oth ah ob Sly lane ‘atid of Senge snd sen | on whens nae gl age ou |< (th shall be. Io. eran, |b The faiiy wore called,op od fates of Admin. | bern psa gu e| igang he rune ibe | Aegis fet Bn ay. | Rago ent cany,w| Sy Pike Homann nbd aly nae’ bet asm yeh we fret insertion.::...4::: 01.00 | (Tessed Kidneys, Bladder apd Ucinary (seaus im their mont alice and whe git! | feetuoug Fall or Winter. Wesleara'that the mur- — 5 a y * > - Qee have no superior, if any equal! Those who Cf ; ig. , ? ‘ , and make them energetic and faithfal in vigorous search of the room was made, For additional insertion, ........ GR) cy thels Bitters, for the ftatswing Diseases | W428 immediately subject 16 “terrible con- | tion, the motal heart i¥ev up to anholy | der was of the most and brutal | the promtilgation of trath, we shall re- | the bird in. the nia Special notices will be charged 50 per cent | Tyee eee. sod them a cake’ pleasant {Vulsions and spasms. From their com: | and. forbiddet Men make afchaineter. ‘The guilty partice were ar- | foes , jned, bot the bind was plane higher than the above rates... i | opesd Sad oteotval Remedy i mencement, each successive eouvulsion | boast of that which is their shame; they | tested and put on their trial ‘for wilful “As an'evidends ‘of aud ‘ablive ineffectual attempis Court and Jugtiod aOrages will be phe eaeee sure reweniice and cure for | Was more p Pea than its predecessor, | bug their idols ot pollution close to thelt murder at the last “Spring ‘Term ot ‘the iste of ibe Cathclicteen , in the ee the family ~ mihepe od at the anime rated wih other Révertite- | ok, Gap. Maper, and alt Malarial Discasee! | gntil - poor child bey — bosome:; ifthéy pray it is that which they | Cherokee Superior before Judge | Southern States, we notice the following | to listen pds se Eagan csc pe gla nies the most awful the mind can F a Sanday n only th and ee : and faminly as unsuccessfully fer a so- : yetery. ight before last, however, the mys- ae solved. The nurse was sent up to pat the children to bed, and pat- ting the lamp but dimly burning, on the floor, she was sitting very quietly when she heard the same wonderful sounds, and looking in the direction from whence came, she saw a mouse sitting ou his haunches and singing away at the top of his voice. The foals were called up and the little warbler chased around the room for some time, but he at last suc- ceeded in finding his way back to the Eg e al el hole where he soon siruck up another tune. This may a to be a st » story, bat it is foe by Mr. B kee and no one who knows will doubt it. Express. tary Institute and more recently by the Mecklenburg Fewale College, for the | = of establishing a Nunnery, We ope the ramor ta entrue we anderstood, would be ‘opencd this fall as a Female College. Having been used | as « Protestant School, we should regret | to leara it bad» been abandoned by t! Protestant and enffered so pase into the | bands of the Romists: The bnilding | th ver, it} aod le s loudly in his favor, he Tee me ook ie as on | ergetic Railroad offi i .— Statesville , prerican, ®t % e Thomad Ce would be a standing memorial of th | saap fe Bellows he lition of ey—nor do we believe any other will ever | ore —s ae a = ee principles.—Episcopal Methodist. lA, cuss Gh hen Loe CHINESE IDEA OF MUSIC. “Virtue is the great principle of haman natare. Music is the budding forth of viryae. erse serves to express the thoughts ; singing modulates the voice ; the evolutions set the “eoartenance in movement. These three things iake their origin the mind, and the instraments of tare of music is mauifestation is bri red to that expansive veoderitlles prodaces st. vhihgs. rmody,béwever, must be concentrated inwardly, in order to flourish oatwarJly, for musid“® a thing which cannot be faisi- fied. > vi “Masie. is the motions... t of the e of amisigy “The and the méasare e sounds. In the aré the Srpamep predacing: , the sage begins bye wn heart, and then strives to rodace this. emation in music; and astly, be regtlates tWe-edornments. “Let manic be generally disseminated, then virtue is doly honored —the -noble man is led thereby more to the Jove of good, and the mean man thereby hears his errors reproved. Henee it is eaid— among the doctrines far edaeating a péo- ple, music is of great importance. . “When we thoroughly investigate ma- sic, in ordér to regulate the heart, then the sentiments of uprightnese and good- ness come forth with facility. When the sentiments of and goodness spring forth, then one is. pleased. When one is pleased, then thereisquiet. Where uietness is, there will be long. duration. here long duration is, there is heaven— and w there is heaven, there the gods are.” — the “XIX Century.” ck anne ie six children Mr. Blow, our Miyister to Brazil, has teached Rio Janeiro. Ex. Secretary Seward sails from San Francisco for Mexico to-day, Daniel Boou's grandson, Samuel Boon, died recently in Missouri, aged 88 heart's | and airs are thewbody | was descanted on by Mr. Carlyle in terms lees remarkable for flattery than force.— ”” said he, “you are rushing down to with der- Ts velocity. The scam of the world tten of your coantry, and teting cam nave You om the a it's clutches. Not perhaps,” cried be, raising his voice to its pbiitlest wotes, “sc hell barnin dpe nagoe me a brim- stone, bat weltering chaos of jon in high places, and mis- pape . A fine repablic that! England follows in the train, and is even . | now on the brink of the infernal precipice —and hell below” Of course I conld make no reply to these “ ic sounds 80 fall of woe,” bat waited in serene ai- lence for the tempest to pass over.—From Mr. Riptey’s Letter in Tribune. Sir Isaac Newton and the Apple.—It has long been suspected, if not positively kaown, that the picturesque story of Sir Isaac Newton having been led to the dis- | covtry of the law of gravitation by the | fall of dh apple was as baseless as man of the other fine traditions of gcnins. We | Fear it will now have to be finally con | signed to the limbo of slaughtered fictions. A’ remarkable manuscript ®f Newton has eome ta light in which be himee!f gives an aceount to a friend of the origin of bis great discovery, and not a word occurs to show that the fall of an apple had any- thing to do with it. In bidding a kindly farewell to this venerable marvel! who wil! refuse a ter to his memory.—Vew ¥ Times. regiperaee = The managers of the State lectarcs pay Charics Sumner g400 the first deliv- ery of his new address at the opening of their course. Seeks a eee Dr. A. G. Macky has declined the pro- fessorship in the Bouth a batt . wo whieh he was last week eletted by Sie ne Go eee Mis. Rawlins, before marriage, was the General's prisoner of war, captured at Vickeburg, whore she had been living ag | A governess. Oo Terrible —1t ia stated that, in th: see years prior to 1860, no less than e zhi | thousaud four hunured and eitty.cix } ous were loat by the var ome accidenis i) be coal wines of Englan $ ‘va %: oy Me The Re = to the original holder. This Vey BOdr a Mr. Madison, but it was also defeated. It had b State’s a in yario +k: Fe tenet ee a " And such sale will not diminish the value of said works to the peo- THE GOLD EXCLPEMENT, - > Details of the Sgenes'and Incitlents in New York IM. 1 ‘is Jr, Pyter B. Sweeney wooney,and Sk a iad Fas es ‘High the ult... Mr, J Rg nn gh) ergo iar temre Bowman. . “SA LISBUBY. FRIDAY, OCT. 6. 1849, | been proposed and rejected in various State leg- | ple of the State, but enhance it, But we do not e . lll | Jalatures. Marylaad and Pennsylvania, when | believe they will consent to pay the new de' , ere onthe, uit, James W. Public Credit—The “Estimate Placed Upon It! they issued their own, instead of Continental | made, as they believe, in defiance of the Consti- lod 2 end a by the Fathere—Repudiation Diahonorable, Die honest, and Destructive of all Sound Morality, Private as well as Publie—The Burdens of the People of North Carclina greater than can be borne—How they can be Diminished ond the acourities, made no discrimination, New York and New Jermy had funded the Contipental rejected a singilar proposition “by an - j unanimous j, and 9 motion te thas in tntion, and under the appliances of the arts of bribery and corruption. We do not sce how they could pow meet the interest on the old and ‘new debi combined if they would, _——— ~~ ~ The Wilmington Journal and Old North) In Laneaster, on the 234 ult., Mr. H. H. Cooeh, Jr., and Mies Mary J: Mellwain. eldest daughter of Audrew Mcllwain, Esq. In land County, 8. C.. on the 15th “ilt., Mr. °G. ‘FT. Wade of Laveaster, and Bookter. Anna on 26th Sept by Thomas Ia this icone Elena aoe eens & ee ee none -s. "| State—The Wilmington Journal dove not, Earobeart, Eeq.. Mr, Abram A. Puol. to Repudiation, During the discussion of this latter” sévin to accurately remember onr position in | Mra. Bettie Pearce. meee tion Mr, Sedgwick said, in substance, that whey the past. It was in 1867. and not in the eae eee 1Co,, by the Rev. Jas. The time seems to have arrived when some discussion of the subjeet of repudiation will be forced upon the country, “This will be regretted by every enlightened friend of his eountry, by every high-minded-and honorable man, by every sincere Christian; by every friend of pure mor- ality, by all who value the political, social, and moral well being of society. Upon this, and other subjeéts connected with it, we propose to give our yiews and opinions for whatever they may be worth, We also propose to give the opinions of others which eannot fail tocommand | thé beaner.as it was to the original ‘ereditor,-—| If this had been dovewe havé to-day a the are, and will be, ; : respect, We propose to enter upon the diseus- | Public credit, he asid, results from fair and up-|good [Coustitation. Tinpartial’ euffrage, of 000, vot w dollar less, prekellg zo A cabsiembnapmatienecnaraees, sion in a spirit of candor, of fairness and of wol- | right conduct; and the Government, to support! Cvurse, could wat havdbesh avoided. but no more; the soanty and PHAGE this | Brownie by 0, desive..to om eed eration of the opinions, if not the principles, of | it, must perform ils contracts.” This view ail-| able bodied aman jwonld be allowed to vote sabive Grate qnaet elt: oe 00. ees I will send the recipe for others. For it must be admitted that the hu-| ed and the discrimination was not made, , who ne , nefased to pay his taxes. eee. Weer anet oeee nae paring avd using this medieina, in <i ae man mind is ¢o constituted that men, reasoning| It has already been stated that'the certificates | Tu other reapepte: 4 pustitusion. would, Re les Fogo yet ] velogé, to.any who needs it; Free of Charge from the same admitted premises, often arrive| were made assignable to enable the soldiers to| have bees Laieplibie ieee changeil Smagl oreo yan Bhetbe yes Me May TO JOSEPH T. INMAN, — at opposite conclusions, And this remark holds | sell them. The officers as well as soldiers had Aud this“eould ha sted by’ the bippeatns th nfs Carolina wilt stand about Pu * Station D., Bible House, « good in questions of moralsas well.as in questions | been paid off in thems, and had disposed of them, roper course. A large he of Repub- oa rane aes adolphin in its, from Taterest on State debe, $2 160,000 | Oct. 1—6m' > NewYork (ep of utility and expediency. And thereare those | in most instances, for what they couldget. Yet lemie. lovtadtac » 1 allude lien aka which nia ott : Ouireth Stata uipsepen "500 000° Soenigay ort se wa ralice tts aahasoronsermns othe Cncects easel ea pace *etlty fie’ party, wore wing to | fas ling oct fw arom Dafront iown'and county exp'e. 500,000 V#W wDV ERTISEMLNTS. dice and ion ad to be unable er of the Cincinati, com ° principal) "* cm. . ra 2 pome feet be- : ’ , é - : questivds tn ext} ther Night. spr Yat of wists Glleam of the, Retention, casniaeainie passed | Uuite with the. Gonservatives upon stich | tween the walle and the Yountuin, and you have| "The New Ss semanas SALT! SALT! ! fueling. ‘To'this clase a large charity should be] ¢ resolution, disclaiming she principles of a pe-|P!*Uorm. . Apsplit, whieh lasted for some Sarre citi aalee ke ont 83,300,000 a extended. And there are others still—forwch | tition proposed to be signed by the Arniy for | time. setualiz wok place in-the-rankevof thet | tre "Yo galeries, 7 eee Tt reqniree this sam of money af Jenat, 10,000 SACKS IN STORE characters abound in all Demoeratic countries— | discrimination, “conceiving it inconsistent with | Party. There wag precisely sisch'a condition | the lower gallery. beyond : Se fountain. With | ker Ba ‘ to get this “loll” State goverament along who are mere demagogues, ahd who endeavorto | the charaéter they maintained, to seekany advan- | Of things as say recenely taken advatslage of | his back toward a heck conven, and out of this year, Readers, tax payers, you know | APLOA®. increase theft political importance and wd to| tage o themscives which mnight bo incompasitie | by the Conservatives’ af Virginia tm the for- | Socamting the sales, which he We | dele tnonte ceieey cent t Broad street, closed | how heavy your taxes have beow™ this LIVERPOOL, (220 Ib. weight.) their popularity by first infaniing and then pan- | with the principles of an honorable policy:” In| mation of the Walker party.’ We were thet’! from his cla caper dea leapdaakbeenans good or their the ig and | year, what will you think whea we tell dering to the passions and prejudices of themu)-| the whole history of Goyermments we find ho | for pursui ag the same courage, under precise- bevogn Se eee Peed of Bo stocks had or be, formally > Both | you that yee ba not Rag —AND - titude. This latter class cannot, and should not, | higher sense of honor than was displayed by | ly the same cirenmstanees, tha; was. pursued oe ee ape enabled atichde ind have deft meet the e demand, by at AMERICAN, in Liverpool Sacks. command the-respect of high-minded and hon- | Congress and by the officers of the Revolution in by our Conservative friends ene And pretgn wird by te frie exe oe a or very he Piadghue tepcat a hundred and forty thousand deliare ! ter orable men. relation to the Public Debt of the country at subsequent evguts have.more than justified | casions, We have described thia gold room.— | in four or five failures, the exact complications | “ere is nothing yet 16 pay the intorsston —— Thousands of men there are who, consider- | that trying period. And in addition we will give a eguieat . At 10 A.M. the board opened viee of which were not known at the close of busi-| the old State bonde , and you wilt 0. G. PARSLEY & CO, eee san li the views of an eminent citizen whose opiniops ae : ideht inthe chair. Usually the heay gold op- ness, have to pay that much more next yéar, N.C ing these questions in a mere utilitarian light, - hi : + But after the failure to {urs a coalition | erators remain in thefr offices, oP thar| “On Friday enormous. contracts. were made | ag well as whatever school tax may be ee arrive at very erroneous conelusions as to | weregreatly respected by hiscontemporaries. Dr.} yh the Conservative Republicans, and it | lide, which they send by messengers, upon re-| by the ring through one or two of their brokers , iti have paid) 0%..%: 180. es ie the Une | Witherspoon, in a letter to the Seeretary of the 4 *- : received thei: 1 i Saturda’ levied, in addition to what you paid as aoa ea oe a ee ee yO | treasury, said; * Distrimination is eubveesive ot] beeame apparett what sort of'e Couatitaios Whe sopeiance of tidag/c Agha dot Camnet tae | eee re reat take eis fe Y 8 | this year! ‘Chie is Pinar nioog unless Asiana: SALB..— Notice uble to take a comprehensive view they look soa all rok ae fe Such o thin f , | Would be presentéd to the-people of the State, magaby into the amphitheatre, an an cee ——e ete ae eek toe the State government iutendt to repudiate is given, ye 1 will ue Public Iv to the immediate results of repudiation in re- aail nallaaed 04 cas & iphaiguel a we weutas heartily with the Conservatives [upon the combat with the ferocity-of gladintors, | ker, Mr. Albert Speyer, made s speech to the | the old State bonds, or to refuse to pay Sundap "the 26x day of October, 1869, the ful. Hering vise es pina [ the whole national debt to the in | to defeat it and the Radical tieket in April ‘Among the prominent operators in the arena room in the afternoon, in “which he surrender- | the interest oa them. lowing pruperty, belonging to the estate of They never stop to consider what must necessa-} bring the whole r to ground 4 were Albert Speyer, Henry Clews, Horace Wal- | ed Fisk, Jr., and Belden as his tae But this is net all. The Federal gov- Nicholas . Williams, Bankrupt, viz :-— ’ tue house.” 1868, as did the Journal. We made as many | do and his brother, Mr. igs of the firm of} Whether this announcement will ‘help the sel- eat collecting, end wil cccllnedt © out krapt’s interest in a tract of land, rily bé the altimate consequences of the measure. They never stop to consider what must be the condition of a nation which has dishonored it- sclf in the eyes of other nations, and whose cred- it is irretrievably destroyed. Imagine how a high spirited and intelligent man would feel ever a voluntary engagement is made for a ¥al- uable consideration—one which is at the time—and the terms of the ‘ontrict are understood, if no fraud! or imposition is practiced, ¢ literal performance is absolutely binding. It is absurd to say -that a con- tract is assignable ; and at the same time to al- lege, that there is. kind of property in it that tract. « Mg: Lawrence took the sane view, The public faith, he said, was as sacredly pledged to From the history given it will be seen that our Revolutionary sires not only postéssed an exalted sense of hohor, but had a very high ap- preciation of the advantages of public eredit.— In the discusions It’ was adinitted that if the the holder could not convey by bona fide con- pelea We last State election, in 1868, aa the Journal supposes, that we were dissatiefied with “the Conservativeparty.” We believed from the ed to make the best we could out of the situa- desirad to unite theeutire couser- vative elemeut for’ thé purpose vf electing and obtaining coatrol” of thé * Convention. if nut more sacrifices to accomplish that ob- ject than the editor uf that paper. —T! platform of the party ip that evntest met with our entire approbation, though it-was hot, om ote ‘puint, expressed exaolly Ini the the organization, the platform and canvass of the cant first that reconstruetioa andér the laws of — Congress cvuld not be avoided, and we wish- gold wil], Trevor & Colgate, Mess, Kember & Helser, and fifty others, THE FiouT. Tt was not until 11 o’clock that the compara- tive monotony was broken ; 150} was bid. The bears began to wince. lers deliver the gold at the named, or turn them over to Pek, Je, a7 differences, must be determined by the settlements.” OTHER STATEMENI4. Smith, Gould, Martin & Oo., -have satisfied the prominent bankers of their perfect soundness. to collect, at least amillion of dollars from the people of this State, in the way of Revenue, and even this amonnt may be increased next year, as there ie great pro- bability that a tax of uae cent per poand the ~ Sept. 29th, Mr. John B, Pad- disen, of Pvint Caswell, New Hanover Cow to Miss Mary Alice. daughter of 0. G. SPECIAL NOTIC = .| AClengyman while residing in South Amer. son rd Dhabeaed, Risso o oans and sim- plé-remedy far the Cure of Nervous ‘Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem- fal Organs, and the whole train of disorders containing 900 acres, situated in Alleghany coun- ty, on the waters of Braoxsh (reek, known ax “William's Cabins.” This land hae been levied on to satisfy an execution in favor Peter W II. Said Bankrupt's interest of one-third part if remainder, after the life extate uf Mary G wlio who had so acted as to forfeit the respect / point of actual national.bagkrupicey had been | language we would have éuiployed, eduld| “Hell's to pay now!” shrieked a gray-haired They te copies of over mame. will be laid on cotton at the next session | Williams, in a tract of Jand ed in’ the und confidence of his fellow_men, and who had | reached, then they would be pericetly justifiable | we have had oar choice. We Were in favor Busing over with y- Al _ Crugar IH. Oakley, a prominent brokeer on | 44 Congress. County of Yadkin, of the waters of the Yadkin i : : : : } fists were shaken at each other over Exchange Place, who bought $300,000 in gold - be River and Panther Creek, containing 303 acres lost his own self-respect by the conseiousmess | in reducing the debt to a sui which would have'Lof saying to the pulored people in so many | the little fountain, and an infernal seriesof yells | at 1624 on Friday, paid his checks for his par- Let the people consider, that they are Terms Cats JOHN 8. HENDERSON. thus taxed and impoverished and ruined, that it was deserved. Do this and you will have | made payment possible, bus not otherwise, Under | words that we were in favor evufering the _ oe . a — it a — tenis Ge — on Saturday morning, ‘ ote ; a Oct. 6, 1869. Amsignes. rome idea of the situation of a state or nation | sach clreomstances they would have been justi>| pioit of suffage upon all them who poss : ee en ot SS Oe. Onin y the operation. to sustain a set ofgraceless scamps in of- which had deliberately repudiated its debts, and | fiable as Aoneet bankrup(s. But the point of baak- eee seated leas. This being ctfest- — a ~ jw begun nae a REPORTED SUICIDE OF A GOLD BROKER. | fice, who are alike ineapacitated to admin [4222's Cod Liver Oil, how its citizens would feel when confronted with the citizens of othef nations. And not on- ly this, for it ix capable of demenstrative proof that the répudiation of the national debt would result in « season of financial distress compared with which that cinsed in the South by the col- vem din Deninloney wight be called pros a time, of all valucy Abd Wie" parity enig or fore ruptcy not having been reached the debt was fanded nt ite nominal yalue, The effect of the measure was great gnd rapid. The credit of the government, which was at the lowost ebb, sud- denly rose w high as that of any nation in the world, and bas ever since remained so until the breaking. out of the late civil war. ed to by.some, we, as a member of the committe om resolutions, bad the tullowivg plank inserted into the platfurin, which eov- ered the groend for which we eontended. “Resolced, That we have no prejudices agulnst the negro race, and that we are io favor of coufering upon them all the politi- 150} the metabeuddenly jumped to 155}. This ~~ en » to rave and shrick mad They rushed about the | little fountain in of fury. The npe- cial wonder wes in the anxlety of the bears te. id to last reported qnotation. ice on ro 5 “po object.” Men within a few feet of one another differed widely in prices, A German broker, whose name is su to be Mabler, committed suicide on Saturday morving, at No. 13 South Sixth street, near Dunham Place, Williamebargh, by shooting himself through the head. It is anid that this person lost heavily by the gold deeline, and the lom preyed so heavily on bis mind, that he de- termined to put an end to his life. He leaves a wife and four ebildren. heart. the land. against them. ister a State goverument, and corrupt at The figareg we give illustrate fine- ly “loil,” “carpet bag” rule. It is strange | that the plain working men in the Radical rauks don’t ery ont vguinst the monsters who are thus eating ont the substance of Indeed, they are crying oat We hear the anathemas Fresh and of perfeet purity. Where this 0.1 is best known, it is fred two all other.— very extensively o at the North. Yy cosas German Liniment A most valuable exterval application for Rheumatiam, de., as well as formauy affections of that valuable animal, the Hore. Indeed it has become a household article ¥ hereyer it bes j : eM Tu mn anaes dee d load very hand. The best | been used. business, The fortunate holders of the bittle one pretend that the present det cal ts (Beem the Cuaslutte Desnarrat.| de mig ah 4k 9 badass Relics l a These, together with a + ery genera) supp! frexh and genuine Vediciu-~,at greatly reduced ¢ specie would at once become the holders of al! proportion to our ability to pay than was the both races."’ and there were a dogen different a Heer chine rh fe T sharied in turn. _ The bulls shouted w for — PUBLIC MEETING IN WATAUGA rule acd extravagance, are the Radical ‘ed with the old regime, way al the valuable property in the country. Revolutionary det? 1f s0 let thedebt be fund-| Such was our position in the two eanvasers aula ee the “ . COUNTY. collectore ; their speeches are tclling pow- Saye be at ’ K ba to be presumed thet the American peo- | ed at « lower rate of interest, say three or four | that have oecured iv thia State sivce the pas- | a clique at 13%, when i ae lig en erfully.- Sentinel. BStLLs Deng ceil 7 ple still cherish the memory'of, and have some | per cent, as was done in (reat Mriitein, with 8 | anee ul the reevestrection acts, and we a 160. oe to cell to bulle at any price. | — - previews —— & very Marge cae CCLanE eer os _Oct §—2t Saliebary, N.C. U respect for, the principles of the virtuous and il- | provision bonds shall be lable Much of this among the bears might have | Umber of the citizens of Watauga assem. E COUNTER-KEVULUTIOS IN | ==——— > > rest that the new be te | nothing to regret in the course which we rag “washes,” of ng the ere id at that wurt Honse on Monday the 20th SPAIN. LEGAL NOTICES. , lustrious Fathers of the Republic. Entertaining this belief we propose toshow how high was the e-timate they placed upon the value of the Pub- the same rates of taxation by the Federa) Gov- eroment as other socks. But in the name of al) we hold ascred as 0 nation let us hear no pareued. We were not at all satisfied with with that part of the platform wiuieh related | ed a gure below he weds end ts Rp Soe tke speculative blocks which the bulls were after. of September, 1809. when the follwing the New York nomivations ia July 1868, nor | Price, and much aleo of smaller lots than the big | proceedings where had : On motion of D. B, Dongherty, a ° Our news from 8 sabe. Herald has really i says the New York une alarming. The Worth Carolina, Suprnior Courr. Yadkiv County. Sprivg Term, 1860. lie Crudit, hog jealously they guarded it, and} more of repudiation, But the point of national Capt. G. W outbreak ia Catalonia ia two differe , , be, dec' : A i : pt. G. W. Bradley was called to t ' mt pro- | T. C. Haaser, Ex'r., of Win. Mackie, dec'd. how serypulously they avoided every thing bankruptcy has not been reached. The debt, to resuvagtrection—we wean is & practical Thos aa 7 ke hae ae Chair. avd Joba = ied cad Ww. W., | Vinees convinces usof two things—first, that] | Plaintiff. against which had even the slightest sémblance of dis- point of view. We were for accepting the raving | Pressnel were requested to act as Secreta- | the peuple are vot with the governmes, and! Elias Hayues and others. Defendants. honor, At the close of the Revolution there were those who were opposed to the payment of the funded at the close of the Revolution, was great- er in proportion to the ability of the country to pay than it is now. With proper economy in the administration and application of the reve- Teconstructivn policy of Congress, outrage ously wrong as we believed it to be, becanse we regarded it as inevitable. Ou sach a leader among the bulls, threw the ravi mob the tempting offer of 160. Suche marvel- lous bid, coming from a dealer known to be ful- ly responsible, startled the whole room, and for a few moment vo ries. The Chairman on taking his seat brief explained the object of the meeting. as will be anderstood by the aecompany resolutions. and, second, that fu the soath of Spain at least the popular sentiment is repablican. If anything were needed t > convince as that the situation is critical. we should find that one Special Proceedings, Petition for Setilemes.t. Tn this ease it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the eonrt that Thomas Macki-. Martha Mackie. Elizabeth Mackie, Jes<« Domestic debt at its nominal value on the ground | nue the present debt can be discharged in the | P!#tfurm—whieh will be the next Democratic | fore the th anditors could regain| On motion, the Chairaam appointed a | thing in the jealousy which now exists be- Malle, Rarah Mackie. Klis Mf that “the certificates had been given for depre- | space of fifteen or twenty years, The reader has | Platform—in relation t reeunstruction, with | their eee James Brown, an equally weill- | Committee to report business for the consid. | tween the guvernment and the volt nteers. Martin, aoa kee wife (: thas “une —o ciated papér, for services rendered af exorbitant | seen that ear Revolutionary ancestors considered Judge Chase as our candidate. enceess would a offered to ly Mr. eration of the meeting. consisting of the fol be volunteers were coased and made much and bis wits Rebcoon. 4 Pam ae daw rates, or for supplies furnished at more than | propositions dishonorable which must ever be|bave been almost certain. Without it we| ot o oe = _ of | ee F Bball, rw Hor- Pag go ighon Ded a an Shore and his wife ates are non-residents their real worth” This was propostdl.in the | regarded as comprising the very quintescence of | Sever saw any hope of success and were pot this bid, while the. beara were scl at 135, eck — ee to be opposed to the getdrement, they are of the State: It is therefore ordered by the second session of the first Congrem, by Mr. Liv-| honor when compared with repudiation. Has} in the least disappointed in the result. gave the bulls renewed confidence. ring the} “Daring the absence of Committe, the | being disarmed. The volnuteers belong te | St that peblicative be made ia she ‘(01.1 ermore, when the provision for the Public Debt, recommended by the Secretary of the Treas plained. A prosil , saan the oud fei ury, was under consideration. He argued that! An immediate repudiation of the national debt | right ia its eolomus nent bull, while within be ofise, wetchting the | At the conclusion of the aldrens of the latter | OP" na aon aa aoe ior C . . ,. a ' ye t the 2 be xt term our ior Court to be beld « liquidation at half their nominal value woold | would not onty dishonor we'in the eyes of ether ~~ ee patch trom ‘Warhisgson, infaraingt ‘hiss dhet| their Chaieman (Win Horton the followteg |SIat and. republican, A” grand’ repabhesn |" the county of Yadkin. ot the eourt hon be a compliance with justion Mr. Seott re nations, and make every citien ofthis Republis | THE LEGISLATURE, = ifomiog be ee © | demonstration is arranged deny ec in |'@ Yadkiuville, om the 20th Monday after garded Congrem in the light of arbiters, They | traveling abroad ashamed of the American name, a — = This instantly pafalyned the balls to suchanex-| Wwereas. The of the Sum are Madrid. The news of that day will be rnx- the third Munday in September, 1060, then were not bound to pay the certificates at the as has once before happened in our history, but Will the present legislature adjourn sine die tent that the price fell to 156, and te 150. | now . 5. iously awaited. Meanwhile the great trouble and there t atewer or demer to the , : * a g| At the close of ita next session, or will is at The next bid wae 48, then 44. and 0.— eget A opt D tove fron e ‘**"| is that Spain is not anited onary policy. Ix | Prtitios led by'P. CoHaaser, the executor er rica ren ad og: apne 4ynty would ruin the country in a financial point of to hold over for two ee . ’ wie Then diemay seited the members y for ayaa as we ee unwise is a hotbed of divisi oud 7 va ol of Wm. Mackie, asking for am acconnt of his thoald be made Debt, “as soon as view, When the debt goes down it will go : Swe years beget “Thi the decline meant nothing hese than the ral. of|® ] $ and Wherens, We | ; lly repa great citi administration and a final settlement. saine in ascertained and liquidated.” To this it / down with s mighty crash which will. reverber- | 7 "iO" be which every senspager in: North} ap congerned in the ring. - are of opinion that much of the legislation | 14500) bur aie ee ohne . Witness. J. A. Martin, clerk of oar said was replied by Mr, Boudinot, that they. werenot from one end of the continent the other — carol deeply intereaged, Aibedy wens) Fhe bolle tod gros inte Ge fue — one poe lenwent of a A lange portion nade reral ditriets, iv- court at office in Yadkin vitle. Sept. 22d. arbiters, but parties to contracts, by which the | Public faith and public credit will cease to exist that the right of the present Asiedibly to oon- t tale from $10,000,000 . Meshoda boo. redlpceey eapitalicts thoseob- cluding the Basque Provinees and a majori- 1860. J. A. MARTIN, c. 8. c nee Ut dnue ite semions until A673 “tp one of their clique. They hed not en {ect 88 to spéculate in the Bonds of the of the 30—6w—(pr fee $10.) publie faith was pledged ; to the honest perfor-| tngether. All paper money will suddenly ‘go , . . : urged e when they = . and thereby amass h forianee at ty the clergy, is Carlist. Nor can we mance of which they were bound, aa. well by the | down with them. All valnes will be desttoved, nab Ho vent of P a Boutweil’s notion, The tepid of Jadhe expouns off St ohvedts Lecproveriched te ees ne Teabelia has her ; , , : ‘ : : 7 respondent ovdr the ai fe Of Sparta, His ; move- : ‘aion | Partisans. If revolution breaks out the im-| Werth Carolina, 2 &vrexion Court. Articles of Confederation, as by the Constitution | and for a time all business will be suxpended.— ments and the influence of the ;and Whereas. We are of opinion ; susy en gold s , oP mediate seautt will be a serainble, and the Yadkin County. ¢ 8 Term, 1869 of the United States, which explicitly reeognie | All the property of the countfy. will pase into, | “E'ment haw ther mteripol adam’ ingenalty, “bat | room was too for them. Their heads be-} that without an early change in the admin- presomption is that Spai ‘hea aoe om ed them. The certificates had been made as-| the hands of a very few. No logic is wanted to. it je utterly faliacions, The provisions of & sin- care the . = : ae lot con-| istration of the potiey of the State, that oar etey rs coleman anarcy _— = Hea ara, Pif. Pet'n. for Divorce. signable by Congress to enable the soldiers to| prove that this will be #0. The mere statement Ble er oe oe amuses) 5 Ue ha wor bet, fos bite ba they er Scans: wo, ea Ee eee Alfred M. ech an @ vincula dispoge of them, and the motive for theif pur] cannot fail to carry conviction with it, Every ee Gai ace abaeeygs for tae fearfal that his. i. wana prétoticeried! Resolved. That we hereby, without dis- SA LISBUR x SIARK ETS In this case it is made to W>pear to the sat - chase was the chance of their taltancement by a] man, not govetnéd wholly ly his prejudices ong pt . * rect id in Aagust ee we Id be thromen. upon tinetiow of party, deovounce much of the}, OCT. 8, 1869 sifaction of the conrt that Alfred M H.ward. future provision for them. must see that In that event the people of the ab al ar iiesi tp tteihety rodien we not Son sn nded at 140 that oe pif npr ao aon of the Gen- bet : the defendaut.above named resides beyont Mr. Ames showed the'fit Maimpal- {South witl tome wit thee “they have made by | SRIM believe that = majority of the membets | HUUME j can | erat Assecnbly & North Carvlina at ite last | TEPORTEP 8Y 4, A, MoCONNACOREY. amgene. | the limits of the State and the tMartha Jaue {r. A moraine aid impal- ' : ied.’ &¢ wat dear . Géid abhin F . ' j » and oy of skp propradtion, having le eiee Gy prbi- legteral Youn of cxtted plaitial’ doco GE Wer will tote in favor ofthe ppopodtiod. ' We can-! to mount the stairs 0M sprang from 140 to 150 | "eNsion + apd we hereby express our opposi- sob lt camer Ch eed Mo 92) Howat. Pialn tif above named. hath a good lS eae eas i. Zz + ah 11 ahd be 7 Pe ty att inal "}notgdoubt that at the chise of-the next sesson | afa cinglejenp. WTonteaweneld as if « fant | tive toall the extracagant issuing of the Core ; posh ef Os ite. peeee eer on - code of setiow-againet him : It is therefore trary reditetienof the debt.“ Thé evidtnces 9 placed ar worse Condition than they 4 ue leghtatare will _gdjdtiin BNE tie asl that 2 ‘of lightning bad pamgtth ugh the room. Bed- Boeds of the State without an attempt to “Meal, bush. 4 * 101 . ordered by the court that publication be nade it were to be consitlered as “public bonds,” for | were at the close of the struggle. There will he shall’ eck 3° ou a a . Fash again broke a. The aa can bie Lelld the nitvends for which 1 ey were ap- | Copperes. por pound, Sew ele inthe “Old North State.” a newspaper pub which the whole people were pledged, “The | 80, money left in the South save w very little ee hy oe Sages 15) & TRY J pith shrieks and curses. In smother jump the{ propriated and that the eandyet of @ majori-| Candies, Tallow, = |. +0 90 | lished in Selisbary. N. C., for six weeks suc- only jnst idea is, that when the publie éoqtracts | specie. Her people will hav’ t0 start anew tn | * — Mpeted’ te “prirsue re other | metal struck 160.7 A¥this point Duncan, Sher- | ty of the Legislatare merits the . score and Couak. i " = = s cessively, notifying the defendant that he be debt with an individaal it becomes personified; | te work of recupetating their fallen fortunes, | OO thes wuld be deteaeh by public: opin- | man & Co.let the bulls have a large amount, |indignation uf the people of the whole| °: "yarn, pe bunch 2.00 to 2.95 | 2P4 appear at the wext tern of oar Snpr- ee mae . “4 Abd with th wiolelinn’ of cablcl aa s Never in the history of Ametionn legiala- and they took it ih seeming costfidence. State. Egas, per dosen, 12 to 45 | Tot Court to be held for the county of Yad- and that with respect to this contract thé powers ‘ e ation of pu ; ic th ahd the (HR hes any batt ove madgfenthalt.eo ollice * DESPERATION AND MADNERe. Resolved That we hereby express our de- | Feathers, perponnd, .......... 484 to 453 | kitrat the Court House in Yadkiaville on the of Government shall never legidlate.” “What | destruction of public credit will come the de- No their coustisucate os ie the present General | Again came the Warhington aes and this | tetinined opposition the eflorts of certain ex- nis Ie va eager - - 8% tue a 0th Monday after the 3d Monday in Sept. mi-chief‘wit! follow this discrimination? The | struction of all confidence between man and ‘ biy in North Gstled | Arends th time, it wys said, direst from the epecial treaan- | pounders of the Cc nstitation to perpetuate oe 3. 20 = 2 1869, then and there to plead or answer to public faith will be destroyed—our fature credit} man. The demoralization now prevailing will an his see Pl -* i vee We ry agent in this city. “It was asserted that Grant | the existence of the present Legislature for! « “ 3. ex ‘i said petition for divoree filed in the offiee of wiil be a mere vapor.” After a long debate the | be increased ten fold. The streets of the busiest oo a melee. eames (es ae oe Zu oh te ad, and that | the oboe eee. ; pee ee oe c~ S = =| aig rok eer ee eee te : _ he South will ; 2 ale : posi- ortler se , if neces- Resolved, at we express great surprise a ye ' nfesso wi enter and the case Ee ” Ewe = mene i = - oe cae = vice eolaurs ee . _ tion to. perpetuate it wn i) 1872. See the pro- | “ary. Away went the market in another d | atthe present enormous taxes being quaber. “ “ eed ses = beard exparte. end liquidate the debt was rejected by’ a large spread na misery prevail. ; ey eas Cpe ee crash. and never recovered until it touched 133. ed frum our suffering yple. and that we| Leather, upper. per pound, . Witness. J. A. Martin, clerk of our said jori i i ho’ th f the — ma Yl In th pec ea pper. per F 78 majority, During the discussion it. was declar- | however the repudiation o State debt might hich we publish tedas, If the efit w pas el street it went lower. The bulla were pledge onr efforts to elect such men as will * — gole, “ ‘i a | Court, at office the 10th Monday afver the 3d ei that the only question which was open was a| Telieve the people of the State from the grind- sisted in similar meetings will be held i : a nu ae a Speyer grew go actively to work for the relief of the peo- | Iron, bar. o 8| Monday ™ April, 1869. modification of the payment with the consent of | ing and oppressive taxation under which they oe wae mee fice wee xed in despair. Hel 51. from thin terrible weight of taxation. cee eee A 10/ Issued 22d day of . 1969. . Pp ° : county in the State. For it is~ almost hopin ke to his is in @ husky voice, and rush- | soe | Nats. cut. 7 tie creditors. Snch was the serupnlous honor of | 2F¢ now groaning, there can be no doubt that ‘ el ae PMs | about the Tittle fonmtain eo it in terror. At| , Resolved. That we condema the practice | woiasses sorghnm, per ga ©! 9 6 J. A. MARTIN. c. 8. c. ‘ the Fathers with referenee to the Publie Débt | ntional repudiation will work the pecuniary bane roa eri Gans a again length be raised his hand and seed Meee 2 eae ene, oo ee ee of the Revolution which was held. by our own | ruin “ — loa —_— whole soeeny ous legislation of its two first Sol It “a caeandiite ae eae aut ce ce ; "These Rontintines heing under considera- | Ontons, per bnshel, © D T CA | people, No one was found who éven so much as} We admit that asa utilitarian and finangial . i erators, In a few words Speyer ec tion, the following additional resolution was | 2°" ae poued 12 e e RRAWAY, : doubtless manifesta somewhat better dizposition Speyer accused some x Potatoes, Irish per bushel % propo ed any modification wha'ever of the Foreign measure State repudiation would work 9 great he ae, itis “oak ae it anknown pérson of an attempt to assassinate offered by KE. M. Farner, Esq: “Sweet, 00 ¢ mi Debt. There were statesman apd men of honor | relief to the people of the State, We shall ean. —- gain the piblie hk ype pte wre is after me now age - knife Resolved. That in the opinivn of this meet- | Sugar re = pound, . - om Ssion Merchant, e national ls i jj {sider that subject hereafter and —— onfirlence, rte: r. Speyer. “Look, look!” he con-|ing four dollars per diem is enough to allow ne ern e egos seeeee in the national counsels in those dogs who we pe that So hich ertieavor to I'it does act more wisely hereafter the opposi- | tinned, “don’t you see knife /” As it was| members of the ‘Gecers! Keocusity, and that Crashed Uelverined:s- 0-2: ” —AND— ninderstood the necessity of preserving the na- ow price at which such relief can be tion to its continnance will not abate because of | evident he waa crazed, he was placed in a care| th Pi caer enlaciad clieacs, shcald Salt. coast, pet seek, .......... 2.75 to 2.75 ° 7: tional credit umtamnished, Bet im these. deanery is much greater than the people of {ts manifent uniconst itutionality. ringe by his friends and sent home. Mr, Spey-| be cldoced In termttion ee Snwmld) Liverpool, 2” Dealer in ®@roceries > ? + SPCy- | be reduced in proportion. Table. ms 00 crate times we hear it urged asa reason for re-{ North Carolina can possibly afford to pay for it. SS eee er —— only i mate Rowentertiy cra! Aad the following amendment being of- | T°>sece. ist por ponnd, 10 pidiation that many of oug. bonds are held | At the same time we shall endeavor to show BLAcKWoop’s MAGAzine for September the reperier hit wate dccae eats fered by Col. Wm. Horton, to-wit: “ facheg pode : - PROVISION 8, HARDWARE, " abroad, that To, palebsronibe: “we sicnghade-pasnpecge is on our table, and is as entertaining and | lt his mind giving way, and took a Madison | Resolved, That the preeeut Constitation of Glass and Crockery W i \fter the defeat of this proposition a resolu, created by the prescat logialature, can be gotten interesting as usual: We have read the ar- | ”""° e coo as far an Canal street | the State as we believe, having proven ft- ACHBR. ..THE UNDERSIGNED Fy Ware, Wall Paper, Win- \ tion was offered “that a discrimingtion should | rid of without a resort to the crime of repudia- rae Oe peg ‘ Mr. Mill . to recover his balance, relf inadequate to the wants and wishes of wishes to obtain for his sister—a lady dow Shades, &e., ko be made between the original holders and their | tion, and the people be relieved of nearly three- So an re ‘ s : mp MEROES OF THE FIGHT. the people of this State, we, therefore, ro-| who has had several years successful experi weigher: depreci fourths of the enormous taxes with which it is Subjection women and winding op oe James Fisk, Jr., was knock-| Commend that a Convention be ealled that | ence—a situation to teach, in a family or oth- ROM PT attentinn’¢: ‘ a _ a ies eke hi ee proposed to burthen them. Webelieve the peo- | the interest which we usnally read the best | ed down by an anery “beat.” Among the indi- | will give us the old Constitution. or as near aa| erwise, the usual branches of an Englich edn-| the sale of Cotton, Gra ewe ree “Tabs ‘ prepared accordingly ig cas wiles of aay de ying pel articles of that Pericdical. Addreas the viduals and firms as engaged in the aay 80 as nut to confliei with the Fed- | cation,—music not ineluded. Address, stating | co, Dried Frait, dc ,on Ootmicsion. which the certificates had borne in the markets | ple . ie pay anti-war Leonard Scott Pub. Co-, 140 Fulton street | clique are William Woodward, who is re- jeral Constitution, the necessary changes|terms, REV. JOHN H. TILLINGHAST, COURT HOUSE BUILDING, ‘ should be paid to the present, and the yesidne | State, which ¢an be reduced more than one-half | N. Y, ported to be the manager in the Movement ; | browglit about by the results of the lave war. | 38—28 Balisbory, N.C. april 9—I4-Ty XEWBERS, ¥. ¢. their example lost al} its influence with their de scendents? We do not believe it. We have always found the Journal fair and courteous, and we believe it will set us _| mer. G =o well eutertaiued by E M Far- Bradivy and Maj W H Molone. the people, Se long as the people were with the government the government pould count North State’ a newspaper publisbed in Sa! isbury. N. C., for six weeks suceessively. 00 tifying the defendants to be and appear at *« * ch : Old Noth BEAN WM. A, HEARNE & OO,» Special Agents for the Nerth Carolina sand Goats oon fur the Celleetion of description throughout the Senate. boro,” N.C. Are authoriaed agents for ; Op Noxta Stare. : : ‘ LOCAL AND STAZB ITUMsS New 4 pventisewunré,— Assignees Sale— John 8. Henderson, Salt, Sal! —O, @. Parsely & Co., Wilming- ton. Godfrey's Cod Liver Oil—At E. Sills. -——-~>-——_— . Nortcr.—There will be ea election held, at the preeinote in the several Townships of Da- vie County, on Thursday, November Li, 1869, for the purpose gf voting.on the proposition of the Cogmnissioners to subscribe $50,000 to the Western Rail Road, provided said Road is lo- cated at Salisbury. “The following isa copy of the record, to- wit: On motion of James M. Johnson,, the Board of Commissioners decided tofsubmit the | f proposition to the qualified voters of Davie county, to authorise the County Commission- ers to gubseribe $50,000 totheMapital Stock of the Western’ Rail Road Company: Provi- dei said Road is located at Salisbary and-said amount thus subscribed be expended between : the North and South Yadkip Rivers from Sal- isbury to some pint in Wilkes county. Eru. Garrnsr, | Clerk for Counnissioners. Mocksville, Oc’. 4th, 1869. ee Avxotare Swixote —Mr. E. E. Phillips of this county has handed us a letter received by him similar to several others which have been noticed in some of our exchanges. {t purports to have been written by Gambridge & Co., 69 Wall Street, New York, and proposes to fur- nish him with “exact copies of the genuine U. 8. Treasury Notes,” oa the following terms, viz: Pakages representing $200 for $15. do do 1.000 “ 60. ar) do 2,000 “ 890. and so on for larger packages. The letter proposes to Mr. Phillips that if he will order package he shall have the monop- oly of the business of selling said notes in his neighborhood. Verily the amoent of villiany in the world at this time exceeds belief, Gumbridge & Co is doubtless an assumed name to prevent de- tection. _—_——~—ao Tue Rurat CaRoiiniaN.—This is the title of a new monthly magazine published at Charlestun by Walker Evans & Cugs- well, aud edited by D. B- Jacques..et $2 per annum. Both im appearance, execution, va- riety aud exevllevee of matter, it is equal to any journal of the kind pablished in the country, and we look upoa it as possessing inuch value to the farmer. mechanic and general reader. Call at thé North State office and examine it fur yourself, Siete enretes Biewor Atxixsums Arpuintussts — Jas keon, Oct. 24 Weldon, New. 2 Warrenton, = 4 W illiamsboro’ “6 Oxterd, « 7 Henderson, ‘ 9 Louisburg © i Chartotee, . 14 Li: coMton, os 17 Hizh 8 wala, Gaston co - 18 Coneord, Cabarrus vo., “2 Sal-sbery, - Cl ¢ «t Chorch, Rowan co., * 23 Bc James, Iredet! oo., 24 St Andrews, Rowan co., - 2 W abesboro’, — ee . a” The Conarocation uf the Protestant E\nscopal ehoreh for this part of the Sate wll meet at Ohri-t Charch, in this county. on Friday the 15th inst. Pabhe services may be expected on Friday, Satarday, aod Sunday of the meeting. ————-e-——_—_ Homremwe.—We learn that a negro man was shut and killed in Union county. neer Moarce, on the 20th ult., by Mr Burton La- ney. It appears that Mr Laney had been dep- utised by the proper authority to serve a bas- tardy warraut on the negro man and bring him totrial The vegro refused to appear, and finally took shelter in his cabin. When Mr. Laney approached the cabin for the pur- puse of requiring a compliance with the law, the negro appeared at the door with a gun aod are. and threw the axe at Mr. Mc Laney but missed him, whép Laney shot hia ov the spot. A coroner's inquest rendered « verdict of jastifiable homicide. Politics had nothiug to do with the unfurtunate affair. as both were members of the same party. Onar. Democrat. oe C# We stated last week that the “Evan- gelical Lutheran,” published fn this City. had suspended publication. We neglected, at t' e time, to state the cause of suspension, whieh is, we learn, because so many of the subscribers had not paid the arrears which they owed the establishment. The Editor, Mr Aldrich, had contracted expenses in the publication of the paper which he hoped and expected to liquidate by fande then due the office, but thse amounts pot being forth- coming, he could not go on and make pres- ent receipts pay 6ld debts, Mr. Aldrich is anxivus to resume the pub- lication of the paper as soon as the response and efforta of ite friends will justify. We eonsidered the Lutheran” one of the best religions papers ip the South, and the Rev. Mr Aldrich, a8 ap able Editor, alway dis- playing the trae marks of a chistiania his conduet of the paper. We hope he may be able to resume at an early day.—Ceartotte Democrat. ——_ ~~ Goxe Nortn.—Blair of the Yarboro* House, started Nor.h Toesday morning, to Jay in furnjtare aod fixtures fur the new “Blair Hease.”’ now nearly emnpleted. Eve ery effo:t will be put forth to have the new Hotel ready for the reeeption of gueste, bs | ately followed up by an application for a the opening of the State Fair.— Sentinel. : . 7 : : >= . SALISBURY, ’ 4] special N ees fie — on A geuap ial : i matter in Seger A Cae | Sal ee } act of justies, te the followd card from P Ma, Hall, gan we refuse, when thus drawa from the Times and Weekly News and that those papers have passed Into the hands of Messrs R. H. & A. Aldrich, young gen- tlemen heretofore connected wtth the office. Mr. Waring will continue bis editurial du- ties. We hope the arrangement will prove mutually beneficial to our neighbors, and that the Messrs. Aldrich as well as Mr. War- ing may receive ubundant encouragement pecuniarily and otherwise.— Democrat. ne Lanp SaLe.—On Saturday, the land be- lenging to the Glover estate, was sold at public outery’ The first track of 85 acres was bought by Wm. R. Myers, Esq., adjoin- ing the land of Col. J. M. Potts, for $20 per pe: acre. The seound track I11 acres, bought by Miss Jane Davis at $19.50 per rore. The third track 155 acres, (known as Gallant track,) by Mrs. Hannah Davis at $16.60 per acre. Col, Myers who wasa bidder, assoon as he found a lady wasa oom petitor ceased to bid. A small track of 22 acres was bought by Col. Putts fur $7.50. It will be scen that land ie constantly io creasing in value in thie ec -uetry, and that too, without the help of **Noo* England en- terprise or money.—Char. Times. —_— We learn that Col. Polk, while on the Bloe Ridge Mountains. between Boone and Jefferson,.was shot at by three men secreted at the side of the road. He was riding iu a baggy. and the horse, taking fright at the firiog, ran off, threw the Col. out and severe- ly iujured him in the head. No clue could be had of the would-be-murders.— Asheville News <9 Street RaiLacap.—Owing to the rapid extension of the city, a company is being formed for the parpose of constructing a street railway through the principal thor ongh fares. and it is probable, the work will be commenced in a short time. It is a ne- cesgity, and while it will add to the growth of the city will be paying stock.—Char. Times. —_~————— BBING THE MAIL. Mr. James C. Anderson, Postmaster at this place. exhibited to us last week, two letters that had been tampered with, after they were mailed at Statesville for Wilkes- bore. One of the letters contained docu- ments that were enclosed by Mra Nannie Caldwell to ber husband. W. P. Caldwe'l, Esq., District Attorney, who was attending Coart at Wilkesboro. The end of the en- velope had been eat open, and the contents being examined and no money found was again closed with post-office paste, and suf- fered to pases to Mr. C. without the cuntents being disturbed. The other letter, contain- ed $245 and was registered. It had been opened at the end, like the first letter, and $10 of the amount only extracted, and again sealed and suffered to go forward tu the own- er, whese name we do not recolle t. Both envelopes were returned to Mr. Anderson aad his at'ention called to the matter. The paste used to reeeal the letters, is said to be such as Postmasters are in the practice of using, and not the ordinary kind made flour. The rubbery could only be effect@i by some one having access to the contents of the mail bag by a key. We learn that a bey who occasionally earried the mail between Statesville and Wilkesboro, has been arrested, at the in- stance of the contractor, upon suspicion of committing the robberies, and lodged in Jail at Taylorsville. It is not our opinion, however, that he is the guilty party. American. eee Important Deeision in Bankruptey— Vol. untary Assignments and Discharges in Bankruptcy. We publish this morning a decision in bankruptey whieh we think will be a snr prise, and an unpleasant one, to sewe peo- @ The facts of this ease [decided by Judge Blatchford) make it one of sweeping cele cation; for the assigninent was made, as the bankrupt says, under the advice of counsel that it waslawful, and it was not immedi- ean er nab sheers a "i ee Toa ote BY cane We we | volsint ™ a See 7 orbidd aS pede. Sh ka a inal Coo ae ees ae atlane hia i i ty { ind be questioned oni. those who have vot tried it, Thee is of 4 for it & reputation over all ere they have failed, not. Keep it always in your traly an enemy to Newre'gia, ache, Haradhe Cramp Colic, Cholere Morbus, sia, Sore Rheumatic Pains, Fever Ague, and Bruises, Infamation of Mid- neys, Nercous Debdility, Colic, Pains or Spasms, of an\ character. tor itis Tooth- aw 39 : ee Mp nensomiwenn setee Legislature had Sa Dectecsens y¥ on joint ballot. In lvania, 8 oat? Tee Repebliens meters ta heat islature was mxplateee MACKEY Aan aiteome LEGAL B OLICES, Valunble Land for Sale, Btate of Worth Garelina, } wile Arabella, J. B. New- : i i ti iH rE 5 if FE I nt % i aforesaid, be Court House in Salisbury, on the Lday in April next, when and bereb ired to appear int—in defaplt whereof the will y to ea'd Court for the relief ed in the complai oon A. — Clerk of the said perior Court at o iu Salisbury, Septem- ber 20th, A. D. 1868. , A. JUDSON MASON, o. @ o, f ae s & FF - SPICES, Would respectfully call the attention of Mer | chants, Physicians, Planters, and others, to their | extensive stock and superior iuducements. 107 Syeamore, St., Petersburg. N. F. RIVES. M.D. W.U. PROCTOR. aprt3—16:6in DR. LAWRENOB’S CELEBRATED WOMAN’S FRIEND! A anf and reliable remedy for All Diseaxex Peeatiar to Females, —even ss— Leuchorrea, or Whites ; Uteri, or Falling of the Womb ; Irregular Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- ation ; Pain in the Back ; Nervousness, Wakefulness, Weakness, #c. DEDICATED TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA, For whove benefit t was designed, and whose piness it will promote, by the discoverer, DR. J. J. LAWRENCE. TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Woman's Priend is com- aded are published arownd each bottle. and it is lieved to be the best Uterine Tonite and alterative yet discovered. —+—_ Itisa ride tennessee in all — Fi Organs, Hysteria, Nervows Heatache, Spinal | ae sap Price $1,00 per le. J. H. BAKER ve Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street, drfotk, Va. EP To whom si) orders of letters mast be ad- dressed . march 19—ty wortcs. Mary A.Cawpbell, Plaintiff. imat agn William B. Campbell, Defendant. The defendant will take notice that on Friday the 8th October next, at the Court House in Camden, 8. C., { shal! proceed to take the dep- ositions of John Witherspoon and others to be read in seuit now pending in the Superior Court of Caldwell county, N.C., where I am plaintiff and you are defendant MARY A. CAMPBELL. Sept 3, 1868. (pt fee$3,50—5w ) S5 Augustine h Wormal School -- THIS SCHOOL, which is designed for the edneation of colored teachers. male and female willopen on Wednesday, Sept. 29th. Apph cants must be able to read ahd write and un derstand the four primary rules of Aritmetic. Aid will be rendered board in special cases. Application, accompanied by statement of age, qualifications and peconiary ability, may be made to Rev. J BRINTON SMITH, D. D. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 24, 1869. Principal Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Un- at the and for sale b ; i “na set dn Powtsow, | 38—Se40r fee $10) ruggist Apothecary, Salisbury, ¥ C. June 3, I-69. , Tweet TIMF TABLE—-N. é. RAILRGRD. RAINS NORTH na ve senr. RIVES & PROCTOR, manom. | “iasive. | nave ||"Gaarm] aaa WHOLESALE AND RETATL Grriste,.| | tin. | — le@an Selisbury,...., 1018 ©. = ia: “ \j 9a? om * D R UCC j STS |Sireensburo’ 190 a mts. a) Poe we, OTRO we. ° fer tS Sees ee eee DEALERS IN Gdéebure jose | 4} <en — = a ‘Teaies MOUTH: OO — ua ~~ pamane. Gravee. | a eatv ves }) samtye.| Leave DRUGS idcnst-| = , > ast x= —==8 job ! j T as a Cevtge, bag ”= eas = Ren, ‘eee = Pancy & Toilet Articles, Serer wane Ore a Debates Paints, Oits = ~ DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, > | pinsee Walh om cere dbleee ee eee Imported & Domestic Window ee een be Poste wiih ereugte caputne- Glass, Patty, ue re énd-o Assurance Society OF THE 'UNITED STATES, 92 L-oadway, New York. and SATURDAY at 4 P. R. foot of Wall street, Ei” The attention of Sh is called to the LOW RATES and ITLES offered by this Line, which are superior to a ene s L Jae HROUGH BILLS OF LADING . from Pier 15 KE. given to all oa the North Carolina Railroad ite Connections vis Golde- boro. J. A: BA . Soliciting Agent. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, Wilmington, N.C. JAMES HAND, Agent, feb29—8tf 119 Wall Street, N. Y. Edgeworth Female Seminary. [ne NEXT-SESSION WILL COM- mence on the first Monday of September. The entire expérre of Board and Turion will be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance. Each boarder will furnish ber own lights and towele and also « pair of sheets and pillow cases. For cifeular address J. M.M. CALDWELL, july 2, 1869—3m Greensboro’, N. O. TIME TABLE W.N. © RAILROAD. GOING WEST. adul Old North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s.| CHARLOTTE, N.C. | discharge in bankrnptey. Ten monthe! ALSO, Want to purchase 500 or 1000 head j of Cattle, and pay the Inghest Cash Priees for Corn and Ry« iv'y 2-260 MILES. PTATIONA, ARRIVE. LEAVE. Salisbury, B35 a.m. S05 4. m. 13 Third Creek, 4:12 4:17 25 = Statesville, 5:17 5:22 32 Plott’s 5:57 5:59 38 Catawha, 6:29 6:34 50 Newton, 7:23 7227 60 Hickory Tavern, 8:07 8:22 70 Tcard. 9:02 9:07 80 Morganton, 9:47 GOING EAST. MILES. &TATIONS. ARRIVF. LFAVE. Morganton, 3:30 P.M 10 Ieard, 4:10 P.M. 4:15 20 Hickory Tavern, 4:55 &:10 30 Newton, 5:50 f:55 42 Catawba, 6:43 6:48 48 Plott’s, 78 7:20 AS Statesville, TA 8:00 6; Third Creek, 9:00 9-05 89 = Polisbury, | 1012 PJ HE SUBCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE r TWO THOUSAND FOPR HUNDRED : ‘a : ‘” Saptntiie Court; Spring Term, 1800... - SORES of valuable Land in Caldwell County, One tract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES with a most valuable WATER-POWER, on | ed and in good a ‘Phe rewsinder of the trast will bedivided te- Ofany size; from 100 seres upwards, ‘to ovibe cies ai re- WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE. Used in al count, eur universally (PRE BEST IN USE: omg AND. FOREIGN COUNTRIES, ‘om. Among which is THE HIGHEST PRIZE! Two Grand Gold Medals and Cross of the Legion of Honor, {At Paris Exposition, 1867 More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 manufwetured and sold in 1868 and the demand aveupplied. Toereaved Facilitie:, Wdditional Improvements for 1869, Wood's Prine Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) “ — Belf Raking Reaper, with “ ~New o Hand Rake , Haines* Iilinois Harvester. ream the Walter A. Wood Mow- Ofc nod Manica, Hom Pe General eny. FU. afk Applications from the South, South of Vir- ginia, be addressed to the New York OF VIKGINIA A Vi ia and Southern Institution dts de are kept in the South. It has metwith unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond ang contingency. The Company has capital and assets, against tts Mability thet will compare fvorably with any Life which in Its affairs are cautions) sdpinite- ~2, nr tes evtablited ite ofsim to Eecthorn Pausneage OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIUERT, SRCREVARY, Ww. B. Isaacs, D. J. Harrsoox MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. Leeal APVIOgR, GEFERAL s0kFT, HB. CO. Casgct, Jwo. H. CLarporyx aT — DIRECTORS : HIS COMPANY has capital and assets against | John Enders, K. Ellyson, ite Hebilities thet will compare with any Life In-| William F. Taylor, Asa > ee on ~ Cuntigsat, which is the a Cottrell, i. B. ee oe , Series Charles T, Wortham, ; Jeet, veseeseee 4000000 | William Willis, Jr., J. W, Allison, The undersigned is agent for the above Cotmpany fhe J Brana, BBY Checkley , he HARBIN, : Jomen A. trout Hc Cabell. _Mockeritle. March 18 1869. ty v. fb tyer dome C. Williams, NEW YORK and North Carolina a Patel Bawemie LIN (EE =e i ‘ New York to Wilmington, LEWIS ©. HANES, Ac’r. ee Feb. 1g—ty N.C This Line will comprise the following steam- > ore: FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Hunter; WM.P.CLYDE, “ D. P. Morgan, REBECOA CLYDE, 02. Chichester. MARY 8AN Jolin Moore. - With sech additional Steamers as bel reqnired to meet the of the rade 9 Bailing from New Yi ) WED, DAY just beeo awarded to CHAS. M. STIEFF (Forlaying of Homcsteads, ) And a new and improved form ob LAND DEEDS, Revised and corrected by th best legal authority in this plac for sale. Address, mar. 10. J. J. BRUNFR. P. B. KENNEDY, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, Cor. Main and Fisher Sta, opposite Mnrphy's Row, sicidecry, bE ' tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific inevery species of disorder — y the wasting Coughs in advanced — ing more real service in covfirm- Siege Expeoturanta, all N and effectual Remedy for oa ree grave. On the contrary, it is calevlated to cheek excessive expectoration which of itself is exceedingly exhaustive, atid by its general and specific action, to heal and soothe the weak, ir and irritated orgacs. Of the several ingredients which aa a this valuatile Bacu, there is no one, which is not constantly used, by the beet vicians, in the diseases enumerated, eminent medical gentlemen, to whom its com- tion has Leen made known, there has not one, who has not highly approved it ; and in some instances, have not presenbed it for their patients, bat have it in their own vases, with marked ad Prepared and suldonly, at EB. SILL'S Drag Store. avril 93-1649 Silisbary, N.C. Rv LANDS FOR SALE!~THE , Swb-erther dexiring to reduce his landed extate ard his liabilities, uffers for sale 200 acres of south River Lands, 65 of which is excellent bottom. About one-half of the whole is in cul tivation ; the remainder, isin timber. The fen- cox And boildings, in good confition. The pro perty is — a handeome annual profit. It is loeated in a good neighborhood, and is as healthy as any place in the county Tiose wishing to pnichaée such property are invited | Large Sized Photographs, orcelain Pictures, | Cabinet “ “ Cartea de Visites, | Ambrot rpes, Fereoty pes and all other atyles ; »of Pictures at reasonable prices, eopl i fe to call and view the premises. Terms made as accomodating as possible. M.L. CHUNN Rowan Cuantr, N.C., Geps 13, 1809. 37-4 Mowers and Reapers, wnt of machinery, wh dam aed eee) “ EDUCATIONAL. . Patrouise your own Institutions. THE Exercises of the C moord Female Coll at Statesville, will be resumed the. aed t \ | ins e15 th Tuition : ' ake os ec Fro 82,50 te Music, Drawing, Painting, &e., extra at moderate rates ; ment halfin advance for term of four mount ending Dee. 23. For furtber partioulars address : E. ¥. ROCKWELL, Statesville, July 9.~3in President. Statesville Male Academy. + Burks a ‘. ; } PRINCIPALS. M of this'School will o: on Roda tdcewte and continue anton week TUITION ‘ mary...... Buglish Dep't. $ Tyterniadiate Classical De Ae ve oe nie das ‘ DORM NgNOE Fee iors «mone chpoy asa: 1 00 Board in good fainilies at $12 per month, Ove half vf the above charges is required in Paha parnlar dc the Puincipals Pleasant Grove Academy. * “Giale and Female. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM- meace-on the Oth of August next, Courge— English, Classical, Mathe- matical. Terms: Tuition from $5 to $10 per session. Board with the Privcipal $9 per month. Por address the principal at B.J- 1868. heme tomlin dom ih 2 tampa ang]3-32-3m Wilmington, N.C. BOOKS ror MAGISTRATES and SOWMSEIF CLERKS le of Civil Procedure—which a, Panam. wep must have. Sent ree forms in eivll procedure fatrates, By mall... ..<.2..000-. 25 ota Record Books Clerks. tend proeedogs vwnsbip Trustees. Price Btore, 82:50. B mail, -......-..88 00 For orders of School Committees, on County Treasurer—in voutee of pre- pion @ammndns. Executions, State War- rants, &e., 82,00 per 100 and $1.00 per quire, sent free of postage. Address all orders to JAS. H. ENNIES, Agent, No. Ca. Book Store, Salisbury, aug?7—tf No. Ca. Book Store, Raleigh. ONWARD: UPWARD: Haring met with seoces, far beyond our expec tatiana, in the publication o! the CHARLOTTE OSSERVER, we take this method of offering onr papers, DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, AXD WEEKLY, a8 among the best advertiring mediums in Western, North Carélina. Advertisements Selighed — Terme Mod crate. —— PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS! Weoter PIVE valaable Agricaltoral PREMIUMS schven spd (labs for the WEEKLY OB- SMITH, WATSON & CO, Charlotte, Avg. 27, 1880. - 6. CUSHINGS & BAILZY, BOOKSELLERS axp STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. HE LARGEST and best assorted e:ock in the city of . Scheel, Law, Deatal, Bediea), Classical, tre and Miseejianses: Books ~ Blank and Honeec stationy’y * al) Kinds. Blank Books mavufactared t> rd) sin ang style of binding androling. .1° 9 tm PROFESSIONAL. ~ M. H. PIN NIX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, NX. C. ~_—_— od nat. W ILL PRACTICE in the oourts of David- son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Reo- counties : REPERERCE. Hon. R. M. Pearson, C.J. of N. C., Raleigh. “ KE. @ Reade, Associate Justice, . “ Thomas Settle, “ ™ ¥ “ R. P Dick, “ “ @ “ Bedford Brown, Yanceyville, R.G “ Hon. John Kerr, “ “ " JR. McLean, Greensboro’, N. OQ. “ Thomas Roffin, Jr., “ : “ J. M. Cloud, Dobson, NC. Jannary 29, 1869. Dr. I. W. JONES, AVING located in Salisbury, offers hie Professional services to the public. Of- fice on Council Street, qpposite the Court Hcase and next dvor tothe Law office of Hon. Burton Craige. May 28, 1860-1f. 4-t Mieteblished 18escoc. LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GENERAL Commission SM: achants AND COTTON FACTORS, | Gommerce St., Norfolk, Va. { EH'Special attention paid to the enle of GRAIN, COTTON and all other kinds af COUNTRY PRODUCE C# Liberal advances on consigumen and prompt retorna. ply 9:27 3 The Old Novtly State’ SALISBURY. FRIDAY, O62. 8, ep, | For'the Old North Stute, “CRAYON SK ETCILES” FROM REAL LIF E.—Ne. U. INSCRIBED TO “BURKE.” (A PINDAOKIC.) RESPECTRULDY PipkoDORICK. > ming !—-T am sofily dreaming,— \.ot of Cdorious ame to-day, \Which soon tudes, and gies away ; Bat of broken hopes Pm dreaming, Dreaming sadly, to-day. \n1 L hear, as I am dreaming, ‘Through the p> ta rich voice say— Pl me not of broken hopes, or wishes wasted, But sing of Glorious Fame’s realities, to-day, Whilst dreaming, to-day. Ah! IT knew him when hia eager heart Beat high with hopes of future fame, When he panted with the high, proud thought Of dying, crowned with an immortal name. Nameless, dreamle.s, he sleepsto-day. I saw him court the gnileful smile of Glory; - lle knelt—but wooing will not always Win; She favored those who sought her not, She coldly turned away frem him And left him listless, dreaming. When he saw all his efforts fruitless, When he felt the blighting pain, Of chilled ambitious agony, He vowed not to care for fame again, But would spurn the mocking dreams. And resigning all her loves, forsook ‘The outward world, with aimless life, Turned hit to the quiet shadows, © 4B Remote from society, and its jarring strife To dream of success in a realm of air. There Hopelessly, lovelessly, brooding over wrongs, Flitted, one by one, the joyless days, And, the while, many eyes were filled with tears, When sang, at the hearth-stones, his plaintive lays Of strange, wild, dreams. Anda pensive maiden, fair and lovely, Heard the words with sinking heart, . Once had théy Wet, —and from that hour, Love of her life became a part, Dreaming loves restless dreams. Why she loved him who can tetl? Who ean fathom woman’s breast,— Who can penetrate its mysteries, Oy Did ite papsions stay at rest? And scoru loves idle dreams? Not herself, Love overrules her, \ trembling, but willing captive, leads her on ; Woe, woe to her, whose young life’s honrs, Are clouded, like an April morn, With vain love's shadowy drear Y ca, she loved him, deeply, wildly, And-alas! as vainly too, Ilim who never had sought her amiles, — lim who never had deigned to woo, Or seek, with love’s sweet soeming Her pure love, a fi + il] offering, To rearetenerhinabaie—_________| deal, bat in places where nature herself bles in @ golden mine, Not even worth the picking op I any thoughts beside possessed bim, ( hat } him with an iron wiil, Hionod bim with wild dreama, and schemes, Which de vi flatter, atu Wh hollow, empty meaning \ ve cotld claim no part ‘s heart engage no thought I a . org lness, Anv thing. but love, he sought, © tumultuous dreaming Resecc. Burpsok Be xr Oakland, N. C., Sept. 1869 ViNES AND WINES Editors Southern Cultivator During © ndered im possible. the laet few years I have sapplicd quite number of your readers with Scapper nong, Flowers’ and Thomas vines, a: received from them many letters of i quiry concerning their proper manag postsat least 7} feet Ligh, if no higher, convenience to you, in the er space between om to whieb I reply, “yea, Gertal ought to be dene. | constantly keep the plough « vines shall mec¥y whenever you fiind: thes tendrils, 6f y vine, and the leaf-stalk, whereit unites with theoJeaf, .of ad and @evelopiog new ' varieties little practice and close. attention will en anew black on for extensive vineyard cultivation 1’ Bunch-Grapes, properly so.calle © 80 many Re insects that in common with most of ou entire specios Ou, of the vineyard, an no windy Fi pores lace family, ich ‘out> conceded to be the beet varie bot, sia opidon, all thasy regi will not be found equally fayorableto production of the ns. would not advise that they be extensive j ly set out, Jearcfally tested ag to the exemption from icks of injurions insect? I sent of oir worthy Messrs. Editors, it | Great pains and minate atteation to these }shall appear in the next Numbor of their | rot, and the att Of one thing you may vest assured, that your arbors will’ have ‘a constant ten- denegy to comes down lower, and this,"a8 Letated above, “may become .a great. in- The question is of- ten arked me, “Gan I cultivate any thing vines t” FF Bnd it But do not.ren your. plough near-enough your vines. toveut the roots. And as-the arbors spread wider, |: pervert reddiah hne, you may rest assured the grape will be black; for she tendril aud leaf-stalk of the Scuppornong, are inyari- oy of a pale, délicate green. And this will fureish you wiih an_ infallible criteri> | on. Farther, if you eboald ever wish to experiment in’ the rai¢ing of seedlings, of «the grape, you can easily decide upon the color of the fruit your seedling. will beat; by observing that of these twoparts. JA able you to tell a black from white, or pale grrpe vine af onee, and there can. bé vo mistake as to the test, so. far as my own experience, aud that of others arownd me, extends. « This fact will enable the experimenter, who is in search & pale, or pe to proceed ‘in his re- gearched without any loss of tine orla- bor. I amalso frequently asked, “What about the CatawLa, Concord, Delaware. &c.; are they grapes which. can be relied In answer'to which, I shall candidly state my oWn experience, and observed around me as a guide, in, some sort, to others. I wish to discourage no one in his expe- riment with these varieties of grapes; but have, found the entire ane of : liable ents, such as mildew, jand rot, and the attacks of destructive prodent cultivators, I have rooted the If any vines of that kind ere planted, hb a painful.cxperience. ‘Thevelorey» be ad- | Gertainly, L-would not-ptant’ any sucht visea in time—and put up your arbor newly discovered varieties largely in the vineyard, until their merits had been ful- ly ascertained; but should rely mainly on known kinds, using these new ones only by way of experiment, and as it were along the margin of chief operations. The great advantage of the Seuppernong and its congeners i§ this; that any one, iowevé: unskilled io horticultural _pur- suite, may-bave bis few vines, if he is rails to lay on top, and “thus to sup- Hy bine with a lusary, in the bit ak from | fruit, which both he and his family. will the main trank of your vine, until finally, the arbors being extendéd every way; the ber overhead If you have happertates™ lose the lable at- tached.to avy of your young .plants,-you may easily ascertain whether it: will bear a grape of the pale, or the black variety; say, after.trying it, is worthy of any man’s attention. Audit he should, di any season, have on hand a larger’ ntity of frait than Ke can welt dispose of in the way of eating; I will, further along ject of making wine in a ‘take ap the, ‘sub . plain, easy wd¥z.and-quite practicable ; 1 ae it, As lL in “Vi n| by aby one when and all thetiiheres B - | Scuppernong, . Flowers’ id kage scunrdiagty all coosid ly as individual varieties,..of ackpowl- edged‘ excellence, certainly, bat every one originating from that widely dissem- inated Bullace’ stock.» It» is no doubt, then, an error to consider the’ Flowers’ aud... Thomas grapes, of the Seuppernong. ree wee not obtaived as gnch, but originally found wild, as-was the Scuppernong itself. ! heen asserted that this variety ihcs ’ | contrary to what takes place w i rent year’s wood, bot on the last yéare’s growth, Now let any one,” who eultivates the Scuppernong, or the ontto\his vine and‘see for bimeelf, er ihe fruit ia: not. bore | universally on shoots of the current year’s growth.The Catawba, and all other bush Fraps, do r|exaétly the same thing. On last year’s shoot, in the spring, wood sprouts a pew nd on this forms and matures the bunch of Grapes, the same as with oar Se rnoug, Flowers,’ and the rest. , Of ty hitherto | apy owe may éonvined hinbvelf, brough: into nétice™ “T WS wel deny that | iding Wines of éort of some localities may be suited to theCe- | is, “toes & rge bunéh ¥ tawba, and the other grapes fad aes ; | ty. ag at country which is 60 eminently adapted to the Bewppersong,F lower’ and “Phones med he ratsety, planted a considerable ® space in Sedppernong, and perl an almost ual one in Flowers’ vines, you will natarally wish to know how to rake true Bunch’ Grapes. Pwire of them: Bat you see this commu- nication bas already run to a cousiderable - | length. contribution to the Cultivator. With con jvine S, way certainly aaccomplish a good | valuable periodical. sides whole hosts of Pa 3S on your Vines and grapes, it does net ap- | Yoars, &c., A J. BUTNER. Whiteville, N. C , Luly 2, 1.88e- : Froai M6 Carolina Farmer. |pearto me that they can be profitably | print stipe DITCHES AND LEV. leultivated. You will discover, in all the} Ballace speees of vines, a cingular ap- | EL ROWS. | pendage, particularly on old stocks, which | _—_ | will always remind you of a beard ¢ and { Messrs Editors :—You invite and arge jthat of most particular dimensions. — | farmers to wrhe for the Farwenr. Old | Without doubr, these fibrons attachments }as I am (nearly 63), L have written very | bave their nse; but what that ase little for the pablie presa; have never cisely, au@iertainly is, I am, in candor, dabbled much in politics, aud could not | unable t@iinform you. I have been under|bope to be beard or effect anything on ja vine where quite a number of the — subject now ; | air-roots had reached the ground, taken hold and grown to more than aa ineh in leas, unthinking one, as is too generally | too | the case, thongh I confess [ have made | x |diameter. But, being considered but having been a far Mer tor about forty yrars—uot a care- much in the way, they had been barbar [slow progress—an up hill business—hav- oasly chopped off with an axe, and thys | ing to find out the rente and clear the furtherabservations on their fimecions | toad myself; yet L believe | have searned 7 ¢ sa Venture an Opinion on the enbject, vo ,d'more extended cxamination. ment ia the vineyard, and also to con-| becomes heavier on the arbor, it woul verting the grape juiee into wine. therefore ask the use of your enlumne, | to preserve it from talling -by is own ] | seem that some vuéh provision of satareype 1 thipk I have Jearned in: these fort {or the benefit of all beginners in this| weiglit, would be-quite apropos. new, and promising braneh of agricaltur- al industry, aed propose to have wi them: ‘“, TALK ABOUT VINRs AND whats.” As you have had conclusive evidence that your eoil and climate are adapted to the cultivation of the Seuppernong, you] tained to some size, the rest will gradual- will probably have planted of this vine, ly dwiodle away, aad a togetlior with some of its eogenérs of the | there will etand Ball great family that embraces the Flowers’, Jiomas, Mish, &c., aa varieties. You the vines toa height sufficient to be a bored. derstang. You will set, yoar foer poa in the form of a sqnare, about eight and ifto nine feet apart, and notehed at the good heart raila, of pine, if possible; which being done, you lay ctler raila across them, say twenty or a | top to receive ‘wenty-fonr, inches apart, This process, of course, you un- tions, whatever they are. r nomber of these air roota have already feached the ground, and struck into it ; and I shall take occasion most carefully to abserve them. ‘Che whole Bollace va- riety, a8 before observed, have the sawe pecaliarity—which so far as I know, ap lies to no other kind of vine; or if it La and the firet| does, only to so limited an extent, that it thing to be done way to sustain the land, eqnare of your arbor will be completed.| might be ealled a characteristic of this} or keep it from wesbing away, and then In procees of time your vines will require | apeeies of grapes. further extenstons, which you should not necleet to yard, and this los liv tl \ tunderaket pru prune your vines, do it | found the fruit ef some favorite vine in a} seventy-five or an handred years, and young, and need training ;| ue glborhood, of a quality ' hen teen ke toade specially for | despised. Now let me ask, why would | one particle of mantre by man Then 1 fit, aud. ealledsthe Prupgng | it not be ® most useful experiment, to ar- | look at the hill-sides, once more produt- Catoff the shoofe you wich to) bor some one of these vines, which are tive than the level portions, worn out, we with an upward cut, that is, al-! known to produce fruit of good flavor, | washed into gullies and thrown oat, and seutting towards the top. The re-jabandavt in saccharine matter, and desti- | dangerous for stock to range on. And verse process will probably tear the bark | tute of that acridness which so frequent- | look a little closer and see the efforts of ir plant downwards, extent injace tt. i with poste saven fect high, m rather be 73 | fod fon wwe larger a d . } t Vine + spreads ant mo;r acd mere, i will bear down with inereas- wowricht or the posts, and therefore! excellence, along some creek or river ‘and criminal exposure to the storms of rain hive a constant teadeney te sink them | bank, or it may be in some secladed | and freezings of winter. I say, see her oerinte the groand. And if thisis| hedge row. l receive accounts, from all | efforts to restore herself and feed her provided agvust, by and by you) sides of many such vinee. Thomas, of children in the plam bush and blackber- have to steep jn order to get about | Marion District, 8. C. thus obtained his|ty briar, growing up in the gullies and r your vieesat all. How ineonve-| grape; and Flowers's in the neghboring | scars on her sides. . 1 mav imagine, You have, no doubt, oftin seen, and furnish them, for if you do, | admired the vigorous growth and stately be lost in enlarging yonr vine-| dimensions of the Muascadine Grape, ‘, as you know, will de-| which belongs to the same genus, or fami- | Witness the level portions of the fields profits of your enterprises. If|ly; and p rhaps you may even have | that have been in cuitivation for fifty, not to be and thus tol ly accompanies this grape; aud when | old abused: méther é¢amh—abused and Do not be sxtis-| your vines produce a sufficiency of fruit | maltreated by her careless, indolent, era+ but tet | try its bee for making wine. to 7} feet above the |Thomas, the Flowers’, nay, Scuppernong this reasou, as your, itself, were thus first brought into faver- | for subsistence, whilst her sides, upon e able notice, and thence ifto extensive cul- tivation; and many other kinds of great iv a vineyard of some|coanty of Robczon, sceured his in the | whatever may be» the intended daty of th | these air-roote, I woald certainly not ins] to da terrupt them ie their dowaward couras, teed but rather encourage and stimblate them | fallen con to go on aud pestorm their — fnae- yhen several |from washing aay; and of them have reached the ground, and a*- ; abd these naked pillars, stock, which is, you know the|strengthening every year, and fn most dutiful attitade, to uphold theit aged pa- rent. This, you will notite, takes place have also, no doubt, in many cases, raised | only on vines of considerable age. I cee in some neighboring vineyards, that a| a The | I will however,jone important thing, which | bave not! ’ b € flecen discuesed or even mentioned in course open to cofrcetion by farther andyeither the Farmer or the Caltivator, for | 1 think eight months, by any of the many able | n-|they were designed for peops to the par- e- ent vine; becaase ag shu, year by gap pibat very slightly, as if the mater was @riters in them, except one article, and fot very material. years, by stadying, rearoving, ex inenting, by close observation and by ac- taal vial, @ far state of the earth, is ® i by weep , etee or ~~ iwg on a eve ¥ ‘ seabed AK TREeaa e twenty-five years, ahd have succetded to my entire satiafaction, Wherever I per- fected the plan and kept it up, the land is improving withoat manure, Nothing used bat rotation of crops, deep plowing peas and turning under gasses, &e. Soon after I n farming I saw this was the one-thing needfal—the firt thing oo oe, — it was almost useless to manare, or improve lind in any way ; | that the dg was to do Gdia mass begin at the beginning—to take bold of a tool by the handle; that fs, that the first apply manure and use all means to im- | prove the land; for if kept from wash- jing away nature would restore heraelf | and keep productive for a long time— | pretty good-yet—-efill cultivated, without el and angratefal children, who are still clinging to her baek (the level portinn) which they abundantly supported them- | selves, are torn and wasted by a careless able te-rive out posts for his arbors, oF to |’y; +N. 0. Tt has also béen |’ Kinds, docs-not bear ite. fruit’ onthe cur} Flowers’ gree step , 1 shall therefore reserve my di- | before the locality bas ‘been |rectioné. on that subject for some future | rar our kind" old mother, OF a ee cern for any farmer for himself and chil- dren, or any concern for the f of his State of jtosterity, aud wish to know. the modus operandi, or any. partigulars of this plan of keeping lands from washing, r- and say 80, and state rane metion desired in the FaRMek,. to ane ot give my ku on ect. tala Nie ttnetocion I world beg tbat nene.o ‘our rs will do me aa some neighbots did years in the beginning of my ditehing and * plowing; that is, curse we for an old fool and sinner, because. was trying‘ as ‘they said, to prevent the water from. fanning where the Almighty decreed it to run, Should there be any such I wonld suggest that they pray for the sinner rather than curse him. Andif any would rather see the system practiced than preached they can see it’ eight miles South of Charlotte, SENEX Mecklenburg, N. C., Aug. 27, 1869, McCubbins, Sullivan & Co. * New Goods! Wa have tecéived our Fall & Winter stock of New Goods which is very large and complete consisting in part of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sole and Upper Leather, Enameled and Patent Leather, Coach . Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- | | ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, (reseers and Kerosene Oils, Co- | pal and Coach Varnish, White s ‘of my | dh AA ME og ¥ > Minti . y x OY a % Au we ask fea ay at dictate 7 portum of tion in ode LRRD! Ws bate f this wholesale and sage READY-MADE CLOTHING, --Pant. Goods, Dike, Peet Madisines, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, “LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, Irony Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings ; in fact, thousands of articles too tedius to enumerate. We are agents for the Grebt Threshers ‘ ll ua CLEANERS, Also, Manufacturers’ A Dust. Do. do. Rifle and tw" We invite the attention of and the trade them they wil = a al me e 0! nee.— Blackberries and Pruits, Fhich will i ‘Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co., SALISBURY, N.C., Sp e's Old Stand, near the Market House. A 2, 1860. 13—ly of SMITH FOSTER & CO’S. 1000 SACKS OF SALT. 25 BBLS MOLASSES. 12 HHDS. MOLASSES. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIC INDIAN. \ 7E CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTION of all to our Stock of Lead of the very best Brands, | ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. ——— POWDER ! POWDER ! RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING ; POWDER, | Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar in short All of which was bought for CASH, nd will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to under- sell us. Be sure to examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. It affords us a pleasure to show our Goods whether we sell or not. | | Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot-| and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, | —Stovk of — DRY GOODS, | CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goons, | DRESS TRIMMINGS, | GROCERIES, | SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, | Coach, Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain, Kerosene and Machine Oils ty he found in Weetern North Carolina cial attention is called to our stock of ‘BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies’ Sewed Gort Skin Shoes, Pegged Baltaotals, leatherlingd, 150 “ @ Gent's Balmoral, very best stock, 210 | Pump-Sole boots, 5.00 * Youthsapd Mises Shoes. of all | rices and qualitee | Good Calieoes. 12 1-9 ets por yd. Best Caticoes. 15. We are also agents tor the Manotacturers of the best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND MACHINERY, such as— The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, Tarbine Water Wheels, Srm- Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and | Fine Engine Deep Well and Force! [Pumps. French Burrs and’Gorn Mille, Threshers and Cleaners on ‘wheels complete, Cider and Wine Mills, Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, Grain Drills, Sulky Plows, Smnutters and Cleaners, Cireular Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting, and many other things too numerous to men- tion, all of which we will sell at the Manufac- turer's prices, Come, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing you may want in this line. We guar- antee the Machinery sold by usto give satis- faction. We are also agents for Singer's New Fami- ly SEWING MACIINA, for whieh there is no eqoal Warranted todo all kinds of work, and to give entire satisfaction, or the money will be refunded. t# GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depot, on short notice, We will be found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row. MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Ilorse Power Portable Engine, for sale 1 june 11—23:5m MERONEY & BRO. FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION Don’t be deceived by loud blow- jing and heavy shelling, but come) to see us and get posted up. | {FP Orders from a distance promptly filled at lowest prices, | (cy We buy nearly all kinds: of Produce. MoCubbins, Sullivan & Co., | Messrs. Editors, if this article should, even withont, game way, discov ied by mere aceident. perchance, awaken the sympathy of apy i No. 1, Morpay’s Granite Row, | ' Salisbury, Sept. 24, 1869. 13—ly 186 9. RIBBONS, MILLINERY, & STRAW GOODS, ——__~e—__— Armstrong, Cator & Co., 237 & 239 Baltimore Street. BALTIMORE, Md., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BOVNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND VE.VETS, Illusions, Blonds, Laces, Ruches, Netts, Crapes, FRENCH PLOWERS AND FEATHERS, Straw Bonnets & Ladies’ Hats, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Silk, Velvet and Folt Bonnets and Hate, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS. The largest Stock of Millinery Goods in this Country. and unequalled in choice variety, which we offer at prices that wil! defy competition. ORDERS SOLICITED. Lead, Upper, sole and Har- the celebrated Powder. ‘erchants merally,to our stock, assuring but fresh and desi- J UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE 24-tf. LOOK for MERONEY’S SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and invite all who want the Latest Styles, Best Qualities, and Most Reasonable Prices to give asacall We are now exhibiting the best HARDWARE, | 81,50 per pair ‘ x THE GREAT © BLOOD PURIFIER, » —-£ ¥ D-— RENOV ATOR. —_—— DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRAOT OF KOSKOO, A safe and effectual remedy for al! diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities.of the Blood, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &c. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme- } dy and one that admits of a wide range of | Agtn- Waid Sit ; complied from the lwtest of: ryarnisbed and BP diione Map o : all the "eet | iv construction or A) a Beene a and th and distance 1 sina The cost of necessary information about ‘one sides-and # Map of the Western Couatry aud of North and South Ameriéa avd Alaska on back. Size, 3} by 44 "er 2. ‘1 i freed. Map of the United States, with Senaus Of every County around the border’on Oue side; and ele = map of the World and of twelve of the principal cities of the Union on the other side. @ most popular map for geveral use of the series.— Same size as No. 1, and price, $3.00. No. 3. Same as No. 2, on face, plain on back, same size. Pricé, $2.50. No, 4. -The American Republic, a small map of the United {'tates, mounted on roller ag the otbers, size, 24 by 34 ‘feet, and che enough for every body to have one. Price, $100. Map No. 2, at least, should be in ever School-room and residence, I wanten in each county to canvass for these maps. Ad active young man 1D each eounty cap easily make from $3 to $5 per day. To those who will undertake to canvas the county thorough- ly a liberal deduction from above will be made. One agent sold thirty of ‘maps in one town in three days, . For terms, zac a J. A. JON kseller Raleigh N. C. Colton's Pocket Map of ¥. Carolina. A pew edition just ‘made to order. The most aecurate map of the State to be had.— Has the new counties. Each county, colored, separately with mineral deposit pointed out. Has a line drawn between the coast growth ‘and pine region, another be tween the pine and oak growth, and another between the cotton and tobacco regions, nicely bouud in pocket form. Price, post-paid, GO cents. J. A. JONES, Bookseller and Stationer, Ruleigh, N. C. ~ QOKS FOR Magistrates and other County ana Township Officer». Eh ciweae ror County Orricers.—Giving full information to all Coanty and Townslip officers, with al necessary forms to enable every officer to perform his duties systewati- cally, and according to law. A book of over 300 pages, closely printed on good paper.— Price, in paper covers $2.00, Bound in cloth $2.25, Law binding $2.50. When sent by mail 25 cts. additional must be sent for poe t 5 - Justice's Dockets. Civit and Criminal Docket bound in one. Price $3.00. By mail $3.50. Township Clerk's Record Book. For recording the minutes of the Trustees ot Townships, as required by law. Price $2.50. By inail 3.00. Order Book. For all orders drawn by Township Trustees, on County Treasurer. Price $3.00. By mail $3.50 Code of Civil Procedure. In Law Binding. Price $2.50. . Constitution and Ordinances. In Law Binding, Price $1.50. Blanks. Magistrates Summons, Subpoenas, Exe- cutions, Peace, Warrants, Homestead Blanks, and all other Blanks used by Magistrates and others, Price $2.00 per Lunudred, or $1.00 per quire. Acd ets J. A, JONES, Bookseller, Raleigh, N.C. Byokx ! Books !! The North Carolina Almanac for 1870. This popalar annual is now in press. It will | application. be moch Larger than ever, and improved over | any formereditwon. It will contain 48 or 40 It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica- | Pages of usetul information that should be in | } the hands of every man, woman, @nd child in | tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ex- | tent than any other remedy yet known. {the State. Besides the astronooics! caleula- tions which are made by one of the best math- ematiians in the Srate, it many choice Re« pts, contains a grent Tallies, and valuable } biots on Agneniiure and gaideving, Saluable It is an } Statistics, anv acl tof the best ancedotes, Jand laughatle <ayinces, Tins Almanac will be | the best ever pulbl<hed in North Carolna Price, single copy 10 cts. per huudred $5.00. | N V A L U A B L E Address J.-A. JON BS. Pudlesber Raleiyh, N C |Unrivalled | ! For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, | TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- | | { IC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF-| FECTIONS, in fact, EVERY form of! Chronic Disease it may be advantageous. ly ased. This preparation has been submitted to, | thoroughly tested, and approved by some of the most eminent members of the Med- ical Faculty. Prepared by an experienced and well known physician and chemist. PRICE, - $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONLY BY J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia. For sale by Dr. G. B. POULSON, - Druggist and Apothecary, Salisbury, N. C. aug. 37, 1968. 34-2 te For Sars By att Drocetsts.-@e | AND | J Remedy ! ! | |SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, cus | W.C Basiness Directory for 1870 Containing the names and address of Busi ness and Proffesmonal men in every Cornyt also, the name and address of from 20 to 40 f the pron.nent: farmers in each County , Coonty and City offices, Mannfectories, Mines and a great dea! of other information. A bouk of over 300 pagea = Price post $2.25. J. A JONES. Publiseer, Raleigh, WOE ER Any be k, or sheet music to be had in the United States, farnished to order at lowest prices. Special attention given to « polving Law Books Cash orders for any thing in oor hee rolicited J. A. JONES. “JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, €C 3 AE Gangs HAND BILLS CIRCULARS PAMPRLETS LABELS VICES Letter Heads AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB PRINTINC, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY done AT THIS OFFICE. pas Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma- gistrates, and others, in ordering blanks will please refer to the Forms as num- bered in “ Hand- Book for County Offi- cers,” published ty Nichols & Sorman Raleigh, N. C. Address,....... ... Ja. J. Bl UNER Salisbury Male Academy. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON Wednesday 15th Sept. 1869. TUITION PER MONTH : English, $2 00 Languages, - : - 2 50 Entrance Fee, - 1 00 Tuition papable monthly, and every pupil charged from date of entranee to the close of the term J. E. WHARTON, A. M. Sept. 3, 1869.— 44 Prin: ipal. LY 0M NE Oy ere ~ Xt C-O1 l ao Ce = M : Por MR se ONE ema en Sa ores 0 RN LE OTOL RIE EO PND a Rp SSE SSE pet PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY wTbwis ZaANRBS Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SUBCBIPTION. Oxe Year, payable in advance. ....83.00 Six Montus, ss Soeeee 1.50 5 Copies to one address,........---- 10 Copies to one address, fates of Advertising. One Square, first insertion,.........- For each additional insertion, ........ Special notices will be charged 50 per cent higher than the above rates. Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish- ed at the same rates with other ilvaube: ments. Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. 12,50 20, Oo; 3; 3 21) 9 Ss = ” ® z 2 *2 | Ri wi} ® Be) space. || S s 8 8 | &}] #1 8 | FI] - of g = ‘ f | F | A Square. $2 50/8375 $5 00 $8 50 $1300 2 Squares. | 450) 6 25) 8 50,13 00, 22.00 3 Squares. 6.00] 9.00) 12 00:20 00; 30,00 4 Squares. 8 00,11 00° 15 00/25 00° 37,50 t Coluwn. 11 00 16 00 20 00 30 00: 45,00 4 Celumn. 18 00:24 00, 30 00/45 00, 75.00 1 Column. 28 00 40 00! 50 00\80 00/130,00 LEGAL NOTICES. Worth Carolina, / Surexior Court. Yadkia County. Spring Term, 1869. T. C. Hauser, Ex’r., of Win. Mackie, dec’d. Plaintiff. ainst Elias Haynes and Defendants. Special Proceedings. Petition for Settlement In this case it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that Thomas Mackie, Martha Mackie. Elizabeth Mackie, Jesse Makie, Sarah Mackie. Elis Mackie, Hiram Martin, and his wife Calhaim, Milas Reese and his wife Rebecca. Sylvester Reese, Henry Shore aud bis wife Mary, are non-residents of the State: It is therefure ordered by the court that pablieation be made in the “Old North State a newspaper published in Sal- isbury, N. C., for six weeks saceessively, nu- tifving the defendants to be and appear at the vext term oar Saperior Court to be held for the county of Yadkin, at the coart house in Yadkinville, on the 10th Monday after the third Monday in September, 1860, theu and there to plead answer or demur to the petition filed T. C. Hanser, the executor of Wim. Mackie, asking fer an account of his administration and a final settlement. Witness, J. A. Martin, clerk of oar said conrt at office in Yadkinville, Sept. 22d, 1369. J. A. MARTIN, c. 6. oc. 29—6~—(pr fee $10.) orth Carolina, Surrrior Covrr, Yadkin County. Martha J. Howard, Piff. ainst Alfred M. Howard, d'ft In this case it in made to @rpenr to the eat- sifaction of the court that Alfred M Howard. the defeudart abowe named resides be { the limits of the State and tha t Martha i Howard, Plaintiff abuve named. hath a good cause of section ordered by theeourt that publication be made inthe ‘Old North State,”’ a newspaper pab lished in Sa isbury. N. C., for six weeks sue- cessively. notifying the defendant that he be and appear at the next term of our Supe- rior Court to be held fur the county of Yad- kin at the Court Honse in Yadkinville on the 1h Monday after the 3d Monday in Sept. 1209, then and there to plead or answer to raid petition for divoree filed in the office of the clerk of said court. otherwise jodgment sro confesso will be entered and the case eard exparte. Witness, J. A. Martin, clerk of our anid conrt, at office the 10th Monday afver the 3d Mouwday in April, 1869. Issued 22d day uf Sept. 1860. J. A. MARTIN, c. 8. c. 39—6w—(pr fee $10) Pet'n. for Divoree. @ rincula State of Worth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY, Superior Court. Virginia G. Whitehead, Plaintiff, against Marcellus Whitehead, Thamas Whitehead. C. A. Uenderson and John H. Ennies, late ere onder the name of Henderson & tnnisa, W. F. Bason, W. H. Bailey, T. J. Foster, and T. G. Haughton, Defendant«. To Thomas Whitehead, one of the defendants above naaied, a non-resident. You are hereby notified, that a summons, in the above entitled case, has issued against you, aud the complaint therein was filed in the Su perior Court ot Rowan County, on tbe 18th day of September, 1869, and that copies of said surnmons and complaint were deposited in the post office, at Salisbory, on the 20th day of September, 1869, directed to you at Amhberst Court House, in the State of Virginia Yon are also notified, that the summons in the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court aforesaid, to be held at the Court Honse in Salisbury, on the third Mon- day in April next, when and where you are bereby required to appear and answer the complaint—in default whereof the plaintifl; will apply to sad Court for the relief demand- ed in the complaint. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the aaid Superior Court at office in Salisbury, Septem- ber 20th, A. D. 1868, A. JUDSON MASON, c. « o. 88—6w:(pr fee $10) N Ozze2.-;! WILL SELL ON WED- NESDAY, 27th of October, from 500 to 1000 buehels of Corn, belonging to Mary Elli«, (minor.) The sale will be cash. and take place on the farm of the late Robt. Ellis. 0. G. FOARD, Oct. 1, 1°69.—3% 4¢ Guardian. | OWICH.--THE UNPAID NOTES GIV LN en to me as adminixtrator of ROW Grif fith deceased, have been left in the hands of Mr. Lewls Hanes for collection. Those owing them are requested to call upon Mr. Hates at the Old Novth State office, iu Salisbury, and th soon a6 ible. Phot 1, 180-—ef M GRIFFITS, Adm'r Spring Term, 1869) agaivet bin ; It is therefore | De® o0rrousy ometiax BITTERS, The Great American Tonic and Di- uretic { Recomn ended and prescribed by physicians : wherever known, The “Compound Gentian Bitters” are made of the purest and best Vegetable Tonics and Aromatics known to the profession. They a'so contain twenty per-cent of ote” BOCH U! gE Which makes them, beyond all question, the best DIURETIC in existence; and for Dis- tréssed Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, have no superior, if ante ual! Those who try these Bitters, for v lowing Diseases will in every case find them a safe, pleasant, speedy and effectual Remedy. Trey are a sure preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Malaria! Diseases ! DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, SICK-STOMACH, COLIC, SICK-HEADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COLD38 & CUUGH, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &c., and every Disease requiring @ general Tonic impression. E37” Fo: Diseases peculiar to Females it is almost a specific, 8 In convalescence from Typhoid and other low forms of Fever it is the very best Tonic that can be used. The Compound Gentian Bitters meet with oniversal favor, and have received the strong- est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a few of which we append below: This is to certify that I have used Dr. God- din's Compound Gentian Bitters and cheerful- ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that cae be used for ordinary debiltty. sick stomach &e. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, Orange co, N. C., May 15, '69. I hereby certify that I have been using Dr. Goddin's “Compound Gentian Sitters,” for Covgh, General Debility, &c., and I ain fully satisfied that they are the best Bitters of which I have any knowledge, and the best Tunic of- fered to the American ie OB'T. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, Va‘, June 25, 1869. Dr. Govoin :—Dear Sir: I have been suffer- ing fortwenty years with an affection of the kidneys, prostrate gland and stricture of the urethra; have been under the treatment o/ the best physicians in the country, one of whom is now a professor in a medical college. Al! failed to relieve me. I finally tried your Com- pound Gentian Bitters; the effect was tke « charm—one bottle eave me complete relief. I believe it to be the best medicine [| have ever used. Very respectfully, JAS. A. FAULCON, Littleton, N.C, Jao. 7th, 1869. Prepared only by Dr. Goddin. JAMES T. WIGGILNS, Proprictary Wholesale Agent, NORFOLK, VA E™ For sale by Dr. G. B. Puulson, Salis- bary. N. OC. 38—U 40 YEARS PUBLIC. * If OTHER Remedies FAIL | FORM BRONCHIAL AND LIVER DI- SEASES read the following : Thomas H. Rainey, Esq, Granville co.. N. C.. says: “I fad your Pills to be the best family medi- cine | have ever used. They have proved very ben- eficial in my own case. | have been very mach af. flicted for iteen years, and have tried svery kind of tedicine that | could get, bat have found more ie lief from pes Pills than all others. My disease is affliction, and a complete prostration of the nervous system. | have weed them in ten or fil- teen cases in my family, and find them to be the very medicine for nearly el family diseases ” The Cure is Thorough. Kenneth Haynes. Eaq., Clerk of Columbus county court, writet (April 2, 1868:) “During the latter of the year 1969 I was severely afflicted with liver and many nights while in bed the pain would become so excruciating that I was compelled to get out of bed and sit upfuntil the pain would | bronchia subside. | procured a few boxes of 1.2 SUUTHERN HEPATIC PILLA, and the first done I took gave me creat relief. | continved to use the Piils for two weeks, and have not suffered from liver disense since. I have recommended them accordingly, and severa! persons are in want of them. Ail diseane in an enemy to the human system. and is at war with it and oa aus it, unless nature, with al! the assistance it can receive from strength. eving medicines and suitable gourishmenta, con conquerthe enemy ; which would be best. to take medicine before yoo get sick, to prevent dick nese or to take medicine after you get sick to c ure sicknew. KP 4 word to the wise is enough ..£3 Exercise your own judgment in the means of de- fense; the enen.y will come. be ye alen ready with The Southern Hepatic Pills, That old, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilious diseases, caused by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS.—You are abont to make a home for yourself and famity na climate which you orthey have not been accustomed to ; you will, of course, be exposed to all the dineases peculiar to that climate, you sbould be careful to use sach Med- icines as are adapted to the diseases of that climate: ou will find the greatest secnrity in the use of beens’ Soctwers Heratic Pius. They can be sent to any point in the United States by Express. | “PRICK—Porone bor, 95 conte. —Don. $2.—PFalfQroes | $10—One Groas, §16—Three Groan, §50— Five Gross, $75. | Theensh must either accompany the order for the Medi- | cine or it will be seat ©.0.0. Or tere should be address ed to GO, W. DEEM®, No, 98, Govrs CaLnoun Sager, Bartiwons Mp, wheretheg will be promptly attended to. For th-se Medicines eall on all respectable Draggiete everywhere and oo G. B. POUTSON, Salisbury. N.C. Jnly 9—26:1y Worth Carolina, Catowegtt County. Mary A. Campbell, Plaintiff, against William P. Campbell, Def*t. Tn this case it is made to a fr upon affidavit that after diligent search the defendant cannot be found within the limits of this State: It ie tvereforr ordered that publication be made in the “Old North State,” a newspaper published in Salisbury, N. C., for six weeks notifying the defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court for the county of Caldwell, at the Court House in Lenoir. on the | 8th Monday after the 3d Monday in August next. { then and t to answer the complaintof the Plain- | ctf which is Gled in the office of court. Witness, R. R, Wakefield, clerk of our said court Beptember, a. p., 1869. R.R. WaRrvisip €. 8, @. { Superior Oover, Summons. | | Te ne ia of REPORT OF OROPS IN THE UNI-~ TED STATES. The Department of Agricultme furnish- es a summary of. the crop. rep A statement is given showing themean tem- rature and rain-fall of the severa)'States for July and Angust, as contrasted with those months last year. The region moet subject to drought—~that west of the Mis- sissippi and Missouri—bas had the most eons supply of rain, and the valley of the former has hag an abundant rain-fall to its mouth, while Alabama and Georgia have suffered from droaght, and the At- lantic States in a still higher degree, not only throdghou: the tidewater region, but in a large portion of the Eastern States. On the Southern Atlantic Seaboard the heat has been greater this year than in 1868, and the rain-fall less, North and east of New York, the heat has been less, as also the rain-fall. In the one case it was too hot, in the other too cold for corn and other summer crops, which suffered accordingly While the drought has pre- vailed east of the Alleghanies, the great Mississippi basin has bad an unusual amount of rain. West Virginia and Ohio, alone, of the central area, has leas rain- tall in August than in 1868. The ex- cessive moisture of the summer is sustain- ed to ite close, especially in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Jowa, Nebraska, Kaneas and Missouri. Both the carly and the latter rains have been somewhat extraordinary west of the Missouri, yet the bigh tem- perature and deep thirsty soils of that re- n have converted the visitation into a leasing. The drought of the seaboard has not been equalled in many yeare.— The comparison between thie year and last shows that New England las bad bat one-third as much raiv in August of the present year; New York a little more than one-half; New Jersey scarcely one- eighth; Pennsylvania one-sixth, and Ma- ryland one-ninth. ‘Ibe extracts from cor- respondence will show the injurious effects of this excessive drought ou corn, cottou and garden vegetables. Corn.—The corn crop has been the prey of numerous ills in every section of the coantry, ‘I'he ouly States that show an average condition are Nebraska, Flori- da, Louisiana, ‘Texas and Arkansas. Ex- cessive rains retarded planting, and ne- ceasitated replanting in the spring through out the West and South. Cold wet weath- er prevented healthy, vigorous growth in almost every State, and in the season of earing and maturing, anda serious drought affected it on the Atlantic coast, with iu- jarious heat in the South, and unfavorable redaction of temperatare in the North.— | Deep soils, natarally drained, the extreme moi-ture of the Weat did no injury. Io heavy or flat lands, with clay subsoil, the damage war great; in some cases re-ult- ing in totat failure. ‘The lors as shown in the table is 49 per cent. in Virginia ; from 20 to 40 in Maine, Vermont, Mary- land, North Carelina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentacky, Illinois, Michizan, and Wisconsin; from 20 to 30 ia New Hampshire, Connectient, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, | lowa and Minnesota; from 10 to 20 in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and to 10 per eent, in Rhode Island, Alabama, Miesirsippi, Miseouri and California. Un- lees the close of the season is very favora- ble, there must Le 150,000,000 bashels lees than a fall erop. Cortox.—There will be a reduction in Atabama, and a material increase from Mississippi to Texas, and South Carolina have suffered most maiuly from drought, in a few localities from rust, the caterpillar and boll-worm. Our ertimates make the increase in Mis- sissippi, Louisiana and Texas, reapective, 10, 12 and 14 per cent. The probabili ties at present favor a yield of 2,750,000 bales. Wueat.—This eropas a whole is large. The only States showing a decrease are illinois, Michigan, lowa and California. — Some of it is inferior im quality, and a considerable portion has been injured by rains after harvest, beta considerable portion of the Western wheat is of good quality, and that of the South decidedly superior. Stock Hocs.—There is not only a re- duction in the number cf stock bogs, but aleo in the condition. Missouri, Kaneas, Nebraska, and Minnesota, rapidly grow- ing States, have made an increase in num- bers, as have some of the Southern States. There is apparently a decrease, as com- pared with last year, of five to ten per cent. ee BARNUM’'S BRICK MAN. Asan illustration of Barnum’s habit of waking everything tell to his account, Barnum relates the following ancedote as an illustration : One morning a stout, and hearty-look- ing man came into my ticket-office at the Mueeum #hd begged some money. I ask- ed him why he did not work and earn his living? He replied that he eould get nothing to do, and that he would be glad of any job atadollara day. I handed him a quarter of a dollar, told him to go would employ him at light labor at a dol- lar and half aday. When he returned, | gave him five common bricke. “Now,” said I, “go and lay a brick on the sidewalk at the corner of Broadway and Ann etreet; another close by the Ma- seum ; @ third diagonally across the way at the corner of Broadway and rer. ate., by the Artor House; put down the fourth SALISBURY, the yield of cotton from the Carolinas to | Georgia, Florida | and get his breakfast and return and I | on: the sldewallin front of Saint Paul’s brick at every point, and say nothing to any one.” “What is the object of this?” enquired the man. “No matter,” I replied, “all zm need to know is, that it brings you fifteen eents wages per hour, [tis a bit of my fan, and to assist me properly you must seem to be as deaf as a post, pay no attention to any one, but attend fuithtully to the work,-and at the end of every hour by St Paul’s clock show this ticket at the Mu- seum door, enter, walking solemnly thro’ every hall in the building ; pass out, and regume your work ” “With the remark that it was all one to him, so long as he could earn his living,” the man placed his brick and began his round. Half au hour afterwards five bun- dren people at least were watching his mysterious movements. He had assumed a military step and bearing and looking as sober.as a judge, he made no response whatever to the constant inquiries as’ to the object of bis singular conduct. At the end of the first bour the sidewalks in the vicinity were packed with the people, all anxious ‘o solve the mystery. The man, as directed, then went into the Museum, devoting fifteen minutes to a solemn sur- vey of the halis, and afterwards returning to his round. This was repeated every hour until sundown, and whenever the man went iuto the Museum « dozen or more persons woald bay tickets and fol- low him hoping to gratify their curiosity in regard to their purpose of his move- ments. ‘Ihis was continued for several jdays—the curious people who followed the man into the Maseum considerably wore than paying his wages—till finally the policemen to whom 1 had imparted | my object complained that the obstruction | of the sidewalks by crowds had become | so serious that I must call in my brick ‘man. ‘Ibis trivial incident exeited con- | siderable talk and amasements ; it adver- tised me, and it materially advanced my | purpose of makiug a lively corner near the Museum.” —_———2a LUTHER AT ROME. In the close of the reign of Julius, La- | ther visited Rome. Tbe poor monk, worn | with penanees and hard toil, was sent on | some business connected with his conveut to the Papal Court. Ilecroseed the Alps fall of faith, and stirred by strong excite- | ment. THe was abont to enter the classic | land, with whese poets and historians he | had long been familiar; he was to tread | che sacred soil of Virgil, Cicero aud Livy. | But more than this, he saw before him, | rising in dim majesty, the Holy City of | that Charch from whose faith he bad nev- |er yet ventured to depart, whose supreme | head was still to him almost the represen- |tativeof lvity, and whose princes and dignitaries he had ever invested with an | apostolic purity and grace. Rothe, bal- j lowed by the enfferings of the martyrs, filled with relies, and redolent with the | piety of ages, the untutored monk atil! | supposed a scene of heavenly rest “Hail, | holy Rome |" he exclaimed, as its towers first met b's eyes. His poetic dream was : | coon dispelled. Scarcely bad be entered | Italy when he was shocked and terrified by the laxary and the license of the eon- | venta, and the open depravity of the priest hood. He fell sick with sorrow and | shame. He complained that the very air ot Italy eeemé@d deadly and pestilential. Bat be wandered on, feeble and sad, uutil he reached the Holy City, and there, amid the mockery ot bis fellow monks, and the blaephemies of the impious clergy, per- | formed with honest snperstitation the mi- | nute ceremonies of the Church. Of all | pilgrims to that desecrated shiine neve } was co devout as Luther. He was deter- mined, he said, to eseape the er of pur- | gatory, and win a plenary indulgence ; he | esi his frail form on his knees up the | paintul aseent of the Holy Stairs, while j ever in his ears resounded the ery, “The | just shall live by faith.” He heard with | horror that the head of the Charch was a | monster atained with vice ; that the car- dinals were worse than their master; the [ priests, mocking unbelievers; and fled, | heart-broken, back to bis German cell. Harper's Magazine. —_—__—_—— A Beautiful Foundling to be Sold at | Auclion.—On the night of the 11th inst., a baby of the feninine gender, abouy six | wecks old, was foand ow the front door | step of the glass warehouse of Messrs. Wm. Frank & Son. Pittsburg. [he little foundling was conveyed to the honse of a neighbor, until permanent provision could be made for it. The affair was soon nois- ed about, and the child became an object of great curiosity. It was very beauti- | ful, and the habiliments in which it had been thas radely presented to the public were of very fine quality, suggesting an aristocratic origin for the infant. Rich and poo, old and young, male and fe- male, married and single people, all be- | came interested in the little waif, and all were eager to adopt it. No one asked, “Who was her father? Who wae her mother?’ but all were anxious to take the position of tather or mother. ‘he inter- est being so great, it was finally deter- mined by the temporary caretaker, to pat the little one up at auction, and sell her to the highest bidder. This plan will be acted upon, and the terms are cash—the money to be a bonus for her benefit, to be placed iu bank at compound interest, and to be drawn when the girl arrives at the age of eighteen years. An interesting time was anticipated at the salr, and the foundling will doubtleds bring » fabulous priee, N. C, OCT. Chaureh; opposite; then, with the fifth’ 15, 1869, GROWTH OF LICE —— The New York Star is sfocked at the rapid stride of licentiousness among us— as visible especially ip the indecent pie- tures and pictorials that meet the eye in every direction, to say nothing of the nu- dities of the modern drama, It says’: The mere display of the human form in various stages of partial clothing.(the edi- tor thinks) it reprehensible or not, accord- ing as évil intention-in the exhibiwr can or candot be observed, It is an open question whether the nudity of caste statues of the Grecian type do not promote morality. But we have certainly taken a great stride downward when ‘pictorials containing pictures that appeal to the taste of the lowest class of picture bayers, are paraded a“ the unexceptionable pe- riodicals. Thas, step by step, tlie purest people are driven from their various sour- ces of amusement. They cannot gaze iu- to windows containing these and similar pictures. They cannot attend thea‘res, because there they see these same dis- plays in the living form. ‘They cannot go to th opera, because the vietories of evil are there sung by sirens of melodious ac- cent. They cannot go to balls, beeause they begio at an hour when ‘they should close, aud the dancing, ingtead of being the healthy exercise it should be, and in- stead of simply offering a nataral method of mental and ph ‘sieal contact between the sexes, is — from places where the better imp alses of nature are general! scoffed at. Phe day of Puritanism ; but in throwing Cromwell over, et us not take up with Charles II. Let us have liberty without licedtiousness. ASTRANGE STORY AND CONFES- SION OF A MURDERER. The Trenton (N. J.) Sentinel has the following : It is now forty years ago or more that the dead body of a stranger was found in the woods near Stonybrook bridge, about one mile to the east of Pennington, a vil- lage of this county. ‘The body was found in a sitting posture against @ h tree. The face was distorted, the eyes protra- ding as though the dead man bad died iv }agouy. His hat lay a few feet from him. | His dress devoted one in comfortable cir- | cumstances. Hoe was a stranger, and no one ever rememberedjto have seen him. There was no money upon the corpse.— The body, without special examination, was buned——-we forget where. There were no wounds upon it, aud no evidence of violence. And wow comes the strange elucidation of the case. A few days sinee an acci dent placed in our bauds a copy of the Manchester (England) Guardian. In that number we foand the dying confession of a man named Daniel Hulseman, acknow!l- edging to a murder perpetrated forty years ago in the State of New Jersey, United States of America. The murderer was acquainted with hie victim in the old coan- try and came out about one year before him. Halseman was a tanner, and work- ed iu New York. When E came over he eoaght out his old acq tance. «ile bad aboat £200 in money. On pretence of examin- ing the country and purchasing land, Hul- seman etarted with Eberhart on a tour through New Jersey. He had with him a flask of poisoned | brandy. as he had resolved to marder his | friend for bis a They firet stopped jat Prinecton, and then concluded to walk across the intervening nine miles to Pen- nage) the weather being pleasant,: and public travel being greatly circumscribed ) When within a mite of the lauer place | hey stepped over into woods, a a tree, to partake of sowe victuals they had = consed belore starting. Hulseman then paseed his flask to his companion, who drank liberally, and died within an hour thereafter in fearful agony, Hulseman looking on the while. He then robbed him of bis money and set bim up against the tree as before deseribed. # There are still old men adout Princeton who will remember this event, It seems almost marvellous that after a lapse of forty years that this affair should have come to light by a deathbed confession, 3,000 miles from the place of commission. And yet it is even so. —— we -— — CURIOSITES OF MEMORY. Strength of memory hasever been high- ly esteemed, from the days of the Ro- mans to our time. Pliny mentions it fre- quenty as one of the hightest qnalfications of his most talented friends The perfee- tion to which this power was passed by some of the ancients must be called in creditable. A Greek philosopher is meu- tioned in an old Jetter who after delivering long harangue extempore could repeat it again without losing a word. Senaca says that in his younger days he could repeat two thousand names exactly in the same order they were read to him, and to test his power of acquirement and retention the audience who attended the | same professor with himself would eaeh of them give him a verse, which he would each of them of them give him a verse which he would instantly repeat, begin- ning with the last and so on to the firet, to the amount of two bandred. He telle a pleasant story upon the occasion of a certain poet, who having read a poem in public, a free who was present claim- ed it for his own, and, in proof of the agsertion, repeated it word for word, which the actnal author could not do. }eame trick ie said to beve been played The aad ¥ an screen when the readia new of considerable length. The. Englisbman repeated the verses. eorrectly,. mach to. the author’s amazement, and. claimed them for his own, The king enjoyed the joke greatly, and for some time svould not explain his nee Auy number of instances might be taken from thé aneienté ‘to the same pur- . Testyies was master of. the Per: ny a year’s time. _ Mithri- dese wadernedo ab “hany tongnes as he commanded nations, numbered twenty-two, Cyrus retained the name of every soldier in his mer. Asistides could name — citizen in Athene:— and Tully sa (wear in his oration of Ligarians, “that he never forgot anything buat an injary.” ~ A Wesrern Temperance LEcTouRen. —Billy Ross, 4 temperance lecturer at Rasbville, Illinois, waa preaching to the young on his favorite theme. He said : “Now boys, when | ask youa queation you masn’t be afraid ¢o speak right oni aud answer me. When you look around and see all these fine houses, farms and cattle, do you ever think who owns them all now? Your fathers owns them all aed Your fathers owns them, do they not " “Yea, sir!” shouted a hundred voices. “Well, where will ycur fathers be in wenty yéars from now 1" % 1” shouted the boys. “That's right. And who will own all this oe, then ¢” “Us boys,’ shouted the urchins. “Right. Now, tell me—did you ever, in going slong the streets, notice the drankards lounging around the saloon en ee to treat them ?” “Yes sir, of them !” “Well, where they will be in tweaty years from now 3” “ Dead !” exclaimed the boys. “And who will be the drunkards theo 1” “Us boys!” @ Billy was thanderstruck for a moment; but recovering himself, tried to tell the boys how to eseupe such a fate. ———__.g po ——_——__— ‘Tue Wattace Moxcment ty Scor- Lawp.— The Scottish national monument of William Wallace was formally deliver- ed te the custody of the ‘Town ib of Stirling on the 4th instant. The founds tion stone was laid with tall Masonic hon- ors by the late Duke of Athole, Grand Master Masons of Scotland, Jane 24, 1861. The site of the monument is that of the Abbey Craig, a mile and a half east of Stirling. This craig, upwards of 300 feet above the level of the sea, is ceographt- cally in the centre of Scotland ; it e- wise a ve _— Scottish eT groand for civil and religious liberty. Is overlooks the field of Stirli Bridge, where the Scottish bero obtained bie grea.- est vietory. The monument, designed by an archi- tect in Glasgow, consists of Scottish baronial tower 230 feet high and 36 feet square. ‘I'be walls aré feet thick at the base, and five feet at the thinnest Above the outer gate way are the Vallace arms, surmoanted by a large, beaatifully cut Scottish thistle. One of the halls w intended as a re ‘y for ancient armor, avother for h anti- narian relics, and a third for seulpture. ‘The total estimated cost of the building is upwards of £14,000. The Town Couneil have agreed to finish the interior of the building, and ornament the craig, at a cost of £250. t Footrss Torxsey Gonsiea. — The Roanoke Valley says : “A gentleman in the neighborhood of this town bas two mate tarkeye, who have been deprived of their mates on account of their raising young families, wens into the orchard and got together some sticke and straw in the shape of nests, rolled up some apples into them for eggs, and went to setting ; they were miseed when it was time to shut them ap for the night, and on search being made, the old fellows were found gravely sitting on the nests full of apples. The — were taken away and the nests broken ap, bat they went hack the next morning and renewed their labors, and aay kept it ap. The ap- ples were gath up in the neighborhood ot the nests, but they flew into the trees and beat 6ff apples with their wings and filled up their nests again. One of them, after mach trouble, was broken up, bat the other persists in setting on the ap- ples.” Our “devil” says let it alone, and it will, probably, hatch out a young or- chard. ——— A Spicy Postwaster —There is in the State of Nebrasba a post office estab- lished at an “aromatic” point named Pep- perville The name is suggestive of some- thing above the ordinary degree of warmth and to fill the position of presiding gerias at sach an establishment required the host to be equally fiery as the location named. Several applicants have already submitted claims betore the department for the pesi- tion, among whom was one bearing the singular cognomen of Strong Pepper. — This named applicant had certainly a re- commendation in his name, if not his sup- porters, and was on ‘l'uesday commission- ed to preside as postmaster over the afore- said village of Pe ille. It Strong Pepper is not capable of collecting and distributing the mails in Pepperville, who has 4 stronger elaim te the posivon ¢ [NO. 41 oa iam saints > NTIOUSNESS. | upon Voltaire by the king of Prossia,| A Faewon Sroxy.—In 1760 a gen- pon by the king ae a gen tleman was passing, late at night, over Poot Neuf, Paris, with a lantern. A man » | came up.to bim and said : “Read paper.” : He beld hie inate, and read as fol- ows: - “Speak not a word when this you read, Or in an stant you'll be dead! Give up your money, watch and rings, With other valuable things— Then quiek in silence, you depart, Or with aknife Vl ee elena \" Not aman of much pluck, the ned gentleman gave up his watch aud ran off. He soon gave army and the highwayman was ar- “What bave you to say for yourself?” inquired the before whom the was Sea “That | am not guilty of robbery, tho’ I took the watch:and money.” “ Why not guilty 1” asked the magis- trate. “Simply beeause I can neither read nor weite. I picked wp that paper just at the moment I met this gentlemen with a lantern. Thinking it might be something valuable I politely asked him to read it to me. He complied with wy request, and presently me bis watch and purse, and ran. I supposed the paper to be of great value to him, and he thas liberally re- warded me for finding it. He gave me no time to thank him, which act of polite uess I was ready to perform.” The gentleman ted the plea of tte robber, and withdrew his complaiat. —— More Trovsie ww tae Eprscopa. Cucrcu.—There are ramors of a direfu war in the Epiecopal Oburch, to burst forth upon the meeting of the annual con- vention of the Diocese of New York thi« fall. A demand for an examination into the strange worship carried on at St. Al- ban’s is to be made the ocewion for a re- newal of the war upon Ritualism by « sturdy party of conservative Low Chureb- men. Dr. Ewer's Christ Charch servi- ces, whieh are in keeping with his belief in the “failure of Protestanism,” are also to have an overhauling. If the Low Charch party strong evough, Fath- er Morrell, of St. Alban’s and Dr. Ewer are to be treated to the same kind of trial by an ecelesiaetical court as young ‘Tyng was subj to; and such is the conti- dence of the anti-Ri:ualisis that they talk even of calling Bishop Potter to account for giving sanction by his presenceon eve occasion a year ago in the Catholic servi- ces of St. Alban’s. This, however, is mere blaster, which the Tyng party feel it safe to indulge in, as it is well koowa the Bishop will not be present on account of a severe illness, Newark Adv. EF A lawyer once came into court drunk ; when the judge said to him, “ir, I dm eorry to see you in a situation which ts Tgraee to yourself and family, the court, and the profession to which you be- "The f elicited the wing clog “Did your honor speak to me /” “I did, sir: I said, sir, in wy opinion, you yourself and family, the court, by your course of con- duct.” “May i--it please your honor; I have been an attorney 1-i-in this eourt for fifteen years ; and permit me to say that this is the first correct opinion I ever knew you to give!" me EF The Petereburg Indez, thus drawa balm, from the wounds produeed by the great droath: (* °) After all, however, there is good reason to believe that even such droughths as we have, are not unmitigated calamities. In nearly all the operations of nature there is a law of compensation for apparent ir- regularities, In the process of evapora- tion by which the soil and subsoil, to the depth of several feet, are exhausted of their moistore, the fertilizing mineral in- gredients of a lower stratum are brought to the surface in a state of solution, and there ited for the benefit of fuatare crops ho can resist the conelusion that has observed the astonishing progress of vegetation on the recarrence of rains after a long period of dry weather? <A singular compensation holds good in the case of overflows. In our laige water | courses, sich as the James and Roanoke, | a destructive freshet occurs about once in | every seven years ; but on the subsidence | of the waters arich sediment is left which, | in the course of the mext six years, makes ap for the loss. Sea Strate Evrctions 1x Ocrosre.—Indi- ana, Lowa, Nebraska, Ohio and Pennsylva- nia hold their elections on the second Tues- dap in Octeber, the 12th of that month. Iu Ind‘ana the Republican majeurity for Grant was 9,572, and the Republican majority on joint ballot in the last Legislatare was thirty. Governor Baker was elected by 961 majori- ty. In Iowa. Grant's wajority was 46,350, and the Republican majority in the Legisla- ture was 107. Grant's morjority in Nebras- ka was 4,200, and Governor Butler’s 2,49). The Legislature was strongly Republican. In Ohio, Grant's majority was 41,418, and the Repablicans elected Sherwood Seeretary of State last year by 18,383 majority, The Legislature had ten Demoeratic majority on joint ballot. In Penneylvania, Grante’s oak was 28,808, aud Gen. Uartranft's 9,677. The Republican majority in the Leg- islature was 27 on joint ballot, 7 | _——- -——a— Street Raitnoan.—Owing to the rapid extension of the city. a company is being formed for the (goer of eonstrueting a street railway through the principal for oughfares, and it is probable, the work will be commenced in a short time. It is a ne- cessity, and while it will add to the gruwth of thecity will be paying stock.—Char, Tine. Zije OW North State SALISBURY. FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 18u9, Dudis Credi— Pie Estimrta Placed Upon Ut - by the Futhers—Repudiation Dishonorable, Lia- honestpand Lestructive of all Sourd Morality, Private as well cs Public—Vhe Burdens of the People of North Carolina greater thar cun be borne—Hlow they can be Diminished and thé rople Relieved without resorting to the erime of Repudiation. (CONTINUED.) Laat week we discussed at some length the squestion of national repudiation ; this week we propose to consider that of State repadiation.— And xs the repudiation of its debt by a State has actuaily taien place once in our history we shall pause a tm oucut to notice the eflect it produced upon the repatation of the American Republic, y upon the character of the section and especis in which it occurred. | Our readers will hare gacssed from what we have already said that we have reference te the ropa ation hy the State of Mississippivof a part ef ler bouds in 1841-42. It is not aecessary to our purpose to go fully into the history. of those bouts, sud the reasons which the repudia- tors gave in justification of their course. Suf- fice it to say that the validity of said bonds, and the obligation of the State to pay them, was final- ly affiraged by a decision of the Supreme Court of Mississippi iu 1853. The appearance of the repudiation proclama- tion of Governor McNutt, and the action of the legislature of that State sustaining it, created a sensation deep and wide, No American citizen, then sojourning in the remotest corners Cbrisi- endom, or heatheudoa, ever forgot the sting of jnligaant shame wiich that proclamation shot into his heart. But no where did it excite such sliame and indignation as among the high-toned and honorable men of Mississippi and the South. Such men in Mississippi as Poindexter, Shar- key, Adams, Prentiss and others were complete- ly overwhelmed with it. They struggled Sgainst it, and for the preservation of the honor of their State, longand nanfully. And finally, when re- pudiation triumphed, Prentias retired from the state, declaring that life would be insupportable to him in a State which had thus disgraced her- eelf. Many other Southern gentlemen of high character and national fame gave ullerance to similar sentiments, . Among these (he memora- ble words of Mn, CaLmoux expressed notmere- ly the scutiments of that great man and able ecatesman, of of the State to which they refer; they expressed the substaatial feeling of the wi- sex and best of all parties among the American people: “1 pledge myself that South Carolina will pay punctuadly every dollar that she owes, should it take the last cent, without inqttiring whether it was speat wisely or foolistly, -Sbould [in this he posfbility be tnistaken—should she tarnish Ler onsullied honor and bring diseredit wpom our comnmen conntre, by relming to redeem ber plight- od iaith ewhich 1 bold-to be: imporsible,) deep ag is my devotiou to her, aud moiber as she is 10 me, Y would di-own ber.” Such was the feeling produced in the mind aud heart of every American residing or travel- Ing abroad. Many of then deelared that they | interested in it. Tie appropriation has already | ting alternate marcity of fonds aud repletion. — thoilsind Aollars, considerably more than two- SSI ee RIS NR Ne Or, if euch sale-of the State's stocks eannot be eflectedhon justifiable terma, the State, as a dis- treseed debtor, would be justifiable in proposing to herereditors such payment as it is in her power to make without such sale, or in connec- est on+as it acerites and the principle atm: ty.” Let the holders of the vld debt have the privilege of exchanging it for the newat the rates 6f aco dollars of the old for one of the new, Thousands of them will gladly accept of the pro- position. And such modificationof the debt, made by the consent of the ereditor would béen- tirely justifiable, even ‘under ‘the high’ standard of honor fixed by ear revolutionary fathers. In this way it is possible that the debt may be re- duced toa much lower figure than that given above. ‘ : * [cCoxcLEDED NEXT WEEK.] SE ene GOV. WALKEB/AND THE XV AMEND- ° MENT: Gov. Walker is his recent able and admirable message to the Legislature of Virginia, takes what we have always regarded as the correct view of the Fifteenth Amendment. He says its iy gumeniation At lecnsteniuemeensh thehanond: Lae. eacotenaindn dee’ ied ting of th islature, and. the iw pe Gusset Gi into” which placed. Here is the trouble, and Gen, Clingman should have done the people o North Carolina the justice to have stated it in hie letter. persona Lhere must be retrenchment and reform or the bonds of North Cara- lina will never improve, and payment ot the interest will be madecouly by the ut- ter ruin of the peaple,.” ounneee s <aeecaees NATIONAL AFPAIRS, Seuator Sprague of Rhode= Island, ‘the great manufacturer 8f calicoes another goods, has had a talk with a correspondent of the N. Y, Herald om national affairs: and the corrcspon- dent gives some of his views as follows : “As to the national debt, as it has been ma- nipulated sincethe close of the war, Senator Sprague considers it ap unmitigated evil, a na- tional curse. . The $2,500,006,000 which, inveat- ed in slaves, gave the Southern slaveboldgrs dic- tatorial contro! of the “federal politics and the federal administration, now, transformed into the same amount of federal securities, gives the bondholders the same despotic control of the adoption is necessary to Use people of the South has been forced upon us, and we have no visi)le remedy from the evils which it must entail save in és enforcement in every State in the Union. “If the fifteenth amendment should net be adopted we may expect*almost the whole color ed population of Kentucky agd Maryland to migrate $@ the States of Virginia, North Caroli- na, and Tennessee. But if the amendment should be adopted they will be content to re- main where they are. And in that event it is very probable that the colored population will become more or less diffused throughout the United States. If they can have equal political privileges then they may conclude to go and settle among their friends and brothers in the North and West. Another view is not less important. If the amendment is adopted the almost certain influx | of Chinese will cause the Northern people to ' change their views in relation to the question of | universal suffrage. The resukt will most proba- bly be a sixteenth amendment limiting suf- frage in all the States. Ip this way it may work the salvation of the country. We eamnot see how any wise Southern statesqan can desire its ryjection under the circumstanges, Yet we are greatly afraid that it will be rejected. We hope Lot. a os TUE FAYETTEVILLE AND WESTERN RAILROAD. We publixb thi. week the Sih section of the | Feoemt Act of Li wily a:aending the charyerof this road. = Tl The people of Rowan and Davic are especially as a measire of selfdefence. Universal snVrage | tion is opggof importance.— | central government and makes the republiean party and its leaders their supple tools. It will be aa hard, perhaps, to shake off the bondhold- ‘ erw’ despotiam as it was that of the slavcholders. | [tis throagh the bondholders that the radical jcluteh ow the throats of the people and their | means of subsistence is to be maintained indefi- | nitely. Senator Sprague thinks that American | | polities have always meant capital invested in | some great and controjling interest, such as cot- | ton and slaves before the war and bends since. Geo down a little ways below the aurface and you ; Come upon some vast investwent of capital, whose owners are the real despots and autocrats of the country, who tax the people as they deem most conducive to the selfish interests, Senator Sprugue thinks that industrially, agriculturally and commercially we are on the road to reai,— We are rapidly exhausting our virgin seil, with- out furnishing it the means of reeovery in. the | shape of fertilizers, extending oar railroads to the dispoenl of the Loads bave been |, Our, people will Go all in 1 Pee ae et enna tion with such pales as can be made. of heir power to pay their hanest delta — the present hétders of the old bonds pay |. di¢ants and adveyturers may destroy | soljeitons more than fifty cents iu the dojlay for thems A1|sheir ~“ and inerease leis peg be-! bow’ il . ( 1 bili . e ° i orng Se gat nec aangeetlsshprnpy” dle" Ree czar ee en ‘the Stee: t of then would’ be @illing to} Gt Clingman will pot. come to No i compromine i a ae kd fay. aioe: neither the property ier the it? the doa termp, Thendot those aol ay gn pea estay of her citizens can aneet the bar: | tals of @ new debt, orb that Ge see % papsbel ~~ 1 deuk heaped upon thew bys irresponsille onl P high were the personal at the death, and eyé e] with tearg that are unused is such. sorrow, . “In the respect of attention to of either sex he-reemed to have been taught im the school of the 8 n. To experienced wisdom in sta- tesmanship and patriotism, who was more re- spectful and deferential ? So feeli: the feet of the Gamaliels of the land in his con- ie the American people were resicged by John ), Cathoun, He had the confidence ship of Silas Wright, and ever had a the aflectiona a at the hospitable Daniel Webster. He was loved and confided in by Andrew Jackson, who bespoke for him an exalted political career.” . lace in From the Sentinel, To the Editor of the Sentinel: L have read the communications of “James” and have just seenthe “Nojoke” letter. Longer silence on my part would be prejudicial to the interests of the Western N. C. Railroad a3 well as injustice to myselt. “Nojoke” refers to a communication in the Standard giving some adcount of the stockhold- ers meeting at Newton, and procceds to. assail me iu a manner that indicatas he is hurt and judges me aa its author. 1 desire to disclaim any knowledge of the Slandard lettar, and in answer to “Nojoke” have only time or inclina- tien now to say, that I am not nor never have been in my “ring.” I never gave or prompised anything, or allowed it to be done for me, to se- cure a vote for myself for any place in my life. I did sebk to combine the private stuck to be voted for Gov. Vance, Judge Merrimon and Dr, named ant abused by you! I have no interest im, nor connection with the Lime Beds or its “branch,” the Companr, having been relieved by the same ‘ing which defeated Vance, Merriman and new tracts as fast as we wear ont the old, culti- | vated ones, Our commercial marine is destroy- is already debated by our great mill owners | time, | The Uwited States Treaanry, as at present ! managed, is the very centre of nmovetary confi | | sion and the fruitful cause of speculation, panic | | and high price, Whatever Boutweil dow, be | ls boond to dodam For example, ifhe roes | inte the market and.sells $2,000,000 gold he | takes out of circulation 83,000,0800f greenhacks ! and locks then ap and makcs currency bigh, | straitening the baxines cotummmity to that ex- | | tent. In fact, the money power ite present | | utterly unregulated ex tent, and finally absorbs all the profits of busi- nes. Money is the rudder of property, and un- regnisted and unrestrained, as it i at prevent, it is rapidly steering us to financial perdition and | Join. Popular endurance may be too severeis tried, What i+ the government doing at present ? | It is lewving forced loans on the public in tha! | shape of taxes to an unprecedented amount, and | alternately boarding and letting diem loose on | the warket in the most uncertain mamner, crea- | | dreaded to meet the citizens of the coun- | been made, and the people of thee conaties | Hence the fluctuations of the money mart et, that tries in witich they resided for feag of being taunted with the shame which the action of Mis- ees Lrensts of the gtestest and be<t men inthe Routh aud in the whole eountry. And the whole South '¢ ounty Commissioners doing in tefercnee to | has continued to be tannted with this dishoner down nearly to the pre-ent time, On one ‘ee- tom et tannta were prt forth ig a manner which most have been peculiarly mortifying to tre Sonthern people, «rt Soon after the organiza- tion of the Southern Confederacy at Montgome- rv in F861, and the election of Jeffr:on Davis ta the I’residency of the same, it waa turned into te Times we believe, “We must judge of the will have w pay their proportion of the taxe« on aceount of it, That being so let them secure | advantages of the appropriation. What are our this matter? What io they intend doing? It jis time thee were doing what they intend to do. An Act toamend An Art entiticd An Act to amend the Churter of the Weetern Reilrond (im peroy, voi fied the 2l-t of Atggquat one thoumad eight hundred and sisty eight. Sec. & That for the purpose of extendlingsaid Western Railroad from the point on the North | great inatrumentatities fer private emolument their right to chose whomever they rn Rail | Tilicule by one of the leading London journals, | mad may connect, ator Letween Salisbury and ! publ Carolina Railroad, at which sid We | Gre nsbors’, op the rich and fertile vallew of | shake the country to it» very centre, giving it! earthquake shooks, which cannot be stoud nine!) | fonger, And the cra-h fells finally mont severe | cacious, When Pr«ident Washington asked | (Revatutiouary) public debt, Mr. Hamilton an- | jewerced, “Bunk upon it.’ he did, but the | | profits of the operation=of the bank went tomuke {an Jewell private fortunes I do not propose that. I do propow the ereetion in New York —the great money centre of the cr miry—of a} National Conneil of Finaace, whew fanetion it ah ull be to ts 6 of the gublic q {the majority in the selection of some of their | : anor bepeealrencenttl ig hese . _—— Directors, it never oarurred to mie to question | the Special Tax Debt is on such a footing that | Cotton, [the public revenue. aad instead of using thom are ee of apecalation, bend them to the profit and to the sceruing of a firm and aniform cour-e in the money market. I do not} character of a cavernment by the charactam ot, Ure Yadkin, between the Narth and Soath Yad-| now speak of the precie composition of that j the men delibersicly eho-en to administer it.— The Confederacy, by the election of the great} Pabjic Treaarret ix hereby enthorized and ve- | of our basines men f | the President and Director mav determine, the kin, t© such pogat in theeunuty of Wilkes, as) council, farther than to sy that ite members | j should be chosen from among the moat repntable } Theorists [ would keep | Mieissippi repndiater, Mr. Davis, to be its) qnired to sttmcribe to the capital stoek of said | out of it, L would make it anficient!y indepen. | Vrerirtens has ahandoned all claim to rexpects | Jity among the nations of the earth. ever expect to have any credit at bome or alaoed ? war enane with the Uni.ed States, which i al moat inevitable? t reqniees but little sagacity to eee the etraite to which it most nectearily Such was the he reduced in that event. ath- stance of the language used by the Londen joarmnal as well as we remember. And at a sub sequent time similar reflections were the London Nears. In the face of all this will any intelligent man—any man who has th< slighiest claims to stateemanship—advocate re- pudiation asa matter of policv? We do not believe that they will, We know that every high-minded and honorable man will oppose it | it is understood, edits the Examiner, and says; on principle There are thease who argue that the new debt ehionld he repndiated t cause of the means br whieh it wae brouclt abont. But no man can be found whe will pretend that the old debt was nt hanest!* and fairly contracted fora just and No reasons of that kind The lawfal eon-ideration. ean he erped why it echonld not he paid. fiimey reason orzed by some, that we would be 147 agree with you that we cannot afford to pur- jactified fateral rove the war deia of the State, The Star for her action in that ehe incurred no n repridiating thie debt hecanse the is Without any force, of Nerth Carolina is not res; onsible matter, and, consequently, dishonor by it. Nor will such action be regarded abroad as a stain upon the A-gcrican cscutcheon, Whatever we may think | othor nations will view it in the light of Gener- al Pulte ameng themselves, an will jnstify the action of ! Law, as understood and practiced the feloral gavornment. The old debt then, being admitted onall hands | to have been honestly and fiirly contracted for a jnst and lawful consideration MUsT BE Dts- CHARGED. It amounts to about eighteen mil- | lions of dollors, and the annnal interest on it tol sbont one million and eighty thousand dollars, The storks owned by the State in the various works of internal improvements within her bor- | ders could, it is belicved, be sold for ten millions ! of dollars in the old Londa of the State: This | wold reduce the old debt to eight millions of | collars Sappose we conid, without repudiation aid public robbery, reduce the new debt—the | deht created by the present legislature—to two | millions of dollars. This would leave ns a debt of only ten, instead of thirty-four millions of dol- Jirs, as at present, The taxes necessary to meet | te annual interest on ten millions, and to pay | the necessary expenses of the State Government | would be horne by the people without a mur- mur. Such a reduction of the debt will reduce the taxon newewsary to pay the interest on ae garce from more than too millions to sir hundred | Does it | How is it to sustain itself should a, ronment compelled ns to repudiate | , copied from the Standar/, on ont fourth page. | Bends. Western Railroad, the «wm of five handred ! thousand dollar, and to pay said sahectiption } ence of politicians, ough ita members should | in the coupon bonds of Une state, in the same | J manner and form. and on the samo terme a heretofore provided for; FP xvded, That said vt fire handred thonsan |] dollars shall be expend,;! on that portion of the mad West of ‘the point gt which the Western Railroad may connect with the North Carelina Kailroad ; and sum ¢ ' provided farther, that the Pre-ident and Direc- | quate girarantees of parma, any fine tora may commence the grading West of the, North Carvlina road as econ as the lveation is ) determined made be} —_——oape | MAJOR RORBESA A corresponlent of the Fayetteville Hag, who has recently been om @ visit to this place speaks of Major Robbins as the gentleman who he has taken ground in favor of repudiation. — This isa mistake. It is understood that the Major writes a gond deal for the editorial col- !umne of the Examiner, but, we feel aquite cer- | tain, he does write the repudiation articles. — | We heard the Major, thie week, say, in presence of several gentlemen, that he was op- the med to repudiation. Turning to us he said Pp 1 is The Ex- | gh’'e correspondent was evidently misled by the i ! } a \ chase relief at the price of dishonor.” dont in ite sphere to protect it from the interf-r- he amenable to © .peachment. It should be larec coongh in vomber< to command the re | apect and confidence of the I woald at cner take from [ the power of | reuing circulating bank notes, and give two the | council the exclarive control ef the currency of | the country. It should loan daily, upon ade- in its for the nes of the govern- ment; it should imae and loan gold notes { the government gold in its charge ; it akaeld | | «ne such notes wpon the gold of private deposi- | tara, and «should collect npon its leans such in- terest as wonld be warranted by its own jure: ment. Briefly, it <heald be the actual financial agent of the government, *hould collect the rev- | | nue and di-bure them, but so eonstitated that } litmight du any busines: a bank may now legiti- | mately do. Having no speculative or private | purposes to serve, and devoting its energies hon- catly to the purposes for which it wae created, 1! have no question that it wonld speedily give | certainty and confidence to all our bu<inese in- | ‘ terests and al once pat us in a position to com- | pete with the most favored nation. It would } not fail to give uniformity end steadiness to the | money market; it would be too powerful for | successful competition by the «peeulators, and its | infallible effect would be, in’ my judgment, to/ cheapen the eost of money and lower prices, be- custody not required | | cause it would cheapen the eost.of production.” | f ——__— >> ’ rae The Washington | ed and even manufacturing iv in abadway. It | itien is nearly omnipo- | ° \ «ire to ee preserved good feeling » cDowell, but not until my accounts were pub- lished in detail and declared a gratifying exhibit and settled. Whether or not [ have money by this “Agency” can be judged by the fact that I whether they shail not ran their mills on half — the place a poorer man than when | “Nojoke” thinks it «trange conduct for a “gen- tleman and a Democrat” to vccnpy a seat in the Board of Directors now, J was elected by the inate stockholders. The State Proxy says, (~ learn) that he concurred with the private stock - holders beeause I repudiation, Wold » he sat at gressional life, Of him the highest honors by- rd of MeDoyell, and having failed as to the first two | Wealth and * e * \« Sen ee ee Oe ne ee ee) - OE NT ee “a ae ae on from that owner of dollars only. of this = is not twenty-and even Nearly half of it taeda Tt must not be is almost entirely for works of in ment, which will largély add to reader te Ko toe fr Kast anios these nn- ini w r e late appropriations were made that is not in itself a and ne- owns, in conneetion with these and other works, stocks, bonds, and mortgages, which in the ag- | Sregate amount to the sum of $27,481,000, and |are nominally nearly equal to her liabilities.— | The completion of the works will enable her to realize a large sum from these sources. T know | that last winter responsible parties offered to | pay the State $3,000,000, in her outstanding | bonds for her stock in the North Carolina or | Central Railroad. In other words, she could | have gotten back all she had ever invested in , that road, and had the satisfaction of knowing that she had, without any loss to herself, com- | pleted a work which had added so latgely to her t general prosperity. When the works now in progress are completed, they will, by the increase of taxable wealth, and also by the value 1am not the “Financial Agent” of | of the stocks and other securities greatly aid in the discharge of the obligations created. For ;example, when the Western North Carolina | Railroad is finished, for the completion of which | the means voted are, in my opinion, sufficient. , it will, by its conngetions ehh Tennewee and | Georgia, afford the shortest line--between the Southwest and the ports of North Carolina and Virginia. The large amount of travel alor it, | and the cotton and other freight which wauld go | to Norfolk or our own porta, would greatly en- | hance the value of several of the roads im the ) central and eastern parts of the State. | dt may he well to remind vou that North Car- j Olina is larger in territory than either New York onr friends have been dishonored had they two! Of Pennsvivania, havius an area of more than } been elected? Your impntations of bad faith to these gentle- men are as slanderous as your effort ty publicly te my name with charges of corrnption. The President, who was present at every meet- And now, “Nojuoke,” you seek this mode to in- jure me unjustly ! No man was more sincerely antious for the fifty thousand «juare nities. The late Professor | Examone, wie tiade the agricultural surveys | both of New York and North Carolina, in an offiecal report -t ted that a certain county in the latter State, if it were drained and enltivated in | ing of the Board, says there never was an inain- | the best manner, was capable of producing more uation, much les: s charge preferred against me. | corn than at that time was grown in the whole State of New York. Should this be ja extravagant, it will nevertheless be conceded by those who have given attention to the mrb- ,{sum of two millions of cexsary undertaking, and as such was begun long since. It should also be remembered that the State Sn ee ee od i. a LL We call the attention of the people and Press cf thie State to an important mat- ter, Inthe Amendments passed at the last pedsion of thé » making additional ay prop N ©. Raiload, there. ‘ State 1 he pe future day. *j ont I iv the Road. We allnde to the second section which pers mits the Western. Division of said Road to be mortgaged ta private parties for the dollars or less’ af- ter the State has already subscribed over six mitlions to the work. Here is the seétion : ‘ y os ; a nd See. That the Board of Directors of the Westérn . Division of said Road-at any time, by ordcr of the stockholders of said Division, shall have power to bor- row money from time to time, nas exceed- sag ‘in amount the sum of two millions of dollars.aud to secare the paymeut uf the same by bonds of the Wiese North Carolina Railroad) Company, signed by, the President and. conntersigned by the Treasurer of the Western Division of said road, bearing iutercet at a rate not greater thap eight per cent, per annum, payable at euch place, and maturing at such time, not exgeeding thirty years, as mity be desiguated; and to aceure the aor of sach bonds, and enhance the value of the same, the said Board of Di- rectors may mortgage from time to time, all the property of said Company, inelad- ing-the franchise and road bed belong: jog or appertaining to the eaid Western Division, und ne more, and it shall be sufficient to register such mortgage deeds in the County of Baneombe, aceordi gto law, to make the same effeetnal las if the same were registered in every Oounty in which the property of said Company, so conveyed, ia situated, The object of this section ia to give the “Ying” or specalators a chance to take en tire possession of the Road whenever it may suit them to do so: and they will do it just as B00n as they squeeze every cent they possibly can out of the State Treas. ary. When the Legislature refuses to make farther appropriations the Road will be mortgaged to sowe member of the “ring” for one or two millions of dollars, wt -for any gum ander two millions, and the State will lose the seven or ten mil- lions which he hag or may subseribe to it. The Governor of the Btate, the Public | Treasurer, aud the whole people, should demand that the Legislatare repeal that second section. It is bad enongh for the people to have to pay texce on accouut of such extravagant appropriations, aud we do not intend that they shall lose their property without being warned of the elpetion of all three of these gentlemen than my- | Jeet that the matnral advantage of North Caro- | danger.—Char. Democrat. self, nor could any one have beet more grieved | lina, for agricultaral and other branches of ip- | at the result. sow it wae placing me ina false po-ition, bevides, ae a large shareholder, 1 de- co-upera- dustry, anrpas thone of either of these great (states. The tivancial condition of Penney] yania and Maryland was thirty years ago little better tion of all parties in promoting the late rests of | than that of North Carolina ix now, alter the di- a corporation in whieh I waé +0 deeply cuncern- e [ have no fear that any gentlemin who knows sisi ped brad brought open Conr common cmun-1 the loastion of the road to this place by individ- | Iv on the people. Wha: F propane as a remedy | will heliewe that I would do a dishonorable buch was the feelings excited in the} gal and cowrty subscriptions and secure all the | = simple, but [have no dunbt it would be efh- | cct, and none knows better than my fricnds Vance, Merriman and McDowell that I was, sn ppurter, The sarprise is painful to me that they will let these «land * aarebuked. Sec! “James” charges the ata. older: who voted against them with being bribed, and “Nojoke” abuses me and mine wie rated for thet! Surely the stock hol |- ers havea hand time of it. While L differ with lensed, SAMUEL McD. TATE. tc SPECIAL TAX BONDS OP TIT OF NORTH CAROLI) \. LETTER FROM THE HON. T. L. CLIYOMAN, Fx- UNTTED #TATES SEXATOR. STATE Sr. Nicvwworas Horet, October 6, 1869. Mesare. Henry Clare & Oo. Gentlemen :—In reply to your inquiries about n brief «tatement, as I leave the city thie even- img. . Publications have been made in several af | | the Rewapepers recently calonlated to create a diate a debt than to pav it | prejudice against the new or apecial tux bonds | Whether they hare originated in the jealousy of the old bondholders, or may have*been in=pired by a desire to depress these bonds in the market, in order that they may be bought up at low rates for the benefit of speculators, it ia not ma- terial to determine, Thexe special tax bend« «tand an a footing similar to that of preferred | stock im certain corporations, and of mortgage | bonds iseved by railroad Companies. It was not a matter of choice with the legislatere of our special tax imposed to insure their payment. In fact, the pet diane did imsne «othe da with- out thes (ax fedture, but the Supreme Court nounced them unconstitutional and void. ce der the decixiona of our court, the legielature cannot increase the debt of the State fer intend- ed improvements, except to complete nnfiniched works, or works in which the State had an inter- ext at the time when the new Constimtion was adopted. And even in those cases a special tax must be impored in the act making the appro- riation to pay off the interest as it becomes due. need not remind you that this new Constitn- tion was arlopted in compliance with the requi- "hromicle of Saturday | «itions of the government of the United States. | nor having since the war been cr fact that Maj. Robbins was known to write oe- | contains a long and feeling tribute to the mem- | It mar, with propriety, be added that, while casionally for the editorial columns of the Ex- | amines. | een eae ees W.. Cori. C. Joxes has been elected | Judge O-horne's enecessor in the Senate by a| ho has never before that we know of shown | ple of the whole State, and it is well understood | CUstomed to lodge on one of the voisest streets | " | recently virited a conntry friend. Too mach | majority of 152 votes, The Demoerat says that the vote of the county was about one thousand | Jess than in the late election. —_—_~ao—— Tur. Untversrty.—We invite the attention | of our readers to the able article of “Justrick,” The writer is and ever has been a Conservative. — ~~ — — LETTER OF GEN. CLINGMAN. | We publish this weck a letter from | Gen, Cliogman on the sabject of N. OC. | We may pessibly refer to this! letter, and the subject of itagain. In al-| luding to thia letter the Wilmington | Journal says: “We have never advoeated the repndia- tion of any part of our public debt. We do not do so now. The trouble is not in a wish to repudiate these bonds, but in the corruption attending their iseue and rale, The credit of the State has not been so much injured by attacke npon the bonds, and threats of repudidation as ia the egtrvegante end dishonest epprepria- ory of ex-Presid nt Pierce. That paper comes | out in mourning. It calls upon the city coun- cils of Washington to make some appropriate expreston of regret. Wwe state these facts to the credit of Forney, | himeeclf to be capable of experiencing, or at least | of being governed by, the feelings which move other men in sueh cireumstances ar those which | called forth this tribute from his pen. We quote | some extracts from his really eloquent pen: Richmond Dhapntch, “Let us think of Franklin Pierce as a man of that tness of heart which constitutes the true | nobility of character, and which constantly ex- | hibits itself in words, looks, tone, and accents, | and works of kindness, Kindness of heart was | his great quality, No exaltation of station, no | degree of ptosperity, no applause of men, no | interest on the bonds. Hence these bonds would | * ; | - adveutitious cireumstances whatever, caused him | :eem to rest legally on a firm and aolid ground | refreshing sleep, thot gh it was heavy ou the | by James H. Enniss; an excellent Almanac jat any time to overlook, much fess to neglect, | asa private debt secured by a mortgage. The an appeal for aid by the lowly and suffering. — | Fhought of others was his distinguishing quali- | ty. Were any suecessful and honored, he gave them the full—shall we not say more than the | fall?—-expression of bis gratification ! to their relief by words and acts of kindne-« ?— Were any in distress or prostrated by disease, | some of the provisions of the new Constitution are distasteful to many of our citizens, this clause seems to be universally approved. "The legisla- | ture cannot add to the new debt for new objects without the sanetion of the majority of the that in the present condition of things no such vote can he obtained. The matter then stands on thia footing: The Constituiion of the State oon tire to impose this tax, and the obligation was complied with and the tax impored on all the property of the State. The several acts were ac- cepted by the companies, and they ace not re- pealable or subject to alteration by a subsequent egislature. e Constitution, too, by one of its provisions, requires that the money raised by this sperial tax shall be applied only to mect the obligation conld only be gotten rid of by revolu- tionary action, which T do not think is contem- plated by any one at the present time. The taxes imposed in these acts are sufficient, Were} when collected, to discharge the interest as it be- | to be received are Texas. Mississippi. Ala any struggling, who #9 quick to come nnasked | comes due. In fact the Governor informed me recently, that at the rate at which the returns were coming in from the counties; there would who in aid so soon as he with a sympathy that | be in the Treasory more money than was neces- took a substantial form, and was not conta to | sary to meet the interest, Who, in private life of at; valnation of the property in the estate does not mere words alune ? The present assessed the bar, or even in publie position, was more | excced $250,000,000, but the real value is at ready to stand by the neglected and persecuted ? | least fifty “Who so forward as he to see virtne in the | 000,000, be cent. greater, or not befow $375,- have been in marty parts of the State humblest guise, and to recognise and respect it | within the last four —_— have been grati- aa much or more than if the subject of it were | fied to see that there has a steady and by , masters of the late civil war, and yet no States in 1 the Union are in advance of them in solvency and publie contidence, { Whee I do attempt to enumerate the advan- |tages which North Carolina poweses in her | good climate, her mines and mine water Mr. Hamilton what was to be done with the | ®t alway® have been, their firm and unyielding | Power and agricultaral prodactions, and her ea- | pacity to give snpport and wen roa le > jUlation, I shou: pe compelled to ciaat ‘ie ‘tler to great length. 1 content myself with { saying, therefore, that there is not the sligh:est donbt that she is abundantly able to discharge | j all ber obligation. | her willingness to do ao, I have little to ay. It will be seen from the above statement that | it# payment does not depend upon the action of | any future legi<lature, and that it can only be j gotten rid of by a revolationary movement | eathers, which woald everthrow the present State Con- | “out. pas SOee Since the result of the last Presiden- | ise. Meekerai, “>, 1. stitation | tial contest, | do net believe anv ench calcula- | ton exists in the State. Theowe who are dimati«- Ged with certain features in the new Constitn- j Yon expect only to change them in the mode in which State Constitutions are usnally amended. No alterations = made will affect the validity of | the bonds, the payment of which ia secured by | there special taxes. The old bonds of the State | have not this advantage, and may not be a | North Carolina and her bonds, I can make only | promptly provided for. The people of the State generally arexatisGed that in the end it will emt more money to repu- The engze-tiors of certain reapers in North | | Carotina, republished occasionally in this city, that the whole or portions of the deht ought to be eT have certainly injured the State considerably by depressing the price of the | honds and cansing a loss money, in the first place to the Railroad companies, and secondly | to the State. , But for this undoubtedly more money wonld | have been raised by the sale of the securities, and the ability of the corporations to finish the | State as to whether these bonds should have a | works would have been greater. This effect, however, will be but temporarr, ax, when the | facts are anderstood, the credit of the State will | revive. In concinsion, | have to say that I re- j gard the special tax bonds of the State expecial- ly as a enfe investment for sach seeking that class of securities: | directed against them, whether made for politi- jal effect or to pat down the price so that par- | tex here can buy them ap at low figures, and j thereby make large profits, will not in the end seriously affect their valine. cuke my saying that I have no personal interest | in these questions, neither owning any bonds, directly or indirectly, in selling theni. Respectfully yours, &c., T. L, CLINGMAN., —_—————~=> Hanit 18 Eyerytuinc.—4 city man ac- quiest destroyed his rest at night. His friend j felt for his distress, and said he would try / the legisla-| and relieve it: Aceordingly he went toa | Te ER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA.- jneighbor and procured a bass drnin, which jhe heat ander the gnest’s bed room window. j and had his bey ron a squeaking wheel-bar- | {row up and down on the porch, while his | | wife played on the piano, and his servant | | girl pounded on the chamber door with the| {tengs. In this manner the sofferer was en- bled to get two or three hours of qniet re- fainily, ae Eight more States are still necessary for the ratifieation of the fifteenth amendinent. | The States from which these eight votes are | bama, Califo nia, Delaware, Georgia. Lowa, | Kentucky, Maryland. Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio Oregow Rhode Island, Tennesse, and Vermont. ———— A tremendous storm prevailed on Monday last along the shores of Maine aud New Brunswick, damaging aa immense number of vessels and buildings, destroying thous- ands of cattle. sweeping away bridges and injuring entire lioes. The eity of Eastport, Maine is almost demolished. In New Bruns- of the highest in name and of the loftieat lin- | no = slow increase in - wealth. The eage? value of the personal propert twice what it “The paew in elaquence end capiore and ar | wee af the oloas of the war, Thile seul entaty hen On the second poi, viz: | Taons as are | i¢8@4 a missionary, diseovered a eafe and <im- e attacks now | | bronght on by banefal and vicious habits. Great | numbers have been cured by thie nuble remedy. As I shall leave the city to-day, yon will ex-, {and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for pre- i either | paring and asing this medicine, in a sealed en wick, sepewially. the damage is incaleulable MAMMIAD: At the Fret Presbyterian Chareh. in Salis- bury, vu the eveving of the 13th inst.. by | Rev. J. Rumple, Dr. J. B. Garrner, of | Iredell county, to Miss Mowe BE. 'cCun ain8, daughter of J.3. MoCubbius, Esq., of this city. SALISBURY IARI OCT. 15, 1869. REPORTED BY J. A. MOCONNAULOHEY. Ghocka. Bacon, perpound, ...-...... Mo 22} Coffee, per puand, - Bt Bd! Vern. per bash. of 66 ibs., - Mw is Mesl. bueh. 46 -1Wwole | Copperas, per poand, Wto @ } Candles, Tallow, : Bio wm) : Adamantine, Bt wo per pewnd, . - Ho Yarn, per beuch, - 3 Ww? hegs. per doren, to “1 per poand. + Bato #7 + 8.75 Ww 435 O21. 3. te 22 “ 3. ccecbeers te Fruit, dried. apples peated, ...e5...0. “Tto 8 ee se : anp id, ........ ++ Ct & te ** Peaches, pealed, ....60..55 Ute 16 ; * : “ nt, cay eevee wocece oo 1 ether. u + per pound, .... cess. to 7 « oe er tecctesess S38 t0 35 Tron. bar. oe eeecwcate 6 to 8 castings, » cccerrwrss Ste w Nails, cut. Ld See sccese 6 be ? Molames.corgham. perga .......... 50 . Westlndia, “ ......... Oto 7 - Syrep. mt eeeses cece 1.09 to 1.99 Onions, per bushel. Sesececees BA to OO Pork. per poond cocccorcee 1000 18 Potatoes, Irish per bushel, ......... - to 7% e Sweet, ee Caiseseese ce IW to 00 Sager. Brown. per pound, ... 4t 6 “ Clanfiea Oe enceuess iRto oF hs Ornahed Palverized ... M to bd Salt. coast. -7 to 2.75 “ Liverpool, estes: -... 2.9 to 3.00 sae eescevects 6.5 to 6.10 Tobaceo, Leaf. per ponnd, ... = Sto * Mahofactured, ... -- tol. “Smoking. esebeecc ce 1.0 SPECIAL NOTICE. 4& CARD. A Clergyman while residing in South Amer. ple remedy for the Cure of Nertous Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem- inal Organe, and the whole train of disorders Prompted by a detire to benefit the afflicted relope, to any who needs it. Free of Charge. Address. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D., Bible Hoase, Oct. 1—im New York City ALMANACS FOR 1870. NAC for 1870. Enlarged and improved In all reapect<; better than the Almanac of 1569 which was so popolarand had such alarge sale. Prive, single copies by mail 10 cents, 3 copies by mail, 25-5 one dozen by mail, 75c.; Price in store, hail groxs, $4; per huodred g3; per whole y regs, $7, FARMER'S N. C. ALMANAC, published full of most valuable matter to the Farmer, with monthly calendars in large clear type — Price. per ringle copy by mail, 10 cents; 3 copies by mail 25c., one dozen by mail 60c; price in store, ball gross; per handred $4.50, per gross a6. THE COMIC ALMANAC FOR 1870,— poblished by J.mes TH Eaniss; fall of come picture tilustrations, j kes, anecdotes, fun, &c , with monthly calendars, in large clear type. Price per single copy, by mail, 10 cents; 3 comes by mail 25c.; one dozen by mail 60 ets. Price io store, per half gross $3; per hundred $4 59; per grors $6. GH One of each of the above mailed to any address for 25 cts. For sale by JAS. 4. ENNISS, Agent ged Publisher of Almanacs, | Glove OT G a0 D3 were shipped fron house in one Year, to fashilies, clubs, and merchants, iu every part ofthe country, from Maine to Catifornia, amount ing in value to over ~ . ONE’ MILLION DOLLARS. Our facilities for transacting this immense by. siness are better'than ever before, We havo agents in all principal cities to purchase goods from all Mabufactarers, luporters, and others, fur Gash, and vtten at an immense sacrifice frow the vsiginal cost of production, Our stock, cousispe, in part, of the followin gopdes — oa Shawls, Blankets, Quills, Cottens, Ginghims, Dress Goods, Tuble Linen, Twels, Hosie y, Gloves, Shirts, Corsets, doe. be. Silver- Plited Ware Spoons plated on Nickel Silver, Desert Furks five bottle plated Custars, Biittania Ware, GC Ware, Tuble und Poclet Cull tn great variety, ea Y Brewch and Germen Faney Goois Beautiful Photograph Albiims the newest aud choivest styles in Mototo lar Velvet bindings. : ing Bugs, Handkevehief and “Gold wad Plated dewelty, of the nerment styles. . We have’ alse-made arrangements with somo of the leading Publishing Houxe-, that will ena- bie us to sell the » andard and latest: works of pe uthorwat about one-half the regular :—such as BrRey, Moors, Borxs, Miv- Tos, and TENNyson’s Works, in full Gilt and loth Bindings,—and hundreds of otbers. Thexe an@evérything else for One Dollar for each Ariiete, We do not offir a single article of merchan- dise, that can be sold by regular dealers at ous price.” We do not ask aa to bay gods from ux unless we can Fell them ebvaper than you cun obtain them in any ether way; while ihe greater part of our goods are sold at about One half the Regular lates. We waut good reliable agents in every part of the Country. By employing your spare tine to form clubs and sending as orders, you can ol’ ain the n<t liheral commixsions, either in Cash or Merchandise, vii all goods ent by us will be as represented. and we vuarautes satinfuction to every one dealing withourhouse. Agents shoald. eullect ten cents from each eu-temer and forward te us in advance, for De- scriptive Checks of the goods we xeil. The holder: of the Ohe¢ks have the privilege of either purchasing the artiele thereén de seri! ed, or of exehanyving for any article mentioned on var Catalogne, numbering over 360 differeut articles ; pet one of which can be purchased in the nsual way for the same money. The advantages of first sending for Checks are these: We ure constantly buying sma‘) juts of ver¥ valuable woods, which are not on our catalogues, and far which we iswe cheeks till all ure sold; besides, inererylarge club we witl putchecks for Watongs, Quints, Huvnke rs, DaeEss PATTERNS, or sony ather article ot valve giving ¥ome mem vers of the club an epportyai- ty of purchasifig an article for about one quarter its value. “In every order amounting to over 850, ac- companied by the easb. the Agent mey ret $2.00, and in every order of over $190, $3 vl way be retained to Pay the Zixpress Charges. This offer is more expecially to assist Agents in the Western and Southern States. but is upen to all enstomers. COMMISSIONS. Agents will be paid ton per echt. in Cach or Merchandine, wheu they All up their entire eludb, fot which below_we give a partial List of Oowcnissions : For an order of ®30. from a elnb of Thirty, we will pay the Agout, as commision, Byde Brown or Bleached Sheeting, Good Dress Pattern, Wool Sqare Shawl, French Caseimere Panty and V@st Pattern, Fine large White Counterpance, ete, ete. or 500 in eneh Por an order of G50, froma vinb uf Fifty, we will pay the Ayreut, ax Comupisaion, 45 yds. shveting, one pair of heavy woul blap- kets, poplin dress pattern, Bandaeme wool ai shawl silvercase wateb, cic., ete., or ‘in cash. au order of $100. from aciob of Ove Handred, €e ill pay the agent, as em. S P PHO P PASE: ——— | mission, 100 yd. of good yard-wide Sheeting, RKETS | CoiaSilver Haunting Came’ Wateh. Mich Lang Li) Wel Shawl, Sait of afl Wool Freveh Cas<i- were, etc. .ete., or $20 in caxh. We do not employ iny travelling agents, and custume:s should net pay moner to persons parportisig to be our agents, unless personally arquttin ted. Send Money always by Registcr- ed Letters, | For farther particwlars «end fur Catalogues, PAREDSR & Co., 98 £ 100 Sumner SL, Lustun, Muss. Oct. 15, 1669. 4i-ly GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM BLASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINEs. 181 Baktimore Street, Baliwmore Points of Breeilence. Beauty and Elastivaty of Stitch. Perfection and simplie:ty of Machinery. Using both threadg direetly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand an! no waste of thread. Wide range of appheation witt out change of a:ijustment The seam retains its beanty and firmness aller washing aud ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, theee Machines exe- cute the most beauntul and permanent Em- broivery and ornamental work For sale by ANDREW MURPHY, oct 15—ly Selisbucy, N [on aeons Wotice, LL Haviny quabfied as Adimaistratn x wah the will auneved of James C. Smythe. notice Is hereby giten that all parties’ who hare clauns against the estate mnt pregent them within the tine specified hy law i notice will be plead in bar of their tecovery. A'l per- sons indebted to the estate are requesied to make early settlement. JULIA C. SMYTHE, Oct. 12, 1869.—41:6w Admrx. State of Worth Carolina, } STANLY County. Superior Court. John W Smith. John Parker aad wife Tea hel, Benton Parker and wite Mary Cand Unah Staten, Goardian of Busan Brooks, sud G O. Wilbeit, Gnardian of Alfred A. Brooks, Mary F. Brooks, and Caruline C. Brook-, Piainuds: os . against Wiliam, Austin, Wincy Ann Brooks and William Brooks defendants, Petition for Sale and Purtition of the Lands of the late Cornelius Brooks. It appearing to the satisfaction of the conrt that Wiliam. Austin, Winey, Ann Brooks and Wihan B-ooks, defendante in this proceed. Ing, are non-residents of tins State, it is Ordered, That publication be made weekly, fOr six succes- sive weeks in the ‘Old North State,a ne wepaper publ van Salsbury, N.C. sammoning each ol sail Cefendants to be and appear at the offve of the clerk of the Snperior Conrt ot Stan!v County,on the 20:h November 1869, then and there to answer or demur to aahd Detivion, or the same will be taken pro confemeo wid heard ez parte as to there “id . nee os James M. Redwine, Clerk of onr said conrt at office, the }1ih dey of Octob«r, 1869. SW REDWINE wae ont 184i" Ralisbury, N. 0. . 41 Sip: fee$l0. SM SO aa d GR PO E Z we oa ‘ F SALISLURY, FRIDAY, OUT, 15, 180%, © - . one eee Be Special New Advertising a: Col! Speci ian agency br North shi. “ ie SR ths ae a WM. 4. HEARNE & CO, | Special Agents for the North Carolina Press, and General Ageuts fur the Collection of Claims description throughout the State, Office, boro.” N.C Are authorited ageuta for Tax OLp NoOkTH Stare. ' Page ——— EEE eee LOCAL AND STATE ITEMS New AbvertistsentTs,—Forty. thousand cases of gouds.—Parker,g Co. Aliuauacs for 1870—Jas, H. Bnniss, Tie Advance— A oew! paper by W: Ey Pell. Geover & Baker's Fret’ Prétniom. Family Sewing Machnes— Andrew Murphy. » ~ Acninatrators Notice ulia c. Smythe, Administreteixs ; Court oder from Davie Qoanty. Court cider fro: Stanly County.” eee NORTHERN ELECTIONS, The returns reeeived before Zeing . to press froin the States of Pennsylvania and Ohio indieate that the Repubticaus have car- ried then both. Geary’s electiog in Pewnsy!- vania seeins to be eoneeded va on all hands. doubt about Obie, but the chances seein to be in faver Hays. ——_ Tue AMERICAN StocK JOURNAL SENT FREE FOR THREE Montas.—This‘most val- uable. interesting and fastruetive Journal, for Farmers aud Stock Breeders, will be the balance of this year, to all subscribers for 1370, sent in before Jan. let. This gives each subseriber over 500 large double pages of reading anatter for the sinall sum of 81.00. Seud for Specimen Copies. Show Bills. aud Pramjan. Lists (which will Lb sent free.) Get upa club and receive sone of the any valuable and useful Pre- iniuns offered by the Publishers, N. P. Boy- «r aud Co. Parkesburg, Chester Co., Pa. Ss The Floarivg Mills, Cotton Gin, &e., be- louging to Win. 8. Battle, at the Falla of Par river with their coutents, were destroy- ed by fire on the 7th inst. Loss ertimeted at $24.09, There is some seut free, — Killed by a Horse.—We regret to learn that a seuof Mr. Peeler, the erier of the (ourt was thrown frow a horse on last Satur- day aud killed. The little boy was about 12 Ile had been with his father w a shoeting-matoh, aud was taking nome years old. * ~ * ‘ H rae hae me i ee) <i a ‘come Cat ” a i * that the persou anddamb. ‘ ” anid the judge passionate- ly. “whether hele or not.” Here is the eon- stituti.o of the Duited States before me. Siarartees to ev wan. the right of It hy and so lorg a Phave the hover of a seat on we % shallot be violated or invaded’ T'm bouvd oe guarantees to a mau bave.”’ : er dent of aunviueing to the peuple of the déath of ove of his houor- rankliy Pretve, which ve- ‘early this ‘ourning. Evii- papelle and universally j . his-@eath will be mourned with sorrow befitting the loss which his. gountiy sastuius in his decease. ‘ a of res to his memory itis ordered that the Executive Man ion and the aeverul departments at gton draped in mouruing all business éus- peuded op.the day of thefaueral, It is fur- cher ordered that the War and Navy De- tueuts.cause suitable military aud naval wnors to be paid on this oceasion to the wemory of the: illustrious citizen who has Passed frum among us. U.S. Grany. a A WATOR, pair of Blankets, Quilt or Shawl fur Que Doilar appears alinost. iinpossible, but such may be hind and hundreds of other useful urticles by patrouwiug PARKER & CU’, “ONE DOLLAR SALE.” Their system of doing business has been exatmiued by the authorities aud a Deeision rendered from the Ivtemial Revenue. depart- ment at Washing dated Nov. 4th, 1863, de- claring their businéss perfectly fair and legi- timate and eutirely different from the uamer- ous gift enterprises. Of course all do not get watches, blankets, &e., four Oe Dollar, but iu every large Club, one of these artcles are sold for one dollar, as au extea inducement, of obtaining itv A New feature intrudaeed by this enterprising finn, is to pay their agents in either either cash or merchandise yet he would consult the Attorney-General 4 prolieay otk eee: be} jawha ‘eurréney in circulation in Alabama; jare making now about the practice of the | | | | [being sent over from their reapective | * * * s ° s - e . ny is i hoot h pail 5 . ae teil eee 2d een Pn Stn PE oe beens’ f br "% @ “LEV BRPOOL, (290 1b, weight.) by ee Sek, 8S" pe : n : , a wp “AMERICAN, jn Liverpool Sacks. U.S. SUPREME COUR?P. Me For saleby ¢ ‘1nthe gupreme Coart list week’ at 0. G. PARSLEY & (05. Washingten, the case of Toringtou ve. [ : ‘Wilmington, N.C... Smith and Hartley, ‘involving transac-| Oct. 7, 1869. cep, SOM tions.in Confederate ‘Treasury. notes at the South during the war, was argued by Phillipe for the App:llant ; the, Appel- lees not appearing. The action was np- on a note for $10,000, made at Mantgom- ery.in November, in-1864 and payable one. day wfier date. The defence was mainly that at date of note there was po that the medium of exchange was at the time T'reasary notes of thé Contederate Biates, and that the contract was made with the anderatanding and: agreement that it should be discharged in auch Con- federate notes and not in money Jawful or current by the United States. The ease of Farmington vs, Sanders, from West Tennesse, will be argyed soon; it involves the question of the eoustita- tionality of the cotton tas. 0 FOREIGN PAUPERS., Great complaint, and very just ones | European governments of sending ther paupers and canviets over to yhis country. The influx of these wretches is beeoming | a national yuisance, whieh should be | nud some ember of the club has the chauce | abated. Our government should take the | patter in hand, and not ouly forbid their | landing on our coasts, but prevent their} aud to pre-pay the exprees charges, No bet- Fi ‘ : MILES | STATIONS, ARRIVE. LEAVE. ioe spesteecil can “ offered to either La- | countries: for if they once set anil for the | Balixbury, Ur re dies or Geutlemen, having eisure time, than | United States, most of them eanbe smug: | 130 Third Creek, 4:12 4:57 to form elubs for this finn. gled iu somehow or other. All that 38 re- | 25 Sunesvilje, 5:97 6.y2 Read their adve tisment in another eolamn. | quired ix that the Seeretary of State {32 Plot's 6:37 6:40 and seud for catalogue. © | should put his foot down firmly, end wo [38 Catawba, 7:10 7:15 one J | 150 Newton 8:08 8:08 i foreign nation will dare to disregad hiv} 59 jiickors Tavern, 8:48 9:08 cr” Ww. A. Cherry, republican, bas been | voice. i) Icard. ” "943 v.29 elected te the Senate from Pitt cuunty. ‘o| —e 30 Morganton, oe fill the vacauey caused by the death of D.| Wee “ GOING EAST. J. Riteb, play, epubliban but a first-rate; NEWS FROM SIR JOHN FRANK. | MILES, STATIONS. ARKIV®. wan. LIN. | Morg.tnton, aie — 10 leard, . 2:50 P.M, Goop ron Graxt.—A Washington tele-| The fate of Sir Jobu Franklia and his ! » a grain says that the President, in couversa- | Gare 59 80 longer a mystery. Dr us F.| 2 Catawia, ieu-w.th # promipent politician, said be had | afl, the distinguished Arctic Expl rer. | 4g Plow’, wet given the subject of the appoiutment of) has arrived at New Youk wih Eticibarg | 55 Statesyille, the nine Cuited States circuit judges) r>-! and Tvokoolita, two Esq stimaux, and their! Third Urcek, vided for by act of Congress any attention. | dang hters, ~) Salixbury, Dr. Hall resided in the Aretie r= vis ' 10,000 es =s mort 4 r} ¢ ar. sith, ROA Pantene areal Pa REPO ALT Pape) 4 od i oe Agatennais sera hereoy given, that 1 will sellas “Publi: Atteti on, at the Court Hoase in s#fisbary, «on Tueadsy the 26th day of Octwber, LBV), the fos lowins property, belonging to the estate of, Nieholas L. Williame, Banh rupt, vies" L Said Bankrupt’s interest in a tet’ of land, containing 900 acres, situated in Allegbapy eoun- ty/on the waters of Brash Creelg, known as *Wijliaw’s Cabins.” This land has beov levied va to satin/y an exeention in faver Peser W. Hairston, ‘ II. Said Bonkrupt’s interest of one-third part in remainder, after the life estute of Mary G. Willian, inatraet of land situated dat the County of Yadkin, on the waters of the Yadkin River and Peatber Creek, containing 308 aerer. Terms Cash. JOHN 8. UENDELSON, Oct. 5, 1869. Ansiyuee. )34232's Cod Liver Oil, Fresh and of perfeet purity. Where this 0! is best known, it is preferred to all others— very extensively used_at the North, YoPaa's German Biaiment. A most valnable external application for Rheumatixm, £¢., as well as for wany affections of that valuable animal, the Horse. Indeed it hax become a housebuld article wherever it bax beeu used. These, together with a very general supply of fre-h and genuine Medicines, at greatly reduced prices, or with the fd regime, ua) ul- ways be had ut E. 8SILL’S Drug Store, Oct $—2t Salisbury, N.C. TIMG TABLEOW NC RAILROAD. GOING WEST. (IMF TABLE--N. C, RAILRORD. aM mis ae AND'FOREIGN COUNTRIES, “Among whith ie S aie c : 2. © et] THE HIGHEST PRIZE? |bo« Two Grand Gold Medals and Cross of the Legion.of Honor, At Paris Exposition, 1867 More than 120,800 now in Use! 20,000 mannfretured and gold in 1868 and the demand nusupyplied, luereasing Demwind, . - fwereased Facilities. Additional Improvements for 18¢9 Wood's Prize Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) “ Self Baking Reaper, with “New Mowing Attachment. at Hana Rake Reaper, 1 Haines’ Iineis Harvester. Manufae'ured by the Walker A. Wood Mow- ing and Reaping Machine Company. General Office and Manutactoyy, Housick Falla, Retis selaer county. N, Y. Branch and Sales Rooms—44 Cort- landt street, New York city. P.O. Box, 5805. 206 Lake Street. Chicago, Ill. . Alexandria, Va. Maslisen, Wie 77 Upper Thames, 8t.. Landon. Send for New Descriptive Circular and Jrice List, Applications from the South, South of Vir. ivia, should be addeesed to the New York Branch Office, as above. ' RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Indocements Offered! *MeCabhins, Sallivan & Co., are Agents for the above Reapers in Salisbury. april 23—16:10m RIVES & PROCTOR, WHOLESALE AND SETA, DRUCCISTS, DRUGS . Moet aot pitti 1 Sra: eR RRR nthe RE bron egg) jet WALTER A. WOOD'S | Valuable Land for Sale, | EDUCATIONAL. ‘ r a er es yh BIAS wae probe mpkano | Patronise your own Lustit ial Mowers and Reapers, oe wig OU eed Incttentertee ee Deed in all countries, and universally Upper Little Biver,- to drive or * Roos a ie eis Tih to on ae Ghar OF ers tte dom already seats 85,00 per mouth. a THe Sr =o "of the tract Wil! bedivided fn: Mute Det, Paling. es extre at ware than “upwards, to | Moderate rates ; payment vance both ia: thie “s Sgn oa rae ce derut uf four nutlen wading Dee. 23. For furthet jeulars addvess Beer ae ty ROCKWELL. Statesville, July 9.-—Bin P Satesville Wale Academy, ¥ 5.2 it } Paixormaza, THE FALL TERM of this Sehool will open on the 6th of September, and continue sixteen weeks. TUITION : Englieh Dep't. } Reims 5 fea Classical Contingent Fee............ Board in good families at $12 per month. One half of the above charges is required, in advance. -For Pusher pertratar, address the Principals t_-July 30, 1869. Pr ; 2ua Pleasant Grove: Academy. Male and Female. THE SEVENTH SE£S8LON WILL COM- menor on the Oth ol August next. * Couree— English, Classical, Mathe- : , ; aia" F Terms: Tuition from $5 to $10 per seesion. nee having been sppointed ax agen — Fong oe Pinca $9 per month. ‘ ‘or particulars address the principal at Fut SINGER'S CELEBRATED” | i100, DivwGo. NO New Family Sewing Machine, W. J. ELLIS, Principal , Pleasant Grove.N, C., stern antag, Mentone taitel Tae wi tor. d 274m This ine ¢hal! rison with ‘aa : and all ether Msshinen ‘vil'de more different tk RANKLIN ACADEMY.--The kinds et work—from the sicaple plain seam to the first Session of this Academy will com- most beautiful embroidery—than any other Machine | menve on the firet Monday in Avgust ensving. woah P terat any ana be charged from of entrance. The cates of tuition will he as follows: ¢ ever invented, “Economy is . then why not $16.00 and $15,000 per seasion of & months payable buy the Heat. 2 * These Machines are warranted to at the end.of every month. No pains will be spared to give le a thorough ‘bt ina first give entire satisfaction, Jf they. fal training in all the branches woually ct eemees RU N aA MA N Si u g e r ’ s Oc l e b r a t e a t+ give satistaction they may be re- tnrned after, a tr'al of two months and themoney will be refonded. Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KERS, TAILORS, &e, will be supplied when ordered, at maputaetorer’s Parties desiring information will please send for specimens of work and circalars. class Academy. The Academy is located in a healthy and moral co.nmupity in Franklin Township four miles from ralisbury, on the road to Mocksville. Board can be in retpectabie families from 7 to 8 dollats per menth. L. H. ROTHROCK, June 2%. 1869.—2& 3m Principal Ww. o. Miap and Gazrteer. " — a T HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING Purchased A cate Compares Plates, &c., of the above to ex e their sale John A. Ree, through the entire State, at an early day, offers Selisbary. N.C. to active, business youngmen a coed chance Jane 18, 1869. 21298 | | offer three-fourths of s map, in shares of five r ten counties each. This new will be THE MUTUAL oes Bre fant poe = aap henueaend. tb cninen’ moumtaion a, doo A Map "worthy - be bang up in overs bene, eflee antl in st ee Ae te ih < i about it, and would appoint only such as ee _ eed MEDICINES A y potne beet om a horse. avd had arcived with- | were cousidered fit for tbe place, irrespee- five years, aud during slie time a TRal*2 KORTU: COMP N Terms pesamppoletiog ofipes with 2 stampa. iva very short distance of his fathers’ house, | tive of pulics. searches, aud his discovery of the where. | — = <j —— ne Fancy & Toilet Articles, OF VIKGI NTI A CEL PEARCE, wheu the horse took fright, ran off and threw abouts of the remahs of Sir Jobu Frauk- win | oP Srey ’ ee a P ° t oO il __fngt3-32-3m Ww 3G a ‘ --_+——~~-4 d= —- -- — Pe us Bate mace he 1 i ww . . | ave ’ . } ae a > e , ° » - oe . os the fenee, with Airavale in Buaiaud cheered nae lin, lav provensatiohetary as to their) ao 1 ieee srry ~< ain Ss, 1 it AV. ia and Southern Institution BOOKS ror MAGI TRATES 4 a esuls.—_E raminer. oe tate, and loghly interesting. . . | : ot ! DY STIFES, PERFUMERY h - ; 4 at work aud sewing he was taking it remark- | He saw do conv d. with nativ | shiebnew, jee rp. ad ID ay) ON Jwported & Dostetle Window * Tie Funds are kept in the South. and TOWNSHIP SS en ed: My youd frieud. you deu't Appear te | ora ae SRE Tes ps CP | Orrcteob.-ce’ wen fats Sv a SAe rm th \ ) ‘ ‘ ; Ce. Bh ye a ” a as met with unprecedented success. C — Explanation Necded.—Hie Wanor Judge | sweat avy.’ “Why, uo waster. six shillings | ¥be were the laet to douk upon Crozier yh)! Td 1 To0 ites “~ Glass, Putty, je arene are established beyond any ode of Civil Procedure—which Cload, at Davie Conrt ou sentencing a Deyro | a week ain't sweating Wages.”" jtnd his party. Phe Doctor also bri 1G | Cebiieieel [eae | heer . pe ti every Magistrate wust have. Sent hoy cunvicted of stenting bacm. remarked Se }with bimte New Lovdou the roanains of | TRAINS SOUTH: - SPICES, sata free of postage.. 0d... 0.4... ....83 00 in conclusion, “you haveoall gutto quityour! 4 Jacky man near Sandusky, Ohio. was ove of the men whe belonged te that ill | man. vamouT ac.ac. contin! | Magistrates Docket ooo ” thieving and we: bomest wen, uf we'll make | ,., Sutupate tent work a - pi A days | fated party; and wherever he found that | aoe eee | SOT bee ee es aakuns oat oh po onus wb ane Lae Price in Store. $3 00—by Mail,.... 3 50 yrvn honest. ‘fie time bq vet very dletant.” | ae th. state Fair. be wominated wo the Ley- | Sic Joho Pravklin’s companions had died, | Nal iee | lereele vorecceteaelratyiesncn {nserence Company on the contivent, which le the | Forme for Magistrates, as ~: 4 koldrsng the rept meth the re [Patre:have nore hr ba Wir seh etd menaarai Red oan, a feo, $2" Tome = Mea TALL aT teeSy atria yaaa] ON ea cr es left aulocked.” Ag explanation of the mee Ee Mee jee ee Tee waved the Star Spangled Banner over mulishery, || HIG 7 coil) Visealn sea ole , Directors. of responsibility and business capecity. istrates. B a “895 Selnee a eee. uP : ry tel ee themin memory of the discovery of the | Chron s43 * ” Would respectfully eall the attention - — It has estabi its claim to Southern Patronage t ra y as Ghanmnanan ak ou N chodemus we are inclined toask witth jn-{ Omaha reevived last week the biggest |S erthwest Passage. | Thte Beteechu'e makes all the connections, Rast am! Wee [Srasasivg s0cah ois seaeeks le hrocanrale OFFICERS: to record proceedings of all meeti , eredanty. ‘thuw coo this thing be ?°'—Old | grizzly bear shin ever brought tuthat market. | Dr. Hall has a “number articles belong | Teewetacen les Saou ee eo SP 107 Swoasn ae er Petersburg. PRESIDENT, of Township Trustees. es Worth |<iate. It was eight feet loug fand six aud a halflte Sir sohn Frauklin, including eome | iy uy ine pacecuger tral SP aeaennenened vie aoe 3S H. PROCTOR JOHN E. EDWARDS, Store, $250. By mail, ..........83 00 The question is superflueas, Any one can wide, and was larger than most baffalo skins. spoons and aehrovemeter box. He was! 4). Sie crore ; m ahha iia . TICE PRESIDENT, axchETaRy, BDBR BOOKS diseern the meaning of His Henor “Corp It wasof the fiuest texture aud valued at a 60 sucececful lu Rudina the ekeleinoe al | _ ee : - Ww. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsoox Por orders of School Comunittees. on K g — —- : cribs and sinvke-heuses will have pethiog fety dullars- many of hie men, and the remains of | THE EQUITABLE LIFE it. Pardee can - a course of pre- left iu thew to steal !—Ash. News. Se several of their baota. The ekeletons and . . 4 an eee MEDICAL EXAMINER, ° . > ° : re) < > ’ + . . ; = ‘ a Ww = A ae sy throngh the | other reliets were fuand at King ‘illinun's Assurance Society W OM A N S FRIEN D ! CHARLES H. siowinln Digenot pane Saat pe a oe One a ities ov ann r Mont gomer we ‘ . . } aD . 4 . a $2.00 Roasery.—The residenees of H. W on “tthe faenere. conerall - » futehed | Land. The Cornelia an anekor found at OF THE A safe and reliable remedy for H C CapaLt. Jxo. H. CLALBOENE quire, vent free of postage. Giieu. Esq.. im this city, was robbed of; Gacdina thelr wheat. ve ae large farines | the patieme nerth, marked “EB, 1776," | UNUrED STAT ES, All Diseasex Peculiar te Fe 2 ilev _ ' Address alt orders to money aod clothing last Monday nigh's by A) we observed that the wheat has already ecme ,* hich is sapposed to have be longed to} o~ . ; Bi —etca as \ DIRECTORS: JAS. H. ENNTE&8, Agent, v gro man eho had seereted himself under | np. aud ia looking splendid. “We learn that | the firet ex plorera Dr. Hall foand a na 9. 6 “oad ray, New } ork. Leuchorrea, or Whites ; Uteri, John Boders. Henry K. Ellyson, No. Ca. Rook Store, “alisbary, the bed autil after the frmily had retired for the quantity seeded this fall iu Southwest i tive who claima to know all abut the par T = or Fulling of the Womb; Irregular rr - hie one: | ee ov aug—tf Neo. Ca. Book Store, Raleigh. the vight.—Cear Democrat. Virginia exce-ds that of any year since thelcy. He sayethe ship was stove and the HIM OOMPANY has capital and aenets against Painful, or Suppressed Menstru Joba Backer. : Gamuel C. Tardy, -- me — leenr. We learn froin fannere oof Soathwest lerew took to their boats and went ashord, | (ts labiliGes that will compare with any Lite [p- vee cos Charies T Wortham, George Jacobs, ONWARD: UPWARD: . | Vi : } ewlthatsadinel the le sua} ' | soranre Company on the ( vativeut, which fe the ation ; Pnin in the Back ; William Witte Jr J. < Allieon Having met with saccess, fat beyond our expec New Banking Howee.—Thoa. R. Tate & | Virginia that, notwithstanding t! 06 84) where their provisions were exhausted (or ee oon belity Nercousnéss. Wakefulness, Weakness, de. | pais Vad t+» eS ee tative, in the publication of the Thos. W. Dewey have opened «» vew Kank - | Sy mae se Sa the and they died from starvation. ‘Phe ice | ah Amette. occ cceeeceececeesees #6 000,000 | ‘PEDIcATED to THE , Thos. J. Evana, H. D. Cheekiey, " CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ig Hease iv thie City. lace of T, W./ yle worn wi pmech larger than wns : ted 7 No frem fy. | Samual Promiam lucome.............06 4 000 CHO J 4. 8 Hi. C. Cabetl, . ? tea & Co. Sadek. he vew firm is| anticipated. We receive this intelligence | - d Tat ihe acral re Ps ah | In rease over 1867 eT) LADIES OF AMERICA, ee aa D. J. Harteook, we take this method of offering our papers, worthy of public coufidevee. —Ib. with agreeable surprise.— Lynchburg Kepub | tin cnn, oo still feciher. pruoeenie | The endersgned is agent “ ~ oe Fer whose tenet was designed. and _— hap : oe Gunes 6s Tene DAILY, TR!-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, we « Pi as mse pitess it wi mote, by disco t '. . BE. Pawarda, m Gs. ’ on —_ — aaa the search.” —Standurd. Mockevil'e. March 19 1989 ’ airy D z Jj . LAWRENCE oo ©, Abel. Goon Gcmuae SS A lady in this eowuty gaye birthte three) Woman's rights have recently been vie! | | Soe een eee es ° ‘i & ame. : ao _ hildren last week buy and tu girls —J6 " Renae eat <> — : Poster i : lesage 1, Widesod _ sig op innit iania ais Cae habitat the hor traders in the Huwlews |ert® Carolina, fenton, 1800. Edgeworth Female Seminary. TO PHYSICIANS. — ae ee een ea _ rit of the ners sled Cisrin Cos Fall Ter, 1869. —- The articles of which the Woman's Friend is com- ‘ ri Sad Suicide.—We regret to learn that Mr. | Ray territory has been to take themselves | © ee eae a | LHE NEXT SEo510N WILL COM. | pounced ove pebsched around eoch buttin. ond fe LEWIS ©. HANES. Ac’s. PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS ! Patriek MeFarlanl, of Katherferd County, | wives from amonag the native Indian women. | : tition for Sale of Lan Tmence on the iret Monday of September. The Peiewed to be the best Uteriae Tonic and alverative Feb. 12—Ily Lexixetox, N. C We oGer FIVE valuable Agricaltara! PREMTUMS committed anieide on the 20th ult., by hang-| whom they abandoned with their offspring Juba 8. Maxwell, Administrator uf John Maze nine experse of Board and Trition wil be | Jet discovered. q _——s ese! for the WEEKLY UB- ing himeelf in the smoke-hanse attached to) when they retarned to civilised ware: weil, dev'd., | from $100 to $10 if paid m advance. Kach Itia a valmable and reliable agent in all de fT ; SMITH, WATSON & C0., his premises Mr. MeFucland's family had | withoat Cone: Itsa-. ree age! against | Boanler will termsh ber own huhts and towel® | ments of rhe Pemale Reprodnctive Ungens, ae Aug. 97, 1869. Charietie, N. C. heen woudering ot his protracted abtenee | been decided in ove of the courtsin Non'rea’, Thomas T Maxwell, Thomas M Brock, Tne and alwo a pair of sheers and pillow cares. For! Hysteria Nervous Heacache Spinal Irritations, &e = itati i ease of man named Connelly. that saci V. Brwk, Sarah K Naylor, wife of Benje | oo . . is . el CUSHINGS & BAILEY from the house, and upww inetitating search. | in the ex an J aS . J* lerreniar adiress J. MoM. CALDWELL, Be Price $1,00 per Bottle. ’ discovered him as abuve stated. Life had fied | @ wnarriage ooo ne the ebildren by it min ote ~~ ne A A Brock, ri | joly 2. 1869—3m Greensboro’, N.C J. HU. BAKER 0O., BOOKSELLERS ayp STATIONERS, lLevoud recall. every exertion to that end he- | levitimate. while a subseqoent marriage toa Ware me and gobr B. Brock, mivor ch —_—_—___ - $$ Wholessie : . «@ Mab ' ri) a . - ine ddile, | Fomretar aberration of mind | white woinen is veid and the children by it] dren ot Jolin W. Broek, deceased | Salisbury Male Academy. . agent, Ho Morte Ve. 4 v 252 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. is cnppemed te have led te this lamentable aet | illegitimate. tee ne satisfection | TUF NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON | , 1 Te whom all orders or letters man Me o- Ss Oj cyrus Ts of pelfe wa.—Asheoille News. = f the vourt that James Breve and Sarah | Wedbeaday 15th Sept. 18609. | dressed. march (9—ir in the city f self-destruction As L a : j cat theeache Naylor, wite of Benjamin S. Naylor, defend. | . rt eas ed —— ; ee ‘Wworicn. THE COLD MEDAL Scheel, Law. Dental, Medieal, Classteal, Relig 88 n oe —— \ af cade i Feet Bald . Su ore ants in this case are won-residents of this State: | Fazlich $2 00 | Mary A. Campbell, Pieintf Has jnst been STIEF and Miserilaneses Books. SHOP TKINSOD 6 : _ the Hueg canal fr 7 a Tuerefure, it is ordered by the court that pub- | (OSM . ee ary pe oe. . Blank and Counting House stations y > all cc ‘Ne Ser ame ee eae bigness) poien te eee Se ee Sere 9 he OF ba aoe Fee : - ; 1 | William B Cerapbell Defendant a CHAS. M. STIEFF, | kinds. Blank Rooks manufactured t ‘ra ‘im . don, as i opened, that will hereafter avoid so many | North State” newspaper, notifying the satd = ” Pababen papable monthly, and every popil! The defendant will take notive that on Fridey adelphia. and New York Pianos. | any style of binding and ruling. 1? Sy ‘ arrent nm, * ¢ miles of dangerous and anhealthy navi- | fendents to appear before the Judye of DH) Ga icad Woes dake ol entsaee ae el cle a | ka ths’ Ockasloes need. ati tha (Caazt is lt aaee tie " OFFICR AxD WARFROOMS = aoe eens: | ee Wl aineboro = 2 gation aroand the conaste of Africa and | next Supenor Court to be held for the county | th. term. J. E. WHARTON, A.M. ] Camden, &.C.. T chall proceed to take the dep-| No. 9, North Liberly Street, near Balti- PROFESSIONAL. Oxiord, . L hee Creel |G cad Hope. Thie canal |‘! Davie at the Court Llonee in Mocksville On) sept. 3, 1889.—4t Principal | ositions of John Witherspoon and others to be more Street, - Hend--reon, . 8 ‘il i olation in the merce ot | (he first Monday in April, 1870. then and were | sae — | read in a suit now pending in the Superior Court BALIIMOKE. Mo M Ht PIN N IX Tavnial ery 1t | will work a revolution in com i ite answer the petinion of the plaintiff, filed in D T CA R kK AWA y | ot Cald ell country, N.C., where I am plaintiff STIEFF'’S PI \NOS hare git thee lesen improve- = © ae : > * rs . Charlotee, * 14] the world that cannot now be enuceived. | io inet or jrdgment will be taken ex parte e ie g | aud you are defendant ments, including the Agree Treble, brory fronts ATIORNEY AT LAW. Lineotnton, “ 17) Eapecially will its effeete be moet impor- |. to ibem ¢ issi hi MARY A. CAMPBELL. | ind the improved French Action. fally warranted LEXINGTON, N. C. Hich Shoals, Gasten en, “18 ltant in regard te the market that wet be | Witness, H. R. Austin, Clerk of the Supe- oOMUnIssion aere ant, Sept 3, 1869. (pt fee$3,.50-5w) [for five years. with privilege ofexchange within 7 Concord, Cavarrus co., ‘ 4 created for American cereals, Eaatero | cior Coort of Davie County, at office in Mocx« AND S5 Augustine Normal School. -- aig meoathe if not entively satisfactory to purche- ILL PRACTICE in the eourts of David- Salrabory, “2 Eu-ope will heneeforth supply Asia with | ville, the 11th day of September, A.D. 18 gee \) THIS SCHOOL, which is designed for the |” <ccond hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alw son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Kan- Curt Church, Rowaa co. “ 93/2 °F : j “HOR 'STIN CSC ° ° tr y . . € ie teat | ‘ : : 1d America must fill up the de- t AUSTIN, C8.C ca cr in 0 edneation of colored teachers. male and female | hand. trom $60 to $300. ph counties: Sv James, Iredell oa 2 24 | Gees Ai : 41 -Gw(pr fee $1 : ecvies 1 r i References, who have our Pianos } t ’ e+ cee iw(pr fee 310) willopen on Wednesday, Sept. 29th. Appli : ros In ase: REFEREXCE. St Andrews, Rowan ec, “ 25) ficiency in Europe. ee a : ° > cante mnst be able to read and write and un-| Gea. RB. E. Lee. Lexington, Va. Hon. R. M. Pearsou, U. J. of N.C, Raleigh. Wabesboro’, aaa LTE . THE ADVANCE PRO\ ISION S. HARDW ARE, derstand the fonr primary. rules of Aritmetic on. Saeeaun wanes NC. “ E.G. Reade, Associate Justice, es ————~—.————— It is reported that the contemplated visit : Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Pauper, Wit. | Aid witl be rendered board in epecial éases. Gov. John Letche , Lexington, Va. *“ ThomasSettle, oo“ ° Basuor Lee, of the Episcopal Diocese of | of the Presidentte the Sonthern States will] A WEEKLY FAMILY JOU RNAL, dow Shades, &t.. &e Appheation, accompanied by statement of Mesers. R. Borwell & Son, Charlotte. N.C. “ RP. Dick, “ ‘ “ hen ithop Mel}-| take place in Feb. next. when, it is said, he | . . . — @, qualifications aud pecutiary ability, ma James H. Greenies, Morganton, N.C. “ Bedford Brown, Yanceyville, NO. Towa has written a letter to Bishop Me “Il Le aceainpanied hy neclect staff of of | Deeoted to the Farm, the Garden, the a oo ae y Yr, MAY! 7.1. Smith & G. W. Melton, Chester, §. C. “ Hon. John Kert eee * eof nee hd Ni — “ — ee, va a ia S eee progresivuere Workshop, Domestic Economy I ROMPT attention given to orders, and te = oe J- BRINTON SMITH. D. D an tane claekeree mre Seemm ret coe onle of], J ‘Rk. Me Losis, Greens ro, N. € hange t 10k for the benefit of | ere Le AIL, A Bul 1eRe, ’ . ent e * a rien = ih i a 83 ~vD. D. e above ce anos, RK. Me ; wo, N.C. th ioehas cam are troubled by cer- | including several New York and Washing ot erlor Re ” py Dried an ae “a laenie a Ralei zh. N. C., Sept. 24. 1889, Principal Pianos sold at Factory prices. jane 18—iy| ‘Thomas Ruffin, Jr., ‘< ‘ tain expressions. The Bishap does not have | ton correspoudents. a vor zd wna. m RT s “2am is . *hialke “ J.M. Cloud, Dobson, N C. asy neriples himneelf bot ‘a eupposed to be} George Franeis Train is indignant at the 1 UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO april otely Gidgre'pthrhye Pure Rye and Corn W hiskies, llomestead Blanks ¥] January 29, 1849. s—tf charitable towatd others, fur the sake of | janner in which the Califorvia Dewspapers UL o pd = oe = le . — — eoseeesen gales Distilied in th Old Style, Pure and Un- . D I W JONES bs ne d jt s ond his spor el} ea. I be mt tak ete & eOTEcien!t nuawher subscribers ca e od- ~e ad 4 : ’ omc. 7 Ee Sap ty aaee anata won on Tete tanned a Weekly Family Journal, adapied tol \ in Old N r h Sia > Di till A ae ~ ae ae iree, located in Salisbury, cffers bie . ? F 1e of he people ol lo : rol a be ' S . ¥ A THE ASHEVILLE NEWS FOR BALE. {and doings, but latterly getting disgusted ar[ te wants of the peaple af North Carohna. sf A | ort ate Distillery, | And a new and improved form Professional services to the public. Of : : ‘ , bnstness, [bis Nonsecuse, did ooteven deign te meation who are engaged in the enltivation of the sai LY ; GROOT KUCK, & CO. Pro 8 == Ofane fice on Council Street, opposite the Court House 1 Bla egy oat coon tna Fecmer for him. eve ip an item. In refatiation he re- fal fa rahe phtecee. oor machanieat “VIE AROVE IS THE MOST APPRO : _? P i and next door to the Law — alee offer e she . ae eae 1] ' f . Te Z manntlactores, ou rach Pry, bs : , 5 ¢ vi ‘ 4 y \ Craige. ay > ey | tale. fie busi ae Path bale ation nr lary skill, and all tle material interests of the State. T priaté name that could have been applied AL eee ue head ” ' The “News"’ is doing a fair bueiness, and *" a _— In the conduet uf the paper be expects to] to thi valuabte and powerfully influential Pain AO, Want to parchase 500 or ead - | in the hands of two Practical Printers, or{ Qu the arrival of Jeff. Davis fran Eng. | secure the aid of scientific a practical men | Destroyer. Its inflaencc over sich paiufal mal-| of Cattle, and pay the bigheat Cash Prices for y Established 1885 | one good Printer and @ competent Editoy | lawé, geveral prominent South men propose | to inetruct and interest his readers. His ob. | adies as it is recommended to exert cannot | Corn and Rye. jnly 2—26:6m Revised atid corrected by tk L E P A G E B R OS S & Co &9 | would yield @ good living. with the prospect | to weloome him with an address, im which ject will be to make it emivently practical and be questioned only by these who-bave not tried | . * * GENERAL of hin very profitable as socom ae our Rail- | will be mentioned the recuperative and pros- | usefal to ail classes pepe Serco ee tke mete FOR SALE pate best legal authority in this plac * 6 sf ‘ e : ° 7 , PCO: ae or am , d~0" PT des e an roads, which are now in progress, are oc in- | perous evadition of the reconstructed States It will be printed in good etyle, on good pa- uke Ohen they have failed, MAGIC estate ard his finbdistles :dlere hor axle 90 ééree for sale. Address, Commission Menchants pleted. noder the present administration. Before | per of large size, at $2 per year in advance.— not. Keep it always in sour famity foritis | of » oath River Lands, 65 of which is excellent | mar 10 J. J. BRUNE R. Asheville ia one of the pleantest end beal-| leaving England he expressed to members of | The first auinber will appear about the Ist of | truly an enemy to New-algia, Headache, Tooth- | bottom. About one-half of the whole is in cul ° . -@. AND thiest places on the American Cowtineut, | the press his opiuion that the United states} November, or as soon thereafter as the pat- | ache, Karache Cramp Cote, Cholera Morbus, | tivation; the remainder, isin timber. The fen P. B. KENNEDY CO TTON FA CTORS, and is destined to be one of the most hnpor-| was destined under the existing state of | ronage will justify. Subsembers will be ex- | Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody-F tur, Dyspep- | ces and buildings, in good condition. The pre . PH 3 APHIC ARTIST 4 t towns in the Western part of the State affairs. to take the lead of nations in prosper- cted to aa avon as they receive che first | sia. Sore Throat, Rhewmatie D'ains, Fever and | perty is paying a handsome annual profit. 1h OTOGR ee erce tan FS Pprosper- | pe pay y . . ; mmere ’ ‘a af North Carolina. ity, power and civiligation number. Ague, Sprnins and Bruises, Inflamation of Kid- | is located in a good neighborhood, and ig as | Cor. Main and Fisher Sta, o ee ne 2 ae * i : 2 z 7 ra . 2 : : noys, Nervous Debilaty, Colic, Pains or Spasms, | healthy as an lace in the count Th wy, SALISBURY, N.C. . : A ash capital of $50Q will be required, _ Bed Ladies suffering from any disease pecn- The unde: signed solicits the aid of his many eu a, pas ae - ane con pee tis ty a ’ [FSpecial attention paid to the eale of and very accominodatiug te: ms can be secur- | Jiar to their sex, can be restored to health by friends in the State to obtain subscribers sac: Prepared aud for sale by to eal] and view the premises. Terms made as Large Sized Photographs, Porcelain Pictures, GRAIN, COTTON and atl other kinds of ad for the halanee of t irchase mouey. | ring Dk. Lawrence's “Womay’s Farexp.” | orward the lists at an er 2 PELL Dr. G. B. POULSON, accommods ing as possible. Cabinet “ a Cartes de Visites, | COUNTRY PRODUCE. ddrese R. M. STOKES. It purities the secretions, and restores the rye ai enone Drnggist and Apothewery, Salislury. BC, - Mu CHUN. Ambrotypes, Fereotypes and al) other styles} 9" Liberal advanogs on fconsignmen Oat 11 188m Avberillea BW. ©. | 1em se 8 bealthy condition. “Way , Saleigh, Gx. 6 low Bie vig a 180 wu Rowan Gonaty, N.C.. Sept. 13, biw9. 37-44 | of Pictures ai reasonable priemw, wepl0-96-4: | and prowpt raturae. jaly927—9 ee oo a *.. a ee. 28 ; Wy > " 1 NIK Ria vth Eat o lize the U feery ‘Upott “the day of perience. that Gov. Swain had jo the posi- ater hove! Matinhhina °S nllivan : one |< ET SNOOTZ IN «| DRY GOODS The VC No ) Sra ‘Tele Sakae Basctalkcrebsty veions tiom “He may be-ex ‘to commit nt them ve os ne -_ oe ode KY >. q Ls | fi by | 4 4 REELS rh See eee ny teaheaed toh hglabere is hd wan thet woeld Qepui La Sete ee eed oe Oe eens (i he SUMMER SALISBURY. BRIDS ¥. OCT- 45," ‘ ‘but one who ‘has the) where is the man that wou he Uni thal! ‘ Peer ee) eae any ome Re a . : we. P = . Genlantion party. He*faile Of an elec. | entire satisfaction, especially, ; e ia the Amistrataat! i w Gk a gh , eA ’ . POETICAL, tionfor any.’ of a par- by the present State authorities? 7. That les a eal oe ni ast” irdiheotien mw 7 Sa ca wa |e pla hare. Posing th ne-|,” What has been nid of Preidens Pooh RANE we Vis Sie Rage, ys seh see, j " Jeeasity of . reopening’ the: Inetitution, | to his fitness, may be said-ot the other Faede S BN Pink t.5R 0 Fae - ae Sa | , MORNING MIST. ‘ pepgoeees to-dvlect from the names be- weumbers of the Pacaley- Prom the ap . We have received our Fall .& | ote et ri MAVING JUS ; mountain | fore m. . li % licants betore them - ‘Prustees j 4 cs a poe an a’ . Tnpmonrsble, Fale subs Ere. They find hat Professor Post had! lees baa seterenco in their sglgeiow to the aoe ‘Winter stock’, of New » Goods}, ae FR cd-from the Eastern Mar- Clove ehroudin gicum offoening sar fos shia: oe d his. place in Soler oi te — ements end : “comm F %i ce ‘ ee ee te ep , Yous attention to nv the largest ering vales below, I ty, and bis claims, are edugidered.” .1t is | with the. firgt distinction » in “Presiden e | which very large’ an complete ‘| Bod mek ooutp te a ous ane - ae nen known that be entered the University at ote clave, os re oe ie jon, Bee eg an F by aie a LIVER NV t ‘styles, and tana aie i ighti moon ‘neider ¢ ciim-}ntation as a educaior a ola, of: her. ae ; of, 0 ese Ue Spee G i SE ap ihe Manufac ‘and dints ance While, faint Jahan inf baht, ti oa or i Sar Reet meedaston oh oe fives, and ae 40 po nt Consisting ie-pert of ring: 4 ai. ; ee < oc mong tbe younger members | had ex as & teacher, If” these | Jadge;Peatson and. Mr. - a . 1 ie lu Dry Goods, But soon the sun shot arrows through the great Bat en he came,.into ‘competitioy’ thee were incompetent and unschol- | to pesroaiy the University, tea Gack ofl D R Y Goo D: 8 = BLOO 4 URIFIER, reat Declt = 'y Goods wie ote some dark roork long Aijed| With men much older ‘than, himself, and) aty,.why were they gradugted and sent | rhein. own, a Nake fue oe foe Me Bs deh EP AIL w6 Gsk i call st the well known Em- foe ce ae comes ; Seas oie n ‘bid class “mates: more | forth as scholars by de former officers of ‘heir éone at the time the Unversity was : mS ge sw DS yg ~ ate invite your atten- ida a cinre yea tha Wally {eater minds. in "gg? class oe ite University 4 thee si pg "hi Colleges, ne eee a oily , ‘ on erie? beac terioe) P ; : . yi 2 a sh barre. S kept in turn to ~ | watever kno vahe, Institution, t recommendation” y. r ) , to w y had not on s r ue ain't yale ie P Of glittering dust—the mist, transfiigured, seem- ertbelés: ‘ received. rofs.. Brewer’ and: m6 , bat. where ‘were é : ; Ls ; ae iN ODS aie sate at cote teil the ere rer eo coc nal enmepsiatinen 4h | eines < OE seand ‘Thay cabal net oe hse Hag Poe OV ATOR DR GOODS DRE O. love! between our souls there long has Jain a ahi studies, Six months after | the highest “testimonials, nd who “are | have*beén resealled. But-why were they. Hardware, Boots & Shoes, ats ; ol otions, Sh ’ as sad a mist ; aitlon he was re ed gautor Of| they t Ab SO leet eens sent theré? Not because of a want of sau os Hats 4 10€S, ‘As this that hid the rising Dawn! its soft, deep | pat! <7 ‘he hea lebs held't tlie eben aoe rofesnotet - onddaaiiee 1 6 cae F aa “ ee en ise Se ruike folds resist T hope date | hat p ‘enh goad jo charge of | should-be the Jadges in, this amavter ?’The | they had not been selected when Judge and Caps, Sole and Upper + DY-M ’ The a oe and no pale moon of hope 1 e ior ty give instr action in the | distingaished ood- sheen fie ees + ae “ Mr. joe — - eons i : ' iors : Pant Goods highest bra: 5 : taught | or the anonymous ‘scribblers: who asgail | a - It would seem Was @ ; . . : ‘ , i ocala it sneer in the I ] Pri cc 8 a ihe | ; ' Sleesoen er and Mart-| wait of confidence in the University as Leather, Enameled and DR. LAWRENCE'S , imposed u tutor ‘bef Feewares ling are iuconipetent, whe, kpows it? Oine | it-was then, and not as it is now, Bo that ; : Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye- In some fair coming day of joy, will Love's im- long be Ph . ‘ MabAboon at| thing the public are bes n .ing:to sve, that | the reflection is lees upon the present than PotestBcathicr CONCENTRATED Stuffs, Vaints, Tanners? Gil > queen beams this filmy wall b: leastthree ned invited (6. in othe *| since the organization: of tke University, | the former Faculty. They have sent no atent Leatner, 1 acs Bical Ou. Pert with ise 8 y y minenttaatitaneis ng. Thee:|a more liberal system has been adopted, |son abroad siice the re-organization of nomeduay ExtRacT or ee - eyes il, By doubt built up to reach the hellow heaven? declined at the earnest “#olicitation of} the advautages.of an education are more the University. “It was done before. h Lead, lpper, sole an ar- To golden bands. President Swain and others of his friends. | freely offered at the Duiversity: thau here-| In this commanhication, I disclaim any Coac ness Shall veiiiag mist change silently, and bind your | 7. fad been raised to an Adjanet Pro- | tofore, aud a popular system: of leqtares | leaning to the Radical Party or ite prin- Ph _— : anken Fecoecehlp of Mathematics at ee when | has been introduced by the Faculty that|ciples. My Political views have under- K Oo S K O O BoE, sis as Ciuuey P. there were two fall Professors in that de- | weets with favor. from every. friend: of | gone no change. But the, University of Harness , CALF & LINING SKINS, ™ a pete eerie t, and his’ promotion left no tutor| education. Reforms in — eee — es a to on owe = Pp i uprecedented in the his-| respects have been inangurated.already in |and lasting debt, must sustained.— Ee pet garb pn Hac This ‘waa. done | Preiitont Pools adwiustration, that pro-| Every impartial and candid conservative and Saddlery HARDW ARE, There is a little mystio clock, ehedet appliéation on the part of himgelf| mise to resylt in great good. Do the | paper in North Carolina is ted to A safe and effectual remedy for all Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage No human eye hath seen, or his friends, at the instanee of Presi-| opponents of the University fear to give | copy. JUSTIOE. Trimmings of all Trinimings; in let thousands of articles two That beateth on, and beateth on, dent Swain; as it was hardly to be eup- | the present officers a. fair trial ? It seems diseases arising from ————— —_ , ning until e’en. that the two eminent gentlemen|so, If they really believe them incom-|\CLEMEMONS STAGE LIwus! From mo} un who filled the Departinent of Mathematics | petent, why this ~ great effort, these ARSAW ki Calf Skins, Lio- i . Great Threshe rs And when the soul is wrapped in sleep, at that time were incompetent, bis pro-| nnsrepresentations and incessant strug- nds, ns, Torpidity of the Liver, And heareth not a mn an motion under the eiripestantie cong wees . bs Bape To Fayetteville. ' sie ee —and— It ticks and ticks, the livelong ni ly be regarded as a well deserved an The Trustees have ae wisely a : : . : mpurities of the Bl 5 i And never runneth down. acknowledged token of scpeior merit. | should be chentbrnded for having sealasiet i Hip hat rong, Plata, Be on ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, P ° ; CLEA NER S, . Hebad given satisfaction as an educator, | the University at Chapel Hill to whites | ...4 ) Raleigh and th : : 7 . . Also, turers’ Agents for the celebrated Oh, wondrous is that work of art ad on . eaten at Commencement, it} alone. An opposite conrse would have woket to Recah $0. Through Tobie Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co-| Disorders of Urinary Organs, Bone Rust. Do. do. Rifle and Blasting Powder. Which knell the paming hoa wedifoged that ‘Hon. D. M__‘Bartinger, a| been fatal tat. And yet the opponents | fom Goldsboro” via Warsaw, to” Faysttrile i N ae ee But art ne'er found, nor mind conceived, cmber of the Exanining Committee at-|af the Ingtitation have faleely-cireulated |. Through tickts from Weldon to Payette-| pal and Coach Varnish, White Debility of the Nervous | trom they will find nuchinge bat frock ond det : m 6 : ville $10, Through tickets from Wilmington, «| The life-clock’s magic power. tending Prof. Pool’s examination of| the report that there are negro students, via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6, rable Goods. We buy all kinds of produce.— N. in gold, nor decked with gema, a class in Avalytical Geometry and Cal- | and even’a negro Professor, there. The OHARLOTTE TO WADESBORO: Lead of the very best Brands, System, &ec. ao ee and Fruits, which will , _— aid Cee asad} cnlus, publicly stated that it was the| Trustees select a Faculty, a larger pro-| eave Charlofte after trains from Raleigh : : ay ane ¢ ree . finest examination be had ever attended: | portion of whom ‘are native and Columbia, via Monroe, for Wadesboro'| Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot- Smith. Foster & Co., Bat a aie _—~< low, With all these recommendations by the | than was ever before known to the Uni- = — _ aha spr monk eee c. na it in i . ‘ ae ° . ’ y, Thursday, K > . ket Honse. fofmer authoritics, with the faireat record | versity. “Fo Chr gome, Wendi to | ior rival of trains aud Stage from Wilmington. | ton ing and Repi Iro April 2, 1869. 13_t¢ When dife’s deep stream, 'mid beds of fowem,|as a student, asa gentleman aud a ebris- | Northern schoot-mastere, and me — LORRIETILLE. ia Poesoeun, 00 SAY. Bagging ping, n, i All still aud softly glides, tian ministers the eyeof the Board were | University to “receive @ = | Leate Morrisville, Tuesday, Thareday and|,_.. . —_ UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE Like thé wavelet’s step, with a gentle beat, natarlly turned to him: It ia to be pre-| Northera Professors, Tt was seldom the) saturday Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. of SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. Jt warns of passing tides. sumed most, if*notallof these facts | case that a North Garolinian could receive! Leave Egygt Monday, Wednesday and Fri- were. ntothem; aad perhaps others au appointment to a chair in the Univer- | day. __ 1000 SACKS OF SALT. When threat’ ning darkness gathers o'er, equally favors unknown tome. Es-jsity. At presént the President, and near- | fae cosas Acs adaien Tins 25 BBLS MOLASSES. 12 HHDS. MOLASSES. And hope’s bright visions flee, Like the sullen stroke of the mufiied oar, «It beateth heavily. pecially is thie likely, since one member of the Executive Committee was: a col- loge mateof hiv, and a metiber of the ly every Professor at Davidson College | are from other States; and) yet the cry agaiost the University i¢ that it is ander Between Salem and High Point, will charter Stages at all hours “Cheaper than the Cheap- FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE 24-1f. Board of ‘I ho bad édinpliment, | the eoutrol of Tankess. The University |" O°? Bute’ Rech BSG Ng © = ar Trestees who compli i ankces. e Un TC MON When passion nerves the warriors arm ed Wim with a professorship ; anot es is at present atiderstood to contain ameug| Oct. 1; 1869—tf Contractor. LOOK for MERONEY’S For deeds of bate and wrong, ope of his.old pnpila, and the President} ite students the sons of members of both| ~~ + 5 eee Thongh heeded not the fearful sound, of the Board had been for many years in, politieal partics and all. the leading| NEW YORK and North Carolina Av EB max oF The knell is deép and strong. a position to give himan acquaintance | Christian sects. But ao word of com- STEAMSHIP LINE os THE BIC INDIAN , with euch facts. At least one member of plaint has been heard that the Faculty From POWDER! POWDER! . When eyes to eyes are gazing soft, the Board was a class mate and several | have made an effort to influence them in . And tender words are spoken, Then fast and wild it rattles on, were his college mates and pupils, their opinions. I believe there is really New York to Wilmington, 7E CALL TUR RPECIAL ATTENTION \ i i w w little political or sectional bias now in - : ope to As if with love 't were broken. sais sereeie bi A \cccumags ete: the vaipacsity as at any former r riod of |, ae nearer ooeyrae tne nnew eg ener SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ' : ally with the University from his boy-|its history. The thinking people of the) pay NKS eotnAl ie — This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, and invite all who want the Latest Styles, Best ee eee hood, and, bad been the only member of | State are beginning to understaud the Ce ciyie. Caph a Pian RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING Qualities, and Most Keasonuble Prices to give ‘And thus ’t will ran within the breast, the former Faculty who had never resign: | true state of the case, and to believe that) REBECCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. eae ° ° "| POWERFUL, and RELIABLE Reme-| 3 seal, We are now exbiviing ibe best Till this strange life is ended. ed, bat his immediate family had been rep- | outery against the University arises from | WARY SANFORD, John Moore. POWDER —Stack of — _ resented for a longer period as students | the fnet that it has been converted from a} With such additonal Steamers as may be _ dy and one that admits of a wide range of DRY GO ODS ooo Jaand -pate-ns of the University thar, | political into a non-political inatitation. | required to meet the demands of the trate — , | From the Standard. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Mr. Eorror: I gradtated at the Uni- versity between the rs 1850 and 1860, and was a etadent of ‘tutor, now Presi dent, Pool, In the late political contests 1 have acted and worked with the Con- CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goovs, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, | Coach, Capal and Japan Varnishes, | Walnut Stain, Kerosene aud The Univerrity has not been organized, | Sailing from New York every WEDNESDAY jaed SATURDAY at 4 P. M., trow Pier 15 E. R foot of Wall street with possibly one exception, any family in the State. It was believed that he! nor is it conducted in the foterest of any was the first wan in North Carolina, who, | party or faction. The Trastecs are for} in a published letter over his own name, |the most parta body of men whose posi bad suggested the connection of the Uni- | tions are supposed to lift them above par versity with the public schools of the! tizan tccling. They should be commend State, and which had been introduced in-| ed for having separated the races in the to the new Constitation. It appears, j education to be given atthe University. , . . application. Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar It is adapted to tulfil the morbid indica C# The attention of Shippers is ealled and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, |to the LOW RATES and FACILITIES | offered by this Line, which are superior to \°"% heretofore offered. | tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater ez- | s Oran Medici i Sak, eed feciciaes Ses tent than any other remedy yet known. scrvative party. Upon the q then, that not only has President Pool! They have acted wisely in elreting a ma-| | THROUGH BILLS OF LADING in shert hiss Machine Oils my mind has undergone no! been connected wiih the University from | jority of native North Catolinians and | S'ven to =e the North | Carolina s ta be fonad in Westra North Carolina. Spe- change, and ehould the same fsencs be | lis boybood, not only has he borne an alumni as Professors. There was p90} Railroad and its Conncetions via Golds- cial attention osealled to oor acouk of again. presented I shall parece 8 like | emivent part as an educator tm the trein-| man whom they could so naturally have | boro. J. A. BADLER, BOOTS AND SHOES course. Asan alumnus I have always |iog of thousands of youhg men of this} called to the head of the University as) ___ Soliciting Agent. EVERYTHING IN THE INVA LUABLE ayy > N. . ‘3. felt attached to the University,and have | and other States ; not els was he the one who had nome — with . for | WORTH & DAN aie hl N.0 ne See a ola silently but carefally noted the discase-[only one of the Former Faculty who [twenty years, from his boyhood, who had . tha m, N.C. - Ce ee ee eee eee cre ese ions oe eelanlon to ocoeeh organization. ae resigned his position, nor severed | received compliments from the former | TAMES HAND, Agent, WAY of MERCHANDISE ae? fe etee ate ey Se And now, asa friend to my State, to her | his connection with the University, but | Board never given to any other man, who | feb29—Stf 119 Wall Street, N. Y. [) cea ee ee eee people, to the cause of edncaticn, to| his immediate family have been among | had been the only one of the former | oe Unrivalled Remedy LP] We are ates agents tor the Manutactirers of ane and justice, I ask a bearing throagh | ‘he most.constant and faithfal patrons of | Faculty who refased to ever his con- PLANTATION BITTERS. the best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS the eolamne of every impartial and can-|the Institution, while he for the last) nection with the institation in her time of —AND MACHINERY, such o«— did public journal in North Carolina. A of the people of the State complain that the Universty is not what 1t should be, and refuse to patronize it.— ‘The leading public charges against it arr, that it has organized, and it is con- ducted in the interest of a faction or par- ty, ana that the faculty are incompetent and distasteful, Let us look calmly at eome of the leading faete. Upon the rat- ification of the new constitation the Board of Edocation, as required, met and elected a Board of Trustees: There is to be one from each County of the State. This Board of Education were all of one partienlar party, and had been elected by the inflaence of the colored vote, and tbis in times of the most violent political fer- vor. They assemble and elect a Board of Trustees. When the appointment of Directors to the Insane Asylam and that for the Deaf, Damb and Blind were to be made, out of a few there was at least one colored man on the Board. When this Board of Education are to elect, not five but eighty-nine Trustees, and from all parts of the State, whom do they choose? Look at it! Not one colored man! Not men prominent alone in poli- tics, nor all by any means the party io power, butevery Judge of the Supreme Court, every Judge of the Superior Court, both the United States Senatore, the United States District Judge, the United States Dietrict Attorney for North Carolina, a considerable vamber of the Legislative Department, and a large pro- portion of the distinguished alumni of the University. How much better could have been done? It is not denied that the Bourd made some mistakes. It is not claimed that all the appointments were even proper. Bat what Board, under similar cireumetances, would have given nniversal satisfaction? Itie asserted how- ever, withont fear of saccessful eontra- dietion, that no similar Board on the con- tinent ever contained so many official dig- bitaries, This body, in which the Exceutive and Judicial Department of the Government had the preponderenée of iuflaence, as- remble. ‘I'hey find before them reepect- ful resignations from every member of the Facalty except Professor Pool.— There they accept and proceed to organ- ent board of trustees than at of the University in ite extremity ? vices } dressed to Hon. B. F. University. all. When distinguished gentlemen twenty years has filled, as stadent, tator, professor, trustee, president, more honor- able positiona uader the former and pres- man that ever lived. To whom in N Carolina, or elsewhere, could the board of trustees more properly have looked to take charge Was the election of President Pool, |than any man that ever lived. then, in the inteteat of a faction or par-| ready, ander bis administration, more Jib- | ty! Was ite reward for partizan ser- erality is shown to the young men of the | He had not only repeatedly de-| State who desire to obtain an education, | clined to alow bis name to go before the | than ever before; and ench a course has people for the most finttering political) been inaugurated at the institution as offices, but was never known, though fre- | must meet the approval of the public. If he quently solicited, to make a_ political | had no national repatation as an educator speech, seldom to be present ata politi-| his enemies have unwittingly heralce gathering, and rarely to allow a discus- | his name throughout the coantry, and sion of political questions in bis presence upon the publie etroet. When President swain, in 1866 or 1867, published a series of letters of a political caracter, ad- Perry, of South Carolina, it is known that Prof. Pool wae aneparing in his disapprobation of the coarse pursued by the President of the While assessor of internal revenue, his appointiuents showed uo po- litical bias, as the assistant assessors ib Warren, Granville and Franklin counties, and other of his prominent officers, testity. Since bis election as President of the Univessity, this same uupartizan course has been displayed. Though bitterly as- sailed by the Conservative papers, he has treated all with the most marked courte- sy, and the 8; irit of his late publications in the Sentenel over the signature of “North Carolinian” meets the approval of were to be invited to appear as lecturers or orators at the University, he has courte- ously and politely sought them from both political parties. Whatever may be said as to the appointment of his predecessor, Gov. Swain, it cannot be maintained that President Pool was elected as a_poliuci- an, nor in the interest of any party, nor as areward for partizan services. His predecessor spent bat a short time in the tion, had bat littl, if any, reputation as a scholar or educator; he became, how- ever, a model, and President Pool follows one whose place is difficult to fill. It wili require time for him to gain the ea- University, and at the time of his elecs | | trouble, whose family twd been among the most constant patrone of the institu- tion, who had beew the first to urge ia public a reform in the system of the Uni-| versity, who had borne part, as an E:dn- cator, in the training of thoneands of the | alumni, and who bas filled Bmore posi- | tions in connection with the University | And al he stands out as the bold champion of ‘popalar edacation in his State It is said the Faculty have been tried, and are so odious to the people that the University ia not patronized. ‘To this ir may be — that the Faculty were not elected aud placed upon tital at all. Such an intimation Woald no doubt have been repelled by them and their friends as an indignity. They have long ago j roved themselves, or they would mot have been chosen. But even had they been placed on trial, they have not bern showed fair showing. They foand the University closed.’ All know the difficulty of reviv- ing such an institution when it has once gone down. It is also known thot colleges are dependent for succeas upon popular favor. Fhey had no tore than entered apon daty than the press began to forestall public opinion, by misrepre- sextations abuse, and indecent personal- ities. Most of them were non-combatante, and these personalities wera not resented Their friends forbore, and the evil has This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As & remedy for the nervous weakness to which women tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro- duced it becomes a stand- ard article—a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and All of which was bought for CASH, 84 will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to under- sell us. Be sure to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. It affords usa pleasure to show our Goods whether we sell or not. Don’t be deceived by loud blow- ing and heavy shelling, but come to see us and get posted up. (cP Orders from a distance the most popular medicine in the civilized world—he grown. Under such circumstane 6 th y have had no proper trial. The lick ot | patronage was very natural, and they will | be allowed a much longer time to build} up the University, thae if their enemire had waged no such unjust warfare. They are laboring faithfully to call students to the University, and are showing that it is worthy of patronage, while others, contrary to their own interest, are seeking to pull it down. If the patronage of the Unive sity should be inconsiderabte ander jeuch circumstanees, the blame eannot be | sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro- ' cers and Country Stores. acre --THE UNDERSIGNED wishes to obtain for his sister—a lady who has had several years successful experi- ence—a situation to teach, in a family or oth- erwise, the usual branches of an English edu- cation,—mosic not included. Address, stating terma REV. JOAN H. TILLINGHAST, 38—36 Selfebury, N. G prompily filled at lowest prices, (i We buy nearly all kinds of Produce. McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., No. 1, Murpny’s Grawit® Row, Salisbury, Gept. 24,1889. ldwly For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, SYPHILITIC. CANCEROUS, CU-- TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT- IC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AF- FECTIONS, in fact, Every form «f Chronic Disease it may be advantageous- ly used. This preparation bas been submitted to, thoroughly tested, and approved by some of the most eminent members of the Med- ical Faculty. Prepared by an experienced and well known physician and chemist. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE, PREPARED ONLY BY J.J, LAWRENCE, M. D., ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 6, Main Street, Norfolk, Virgiria. For sale b; Dra, Dr. G. B. POULSON, and Apothecary, Salisbury, N. 0. The Buck Ese Mower and Reaper, Torbine Water W heels, Fine Eogine Deep Well and Force [Pampe. French Burrs and Corn Mille, Threshers and Cleaners on fwheels complete, Cider and Wine Mills, Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, Grain Dr.lis, Sulky Plows, Smutters and Cleaners, Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting, and tinapy other things too po ous men - tion, all of which we wil! sell atthe Manufac- turers prices, Come, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing you may wantin tiis hoe We guar- sntee the Machinery sold by usto give sate- faction. We are also agents for Singer's New Fami- ly SEWING MACTIINB, for which there is no equal. Warranted todo all kinds of work, and to giv entire satisfaction, or the money will he refnnded t#F GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depot, on short notice. We will be found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row MERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Horse Power Portable Engine, for sale b ; juve 11—23:5m MERONEY & BRO. se FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION 8 6 ; RIBBONS, MILLINERY, & STRAW Goons, te Armstrong, Cater & Co., 237 & 239 Baltimore Street. BALTIMORE, Md., MPORTERS AND JORBERS OF BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND VE VETS, Tlusions, Blonds, Laces, Ruches. Notts Crapes, FRENCH FLOWERS AND PEATHERS, Straw Bonnets & Ladies’ Hats, TRIMMED AXD CUNTRIMMED Silk, Velvet and Felt Bonnets and Fata, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS, The largest Stock of Millinery Goods tn thie Country, and aneguelied in cho:ce vartety, which weoffer at prices that will defy competition. Ear Foe Sara as at Deveorsts.-ee ORDERS SOLICITED. eag. 27, 1P6E.. 36 On VOL. IV]. - The Old North 5 unbwis BEA NBS Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SUBCRIPSION. Oxe Year, payable in advance. . .. .83.00 Six Monvus, “ “s sovete SO 5 Cupies to one address,...ege-+---- 12,50 10 Copies to oue address,. ........24 20,00 Liates of Advertising. One Square, first insertion,... 2. «res s@.00 For vach additional insertion, ........ 50 Special notices will be charged 50 per cent higher thau the above rates. Court aud Justice’s Orders will be publish- ed at the same rates with other advertise- ments. Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. BPACE. “y a o au o | sq U O T Y xI g 18 8 “0 ! | \ “S Y I M O P Y OM T , “‘ S Y I U O K Y Pa y $250,.8375 $5 00 8350 $13 00 queres. 450) 625 8501300) 22,00 BScuares. 600!) 9:00 12 00:20 00. 30,00 1x es. 30011 00 15 00)25 00 37,50 $< 11 00 16 00, 20 00'30 00) 45,00 g Cobnnn. 18 00 24 00, 30 00/45 00, 75.00 1( 23 00,40 00; 50 00/80 00'1:30,00 | LEGAL NOTICES. Worth Carolina, ? SUPERIOR Court, | Yadkin County. § Spring Term, 1869. T. (. Hauser, Ex'r., of Wm. Mackie, dee'd. Plaintiff. against Elias H Ayues and othets. Defenduuts. tal Proceedings. Petition for Settlement oy Iu this case it is made. to appear to the satisfaction of the eourt that Thomas Maekie, Mariha Mackie. FElizaheth Mackie, Jesse Makie, Sarah Mackie. Elis Mackie, Hiram Martin, and bis wife Calhaim, Milas Reese atid his wife Rebecea, Sylvester Reese, Heury Shore aud of the Bute: Tt is therefure ordered by the | eourt that publication be made in the ‘Old | North State "a newspaper published in Sal- | the be ishury, N. C., for six weeks successively, no- tifting the defendants to be and appear at the next term our Saperior Court to be held | pound Gentian Bitters: fumshe couvty ef Yadkin, at the court house | charm—one bx in Yadkinsitie, on the 10th Monday after petition Lled by T. C. Hanser, the executor of Win. Mackie, asking fer an aceount of his admini-tration aod a final settlement. Witness, J. A. Martin, clerk of oar said court at @ilice in Yadkinville. Sept. 22d, 1-69 J. A. MARTIN, c. 8. c. 30—b0r—(pr fee #10.) Worth Carolina, ? Scrrrion Court, | Yadkin Couwty. § Spring Term, 1869 Martha J. Howard. PIf ) against , Alfed M. Howard, dft § In this ease it is made to aypear to the sat a vincula silaction of the court that Alfred M Howard. | the defendant above naiwed resides beyont the limits of the State and tha tMartha Jane | Howard. Plaintiff above named. hath a good | of action against bim: It is therefore | eans ordered by the ecart that publication be made ! in the “Old North State.” a newspaper pub lished io Saisbory. N. C., for six weeke sne cessively, notifying the defendant that sud appear at the next term of our Supe r Conrt to be held for the county of Yad- | kin at the Court House in Yadkinville on the 10th Monday after the 3d Mouday in Sept 1-GO. then and there to plead or answer t vid petition for divorce filed in the office of clerk of said court. otherwise judgment Leard exparte. Witness, J. A. Martin. clerk of our said court, at office the 10th Monday afver the dd Monday in April, 1869 ssued 22d day «f Sept. 1969 J. A. MARTIN, c. 8. ¢. oo —6w— [pr fee 810) State of Worth Carolina, 7 ROWAN COUNTY, ¢ Superior Court V G.W ad, Print iff, against M a I vase W a e and John HH. + s wesander the name of Heud { W F Baeon, W. I Bat+v, T J I 17 G. Hanghton, Dr la ToT a: W head, one of the def « above pained, ar sient Y oftare yr that a enimmone the above ase, has issued against you and he eo “ 5 the Sn ' ( » 18 ‘ ! a | ual ; l vou Aml { I \ Y titi f t a irmal t K , t ’ ( ) ra ' 1 *Mf da \ a and ow le t ron solaint 1 1 t “ apy! a tt ' A. dad M ( k ju A eps Ma der 2 A.D} A.J UDSON MASON, c. & « Sith) ESPMAY, 27th of Oetober, from 150 ¢ of Com, belonging t fary Ps, N2 OLI.--1 WILL SELL ON Web- 1 ' b farm of the late Robt. Ellis 0. G. FOARD, Oot V, TROD BO: $t Guardian S OMICH.--THE UNPAID NOPESGIV q dminist rofl ROW: Grif ¢ taaed, have been. Je‘tin the handse o e Hanes for collection. hove owing eqn sd te eat] upon Mr. Unies t oth iv S ) ‘ \ AT blood —tf Z. GRIFFITH, Adin’ D OP ickn axve The Great. American Tonic and Di: Reco’ ded and. bed. by. ici — iene [ee Tne “Compound Gentian Bitters” are made IAN BITTERS, tate vllowing Diseases INDIGESTION, SICK-STOMAOH, SICK-HEADACHE, BRONCHITIS, COLDS & CUUGH, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &c., and every Disease requiring a general Tonic impression. 3 For Diseases peculiar to Females it is almost a specitic. {27 In convalescence from Typhoid and other low forms of Fever it is the very best Tonic that can be used. The Compound Gentian Bitters meet w universal favor, and have received the strong. | est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a few of which we append below: This is to certify that I have used De, God- | 8° 7 a , n din's Compoand Gentian Bitters and clivertul- | with his foot, and placing hia toe te it, ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that | stepped ou: eight times, can be used for ordiuary debility, sick stomach CONTRACT RATES. Lipscomb, Orange eo , N. C., bay 15, ‘69. I hereby certify that I have Leen using Dr, | Goddin'’s “Componnd Gentian Sitters,” | Congh, General Debility, &e., and ] am fully for | A. FAULCON, Little‘on, N. C., Jan. 7th, Prepared only by Dr. Godin JAMES T. WIGGINS, Propric tary Wholesale Agent, NORFOLK, Va. | and as follows: Preacat—one two — three. E™ Por vale by Dr. G. B. Poulson, Salis Pet'n. for Divoree. | J PUBLIC. he be | SEASES read the following : Tomes H. Rainey, Eeq , Granville co., “| find your Pills to oe the best family med + [haveevrerused. They have proved very ber flicted for fifteen years, and have tried every kind o | medicine that | cou!d get. but have fonnd more Thave veed them i t $862 I was severely afflicted with | an@¥many nichts while 80 @Moruciating that I was compelled ured a few boxes of tle PLL Lap end the tirst lose ] took gate me nee the Pills for tw< I haver@rom mene: | <weral persons are in want of them. the enen.y will come, be ve also rv The Southern Hepatic Pills, q known and well tried remedy J DISEASED LIVER. ve United States | Druggiste | CES IM srToRn. 10,000 84 r) : The sale will be ca hh. I take place | AFLOAT. LIVERPOOT., (220 th. I nature of their wounds, AMERICAN, in Liverpool Sacks PARSLEY & CQ., ' the groin. REMINISCENCES OF A MEMOR: ABLE. DOBL:") >< The celebrated albair of — Leopaid-and mmanded-b the Chesapeake, the latter co: martial, in’ the ngs. relative. to which, it is said, Commodore Decatur took an. active part, anda dael was fivally the result; at Diadcroboest A correspondent aiid toe Dis of the Chicago Lribune*@escribes the af. fair as follows : zi When Elliot ‘arrived at Bladensburg, little knots of boys aud men, knowing or guessing the matter impending, gave him interesting regard. A group of naval offi- cers, particularty, standing at the tavern, walked out across the bridge toward the place of meeting, and-concealed themselv- es within hearing of the pistol shots. Al- most every one of them wasa friend of De- catur, and among them were Commodores Rodgers and Porter, and ‘bis two collea- gues in the Board of ‘Navy Commission- ers. Barron followed soon afterward, walking between his second, Elliot, and his friend, Latimer. His fyce expressed dignity and resolution. He walked firm. ly, and the three also deecended into the Valley of Chance. Decatur and Barron bowed to each oth- er formally. Hambleton stood by Deca- |tur, Latimer by Barron, Baiubridge and, ith | Elliott conferred together, and the former, | who had bebaved tairly and equitably | throughout, was appointed to méasnre the | round. He marked a line in the sod | times a man's length, or across: your dix | ning room, that was the distance. steel, silver mounted. They were eharg- cd and rammed in the old style, and pre- | | sented to cach principal by the seeond.— During all this time no word was said ex- cept by the seconds. In like manner Elliott and Bainbridge d for corners. Bainbridge wou; i “Commodore Deeatur,” said Bainbridge | “which stand do you select 1” | ‘The axis of the two bases ran nearly | north and south, obliquely from the brook. | Decatur walked to the north, nearest the water, where he stood a few inches 4 wer | than Barron. Both threw off their coats | | confronting each other. “Gentlemen,” said Bainbridge, raising | his voice, “I shall give the word quickly | Yoa are neither, at your peril, to fire be- fore the word one, nor after the word | = 40 YEARS ‘!ree.” | Commodore Barron turned his head, bie | pistol hanging at his aide, and said to ' Commodore Bainbridge : | | nounee the words in a manner you intend | to give them !"’ “None,” said Bainbridge, and he re- peated the tormula preciacly as he after- wards gaveit. For the firat time the an- tagonists looked into each other's eyes. — when we meet in another world, we shall be better friends than we have been io | this.” “I have never been your enemy, sir,” exclaimed Deeatar. Iicre Bainbridge walked behind Deea- bronchial affiction, and a complete prostration of | tur, and took place twelve or fifteen feet the bervous system. pro econfesso will be entered and the case | teén cis-s ia my family, and find them to be the very medicine tot early a.) family diseases The Cure is Thorough. Nayies, Fag., Clerk of Columbus connty to his left, Hambleton as far on his right. | Ibe same positions were reserved by El- | liott and Latimer. “Gentlemen,” said Bainbridge, “make | | ready, and looked at each other across their right shoulders. “Present” — The two arms went np and each took eight. “One—two—” One report rang out. The last wor | waa deafened by it. On the word two, | both pistols had been simnltaneconsly dis charged. ‘There were two puffs of sinoke, and in an instant Barron was down groan- | his tight hand to his sid Then he fell } | to the groand epecchless { ‘Tle seconds of both were beside them [ instantly. Decatar was raised by hia ke | friends and moved to higher ground, near by Barron, a IIe opencd his cyes direetly, and said : “IT au mortally wounded, at least I be- {lieve so; aud ] wish I had fallen in the “| service of my country.” Barron looked up to them alland said; | : y Commodare James. Barron, resulted: in of the purest and best Vegetable Tonics and| Barron's trial and sentence by the court- Aromatics known to the profession. They a'so contain twenty wr 2. Which makes them, ‘beyond all question, th tressed Kidaéys, Bladder and bave tio superior, if any try these Bitters, for the will in every case find them & safe, pleasant, speedy and effectual Remedy. Trey area sure preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Malaria! Di ! a yard to a step, | | marking also the last step asa base. Four | Each second now produced thé pistols | from a pair of cases, long barreled duel- | satisfied that they are thebest Bitters of which | ‘48 Weapons, of fine fini«l and bright I have any knowledge, aod the best Tonic of- fered to the American people, ROBT. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, Va‘, June 25, 1869. Le Goopw :— Dear Sir: 1 have been soffer- his wife Mary, are non-residents ing fortwenty years with an affection of the kidueys, prostrate gland and stricture of the : urethra; have been under the treatment of | 58 - st physicians in the coaniry, one of whom | ¥ 4% Decatur’s usaal good luck ! #s now @ professor in a medical college. I finally tried your Com the ellect was lke Ue gave ine comp): vewe it to be the best mn: the ud Mouday in Septetnber, 1569, then | used. til there to plead answer or demur to the] “Have you any objection, sir, to pro- | Rand, | Sternness and the purpose to kill lay in| a. /FOR BRONCHIAL AND LIVER DI./ both. “I hope, sir,” said Barron, “that | The antagonists swung round Gisela ; of Decatur’s valor, and learne | Barron as big assaesin. ‘I ive poor living into his tur; his pulsation had almost ceased. Now interview,of mingled ‘tenderness that his hours were numbered, wished to be at peace with his enemy that they mighb-enter thecourt of judgment, friends. Decatur was less stead but he con- sented to forgive Barron, though not..his advisers. It waa a sadder scene than Nelson, De- catur’s-admirer, dying in a cockpit during the battle, of Bayard, to’ whom he had been compared, bleeding on the battle The carriage came, and they bore De- catur to it, Bainbridge kissing his cheek. He had wrested Bainbridge fromthe dun- geons of the Moors. Bainbridge, in re- turn, had measured the ground for him to | stain it with his blood. Rodgers took Decatyr's head upon his severing the large blood vessels there. The two doctors exchang- ed ; there was no. hope for Deca- began on the nd, as they IA upoa cloaks spread tor cheat that tying and re- crimiwation w! Wirt has compared to the last intercourse of Hamlet and Laertes. Each striviag to clear up his fame, and prove that this crime was a mistake or the’ work of officions enemies. Barron, certhin < ames lo. river, instead of going forward, she ‘was slowly borue backward toward’ the dread- ful cataract. color fled from their cheeks; they stood in speechless horrer; the roar of the cat- shoulders, the doctor, Prewitt, seated with | 4ract sounded tearfully distinct in their them, and the carriage took its paiuful way back tothe city. Bainbridge and Hambleton hastened to the navy yard, where the tug lay to carry them back to Columbas, that ship of discord. At half past ten o'clock Deecatar recntered his elegant mansion, his wife was distarbed at the breakfast table with the appalling news, and they were driven io the upper part of the house. Around the city the evil news spread. Friends crowded around the door and into the duelisi’s dy- ing chamber. [le signed his will, refused to bave the ball extraeted from his wound, | and epoke affectionately, of his wife, | whom he yet refused toace. Excruciating ma came to him. After one of the ms, he said: “I did not believe it possible for a person to endure so wuch paiv as I feel.” The town was aroused, and his door-| ways and pavements crowded. They stopped the drawing-room at President | Monroe's. Uncomplaining, in the midet of anguish to the last, the anconquerable | | soul of the “Bayard of the Seas” yielded | | iteelf ap withont a groan at hall past ten o'cloek in the wight, Next day the little old National Intelli- | gencer came out with @ leaded editorial head saying that it would be “affectation” ears, as slowly, slowly they were still borne back toward it. At length theengineer bethought him of the oil with which he lubricated the ma- chinery. THe threw it into the furnace— the flames blazed ap intensely—steam was generated more rapidly—the wheel moved round with increased velocity—there was a pause as ‘Titan forces were contend- ing for the mastery... A momeat more, abd there was an upward movement. Now slowly, slowly the boat wade way aguiust the current. In a short time the point of the danger was passed, and a long heavy sigh of retief broke from the bosom of evcry one on board. A venerable, gray haired man was there among them. He lifted his hat and said, in a voice trembling with emotion ; “The Lord hath delivered us. Great is the name of the Lord. Let us pray.” And down apon the deck kneeled the multitude, while the heart-felt offering of | thanksgiving weut up to God, who had wrouglit for them so great a salvation.— Bat it did not end here. The feeling that had beeu awakewed by the near approach to death did not, with all, pass away when the dancer was over, as ie very often the case. Even there on the very brink of that lawdul precipier, many found their to be sileut upon the fact that the duc] | Saviour. A revival followed in the charch had occurred, aud that the c raLatants | were mortally woanded. Ina “Postscript"’ to which many of them belonged (it was a Sanday schoo! exeursion, and many it related that Decatur was dead, aud ad- | found peace in beli-ving. One, a man of | ded in the erade apostrophe of that period | great wealth, dedicated mach of it to God “Mourn Columbia! for one of thy bright- | in the building of a church as a memorial est stare is eet?" Threedays afterwards | |the mail was robbed three miles from | destruction, both ju thie life aad the life | Baltimore, the driver tied to a tree and | to come | Shot dead, and the mail bags picked over | in the bushes wear by. All thie tiwe while Deeatur’s body was going from bis residence, close by the White House, to | | “Kalorama,” an estate on a hill overlook-| he sees sin; he sees righteousness; he | ing Georgetown and while Barron lay in| sees seca wrath; he sees grace; he secs | the city, writhing in pain and listening to | judgment; he sees love. He looks up of his gratitade for being snateled from It is chus that the gate of heaven scems often bard by the gate of bell. God takes the heedless sinner aud shakes him over the mouth of the pit . he trembles all over the faneral drums. In Congress, Jobn|and calls apon tye name of the Lord.— ey were objected to. The tone of sph offered consolatory resolutions, | The Lord sates, and the delivercd soul praises Him forever. A new song is pa the preas, commented on the dacl, was | imto bie mouth. He rejoiced la thé Lord. respectful both to the living and the dead | antagonista, bat sternly devunciatory of } | “the code" as our newspapers now a days | coald be. Barron suffered dreadfully for many months, byt recovered at hast, and | lived to 1851, eurviving, I think Decaturs } childless widow, who was represented in 1846 to be alive in the Georgetown Cath- olie College, “ia ill bealth aud poverty, finding in the consolation of religion alone alleviation of her sorrows,” ont but hope- ful of seeuring something from Congress Barron went to sea again, and had charge of several vessela, bat the shadow of the dael lay acroes his life. People forget the apology for it in the catastrophe of it. A new gencration of boys rose "p who read c victim could not explain against a dea jman. He asked for a eourt martial o Decatar's charge agalnst him, and was : | exonerated with meagre compliments, ing. Decatur straightened wp A Moment, | / | pinehed Lis lips, dropped bis pistol, and } ‘ with | the color went oat of hia face. He drew Deeatar lies buried behind St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, in a venerable and | spacious graveyard, under an engle-capped monument. His portrait is in Gicorgetown College. His name is conferred o0 many |} towns and couptains in this country — What he lived for he bas obtained - glory | in the eyes of hie countrymen. obtained “satisfuction’’—little more. Yei | | think the latter was throaghout the ag- } grieved apirit. i } “T Don’t Carr.”—Y¥er, yon do, an “Everything has-been conducted in the | there’s no use trying to deceive youraclt j most honorable manner. I am mortally | with the sophistry of those words. The wounded. Commodore Decatur, I for-| best and noblest, truest and most gener- | give you from the bottom of my heart.” £ Jinmediately down the pathw vy to the Valley of Charce came many genilemen, | ous part of yuur matare does not care for the unkind, cutting words you bave utter- ed to one you have loved, in a moment of all tricnds of Decatur—Rodgers, and Por- | pique. You may earry yourself ever so j ter, and Bolton, twodoctors, Bailey Wash- proudly and elegantly, you may never ington and Previtt, General Harper and | drop, by look or word, the sweet dew of hers, friends or iit {here were anxious looka and ntteeati- | ces of “Tut! totl’ or “Dear! dear!” bealing on the wound yoa have made, in @ natore a’ proud, as seusitive and ex tacting as your own; bat to your honor be | The doctors proceeded to loosen the ik aid, you are better than. your words. ’ ress in this unholy amphitheatre € J k Barron was struck in the hip and abont Decatur had canght the ball! thing to one who loves you, and |: ve your 40-3t on his hip, and it bad glanced upward | heart endorse your “T don’t car | closhes of the suficrers and ascertaia the | and away down in yoar heart lark sham The little green | and repentanee and sorrow for ihem. You valley at the breakfast hour had become a | may carefully hide them bork, and in a] | surgeon’s hospital. In it were represent- | httle while they will be goue, }ed nearly all the naval victories in the re- jis very easy to make one's self bitter, i public-—Tripoli and Algiers, Lake Erie | proud and cold—very hard to keep one’ | aud both oceans; they held sulemu cou-! self sweet mellow and charitable: | oh! it to regard | Barron | | lo, seeing the evil effeets of this extrava- ’ 5 | } ‘ | | —_——3ap > EXPENSIVE MOURNING. Death is tolerably certain to come to : ay: | Lenoir, is a native of Li o ‘The most people at some time; and ia eiviliz | Lenoir, is a iva ot Lineolu county -Th ed coantries burial bas always been look- ed upon as a necessity, but im our gities, fastiion, and the undertakers, are making it aluxary, and the time is not distant wher, unless the tendency to pompous woe is checked, the poor will be anable to bury their dead decently. We dare not undertake to estimate -the cost of a “respectable” faneral, but # may be rafe ly asanimed that a man could live for year on what it costs to get him buried in 1 manner en fic wr thy IM pyre strive to soothe the grief of bie friends, A-friend of oars counted over one handred and fifty car jag 3 ina faneral procession a few days , and did not ceant them all that. It | would seem as though, by a coinbined ef fort on the part of the clergy of all de- nominations something might be done to | | stop this waste of time and money which is most indulged ia by those least able to {afford it, for it is a notie@naLle fact that the | funcrals of the most wealthy people are the least ostentations. The late Bishop Timon, Roman Catholic Bishop of Buffa- ganee, forbade, in his diocese, more than four earriages appearing ita funeral pro- cession, and we belicve other pre lates in he church bave made similar regulations. | ; ; | clusters of pnrple aud lnseions fruit. Protestaut clergymen hive vot the same authority, but they could evest their infla- ence, and ought to do so. This practice | of long processions seems doubly ridicu- | lous when itis remembered that two-thirds of the carriages are often ocenpied by peo ple who wouldn’: have known the deceas fed had they met him ou the street, and vho readily admit that they “only go for the ride."——N, ¥. Commercial Advertiser es eee ee A man who was appafertly more of a I d wit than a madman, bat who notwith z wa8 contlived in a mad-house, be ked how he came there, auswered, Me ima dispaie of words; bo aaid that ulbimen were toad, amd ail wen said chat L wea mid, aud the wajurity carried their aust? ee Aducky man near Sandusky, Ohio. was | there inust be some pain and siruggliug ai fortnnitellant wool ia tnanend threedace before you can do a mean, uigcuerous lat the Miate Fale be wominaued to the Tac islatage, have a pew born babe in] Vga tt La litter of wine p'g his pen. THE EDGE OF THE CATARACT, Many years since a steambbat. was. ac- enstomed to make daily trips between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The. nearest point at which she <ould approach the mighty cataract was Chippewa Creek, about ten miles distant on’ the Canada side. One day thete was a pleasure 6x: cursion, and several Lundred men, wo- men ad children, went dowii from Buffa- After spending the day in all garts. of amusemeuts, iu looking upon the falls, ad- miring the raiubow, passing under ‘Table Rock an@ beliind the falfiag’. water, they gathered themselves on board the boat to- ward night, to return to their homes. By some miscalculation 6f the engineer suffi- cient steam lad not been generated, and when, after passing out of the Creek; the boat met the strong, rapid current of the ‘The people on board, as may well -be imagined, became instatithy alarmed. The k RESOURC N. CAROLINA. = oo Rimemeei i ete THe SALEM Press ean pu ing a series of articles on cés of North Carolina, Bélow we give one of them relating to the production’ of Fraits, Wines, &e., in this State, which, we think, will be read with interest : In pufsuance of the palicy which we have marked oat for our guidance, to pre- serit to the readers of the Press the ver great and peculiar advantages, with whic najure has endowed our State, we. shall lace before them the profitsio be derived rom Fruits, Grapes, Wines, and Market Gurdehing. age . The census returns of orchatd produets area safe guide to the valuable fruit growth cf North Carolina. In 1860 the whole value of these was $643,688, asam unexpectedly large. Peaches in the east- ern counties, and apples, with peaches, pears and cherries, in the West, make up the market fruits. The apples are peeu: liarly fine, the native varieties doing bet- ter than those cultivated at the North.— All of the coantics of the inter’or lying | somewhat elevated above-the deeper river Some of the fiuest fruits known, south of New York, are of North-Carolina origin, and Rutherford coantiee, with Surry aud ebrated for fine apples and fine cherries. ’ the counties from Forsyth eastward. planting oat largely, that the eapacity of the section has not been proved Thatit Norfolk with dis pate Cheap and safe transportation has already beeu provided throngh a semiweekly line | of steamers, from Wilmington to N. York, which can pat any such products in mar- ket in fifty hoars, while by railroad only Three leading American grapes have their vation in every part.of the United States, py where grapes will grow at all. “It is the breferred to, promising much as a wine-{ Carolina afford, of the great adaptation they have to the growth of grape vines, | wild o¢ cultivated. Inthe low country, th “J gig antic Scupipernc n ] out a parallel in the world for magnitude of growth, and abandance of production. dance, who dora not at once perceive that the eultare of the grape, can and will be- | come an item of great impertance. All| that 13 necessary is fur some few energet- | i¢ pioneers, to take hold of the work, and | show their neighbors what can be dene, | aud the lapse of ouly a few years will re- | veal to the eye many a slope and hillside vow covered with broom-sedge, present: | ing a far more gratefal picture of staked | ne ‘ : or trellised vines, bending beneath their | “*¥*% lives on the car like masic that jcan never be forgotton, like sound of tha chureh bell which the convert hardly knows how he can forego, often seem to be almost things rather It is part of the na | tional mind, and the anchor of national The memory of the dead The power of all the gifts and trials of a man | neath its words. followed -by the busking song at night | will-be taken that divessity ef product jand parsuit which alone cau -scenre tru: comfort and independence for our people.” | r-por 8 of te oty of Cla leston, since the | close of the war, cannot have fale | mark that the number of de dvsing omt m ch more rapidly than the native district of Weatern North Caroli- Teabella grape is often accredited to West- era North Carolina as its place of origin. Universally cultivated as it is, it is cer=| tain that itg best growth is iu the elevated lands of the Southern States Another valuable grape, which is a na- | tive of North Jarolina, is the Lenoir, jnst | grape, and still another new one, is called 5S g grape, is with Paking these facts asa basis for our gui- 8 The merry voice of the vintners by day | +. ae. NEGRO MORTALITY. Any one wlto hae read the healih re- | g | natoraliv arises, why should this thing be. B fir: ¢ c war mcr ality was ako t cqual) bis Saxon Li among both races, bot since peace has on re-eatabliehed, the negro has been | e man, in colived » asa gas came vigorously | be compelled to do to pro- ary pemters aioe and longevity. the bread which fi find ev- bo falls below the average amount of wi man can doin a daya if he does not starv¥ opinion among to poison their day is not far distan that they bave been de! agogues, anxious to acenmu! at the expense of the white and black man hey will soon see, as we valleys, are veay favorable to orchard | alike. fruits, each race is interested in the pros Every industrious la’ an additional souree of strength to and native seedlings of this State are con- | Couniry, it matters not what may be hia epichous for size and fine flavor, Wilkes | color, big nativity, or his religion. Every owner of capitiil, every possessor of braia Yadkinand Forsyth, east of Blue Ridge, | honestly a wer to the State aud Bancombe county, West of it, arecel- | and farnis what labor wil produce. Living side by The requisites for fine orchard fruits ap-| side, the white man eainot “s - te more fully met iu the climate of | black man, nor can the black man do the soil, the of the education The remedy for this mortality among The anecertainty of “peach seasons” in | the colored population of the ‘State is” to New Jensey, Delaware and Maryland, | be found in work, bard and stead renders itimportant to extend their growth | united with pradence and to warmer loealities, and now attention is | means of labor and econom being directed to the bels from North Car- | condition of the race will be im oliua to Georgia, corresponding in position relatively to the sea on one side, and to the inland districts on the other, which rthe-Northern peach region has. Hereto- fore so little attention been given to ear to Wester Carolina, indeed; than in any Without those who rt of the country south of New York, | capital and a caebes belong more particularly fo all | and intellect and with improvement.in. its m dition will come better health, ineréase of births and greater lov Charleston Courier. _ So A WIFE'S INFLUENCE. A Christian woman is very great, however, cannot be doubted, | ‘%¢ men on whom she The peach treo is almost indigenous here ; her tenderest affection" it come early and grows to great size.—, most every grace, but the grace of God. The only question, is that of transporta- | By spending the early part of his life in tion; bat with care in packing it should | * foreign land, and be practicable to ship from Newbe | Who had the repatation of gen iepatch and safety "| bad tar'ibed-tbe Seaklonable habla In chet As the ecason is a “fall month earlier | — of using = same in vain, in than that of ripening in Delaware, the | COMMON conversation, : question of pean hie is not in the way. | much loved wife sought to reclaim him. She took advantage of his love tor her to win him to Christ and she effectually su-cecded- One day$as she was s’anding before him fn eompany wito a few friends who to his conversation, in or- itional interest, as he sap- ve her hand to already placed Ne peat a His new and thirty-six hours is required. were listest Wine, in the census of 1859, shows a —— give standard prodagt of North Cerofina.— | Peed, to what he was relatin be added the name of Christ. origin here, ‘ihe Seuppernong, the Oa- | wife, and saw her in tear’ He was con- tawba and the Lenoir. The Catawba is | haosesP She é 2 7 the most important grape of general cali- | Pe iriar bled Ob!” said she, eaf name, you wou favorite on Lake Erie, as well as in ite! wi har mis todd a dled lee |na. This grape is claimed to be a native | te eee soon left the room. Ta of Buncombe county, and the Lincoln or | thie way be wae saved fre { now an eminent example He looked at bis ber hand, and gently ten and is piety. : The Detroit “Free Press” wants mod- ern improvements worked into rehool reading bo ke, and offers the fullowing as ple of the sort that would be up spirit of the age ; “Here is a man. | a sam | to the . He is a fireman. He belongs to No. i0. If yous are a good boy | you will some day be an angel like that | fireman; They some times get their heads , | the Nerth Carolina Seedling. All obser- tiroken | vers are strack by the evidences which : | most paris of both Virginia and North | ‘De you see that small boy? Te is a | good boy, and sapports kis mother by selling have to work any more now. Llere is a picture of a young widow. | See how ‘sad’ she looks. Her husband {could not pay her dry goods bills and so Do you thinks she will get fanother man? She will try hard. | he—died. how joyful that heard that a man throat, and he is going for for the item. | Should yon like to be a reporter, and get | licked on dark nights, and sons, aud climb up four pair of stairs. SS ae “The English Bible,” Dr. Newman i than mere seriousness | passes It isthe representative ind all that there has been about him of soft and gentle, d to re-j and perc, and penitent, and good, speaks ‘aths among } to him forver out of the English Bible.— the colored prople, as ermpared to those | [t is his sacred thing which doabt haa 1 ¥ing the white bas beon in the Ptopoi-/ never dimmed and 2 tion of more than two to one. portion bia been, as we are informed, | land the gieuter in other plices; and the question | with on ; of hig best moments, This pro-| soiled. In the Jength and breadth of the reis not an Euglish (hriatain e spark of righteousness about him, whose apiritaal biography ia pot in England observed a inan at work and seeing he was taking it remar! ed: “My gvod friend, ;Sveatany.” “Whe, no master. six shi! To us the reasen seems to be in the! a week aju't swe ting wages.” * nod - 7. —— ee SALISBURY, piipay, Out, Be, ene, Pablic Geet Bie Tagine Placed “Upon by the Bathera—Kepudiction Dishomovable, Dis- kohest, and Destructive of all Sound Morality, Private-as well as Publio~Tive Burdens of the People of North Carolina greater than can be borné—Flow they can be Diminished and “the People Relicved without resorting to te crime of Repudiation. az (CONCLUED.) The plan which we propose for the reduction pf the new debt is one which can only. be justi- fied by the necessity of the case, and the circum: stances attending its oggation. The opinion scems to be general that the people of the State cannot, in their present im poyerished cor pay the taxes which the constitution the legislature to impose if the debt as it now is, These taxes must as high hereafier as they ere even now.we hear complaints the State. The people are burdens are greater than, they can bear. And if so, how ean they tigowas much? If it realty be tr s that the taxes to will before than the 1uuder other @reumstan- sherbe justitied dm ' inteHigent man will hrge it-wh somes to feflect properly upon the gubject. What we propose is that the con- be cancelled—that the State refand to the hold@MFof the bonds exactly the amount which r them, with interest, and cancel the n this way we canget rid of the greater rt of the debt without any actual wrong to the holders of the honds. This the State, as we haye said, will be justifiable in doing berause of her present inability to meet the bonds at their nominal value and beeanse of the fraud and cor- ruption employed in procuring Mile appropria- tion and ixsge-of many, if not aloft them.— And if it. shall. be. determined to cancel a part of the bonds and not all of them, then care should be taken to cancel those that have been issued . without the proper sccurity having been taken that the proceeds of them will be properly applied, It is said that iv some instances vast amounts have been sold by who have the works in charge, and that they placed the -proceeds to their private gredit. ‘We know not how this is, bat the mat- ter should be inquired into. The fact is that nearly all the appropriation acta, passed by . the present legisiqtare seem to have been passed for of the “Ring” more than the benefit of Hebets or the people, © Millions of bonds were directed to be issued und delivered to the Presidents of the various Railroad companies at pnece, to be sold by them at pleasure, without ta- king the least secuyity in any way for the proper application of the proceeds. Was this done to paable the.“ Ring” to apéeuldte upon the money? — It looks very moch like it. Why was it not provided that the ‘Treasurer should deliver the londs to them in installments as needed to pay for the work done? . It ia to be hoped that when the legislature meets agaia it will méet in 4 different temper than when it adjourned. It is to be hoped that the members will have Jearned something of the pablie eentiment Wy mingling with their con- s:itaenta’ Itia to beJhoped<that they} will be disposed te repair, as far as posible, the mix chief which they did at their firgt session. - If #0 let a committee of three upright and able men— men whocannot be corrupted—Le_appointed to investigate the affairs of the sey com panies to whom the bonds ‘Were issupd. said com- mittee report how many of the bonds haye been rold &y each egmparty, and” wha! disposition hag been made of thamoney. ‘Then let the legislature pass an act requiring both the mogey and the unsold bowde to be returned to the Treasury for eaufe keeping. .A having done this let the legislatare cancel the transactions of last sexxion. Let the bonds which have been sold be cancelled, as before enggested, and unc sale of any more prohibited. And Jet the Treas iirer, or whatever agent the State may select, re- fand what the companies may thus he compell- ej to disgorge. It is believed that the deficit would not be more than two millions, conid the money al! be-bronght into requisition, To mect this deficit let bonds ‘offthe chataéter deseribed jist week be issued, andasold, Jf this plan couid be carried ont, in connection with the one to sell the State's stocks and comptfomise With the old which ja efttirely feasible, then would the people of North Carofina find the desired creditars, r lief without destroying her credit. Indeed, ax | ¢Coinmetited upou by journals -represeuting | have made this contract with the Directors of | The Republican | the N.C. Railroad Company will, donbtless, bid | ly whatever she might contract to pay hereafter, | journals claim the result asa great Kepniili- | higher than any or all other competitors, should | it would teave her tn a condition to pay prompt- her credit would be greatly enhanced by it.— Her bonds would not be hewked around the P t of State bank if so, the State ay - - it cannot be broken into disconnected fragmentr, And, we repeat, nothing but the present inabili- ty of the people of the State, who have never given their eanction to this debt, to pay the in- terest on it, and the fraud which was perpetre- tedarpoo them in its creation, can justify the course which we have suggested. other circumsatrages vod such a proposition re- selye ay sanction at our hands. EH the iofis which we have made with reference to the old and theew debt—and there is no difficulty with referenge to the old— can*be earvied out the people wilf at onee Be rex lieved of a great burden. Pyen inthe of the sale of the Statew#locks the speople of the | {State will be gainers, independent of the adyan- the reduction of the debt— yaya much better managed by tirely “of individuals State,has control of political ma- a i In the a than only the moral obligations of the Staté-in refor- me the new debt, and should have.done so even if the decision of the University R. R. case ad never been made, or if it had been different. We believe that the State cannot be justified, under any cireymatances, in. obtainmg money. Without rendering a fair eqaivalent, So the Mississippi, where repudiation wasattempted to be defended upon a legalquibble. Tt was eonten- ded there that the law under which thé “Union Bawk bonds” were issued was niall and yoid.— But the world said that Mississippi had received the money and that she was’ morally bouhd to pay the bonds upon which it was realized. Her prea availed her nothipg, and it should have have availed hermothing. It was siot yntil after a lapse of twelye years—after all the sensation produced by the act bad subsided —that the va}- idity of the Jaw under which the bonds were i+ sued was affirmed by the Supreme Court of Mis- sissippi. We will not say the decision of our Supreme Court in the University Railroad case is erro- neous, But how it can be maintained in every part upon the premises of the Court surpasses our comprehension. We adeept of that decision, and especially of that part of it which establish- es the equation and limitation of taxation. We also admit that the just rule of construction—the one applied by the court—leaves the legislature unlimited power to levy all the taxes which may be neceasery to pay the interest on the debt of, the State in existence at the time of the adoption of the congtituljon, the specific tax for the sinking fund, and all taxes necessary to carry on the State government, erect., Penitentiary aud sup- port the Asylgnis, But we eannot sce how the limitation can be ayoided far other appropria- tidns, To-say that the bond issued in pursu- ance of the provisions of an act pawed by the legislature at one session are valid, but bonds is- saed in pursuance of an act passed by the same legislature at its next sesion for the same purpose would not be valid, seems, to our mind, to be a paradox too absurd fo be maintained. Since the foregoing article was written—some two weeks since—réflection has convinced us that the difliculties in the way of Caricelling the new debt by the action of the legi«lature are very great, perhaps insurmountable, And, besides, nothing beyond the investigation proposed by a commit- tee can be expected by the present legislature in any event, if that much. Nothing ean be done, probably, without the calling of a Convention by the legislature with power to amend the State Constitution. And by the:time aych Conven- tion can be called—by the next legislaturo—a very small amount of the proceeds of the sale of the new bonds will be within reach. In that event, should the question be the payment or re- podiation of the whole—we mean the nominal as well as the real debt—we shal! x ment whenever the State becomes abie to do so. And if, addition to the admitted fraud and corruption, the Supreme Court shall revefse its decision in the University Railroad cnse we will still be in fa- vor of paying the amonfit which the State artu- ally realized on the bonds, with interest. om the same. This is all that the State ought to be re- quired to do ander the circumstances. And when it ie remembered Upat it i dee etrerim=tance=an- det which the debt was oreated and the charac ter of those who now wield the powers of the State that prevent the bonds from selling at a mach higher price, it ts quite probable that the holders of the delt would prefer to exchange ft at the raté: of {wo dollars for ome for other bonds which have the endorsement ofthe lac- | payers of the State through « legiclature which | fairly and truly represents them. Bach a change, made with the consent of the cfeditors, would be perfectly justifiable .under any_cireumatances, j and especially undet the prevent. And can we | not ealeulate’with certainty that the next legie- lature wil! fairly and truly represent the people— the tax-payers—of North Carolina? | ——--e-——___ | THE STATE ELECTIONS NORTH. } — | The reeent elections North are varionsly for the pay- in any event, even im | different politieal views. ean vietory—as an cudursement of Gen. Gravt’s administration. The Deinocratie Under no} ‘world wil) say, and so it didsay in the cose of comm epg receipe > eae = eee ‘the elements of Couservatisun can never ba | united underthe name and organigation of | the Demoeratie party. Of this the most jabundant proof is at hand. ook, for in- | stavee. at the Conservative Coavention whieh |i assembled at Philadelphia in 1366: It opened with fairer prospects of success than any similar moyemeut: ever attempted ju in our eountry. Aniong its mewbers were many men eminent in the | 0 party. The writer of the wasterly address put forth pa the oceasion, Mr, ond, was a m And the work go au Jy bez woald have mies r ‘mation of a great liberal conservative par- ty, had notthe whole scheme been defeated by the Demoeraéy. ‘The Deinderatic party. defeated it by attempting to. appropriate to itself what was. intended for the gountry. The result was that nearly all the Republi- eans rho participated in the Cunyetion were'driven back to -the Radicals, When the issue. presented was 4 choive between the Republican and ‘Democratic parties they thos» the’ Republigan, ¢ i . To terminate the rule of the Radieals new party inust be fortwed. “A mere chang: of the name’ of the Deinvratte party will ngt accomplish the desived fesult. It must other leaders. No party will succeed daring the present geueration whose national lead- ers were not devoted to the cause of the Uvion during’ the late war. ‘It is folly to expect any thing else, A mighty struggle has jot ter minated and some men seem to think that the party which has beey defeated has thereby acquired the right t> govern. - This idea is regarded by the people as absurd. And ia it not soY Jf the Confederacy Had succeéded what would have been thonght of him who would have proposed for the Presidency thereof aman who had been a’ persistent Union man through- out the entire struggle? Anawer this question and you Will find that what we agy is true. And, besides, no party ever opposed a successful war in this country without efiecting its’ own over- throw. The old Federal party, the purest and the most intellectual party that ever existed in Americe, was overthrown in consequence of its opposition to the war of 1812. The Whig par- ty. second only to the Federal party in excel- lence among the parties of this country, signed its death warrant in its opposition to the annex- ation of Texas and the Mexican war, And the Democratic party, with all its m«pectability, has done the same thing by its opposition to the } late war. Let anew and liberal party be organized gn- der the lead of men like Chase, Charles Francis Adama, Sprague, and others of thattype, and its snocess is certain, In the South it will combine all the Conservative clements, and at the North it will be the controlling power. -_—-see IMPORTANT TRANSACTION —THE N. C. RAILROAD TO LET. We learn from a well informed sguree, and one entirely reliable, that “The North Carolin* Railroad Company” have let and farmed ont their Road, for the term of twenty years, to“The Raleigh and fiaston Railroad Company” aad others for an annual rent of $210,000, to be paid on the first day of January in each year, The rent is seoured by 9 deposit iq Bank of cash or its eqnivalent in United States bonds, or good and acceptable Riilroad or other bond: ; thie deposit is to be permanent, and if there is ocea- sion to apply it, then it is to be renewed, and as often as necemary. The Road and property is to be returned at any termination of the lease in like good order and condition aa when the lewees received it, and bevides the covenant to this effect, the lee sees give bond and security in the «am of #240,- 000 to #0 refurn the propertr. The Road is to be inspected annually in the first week in Nov- If the lessees fail to i, OF k e; up the property, then the lease to determine at on™. good order and con tition. comply with their oovonanteto pay r There are covenants on the part of th ger fare shall not be greater than it ix at thi- time. .This statement embrace= the Jeading pro- visions of the leaw. A meeting of the Stock- holders is called to meet in this city of the 11th of Noyvensbee. This is an insportasit transaction, and it would seem to bea beneficial one for the Stockhojders of the Company, $240,000 is 6 per cant on the whole capital «tack. The stock has been worth about 25.cents in the dollar; this lease will pro- bably run it ep. The Raleigh Sentinel, to hich we are indebt- ed fe the above statément of the tran<action, says that the net roveipts of the Road last year was $316,038,31, or $76,638,831 more than the amount for whieh it has been leased. The Sen- tine famther thinks that if competition had been invited, the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company would have given $100,000 more per annum for the Road than the other parties have agreed to give, If this is really so, and we hope | it in, the Stockholders have only to refuse to rat- | ify the contract whieh the Directors have made, and proceed to make the best bargain for them- selves that they possibly can. The parties who | cota petition he invited by the Stockholders at their meeting on the llth of Noveinber. Let world agaif® soon at lesa than half their | joornale, if pot eatircely satisfied. elaim that | the road he farmed out og. the hest termes that valine She would not again be compeled to pay interest on twothoasand three handred del- | lore for the wee of one thousand. [jut let her re podiate and her credit is gone- forever. ca). not @ttimand a joan on any terms from her co GP the capitalists of other States of conn- Wht would be the eondition of a State which could not command the confidence of her own rene? How would her gitizens focl when ight in contact with the citizens of other vics and countries? Public faith deliberately and wantonly violated, pnblic eredit gone, confi- nce between man and man destroyed! template the picture! la every point of view in which an honorable min can contemplate it this plan, which is © ute as much within the scope of the powers of the covernment aa the other, is vastly preferable repudiation. To gnch a man any thing, even toc utter bankruptcy of the State, is preferable to Cisnonor, What chastity is toa woman that coed (ith is to a State—without it she is simply fleepised, And it should be remembered that the shame of her prostitution will not be eohfin- ed to the pregent generation of. Nosth Carolic nians. The stream of time has, in the language of Mr. Prentiss, 9 continuous, everlasting flow ; ¥qo cannot separate its particles, and say, this mitch belongs to one generation and this to an- $ She | Cons | there ismach ia the result fte iospire them with the hope of complete saceess at the The Conserva- | tive and Libera! jovrnals see nothing in the j Lo : te | résult to indicate aay change in the politieal } next Presidential eleetion: sentiments of the Northera peopla. The comments are nearly all upon the, re- sultim the two great States of Obio and | Peansslvauia. The Demoera'e elaim that | they have made great gains in both of these | States. But an examiuation wilt show that these gains are more apparent than real. In Ohio, for example, it is claimed fhat great gains have been made sirce the Presidential eivetion last Fall. But this_is no fair teat. Many men who were tot Radicals, and not even Republicans, yoted for Gen, Grant, Compare the receyt election: with the last Gobernatorial elestion and see how the that- ter stands. The fact isthat Hays’ majority ovet Pendleten is seven or, eight. thousand more than it was over Thorman. If there is any thing in this result indieating the growing strength of the Demvcratic party in the North and West, we confess that we are utterly unable to perceive it. That a large majority of the people of both Ohio and Pennsylvania are opposed to ultra other. The life of society ia one and immortal ; radjealisins there can be nov doubt. But all {can he obtained. It ville the best thing that can he done for the Stockholders. Stock will go up nearly to par as econ as it is dune. > Tn 1840 the Weet had 30 members of Congress ; Phe Eaat in 1840 hrd 38 members ; 1870 they will have bunt 22. ‘Phe Atlante Eastern State, as diatinguished from the Southern, had 119 Congressman in 1860; after 1870 they will have bat66. The West and Southwest will have a clear majority of members of the next House of Representatives and of Presidential elec- tore > ops of the Protestant Episcopal Ohureb assembled in New York last ‘Thursday, elected Dr. N. H. Pierce as Missionary Bishop of Arkaneat and the Indiau Ter- ritory. The new Bishap- was born in Rhode Leland, and gradaated in Brown University, He performed Missionary labors for several yeare in Texas, and wad at one time reetor of St. Jotin’s Chareh, Mobile. He is a minister of great ability, and is very popular, aoe Hoar is reported to have de. clined being a Jadge of the Supreme Court of the United States. be a new party, with a new. uame and: unde ember, with a view to ace that it in ke pt in euch | lesees that the “local freight”. and local pawen: | Another Bishop.—The House of Bish- ; rom ¢ ves : ty? § is the place, in my humbleapin- ion, that nature has marked out for the locating of.this cially the of Salisbury, permit to be bul af tay tiher Pome and theabe al vert trade from. their wery doors,» pointed at by the CRoctos boddactoon tes all time to most ‘edly, .) Why st look re see what all your neighbors are doing, The the pee. le of Iredell moving to secure a Kaira rom Bisiewille to Virginia, bptheway of oo called the Plaster Banks and-Salt Works And the City of Charlotte is. d i in this project and is all’ it, The far-secing men Dutch of old Salem are at = Salem, and will, in all proba Tron Horse, that never refuses. to do. service snorting in their very face by ly next. 7 What are the people of Rowan and Davie do- ing to secure the location of the Western Bail- road at Salisbury 7 ‘The County Commissioners ' of Davie have agreed to submit the propositién to her to snbseribe $50,000 to the ¢apital stock of said Road, provided the road is lecated at Salisbary, and the amount thus subscribed to be expended between Salisbury and Wilkes County, » The election comes off 2nd Thursday in November, Well, what have you done tax-payers of Row- an? I understand your commissioners have agreed to submit to the voters of your county a proposition to subscribe $100,000 to said Kail- road, Well, why they are delaying this matter I cannot see, unless they intend to be candidates for commissioners in August next. If the people want this Road‘and are willing to be taxed to get it, let them have a chance of saying so at the ballot-box, and that very soon. Let us show to the people of Fayetteville that we do want this Road located at Salisbury. : The people of Fayetteville are anxious to see this Road extended to the North Carolina Rail- road at Salisbury, and are expecting aid from Rowan Connty, and why she isso tardy in this matter does surprise those who are looking on with the most intense desire to see this “oad making it» headway towards the mountains, as the down-easters call this country. And can it be possible, that the citizens of Salisbury, the moet interested of all othe>s in a commercial point of view, are slecping thealeep of commercial death and destraction while so mach depends npon their action in this matter. This is a projectin which every tax payer of Salisbury and old Rowan are interested, and that deeply. | Wake up! wake un, ve yeomanry of Rowan and Davie and sce wha’ will be lost if you fail to secure the location of tiis Road at Salisbury, “Self-preservation is the first law of natare ;” therefore, it behooves you to be on the watch and see that your interest ix protectéd by those to whom you have committed the same. “Pro-4 crnstination is the thief of time in temporal as well as spiritual things.” More aaon. “DAVIE.” eaaeemeapellecemes or Written for the Oli North State, VIL—THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, THE SYSTEMS OF PILEADING COMPARED, ees bert rn "| bro: ht | pape on i e If the people of Rowan and Davie, ages an from Greensboro’ to Mount, Abie? perp! 7 yy wlhen.well watered, fed, and peppeny cared, Oe an re | common-law [coxcLupED.] Uader the common law evetem of pleating a | determination of a cuurt of apecial jari=diction, | | it was necessary to state Ue facts, which showed | | that such court had jnriwliction to render the | ju lgment, thas made the subject of another se- tion. I think that the alteration in thie matter by in requinng the pleader only to} state that euch determination was “daly given ot made” will moct the approval of the profestion. It prevents an ise ona mere collateral mat- | ter, unless forced by the denial of the adverse party. Again, under the ald aystem of pleading the pertermance of cunditions precedent in a con- tract, itwas Wetessiry to atgte facta, showing the alleged performance, but by sec. 122 af the Code, | it is only necessary to «tate in ing that the} perty duly performed all the conditions on his | part. | I syppose all will that this je an im- | provement. It is provided that if such allewa- | section 121, tion be denied the party alleging performance, | he shall be bownd to establish it on the trial. So, by wee, 123, private statates are only reqnired to | be referréd to by their title and day of ratifica- | tion, and not be set out with particularity. By. section 124 an important, and as I con- eeive, an excellent improvement is enacted with | reference to the pleadings in actions for defama- tion by dllowing the pleader t omit from his! |compiaint the statement of the extrinsic facts | | showing the application to the plaintiff, where | | formerly required, and simply requiring him 10 | | state (hat the defamatory language was publish- | ed or spoken concerning the plaintiff—the plains | tiff being still compelled to prove his allegation | in that behalf, if controverted by the anewer. | | Under the ald system it was allowable for a defendant in such actions to set up in defence | the truth of the words published teat he Was not permitted to set up facts tending to mitigate hi« conduct ia prblishing defamatory ve | In practice he was compelled to elect betweeh | the two horns of the dilemma, & ¢, to rely eith- | er upon his plea of not guilty of justificatibn, | but, be see. 125 of the Code, he: is allowed to! show mitigating circumstances for the purpose of | mitigating the damages. | Whef we reflect how afien suoh language it femplored by a party while laboring under a} | mistaken idea or impression of some antecedens occurrence, how jast and wise such an amend- ment appears ! The common law contained an analogy in the bighe-t concerns of life. A.sheriff heinzin- | dieted for the hanging of a person sentenced to | be hanged, is justified for taking haman life ; |} by B. even put in imminent peril of his life— have retreated to the wall, and though sect upon by a strange ry mistaking him for another, he is not jnatified in killing—only ercusrd, Fostrr calling it self-defence culpable, but through the henignity of the law, excusable. And in ancient | times the party was excused on paying a small | | fine to the King. Ilow ofte, de we experience that while a/ party is not justified in the languago he may nse, yet the surrounding circumstances, excuse its use to a great extent and should mitigate the de gree of punishment to be awarded. In conse- | quence of the.effect of this valnable amendment, the suits of this description wiil only be brought in flagrant casés, which [ donbt not the Bar, will rejoice, at 9s much as the community at large. Section 126 inangurates a radical change with regard to the joinder of different cariees of action | but rendered ofinently proper by the new savs- | tem of pleading and the abolition of forms of ac- | tions. { By sub-diy. t.—It would seem that a cause of | action growing out of a wrong may be joined | with one growing out of contract ; provided, they arise out of the same transaction, By sub-diy. 3:—Injuries with or without force | to the person or property, or either, may be! | complaint at injury occasioned to him by a | net enforce payment of the residne, | old practice, ™ , et: oe i on rs Ry apg Cs ft (= hep twine sank rm an r oad .: i wtonlgecnagy Witty Par te ap “ms ~ a oe ! Gy" vent a tiem a B the plaintiff opt of Co lar chilling”—siapenee and six-pence for ¢qsts, At common law, the action of ejectmen the established action to fry title to real proper- ty and the practice-with rare exceptions, was to amess the damages of the plaintiff to six and the mesne profits were recovered in a arate action brought either in the name of John Doe or his lessor. Whereas, by nee e claims to recover real property may be uni with a claim for damages for the withholding i a thereof and also the rents and etn by-gone.— | j This provision will commend itself, as well on account of avoiding circuity of action as by pre- venting the ope: tions, whereby a considerablé portion of the rents and ightful owner of the land. . —— ne demimeggpe cd a tions for t recovery of persona ar This is a great improvement on the system. B. had possession of A’s valuable stallion. [Mar- grave and Emancipation ?}—-A wishes to recov- ér the identical horse. Under the old system A had his ar eagce <ty two and phd had been pomession within three years, reme- dies for the il detention—viz: ‘in Means to recover his home and damages—he ran the risk in detinue of its death and in replevin of the bond ; whereas, the new system combines re the «pecific chattel, if in being, and of by recovering damages commensurate with its value, if destroyed or eloigned. See. 126, likewise provides for a Jadgroent in foreclosure suits, for snch balance of mort- gage debt as shall not be realjzed by a sale of the of the mortgaged property. The old practice in such cases was, that in eave of deficiency, the Court of Equity would adage would send the parties fo a Court of aw—the «question of debt, or no debt being | | Motneees, sorghem per ga porely a legal one. & B. Eq. 631) These provisions are, it «honld be observed, coupled with the condition that the different causes of actic 0, to be united must (except in foreclosure ey) affect all the jes to the ac- tion and not require different of trial. Ry sec, 128, it is provided that no variance between the allegation and proof shall be deem- ed material unless it shall have actually misled the adverse party to hi« ‘ Is not this an admirable feature of the new system ? Under the common law system if 4 party de- clared upon a note not ander seal, and it tarned out on the evidence that it was a sealed the variance was fatal and the plaintiff mast have been non-suited. It is trne that ander our stat- ate of amendments, the Judges have been liber- al in aes amendments; bat eyen under the ne amendment always worked a continaance. Some of our new J have per- mitted the action to be entirely dhanged as from debt to covenant, without im: of costs and without a ot -_ ae on after the jary were empannel it probably never oe pains at the bar to know any bet ‘and it is well known, that of latesome cae of their ability or learning, but becausethe ical party by which they were elected, had, ip many instances, to exercise Hobson's choice. Now, in the case of a variance, the burthen is on the party alleging it, to satisfy the Court that he has | eb misled ry it, Under the old system, if the jndgment on 8 demurrer, inte to a declaration, was for the defendant, it waa that the plaintiff take nothing, &c,, omnis if for the plaintiff, he « to, or do recover recuperdl accord» ingly as the action aicacd i aber cr not, Tf in 1 to a dilat amd for the (Fleming ve, Sitton, 1 D, ' plaintiff, that the defenddmt answer over—re- quater, In equity caves, if the demurrer to the bill ied to ac- | j of the statute of limita-| tional were frequently lost to the | their L. Bake:. Heaven bless thy bride, gentle —_ the husband at her side— ay your ay From aif that’s evil to h life be free t ot thee. Ec Se il, de. ~ fat. er | TORE RE To this county on the 23d ult., by Rev, C. Phar, Mr. G. W. Hoack, and Mise Laura p Bacon, Coffee, na Meal, bush. 46 c ‘opperas, Cundies, Tallow, bg Adamaatine, Cotton Pers, per domn, Feathers, P.oer, per sack. Pieh, Mackerai,* >. 1 “ “ q - “ Pruit, di “ “” ” Ontona, that | } was overruled, the @eeree would be to re-| require the defendant to answer—because tech- | nically the relief was supposed to be dependent upon the discovery t6 a great extent. Now, by sec, 131, it is provided that upon a decision ad- verse to a demurrer the party pleading it, can- uot as a matter of right in any case, plead over, after 1870 it will have 82.— | whereds,” however sarely preseed, A. may be | but only in the discretion of the Court, which discretion must be based upon the idea that the derourrer was inte’ in good faith. This is an excellent provision as it strikes a deadly blow at demurress interposed for delay or without due consideration, By the same section, the Court is invested with the power on the allowance of a demurrer put in because of the improper joinder of several causes of aetion, to order the action to be divided into as many actions as may be necessary to the pro- per determination of the causes of action speri- fied. This provision is eminently just and pro- per as the grand object of law is to afford sub- stantial redress for every injury and the Courts should possess the power to prevent unnecessary delay therein. In such a case, under the old aystem, there could be bat one judgment, and that sent the plaintiff out of court with a bill of costa to pay. Or, even if an amendment was al- lowed it could only go to the extent of permitting the party to strike out one of his eauses of ac- tion an the most ample powers of amendment, even af- tet judgment, restricting them only in the single case of anamendment, which changes eabstanti- ally the elaimfor defence—a power more ample and far—veaching than all our old statutes of joined—i. ¢., a plaintitf may join in the same | jeafaila and amendments, The Judges are likewise invested by Sec. 133 cause him to begin de nore, as to that. | Soe, 132 invests the Clerks and Judges with | rE | ' sole, for that | Iron, bar, “ “ castings, bad Nails, cut, = * West India, Pork Segar. per poend, . per pound, .. * Yaro,perbunch, .. per poand, - a. ried, apples pealed, “ wr eeethd. “Peaches, ee, Leather, copes. per pound, yrup. per bashel, Sweet, “ Sahn Bro € ° Crashed Palverized SALISBURY MARKETS OCT. 22, 1869. REPORTED casas, onoces. r pound, ” tbs., seee Sa t s Fe e s c t s s t s s s * 8 an o B Z e t 8 . & af s e r r s s sé ss e s s s e t s c s +66 eee eee eee scenes Ss s t e r or rere » at s r i e s s : Ss t s s s NEW ADVERTISEMEN s wo’ THE OMLY “ee a , MEDICINE THAT e ~ 5 a t- C l a s s Dr u g St o r e , AL I S B U R Y , N, C. , Ir s > al Z DR . C. B. PO U L S O N ’ S HS j ured IV seammyp WH E R E YO U WI L L AL W A Y S FI N D TR U S S E S AN D AB D O M I N A L SU P P O R T E R S — L A T E S T FR E S H , PU R E AN D RE L I A B L E Dr u g s an d M ME N T S ; BR E A S T PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y BO T T L E S LVHL ANDIGAIN : Onn ” AWO FHL ow SB R s “ si s c i e e x e BS B S S A T S S S T u c a R M A S E S o BF B3 3 78. eo A I Pgh : 7 y while residing in South Amer. missig ¥, dinooyered a'tate aod sin- remedy fi ny ‘Onre of rvous Weaknes«, y Deca: es seus 2 of the vingry.and Seni. ‘Organy, ‘and tho white train ef disorders on by-baneful and vicieus habits, Great umbers have boon eyred by thie noble remedy, 0 mpted by a desire to benefit the afflic ed and uafyrtunate, Iwill send the recipe for pre-. brou ae | 0 | paring and psing this a in a sealed en- yelope, te any who needs it, Pree of Charge. . Addreas, JOSEPH T, INMAN, Rags he SN MR ES Btation D., Bible Hoase, Oct. 1—Om New York City |THE ASHEVILLE NEWS FOR SABE. . Being desirous uf ehanging my business, Loffer the-Asheville sees henagh hs : Pe News” is doing a fair business, and 6 hands of two, Practical Priuters, or & competent Editor living. with the prospect profitable as svon as our rade wl ty nw in progress, are ae: Eee ts one of the pleantest and heal- thiest placés on the American Continent, is to be one of the most impor- towns. iw the Western part of the State } of North Caroling, : A eash.capital of $500 will be required, accommodating te: ms can be secur- Address R Oot. AL, 1869, Valuable Law Gibrary for Gale. THE UNDERSIGNED AS TRUSTEE, will sell at public auction, at the Court House in Salisbury, N. C.,on Tuesday the 9th day of November, 1867, a large and well selected Lis brary of Law Books, consisting in part of Eng. Com. Law Reports, 65 vols, Comyn’s Digest, Burrew’s Reports, Dunp & East.. Reports, ~ Bacon’s Abridgement, Hale’s Pleas of the Crown, Hawkin’s . do do Areh. Crim. Plead., Shepperd’s Touchstone, Tidd’s Practice, Russell on Crimes, Williams on Ex., Starkie & Phill on Ev., Saunders on Plead, &. Ev, Chitty's Pleading, Chitty’s Prin, Law, Story’s Eng, Juris., Kent's Com., Coke's, Smith’s Lead, Cases, Stepen’s Nisi Prius, N. C. Reports to 7 Ire, &e., &e. There are’about 250 volumes in the lot, all standurd works and in good condition. Terms either = or aix month? credit, wiih good security, at option of purchaser. oct22-1t W.J. MONTGOMERY. - PUBLIC SALE. WILL sell at public auction on the premise:, Noventber 10th, at the Point Plantation in Davie county, known ae Mra Walker's form, the following property, viz: Between twelve and fiftteen hundred bushels Corn 820 bushels Wheat, 2590 Iba. Leaf Tobacco, Oata, Fodder, » quantity of Flogs, Cattle and #lock, 1 will aleo sell all the tereting Implements.-Terms made known on day of sale. JOILN M. HOBSON, Oct, 18, 1868, 42-1¢* Pure Ground Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Mustitrd, Cloves, Cinamon, ce. : — P nese Spices are all in bulk, just from the Spice Grinders’ hands; an@ are Sestahies ae qu im packages, they ata lower price. Asay Tin tegm At ore, Sali«lnry. Oct. 22, 1889. 42-24 cent st are ply Yeast Powders, For Buckwheat Cakes, Batter Cakea, or anything that is desired to be quick- ly or nicely prepared. Warn these Yeast Powders there is neifh. er disappointment ner delay—for in five min- utes, at most, any thing may be put io readines for cooking. Plain directions accompany then. Prepared and sold, only At E. SLLL’S Drag Store, Salisbury. Oct, 22, 1869. 42-2 THB ADVANCE A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, Devoted to the Farm, the Garden, the Workshop, Domestic Economy and General Progress in ‘ . rth Carolina. CA N N O T BE UN D E R S O L an d Br u s h e s ; Fa n c y So a p s an d Pe r f u m e r y ; Ci g a r s an d SECRET Noster Carona RatLroap ComPpary, Com pap Ata meeting of the North Carolinv Rail fice en to-day, it was called meeting af held in the City ith day of November next. who. cannot attend id person will pleased be rep- resented by proxy, back-handed lick, with one siraight from the | with ample power to extend the time for plead- { 49-3 ARY’S OPFICE, October 15, 1869 Read the Stockbbolders of aed Cpt “Stockhelaet of Ralei9h F, A. STAGG, Secretary. 4 of Directors of at this > UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO P , in the exty of Raleigh, as soon as a womber of subscribers tan be ob- tamedia Weekly Family Journal, adapted to he wants of the peopie of North “Casolina, in the eaktivation of the soil branches, the umprovement of our wrest, our machinery. our mechanical and ofl the material interests of the State, nm the condact of the paper be expects to re the atd of scientific and pracncal men instruct and wterest hrs reader<. [fis ob - ject will be to make it eurveouy pra tical aud asefal to all clacsea. Tt will be printed tn goad style, on pood pa- whe! large sime, at B2 per year in advance.— first number will appear abont the lst of Reovember, or as soon thereafter as the pat- ronage will justify, Suiseribers wil) he ex- pected to pay as soot as they receive the first nomber. The undersigned solicits the ai) of his mang friends in the State to obtain solsciibers and torward the lists at an early day WM. E. FELT eo? 4i—tt Raleigh, Oot. 6, 1869. Worth @arolina, 2 Strcnove Count Davie Cocrty. § Fall Terto, 1869 Petition for Sale of Lands John 8. Maxwell, Administrator of John Max- well, decd, ageinst Thomas ?. Maxwell, Thoms M. Brock Jac V. Brovk, Sarah £. Naylor, wile of Beija- min T. Naylor and Camilla A. Brock, F! ward Brock and dobn EB. Brock, minor ch dren of Jon W. Broek, deceased In this case it appearing to tho satis’ of the'vonrt that James V. Brock and Naylor, wile of Benjamin S. Naylor, ¢ ants in this case are von-residents of this State Therefore, it is ordered by the court (hat prh- lieation be made for six weeks in *The Old North State” Rewspaper, notilying the said de fendants to appear before the Judge of our Superior Court to be held for the connty of @ the Conrt House in Mocksy ile. on the Grst Monday in April, BETO. shen ard thos to answer the petition of the plaintiff filed in this coyrt, or judgment will be taken ex porte as to Witness, A. R. Astin, Clerk of the Sppe rior Court ol Devie Covet , at office in Mocks ville, the T 1th day of mber, A.D, 1860, HB. R AUSTIN C.3.0., 41 -Gw(pr fee $19.) w and v7 ed, for the balance of the rprmeee mouey. ( - MM. STORES. , Asheville, N. 0. ranted perfectly pure, and although at least. 25 pet : P ih 7 Y ee pe er e zs > Ge TheOld3 Nort SALI BURT. Y. FRIDAY, pec ~ wep aper Advertisi t li tion Ayeney for North Carolina. WM. A. HEARNE & 00% 2) Special Agents for the North Carolina Press, and | General Agents fur the Collection of Claims ofevery de scription throughout the State. Office, Huot Ne Nous STATE. SS LOCAL AND STATE I Tees The Raleigh Sentinel says it famaw thotight i ut Salisbury will be selected aa the ter- minus of the Fayetteville and Western Rail road. is reliable. © —__———- ‘ Turner's North Carlina decease i —We have received a copy: of this popular almande published by Jas. H. Enniss Books| ¢ seller, Raleigh, N. C. Itis greatly enlarged aud improved, and is in all respeets’ mach better than tke almanac of 1869, which was so highly endorsed by the press of the State. In addition to much information on State. tnatters, it coutains a fist of money orders, post offices in the State, and the law in rela- tion theretog—the mechanic’s and. laborers lin Law passed at the last Assembly, a most Insportant law to the people whieh all should understand; also a table of wages ready calculated and adapted to the wants of farmers, mechanics, laborers, &c.. and much other valuable information making it acheap alinanae of 16 ets. which is the retail priee. Mr. Enniss is also the publisher of The Furmers Novth Carolina and the Comie Al- minac for 1370, which are well gottey up, ail price of each ten cents, of the thrée alinanaes will be seut by mail free of postage ; Merchants wishing to purchase ‘or 25 cts. can be snjplied at his Book Store in Salis bury. See his advertisement and the whole- ralerates iu this paper: = > The Western N. C. Railroad—Stoek - hil brs Meeting—Election of officers. — According to a call, a meeting of the St ekholdi rs of the Western Division of the above named road was held beee on Widuesday last. (in motion, General J C. Abbott was culled to preside, and G. M. Roberts ap- poluted Becretary. George (Gabagan, Esq., represented the State steek, ‘Lhe following Board of Directors was chosen. CG. W. Sw n, T.L. Cittig- anan, J, \hbort, W. W. Rollins, R. Jlenry Gor Guhagan, G, W. Dicky, J. Awiwo. de, M 8. Littlefield, A. ‘T. Davidson, Joseph Keener, A H. Jones The Board of Directors eleeted Gen. M.S. Littlefield as President. Mr Swep- rou diclined to allow hia mame to be used for the position, Ou Motion of General R. M. Ilenry, G. M. Roberts, Eeq, was re-elected Secre- nd ‘Treasurer, and J.C, Tarver ae f Engineer of the Road. The r porte ot the President and Chief On Qivwecr were presented adopted. The meet g of the Directors was etill in pro- tary 4'biue Crers va w go le press. We will have a Sullvepertin our next ineuc. - Asheville | Pointer. —_— ResisnaTion.—The Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire. after a ministration of twenty- eight years as pastor of Triu'ty Chareh, in Tarbecs’, has een compelled to resign that position in oeeteret of iN bealth. Me. 4 held in high esteem by the people of | Bdeombe edt part with hiv serviees eerrom fully. | —_ ~~ i lohaceo Trade for Biehmond.—VVe Warn from the Whig that there were manafaetar- Kiesmond during the past twelve tents twelve millions of pow of chew- ivg, and tearty 800,000 pounds of 8 poking t bacco. the itternal revenue tax on whi b ted to nearly fowr millions of dollars. Golds- Are authorized agents for, Tax Op ; We hcpe the Sentinel’s Pefenventon 3 aude ahbe''S sah for the $ and the eo Sete cera at ee lg THANKSGIVING DAY—A | wecens: 4 MATION BY ps PRESIDENT. ighout thedand ; “abundunt or reward the labors of the becbaserneed § “ meree and manufactures have successfully prosecuted their ate hig; the mines aud forests have berally ;' the na- tion has ee uaie oer wealth andin strength; peace has prevailed, aul its blessings have advanced every interest of the peeple in every partof the Union; harmon eee fra- ternal inutereourse restored are obliterativ the marks of past eonfliet aud estrangemen burdens have been lightened; means have been increased’; civil and religious liberty are secured to every inhabitant of the land whose soil is trod by none but freemen: Tt becomes a people thus: favored to make acknowledginent to the Supreme Author, from whom sueh blessings flow, of their dependeuee, to render praise and thanks- giving for the same, and devoutly to inplore a coutinuance of God’s mercies. Therefore I, Dlydsea S. Grant. President of the United States, do recommend that Thursday the 18th day of November next be observed as a day of thankegiving and praise and of prayer to ace 2 God, the Creator and the Ruler of oe And I do farther recommend to all the le of United States to assemb'e on that jo their aceustpmed places of public worship, and to apite jn the humage apd praise doe to the bountiful Father of all mercies, and jo ferveut the éontivuatrre of the Snteah Ulenings Hehas vouchtaled tu us as asa Ia testimony whereof I hereapto set m hand, and have caused the sealof the Un United States to be affixed, this fifth day of Oo- tober A. D. one thousand eight buadred and sixty-nine, aud of the independence of the United States of America the aivety-foarth. By the President: U.8. Grant. Hauilton Fish, Secretary of State. ae WHEAT. The recent collapse in the grain market. thongh somewhat sudden. must have been foreseen by all who had a fair knowledge of the bountiful crop gathered ia this country, and of the unexpected yield of the Earepean harvests. The developments, taken ia cou- nection with the general course of trade, as witnessed for several years past, have duabt- leas prepared all careful observers fur the present depression of the market. The Eu- ropeen ¢rops do pot, indeed, ¢ flurd a éufficient supply at any — for France -and Great Britain throaghout the year,—perbaps not more than eight or nine mouths ott of the twelve—but wet) they are nearly exlanst- ed. the people are prome to depend on their own resources befure luoking to a distance for aid. This being the case. a renetiow ia the American market ean hardly be expected to take plaee before the end of the current year; most probably not. before January or Febuary next. We therefore do not look for high prices again hefure the approach of spring + but from tnat time till the next bar- vest—that is to pay at the cluse of the sea- son—prices nay fise to alwat the same figure as in the begiouing. In the present absence of an e* mand, millers find themselves wit rt de- large = pea FRCM WASHINGTON. Special Coresponce of the Balt. Gazette. n (uba—More Favorable Advices from vban Army—Oon ference of the Leadere— Tey hare no Faith in the “Assurance” of the United States —Increnaed Adtivity of The Re vary Forces—Spanish Prisonera Shot az @ [etel ~The Cubans Adopting the Span- ch Blark-Flag Policy— Destruction of Proper- ~ t ( | tolute thon ty mm Us Santa Expiritu District— The Spanish Troops Armed with American Rifee— Eleven I ~ments Fought in Une Week, Etc. Wasnixoton, Oct.13, 1869. Advices from Cuba to the 34 fast. have|' been received here. These letters give a more epeonraging account of the condition | f the Cuban army and its operations, than | se recantly published in the Gazette, from e eae sonree, A eonference of all the ry leaders was rwepntly held in tle Camagaey Distriet for the perpose of | leterinining of a general plan of eawmpaign. d also to devise means by which the dis- sinthe army might be. settled, and e army thoronghbly anited. It is reported | that the proceedings were very harmonious, | 1 gave general satisfaction. This eonsnl- on has resalted in mueh good—it has re- leonfidenes and given a steength and y tothe Cabana anny, which it has pot ete postegsad, The conference was satisfied that there 1ST iance to be plaeeh in *-assuraness” ithe United States Government: like tquvs fatuu@ they lead tu bewilder, aud le to blind; and that. their only hope is in pronipt and vigorous action with ineans 28 they now have. sinee the eomference there has been great yinthe army, and a number of en- reinents are reported whieh resulted favor- to the Cabans. In the Remedios Dis- t General Roloff is very active and has ned possession of the seetion of the try evacuated previous to the battle of las Tunas. He is reported to be near Vuelta. where he had an engagement, in h the Spanish troops were defeated. He < a vulmber of prisovers. all of whom wt in retaliatiom. The Spaniards ving a short tine before murdered a party the blav. flag policy of the] 1 ‘ards 1s bow beiag adopted by the Cu-!} ere + 3 men, e distriet of Santa Es_iritu the rev- | have destroyed all the mille which | “dl by the Spaniards. The amount | poity destroyed is very large. The )8 O8- { Senor Lara, a Spaniard, alone, ted ver half aiillion dollarss The aa pursued inthe other districts zt the saine extent, aud whatev- RY "45 be the result of the strugyte, it j Milton Chfontcle say : poor fellow gave up the attack, | shape of atrue aceount | stocks of Suur on hand and anable to sel! = pri¢es corresponding with the priee of up to a receat date. It is impossible there- fore that they can affurd to pay as much now as heretofore. . Bat we aoticipate during the fall and win- ter cnaee aetive demand fur floar of low most of the coregrowing re gion a the South, and wherever the drought of the Past summer prevailed: Flour will have to be usédip’s large extent in place of corn ;yand this may hasten the reaction sooner than it be otherwise lnoked for. At any rate. the e demand will relieve thé warket «f a presenre which. in the ab- sence of a foreign demand, wi)! weigh heav- ily mpoen it. On the whole, though prices are now very ¥en lower, considering the difference in edrreney, them Before the war—we ven- ture to @8 eutire confidence that they vill betnueh better in the course of a few | onan —Petrreburg Inder. SS ae - Death by the sting off a Hornet.—The “A few days ago a colored man near Yanceyville, while plowing, stopped his plow to molest a hornet’s nest—one of the enraged insects wade at him, and etang him in the :em- ple probable penetrating an artery. The and laid himeelf down in the eorner of a egg and in an half hour he was a dead man. + —- - Tt is nvserted that the Naf‘onal In feli- gencer and krpress has been purcha-ed by Mr. “Pet.” Aalsted for Senator eee Report further says that vor Wilkes will be editer, and will run the paper in the Sprague interest. We are promised still another install- ment of the Byron controversy in the written by the yet in 1816, of the diffiealty between himeelf and bis wife. The document ie in the hauds of Mr, Marray, the great London publisher, and is aunounced to contain facta which will set at rest the ex citement which Mrs. Stowe’s acuile canreed. A dittle girl, aged eight years in New Hampsbire, recently tried to smoke a pipe, she set her dress on fire, and was so badly burned that she died in a few houre. Ar enthasiastio Texan writes Notth jthat becf there is two eente a pound, and ib utter and milk cost nothing. Hays, the Texan outlaw, committed st ticide near McKenny a short time since. Tle was sick, and sot a negro boy to pass him hie p sistol, when hend off. The whine drawing a close hee he blew his own ' ‘“ rooms * oo Hig 4“ he “ ‘ab “a Obrist’ arph, Rapras 06., : Ae, f St James, Iredell co,, we St. Andrews, Rowan is - by Lim glen) waren sae ate ek De Lawsnuce’s Woon. Frrenp.” using Dr. It purifies the and restores the tem toa halihy codon“ a A warou, pair of of Blankets, Qui Quilt _—— fur One Dollar appears almost impossi! bat such ma — and houdreds of other useful artig Déuioat as PARKER & Co's, “ONE Their system of do’ ing business bas been examived by the authorities anda Decision rendered from the Tuternal Revenue d ment at Washing dated Nov. 4th, J elaring their business tly fair and ‘eet timate and entirely rent from the numer- at ous gift enterprises. ane Thespatic properties of your Koskoo com: McCubbing, Sullivau & Oo., are Agents for cr blankets, &e., for Oae Dollar, but | pound, aud have bed it in soine stubborn | he above” Reapers ma walisbury. in every large Club, one of these arteles are | cases of Chronic Liver Affections, Dyseutecy,}. april 23-—J6:10u sold for one dollar, 4s au extra inducement, General Dedility, &., avd always and some member of the club has the chance | ¥ wid teeta ale resalts, I find it to RIVES & PROCTOR of obtaining it = ‘int — pare eo een qhedie oe he and Hepatic’ WHOLASAEE'AND SEVAIL ’ by oe mn, to pa 1 | Combination, ing its constriatonal agents in ei of maanpties ease test debility; in fact ut D RUC G I s T S me. pseey eS aman No bet- | give support to wu art, while -its ter opportanity ean be to either La- Serecce ade ane ng pr I cheer- paaynns 1s dies or Gentlemen, having leisure time, than Slip cscaciuiad us Son tl’ vke vette te form elabs for this fina. Read their advertismeat fn another coleme. and send for catalogue. —— eee rec meet ill col, is hereb ro Twill sell at Auction, at Court Hoase in er the 26th day of October, 1668, the fol. low: pruperty, belonging to the estate of Nic’ re L. Williams, Bankrupt, vis :— I. Said Bankrupt’s interest in a tract of land, containing 900 acres, situated ia Alleghany coun- ty, on ie waters of Brash Creck, known as “Williem's Cabins.” This land has been vied on to satisfy an execution in fayor Peter W. arr jay IL. Said Bankrupt’s interest of one-third part in remainder, efter the life estate of Mary G. William*, in a tract of land situated in the County of Yadkin, on the waters of the Yadkin River and Panther Creck, containing 303 acres. Terms Cash. JOHN 8. HENDERSON, —= v amhationys neeaeneT is AWRENCHS TRATED oo tn ae oo aie (Mowers and Reapers, | Formula around the Bottle. . | | PREPARED SOLELY BY Dr, dT; LAWRENCE, ORGANIC. CHEMIST. - NORFOLK, VA. poets ovat. ie Norfoll, Va., and the word | ations, {0 Hiatan on the glass of each Lottle, : the best. physicians the. following: front Dr, eesdaaat itioner of wany years aon the Old koa 5 sano y Rocky ackiy Mount Edgeconibe Co., t f° Sept, 10, 1469. ‘Dear Sir: 1 bave used aH Dr. J. J. Pa ice with the results. 1 find it 9 freee Xey alor, Blood Pu- aod Nervous Tonié. In all diseases of the Liver, Py tanpes Syphillitic, and nervous affegtions, it ira of immense value ; in fact, in almost every Variety of Chronic Dicease its use is indicated. Hoping -you may weet with the success which you deserve as a manu- faetucer of reliable medigines, I aw, sir, with mach respect, your obedient servant, & CO. Tu KRY, M.D, —_——o1——— From Dr. Feniseay,@ sevompiisued and ex- perienced ph nneene Anne Court Iouse, Va, ; Sept. 13, 1869 J. J. Lawrence, M. D.—Deer Sir: 1 have carefully examined the formula, as well as the J, J. Fewrarss, M. D. Koexoo cures Scrofula in its worst forma — From A W ated, and well-known Yours, py, merebaat of Norfolk, Va: No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk. Va, ber 15, 1869. } Dr, Lawrenee— Dear : Your Koskoo has worked wonders in my eer My daughter has been « sufferer from Sorofula since ehild- hood. . She lost thirty-one pieces of bone from her ankle, several from ber arm, besides baring ulcers in several of the body: Whilst in t commenced taking your Kuskoo—it avted like « charm on her—ander its use the alvers gradually healed, and ber gen- eral health greatly improved. It ceriainly saved her much suffering, aod perhaps ber lif. I Kuskoo a specific tur all serofulous af- Your Koskso also cared my wife of dyepepda, from which she suffered greatly. — | She is bow jo better Lealth than she lias been | | in five ye re, With the bighes: regards, I am gratefully yours, &&., A. W. Mirus Kosxoo, the great /nvigora® Read the following from the Rev. J: seph E. Matin, pas tor of Wesley Chapel. Porisa outh Va; “This is to eertify that wy self aod wile have ased Dr. Lawrence's Koskoo, an d can testify | its beneficial effects, Previqus to taking it we | were in a condition of debilitation—had no ap petite, and suffered from sudiien and often vio- lenit attacks of headache and nervousness. Two bottles of Koskoo has wnproved our yeneral health, and we regard it as invaluable, and Wwoet cheerfally recommen! it to all who bare oved of inviguraior. Yours, &a. Josern EK. Makrrs. Read the following from Dr. Godin, the ex perienord aud successful “specialist,” uf Nor- tolk, Va: Norfolk, Va., Bept. 19, 1869. Dr. Lawreoce—Dear Sir: I have presenbed your “Koskoo” for Syphihs in its varvows (orns with the most satisisctory results. I havesat- isfied myself by experience, that it will overs that disease In its worst and mot malignant stages, and eradicate every taint from the sys- tem. The Kosko is certainty on nterntive of extraordinary power, and fally deserves the = popularity which it bas so rapidly atisio- N. AH, GODDIN, M.D. KOSKOO!! Oct. 5, 1869. Assiguec. “TIME TABLE. w N © RAILEOAD. GOLNG WEST. MILER STATIONS ARRIVE. LEAVE. Salisbury, 452 a.m. 345 4. mu. 13 Third Creek, 4:12 4:57 23 Statesville, 5.7 6.02 82 Plott's 6:37 6-40 38 Catawba, 7:10 7:15 nO Newtan, 8:03 8:08 60 Hickory Tavern, 8:48 9-038 70 card. 9:43 948 80 Morganton, 10:38 GOING EAST. MILLAR. #TATIONA. ARBITER. LEAVE Morganton, 2:10 rom. 10 leard, 20 ru 28 20 Hickory Tavern, %35 340 20 Newton, Ae 2 2 Catawba, &13 &18 45 Plott’, as 5.53 ‘5 Stateeri lle. 6:28 633 = Third Creek, 633 733 Salisbury, &43 ____ TRAINS BORTH: mat. ae _|__ rene __ teem anmsve. | Lasve. || anmive tens Ghariotic,...., | Serer ™ =e =. Belicbery. oN e.0.'109; ott aw FM Sreeeieer? « ae ae Ita. ee 266 Pr. w. Co. -| seo * | “ 4am. Raleigh,..... | T@ * | FS = Ne anit = Geldsbore!, .-- flere * | om re) TRAINS SOUTH: an xan i remory Orewens. | a8 sare _| ears | camera) Weare Golterro’ Ce ns or Raleigh, | em =| os @ [10:50 am} eo = Oo. Shope, one bs bere 6@ Greensbore’, 13 a = (*e ak SeG,n' Sfe “ Ralishory, || “ | ate " | ies! Leer me Chartotie, bes = eso “| Thie Schertule makes all the connections, Pact ond West | | | FREIONT TRAINS Will wot ren to Goldsbore’ only wher | there it necessity for it, Preight efll be brought regular | ly by the passenger trato. ALBERT JOHN®ON, __Generni | Saperinte ndemt THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society |: ov THE UNITED STATES, 9% L-oadway, New York _a- vo HIS COMPANY has capitaland aeets against ite abilities that will compare with any Like snrance (ompapy on the Continent, which is the true test of responsibility - -$6 000,000 .. 4.000.000 .- 8.000.000 The undersigned is agent for the above Company. A. A. HARBIN, ce _Moekevil’ . Merch 19. rch 19.1869, tty MAE | Te ABOVE IS THE MOST APPRO- priate name that could have been applied to Ur valuable and powerfdTlly influential Pain Destroyer. {ts inflaence over such painful mal- adies as it is recominended to exert cannot be questioned enly by those who have not tried it. There is claimed for it a reputation over all other preparations recommended for similar purposes—when they have failed, MAGIC ha: not. Keep it always in your family for itis truly an enemy to New-algia, Headache, Tooth- ache, Earache Cramp Coke, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody-F lus, Dyspep- sia. Sore Throat, Rheumatic Pains, Ferer and Agne, Sprains and Bruises, Inflamation of Kid- neys, Nervous Debdility, Colic, Pains or Spasms, of any character. Prepared and for sale 7 Dr. G. B. POULSON, Druggist and Apothecary, Salisbury. N C June Ww, 1x69 su-tf Ie- | yours, &c., | CORES CHRONIC RIHEUMA 11SM.| Norfolk, Va, Sept. 7, 1869 Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dvar Sir: My son has received so mach benefit from your wondertul | le Koskoo that I cannot refrain from expressing my gratitade. I h@@ tried alinost everythbir at withont benefit. I believe, in all sincerity, that |, your Koskvo san Infallible Remedy for the di ease trom whieh he bas suffered, and, so far | | as I can learn, bat newer failed. If you only | knew the immense amount of suffering that he has avdergone, that you could conceive the valne of sch a remedy as Kosko—that surely cures. The great amonnt of godd it is now do- ing among vs ts inestimable Wuh wuch gratiiade, [| am respectfally Mes M F. A. Netsoy. Lawrence—Dear Sir: Having been cremate several skilful physic:ans lor Dyspep sia, Chronic Disease of Ure Kidney’s General Debility, &ec., wi'loat benefit, as a "ae Tesort I commenced the use of your Koskoo, and am pleased to say that under its use my health has been entirely restored. I am sir, with much respect, yonr obedient servant, O. B. Meare. No. 5, Market st, Norfulk Va, July 9, 1869 Pacific, Franklin county, N. C., Sept. 11, 1869. This is to certify that for a long time I have snffered very much from indication of the liver | P and constipation of the bowels, and tried sever al remedies, but reeeived no benefit until I commenced taking Koskoo. I took the medi cme about one mooth, and I was completely cared, and bave remained wel. I know ot| several cores made by Koskov, ani cordially recoinmend it ag a yood werdicine. e Jonw H. Baxer. Two Grand Gold Médalé and Cross of ‘WALTER A. WOOD'S ie PRIZR aud universally ease BEST IN USE! 0 Brat remiums than any other |; red, both in this FOREIGN eee hs i pt "hie wollte... “at THE HIGHEST PRIZE! the Ligion of Tlonay, At Paris ‘Exposition, 1867 Mebé that 120,000 00 now in Use! 20, 000 iaanefuctnred andeold in 1868 And the deimad ausupplied, Increasing ‘Demand. - ° Increased Faeltivtes Additional Improvements for 1869" Wood's Prize Mowers, (Land 2 Horse.) “Self Raking Reaper, with ing and Reaping Machine Company. oa Office and Manofactory, Housick Falls, Re selaer county, N. Y. Branch Officesand Sales Rooms—44 Cort« lant street, New York city. P. O. Box, 6805, 206 Lake Street, Obicago, Jil. Alexandria, Va. “Madison, Wis, 77 Upper Thames 8t., St, London. Send for, New Dewerighive Circular and Price List; Applications from the South, South of Vir- ginia, should be addressed to the New York Branch Office, as above, RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. “Extra Iudacements Offered! Paints, Oils DY & STUFFS, PERFUMERY Imported & Dotestio Window , Glass, Putty, SPICES, ac ,.4ac. Would respectfully call the attention of Mer chants, Physiciang, Planters and others, to their extensive stock aud saperiur inducements. 107 Sycamore, St., Letereburg. N. F. RIVES. M.D. W.H. PROCTOR. apris—iteom DR. LAWRENOE’S CELEBRATED WOMAN’S FRIEND! A safe and relinble remedy for All Diseaxes Peeatiar to Females, —aven sas— Leuchorrea, or Whites; Prolapsus Ut or Fulling of the Womb; Irregular Te. Custne, eer See Painful, or Suppressed Menstru- William Wiliia, Jr., J i Alison, ation; Pain in the Back ; iD Checkin” Nervousness. Wakefulness, Weakness, dc. i. aoe Wi: G.Caben?” PROICATED to rus £: 5 aot ‘Ppa. LADIES OF AMERICA, | Ji" nirarin Witiem 6. Tapter, designed, and whose bi « Y. Stokes, . P. . sa! ore on Apdo by the oe. - : . gate. wae Pa + DR. J. J. LAWRENCE, William H. Palmer, Fema! M. Pree. TO PHYSICIANS. The articles of which the Woman's Friend is com- onded are pablishbed around each bettie, and it te liewed to be the beat Uterine Tonic and alterative yet discovered. Itis a valuable and reliable agent in all derangé- ments of rhe Female Keprodoctive Organs, and in Hysteria, Nervous Headache, Spinal Irritations, &c per Price 31,00 per Bottle. J. HW. BAKER & CO., Wholesale agenta, No. 4, Main street, Norfolk, Va. EE} To whom all ofiders or letters must be ad- a: march 19—ly ice Augustine Normal School. -- THIS SCHOOL, which is d-signed for the eind@ation of colored teachers. male and female will open on Wednesday, Sept. 29th. Apph- nts mnst be able to read and wrote and un- derstand the four primary rules of Arifmetic Aid will be rendered board in spevial cases, J A pplicat: on, accompanied by statment of ¢, qualifications and peconiary ability, may ‘a made to Rev. J) BRINTON SMATH, D. D. Ralergh, N. C., Sept. 24, 1869. Principal Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Ua- adulterated. at the Old North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & 6O., Prop’s. CHARLOTTE, N. € ALSO, Want to purchase 500 or 1000 bead of Cattle, and pay the bighest Cash Prices for Corn aod Rye. jnly 2—26:6m IVER LANDS FOR SALE!~THE Sabscriber desiring to reduce his landed extate at d bis liabilities, offers for sale 200 acres of South River Lands, 65 of which is excellent bottom. About one-half of the whole is in cul tivation; the remainder, is im timber. The fen- ces and buildings, in good condition. The pro- erty is payiug a handsome annual profit. It is located ia a good neighborhood, and ia as healthy as any place in the county Those wishing to purchase sveh property art invited to cali and view the premises. Terms made as acconi mModaing as possible. M. L. CHUNN. Rowan County, N.C.. Bept. 13, 18n9. 37-4t- P. B. KENNEDY, bee For Sate py art Drucarsts. “eR | Cor. | PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, Main and Fisher Ste., opposite Murphy's “ New Mowivg Attachment, “ _ Havd Rake Keapes. THE dahoartborhoning: been sppointed an agen Haines’ IWinois Harvester, — . for thie of Manufactured by the Walter A. Wood Mow-| SINGER'S CELEBRATED “Valuable Land for Sale. TK SUBCRIBER OFFERS Fob : cae THOUSAND FOUR oc of valuable Land in ‘ee trect of FOUR Bry , with a pos valuable WAT. U yer, anens of ’ and 70 Ts x 7 je e o e r r Si e n a <a — New “Family Sewing Machine, and all sees offers the same'to the Ladies or Ww. ‘bine challenges a 5 et parison with any qT ndaien Machines. = more different n kinds ot work—from the spl pe seam to the most beautiful embroidery—than an other bechine weeae ten” *“Keottomy ig wealth, then why not “Thess hinsidincs are warranted to give entire satistaction, If they fai) ive safistaction they may: be re- tected after a frial of two months and the money will be refunded, . Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be supplied when ordered, at manufacturer's ae desiring inform nation wilt please send for John A. Ramsay, ee aa iia wanai LI TAURINE — COMPANY OF VIRGINIA! A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. It hes wet with unprecedented success. Its fortune ean beyond any — The Company has and assets, ageinet ite ability thet iil compare with any Lift laosurauee Compéeny on the ceatinent, which is the visadhirs te cautiously Sa by selected Te haps eabablioned ita ani toni to Southern . OFFICERS ; PRESIDENT, JOHN EB. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIDENT, SROKETARY, Wu. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hanvsoox MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M.:D, LEGAL aDTienaR, GENERAL AGENT, H. C. Capers, Jxo. H. ULalporys DIRECTORS : Wiliam Fe taylor, ‘Ase ayer ~ aay Same! 8. Cottrell, LEWIS C. HANES. Ao’r. Feb. 12—ly Lexrxctor, N. C rae THE OLD MEDAL Has jast been awarded to CHAS. M. STIEFF., For the best Piano now made, over Baltimore, Phil- adelphia, and New York Pianos. OFFICE aAXD WARER@OMS No. 9, North Liberly Street, near Balti- more Strect, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS have ali the latest for ments, including the Agroffe Treble, Ivory veuts, and the improved French Action, fully warranted for five years, with privilege ofexchenge within twelve montis if not entirely satisfactory to purcha- sere. Second hend Piano« aed Parlor Organs always on hand. from $50 t $200. References, who hove oor Pianos in une: Gen. R. F. Lee, Lexington. Va. Gen. D. H. Hill, Chariotte. N.C. Mien. Rober: Ransom. Wilmington, N.C. Gov. John Letche , Lexington, Va. Messrs. KR. Burwell & Son, Charlotte, N.C. James H. Greenlee, M nton. N. O. J. H. Smith & GO. W. Melton, Chester, 8. C. EP Brown & Bernhardt are agents tor the sale of the above celebrated Pianos. Pianos sold at Factory prices. june 18—1ly D, T. CARRAWAY, Commission Merchant, —AND— Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wic- dow Shades, &c., &e. ROMPT attention given te orders, and te the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobac cv. Dried Fruit, &c , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april 9—I4 ly NEWBERN, N.C. 'NBACHOR, --fiik UNDERSIGNED wishes to obtain for his sister—a lady who has had several years sneces*fnl experi- ence—a situation to teach, in a family or oth- tow, SALISBURY, N.C: ka Dr. Lawrence's Woman's Friend | cures diseases peculiar to Females. | Large Sized Photo graphs, Porcelain Pictures, he ibinet Cartes de Visites, For sale hy Da. G.R.POULSON, | Ambiotypes Ferev trpea and all other stvles | Drnggist and Apotheeiry, Soliebury, N of Pictures at reasotral! le prifes eeplO SH Jb | cation, —mneaie not ineluded Address, stating terms, REV. JOHN H. TILLANGHAST, 3 — 2b Salisbury, N.C erwice the usnal branches of an Englich edo- hole .ross, $7. rvARMER N.C. ALMANAC, published by James fi. Eunias; A full of most matter to Farmer, pis monthly los ts — clear. ir Of alle ary be ok Uf gross; -per hundred $4,50, HE § Osc ALMANAC FOB 1870,— : mes H. Enniss} tall of comie D jokes, aneudotes, fin, Ae , aaa Paps apy in large clear spe, ber sit , SOPs by mail, 10 mail 25c.; one degen by mail a tol be al gross $3; per hundred of theabove mailed to “7 fier bale Be HH. BNNISS, lisher of Almanacs, _ Balisbary, N.C, tation, in the OHARLOTTE | 0) we take this methéd of ange DAILY, TRI-WERKLY, AND WEEKLY, PREeMiums ! PREMIOMS4 We offer ees PREMIUMS SehiVett, "rartee <a the WEEKLY Ob- Aug. 97, 1600. BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS axp STATIONERS, . _262- Baltimore 8t,, Baltimore, Md. HE LARGEST and beet assorted stock in the city lav, School, is Bete, Seatet, Relig ous LEXINOZOG, H. 0. W TLL PRACTICE in the courts of Davide son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Rao- dolph counties : REFERENCE. Hon. R. M. Pearson, ©. J. of N. C., Raleigh. £.G. Thomas te or “ R. P. Die vn “ * s “ Hon. John Kerr, toe.” “ J.B MeLean, ee N.C. “ Bey be fice on Council COTTON FACTORS, Comméree St., Marfolk, Wa. ors } attention paid-to the sale o GRAIN, COTTON and all other kinds « COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ea” Liberal advances on consignme and prompt a july927 EDUCAT, TIONAL. Patronise your own Institations. THE Exercises of the C meord Female College, at Statesville, will be resumed the Ist of September next. Board, fuel, washing. 815 per month. Tuition in regular Damas from $2.50 to $5,900 per mont Music, Drawing. Painting. &e., extra at moderate rates ; payment half in advance for term of four months, ending Dee. 23. For farther particulars address E. F. ROCKWELL, Statesville, July 9.—3m President. Statesville Male Academy, i z. : 2 A. M., Parscrrata, cout FALL TERM of this School will open on the 6th of September, and continas sixteen ——_ weeks. TUITION: MOONY 005 - gscesess 00 Bnglich Dep't. ‘ musuae Kouens s 5 ‘ oo Classical Department,.............---+ 16 00 Contingent Fee... .......+--.--------- 1 00 Beard in good families at en Tr month. One half of the above charges is required in a For further particulars, addrese the Principale July 30, 1869. 202m Edgeworth Female Seminary. Tur NEXT SESSION WILL COM- mence on the fitst Monday of September. The entire expense of Board and Tuition wiil be from $100 to $110 if paid in advance. Each boarder will furnish ber own lights and towels and also a pair of sheets and pillow cases, For circular address J. M. M. CALDWELL, july 2, 1860—3m Greensboro’, N. C. MOTION. Mary A. a. Plaintiff. William B. “Campbell, Defendant, The defendant will take natice that ov Priday the Sth October oaks, at the Oourt Howse in Cainden, S. C oak procecd to take the dep- ositions of John therapoon and others to be read in a suit now eee! in the Superior Court of Caldwell county, N. C., wheret ain plaintiff and yon are defendant MARY A. CAMPBELL. + __~» Sept 3, 969, (pr fee§3,50-Gw ) \ oe Se ——— — 5 member affected. The following simple | en to a display of gaudy beads and col- orth laic | concoction is recommended as a eure for | ored fringes, pete ee | the distressing ailueut: ake common FIRE, WEAPONS, 40. rock salt, such as is used for salting down ; : pork and beef, dry it in an oven, then ‘wfihe and mix it- with spirits of turpentine in equal parts. Pat itoua vag, Wrap it vroud the finger, and as it gets dry pation some more, and.in twen- ty-tour hours, ae are assured, the felon will be dead. Che OWN - SALISBURY, FRIDAY, OCT. 99, 1869, and stones showing the “action the soil covering the skeletons, surmised that their bogies chad” tially consumed by fire, “Bat was soon exploded, and ‘ahe: these evidences of fire tn the couuted upon the grounds th TUB LAST GOOD-NIGHT Close her ey elids—prese them gently O’er the dead and leaden eyes, For the soul that made them lovely grayeyinc- was lovscly.caet in, and th be ero oe ee es ard. | wellas stones and ¢indets. Wipe the death-drops from hér forehead Indian Antliqn i ( ic : . veali- form a portion of the elay: c of the’ Sever one dear golden uss, . Lite > Wolf ‘tail tenements below “be also ob- |; ’ Roldher icy hand all meekly, tt a rs. served no weapé; th ehellé oe Smooth her little snowy dress x oe iy ‘ OM pottery? ; : 18 ¢ Scatter flower’s o’er her pillow Gentle flowers so pure and white Lay the bud upon her bosont® . There~noy softly say, Good Night. These wer, . Rs " y .-| distines mounds or d?apon 8u Way , he v aly ve di! face of ther Aen and a a ‘fields reeted by ie to wtdeporit ot with the-learth-stoncs. "Phe hearth-stones ee it, o : *' . Indian'an es tipo lowlands ly. lay in gtrata. Sonictimes they Were seen ing along ‘he Dan'river, Which had beon : te di i cdoy ak Fadia that scooped san ved a one, two.or, three feet below, and even rth ova” tag erival in this « Though our tears flow fast and faster, . Yet we Would nof call-her back ey owcr in other phigea, having been’ eover- We are glad lier feet no longer CATER OBwe. po , -of Mulbeer ~dsland, ed with mud at varions times by. the riv- Tread life’s rough ind thorny track ; i and ulin the tiled the aves a Eirearth: | oy during its overflow, bar! ” the 8, Wing thas | Prof Brewer WAS I Seated rel slog. eee LP iti medintely Wrote to Ht, ined eedived reply) epclocingsa , pa eb dawned “by ‘the Smithsonian [uy ‘stit@tion in'1863, #4 a guide. to those _joeontemplating sich explorations. But’ owing. tothe dry, tot: weather, that fok lowed, the compactness of the soil of the graves, dud the great brittleness of the hones, the exaniination® was deferred ux- til such time. as a copiou® rain should loozen the earth suffiviontly to justify fur- ther excavations, Récently ““we were blessed with the equinottial shower, and We are glad our Heavenly Father : & Took her whileher heart*Was par,” All life's trials to endure; We are glad—and yet the tear drop Falleth ; for, alas; We know That our firesidewill be lonely, We shall miss ‘our dafling so. While the twilight shadows gather, We shall wait in vain to fecl Little-arms, all white and dimpled, Round our necks so softly steals Our fet checks will miss the pressure Of sweet lips so warmand red, MENTAL DEVELOPMENT. The rude coustruction of the toma. hawks, stone axes antl arrow points, dis, covered by the party, together with the absences of all metals, argnes. that these. Tudians stood very low in the scale of civilization. Most af thoir pottery is of a bard greenish color, and roughly orna- mented. © No whole vessels. were found. Muscle shells abounded, showing that the tresh water clam was one. of. the staple articles of their dict; while the collection of the bonés of ahimals (nearly. all of them being cracked open for the marrow) -And car bosom sadiy,:sadly, just in the nick of time, in hiv geological | comtain none larger than, the decr, show- Mise that darling little ead, . survey of the border counties, Prof, W. fing either the absence of the. buffalo in Which was wont'to rest'there sweetly ; yo. ee ; oa » even-| this region or the utter inability of these ©, Kerr arrived at this place,on the even es r u Aud those goldeni eyes so’ bright, ing of the 30th ult, when. upon the stc- | Indians-to cope with so large and power- We shal! miss their loving glances We shall miss their soft Good Night. When the morrow’s sun is shining They will take this cherished form, They will take it to the churcl-yard, And consign it.to the worm: Well+what matter? Ji is only The clay dreas our darli ag were : God hath robed her as an angel, She hath need of it ne-more; Fold her hands, and o’er her pillow Scatter dowers all pure and white, Kiss that marble brow,.and whisper, Once again, a last Good Night. full a beast. And as further evidence of their low degree’ of mental development, I may cite the"fact that the remains of ne | domestic animlss were found during the en- tire reeearch. The dog appears to have been unknown to them. THE SKIL TLEMENT—ITs ANTIQUITY aND; sIzk Mullberry Island was entered fy 1802, and the original grant ‘ealls torty-two acres. Since that date it has been re clainyed aud placed under entltivation.— Originally, an arm of thd oriver flowed around it, which hag since dwindled to a small bianeh with marsires, Ik ig evident that it was @ favorite camping gtoand for the aborignes, and hee they must have had a cousiderable town of wigwams,— Lidced, npon the island, if-their kuowl- edgn extended eo far, they were admirably situated in ana ual fortress for } Urposes of offense as weil as defence ; aud from the depth ander ground, at which thei heart bstoues are now found, ‘we are left | to believe thag they lived here from gene ration to generation for ages long gone. — ‘Neither ate the evidences of their former presence foaiid npon the island alone. — Half a mile up the river, on the Southern ' shore, ia ‘the Mwhinds of Gor. D. § { Reid's plantation, @ similar exhumation | was made byw freshet some yeas ago, | when by the patieut investigation of the Governor a skall, with bead«, and bones, aud powery and many heartlpsto: es, with implements and weapons, were discovered | Dasing our researches this ground was gone over again, but nothing new was elicited. Aud trom this point, the evi-| dences of the settlement are continued down the river for nearly two miles, if not «f Col. Robert | ceeding morning, armed with basket, mattock aud spade, Prof. Kerr, Mr. Han- na, Jadge Settle, Mr. Hariis aud myself, crossed over to the island and commenced the deferred investigation. GENBRAL PcsSCkIPTYON, Near the centre of Mulberry island, in full view of Jndge Set: le’s residence thet siands on a Llu which commands an @X- tensive and beautiful view of the river valley, we came upon nearly a quarter of | au acre of dand, *whence the crast was skimmed off by a freshet to’ the dépth of two or.three fret. Within this cavity, in smething like regular rows, stdod several siuall pyramidé of dark earth, from two to three feet high, some of which had been already partially brokéa by the spade, bur dt ho tek indubitable traces | of y-vanished race. ~ Upon she aurface of | of the groands inthe holfuw, in regular lines a few, feet“ apart, ‘were also to be seen tirenlar -deporité of stonéa such us | quartz and trap, weighing trnin one to ten pounds each, while the circles averaged about afoot in diameter, if not more, and among the stones weté mixed broken pieces of pottery, cinder®, ashes, charred and bleached bones of wild abimals, bird- and fishes, with tortowe and muscle shell: | These were the hearth -storics of the Indian | wigwams. A COLUMM ‘FOR THE LADIEs. — & Vee Nice Wheat. Breakfast.—Mix at- night of milka thin eponge, the same ag for bread bat thidner; in the morning put in a little sodv if sour... Bef Tee —Cat a piero of tear, jntey beef iu small niéers, “pat them into a wide-mouthed bottle and cork tight,’ Set thejbottle ina kettle ‘of ‘cold water, aud boil itfor an hour aud a half Season with salt. Farmer's. Pudding—-Mix a emooth batter in Giese _prépurtions:—Que-eep of flour, one of milk, ont egg, ‘a trifle of salt. Bake half an boarine quick oven, Serve with sweetened cream. or pudding satice. To Prevent a Snarl.—\f yeu: areem- | | THE FiRST Grave. ' Without more ado, the eartherm bare of one of the andisturbed pyramids before mentioned was’ gently Opened, and in a broidering with linew flése, ° which some] (Ow mowrnts the top ot a skull became prefer to silk, as being lesd expens've and | vi-ible.«'ften by the same Brocese ms not turuing yellow “with agé, pat in the |the western aide the lower extremuies of eye of the ucedle that eud" of the thread} 4 skeleten were laid bare. The earth ov which comes first from the “®pool; other-| top was now ensefiilly remeved palsh:| o, futo the phiot.t on wise, your thread and your Memper are} whole frame expreed to view, lying POP Fv. D. mglas, Thre it Apt wo go imtova saath, ’ ita left side, with knaevs drawn ap and! feemsa their tows Sealding Pickles in Brass. Every and feet doub)ud vearly under; iis Jefi | Was driwn out along the banks of the , [Tiver on eithershore; and dowbtlesa th ~ Jarm bent up in a0 easy posture with hayd | : housekeeper ought to kuow thatthe ace ¥ tion of the vinegar an the brass—i# euch . { Main reason fo " ‘ er eagending Searuad ala: nec aed ik ¢ gin aain reason r it Ln og eo placed wer as to poison the pickles te a4 cer tei ex. vance ol ime and e : beeauee of the abn arm also bent upwards wiih its band rest : ing under the left jaw of the face. From | Goh and the proximity to water tor culiy tent. [never bay dr ‘eat a very green) 4. percolation of water, iu was observed | “Y PYTPoees. looking pickle, for fear it has beea eeald- that very crevice and opening jn th THE TRIBE AND ITS CHIEES. | cd in brass. “I never even. allow’ sweet ' skull and joinjs wers filled with sand. — Tn the abserce of positive ane The bones wire ali carefully rewoved, | we can oaly conjrcture the name of tin and the sknli inepeeted. Lt bad evident. | tribe to whigh theee savages belonged. — | iy saree’ the hody of atall, robust } Tc is kuown thatthe Saura or Suara Io- | warrior iy the prime of life. Ev: ry tooth | djans once inhabited this n gion, and that} Was preserved r excellent The ja grand chain uf mountains. of which the | brow waa h gh bat emntracted, while the } Pilot je one, is named af back of the head was fully developed, | ealled the Searatetn mountains, If is | showing a biepouderance of the appe- | thea sodeed probable that this > ancient} tites and pasgigua ever the intelleoual | setilement was one of their towns; and! faculies. . And thie was all we leatued | taking this in @onneetion witha k gend concerning ihe character of the dead sav- j trafemitetd to as through Julius J Mar-4 age ¥ hose giave’we 66. ruthlessly invad- | tin, Esq., concerning the name of the | ed Daa river, the trath of the conjretare be. THE SECOND GRAVE. comes highly interesting to every Oaro- The secoud pyramid was? entered in a liniap. It is said that ihe, name of this mannér similar tothe firet. Tho axis o! oe Pg ait — : De ot Saerk $e the sheléton -defletted more toward the | English appallation o an, is -@ mere | tha two-thirds fall, for it needs room to {North while the posture observed was in ee the Seep hcw yp word rise; cover witht wnfie and set near hj ll Orher things ul o same. Aropud the | ‘be, oe sapeorgg = sa = 7 | fire 19 warm and soften. Ait hour or wore | peek was found as ring’ of beads, made 7 ", : sag oe ae mpl Sue | before dioner beat with ifan egg tw » | of bone, white and hard, eneased iu Jumps | ¥ oe a come Vey ect quirtof the mixture, pat the cover on | of sol, bat etill preserving the circular | U oe a : acted re | iihtly and set in boiling water, not al. | Outlines as they were disposed with the | se = - . ei C : ae ne eg low ing to slop boiling till dete. Serve) body by spine frieudly iband long oe pean ie da he I re i = a oe : | with sweetened cream. Jf -you try thie) Motiouless in death. The beads and | *iguify ng W ' : —— ialeet precreur ence you will never makea baked pudding | bones were collected aid ithout further disensgion, | cider to be boiled down in braces; porce lian, oF @¥en tin, fe betior,—1louskee pers, tn Rural New Yorker. Rice Pudding W 4 —Take a halficup of rive, two q of rich ilk, (sweet cream improves it,)® trifle of salt, eweeteg and fivvor ‘io the taste; bake three of foot hours, stirring often (ill near ly done. When dove the rice should be soft, batpat dry. When cold, the rice wil] be carround ed with.a Wel: sages, reas®mbling eream, and as good. Bat eoldy Wt is better than any hot riee padding made with eggs. — Roiled Bread Pudding.—Pare | the ern vm@ state bread and cramb the b. sa in pudding pail, not putting if more order, ter thew, being cxamined,— | metals.”’ ' . ain we 1 eet] nerfea n- | may be permitted to say that war inveati.- aguin.—Fruit improves it. | Again we foand the teeth iu perfect con J I . i © bs i iduien, while in the cavity of one of the | gation has thas far shown the Indiana of | Green orn Ervitters.—Mre <A. J | vertebrae was discovered a bead, douly- | the Dan to have been entirely nnacqnaint | Long Grant Co., Wis., tells the German | leas removed thenee by the downward ac. |ed with any kind of metals, and it ie} town Tele graph how to make them :-— tion of water, ‘The “frame vas not a | there ore most probable that Maritank is | ‘Twelve eatd of the best awert OOCN Eras") Lee we that of the firatone dis terred,;4 misnomer, Nevertneleas [will not} ed raw from th® eob and the inilk « PAP’ | bat che forehead was broader ard all they take a snap jadgment unon th jarstions | »| f L ) gCK OF a Kites | tocutties ace med to be two tablespoonfuls of flour and a pinch of ealt, beat six eggs very light A fror oh wit! el ed from the co ith more harmoniously Pots warrior, of such it were flneh of manhood. GeOLOGICAL@ INVESTIGATIONS, | Prof, Kerr intorma us (though L bv nol me ins speak for hin) that be will be in | des elope d } eck : and pazia fappearcd to be iu the to the mixture; if eggs are scarce use : ; or foor. Uave frady’ ¢ eens THE THIRD GRAVE. [tte field until near Christnas. He has! three our. i udy ul . : | es alge ey Saas aweet lari boiling hot ia a broad pan, 4 Standing. ut from the side of the hol io or = : at ER W oo “ aT drop the fritters in, a spoonful at atime, | low iade by the freebe t, the large bone | SQokee, Yadki d Rockingham. The] ° ; i , nt | not allowing them ta touch; Whon brown j ‘ f the lower | g of Luman being was | * nis tah bl of shia rt g'm commene eI on one side turn and brown on the other 5) discovered, buried within less than two {near Germeuton, Sw ping along ite} : 4 . fos : : | ; iT llowat feet of the surfice, The other bodies had | Seathern margin, the Danah iw follows | een juterred at the depth three: The s8u- the basin thae formed into V Irginia.—- | beds of Rox kingham, ued next week, and | the next] they bake very quick and ckould be sunt. to the table piptoe hot, I make them every summer, and they are considered, pevincambent earth was speedily removed Hero are the onal almost equal to fried oysters. | and a third sk began laid bare, lying in the | which will be Specie) ane oaeesier same gencral position as the a:hera,— | the people will no don aes 4 ; Within thie grave beads were, also torind | geological report of no on mary of the foside baik of the batternat Wes; chip time near the thigbe, we. it they had | The Japan clover, or Lespeza, is report- and a handful of hops—put then ito t been kept in a bag on pocket but differ [ed to have been econ growing in all the} one and a half gallons of water and boil jing from the other beads at that they | Western eounties. Efforts were being it down to five qnarts—strain it and add | were of bono, wile eee wete partly of} Made to introduce jt here, wien a harndfal of grated radish roots, and | glace of various haes, black, blue, green }Seems that the river has already accou- two rpoonsfal of grated mastard—steep ‘and siriped. The tonnes of this Indian | plished the work, h wing ecattered the one hour slowly—add one and a halt | were tee much deeayed for prestnyation, seed along its whole cotirse ‘in alinost wile of molasses ‘afd yeast sufficient tofand there fore the skuliouly was presery jevery valley. ferment—when fermentation: be- led which Pio Kerr intende to forward to! = ° gine, bottle tight, putting into each hostel : Care for Dispepsia —Pake a handful | interesg. In, it} make ot . ° * JO. W. HOLDEN. ! jah Stattuoviag Jussitution at Wasinir re} vrVe snoonf f the > - : nf 3 ; is 1 ’ ° ar | . : oaeee a Do wey S€eca Af rem tun city, Tine te eth were perfect; andf Roekingham Co Met 2 d, 1869. | tT an anal, Jose —one-half of ) ? , ! arn ao : ; : ti one-half of a groy tows between the frent teeth of — | tublerfal turee times a ds , ; : ; mH) a acabler CEC’ CiSes & uay the lower jaw we found the root of arnisd It is reparted that the eonte oplated visit | ’ ! : ; he President he Banthern Centos ail] Filions on the F ng Tam M ay persons my Vv % nd trimmed it anwar leaviny of th i : sid M fa the Ero MW Fs tates will i - ; : tane placein Feb. next. when, it4 1) are rome soffanng from i the stamp NUGTOID carpe Wwithont a4 a ature i : A T 1 sh . ;Wilt bea accompanied by a select etafl of -f nea ‘ me We py, Sabchons are) al Curinei:y a MN epenerate ais ieial tere sted In Somthern progroce!y neve 1 iis j - Of Che face w oO yndved this ladian t zg New Yo k «and Washing ' . waa b Ciippiiog of the hay A @ ua Olbe youug brave, £1¥-! ton corr pond uts. From the appearance of pidgin. sabes . reat, in ppsiort) ence, of | $6, utof the: graves. = | M posited in: separate aud]. “at L2Ate Wan wifor Fayattevitle daily ex ag _If you are in. Wester, N. sat rai Sra eh from Geldsbo. ; » to Payetteville, 6. Dhroygh tie reldon w Fayette. m W tte ille; Clemmons’ Acéom modation Line Between Salem and Stages at all hours igh Point, will hayter eng thd ho tage est.” Oflice at Batner’s | otel, Salem, Ny, ‘yg Tot ', od, De CLEMMONS, ot 17 13694e" Contractor. NEW YORK and North Carolina} STEAMSHIP LINE New York to Wilmington, This Live will comprise the followitig steam- ers; PATRBANKS; Capi. A” Hwite?, “ D. P. Morgan, WM. P. CLYDE, REBECCA OLYDE, O. Chichester. MARY SANFORD, | John. Aloore. ., With such additional Steamers as may. be reqaired to meet the Gemands of the trade.— Sailing from New York every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY a 4.P. M, from Pier SE. R. foot of Wall street. 4 [# The attengion of Shippers is called to the LOW RATES atd FACILITIES offered by thie Line, whielr are superior to any heretofore. offered. THROUGH BILES OF LADING given to all points on the North Carolina Railvoad and its Conpections via -Golds- boro. J. A. SADLER, Soliciting Agent. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, Viluiugton, N. O. JAMES TLAND, Agene, fubz9—B8if 419 Wal Street, N.Y: — — rene PLANTATION BITTERS. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a touié aid. cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics, As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specifle in every specics of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro- duced it becomes a stand- ard article—a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro- cers and Country Stores. JOB PRINTING, BL INKS, 40 ed oh ad a CARDS HAND BILLS CIRCULARS PAMPRLETS LABSLS TX CRI s Letter Heads AND me ~ EVERY OTHER KIND of! JOB PRINTING, EXPEDITIO}\ Slay WELL And CIILAPLY done AT TIS OFFICE, Led> Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma- OX | ae (| which i re 00.) f Sey in ae UE Nae wl oe ‘ oe > et ¥, i rosie rat's. of . New “Goods . We ba Winter, stock ne Boots aly: ance” - Bardnste as Caps, Sole tbe Upper. HP Linnthiok: bere guaet Patent Leather, * Coach Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co- pal and Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very best Brands, Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot- j'on Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. POWDER: POWDER! POWDER, | Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Salt, Drags and Medicines, and jin short EVERYTHING IN THE. | |WAYof MERCHANDISE All of which was bought for CASH, and will be sold } | | & Shoes Hats| RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING! ¢ & © ik ‘and d Geraan ais Albums, the went and Gold and Plated Jewelry, @ the newest We have also made ; i ’ ~ Moogs, Buys, Mit- ORKS,in full Gilt and styles, awlne price... We do not ask bay us unless we.can gell eheaper than’ you can obtain them in any other f° while the greater part of our are atabout One-half the Regular Rates. | -We-want good reliable agents in every part of the Woenkey By empitying your spare bans to form elubs and sending Us ot@ers, you can obtain the most liberal cowmissions, either in or » and all goods sent by us will be as J i , and we guarantee satisfaction to every one déaling with ourhouse. Agents should collect ten cents from each customer and forward to us in advance, for De scriptive Checks yhngt wy we sell.” The holders of the ks have the privilege of either purehasing the article thereon dexcrib- ed, or of exchanging for any article mentioned on onr ue, Humbering over 350 different articles; not one of which can be purchased in the usual way for the saine money. The advantages of first sending for Checks ate theses” We are constantly buying sma!l lots of-very valiable goods, which gre not on our and for which we issue checks til! ail are sold; besides, in every large club we wiil tohecks for Watonss, 1LTS, BLANKETS, JQ883 PA TTBRNS, or sowie other article of valne giving soine members of the clab an opportuni- ; y of paraketn & an article for aboat one quarter 8 value, “In every order amounting to over $50, ac- companied by the Cash, the Ageit may retain $2.00, and in every order of over $190, $3.00 may be retained to Pay the Zixpross Charges. This offer fg more especially to assist Agents in the Western and Southern States, but is open to all cnstomers. COMMISSIONS. Agenta will be paid ten por cent. in Cash or erehandise, when they hu up wir entire club, for which below we give a partial List of Commi #ions : an Of B30, from a club of Thirty, we will pay the Agent, a4 commission, 23 yds. Brwu or Bleached Sheeting, Good Dresa Pattern, Wool Square Shawl, French Casstmere Pants and Vest Pattern, Fine large White Counterpane, ete., ete., or $3 00 in cash Por an order of SSO, from a Club of Pifty, we will pay the Agent, as Commission, 4 yds. sheeting, one pair of beary wool blan. kets, poplin «reas pattern, han some woo! agnare shawl silver-case watch, ete., ote., or 85.00 in canb Por an order of $100. from a club of Qne Handred, we wi)! pay the agent, as com- thisxion, 100 yda. of good yard-wide Sbeeting, CotmSilver lianting Case Wateh, Rich Long Wool Shawl, suit of all Wool French Caasi- mere, etc..cte., or $10 in cash. We do not em customers should not pay money to persons Potperting to be our agents, wnadeas personally aeqeainted. Sond Money always by Register- ed Letters. Por furtber particulars send for Catalognes, PAREBR & Co., 93 & 100 Sumner St, Boston, Muss. Oct. 15, 1809. 4l-ly GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ZLASTIC sTrizen FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Bahimoge Street, Balirmore a Points of Bxcelicnce. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch, Perfection and simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads‘directly from the spools. of thread Wide range of appheation without change of adjustmeut AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, | } | We allow no House to under- | | isell us. | { | : | It affords usa pleasure to show | { | Be sure to examine our stock } | before purchasing elsewhere. ‘ )ear Goods whether we sell or not. ' | Don’t be deceived by loud blow- | | \ing and heavy shelling, but come| gistrates,and others, in ordering blanks | wil 'o the Forms as num- bered in * Douk ior County Offi- cers,” published hy Nichols & Gorman Raleigh, N.C. Addrest,....... | please refer TY ti and -..AS. J. Bl ONER ‘Homestead Blanks ' (For laying of Homcesteads. ) ;And a new and improved form | { We buy nearly all: kinds! } —of— LAND DELDS, Revised and corrected by tk best legal authority in this pilae for sale. Ajdsldress, mar. 10, J. J. BRUNER, | | Salisbury, Sept. 24, 1869. jto-see us and get posted np. | fF Orders from a dweaniee, promptly filled at lowest prices ! pity I » | { of Produce, | | } \ MeCubbins, Sullivan & Co, No. 1, Murpny’s Gravite Row, | 13—1) | | will be plead in bar of their recovery. All The seam retains its beanty and firmness alter washing atid ironing. Besides doing all kinds of Th << by other Sewing Machines, these ines exe- cute the most beaatiful and Em- brotuery and ornamental oe Por sale by ANDREW MURPRY, oct 1I5—ly Sehebary, N.C State of North Carolina, 2 STANLY County. § Superior Court. John W &mith. John Parker and wife Teahel, Benton Parker and wife Mary C. and Uriah Staten, Guardian of Susan Brooks, and G ©. Withait, Guardian of Alfred A. Brooke. Mary F. Brooks, and Carvline ©. Brooks, I lainuiffs: against Wiliam, Austin, Winey Ann Brooks and William Brooks defendants Petition for Sale and Partition of the the late Cornelius Brooks. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Wiliam, Austin, Wincy, Aon Brooks and Willian Brooks, defendants in this Proceed- ing. are non-residents of th s State, itis Ordered, That publication be made weekly, for six sneces- sive weeks in the ‘Old North State,’ a newspaper published in Sahsbury, N. C., sammoning each 1 defendants to be and appear at the office ol the clerk of the Snperior Court of Stan'y County, on the 20th November 1869, then and there to answer or demor to anid petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parts as to their : Witness, Janieg M. Redwine, Clerk of our enid conrt at office, the T1th day of October, 1889 J.'M. REDWIN E, 0. #. «. 41:6w:pr.fec $10. Lands of of Havioy qualified as Administratrix with ynexed of James C. Smythe is bereby given that all Parties who claims against the estate Mnst present them within the time specified by law or this notice per \ DMINISTRATOR'S Noticc. ‘he w notice sons indebted to the estate are make early settlement, JULIA C. SMYTHE, Oct. 12, 1869.—41:6w Fore ee names orate] DEY GogDs, loy any travelling agents, and | No fastening of seams by hand and no waste have | requested to | Admits. | % % ma. * ah ieetce oe LES ig Ht SUMYBRS YODS ! MLBAVING JUST RETURN. ed from the Eastern Mar- kets.we call your attention to much the largest Most complete stack of Goods in this ufar-* ket. all selected from new aud fresh stocks and ‘styles, and a large portion purchased diy uly from the Manufactorers and thel¥ Ageuts since | \ vit The Great Decline in Dry Goods, All we ask i a call at the . c well known Em- poriun of this market. We invite yourdatten- graph Boake: oroco and Velvet bindings, | ion to afew LEADING ARTICLES tefl ia aay; Travelling’ Bui “Hndher ast ey ei ‘wliclésale and retail stock : “hy : ne ‘OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, | DRY GOODS, DRESS ODS, «| ~ Notions, Hats, Shoes, ; a 4 READY-MADE CLOTHING, nie Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Medi: ines, Dyr- Stuffs, Vaints, Tanners? Oil, ¢rosene and Linsecd il, ‘Lead, Upper, sole and Har. ness LEATHIrIR, CALF & LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, Tron, Steel, Saddle Hard are, and) Carri ringe Trimmings ; in fact, thousand of articles two tedius to euumerate. We are a’ nts for the v Great Threshers ' —an |— XN TREY? ct | CLEANERS, } Also, Manufacti;ers’ 4 gents for the cole 1 | Bone Dust. Do. dg, R Wy 1s | 7 We invite fhe atte vai! | and the trade generally, to our them they will tind nothing but i rable Goods. We bny all ki rT Save your Blackberries and Fruit-. s iieu wil be to you as Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co. SALISBURY. N.., Spragve’s Old Stand, uear the Market House April 2, 1899. I8—ty J UST RECELVED AT THE STORE of SMITH FOSTER & CO’S. 1000 SACKS. OF SALT. ~ *) BBLS MOLAssEs. 2 HHDS. MOLASSES. { 24-4. LOOK for MERONEY’S AT THE SIGN OF THE BIC INDIAN. \ 7K CALL THE SPHCIAL ATTENTION of all to our Stoek of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and invite all who waut tlhe Latest Stylc« Best Qualihies, and Must Keisonable Prices | we wsacall, We are ngw exbibitios ibe Lest -S6k of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NATS, MILLANERY (i Ds, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCELRIVS, HARDW.A Lk SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Coach, Copal and J pan \ Walunt Stain, Kerosen: Machine Oils to be fornd in West 1 Nort Cy- Dna wl attent 3 Ca { ‘BOOTS A eee. oe niches n ; atid Spe- t ES. ed to our Six ND sii kin #1 , Pegged Kaimotais. leather lined | ce Gent's Raimorala« ve y best stock 210 « | Dump-Sete ne . Yoathsand Misses Shoes. of all ) rices and mealitiva, | ond Cali m. 121-2 cts por pd. best We are ais « ite forthe Mann rere of the best AGKICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! —AND MACHINERY, such ne 'The Buck Eve Mower and Reaper, Farbine Water W heels, | Fine Engine Deep Well and Fores {Pumipe. French Barrs and Corn Mills. Threshers and Cleancrs on Tw heels c Oider and Wine M IIs, Star Catton Gin and Cond nser, Grain’ D> 1s, . Smuiters and Clear Suwa Rubhberand Leather Li! land many other ching m tion, allof wi j turer's ptinee 4 | e. ur send and a ( a t g ;may Ww } . \ y aitee the Machinery solu by usio give sa | faction, . | We are al rents f F ly SEWING MACHINE, 1 there no equal. Warranted todo ali k nds of we and to give entir» satisfac n, or the mer will be refonded &# GOOD PINE Lr | the depot, on short + { We will be (> i above Murphy's Giaue ‘ | MiERONLY ' - FOR SALE.—A 835), | Power Portable Engine, : jane 11—23-5m M & i , nvju 13 I hes To FALL AND WINTER INP ORT. 7108 18 6090. RIBBONS, MALLINERY, ASTER GODS tee | Armstrong, Cator & C- 237 & 239 Baltimore Street Roy 1% IMPORTERS AND Jor ° r | BOWNET Ave TROD, ve | VELVET AND S\ASEI RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SAT « ' ‘ Illusions, Blonds. [ / PRENCH FLOWERS dvd Fi Straw Bontcis & [27 Ee. TRIMMID AND Silk, Velvet and ISUNDOWNS ANT | The largest Stock : Conntry, and ane yu a | we offer at prices that ORDERS SO! 27. 1988 lr ep 34- aig 2m Che OW North State Gmammnmwis HAN i Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SUBCRIPTION Oxp Year, payable in advance. .,..$3.00 Six Montits, “e 1,50 5 Copies tu one address,....- 2 10 Copies to one vddress, Leates of Advertising. One Square, first insertion, For each additional insertion. ......-. Special notices will be charged 50 per cent higher than the above rates. . . Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish ed at the same rates with other advertise- Mnents. ()itnary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. i acon 4 a oH 2 i 61 3 3 | res > = ~ eas < SPACE. = = = s| 3 = = 3 oi re => S s | = 2 | _ TP Square. “$5 00 $8 50 313 00 2 Squares. 5). 8 5,13 00 22,00 BSquares. 6.00) 9:00 12 00:20 00) 30.00 d Squares. 8 00 11 00. 15 00)25 00 37,50 } Coluum. 11.00.16 00 20 00/30 00, 45,00 18 00 24 00, 30 00/45 00. 75.00 4 Column. 22 00 40 00! 50 00)80 00; 130,00 1 Column. Worth Carolina, ) Superior Cover, Yadkin County. Spring Terin, 1869. T. C. Haus r, Ex’r., of Wm. Mackie, dec'd. Plainriff. against Elias Haynes and others. Defendants. Speetal Proceedings. Petition for Settlement Iu this case it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that Thomas Mackie, Martha Mackie. Elizaheth Mackie, Jesse Makie, Sarah Mackie. Elis Mackie. Hiram Martin, aud his wife Calhaiw, Milag Reese aud his wife Rebecea. Sylvester Reese, Henry Shere and Lis wife Mary, are uoo-residents COMPOU 3 The Great American Tunic and Di- uretic | Recomn ended and prescribed by physicians wherever known. The “Compound Gertian Bitters” are male of the purest and best Vegetable Tonics and Aromatics koown to the profession, They atso contain twenty per cent of wm 2BUCH U! A Which makes them, ‘beyond all question, the / best DIURETIC in existence; and for Di, t Sidpeys, dder and Urinary Organs, te or, f any equal! Those who try these Bitters, for the following Diseases will in every case find them a safe, pleasaut, speedy and effectual Remedy. They are asure preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Malarial Diseases | DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, SICK-STOMACH, COLIC, SICK-HEADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CULDS & COUGH, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &., and every Disease requiring a general Tovie impression. I~ For Diseases peculiar to Females it is almost a specific. In convalescence from Typhoid and other low forms of Feverit is the very best Tonic that can be used. The Compound Geutian Bitters meet with oniversal favor, and bave received the strong- est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a few of which we append below: This ts to certity that I have used Dr. God din's Compound Gentian Bitters and cheerful ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that can be used for ordinary debility, sick stomact &e. E. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, Ovange co , N. C., May 15, ‘69 I hereby certify that [ have Leen using Dr. Goddin's “Componnd Gentian Sitters,” for Covgh, General Debility, &e.. and Tam fully satisfied that they are the best Bitters of which I have any knowledge, and the best Tonic of- fered to the American people. ROBT. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, Var, June 25, 1869 Da Gooois :—Dear Sir: | have been suffer- ing for twenty years with ao affection of the of the State: It is therefore ordered by the | kidneys, prostrate gland aod sineture of the court that publication be made in the “Old North State" a vewspaper published isbury. N. C., for six weeks successively, no- tifting the defendants to be and appear at the next term vac Superior Cuart to be held | poand Gentian Bitters ; fur the county of Yadkin, at the court house | charm—one bottle gave VYadkiuville. om the 10th Munday after in the third Meuday iu September, 1569. then | need, afl there to plead answer or demur to the petition filed by T. C. Hanser, the exeeutor of Wm. Mackie, asking for an aceouns of bis vnistration and a final settlement. Witness, J. A. Martin, elerk of oar said court at olfice in Yadkinville. Sept. 22d. 1~. J. A. MARTIN, c. &. c. 0 6w —(pr fee $10.) ad Morth Carolina, 2 Scrrrior Court. > Yadkin Coouty. § Spring Tern, 1869 Martha J. Howard, Pid. against Alfred M. Howard, df In thie ense it is made to a ypear to the sat silaction of the eoort that Alfred M Howard Pet'n. for Divoree a vincula in Sal- | t | | the defeuda.t above named resides beyon |) the limits of the State and tha tMartha Jane Howard. Plaintiff above named. hath a good | eause of ection against him: It is therefore ardeted by theevurt that pablication be made in the *-Old North State,”’ a newspaper pob lished io Sa iebury. N. C., for six weeks ave cessively. notifying the defendant that he be and appear at the next tetin of onr Sape- | rier Conrt to be beld fur the county of Yad- kin at the Coart Honge in Vadkinville on the | 6. irethra; have been under the Creatment of he best physicians in the coantry, one of whom ls now @ professor in a medical college. All failed to relieve me. I finally tried yoar Cou the ¢ -crmplete rehef beheve it tu be the best medicioe T have ever Very resnectially JAS. A FATLCON, Littleton, N.C, Jan. 7th, 1869. Prepared only by Dr. Goxldin JAMES T. WIGGINS, Proprietary Wholesale Agent, NORFULK, VA EI” Por sale by De. G. B. Poulson, Balix tary. N.C 38 —1 10 YEARS REFORE THE PUBLIC. ‘F OTHER Kemedies PAIL Fok BKUONCIIAL ANU LIVER DI- | SE ASES read the folle wing: Tomas H. Rainey. Req. Granville co.. No. says: “I find soar P Ils to be the best family med cine T have e eed. They have proved very Len atin my own have Leen very mach ef. er ase J 1th Monday after the 34 Monday in Sept. | tieted for fifteen years. and have tried every kind of 1469, then and there to eaid petition for divorcee the clerk of said court. otherwise judgment ro coufeseo will be entered and the case oe exparte. Witness. J. A. Martin. clerk of onr said court, at office the 10th Monday afer the 3d Mowday in April, 1869. Issted 224 day of Sept. 1°69. J. A. MARTIN. c- 8. c. 2—6w— [pr fee $10) te or answer to State of Worth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY, Superior Court. Virginia G. Whitebead, Plainiif, inst Mareelins Whitehead, Thomas Whitebead, C A. Henderson and Jolin H. Enns late partners under the name of Henderson & Knnisa, W. F. Bacon, W. HI. Bailey, T. J Foster, and T. G, Haughton, Defendant:. To Thomas Whitehead, one of the defea:!« above name, a non-resident. Yooare hereby notified, that a summons, in the above entitled case, has issued against yuu, and the complaint therein was filed in the Sa- perior Court of Rowan County, on the 18th day of September, 1869, and that copies of said summons and complaint were deposited in the poxt office, at Salisbory, on the 20th day of September, 1869, directed to you at Amherst Conrt Honse, in the State of Virginia You ace also notified, that the summons in the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court aforesaid, to be held at ihe Court Honse ir Salsbury, on the third Mon- day in April nes, when and where you are bereby reqvired to appear and answer the complaint—w defanit whereof the plaintiil will apply to sad Court for the rehef demand- ad in the cornplaint. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the sai Baperior Court at office in Salisbury, Scptem- ber 20tb, 2. D. 1868. ~ A JULSON MASON, 0. « ¢ 38—6w(pr fee $10) N Q2t08.-2! WILL SELL ON WED- { NESDAY, 27th of October, fram 600 to 1000 bnebels of Corn, belonging to Mary Ellis, (miner.) The sale will he cash. and take place on the farm of the late Robt. Ellis. 0. G. FOARD, Guardian Oct. 1, 1869.—39: 4t XQ OPICB..--THUE UNPAID NOTESGIV 4 en to me as adininiatratoref ROW Grif fith deceased, have been left inthe hands of Mr. Lewls Hanes for collection. Those owing them are requested toedlupon Mr. Hanes at the O!d North State office in Salisbury, pay them as e00n as poss: rhe Oot. 1, 109—tf Z GRIFFITU, Adu'r } led in the offiee of | ! | found mere e tef from your Pilla than ali othere. My disease is bronchial aMiction, and a complete prostrat.on of the nervous system Thave ised them in ten or fil teen caseain my family. and find them to be the very medicine for nearly a!| family diseases.” The Cure is Thorough. Kenneth Haynes, Faq..( Jerk of Colambne county conrt, writes (April 2, 1563 During the latter partof the year 186B I was severely afflicted with diveased liver and many night« while in bed che pain woald become so excraciating tlat | was compelled to get out of bed and sit op until the pain wonld sabside. 1 cared 6 few boxes of th eSOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, and the first dose | took gave me great relief. | coptinwed to nee the Pills tor two weeks, aad have not enffered from liver disease since. [have recommended them accordingly, and severa! pefsons are i want of them. Ail disease is an @uemy t the bhaman system and is at war with it and will conquer it. unless nature with al} the assistance it can receive from eatrength ening medicines and suitable nourishments, can conquerthe eneiny: which would be best. to take medicine before you get sick, to prevent sick pees or to take medicine after you get sick to cure sickness, IF A word to the wise is enough. £3 Exerrise your own jodgment in the means of de fense: tire even y will come, be ye alan ready with The Southern Hepatic Pills, That ell, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilions diseases, cansed by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EWIGRANTS.—Yon are abontto make a home for yourselfand family na climate which yon orthey have not been accustomed te ; you will, of coarse, be exposed to all the diseases pecaliar to that climate, yon shoaid be careful tu use such Med- icines as are adapted to the diseases of that climate you will find the greatest security in the use of Deews’ Sovrmrew Hepatic Vinrs, They can be sent to any point in the United States by Express. PRICK—PFor one box, 25 cer ts.— Dia. $2.50—T'alf Cone $19—One Gross, $18—Three Grose, $50— Five Gross, $TD. The each mut either accompany the order forthe Medi- cine or it willbe sent 0.0.1. Or ere ahculd be address ed to G@. W. DREMS, No. #8, Soura CaLnous @raerr, Bat.moxs Mp, where they will he promptly attended to. Por thse Medicines call on all respectable Draggists everywhere and on G. B. POULSON, Jair 2—%6:1y Salishury. N.C. Establishea 13885. _ LEPAGE BROS. &Co., GENERAL Commission Minchants AND medicine that I conald get, but have ‘COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St., Norfolk, Va. CF Special attention paid to the sale o RAIN. COTTON and all other kinds ¢ Cs and | COUNTRY PRODUCE. | fw Liberal advances on eons cnme and prompt returas. julyJ:27— The British sl ip Britannia was, wreeked off the coast of Brazil, aud had on board a large consignment of Spanish dollars, Tn the hope of saving some of them, a namber of barrels were brought on deck, but the vessel went to pieces so fast that the only hope for life was in taking at once vo the boats. The last boat was about to ee off, when a youug midshipman went back to see ifany oue still was on board. To his surprise, there sata man on deek with a hatchet m bis -hand, with which he had broken open several of the casks, the con- tents of whieh he was now heaping ap about him. “What are you doing there 1” —shouted the youth, ‘Don’t you know the ship is fast going to pieces 1” “The ship may go,” said the wan; “T have lived a poor wretch all my life, and I am determined to die rich.” His remonstrances were answered only by another flourish of the hatchet, and he was left to his fate. We shoald count such a person a mad- man, but he has too many imitators. Men seem dete-miued to die rich, at all hazards. Least of all risks do they count the change of losing the soul in the struggle, at any moment at all. And yet the only riches we can hag to our bosom with joy, in our dying hour, are riches of grace through Jesus Christ, which we must make ours before the dark hour comes. Oh! bow rich have many died in their garrets and huts, while kings and princes have eutered on the other life more destitute than beg- gars. Who weald not rather choose to be rich for eternity, than rich for the fleeting moment in which the ship is siuking into the dark waters !-S. 8. Times. —— WE DIE DAILY. We miss something today that we bad yesterday. Some familiar and glad vital- ity is no more with us, nor can we eall it back. It has ceased to live. What we were in childhood we are not vow, aud ear be no more. Our youth is dead—dead and gone Oar maturity may have per ished. Where is the volatile plattle, the butterfly chasing vanberauce of irreepan- sible life, the sehoolday relish of sport? W here the hey-day of y oath —its ambitons, hopes, loves? Wher ’ fw have come to our “threeecore and teu," is the vaseular energy of middle life—ithe will of iron, the lionlike couruge, the muscle of steel 1 They have all died. Death is no vew thing to us, but a common place.--We have eve ourselves perish and fall away, antil we cease to take notice. As time is all the while dying, so then is lite. The friendship of last year is as dead | ae the flowere of the same period. Yester | day's expectation, the very vitality of oar | Leart, lies buried to-day in the tomb of de | fiat. The taste that admires this or that | just now, will be soon off .o bring us no | more joy. We die daily. Bat we are also torn daily. These dis- | solutions are compensated by births, births | into yet greater and nobler life. The true | soul» gain more than they lose. The seeds | decay; th: fresh shoots come. Lopes die, bat hope never; while the plan of its exia- tence is moru elevated, the temper of its | life is serener and gladder. Loves end, but love is perennial. Muscle is exchanged | for mind, and will for geace If, in many | ways, what we once were ie gone; sv, in | more ways, what we ance were is come io jus. Death reigns, bat life more abandant- |ly. And onr song, in the very face of all thie decay, if we live truly, should be in the jub lant mayor key, and not the dole- fal sounds. Letus, rather, chant the song ef oor many births from our first birth, and ery of death it has been “swallowed up in victory.” Pe Another of the advertising “attoinies” in divoree euits bas been distinguishing | himeelf. A certain man of this city had a friend whom he was always asking to his house, and in whom he had “every con- fidence.” The friend was in the habit of taking his host's wife to the theatre, and before very long the hasband found out that his domestic relations were not quite as they should be. Friend and wife bad jalike betrayed bir. Business afterward took him to California, and while be was absent the wife and her paramoar laid a plot for obtaining a deerce of divorer againet him. ‘The “advertising attorney” was of conree the very man for the dirty work. He soon furnished acensation, evi- dence and wiinesees, an accommodating Judge provounced the decree of separa- tion, and the woman married her accom- plice. When an inqniry was subsequent- made, it wae aecertained that the attorney's evidence was false from Leginning to end, and that all his witnesses committed per- jury. Again we ask, is it not time that this iufamous traffic was stopped? It could not be earried on at all without the connivance of the Judges, for they would “mark down’ the advertising attorney, and carefully sift every case he dared to to bring into Court, Surely, however, the Judges can afford to give up thie one source of profit? They make enongh in other direetions to allow ibem to indulge in the luxary of honesty at least once a week, N.Y. Times. ee If you see anything your duty, the eoon- eryouatiend to it, the better. Javid says, | “1 made haste and delayed not to keep thy |commandments.’’ Follow the example. A letter intended for Oshkosh, Winne- bago county, Wisconsin, was dirveted to Aliequash, Ru'abaga county, and reached ite destination, . regarded it as the most importaut in Of K. P. Battle, Esq., President of the which men engage. : N.C. Agricultural, Society, at the open-| to eucourage tle application to it of intel- ing of the 9th Annual Fair, Oct. 19/h, | ligeuce aod sewuce, Oa this account he 1869. \ was from the beginning a fast friend of i . this Society; Hes ives, enjoyi | Feltow-members of the Nor'h Curolina ait sull lives, enjoying at : ; the age of more than four score years the Agricultural Society, Ladies and gen- respeet aud veneration of all, a grand letmen : representative of the good old days.— | Nine times have seed time and haryeat | Wt @ mind etill clear and strong, he | dome and paneed away since we wet so | Watches with zealous interest the pro- | gether at an Anjoual Fair. Nine yeusso 8° Se Hien haegt an aoe e | crowded with strange and momentous | the mfirmivies of age, bie person is not events that they loom ap in the memory jameng as, with the same hand, that for like a generation ! It is, therefore, proper three tcore yente, pened learned copatl that Taheald, at.thie ume beginning of tutional and legal opinions he has written oor yearly meetings, speak a tew words | 3" a. of een and assur- ot history and of explanation. shee ee ere me wisher mote On the 18th of Ostober, 1852, lexs sincere than Phomas Koffin. ; than halfa hundred eiilighted meu, vealiz. | At the meeting of 1859, T witnensed : ‘ . Z : , tiety re- ng began the Un ose |e te regnataf Jedge Ra should be organiged, asscipbled iu the The President elected in his stead, though city vo form the North Oarolina Agrical- a far younger man, has gone to bis rest. Society. >» He too was ene of our warueat friends. It is alike interesting and mouruful to ile never missed an attendance on our read over the names of its fouuders, and the Taney oe the grveu pastures a to note how many fail to appear among us ork ee eee eda always cam: bis | to-day. Some. after long lives of useful. | Svble Devons, the admiration and delight ness and honor, o' here cut of in the prime ph, eects Ho was a large souled of manhood, all weli remembered by the | 4? ee and progressive Sumer. good deeds they have dour, sleep peace- Hie Was bm) dad Rensrune belgie. ~ ially audi the geese cardi. ‘Tues was Ihe State lost a good citizen aud the So- the venerable William Boylan, who, with |" ee oe oe ~ with sterling good sense and far-seving uocked at the dvor of Dr. We. RB. enterprise, was one of the fathers, not Holt. alone of this Society, but of the Railroad When the Society adjourned in Octo- syatem of the State. T'here was Charles ber 1860, nove doubted but that we should L. Hinton, long oceupying the chair of meet again ia October, L861. Anticipa- Treaaurer of the State, against whore tions were had ot a Fair still) more iater- ; : ; ; “ating and instructive. ‘T" State spotless micegriy, private malice nor po- cot 8 dl meet ee S The State was political rancor ever breathed a whisper. than all withont the capital wherewith to He used all means | purchase .these . reqnisite to successful production, What was not least in this catalogue of calamities was the sudden ehange: in, the system of labor, A race, whose fathers’ fathers had been bondsmen, were lifted in aday from: slavery to* freedom . The land owner, who fr m childhood had been accustomed to despotic power over his.de- pendants, tound himself confronted with the unacenstomed task of suddenly deal- ing with his former slaves as hired labor- ers. The contemplation gf this difficult problew had filled the wisest pbilanthro- pists with dismay. (nu oné side was the life long habit of arbitrary rule, on the other the training of unquestioning obe- dience. When suddenly the material power of the dominant race was «broken and the servient race became lifted up to equality in political rights, the most en- thusiastic advocates of social progress trembled at che likelihood of jarring dis- cord, perhaps bloody strife to result from the clash of variant principles, I hope I may be pardoned for saying that the history of the world will not show ; 4 parallel to the wonderfal good sense and good feeling displayed by both races — un- der these adverse circamstances. They have net as a gencral rale euffered tlie an- Sty animosities, inspired by their losses of property, on the one hand, or on the other revengeful feelings engendered by fancied oppression, to prevent their har- mouious co-operation in the new relations of employer and employee. When the cloud of war lifted, throwing aside all supine repining over past losses, vur peop'e aadea determined effort to at- | tain revewed prosperity. With stout growing rich. Railroads were hastening There was Joba A. Gilmer, as a states- towards our mountains, opening ap new wan wise, asalawyer able and adroii, and f ue Stee re ae "| whose heart was always open and impulses | "OUF°°* _ or fareaie and Gelde, oor min- ever kind. l notice the name ot one erale aud ee ala. Ube siveaws of ee whose clear intellect and sound judgment gration which for so many yeurs depleted deeded ouly ambition to have made him oar stieugth and filled with the children | . of North Caroling i re | ove of the most consicuos statesman of |” eth Carolina, the highest pleces of bis time, Lewis Thompson, ot Bertie. | | ober 8tates, hadin a measare ceased to | Frou the Galel the Uia: Rdceca ik How. We wie beceming a wealthy and eloquent and astute John Gray Byuun Bee ees From the valley ot the Yadkin, appeared the generous and gevial Joho A. Lillug- ton. I see the names of Col. Roucilae, of Raleigh, famed for hie public spirit >the e woop! Tua Fair wns destined never to be held, Tu the spring of 1861, when the bright san was warming the earth, aud | quickening into life the ecede, which | slept in its besom, when the Gowers were] and unbouuded hoeptally, aud | bod sa ie tied pe estimable frieud, Robert’ Wo Uaywood, ae Ene a eo eee - jthe balf forand leave, whea natare wae! whose body we have bat laely tollowed | very beamiful and f Ga . ~ 2 eo : Sav lias irs P B il " it wie et stl oy in sorrew to the grave. [Tn that lias, too, kiud, the passions of men fAasied inte | may be found the name of that excel- : } lent man Sidacy Weller, of ELalita aconsuml ¢g fla.ne like Kun p wder @ the of our 5 2 Touch of the electric epark War barat of the founders of grape caliure wa Neith Gee . : > : : : apenas with allthe suddenness and tre- Carolina, of Win F. Collins. so looy th . : mnendous tury of a tropieal aterm. Fon Comptroller of the State, of the veteran fuel - Hoa t his ‘ o me Year a ’ Chergies oo rt Editor aud well red seholar, ‘homes J. le. “ minds avd the resources of od wealth Lemay, and paare witha p over that of another, who, leaving a auc ces-fal political carver, plunged imo th ste deadly struggle, and aa the ragged heights of Sharpsburg, in the merihiiao a briliant life, fell au a cause to wht ' See OE wen diverted to the work at deetraction The ploaghsbrre was beaten ute a sword and the praing hook atraightewed inte aj biyenet. Moen dag inte the gronud, nee » (asa means for beatfarity ing aud adorn a ibe = Pe . 1. | had given all the energiia of bis uiure tug theeearth, not to aid as ier progress | a towards more advaned ereil giution, bert Your hearts tell you, To speak of the be ' 7 mented General Beas ch to obtain init: als for aclery and rithes, Othere might be added to th «let stpplien fo tbe nintks less dem ids of A t Wwiee Na ' i ‘, | honored dead, but these w miele, . . d fille of ¢ ame Ud orepre. ; \ s | show the cheracter of those who stood at hid produce sl in reality. ‘o aus the cradle of our Sci Jenly did our people rich from the pur I will not eall over the numa of thas atti 8 poe to deadly eonthict, that who have been apirnd to witness the 1 even the very stones appeared to change vival of car Fale I cauhot forcbare hiw. | ot? a Pomen. All classes and agree. ‘ the h gh andthe dow, the «ise and th ever, to ofler my heartlele congratulaiions, , foolish, grav haired men and beardlees | that the first President of the 8 ciety, L Dancy, of Edgecombe, and ite second President, Richard LE. Smith, of Halifax, and two of the first W. Woodfin and Willam R. Pool, are or will be with us, daring this week, still active and most valuable members, still ready, 1m the future, as in the past, to co-operate in every euterpriee, which will advance the interests of agricalture, bove,in sad ignoranee of its countless evil< avd trials, dashed with reckles bravery | The coutest wags auch aa might have been expected from the angry clash of Americans of the fiery, prond and elementa of the best race of the world. Histo * recor Is | no more terrible straggte, than that whieh deseendania energetic | rying streams gathered Vics Presidacue’ | and shouts of di-fianes into WAR | ex hearts they put th ‘ir shoulders to the wheel The meagre treasure, which the tempting» of want, or of delasive speeulation, has not been able to disturb, wor the search tag eyes of the plundering bammers dis cover, were brought from the biding ph ces in siamps of trees or deep dag graves, to be exchanged for provisions and imple- weuts, for mules and guano, and other ne- evasitios for suceesstul labor. The close of 1506 wituessed a tardy retarn of cheer- ing coufidence and hope, As neighbor shook ncighbor's hind, it was agreed that all was wot lest, and that thereafter our path would be upward. The events ot 1867 overwhelmed our sirieken people again with despair Afte: a, by no means, favorable spring, when the young crops were struggling to attain the peeessary vigur, in the cariy dave of ' | July. the por aleof Heaven were opened aad the thoed’ ponred upon the land. ‘The } yellow waters rushed down the deelivi- usa, mocking all the devices of hill side ciilivation, dragging with them the costly mivares which had beew epeead over the fields. Dry ravines beeame roaring tor- rents, petty branches swelled into foam- ing rivalets. From all quarters the bnr- into vast mass *s | f ils to reap rich rewards in the ee HE Eee I A REN Aaet FY | wi a ib ah BEE AM die oe pleat a —-——— SET - P. — eye VOL. IV] SALISBURY, N, C.,, [NO...43 LS ‘ em aN oe Ae er neene —— —-— situ hiatal vis. DD: GODIN raw pl RIOH FOR A MOMENT, ADDRESS position among the arts and eeiences. He |-with defeetive animal: power, and w hy Settee Corresponding Secretary, whe ems to have the mnscles of Hercules and the winged feet of Mereury, aud of our collectors of funds, who have perform- ed their thankless office with the samo zeal and saccess which in honorable trade have enabled them oe ety stores on the streets around our } t Square, and to those fair ladies who*have cheerfully lent a helping hand, ia the decoration and atrangement of Floral Hall, I will say, that we have ‘what we could to re- vive an institution, which we’ hope: will be of such signal service in advancing the industrial arte in. North Carolina. The longgews-of new mado staiis and panels of fence, atl of lamber, whose color, fresh and saffron, shows that a few days'ago it was standing untouched and green, iu the stately pine forests of Johneton, or the shady vales oh ha Dork Corner of Wake, ° are some evi that we have not been idle. We began ‘our task under many disadvantages, with not a few discourage- ments, Our grounds had become an open common where stray eattle grazed. Our buildings were filled with a numerous and untidy tenantry. Floral Hall ad been torn down and scattered to the four winds of heaven. Every vestige of our track had become obliterated Even the title of our land had reverted by the conditions of the grant to the city of Raleigh. Worse than all, interest in the Society seemed to have faded from the minds of men, and our T’reastry was barren of funds. Thauks to the kindness of our City Fathers, and to the generosity of the ciqi- zens ot Raleigh, the title to our grounds has been again secured, and they have been ‘prepared for whatever articles wor- thy of exhibition may be offered. While there will be no lack of objects of interest at this beginning of a wew era, we ven- ture the confident hope, that hereafter our mareh will ever be upward and onward. OujStite bas great natarala'y o We have blessings of the earth and skies of the field and the forest. Neither tornadoes, nor earthquakes, nor bitter cold, vor torrid heat; neither caterpillar, uor locust, ever turn our willing landseapes into a blighted wilderness. Above us the sun sheds his genial rays, around us play health bearing breezes; from the ground spring the numerous varieties of the veg- etable kingdom, useful to man. Beneath as are the choicest minerals aud metallic ores. Ft cattle browse on the perennial grasses which clothe the summits of our lofty mountains, while luscions fruits’ ri pen without fear of frost. On the rich lands of our eastern counties grow rank great corn crops, which calls to-mind the famed fertility of the valley of the Nile. Never do the boll worm or caterpillar or inandations eompletely destroy gold bearing plant in the broad fields of our cotton belt. Intelligent industry seldom aod tobacco lands of our middle counties. Our rivers as they rush io rapid descent from their sources in our mountain defiles, and whieh «pread over the low groands, sub- break headlong over the barriers of the 1 ty Ul che richest fielde and most | primitive rocks, supply water power illim- tasivteeropa Tt was admitted that | table. Fuel ander the and above ro 1797, has there been more uni-| the ground is accesgible and cheap. What- versal ruin, more atter deva tation than | ever may contribute to our comfort or war cansed by this terapestuous season. Die evil was unensitied by other ean- eed, eome of which were seemingly acci Never ey b-fore had investments so heavy been made in artificial manares.— luxury. whatever may aid as in the great strugule to subdae the forces of natare, | our generous mother will amply faraish deatal, others the resalt of mistaken poli j if we make an hovest effort to obtain | ‘hem. Give as intelligent indastry gui- ded by science and few States “will sur- The high prices of 1866 had lirge ly ex- | pass Noth Carolina iu the race of whieh inca devoted to breadatuffs waa diminish \ The Autumn of 1867 developed an ex | tended the cnlinre of cotton, while the | wealth aud refinement and happiness are the prices. It is to ineite to this indastry and cre- traordinary fall in the price of this staple | ate or quicken this intelligenee, thet we so that the unfortarate planter found | sre assembled together new. himswlf overwhelmed ation of misfortunes, “As iron by af eombin- | sharpeneth iron, so does a man the eoun- entirely unpre- | tenance of his friend.” By our annual preeedented, which no foresight could | gatherings, improved breeds of animals provide against and in no case was able | Will be mora widely distribated, new pro- the honor of this Society, and th perity of the State they love eo well — May their ehadows never grow less! Under the auspices of such men as I have mentioned, our institutions aprang atonce into widespread popularity. Its saccess was beyond the exp-ctations of ite moet ear guine frienda, pros: | The counties | for som any weary yeare demanded the offerings of all our energies aud oar wealth. All institutions, whose object was the developom nt of sh: country into a higher refinement and more abundant | prosperity, went down before the etorm or dwindled into moriband weakness. This Seeiety shared the common fate. Tn afew days after Southern artilery j to avert, never before had a retarn eo | cesses of caltare made known, our domin- meagre followed the farmer's labor. | ion over the material world extended by Then by a curious perversity which | n°w application of maclinery, mental rust baffled the most astute political economist, | wil! be rabbed off, fanlts detected and rec- not in the history of cotton cultare, had | tified, old erroneous ideas exploded. In the staple commanded a price so insignifi- | 4 word in the largest sease we will edu cant in the proportion to the cost. The | cate one another. inflated labor market and excessive pur- Let us then determine that each annnal chases of artificial manures, swelled the! Fair shall be hereafter greater than its of the State, delighted to send to its an- nual gathering, their best and most intel ligent representatives oar citizens exerted | themselves to make the Fairs worthy of North Carolina. Each sucerssive year witnessed an improvement ou its prede- cessor, All claseca of Society, the young and:the old, sedate matroos and blooming dameela, the rich and the por, fiocked to learn lessons of wisdown from = the exhi bit'ons of oar natural products and the fabrica ot our industry. Different sections were brought into familiar acquaintance ; enterprise stimlaiod, inventions aroused The beat things of one region were dis- seminated over others. The Society grew larger and stronger every year, It was developed into an institution, widely known, dearly cherished, abouding in asefulness, inflaencing for good the re- woteat limits of the State. IT rember well the pleasant meetings we had iv those good old days, I recall particularly the Fair of 1859. Our Presi | thandered on Sumter, these grounds were filled with volunteer troopa drilling for the conflict. Sinee that time our buildings j have experieneed ners totally alien trom | the peaceful parposes of théir const -ne- jten. They have been barracks for gay jand thonghiless soldiery. Over them for a long time floated the yellow flag of the hospital service. ‘hey bave been con- verted into military dungeons, [natead of the gratefal mosic of peble Devons, or the shrill neighing of noble thorengh breds, their walls have resonnded with the loud orders of drill sergeants, the shouts of soldiers’ revelry, the groane of the sick and the wounded, the sorrowful sighing of captives pining for the free air of heaven, the ceaseless tread of armed sentinels, None of her sister States pnt forth a more earnest and determined effort, or auf- fered severer losses than North Carolina Tens of thousands of her stalwart men, al] dewt was one whose early years, andj the proc eds of the industry of her people middle age had been sj) ert inc! ge sinly | for four years, and a large proportion of ot legal principles, which, rtained by aj thei personal property, their provisions memory of (x rnordinary power, um ce} m | and merchandise, their bouds and eattle, one of the fustjarisis of the age, Bo. | were cither consumed or exchanged for yeare as Chief Justice of our Suprew | aceari'i | Voart his op isions were sought in distaut | in the When the erash eameon | ands nr ¢: intricate | Jobusou’s surrender, the ann which rose qaretions oflaw. When he steod on the | from his Ocean bed on the moraing of the table laid which divides youth from old | 27 h April 1865, es, have which become worthless 1 ands, dauce in tae most ) shone ona people, des ape, he employed bis leisure honrs in the | tute of the necessaries of life, with thoir prictiae of ayricultinre. He brought t }eiculuting medium beeome waste paper, hisipucsnit che same clear jadgment and} with taplements of hbaskandry wern and patent attention, waich bad made him | broken, with fields waste badly drained, {tamous aga lawyer. He gave it its true with ditches filled and fences desayed, expenses of raising the ‘crop to a print above the experience of the oldest cultiva- tor. Moreover, in all the dreary cata- logue uf revernne exactions, there cannot be found eo enormous a tax on the labor of the agricultaralist aa was levied on cot- on in the year of which [ speak. The Hebrews, under the ancient theocracy, judged it no hardship, perhaps to pay one-tenth of their income, because the tithe was devoted to the combined service of Church and State. This cotton tax being, in that year, two-tenths of the gross proceeds of the farm, tor the State alone, doubled the Heaven imposed trib- ate of the Jews. To crown these multi- plied evils, the poverty and want of ered- itof the unfortanate vietims, reudered them more unable to bear their reverses, tia whee iath olden times, the deficits tone year wer made good trom the ac- cumulations of those which preceded it. The disasters of the cotton planters were paralleled by thore of the tobacco and corn growers. Manufacturing and mining and other industries, and profes- sions, all of which are sapported by agri- enltare, had their own bosses to eneonnter | ved will long look back with shuddering horror to the dark and bitter year of 186.8 [ reeall these things to your minds, my frienda, not to act bleeding anew, woinda | now, I hope, heiled forever; but to unfold jour Fair, and the reasous for avy defies. | eneics which may be observed. Speakiy tor the Exceative Committee and the other officers, especially of oar! the consea of the long delay in’ holding | predeeeseor. Let us seek to extend the popularity and influence of our Society. tus not be discouraged by beginnings smaller than we hoped for. Let na aim ata grauder success and more abundant usefulness. Let as follow the counsels of America’s greatest poct. Let us not “look moarntally into the past.” Let ue “wisely improve the present.” “Let us like true and undaunted Americans,” go forth to meet the shadowy fature, without fear and with a manly heart.” ee gene oe Reatexation.—The Rev. Joseph Blount Coeshir.. after a ministration of twenty eight years as pastor of Trin‘ty Chuareh, in farboro’ bas been compelled to resign that position ‘neonsequence of ill health. Mr. CU. is held in high esteein by the people of Edeombe. and they part with bis sérvices sorrowful y. SPECIAL NOTICE. 4& CARD.. A Clergyman while residing in South Amen ica as & missionary, disoovered a ss fe ani ei ple remedy for the Oare of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem. inal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vioious babita. Gragt numbers have been cured by thia noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted aud unfortunate, I will send the resipe fer pre- paring and using this mediojne, in a sealed ens velope, to any who needs it, Free af Charge, Address, JOSEPH T. INMAW, Btation D,, Bible House, Oct. 1—Gin Now York «hig %% Che Md North State SALISBURY, FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 1909, ado THE STATE FAIR. rr » We were in the city of Raleigh during Thars- Ay and Friday of bast week, and visited the ‘Fair Grounds for a brief pertod cach day, We aid not examine all the articles, stock, éc., on exhibition, but we saw enough to enable us t ‘Bay that the Fair waa, ia all reapecis, & greater bucees than could reasonably have been expect- ed under the circumstances, The show of agri- eultaral implements and various labor-saving qmachinery wasvery.goed, In this department “eur cnteyprising . fellow-citizen, Joseph H. Dhow! (» @f Dayidson County, excelled in extent and variety, and obtained seyeral prer miums for the superior excellcnce.of the inple- ments exhibited by him. We seapeely need say to our numeroys agricultural readers that if they need any thing’in the way of farming im- plements, wheat thresh aml ¢l 4 Corn shellera, castings, &¢., they gannot be better sup- plied than by sending theiy gpders to Mr. Tuowp- BOR, Nothing attracted moze attention thay sev- eral hives of bees, exhibited by Mesers. Hun- ter & Shulty, of Salcw, N.C. Messrs. H. & 8. have been engaged jn the',raising of bees for rome two years, ahd haye-been most} euccessful. Their experiexcé has satisfied them that the Italian bees will flourish im this country, and that they are preferable to the native bee, ‘They were awarded a premium both for the beat hive of native and Italian bees, and for the best lot of honey. They deserve the thanks of the pub- lic for their enterprise in introducing success- fully this branch of prodactive and remunera- tive industry. A miniature eteam engine, in full operation, manufactured by our ingenious toynemay, Mr. Lewis Brown, was an object of much curiosity. It waa certainly a fine specimen of North Cayo- Jina ekill and mechanism. Myr. J. J. Kendall, Patentee, of Trov’s Store, N.C., exhibited the “Economy Washing Ma- chine,” and established its claims to superiority over all others now in use. This maehine was awarded the first premiam and a special recor, mendation, though the celebrated Union Wash- ing Machine was a competitor for the prize. Col. J. Golden Wyatt, of Catawba Springs, ex- hibited the gate for which he owns the patent in this and, perhaps, other States,—we “forget the name of it. This gate attraeted very general at- tention, was awarded a premium, ‘aud reecived the praises of all who examined it, In the line of fe cabinet work, Mr. Wm, F, Shuite, of Salem, distanced all competitors on this, as we believe he has on former occasions. The Messrs. Fries, of Salem, deserve honora- eer for the many excellent fabri ex- sibited by them, and on some of which they were awarded premiums, E. A. Vogler, of the same place, also made g most creditable and at- tractive display of many articles, and was awar- ded several premiums, expecially on shoes. Maj. J. A. Leach, and other magufactarers, from Thomasville, are also deserving of special yoention for their splendid exidbition of shoes, &c. The Thomasville manufactarers were, we believe, the pioneers in the shoe business in North Carolina, There were many other articles exhibited by varions parties from different parts of thy tate which deserve a like upecial mention wit those ‘we have noticed, but we leave the editors in at- tendance from such sections to take the proper | potice of them. We did not pay close attention to the stock on exhibition, and if we had we cannot claim to be | a judga We saw hundreds of beautiful thing» in Fyoral Hall, manufactured and exhibited by the fair danghtere of North Caroling, but ow powers are inadequate fo the task of describing them to our readers. We publish this week the excellens addressof Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President of the Society, on the opening of the Fair, and will publish a} dist of premiums next week. We had the plenure of hearing the excellent | addres of Prof. Kerr, which was s great treat to all hie bearers’ As we hope to have the pleas ure of laying this addree before our readers goon, we will not comment upon it now. We had the pleasure of meeting during our tay many old friends from every part of the State, as Well ae many of oar brethren of the pres, Bot what eurprised us more than any | thing ele was the great swarm of “Political Tate” that greeted our presence where ever we went, yielding ne» 4 sort of patriarchal precedence among that tribe of politicians Even Pike, judging from his editorial in the Standard of Saturday, on the Senatorial election in Tennes | ace, seems to be undergoing a strange metamor- phoxis, and some think that when he assumes definite form and shape again he will appear among the “bats,” of which he had such a poor opinion a short time since. We beg leave to warn Bro, Pike that anlesw he retraces the steps be impeached on acegunt of his ignorance and incompetency, Al] that we have heard of Judge Cannon satisfies us that he is not corrupt, but pf his ignorance and stupidity there ca) be po doubt, We regret very much to have to write thus coucerning.a Judge, but as @ jqurnalist we owe it as 2 duty to the public to declarethe truth. Judge Cs being, with all.pis admidted wir- tues asa on wholly incompetent to “dis¢harge gdotics pthig ofiidg, should be admouistied by hig friends igresigi, » Aid if he refuges to resign he should béjmpegghed for incompetence: The publicgodd?' demands his remayal from the bench. Honesty, though a sine qua non, is nota salve for other deficiencies in a judge. What we have written in reference to Judge Cannon, we haye have written, not as a partizan but, pro bono publica, 3 ape OUR CONSISTENCY. In the whole.course of our editorial gaxeer we have never once published in our columas any 4fthe kind and. complimentary . things. which have been said of us by our contemporarjes, highly as we appreciated them and grateful as they were 'to onr feelings, But we depart from our rule to-day in publishing the article below from the Wilmington Journal, We do this for the reason that the editor bears disinterested tes- timony to the uniform consistency of our course. There are those who believe, or affect to believe, that we have not been cousiatent—that we have ehanged our position, But the intelligent and can- did editor of the Journal who, we doubt not, has observed our course as closely asany one, regards our position to-day as being entirely in accord with our teachings in the past. This is the truth. We haye not labored since the war in the interest of any particular party, bat, as we betieved, in the interests of the country, In this course we shall continue, Ifa party shall be organized which we can conscientiously join we shail become a member of it, if not we shall continue to main- tain our independence. From the Wilmington Journal. Sanispery Ory Norta Sratr.—We pub- lish with pleasure the following article from the Old North Stule. We assure the Editor that our remarks to whieh he takes eg@@ption were intended to be cowplimentary, and we regret that we failed to express ourselyes 89 asto make our feclings understood. We know, not only from the columns of that paper, but from con- versations with the Editor immediately after bis return frown Washingtob City in 1367, as one of the Commisioners appointed by the late Gover- nor Worth, that the course of the Old North | Strte has been consistent with iteelf and govern- | ed throughout by principle. While we have | differed frequently with chat paper, and some- | times widely, we haye always done so with re- yret and with respect for the opinions of the Ed- tot. | We regard the position of the Old North State today entirely iv accord with ite teachings in the past, and probably, with one exception, the only paper in the State occupying the same po- sition which can justly elaim the least res for consistency, This we intended to say im our former article, and take pleasure now in correct- ing any erroneous impression we may have cre- ated; Then follows an article from the Old North State of the Sth, wisich was written under a mib- apprehension of the Journal’ s meaning. ——_- ~eo-— UNITED STATES SENATORS ELECT, John F. Lewis and Jadge Johnson have been elected United States Senators by the Legislature of Virginia. Our readers know who Jobn F. Lewis is as we do. Judgr Johnson is a new phew of Gen. Joseph E. Johosen, isa wan of popular well as nanoere, irreproachable charaeter, fine talenis. and is He dows not belong ty the Bourbya school of politi: iana, but keeps pace with the changes of the times. aa eminent lawyer, He was ove of the earliest supporters uf the Baldwin- Stuart movement. Tontt. M. Morrill has been elected to fil! eat the yoex pred tern of Mr. Pessenden from Maine. Yoo, Heary Cooper bas be p eleeted to suceved Mr. Powler froin Tennessee, defeat- ing Andrew Jolinson—a result which must be gratifying tothe friends of peace through- out the cogntry. Of Mr. Cooper the New York World sars : The saceesser to Senates Juseph F. Fow- leron the dth of Maseh. 157]. will he Henry Cooper, at present » weber of the Stare | Senate of Tennetresr. Mr. Cooper is a na- tive of Maury Conoty, and is nearly 50 years old. He removed to Bedford County whea a youug man. and for several years pepresent- ed the district in wl ich that rouuty ie sitnat- ed. in the lower branch of the Legislature. Doring the late war he was a strong, th: ugh pet viceleot. Union man. ead received froin Governer Andrew Johneon the appointment of Jadge iv oneuf the Statecourta. During his term on the beach be soaght several timesto resign. but his resignation was not accepted; and Governor Brownlow, in a messege to the Legislatare. referred to bim as obeof the purest and most npright meim- bers of the State judiciary; and, though op- posed to him politically, earnestly protested which he seems to be taking he will soon loone his position as editor of the Standard. ip PROCLAMATION. Tlie Pxcetlency, fiov. Holden hae issned » prociamation in which he reoounte the various patrages and violations of law that have taken place in Lenoir, Jooea, Orange and Chatham | He is a person Ul friend of ex President Joho : , ‘ Counties, and gives notice that unless thore | aon, bas voted for hin for Seuator in every { which this peoposed nopadent arsorpation is | His brother Edward, Cooper, lately | based. to ite logical ew wrqucners. ,.; sults in a perpetnal legislative body, indepen- | things cease be will “proclaim those counties in a state of insurrection and will ezert the whole power of the State to cnforce the law, to protect those who are assailed or injured, and to bring eriminals to justice.” We have heard and seen this proclamation rommented upon with some severity. Bitter will discover partizanism erything, and, perhaps, the day has not yet eome wiicn any man can write such a paper without a betrayal of pertizan feeling. The armed Ko Kiex organizations existing in f°: 980 cosnties, consisting doubtless of a few men who were under the control of their bad pa» ons, ought to be broken up as speadily as por gible, No good man can or will defend their acts, and it ip no jnstification and but little pal- Jiasion to reeount the former outrages of the op- panite party. The time fas come when every good citinen should feel it w be his duty to la- hor for the restoration of peace, and to consign w eblivion the animnsities of the past, -- - JUDGE CANNON, Fhis officer has been the subject of considera- bile censure lately on aceount of his allowing a yrror to be withdrawn and a mistrial made in the cane of the Prinecs, whereby they were dis- charged. ‘The Sentinel contends that the Judge shonid be impeached for his conduct in this wmatier—that if he acted corruptly he should he impeaghed for corruption, ifnot that he should par iaus in ev- | agwinst bis retirement. Jn 1866. however. jhe wceepted a chair in the faculty of the Cawbe.land Uuniversity, at Lebanon. He was chosen to the State Senate asa Serter | Conservative at the recent eleetion, beating | hie Radical opponent by a large majority. — | Judge Cooper has been regarded in Tennes leew as one of the rising statesmen of the ‘ : ° . | South west. and ia very widely esteemed for OVER FOR FOPR YEARS? This is a question in whieh gyery friend of the Government is interest @. kuown that there are consp*rator$ againt the Coustitutipn who wish the pregent dlegisisture tu usurp power for partizan pyrposes, aud td rewe rd naworthy gurtizans and f:yerites. It is. trne that they pretend tg derive their right to hold ever from the Coustititivty. But po such right gan he deduced from'it, ang this every intelligeut nan knows who has given the matter the slightest atteution. And we are glad to see that at least one Republicau paper, the Flizabeth City North Carolina, takes the correct view and denounces the project with great but just severity. _ Phe following acticle, written originally for the Old North State by an able Repub- lian, but which first appeared in the Raleigh Sentinel, effectuall disposes of the whole mater and exhibits i¢ to the publio in its true character? . “It was breadly intimated by. leading spiritsiu the domtnaut party, during the late sessiou of the gislature, that body would declare itself elected for four years, instead of two, and that it would con- tinue to make laws. levy taxes, elect United States Senators. and perform the other high functions belonging to the Geteral Assem- bly nuder the Cuon-titution, uutil the year of grace, 1872. It way be that these disiuter- ested friends of popwar rights will not take it amiss if a private citizen should veuture, through the press, to remind the:n of those Coustitutioval provisions which constitute the tenure of their power, and to point out to thein the consequences of their proposed usurpation. With this friendly purpose in view, I beg leave to call their atteution, through yvur eolumus, to the following clauses of the new Constitution of Nort Carolina, framed by themselves, aud ratified by a large ee of the yoters ; Section 3rd. of Article II, is in these words: ‘The Senate shall be composed of tifty Senators biennially chosen by ballot.” Section VI, isas follows ¢ “The House of repredentatives shall be comnposed of oue buudred aud twenty Rep- reseutatives, biennially chosen by ballot,” ke The 29th Section is as follows: “The election for members of the General | Asseinbly shall be held for the respective | distriets, aud couuties, at the places where | they are now held, or may be directed here- | after to be held. jusneh manner as may be preseribed ip Siplo on the first Thursdary in | August, in the year one thousand eight hun- | dred and seventy, gad every two years there | after. But the General Assembly ainay | chang» the time of holding the eleetion. The} first election shall be held when the vote | shall be takew on the rafifieation of this coustitution by the voters of the State, and the General Assembly then elected ma | meet on the fifteenth day after the aproval thereof by the Cougress of the United States, if it fa!l not on a Sunday, but if it shall so fall, then ov the wext day thefeafter; and the members then elected shall hold their seats until their successors are elecied at aregular eltction.” Ittha< appears that the Legislatare ts to be eleeted biennially that the first election is to| take pluce on the * first Thursdayin August | in théyear one thousand cight hundred and sernty,”' ang that the legisiature now in being which was elected in April 1068, at an irregu- Jar election, “shall hold theic seats entil their snecessors are elected at a regular election,” via: antil the above named first Thursday in August, ove thousand, eight huudred aud | geveuty. The framers of oar Conatitation will not | be reyarded by posterity as masters of style | ju oor position. bat it is due te them to Bay. | that. iu this instance at least, they have | made themselves well anderstood. ] ander- | take to say that honest wiuds ea have ne | two opinions iu the premises, apd that it will be a dangérous experiment for the pres- | seat legislatur: to attempt holdiog over longer than the two yrars and three or| bonds bought fraudulently, not careing a fig f r! | the State. They hel four months for whieh they were elected. It is said that the fiierds of the proposed | asorpativa base their elaine to a four years, | lease power ou the twendy secenth section of article Il. It ie as follows: “The terme of office for Senators and members of the Heure of Representatives shall commenee at the time of their election; | and the term of office, of these elected at the | first election held onder this Constitation | shall termmiaate at the same time ae if they | had been elected at the first ensuing regular | State might «ay, there is no anch debt; the | least, to behold a steamboat | elaction | Kt is pretecded that this seetion eonfers | upon the members of the pres nt Legisla- | ture the right te hold over as if they were electad on the first Thursday in Augnst. | 1870; that being. as is aseuined. the period | for the “‘tiret regular election.” Rat if that | day should beemne. in fact. as the Constite- | tion requires, the first regalar eleetion, and | if the present budy sheuld. as is proposed, | hold over, the result will be. that we shall hase fro Lezislaturcs in being at one and | the same time. On the other hand. if, in| eonseqnence of the holding over of the pres- | ent bedy, no election should, in fact, be | held ov the firet Thursday ip Angust. 1870, | that will rot be the sapposition of those who | ‘claim ao extension of time, viz: the ‘first | regular election: and there will be the = that [ ventare to enggert. This i | will be the ease, v sane pretense for holding over six years. | that now exists for four, At the endof six years the same diffi ulty would exist, the sane want of a “regular election™ to date from—and our fortunate legislatora, elected | the credit of the “tate nominal only. * * * | n April. 1868, would be in a fair way to becorre life meinbere if not hereditary lords is eininent abilitirea and «putless character. | over the people. t ballot. \awember of Cong ess and now a State Sen- ator was, for ome time. Mr. Johwaon’s pri- | dentof the people. The uew Serater is aman of sinall stature. with a geod personal pres- an extremity affab'e nanpert. vate secretary. ence jthe honor wow thrust upon him, for he is inodest and somew! at difident. has not per- witted his friends to canvase for him asa candidate. Hereems to have beeu taken up at the ast nonment by the combined op- vosition of et-Confederates and extreme Radieals asthe only imen eapable of defeat- ing Andrew Johnsen. and his election was probably as unexpected to him as it is to the country at large. Mr. Cooper is one of the ablest lawyers in Tennessee. He was one of military Gar. Johnson's appointees te the jo ary, and was commended for fitegrity as an ofies by Goverhor Brownlow in a meesice te the Legisiatare. He enve a decision inthe sherbrooke- Ridley case. new pendicg in the United Bigtes Sapiens franchise ig queonetitut Ohn Lebanon Law Sehool. and that psitiun femoved to Nashville esiyniiug <> - retarn onr tuauks te the Virginia State cultaral Society for a eomplimeutary hon to attend its next Pair and Cattle Show at the Herntitnge Fair Grounds, near Richmond It bas | been supposed that he wae onabitions of | Phi L have thos briefly traced the theory on | It re- and responsible to no one | bert to themselves for their conduct. obvions that hy the ‘first ensuing election” | is meant the tiret Thursday iv \ugnet 1868. | sevetion is less explicit than thh ethers | to whieh Phave drawn attention; bat it is | not inconsistent with them, and cannot be so | coustrued as to overthrow the biennial char- | acter of the Legislature. nur toto take away | not mean that the countics of Rowan and Davie | from the people the right of ho'ding an elec- | tion the firet Thursday of Angust 1870.) which is explicitly given imthe 20th section. The newspaper Prese elrentd warn all par- | ties concerned, that whoever conspires, aida, or abets in this high banded mensore, will be Court. that onr} ing. thats day of reckon retiring | frou the hench he became Srofeseor at tle jone ited af | then. woe to the eriinioal usurpers! Virginia Stale Agrieuitural Society.— We | willbe ne hiding place for them in North Agri- | Carolina, borin the Uvited States, j they will be ‘delivered up, cn the 21,3! fthand 6th days uf Xuyember. | gnilty of the crime of treasonable usurpa- tons will sabject himeelf to ear gn pon she weet for the sani. To usurp legislative powers | ya hody of men whiee tenn of of tiee has expired, is to er'uin the State Constitution and Governme:i: and the par- | tirste thenefariess seheme way take warn The people nay sulun't to be their rights for two yen: erop later. f 3 hthat isirore thar doubifal. but they sittin wendof thet thne regain the cou- Irrelaf the vie Sa allits departments; and There Traitors of the Governor. if to be found anys here, in any State or Territory of the We ie Phe vegtiow of gr tite t t ‘ uly Ts it well }. ing willeomne soon | net, had no rig yer’s later they wet demped and executed f oe i Lanerades w ie Farhamen ' sourt held that 3s isurpatic ment was of itself treason ; and subsequent- ly it was held that the Parliamept was dis- solved by the death of the King, and thatall its acts thereafter were acts of tsarpatton, without reference ty, te reason, of who yoted for the decapitation of the King. In like inanner, in this S:atewny attempt of a Legislative body to hold over beyond t constitutional Hurit ‘of two years, would be usurpation and treasen” Youys, A. REPUBLICAN, ea ee eo THE STATE DEBT, We make the following extract from a’ letter received by us from gne of the first men of the State, giving his views on the subject of the State debt. The letter was written when the writer had seen only our first article on repudia- tion, but was not received by us until after all of our articles'on that subject had been written: , Oct. 8th, 1869, My Dear Sir: Tam ified to see that you are Lurning your attention to the subject of the “State Debt.” Some ground, some plan, in ref- eaence to jt onght to be taken, and at pnee, and on reading your in your to-day’s paper, on the subject of Repudiation, I thought you would not take it as improper for me to make to you one or two suggestions as to what our plan of saving the State credit ought fo be [ beg to do so now, but very hastily. My object is sim- ply to suggest a plan, which jf need be, I am prepared to sustain with ap iate and I think, unanswerable arguments, facts’ and au- thorities. Qur “State Debt” proper is about $17,000,000. This ought to be Bos and will be paid when the people are able to do so; but they are not able todo so now, In this behalf, let them say they will pay the whole when they ean; but let them say to such i we propose to make est on now and the prineipal of at maturity. If any holder of the old State debt, chooses to take bonds of the State im payment on the basis of one dollar of the nee bonds for td wf the old bonds, gil well! -Thousands of the holders of the “yld State bonds” will be glad to do 80; then dewbt is oul of the way, and besides, the present holders of these bonds, for the most part, did not pay for them exceeding fifty cents in the dollar, 1s seema to me that such a basis of setUement, js such a one as an honest debtor in embarrassed cirenmetances, might afiord to make with his creditors without the inyputation of bad faith or repudiation. It seema to me this plan is honest and politie. It, (the plan,) might embrace the sale of the State's interests in public works on reasonable terma, Now as to the pretended and so called “new debt,” amounting to over $26,000,000 : $10,000,- 000 of this is said to be yoid, as being created in the fave of the letter of the Constitation. I main- tain that the whole of this so-called debt is at- tempted to be created in violation of the epirit, | if not in violation of the letter, of the Consitu- tion! [am prepared to show thisto the satix- faction of any legal or reasonable mind, but I have no time to give even an out-line of the ar- gument, Kc, There is no such new debt, and the State is not bound im Jaw, in good faith in general ~~ policy tq pay the eam ef money the legis ature has attew) ted to make the State re«pos On the contrary, I insist and will be vw, that the State owes it to herself, silde, for: able to ed “new debt" ds a debt. = This ong to be en, as an act of justice tand sound public policy, The so-cailed “new debt,” has no crisence in fact or Bat it will be said that the State has realized something from the fraudalent bonds jswued un- der recent legi-lation and that it would be shameful to take the money and not account for it. It might be «id with great propriety in re- aly to this view, that thowre who Q ench to injure the State by bidding a nominal price for much bonds, and when they knew to a moral certainty, that such bonds were not legitimate; they endamagel the | | State, more than any sum the State has or uray ! realize will benefit it. It might be said further, | that much, very moch of the money eo rea)ized | for such bonds, haa never gore into the Trrasn- ry of the State or her public works, Lut to ep- | rich dishonest’ men, who have prompted this frand and indeed, accomplished it, Lat [ would not insist on thie view. The State ix pot Lound for such epurious bonds; no court would say so, ifthe matier could be got- ten before a court; but nevertheless, the Siate wil] pay to even a stock-gambler such uma as the has realized at his handa, and lawful interest thereon. He cannot in strict justice demand that, but as a iatier of natural justice, the State ought to pay it. withoot reference to her right in the matter of damage. I have simply given you the out-lines of a plan feasible und just and one that would, in my | judgment, enhance the credit of the State, if it! could be adopted st once. Intieed, if the of the Ktate would sustaip such a plan “one public men generally, it would go very far to strengthen public confidence in our State bonds proper. Thisis a matter of so moch moment, that it would be well, for a popnlar convention to awemble and give uk weight to some rable, because the present State an- thoriticr not be expected to do any thing to it aa evil that they have in the most comi- | cal manner inflicted on a State and people whom they curse rather than bless. They have made en For the Oid North State, THE FAYETTEVILLE AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Mr. Eprtor: In my first communication, I It is | attempted to aw vken the citizens of Rowan and ! Davie to the g-cat importance of securing the location of dix “toad at Salisbury. And there are other conciden tions why these people should Le thoroughly arota~«] to their own interest. If this Road should Le located at Greensboro’, then they are taxed five Luxdred thousand dollars, in addition to what they xe already taxed. I do are taxed this amount, but their proportion of it. Then why not, as tax pavers, look to your interest, {or your posterity demands it? Didthe North Carolina Central Lail Road came to Salisbury without an effort on the pert of her ci Let Mr. D. A. Davie, John J. Shaver and othemof her citizens answer this qnetion! And har Salixbury been benefitted by the Central Rai! Road? et her own people people answer, and the ciiizena of Rowan and Davie emtch the echo and waft it on the gentle ra to the denizena the mountain gorges of ex, Alexandr, Surry, Ashe, Watauga and Buncombe. Nero fiddled the eitizens of Salisbury sleeping while ivena? while Rome waa burning, and are Greensboro’ js bidding for thie Road ? Then ; come forth and me -t a desire, at least, to see your own people's intercet promoted by the | building of this Western Road at the very | threshhold of your dwellings. Do you snppore, | for one moment, that this project will be secured to-fou and your children withont a strenious ef fort on your part? Tt will not be loented there tion of thie Road, and why erch inertia on your part? “Then gird up leble extent yon th 0g heble extent, upon the lo gb Neti Saas acd at Ss tall ed a . Pastesttets inthe a new debt, one that we propose to pay the intery | PO ere, ae oelf with ghary and | elleney 5 an pown { “2, mesh of n ela Cla phan 0. ee a > .Thope to i hon rm calleotively, | Yirnee seeing State, and this era Rand Anda the ‘to see any way the f among others, the sum 0 five a sieae may you ? sand te se fo phot The weptoseieed ad Boa the building of this through your coup: ty. vet « Now let us direct our minds to ‘ ffangile and can be ful molar erin the county, the Clerk of the of your County Commis- 8 (which record is open for inspection to all of ae pee vine county taxes for 1869, are as wa: For State exclu: ple Fron four mip hundred twenty-six’ dollars ; County ‘ four thousand four h and siztydous dol. lars for Railroads, and other improvements in the e, five thousand two hundred and sixty: x dollars, This wipe oe sum of thousand six hundred fifty-six 7 Now, tax payers of Davie County, you can see Riedy araie tee cree of your e taxes ¢ ive for Railroads. And where one thom for ou willing to continne this for years tocome? If so, you owe it ta yourselves and posterity to vote against this ap: propriation, and thereby defeat thia Railroad project! Will you do it! The sum of money which you will have paid, for Railroads, in thirty yeara, will amount to | $167,950, and then, you will stil] be without a Railroad, unless you shall aid our votes in xt November, in securing estern Rail pad. If you should fail to secure this one, this generation will not have the pleasure of hearing the whistle of an engine. Are not these fucta — to a you of the vital im- rtance of securing thi ject ? Now think for one Gane ck make a few res for yoursclyes, The valuation of your property, real aud personal, as returned by the assessors of the various townships is $1,023,321. Now if should agree to subscribe this $50,- 000 ta the capital stock of the Western Railroad Company, | how much wouid your o in ad- Hon to the amount you now pay. It will onl be $5.666,663. . = : And this is based upon the idea that vour Commissioners will ise county bonds bearing eight per cent, interest per annum and running jthirty years. And remember too, that your | taxes will be higher the first , than any year thereafter; because you will te sed to meet | the interest, and $1,066,66 of the principal the | first year, After the first your taxes will get less and less, And if yon authorize the Commissioners to subscribe the $50,000 to the Western Railroad Company, your county becomes a stockholder in the road to this amount. Then if -the road should declare a dividend of only four per cent. per annem, your county's share of such dividend would be $2,000, there! lessening your taxcs | to this amoant. Then, if this be so, your taxes | wour taxes would be $3,666,66, instead of $5,- | 666,66, as stated above. And I do not see why | this road should net pay a dividend of five or | ix per cent, pef anntim. Then there is another regson why the people j of Davie should Le in favor ef this appropria- j tion by the county. If this road is located at | and to other States, not to recognize the pretend- Sslisbury, the amount of money appropriated by | the State and County will be expended among | the citizens of the two counties for building ma- | terials, grasing, &e. And will not this amount of money expended among you be of no benefit ? | Ab! you would see more displayed by | the eitizens of each county than has been for ten | Years. The aged would have new motives for | activity ; the young stimulated to habits of in- | dastry and economy, and all classes moving for- ol | will result to yout} s ce From th Tesora ot 00 92,057.00 184,316: dose tn atokoo Fulton ee , ; ‘alahan, Amount Treilroad besa by each of the ee this year, to-wit; Pegg ~~ a hes 70,00 — t i 2 He who is d. Thela- And what class of our citizens, Mr. Editor, is not be benefitted by tt? any are not to be benefitied by this : hen-I must come to the conclusion they live the air, orare amphibions in their le of deriving the means of the air, wind ard water, is the Sth sectien of the amend- Railroad : i Z 3 z Tn this on the 26th inst. Rev. Samuel Pharr, D. D, Me. Wuire L Ray and Miss Faxxve Srexze, daughter of J. W. Steele, Esq., all of this county. Bienop Arxinsuxs ArpouTaesta— Weldon, Nor. 2 Warrenton, » ¢ W ilhansbore” s 6 Oxtord, * 7 Henderson, “ 9 L »ndshorg = 4h Cuarlotee, ces Lineo!ntoa, “ 17 High Shoals, Gastos co, “ 18 Comeord, Caberi us co., “ 20 Salsbury, » St Christ Chareh, Rowan co., “ 23 8 James, Iredell co,, * 2 St. Andrews, Rowan co., — | Wadesboro’. | ward in the direction of prosperity and indnstry. And are these reasons not t enough satisfy every candid tax payer, this’road, if | built, wil] be the very calea as of your county, j and the bujiding up of your shattered fortunes, loat in the past ten years? And why there should be any opposition to this appropriation by the tax payers of Fulton Township, lam unable to imagine, unless it is | because they think the “Big Yadkin River Nav- igation” project will suffer by it. Why tax ao = Fulton Township that | project ie numbered among the things that were. | Aud there ix no ska eka: ite present plowing the | proud waves of the Yadkin, whose majestic wa- ters lave the soil of a rich and fertile country, | that needs the aid of steam to transport its pro | duetions to the great marts of the world. None are more anxious to see this com pleted | than your writer. But we must with living , issues as they are presented for our serious, calm | considerations. Tax payers of Fulton Township, you are in- | terested in this matter aa much as any other | Township in your county. You will be benefit- ed just in the same proportion as all the othera, | (our Township, in point of wealth, stands sec- | in a ew valuation of your real and personal property, thie year, was $215,998. And, therefore, eer Township has paid oe | this year, for railroads, to the amount of $1,053, | just one of the whole epee rap by the And do you desire to see this continue for twenty or thirt longer? And this the W i | is located! at Salisbary or Greensboro. Now, if { you will but look at your own interest you will county. | see that this road is your only means of being | benefitted at this time. These figures are stub- bora facta, fully sustained by the clerk’s record, | and which cannot be controrerted by any mode | of reasoning. Ask your commissioner if these | facts are as stated, and let him answer. My ob- | ject is not to deceive vou, if I could, but to get you to look into the matter for yourselves. And if all that has been said about your township is trne, then does it not gehoove yon tosupport the ‘ appropriation with your influence ? And the same parity of reasonin; with equal force Why the eileen of Purmiontos Township should support the tion. — | Your township has paid, this year for Railroads i the sum of $979, And are you, the tax payers | of Farmington, willing to see this mach of your | money expended for a weries of yeara without 'some hope of remuneration? Let the ballot- box answer on the ides of next November. | Tax payers af Clarkesville Township, you are interested in the building of this road, as much as any other township, and we confidently ex- pect Your voice to be heard in this matter on | the day of election. And Calahan Township yon are as deeply in- taresied in this project as any of them. Your tax payers have paid this year $733 for Railroad purposes. And is it your deire to continue this for a number of years, and yet be without the benefits of a Railnoad through your county? I will apply { ; thall be deceived if thie is your determination. he “(iirard” of Calahan_ would have you ; come to the conclusion that this Railroad ap+ | propriation wonld sink your Township into iopeless ruin. Ele was opposed to submitting this appropriate question to your yotes and why ? Is he it to trust the people to decide for themselves what is theirown best interest ? | Now Jerusalem why art thou disturbed in thine own borders? Are net your interests | identified with the whole of Davie County ?— 'They are the same. You will firet behold the ‘ouproach of uur common delivergr, the Rail- invita- | 10 the State are traiters to the Union, and | gptess von manifest a desire to sceure it. Your | 7024, to ald us in paying these taxes imposed on the demand | properity inthe fornre depends, to a consider- | upon onr people by the Legislature for the pur- | | pose of buikling Railroads over the State. Then | tothe polls on the day of election and deposit SALISBURY MARKETS OCT. 29, 1869. REPORTED BY 2. A. MOCONFAUOREY. Grocer. Bacon, perpound, ..... esece mo 292 | Coffee, yor} pmo @Wto rr bueh, of 66 ibs., Wt is Meal, bash, 46 I@Mwifs Copperas, per pound, ww @ Candies, Tallow, - Pio Adamantine, Bo ww Cottoa, per pound, Bro Yarn, per banch, 2 © to 3.% Eggs. per dozen, Wt 6 Feathers, per poand. ito 4) Fiear, per sack. 3.75 te 4.9% Pish, Mackeral,* >. 1. 821.00 - ” 3. 90 te 2 “ ® 8. os to Fruit, dried, apples pealed, .... Tto 8 “ s = anp'ld, ... « Ow & = = Pesehen, poaled. .........6 bt 16 “ “ “ anpesied, ... Sto 0 Leather, upper, per pound, .........5 @@to 7% “gale, iat : Bio % Tron, bar. “ Gt 8 castings, Lo St Ww Nails, cut, = oe Cw 7 Molasses, sorghom, per g® .. shes... 50 Westindia, “ sees... @te' “ — Byrup, MO gebdeccee + 1.00 to 1.20 Onions, perbashel, s.s.--.-.. B0te 80 Pork. perpound,§ ....0.... Wt 19 Potatoes, Irish. per bushel,.......... @to % - “ mnwent. ” ee ‘o- - gar, Brown, pound, ....s0i-s- “ Clarited ** _eeestperes Be oe ms Crashed Palverized ...4,...++ to 2% Salt. coast, Pet Back rss .cesseee 2,50 to 2.60 “ Liverpool, We escvecsccce 90 te 3.00 “ Table. . .50 to 6.08 Tobdacoo, Leaf. per pound, .......... Sto = Manafactured, .......... 38 to 1.55 ee Gepetiam. osksee ces. 40 1.00 “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. aap ECM a eS Traore or Laxn. lying seven miles north of Salie- | bary adjoining the lands of Mores Overman. Lewis Jacobs and others. The tract contains 382 1-2 acres Mor [5 acres of which is good Mrapow Laxp. It has on ita good Dwrtttxe Horse two good Barwe and other improvements. Oct. 29, 16590,-tf43 GEORGEH. GHEEY. Ten Cents Reward. HE abore reward will be paid to any person who will return to me fonr bonnd children who ran away from me about two years ago. The names of said children are Enniae Hairston. Cald- well H:irston, and Charles Mason and Ellen Mason All persons are warned against harboring said ebil- dren under penalty or the law. G.G. MASOR. Fulton, N. C., Det. 29th 1869. {Bt 43] WORTH & WORTH, THE undersigned have thie dav formed a eopart nership for the purpose of continning the Crxrat ComMiseiox AND Saipixe Rustvesa, aa the imme- diare snoce@sora t6 the late firm of WORTH & DBNIFI, and D. G. WORTH, and hope by strict attentlon to the interests of their shippers and friends to give good satisfaction to all who may favor them with business. B. G, WORTH, D. G.’ WORTH, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oot. 18th, 1868. Agent for N. Y.and North Carolina Steamehip Line, Semi-Weekly. PhiladeIphia and Southern Mail Steamship Com- pany, to Philadriphia. Smith's Line New York Sail Pa-kte. Cape Fear Steamboat Line of River boats. Dealers in Bagging, Rope, Iron Ties, J.ime, P'ne- ter,Cement, Hair, Pernvian Guano and Paug),'s iny loins now Like aman, and deck thyseif now | Your votes in favor of this appropriation, gad | Super #borphate of Aime 00 standurd works and in good condition, y 1 HV andersigned offers for sale his valnable 30 NED AS TRUSTEE, Le yu »anotion, at the Court House ea ja Terms either cash or six months’ credit, with good security, at the option of purchaser. oct22-1t . J. MONTGOMERY. PUBLIC SALE. WILL éell at public auction onthe premiacs, November 10th, at the Point Plantation ia ae eee as — Fides farm, Ww, property, viz: Between twelve tah fan tended Ws Corn 320 bushels Wheat, 2500 ths. Leaf Tobacco, Oats, Modder, a quantity of Hoge, Cattle and stock. J wili also sell all the farming Implements.—Terms mace known on day of sale. JOMN M, FROBSON, Oct, 18, 1869, 42-10" Yeast Powders, For Buckwheat Cakes, Batter Cakes, or anything that is desired to be quick- ly or nicely prepared. ITH these Yeagt Powders there is nei!)i- er disappoinunent ney delay—for in five win. utes, af most, any thing may be put in readincss for cooking. Plain directions accompany then. 5 aud sold, only At E. 81ILL’S Drug Store, Salisbury. Oct. 22, 1869. 42-22" THE ADVANCE A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, Devoted to the Farm, the Gurden, (he Workshop, Domestic Economy and General Progress in North Carolina. HE ee ro lish, iu the ty of Raleigh, as sou. « a ealinige' nember of subscribers can be o tained a Weekly Fumily Journal, adapts 0 the wants of the fe of North Carolia, who afe engaged in the cultivation of the s» ~Tin all its brapebes, the improvement of o» manufactures, our machinery, our mechanics! skill, ated all tle material iuterests of the Staie In the conduct Of the paper he expecis to secure the aid of seientific and practical men to instruct and ieterest bis readers, Elis ob- ject will be t make ut eanwently practical and usefal to all clastes, It wil! be prin'ed in good style, on wood po- of large size, at $2 per year in advance — Te Gxt namber will about the Let of November. or a4 soom tonage will justly. Snieerinere will be -«- pected to pay as svou as they revetve the bt number. The undersigned solivite the av! of hie rm» friend in the State to obtain sabser hers «+ forward the liste at en early dey, w EB PELL Raleigh, Oot. 6, 1860. 4i—cf Worth Garolina, 2 fcree ce (cor, Daves Cocsry. Fall Tern, irtu Petition for Sale of Lands. Jobo 8. Maxwell, Admiuistrator of Juba Max- well, dec'd, against Thomas T. Maxwell, Thomas M. Brock. Ja< V. Breck, Sarah EB Naylor, wife of ter) .- min T. Naylor and Camilla A. Broek, b:|- ward Brock and Jobe B. Brock, minor cii- deen ot Jubn W. Broek, deceased In thie onse it appearing to the satisfaction of the cont that James V. Broek and S» Naylor, wile of Benjamin S. Naylor, defen! ants in this case are pon-residenty of this Scale Therefore, it is ordered by Ue court that pu! lieation be made for six weeks in * The Oll ei North State” newspaper, ootifying the aarlice- lendants to appear before the dudge of ovr next Buperior Coort to be beld for the ce any of Dasie at the Court Tlonse m Mower te. on the Giret Mouday in Apeal, 1870, then and ther to auswer the petition of the pheintiff, filed this court, or jrdgmeut will be taken e@ paris as to them. Witness, H. R. Acstin, Clerk of the Sune- rior Court of Davie County, at office in Mogks ville, the L1th day of September, A. D., 1860. H. R AUSTIN, C3.C. 41 -6w(pr fee $10) TIME TABLE WN. C BRAILMOAD. GOLNG WEST. MILER «STATIONS. ARRIVE, LEAYF. Salisbury, 462a.u. 344.4% 13. Third Greek, 4:12 4:57 w Statesvi 6:57 6-08 32 Plott’s 6:37 6:40 38 Catawba, 7:10 2S 50 Newton, 8:03 ro 60 Mi Tavern, 8-438 03 70 lead &43 48 80 organton \ GOLse EAST. MILFS. STATIONS. ARRIVE LFAVE. | Mor ton, 210 p.m. Sees eee Newton, 420 2:25 42 Catawba, &13 BR 48 Plott’s, 6248 &453 55 Statesville, 6.28 6.23 a Third Creek, 6! 7:38 ’ ALMANACS FOR 1870, Te KNER’S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA- NAO for 1870. Enlarged und improved in all respects; Letter than the Almanac of 1869, which was so popniar and had such a large sale. Price, single copes by mail 10 cents, 3 copies by mal, 26c; one dusen by mail, 76x; Price 10 store, half yross, $4; per buadred $5; per whole grees, $7. FARMER'S N. C. ALMANAG, pabitabe:! by James H. Eonise; an excellent Almanae {ull of mest valaable matter to the Farmer, with monthly calend.rs in large clear type- Vice, per siugle eopy Ly mail, 10 cents; 3 copies by anat)2Sc., one dowen by mail 60e ; price instore, hall gross; per Lundred $4.50, f gross $6. THE COMIO ALMANAC FOR 2870,— pubhshed by J mes {1 Enmes; full of come pictore Hlustrations, jokes, anecdotes, fun, &e . with monthly calendars, in large chest type Price per sirgle copy, by mail 10 cents; 3 copies by mail 25¢5 one dogen by inail 60 cts Price in store, per half gross $3; per buudred $4 50; per groves $6 EF Ove of cach of the above nailed to any acdress for 25 cts. For sale ty JA8. H. ENNI&8, Agent aod Publigler of Almanacs, oct 16— aif Sulebay, N. 0. on Tuesday the 9h day of @ the pat-- ap e : t ‘into: Sera Te ie adda dl uk ok UROL ccnceahheh ee comaiciiactiaa hediae saat Acar te aT % ia dso DART Es Poet Oe Ba. cw PeROA. sesh ro RNG? Oh Caldas Moet oe! ' 4 : Lae) ee ae ‘.- : q ; RY. FRIDAY, OOP. 20, 1869. thd ithasecutatd nite & ALISBURY. FRIDAY, 00 1869, | lowly 4 ths "ak ee sa ae eka (Rrausiiion of pol Special Newspaper,é iaesibindtined D eal leaae tion agenay for Berth Caroli WM. Ae HEARNE &|G04"". ote Special Agente for ‘ { Preea, General Ageuts fur the Cc of | description throug ’ , ‘ boro,, N.C. Are ts iT. Norra State. *. * saat ter taaeh abe «nis imate Toate a ectee =—— — ¥ rs Mb ak Bag LocaL AND SEAR IFRS | inpeelitles ast the poliey of @ ei a ae eri the metsare engaged by war New Anvertisementa—Ten Cents Re- | ca” be suited to a condition, + Dhe ward—G.G, Mason, ~ 9°82 P patiioss party, er ee eae Land for Sale—George Hy Gheen. ten wert = seve hes true Repub- Worth & Worth—CommissionMerehants, ~ Instead of the liberality of Re- Wilmington, N.C.) OE pes | pablicanion and ite justice, which ¢laims Stockholders Meeting—B , Bugg, Seo- a ihgemnets Satings Us poral from retary. oO Sev. . harbitrary power exert a large of Valuable Law Books for Sale—W. 8. Mont-} the Un! through “‘fallitary yo age gomery : tC ..¥HA Schiele pores es alge the R Public Sale—John M. Hobson. eer? : Seige i. Senn Ground Spice and Yeast Powdetss-Dr Bill. ize the supromesy of the popular will — Auctioneers must take out a-jicense under the provisions of see. 30 of the U. B_ Reyenie Act of July 20th, 1868, or they will Be liable for the payment of a special tax. It is only property old by judiciary agents that can be auctioneered off without the liability. Many persons are doing buriuess as auctioneers with- out having obtained the proper ficense. . Col, Hendersoa requests us to say that this dannot be pern.itted—that the special tax will be ex- acted. —< The Winston Sentinel will find the answer to the question which it propounded to us in its issue of the 21st, in our subsequent articles ou repudiation, Se New Paper —We have received the first number of a new paper jast started at Ruther- tordton called the ‘Christian Uniom. ‘It is » rctigiods bat uot @ sectarian paper, It is well «edited and bandsomely printed. tis pablish- ed weekly at the low price of $1.50 per ap- pum. den, bas issued bis proclamation, setting apart Thursday, the 18th day of November, as a day of Thaukegivingand Praysr to Almighty God. This is the same day set apart by His Excellency, the President of the United States. eee We learn from the Goldsboro’ Messenger that quite @ serious altereation took place in that town last Saturday aight, betwéen coloted men and some of the soldiers encamped at Goldsboro. Several shots were exchanged— one colored man and one soldier woandéd.— Great consternajion prevailed. The Messenger guys it has heard but one side of the story. and that places the soldiers in the attitude of Fine&pecimes of Tobacto—Albert . Sheek E-q,, of Smith Grave, Darie County, N. C., has left 10 our offiey the fiaest specimen of to- bacco we heve seen in a long time, if indeed it wot the fluett we hare ever seen, The quality is very fine and is cured-af the most Leautifnl goklen color, The leaf jeft with ur, Mr. Sheek assures ne, is but a fair sample of an entre bara full This @peciinen shows what can be done by way of raising Goe tybacco in this part of North Carolina. Mr. Sheek de- serves the thanks of the commanity for the de- monstrative proof which be bas given of tle adaptability of our climate aud soil to the pro- duction of this plart in ite greatest perfection -_— Sr Wil Char. & Raf\. Ruifroad.—The aan -al meeting of the Sicckholders wn thie Kaad war held in this Cuy on Wednesday tat —W. L. Siecle, Esq, presiding. Besides che election tion of ofivers, but litle ogsinest was (raasme ded. Mr. Tlarns, the Beperiniendent of Pwh'ic Works, claimed the nght to appoint the Su-te Directors, A deeree of the Super: ¢ Cuart of Wake was read restraming him fsom exerci- sivg such power, wheseupon the question was dropped, and the Goversor's appuintees an ovunced, Ibe stockholders dected the following Di reeturs:; RW Cowan, B Hl Sagver, W L Steele, 8 J Person, dW Guion aad A R Homesiey- And the Stats appointed the fol towing: Wm Sloan, J L Browu, James Mo- Donald, J F Aydictre, BO Badger, J S Can von and 8 P Sherri. The Board is the same as henetolore, except that R O Bedger takes the place of W A Smith, resigned. De Wm Sloan, was re-elevied President, end the ather fhoer continued. The next aunval mecting is fo be beld in Wilmingtea. We ere gratified that Dr. Sloan announced to the meeting his determiuation got to «ell the Bonds of the tate in hie pussessien, or which he is entitled to, antil che price’ advances. I be maintaine chat determination he will cer tainty deserve preise; if not, cevsure, It would better for work on the Ruud to stop than to sacrifice the Bors, Charlotte Democrat. + FAYETTEVILLE AND WESTERN RAILROAD. There seems to be a chance that the Fay- atteville and Coalfields Railroad Company will select Salisbury as the terutious of the round. It will undeubtedly be the part of wisdom todo so. Should the Company se- leet Greensboro, it will merely open a haa nel by which to drain the prodacts and trade of Montgomery, Moore, and part of Ran- dolph counties, to Rich mond and other pints North. and seriously datage Fayetteville ; whereas, tw connect withtGelisbory. will not only secare the trade of the above named evuuties, but open a line of railroad ecommu- nieation directly with the western part of the State, aud altimately with East Teunessee and the Valley of the Mississippi river. It re- ally does appear to us. that a child even in the incipieney of its wisdom, would ses the advantages of bnilding the road to Salisbury. That should be the trunk line—and the line that would benefit the public—the stock- holders in the road—and Fayetteville, most. It would enable people of several counties in this sectioa—large shippers of products nsa- ally—to renew trade onee more with Fay- atteville, which is equal to a seaport, and a’ways was one of the best inarkets inthe State.— Stlatesrille Americyn. ee Ox acoovnT of the great numberof wonderf fl cunes of obstinate and inveterate casen o- Scrorvsa, Dysrersia, Liver Diseatr, Kip- weY Apr tions, GENERAL Bap eartu, &c., made by the celebrated “KosKoo,” it has won the enviable reputation of being the best and mosé poprdar medicine erer discorered, It is daily pre- scribed by physicians, and recommend by | mary thoneands of our best citizens. For sale by Druggists and Merchants every where, le to choose their own rélers. her this must come over the Re- publican or must. as warpare — generally hove date ve place toa new The northern Déemoeratie party, the an- of the Republican. is embarrassed, made . Tte: ent Sehcey atte seriously damage their party, of them uttered opitions and sentiments efor he rad lieiiiieer a eh great tency. And while, when eee aire in gation epeeneiion but its main ee ine, they have party to us over the South, while the South, eo far asthe zeal with which they eonducted the war is coueerned, finds uo Snot Samana. pain maces Perec ng has e ne. have made us sufferers by voring to nake odious, and joining the ultra radicals with that view. universal ome Dee meee the gape ane Pee t will entirely Old issues and ies are dead, and parties will not be properly organized autil the old political hacks are set aside along with those iagues. The South is a looker-on, rendy to take that side which is most just, must practical, and whose pulicy is best caleulated to pro- mote the local prosperity and contentinent of the country, aud in that way the peace, har- mony. aod power the nation. Sheald General Graut take a proper sur- vey of the field, and iuaugurate, in aceord- ance with the libera? op'nions he has often expressed. a policy caleulated to do this—to impart equality and jastice to all section: — to promote industry aud restore coufindence everywhere—if he does this, and firmly hols the reine of Government in his own bands. he will place his Administration opona rock. and speedily ealve the present political eoim- plicatwas. He qillthus secure to himselfa second term. Vf he dves rot, the political transitive through which we are passing will fied anther selation ; but whatever it be it will bring peaee and order to the coun- try, and the rights and freedom of the citi- zeu along with it.” —— a From the Raleigk Sentinel. LEASES OF THE NORTH CAROLINA RAILRIADII Sacisacey, Oct. 22, 1869 Mr. Exditor : It ie prop: eed the€ the Stock- holders of the North Carulina Railroad sanction the lrase.to the Kaleigh amd Gaston Railroad. This, proposition, su far as one- hall of the Rtock holders are concerned, amount to a sale of the Road; for in tess time than twenty (20) years one-half of the present Stockholders of the Road will have od from the stage of action Now, what “ake Stackhuiders pet under this lease? Instead of their getting six per cent, thefwill only get about two per cent om their stock, Here are the Ggures: The R. & G. R. BR, proposes to 1s a in about $600,000 Itw pay the inter- ext on amount, at & per cent, $48,000 The mortgage requires that there be deposited with the ‘Prustec, to pay off the bonds at maturity, apnually, about, $40,000 The State must get 6 cent on her preferred million of stock, before the Stockholders can receive any di \ The salaries of the necessary of ficers to keep up the proper organization of the Company will be about $38,000 Expense of law suita, Attor- ney’s fees, &c., about, $10,000 $166,000 Leaving for the Stockholders only $74,000 This amount of ($74,000) ia all that is left out of which to make a Lividend on three millions ($3,C00,000) of stock; which 1s Jess than two and a half dollars (32,50) Ww the ehare, At the last meeting of the Stockholders of of the North Carolina Railroad, the Treasurer assured usin his annual report, and Maj Sinith has repeatedly, and on all occasions, as- sare) the Stockholders that they should have 6 per cent ou their stock next year. Now in the face cf this assnrance, and the very heavy and increased freight and travel on the Road, how can he and the Board of Directors ask the Stockholders to teke 24 per cent on their siock? This is afl they can get for the figures show it, at least for half the iime of the lease. Can-any 8 \oekbolder in his senses agree to any snch apreposition as thie? To put his proper- ty entirely out of his contro! for twenty years for 24 per ceuta year! At the end of that time tbe Road will Ve delivered back to the Stockholders, if delivered at all, in a worn out condition; for, say what you pleage, abont keeping the Road ig order, nobody expecte it, if they do they will surely bedisappointed, No rented property was ever returned tothe own- er in 4s good conditivo gs when it was reccir - Then the Stockhelders cannot vote for , bis lease woless (bey wish bo give their pro $60,000 led ¥ at hw ’ ies eracan make a3 much sod save a ane Stasi the ‘Road, i wiedge that [am a « wt ag Harkin bg all he rand etn the 9s Let. Maj. Smith idend he bas thing to do with osition of the R of what the NO RR did. It isdependent on the N ORR. for its very +n for with- it woold go down in a few years, - edb itioh to ha is somewhat like ing the hall of a ‘hip to the rudder, or the body of -}a horse to his tail. You might cut-off the R & @ Builroad, and it wonldnet’affeet’ the N |, }C Railroad any move thay cutting off a horse's tail affeets his body. : : Byithe time the 20 years.i8 auttbere will be so many combinations made, and uew roads built, that the road will be useless, The N C Railroad will loose:its idenuty the, moment it is leased, and you will hear it called the R &G Railroad as for back as Charlotte, before two have passed, The Stockholders, having their hands tied for 20 years, will be powerless to control. Legislation or rival roads or opposi- tign lines; and numerous schemes will be set in motion at onge.to bleed the N C Railroad and build op rival tives, uotil at the end of 20 years the road will not be worth retaraing to the stockholders. . Every stockholder ought to go to the meeting fa person, and vote against this iniquitous, and ridicnlous lease, or they will regret it the balance of their lives. ROWAN. ———_—.gpo—_—_—_— PUBLICATIONS, The New York Eclectic for November is on our table, and is a nunsber of at least usual ex- cellence: It is embellished with a very hand- some steel engraving of M, Eugene Rouher, the distinguished French: stateanan. It contains eighteen selected articles from nearly the same We are iadebted to Hon. Wm. H. Rattle for “g full report of the proceedings in the matter of the Bench and the Bar,” with a review of the opinion of the court in that case. The im feet reading whieh we have ‘been enabled to matter understood, believe, to be from the pen of Hon. B. FP. Moore. ——- a JNEW PROCESS IN WHEAT CUL- TURE, The result of an experiment rade during the past season, by R. A. Gilpin, at his farm in Wertown, onthe wide planting and cultivation of wheat, appears to be quite remarkable. In giving an account of the experiment, Mr. Gilpin says: ‘The grouod measured an acre within a fraction; it was rot eelected on account of any in feriority, but was much the aame aa tli rest of the field, and wae manured and prepared just the same. The seed was the red Mediterranean, and not very goed, being taken from the wheat grown on the place the previous scaron, which was in- jured by the weevil. It was drilled m at ibe rate of three quarters of a bushel to the acre, on the 25th of September, at the rame time as the rest of the field’ The peculiarity in the treatment, was that eve ether pipe ef the drill was stopped, so that the rows of wheat were twenty inches apart, or double the usnal distance. In the epring, when the ground hid become sufficiently dry to work, a emall garden hoe harrow was run between the rows, working the groand to the depth of about three iuches; this was done only once. The effect of tuis working was very appar- ent; the wheat took arapid start and out. grew the rest of the field. As the season advanced it grew tall and strong, and no amonnt of wind or rain had any effect to lay it down; when the heads formed, their greater length was very apparent. It was tack ward in rip- ening, and the rest of the field was cut and hauled in a week before this was ready. Now for the resnlt: ‘he experimental wheat yielded twenty-three bashels to the acre, aed the rest yielded only nine bnehels to the acre; the quality of cach was about the same. Whether from defect in the seed, or the wet season, or the late plant- ing, the whole of my wheat was injured both by raet and weevil, and the experi- mental part did not escape—it was affected just as the rest was. This experiment cannot be regarded as entirely satiefactory ; the season wae ex- ceptional, the seed used’ was inferior, and the yield of the experimental part of the field was not absolutely great, but only by compvrison with the rest of the crop which was a poor one, from the effreta of the rust and the weevil; but the result is, un- der any circumstances, sufficiently reason- able to attract the attention of farmers and induce a further trial. —Farm Joural. — - A Cincinnati dispatch under date of the 19th, says; “General Hiram Walbridge, of New York, addressed the Chamber of Commerce regarding the Louisville convention, which he regarded as national, every State being represented. I: was the unanimous ren- timent that the South, impoverished by the rebellion, should be the government in developing her resources. To this end the convention favored water commanica- tion between Ohio and the Atlantic, reeon- struction of the Mississippi levees and steamship lines between Southern ports and Europe, aud another traus-continental railroad.” BaF Ladies mffering from any disease pecn- liar to their sex, can be restored to health by using Dr. Lawrence's “Woman's Frienv.” It purifies the secretions, and restores the sys {tem te healthy condjtien. “Ge son Be) cent, die} re of the or the R. & G. R, fiat be seal taemesiaey" ill ‘become j hands the} new men, tew ideas, and new issues. “In Seaic name skier cat eg ‘the eat Rid a Chase. it will. advance isa reflection npon eT Beat, Bh ny} Parties in ‘ is «sma ant wot That did not cost “One fourth parehing & new party on from the ard of dead politicians and pari Ove tothe front line of the mi eolumu of event. The name and the record of Chase, too, on the nigger, on reconstrhaction, on our foreign relations The} aid on the motiey question, wil! be enongh Yas the platform of this new . Democratic party. His mame will attract thousands ot Union men ig the North who would shrink from anything taiuted with eopper- head antecedents or repudiation, and it will rally tothe Demeratie standard thous- ands of ublican niggers in the South. No man will be afraid of any weer to pat the goverpment on the back track, or the ‘nigger or'the public eredit,-under the rallying cry of, Chase. All such fears, which have hnng us dead weights upon the Democracy so long, wil] be removed, hand-with Chase as their standard-bearer they will be etreng as a giant refreshed with new wine. pe a GOOD STORY. * Some of the students of the Indiana State University were suepected of being in the habit of driuking brandy. Where they obtained it was a mystery. Dr. Dai- ly determined to ferret out the seeret.— jalling mto a drug store, the proprietor asked him “how that student, Mr. Carter, came on?” Smelling a rat, the doctor auswered in an evasive mapuer, and soon drew out of the ary thatthe sta- deuts under sus: had been in the world, babit nt poate for the nse, as ah. | hey of a Mr. Carter; that they said he was quite low and was kept alive by stimulants ; thatthe youog wen seemed very devoted to him- Now the secret was oat—The Carter was a fictitious character and the doctor had the secret. However he kept bis own counsel. The next time the students were assembled iu the chapel for prayers, he east his eyes over the: crowd and eatisfied himself that Uarte:’s anrees were all present. Devotions were duly conducted, and then he lugubriously remarted to them that be had a mournful task to ; as the president of the utiivérsity it became his duty to announce the death of their fellowstudent Mr. Carter. Afters g illuces of several weeks, a portion of which time he was kept alive by stimulants, he had breathed his last « had “no doubt that this announcement would fall sadly on the ears of those who had eo faithfally attended to his wants, but he hoped they would bear it with re- signation—he boped they would ‘on the oft repeated words, “Memento mori,” —that he would detain them no longer, but leive them to their own reflections ! The result was the professors and but few ot the students bad heard of this man Car- ter, “Who is be?” was whispered. None knew but the kind friends who at- tended bim, and they woald not tell ; and the president seemed so deeply affected that they did not hke to ask bim. — _- Tit Gotp Rixc.—The New York Times publishes what vec to be an expose of the great plot to raise the price of gold, and how and by whom it was worked up. It bears on its face many “official ear marks.” The narrative shows how persistent Messrs. Jay Gould and Fisk were to entrap President Grant, and how he evaded the «nares of the wily man- ipalators. How they endeavored to diaw General Porter, the President's Private Secretary, into their game, by informing the General on the i6th September that they had purchased half @ million of gold on his account, and how the General on the 19th wrote to them that be had not anthowiged the purchase of any gold on his acesant and did not desire any. How they tried to honeyingle Secretary Boat- well and how the Secretary put them off. The statement made by the Trimses exon- erates Gen. Butterfield from all complicity in the movements of Goald, Fisk & Co., and shows how Mr. Corbin was drawn into their schemes" From the showing made by the author of the exposition, Mr. Corbin was the ‘ vietim of a conspiracy |" ee Aw Eastern Tate. —A certain Rab- bi had two sons, whom both he and his wife tenderly loved Duty obliged the Rabbi to take a journey to a distant coun- try; during his absence his two promising boys sickened and died. The grief strick- en mother laid them oat on their bed, drew the curtain, and gwaited anxiously for her husband. He came. It was night. “How are your boys?" was his first question. “Tet me sec them.” “Stay awliile,” said his wife ; “T am in great trouble and want your advice.— Some years ago a friend leut me some jewela, Itook great care of them, and at last began to prise them as my own. — Sines your rture my friend has called for them, bat I did not tike to part with them. Shall I give them up?” “Wife what a strange request is this! Give them up, aud that instantly, this very night. Show me the jewels.” She took the Rabbi t their bed, drew aside the cartain, and said : “Husband, these are the jewels }” The Rabbi bowed his head and wept. =— THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES, 92 L-oadwray, New York. q 1 HIS COMPANY has capital and asacte inet ite liabilities that will compare with any Life In- surance Company on the Continent, which is the true test of reaponsibility. COON AWW. <5. cone ss bascescceesecnsee $6,000,000 Aanaal Premiam Income,.............. 4 000,000 [mc Tense OFOE LOOT. Cesc ccct ccs ss ccces's 8,000,006 The undersigned is agent for the above Company. A, A. HARBIN, Agent. } Mockaville, Mareh 19, 2989, Ab-ty DR. LAWRENCE'S - BIGHLY CONCENTRATED The great Health Restorer! Not a Secret Quack, Medicine. Formula around the Bottle. PREPARED SOLELY BY Dr. J. J, LAWRENCE, ORGANIC. CHEMIST. NORFOLK, VA. * Beware of Connterfeiis. Sve that’ Dr. J J- Lawrenee, Che:uist, Noifoik, Vai, and the word Koskoo, is bluwn on the glass vi cach bottle, Koskoo i endorsed by the best puysicins everywheve. Read the following from Dr. Tillery, a successful praciitioner of many years standing in ihe Oid Nerth State: er Rocky Meunt Edgecombe Co, Sept. 10, 1869. Dr. J. J. Lawsence—Dear Sir: I have used your Concentrated Fluid Extract of Koskoo in iny practice with the happiest results. 1 find it to be a Powerful Liver Invigorator, Blood Pu- rifier and Nervous Touie . ali diseasca of the Liver, Scrotulous, Syphilfitic, and nervous affections, it is a remedy of immense value ; in fact, in almost every yariety of Chronic Disease its use igindicated. Hoping you may inect with the @uccess which you deserve as a manu- facturer of reliable medicines, Im a sir, with much respect, your obedieut servant, R .C. Tirusny, M, D. Seaman . From Dr. Fentress, ap accomplisLed and ex- perienced pliysician ; Sept. 13, 1869 ' Princess Anne Court House, Va., J.J, Lawrence, M. D.—Dear Sir: I have carefully examined the fyrmula, as well as the Thesputic properties of your, Koskoo com- pound, and have prescri bed in some stubborn cases of Chronic Aes Affections, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, General Debility, &c., aud always wih too moaigutiiying resulta, I fiud. it to be a spieadid Tonic, Alterative, and Hepatic combination, accoiplishing its constitpuonal effects without the slightest debility; in fact it give support to the general support, while its alterative effects are being produced. I eheer- recommend its ose to the public. Yours, truly, d. J. Fewpness, M. D. Kesxoo cures Scrofula in ifs worst From A W Mills, a prowinent and well-known merchant of Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Majo Stfeet, Norfolk. Va, September 15, 1869. Dr. Lawrence— Dear Sir: Your Koekoo bas worked wonders in my family, My daughter has been a atiflerer from Serofula since child- hood, She lost thirty-one pieces of bove from her ankle, several fromm her arm, bestdes having ulcers io several poe of the bedy. Whilst in this condition she commenced taking your Kuskoo—it acted tke a charm on her—under ite use the vicers yradually healed, and her gen- eral health greatly improved, It certainly saved ber much suffering, and perhaps her lif. [ regard Koekoo a specific for all serofalous af- fectiuns Your Koskvo also cured my wife of dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatly. — She is now io better health thaa she bas been in five ye-rs. With the highest regards, | am gratefnily yours, &c., A. W. Mrs Kosxovo, the great Invigorator, Read the following fom the Rev. Joseph E. Mastin, pas tor of Wesley Chapel, Portsmouth, Va: “This is vo @eruly that myself and wife have used Dr. Lawrence's Koskoo, and cau testify to its beneficial eMects. Previous to taking t we were in acon lition of debilitation—had no ap tite, and sured from sudden and often vie- Oe attacks of beadeole and nervousness. Two bottles of Koskvo has improved our general bealth, and we regard it as invaluable, and nvost cheerfully revommendit to all who have need of invigorator. Yours, &e., Joserpn LE. Marries. N. A H.GODDIN, M.D. LOSKOO CURES CHRONIC RITEUMATISM. Norfolk. Va, Sept. 7, 1869 Dr J. J. Lawrenee— Dear Sir: My son bas received so mach benefit from your wonderful Kouskoo that I cannut refrain from expressing my gratitade. I had tried almost everything | | withont benetit. I believe, in all sincerity, that | your Koskuo is an Infallible Remedy for the di- sease trom which he has soff , and, so far as [ can learn, but never failed. If you only knew the immense amonont of suffering that be has undergone, that you could conceive the vaine of such a remedy as Kosko—that surely cures. The great aimonnt of good it is vow du- ing among us ts inestimable. With much gratitnde, [sm respectfully yours, &., Mra. M. E. A. Nason. Dr. Lawrence—Deoar Sir: Having been treated Ly several skilful physicians for Dyspep- sia, Chronie Disease of ihe Kidney’s General Debility, dce., without benefit, os a last resort { commenoed the ose of your Koskvo, and am seg to sny that wader its use my health bas entirely restored. Jom sit, with mach respect, your obedient servent U. B. Mrars Ko. 6, Moret st, Norfolk Va, July 9, 1869 — Pacifia, Franklin county, N. C., t. 11, 1869. The is to certify that for a long time I have suffered very mach from indication of the liver and constipation of the bowels, and tried sever- al remedies, but received po benefit omtil I comuwpoed taking Koskeo, T took the medi- cine about one wonth, and I was completely cured, and have remained wel. 1] know of several cares nade by Keskou, and cordially recoinwend itas a goud wcine, Jonw H. Baxea. Cer For Sate wy art Druaaists.~ oe Rae Dr. Lawrence's Woman's Friend cures diseases peculiar to Females. For eale by Dr. G. RB. POULSON, Diuggist aud Aputaecary, Salisbury, N.C COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF Read the hi tr. Goddin, the ex perienued and sacceasius ‘ specialiet,” of Nor- folk, Va: Nooik, Va, Sepe. 19, 1869 Dr. Lawreoce—Derr Sirs TL have Preserioed | your “Koekou {o> Syphiiw in ite varodslorms with the mot aalisacio'y result I eave art. ised myself by exper ice, thac it will cone that disease in its worst aud most tia! nant stages, and eradicate every taiui from ihe srs tem. The Kosko is certainty an alierative of extraordinary power, and fully deserves the great popularity whic li it bas so fapidly atiain- ed. PRIZ. Used in at , |}. {HEB BEST IN USE: Awarded more than ‘any other wl , both in this AND FOREIGN. COUNTRIES, ** Binonig! Which fe THE HIGHEST PRIZE! Two @rand Gold Medals and Cross of “the Legion of Hotior, «~~ . p et wet YS At Paris Exposition, 1867 More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 mannfxetnred and sold in’ 1868 aud the demand nugupplied. —_-— ‘Isereasine Demand, - Krereased Pocilities Additional Improvements for 1509. Wood's Prize Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) “ Self Raking Reaper, with < New Mowing Attaehteat. < Hand Rake Reaper. Haines* Illinois Harvester. Manofactored by the Walter A. Wood Mow- ing and Reaping Machine Company. General Office and Manniactury, Housick Falls, Bens- selaer county, N.Y. . Branch Cie an Sales Rooms—44 Cort- landt street, New York city. P. 0. Box, 5805. 206 Lake Street, Chicago, Il. Alexandria, Va, Maison, Wis, / 77 Upper Thames, 8t., London. Send for New Descriptive Cireular and Price List. Applications from the South, South of Vir- ginja, should be addreseed to the New York Branch Office, as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Indvcements Offeredi McOvbbivs, Sullivan & Co., are Agents for the above Reapers in ‘Salisbury. april23—16:10m RIVES & PROCTOR, | WHOLBSALE AND RETAIL DRUCCISTS, way Paints, Oils DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Imported & Domestic Window Weald cbants, Physicians, Planters, and others, to their ly eal! the attention of Mer extensive stock and superior inducements. 107 Sycamore, St., Petersburg. N. F. RIVES, M. D. W.H. PROCTOR. apra3s—It:6m Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Un- a@ulterated.at the Old North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & €0., Prop’s. CHARLOTTE, N.C. ALSO, Want to 500 or 1000 head « Cattle, and pay the highest Cash Prwes for Corn and Rye. joly 2—26.6m ‘E°NE ABOVE !8 THE MOST APPRO. priate pam ‘at could bave been applied | w this valuable and powerfully infaential Pain | Destroyer. Its inflaeace over such painful mal- jacies as it is recemthended to exert cannot | be questioned only hy those who have not tried Jit. There ix claimed forit a repu’ation orer all other preparations recommended for sintilar | parposes—when they have failed, MAGIC | has not. Keep it s)ways in yeur family for itis truly an ettenry to New"algia, Headache, Tooth- ache, Karache Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody-I’ lux, Dyspep- | sia. Sore Throat, Kheumatic Pains, Fever and ] Ague, Sprains and Bruises, Inflamation of Kid- neye, Nervous Debility, Colic, Pains or Spasms, of ans ae ; Prepared and for sale Dr. o B. POULSON, Druggist and Apothecary, Salisbury. N 0. June 30, 1869. 30-tf ; NW. C. Map and Gazeteer. r -_—— HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING Purchased the entire Copy-right Plates, &., of the above | Works and desirons to expedite their sale | throngh the entire State, at an early day, offers to active, business young men a good chance I offer three-fourths of a map, in shares of five or ten counties each. This rew map will be about five feet by four; illustrated border, hand- somely engraved, counties, railroads, post offices, nrines, mountains, &e., &c. A Map worthy to be hung up in every house, office and school in the State. Specimen copies ready about the Ist Septem- ber, 1869. Terms accommodating, address with 2 stamps. Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE, aug)3-32-3m Wilmington, N, C._ PROFESSIONAL. M.H. PINNTISX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, N. GC: T ine W ILL PRACTICK in the conrts of David- son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Ran- dolph coanties ; REFERENCE. R. M. Pearson, U. J. of N. 0., Raleigh. E. G. Reade, Associate Justice, * “ Thomas Settle, . " * " R. P. Dick, “ “ “ “ Bedford Brown, Yauceeyville, N.C. “ Tion. Jobn Kerr, “ “ * J BR. McLean, Greensboro’, N.C, ‘ Thomas Kuffin, Jr., co bs “ JM. Clon’, Dobson, NC. Jannary 29, 1869. a Secon Hon. q—tf Dr. I. W. JONES, ] AVING located in Salisbury, offers his Profexsio. al services to the public Of. fieo on Conneil Street, opposite the Court Hcuse and next door to $Le Law office of Hon. Burton (Cia ge. May 23, lsb)-tf Mowers and Reapers, 3 fc a a SC U M O V I N Su r m o g AT I N V Y M A A Si n g e r ’ s Ce l e b s . ATHE Gabsétiber having been appointed an agen Flaine vs > -ralecimaeete SINGER'S CELEBRATED New Family Sewing Machine, and all its offerathe same tothe Ladies of Western This Mac! a ison with any : compar: . rhc, Se athens most beautiful em other Machino ever invented. “Economy is . then why net buy the best.” . ' These Machines.are warranted to give entire gatisfaction, Ifthey fad to give satisfaction they maybe re- turned after a trial. of two month» and the money will be refundedy Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KPRS, TAILORS, &c, will be supplied when ordered, at manufacturer's Parties desiring information will please eend for specimens of work and circulars. : John A. Ramesy, June 18, 1869. "uty THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL in OF VIRGINTA A Virginia and Southern Institution Jie Lunds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond ang contingency. The Company has ¢apita! and assets, ee Wability that will compare fayorably with any foonanes Company on the continent, which is the true test of respons bility. Its affairs are cantiously administered by selected Directors, ofresponsibility aad business y- It has estadi ished its claim te Seutbern oge OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIPENT, ant, DB: J: Hanresox MEDICAL EXA Ww. B. Isaacs, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. LEGAL ADVISER, GENERAL AGENT, H. O. Cassi, Jxo. H. CLarporys DIRECTORS : iSiyie H. E. U. wank ville, John Enders, William F. Taylor, Semuel 8. Cottrell, John peat, Demuei U. Tardy, Chartes T. Wortham, George Jacobs, Williem Willis, Jr., J. W. Allison, Ed. A Smith, George 8. Palmer, Thos. J. Bvana, D. Chockleg, James A. S-ott, H. C. Cabell, B.M Quartes, D. J. Harteoot, W. i. Tyler, ° Joba C. Williams, J.B. Baw Wittlam G. Taylor, A. Y. Stokes, A. P. Abell, J. B. Morton, Wm.B R. HW. Dibrelfl, George L.. Bidgood, William H. Palmer, Semacl M. Price. LEWIS ©. HANES, Ao't. Feb. 12—1ly Lzxixotox, N. 0 PIANOS MLS. THE COLD MEDAL Has just been awarded to CHAS. M. STIEFF, For the best Piano now made, over Baltimore, Phil- adelphia. and New York Pianos OFFICE AND WAREROONE: No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti- more Strect, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS have all the latest Improre- menta, including the Agroffe Treble. Ivory fron’? and the improved French Action, fully warranted for five years, with privilege ofexchange vr‘! '9 twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to perch sers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwareca hand. from $60 to $300. References, who have our Pianos fn use: Gon. RB. E. Gen. 1). 1. Hill, Chartotte, N.C. Gen. Robert Ransom. Wilmington, FC. Gov. John Letehe . Lexington, Ve. Messrs. R. Borwell & Son, Charlotte, N. C. James H. Greenlee, M ntos, X. C. J. H. Smith &o. W. n, Chester, ©. C, 3 Brown & Bernhardtare agents tor the sale of the above celebrated Pianes. jene 16—1ly Piano so!d at Factory prices. D. T. CARRAWAY, Commission Merchant, Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wit- dow Shades, ke., &e. ROMPT attention given to orders, and tp the sale of Uotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobag co, Dried Fruit, &c , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april 9—(4 ly NEWBERN, ® 6, TBACHHER. --THE UNDERSIGNE wishes to obtain for hié sieter—a lad who has had several years snecesefnl expert etice—a situation to teach, in s family or o81 erwise the usual branches of an Knglith ed « cation,—mnee rot ineladed. Adrire<a, atatiy REY. JOHN H. TILLINGHAST, Balebyry, N. 0 ee, Lexington, Ve. tern 38—28 Che Old Nort Htate SALISBURY. PRID AY, OCT. 99, 1869. ease eas POETICAL. TILE CLOSING SCENE, The following is pronounced by the Westmin- ater Review to be unquestionably the fuest Amer- ican poem ever writen; . Within the sober realin of leafless tress The russet year‘iulaled the dreamy air, Like some tanned reaper, in his hour of ease, When all the fields are lying brown and bare, ‘The gray barns, looking from their hazy hills O’er the dun waters widening in the vales, Sent down the air a greeting tg the mills, On the duli thunder of alternate flails, 9) all soynds aub- 4 4 ae All sights wete mcllowed and dued, . ; The hills seemed further and the stream sang low, As in a dreani the distant,wroodman hewed His winter log with miag® a mufiled blow. The embattled forests, erewhile armed with gold, Their baginer-bright with everymartial hue, Now stood like some ead, beaten host of old, Withdrawn afar in Time's remotest bite. On somber wings the vulture tried his flight ; The dove scarce heagd his singing mate’s come plaint; And, like a star slow drowning jn the light, The yijlage church vane seemed tpale and faint. * ger The sentinel cock upon the hillside crew — ‘® Crew thrice—and all than before; Silent, tilksome replying blew His alien horn, and then Was lLeard no more. Where erst the Igy, within the elm’s tall crest, Made garrulous trouble round her unfiedged young, And where the oriole swung her swaying nest, By every light wind like « censer swung ; Where sang the nvisy martens of the caves, The busy swallows circling ever near— Foreboding, as the rustic mind believes, An early harvest and a plepteous year ; Where every bird that waked the vernal feast, Shook the sweet slumber from its wings at morn, To warn the reaper of the rosy east— All now was sunless, émpty and forlorn. 4 Alone, from out the stubble, piped the quail, And croaked the crow through all the dreary gloom ; be pheasant, drumming in the vale, Malle echo in thedistance to the cottage loom. Thi no bud, no bloom, upon the bowers, ‘The &p ders moved their thin shrouds night by night ; The thistle down, the only ghost of flowers, Sailed slowly by—passed noiseless out of sight. Amid all this, the centre of the scene, The white-isaired matron, with monotonous tread, Plied the swift wheel, and with her joyous mein Sat like fate and watched the flying thread. Bhe had known sorrow. He had walked with her, Oft supped and broke with her the ashen cr ust, And in the dead leaves till she heard the stir Of his thick mantle trailing in the dust. While yet her check was bright with summer bloem, Her country summoned, and she gave her all ; And twice yar bowed to her his sable plame— Begave the sword to rust upoo the wail. Re-gave the sword, but not the hand that drow And struck for liberty the dying blow ; Nor Lim who, to his sire and country true, Feil mid the ranks of the invading foe. Long, bat not lowd, the droning wheel went on, Like the low wurmar of @hive at noon ; Leng, bat not loud, the memory of the gone Breathed through her lips a sed and tremu- lous tone. ‘At last the thread was enapped, ber head was bowed ; Like drofiped the distaff through her hands serene ; And loving neighbors smoothed her careful shroud, While death and winter closethe automn scene ——— SSE = HOW AND WHEN TO USE MA- NURES. i The best method of using stable or barnyard mannre for corn of potatoes, is to ban! it free from tbe cellar in condi tion which it rests io the vaulte, spread it upon the plowed field, and harrow it in with a Geddes harrow. This ia what we call “long mannre,’ ana a form which. actording to the opinions of many farmers, ia unsuited to immediate use; also, it is objected, that in apreading fresh manare upon plowed ficlds and covering it sper ficially with earth, mach is lost by evap oration, or more correctly speaking, cer- tan Volatile, gascons eonslituents rise on the breeze and are wafted away. In our view, both of the notions are incorree’. The exerement of animale mast undergo a kind of fermentaioa, or putrefactive change before it is aesimilated by plants, and it is better that this be carried for ward in the field, as there it ie in contact with the coil, which ie greedy to absorb all the produet of the the chemical change Creative power bas bestowed upon dry earth prodigiona absorptive capabilities. If ajump of freeb manure ae large as a peck measure ia placed npon a plowed fiuld uncovered, or allowed to farment or decay inthe open air, the absorptive powers of the earth are such that it will aetually a® ict towa ds itanm mnieal and other guses, and thus rob the atmospher: of ite nataral volatile principles, A film of earth no thicker than the rind of an orange placed over a Inmp of manure wil) prevent lose of manurial products un- der all possible cireumstances. It will be wyreed then that a harrow is eqnally as affective asa plow in protectiong manure In tbe open field, It is better to have the manure near the eurface, as the rains @ 0 reach it, and disolve the soluble salis, aud by percolation carry them down the hangry roots of planta. Lone FART OG ae i wy beet : a et ’ Manure te pot Viet wher « Oye ht alin Vaia torr. ooh Ue hau | auy.caseand.on some soils. the less isa host setiaus one. Tu the process of soap- mukiug it becomes necessary to set up a leach. Now the farmer will not attempt to exhaustthetub of ashes of its potash by forcing watewinto ‘thie botton and dip- iii Oa laid a Goi Yop, he natural percolating or exhansting process is. downward, jn ageordanee with the laws of gravity. “Pb@-eoluble alkalies and salts are "ddvén MowiWardé, “dud in the vase of the leach must have. iajvesse! ready tw receive them at the: beitem, aid: in the case of tho same.. eubsiances leaghed from manare; we wiist Jiave the manure so ed that plant roots will be at hand to absorb them Wefore they pass — “theimyeacts, 3 tears is never so able, as wheus it ‘is fresh Lt then holds) in: aasodiution ‘ot owkyfall fixed soluble pubstisices satural p» the solid ex ént, bat much that is of great value, only-in theytiquid. «Ty is in acon ition to quickly Undergo chemical change andthe gaseous asamouical products se- cured are double those resulting from that which has beep weathered in a beap out ot doors. for, several. mvuihs.— Boston Journal of Chemistry. a tee PREVENTATIVE FOR CHEAT IN WHEA'R, Eds. Southern Culttcator ;—1 will give you a preventive for cheat and covkcrel in wieat We bhave been troubled very much with these pests in this section since the war, Tagt tall Tobad some white wheat that I was very anxious to keep in seed of, but it was very badly adulier- ated with both cheat and cockurel. 4 first set in to fingerspick a sufficient quantity for my seed to sow five aéres, boat fonud that the old hand-sicve and fiuger-picking was ouch u slow procesa, that after L had got about three fourths of a bushel clean, 1 concluded lo sow that, and risk getting wy seed from that in future. Phere was some @mut alse in the seed, so 1 conelud ed to soak with blacstone, aa a preventive for smut. With the bande 1 had, it took 6 bushels of wheat to sow fora day's work, 80 0n Saturday eveuing about san set L took the 6 bushels of wheat, and put one Ib. of bluestone in a large trough, aud filled with water, apd took off every zratin of wheat afid cheat that fose to the top, and let it remain there until Manday moruing. The wheat was in soak some- thing like 36 boars; and in taking the wheat out, I noliced thatthe éockerel was rouen, aud J waa satisfied that it would not come up, so L adopwed shat) plan for the halance of my crop, which was about 30 acres, aud am happy to inforw you that I have vot sten'a sprig of cheat or cockcrel in my Wheat teated thar way, this year, Me veighbora, as well myscly, are satisfied that the soaking with the quantity of bluestone, for the length of time above stated, prevented the growth of the cheat avd occekerel, as as well as the smat, &e. ee ee VACCINATION. A remarkable emuribation to the con- troversy new in progress as fo the merits of vaccination is faraished hy an official body in Ireland’ ‘The Poor-law Conmis- sionera there have, it seems, iformed thy Belfast Board of Gaartians that emall-pox has altogether ceased iv the sister coun- try. ‘This result the commissiout re artri- bate the egreful carrying out of the Com aa land since 1863. The figures are very striking. Detore that year the (rom ewall-pox average ove thensand an aually ; io 1864 the number wad reduced to 854; in 1865, it was 347; in 1866, 187 ; in 1867, 20; andin 1868 only 19 leathe oeeurred. Iu the firet quarter of 1869 there were three deaths; in the eee ond quarter there were none. These state nents are 6o far most satisfactory.— In the interest of science and of the pub lic health, however, it is to be hoped that we shall obtain some supplementary in formation showing deathe what measares: were er, in the estimation of medical men in ireland, any other cance had a ehae in prowuting the happy rceeult. SS PROFITS OF SOUTHERN COTTON MANUFACTURING. The Charleston News makes the follow ing statements on the authority of a paper read before the Agricultaral Convention of South Carolina, in April last: ‘The coat of manufactaring No. 20 yarn being in detail, is 29 80 cents a pound, delivered in New York. The coat of the same yarns, manufactured in the North {is 36 81 cents. The Soathern epinner, cost the Northern manafacturer, and atill conelusive, and it mav be remarked chat the records of the Graniteville Aagneta factories, and indeed of every well managed factory in the South, show the large profits that may Le made by spinning yarns at the very time when the Northern epinners are barely paying ex penses. Che arguments in favor of spin- ning apply with equal force in favor of weaving. A-cotton mill with a capacify of 4,000 spindles, with first class machi- nery complete, is estimated w cost $50,- 000. ‘Thie mill will eonsame 887 bales of cavton, the amount of yarns manufactured being 354,960 pounds. Omitting the eost of the water power or site the profits of the year, the yarns selling at the coat of Northern production, would be $17,748, or about 25 pec ecut. va the eapital iu- vested. —_———_..————— RETIRING CHURCH DIGNITA- RIES. The nomber of aged and almost nse- less dignatiaries of the English Church who arein the receipt of large salaries has long been a snbject of cansideration and of criticiam by no means gent! among our brethren over the water An act of Parliament was passed at the last session designed to facilitate the retire abe avail themeclves of tte provisions the influence of thia mensnre and cfr! V; opi eontinn wef palbie tomone Vie he age of es, Iwu ya dais Pisdaree your pulsory Vaccinatinn act enforecd in Tre: | adopted to obtain pare lymph, and whetb- | in Columbia, South Carolina, the figures | therefore, can sell hie yarns at what they | make a profit of 7 01 centaa pound. This | ment of all such who might be willing to} Under | The Bishop. of Kxetes..yields. at of vinety-one, though he still holds onto the Canonry of Darbaw, which ‘ia worth $20,000 a year. Five bishops have thie tar resigned, and others wil pr y fol- low, ‘They will all be well provided for in their retirement, the least of them be- ing wecure in a salary equal to tharoF the President of the United States. This weeding out of the Curch will be attend: ed. by Pa eonseguepecs © than theaub- tit if jactive: for rupert pre lases, fot, owing to the © 1i views. of | her Majeety, aud also of Mr. Gladeténe, the character of the appoiutments will be changed, aud in most instances improved. hee tS ™ 1 Weeps.—If you “plough down your weeds before they go to seed they will ' prove a benefit to your Jand iystead of a curse, If they are allowed to go to seed | they will prove a source ‘of _eydless trouble. Ploughed under, they are worth as muchas a dressing of avayure. If you add from twenty-five to fifty bushels of lime per nere to the ground and harrow ivi, it will couvert your weeds into plant food, meres ream a wa THE-ONLY Hieishod wrt melt gn ideas -« MEDICINE: THAT’ -_ % Ke t ig 7 4 ve . as s Dr u g St o r e , ’ SA L I S B U R Y , _N , C, , - WH E R E YO U - WI L L AL W A Y S FR E S H , PU R E v AN D NA L SU P P O R T E R S ME N T S ; BR E A S T PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y BO T T L E 0 THE CORN CROP IN THE WEST. NE V E R FO R G E T . . . DR . GC . B. PO U L S O N ’ S . The Chicago Journal saya: “It was hat first supposed that the frost ot a few nights ago had doue some damage to the corn crop of Northern Lllineis, bac such tarne ont not to Lave beeu the fact, to any noteworthy extent whatever. It is uow likely that the erop will be well matured throughout the entire Nocthwest. 1t had already passed all danger, before the | frost, throughout the great section of | country where corn is the principal ee | duction of agriculture. Not only that, }but in some portions of this section, where, daring the summer, auticipations | TR U S S E S AN D AB D O M I j uled Tv sean LVI ANPMIGIN ° Ope gt & ly 2 sO ———————————E CLEMMONS' STAGH LINES! jof a sinall yield prevailed, there taras ont | WARSAW ;to be a great crop. ‘The rains of June | , jhad shortened the stalke, but as to the) To Fayetteville. lyraio itself, the season afterwards was £0 | EAVE Warsaw for Fayetteville daily. ex | wonderfully and peculiarly favorable that! Is cept Sanday. If you aye in Westera. ¥. it came out spleadidly. Such is the fact! pa g to jolelts ond Pte 6 ‘yrough : oe ate tal | ticketto Fayetteville for ; hrough ets ae LORE REGUby gate ys h all oan Nt on from Guhisbore’ via Warsaw, ‘to Fayetteville, Northern Missoari, Kansas and Nebraska. 35° phrough tickets from Weldon to Fayette- We thiuk there is no room to doubt that) ville $10, Tirough tigkets, from, Wilunington, the corn erep of the year is by odds the | via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, §u, most beuutitul ever produced in this coun- | CHAKLOTTE TO. WADESBORO: try, orthat the quality of the grain ie} Leave Charlotte after trains froin Raleigh ucusually good.” and Columbia, via Momroe, for Wadesbore’ | Tuéaday , Thursday; and’ Batarday “Leave Wa, desboro', Taeslay, Thocway,audGarurday, a ter arrival of trains aud Stage frou WP guiazwo. MORRISVILLE, ,ia Prerspogo, BO EGYPT, Leave’ Morrisville, Tuesday, ‘Tharsday and —-_-—---— ONE OF MARION’S MEN. A St. Louis newspaper chronicles the | Satartay }death ef one of Marion's men, at Bea- — Reyst Mondsy,. Wedvenday and rt. ton’s Creek, near Maramee Iron, Works pats in Phelps county, Missouri, on the 3d) Clemmons’ Accommodation Line met. ‘Phe deceaeed, Mr. Archtbald W.)| Betweou Salem aod High Point, will eberter |Oxendine, was boron on Pedee river, | Stages at all hones “Cheaper than the Cheap- South Cardlina, Angust 27, 759, and |e” Office at Dee CL Ean oc. | wae conse quently over 110) yearg of age Oct. 1; 1869—tf . Coane Sy : atthe time of bis death. He served — —- through the war of the Revolution as one | NEW YORK and North Carolina of “Marion's Meu,” and for over forty | STEAMSHIP LINE Years Was a uniuister of the Baptist de- | rrom New York to Wilmington, | nomination This Live will comprise the following steam- FATRBANKS, Cupt. 4. Hunter, “ D. P. Morgan, WS PL. CLYDE, REBECCA CLYDE, 0, Chichester. MARY SANFORD, Jchn Afoore. With such additianal Steamers as may be requir dito meet the demands of the trate — Sailing froin New York every WEDNESDAY and SATORDAY at 4 P.M, trom Pier 15 EB. K. toot of Wall sireet — —— »§ ————— | REMARKABLE DECLARATION. The New York Sun says: “In ove of the last conversation &@ was oyr fortune to beld with Johan A. Raw line—a man whose action was always governed by his obligations to his eun- firy [the conversation occ urred soon afte r} the President had developed bis policy in| jmaking appointments to high offce)— {Rawlins sad: “Jf things are to go inthis woty, it would be better to hace elected Ho | raiu Seymour.” te The attention of Shippers is called jte the LOW RATES and FACILITIES joffered by this Line, which are superior to lavy heretofore offered, Mis-spext Evexrcs.—The boy who THROUGH BILLS OF LADING spends an boar each evesing lounging) given to all pointa on the North Carolina jidiy on a etreet corner, wastes, in the | Railroad aes its Connections via Golds- course of a year, three hundsed and sixty-| boro. J. A. SADLER, j five precion- hours, which, if apphed 2. | Soliciting Ageut. fecudy, would familiacae bim with the ru-| WORTH & DANIEL, Agenta, | dimemta of alinvet any of the familiar sei- Wilmington, N.C. Fevers. If in addition to wasting an boar) JAMES HAND, Agent, aten ceuts for a! (.L.29—8if 119 Wail Street, N. Y. - 2 each evening, he epere j cigar, which te uenally the case, the | = nso So" PLANTATION BITTERS. | pay for ten of the lading periodicals of tthe eonuiry. Bove, think of these things 1'Phink hew much precious time and good | | jineney you are wasting, and for whatl } Phe gratification afforded by the loange | This wonderful vegetable os the corner, or by the cigar, is not ouly | restorative is the sheet- jtemporary, but positively huritul. You} pesman idalge in these practices c anchor of the feeble and seriously ingasing yourselves, fon ac. | In re idle aud w an ful habits, which will | debilitated. As a tonic and cling to you throagh Ife, and grow upon aged } you with each succes d ng year. YT yu ay cordial for the and in gfter lite shake them off, bat the proba- languid it has no equal bilities are that the habits thus formed in laity Kfe will romain with you eed in| among stomachiecs. As 8 dying day. Be warned theu in time, and | remedy for the nervous rerolve that as the hour rpent in jaleness is gone forever, you will improve each | weakness to which women aud thereby fi: yourselv “| ect for usefulness anid happiness. . | are especially subj it is ae | superseding every other Cast A Lrxe For Yovrserr —A} stimulant. In all climates young man stood listlesaly watching some | anglers on a bridge. IIe was poor and | tropical, temperate or | passing one, | | | ds jeefed. At last, approaching a basket filled with gpholceowe looking fieh, he | frigid, it acts as a specific sighed : : “Ef now I had these, [wonld be happy. | £m CVEry species of disorder | [ conid oli them ai a fair priew and toy! Which undermines the me food ac caging AT will give yon just aa many and juet) DOMHY strength and breaks as good fish,” raul the owuer, who elan-’ down the :mimal spirits. Whereve, it is intro- ced to overbear his worda, if you will do me a trifliag favor.” “And what is that?” aeked the other | cagerly. | duced it becumes 6 stand- “QOuly to tend this line till IT come a eek ai bosch altri ciane ard article—a medicinal ree PeKe was ghuly serepied—| athple. It is today the the young man be gan bo be hy patleut > best and purest tonic, and velo bole Clune! the most popular medicine List a 1 his depr seston in the excitement of} in the civilized world—be eee ed nei aie. \iee| Sure and get the genuine. | number. Conating out pe them a Sold by all Druggists, Gro nany as Were ia the basket, and present ing thew to the young man, the old fish-! C@Prg and Country Stores. erman said: | cUsrir @ BAILEY. ae Ede. choses ata — New \s D i TW) We have received oi je tp a Mee ert nt fae eto t ‘all & Baris b ‘ ihe a4 sow iy ‘Winter stock of New Goods|» a Sent emt Rs diet Aen “au i | which is very large and complete e.nsisting in part of | DRY GooDs, {8 ae yo DE, EVERY, DESCRIPTION, | and Caps,Sole and’ Upper: Leather, Enameled and © Patent Leather, Coach Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co- pal and Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very -best Brands, Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot- ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Steel and- Tron. POWDER! POWDER! RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING POWDER, —_——— Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and in short EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MERCHANDISE All of which was bought for CASH, and will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to under- sell us. Be sure to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. lt affords usa pleasure to show our Goods whether we sell or not. Don’t be deccived by loud blow- ing and heavy shelling, but come to see us and get posted up. (cP Orders from a distance promptly filled at lowest prices. (cP We buy nearly all kinds of Produce. oo faint) my promise trom the fish 528) BOOKSELLERS axe STATIONERS have eanght, to teach you whenever yon cee others earning what yon need, to 262 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md | ete no time in frbie ce wielding, but toe j Ll; LARGEST and best assorted s‘ock | chatlalineinn vut | in the city ef | | ae. | Nehool, Law. Dental, Medieat, Classteal, Relig cas | ene ; in ey a and Wi-erlianecas Books, Ae t ‘ reat ie teen create Blank ard Counting Honse etaticr s‘y > all = x : : kinds KBlanh k Rooks manvufactured t> ordain jauy style of binding dud ruling. a: 2 Sg fhaites tad milk est eoching McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., No. 1, Murpay's Granite Row, Salisbury, Sept. 24, 1859. i3—ly Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats 7 atiaiiae re sbipped fram our house | pm. Maine to Gali! An other way; while $ are sold at about can obtain them in greater part of our yoa the . We want réliable agents in every Lof the: « By employing your spare time st iher us orders, libergl » commissions forn ‘ain, ; either im t and all goods. sent Py represetited, and we guarantee to every one dealing with our house, Agents should ‘collect ‘tei cerits from éach ourtemer and forward to us in » for De- } seriptive Cheeks of the gaeds we 5 The holders of the Checks. have the ae good of either purchasing the article ed, or ec pencins for.any article tioned on our ue, numberipg over different articles ; not ype of which can be purchased in ithe usual way for the same money. The advaptages of first sending for Checks are these: We ure covstantly bi ‘i sma!! lots of very valuable a, whi ates on our catalogues, and. fer which we issne checks til! all ure seid; besides, in every largyclub we wil ut checks for Warcnss, Ts, BLAXK&TS, Bess PATTERNS, orsaae carticle of value ing some members of the elub au opportani- ¥ fot panting au article for about one quarter value. “To every order amounting to over $50, ae- companied by the cash, the Avent may retain: ,and in every order of over $190, 63.00 may be retained to This offeria more to ‘assist Agent te ine Weunben and been Ommnbetebers w all cnstomers. emer Agerts will be paid ten cent. fn Cash or Merchandise, when they wp their entire lub, for which below we give « partial List of , from « cinb of lial ieee teeta ee en ee ne 4 a ws aT) Be we wea the Eastern Mar- your attention'to much the } snplete Quads in this tra and most of ‘ket. all eelected from W and fresh stocks and atylés, and a large portion purchased dirgetly from the Manufacturers and their Agents since The Great Decline in Dry Goods. “All we ask i a call at the well haces Em. porium of this market. We invite your atten- tion to afew LEADING ARTICLES kept in thie wholesule and retail stock : GOODS, DRESS ODS, Notions, Hats, Shoes, - reels READY-MADE CLOTHING. Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Medivines, Dye- Stuffs, Paints, Tanners? Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and Har- ness LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, ron, Stecl, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings ; iv fact, thousands of articles too tedius to evumerate. We are agents for the Great Threshers —and— CLEANERS, Also, Manufaetwers’ A gents for the celebrated Bove Dust. Do. do. Rifle and Klaxting Powder. CH We invite the attention of Merchants and the trade generally, to our stock, as-uring them they will find nothing bat fresh ad desi- rable Goods. We buy all kinds of prodaee.— Save your Blackberries and Fruita, which will be to you as Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co., SALISBURY, N.C., Spragase's Old Stand, near the Market Louse. April 2, 1869. 13—ly Jusr RECEIVED AT THE STORE of SMITH FOSTER & CO’S. L000 ‘sacks or satr. 25 Bers “MOLasses. HUDS. MOLASSES. 24-tf. “For order of @30. an. mew | pay-the A aA cow 28 nor Sheeting, Goud Dress Weol Sqvare Shawl, French itxaud Vest Pattern, Fine large White Counterpatie, te. etc., or £3 00 in cash For an order of $50, from 4 Club of Pifty, we wil) pay the Agent, as Commission, 45 yde. , one pair of heavy wool blan- kets, poplin dress pattern, handsome wool ae silver<case cash. Por an order of $100. row 2 club of One Hundred, we will pay the agent, as com- mission, 100 rds. of good yard-wide Sheeting. | Coin-Silver Hanting Case Wateb, Rich —— Woul Shawl, Suit of all Wool Prench Onae mere, ete..ete., or $10 in cash. We do not employ iny travelling agents, and customers shonid not pay money to persons parporting to be our ageuts, unless personally acquainted Send Moncey always by Register- ed Letters. Fur further particulars send for Catalogues, PAREDBR & CO., 98 & 100 Swmner Sl, Boston, Mase Oct. 15, 1868. 4l-ly GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM BLASTIC STITCH FAMILY | SEWING MACHINES. 181 Baliimore Street, Balirmo Points of Bxcelience. # | Fs e Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch Perfection and simpheity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the epools No fastening of seams by band and no waste of thread Wide range of appheation without change of adjustment The seam retains its beauty and firmness alter wasinog aud ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machi exe- cute the most beanufol and broiaery and ornamental w For sale by ANDREW MURPHY, oct 15—ly Selisbory, N.C. State of Worth Carolina, S8TaNty CouNTY Supertor Court. John W Smith. John Parker and wife Isabe! Benton Parker and wife Mary C, and Uriau Staten, Guardian of Susan Brooks, and G O. Wilhait, Guardian of Alfred A. Brooke, Mary F. Brooks, aud Carvliue CO. Brooks, Piaintiffs: against Witham, Austin, Wincy Ano William Brooks defendanta. Petition for Sale and Partition of the Lands of the late Cornelius Brooks It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William, Austin, Winey, Ann Brooks and Willian Brooks, defendants in this proceed- ing, are non-residents of this State, it is Ordered, That publication be made weekly, fur six succes- sive weeks iv the ‘Old North State,’ newspaper poblisbed in Salsbury, N. C., summoning each of said defendants to be and appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Stan'y County, on the 20th November 1869, then and there to answer or demnr to said petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso aod heard ex parte as to them. Witness. James M. Redwine, Clerk of oar Brooks and said court at office, the 11th na of October, 1869. J. M. BEDWINE ase 41 :Ow:pr.fee$10. LOOK for MERONEY’S AT THE 6I1GN OF THE BIC INDIAN. W® CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTION Of all 16 onr Stoek of SPRING AND SUMMER GUODS, and invite al! who waut the Ba‘est Stylen Beat Qu thitier, and Moat Leasonuble 1 iW er usacull, We are now exhibit lest Sok of — DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY Goong, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Coach, Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain, Kerosene and Machine Oils ty be fonnd in Western Nomb Carohaa f tora te tee ale Bpe- cial attenteen is caued ty our Been K oF BOOTS AND SITOES. Ladies’ Sewed Goat “kin Shoes $1 50 per pair Pegyed Baimore!s leatier lined, i iu Fent’s Ralmorala, very best sia. k, 3 : Pump sole boots Youths and Misses Shoes of al! Good Calicoes, 19 1-2 cts por yd. We afe als agent« tw tir best AGKICULTUR AL IDPLEWENTS —AND MACHINERY. evel The Buck Exe Mower and Reaper, Turbine Water Wheels, Fine Engine Deep Well and Force [Pusnpes. French Burrs and Corn Mills, Threshers and Cleanera on fwheels complete, Cider and Wine M ils, Star Cotton Gn and Condenser, Grain Drills, aco tqoalttives best Caltcoes, 16. Manulacturers of }r'res an tiv Sulky Plows, Smnuiters and Cleaners, Circular Sawe, Rubber and Leather Bo liing, and many other things too numerous to men- tion, all of which we will sell at tee Manutee- turer's prices. Come, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing you may wantin ture line We gnar- antee the Machinery sui by wsto give satis- faction, We are also agents for Singer's New Pami- ly SEWING MACHINE, for which the is no eqnal Warranted tody ali hinds of word, and to give entire satisiection, of the money will be refunded. &F GOOD PINE LUMBER farnisbed at the depot, on short notice, We will be found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row. MBERONEY & BRO. FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Loree Power Portable Engine, for colby june 11—23-40 MEROSEY & BRO. Pure Ground Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Cloves, Vinamon, ke. te Paver Spices are all in bulk, just from the Spice Girinder®’ hands; and are therefore war- spnted perfectly and although at least 25 per than cont those kept in ackages, they payin setioget ata lower an a sup- | DMINISTRATOR’S Wotice, Having qualified as Administratrim with the will annexed of James C. Smythe, notice is hereby given that all parties who have claims against the estate must present them within the tune spev ified by law or thie notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per- sons indebted to the estate are requested to make early settlement, JULIA C. 8MYTHE, Oct. 12, 1869.—41:67 Adg'ra SECRETARY'S OFFICK, Nortn Caronina RatLeoap Compavy, ply just received At E. SILLS, Deng Store, Salisbury. Company & Ovteber 15, 1659 } At a mogting of webct Of Virion of the Oct. 22, 1889. 42-2 North Caroliny Rail Road Company at this of fice on to-day, it was ordered that th re toa called meeting of the Stockholders of soit Com- pany held jn the City of Ralei9h on Vocar-day the llth day of November next. < hora who cannot attend id person wil! >! tls rep resented by proxy FPF. AL ST AGG, T 42-2 ay pape Pe adh b gn bee wea Tee eed he Be te hat rah Che Oia North Stat uals mana \ The Great Amenivan Tonic and Di-| ada ten Dea eapedte ft Editor and Proprietor. ‘ eae A ve nown, rplbe: Sn 6s Seer ic ck) Oe NN epitin Bear” ote, made RATEA OF SUBCEIPTION © ‘ofthe purest and beat VEzerble Tonics -ans! Oxi Yeats payable in advance... 03.00} Atomsrics Hawn to the profession. They-a’so Six .Monreuts, Be Ken dn gh AO contain twenty per'eeut of Fm 8 ba & Copies tu vne RAATERA,. cas acer +s gt Oe tary Be DC 0 tb gee 10 Couples to one nddress,..% Sate tnst 20,00 } Whicty pike’ Hier, begonit afl “qnéstion, he Dates of Advertising.) *~ | best DIURETIC in. extetenee ; undefor Dis: hawks — vag | trebsed Kidneys, Blartder aud Usthars Orgais, One Sqnare, first insertion;....-----+ $1,00 |iave ne superiors af. any e vall -Phise’ who For each additional iusertion. .~..---++ 50] trythese.Binert, for the following Diseases Ypesialnotices will be charged 50 per cent bighor.than the above tates. Court and Justice’s Ordggs will be publish~, ed at the same rates with other adv ertixe- wilhin every entetind thom a’ safe, “pleasatit, spcedysand effectual Rentedy =." p © Prey crea sure »preventted’ and ‘eure ‘for Thits und Fever, aud ll Malaria! Diseases ments. DYSPEPSIA,» - 4 Obituary notices, over six liues. ebarged INDIGESTION, ; as advertisewents. SICK-sTOMACU, $< COLL, ~~ CONTRACT RATES. SICK-HEADACHE, —— 7 45, 4. & a BRONCHITIS, Fivaiog ja FE ASTHMA, New! S| 8 whe CoLDs & COUGH, SPACE Seis ee NEURALGIA, oe a 1 Mt OS ot ae GENERAL DEBILITY, = wl é #« Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &e., and evry : a t Di-cace reqmring a geperal Tome impression, — ——— —-- FE For Diseases weculiar to Females it is (F250, 8375 85 00 85 50 813 00 almost a spoerfic. f : i 1 SGUATC. 0 Seaers. 450/625) 8 5013.00, 28,00 gg th convalescence fron Typhoit } wot ; \; ‘ OU NG ve fi yphoif anc 3 Squarce 600) 9.00) 12 00:20 00) 39,00} ore low forms of Fever itis the ver. best : le , Y 4 Squares. | 8 0011 00,15 O0|25 00 37,50 Yonte that canbe hsed, } Column. 11 00.16 Qo; 20 0 330 OO 45,00 ‘{1é Compoand Geitian Bisers meet w ith $Coluna. 13 00 24.00, 30 00/45 00) 75.00} unieersal favor, avd have reecived the strong 1 Column. v0 est testimonials evec givell fo any mediciue, a jew of which we apperid below: This is 19 cerfity that [ have wied Dr? Guat! dii’s Compontid Geation Bitters and eleettul ly recourmend it gs the | very best: Butery that can be used fur ordinary debiite, dek 21 vila!) &e. B. M: HOLY, M.D. Lipscomb, O-ange Co, N.C.; May 15. “69, I fereby certify that T have been using Dr. Goddin's “Componnd Geurton Sutter®,” for Corgh. General Debuity, &e.. and Lam fally Aatietied (Hint they afe the best Diners of which [ have anv knowledge, and the best Tunic ul- fered tothe American people ROUT, YUSEATER. Rs 00 40 50 00/80 00)130,00 “LEGAL NOTICES. Worth Carolina, ) Sursmor Cocety Yadkin Couaty. Spring Term. 1869. T. C.. Haas r, Ex’r. of Wm. Mackie, deo'’d. Piainf. against Elias Hagues and others. Defefidants. Special Proceedings. Petition Jor Setilement Iu this case it is made to appear to the eatistactin of the court that Thowas Mackie. Martha Maékie. Elizaheth Mackie, Jerse Makie, Sarah Mackie. Elis Mackie, Hiram Martits, dud his wife-Calbaiu. Milas, Reese). WTenn¢o county, Va, Jané 2S, 1869. and his wife Reboeen. Sylvester Reese, Hearty Da -Gopong:—Denr Sit; L have beet soffer, Shore and his wife Mary. aré nen-res dent» | iv for UWwernty years 6 ith aa affection of the of the State? It isttherefore ordered by the] kidneys; prostrate pland and stricture of she OUND GENTIAN BITTERS, - | absinh ented xind’ peoseiined by physiciane) 6 eh em ve. whereperk DAUR sae coe Rae, $2,00 See 4 ‘Mra W KE. Pell, one. los of Light. Bread conrt that pabligation be thade in the “Old arethra; have been urges ihe Ireatment a North State’ & pewspaper published ib Sal- 4 the best physicians in the couriry, one of whom isbary, N. C.. for six week wnceeasivély, pe | jx now a professor in a meyiieal college. AU fi thg the defendants to be and appear af } failed wo relieve me. PE Gimtly tied yar Cont thediext tertpoour Saperior’ Crart to be held | poutid Gentian Muteve, the feet was Wher forthe county of Yadkin. at the evurt housed pharm—ore battle cave me compkte retiet | i. Yndwinpule. on the 10h Monday after) betiove it tube the best inedicing Lhave ever the third Monday du Se ptember, 1209, then | need. v ecinutte JAS ‘A. FACLCON, Littleton, N.C, dan. 7th, 1869 Prepared onty by Dr. Gotd JAMES T. WIGGINS, Proprietary Wholesale. Agent, NORFOLK, VA. te” Por sale by Da G. B. Poulsen, Salis haty. N. C. and thereto plead answer of demur te the petition fled by T. C. Haveer, the exeettor of Wim. Mackie, asking fer au account of his administration aod a final settiement. Witness, J. A. Martin, clerk of our said court apetiiee ia. Yadkioville. Sept. 22d. 1260. J. A. MARTYN, c. 8. oc. 29—Gw—{pr fee $10.) . Drorth Carolina, it Count, Spring Term, 1869 Martha J. Howard, Pif. against {a this chee it is made to a ypear to the sat- station of fhe euurt that Allred 0 Howaed. } -_ vy ised — 40 YEARS BEFORE THE Peta. for Divoree. 4 rincula i ae ¥ Lindsey ' & Son, Guilford County, lat. Premiom, Amber Ql 82,00. +. George W Mordecai,» , Botile. of best pepper _Ua'sap,’'$2,00, ' De Welt Rlsrdochs: Wake,” oné jar of Ap? _ ple’ Butter, 82,00. Bei : Thos Bailey; Wake County; one’s pédi-; men of Sorgam Sugar, $2.00. Mrs KP Baul, one of Light, Bread, . without hops, 82,00. ys Mre PP Peveud; Raleigh, Citron Pre. i gervedy $2,00,° Pears preserved, $2.00. Mrs Banks, Wake county, dried Figs, $2,00. W F Shiiltz; Foraythe County, Honey _in the Comb, 2,00. : Mrs J B Linlejoba, Franklin county, Fresh shea -withont sagar, $2. Mre S J Wilson, Apple Jelly, 2.00. Peach Pickle 2.00. ‘Tomaté Cateap, 2.00. Dried Peaches, 2,00. E A Vogler, Forsyth county, dried ap- ples 2.00. Mrs Geo WW. Mordecai, Raleigh, Braudy Peaehea, 2.00 Mre ‘Thomas Cowan, one wreath of nat- flowers, preserved © eight months in in watural colors, 2.00. Mra SJ Wilson, Granville county, three Wool Connterpanes 2 00. Mra W D Jones, Wake county, Cowuter- pane, Diploma. Mrs WK Davia, Frauklin, ove home mide carpet, 2.00. Miva Martha’ Mills, (8 years old,) one quilt, 3.00. Mrs EB M McPheeters, Raleigh, one silk quilt, 5 00. Mies J) McDonald, Cabarrus, quilt, diploma. M:sa W H Crow, Wake, one white coun-} terpane, 3.00. { Mra J W Young, Wake, one linen shirt, | 3.00. | Mi-» Sallie, J Ellis, Garysburg,. 9no pal: of faney knit hose, 3 00. } BJ Perkinson, Raleigh, two pair of cot- | ton hoer, 3.00. | one silk homer pitty clothes, 5 00. Miss Carrie Serviec, Foraythe county | ove kit comoterpane 19.00 ' One lot ecwiog eifk, 3 00, Miva Jane Mahan, epecial mention of | swing silk, 3.00. | ' kerelifefs 3 00. ting cotlar®, 3.00. Miss Mollie Nixon, Raleigh, one box funcy émbLroidery, 3.00, skirt, 3 00. Mies Maitic Nixon, Raleigh, imen embroidery, 3 00 one box Yadkin Cocnty. Alfred M. floward, ah thé defendant above nawed resides beyon | | Mra E A Vogler, one lamp shade, 2.00 | Mire Mary Peand (voung lady TL yea he limite of the Hate and tha tMartha Jaue! § if OTHER Jlo-eard, Plaintiff above named. hath o guod | Ff . ee] cabse of vetiof against him; Icis Gagtire| Remedies ordered by thecourt that publication be made | in the “Old North State,” a newspaper pub lished ty Sa ishary. N. Ci, for six weeks sne cessively. yotifgiug the defeudant that he be aod a at the wext term of our Sepe> riot Court to’ be held for the county of Yad- kieat the Conrt Hotse fd Yadkinvitle on the 1b Monday after the 31 Monday in Sept. 13Dthen and-there to plead ur avewer te said petition for divorce filed in the. otfiee of theelerk of said court. otherwise jodgment ad coufesso will Le entered and the case weard exparte. Witness, J A. Martin. clerk of oft said court, atofice the 40th Monday afer thedd Mawday jw Aprit, 1840. Tesued 22arday of Sept. 1569. J: A. MARTIN. c. 8. Cc. 30—6w—[pr fee S10) ot hl a Worth Varolina, Serrrwva Covar, Daviz Cocsty Fail Term, 1869. Petition for Sale of Lands. John & Maxwell, Administrator of Jubn Maz well, dec’d., i FAIL FOR BRONCHIAL AND LIVER DI- SEASES read the fullewing : Thomas H. Rainey, Req, Granvil'e co-, . Ue. sags, “1 find your Mills to ye the beat family mrdi- cine f Wave ever ceed. They have proved very ben Helal in ey own coer 1 bave been very mock ef flicted for Giieen fears, and have tried every kindof medicine that | could get, bat have fuund more '© lief from your Pilis than all others. My disease is beanehial affliction, and a complete peostraton of the nervous system. | have need them in ten oF fit teen casesin ny family, and Aud them to be the very thedicine Jor bearly a') famity diseases.” Who Cure is Thorough. Kenneth Haynes, E-q., Clerb of Colgmbcs connty court, writes (April 2, £S65:) “Poring the datter ftof the yesr 1852 | Wes revereiy ailicted Wits iseased liveradd many nights * hie in bed the pom woa!ld become so excraciating that I was Compe. led to get oat of bed an: eit up (entil the n woold sabaide, 1 procured a few boxer of 1 e wUTHERN HEPATIC PILL. and the first dove I took cave me great retief. ji continued to tre the Fi @eess, and have not + liver diseuee dace... { have tecommeniied them according! y aad severa! ins are in want of em. At @koanete a mremy to the Laman tystem and ia at warwith it and will conycer it. anies: natere e for two ered frow with a!) Qhe asaistance it can receive trem strength against ening medicines and «nitable nent Thomas PB. Maxwell, Thomas M. Brock Jas, | congaer thy 5 which woud Le beet to t V. Brock, Sarah B Naylor, wife of Genja. | Medicige before et sick tap event ac knees or ’ ' ay » Per to take medicine af no getaick to cures.ckners. min T. Naglor aad Canilia A. Brock, ba ryt word to the whe is enouzh of ward Brock aad Jobe EB. Broek, iver chil Exerc xe your ern fad; ment in Té mors cf de fense * the enon.y will come. be se als ready With The Southern Mcpatic Pils, dren of Join W. Broek, deceased, Te this case it appesring to the satiefaction of the coprt that James V. Broek and Sarat Naylor, wite of Ber {gain 8. Naylor, defend ants in thie case at B@ residents of (his State: Therefore, it i¢ ordeced by the coart tliat pob- lication be made jor siz weeks in “The Old North State” newspaper, notifying the sa) ide. fendants to appear before the Judge of ont vest Superior Conrt to be held for the coanty Jof Davie at the Court floose iu Mocksville, on the Grst Monday in April, 1870. then ard there to answer thé petition of the plaintiff, filled in this court, or judgmeot will be taken ea parte ad fathem Wide TW. Rc Anetin, Clerk of the Fipe- yor Contr of Davie Camry, af office in Mocks ville, the LIiN day 6f Septeruber, A D., 1869 rome : TOR AUSTIN, C.S.0. | where tney sett he promptty attend Jane 41 -6{prfee $10) Foo theee Medicines call on all ceppectable Druggists WORTH & WORTH, | ove cy Pee aoe Lestablishea 1385S. LEPAGE BROS. & CO., GENERAL for rid Bilrons diaages, cansed bya DISEASED LIVER TO ALT. EMIGRANTS,—Yon are about to make a home for vourselfand tamily‘n ® climate which you or they have not been accustomed to; you will. of conrse, ve exposed to all the diseasewpecaliar to that ciimate, you shoa!d de carefal to use guch Med- icines as are adapted to the disenses of that climate: you wilf find the greatest security iu the ase of Drews’ Socrapry Heratic Pints. They can be to any point In the United States be Express. PRICK—Borene bag, Of corte Dor #1.20— inl Genes } $10—On. Gros ree Groen, $0 - Five Grosay @TS. | The @eeb mnt either accompany the drf@et for the Med or it Will be sent 0.1) 1. Or lereehetld pe address edto G. W. DERMS, No. 23, Soura CaLactm #tr rer, cine THR andersigned have this Gay formed a copait- nership for the parpose of continaing the GESR«1 Com stto® aby S80PINO Boar stan, as the imme dace snacessots to the late firov of Wont & DBNIEL and D. G. WORTH, and hope by strict attention to the intetesta of their shippera and friends. to give good satiafaction to all wioimty favor them with business, B.G. WORTH, Comission Menchants ” tumuton 1602's \COTTON FACTORS, Ayentfor N.Y. and Noith Carolina steamship | Gommerce St Worfolk, Var Taine, Be md : adelp!.ia ni-Weele. tNonuthern Mai! Steamship Com- pany, to Philad : . | CESpecial ettention paid to the sale o Amith's Ling New York Sail Pa Kte. | GRAIN. COTTON and all other kinds. ¢ Ca ‘ teambaat Line of f oe 4. : | OUNTRY PRODUCE Deaters in Begging, Hope, Iran Ties ne P'na- pas ‘ as - a : ter.( ement. Ha y Vernven Guang aud Daugt's| 2” Liberal advances on Jronsignms Super Phosphate of Line jand prow) t returns. july9:27— 9 | | | } M That etl, bing known and well tried remedy | ' old) ove Silk quail, 3 00 Blind puplia of the Deaf Damwt v the | “gad Blind tnsttute ef North Carolina, | one Jot of bead work, 5 00. Mrs E M Nable, Jolmeton coanty, one jot of Cashmer wael, 3.00 Misa Laura 8. Williams, of Wake, one case of Wax flowers, 3 00. Mr ML Plate, Raleigh, one vase of Wax work, 3.00. Mre John B Neathery, one Bequet of pa- per flowers, 3.00. Mies Jennie Everitt, Hand-work frame, Diploma. EM MecPheeters, Raleigh, one ‘ot feather flowers, 3.00. of Mise Martha, Bryan, (11 years old.) aac! pair of aigted vases, 2.00. Mias O Nelson, Ralcigh, one frame of Worsted Work, 3.00 Miss N J. Dapree, a blind teacher, one hanging basket, &o., &c., $3.00. Misa Sallie Boashall, blind, from Bean- fort, N. U., one lot of shell work, 3.00. H T Clawson & Wo., Raleigh, one d ran- ery curtain, 3 00. Lot of Looking Glass frames, 3.00. Si case and contents, 3.00, Shaw Mrs E S Smith, Raleigh, oue Afzha, | § 00. rs BG Hayes, Raleigh, one Pine Burr frame 3 00. John BNeathery, Raleigh, one embroi- deed Piano cover, 3.00. Mra 8 G Wilson, Henderson, one Jot of span eiik, 3.00. Mrs Oettinger, Baleigh, one lot of Mil- linery 8 00. H T Clawson & Co, Raleigh, lection of chromos, certificate. HL Clawson & Co, Raleigh, lot:of win- dow shades, cornices, curtain materiale, &e., certificate. Mies 8 A Partridge, Raleigh, one paiat- ing of cattle, piece, 5 00. Mies $ A Partridge, Kaleign, one best water color painting, 6.00, Otto Salzman, Milton, one ornamedtal best eol- clock, 3,00. . Mrs R W Best, Balcigh, one albam quilt, 5.00. Mis WJ Young, Raleigh, one crochet udy, 3.00. Mra AM McPheetcis, Raleigh, 4 table mate, 300. Mies ML Lindsey, Raleigh, one knit shawl, 3.00. Mies Maggie Pe: tres, Raleigh, especial noti¢e of oval shell frame Most beautiful and well finished painting, designed aud painted by hiss Blanche Fentress his work, the origina: having baen broken in transferring it to Floral Hall on Monday last, 4.00. varioirs apeel “Sing, Bin a) Sle EWhat-wbilethey fad P13) same elas, Mise Carrie Servicc, three silk band- | ee in a 1869, ce *” Se hehe Se eget 2: ee) ee Sule’ Del re Pat wolle Apesg pec iw = yey be? ee oe ey AN ys Re ate potty CNT 7 BE DP) pew’ he de * tags Sok 5 BAR 'e f ~bp Te tn Me ee: at ¥ cy as Kase Seemed ade 106 “ “Binding, &e. Report of Com- exhibited’ ave reapeeifiily reports” . ’ the best single rh Fob Printing hi the framed Ba sé Cards,” markes e wite Fair, av asin, No. (fin Chies’ 4, Division 3, Depi. 3, StS Lartefield'») they find the, general variety io frame No. “be. “(Nichole &, Gur ‘Ypan’s) to’ he*duypsrier, aid. therctore ad. utige ir Ontiled so7the Promiam, If. FSelos of, pricting paperexhibit- ed by. W B Allggeec, &e, ix of finegqual- ity and eiticied to. a premiom. » Tid of Blagk Bobks, No.2, Olver 4, &e. are, thebest aud entiiled toa preming. | 1X, In.Book. Printing, thecomualttee | find sevetabeékoetient andl. creditable «pe- | cheiis, viz: (a Volame of Supreme Com | Reporte) by Nichola) & Gorman; pauphep priated by MS. Littlefield for| the Superintendnt of Public Lastraction ; | and No>G, for Jolinston’s recent work ov | Fusanity) by T, M. Hoglits. ‘Phe fatter, | afivrsoygewhat difficult comparison, they adjadge to be entitled to the premium, Very vespeetiully, &c., Sratroys Gars,) A. L-oturs,. “4 ; J.C. Marcon, } Uommittes. W.H, Moone, ) Dept. 1st - Division 1st —Live Stock. CLASS I—THOROTGNBREDS. Best Stallion, over 4 years old, J J Batsle, Rocky Mount, 25,00 Best Brood mare, over 4 years old, BteMeCrary, Uiliebere, 15 00, Best Stallion, over 2 and ugder 4 years, Perer RB Davie, Warrenton, 10.00. Arpecial premium is awarded to sorrel colt “Leme,"” owned by PB Davis,.of | Warrenton, | CLASS UW—LIOHT DRAPr AND SADDLE HORSES. | Best lotr Mugcovey Best. broad F -N.O, 3:00, Best corn on stalk, 6 “Greateat.variety shed wheat, 8 “varieties, Best Norway ‘oats, by J B. Swith Rab HT VThe Binding and. Several exeea | Hyeollent spec a | Stock cotton, best xpecimcn, BW Green, Post apecunen, seed edtton (Peeler) De OQ Best epeciinea dressed flax, Mre‘W Fj Bi-wt epecuuen Irish Rotatocs (Rose) J Best-bale eofton, 400 lbs, LH Saandere, Best specimen, 50 Vhe seed cotton, not entered, best op Best Beat ‘epiectnén cher-t, Best hairel Goat, J. M. Meek, Raleigh, Best wheat; (B) white, -by 'N 6 Weges Haytyood, Raleigh, 30.00. °° * apart ae a Pan Rael, Py ees Tarkey, . W. A Nast, Pitt ing, : qr’, 3.0000 °°: | Bers Pic ae GRAIN AND SEED." o : 2 coro; by W BP.Shultz, Salen, : atalke, 31 eArs, s G. Hayes, Raleigh: 3 00," ‘ Leas Lexiagiou, 3.00; 4 J.B Smitli. Raleigh, 3,00. oigh,. 3.00, end é imon Norway oafs, worthy of premium bat notcenfiicions gnantty to demande premiain, by Toukins and Skites; Thomasville, Diploma, COTTON, HumP, &e. Raleigh, 2 00: Ellis, Branklin, 5 00. Sholte, Salem, 3.00. BSuuith, Raleigh, 3 00, Olay ton, Jabnston qvunty, 20,00, weet -potatura, BW Green, Wake, 3,00, ere Besrepeciinen-Liuseed.oil, WF Shaliz, Falem, 3.00. ? exhibizion. a BUTTER AND CHTESE. ov batter, Gths,. Mere SG 8 00, W. Woodfin, Buncombe | Wilson; Granville oe Elk Monutain county, 5 00. PrOUR, MEAL, 40. Factory, firet premium, 10.00. Second premium, JM Pondergaes, Pitts » 00, bore’, Best Stallfen over 4 years old, Dr J c} Beat tarrel corn meal, Alexander Odam, | 506 t Leathors, Mt"Tirzab, P’s.; 20.00. Seeoud best Stallion over 3 years old, Rj Best barvel Nees vit W.- Graves, ¥anoey ville, 10 00 { Best Brood Mare over 4 years old, Henry Crabtree, Hillebore, 10 00) Best Brood Mare and colt, Hiafoy La- nias, Klevation, Larnett, 10.00. } J © Clayton, Mt. Tire, Pa, 10:00, Best Sadie horse, mare or gekting, Whar- tow J Green, Warrenton, 10.00 | ' Seenond. beat -eaddje hore, -d&ce., S Rj . } . Maat, Kigtre!l’a 4.00. . Best pr matehed eatriage horses, Whar- | ton J Gréen, Warrenton, 20,00. ¥ Lee, Raleigh, 10.00 Best Single Morne, Tf. F. Lee, Raleigh, 10.00. 1 Seeond Best Harness borse T IG sicher, 2G ral We { Mrs 5 G Wilroa, Grinville, one suit Cb) yg Stallion aver 2 and ander 4 Yeart, jy... commitice beg leave to tall epéeial } Seer h iage race, I Mies Mary Atkineon, Raleigh, three tat-| Seeond best fe match eartiage boracs, 1 l | A epecial-premiam of $3 is awarded to J) § Henler of Haysne ereck, C! atham} county, tor Grey Cais 15 CLiss 10 | Beat pair Work Oxon, K PB ' eyh, NC, $20 00 iuouths old. stile, Ral CLASS IV. The eemmkttee recotuinend that the pte- miame be equally divided Wet ween Ww B Crow and T F Lee, of Raleigh. CLASS V —BEES Best ewarm Italian Bees, WE Shultz, “Best Rotabaga taniips, Jolin | Salem, N © 5.00. | Beat fot Native Bees, WF Shultz, | 600, One hive observing Bees, exhibited by | as . ) Kecommeuded worthy pet ee as Wo Shui. of notice. Diciaion 11I.—Class LH. | Deritan, Devos, &c. | Best native bull, Wilie D Jonce, Fortest- } ville, 5.00, | Dest Durham ball, eih, 10.00. | Peat Devon bull, A H Temple, Raleigh, } NOC, 1000. | Best Grach bull, WR t 10.00. | One bull ealf, 8 months old, pwaed by Sherwood May w yod, Rate igh Diplo- ma Best Poland milch Cow, J P H Rass, Raleigh, ( special pre mium,) 5.00. | | | { Beet Alderney milch cow, C M Busbee, | Raleigh, 10,00. One bull calf, 18%nonths old, owned by JN Banting, Raleigh, C ©, Diploma. Division V—Class 1. aWINE, PO'UTTRY, ETC. Bes’ 4 Chester Pigs, M W Smith, Ral- tigh, Wake county, 5.00. Best. Chemver Boar, Jenkine & Skiles, Thomasville 5.00 Best | hoster Sow, Henry Tate, Gicensbors’, 5.00. FSSEX, FTC. Best Eebet Boar, O.D Lipscomb, Raleigh, 5.00. Best Exeex Sow, E B Haywood, Jr., Raleigh, 5.00. ADaS8 111 — NATIVE. Best two Native Hoge, Henry ‘Tate, Greensboro’, 10.00. Class IV— Poultry. Beet pr. Chickens, Stonefenee and Irish ‘Top knots, J G Arrington, Hitliarde- ton, 3.00. Best pr. black Span'sh Chickens, Thom- as H Battle. Raleigh, 3.00. dest lot Brahma Chickens, | Greensboro’, 3.00. { | H. Tate, Best pr. Poland Geese, W A Nash, Pitts- boro’, 3 00. Crawford, Ralcigh, | ; } } ' | | | | | ' Best collection Wilaningths: vw Oy. gs, Alexander Oduu, | W rlmington, 3.00. FRUITS ADAPTED To THE SOUTH. | Best aud greatest. variety of apples, 77. jreeus | h varietiox, d Lindley & Sov, bore’, 5 00. atteutiou® fa dolle-etion of apple, 74 varticties, Mere SG Wilson, Granviile county, Te comneutl « premiam af 6.00 ter, (29) “ad, being worthy of epecial fiottee Vogler, Salem, 4 00. Beat areal greatest vatlety af grapes, La supet Froctick, Ken msvill®, 5.00. wea C Ileze exhthied two varieties ot 1 PUBLIG, | Miss Hoge, Raleigh, one embroldercd |” Oparlorie, 5.00. Isabella avd Catawba gfapes, worthy of special notice. FRcrt’ TREES. | Mesere J Lindley and Sona, Greensboro’, | and G@ We Westhnook, of Ridgewdy, both exhibit fine. specimens of fruit frees, the committee recommended “a division of ue premiua vf 5.00 Les tween them, TFoReTanres. white W IL-Williame, Frankha, 2.00 Beat beete, A © Dege, Wilmingtouw, 2.00. ‘figure, toet turnips, Ralcigh, 2.00. Salem, | Best tomatoes, Joho Tigue, 2.00 CLasg ITI—UWEAVY DKRATCUT. } old, Edward Hoswell, Forestville, 20.00 Second best Siallion over 4 years. old, Jordah Tyeon, Sr, Egypt, Chatham tr, 10 00 Dest Stallion over two and under 4 years, W H Bailey, Woodsdale, Person conn: T¥, 10.00 cou David Hinton, Ral- | Beat Draught Horse, Upeharelh & Dodd, | Raleigh, 5 00 DIVISION I Beet South down Ba k and Ewes, Benja- min Kirkham, Rat-igh, 15 60. CLASS H— NATIVE SUREP. Beet grade Back, John Price, Raleigh 5.00. T—CLASS I CLASS I1I—GOATS. Boet erehmere Goat, Sylveeter Smith, Raleigh, 5.00. CLASS I1V—JACKS, JPNXETS AND MULES. Xeet Jack with approved certificate, A J Blanchard, Ralvigh. 20,00. Best fonr mule team, D P Stedmav, Ral- eigh, 20.00. ; Best single mnlo—4 years old, W M Es- tes, Prankliaton, 10.00. Window saeh and blind, WC Betts, & Co, Bash Hill, 5.00. CAEINET WORK, &C. One cradle, W FP Shultz, Salem, 3.00 Une rocking chair, W oF Shulia, Salem, 3.00 One centre table, W F Shultz, Salem, 3.00 One waeh stand, “ 3.00 Que bareau, W H Moriis & Co. Raleigh, 3.00 BOOTS, Sil ES AND MATS, Beet pair genta double soled boots, EA Vogler & Co, Salem, 3.00 Best pair gaiter shoce, J) C Marray, Ral- eigh, 3 00. The shoes exhibited by Messrs Leach and Shelly were-of excelleut quality aud material, Beet br gana, E A Vogler & Co, Salem, N C, 3.00 SADDLERY, ac. W B Untchins & Co, Raleigh, one Som- mirsault hogsxin shacter, 10.09 “ “ One. set-of two shorted Narrieks, wagot hing techuical language as much as si- Ise ta Wiriety offered be Me PB ee |e . ” = of dried frwits by E a\ ng} ff euat weailek whet ani Bo“ removed yw Hinde ae Guy Raleigh, 5.00" |W ne on as test iS 7! x ow : ee: ¥ x Ytind the "Catawba more difficult to bib ys Thos TH “1 tydnufaeture, as itis so: disposed to run | ees }Lboitie se carly yud work fe tightly, con- fiaing the eo wit ike Obed pngne, ‘and ‘T have ‘how sparkling Catawba that will throw a cork thirty, Cofeord Grape makes ‘aalightiel woe » wey cf Ay Heat corn eng J M rea , Peas I and is not to “sour ar bevome acid, oe tay: ‘oi ‘sak Ag ou ow: |. beget ycar frout "one Lineoln Ince Tecate ie. prt actor Seapeeane e ” tiaebnddaed Thowktie i t-ten ga wine, indie six Dna fn ti, elh | ln tate i 4 Tite fourth year. From loss than.a ieath of an acre L have made 17 gallons of wine nS year,and spared at least one-half. of wy grapes for the-table. : Now, Mr, Editor, let me ask, should not every, fynity dave pare wine in their fam- Cider aad ®ine press, James ilies any ea poisonous compounds, Raleigh, Diploma: ‘ op sold in oun Drug Stores.aud Grocerice. ) One grind stone, James M. Towles, Ral- comumnidate my eatall experience. hoping eigh Diploma. ae Rockaway -wheas fan, 5 ¥ Sou, Baltimore special, 5.00, ee fixiare; JasM Towles, Raleigh, Di- SL ’ out Dominion cider'aill, James’ M. Tow, tows Baleigh, especialy 5.00 © gy M. Towles, some. Onéowilt improve ow it, aud. be wtiro- Koititg machine C A He Friedsbur utagéd to envourage “the > growth” of the Koreythe, Diploma. nt : Grape.» If T caw get Sémure wan tk ‘and. write you sdmetitog on, ther cubtare- variety of gripe’. . Odr érter ia+ that we ‘fry too many worthless” Kip day and tan after furgign Varleti¢s ‘whe eur native grapes suit us best. . ‘ 8. Twoownshing mschiacs, J.J Kerdall, Troy's Siore Raudolpay5.00 Clothes weinger,,.Joseph > HPbompos, 4yxo, Dayidsov, Diploma, Ove charn,James -M. Towles, Raleigh, Diploma, : : LO McCown & Co, | Monkey wrench, Jagrhama, 300. - 5 Screw plate, JO McCown; & Co, Dar- hams, 3.09 . Feiwe and Jifiing pimp,James M ‘Vowles, Raleigh, 56.00%, . . Godtrey's atmospheric flour cocler and “bolt, eleaner.. Lhd .Comminee . pro- nounces thie a superio etpxebine — avd aue long teed ed | preaoiuin, 6,00 Catvon preds, Grey Utley) Raleigh, 20.00 Beasley cotton press, oma. * a en weey ANISM. Best cdtion’ strapet, .Jordan Weyl, Raleigh, 10.09. Best sweep, WW. BDann vile, 5.00. Best toothed cultivator. Very tralyyt SPEECH OF «EX {PRESIDENT FIETMORE On Monday ex-President, Fillmore had a handsome reception ‘at Louisville,’ Iu reapanee to “an addré#s of welcome be © Peale :) - wg > Mr"Magor and gentlemen of Lowisvitte, this. reee prion’ te au liqter jaad a ple fate whieh Thad ne reason to expect. Were 1 a candidate forzome high'politicalofiice, or did I gome, withthe prestige of official wwery Fanight avcount fogyhis assembly ere jo-doy, Nearly twenty have elapse since T bave taken part in political } matters. " ~ {Telos g lo my country, {applause}, and I | eanuot express to you the gratificwtion I { feelioday araceimg in pryspect adyliber- ative Lady gathered from every Staie in the-Uuion, the Union rearored, that pair | die wad’glarious Union wifigh “Jos been endangercd, bitt J trust not lost’ [A p'aase ! & Co, Boreat- — --—-- From the Wester, Demorral, PRACTICAL WINE MAKING, Lixcotytox, N. C., Sept. 1, 1869. Mr. Eptroe :+- Many of gar ditisens | Fifteen years ago T° visited yor ch f r aye a few Grape Vines and would sate | tiie first’ and last time, “and byt TBC a litle pare wine if they: knew how‘te do} Theed in it today anawarés, 1 cottd dot «o-chéaply and jitactically “T propose to | ave recognized it. ane there te \ne cive them my experioes in brief, avoid- | grand Otd river flowing along: its edge; here ts Ube great natural © fon “of | the falls whiel) has _— it withthe great commercial cities of the coustry, but now when I see your splendid houses and your beactifal streets, all seem to be ope i Th gare seem 2 yi a magiecband had passed over it.. How you could be so prosperons under all.the vi- cissitades of the past. ten. years is apacs countable, bat I eongratalate you on your good fortane.and your en- | The “Liveon Grape”. is perbaps the most generally cultwated, as it .i¢ acally the wey iat grape for our sail and sell- | angie; though aot having any ang qaaliiy ior to others, it porsdears the exeek \teneics-of all Ag ordinary vine three of } fowr yeard old will produce without fail } re twe = three bushels. —— the | grapes-eashy incre moreing. while it is, pros; y °. ' ak and place the eee and all, eky, if there be a State “the Union into a cleadtnb, or vat—the former an-| except that which , ee me birth, is the | sw org she purpose ~ presa. or sqateze (hens | State of all others 1 have learned to boo- {with the hands aatil the hous are all | %: [Applatise.] ; { “snaat,” (huske, | I’knew your iMlustrious citizen who : did honor to his Stato, as he did te'all the e and sicms,) in the vat. for twenty> s 4 "This, 18 for the purpose af al Union, and wlio now sleeps “within your | broket, a wl Jeave the juie tour hears. 1 ow tas the Beit } : eit’ ee \border, I need sot T allude to l towing the acid in the grape to extraet the E | ercloniug matter From the tiaaka “ahd give Herry Olay. [Applanse He was wy it a fine rich color, and wo extract: tannin | early and best evoted frien I was ‘ trom the stems which pregervés the wine j hie, and I can ‘never revert'to his miewory | After twenty-four hours express the juice, | withont foverence and respect. 1 beg | by means of a small press made in every | your pardon, gentlemen, L came here | reapeet like an oldAashioned eider press, | with no prepared address ; the time has land théty étcafy the juice through a cotton | long since assed tince I have attempt |eloth, “As the Lineotn Grape affords Lut ed each athiog. 1 came here simply to 4} per cent of aleobol it reqitires an adii- | thank you for this uvexpeeted reception | tion of one pound of clean sugar to the and honor, and 16 express the hope | gallon af juice whieh combining with the that you may Continue to be “prosperous, ‘and that our eduntry may be oe anited acid in *he grape generates the other 4 per | . 4 \eent of Alcohdl neeessafy to wake wine forever. [Applati¥e,] Pardon me, there- | Ariy additional sacharine maiter degener- fore, for not adding to thid: adiiress, and for contenting myself by simply thank- latca the wine into a symp. When the || | sagat is well disedlved by thorough smix- I ing you for this, tortor. {Apptadse.] ture, eet He juice away ita enoh plaer, a} ectlar ta beat, fi an open” voted and itt | will soon cotumence a violent fermentation | ee Unewing to the etrfieo “a thick froth,} Dr, Chasles Elam, an Ehgtish, physician, which is anything but clean or inviting to | has juet pablished a book fn which medi- Lhe taste | Mhis te ite first effort at mirifi-| cal problems are dietuased. Of the trans- cation, and the troth should be éarefally | wiesian of mental disorders, he says : ekimmed off w ith a apoon or “okimimer | "There ts no fone of heritage mere re- This will cease in about 24 Phe | markeble than that of tendency [0 suicide | fice must now be drawn off into a pmail| without any other marks of aberration of intellect. De. Winslow relates the case of | ki ¢ or cask, and filled neatly tothe bang. | | Bau before putting into the keg insert a}a farnily where all the members exhibited, when they artived ata céttain age a de- | spigot jth it, one ineh above the rin, to \ that the fees cat Bettle below it, and als) aire to commit self-desiroctinn ; to accom- lew you to rack tle wine withont agita-| plish which the greatest ingenaity and ia- lting it. This spigot ie easily made by | dustry were manifested r. Gall relates | boring-a bule, ineerting a smail cane anil |a very striking iustance of seven cbildren stop wt witlt a emk, te be femov d when | of oue man who all enjoyed a et necessary. ‘The juice is now in the cask, and good health, yet all possessed a rage and it possible ia.a cellar where the ther- | for suicide, and all yielded to it win mometc® doesnot range hizber than 74} thirty of forty years. Some hanged, some deg:—the jaice will very goon cominence drowned themaclves, and others Hew ont a vinous fergentation, easily discovered | their brains, Many ottier examples of thn by placing the-ear to the bung—it being { same tendency are brought forward by the a bissing noise caused by the. gas atising | same writer. I tavy add one case to the to the-eutface iatapid bubbles. ‘This wil i above from my own experienc. Sipting ugually continue from six to ten days — | one day with an acquaintance, I noticed lopgee im the coolet p)ice, and the wine! some depression in epirita, “After ta will be the better for being slower in fer. | pralong: a° siferree, he broke out inito the taehtalion. | following-dreary Attempt at conversation : 1 “My grancfather bimg Wimself, my uncte | took poison, my father slot binrself-T she! Peut ay throat.” Thé facts were correct but constant sutveillance prevented 4 lin his own hittory. TRANSMISSION OF MENTAL DISEASE. hours. tia Ag soon ns thie hissing eound has cens- ed or nearly so, the wine should bo *‘rack- cd” or drawn of before an agetous fermeu- tativn begins; atid sometimes this acetous fermentation bapervenes so rapidly that it | S°40® is not discovered by the hissing,” but may easily dc ‘ < dt Ox accovrt of the great namb« rot wonder! cc ae ae by the taste. The wine] 1 ¢ oM obstinate and. invdierate a should now be put into bottles and very | Scrorusa, Dysrersta, LtvEx Dutgate, Kio tightly corked, leaving the neek of the | wey AFYECHIONS, Geyprar Ban Husain, &., bottles unfilled, as there mast be left a lit- | made by the rated “KOSKO0,” it. has won tle room for a smail portion of gas subse- | the enmable reputation of being the beat snd moa sntly . ahi ail «| popilar medicine ever discovered. It i# daily pre quently formed, bat which will be again| fo. a hy phwaiciane, and recom: eB Oe absorbed by the wine. Still pat the wiat | many ee af our best citizen. For enie in a cool place and Jet it remain there wo~| by Druggists and Merchants everywhere. os A) kane TROU- les absence ae fed by the Greensborg’ of yj inti? the Sheriffs o Ke chun d thirty millic Jightening bu: | catinfy that paper must-have seca ‘all of our. ott} count thee find ikiisoesible: wit ‘ the seo- | Is wo J Erving therefore answer the question directly: ~~ she actually realized on the bonds, be it in eppeatnc cee ie: appe ome court en days Babee otha | shority oflaw 98, met. - PI : i M re 2 ‘ at “he F at 0 * - : OS aes a HM ——— ’ h pa ad , ti “eres issued by proper authority. State. ew elie eae ene ogee wikont vagal prtttont oie aS on Reaper ih a en ie erence ee | Le Pec oy ot dey “abopldtendorapeaon es u oe tot Aty, but she is bound ia the contract ’ a he, tebe 3 aaa : ’ po iy. AOD 3 . fF ‘ d on a Aidaninn’ " nst prope: pn issued and. returned | to be governed by equitable principles. ¢ cossfil: ‘Bu ne on : ; : ; ' ary. I We would ask the editor of the Pudriot, whéth- er, ifthis agent should . $1,000 from the] a, editor of the Sentinel for hig/the editor of the | of Patriots, own ise, on terms, ' : norized Md to 0 80, ‘would mission have no ea 4 > 4 . payed : < v of th ee Th wheo pe { COP} ‘ ] N Yor Code Vn i himself jastified in refusing, upon the legal quit] proper effort had been. made. i ler and draw de ro bnoxious to the eriticism of consti- by his agent, or pretended agent, and yet rétain | NFEDERATE CONTRACTS. for, capital ’ " ‘the | 4 Choice lot of Confectinneries ” At Howerton's. dl ne : ng d * Piece usef If so, he ought to fayor 1 The Supreme Court of the United States - : co ok ee 2 4 U- Saf of what is. known as the “né te webt,” rea- decided, in the case of’ against ree ptes specie. u it]. Fine QOommon Tobacco, imported. Ha- soning from his premises. -would the} for me ber wee ipeenee by our Pu- ra ipa ulia, Principe aD: 3. ve a editor of the Sentinal think " luring would d would : ae: + a a ‘Howerton her ofthe vey the | to. say ‘the tha bal tht pre- pe Ba : whe f ‘ . ery al ed: + stor of tke Pate take Gel Had ttn Snees eb tion which hie agent, or pret 5 fe a At Howerton's. sent “complet assortment of Liquors of all A mas A in genta ; na and grades (lt Hlesasrtan’ i : Nees > mare " For Medivinal ty-—Moore's cele- : Confederate dolians emi ealy ‘eseive theit oa- |trenty-cne Soe» ee brated) eevee yeur-dld-double- rectified - Ken- ; eircumstaness, to cance! the transaction on equi- | ‘url value at the time and place of the contract | 44" danas tueky- Whiskey —perfectly pure, : table principlesSbut for him to keep the money | it lawful noves of the United Suites?” -~ ~ Shp. ai At Howerton's. . : received of mé, and refuse td pay me may thing, | This case wae hoard on an‘ appeal from: | thus say- 4 : is little better than robbery.” And 40° every | ircuit Court of Alabamp)'and thie ‘decision in one Every variety of Yankee Notions, honopable man woiild say. With the editor of the Sentinel is would be the old story, “ao, it is ’ i i i In fine ‘hia ‘stock bas been selected with F 3 ' 2 § i e b eae th 8 a Being, ‘the bese fest at about to do so with intent to the case.” x ; 4 ' seit as wf 3 ch ey . i aaa ee fey os da to} of the x itors, When ; And we would further ask the editor of the] ‘A adesihece of aidaginaar wanp,-acitheg to uk ing relief of arrest can t great care to nieet EVERY WANT. ; prahal greene ylation ina fend tha an, nade ee St Sete, U8 Gor. denbinn oe ete pias $ wan eT meaty cea hand srs: hecWte preot:Ouatugh tne phe Hear wc impor Code is identical oar nee Gitioes Ba Or eee Pe Sib aes tet ; a a = eee ae ve, , tor 6f the Piri, exeepting hia individual bond the people they AE er sie ch othe ohne You soything to do that— But Don't Ask For | aa: dbs soul be te bio, thers te thin dianinn Credit. His otto is “PAT AS YOU GO.” i oi : : a oan belly. ma nce Sees ‘ iat 7 going torr alge by-Cnatbagy to Bioke! Fess oe ike ‘seen tannin I COUNTRY PRODUCE of every ry, and bape to complete dt by'(!.e’13th of Nov- e of the Road if the figures given ee" Vapors and ther Sd les ecvietse- fhatdid Mr. Turper do with the if Highest Market Rates, ' At W. EB. Bowoerton's, H t z s ations, could, ynder the management of an up- ys right and able financier as -the State's agent,— eatin the peeject }-- Have (iag 4 b to lia 2c Es es = much a for instance, as Gov. Graham or L folded b sec, 8 of the ie ee ‘ ©. Lash, —de Speaing bn each gnemeeer acts ill wieh folted scant ent des rr: ted the corporation yet deeper in Code, the manner of effecting arrest, as point- . SALISBURY, N. C. pay almost the entire old debt. The “new debt,” scrip was oaly worth an « wa wien wi toe pas yo b _ . = Norember, 5.1800. 44—~6n without making an effort to prevent it? ene aaa aan anon tinguished from of arrest, This was | 3° 251, as “pending” at the that others will give more. necessitated by virtue of see. 70 of the “Code Oode and by sec 8, sub-div. 4 The following telegram will explain itself: | whieh declared in mandatory ‘terms that gi! | €fmed in respect to the Comrany Smora, October 99, 1869. [civil actions shall be comrneticed by the fseu- ap to and R. R. Bawerna, Hed. w.& ay a ance* of a summons, That and that alone con- Imingtoa, N. C.: it meme process under Code system : Tam informed that yee have. authorized onus = utes wll S the sy’ Jitors of the State to say that pour company wou : . a Tor tht loose of the Herth Corotine Bail tween the parties, and every other proceeding Koad three bundred thousand dollars per an-| ap to judgment, mast of necewity original nom, and that you had the authority « yout/ order, Here we perceive a ad charter to make the contract; and that you were | ys, tnow over the old aystem ; for i worthless ready with collaterals to make good your part of the eamaat as published. 1 ‘alowed you bail became the Directors of this Company took any ac’ ; | at any time before the judgment in the action is ted. Bee. 153. The manner of proceeding ts in this wise ; immediately after the sammons is ieened, or at any time afterwards, before jodgment, the plaintiff files an affidavit (see sec. 151) with the In eecordanedé With the mle hich governs Gs in such matters we give place to the eommn- nitation of “A Tax Payer,” *feort Davie Coun- new bonda To view of thepe facts who can favor the poli- cp Of reputliation? No intelligent man whohas the interest and honor of the good Old North leaving the XN. C. Railroad, not snbj ratifeation of thé stockholders. I not pre- tend to give his exact words, but this is the eub- stance. The statement is utterly untrue. These are the facts: The Directors authorized me to enter inte contract with the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company leasing the North Carolina Railroad at not loss than two bundred and forty thousand doliarsa year. 1, of course, would get as much more as possible, but wae not authoriged U7 Cletk or Jodge, stating facts from which it can . - —_— * be jndicially inferred that they constitute one At dhe close of the Tate term of the U. of the causes of arrest enumerated in seo. 149, triet Court at thit place, im Angust A us And had been D theren al Distrlet for violation of the rf weber to nadoctenpetnn tis Ghent to} lawa, and that in drawing up the decree for : my : pencing w reat the defendant and tim to ball io a sale of it be had directed the Marshall to cloring with report 51, 1868, | certain sum and naming «return day, seo. 153. tise the ame in the Qld North State for be noticed on : The defendant on being served with a copy 2 apace of twenty days. We thanked Mr: sia a, siz the affidavit and order of arrest, must give bail back for this set of kindness and, of course, ex: £213 giz wJchsnieyie oki fed ta the order, pected that the advertisement would be made in ag Z 5 2 ska avtuag cotathdly tol Saneeied hy gative’ our paper. What was onr astonishment, there- -s s a two or more sufficient suretiel to the ‘effect aud Green bay tothe}. Pt THE ONLY GExtrkn mrnoven fore, en ne arto a a 3 that tbe defendant slall at all timesrender him- . ~- |OROIDE ae WATCHES, paps e 2 <)a} > | self amenable to the of the Court, &e., SSS ae iutnet OROIDB WA ya . 4; l2 sled g seo. 157. The tie entitled by sec. SPECIAL NOTICR” — ~ 2 Ek apesep ons ice rae tee oratien ta en G8 ‘as be Z a Ries | 153 to twenty days, and? by sea. 174 at -- — | are equa oh rtion in the Old North three week a - y any - would have ost the Government $30. The $3 & = z3 , ee t eae te neta of the Benefits of life iS Deputy Marsliall, who made the aale, informe eo ln __ a ‘ , ie Lecktoun of bei Tt is mode tio 04 of the rmnie us that the Standards bill for the advertising Rags 3 2/38 . ™ | Sheriff by see. 162, to notify the plaintiff or his DENIES, Agedt, yas $115.50, ‘The Old North State has » good E 2282/9.2 g'4" —— valigal hind he aehcetine: Sunitins on ; circulation it the counties of Wilkes, Davie and eS sh ' - . de ay eee Tee wi please accept a Yadkin, where he property wat to ‘be mold, B/2S35 |e“ 13/2 beep h Ag fs ey pce Sarr 4 Abo: paah teense yor wean yegmmeotieds while thy Daily Standard hes scarcely any wt sil, es Bail. Road.” Mr. Pike goes on to argue that Le Bee ay cepted it. Ihe excepts, the Bherift is allowed | ards, of the amount of the policy. of Loaur- Why was it that the deerce was not allowed to le Fil sabe « great through rovte Nowh sod asso (2° (3.3 } ten days to justify the bail or <ome other. For | Seer these thonsand dala aye stand aw it was drawn by Mr. Starbuck, wherehy | says it would work a loesto the-Com- FY @ecols le Os een of eee the bail must at-| nest and repeated soliditation he Wan tudeoet min of ral re de Far eatin raneeemromeems| E1Seeg (hE pAb a _eiteat Ges teeny seit me nye nda wee Government, ebile the adowtising yeald tote f . ° through the State, "It will i B23! o- 4 &} rc & tite doiattoped nse, 108 ont aa hetaniniag io ond tho Norgh America Life Inenr- been mnch more effectually done?’ Did Judge and build up yout State. | ron leis? & elif required, sec. 165; if the bail is found suffi. | ance Company we shall feel under obligations, Brooks refuse to make the decres, as desired by the} a strongest : oe hond aa i | SSss e . i vient, the Clerk or Jodge shall annex the ex- | Such as only the widow and fatherless can feel the District Attoraéy, becanse of hie didlike to a mS hee ty tone 3 oT RY £ atniration to the undertaking and endorse bis | #4 express. : . thousand dollars by the operation let the - re +. oe .| May you have snecess in mdacing others to us for exposing his conduct in the matter of the estates that if this $3 8 B 4i ullowanee thereon, seo. 168. This 18 ‘the mé* | os fh your mdst liberal company, and may barikrupt printing, or was it the fault of the ipeffected “np goes the freight and passenger S835 33 258 3 dus operandi by’ which an arrett is effected | tne tori of the widow and orphars bless you ,°S% concerns order ™ clerka? Ee certainly mnst-know that he was at @ contract, Mr. Pike, find out gees £5 BE 2 «4 ander the Code, and I think it must commend | gag prosper you in your good work. , tie THE B WATCH OF, to have the advertisement made in the i you write about, and you will tlosds + 6 4 2 3 itself, in that it meets out equal jostive to both ‘ARoARET ©. BA nov 148 Pulton street. New York. Dery ; feothat the tafiff on freight and partengerscan-| 6 | PEE 2EE 18s perties—to the -¢reditor by giving him as of Rowan Mills, N.C. | Yadkin Wi z Old North State if he had desited to do 64. Te nally rdinous anddentitictive in Ha nk | 20t be ihereared. And Mr. Welkor reports that Sss4-e8° ~ against his fraudulent debtor, the remedy itself! - wr. Holderness is also agent for the Liver: “ , must know that when Senator Abbott moved tp | Prove equally . hé was wot notified of this meciing of the Board, AA mA ES, S and by protecting debtors against atbitrary and | pool, London and Globe Free Insuranee Oom- — ee a a AND: Ne ve or ufifounded arrests by requirin, , Which insares ali kinds of ie and ° . large Nore the plaintif to give an audertaking with ee Fate buildings, Kailroad Poriiees Ves Tt ae Apples, Pesshon Pears, ties;.and the provision for a deposit in lieu of tories, Founderies, Mills Merchandise and A a0 inekedin Ge bail is eminently wise, as also the provision in | P@y® all i's losses promply. be Dn © pe : in tee. 169, permitting the defendant at any time] _, 41! yous seorenen*e Mr. Holderness, at so inepection ar correxpondence sotict- before j t to withdraw the deposit and scl cteh ak Aienive prompt attonn’ ad Ouslagnes ferns ed give bail. . It.is bat-fair too that the plaintitt| “°™ 1 ele timate consequencts, Of this no sensible man can doubt who considers the matter with a mind froe from passion and prejndice. , The following article from the -Richmond Dispatch we commend to spch of ont réaderg es miky ridt be entirely satiafied gn the subject of national repudiation if, by possibility, we may therefore there was something wrong on fcot, | T am persuaded that.after reading the above is the’ inference intended, ‘Now,’ Mr. Welker pie statement of fact» that everybody will knew that thie-Was a regular meeting established | breathe easier, and feel extisfied that it Is no se by the By-Laws of the Company, And this be-| cretly gooten hy penitentiary trick. In. concle- ing af important meeting, notice was sdnt t6| sion, gentlemen, I will ray without the fear of r succeasfal contradiction that this Road, all. told, This atticle allades t6 the building of another | has never made clear 2nd above board six Road from Reeth i he evidently means the | cent. on the capital stock, ineluding every avi. adda clause to the present appropriation law similar to the one in the Jaxt law, whereby the make much priblientions in whatever papers he , Chatham Koad.. This lease will defeat the ex-| declated, exve that declared during the'war and | *?0uld have reasonable notice of the bail, tu 4 GARD. Vienna, Foriythe Co., 9:0, t may choosé, bit’ how ean he justify bimaelf, if] happee to eee ont ivlne en tension of this Road to Columbia, and it} paid ia Confederate money. see Nara = if syapace ia wes = aes A Clorgyman while residing in South Ames. | 20%: 5 1860. Be : should we be in favor y’ na- | will further than the coal-fields, as fours truly, . , Sa ; 7 : discov it fei. fal, im mati this ome inv the” Stina} Why should we be in favor of Barina eae Re eT Sa ati ae ean ayy SW A, ee ee jnstify oF provide other bail, aad. if he] 0®% & missionary, disoovered’s safe and im | Kerceene Lamps, At Cost. , ple remedy for the Cure of Nérvons Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem | QUITE considerable Jot of these Lamps, rote inal Organs, and the whole train of disorders of them very Wy el baving bein sént to ord against the advive of the District Attorney, our interest to pay it All the carrenéy of the| not made, the Chatham Road will he extended President Grant, ina conversation with at an additional cost to-the Government of $85,- upon the eredit of the Govern-| to Colonibin, thus. making, as Pike saya, the | Senator Thayer the other da ressed the at eredit, and you desttoy | shortest throuzh line North and South. Any | wish that & special session o thn Leghsltoels concludes to justify, them that the plaintiff should have reasonable notice of the time and place. ‘If, om exception, the bail 1s fo.nd soffi- if 50, cannot un- | ment, i ; mae “ae pam we live.” The ontional tnan of common sense will see ab a glance that} of Nebraska would becalled this winterto} cient, it is entirely proper tbat a memorandum] broaght on by baneful and vicious habits, Great poniaten mt a ies vt 0ON of Ps - banks have invested a large part of their capital this would take one-half of the revenue from the | ratify the fifteenth amendment: * to that effect should bé ordered: These pro- sake h F bee by thi Manulactarers having N poqtested to Lf any explanation of the matter can be giver | ig the bonds ofthe Government. “To iate | North Carolina Rail Road, aa their line of road | — 7 . ; ; ra have been cured by this noble remedy. | dit; 030 of them, with as little delay ux posaidle, , isi ive of justice by fixi ith by those concerned we will take pleasure in pub+ | these bonds #0 as to make theni worth only half} yili be sixty miles shorter than ours. Again, if} A gold uugget weighing 106 pounds, and visions are promotive of justice by fixing with] prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted | he tow offers them at the’ Gost and Charges ' 8 f — business accuracy the correlative tights and only. Dealers whe may be j , ‘ abet ould 1 : bee he State are com-| valued at $25,000,_ was disc ’ prvi sancti : and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for pre |?” © In want of the ar- Kidhing Wms on ephiel Jemiag Ses, Sino beakete sdiahly Tia te evened Haat ras th Loveds of des covers re oor ieee Galane a few aoamge os fabiliteg OF the several parties to the proceed: | sa rtng sud using this medictiie, tn » failed Stir] or chars: ws qu reunly omierae pment gta, ment ehall have lost its credit, greenbacks will ate Tt will, toa great extént, be frittered ~~ ee ee oe ee velope, to any who needs it, Free of Charge. t in the conhien cae 1 ee i : y ith . i 5 ly shot and killed be wortlt little or noth val when the banks | away by competition of these Roads. For ex- A Minnesotian lately year, with bat wine connties . wvofficially re- | shall have been isrepar: hi damaged, the bank eatgae, ony an a Chatham Road is posed seventeen dnoks at one shot. The editor who ported, 9.504. of again .of 4,603 over his | notes will be little betier than Confederate notes | throagh to Columbia, as it certainly will be, we teils the etéty knows itto be trae Beequse : ie rity in 1867. } A good currency is the life-blood of trade and | loose all the freight and passengers from that hé made 8 neal of the seventeen docks. Goverpot, Hayes’ wajority in Ohio this bog, “This word has been lately coined and fa much| 44<z#8#. JOSEPH T. INMAN, wetter Fill besold corrospondingly cheap at better to express the iden than the participial- Btation D., Bible House, At B STLLS’ ee [noun “issuing.” Oct. 1—6mn Wee York Cy! Noy. 5. Sab TLLS' Drug Store berber ie eT SALISBURY, FRIDAY, NOV-6, 1660 : New ADVERTISE! Sale—R: W.. Foard, agent, Weoare wal acquainted with this land aod know tw } whoo. thi by ety) very valuable. / ah oy Pee ott on odo , $25,000 worth of New Goods. at, Hower hey did wot crow Song Basse ton’s—Howerton is-an’ ‘en glug’ . mie) Seeaceate re bs se etiein Sa aatae chant—advertises liberally ‘and_gells oheaps! .)) ich they had & rig eee See eens The ChesterS. 6. A i eedhh oitedetcan tiecliermaar tt raat The Chester geod - | however pledge 1 ; « A Sa Pg eee | ey ty’ during # oe sis " ; per. vin > ee [ ts :) Court order fom Alexander "goumty, > re scarcel Hostetter’s Bitters —Cutes i vide the'pelt The Orgoide Watch Yadkin Valley Nugsrys—A We Benefits of Life Ing: nee— ‘older- ness. SER Pa: oF, BE eo Kerosene Lamps; at Cost—Ap Es Silty’ Drug Store, Salisbarys » Meet z a eS. Seo interesting artidles on the. firth page of this iesue. eed A RY age ee es dt nay” There was a clight fall.of + at Ashe. ville, N. C., on the 20th of Octobera:,- ea * _ Pe ee Set Ve ee prot Sah es aes debpul: nid Pe oe > ‘i atid MaAvor.—We leara that the Commission- oa? ers of the Town held a meeting on way | and selected M. L, Holmes, Esq., P i ; presided | as Mayor protem. Mr.Holmes has at many of the mectiags ‘of the’ Board 'dur ing the present year, Mayor Long being en- gaged elswhere. There are some unpleas- ant rumors afloat ia fefereneé to Maor Long |. which we will not repeat now? . We ope he will be able to refute them te the satisfaction of every oue as soou as his mission to Chat hom aud Orange'shall be accomplished. * ~ NO Lirr Insurance.—Read the &pécial notice of Mr. Holdefness. in to-day's paper. * The North American Life Insorance Company, for which he is agent, pays.all its losses promptly, as does the Liverpool, London & Globe Fire Company, Mr, Barber bad paid but one tri- anova! instalment on bis first anual premium, yet the insurance, $3,000, was promptly paid to his widow by Mc, Holderness, Sere A Surere Ouara.—Baving occasion within |g. the past few days to call in at Saunders’ For nitore and Cabinet Wareliouse on Main ‘street our atteption wag attracted by two chairs— the one @ Jarge gentleman's cane-back and bottom chair— but the great convenience con- sists in the seat being supported om the legs by means of two steebcoil springs—thug ens- bling one to indvtge in the Southern luxury of leaning back and reading the “Old North State’ at an angle of 45 deg. without moving the legs of the chair, There being so strain on the legs, the chair should last a life time.— Wealsn saw a lady's rocking chair twnade to fit the person with great exactmess, and the r rocker artanged aponm just that ptinsiple of mechanics, whieh gives the rock’ withoat the danger of & forward. or backward tumble. — Tiuese articles, besides taaay ochers, ari worth a visit to Sanders’. e bo Care Fean Acaveunruman Association. We are indebted to Col, @ L. Fremont, the President, through the politepess of Major En- gelbard, the Seerfetary, fora certificate of annual membership in this and also for an invitation to attend the Pair of therame, whieh opearin Wilmington on the 16th of Ne- vember, and continues for several days. ‘The magnificence and generous hospitality of the’ citizens of Wilmington and the Cape Fear coun- try has long been celebrated, and we doubt: not this exhibition will be in ‘keeping . with. their well known character, and a'grand succes. We have desired to vixit Wilmington for along time, and we have deterinined to avail ourself of this occasion to dows, DV. We hope ibe Fair will be attended as we feel eure it will deserve to Le, and aw the Ghject of ite institution requires that it shall be —< en ed gentleman died at Wilmington on Saturday leet, Seniger was a ma&n of marked abili- ty and ed neveral important public posi- tions with honor to himself and usefulnem to his country. In private Ji he was universally and deservedly esteemed. As a slight tribote to his memory New Hanover Superior Court, in session et the time, adjourned for the term pon. the announcement of the tad event. a EO Tan Pusu Dosr—A rongh estimate, eo far aa returns Wave been reedived, 4 that the pablie debt statement, for the mouth ending with October, Will show 2 redaction of eipht millions, -_ So - Gov. Holden has rdeted Special Conr's to be held in. the counties of Robeson sad New Hanover, the formes to commences November 29h, 1869, and the latter’ December 15th, 1869, Jadge Rassell will preside. — --— —m - - North Carolina bonds are io bad oder in New York. Old bonds sell at about 47 and the new at about 33, pee Rerap Canotini ax. We have reveived the November amber (the 2d) of this Magazine, published at Charleston, & C.,. by Walker, Fvans & Cogewell. This is, without donbt, one of the best publications ip the country. Each nomber contains about sixty-five pages of excel lent reading matter at the low price of $2 per annum. Gall at'the North Slate office and ase a *pecimenwrember. a ee The} National Capital Convention in St. Lonis adopted rese lations, unanimously. fa- voring the removal of the capital to sume town in the Mississippi valley. Within the present year twenty-five han- dred people, mostly from conrntries, have passed throngh Pittsburg. on their way to join the Mormons at Salt Eake, A correspondent of the rt Fatm- er took tea with a Mormon r at Salt Lake City the other day, at whieh six wives presided, and twenty-seven children sat around the table. The Newark Journal nominates Gen. Hancoek a¢ Democratic candidate fur Presi- dentin 1672. The secret of the suecess of Chieago news- papers is said to lie in the fact that every man and woman fu the town take’s every paper for @ divorce notice i1 whieh they are < if oe } x all other claims; but lay this bardeti*upon your shoulders and gon will snon see your Homestgads pass away and be sambered among the “thiogs that were a schoolboy’s dream the wouder of an hoor.” Nothing is exempt from taxes, re- member that. It could lay this tax apon the Polht, it ould obty have the effect to ation from the connty, and to be satisfied by drive the Joond and still leave the your Yoo are told that this Road will enhance the value of your land. increase the priee of produce. and make labor higher, sappase it does, what will that benefit you ! ~The la- borer may geta little higher - ex, but he will rtinably higher for hie provis- (tg. Phe tormer may get a little more fur his produce; but his gain will be more than counterbalanced by the additional tax upon hidland. Thus both laborer and farmer will find that = hopes are illusory, one ont by supporti is proposition to tax the peo- ple. th y hat tiveted, upon Chaencelyos. the ehains of the bondholder, and doomed themeelves and their children to. perpetual slavery, If he road enhances the vatue of land, that ie no advantage to you, un- jess you Want tosell out. Tt adds nothing to ita fertility and cotisequently nothing to its produetiveness and intrinsic value, In con- clusion. fellow-citizens. I ask you to panse and aie the amt, a. you nake the talstep, that w e you inte repndia- tion or bandrn ref Sine AX PAYER, Oct. 274.1869. ) deinicmencee pe ayo Gov. Clayton, of Atkansas, made a speech on Friday last.which has created | the most jatense excitement among all classes, par- tienlarly am the mem of the b- liean party. Governor announeed him- self in favor of enfranchising ev oné as souc sa it can be accomplished. "He favors the reduction of taxes and doing away with at least $10,000 worth fof offices created by interested may be published aud they not fird it vat. the last General Assembly, and the reduc- tion of the salaries of all “tate officials. et a ‘| make bis home, to | Gloucester, Mass., came to ae ee ee > al Lg .~ Yer erionahans er a dia aa eke f 4 Bh aw! 4 a 2a hi ey <i f the: nd one asef PB copy on of a’ Geode, dovatry, iver Pied Ware quan and Rb a the goods Ce ef 2 arf toe ee King @ total of : fa wa ships rar i thie sear. bat a Shieago Tribune is informed open Chicago best authority that Genera of War, em and a pera f ~ Capt) F. Munroe, of the: U. 8. Marines, has been suspended for three iv fall Hpay, by a courtmartial. Plenty of money. | aud nothing to do. Cayital punishment that James M. Mason for along time one of the United States Senators fay and the ' States to Court of St. James, is now a resident of Seminary Hill, Alexandria coun-| ty. Mr Jeffotsoh Davis has arrived at New Orleans, Where the Times says he intends to Mr. Rowers. of Harrisonville, Cass 6o., ‘was arrested atid charged with ab-| It isa remarkable fact that it has been found im le t# obtain a verdict of gial- ty in the United States Court fur the South- ern District of Obio, against eonee ra- ed in whisky fraods, ¢: amoant involved was aud the parties not promivent. It has been found that oue or two jurymen always “hang.” A Child with Two Heads and Four Arms. —Drs. Divine and Overton, of Tazwell, now have in their pocormiee a natoral monstrosi- ty—a child with two heads, four arms, double t and abdomen, three legs. two separ- ate and dietivct vertibral evlamna. two hearts. two pair of langs and two gevitals. The et is femiuive. They are anited nearly to face, and precisely resemble Rita Christian with the exception that the ownat- ural action has three legs, while the for- mer buttwe, Our informant assures us there is no huinbug about the . matter, and that the iileg! this ccriosity bimeelf, whieb was itimate offsprings of a girl liv- iggin Tenwell. It a now tend —“Keoneill “Can you tell me how old the devil is?” asked and irreverent fellow of a fo “My dear friend. yoo must keejf your own y record,” was the reply. Commissioner Delano has received a lot of well-exeented counterfeit internal revenve stamps, used fur documents, whieu are in extensive cirenlation in California. The Janesville Gazette says there is a éaye! jn the vicinity of Indian Ford, Rock county, isin. filled with carbonic acid gat. fi Sateen as toextinguisha lightors A little child of Michael Kenny, in East two since by swallowing a dose of ° A Vittle Boy was Killed on last. T in Chicagh, by being crushed under a hngeiron water pipe, which chbildren were rolling in play. A woman in Indianw accidentally ewal- lowed a large black spider flie’other day. It et or aoe and incessan a, Deena séveral days after it wuk By " for some time she was sousidored id a eriti- eal condition. but is now convalescent. = = MABRIRD: At the residence of John W. Turner, of Rowan county, Sept. 234, by Ree J F Smoot Mr Nathan Smoot Dunahv and Miss Jane Rheudesil. By the saine, at the res'dence of the bride’s mother, Mr_ David. Fry, of St-nly, and Miss Lemira C Renshaw, of Rowan, Sept 30th, 1879. By the same at Ebenezer Church, Rowan Cirenit, Oct. 24th, 1869. Mr Win M Wyatt and Mies Mary W Ray. formerly of Caswell county: In Goldsboro, N C, on the Mth inst, yi the Rev AJ Finlayson, Mr. William Hollowell to Miss Lina. Brayan, of that place. On the 19th inst. at the Weldon hotel. by Rev RO Burton. Mr Isaac N Perkinson aud Miss Mary E McCox..of Po’ ereburg, Va. In Mecklenburg county, on the 28th alts by the Rev John Donglas, Mr John D Sloan and Mise M A Wilson. Tn Iredell ounty, om the 19th ult., by Rev JE Pressly, Mr W Clark Patterson and Miss Susan E Brown. ~ On the 20th ult. Mr WG Corpening of Burke, and Miss Matiie E Patton of Bun- combe. In Shelby, Cleaveland county, Mr Hhau- dler London and Miss Eli Simmons. It. Newbern, om the 26th ‘ult.. Mr WF Rountree and Mise Jnlia J Mitchell, daugh- rat aprioe | eh ’ ver Pe teas ; af fee wane d/paied ea On > we gary ‘ ad as wed’ her Chi rehi arce “5 ie Seth ed nly § ar 9 this walt Se ae pipet HE abore reward will be paid to any person who will retarn to me four bound children who ran away from me aboat two years ago. The names of children are Enaiss Ha) . Cala- weil Hiirston, and Charl» Mason and Ellen Mason All tre warned azaiust said chil- dren a or the jaw. G. G. MASON. Patton, N. Cx, Octy 29th 1869. (31-48) THE EQUITABLE LIFE Asstrance Society UNITED STATES, 92 Broadway, New York. F colpmintaindnnde Qancts against ite liabilities that will compare with any Life In- wet which is the of reaponsibility. Cash Amete.. ss. isa. ceases coed + Atnonel Preminm income,........ nee the above Company. . A. HARBIN; ; Agent. Mockeriile, March 49, 193. 4d0lph counties ; REFERENOR. Hon. R. M. Pearson, (. J. of N.O., igh. £. G. Reade, Asgoviate Justice, ~ Thomas Settle, » “ R. P. Dick, Hon. John Kerr, J.B. MoLean, Greensboro’ “ Thomas Kiffin, Ir.; ° “ J. M. Cloud, Dobson, N.C. Jannary 29, 1869. Dr. I. W. JONES, AVING ‘located tf Salisbury, offers hie \ Professional. sérvicés to the pnblic, OF fice ou Council Street, opposite the Court House and next door to the Law office of Hon. Burton Craige. May 28, 1869-tf. JOHN 8S. HENDERSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AP LAY SALISBURY, N. G [ar W ill attend promptly to the Colle att a, Yanceyville, N. 0. NM. 0. &..., 4—tf ter of Alex. Mitchell, Esq. ° @ atm + ah—ty Proure attention the sales of Cotton, oo, Dried Pruit, de COURT HOUSE april 91417 SUILOING NEWBERY, 4 , AND . * Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass end Crockery Wart, Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, be., ke ven to orders, and » Naval Stores, Tobec Commission. N.C: erwise, the osual branches of au ration, mario not incladed. ion of Oiains feb’6—]y 38—26 BACHOR, ..THE UNDERSIGNE wishes to obtain for his sister—s who has fed several years successful encée—a situation fo tescti, in a family of ots Kaglish ed's Address, stati terma, REV. JOHN fi. TILLINGHAST, Balisbory, N. 0 and A * citizen, CENER'S =}. Elizabeth in all respects; ; ; awe. L sepa econ commammestet wes dye 100 when wags i AN" i noe, a * we , va ee Tease Y LANDS FOR SALE. | Price ia store, 5; OF ; V IRGIN TA} ¢ oo Be while , ross, $7. — __ dove > HB SUBSCRIBER sifers for sale that yval-|” FARMER'S N. C. ALMAWAQ, A Rg 1 ae ene a farm in the Jersey Settlement of David- | by Janes HH, ; an exeellevt 1s wnee ee bw Soaeet cae s TER THRAIS Marre of mene matter to the It has met with unprecedented success. DONALD PLAC.” Sela Sr etet bier ‘io large éleat’ ~| Tis fortunes are established beyond ang ately on the Yadkiv River, jast below the Tra~| enpy by 10 ..coats; 3 contingency. Robes Sande a athcetadnte: her ates ball gfcbe;, por” hem +450, capital Konbsp it bn Brad a olts- ‘e in sty { grote ; P bas and aseets, against {te it acted like s charm on burg Depot. This farm contains about 800] per crore . : tat wil compare favorably with any Tit its use the ulcers gradoally healed, and her acres, sbout sixty acres of which isexeelient| THE COMIO ALMANAC FOR 1870— ee SP heal toah greatly improved. ‘It River Besio a the popsiede son J published at — rian toecaeieonas ne, ia aon cautiously administered by selected | Saved eA ing, ne 3 Part of it is still i icture illustrations, } e + | Directors and business »- BE for - ani heavily timbered. . - vith monthly estaplete, in large clear type. Tans ciasblilios fer elias Bovthorn Penrechge A Too kekeatne cured my wife of The farui is inn high state of enltivation, | Price per single copy, by mail, 10 cents; 3 OFFICERS: dycperds, ows which ehe suffered — well watered an)! stocked with well-disposed by. mail 25e.; o0e dozen by mail 60 ots PRESIDENT is now in dgtter health than she and contenjed tenants, It is well adapted to | Price iv store, per balf gross $3; per handred | JOHN K. EDWARDS in five the growth of Ovetce and Grain, and ix, alto- eee gee coke ee den bale guenerisy, wih the highest regards, 1 - ean y her, the most valoabi i desirable of ene the a! mai any 7 > yours, aw. oe ket und c this cart of the coweery. address for 25 tra. ~ See ENNIES, Wm. B. Isaacs, D. J. Haxtsoox * — ~ The terms o{ the payment will be wade lib AS. . Koskoo, the great Invigorator. Read tho era) ot aay. oes ~— Agent and rubtisher of Almanace, MEDICAL “GniTe. D nearegnet ee Rev, Joseph E. Martin, pas- Address, R. W. Foard, agent 6f BH. L. Par-| oot 16-41 Salisbary, 5. O. CHARLES H. i, M. D. tor of Wesley ‘Portsmouth, Va: tee, Concord, N. O, ——————— Lae R, AONE Py ge te “Phis is ta eoredy chat myself and wife hare Now. 5, 1869. s3—cr | TURF TABLE--M. C. RAILRORD | #-°- osP=> Leonie. used Dr. Lawrence's Koskoo, and can testify to TRAINS NORTH: DIRECTORS : its beneficial effects, Previous to it we State of Worth Carolina, : , rey ie woseal Beury K - were in a condition of debill DO ap- ALEXANDER COUNTY, 5} sesame t-aacea | aioe ft Dara] Unve | Sniee Masten, anaes petite, sod eutivod- Some and often vio- Court. ile ~ a decane & Cobwail eg attacks of headache and nervousness. Two Edmund Kerley, administ(ator of Alfred Da- thre, Dooley, Samuel C. Terdy, bottles of Koskeo has improved our vidsop, eae T. Wortham, or health, and we regard it as end Teaac Rossel and Sie beth, 6. W. S = 4 Ba. Aveta nS. Ps le: seed of in ee Taka. pe and wife Biizabeth, G. W. Sweet os. J. Bans, H. D. v . . and wife Gyothia, Kobe:t Lowe! aad wile Jouve A. fom H. 0. a Joexrn sate. Susan, Jobn Davidson, Margaret A. ‘ D. J. Hartock, a Witham Davideon John P. Davidado, Dan ; gobo C- Wiltianss | Road the following from Dr. Goddin, the «t- 8, Davidson, Huldah Davidson, Jane David- A. Y. Stokes, A. PAA and successful “ spectuliat,” of Nor- soa and William Davidson, heirs at law of 7.8. Morton, Wm. 8. ik, Vas Benj. L. Davidson, R. H. Divreil, | am ot tg Sept, 19, 1860. To William Davidson, one Of the defenddnte Wiest Fulpe. side a xI0 Dr. eer a: ate pemartet Youare hereby notified, that s summons, in ae er NO with the most y resnlta re. the above entitled case, has issued against you, "TRAINS Will pet run to Sica ect? amen Feb. 12—-ly INGTON, N. isfied myself hy that it oon) and the therein was filed 10 the Sa- [ies © tectinp are whi! be broug? : that disease in its worst and most malignant perior Conrt of, Alexander County, on the 171h|'% ° Me pemengeritain, Ss een vera from tbe sys- “tel om terest = — Seiedienea pean sd tv. donee me oa notified, that the ex the nae retumable to ae nten tatkel tie er a want great popularity which it bas _ Saperidr Court aforesaid, to be beld at the Gob pear dire 4 shaven ed. ; N. A. BH. GODDIN, Goa, Bones in Taplorerile oo the 26th day} ay, aS a BAS A fies ely Mee Ge KOSKOO!! requ to r answer t c 6: , @ deka wheedt te phituris Suma ber 640 PP will y to sad Court for the relief demand- | 34 7 7:10 7:16 wl Winesn KM Bharenson, Clerk of thainial oh Piney tevemn, eb 2-03 CURE. RHEUMATION itness, enson, t 60 Hi vern, &: . aa Coort o at Taylorsville, the 3d Mon- z — SS 9:48 2 RERES 4 in Au 869. organtoh, vy, ™ KE. M. STEVENSON, GOING EAST. eam Os ome oe A no . Clerk Superior Court Alexandet County. | MILER | STATIONS ae a received s6 much benefit from Y, Rderial 44—6w(pr fee $10) M 5109.05 Teeisub shat 1 anual talrel ees oapreuing » clea 10 I 250 Pp. m 255 inde. 5 hed tiied clmesd THE CUESTER REPORTER, 20 Hickory Tavern, 85 &40 et aaa A WEEEL® Wawa aren, evsi fewer sr % Newton, be) a. vet Roakee tv oh Fapalibt pees B.C. MELOBE, 8.4, BRABLET, dr, |42 Catmwrtm, ts ais om hoe cose ketas weed, toa, to te AT. CHESTER, 8, C. 55 De, 6:23 6:33 as I can learn, bat never failed. If you only TERMS—Intariatly in advance..........+<4 $3.09 | 7 Greek fas 7:98 knew the emncavanout of suffering — 80 ~—s— Salisbury, bas undergone, could conceive the HE undersigned ofere for sale bis valathte PROKESSION AL. cures. ‘The grest amount of good it is now do- Sit Sauce NRE yee 3 3 SES” SE am inet ° w Jacobs ead thes. The tract contains 389 1-2 M. Ef. P NN TX, yours, d., oe M. BY A. Nevaos. scree 39 or 16 sores of which fe good Maapow ATTORNEY AT LAW, wate eliimmimuandin LEXINGTON, N. 0. Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: Having. been Oot. 29, 1800.—1h43 GRIRUR TH. GHEEN. W Sagi trated by several sia phywcians for ILL PRAOTICE in the courts of David+}. sia, Chronie Disease of Kidney’s Ten Cents Reward. = | «in, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Rats ility, hout benefit, asa last resort ee eens oe er OF eee entirely restored. } Lam sic, with mach respect, yout i rare. No. 6, Market st, Norfolk Va, July 9, 1869 Pacific, Franklia county, N. C., 11. 16a. } Thrs fe to éertify that for a time I have suffered very mach trom indication of the liver and constipation af the bowels, and tried sever- al. remedies, baz received no Benefit votit 1 commenced pay be gyre T took the medi- cine th, and T wae cowpile cured, and bare seind ve} T know sevetal curés made by , ad cordially recommend it as a goad medicine, , Jods H. Bacen. arr on Saux sy att Deveciwsrs.~ea FF Dr. Lanorenst’s Woman's Friend cures diseases peculiar to Fem ves. For sale by Da. G. B. POULBON, Draggist and Af Whecary, Salisbury, N.C, a 4 Fh e ee e ek ee t Fi . ~~ i ; ‘ ' 4 PRESIDENCY--CULEF JUSTICE, CITASE TIRE COMING MAN. "hs Te old Boavbea leaders aud managers: of she Nortdiurmedemaerac yc bave ~beed agdin tpset in the Into electiansy” Peadle-, tou if Odto ‘aud Packer To Palms ylvantay the chosen representatives: oF the ‘consti- tution, of Bachauan and the democracy. of | Jeff. Davis, even on assbory vote, hyve | gone to’ the witli: “Chely followers” arey puzzled! "Pley had expected, from the; —— aes SIRE 1 DEMO RAC Xyp ith NEXT} forthe Old North State, -} casts of society. He-is travelling: rilanthropist, 0s well |and surest road to poll. : : fs’ made sad, Anothe® young panvonek’ I vahe tad ‘eontliiidh } of | Lys, *that he wonld-marry 1 oe «| won't marry w elegk wi 4 Ob} "tisa ering sha ‘tis }Catoliha, that id whottde y a iP not tar better to.dwe Henrt foot, apd. aid ome, Bra rn 4 ‘fame? gra a 8 epg) ws, dt teeeps w ndifion. © : rer hrow Of slay with did hitdmairke: tai Deol Ant {here remand yy aio deobt, Who Will agter [you fue: * ee ae Ree sith ott x aetoe: | ot an Tis bemet taypave. somo. Fouhs wo, “-Besivingg wid was by wany eoukidered Fiehonorable’ fo | frome places of infony andehacio, by shat. prevailing judiffereace Among thd republi- abort A innjerizy.of the Southern peopl ing: hie Jods than, hy-g ger pefitaal, to rujty” caus, the election o£ Pucker quid Penile- tou, The reaults show that tSe populars verdiet on the eues involved io theelee- tou of General Grant remilhs.and will re- ain unchanged ; .and “bat the eonaiiva-, tion a8 it was” aud the démocratie party: as it was when reativy upotf negro elurery are ag dead ag J dting Cosar, : From the colla of the Charleston Convention of 1860 down to this day the copperhead faction Sof, the North -bdve to the last diteh, way ates thé “match of a resistloss: rewt wn. “In the ‘elitéer they wert so strdiighye neligd uh dhe paramognt constiint onal Fights of slavery that even Prcai cut Tjagola, aa “atti ale very man, permitted Gbnerab’ MeQhchany in Hghting the rebellion; to%eend the runa- way slaves found. withighhis Hes baék-to their rebel rotsters. Under thia system the war'waga wretebedfaiturs.” Campaigns were lost aud great drutieagy ormewallow- cdup, amlil at last ave Ooghs.if mjracu- joug thatthe rebels Were aeptiied from the-back door of: Waudbiignen.: At ‘this janctuare, 4862; Fate techn er ian Vaw Barony we ited “npory Horatio Seymour ay thé ddmapratic canditite ‘for Gévervor of this State, “to, take the field for’ “A wore ‘igorous . prosecution of the war.” Upda this platform he was ‘elect- cd, and in a populageedetion against the mniliga’y failares of Lineoin'sy admisistya- tion all the Central States went the® same way as Néw York. Lurderhery wh® the “lint® of. sacecss plainly dar ket oat to the Northern dem- erdty, TU was to také she lead In the wax for the Union and.carry _ it, throng, In tlie sano yeagy, howevet 2¢1862),-wad just after the barcle- of Antietam, Lineals gave hotice thir, aulesecthe yebely should snrreuddr meantitnt; he woalll,” Gu vext New Year's Day, proclafai the emaricipa- tida of the efaves in the rebel Statesx The day Came-and with ig the. peoclsmation, Wie boy oid she nessity of goitiug in7per-¢f lim both sont and: bedy,, “You know not Lon, earhing ties Freak Uy the giver af} thé forliigs"of ons young Ten @porr this theirbrow,- Gwhingzshivess avd” thy Id: }eabjecta Lis ayature forthem tauseck: te- bLorWevolving ema 7 the Whiteanay win T wile’pesociation if they.caumot fir part- wag so Utferctinat to, fave. South, inhesishig thie’ i ticle pa-y Aponsibld ja The great rents, greweupy Ta wis agar jt wi duy, Rd trarwemicsed from, generation toogeneration,] é | only becoming swonger by Ayah. ‘Tv gpipnoble tnisston befin’é you. l tire luiaring, mat tho, wasefortinzte as’ equal to tlre te Go Forth bravely, a tonocotae rich di this wayld® soo de pbraye, nobiigherrted Womch and dg your tae braiig’ ¢ rein tek Bae wey? dity. >°¢ wkabae prSdugall Rocdp , ‘'Dho wordftrde, ay, atiad puré as any thé sam + ie’Was 9 by¥e-Wword, and even epd-} sings on. Noble heagts beat ine thé. be- kere withweoti and” casitedipt,< and The} sags) | Under rv Jaber stained dress of youhe man who eit braced #-mgshianital{ the, avtiodh-beare a uotle mfanty” hyart oe pursuinexcommanicated 1laigete “fore véy | Lhe went thet so powerfully wields*heim- from sotlety, - Vepy bare. were te histan-} pleuitae. of labor will he as strong in-ygut cea where theyowerte loakedapo nar ey eu Ge. v : treated as. gentememby tnt bhayederacs | gaye th his.Gad, would bow before une ofthe South, Yea, iutheed Tahir pb “hit | shrine of beaury and worship there. ‘They tay was egnsidefed discinte 8 8 nced a. breaet halo Whielt they ead at ever Lhe war coming on reduced us all, ind tide, from tle history. of the day's joys the-end, tothe Bane fevely Néanaredubt aud sorcows, nnd gemgle words of: syro pt: laim Social postiidn’ as'w shive ‘gwuck, fir{ thy add looks of love and cheer. ‘Pts is they were as free ag thife former saaaterry Whataheud? Wee fiads them eneasiirg thetiad ves bchisda bubsavkotl'd Grim, ily mame.~,Fablin g tack apon, what, they once wore, Hvt haying brags cuougly to come oht uped merit. ee Here dawned the ‘talent ‘af Tabar, thoaghebelaany as ¥et, Auta reached: Guta short distanca,eheve Mae .berizan God | lank, i uredcbepae Deaantgl amilo, say fitdo visit us hea vill, amltake >from Ew att upever phere Tg.an woman's saujle. ud that which Was fasteargyiug: Us to-de-| Yoo! Por-din make beoptrodnablt:, bow straétiyg. le table fon nyt viteks thine borrible yoke slavery, aod allée hin- Lied gir mirwarrantable egocigieal pride aceouitabil- defeneee ! Ip Who never Yawtd tha knes, of new homes, wew firesided, new altars; Labar is togparable.’ ik meblevia either manor Wena. o Ledbor with nok vedotle upon (he xOil eraiied “dvess. ¢ Chace thie jaborer-aa yon page his by, withg dein whith fouTve: Aiwap wiclitatae udgots wd sdoPwee py nd nies tier frud: aan. | Peidk: did, lideed: conta botore tbat falbe avfatwever hig calling may be, as a frue La bot eid? hongrble, = Wipe yet. woman eboalds got pr “Jox.” cal ehauaebrough) nboas ta a feW abow f: oe == eS eet - yeagete Lae laboring -anai, de wom, te eGo. Win W. Belkoap basreeeived and straigbtway, Soymour sand -all the Noythera.. Damyctatic Bourbons bolred ha ain into opperition to the war, as a war againet the chvatichtion divthe mat- tert slavery. “Brom thiag day to thig thes takes a stand hig uypie the scale Northern demacracy, poder thah” copper bead, leaders on the ulieer qirestion, bave been thrashed and pasbed from eye pori- thon to avother, until ip these late elections they have beew dviven from, their last diteh, bostilizyeto negro.suffrage, as embo- died In the -fifteently <amoudment. ‘The revolution “js “Aubsiantially “accom plished —the negro if lienetforth to be a citizen on tho basis of equul sights, civil and, po-} litlealpand The cowstitniion of 1787, and all the political partios and dogwag foun ed upoa ds. are ag mach aineng the things of the past as are the old Freoeh nobility aud their gral estates of 1789, Srft isthat Pendicson@acker, Sey moar Meudricks, Vallandighaf,y stuil,,all that ect of fossilized Bourbous mast de Jaid fpon the shelf, wish she Dred Seo Avcision and the dogmas of Oalhoas. 7S it fs that; without Jeadets, withous: living principles, without any fixed «policy or ideas of cohesion, the Northeen democracy now stand, © Bat notwithstanding the dis- astrogé policy of their stupid leaders rince 1842, they are still a powerfal par-} ty, and ander proper direction they” may in a short time becomeagaip the dominant party.of the Usion. ‘Phey have lost sl substanee fu grrsping at the Shadow, like the dog in the fable ; bat etrely they have had enough of this, Here in New York they haye still eomething of their Jack sonian elasticity, and are bo oul dud badyant wader the wing of Tammany, aud they-bave faith in Hoffman, Wefear, however, that the bow-string of the two-| thirds rule will be fatal to Hoffinan oo the fiat twisty and what thon? Pendle _ ot Packer or Heridricks, or some such mest? Nb. Against General Grant io 1872 this woold be worte than Seymour and Blair. «» Chief Jastice Ohaso is the man, and the ofilyman, fotthe Demoetacy in the next baitler His name as the democratic can- didate wiil at nee 6xtioguish all those ob- noxious eopperhend ideas ed repulsive to tho'great Union party of the war. ‘Phe lines which liave thus ‘divided the two Rie. sigce che war will he wiped out,— he democracy will beeonic 4 new patty on pew aneirypnew, ideas and new ixsnes. Ta the nomiaation of Chase it will advance fromthe graveyard of dead politicians and partics wt the rear to-the front fine afl izo a ayetem of sory ape tit bosigy the marehing colama of events. ‘The name asid therecord of Chase, too, on the nigget, On reconatrnction, on our foreiga relatioue aud on the money. question, will be ¢ rough as the platform of this pew Democratic party. ILis name will attract thousands at Union wen ip the North who woald' shrinks frony anything tainted with copper- head: antecedents. or repudiation, and it WIT rly to the Demeritic standard thous- ands of Reptbliean tiggers in the South. No. man will be afraid of any attempt to put the government on the back track,.or the nigger or the public, credit, ancer the rallying cry of Chase. All such feare, witch have haug as dead weights apon the Democracy. 6d lang, will ba reuoved, and with Chase as their standard-bearer they will be strong as a giant reticshed with néw' wine Accordingly, at Tammany Hall is the only nucleus lef the Northern democracy sessed of political power, money and ins, we all apod: the +Lammany aachems to declare, ap least, that’ a new erier of things is Upon us, and that the V ain fe wile’enough to feedive, ‘ant with Welcooe wish nll the honors, the _ Ohiet Fustiee and all men of his ‘opivious nnd faith ef worthy members of the new democratic dispensation which is eoon- to owes. TBie will do for a beginning; for with the bapti«m of the Chief Justice asa Wig Teta all the seet will be “platir sail: ings, OW bus enye Gov. Hoffman 1 ‘ : Herald, es | laoked upeb a8 a mtn sof meri.) he appointment ofSeceotay of Wat, fu the {by the wisd as an dent, nud ath impor | hice OF. Thi whine Phe new Secret- tant ove inwociety. H6 is nollougetsag’: | ary, comeaty ug the ‘predictions of Warb- ed with the tower and lowespelosecs, bold jy gran tetrer weie.8, i6 Hoban ald-politic- M my | Pad, and ac we to the fohewng sketeh, fobuley Southern grepule” have ytomge-s0% | (por the “appear vo be j word and nobly accepted the lasne} ttn! | pplphen ad elivictes + | wow the profs ssiynal SBA, the farmer j the michante are on “shé bane Tiotiay; jorleré now wwe thatemertit' will rale had pare prepariag to nicet the feshe acvording- |1y; white others, T ror'serry 20 sayy Obe ; athuate ly refuse to bénd, at the same iime, {knowing it to be iactea, this “kicking agatiat rhe prigkas”” “Tlicy..stagd upon) dpitrec of siudice he removed to lowa and the ol “anti-bellum” crovfds, and age | tered upon the practice af law at Reokuk trying to “Bebe iLeat og. that Koc,” Ifaw-! and soon took & feading position nt the bdicds who formally tted ta aflteveehave | par, aud at qiived a lncrative prac tice, Iu Loven vetiaeed to almost abadlatl’ poverty | polition Gen. Br Venap wig a di-moecrat With the ol] idew tht labor is - Newbtrg, New York, le waeborad In 2948 be agd’is 3D or aD Years of age, Aailietidy ; he soot alter coanaeyeid the stay. af law at Georgetown, D.G,, wider fag! Caperton, Keq., a promment hwyer a : t thabiplace; when he had ent pleted hie vdiaccace, | peop to the bveakirig ous of she war, aud they Vive ar 1 offer, muttering all ih { } } ime | at ane tnne re preeented ha county ie the the tho<s bitt@r arate wa se hitet those} Lwidatuces tr 1960 he teek an active whe fe bhed thes of ir panies of living part de the pregklential campaign in favor | Heel —i heir altvee. They tte finder! ves t Me, Dougie, being a great admirer of ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ; j ital i Shyldeks. Nyt wi p 'o o Atlant) Atatteryemete dd mise e 14 told to } i é et ; : ' \ , { q they lingr’oa the Giiews ss of a vave beeit a galleot and fisbiul eohicr, army of Coil, gathers bere fothetes saad at thc! eof t war 6 ceive ej Faad Usus eking our 9 y ) = ran ( ecient d Ptide ob descent ig thy it QT y ent te be a mda of gaod aud aud eoand fadge- not eoil thi r bards wiih Leos. t while | nemne. we feels littl® pity, we Lave a vast de il a eg ee | JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, €¢ tance, who ! Raat ————— nad } ; | OF, w keep pp the oll arissbefatie distinc: | fous so prevalent amoug us prior t» the war, [warn yon that you willnot eae: eoed., Yowars traifara to the mew regeme | and will durely be ecushed ‘in your iat tempt. : = A young Jady of iny native placer, | spenking about a yout | Homestead gentleman, desic-} ed to kuow Lite gecupation, A mechanic was the riply of her frend, “Oh I don't want anything to do. with him,” wissher immediate feply. | Now that yoring Tads needs ré constructing: ~Thwerd 8 mere art than nafurein’ her tompusition. “Ay any tate she showed pi ifyty a wane of connngn ‘of contetapt for them. A young mahet wy a qhsi _ belonged fo one of these wtci@ut fanriti *,{ . wie acked Whefnrended to workT Ie se? es rf ye uk Sy | repliedy “What ! a —— calling tite firnn- | a=) » Sai Sev) lity namey work | Twill newer: bring eer b} ZARB a disgrace tiponsarir nime.”” The game ' aa | goung here (tpaaun afcor marKied for pro | 2 | perly. WVhw a noble aif raci ifigity spl) HAN D BILLS jit (1) to emalate himase.f tpen the mitacs af } DCITT o pide and manition, rmhet tha: obey | ci ULARS God’a great law to lxbor. | ~P Wir “Fe Gus + Labor is hosayable. . It bet born ginc ARP es & | the dawn of creation’ —it wi boo Tingas| the dawn of efedtian -it will be so Mong as 2 | God's benatifal ent shall light ap with i “4 LABELS ’ ed nmorsat ode My means i to] ROUSE CS TERS HSS IY 253 (te young, for it dem Ties the hope of | = % | our State. [aw Noth Carvlinian, ~1 fi cticr {jeass Hove the OM North State oplysas a trac | lsotiean. Flong for her prosperity. I) AND long to see her glorified in the galaxy of} ou PRY > - ENT y i States” TF long to sce tier abeacon light, | EVERY OTHER KIND OF tto genie the orlitrs tor tomething higher. JOB PRINTING, _T desire to sat awortty A ceris| EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL class of young ladice T wha ree wii) aE ? ’ | areplacing a falev estimate apou themsct And CHEAPLY done ves. Who look down with coatempt uy AT THIS OFPICE. | on ~ one m ge wry a 6p | gag> Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma- | way thrnifltife, and are trsiez toorsi™: | gixtrates, and others, in onderiag blanks lawill sy suse refer ‘o the Forms as num- bered in “ Hand- Book for County Offi- | eers,” published hy Nicholsé ‘sorman Raleigh, N.C. A td ‘ess i BVER Blanks | s » . (Por laying of Homecstears. ) And a new and improved form wd fone cise ac) LAND DEEDS, sehse. She weeds roceustrachig mh ‘ . f and heart. Hadihe song nat referred Revised aud corrected by tk te bok dt hablo dd Oly attedae™ peppy | best legal authority in this plac loafity aretnd aa@mny the girls; and} for-sale. “A (ldress, . epungiog apon his old fiber, she woukt : have dosited bty deqbectntancd: eatery. -) I i BRUNER A young min of-ary hq gainfince fo-t ONWARD: UPWARD: ing asked Why be did it wet trérried ire | Having et wt! aa end, far Leyong chy bape: plied “I can’ teaftors +t J* Wirt bop pe | tation. in the pol ecatou of the laitics re yrire tog wach dekaay tote fof CHARLOTYE OBSERVER, ponsea, wnth éamplhy 5 they Won't cope je take this method of ufcring ant pepers. dows and live within thg shounda “ot ry} DAILY). TRI-WRIRTY AND. WEEKLY, income; they won't leave thelr parent's! na among ?Me best advertiving medinws in Westerst Gao houses) 46 vel In my -amprefewdiog lo" Carolinas I< it, and help me tail ap x Newie Por nvy- PNerRermcats Site —7 : sole” He epoke Rexiiz for he" Waal. ~ PORES mh om Ae worthy inan over. Not being akle to pro- Perwierits! Preuss J eure 4 good aid virtitous coinpanidny 80) We offer FIVE yaleable Agricnltura! PREMIULS c'ally his equal, to belp him Batlle ov in OSE spiiosmuen for the WEEKLY OB- . . Siciot £ aes ERY ‘ Psee posters life, he ia now throwing himself away, Sahri WATeON & 60,, recking companionship among the out-) Aug. 97, 1869. Charlotte, N.C. ence mv, at, her hae her a-Aee lowe, ahd he, dvosees | during the by wary itd. who dusiredifo doctight anc prank anna a was immediately A edvati thesame: le. } wiN turn wWity"ayd Book it, among the im-. ol, Gt, avery Hitt: sexigr sip the ue} pure andwicionae ‘Té you tarn-your faces 4 gro The gone ands ip of! she} agains thems Gd a Bf oe ily red ey 0 baer re 4 : Young’ ladies of Gaxolina, you ‘have a Wal you bed. Oar: young mere aie 78 brave’ and fe F fe wohdebor uéjw Among the pure and: virgneus, mawydo- jp UB Iv, Sean “IVE ANIOIERN: = t) ae 2% teat hae e your miasiop fa cheer and hulp them fw ro with, thém, aod aid-in the reashig ' r | Carakpage te Raleigh and procure a aera Fe. Ob! onedese Aaisg torthe: spain otthwage ti! Tyextay, graduated at Peinevton College with qonig } New York fehb29—B8f RSAW ~~ HAVE Whrapw for Payettotille daily ex d-eayt Sanday, ihyouwee iInWestera N. tivkerto Kayetteville for $3; Pareagh «Tickets yorybat yea wilt ennodle Jabory <Bamle | foo Goklsbero’ via, Waraw, tas Fayetterilles Thronghetichets. from Seldon ty Fayette. Trough tickets om W imipgtén,’ pvhy Wargite, to Fuyettevilic, $3, ) / CranLoTr2e To SADESBORO: * Leaté Charidtte afer trains frm Raleigh ghd Colpwbe, via Monroe, fur, Wadesbare’ ursday, aud Saenyday Leave Wa- | desherdhPacstay, Thoteday, abd Sach day, af ter afri¢alof (rai tend Stage fama Wibrivgton. Moma’ CLALE, cia Perrsgono, TO BGY PT. oSuave~ Mogrisvitio, “Tuesiay ,Pbetaday’ td Swurday ’ : Leave Beygt afonday,. Wednesday and Fri- dag. ; 7 “Creintnans® Deooramndation Line are and igh Frit, re mores ruc “Che a heap- OORT Bubeat Deuces " * walewe c. E. T. ChEMMONS, NEW YORK and North Carolina STEAMSUIP LINE fe Wilmi Tid Live will coitprise the follawing steam- ere: FAIRBANKS, Capt, A. Hunter, D., P. Margan, WM. P.CLYDE, * {REBECCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. IMAKY SANFORD, John Jloore. With such addinonel Steawmels a® ony le reqpeired (9 Miret the demands of the tra‘e.— | 34. ’ } Sviling tom New York every WEDNESDAY lame SATURDAY at 4 BP. M., from Pier 16 EB ! Lf. foot of Wall sireet. 1 £3 The attention of Shippers ie called lee the LOW RATES and FACILITIES le ffered by this Line, which are saperior te ny heretofore oftrrd TUROULGH BILLS OF LADING giecn to all poiota on the North Casolina Railroad and its Connections via Golds- boro. J. A. SADLER, Soliciting Agent. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, Wilmiugton, N, C JAMES HAND, Agent, 119 Wall Street, & ¢ on STE “This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy. for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding cvery other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bddily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. - Whereva it is © intro- duced. it. betumes a stand- ard article—a. medicinal staple. It is. to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world—be sure and get. the genuine. — cers and Country Stores. — WOOK SELLERS axp.d’ ' 909 Baltimore St, Baltimore, Mas /gyas LARGEST gud best nesorted stock in the-eity of @ poe ard Miserilaneans kinds. Blank Books manufaetared t9\:rd> tr any style of Liuding end ruling: “> 9 Sa a De t di throngh ° Sold by all Druggists, Gro- { ATIONERS, Selvect, Law, Dental, Wedleat, B tay seach tne Diank and Counting House statiers’y > nih faihd cdl NO ets eget » 2 Ft ao ke “Sa ot , ny J ‘ F' Bk bv i a Flariess'* as , Ba 2 we 3 es 4 and Saddlery x a te pe 3 y' 4 tee 8 7% we T ty ¥ al 'Brimmings of ally ’ Kinda, Calf Skins, Lins a siherths teats ing-ard Pad Skins Linseed; pal-ahd. Coach, Varnish, White’ Lcad.of iho very -best. Brands, Colored Paints-of all kinds; Got- Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. POWDER ! POWDER! — | | RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING | i \ POWDBR, ' ; | Yarns, ‘ } jand Tea, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar Molasses. and Syrup, iSalt, Drugs and Medicines, and in short EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MERCHANDISE All of which was bonght for CASH, a4 will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to uander- sell us. Be sure to examine our stock before purchasing elagwhere. It affords us a pleasure to show our Goods whether wo sell or not. Don’t be deceived by loud blow- ing and heavy shelling, but come to see tig and get posted up. {FP Orders from a distance promptly fillod ‘at lowest prices, {CP We buy nvarly all’ kinds MeCubbins, Sullivan & Co., No. 1, "Morray’s Gaasrrs Row, Salisbary, Sept. 24, 1899. 13—1ly . Gt by naw * | rilisfactio «| gatermen , Sonptre Chock 6f the pot either purobaett ed; or of onwour Catalog’ f soe not er enn be purchased in | the nenab- way for the kame money-~» /-: 7 t 4 the avontages first. sending for, Cheeks) - CLEANERS, vs ae o these i, awe conatantl ; Fadtiors'and Kerosene Oils, Co-}cnnyiguex ant coynpan $ Pal beth oh nol & £ you —— hye Rete. ; . pare’ ou re tinivey is ordgre, Fou Can ions, Vither in fercha: anid allquods cout ill be fs represented, and We gudraltes, jon to everyone dealing Withoarbons. Se te t ten, ovate “from, eaelr d forwatd tons ip advancoy a: Dy soll. havethe vege 4 aseamie ce verth- ewhanging for any article: mentioned ud) ntmbering over 360 different ebaldersaf te _ The a r pow ire staal Yots ia, WRIA ave mot ou our se which we iene Chécks tit Gil ure sold g besides yin crecy largeeinh We wil’ tchecks for Watorts, Quivts, BLANKETS. Rsy PATTERNS, oF sain Otho artide of value dane members of tho-chid dn. éppartani- 7 of purehasing au grticle Turalivut ope quarter its value. “Ip Gyery otdet arnounti bythe cash, the Agent. piny tetas ‘and ih btery order of aver $190. $5 00 way, ron Bagging and Roping, Troy. ee _ Ray the Mxpress Chatges. This offer is uiwrd especially to assist.A gents th the We and Soutbern States, bubis oper vnddanset TS. COMMISSIONS. Agents will-be paldeos- eent.in Cash or Merchandise, when they FU up Ueeir~—ontiic . > tw ail oud, for whieh below Ko yite a partiat Lipt ols UD des hulin S : Por an order of G30. foul «.clvb of 5 ay we Wilh per the, Agent. as commision, sda. Brown or Bleached poring, Good Drees Pattern, Wool ‘ Sqrare Fhavt, Froveb Caseimere Pants and-Vest Pattern. Five darge | White Counterpane, ete, ete. or $5 0 in cash ‘ SO, trem o Clad af eereed | pay ES Sees ax Cordtmission,, THE 45 yde. sheeting, omp pir of beavy weol blas- kets, poplin, dresk: patterd, handsmme » wool square.shawl silvercase Wate), elo, ete., of 00 im tash. For an order of $100. fem salud of One Handed, we will pay the agent, as gem- miadin, 100 yda af good yard-wide Ahecting, Cofn-Sed¢ee Hanting Casé Watch, ich hou Woal Shawt, Suit of a!f Weel Frendh Cael mete, ete..etc,, or O10 ineash Wede putemploy aus travellirg agents, and customers should not pay Merey ty persone purporting te be our agente, wales personally dcquainted.. Send Money always by Registor- ed Letters. : For farther particulars sod for Catalegues, PAREDR & CO., 08 & lou Samaet St, Boston, Moss. Oct. 16; 1869, . si-1y GROVER & BAKER'S | FIRST PREMIOM, BLastTto atrrcesa FAMILY SEWING MAOHINES. 181 Baltimore Street, Baluaore. Points of Bxoelience. Beaaty and Blestiatty of Suieh. Perfection and simplicity of Machinery: Using both threads direetty from the posts No fastetiing of seams by imnd and bo waste ofthread, * — ~ Wide range of application withoat change of adjastinent ee et te The seam retains its beautycatd feniies: alter washing and ironieg. *- ite? Besides doing all. Kinds! BE Worle dont: By uther Sewing Machines, y Machines exe- eute the atest beautiful, " Eu- broidery and ornamental r For sale by ANDE MURPHY, out 1Lb—ly Belisba-y, N.C, aie > State of Morth Carolina, { I STABLY CoUsTY. Superior Court. John W Smith, Jobn Parker. and wife Isabel, Benton Parker and wife Mary C, aud Udah Siaten, Guardian of Susin Brooks, and G. O. Withalt, Gaardian of Alfred A, Brooks, Murty F. Brooks, aud Carehne C. Brooks, Plaintiff: pgainst Wiliam, Austin, Winey Ann Brooks and Willian Brooks defendants Petition for Saleand Partition of the Lands of the late Cornelius Brooks. It appearing to the satisfaction 6f the coort that Wiliam, Austin, Winey, Aon Brooks.and Willian Brooks, defendants in this proreed- ing, are non-residents of thie State, it is Ordered, That publication be made weekly, for six succes- sive weeks io the ‘Old North State,’ a newspaper published in Salisbury, N. C., suromoning eae b al suit defendants to be and appear at.the office ot.the cletk of the Soperior Court of Stan'y County,on the 20th November 1869, then and there to ansster or demur to said “pettvian, - or he sarne will be taken pro confesso and beard ez parle as to tek. Witness: James M. Redwine, Clerk of oor said court at.oflige, the. llth dag of October, 1869. J. M. REDWINE, o 2 «@. 41 :Giw:pr.fee$ 0: Rg i teen Sa DMINISTRATOR’S BMotice, Having qualified ga ACwintstrateax wat the will artrexed of James C. Srvythe. ron is hereby given that salt partis avho have Claims againkt (he estat mist present them | aoe within the tine specified by Inw 6r this nouee will be plead.in bat oftheir reoovery. A'l per sone indebted to the estate are requested to make early ecttlement. * JULIA O, SMYTHE, Oct. 12, 1869.—4 LGW \Adors Ss] Digits, Peden itldiines to over $50, aor} . | GROCERIES, HAT D WA ME, “HADEOLOTHING,. Pant,Goods Som a“ obe ert 5 Ata end Dye. atnts, Tin ners’ “Oil, a Linsecd Oil, vole. * Kerasete cid, Bh , dead, Upper, soleand. Har- SAG oath isis, BS TE LEI CALF & LINING SKINS, ~ HARDWARE, | Jom, Stel, Saddle Wnrdyate, had Carringo j dramintwie Un tact} thansands of artirler too }tedins to enumerate, We ate ageute fur the “Gieat Threshers ~ .—and— Aleo, Mantifactuters’. Ayunts for fhe eetovented } Bone Dust. Do. doo kide mid Blasting Powder. \ fa. Weinuvite. the nitention of Merchants “and the trad generally, to ons. stoc) t bthemn they wil? find potiiny but fresh rabla-Gdod«: ) We bey all kinds ef prodhice — Soveyour Bleckberries and Bruits, which will lhe to Yon. a Tregare. : Smith. Foster & Co., { SALISUTRY. N.C, | Sprarce’s O10 Stand, near the Market House. | Apt. 350. 7 met ys tly J UST RBCRIVED A'RTHE STORE of SMUTH. POSTER € GO'S. L000 sacks oF SALt. 25) BBLS MOLASSES. | 2amntps. MoLasses. } LOOK for MERONEYS 24-1f. AT. THE SIGN OF BiG INDIAN. YA E CALUFHE SPEOIALA LTENTION \ vf ek ip vir Stogk of i SPRING: AND SUMMER GUODS, Pretest Stylen Deg . oa. aad Bost Uetonable Pritcs iy Waece, @ew exbiouiay ihe lesf —s ick wie DRY GOODS, * | CLOTHING ILATS, MIELINERY Goons, DRESS TRIMMINGS, - ‘ wl iu val whe want the ue & walk, SOLE @ UPPER CEATHER, Coach, Copal and) pan, Valiishes, W alu Stain, Kerdsgue am Machine, Oils tu be foand fh Westera North Carojina, Spe- tial aticptiva le called, (cous stock of" BOOTS AND: SHOES Ladies’ Re wed Gort Sk.u Shoes, ste Pegged Datworals, leaguer ned, 60 =o" Cent's te mora.a yery Voss stock, s19 % = Po np-“dle hott. ©. FP te Tau" Yogth« and Mip-es Shoes. of al) ) riped Gud qualities. Good Catoosa. 121-2 ae yan tide + acon & a5. We ace ate’ apts Jor ine Manuigcufers of he teat AGRICUIAORAL IMPLEMESTS AN MACHINERY; snéh ee , The Kuck-iy eM ower ‘and’ Reaper; futbine Water Wheels, | Fine Engine Deep» Well Cee: , inpe. French Burrs and Gory Mills, e Threshers and Cleatiers on ~~ Tehoels complete, Cider and Wine Mril®, Star Cétrar &h and Condenser, Grain Drills, Sulky Plows, ‘| Smutters and Cleaners, eS Cirenlar Saws, [Rabberand Leather IkPingy land winany other eiecs te nme «veto men- luon. slick whieh we will seff at the M attutac- | turer s piiees. ! t ome, cr st . tMing your anier the Maehinery soli fatuom We arr also azénts forSinger’s New Fami- ly SEM ING MACU ING, tor which tere is ao equal, Warranted tole all kins of work, sud to give entire setisigetion, or the money wil) he refanded. Ge GOOD PINE LUMBER fornished at the de pat, on short hotiee. * We will be found cppasite the,old staod, above Morphy's Granite Row. MEROSZY & BRO. land get a Catalogve of any Ay want In tits Ine We guar- ly veto give satis- FOR SALE.—A Splendid 12 Horse Power Portable Engine, for =.'6 by jnoe 18-2350 MERONEY & BRO. Pure Ground Spice, z Péppe?, Ginger, * Mustard, ‘Clowes, Cinamon, #e. Diese Spices ave all in wel get Sm the Spice Grinders’ hands; and are t fore wor- « ranted perfectby purr, and although atleakt [per cen stronger thar those kept in prekages, they are nevertheless suid at 3 lower prize. A sitp- ply just received ‘ At B, BELLS, Drug Siore, Saiiebury. Oct. 22, 1839. 42-26 eFcRETIII Ss OF, ) Noort CxndtecR Glen a-Cotgr¥, 19 Shope, Ocot eva S An joatd gt Jiwetogs of Ve q rreea Oe Hail owt Company attlis of 4 fice on to-' i6 was ordered thot -thérede a called moc !inz of the Stock holt rm pany held ju ti0 Chy of Koivith on Sd * the ith dey of November newt. Mtocklwaters who cannot aitend id person W ‘Hopleamed be rep- resented by proxy. FLA. SSAGG, 42-—-% Svervtary. te , VOL.IV] The Old North State PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Bpwis HANDS. :Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF SUBCRIPTION One Year,payable in ad Six Monrus,”apuses,le vance....-$3.00;i p GODDIN'SOOMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS, The Great American Tonic and Di-uretic / Recomr ended and prescribed by physicians.wherever known. Tne-‘Campound Gertian Bitters”are madeofthepurestandbestVegetableTonicsandAromaticsknowntotheprofession.They a:so contain twenty per dent of 5 Copies to one address,........-.--12.50/("BO OC H-U !gy 10 Copies to one address,.....--+--+20,00|which makes them,beyond all question,the Lutes of Advertising.best DIURETIC in existence;and for.Dis- a tressed Kidneys,Bladder and Urinary Organs, One Square,first insertion,.......---$1,00|have uo eaperiets if any equal Those who For each additional insertion.........50}try these Bitters,for the fyllowing,Diseases Special notives will be charged 50 per cent higher than the above rates, Court aud Justice's Ord ys will be pablish- ed at the same rates with other adverti-e ments.Obituary uotices,over six lines,charged as advertisements. (CONTRACT RATES. S 3 aiPiyegieiwi g eis =SPACE.=ae 5 re Fo g/a FF °.a7 TSquare.$250 8375.$5 00 $350 $1300 2 Squares.450]625 850.1300 22,00 3 Squares.6 00)9 00 12.00.20 00!30,004Squares.|80011 00 15 00!25 00°37,50}Column.31.00.1600!20 00!3000.45,00 4 Column.18 00.24 00 30 00/45 00 75.00 1 Column.50 0030 00)130,00 LEGAL NOTICES. Worth Carolina,Sereetocr Cores, Davik County.Fall Term,1869. Petition for Sale of Lands. John 8.Maxwell,Administrator of Juhbn Max- weil,dec'd., against Thomas T.Maxwell,Thomas M.Brock,Jas.V.Brock,Sarah KE.Naylor,wife of Benja- min T.Naylor and Camilla A.Broek,Kd ward Brock and Jobnr E.Brock,miner cb.l dren of Jolu W.Brock,eceased. Io this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the conrt that James V Naylor,wile of Benjamin S.Naylor,defend ants in this case are non-residents of this State: Therefore,it is ordered by the court that pub lication be made for six weeks m “The Old North State”newspaper,notifying the said de feudants to appear before (he Judge of oar next Saperior Conrt to be held for the county of Davie at the Court Louse in Mocksville,on the first Monday in April,1870,then and there to answer thepetition of the plainuff,filed in this court,oc judgment will be takeu ea parle as to them. Witness,H.R.Austin,Clerk of the Sane- rior Court of Davie County,at office in Mocks ville,the Llth day of Reptember,A.D.,1869H.R.AUSTIN,C.5.C. 41 -Gw(pr fee $10) State of North Carolina,{STABLY CuounTy.§ Superior Court. S John W Rm'th.Juokn Parker and wife Isabel! Benton Varker and wile Mary C,aod Uriah Staten,Guardian of Susan Brooks,and G O.Withait,Guardian of Alfred A.Brooke Mary F.Bruoks,aod Caroline C.Brooks, Plaiwtlls: against Witham,Austin,Wincy Ano Brooks and WV ifiam Brooks defendants Petition for Sale and Purtition of the Lands of|the lute Cornelius Brooks. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William.Austin,Winey,Ann Brouks audWillanBooks,defendants in this proceed- ing.are non-residentsof this State,it :s Ordered That poblication be made weekly,for six succes sve Weeks inthe Old North State,’aewspaper pollisbed in Salisbury.N.C.,summoning eachotseiddefendantstobeandappearattheoffivr | of the clhak of the Superior Court of Stau'y County,on the 20th November 1869,then and there to answer or demur to said petivion,or the same will be taken pro confesto and beard ez parte as to thew. Witness.James M.Redwine,Clerk of oor suid court at office,the Tita dag of October, 1869 J.M.Re DWINE,cw c. 41:6w:prfee$10 Btate of Worth Carolina,2ALEXANDERCUUNTY,§ Superior Court. Edinund Kerley,administrator sidson, of Alfred [a- against Isaac Raeeell and wife El.zabeth,G.W.Sweet and wife Cynthia,Robert Lowe aad wile Susin,Jubn Davidson,Margaret A.Kerley, Withan:Davidson John P.Davidson,Dan’)8S.Davndson,Huldah Davidson,Jane David- so and Wilam Davidson,beirs at law of By nj.L.Davidson. To Wililham Davidson,one of the defendants above named,a non-resident.Yonare hereby noufied,that a summons,in the above entitled case,has issued against you, aud the complaint therera was filed in the So-penior Court oc Alexander County,on the 17th | of Aagast 1869.You are also notified,that the summons in the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court aforesaid,to be held at the Court House in Taylorsville,on the 25th day of Decem er next,when and where you areLerebyrequiredtoappearandanswerthe complaint—in default whereof the plainuff will apply to sad Cuurt for the relief demand- ed in the complaint. Witness,E.M.Stevenson,Clerk of the said Superior Court at at Taylorsville,the 3d Mon- day in August 1869.k.M.STEVENSON,Clerk Saperior Court Alexander County 44—Gw:(pr fee $10) Kerceene Lampg.At Cost. QUITEaconsiderable lot of these Lamps,some ot them very beautiful.having been sent to h:embacriber by mistake,on the part of theMnutacturersandhavingbeenrequestedto dis:032 of them,with as little deleg as possible be .ow offers them atthe Cort and Charyes on Deatere tho may be in want of the ar 1 hace an opportnnity of buying the whole or roe At prices quite as low as they can be Derght inthe northern ciesTheywillbesoldcorrespondingly cheap at retail,At E.SILLS’Drug Store Salisbury Nov,5,/869 (1t-43) Brock and Sarah| COTTON \will in every case find them a safe,pleasant, speedy and effectoal Remedy,They areasire preventive and cure for|Chills and Fever,and all Malanal Diseases!|DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, SICK-STOMACH, COLIC,« SICK-HEADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COLDS &CUUGH,NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys,Giavel,&e,and every Disease requiring a geoeral Tovic impression, B@™Fo:Diseases peculiar to Feuales it is alinust a specitic.EB lu convalescence from Typhoid aod other low forms of Fever it is the very best Tonic tbat can be used.The Compound Gentian Bitters meet with oniversal favor,and have received the strong est testimonials ever given to any medicine,&lew of which we append below:This ts to certity that I have used Dr.God-din's Compound Gentian Bitters aod cheerful-ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that can be used for ordivary debility,sick stomach Se.+M.HOLT,M.D.Lipscomb,Orange co,N.C.,May 15,'69.I hereby certify that T have been usiug Dr. Goudin's “Componnd Gentian Sitters,”for Corgh,General Debility,&c..and I am fully satisfied that they are the best Bitters of which[have any knowledge,and the best Tonic of- tered to the American reOBT.Y.SLATER. Henrico county,Var,June 25,1869. De.Govoix:—Dear Sir:[have been suffer- ing for tweoty yeam with an affection of the kidneys,prostrate gland and stricture of the arethra;have been under the treatinent of the best physicians in the country,one of whom is now a professor in a medical college jailed to relieve me.I finally tried yoo:Com pound Gentian Bitters;the effect was like a charm—one bottle gave me complete rehef.| believe it to be the best medicine |have ever used Very respectinily, JAS.A.FAULCON, Littleton,N.C.,Jan.7th,1869. Prepared only by Dr.Goddin JAMES T.WIGGINS, Proprietary Wholesale Agent, NORFULK,VA. w sae by Dr.G.B.Pyulson,Sahs 38—!ea F: bury.N.¢ 40 YEAKS BEFORE THE If OTHER \———FAIL FUK BKUNUMIAL ANU LIVER DI- SEASES read the following: Tomas H.Rainey,Haq.Granrifie co.,N.C. says.‘I tiad your Pills to ve the best family medt- cine |have ever need.They have proved Very ben eficial in my own case.|have been very moch sfflictedforAlteenyears,and have tried every kind medicine that I could get.but have found moreteffromyourPillsthanallothers.My disease is |broachial afStetion,aud a complete prostraton of the nervous system.Ihave ased them in ten or Of teen casesin my family,andfind them to be the verymedicinefornearlyallfamilydiseases” The Cure is Thorough. ol e |court,writes (April 2,1963°)part of the year 1862 I was severely,afflicted withdiseasediiverandmanynightswhilembedtheprin|woul@ becomeso excraciating that |was compelled |to get oat of bed and sit o|sobside.|procured a few n wouldbatthepa be SOUTHERStciesott |HEPATIC PILLS,and the first dowI took gaveme |,|great relief.I continned to oee the Tiila for tro|weeks,and have not suffered from liver disease since.|have recommended them accordingly,and |several persons are in want of themAildiseaseisanevemytothehaman system.and is at warwith it and will conquer it,unless nature with al!the assistance it can receive from strengt! ening medicines and suitable nourishments,can conquerthe enemy which would be best.to take medicine before you get sick,to prevent dickness or to take medicine after you get sick to cure sickness, KP A word to the wise is enough..£4 Exercise your own jadgment in the means of de-fense;the eneny will come,be ye aley rendy with The Southern Hepatic Pills, That old,long known and well tried remedy for all Biliows diseases,cansed by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGBANTS.—Yon are abont to rakeahomeforyourselfaodfamily‘na climate whichyouortheyhavenotbeenaccustomedto;you will.of conrae.be exposed to al!the diseases peculiar to icines as are adapted to the diseases of that climateyouwillfindthegreatestsecurityintheuseof Deeus’Soutmenn Heraric Pies.They can be sent to any point in the United States by Express.PRICE—For one hox,25 certs.—Dos.$2.50—FalfGross $10—One Gross,$)8—Three Grons,$50—Five Groas,#75ThecashmusteitheraccompanytheorderfortheMagi-cine or it willbe sent ©.0.D,Or ters shculd be address edto G.W.DREMB,No.28,Socrm Catwoun Praert,Bat:mors Mp. where they will be promptly atiended to,For these Medicines call on all respectable Druggiste everywhere and on G.B.POULSON, Jaly 2—26:1y Salisbury,N.C. Bestablishea 138sc5S.'LEPAGE BROS.&Co.,GENERAL Commission Meuchrn's FACTORS, Commerce St.,Morfolk,Va. fFSpecial attention paid to the sa’e ¢ |GRAIN,COTTON and all other kiads ¢ COUNTRY PRODUCE. CP Liberal advances on”consignmendpromptreturns.jalyd:27— | All} PUBLIC.| Remedies | Kenneth Haynes,Eaq.,Clerk of Colambas county |“During the latter| that climate,you shouldbe careful to use such Med-. ~ NEGRO ABSURDITIES. The trae philanthropist and christian can be but decply pained when he readsofsuchfolliesapdeuperstitionsasIwillmentionWhatwritecanbereliedap- on,for I derive the fscts from persons of the highest character socially and religi- ously.or some time there:has’been.very great religious excitement (enscalled) among the negroes living in theNorthern porn of Holfax,in that part adjoiningarren,Certain negro:men claiming tobepreachersconductthe»cxerciees.-Infroutofthestand»eccupied by them aplatformpin-erected.»After preaching thebestbouncersarecalledfor,where tpon themostagileyoungwomenmounttheplauksandcommencejumpingviolentlyupand down,while the older women surroundthemandjumpupanddown.upon the ground,but in a more moderate way.Asortoflowsuigingordroningmaybe constantly heard.‘These exertions arelongcontinued.When they begin to bebroughtandertheeo-called religious influ ence they fall down as if dead.As fast ag each falls,she is taken out and laid stait out upon the ground,Sometimes as many as twenty will be stretched along in a liue,each apparently insensible.‘Theylayforhoursinthisseemingtrance.—When they are restored to consciousness, they relate marvelous stories about bav- ing been to heaven or hell,or both.They are then deemed fit subjects for bap-tism I understand many hundreds havebeendipped,the negroes always prefer:|ring that mode.After being dipped theyareregardedasfitsubjectsforbeaven. A negro woman,living with the gentle- man at whese house t am now wri-ting,who has passed through this scene of gross superstition says,that whilst she was in trance,oar Saviour came to her and cat open ber side with a sword,and taking our her beart,it turned at once togold.A preacher boy saye he has beenbothtohellandbeaven—that he bas re-cently returned from the latter—that whilst there he was fed upon light bread|aud boney—that be got tired of staying there and came back because he wantedtosee“his folks’below —Traveling Cor.Uf the Fayetteville Eagle. ——__.g President Grant and Mr.Corbin.—TheWashingtoncorrespondentoftheN.Y. Tribune makes the following autheuticstatementinregardtotherelationsof these gentlemen. The interest exhibited in the attempt to connect President Grant with Fisk,Goald and Corbin,in the gold conspiracy,has sowewhat subsided,bat it still remainsthesubjectofgeneralcomment.It has |been aseertained that the only baris forjtheallegedcomplicityofthePresidentie the fact that when he sold his house in this city to Gen.Sherman,he gave Mre. $12,000 of the proceeds.Corbin was here at the time on his wedding trip,and Mrs.Grant placed the money in his hande to be invested in bailding lots in the suburbs of New York city.This is the only money transaction that has trane-| pired between thein tince President Grant SALISBURY JOSH BILLINGS PAPERS—JEWS|WHY MASONS SHOULD NOT USE SeahdboteN.Se Cc.NOV.12,1869.STP te HARPS. A gentleman iz a gentleman the world|8¥BROTHER JOHN D.CHASE,OF WEST COX- over loafers differ.CORD,VT. ihe sali oe tame Kindwere,nn |Ltt,Beeanse profanity brings shameOonragewithoutAlwcretion:iz a ram |2nd dishonor upon the Craft.: with borns ot both ends;be will have I Bad,oe blights the Obristian ftyore fites on band than he can well at-|ee eae #the peace and joy of the tend to.|1B ‘‘Hunting after happiness,iz.like buut-|3rd.Because outsiders will say,thatingalteraloessheepin.the .wilderness ;|profane swearing is a mark and sign of a *'Masonwheayoufindit,the chanecs arc,that it dik:Bansesé (i.e ery winked ini the iz a ekeletoh.;. A dogiz the only animal kritter who night of God for gan to swear,und ifluvsyomorethanbeluvshivelf.weaned in the balance he fs*fouud want- ug.There iz no more réal satisfucksion in Duties ablic Ake,baa al oer saying np 1s 7ees Déseuouay thug tia Master who is ee is vain,is bidingthareizstaffingadeadhornetwhohas|:jour light,80 thet others do not see ouratungyou,and keepiug him tew lookat,| Onl wiaats are ike ‘old cease:‘i goalworks,eo thatneither we vor theyglorifyourFatherwhoisinheaven, PROFANE LANGUAGE. “* Lorn a ORF Ey getterge cdeetGy we ~Z .e re.1 [NO.45 A MAGNIFICENT HOUSE OFWORSHIP. The New York Herald of SaturdaycontaingaveryfulldescriptionofthenewJewishhouseofworship,built corneeFifthAvenueandForty-thud street,New York,known as “T'ple Emanuel.”Itblendsinunconsciousysixdiffer~ent orders of arehiteetnre—Saracenic,Byzantine Moresque Arabesque,GothicandNorman,The interior decorationsarefiierand’wire céstly than of anyChristian-church in the land.‘T'he Her-Closes its article with the following:»In ten pews from the pulpitsiteverySabbath.ten millionaries,‘andfrom thatpointbackanteofmillionsmorsisrepresented.Didthere ever sit togeth- the THE P.E.CHURCH BISHOPS. The New York Herald says:—TheProtestantEpiseepalOhuarehin.the Uni-ted States has forty-nine Bishops.TheRightRev.-B a ne a tucky,is the idin,i buRightRev.C.Pp)Melivaiue,D D,,LL.D.,of-QOhio,the-uext,in seniority+andtheRghtRev.F.D..Huntington,D. b.,of Centary New York,the last in the order of consecration,Bishop Tuttle,of Idaho and Utah,is the youngest inandBishopKemper,ot Wisconsinaldest.Bishop South charge of the TurkiehopPayne,late of Africa,are the onlyAwerican.Bishop who haveresigned for-eign jurisdiction,The Episcopal benchmaybethustheologicallyclassified—Thirty-three Fiche two Broad-charch,fourteen.Low-church.Of the cr,since the days that the fair andrulerofShebawas.escorted bh gorgeous retinueofthecourtoftstrongest.Lies are like ilegitimate children ;theyareliabletocallaman“Father”whew he least expekts it.All money that iz well epent iz 4 good Investinent.If we would all ov us take kare ov our own son!s,and I+t our nabors alone,thare would be less time lost,and more souls Gil.Beeause profane words stifle thateperkofChristianlightandlove,which is planted in every human soul by the great I Aum.7h,Because profane langnage need by a brother Mason,shows at once,that he does not govern his passions,nor improve himectf in Christian virtae,|Sih Because profane worda ‘sound as “high’’clase,a dozen are more or less in-clised to ritnalism—not given to its ex-cceses,but favorable to irany of its formsandmeasures.Such believe that theworshipadmits(in symbols at least)of al- tars and incense,and lights aud jewels,and robes and harps,and songs and ado- ratious,which some call popieh.They believe that the Church,like nature,hashervaricdseasons,and should dress ac- totbetemple of that mooarch’sambitionsuch.a ace.of wordly .wealib,and itmightbeventured,such a galaxyof beautyandrefinement?The roof of the templeisflatandcutintosquaresbythetrans-==m.‘ck ae 7one polyeecbrome paintin n the spaces.‘The best time toshares the many beautiesinthisfieldofdecorationisatnightwith |the aid furnished from the fall radiance war inangurated,and it will probably be the last,as the President does not heriimetodeclarethativthefuturehewillhave no social communication whatever.It is probable that Corbin used the morey thy placed under his control to impress r land Goald with the belief that h|ting as Mra.broker ‘ l which wae snddenly dispelled elena the |order was fasued to sell Government guld and Corbia's transactions were discover:| ed. Wae ac- fGrant's —---—ee ——— A SHAM DUEL. |There has been for some time a slight | |misunderstanding between a certain M.| |D,anda knight of the goose,aud last Tuesday a challenge was sent by the M. D.and immediately accepted,Seeonds | |were chosen aud weapons procured,which |were an old mueket and a cigar-case (in- |tended to represent a pistol)The gen-| |tlemen,with their friends,repaired to a) |secluded spot near the heights,and the |principals drew for the choice of weapons,| andthe M.D.drew the musket.‘The ||ground wae etepped off,the combatants ||placed in position,and the word givento | fire.A tremendous explosion of the old| masket followed,and the tailor rolled overontheground,gavea few frantic kicks, and all was over with him. The Doctor's second congratulated him on having killed his man,and they left | the field,and coming to town,repaired to|a gentleman's store to talk the matter)over,and while the M.D.was telling toseveralgentlemenhowhehadlaidhisan-tagonist out and left him on the field dead in walked Ballock alive and without a scratch.It was then that the Doctor re- alized that he had becn made the victimofapractiealjoke,and found that he had fered a blank cartridge at a man who was armed with a cigar-case.Petersburg Courier.me Does it Pay to Advertise.—The Boston Journal says that a leading book firm in that city answers this aa as follows: “They published an edition of a book of five hundred eopies,and did not advertiseit.In about a year nearly the whole ed- ition remained ou their hande,as the au- }asking ¢t saved,;Before i would preach the gosprl as|improperly on the tongue ofa Mason,as some ministers are obliged to,for 450 dol-|eee would have sentdedxvie.lare a year,i would get a living az Neb-|,.oem |9ih.Beeanse it makes man appear tbo npn end let the sougregachan |he was not filled for that noble,and thatx;:°.|gloriona purpose of serving God,in the “coe is the vittles and drink ov |house not made with hands,and cternal Did ye ever hear a son bragging about|'"the heavens.=‘ his father,whose father could nei eas |10th.Beeause it dishonors hima who brag about his sont ereatcd man,in his ownima ‘and shows The eafest kiod ov faith I know ov,is |that Masons do not trust in lis Word. bamanity.yo"| Tith,Because profanity is no mark of ‘The man who never makes enny mis-|*gentleman,is a disgrace to @ Mason,is takes,like the angle-worm,wever gits far |“great sin iw our land,aud should be :{cho »pedoff.away from his hole.eet B ae A brilliant blander io a waiter,iz often |12h.a mee ft fo not Mananic,it leeeeeahlsbeekastrangeandvilepracticeandailtrueMa- Tyranny iz often changed,bat never |£008 should reject it,and heave it overdeetroyed.|among the rabbish. cordingly;that Christian symbolism.of the many blazing candelabra.Thelikethebowinthecloud,teaches divine |figares are brought out in happier relief truth;that a flower is sugges*ive of spir-|and show with a lustre denied them by itaal thought,that we should “consider |daylight, the lill es”even in the chureh,that we|Altogether the temple of Emanuelis should “beautify the sanctuary,”‘‘wor-|@ feature in ivself,and has noparallel. ship the Lord in the beauty of holliness,”|[ts exterior is an experiment inarchitee- bring gifts to his altar,dwell in his courts,|ture oftentimes before attempted but only “walk about Zion,”ete,Daily prayer,|in this instancerealizedas a success.!ts free seats,supplied cLoirs,chorwl services interior decoration,withoutbeing quite ee werkly commauions,frequent offertories,|great a novelty,has so many points of elaborate decorations,syeetematic char-|originality that it fairly divides the palm ities,are in ¥ogne with this claes:Most of|of interest with the architectural desi them bave their own cathedrala,which |It may be added in conclusion,that the are the centres of dioeceasan unity,as in|first pew sold realized the enormous sum Maine,Western New York,IMiuois,Iowa,|of $9,500. Indiana,Minnesota,Nebraska,California, Georgia,Tenneesee,and Flordia.The bishops who own catbedrals are not all,— THE PAPACY. Sucking a whipt eyllabub thra a rye!13th.Prcones “o he aot Iar | straw,iz a good deal like tricing tew liv)ae Fe Oe Ooo ea em een ae]on bare.veaven for it is God 8 throne,Nor by the | I knever kona protonnd phool yet,|earth for it in His foorstool.Neither by | who did not effect gravity,nor a truly| wize man,whoze face was not alwus! cocked and primed for a laugh. Jerusalem,for it is the City of the GreatKing.Neither shalt thou ewear by thy| head,beeause theu canst not make one | ;:apy |bair black or white.Bat let your com- oe eee .nothing wore that coquetry munieatin be yea,yea,and nay,nay,for | New York city iz a tast place,ya kant |shee er is more than these cometh of even pass apbuneral procession,unless yu |ails have got the fastest hoss —__— Troth haz hardly clothing couf tew)THE GENTLE BOY THAT GREW| hide its nakednees.|'.aa Korie ae |A pompous man iz like «full blown LOBE A GENTLEMAN:| bladder,it is pare malice to prick him.|‘Yon eco lama gentleman |"said Will | The moucy and mortality ov this world |Thompson.“I will not take an insals.”’are a good deal alike,the priociple never |And the little fellow etrutted ap and down loses eight ov the interest.lin a rage:-,Ile had been throwing stonesPittycostswothing—and ain't worth lat Peter Jones,and he thought that hie | pera.:—,|anger proved him to be a gentleman | t ‘ry fF ttos;“I na ant do,they ure apt to aa “Tf yon want to be a gentlem in,I} mire—they dow ¢criltcise a mountalu,be-|should think you would be a little boy | Kn Enea _a kind |ficw:,"eaid bis teacher.“Gentlemen do| -iz %‘7s it '$|:overly 12 one ov thet me ;ov them vor throw stones at their neighbo Peter misfortunes,that we all ov us Cread,LatA Jones did not throw stones at you,and |none ov us pitty.:ik he '“ly te | Thare iz 5 ov people in this world think he is much the more likely to prove b ief :f a geathman,”who coves miefurtu:es,just for the luxury “But e's cot patches on his knees, oy graniing said Will li tz comparative easy tew repent ov “Bad pantaloons don't keepa boy from the sin we hav eommitied,but tew repewt|being a grutleman,”said the teacher,| ov?ty commit,12)«but a bad temper does.Now,William,| ovo enny man NOW ®it von want to be a gentleman you mat! ve a gentle bay.” A littl:farther on the teacher met Tittle Peter Jones.Some stones had bit bin, aud he was hurt by them. “Wall,Peter,whai'sathe matter betweenjyouandWillthismorning?”asked his| u teher, “|wave throwing a ball at one of the boys in play,sir,and it missed bim andj bit Will The mpseon’s dog.” “Why did you not throw it back 1" “Because,sir,my mother says to bea genteman,1 unet be a gentle boy,and J thought it best to keep out of Lis way ull| he cooled offa little.”| ‘The teacher walked on,after praising | ;Peter's conduct,but kept the boys in his |mind,and be lived to see Will Thompson| a rowdy,and Peter Jones a gentleman,| loved and respected by all.Remembrr,| a gentle boy makes a gentleman, ose which we miend wih ich 1 thank God for one thing,and that iz when every buddy else iz happy Lam sure to be. Most men go threw life as rivers go tew the sea,bi following the lay ov the ground. In youth we run into diffkalty,in the age,difficulty ran into us.| “Times niu't as they arsed to be’—this haz been the wize and sollam remark ov mankind ever since Adam #as a boy. Seerets are cuased poor property atbest;if yon cirkulate them,ya loze them and if yn keep thei,you loze the interest on the investment. Persecntcd for the Devil's enke,iz what sinners get for their allegiance. Sum people won't beleave enny thing they kant prove;the things i kant prove are the very things |beleave the most. *Pride never ebows itself more disgust:| ingly than in the pomp of pbuneral. appiness iz rot idleness,but ite spiritizazfreefromlaborazthelifeofayoung heifer.Good examples amung the rulera iz the —_—po The War or Racts.—This long pre- |dicted “irrepressible conflict”has actually |begun:Ite noise may be heard in the} |City of Columbia.”A few days ago,El.| j entitled to that distivetion ae Bockwith.|by St.Peter. however,ritualiste.Lee,of Iowa,and|A Paris paper,La Liberte,gives a cur- Coxe,of Western New York,aro quite |ious sketch of the individuals who have the reverse.Perhaps the Bishops beet|filled the Holy See since its inaugurationNothroneinEaropefur- oine,Whitehouse,Young,Whipple,|nishes so many violent and bloody deathe.eely,and Kip.|From St.Peter to Pics 1X.thereNoneatallapproachFatherMorrel’s|have been 293 Popes.Of these 31 are sta)dard,and canRor eqnal in eathol’e -|considered anti-Popes,or usarpers,in the ty,so-called,the sarid English Bishops|same sense as the Bourbons regard NaP-of Salisbury (that was)or the Sandwich|oLzox as an intrader.Of the 262legitlfslo.Bishop Beekwith,of Georgia,is |mate Popes,29 met violent deaths ander the finest Episcopal orator.He formerly|cieumstances that entitled them to the divided the plopit henors of New Orleans|repute of martyrs;the other 35 also meswiththecelebratedPresbyterian,Dr.|violent deaths:18 poisoned,4 assassinated Palmer.Bishop Doane of Albany,in-|and 13 by various means.STEPHEN was herite his father’s taste and talents.He|strangled;Leo III.and Joux XIV.were ie a great worker ani enthusiast for the|mutilated,and the latter starved to death, church.Bishop Whnehouse,of Illinois,|as also GREGORY XVL.;Luxe wasstoned; whatever bie other qaalites may be is al-|Gaegory VII.was confined in an iron lowed to be a grea:preacher and scholar.|cage;CELESTIN V.was ended by a nail We doalt if Chieago or the Weet has an|driven into his temple;Boxsgacr VIIL abler one.His appointment to preach |comnitted euicide;CLEMENT Vv.was the opening sermon at Lambeth Confers |burnt on his sick bed;Unpaw VI.was ence indicated hia high standing among |killed by a fall from his horse;Prvs VL.his colleagues.Bishop Young,of Flori-|died from erotic excess.da,is distinguished as a waim advocate|Sixty-four Popes then died by extraord!- of the Greek and Anglican Charches.—|nary mgans,without counting 20 oth Mis Jast visit to the East was prodnetive |who died saddenly,from cbagrin,ca’ of goad ecclesiastical results.Bishop |by reverses,Whipple,of Minnesota,is known allover |Twenty-six Popes have been deposed or the country as tho Indian’s friend.He |exited,besides the Popes at Avignon. hae done more than any other citizen for!Thirty-five Popes were heretics. their spiritual and temporal welfare.—|first 13 did not believe in the Divinity of Henry Ward Beecher bas written the |Christ ;19 rejected the worship of images beet eulogy of this prelate.He evidently |and 3 anticipated Lorier in bie doctrines. believes in Bishop Whipple's apostolic)Many bave been accused of murder.Leo vb N leuccession.Bishop Kipp,of California,|V.wasa woman.Twenty-eight Popes lis a wellknown author His “Early Con-|invoked foreign aid to keep them on their fliets of Christianity.”“Double Witness |throne.of the Church.”“Catacombs of Rome,”|‘Tosum up,153 Popesof the 293 were &e.,have had @ wide cireulation.He is |adjudged unworthy of _their mar.of taste and accomplishment.Bishop “What Dynasty (ask theLiberte)bas such Neely,of Maine,is a noted mosician.—a history!And yet the actual P has Unlike most of bis Epiecopal brethren,he|called a council,which is going &icue can ‘sing or say,”according to the ray |him iuiallible |” brie.He‘sthe sceond Bishop in the United States who bas led the song Veni | Creator Spiritus in the Office fog the Con-Sve iwi leas secration of Uwehops.The late Bishop |o¢tia cee sriaig oa Hopkins was the first to ase the tusical |Barony”plantation,about twenty miles rendering of the service,a8 he was the |fom this city,on the Ashley,where tea first to bear,or to have berne his pastoral 45 been growing in great luxariance forstaffonreligious.Bishop Huntington's anamber of years.The leaves we saw works are voluminous,his most celebrat-|are hard,nearly as mach so as those of ed being “Milner’s End of Controversy |the holly,from which we infer that theCoutroverted"His ‘Law of Kitualiem”|jeagets,which dried and prepared tor the has more Episcopal defenders than is sp-|tea of commerce,are gathered earlier in posed,and very many would practice |the year.We arc told,furthermore,that what he taught if they dared.Bishop |the cup that cheers but not inebriates,has Hontington was a musician of the firet |heen prepared frequently from tea growa class,an architeet aud an artist as wellas|4,this plantation,and been pronounced ——_+>-—__—— Tea PLant.—We saw yesterday four |thor,who wae largely interested,did not|think it wonld pay to advertise.Finding |his book did not sell,he followed the ad-|vier of his publishers and freely adverti-| feed.His book has now gone through |seven editions of five hundred eopies each land the eigth is ordered. belicves in advertising, best laws they kan enakt,The devil iz probably the beet judge ov human natur that ever lived,and he must have beleaved in the doktrine ov total de- pravity,or he wonldn’t have undertook to tempt the Saviour,A “gentleman abont town”iz one who pays cash for everything except hia debts. A pedant iz one who fills himaelf in a cellar with the klam broth of literature, and then picks hiz teeth in the socicty ov the learned.Thare iz but litte,if any,ceremony be- tween a wize man and a phool,cerimonyiztheonlythingthatwillmakeaphoo!lfeelrespectable. ey Ricn Goutp Musz.—The Rev.W.S.Hahom ehowed us a leiter last week from a friend in Stanly connty,which siated that a gold mine had been discovered three miles from Gold Hill yielding cightandtehhandreddollarstothebushelof ore.‘That is uncommonly rich,and il further investigation proves that the mine continues to “pan out”that way,it will |be a vast fortune to the owner,an old gen-|)but mercly to cover her subscriptions to- The auibor now |tleman named Barringer.—Weelern Dem-,ward benevolent institutions which she ocrat, al,cowhided Kavanaugh,a carpet-bag clerk of Gea.Scott’s and since then Wim- bush,a negro Senator,native aud tothemavorborn,gave a beating to Mr.Land Commissioner Leslie,another cf the car- pet-bag race.All thie in Columbia,to|the infinite delight of the negroes general.| ly,it is said.|Well the native negroes seem to be| waking up.They have been deluded by these same carpet-baggers a long while. They may sibly discover who their real friends have been after awhile.In the mean time they are having a lively time about the Capital.Constable Hubbard and Kavanagh had a little tuseel too,after the latter got his cowhiding fiom Elliot,and Kavanagh had to be lucked up.All is not quiet on the Congaree.—Cheraw Democrat. —| |Prince Imperial have insured their lives Phe Empresa has one policy,it is truc, The Constitutionnel,of Paris denies|to Brown. that the Emperor,the Empress and the | echool at Burlington,Vermont,are theproductsofhishand.Few men everpossessedgreaterversatilijyoftalant. oo The poet Bryant counsels a young con- tributor to the Post as follows: “My young friend,I observed that you | have used several French expressions in your article.I think if you will study the English Innguge,that you will find it capable of expressing all the ideas youmayhave.I have always found it eo,and in all that I have written I do not re- |call an instance where I was tempted toneeaforeignword,but that,on searching[found a better one in my own language. John Shortgats,Gentleman,writes to the London Times complaining that the Heralds’College won't change his nameHesayshissousareteased by their school mates and nobody will marry his daughters. ee A cold ungget weighing 106 pounds,and valued at 820,000,was discovered in Sierra j has founded,in the eveut of her death county,California,a few days ogo liot,the negro assistant Adjutant Gener-\a theologian.His church and diocesan |of exeellent quanity. Dr.Janias Smith,of Greenville,S.C., it ia well known,devoted mach time,pains and money,during many years,to the cultivation of this plant,and some of the results of his labors are now found in East Uennessee and some parts of North Car-olina,where many acres are planted with thie shrub. We beleive there is no doubt that tea can be successfully cultivated in some sections of our southern States ;and itmaybethatevengoodteacanberaised;but we doubt whether it can ever be pra-duced here at a price that will enable us to compete with the en that uow have a monodoly in its prodaction. It was only a day or two ago the newsa-papere published a paragraph,giviug an account of a “fancy”tea farm,where, after long and arduous labors.tea is now at last raised by the ‘gentlemanly propri-etor,”at a cost of ten dollars a pound.Charleston (S.0.)Courter, —_———~—-——__ A little boy was killed on last Tuesday inChicago,by being eroshed under a huge ironalepipe,which chhildrea were -olling ia pay: ew €’OD’.tt fati )THE’KU KLUX AND LEAGUE OUT-From the Sentinel.ed among th edple,trau jand.crush-|@ ORGE A OD ,amctor,Cl.-RAGES.Mz.oe allusions in Oe desk deat >Sve ieee +e Sie Py.S ‘ice 5s Moaoeyourpaper,editorially and through cor Misce Pal S LESP meOUTEE RIVER..“)77is Career and Ben¢factions—Charac-:ae es .3 We eeethat certain editors and newspaper|denta,to that monetrasity,that most ow oo ehbee Md eRe,j vere °qSALISBURY.VRIDAY,NOY.12.1869,|.Wes are devoting much space to this subjeet,|of all the operationsof the “Ring.”towit?The va this’scene®a aspire ow‘the teristic Anecdotes—-His Sojourn at tsaeand,we fear,with no food effect.The Catawba Lime Bed Branch suggests doing ?Theyhadjase.'.,Springs—TheSouthernEducationFund. THE NOKTULRN ELECTIONS PAR-;é ih the}the ideethat it would be well for-you,and your he's C fe eo or :TIES to be eodeavoringtopaliate,if not to justify,the readers,to know something of its ,pare|When e terrible turmoil and My wr arr LES.Ku Klux pare the thany sitnilar crimes}ticularly as.to who were its steadfast friends,fe u ,e hole |GREENBRIER Walrs SuLPHvRSx iElectionswereholdinPennsylyania,,Obie |Committed,ami alleged,hy the tpembers of the eh ;oh ya vlan aL yee sca’the fatewhtch hres phen.sy me,2h 0 other Staton,in Octobep,with yhar [09a Leagug among wieLabyualfig dom okeanhe hated wee ae Below ah ek ae8farnsceof|~The p Mr.Peabody:and oneor two other States,in October,with what ..among ‘t some indefinite ind,far in’the w,aft andforwardthere w;nace of|>of Mr.Peabody ourresultourreadersknow,In Peunfylvania the |™4¥be-ntentioned hyo “naw ofCol.Nether-|future,if ever to be built atali “at untold Berceness,andon each’a wae)hopday since:Hepublican candidate for Governor;though by|Cat thé Fosone farnily asid others in Jones and}.The last islauarepevwed.a dill ratified the |.»waste Swe dene 6 Peer,special aahomeansaverypopularman,beat Packer,the Lengir,and thebaraburnings,othersstillworse,at January.the 15th Sectionof which ferablefate to the _S ,ee rie’feview.thecareeraud.eeDemocraticcandidate,a man of great populari:|1?Orange,Gemaot be defended or er ‘er “That aid Weatern NorthCarolinaRailroad Somer inn the ‘int |some notice of hispresentsojourn at uur fa- ty,more thun four thousand votes,In Ohio|2itbe elgimed that theState authorities acted Company shall soe to make or disson-|w tery chasin,between land ar Leg!below.|vorite fountain,mey prove initéresting.— the majority’of Gov.Hays,Republican,was in-|Vit properand’becoming energy in their efforts |tinue branchesofsai |Road at will,and it may Pic déck passéngers also”‘into the Withthisidea inview wehave,through thecreascdfromtwotoseventhousand,while;the Bereoutaodbringto justice the guilty par-Bensheleaneronwillbest >.ete agtte river as they becamewere and more ‘hotly |kindnessofOe tee en flee ot otee:,:es,Weshall certainly not defend them in thé °:pressed by the flames.In ten minutes:from who atten im here,Seep reel i ae aay _premises,bat rather censure them for their re-nnyal ag Beallsf Balltk,the first the Stonewall was envelopedin ‘information as to all'the toDemocraticto,Repu can.Tuesday last mininesa,if nothing worse.-But what ani other branohshallbe begun until the main Trunk|anes from stemto stern,from main deck to which will be made.He,fortn-elections were held in a number of other.States tby.6;t s :ee ad to Duck Town,and the branch to Paint Rock,shall|Pilot house—a vast funeral pyre.Bythis tine :no partial “peato impress theNorth,but with no result indicating any change|PO*bly.come of the course now pursued by cer-hane been couypleted.”:all who could had jumped off the boat and!world with the greatnessof its ous tohepoliticalsentimenneofthem.-—|4 Papers of both parties?Retaliation only |“Under thi ecctionof the uct the Lime bed|were struggling for lile in the rapid current.—|his benevolence.sa fnthe y sentiment of anyoneof t F 7 .a s i workNewYorkwascarriedbytheDemocratsbyabegetsretaliation;crimination only begets re-|branch was placed among the improbabilities;|Very fow were able to save themselves,The .,George P.of an ancient En-CaP crimination;‘underwhateverpretence,|but wewill go on and show how it was made great majority were,it is feared drowned al-|piishfamil in.America asearly majority somewhat smaller than that by which |<he 4 SET ana ahah thi,|Whole,aud tho mele i an 1208t immediately iss,audwasborn in Danvers,Mase.)ofGov.Hoffman was elected a year ago,and not |F begets more violence.$The same legislature another act rati-EFFORTSTO ESCAPE.s mitch greater than that by which.it wascarriedbyMr.Seymour.The Legislature was thingbécontinued?Istheretobe no end tothesedisturbances?“Are the outragesof the fied the 15th day of April,amending the 1thabove huddled together on the forecastle,B.P.Wat- ADEE IMP M I ce yon, anetteEET te eee aeten as thyofBalimets,triwenty yeushisbome.|-:..PAIN KILLE,y ot Salter des ots PAIN KILLER,ess than a mil!lon of ollars,c .=at orale ©#8 Yong iseangofsoutherneddeationdoubleasmuch.Most}FAMILY MEDIcI NE.ofhisother ac .“Mh Se,:SeeSy nega for more than twen:been in ly New Fag:|iain Uhie medicioevobeunuateland,and aretoo edaea ne "wpe caused by oF attenicyHe-has f buted ot i avi :,‘os Coughs,Fever and A “tives in Aimerica morw UM Gais ol|plltous Pecor,Painsfethe Snes AE,sce,dollars,and h.»Masse.|as w a8 in the Joints and Limbs,Negra enasé'me 5 ebureh an connate Pain in ang Part of theatacostof-a’hu Bead and face1?8ThefirstdovationinbehalfofsonthernAs@BloodPurifierandTonicSorthe S7WESoumachSashand,01,1000.fa,Misacpp!‘tata|oS Re cee Brrr ragawas7ageonddovation,within|Sek H "saat pe hens "PhitenSsaatiiriacmatinseseeenpro.an gure remedy for Cray annominalamount.therefore,is than|SotmeretComaprehtcanine Coll,Diners,Byseay$3,500,000,+h_only $2,000,000.are at,Pepite,Burns.Sprains,Bentsen,Proet Bite.eemoraineJenaRee.mpa ying each botiie,speci of the formerofthese ,“iiadonations,the 88 of Daived ates,|...Bemefiix-of life lasaraucy.onthe16th March,per sees Sines inade |Teorey AmericaIneurance Company jays igbodyaaesinge|premiums promptly without claro,“to i This testimonial,.:a,Hu DERNFSs.Agent,h called.a wore properlya <x im America Life Ins.(4,of -.*DearSir.:-You will Please accept iny xin.cere for your prompt payment,with;charge,of the ‘uk of the policy of Tosur- secated by the Democrata.In Illinois the Re-|9°aeforoveroe belive the publicas panos Nest oF the Died Cibipany te son,the carpeater of the boat,endeavored to oe ee oo aepile seoeating to the Fobra irhmmpbed,elécting s.large majority |SOE eraS enerf,(ates|the biltotat ae taken eh The wrhton |vt tome of thems to amist hie,inpasting Je this|Nest and be wasindunt #pee ey un in ,™Cedi:,stage plank overboard.It would havefloated, ‘fi o =Mayle’ee eee bordem,bat perpetual strife will prevail.How Prethe eetne assembled at the expiration of||it wen Bolloved,one hundred to th eee its aoe 7,0nd now we arethe tion,Mary .y .y long will theypersist invkcindling into a flame|the half hour.”land,but the were struck belpless the and the North America Life Insur- the Democrats,as a matter of course.In Mas-thedying émbers of hatred that but for such|“Judge Merrimon then introduced the fol-|by the prospect of the horrible fate staring af Eompany we shall feel under obligations, sachusetts the Republicans were triumphant,kindling wouldbefore now haveceasedto glow?|lowing ution.themin theface,and failedtolauneh thie ow’as oulythewidow and fatherless can feel electingtheircandidate for Goyernor and their ::“Resolved,That the private Stockholders of|Fifteen feetof it was pushed over theside,of their 2 express. sedi ;In M meRepubli-Never-whilethe extremistsof either party bear the Eastern Divisionof the Western NorthCar-About twentypersons got on if,some.were’r he ater Sutthorstinn,a7 «May havesuccessin mdueing others te Btate ticket.innesota E i Statepolities.Surely theday for mod-|olina Rail Road pany,thestockoftheState pushed off,and abdussixteen managedtoali ‘of his Partuer,already six feet|24V*mature de and :ih pees most liberal company,and maySaaee[ee Wri oR Sc er S|a a Sega |ewea Se en rtv FE i F you in you . le ~ny—has eome if only those in authority,and eral Assembly Of tgp’Stage aCe was sent fromtheshore..was tnknowtto Mr.Riggs,who,in conver-.of the fundto publie freeschoolsfor elewen-7 Le Biappa entire Stateticket by very large majorities.In out ofit,wouldcultivateit.SomeoftheJudges ice ed,“annettobeentitledan|.Fulton,the engineer,stayed at bis post un-sationwith him some time after itsestablish-'ie se oT ARBER, New Jersey the Democratscarried the Legiala-itia taid,—we knowofno case of it ourself—ex-|x —aais’oat bent the|ti!he was driven from it by the flames and|ment,remarked that many men improperly ecudiiaron eho :way of Rowan Mills,N.(ture by a-small majority in each branch.In hibit their feafingn on the benth.As wi Rail ent Secceaay,jumped overboard.He started to swim to-|entered business whettoo young,asuming ao be portions who Mi Beldecoee en oe for the Liver Wisconsin the Republicans madelarge guins.—|ongas weesifitbe80,peace will nev-|1855 and all actsamandetory.thereol,”in the|Warde thepeer ap dog apowdrperden know Maen men ate aon acme lair antnadeualetehatng,iapeth tele be cose pany,whieh ineares al kindsof pubite andicnotq.t.Peabody ’ie and pri Onething to bo remarked of the result fthe |¢-oomein their judicial districtn wheend fenees Sllcwing,this intous ‘tee:|Gagsond cs Clr eee Tee met by the Board,butcork are en-|Yate ,Railroad Depots.BridgesEycomesgress,and so swaminto the wheel-house.He the time wadeno reply,but upon comingof 7 tories preKan dain electionsin the Western States,is tho fact that 2»gok vaphinarmer oy oletha fies het Branch a}clung here in fancied 7 antil the lines|age recurredto this remark of his associate,|0°™raged to establish themby a contribution pays we ae wane arerehaniie sal thequasi repudiationschemeofpaying‘the ‘na-|"JUSTICE.pow prompeer wap.actionofthe legislature|holding theleversbarnedoff and the wheel|and informed himthat thoughtheyhadbeen|fromthe Boardof a ly@ cual)|nitletterseddremced fo”Mr.Holderness.at tional debtin greenbacks,has utterly failed to —and of the Stockholders of theCompany could|commenced to revolve.It made three revo-ipetnenhip nearlyfouryearshe was now|Patt—of the mkaT ne PUr-|Thomasville,N.C will receive Seomit a k the revolution in partles which it}We publishthearticle below from the Wil-|do it.lations,andhe was caught byit and-consider-ytwenty-one,Mr.Riggs heard this with |Pose.A school the tion.. wasclaimeditwould.’Even ton,the |mington Journal as an actof justi¢e tothe Dis-|;ThisiahyTh cereale dancin ably Bruised.ftvalshmest,bat without complaint,anda|toe coutribated a Seanaoriginatorofit,was defeated by a much larger|trict Judge.Wearefrank to say that with the a guardian,ced by him then and BUT ONE SKIFF AVAILABLE.ioyoann He,nd Skene as oe outlay of therest,the economical sdminis-y Giongyieiase eames in South Ame majority than the last Democratic candidate for|single exceptionofhis conduet in relation to the re,from the safe recesses of »breast pocket.!‘There was only one skiff available to take|the profits ou the original capital ofthree|tration of which,as it is weed by tax-|icaass missionary,discovered a safe a1 i Governorof Ohio.And allofthis too,in an|bankrupt printing we haye.heard nothing but ee the Judge rays “in words and fig-passengers from the burning wreck.It made|teousand.ation,the le are tly jealous in ple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness cleetion at which a greatly diminished number|praise ofhim es a Judge;and,with the Jour-——ne Ps Game of North oe to the land.Be-During his residence in Georgetown the oriee thin tant ee fete Sremeeeveebon BarlyDecay,Disease of the Urinary and su,2 °av:; of votes were thrown,nal,we join in thé wish that we hadmotesuchWhenweviewthesituation,and the surround-ing cireumistances,we see nothing tobesurprisedatintheresult.The great rallying,point withtheNorthernDemocrats,has been the horrors ofreconstruction.Thewome it-was,for us of the hibited,especially during the session of the U.8.District Cewek”ovr which he “Jupcr Brooxs.—The patience and_impar-tiality which His.Honor Judge Brooks,has ex- idedlastweek,has been such as to win forhim the re-spect andgoodwill of themembers of the.Bar *|Carolina do enact,That the provision in section15ofsaidact,shull not be 90 construedastoventtheimmediatlateconstructinofthebranchHodleadingfromapointnéarCatawbaion,in Ca-levbaequity,do'the Limebade o ided forinsectionlatofsaidacts;and in all meetings here-after held by the Stockholders of the EasternDivisionofsaidCompany,theStatestock,if rep- ;escape for those on}war with Great Britain was bg on,andthestage-plank,it was used to take Fulton|the young merchant for ‘<te Lafromhisperilous—He was the last|soldier,serving in a volunteer artillery eom-brought away;after that no oneescaped from ny in defence of the capital.In 1815 thetheboat.It was feared that some,hemmed of Riggs &P ly was establishedinbytheflames,were burned to death,and|in Baltimore.The style of the firm subse-rumor bad it that some met with sucha dread-quently beeame Peabody,Ri &Co.,andfulfateimthecabin.How many,will never branch heuses wereanol ti New York av and a system of schools introduced|inal Organs,and the whole train of disorderswhich,being entirely covtrolied by theor-|brought on by banefal and vieious habit.gans of the peopleand thoseim ately in-|numbershave been curedbythie nuble reterestedintheirsuccess,are generally accep-|Prompted by a desire to benefit the afc...=—ay to i»—<-and ate I yal cond therecipe for |whenthe aid in queativnis withdrawn.e|paring using cine,in a sealed orfundbeing,asbelord fathimased.wholly insu-|velope,to any whoneedsit,Pree of ()1: South,the better chance Nort!nd ho have been nected in an 4 P &: eae &a ieee ea ag with hie Court.‘The jentiee whieh’ba bee resehted=shall vole a¢provided in the Lithseo-|be known.It can only be hoped that they all and Philadelphia.In the year 1837 Mr.|ficient to assist al!needy communities,it ,pene ei ;po tens ever manifested upon the sear since his eleva-|tion.oftheact ratified the 2dh of Jannary,|succeeded in Jumping into :he river and got (0!Pea:dy fixed his home in .where|Should be added that the plan of the Board 4 ce professing great sympathy for us,the Northern tion thereto,has heen such as to im our|186%forthe “Western Division,”of which this|shore.ees .|he has ever since resided,though atili elaim-|thus far has been to con-entrate it Oot.én Now York City Democrats weresecretlywishingthat reconstruc-4 pedple with-the fact that be id aniong the few|is y,and the oe of these and]The coal oi]—fortanately not a large quanti-|ing to be a citizen of the United States.He|cities and towns where thelargest numberof oweaseataeen erat tion might be made ten times more odious than|Now-a-days who are incorruptible,The Bar en aeshall ~i to the private|ty and the bacon burned very Gercely,1,|bas crossed the Ailantic fourteen times,and|children are accessible,thus em loying it "PSA : it was,andweredoing all in their power,to make Sat Loe Tespect,and pede mgs oe prevented the “tesesebate a Wide Stonewallepcisaghee ee if his health permits,will next spring make|most eer aiining model to the orsrar:. much balic wa gthem Srenah Not ge in aboutone r a his fifteenth e.surrounding country of a success:1 system,7m e .publloens teesmata oe ovictinadi.Amaeie er aoe t upon this ones at eee a are sq pasayl _long before thisthere}“His business in London was that of a =aa the foundation of similar Theofice ofthemomach fo”conver ©food :P Ms .:a leare the publieto |of the cond since,was Do living so jn it.banker and commission agent,and his sa-ools where.into acream.seomi-fiuid,called Cnyur.Th. oem ahs —am ee Sonar sae of hanueoeess ek =of someof those eeeare aneFy an 4 TERRIBLE SCENE.gacity in all financjal concerns was soon cou-|Mr.Peabody's gift being designed for the petietenpartly be pe epetpriote ally pawed.The Republican party waadivided we have been,that Judge Brooks sits upoa the|having totedfor them.Th teuitetie to|*Picaous.It seems only less wonderful than|beuefitof both races,the inquiry is sugges-|ine So an Dy amechaniva!moveren: between qualified and unlimited suffrage for bengh in thehonest of bieduty ashe }"The Committee to superintend the ballot ©speye wens 4 weettd adit °|his liberality becauseit is oftener paralleled.|ted.and has been often made,wh ofthat whleh dhawee asit were,the dis.ols t ic memhe iven it,wi i 2 Gov.Vance “reported as follows:de forgotten by the survivors.The ‘a-|The foundation of his fortune,for.example,|“mixed schools”are contem ed by him|i euat”The Curespues ton the ecwach be negro.TheDemoeratic members held the conceiverit,without the display ofpartizan pre-d d e,ple,y — i ith Stevens |judices or feelings,we take pleasure in acknow!-|“Affismative—F R Kyler,5shares;B A Ber-|tions,groans end shrieksof dying men and wo-is said to have been due to his extensive|or his representatives.To t is question a the duodenum.or entrance to the boweis balance of power,and united with the Stevens caging _*wanoe that |TY,10 shares;Wm M Walton,30 shares;Thoa|men mingled with the noise of the cracking urchase during the crisis of 1835 of Mary-pointedreply ean be given.”The Board,as|*»¢te itis subjectedto the action of the bile,and wing of the Republican party,to make the bil!G Walten,for «elf and as proxy for others,878|timbers,and to fbtensify the horrorof the mo-d bonds,the State being theo indakaee indieated above,ase Bo eoutrél whatecer een.ord fool f asodiousaspossible.Tothe Democratic membersofCongress,therefore,arewe indebted for wniversalmanhood-suffrage.After havingassisted the ul-taRadicalstoengraftit in thebill at the lasthouroftheseasiontheycouldnothavepreventeditapassage,had they even desired todoso.WiththepoliticalcapitalmanufacturedoutoftheRe-onstruction Agtsthe democracymadesomegainsettheelectionsintheFallof1867.Bot thestockintradethusobtainedwasallexpendedbyNovember1868,when (Jen,Grant was so tri-umphanily eleetedtothe Presideveybythe Re-publicanparty. Many predicted that great changeswouldbemademanifestattheelectionsjustheld,battheyhavebeensadlydisappointed.And thereasonisobvioas.Thereconstruction questionhasbeensettledbyansoceptanceofthosemeas-nresby the Southern pebplé.The Democracycannolongerharpapouthatstring.Old feel-ings and old passions,engendered during thewar,havecarriedmany back to the Republi-can ranks whoabhored the reconstructionpoli-In allofthisthereis nothing unnatural.—These passions and prejudices willonlydie withthepresentgeneration.Noparty islikelyto euc- the Copparheadsat the North and theold Sectssion-tate at the South anitenationalleaders.TherearethousandsofNorthernmen,sot Repub-ljcana,who will never men like Pendle ‘aieaaanietieliiheaormiasaasmesthantheBannfnBothould|DEMOES Monrit—A pendChrihavesupportedJohoM.Bottsfor thesame of-jee Regn loud.i pedisfaeiftheConfederseyhadbeenestablished—|02 Improve aheant la»odTylgnorethisfetintoabutcureyestotheson|nasem,be nemmeromsFal-etond pastes,ieodplestlawsofhumannature.‘sirableUlustretions,or idlesitby farThereisnodoubtthataverylargepropotrumQanheeatdion,dalytionoftheRepublicanpartyistiredoffollow-fact indinpenmblete ladlesliving stay from theingtheleadofSumner,Butler,Loganandthe lit centers,Itix also the cheapestrtherRarticalleaders,butthey will not desert at $3 per anonm,with «handsomethen1foliethelendofthesewhyworeapdTurewisereRohedodesmaceenposedtotheUnionduringthelatewar.The eybeaJargeandmagnificentlyengravedcopyreagpabercortiLillieM.Spencer's “Poarthof July Pic-Nic”—Nothing mutnal antagoniam timesthe coatof thepressureofsurroundingcircumstanceskeepseeerp|oy tare 7thetwoorganizationstogetherascompactand;,and distinct parties,Without that premure it ee a pemaybedoubtedwhethertheycouldbekepttoeeALaayae ee aeherfo:months longer.our :ia )ileuraeinexistancewoesmoreofitthanthatitfullysustainethehighiRepublicanwouldspted-tation of that publieation,Address theiyeeaoeTaunatdSoilPub,Co,120)Police wt,X.Y.fly dissolve and go to pleces,and the discordantclementsofwhiehit-iscomposed-arrxy thtim-=selves in opposition toox other.Inthe pres-|Jon oe the _gts *.ent conditionof Ghings,then,isit not amostop-|Bounces that the “London Quar.iew”forportunetimeaaggreofagreat|October will contain hitherto unpublished Let-Linzrat P&Rzy,in.conformity to the wants|ters from Lady Ryron to Mrs.Leigh,in 1816,and emergenciesofthetimes?)The great need |which completely ditprove Mra.©Beccherofthecountrynowistobealthewoundsandre-|ci owes stor y.The elder Murray having beenpairtbemischiefwroughtbythewar.To this Byron's Pc blisher,any statement emanatingendexpedients,rather than principles,are d..:Such a party would at ‘an unite all the moder-|from this well known honse is authoritative.ate and properly eensegvative men of all thepresentpagtiesinsttheextromistsandthe!oypracticables of all.Such 9 party would re-fore peace to the country and inan an«ra of goowl feeling,which yeither of the present claimed pone worse than he.” ~<a learn that the opinion of the Supreme Court o' published in Washington City. tain it by applying atonce to Rowland Cox,P O.loeksbax;No.29,Washington,D.C, Supreme Coart. —>——— the second rohime of the Cirolina Farmer is on our table.This really moritorions journal has Ithas a beautifully engraved head,and hand- pieces.In typographical exeoutioniiisacrediy to Southernskillandenterprise.Published at thelowprice of $2 per year.Addrem Wm.H. Bernard,editor and proprietor,Wilmington,N.C, ard Seott Publishing Cv.,early in November; and all who wish to secure© of tds hnm ber should make immediate application,either wehad moresach,and that our State Courts| THorrxnotow vs.Suytn &Harriey.—We the United States inthiscase,junt delivered and |:),involving the vatidity of cpntractsbasedov Con-|proxy 7,088;A 8 Merrimon,5 shares;Couleyr.|‘i;J A Caldwell,16 shafederatecurrency,will be Feported in full ip the|&Neal,353 shares;eeNovemberdasbteofthedacriomKewTima|W.BP.Portune,=rt:J McElrath, We arppore that gentlemenof the Bar desiring it could ob-|tain,5 shares;R TheopinioninthecelebratedYergercarewillalso appear,and other important decisions of the A Howe Extzaratse.—The first nunther of been changed from a monthlyto a weekly,and contains éightpages of choice original and se- lectedreading matterfor the farmand fireside. someruleborder with tastefully designedcorner The Retiew will be republished by the Leon-| ment,burning spara,feaders and beams,felloverintothewater,where nearly two hun-dred beings were trying to save therselves fromthe jawsofdeath various States avd corporatious in AimAIDFROMTHEsHtoRErurvetengdrailwaysintheUnitedStates areTherewerena-mbers of le on the shore|indebted to him for their speedycowpletion ;who had flocked from the housesin the neigh.|be sup "ying them with iron and taking theirborhoodpftheing,butthey were una honda ip payment.Jn this way,while add-to give any eee except what a few could|'®g greatly to the wealth of his native land.render with thettay skiff before meutianed..|he is apderstood to have acquired no smallTheysawmabyannonatepagsenger|Part of his private fortune.taking lie last léap,and,as some who had}Mr.Peabody's extraordinary libervlity,ifmanagedtOgettoldofasparorpieceoftim-|Bot beforeevineed,developed itself as earlyberdrifted|di the wreck,nn aarte as 1851,when he assumed the entire ex-songhttogive &helping hand to some poor onoes ngthe American mentfellowashenéatédtheshore,the Great Exhibition in Loudon,and InTheydidalltheypostiblycouldtomitigate|1852,when he BAve $10,000 to defray thethehorrorsofthevight,and at different points|cost of the second expedition imsearchuf Sir shares;John Casson,forself and as proxy 599shares;W W Fleming,for self and as proxy 480 shares;M L MeCorkle,for self and asproxy559shares;R A Caldwell,for self and asproxy2180shares;J A McDowell,forselfandasproxy,546 shares;N W Woodfin,for selfandproxy408shares;J W Wilson,forself and of repudiation—an act by which he savedhercredit,an]himselfrealized largely.Healsorenderedsimilarservieeooto f ;8shares;J A H thares;%BVance,shares;W F MeKelton,335 shares;Jos Brit-F Bimonton,50 shares;Geo.P Erwin,5 sbare,”It is unecessary to give thewhovotedinthenegative, —_——~+ape THE LATE DISASTER RecentMiagiesigp:RiserCalamity The Burning o Dames of those CG quarter six o'clock on Wednesday even-fog the Stonewall reached apoint iteNeeley's Landing,ove hundred and twentymilesbelowSt.toe THE FIRST ALARM. Here the cryof “fire”wasgiven by one ofthedeckwhoshoutedtoWw.Fulton,the engineer,thenon duty.Darknesshadsetinandthealarmcamewith«terriblesignificance.The boat was at a point wheretheriverisoneandahalfmileswide,withtachthatwascombestibleonboard,and withfomeansofescapeexceptwhatmightbeob-tained by ranning theweeer)against the bank.Pulton rushed ont and saw abaleof hay in theaftportionoftheboatburning.So emall wasthefirethatitcouldhavebeenextinguishedwithoneortwoboeketsofwateriftheybadbeenathand,but these were not there. SPREAD OF TRE FLAMES. The hay was piled up to the boiler deck andtheflamesspreadwithgreat-rapidity,extend-ing from bale to bale of hay,coffmumicatingnexttothedrywoodworkoftheboat,and it||wns seen ata glance that fhe Stotewall fas|doomed.The majority of the d&ck phssbogerswereatthefimecongregatedAf.arid a panic|Which rendered them powerless fo doanything ||to prevent the finpendiny cesiructiog ensned|armong them.Fulton left his engines,and,un-_aided,excep!by one ur two Persons,exsayed Tadex,it is predicted willbeavery hard one,Old huntersandwoodsmenonthis coutinent~adhcoey a caleulators anglyporteeedlweadducedsignstokenscaeedsicenieeFoundedapoethe“aan ne oe aodstod of pens—cannot rejected.Animals that therr preparations for thefrost,while the fearful tempests that recentlyrageduponseaandland,are regardedas noequivoral-warning.It will dotbtless be :—what aremarkably wilfWinter the last was.Mueh of the time the temperatnre was thatofearlyspine;and sate at intervals bat Irt-tle increase of éloth was need d in thisclimate;and the ng among the poorerclasseswascom,ly trifling.In point of mildecse the winters of 1797.1822,1828 aud 1834,are the only ones with-in the last three-q-arters of w century thatapproachedft.~:‘2 *»Adistinguishedbavdnt,writttg to the Bul-letiwof the Scientific.Society of Europe,“teNs the world thet since the atmosphericertubstionsof1859‘60,the years havebewarmer,clenret dryer,and the bar-ometor pressure Vghter than before.Theanomalies,he thinks,eannot fail to find theircompensationere.Jong,the winter before butone of thesedays I meantocomemoneyydoachange,ted T ieee thonvey.shall strong ot yoursbenevolence.e y aaybytheHungarians.”=eae The unly chaivhisbenevolentregardingUnitedStates,as then entertained.that isknowntohavetakenplace,is that fundswhichweredesignedfadvanceeducationinthewholecountryhebassince.the war de-|voted entirely to the South.|to a member of the Board ofSouthernEducationFund,on the oreasionofhislastgreatm,were:“I do thisfortheSonthforthebenefitofthewholecountry.”‘Mi.Peabody is known to be charitable ontinciple,to recognize his obligations toodashavingprosperedhimaboveothers,and to consider himself merely a steward ofhisBounty.He says that he gives accord- yemembered by all from strangers,and habitually declines to an-swer letters 'them.On one vcca-sion he counmitted to the flames as many as4.000 snch letters.Ove of his most strikingcharacteristices—mére or less illustrated in Si ee eee and withthe con- hand shown him.Sachevidence ofwehighlySow,epol ee iven hasbeenre-|stendfastly His own words|E. Trustees of the|daughter of Rev.R.H. eLedfordandMiss Clementine over the the arraugement of the schoolste|Now,it is evideot that if the great solvent t)which assistance is accorded,leaving all such|§Juice,is not produced in sufficient quantit;matters ectirely with the local au ae Snesee oe ua a :the nwwhoestablishandchieflymaiotainthem;|be buti performed.tis alro clear thotconsequentlynoportionofthefundcanbe|iftheliver,bie pleyssuch ide rtant part inexpendedonmixedschoolsexceptbytheBourishingportionofthechyneintosanctionofthuseauthoritie—a sanetion .or in tnywhich.sofaras js known,has been uniform-;the secondprocess willnotbeBereaghlys-complished.The result of t)-«0lywithheld...In pring of fact,wueh the irr.|f&Tres is dyspepria.with wew,gerpa tof thehelp hicherta given has been Tasman byl a ERSwi PS oy;eratein such casts is:they invigorate |)to white schouls,t for colored children lularmenbrens ofthe omech,whieb eveshavingbeentoalargeextentprovidedforfromothersources,and the Boa:Myepeetfordingtheiraidwhereitismost Slits eager aaah ete#0 set upon the nervesofthe stomach,cs».‘bod ttendedat the Springs accelerationofthe mechanical MABE Lee o0)co Pes’oo Pe §R toreducethefoodto ahoutggensons =a Tey+‘eabody alse act the tiver,strengt!0andMrs.Russell,of +Mass.,aswell|it,andsoenabling it te neeanample and rm,as by the Rev.B.Sears.D.D.,LL.D..of|ular sa yof bile Of converting of the river,foramile below assisted s|John Franklin.The anteyear he bestowed|of Staunton.Va.This was for-|the autri me igte |of the Slimmer Stemewall—Statements of Survi-|to getonshore’The noasber so vel,it ig |20,000 (since increased tentold)—his first merlyBeperiatendeat of Public Tustraction peelnysre bh pemage through Be bowelsrore—Harrible Seener—Incidents,de.regret.ed,was bat srall.edacational nt—to found the Peabody|in Massachusetts,and subsequently sueceed-|in thisway.HOBSTETTER'S RITTER—[By Telegraph.}Institute in hisnative town,then eelebrat ed the celebrated Dr.Wa:as President|pepsia and livercomplsint.The explacaThefullaccountsfurnishedbythetelegranienethecentennialanniversaryofitscorporation.|of Brown University,at widence,R,I,,|Pisin,Sepia,philosophics,and taeR.abfished inthe Swn of Friday and Saturday |7CRTHER From DIMASTER ON THE MID ture of Massachusetts has re-|an office which he ©sseume the|——___——_——_—-x bat fewof the main facts to record.The SUSIPPI RIVER.cently the vame of this townfrom|daties of General of the Southern|(\VWEW ADVERTISEMENTScauseswhichpreventedanextinguishmentofBt.Louis,Ot.30.|Danvers to Peabody.It is.however,with-|Edvea.iop Fund.For this position histal-—the flames,the appalling scenes insrparsble|The Republican has a dispatch from Captain|i=eighteen years past that his benevolence|ents,experience,and character.eminently pUeBLic SALE.—!WILLSEL!.trom all such dire calamities,and the heir Taylor,one of the committeethatleftherelast |bas most striking,and whatevermay qualify im.Heis knowntopossessthe en-deen toen ne,Anetign on Ge -_Noremberbreadth——death strugglesofthe pas-night for the wreck of the steamer Stonewall,|before have been the case,all that he has|tire confidenceof the gentle-River,Rowancounty,formerly haowe as the Brad sengers,as ished by Western exchanges,late burned in theMississippi,which statesthet|dovein that timehas notbeen therecultof mencompoting the Beard of chew the \oheeare,howeverofpainful Interest.The8t.Louis |nobodies were found to-day.Three were|impalee,butthe carrying out of pre-con-|confidence which Mr.Foshodyine erufre-BsBen Cor te ny Podder,HorRepublicangatbersitsfactsfromsurvivorswho|buried yesterday;namescobeown,Beve aj|ceived plan.Thisis indieated bythe fol-|ed in the warmestterms to ¢Present wri-Cotteand Stock,One —agen.One BuczyreturnedtothatcitybytheBelleMemphis,|persons were picked up below here evterday|lowing incident:=.pehay eeandfromthecolumnsofthatpaperthefollow-|alive,but their namesarenot The}Mr.W.W.Corcoraz,of Wasington eity,|Mr,Peabody shares with ex-Governor House,Bers,Suakhat Sirus 7ingextractsaremade:wreck wasstill barning.The freight in the |hisfriendforhalfa century.andagentle-|Wise the uppermost cottage in Bakimore onsaidlandDEPARTUREOFTERBOAT.hokd is voinjered,bat being stolenrapidly.If]men well knowa for his great wealth and|Row.and siteatthe same table withGene-|ov.12 1980—a ELM CORREL1TheStonewallleftSt.Lowisat sia o'clock|h¢boardof underwriter’s sent atugdown|numerous aoble charities,had signalized|ral Lee.Mr.Coreoran,Mr.T and oth-—Toceds:ing,withthirty-Gve cabin $60,000 worthof y would have beep bypre forthewantsandtrass-|¢rs.He isnow inhissev year,and MIMLETRATOR’S NOTICE —11\ee ytendred andciate ave dec”|eamad.‘The anfe of t boathasbeen.taken|B the far Wenof lars odyof|fortanaely forthe world,«buchelor.—teeconthe of aeee 2 :onpoteatidateadcian:aa “eight cook out.andis nowin the keeping of Henderson,angarians whohad just been iededob Being quite +he hasbeenseldomable tify all penutas bovine chiens ons ec Goa a ene offers,ad Mricte of bre |@jestice of the posse New York in #stateofutterdestitation.Mr.|to come to ordising-room,though he|taisto them tomeover the 15th crew,loan conespe epee Peabody.in a letter London to Mr.|has revei many ladies and at|dayof November 1870,or this notice will bethousnadae,Corgoran.dated October 3.1851,uses the|bis cottage,andseemsfond of society.His inbaroftheir 7)8 in- of oats,ove hundredand filty balesofhay,«|A SEVERE WINTER PREDICTED.plead|recovery.All persons ilargequantityofbaconandsomepetroaesfollowingla’3 Se ny and Dg,:to theestate are requested to make ear-leum,andone hundredand filty molen At4 .However T may be,I eannot keep andhis countenanceoneofthemostbene.|ly settlement.-The coming winter,says the Petersburg wish your noble sets of charity at|olent we have ever seen also indis-RICHARD 4.COWAN,Adm'r.of John Garner. Sra TURPENTINE...PEW PERSONShaveanyideaofthegreatdifferenceinthiarticle§=Paintersand Artizans cannot doWorkwithaninferiorarticle.LiketialOils,it is mach deterioratedcarelesskeeping;losing much of heis teattention that hasbeen on ed by a manwhohas|al!othertitlesanddecorationsat|by age andhgreatestsovereignitsstrength and valuablemadfoe<e .For there reasons thesrimoriver bas alwaysbeencarefulingettingitfreshlydistilledby one of the most ex need manufacturersinMARUWIED:the State,and itmay always be bad,in an} AtCottegeHome,Lincolnconnty,on the2d|quantit and at ueh below those here-by the Rev.A W.Miiler,D.Ti,Col Soha|me eaend,Mt prisesm aerown,of and Miss Laura P.,AtE.SILL'SDrugStore,Salisbury.‘arrison,D.D.Nov.5,1869.45-2InCabarruscounty,on the2d inst.,by the LASTIC Stockings KNEE CAPSRev.J.E.Pressly,Mr.JamesA.Bradfordand 1 ESihersdegEANKLETS42NDBODYBRACES—These invaluable he'ps to the crippled andlame,are too little known.Made of ElasticSilkorCotton,they are,from the bracing sup- led joint or In Forsythe county,onthe 9th alt,Mr.Jno.h.1 Spaug! ing to his means;Great.however.as is his o ey Mrs.liberality,he entertains applicat aid er,deceased,aged eare,he ee salincs to oor|Wh woe ofS cx 10 sanhwelel adofwhomlivedtoanoldage. ~they give the weak or eripphimb,productiveof incalculable benefit.Theirametbenefitshavebeenfullydemonstratedinthe..,cases of well known individualsof this county.apn Ge,Tile of James Their high price bas hitherto deterred per-Neely—ali'|£088 from using them.tmt they may now behadatpriceseasilywiil.in the means of anyone.Persons at a distance can have them sent hymail,(as the postage is a mere trifle.)by sim DIED. In Steel Creek,in Mecklenburg SPEOIAL NOTICE. ply rending the meature of *+e parts they arc partion com to direct to the pablishers,or to a local agent.|to prevent the spread of the devonring ele.|last eloeely cotreeponding with that of 1828,|every gift he has made—is a freedom from ‘Pee ee a ment.He got the section hos ant went}and ae betaflening that hoot 1870|sectignal or sectaraian prejudice and bigotry;Allen's LUNG BALSAM.aces 9 BYLLA,Drag Shien Bathory. Tur Ksoxvir.te Wie declaresthat Tennes-Tae Carouixa Farmer.—The October nam-|ve!(0 the donkey engine to attach it’His |we shall ave a great winter like thas of acatholicity of spirit ard large-hearted be-°THE REMEDY FOR CURING Nov,12,1889 ‘O ree will pot repudiate—thatthe State debt has a eee °Lore |efforts were,however,fruitless.The people 1828-30..:..nevulence.He declares that he never has “Consumption,Coughs,Bronchitis :: heen incurred,and it must be met,and will be}berof this vnlaable work 1s on oar table,Gill-had become frantic,anil moved rapidly in a The savants are not invariably right,but|bestowed benefits upon any particular re-‘ihn and Crev WOTIcH. met.no matter what eost or sacrifice.And its |ed with articlesof interest and profit to the |dense stream forward,Fulton found that he |there is nceumulatedevidence a their favor ligious denomination as such,and that he P Mary A.Campbell,Plaintiff. ',;:er.This number closes the first volume,|could not advance aft oue step and he gave it |toshow that on general indications,and care-never will do so,and he bas distinctly ex-Asan Expectorant it hasnoBanal.against ‘ correepandent at Nashville,who has mixed a|farm ;:;ego;ene .i :e :.D ,.od ith the borsof the Legislature,|and is the last of the monthly series,On the |OP in despair.Previous to this he lca |inl eumepariswan het ap oT k™past,they|pressed the wish that this policy should ob-|Tt is composedof the active inciplesof roota vdie a re turd Foo deal with the member:ees :7 :ok Novemter ike Bin Gunite Ge)ed through the peaking trumpet to Palkerson jean inake some fair predictions concern Dg|tain the apportionment of the fund for eda-|and plants,which arechemically extracted,0|44.Mh Sap ot Ee re aoa earn: writes that the suggestionof rep"diation is odious ae o Bs ni be!i aay pes pilot,to land ie boat as --E ssible,Has di u ee a ;ection in the South.He is not a member of|asto retain all their medical qualities.in Camden,South Carolina,I shall proceed to take and monstrous,Weekly will appear;and in its new form i |The bont was rounding towards the sourt lese predictions may not fa unpleas-any church,thongh edueateda Presbeterian.MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS|thedepositionsof J.K Wither«00a end others.to GO Sai ee amen will no doubt prove mnch more acceptable to |bank when it gronnded on @ reef called Tea|utly one the ears of oe business it]The total amount he has given away in Wh often aff:ish threet di .pete in @ suit now pending is the Superior Court a W «2 -|;AT Table bar,and remained in able some two |is to 6 Winter wear an inte ial .0 are 80 0 ieted wi roat di of Lenoir county,North Carolina,where you are 7 als hat haa —rae ts many readers.It will contain eight pegcs |hundred yards fre a ha ers aut deie wi Sees,when comfort i pleaty Ail =rer leesa “i err Coon will find a sureremedy in thisBalsam.Lozen-defendant and!ye plaintifr aaa ‘ eer ye Ravebut seen1 e r KS,oa a ‘rach?an itior c |:7 :..te °dg ‘fe .;A .ML oy AMPRELI ‘either have we seen the Rutherfordeen papers |01 Dre columns cach;and ip adiion (0 §ter intervening.In ded oon mniier lie alarm |their homes—-bys to the poor thegasealarm-|io the poor of Londan—about two initions |Fe and taken o fewtne rail Ino pene|Bar sq,MARY A Simpe tee 805) 'Sane Kan largely-increased amount of agrien!tural mat-j the flames had extended over all the aft por-|ing.We trostfer their sake the Seasen may|of dollars in the aggtegate—are still fresh nt care om will Insure @ perma-a een ue Se bigs,will giew irincclanecom family,conding,ovtice of Ceatdernble part of the forward |not be exceptionally severe.Bat af any |in tha minds of aly een ieee and minia-|""With all those afflicted with Cough or Con.Dr.J.W.JONES;i that C.JL]market reports and the general news of the|portion of the boat,The One pam ogers |wate:whether We predictiotip are falfilled or|tare of herself sent him by the Queen every-|sumption,give this Balam a fair trial,they will WING Iocuted 4,it 2.We learn from the Standard t SoS era :$200 per year)|Tshed towards the forecasi!>,evesy inch of]not,it would be both wisa and politic to be|where remembered.A well-written and most|he pleased with the result,and confers that the IT Pr aorta 7 Rrowten,Heq.,of Wayne County,succeeds the}day.Te subscription pr ce ee Per SCR)|which was covered with a shrieking and dread-|prepared.as faraspossiblefor what may come.interesting account of the manner tn which|Sure Remedy is fowndat last.fi no See ee ‘ defaalting Estes aa Collector of Internal Reve-|will not be change.Address,Wm.H.Ber-fully afftighted masa of humanity.To com-|At least no harman resuk fromsuch pre-|this mone ha s been wed is found i Itis eold b ;;5 ce onCouncil Street,opposite eee a y :such p y been besto din is sold by Dr.G,B.Povisoy,Salisbury,|and next door to ihe Law office of Hon.PurtesH— Hue in the Wilmington Dietriet.nar,Editor and Proprietor,Wiliningtop,N C .|plete the general consternation themules dash-cautions,Ne 8 i ,Appletoa’s Joureal for July 33,1869,The)N.C,Craige,May 2%,INOU-tf. 4a xs a <5 eePRIDAY,NOV.12,1960.pane’ ne “ ‘NEw Kbvédreimnnnre.—Poole Sale— iza CorrellAdministrator's Notice—R.H.Cowan.Spirits Tarpentine—Dr.Sill. Elastic Stockings—Dr.Sifl.wee to take Depositions—Mary A.Camp- Allen's Lung Balsam—At Dr.Poulson’s,Perry Davis’Pain Killer. —_——~ap aq We hada fall of snow,to thedepthof one andhalf inches,here on Wednesday night. ——--ao Five Tosacco.—Someweeksagowenoticed afine specimenoftobacco left at ourofficeby AlbertSheek,Esq.,of Davie County,which we thoughtthefinest we hadever seen,and we iadseen thefinest specimensraised in thecous-tiesofCaswell and Rockinghamip1860—one by Hon.Bedford Brown,the other by Capt. ThomasSlade.Since thenDr.J.W.Ellis,of CountyLine,Iredéll County,has left another specimenatourofficequite.equal,if notsupe- rior,to thatleftby Mr.Sheek.We do not knowhow much Dr.Ellishasraised like the aampleleftwith ys,as wewerenot in our’sanc- tumwhen heleftit,but wefeel surethatit will convinceeveryoneofthe adaptability of our soil andclimatetothegrowthof the finest qual- ityoftobacco,ve a ————~.- Saxiscury Common Scnoon.—We learn from agentleman who traveledwith Mr.8.8.Ashley, will visit Salisburyin afewdays,and that he is prepared to furnishfundsto theCommonSchool inthisplace at therateoffiftycents toevery jn- habitant. Mr.Ashleyhasgoneto Concordandwillstop Being situated at the junctionof the N.C.and W.N.OC,Ratlroads it iscertainlymoresccessd- ble toallparts ofthe WestthanCharlotte.But if wecannotget it at Salisburythen we are for Charlotte. Inconnection withthissubjectwecalltheat- tentionofthefarmers of Rowantotheinrpor- tanceofforming a County AgriculturalSociety at the earliestconvenienttime.Theformation ofsueh «societyby them mustnecewarilypre- cedetheholding of such a fairat Salisbury— withouttheformationofsuch asocietytheycar.- notexpectit. ——oe Fine rm Ratetonu.—The Grocery Store of Jordan Womble,Sen.,of Raleigh,wasdestroy- edby fire on Thursdaynightlast—the work of anincendiary.Hisloss isestimatedat$15,000. -—-—me GronotPravopr,Eaq,,the great American banker and philanthropist,ie dead.We pab-lish aninteresting sketchofhislifeand charse- ter this week. —_~gpe Jon=D,Carpweris,Exg,a memberofthe Board of County Commisiosers for Catewba County,wasthrown from his horse and killed ontheIstinst..This is the fourth accident ofthekindthatheshappenedinCatawbacounty withinthe lest eixmonths. ——__wore -— Deat.—Weregrettolearnthat William A. Jenkins,Faq.,of Warren County,diedat Hali- fax,on the Oth,while attending Courf there— Hewae a gentlemanofabilityundwas former- ty Attorney Generalofthe State. -—oe Batrov’s Mowruty MacazixeWe are in receipt of thiemarvellouslycheapandhandsome MagazineforDecember.Its table of contents is varie]and charming,embracing the usual fine varietyofserials,sketches,stories,poems andattractive engravings.The publishersan- noaneeintheprospectus for the coming year, aserial storyfor adulty by the popular Maga zine writer,James Franklin Fitts,and a juve- nileserial by the youngpeople's favorite,Hora- tio Alger,Jr.The priceofthis periodical is a marvelto everybody—ahundredpagefirstclasillustratedMagazineforfifteencents,or $1.50 peryear,is indeed wonderfullycheap.Elliott, Thomas &Talbot,Publishers,Boston,Mass. —_--—o—— A Feaarv.Lear.—A young man fromNashville,Tenn.by the name of J.B.Joaeswhohasbeenlivinginthscityforfewmoothspast,on Wednesdaynightlastfromthethird-storywindow of theHousetothestonepavementbelow,adistanceofatleast30feet.Itis marvelousthathewas pot instantly killed,but he still lives with onelegbrokeninthreeplaces,one arm fractured,Jaw broken,andheadseverely cnt.The man was laboring @vdbyliquorwhichinduced him #0 teke thefearfulleap.He was foundenthe pavementatont11o'clock,by oneof oar Policemen,and carried into the Hotel,where Dr.GibbonontcareaItwillbeanrejidownorap.Charlotte Democrat”“*'™ +> Fuyprxe Tue Dest.—A special Washingtondispatch,printed in the Philadelphia Prem oSaturday,says: Secretary Boutwell has not eonclu-ded whatrateof interesttorecom in thefundingthepublicdebt,bat will ly decideuponfourpercent.He will alaorecommendtheaentoffacilitiesinLonden,Frankfort,Hamburg and other Europeancities,for the payment of the interest that may accrueonthenewloan.He feels confident that thisloanwillbetakenpromptlybyEnropeascapt- taliste at four Per cent, delasions caas-|rence, pcr,ViganatotheAmountof and Dollars—HisCassbeforethe U.8.District Court,de-—Itwaswhisperedon our stregtaon Fridaylast,andtherumor came toour cars, thatGen.L.G.Estes,Collector ofInternal Rew enue for this District,had been discovered to beadefaultertoaconsiderableamount,but we re-frainedfromsayingeaything aboutthematter in these columnsuntil weshould come into pos- session of the facta in the cause.Yesterday, however,we succeededin obtaining sufficient in- formation to warrant us inlayingthefactsbefore ourreaders.ItseemsthatMr.Perry,Supervi- sor of Internal Revenuefor Northand South looking over the entries andcorrespondencein the office of Mr.Estes,discovered a discrepancywhichledtoamorethoroughinvestigation,andfinallytheiatterbeingbroughtbeforethe Grand Jury of the U.8,District Court,nowin sessioninthiscity..The Jury,after examining intothecase,renderedtwobillsagainstEstee— oneforem the funds of the UnitedStatestotheamountofabout$15,000,andoneforniaking,asCollector,false returns to theCommissionerofInternalRevenue.On motionoftheDistrict:Atterney,His Honor,Judge Brooks,decidedto transmit thecause to the U. 8.Circuit Court,and that a capias be ‘issuedto seoure ‘the appearance of the defendant at thenexttermofsaid court,which willbe heldinthe city of Raleigh on thefourthMon- dayinthismonth. Dr.8.P.Wright,DeputyCollectorat New- bern,has,we‘learn;béenplacedin temporary chargeoftheoffice. Thefollowingareamongthenames on the bondof Estes;Jos.C.Abbott,Senator in Con- |gressfrom thisState;E.R.Brink,Postmaster inthis city ;Wm.H.French,brotherto G.Z, French,ondtheostensible ownerof thecelebra- ted “ExcelsiorFarm,”nearthis city;and Mrs. Estes,wifeof thealleged “embezzler,”who is saidto ownin her own name more than suffi- cient to cover theamount of the defaleation. Thereis much indignationexpressedonthe partof some ofEstes’bondsmenon accountof his failure tomakehisappearancein thiscity and arrangematters. Esteswasformerly a representative in the State Legislaturefromthis county,to whichpo- sitionhe was electedby theRepublicanparty. WilmingtonStar. tH”Anaccident occurred on the N.C. ,——above Jamestown,on Mondaymorni!»by which thecarattachedto-through aesonthrownfromthetrack,badly damaged.andAlbertJohnson,the ee faeandbruised,batnot y-Mr.J.wasnothart,however,so badlythathelostbisusualsagacity—forhehad atrack laid in afewbours.roundthe car androad,thos cablingtheother topass with-out any d+\.y,and even madethecounec-tion with:etrian sustaining the accident.So peas solos for the foresight andskilloftheSuperintendent.The accidentwascausedbythebreakingofana,le.—Greensboropatriot. —_—_+~~-—- Deap.—The Republican Gazette,Greens-boro’.is dead.In its lastissue,editer writeshisownobiteary,from which we make thefollowingextract- “Being aboutfo die.and supposingno one batourself can do justice to our memo-ry,we to oar own funeralsermon,which we sannctverywell doafterourdemise.Wedesire to ‘shuffle off this mortalcoll”with decency,_—we haveassestsevoughtodefrayourfuneralexpen-ses.Wetherefore announcetothose whopaidtheirsubscriptionsinadvancethattheirmoneywillberetarned—to those whoresideabroad,by mail;while theresidentsof sanctam;where we can befound for severaldayssubsequenttoexpiring,laid out in state,fur the pa of admicistration.On this owethemanythingor not,are requestedtopassinreviewarvoodourcorpse;and iftheyhavetearstoshed,let them toshedthemthenforcansing,rogardinsoftheirconscience,ovr premature ation.” ——_~4e————— pep Welearn from the Asheville Pioneer that Dr.H.T.F.Gatehell,late of Kenosha, Wisconsin,hasleasedthe Fosterpropertyatthe Bouthendof Asheville,andwill open a Sana- tarium forthe treatment of patients suffering fromchronicdiseases, The establishmentwillbefittedupwithail E Fi r i ES S EE F re t ne i He i fr a t ot t Ft af t r i ] anit rl F <3 ir [i5 f : E:|if : : 8 F3| ofourcommanity Deata oF CommoponsStewart.—On Sat- urday last,in Bordentown,N.J.,where heresi-dob oe any yumm,died Commodore — 5 :j;: |4j Fi i ‘jL eH ai g al l ii e i t i e t ir e u ie i # ya = .° : f si t e ge rt ;r ii is[ut thH The Commissioner of Indian Affairs hasreceivedofficialinformationofthedeathofSattanala,chief of the Kiowas,and leader of the Indians in the desperate Wachita riv- er fight. The Newark,Journal,the ablest Demo- cratic paper in New Jersey,looks upon General Winfield 8.Hancock as the coming man.thinks the last National Democratic Convention sadly blandered in not nominat- inghim,and nominates him for the Presi- deney in 1872. Ten theusand dollars worth ofcomgeiedhairwesseizedinNewWorklastWednes- day,. prneeiincenpena ee Ca ls a Carolina,wasinthiscity 2 fewdays ago,andin || Greensborv’are invited to visit us at our!yoisesss, solemn occasion.all our friends,whether we Pork Se areeatenee Sn =oa ney =0bAPs st|Bar The Richmond "Enquirer in Sree ing on the addresses delivered at the late ‘Vir-giniaState Fair,makes the followingvery judi- “We made verymatterofiinstill Hi it Fi t e le if 5 a5 §#uEy upon unhappy and *;is thaiday a0 Seection.at glow ‘he,balefulfiresofcivilwar;andwhenwe remember thatat ouronoeaterlyarepusoreesevisitoraareremotesectionsofeetothhiesantItisnotexactly“the to in-vite asttionsto contributetotor _—_ muehinjury to our ownState.”. Owaccountofthegreatnumberofwonderfulcomesofebstinateandinveleraiscaseso- Thereis but onesedintheNorv—Farmertidende of Minneapo!The old chareh in John street,New York,hascelebratedthe 103rdanniversaryofMeth-odism iu Americaand 10letof the church.$5,000 was subscribedto keep the church inrepair,e TherearenowatSt.Albans Station,Ver-mont,one thousand seven hundred andtwentyboxesofcheesewaitingshipment. A farmer in Morris county.N.J.,hasraisedtheuteeasontwenty-nine and ahalfbushelsofpotatoesfromoneufseed. Paper seeems to be entering into obout everything we use.A Connecticut firm ismakingpails.tubs.spittoons and washbows,from it. The amount of Mr.Peabody's benefac-tiunsto different objects is $1 orthis,$2,000,000 is devoted to the cause ofeducationattheSoath. Hon.Nathaniel Niles,for many U.8.Consul at Paris,and nvoyatBerlinandVienus,is lying at the pointofdeathinNewYork, Thos.Walker,late editor of the LondonNews,has beev noted by Mr.Gladstone to the editorship of the London Gazette,a=with a salery of $10,000perannum ja gold. SALISBURY MARKETS NOV.12,1869. REPORTED BY J.A.MCCONNAUOREY,exocEn. Bacon,per me 29Coffee,per Bt 6 Corn,perbush,of pw 1sbabush.~i 2 teis per poond,i0t 6Canales,Tallow,BeAdamantine,Bw owCotten,perpound,Bto~‘Yarn,per baach,8 to 3. Eggs.per dozen,Wt 6Peathers,perpound.ito =Ploer,sack 3.78 tw 4. Pish,Mac’v>.$31.00 “.90te ) ““te Pruit,dried,applespealed,.Tt 6i-Ow~™Peaches,.Wte 6-““=“ qupeaied...Sto WwLeather,@ perpound,«.to 7% “es oe Bt &tron,bar.°6%0 6 =Bto wNails,cut,6t 7 be@tc0to1.Htc woWt12@toto g8 s z ss s r s t t s o> PS P se s e e a e e x s s 8u u 5 8 > GROVER &'AKER'SFIRSTPREMIUMBLASTIOSTIT0xFAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 BakimoreStreet,Bakimore. = Points of Mixcelience.Beanty and Elasticity of Stiteb.Perfection and simplicity of Machinery.Using both threads directly from the spools.No fastening of seams byhandandno wasteofthread,Wide rangeof application without change of adjustmentTheseamretains its beauty and firmnessafterwashingandironing. Besides doing ali kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines,these Machines exe-cute the most beautiful and Em-broidery and ornamental work.For sale by ANDREW MURPRY,oet 156—ly Sslisbury,N.C.WORTH &WORTH, B undersignedhavethis day formed «enpartoopforthepurposeofcontinningtheGewmarComMISSIONAFDoniatcwustahdiare|DBNIEL and D.¢.WORTH,and hopebystrictattentiontotheinterestsoftheirshippersandfriends,to give good satisfactionto all whomeyfavorthemwithbusineds.B.G.WORTH,D,G.WORTH,WILMINGTON,N.C.Oct.18th,1869. Agentfor N.Y.and North Carolina SteamshipLine,cesPhiSouthern Mail Steamship Com- to iripbia.ith’s Line a.York Sail Pa kts.Cape Fear SteamboatLineof River boats.Dealersin ,Rope,Iron Ties,Lime,Plaster,Coment,Guano and Baagh'sSuperPhosphateofLime THE CHESTER REPORTER,A WEEKLY FEWSPAPER,PUBLIGHED BYB.C.MeLURB,&J.A.BRADLEY,Jr.AT OBESTER,8.C. ee he i BN inthie}, iaii Nie aOR gn pre atmen nr ee ae;OWERI ,5c :25,000 Worth:of a00DE ! Lahot ,) es~ aorana roy mv Yonr: |“THE MOST COMPLETESTOCK ofgoodsever offeredin thismarket at prices tosult the times,bought for CASH,andafter S heavydecline in prices,whereby theycan andwitbeacldlowerthanany in the mar- ket :.At Howerton’'s. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods of every de-seription aud variety At Howerton's. An elegant assortment ofBoots and ShoesAtHowerton'e. A splendid assortment of Hats aud CapsyteehitHowerten’s, n'8. ‘An assorted lotof Hardware and Cutlery.;At Howerto A ve superior>.lat of Queensware,ChinaandDelf”=..At Howerton's. A Buger,Cdfthe,Tea and Molas-ses oe ~"At Howerton's, A Choice lotof ConfectioneriesAtHowertons. Fine and Common Tobacco,imported Ha-vanoa,Regalia,Principe and U.8.Grant Ci-gars At Howerton's, A complete assortment of Liquors.of al!kinds and grades At "8. For Medicinal aa tere only—Moore's cele-brated seven-year-old-double -rectified -Ken-tueky-Whiskey—perfectly pure,At Howerton's. Every variety of Yankee Notions,At Howerton's, To fine his stock bas been selected with great care to meet EVERY WANT. E™Call andexamine it—it willnot cost youanythingtodothat—ButDon't Ask For Credit,His motto is “PAY AS YOU GO.’ ta”COUNTRY PRODUCEy¥fevery descriptiontakeninexchange. E37 Bank Notesand Specie taken at the HighestMarket fates, At W.EH.Mowerton's, SALISBURY,N.C.November,5,1869.44—6m LOSI 2S MAE,DR mat late som eat WALTERA.WOOD'S PRIZEMowersandReapers Weed in att and universallyTHEBESTINUSEDtitaniaANDFOREIGNCOUNTRIES,Among which isTHEHIGHESTPRIZE! Two Grand Gold Medal#‘and CrossoftheLegionofHonor, At Paris Exposition,1867 More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 mannfactured and sold in 1868audthedemandunsupplied. Increasing Demand, Additional Improvements for 1869. Wood's Prize Mowers,(1 and 2 Horse.) a“Self Raking Reaper,with “New Mowing Attachment.“ -Hand Rake Reaper,Haines”Ilinola Harvester.,Manufactured-by the Waher A.Wood Mow- ing and Company.GenetalOfficeand‘ory,Hoosick Falls,Reus-selaer N.Y.Branch and Sales Rooms—44 Oort-landt street,New York city,P.O.Box,5805.206 Lake Street,Ohicago,HLAlexandria,Va.Madison,Wis.77 Upper Thames,St..London: Send for New Descriptive Circular and Price List. tions from the South,South of Vir-givia,shouldbeaddressed to the New YorkBranchOffice,as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra gr gpg ~ McCubbios,Sallivan AgentstheaboveReapersintalissery.april23—16:10mMAGIC | B ABOVE IS THE MOST APPRO- toDestroyer.Itsinfluenceoversuchpainfulmal-adiesas’it is recommendedtoexertcannotbequestionedthosewhohavenottriedit.There is nd forit a overall JERSRY LANDS FOR SALE. Tae SUBSCRIBER offersfor sale that val-aablefarminthe JerseySettlementof David-son County,known at “THE THALES Mo-DONALD PLAC”Said farm lies immedi-atelyontheYadkinRiver,just below theTra- ing Fuard,andoe both sides ofthe N.C.j three-fourthsofamilefromtheHolts- The farmisinabigh state of cultivation,well watered and nodes withandcontentedtenants.Itis well adaptedto thegrowthofCotton aad Grain,andis,alto- eee eee to befoundinthis pert of thecountry.Theterwsofthe paymentwill be madeeraland6 ‘Address,Ke.W.Foard,agent of H.L.Par-tee,NOWor.6,1800 4961 BUY THRE OFLY GEFUIKE IurRovep OROIDE GOLD WATCHES,Mantfactaredby THE.OROIDE WATCH CO.—aD the bestmake,Hqnting Cases,AncolasAPDSEARLIFEFINEGOLD,codanrancetothebestgoldwatches<oklly conten bst8.Put seweied Covers,GentsGadLadies’sizes,at 616 cacOURLEAREFLXED Solid OroideGoldCases,3 LevertuuarhehigeuasedaahGoaseainad on‘EY i REQUIRED IN ADVANCE.—We a wee epartateOntaed eaten,agent ddlivery.topenandexaminebeforepaidfor,and waaSoreeat:will besentby as Registered PackagebysendingcashjeadvanceinAgentsendingJorSixWatchesgetsamextraWatchfree,making ~” LSO E1L.BGANA.3aodasay phe ae Ba DE eyPaltonstreet,New York.eyPORTHEPALAOF‘oe AND SPRING of 1870.Alarge fallassortmentofNuree- Stock,em’A ,Peaches,Peers, Neetarines and its to purchasersaZzad ted.Cataloguesfarnished un CAddress,A.B.chet Nov.5,1860.ee = TWEEQUITABLELIFEAssuranceSociety OFTHE UNITED STATES,%2 Broadway,New York. HIS.COMPANY has capitaland neseta againstitsTiabilitiesthetwillcomparewithanyLifeIn-suranes Company on the Continent,which is thetragtestofresponsibility. Annoal Premiam Incom coe 4RnerendeGey007...ss.ccoceveccoes 8,000,008TheandersignedisagentfortheaboveCompany.A.A.HARBIN, Mocksville,March 19,1889.ica i eiswsfCoF> ‘les unde offers for sale his valuableTractorLalyingsevenmilesnorthofSalis-bury adjoining the lands of Moses Overman,LewisJacobsandothers.The tract contains 3891-2acres30or[6 acres of which is good MrapowLaxp.It has on it a good Dwattive Hover twogoodBannaandotherimprovements. r as TERMS—lavariadly ip advancd,..o.2000000-88.18 Och,99,146598,—-V-49 «=GEURGEH.GHEY. TIMES TABLE W.N.C BAILBOAD.‘GOLNG WEST. LEAVE.42am.3454.mu. 4:57 6:40715 8:08 9:48 *Statesville, Third Creek, Saliebury, ONWARD:UPWARD:DSS Selec Seo CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take this method ofofferingour papers, DAILY,TRI-WEEKLY,AXD WEEKLY, among the best advertizing medinmsin WesternNorthCarolina.sd ° Advertisements Solicited —Terme Moderaia., erPREMIUMS!PREMIUMS! Weoffer PIVEvaluable Itaral PREMIUMStepemoneatingwpCadefrUsWEEKLYOB- Ww &CO,,Aug.77,1889.os A Suasietiei.Cc. PROFESSIONAL. M.H.PINNIX,ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON,N.©. ILL PRACTICE in the conrts of David-son,Forsythe,Guilford,Alamance and Ran-dolph counties: REFERENCE.Hon.R.M.Pearson,C.J.of N.C.,Raleigh.“EG.Associate Justice,ms “ThomasSett ‘“““ «R.P.yd ““a “Bedford wn,Yanoeyville,NW.C. “Hon.JobaKir,“is“J.R.MeLean,Greensboro’,N.C,Thomas Raffin,Jr.,bad es “J.M.Cloud,Dobson,N.C. January 29,1869.4—tf JOHN 8.HENDERSON,ATTORNEY &COUNSELLOR AT LAWSALISBURY,N.C.EHWrWill attend promptly to the Colle “n attain iid ay mr Ce Increased Facilittes| ys rs nee Valeablo Land for Sa itPoteetenero THESubscriber having.for thesale of AA Daa DS CELEBRATED ThisMachine comparisonandallothérMachines.It willdomore —_kindsot the plain scam ‘to.themostbeautifulembroidery—than any otherpene.“Economy then why not Machines are’warranted togiyéentiresatisfaction.Ifthey failgivesatiéfactiontheymayre-tarnedafter a trial of two monthsandthemoneywillberefunded. Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS,HARNESS MA-KERS,TAILORS,&o, willbesupplied when ordered,at manufscturer's desiringinformationwillpleasesendforspecimensofworkandcirculars.: OF VIRGINIA A Virginia andSouthern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. It hasmetwith success. Its fortunes are i beyond ang contingency. hascapitalandassets,againstitsan. PRESIDENT, THE Has justbeen awatidedtoCHAS.M,STIE:FPorthebestPlanenowmade.overBaltimore,Phii»sdelphia,andNewYorkPianos.So FFICE ARD WAREROONS:No.9,North LiberlyStreet,near Balti-more Street,BALTIMORE,Mp.STIEPF'’S ter hy haveall the — wer months ifnotentirelyatieteetory7topurche. N.C.inton,N.C. \»Chester,8.C.z3&®wn &Bernhardtare agentsforthesaleotbovecelebratedPianos. Pianossoldat ne 18—)ite anyD.T.CARRAWAY,Commission Werchant,/—AXD—Dealer in @roceries PROVISIONS.HARDWARE,Glass and Crockery Ware,Wall Paper,Win dow Shades,&¢.,ke, —Prowrr attention given to orders,and tothesaleofCotton,Grain,Naval Stores,Tnbacco,Dried Frait,&c ,on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april 9—14:ly NEWBERN,N.C. BAcHER.--THE UNDERSIGNED wishestoobtain for his sister—abw’ 53: the who hasbadseveral years successful exence—a situation to teach,in afamilyor ot2-erwise,the usual branchesof an Englished1-cation,—music notincloded.Address,statism ion of Claime febs6—1g Aterms,REY.JOHN H,TILLINGHAST,38—28 @aliabury,N.0 ee SOS i ee ae ast ee ae rhe ea apt!Hae Tx Siinhehemanate:Seon eC as ae “LA —a7 aie ¢DR.LAWRENOE'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTBAOT OF IKOSKOO, ‘|The great Health Restorer! Not a Secret Quack,Medicine, Formula around the Bottle. PREPAREDSOLELY BY Dr,J.J.LAWRENCE, VRGANIC CHEMIST. NORFOLK,VA. Bewareof Counterfeits,See thatDr.-J.J.Lawrenee,(hemist,Norfylk,Va.,andthe word Koskoo,is.blownonthe glass ofeachbottle.Koskooisendorsedby the best physicianssrecywheeeemeeeBefromDr. illery,a specessfn many yearsstandingiotheOldNerthState:a eeRockyMount aawrenDr.dd.La DearSir>1 have usedyourConcentratedFluidExtractofKoskooinmypracticewiththeresulis.1finditeoPeet,Blood Pu-atd NervousTonic,In all diseases of Liver,Scrofulous,Mitic,andnervous eae waticgyof Onrocie iecaceseSeemadndalinnelee,you may mea facturerofreliablemuchrespect,yourobedient servant, From Dr.F..hae Sept.13,1869.'Va,Prineess AnneCourtJ.J,Lawrence,M.D.—Dear Sir:I bacarefullyéxaminedtheformula,aswell as oo Yours,truly,J.J.Bmcrnsss,M.D. Koskoo cures én ds word _ From A W Mills,«prominentand known merchantofNorfolk,Va.: No.11 Main Street,Norfolk..t 15,1869. bood.She lost ofbonefromiaraakitysomeeehotiomSadmpbeer——s of the Whilst ia its rt tedie car onber Sabdeuse“ eral health improved.It ysavedbermechandberlife.he egmay foraltscrofalousat-Your alsocaredarywileof JOHN EB.EDWARDS,°raneipent,aucantany,the highest segarda,1 am gratefullyWu.B.Isaacs,—-D.J.Hanzsoox|yours,&e,AW.Maus MEDICAL EXAMINER,Me greatinvigovator.Read theCHARLESH.8MITH,M.D.flowinghomtaRev.JosephE.Mertin,pas-Lueak ADVISER,GENERAL acExr,tar of Wesley Portameuth,'Va:H.0.Gamart,Jno.H.CLamonwn)“The8 to Sitelenne - DIRECTORS:|its.beneficial effects,ees keJohn<@hiyzon,|Terein.aconditionof Boap-William F.Aen ss aa ———andoften vio-8.H.BE.C,Baskerville,attacksof pervousness.TwodobnSamoelC.°bottles of -Koskoo has improved ourWilliamWilile,Jr.,3.W.Allison,°Ed.A Smith,George 8.Palmer,otSee who hareee2.3 Seal “o.ene'E huerevanePoPa.Pe ——thea.’-'-pms TRRGATO™|pepe cadseem “apt BrJ.B.Merton,Wa.B.Tenses Va:Ca.Dagt,20,1008. William H.Palmer7“Same!M.Prive.Dr.Lewvence—DearGir:I have poniesLEWIS0.HANES,o'r.[Zen domes ecient eerFeb.12—ly Lexixeron,N.C|isfied myselfby experience,that it will overthatdiseaseinitsworstandmostmalignantstages,anderadicate taintfrom the sys-tem.The Kosko is nlysn alterative of Va,Sept.7,1869.Dr.J.J.iovantes Wee My son basreceivedsomuchbenefitfromwooder{ul sia,Chronic Disease of the Kidney's eed withoat benefit,as a last resortIcommtheuseofyourKoskoo,and am—to say that under its use my health basnentirelyrestored. Tam sir,with mach respect,your obedientservant,.B.Maara No.5,Marketst,Norfolk Va,July 9,1860 Pacific,Franklin county,N.C.,?Sept.11,1869.¢This is tocertify that for a long time 1 haysufferedverymuchfromindication.of the liverandconstipationofthebowels,and tried sewer-al remedies,but received no benefit until [commenced taking Koskoe.J took the medicineaboutonemonth,and I was completelycured,and have remained well.I know otseveralcuresmadebyKoskoo,and cordiallyrecommenditasagoodmedicine. Joan H.Baxsa, terFor Sace sy att Drvocrsrs.-@e BF Dr.Lawrente’s Woman's Fries:cures diseases peculiar to Fem ves, Par ale b;D2.G.B portDreayieond4;wiheosay,Seltwug OP, —_— oe oe eee we 4 Oe eww wl fattentagpowers are”cTatmed'to be great:| ly inon@ageda,‘Sipe ohe whe has pureucd this method jn ay large way.‘The dif) ia|-FRI ————————=—_—_—_1969. ~BALISBURY.FRIDAY,NOV,12,fererioe in poe between.feeding in thi SE fanvver and!giving.they griin whole,is| QUEEN VICTORIA'S MODEL |very great,so,great that whoever tries s :once,will not be apt ta change Tr fortheFanM. This farm is situated about a mile from Windsor,apd ig probably the .moap per: feet,Asitis ther exper sige thing Hive ekind in the woelA”Ite dairydt partment is thus described in a letter ta the Phila: delphia Bulletin: “We eutered a beautiful cottage,and were shown,by obe of (he Queen’#favar jte servants,into a room about thirty feet equare,the roof supported by six oclagor nal columug of white marble,with righly carved capitala,"I'he fioors were of white soreclian tiles,the windowe staiucd glass, bordered with May blossoms,daisés,bat gerenps,and primroscs.‘Phe walls were Jined with tiles of procelian,of a delicate blue Mat,with rich medalions inserted of the Queen,Prince Consort,and each of ia) common method.”Hoge put.ap to,fats ten,highly fed and takivg be.exercise are very liable-to acidity.6f the»stomach. Calcaveoits matters remedy:this eei and ave fOubd ih secasionat feeds”of ashes, cinder or.earth which the anjwal champs aud awallow,,:{l'oo mauy.pigs should not be fed inthe sdime>pens three:are eff:| cientias they:should be as ‘near’as posi- ble thé same,age —American Stock Jour. nal.aie “ELECTING SEED. os |Ata late mestitig of a Kentneky Far:| |mera’Qtub,Dr--Speer detailed ~hissex pe-| ‘rience with corn,He had.far Fears in-‘siractcd lis men to eeleet wp)&standard | children.Shidlde,morograms of the |sample Le gave them,a then himselt royal family,and bae-rellefy of agricultur-|aclected the beat fen Ale Ie.i Ve \ae al design,representing the seasons com-j sult was thas his neigh 8 ace Ha pleted the oroamentation of this exquisite [esa yield,cams 10 hin forsced,aud the | listillor paid hin an extea piice for his|dairy.Al!around the walls ran a mate)"t cere tee ty ble table,and through the centre two long |COMM,because it wade more whiskey.This ones,supported by.marble poste,resting|Tequnes some attention,to be sure,but | ou freee itanieu which ral A perpet:|the corn pays largely on the balf bushel, ual stream of epring.water.By thie)Tn Eogland,itissaid thatthe potato oat,| means the table slabs are always euld,and |ong celebrated for tte grégt weight und the temparature of the dairy is chilly,|prodactiveners,was propagated from «| syhilethe white avd gilt cbiua milk and single plant of extraordinary size.Every | butter dishes,resting on the tables,are |faviger should atcenip to get a new varie nover placed in water.We driok thedv-ty of seed occasionally,or refresh andre-| licioas wilk,juet brought in bright metal U«the old ones by selecting mS pee buckets,lined with porcelian,the Aucen’s heads of wheat,oats,barley,rye,ane | monogram and crest glittering on the the best ears or kernels of corn,This | brass plates and covers.In the.room theory is so self-evident that no farmer | where the butter was made,milk skims should hesitate as to the practice of it. med and strained,we feasted our eyes on the rows of metal,porcelian-tined cans of every size,made to lock,and gent to theroyalfamilyevenasfurasScotland;sotheyalwayshavegoodwilkandbutter. ‘Tbe churn was of metal also,and linedwithposeelain,made in two compar:- meats,‘She outside chamber,suriound-| ing the cylider,could have warm or cold waier poured in to regulate the ‘coming || ——_~o CURISTIAN WORK. On beeoming a Christian one should| |eoutemplateer gaging for the remainder of ‘his Htein etch service to God)as he has oreay gain filmess for. ‘hin avd his Saviour,that-itis henectorth to be his ehief.hig one purpose and aim,of the batter.’without disturbing the code ead.Hic even lnm bs Gk le tie ibe brauch uo which fruit ig to becream.The lid was screwed on,und the statiouary stand on which the whole was linac if hoc |! tarned made the work easy and sapid.—|ound;a steward from whose eo wn shall feel ite|Bu while over sixty cows aro daily milk.|“'O"*will be ire light ed,and as many more out grazing,the |"°ehine en aS Sua Ee royal family are more than eutiefied,aud POWer An’BNE Piwe ait eee T.the Londoners more than diseatished to aud revealer of the Divine nature.To gee rolls of golden batter and cans of be regenerated is to Le cousecrated.|We cream sold from the model farm for sav.“¢saved to be not our own,but?bis who| ing movey forthe Queen!I know the|has loved us apd given binself for us— butterie sold,for we breakfasted on it;AM!the dediegrings fe .t0 pe Scere gil ,the-salvation ;out and iuseparabl.shoul’this morning,aud we paid for it,not as . a brite,bat as a regular market bargaia|they be congidered.Jovery person,the re-| | .fore,who thinks bimeelf a Christian| abiths tarry.|guzht to eee that he je striving te Ye as | —_—_———o te 7 ;;sare a fuaeful us possible.All are as’much FATTENING HOG*.lhound to do so us any.‘There ts pe) ;|yround on wicek one cau tightly ask to The length of time required for fatten-\be excused.The principle Mivmepala jng hogs 1s from three to five wonthe,de-|jnstify the idleneee of the emallest would peer upon the feeder's meaus,the |feo jus ‘fe the naclesences of the largest; dhe adopts and the attention he be-|).6 rie oil toni stowe upon them,as aleo to the amouat)purr do what we can May the tan: of judgment brought to the assistance Of goon come when indisposition or veglee! the work,When hogs ere first put UP ite work earnestly for the advancement of they should be in moderate curdition,not)yg Kingdom will Le looked upon by all cou fined until they are 0,and the food protessing Christians asa full ccotdenlem ad spould be somewhat better than that on|jack of saving interest in Chriet;or rath which they have already fed,bat aot at’.the time when they shall once in too greata degree.It ehoald be)yr ut hie zeal,suet umie their lees improved =by step,tll the digestive|ich,a mixeibn as hie was.'Phreagh all powers are adapted for that of the Moet \iese years,Chrettan—sammet and win- nateitious qaality with which thefatten-'ter,Sabbaths aud week |daya—young. ing isto be compteted;over gorging i#!piddle aged,or old -work,‘work,wor pure to canse indigestion,and tle ouly re-|6.7 phe glory of Gad,for the saving of 4 medy for this is abelinence.Lt ia essen-|jerishing world And that you.may bave tia}that pige be fed at regular intervals |jasc and willte do so,evermore “‘abitk Any animal fed regularly thrives better in”Christ Rei P in lively fellowship than those fed atirrezular invervats,and)yj.)him by whoa ile «posile could,and where the diet ie varied and not adminis:|)whom likewise we cam do all things tared to sancty,the process i«accompan Experience of Christ and Christian efforvs fed with profituble results.“The beat pe ar.paturally depeudeut on cach other— Tod to Chmmenec fattening is in the au , timn;then almost every kind of food is to be had inplenty,as well as in perfee tou;the weatber too enld;and the humidity prevalent at thie season acts beneficially upon the ekin and tiesaca,and as it wer Jul pcates the whole animal economy.-Besides,they are ready to be slanghiered at the Dicud e hen thie can be done with most advantage,when the lowucas of thetemperatureallowsmoretimeandconse uently enables the owner to turn the flesh to the greatest advantage;whereas | in warm weather the meat muet be salted | or pickled,eaten or disposed of immedi-; ately,or it tarns off th spoiled.The best kinds of food for fattening pigs are ra ton igh reat deal ll hive a» live or die together. aaemma It ia related of the saintly George Her- bert,the qnaiat old Baglish church port, that oacein a walk to ~alisburyto join a | innaical party he saw apo cinen and a poor horse that had lallen ui derth load.‘I'he y Chey help,which Mr.Herber perceiving, pat of bie canonieal coat and be ped the |the poor mau to uuload bis horse.‘The poor |mau blessed him for it,ard he blessed tbe |poor man,and was fo like the good Sa wattian thag he gave money to refresh biewelf and b-se.Thus he left she poor man;dtdat his conting to his niusical lfrienda at Salisbary,they begap to won-| ‘der that Mr.George Herbert,who used | \to be go trim and clean,came into that| s neither too bot ner generally turage onelover or lucerne,or a run a ;4.Bat he|.-.BAL io x70._Enlerg d aut HirusesDeSabatamedfeyTheanepteifysp,MODE,stomachies,|AScpharordaka,Miho "whe campy wid Lin be hed doped ons WW"peumedy for the mervous;Denne tt epee ”hi irty employment,bis an)ies by!SO TONE DRM MY IRB ny Sa iar ghia :Whcach otheror [aor was that be ‘eau what heshad |r ne fol Fhe 34,per bonded &;Weakness to which women given whole,or ernshed,or in the form of|Seae would prove music to him at mid.FARMERS N.C ALMANAC,pnblished|QF@ especially subject,it is |night,and that the omission of it would |soup and either alone or mixed with po- tatoes or meal.Potatoes and rice,po |:I;|conseience whensoever he should pass by aes weal ‘of =eileen aa {that place.Many might have the anxious °baal partake Seer clieays |though:s which often interest theirimidaigh | :::|hours chabged into mueic,if they wouldbemingledinwhateverfoodgivem,agit)oi ae more frequently seen,with fail | tends to stimulate the appetite ae well as hands and friendly words,in the abodes i.the digestive fuuctions;it will also be)|poverty and suffering nee —eeee econsisnally to od|laces in whieh to atrune one’sministeralittleeulpharorpowderedem-|Tenec to mniduight harmonies. limony,say about once or twice a month;| these tend to purify the blood,as also to to facilitate Ni stion and maintain the appetite Small meals and many of them are preferable to few and large ones,for swine are apt to overeat and gorge them- selves,or,if any be left in the trough to retarn to it by fits and starts nntil it is all gone;in both eares the digestive func- tions are tmpaired and the proccss is not} These are the —+ Marvellous Chicken Tale-—We learn that aeingalarand very amusing accident happened to the chic kens of a Mre.Ham- ilton,near Portereville,‘Tipton coonty, Tennessee,afew days ago.Her hus- band bought a bottle of brandy cherries After eating the cherrics the seed were thrown out,which the chickens ate greed-ily Ina short time Mrs.Hamilton found | gard it aa eettled,as covenanted between | Land vot incompatible with jratice. .by JamesU,Boniss; have upbraided and made diseord in his yee oer coneo-|,, ‘A FABLE-ANDTPSAPPLICATION.|ee “corr uy j at ry Ja A .K?~Vi ;"may A rain dro during a shower crept uu-der the corn,“and P0464 looking very demurely at bjs follows,who weat reshod‘ip hy yf fvatJahSPEREU,cy er saida gay fellow,as he went Jeaping past.“Can’tdo any good,”said the drop;‘besideay th epe arey enqugl of geow with: out Me,and rt4 see how I wake my:ed k ‘44 °self nsefalip shat greet black cigiern youarealltumblinginto.To shall get along|by myself and ean do'a grrae Heal’morealonethanmixedupandlostasIshould be in this grentsteenm.” »»hile wiping ihe.shower ceased,|the wren Btw etme oft tn a moment drank up owr litde drop.Gentle reader,you and |are but drops| in the shower of haman life.If we min.|oO gle mthe great steam,and contribute |our mite to add strength aud?foree to the| current,to swell the trimming banks un:| til they are overflowing,and the firtili-|6g Zing properes of thought,expericuce, and observation are @pread upon the sure| rounding country,we are usetal,and thus > fulti la postion of our duty to ourrelyes| ind to our fellow beings.But,if,we stand | aloof,unwilling to by Jost amid the flood| that ever powers on,and can never cease| doing nothing,because we do not at the moment see the good that may nie of it saying,ia so offen said by you ane eye)HOTAGhUreONET 00 MEDICINE THATAle @— ‘ . =» ci n e i .re y a RG E T DR . G. B . P O U L S O N ’ S MI N A L SU P P O R T E R S + L A T E S T IM P R O V SA L I S B U R Y , N, WH E R E YO U WI L L AL W A Y S FI N D - CA N N O T BE UN D E R S O L D . AN D AB D O ME N T S ; BR E A S T PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y BO T T L E S Fi r s t - C l a s s Dr u g St o r FR E S H , PU R E AN D RE L I A B L E an d Br u s h e s ; Fa n c y So a p s an d Pe r f u m e r y ; Ci g a r s - a n d To b a ¢ c o . others,“eomebody clse will do it bette: than Lean,theretore I will not botherwiththesethings,”we do Liat represent)?ULL VW sa the drop,and evaporate,Icaviug wo trace |é °d Il =rn|LVL ONoladinbebiud.| ‘21 €oo Dr u g s an d Me d TR U S S E S H —~~TIME WASTED. A dreadful account must be given of all this lost and wasted time.When the|Judge shall asccud His throne in the air, tnd all the eons and daughters of Adam ire brought before Him,the grand inqui- ry will be,what have you done with all) \CLBMMONS STAGE LINES! int} 4 CUULDDULES,°)a Peace te Wee)Bape.Kalk ce New ‘Goods! We have tecsive our Full & Winter ‘stock of New~Goods whieh is very largo and complete consisiing in past of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hardware,Boots &Shoes,Hats and Caps,Sole and Upper Leather,Enameled and Patent Leather, Coach Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds,Calf Skins,Lin- |WARSAW Say To Fayeltecille. { KAVE Warsaw for Fayétteville daily ex 2 copt Sunday.Uf you ave in’Western N 3 Carolina go to Kaleigh and procare ao throngh this time with a thousand opportuuintes tickerto Faye Me :Porough Tiekets salvation,and ‘vin Warsaw,to Fayetreville, the time of life in yonder world?)You apeut thirty or forty years*there,or pers phaps seventy or eighty;and L gave you for $8 He onugit to re-;:y : id means of grace and rou Gold ing and Pad Skins,Linseed, ‘Tanners and Kerosene Oils,Co- what have yor dove with them all?How;&).Thre tketx froin Weldon to Payette:| |2 ville S10.rough tickets from Wilinington, many BesWONs have 708)beard if |via Warsaw,to Payettes He,$6 How many sensons did J give yuo for)CHARLOTTE TO WADESBORO: prayer and retirement,and converse willl Tea Charlot PNine iain laleieh God and your own seul!Did yeaam-|nd nia,vin fie,for Waderbers? |preve tune well?Did yon pray @ —Adeeb!Toesday,Thursday Saturday Leave Wa- \*Taeaday,Thamhiy,aid Satasday,af- van cowerse with your own soale,and |“er AawithGod]Or did)yor wuffet them to Wit iSVILELslideawaytiavathovisandYopertivteccs,|peave Myrnevule,Tuesday,‘Thursday and aud negheet the one thingfeeverary ‘)Saturda ;;: A fruitlees and bitter mourning for the;Leave Fergt Munday,Weduesday and Fri- waste aud ubuse of time will be another 7 — consequenceof your folly.Whatevever| C/emmons’Accommodation Line sahefaction you may take now ip passing |petween Sulem and High Point,will charter away time merrily,and without thiokiug,|Biages at all hone “Cheaper than the Cheap- it must not pass away ro ferever.If the |cst *Otlice at Butner's Uotel oe N.C. app:oaches of death do not awaken you,ET.ee jadgment will do it.Your conseieuce will).-;-— be wocricd with terrible reflection vu your NEW YORK and North Carolina foolish conduct.STEAMSHIP LINE oa New York to Wilmington,Sad and Singular -~-We regret tolearn that Mr.C.M.‘Pucker,a worthy citizen f this ¢mney,Was reriously injure ds daet —— werk by an euraged ball.Me.Pe went to the barn to feed his etock aud was)nt tacked by a Durham boll--knocked down two riba aud ove leg becken,and would, ap Goats;baye Beeng kilttd herd not Ere males,winch wete fbose tr the Vor,mate a Vigorous avsanl!pon the bull It os stogular affair and bad it occured wher Oct.1;1860—tf This Line wilh somprise the following steam- FAIRBANKSWM.P.O OLYDE,REBROCA GLYDE, MARY SANFORD, \\!“,ai Capt A.ITunter, D).P.Morgan, O Chichester. Joku Moore uny be“l-atrein Bsneetu v New Yorke ted fSapi fran ev WELONESDA) it could wet have been anquestionably |4wyKfverifiedweehoukdhavebeendi-pased to of Wall street discredit it Mr.To will bea cripple for life.—Greeasboro’Patria mee Ca A correepewdent writing from this|offered by this Line,which are superior to y to the Fayetteville Bugle,devotes a)any heretofore offered paragraph,which TUROUCGEH BILLS OF LADING iven toe all pointe on the North Carolina| Russell,in terns by no means compli |Railroad aud its Connections via Golde- wentary.We are tar fiom being cithera |boro.J.A.SADLER, pereonal or polit cal admirer of Jadge Soliciting Agent. Kuesell,yer,in jastiec to that official,we|WORTH &DANIEL,Agenta,| have no hes‘tatiou fo saying that ince he Wiluington,N.C.| has been upon the heneh he hae not only JAMES FAND,Agent, abstained ftom mingling in police,bet:fel zo—sif 119 Wall Street,N.Y.| has carried inte pr h naan eames seat,where Jtt-tice onct eat wit eneh d cli ig republished in the Wamiigton Post,in rmfercnee to Judge ly } PLANTATION BITTERS. He has app ared jo all cases to adiwinie } uctice upon that ghIS$ nity and puny,no polincal prejudices — | ter the law in the manner in which it te|| laid down and interprete dby aathorities, The Se ee restorative is the sheet- sned and that of some others ibat we wot of,oa thoasand miles removed from anchor of the feeble and this eny,is indeed great —Wal.Journat debilitated As a tonic and al adcordialfor the aged andALMANACSFOR1870. |languid if has no equal This wonderful vegetable I(PURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA -superseding every other | stimulant.In all climates,| \')tropical,temperate or | Te COMIC ALMANAO FOR.1870,—|frigid,it acts as a specific eee einenkee,|Am every species of disorder a vee cer vee |Which andermines the ee Greece asa eennsre ene ee eee$1 cae penne gn,BS PTO down the animal spirits.CF Une teak oftheaborenaied (09071 Wwienewe,ft fs intros duced it becumes a stand- ard article—a medicinal addiegs fur ucts.F hy staple.It is to-day the an exorlent Almann utter the Farnun calendars in sarge clear type — nil of anost Val iablie mm to t with oon Pace.per single copy by mail,1U een ahy Ne ez by r bondhelfgeg na enetoryed$4 lhy J }’Jrkes th monthly calendars,in>ne NeLi:opy.byDieon rr sale Jags.H.ENNIS, Agent aud Pabdlisiier ef Aimanace, oct 15—411f Satisbary,N.(©. Pare Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style,Pare and Un- {}| ‘the trate.—| Ca?The attention of Shippers is called |to the LOW RATES and FACILITIES|iand Tea,Molasses and Syrup, fully and beneficially performed.Regu- lar hours of feeding should be strictly ob- served;pigs soon learn to expect their meale at certain bours,:nd their stomachs being ready for it,indigestion follows ir- regularity and prevents mach benefi:be- ing derived from the meal when it does that her chickens were all dead.Shé told an old negro woman that she might pick the chick:ns{and put the feathers in ber bed,whieh she did readily.After pick-ing off the feathers she carried the chick- ens out and threw them away.Night come.In the opinion of the writer t economical and advantageons which grain can be used is that of mea moistoned with sour or skim-milk or wa- ter,intoa kind of soup or porridge.— Some authorities recommend when mix- ing with water the proportion of five bushels of mealtoa hundred gallons of water,the mixture to be stirred several times a day fur two or three weeks,notil ai imperfect fermentation takes piace,end 4:becomes asececent.In this state ils he most form in came on,Mrs.Hamilton was sorely griev- led at her loses.Sleep soon swept away ber troubles.As early dawn she was 1!alarmed ai hearing old ehanticleer crow:|ling loudly and the hens cackling.Judge her surprise,when,on opening the doors ‘and looking out,she saw every hen and 'd,grave ard gay, best and purest tonic,and the most popular meditine in the civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. '|Sold by all Druggists,Gro- adulterated.at the Old North State Distillery, GROOT,KUCK,&CO.,Prop’s.CHARLOTTE,N.C, ALSO,Want to parchase 500 or 1000 he wv Cattle amt pay 1}liohest Cach Picea [ Rye ety 2—260m |cers and Country Stores. DMINISTRATOR'S Moticc,,CUSHTINCS &BATLSY, Have q Las Atiministratrix BOOKSELLERS anv >TATIONERS, rovster,voung and ou, marching around cyeing each other wrth suspicion,Many of them entirely naked, |while only a few had wing and tail feath- |1 1 cers.‘The cherry seed made them ‘dead drank.”—Memphis Appeal. the wy!annexed of JameaCl Sing reMenTkwalpareswho 262 Patonere St.,Baltimore,Md ein niaist (hes cstale Mel pres ei (int Tue LARGEST and best,assorted s'ock bv the {VST or thia not inthe fey of |wi eatin bar of tl \Ah >Scucel,Law.Veatal,Modieal,Classteal,Relig rus;{to and Miscelianeos Books. Blank and Connting Honse etaticr s-y 9 all kinds.Blank Books manmifactared ty do ir 1oep ;i nsfudebted to the cgtate are requeste |mule early settiementJULIA 0.SMYTHE, Oct.12,1869.—41,Gw Adw'rx pal and Coach Varnish,White ,Lead of the very best Brands, Colored Paints of all kinds,Cot-’ {Stage frou Wilmington.| via Pittspoko,TO EGYPT.|ton Bagging and Roping,Iron, | Ties and Twine,Steel and Iron. | POWDER!POWDER! ‘RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING POWDER, ISATORDAY at 4 POM,trom Pree 1SE | Yarns,Sheetings,Coffee,Sugar |Salt,Drugs and Medicines,and in short EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MEROHANDISE All of which was bought for CASH,and will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, Wo allow no House to under- scll us. Bo sure to examine our stock befuro purchasing elsewhere. lt affords usa pleasure to show our Goods whetber we sell or not. Don’t be deceived by loud blow- to see us and get postedop (iP Orders from a distance promptly filled at lowest prices, {ip We buy nearly all kincs of Produce. McCubbins,Sullivan &Co., No.1,Murpoy’s Granite Row, 4i3—ly any etyle of binding and ruling.e:Pots|\Salisbury,Sept.24,1839, ing and heavy shelling,but come} ingin valuetooyer .+ork en 4“ONE ‘MILLION DOLLARS.Ourfacilitiesfortransacting thie immensebu-sinessare-betterthan ever:-We haveagentsinallthe,principal cities.te purchasegoodsfromalltheManufacturers,,Importers,and others,for Gagh.and often at an immensdsacrificefromtheoriginaleostofproduction.*Qur stock,consists,in part,of the following ie , Shawls,Blankets,Quilts,Cottons,Ginghams,Dress Goods,Tuble Linen,Towels,Hosiery, Gloyes,Skirts,Corsets,&e.,&e.Silver-Plated Ware,Spoons plated on Nickel Silver,-Desert Forks,five bottle.plated Castors,Brittania,Ware;Glass Wave,table and PocketCutlery,in great variety.Elegant French and Gern.an Fancy Goods Beautiful Photograph Albums the newest and choieest styles in‘Moroco and Velvet bindings. ‘Morrocco Travelling Bugs,Ilandkerchief and Glove Bowes,de,. .Gold aud Plated Jewelry,of the neriest styles.We have also made arrangementa with sumeoftheleadingPublishingHouses,that will cua- popular authors at about one-half the regularprice:—~such.as Byaon,Moors,Burns,MIL- TON,and Teynyson’s Works,in full Gilt andClothBindings,—and hundreds of others.These aud everything else for One Dollar for each Article, We do not offer a single article of merchan-dise,that can be sold by regular dealers at oursprice.,We do-not ask you to buy goods,fromusunlesswecanrellcncheaperthanyoucanobtaintheminanyotherway;while thegreaterpartofourgoodsaresoldatabout One-half the Regular Rates. We want good reliable agents in every part of the Country.By employing your spare tinetoformclubsaadsendivgusorders,you canobtainthemostliberalcommissions,either inCashorWerchandise,and all goods sentbyuxwillbeasrepresented.and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing with ourhouse.Agents sbould-colleet ten cents from eachcustomerandforwardtousinadvance,for De-scriptive Checks of the goods we sell.The holders of the Checks have the privile; of either purchasing the article thereon descried,or of exchanging for any article mentioned !on our Catalogue,numbering over 350 different|articles;not one of which can be purchased in the usual way for the same money. |}The advantages of first sending for Checks jare these:We are constantly buying sma!lots jof very valuable goods,which are not on our catalogues,and for which we issue checks till[all ure seld;besides,inevery large club we wiilpatchecksforWATCHES,QUILTS,BLANK#TS, |Dress PATTERNS,or some other article of value giving some members of the club an opportani- ty of purchasing an article furabuut one quarter j its value. |“In every order amonmnting to over $50,ac- companied by the cash,the Agent may retain|$2.00,and in every order of over $190,33,00 may|be retained toPaythe xpress Charges. This offer is more expecially to aaxixt AgentsintheWesternandSoathernStates,but is open wo all customers. COM MISSIONS. Agents will be paid ten rl cent.in Cash orMercbandise,when they All up their entireclub,for which below we give a partial List ofCommissions:Foranorder of $30,from a clob ofThirty,we will pay the Agent,as commission,28 yds.Brown or Bleached Sheeting,GoodDressPattern,Wool ware Shawl,French Caseimere Pants and Vest Pattern,Fine large White Counterpane,ete.,ete.,or $300 in caxh For an order of @650,(row a Club of Fifty,we will pay the Agent,as Commiasion,45 yds.sheeting,one pair of heavy wool blan-kets,poplin dress pattern,bandsome woolnareshawlsilvercasewatch,ete.,etc.,or $5,00 in cash.For an order of $100.from a club of Oue Huudred,we will pay the agent,as com- |mission,100 yda.of good yvard-wide Sheeting, Coin-Silver Hunting Case Watch,Rich Long Wool Shawl,Suit of all Wool French Cassi- mere,etc..ete,,or $10 in cash We do vot employ ins travelling agents,and |customers should not pay money to person. |purporting to Le our agents,eniess personally |acquainted. SendMoney always by Register- ed Letters. For further particulars send for Catalogues, PAREDBR &CO., 98 £4 100 Sumner SL,Boston,Masa.Oct.15,1869.4l-ly THE ADVANCE. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, Devoted to the Farm,the Garden,the Workshop,Domestic Economy and General Progress in North Carolina || | |oe in the city of Raletgh,as sove as ja sufBcient number of subscribers can be ob- tained a Weekly Fumily Journal,adapted to the wants of the people of North Carolina, who are engaged in the cultivation of the eo! manufactures,oar machinery.our mechanical skill,and all the material interests of the State In the conduct of the paper he expects to secure the atd of scientific and practical mentoinstructandinteresthisreaders.Lis ob |ject w ill be to make it eanvently practical aud |useful to all classes.|It willbe printed in good style,on good pa-|per of large size,at $2 per year in advence.— The first number will appear about the lst of November,or as soon thereafter a8 the pat- ronage will justify.Subsenbers will he ex pected to pay a8 sooo as they receive the first number. The undersigned solicits the aid of hie many friendsin the State to obtain enbscribers auc torward the lists ‘at an early dayWM.E.PELL “a—d Raleigh,Ort.6.1869 RIVES &PROCTOR, DRUCCISTS, DEALERS IN DRUGSMEDICINES, Paney &Toilet Articles, Paints,Oils,DYE STUFFS,PERFUMERY,Imported &Domestic Windew ble us to sell the s‘andard and latest works of Tee UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO| wall its branches,the improvement of oar| ¥h i VYING JUST RETURN.ed from the Eastern Mar- kets we eal)your attention to much the largestandmostcompletesteckofGoodsinthismar-ket.all selected from new and fresh stocks and styles,and a.large portion purchased direetlyfromtheManufacturersandtheirAgentssince 4 The Great Decline in Dry Goods. All we ask ir acallatthe well known Bm-porium of this mark.t.We invite your atten-tion toa few LEADING ARTICLES kept inthiswholesaleandretail-stoek :DRY GOUDS,DRESS OOS,Notions,Hats,Shoes, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Pant.Goods, Drugs,Patent Medicines,Dye- Stuffs,lV’aints,Tanners’Oil, Kerosene:and Linsecd Oil, Lead,Upper,sole and Har- ness LEATHERCALF&LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, Tron,Steel,Saddle Hardware,and Carriage Trimmings;in fact,thousands of articles wo tedius to enumerate.We are agents for the Great Threshers —and— ’Wy,’*CLEANERS, Alsw,Manufactarers’Agents for the celebrated Bone Dust.Do,do.Kithe and Blasting Powder [Ww We invite the attention of Merchantsandthetradegenerally,to our stock,aaenring |them they will find nething but frest and des.- rable Goods,We buy all kinds of produce.—Save your Blackberries aud Fruits,which will be to you as Treasure. Smith.Foster &Co., SALISBORY.N.C,Spragze's Old Stand,near the Market HouseApril2,1869.3—ty ||| | | ' Jusr RECEIVED AT THE STOREofSMITHFOSTER&CO'S. 1000 sacks oF sAtt. ~*)BBLS MOLASSES. |12 HUDS,MOLASSES | | 24-1. LOOK for MERONEY’S AT THE 61GN OF THE BIC INDIAN. ||W E CALLTHE SPECIAL ATTENTION|of all to our Stock of |SPRING AND SUMMER GUODS, |and invite al]who want the Latest Styles,Hest |Qualities,and Most Keasonable Priccs to give us a call.We ae now extidiung best —Stock of— DRY GOODS, CLOTHING,HATS,MILLINERYGoons, |DRESS TRIMMINGS, |GROCERIES,HARDWARE, SOLE &UPPER LEATHER, Coach,Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain,Kerosene and Machine Oils to be found in Western North Carclina cial attention is called to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies’Sewed Gort Skin Shoes,$1 SO per pair Pegged Balmorals.leather lined,150 -Gent's Balmorais.y best stock,210»Pamp-Sole noota,:5 Youtheand Misees Shoes.of al!)rices and Good Calicoes,121-2 cts per yd.Best Cainoes.15. We are also agents tort Moanietaciurers of the best AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS —AND MACHINERY,ench as— |The Buck-Eye Mower and Reaper, Torbine Water Whicels, Fine Engine Deep Well and Force (Pumps. |French Burts and Corn Mills,Threshersand Cleaners on ‘wheels compleie, Cider and Wine Mills,Star Cotton Gin and Condenser, Grain Drills, the } Spe- alities Sulky Plow 3%, Smutters and Cleaners, Circular Saws,Robber and Leather Belting, and many other things too nnmerous to men-tion,allof which we will sell at the Man turer's prices. Come,or send and get a Catalogne of any thing yoo may Want in tins ime We guar- antee the Machinery sold by usto give satis- faction. We are aleo agents for Singer's New Fami- ly SEWING MACHIINB,tor which there is no equal.Warranted todo all kinds of work, and tu give entire satistaction,or the money will he refunded. tt GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished atthedepot,on short notice.Wewill be found cpposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row.MBRONEY &BRO. FORSALE—A Splendid 19 HorsePowerPortableEngine,for sale by jone 11—23.5m MERONBY &BRO. N ofrc2.-.!WILL SELL ON.WED-LN NESDAY,27th of October,from 5H0 to1000bushelsofCorn,re to Mary Eis,(minor.)The cate will be cash.and take place on the farm of the late Robt.Ellis ifac- 0.G.FOARD. Oct.1,1869.—39:42 Guardian 'OFICH.--TUF UNPAID NOTHSGIVt%en to me as administrator of RW Grif.fith deceased,have been left in the hands ofMr.Lewls Hanes for collection.Those owingtheinarerequestedtoeallnponMr.Hanes attheOldNorthStateoffice.in Salicbary,and pay them a4 soon as possible. Oot.1,1869—tf 2.GRIPFITIN,Adm'r ‘\t,Augustine Normal School -- })THIS SCHOOL,which 1s designed for the edueation of colored teachers,male aud female willopen on Wednesday,Sept A ppli- conte must be able tocead and wre and un- Would fally call the attention of Mercbants.Physicians,Planters,and others,to their | extensive stock and superior inducements.107 Sycamore,St.,Letersburg. K.FP.RIVES.M.D.W.H.PROCTOR. apr23—16:6m Ten Cents Reward. a abore reward will be paid to any person | 29th derstand the four primary rules of Aritmetic. who will retum to me foar bonnd children |Aid will be rendered boar!peeial cases, who ran away from me about tivo years ago.The Application,accompanied by stat ment of names of saidchildren are Enoies Hairston.Cald-|age analifications aud suiiaiy i's niny well H irston.and Charles Mason and Ellen Meson |Se te :i.es alton’aud pecultary wurily, All persons are warned against harboring said chile ous eee ae dren underpenalty or the law.G,G.MASON,Rev.J.RPINTON SMITH,DD Fulton,N.C.,Oct.2%h 1869.3t]}-43)Raleigh,N.C,Sept.34,1509 Vitmeipal. ee-7 ———-————--VOL.IV TheOld North State Lnwits EAN BG Editor and Proprietor. RATES @F SUBCRIPTION.Oxe Year,payable in advance.....83.00 Six Monrus,-ee cecegat beau 5 Copies to one address,....-eee ein 12.5010Copiestooueaddress,...----.-.-20,00 Rates of Advertising. One Square,first insertion,$1,00 For each additivval insertion.2.2....-50Specialnoticeswillbecharged50percent higher than the above rates,~Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish-edat the same rates with other Pome Ineuts.Obituary notices,over six lines,charged as advertisements, CONTRACT RATES. | | |||{ SPACF. | AT T *" 0 | “Y O K au g "S I M O P Y Ki p }| “S Y l O e ] _ Y ON T , “s Y T N O T E ay y $5 00 $350 81300850/13 00)22,001200:20 00)39,00 | 1}Square.|82 50,9375 Zsquares.4 50)6 25 3 squares.600)9 00JSquares.3 00,11 00 15 0025 00°37,50 }Column.11:00:16 00;20 00:30 00 45,00 4 Colamn.18 0024.08 30 00/4500°75.00 1 Colamn.28 00:40 00°50 00,20 00!130,00 LEGAL NOTICES. Worth Carolina,2 Scremove Cover, Davin Cousty Fall Term,1869 Petition for Sale of Lands, Join 8.Maxwell,Adamnistrater of Johan Max well,dec'd., against Thomas T.Maxwell,Thoinas Mo Brock,Jas V.Brock,Sarah B Naylr,wife of Brio |L bave any knowledge,and the best Tonic of-min T.Nayher and Catuilla A.Brock,bal wanl Brock and Jobe EL Brock,minor chil dren of Jobn W.Brock,deceased In this case it appearing tu the satisfaction { of the court that Jaumes Vo Brock and Sarah Naylor wite of Benjanin 3.Navlor defenit ants ip this Case are Hon-resident=of (hits Bate: Therefore,it is ordered by the court that pub- }be made fur <x ~The Old North @rate”newspaper,wotifving the said de Judge of our next Supenor Court to be be hl for the cmnty of Dane at the Court Louse ia Muckeville,on the first Munday ia Apr,1870.then ad there to answer the petitive of the plot,filed m- (fis crmrt,of)idyuwut willbe ken ef porte as to thenWitness HL RO Nastin,Chek of the Supe- nor Curt of Dawie County,at Mee in Meeks vile,the Lbth day ef Septenther A D.,1869H.R AUSTIN,CAC, 41 -Ge(pr foe $10) State of Morth Carolina,STaseyv Currwry.45 Supertor Cort. Johan W Rmith.Join Parker and wife Jebel Henton Varker and wile Mary C,and Uriah Staten,Gaarhan of Suen Brooks,end G Q).Withair,Guardianof Alired A weeks ta pores thee fenelants to appear be Brooke | )BM.OR ne yr -e haa nad ottoBoiesSitit aiienbiiab|Ko oraninntedn wh TPS eae “‘ r.GODDIN'SDCOMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS, |The Great American Tonic and Di- {uretic { Recomr ended and prescribed by physicians wherever known.The “Compound Gertian Bitters”are made | | <Ane~VALUE OF CONFEDERATE MONEY. Important Decision of Chief Justice Chase—Con-tracts made during the Rebellion—Meaning oftheword“Dollar”—How Contracts aré to beEnjoreed—How Contracts in Confederate MoncyaretobePaid, ofthe purest and best Vegetable Tonics and |—Tn the Supreme Court of the United States on |argued kuown to the profession,They ais |ar the case of Thorrington,_zi, |contain twenty per cent of va,Smith and Hartley—appeal from the Distr UBUCHU!ge {‘'Which makes them,beyond all question,the ‘best DIURETIC in existence;and for Dis-| |tressedKidneys,Bladder and Urinary Orgaus,}|wii|have no superior,if any equal!Those who|try these Bitters,for the tullowing Diseases ,williu every case tind them a safe,pleasant, |speedy and effectual Remedy,They are asnie preventive and cure for |Chills and Fever,and all Malarial Diveases| DYSPEPSIA,INDIGESTION,SICK-STUMACH, COLIC,SICK-HEADACHE,BRONCHITIS,ASTHMA,COLDS &CUUGH,NEURALGIA,|GENEKAL DEBILITY,| Diseases of Kidneys,Grayel,Xe.and every | Disease requiring @ general Toute iinpression. FAT™For Diseases peculiar to Females it is |Court of the United States for the middle dir|trict of Alabama—Mr.Chief Justice Chaseliveredtheopinionofthecourt,reversing thedeezeeofthesuidDistrictCourt,with costs,and remanding said cause to the said District Court,ith directions to enter a decree in.conformitytotheopinionofthiscourt.The decision is amostimportantone,involving the question ofcontractsmadedaringtherebellion,in Confed-erate money,and we therefore give opinionreadbyChiefJusticeinfu.The Chief Jus- tice said :‘This is a bill in equity for the enforcement of avender’s lien,—Tt is not denied that Smith and Hartley pur-chased Thorrington’s land,or that they execnteddohimtheirpromissoryTeofthepur-chase money,asset forth in his bill,or that,iftherewasnothingmoreinthecase,he would be entitled to a decree for the amount of the noteandinterest,and for the sale of the land to sat- isfy the debt.But it is insisted by way of defence that thenegotiationforthepurchaseofthelandtookplace,and that the note in controversy,payab'eonedayafterdate,was made at Montgomery, almost a specific.EO In couvalescence from Typhoii and |other low forma of Fever itis the very best | Tonic that ean be weed,| |The Compound Gentian Bitters mect with )nniversal favor,and have reeeived the strong est testimonials ever given (o any inedicine,a few of which we append below: This ts to certify that 1 hate used Dr.God- din’s Compound Geotian Bitters and eheerful- ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that can be used for ordinary debiliuy,sick stomach &e,¢.M.HOLT,M.D. Lipscomb,Orange co,N.C.,May 15,‘GY. 1 bereby eoruly that I have Leen using Dr. Godducs “Compennd Gentian Bitters,”tor Covgh,General Debility.&e..aud |am fally aati-tied that they ace the best Bitters of which | fered to the American people,ROBT.Y.SLATER. Henneo county,Var,June 25,1869. Dn.Goomy:—Dear Sir:T have been suffer- ing fortwenty years with an affection of the kidueys,prostrate gland and striefure of the jurcttra;have been under the treatment of | |the best physicians in the country,one of whom jm now a professor in a medical college.All| failed to seliewe we,TD finally tried your Com-; pennd Gentian Buters;the effect was like a Very reapectfully, JAS.A.FAULCON, Littleton,N.C,Jan.7th,1860. Prepared only bee Dr.Gudkdin.JAMES T.WIGGINS, LD roprictary Wholesale Agent, net, hary.N ¢ 40 YEARS BEFORETHE NORFULK,VA.|dowbefal principle oflaw that aoGIForwebyDr.G.B.Pualsun,Salig-_— qefTe 'demeribed as a contract in aid of the rebellion?PUBLIC.| in the State of Alabama,where all the partiesresidedinNovember,1864,at which time.theatithorityoftheUnitedStateswasexcludedfromthatportionoftheState,and the only cur- rency in use consisted of Confederate treasury|notes,issued and put in circulation by the personsexercisingtherulingpoweroftheStatesivrebellion,knownasthe nemgpregireen,gpicdn ossiritwasinsistedthatthepurchasedwasworthnomorethanthreethousanddollarsinlawfulmoney;that the contract price wasae—aeetthat Sheol c the agreement ies,was to iCenfederatenoter;pLapiese lena thousanddol-lars wereactuallypaidinthese notes and thatthenotegivenfortheremainingtenthousanddollarswastobedischargedinthesamemanner;andit is claimedonthisstateoffacts that thevendorisentitledtoporeliefinacourtofthe United States.Andthis claim was pustaine!in thecourt be-low,and the bill was diaminmed.The questionsbeforeusuponappealarethese :),Can acontract for the paymentof Confed-erate notes,made during the late rebellion be-tween parties residing within the so-called Con-federateStates,be en atall in thecoartsoftheUntitedStates?i2.Can evidence be received to prove that apromineexprewedtobeforthepaymentofanyotherthanlawfuldollarsoftheVeitedBtates?3.Des the evidence of the record establish charin—one bottle cave me complete rebet.1 |the fact that the note for ten thousand dollar beliewe it tu be the best medicine I have ever{was to be piid,by agrcement ofthe parties,inComferkratenytes?Th.feat questionis by no meansfreo fromdiicucy.It cannot be questioned that the ConfederatenoteswereiwacdinfurtheranceofanunlawfulattempttooverthrowthegovernmentoftheUnitedStatesbyinsurrectionaryNoriaita such an attempt can be enforcedthecoartsofthocountrywhoseguvern-ment is thus awailed,Bat was the covtract of the parties tothissuitacontractofthatcharacter?Can it be fairly In exantining this question the state of that :Pebalkpeak.’ de-| a[NO.46 —| It is very certain that the Confederate gov-ernment was never acknowledged by the UnitedStatesasadeverpmentinthissense.—Nor was it acknowledged as such by other oeers.No treaties were made by it,”No obliga-tions of a national character were created by it,binding after its dissolution on the States whichitrepresented,or on the national government.—From a very early period of the civil war to its|close it was rded as simply the military rep-resentative of the insurrection against the au-|thority of the United States.Bat there is another deseription of govern-}ment,called alzo by publicints a peieage dc|facto,but which might perha;more aptly |denominated a government nount foree.Its distinguishing characteristies are:1.Thatitsexistenceismaintainedbyactivemilitarypowerswithintheterritoriesandagainstthe rightfal authority of an established and lawfulgovernment;and 2,that while it exists it,mustnecessarilybeobcyed’in civil matters by privatecitizens,who,by acts of obedience rendered insubmissiontosuchforce,do not become respon-sible as wrongdoers for these acts,though not warranted by the laws of the rightful govern- ment,Actual governments of this sort are establish-ed over districts differing greatly in extent andconditions.They are usually administered di-rectly by military anthoritv,but they may beadministered,also,by civil authority,supportedmoreorlessdirectlybymilitaryforce.One example of this sort of government isfoundimthecaseofCastine,in Maine,reducedtoBritishpossessionduringthewarof1812.—From the first of September,1814,to the ratifi- cation of the treaty of peace in 1815,accordingtothejadgmentofthecourtinUnitedStatesva.Rice,(4 Wheat,253:)“The British govern-ment exercised all civil and military authorityovertheplace.”“The authority of the UnitedStatesovertheterritorywassuspended,and thelawaoftheUnitedStatescouldnolongerberightfullyenforcedthere,or be obligatory upontheinhabitantswhoremainedandsybmittedtotheconqueror.By the surrender the inhabi- tants under a temporaryallegiance to theBritishgovernment,and were bound by sachlaws,and sueh only as it chose to recognize and :Drtoast t by inliesed trae thie Cat the ob-igations of the people of Castine a citizens the United States were :7 weresuspendedmerelybythepyesence,only pico,oecupied daring the war with Mexico bythetroopsoftheUnitedStates,[1 waa deter-minedby this court in Fleming vs.Page,(9How,,644,)that,although Tampico did not be-come a pariof the United Statesin consequenceofthatoceupatiod,Mi)!having ome,together with the whole State of Tamaulipas,of which it by other nations as the territory of the UnitedStates.:These were cases of tempofary poesion ofterritorybylawfulandlargovernmentsat war with the country ofwich t territury ©|powsewed was a part.The central government| ecablished for the insurgentStates differed fromthegovernmentsatCastineandTarnpico,in the thatits anthority didno:originate in lawful acts of regularwar;butitwasnotonthataccountlessactaalorlewsu- |be removed by parol evidence. insurgent States under the Confederate goveru-ment were in legal contemplation substantiallyinthesameconditionasinhabitantsofdistrictsofaeountryoccupiedandcontrolledbyanin-vading belligerent,The rules which would ap-ply in the former ease would apply in the latter,|and as in the former case the people must be re-|garded as subjects of a foreign power,and con-|tracts among them be interpreted and enforced |with reference to the laws imposed by the -con-;queror,80 in the latter case the inhabitants must |be regarded as under the anthority of the insur- gent belligerent power,actnally established asthegovernmentofthecountry,and contractsmadewiththemmustbeinterpretedandinferr-ced with reference to the conditions of thicreatedbytheactsofthegoverningpower.t is said,indeed,that under the iusurgent govern- ment the word dollar had the same meaning as under the governmeut of the United States;thattheConfederatenoteswerenevermadealegal tender,and therefore that no evidence can bere-ceived to show any other meaning of the wordwhcnusedinacontract.But ft must be remembered that the wholeconditionofthingsintheinsurgentStateswasmatteroffactratherthanmatteroflaw;andasmatteroffact,these notes,payable ata futureandcontingentday,which has not arrived and can never arrive,were forced into circulation asdollars,if not directly by the legislation,yet in-directly and quite as effectually,by the acts of the insurgent government;considered in them-selves and in the light of subseqnent events these notes had no real value,but they were |made current as dollars by irresistible force.—| -They were the only measure of value whieh the|people had,and their use wasa maticr of almost |absolute necessity.Aud this gave them a sort of value,insignificant and precarious enough,it |is truc,bnt always having a sufliciently detinite |relation to gold and silver,the univeraal meas.|ures of valne,so that it was always cay to ascer-tain how much gold and silver was the real | | equivalent of a sum os in this currency.| In thelight of these factsit seemshardly less|than absurd to say that these dollars must be re-garded as identical in:kind and value with thedollarswhichgonstitgtethemoneyoftheUni- ted Statca.We cannot #but our eyes to the factof|that they were @wcatially different in both re-aspects;andit seemstvusthat po rule of evi-ence,properly anderstood,requires us to refuse,under the cireumxtances,to admit proof of thesenseinwhichtheworddollarwasactuallyused | in the contract before us,\Our answer to the second question ix therefore |also in the affirmative.We are clearly of theopinionthatsachevidencemustbereceivedin |respect to such contracts in order that justice|may be dege between the parties,and that the |party entitled to be paid in these Confederate |dollars con only recover their actual valne at thetimeofthecontractinlawfulmoneyoftheUpi-ted States, | We do not think it necessary to go into a de-tailed examination of the evidence in the recordinordertwvindicateouranswertothethird ear It ix enongh tosay that it has left no oubt in our minds that the note for ten thous- and dollars,to enforce payment of which enil was brought in the Circait Court,was to be ped,| by agreement of the parties,in Confederate| notcn,\It follows that the judgment of (the Circuit | peu,ans think that it mat be claccd araples,Jtis to be observed that the riglits andobligationsofabelligerentwereconcededtoitinitepiilitarycharacterveryseonafterthewarbe-from motivesofhumanity and.expediency trolled by It was thercafler held to be the enc- my'a territory,and the inhabitanis«of (hat terri- of the country in which it was made mast considered. wry were ,im moet réepects,for enemic To the extent,then,of actnal anpremacy,how- of which these are ex-| the Unlted States,The whole territory cor-| Court muat be reversed,and the cause remanded | for new Wiasl,in coufupmity with this opinion,|a THE ANGEL, NY HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON. |“Whenerer a good child dics,an angel of | |God cames down to earth,takes the dead j chikd in his arms,and spreading out his |he would say,‘To-day F have been outWehaveafreadyseenthatthepeopleofthe|He only kuow the pleasant woods and the |bright vernal green by the neighbor's son !4 bringing brim the first green boughs of thebeechtrees;which he would bold over hishead,and then faney he was under the shadeof the beech-treea,with the birdswarbling,and the san shining around him.“One day in the spring,the neighbor'ssonbroughtbimsomefieldsflowers,and among them was one with a root,so itwasputintoaflowerpotandplacedat the window,eloae by the bed,and beingcarefullyplanted,it flourished and put forth shoots,and bere flowers every year ;it was like a beantiful garden tothe.boy—his little treasure upon earth;he wa- tered it,and tended it,taking ¢are that every sunbeam,from the first to the lastwhichpenctratedhislittlewindow,should fall upon the plant,and its flowers,with their soft colors and fragrance,wiagledwithhisdreams,and towards them he turned when he was dying,when our Lord calle]him to himself.The childhasnowbeenayearwiththebleased— for a year the plant has stood in the win- dow faded and forgotten,and to-day it wasthrownoutamongtherubbishintothe strect.And this is the flower which we have just now tuken,for this poor faded field tlewer has given more pleasure than the most splendid blossom in the gardenofaqueen.”‘‘And how do you know this 1”asked the child whom the Angel was bearing to heaven.‘How do I know it?”said the Angel,“T was myself that liule sick bey he |went npon crutehes.Ought I not to know my own flowers?”And the childopenedwideitseyes,aud looked jsto theAngel's fair,bright countenanee—aud in the same moment they were in beaven.And the dead child reeeived wings liketheAngel's avd they flew band in hand;and a voice was given to a poor,faded field-flower and it sang with the Angels surrounding the great Ged,some very near Him,and others formlug _lurge cir- cles,farther aud farther away,extending into infinity,but all equally blessed.And they all sang together,the Angele,the good ebild,and the poor,faded field- flower,which bad Jain among the rubbish of that dark and narrow sirect. -ee WHAT 1S THE CAUSE OF THE FAILURE OF THE CUBAN EX- PEDITION, WHO.WAS JUNIUS. The discovery of Junins so often an-nouned,has at length it ia said beenplacedbeyonddoubtbytheresearchesof the Hon.Edward @wisleton,England,who has for the first timo called in the said of a scientific export in handwriting, the well known Mr.Charles Chabut.Theres:ilts will shortly be made public,to- gether with fac similes of the autographeofJunius’s LetteratoWoodfalland GeorgeGreenville.We shall await with some interest therevelationsofthe‘Hon.Mr.Twiselton. But we have grave doubts of the truth ofanyproofswhichmaybeadduced,#they goto establish any othcr theory than that the elder Pitt was the substantial au-thor of the letters,aud his secretary,SirPhillipFrancis,the actual composer ofthem.We have evidence tn Virginia,which does aotadmit ef question of thodirectpartwhichSirPhillipFrancieplayedintheaffair.He ound it con-venient,when the feeling and curiesity excited by the Janias letters was at iteheightinLondon,to send tis private seo- retary as a permanent ecttler ia AmericaThisperson’s vame was Baylor.HeeametoVirginiaandsurleellargeestates.He brought with him ae inmanuscriptmadebyhimeelf,as letterwenttopress,of the ecatire series eftheJaniusletters.This voluminousmanuscriptisnowextant,in the sion of ason of Mr,Baylor,who iaehighlyrespeetedandwellknowncith zen of our Commonwealth.This cotem-porancous manuscript copy of the letters of Junius,made by the private secretary and amenaensie of Sir Francia, easily substantiated facts of ite origin avd aathentieity,the of theJaniusletters.If the disclosuresofMr.Twisleton shall coincide with the factswhichwenewpresentforthefirsttimeinprint,his investigations will have prov-en valuable.If they shall not do so,weinelinetobelievethattheywillbeoflis tle worth —Richmond State Journal. ~~.-—— A LITTLE STORY ABOUT MB LINCOLN. The Titusville (Penn.)Hersld relates the following: Mr.Lincoln was much pestered by of ficu-seekers.A geniicman from Tllinota, —— The Caban privateers Lillian and Ou-! ba,says the New York Mevald.have cer: tainly been anfortunate ta their career.—Without accomplishing anything the vee-| |eele have been seized and members of the|ly the President,|aews of cach veesel have been arrested jasked him if he could speak Spanish. end held by American and English au-| thorities respectively,From the manner | of the seizure of both veeecls and the| |eircumstances under whieh the arrest of the crews were made it would seem that} |who thought himself peculiarly fitted torepresentthecountryabroad,followed Mr.Lincoln with great pertinacity,but tonholing him at all times and in evplacewithoutthea.ag mercy.Fine)- with a pleasant emfi«, “No,”“Well,learn Spanish,and I will tell you of a good thing you can get.ALterthreemonthsofhardstudythewonld be diplomat returned to the charge,re-minding the President of his promise,and It is familiar history that carly im 1861 the |authorities of seven Mtates enpported,a«was al-| |ever untawfully gained,in all matter:of govero-|large white winge,flice with him over allMaryF.Lrovks,and Carvine C.Brooks,|ment within ite military limes,the powcr of the |there is a screw loose somewhere in the |assaring him he had thoroughly mastered Pianatifts.|‘leged,by popalar majorities,combined for the in«orgent government cannot be qucaioned |the places that were dear to him.And management of these expeditions.)’ossi.|the Spanieh language.“Well,”eald Mr. againet MOTHER =|overthrow of the National Union,and for the |That eupremacy would not justify acts of how |the angel gathers ahandful of fowers,and bly treachery may form a large share of|Lincoln,“I promised to tell you of a good Witham,Aostin,Winey Ann Brooks and :|extallichment within ite boundaricaofa separate|tility to the United Staten,How far it shoald |takes them tothe good Ciod that they may|phe cause of the disappointmenes whieh|thing you could get.Get Don Quirole Wiliam Brooks defendants |Remedies and independent confederation.A government |excuse ves gee —to the lawful gevern-|bloom yet inore beautital in heaven than |have thas far attended the cfforse of the|and read it;it will mak:you laugb.” Petition for Sale and Purtition of the Lands of org mization ing these States was es|ment upon the establishment of ite authority.—|hy did on earth.And the dowerwhieh!(ubans at sea.‘bat there is »roomthelateCorncliaeBrowks——___————PAIL |tablished a Montgomery,im Alabama,fira um.|Rat it made civil obudience to its anthorty mot}goat pleases the Creator,reecives a voice s thene a.ee ee ei cake 1 earning to the aatidaction of the court |Pom BKONGMIAL axcv LIVER DI-|der a provisional cunstitation,and afterwards |Oly a Necessity bat a duty ;without such obe-t saeromely benoe |;in tt ||for there repeater failures there is wo A GOOD JOKE ON A TOPER.:ch ee ¥Brooks and SEASES ered the following :"8 comatitation intered to he permanent.|dicnce civ:order was imposible.j tHe,Bapreme’y HAPPY Jome in (he chorus|reason tn dvabt.8a far as regards Oap that Wiliam.Anstin mney,Ann Brooks a oo »g:x ¢{Te the conmenf a few monthsfourother Mates It wasby this government,exercising la pow |bleered angele =a Wilhan Ht:ok,deleudamte io this proceed- ing,are non-readeuts of time State Wis Ordered, That pnbdlication be made weekly f retenecees:| mive week<in the ‘Old Nerth State)a ae wepapet woblrehed in Saltetery,NCL sememouing rmeh |of caid defertants to be an’appear al the office eithe clk of the Raper Comet of Stan'y Connty.on the 20:h November 1869.thet and there to anewer or dewurto said petition,or the same will be takew pro corfeato and beard ex parte as to then. Wines,dames Mo Redwine,Cho k of ont ved court at offer,the Pith day of Qetuber, 1869 J oM.ReDWINE, c wo 41-60.Ser$10. "StateofMorth Carolina,/ ALEXANVEK COUNTY,§ Saperior Conrt Elmnnd Kerley,admin stratur of Alfred Ta- ideon, agaist Tenac Resell and wife Bi zaleth,GW.Sweet ‘wife Cynthia,Robert Lowe aad wile wer,Jol David<ou,Maryaret Ac Keeley ban Davideon Joba DP.Davidson,Dan] S Javidsen,Hukdah Davidem,Jane David- ent and Wehan Dariison,heim at lew of 18+)La Pawielson. To ham Davidson,one of the defendanis rbeve named,@ non-resident. Youare hereby notified,that a eamnons,in | above entitled ease,has issued!against you, the Complaint there wae filed in the &n- ror Conrt at Alexander County,on the 17th Anynst 1860.i You are aleo notifies],thatthe snnmmonse in the case je retarnable to the negeterin of the S nor Court afaresaill to be Veld at the Conrt Hoose in Taytses@i®,a fhe 25rh day o h f {Decomler next,when aul where Fou are fo aypenr and anewer the complaint—in default where!the| will apply to ead Coort fur the*Pelief demaud- ad in the @omnplaine, ereby ?eqnir ed Witness,BM.Steveneon,Clerk of the ante noe rior Coertat at Tay luesvitte,the 3d Mon- day in August 1880 kL Cer Snape:ior Court Alex 4$—Ow ‘(pr tee $1 M STEVENSON, eo eeKercseneLamps,At Cost jQutTfacondderablelotoftheseLampe,comeofthemverybeautiful,hasing been sent to| n ~rbseriber by mifstake,en the part of theMonulactorersandhavingbeenreqnastedto dis)@xc of them,with as little delay a+possible, he now offers them atthe Cost and Charges onl.Dealers who may be in want of the ar-hoje,have an opportunity of buying the whole or a’pirt,at prices quite as low as they can be henght inthe novhern cities. They will correspondingly eheap at tail,re At EF.SILLS’Drag Store Salisbury Sov 5,Ov.(li-43) daip(if |TWe exsh mut either aceunpany the order forthe Medi- amder Ooanty? TLomae H.Ratary.ha.Cranville co. t dad sour Puls te be the bext femnly med They have proved very hen !have heen very mock of flieted forfi ars.and have tried every hind of medicine that |eonid get.bat have tonnd lief from your Mills than all others.My bronchial aMiction.and a complete prostration of the nerveds «ystem.have weed them in ten or fit- AAys. cime |have ever ened.eficial ia my own care \ con y more ¢ li<e nae be teen rasexin my family.andiindthemta Le the very | medicine tor neariy ail smily dimenses” f The Cure is Thorough. 4 Kenneth Haynes Ey..'lerk of Cotum|ancounty ||eoert,e@rites (April @ 1863.)~lburing the aes |perteftie year 1962 |wae severely afilieted with |dispnard lirerand many nights while in bed theprin | }woald became so etcruciating that |ws compelled {te get oat ot bed and sit mp unt lithe pain woald | entaide |proctreda few boxes nf te SOUTHERN)HEP aTIC VILA.and the first dow |took gave me \erent relief.[econtinned te nee the DPiile for two weeks,and beve not suffered from liver disease |tereservers’persons are in want of them.)Atl disewee team cnemy to the hanran system end) |eg at war with it and ell canner it.wiles metere |with all the sanixtanee It can receive from strength ening medicines and suitable nonrishments,can {ronqnerthe enciny.which wonkd be best.to take Phedicine befere yon get sick.fo prevent <ict pe-s or to thkhe nedicite afer yon pet cick toe resirkners. TP &word to the wieis ehonph4b.xcreise your own judgment in the means of de.ferrse.the eneny will come.be ye ale teady &ith The Southern Hepatic Pills, That ald bmg known and well tried remedy for all Rilinns disenses caneeddg a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS.—Yoa are about to pinke|ahome fer yourself and family "wa climate which }you or they have not been areustomed to;yon wilhofcomme.be exposed to all the diss +ex pecaliar to }that climate.yon should be careful te use euch Wed-fcines as ave adapted to the dixeasex of thet climate: yor will find the greatest security in the exe ofYeewe’Korvnens Weratic Mirae.Ther ean be «entto any pointigthe-United States{by Exprex«.{PRICKForonebox,23 certs,—De|$19—One Grom,$19—Three Grose, ' .$2.50—FP alfGroaeFiveCrom €7% {cine of it will be sent C od to OD,Ur tere should ve address{a.WonKo.23,Bourn CaLaot s #rnewr,Battimoee Mo. @here they oil!be promptly attended to.For th ee Gedieines cull on all feepoctable Draggtiete everywhere and="G.B.POULSON,{Jy Ralisbary.N.C. iLEPAG || —$eoreEstablished13858.E BROS.&Co., GENERALCommissionMcuchan's|COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St,,Norfolk,Va, |have recommendedthem accordingly,and | 4.,acoeded to this confederation,and the «at of the |central suthorit y was tranerred to Richmond, in Virginia. It was by the central anthority they organized, and under it<direction,that the civil war wa= carried on wpon a vat scale againe the gorern-ment of the Tinted States for more than foarreareTtpowerwitsrecognizedasSnpremeinnearlythewholeoftheterritoryoftheStatewconfedcrated.It was the actual government of all the insurgent States,except those portions ofthemprotected!from its control be the presenceofthearmedforcesofthenationalgovernment What wae the procixe character of this yov-erament in contemplation of law?It i=diffi- cals to define it withesectnes.Any ce .ni'ienthatmaybewivenmaynotimpooablybefoundtorequirelimitationandqualification.Put thegeneralprinciplesoflawrelatingtoefartogov-erntnent,will,we think,conduct ns to a conclu-don accurate. There age ecveral degrees of what is called dy facto government. Such a government,in ite highest degree,se sumes @ high character very closely resembling that of a lawful government.This is when th neurping govermment expel:the regular authoridesfromtheircastemaryseatsandfanetion=.and establixhes iteelf@n their plare,and «be- eomes the actual government of a conniry The distinguishing cliararteriatices of cach 2syernmentix,thatadherents to i inwat againstEovernmentdejuredopotinenrthepenal-ties af treason,and,under certain limitations,obligationsassumedby it in behalfoftheconm- try or otherwise,will,in general,be reepected by the government de jure whenExaroplesofthiedescription of governmentsdefactoarefoundinEnglishhistory,The Sta-tote 1 Henry,7 ch,1,(British Statute atLarge)relieves penaltics for treason allmswho,in defenceof the King forthetimeveing,make wat those who endeayor tosubverthisauthorityhyforceofarmswarrantedinsodoingbythelawfalmonarc (4 BL Com,77.)Hat thie ie where the usurper obtains actualposexionoftherovalauthorityefthekingdom, not when he haa succeeded onfy in eatablishinghispoweroverparticularlocalities.Heing insuchpossession,allegianceis due to hii as a king de facto.A et example may he found in the gov-ernment of England nnder the commonwealth,first by Parliament,and afterwards by Cromwellasot.It was nv’,in the contemplationofJaw,a government dz ,er,,bat was a gorern-ment defarto iy the most absulute sense.Itmadelaws,treaties and conjnests,which remain ed the laws,treaties and conquests of Englandafertherestoration.The better opintonis thatactsdoneinobediencetothiegovernmentconidnotbejastlyregardedastreasonable,thongh in wtif not the letter of the statnte of Ilenry the CPSpecial attention paid to the enleo |GRAIN.COPPON and all other kinds ¢ |COUNTRY,PRODUCE. {fe Liberal advanees onfgeonsignine j ud pro'apt paturys.julyo27— Seventh.It was held otherwise by the judges|by whom Sir Henry Vane was tried for treason |(6 State Triala,119)in the vear following the|restoration.But such a Jodgment,in euchtime, ,bas lite authority. hostility to the King de jure,Such aete were|rotected from criminal prosecution by the pir | er throagh an immense territory,that the Con-|federate notes were jected carly in the war,and |these notes,in a short time,hecame almoet ex-|chasively the earrency of the Inaitgert Srare« As contracts in themeelt.«inthe contingencyofsacccedulrevolution,these nate wore nit! ties,for except in that event there conid be no |payer.They boregindced,this charmeter npon |their face,fur they were made payableonly “af-ter the ratifiention of a treaty of peace betweenbetweentheConfederateStatesan]the UnitedStatesofAmerica.’ While the war listed certain contingent value ev in vearly all the boas transactions of many millions of perp!Ther muet be reganl- ed,therefore,ae a currency impose!on the cx munity by i Peais ie force. It soci UF a NTRSY CONAET]ONC, from the actual supromacy of the insurgent gov- 2 «6bellicercnt,with the territer circulated,and the necessity of civil the partofall wo rem ained in it,|wrx hs however,they had a and were use!a@ mon- a mn to toi low, erninent 1 «ere itanal; that ¢wf lew im the sare lighe ae | nee on dir currency wt Papen?s foreign gy nt ron ",ae part of the tertirar of te f «Sentero Crpteutestipalaring fer giem st troutnneycanvetberegneledaeraltwandofthe| forcten Usvasiqn mm ome co<e.or of the domestic ineurrection in the other «They hore no nerre |sary relation to the beetle government,whether invading or insurgent.They arc traneartinne intheordinarycou~e ofcivil soctety,and,though they may indirectly and remotely promote the]of the onlawful government,are withoesblameexceptwhenprovedtohavebecaenteredintewithactualimtenttofurthertheinvasionor ii We cannot donbt that such eontract shoald beenforeedintheconrvoftheTnitadStatesaftertherestorationofpeacetotheextentofthefrjastoblimn.Thefirt question,therefore,mut reectve anaffirmativeanewer.The seoond question,whetherevidence enn hereceivedtoprovethatapromixemadejnoneoftheinsurgentStates,and expromed to be for thepaymentofdollars,without qnalifying words,was,in fact,made for the payment of any otherthanlawfnldollarsoftheUnitedStates,ie nexttobeconsidered,At ia qnite clear that a contract to par dollarmadebetweencitizerieofanyNtiteoftheUnion maintaining ite contitutional relations with thenationalgovefnment,ie a contract to pay lawfulmoneyoftheJinitedStat.<,and cannot be mcd- ihed or explained by parcut evidence. But it is eqoatty clear if in any other conntrycoinsornotesdenominateddollarsshouldbeai.-thorizedof different value from =the coins or|notes which are eurrent bere nnder that name,that in a anit apon a contract to pay dollars made in that country,cvidence eonld be admit-ted to ve what kind of dollars were intended,|and if it should turn out that foreign dollars|were meant,to prove their equivalent value in Jawful money of the United States,Bach evidence does not modify or alter the leontract.It simply explaine au ambiguily!which,upder the general Felesof es jdence in uy |grou ] | Thus epake an angel of God while car- ing a dead child and the child listened as theagh in a dream,and together they flew over all the ry to heave n, p!Aces ;Where the child had formerly plaved,and they passed over gardeue fall of lovely flowers.“Which flower shall we take with usand plant im lyeaven 7"asked the Agel.And there ¢tood a falr delicate rose tret,bat an evil hand bad broken thi stem So that a'l the branches with large half opened buds hang faded down to the “Poor tee’ ead the child,“let ns take it,that it may bloom again with the good God in hea ren And this angel took it,and kissed the 1 the little ene half opened hischild,and tds +*o Thee »lid .:..utolioewirts offeyes.They placked many a splendid |Siain also hasten a svlution of the Ou¥s |garden flower,but they also took the mcek ban problem.There is really too much totitheAviayandthewildheartserse. “Now we have flowers enongh!"?aaid! the ehild,and the Angel scemced to ar cend,bat he did vot yet fly ap to heaven.|lt wae night,it was very atill,they| stayed near a town,they hovered over one , of ite narroweat strects,where straw,ash-| es,and rubbish of all kinds,were scatter-|od;there had been a removal that day,| lying on the groand were broken plates;! bits of plaster,rags,fragments of ol iy:”Amidst thie confusion the Angel point- ed to the broken pieces of an old flowerpot,and a lampofearth fallen out of it; they were only held together by the mots of a large faded field flower,which was nolongerworthlookingat,and had,thero- fore,been thrown into the street “We will take thie flower witli us,”said the Angel,“I will tell them about it as we are flying.”And they flew away,and the Angel spake as follows;“There once lived in a low cellar down | his earliest years;perhaps now and then he was able to take afew iurns up aud down his little room on his cratches,but that was all be coald do. during the sammer,the eunbeams would stream throngh hia little eellar window, and then,if the child sat up and felt the warm sun shining upon him,and could ece 'the erimeon blood in his light transparent fingers,as he held them up to the light, j iueroased activity of De Rodas,Valmace- j itself eo as to represent the wishes of t j closely. hats;in short,vothingbutthings unseem-the blanders of Spanish politicians at ||of the great Ki mucky statesman,who, in that little narrow etreet a poor,sickly |though dead,etill lives in their memory : boy,who had becn confined this bed f.om '*Among the articles eent for exhibition, |_bat |Sometimes,|who owns it. |weal d by the family with great enre. ‘have been left owg.”' we beliete be the work aid tain Ilarri«,of the Lillian, has his heart in is trie to |the cause in which he las embarked,but whetherothcre can present as clean @ re- cord it ie impossible to aay’. In relation to matteré on the island it js | impoesible,however,not to recognize the \fact that while we have glowing reports of the lauding of Spanish troops ans the ! da and the remainder of “pauish «ficiale,| the insurgents are able to hilt their own,| no withstanding their cinberrassments on | the sea.Thie state of affairs cannot pos:| sibly be lost right of by President (srart,| whee sympathies are with the Cubans,| wheoae pobcry—the result of serions re A ction—will in the end,wo dovbt,he we re American people,The present troubles in thing of at home to watch Ouba very Affaire have arrived at that stage which requires something more than | the shipment of troops from Cadiz to crasha revolution over four thousand mi'es distant With a fieree domeertic struggle agitating Spain,destroying the confidence of the people in her leading men and spreading universal discontent throughourtthe country,it is not difficult to foresee the futnre of Caba.Between home and military leadcrs abroad the island will yet seenre ite independence even thoagh disappointment on the seq may at the present time temporarily em- barrass her leaders. NENRY CEAY'S CRADLE. From the Ri¢éhmond Diepateh we clip the following item,which we doubt not, will prove of interest to the mary friends and was unavoidably thrown out,was the eradle in which Henry Clay wasrocked.Mra.N.B.Griffin is the ladyThecradlewasbonghtatMr.Clay’s sale by Captain Nat.Bowe—N.F.Bowe,Eeq.'s father—and has been t was a souree of great mortification toMrs.Griffin that this precious relje should A few years ago there lived in the town of aeon of Jadge Fi ——, whom wo will call Joe,who had frequent- ly imbibed more than he eould comfors tably carry.‘There also resided in theneighborhoodapainternamedW— who kept a ealoon.Now W.was agreas practical joker.On one occasion Joe came to W.'s saloon,and rather early iothemorninggotverymuchintoxicated,and finally fell asleep io his chair.Joewasveryncar-shighted,and always wore specs.After he had slept some time,W,tonk off his spees,blackened the glasses, put them back aguin,lighted the lamps, and then awoke Joe telling him it was 12 o'clock at night and be wanted to shesap.Joe started round and remarked thashehedsleptsometime.W.then said,“Joe,itis very dark,and if you willbringitbackIwilllendyoualantern.” Therenpon W.lighted a lantern,gave it to Joe,and helped him up the etaira.— Joe went off toward home,(up the mala business etreet,)in the middle of the day,with hie lantern,everybody looking at him,and wondering what was the matter, a A Man's Life Saced by the (losh Striking Thirtern.—Mr.John Hatfield,«man who died in England at the aga of102,was a soldier in the time of WilliamandMary.Ile wastriedand condemned to death for eleeping at.hie post,on theterraceofWindeer.Vie abvolately de- pe bre clare,and ‘tofemely deelaredthatinstead“Sf sleeping on his post hedistinetlyheardtheclockofSt.Padi’gmrikethirtoerattm'dnight.The trotk of this was much doubted by the eg «because of the great distdneeof St,PauPsfromthepostwhewasstationedWhileunderthesentence.ofdeath,‘af fidavit was made by soveral gersone thattheclockofSt.Paul's did semuatiystrtkethirteeninetcadoftwelve-thatnight.‘This cirenmstanee bielife and he was pardoned by lis Majesty. Thia number 13,oo coiieidered so uulucky,coald not bo called so igthecase of Johu Hatfield. er A Mixture for Salting Butter,—4)a pound of fine salt and a quarterotspoundofpulverizedldéafengar.ischemwelltogethers,and one onnee ota,°:mixtere to every pound of butter,Ty _. te to keep batier sweef tur winter ase, Executrre DEPARTMENT,leigh,Nov.16,1860. To the Honorable,the General On,IFItever comer—esn it certainly willfthereisnotaradicalchangeintheinis- tration of both State and Federal governments yores to get us outof our present financial diff:portant business which will claim your at-culties,if our affairs cannot be soon placed “Qu:-|tiga.You will doubtless proceed to thederthemanagemensofanuprightandablefioweovsiderationavddispatchofbusigessinaler?”?calmand dispassionate spirit,and with ayWedanotidatheStatecarbereleyetOthedofthewholepeopleofthe ed of herfinancial jffic.lies entirely,whileshe|State.|Ttis wade my duty by the,Corstitu- remains underthe ¢ontrol of those now in ‘pow-[bin tasgive the Gener!AsseurblyeAssoin —We give thia doenment entire this week and leave our readers to forin their own opinion of $t.It ponsesses the ability which we should have boke!forin @ puper frum the pen of its author.It is maiuly coufiged to giving infor- mation 0°the affairs of the State,aa ii should be.Tis Excellency’s reconsmendations in favor of amendjug the militin laws,will,doubtless, e@iuse some debate,and give rive to sume diler- encea of opinion.But it seems to ua,§f there is to by any.occasionJor using the militia,bad sone amendment $4 needed.We hope,howey- er,that there wil}be no 2aure oecasion dur their |State will breathe more freely. service.i that the decision of the Supreme Court,in tl The inost remarkable part of the message is University Railroad case,will prevent it fro that which refers to federal relationa,or that!adding to the present burdensof the poople,in ‘i ime,information.of the‘er.‘Phe present Rudival patty)and more espe-|bly»froin tithe’te time cially the present Radical Legislature,is respons |afttirs af the State,”nod to receumuendsuch;..iho J |weasures as T shall deem expedient.]pro-sible for the present condition of things.Every|pose to perforin this duty iu a plala apd ean-true friend of the Siate,Uierefore,isrejoicing that |did manner,with the assurauce §n advancethenextsessionofthatbodywill-be its last—|that I amprepared at all tines aealously teWhenitadjournssinediethegoodpeopleofthe|co-operate with you in all measures whieh,It is fortunate |You may deem tnost advisable and moat sasa|lutary forthe State aud for yur commed a \country. \STATE DFBY ANID FINANCER, 48 sae |The inost inportant subject which ean en-part of it which recommends a general removal |the shape of additional appropriations for works |xlee:age your attention is the State debt and fi-of ail political disabilities,We are gratified of internal improvement.It may addsome-|yances.that his Excellency has thken this ground.But |thing to the debt of the State by a long session The amount of the State debt on the Istonc!piel ?ity ‘at seven dollars per day,but it can do but litle|October,1609,is .as follows:Ante-warnencannothelpaskingwhatnecessitythereBenhonds,$8,278,200.Post-war bands:notSpe.jal tax,$8.83 S45;inaking $17,215,045, was for imposing them at all if they were were |more. to be removed so soon?They were imposed to We are aeare thn ge nee monies f The jwet-war bunds age Beh np.baste.teas serve a purpose whieh,it te found,they will not|that Lody,as well as the Radicals generally |j sued siuce the rebellion ander funding aets,gerve.Consequently these by whose instrumen-|throughout the State,are in favorof the present |Uy sueh as were authurized be haw hafury the talicy they were imposed are now for their re-|legislature bolding over until 1872, But.this|rebellion.‘This debt is knowu as the “ould moval to serve the same purpose.Dut whatever |#cheme will be opposed to the death by all the |debt.”|the motive we are glad that the step is being ta-|Liberal Republicans,And should the scheme|Bonds issned to Railroad Companies.the| ken,and Lope Congress wil]act upon the sug,|be pressed by its friends it will certainly lead to |Pyepeet ee wo whee a byuaieetaolis:|te al .,:,or al ty ou.are as follows:‘0 gestion of his Excellency and the Legislature,|*split in the Republican party.We know that |1),Wil iamstou and Tarborough Railrond.iedieieeeoe there are Republican members who have deter- THE LEGISLATURE :::|¥300,000.yg o the Western Division ot theminedtoresigntheirseatsintheLegislature|Wosteru North Carolina Railroad 6 967.-—_—|promptly,should the majority decide to hold |000.To the Easteru Division of said Road, There was no quorum io either House on|over.The Liberals now comprise a inege ma-1 $2733.00:To the Wihniugton,Charlotte Monday.But little was done on Tuesday Le-|jority of the intelligenee of the Republican par-|ee on ce Na.:oe 1 G wert arava nond.oe¢ides the reception and reading of the Goverb-|oF,andnearly all its honesty and patriotism.—|080.000.‘To the Western (Caalfield)Road.| or's tuessage.Liedtenant Governor Caldwell |They are as indiguant at the fraud and corrup-$1.320.000.To the Atlantic.Tennessee wade a ew elugquent aad appropriate remarks |tien practiced by and upon the present Logicla- |aud Obie Railroad,$1,760,000;makin upon opening the session of the Senate,in j ture as are the Conservatives and Democrats.—,$12.600.000.Total bonded debt.$29.215,- With their assistance,or by the organization of|045:‘To thix may be added of bouds wot is.;:.lated $4,280,000 king1)a Liberal party in the State,corruption will be |Sd 54.200,EORKI ne aeBeveralpeny“t bouded debt aud of bouds tu}routed horse,foot and dragoons,at the clection #34 095.045. }in 1870.”Honest and able men will be brought | |:|total of the! be issued,of| 'whivh he paid a Atting triboty to the memory| of the late lamented Judge Osborne, Repebdheau Senators offered resulutions in’fa wor ofa cenecal removal of all potitical disattl the'lit {into power.And it is by bringing such menin-|being paid I regret to state that the Treas:|tes inposed by the i ,|to power that we expect to “get the State out of |urers has ben unable to meet the foterest on |fication of the test oath,&.Mr.Bey ment |her present financial difficultics.”In this work |tie old bouds.It will be ueeessary to fund | fered joint resolutions against any furuer i |we Know that we shall have the hearty co-oper-|te ivterest due ou these bouda,nud it is fer |erease of the Public debt,Nr.Maluoe inivo-|ation Race imi Gt etree j the General Assembl.to decide for what ;Nosiina(l Peal is W Aaeno a rn aejucedatesclutionrequestiogthePublicTremWearegratified,tw,lo seethat the Winston |tbat tlie Statcaniaaann kiurerforeportthenamberofbondsissoedte}Gentine!recuguizes the moral obligation of the |terca:ard failed.cortsinty proves x.disposieachRailroadCompanypursuanttoactsof|State \pay the aruount realized by her on the |tion to pav;andthe funding,by canpeuud-| the last General Acsembly.Me.Mendenhall!|bonds,issued Ly virtue of the acts of the Inst |ing aud increasing the det.thos adding to} introduced g resolution to rednce the per diem|Legislature.|the burdeas uf the people and throwing ow 1 of members ta $5 per day,and the presidis g |bonds on the market to omrpetewith ut ers ?already suld,will greatly stimulate the dispo-officers to $8.sion which exists te meet this interest.On Wedueslay,John W.Graham,Esq.,the We areable to pay the ipterest on thetalentedagdpatrioticSenatorfronyOrange,|wholeaud will beabandautlyabletodischargesatroducedaWiltorepealtheectsgrantingAgreatonteryisheardinthelandae|the principal.The State vf Penosylvania, appr yprietieng ta Dailryad compaies,which 0 ihe corruption of Judges and the ig- was,om.motion of Senator Swee!,referred to}norance and inefficiency of juries.The ‘aud her good tame was iu danger of being the Committee on dudictary.This course|Demoeratic wave which swept over the |clouded by repudiation.Bar she _cher some weeksnea by thi sl ii}|Cerponsibiiities boldly and jin good faith y) mes ee .«y *pe jenanuey ome yore eeeAste content with ber best men uuited to snatala ber evedit aper,and,thoagh oe rt _——d j nothing leas than the e!cetion of Judges her people submitted cleerfully to the taxa-|doubss fu ot mind as to fits constituviopality,by popular vote,‘The old Enghwh prin-be tlow mneecssary fur this parpese;and the re-| we bLdpe it cy be found possible wearry itout |:.;f sult was her faith wae maintained,Ler great | Mr.Graham has,doubtless,acted after matarn |cine of teaure daring good behav for wens rescorees were developed,her popalatio tin-everywhere disearded,An independent jcreased,ber wealth doabled aud quadrupled, judiciary was incompatible with popalar |and now she would not be embarrassed with js debt of ue haudred miliious.NorthCaro-'tina bas as invor nataral resources as Peua-| sylvania.Our debt Las beeo inearred to im:| Tt aban-|preve vur cvndition—that,is,in the first| doned its old syetem,which had yielded |oe.Ctalleennod =edly te Bai Ge nso ‘rt .‘}'v . o "What amoontof bonds have been iswed |Judges of learning and probity,and took lines’as provided fur in the Constitatioe.—| hy the Treasureraf the Westero North Caro-|to the gatters for its Hales and Mane.|The urgeo rat ——a a |}iwoad C.,OF soy ofBver of the |'|beenof incalculable benefit to the _aac wade epprapriatinnsmode by theLeg.|Sede.hes e among the Gret to bel What,‘f the Witinington and Weldon Bail.|Yslaturp at the sesside of 1968-69.sensible of iis fully,and eager to repair it.|way had aut been constructed!What.if wo3,The ames of ai!persons to whom the|At the Convention beld last year to amend ';‘{said bunds were delivered by the Treasurer |the Constitution,a clause was introduced Its ooh?What.if the Raleigh aud Gastoo aforesaid,and ihe sctual cash value reovived |to substitate the appointment of Judges |Road Lad not opened the rich ectton and to for the sane.|baceo region frean Wake,Franklia and!o4.What amount of money recrived ander |by the Governor and Senate for the PFCs Granville to Wekion,and thenee to Peters |the a.nd appropriations from (he sale of sad |*Oemole of election by the people.‘The |},.,;,aad Norfilk?Wat.if the North |bonds has been sotaaly appbed to the con-|impression waa uhat this amendment |Carling Railroad had wot stretehed itself rirectionofsaid Western North Carolive R.|would meet with general approval.Bat!ovt as a great life supplying artery frownKoad.jae many intercats have grown ap ander |Goldeburough t»Charlotte!Mast we pause 5.Whether any of said homls bare been |the vicious system—judgee,lawyers and |'2 orcareer?Te not the +Der)Pieiug eityusedforanyotherperposethantheconstrac-politicians bave so wany opportunities an-jof Wilmington to be placed in couueetion too of said Road;of 0,for what parpore,by |e it for feathering their nests -that it ie |with Ashevitle.and thence with the M:reis-whom,and to what amonot,i denbitel oven yet whether ft hes been |*P!valley?Must our great Westeru Rui!l-Resolvedfu:ther,That the said committee abepied ,;j road halt at Swananoa Gap,or at Asheville? yameulmest,a modi Tt to pay this in- aa From the Richmond Whig. JUDGES AND JURIES. | j‘twenty-five vears ages,was astmuch embar-|rasaed with her debt as we are with oun.| t consideration,agg coneultation with able con- stitutiunel lawgera Mr,Graham also intro- duced the following resulutions,which embra-|Sovercigaty and it went ander. |New York was one of the first States to be deluded by thie new lietir. ew another part of the pan suggested by us: 1.Thasecommutice af then persons shall be apporoted,whose doty it shal!be ascertain such a manner asyourdi é t—willbeeffected without the aid of editorsor |ee —§SALISBURY,FRIDAY.SOV.19.1809.|politicians.We would not repudiate under|Assembly of North Carolina:Your ate.either proposition above cited;nor do we be-|GeENTLDOMEN :—I congratulate you on your ~S ;lieve the people of the State would if ableto pay;|returu to the seat of goverumeut,to resame|wit punTHEGOVERNOR'S MESSAGE,but,we za be glad to hea¥how the State pr your legislative duties.There is much in-|transi zeuyoursible dutieof Peacherswiledwhenever ties are notifiedsehooluoney,which has- 50)A few schools have alre ld |tive. |sity. Railroad had gone to the sea from Guids-|" the ap) the ensuing year by the,Superipte Public Tabtetion the sass alle The General Assembly.at itsappropriatedonehundradthousand dollarsfcrschoolpurposes.which saur is to be adeudtothecapitationtaxandapportionedamongthecountiesoftheState,Thee:sus of 1868,which was takeu by the CountyCoumnissiovuersbydirectionoftheBuadcf Education,shows that the schuol moneywustbedistributedamong330,581 children. The amount of the capitation tax,cannot bedetermineduntilthefivalreturusofthe Sheriffs ou the Ist of next month.T can not too earnestly urge on the Geu-eral Assembly the importance of sustaing the free publie schouls.Every hope for treegovernmentdepeidsontheeducationofthetnasses.Taxes for such a purpose shouldbecheerfallypaid.This isa subject.upouwhichallcanagree.We can all unite io earnest efforts to educate the risiug genera-tion,and thas make the State powerful andrespeotedthroughthejutelligepeeandgene- ral knowledge which will characterize itspeople,Tie Swaiwnp Lands vested in the Board of {Eda ation still remain unsold aud avprodue- Itis recommended that the board of jedveation be authorized to dispose of these If the board should be authorized te Tf the boa d should ar- mn The iuterest on the special tax bondsis|Wi!be stimulated,aud adeautageous sales lands. dispose of these lauds. be authorized of offer them for sale iv cel,or ju a body,inquiry concerning t may be efferted.‘The University of the State claims thespecialattention.and is eatitled ta the fos- tering care of the General Assembly,‘Phere is vow at Chapel Hill a Faculty consiatiogofoe2ae.,|@ President aud four professors,who arethinetheinterestshallbefunded.The fact laa did Wh cerlvaced Py bet The estab- |Hishmeut of sehvols or colleges,hopliedin|the Uuiversity system,will require the ap-polptuent of sever.t additional professors. A complete Uuiversity should at ence be ur- The Constitution contemplates aUniversity,which is au assemblage of Col- a evllege;audin such ing sheald be taughswhichwillfitthestudentsforthevaned wanized. leges.aud nut simplaUniversityeveryt , callings aud employments of lite.The trostees of the Uviversity will or-|Rauize the colored departinent as rapidly as‘thelr meaps will permit.This departwentisnotomlsawetterofjustice,bat of ucces- sideration in this respect with the whites. aud |amjeure the as for the latter. The proceedsof the lind serip donated bythegenera!government to the State,and giv-wo by the State to the University to estab- fish an agricultural college,have been re- ceived by the trartees and invested in Ptate bonds.The amoant inverted is $354.000,which yields angually $15.240.This incomemastbeappropriatedtoadepartinentofag-rien}ture aud the mechanje arts,and will not,therefore,afford any support to the Luives-sity proper.The juvestment iv State bundshesdoobledthefeud,which is eo mathclear gaiu tv the State and to the cause of learn-ag The board of edoeativn.suthoritlaw,has disposed of itw in the Wit- mington and Mauebesterroad.The amountreceivedforthisstockwis9158.000 Thir amo int has ales been invested ju Stcte hondsandienow$454,009 yielding av anenal in-come of $27.240.The amount originally in-vested iu these roads.of the deposit moneyfrointhegeweralgovernmentin1836.was $600,000,for aud in behalf of the literary|of the report of the Sccretary of State,herewith |@ thorungh freedum,abdaa fund of the State.Under the preaent Consti- totion there stocks were vested in the boardofeducation.and the amouat thae realized |mace by the State to promote immigration.No|cy towards all,which after nine tur them does nut fall very far short of theshallberepowertosendforpersofsandpa-|No.gentlemen.all our great works must be :;iS 7persaswillbestaidinthislavcotigatton.=The New York Times il oa expleins the |coanpleted.We must gv ov.We cannot ifnlegal gegen i dps income iebenatorRobbins,of Rowan,introduced #|grounds of bostilny to the amendment:|fecrie-We must pay the interest on oar nod from the corporations referred om,oe bonds,and thus keeping faith and at the ag \aw naeresolutiontohghtenthebordensofthepenple;The Bar of this city,which kuows most |ame time potting our bends at such a figure cannot close this part of my messagebyBringtheperdiemforthissessionat84per|of the evile of the present syetem,and jasthey shenid command.the various Rail day,aqd the mileage tea cents.euffers most from them,bae got into a!road Cowmpaties can dispose of thease theoe":&|oer,Pp }Mr.Grabans,after some eloquent sod ep-|convenient way of shifting the whole re |havein hand,realize the money for them propriate remarks iotrodased saitable resola-|*peasibility ou the shoulders of the pco-{oO ers pel sg aes 4ne;]@ presevnt State debt ehould not,and.tions oa the death of Senetor Osborne,|ple.It knows that a large wemaber ©the hellave,wil bal be faareancd,Than dG Fulogies apon his life aml charactor were al.|2dges are outrageously corrupt;that they }||ke bribc er black mail dictate alike of justices and sound policy—to delivered by Messrs.Lassiter,Jones aud not only (ake Driuce and extort bleekmet |Justiee to our ereditors.and soand policy. Hayes.i =euitors,a are ed Soe |heeause to inereae the debt would he to;es |he lawycre,and eepecially the younger |oppress the people.Bat the debt has been |In the Moase Mr.Vestal also introdveed a lawyers,by references,and “allowances,”|honestly eoutracted;out bouds have been|r scl ition to raduge the per 7¢x of members jand barefaced favoritiem;that the protesJofourdollarsperday;© qesting our Senatora and Mepresentatives io |condition that the more respectable men-jand weare bonud in every way in whir Congre-®to use tbeir inflaence to have the|bers express themselves doubtfully as to |tateca be bound to pay the debt..;:debt is obligatory under beth the old and|!tax on brandy repealed.ee porsibility of an honest man's contin- Mr Maione—e resolution for a BI te mod:-|ving tv it mach |-nger,or allowing bie fv the existing law allowing stationary td cer.|80n8 to go into it;thas there are certainfeauser;that legal knowledge or skill ev- -{ery year counts for less and less in the ‘leonduct of busivess,and that the poison |of this corruption is rapidly extending it- Uader the Constitution.aud under the de-i! eistun «f the Court,which is the highest knewn to our Constitution and lews, taic oficera Mr.Arzgo—a bill compelling the certain bonls to the Treagury. reiorn oO 'the |putoa the market;they hate been auid.|Tews expressed in no@resolutionre-|sion has already bern reduced to euch aj aud we have received the mouey for then,[un the subjeet of internal improvements.—}nd ha |The whole reople f the State are comThe|ted io principle,in interest nud in feeling to new Copstitetion.aud it has been sanction.|course of constrnetion.ed,its paymeut will be sostained as @ sacred |WOTk#are paying expepers,and one of themdoty.by the Supreme Court of the State 8t least in whish the State is largely in- without earnestly appealing to the General This time-henored inetitn- on shoald Lut.ia any event.be begleeted. To provide fur this io a manner every way suitable ard prope.shoald be a leading ob ; jrot with the General Assembly,as itve with | the trastees of the institutivn. INTERNAL IMPROVENENTS.Ido not deem it necessary to repeat thelastannualmessage nit he varions works,whether completed of in All the enapleted erested,gives jriowise of a hardsome diti- deud. The North Carmlina Ralroad.extending whole property of the State is held 10 meet,from Goldsberongh te Charlotte.ia the mestmportantworkiotheState.With the At- session, Our colored fellow-citizeus areentitledihproportiontotheirnumbertoequalcon- eneral Assembly willwakeasthomaghprovisionfortheformer of J.Harris,of Wake,@ BIT to authonze |elf throngh all brinches of basinees and|this debt,both new and old.Let us.then |’ the Governor to cull owt the mritia to compress |all relatious of life.Nevertheless,they ans hee Let us hear ne whisper even of repodiation.|8c"?oc'rages Coamjtted Gy parties in diegnise.jrexolutely refuse to make any attempt at |Ih is were 1 trod iced Uy .Meesera Malone!referim.Some eay,anblushiugly,that Leary ond Price to ameng certain chapters of ithe reason why they wou't move is thasit the Corie of Civil Procedaie Tle -esolations in relation to the Public Delt of the Stale were raade the special order for Frsiay. Tn the Uones appropriate honore were alow paid to the memory of Jndge O-borne, We chall keep o ir veaders pos'r.|,ap fat as cne tpace wr pernile,I ia the proceedings of Vature during the ¢@@on, ~~~be eee We are gratif. the Vy aj fed to know that we were mistaken in what we supposed were the geati-ments of the Gireensiore Patriot on the aylgestofrepvliatjon,and that our own position hed be on correetiy nnderstood by it.ThePatriot,in sopying oar article entipo,has set an exampleof furnes#worthy of a)praine—one whigh wehope will be ipllowedbythopresofthe State more ¢verally im the fatare than in the past;Ifal cussions Were conducted 4)that mamner itwoldmakeeditorialliteplasantandagtcen- Tyo,Werseiprocate by «cntire the rr- ks whic ow?ariictc called forth from the giv a farvot: “We cony ttrelil+.UUxthewWin Wove beer the}Nstive by cr’Welaye,the Sale in ppcee wepudtati ,and a!so, ne himin ns hpart Tew at ity, -r advocated PEPE kayo:but,hey mth civen ettrects fer other journatacshiaelthefortsatiis?feitgshowtheferOiyeofPeepleorthe Mf ito friends of he minsure,He a. gan,mttr .‘ulomwillworkthesamecorruptionandabuses| would jajure their own basiness. Ii iv all very well to say that the eor- lrnption ef the jadiciary is coufined to the city. is ridjcuious to pretend that a disease of this sort,once it inkes hold of a eouttmuni- ty,con be confiued by county lines,[vis pure (6 epread,and it has apread.We eay that there are now a8 bed judges in the |coanty districts as any in the eity.Their puwber,we admit,is small,but it is in-creasing,and will increase;and we asgert,moreover,that the opposition to anychangeinthemadeofappointingjndgex,and to their tenure of office,09 the partot the conuiry districts,comes not so much from the people as from the lawyere,and especially the younger lawyers.In theConstitutionalConventionitwasthe}it- ter who most straunonsly oppored al! charge,the revaen being that they allwantaChanceofbeingelectedtothe |Beuch themselves.To the country a ijodecship is (what it nas eeased to be in the city}a social distinetion,and the eal- |ary is euflir iently lnege to tempt even the ihe most Jearishing country practitioners. In the eourac of2 few years the system jn North Caroliaa whieh diagrace the ja- eprudooce af New York if allowed toleontinue,—{Fd.Old North State. We deuy it most emphatically.11 | meet it like men and North Carolinians.—|!antie r ‘ad,fron Morehead City te Golde- gh.and the Westen Esteusion,frow Letevery citizen of the State regelve that |Salisbury to Paint Boek.it will constitnte a cothing shali be done and pothing omitted |frevk bine from coe of ihe finest harbors on whieh will cast a doabt on aur Prowse ty |UF enasy to lines of railway eotneeted with t'e Mississippi valley and the Pacifie const.Wih the Raleigh and Gaston Road,from Raleigh to Weldon.it will afford the same tive poverty be honroalle—let ag not add to |path f{«traveland freight from the Pacrfie it the citine of dishonesty,and.by ceatroy-|rast and the Miseiasi pi valley to Norfolk, ipg our good nawe w th our eredit.ent ons.|%4 the markets of the world.United withselvesofffrouallhopeofimprovingoureeeesCharlotteandRatherfurdcondition.There ie great hope fer ns in the|Rond,at(harlotte and the latter with the fatare;but this hope ix based on our integ-|Western Extension at Asheville,a channel rtyas a people,and ou out purpose to weet of erbrnanieatiog will Ine opened froin Wil-all our obligations,nu matter how heary ining’un to Ashevi le aud Taint Rock,andtheburtedmayseemforthepresent.Re-|thence with the Great West and the Pacifie podiation wookd net step with the State|ovmst,which will benefit inineasorably thedebt.It would extend itself to the nation.|tegion through whieh these ‘ines will ran,al debt,to corporation debte,to individaal |snd add enstantly apd permanently to the debts and to private contracts,‘Khere would|prosperity and wealth of Wilmington.The be no eonfidence beteeen man and man.—|Payettevible or Coalfields Road ts ow the way The credit system would be destroyed.Ti |to Greensborough.ofSatiebnry.or ene in reentt of all this would 's.not culy a practi-|terinedinte poirt on the North Curotina cal loss to the of the State of inure Road;whiiethe Northwestern Road,from than the amount ofthelr preeent debt.hat a |Greensborongh to Salem a d Monnt Airy.[stigma of hoot disgrace whien [wil indne Gare pour the rieh produets ofcharacterofthe|Yodkin isto the Neth Carolina Road “Thisventelingfor¢he ho oe r -1&ra:|latter r ad is,indeed,the “North Carolina pay thie debt.Compared with wavy other; States we are poor ih developed resources and poor fu meaum>bet let this compara {recrpire nen grate 1 Lfuvite your special attention to the Re-|Road.”Tte management by ite President. |port of the S!Treasnrer.herewith trang-|Mr.Srnith and the Board of Dlrectors,has Fiwitted.Ttake pleasare in bes ng testimo-;been able and eificient.Its debt basbeen juytothe able apdtaithtul inanner iu witch |reduced,its canciion in every reeapect has{thia off has diseharges Lis duties;and)been drproved.and itis bl Heved twill be able 'Lirnet your bonoratta bely wil give duc,at the next ennual meeting of the stoskbol-| dors to declare a bandsome dividend.I daubt one,[the policy of leasing or si lling this road.— T respeetfally recommend,first.the most;St ameoting of the stockholders of this(rigid econ muy “ju the public expenditurea;,Toad,held in Raleigh on the Mth lostant,tysevondiy,that the Publie Treneurer be re-|coumder propositicne to lease it for term of |lied apow by your honorable body to man-|years,U felt 1 to be my daty to announce page the foancial ccyeurne of the State ia}through the State proxy thas 3 was opposed {weight to his syggestion and reesmunenda- =u be-amended,authority to embody promptly enable him to represscertain”lities and maintain the Numerouscomplaintshavebeen made to.meofvioleneeandmobJawincertainCounties,bypartieswhorideatnightarmedand_disgui i ea sling odatminsultingwyavewhiteandcoloredpuphereianosafetyforcitizen’outside the law,The ciyil Jawmustbemaintained.Men who puton diaridrideatnightandbreakopenho’andmolest,terrify on injure peaceable citheens,should be.seiged ahd punished.They areneith-er good citizens nor honest men.y dreréne|dy at any moment to act thepart of outlaws andmurderers7indeed,by thus dinguising themsel-ves and using deadly weapons to execute their purposes,or to sate their feclings of resentment and vengeance on =portion of the people,they proclaim themselves outlaws and enenijestosociety,and should be dealt with accordingly. Secret political organizations have existed andwillexsvblywemaythinkof stich organizations,or however we may regretthenevedeityforthem,it is not to be expectedthatwecangetridofthem,They are compar- atively harmless ax long as they are pacific,anddonotinfringetherightsofothers.But when they resolve themselves iuto military organiza-tions,and take arms,under whatsoever pretext,to regulate neighborhoods and to di an execute such law as may be conceived only bythemselves,they become dangerona to soci¢ty, and all good citizens should unite to put themdown.In a matter so grave as this,Licciotagasitdoeslifeandproperty,there should be nopartyfeeling.I can not believe that any partyInthisStatecountenancesorwouldupholdthese ot marauders,who go masked like cow- ards,the better to conceal themselves in theirnefariousworkandtoescapethedetectionand nishment they deserve,Least of all can I be-ieve that any brave Confederate soldier,whoretiredfromthearmyandsubmittedingoodfaithtotheauthorityofthenation,would anite himself with «uch men,and thus bring disgraceonhimself,his fumilyand friend« 1 trust the¢Arsembly will at once soamendthemilitialawastoauthorizetheGov-ernorto call out for active service as many sub-stantial white citizens as may be necessary in anemergencytoenforcethelawandtopatdowntheremiatmarauders,Jt would not be ad-visable'to employ colored militia only in certainlocalitiesforthis.The outrages refer-red to are confined almost exclusively to coun-ties in which the white and colored populationsareaboutequalinnwantber,or in which thewhiteshaveawallninjority.To call out thecoloredmilitiaaloneinthesecountiesworldbeunjasttothecoloredrace,and would givea pre- text for increased cxasperation among certainwhitesagainstthecoloredpeople;but a thelawnowix,any one who amy be ondeformserviceintheDetailedMilitia may patwodollarsforexemptiontherefromandevservice,thus imposingthe burdenonvolu 5oronsuchascanItistobetedStateshasCongressthatalargernofiberofFederaltroocannotbeatalltimesforthisState.The|presence|paniesofcavalry,stationed at different points,Would have a mort salutary effect in repremitheseowandwintiingthepeace.heanynot,however,that in an emer ’number of Fc ©requir-deral troops that mightedwouldbeptlyferninhed.No “war ofraces,”asit bs called,will be permitted in thiscountry,No organized resistance to extablish-ss a for s moment be —— nat Revernment,strong to protectJealousoftherightsandlibertiesofthose who ——attached to it,is over all,andnotbeslowinanemergencytovindicateitspowerandtovisitwithcondignpunishmentinsubordinate,the treacherous,and the gull- - ¥thatamount.notnedthat the armyof the Uni- “< EMIGRATION AND Attention is especially invited to that portion AGRICULTURE. |tranamaitied,in relation to Usese sul |Every proper and judicions effort should be |region of the earth can offer a better climate,or|more varied or valuable natural resources than|cam be found in North Carolina.}Onr agricultare,though it has improved in |}some respects since the close of the rebellion,isstillinalanguishingcondition.ject of primary im Lam gratified toThisisasub- yrement and advancement in|indications of in mechanic art I trast the‘agrieultare and t be (ar young men should be educated at hume:|General Amembly will liberally foster the State | Agricultural Society,and the District and Coun-|ty Societies,a affurding the best means to #tim-niate productions of all kinds.With energy,industry,and well-directed labor and economy, we have much to hope for in the future;and ifwearetruetoourselves,and improve as weshouldthenaturaladvantageswhichProvidence has bestowed upon os,the day is not distantwhentheStatewillbericher,more prosperous, and more enlightened than at any former period. GHOLOGICAL SURVEY. This survey,by the able State Geologist,Prof.|W.C.Kerr,ie still progressing in a satisfactory|manner.The best interestsof the State require !that Prof.Kerr should be encouraged and aue- tained in this indispensable and valuable work.THE PENITENTIARY. The commissioners appointed for thehavechosenasitenearthecityofKaleigh,whichisbelievedtobeeverywayfilandadvantageous, |and they are pressing the work with commenda- |bleskidl,dispatch,and economy.Itisbelieved|the stockade and the mecersaty ngs for theofficersandconvictswillBereadythefirst——Jannary next,at tore timethe countieswillexperiencereliefimsendingtheirStateprixonconvictstothepenitentiary.Theofthecommissionerswillshowindetailwhattheyhavedone,and what willbereqnired during theensuing year to carry onthework. ,THE INSANE ABYLUM. The of the Superintendent,Dr.Eugenevieneg,il show the condition thia inetiteGiManyimportantimprovementinthema-ton. chi buildingsand have been madeangthepatem.the institation iseumtenWiltheandthereisanargentclaimontheandbenevolenceoftheStateforadditionstothepresentbuildings,or for another tum to pro- videfor a large numberofinsane are nowuncaredfor.Some euch provision,should be|made,but it is for the General Assembly to de-cide whether ange ryLegh oe to ~present baildi:le or whether anoth-‘er Asylum shoald be erected elsewhere.I re-|commend that a liberal a tion be madeforthempportoftheAsylumfortheensuingyear,and also for furnizhing that building in amanner.I cannot too highly commend _|the Attorney General. to give they red to per-| #redoéed by the action of 4 regineemtof infantry andfourcon-| a DEPARTMENT REPORTS.|/‘@ I transmit herewith the reporte-ef the -Audi-tor,the Superintendent of Public Works,and valuab:Lana’i coptaineinpuecenioniewhichTinyiteyourattention.enc Officers,with others referred to elsewhere,have been as-sidvous and fuithful in the discharge of their re-Lapective dutieae co.. FEDERAL RELATIONS. The most cordial relations continueto subsistbetweenthegovernmentoftheUnited.StatesandthegovernmentofNorthCarolina.Pho eeneretie of President —2 =ceiving the approval of a JargemajoritySarienpeople.The honesty ens bywhichitischaracterized,and itesucecssintainingtheplightedfaithofthenationon itsbonds,while itisconstantly reducing the nation-al debt,entitle it to the special commendationandsupportofal!good citizens.T regret to state that the fifveenth amendmentunderwhicheverymanwouldbeentitledtovoteineveryState,ie not yet apart of the ConstitutionoftheUnitedStates.This measure of jus-tice will yet prevail.The colored man of OhieorIllinoisshouldhavethesamerighttovotethatthecoloredmanhasinNorthCarolina;andonewillnothedone,and the Union will notavebeenreconstrnctedonanenduringbasis,until this right is secured by the Federal Consti-tution itself,so as to place ihapandanychanthatmayoccureitherinpublicopinionorin theadministratiodofthedifferentStategovern-ments.By the fourteenth amendment in the Consti-tation of the United States certain i reons intherecentlyinaurgentStatesaredebarredthe privilege of boldiag office at the hands of theirfellowcitizens;but the Congress mayat pleasureremovesuchdisability,There are manycitizensofStateswhichdidnotengageinrebellion,who are technically exempt from this disability,butwhowerenotmoreloyaltothegovernmentand, are not now more loyal than many citizens ofthisStatewhoareonlytechnicallyexcludedfromholdingoffice.I am not able to perceive that acitizenofaStatethatdidnotengageinrebellion who sympathized with the pretended Confedera- cy,and did all he could to diseourage voluntser-ing and to paralyze the national arms,ia moreloyalormoredeservingofconsiderationthantheSouthernUnionistswhooccupiedsometinal!office,not with a view to aid the rebellion,butmerelytoescapecoriscription.There are sev-eral thousands of inthis State of the tat-ter class,who were at one time supremely at-tached to the national government,and who en-deayored in every conceivable way to avoidfightingagainstgovernmentoftheUnited Sateen bed who are now soured and distremed,because,by the fourteenth amendment the verymeanstheyadoptedtoavoiddoingviolencetotheirjudgmentsandconscienceshavebeenused }to exelude them from office.Every citi|this class,and every loyal citizen,is entitled tobeatoncerelicvedbytheCongress.There areseveralthourandsofothersintheState,whoareeitherindifferenttothegovernmentorop- posed to the actsof Congress by whichtheStatewasreconstructed.These persons have beensorelypunishedfortheiractaofrebellion.Evenifdisposedtothwarttheactionofthefederalor \ ' whiletheyareexclu-ded,and this reflection magnifiedintheir ruinds intothe beliefthatthe ——govern-mentixdiapored to pursneandpunish them sim-plybecause they badtakenanoath to satheConstitutionoftheUnitedStatesbefore(engagedinrebellian,whiletbe,obandicn tosupportthatmentwasequa onall,and thousands iddon whe mretookthatoath,but who were as deeply and bit-as bitterly immersed in the rebellion as theywere,are not banned or ex:.Thenation can afford to be magnanimous.Afternineyears|ofrebeilion,andstrife,andcivil discord,andso-ee and bitternes,a very large ma-|jorisyofthe peopleofNerth Caroline jong for[ecg per pasenmenfafd good will,andsecurity}Butthis matterisinthe necontro! | life and property. bands of Congres.The Siatesoverit.Let the natiog show ita”where to maistain the laws,topunmayresistitsauthority,and twconstructedStatesIningto |quiet as exist in other States;m the|same time exhibit thatonagnamimityy mer- of con-|Gict,and strife and ill will,would 1 iy grace the froest,the and the |people on the face‘Ate enathe ceInconciasion,genticmen,allow me to say ‘that I trust your deliberations willresultin good |to the whole people of the State,Let our trast |be in God,who guverns absolutely in the affairsportance.71Assemblytoaidthetrusteesinsustainutng|state that the late State Fair exhibited decided|of nations,that He wi!l overrule all our coun-the University:|eile for good,and that He will shower bis chot- |cont blessings on our beloved State W.W.HOLDEN, Governor. SS See |MARRIED:|In thin city,on the 17th inat.,by the Rev.J|Rumple,Mr.Johg H.Earnheart and Mix Cornelia Shaver. In this city,on the 14th inst,by the Rev. Ww.Lambeth,Mr.Robey Gallimore,and MiseAnaE.Chambers. In thiecountyon the 14th inst,by Rev.&Scherer,Mr.Henry A.Walton and Mine JennieBlackwell,all of Rowan county. In this City,at the Register’s Office,on the|18th instant,by Obadiah W Eaq.,Mr.WILLIAMD.LLESS to Mim BARBARA E.HOOKS. '1 citizen of oi|SPECIAL NOTICES. i Comowmption, iy | | Wat)onphe | Allen's LUNG BALSAM. Coughe,Bronchitis, ¥5 ethetis‘entChewy, an Zixpectorantit has no Dqual. “It is composed ofthe active privtelenct rootsandplants,which are chenrically extracted,80 * |as to retain all their medical qualities, me MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS Who are so often afflicted with throat diseasea,will find a sure remedy in this Balsam.Lozen-ges and wafers sometimes give.selief,but thisBalsa,taken a few times,will insure a perima- uent cure.“With ‘all those afflicted with Coughs or Con-sumption,give this Balsang afairtrial,they willbecleapelwiththeresult,and confeas that theSureistoundudlast,:It is sold by Da.G.B.Poussox,Palichory, i. PAIN KILLER.o-_We azk the gtientioa of the public to this long-tested and %Gnrivekd . FAMILY MEDICINE. Tehas been favorably known fur more than twenty Jeers,during whieh thine we huve received thousands of testimopials,showing this medicine :o byan alniost nev- ttefuiling remedy for Uiseuses caused by or attending upon— Budden Cohls,Coughs,Puver and ‘Agar,Headache, Billious Fever,Pains in the Site,Back and Loius, as well aa in the Joluts aod Limbs,Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pain in any part of the system,Toothache and Pains iv the bead and face, Asa Blood Purifier and Tonie for the Stomach, It seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia,Todigestion,Liver Oomplxini,Acid Bromach,Uoartburp,Kidney Complaints Steck Headache,Plles,Asthma or Phihisic,Ringworms, Boils,Feions,Whitlows,Old Sores,swelled Jviuts,and General Debility of the Sy.tem, It ealso@ prompt avd sure remedy for Cramps and Pain in the Stomach,Painters’Colic,Diarrhee,Dysentery, Summer Comp'aint,Chotera Sorbus,Cho'era Infentum | Scalda,Burns,Sprains,Baise,Frost Biter,Chilbla ns,as well as the Stings of Lasects,Beurpions,Centipedes,and the Bives uf Poisonous lnsccts and Veoomots Reptiles. Bee Directionsacovmpa ying each bottle. Benefiis of Life fasgraner. The North America Insarance Company pays itspremiumspromptlywithoutcharge,W.H.HOLDERNESS,Agent,North America Life Ins.Vo.Taomasvitte.N.C, DearSir:—You will please aceept my sin-cere thanks for your prompt payment,withoutcharge,of the amgunt of the policy of Tusur-ance on my Husband's Life,amounting to thesumofthreetheucnddollars.At your ear-heat and repeated soliciiation he was indueedtoinsareinyeorComy,aud now we aretherecipentaofitsbenefits. Tv you and the North America Life Insur-ance Company we shall fee!ander obligations,such as only the widow and fatherless cap feeland¢apres. May you have sucoess in mdueing others toiasureipyourmostliberalcompany,maytheLordofthewidewardorphatsbLiewsyuuandprosperyouinyourgoodwork, ManGanrnr C.Barsen, of Ruwan Mills,N.OC. Mr.Holderness is alan agent for tho Liver-pool,London and Glebe Finks Ipsarauce Com-pany,which insnres all kinds of pablie and pri- vate buildingr,Kailroad Depote,Bridges Fac-tories,Founderies,Mills and Merchandise andpaysallirslossespromptly. All letters addressed t»Mr.Holderness,atThomasvilic,N.C will receive prompt atten-en. :4&CARD. A Clergyman while residing in South Ames. jeans a missionary,disourered a safe and siin- plo remedy for the Care pf Nerrons Wenknexs, Early Decay,Disease of the Uriaary and Sem- ipal Organs,and the whole train of disorders broaght on by banefuil and vicious batiits.Great numbers have been cured by thin neble rene dy, Prewpted by a desire to beuefit the afflictedandunfortunate,{wail send the recipe fur preparingandusingthiemedivcive,{n a sealed ewelope,to any who needs it.Pree of ChargeAddress.JOSEPH T.INMAN,Stativw D.,Bible House, Oot.I—ém New York Ciread MuW BUSTETTHE’s BITTERS CUuk DYSPEPSIA. THR WWOLe sToRY I’a NOT-snert, The officeof the stomach ia to convent the food inte&cream like semi-fuid.caled (ure.Thisineffgvtedpartlybythea-tion ofa sotvent.calledthegastne=e.which erudes Irom the coatsg ofthedomach.and portiy by a mechanical movementofthatorgen,which churms,aeit were the lisse!y-ing Miiment The (nT ss pames from the stumachimotheduodenam,of cubance to the Loneis,where it is anbjected to tle action of the bile.andthentiritivesportionofitconvertedinto»fluidcalledCHYLE.which eventuahy becomes blowd,Now,iti evident that if the grevt nolvent.theA®tric juice.ts not prodoced fa sefic'ent pantity,or if the mechagical action of the stemuch is notsifficientlybrisk,the Gre process of digestion wil;bebut Imperfectly perfursoed.It is alew cicar thetiftheliver,which Utys seach on im mt inchangingthenouwrishitgportionofthechymeimotnematerialofthebiood,ts congested,oF 'n anyunnaturalcondition,the second process will not bethoronghlya-comptished.The reanit of the twofailnresisdyspepsia.compheated with bil mn.The Mode in which HOSTETTER'S BIerateinsuchcasesixthis:they invigorate the cel -lular membrane of the stomach.which evolves thegaaic»thereby Insornganairpieeafficiencyofthefluidtocompletelydixsorethefood.They a!-60 actupon the hervesofthe stomach.causing anaccelerationoftheweclan‘ica!movement Lece-farytoreducethefoodto&homogeneons mass Theyaleeactallyoponmtheiver.strengthenicgit.and 0 ene eee oe omphe ondwe.Giar soupty ofbile,forthe pa of convertry——rticlesof the .wr Cbyte,and promotethe passage throu eueelenadebris.°a “=In this “_HOSTRTTER'S BITTERN care dyn-pepaia and liver co.nplaint.The explanation iaplain,simp!e,philosophical,and rece.nov6 In Mecklenburg county,on the 10thinst.Mr.Jobn A.Herron,aged about 40 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Assignee’s Bale.-NOTICE IS HERE-hy given that I will expose at Public Sale,attheOvertHouseinSalisbury,on Friday theaoeHaygreA.D,1869,at 12o'a ©ulloww property belongitotheestateofWm.MfBarker,aaa =I.All the notes and accounts belonging tosaidestate.Terms Cash. JEREMIAH BARRINGER, Nov.12,1269-—46—3t Assignee, Seuthern Seothing Syrup, For Cilidren Teething.Cholie,and eftheBewels,&e.,de.oe TS FREEDOM FROM OP! UM,MOR-hine,and recommends it toMotherscohentyagreatodds,the best and safest Medicineip use,on all thepatholontboGana,i tetendonitandtheirtension,therebyallaying the pain and irr}-tation,whichisthe chief source of the tinrest periie wana for the ability and fidelitywhichhehasexhibitedintheof | his duties, THE DEAP AND DUMB AND BLIND. It will be seen fromthereportof the Superin- tendent W.J.Palmer,Faq.,that this institution iz in @ prosperous condition.For the sessionendingJune.30,1869,there were 154 pupils in|attendance;126 white and28colored,being an and fretfulness of children.It gives tone andfttothestomachandbowels,and prompt-ly —all spasmodic pain in them,arisingromwind,Suffice it to say,that those who once use it,will never wantanrtaing elre.At ¥.SILLS?Drug Store Salisbury.Nov 19,86.(20-46) $$ THE CHESTER REPORTER, increase of 50 over the previous session.Aiten-tionisinvitedtothe report of the superintendent. Hie suggestions as to improvements for the bet-| ter accommodation of these children areentitledtopousidcration,Tg has beew sealous and ja A WEEKLY NEWRPAPER,PUBLIGBRED RY BE.C,MeLURK,&J.A.BRADLEY,Jr, AT CHESTER,8,C. TRAGS—Loveriablytaadvavce.,...........08 Ll JERSEY LANDS POR SILE HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale that valnablefarmistheJerseySettlementofDarid-son County,known as "TUE THALES Mo-DONALD PLACE”Said farm lies immeni-ately on the Yadkin River,just below the Tra-ding Foard,and on both sides of the N.C.Railroad three-foorthe ofa mile from the HoltsbargDepot.This farm contains abom 80acres,aboui sixty acres of which is excellentRiverBottomandtheremaindergoodauplandaAport®t ty will inandheavilytimbered, The farm is ine high efate of cultivation,well wateredand stocked with well-dieposedandcontentedtenants,I.is well adapted tothegrowthofCuttonandGrain,and ia,aho- ononeof the mont valuable and desirablefarmstobefoundinthispartofthecouviry.The termsof the payment will be made Lb-eral and easy. Address,BR.W.Fuardagentof IL.Par-tee,Concord,N.C. Nov.5,1869.4t—ftTHEEQUITABLELIFEAssuranceSociety OF THE»UNITED STATES,9%Broadway,New York. T ee AIS COMPANY has capital and amets againstitsliabilitiesthatwillcomparewithauyLiveJaeuranceCompanyontheContinent,whioh is tigtruetestofres,onsibility. Cap AMbco ccs ese cecsccee.Annnal Premium focome,.....4 LOU 000Increaseover1867,......,..c0000.025...SOHO lHTheunderetznedinagentfortheaboveCompany. 4,4.HARBIN,Avent. se eeee 86100 000 wy Mookszil'e,Marsh 09,19¢0,al—ay (owe Mad nut already done so ab the time it, sachusetts,was a graduate of Dartmouth Among which is” ©.,or to Jacob W.Fowler who lives near.the The great Health Restorer! “the.bec paimahee:7 oye 4 se Ma Sita Ler nme et aa aaa aS RTE AES ERIS Ne weeps 1 anche,dhe (oe tee:SSDS ie ys bao erry Taint 4 we ee Oe —s —T 7 "".——"yee gs roe.st ae ae weak en ee —_—-ors 3 Bary COLENorthStateserosiontoLeaseruRf)Om Acoourrof reat ofwonder!WALTER A.WOOL Valuable Land for Sale.DR.LAWRENOPS “HOWERTON'S iN.aT TE |anes dete wena ECR]CB Rizm PRMMARROUHNANS wwrtaren (925000Worth of GOODS!”SALISBURY,FR DAY,NOY,9,186 \he a =‘ef the Northay ripoans oa maha gpa Ne *Diogenes ACRES of valuable Landin Caldwell County,HIGHLY CONCENTRATED -"‘y oo Railroad roftP Bali's elieeiienie deed WE dele pe ;Sg {°One tract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES ereiwWeoreiaheldinPracathtpilektaas?con omen we Se Te ek with &most valuableWATER POWER,on}POUND FLUID SETS AG?oF}.m rs te "-are,re ‘Bs .>otal ondiee i j 5 rient to {d .i nae NOLLOPA ne cae Bhi tS een]Uetinmemaeat nwt:Osi,Ri nin area b 2 eeeteenth®-;:4 i Did abee .MAE .in ition,RRR es a5 %=)ew 4 .the Western N.C,R.Company,held at New a ab ‘onboth sides,the :Oe,appapinglae ae :THE (er ‘TIN on 3 he rauninder ofthetractwill -bedividedin-U7.¢4naAugustlast.Our attentionigépeeially bon wor itely :i DEATH OF AMOS KENDALL,|Awarded morgGest premiums tli ni other|tolots ofany size,from 100 acres upwards,to re .4 4 etSeCrsheBaafterthemeetingwasized,GOV.)"Thete i brings us news ofthe]Maghine wmulufietured,bovh in thie suit aners,fie 9 THE MOST MPLETE STOCK(giected tu the report.ol periutendant}Grahati Made an able and rintelligent ni ey RL ree ‘shiva nodhes ten mil hof Hick ‘ST COFariaAgeut,Col Tate,“We woul [eck that lenoat immediately gummed,the (ses cidence te.Washingitne tyhic|AND FOREIGN:COUNTRIES,||oy Sration on the W.XC Nalinoed and ‘wi.‘Seaare a puUlahing it a golam.bes to make up their’m to vote |at his reeidence in Washington,ti his |A +v 2 eae on _oe feiss 7 of goods ever offered in this market at pricestantCeeNS,|against if cight-firet year,He was born in Maa Nau ADDY wo the uaderdgned a4 Rowns Mille:3. to suit the times,bought for CASH,and aftersuade,:itherthe N.C.Read-nor the Raleigh &Gas.'RE ;cGEweftonRoadhadtheright,under theis chartern 10 Catege,studied p>.asig a par yetee teTHE HIGHEST PRIZE!ee iwi sgtREAR ZARRINGES.;6 betty Sicihie'ta gitens,whereby wiy‘sheerateenterintosuchanagreentent,andif theydid so,to Kentucky,where he entered upon ;:‘'Reuss Notes,—Tae Rigur REVEREND {they could be calledtothebar of the L.a-|the practice of his profession,but nor)Two Grand Gold Medals and Cross of TO THE LADIES Not a Secret Quack,Medicine.||and wiz be-seld Jower than-any in the musréJisnupATKINSON,Of the Digvese of Nortiy|ture and Peps ty how pave why they had|finding encouragement,he.beeame a the Legion of Honor,.:‘Caclus,will preach at Saint Luke's Chureb,|29 forfeitedtheir charters.He also spoke of teacher,and was for a time an inmate of ‘-a ‘Formula around the Bottle.ket At Howerton's,su iiacity,ou neat Bailey,p11),|"Cte good prospects of the Road under prevent)Mr,CLay’s family,in which he was!At,Paris:ition,1867 -in Hus cUly,ey ;and that.no change.would f y;bee edités Fancy and Staple Dry Gooils of every de-rit be made unless it was to.give the private Stock.|Htor.He afterwards became aneditor iv eaten PREPARED SOLELY BY actiption and variety Li MeuenakFAHon.Robert J.Waller,formerly 10;holders theentire control of the work and thus eee He esMr.trey More than 120,600 now in Use! 3,Seuatur from Mississippi and Secretary of Jud Merrimon pa eSaenete hi 1824,nt afterw a tae inet Mr .Dr.d.diLAWRENCE,Auelegant assortmentofBootsand ShoesthsTicasuryduringMr,Bolk's ubimlatrativis,tliatike eeeost eons a speech injon the ground that he voted for Mr.!90.000 manufactured and sold in 1868 ;aT Misdtents, jodin Washiugtor city on the Lith inet,|Statements inregardtothepast Apaun Ur Dorgreds ‘and weceplell she UF and the demand uusuppliet.ONGANIO CHEMIST.—$$ Orn City.—Several of our citizens,on Fri- d.y last,engaged in,what tuenedoutto be,a hiiuless fight.We assure hisExeellency,the Governor,that po occasion exists for sending troops here in consequence.Peace,if not good foccng,has beenrestored—“peneereignsin Bal- ” pow at the close of the Isst week can reaffirm ReeAfriendwritingfromMt.Airy,in- forms the Statesville American tbat the erationPeetterthre anywe heard.Hefirst showed the eee present man-Road—eome of entirelyerroneous,bo pemer fis ’{shoutthe npseenedition Soleken real asdke’Lone ;that NorthCarolinaseein ra and Destherpeoplewerebetteroffnowthanbeforethewar,the only draw back being the mieerablelegislationofourGeneralAssemblyandthedishionofitame writtenreport,the whole the isiature in favor of some arrangementwiththeState»oasto putthe Road into thehandsandundertheoftheprivatestockholders.Weeds kegs they may the N.C.Road enteredinto the lease businesshe fice of Seeretary of State in his Cabinet.Upon this act of Mr.CLAY wag basedthecclebratedchargeof“bargain,intrigue,and corruption,”of which the country hassinec,with yreat unanimity;acquitted Mr.Cuar.In the campaign of 28 Mr.Kew.DaLL wrote a seriea of letters sustainingGeneralJacksonandassailingMr.Clay authorize others whieh very much facili- admirably suited to hie mind.He for «long time held the office of president oftheMorsel'elegraph Company.Mr.Kendall outlived,we suppose,the strong mao in bis day.Lis private char-| lucreasing Demand, .Increased FacilittesAdditionalImprovementsfor18¢9. Wood's Prize Mowers,(1 and 2.Horse.) “Belf Raking Reaper,withNew.Mowing Attachracnt. “ Manufactured by the Waker A.Wood Mow- Branch Office.as above. riate vaine that could have been appliedtothixvalaableaodpowerfullyinfluentialPainDestroyer.Its influence oversach painful ma!-adies an it is to exert cannotbequestionedonlybythosewhohavenottried bas net.Keep it always in your family foriti«truly an enemy to New"algia,Headache,Tooth Machines manufacturedexpressly for LUPE INSURANCE NORFOLK,VA.Beware of Cdunterfeits,“See that Dr.J,J.Lawrenee,Chewist,Norfolk,Va.,and the wordKoskoo,is blewn on the glass ofeuch bottle,Kourkoois endorsed by the best physicianseverywhere.Real the foliowing trom Dr.Tillery,a successful pracijtioner of many yearsstandingintheOldNerthState:. Dr.J.J.Lawrence—Deer Sir:I have ‘used Sept.13,1869 fully recommend its ose io the public,Yoors,truly,J.J,Fexreess,Mf.D. Kosxoo cures Scrofula in its worst — No.11 Maio Street,Norfolk,Va,t September 15,1869. A splendid assortment of Hats aud CapsAtHowerton's. Anu as-o;ted lot of Hardware and Cutlery.At Howerton's. A_very superior lot of Queensware,ChinaandDeifAtHowerton's.isbury.0 and corr x with marked bitterness,‘They bad mach ——aay—-+a“Matus Barringerof ——>made®|influence,and gave Mr.Kexwartaua-|“|Hand Ruke Reaper,THE Subscriber hevingbeen appotatedan agen Rocky Mount mages Ce All grad:of Sugar,Coffee,Tea and Molas-IlexpeRson County BurERion Cover.|*Peech of theStockhol that aultedsue ideas {tional repatation;but he drew down ap-|Haines’{Mlivois Harvester.for thesale of .Sept.10,1869.ses .At Howerton's,cdi of the Cottage Visiter "ig bpegkiog®f onhimself much actimonious animadver-head Bache Madltne Uolcany.Gaaie SINGERS CELEBRATED past Cbcttcuied Wiad Raac of Moeea a Aetheeecondweek,and the coe,of the Fal othe ine eeyork from the sorelt sion on the ground that,having been ae Odie ccaRaceleturs,are Falis,Pan New Family Sewing Machine,oy practice with the iest renults.1 findit A Choice lot Scales =teru of Henderson Superior Coutty agys e .hein ose talwera.‘poltion soe —i,gront bindoces wtpages oa,selaer county,N.Y.¢andsll iteatinchmentsoffersthe eameto the Ladies <avag sion a ee”.Bloodae,HowerJulyeHenry,and the State Solicito?,dnd ;in-|WOGer Mr CLAY'S roof,his treatment o Branch Offices and Sales Rooms—44 Cort-|of Western Carolina..rifier and Nervous Tonic.10 all diseases o!eet ie mene “It ma be Hee :cota,ee oe that getleman was signally ungrateful.|tandt Gees York city.P.O,Box,5805.|,This Machine challenges»comparison with 82Y tthe Liver,Scrofulous,Syphillitic,and nervous |Fine and Common Tobacco,imported Ha-de-patch of bus :y emphati er 4 by pol fa :.and all other Machines.Jt will do more di affect iti value +in|Yanna,Regalis,Principe and U.8.Grant Ci-Nie talled'e Superior Count’|Gals but workfor the benefitoftheir poeketsand the}There was no man who woked a|206 Lake Street,Chicago,Dl.kinds ot work—from the simple pigin seam to the ‘ions,it isa remedy of immense value;in ”tt aeCUSaeeVourt,Such @ (erm|true interests of the Road,and makethe)larger share of party than Mr.|Alexandria,Va.most heautifal embroiders—than apy other Machine|fact,in almost every variety of Clirovic Direase|4°ua-not been held here in fifteen years,We!workofgreater convenience and a to}Kendall:Madison,Wia,fieriapeased.,“Economyis wealth,then why not its oe er.Hoping oe may meet lave Lad courts during that ‘petiod at which|therection through whighit as %/When Jackson came into es ba ap-77 Upper Thames,St..London.fe ..with the success which you rveasa@ Manu-}A complete assortment of Liquors cf aflJudgesandsomeothersdidalltheycouldto|%the whole -Lf the Btockhoklers ean-pitasMe Rindsll Woah Acdiar ...__Theve Machines are at facturerofreliable medicines,Im &sir,with|kinds and grades At Hywerton's,i Ve ptav °’’;not getcontrol Gen.suggests SendJor New Descriy tive Circular|give entire satisfaction they {a:!|much respect,your obedient servantsecuretheendsoflaw,but at no single term|thatthe Roudbe leasedin three sections to the|of the Treasury,and afierwards promoted ad Pica Look to givesatisfaction they may be re-R ©.Tirery,M.D.For Medicinal pu only—Moore’s ecle-inst been the cave that aid converged in the amen thattheState’s stock hapa him to the »of Pootuaster-Gener-ae .set ate!.|turned after a trial of two months ——e -brated consapaurce asi,rectified -Ken-aJmivistrationof justice did their daty so well,—bidder in installmentsat di al,iu which office he instituted some}Applications froin the South,South of Vir-and the money will be refunded.From Dr.Fentress,an accomplished and ex-tueky-W bike,—perfectly pare|have before referredtothe Bret week,and Man ident ofthe Road,Maj.Smith,in a regulations and indnced Congress to|xivia,should be addressed to the New York perieneed physician:’‘MM Hewerten'e ;recommended that 3 :oe ;2 ANT ;A ce 9 Princess Anne Court House,Va,..wiatl then said.The thanks aud gratitude are tram fl autii the mext annual}tated busizess in bie .depar &and RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED.SHOE-MAKERS,HARNESS MA-J.J,Lawrence,M.D.—Dear Sir;I have]Every varietyofYankee Notions,.—es ——expedited the transportation of the mails.Extra Inducetments Offered!KERS,TAILORS,&o carefull ined the formola,as well as the AtHowerton'ef*t ..’avfallorlerlypeoplearenotonlyduetobis{Amotionto postpone until the next annual|[y his zeal for cpeatio the traneportation|McCubbing,Sullivan &Co.,are Agents for!-Aaoeyearieale a te =e Sipe on Sige a ee me Honor Judge Henry and the Solicitor Gen.a wasLoad bereopiey C.Badger,Eaq.,ow of news hesauakitehad the famous horse|(he above Reapers in Salisbwy.sla supplied when ;plea eee -sed dukes Hlerry,but the entire bar deserves the esteem Géeuete vias ues a Gee aaa express,which conveyed newa with}april 23—16:l0m Parties re please send for}gas ofChronic Liver Affectiona,Dysentery,|Io fine bis stock has been selected withaodconfidenceofourcitizensforthesober|ment andalso againstthelease.A motion was unprecedented raj ity.He was retained specimensof wor!—re Jys;epsia,General Debility,&c.,and always and digaified manger 12 which they coudacted|then made ipestpese indefinitely,which met)in office by Mr.Van Buren,and retired .‘ohn 2 eee withthemost gratilyi results,I find it to}great care to meet EVERY WANT,Some:AH go a cet er ere!ge 140 edot ans Ln pa GY |sss eaten ecteteieis Dour(be men who bate in their hands so mach of fas the Soutien was indefinitely lie ofr;bat bad devoted bimecll 10 his effects without the slightest debility;in fat 1 Call and examine it—it willtheioterestsofonrcountry,demens themeeives|Gov.Graham,Gen.Barringerand Mr.Welk-|}¢rsonal interests,especially to the busi-..sp THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL give to the !support,while it a i-Ne WEE wet cost in a inanuer So becoming their statioa.er were ed &commitiee t memorialite|uees of telagraphing,which seemed 11E ABOVE I8 THE MOST APPRO.alterativeeffectsare being fee you anyth ng to do that—Dut Don't Ask For Cred.His nc to is “PAY AS YOU G).” YcuzensofSurryhavemadeacownty|In concluding a sketch of the action of the}bitver feclings his public earcer had pro-|it.Thereiech Gert 2 seps'ation uror all COMPANY From A W Mills,#prouipentand weli-knowo}(3 COUNTRY PRODUCE vy everysubscriptionof$25,000 to the Plaster|stockholders,we will statethatwehave au-/voked.The latter part of his life wae neeotaieeer sans ae:MAGIC OF VIKG IN ITA rete aITMaia8BucksaudSaltWorke.R.B.and that thority for saying that re the dent of quiet and free of partisan strife.He was a }{description taken im exchange,ya in ea came tare bl |ed we ain ean [eee ings be antagrenec Ts desea Couey Cotas ees|A Vinginia and Southern dnaittion|,BLamreea-Der Wi Yn,Keen:aid will do more,Ho alto gives asa Road as to the y of leasing the Road,|scter ©'.|Diarrhoea,Dysentery or Bloody-F las,Dysper-)—Jts Funda are kept in the South.s9 in any family.My z .aeandtheyadvisedandurgedhimtodoso;and}Washington he was known as an excerd-|Taveal Rhtumalic PainaiP ctcr’and has Leen #sufferer from Scrofula sinee child-|§3™Bank Notcs and Specie taken at themstflatteringdegeriptionofthenataral resvurces of that section,manufactures, &e.,to whieh we will hereafter refer. ———_~@a—— Tue Fatn.—Yesterday witnessed the| inauguration of the Fires Annaul Fair of| the Cape Pear Agrieultaral Aesociation poteeven declaredthat if he ‘sneceeded thetheCompanyoughttomakehimapresentof $20,000.But the said stovkboldera changed their iders and the lease,and never mmmachaanotifieddividually,Maj.Smith cared very bittle about |the matter one way or the other~hix only ob- ject being to advance the interests of the RoadandbenefittheStockholders.It is due to Maj.Smith that this much should be said in explana- ingly kind-hearted and good man.Old|age sabdnes and death cancels the ani- mosities of men,and the venerable Mr, aj.Smithof the change.In-|Kendall sinks iuto the grave,we conjec ture,without au enemy.Rich Dispatch, | Ague,Sprains and Braiacs,Inflamation of Kicd- wey,Nervous Debility,Cole,Paras or Spasms,vf any character.Prepared and for eale b Da.G.BD.POULSON,Druggiet and Apotbecary,Salisbury.N C June 39,sd9 tu-tf TIME TABLE--N.0.RAILROAD It has met with unprecedentedsuccess. Its fortunes are established beyond any euntingency. The Company has cepita!snd assets,againstitsteebilitythatwillcomparefeverabiywithanyLifeinseranceCompanyonthecontinest,which is thetruetestofresponsibility. its affairs ave cantious!y administered by selectedDirecwrs.of responsibility ead business capacity. hood.Sie logt thirty-one piewes of bone from her ankle,several [row her arm,besides having uleers in several parts of the body.Whilst in this conditiwn she commenced taking your Kuskoo—it acted like a charm on her—under its nse the ulcers gradaally bealed,and her gen- jeral bealth greatly improved.It certaivly saved her much suffering,and perbaps her lif) I regard Kuskoo @ apeeific tur all ecrofulous al- Highest Ma:ket Rates, 4t W.&.Zowoerto.'s, SALISBURY,N.C November,4,1869.44—6n ’->.’‘.4a39sentNofriendoftheenterprisecoaldfailto|tionof his course.at I’ubiic Auction on the premises,Novetloe:|___TRATS NORTH:It hasestablished its claim to Souther»Patronage sees :asad ee og of G ROV ER &BAK oh Ssg:-é -y hed ——7 i L _o la,.——~> a ppg -epesiags he age |aNew Yorkpee Gets a boeae Secaey waaayieee:sath bel statuxy |ak Spree |rors Ph .OFFICERS:she is pow io Letter Lealth than she bas beev FIRST PREMIUMWhilethearticlesonexhibitionarénosanollerof$265,000per anotm for the Road.—ay no the fojioe ing Deer See |i ap a JOHN E EDWARDS in five ye rs.BLASTIC STITCOE73:els of Corn;Unt ay,Fo »Bogs,|Chacl re (a :u.&:ith »hig =tefali ,*)vumerous a@ we bad beped,still there aoa ~-read in the —-=ne Cate andSteck.(ne 2 Home Wine ie Wega;|ener itS ew ‘ea =a esau’4 Sen ceeeied ake highest regard,:-ey FAMILY e Mle ‘2!a4 ciiher a mem a of c te Jo.Greedre’..}a*a we te Wes =te .;,.eivnogroundtor“eénplaint.Jo quality |“Ring that has been manipalating N.C.Ponds awe ity ae vonadieg ef liv cree.©Be eve co es saa am ie Wa.B.Isaacs,D.J.Haxrsoox SEWING MACHINES.the exhibition willequal the expectations |beta York,or a man o oe the oe —aod all necessary)oe few st chs WEDRIAT Ex swine:-—-the great re —=181 Bah-more Street,Baltimore.fall 7 A jo as made mereiyto aid-i jection of :FRAIRT BOCTR :a7 !¢low the Rev.Joseph EB.Martin,pasofall.The muuber of persons in attend-|(he proposed hease wo the Heletza &Gaston]Nov 18 1860-3 ELIZA CORRELL.|ae —CHARLES H.SMITH,M.D.{tor of Wesley Chapel,Portsmouth,Va:nes .Re We beard nothing to i aa to cha yee a aa a a aaa =—s aL aDvissa,GENERAL AGEXT,“TISedeeeoeeeeTelLcaeilaMerSeekeckeeocdSetsADMINISTRATORDBOTICR—Uav.|Tr |sacra ie ashe cies lay GO CaneLL,” Jxor HC Latmouare |ua pe ee Cou that suse abdwile haveaniwelookforaverylargeincreaseto-(eis speculators and managers of State |4 ®ing taken out letters of Administrationon |Gidare |20 rw |toeam |.,:Sceidoat clea,reten |cara oxdiyandto-morrow.Every one seemed Bonds have injured the State h withogs|the estate of Joho Garner,dec'd.,1 a,T=ee:phen oan tt ieee <feta "=DIRECTORS:oan in =condition of devtihailonhedus ;::sales letting them have control of @ Roadalready built |“fy a!persons baring claims against said ew |C>.Shop,|ge ©eae Mf orSam 28 l Soke Godel Henry K.El :;fiprasedwiththeGroands,buildings and os in goed emndiden,—Chartots 3 tale to present them tu me ovor beforeths 15th |Psa gg TS ig eee (ere fone een .oo peute,and suffered from sudden and often vwo- the eeveral arra ene,and ive bod o>¢-Democrat,day of November 170,or this ee will be|onertetse.5-63 ao *Sa Cane ik t Uaskerville saps —aod hervousness.Twoqem.a ee plead in bar of their roouvery.All peteons j1.-|—————_____—_—_-____-__-______._|{_a.sei.Tardy,|bottles of Korkoo has teproved our generalsiredthatwehavewitecesedtheinaug-For the Old North State.Putaan are requested tu make ea:-|9 eeevewiltea shapespapoorer rte !Cherie Worthaa,terredocotn :ppaeteacnae =regard it =—"lat‘:iation i ;e ere t+vecessity for |’.Freight wilt tag ht regular:|a Nie.Jr.,_W..recat cheetially rex it to “‘ration of an enterprisethat willnotouly re gpuery alias ee ore RICHARD A.COWAY,be the ae traio.Saran bee Ed.A Smith,George 8.Palmer,need of ao ven ais ..redound to the prosperity of oapeity,to}«few sabe The principle of repudiation i+e—0r Ae te eee m—a aera Seca went |Pacot .on 4 _teh ,Jossrn KE.Mannix.the liberalizy of whose citizens in «great|demoralizing and theprecedent dangerous;the|Opigits TPRPENTINE.-PEW PERSONS |——-eM Oscar:D.3.Mertsook.measure we are judebted for the splendid |truth (f which may be virified by a retrome sc.any idea of the great differenceinthis|TIM FABLE WN ¢RANLBOAD.|W.H.Tyler.Joba C.Wiltiams,Read the following from Dr.Goddin,the ex-a tive viewof the history of this country for five @taple article Painters and Artigans cannot do GOLNG WEST.J.B,Fawards,Wiliam G.Taylor,perienced and sucecssfal “specialist,”uf Nor-srowide,bat will beeome the patron and|years.heoby leaislation |*isctery work with an inferior article.Like |MILES.sTATIONS.Anat z Leave.|}-s operant AS aren .iolk,Va:Lie ne :When agovernment andertakes by legislation,|a1}other Exential Oils,it is much deteriorated Ralixbure,Mas S452.wc eae =Norfolk,Ve.Sept.19,1869.“Pe ee of the agricelteral and to destroy anyspeciesof property owned by her|pyage and careless keeping;losing mach of/13 =Third Creek,4.12 4:53 wiutoe ars aah hee Dr.Lawrence—DearSer:tae reseribedmechiuicalinterestsofthissectioncitizens,she enters upon dangerousground,and|its strength and ralnable proyertics.25 Statesville,5:67 6s er ——ovr “Koskoo”for Syphiis in its as eee 2 $Wil Journal |the resultsofeach legislation cannot be foreseen |For these reasons the subecriber has always|32 Piott's 6:37 6:40 LEWIS C.HANES,Ac'r on the most satisfactory results.1 hate sat.ewe by mortal eye.We may ace the beginning,but |been careful in getting it fresbly distilled by |38 Catawba,7:10 7:15 F ate =.‘fied Wb mesg het .ave Ih Points of Mrcelience.HONORS TOFRIENDOP THP Poor.|%¢&4 «ill,in all cases,be far in the dim fu-|oneof the mont expericnced menuiacwurerain|50 Newton,8:08 8:08 eb.18 -Uy Laxivetos,N.0|shed mysel by experience,that it wil ects!Bassty and iestintiy of Mttech.."|tare.Itis much easier tostart a wheeldownan|the State.and it may alwasa be had,in avy /s0 Hickory Tavern,848 0.03 Talat the 10 us worst and most malignant)Perfection aud simplicityofMachinery.Tis teancahie ee.Jeha'e bund au —oc —where it will stop =—_tit =prices inuch below those here-|79 Ieard 9-43 0-43 ae eeeaiee-oun os peo abe Being both threads directly from the spcole,t rab who it wi in impetuous course.ore ere..80 organton,10-38 f :°©fasteningof seamsby band and no wastecityrichaeitteimCelogialandRevolution-|maniac may start a locomotive on a smoothe At E.SILL’S Drug Store,Salisbary.GOING EAST .extraordinary power,and fully deserves the|of threadaryincidents.traditions,and memories,wag|track and run it enccessfully fora time,but un-|ov.5,1869.45-21 MILES.SPATIOX<ARMIVE.Lear Sea great popalarity which it bas eo rapicily attaio-|Widerangeof «lication with otBevertheseenceofmoreimposingandre-|lem his woth ly encthes cad Os 0 M nton,2:10 p.m.ed.N.A H.GODDIN,M.D.of adj -i amarkableceremoniesthanthosewhiehat-|fal handof the experienced engineerbe applied E Stockings,KNEE CAPS}19 |},2500 rw 25S geen Altendedthefuneral,Sanday hipaa of the|to direct and control the iron monster,a valua-|14 AN AND Bu BRACES.—}0 Tickory Tavern,3:35 40 y \ng oe =—its beauty and firewnessDr.Lawrence Roane Waring.We quer.|ble train,freighted with immortal and val-|These iovalnable he!ps to the enppled and|39 =Newton,4:20 245 ve !!wasbingand frosiog.tick whether in an ageor country there was uable merchandize will be hurled over 2 ew lame,are too little known.Made of Elastic|49 Catawba,&i3 513 THEGOLD uM Besides doing all kinds of work done byeverexhtbited—an outburst of sincere|Pice oF engulfed in the briny deep.Political|Silk or Cutten,they are,from the bracingsup-|48 Plot's,6-48 8-53 EDAL °°other Sewing Machives,these Machines exe-aod profound grief a8 whe manifested by the economists may reason on government matters|port they give the weak or crippled juint or|55 —Btatceville,6:28 6:33 Has just been awarded to cute the most beaatiful and t Em-thousands whe filled the grunds the |22 they choose,and capitalists to their|limb,productive of incalculable benefit.Their 67 Third Creek,6:33 7:38 C H A S M STI EFF ..broidery and ornamental wcharehavdthehol;;hearts content,but be assured w er &GOV-|benefits have been fully demonstrated in tbe |80 Salisbury,8:43 mae °’CURES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM.|For sale by ANDREW MURPBRY,Melancholy ceeasicniaquestion.thmrent |Srament destroys the property of het citisens |canes of well known inditiuale of this county eee fordhe bese Tine bre seeds,overRelinave,Pil:out 15—Ly Selisbury,N.C.ae 5 n tee a annuls contracts entered into by a State a Their high has hitherte deterred per-Norfolk,Va,Sept.7,1869.:was thesorrow of th le of Riehim .opens A :tr high price has hi pe ONWARD:UPWAR OFFICE aXD WaREROOMS:Norkin,,Sept.i,.at the loss of this lac Went elatandoot omerce.Searbeien af eeaah sous from seing thom,bnt they may Bow br Having met with ae far beyond ie No.9,North Liberty Street,near Balti-Dr.J.J.Lawrence—Dvar Sir:My son has 916 GET THE BEST.$20sacrificingofthephysiciansofthepoor,Ciakis The United States Government and had at prices easily within (be means of any|tativn,in the publication of the more Street,—_—So your wonderful BOY THE ONLY ORECIXE fNrROVEDthattheimpressivefuneralceremoniesofthe|the party in power forcibly emanei the|°°:;CHARLOTTE OBSERVER,BALTIMORE,Mo.ied.Todt ce Ct ORO!Episepal chareh were freqneutly jnterrupt-|slavesof the Bouth,afer ‘Warnte dwellings,|‘Persons at 0 distonce ons Have them sent by|oo ius,echoed of offering cur parers,STIEFY'S PLANO have all the letest tmprove.|UY STanude.I hed tried slinost everything °DE GOLD WATCHES,ea by the irrepressible sorrow uf hundreds|barns,gin-houses,factories,and appropriating |™#!,(es the portage is a mere trifle.)by sim-Smale menta,including the Agroffe Treble.Ivory Fronts,|“'thout beoetit.1 believe,in all sincerity,that |re es ee ree caneofmen,women and children at food @e,,ete,to an alarmaing extent dar-|Ply sending the measure of the parts they are}DAILY,TRIWEEKLY,AND WEERLY,|and the improved French Action,fuily warranted|Your Koskuo ts an Jnfallible Remedy for the di-|They .yoy ingoreltmage ere ‘osNooveeogldhavewitnessedthatmost|ing the war.In adiition,the Sout legiela-|designed for,as among the best advertiring mediums in Western |for five years,with privilege ofexchange within|Sease Irom which he bas suffered,and,so far aul wise es tank td oesolemandremarkableseeneorhavebeheld|“fee Were ordered and compelled to repudiate To E.SYLLB,Drng Store,Salisbury,;North Carolina,=moathe i notentirely satietactory te percha |ae I can leern,bot never felled.If you oniy usually costing $150.Full Jeweled Levers,Gentethealmoateountlensthhatfollhecertainbonde—and the jucta of the South!Nov.12,1889.45-2 -Qaeond handPlanes and Parlor Organsalw kaew tbe immense amount of suffering that he|and Ladies’sizes,at $15 each:utives throwk thas foll-rwel¢more heavily taxed than those of other —Advertisements Solicited—-Terma Moderate .-®Y#0P|has undergone,that you could conceive ti OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINEPSolid Oroideremainsofthedweremoreyanthosesec-hand.from $80 to €300.e y conmeive the}:!of the deceased to their final reat-|tionsof the count The griter fe'mot an od-morTrr1cz.References,who have our Pianos in ese:value of such a remedy as -Kosko—that surely|00d Hunting(nes,Full Jeweled Levers.are equalingpeesandnothavefeltthatthewo.ldbadlostoneofitsnoblestphilanthropists.Such faperal honors as were awarded hy“THE PEOPLE”to this plain,modes,andUnpretendingphysician,are more gl oricus familes in the State in his veius,the late Dr.Waring dedicated hia life as completely tothepooraseverdidanyCarmeliteMonkorSisterofCharity.Visiting.in anid,not leseeeetwohundredpatientsadayinsuminer, vor,doivg not unfrequently a practice ofpest-five thousand dollars a year,he rare- vast fortune,he died almost as poor as those vocate of repudiation,nor does he believe “two7”but a wronged peo-ice or retaliation.State debts may never be wrongs will make aplewillclamorforjTheNationala: debts to.gold value and a fair compensation giv-entothoseofevery sectionforall loressustain-edbythe warandthe unwise legislation since.It may be argued that to do thie the nationaldebtwouldbesoaugmentedthatitcouldnotbe reducing to specie value,be fnnded at low inter-est andTong tine—aray from f'fiy toone hundred permanently healed and the debt thua created farly ave of forty-three,fur the huinble.the poor and the saffering and they gave him al Mary A.Campbell,Plaintiff,.William P.Campbell,Def 't. The defendant will take notice thet on Satarday,the 1@h dey of December next.a1 the Conrt House defendant and I am plaintiff.MARY A.CAMPBELL.Nov.10,1869.(4&:6wpr fee £3.56 Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Old North State Distillery, ALSO,Want to purchase500 or 1000 head Jow interest and long time would not be felt by | vcople.Add to this!&proxperons and meeyy auction of the taxes and|the eqnalizing and re Yadkin Valley Nursery. FOR THE FALL OF 1869 AND SPRING of $870.A large and full assortment of Nnr-w PREMIUMS!PREMIUMS! apd offer FIVE valaable Agrieaitnral PREMIUMS ne getting up Clobs for the WEEKLY OB-srk VER.3 ‘:Tr ITH,WATSON &CO., M.H.PINNIX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. son,Forsythe,Gailford,Alumance and Kan-dolph conuties; IR.MeLean,Greensboro’,N.0.*Thomas Koffin,Jr.' *J.M.Cloud.Dobson,NC, a Gen Gen.D).H.Hill,Chartotte.N.C.Gen.Robert Ransom.Wilmington,NC. .R.BF.Lee,Lexington,Va. Gov.John Letehe .Lexington,Va. Messrs.R.Burwel!&Son,Charlotte,N.C. Pianos so'd at Factory prices.june 18—1ly D.T.CARRAWAY, Commission Merchant, Dealer in Groceries co,Dried Fruit,de ,on Commiasjon. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april 9—laly NEWBERN,N.C. cures.The great amountofgood it is now do-ing among ps is ipestunable.With much gratitnde,I am teepectfullyyours,&.,Mas.M.E.A.Nazsox. sia,Chronic Disease ot the Kidney's GeneralDebility,&e.,wichont benefit,as a Inst resortIcommencedtheuseofyourKoskoo,end ampleasedtosaythatnoderitsusewybealtbhasbeeoentirelyrestored. No.5,Market st.,Norfolk Va,duly 9,1800 and copstipauon of Wie bowels,and tried serer- enred,aod have remained we'l,!I know ofseveralcurcamadebyKoekoo,and cordially |recoutpend itas a good medicine. to $200 Gold Watches;Rogninted and Guaranteedtokeepcorrecttine,and wearand act ternish,with|Extra Fine Cares,at $290 each.XO MONEY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCH.—|We send by F any where fn the United States,repadiated,and it would be very hard on rome,|in Camden,South Carolina,lahall 4 t tak :j H.@Q lee.M.ton.K.C.payable to agent on delivery,with the privilege tothagmueementactbreecadoFsacle:anaes |mricty committed if they were,a occa at —wikcwgececan.jo eered Aug.77,1869._Charlotte,N .c ane mea w.Sa Oe:8.¢.Dr.Lawren Sar :Harti be.open and examine tefore paid for,aud if not seteAndyet,although we!l educated,and with;butto prevent a compromise will have to|be read in #suit now pending in the Superior Court =——|Fo Brown &Bernhardt are agents for the ealeo!|treated by several m :bvasincet os on brandfaintsSal il ee Ferbanethebloodofthreeofthemostillustrious|-be This may be done by reducing those|of Caldwell county,North Caro'ina,whereyou are PROFESSIONAI.the nbove celebrated Pianos.7.See ere ee ee |eee ‘alae aka cee *prepaid.by sending cash ip advaace.An Agent sending for Sit Waiches geaen extraWatehfree,making seven $15 Watches for $80,orSeven0Watchesfor$120. ALSO FLEGANT OROIDE GOLD CHAINS,eflatestandmostcostlystyles,fur Ladies and GentleAnid,LEXINGTON,N.C.Tam eit,with much respect,sone chatient |men,from 19to 40 inches long.ut €9,84.86,ud 6Bndworethanhalfthatnainberinwinter.To meet thie argument or objection we pro-Distilled in thOld Style,Pure and n-W ea -—AND—servant,,.Bo Meare ferch,sent with wate!wa low set whrleeale fs a:Raking bat fonr honrs rest out of the twenty-pose the debt thus made,with ic orenent,after adulterated.at the ILL PRACTICE tn the ccorts of David-State kind and size of watch requirec,and to avoidbogusconcernsorderonlyfrom THE ORGIDE WATCH C@.,, «ote <is si rhea inste:5 i To 7 7 Pacific,Franklin county,N GC,nov 5—6m 148 Fulton strect,New York Fetivedan hetaulg ce hia poorae penis hasten et hee ag nk ai bendeon GROOT,KOCK,&CO.,Prop's.|iica.ey.poor SS x co.nese,|.PROVISIONS.HARDWARE,=ernieHisclothingwaspu-r,his lodgings simple.|By some an daa repudiation would be for-CHARLOTTE,N.C.”EG.Reade *Sao eats aree™Glass god Crockery Ware,Wall Paper,Wit eee certify that for a Jong time I have WORTH &WORTE,and,althungh he might have accumulated @|ever oLliterated,the wounds made by the war ® ThoninaWeide -uae és dow Shadre,&e.,be.suffered very much from indication of tke liver —— TTIM cadersigned bare this day formed s coparte;;;:’5 ‘iat @ Pei “RP.Diek «"“>Pan }:.pership for the purpose of continuing the Grsmatheywl:ess ‘made to aet as achain to bind the diferent in-|!Cattle,and pay the bighest Cash Prices for ;,::I .:al remedies,but received no beneGt until 1{DOreuip Bes aaa =aig a pe Soper sl ©rire:aris &|tereata and sections of the Upion together,and |Come aud Rye.july 2—26.6m “Bedford Brown,¥aneryville,NC.ROMPT attention given to orders,and te}comimenced taking Koskoo.I took u ed eae Aho Tan ewoLtnPPaithfullyandmarfully,with a heart full of;;ne »and):©Hon,Jobn Kerr ;5 tho aule of Cotten,Grain,Naval Stores,Tobac |Ee ne MC |diare successors to the late firm of WoOkTH &Nove af bie race.he wore oat his life atthe!He debt being made pavable in installments at |.re mae Che on Cop eye Suores,Tabac |cine about one month,and I was comnpietely DBNIEL and 1).G.WORTH,ard bope by stricgattentiontotheinterestaoftheirshippcraand friends.to give good satisfaction to aii whome favor them with business.B.C.WORTH, feneral whieh the family of a prince might i ti :};,ear Jari 29,18 (te eee ee ==D.G.WOBTH,::uy u and the resources of this vast nation wonld |ry stock,embracing Apples,Peaches,Pears,annary 29,1869 ost r .TLE -Thera Jon ’ATA .have enuvied.—Aich,Eraminer.sent pay the debtasit matured without op {Pluins,Cherries,Apricots,Nectarines and Grape |——ee eer DBACHIR.7 ee NDbUSIGN FD |aH.Basse i ILMINGTON,xO Ort.Sth,1869.—_-—~2-pressing any clan,CAROLINA,|Vines.Gicat jnducements te purchasers "|JOHN S.HENDERSON,|Vie baleen Seen hes par Pos Sate ey ate Davocrsts.@a|pink semcWeekips or Careline SteenbipThekeeperofapeanutstandinWashing-|J7edell Co.,N.C.,Nov.10,1869,large quantition.rae 'vy &yan Wit eer ee ae ahin aia &i ‘T Steamedbonisceorutlesealekhiedaughter$00.a Perla el hiMiaoob nd ATTORNEY &CA \NELLOR AT LAY ale nen can kG tnetch etc)LB Dr.Lavwrenets Woman's Brien |yrov.torh eo)ay Com,‘i s ...;rues ish ,Py ition ace _:a 3 ;te 1%1 Gsual branche an rots ea ie)).mil neNe 7 ;4%¥")Phe young lady still attends the stand |Thereis but one agricultaral paper print-Address,:ALE CON KAD,eae SALISBURY rN,enon,eretineliled.Addresa a -2%cures deseases peculiar fo Fem acs Cate ..pat ie ae aawhchiegressattractiontyikemewofthe!edin the Norwegian language in the eogntry Vieuss,Fury ie o.,N.C.Fae Will atiend proupily tothe Colle ye MY.JOUN HL.TALLI NG AST ty,i yo reo 'cope in Rae vob a ee i _aeCapita,!—~Fanwestidende of Minneapolis,Nov.5,1869,-3t {low of Claims iuboG—Jy |Batery,N 0’ae ad dria;Sal ch ioe qter.<rs MJ E ra “plan Sle Rete lahiige.@izfsaNew§uper Pheanie ioe ° eens <SereneTheOld North. “vn vit moe“COTT(IN SUPPLY. —— FRIDAY.NOY,19,1869, +7>—+rt Ata late Plasters’Conyention in Mem- pbis some interesting disguagion!and im- portant facts were elicited upon the eub- fect of the world’s supply.of cotton, and that Jodian,Egyptian and Sowh American cotton used almost exclusively for filling,since it is ehort and rough, something like well)‘The iminense de- mand for cotton,even for filling,is-to be gathered from the fact that the English have constructed in India,withia 16 16 years,3,943 miles of railway,wain- Trunk lines,while 1,666 miles are in the process of construction,and this is mainly for the purpose of developing the cotton eulturc and getting the crop to wnarket.he production of India cot- ton in 1866,the most fruitful year,was 1,840,648 bales of less than 350 pounds each.and the yield)was a bale for nine ncres;but in raising this product graincropswereneglected,and it is suid that ovar a million of souls perished.Hence the culture has been on the decline.— Egypt produced last year,for exporia- tion to England,193,000 bales,while ‘Turkey and (rreece sent 12,600 bales. In 1664 the eountries of the Levant com- menced growing eatton extensively,and even fiig aud other frait trees were cut down te obtain snitable lind,bat now none is ‘Yaised except for domes- tic use.Brazil produced last year 195,- 000 bales,while the whole erop from South America and the West Indies was 253,500 bales.It is to be noted that the increase mentioned ia not equal to the deficieney in {udia.In all these coun- tries,with perhaps the exception of the West Judies,irrigation is an absolute ne- cessity in growing cotton,and this con- dition of course limits the prodvetion and adds ta.the cost.,'The general average yield of the countries named is perhaps atthe rate of one.bale of 000 lb to7 acres,and,as before remarked,the quali- ty is inferior.Manifeatly the cotton States of Amerieanexcelallothercountriesforgrowing cotton,since the yield is abeut a bale to!Jigiee three acres,and the influence of the Galf}2 Stream gives abundant rain.The yield of these States this year is reported at 2,439,039 bales,In 1859-60 the yield was 4,669,770.Considerably more than ja now produced in the whole world.A notable comparison is made,showing thai more cotton issent from Memphis than from the whole of South America,‘Uh price of first-clars cotton land,sueh as intheYazvocountry,is from 810 to $40 an acro,with improveménts,while taEgypt,along the Nile,similar land,but requiring irrigation,is aold from $150 to $250 per acre,and this is limited to a narrow strip on each side of the river, As regards the probablé futare eotton crops of the Unized States,it is not thoaghtdy thesGommittee of the-Merm- phis Convention that the yield ander the prescht condition of Inbor ean ever muel execed 8,000,000 of biles,for we are told that the negro is devoting more of his| time to providing bimmacif with @ greatervarietyoffood,and is wore ambitious t» have a small homestead and some stock than to raise mach cotton,while the la bor of the women which formerly eon- tribated at Joasf 60 per eeot.ts naw als moat wholly withdrawn.While the erop j«limited to the above figure’,it i+ani! that the cotton mills.of the Uld Worldandofthenew.dethand twiee a6 much, tnat is 6,000,000 OFbales,an no ededuragementisheld-out for reneling thesefigureswithoustheaidafheavyimmigra- tion.Ibis that the North oughttocombinewithEuropeinpromptingthiemovementofpopalation,for aay esttonisaineneed,aaseaene ©cen iscertaintobegreatandgeneraldistress.The diatresa Th the cotton-working distriets of England adde to thepresentiofaatthjectalwaysconsiderableiatheworld's reckoning»ofcomfortandy.What are thegeneralandpartieansos-of the Lan- cashire decline we shall enon be able ful-ly to jndge and say.”Porthe present theadmissionofaninfluentialpartofthe Hritish preee,that this failure is due tothewantof@cottoncreatedbytheIn- creased mannfactare’and demand of this and other countries,seems to have weight and mieaning saficient for American crowere and workers,The futare of our cotton crop appears to be safe The ne-gro is deing well.Whether cotton will ever be cheap again,of ind ed,whether it ie desirable that it should he,may well be questioned.The condition of our finanecs 4«euch that bigh wages must pre- vail fr several years;and it is not too mich wise of thie comity are so preponderating that wager,and consequently prices,in Europe @re to be mere and more fixed by the etandard here.\Ve mast control,in rome etnall “degree,that which eannnt avoid being tribi.ticy —N.1.Tribune. —-__+e — THE FAITH OF THE QUAKERS.| ’Australia. The following Quaker deelaratinn of faith was written by George Fox in 1671, and serit te the Governor of Larbadoces: DECLARATION OF FAITIL We own and Wwieive in God,the only wise,omnipotent aud everlasting God,the Creator in all things in heaven and earth, nod the Pregerver of all that He hath made ;Who te God over all;bleased for- ever:to whem be all honor,glory,domin- jon,pratwe and thanksgiving,both now and forevernore!And we on and believe in Jeane Christ,Hia beloved and only begot- tep Bon,in whem He is well pleased:who wae conceived by the Holy Ghost,and a _ |third day ly lis +‘into Heaven,and now sitiith ou.the right It|forvall emep,As he”propitl voemsa that there are only a very few)sins,and pot for purspuly,bubalsofor tha? comntries Which can produce cotton with |sing of the whole world,according a8 John a fiber strong and loog enough wrap,)the Baptist testified of lim when he said, the flesh,without the gates of Jerusalem; "He Was -again one juetifeatton,ald that He ascended hand of God,°'Phis--Jesus,who was the jfowndation of the holy prophets and apos- itles.,Is our foundation s and we belivve ‘there is no other foundation to be Jaid bar that which ig laid,even Chiret;who |tasted death fur every man,shed ILis bloodvefor,our “Behold the Lamb of God,that taketh away sha sigu€she wofkd.)*£We believe that He alone is our Redeemer and Savior, j the Captain of our salvation,who saves uA |from sin,as well aa from bell and the wrath to come,abd destvaye the Devil and bis works,He isthe seed of the woman that, brnises-the serpodt’s head,to wit—Uhriat Jesus,the Alpha and Omega,the first and the last.He is (as the Scriptures of truth say of Him)our wisdom,righteousnesr, justification and)redemption;,neither is there salvation in any other,for there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.‘I'bis Lord:Jeans Christ,the heavenly man,the Emanucl,God with ua,we all own and believe in. RAPIDITY OF ‘THOUGHT INDREAMING. A’very remarkable cirenmsatance,andanimportant:point of analogy ix,says Dr.Forbes Winbow,to be found in theextremerapiditywithwhichthementalopertationsareperformed,or rather withwhichthematerialchangeonwhichthe ideas depend are excited in the hemis-phesical gangia.:1 would appear asif a whole eeries of acts that would really occupy a long lapse of time pass ideally throngh the mind in one instant,Wehaveindreamsnoperceptionofthelapse of time—a strange property of mizd !forifsuchbealsoitspropertywher.entered into the eternal disembodied state time will appear to us eternity.The relations of|space as well as of time are also annihil.| ilated,so that while almost an eternity iscouipreesedintoamoment,tufinite space | is traversed more swiftly than by real| thought.There are numerous illastra- tions of this principle an r-eard.A gen-|tleman dreamt than he had enlisted as a}joined his regiment.deserted,was apprehaded carried back,tried,condemned | to be ehot,and at last ied out for exeation. After usual preparatiour,8 gon was fired; he awoke with the report,and fonnd that a noise in an adjoining room had,at the | same mement,produced the dream and} wakened him.A friend of Dr.Abercro-|inbie dreamt that he bad croeeed the At-lnutie aud spent a fortwight in America. In embarking,on his retarn,he fell intethesea,and awakening in thefright,found | that he had not been asleep sen minutes ‘ |{ee It seems as though,after a lapse of| ithree centuriva,Sir Walter Raliegh's |dreams ofan kl Dorado were about to |‘ |Loe re al zed }‘The other day we published an acconnt of marvetlons diseoverica of diamonds in} Soath Afriea.They lmiter aloug the banks of the Orange ned | the Vaalrivers ‘They were no:ouly abuu-| dunt,but they were,many of them,of| {Some were toand of the pan-| daloqae shape and of the frat water,| weighing upward of cighty carats ;0 L ry of the oethedraa,of foar-pointed,that weighed thirty carats; varitieticr had been picked ap on the sure face of the greand.Natariliy,South Afriea was in aterment.Elephants tusk were furgoiten,and every one we hant ing for precios stones.The infections had even extended to this city,and Dr. Hall was organizing acelony to go dia mond gathering Hot now come reports Aastralia of discoveries there which far eclipse those in South Africa T.legramshivecomefyingfrumtheAret-aban mines to Bagland big enoagh to tanke the diamond merchants hold their breath with astonishment.The glittering stones have been picked up iu such quantities that, says the London Times in a leoding arti- cle on the eubjrct,“the colonrats are all dreaming of precious stones.At every table,and in every ——=the| talk ie of diamonds and rabies,opals andemeralds,Is and topaxes,and people of all rinks dre roshing to the mincs.| Genvine diamonds are on sale by women|and children at every entiage,and there ean hardly be «mistake,we should think,about the natare of the s*oner.”| This is marvelons enongh in all e ynciener,| but thie ie not half the story;the rest of i smacks of tle Arabian bet”Futer- tainments,and Sinbad the Sailor's ed | ventnres in the great diamond valley to) which he flew on the back of a mighty | bird.Aad this latter and wonderfal h te |we muet preface with ‘he statement,fa-| had been foana for great eiae, and of the emaller! crease in weight.A stone weighing one | ‘att for inetanee,might be worth fi'ty| Hdollare;but one weighing five ‘would be worth two tuoneand,Imagine, then,the value of one ns big as alemon,| hand weighing three-quartcra of a pound Such a onc ie said ty have been foanc in| Its discovery has been tele-! graphed to Englind.It was placed in | ‘the hands of atrasiworthy man.He war isorrounded by a sirong cordon of milita | lev,and was marched in thie way from the ‘mines to Sydney,where the magnifieens gem was deposited in the mint.The stone has not been thoronghly tested | Geologists are at work apo it now ;Vyrat f lif it really proves to be what ia suppoerd, ita value will be almost fabulone.dre! iweight Is 900 carate.‘1 great bugtish ,dian ond,the m ide of the Britich Empise, the Koh-i-nor,weighs but 186 entate,m al ita compnted value ia ten millions in gold, ‘Vhe valae of the etone just foand,if eem earate Ethewatts potnd of loaf sugar,half a war of His peefor peer Beat the.eggs «very ight and up int of miNog.—Six eggs,one hick,add the milk,sugar and brandy: Poached Iggs.—Have a broad shallow vessel of boiling water.Break your eggs in a rlate,and be carcful.not to breakyoureggsinaplate,and be carefulnettobreaktheyolks.‘Take the water from the fire,slide the eggs carcfully into ibone ata tine,and then pat them overefueagain.Whilst they are boiling fhrow the water over the yolks:witha spoon,and ag soon as the whites are thick take them ont with an egg slice.‘Trim them neatly aud send them te the table hot. um Omelette —Whisk your eggs very light,and add to it as much grated ham as will Aavor cit,Fry it in hot bat- ‘ter tillitis browu on the lower side.— Sprinkle ealt and pepper over it,aud fold one half over thetather.“Ihe salt should vot be put io the egg as itthins it.Gar- nish the dish with green pareeley. Mush Bregd —Make-some,thin Indian mush,when cook adda litle “alt and Hlonr enough to mak®:a thick batter,atir in some yeast.Levit Btattdoall,night to rise,in the mokwingoatd fleur enough to form a dough,Knead it wll,set it to rise;when light:mould it out “in Toaves, grease your Hak and whéi it gets.light again bake it,. Rye Bread.—This is madéin the same matiner as wheat,only it mart have more rye flour to make a stiffer doagh,and re- quires more kueading.Jy ukes rather longer to bake than wheat bread. Common Mustard.—One tableapoon- falof ground mustard,ove teaspoouful of sugar,one teaspoonful salt.Mix the salt,eugar and mustard together and then pour on some boiling water gradnally, atir it with a horn spoon or knife till tt is quite smooth.Some like it quite thick, others prefer it so thin as to run on the plate. Celery Vinegar.—Pat half a pint of)Carolina go te ltaleigh and precure a through |y K !zh |tighet to Payetteville for 83;‘Throogh Tickets |eclery seed into @ quart of vinegar;bor- tle it and in a wonth it will be Gt for use. It must be strained before it ie put in the! enstor bottle. of «5 F I N D A Li .» iw =A “C A N N O T BE UN D E ¥, G , BE I | PO R T E FO R G E T re EK YO U WI L L AL SA L I S B U R Y oR ir s t - C l a s s Dr u g St o r e , ‘ N E V E ae D R . C. B. P O U L S O N ’ S i WH E FR E S H , PU R E AN D D r u g s a n d M e TS ; BR E A S T PU M P S AN D ' N an d Br u s h e s ; Fa n e y - S o a p e an d Pe r f u m e ! N’ ‘a i SS E S - A N D AB D O M I N A L SU P . MF TR I j ured iw sean .LVHL GNPOdan fe)“1¢3yy ~~ CLEMMONS STAGELINDS!WARSAW To Fayetteville. |¥RAVE Warsaw for Fayetteville daily exBoceptSanday.Myon are in Western N |from Goldsboro’via Warsaw,to Fayetteville,}%.Through tickets from Weldon to Payette-Through tickets fran Wilmington, yin Warsaw,to Fayetteville,$6.|CHAKLOTTE TO VWADESBORO; (Ville S10. ie UR S E R S HO T E L E S ;Co v i ‘ > 2 OL D . ; en Fo ROARS fi Yeo f -New Goods! tye .> We have received our Fall & Winter stock of New Goods whieh is very large and complete: consisting in part of TDRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hardware,Boots &Shoes,Hats and Caps,Sole and Upper Leather,Enameled and Patent Loather, Coach flarness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds,Calf Skins,Lin- ing and Pad Skins,Linseed, |Tanners and Kerosene Oils,Co- pal and Coach Varnish,White a ALMANACS £OR L870.}Leave Charlotte after trains from eel eal of.the very best Brands, MURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA [NAC for 1870.Kalarged and improved inall respects;better than the Almanac ol 1869,whiedi was sopopala and lind snclia large sale.Pre,single copies by mail 1U cents copies by mail,25u.;ove degen by mail,75 Price iu stores tall gress,$4 p pet baudred $3, per whole i rags |BARMERS Noo.ALSOANAG,ptbhehed by Jameg4l.Eauide;an exe ent Almanac fall of mest veltable mmtter to the Farmer, with mongbly cabendats in derge clear type.—| P:ive,per single copy by mail,10 eeuis:3 vopies by mail 25c.,sode dozen by mail ue | prtee ju store heli gros,per Luudred $4,200, pet grog SG - rHé@ COMTC ALMANAC FOR 1s70,— tt Heture Ubostiatious,J hes,anecdotes fun,&e wi roenthly calendars large clear type Price per eye empy,bey mail,10 cent:3 cop «by tnatl Joe one Jdoren by mail GO cise Price instore,per loll gross 33,per buaded 134 OO)per gross 26. tC One ot cm 4 ob the above mailed to any Fur sale by JAS.$1 Accent and Dulsiste eddtes®tyr 25 cts ENNISS of Aidiatocs, 1 hahsiav,N.Cvot15—dlaf eee Wotice,| Having qualited aa Aconmistrean gw he witha nesed of James G.Sinythe,vot a tee tel¥that all partes be tea se rnyniet the laf "t present thee hy ©tiert voter her ait!<r ‘ will be prlenesl teas Of thee Boon \ mie bideds the estate mie fecpuested whe carly ee(thement JULIA CO SMYCNE Oct.12,1863.—41 bw Adur on JOR PRINTING,BLANKS,40 Bit AvesGRapsHANDBILLS CIRCULARS PAMPHLETSLABELSTIOETSLetterfyeads- AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB'PRINTING,EX PEBITYOUSLY,WELL, And CHEAPLY tone AT TIS OFFICE. Bed”Clerks of Courts,Sheriffs,Ma- jmiliar doubtiess to many of oar readers.|cistrates,and othcrs,in erdering blanks|th trolling imtercs'atobexgnwaltey ee that the inerease in valne of the diamond twill please refor to the Forms as 2wn-|stimulant. ia vastly greater in proportion than its in-|bered in “Mand-Book for County Ot |red it anile Box )| cers,’published bw Nichols &Sorman faleish,S.C. Add.rxx IJ Bi CNAR ‘Homestead Blanks ! (For leying of Tlomesteads,) And a new anl improved form —tf LAND DEEDS, Revised and corrected by t!leat legal av(borily,in this plac for sale.Address, nar.10.}.JI.BRUNER WW.O.Map and Gazetcer. 1 ILE SUBSCRIBER ILAVING Purchased °:1 a ~f ithe ire Corn 1.sce alex bern of the Virgiy Mary:in whan we {pnted by the tables in use,would be a]yy Sea tia pagsz..}nee :or and desiree »expedite their ehaveredemptionUnregghIfisblood,even yndred millions in gold.Bat of eonaey!guessed ¢I gz tl throne the forgiveness of sing ;who ts the express image of the invisible G vd.the first born of every creature,by w hom were all things created dhat are in heaven aud in earth.gisible aud invisible.Whether they betbrones,d-minions,principalities or powers,all things were cre ited hy Him And we own and_believe that Ile was made a sacrifice for rin,who know no sin,noithor found in Hisguile qwouth;that He was ervcified for us tuwis thir value would in rnuy eveut be imagin- lary,since no pnrehneer could be found Veith a bundred millions to epare fora |diamond,even if it was as big as lemon.\eee ae ae |To Preserve Eags Daring Winter.— (Inthe fall as yone Meet your eggs,pack ithom in a keg with A layer of salt at the| bottem,then a laver of eges,ect in with ithe emall end then puta ‘layer of salt on downwards, the top | 'maine a,Tet) in early dev,oft re od cha to active x i Lother there fa |rvebrres of iiveOritcncountieaeich:4 ee illelebouttivefeetbvjoursilhuatratedbord1;zsomelycograved,cwotie ,railvords offices,|1truing,&e.,&e.A Mep worthy toibehungupineversnousofficeandachoolin the State Spee men copies ready abont the Ist Septem ber,Tso?pe ),°derips accommo wating,Aaa res Ww sta rs Rie SVACED PEARCE ang!2-22-3na Wilmington,nC milislued by Janes Jl Kanias;Ini of comic | hand Columba,via Monroe,for Wadesboro |Tuesday,Thursday,and Saturday Leave Wa- i desberu’,Taesday,Thotelay,and Saturday,af- \ter arrival of trains and Stage fom aes |MORRISVILLE,via Prrromgo,FO LGTY P' Leave Morrisville,Taeadap,Thagdas and |Saturday'Leave Reygt Menday,Wedne«dayrind pet! frit Clemmonw Accommodation Line Between Salem and High Point,will ebarter Sages at all heace “Cheaper than the Cheap- cat.’Office at Bgtuer's Hotel,Salen NL ©Ek.T.CLEMMONS, Contractor. NEW YORK and North Carolina STEAMNSHIP LINE FROM‘New York to Wilmington, {Oct.1;1860—4f |‘i :1ThisLinewillcomprisethefollowing steam-| FAIRBANKS,Capt.A.Hwyter, IW M.POOLYDE,“D).P.Morgan, 'REBECCA CLYDE,0.Chichester MARY SANFORD,John Aleore: With <neh addttional St Miner as !detmaatals of may required to meetthe the tra te — fom New Yorkevery WEDNESDAY I SATORVAY at AP OM,from Pier LOK {Wall street |(e The attention of Sh ppere ta calledtheLOWRATESandFACILITIES| \[offered by this Line,which are saperion to pany heretofore offered {‘THROUGH BILLS OF LADING |given to all peinta on the North Carolina !Railroad and its Connections via Golde J.A.SADLER, Solieiting Agent. WORTH &DANIEL,Agents, Wilmington,N.C. JAMKS HAND,Agent, febz9—Sif boro. PLANTATION BITTERS. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- anchor of the feeble and debilitated.As a tonic and cordial for the aged and oon it has no equal ‘among stomachics.As a |remedy for the nervous, weakness to which women are especially subject,it is superseding every other In all climates, ‘tropical,temperate or 'frigid,it acts as a specific | in every species of disorder |which nndermines the |bodily strength and breaks|down the animal spirits.|Wherever it is imtro- ‘ard article—a medicinal ‘staple.It is to-day the |best and purest tonic,and ithe most popular medicine |in the civilized world—be isure and get the genuine, 'Sold by all Druggists,Gro- -“:cers and Country Stores.|@usHnves &BaILay,| {BOOKSELLERS anp STATIONERS,|:ay,:a269BaltimoreSt.,Bait e,Md {7 ETUIE LARGEST and best assorted sock |Bin the cits of |Sehcol,Law,Dental,Medteal,Classteal,Celfg easandMiseclianeansBooks. {3)Fiank and Counting House etaticnsy >all |}ds.Jilank Books imanufactared t>‘nda in ny style of bind ng andruling,4:9 in L1y Wall Street,N.Y| {Colored Paints uf all kimk,Cut-t‘jton Bagging and Roping,Iren, |Tics an Twine,Steel and Tron. {} POWDER!POWDER! [RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING |POWDER, ie 5 :|Yarns,Shectings,Cotlee,Sugar jand Tea,Molasses and Syrup, |'Salt,Drugs and Medicines,and i.jin short ‘EVERYTHING IN THE |WAY of MERCHANDISE { All of which was bonght for CASH,and will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to ander- sell us Bo sure to examine our stock befere purchasing clsewhere. | It pffords usa ploasure to show our Goods whether we sell cr not. ! 16 see ue and get posted up. tr Orders from a distance. { |promptly filled at lowest vrices, |ft We buy nearly all kinds of Produce. ; |'McCubbins,Sullivan &Co.,| |No.1,Murray's Grasite Row, \}Salisbury,Sept.24,1899.13—ly ¥4 rors ie pe BR mp Ot 2 |choicest styles in |Don’t be deceived by loud blow-| |duced it becumes a stand-|°.na ing and heavy shelling,but come, ,,from Maine’pingin valueto over heal“ONEMILLION DOLLARS.”| ate for tran:g this immensebu- agentsin all cipal.¢ ote necked hatesooteseineeley,Quills,Uatony inghams, Dress Is,Tuble.Linen, Tvwels,Hosiery, Gloves,Skirts,de.do.Silver:Plated Ware,Spoonsplated on:Nickel Silver,Desert Forks,five bottle:plated Castors,Brittania Ware,Gluss Ware,Fuble und PocketCutlery,in _variety.Ei rench and German Fancy GoodsBeuutifulPhotographAlbumsthenewestand oreco and Velvet bindings.Morrocco Travelling Bugs,Handkerchief and Glove Bowes,&e:,Gol and Plated Jewelry,of the newest styles.We have also made arrangements with someoftheleadingPublixhingHope,that will ena- s—auchas Byron,Moork,Burns,MIL: ‘TON,and ‘Texnysun'’s Works,in fill Gilt andClothBindings—~aud hundreds of others.These and everything else forOneDollarforeach Article, We do not offer ‘a single articte Of merchan-ise,that canbe xeld-by regular dealers.at ourprice.We de net ask you te buy»gouda fromusunlessweeanrellthemchenperthanyoucanobtainthemimanyotherwayswhilethegreaterpartofyurgoodsaresoldatabout One-half the Regular Rates. We want good reliable agents:in.every partoftheCountry,By employing yeur spare timetofermclubsdndsendingUsorders,you canob*ain the moet liberal)commissions,cither inorMEorchandise,aiul al!goods senthy,us will be as represented,and we guaranteesatisfactiontoeveryonedealingwithourhouse.Ageuta should collect ten cents from eachcustomerondforwardtousinadvance,for De seriptive Checks vf the goods we sell.The holdersof the Checks have the privilegeofeitherpurchasingthearticlethereondiac ed,or of exchanging for any urtiele mentionedonouCatalogue,numbering over 360 different articles;not one of which ean be purchased intheusualwayforthesamemoney. The advantages of first sending for Checks are these:We are constantly baying sinatl botsofveryvuluablegoods,Which are not on onr peatalogues,and for which we issue cheeks tilljalluresald;besides,ine cery largeciab we witl\putchecks for Warcurs,QCILTA,BLaxkens,Dersa PATTRKRSS,or some other articls of value giving seme members of the club an epportuni- ty of parchasinug an article fur about one qnarter its value. “In every order amonating te over 850,aecompaniedbythecash,the Agent may retain 2.0%,aud inevery order of os er $190,33 00 may be retained to Pay the xpress Charges. Thi»offer is more expecially to assiat Agent»ip the Western and Suutheru States,but is open to all castemers. COMMISSIONS Agents will be paid ten per cent.in Cash or Merchandise,when they AM wp their entire club,for which below we give a partial List of Commissioms + Por an order of $30,from 1 club of Thirty,we will pay the Agent,as commission, Ye yds.Brown or Dheached Shecting,GoodDressPattern,Woel Square Shawl,French Casimere Pauts and Vest Pattern,Fine largeWhiteCounterpane,ete.,et¢.,or 4 00 in cashForanorderofGEO,from o Clod ofFiftr,we will pay the Agent,as Commission,145 Fda.abecting,ove pair of heary wool blan-ket»,poplin dress pattern,handsome woul ~quare showl silvercnse wateb,etc.,ete.,or 85.00 iv cash.For an order of $100.frow aclub ofOveHundred,we will pay theagent,as com.mission,JW)yds,of good yard-wide Sheeting,Coin-Silrer Llanting Case Watch,Rich Long Wel Shawl,Suit of all Wool French Caaal- |mere,etc..cte.,or $10 in eash.;We do not employ any tracvolling agents,and;cnstemers should not pay meaney tt personsparportingtobeouragents,unless personallyacquainted. SendMoney always by Register.ed Letters. Por further particulars send for Catalogues, PAREBR &CO., 98 &100 Sumner Sl,Boston,Masa. Oct.15,1860.4i-ly THE ADVANCE. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, Devoted to the Farm,the Garden,the Workshop,Domestic Economy and General Progress in North Carolina. bee UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO ede in tle erty of Raleigh,as seen a a sufScient namber of euhacribers can be ob- tained a Weekly Firmly Journal,adapted to the wants of the people of North Carofioa who are envaged w the coltivation of the wa fio all os breaches,the fimprovenent of onr nanufactares,oar machinery.oor me«hanical !«kill,and ell the material intercats of the State |In the conduct of the prajet he expects te seene the etd of setentific nod practical men to inetrnct and fnterest bie readers.[li<ob- |ject will b to make tt eavivently practical aud |vméful te all classes, —authors at about one-half the regular Pp “. ' It.willbeprinted in good style,on good pa- ver of large size,a!$2 per year in advaace.— Tie first nouber will appear about the Let of November,or as sou therenfter as the pat- j}ropage will justify,Subeeribers will he ex |pected to pay as svoo as they recrive the first ;namber. |The onde:signed solicit the nid of his many friendsin the Siate to obtain eabecribers an’ |torward the lists at an early dayww E PELL Raleigh,Nor &1869.RIVES &PROCTOR, DRUCCISTS, PEALPRS WF DRUGS MEDICINES, Fancy &Toilet Articles,& Paints,Oils,DYE STUFFS,PERFUMERY,¥ Imported &Domestic Wiudow Glass,Putty, SPICES, |} ' } | |Wonld respectfully call the attention of Mer chants.Physicians,Planters,andothers,to their |extensive stock and saperier Indneement+ 107 Syeamore,St.,/'etersburg. NM.F.RIVES.MT: apr23-—16:6m |Ten Cents Reward. io |IIE above reward will be paid to any person who will retarn to me four bound children who ran away from me about two years ago.The jan of said children are Ennise Hairston,Cald well Hiirston,and Charles Mason and filen Mason All persons are warned against harboringsaid chil-MANSONBt)43)Hdren under penalty orthe law.G,.G6.;Faltoa,¥.C,,Ort.Quth 1869. en We have). ction,folowing Gi ‘ ble us to sell the sandard and latest:works of Af | W.H.PROCTOR.| |wher JUST RETURN.ed from the Eastern Mar-keta we call your attention to much theandmostcompletextockofGoodsinthis mar-ket.ull selected from new and fresh stocks andstyles,aud a large portion purchased directlyfrantheManufactarersandtheirAgentssince The Great Decline in Dry Goeds, All we ask ip a call at the well known Em-porium of this market.‘We invite your atten-tion toa few LEADING ARTICLES kept in this wholesale and retail stock :DRYGOODS,DRESS 0008,Notions,Hats,Shoes,— READY-MADE CLOTHING, ,Pant.Goods, Drugs,Putent Medicines,Dye- Stuffs,Vaints,Tanners’Oil,Kerosene and Linseed Oil,Lead,Upper,sole and Har- LEATHERCALF&LINING SKINS,HARDWARE, Iron,Steel,Saddle Hardware,and CarriageTrimmings;in fact,thousands of articles tuo tedius to entunerate.We are ageuta for the Great Threshers —and—CLEANERS, Also,Manufacturers”Agenta for the eelabrated Bove Dust.Do,do.Rifle and Blasting Powder. CH"We invite the attention of Merchants aud the trade generally,to our stock,asnringthemtheywillfindnothingbutfresbanddesi-rable Goods.We bny all kinds of produce.-~Save your Blackberries ond Fruits,which willbetoyouasTreasare,Smith.Foster &Co., SALISBURY.N.C. Sprague's Old Stand,near the Market Lense. la—ly Jusr RECEIVED AT THE STOREofSMITHFOSTER&CO'S. L000 SACK8 OF SALT. 25 BBLS.MOLASSES.12 wus.morasses 24LOOKforMERONEY’S AT THR 610K OF THE BIC INDIAN. \7ECALLTAE SPECIAL ATTENTION of all to our Stovk of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and invite all who want the Latest Stylea Best Qualities,and Most Reasonable Prices to grewnsecell,We are now exhibiting the best —~Stur k of—DRY GOODS, CLOTHING,LIATS,MILLINERY Goove, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES,NARDWARE, SOLE &UPPER LEATUER, Coach,Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain,Kerosene and Machine Oils to he fennd in Western North Carolina. cial atteaticnis called (vour sockof 300TS AND SHOES, Ladiew SewedGont kia Shoes,61 86 perpa ~Pegged Ralmoisis leather lined,1 50 :Gent's Baimerala,very best stock,Ste = Pump-Sole coots,:bu"Veouthsand Miners Shoes.of all)tices and jualiticsGoodCalicoes,12 L-Dete por yd.Best Caticoes.16.We are alsy agent«bet the Manutmctncers ofthebestAGRICCLTURALIMPLEMENTS —AXDVD MACHINERY,snch av— The Buck Eye Mower and Reaper, Tarbine Water Wheels, Fine Engine Deep Well and)Force o [Parnpes French Burra and Corn Mille, Threshert and €leaners on Fwheels cv mpleie, Cider and Wine Milte, Star Cotton G a and Condenser, Grain Di Ils, Epe- Solky Plows, [Smo ters and Cleaners, .Cirenlar Sawe,|Rubber and Leather Belting, jad many othet things tow onmerous fo men. frion allof which we will eeil at the Manufac- |terer’s prices. { Geme,or end and get a Catalogue of ang 'hing you may wagtitn this Ine We yuna Pantet the Mac hinesy roll by usto give sets }factror. 'We are also agents for Singer's New Farm- tly SEWING MACHINE,tor which there tno equal,Warranted ted all kinds of were,and to give entire sainiectlon,or the meney p will he ceftandhat 1 (8 GOOD CINE LUMBRR farnished at the depot.ov shert notice We willbe found «opposite the old stand, jabove Mur hy’s Giatite Row MEKONEY A Die FOR SALE.—-A Splendid 12 Ilvise Power Portable Engive,for sale byjoe11—25m MERONEY &BRO. ‘OFXCB.--1 WILL SELL ON Wro1cNESDAY,27th af October,from Str tu 1000 bar Nels of Com.dclangting to Mary Elie, ~}(miner.)‘The este will be wach.and take place ref the late Kebt.Bitte,0.G..POARD, Guardian. \OFICB.--THE UNPAID NOTESQIV |on te me as aditinistrater ef ROW Orif- fith deceased,have been left in the hande of i Mr.Lewls Hanes for cotlection.Those owingthemarerequestedtocalluponMz,Henes at I the Old North State office c Salisbury,and {pay them as Soin aa porsible.Det J,ee —tf Z GRIFFITT,Adm jon the Oct.1,1860,—3th4e t.Augustine Morma)Schoo!--js)THIS SCHOOL,which 1s designed for the edneation of colored teachers.mak and female‘will open on Wednesday,Sept.291).Appl- ‘cante most be able to rend and write and un- derstand the tour primary roles of Aritmene Aid will be rendered hoard in speetal cases, |Application,ace ompanied by statement of jage,qnaliications and pecuniary ability,may be made to |Rev.J.BRINTON SMITH,D.D. Raleigh,N.C.Sept 24.1869 Principal. oe cof either purchasing the article thereon demcrib- a ae em me ee a Tana a ee: Eh Sorin : ips 4Or% Rabe oe ls ef ’ : e om é oa tae ‘ & a’) se hi , ay f y ce *2.% a> \ory "Lg ee pe we he ene eee eee a Seed I ORTY THOUSAND CASES OF were ship from our house in one Year, to families, clubs, and merebants, in every part ofthe country, from Maine to California, amount ing in value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our facilities for transacting this immense bu- sinoss are better than ever before. We have agents in all the principal cities to purchuse yous from all the Manufacturers, Importers, and others, for ash. avid often at an immense sacrifice from the original cost of production. Our stock, consists, in part, of the following goods: — Shawls, Blankets, Quilts, Cottons, Ginghams, Press Goods, Tuble Linen, Towels, Hosiery, Qloves, Skirts, Cornets, dbc., &c. Sileer- Plated Ware. Spoons plated on Nickel Siler, Desert Forks, five bottle pluted Castors, Brittonia Ware, Gluss Ware, Table and Pocket Catlery, tn great variety. Elegant French and German Fancy Goods Beautiful Photograph Albums the newest and chorecst styles in Monee and Velvet bindings. Morroceu Traveling Bugs, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, &e. Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the nerwest styles. We have also made arrangements with some of the leading Publishing Houses. that willena- ble ux to sell the s andard and latest works of popular authors at about one-half the regular price: —such as BYRON, Moorr, Burxs, MIL- ToN, and TENNY8oN’s Works, in full Gilt and Cloth Bindingx,—end bundreds of others. These and everything else for Ove Dollar for each Article. We do not offer a single article of merchan- dise, that can be sold by regular dealers at our price. do pot ask you to buy goods from us unl e can vell them cheaper than you can o| them in any other way; while the greate’ part of our goods ure sold at about One-half the Regular Rates. We want géod reliable agents in every part of the Country. By employing your spare time to fortgrelubs aad sending us oiders, you ean ob‘all} the most Hberal commissions, either in Cc or M&er e, and all goods sent by ax will be as ted. and we guarantee satinfaction to every one dealing withourhouse. Agents should collect tem cents from each eretomer and forward to us in advance, fur De i xls we sell. scriptive Checks of the The holders ef the ks have tho privilege ed, of of exchanging for any article wentioned on ver Catalogue, numbering over 350 different articles; net one of wiich eam be purchased ia the ustal way fog the same money. ady. oj first sendiug for Checks r. GODDIN'S ‘ D COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS, The Great American Tonic and Di- uretic / Recomr ended and prescribed by physicians wherever known. Tne “Comporind Gentian Bitters” are made of the purest and best Vegetable Tories and Aromatics known to the profession, They a'so contain twenty per cent of wm BUCH U! A Which makes them, beyond all question, the best DIURETIC in existence ; and for Dis- tressed Kidneye, Bladder and Urinary Organs, have vo soperior, if any equal! Those who try these Bitrers, for the tullowing Diseases will in every case Gnd them a safe, pleasant, speedy and effectual Remedy. They are a sue preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Malariul Diseases | DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, SICK-STUMACH, COLIC, SICK-H EADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CoLbs & COUGH, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &., and every Disease requiring a general Tonic impression. Foi Diseases peculiar to Females it is almost a specifie. In convalescence from Typhvid and other low forms of Fever it is the very best Tonic that can be used. The Compound Gentian Bitters meet with aniversa! favor, and have received the strong est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a few of which we append below: This is to certify that L have ased Dr. God din's Compound Gentian Bitters and cheertul PUBLISHED. WREKLY BY: BBwrte awms RATES OF SUBCBIPTION One Year, payable in advance. ..: $3 00} Six Montus, “ Ne eis 150 | 5 Copies to one address,..+--------- 12.50 | 10 Copies to one address... .----+---- 20,00 | Rates of Advertising. i One Sqnare, first insyrtion.. 2.2... -- 81.00 | For each additioval insertion. . 50 Special nutices will be charged 50 per cent | higher than the above rates. Court and Justice's Orders will be publish- ed at the same rates with other advertise- ments. Obituary uotices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. STA a] fi > i | wl wo! 8 | Bl ow SPACE. si ¢s!:zxj{isi|3 Ei ai 3 | Fi] - | | = & | ° | {| | oe | 1} Square. $250 8375 $5 00°88 50 $1300 2 Squares. | 450] 6 a5! 8 2/13 00; 22,00 3 Squares. ,, 6 00) 9 00, 12 110/20 06} 30.00 4 Squares. 8 0O|11 00 15 OU/25 00) 37,50 ¢ Column. |11 00!16 00) 20 00130 00) 45.00 } Column, ‘18 00:24 00, 30 00115 00, 75.00 i Column, ,28 00'40 00) 50 00|80 00; 130,00 so mueh disdain as he did into the ‘thou.’ ed hia bead and called “Garcon! 26, 1869. | ———- {NO: 47 sacs as a . Soar eam _ ' So The Old North State a nanrincndete eae should be spared the pi of seeing a compatriot | bchaying hivself very veely” “Meaning mé?” “Meaning, precisely, you.” “Do you knew who tam.” half turning bis back upow hjgsp and facing the, lookerscn, as much as to Ry, “Now observe | Low { will brush this poor creature.” | “Monsieur,” reptied the straw berry-eater, with | pertect politeness in his tone, “1 have the hunor | hut to knew you.” “Death of my tife! Lem she Comte de v—.” Tie strawberry-eater looked up, and the eaxy, | gord-natnred face was gOnee Ip its place was | one with two gray eyer whieh dashed like fire, | and a mouth that set ltell very Hrmly. “The Comte de V ) he repeated in a low voice, | “Yes, Monsicur. agains: him?” “1? O, nothing.” “That may be well for you.” “But there are those who say he is a coward,” “That is euough,” said che bully, starting to his fect. Monsieur will find me in two hours at this ad.tress,” handing him a card. “1 shall not tcouble myseit io seek Monsieur le Comte,’ replied the strawverry-eater calmly tearing the card in two. *Then I shall.say of Monsieur what he, per- mitting himself to lie, said just now of me.” “And Gia is?’ “That he is a coward.” “You may say what you please, Monsieur le Comie. Those who know me would not believe u, and those who do not—my faith! whateare what you think ?’ “And théu—thon art a French-man!”’ No one but a Frenchman could have thrown ked the Cqunt, | And what have you to say The strawberry-eater made noreply, but turn- The poor bling creature came ap again, wonderin From Temple Bar, for November. SERVED OUT. ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that Can be ueed for ordinary debility, sick stomach &. kK. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, Orange co , N. C., Mav 15, ‘69. | I hereby certify that I have been using Dr. | Goddin's “Componnd Geotian Sitters,” tot | Congh, Geoeral Debifity, &e. and Tam fally satisfied that they are the best Baters of which | I have any knowledye, and the beat Tome of- | fered to the American peyple. ROBT. Y. SLATER _ Henrico county, Va’, June 25, 1869, Dr. Gonos :—Dear Sit: I have been snffer- ing Sortweuty years with an affection of the all ure eld; ut Gheeks for WATCHES, QuILTs, BLANK TS. Prunes PATTER'S, oF sun): other article ot valoe giving some nrembers of the ‘an opportuni- ty of purchasing an article fur about one qriarter ite value. “In every order amounting to over @4, ac The “ieee i ee kt Vera: prostrate gland and stricture of the le ada besider, in every lurgec Li 2 Ba RSM We cea, eee n companied by the cash, the Agent may retain } $2.00, and in every order of over $i vv. §. 00 may be retained to Pay the Bxpress Charges. | } This offer is more espe ially to assist Agents in the Western and Southern States, but is open to all cnatumers. COMI MISSIONS Agente will be paid ten percent. in Cash or Morchandise, when they All up theer cind, for which below we give a partial List of Commissions: For an order of $30. from 4 clab of Thirty, *e will pay the Agent. a+ coum 28 sda. Brown or Bleached White Counterpane, ete., etc., or $3 00 in cash For an order of $50, from Club of Pitty, we will pay the Agent, as Commiamon, 45 yde. sheeting, one pur of heavy wool blan- heta, poplin dress potlern hand-ome wool equare shawl silver<ase wetcb, etc., etc., oF 5.00 in camh For an order of $100. {row a clud of Ove Ilundred, we will pay the agent, as com | mission, 100 yds. of goud yard-wide Sheeting, Coin-Stiver Hunting Case Watch, Kich Long Wool Shawl, Suit of all Wool French Casei- mere, ete..etc., or $10 ia cash \e do not employ iny travelling agents, and ca stemers eben not pay money to persens p irperdeg be our ageuts, unless personally acguainted. Send Money always by Register. ed Letters. Egor farther particalars send for Catalogues, PAREZBR & CO., 98 & 100 Sumner St, Doston, Musa. Oct. 15, 1869 4l-ly ee State of Worth Carolina, / ALEXANDER COUNTY, § Superior Court. Edmund Kerley, administrator of Alfred Da- vidson, ; againet Jeane Rusel! and wile Bigabeth, G W. Sweet and wile Cyotbie, Robert Lowe aad wile Susan, John Davidson, Margaret A Kerley, Witham Davidson John P. Davidson Dan} 8. Davidson, Huldah Davidson, Jane David- son and Willan Davidson, heirs at law of Be'nj. L. Davidson. To William Davidson, one of the defendants abore named, a non-resident. Youare hereby notified, that a sammons, ie the above entitled case, has isened against you, and the complaint therein was filed in the Su perior Court of Alezande: County, oo the 17th of Aogust 1869, You are also notified, that the summons in the case is retarnable to the next terin of the Saperior Court aforesaid, to be held at the | Conrt House ip Taylorsville, on the 25th day of Decemuer next, when and where you are hereby reqnired to appear and answer the sompiaint—in_ defantt whereof the plainnft «i! apply to sad Court for the relief demaud- ed in the complaint. Witness, BE. M. Stevenson, Clerk of the said Enperior Gonrt at at Taylorsville, the 3d Mon- day in August 1869. . KE. M. STEVENSON, Merk Snperior Court Alexander County $4—Gelpr fee $10) _. —--—-_—_- -——- ONWARD: UPWARD: Naving met with snevess, far beyond our expec- tati.n. fn the publication of the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take thia method of offering oar papers, DAILY, TRI-WREKLY, AND WEEKLY, ae among the best advertiring mediums in Western North Carolina. Advertisements Solicited—Tarma Moderate, ~e PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS | We offer FIVE valaable Agricultural PREMIT MS to persone getting np CInba for ue WEFKLY OB- SERVER, care ee SMITH, WATSON & CO., ay 7) 1968 . Charlotte N.C. “ entuve| n. | Sheeting, Good | Dress Pattern, Wool Square Shawl, Freneb | Cassmere Pants and Vest Pattern, Fine oe | } is Dow a profess A rHedt at octet a failed to relieve me. I finally tned your Com. | pound Gentian Bitters: the effect wae be eo | chartn—ove bottle gave me compli te relief. 1} believe it to be the best medicine I have ever | used Very respectfully JAS A FAULCON, | | Littleton, N. C., Jan. 7th, 1869. | Prepared only by Dr. Geaddin JAMES T. WIGGINS, | Proprietary Wholesale Agent, | NOKPUOLK, VA A Por ave by Dr. G. B. Poulson, Salir- | previous to the sury [am about to all een to | goad @ poor young student into a challenge , | and when it was re presented to him that the Loy 3a—u bary, N.C 40 YEARS BEFORE THE | PUBLAC. if OTHER Remedies , ed FAIL {FUR BRUNCH VAL ANU LIVER D!}.- SEASES read the folle wing : | Thomas H. Rainey. Faq. (Granville co. xc. saya: “I find your Pills to ve the best family medi- cine Lhaveever used. They have proved very ben | eficial in my own ease. | have been very moch at- | flicted for fifteen years, and have tried every kind of medicine that | could get, but have found mere .¢ | lief from your Pille than all others. | bronchial affliction, and a complete prostration of the nervous system. I have used them in ten « rfl teen casenin my family, and find them to be the very medicine for nearly ail family diseases ” fhe Cure is Thorourch. | Kenneth Haynes Eaq.. ClerB of Cotumbas county | const, writes (April 2, 1863:) “Doering the latter partof the year 1862 I was severely afticcted with | | @iseased liverand many nights while in bed the pain | | would become so excruciating that I wasacowpelicd to get out of bed and sit op ‘antil the pain would subside. 1 Tied a few boxes of Ls SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLA, and the first dose | took gave me | great relief. |} continved to use the Pile for two | weeks, and have not suffered from liver disease jaince. have recommended them sccording!). and serera! persons are in want of them. Ail disease isan chemy to the ho man system. and | ie at war with it and will conquer it, unies patare. | with al] the easictance ft can receive from strengtb- | ening medicines ond suitable nourishmentsa, cae conquerthe enemy; which would be best. to take | medicine before you get ¢ ck. to meyent cick ness oF to take medicine after you get sick to cure sick neve. A word to the wise is enough -f% Exercise your own judgment ip the means of de- fense; the enen.y ill come, be ye als ready with Phe Southern Hepatic Pills, That old, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilions disearch, canned by DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL RMIGRANTR.—Yon are aboutto make a bome for yourself and family na climate which you or they hare net been acenstomed to; you will, | of course he exposed to all the diseases peculiar to | thatclimate. you should be careful to nae euch Med icines ae are adapted to the diseaecs of that climate, ‘on will find the greatest security im the uae of Penns’ Sovrurex Heratie Pris. They can be sent to any pointin the United States by Express. PRICE—Porone hor, #5 cer te.— ew. $2.50— Pali Gross $10—One Grows, $)S—Three Gross, $50— Five Grom, $35. The cash must either accompany the order forthe Medi- cine or it willbe sent 0.0 BP, Or'ere should be address edte @ W. DEEMS, Ko, 28, 80g rm Canmore #rerer, Rart:wore Mo. | wherethsy will he promptly attended to. or these Medicines cal) om all respectable Druggists everywhere and oo eos . G. B. POULSON, Salixhory, N.C ~ petablishea 1855. — iILEPAGE BROS. & Co., GENERAL Commission Meuchants | COTTON FACTORS, | Commerce St., Norfolk, Va. Joly 2-8 ly CR'Spesial attention paid to the sale o | ARAIN. COTTON and ail other kinds ¢ (COUNTRY PRODUCE. t@ Liberal advances on eonsignme ‘nd prompt rvturus. julyu2e7— dre! | mous (to our ideas) by a succession of cold-blood- | of companion, as some | would be fairer to nse pistol, he replied tha | Me dimmnae is) In the year 183— there lived at Bordeaux the Jast—or one of the laat—of a long line of scoun- js who had made that part of Franee infa- ed murders, commi(ted under the sanction of what people were pleased to call the Cade of Honor. Tis was a certain Count de V ; a man of great physical stren impurturbable sangfroid, and relcntless — Not a bad sort when the fit—the dueling fit—was not on im; but this came stood quaking some ten y: another—no matter w Comte.” uw what new dilemma was p for him, of “Garcon,” said the stranger, “is there a room vacant in the hotel.” “Without doubt, Monsieur.” “But certainly. They are all large—own apartments.” “Then engage the largest for me to-day, and aor Monsieur le. “Monsieur, I give my own orders when ne-| ceneary,” said the Count, lofrily. “J thonght to spare you the troable. Go, if you pleasc (this to the waiter,) aod prepare my rooms.” Then the strawberry-cater returned to his | strawberries. The bully gnawed his li He) could not make head nor tail to this vitae | _ ‘The circle grew a little wider for a horrid idea got abroad that the Count bad not | fennd one who was likely {) suit him, and thst } 7 readily, one; con- oot ae at to the cade store hg he would have to seck cle where what he want- ehould bs the ineulted. parka Aun, easter ie] c= email eword. It ia difficult for ws to fealtse « 7 roused the bul- state Of society in whieh wach a wild Least could be permitted to go at barge ; bat we know it to be | historically true that soch creatures were evdur- | © ed in France; jaat as we are asured that there were at one time wolves in Yorkshire ; only the | leas noisome vermin had a harder time of it nal civilization progresscd thaa was dealt out to Lie | haman brute. | The latest exploit of the Count de V- | had never held a sword in his life, +o that it! niistakes wit! pistols ran fim Yhrough the bat the blood “fools sometine rm and the next morning lungs, The evil nt wason him; | thus ahed quieted him (or another half vear, and r uther more; for public aprmon was tinfarorm ble, and the air of Bordeanx became tou warm for him. But the scandal blew over aftera time, and be | came back to his old haunts, one of which was a | ovfe by the river side, where many ured] to apend | their Sanday. Ianto the little garden of thik e= ! tablichment our wolf sw aggerel one Linc crnmer afternoon, with the heavy dark look and ner } vous twitching of the hands which those who were acqnainted with him knew wel! meant mi | chief. ‘The evil fit was or hint; con wently | | he found himself the centre of acitcle whieh ex- panded as he went on. This did not displease him. Jie liked to be feared. He knéw he could make a quarte’: when he choose, so be looked around for a victim. | Ata table almost in the middle of the garden | sata man of about thirty . cars of age. of middie height, and an expression: 0. countenance which at firet strnck one as mild and guod lhumored.— He was engaged reading a journal which scem- | ed to interest him, cating strawberries, an occu | pation that does not call any latent strength of | character. Above all he was profoundly wncon- | ecious of the presence of M le Counte de V—, | and continued eating his strawberries and read- | ing his paper as thongh no wolf were in that} pleasant fold. | As the Connt approached thistable, it became aufficientiv well known whom he was about to honor with his insolence; and the cirele nar- | rowed again to sce the play. 1t is not bad sport, with some of ns, to sce a feilow creature | —eapecially when we are out of danger oursel- ves. The strawberry eater’s costnme was not soch as was ordinarily worn in France at that time, | and he had a curions hat, which—the weather | being warm—he had placed on the table by his cide. “He in a foreigner,” whispered some in the dressing circle. “Perhaps he does not know Monsieur le Comte.” Monsicur le Comte seated himself at the table opposite the unconscious stranger, and called lowily, Garcon [” “Garcon,” he said, when that functionary « peared, “take me away from the pasty thing ! —— the pol ay boise ke tow Now the stranger's elbow, 28 is . nal, was on the brim of the ‘nasty: th ,, which bat bot of British form and "fake me that thing eway! No one has a rigbt to place his bat on the table. 1 beg your ,” anid tho etrawberry-eat- er, politely, placing the offendin| particle on his head and drawing his ¢hair a tale gaide; “I wil] make room for Monsieur.” ; The garcon wae about to refire well satisfied, when the bally called after hiar— “Fave I not commanded you to take that thing which annoys me away ?” “fet Monsienr le Comte, the gentleman has covered himself.” “What does that matter to me ?” “Bnt, Monsieur le Comte, it is im possible.” “What is impossible ?* “That I should take that gentleman’s hat.” “By no means,” observed the stranger, uncos- ering again, ‘Be so good as to carry my hat to the lady at the counter, and ask her, on my be- half, to do me the fayur to accept charge of it the present.” aan a speak French passably well for a for- eigner,” said the bully, stretching his arms over | the table and looking his neighbor fell in the | face —a titter of contempt going round the circle, MM onsieus.” ) make use of a word hich amongst men of hon- | “[ beg your pardon 7” “Whieh amongt men of honor—” “Bat what can Monsienr le Comte possibly standing with folded arms, glaring at bint mantfe-piece belrind him, and said : “T think you might have helped a little, bat never mind, for five ininutes ?” “Derfeciiy.” “Thank ton, I am, at I have told yon, a one of her famous pnblic sehool«. Had I been sent to one of ovr Lycees I should, perhaps, have gained more book-knowledze, but, as it is, I have learned some things which we do not teach, and one of them is, not to take a mean ad- with my own hands Do you andcratand me, Monsieur le Comte” “Tt cannot flatter myself that I do.” “Hla! Then I must be more explicit. T learr- ed then, that one who takes advantage of mere bente strength againat the weak, or who, prac- ticed in any art, Gourpels one unpracticed in it to contend with him, is a coward and a knave Do yeu follow me, now, Monsieur le Comte?” “ft come, Monsieur—” “Never mind for what you came; be content with what you will get. “For example—to fol- low what I was observing—if a roan skilled with the emall sword, for the mere vicious love of quarrelling, goads to madness a boy who has never fenced in hia life, and kills him, that man ia a murderer; and more—a cowardly murder- er, and a knarish—” “| think I catch your meaning; tola in my pocket,” replied the otlicr, in the same calm tone he had used throughont. “Al- low me to continue. At the echool of which I have epoken and in the society of men who have of thought prevails, it would be considered that a man who had been guilty of such cowardice and knavery as I have mentioned would be jnst- ly punished If, some day, he should be paid in “Our seconds shall fix your own weapons, Monsieur.” saidthe Count; “let this farce end.” “Presently. Those gentleman, whose opin- jona J now venture tu express, not having that eraze for blood which distingnished eome—who have not had a similar enlightened edncation— would probably think that eich a coward and knave as we have been considering would beet meet his deserta by receiving a humiliating cas- tigation befitting knavery and his cowardice,” “Oh! T wee; [have a lawyer to deal with,” sneered the Count, "Yor, T have atudied a lHttle law, but T. re- “T am not a fareigner, Monsieur.” “fam sorry for that.” s “So am L” gret to ay [am about to break one of ita provi- ona.” él a. he ' ete. The decks being chafed for ective the | | | od theld as ha | stranger locked the door, place lth: key on the atthoazh he was reckoned a fine classical «hol- Wil you give me roar attention | “J do not come to ent strawberrics with pis- | “You will fight me then ?” “Yes, Atthe school we have been speaking of, L learned amongst other things, the use of my hands; and, if 1 mistake not, | am about to give you as sounda thrashing as any bully ever wot.” “You wonld take advantage of your skill in the hox ?” eait! the Couni, geting a litde pale. “Sxactly. Just as you look advantage of ie skili in the small sword with poor young “But it is degrading—brutal.” “My dear Monsieur,” just consider. You are four inehes taller and some thirty or forty kilo~ grams heavier than Tan. [have seldom seen so fine aw outaide, it you were to hit mea good | swinging biow it w go hard with me. In the sume way, if poor young B—— bad got over your guard, it would have gone hard with you. But then, [ shali only-biack both your eyes, and perhaps deprive you of a tooth or 60, unhappily in front; whereas you killed him.” “T will not accept this barbarous enco:nter.” “You mat; { have done talking. ~ Would you like a little brandy Lefore we begin? No! ace yonrse!f on gnard, then, if yon please.— When I have done with you, and you are fit to appear, then you shall Lave your revenge—even with the email sword, if you please. At present, bully—cowurd—knave, take that, and that, and that !” And the wiry little Anglo-Frank was as good as bis word. In less time than it takes to write it, the great beasgert was rendered unre t- | charii able for many a long day. Tot num@BEr one cnnsed him to see fifiy suns beaming in the fir- mament with his ~~ eye; that number two produccd a similar phenomenon with his heft ; that number three obliged bim to swallow a front tooth, and to obrerve the ceiling a little more attentively than he had hitherto done.— And when one or two other thats had complete- ly cowed him, and he threw open the window and called for help, the straw ~eater took him by the neck and—well another and lower wes and flung him out of it om to tue tiower bec show. That strawberry-eater remained a month at Bordeaux to fulfill his promise of giving the Count his revenge. Pat then, again, the bully met with more than his match, The strawberry- eater had had Angelo for a master as well as Owen Swift, and afier a few passes, the Count, who was too eager'to kill his man felt an nn- pleasant seneation in his right shoulder. The seconds and there was an end of the affair. It was his last duel. Some one produc- ed a sketch of him aa he ap d being thrown vut of the hotel window, ans dines awful to a Frenchman—rid the conntry of him. The atrawberry-eater wax alive when the battle of Alma was fought, and is the only man to whom ts above facts are known who never talks about m. ——————— LORD DFEBY. The death of Lord Derby, so long the leader hiiieal lite. | That he was a great man in the highest sense | he was a marvel of eloquence but no statesman 1 can searce!¥ be caineived And vet that he was Jerby was educated at Eton and Oxford, which latter piace he left withont taking lis degree, | ar. | of that famorrs Coiver-ity. In 1821, tnen plain Mr. Stanley, he entered | Parliament as the member for Sieckbridge, but | | never addressed the Jlouse wntil 1824. His fire | speech won unztinted praise from no less a critie | into whore ranks he enrulied himac:f in accord- j ance with the traditions of hia house, went wild | naturally fel oppoxed, but sich antagoniam ean | larly genial and merry, and k ow what is felt among: men of honor " ask- | ° i ¢ : ed the other, ish a shr eeclalicy lender of many and rare gifis, versatile, persist- | ' . ie . . as we u uluv e } “Will eu Meee a ‘ foonwmmate courage and eddres, few | Ul vou fizh with me, or will you |. 7 | ia tatterest tical ade : Se: | not'’ wered i ( S esteal tut " even of Las Dalle pollica miversar.es can oo hag lel tu 7 rs * onsieur be Come bygive himeelf tt . . : Series eee ee ‘ Sy So tone, indeed, has he nlaved a great part in | trouble to ®& company me tothe apart twhieh sie he a dinita ja now pate \ Fes : a hicory of h'. country, so completely did he o donbt i+ no repared fos on plied Ge : aoe tee ae roprevent in hie lite all that is noblest and best mirancee, rising, “A wile «ats i es dined nt MC eal earl the bother, ki Sine vd mo-t admirable of a class destined provadiv , ' ' ! . ; hee awavoinour genoration, the hereditary | inaries 1 € nly bew t TV a 1 a “ ' wielator, that a brief azetch of hie career a ad rie yr} gto ols | : aera cy vo ‘ tooth varacter May not be an- | out a, bot i ) “Oh, don't troable vonrecl{ oon that ecor ae ‘ readers, : pea the liranest wilt ; ae Ile was born March 2ath, 1799, at K yowaler, ‘ “4 nee ' ' 4 r i sine ‘ vo 1 e new afrud to fin « a ih vanity seat His fara have for poteta- This i, hi ale 1 te one been resowned for conrage, generosity, ail \ a ‘ as : e traditional knightly virtues tempered wiil the neare ver, Meret Hy ' 1? Be x ar epee lia ee L certain weariness and |ard sense— dist a and left, like crite! ahee, wot! tWo Wa 1 A " a z aie a . c ed above all their tenacity aml Noldang sae. towirnle U nw th i ‘ ' . ' ' . to their proad nott), —Suis chan. Was there ne to enli ‘police,’ no one to tr . ‘ ’ : : : . ae os < Pheir name, indeed, is iatcrwoven with Eag- | ard prevents Wins (O Aggy se ded oT Teds Tahiti i. rery 3h , hod 5 anal! Phe dread~d delist A a lish listury tn every jhe aa Warrior, schor- . ewe (-letters aof mee kern . amd every one breathed freely now th ub be kn Liles ag aly vee ee ms erce, RSet UOT ee the victin was alve’ed, Morcoves e . nen. The most celebrated rm presentaiive inihe : : ad. Morcover, no one su , eet ; a . ‘ milv of Ure dua dy of taie last clase ow : posed it would en I there, wk V3 ae aoe The Comut and hie friend wore ushiured erandfather of the late Eiri, a fut man-ahoat- ‘ 4 ak iS int ain 1 t a ‘ ‘ a). wiecdrank “healths five fathoma deep to the apartment prepared for tne Laker wire, a ue ee eae boa} ns | pecreest ra terery adit Tit Wi coch nad with Charles Fox and married Mise Farren the ' § ay maa m, aa OF od an ' ' ance he beautiful actresa, and whose great claim to im- proceeded! to move the furniture en ax to leave - ; \ th ms tree foe wi pees fitlowsn be G | wportality is that he founded the world-renown- he FOOM ‘0 at was to fulle ne Count ee a ee +e ; ant) dt races of “she Derby” and “ihe Gake.” Lord He lis od to become afterwards Chancelior | and Mr. Disraeli, althongh he was upheld by the prodigious influence of “the Iron Dake.” — The opposition was now strong in numbers and strong in men of experience, chief among whont was Palmerston, who soon af at- tained: ief power... With the changes and nt next rwenty yeaa, during which time ‘almerston was easily the first man, our mendous odds, with a courage and constancy which wili ever endear his name to hia . party, did he (now Lord Derby) fight his way into power, until, warned by the ranid advances of old age, he rie in 1868 his party into the hands of his ablest lientenant, Mr. Disraeli, To hia policy for the laat thirty years, we ourselves never blind us to the remarkable abilities of such aman. Lord Derby was an accomplished scholar «f the old-fashioned type, and ducing the last year- of his Jife employed his leisure in translating the Iliad of Homer. He has given us a version, which, of all the countless translations of the immortal bard, has long been our favorite, and which wonld have given him no mean name in literature had he never been known in history asa great Parliamentary leader. In private life he is said to have been singu- his splendid bene- factions during the Lancashire f ...:5 mss «9 soon be forgotten by thousands needy oper:- tives who owe so much to his great-heartad ities. He died without pain at Knowaley, in bia Tat yar. He ne — by ae tanley, who, in abilii superior to Ch Itctrioes thiher perhegs THE LEGISLATURE. / SENATE, Faiay, Noy. 19, 1869, The House was cailed to orderat 10a m. The Secretary proceeded to read the Jour- nal of Wednesday, which was approved. A message was received from the Hoase of Representatives, transmtung a resolution, re- questing the Public Treasurer to report the apount of bouds issued tothe various rai une: The resolution was concurred ip. 4ir. Graham ivtroduced a bill to seoure the return tothe Publie Treasarer of bonds issued to the Chatham Railroad Company, which ha been declared illegal by the Sepreme Court. Placed on the aie. Mr. Respass, » bill to repeal ap act anthori- zing the Secretary of State to furnish the coun- ty officers with blank books aed vibes staiwo ey. cision might be, a8 in any case he did not ex- pect to sit in this body after -the present term, bat he differed from his friend, .the Senator from Craven, in regard to the iwterpretation of the Constitution. He always ipsisied that the Constitutional Convention did make the term four years, He was anxious that this matter “should go before tbe Supreme -Coart, for the very reason that re cannot determine the mat- ter in this body.. We must say that we will hold to 1872. We may goto our homes, and the cage will go to the Sapreme Court, wiich may decide diff-rently from the opinion of the majority of this body, which can end in us other way bat confusion in all the departments otthe government. Mr. Graham said he believed thia political question cay vuly be decided by the Congress of the Dnited 8 ates ; that ‘this was the settled opinion of the oe of the North Carolina, and he believed that n0 power outside of Con- gress was compstent to decide. Mr. Hayes moved thatthe Senate adjourn to meet at 10 o'vlovk to-morrow, Lost Mr. Jouves, of Wake said he believed this was ove of the most important questions which could come before this body, In the test ses- siun of thie body he did not desire to hold the seat which he now held, but the people of bis county bestowed on him honors which he did not expect. So far as his conneetion in the 4 watter was concerned, it made no difference whether it held for two years or until 1872.— He had po hesitauon in saying,that the term extended to 3872. 1 was not only bis opiu- ion, but it.was the opinion of the jutheial bench. He was in favor of the resolations to carry the matter tothe Supreme Court. _ Mr. Bellamy moved for the previons ques- tion upon the substitute offered by the Senator froma Forsythe, namely: resolved that the term of the present General Assembly will expire on the 2nd Thursday in August, 1870 and do hereby beelare this to be the construction of the Constitutionol provisions on the sutject.— Yeas 36, Nays 3. Mr. Sweet did not wish, to vote either in the negative or affirmative OD fi. on jek wus i the General Assembly woul. prolong its ses- sion beyoud 1870, he woul. tender bis resi,oa- tion, Mr. Beeman said ag there was 4 difference of opinion in regerd to the term of olive iu the General Assembly, that the qirs'oo be submitted to the Supreme Ooart. Yeas 25, nays 10. On motion the Scuate s jouried sol 10 A M., to-morrow. ‘Referred to the committee on Propositions aod Grevances, . Also, a dill to armgend an act to regulate the ane” in the purchase aud safe of real estate personal property. ‘ on the Judiciary. ce Reterred to (be e>mmittee on Education. Mr. Jones, of Wake, a billto repeal section = x : g bk es i , | | we cannot claim. Sir Robert Peel's remark that |g yt an act suspending the code of civil proce- dure io certaiu cases, ratified March 22, 1869 Referred to the Judigary Committee. THE CALENDAR, A bill to repeal an act coucersing fisheries in Carte et county. passed its third realings. Mr. Grahams Le ~ we proposil g toa se a cominittee to invesig. and report in rela- tion to State bonds issued to the W NCR K 1 Co. was taken ap, Atier soune dtvcussion Mr. Sweet moved that the resolution be wade the special order for Poeedsy aext Actor coustderable discussion the motion of Mr sweet to p>s: pone the consid -ration of the resolntion Gil Tuerday pext prevailed. A inessage was reevived from the House en- | | yrose:rny a (ail which passed that body auibor- wog the State Treasnrer to pay per diem and mileage, lor the consideration ot the Senate. Mr. Respass itr duced a bill in relation to qa terly reports to be required (row railroad OMmpahies M: Sweet moved that the reao!stions of the S-nstor f om Orange, aod the bil proposed by Mr Res) ass be placed on the calesJar aod made the spectal order for Tuesday next. Tae notion prevailed. Joint resolinen in relation to per diem and inileege of members waa read the second time Mia Jones, of Woke, offered a resolation m favor of Charies Manley jor the sun of 883 3! Nevth Careboa | Referred to the comimittce on Propositions and Claire, jal Assemily, as be desired to know what | would be Ur construction of the Constitution | | with delight over the brilliant young orator.— |! this matter when tbe snigect woald be pre- ve party was lamentably weak in Parliament | and out | measure himeelf | mentary leaders, avd people owned that the Olyrapiana cenerally came off x cond beat. Under Lord Grey's administration he was ap- pointed Sceretary of Ireland and then commen- ced those brilliant at arms between ()’- | Connell and bimeelf, the memory of which «till | abides in the recollection of many living Eng- | lishmen. O'Connell affected to look down on | the lad, and went #0 far on one occasion | manifested by his youthful rival, This | trom a member of O’Connell’s own | Robert Peel, the stinging reproof, “ | heard the Tight honora’ | with his aristoeratic demeanor. | Those who listened to these grent trials of Par- | liamentary oratory, have deciared,that the youn | Seeretary by his impetuous eloquence (whic | won for him from Lord Lytton the title of { Rupert of debate,”) by his tremendous powers a of keen irony and merciless sarcasm, came off | grown out of it, and others where the sare habit | yictor in nearly every contest. Certain is it that | | the great Irishman, whose skill in swaying a | ! multitnde can never be qnestioned, learned, | Pope said of Addison, | the young patrician, who cou'd boast of more | of that confusion, his own coin hy meeting som’ one who would | th. Jd i take him at the eame disadvantage ag he placed | peeing eps ien that poor boy at” 4 of the | Whig party on the question party he had so long opposed. But he and Peel | were not calculated by their natures to work harmoniously. He resisted Peel's measures : of Parliament, and such an accession to | vantage of any man, but to keep my own head | oie ranks kindled hope again in despondent | preme Court was th | Ureasta. The on did not fear to | ming this question ; wit as to! le gentleman taunted | in his declatation that each bra “the | | looking toward free trade in the great crisia of | }244—then came the fall of the latter and Lord Stanley’= promotion aa the acknowledged head of the Tory party. | opposition, had become lamentably weak. He | had as hia active supporters only acnnowle Iged ability Lord George As of old he found himself | allied to a party, which, through the inevitable | changes brought abcut time, and notably by the | | defection of Peel’s immediate followers to the | 0 two men of sented 1n dae form of law. | tntional powers: | Mr. Lit dsay said he believed that this was a i ature, lagal question, a question that the | in bis opinion, hed not the power to | He believed the Supreme Cunrt was the pro- | per tribunal to decide it, |” Mr. Sweet said he eoneurred with the Ser- ator from Rowan (Mr. Robbins) that the term | alinde to the haughty bearing and pride of birth | ob ofSce expires in August cext and he wished drew | to have the opinion of the highes: tribunal in rty, Sir| the State that soch was the cace. en have I | greed however with the Senat I am contineed it has no more | date than two hundred jin ary Court { iv this body without a single dissenting voice. 1 trust that this decision will be requested and | the response, whether it be for two years or Mr. Robbins said he did not think the Su- ¢ proper tribanel to deter- ‘ that each department of | the greatest of the Parlia- | the government was judge of its own consti- Fle disa- ‘ior from Rowen- ach of the Gev- " I rather think crament are sole judges of their constitational tot tye | I should hear fewer complaints on. that ecore if | powers. Suppore this body decides that it have pistols here—, foamed the bully, . he were a lems powerful opponent in debate.”— | hols over and the Supreme Court decides | that the tern: of office expires iff Aagnet 1870, power after that and fifty men assembled t of the Stare, and if the Snpreme des that We are not the General Ae- ay of North Carolina think of the confu- rion Wat would ensue, the interests that would as | be” affected ; “confusion worse confoanded,” “to treat. more civilly” | and Ro man Can messnre the disastrous resulis It seems to me the proper ’ | course to pursue is toask the Supreme Court In 1834, then Lord Stanley, he oe with the | to indicate to us what its decision may be.— f i rish Church ; It is 8 question of such importance ss to 2 | and joined the Torics. He accepted office nn- | duce the Coort unhesitatingly to pronounce ite | der Peel and became a tower of strength to the | gacision. The construction would be accepted HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Yarpar, Nov. 1), 1509. Tie Hosse met. Trapeatinahel i 1. Wewdeihan, Etucation, report the compensation of Sehool wi an aroendment to sinke oat that .« wlowing five cents mileage. Laid over. Mr. Welsh fntroduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee to investi- gate alleged fraads in the management of ccr- ta.o rail road bonds,” : | Mr. Welsh said grave charges had been mode | against certain parties for pevulat avd | ia the management of bonds igsuc! cu- | efit of certain vailroad tOus. These re- | ports had been boldly cireulated, and bed new- | er been denied, and understood the Presi- | dents of some of these roads were anxious for | the investigation proposed by the resolution. | fle moved for a suspension of the rules to | place the resobstion on its . Mr. Ingram would support cbeerfully some | measure looking to aa investigation, but hoped | the matier won! ! be postponed, in order that a | bill, which had Leen prepared, of much stronger import, might be iatroduced for the cousiders- | tion of the House. Mr. Sinclair, while be favored investigation. thought to saepend the rules for the purpore named would be too hasty, and moved tint the | resolation Be punted and placed on the des..s | of members to-morrow morning. ' Agreed to. Mr. French introduced a resolution direct- ling the Pablic Treasurer to refund seventy dollars 10 Henderson & Enniss. Laid over. | Mr. Malone introduced a joint resolatioa nat noon ins claim against the Insane Asylom of | calling & convention of the peopte to assemble ip Raleighon the Sth of Apnl, 1870, ; On motion of Mr. French, the resulution was | referred to tue Commitice oo Propositions and Mr. Sweet eaid he desired to offera resolo- | Grevances. jtion requestirg the opinion of the Sapreme | Frenchman, but was edneated in England, at! fon Sir Janne Mackintosh, The whig party, | Mr. Harris, of Wake, iatrodnced a bi!l to re Court in regard tu the legal term of the Gener- | peal sections 66, 57, 58, 59, 60,61 oni 62 of | ehapter 270, of laws of eereion of 1863-69 | _ Ordered to be printed, and referred to a spe- cial committee of three. Mr. Wisite introdveed a bill amendatory cf the act laying off homestead and personal pro- Re adding im sectiva | we “faneral expenses.” Bederred to the Committee op Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Justice ot Rutherford, introduced ab"! (0 authorize the Pablic Treasurer to pay to the members of the General Assembly (heir per diem and mileage, due them by act of last ses- sion. A message from the Governor was received, enclosing ® communication from the State Au- ditor, calling attention to the eame subject, and stated there existei doubts as to ihe authonty of the Anditor to audit ciaims for per diem and mileage, de. After some remarks from Mr. Jostice in a!- voeacy of erat of his bill, the rules were snspended and the bill passed its several fead- in Gr Ferebee introduced a bil! extending time to the 15th of Janoary, 1*70, for the Sheriffs to settle with the Public Treasurer. Laid over. ur. Smith, ot Alleghany, introduced a bill changing the line between the counties of Sar- iy Avene? Wilkes and other c cnues. Re- erie the ur. Vest intreduced a bill to compel Sher- iffs to pay over taxes within the time preserb- ed by law, uader penalty of forfeiting their of fice; and if they altempt to act in the capacity of Sheriff afterwards, Gve years’ imprisonmest at hard labor, Referred to tle J :diciary Committee. CALENDAR. The resolution ot Mr. Seymons. “amain- taining the honor and geod faith of the { four years, that it will be accepted by this! State and tye inviolability of the publix } | body as the law of the land, that the subject may be no longer @ matter of contention or controversy. | 1870. i | Mr. Welker enid it was a matter of perfect Bentinck ! indifference to bim what the result of this de- would be to say that every person: propos Mr. Wilson offered a resoln‘ion thatthe term f the psesent General Assembly will expire ip debt,’’ was reat. Mr. Malone offered an amendment tothe 3d resolution by inverting alter “indebted- ness’ the words ‘legally incurred and hoa- eetly disposed of as to her bonded debt.” Mr seyinour regarted the propoud amendment as an »beard one. To adopt it y our the bi were existing law or nut. The eutixe id then be with the parchaser bonds could be suld, and the pr ould be destroyed insteag.of strength- agreed with Mr. oe and of- o for the first resolution, “that the exceed 66% cents on the $100 worth ty, including all tax for special aki pt as provided in Constitution, Sec. 4, for a specitic tax, after the year 1880 to Band set part @ sum as a sinking fund to be oted to the payment of the public debt, and ow raising foes Be suppressing invasion or in- purrreetion, as provided tor in Sec. 5, Art. 5, of the Constitution, Provided further, that the donds issued for the Penitentiary, to the amo t pt $199,000 shall not be included within tne gueaning of these resolutions.” Mr. Pou offered the following aa a substitute for the resolutions and amendments, : ' Resolved, the Senate coucurring, Phat where- As the Constitution of this Sate limits the right ‘of taxation for State and County purposes com- ‘Lined to the sum of 664 cents on each $100 of propefty, of eyery kind in the State; therefore the most rigid and searching economy is neces- sary in every department of the State govern- yacnt to nieet the current expenditures of the same, Resolved, That it is the opinion of the Gen- eral Assembly that no part of the Constitution- ally contracted debt of shis State, either before ur after the relyeltion, will ever be repudiated by ‘the people of this State. . Resolved, That should there be a defficiency jn the sum of money raised by taxation necessa- <y to meet the interest on the bonds of this State preference should be given to the bonds which were in existence at the time of the adoption of the present Constitution, “ Mr, Seymour moved that the matter under yonsideration be made the special order on Mon- day at 11} o'clock, to. ‘ ‘the resolutions introdnced by Mr. Seymour “against any further increase of the State debt,” were also made a special order at the same hour. Mr. Pou's resolution concerning the removal of political disabilities, &., was taken up. hy consent, the author waa allowed to makea Ferbal amendment. ‘ F Mr. Malone offered to amend the resolntion by adjling the a ay “and that our Senators and Keprgsentz¥yes be further instructed to repeal all lays now in existence requiring a test oath pS office.” Mr. Malone supported his amendment by some extended remarks. Mr. Sinclair moved that its further consider- dion be postponed until Tuesday next at 12 p'clock. A to. The bill was taken up to “compel the return pf certain bonds into the Treasury,” anthorized $0 be issued during last session, for the tion of the Wilmi Charlotte and Ruther- o F He e li s t Airect router, Mr. ao of Wake, maped pe postponed for two wee tie Touge ad : SENATE. Batvapay, Nov. 20, 1869. Tae &-nate met pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Welker asked that the rules be suspend- el, im order to allow him to introdyce a bil! of public character, as follows ; A bill to amend the several railroad charters po that all restrictions now placed apou the widgh of the guage upon any existing railroad of North Carolina by the terma of their charter and the charter granted for the construction of any tailrood, be and ty hereby removed, and that it ahafl be Inwfil for any railroad whose charter now Gefines width of gage, to after such guage in any manner that ie interest, the interest of! the State, the conveniénee of travel, and the seed apd cheapness of transportation ‘may pe quire 2. All sections and clanses of seotiondiof pail. roml charters in conflict with this act is repealed ; This act shall be in force from and after its ratilication. Keferred to the Committee on Internal Im- provements Mr. Robbins introdaced the following bill, to- wit: Whereas, the eristing systera of State and aunty gorernment in North Carolina was fram- ed and adopted at a time of profonnd political and social agitation, when the minds of our peo- ple were deeply excited by the difficnit aud dis- treasing sitnation in which they found themeel res placed, and they were therefore unpropared to shape all the provisions pf ¢ tonstitntion with that cg!) nnem and forecast which was desi- rable, ig view of the tagnityde gnd importance of such a task ; Whereng, experionee has shown thie to he, in many of ite fentutes, unnecessarily cgun- betsome and expenaive, uncgagenial with the tastes amd naages of oar people, and rat ‘well enited to their conditien cd dae oe and the people desire that extensive chai and amendments be made therein, icularly inte Jation to the iments of Finance and of die Judiciary, the plan ef county governments and the multiplicity of officers ; W horeas, the question af equal and impartial ruffcage for citizens of all races haa been remor- 3 — the control of the people of this State , of events, and by the action of the Federal Gov and Sos longer a liv- ‘ing issue in our Statd oy that we may by *® question, to make are upided reforms all = a of internal in in order 3 re more i Administration, and, ee bed napattahe and _ can only accoth perfected Feonle tnemaet ras in Convention mi he evefore, ‘ Vag General A at, (two-thirds of We ms veembly of North Carclina de all the aa of ébb Roem concurring, ) 1. That og the Tharsday in August, 1870, an election ibe held in ench and every comngy, for di to e Convention of tha peo ple of this State. 2. That eaid ejeption shail be Beld af the seme polling places and jp the same manner as ele: tions are het! for bers of the General Ae rembly, and the shal] be counted, the fe- tagns thereof made, agd certificates imued tp del- egatfes deci, in like mapyer and by the aame of- fers asin elections for members of the Touse of Represcntatives of North Carolina, 3. Slat srid Convention shail consist of one handred and twenty delégates, and each county shall be entitled to theaameé nurpber of delegates a it is now entitled to members in the Flonse of Hepresentatives, and in ease of a ¢acanry occur. ring in eid Comvention, by the remtoval from the State, the declination, resign gtien or death of any de'egeic, wack Yeraucy ehall be filled by firme be ia fence of the colored man to read and write, In the and good ee oat a Vidette, 00 be cedered and held fa the itol at Raleigh, on the second Monday of Sep- tember 1470; aud their mileage and per diens, the com; i of said er } wise appropriated, | . 6. Thal the bstitu tle constitutional amendments: by, Convention shall not take effest an facil by a majority of ail the male citizens of North Carolina, twenty-one years of age voting upon the question of ratifica- | Hon or rejection, at on election to be held for | that purpose at such time as may be fixed by ; said Convention, which time shall be not less ithan four months afier said Convention shall | have adjoirned sine die, and satd Convention } Shall take measures fora general publication of the proposed Constitution, or constitutional amendments, at lexst three months prior to the day of such election. 6. That the great majority of our people hav- ing, for matty years past fayored the policy of os a homestead in lands, and a Jiberal amount of personal property, from execution for debt, the Convention herein provided for shall have no power to repea) or im any manner, strict or curtail existing lawa and conatiti provisions securing such exemption. 7. That this act shall take effect from the date of its ratification, Mr. Galloway moved that it be referred to the Committee on istruction, Mr. Robbins moved thut it be referred to a special committee of five, stating that it was no pean bill, and that it would not affect the omestead and would not distarb the suffrage arrangement, Mr. Graham said there was no such committee as Reconstruction, and he believed the question open to discussion, Mr. Robbins said he wished the bill to be re- ferred to a committee of which he himself was a member. nea Beeman moved that it be indefinitely post- poned, On the motion to pone indefinitely, Messrs, Beeman, rns, Blythe, Javis, Hy- maa, Jones, of Wake, iter, Martindale, Moore, of Yanev, a Smith, Welker and hah idgaf — poe aie oa ** Messrs. nes, Beal, Bellamy, Brogden, Coo Eppes, Forkner, Galloway, Graham, Hayes, Harrington, Jones, of Colombus, Jones, of Meck- lenburg, Lindsay, Long, Mason, Melcher, Me- Laughlin, Richardso ‘Robbine Shoffner, Win- stead and Wilson in the negative—23. Mr. Shoffner moved that it be referred toe special committee of five. ne nation preyailed. ¢ conmitiee appointed were Messrs, Rob- Welker, Jones of Wake, Lassiter and Mur- ¥. Mr. a ea leave to introduce a bill re- quiring Judges of the Superior Coart to open court on of each term. the Senate adjourned inst, at 10 A. M. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Saturpay, Nov. ; The House met at 1) waa A was ved from held In Raleigh on the 17th inat, Ordered to be printed, and referred to the com- mittee on Edacation. Mr. Smith, of Alleghany, submitted a petition from certain citizens of Surry and Al eghany counties, praying s of line between the two counties. . ferred t) Committee on Counties and Town- ships. Mr. Seymour from the Jndiciar reported favorably on the bi 455, Chapter 12, Title 19, of nora) Afterwards, thie bi Lea » os | bound longer than at the age of 17 veara } moved to strike out 13 y Carried. The bill as amen readings. Received a moseage from the Senate, trans mitting for eoncnrrenc @, a resolation asking for ry, when the rules were sus ideration. He led then passed its several sembiy wns elected. Laid over Mr. Rernolds called np @ hill to compensate Schoo! Committees. Cation reported in favor of allowing &2 to committeemen, and against any mil Mr. Vestal moved $2 and insert $1. Mr. Durham moved to amend by referring the bill to the Committee om Salaries and Fees.— Agreed to, and the bill was so referred. Mr. Sinclair introduced the following resolu- tions of t to the late Jonathan Worth. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Morth Carolina, That in the life of Jonathan Worth, we recognize a long, pure and distinguished public career; and in his death we maonrn the Joss of a faithful an honest man. 2. That in commemoration of our exteem for the distinguished dead, the members of the (sen- eral Assembly wear the customary badge of mourning for thirty days 3. That in further token of respect to the memory of the deceased, this General Assembly do now a:journ til 11 o'clock, A, M., 22d Nov. 1869, Mr. Sinclair had introduced the resolutiona for the purpose of gayi & proper token of re- *pect to a great and good man, who had recent- ty been called away from as by death. The Ppegent was an era of good ing, and it be canje’ North Carolinians of every party to re- Me the wean who had shed lustre on our good a te. The ex-Governor commenced! public career, a8 2 yqung man, while s mem- ber of the House of Commie | Randol ore ford Years 1830 and 1831; and nal bimself‘on the floor of thia Hall, in de cage.) to amend by striking out the excitement occasioned in the public mind in wence of the Southampton insurrection, wt when it euro many to pret oie Ds Pee from learning ta and te, ae n Barri and others, is Bil peer ¥ ; existed up to the commence alo th the public school system of this of the war. He, toa, put hie foot on the shee , tec fd : this State out of nion in 1866 1 and the Shee of a convention of the nk er eee Catan, it be a he ee 7 was bot just to the memory o man that the secsltteke While he (Mr. Sinelyir) from the ex-Governor, yeflie knew him to be an honest man, wito la- bored for the beet interests of . He hoped the resolution would be a + fr. Ashworth moved to amend the third res- olution by «trikiag out “now adjacta tik M1 o’- clock” on Monday, and insert “adjourn at one o'clock to-day,” The motion prevailed, and the resolutions as amended, were tinanifponrsly adopted. (The Commitiee on Fw- | ion of and other expenses | regard venti he paid as may prow vide, gut of any maneys ig ae Treasury not oth- "ee ee PONDS NR etn a a SENT - - ae Tiect 2d. Amount of requisitions from each county; 3d. Amount of stationery furnished mem| of the Legislature and chief officers of State; 4th. Actual prices paid for ; 5th, An estimate of the probable amount peees sary to meetthe annual 7 of the State in t stationery; and 6th. The name and of the contractor, if any, to furnish the ia nsion of the rules, iting ro resolution on its ‘waa then adopted. Atlo’ ¢ House iti respect to the mem- ory of the late Ex-Goyernor Worth, adjonrned until Monday morning 12 o'clock. SENATE. Monday, Nov. 22, 1869, The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, NOTICE OF BILLS, Mr. Brogden, of a bill to be entitled to repeal See. 560, title 21 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Mr. Love ofa Lill for the redemption of real estate, Mr. Shoffner of a bill in reference to the du- ties of Judges of the Supreme Court. Referred to the Committee od Judiciary, Aiso of a bill in regard to the duty of the Code Commission. Mr. Brogden of a bill to repeal aection 11 of an act in regard to the laying aff the Homestead and personal property exemption, ratified the 7th day of April 1869, Mr. Renfrow of a bill, tequiring magistrates and clerks of townships to give bonds, Mr. Robbins, resolution iu relation to per diem aud mileage, was read the second time. Mr. Galloway moved the indefinite postpone- pent of the bill, which prevail fe Mr. Galloway offered a substitute legalizing the per diem and mileage paid by the State Treasurer to the former Legislative Assembly and leaving the per diem and mileage at the present rates. On this proposition, the yeas and nays were taken, and resulted, yeas 21, nays 19. Those voting in the affirmative were, Yeas—Messrs, Bellamy, Burns, Blythe, Col- ve, Cook, Davie, Eppes, Forkner, Galloway, fice Harrington, Hyman, Jones of Coiumbus, Jones of Wake, Martindale, Moore, of Yancey, Smith, Stephens, Sweet and White. Nays—Messrs, Barnea, Beall, Beasley, Boe- man, Brogden, Etheridge, Grabam, Jones, of Mecklen » Lassiter, Lindsay, Long Love, Mason, M@@hor, Murphy, Richardson, pase, Robbins, Scott, Shoffner and Wilson. A message was received from the House of Representatives transmitting an act to atnend section 435, title 19, charter 12 of the Code of Civil Procedure, ratified by the House of Rep- resentatives, Referred to the Committee of the Judiciary. Also a resolution requiring the Secretary of State to furnish the amount paid for &e., &e,, for various since the of the cow Conmiitutton. rst Mr. Davis moved that the Senate proceed to the election of an Engrossing Clerk. Mr. T, J. Jonson was elected by a majority of 18 votes. ¥ Committee, | for manufacturing, mining, mechanical He to” change Sec, | cal and other purposes, the Code of Civi) | on € rocedure. (In reference to apprenticing mi- | | the late Sheriff of Alexander county to collect I) was ealled up by Mr. | arrears of taxes pended for it | i Mr. Parker said that females shonid not be } ears and itmert 17 years, | | words “legally incurred and honestly dixpored | of their the 7 of ra atet = and the Asso- ja single dollar of her regular indebtedness legal- ciate untices of t ¢ Supreme Conrt as to the j ly incurred and honestly disposed of as to her leggth of time for which the present General As. | 2 7 } per diem | y5 cars | } public servant, and dire | | | | nett and Ingram the Housc adjourned -withou! ! lost. with Daniel M. Wise as Seyato senke allow the col- ” The deceased was put | of our railroads, y Mr. Malone introduced d Rea roa instruct, ing the Bocretary of State to report ag tarly as | practicable ty the (seneral Assembl j Smouot peid for stationery, $y 4st, the { posobation as a anbetitnte. whic together with ex- | pesigatiyn of all the Haady ox | Representatives enclosing resolution passed in that bedy on the 20th instant of respect to the a G. y ved that he adaption Mr. Galloway me Bpon ¢ of these resolutions that the Senate do now ad- journ. The resolution was adopted. On Saat Renohent resolution Messra. Robbins dolivered fitting eulogies on the deceased. sar _- On motion of Mr. Galloway the Senate ad- journved to meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mownar, Nov. 22, 1869, The House met at 11 o'clock, A. M. Mr. Ellis introduced a resolution asking our tatives in to use their invfo- Mr. Ubon requesting the opinion of the Attorney General as to the legal construction of Sections 1, 2 and 3, Article 10, of the Constitution, on the liability of home- steads for executions for tort or crime. Mr. Malone moved to suapend the rules to the resolution on its pe Lont. Mr. French introduced a bill to amend the } act to authorize the formation of corp rations chemi- Referred to Committee sora Lone, Mr. Matheson introduced a bill to anthorize Referred SPECIAL ORDER. The joint resolutions introduced be Mr. Sev- mour for “maintaining the honor and good fait! of the State and the inviolability of onr publ debt,” waa taken up aa the special order The question reenrred on the amendment of Mr. Malone, to the third resolution, to insert the “ of,” «0 as to make the resolution read, “That North Carolina would regard Ure repudiation of bonded debt, as a violation of every principle of plighted faith, and as one of the greatest misfor- tones that could befall her people,” After considerable debate, participated in br . Malone, Sinclajr, Harris of Wake and French. Mr. Argo eaid that he regarded the introduc. | tion of the resalations as premature, and he therefore moved that their consideration postponed one month, On this motion, Mr. Seymour aeked the yeas and nays, The roll was called, and the motion prevailed by the following vote :— Yeas 54, Nays 44. Mr. Ingram bevacel & reconsideration. Mr. Argo did not believe in the principle of ition, unless: it was jostified by the necessity, He believed that there had been | collusion on the part of purchasers of our bonds. Ho had moved for a| postponement for the purpose of giving time for | the proposed investigation into ¢ Manageme:,t | After some considerahle debate, participated | in by Menara. Pou, Justice, of Rutherford, Hod- | coming to g vote. | } ' | SENATF. Tuxapay, Nov. 23d, 1869. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock. The journal of yesterday was read and dor- rected, aa the vote of A. H. Galloway's (col.) substitute fixing per diem mileage at a examination to be a tie instead of 21 to 2. The President ruted in the affirmatiy stating that he should vote against the proposi- tion on its third reading in its present form. REPORTS OF COMMITTERS. ur. Graham from the Committee on the Jndi- ciary, reported favorably on the bill to amend section 485, chapter 12, titic 19 of the Code of Civil Procedure. . A number of bills were introduced by various rs. - FPECIAL ORDER, Bij} to further protect the interesta of the State jn certain Railroads and to require ac- coun ity off the part of their officers was ta- ken up. Mf, Lassiter offered a bill from the Code Com- mission as a substitute, authorizing the Govern- qr tp a“ & commission to examine into the affairs of the several Railroads, anid commission tg have aclerk with a salary of $5,00 and to seport in 1870, mr. Graham raised the peint of order, that his resolution relating to the same subject, was incurred, since the constitution went into Yeas 22, nays | stationery, | bee. adoption A message was réceiyed from the Honse of be; moet | certain parties with the | i the Hou | “to permit men of limited means to Yanittoatts . 8, 7 Meg c Hespaae motion to refer was lost. . HL Gal , colored, ‘moved to lay. the ene te-on the table, which prevailed. Ys! C2. Yeas—messrs, Beasley, Bellamy, Blyth Colgrove, Cook, © , Ethe , colored, Jones, of Columbus, Jones; of Wrke, Lassiter, Martindale, Moore, of Carteret, Moore of Yancev, Respass, Shoffner, Smith and Ste- hens.—22, : Nays—sersrs. Barnes, Beall, Beem: den, Dayis, Eppes, colored, Forkner, | Jones of mecklenbur; indsay, Loye, | welehor, Murphy, Bo Scott, White Wilson—I19, The Dil) intreduced by arr. Respass was then taken up. (‘Chis bill provides that the officers of the several roads shall make full reports of their transactions quarterly;) passed ita second reading. . On motion of wr, Lassiter the rules were sus- nded in order to alew him to introduce his ill from the Code, p' on the Calendar, Mr. Martindale introduced a resolution prope- sing to raise x committee of three Senators to confer with the Superintendent of Public Works to ascertain and report what information he has | in reference to the management of the various | Railrords, Adopted, On motion the Senate | row at 10 o'clock. IIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tupsvay, Noy, 23, 1869. House met pursuant to adjournment, A message was received from the Governor, submitting certain claims against the State in favor of M. A. Bledsoe and the Jate Governor Worth, Ky mr, Malone: A bil] to repeal the act re- quiring the registration of deeds. Keferred. SPFCIAL ORDER. | Mr. Pou’s resolution recommending removal | of political disabilities imposed by the I4th | amendinent; the pending question being on mr. Malone's amendment, asking a repeal of the test ne one week. oath, mr. French moved to a ar. Pou opposed the motion and asked the yeas aud nays, which being ordered, resulted, yeas 23, nays 71, ea Oe eseasaun oA Mr. Pou then eal previous the call was sustained. Pehle ur. Seymour moved to postpone unti y next, and the motion prevailed. Bill extending the time for Sheriff’ to make settlement was taken up on motion of ur. Fere- ur, Pon moved: indefinite shidhvalad aiciaenlin oa ae. UNFINISHED BUSIXESS, The consideration of the resolution maintain- ing the credit of the State and payment of every dae: of her debt, was ae the qnestion being on the motion to reconsider the postpone- ment for one month. A prvnnton sosuel assuming about the same shape as that of yesterday, After some further mr, Seymour called the previous question. call was sustained. The motion to reconsider was adopted by avote of yeas 59, nays 39. mr. Argo was then allowed to withdraw his motion a poning for 30 days. : mr, Welch moved to postpone for one took, from day to-day. The yeas and mays being call- ed, the motion waa rejected by a vote of yeas 6t. lguetion then reeurred upon or, ttalone’a amendment inserting the words “legally oe red and honestly di he debt.” The yeas in the reject adjourned until to-mor- } of as tot nays bei Low ing serendmeit tio Rexoived, That thie General Assembly will not recognize as valid any future sale by the {several Railroad Companics of the State, of the | epecial tax honda, authorized by Acta of the | General Amerably at the regular session of 1868 | ~ 69 at 4 price leas than 60 per cent. of their | par valne Mr. Seymour called the previons question, when, On motion of Mr. Argo, the House adjoarm- ed | SENATE. Wrpxmanay, Nov. 24, 1869, The Tonse was called to. order at l@a im, Mr. Galloway's anbetitute tor the joint resola- nin relation to per diem and mileage parsed Yeas 17, t « 3d reading by the folk os Ss wing vole tare Mr. Respasa’ bill entitled the interest of the “an act to farther protect t “ate in certain rail- toate and to require accountability on the part paseed ite third readin by the ote following vote :— Yeas 27, N ays 7 ra HOU3JE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wroxernary, Nov. 24 1869. The VWeniee met at 104 o'clock Mr. Williamson introduced a joint resolasion in regard to poll tax. Laid over. Mr. Mortis introduced a hill to aunend chap- ter 134, sec. 19, of Laws of 1864-69. Laid over. Mr, Veat introduced a bill to extend the time of registering deeda, aoe two years mere;} Referrcd ta the adiciary Committee, Mr. Barnett introduced a bill providing for he sale of the North Carolina, and the Atlantic aml North Carolina Kailroada Ordered to be printed and made the special order for Wedne ae next. | _ Resolutions, by Mr. Vestal, in rezard to « | cial tax om brandy, were read. — a Mr. Vestal mid that the revenue tax on ar- dent epirits had driven men of amall means from the business of disiitlacion. To many men, the Giatillation of their fruit, was about their only means of making maney. He desired to see this oppreasive tax repealed, and he hoped that “?, a8 & Matter of justice towards men of linuited capital, would aes the resolution. After some debate, the motion waa put aud Yeas 9, nays 77, Mr. Sinelair offered sdme amendmente—to | insert in the preamble (N€ words “give — bond of $5,00,” and in the first resotution the words engage in distilling brandy from fruit. Accepted. Mr. Hodnett ofier.dan amendment by adding A resolution requesting a reduction of the tax on pressed his opposition to all tobaceo. A Mr. Vest such resolutions. The government was commit- ted to the payment of its debt, and had wisely laid the burden of taxation on luxuries, such as liquor and tobacco. If the tax on these artieles was reduced, then it would have to be laid on land and on the necessaries of life. “The inter- est of the would be subserved by letting the law remain as it was. Qn motion of Mr. Vestal the tion was ordered, and the resolutions were adopted. _—— Gen. Batler has been arrested in New York charged by Mrs. Florence, of New Oricans, with having txken three swords presented to Geo. Twiggs by United ious quer- amended, gia and Texas, valued at $35,000, and a box of silver valued at $2,000. He cliamed that the swords had been.deposit- introduced 2nd and therefore entitled to prece- dence, That the resolntions of ar. Waker | came secbpd on enlendar and the Will of Respasa third, the proposition of str. Les Ther to offer his substitute at that stage was oat of or der, and the chair so ruled. wr. Graham's resolution to appoint a Com- mittee of the Nenate to investigate the sale of the bonds of the Western North Carcfina Rail- road, was taken np. wr. Moore, of Carteret, offered wr. Welk era h requires an in- ed in the Treasury Depertment, but ar, {inquiry proved that snch was not the ense. | He was held in $25,060 bail. . -_ Oe Jatt Detivery.—The Elizabeth City Carolinian says : “On Thursday Iast three j persons confined in the jail of this plece , effected their escape by sawivg out with /a aaw made of a knife. They ye been npeed af three | reeaptared, f a we: | the r “tines States Congress, and the States of Geor- day Ca PPO ee. le ey ' 0 subject to the and the substitute of Mr, the term etids in August 1870 A : preme declari Me Habib in ene g J ; ’ A President, fur im the of the Stats are watehing to see tet decision we shall nake thoy are locug ou ih dew indifaating they are ig ou with ndignation that such a. should atet have been mooted.’ It’ is- well knuwa -that when we were elected, the people deewed vs elect- for two years only and that we should now set up claim ‘for a term of four years, awakensa enone! feeling of surprise. disgust, and mgt r miud.— The people will ‘regard themselves as the victins of an unworthy and dishonest political trick, if this” preposterous and outrageous claim is adhered ‘to And acted upon _b this Aseembly. They will feel, and I think jas‘ly feel, that they have been deprived of @ plain octatitational right. by @ basa and ‘selfish stratagem on the part - of those who» shal! —* our right to hold’ over after next ust. at we are told that this is a question of law, and that the people have no business to complain.cf any decision that inay be made of it as such, and thefr ¢clamors should be disregarded. But uvfortunately the people kuvow too wel! that no tribunal exists here which can dee:de such a question, except tri- bunals which are interested in deciding it against the people and in. favor of them- selves. ‘Let us refer the question to the Supreme Court,” say Sevators. ‘The Court is the interpreter of the Constitution, and its opin- ion will be authoritative and wil} satisfy sg? dase There is a speciousness and plansibility iv this idea which its originators perhaps hope will reeoncli'e one constituents to it. Bat I regard it as a shirking of our own proper responsibility. Each departinent of this gov- erpment is co-equal with the other, and it ia the business of each, in its own sphere apd in the first instance, to judge with a due sense of its obligations to the people, as to its eou- stitutional rights, powers, power, and Jimita- tious. The Court can neither make for un— make the Legislature. Doubtless the Cuurt can adjudicate the question of our constita. tional powers when arising in cases at law ot in Equity pendisg before that tribunal.— But any opivien of the ee u this or any other question not thas arislog. is, as every lawyer knows, oaly an obiter die tum aod decides nothing. Neither we nor the people are bound by it. Upon this very ground, che court, at oar last session, declined to give us their opinion on the: important —— of the Homestead, whev we requested it; and there is to every miod a want of ener in obtruding the prevent question upon Coart in view of the respouse they then gave us. The Justices of the directly and question. By reference to sec, 22, art. 4, of the Constitution, it will be seen that the tenure of office uf the Justices themselres involves the identical question which is rais- over. metances, however trul lenepetiel, she of that Court migit be. the people whe i ¢ ve that an opinion of those able learned Tt would necessarily be lovked upon by the people as the mere dictum of five interested | geutiemen, aud would probably iveense the popular wilud ag-inst the Ceart, ia the event it iu favor of holding over. ly jo view of the fact that it would be given spon- (anevasly, gratuitously, avd under eirenm- Stances where the Court is aot bocnd to render any decision. if we old over ee term of thie eAzorable. Tn ‘thi ,at the Registers 22nd Sonn Ouaieh Wooton William D. Upright to Mrs. Mary cashy—both of Atwell Township io. this County, In Franklin Township in Rowan Cou on Sq, er, Iu Banoombe cotnty,/on tha Vth ult. Mr TF Williams of Gilmore county, Ga,; and Mrs R J Roberta: On the 9th inst, Mr. J. J: Mackey of Me- Dowell county, and Miss M A Gill of Bun- eombe. On the 9th inst, at Harrisbarg, Pennsyl- vahia, Wm B ist. (Representative from Wilkes county, N.C.) and Missa Kate H. Bowwan of Lebanon co, Pa. In Wilmington, on the Hth inst, Capt. James I Metts and Miss Cornelia ham, daughter of the Col R H Cowan. ta Newberh, on the 11th inst, Mr Samuel N Willis aud Miss Susan Jane Wallace. In Rutherford county, on the 11 inst. Mr Hugh Cole and Miss Samautha Griffin. = wo! + meagre nae DIED October 17th, 1858, Laura Emeline, eldest daughter of Jno H MeLaughlin, aged 34 years. March 29th. 1869, Mary Carol’ni, seeond daughter of Juo H MeLaughlin, aged 32 years. November 5th. 1869. Sarah Jane youngest daughthes of Juo H MeLauzhlin, aged 30 years. Within twelve months these s'sters have followed each other to the tomb. “The storm that wrecks the winter sky No more disturbs their cali repose Than Summer evening’s latest sigh That shuts the rose.” “Be ye also ready, for in an hour when ye think not, the son of man coneth. In Meeklenburg connty. ow the I%th fnst, Mr Mathew A Edwards, Sr, aged 76 years. Tu Mecklenburg co, on the 13th inst., Mrs Mary C Caldwell of Lincoln county. and daughter of W A Gamewell, of theS C Co nee. Ta Fairfield, 8 C, om the 14th inst, Mrs Catharine Harper Dickson. wife of Rev Heury Dickson, in the 29th year of her age. residence of her sun, Mr R L Patterson, iu Salem, N C- Mrs P Carvline Patterson, wife of Gen Sam'! F Patiersun of Caldwell Co. Mrs. P. wasin her 64th ; had lived the news of her death will carry sorrow to many hearts. As wife, mother aad fri nd, she fitly aod beautifully illustrated the } ro- ence will do bim the 2 of her life = SMP heth our ber baad to the poers yea she reacheth forth ber hi *“Strenght and hopor are her clothing ; | an | she shall rejoice in the ‘ime to come” 3 trust "She good, and not evil, all and iu her tongue is the law of kindness.” “She louketh wel! hensehold, and eateth ness."’ “ter children arise up aud call her bless- ed; her hasband also, avd he praise:h her.” plaee the Court iu such a position by refer- ring this matter to them ; and even if we do so, the same reasvus, and also the extreme indelieacy of owe departineut presuming to decide at all apon the existence, or non-exis- tenee, of a co eqarl and ¢+-ordinate one. will canse the ‘Coon to send the matter promptly back to us for our own decision. Yes. Mr. President. it is our daty to decide j thie question and decide it at once ; and in m ) opinion itean ouly be properly decided by | | adopting the substitute of the Senator from } | Forsyth declaring our term at an end next) | Augst. The case a ppears to ine a singa- larly plain and jase one. See. Q. Art. IT, of the constitution, contains this provia- ion : “The election for membere of the Gea- eral Assembly shall be held * © on the| | first Thursday in August 1820." This is ox- | press and mandxtory. Can‘such a manda- 7 provision be over-riddea aud nullified hy mere inferences drawn from another | doubtful and i!) eonetrneted section which is | eapable of a reasonable and fair interpreta- tion, giving a very useful meaning sud ef- feot, without cofticting with section 29? The terme of the Geaeral Assembly are made | ‘“bienuial.” Therefore the pr-sent Assembly | being specially elected in April, and the reg- | } ' | | alar elections being fixed in August, be- caine necessary ta provide against a Lesista- tive inter regnum from April to August 1870. This is somewhat blanderingly done in seo- tion 27, wherein it is declared that the term of the members elected in April 1868 “shall terminate as if they had been eleeted, at the first ensuing regular election.” By this is evidently meant the “regular election” which should favs occurred in August 1868, ac- cording to the rule of biennial elections es- tablished in the eunstitation, aud whien did not occur only because supere ded by the This gives a very special elcetion in April. reasonable and important meaviog to that section and does operate to continne our ex- istence daring the afuresaid three months.— This ‘s common sense; and the role of legal constrocsion whieh requires all the parts of an instrnment to be constrned together, and some effect if possible to be given to each part, forbids any other interpretation of these constituional provisions, under that rale, how can any lawyer cotnend for streteh- ing the meaning of one worded section to such am absurd exteut that another most certain in its terms and mandatory in its character would be rendered entirely nugatory ? Sir, this isan ata tive @etat. Trise racy nat the con- stitutional rights of the ) Concoeted by by men who aspire to positions within the ft of this Legislature, and by members of Sis Assembly who fear to go before the e for 4 re-election. The record of this Ley- islature is an extraordinary one and the peo- ple have a right to pass upon it at au early Aa for myself, if this outrageons usurpa- tion shall be determined upyn. nothing ean induce me to become a participant. I shall tender my resignation, go before my eon- stitaents, and say, ‘Here is the servant whem you have trusted and honored. He has tried teserve you faitefully ; but youae the judges whether ho isany longer worthy of your eonfidence:” And itt ovoupy a seat inthis chamber after next August, it mast be fn virtue of are-election by the voters of Rowan and Davie, Every Eenator who re- spects himself will, { hope, pursue a simi- lar ennrre. Biv, it io time for office- holders in this pmonntes te reonembet tat they ore gerenata, ; For these reasons we have no Bright to! N | justice to hee | No eulogy, that we could write, would do memory; therefore, we will tks praise her.” SALISBURY MARKETS NOY. 26, 1869, “let her we # SR R S R S R o R E Coffee, per poend ee bash, of 66 Ibs. “* Meal, bush. 46 «© Copperas, pe’ Candles, Tallow, ve Adamaatine, per pound, ......... oe ss 8 - & v poend, Cotton, ° Yarn. per bunch. Eggs. per dozen, Peathers, Fieur, per 7 Fish, Mackeral,’->. 4, * oe 2. Fs e e s s eS s s t s s t s s s s se el Sm ee t & “ a 3. . Fruit, dried, apples pealed ve o re unp'ld * Peaches, pealed, = “ unpealed Leather, apper, per pound, . sole, hee eae Iron, bar. ‘ castings, Nails, cnt, Molasses, sorghum “ Byrap, Oniona, per bushel, Pork, perpound, =... Potatoes, Irish. per bnabel, “ — Sweet, + Sagar, Brown, and, .. Claritied se Crushed Pulverized Salt, coast, per sack, ho“ ad eo “ 6 10 75 Bb 10 *. 7 ss s s s s -- o6 = $6 ° SE Z8 s s 3 8 en e 8 S S o n 8 . . 8 SS s s s s 8 Se . $2 0 3 8 ss s "Live “ Table, Tobaceo, Leaf. per poond, ,. “ Manofactared, Smoking. ew w Se w : SR s B S a e R s 2 a 5 a % 2 “ ° 2 —— . ‘ ER offers for sale that tal- Settlement of David- “THE TRALES Mo- Said farm lies immedi- both sides of the N.C. bs of a mile from the Holts. . farm contains abont 800 actes, about sixty acres of whieh is excellent ited : o— the remainder good Jersey of it is ti and heavily mbered. =e The farm is ins high state of cnitivation, well watered and with well-dieposed ted Daas baa well to Cotton a: rain, and is, alto- the most valuable i; Tar SUBSCRIB aable farm in the J son Connty, known as DONALD PLACE.” ately on the Yadkin ding Foard, and on Reilroad three-foort barg Depot. This Address, R. W. Poa tof H : tee. Concord, N. C, se ome Ee Nov. 4, 1869, 43— 6 THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society or E UNITED STATES, 92 Broadway, New York. ik ea HIS COMPANY hae capital and assets against ite Habilities thas will compare with any Life In. snraace Company on the Continent, which ie the true test of reaponsibility. Annual Promiem Incom . Increasé over 1867,......, «+++» 5,000,008 he undersigned is agent for the above Company. 4. A. HABBIN, 7 Agent. Woo kevitie, Varah 1%, tom, sce ~ 4,000,000 Frothi ng-: On the Eveuing of the 17th inst. at the a life of usefulness. was mich beloved, and of her Busheud goth” sete'y wads the needy.” “She opeveth her mouth with wisdom, 1 tothe ways of her Bot the bread of idle- | for b: 50} } 4 WERELY wewe ! t : Khce Box is filed with ® pew and assorted Bavor- ) _edvcandy, aud x will give you a sun- ws ans old and Biter Watches etch ae THEY RETAIL AT 25 CENTs. MANUFACTURED bY |GEORGE. MILLER & SON, 610 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pean. pudceltte Confectioners aud Storekeepers ev ryw: re. The'demand for this new confectionery is so t that the Woda are desired to forward their enlnoet once. MWe aa r As to beware of worth- les#tmitations. f being the 6riginal box, the standard of whichsball always be maintained. Rov, -26-—~47tt , OTICE,.—THIS 18. TO WARN the merchants of Salisbary. and others, to dis- continue the buying of old Shell and Shot from the negro chil aa are buying another man’s property. ‘These shot shell are the property of Eatvin 5: Cowles, and I'am his authorized agent to attend to this basincss.* HeJ.C. CHAMBERS, Salisbury, Nov, 26, 1869, 47-~1t OTICE,—ALL PERSONS HAV- ing claitus « the estate of Join F. Clod- | fetter, dec’dvs wil pam them to the undersigned at the court House in Salisbury, on or before the first day of December, A. BD. , 1870. Res N. W. GOODMAN. Adm’r, Nov. 16, 1869. A1—6w Demorest’s Young America. “The most sparkling Juvevile Magazine ever issued.” and Splendid Chromo Pictures of An- dubon’s Birds of America as supplements, and other fine engrayings in cach number. The No- vember and pmber numbers free to new sub- seribers. The most instructive, entertaining, and best Juvenile Magazing comprises numerous and novel (eatures that are peculiarly its own, afd entirely free from the gross exaggerations sa common to juvenile literature. Gur pny Young Ameries presents the finest colored an: other engravings, the best stories, puzzies, prizes music, aod & host of new ond interesting eub- jects that will not only secure the attention of Boys and Girls, but serve to purify and elevato their minds, communicate much valuable infor- mation, and prove a wellspring of pleasure in the household. Yearly subscription $1.6,0 with a god Micro. scope, or # pesrt-handle Pocket-Knife, ora beau. tiful Book. 4s premiuin to each subscriber, and splendid premiums given for clubs. Ad 38, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 838° Broadway, N. Y. Specimen copies, with eirvulars, mailed free on receipt of ten cénts. New subseribers sending in before the first of jest next will receive the wovember and December numbers free. A aplendid prise for the ladies. The & most porta ot costly — ihe Rageand ished in Amerion present as 4 premium Cae The Useful, the Entertaining , and the Beautiful. The Model Magazine of America. Demeorest’s Tiustrated Monthly: THE USEFUL in Demorest’s Monthly com- — the Utilities of Fashions in Ladiev’ and thildren’s dren, incl fullsize Fashionable CSET and ummanerant a caren Modal Osteeges ‘Clk ante a ._ vee nl their de ao eae com prises Items, Popular Mande by the bent Composer, ete., etc. THE BEAUTIFUL comprises samerom il lustrations, in the highest style of art, printed on the finest calendered paper, in the bea man- ner, got up in a style to anplendid volume inding at the end of the year, and altogeth- er, a monthly visitor that no lady of taste or economieal honsewife can afford to do without. Yearly Subecription, only $3.00 with the finest, largest, and most leasing engraving ever finished in America, and richly worth $10, en- titled “The Pie-Nic on the Fourth of July,” given as a premium to each aubecriber, and splendid premiums for clube. Addreas Demoryst’s Mowtu.y Maoaztyr, 838 Broadway, N. Y. When sent by mail,"the stage on the En- graving, ten cents, oan included. f imen es of the magazine with circu- lers, mailed fe, on receipt of Ofteen cent. ! Brorth Carolina, } Sursawer Corer, Sruscy Couxrr Fall Tern, 1869 A. S&S. Mose, administrator of Thotias Mose, against Roland Forrest and wife Jane A. Forrest, A, A. Moss, M. A. E. Kendell, ©. W. Mo.: Threadeil! and wife M MOT? readgill, J.C. Moss, V.C. Mose, and Wilie Moss Petition to make Real Estate Assets, Io this case it appearing to the satisfact n | of the vonrt that ——— Thereadgi!! and wile M je Threadgill, MA E Kendall. C\W Moss ani } 3 C Moss, defendants in tis | non-residents uf this State : | Therefore, it is ordered by the court that pub- | lication be made for six weeks in “The Old North State” newspaper, notifying the said de - fendants to appear before the Judge of our next Superior Court to be held tor the county of Stanly at the Court [louse in Athemarle. on the firet Monday in Jan'y. 1870. thea and thers to answer the petition of the plaintiff, filed in this court, or judgment will be taken pro cun- fesso wad heatd ex purte as to them. Witness, J. M. Redwine, Clerk of the Supe- rior Court of Stanly County, at office in Albeo. marle, the 22d day of November. A D.1 JM. REDWINE, 0. 8. ¢. 47 -Gw(pr fee $10.) Weast or BAKIWG POWDERS. For Rackwheat and Hatter Cakes, Bisouita, &c., with which there is no failure—no disap- OA teriad cael; etic Re he: u sn t ve opuiar king Pow. rhea haye airendy Wen tom, 8a many of the of Salisbury and the coun- try, such high commendations, haye been pre- pared and will be kept throughout the season. Where aleo may be had every kind of the FLAVORING EXTRACT: her with 2 full For culinary purposes, Ti line of tech wid wa prre GROUND usaal, will besold at pri- ce eal all which as Ces old prices here. tE. SILLS X ow. 18 Br Ser Ea, PUBLICSALE—1 WILL SELL. at Public Auction on the Beh, 1869, at We Correll a pear the Yadkin River, Rowan , 5 aoe * oe a formerly knewn “ the Brag 206 of Corn; Cattle aud Stock, One 3 Horse aod Harvess, atso—My dower, co Dwelling House, Barn, Stables, Out buildings on said land. Nov. 39, 1860— BLIZA COWBELL, DMINISTR A TOR'S NOTICE.Hav, ing taken acho of A the estate of lobn Garter, ee herehy o tify all persons haying clainva against ead o. tate te prevent them to me onoe before the 15th day of Novomber 1970, of this notice Fill ba plead in bar of their recovery. All perrons in, debted to the outate gre requested to make car, ly settlement, hte : TCHARD Ff. } a 4 COWAN, { Adm'r. of John Garner. ” ME Cksr PATRAS, FOSLIGHED oF ke C. MORE, & J. a. BRADLEY, st, AT CHE-TFR, 8. ©. TER MS tr vegies { | { | | | prececding aie vac, of 117 actes, with and si) neceseary by various members Whether will he accomplished for the goou of the, Btate (es cnains to be seen. There is evidently, gidispost: tion on the part of some radical membets to am> do a part of the mischief whieh they @ided _ at the last session. Bat they will ay» “whipped in” by the corrupt and eel leaders. ‘At least we fear that sach will-be thg cmap. They have been indueed te vote fora ref e of the onestion of their own tenure to. the Bupremé Conrt, where the leaders expect '® obtain a de- cijon in their favor, How *corript must be the times and morals when sensible men can hope to obtain such a decision” fypm éueh a ¢ri- hunal. If there is the slightest reason to believe that the Court will render such decision, then the people should assemble in mass meetings, io every county in the State, without distinction. of party, for the ‘purpose of expressing their hon- est indignation and opposition to it, But we cannot permit ourself to believe that a single uicmber of the Court will hold that the present legislature does not cease to exist on the first Thursday in Avgust 1870, if it entertains the question at all, We are glad to see that an effort is being made to have an investigation of the management of Western Division of the W. N. C. Railroad.— We hope the investigation will be made, and that it will be thorough and searching. It is said that $3.000,000 of the bonds were sold months ago for 663 cents in the dollar, thus raising the sum of $2.000,000. But no part of this sum; it is said, has been paid into thehands «f the ‘Treasurer of the road. Consequently the -ontractors have never been paid anything, and have actually, it is said, been considering the juestion of abandening their contracts. What ias become of the $2.000,000 realized by the ale of the bonds? Has it been invested as pri- rate capital by the late President of the road? J is charged that it has, and that it has been so nvested in another State. Are these things rue? We do not know; but when we consider hat bribery and corruption are so rife in the nd as to have been able to shape the legislation bf the State at the last session, we scarcely dare bontradict any charge of the kind. By all means et the investigation be had and the facts be ade known. It is due to the officers of the oad, as well as the people of the State and the rivate stockholders, that this should be done. Bills have also been introduced into both Blouses for the call of a Convention of the peo- ple of the State. Such Convention is much suit against the Magistrates, Walker and place, and Burt Hall, of Salisbury, gut inte a dispute about, some matter, wheo Burt Hall, who held in his hand an axe, struck at his adversary, who throwing up his arm to parry the blow, had his hand severed on- tirely from the arm at-the wrist: The of- fender wag taken before a magistrate; aud: sent to jail.—Ibid, : _ © ————— ie ~ The XIX, Century, for November has also been on our table for severs] days. The promise with which this Magazine started has in nowise abated, but its merits have rather increasud. The contributions to its pages are not surpassed in literary ability and excellence by any in Ameriea. Lf properly sustained and encouraged, as it should be, it will doubtless become w standard publication in the South. Whether it will be thus sup- ported remains to be seen. It is be hoped that it will , Address F. G. De Fontaine, Business Manager, Charleston, 8. C. ed The North British and London Quarterly Reviews, for October sre also at hand, and are both very entertaining numbers. The North Brittish contains a article of great in- terest on the Masacree of Saint Bartholo- men, aod the London Quarterly on the By- ron Mystery. They also contain many oth- er articles of much merit. Addressthe Leouard Seott Pub. Co., 140, Fulton Street, New York. ——~g oe MAGISTERIAL MUSS IN MILTON. We learn from the Chronicle that a colored lady of Milton reeently bad a hog clandestinely killed, aud took out a war- rant against Jae. Washington a white neighbor, for killing it, because the dead hog was foand near his fence. The case was tried before “Judge” Charles Walker, a colored J. P. assisted by Justice Joves, who rendered pee against Wasbing- ton for 88 and cost, or go to jail on fail- ing to pay. He failed to pay, and was | put in jail accordingly, where he stayed about an hour, when his friends bailed or paid him out. Washington then broughs 4 Jones for false imprisonment, it being al- leged that they had sent him to jail on a dress the Leonard Scott P ub, Co., 140, Ful- ral effect is.very fine and impressive, the delicate fivish to the heads will bear the thost minute inspection. The unieuef the line and stiple is executed with unogual ability, and their skillful combination has greatly contributed to the success of the ea- gravers: inthis unsurpassed proof of their artistical genius. The work ou the engraving alone cost over seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of the eoppyright, and is acknowledged by com- petent judges the most elaborately finished aa work of art.ever engraved in America, N ine copies of this magnificent Pieture, ov heavy plate paper. worth $10 each, are to be given.as a Premium to each Subseri- ber to Demorest’s Mouthly Magazine, Year- ly Subscriptions only Three dollars, and Ten Cents (whieh is to be sevt with the subserip- tion). for the postage on engraving, (whieh will be mailed securely done up on a Poller.) This is certainly the largest, most liberal and splendid premium ever offered to single subseribers by any publisher, and affords an av easy aud ecovom'eal way for any one to secure an elegant work of art, a Parlor Pic- ture that is only next to a piano in t'e way of orpamentation, and perpetual reminder of a day which ought tobe cherished and held in remembronee by every true Ameri- can- The reception of this magnificent pictare will take every one by surprise, und we do not venture auytbing in saying that $10 will not procure another that combines so much of interest and beauty. Specimeus of the Magazine with circulars, giving full particulars, will be sent to an given address. post free, on receipt of 1 cents. Address, DEMOREST‘s ONTHLY 838 Broadway, N. Y. e — —_ + The Westminster Review for October is also at hand. It needless to say of this publi- cation that in point of ability aud literary ex- cellence it has no superior amoug the British Qaarterlies. And while we do net regard it as orthodox on religious questious—it is lean- ing the rationalistic theology—we yet do not hesitate to say that it may be read by a well ss Spero areas aie mat > ar RR <8 5 memaanataR , me te . - eT " , Sf Sin ve Co a ae ‘ SEBS ERIN BA) MATE Dy the fike Pine cnet | The OWNorth ec oa briana Serer reine has taken Ps us by Lilie. MI —— an place auidng the citizens at Taylorevitle, re- [PP Tr SALISBURY. FRIDAY. NOY. 26. 1869. pently, dd th 2 Koy “persons have — oe joined the P.esby’erian eburch in that place. ; been induced to. con THE LEGISLATURE. ; ' Statesville American: fost Oe Ibe toa neriga ss presely yo AK pees a i » Hy Set gatertenee Syl pitt : yi re ‘abi Bee ‘A large amount of business ia beling carved +e : i cmaia labore of, the. paiuter. No but mat - this body, a8 shown by thevagtnulmber of hee ae last Monday, artists ean fully. hate the skit a ie pills and resolutions which ave being introduced } men, Rafus McClellan, of this hor lavished on this engraving. The gene > | SPRGIAD NOTICES. °°" {Valuable Land for Sute, - rT BUBCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE 2 “Two ISAND FOUR HUNDRED Consumption, Coughs, ; et Wek ie eS al ele ge Wek ae Pawar, 3 artnet pb tie yetive ortudlples roots Rota ail thelr ncdlea! quiitiee re ‘MINISTERS AND, PUBLIO SPEAKERS Who.are so often afflicted with throat diseases, will find a sure remedy in this Baleam, Lozen- and wafers sometimes give relief, but this ioe. taken a few times, wil! insure a perma- nent cure. With all. those afflicted with Coughs or Con- sumption, give this Balsam a fair trial, they will be p with the result, and conféss that the Sure Remedy is aay at last. It is sold by Dr. G. B. Povrson, Salisbury, c. 45— PAIN KILLER, We ask the attention of the public to this long-tested and unrivaled FAMILY MEDICINE. It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have received thousands of testimonials, showing this medicine to be an almost nev- er-failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon— Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and} 4gue, Headache, Billious Fever, Pains tn the Side, Back and Loins, as well as in the Joints and Limba, Neuralgia and Bheamatic Puin in any part of the system, Toothache and Puins to the head and face. As a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the Stomach, It eeldym falls to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Kidney Complaints Piek Headache, Piles, Asthma or Phihisic, Ringworms, Boils, Felons, Whitiows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and General Debility of the System. It is also a prompt and sure remedy for Cramps and Pain in the Stomach, Painters’ Colic, Diarrba, Dysentery, Sunmer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalda, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Frost Bites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings of Lasecis, Scorpions, Centipedes, and the Bites of Poisonous Insects and Venomous Reptiles. See Directions accompaying each bottle. Benefits of life lasarance. The North America Insurance Company pays its premiums penny ee charge. : . H, HULDERNESS, Agent, North America Life Ins. Co. Taomasvinse, N.C. } balianced wiud with both pleasure and profit. | The present nuinber contains several able | nest and repeated sulicitation he was, induced ; the first one on | toinsure in your Cumpaus, aud now we are the benefits. and interesting articles “The Quakers” beieg especially so. Ad- ton street New York. ee ———e Ow account of the great numberof wonder . Scrorusa, Dyspepsia, Liven Dusgare, Kip wey Arrections, GENERAL Bap Hearth, &c., important particulars, and needs amending. No ded, as experience has already shown that our present constitution is defective in several conviction unsustained by a shadow of | . They were arrested by the Sher- iff and required to give bail in the sum of popular made by the celebrated “Koskoo,” it has won the enviable repulation of being the best and mod medicine ever discovered. It is daily pre $3,000 each. to answer the charge at the many thousands of ours best citisena For sale by | pany, which insares all Kinds of public and pri- Dear Sir -—-You will please accept my sin- cere thanks for your prompt payment, without ance on my Husbend’s Life, amounting to the : sum of three thousend dollars. charge, of the amount of the policy of tthe | ori At yeur ear- recipents of its To you and the North America Life Insur- ance Company we #hall fee] under obligations, puch as only the widow and fatheriess can feel and oxprese. May you have success in inducing others ta insure jn your moat liberal company, and may the Lord of the widow aud orphar®’ bless you yer ee work. RGARKT ©. Baxste, of Rowan Mills, X. C, Mr. Ho’ ia alno agent fur the Liver- pool, London and Globe Firs Insurance Com- vate buildings, Railroad t*, Bridges Fac. i teenie” «8% 4 AGRES of valuable Land in Caldwell County, As an Zizpectorant it has nd Bqual, , C. , Pie tract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES with A amost yaluable WATER-POWER, on Upper Little River, sufficient to drive ony above land.lies ten miles north of ory Station on the W. N. C. Railroad and be sold on the most reasonable terms. Apply to the undersigned at Rowan Mills, N. C.; or 10 Jacob W. Fowler who lives near the lands, JEREMIAH BARRINGER. Aug. 12, 1869,-82tf Rowan Mills, N, C. TO THELADIES. _ will THE Subscriber having been appointed an ages tor the sale of SINGERS CELEBRATED New Family Sewing Machine, | and all itsattachmente offers the same to the Ladies of Western Carolina. This Machine challenges a comparison with any | and all other Machines. It will do more different | kinds or work—from the —— plain seam to the | most beautifu! embroidery—than any other Machine ever invented. *Zeonowy is wealth, then why not buy the best.” These Machines are warranted to give entire satisfaction, If they fail to give satisfaction they may be re- tarned after a trial of two monthe and the money will be refunded. Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be supplied when ordered, at manufactarer’s ces Parties desiring information will please send for specimens of work and circulars. John A. Ramsay, Salisbury, N.C. June 18, 1869. preety THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL LUPE. ANSERAMCE COMPANY OF VIKGINIA TDR: LAWRENCE'S” amount of machinery, with a dam already ed and in good condition. i «© The remainder give tract will bedivided in- to lots of any size, 100 acres | to’ IIGHLY CONCENTRATED ., COMPOUND FLUID BXTRAOT OF KOSKOC The great Health Restorer? Not a Secret Quack, Medicine. Formula around the Bottle. PREPARED SOLELY BY Dr. JgJ. LAWRENCE, ORGANIC CHEMIST. NORFOLK, VA. Beware of Counterfeite. See that Dr. J. J. Lawrence, (heist, Norfolk, Ya. and the word Koskoo, is Motor on the glass of each bottle, Koskoo is endorsed by the best physicians everywhere. Read the ‘following from Dr. Tillery, a successful praciitioner of many yeare standiug in the Old Ncrth State: u—— Ro.ky Mount Edgecombe Co. Sept. 10, 1869. Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir: I have used your Concentrated Flnid Extract of Koskoo io wy practice with the happiest results. 1 find it to be a Powerful Liver Invigorator, Blood Pu- rifier and Nervous Tonic. In all diseases of the Liver, Scrofulous, Syphillitic, and nervous affections, i isa remedy of immense value ; in fact, in almost every variety of Chronic Divease its use is iudicated. Hoping you may weet with the success which you deserve as a manu- facturer of reliable medicines, Im a sir, with mych respect, your obedient servant, R .C. Tirizny, M. D. —o From Dr. Fentress, av accomplished and ex- Bept. 13, 1869 periepoed physician ; Princess Anne Court House, Va, i J.J, Lawrence, M. D.—Dear Sir: I lave carelully examived tbe formula, as we)! as the Thesputic properties of 7 Koskoo cop pound, and have preseri ted in seme stabborn cases of Chronic Liver Affections, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, General Debility, &c., and always with the most gratifying resalts. I find it to be a splendid Tonic, Alterative, and Hepatie combivation, accomplishing its coustitutional effects without the sligbiest debility ; in fact it give support to the general support, while its alterative effects are being prodoced. 1 cheer- fully recommend its use to the public Yours, truly, J. J. Fuwrazes, M.D. Kosaoo cures Scrofula in tts worst forms.— From A W Mills, a pronivegt and well-known merchant of Norfolk, Va.: No, 11 Main Street, Norfolk. Va, Sentember 15, 1869. Dr. Lawrence— Dear Sir: Your Koskoo has PA « Pe RT te 710) W?, Ear _ HOWERTONS COL $25,000 Worth o te ee JUST ARRIVED PROM NEW YORK? THE MOST COMPLETE STOOK of goods ever offered in this acanket at prices to-euit the. times, bought for CASH, and after a heavg ducline in .priges, whereby they cam and witt be sold lower than any in the mar- ket Al Howerton's. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods -of every de- scription and varicty At Howerton's. An elegant assortment of Boots and Shoes Al Howertons. .A splendid assortment of Hats and Caps At Howerton's. An assorted lot of Hariware and Cutlery. At Howerton's. A very superior lot of Queetisware, China and Delf At Howerton's. All grades of Bugar, Coffee, Tea and Molas- ses At Howerton's. 4 Choice lot of Confectioneries At Howerton's. Fine and Common Tobacco, imported Ha- vanna, Regalia, Principe and U.S. Grant Ci- gars At Howerton's. _A complete assortment of Liquors cf all kinds and grades At Howerton's. For Medicinal —— only— Moore's cele- brated seven-year-old-double- rectified - Ken- tuck y- Whiskey —perfectly pure, At Howerton's. Every variety of Yaakee Notions, Al Howerton's, do fine hie stock has besa sélecied with great.care to meet EVERY WANT, ‘Ee Cal avd pr it—it will nog cost you anything to do that—But Don't Ask Por Credit. His motto is “PAY AS YOU GO.” tw COUNTRY PRODUCE ¥f every description taken in exchange. amesdments can be made to it without the call & convention for that purpose. We are warm- next term of the Superoir Court for the | tories, Founderies, Mills an: county. While the Sheriff was taking a} oe ) Sas jpays all jis losses prom Merchandise and fal cures of obstinate and ee | fs Mr. Holderness, at A eg ener and Southern Institution se and Merchant everywhere. Its Funds are kept in the South. | worked wonders in my family, My daughter has been a sufferer from Scrofula since child- Ea” Bank Notes and Specie'taken et he in favor of a Convention, and like'every pol-|lunch, Walker scaled a fitteen fees fenee| wy a I All lesters sddresaed It has met with unprecedented success. | ood lost thirty-one pieecs of boue from oe = routine er en Sates for the Vivginte Wine | TER A. WOOD'S |rromanritie, 80 will receive prompt aiten-| [ts fortunes are ecolablished beyond any | ber sais areal hem her arm, bewidgs bari Highest Morket Rates, peer ee ee" ut we will not propose them now, nor | wh es in grinin, ; ones | on. n a | ’ i of the : bilst in i =e 7 Vi guard ahs « incom the matter further, as it would be hoping | then compromised with Washington by P R i y 4 E ae — contingency. ; d Boren ya tovera! F ee At w. = Ho werton’s, inst hope to hope that the present legisiatare | paying him and agreeing to resign jerryman while residivs ia ey Renae a ee 7 ’ von e continent, whic “ ica as a missionary, dincurcret ple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, | Karly Decay, Disease of the Crivary and Sew- | | inal Organs, and the whole traiu of disorders | brought on by baneful and viciour habits. Great Mowers and Reapers, Used in all countriva, and aniversaily commended as THE BEST IN USE! SALISBURY, N.C. November, 5, 1869. 44—6m GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM the j eral health greatly improved. ‘lt certainly saved her much so$ering, and perhaps her lif >. Directors. of respoaaibily and business capacity ji regard Kuskoo a specific for all serofelona af- It has established its claim to Soutbero Patronage fective Yuur Korkoo also cured my wife of OFFICERS: | dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatly.— nce Damen? true test of responmbitity Itsaffairs are cantious!y administered by selected | utd be indaced to pea either of the bille hich have been introduced. At least such is r present opinion. There may be, and there oubtless are, a namber of Republican menabers | ho secretly favor the proposition, but the time | an office which bad broaght him into —| accrupe. Subsequently, it was agreed to remit the latter part of the terms of the | comp., and Jones will continue to dispense | justice to the Miltonians “a wiser aud 4 | Sbe is now in better health than she has been : better man.” | Awarded more Grst premiams than any ojber | numbers have been cured by thir noble remedy PRESIDENT, : . BLASZIC ee ———* . _ _ Machine manufactured, both in tne Prompted by a desite to benefit the afflicted | JOHN E. EDWARDS jin eee b ‘1 oft > aezsues for it under Democratic lead. 7” . ee _ : 7 ’ 7 and anfortunate, I will send the recipe for pre | vice PRESIDEKT SaaReT AY: - : he highest regarcs, A “W th ily FAMILY ee Father Hyacinthe Excommunicated.— 1 AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, paring and axing this medicine, ina sealed ep | Wau. B Isaacs, D. J. Hakrsoox ae ey . . tla SEWING MACHINES COMMON SCHOOLS. The Italian correspondent of the Patrie velope, to any who needs it, Pree of Charge _ : K th fa 5 Read ° that it is undersood in | Among hich is Address. JOSEPH T. INMAN, | ; ; osKoo, the great Invigorator. Read the 181 Baltimore Sereet, Bal: Beas’, thas Faucher H nah ‘ : : | . Htation D., Bible Hoare, | MEDICAT EXAMINER, following from she Rev. Joseph EK. Martin, pes- wregi y es m, that Pat acinthe te cxeom- Yan C CHARLES H. 8MIPH, M. D tor of Wesley Chapel, Portsmouth, Va: We learn from a letter from Rev. 8. S. scale aedh ve ie vie Gaatisuaedl THE HIGHEST PRIZE! Oot. 1—6en New York City | i | tor esley Chape rtsmouth, Va Ashely. Superintendaat of Publie Instroe- tion, that be will visit Salisbury on Satur- day wext, the 27th inst.. at whieh time he will be glad to meet the county Commisivu- ers, Rehool Committees end the friends of His object is to ex. plain the present sehoul system. We hope the meeting will be had and that every fa- cility will be extended to the Superintendant education generally. in the discharge of his duties. a PISCOPAL VISITATION. Rt. Rev. ATkixs8ox, Bishop of the Div- cese of North Carvlina. made fis annnal| visit to this parish on last Sabbath. On Sao Sanday morning aud Sunday night preached in Saiut Luke's Charch to large and ap- preciative congregations with the great ability and Christian charity for whieb he isso distinguished. On Sanday morning he bap- tized three children and ove adalt, and on Sunday night he administered the sacred rite of conformatioa to eight persons. Ile seemed to be in the enjoyment of very good bealth. —_ We raturn our thanks ta the Salisbary T.yceum Clab for the ecmpliment paid us in electing as an honorary of the same. It wil! aiford ns much pleasure to meet with them whenever we can do 80. 7 —_—_-- , The Feclectic for Deeember is on our table. and is avery good number. It is embel- at the Council of Trent. The statement that several French Bishops will defend the Rey. Father before the ecumenical Council is unfounded. Itis possible that | Father HNyacinthe’s name will be men- | tioned in the discussions regarding the liberties of the Gallican Church and the jurisdiction of bishops over monas:eri 6 of their diocese; but there is no reason to believe that the case will be made the | salject of a speeial debate at the iveiance | of any of the prelates. London News. | ‘ — | —_—-—- Tae Corree Trapve—Brazil is the | greatest prodacer of coffees That known | in trade as Rio is a Becxiliau coffee. Of | the 712,000,000 pounds produced by the | world per anuam, Brazil furnishes 400,-| 000,000, more than half of the whole; | Java 140,060,000; Ceylon 40,000,000 ; | St. Domingo 40,000,000 ; Cuba and Pors ; to Rico 25,00000; Venezacla 25,000,000 ; | Samatra 25,000,000 ; all others, incladin the Mocha, 18,000,000. The Uni States is the greatest consumer. “ | asec iu United States nearly on third of all the coffee consumed in the world, using | vearly seven times as much as Great Bri- tain, with population not very far from the same. (Germany comes next. —_—-a——_—— “WE'VE MUCH TO BE THANK FUL FOR” We often hear the “homestead exemp- tion” in this State spokeu of as giving lished with a fine steele engraring of Father Tyacinthe, who is now creating a consider- able sensation in the religions world. The readers of the Ecelectic will doubtless be giad to obtain this portralt of great French pulpit orator. Io view of the near approach of the meet- ing of the Couneil of the Vatican—the lead- ing artiale an ‘*France and the (Eaumenical Counoil of 1869. will be foand of special! in- It is a very able paper and discustes the past, present, and probable future of Roman Catholicism. tracing the progress of the liberal element which is making itself felt more and more conspicnausly within the Chareh. The article on "Female Education in Franee"t is also one of much interest.— There are few persons who, after reading it, will not have a clearer couception of w the Ruman Catholics mean whea they de- | mand depdminational sehoolss Ti also eoutain part JIT of Pro. Seely’s abie papat on Roman Imperialism, whieh is the most interesting of the series that has terest. New ADVERTISE MENTS.— Notice to Creditors M. W, Goodman, adm'r. Notice-—H. J. C, Chambers. Court Order from Btanly county. son Ton Candy——George Miller & Son. Tvemorest’s Magazine and Young Aniezica, Yeast or Baking Powdase -Dr. RL (foe and placing itin the power of man too mach opportunity to defraud bis people not well te do in the world, to con- tract debts which they never intend to | y, and still own a fifteen hundred dol- ar farm, or town lot. This may be too much, bat it might casily be worse ; as it is at the present time in Arkansas. In that favored location, a man is al- lowed to hold one hundred and sixty acres of land, and personal property to the amoant of two thousand dollars, and if the perty the “poor man’ owns chances to be in a town lot, he may hold from his creditors five thousand dollars worth of property, subject only to taxes, laborers or mechanics lien, and securities for the rchase money thereof. Arkansas must G fine place for a aryl with a moderate to live—and keep it. asia Werks Times. ————————— A Splendid Prize for the Ladies! | The yetappeared. Address E.R. elton, Pob- | lisher, 108, Fulton street, New York. apenas finest, ost pleasing. and costly engraving bei the Legion of [Lonor, At Paris Exposition, 1867 [Tw Grand Gold Medals and Cross of | | | ip effected partly by the acsion of a solvent. cal e4 | Joho Dooley More than 120,000 now in Use!| 20,000 mannfactured and sold in 1868 and the demand ansupplied. Increaxing Demand, Increased Facilities idditional Improvements for 1869. Wood's Prize Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) “ Self Raking Reaper, with New Mowing Attachracat. Hand Rake per. Haines’ Illinois Harvester. Manufactured by the Walter A. Wood Mow- ing and ing Machine Company. General Offive and Manafactory, Hoosick Falls, Rens “ | selaer couoty. N.Y. Branch Oficesand Sales Rooms—44 Cort- landt sireet, New York city. P. O. Box, 5805. 206 Lake Street. Chicago, DL Alexandria, Va Martison, Wis. 77 Upper Thames, 8t.. Londoa. | Send for New Descriptive Circular and Price List. Applieations from the South, South of Vir- sia, should be addressed to the New York Branch Office, as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED, Extra Inducements Offered ! McCubbins, Sullivan & Go. are Agents for the above Reapers in Salisbury. april 23—16:1%n WEA GIG | Ts ABOVE I8 THE MOST APPRO- riate name that could bave been applied to this valuable and powerfully influential Pain Destroyer. Its inflaence over sudh painful mal- adies ae it is recommended to exert cannot be qaestioned only by those who have not tried it. There ia claimed for it a repntation over all other preparations recommended for similar ucposes—when they have failed, MAGIC Cae not. Keep it always in your family foritis truly an enemy to Newralgia, H , Too athe, Earache Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody-F luz, Dyspep- sia. Sore Throat, Rheumatic Pains, Ferer and Ague, Sprains and. Bruises, Inflamation of Kid. neys, Nereows Debility, Colic, Pains or Spasms, of anv character. Prepared and for sale ” Dr. G. B, ee Druggist and Apothecary, Salisbury, } June &. 1869. “e z 90-1f ever published in Ainecica. to be pre 1 as a premiom to each subscriberte Demo- | reat's Monthly, a Magazine of practical atil- { lity in the household. a mirror vt the fash- lions. aula literary conservator of surpass- | ing interest and artistic excellence, ack now!l- edged to be the Model Parlor Magzine of America. The engraving. 28 by 25 inches. is from lthewriginal paintiog, entitled, “The Pie-Nie jun the 4th of Jaly.” } Phe painting took a ghole yer, gai is Yadkin Valley Nursery. FOR THK FALL OF 1869 AND SPRING j of $870. A large and fall assortment of Nutec- Stock, embracing Apples, Peaches, Pears, | honk Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines and li | Vines. Great inducements te purchaeers in | large quantities. Personal inspection or correspondence rolici |ted. Catalogues furnished on application. Address, A. €. CONRAD, Viamns, Foraytho Oo., ¥. 7 , Sav. 5, 19g ~ | | | BOW WOSTErTER’s BIITERS CURE DYSPEPSIA. THE WHOLE STORY IN A KUT-SOELL. The office of the stomach is to convert the food into a cream.-like semi-fuid, cailed Cnyur. This the gastric juice, which exudes trom the coating of the stomach, and partly by a mechanical movcment | of that organ, which churus, asit were. thedissol¥- | py 4 Smith, The ( my «x pames from the stomach | phos. J. Erann = i James A. Brot, | where itis sabjected to the action of the bile. and) y yy Qaaries, | the nutritious portion of it converted into a fetid) ws oH. Tyler ing aliment into the dvedenum, or entrance to the bowels called Cuvie, which eventually becomes blood, Now, it is evident that if the great solvent. the grstric jnice. is not produced in aufficieat a gota or if the mechanical! action of the stomach is not sufficiently brisk, the first process of digestion will be bat imperfectly performed. It ix also clear that changing the noni ishing portion of the chyme into tne material of the blood, is congested. im anr annataral condition, the second process wil! not be thoroughly accomplished. The resuit of the two failures is dyspepsia, complicated with bMiiousness. The mode in which HOSTETTER'S B'TTERS erate in anch cases ia this: they invigorate the lular membrane of the stomach, which evelres the gastic eprans thereby insenng an ample sufficiency of the flaid to completely dissolve the food. They al- 80 act apon the perves of the stomach, causing an acceleration of the mechanica! movement Lecersary to reduce the food to a homogeneous mass They also act specifically apon the liver strengthening if the liver, which plays such an important part in | the nutr' tions particles of the Chyme into Chyte. and promote the passage through the bowels of the naelesa debris In this —t and liver complaint. plain, simple, philosophical, and TRUE. The explanation is nov & e's Bale.-NOTICE [3 HERE- by given that I will a at Public Sale, at the Court Hone in ishary, on Friday the 10th day of December, A. D., 1869, at 12 o'clock, M.. the following property belonging to the estate of Wm. M. Barker, Bankrupt. 1. All the notes and accounts belonging to said estate. Terms Cash. JEREMIAH BARRINGER, Nov. 12, 1869—46—3t Assignee. Southern Soothing Syrup, For Children Teething, Cholic. and Griping of the Bowels, Ac.. Ac. ie FREEDOM FROM OPIUM, MOR- ine, &c,, and ¥ recommends it to M and Nurses—aa it ie, by a great odde, the best and safest Medicine in nse, on all the ills incident to Children Teething. Rubbed on the Gums, it softens and lesséne their tension, thereby allaying the pain and irri- th. tation, which is the chief source of the unrest and fretfulness of children. [It gives tone and to the stomach and bowels, and prom pt- ly relieves all spasmodic pain in them, aniging from wind. Saffice it to anv, that those who onee uso it, will never want anything elsc. At E. SILLS’ Drug Store Salisbury. Nov 19, '869. (21-46) Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Un- adaiterated. at the Old North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. CHARLOTTE, N.C, ALSO, Want to parchase G10 or 1000 head of Cattle, and pey the highgat Cash Pricea for Cor end Rye. oT jaly 2—20:6m ju it, and eo enabling it to igor an ample and reg- } ular ly of bile, for parpore of converting HOSTETTER’S BITTER care dye | GENERAL AGEST, Jxo LeGO AL APVISER, CUGABSELE, H. ( LaAlBORNE DIRECTORS : John Enders Heury K. Ellyson, William F. Taylor, Asa sos der, Samuel! &. Cotuell, H. f Samvel (. Tatdy, Charles T. Wortham, George Jacobs, Williom Wiliis Jr., J. W. Allison, tseorge 8. lalmer, 1.1. Cawckley, H.C, Cgbetl, 1, J. Harteook Jabo C. Willtama, Willem G. Taytor, A. P. Abeil, Wm. B. lsaaca, George 1.. Bideood, Samee! M. Price. J.E. Radwards, | A. ¥.Mtokes, J. B. Morton, 1 R.H. Dibret? | Williem H. Palmer, LEWIS C. HANES. Avr. Feb. 12—ly Lexixctoy, N. © | THE GOLD MEDAL | Has just been awarded to _ CHAS. M. STTEFF, | For the best Piano row made, over Raltimore, Phil- adelphia. and New York Pianos. \ OFFICE AND WARFROONS. | No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Ballti- | more Strect, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF’S PIANOS have all the latest improve- menta, including the Agroffe Treble. Ivory Fronta. and the improved French Actiop, fully warranted for five years. with privilege of exchange within | twelve months if not entirely entisfactory to parcha- | | sere. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs a] wayson hand. from $50 to $300. References. who have onr Pianos in use Gev. R. B. Lee, Lexington, Va. Gen. D. H. Hill, Chartotte N.C. Gen. Robert Ransom. Wilmington. N C, Gov. John Letche , Lexington, Va. Messrs. R. Barwell & Son, Cheriotte, N.C. Jaines H. Greenlee. Morganton. X. C. J.H. Smith & G. W. Melton, Chester, 8. C. the above celebrated Pianos. Pianos sold at Factory prices. june 18—ly D. T. CARRAWAY, Commission lerchant, , ARO . Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS, HARDWARE. Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wi dow Shades, &r., Ke. >) —_— [ ROMPT attention given to orders, and te the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobac co, Dried Frait, &c , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april 9—t4- ly NEWBERN, N.C. ' | who has fad several years snecesstnl experi- jence—n situation to teach, in a family oF Of 2 erwise the usual branchee of an Enz! edie eation,—rornaic not inclided Aduress hI jrerme RV. JOUIN HW. TILLINGHAST, 433 -2 Selle 7, % C . Barkerville. | X3* Drown & Bernhardt are agente for tLe sale of! [sacmas. --THE UNDERSIGNED | wishes to obtain for his sister—a lady /{rFor Sate BY aLL DRvGaists. ees | 1 ine, bemi-Weekly. “This is to eertuy that inyself aad wily have uted Dr Lawrence s Korkoo, and can testify to lite beneficaal effects. Previous to taking it we were in a condition of debilitalion—bad no ap- | petite, and snffered from sudden and often vio- lent attacks of headache and nervousness. Two bottles of Koskvo has jmproved ovr general | Leaith, and we regard it as invaluable, and | | must cLeertolly recommend it to all who have | ured of imvigeraior. Youre, &e., Josiern E. Mantix } { Read the fullowing {rom Dr. Goddin, the ex- | | perienerd and succeesiul “ «preialist,” cf Nor: | folk, Va.: ' Norfolk, Va., Sepr. 19, 1869. | Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: I have — | | your ‘Koskoo’ for Syphiis 1a its vanous forms with the most satisfactory revolts, | have sat- | iefted myself by experience, thet it will curs that chevase in its worst and most malignant | stages, and eradicate cvery taint from the sys- tem. The Kosko is certainly an alterative of} jextraordinary power, and fully deserves the | great wlarity which it has so rapidly attain- er Pe? “Ss. B. GODDIN, M.D. KOSKOO!! CURES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. ‘ Norfolk, Va. Sept. 7, 1869. Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dvar Sir: My son has) | reeeived so wach bovefit trom your wonderful | | Kuekoo that I cannot refrain from expressing | | my gratitude, Thad tried almost everything ; } withont benefit. I believe, in all sincerity, that | | your Koskvo isan Jnfallible Remedy for the di- ;aease from which he bas suffered, and, so far 1 as I can learn, but never failed. If you onty | knew the immense amount of suffering that ee has undergone, fhat you could conceive the value ot such a retnedy as Kosko—that surely | cures. The great ainount of good it is now do- ing among vs is ioesttmable. With much gratitude, T am_ reepectfally yours, &&., Mas. M. B, A. Nivaon. | Dr. Leawrence—Dear Sir; Uavirg been treated Ly several skilful physicians for Bvsses | sia, Chronic Disease of the Kidney's General — [commenced the ase of your Koskoo, and am pleased to say that ander ite use my health has been entirely restored. * Iam sir, with much reepeet, yonr obedient servant, UV. B. Meare No. 5, Market at; Norfolk Va., July 9, 1869 Pacific, Franklin county, N. C., Sept. 11. 1869, ; This is tocertify that for a jong time I have Debility, &e., wrhout benefit, asa last resort! Points of Bxcelience. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and simphcity of Machinery Using both threads directly from ihe spools. No fastening of sears by hand an ! no waste of thread, Wide range of application without change of adjustment The seam retains its beauty aod firmness afler washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines ere- cute the most beaatiful and t Em- broidery and oroamental work. For eale by ANDREW MURPRY, oct 15—ly Selisbary, N.C. ee ae ee $15 GEBTTHE BpsT. #820 BUY THE OFLY GRECIKE IurROTED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, Mapufectured by THE OROIDE WATCH Co.— They are all the best make. Munting (arses, finely chased; LOOK axD WEAR LIKE FIXER GOLD, afd are equal in appearance to the best gold watches usually costing $150. Full Jeweled Lerers, Gents and Ladies’ sizes. at $15 each OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED S014 Oro Gold Hanting ( ases, Full Jeweled | evers, are equa: to $200 Cold Watches; Regulated and Cuarertecd to keep correct time, and wear end not tarnieh, with Extra Fine Cases. at 820 each. | NO MONEY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCR.— Weaend by Express any where inthe United States, payable to agenton del.very, with the privilege to open and examine before paid for. and if net sation factory retarned, by paying the Exyrese rherges.— Goods will be sent by mai! as Registered Pecks ge, prepaid, by eending cash in advance. An Agent sending for Siz Watches gata on extra Wateh free, making seven $15 Watches for $20, or Seren $20 Watches for $120. ALSO KLEGANT OROIDE COLD CHAINS, of tatest and mort costly styles, for Ladies and Gentie- men, from 10 to 40 inches long, at $2. $4, €6, and 68 each. sent witlt watches at lowest wholesale prices State kind and size of watelymqnirec. sad to atod pbogas coveerns order only frota THE ORGIDE WATCH CO, 148 Pulton street, New York. - WORTH & WORTH, por 56—6m | suffered very tnuch from indication of the liver |and constipation of the bowets, and tried sever. } tal remedies, but received po benefit until 1 commenced taking Koskoo, I took the medi-} Jeine about one mouth, and I was completely | cored, and bave femained wel, I kuow ol | jseveral cures made by Korkou, and cordially | recommend itas a good medicine. Joun H. Bang. | ge Dr. Lawrense’s Women's Frien cures diseases peculiay Wb Fem ues. | Wor sale by Dr.G.R POULSON | \ Divgyst and Ay suecary, Saluubury, N.0 THE anderaigned hare this day formed a copart- ne ship for tie pee of continuing the Grxea:. CouMisaton ayo Snretxg Braremea, #2 the {prime diacc snecesars 40 the late Grm of WUKTH & OBNIEL ead Y. G, WORTHE, and hoge by atrict attention to the Intorestg of their shippers snd friends, to gire good aatiafsetion to all whe «ay fsyor thea: wish besinéss, RB. G. WORTH, D. G. WORTH, WILMINGTON, N.C, Oct. 180A, 1869. Agent for N. Y. and North Cerolina Steambip Philadelphia and Sonthern Mai! Steamabip (¥ m pany, to Philadr!phia, Amith’s Line New York Sail Pa Kte. Cape Fear Steamboat Line of River boate. Dealers in lharging. Kope, Iron Trem, dime, Pi ees ter.Cement Ha, Pernyiso Quano aod Man y's Supe: l'uorphs sa of Lame + ‘ a mn CINCINNATTIAN IN SEARCH OF |. RECOLLECTIONS OF QUEEN . Ps ¥ YY el . ~ = f Sallie ; ia itive me val Pe = a res Che Old North State ** VICTORIA. A WIFE HOW HE WAS “DONE"), * , me - . . ” <a 7 r. 5 1 ’ “f +. ae a IN A NEIGHBORING TOWN. e |e a — wales ——— eran d 6 87 { rT} MiG: SALISBURY. FRIDAY. NOV. 26, 1869. In the November numberof Hearth and __ ph . Heo ee , i ” Sout ‘ "IG & r es <“"PHE-ONLY , Son AG ———--——~_ | Home the yrtiat Sully gives some reeol-| ‘The Springfield (O.) Daily Advertiser 7 pit } Wew': Goods ! Gah eins 4 « GAD + 2 MEETING OF THE TRU STEES leetions of the queen, He painted the tells how a Cincinuatian was nigely cook: , , ty MEDICINE ‘THAT ~ OF THE UNIMERSITY, [Reported for the Staudard.] The Trnstees, on the 17th adopted iting the following plus fur the Univsraity :{acetmmodation at Buckingham Palare, I That it embrace the following Colleges, told the men who. were laying the car- each of which is divided into several | pets that they had fixed | the rou OP! 14) dually arrangements were made with Schools or Departments of Sredy,, under (quite enough but they said, “Ob no, the - 8 © s ; ‘his dear ‘ably . the overnimcnt> of a Profesrer, ‘vith ae |queen is particluar. his dear unknown, and agreeably to them many assistants as may be necessary; In order to reach the painting room I) the train on Saturday landed in Spring- and in each of thesc Scvols there is one or) had to ee through a room called the | ficld a modern Japhet, hought in search . | ta a Yt ; , >} > . more Classes. King’s cioxel, and I naw ly ng pur the | of a nearer relation than a parental one. eae OF pure | queen's desk books which showed that | “Saturd . ee 1. COLLEG ishe did uot rend nonsense. Amoug these | calurcuy wee meee praiuy day, and , | booke were Channing’s Discourses, I re-| prevented the lovers’ mecting. Beveral | sugar, then add the milk, and last the ceived the impression at the time that she (notes were passed, aud the anxious heart | Hour and whites. of the fond expectant besought a speedy } By a teaepoontul is meant, in these re- was a Unitanun. : ; baw. | " ‘The qucen came ‘0 the: sittings with | interview. A note from Ta requesting | celpes, a medium sized teaspoon even ed by a wag of that town who hud an swered his advertisement for.correspons dence with a view to matrimony. After, giving some choice eclections from the correspondence, the Adoertiser asserts ea os RRR, a 4 oa : Hy aes ret ee ray & 1 7 ab , Easter ‘Winter stock of New Goods 7 8 y portrait of Queen Victoria, and writes of her: A painting réom was arrangeg for my Cures All Pain ! a which is very large and complete od Wf the edhe! a: newspaper over Taved quik “ork browns'too faat @ it. & - - purchased direotly their Agents since Tosh consisting in part of Dissolve the sda in the milk, and mix the cream of tartar dry into the flour, Always beat the whites of egge stiff, and add them at the same time with the |- flour. Stir the yolks with the butter and The Great Decline in Dry Goods, All we ask ir a call at the well known Bm- porinm of this market. We invite your atten- Lbs kept in i g St o r e , " SA L I S B U R Y , N. C , DRY GOODS, LITERATURE AND tion to afew LEADING ARTIC. this wholesale and retail stock + Ahrs, with the following eehroola: 1. Intellectnal aud Moral Phileophy. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, OU L S O N ’ S : Notions, Hats, Shoes READY-MADE CLOTHING, Pant. Goods, D , Patent Medivines, - Stati I -atnts, Founer’ 1. Kerosene and Linseed Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and Har- j Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sole and Upper Leather, Enameled and CO N B W O K W S BR E A S T PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y . BO T T L E S ; Co m b e NE V E R FO R G E T DR . CG . B. P WI I E R E YO U WI L L AL W A Y S FI N D FR E S H , PU R E . AN D RE L I A B L E | Dr u g s an d Me d i c ir s t - C l a s s CA N N O T BE UN D E R S O L D . Englieh Language and Literacare. : History and Politieal Economy. | her sceretary the Baroness Igttzen. She | him to stay over Sabbath was. received | full. J Dry coffee engar makes lighter cake Latin Language and Literature. Philadelphia or Boston, and used to talk jand a tender billet doug dispatched ac- : Greek Language and Literatore. | about differnt things, [ 'eaw that she rel- | Fually the hour and place teacup of sngar to the white of one egg lor the recuuter. was fixed. ‘Tbe time, | is sufttciert Chemistry. ‘had not had auch a treat for aleng time. j Sunday afternoon 2:30 ; the place, the | ( Natural History. 'Ltold her L wowld get my danghter to | Opera- Hause eorugr.’ | of ten eggs very light, and add to the same echouls is required. | impropriety — ia order to save ber the | abroad, and or Saturday afternoon and w careful not to stir much alter the 5 A etulect may gralu.te in any one of) rouble. Sunday the Murray House’ was besieged | whites are in. Patent Leather, SS E S AN D AB D O M I N A L SU P P O R T E R S — L A T E S T IM P R O V E - EN T S ; an d Br a s h e s ; Fa n c y So a p s an d Pe r f u m e r y ; Ci g a r s an d - T o b a c c e . . Mathematies. | was very affable, ike a well-bred lady of |r the bands of an ebony-lined youth, | 3 | than the pulverized. For frosting, one | ceding to it. Modern Languages and Literature. | ished American freedom very much; she | - ; 5 7 ” | White Sponge Cake —Beat the whices Examination for entrance into the] sit with the regalia—if there would be ne “Meanwhile the affair got -whiepered | quantity of flour aud sugar as above. -- : it I ’ of : ' the Schools and receive a diploma sigued) “Ob, no impropriety.” replied Victo- | by tivatiges uF maceeies) jokers, whose | California ‘Cake.—Seven ounces su- = by the Professor of that Seloul. ‘ria, “but don’t spare me; it L can be of) Cera ea Ste pity when there was fun) oop four ounces butter and yolks of three Coach oi | Certificates of proficiency, in certain service T wilt sit. , jafloat, ‘Their eountenances were distort: | bee three tablespoonfuls fan half a —_- e | Jertificate: CLECs : \ : ’ ‘ \ ile hie coke }CBwSs : ce ’ { branches of a School are given: asof| After that wy dangbter sat with the re- vt " oa nears en see me teaspoouful soda, one teasponful lemon ; | LEATHER, J Ure IV son OY or forty! Le ae Soe | six ounces flour, a teaspooutul cream tar- . : Botany in the School of natural History.! gala, which weighed thirty Harness A graduate of the fivet six, with either | pounds, ‘The carvings had to be tied with pain to keep it: in. CALF & LINING SKINS, LVHL GANIOIGAN Gdn plinees. wer : Side glunecs were sap aud the three whites beaten. , > . ( ‘had at the strange gentleman, whe, as| : ®, one of the last: three Schools, may be ja loop, as L bad uot allowed her ears to | \" trange eM : et 2. Ok ' ; ot eaniednte for ile iieunnly De-| be pierced. the hour approached for ihe interview, | con Baek Ne ounecs ugar H ARDWARE and Saddlery %o, AINO 3HL oe , geal A,B L Hfer mouth was always a little apen— | walked reatleasly up and down the pave- | and three o utter; half a teacup of) wy cov i y.. ' ment, at times glancing at hia watch, then | sweet milk and one-third of a teaspoon. | Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage : ‘ ' . in this College. A graduate of all the probably owing to a shortness of the up , . : seta ; far oli ful of soada; Se , i eae sauitdatc | Te ea tig sVited itn Batre: smouthing his shiny beaver, ors tiling | ; care cee MM idate iur the | ater a ee ne ne ae aaa his collar and tie to a nicety, Buta few | corn starch and a small teaspoouful | lminntes are lacking, aud the hour of bia cream tartar; whites of three beaten. — . Twa Sy . ther eyes, al g rutuberant were beau- ; By Ate ; i foie II. COLLEGE OF PHILOsovny. j Her eyes, & though protuberant #ere beau \happinces bas come. So, taking a part- need no flavoriuz and is just enough for a| reat three ouners floc, three of | Tfitmings; in tact, thousands of articles tuo . | tedius to enumerate, We are agents for the Threshers Trimmings of all CLEMMONS' STAGE LINDS! WARSAW eae tiful. ! kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- 1. Totellectual aud Moral Fullosopny: | ‘A lawyer in Landes, by the name of | ing look in the office mirror, and seater: smal] round loaf or for foar layers. 2 cn To Fayetteville. 2. Kuglish Ladguage and Literatare, taal ) ked y ing the seauty singlets over the place! Sponge Cake.+Stir the yolke of five | on BRAVE W for Fi i Oi litical E angley, asked me,— Oe] sets tae oe " oe | 4 ge Cake.—* » J ; . : 2 Warsaw for Fayetteville daily ex- : Lert Political Economy. “Were you uot awe-steuck when you where it was painfully Ware, _ grasped eggs with eight ounces of sugar and add | C LE A N ERS ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, cept Sunday. If you “are in Soten +o ore s. sintod (that picture?!” ‘bis cane and sauntered leisurely down | (easpoonful- of flavoring extract. Beat | 9 Carolina go to Raleigh and procure a through 5. Chemistr : P eres he e oe | Main street to the Opera-House. He \ the whi ; : Also, Manufacturers’ Agents for the celebrated | ry : . 1. |tieketto Puyetteville for $3; Through Tickets 6. Nataral History. No,” 1 replied, “f have painted a) it slowly : daily { Ube whites etiff and add with five and 4) Bone Dust. Do. do. Rifle and Blasting Powder. Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co-| from Goldsboro’ vin Warsaw, to Fayetteville 7. Latin Language and Literature, number of ladies of av b’gh respectabili- | arta 5 l yl Nig ObCASHMIAN tO} half oances of flowr, in which is mixed| (@" We invite the attention of Merchants | $6. Through tickets from Weldon to Fayette- 9. Engineering. . ty as the Queen.” j {ork Oround, GRC WHI . o crosses the half a teasdoonful cream of tartar. i the trade generally, to oar stock, assuring pal and Coach Varnish, White, ville $10. Tkrough tickets frou Wilmington, “Why,” he said, “an English paiuter atreet, and returne with the sane weas- | soda is used. Mix very lightly only jast | them they will find nothing but fresh and desi- ’ via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6. 1 : duat f th i i ith® 5 » G o _ er of vhs inet theos pk eas would have been overcome.” \ ared gait, re-cre-see the street, stops i | enoagn to get the materials together, and | ars oe bene wn eva thlen wil a candidace for the Universis Degree of One day, | was tolt the Baroness froat of the building, and leans com: | pour into a. deep square tin. Have the | be wo you ps Trqasore. Ph, B. The graduate of all the Schools. | Leizen, ber peeretary, held up the Queen's posedty apon the railivug at the eutrauce oven rather hotter than for the other Smith. F r & Co. for the Degree of Ph. D. | handkerchief, which had been found! ay Ge ae oe = ae : ‘cake, and bake to a pale browe. * SALISBURY,N.C., * . »f “Thi eae it nodreds had essem- , o . a : oN.C., LI. COLLEGE QF SCIENCE AND THB eee ™ "Tite Boland ig wor yd | bled, and Main street was one broad grin = Cake.—Four ounces butter and | tele. Ay Se ee . — . swe it full of holes; but Victorm eaid | The crowd kept lukiag ot upon we vie- ak wel ball a tesrgee ee onde | t. ; 1: Intellectnal' and-Moral Philcsophy. | that she liked hankerchiefe which were tim who was edu to be sagrifed. At this} ™ Pee ee sees J UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE 2. English Language and Literature. well worn and soft, they were then pleas- Jaoetuse the _ eee Soe i SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. CUARLOTTE TO WADESBORO: Leave Charlotte after trains from Raleigh and Colambia, vie Monroe, for Wade<boru’ Colored Paints of alt kinds, Cot. (rere aay ee meni Saturday al esbory’, Tuenday, Thoreday, aod Saturday,at- ter arrival of trains and Stage from Wilmington. MORRISVILLE, via Prrrspono, TU EGY PT. Leave Morrisville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. a: Egygt Monday, Wednesday and Fri- Lead of the very best Brands, ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, same ebony who had car- 3. Mathematics. not to “sop” ber teh: vied the vious notes stepped ap to — 4 Chemistry. \" latte ibah tak ane Ob | Japhet wad handed hima note. «He en- oances flour and one a creas | 1000 sacks or sar. Clemmons’ Accommodation Line } : | . . tastar; whites of four eggs. Be came to witness the progress of the fres- | gerly opened ft and read the story of the} ; ee" : etween Salem and High Point, will charter coing id Buckingham Palace, which was | sell,’ together with some salutary advice | ’ oa il -~ oe 25 BBLS MOLASSES. hei hi > |ia regard to the danger vt advertising tor) How Uns. an | ce i, fiat Happ taper nS :* ak He siowly refulded the aoe ae | when done, bat will not fall if not quite | 12 BWBS. MOLASSES. aed. rn gros er lebonsita Economy. a Prince of Wales tell and seraiched | ST —— oe > yell | react eat A Saas TIME TABLE--N. C. RAILROAD . Multa: renee. vis arm on the grave’ ‘The attendante ee: © Kept On| : : . The gradgate of the first ecven. with rushed to his et bat Vietorka jw —_ the Laughing demos, aud guaght | Pane added is very nice. either candidate for the Baccalaarcate ; | said “When you stop bellowing like calf bia hoiel by a back epirance, Lut, unbap To Cure Hams and Shoulders.—The . Natural History. 6. Eugineering. 7. Modern Languages an@ Literatnre. 8. Lating L ngaage and Literature. Stages at all hours “Cheaper than the Cheap- est.” Office at Butner's Hotel, Salew, X. . E. FP. CLEMMONS, Oct. 1; 1869—1f Contractor. NEW YORK and North co > Soa POWDER ! POWDER ! Wilmington, © —— and the graduate of tho three last schoole,| y ily, fomod it closed dhe foreed | : been used twont aatte....- : : say tedeatl , ole,| you shall be attended to.” pily, fonod it closed, aod be waa freed | following reewpe has - 7) Gh Mes +oe oa | ORT am O04 at; ; tH ioe ages cundidate -iu ali, tor the)” ‘The same artist told me tha’ her teach- to pare iv thu front partale I+ hasten: | yoo ae : Bales del “ ‘“ =. 2 rere a = WON witty otal IV. COLLRO® OF AGMCULTURE AND THE apeeta to Ter. a ; led from the sight of men, and, in the enl-- +e ‘af saltpetre, one-foarth ee ot oad 225 * pe *t - FAIRBANKS, Capt A. Iter, , sugar or molasses; rub the and began to look vtithe matter as Tyht) deshy part of the meat with this mixtare , ——— — | a porribte, bat bie stomach was very !onee a week for three weeks; then hang) erst". | jaiive D. P. Morgan, O. Chichester. “Ys there any office in the Palace I can | ~—FRAINS SOUTH give you?” she asked, ——— | ea - ~ WM. P. CLYDE, “ REBECCA CLYDE, MECHANIC ARTS. 1. Intellectual and Meral Philosophy. — Mar , He said there waa none. “< ; | pave, | amarve. teave | a . oa SANF shn Aloore 2. Englieh Language avd Litcraiure “Well, then,” aatd Qaeen, U ‘twill make heavy. He enmplied with the request of| up as they grew, stub downwards, 00 88 | giiisnmro! S| ae ptt = ran | RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING mane pany ltabet ee 2 = es mac _ 3. Politfeal Keonomy. peer ee ay yee {the last Vetter, aud furnished bunds 69 | not to leak out the liquid. Ralvigh 6:00 7. w.| 620 ~ [150 am) 1h40 = He a eee ee Hee y one. You shall be my stirrnp-bolder. [os the atroais uf bin ertaccuters: breail Cee. | ose (00 «| Ben! 600 POWDER required to meet the demands of the tra le — 4. Matchematics. | Sa, daily be wae at hie post, whether i me eae Mecha (ak it aleht For Sausage, use one-half ponnd of ——, s'8 hen am one as < ae , Sailing from New York every WED NESOA Y Chemistry. the Queen rode or not. len pres nat in thew enasies “He lef salt; one ounce of sage, one onnee of | Chertate, | 083° | emo | and Sd ne oc 4 P. BL, trom Mer 15 & pa agg ————_—— Le ete ci eae ae iecliclur, ix Le| Depper, anda little giuger if you desire. | “ww gases coum oil he comerciians, East ona Wat | 9 ina eaaeapien BILLINGS BEST. APPLE ; Pt ppixG.—Line a paddiag paareeyt VRAIS ve nat ran to Geidedors’ only wher | Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar {Br The attention of Shippers is called ltruc, yet wiser far than wheu he cau ee Freight ell) be brought regular: | 8. Modern Langnages. 9. Building and Architectare. 10. Military Scicne 11. Book keeping and Commerce. Lhe graduate in the firet seven, wit! dish with nice light bisenit dough, very | iy vy te passenger trai short and rolled thin. Put upon ita layer of sweetened apple-sance, tart and | Put upoa this a layer of «pread bread and butter, hactily dipped | vires to the LOW RATESand FACIATIES offured by this Line, which are euperior to any heretofore offered THROUGH BILLS OF LADING —_——— COLLECTING MONEY. ALSRET JONNFON, ’ mtr gent sonnet | and ‘Tea, Molasses and Syrup, TIMM TABLE W.N © MRAILMOAD. | GOLNG WEST. | | 7. Agricaltare. \ Men monrn for what they have loet— | wimmin for wbat hain't got. I judge of a man's virtew entirely h well seasoned Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and An atiorney recently reeeived an ne i | FTATIONS. ARRIVE LEAVE. iy : . . ci her of the bast four echoole, may be bie pashions. | It ie a great deal caacer. count for ealivetian, and in reply he wmade in milk, into whieh press raisins, English , Saibient’, 452 aw. 8454. M. . = te all ee the North ng STEW come a candtdate for tbe Breealarse te; ww be a good dove than a deccut sat-| he following statement of the Goaneial! curraate or dried cherrica; then cover, 13 Third Creek, 412 4:57 in short ailroac aud ils TPN BADLI: yulds- and in all the sebools, for ue Masters’s | peat. / condition of the section ia which be re- | with another layer of apple-sauce ; theu 25 Statesville, 5:57 — boro. aan ee ag . ae Mthar are menny ways to find ont low \Seina which wesdoubiies pertecily satie-|bake, and whea done, put upon it aro) Catwbe ore 715 WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, \. DUSINERSS AND COMMENCIAL COL-. brave and how honest a man amy be.) factory to the creditor : fios ing, made of the whites of two egg | 50 Newton 8.03 8.08 OS Witants ton, N.C LEGe. = t ee aetna ay t find out the ez Now I an pel etly anton ished at you aud alittle fine sugar. Return to the | 60 Hickory Tavern, 8:48 e938 \EVERYTHING IN THE | SAMES TIAND, Agent, gton, 1 Intelliectnal and Moral Phileeopby saat ris ge y. for sex@ing a cliim fer collection in these | oven to brown, and serve with a liquid, 2 a : 9:48 fobz9—Sif 119 Wall Street, N.Y ote ’ s ike a eat— it never comes [0 | ,j, y ight aa well cast your net | Morganton, 3s {febso—Sif EP Na ® JN. OY. 2 English Lar gnoge and Literature. | <>. eee times. oa mighta ¢ your sance. ! ey s 3 Hitery and Political Leonomy. ya in atraight line. . _ linto te the “lake ot fire and brimstone,’ This is my method Rub half a eup | MILES a Fi LRAV®. WAY of MERCHANDISE) 4. Mathematics. N atur ie uw kind mother. She ev aldo ‘expecting to catch a euntieh, or inte thy ef batter and a large cup of good brown | Morgaanten, ~ . 910 p.m. | A N 5 Morn Languages. well afford to make us perfckt, and toshe | celebrated stygiau pool to catch sp ckled sogar together, with a Laine epoonfal | 10 Icard, 250 P.M. 2:55 6. Cuewietery ° | made ns Lind to onr teclings. | trout as te try ta collect money Lere.— of flour or corn starch, amil creamy. If} 20 Hickory Tavern, 3:35 3:40 . i kee nine <nd Conmerce: | Stady the beart if you want to learn! Monney? Lhave a faint reenllection of they will not rab nicely, add a little boil 2 Ree = ied oe The craduate in all the eehools m-5 cae, - aint no aman pa batten. seen i. when I was a “ boy. ing water. bees Si sont pour Ps al 4s Plea 5-43 BAS This wonderful vegetable , heenme a candidate for the Haccalaureate in 3 ve | lieve it wae given tome by tiny in quart or more o piling water, and eet to | 55 Rtatesville, 6:23 6:33 Ve this Colleer Friendetip tz simply the gallantry of | cle, to bay candy with, (the candy 1 de scald ten minutes, stirring qnite constant. | 67 Third Creek, 6:33 5:38 a: . it fe restorative is the sheet- egree in thi rE self intercet rcs > Fe te boil in it, |80 Salisbury 843 All of which was bonght for : retgember. ) But it bas been so long ly. Put a cinnamon etic to boil ia it, | ; ‘ Iry, anchor of the feeble and - VI. NOR¥VAL COLLEGE—WITH THE FOL- LOWING DEPARTMENTS. Beware ov the man with half shat! pines [ have acen any, : ’ that I about for- or lemon peel, and add nntineg at last.— | eyes he nin't dreaming. : : , get whether gold is made of corn or mne- |.A small half teaspoon of tartaric acid is) Experience makes more timid me. th@{ tard, or silver of white ontons or fich | quite necessary, and eome think a few JOR PRINTING, BLANKS, &C” |CASH, and will be sold| debilitated. As a tonic and | cordial for the aged and 1. Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. | ' 6. Chemistry. | One ow t 2. Theory and Practice of Teaching. it - w ee a \ k : ecales. Why, sir, we live without money 1) «poonfula of currant wine an addition.— | Jed! Ne FA 1 . 4 Englich Language and Literatare. Advice izadrag in the market—the | You're behind tne times: 4 ne a ; | lan id it has no Len a 4. History and Political Eeonow.y supply alway saxceeds the demand. barbarism, of ages pas’. We live by | nothing ean execed it in the padding RAR 35 “s CHEAP ° me nee a ic among stomachics. As & saafest and moat sncevesfal ating, eit—we do loot, man the ml | iine—Jbid. | | it is a relic of 1 hope some of my readers will try thie ; | rte TL kno ov is | | { GAR HAND BILLS 6. Natural History, inelading Philoso- tal to be a good liaeuer. Jen —is eomirg, the y f Jubilee | anhy, Hygiene i | Fools are the wheisioncs ov soeicty. Sue al alt ihe Sad bere LMANACS FOR 1870 We allow no House to under-| remedy for the nervous 7. Mathematics. } Better mike a weak man your enemy! ax wuch as they will be, unless you take - A . —— a a . weakness to which women R. (reography i than your triend. | ‘*prodace.”’ Vhe word “moncy,” t@ nos ‘CRNEK'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA- CIRCULARS sell oad 9. Book-keeping and Commerce The gmduate in all the Departments of this College, inry become a candidate for the Baccalarcate Degree in Cullege. VII. COLLEFF OF LAW, 1. School of Law Common and Statete Curiosity is the inetinet ov wisdom Those who beenm disgusted and with draw from the world, musn't forget one jthing, that the world will forget them a \long time before they will forgit the | | world. Put down aman (for me) ae a vain in our vocabulary, in the Jatest Webster, (revieed for the “obsaclte’’ formerly a coin marked rr pre rentt £ value and used as a medium of commerce A few small pieces can be ecen in our His- | medinw,) it is . ee e e | sre exhibited as curiosities, along with the . : ; and selfish eritter, all this K- ae a Ae 2. Of Evidence and Pleading. ‘ahune to the contrary ‘ uuadas ene ie a ae _— : Squity Jonetivuti j Bc eee 18, \ old boots, an a's apple. | 3. Of Equity, and Constitutional and | ceeertheleas, to wit, verity, amen. | ’ PP International Law. ‘The graduate of this college may be- come a candidate for the University De- gree of L. L. B. VII! COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Tt was determined not to tnke immedi- ate steps to organize thie College. 1X COLORED DEPARTMENT. To havea Principal with as many 23- sietants as mus y be uccessary; Model Farm, Work Shops, &e. To contain the follewing departments : 1. Ethiees and Normal Instruction. 3. English Language—History, Geo- graphy and Political Economy. 3. Mathemati¢ and the Sciences. 4. Aacientand Modern Langaages. 5. Agriculture—Theoretical and Prae- ieal. It determined that there be one ses- sion, of nine months duration ; and the University be put in eure ander (his plan as early as possible. The instraction is to be by — 1. Ordmary of questiona enswers. 2. Daily: Lecturva. 3. Gpecial Course of University Lee- utres, That the University will confer the Wonerary Degrees of D. D. aud L. 1. D ne herewfore, | Wise men laff every good chance they | jkan git. Laffn is ovly a weakness in | | phools. | I give the world eredit for a good deal more honestly than it ean show. | Whenever i find areal handsnam wom- av engaged in the “wimmins’ rights bus- ness” then i am going to take mi hat | ander my arm and jine in the procession Gratitude iz a debt, and, like all other | debts, is paid bekausewe are all obliged | te, not bekanse we love to. Praise that ain't deserved is no better than slander. Thero is three kinds ot phools fn thie in thia word, the natnral ones, the com- mon, everyday phool, and the daghm plool. —_—_—__—— > —— How the Western States Grow —In 1850, Tliinois had a population of 851,- 000; Miseoari of 672,000, and Towa of 192,000. ‘Len years later, the poyule tien of Tiinoia and of Missouri had | doubled, and that of Lowa had increased nearly fourfold. Tho railroad system ef- fee these great changes. fe 1870, 000. Five railroads are being consiruact- led East and West across the State, and | othere are anticipated. i THE ADVANCE. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, | Devoted to the Farm, the Garden, the} Workshop, Domestic Economy and General Progress in North Carolina. ‘PHBE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO ablish, in the city of Raleigh, ay soon as a can namber of subscrite:s can be ob- tained a Weekly Fumi’y Journal, adapted to the wane cf the peopie of North Caroliwa, who nm engaged in the eultivation of the gun in all its branches, the improvement of ont manufactures, oar tnachinery, onr mechanical ski", and all the material interests of tbe State. Jy the conduct of the paper he expects to secnre the aid of scientific and practical men to instroct and interest his readers, His ob- ject will be to make st emivently pratical and wsefnl to all classes. It will be prin'e din cood style, on good re peroflags a Blom Thos fleet nentie will appear ober as sugu chereafier a8 the pat- ronage wi!) Justify. Subsembers will he ex- pected to jay as soon as they receive the Bret nomber. Pyenr tn alice ' the let of erPe wren, & The nodersigne: eolicits the aid of his many lowa will havo @ population of 1,200,- | friendain the State to obtain subseribers an’ | forwasd the lists at an early dey. Wi. OS VELL Raleigh, Oat 6, 1869, AV NAC for 1870 better than Eularged sod improved vall respects; the Almannc 0 1869 which was so popular and had encira large Price, single comes by mail 10 cents, 3 opies by mail, 25c; one degen by mail, 7d nee in store, half gross, $4; per bandred $5; cale- |torieal Society collections, where they | per whole erng: $7. FARMER'S N. C. ALMANAC, poblished \\.y James H. Enniss; an exccllent Almanac, ‘nil of most valuable matter to the Farmer, with mooth!y calendars in large clear type— Prive, per single copy by mail, 10 cents; 3 pies by mail 25r., one doren by mail 60c.; price in store, half gross; per bondred $4,50, per gros: $6 TUE COMIO ALMANAC FOR 1870,— pnbhshed by Jxmes H. Enniss; toll of comic picture iilustrations, jokes, aneedotes, fun, &c. witit monthly calendars, in large clear type. P-ice per single copy, by mail, 10 cents; 3 copies by mail 25c., oe dozen by mail 60 cts. Price iw store, per balf gross $3; per handred $4 50; per groes $6. [FP One of each of the above mailed to any address for 23 cts. For enle by JAS. 1. ENNISS, Agent and Publisher of Almanecs, oot 16—411f Salisbury, N.C SMIWISTRATOR'S WNotice, LA. Having qnalified as Aduvimntratrix wih the will annexed of James ©. Smythe. notice it hereby giten that all parties who have late against the estate ninst: present them hy the Gret of November 1870, of this notice Ferit be plead in bar of their recuvery. A‘l per- +e indebied to the estate are requested to j caake carly setilement, JULIA C. SMYTHE, Oct 12, 1869.—4 :6w Adm'rm THE CHESTER REPORTER, AWREEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY F.C. SeLURE, & J.d. BRADLEY, Jr.,- \T CHE TER. 8. ©. TRMS—Iovariebly ip aAvomee.e..-.--- ,. 06.09 PAMPRLETS LABELS TICKETS Letter Heads AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB ‘PRINTING, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY done AT THIS OFFICE. will ber: cers,” era hy Nichols & Gorman Raleigh, N. C. ...JS & Bi YNER. (For laying of Homesteuds, ) And a new and improved form Revised and corrected by tt \best legal authority in this plac for sale. Address, mar. 10. J. J. BRUNER. pee” Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma- gistrates,and others, in ordering blanks lease refer to the Forms as num- in “ Hand- Book for Connty Off- Homestead Blanks ! LAND DEEDS, Bo sure to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. It affords usa pleasure to show our Goods whether we se!l or not. Dont be decoived by loud blow- ing and heavy shelling, but come to see us and get posted up. (FP Orders from a distance promptly filled at lowest vrices. (Pp We buy nearly all kinds of Produce. McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., No. 1, Morpny’s Granite Row, | Salisbury, Sept 24, 1828. B—Ly | yor. 10, 1869. are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, if acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Whereva it is intro- duced it becumes a stand- ard article—a medicinal staple. It Is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world--he sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Draggists, Gro- cers and Country Stores. : MOTICS. Mary A. Campbell, Plaintur, spain William P. Campbell, Deft. The defendant will take aotioe Uses on Saterdey, the Ifth day of Tecember next. at te Const Houre in Camden. Nonth ( wroiira. Pehall proceed ty take the depositions of J K Witherspoon end others, to be read ip a anit now pending in the Superior Coun of Caldwell connty. Nerth Carolina, where soa are defendantand J an plaintiff. MARY A. CAMPBELL. [4&6 pr foe $8.52: s : chee “ay he,” wee Sgt Ba ae vi i sald VOL. IV]. ThyeGd North 6 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY BuwNwis ZANT Ss BATES.OF SUBCRIPS Oxx Yes, payable fn advance. . .:.$3.00 Six Monras, “ 0 eee 14D 5 Copies to one address,...00«+----- 12,50 10 Copies to one address,......-.--- 20,00 Rates of Advertsing. One Square, first ingertion,.....,-., -$1.00 For each additionay insertion, ....... 50 Speeial notives will be charged60 per cent higher than the above rates. Court and Justice’s Orders will be publish- ed at the same rates with other advertise- nents, Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. i] @ j lets ei tie fey el Pi El, space. | 5 | 5 | &; EI 8 h Fle) si] Fi * hoo | # | F | | ii | 1 * {* 1 Square. | $2 50 $375) 85 00,98 50,913 00 2 Squares. | 450! 6 25! 8 50:19 00) 22.00 3 Squares. 6 00, 0 60 12 00; 30,00 4 Squares. | 8 00,11 00 15 00: 37,50 + Colama. 11 00/16 00) 20 00:30.00 45,00 4 Columa. | 18 00 24 00, 30 00/45 00. 75.00 1 Column. 28 00 40 00} 50 00;80 00; 130,00 JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE. Tre SUBSCRIBER effers for sale that val- unde farm in the Jersey Settlement of David- son County, known as “THE THALES Mo- DONALD PLACE” Said farm ties immedi- ately on the Yadkio River, just below the Tra- ding Foard, and on both sides of the N.C. Railroad three-fourths of a mile from the Holt burg Depot. This farm contains about 800 acres, about sixty acree of which isexcellent River Bottom and the remainder good Jersey uplands, A large part of ic is sll to woods and heavily sbabeed. The farm is ina bigh state of enkivation. well watered and stocked with well-disposed and contented tenanta = [t tw well adapted to (be growth of Cotton and Grain, and ia, alto- say CASES OF GOODS ou were r bouse in one Year, to and merchants, in every part ofthe , from Maine to California, amount ing in value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS, Cs ‘in all the staslgsl tice ‘sb purchase a goods from all the 4 turers, I:nporters, and others, for Gash, and often at an immense sacrifice from the original cost of _ side stock, consists, in part, of following a: — Shawls, oe ee. Ginghams, Dress ten, Hosiery, Gloves, Skirts, the., &c. ‘ Silver- Spoons plated om Nickel Silver, Desert Forks, five botile plated Castors, Britlania Ware, Glass Ware, and Pocket Cutlery, tn 1 variety. Elegant French and Gern.an Fancy Goods Beautiful Photograph Aléums. the newest and choicest styles in Moroeo and Velvet bindings. Morroceo Travelling Bugs, Handkerchiéf and Glove Boxes, be, Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the nerest styles, Wo have also made arrangements with some of the leading Publishing Houser. that will ena- ble us to sell the standard and latest works of popular authors at about one-half the lar price:—such as Brrox, Moors, Buns Tox, and Texyyson's Works, in full Gi Cloth Bindings,—and hundreds of others. Thore and everything else for One Dollar for each Article. We do not offer a single article of mercban- dise, that can be sold by regular dealers at ouf price. We do not ask you te buy goods from us unlesk we can rell cheaper than yuu ean obtain them in any ether way; while the greater part of our are sold at about One half the Regular Rates. We want reliable agenta in every of the Coantry. By empleo: spare time to form clubs and sending us ob*ain the most liberal Cash or BMerchandise,ged 2!) goods sent by un will be as ted. and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing with our house. Agenta should collect tea counts from each etstomer and forward to ua in advance, for De- seriptive Checks of the goods we «ell The holders of the Cheeks have the privile of either purchasing the article thereon deacril- od, or of exchanging for any article mentioned on oar Catalogae, nambering over 350 different articles; not one of which can be purchased io the usual way for the anine money. The advantages of first sending for Checks are these: We ure constantly buying sma! lots of very valaable geods, which are not on our catalogues, and fer which we issue checks till lt it and Tr, you can er in her, one of (he moat valuable end desirable Temes” or A 0- dubon’s Birds of America as rupplementa, and | other five engravings iv each number. The \o- | tember and Deeember numbers [reo to new sab- soribers. The most instractive, entertajnirg, and test Javenile Magazine comprises numerous and | Merchandise, when they all pee aaj -eciden go center This offer is more expecially to aasiat Agents in the Western and Suathern States, butis upen | to al) cnstumers COMMISSIONS Agonts will be paid ten ig cent. = Cacb or 1 up their entie nore! {patares that are peculiarly ite own, and | elud, for which below we give a partial List of entirely free from the grose exaggerations eo eommoen to juvenile literature. Our monthly Young America presents the finest colored and | Thirt,, we will pay the Agen other engravings, the best stories, puzzles, prizes | 2% yd. music, and a host of no and intetesting «ab- jects that will not only secure the attention of| Roes and Girks, bat serve to parify and elevate tbeir mind«, communicate much v*luable infor mation, and prove a well-epring of piea-ure in the reser ah Yoarly + abecription $15.9 witha d Micro. ecope.or a peert-handie Pucket Knife, or a beau. | tiful Book. as premium to each subscriber, and | eplendid premiums given for claba Address, W. JENNINGS DEMOREFST, S33 Broadway, N.Y. Bpacimen copies, with circulars, mailed free on receipt of ten cent+ | Kew sabseribers seoding in before the firet of | Janvarr next will reeeive the sotember and | Docewber pambers free ! A eplendid prise for the Indien The finest, most pleasing and costly Parlor Engraving ever | i in America prevented as a premiom | each subscriber. | The Useful, the Entertaining, and the | Beautiful. The Model Magasine of America, Demorest’s Ilustrated Bfonthly- THE USEFUL in Demorest’s Month!y com- ines the Utilities of Fashions in Ladies’ and Ybildren’s dress, including full-size Fashionable Patterns, colored Bree! ten, etc., Gardening, both nreful and ornamental, adapted to Ladies Model Cottages, with their rurroundings; an Home Matters in all their departments. THE ENTERTAINING comprises Original Siories and Poems by the hest authors, Spicy Items, Popolar M by the best composers, | | etc., eta. THE BEAUTIFUL comprises numerour il- | lustretions, in the highest style of art, printed | on the finest ealendered , in the beat man- ner, got up in 8 atyle to form a eplendid volume } for binding at the end of the year, and altogeth- | er, a monthly visitor that no lady of taste or | economical ife can afford to do without. | Yearly Sabsoription, only $3.00 with the | finest, largest, most pleasing engraving ever | finiahed in America, and richly worth $10, en- | titled “The Pic-Nie on the Foorth of July,” given as a premium & each subscriber, and splendid premiums for clube, Address Demorret’s Moxtury Magazine, 833 Broadway, N. Y. When sent by mail, the on the Fn- graving, ten cents, mast be ineluded. Apecimen copies of the magazine with ¢ircu- Jam, mailed free, on receipt of fifteen centa. BOW TONCANDY === : SURPRISE BOXES. Something New and Very Desirable. | Kacn Box ie flied with » new and amorted flavor ed candy, andevery box will give yon a FUR- yaise. Gold aod silver Watcher Watch Chain Ladies and Gents’ Breast Pins, Sleeve Batzonua. Stode. Far Rings. Charms, &e.. &a. ,; THEY RETAIL AT 25 CENTS. MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE MILLER & SON, 610 Market Strect, Philadelphia, Penn And sold by Confectioners and Mlorekeepers ev- ry where. The decjand for this new confectionery is so creat that cue trace are dasire] to forward their orders at ouce. We canrtion onrfricads to Leware of worth- less imitations. the Bon Tou being the original box, rt rt Commissions : For an order of @30. from « clab of it. a4 commiaaion, Brown of Dieached Sheeting, Good Dreas Pattern, Wool Square Shaw!, French Camamere Pants and Vest Pattern, Fine — White Counterpane, etc. ete, or $2 00 in can For an order of $60, from a Club of Fifty, we will pay the Agent, as Commission, | 45 yds. sheeting. one pair of heavy wool blan- kets, poplin drese pattern, handeome woul nare shaw! silver-cace watch, ete., efc., >A in cash. Por an order of $100. from a clnb of One Hundred, we will pay the agent, as crm- mission, 100 tde of good yard-wide Sheeting. Coin-Sitver Hanting Case Wateh, Rich Long Wool Shae), Suit of all Wool French Casi mere, ete. ete, or $10 in cash We do not employ ing tracelling agents, and customers should not pay money te pessoas purporting to be our agente, anless ‘ acquainted Send Moncey alwaysby egister- ed Letters. For farther particnlara send for Catalogues, PAREEBR & CO., 98 4 100 Sumner &, Boston, Maw. Oct. 15, 1869 4i-ly State of Worth Carolina, ALEXANDER CUUNTY, Superior Court. | E.lmond Kerley, adninuwtretor of Alfred Te- | vidson, againet cane Russell and wife Elizabeth, G. W. Sweet and wife Cynthia, Robert Lowe aad wile Sunan, Jotn Davidson, Margaret A. Kerley, ! Witham Darideon Joha P. Davison, Dan'l | & Davide, Hobish Davidson, Jane Darid- son and William Davideon, heirs at law of Berj Lo Vardson. To William Davideon, one of the defeodan:s shore named, a ren resident. Youare herehy notified, that a enmmone, in the abore entrtled case, has isened against yon, and the coinplaint therein wee filed in the Sn- verior Cont of Alexander County, on the )7th of Angnst 1869 Yon are ale notified, that the « the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Conrt aforesaid, to be held at the Conrt Honse in Taylorsville, on the 25th day of Decem er next, when and where you are hereby required to appear and answer the gomplaint—in defanit wheieof will appdy to sad Court for the relief demand- vd on the eomplaint Witness, BE. M. Stevenson, Clerks of the eaid Superior Gourt at at Taylorsviile, the 3d Mov day io Anguet 1869, EM. STEVENSDN, Clerk Superior Court Alexander County $4—6u {pr fee $19) ONWARD: UPWARD: a ee od | tain, In the publicat on of the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take this method of offering ont parets, DAILY, TRI-WREKLY, AND WEEKLY, an among the best edvertiring mediums in Westerp North Carolina. Atwertisemants Selirited—-Tarms Moderate PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS! SERVER. Ise voters thy standard of which absil a'ways be maintained, 6-47 nov. 36-47 ITH, WATSON & CO., Aog- 27. 1899. Charlotte N.C. Our facilities for transacting this immense bu- } or | nmone in} the plaintiff Maving met with sncoees, far beyond our expec- We offer FIVE valuable Agricniiorai PREMIUMS tr persons getting np Clubs for the WEEKLY OB | COUNTRY PRODUCE. merioan Tonic and. Di- uretic | Recomr ended and prescribed by physiciehs matt SR of the purest and best Vegetable Aroinatics koown to the profession, contain twenty per cent of ae —— ae =e ARE WE A SELF-GOVERNING PEOPLE, OR SHALL WE SURRENDER OUR LIBERTIES TO A DES- PICABLE OLIGARCHY ? It_was broadly intimated by leading spirits in the dominant party, dye the last session of the lature, that that body would declare itself elected for four years, instead of two, and that it would eontinue to make Jaws, levy taxes, | says family medi. | | cime [have ever used. They have proved very ben: | eficial in my own cane. [hare been very mech of | flieted for 4 years. and have tried every kind of | eet ae fief tom than all others. My disease is) bronchial affliction. and « complete prostraton of | the nervous aystem. I have reed them in ten or fif- | teen casesin my family. and find them to be the very | medicine for nearty a:l fausily diseases.” Phe Cure is Thorough. Kenneth Haynes, Eeq.. (tert of Columbes county “The terms of office for Senators and mem- | siarery of all clesse*—or revelation. bers of the House of Representatives shal! com mence at the time of their election; and tion held ander this Constitation shall terminate at the same time as if they had been elected at the first ensuing ular election.” Tt fe potent thal thie section confers apon | the members of the to hold over as if they were elected on the first present Legislature the right | eit | Thureday in Angust, 1870; that being, as it ax | Sen ——— 2 Sea = pe eee gee Section 1, Chapter 52, Revised Code. The election for members to the Senate and House of Commons of the General Assembly shall be held for the respective districts and counties at the places where they-are now held or may be directed hereafter to be held in the manner ‘as hereinafter eommeren $0 SE Bat Thursday in a9e. = year one thousand eight hundred oe ane ete Sete rt thereafter. u t is. section of Revised Code the new Constitution: SoLineee sale or ae ; It is the easier and better way for the people to let the the | tvranta know in advanee that they will not dub- | thet } conid get bat have found mere re | term of office, of those elected at the first elec | mit to the unrpation. Summing up the arguments on each side and iving to them reypectively their due weight we ve the follo-. ‘ng results: On the side of the reoplte, there are the expili- constitutional provisions, viz : lst. “The Smate rhall be composed of fifty ators biernially chosen by ballot.” . writes (April 2, 1863:) “During the latter . caahn te "oe I wan severely eiticted with | cumed, the | salon for the “first regniar election.” | “2nd. The Monse of Representative shall be diseased liver and many nights while in bed che pon | Bat if that day should become, ae in fact the! com posed of une hundred and twenty Represco- would become so excraciating that | wascompelied | Coneritntion tequires, the first reguiar election, ; tative, bimaialty chonen bw ballot. | = ort oe A oan ond - Op net the oe | and if the present body #hould, as is roped | rd. “The election for members of one hun- | on ie . atew xerof tlie ’ l¢ + | HEPATIC PILLS, and the first dow I took gave me | hold over, the rewalt will be, that we shall have | en Representatives, biennially cho- creat relief. | continned to ase the Pills for two weeks, and have not sdffered from liver disease since. | have recommended them according!y, and several persons are in want of them. Al) dumease is an cvemy to the haman system. and je at war with it and will conqret it. unlem natore. | | ening medicines and saitable nourishmenta, can conquerthe enemy; which would be best. to take | medicine before you get sick. to prevent sieknees or | bo take medicine after yon get sick to c.re sickness. IP 4 word to the wise is enongh..£3 Exercise yotr own jndgme:t ih the means of de- fense, the eneny will come, be ye slev ready with The Southern Hepatic Fills, That old, long known and well tried remedy for all Diliows diseases, cansed by a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS.— You sre about to wake @ home for yourself aad family na climate which you or they have nog beyn accnatomed to; you will, of coatee. be gx posed to Ql the diseases peculiar to that climate, yo shoul careful to use euch Med- icines a are adapted to the disesees of that climate: you will the greatest secerity in the ase of Derus’ nenw Hepatic Irises. They can be sent to any pointin the United § by Express. PRICK—For one box, 25 cer te — Dew. $8. tires $10—One Groans, $18—Three Grove, G5A~ Grom, $75. The eash mast either acenmpeny thee Order forthe Wedi- cine or it wril De seat be Bb, ere cheald be address edte . W. DERMA, Bo. 29, Boers Catnoen frarer, Nagrimous Mo. wherethey ofl! he prompt'y atiended to. Por th-se Mediaines G«!! on afl respectable Draggiste everyehere 104 op G. B. POULSON, _tety 9st Ratt, BS Batablishea 18ss. LEPAGE BROS. &Co., GENERAL Commission Minchants COTPON FACTORS, Commerce &St., Morfolk, Va. EPSpectal attention paid to the sale a GRAIN. COTTON and all other kinds ¢ Liberal | nd pro opt returas, advanees on eonsigame july9: 27 | | with all the nani=tance it can receive from strength. | hen time. Un the other hand, if, in coneeqe holding over of the present body, should bs Sect tes ald On Atgust, 1870, that will not be “the first ensuing regular election” referred to in the twenty-sev- ' the Usurpers rely—indeed, it will be no election | at all—and there will exist the same for | fomr. Att ld exint regular election,” and refuse to provi Legislatures in being at one and the same | # rence of the | eral Assembly shall be held for the no election | districts and counties at the places where they | ™ | Tenth nection of the second Article upon which | one thousand cizht himdred and seventy, clectios election” to date from—the present incumbents | | could still vy, we will hold over until “the firat | ide f.- one. | stated in Judge Pearson's letter. It would thos turn ont that the men elected in | April, 1868, would be in a fair way to beer | life members, if not hereditary lords over the people. | : The Usurpers must take one or the other horn of the dilemma. They must either provide the meant fot holding an election “on the first Thatt@lay in August one thonrand eight hundred seventy” as the constitution imperatively requires them to do, or they must in violation of their naths, omit to do so. Lf they do #0 pro- vide, a new I will be elected, and the old will expire. If they rofuse or neglect to rovide fur an election of members to the two Tone on that day, then no election will be | held, and ft will not be “the first reguiar glee ‘ tion,” eontemplated by their pretended cons#truc- | tion of the cermin To hold the election ‘in conformity with the constitational reqnire- ment, on the first Thursday i August next will supercede the prevent body, or there will be two Legietatures'in being, according to the theory of the Usurpers, Not w hold an election on that day will take from it the character of being “the mind, that the constitational nadie “the firet Thot<day in August” a general eon day for all State Officers, bat =. an elfen for members of the (encral Amembly. xvaddition to thene direct aml imperative when the Constitution was ratified, not by it, and declared to be valid, which m first Thursday in August, 1865, a regular cleo tion day, We quote it as fallows; ome | plicit, emphatic, unmistakable declarations anc first regular election.” Por it must be borne in | the pa tision does not | ifthe drawer chevten of the Constitation, which declare that | cannot take advantage of his own wrong. T! the members of the two Howses of the Ucneral ! Constitation isnot the expression of the individ- Assembly shall be elected bieamially, or once in| ual opinions of ita framers. every two years, there was a law in ecxisterice | til it war ratified by the peop repealed | came theirs, and it isto be interprete: ade the | ing to their nnderstanding of its purport, where | 3rd. “The election for members of the Gen- Teapective he first Thareday in | are now held, or may be directed hereafter tobe held, in auch manner as may be prescribed by law, on the firs. Thorsday in Angust in the year and every two years thereafter.” 4th. The clanee of the Revised Code jnoted ing over six years, that now exists tor | sbove, and made valid by the new Constitntion, end of nix years the same diffical- | which fixes a permanent day for regular elec- aame want of “a regular | tions, including of course the first Thursday in | Angst, 1868. ith. The ruling of the Sepreme Court above Here, then, is the cane for the penple— 1 nirements of the Constitution and laws, du the side of the Uarrpers, there is this clanse, viz: at the time of their election; and the term of of- fice of those olected at the first election held «m- der this Constitntion shall terminate a* the same time aa if they had been elected at the fmt en- ening regular election.” At the worst, this clause is only ambignons and muddy, and cannot, according to any re- cognised rule of construction, be allowed to aly rogate or interfere with the plain and unmista- kable clauses above quoted. Bat with due ai- lowance for the want of literary skill in the draitare of the Constitution, there is no difficnl- { ty in reeoneiling the ambiguity with the fmda- | maenta!l clanses which require elections every two yearn Neither is is necessary to attribute the vagueness of the reference to “the first regn- lar election,” to a covert and sinister design on rt of the drawer of the instrument. But harbored in his breast any such | unworthy purpose; and, in the hope or confi- dence of a first election to the Legislature, in- tended to perpetnate hie power by the insertion of an ambiguous phrase in the Constitation, ~ The ht waa nothing ua- ple, and then it be 4 accord- | ambiguity occurs. We have thus briefly traced the theory oa the ex- | “The terma of office for Senators and members | of the House of Represenatives shall c wamence | therefore, besides being a high-banded tion, amounting to treason, and bringing with it al) the pains and penalties of treason, would be | a framed upon the people, a» hase and infamons in | ite character, as it woald be ssupendow, and di- jon eS Ce | he proposition whi beer in ' the acon ts par the question of i of | office of the present ature to the Supreme pee i andlnccergay mm every point of view \* as { ee BU COC B TO > GEA) elect United States Senator, and perform the | Sec. 24, Art. TV.’ The laws of North Carolina Which makes tiem, beyond al! question, the | other high functions belonging to the General | not repugnant tothis Constitution or to the Con- best DIURETIC in existence ; and for Dis- ly under the Constitution, wnti! the year | stitution andlaws of the United States shall be tressed Kidneys, Bladder and Usinary Orgaus, of grace, 1872.. Improbable as this oy spec in force until lawfully altered. = nome ms if hn ual! Those who | & ion scemed to be at the time, it isnow | It is fair to presume thai the 27th of tien Mee he Mnvne Bones ener aye ates ye | Monn er nce oat ; ure, ou it; ie it we ee setoial Rieck ® safe, pleasant, | 127 is be high time the people were moving, if eciea’ kate eles a ae ay tion, J Tray eres care ioe idk deve for they would defeat the treasonable combination conciles an t inconsiaency m the Con- Chills end F ie, a ial Di ! for their enslavement, Public meetings should | stitution, the first Thursday in August, 1868, | rule and Fever, Malaria! Diseases immediately be held in every county and'nei; was in to be i as the “first lar DYSPEPSIA, borhoed included within the broad cireum eleetion.” It harmonizes ail parts of the Con. ion of all instruments is, to construe them | them INDIGESTION, ence of the State, and the i should be | stitution, and explains it in the sense it was pat | according to the sense of the terms, and the in- | tions Seer eee, — to oy by —- merited pun- — the ore, meee its framers, and tion wf te Mr. Justice Blackstone ; tuted before It. We are hot at liberty to pro ment mes, understood therefore, consti remark * i SICK-HBADACHE, That all the may see the bare-faced im- | tutes Ge teceumie eri the ambiguity. be fee ag: horse ln tes eee dae betweep Waddell BRONCHITIS, pudence and of this attempt totrample | It will. be that the eonstitation authori- -matter, the effects and wence, or | and Berry, the Judges of the Court, on the re- ASTHMA, on the their rights, and usurp their government | ze: the General Amembly to “change the time Feason and spirit of the law. He goes on to quest of the Senate, aficr much jon, ex- COLDS & CUUGH for an indefinite “Lof time, we have made | of holding the election,” but this can only im- remark by stating, that words are an opinion, in requard to the malifca- NEURALGIA ’ 4 the fol of the constitutional pro- | ply a power to d ate one day in preference | generally to be understood in their usnal and) tion of voters—that taberes was the ay OGNERAL DURILITY, | C'"ns cee qeeebesen eotain oie yd no | cluaes Provides that. a olectben chall’ ba bald | She poepticny St ammewoes sa helt aeneel allt pot oh the preted Chas’ 75 Spe as oe : : ° id o > Diseases a aaee ee every are Ga ee, peat ey eae “on me aos Thaeeing in August one thousand poesia me: that if Sond theres to be da estas the Oats tele form. The er ro Diseases peculiar to Females it io| coms forward with hac pase vide | leomeuests eageamaag amumereats | Sieaionens ot ae ea ak omen almost. speci plainest fairest statement of the ease will| The following clauses have already been and sentences i same instru 3 ill come before decision. Bi Saenirsee bm Init eal Seemed do (Drea caeenaete eT RE | ent) i. other low forms ever itis the very no the history iy w ; ject matter, with reference to which the expres- (Signed, } M. PEARSON. ~ Teéeic théf can be tied: has done. We hesitate not to say thatthe | | Sec. 26, Art. VI-J —The Justices of | sions are nsed ; that the conseq major Senate usust be afllicied Toe Couipeand Gentian Bitters meet with | secess of the scheme would bethe overthrow of | the Supreme Court vial bo clocted - hy opal of a particolar construction is ve examined, ae coe or a be the universal favor, and have received the strong- | 7) jtution {> to place 3 imate a eat on ta then Seonenel Acaste mea ech it ought * een ¥ 7 . onal fy tecrtca esogied ace” wn | Se mer agree comet, | eee Paces gear. | ema ent ren Mae Soe asin me om ' m , e ‘ourts causes © to its enactment, are the to the C _ This is to certity that I have used Dr, God following quotations from the Constitn- | elected jo like manner, and shal! hold their of- | bestexponents of the words, cod tails Geir vat oe tha Cadet =. — din's Compound Gentian Bitters and ebeerful- | tion, framed by the men who pow propose to | fices for eight years, the Judges of the Sue} plication. * .f * * © The oe be portend thet th ie of the pe oan it ae eo ae = overthrow it, will make plain the treasonable | perior Conrty elected at the first election under | then adopted aréto construe the words accord- ion of the lagidetar ee pever —. cau be used fur ordinary debility, sick stomach | character of their scheme : the Constitation, shall, after their-election, un-| ing to the subject matter, ip such a sense as to | eth) of ordinary litigation; because it &e. M. HOLT, M. D. fection 2A, of Adele 11, ts By thine words :—, der shomnpstio of the Justices of the | produce « and with reference cmarhies thabiaeycoghe Cheek tana ins Lipscomb, O-ange co, N. C., May 16, 69. | “The Sepate shall be of fifty Senators | Sapreme Court, be diyided by lot into twoequal | to the circumstances of the peculiar transactian. | to be taxed by « set of irresponsible Cenpen I hereby certify that I have Leen using Dr. | biennially chosen by - clamer, one of which shall hold office i her | Light may alse be obtained in such eases from | The first appeal from the tyranny of the psur- guid Sorel aise | RE ky EN Orr ae eT es wel Reece oa | eres OE SE te ‘orgh, Geoera ality, doe., a am full one a ° $m i : satisfied that they are deokeet Bitters of onak twenty Representatives, biennially chosen by | first election, held under this Copatisetion, shell institutions, aod fom other warces akape i Swi ts te shedns ak . and Mase on I have any knowledge, and the best Tonic of- | ballot, &e. hold their offices for the terme prescribed for | num » Which may josiy affect the juwigment | In this connection it ie proper to add, nin + fered to the American ie The 29th Section is as follows; “The election | bag waerthe next en after the next | in drawing a fit conclusion in the particular | the Usurpers attempt to cover their fraud by a Robt y.SLATER | for members of the General Assembly shall be | regular election for members of the General As | care.” verbal ambiguity, to analyze still more closely Henrico couuty, Var, June 25, 1860. held for the respective districts, and counties, at | sembly. But their terns shall apon the | it is manitert that these rules of Con«titution- | the cladse on which they rely. For this pur- Da. Govors :-— Sir: I have been suffer. | he places Shere Cary are ra may be a Constitution by the Congress of ; a! a down by : = Back: pose, and to have it before the —_—_ reader, , ; ; directed hereafter held, ner as i ates. stone are wholly ine: i t t nole it a second ti res lal ats 7 — < may be prescribed by law, ow the fret Phuraday| It will be seen that all officerselected in April | of the Uourpern, Jetberia “the in in i eS rt urethra; have been under the treatment oa —_ — = As ee 4 h dame M = e aeego eg rate a “the ed ao. held Sone he as oe a Pecsimeend 2S yar ka cae r deetion.” years, and the othe braci ema, | Conseqnence” are, yal and overthrow election was under Keconstruction f JAMES T. WIGGINS, bar “grep Taanl te ab to be Starbuck, Watts, ( ae easy, Sess and | popular government, by an unheard of, and | of Congress, which for it, regulated ive ppea rae | Proprietary Wholesale Agent, elected dienma/iy, that the first election ix! Mitchell, shall hold their offices for eight years. | porely fraudulent interpretation of the Cousti- | conditions, deg who might vote, and who NORPULK, yA. | to take place on the “fra Th in August, in| Now if the Justices of the Sapreme Coart had | tution. ceonid net ; gpd tees bale Se §@™ For sale by Dr. G. B. Poulson, ‘Salis- | the year one thounand ei aad | understood the Constitution as the Usurpers do, | We nretold by Judge Story, as quoted above, | polls thawanls of cititens who were enfranch, 8 5 OS. ” 33—uf | one.” and that the SS ileaeaee es being which | they woald have dated the regular terms of the that “light may also be obtained in anch cases | chised by the Constitution, which was that day ee : at = was elected bn Apeil 1968, at an isregular clec- Jigs from the first plosar aap le August 1872, toad war af facta, ~ yon. eel oees oe the — - BAR “shall thei il thei | thes throwing in not merely four usontha, bus | thore facts any one e ujent | acta provided on: an election to ye pom llr ae yw ae sis; auatl | two years and four ccmeke? and the class hav- Uusurpers the hardihood to that he or | Constitution ; and peasaly permitied the state BEFORETBS | the above named frat Thursday in Aagust, one | ing the short term woukl have been declared | any one else in the State -North Carolina, [= elect their legiclators on the same day. (er PUBLIC thousand eight hundred and seventy. elected for «ix years and those of the long term | — to ahem ertirarssigy aye vars told } tain —- the Convention _ a i .| The framers of oar Constitution will not be | for ten vears. that the legislature ected, in | agninet thelr wills, to aduals a b els nantes ara. le a | Blut this is not all. The Governor andallthe | April 1868, would hold over for four years?— | universal white su into the Constitution; regarded by posterity y 4 a ion, but it ix duc to them to say, that in this | State officers would be entitled under this 32nd Did there exist any reasow for giving ro munch | and they sought a indewpity by ordering | —_ natance at least, they have made themeelves | section of the 1V Article to hold over for terms | power to that body ? Is it uxaai or reasonab'e— | an election for all state officer, men, we ee dncteal WO calktaake to aay thet | of nlx years, At thle vate, and the Inference is | nay. ee for such a thingi | and © on the same day, by the if OTHER honest minds can have no two opinions in the | — from the premises laid down by the | It : bape owe lection of =. = Tevenution coil we ee | premises, and that it will he a dangérons exper- | Usurpers, this scheme of holding over by the | 1d the pr controversies mg ‘se aeny, 7 j Remedies | iment for the prevent login re to hold oer | Legislature is a —— to eames Kepub- | Constitation, wil! substantiate the fact, that no tigent men in the state. But by Tencing longer than two yeareand three or fowr months | lican institutions in North Carolina, and to c= such declaration was made by any friend to its | these voters at that time, they stripped their ‘ FAIL for which they were cleeted. | tablish an oligarchy, irresponsible to the people. | ratiiieation ; nor did its enemies, in their not { ont fraud of its ; since the election ! FOR KRONUMIAL AND LIVER DI. Ie be anid the friends of the a It will be carried into effect, 2 coup'd ctat, on the | over charitable criticiams of the instrament, find | of April 1865, was not held wader the conetitu- 5 aawe cs 4 the a tion hase their claims fo « four lease of | Napoleonic model ; and if not ade be. | in it any ground to suspect that ite framers | tion, but under an Act of Congrem, inconsistent SEASES read the following : x ¢_| power on the teenty seventh section of article 11. | fore it is consummated, there will be lef dnty | could place that fraudulent interpretation upon | with that constitution. Thos “vaulting ambi eS eae eo.. W. C..| 0s ap fhilowe: | the alternatives of snbminion to slavery,—the | it. The attempt to hold over for four years, | tion Cerleape imelf,” and the fire fraod fore ; stalls the second. It follows therefore, shat noted, it will pot avail to sanction the the U since the election in April 1868 pas not “held under tn¢ conztita- tion.” We warn all partics concerned, that whoever conspires, aids or abets in this hi handed measure, will be guilty of the crime of treasone- ble usurpation and will enbject himself to con- atery to the humor and dighity of | dign punishment for the same. T | the body. It ia one of those hasty resoluti lative powers by a body of men of | which Jd not merely be repealed; it should | office bas expired, is to overtarn | bee from the record, if the Legislature | stitution and government ; and Vs | maintain ite position a« « co-ordinate branch of | nefarious scheme may take w day ; the Government. We venture to aay, that no teach weak surtender of jurisdiction was ever | before made by the reprosentatives of the peo- | ple, since they became masters of their own authority for the procedure. The of the Sapreme Court ie defined a | the Courts below npon any matter of law or inference; but no isave of fact shall be trie | | | tions. There is not a shadow of Constitational | control of the State in risdiction | then, woe to the criminal nsnz limited.— | be no hidi It ean only “review npoa appeal, any decisionof | nor in the United States) Traitors to the State 1) are felons everywhere in the Usion, and they ' of reckoning will come sooner of later. The ce may oS ey a their — or two years, (though even is not probable) bet trey will at the end of that time regain the all ite department ; and ! There will ace for them in North-Carolina, will be “delivered np,” on the demand of the fore this Court, and the Court shall have power | Governor, if to be found anywhere, in any State, to ieee any remedial writs nccemary to give it | or Territory of the ageneral expervieon and control of the in- ferior Conrte.” | has only one other, viz: | tice against the State. Nothing more. The opinions of tive Judges, therefore, upon the con- ' stitntionality of the proposéd fraudulent osurpa- | tion will not be worth the peper it-i= writtee | ation of Charles H. | apon. lt will not be the opinion of the Court; nor will it rise to the dignity of an obiter dictum, when is an opininion of a Judge unnecessarily obtruded into a case legitimatety before him.— | The oracular decisions, therefore, will merely be | the private opinions of Mesars, Pearson, Kead, | Rodman, and the rest, given gratuitously with- | out any of the sanctions of their official oathy.— | it wil bind no ene, legally or moraity; and its whole effect, would be to make the Legisla- l ture appear _redicu!ows, weak, and ignorant of | its Constitational righis and vbligations, in the | eyes of the people. In spite of the artverse opinion of the members of the Court,the Legislature may | decide to hold over if it chooses, And if the | opinion aheuld favor the project, it will not ex- onerate the Legislators from the penalities an- nexed to the crimes of usnrpation and treason. The Legislature is reap wible to the people, not | to the Cuart. The Court itself is responsibie to | the Legislature ander the Constitution. We | mistake ~ oe gh ecp nage of the | Court if itshall turn out that permit them- | selves to be ped into giving an _— in the premises; and especially, a favorable opin- ion. The object of the movers is doubticss to | ehield themaelves ander the is of the judi- ‘ciary. But it will be well for to re | member, or we should say, recollect thet the | PROPLE ARE SOVEREIGN,—not the Surpreme Court—and TREY will hold both Court and | Legislature responsible for violations of the Constitution. ‘They will hold minorities no les | than majorities reponsible for the usurpation, if they ehoul Besides this right to review and | | | reverse the decisions of the inferior Courts, it| with the overthrow of a manarcy by the de- to hear cliais of par- | throncment and decapitation of the KE } biic. The overthrow of the State Government a slative or executive veurpaiion is paral) Ring ; and since we borrow our laws from our would-be-tyranta will do well to etady that pe ried of Erglish history which follows thé resior- Whatever ory have been the crimes of the first Chartes, (and we believe the people had a right to dethrone him,) the Rump Parliament, consisting of about forty members, after the expulsion of the majority at the point of the bayonet, had noright to behead him. Thirteen years thereafter they were brought to trial, condemned and exeonted fog the crime; and the plea that they acted win te authority of the Parliament evailed them nothing. The conrts held that the usorpation of the Parliament was of iteelf trea son; and aubeornently it was held that the Par- liament wan dissolved by the death of the King, and that all ita acts thereafter were acts of neur- pation, without reference to the of the members who voted for the decapitation of thy King. In like roanner, in this tate, any attempt of a Legislative body to hold over, beyond the qn stitutional limit of ewo years wouk! be neurpation and treason, We to all men of all parties to unite with us in defeating this nefariousscheme. We are of all and we have no mere perty ends in view: e welcome ov map in the State, Without reference to hia jeal antece- 5 ar calor, to join vs im ail the people, antler | Friendebip ia simply tha gallantry of terest, d continue to exercise logishative func, j self in THE LEGISLATURE, | tain Railroad officials in te opmmittee of th ole House. A bill te givy the committee more i mple popera, to compel attendance of witnesses, 4¢ will pass or not we cannot tell, Atl the,indi- e : ertions are thit tho se istoa will ha a protracted eral month to consider. Rat what is most | p_ GemeDdekery is.yow thé Chaiya LS enitentinry Comittee,” A’ rch he has showp. pudlig servayt, Since the war, it ia true, many af his old polities) associates have didfered with him in higipolitical views, Bat gbey have not) hig well known devotion to the best interests of yearspast. For this he has been taken to task the organ defiance, This ia what all who knew are ad- Without it they are simply despised. Yet w all adqnit this we find the Legislature unwilling to do any thing to save the credit of North Cat-) thand more than any otherelass, have fallen to ought to be done? Clearly what we suggested { thirty cents, To seil any more at theag fates is} Noe and admalnisiazing. vf scale of ’ ‘and: YEW AD VERTISER Da, WALKERS CELEBRATE We need agt tell our readers who this : aia.) ae ee ; aS ; hi be found to deny tha: a oe : SK has tleman ia, Ie hos long been known to the peo- _ 7 Dy hh } WURY. FRIDSY, DEC. 3. 1669. ea 41, | perfect good faith is’as essential to the charac AS eipy CALIFORNIA it 9 « ‘ ple of North Carolina as an honest and upright ter of & Hiale.se chastity ts to thut of & womeh, * pti 2% VINEGAR BITIERS, ig of importance has been done by the| | d : ; : are since our Inst issue, except a resoly- — re pepe aan ve anid olina, Pow tottering upon the brink of its grawer}". * At.B. SILLS’ Drag Storé Sallebery. invastigate the charges of frand against D> oe E ‘af the | Ler apecial tax bonds” which oughty.{0 eom-" con-| Dee 3, 1869. (2t-45)" Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit, Herb, Tree, Shrub and Evergreen Seeds, with di- ol senlti them 0 t eo oe ’ absolutely ruinous to the State In. a financial! > ain a and make those swearing false!y liable tO Mhe'Statg.* In the aixposition of the, patrofage ‘point of view. ‘To allow any more tobé thrown [Hl not fall toto t uch ¥ =e cya ol a culture, prepaid by mail. The ‘prosec:ition for perjury, is pending, wut whether | € his cotamahd he has not eomsuled sre wehel ‘upon thé weirket while atthat price, will ‘be ae, if tisles, y want Agents everywhere, to whom most complete and judicious assortment in X x ofthe party with which he has acted for three] UPO Sener iar He a they offer moxt liberal inducements.” We call | the country. | Agents wanted. . ruinous to the credit of the State. What°then 25 Sorts of either for $1.00; prepaid by mail. ti to advertixement i othtr col- sesation to Metis SGreringeans, i: SnOVNe OE | aall Prekta, Plaats, Belg ell the new pre- apan me = ‘i ' eens by the grgan of that party. Bat Gen, Dockery i ; : : th ahs of Pot Be. by mail: 4 joey Earl pie. A larga nambor of bills aad Ford. ONION) FF 7" eat a «jy | On the 22nd of October, and what Mr. Graham | fightof Gen. Littlefield,:to evade nin: gt end in destroying the v o} = . ( 1 P y,, Made arly have dea intralioed wisi it will Feqaire sov- | '* BO the man to be “whipped in.” He bids proposed in a bill intrbadesd hy him early in ee an Levyehigaltcabeneaiteed eb tee ert ; eet of all the lad for MARRIED: Rose Potato, prepaid, for $1.00, -Conover’s Co- jixely to mike.the sessiga atoay one is the faet4 frat both Houses have agees ] to retain the.pros- ent per diemol 87. Thatthore-are uaa of bata parties who really desiry the good of-tha $:ate, lis teat, an | they are deterthinsd to hotd'on to himbexpected,. One night last.week he made a speech to the members of the, Logislature, and others, in the Commons Hall, It was bold, feank and manly. He recounted the acts of the made against him and his committee, and treats the present seasion, The acts making the ap-’ seuion of the Legislature. New aanather: com: {tions of actions at propriations should be repealed, and the unsold bonds returned to the Treasnrer; the whole tratiaaction should be cancelled as fares possible. This coarse, and:this-alone;-ean save thecharac- Two canses.will, we fear, operateto prevent it— 4 the money .of the “Ring,” and the lash of the mittwe has been instituted, to investigatecharges deeply affecting said Littlefield, and whieh eom- mittee intended to examine him ‘on onth pelas he has gon’ South, to Florida it is believed, aril ‘formule prescribed andy w you ecules we are in’ Soe, ae’ ted Weg Macy J. UCozatl and. MEY dor 4 u ugh ved 1. David Lentz. ; é } ear tr plant roid ear slate) Nov. 2hy. 1850. by Rey. Sanit: Rotbrock,.| 3! per eee with d Priced Noy» 18. r. Jesse A.. Waughter of he h MrJ. F. Wale and Miss Martha “Ann, | °C ‘to any a gratis trade list nitino, . ; ; tive to the truth of the charges, But no sooner | Roman C a tM J Seeds.on itt: aimee ad are for Jower pay and a short soamlap ia true, |1“etelanive atits last semion, and plainly to!d prevent: : 2 3 |daughterof Mr, David J, Sheets. oe TsON mn. oe , m es of i mmaahace feel adayrod that that body that it had brought the. State. to the oe = ae tt be te “5 Secnity Gots th¢ Dyn alteneciniaance tt labors thay the ae eon been a = : on coreae iad aaa Nyon, ¥, 2 ee thia is the ea bold they:will ever get of the pub-~{ brink of rain. He referred to the complaints | 0c Se @ fear not | redoubtable LittleGeld again flocs. This time ed tn 1842. wh 4 ee 3—4m it a3 long a3 possible. Ia order to make poop for other and moreim- portant matter we have been compalled to omit ed them with the contempt which thaPianerited. The committee would continue inthe honest dis- charge of its daty regiy Uess of them. He gave party leaders, perhaps we should say drivers.— iaraldonnef party. and'theleveof “filthy lero?” | Cannot ‘men-emarelpate themselves from the | every body will be surprised if he returus hefofe the adjouromeet of, the legislature, How, long will any portion of-our people continue to syb- the the cbotbaaid uaa ic nel So deren : farther. I route Fn. meagre (si But there is no end tothis,* ahd ~T will tiot} ei Mt the! “Tn this effy on Monday, the. ip i . Dav ws s wife of DA. Da- tc : ra Ike Mra. Davis was truly.a good wornan,.. her virtues shown Gon~ da odh eaaindy or if, hele ee ee ee ee " ; : , xact accor f what the committee had mit to the foal cartuption which now pervades i ndly which raid before 1 | Spievous! : f : onr abstract of the praicetings this ‘week, We 782 cxart account © ‘That q majority, alagge. majority, of the legisla- | every department ofthe State Government and | have read ateniiedy and with | 2 pate was loved and respected by alt who kpow| y, i: 1d wi 2 § , e , , of the leg fr nd : wP. Lisk and wi Haskell “Shall resume thery again next week, and keep done, how mainch money it had expended and far ‘ane alnahots : by dad pice. y ith es ou : vl Sophia, Joseph oir readers as well poste as our limited space will admis, : : : x doubt, Yet they have refused to do so, owing, Se ee fof Thowas J. Foster, Esqa.on Friday last,| Jaines Smith 3 ged its duties. All this, and oh 2 ; _ : if 7 - s iy a cre TE oe rennin wee a ‘“ Soper Roya we fear, to the intlaences we have mentioncd.— THE BONDS. Wihes brie Od ‘oa the 26th of November, ghijem, Foster. Petitjom to salt awa to make assets. ‘ THE ALLEGED RAILKOAD FRAUDS. ; — t : We hope they’ will yet reconsider what’ they ‘ie vitten for the Old North State. oe about sixty years. Mr. Foster wasone| [t appearing to the satisfaction of the € No matter fs now engaging so much public st- tention aw that of the alleged frauds in the sale and disposition of the Railroad bonds. Tt is ons that every friend of the State feels a deep inter- The domand for a rigid investigation is cst an. all bat universal among all elasses of people of all pardce. AU were Jooking with deep anxic ty to the legislature, wheu it glquld meet, to pause the proper investigation to be made. But we fear they will be disappointed. A number pf bills and resolutions have been offered ia both Uousse haying that object in view, but they have ali been rejected. We have not space to mention them all, mich les to publish them in fall, That offered by Dr. Ellis, of Catawba, as p substitute furthat of Mr. Welch, waa, to onr mind, the one that onght to have been adopted. Tt designated the gentlemen who were to conati- pate the investigating committee. LLit bad pans- cd the committee woulfl have gonsisted of a nambce of gentlemen, of seknowledged ability ‘and integrity, selected from among the members of both politiggl parties. They would have rade a rigid and ispartial Investigation and re- port. But the course of the radical majority, ‘n Fejeoting it, was such aa to Imply doubts of is willingness to have sur Investigation wade. ‘Tho most ettradrdinary part of the proceed- ings ts that iu which the House of Represonta- tives determined to make the Investigation in commitiee of the whole. We need not tell onr what. ‘Fhe committee challenged thc most search- ing investigatiqu into the mannerin which it had farmer. Jt is truly refreshing to hear speeches like this. It proves that there ia stirling virtue in} the old land yet, and that it will not remain Iss | tent longer. We know that quite a number of Republieans were rejoiced at the speech—we heard them say eo. Thonsands of them are anx- ious to cut loose from the alters wing of their party, and its corrupt lasdera. In Gen. Dock- ery they will ind a worthy leader, and we be- lieve that many will follow him. It is not as a partizan that we rejuice at the conrse which Gen. Dockery has taken, and at the faet that he is sustained by many Republi- cans. Since the Inst election we have occupied an independent poaition. We are a member of no organized political party in the State or the Nation. . Weare a libera! and practical Con- servative. We divcasd att dead ives and ac- cept the situation in good faith, if not cheerfally. We live and labor for the present and the fu- ture, Consequently every one must see that, while weare, and ever have been deadly hostile to raticalisms —sndden and violent innovations and chahges—wé are very near the line where rationa! Conservatisia and liberal Repablican- ism face into each other. -_- ore oor BADICALISM IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Republiean party, ao-called in North Car- Olina, is disintegrating and going to pieces as ty of passing Mr. Grahash’s bill we have no have duue before the cleaé of the session, All the resolutions that boi Houses can paas for the next six months, simply declaratory of the the management of: several of our unfinished railroads? Tue Committers of the whole House of Repregeatatives, “on Friday last, examined Mr. Treasurer Jeukins as to bow many Stater’ purpose'to pay her debts, will add noth- | ing to the price ef her honds, Something must | the State will be ruined. A coneurrence of the Senate in the House resolution not to recognize the sale of any nore bonds unlesathey bring six; ty cents in the doilar will put a stop to all fur- ther sales for the prevent, but will not add any- thing appreciable to the character or eredit of the State. Of the sixteen millions.of bonds au- thorized to be issued by the-acts of the last ses- sion ten millions, perhaps, remain unsold. All further sales should be absolutely prohibited by a repeal of the acts authorizing them, and the R. R. Presidenisshould be held to an immediate and strict accountability for what monies they have received. This wil! restore the credit of the State by mleoci, +1) ‘amors for repudiation, oe -: Se oweew COMMU. SCTIOOTS. Rev. & 8. Ashley, Superintendént of Public Instruction for this State, visited Sulisbary on Satardar last, We were aot present at the in- terview which he~had with the County and School Commissioners and Town anthorities — We had, however, the pleasure of meeting him afterwards, and conversing with jsim on the muby ject of Lis mindion. From him we learn the be done in the shape of practical legislation or | Rattroad bonds had been issued aad te whem, tolluwing iuformation was elicited by the ex- aminatio: + j The amount of bends issued since Jaly, 1863, in pursnauce of the acts of the last General Astembly tv aid of railroads, was stated to be 812,600,000, , Willia:nstonand Tarboro’ Railroad —$33, - 000 appropriated, all of which bad heen is- sued, and then delivered to Je R. Stubbs, or his Attorney. , Western Division of the Western N.C. | Railroad—86,666,000 ‘appropriated; S@- 367,000 issued and delivered t. GoW. Sw. p son, or to his attortiey; $299.020 hypouie- cated, ie. left ta the Treasury to $¢1 e the paynrent of the interest. astern Division of ‘the sxine road— | 837.400 appropriated ; isemed $273 000 ; in | the Treasury 860400; the bonds » issued | were delivered either to Dr. Mots or Gul. ! Tlate. the Treasarerdidn'tremewLer whieh; | the books would shew. | Wikaiugton, Charlotte and Retherford | railroad $4,000,000 appropriated ; 31.500.- | 009 jsoned nad Acliver-d—$1,000.000 10 Col. | Cowan. und $500,000 to Dr. Sloao; #2,-) 500.000 yet to be delivered. | North Western N.C. Rail Road—$1.440.- 000 awount required by certificate, ee mach | per section . $2.029,.000 issued and delivered | to Mr. Belo ; $390,000 hypotheeated. | Western Coalfield Rail Road —81.500,000 I feel inthe a Your Friend and Obedient Servant, ” WM./H. GREEN. . HELPLESS BEFORE THE. LAW! “The General Assembly of North Carolina hav- ing reasscmbled, I desire to inyite the attention of that body to the fact, that.one entire class of their constituents, a class which constitute a branch of the learned professions, viz, Physi- cians, are now, and for sometime past have been, almost entirely bolpless before thelaw, in regard to any power, Jegally conferred on them, to eol- lect their professional bills. Many of them hav- ing, by the vicissitudes growing out-of the late was, been deprived of almest all their earthly estates, find it extremely difficult” to maintain themselves and families im that respectability to which their rank and intelligence entitle them. Physicians’ profemional services are strictly labur, of the most arduous and perplexing kind, —labor beth mental and gphysical, and often manual and servile.~ Their business is necesa- rily a credit business; and ho one, on mature reftection, ¢an truthfully deny this assertion.— They can not say to the irresponsible memenger who, at the midhour of night; knocks at their doors, and states the object of his misrion, you must pay me in advance; neither can they say to a patient, after having visited him once, pay me now, or | will visit no more; for the poor man is, entirely destitute of mon- ey, and so sic oF £0 delirious, or both, as to be -and wile Margaret A., Clarlie Austin and Tn this city, at. thé. residence of hig sou.| . wife Fravcisy Sarah. Byrd, - heirs at law of of our 1pst prominent and respected citi- zens. On the Evening of the 17th ult. at the residenew of her son, Mr KE Patterson, io Salem, NC: Mrs P Carvliue Patterson. wife of Gen Sam’'l F Patierson of Caldwe}l Co. Mrs. P. was in her 64th “yeur; had lived a life of usefulness. was mach ‘beloved. avd the news of her death will carry sorrow to many hearts. As wife, mother and_ friend. she fitly aud beautifally illustrated the Pro- verbs: “The heart of her hasband doth safely trust in ber.” . “She will do him goo and not evil. all the days of her life. - “She streteheth out her hand to the poor ; yea she reacheth forth her hands the needy.” “Strenvth and honor are her. clothing ; and she shall rejoice iu the tine to come.” “She openeth ber mouth with wisdom. and imher tongue is the lan of kindness.” “She looketh well te the ways. of her va eateth not the bread of idle- ness.” < “Flee children arise op and call her blese- ed; ber hysiend also, and he praise b her.” No eulogy. that we could write, would dy justice to her memory: theri fore, we will “let her works praise ber." court: that’ Joby P. Lisk aod wife Soplis, are non-fesients of this State, it is Ordered, That publication be made weebly, for siz succes- sive weeks in the*Otd North Suite, « oewspaper published in Salisbury, N.O., summoning each of said defendatts to be and appear at the office ol the cle:k ofthe Superior Court of Stan'y County,on the 15th of January 1270, then aod there (o answer or deimur to said petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ez parte as to therr.. ‘iness, James M. Redwine, Clerk of our said court at office, the 23! day of Novenler, 1869. J. M. REDWINE, 0. & o. ABBw: ps fee$10- ‘orth Garolina, Scepdivern Covnr, Sraxcy Cocrtr, Fall Term, Lagu A. &. Movs, adruinistrator of Thomas Moss, again Roland Fornat and wife Jane A. Forrest, A A. Moss, M. A. E_ Kendall, ©. W. Mow, — Toreadeil and wife MM Thrvaigil, J.C Moss, V.C. Movs, and Wil we Mos. _ Petition to make Real Estate Assets Tn this case it appearing to the sal isfacton of the eourt that Thereadyi!! ane wife M M Threadyill, MA FE Rendall, © Wo Moss art J OC Movs, defeudants in this precerde yg. non-residents of this State : Therefore, it ie ordered by the court that pul liemtion be made for siz Weeks io ‘The Oi North State” wemspaper, notiying the sa. det fendants to appear before the Judge of our 6 e -—_—— SPECIAL NOTICES. utterly inea of transacting any 3 moreover, t can not know beforehand what professional serviews they may be — on any particular oceasion, to render, or how long neat Superior Cuurt to be bell for the county of Stanty at the Court [louse iu Atle ware the first Mouday iu Jan’y. 1870. then ard ty rs PAIN KILLER. {oruzions oF THE PReEss.] — that a committee of five members could | rapidly as possible. The radical leaders have | poll taxes, all of which go to educational anf! gy riated ; $1,320,000 issued and delivered | ipa ang Sees Ce Or a scae be — - euch unbounded final epee ti . : ff, fied in ave made the investigation much quicker, and | had fall eway and they have ridden it weil nigh charitable purposes, are being collected very ea ee ae | pally a credit basinens, all the vague dreams of} 4), icle of great merit and virtue —Cinsin- is dnd ‘News 7: parts ae an : is Pro cir . vasee “ oe _ Yauch more thouronghly and saliafactorily, than acolmmiitee of one hundred and Gwenty, they were to death, Tt has been under the control of men whore stuly haa beeu to drive oF the support of More than half of them, we seppase slowly. will never be cullected at all. He informed ua | 22000000 of mortenged bonds; $1,760,000 | ing, ineped and delivered to Mre MeAden by order | visionary theoriats to the contrary notwithstand- nati Nonpareil. Witness, J. M. Revliwice, Clerk of the Sone The constitution of North Carolina contains a We ean bear testimony to the efficacy of the | rior Court of Stanly County, at ofie in A ee am e ie : Se OR that it woold be imporsible, with the means at | “9 command, to put the Common School system of the State ia fall operation thie year. Tle most diaposed to dy theiz duty henertly and rig- the virtue and intelligence of the State that was idly. Whether they are so disposed the soqucl | disposed to act with it, And they have done Hors Yidhtie tbl ne ca acakche Moet wars pt effoctially, They have d'azue Was this the object of the leaders in having it warle, the 22) day of Novenber AD? JM. REDWINE c. 5. ( 47 —6w (pr fee $lu) AE ROMINA PARDEE ey ‘ — | Pain Killer. We have seen its magic effects in Pe ee nee cra HL See. 4, of theaame | soothing the reverent pain, and know it to Le | document, makes it obligatory on the General Le good article. —Cincinnati Dispatch. 1 PE BTRE indation, for! A apecdy cure for pain—no family should be of Mr. Johnsou ; bypotheeated $210,000. | Seer ; : ane ane | THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. folly would be preserved as a warning to the | £300 for ita ewpport from the Peabody Fuod.— r_ BN wey Steer eee, tewe: necd a poferred to the committee of the whole Hoase ? ' Vfad Dr. Ellis’ bili pressed, a speedy, thorough aid impartial investigation cquld nos have been prevented, ez apt by the ight of the witnesses tion a —— oteuion, Why, then, We it op- | jects of Interest to poster! pored? iy did not the parties implionte! or their Sriande inthe Hosac, dem vad the fj sllest ines Uyaton* Sach has ever been the coarse of in- ncent mén, when chadged with dishonesty or Laproper covet We mike no charge of | the late Presidential elecion, has mondous accewion to its alrength. Of this there | eo had a tre- | once rising and fatare generacions bat for their insig- | They gould also receive fram the State fand nificane, Men who have not capScitr, charac | fiy centa per bead for all the children in the | ber Zlat, but it has been imposible fur me to re- ter anil virtne enongh to keep a triumphant | township within the school ages. Thi would | party tagether for two yoars can never be ob | give a find aufivient to support a echool for the! ya) are taking, There I have read atientivcly, | sarger part ¢ f the year, The bnilding belung Ifthe Repnblicaa party in North Carolina jing to the corporation, near the Episeopal | kindness that L was receiving the had been under the centrol of honest men and | Church, heretofore used for that parpose, can be vble and fait minded «'ateemen, ft would, afier| obtained and the schoo! can go into operation at j articles, And surely no community needs a pob-| | ply td day; nor would any reply of mine have! ‘ bese of amy particular arc to voa with the views ery. | wae throught voar ip ays -“The «ix of them | ‘eoming as | did that kk Ad North State.” 1 have reveivec {and possibly these are not all, containing yoar The abandonment of the ol syxiem of writs and pleadings by judicial formulas, ! regard as a, | My Dear Sir: T received your letter of Octow | ial and aM ely be ightened jarists ; for any other con- struction wouk! be at variance with the time- | honored maxim, thas the “reason of tle law is | the life of the law.” Tt ix extremely mortifeing to the members of | wou a noble and dignified Bi iohe. & be! aa! remed ki of —M SS compelled to asvume # a mendicants and Conds, —— = — he go to and fre unrongh the country, berging and | Lesecching their haughty and avaricious debt- om, many of whom are ih the casiet «ireum- starces, to pay that which ix jumsiy due, and them hy all cruty inspar- | Se/taet. Our own | ¥e advice that every family should provide | themsel ves with so effectual and speedy a pain | killer.— AmAerat ( N.S.) Gazette. For culinary perporer, Together with a [| ton Wf tek God warranted pore GROUND SPICES, all which, as ocal, will bead at pr ces greatly below the o!d prices here At F. SILLS Drag Store, Sa). Nov, 26, 1869. It ix one of the few articles that are jn=t what they pretend to be.— Brunanck Telegraph. opinion is, that no family should be without a boule of it for atingle hoor. In flesh aches, paina, sores, &., it is the most After many years trial of Davis’ Pain Killer, possews NORTH UAKOLINA ALM NAC for t870. Bularged and im roves in all respects; better than the Aliana ’ lie senool any worse than thia And a suitable : ! whieh would have been paid long «noc, had a 1869, which was s popular aid i+ bear ieee or improper coaduct ~ the reawa that | can be no donbt, All the imwes had been deci- and excellent teacher is aleo at hand in the per- a dee ot oot accuracy, system of jn and wholesome laws been in foree. | The _ raved of — —. & Bon = sale, Prive, aah oe, by mal If te wr mot t of of it. i id od in ita favor and thonsands of rati d leon ¢ CONUEY, RALALQELION Aid Giapatch, im ie ad ah vd ‘ ‘ara | can confidently recommend. ehave used it! 49; Bl Be: one d.zer ine t BMY bli - ”. . eo = ueeee ots " — cm onal and | son of Mr. Leonidas Brown, who powewes the | minisyring uf justice, The evila we were ef ramtintie ana dae at ae ee | for a length of time, aod invariably with snc- iy 7 = lin plead Lace : ut the public generally believe that thére ie | practical Consersstives, roald hare joined it if} happy faculty of imparting instruction while at- | fering, before our Code of 1843, grew out of the ores com.—Cunada Baptist. Fvieo te store. helf arom, $4; per toads: § h in the may facy ore ta that offen Sach be ng the Case it i¢ @ pregtaat circumstance that pich demand has not only net been made, but that ic has, in fact, beet resicted Aguin, if Dr, EM vill bad passed, or an) aailar bs!) the coat af the investigation to tse ate! shave am Tho asant 1b 19 ¢ —in those who guided its councela and filled moat of the offices of the State. But not haviag | th rt confidence from it. they have kez! thameelves aloof 1 to little or nothing. | WoAk ing arennd for other asoriationa m would nut necessarily have ben | Tete Repudblienna of Virginia, undor the le: Poff they had had the least confidence in its loaders | inching his papils to him in the bonds of per | relasation, or eonal affection. Mr. Brown is « graduate of the University, and a fine echolar withal. M-. Ashley has very properly, as wa think, | Like the | the colored children of this place and sicinity, | ; the disuse, of sume of the fanda- rales of the old methula Twenty sears {experience under the Code, have literally over- whelmed us with euch an aggravation, thot it takes, now, eight to ten years, to carry a care And the hanest men who have acted | concluded to estaldish the white achool bere ; Urrough the courts, ending in our Court of Ap- with it are unwilling todo so longer. They are| firet. It is an undeniable fact that sigeethe war | Rote te i | e eight fold the labor, the dvlay, the expense, he same somber would have exacted under the a nr. ~ Bu: th . x ; ; 't ; hare enjayed vastly more educational advanta- | old method—even as they existed under our vag. 1 for a single day in consequence. But | bie gallaut Walker, they are preparing to abar- | ges than the children of the poorer class of white | ery day apant in the investigation is | domtheveoal andcorrupterew. They do not mean; people, This they have done in consequence of | Hevised Statutes. There ia not a lawyer in the State whe practised ander the old methads, who dues not concede thia comparison between the ! withont a protective lien, than could the peace | and good order of society be maintained with- | out the strong arm of the criminal law. With-, out such lien, the benign influences of enlight- | ened medical skill and advice, will soon he ex- claded from our borders, and the medical pro- fexion will deecend into the hands of mounte- banka, furtune-tellers, conjurers, and witch-kil- lera, the number of whom always increases as true acience and refremcni recede. Reing aryeelf a physician, and having been de- franded, and cheated out of my = rights, even | more since the peace of 1865, than during the | qualitios was soon per whole eres. $7. FARMER'S NC. ALMANAC. poli sued by James H. Ennie; ao eacelent Alva: tall of most valuable matter to the Farin with monthly calendars in large clear tyr Price, per mingle oopy by mail, 10 crois. 3 copies bY mail Z5c., one dusen by ina’ fiw | nee in store, half grows, pet hundred $+.) per gross $6. TUE COMIC ALMANAC FOR 1879 published bey J:mea F Ennime; tril of cor picture Ulustrauiona, j kes, anecdotes, fun, Be, The Pain Killer is for sale by Medicine Deal- ers generally. dec 31m MERIT SOON NOISED ABROAD, Tt is bat six years since ALLEN’S LUNG | BALSAM, was first offered for eale, Its good ' known at home, and very soon its fame was noi-ed far and near ; now } it in wold in nearly every Store in the Uni- ted States—North, East, South and West. No 1 nach aided to the length of the sesion.— | to abandon their Repcbtican principles and tarn | contributions made for the ¢ disastrous and ill-begotten war which led | similar medicine sianda higher with the le. ' y i A 2! thlican pr leas arn | contrib or the purpose by the North-| ea . . . ‘ preceded}, . Cop with monthly ealenuars, in large «'ear type \welyweR tiny thus alded will cost the State | Demucrata avy more tl an did the Walker Nezarb- | ern people. old and the new methods in favor of the former. |thas peried: and having been rendered very | lt is well known on the Pacifio onan, tiber- | Price per singe copy, by mm 10 cents $17 Lat the good people of the State re-| licins, Bat che tmatan to act in the future with TR ni wr Lucse things, and wao are responsible | ¢he liberal and moderate Dem rats an} Conzer- | We feel sure that it is nnnecesaacy for us to | orge this matter upon the attention of ourechoo! | It was only in respect of the folly of abandoning | the distinct methods of preceeding in Law oa Equity, and the clasification of I e- | diea, or actions, that [ attempted to deal with | r mainly through the instrumentality of dia- | sical lawa, I am prepared to speak emphatically | and independently, withont fear or favor of any, | al ae oo San Francisco, Sacra- mento in Cal ia, and Pordand, Oregon ; ev from Australia, large ordegs are received for it copies by mail 25: one clesev by mail 60 ets Pee in store, per half gross $3; per Luudres £4 50; per gross £6. for thom. Those men who sought to have a full | vatives for the best int@rests of the State. In]cormmiestoners. We 4 in! 9 I then aay, in conclusion, that I sincerely And throughont Canada, it is wel) and favora- pt hic eal cals cc aca Des hs ne te a a : rfc ners. We loubt not that they will jo 1t Codg—and I am, more and more, persuaded | that the General Assembly of North Carolina, | bly known, and sold everywhere, G® One of each of the above mares fo any . wae \ male, Reoe : jt ve kaTMe Rpirit we, and thonzands of others, are | promptly and efficiently second the laadable ef- | of the necessity of the old distinctions and of| in the fall blaze of the aftcrnoon of the nine- ni address fur Zh cta For sale by ocrats and Conservatives, are eytitled to, and) realy to wncet thom half war. | forts of the SaperintenJentof Pablic Lastraction | e™priling the parties and their lawyers to anal-| teenth centary, will not beso unmindfal of their Read what Captain Foster writes: JAS. oh. ENNISS, will receive, the thanks of the people of North} If any evidence wir: wanted to prove the | to establish a scluol here at once. | s2¢ the controver«) by the nee of prescribed ja- Port Buewais, March 23d, 1869, Agent and D'ublisher of Aimarace date to themeelre, thelr constitnents, their coun- Uxaolins clihcat dintectioniet pasty, race ot | truth of wirat we inlescortenertniiheraian _ - “oseed oe ice and a . —— j try, and their God, n« to neghect Innger to do} a Peery Dayw & Son—Sire: 1 am oat 16— 41if Sahsbery, ¥ / . : : “ ’ ; fi - i Pm = themselves, ha e points on which they | 44, Se itna; aaa | pleased to notify you of the benefit which I ha — calor, Int thém continue thcir effortm, no mat-|tegrivion of the o-cailed Repubilean party in| TIE RADICAL PARTY IN V : j tnes I : that which the constitnijon, which they are | Pleaste t it which IT have ; 5 tepul a } FE RADICAL PARTY IN VIRGINIA. | must of necesuty, or va which they are willing, | ; : : | received fr "s Lang Baleam ing been DMINISTRATOR’ Motice sor who mv sue in conseyumee, We | the Stars, it woall be fonnd ina namber of re-| a 'to rely. Thero may Qe many things in o mica. es Oe ny ee sd Ga Avews 1a eae j S one a ee os ; : j ia: t de at itabl troubled with a tough for several years The Rilica! party of Virginia mast in Con- | modes of proceeding, we more strictly denomi- | sac hs tr he pe Sao ak cae Balsam was a . wh ar jae e ahs 1 < = s a ! ° }e ' : A 7. a vention at Richm onf one daz hist woek bt their | i practice, in which [ have no doubt you are | as follow ncoupations necessarily and imsepara- | ly procured it, and found it to relieve my cough somion wat very far from being hirmonious, A | "8D 19 Erging an improveticnt. But iuprove- bly associated with miuch ¢redit. more readily than anything L ever tried. My 21 Having quatified as Acwinrtrinx & the wil aunexed of James © Bmy the, noiue ts bereby given that all parties “whe claims ageimet the estate must presenti (hem are not ono of there wito boliewe that all the} cent articleainthe Stranded. The virtue of tlre State ix confined to one p We Irgan fa doing | ita boat to “whip in” the dixadected, bat fn raln rte hes mente of thia nature belicve that there are as honest mén in the Re- | Th day when that paper can “ kill and m ake | publinaa party aq any other, and that the “Brea” we composed of mem bape Of all parties, | ed contemporary of the CAarlotte D~nocrat that that the honest men of a!l | jts articles ot that enbject are “the most impu parties sho ld ugita to ferrit oat and ¢. pose the | dent picces wo ever read in a political paper.” Jt is proper, fhe frvad and corruption which is beltered to « xist, | | aad of which mompbers of all partics Lave been ilive” is past, We fully agree with our respect- ee ee par Tie KRuturcnvors Brae, the leadirg majority of the con wittee on resolutions report. | ed azine tho al alation of Virginia, undor the present State goverament, on the ground that} franc had been used to carry the late election, | that it waza Confederttte triumph, &., &e. minority repo-t wa! mide which fives) th jon it, Ge ably thigk more appropriate!; | hatong to the Yule of the Ooarta, The Indes’ I think, always have had power enong! forsnc! sipervision. At any rate, the Jardges onzht to; have this power @eercise it, eo that ' species uf labor, expenee and delay srw Vistal oPn paait be cy netapparerst. Tn this quares of improve | sibie | me ta tau 18 BON MEDICUS. | Jackson Hill, N. C., Nov. 28, 186", | | SALISBURY SIARKETS | DEO. 3, 1969. REPORTED BY J. A. MOCONKATGHUFY. onocerR, } wulte. Wife has also used it with most ratisfactory re- Yours Very Truly, Capt. D. FOSTER. Capt, Foster is a ship owner and builderer, riding at Fort Borwell, Canada. _1t is sold by Dr. G. B. Poursor, Salisbury, N.C. 481m by the Girt of November 1870, ur this noi will be plead iv bar of their recovery. A! per- cons indeed te the estate are Pr qnested u make early settlement, JULIAN G SMYTHE Okt 12. 1860.— 41:6" Admx THE ADVANGE. < a ! tte ac : ; : | immediate aliniaaion of tne Siate and looked io 4), Ceo thie Surtherest with you. The cvile| Bacon, perpoana, .......... to snp inte a guilty. Let them stand tdcother and demon-! Radical paper of the West, devotes four col | ty liberal ms ~ TT a j which led to the mpposed alleviation by means | offee, pore a, + 8&8 to = THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAT.. WEE . SRN cate that even in this degencrate there are | uns of its last week's issue to Gov. Helden, the miseries AA A neteled prAbiN ve majority re | oeihia Code, evil! all heve been obviated, or | (orm per bash, o t%.. + 1 10to 118] Floatetter’s United States Almanac for 1870. - serie aa hegetaesodlgh indigtinane ; gg ad ‘ ye | ort pte: wieereipya all (ha cn 3 ae basen oe . . " 1b sony eeoaa : ' tuose in the cocmaels of the State wha prefer ber | Railroad Prosident’s and the Statew Credit, We aed ~ fai orate ie 0 stad, by cor fudge, hed thee gentlemen Chena ape cara ie 19) | for distribution, gratis, throughont the United |2eveted to the Farm, the Garden, ihe i ( j . : svesl ie eatae ae - ° manera A : + see oe . . A . : > . F ifupe to mre partizan aapondency. [he HON Bo mor painted seault opaa the | wells at and reapectabte mom'x:t4 of tha Cn jwune th ir duty and exercised the power, « 1 idles, Tallow, ; TELIA 90 te ga | States and all civilized countries of the Wenern | orkshop, Damestie Fcounm, a | .e.dere of tt ~lled IRepublicar vention lefé the hall ina boly. Bath parties | CS conferred upon them by our Reviews | * Adamantine, een ese 2 to vo | Hemisphere, will be pabliched abont the first of and General Progress in a e dere o he eocalled Republican party in| 9.0 tniod comn'adons to Washinton ts urgo | tatyter oo Catton, per poand, ... ve» 91 to 9q|/ January, and all who wish to understand the North Corolina. B@- Trg Sraxpanp chazges thas the Dem North Carolina in any Democratic paper. It]. oe ee &° | Bat I regard the distinction betwoen Lawand, ‘ Yara, per bunch, seeeeees 2 08 to 9.95 | true philoeophy of health should read and pon- cratic pupave have dehtre ‘ihe eredit of t "| charges Gov. Holden with having broken dwn | Nr Revive views pon the Prosidant sed | Rarity and the i! methods in each an fant | Bae, pa end ae aloe, the valuable mncgestione it containe "Ie ad. | [2E, UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES 7) pcratic ave use e@ credit of the) ae Cabinet. mental. I regard too, the coranun inw action ‘weathers, per poand, ... 484 to 454 | dition t d bh i co i veblish, in th ot 4 aa . a 5 sty to 1065 end cae 1 it let alone He 8 . ; ; Nsi | proce: ae ao ition to an admirable medical treatixe on the pablish, eaty of Raleigh, es son. « S:ate. Of course we do not take’ any part of it | the Per y - - 5, and naya - " 1, if let alone, in Virginia; as ia Nocth Taro.iny, the Ropab- | for dam ~ze4, either for the breach of a eo ttract, | ee ea | 8.75 ne canes, prevention and cure of a great variety of |* Seficient number of sutscribers ean be ol- . ; eak it down again. : atl aes fivooaie:uecontone toc te fbi) wal for, | cite Macker@l, "96 Be -2--eseese 00} 95 are i \ 0 ourself, aa ours ig not 3 Democratic paper,— | sn ree Cor: SS as : — charges that limn party, so-cailet, is orum ling to peices, — |?" i eae Bet eae piste Sy eee le on 3. 20 to 92] disearer, it embraces a large amount of informa- tained a Weekly Bumily Journal, aiapted }yut we think the Sluadgrd has done quite as| he has ruined the credit of the Btate, inasmrach |, Ca eee re mala for arcertaining in the fire placa why ther 0) " . Rae te tion interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, | the Wents of the prople of North Carol 4 The result may b formation re of aJ there ix: t ‘ep 1 ! ’ mich to break down the eredit of the Stat jas he ia reaponsibie f.r the appointment of Dr : ; (ners pets snwatation, and what it | Pruit, dried, apples pealed, .. 7to 8 | ‘he miner, the farmer, the planter, and profes-| WhO arte enzaged im the cultivation of the 1! nae cae “ TENG es 7 Sc ene (ese cae nd M oe ang . respectable qnd Conservative Repablican party, | ia, we (adispenseble, 5} have endeavored to ex-) * unpld 00 to 00 }sional man; and the calculations have been | in ali iss branches, the im ae ential vile ny ae t Saini yas done. At emoerntic ee f oe : je and M.S. Lit =F to the] pnt Radicalism ia deal. Tie seeedors im Vir. | explain soy eee T think that the Tae} Oe ees . : twee . made for ench meridians and latitudes as are} mannfactares, ably Oat Mica our mechan al ofamall 'ocal circ which, perhaps, has positions which they now occupy. be verv dinia will prabvbly join the Walkor Repatai. | 0! 2° prescrib formuier must be compeliei. So | Leather, upper, per poand, .; ete 7% most suitable for a correct and comprehensive | skill, arid all (1 e romterial mterests of che State. nota copie sulacnber in any of the Northern | fact, it aay, that the bonds of the State have! on. . hie egtte thee willl Andie mojere | far na bregity is CONG ree i Te that i role ve Se: ve a 83 to 36 sere orcs Tn the conduet of the paper over ects fo oy eee } zs , LCA, BA EM PLA Oy. Tee Fae, ns am, tle) never can be aitained or seared in any other : “ atu: 1 7 ie ; tea, wives ate rliatie Seen mC anfided tot r “ enieia ’ ; ; es 12 -“ ) | Tron. bats 6 e nature, uses, and extraordina: P ene : Rurtes, vives ates repudiation on ite oa account. | been ¢ at Jed to _ f= nda of these . wh i {and pea o loving elem: with which they can; way than by these preserved and compulsory | +e caine: i a ied 7 | efecta of HOSTETTER'S STOM TCH BI secure the aid of scientific and practical moa The Stan la-d which cirenlatee among the busi. |e ugh to account for the crippled comdiiun of | act. formi'a, aut f allow, tou, Una” ewe ameast be | Nails. cut, We svete ccs 6to 7] TERS, the staple tonie and alterative of more io pene and intetert hia readers, fis oh- rca men of ihe Northern cities, and exehang-; te “late. -- -<-—-—-- | tripped * the verbo<itv the Lawyers indulge! Molasses. oo Leet Lo) LICE a0 60 | then half the Cvciin world, are fully set forth ae aa per | Somer presiies} an Z hes a] aka the ator ic toast . mtn oar | ix en their fees were aauedby the , oe vest B, caeeeeeeee t 70) in its i > ; ; ‘ nsetiny te clases ©+ wath unany of the Nurthorn papers, at once | Wesimp!y rake the above statemcnt to let DELICATE IRONY. a oo ~T. a a “ Sprite. = 1.00 iy 1.29! oh tact at on are _~ interspersed with lt Belarc Om eonlisivinton coda: Provlaiins to them, what te no? true that “the | or readers know what the Recdical leaders may = tione naires fore any - ‘th i. the gh re “| Onions, per bushel, 50 ta 0 if eet Id eas oe recipes for the | perof Is r . 4 ? ny j a ' . 2) Nath Carel’ land tisk of each ofher, We have oe : : } : ne tw . RIM: AD ENE BE AIA ak perpoond. 10 to j household and farm, lumorous anecdotes, and | | arge sine, at Q2 per year in advanc rity Democente pape in North Cirplina g Bn SilGX OF Gata Onict. e have very great( Barcasm ie a dangerous uro-edged weapon, | tem of "Viits, as tuey were ased under ¢y¢ He- | agigioos. Irtwh, per beshel, ... 60 to 75 | Cher instructive and amneing reading matter The first namber will appear about ihe Ist! nig tle scpwdiatwa of the Siate tal, In | Pespecs for trug and ones Republicang, a8 ont} bug eonrte:s emande that one’s ror! flings be vieed ene Ww Ae oe e, ae vcieri] Sweet, Leseseseee 10) to 00} OFiginal and selected, Among the Annuala to | November, of as sopn thereafier as the pat tiie wav, by pndiiehing a statement which it} Peder well know, and have been at all times jtometin clothe} under a viel OF frony. ‘This hag piled ee a se ce tlie cone POwnes <i < 28: -e i = Fa ger f bipee sehaarorp. _ the or be eet will fastily, Sobsenbers will he ex- Wome, ben! Y ane Aa donehine te eoannorate with then math el face hnareccntte pao ec Role: = &e. 4 b expremive of the ob- deotludh Sa mit nseful, and may be had , | Pectesl to pay as so seive the fet be “te, the Standard has dore m te piers to pm a oie i em . promote we! fact has re. catty vec reengniz: a by the Raleigh | jects designed, We filled up the printed blanks). % Crashed Palvertzea 20 | asking. Send for copies to the Central Eden oni = OE NnST TROT Aue thee dhe godess ibe She to snin ber gredit, | Wertote ar ne “ala, Rat we fect no intercet 1 | sorrespondcct the Wilmington Phe, oly | with the statement needed in the particular case Salt, Te 1 oe | tory, at Pittsburgh, Ba. or to the nearest dealer The undersigned solicits the aid of his many . i my ita atatemohta war that | thisquarrei between the Radigal leaders that | writes over the eleniture of “Union,” in giving | and accomplished ia our law office, what we now! 4 tate” : See BBO te 6.00 | in HOSTETTER'S STOM AC H BITTERS.— | friends in the State te obtnis cheer wi 4 ; de Ovnweltion nerts ta iu fayor of, repr. | the woman did ‘not feel iy the figit between her | his impressions of the present leci-tuttire. Lic g- have ° go to the Court for on a idavits and get | Tudacco, Leal. per poond, ....-.-+++ 8to 319| The BITTERS are sold in every city, town and | iorward the liats at an ear! d ee Gielen ae t eaikend aia the hace ie t sivlature. Tac <7 an order, instead of resorting to the writ, "Tis, *¢) ‘Manefectered. .........- 80 to 1.85 | Village, and are extenalyely used throughout the | A J day, ia 1 a : : j him ner dible, the grins of mjoiuae wy por mate, e moking, eileen - 4001.00 | entire civilized world. WM, B. a dee Spin | Raleigh, Out, @, 186@ “\eing nothing less than ¢izht distict ears — a a pdhe ta, Ak pte a SALISBURY, FR —_—_——. : - LINA BENTO ; mie | smount of machinepy, with adam already erecte ot Sy The talented young youtigelady, who fur- soquire: but da led in good eames ; an ea ly wrote charming: “ste fur the ( ION: » Wowcrn, North Caro. | ® : e remainder of the tract will be in- er ‘ State uuder the abowd Sous i rove teat, &e for her system of jo _ tee e oan size, from 100 acres ; xs : at North ota / : *@ + om t vilng the : te it asera, « fae | ; X PAUL. Mi ti, and ionallyt fon Nath widen i Caba, : ri The above'land lies ten miles of ye aioe for Gmeee 7 ted Enown an lend with tien forties nay le rt Gevige Da 3 Py , Qe ho nthe WN. G; ad hd wal Re ‘ RA . ie re! lors will be delighted (oyjnet say he always fou direc al the Jadge bas aay EMESe tt Pe toi: unloved Rae TS he great séntth Meets te very best pleces megudbe : thay ses tase hi pe ap ¢ i ete ete saat ore , 6, 2 Sun, EREMIAT BA ei eRe are rey fourth page this week—e trae story. oh a mnan of gening and brillianey. red pot | 00 Taesdity morbing, the busines of the vn RE pe : ee hae ‘ witli leg Tenendng, EN gii pensare Ciroult” Coaré was Piao ie "Geant ona » Ang IRE. : 7: RT Te ey gay ' pn 9 Ay ApreAL TQ 330 ‘Prortp on Norm — every of knowledge, Truly.{a goed | Jury was charged by His Honor ju ‘au able TO THE LADIES- Not a Secret Quack, Medicine. * CaroLixa.— We et at aan ae a fees mau had fallen... a aaa manget and t —Anehs taken Pe ss = Kt F ; ; d , ty a pamphlet under this title aligned: oF" Popa- jt ee Hy with admi-| Wm, Font and —eodthdaas ‘peahe; + ‘ ‘ormula aroun the B ptile. 1.” It treats in a most able~and sexhilistive | ration and affections He was a” star of no| to vext terme Yee 4 4» 32 ‘ @ety 16m’ New York Ong 4 ' , sat Salto ngt nik? y's manner the question of the: bg > pata Fon tude, -and he bore his - > Be vs, Elijuh Needhmam—uot guilty, PREPARED SOLELY BY - sia The armen samen sted purtyrand aed upon the mombere| ae oe ee we Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, | hon t tu answerit, two if will be af theBanect- only tot o’bis example as .iga° bers, of the P R | Zz E : hey tc Ae ee . - olawegetcha comm Ramble qhretinn COUR EE ta, We clue ¢ We ; MESO TLS, SAS eee remembered, o wan. . “tay” _ ; i . . be Us , . : udgea of the Su as *V +R, D. Johnst f hi \ G. B: nd : ’ "NORFOLK, VA. fe Sa lt anne th guar mrtrsn ah [a Neat tan TB. owers and Reapers, noche Cosnircint saab oar Br $2 | : andof ie purea ely obarags +L, Sevtty OP Meare, MW Ransom, | * Lawreute, Chemist, Norfolk, Vayand the word decide it than any other ff “We do not i believe the Judges wilt at Gen “he all, or if they do that will that the qchigutioat esis ls ae was ating mind, and his trath, He saidhe was au extracrdioary pan, and amid a!) the ; fessional life. always fonod time to devote tol the advocacy of the cause of the poor avd pasa ; term expircs in'Au We publish the page this week, and in {t hae the sanétion and ‘oval of a numberof the leading men in the State lea, This pamphlet should eon every man in North Carolina, ° Lt is for "by Nichols & Gorman, at Laleigh, price $2 per bindred. ane Mr. J. O. H. Nattall has withdrawn from tle publica ion of the Zyaminer, of this place. For the preséat he will bave charge of the mechanical aud job deportinens of the uttice. We wish http sacvess ft ‘Whatever busiuess he usay detecmine to engage in: he Kraminer will be cuntinaed, withoot any change, by J- J. Stewart, Esq., who has all the tine had control of the editérial de- partment. om our first attentiontoi’. ———— : Fatal Aceident.—We regret: to learo. as we do from the Guldsboré Messenger, that an accident ocea red on the W. and W. Railroad ou Friday last by Which Mr. Callier Griswold lost his lifer Me. Gtisweld waa an cugineer on the road, and was’ at ‘estgemed cilized. ™ _—_ —>--—- -— Large Corn.—Mr. G. W. McLean of Spring Grove, N. C., has left several large earsof coro at oar office. Several of them are doable ears, having for more than balf their length two distipet enbbs. Among the number is one of a remarkable character. auited securely together at the large end, The main ear is of average size and straight while the other seven grow oat from tt and from a cordon around it wy Ore Ene The Hillshe- medicine has cured pe Tiaxtow ~ Ghat town, neither of whom bas . dvsireto take a drwk since using the ciicine. ‘Phe terms are bo care no psy, ————_—s-———— 4 Delicate ion.— Last week a small hoy in Winston, helding a euckle berr in hia uh unfortonately drew it down his wiod- ove where it lodged, end it was fennd im- }-ssible to reliewe hin except by an o - ton. which was sooner Dr. Sint Vahneon layinggpee the windp*pe and ex- ting the barr. The mperation was per- rined successfully apd the buy ie now about Winston tinel. » The School Festival." —This benntifal lit- original Magazine is now ready. Ib ia de- totes entirely to athe t ethibitions, rvcita- tins dialeg@es, fableans. charades, etc.. vid is destined to haté.a- great popularity. 1 is the only magazine of the kind we hoow of. has bees greatlp aerded, aod nivets the as well as for the etallef ¢ tidren—all ori- minal and all first clase. We quote ouly ove exercise a8 a sample. Send fur the Mage- rine, and enjoy the whole of it. It is pub- iwhed qdaitteriy. by Atfted L. Sewol & Co.. | meeting in confirmation of what Gen. Jehn- ston had eaid, of bis kindly aud well-timed assistance to the, younger members Ber, and bore his testimony to his eloquenee learning and true manliness. Fle said nut en the Bax and the eountey; bat the church had lost a shiuiug ornament domestic retations, and aaid lovely as his character it was roagh in comparison with what it was athome. He his siekness, and with ehristian resignation, was ready and willing tu hear the snumons, and that hehad never seen fo ; death: was the committee. reported the following res>- lutiotis, which were unanitnously . since the tart term from Time to Eternity the Honorable James LW. Oswonyr, for /more than-thitty years a member of this Bar; and twhereus the dis- ceased hat endeared himself to his profes- seat brethren by the ki ed their respect by bis ability as a juriet and advocate, therefore. Janes W. Ospouye. the State of North Caroliva has lost oue of its noblest and irost useful citizens, the Barbas been deprived of one of its brightest and most exemplary meinbers; avd this particular commanity ba- sustained an irreparable loss. Resolved, We caa but condole with the} ell wi E. Cureh; Bishop J.J. Moore Presiding— the coufereuece was opened in the usual form, reading a portion of the Seriptares, by the Bishop, with comment ealling of the Roll, appeiuting Committers. nual address was delivered in hi« sual style; foeible, eloqaent aad full of instraction. The Roll announced 130 members of the conference; comprising Elders, Deacons, Preachers and Elders. Elder 1. MeFarley. c J.V. Giveos, of the Va. Con. was elected | woukl be leaders of the people (ou both Reporter for Papers. At 12 o'cloek the} morning session closed. fo m. ; ; | tion of the charactors of the members. Oth- want. It to fall of good things for the large! 65 Busines of importance was transacted, aud the 2nd aay's session closed. | a ttl ae -~ e Ne i alla ralitoet best war peng ada gag persistant search after atid vexations of rot dy. Col. Johw Ey Browd, next addressed | the of the Col. E. A Osbor ¢ of his privete and as. gentle and red to the world was at his bedside during whielt be bore waniurmuringly and seréne a His tribute was as touching as it James M. Hutchison, Esq., Chairman of Wenkaé, It has this Court to remove and courtes: his tntercourse ho less than be eommand- be it Resolved, ‘That in the death of the late family. PARING, Seer y. —_— R. ported for the O J North State. AFRICAN METHODITS EPISCOPAL CONFERFNCE. Sauisurry, N.C. Nov. 24, 1869. Opeving of the Oth session of the A. M. reading the Rales aud The Bishop's An- of the Va. Converence was elected Dec. avd Preaebing at 7%. Qnd Day's Fession opeved in the asaal The confernce passed to an examina- 3d Day's Sessio i. J. J. Moore. Presiding, A number of members were admitted on trial. Cominnn'eatious were read on staticties, and pétions from the several charges. none uf the committee being ready to report exeept the | the publishers of thet popular juvenile wag: | »,.qmitter on cumplaints—evulerence atine, Tre Lerten Coxroman, Chiesgo. | I!) and coste Fivry eents y year, Single| Sirgle copy Afteen cents, | ee es Blackwcood’s Magazine for November has | bern received from fhe Leonard Seutt Pab- | lishing Compaty, 140, Fulton Street, New | York. It cotitains scveral interesting arti cles, ainong them Part !. of two new stories, “Earl's Dene” afd “John” “The Jewish Reformation and Taléed” and ‘The Land Question in Ireland. _- : The Sharp Shooter, is the title of a new Aol aprightly weekiy, deveted tu light-liter- atare and amusements, just started at Goldsboro, N. C. by Juling A. Bonitz. Mr Bonita is also the pablisuer of the Carolina Messenger, and the Post, a German paper. — ~~ --— The Lattle Corporal, fur November is fresh and full of interest to the litte folke. It is, withou, doolt, ote of the best Javenile pub- lications im the United Jtates’ Price $! per year. Address Alfred L. Sewel. Chicago. In. ep TRIBUTE OF RESPECT TO JUDGE OBBORNE. Ata weeting of the Bar held in the Court Honesein Charkite, on Friday, the 26th November. to pay a tribate of respect to the memory of the late Judge James W. Osbura”. Hen. Nathaniel Boyden, of Salisbury, was called to the Chair, and R. P. Waring, Esq.. requested to act as Seeretary. On motion of Jamea M. Hutchison, Eaqr. the Chair ap pointed a committee consistiug of James M. Hotehison, Esq.. H, W. Guieu, Esq., Jadge Wo. Shipp. and Col, W. P. Bynuin, t » report resolutions expressive of the sentiments ud the Wilson then addreseed the Bar in strains of deep feeling and pathos, in which be por- traved ja tonchirg eloquence, the virtues, high character, learning and grraj ability of tion, and Rev. Elder Farley Missiovary of) 45—6w | ing. 4th Day‘s Session. Bishop Moore presiditg. | The conference resumed its business. Font | inembera were remanded back for another | year in order to be more perfeet in a cuurse | at the: of studies recommended by the Bishop and conference. The committee on education then repor ed, and preeeding the passage of the report. the Rev. S.S. Ashley. General Superiatendant of Schools, addressed the confererce on the subject of Education. his address was earnest. eloqueut and interest- The report was received and adopted. After which the Rev. Mr. Broddie, addre sed the eonference on the subject of Banke, his addrase was well received. Some other busi- nass wa- done by the Conference, and an iu- vitation was extended to the eon‘erence to meet at City Aall to hear an address from Rev. Messre. Ashley and Hood oa Eduea- tion. the eunference then adjourn d to meet on Monday moraing JO A. M. the 20th. 5th Day's Session, Monday morning. Th: coufe ence inet pursdant to adjournment. Bishop J. J. Moore presiding. and was opeu- ed in the neval form Rev. Me. Hood read a communication from the Deaf, 1tamb and Blind institution at Raleigh, whi-b was reeeived and endorsed by theeonference. The conference then went ite a committee of the whole on Boundarics and stastical and financial reports. Afternoon Session, J. J. Moore presiding. The coiference resumed ite business on finance and stastietical, and adjourned at 5 o’clock P. M.. after rreviving aud adopting the revort of the committee en temperance. 6th Day's session. The conference met iu acvordance with adjourament, Bishop J. J. Moore pres'ding, and went into Executive Boeiness; at half past tl o'clock A M. an invitation was tendered by His Honor T. B. Long. Mayor of the city of Salisbury, to Rt. Rev. Bishop Moo e, to preach at the City Hall, the invitation was accepted. The cominittee on Complaints reported iv full, | report addapted. i 1 | Elder Given of the Virginia conference | Baron the oceasion. The Hon. Joseph | petitioned the N. C. conference to endorse | | Boo. he was listened to with inarked atten- ie ei we i a at i "ailordded re zens, i sha Baeaaa e ‘THE BLALR HOUSE AT RALEIGH. jnet North of the Ca probably week. letice in liotel life, hav ly another, shared the accommodations of almost every first class hotel inthe South, and we have rio hesitation in saying, that in regard to the arrangements and ap- tion and comfort. of guests, there is not a Hotel, from Baltimore to New Orleans, that can exeel ‘it; while tho experience and will of hs pompriaten, J. M. Blair, Eaq,, eo long favorably know to the patrous of the Yarborongh House, are a enfficient gaarantee to the advantages iho seit Choa. a will not*be wasted or misappli- tion or claim to. patronage, that does not have intelligent and experieneed ‘supervi- sion of tho. larder and calinary depart- roents, and in these particular branches, the Blair House will advantages; for we write it at the risk of giving offence by such a public allasion, that Mrs. B. bas wo saperior in the knowledge of the cuisin¢, and ber unre- mitting attention and sapervision of this department bas had no small share in gaining for the Yarboronglt Louse. che high re surviving meinbers of his afflicted Lag} Wore teas to plheasouscinanne toast ror or Themis ves—oa _ prosperity of the State reflect. the people, their ereator. the people what brains ere to maselr.— | ‘There is a good deal people but very little of brains with their leaders. ence, the awful fix into which |} | this State has fallen. singing and prayer. | they want prosperity. a ceay oan oe foning Congr neat was tid on Lda C | ve ash, BB Gilliaw, AR MeDonald, G L W Hom . WA Moutgou.- Capt Jo ing, —Sen- ‘hgh Laat ee ee een This onew: firat ‘class Hotel, ‘situated itol in this City, will to-the public this ry extensive exper- at one time or Ww ave a ntments of our new Hotel, the Blair ouse, for the convenience, aecommoda- lic that the ofthe new —_ under his No Hotel can. long maintain its reputa- rior tation it has enjoyed, and it will equal effet on the popularity of he new Blair Honee.— or the at large. leaders of the people must They aro ercatures of position ; TT} > | They are to} These of mnacle among the The people are quiet , they want peace; | arr : Aud w this end by the sweat of the brow they toil from morn to eve; they dig; they drag; they | neys, Nerrous Debility, scuffle ; they ran; they walk ; they blow; | of | of bad invective, “n selfish lugie and crazy ambition, and > fare). Cowles. and | am his eethoriged agent to ther than incite by word or action the | atinad to this business. they faint ; they die, Muscle gives ont It wor fell as it ought to. And why / Because there are vo braius in position to direct it. Like hot eracklings the | sides) fry avd siz and pop each otber full fall of mean envy and} laboring people—the muscle~-to enterprise and indastry—they disgust them by the broil they make and send them honse | tired,[sick—A drive themoutes('« State! This wont L Rant and brave words and gassy talk must ceaee. Spades and fersilizers aud the best hogs to raise, the best horses and best cows, the best oxen, muet be talked about—and if the little hop oe’r-my-thombe haven't brains enough to talk such—they must go out end of the broaght an boots of the plaiuer and more practical farmer, and men mast be act more and blow and fret and soar up Oly mpus less.— /ilisboro liecorder. Benefits of life lnvarance. The North America Insurance Company pays its premiums promptly withont charge W. H. HULDERNESS, Agent, North America Life Ins. Co, Taomasvinte, N.C. Dear Sir :—Yon will please accept my sin- cere thanks for your prompt payment, wsfhont charge, of the amount of the policy of Insur- ance on my Hasband’s Life, amounting to the sam of three thea mud dollars. At Jour epr- nest and repeated solicitation he was induced to insnte in yout Company, and now wo are the recipents of ite benefita, To you and the North America Life Ineur- ance Company we shall feel under obligation, such ns only the widow and fatherless. can feel and express, May yon have snoccss in inducing others to }insure in your moat libegal poe gal and may the Lord of the widow and orphars bless you and prosper you in your goed work Margaret C. BARBER, of Rowan Mills, N. C. Mr. Holderness js aleo agent for the Liver- pool, Landon and Globe Pire@ Insarance Com- pany, whioh insnres all kinds of public and pri- vate buildings, Railroad Depots, Bridges Fac- tories, Fonnderigs, Mills an Merchandise and pays all fra losses promply- ‘All letters addressed to Mr. Holderness, at Thomasville, N.C will Teecive prompt atten- tion. ing takon ont letters of Administration on the estate of John Garner, deg’d., I hereby no- tify all persons having claims agninst raid es- tafe to present them to ime OOF before the 15th dag of November 1870, uf this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery, All persors jn- RICHARD H. COWAN, ' &dm'r. of Joha Garner, ee ieee opular we Fs ee | Balisbery. No». 26, 1869. | fetter. dec'd.. will 7 y phy Used in all conntriés, and aniversally c commended as ~ THE BEST IN USE! Awarded) more first premiums than “any other . Machine manulactured, both ie this AND FOREIGN COUNTRIBS, Among, hich is THE HICHEST PRIZE! Two Grand Gald Medals and Cross of the Legion of Lloner, At Paris Exposition, 1867 More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 mannfactared and old in 1868 and tho demand nneupplied. lncreaslag Demand, — Nacreased Facilities Additional lmprovemeats for 1369. Wood's Prize Mowers, (| an@ @ Horse.) “ Self Raking Beaper, with New Mowing Attachment. Hand Rake Reaper. ‘ Haines’ Hiinois Harvester. Manofactured by the Walter A. Wood Mow- ing and aching Company. General ve and Manofactory, Hoosick Falls, Reus selaer couoty, N, Y. Branch and Sales Roome—4i Cort- landt street, New York city. P. O. Box, 5805 206 Lake Street, Chicago, Tit, Alexandria, Va Madison, Wis 77 Upper Thames, St.. London. Send for New Descriptive Ciroular and I’rice List. Application from the Soath, South of Vir- zinia, should be addrewead to the New York “ “ “pss spore 18 THR MOST APPRO-| priate name that could bave been hg core | to this teluabie and powerfully influential Pain Destroyer. Its infinenceorer such painft! mal- | adics as it is recommended to exert cannot | be questioned only by those who have vot tried | it. Thove ia claimed for it a repu’ation over all other preparations recommended for similar | purposes—when they have failed, REAGIC | hae not. Keep it always in your family fur itis truly an enemy to Neuralgia, Headache, Tooth | ache, Karache Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbdus, Diarrhoec, Dysen tery or Bloody.¥ tux, Dyepep- | sia, Sore Throat, Rheumatic Jaina, Fever aud Agne, Sprains and Rrxsses, Infamation of Kid- | Colic, J’aina or Spasme, anv ebaracter. b G. B. POULSON, DR. James A. Seott, H.C. Cabs", Drnggist and Apothecary, Salisbury. ¥ C | B.M Quar’ « D. 3. Hartpoo! June 30, 1269. 20-tf | WwW. . Ty sult Wiliams Read the following from Dr. Godkin, the ex- ast ate 1.f, Pawar William ©. Taytor, petr-nerd aud snecessfal “ apeeralist,” of Nor NOTICE, -1H18 13 TO WARN |}. ¥.sekes. A. P. Atelh | folk, Va. . B. Morton, LN the merchants of Gsiinbary and others, to dis continue the beytng of old Shell eed Sbot from the negro children, as they are baring another man's These shevand sbel! are the property © W. J.C, CHAMBERS. 47~1t TOTICE.— ALL PERSONS HAV- LN ing claims agatnat the evtate of John F. Clod- at the Court House in Salisbury. on or before the first day of December, A- D., 1970. M. W. GOODWAN, Adn’r. Nov. 16. 1889. 41—6e Assignec's Bale.-NOTICE [3 HERE- by given that | wil expose at Pudfic Sale, at the Court Muuse in Salisbary, on Friday the {10:n day of Deeembter, A. D., 1869, at 12 Jo'elock, M.. the follawing property belonging ACRES N.C. }with a most’ valuable: WATER-POWER, on Upper Little Riyer, sufficient to drive any Prepared aad for sale by lo thea: to the undersigned | T TWO THOUBA SUR HUNDRED of valuable Land in Caldwell County, FOUR HUNDRED ACRES One tract of THY Subscriber having Been Appointed an agen for the sale of ea ‘ SINGERS CELEBRATED New Family Sewing Machine, and all itsattachments offers the Ame to the Ladies of Western Carolina. : This Machine chalienges a comparison with axy and all other Mechines. Jt will do more different kinds or work—from the — plain seam to most beautifulembroidery—than any other Machine ever invented. “Economy is wealth, then why not bay the best." These Machines aro warranted to give eutire satisfaction. If they fa'l to give satisfaction they may be re- turned after g trigl of two months and the money will be refunded. Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be eqpaiiot when ordered, et mauufgetarer's Pr arcies desiring information will please tend for specimens of work end eirculare. John 4. Ramsay, Setisbory, N.C. Jane 18, 1989. %4—7Tm THE ARL MUTUAL HAH FNWERANEE OF ORO UNTA. A Virginia and Southern Institution dita Tails are kept in the South. the | affections, i isa remedy of tmmense value ; in Tacturer of reliable medicines, im a sir, with much respect, your obedient servant, caretully exawived the formula.as well as the UIGHLY CONCENTRATED _{ spare COMPOUND FLELD EAIRAOT * * BS Kuekoo, is Wown om the ofeach bottle... . , Kuskvo is endorsed > a best everywhere, Read ie followin Tillery, a successful praciitioner of maby yeare standing in the Old Nertl: Suate: a Rocky Mount.-Edgeconite Vo, Sept. 10, 1800." Dr..J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir: 1 bave used your Conceutrated Fluid Extract of Koskoo in my practice with the happiest results. -1 find it w be a Powerful Liver Invigorator, Blood Pu- rifier and Nervous Tonic. 11 all diseases of thé Liver, Sctofulous, Syphillitie, and nervous fact, in almost every variety of Chronic Disease its use is indicated. Hoping yos may ineet with the success which you dveerve as Manus RC, Tunsay, MjD. —_— tS From Dr. Fentress, an agcomplisLed and ex- perienced physician ; r Sept. 13, 1869. Princess Anne Coart House, 85 J. J, Lawrence, uM. Sir: T have Teareas operas ol your _Korkoo com pound, have ited ine me stobborn cases of Chienic Liver A j Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Gederal Debdility, &e., sud alway? with the most gratifying reeules, 1 find it to be a splendid Tonic, Alterative, aod Hepatic eombination, ishing ts conetiuuonal effeots without tbe shghter, debility; Ww fact ut give eupport to the general t, While its alteratite ¢ffects are being L eiwer- fully re¢ommend its gse to the poblic, Yours,traly, ° J.J. Pewreess, Mf D Koexoo tures Strofula in ita worst forma — From A W Mills, a promifent and well-known werchaat of Norfolk, Vaz No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk. Va, { September 15, 1860. Dr. Lawrence— Dear Sir: Yoar Koskoo bas worked wonders in my family. My daughter has been « sofferer frum Serofula 5 bild- 11 has wot withengrercienied sores. PRACGIDFNT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESUWEST, FRCKETARY, Ww. B. Isaacs, D. J. Harrsoox MEDICAL kX AMINER, CITARLES H. &MITH, M. D. GESERAL sGEST. Jno. H. ( LaiBORNE LEGAL adviser, H. C. Caper, DIRECTORS : John Enders. ve y= She i# vow in better healt), than ehe has been in five yeors. With the bijhest regards, 1 am gratefully yours, &c, A. W. Minis Korxoo, the great Invigorator, Read the following from the Rev Jureph B. Martin, pas tor of Wesley Chapel, Ports@onth, Va.: “This ie to eeruly that myself aad wife have used Dr. Lawrence's Koskoo, and can testify to its beneGewl effects, Previous to taking tt we were mw acundition of debilitmion—bed no ap- Henry K. Ellyson, Wiilia.a F. Taylor, Ata Snyder Samuel 8. Cottrell, M. EL. Reabrrvilie, | Joho Dooley. ren «. Terdy Chartes T. “ortham, ew, Jacobs | William Wilts. Jr., 1. W. Alliven, George 8. Paimer, H. D. Chockley, George J.. hidvood, R.H. Dibreti. Samael M. Price. Wiliam H. Palmer, LEWIS O. HANES. Ao'r. Feb. 12—ly LD MEDAL Has just been awarded to | CHAS. M. STIEFF, For the best Piano now made. over Raltimore, Phil- to the estate of War M. Barker, Bankrupt. i o — ' a pat io their places who will AT the notes and acovunts oelongicg w| | said estate. Terms Cash JEREMIAH BARRINGER, Nov. 12, 1869—46—3 Assignes. Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, | Distilled in th Old Style, Para ani U n- adulterated. at the Old North Stale Distillery, ‘GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. | CHARLOTTE, N.C. 1 ALSO, Want to purchase 500 of 1090 head jof Cattle, and pay the Inghest Cash Prices fur | Corn and Rye. july 2—26:6m r LE LIFE Assurance Society oF THE UNIFED STATES, 9% Broadway, New York. ry | if HIS COMPANY has capital and assets against ite liabilities that will compare with any Life Tn | trne test of responsibility. Cash Asseta,...+.2.-eeceeee Annual Premiom Income «+. 4000 900 Increase over 1967,..... +9. . «. 8,108,000 The undersigned ia ageut for the above Company. A. A. HARBIN, Agent. Mockatilie, March 19, 1860. si--ly WwOTTcH. Mary, A. Campbell, Plaintf, ? sgninst William P. Campbell, Deft. ) The defendant will take notice thet op Fatarday, | the 18th day of December next. at the Coart Hove -96.000.000 jin Camden, South Carolina. I shall proceed to take the depositions of J. K Witherspoon and others, to be read in a saitnow pending fn the Superior Const the action of the Va., conference, in refer-| 4 ; ‘akt ; . lebted to the estate aro requested to’ make car- ‘alawe | ence to the establishing a journal, or a taxt | \y seitlement. 4 of Caldwell cousty, North Carolina, where you are ' defendant aud I am plaintiff. | MABY A. CAMPRETTI. \ Mov, 10, 1868. [gi6wyr fee 6 ba }arance Company on the Continent, whioh is the | adelpiia, and New York Pianos. OFFICE 5D WAPRRROOES: No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti- more Sirect, BALTIMORK, Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS bave a'l the latest improve- menta. inciading the Agroffe Treble. Ivory Fronts. and the improved French Action. folly varrented for five years. with privilege of exehange within twelve months if not eatire!y satisfactory to parcha- ors. | Second hand Pianos end Parlor Organs always on hand. from $60 to €300. References, who have our Pianos in use: Gen. R. E. Lee, Lexington. Va, Gen. D. H. Hill, Chartotte. N.C. Gen. Rolert Ransom, Wilmington. N.C. Gov. John Tetche . Lexington. Va. Mesars. R. Barwell & Son, Charlotte. N, C. Jamea H. Greenlee, Morganton. X, C, J. H. Smith & G. W. Meiton. Chester. 8. 0. XK Brown & Bernhardt are agente for the sale of the above celebrated Pianos. Pianos so'd at Factory prices. june 18—ly D. T. CARRAWAY, Commission Merchant, —AND— Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass acd Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wie dow Shades, &e., ke. > —_ I ROMPT attention given to ordere, and te | tho sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobac 60, Dried Fruit, &c , on Commission. COURZ HOUSE BUILDING, ancl (—iaely NEWRERN, N. C. ') BAORBR, --1HE UNDERSIGNED wishes to obtain for his sister—a lady who hes had several years successful experi ence—a situation to teach, in a family or 0% 4- erwise the usual branches of an English ed -- cation,—music notincladed. Address, station terms, BEV. JOHN WL TILLINGHAST, 38-26 Balsbary, 0. O | oveed Cf invigurater, Wm. B. loaace, ‘ | laawates, WO oe te PIANOS: petite, and suffered from sudden and ylicn vio- ent aitacks of headache and perreusness. Tro vott'es of Keskoo has improved our peveral bealih, aod we regard it as invaluable, atd riot cheerfally recummend it to st! who hate Yeurs, &., Josxrn KEK. Marti. Norfolk, Va Rept. 19, 1869. Dr. Lawrence-- Dear Sir: I bave prescribed your “Koskoo” for Syphihe in its varions form with the most satsiactory resulta. T have sat- vee, rat it will conn that diacase in 8 Worst awd. mort maligsant stages, nod eradicate every taint from the sys tem. The Kusko is certainly on alterative of extraordinary power, and fully deserves the great pepularity which if bas ec ony attain- ed N. A. H. GODDIN, M.D. KOSKOO!! | CURES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Norfolk, Va, Sept, 7, 1869. | Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Ir ar Sir: My eon has received so wuch benefit wonderful Koskvo that I carvot refrain from expressing ney gratitode. I had tried almost everything | withoot benefit. T belewe, im all sincerity, (hat | your Koskvo ts an Jnfullible Remedy for the di- } sease from whalr he bas seffered, and, so far fas | ran learn, bat never fuied. IH you only kpew the immense amunnt of suffering that he bas undergone, that yuu could conceive the value of ench a remedy as Kosko— that surely cures. The great amoent of good it is vow do- ing among us is mes! mnable. With much gratitude, IT am respectfnlly yours, &e., Mra M: EL A. Nevsos. Dr. Lawrence—Dear Varig beep treaicd by several skilful physicians tor Dyspep } from your Sir: Dedility, &c., withoot benefit, as a last resort I commenced the use of your Koskvo, and am pleased tu say (hat under its oso my beakih has been entirely restored. I nm sir, with much respect, your obedient servant, 0. B. Mears No. 5, Market st, Norfolk Va. duly 9, 1806 es: Pacific, Franklin county, N C, Sept. 11, 1369. This is to certify that for a jong time I Lave soffered very tnuch from indication of tLe liver and constipation of the bowels, and tried sever- al remedies, but received co beneGt unt 1 commenced taking Koskoo. I took the medi- cing about one worth, and J was completely cared, and have remained wel, I kuow of several cures made by Koskoo, and cordially ‘ecousmend it a8 a good medicing, Joum 1. Baxen. te" For Sate By 411 Devocists. “et BE Dr. Lawrente’s Woman's Frien cures diseases peculiar to Fem wes. of goods ever offered in this market at prices oui cia, Chrovic Disease ot the Kidney's General | USAFE, EW >. . 3 THE MOST COMPLETE 6 4 UO to'suit the, times, bought for CAST, and afier a heaty decline in’ prices; wheredy ‘they cau and witt be spld lower than apy in the, mer- et ! At Howerton's oF, and Staple Goods of de- scription and cole? 2 » At Howworten' - An-dlegant assortment of Boots and Shoes . ‘ At Howerton': , . + ~ ‘A-splendid assortment of Hats aud. Caps ; 93 Al Howerton’s, t An prsorted lot of Hardware and Cutlery, ">t Howertan’s. supérior lot of tibet OnIng sot Dell” ‘At Howerton's. Ali grades of Sugar, Coffee, Tes and Moles seo At Howertan's, A Choice lot of Confectianeries At Howerton's. Fine aud Common Tobaceo, imported Ha, vanna, Regalia, Principp and U. 8. Grant Ci- gars At Howerton's A complete assortment of Liquors of kinds and grades At Howerton's. For Medicinal purposes only Meosde cles ret oe - rectified ~ Kens tucky-W hiskey—-periectly pure, Ab Horworton's. Every variety of Yankee Notions, 4t Howerign's, To fine his stock bas been selected with grest cate to meet EVERY WANT. EW™ Call end examice it—it will not cost poe caguilog to dn theo Bie Dati nh Foe Oredit. His motto is “PAY AS YOU'GO.” far COUNTRY PROPUCE ¢ ceery description taken in exchange. | JR Banks Saket. aidiamintalaarnagsia FIRST PREMIUM BLASTIO BRITOR YAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Bakimore Street, Baltimore. Poiats of Bxcelience, Beauty and Blastisity of Sriroh Perfection snd simplicity of Machinery. Lising both threads directly from the speols, Mo fastening of seaws by band and no waste of thread. 2 Wide range of appligatica wilkont change of e'jusiinent after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work donp by othet Sewing Machines, these Machines exe- ente the most beautiful and masent Em- broiuery and ornamental work. For sale by ANDREW MURPITIY, out 15—ly Selisbary, N.C. $15 GSTtTEHa sust. £2? BUY TER OKLY GRXCTKS IuPrOTED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, Manufactared by THE OROIDE WATCH (0.-» | They ave nll the best make, Hooting Cases, Doel ¥ lehased: LOOK AXP WBA LIFE FINE GOLD, ang are equal in @ nce to the best geld watcbes newaiy costing W1B0. Pout Jeweled Levers, Genta and LAdies’ sizes, at @15 ench OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED Pol:d Orotde Gold Hunting ( ages, Puti Jeweled Levers, sre equal to $200 Gold Watehes; Regulated and Goaranteed to keep correct time, and wear and act tarnish, with Extra Fine Cases. at $90 each. XO MONBY I8 REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. — Werond by Express apy w base in the Untigd States. payat'e to agenton detivery, with the pr tHlege to cpen aud examine belore paid for. sod if rot rete factory returned, by payipe oy Sr ed charges. — Goods will be sept by Pari as Registered Packege prepaid. by sending cash in advance An Agent sendmg for Siz Watches gem viteh free, making seen $15 Watcher for Seren €20 Watches for $120. : ALSO ELEGANT OROIDE GOLD - CHAINS, of latest and most costly styles. for Lodiew and Gantie- men, from 10 to 40 inches ‘ong,at $2, €4. $6, ond 64 each, sent with watches at lowest wholeesle pricee. Siete kind and size of watch required, and to acoid bogus coecerss order only fiom THE OROCIDE WATCH CO,, nor 6—6m 148 Pelton street, New Yosk . - WORTH & WORTH, THR andersigned have th's dar formed a eapect. nership forthe purpose of continaing the oan: Com asiO®8 4xD SRIPIXG Preiss, a9 the ihm. dinars successors to the late. fam of WORTH A UBNIEL and D. G. WORTH, end hope by strict an ora , attention to the interesis of the'r shippers friends. te give good sstisfactiun to all who psy favor them with business. B.a.W D. GO. WORTH, WILMINGTON, N.C. Og: 18th, 1860, Agent for N. Y.and Morth Carolina Stosmebip Line, Gemi.Weehly. oe Phin hia and Southern Yall Boamet' . gery, to Philadriplia. ” vm Smith's Line Now York Pail Pa-kts. Por sale by Da. G. B. POUIBON i Druggim and Ay )|heeary, Salisbury, Bb. . Cape Pear Steamboat Live of Biver bows. Dealers in ing, Repe, Iron Ties, I, se. Tes. ter. Cement, li gr, uvian Gesno snd War ;1's } Super hosphede of Lime The seam retains ite beguty and friveed aaa MORLEY MULLIGAN: FiMA4 OR ew. } A True Story of the War in Missouri. -_— BY LENA BENTOY, eee Five months had gone by, and not ewiltly bad tine passed. We had look. | ed to this bour with pleasure, whea we | could wjth truth say, *Que, work ia done for a seagon.” - Pardon an introdaction; fas:idions read- er, we are a teacher; one too, not remark- ably patients vacation had conic, and we were leaving for home. At thy stile we stood waiting the slow approach of the “hack,” up the long green avenue, that was to take us to the Ca, and in our im- patience, we ecrtajuly thought the driver a most patient man, or his ar horses were iired, oven at this early hour, with a few miles of travel. We glanced back at the handsome white hall we were quitting, beneath whose hospitable roof we had found unalloyed kindness, and on this pleasant July morn. ing, were strack with iis beauty, buried in its green shrubbery and cool leafy sur- youndings, ecarcely stirred by the soft breath of mid‘summer. And these eame boughs had but a few months before hung with pendant iclee, and with shivering, we though! of sleet, suow, and a cold Missouri winter, when Autamo’s days should beended, At last, te iabpeat | for departure came, adicus were sudj Bpoken, and we were handed in, the deor | was closed, we were alouc, wiih more | phan fifty miles befure as, and a day's! musing, Iiisa laxyey at times to fuld one's hands, to know time is at yaur own command, cither to trifle away in bright | anticipation of the ankown futare, of in | thinking on the past. When we can bo} happy, why not be? There te corrow enough ia this word of ours to jerloasly hoard up every litte golden grain of | happmess a kiud Providence may strew | jn our pathway. Yes, we were gojng home-sto a home whercin a mother dweli, Who can doubt a mother’s love; who caw realize it and ndt be happy? The day was a pleasant one, intermized as life, with saushine and cloud. Snugly ensconced an a cor- ner, we watehed the longs shad- ows, aud admired tho landscape. Har- vest was over, and each field we passed gave ample testimouy of an abundant yield, Layfayette, certainly Natare is prodigal in her gifiy to thee, whenever she wrenches thee from ice-bound fettere! Oar sunny birthland was as beantifal, her | homesteads as inviting, shaded by trees | of tropical growth add wreathed in trail- ing viues, ere the epoiler came. people are geaeroue, high-téned, and chiv- alrods, who know weli bow to *yapathize with the anforcyunate, and well you may, ing allusion to the late war, And yet, it} is a theme we have grown tired of; bat} that burnt upon the heart by sorrow's brand, cannot eo easily be oblitepated.— | Trah’s hand should recon) though the dreseing ba, cre it is gilded by | Fictiou's gaudy, flimsy trappinge. But as | ever, we are wandering from the straighs way to by-ways and cromsings. Well, patiently we rolled along; morn. | OY Was Billy conversant, ‘and 6 en pre thé source it did, it cannot be tod colored, We were aurprieed we admit, a this ‘confession of wrongs to rebel Gars, but it there were more men of his mould, neseda this world of ours. The rectital im- there. would be more trash and upright- preased us deepty, and as often as it bas oecurred to our mind singe, has thrilled a with horror, ‘Thescory poiutsa mor- & ‘What wren +i world, the wicked wah feels the pain of the Jos. We give the'narfation iu the suldicr’s own words. “Qoatilith +, as you know, began in "61. J was a peace loving ran, and de- sired to eunet uo part in) war's bloody drama. I wanted to stay at home, till my own land, enjoy the returus of my indus- try. and taste the sweets of life with a gtaiefial heart, Que year J kept my own counsel, spoke my seutiments to few, bur troubles thickened, our country’s horizon zon. grew darkec ~ and © darker lines were drawn closer and closer, I was forced to take a stand, and could dally no longer betweew rival power did tke my stand, aud it was ) ‘the star spangled banner,’ which from childhood I bad been taught to revere, and I never wished to see it trail.in the dyst. J enter- ed cavalry service, fully determined when the bour of iriel cume, L would not ran away from danger. As soon as possible, T desired to farce yon rebels buck into the Cnion, but I assure you, lady, I met with men'as determined as 1, brave men mea worthy of good steel, But F trust, afier three years of hard servied, and as my life was spared, so I did not lose my honor, never did imbrae my hands in the blood of a helpless fue, and ever did 1 strive to palate suffering in whatever rank found Butoh! I have witnessed horrors; mnch that has wade as rough a man as mysejt weep with pity and shaine. I have eeen the pillage of proud” hones, and gray haived vires shot, if resistance was made, [ bave beard women threaten- ed, aud little children cursed. And blushingly ton, [tell you, E have known faithful servanta persuaded, yes forced, from the service of kind masters, although it wes for the Union | foaght, aud not for unjust emancipation. “Batof all that wag painfal, and it was my misfortune to know anght of, the wurder ef a young fricnd of mine, or more properly, a friend's bgotber, Jean Moore by namey most wroaght upon my better nature, and 1 then thought if there was a deeper place iv hell, his marderer, Morley Mulligan, would find it, but God's retribution was s . “Roland and Jean Moor were the only children of a fond widowed mother.— From my boyhood, | have known their mother, and truly she ie a good woman. There was no kindred-tie beimeen nur families, yet I have called her ovat, irom earliest recollection. “Fresh in meiory are the days, an when Your {9 happy child, I played aronad ber hum ble dwelling with Roland, the eldest barn, | whose senior 1 was by but a few mouils The dear uld cottage, | eee it now in| memory, just peeeping above the dense point th dispute,” aa THPty- owrnrrer’ the kind band of Aant Moore was laid gently apon each of our flaxea heads, as she impressively sai, “My little boys it, howely | Bust aiways speak the truth, and be just | stead ” to cach mhe.’ Much of the kindess and frankness of my nature ie donbiless due to that pioce woman's teachings in years gone by. “Jean we thea counted a ry Titel y*, ae ah, ving that “ating of Remorse for ci ding ball obliga or later, | a | about him ever was an air of gentle dig- hon laged by f Roland Moor was ove of the number, had been scen a few days before within his own home. J did not give the story’ much credit, as to my mind it seemed an improbale one—I felt sure wy friend was foo honorable to pillage even the house of au chemy, j ct there was nothing pleasant about the afuir. " here was in our command a Capte Mulligan, @ ereaiure who could not poe- seas power Whhout abnsing it, whosy sobl was too small to be maguanimous and to crash an enemy he would reasurt to wears, Oftines I have wondered at his want of hamanity and pitied with my whole soul those who full into his eruel hands. ; Deadly revenge was plainly written upou his face. that anoruing when he get out with a squad ef men pretense of hanting up the offetiders. But ater « fow hours aed no tr#ee gould be had of them, as most probable thry had left the section @f dangcr soon ‘after committing the deed. Dividing his ten into “several parties, he gate ordcts to each to secure some friend of the oflendar, who should be made to andwer for thé offence. J know uot why Morley Malligan, cepecially, de- }sired to avenge ftimeelf on Roland Moor, ; but it was to ‘his mother's cottage, he himself repaired, It was aa I remember, a beautiful July morning, much | like thie was. ‘The hour was. stil! carly when he and three other men, heavily armed, entered the lone quiet dwelling of Mrs. Moore, and found her busy, as ever, with household cares, But I wowld not have you think Jady, I was Gne of those three men. No, not upon such a mission jcould I have set my footrpon that thresh- old, yet by an cye witness was J told of all that transpired here. Kuowing thia visit boded no good, with assamed calinness Mrs. Moor desired the soldiers to be seated. Refusing, they | asked where that “d—ad rebel eou,’’| {as they called Roland,) wes? With pale lips she apoke the trash, and answered “he is in the Southern army.” Rudely they told her she was lying, that she had him at the present time con- | cealed, and wolves the soldier son could be |toand, the younger must give his life in lorteit. - Ol! it waen pitiful sight—the sweet eatfal faca of aged mother, so iumplor- | ingly uptarned toward her perseouturs, as fu tremulous (oj es ehe sald “Juan ouly i» wish me, you surely do not mean to do as | you sty~you certaivly would ‘not barm my innoeent Jean.” As bis mother attered these worde the bey ancouseions of his danger, stepped j within the door. His youthful beauty ahold have touched even their hard beéarts and made them forego their eruel par- pose. Filteen summers had but passed over hie head and written no trace +f sor. row upon bis fair brow, about which the hair clustered in ringlets as in the days of ! his childhood. Lis form waa light, aud gracefal, and | by Mulligan, | "No sit, you have 20 time to be seated, | Fou are a prisoncr iu yourraseally brother's | then indifferently he added, | “auless yoa tcll as where to place hands | apou him, ia that case we have go fur! } tLer use for Fon m i | Tt was not in Jean's power to tel) } them where his brother was, and had it} There certainly was. no any | words that slemiy tl Com blood. fess lips, as Jean Moor reveren re ly; and with bead kucel, Which was at ; very : newly made grave, “upon verge, With hig tate Oo “ ing, clasped his hands tight hits face tarved Heaveuward, corey prayed for salvation for @ never dying soul, through the merits of the attontement. A pityi Goa” heard and sent his atigels-to whi , “COUsOlation in our; the uplifted face light- this tying td up, and Qpon it was unmistakably Ns written resignation toa hard fate. Li fe the sacred fire kindled within the; sume ‘bush, ile ‘surrounding’ became holy and it may be the wretehed, unfoek ing mau too heard a voice—as a sudden’ (error seized him, he would no longer lis- ten to the golenin words ofthat prayer, that awoke within his soul be ‘kaew not what, In.a faltering voiae he ealled out, “Stop, stop.” His hand trembled aé he stretched it forth hurrieuly,: to ‘carry out his fell.d Q _ click of the weapon, and its deadly discharge of melted lead was placed within the bead of the anfor- tunate youth, Whose body with heatcely a struggle full backward into his grave, as his pure spirit plumed its wings, and with ibe angels tlew upward and left a world of #in. ‘ Hastily, ere the blood had eearee clot- ted the soft lyxuriant hair, or Death bad | lad glazed the blse eycs, did they heap the earth above him, as nature chanted her own melancholy dirge in the low whispering wind, the forest trees quiver- ingly outstretched their arms as if to grasp cuch other tn symipathy. Hinstily they buried him and as hastily lef the wood, and tet us say, with God's aveuging sword ansheathed and hanging j above tlteir guilty heuds { for conscience’ fiery dart had at least been driven d into the besom of onc, as the sequel wi ie}}. On the following day J, with ove who had witnessed this scene, repaired to the spot, uugarthed the etiffened body and bore the ead burden back to the cottage atthe mound. And need I attempt to portray the gricf of his bereft mother: If ever T fels like deserting the flag that could protect such outrages, it was then. And you will be surprised ben I tell you Morely Mulligan was there. I knew not what could have brought him to the cot- tage, yet be seemed to be ted by some strange fascination to look upon a face calm in death, that could strike through to hissoul. Poor Mrs. Moor, so absorbed with her mighty grief, knew not that her 40's matderer pollaved her home with his vile presence; that io her presence he stood and gazed into her dead durling’s aes his terror atneken brow | wootd that dieth not, began ita sting—the fire that shall not be qoenebed, began to con- same him. : ss | there t+ wecesstty for I unbeeded, but his tortured epirit drove } y ty the pussouner tence. him from her. be came be left the roma; in the yard he sat down apart from others, at the toot of | an ancient tree, whoee low bending | po ‘t Se aenee ae Sonne f bs And in the dakaces, the worm |. With as rapid strides | The Great Decline in Dry Goods. Seat Nain a 2 READY-MADE elo THING, Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Righter, Des Oil, Stuf, Vainle, Tanners Lead, Upper, sole and Har- nrss LEATHER CALF & LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, Trou, Steel, Sad@ie Hardwaro, and Carriage Trimmings; in tact, thousands of articles too to enumerate. We are agents for the Great Threshers —and— CLEANERS, Alav, Manufacturers’ oi for the celebrated Bone Dust. Do. do. Rifleand Blasting Powder. i” We invite attention of Merchants 4nd the trade generally, to our stock, asaprin, them they find nothing but fresh and desi- rable Goods. We bay all kinds of prodace.— Save your Biackberriesand Fruits, which will be to you as Treasaro, Smith. Foster & Co., SALISBURY, N.C, Epragee's Old Stand, near the Market House. _April2, 1899, 13—Jy UST RECEIVED AT THE STORE of SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. SACKS OF SALT. BBLS MOLASSEs. 12 nups, MOLASSES. 24-1f. TIME TABLE--N. C. RAILROAD : va sont are | oameve } Leaves We have which is very large and complete consisting in parcof © DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and Caps, Sole’ and Upper Leather, Enameled and Patent Leather, Coach Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co- pal and Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very best Brands, £/ Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot- ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. POWDER! POWDER! my “eH received our Fal) & Winter stock of New Goods Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats gore Dag rd aes teed i232 4 BO T T L E S ; Co m b e me r y ; Ci g a r s an d To b a c c o . CA N N O T BE UN D E R S O L D . TE S T IM P R O V E - 8 FI N D WI L L AL W A Y ‘A N D AR D O M I N A L sU P P O R T E R S — L A ; BR E A S T PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y an d Br u s h e s ; Fa n c y So a p s an d Pe r f o | ureq Iw seang op uv HE aloraan a f, by, ATO ann or TR U S S E S CLEMMONS' stTaGe LINES! Ree ..’,.,... Ta Fayetteville. p= Warsaw for Fayotteville daily ex. cept - Jf yow are in Western N. Carolina gu to and precare a through ticket to Fayertevints for $8; Through Tickets from Goldsboro’ via .Warsaw, to Fagettevilie, $6. Th tickets from Weldon to Fayette- ue roogh tickets from: Wilmington, via Wartew, to Fayettoville, $6. CHARLOTTE TO WADESBORO: Leave Charlotte after trains from Kaleigh vie Mowroe, for Wadesbory’ Tuesday, Thaoredar, and Satarday Leuve Wn- desboro’, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, af- ler coi yel of brains and. Stage from Wilmington MORRISVILLE, via Prrrapono, TO EGY PT. Leave Morrisville, Tuesday, Thursday and Ph aad Egygt Mondsy, Weduesday and Fri- y: STEAMSHIP LINE rRom New York to Wilmington, Thie Line will comptive the following steam- orn: FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Hunter, * » 4. ape eg! a0 “pthew ) pees to = We makes ail (he conneetion®, Rest and West | This Schede The mother's tobe seemed | PREIONT TRALNS wit) oot ram te Geldebore’ oniy wher Preight wilt be drought reguiar- ALPERT JON N£ON, si-tr — Ee _Gereral Faperinendrgt TIME FABLE WN. © RAILMOAD. GOING WEST. — and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Sah, Drugs and Medicines, and i in short to the LOW RATES and F ACILITIBS offered by thir Line, whieh are superior to > offered. HRODGH BILLS OF LADING civen to all points on the North Caroling Railroad al Connections wis Golds- boro. 4.4. SADLER, Soliciting Agent. ing was spent; pees Sing, and ere reach- | a as a cn le be ee been, I koew torture could uot have! branches parily concealed him from view. ~ aia a a a. WORTH & DARTRL. Aiewte, A j jug a country -hon«e, we were in-| elder. © Was a biye vyed, carly baired | foreed it from him. Earnestly he looked | Unpereeived followed, I pl aizly saw he, 13 Third Creek, 4:12 5? . See ; ; Satna that bere our driver romst dine, \boy. whoee rosy cheeks and smilirg! op with a flashing eye ae aa Man's oaeen. himself, but hb wild, bright | 25 Statesville, 6:57 » 602 \ EVERYTHING IN THE JAMES HAND, Agent, ; AY and horses ma#t be exchanged. After | dimpled mouth, looked as if made for his face, but spoke not a wo:d, kaawing how eye, usally eo cold and atec! like, together | a — 6:37 6:49 febv9—sr of sd Well Street, N.Y. dinner, we verily no Our. apeed would | Mriher's kisses. Obliging and sweet. ; powerless be was in the presence ot those! with his haggard, appearance, bespoke a | 59 tay ed Hi WAY of MERCHANDISE _ , be decelerated, aa weather was not! tempered in disposition, his brother and | armed desperate wen, aud bow fruitless} madness very different from intoxieation | 60 Hickory Tavern, &48 9:03 | } too watm te admit of i, Quietly we en- caald asually pereaade him into the! words would preve, Unn.-tieed etill, I drew nearer, and again | 70 Teard, * 43 ee joyed oareold repast, tha: our kind lady | bonse fo stay with ‘Mama’ whenever | Mulligan, angered and qaailed beneath | heard him in tones searecly above a whis- | 5 Morganton, 10:38 hosteas bad provided, and lazily the npon | We were beut gpon some boy hood sport at} che boy’s steady gaze; with an oath he! per, go over Jean Moor's prayer. Over ui. a EAST. _o——_—_ . past, and agaiowe were as slowly roll-| 9 distanee, his Mule fect could not earry | reiterated his commande. Not inatantly {and over Mor ley Maltigan repeated this) Masaiaden _— eee This wonderful vegetable ing homeward. Oar next balt was at aj him. _ | Obeyed, be drew his revolver and hoarse- self same prayer, unconscious of all, save | 10 leard, 2:50 Pr. uw. 255 little village, where mail mast be ait} “Five yenre he nambered, and Roland | ly called ont, “Quick sir or I will here! that the Larden apon his soal was great {20 Hickory Tavern, 234 3:40 } . restorative is the sheet- ered. then at a second village, & Mw! frelve, when death Geptived them of a spatter this floor with your senseless! er than he eould bear. Bat ia chat pray. 30 Newton, 4:20 225 { All of which was bonght for anchor of the feeble and i minutes were lost in repairs beerwsetie | fatheve’s care and protection. From this! brains.” jer there was no efBcacy, there was no lis’ 4a ntl oo o ! oor 6f a blacksmith’s Pudo shap, “And | time Mrs. Moor'e life ecemed Wrapped op) Jean hastily threw his amas about his | tening God, no pity ing angels ia Heaven, | 55 Raatenviile, 6:23 6.23 (CASH and will be sold debilitated. AS a tonic and 1 bere we had to gather up numerfona pack-| in her boys, Sedalously she endeavored | mother’s neck, kiseed ber twiee, then! no sympathising nan on earth. Has the }67 Third Creek, 633 7:33 j = », ager, and a pet kitten upon the front seat | to guard their tender age from burtful jn tearing himself trom licr close cimbrace | Almighty not said, “I will mock when |80 — Baliabury, &:43 cordial for the aged and boundly sleeping, was aroused to make} tluences, and no sacrifice scemed tv0 | followed the men without the house, and | your fear cometh and langh at your eal. | => —— a foom . a pice ace This we wil-|great if it could eontribatc to their ad-! the agonizing ery of his mother pierced | amity 7’ There was no ele fi ie a JOB PRINTING, BLA NES, 4C- AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, hingly did after a glance into the honest, | Vantage, and aii bavings” were ; carefally | his very soul as abe sank te the floor in | whither his soul might ecck « refuge, _- ‘€ homely face of the young farmer, as we | pat by, that her sone might enjoy school sensible, j nothing to shield him from the Auger of | were nlmost tired of havlug no oue to! privileges. Under the mother's jadicious| Hie knew not whither he wae going.— | an outraged Maker, nothing to eave him ) talk to save the tacitnrn driver, with| management, and the twy sons’ industry, /On and on, de p into the silent wooda the | from crernal enfhting Had not reason! ~ whom there bad been bat a few words of | the lithe farm was wade to yield an abun- ! savage trail led, Not a word had been perished when the Holy Spirit fled with § conversation the entire morning. Seated (Want support, peace aud plenty, love and } spoken, hen coming apon a dark dense ty | those ominous words, “Stop, stop I" | * oprosite, the good-natured farmer entered happiness reigned enpreme in that Tittle | shaded spot, Mulligan who was im front | Moreley Malligan to this day ia a wan. | H. AN D pretty soon into conversation, and after a jhousehold. Thos yeara glided on, and | halted and addressed bis boy prisoner. jac. At intervals he ia his tormer, actf hutle while, volantarty informed as to | Roland had reach d the years of carly | “Moor, here you shail dig yoer grave, jscemingly, burit may be in ihe midst of | asto hia present “trip,” which wae to} manhood, all even a mother's heart could land here wo will bary you anicas you} rational conversation, you may ere a} take np a horse that had strayed, and as| have desired ; be was moral, iatelligeat, | will, or eau tell a where shat d twitehing of the muscles of lis | he auppesed, gone bach to bie wld weigh. [and manly. . jlae, Roeland Moor may be found.” free, and the prelude to his rev: 18 is ever] horbood. We appeard “interested iu the Joan was a youth too of promise, bur] Joas anawered, “YT eole ninly declare 1) the worde of that dread prayer. j recital, and expreased regret at the mis. /in appermeice, he was unlike his brother. | know nothing of my brother; for moot! | Only a few days ago Leaw kim, as Twas! languid it has no equal among stomachics.’ As a remedy for the nervous ARBS weakness to which women | BILLS) are especially subject, it is | We allow no House to under- | superseding every other Be sure to examine oar stock | stimulant. In all climates, | tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder CIRCULARS PAMPHLETS LABELS dou ectlain before purchasing elsewhere. | (ne Nit and ott JON ERC AP es | ' Nature bad east hing in @ finer mould, and | we have had no communication what fortane, which we suppose rather massed | poukd, an ever then down It affords usa pleasure to show psin hia csuUmeation. A learned man mee (given Lim eff minate beanty ; In dix posi. | Jhat trathfal face omnat have force d ehnddering, hatened to that old repetition. f tt which undermines the said, “the enrest way to gainothers’ gnod tien too, be was somewhat more sensi | conviction tom Melligan’a mind, bat] Thie te asad stary,bat b knew it cn be a ct ev { 0 ;our Goods whether wo sell or nol. yill-will, is to listen while they talk.” It im} tive than Roland {from the firet he was be: t an tak KB Jean) trathfal enc, and certian ty teaches ne vnat | ca 5 bodily strength and breaks often ne casy matterto be an attentive lis} 'Lhas we found them, when the storia | Moor'a life, At the wore of the bay an| within the h Maun send 4 contained the, AND down the animal spirits. ' cond a of hat wreeked eo many households lomet hich one of the unc: i iediimceretio€ hanninc: ¢ erry od sk vy - ane tener, bet all one pragtien! friend said was war tha » fA ess Jamplemeut which F Mae anen cared t averet of happinera and inisery, aod that EVE ) 7 ,| characteristic of a well hataneed mind, | baret mpon them, and here tex mtense fury } was thrast within bis Nanda. and he weples nen earth a foretaste may be given)” ERY ¢ THER KIND OF ' Don’t be deccived by loud blow- Wherever it is intro-~ aad otien did ercdit to his feart ae well) was felt. ; . we was commanded to ivsiantiy begin alof hoaven or In. Dowbileas afte p death | aa hie hoad. ‘ “Holand Moor's fiery iarpaleive heart } work at which the haman sol revolis.! tyere will be Biven @ greater espacity ) After an easy chit-chat of an honr,/ carly capoyeed the Somtbern faner, aud} Poor Jean ecemed now to fally compre-jenjoyment or enfferi gs Nothing buat] rome alinsion of ouse seemed fq surprise | that we should politically @iffer was al hend his d: eperate eitnition, and in agony | Rraorse can traly make our state miser- | lim, apd he asked the place of oar na-|eonree of trouble alike io both, Many | of despair be trew hinneelt at Mulligan'e} able, and enrely it fs a fearful thing to| tivity, Fieding that dear Carolina give | were the arguments ueed by each to con: | feet, and besonght his with tears to a are | pares the limite of merey, vs birth, wich brie habignal fraukness, he | vince the other, in the breaking oar of the hie life, ‘if not for my own rake, he plead. “Beyond which Ged himecif hath mvorn remarked that during the war ke was {etregcle, bat to little parpose, and months | ed, “pity oh! pity inv yoor mother.-< Titurehe ges oo South. Asking to whieh army ho had! befure we Jef: home, we mutually avoided Taking my life gon take begs,” _ , . , belonged, we were not grenthy surprissd each other, The jodgment of wach may With a ecounful bauzh, that froge even Phere was a ead expresstion upon the bered.in “ Hand- Book for County Off- : to hear he had been a Federal soldier: — | have been biased by early teachings, ns the Hood of bie enllags hearted com-adeg | Ma's face at the conclusion of trie mel | cers,” published Ve Nichola & Sorman promptly filled at lowest vrices. Heveral yenre ago, this information woald { the Moor family came originally trom! in thie horrible tragedy, bn etrack (a the | ancbely recital, and we tou, felt awet in- | Raleigh, N.C. , ‘ havo debarred aff farther communiextion,| Alabama, winle mine @ few years after! ground that knee Tage “yombful form and } to silence { bat at this time and place, it is weil not ,19) birth emigiated from New Bngland, [50 him when hie grave finish a.) ‘he setting enn was gilding the wes to be eo ceneorions, and our prayer ehonid) Vora long while 1 heard vothing from | then he, Muiligan, woald hear him pray. | tern horizon wal the vl i eyes be “Tench us ito forgive.” The! Roland Moor, J desir-d in hear norhiag,! With the anersi: co rewolver Ja the ing beams. N Mure was sinking poace- ‘ofP } olden theme was introduced, evegts of j from Roland Moor, and I desired ty hear! of chat crue i, heartless moan, threatening | fully to rest, amid the ee SALISBURY, XN. VU 2 roduce, { those stormy times, errtainly as to right] nothing, as it was painful to think OUT) ratgaat death, Jca > avinnate creation, as we neared our deati. iwi eign soe ean thet. te | } or wrong of opporition powere, nething | arms were raised ju car Miet againes engh of timn-f>; prepai.cion gor a at the}, P puy a : e was said, aait cannever be econ inthe game | other a8 Brosicrs; and had wo amet in the Veity, me shanic ly began his work. Siler. rey Ight. Hewne noextremist, and ae farnaa | madrening hour of battle, fre Iy my Land ly he lab red, ns if rp . § HE ChnsTen MEPORTAR, eral eoliier estsistently conld, waa dia-teould nat iqve shed his blood. {bad he wae duing, but @oubiless e: gaged in | haueet fhewdadicn. And should thie AWSEXLY REWOPAPER, POOLIONED BY poel to weigh mattcre impartially — been in servien some twelve munthe, but | sceret prayer. hastily written story fail into lia hands, K. C, BeLUBR, & J, A, BRADLEY, Jr, ipenking of exeesees and leng'bs io} our command had not yet left the State, | Morley Muiligan eat bitenelf down near | way he forgive this reeord of Federal . ° 4T CHBSTER, 8. C. which a mad, reekless soldicry ofica go, ag’ wo were at that time near my old: by, npon a deaayed log and with lie gzr-(erucity. He caa aol regret hia awn i- | TERMS Invariably m edvance...... ence -#8,09 | JOB! PRINTING, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY done AT T48 OFFICE. | 40 see us and get posted up. |, Bey"Clerks of Courts, Sheriffr, Ma-! | gistrates, and others, in ordering blanks ; j Will please refor ‘o the Forms as num- | duced it becvmes a stand- ard articlo—o medicinal staple. It ts to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world—hbe sure and get the genuine. | Sold by all Druggists, Gro~ {FP We buy nearly all kinds} cers and Country Stores, gels es, ing and heavy shelling, but come C7” Orders from a distance Address, J.J Bi INNER JOUN S. HENDERSON, | ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR ATHA‘Y | ry of him depart. } tle worren. He urical hum of | Mary A. Oumphell, Plaintit, 2, WNiiem P. Campbell. Det, | The defendant will take notice that on Saturds ‘ | the 18th day of Desember next a? the Court ioae MoCubbtns, Sullivan & Co., |i amssnfenty Sorting Tahal proceed" ints be read ip s sait now pending jn the Superior Court of Caldwell county, North Carolina, where yoo are éefendantand J oak Potous MARY A, CAMPBELL. (4Se6wpr foe §3.8°: Aud ine: | Arend ctce- | nA IE to Gia ric vs potion. The “hack” stoped f Olai siation,.and surprised, we were greeied | 104 OF Clams unvonscicns of whit! hy waiting frievds, aud bere we bare our} ~ No. 1, Mornpry’a Gaasits Row, Salisbury, Sept. 24, 1839. 13—1y; Nor. §9, 1809. DAMA EAT TTS Pak} So token vee 2) IT meneame pe iaqretinn idiot pee en ee See | a Svar Be es ha dees CEFR AT tht ue > * eee, : DEC. 10, 1869. ‘ Sats ze in gees ee nm Se eR ? ae — = am grin LL panomareounmne oe - . . The Old North State FE et nipped hea os hous in us eet | LP? Qomroui 6 THE LEGISLATURE. ruptog ; not an, sir, init with an inpulvent State, | by veletring fo thors young States that | M ro RG ee hud toerobant, ta wares The rae , rg wae For it, there is 00 refage, no protection, no | dow ead Gubdtaple thakt tal within the pustteukp wheuty sr > of the country, from Maine to Oaliiornia, eaount | Great American Tonic and Di- SENATE, hope ; a pall settles upon’ it, its spindles stop, | space of # very few years, cope hie t UDWwWris RAN DS ing in value to over 43 ey ft of Faivar, Dec: 3, 1969. its ploughs ate staid in the furrow, the busy | preciating with marvelous rapidity aud ae : ropri. i : ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Recomr ended and prestribéd by physicians} The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. bem of mincing Sileiteioatn Les iets te: boyt-.; whieh and Capital are ever pouring in an Editor and Proprietor. |. = , : ed, {ts the ae pees Our facilities for transacting this immense d i Mr, Martindale, from the Commi . ins are crowded with its citizens with | unbroken siream.-” Such a State has ab p iis Bbieder ) siness are better than ev. . We ave. \» Poe “Compound Gentian Bitters” are made | itary sffairs anerieh Ionaiy ote ieee: thei: faced turned to strange and distant lands, | ey Which notbing cansepremn, whia.s ¢ ‘ee RATES OF SUBCRIPT \ cities to purchase | Ofthe purest and best V Tonics and | ceraing pensions to old soliers of 1812 and its ronds are marked with those. moving | crippléd as ours is has bat. a spark of -her f One Year, payable in ddvanée. . . /283.00 Aromatics known to. They a'so ; caravans that tell that the hardy children off ther vitality'and # spark whi is * Monrus, |‘, ae A F |. and often at an’ coviain fwenty per cent 7 raney, CALENDAR, soil are fleeing from a ‘bliglited land, > Upon orit wil be sesones beth ta ry ‘ liea’to.ont-addréss,...)-22).200 0RI50 ' t ‘cost of on. we B U C AU ) Resolution (of Mry Love,) anthorizing the such a State there rests, sir, the blackness of ee Paden, F have ae mer} 10 Cupies to one address,....-...-.. 20,00. inupeaty.6f he Solving ee, a id 2 FET | several Sheriffs of the State to suspend the col. | the shadow of death, and while’ I/will never | the taxation necessary for raising the aking all.questidia, the | lection of all taxes. inasmuch as the previous | $*Y that North Carolina will not her de! thf : : eateetel andsfor ». Diy. | action of the Senate su pends the tion of | T a have to recognige, with tok es Se eile nie ay ahectnun and. pres Lanne, taxes on cortain opulentfand y corpora. ! full of mortifiestion, that you have saddled her] which we-poy annually to the General Gor. 9 >. who | tions ae oe strangely instituced vane me Mage 8 oe bear, without eee ded yet I trust I have seid to ow eases | Shall have: been Phd otter g FE ing the very life out of her, and that the} convince Senators, that this i ce , Pleasant, } On motion of Mr: Brogden was laid. on | taxes which you pladge “yourselves by these | floancesie one not light] question of our Rand OES ie, renoluitogs to lery mould paralyze the entire aloes are-dibealice Sonzected wish it ebick it | Ae Heel yA Sy i i Cottons, @iaghens ; hamny, | Dest: One Square, first ingertion,.......-.. Corsets, be, be. raat on: Neekel sah cat 8 reely ‘ «PR fa rcs TBE ere BF, - | rt wea the above tates.» |: : effectual ourt and Justice’s Orders will be : Trey are @ safe ® preventive and cure for}; Resolation to provide for the, insane | industrial ipterest of t t = before ed at the’ same rates ‘with ane hv and Geman Fancy Goods, | Chilis and Fever, andall Molarial Diseases | ‘adopted, | ¥ eran re qondliew ot ivy ale. Presidents Feet os more re ments - wy Photograph Albuns the'héwest dud] DYSPEPSIA... : Bill to airless the Valley Railroad Oo. | when T must deterinine between: a» failure to to’pay. FP do not Sein < — ary 0 seit over nes. charged | choicest styles in Morocd and Velvet bindings)... INDIG ON,. ea {This bill pro to constract a road from | Méet OUf Obligations on the dre hand-and th editor dietinn ee Preside ied | vertisements. “e Morocco ” well Handberchitf and SICK-STOMACH, some point on theyRbleigh & Gasjon, Railroad fobosing an over Gurdeni of taxation upon this hin Gad, that we ma Pes a: ® CONTBACT. RATES, Glove Pose : ” COLIC, to some-point an thy Predmont Road,) passed fnté ob the otlier, I shall, “for oue, pone} gations to-the last rat but. 4f..w a | o Gold and Plated Jewelry, of heniewedt styles.) © — SICK-HEADACHE, ANOINE HERO Na) Gj ath Lhe interest.of the State... I trast in dou, “Mr,j meet these then, let them be as fe ry ibe, | & aise ee eiehae te with some BRONCHITIS; rare President, that my apprehensions may be | let us not anuecessarily multiply Hu Pa a af he leading Dlishing Houses. that will ena- ASTH MAs HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. _| xreangions, and that some measure may be de- |us not add to the “haehitaion ty tank i space. || § . wath Mi ane wotatn Wines COLDS :& QuvUGH, Fruvar, Dec. 3 1868, | vited which,will save vs, from that. celamity | the basevess of ‘havitig” wilfall silesaly | 0 = Pe Nae aaa Bees ie NEURALGIA, The House met at 10} o'clock, | Mitish Swoatoce bere: gall repudiationy - but | held dubtheve renewed hope (46 Abe i Webelh | 1 " , anid TENNyBoN's Works, in fall’ Gilt and GENERALDEBILITY,| Mr Downing aioved to suspend, thé tiles | Whi Jhsbdast but.an inability to pay liabil- | hopes which may be realized but which may fit Cloth Bindings,—and h of others. Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &e., and every | And take up his resolution in reference'to the bales mone ere and , ineurred,| prove fallaciou&® = «0 re ‘ Square. | These and everything else for Disease requiring » general Tonic impression. | pet diem of members of the Legislature, Lost. | sunnore - rpenee & or to the zealous} . Letus address ourselves, Mr. President, to 2 Squares. as 6 One Dollar for each Article. Sw peculiar to Females it is sais cp aatupucich te eeeer wee tnd | able hepeiat cecapo Hum taniatyaey eodvepe: <e Seren i aloes 3 Sqaares. || 6 00| 9 ‘We do not offer s single article of merchan- Th coavelebcente front’ ‘Ty phd: ceca Lost. i [ Are | distion.” Bot, si, Heel the full’ foree of the |'the resultte the world. If « ¥ tee ie Sol16 = >» = ag etek woeraeans oedap wei dom other low forms of Fever it is ater howe REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Seer ent aieekant ; ee Siecetes (oor erry we taretaid the aecemer} + Column. | 18 00'24 00! 30 ts walees ween rel! them cheaper than yuu Tone thet can be used. Mr. Malone iosited that the comsitten’ on | the subject most admit that they oi tobe] ites Gunpiy baste Guna te emit oom 1 Column. | 28 00:40 00) 50 80 00,130,00 santos an = ¥ - era the ft bendarys aregeele presamyresroe bring — Judiciary should be compelled to report upon | # not appalling. We have vet to consider on ars i poset ns Soch s course were est testimonials ever given to any medici &- ; his bill enforcing the attendance of witoesses | this floor this tery question of ue State's Guan- repeat a promise while doabt- a eed the Regular Rates Le ar ahaa wa sg! hay! ice, & upon motte soy committees, and giving ces; we bave yet to find « eolotion of this} Mr. Li ry © want goed reliable.agents im every Thus avo cord chat T have ceed Dr, God- | eee SEppepreamtele pueen f problem ii ’ HE SUBSCRIBER olfem for sale that val- of the Conntry. By vacietea aucuues dias Compound Sactee — at r. = been instructed to de yesterday. Mr. Malone | the State, and above all questi pag more oe ben ; . made a direct m-tion to that effect, consider whetber uab‘e farm in the Jersey Settlement.ol David- oe Snecte NTRS, © peteeh res ose ly recommend it as the very best Bitters tha great (egtteh ' * we can meet them at all.— | day, eoustraine’ son Ovanty boon so “TUE THALES Me ood et p phe pe cu be teed for ordinary debi nek wonseh ae ae wd daraneb uaa at pth 7 soem ir . Sobuie ns no idea ot eichiig out ? lies immedi-| by as er eee - HOLT, M.D. | tempts to cloge fai aa : good faith the declarations of these ately on the Yadkin River, just below the Tra- salefaction to every ove dealing without Bouse. Lipscomb, Ovenge oo. N. C., May 16, ‘68. isnt shane nekiip aged Maa clea te Sosetaes Mn of the State | tions; they are not willing 1 ding F. - oa bast adte of@e N.C.) A® Holidays are we are ST ee ee eee ae bsing Dr. | being 4 aot ib ome em ae ewer are an Pre- | tax to meet the requirement ree-fourths of a mile from the Pas Sore ones to every Geddin's “Compon tian Sitters,” for | these wretched ond nae ee coppems i question tions ; he looked apan the berg Depot, Thie farm contains about 800 | ™ reais our the | Congh, General Debility, &c., and I am fully} sort to all a a and re | we bave yet to consider, Is auy ‘or On| mere farce. Some of the Senators acres, about sixty seres of which isexcetient | MOM handsome snd useful presenta | Satisfied that they ard thebest Bitters of which ly delvat tactics tw stave of and floal- | thie Gor in posseesion of the mecereary starinti- before i : y all efforts looking towards tho | ca! intormat ; en meta favor of Rises Bea ae ihe ene ieee Jeney wt be thonght of ot Fares Sense tng bnowlodan, pat the best Zouls of rong and rel investigation into Poche hark 7 vbrererter ns tytn ewe end vast Gate cate wba hae bocsed at the heavily ly, we will give to ere. the taxable property of this Stat pen ' diation, talked about ke Sotbeb rates oish pate of ecbieaten, oe Scentse our Agent, One Hundred Henrico county, Ve foes 2h << um Genie sieves revenue to redeem thene ‘proposed ee a ee ae 4 well wetered sad stocked with well-dispesed a. omney Da. Gooow :—Dear Bir: 1 have been suffer- Gen Was yeh Oh o-cetvand eyontee pleiges?. Bir, [have opon my devk the re fi ee eee ie and contented tenants. It is well adapted to | lection of Holida which you make your se | ing for twenty years with an affection of the CALENDAR. poral the WeShy Bveapnrer, ip Sulsh boomécs repudiation. Tt would 1 the disgrace of the growth of Cotton and Grain, and is, elto-| For returning full clubs from these Free Se ee ee eee of the} The bill to amend chapter 134, exetion 19, the entire amount of the revense raised) then wrhave thought shout it "To GRA eT e oe) edialie ays doce Tickets, nccompaunied by the cash, we will give | "ten been inader she treatment of | DUBE aw>. was taken op, when, during the past fiscal year, (600,000) will be| repudiated boudsat their Seoswneet te be Geeed je this of the country. | the same extra premiumse that we now jee the best physicians in the , one of whom . Hodgin offered a substitute which was | "®@vired to defray the ordinary exposes of the ing to €100,0001 last session amount- The terme of the payment will be made fib | the sume as if you had 10 conta | for each | }# DOW & professor in a ical college. All , aud the bill pessed its third reading. Cans cette Coat ae #0, but Ifo invent m love the ete : one Of Your \ P with you to under-| ‘ailed to relieve me, 1 Gnally tried yourCom- to incorporate ile Rovk Camp ee the interest. om the | Lomerons nee the lAsidrese, Rh. W. Foacd, agent of B. L. Par- | strad that not other firm in the businesean | Pound Gentian Bitters; the effect was ke «| Ground, was next \.Lgn mp snd a | oe SY 808 Doe too, that had t cena tee, Concord, N. C. compete with us in any way whatever. charm—one boitle gave me complete a ie diter's report fo ahs SPUR Sy Seperess so Ballroed Presidents had bees here Nov.f, 1900, ita n_| | At th foe tices ty goed, te tho He |beiove tobe tho ben seccis © we sn tae Oot Far hSessechton “Ho tnenen dasteaty tebe | eae hacer Whe em 4 aie noal , 180.” x =e * eee ae c =? 1 ‘ad w ia Demorest’s Young America. Oot Sey, OO sing to over 60, se-| Litileton, N.C, Jan. Tih, 1869. Resctation osmenteing, the, ire Sonia can form no correct iden of the smonut.of the rpodinting debts due Street bro- . “The most Juvenile Magesine ever guegy tains Oy the on. atone Ot may retain Prepared oat ST WIGG for property destroyed of taken dering the taxable proper of the State, # Seca kors. These risolations od dueert a att Spscntid Ghocmre Pleteree of Au- | $2.0 and in every order of over $190, $3.00 may JAMES T. WIGGINS, war: aaking our Representatives in er gives it as his opinion that estes | “that we pledge yurscives te pa'sucn souree dubon's Birds of Americans +a and | be retained to Proprietary Wholesale A ‘ S in Vain enaiter and asking tat tested by the tax smesement returved, of economy” How ean you vote for that exber fine en im each number. The No Ray the Mxpress Charges. rep wy a ra a oo aetna aad = ut canted 00,008, 008 duis © he of of elaase when a proposition to redace the per — vember and ber pumbers free tonew sud) r+ ig more expecially to assixt Agents! Egy For sale by Dr. G. B. Puclson, Selis- hold ity session in this iste, was next reached. rea te why bernnbeaalamehedenny #9 diem and mileage of the wembers of the) Gor day; bat The most instructive, entertaining, and best im the Western sod Southern States, but is open | nary N.C. 38—tf| After a discussion Mr. Durham moved to} Oo Gg You were working in tho ‘dark General Assembly was voted down! That children will Javeoile Magazine comprises numerous and | alt 40 YEARS | "*7,'"* resolation vo the table. when this law wes framed, yoo ste vot nore looks like wuing to cedtomize; yor | to rejoice in nore! (atures that are peculiarly its own. and COMMISSIONS. oan | The yeas and nays being called the motion | -tivitened now, and sill you ioe and re- | BAe your about eeonotmy and pass | memories of entirety feon, Speme the goes, 0 ne arco hegeld wen pot ovat Owe perous tne | was qrjected by a rote of yeas 52, oays48. | cine to pay this I Piet if iusiooudd | T°*t PAPO serene bat: to regio Wes an Toone Aim Erirideente the feast Colored Po club, for which below we give a partial List of PUBLIC. | aa Sta Sa Be Mat turn. out that required three per Cent HPON | iced in a certain report (menging the | range, will be other engraving, the best stories, pussies, wtiocs | Crspmnenanet ae ae ga@. from 1 club of +} Roped this question of loyalty and disloyalty | tit 0 iets ivi of she: Stale to weet | Treasurer's) that the catire recwipt of the | snesrpered edvesssgrt Faves chet wilh net amhp anrere the ettendon of j ERAS, Ve WOT mY ‘Sheadeed ot comruission, em | ouerccie, op. Rees oe tea, will the Senators who eanpert these Tro. en pa ee ield 00 nee > jo ma ery amd Ress and Girls, but to purify and elevst yds. Brown of Sheeting, Good fas, (Br. hed ie that sun? Are they prepared to ae ee eos ahs pone fair. | Drees Pattern, Woot Squere Shawl, French | the habit of Confederase subliersto teal eve Leng ear that they wilde iu? .. heton | ay Soeur 2a par wll ey tot abew 1 » ts and Vest Pattern, Pine | if OTHER J hat het ; be (Mr. De ‘ cal mation, and prove @ well-spring of pleasure in | Casrumere rape os in aa Poy Sib ae grendgacnwen tei oa ** | aut cute for these resulutions, the resoiuiun | oi what will be the consequence ? f i the household. White Couhterpane, éte., etc, or $3 00 : ham) branded the eseertivn ast an inlamous) | tnean a ae “d| early subsoription $7.50 witha gow! Micro- an order of @5O, {rw » Club of Beenddign eae iFecece tn apes Use| rae camera OP ee or raeh | wae of jvm ig denwieg the people ia- | 7 in or & peeri-handle Pucket-Kaife, ore beso- | Filly. we will pay. the Agons. ss Comanaion, lecklier, but he had the ntinost contempt fur a | | hable | warepwdiation, whetber they desire it or oot. ! tens tifal Book. aa premium to each subscriber, and | aie sheeting, one goir of beory woot _ PAIL | hie tnettte! . pumeiokee — Pepto iar pie ele pe this tax on the pewple. Yoo hare} polandid pcornigame given for clubs. caendiael daver-snee watch, etc. ete,, or| FOR BRONOHIAL AND LIVER DI.| Mr Kentrow tiosteomned a Of re- | sey all (hie taxable veagelt * in the State to pay taag Ee eee, oe irech ott W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, in ensh. SEASES read the folle wing : __ Matting spon the army of the Confedersey the iorerest on the debt, the ordinary expenses per a 838 » PE § For an order of G100. from aclud of) Thomas fl. Rainey. Faq | Granville co.. Wo c..!) After consulerable ciebaie the previon" Q7e* | tie government snd ccunty expenses howl. The resolution wes not —— ! Specimen copies, with circulars, usiled free | One Hundred, we will pay the agent, as com) says: 1 Gnd your Pils to ve the best family medi- | tion being called and enstained, the question | i) int sir, tharit will reqrtire that amount, The | not lene than « faree, aad it was this kind of | i R i i eared. 7 prpred very Ben: | png ed pon Mr. Durliam’s ace-ttdment whieh ; ; legislation the General Assembly had been of receipt of ton conte. mission, 100 yda.ef goad yard-wile Shooting, eine t od Ry dara of. \ TECUTTES MpO® interest on 34,000,000, dollars the amooat of | aera! \ Now subscribers sending in before the firet of | (ein-Silver anting Case Watch. Rich Long (eta oR ce ~ . Fina or | was rejected by tke following vere Yeas, 27 by Gor. Hulle $2 040. | cognged in ever sit-ce its return. and the ef- | scar eerie reece’ the wevember and | Wool Sbaw!, Soit of all Wool French Ganel-| Note Se thgr deata get ter have teed mardre | Nays 68 Oo A ee osumca ofthe Croverumment, | et hae, been that the boadehare gone dows. | Siti, December nasbers free. niere, eten.ete., or $10 in cash. tet from Pile then ail other... My.dieesse is | The qaeetion was then teken upon Mr. Dar- & Trea $200,000 ’| down, down. He would vote against the | We do not employ sug travelling agents, and hea of|i..0' $600,000 to whwh if we ayear land bronchial eftliction, aud a complete pro hatn's other amendment to *trike unt wherever ot the P resolutions, er any tax bill to inerense the id prize ladies finest, | customers shonid not pay money Ww perms ala Ga: them id ten ot fi- |. fe pe tor three years fot the completion of the Dem , Sunday p span o me ‘ rporting to be our agents, unless peraonalty | tt te my tell 7 Tuer Be the very it oecurted the word “loyal. tentiary and the lands necesmary to defray tle present barthens of his people. sp some occasion . “s ‘ome and oey Fun we regee |e inter. Sioa We nearly clh ‘s The yee aol nays being called fhe smen3- expenses of our charitable ios'itutions, it wit —_—_——— ’ their é Waabivtwe = 8 premiom |*"Somdmmoney always by Register. The Care is Thorough. | ingot wan rejicerd OY 0 vote’ JT IP). SO} edihnaeyerce siemens & ie 10 THE CLERGY AND DAITY OF THE | Ged ; .s od Letters. | Kenneth Feq.. Clerkot Gélambageounty O°. : : lor Meate purposes alone, Now f weestmnate | TMOCESES OF N. CAROLINA, & CARO- according a ~ Bhe. Useful, the Entertaining, ond the _ For farttitr partiontare-send for Catalognes, compl, «rious (ape 2 ikea") mDering the lates | The resolation was en See by the fol | tne taxable progiert of the Brats at 200 000,- LINA. ALABAMA, i A. LOU- | AN same Pes ’ Beautiful. The Model Magarine of PAREDR & CO., = | partofine yee ee i eves a a ha ; aang eye ad thie act | ONO Aoliney we'nee That tt will require one sod) or ine TEX AR, ’ ane ak AMD H. M. Treasurer, ‘ 4 : liver and ne ° Rein | ty Mr eV TTTNG 110 oF jet h 4 4 . a ; ( America. 98, £7100 Summer St, Boston, das. | gnats become so excruciating thatt was omepeling ) ceseeg.. the Cheraw and CvwlGehd Reilrond. a helf per cent of taxation fo pt J a ARKANSAS. } ora Garo of Texes ‘ Oct, 15, 4569. 41-1y *| te get ot of bed and sit ontil the would ater ek petieds nlune, wed as the covtities will re-| y at Demorest's Tilustrated BMonthiy- a ad te in a } aubeide. - l-proqured a few sxevot the SOUTBERN Refer: od. quite fully #4 mach more for consty Putposes, a J. Fav. Yours, Florida. 7 THE USEFUL im Demorest’s Monthiy com, State ptr: , HEPATIC PILL, and the first dow) took gave me | —-— - we fave & burden of three per cem mpon all ) Dean Beeranrs: M. A. Cuntts, Clerienl me & cwst Ge Ship ¢ Kaibboge, ta, Lem’ bed oe CUUNTY, § | great relief. | continced te nee the Pilis for tro! REMARKS OF lh Tadao property at hy ner Bure, ie} At the annual mecting of the Trustees the}. W.G Wuo.uas, Gee ree t rene Afton, Inchudlirig’ fat : — Edmups. & ser antaadrytor oH Alfred De | anlg. we ee apres oo Santee MR. JONES, OP MECKLENBURG, < by no meanseertaia that the property of the | GT en tepamen Z Yast, % ER Pac ee, Ala, ete; Gare ; exley, adimimstrator ‘of A: : * eT , ; %e 5, So comptes . E Trastee, Mies. hoth estan pted te Ladle} tut, ot ea ate ee oa keno eqetem. ped | Tipom the Rasoludions, ‘iy: tha Sennte, Picdging the | symte of ali caress, salt ade sazguee. Will | dress you on the subject of the Offering of the | November , 1869, Model Cottages, with their surroundings; and : sgarinrt.. a vuuthsent conquer. unless nattre | faith of the Slate to the payment of her, debs, acrmnt w 2004 800 de rely mene the $d Sunday in J oan aes to oan en - —— se eet aneree thrgnt wich G Sere Sachacmanmemeete et yuan Thm thet mm ajwmtunnae parece ieee Ea, nae a, eee NR iC f r ife @ wert Lowe A wih | ening med hoorishments, tao Wa. Pueertyrst -—2 cm ; , ers ° a. ' on nas Peainge ‘oemsa ant ee au . Rpicy Ae Sr Baise Margaret A Keden, \% senor the eases, pay ms be a eade take! North Carolinmn, Shr, ad toed Se as eho | amy a. more than erent, one halt | You may remember, that on ta the t Ra vie feat aly terns, Popolar . , ; ss Dan'l ine before te peven FOB OT | ave eo elogitently lectated as the’ eubjéet of tp recent for State parposem Now, Mr. Presi- | pant offering was adopted by the Trustee at the | of the Ftat at nS a . at worees & Davide Teldae Davon, due Dat bad ee ee aoe ote weeumml ee “h a al “frie fare” of North Oafolina. | dent, the problem, what \emonat _ tazalioo soning tie and eqgn fe wees: | var gaan cama om nsige woap fl > E BEAUTIFUL com nirtherons ib Wiha: fideo, heirs at law of S ‘ the of Ae-| and I hope, Str, that I amas senvive t alt) can ourifidimi rit interests bear? I do vot be | to yea by the co Bina are ex-officio | of illegal distillat was semenced 10 a fine | Jastrations, in the highest #yle of a OL gf nat A : = fense, ogee Ore Jocks he ge ar. ety Hien | that concerns her reputation as any of them, }ieve they can lierunder sech » burden Sir, — a . For furious yep and inotomnes Ee i on the firiest y in the —~. Witline Davidson. of the defendants Fhe Southern Pils, and it is precisely, SicPbecaure I am so sensi- | F have not examised the statistics, bat I bax | reasons few Parishes texpanded; and very us ean old stat- ner in a style to 8 aplendid yolame | To Wiliam Spree , aw : ve that I shall vote against these resolntion® [ard the assertion thet North Carulina has nev litslé wan given: ‘The hope is carvestly cherixn- | nte against i dixtiliing’ before” the-fecent ing ot the | above mined, « non-resident, That old, knows and sell Prind remedy | ove [he $ ; i that thie he the amendment, was fined $10 and fins - for adhe ot eae and altogeth- Y lered? notified, thet « enmment, in ‘ail Litiows divenecs, caused by @ Sir, they proclaim that North Carolina will | er doubled her enpital jo any thirty-three yeare nat Or ee we ean capt s “we @,8 ly visitor that no of taste of ee ea ees waned agnine’ $ DISEASED LIVER ever regard, as inviolable, the debts she has | of her existence. Then, sir, a8 a matier of aha of anes by. a aa James Flyan hie failed 40 amawer, Toe en en ran ee ae vt a po was Aine ae TO ALL BMIGRARNTS.— Youare gboutte nate | heretofore contracted, and that she will meet | courte 7 nett profit on her capital a prt | ve "The anioar Department was | tee of tan apireligtliation Ob eve . ‘ : home for yourselfand family # @ elimate which these obligations to the last cent This, Sir, is | has been less than three per cent ere then | Prevent : a " a ~ Goes hers sabiay sora See Alexander County, on the 17th yo or ter Sare ot been worontced eR wih the sc trtanee of these resolutions, at ia? am, we have 6 baribes He lasation that ont ie “7 ro ee sn me ~ine Senarupon a legally ” € aveae of course, be e¢ posed. euveres an anything, they mean that this isla- } somes the entire nert t a aecommodations and Mesure. pve os ne Oe NS cas ce i = asi = = ee — i thas cflrante, 708 shgald be auavees of does obaete: ae willnot a hold as valid and constitution- | labor, Is not this fect appalling? But is it ane: jot ca ae of things, Berea Bcheles aati There Splendid preminme for elube. Address caster Gast Gores’ nig held at the | you Sl And the greatest seonrity in the ase of al all the bon that have been issued by our | aot more appalling when we come to te flect | measmre of success almost anexampled in any | were a number of witnemen examined on Dexonzers MowrHity Macamye, ane Ha ; Taylorsr ile, on the 26th da Daxwe’ Sovrasax Heraric Pitts. Treasurer, but alao that this Legustatere will | that two millions of this money is to be ann0- | similar wndertaking—the Boerd, at ite late | both and the cause was conducted by the , See ee Seer , ¥ They can be sent to any point inthe United States roceed, at ohee, to lay taxes sufficient to meet | ally carried be: oud the limits of the State to | meeti a the Rev. O. | conneil with unasnal cecal and ability. The de 888 Brosdway, N of Decem,er next, when and where yoo are m , 7 : y - ng, a 7 When sent by mail, the postage on the En- ‘cana aired - e and oe the A: Por ene box, 25 eeete.— Des. $2.50—T al Gross interest on those bonds. Now, Sir, the qnes- | pay the interests on oar bonds in Wall Street. | P, Thackara, of to by personal | fendant was convicted. gaving, ten cents, mnst be incladed. | es i on cused the plaintiff | $1°—One Grose, $16— Three Troms, $50 Five Grose, $75. | tion of the constitationality of there bonds lx.s | So lone, Sir, as the money raised by taxatiof | effort in our ‘Parishes, at poteipar = Sor fret Afternoon session, The cares of U. 8 vx Specimen copies of the magazine with eirco- weeny wad Ne ie nen eee! Crmeed: [eee Sas Caner Seenyne’ ‘en enactn en gegpess | Hong wane prrend fate © purely judicial = is paid to Sener wnenine Se oe arch Gilinon, tov the ateenianel oO hoard. | Williams Ferrell, U. & ve HN. Croom, U. & lars, mailed free, on receipt of fifteen centa : : io ‘6. W. DEEN, nd this mighty bost of bouds which this Leg- | i ri idual interests houses, and a building Grammar | ve, Peyton, Theophilus Thomas Mangum, =— the are Gin ol eweiid = Re. ia, Sora Cathoox Prnaer, idatere, at aie sesrion, mastered into exis | be destroyed, and productive labor coocnart School, to be ort, Fee, by the were continued upon the affidevita of senpective ON TON ¢ hn Caw t £ Taylorerilia the 3d lag where they will be promptly attended = rie M™ | tence, has already commenced passing in re- | but when « State is not only paying grievous Sake coset, "eats pee 6 er B = 1869 7 Paes For these Medicines @all om all respectable Draggiste | view before the chief judicial tribunal of the | taxes, bot is paying them by way of trilvute to | ape np —— .. des —_————— RISE BOXES. day ia Angest E M. STEVENSON everywhere and on 7 State, and by the jndyment of that tribanal | a foreign State, her condition is in the last de- ape ¢ the work. —w sere gar In the U, & Circuit Court oo Wedne- rte Clerk ‘ "Coun Ale mas Cou ty. | G. B. POULSON, c they mnat stand or tall, Bat, Sir, when we} gree lamentable and abe is in the condition of , ox onetgrnanes a day the ‘Second Seizure cane, decided by Something New and Verg Desirable. aie mander Vounty. | Jaly 9—-96:17 Salisbory,N-C. | card sem asa pledge on the part of this| a Roman provines or of poor, unfortunate Ire- man * dininds Yosh ta * j oe | Judge Bans See a principle of great im Saute ‘ie. ) — blishea 185s General Assembly to levy taxes sufficient to } land, the chief of whose wors it is that her non- | tring” which is to cantinne from year to Bee | portance to the community of mannfa~ Mapu Bos te filed with 2 new and éntortad Sever BAKING FOWDERS es : meet the interest on oar entire indebtedaess, I | resident landlords carry beyond het borders | to aeaiat in the devel of this cen. | Ter. ‘The second seisure had been made for od candy, and every box will give yous som | Roast OF ms LEPAGE BROS. & CO. | think it would be weli for this body to panee, | the profit of her labor. Sir, the Senator Irom ws cdsapional Gchepal af eo” Chee in our | slleged offence ee rand. nh ost sere teed ran Fer Suck vient ott Beter Olen Biuens , if ible. what resoarees it | Craven has stated that he bases his hope of | midst. Th the of mitied previous to the release on the first seizare Chains. Ladies’ and Gente Breadt Pins, &c.. with which there is no failure—no disap- GENERAL and ascertain, if possible, wha : ' Of | midst, Throngh this, our paro- | Mier bond given. Bleeve Battons, Stods, Kar Rings, pointment has at its command wherewith to fulfil these | paying our indedtedoe=s u the prospective | chial offerings in every place, it is designed to A wns made by Mowrs, Bell and Ke Charms. Ac ., &¢ se motion —— i , S - § in the next thirty year*. | give «ll our people an opportunity for «ystematic A further pel of these very Popular Ba- Commission Minchants fien repeated pledges, I, for one, am an erty ef the State, y year " fer Beam, exis by G EI 25 CENTS. ing Powders, which read from iting to pledge myself, in advance, to aid in |-[ wish, sir, that I cuvld participate fo his | contribation to an Apes soles to be dear Attorneys _— | THEY RETAIL AT 25 C k wenn bares aiventy oe a tected as ik may prove greater than | bright anticipations, but the prosperity of a | to their henrts; and jn this way, as wa an by | raham = agg, to obtain an order for the MAXUPACTURED BT many of the Ladies of Salisbury and the coun- and te | release of the tobaceo under the second seizure, high commend: have beer the indostrial interest of the State ean bear.— | State, burdened as ours is, would be in my information thus annually imparted, to interest was the of the order ask GEORGE MILLER & SON, Te fein oe kept throughout the season COTTON FACTORS, |: we may a6 well look this question sqnare- | opimen, bot little less than a miracle; the them the more in its progress. Poel rig meer ape 7 gate -opadnal 610 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Where also may be had every kind of the Commerce St., Morfolk, Va. sy in the face; there iseveh a thing as a State | very diffcnitics I have enumerated mast inesi- ar Rann Es been as | inently antisfactory, not only to the tobscen men, And sold by Confectioners and Storekeepers ev- | finest FLAVORING EXT ae | being burdened with a debt greater than she | tably retard her progrese. Dut the Senator re- _— a pie to | but to their numerous em whoere thrown ry where. : , ; For culinary purposes. T with « full wads attention paid to the sale o | can bear, and, Sir, of all the ewils with which | minds me thatthe State of Iilinois has paid ee ai he scarcely pected | out of employment nd into great sat ne ee aie rwenkaor roan a line of fresh and warran Soe GRAIN. COTTON and all other kinds ¢ | the Almighty curses the nations of the earth, | taxes nearly equal to those Bow necessary fur foes, the Laer me a | fering by these repeated seizures. tenting, once. We eaartion our friends to beware of worth- SPICES, a —_* — aed pri- COUNTRY PRODUCE. j there are few greater than this. When an in- | North Carolina. I say in reply to him, Mr.| Woy orhuman atin aed I toe pecans ef books | The atin oles te on Jess imitations. the Bon Ton being theoriginal box. cus greatly © oil 8 tins eure Salisbury CH Liberal advances on consignment | dividaal becomes insolvent he finds s refnge | Tresidevt, that he cannot estimate the | for the Library, (now numbering over 1,000 vol- | mote we help ors to tear the andar’ — shall always be maintained. Nor 36, 1809. one 7 47-9 ahd prompt returns. juls9:27 — in the six lating protection of « Court of Bank-! ability of North Carolina to bear taxstioP umes( funds most be raised from othe seources. byrdeng, the lighter oorevra se Re © Oe ae - ~ es ~ Pe ara Se cia day than they Were in 1867. The late elections, Senator Rorpiys will please accept our eh Ai Sagan ae * Gono Paraeg.-—The fifth vamber of the og gig a ORS san une T® SPECIAL NOTIOES. Dd North State SBURY, PRIDAY, DEC. 10, 169. | THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. : —— We exclude much important matter this week | to mik2 room for the Prosi lent's messige. Ax] 5 is the first document of the kin that has em- | ‘nated from his pen, it will be looked for with | anxiety agd read-with interest. Jt isa plain, practical, seusible paper, without tho least at- | tempt at rhetorical finish, Its style is auch as | ‘to convince every one that it is the Presidents | ewan production. Its tone is calm, manifesting | “but lite partizan feeling. Upon the whole it fae highly creditable Stue paper, in waatever | Jight we may chose to reg ied it. Indeed it gives | more evitlenence of the Presideat’s ability to | ‘deal with civil matters than we had givep him ‘he eradit of powessing. Taz eqay whig we ‘wel, havieg baeg transmitted from Washing: | ‘ton by telegzaph, doubtless contained many inac- | uracies, bat th, meaning of the writer can be | { distinctly gathered. ‘The two quesiions treated by the President jn which onr readers feel most interest are thoae of ro-constructioa and finance. What he says in reference to Virginia will meet with a hearty approval by the whole cduntry. He gives that ‘Bate tedit for having atted in good fuith, and “wrges the prompt ddmisaiou of her Senators, and Representative to their seats in Congress. “This is simple, plain and direct, and can be un- derstood by all Bit some explanation may be u to’ enable the reader to understand what he méana by hiy recommondation in rela- tion to Géorgia. His object in both thstances is evidently to hastes the final completion of the ‘work of reogstryctign, so as to take that ques- ‘tion out of national politic. We will give, ‘what seems to us to be, the solation of that part {of the message relating to reconstruction in i} (eorgia. 3g will be remembered by our readers that af- ter Georgia had adopted » Constitation, in con- “formity with the requirements of the recon- mtruction acta, and her Legislature }gd done mhat was reqyired ‘said abf, it to expel certain colored ‘members from their seats in ‘that body, aad ad- mit. othere who were banned by the 1th ‘amendinent. ‘This gave great offence’ fo many and was sought by them | g fyll and fair investigation, while prating lond- | lands in the State to the ase of the public schools. for reminding Georgia to | |y about the innocence of the “Radicals in Congress, to be made a pretest amilitary goverment, and compelling her t | ing the present generation, The political capi, ‘tal which it made out of the Recenstraction | policy of the Republican party in Congress, has of it by the conditions of thanks for several valuable public documents which he has laid on ourtable. Among them as compared with the last previous State elections, the only trae test, show -nothing™ encouraging for the Democracy, The Demoerats wadeslight | the ‘Treasurer's report, the Auditor’s report and gains in California, but the State went Demo- ‘the report of Superintendznt and Physician o} cratie at the previous State election. ‘i was the Lasgpe Asylum. the result of a local eause-+the Chin question P, aaa and the XVamendment, In ew Xoviediers” »~ Don't fall to read the adngirable speech gf was aome cas in the raral dibict, Dor it, wad! Col, Hos Jones, on our fourth page, ulso thé ygayse, inthat Statg the prety) abay@oned thy, Preinaplesof Mr. Lindsay. Tyagi ae + greenback theory of its great leader, Pendleton. s : : ee ; In Wisconsin the Republicans madelarge gains: jp Mississippr AND Texas ELgerions.—Texas In New Jéey ticv made small gains; and tn | not heard fyom—Aleorn, Radical, clected by-a Ohio they recovered the legislature of the State, | large majority in Mississippi. which had goue Democratic at the last State | > Congresa.—Butler introdaced a bill to repeal election. In Minnesota alone have the Demo- the tenure of oltice acts. Stevens of Ohio, & cracy rade any gains indicating an increase of ee (iwy thirds agreeing) for the removal of | - oo = ase Ol | disabilities on thre adoption of the 15th amend- | We repeat there is nothing in, ment. | The admission of Virginia -is expected on! Friday or ‘Puesday next. —-— < New Avvertiseveyrs.—The Eagle Store— | Smith, Foster Holmes & Co, This is one of the | mest enterprising firms in the State, They ad-| vertise liberally, and, like all men who adver. | tire, sell cheap. Valuable land for Sale—J. S. MeCubbins, party strength, the late elections to show that the Democracy is | likely ta ebtain.control of the Government dur- been exhausted. And with anything like a pra- dentand economical administration ofthe govern- ment the strength of the Ko ytblican party will ve likely to increase. Tacse things are certain- « o ly so, and why not proclaimthem? There isno | Commissioner. use of decviving oitrae!ves longer, Nothing is Salisbury Female School, hazarded by the man who will undertake to pre- oP dict that the Democracy will nyt obtain the con- TUE LEGISLATURE, trol of both the Executive and Legislative De- Screamo SENATE. [oananene of the General Government for the next twenty years. Let the Southern people, then, act as wise, pradent and practical men should act under the cireamstances, With Barke we repeat, “that political problems do not primarily concern truth or falsehood, but good or evil. Whatever, in its resulta, is pro- ductive of good ix politically true, though it may be theoretically false; and whatever, in ite re- sults, is productive of evil is politically false, though it may te theoretically true.” Such is true Statesmanship in established governments. Saturday, Dec. 4, 1869. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. INTRODUCTION @F RESOLUTIONS. By A. H. Galloway, (col.) the following reso- lution, to-wit; Wueueas, At the last annual meeting of the North Carolina Railroad Company held a: Sal- isbury, the Legislature of North Carolina waa abused and slendered by Win. A. Smith, Presi- dent of the North Carolina Railroad Company ; therefore Resolved, by the General Amembly of North Carolina, that the Governor is hereby requested to ~-move agid Smith from his position as Direo- tor on said Railroad. Lies over. £/ it is, as usual, filled with choice original and ise 0 f ua 4 ge of 1868, ee same? A nt ea g ie Treasurer to report to. the “Ge J Assensh: what amotinisy and for what months he has paid the Code Commissioners. . Adopted. By the same: A resolution. requesting the Treasurer, to inform the General Assembly what disposition has been made of the” $100,000 in bonds issued to Pruyne and Heck, for the 8000 acre purchase for the penitentiary, and the $2,- 000,000 Chatham Railroad bonds declared “un- constitutional ; whether ahy Of the’ coupons of said bonds have been presented or paid, and whether they can be distinguished from the cou- pons of other bonds, and if'so bow, Adopted. Bill to authorize committees of investigation to enforce the attendance of witnesses. On mo- tion of Mr. Etheridge it was referred to the commiiitee op the Judiciary. CALENDAR. Bill to amend section 435, chap. 12, title 49, of the Code of Civil Procedure, passed its third reading. Resolntion (of Mr. Brogden) to deelare a claim of KR. 8: Tacker, against the State, indeii- nitely postponed. Teor THE APPOINTMENTS. We give lclow the oppvintment made by Bishop B. 8. Doggett, upon the eve of the adjourgment #f the North Caroli- na Annial ‘@onfetence of the M. E. Church, South for the ensuing year: Raleigh Distriet——W H Bobbitt, P E. Raleigh City ; J H Daily. Wesley Chapel: Wm & Ferguson. Wake; James J Hines. Rollevill>; Joseph J Reon. Smithfield, Wm TH Moore. ag ws TUE RAILROAD INVESTIGATIONS. By Mr. Blythe: A bill to regulate the meet- ings and fees of the County Commissioners. Re- ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. Love: A bill to regulate section 93 and 10v, 270 of the laws of 1868 '69.— Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. By Mr, Love: A resolution ingto raise & joint committee of five te andit the bills for printing, and instructing the State Auditor not to allow any claim nntil it has been before said committee. Lies over. By Mr. Reepass: A bill toa The conduct of certain of the leaders of the so-called Republican party ig this state, in rela- tion to the'proposad investigation of the alleged frauds and corruption in tbe management of cer- tain unfinished railpgads, cam only be accounted for oy the bypothssis that they fear the result, | and the effects of it, upon their party. They | are using every means in their power to defeat | priate certain accused and the! Referred to the eommiuiee on the Judiciary. | malice end igu i users, Th malice aud maliguity of their ecc’ They | pend:4 and the reaoiution to provide a pension do all her work ofer aguin. A bill, if we mix | oppose it, they say, because it is & blow: for the old soldiers of the war of 1312 was taken take not, was actually iftroduced to that effect | levelled at and imtendet to break ‘ut the Igat’ session.” The Scnatdrs ‘and Kepre-| party. They oppor it, they say, because no pentatives ebect from that Seasé haye, in eovse! evidence of guilt has been adduced, and that down their | up. amended and pased Bill to incorporate the Valley Railroad Com- | pany eame up, was ainended aud passed. quenee, been, thus far, excluded from their seats | whery there is no guilt no investigation is need- | perty in thin State by the Federal Army during in the present Congress. Sutmeqnentty, how ver, (he Sapreme C Sart of Georgia itself de-| Now every seusible man caa see that this is | @ thst the co'orey mombers of her Legisla ‘tare were wrongfally expelled—that t are | Hecting mind: that the reasons which actuate | entitled to their sents ander the Const.tution of } them are precisely the opposite of those alleged. | jed, and many more reasons equaily ridiculous. | the late war. Lis over. On motion the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Saturday, Dee. 4, 1860. Jlouse assembled at the usual hour. -} the mncrest subterfuge. It is patent to every te~ | On motion of Mr. Blythe the rules were eu» | Resotntion coucernin, the \loatruciion of pro- ; Tar River; Paul J Carraway. Louisburg; Oscar J Breut. Granville; A D Betts. , Hendersou: Henry H Gibbons. [ieee Moses J ILunt. | Wilson Mission; to be supplied. Editor Episcopal . Methodist; James B ’ the larZest, Nifleen Dollars in rl God nihil Saini Weien. Yo. ealoed tt PAIN KILLER. selected matter for the fann and fireside; fornmows of Tus rune} aud at $2.00 year is one-of the cheapest No article ever attained to such unbounded Family Weeklies in ‘the oountry. Iu the ‘te gener number befyre us the proprie iN ; t. and Ten a Skemeaa se of su b any ome person between December 15¢ i Ginn 1369, aud March 15th, 1870. “Parties;wish-| ‘There has nothing @& the Pain ing to cutipetefor the Gold prizes may ub- Killer, which is the most valuable family medi cine now in use, Tennessee It has a real merit: asa means of removing pain, no medicine has acquired reputation ual to Perry Davis’ Pain Killer.—Newport (ky) Daily News. Its wonderful power in oe set ars |.were pain has never. been i Sentinel. Tt is one.of the few articles that are jnst what they pretend to be.—Brungiwick Telegraph, Qur own opinion is, that no family should be without a bottle of it for asingle hour. 1 wommyestrs, pains; sores, dc. itis remedy we know of News, Canada. tain specimen copies of the Carolina Farmer. and blank »subseription lists by addressing Win. H. Bernard; Editor and Proprietor, Wiluwington, N,@. Daatimor Cor iemnre+Col: Pits Lemly for many yearé® member -of the criminal bar, last’ evening. died at hiw ry | sidenee on Jackson’ street at the age of | fifty-three years and eleven manths. - The Colonel bas been iu. delicate health for many months, .and quite recently was we most . John, caught iv a rainstorm, after having taken wis a dose of calomel’ ‘Phe wetting'seems to.| After many years trial of Daviy’ Pain Killer, have brought out three’ large carbaneles, wo advise aay pig should a sod thle yes EPH, Ea wees Killers wAubere (55) ee eath. 5 # ten one ant y Ten! The Pain Killer of Perry Davie, & we The remains wilkbe conveyed to Jack- confidently recommend. We have used it son,” Miss.,~by: this evening's train, for for'ndatgth den, and eoasedty with suc- interment Col, Lemly’s fa ate most reaiding bastneeey although be bintse' is a vative af North Carolinia, He leaves three children—twe ters. and one ov. 28th- son.— N. O. Times, Tt in but pix. years ALLEN'S LUNG STiLL AHEAD.—That Stan SPaNGLED | BALSAM, was first for sale. Its good Banner, which for seven years hag “waved” to the great satisfaction of its many thousand readers, and to the great dissatisfaction of all swindlers and rascals generally, is even more wide awake than ever. Jt has at an immense expense secured the scrvices of an eminent artist, | > and the result is that it proposes to GIVE away a splendid engraving eutitled | bly known, and sold everywhere. “Evangeline” to every subscriber for Read what Captain Foster writes: 1870. This superb work- of art is one Por? Brrwe1) March 284; 1860. and one-half by two feet in size. and is) yyomeme Pekey Davis & Sos—Sire: I am | Bobbitt. | Agent Sanday School Society ; James | °¢- ' Reid. Hillsboro District —Wm Barringer, P. E Hillsboro; Leonidas \W Crawford. Alamanee; Thomas J Gattis. Chapel Hal gud JIaw River; J A Can- ninghaw .. Darham’s; Johu Tillett Pittebero ; Sowe ph B Martin. Frantlinevill¢; George © Bynam. j I asburg ; | Wheeler, Sap . } Prrsou; Marcas C Thomas. South Guilfurd; Caswell: King. | High Rock ; Alfred Norman. Jos H Wheeler, Wa 1! pleased to notify you of the benefit which I have The Banner isa large eiglt-page, | received from Allen's Lang Balsam, bav ing been jferty eolumu paper, overflowing with troubled with a cough for several years past, the jsplendid reading of all kinds and costs — ao ons ee oe J ee jonly 75 cents a year, which is very cheap | ae readily than anything | ever coco Hforthe paper alone, Lut the publishers | Wife has also used it with most satisfactory re- j propose giving every subeciber a copy of | sults, Yours Very Traly, liheir elegant engraving grat. The Capt. D. POSTER. | paper and its publishers are retiable and it Capt. Foster is a shtp owner and beilderer, will PAY to eeud for epecimen to The Stat! siding at Fort Burwell, Canada, . l= ‘ ; It is sold by Dr. G.'B. Powrsow, Salisbary, Spangled Banner, Hivedale, N. i. eS e: 48—1m — THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL. Mortuary Presexts por ALt,—can be fonnd ene at Parker & Co.'s, 98 & 100 Summer St., Boston, | Hastctter's United States Almanac for 1870, Max. To enable every person to provide (hear | for distsibution, gratis, throughout the United | se!ves with hamdsome und oxeful foliday res | States aad all civilized countries of the Western | ents, from now until the 20th of Janaary, 1870, | Hemisphere : | these gentlemen will ise Jarge eight-paged | January, and all who wish to unde ual to the best $3 engraving ever off-r- ti of January 1870, at 12 o'vluck, "1! tom and Meadow Lands. Besh | jn Sylisbury or to doh ott Tore matt , will be published about the first of the} Kinde ‘of Cogtectioneries, Crackers, Soda, Spires * Valuable Lands 4 ve 3D Town Property for Sale! Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM Rowan Superior Couit, made at Fall Teri 1869, I will expose to pubhe sale at the Court House in Salisbury, on Wednesday the Sth day M. the tollow- ing property, to-wit: 620 Acres of Land, known as the Murphy plantation, 4 miles from Salisbury, immediite- ly on the Western N, C. Railroad, which is well adapted to the growth of Cotton, Pobac- co and Grain, contains about 50 acres of Bot- In order to suit all who may wish to purchase a part, or all of this plantation, I have divided jt into three Tracts. A Valuable Mouse and Lot in one of the best neignborhvods in Salishory, tronuirg 206 feet on Inniss Street, and 400 feet on Long Street, seaeear on Council — known as the H wpropectys This is one of the most desirab pad lenges ih the town, © Persons desiring to examine the above pro- perty can.do-s0 by-applying to the subscriber Y. Rice on the planta- 32 wontlis credit, the purchaser giving bogd and approved security, Title re- tained until purchase money is paid. sper ge dS. MeCUBBINS, Dec. 7, 1869.--49:4t Commissioner. LOOK OUT te; EAGLE STORE ! NEW GOODS TWO STORES COMBINED \ E HAVE. JUST COMPLETED our of Goods from the Eastern Markets, which is edged hy ait to be the largest stock of Goods in Western North Carolina, 8 greater portion of them hased of the Manafac- slern. of thets egetts, cokelating os fellows, in-doth DRY GOODS, DRESS GOON, Dress Goods, a complete line Dress end Purvishing Goods, l’ant Gouds t theods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, and Boots. (a large stock ) READY-MADE CLOTHING, manufactured iy foros in Boston at ruch ater son. . Haspwane—tron, Castings, Steel. Saddies and Saddlery Mardware. Carriaze Trimmings, Dale) per, Potent and Ename! Leather, Liuis Ted Calf Skins. eee Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye- Stuffs, Paints, Tanners? Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, and the largert stock of Lewis, Bartlett. Bock a) | other soted White Lead, Chrotue (irecn Yeliow ai: | other Faacy Colors of Paints. 4150 Bolting CleiLs of ali num We keep one store.especially fer GROCERIE S, 4 which ia the finetintown—comernd we. THi,s | Coffee, 40 Mar els Moiasses 10 Hhds Muiasses, Noor | Orteana, Bee Hire and Go}des Syrups, Li alow vid Corn Whiskey, Catifornia Champague. Frenci Brandy and Ale. Riffe and Blasting Powder. 4 | co e a m m e r e n i g e . A Pr or m a r m re e e e : ad LE T EL L E R LE E EL T De el od Spaff and Cigars et manofacturer's prices. A!i kuns's of Panoy Proits. eove Oyster, Av. We Peep or hand Cedar Palla, Randolph apd ocher Stangu:d Mr. Melone, for the commi'tie on the Ju- ej} dieary, reported favorably apou the bill de- Greensboro Districth+N ¥ Reid, PE. | Catalogues of all the newest and best noveltics | true bhilosophy of health should read and pon- the State. Thus the matter now stan‘s—a mmm- | If they are so confident that an investigation Advipdiins W Mangum. in ach goods as Fancy Boxes, Desks, Glove | der t valu. snggestions it contains, ad- ° ber of members of Congress being committed to | will bring nothing to light but what will betot! Grer nab ry another reotastruction of the Skate, ostensibly | honor of the scoused, aixd their party friends, | Claring velid the election vf certain Justices of , : ; aj ji dition to an admirable giedical treatine on. the | Yor the reads which we have stated. In this, enc a — sy Bate co ee sa i the Peace; placed on Calendar. | . ; Guiltord ; Charles H Phillipe, N HD, ag in ae — ype canses, wrevention and care of a great variety of ee oh age wry Prices. \ Apapnicab | My Mr. Angram, a reotution instrmcting our | W leon | Binding, real Morvceo Ghepying Bars, Tot | disonoes, ivenmbracee « lange amenst of informe-| ont, wa BJ. Hs ee ne rhode. Udn interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, getting up ue WES 1R HOUR Caretien Poiut—Brar-| jery of all devcriptions, the ay ben of | Vrinity Col-! Jeweiry in Gok, Cornelian, Jet, Sbell, Etruean, and we too, have opared Go trouble or money. io | Varbuncke and tLais, Dry Goeda, dc, Ac. dea Jand hundreds of the latest and best published - eek They are giving Ove Icx pune, Trex. { “ty ererg one whu will become their Agent, Ey te ote Sleep ate. mele. elated ioe : | in apother colomn, and send for Vatalogne. * Wm W Albea. | _ _ 4 i i sident comes forward, | 4 ; 2 t [ pondition of things the Presisert'c : ye 4 most thozongh invedigation ? - They know the} ' Represcutatives in Congress to ure their inte! Vrinity College and Ifigh apparently in the character of « on ee rexalt woald overwheln Uti opponents, : eucy to have the Bankrupt Law amgnded injryy Craven, Preeident of ate beons ey ere MTT TORTIE WOT «! Ament Aeon ser tes ‘ , to the miner, the farmer, the planter, and profes | peer: this giona! man; and the calculations haye been re 2 . - Sens jmacle for such mericians and latitadea as ee Ww ILOLESA L& AND RE FAIL | mest puitable for a correct and comprehensive | establishment, We know na other Moase can off r | National Calendar, | Detter inducem@enté then we do both tah Wao rsa }__ The nature, wes, and extraordinary sanitary | and Retail! trade. Webny al! kinds of I TERS. the staple tonie and alten ety Mit. j-PRARECE EITHER FAR CAsit ak : hn MS | thas half che Corian Sateen of more| _, OR BARTER Seek b; Clareaden M Pes per. | Ow accocet of the lin its pages, which alee 1 : rs R- ; ACT r e& . , ; 3 reat t , ; : - 1= interspersed wit) member the F. A RE! Ma heou; Simeon D Pavler. | fal crRes of sleante’ and So j pistol illustrations, valuable recipes eaa' at 7 plete ae Wentworth; Jolin W Lewis, Scnorcas, Drsrrrera, Liver Digeate, Kiv- | pou = sand humorous anecdotes, aa EP Thankful for the Ibe > ee \ ~vville : sur A CTIONS, GENE _ | Cher estsuenve anu! j . very |.beral patro gree Yavees ville; Lemon Sheil. ta a. ee Bap Hearru, & : | origiual and selected woe = on oar old frm. Baith, F . oe ~ Salisbury Dj strict T , osxou,” ft bas won ; : Annoals to } Pair Dealing. « continuance of the mame. “ry HiT Hudeon, P EF | the encsable rr utation of being the beat and moa | "PPC with the opening of the year, this will be Sal euury, LS Bukhead pepwe medicine crer discovered. It ie daily pre = of the man useful, and be had jor the Rowan; Abner K Marchisen. scribed by physicians, and recommended by eat Send for capies to the Central Manufae- f 7 | tory, at Pittabanh, Pa, of to the nearest dealer wer gary Uhis, for sonre of thet, at beast, are men of com- | mon sense, Yet in the face of all dhis they a | CPpused tosich ap javecigation. ineton | The resolation to investigue in the committee SMITH, FOSTER. HOLMES & eo v. & OMITR, BRUBEN J. Moire, Sek FosTER sp ; ne to build h | Nahe. Tilern ‘ . an 3 ’ « cM owr f . ., be admitted. Ifho van succeed it) having thie) aioe could . a = own party than any event | - motion of Mr. French, the rules were ene. | Davidson i Rober S Wilsna, ould pe , ’ fr) pene . $ —_ one 1X will remove the allezed cause of com- | poreitty happen. Thev know all of | PC? ed. and his rerolition amendatory of the lon, , ee rules was taken up and adopted 7 OF NC Reobeb——, Zab. di. Duk 23 secre plaint om the part of Benjamin F. Butler, and | Mr. Darham istcodwed a reseloti | Poreythe; Janes Altord ain 4 . t " ‘ y 3 Jains tore other radical leaders in Congress, yho are seek- re |} Speaker of this Hoase apeniet a eae MN Rine Ww ' e N mM Mmltee «of ing a pretext for overthrowing the preseat Siate | 4 se Thin was} ee meash.gm whose daty it «idl be to vinit . b> lusveiy i ‘eh t ' 1 government fn Georgia. It will completely take | : : Ns nown by their oppesitiva to the i rt mb in vestig tte the agloof, and man he wind out of their sails, gpd defeat their re-} resolotion offered by Dr. Kis, and the one to | 1 tetioe obthedonds of the State iswod under ens as send a conmittee to New York pete of the Legi-latore at the regular ~ewion of volationary desigus. Geargia had unqnestion- | are 136049, and report wo ihe commitiee of the | ‘ ‘ : ably committed an error, as shown by the sub | Howe's : a of the whole! Whole sof Usis House, at the errliest day practi- Be ouse oye . : ' ‘ cab tules suaper ! ; sequent decision of her own Sapreme Court, | as never invented by wany of its friends wht Thales susp. ided and resolutios adopted ’ ™~yimour, for committee on Judiciar ported favorably with amendments te bat : ) : , | to secure a thorouy! ‘ at ‘ and abe wis likely to enfler grevioaly for it. | a thorough investigation, bat to defeat ; be ! s It, he sequel will prove. @W pou the bill We confem that we had thuch rather have seen | me q : 1 prove. @ What must an in- | giforcing the a:tendance of witn Se Best Ruwean: The ‘ many tho mands of our best citizens : 19-1 tise Povablens tckee: Ais tgueinion ol seed | Po ee een The | ee ing aoe alice end Gslay troutlo or Mickavile, oor by Droggista and Merchanas apeeyehers = |in HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTRRS.— | 99, ——____—____- Snission of the eylored members ty the State au- attempted evasion, tozether with attendant cir- POS 7 —( published before The iu’ @ were Jenesrill 7 be ee . $————— EES | bh ae cold i every chy, to08 and slag Garetina, } Ecranica Cicer, thorities, and redoty mead the anconditions ad- j cumetancer, as the flight of Litdefeld, will be C Ponte? and the amendments reported by te an a : Ee +r oe wey. MT ARGEED : | came aens aa — oe ery Fel ae ina ioaid oti Gecenia's| Gawabaes and Le presenta: j as dawazing to tho Radical party as any expo- | TMe ca 1 it wee th ; sic : Af : Marquis L Wood one the Regier a, this City, on the| ra actin te oo dee Sim | 4. &. Moss, administrator of Thomas Mos: . — ae feels : " | em _ it e opinion of the UNE é +4 t ° | inetaat, by ‘oodscn, Ea. } agninet Sires once. But if it wor, as we thelnle percha a * investigating commiitee could have | oS - Hone had ne power to tum. Ales " der; to be snpplied. ‘William A. Wise to Mid C. YP nana ea Advantages of Life In- | Roland Forrest and wie Jane A. Forrest, A ble, the intention of the President to avert a great — es w-ordinate branebes of the Tedel! ; Jamce W Wheeler, of Providence Township ia thir Connty surance. A. Moss, 4. A. E. Kendall, CO W. Mu~ scinusey foam that Gisté, and uel a) achank: ae esteemed contemporary of the Charlotte | sc este i ee of the South Iredell; to be supplied. = — —= ————— | _ The North America tgrarance Coppany pays ite | ow and wife MM Threadgill, J ly be the resalt, the people will be ready not). sored ase iree fis that “there are several na-, he question recurr ae : ce ; Wilkee; George W Woyche. DIRD premiums promptly without che: ge. ome, VC. Moss, and Wil we Mo«. bnl¥ to forgive, but appiand the act. Thisacems |" of the State (mon who prim themselves off ed. ee Washington District. —R & Moran PE In Edentam, N.C, after & protracted illness, 9, fwoLvdhinee ape: Petition to make Real Estate Assets Asus to be the explanation of that part-ot che] as Conservatives) as bad as Litileficid, and | Mr. Seymour called the previons question, ! Washington and Granville: Ww fF.) Dr. Wm. C. Roberta im the Siet years of his) Tsowarvinaz N.C, me. Co. In this came it appearing to the satisfaction aie Ae . _,. | great deal meaner, who are as deep!’ invo! | Which call being sustained the bill pased iv | Ww ~ ones wo H Ball. age. He was the son-in-law of the late Gor. Dear Sir -—You will pl vf the court that —— } pera: menage, and if so tho chject he’ bas in view is : areas decpl’ involved | several readi not kook, Warren; RA Willis, T B Reek, & Worth. He # ; wend ateept my dn- ; Therradgill and wile st ae Satin. | in dishonesty as any one: but who | | ral reading» under a suspension of the rules. ; : 2 i. : eck, Op. : ’ . oe good man and died in the | Cere thanks for your Prompt payment, without M Threadgill MAE Kendall, C WM eminently a conservatite one. } : yone; but whe hope to ee} Mr. Pou muved to pastpone the special order, | Roanoke ; Wm Gannon. faith of the Geapel. charge, of the anvunt of the policy of loeur|J C Mow, defendants in thir p re ' The views of the President ow the subject _ gle eam ee ee mph Ss Woe ceed committee of the Whole ta) Wilson; Charles C Dodson, ee —- my noameae Life, amounting to the | non-residents of this Mite : fe preceding ne e public debt and the finances of th lo ee ee others, and we can- | "vestigate a Railrowd frauds.) Carried. | farboro’, Joseph Wheeler. _ . . neers Wee and dollars. At your ear-| Therefore, it i ; eS — sic gar < oe eee | mt tay that it ia ervoteous, Sock being the fe oo _ reppeyertan Mesare Dakin ] Williemsten; Ties Maceasy: SALISBUR Y MA RKETS co aoe was indvced | lication cea oe Aaa faction to all the practical business men of the | care the conduct of the Conservatives, in pres tee to > ow vou ie ace Piymouth; John F Heitman. DEO. 10, 1869. recipents of its can now we aretha | North State” ne » Motifying the said de. ountry.” They are the views which will finally | "6 tbe invenigalion, compares ctrangely with | sc of bande of thin State gate the | Calugibia—To be supplied. AEPonTaD BY J. 4. mecomnsvoary. neces. | To soa and the North America Life Ingur-| “ants te appear brfore the Judze of our ‘prevail among all clames, and which when | that of the Ladicals, ig opposio it. Let the in- | Mr. Malone offered a resolution that the chai r- Mattamaskert; Alex Raven. one ma oe coh ro beh a feel under obligations, ne Soper Coot 6 be bela for the open J practical} carried out, will give us a good car. | Vestigation be pushed on,» .nter who may | Baie see cue waco lator he authori.) Portsmouth, Oracoke aud Hatteras; To | Care dash, of tes., : 1 wee j . and caprens “e ee the Grit Mondey io to ery fae: 7 : 5 | maffer by it, The goodof t... State demands it, | mon any witness that may be propor | be supplied. * - . bash. . 110 1 Me have snceces aaa . . Stel 4 thenand: 0 ee aaa an cee sol ts duaabl bc dean: evade eae cen ce Cae + rll Bath P TRobert P Bibb: Canteen Toon, whe & wre fn'your aa Weera on y, and eg this court, # fetemran wont ee cl ‘ span om codaring bede-make it ty in the matter. The character and welfare of | (hey may deany bea. The reclutiqn wes adopt. pr the Strangers, New Yorn: C foe stg % to o sod prwjar Jou Gon od maae baw soe pings, ond hend od -@ partaete thew. the State should be dearer’ to | a. : hs Wo 9 ; ites, JM. Redwi sete pcbompnel onlay aria We nent ponies —— than | On mation of Me. ’ the ¥ tric. -E A Yum, PE ae ete of hone ne cher Ought Of Say Gaiety. ot ehh ate mA epyes thin-week wo comment gt gregter/ duswe Y patriot oppenied, the bill incorporeting the Gran- | x — — | 5e3 ee pocet. |... 2 | Mr. Holderness tx alo 1. Liver. | TO: the 28d day wf Novemher, AD length Gpon of the’ ‘niclage, and we are many Repablicane—true Repabli-| ville K. R. was taken up and se ceverai | Newbern ; Linville L Hendren. roar per sack srrcet G8 88 | pool, Landun and Globe Pram Seon 7 i REDWINI ion hope our btaentively, oo ix [O22 Pt Redicale—in the lagiclatare who are | Peeding? under a suxpension of the rules Beaafort; Jobn W Jenkius. ? wets curt 84 0-00] Klay, which inonrenall hinds of publie ahaper | 07 ~Glgr fee $18) TRC RC a n an honest an the Vonsorvatives, and es much op- es <- ee oe ° - eo + te oe Retinet Beye, Bridges ; to the . . rent m c 2 - Ooeeencee ’ ories, Founderies, ills me The Predideat cath: U8 Sttention of Congress poned to the manner in which the Railroad bonds| The bill extending the time for Gheriff"s set- eats, wDMe John Jones. Prait, dried, apples pealed,.......... Tto 8} pays all i's losses prompty. Merchandise and BR. WALKE § CZLES3ATED oO ee eo ee ey acy al Ok a ees aa oe ee roa Jones bivcd kao a “ ™ Peaches, a ne . hae a eddressed tv Mr. Holderness, at CALIFO : ‘ . ° 9 g ow & ~ te 6 = ip. oop peop peel ye apelin lag ral ng eon opie iuabannte pan at ce ee deve MB; Toone P Ricoad. Leather appen. por pont. en Rie N. 0 will recsive Peers etten- RNIA referred. N ti * el oe Sacre eres z of party, and all who i ~ ; Newbern Uireuit; Nathan A Hooker. vole, 89 to i : cmon. His argument on this point is party, we oS ee ae oe the report | Goldsboro Junias P Moore. Iron, ber. : 6 to § 4A CARD. VINEGAR RIT] ERS Vaief, bat concinsive. ee ee — aes Evertteville; J tm K Brooks. ¥ails, ewt, - Sto 10} A Clorgyman while residing in Bueth Amer. ne We have beer compelled to pas entirely over eee ae © be eats ee eee w J it #10) | icnas a minsiovary, dicoovered 1* 5 , : an pei ads aoa .’ | rules were and the bill the | Wayne; John N Andrews. jolsenes. POT BR ve yee ee - 8 — srafe ap] dm At B SILLS* Drag Su. sbary all that portion of Qe ‘memags which treats of — against it, after reading certain | \ine between coyution of Barry ond 22 Nense; Joseph L, Kren. ed oo 60to 70} ple remedy for the Qure of Servons Wegskners, 3, 869. * ey our foreign rdlations; and kindred topiak ‘We, inenes of the Standard, and pre- | ny, was taken np and pamed its several readings | Lenoir; Duaviel Culbreth | Ontonn, wabehe-. . sob 1.00 to 1.90 | Early Deeay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem- ee eee However, dob otttsing ia ik merdiing apsive ain: | CV" NH Own welt renpect. That paper fe vie- under a snxpension of the rules. Wilainston: Dinricl- eee Pork. er peen a, on. 045. Sp finad Organe, ond the whole wain ef disorders} Fresh Garde th ar sure, if, indeed, it is not deseryitg of apiprobs- | PY Playing the part of a driver, whip in hand, ca = * resolmtion instructing the | p> 4; ee tee eer Peteteus, eB. pyr bushel, .. ‘2 600 75 | bronght on by baneful and vicioas habits. Great | Tree, Shrub tad eos fsb e Hed. Uno. Upon the whole the diensage— taking the | mdwavoring to las’ in all who are disposed to | the ee ee nk Wilaienea Stree, | Sagar, Brown. per ponnd, .......... 100 fo 0 | nambers have beom cured by thin noble remed casas A oa hs ber ene : explanation which we hive given of that part act the part of independent patrinta, Will hon- | delinquent Sheriff« on heel SE, nt against atl) Cees erent reer eeley M|"- Clanhed. = ry ito 99 | Prompted by a de-ire to bonefi afflie anne oe opens by mel Th relating td rebonstruction in Georgia ax the ee est and patrjotic Republicans submit to ite in- cember in the Wake Ona Veet. an er , ‘*- Crashed Putverized ‘TT, ad to go | and unfortunate, I wil cend availed for or and judieious dssgsimes: ‘ : dorviti 5 : solent dictation? Wec bel; : On mation of Mr. R. the rmles oe a sti ‘A b Street, Prankhn H Wood. Salt —_ nr? exch -£0 to 2 FO] paring and axing this medicine, nee the country. Agents wanted. o2e—is a very tondtervitive phyer, fart we abn = rae m cannot believe it. ne ae mpene- | Pope d , Richard S Webb, es oo ©, 5te275| velope, to any who needs it, Free of Ce 25 Gorts of either far $1.00; by mail that wo have been agreably disappointed in it’ a pie - oe in type we see thit the} The hill incorporating the Elizabeth Cty and Kenovevilles James B Baitey, Tobacco, Leaf. per pond, | a a Address. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Also sniall Fruits, Pact, ea the new ’ Sci pigs aisans: ‘ Naadard of the Sth, with a mighty flonrish cf Norfolk Railroad was taken siiuniti oem alice M ignolia 3d Carden: ” Manolactured, . 80 to 1.58 Station D., Bibje 0 ae ee by neil. 4 Ibn Kar); . . 1 tops Tare ‘ * trampela, proc! ms that Mosars Jarvis and Ma | eves mM rearlings niet A ttep ret iON of the rules. 1G nha s Joseph ‘Lhomas, “Smoking, 49 tn 1.00 Oct, 1—6- New York Ot ‘c as prepaid, for $1.00. Conuver'e | « PDIATIGAL INDICE>—-TRUE STATEC- lone have inglorionsly backed out from the in-| Mr. Hodgin asked to b> excused fromerryi al Cakeelar I } D Bai a y — grap: ve by antler ied 1OCAL, pre- fANRQ!I > AR % me ‘ ne ees “| apon the committee to proc re , ;. BE} Omee lr ees ee Ate. yo —_ eS , : a + Cae ueneiam bs ew hai fragrant verblouniny .) ‘ a aaneet vemtigation. ‘Thue ie the old ery of “stop tiel” | ee = bi - eo tb w 7 — Aci ilader 7) ChastestM Auulersons NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. State of Worth Carolina, aneysuckie, 50 eta, each, sched: ees a 70s aon Tost peceral of cnr. tate exehancer | to divert attention from the really gnilty parti On motion, Mr. iloduin was psa frum | Sy izabeih ; W 8 Clnfin —_—- Oe Supert eee Uourty. } $1 pe 100, Ty, for . eae lowland culture : z tof others ike ' : Whites ifle W oO 2 nus f . eT cere e ° prepar with direciions, bed 2 c ! vill . VM D Moore, SCHOOL FaR YOUNG LADIES! | Toss I h Marela iF Adw'r of Jas. Surith, Orci Catalogne to any address, eas aie trade iit. are conting an drticle from the Now York Dem ! Mosers. Jarvis, Mua , mn} a numb {serving upam said co | Aue On motion, Ma. M » of Chown both Conservatives and Republicans, wer » wasexcu? { Sioth hile : Jol E ‘Phompson. vninet SS FIRST MONDAY OF JANUARY Bceds on Commision. BL M. WATSON, Old Colaayv Nuracrios ond warat, under the head of “What a Dead Party | fs — A i ? ed from serving on the: commiitee = py rN AS - has done.” The ject is to eh ttn CE Ths res } - _ a pi ae ae aad are #till.— The House then ts ‘5 ie iL masse yok Hom K I N Sieve eu { _ 1870, will be opened a School for Young | John PT. ak and wile Sophia, Joteph Haske! Seed W. pi anit of the late Northern Qu wos | ’ my are thatthe fnvestigztion be made by a —- iP ie cecdle District—3 D Adams, P a on the corner of Main and Bank Streets; 4 P wife Margaret A. Charke Austin and a ia my, ee Sea faecrahtc to thy Demoefatic party, and that snid | MBECER committee, becanse they beievod that the BENAT:. ie ; u J Eval Py Wisin ptey Satete eran Yo | Jn : os ” i Baye Pekar at baw of : ~- eo — per ee eee ee ‘ to ject of a coinmittee of the wile was not to] Moudav, Dee. 6.1869. | avetievinhs James Mann, Tae cease are . ay a ae } AALTAQIC Pics a i ih imitar iene on fae anes but to prevrat euch investigation, while cs ik ie wa called io ord - lu : clock | Sh rland | Hiram P Coie. Teacher will be maavel fo teeny vrs | Tr ” : - ° “ and eee HE EQUITABLE Live Toe wlccravh baa boon comtatl? ) piof al 3 fe-tre ft. When it beeame : . a Me foceee wuted % ee nunier jun | Rerbeaor ; W iin M J indian, ments, A limited number of Leneficiaries will | court ee t i. eee of the A §8UuUrance Societ y vor the wives the “glorious news” at : oo Seas AS eRe ee ee) ee M eit seu is me Barker, t et : mon Englieh Brancl Jare nousresidents of ti : fae ee 7? OF TUR = ly tie victory” in some State of Mnnieci- ia = we ss aaa We ae aa ee »Maved that the resignation be ac reales a 5 ‘ : ns - a me = “f eat Gree, “ $10.09 Ps esi be ran fi sx os . UNITED si AT Be, fed pal ¢ 1 for the Jast fuug years. Political 5s ere eae ee Sahl? 5 ae ‘ : k Ee ones | Higher Englich ranches, Latin, Froneh, | 1°,50 aces Old NS J a newspaper . So phed aie B's g prop! have a thousand tines wredici al wh 1 han, Janis and m uw en ithilmes val ase hee, remit : y co Ni ns soley hae b ae i 3 i . ee y 7 Veal and Inetepnental Mic, 20,00 | pales re Sausbury, N.C. sama ouing en \ { we Broadway, New rerk: Ce ieee : particip ton nthe f ; are | ee i it 8 ite neceven ae . J 8) Cul yreth, Gaston Far- ; Use of Piano, (fur practice, ) 250 | ni { lef mn nts to be and appear at the ofice T ee | : : ao : 4 . mild j stall ¢to e the eneeial committee rais einen ee , ar, Sup Drawing, Painting, cicpexira, {el the cle k ot the Saperior Court of Stai’y HIS COMPARY han canttal and - | weep the country’ in 18R@, Bat none ofthear | ed and the most rouch and searching investi- | ys) taken laent rat tat the point, was not! Prov: Thomas CO Moser, Contingent Fee, (tn cleanse) 1,99 Conn y.on the lath of Janaary 1870, then and ; its liabilities thet wilt Ceara : at = ‘ ' predictions hive been fulfilled. The Northern | gation i . Mr. Ro appealed from the decision uf. the p River; Tsaxe W Avent, TUITION PAYABLi: MONTIULY [thereto answer or detnurto said petition, or ee ee OF Ene Contionss; ow lich . | Democracy aa redeemed none ef jis promises | No me fe ut rthe Democratic Chair : ie j = ee Those desiring to enter pupils will make ear- the same wi'l be takeu pro conyesso and heard Cash Pahoa dps Acai u gH « cel tt | 1 rs e Sa . J if : eae! is ‘ Mr. Sweet moved that its farther coi es aaa is ly appiication tu the Committee. . | 4 ee : ther | Annual Preminm Tack nee ak “4 ' far aa the late elections aturd ao crite { ih” : M ut i : " ue "AY fron be postponed tor the present and that ihe Philp & Iney eaid: “Jam wo herald! : ea i ) ‘ id sa ; ee a gill — af ane eee es ae . which to fats tary are duster J siotlg, Nob Carine elec te tuqinre cf mene pedigree ; it te eagugle 3.8 MccUBBING, J 1860 a M REOWINE as Ce eeeee eT uanuN |” be *lesch mactuca provagle for me to kaow theis visewe,”” Siliclurg NE, Dee 7th, 1869 ‘13-34 $5-Gw:pr for $10 , See meearic task ie eee Agot. a ate 1869. Ate ly ' The President's To the Senate and House of Represintatives} ; ‘ay Ju comixg before you for the first timd ap Chief Mavistrate of thig )ge ‘at Whtion, it is with gratitude to the Giver of all good forthe benetits we enjoys i - ' . OUR COUNTRY. We are blessed wi h peace at” home with- out any entangling alliauee abroad tu forbode trouble, with @ territ-ry ‘Qusarpassed in fers aility of aa area equal to ah gabyndaut support of five hubired inittious of People, abounding ia every variety of usefglaniner- al iu quautity sufficient to supplly thetwoeld for insuufacture, exuberant erops, afd a yva- ri-ty of climate adapted to the productior of every species of earth's rithes, suited to the habits tastes and requirements of eve: living thing. A popolation ef-forty millions of free people speaking one language, facili- ti-s for every mortal to acquire an education, sith institutions closing’ to mone the: aven- avs to fame orauy blessing of fortqne that may be coveted. freedum of the press aad school, anda revends flowing into the na- tiunil treasury beyoud the reqnicements of the government. ‘ a + mi 3 ee Ete Happily, harmony is being rapidly restor- c within = own borders. nominates itherto unknown in ourcoynt - fug up ia all sections, tr ot ae natioval independence led by any other power. These blessings, aud edunt- less are entrusted to are aud mine for safe keeping for thé’ Bi i our teuure 3 office. Ig: time we must each of 06 return to the people who have conferred our honors, aud accudnt to them fur our iv, J ear- estly dbette that yok snot Pibas be #20 med by our free and enlighteped countrymen, nor by our own cossciences. Emerging from a rebellon of gigantic etraggio, as it was, by the syun ey oat or a stavee of the nations with ene we were at peac’. eleven States of the Union were for four years left without legal State Govern- inents. A national debt had heew eontracted ; American commerce was aliacst driven froin the sea; the Tudustry of one of the country had been takeu frem the cottre! of capitalists. aad placed where all labor right- filly belongs. in the keeping of the taborers. ‘The work of resturiug the State governments loyal ty the Uuiou, of protecting free labor. | of providing the means for the payment of | the interest on the public debt. has received awple attention from Cougress Although your efforts have pot met with suceess in all particulars that wight bare been desired, yet en the whole they have becu nore successful than eduld have been retcousbly antiehateed. Sevea States whieh | passed ordinances of secession. have beeu ful- ' ly restored to places in the Union. The eighth, (Georgia, held an electiva at whieh | aie ratified ber éonariution, republican in | form, and elected a Governor, meinbers of | c a State Legislature and other effi- cers reqniced. The Goveruor was installed, | the Legislatore met and performed all the acts then required of them by the recoustrue- | tiou acts of Congress; subsequeutiy, how- | ever. in vivlation of the Constitution whieh mayrress, they bad just ratiGe lL as siuee derided by the | chased. Bonds now held by the Treasury amount | word was found in the tteaty, and o ipreme Court of the state, they unseated the | rd metnbers of the Legislature and ad -Ltoseate some themnbers who are dis ialitied } by Yhe @htfd clause of the Lith aoeudment. an artiele whieh they themse| ves | had couvibeted to ratify. Uuder these cir- uatatees T Would subinit to you whether Li not be wise without delay to enact a herizing the Governor of Georgia t embers origiually elected tothe «. requiring each to take the oath | the reeeustroetion acts. and iinitted whel'are ineligible un- der the Bed clause of the L4th amendment. The reedinen, under the protee’ten which they lave received, are making rapid pro- gress iu learning. and wo cowplaiats are | heard of a lack of indastry ou their pat when they receive fair remuneration fur their labor ec sogis' preseribed by none to be 4 foterest on the publie debt, with all other expeuses cf the goverument, are more than | QINn;rie. The loss of our ecommerce is only the re- sultef the late rebellivn, whieh bas net re- ceived sufficient atteation from you. T subject Leall your earoest attention, but will | uot now soggest plans. by which this object | may be effected. bat will, if neeessary. make | it the sabject of a epecial message during the session of Congress. At the Mareh term of Congress, by joint resolution, it authorized the Exeeutire to or- der el etions in the States of Virginia, Mis- si-sippi aod Texas—to sabmit to them the Constitctions whith eagh previously framed, aod to submit the Constitations. either entire or in separate parts, to be voted upon at the direction of the Execative. Un- der this au'hority elections were called. In Virgiata dettiva tok piace oa the 6th of July. A Governor and Lt. Governor were ale ted. and have been installed. The Legis jature met and did all required by this reso- ution. and by all the resensttnetet acts of Congress, and abstaining from. all doubtfal. 1 reeemmmend that her aevtatives be ptly admitted seats, and that be tully restored to its place iu the fainily of States, Elections were called io ere and Texas to cominerce on the 30th-of Novem ber—two days in Mississippi, god four days iu Tetas. . The eleetions have taken place, but the re- solt ie not Yet knaien, It ds hoped thatthe acte of the Lezislat pes af these states wheu they pect will be sadh as to receive your ap proval and thua close she wuss of recougtrue tus. , FANANCHS. Among thd evils grow tg ant of the reb-l- Boa and aot referred tc, ig that of an itre- dee-nable curteney, [t ia an evil which I hope will receive your mostra rnest attention lv isa daty and one oft. e highest duties of the Government t securethe citian a median of exchange ofa fixed andunvarying value. This imp lesa retarutoa specie basis aud no snbsti tute for it can be devised. It she tld be co'n- meieed now, and resebedat the earliest prac tcable moment, consistent with a fir regard to the interests of thedebtor clase. An imine- | 4 atw resumption of apesie payment would not | Le desirable. it would éompel the debtor class to pay beyond theig coritracts in gald at the ate of their pnrehases. and woald bring itey and rnin to thoasancs. Flactua- however, in papet yvalueof thet: e:eure valoes, gold, is detrimeptal to the | Wark P | a j estof trade. It makes the uian of bisi- | ness an involuntary @aipbler, fer in all eves | where future payineut is ta be made, both | Prrties mss cae as to that will be the | iv of the carrency to he paid aod yeceiv- T earnestly peaomm a tg yon, then. | eich jegis)atiog as will bq certain to insure a | grad irn to @peeie pavinents, and pat an linineatate step to the finetna'ion dn \ feniceney. The methodstos forinerot these reedite are a& namerous 18! To reeu That Ye ein itso ita fixed price, whenever pres wit moeir ula ion all curremey so re deeved natil sold again for gold. The vast te sof the nation, both developed and u velop ed t to make oureradit the best om the earth. With less burden of taxa fou than the evigen hae eudured for six ye rs past, the emive public debt evald be ‘ ret | he enreth fl ore on polities e sonore er [ aee bog e the treasury to re ¢ t me WAY. is te a Ppa per ented or ony Pe NANG ate evs ie period of | the “rauks of the | four | ing to the sinking fund. }whole be placed to the credit of the sinking ‘ recon mendatior aor! eed Warhington time. Year by"year the ability to pay in- creases in rapid ratio, but the burden of in- terest ought to be as rapi n be withoatighd vivlit of G@hfradt.yThe pub- lic debt is represented in 4 great part by bonds having from five to twenty aud from ing i at It is optional with the m these bonds Atany potted eftuane of the least tine In-utioned upon theimfvee. The time bus already, expived, when # great part-nay be takéa ap, aud rapidly approach- ing when all may be. Tt is believed that all which are now due may be replaced in bonds hearing @ rate of interest not exceeding 4} per cent, and rapidly as the remainder be-, cones dne, that they om be renlaced in the TY} sameway. To accomplish this it may be necessary to authorize the ioterest to be paid at either three or four of the money ceatres of Farope, or by any Asgistagt Treasurers of the United States, at the option of the holder of the bonds. I suggest this subject for the cousideration of Congress. ard also, simaltancously with this, the propriety of re- deeming our currency. before suggested, at its market value, = = time the ow oe iute effect. iporensin, rate:at whie pa cy ‘it be bond ht and: sold, trom day, to day or week to week, at the same rate of iu- terest as the Government pays upon its bonds, pubject to tarriff cad itternal revenue taxa- tion, will messanaay 7 doting your attention. greater e ient row. I postponement of question antil t next It may visable to modify taxation and tariff in instances where unjust or burdensome discriminations are mage Oye present laws, but a general revision s regulating this I recommend to be for the present.— I also a renewal of the tax on incomes, but at a reduced rate—say three or four per cent, and this tax to expire in three With the funding ofthe national suggested .I feel safe in saying that taxes and revermeéfrom imports may be colasudvalily from sixty to eighty millions per annum at once and may be still further reduced from year to year as the resoutces of the country are developed.— The report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows the receipts of the government for the fis- eal year efding the 30th of June, $470,943,7 47, expenditures, including interest, bounties, &., to be €321,490,507.. The estimates for thg ensn- ing vear are more favorable to the government and will no doubt show a mach r decrease of public debt, The receipts in the Treasury beyond exp n litares have exceeded the aniount necessary to place to the credit of the sinking fund aa provided’ by law, To lock up surplus money in the Treasury and withhold it from cirenfation would lead to such a contraction of currency asto cripple trade and serions!y affect the prosperity of the country. Under these cir- enmstances, Ue Secretary of the Treasury and mvaelf heartily e6nonrred ia the using all the surplus curreucy in the Treasury in the purchase of government bonds, thas ducing the interest bearing indebtedness of the country and of submitting to Congress the ques- tion of the disposition to be made of bonds pur- to seventy-live millions, including thow belong- I reeommend that the fund. Your attention is reapeetfally invited to the of the Sceretary of the Treas urv for the creation of office of Commision er of Castowa of Use revenue foe an inercase of salury to Certain chisses of officials tition of increased national bank circulation, to replace the outst anding three per cent certit- cates and most espicially to his recommendation for the repel of the laws allowing shares of fines, penalties, forfiiures, &c., to officers of the Govesnmenj or infurmere The office of Commisioner of Internal Reve- nue, ia one of the most arduons and responsible under the government, and one which falls very | little short of a Cabinet position in ite impor- | reaponsibilities, I wonld ask for it) tanee and : , therefore anch legislation as, in your judgment character an} qnalifications of a class of men required to fill it properly. FOREIGN RELATIONS. As the United States is the freest of all na- » thia | tiona so too its people natarally sympathizes joxty's minister. with all people who are struggling for liberty and self-government. But while so sympathiz- ing, it is due to our honor, that we should ab stain from enforcing our views opon unwilling nations and from taking an interested part, with- out invitation, in quarrels between different na- tions or between Goreroments and theirsnbjects. Our course should always be in conform) a strict course of justice and law, international and loeal, such has been the poliey of the ad- ministration in dealing with these queiona. For more than a year a valuable province of Spain, and a near neighbor of ours, in whom all people cannot but feel a deep interest, hae been struggling for i ence and free- dom. The people and government of the Uni- ted States entertain the same warm feelings and which amounts to war, jn the international law, or which would show the existince of a de fecte political camer gry insurgents, sufficient to astify a a 2 eS edb sete this nation ownj when to accord the rights of belligerency, e to a people strug- pling to free t ves from agovernment they lieve to be oppressive, or to a ena Ck na- tiema at war with each other. United States has no disposition to interfere with the existing relations of Spain to her colonial pow sexaiona on this continent. They believe that in due time Spain, and other Earopean power will Gnd their interest im terminating tho-c re- lations, and éstabliehing their main dependen- cies an independent powers. There dependen- cies are no longer rezarded as sphject te tran-fer from one Entopean power to aeother. When the present relation of calonies ceases they are to become independent powera, exercising the right of choice and of welt control in the dqur minacion of their futare condition and relatjore with other powers, The United States in order to pata stop to the lloodshed in Cuba, and in the interest of a neighboring people, proposed its good offices to bring the existing contest to a termination. The offer not being accepted by Spain on the basis which we believed could pe received by Unba, was withdrawn, It is hoped that the good offices of the United States may yet prove advantageous for the settlement of this unhappy strife, In the meantime 4 nom- her illegal expeditions against Cuba have becn broken up, te has been the endeavor of Administration to exgceute the neatrality laws, no naitter how tnpleasant the task, made a9 by the snfferings we have endured froin the Inck of like good faith towards na by other na- tions. On the 24th of March Inet the ©. S. achooner “ Lizzie Major” waa arrested on the high seas hy 3 Spmish frigate. Two passengers were ta- ken and carried prisoners to Cuba. Represen- tations of these facta were made to the Spanish government as eoon asofficial information reach- The two Pana o the ects were Ret at liberty and the Spinish government assured the United S.ates that the crptain of the frigate in cnaking the capture had acted without law that had been reprimanded, and that the Spanish av ain Cuba woold not sanction my act that could vielate rights, or treat with disrespect the sovereignty of this nation. The question of the seizure of the brig “Mary Low- at Bahama by the Spanidh authorities is now the subject of correspondence between thie government and Spainand Great Britain. The Captain General of Cuba about May last isened a proclamation suuaoriging the gearch of vcgeehs he hori rar dat on he hgh ee the ds whet tion however, that | j :) as such citizens, and ft is on a tat ake oe oclamation wn, - seat foes. ben procian teva of the Ue 8 immediately w er, was hd Pave alway lations should be cultiv finan Lefty be between the United ut on worth be profitably eutered inte. ta.secnre more inti- mate relations, friendly, commercial, and other- wise interoceanic. connection between the Atlan- tic aud Pacifie Ovea Darien, is one'in which commerce is iy. ine: terested. Lastructions have been given our minister to the several States of Columbia to en- deavor to obtain authority for w to de- termine the practacability of the undertaking, In order t comply with an agreement.of the United States as to 4 mixed commission at Lima for adjustment of thé claims, it — to send a commissioner and secretary to ma, The good offices af the United States to bri between Spain and. the rican peas Cuul vos been 9 pain, Peru an a congress vited to be held in W: i i i i = F | £ i f F i i F ‘ i r E i | THE ALABAMA CLAIMS. The ontstanding clalms between the United States and Great Britain failed to receive the advice and consent of the Sena. The time ad eiruvamstances attending the vegotiation of | that treaty were unfavorable to its acceptance | | by the people of the United States, and its pro- | yisions were wholly fnadequate for the settle- | inent of the alleged wrongs sustained by this | Government. The jnjuaries re-ulting to the United States by reason of the course adopted | | by Great Britain during the war, in the iner:as- fed rate of duties, the diminution of exports aud imports, and other obstructions to dumes- tic industry and production; in its effect apon ‘tha foreigu commerce of the country; in the deerea-e and transfer to Great Britain ef our} }eommereial marive. in the prolongation of the | | warand its inereased cost, both in treasure j sod lives; in its suppression cuuld net be ad- |justed and satisfied as ordinary commercial riety of | elaima which continually arse between com: velopment, ! merci} nations, and yet the convention treated | Wi them simply as sach ordinary claims from fitting all our oblizations. j which hep differ no» widely In the gravity of | their characterthan Bthe magnitude of their} lamount. Greateven as isthat diffsreves, net a| ot on infer- | ence could be drawn from it, remove the} uilriendliness of the course of | (ireat Britgin in owe struggic fur ebisience, whfeh had «0 deeply and universally impresacd | it-e'fnpen the peaple of th Believing that a: ed in its scope, and inadequate in its provisions, } would not have prodgceod xeuse of the The sabeti- | Uement of the offending quetfuns, which alone | yas taken iwo ese nt is cousistent with the relations which I desire to Ihave fGrmly catablished between the United States and (irevt: Kritain. action of the Senate in rejecting the treaty to have been wisel@tnken iar the interest of peace, { and a< a necessary step in the direction of a per- fect and cordial friendship between the two commturws, A sensible people, conscious of their, power, are more at ease under a great wrong wholly unallied than under the restraint of al settlement which svtisiies neither their idees of | justice nor their grave sense of the grievance | ae ; will place that office upon a fyoting of dignity, | they have sustained. The reflection of the| order to sevare an effective execution of | The measnres providing for paying the! \mmensurable with the importance and with a treaty was followed by a sate of public feeling !on both sides whieh [ thoaght not favorable to | | our immediate altempt at renewed negotiations | I accordingly so instructed the minister of the | United States. to Great Britian and found that {my views in this rd were shared by her Ma- I hope that the time may soon | arrive whea the two governments can approach the subject of this momentous question with an \approciation of what is dae to tle right and «tiz- | nity and honor of each, and with the determina- tion not only to remove the causes of complaint | im the past but to lay the foundation of a broad | principle of public law which will prevent f- ty with | tare differences and tend to form a continued | by feders! appointments against the will | peace and friendship, Thin is now the oaly | | grave question which the United States has with | any foreign nation. | | The question of renewing the treaty of recip- | | rocal trade between the United States and | | British province om this continent is not favara- | bly considered in conformity with the recom- mendation of Congres, A proposition to abolish mixed courts for the suppression of the slave trade is under negotiation. It having come to my knowledge that a cor- porate company, under British by proposed to land upon the shores of the Uni States and to operate their submarine cable gn- der a concession from the of the French and of an exclusive right twenty telegraphic communication with the France and the = ——— oe convey thereby to scrutiny and the French ment. I canned the tee Reece ene ee inted with the iey | on this enbject as foreshadowed by a bill which the Benate in March Inet. The deciara- tion of the representatives of the company ie an agreement to accept, an a basia of their opera- tions, the provisions of this bill, © such other enactment on the enhjett as be pased | during the approaching session and also to use their influepce to secure from the Freneb government 4 x of their con- cession and to permit t i belonging to any incerporated anthority of en Dail dane or any — the Union, and on their part not to Oppose the aubhautet of any such cable. At the intro- dnetion of thia I directed the with- drawal of all opposition by the United States to the landing of the cable. Until the meeting of Congr: I t to cay that there has been no modification in this | companies concession, nor a6 far av I can learn, | have they attempted to sechre one—their con- | cession excindes capital and citizens of the Uni- | ted States from completing it upon the shores of | France. I recommend legislation to protect the rights of citizens padar the States and sovereignty of nations against such an assumption. I shall alsq endeavor to secure by negotiation, an abandon- ment of the principte of monopolies in the Ocean trade cables. | The unsettled political condition of other ! countries, leas fortunate than onr own, eqme- | times induces their citizens to come to the Uni- ‘ed States for the sole purpose of becoming na- turalized, and, having secured an they refdrn | to their native country and reside there without ! | disclosing their change of allegiance, they ac- cept official pe-itions of trust and honor, which an only be held by citizens of their native lands. | They journey under a Scene them! y fyhen civil discord, , after perhaps years of quiet threatens their posi- tions or their praperty, ar when their native State drives them into its military service, where their oath of allegiance ts made known, they re | | ’ ' | j Fe o i il | | ' t side permanently away from the United States, ; “ Wty ; . et. they contribute nothing to its revenues, avoid , the duties of citizenship and only make them- | eedves known by aclaim of protection. I have \ directed the diplomatie and consular officers to | erutinise carchully ald euch claims of protection e alway¥ felt thar the” most infimate re- | clai er new treaties between us and them may not 5 ns throagh the Isthmus of} that within a few 5 fortunately, teo — 2 years; y | appointment fade by the Present shuold re- The building of railroads, and the aecess thereby given to alb the ayricakural and min- érab regions, of the country is rapidly bringing civilized settlements into contact with all the uribes. of the Indians. No maiter what ought do be the relations between such settlements hand the aborigines, the fact is they do not har- moyize well, and one or the other bas to give way ip the end. A system which Juoks to the extermination of a race is too horrible for a na- tion tu adopt withont entailing gpon itself the wratl of ull clvistianiry, aid the endorging of citizens dittegard tor hutwen life and the rights ul others dangerons to society. I see vo sub- 3 | stitute for seh a system, except ro placing all the Lactians en darge reservations as rapidly as }it van be.dune, and giving them absolute pro- tegtion there. As goon as they ave filted for it. they should be induced to take their lands in severalty, and to set ap loyal ports for their own protection, For tall details on this sub- jeet T call your special attention to the reports CRIBER OFPE Ta ence t Scie oe vable Land in Call ¥ uty, * ‘One tract of FORR HUNDRED. cis ¢ a eae Th ie ca eat a arenas o pied padlion dam al The remainder e tract will bedivided in- to lots of any size, fom 140 acres upwards, to aE aeer nd Meo on mila nih at es abaye lan : ory Station on the W. N, Pi Re ed wil} be sold on the most reasonable terms, Apply to the unde: at Rowan Mills, N. ©, or to Jacob W. Fowler who. lives near the JEREMIAH BARRINGER, Aug. 12, 1969.-32f Rowan Mills, N.C, ad duririg the yoyage, in order to- secure to promote heulth, to prevent, impos an the females, ee ing for the establishment of ‘tribunes in the enforeing regulations TO THE LADIES, mary of the Secretary of the Interior and the Com- ve wasetian be i lly, eatin’ to te missioner of hidian A flairs. nate whether to fix the charges on| . The recommendation of the General of the tothe q Russian hemp higher than they are on Vanilla is pot # violation of our treaty with Russia.— Placing her products on the sme footing with those of the most favorable footing, ovr manu- factures are increasing with wonderful rapidity under the encouragement which they now re- ceive, with the improvement in machinery alrea- dy and still ing, causing machin- ery to take the place of skiled labor toa extent. Our imports of many articles must fail Army that appropriations be made for the forts at Portland, New York, Piitadelphis, New Ovleans aad San Franciscoif for ne other consideration is concurred in. 5 T call specia! attention to the reeonmetide- tions of the Chiet of Ordinance regarding: the: sales of arsenals and lands no longer of ase to the Government. Also to the recommendation of the Gecretary of War that the set. probibi- ling promotion in the staff corpe of the army be repealed, The extent of country to be gar- rigoned and the number of utlitary poste to be oceupied isthe same with a rednced army as with a en and the number of ateff > cors required is tore dependent upon the |} ter than the former condition. The of the Seeretury of the Navy, ac- pers ohen | hie Adacialettet “yes when this inietration came into of- ¢ . : flor. and tbe :henges made singé, by strenuous| Wew Family Sewing Machine, effort, hse heen ade to _—s many Lew sob pnmeegetioments otine sath: othe hate’ sels ‘in comini ," or render them fit for service if required, ad fast as possible, and to| , This Machine challenges ® oom OT dainest substitute the sail fur steam while -eruising. | jinds or work—from the n seam to. the thus materially reducing the expenses of the | most beautiful embroidery—t ap any other Machine navy, and adding greatly to its effectiveness, | ever invented, “Economy is wealth. thea why not Looking to our lens course IT regommend a | > . fe thett intarest aa well-asonre hberal though not extravagant policy towards this branch of the public servive ee a weer caladndand gelled ak — “fhe report of the Postinaster General for- hereteiose towards China, ‘largely doe PDishes a clear aul comprehensive exhibit of the sagacity and efforts of one of our own | the operations ot the postal service, and of the ingui citizen the world is about to Gum- | financial eonditivn of the Post Office Depart- menee largely inereased relations with that pop- | ment, ulous and hitherto exclusive nation, Aathe| The ordinary postal revennes for the year toa Sabscriber ha been appointed let the oe of es “an SINGERS CELEBRATED y the best. These Machines are warranted to give entire satisfaetion. If they fa'l ty give satidlaction they may be re tursed after a tral of two months and the money will be refunded. Machincs manufactured erpressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA- to oe KOSKOO, The great Megl{h Restorer} Not a Secret Quack, Medicine, Formula around the Bottle. PREPARED SOLELY BY Dr. J. J, LAWRENGE, VURGANIC CHEMIST. NORFOLK, VA. Beware of Counterfeits. BP that Dr, J. 7, Lawrence, Chemigt, Norfolk, ¥a., apd the worg Kens ae wt ab 4 phon of as vale is endo the : siviang everywhere. Read the. followin ta Dr. Tillery, a successfnl itioner of many yeurg standing in the Oid Nerth State: —— Rocky Mount. Edgecombe Co. f , Sept. 10, 1869. Dr. J. J. Lawrence— Dear Sir: I have your Concentrated Finid Extract of .Koekoo ig my practice i. ieat remults. 4 find it vigor was toe Tom se ri and Nervops Tonje. In digenses Sue, Scrotulous, Sypbilit, and netepns affections, it isa remedy bf immense palye , in fact, ip alumost every variety of Clrovic Dizease its use is indicated. Hoping you muy meet with the success which you deserveas a manuy acturer of reliable medicines, Im. a sir, with ingcb respect, your obedient servant, RC. Turrry, M.sD. From Pr. Fentress, an accomplished and ez, pericpeed physician; Sept. 13, 1869 t Princess Anne Court House, Va., United States have been the originator im this) ending the 30th of Juve 1809, ameunted to new policy, #0 they ahould be the most carnest | $16 414 510 and the expenditures arpounted to in showing their good faith in making ita ste: } FO3.698.131, your atiention is respectfally | cess in this connection. 1 wivise mich legisla-| catied to the recommendation made by the ton & et forever Se <a hoe ort Postmaster Genera for authority to ebange the cootion ond. apes Soa Aaerkia sd aa te ‘| main travk sailrond lines, fur their services ip alse peévent America: ve Joaeryiug the wails for leary post route, mails, engaging in transporting colies to auy country ; to te the aystem. I also recommend that a | exeayled lor reo: gaumiug aud iperrasing the miasion to Rgiency of the special agency service on the be raised to01 © of Le irstelaw, | r in ‘ Ia my assgunag the re<pyustly duties olj Pacific, aad for establishing mail service under Chief Magistrate of the Unwed States it tas the flag of the Union on the Atlanfit. ~ And with the impression that thres Usings Were es | HOt ep. atty dot cail your attention “to tis sential to its peage, pru-perily and fullest de- KERS, ‘TAILORS, &e, will be supplied when ordered, at manufacturers specimens vi wock apd circulars. John A, Ramsay, Salisbury, Lh ef, June 18. 1869. —Tm THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL LUPE ASTRAMEE COMPANY r | peeurmmendation for the total abshriod ofthe |G@anking privilege This is an abuse froin | which no oLe freertes a cOHBMeLs. tate advaD- | tage, it redages the receipts for postal servies an'| largely incceases Ist. Amongst these a grict integrity, ia ful- Qu, CLI >4t id | frou 25 (0 GO pee cent, - wecthy PRCA te Uiked Sunt te tee 10 be je fore — OF VINRGINI A | wring the me the Buh of Sentem- —_— Tn each and every pati ion of our common coun: | FEeE CNG = try he may choose to wneve without reference | ber 109, the ratent oftiy , ; 13 762 pa- to his original nations religion, color or po- | tents and 18 receipts were 68,635 Ling $23 Mics demanding of tim only obeyance to (Be | 926 more than the OX Urs. laws, and proper resp Use rights of oth I would respec: fully call year attention to {the recurmmes the Secretary of the So thes < A Virginia and Southern Institution Ite Kaunds are kept in the South. Tihas met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any ty ‘ ( for « country ters dation of ti ouvention thus miseonceiv- | $rd. Union of all of onr States with equal | fnterior, lor uniting the duties of supervising contingency. rights, nulestraghile by any constivatrrsal | the edicaton of tree lueo woul the other Ja _-— e hearty, cordial set- | ne (4 mre Ge alist Con nees | Ges devolving upon the Counpiesioner of Eda- The Company bas capital and assets. agatnet its y, mean To seenre th 1 ret mf te } . feation. Wats the deare of Congress to make Hability that will compare fevorab!y with eny Lite ° hy i farts » at he nhb'e det I ihe cerat, wich inust be ta + during the lenarence ( oumrpeny o8 the continent, wbicb ia the ng. Wy PANt rem ratieg, Bia! te Poe debt «.' m tre test of respoos! bility shall be pad. ptine!pal acd interest ed; | vear 6870, e complete aud perfect than] tty gtfmirsare cautionsly administered by selected 1 have regarded the | and second by providing the means for payiny herrtotore, FE woold <agyest early action apon | Directors. of responsibitity and business capacity. and an a . tlanv pan that may Le ayreed tpon, as Con- Jt has establishes! its claim to Southern Patrouage and prowuhos the uses ~ . could ta A OFFICERS : eevure the ol ject without a proper acd | @res4 af the last s~s appeomnted a Commitee Eaten : mime rat ; liwefer | atthe | tv take into consid: satan seach peagures as PREBIDENT, revenue and an ecu J ieharsesnent of | meght be deemed proper in refereoce to the JOHN E. EDWARDS, them. Te thea obj salu niiun has} cons aod ty reporta plan VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, moat effectively aidrcased itself with the rej; ¢ frenainiet 110 your favorable considera- | Was. B. Isaacs, D. J. Uaxrsoox sulta, | hope satisiactocy to the country. There | tied the clams af the Ag icultaral Burean for | been no hesitatian in vhanging offotls howral appromriations In aconmtry su drver- MEDICAL EXAMINER, 8 > Nem g'og e | «the ' m climate and sol as ours, and with a} CHARLES H. 85MITH, M. D. lawa, nome times, 100 where in a mere party | populations: leryely dependent apna exgnca! | LEGAL APVISEB, CENERAL ACEXT, were, el! the benefite that can be comerted by riew, ondeser ibe politica Jxo. H. CLatporyeE tollow, nor any pusition i sustaining ea fe-ier officials against remonsirances wholly politica It may be well to mentwoo where Lie ember: | eolte@ere Irkely to H. O. CaBRtL, DIRECTORS : Henry K. Ellyson, Asa Snyder, HM. BE. U. Baskerville, Samuel (, Tardy, George Jacob, J. W. Allison, George 8. Palmer, H. 1). Chochley, H. ©. Cabef!. D. J. Harwgepk. Joba C. Witla Wiltiam G. Taylor, A. Po Alel! thus Barves are inoalculable the attenben of piate salary of a number prop. I desire respecttul'y to cal Congress to oarle | Joha Fadera, of the most important officers of the Gorern- | William F. Taylor, Ty thi< meeaage I will not enamerate | Samoet 8. Cottrell, < nos | John Dooley. eee co No chan «| Be iw t ercithe a es Wortnam, No< ge ime been made in! wiiiam Willis Jr., their salary fo: Gfteen years, Witten that tn ¢\ kd. A Smith, the labors uf Court have greadly inercased and | Thos. J. Evans the expenses of hving have at least donbled. — Jamen A. S-ott, b }U.M Qaaries, During the same ty Congress hae twice! w uring an iongre ‘ «|W. A. Tyler, rease largely the com-| J.B, Edwards, ‘ ) rly lostering 2 lo arse irom teaving on te nent 't tenure of office a and to earnestly recommen) (herr It could vot have been tbe int of the Constitation, prowidin total repeal, spevty only the Jastives of the tien of frame ce | Sapreme Con = when g that an ceive the consent of the Senate, that the latter shoukd have power ty retain tn offi-e, persous al the President, the law, and incoosstent with the feithfal and efivieni admiostravion ef the | Govern at ment deserves and will undoubtedly recrive What faith can an Executive pnt in officials | due con-irlerativa. There are many sulyects foreed apon him, and those. tue, whom he has | % alluded tu in this message which night suspended for treason? How will sch offi | with propriety be introduced, bat [ abstain. he- ciale be likely to serve an administrauon which | leving that your patnotism and Matesmanship they know «ines not trust them. will saggest tive topics and the legislation most For the second it ‘s requimte to our growth conducive to the intrrests of the whole people. and prosperity and afirm but barnane sdiviaie- | On my part, | promise a rigid adberenve tu the tration of the existing laws, amended from | laws, aod their strict enlorcement time to time a8 they uy be effective or prove U. 8. GRANT. harsh aod pccessary. are, probably, all that are | ——— reqhired. “The third cannot be allowed hy special legislation, but must be regarded as 6x- we ouml it ncewes@ary ty inc pensation of its own members aud the doty it} a. ¥. Stokes, { the nw vern- | J. B. Morton, R.H. Dibdreil, William UJ. Palmer, { LEWIS C. TTANES, Ao't. Feb. 18—ly hos cag re 5 ., Bidgood, Sboethi We. Price. ywes to another depertment « Lzuxixetox, N. C PIANOS wiees. Parties desiting infoumation will pleare rerd for | ) these ward? of te ngtien—they car ed by the Constitution itself, and gradusily ac- quiraced in by the force of pubbe opimon. From the f,andation of the government to the present the management ef the original in | and has been attended with conti coos redel hone, marders and wars, From mv own ex | perience on the frontiers had [udian countries [ do ant hold eit her kdiation ort of the whites, where they came in with the Indiangeblamedesg fo: these |orts]) ties. The psd, bawete. cannot be andone | | Pp h contact T habitants of this conunent—the fndane—has | 1, this valnable aud powerfally inflaential Pain been a sulgect of embarrasement and expense, | Destroyer ‘ troly an apems to New-algea, Headache, Tooth; #4 MAGKC T ate name that could have been applied lea iuda@ence over such painfal mal- adios as it is rpcommeyded to paert cannot No, 9 tioned only by those who have not tried | Ee (it eve is claimed for it a repa‘ ation over all i he conduct! vther preparations recommeuded fer similar urposes—_when they have failed, REAGIZO | as uyt keep ut ay karaehe Cramp Colic, Cholera Marbua, ; AL Has just been awarded to CHAS, M,. ST Por the best Piano now made, over EFF, titore, Phil- . and New York Pianos. OFFICES 48D WattRoous: , North Liberly Street, near Balti- more Street, BALTIMORE, Mp. five jeara STIFFF'S PIANOS have atl she latest tmprove- ay* injopr family forit = | ments. irchading the Agroffe Treble, Jvory Fronts the improved French Actien. fully warranted | witbont penetit, with privilege ofexchange within aod the gaestion dma be tet aa we now find | Isithe rhode, Dysentery or Hinadty-F tar Dyepep. | Ueve months I hot entirely kattetetory to purcha- ix Lbsteattempeed a new péticy tumar'- not be r garded in eoy ether thr tban as warffa— wit aa. Sore Thrvat, Raguaatic Pains, Fever and! = | dane, Sprains and Bruises, [nflumation « weys, Ne belea rrous Debilily, Colic, ams or Spasms, rr. | ; jd Ke Second handPiance and Parlor Organs always on | 88 I can jearn, bui never fatal Ait | and trom $80 ty $900. References, whe here onr Pianos ifi use fair regis ® ‘aews creth and eich J dione haracter : Gen. R. Ke. Lee, Lexington Va, will be attenkst, alticnst wt ut sucovas | Prepared and for sale hy ; ¢ D. A. Hid, Chartette X.C. The Society of Prends is well known as have | p Dr. G. R. POULSON, | Gen, Raber: Ransom. Wilmington. NC. : petcbede Sey 12 neace With tt j riggict and Apotheeary, Sulisuury. N C.| Gov. John Letebe . Lexington, Va i. t in Bivins } ~s S th the In | Jane 3), 196.) : . ° “go-tp | Messrs. R. Burwell t Son, Charlotte. NO. diane in the carly setile ment of Penoeylvama. | f° dee aS | James fl, Creeu'ce Morganton. X.C. While thére, phe regotdtions of « rteci«| \ OTECE.—ALL PERSONS HAV- J » HM. smith & a Ww. Melion. Clester. 8. C. J.J, Leawreuce, Mp D—Dear Sir; 1 have carefully examined the formula, as well as the Theepotic properties of your Koskoo cgm- pound, and Lave prescrited inscn e stub-born cases of Chionic Liver Affections, Dysemtéry, Dyspepsia, General Debility, &e., and always with the most gratilying results. | fodyit, to }bea splendid Towa, Averauve, aod Hepatic jcombination, accomplishing iis covstitucenal effects without the sligltest debility; in fact i¢ give support to the general support, while ity alterative ¢ fects are being predaced. T cheer- fally recommend its ose to the public, Yoors, truly, J. J. Fewrness, M. D, Kosxoo cures Scrofwia in its worst forms.-- From A W Miils, a prominent aod weill-kgqw9 wercLaat of Norfolk, Va.: No. }] Main Steret, Norfolk. Va, Beptenyty 15;1869, ° Dr. Lawrence— Peay Sir: Your <orkoo wagked wonders in my family. My danghter I Taw been a sufferer from Serofula since child- Hhood. She lostthirty-one piecrs of bone from [her ankle, several from her arm. besides having julans iu severa! parts of the body. Whalst 19 ‘this condition she commenced taking your | Koskoo—it acted like a charm on her—npder its use the olcers gradually bealed, and bergen- leral Lealth greatly improved. It certainly Vsaved her mnch suffering, and perbaps her lif. I regard Koekoo a epeciilc for all scrofulous af- lfetwrs Your Korkeo also cored my wife of | dyspepsia, {rom whick she sufiered greatly — | She is now im better Lealth than she has beey jin Gve yer, | Ww ith the highest regards, | yours, &e., gratefally 1 am A.W Mruva | | Koskoo, the great /nrigoretor, Red the | following from the Rev. Joseph & Martin, pas- }tor of Wesley Chapel, Portsmopth, ¥a.: | “This ts lo eertily that myreil acd wifefare used Dr. Lawrence s Korkpo, aud can testify tg ite ben Deial fi cts. [Previous to taking it we were in acondition of debilitation—bad no ap- petite, ppd enffer from sudhlen and often tice lent attacks of headache end nervousness. Two bottles of Koskoo has improved onr genera) heal, and we regard it as invaluable, ang most cheerfully recommend it to all who bare nred of intvigerator. Yours, §c., Josspg Bb. Marrrs. Read the followiog from Pr. Goddin, the ex- peri-nced aod successful + egeciulist,” of Nor- to'k, Va: Morfolk, Va, Sept. 19, 1869 Dr. Lawrence— Dear Sir: I have presended your “Keskoo” for Syphiiss jn its varjous form with the most satislectory results, J have sat- iefied myerell by experience, chet it will oury that i its worst and moet malignant st and eradicate every taint from ihe sys tem. The Kosko is certainly en alteratite of extraordinary power, and folly deserves the great popularity which it bas so rapidly attaia, ed. N. A. BY MN, M.D. KOSKOO!! CURES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Norfotk, Va , Sept. 7, 1869. Dr. 3. J. Lawrence— Drar Sit: My son received to mach benefit from your wonderf Koskbo that I cannot refrain froai ezpretsing lavy gtarifude. [had t almost everything I believe, io ali sincerity, thas | your Koskuo tan Pufalible Remetly for the di- sease from which he has enffered, and, 90 fag jf yon only knew te immense amount «of ew ring that be has undergone, that yon coal! contrive the value pf such a remedy as Kosko— thet eurely cures, The great amount of good it m now do- ing among us is ipestunable. With much gratunde, [ am rrepectfully | yours, &e, Mrs M.E. A. Niweor, in other sections were constantly ember 5 IF Brown & Bernhardt are agents tar ibe sale of | ee : d \ | 4) ing claims against the estate of John F, (tod. | leb , r — De Sir: bee they are also known for ther opposition to nl | felter, dec'd.. will present them to the nndersigned seeia bees ce leuruce uleeees \¢ a are aH = lps . 2 sy : y ® {tr 4 . | strie, Vin’ence and war, and ve generally no- | at the@oart Honsein Salishary. on of before the ae gree matt po meets he Oe ted for their etrict integricy and fur des These consilerations judace om inanageinent of a few reservations of In! Ina BIING to | tirstday of December, A- D., 1870. M. W. GUODMAN. Adm'‘r. Nor. 16, |949. 47—6w to them and to throw Ue burden off selection of agents ipon the Society isclf, The result has proved most aati-<fectory. ft will be fonnd more fuily set fort. ig the report of the Com b ents and Pan agents oot in the rescrvation | qiives al the army, were eelected, The rea | eons for tha are where Tudsart azents are sent there troors; m must be seat also. The agents and the com- mander of (ehone are indepen lent of ench oth- | tc TH eTet eras: or near there, rene: to the eud that ene portion of f n Garner, deo'd., | hercht ro- muy De spent with: the tyof enwilized @ mM Wy 1 y. | tiff ring claima against raid ea. nen geese ee toate! | GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. si Pini hen. te comer en Uctors Ure lnk Another reason eg oan economical f : vr BRO, or this poticn will b ati! | ae : . iF : p their recovery. All persone jn- ! anil atilf another wld wl we gy { CH ARLOTTE, N.C. Nel (to the estate are regnested auras men? haa ne Fie to aconre a latte! AT<Q, W purchase 500 or 1000 head j jy settlement. | : discha ge of duties B carrying oute gived jx Ie of Cate and pay the highest Cash Prices for RiC HARD A. COWAN, ey. Coon ated Ry july 220. Gun iGo Adw'r. of Joba Gerger, . 10th day missioner of [ivlian Affuirs; for sopennmtend- 1 i Ln k — Assignec's Baie.-NOTICE [3 HERE- y given that [ will expose at Public Sale, at ve Court Hoge in Sahsbury, oa Friday the ecember, A. D, 1369, at 12 the following property belonging stateaol Wm M. Barker, Danigrnjt. J. All the notes and accounts orlungiog to aid vstate. Terms Casn JEREMIAH BARRINGER, 12, 18G9—40—ae Assignee. t} ret > Nov Pianos ¢o'd at Pactory prices. frne 18—1 RRAWAY, D.1,CA Commission FHlerchant, —AND— Dealer m Groceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wie | dow Shades, &e., Ge. | JD iT ROMPT attentio mgivento ordesa, ard te: lerand estyect toarders fiunuhe dF a the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naral Stores, Tobae Partinenis of th. ot L Treacy | Pore Ryeand Corn Whiskics, | Ones rt. 2c . os Comision: bee Willen tere gate nes en wee anean : = COURT HOUSE BUILDING, the wrlofthe Pavadent. Tae toumer ia y Distilled inth il Style, Parsaai Un- _april9—t4le | NEWBARN, N.C. enr Wy Interested ving in wi adulterated. at the ' DMINISTRATOR 3 NOTICE ~ ila. tle Tivebea ny ntolanl ite AleT ' ; ‘ ‘ kea out lett ) Iministration o2 ey ee ‘co. te ' Old North State Distillery, 302050" Since of AS asta On jsia. Chronic Disease ot te Kidney's General | Debility, &e., wiboat benefit, 98 a last resory | T commenced the ase of your Koskoo, and ar, | pleased to say that under its use my healib bag been entirely restore. | Tam sir, with much respect, yonr obedient eervant, OR, Mrjes | No. 3, Market et, Norfolk Va, July 9 184g { Pacifio, Franklin county, N C., Sept. dL. 1869. ; This is tocertify that for jong time L have |euffered very much trom ind}, ation of the liver and corstipauon of the horwrls, and tried sever. tal remedies, bnt received no tencGt mntil { ‘sominenced taking Weekcoo. T took the medi ine aboot one wouth, and T was com pletely evred, and have reniained wel, I know of eevernl enres made by Keekou, and cordially , fecoinmend i3 a8 a go xl medicine j Joux H. Baxere bP Foa Sare ny avr Deccorsts ea R@ Dr. Lawrerte’s Woman's Prica cures diseases peculiar lo Fem weg, sale by Da. 3 R. POCEACS For Druggiat and Ag piuecars, Saliebmay, ¥-~ ? ~ ewo fair daughters, a nicer, and last but eixty years ogo, there was gathered about a Dd North State BISBURY, FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1809. LLMOST A GHOST STORY. BY GRACE GREENWOOD. — Ona Christmas night, seme fifty or the wide fireplace of g large New Eug- land kitchen a happy family cirete, con- sisting of a well-to do farmer who was also a magistrate—kuown far and wide as “Squire Percival’—his comely wife, not not least, a son, just home from Yale for the holiday. Thenight without was seasonably cold, and brilliant with mooulight and star- light. The large stone farm house stoop on he brow of a hill, behiud a protect- ing line of tall pine trees—the only green in the wide valley beneath were heavily blanketed with snow. The carly part of the evening had | passed merrily with games, jest and song. | But for au hour or two the conversation | had taken a drift into the realm of the | supernatural. One ghost story had euc ceeded to another, till, asthe “witching hour of midnight” aproached, and the fire burned low, the cirele instinctively drew closer, with thills and shudders of strange spiritual dread, which is yet akin to the kecuest and awesome, joy, an ex- quisite terror. The solemu songhing of the winds among the. pine, beard in the pauecs of ghostly recitals, added ite wan- drous, weird effect to theme, Just as young Jolin Percival had con- cluded a wild German legend, which he declared “splendid stufl for dreams,” the ontside door was beard to open suddenly. All looked round, more or less fearfully, to see standing on the threshold the) slizht form of afair young woman, clad’ all.in white, and looking strangely pure | and cold, and luminous, like incarnated | moonlight. “With the glide of a spirit” she came forward. Her feet were quite bare, aud | her arms were drooping wearily. Mas- ece of fair hair fell over her shoulders, but her eyes were dark and with a mel- anceboly stare. Mer lips were slightly rted and almost colorless. She came i the circle about the hearth, and there used, standing utterly motionlese—a Evepiifel, appaling figure. For a moment, all ine startled group remained as silent as that srange visitor —then one young girl caught ber breath in a hysterical scream, which was instant- ly answered by a ery from the pale lips of the “woman in white,” into whose eyes rushed a wild keen light. Bhe gased alout her is terror and bewilder- ment, then glanced down upon If, sunk cowering upon the floor, coVering Fer face with her hands and giving way to a childish paroxysm of weeping. The farmer's wife, a woman of rare sense and presence of mind. at once di i vined the truth. “She is a slecp walker! he said-— “She must be halt dead with the cold! Girls bring some wrappings!" Immediately all was bustle. The far met and son disercetly vanished from the | fe ot GEOR Oe eB ew <a would always come in such shapes, I would never fear them more.” ‘The shy ‘smile and rosy blush that his playful answer called forth seemed firet to reveal to the young edilegian tho pale faced vision of 4be wight asa lovely walk- ing ficsh and blood ‘reality. never heard of Luey Ellct “revisit- ing the glimpsesiof the. non” as agom- nambulist atter thie, But 1 did hear that on another Chrietmas uight she stood on the hearth of the old farm house, dreesed allin white, in the midst of the same family circle, and that ehe gazed about her and said, | am afraid I am walking in my sleep again,”-and that she then put ap her hands in w pretty deprecating way, and added: “But if, Lam, Johu, don't wake me |” — ~~ BURIED IN THE QUICKSAND. BY VICTOR, HUGO, Tt sometimes Happens, on cértain coasts of Britain)or Seatland, thaé@ mana trav- eller a» fishermane-walking suddenly perceivesthab*for sevral’ minutes he has been walking with diffidulty, The ehore is ike -p hy Sree bi. fect.. The soles of his deet-eling to it; itis: ko more like sand, jvlike ghic,” Thejcoast is perfect- ly ; dry but in every step that be takes, as soon as he has raised ‘hts feet, the priv that it leaves ia filled with water.° The eye, perceives no other ebauge; the im- mense expanse is suotly and” tranquil ; all the sand hae the same aspect; ndéthing distinguishes the sand which is. solid from that which is not; the little joyous crowd of sea pneerous continue to leap tumultuously upon his feet as he pasecs alorg. The man continues his route; gocs forward, leauing toward the shore, scek- ing to approach the upland. He is not uneasy, Why should be be? Only the feels as though the heaviness of his fect iuereases with each step that he takes.— Suddenly he sinks, He sioks two or three inches. Certainly be is notina good route; he stops to take his bear ings His feet have disappeared, The sand eoversthem. Fle lifis his feet from the sand: Le wishes to turn back ; he tarns, he sinks deeply ; the sand comes to his ankles; he withdraws and throws biw- self to the left; the sand comes till higher. He leans to the right; the sand ceues below the kaces. ‘Then he recog- nizes, with an indescribable terror, that is involved in quick-sand, and that ander him the frightful clement wm which man cavnot walk, and fish cannot swim. He throws down his burden, if be has one; he lightens himself like « sbip in distress. It is already too late; the sand is above bis knee. He calls, ho waves his bat or hie band- kerchief; the sand gains on bim mre and more, If the coast is Ce-«rted if the solid ground istoo far distaut,'if the sand bank isin 100 bad repate, if there are no heroes within call, it is fin- ished, he is condemned to barial. sentenced to this frighthal interment; long, infallible, implacable, im possible to retard orto hasten; whieh lasts for hours; which, to every effort that yoo punishes you for your resistance by a re- doubled embrace; which slowly draws Ue ie | joe ner wn = TODD'S HAMS. bacon. have had a better run as good = meat:both north and south than any we know of | It-was our fortune to be cumped near the house of Mr Todd in the early” part of the war, kept and follwed after Ly oar farmers, ~ Here's the receipt : The hogs should be yoang and fat, 10 to 20 months old, They should not be fed for 2.013 days before Killing but may have as much clean water as they will dviuk. After they are killed Tet them hang until cool to the bone, bust not freeze, which injures meat. When. ent np—salt with Liverpool sack, or country fine salt. Rubbing is unnecessary ~@n ounce or more—according to size, of finely pound. ed, pure salt petre, should be put on the flesh side of cach ham previons t» salt- ing, and slight'y robbed in, and an equal aa of, brown sugar, or molasses.— 'Lhree or four days after. the first salting, resalt- replacing it when melted off. After remaining in salt aday for -eash pound the green ham weighed, it may be safely taken out aud washed clean in’ warm water and while wet. apriukle. the flesh side with fine black pepper to prevent in- jery from vermin, - Shoulders sides..and joles require much -less time galt, being thinwer.~ After hanging up’ it; is not ne- cessary to ‘commence smoking for 3 or more weeks, anil only 3 or 4 then in ‘Win- ter; 2a wee ein epring; and 01 @ occa: sioually throngl enmmer to keep ihe fat white and free of rancidity.— Hillsboro Recorder. ee The astranomors of the present day secm detsrmincd to keep the world astir with rumors of “coming” events. The latest and most gigantic thing out is em- bodied in the following, taken from an exchange : “The sun's atmosphere, says scientific men, is in a highly exeited condition. — Avolume of magnet light is shhoting out farther and furthher from the solar sphere, end it is now stretching out forty-five millions of miles. In the other words, it bas accomplished half the distance be- tween us the sun. The interesting question, one on which perhaps, we do not wish any more light of this character, is; How long will it Le before it finishes the reet of the distance and bridges the gigantic chasm between the earth and andeun!? Is ita mersenger sent cat to snvteh us up as fod for the ineatiate monster that keeps himself warm by de- vouring planets and whose fire-eating pro- pensities this whole earth would satisfy for a few days only. If so, how long will this ae in reachivg us, and earrying the globe away aa if we were | nace. ‘Ihisenlamn of light at joueval | indicates its approach by flashing avd! corruseating with freeh brillianey. 8} decided are ita effecta that two astrono- | | mers, one at London, the other at Oxford, | and neither knowing the expericices of the other, supposed that the dark glass of their telescopes bad been broken or pat! | utter, drags you a litle lower, which | oat of range, se strong was the flash of | ge'den light upon the vison. [tis predic. | | ed that before the end of the next year ; vht . . * : ° veene, and the kind mother, daughters ithe man into the carth, allowing him all |thia magnetic light will have got near} and neice, devoted themeclves to their be A receitpt from his own hand to make} Jack Todd's hams of Smithfield: (Va) Below we give a receipt from |’ hia own hand to cure meat. It ebauld-be} 5 . ‘ | is bereby given that all parties who have a gigantic lump of coal for a roaring fer-pclsiws against the estate mast present them o> ll = ee Bs eae * LUA 4 Balch areunabote’,|11:48'q, a. 1215 a. Chantelle: | 543 at and West paniont Tuasite wie aanewe ly whe will nat : when there ia necessity for it, Fe ee atte regular- ly by the passenger train. ALBERT JOHNSON, 1 Si—tf . 4 General Superintendent TAME TABLE W.N. CORAILBOAD. GOING WEST. MILES, STATIONS, ARRIVE. TRAVE. Salisbury, 4:52 a. 3:45 a. Me. 13 Third Creek, 4:12 4:57 25 Statesville, 8:57 6:02 32 Plott’s 6:37 6:40 33 Catawba, 7:10 7:5 50 Newton, 8:03 8:08 60° * Hickory Tavern, 8:48 9:03 70 Teard. 9:43 9:48 80 Morganton, 16:38 GOING EAST. MILES. STATIONS. arrive nts: PM. oe reagan Oe so" oN 4120 2:25 aa” Catawba, 6:18 5:18 48 Plott, "648 5:53 85 °° Statesville, $28 ) 6:38 67) ‘Third Creek, e 7:38 80 ‘Salisbdty;~ B43" eens ALMANACS POR 1878, HLM lor ifged an i oy. in all respects; better ates Almanae of 1869, which was so popular and had such a large sale, Price, single copies by mail 10,cents, 3 copies by mail, 25c; one dogen by mail, 75v.; Price im store, half gross, $4; per boodred g5; per whole yross, $7. FARMER'S N.C. ALMANAC, poblished by James H. Eoniss; an ‘excellent. Almanac, full of most valuable matter to the Farmer, with monthly calendars in-large clear type.— Price, per single copy by mail, 10 cents; 3 copies by mail 25c., one dozen by mail 60e.; price in store, half gross; per hundred $4,50, per gross $6. THE COMIC ALMANAO FOR 1870,— published by James H. Enniss; full of comic picture illustrations, anecdotes, fan, &e , with moathly in large clear type. Price per single copy, by mail, 10 cents; 3 copies by mail 25c.; one dozen by mail 60 cts. Price iv store, per half gross $3; per buodred $4 60; per gross $6. E@™ One of each of the above mailed to any address for 25 cta. For sale by JAS. H. ENNISS, Agent aad Publisher of Almanacs, oot 16—41f Salisbory, N.C DMINISTRASOAR'S Watice. Having qualified as Admiowtratnx with tLe will aonexed of James ©. Smythe. notice by the fret of Novenrber 1870, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per- | ~ons indebted to the estate are requested to | make early se t. JULIA C. SMYTHE, Oct. 12, 1869.—41:6 Adm'rx. 09 ARIED row NEW TOR? mais ee | wi 1 ETE ee Man, SPAS a Siar oie cae Mees rn 59 vi ‘of GOODS! 4 7 a ROR hk | OO, eae % 4 tu y . . eee Ay 44 THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of goods éyer offered in this market at, prices to shit the times, bought for CASH, and alter s heavy decline in prices, whereby. they can and win be sold Jower than any inthe mar- ket At Howerton's, Faney and Staple Goods of every: de- Noe Pe At Howerton's scription and variety An elegant assortment of Boots and Shoed At Howerton's. A splendid assortment of Hats and Caps ; At Howerton' s, Aa assorted lot‘of Harlware and Cutlery, - . ‘ * Ab Howerton's, * A. very superior lot of Querhaware, China aod Deif., +0 : At Howerton's. All grades of Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Molas- ses . At Howwerton's A Choice tot of Contectiansries | . , At Howerton’s. Fine snd‘ Common Tobacco, imported. He- vanna, Regalia; Prineipe-and U.S. Grant Ci- gars At Howerton's A complete assorimeat of Liquors of al! kinds and. grades At Hawerton's. For Medicinal ee only— Moore's cele- brated seven-year-old double - rectified - Ken- tuck y-W hiskey —perfeetly pure, At Howerton's Every variety of Yankee Notions, At Howerton's. In fine bis stock has been selected with grest care to meet EVERY WANT. E™ Call ond examine it—it will not cost you anything to do that— Bid Don't Ask Por Credit, His motto is “PAY AS YOU GO.” ta” COUNTRY PRODUCE yf every description taken in exchanges. E®™ Bank Notes and Specie taken at the Highest Market Rates, At W. HB. Howerton's, - HE ADVANCE. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, | _%° Devoted to the Farm, the Garden, the! Workshop, Domestic Economy | and General Progress in North Carolina. SALISBURY, N. C. Norember, 5, 1869. 44—6m GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM BLASBSTIC STITCH Sree eae ivan @ plete deetuase: CUnODOL PON 7 a et te oe - “ — er vr New Goods > rds ! ‘We bave recéived our Fall & Winter stock -of New Goods which is very large and complete consisting in part of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sole and Upper "Leather, Enameled and Patent Leather, . Coach Harness , and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co- pal and Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very best Brands, Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot- ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, | Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. POWDER : POWDER ! | a RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING a, a Bt o a o Fes io} RA iad | % no” THE OnLy MEDICINE THAT Cures All Pain ! s a 5 & £ SA L I S B U R Y , WN , C. , WH E R E YO U WI L L AL W A Y S FI N D _F R E S H , PU R E AN D RE L I A B L E Dr u g s an d Me d i c i n e s , CA N N O T BE UN D E R S O L D . an d Br u s h e s ; Fa n c y So a p s an d Pe r f u m e r y ; Ci g a r s an d To b a c c o . RU S S E S AN D AB D O M I N A L SU P P O R T E R S — L A T E S T IM P R O V E - ME N T S ; BR E A S T PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y BO T T L E S ; Co m b e ast hh rr a | Ure ITW seang ‘3 VHL GUNIDIGAIK y Ov A1NO aH yo" CLEMEMONS' STAGE LINES! WARSAW Say To Fayetteville. [= Warsaw for Fayetteville daily ex. cept Sunday. Ifyou are in Western N. Carolina £ to Raleigh and procure # through ticket to Fayetteville for $3; Through Tickets from Guldsbore’ via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6. Through tickets from Weldon to Fayette ville $10. Through tickets from Wilmington, via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6 CHARLOTTE TO VWADESBORO: Leave Charlotte after trains from Raleigh and Columbia, via Monroe, for Wadesboro’ Tuesday, Thureday,and Saturday Leave Wa deaboro’, Tuesday, Thuralay, and Saturday, af- ter arrival of trains and Stage from Wi n. MORRISVILLE, via Pitrssozo, TO EGYPT. Leave Morrisville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Egygt Monday, Wednesday and Fri- jay. Clemmons’ Accommodation Line Between Salem and High Point, will charter Stages at all hoarse “Cheaper than the Cheap- est.” Office at Batoer’s 1, Salem, N. OC. E. T. CLEMMONS, Oct. 1; 1869—tf Contractor. NEW YORK and North Carolina STEAMSHIP LINE New York to Wilmington, This Line will comprise the following steam- ers: FAIRBANKS, Capt A. I/unter, WM. P. CLYDE, “ D. P. Morgan, REBECCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. MARY SANFORD, John Moore. With soch additional St-amers as may be jthe time to look upon the horison, the enough to as to make {ite immediate and \ required to meet the demands of the trate.— P 7 wildered charge, who etill wept and sob- | bed under their kind ministratious, but, declared that she felt no pain, though her delicate feet were actaally bleeding from her long walk up the icy hilleide aud ove: the crast of snow. After having been tenderly put to bed however, she beeame sufficiently com sosed to reply to the few questions put to ie r. She said she wae Luey Ellet, the neiec of the village pbysician—that she had lately been taken from echoyl, on account trees, the green ficlda, the emoke of the | actual influence upon the earth distinctly villages ou the plain, the sails of the ves- | felt. It is annennecd that in sels on the sea, the birds that fly and | quence we may «xpeet io see phenomenas Corer sing, the eea, the wky. Barial io a quicksand ie a sepolebre, lwhich becomes the tide, and which rises ing person. Each minute is an inexor- jable andertaker. ‘he miserable person tries to eit down, to crawl; every move meat baries bim; he etands erect, he} | that have never been ecen or kuown be- | \fore Ly the human race. If any of oar . | from the depths of the earth toward a liv- plain of the weather and the rarthqnake *, \ let them remember thie time that, by next year, they may have an entire pew | line of experience to explain and ecdure, in comparison with which the fith.l winter readers are therefore yet disposed to com- | ES UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO pablish, io the ety of Raleigh, as svon as a euffcient number of subscribers can be ob- inined » Weekly Family Journal, adapted to he wanrs of the people of North Carolina, who are enyaged in the cultivation of the soil n all ive braneles, the improvement of our nanofactures, our machinery, oar mechanical | sk. |, and all tle material interests of the State In the conduct of the paper he expecta to seenre the aid of scientific aud practical men to justract aod interest his readers, [li ob wet will be to make it emipently practical and FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Baltimore Street, Bal: inore. POWDER, | Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar | and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and in short Saiting (rom New York etery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 4 P. M., from Pier 15 R. toot of Wall street. Ew The attention of Shippers is called to the LOW RATES and FACILITIES offered by this Line, which are snperior to any heretofore offered HROUGH BILLS OF LADING civen to all points on the North Carolina Railroad and ite Conneciions via Golds- boro. J. A. SADLER, sinks; he feels bimeeli engulfed; he!and reugh, rnde autamn of to-day, may fal to all clasees aga of her nervousness, aud seutto him for ’ \ oe : 7° jes Peo } Soliciting Agent. y shouts, implores, cries to the cloads,| seem like a Jane morning in paradiee, Ic will be printed in good style, on geod pa- | 7 7 NIE 58 medical treatment, bat that —— wrings bis hands. ‘There be isin the | and the earthquake's shock and light-| per of large sume, at $2 per year wn alvance. — j WORTH & DANIEL. Agenis, and loneliness had made her worse. had oceasionally walked in her sleep be fore, but only abent the house and grounds at home, and no summer moou- light nighte. “i think the moon bewitches me,” eaid, smiling through ber tears. That night ehe had before going to bed, looked acroes the little valley to the pleasant hotse on the hill, watched the cheerfal Christmas lights gtcaming throagh the pine treus, ad Jonged to be one of th gand to hie waiet; the aand reaches his chest. He raises hie bande, makes farious gretaree, crisps hie naile oa the sand, | wishes to grasp at that atraw, leans ov | frou this eft inclosure, ‘it roaches his neck; bis face only is vis- ible dow. | Le one the wand fills his moath »¢ silence, weyes are aull oper; Sik cnotl Anne shim tiga. Tlion-thatbore I head moclts away; a litte “tying tie , nin g’a storm a placid rocking in the cra dle with a pleasant lullaby” _— —_~.4> —_—— Evit —As there isa law of continnity, nia his elbowa, wishes to withdraw himeelf j whereby in ascending wecan only mount | The ondersigned solicits the aid of his many : : ! _ sobs frantieaily. | step byfstep, 00 is there a law of comtinaity, | {riendsin the State to obtain subscribers ané The sand rives, it attaigs hia shoalders, | whereby they who descend mast sink, | torward the bets at an early day. ' ,ocity, No propagation or multiplica:ion i ibe checked ; no growth more errtain.— He who ia in for a penny, to take another \ ‘ ; ; and that too with an ever increasing vel. | |i more rapid thau that of evil, unless it | Fon PRINTING, BLANKS, @C The firet number will appear about the Lat ol Norember, of as soon thereafter as the pat- | ronage will justdy. Sniacnhers will he ex | pected ty pay 8 soon as they receive tive first number WM. E PELL | Raleigh, Oot 6, 1869, “a—1f | ch Points of Mxcellence. Beaoty and biastiony of Stiteh. Perfection and simplicity of Machinery. Usiog both threads direetly from the eyrola. No fastening of seams by band an no waste EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MERCHANDISE All of which was bought for Wilmington, N. O. JAMES HAND, Agent, febz9—Sif 119 Wall Strect, N. Y. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- anchor of the feeble and happy party there, though she was a) oi on shows suifice; a hand, sill out : oft reed. strunegt to all. : a e 1\expression belonging to the same family, ; 3 Wide range of appheation without clean A debilitated. She ued cried herself to sleep, the eaid, pietete, the level sand “meres, les, of arinatment si - CAD... and will be syld As a tonic and ! ang alt kuew of her myste- cde Ser ee 5 ae and “st4nes ‘and i * Not’a a , nota and disappeare. “Sad effacement vf a | mawt ( wm € 3+ Sometimes the horseman is buried with hie horpe: someting the carman pith hie hif he dors not resgluely tig, will Bud "| i in for potind ” - Géon Hirxt= Prowiteree "hie given The “enn retains ite branfy and firmness afte? washing and froning. Besicss doug all kinds of work done by | AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, the aged and for it has no equal thought could she recall til] the moment cart! alfefuk benénth the barid. ‘This ie }na man ability to do every thing, that other Sewing Machines, these Machines exe stomachics. A ' : yo : ve ertte the mort beautiful and permanent Em- 5 8 when phe found herself reading on the a thigw k, though not on the sea Lie fvery man w ght do something. HAND BILLS abaers a aus esl wae vee mia in her ee eneimeey | the earth drownding «man! The earth] | er ee Bur saln by ANDREW MURPHY, We allow no House to under- for the nervous wondering eyes fixed apon her. a ad with the ocean becomes a he world is a era of glass; affliction oct 16—Iy Sehebury, N.C eak ness te hich omen : penttrate t vcean c 3 CIRCULARS - w Water ox ud tao ear ejenare. It offers iteelf « plain, aud opens |*eatiars our path with sand and sees, iy 618 G@nTaHe szsr. 920/ °°! Us : sapasielty antec it moaned. y | a billow, See oe ote et Te: RUT TRE OXLT OEXTIXR MuEPROTED are is “Never mind what we think of yon, | oot child,” said good motherly Mrs ercival, “we love yon already, as just -—--——- | Satvurpar Nigut.—The last brek has been laid for the week; the last There is said to be a great similarity between a vain young lady and a con- firmed drunkard, in that neisher of them PAMPHLETS LABELS OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, Mavbfectered by THE ORTIPR WATCH CO.— Be sure to examine our stock XO ss Se iis drink this nice ginger tea, and go to/ stroke of the hammer has sounded ; the | can get enough of the glase. e 5 LOOK AKD WEAR LIER FINE GOLD, . . sleep.” emer {Tact blaet of the forge and last ring of the can get enough of the ¢ ose gee Ba pg org Se tee Eee ee before purchasing elsewhere. tropical, temperate or ,anvil have been heard ; the last shriek of and Ladies’ sizes, et $16 rach The “poor child” gota litle natural sleep, and in the morning appeared some what lees ghostly than the apparition of Obristmas night pale with a playfully shy, grieved look. Bhe was suffering lees than was expeeted from the exposure, but more from the ner- vous shock of the night before, and by the advice of her uncle, who had been summoned, consented to remain with her new friends a few days. Young John Percival was bospitably kind to the ivvalid guest, not seeming to perceive that she shrank from his atten- tions, in a sensitive, disqnieted way. Yet when hiseye was not on her, che was observed to etndy his tace with a pecaliar inquiring expression. She could not re- onder having seen thut face at the fear ful moment of her awakening, and she hoped he had not been a witness of that waiking trance, which she regarded with aveolute horror. But she was still very | the planer and Inet clatter of the loom have sung upon the air: the last type has rattled in the “stick,” the prese ba» clang joff the last “morning edition,” and rest begins. Man, tired and worn, never feels atany other time of the week like he Lines does on Saturday. A eenre of labor done, Mr. Alex. D.Imar, formerly Chief of the Barean of Statistics, bas purehared the Washington Jnteiligencer an Express, and will henceforth edit and publich the paper. Mr. Delmar announces the pur- to make it an independent newr paper; and also states that capital, experience, ofdaty discharged, hallows the feeling jand enterprise will be broug!t to the task | that comes over bim, and he is ready to understand that Saturday night i* loxology following the labore of the | weary week. ~__>——— Ly1xg.—It is reorded fn btatory that ‘acertain philosopher of ancien: times | was one day asked : | “What does a man gain by telling o lie vee , when he tella the teuth.” | Young readers, bearin mind the anewer of ja wise man, and at the same time remen:- “Not to be believed,” said he, “even | j of making it a good paper. } .. | Time borders upon cternity. Tt re- qarres bat an instant to make the passage trom the one to the other. ——— — PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, N. C. | W ILL PRACi ICP. in the courts of Daviil- | aon, Forsythe, Guilord, Alamance and Nan- . Letter Heads ! - | cers,” published 'y Nichols & Gorman IM. H. PINN LS, ease * © |Homestead Blanks ' AND to $200 Gold Watches; Regais to keop correct time, and wear and not tarnish, with EVERY OTHER KIND OF | 2 fecowh JOB PRINTING, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY dons AT TMIS OFFICE. pea” Clerks of Oourts, Sheriffs, Ma- gistrates, and others, in ordering blanks will please refer ‘o the Forms as num- bered in “ Hand- Book for County Offi- .--J. J. Bi UNER (For laying of Homcesteads, ) And a new and improved form at $90 each. #0 MONEY fs REQUIRED IN ADVANCB.— We send by Ex any where in the United States payable to a on delivers, ‘with the privilege te open and examine before paid for, and if not sate factory retorred. by paying the Express charges.— Goods will be sent by nail as Registered Package, prepaid, by sending cash in advance. An Agent sending for Siz Watches gem on extra Wateh making seven $15 Watches for $00, or Seren $20 Watches for $120. ALSU ELEGANT OROIPE GOLD CHAINS, of latest and most costly stytes, for Ladies and Gentile men, from 10 te 40 inches long, at $9, €4. 06. end §8 each, sent with watches at lowest wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch required, and to avoid bogus concerns order only from THE ORCIDE WATCH CO. nor 5—6m 148 Puiton street, New York. WORTH & WORTH, THE nndersigned have this day formed a copert nership for the p of continving the Omxman Com wissiox akp Satrixe Bosinmee, se the imme diare ancceasora to the late firm of WORTH & It affords us a pleasure to show our Goods whether we sell or not. Don’t be deceived by loud blow- ing and heavy shelling, but come to see us and get posted up. t{P Orders from a distance promptly filled at lowest orices. tp We buy nearly all kinds frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the Whereva it is intro- duced it becumes a stand- ard article—a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro- ; oie ‘ mu as a ad . ee viait,| ber that he who is greater and wiser than | dolphgownties : { f cama - a ae al ae sd oo] cers and Country Stores. a eee num abe Or See jae . ’ j AN, REFERENCE —OI-— friends. to give good satisfaction to all who w iil cama ae ment, uuder a deaneraie impalee, she} he : i. it ee ' ae raid, beh ae Hon. R. M. Pearson, C. J. of N.C. Raleigh favor Gccs air Wesineen: B.G. WORTH,” of Produce. Mery A eee, asked: “D)'.. you too, eee ine that nigh’, liars ehall have their portion tu bie ke ' BK. G. Reade, Associate Jnetice, i | . D. G. WORTH, opalnn > Plal . Mr. Peretvai ¢" } that barneth with fire and brimstone. { ThomasSettle, “ ‘ C | WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 18th, 1869. Williom P. Campbell, Def't. Ho was tonehcd by the tremble in the (Rev. 21: 8.) } " RP. Dick, © “ “ J} Agent for N. Y.and North Carolina Steamship The defendant will take notice that on Saturday, a ey . fi look. jw the dark | a __ } ‘ Bedford Brown, Yancey vilie, N.C Revised d ted b t Me ticarinvie cul bewihens Mail Steamship Oam ° * ir oman Sata Corrie Na nt cee bp wre NOISE RT e wieth Of re | ] ae x . Vv . *hiladelphia and § ° | it .f Carolina. Ishall proceed t> take eves: bat he answered honeetly : “I can When yon have shut your door, never ‘ — a eer. vaNTE TS | ae edeniae ee . ° y t pany, to Philadript is. McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., j the depositions of J. K Withersporn and others, to gai a, eerie) dale you.” vee + eon ) ae r ae ee fe ne ‘JR a Greensboro, N.C, | best legal authority in this plac Smith's Line New York Sail Pa -kte. | - readin . anit now pending in the Superior Court Leas : Oise! er) 0) BAY. VOUCATO ALONE, TUT ’ » » « Thomas Roffin, Jr, 4 “ ee . Cape Fear St-ambont Line of River bows. . ‘ xITB Row, | of Caldwell county. North Carolina, where yon are “() air! what moet gou have thonght?" rod ia within: and He has no nced of! « Pree yeni for sale. A ddress, Dealers in Bagging. Rope, Iron Ties, LAne, Pine No. 1, Mcnpnr's GraxiTz ’ | defendant and | am plaintiff. J. M. Clond. I p, NC. “Thought! why, Tthonght if gions ; light to ace Whint you are doing. i January 29, 1849. é-« +mar. 10. i J. J. BRUNER. ter, Cement, H-wr, Peruvian Guano and Ban sh’s Soper PLoephe te af Lime | Malisbery, Bept. 26. 1800. 13—1y MARY A. CAMPBELL \ Nor. 10, 1968. {406 pr foe §2 5% on ’ Re onthe,pies Higdltye *ae Oe atieli ant ;.wh ult %miesvy".Pikigh 4A i.SSnutehs:NORDHS TemontTam f 3 AGREES Soeeonas SO |j i,en +a +*erly whieh hw ik:».j 5 oat ~oe ,Sp: ae sn pe bet mee =aqn22etswhidtass t ey 4,ten ot” RO ops Sb ser ay Akg ens race ~~?;,‘UASR.SeySeapets eehays abe Bis a :4 *teeny J a ae xghBeROEdenehy.alee2 Fs Saya Ri me aS Tobit”«‘sb iwhalyn Se eared hiSwale:oe ge ites #Lh Pain ydCASRSPoeie Soe Kent BoC ncmigngy oe OeaOReeee9theSaltLakeCityNowe.iy EXTINCT RACE,4,ee a ee rn r :_eEBwies zan wes |!iN TIGL kee...thmcmedase wate.See ae .MO.DOWNS aim BRPi4cKs TR.+——me —state.|The“Compound Geetian Bitters”are.leh aad-giers Celene salt nal ae wal 3.>tes eeeMecacull sais Ww -deme suscarr :ii the principal cities "to’purch .7 e nsive statement of the -mational |Will become duein the pa ‘THE SOUTH'S POWER.sige wae oe \paged:advanee.3-90 .So ~~)finances,’Sauer arethe moreim-yy >pe cay Ay inieoeas :'}North%,}@ )op.ae ‘‘portant statements:yo.Pdi o ”*1 Ww wou course remarkab!( Fert ett sin “Our ty Of he Gill ae .MEA The revenzo rredipid bets’lnwoecsd|Ieave for paymeon previous to 1 siedison a an ewan robe pies tq one POSS,i;,2 :‘ke ,S }j 4 2 ©)4,482,839 bee:the Fane:Paani of meme Ian te ;N ofpeople in ‘the amphitheatre Shavole bt t a cistence =Present fiscal year over guine “pe-|560.000,year,«Seal he.Georgia mute Fair at Macon,ontoedaassriodayear:idane eee ee Ions y t.,he stuted thut the eottontera)YorThe lullviwing “TheSeetetaeyix oftheopinion SS pant oe eneanting *}2°OR Grorzia alane,tobe500000 baleswillineveryyensefindthemasafe,pleasant,Se oe enwrasbent ought to rely upon er apee oa 4 avoragic “eéoh.Thespeedyand‘nal Remedy.public officers for the proper performanee|three classes,'VOO,000 each.‘lof th ; ourt and Justice’s Orderswillbe publish-:vurittyy.©PE?They areasare preveniies and onre for|of their dutles wiikest i pa them |frat cls of $400,000,000,to be paidioedatthesamerateswithotheriaoe4“ent sa covakae arid all Malaria!Diseases!by any ee eee,He recom.|tiirt one Léonald rth i i ments.Beauli/west .,7"1 @ Casentia Liens w _7 3 3 Obitaary notices,over six lines,charged|choicest bye 8 vroed and Velvet bindings |INDIGESTION,ake,aehaf the Sheet appear to me to Co ee Oe |aay vn +Ee nd popset >$08, asadvertisements.Morroceo Travelling Bugs,Handkerchief and}.ahi JMACH,systems of giving to them's share of fiaes,{1.That the principal aud interest shall me le i York hen chi eaeCONTRACTRATES.Rage peas ane Sesedlhy,pte Kerent tyes SICK-HEADAOHR,penalties,and forfeitures.be made payable in coin.bia a balance of$8 844 for his profite.—|bo iWehavealsomadewemtewithnvmeBRONCHITIS,THE DEPRECIATED CURRENCY.Ph Tye Fe bonds koown as the 5 20|A bale of 500 pounds,therefore,affofds in <a sittingetedigaleeBartawie“GuBsa puvon,|Fe etree td Stam,ewe ne pe Re ta rena bestOLDS’to two causee—first,an excessive issue;.Maia 500,bales,when thus so!c The moundeepyagopely=ae oT and secondly,td the want of faith in the|3 That ha principal be payable in thie Grong of theNew York ship:which was a very large one for this coun. ,and ‘TEXw son's Worxs,in full Gilt and 3 -’|Government ;and the extent of the influ.|FY,and the interest lb le eitherin pers an Profit of $7,200,000."|try,seeme to have.by tbe re- Gtoth Bindingeandt Mrope,ag the!”The eéiton crop of the South is rup-of the ¥.shovelful ee ctiaged to ievelinare'e in Ter anthethenk,lyingbetween “s y ; do y oa y , undreds of others.Diseases of Kidneys,Gravel,&.,andevery ofthe f af the United States or inTheseandeverythingelseforDisyasegraciring&general Tonie impression.aedieadcambae Ment$6 Dien subscribers to the loan may desire.posed to be about 3,000,000 bales.‘T'wo|can be moved wi :jar to Feunalesitis 4.That the rate ofinterest shall not — One Dollar for each Article,|E29 Yo!Diseases peculiar to substantially.Whenever otrerédit shall ra terest million bales shipped as above and sold in|How long a poriod as elapeed sinceWedénet‘offer aslugle articleofmerébes,|GP?derenntelascenca from Typhoid and |be 69 much luiprovedathome and’abroad eat acoltatbuante the hati |Liveepool,afford tothe New York ship-|Were buriedis difficult to determiog,box dies,thas panbesuldh byregular dealers at Our!ober low fore of Feverit the very best|that holdersof ou:bondsaredisposed to}5 That the oa ren Marope shall |sere'a beneét of $28,840,000,This is|we should judge that many rations tice.We do not askyou to bu from fn:=ig |Teceive their interest at London,Paris h bam -sapsetthbdngtinide-p?gd shade guoda pen Tonig that capbeused,;_,|Fetainthem,even.when the publie mind is Waste or Pesnbtea.tc 0b -”|theresultofoniecrop.46 “ip wonderful,|Save passedawaysincethe formation of cuaobtain these in ‘aay other wens Wetle che}The Compound Geytian Bittors meet with|excited upon financial sabjeets,..we shall *.Thus vied tak oe |therefore,that with this to build on,New|the wound.All the smal!bonesand act.greater part of our goods are sold at about —_|82ivereal favor,app bere receivedthe strug |be able to judge more aceurately the ex.|.°bonds,Principal and |York should-be-e Great city,which een-|tet portionsofthe large bones have disap- =——s est t jalg €Ver given to any medicide,a interest,shall be free from all taxen,de-red,and no vesti f hair =:One-half the Regular Rates,tewatublnte Ske tentofthe over-iseuéofpapermonry.Jt d of traliged to make and coutrol the}peated,«vestige o'bas”been SERSEY LANDS FOR.SALE.Wewant good reliable agention every Thi¥-is to cortity-that |have used Dr.God:|##lso trae that the quantity of current on oe eee ae x poticy enationt y discovered thus far.We do not knowRESUBSCRIBERersYorsalpshatval.|ofthe Counicy.Diy exwphayingyoutpareduss|din's Qonspocenl Cention Bares nat eon,{neceneary for the epancimpienigrea rors)PA we Oeyiy~haRenIRERE tom,up|ontrnt patton inthe process of manss sre oftbe earn Average of the bones ,'form clabs and sending ‘ws oiders,you cap ly ites the very Ovst,Bitters that |Hees of the countr’cannot now.be fited ;:facturing Joses.15 per ceut.,or 15 pounde,a7¢|Rike is skelctou shown us vab'e farin inthe Jersey Settlement of David-|obtain the most liberal commissions,either in oe ym,dedihity,sink.stomach|aeeusate!Sinee thecluse.ofthe war the 12"42eeme from the bonds aa is imposed |;each 100—equal to 75.bale.by Officer Hampton;bus we have beard om Cvnnty,koown ay “TUE THALES Mo.Oash or Merchandise,101all goods sent yy var —HOLT 4D 2 anh ae ot the Soath have in.YY the laws of the,United.States apon Thispda sli 7,00 ie ekcn of ot several bones being fooud atprevious 7onthe Yale Bicesjune Reogte Fe wade a ste ePreatied:end weguarenie |S oe MOLT,M.D cn foe ee eee ee,um sibet menay lores |509.000,erwenriy toe bels nt,ntoke fiom he ficdtee eh AeSeyFootl,chk ba EoWns eee Eee ee ‘SPoresching "we ane]Lees.ofity thatfhive tees woos Dr Fy for the purposce of the South |“Beats,if valued at 20 cents a bale,ia equal 1s|mound,Which bore every evidence ofbe-Rehuentanoaessaliretewilefrom the Hulte.|making special arrangements to supply exery|Godin's’“Componnd Gentian Sitters,”tor willsreaclily bearanes foi -tha next.two|,There are two reasons,and each soems $750,000 maa teten longing'to meu of Jarger stature than ube ios f ates whe 10|one es tide our advertisement,with the}'Corgh,General Debility:&c.and Tam fall to.me,to.be a congrollingreason,why the|~74":€Utsh Indians.The ake burg Depot...This.faro:contatas abont 8¢a iene eedieenl ak tietied that.theyerethe bestBitters of which,|J°8!™:f boudsofthe UnitedStates,should be ex-|.4 228,Planter looses this.Healsoloses|preset a .sk weJthatcambethonghtoforwishedfor,|{have any knowledge,and the best Tobicvol-|,The cvnatruction of thePacific railroad empt fromState aud local on er theae he pays on thid waste.‘ :goed dere Oe is enable them to procure them cheaply |fered to the Aiperiean ie likely to result iu the substitutionofpe.|“Pt tu ‘The ut from New York to Liver. SR rn ere |cod.capeditionts,We OR Oe mr tar Be ROBT.y.staTER per Yor coin by ihe prople ov the Preide 39 ¢xemPltheamount of the taxce im alouels 25 opiite per 100 Ibs.,whichse&¢‘esivation,|¥>°Yih bewome “oer “Agent,Oke”Headred|Tienrgo'eoualy,Ve,done 25,”1860.coaet,-18 i probable shatsbe demama for |4 bYtheTocal authorities will be Ciara brtek'e $175.The "teigheSaeedtinvel;77Aalegen bryaaa nome.of the many Da Gooow:—Desr Sir:I have beeh suffer-pager for that pa:pose will not be legs|‘?*Hé interest the Government willbe re-from New YorkwLiverpool on 600,000" Daolines *;"e welt =omy differen:articles from which you makeyourse ing for twenty years with an affection of ehe|f°e*thirty williops of dollars,Asa con.|Ured to pay,and thusthe National Gov-i } ees rot ‘a aes lection of Helierpreset.weds Free |Kilne ys,prosttate gland snd stricture of the wenee,a very large quantity of coin |¢tment wil becomipelled to|etn forthegrowopenshahieaanblemonretarting‘Ws b gre bh gee rer urethra;have been under the treatment of ilthe ‘ubd y rd 4 a as oom tazée tm by thie localauthorities,eatieteena aaade :of tbe se tee eneTo ae a wre|thebees physiciansie the countr oneofwhom|¥!Seenwn Grow circulation,‘aud GeodsthiyTorteard as the ability toThesoresapayeneillbemadteLoammdyoobadid10centsforpack|"20 ®professor in 9 medical college Ait |thas to oe on borrow mouey may under seme clroum-|yr Jere emed to the ; «<abe oF the payweat w °amen Hino le eu on to ucdep |siled to relieve ae.I Gaally tried your Com-Japon the Atlantic coast,and the paper ia jee ve 7 nd forage ns dimiwishes ‘the bulk 15 per cent.,and a mer enn.;the busi SS eee ee saves about one-sixth of this|CURIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL ous.TOMS. :~|strud that not any other firminthe businemean|povnd Gentian Bitters;the effect was hike «|cirenlation in the States east of he Icky ia=“i —compete with us L any way whatever.charm—one bottle gave mecomplete relief,I moentains will be -aterially reduced,—of ~~Govern f y the I id not,which isequal to $135,833 saved Nov.3 1880.43—6t As'thisfreeticketisonly 00d for theBoli-!believeit to be the best thevicine f heve ever These changes w e048 to dimivioh tho |*V®'o mesof peace and ,be in on frow «ef 600,ies aint —|days,you must send in your orders before the|used.san,Ronee difference between paper and coin.—re mee otaoe “—rat 000 bales.wanu of the Wher ierrirmase-prest xno ’2th of January,1870.:S.A.x,}of the right te tax the means w ‘i ° Demsrest’s Young America,“In every Order aaidunting 10 orer $50,se-|Lirtle‘on,N.G.,Jay nh ioe tertels “kasvurnoy,‘ion ce oe eeaed raw material at home saves also the waste)baptize an infaut he uitersthe following "The most spartling Juvenile Magazine ever|companied by the cash,the Agent inay retait |Preparedonly by Dr.Guddin.The ability of the counwy to resume |‘The right t its awful f f of 15 per cont,and taras it to domestic beratityl sentiment :Coatrive so te"live, issued.”and Spleudid Chrome Pictures wf 4v-}g2.0 /and in every orderof over $190,$3.00 may JAMES T.WIGGINS int a :Radecki heads wt powens irve OF |geconat,'*(that you may depart ia amiles while al @ubou"sBirds vf Americaae +a Dts,and |beretainedto 5 :a specie payments will not Fe?HOY|any condition,restriction,or claim of an-Manafecturiog a home for the forcign|around you weep.” other fine Tings if each number,The No-Proprietary Wholesale A jent,speciallegislation upon that eabject,bat othor,is an essential condition of sover-kets add hird the.wa ad Vhe . vombersnd December sumbersfreetonew sab-Pay tho Bxpress Charges..NORPULK,VA.|tothe conditionof its industries and to ihe vignty,and the National Government the bulk Hicetenn bolt eichiendoa f wale wok wenn a w ..,a :x ...:.parties leasure.a « scribert Thisofferis moreexpeciallytoassist Agenis|GR”arsale,by Dy.D B.Poulson,Salis:|financial relations to other countrick,—|is msintained.The righttouseits jaw-manufacturedisworththree of the raw bad a coffia placed on the table,at *, The instructive,entertaining,and beat y :ce one ta :-fs Jéveeihe Manateeclertes see me lstho Mectore andSouthern States,butis open|bery.N 38 —¢hese,of courses,will be more or leas de-|ful powers frre of any couditieu,reatric-cotton,say equal to $300.containingsmummy or a skeleton of oe Spbaitadehete te eee.ces ,40 YEARS pootensnpewthe general policy.of the|rion,orelaimof anoiber,is an epsentiel bales manufac-|pain hich Herodotus a ane be de the ereeat COMMISSIONS.Eerie weroment.The war exhausted the condition of sovereign ty,and the Nation-woe Pag ig Noone r rer was eto ne theprone ith 5 aosone »jarenile ee nat wometewill beapaid6tse —in one as countey of ike material wealth,aud the lal Goverment should never earrender or waste,i¢525000 balessapnaheoagnedpro-this dantigh :“Lack upon this,‘aa other eagravings,the best stories,pumies,prises |club,forwhich below %e give apartial Litt of i.PUBLIC.are Bouh were wy on qualify iw powers in this particular.ducts,equal to $300 per bale,which is|enjoy yourself,for such will you become ihuvic,aud.a bostof pew aud eud-|Cotnmtasionsr {_A necearary condition for.the BANKING EVIL.mal to the te sum of $137,500,-|het divestedof your mortal garb jretsthatwill botonly secure the ationtios of|Poranorder of G3O,from a ciud of reamptionof specie payments was the There atetwo evils in the tbank-ovo This,then,atands against the sum|cusiom is frequent!alluded 10 by H Boys and Girls,but serve to purify and elerate Thirty,wo will pay theAgent,&commission,developmentof the ix ustry of ‘he nation a presen |,?{.e4 7 o by Hor- ; ace and Cattailns,and Petronious tells us their imind>,comamnicatenach¥;inable info|wh yds Broven of ed Sheeting,Good jog system which mire remedy ly |of $50,000,000,the value of 500,000 mative,aad pture #Wellspring of pleasure in |Dress Pattern,Wool Square Shawl,French |both Soath and North,ee ee prompt and efficient etohaes,The first |bales sald in the raw state.|that at thecelebrated banquet of ‘Trimak LU efoasehnid.Casermere Pants ond Vest Pattern,Fine lerge)f}accamulation of the movable products of ay ;in of bawks af al-|‘There i.therefore.a bai i wer |ik o vilver skeleton w eg Feselpsubteriptien 61 A wich «go d Micro-|White Counterpaue,ete.,ete.,of TO in cash.||industry to such an extent that our ox-|/*the practiceontbe part of ae Oe |.:Se }.as placed opt scope,or &peori-bandle Pucket-Knile,orabeav-|Poran of BEG,fom s Club of|porte a.products shoald be equal lowing interest apon deposits.The ef-|of the country of $87,500,000,prodaced |table to awaken in the minds of the \s thes as premium to each subscriber,and |Fils,we will pay the Agent,as Commindon,1 FAIL substantially to our imperte.So long es|feet of this practice is that moneys in the |by Converting the raw estion into «man-|the remembranceofdeaih aud of - Bplandidpremiums givenfor clubs.|45 yds.sheeting,one pair of heary wool ban:|“'7 apie handise im.|bands of fai viduals which otherwise|ulectared article,Add to this the suth |ed friends. j kets,poplin dress pattern,handsome wool |FUK BRONUHIAL AND LIVER DI.|it #necessary to pay for merchandise im-ight beleaned for la tile and|of $115,000 paid on the te when shi In Careson,2 to th gorth .JESSINGS DEMOREST,aare shaw!silvercase watch,ete.,ete.,or SEASES read thefolle wing:by the transfer of Goverwment|"6 :regular merean me }’pa was .iP T ,:east 833 pee Y.00 in cash,|Thomes fl.Rainey.eq,Granville co.,N.€.,or other evidences of indebtedvesn,Her business |is yg ave diverted mae we and caved y mauulacturing at home.|of Tartary,the inbabitantshave a custom, Sprcimen chpies,with circulars,mailed free!”Por an orderof $106.from a clubof |ii Gnd your Pillstobe the bestfamily medi.to other countries.80 loug it will be im.the custody of banks apoa he idea that if}Add also the valueof the waate savedand |says Dr.Heylen,when a strangerofhand- on fegeiptnfton cents.|One Handred,re will pay the ayent,aa com}cine |haweeverastd.They haveproved very ben-os hoe :St tain epecie |(be security ie not better,payment cau be |used at home,by estimate $100,000,and |gome shape and fine featares tomes into xe beoribars sendingin before the first of|miedion,100 yde.of good Fard-wide Sheeting,|eficial in my own case.{have been very much af |practicableto resome aha ma'n i Specie obtained at a momeut's notice.|you have the sum of 87,745,00 made and |their houses,of killing bim in the night Sa me :5 b,Rich1 |Mletedfor &are,ondby tried kindof «pendSenet en ee |rent beeen,oN Weel Pane Cam E|medieme that |courtet bathavefound more «chan tee tinting of industry exported Vountry banks and others remote from |saved to the “hy by manufactaring |not outofdesire of spoil,OF to ‘eas his mere,ete.,ete.,or $10 in cash.}fet from your Pille than ali others.Mydisease ie hall Sceenel .|the large centres of trade,having receiy-|the raw material.ence it is perceived |body,but that the soul ofeach a cat a prize for the Indies.The finest,|.We do not employ any travelling agents,and |brovctnal iieton “Thivs eita inne ey ge ee.einebag 3D ——anal ed mouey on deposit fur which they pay |that yeu return to the producers the value |person might remain among them.“7 most and costly Parlor Engravingever |customers Bot pay ummMey,ty persons |12,casenin my family,andfind them tobe thevery interest,are anxious to transfer such fands |of their raw material,av in ease of sale |Among the superstitions of the Se cca —Americn presented se &premium |caper Ve our agents,winless.personplly medicine Bas Seena hoc hr arama ?bey eu \te other banka,from which they will re-|and shipment and nearly double thar sum|Lodians was one remarkable for its Bage- ;.—Money alwa Register.|Fhe Oureis Thorough.|ceive au equal or larger Interest in re.|to them and their country,in reds of|lar beauty:When a tosiden died,1! Zhe Useful,the Extertaining,and the tters.:vhiil eatserttonCheraiasaertofCotumibeecounty|stance that our bonds held abroad are seat turn.They are veltretened also by the}sale of manufactured goode,This comes |laadiocese &yo ing bird antil it first S ,ed writes 9 1863:)~the Is ‘.Beautiful.The.Modet Magazine of 5 eta particulars sed for Cetalognes,pasetiepor mae Ppl age He wen |Rome,sold in oar eat rte denie to place their funds where they cau |to them,or to the State,in imports or in gen to try its power of song,and then, a i seeds exported in coin.p aN ::. América.PAREER &CO.,—.liver and many oe hedthepein be at all times counmanded.Thos infla-|specie,beirg that mach over and above onding it with Demorest’s’ZHastrated Monthly:93 &100 Sumner St,Boston,Mum.sghOnnintesine:ante tos fu tee a dee |enced,large sams are placed on deposit |what is wow received,and that is an au-they loosed its bonds ever her grave in THEU B Depetests Monthiy.com-'Cet 15 1609 “a Sarahie Tord 2 febones of hesuUTHERN o a.ability or disposition to moot at!|*ith backs in thecities —especially in the |wual resale,the;belief that it would-nos fold ita wlags a a>jones in Ladies’and |B BEvAT ELX and the fret duce!tookgaveme rested Se city of New York,which isthe great cen-|Great aud interesting as this*may seem|nor close its ©yes wutil it had he ieee :'State of Morth Carolina,greatretief.5continuedtoune the Pitis fot two|ong obligations,bonds heretofore,and pow |°''Y &may y ad gonete t hikdren’s full-size Fashionable ALEXANDER GUUNTY weeks,bave pot ,|ere of trade and finance for the Atlantic|to the planters,the results to the country|spirit land delivered its precious burden to ae Bree!6 te }|ee Theses ton largeextent,held by merchants aiid |pap egiberr area of trede |Ginadcitlly,pefideaiie ena’onnen Ltenl anal P ,Supertor ‘,7 bankers will Be transf sd to capitaliats |Coes abe or ivary course of trade |Y,pohuca y and socia y I t e ovred an oat.. :ings;sepia:Kevley,administrator of Alfred Da ai)ene an ever to thepitas eyetim pod for permanent investment,When thig |c#*rency of the country tends rapidly to _beyond any ordinary conception.—|‘There is a curious tradition both of St, Mattersinall theirdepartments.vidson,:is atwarwith ft and wil conqver f.upiew Re ::_|the cities,and it is unwise to stimulate |Such av annual increase of luborproducts,|Patrick in Ireland,and of St.Coiuwbia i :BP TAINING curries I Roswell 406 whetae beth,G.W.Sweet can eae ee,in io Sa i setirmges mtg =see |this tendency by artificial means.say $87,000,000,through the ageucy of|Iona,that when they attempted topeace A and +d the best sathors,picy|gre wife Cynthia Rabert late a on Cou derthe enemy;which would be best.to take sedee the in@ ofpathainal ox 4 tal |Bat the evil does not eud with the inn|one commodity,produced by one clase of|churehes,they were impeded by an evi] spular Music by the best composers,“Gener,Juha Davidedn.Wergaret A Kerley,aanwaaalamtoee euGuuee,distart #in Eeirope willbevery slight,poverishmeot of the enumry.As the!citizens,will anuaally increase the pope-j spirit,who threw down the i as faat TREAUTIFUL totuprises sitimerons iJ-|—Wilhem Davidaon Jobe P Davideon,Dan't |a A wordtothe wiseiseoongh £4 and when,ava concarring fact,our ex.|50k in the cities may be called upon at |lation anll means,materia!and mone ,an-/as they were built,antil a haman victim int the Righest etyle of Printed}8.Davideoo,Haldah Davidson,Jave Dusid-|_Exercise your own Judgmentimtheangetis of de.oxelaniveof publicovsurition shal}|*"Y Moment to respond to the drafts of|til the wealih of the Sta:e can only be|was sacrificed and buried ander the foun. calendered paper,in thebeatman:|sort and William Davidson,heirs at law of|880s theeneny-will come,be ye alevteady with oa I Ww oar leporu,epecta aenta |their depositors,they decline to make loane |told by hundredsofmillions.Until towne}dation which boiri done,they stood firm. a style to jor a splendid volume|Benj UL.Davidson,yee Southern HepatioPils,eterhgseoumedwiahode a yd ra.|Tepresenting such funds npon commercial |and cities shall be built where the forest It is to be rand that there is too mach the end of the year,and altogeth-To William Davidson,one of the defendants |7%at eld,long knownand well tried remady y 'om gies paper payable on time,but insist upon !wow stands,and until thoweands of wheels |truth in this story,Not,of conree,that *=‘ Ee .b rn 5 mryoemeatf‘Seki |above named,»ngo-resident.:=DISEASED Linke”cae ont 00 the busleene making call loans,as they are termed,|shall tarn by the power of water;until |such a thine was done by cither a2 Obrie- ion,only $3.00 with the oo panycary aster ake »TO ALL EMIGRANTS.—Youasesbopttomake It wil not be wise to resaine oieis}with Government bonds or other obliga.|the planters and producers of this staple |tian,Patrick or Columbia,bat by the pa got oy ene ree|ns the oo aR ‘eae Teas he &home for yourself and family ma climate wbich ments while vo large a part of the im.1008 pledged «6 collateral security,Mer-j shal)found,and baild,and turn them all;|Denids,from who the story was Mthered and Fichly worth $10,en-|*"r Ox tol Ale eters be 17th |reopenheat not,bate accustomedto;yoo wil,iat t-bearting debt e P :chante generally will not borrow money |shall grasp thereby all the elementa of|upon the former,Under cach of the re deck le ae al Anas hae eet ere acon Tin ponte ne i.tesented b "6-90 bonde aod helt me ke in large sums payable on demand.The|power,heretofare cummernted,by which|twelve pillars of aneof the Druidientcir- Bpcitn A@dhas”You are alsonotified,that the snmmons in ear neen ¢iL roptas y ts ,eae y fay.|@HSEquence is that the moneys thas ae-|government is formed,by which laws are|cular temples in Jona,a humanbouy'was THLY MAGAZINE,the case ig returnable to the next teri of the pik at detusinayWere ate be,the Bee of reba ,°eutnulated in the city banks are loaned to |made and administered,by which ecienee|found to have been buried.: "BSS Broadway,N.Y,|Superior Court aloresaid,to be held at the They oanbesankto any poinsinthe UnitedStates \‘craone engaged in speculative pursuits,|sheds its Hight,the arte are wade to flowr-hatshahtinncetiiadicis alll kin, She postage on the Eas |Court House in Taylorsville,on the 25th day|by Exprase.Our eouree,it soome te a,plain,-—jc?The extent of this evil ia seen in the ith,the Fiteratace of the country is made Srrit AnEAD.—That Star Spayguep jacluded.|of Decem er next,when and where you are Wowone Grae Bee ©ae a.een aes fact,that,of the bank loans Ta the city of |to adorn it;by which the fre om ot con-Banyer,which for seven Sears basbeaddr: icines as are adapted to the diseasesof thatglimate; Wazazine with sirco-hereby reqnired :o ar and answer the|Theessh either Cw :d F he ,; ata itak ied pret dase Ont ann ile velatofond currency,It ix New York in eee net gal ing wey be —rey the méral }waved”to the Ereat satistaction ef ite will apply to sa'd Court for tberelief demand.|”‘ne tet probable that some deortasetn the volume|YET?PON eommercia paper and $68,|grandeurof man himself shallbe exbibi-many thousand readers,and to the great ad in the comphrint.:ee “4 of paper willuljimately ba hécensary,ae 000,000 upor demand,with a pledge of |ted in the image of hie Maker.Then we dimeuthefaectionofall swindiers and ls Witness,E,M.St@venson,Clerk of thesaid wiper nedsWaleeetee ee ty s dsespectfally suggest that’the oolaterols;and in October,1869,$99,.|shall have the balanceof trade in our fa-generally,is eved more wide awake ‘hen Seperior Uvart at at Taylorsville,the 3d Mon-every where and on Redry ofthe Treasury clothed with 000,000 wire apon commercial paper and;vor.Then,aud not till then,willcapital ever.It has ‘at an immense day in August 1869.G.B.POULSON msc ee $99,000,000 upon demand.In the for-|flow to na as a tide,and immigration os securedtheservicesofan*cutateltte,’ Something New ana i ;VENSIW oat :Salisbury,N.G |authority to reducethecirculation of Uui-:a —Clerk Rape eisor he cele Cae nea =¥ted States notes in an amount not excced-|M*T Year 41 percent and in the latter|wave roll ""pon us without an effort on and the result ie thatit to Give ':“as F :»|Year 37 per cent.of the loans tade by |onr part.es agdh.aud uurpten via 2 a oo eese =oy —aote omni L EPAGE BROS “EC,oa aertbeseaons ‘be Sem a the New York banks were upon deaased.-Does any one ask where the money ie SRertotait nnn ae era rater.(old and Wiver Waldes.Watch =P R dc Whiski *0.,—i Nae art A further resalt is seen in the fact that |to come from?We snawer,in the lan-!)Thi or foe avers bat eae ae ure hye an orn 8 es,GENERAL ait ei.ae m4 parties borrowing money upon commer.e of Mr.Ovoper,“from the planters saree ree work of Mt 8 one Charms.&¢,.Re.Distilled in th Old Style,Pare and Un-¢j j h ts stowase a a ”rent *pg cial paper for legitimate commercial pac.SOF the South first,if they please.”They saatcy a ee foot ia cist,and is (THEY RETAIL AT 23 A duiternted.ot th OWmISS on Mur aon a ibe A gadaae,,ys |poses pry from three to six per cent,ad-|have the money power.Uuless thus od The Ba ..in ever ofr. MANOPAOTURED BY adulterated.at the .ditioual interest per aenum as compared |used,it wast run to waste.forty selon pener,orerirolag eed ’f ANDones7 ;FUNDING THE FIVE-TWeNtiEs.ith ®who b = GEO RGE ions,”Old North State Distillery,CO TTON FPA CTORS,Wadler iheoh Wiberastenres,tr’decs box oo rh om iy —_—o-splendid readiug of all kinds ahd Goats Ahad sold by Confectioners 2ud 8 =}KUCK.&CO P ’Commerce St.,Morfolk,Wa.ta to be wise to th ize the {recommend that a law be areal eat The world is'a sera of glass;affliction |OMly 75 cents a ear,which is cheapTien.uO for th :—GROOT,:—.funding he wiinle ameait efile 8.».ling absalate i the sia of bilsrest by |Seatters our path wich sand and ashes,in for the paper alove,but the thas tri are (cane =CH ARLOTTE,N,Cc.care paren a og <artaey .wr aly bondswhi sAS ia now antic ipa.banks Upon deposite,aud hmitng also borer to keep our feet froae sipping.at -ttdeet 2.subsciber a .c ON our friewda 0 bewar a .sy wh!a“,é «y f a ;ae .-:.||4 ;:»e = ance ©cA ationour friewds to t reof won]arcey Went to purchase 500 or 1000 head COUNTRY PRODUCE,other kinds ¢|ted will be on sta Bling on the lstof July their loan upon collaterals to an amount)Time borders upon eternity.It re paper ite cube aanelueile a e Jess 'mitations.the Bon Tor hein the aie .7 |::: sy Westandard of which aial)always vg esky?bre Cattle,and pay the bighest Cash Prieés for|CP Liberal advances an eonrignment next,bot thar $2°G,000,000 at feast alo ald |pot exceediug ien per-zcut.of their capi qmres bat an imeutut to make tho pasaace |will PAY Lo send for ee.1-470 t ly 9—-96-¢5 nd!in eithes for purchasy !tal.es specimentoThe8 ;orn nd Rye july 2-266 wad prowpt retucng juty0227 —|be suffered’to +gain citbes for prrchasy |ta tum the ove to the ether,'Spangled B :FE mi ee ;*; *2 4 ene Th.seo i imi a aecoiee‘gy i va b :aon i Me é iy.Z on ae ' sub- ley’sMe, Twoweeksago we bed anarticleopthis .L d Mr, could ly Ashley agaip on Ssturday last,at Lexington. Heiisformedjawthiat.he hind just received 4 let-ter from Dr,Bears,Treasyserof the Peabody ,fund,in which.Dy,Sears acceded to the propo- sition to.appropriste $300of that fund to ‘the| school in this place,ifone hundred popils,einbesecared.‘These’can ‘be secured without:thehigdifficulty,and mote too..Of cournethe school conimisdioners will do their duty,andweshallverysoonhavethe.school in operation.Mr:Ashleyfurthermore informed ys that “if the city,and Salisbury Township,would’raise hy taxation,or by contrilmtion,the eum of $1,500,the sym of $1,000 wouldbeappropriated by the trystecs of the Peabody fund...With thisfund,in addition to what,we would receive from the Stateeducationalfundme.could have one er more excellent schools for several years con- tinnonsly,.And surely-no town or township inNorthCarolinaneeds’such schools eore than urs,Cannot the nroney be raised?We dopotseewhy.\We.call theattentionof all con- cernedtothismatter...Thecause of education is 80 intimately connected with that of morality and religiow that we think the foinisters of our several chutehes should lend their assistance~in euch manner gs tay think proper.We believe that Mr.is honestly disposed to gp faithfu)discharge of his duties as Superinten dant of Public Instraction,and that he is anx- fous to ee clr every asaistance in his power.We:that his laudable’efforts.wil} everywhiere be Secondedas they should be.The @estion of e lucation is inno sense %politica) fone,and,so far as we have been informed,Mr. Ashley abstains from all ipterference in the par, 4y politics of the day. —_— THE N.W.N..O.RAILROAD COMPANY. 3 ‘We have anand ©vege of the several atts,passedby the legislature at its last ppaion, appropriatingbondsforthe completion of cer- tain unfinished railroads.We at firsthedsome “i abonttheconstitutionalpowerofthe Jeg torepeal said agts,as our readerswillremember.As these ects weremere amend- thereis onehonorable exception.We 5 td the company whose name heads(his article.‘That Companyhas strictly compliotiteleotai!allthework reqntred ofit beforeitreceived‘y>agportionofthe bondsappropriated to it.— type from most pf those entrasted with the man- agement Of the other unfinished roads in this State.Ifall of our works of internal improye- mentwereunder thecontrol and management |of men like Ms.Belo and Mr.Paiterson we |dom die thera,will cenare,them.Calm and |1*074#the provisional goverument extablish- |reflecting men will ai least besilent in relationShouldhearnoclamorforinvestigatingcornmit- tees.We would hear no talk of vepodiation.--| ‘We wouldnotbe compelledt©hang our heade| in shameat therecitesofthe acts of our Rail-) oad Presidentsinthe stock markets of New York—“Buylling”them up when they want to sell,and “Pegring”them down when theyJoboy.Without having been informed in 1 clation to| his conductin the matter,we bave nohesitation | in saying,from what we know of his character, that Hon,Jesse RB.Stubbs,President of the Williamston and Tarboro road,is also an excep- tion to theprevalent rule,équally with Mr.Belo pnd Mr.Patterson. —_—---—peo-—-—— A correspondentoftheN.Y.Herald has re-gently “interviewed”Hon.Peter B.Sweeny,a |Hever been re-opened since the war,and the |TX Swrxvier Lirtteriri».”prominent Democratic politician of that State,|Publicwnfiey mach inconveniences in conseqnence.|Thus these Radical leaders belabor wet ad Among the reasons given by Mr.Sweeney,why |We are glad to see that the Slendard is making|other.Tle honest peopleof the State exelaim: the Democrsey was unmotesfnl in the late |effort to procure increased mail facilities for |“Lay on MactuS”&e.&.Let them fight is ‘Presidential election,is that “a faise and uncer paryfxancial iamewas sprung upon Ge party.”—‘Thisin,no dombt,true.Thepartyin New York, atthe recentStateelection,repudiated the isene and wentfor preservingthefaithandcredit of thenation animpaired.The resultwasaDem- poraiic vietoryimthatSiata The fact ix thatthefameofnationalrepudiation‘will sink any aceon party that adopts My.farther says that Chief Juice Chased,whomhe pronounces “a statesmaninthe best senseof the term,”wasthemantocompro-Faireonatthat time,and thyt bjs nomination’the.only hope of eaeegm,Thi isBhatalmosteverybodysayanow,butis.waslit- phe better than treason,in the esjimationof many, fosay 20 then.Mr.Sweeny furtherthinksthat Chief Justice gill probablybethe Ropnblican nominee for the Presidencyjn}872.Weshallnot.be.surpriced fheis,and jfr0 hiselection will be-certen.— Beforethat-timeitigmorethan probablethat theLiberalswillobtaincontrol of theRepubli- pan party,ifthe partyignot ‘token up in the‘mean time.And ifitis Mrs Chase will be aj thebend:ofthe Liberal party that will be fozm- pd in consequence,; os PUB CONVENTION BILL We make the following extract from a letter | just received frotm onr Senator,Major Robbins,fing power.of a man who was well known |ince thewhoishimselftheChairmanofthecommittee;|in New York aga prpfessinval gambler,and |express political sentiments for several years af-“it is nnderstaod that tle special committeeharconcludedtodelayjtareportonthe,Conren- tion BN wntil after she recess.The report will be presented soon after theLegixlatareinJannary.”\ HW eerneaeiet a ophinghhcMptechiedPoadoatihvia!memuge,Te dee Uae f Odea,barteredsortonilshal!le apptiedto ll the members—te ean ab tc )Bae ceredaaieoepubs,the e :pA.4all wasrequired of pee uct pe the ¢themibers wereutiested except elect Senators, that is the onlypartofits workthat will have‘tovbe doneover,'The Senate,will,doubtles,ro-fuséto seatthepresent Senatorselect from Geor-giaand require herfegislature,after the colored |menibets Have been‘restored,to elect others.— Thisisall that will resujt from.carrying out the '§sugueationwas gue OF compro-mise,made inthe apiritof mediation and peace, to save Georgia.from sucha ity seems tohepretty.certain..Jt may,and no doubt will, Feeult in the ¢lection of Senators who will be very unacceptableto the inteigent people ofGeorgia,Bug stil}tt will be vastly preferableto a year or two of military government with all the incidents.of another reconstruction|of tlie State Government,under»xnother act ofCon- gress morg prescriptive,perhaps,pee ner,«tM tes Since the shove was in type We ineline to theopinionUhatiftheLegislatureofGeorgia,whien it meets at the time ¢o which it stands adjourn- ed,wild re-ailmit the colored membera;in pur- the State,nothing more will be required.This will only be a voluntary complianee,onthepart Président.Ifshe does this it is believed that ‘all the bills now pending to reconstruct that State,or her legislature,will fail.And if they do fail it will be owing to the mediationof Gen, Grant,“We doriot endlorse the courseofthePresidentinthethatterperee,but think it wine as one of policy, __So--——_—_— FUE MISSISSIPPI ELECTION.vie Contrarytothe expectations of many,the Radical ticket hasbeen electedbya verylarge majorityinthisState,while the objectionable clauses of theConstitution,which were submit- ted seperately,have been ‘voted out.This ex- citesthe more surprisebecause at a former elec- tionthe Statewas carried by the Conservatives, and theConstitution defeated:But weneedpet gofar to seekan explanationofthecame.The peopleofthatState,as in Virginia,were tired ofthe existingconditionofthings,andwere de- terminedthatitshouldcease,Seeingthat the Conatitutior,with (he proscriptive clauses strick- enout,wasthe best they could have anyhope ofobtaining,theydecided toacceptofit.They notonly determined to agcept of it,but they al- #0 determinedtodonoactwhichcould afford the longer.Actjog upon this idea the Conservatives nominated Judge Dent,the broth- er-in-law of Gen.Grant,forGoyernor,inthe hope of satinfying the President,and the RepublicansinCongress.Butwhenthey saw that this gonld pot prove aulafactury—wheo Gen.Grant threw his jnflaenceimfavor oftheradicalcandidate— tmanyofthem determinedtitherto let the elec tiongoly default,or vote for Alleorn.Th's they.did that Vongress might set have the Slightest pretext for kéeping them out any lon- ger.Thatthisisthe true explanation hardly admitsofadoulkt,If Gen.Grant nd thrown the influence of hix administration,as well as his personal influence,in faror of Jndge Dent,a» he did in favor of Col.Walker in Virginia,it gan scarcely be doubted that hewould have been elected by a large majority.Thousands of the Conservatives of Mississippi,doabtless,took no other thar «practical viewof the situation,and acted accordingly.Of course that clase of poli- ticians who are for “dying in the lagt ditch” sooner than surrencée a principle,but who sel. to theircogdact underthe cireamstances.are-+=00eg Man.Pacstittes ron Noarn Csgouya.—We have received a letter from Lon.Jolm T.weene,tn be saya:“I have justaten the nd Asxistant Postmns- ter,Gen.G.4.Smith,who informemethat anyoftheoldpqutesoftheStatecanbeopenedbyapetitionofthecitizens,sent on to me,with the name ofsome one,who will taketheoffice of ofpostmaster;éither male or female;who cantaketheoathofoffice.Now if they wiil dothis,no more complaint can be made.This only ;applies to the old routes.Let the people knowthis.” We clip the above from the Standard,and are |Sladtolearn thatthereix,atleast,a proxpect ofVIEWSQF&NEW YORK POLITICLAN.|beving some of the oid mail routes openedagain.|in office s+Railroad Presidents,and otherwise,In this part of the State we have but few mail A majority of thé old foutes havefacilities. the people of North Carolina,and we are rearly ta qpoperate with it to the extent of our ability. pee NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL TAX BONDS. The ecrpet baggers a pear to have got pos- session of these secarities;for we hear ofthemifeveryoutof-the-way novk and cor- ner.A large Lup Af itis said,base beenqainbledawayhyOneoftherailwayDPresi-dents of the wnfortanate State of North Car-dlina.These boods were isened in aid of ex- isting roads and te build new ones;but in- stead of being delivered as was :equired bytheexigenciesofthework,were handed bythebushelbasketvoofficerswfthecoim-panies.who seem to be baving a good tingwiththem.They Rave sold them down totwenty-seven,and where they will stop remainstobeseen.Tad not the State better“atop”before itis too late?Where is the enminittee of investig-tion whieh was eum-ing North to inquire about them ? The above,from the New York Herald. .5 11forGeorgiathanremandingherto},Neill Ageemeioneosreerantedee stance of the decision of the Supreme Court of any pretextto delay the admimionof Sait gta the Winston Sentinel.Wehave no do statements containedin it are true,”months ago agentleman,inwhomwe have’‘|confidence,informed us thatoneof the’other or Fy ofthesectionin controversy.»W: memberedthatTourgee,SweetandFalladventurers,wenewt fet a fprlaedsprejudicewhichprevailsagains,“carpet:gera”as a clasa:i ae YeALRGISLATIVEUSURPATIONPREMEDI?:W.H.&Sweet,the Seantor frota District,who was also ation,offereda resolution in the Senate,proposintoreferthematterofthetenwofpresentLegislattiretotheSupremetheirdecision. the resolution, over:from A the tine theya,nt-whieh tinereionwyuldcommence. 4:mires ah tery Beale:talk,but Judge Tour:who was-C n oficatheivearticle,stated on thetrainashewasgoingfromRaleightoGreensboro,onbaervga6evenitig,Nov..26th,that Sweet knows ing!represenlature.Ho ae Seat he.Sed &newiupexyyatatitheTegislaeonetdee~thr,er four years and fowr monandthatheshowedittoHeatonandSweet,whoweresitting.one on onside of yt.thatHeaton,who was.at man,0)sayingthatifitwaapotinthatwaydefeattheConstitutionandthatSweetagreedwithhim,andthattheywentbehindtheSpeaker's desk and con-sulted;and that he drew up the present section,#0 worded aa to mislead thepeople as to itamean- ingand intent.“He suid cbatSweet and HeatonjwerebothdelightedatthemannerinwhichheHiadsneceededin-their object,and that Sweetwasnotonlyknowingtoit,but a-partyéto it, This statement.of Judge Tourgee,which wasmadetotworesponsiblegentlemen,and not inaconfidential.manner,byt publicly,places Mr. |either told a falachood to the Senate,and ia aartytothefravdandweurpationnowaboutto|eticed npen the people of North Caroling, |or eae Tomgee haa told a falechged on him, Mr.Sweet knows whether ‘Pourgee told the truth or pot,and he bas the power,if innocent, to clegr himelf f the charge.Winaton Sentinel. 2 ae”Prez,of the Standard,attended the Fair of the.Roman Catholic ladies in Raleigh a few evenings since.He wag completely overcome by the smiles of the beautiful young ladies,—the “Angels”—who tuok advantageoftheir pow- er overhim to secure a numberofvolwutarycon- tributionsfromhiagenerouspurse.Under the influence oftheirenchantmentshe was induced toinvestmore or leas in about twenty “wax ba- bies,”"—most of them having “yellow hair’— 8lounge,a sewingmachine,pictures and innu- merableother good and pretty things,bexides somethingtoeatintheshape of chicken salad —orsomethingresembling it.The result was thathelosthis appetite,his money disappeared, andhe“cameout fuller,happiersnd poorer”—~ couldnot gothe next nightbecause his “finan- cial conditionwasbad”—failedandhadto su» pend specie payments.Thisisallhetelle but we suspectitisnotall.His wholearticleseems togiveevidencethata very tender sentiment had beenenkindled—thataverytenderfeeling had beenaroused—that his heart had -beer! |of someoneofthe fair and lovely dameals in \attendance,and that it had pawed into her por- j@emion.”Ifthe strains in which he writes about |it are not deceptivewedo not wonder that he }eame out ¢“happier”man, =>---— Tas Retuearonn Sran etill keeps up a |heavy and well directedfire upon Governor Hol- }don,and al those Radical leaders who adhere |to him as their chief,or in any way follow his |fortunes.It holds him responsible for most of |the frand,extravagance and corruption which |have so greatly damaged the character of the |State and brought her to the verge of financiallrulnwithinanastonishinglybriefperiodof ‘time.It says that His Exceilency “is a good worker and does well enough when his course is +markedout,and he follows,insteadoftrying to |"Tt eays that “in about five months he ed by Andrew Jahneon,”and that “in les than in eighteen months he has well nigh ruined the }Republican party in this State’Moch of this }is true.No mancanbe a greater failore than |Holdenas the acknowledged leader of a party in power.He will ust and employ no manof ,talentsand elevated character,Jlealwayseclects men Of tainted fteputations and without infla- |gace—men that do not command public conf- |dence.Theresuit is,ac statedby theStar,that he has,to a great extent,broken down the Rad- ical party in thie State.Ile haa failed utterly as ite leader,and he will nerer be the leader of \*votber party. The Starisaleo verysevereuponthe“Ring,” and npon many whom Gov.Helden has placed |I:is particularly severe on Andrew Jones,Dr. |Bloan,and an individnal whom it calls “Miz- |emt,bot let all the Trae Republicans who have|acted with them join the Conservatives and moderate Democrats in a liberal party for the peace of the State.eae POLITICA Snrely the time has épme when peace should berestoredtoout beloved Old Btate.The ie sues growing out of the war and reconstruction haveall been settled,It is the partofpatriot iam to accept of the situation in good faith and labor,forthe inangnration of an eraof goodfecting.The past should be forgotten.The! broad mantle of charity—“charity toward all and malice toward none”—should be thrown erred.Parsion should be buried and rensonshouldbepermittedtoreajmeherrway.Mod- eration should rulein thecounsels of theState. Batthiswill gever be .extremistsof eitherparty exercise acon inflaence in the politicsoftheStgte,Theradicaliamofone confirms what we bave before stated—that One great cause of the depresiation of oar] ponds wee a total want of gopfidence in| those who have the mavagement of thew,| aud whe now-havg possession of theState | Goverdment.Who is responsible for the| appointed to the Presidency of ove of our| Railroads in which the State has a control.| whe was known in.no other way 7?Untilan entire change takes place in the g yvernment | re-ansembling of the |/f the State her credit will notimprove,that ,change wil]be made at the uext election.—| party is as mach tobe dreadedipthefature as the radicaliem of the qiher.The honest and truly conservative men of ali portiesahould mnite and form a new party forthe Goternmentof the State.On this enbject we submit the following om ood ae er fWeinviteattentiontothearticlebelowfom kswhe presenting iGitnstienssthatrection|re man of the Committee whieh, ted the whole affair before the }. touchedbytheirresistablegentlenessand charms | gvertheerrorsandfailingsofall for Apuhave?* a a Se acer oe Gonrann eset Judge |age dishonest wneling to, Seewholesaleabuse.of the propereeBOLT: gtipene tetidadinel the impesnion/South|asa Gomorraacnt mand Liberal |‘that the xxwill makeitelyworse.”; have entertainedand urgedforthree The Chronicle will find in the OldeNorth ahearty co-workerin theeause.of peace and har- of the State of Georgia,with the views of the |Sweet in ratheran awkward position,He has|mony.The Hillsboro Recorder,we believe,entertains ,j tlmflar views,asdoe l :the |GreensborePatriot,the Salem Press andseveral other papers,Alarge numberoftheablest andbestmen_of the §tate,both amongtheCon- servativesand Republicans,also entertainthe sameviews,as we to know. We always speakof the Republicansin North Carolinaasaclassseparateanddistings from theRadicals,or so-calledRepublicans. —— Gen.FrankP.Blairhasbeenmakingsspeech in New York on President Grant.He sti.) thinks,as he did during the last Presidential canvas “thatheis a capable and courageous man,but ambitiousandunscrupulous;”that his aimistofixhimselfon the coantry and make hisdictatorshipperpetual.”Healso thinks he sees,in the President’s recommendations in ref- erencetoGeorgia,“sonsethiing which,if acted on by Congress,is the forerannerof other meas- ures of the same character inperfect consonance” with his characterandalms,and a good deal more of thesame sort. Frank Blair is as nearly played out as anypoliticianintheUnitedStates,andhis opinion ofthePresident,and hislate menage,is only given a+a matterof interest to the curious,and not becanse the slightest significance or impor- tance attaches to them.Having aidedtoweigh downthe Democracy at the lastPresidential election—by writing a revolutionary letter,and |mffering himself t@ be placed upon its ticket for the Vice Presideney—beyondthehopeofspeedy recovery,hehadbetterkeep his lipsclosed for the futare. ——--———-——— CONGRESS. Washington,Dec.11.—Revenue to-day $362,000. The Senate Judiciary had another meeting yesterday on Georgia;anda bill agreed epon jor carryion oat the suggestions of the Pree - deut's message,Bullock ws before the com* tittee and made statements relative to the condi ion of affairs in that State,which be represents to be little better than it was durinz the wer,thatis,s0fer as Uoron menarecon- |emeed.The bill will be reported next week. Carpenter introdoced a juint resolution,for- Videhng the departure of the “panish gun boats Kellogg introduced a bill for a Naty Yard at New Orleans. The bill regarding Georgia follows the Pres- |ident’s seygestions,with the addition that the|reconstreeted Legistature stall be provisional until her members sod Seuators are admiued to their seats.The prospects of the admission of Virginia are brighteoing.Butler asked permission for the pobdlicationofthethrevebillsfortheadmissionofVir- ginia,lo expedite the commitier's actioa to- morrow. A number of bille were introduced onder the regular call,many of them on the subject of disabilities.Thecommittee on Waysand Means were instracted to inquire into the expediency ofrehevingtheprovisionsaadetromtaxation.— Five members of the Banking aod Oarrenc: Commitiee to which Ingersoli's $44,0u0,ad- ditional currency bill was referred,voted to lay on the table.A bill was introduced dispensing with spiesfromtheRevenueservice.The Census tillwasconsideredentiladjourn-ment, Wardwell,Supt.of the Virginia Peniten- tiary,stated befure the raction com-mittee,that that institation cootained 495 negroes and 44 whites,who bad served in theFederalArmy,25 who had been in Federalemp'oyment and 15 of 20 who had been.intheConfederateserview,total newber of prisoners621.Washington,Deo.13—Hoave—Mr Butler introduced Mr Parnworth’s till in the Houseto-day,admitting Virgiaa without qualifice- tena,i Mr.Paineoffered a snbstrnte to the same‘eivet,bat receivihy the State organised qauer reconstruction laws. given that the port and the Cynstiqation of theeeandcarryoytitsprorisions.©Judiciary committee will report nofa-torably ‘upon the nomination of Yanan agCwrenitJndgeforthesixthDistrict,ules 4 Sher |Da’:de | To theabove'views ofthe Chroniclewegivea hearty éndorsement—they are those which wepast, forth State FRANK BLAIR ON THE PRESIDENT,| iw Mri Mibrerdn aflered anamen‘the adoption of the filteouth anendwe oe ‘ae oe . Mr.Cole presénted a renolation directing theFinaueecommitteeteinquireintetheekpe-ve ey of taxing whiskey one dollarper xal- Mr.Kellogg int a bill for'the re-pair of the NewOrleans CostonHouse.The Senate then adjoatued in hovor of MrFessenden.Honse.—The Waye and Means committeeweredirectedtuinquireintotheoxpediencyofabolishingtherevevoemachineryandtoortiontaxeesamongtheStates.;r.Cox ivtrudueed thd following resolu- tien :Resolved,That the people learn with hor- ror and indignation the treatmevt of Awe i-ean citizens held as Fenian prisoners by|England. he Seeretory of War asked for inforina-tou in regard to deepening the muuthoftheMississippiriver,Adjourned. —--+- CIRCUL!JUDGE, Our North -Carolina aspirants,Chief- Justice Pearson and Jusice Rodman,have not been appointed United StatesJusticeoftheCireujtcomprisingtheStatesofDelaware,Maryland West Vir-North and South Caroliva.The resident hae recommended George APearre,of Maryland,for tke position. Judge Pearre is about fifty yrars of age, and is representas having a Uniowrecord without flaw.He was president of aUnionconventionatCumberlandatthebeginningofthewar,which denounced secession as treason,and exerted a'l his influence in favor of the government,de-nounced thone engaged in the seceexion movement in the most severeterms.[le represented Alleghany connty in the couvention of Unioniats beld at Baltimore in January,1961,and made an able speech in favor of apholding the govero- mentof the United States.He wae eleetes|Judge of the Cirenit Court of Alleghany county in 1866,tofilltheunexpiredtermofJudgeSmith,and held the position urtil removed by the Democratic Constit ational Convention of 1867.During the Presidevtial contest of 1868,he took »n active part in the campaign,cawvassing-Weatern Mury landinsapportoftheRepublicancandifates.He was tendered lam the nomination for Congress from thefourth district,bat |declined on accomnt of his ments.This fact ie greatly iu bis favor, and ie an caruest that heintendstobe«judge,and not like Daderwood,a politi-eian.The Baltimote American says no man,we are confident,will ever be leesopentothechargeofpartisanshipinthedischargeitSi,pidliied Sucieaionsa Aol bewillprove.—Wil Journal MARMIED: In Charlotte,N.C.,onthe14th inst,br theRev.Robert Burwell bp see Artnistesd Bur- well and Mise Ella Jenkins,daughter of‘the late Joel H.Jenkina,of Salisbury, Tn this county,Dec.2,1869,Rev.Gaml.gee,Ms.ohn Eagle and Amanda eD aroa onthe 10th inst.,Mra Mary C.Nelson,wife of Philip M,Nelson, andsecond da ofthe late Wm.N.Whi-ting,of Norfolk,Va. ‘NEW ADVERTISEMANTS. \Sasernesen Anse S Gale ofri\Cormand Rail Road Stoek..---On Wednesday,the Seb day of Jannaty,2,». 1870,|wil!exporeto public sale.atthecourthouseooso'c,ock,M.,aboutsixty bnghels rpheyweds stock im the North Onrelinaawe,nae Deo.14,180. OONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE WILL OOMMENCE THE NEXT TERM34,1870,at.4 eontinna vit months, Board and Tuition thesame gx formerir.Addreas,REV.B.PF.Rock WELL.Statesville,Deo.9,1869.5O—2t 50,000 Fruit Trees. J.Linpuey a some,wale 3 con- premtams foremffrnite/all - W.Ho Howrnror,Agent, President withdraws him.Tho State department tas information that21Stateshaveadopted:the “fifteenth amend- spent, Among the bills introduced is one to build a jadicions,rensible and patriotic remarks from that old and influential journal,the MiltonChron: tele: “Wecan’t say that we have had any politiggithewarbrokeuptheoldWhigTFDeltrties,In fact we were not allowed to ter the war closed,and tac U,States Army wasstationedheretopreventusopeningourmouth,| unless we opened it to glorify the big Generals |and the extreme radical party.Having,howeyer,|wen thoronghly recpaatgyet-| ederal court house st Raleigh;providing forMenrofloyalcitizensforqiartermas-commissary stores taken by Federal.A resolation endorsing the President's‘co -eT treaty with !tleo a reso adjourning from thé22ndtothe5th.of ‘fee 4MrButlerofferedaresolutiondirecting the committee on Ways eens to report.abilltaxinginc>mes fi interests on Federal bonds and banking oufrency,endordering-sreportonthefluctuystioneofgeld. y WILLIAM VALENTINE,THE BARBER,R&z,NS HIS THANKS to his OLDERIENDSandthePublicfortheliberalPennasbetmeforeextendedtohim.He nownfornisthemthathehasfittedupanewandcommogings Shop,in Dr...Henderson's Brick-Building,Room No.2, where he would:bepleasedtdsee them.Hearanteestogivesatisfactionineverycase.—He has in Sone of the best Hair DressersRrxCarolina,He requests cal! , Salebyry.WC.Dao.17,1800, fo engage.|bought ut highest market prices for fos and heard ex parteas to them. .a fitnrsmgWDSARE Sei Pom ©a econ y parts rete Gee 1stere;‘aud their STOCK OF GOODS,ms ,Godot gains arcs*—eucnerregiwnseenhadandarestillreceivingfromthecitizensof ry r ¥V!:WINTER DRESS-GOODS Willhexoldatat cost and.carriage,tooutthebalansualshatalam66Goede ma MOCK &BROWN keep one of the largeststocksof DryGoodsip the State. RANDOLPH SHIRTINGS;and COT- TON YARNS,at Factory prices. 5,000 yds.44 RANDOLPH SIEET- INGS,IN STORE.' 600 PIECES PRINTS,ASSORTED, A full lineof Cassimeres Cloths,Ready MadeClothing,BOOTS &SHOES,HATS,SOLE LEATHER,BOLTING CLOTHS, COTTON BAGGING AND TIES ;0 large stock of SUGAR,COFFEE,PEPPER,SPICE, TEAS,SODA,&c.,always on hand,AT LOW PRICES. MERCHANTS will find it greatly to thetr interest to examine our stock before making pmchases inthis market. FLOUK,CORN,OATS,BALE and LOOSE COTTON,BEESWAX,TAL- LOW,RAGS,DRIED FRUIT,&c., CASH and BARTER. GH We cannot clove this notice without‘expressing our kindest regards to thecitizensofSalisboryandConntrygener.ally for the very large and liberal patron- agetodeal liberally nod fairly with everybody,and to sell Goodsaslow as anyhouse in the State.MOCK &BROWN, Wao.esate anv Retait Mercitayts, decl7—2m Salisbury,N.C. T ~~oe OFr pees aSchool aLadies,on the corner of MainandHankBeret |Salisbury,under thegeneral supervision ofJ.R.Wharton,The servicesof and com texporiencedTeacherswillbesecuredfortheseveralments.A limited number of beneficiaries will admitted.be English Branches — Wicker Png PranchoweteFrench,oop Voeal and mental Music,:20,00 Use of Piano,{for practice,)250Drawing,Painting,ete.extra.Contingent Fee,(va adeames,)TUITION PAYABLE MONTHLY.‘ J.8.MovSaliabaryN.C.,Dec.7th,1869. Morth 6 Scrsawve Coont,Stasiy Courrr.Fall Term,1969, A.8.Moss,administrator of Thomas Mose,againet Roland Forrest and wife Jane A.Forrest,A. A.Moss,M.A.B.Kendall,0 W.Mose,—Threadeill and wife MM ill,J.C.Mors,V.C.Moss,and Wil te Moss.Petition to make Real Estate Assets.To this case it appearing to the’satisfactionofthevourtthatTherendyillandwifeMMThreadgill,M AE Kendall:OW Moss and4GMoss,defendants in this proceeding arenon-residents of this State + Therefore,it is ord by the conrt that pnb- lication be made for weeks in ‘The Old Nortlr State”newspaper,notifyingtheeaid de:fendants to appear before thé Judge of’ournextSuperiorCourttobeheldfortheeonntyofStanlyattheCourt[louse in Albemarie,on the first Monday in Jany,1870.then and there to auswer the petition of the plaintiff,filed in this court,or judgment will be taken pro con Witnes’,J,M.Redwine,Clerk of the Supe- rior Court of Stanly County,at office in A'he- marle,the 22d day of November,A.D.,189 :re 2,000 yds.PANT JEANS,at all prices,|hem extended to as.Our intentions are |i ,oarbleto.7 poetepost gn Smith,and ate its oeigieal ‘Which’com-‘y nnm-Edinburgh.inpolitics, it. ee ed itslity.thia Pompeti-' peligi- how Ti'its,51st om d ¢Tl .for-parties,it-appeals to abda -Heat oe.ieee etCesaeee", fs %)y wood er-is and SS a e t E o e es s s s s s s — ge Fs on.current sub-United States,is tobe prepaidatthe office otnumtheisdou- i for 1870willigeriiepsapeaf.the Poar Re- for subscribers(0 all the fivmaytecBlackwoodor.two _—ricesealamesiaete.“eteeaserto,,1869,and of Black- ber,Sheet dh ete tacts,rce.=.Naliher prenine Ap Mihewibers nor‘dicount bs,nor reduced prices for bakSedAesingRISNeRateitiawae“m‘The be printed tromGetartiesseas t ECLECTIC MAGAZINEcrFOREIGNLITERATURE, XEW VOLUME brcixs JaspaRy 1870. Now ia the Time to Subsoribe. The Eclectic reprints all the best articles,Historic,Literary,andSocial fromthe -nent French,apdGerman Wticale.It«arecareful ~-+defrom over fiftydifferentworks,and with o.»competitors inthefield,it remains the oldest apd mast reliableexponentofforeigncontemporarythought. SPECIALITIES OFTHE ECLECTIC.Science.—3e lw Gelieved thet in thin ‘so,“song ix more Seen te and pes exclusively arn to the subject,”;—Inthisdepariment will be found aout who i feEwer.Ae Belles Lettree-—Polite Literstare in all ite branches is represented the best selectionsbanepeeneteeovibene ne ane it the best Catrer.tcote,sedtintieee is,but chicly the short orientor which the a eee pene,blythemost of represented hy Se hate eee fGenp soeSoplyeExeaysuponLiterary, mentshave been TheReviewsofcurrentHomeareunn-mall Gullond As ot Seety nad ehvest recvitheniveneaethegrowingpublic Tibuatrrtiona—A fine Bteel Engrivi some aul ject of general interest,either or enrbeljixhaseacheCLeeneran’bythe artists,andarevalve,te aneyear,$5;two copies,onecopies,em b0- ayAbgmail A Iba Early for $1.00.Conoves’s Comper100;Spper oy pre _fracrant ev’emning Ja~{oan 50cta,cach,protid.Trueberry,for npland«Jewland ex 100,id,with directions Priced eeete ak addrenm,catia;also.tradeDist. Seeda on ion,’.WATSON,Ou Colony 8 ondW|Phy raath,Mean Poti teat ;herent 5 stmTOR’S NOTIGE —fuv-. eae on:letters of Pete =f. theeatate o/Moh:Garner,dec’d ,[hereby ro- *ing claima agninet enid ex Bt re fo nvo onor hefere the 1thVigerF180,of this notice will he plead ir Ee Abe's recovery.©All perserie in- Achted #th:state are requested to make ear- lyset!ak. RICHARD A.COWAN, Adm'r.of Joho Garner.46 WALKER'S CELEBRATED J.M.REDWINE,C.8.©.47 -Ow(pr fee $10.) ”'w CHESTAR REPORTER,A WERELT NEWSPAPER,FURLIgn EDs ~B,C,MeLURE,;&J,6,BRADLEY,Jr, AT CHESTER,8.¢C. TRRME—Tpyeriahly in advemeey:........- a CALIFORNIA NINEGAR BITIERS, At B.SULLS*Drag Btore Balishory Doe &16D (a 42> a aaa ee e ee be e s on d na t i n AN EXT DON'T DELAY,8 THE LEADING A’ ene nee.FREEF The American se hly,containingdevotedtoFarmingand8 eaerimentaFeeaed_Brecden,,WaalGrower and Dairyman,Stock ae he |" ieee “ie ubl'e works.all power andeon-nter- vote‘ofthe ic works,|Beeaas re ba ioe Tarupikes orwibteee re Es laws or parts of Ja aanthere~ contraryTheresolutionwas referred te‘the Com:}. comm tinted covers.niittee on Propositions and Grievances.monthly a very effie <pTerere.THe!HOUSE.,vet of ¥,ee os.etange Sete betweenthe<_|erp LL :Proteome the y ais kes aepe tye Passed who answersthrough the puaceeoest eningemle ee verene of i quentisiHe,Ca Taker acysnjoaee.aan which ettNgee iu:House , w now prepared to MERICAX Gemniven Meow ‘innfrockJOURNAEasafreegiftfor7year,|Tears re aahallnowSubscribe(0 TuxOvo und Welker.Norra State #‘'Coimmittee susubsequent!and pay in ad Thisisarare «katesforthe bill,which was,ty which the our section ‘the caleudar.will no doubt duly in yoursubscriptionsatonceandsecureitechJournalfreefora:yeat.,uo Oe”«of BOUBE.OF ‘REPRESENTATIVES. putnantanniiiall ‘Saturpar,Dee.11,1868. sae”By invitation examina-House persuant te adjournment.tion of the pupilsof Mins ‘seboo!om }|Tete eenMondaylast.Herschoolnumbered we little boysandgitlk,mostlygirth.wereallquitesmall,batone or two of them being overten yearsold.They acquittedthemselves handsomely,were bright-eyed,smiling,cheerful and y.Theyhave)aaWe Fearnfrom Mire]. rogaine.yo couldnet Tiatlekeoea of themareconsiderably adsadGeograpliy,whileall ha awanien madé “thd most ratisfactory advaticement,We coaldnotfail) to note thefact thattheywereall ery muuch at- tached to theirpreeeptor—agoodsigs.MissMcAndlewwill commencehar schoolagainonthe12thofJanuary,and wehope,she willbeable to command the patromagetewhich) her meritsas a teacherentitleher. +Dwanuaties Removan—The following cit-isensof RowanCountyhavehad dieirpolitical disabilities removedby thebill whichrecently passedtheSenate:Bs?9.Dereon B.Long,James TH.Ennis,Wm.Kineaid, Miles A.Aguer,Thonias Barber,Inanc A.Ag- ner,Henry Barringer,David Barringer,Imac A.Witherspoon,Jobn A.Bradshaw,Jacob Fraley, Won.11.Bailey,‘T.Maria,TitmanCran-ford,Moses L.Holmes,WellingtonC.Kestler, A.It Borden,M.&MeKenzie,John Sivop, Jobo TL Cres,A.J.Mock,SamuelReeves,Sr, and Samuel Reeves,dr. —_-—-—~—e Tae XIX Cexrcer.—TheDecembersum teret enenenaigeten WEG 2hasbeenreceived.It fcefetatepeneting |rsketchofJudgeWilliamSmith,of South Car colina,fromthe pen of Ex-Gor,Perry.Gov. Judge Smish to havebeen‘andmost consistent StatesmanSouth pitddacedinhisAdyandtime”Ad-:,devas SEXComturyCo,Charleston,6.C. ew Bott Cadorrytax+The December ison our ta-inequal to that of anypob- acs RECORDER.AND COT-'E GANDENER. at thie valuable little tontbly een A.M.Pordy,{sne cerror te Johuston)of Palmyra.N.Y.7@ most practeal articles io relationsoth bject we evergaw,andshouldbeinthe bad a garded | of every person who A rod sjuare.‘The price is.only 50 Pe Seud stamp fur a specimen copy ular eontaiuing offers \o those get!elabs.We notice any person getting ap sielub-of six bas one eqyy gratis. He aleo sends ones called the Small,Fratt hash s received the big! froin the most prominent ,pomologis's in the United Statek It to plant and grow all kinds #mall Prre only TO cente-Address fur the above,the above’party.ote . little work Which ee Os account of the great namberfulcUrnaofobedinateandinreterateaor<A,Dyeprrsta,Liven Diseate,yWEYAPFRCTIONS,GESERAL Bap Hearnadebytheeclebrated“Koskoo,”it.hastheewiableremudationofbeingthebestandppdarmedicineeverdiscovered.It indailyecribedbyphysicians,and recommendedmanythousandsofourbextcitizens.ForbyDroggistgandMere:hanteegerywhem, By Mr.Argo:A bill to amend chapter|Assignee,278.public ert 1868-69 Referred.By ri theTan ry etdgratyrdyernofnsaneA+for the nextee~t é tesolufion requestiagiMeMalonetodirectthatnofurtherdispo- Ss of bonds shall be mde by certainthem|Railroad Companies.Referred.By Mr.Sinclair:A joint reselation in re-ference to the Bank of North Carolisa pro-bat a yite ighanssios restraining fron)eol-leoti estd beeches the U.S.Dis-tries rt.Lies over.By the same:A bil’to amend the public schol law in refergnee to county examiners, Referred.J . Onmotion of Me.Mendenhall,the rulesWeresnapended.ald his bill making an a priative of @46.000 for the suppo;t of eeDec!DoxDowb and Blied Asylom,was taken ap ot geeie second readivgbyarote81,nays 0.motion of Mr.Candler,the rules wereandthebilltoamend‘the actcharteringtheWesternN.C.BR.R.Co.wastakenupandpasseditsseveralreadings CALEFDAR. Owmetion of Mr,Seymonr.the rules weresuspentedandhisresolutionacainstanyfurtherincreaseofthepublicdebt,was ta-ken up and adupted.On wution of Mr..Welch,the rules wereacependedandthebillametidingtitle20, —1,see.496,Code of Civil Procedure and paseed its several reading:7%it Pars +Roblueen.the ‘ralesweresuspendednyhiereselationinregard(4 Cadet providing fora systemof palvieinstruction.was taken up and w to be On motion of Mr.Ellis.the rales weresuspeodedaudbisreselationconcerningthe total abatementof the’U.8.direct tax,was taken up.@ Queation recarred open a conearréenee m the Senate's amendment.Mec.Eltis smaredthatthe House.do noteonearbotthataCommitteeofConferenceberaved.Carried.By Mr.El ington>A resélotion in regard'o the mileage andper diem of Doorkeepers. Lies wver. On potion the House thea adjourned. SENATE. Monday,Dee.13,1869. RESOLUTIONS. Mr.Moore,of Carterett,9 joint resolutionrovidingthattheCommitteeonMilitaryaf-ies of both Houses,be inetrasted to meetinjointsessionandinquirewhetheranyl-g- isiatiun is needed to sup violence andetimeththeandwhethertheExreutiveiseluthedwithwithadeqnatepowertomaintainandexeentethelawsacdtoseedrethesafetyoftheHivesavdproper-ty of the citizens of the State,and to reportbybillorotherwise.live over.By the same,5 resolution reqnenting theCodeCommissionerstoabillfoeboethepowersanddutiesoftownConstable, lies over. THIRD READING OP BILLS. Bill to amend and consolidate the severalactsrelatingtotheorandgov-ernméatof the State Oniversity Mr.Love moved that the farther enneid-erationofthe bill be:postpoted antil the18hofJatvary—adopted. TRNGMITTED FE0M THE HOVER Bill ia regard to State and evunty enpita- tion tax.erred.—« Bill to amend ati @@Pto anthorize the for-mation of corpora Referred. Bill 10 amend section 421 of the Code ofCivilProcedure.Referred:Bill in relation to the common sersions oftheSchoolCommittee.Referred. The Hoase asks’for a Committee of Con-ference on the resolation relating to theabatementofall:direct tax,concurred in,Senate branch of the Committee ave Mes- a:6.Winstead and Robbing,Bill in relation to the per diem and mile-ave of the Dvorkeepers and Pages of thetwoHueses,.Lies over. CALENDAR.roc.landholders.t@ eonsolidateekaincertaincases,passed second raneto cael section 485,title 19,eae | the of Civil Procedura|ealteeeesubstitutefromtheeee!a ° q t-. tes ip sms tilrt aesara sit ‘nae oe‘ia the Su-{ for the.next fisea!year ($46,000.aesSecieer week oneal appitseeofid:readage by 4 vote firs Aahworth,ws Commi'tee ionMilitarynanreportedmapezablpuponthebillcou-cerningpensions... ‘RESOLUTIONS AND BILLA.; on Mr:Sinclair's “A bill to “repeal the acttiion16theeoniplétionoftheNorthCarolingR.Ry Referred.By Mr,Seyinout:“A “bill:touching Pro-bateofDerds of pow-résidvats.“Referred, By Mr.Boddie:A bill in reference to thymaibtalganeeofconvicts.Referred.On motion af Mr-“Mendenhall.the rales weresuspetidedand the bill apa.for theSupportoftheD.&D.Asylum,waisand]taken up and A Ly third \eading byavoteoyyeusnaysPaesgives$400DON.)‘eit motion of Mr.Ellington,the rules and the joint resolution con- in|caedint per di@in and ‘mileage of Door keepers.WasP ibed Up.aud passed it ssever-al readings. SPECIAL ORDER. »Th®resolution:eonceraing the Bavk ofNorthCarolina,(The resolution providesthat'a writ of injenction be asked for tp theU.8.District Courtto monte ee.Chas,prowAssignee,froin colleetinaieRatabge atatidcoticludedbymovingthat it tovelbrredHtytheCoinmitte~on the Judiefary:Aftersoure diseussion the motion to referwaspattoavoteaudwasadopted.On motion of Mr.Gatling.the repert of|ayetheCothinitieeappo'vted tu_exaimine.theelisiteoftheChesapeakeaidAthemarleCanal.was taken ap.The Reportwas read=adopted.;Mr.paca Ywittmouthotiaeelorks oboe o im te et tootecurtaincubes,Neferred. Onintiveof Mr.Malone.thefileswere yacant lands further thae toabtsla grantsfromtheState,was takew upaudpasseditsseveralreadings.Mr.Downing mored te the rolesandtaketpbisresulutionioreferenceoeperdiem,wOvmotion,the Hoate adjoerned. SENATE. Tuvespar,Dee.14,1860. nn om was called to order at 10vePriyerbyRev.Mr.Atkineun of the PresbyterianChareb. The following bille were reported from Committees with favorable recoumendations te wit:bill te incorporate the Planters Rail- read Cumpany;bill w enls the powetofCountyCoannissivoers;bill to repeal au act amendatory of an actto ipcorporate theWesternN.C.R.RB.Company;resolutionrelatingtothepenitentiarybowds,and the bill to amend an act to-provide for a systemofpublicinstruetion,with ainendinents. TRANSMITTED FROM THE HOUSE. The following bills came from the HoaseandwerereferredtoappropriateCommitteestowit:bill tc amend Qe Charter of theWesternN.C.R.R.Company andthe sev-eral acts amendatoty thereto;bill to amendtitle20,t 1,Bective 475 of the Code:Civil Procedure;and thé bill making aoationof$46,000,to the Deaf,Damb an Bliod Asylam.RESOLUTION. |Mr.Lassiter the following resu'ation to wit: Resolred.That.ovr Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress be insten>ed to usetheirinfldetcetohavetheageweLprivileeee&Inerenved.that thete ay be moreTanksestablishedintheSouthernStates,that onr people may be benefited oewhichwasadopted. UXFINISHBD BUSINES. Mr Cook,Scbdee®his motion 'o post-ites further sonsiderabon tothethirdondayinJaa1870.Mr,Jdoveg vf Meekleabotg.moved thatthebillbereferredwtheen)on jeJadiciarywithinstiverionstoornotbythetermeofthiswanecmene of sarrendera an ©Teue ks may now nats out eens.chiee ofproperty¢f the Chatham Railroad._—war adupted by the fillawiug vote: es 2.vnyes Messrs.Bellamy.Burns. e e consideration was postponed uutil the 13thofJanoary1820TRANSMITTEDPROMTHEHOUSE.Bill mckingan appropriation of $60.000,to support the Tasane Asyiain and to makecertainimproremeststhereutyWasonthecalendar,ard the bill to euterers CaTENDAR ©Resolution in sto the several Sher-14s of the “tate,teq the Anditer tomoveforfndginentaanydelinquentSheriffatthejaltermoftheSacourttobeheldatRaleighoothe4thMon- 1%,i Oalobayots ntowedt lay th.®e Te-ohie omthe tx was Vows.xk mt nentHymaneol.,moved to refer the re-a to the committe on Finance.Mr.Ethridge called the previous qnestivawhichwassustainedandthefesulationwas aaybedby the following rote:.2 naye,15. - we and Sie Salehin tte enslap Billtoseeore the retdrp to the publkTreasurythebe|issued.tothe Chatham | Rail Cuuaa sane,On wWotlenofMr Street itsrirther|National rar|Sa ea Paro real estateve UB.ister .sive oa mad a a a That indet bulte ee rs idap.elSeeaeOvmotiontalesweresuspended aud the bill Pesek =aes Soeaiae eck slander?was takenup amended:anda,its secundreadhy ssnduays beingeSMONDAYDee18.calledtie bill passed Ite hind feadiugby=eae eee voteofyeas59,nays33. REPORTS OF 0a RS,"..SUECIAL ORDER. _Mr.Moore.of Chowan.nangeCom-}Bilt)lay off and =mew SecnetybfarfePegreghro~tby the nameof Dare,{Tiisproposed eoun- viding for the sapp:theSay Asylua|ty iste be formed fre yortivusof Hyde,Curritack andTyrell}Mr.Jarvis,iv a.speech of some Jength, wnent,eoreluded,by moviug toPatDillindefinitely,cae:of =.ae.the billandspokeatlengthinadvocaeMiRaganopposedtheaMrFarrowalsoopposedthebill.in re-marks of 8ome length. After along debate Mr.Jarvis called therevivusquestionuponbismotiontoiude- nitely postpowe.The eatl wag sustained and the motion tofudetinitelypostposewasaduptedbythefol- lowing ballet;Yeas 40,nage 43.MrJarvis moved to reconsider the vote just taken.Mr.Fatrow moved to lay it on the tableTheyeasaudnaysbeingcalledtheitionwasadoptedhyavoteofyeas43,nays 47.By Mr Gauters A.bill in favor zy theSheriffofUhatham,Reforred.By Mr,Seymour:A billin,relationto theublielibrary,Roferred.By Mr.“Justice?A bill conceraing thegovernmentofcounties.Lies over.On tnotidn the House thewadjoarned. SPECIAL NOTIOES. BEY THE ONLY GEYUINE IMPROVED Manofectured by THE OROIDE WATCH CO.—They dre all the test make,Iiguting Cases,wenechased;LOOK 45D WEAR BIEE FIXB GeLD,aithtethehestgoldwatches iP -costing Full Jeweled Levers,GentsandLadies’sizes,atat9BeachOURPOUBLBEXTRAKEPINEDSebd OroldeLevers.arevo$90)Gold Wabshen’Wegslated and varskeepcorrecttime,end wear aud ncttarnieh,withEnaeMoeTsROQUIREDINADVANCE.—send by any naan atte areahtioe teyetoAgentondelivery,withori na Goodswillbesentby ee aestepieWatchaex Wisc wi we ctr« ALSO cleo GOLD CHAINS,oflatestandmostcostlyrtylesforLadiesandGentie men.from 1000 4 incheslong.at (9.04 66,ood $8each.sent with watchesat\owert wholesale prices.State Kind andsize of watchrequired,andteaveld|bogus concernsorderonlyfromTHEORLMORWATCH CO., 148 Fulton street.New York. PAIN KILLER. (Ormioss oF THE Pres.) Noartieleever attained to such unbounded|popalarity.—Solem Observer. 2Anarticle of greatmeritand virtoe—Cincin-nati Nonpareil. We ean beartextimony to the efficacy of thePainKiller,We have seen ite magic effect ininsoothingtheseverestpain,and know it to beagooderticia,~-Cinsiameas Aspeedy ow in—no family should bewithoutadenedrenTranscripi. There heenothing as vet a rege the Pain Killer,which is the moat valuable family medi-Cine now in use.—Tennessee Organ. It has arealmerit;a¢5 meare o aepain,nomedicine bas acquired aiybemeaPainKiller.—naan Ses Akdeetl pani ta vies themostseverepainhasneverbeeneq—BrrtingtonSentinel. It ix ofe Of the few articles that are jnst whattheypretendtobe.—Dirunarick Telegraph. Onur dwn opinion is,that no family shonld be| without a bottleof it for a single hour.In fesli wounds,aches,pains,sores,&e.,it is the went efiectwal reniedy we know of.-—~Nows,St.fom Canoda, After many years trial of oe—om we advise that every family should providethemselveswitheneffectiralandaaapain| killer.—Amberat (N.S)Gosette The Pain Killer of Perry Davie &Son we ean confidently recommend.We hare neal it for a length of time,and invariably with suc-ecrn.—Canada Baptist. The Pain Killer is for sale by ModicineDeal- eregenerally..dec 3—Im THE GBEAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL. Hostetter’s United States Almanac for 1870,for distribution,}hout the United Buster and all civ cormtrics of the WesternHemiaphere,will be pablithe?abont the first ofSnesandallwhowiehofhealth. an t engrestiionsditiancomomedical he,Gallows ol),Hayes,Jones,of|can-en,vreventionandcareofa great of ce umbus.Jonaed W snowed Logg 8 diseaser,it embracesalargeamonntofinforma. GPECTAL ORDER.hesiines,atsthe ‘prafespeerekbnSopereesofthefo-|donalman;andthe beesctorhebandsoftheStateandtomadeforasatevideesivkingfanéfortheretireingtheeeAAeeeive The at ary eanifaryaof;MACH BIT- ERS,the tonic alterative of morethanhalftheChristianworld,arefullysetforthwhieharealeointerswitheam|ilostrations,valuable recipes for theonseholdandfarm,humprous anecdotes,endotherinstractiveandamusingraaiematter,original and adlected.Among the toappearwiththeopeningoftheyear,thinwillbeoneofthemostandtheasking.Send for TheBITTERSare: @itireci JOUN 8.RE DE RSoN, ATTORNEY &CorISELOR ATLAYSALISBURteWillattend=eta the Oolle fub26—1 5ionofClaims * B.W,Morin.eulored.the| cree tne bill,Mr,J.,after a quite), OROIOEGOLD WATCHES,| inalOrgans,and the whole train of, numbersbayebeencuredby thisnoblerPromptedbyadesiretobenefittheandunfortunate, Twill send thethis Advan The North America Insurance Companypayee oevam A HOLDI:NESS,Agent,are Life Ins.Co.xe ntGrn. Dear t-You Please accept|cere thanks for paywent,—charge,ance on my Hrsband’s Life,awounting to thesuinofthreethousanddollars.At your earnestandrepeatedsolicitationbewasinducedpateydrgtrensandnuwWearethe 7 onald the North’Awerica Life Insur-dina Guntgnespwevhall feel under obtigzations, Such o>enty-sheridan’Gnd tatharions canfeelandexpress.May you have sncces?in indneing others to.insureim yenr inoet liberal »and maytheLordofthewidowapd."blest youandprosperyyuinyourwork,uGaastOC.BarofRowanMills,X-Mr.Holderness is also agent for the akpool,Londunaud Globe Fire Insurance Com-pany,Which imsnresall kindsPiceaesxbuildieg®,Railroad BridgesFPoundertes,Mill 1 Mérebandine avdolveysalli's losses promplyregAllletters Holderness,atwimatepremptatton-oetf Valuable Lands AnD ' By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM),°Rowen SuperiorCourt,made atPallTerm|S1800,T wiv open topablic gale at the CourtHonseinSalishary,onNWedneatia the6thday of danusry 1870.at 12 o'clock,M,thefolluw-,bgproperty,to-wit ; 520 AcresofLand,known as the Morphy Peckags |station 4 miles from Salisbary,immediate- astra|ly on the Westera N.G@ Railroad,which iewelladaptedtotheotCutton,Tubac- co ard Grain,contains «50 acres of Bot- tom abd Meadow Lamia [i orderto suit aflwhomaywishtopurchaseapart,or all of this plantation,I a divided it into three Tracts A Vatuatle House and Lot inBoeofthebet aeigtihorhoods in Salishory,fronting 204 feet oo Inniss Street,and 400feetoo Street an!204 feet on Council Street,known as theJohnMurptry:property,This is one of the moet degirable residenors ta the town,Personsdesiring to exanutte the abore pro-perty can do so by tothe subserber in SalisbaryoftoJohn 00 the plantatiom,Terme 12 months‘orelit,(he purchaseraeandoeape|re BengDec.7,1869,—40e1 LUOK OUT i EAGLE STORE: NEW GOODS aD TWO STORES CONBINED We HAVE JUST COMPLETED oursecond snpply of Goodsfrom the EasternMarkets.which i+sckoow ed hy all to be the |largest tock Of Goods In WiWolers Korth Carolina. 2 greater portionofthem purchased of the Menufac-|ters,or their ageats,consisting asfoliows,ia both |Sores; ‘DRY GOCDS,DRESS GOODS, Staple aad Panes Dress Goods.a complete lineofLadieslrressandFuraishingGoods,Pant Goods white Goods, Notions,Hats,Shoes, and Boots,(a large stock.) (READY-MADE CLOTHING, |mannfactured expressly for ne in Boston ataot prices that everybody buys them. Haupwane—tiron,Castings.Steel.Saddice andSaddleryHardware,Carriage Trimmings,Sole.Uppet,tlarnees,Patent aod Eoamel Leather,Liging and Calf Skins, Drugs,Patent Medicines,DStuffs,Vaints,Tanners?Oi Kerosene and Linseed Oil, rnd the largest stock of Lewis,Bartlett,Back andotherfotedWinteLead.Chronee (ireen,Yellow and Colors of Paints.sts0 Bolting Cloths f a Other Fanc of all namWekeep one store eepecially for CROCERIE'S,which is the Bhestin towa—comennd me.75 Haga |©Coffee,49 Bare's Molasces.10 Hide Molasses,New Orieana.Bee Hive and Golden S-rpps,Bourbon andCornWhiskey,California Champa French Brandy ond Ale.Rife and Btasting wider.aflkindsofConfectioneries,.Crackers,Soda,Spices, “ouwt and cigars at manufacturer'spriete.all kindsofFancyFruits,cove Oysters,&c.We keep onhandCedarPalis,Randolph and other StandardShirtingsandYaraatFactoryPrices.Our Mr R.J.HOLMES has taken great pride in gettingap the fineststores !n North ——2andwetoo,have apared no trouble or menhey,getti.g up this WILOLESALE AND RETAIL establishment.We know no other House can offerbetterinducemestathanwedebothiaWholessieand@Retailtrade.Webayallkindsof PRODUOF,EITHER FOR CASH’OR BARTER. Remember the EAGLE STORE! MAIN STRERT £7 Thankfnlfor the very liberal patronare.oftenoaroldfirm,Smith,Foster’Co.we hepeb|Fair Deaumg,a continnance of the sameSMITH,POSTER,HOLMES &eo.lw.A.@MITH,|rune.2.PORTER, Baliebury,Dec.12.1889. REUBEW 3.—srnv roeres.| ity .,|droughtonby banéfulsndShee aoe ofthe oat rhthe policy of insur Diregtore,ofres petene ate muaiveseovensORBIOBpress Wan aft Syn xeWARDS)se bine _*Bp)40Retag ~H.Dibrell,WilliamHf,Palmer, LEWIS ©.HANES.Ao’s..Feb.12—ty _.Lexuxerox,N,0 mapa Phit ‘AND SasepacienNo.9,North Liberty Street,near Baltis)°o™ moreStreet, eres eeeae togrene- ae improved ieee a,Sana ity ehwarraBubSeventiesnae waesendad handPianos and —Organs elways onhand.References,wi have ourPianosfause:“ibBree.Gow.dohn Latchefea june 18—1yD.ST GiCARRAWAY,Commission Merchant, 8 ¢, N.C. eweeerec:opts torte miegf roan 4 J Dealer in Groceries PROVISIONS.HARDWARE,Ginss and Crockery Ware,Wall Paper,Wie dow Shades,dc,be,Poerrmnteeeesim steeof©rain,Naval Tco.DriedPrait,dc,on courRT BUILDING,april 9—te1y NEWRERS,¥.©,Wdete q HE ABOVE 15 THE MOST eeeeepriatenamethatcouldharebeentoTivaevalaableandpowerfullyingDeetroyer.Its Scene ane malitierecommendedwoeannotoesehobare’nottried&repa'ation overtionarecemmeodedforirposes—when they have failed,BAGvasnot.Keep it always in your familyforfttralyanepemytoNew-alyia,Headache, ache,Earache Cramp Colic,Cholera Morbus,Diarrhoea,Dysenteryor of anv character.Prepared aud for sale "| Praggist and ASomer:sae abanSalJane20,1262.=kee JOTICE,—ALL PERSONS HAV- in age againet ibe estate of Johe F.Clod-fetter..whi nt them to the undersigned at ane House in aag or before theGretdayofDecember,A.D..M.W.Nor.16,1989. State of Morth Carolina,}STAXLY CountySuperiorCourt, Joseph Marshall,Adin'r of Jas.Smith,dee’d.| against John P.Lick and wife Suphia,Joseph Has*ell| and wife Matpatet A..Charlie Anstin and|wife Francis,Sarah Byrd,beire at law ol Jaines Smit!deal. Petition to sell land to make assela, It appearing to the satisfxction of the court that John P.Lisk and .wife Sophir, are non-residewts of this Biate,it is Ordered,That publication be nade werkly.fur six succes-sive weeksin the ‘Old North State,’ase wapaper poblishedjn Sahebury,N.C.,suinmoning eachotsaildefendantstobeandappearattheofficetheclerkoftheSuperiorConrtofStan'y Joraty,on the 15th of Jannary 1876,Hen and there to anewer or demor to said petition,or ‘he sane will be taken pro éonfesso and beardexparteasLotherr..Witness,James M.Redwine,Clerk of onrealconrtatme,the 23.1 -of Novewber,1869.M.REDWINE,oa a48:6.w:prscott THE EQUITABLE LIFEAssuranceSociety UN (TED STATES, HIM COMPANYhascapcapital and assets GonDM AN.Adm'r. “—t~ “yt ieiteliabilitiesthatwillcowith=suranceCompany on ne.true test ofres,onsibilitCashArseta.,we ee seen gs A808,008AnuualPreminmincome,heres coey 4 000Idcvetaes©tOP TAB ec cccecgedeccsuadecee $00heee The and reignedisagentforgg ve oe Mocker Uo,Mareh 18 1869. Bloody-F lux,Dyapep-sia.Sore Throat,Rheumatic I’aiwe,Feeor andAgue,Spraina and Bruises,Inflamation of Kid- neys,Nercous Debility,Colie,Pains orSpasms,| * Teeden,Adpageenlyfact,in almost everypete |your Koskvo éanInfullible Remed; its use is indicated:with the success which youA distternee sefacturerofreliablemedicines,Im"&sip,with mavh respect,your ‘dbedieot ‘servantROC.Truzsy,M.D. From Dr.Fentrants a §and experiencedphysician;: Princess AoneGoon Ho J.J,Lawrevce,M..D.—DearSi varelully examined the pe sewelgens=Thespotic Firesofbee ©oe pound,and have ed viedapewen casesof Chronic dere et Dyventery, pon me omy GeneralDebility,&c.,i it most gratifying results,1 bewasrmnen Tonic,Alterative,and Hepa effecjs without the Sea cit,.wae7whileiteTcheer- give support to the re vu alterative effeéts arebei i. Screjolain ite worstORYCEsoremerchantofNorfolk,Va.: Mo.TE Min Street,Nerf,Va. ae andsuffered from sodden and ofien vio» attacks of headache and nervousness.TwobottlesofKorkuohas+oor genera) health,and we regard it as invaliable,androortclrerfullyrevomunendittoallwho:haveneedofinvigotator,Yours,&c.,Jossen E.Manrta, Read the following trom Dr.Goddin,the ex,on vee:nodsuccestful “epecialiat,”‘of Ror-at Norfolle.Va,Sere.19,1860Dr.Lawrence-—Dear Sir:your “Koskoo”for Syphilu ia bees rwiththetortsatisiactoryrevuliaIBat-ified myselfby experince,that it wilh conp thatdisease in its worst andemoetmalignantstages,and eradicate every taint from the eyetem.The Koskois certainly sera ofextraordimarypower,and thegreat—"*wT.it basso ait alaeAnAA.G DIN,M.D.KOSKOO!! CURES CHRONIC RHEUMAZISM. Norfolk,Va.Sept.7,1869, Dr.J.J.Lawrence--Dear t:;My ron hagreceivedsomachbevefitfromyourwondertulKoskoothatIcannotrefraintrom‘expressing my gratitude,Thad tried almost:everything withoot benefit.1 believe,in all sincerity,that Remedy ‘or the di-|sease irom which he bas sifiered,and,so far jas I can Jeatn,bat nevet failed.If you on y knew the immense amount of enff-ring diat he has undergone,that you conld conteive thevalueofsuch#remedy a8 Keeko—thud gurely cures.The great amooht of good it iebow du-whomont vs is toestunable, uth much grattinde,TI am respectful!yours,&.,Sine MM:Ke A.Newoa,” Dr.Lawrence—Derar Sir:Having deentreatedbyreveralskilfalplhysciansby sia,Chronic Disense of the Kidney's ralDebilty,&e,wi'hoor bem fit,ae a”last reanee{commencrd the nse ofyer Koskeo;std am pleased to say that ofvler its ase mybealib haa beeb entirely restored.Iam sir,with much respeot,oo servant, No.8,Market st,Norfulk Va,LeO1818600 Pacite,Beavk!Franklin contr“iden”oleaeiThiststocertifythatforsnfferedverymochfromtesiacieeodthe andcooetipationofthebowrls,andt saver.al remedies,bateeecived bober ft vatilJcommencedtakingKuskoo. “T tookthemedh-ob pan gadlponrrsbred ©)or Fon Sare By att Davsorsts.we BFDr.Lawrene's We PcuresdiseasespeculiarFemleg a SaagiBRE, ire ee 4| shalt this best be dove?‘The two-which present themselves most ot \nently in this ‘connecetian,are,the that he may be better fitted for the 33 E:duties and reaponsibilities for- Pap %RP 17,* ae RATION C VGNcuenta, TON ATAs bt Rabe Sod nyiod ‘Thea of General Wade Hoe THE GEORGIA STATE}ps here Fi apapataeaeetsangstsuccesful’Fido.out:propose to eu: einer ertnhe"ahi ptt; nd afte i |>poping: cok of 7 mes iances‘of kill»cwillal-Sanpete iprove the an )of artSenfops fiioe monkeye arefond,Awareane this the inten ee Lest gotseverolor 'to suieith simon,bogtt for 38H,ter ofcotton nor,rts ofthe 7 ented by p walthe sh rhea re.P .Gort,and teaaa n for ite eri ceer rr i the ft!heavy dest inpees wi t yor,as chia tic @ {‘the agen ies : ce he -had®1,and bes 'monk I,srysed sot carina eetLand “wud be gold ower (baa 07 io ‘og,soars ae :a a gh agi hed tigabv Webheys »ivtien tm “AE Howertnte .aie }toxtoas Fancy’Goods ofe de-|wegroca appear,Thean Site ney tndStaple Dry veryporesieeetaserifseripugnandyarvetyAtHoWwerton's.|., atrust them,but ap-Bont no m4eaeaoe:‘hsNe3 ‘fort vet “An elegant assortmento eh ede ‘on them biuretSeyiadee aehitter,-ae {tiaage >Thynegroes ke wane |.”a ‘sult weal Tov tasview,asf wa ye.forwt op thesete n to weep and’cover!“,Pra!sailHatsaud ‘Boal ;7i;kisses,ro takes ove by]At Howerton's.60.pt the Sou!We srecretionny dene i oOve ei Cae neg’in ol the.seated a he thiswag eekPs shoNalis os whiel)'yFelt1éhes .‘is Wi “fet 4 sien?‘ei ‘dingrethe ‘ovewhwho thas|,Aa nd lot of Hardware and Cutlery.°* to build me the p seaanees weliort ec al oy bee wecaer one acreo Ae etepeeto dohvo huss At Howerton's,|serypa gountry.-To do we must use all the|ingfrom.600 to)1000 pounds eo]inet cand hae means which ex :bv eei-b hav--whiels would |tit the negro leads &“staggering tine of A very superior Queensware, ence,has ied hear posal.How Dota tarotweek:3000 ph ey.i,Hon or a dozen tipes Catan When|and Def At Howerton's. fubox by which we cultivate ‘our lends?:asd vecond,the manuer_of eultivation.The uegro..ja undonbtedly better titted from hia long iebis physical conti-guration and hie y “to all the Aiversities of our Senet to make @ moreefficientlaborer“than”any other.Espe-gtallyie this trye when the labor ts to berformediathe.moe malarialportions |bf our country...Our objecs,then,shouldpeto.develope to the -utmost.in meee §, asalaborer.‘T’o do thia,time is requpite,and we shall heve to exercise greatforbegrange,constant prudence and stead y'( indaesa.’We mast make hiw feel thatSeinterestsareindissolablyboundupithoars;that high prices for our pro-ects insure high wagca for ‘him;thatwehavenoanimositytowardshim;but,faa the contrary,that we cherish.she k’nd3engenderedoreatlyassociationsaudfacdmemories.as be serapul-pusly just inor eotlegswith bli”let ussivthiminhisaspirationsforeeandaidbiainitsaéquisition.‘Pryspeayblacdorshewaitoftreeman-hood,of civilization and of christianity, upon bim by-his new position.In a}boring alation.England bas inereas- ,convince him that-we are his best,|ed the of Wheat four bashels per jf not‘bisonly friends,abd when we|acre b Toe Dale!e-i ehdea RecahwhileMcUormick’s reapers performs thehalihavedone»we,shall vot only have placedoar laborou asound,footing,weshallhave in thelaborer«ngaud zealous ally.Oxthis subjectekttromtheory,bat exprrence,|saanexwhichbastaughtVintchat|tapthekrelationscanexistbetween the planter and hisformer4atinmutualadvantagetoboth my }d dlaves arocultivating the deytheyhavelivedforyears,Gusvahoi keen 5 sepatiasta sotaed tointheicindustryiaeachyearsineetheirthoughtheyhavenotyettheeficiensy0sle-|yporerstheyformerly’possessed.[hayepoomyleedBatoriersane ouse urch,Seetheeaisriesoftheirteachers. system,if moan tedgreatlytofixOothencechoest,andwould,by adding to their content an en-ok eres resalt in vast ultimate benefit to¢landlord,That kind treatment,justflcaling,and sincere efforts to im-}rove their condition are not without ef-alata them is ved by the fact,graufying wre that I am new oneswaytoMirsissippi,by the requestandredsofnegroes,besides my own laborers,approaching election ‘there.I amnotofthosewhobelievethatthemerepo-pessions uf the radiments of educationmakes@stionser,better or lapjer;“a little learningie a .dangerous hing,”and unless moral education goes -in-hand with intellectual,theseeds of knowledge will be sown on a bateen soil,or will prodace beat thorns aud this tles;bat Ido believe,that ia proportion pi you make‘“l labor,other than eom- pulsory,intelligent,you reader it profi-i able.If this is trae,we should educate the mind,the heart and the ¢oul of the negro,looking at the’question onlyin ite| mat-rial aspeet and Icaving bat of eon- sideration altogether theee higher and|noblgr motives whielr should prompt ns toddeo.A fouger cxperience of his| newly acquired fresdom,and his aequisi- tion of higher iarell genee,will eneh bim,| not only bis dependence on the whites of|the South,but the great trath which nelawscanchange, “in every rol,tea Gop whathink must guverp nen wie Itis our duty to assist himin qnalify-|ing himeelf for bis changed condition ;|time alone can show whether that change!has been for his beafit,The Souk will look with profound iuterest to the nextcensustoéeehowfreedomhasefireted | tha number of bie race;for we can teli with absolute eertninty what those nam-Ip mud Have bps had non conval- ewo shaken oat entire system,Beveralromeago|had ‘octasion to evlivet somebsbearingonthaesiion,and theygivethefollowingfreteandcalculations. Taking the seats of the census bf 1840 and that of 1850,we find the ratio of fn-erease among the free blavks to be 12.48percent.,of slaves 28:82 per cent.By these rates of increase,there shouldpavebeenintheUnitedSiatesin 4eura st2308 Lolaais85016,41870543,712 5,317,427 6.968391830617,191 6,849,909 7,467,10013906;||9KSI6 8994052 9.518.269 These calen ns albewed one Gr twhy other signjGenntfacta,whieh,as bearingonanexplodedtystem,might as well be},“MrgAlex.”Qelmat,fartqerly (Chief ofplacedupontherevordvonidinthegené-at auomary that will be “uade at some |fornre'day.By these tt app:“arp that the | ce Le wong."ges Were less than amongney,33}per cent.;that birth chanica densbeaves.It shouldbeascarceof|* of|In geidenBarvests,wealthyanknéwa |Enclose,deain,till,with nicer hand prepare |whieh agriculture holds out; the duties it exacts from its votaries.Oar | "lit Geouomy.to nee labor,which now |money;so that it eee‘teu acres what it can caiwilyIfourcultivate eshand,‘ia it not best to phint uan jty in cotton,working6 rops 7rtheimprovedsystemwhichSdera:euce wad science have tanght,and to de- vote the other moiety to grain and grass-|eaf These propositions do not admit of aaAoebty and,the,question.then arises,Lowis the productiveness of our lands tobebroughttohehighestpricefHere, fosdacia 6 you to,ane =aoe = ori nG ly.saying that the sceret tbets ng is ivrotighreaistidh“andParetil cultare,A crop thatipeel plantedis already half made,a went cultivationiscomparativelyeasy.But io order toprepareandoytivate,our lund properlywemastuneallthemeans-which moderuskillandrecenteciencehaveoffercd.Thisskilltedin”our Aabdé inprovedtmptsofTinebaadry,-while Tiiotteachesushowtousethew,whatfertiligers.to apply and the best.motes oftheirapplication,It waa by nieans of ber laborsaying.,at the North wasabletobeerupherneroaudmeinterestsdaringhewar,uot-withstanding the beavy dritin ow herla- workof.many men iu harvestingthegol- ©to a8that these two great labor- ae machincs,whieh are netagricultaraloperationsoftwed,are ther inventions of Southernmen;for Bellinger,the tiventor of the sttem ploagh was a South Caroliniag, nn rotshVi Tf We hope6keeppacewiththetenedfarmereofothercoantice,we must liasteu to ealoytheuiedansthatgivethemsncerss.—Every advantage of soil and of climate tebeamsytweyfailin,the gfeat raceMeeanbeotte.Letus “when,mybrotherplaners,rive mautylly for "shatsapremacywhichoarkindmother,Natere*]bereelf,intended us to ewfoy.Let us=onreelves worthy of benefi;let ue leave to place men ahd par-am ‘she troubled field of polities 10 seckpeace,recreation and happinessin those mere cougenial,more allaring aod morebondrableonesgivenbyher. “Not PerGo trered But’aoe fnkntles Changenot stenesandcaliberjoys.On the eid bannteousstarons pour, Adorn yourbontes—with wasteandskill impartNewcharmetoNatnrebythehelpofArtTeachen"other climes,andsitenger Gow. Zpteenth ety tagned om you nativebow.er.Withfairerherds the dairy’s wealth increase;On growing lacks bestow afiner jleece,Give to the courser wings tosweep afaeYourcountry’s pennow through thefields of war. care. bors|Field,meado w,orchard,withi—Help,with more open hand,theveed. On with the Hoagie tach generonsfecling speed |The genial |prepare with fresh delight, |Yet warmer make each hospitable rite,” Theee are the calm and pure pleasures these are | jdaty to our couviry demands that we should devote all energies,our hands,oar fiimalfy ‘browght to ‘the village they are{setucely caged,and pradeafly sober down1}but for two or three days a gradully|dining supply.of liquor is,givenem,$0 a8 to recuneile them by degrees ‘to their state of eaptivityy ————_TO THE.LADIES. TUB Snbscriberhavingbeenappo'ated an agenforthesaleofSINGERSCELEBRATED New Family Saoiig Machine, the eospinin seam to theembroideryotherMachinesrreens,*Koonoury is wealth.then why not t ee Machithes are warranted togirdpatiesatisfaction.Ifthey fal »give satisfaction they may be re- carnal afrer a tral of two monthe and the money will be refunded. .Machines manufacturedexpressly for SHOE-MAKERS,HARNESS MA- KERS,TAILORS,&c, will be supplied when ordered,at manufacturer's Partiesdesiring information wil!please send forspecimensofwokandcirculars.Zohn A.Ramsay, Salisbary.N.(.June fS,1969.24—7m GROVER &BAKER'’sFIRSTPREMICYBLASTIOSTITCHYAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Bakimore Street,Baltimore Points of Bxcellence. Beauty and Plasticity of Stitch Perfection and simplicity ef Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spoo's |of thread, Wide if adj 1atrnentTheseamretains its beacty and Girmoew hearts,or sonia to the restoration of pros- rity;to the re-establishment of law and order;of amiling peace and tranquil happiness throughout ail the limits of our beloved Bouth.Let as lift ber xp) from the dust,and show thet she bas sillloyalanddevotwdsons,[ct as cling with reverence-—a reverenee made deener and holier by her miefortunes —to this our native land;let no promise of wealih or dfraneement us to forsake her the barbarian hor te destroyed.Rome,and| ther sons in despair andsorrow were abouttoforsaketheBrernalcity,we are toldthattheimpendingdoomwasavertedbyahappyomen.A Jenturian pasringwithhiscompanytorelievegnardwhere the ead concoure were deliberating ontheproposedremeval,gave the usualwordofcommand:“Ensign,plant your colore;we will remain bere.”‘The sensatorsrushingfromtletemple,exeluimed,“The Gods se spoken;we obey.”‘The ee tovk up the cry aud rent the skies with shouts of “Rome forever!”Lotus,my countrymen,as we siandamdourrains,plant oar celors on thegravesofpurancestors,and invoking re-verently the protectian of onr God,sbutwithmorethanBomanfrartotiem.withangeyojee,#Pie Bouth now)the Sodth foreveri” _—_——~—-po-—- the Rusean of Statistica,bag pprcbased the Washington Intelligencer an Express,gud will henceforth edixand pobltsh the| paper.Mr.Delmar ghnoances the pur i 4 tho free 33}per esd.leseithan| c ‘ol slavem was 130 93>per ceat.| gicaccr han thetof thefreetiacke.‘Lise pose to makeitan independent newer)aper; slaves;and thas the net iat gnd aleo states that capital,experience, and enterprise will be brought to the task |of making ita good paper. When { after washing awd ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done be wher Sewittg Mac hines,these Machines exe |cate the most beantiful and permanent Ein roivery and ornamental work. Por sale by ANDREW MURPIIY, ot 15—ly Selistary,N.C Vala ble Land for Sale. TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDREIACRESofvaloableLandinCa fa be Upper Little River,sufiicis nt to dtive any anjount of machinery,with a dam already ereet- in goodcondition, to lots of any size,suit chasers. be sold an the moet reasonable terms,Apply to the undersi,or to Jacub W.Fow ed at Tower Mils,© :Credit,His mottois No tastening of seams by hand and 00 waste range of application without change} ILE SURCRIBER OFFERS FOR 8 ALE ildwell County, One fract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES with a most valoable WATER-POWEK,on The remainder of the tract willbe divided in-from 100 acres upwarda,to The above land lies ten miles north of Tick-oryStation on the W.N.C,Railroad and will er who lives hear the ,All ateden of Sugar,Coffee,Tea.and Mse,Al Howerton's. ahaw lot of Confectioneries At Howerton's. Fine atd Common *Tobavco;Ha-|fvanna,Regalia,Principeand U,8,Grant Ci- vars ne At Hoswerton's A complete assortment of Liquors of al!kinds and grades Al Howerton's. Por Medicinal only—Moore’s cele-brated seven-year-old doable rectified-Ken-tusk ai pnkepmgetty re,e erAt Howerton's, Every variety of Yankee Tien,At Howerton's, Tnfine his stock has beet selected with great care to meet EVERY WANT. you anything to do that—But Don't Ask Por “PAY AS YOU GO.” ce”COUNTRY PRODUCE ¥every descriptiontakeninexchange. 37”Bank NotesandSpecietaken at the Highest Market Rates, At W.H.Howerton's, SALISBURY,N.€. November,5,1869.44—fin WALTER A.WOOD’S PRIZE Mowers and Reapers, Used ia all countries,and universally commended asTHEBESTIN USE! Awarded more Grst premiums than any other Machine manulaetured,both in this AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, Among which is THE HICHEST PRIZE! Tw Grand Gold Medals and Croes oftheLegionofLlonor, At Paris Exposition,1867 More than 120,000 now in Use! 20,000 mannfactured and sold in 1868 aud the demand unsupplied. IncreasingDemand,Increawed Fueilities(dditional Improvements for 1869. Wood's Prize Mowers,(1 and 2 Horse.) -Sclf Raking Reaper,with “New Mowing Attachment. Hand Rake Keaper. Haines*Illinois Harvester. Mannfactoredby the Walter A.Wood Mow- ing and Reaping MachineCompany.General|(icce and Mapufactory,Housick Falls,Rens |selaet county.N.Y. |Branch Offices and Sales Roome—44 Cort-anit street,New York city.P.U.Boa,5805. 2116 Lake Street,Chicago,[IL Alexandfia,Va. Madiscon,Wisa7UpperThames,St.London. Send for New Descriptive CircularandPriceList. Applications from the South,Sonth of Vir vivia,should be addressed to the New York Branch Office,ae above, RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Tuducenents Offered! MeCubbing,Solfivan &Co.are Agents fortheaboveReapersigSalisbary. april 23--1G;LOm WORTH &WORTH, THR andemignedibereteds dayformed «copertnershipforthepuofcontinuingtheGernat|8 =)CoumTsstok axD Soiree BusinRes,a9)the iminediaresuccessorstothelatefirmofWURTH& ah JEREMIAH BARRINGER.eePROFESSIONAL.DBNIEL,and D.G.WORTH,and hope by atrictattentiontotheinterestsofthéirshippersand MM ..ET.PEN N-E,ATTORNEY AT LAW,LEXINGTON,N:C. T nines \\ILL PRACTICE mm the courts of,David- edn,Furevihe,Gailturd,Alageniee aod Kan- iolph counties; REFERENCE. Hon.Ro M.Pearson,O.J.of N.C,Raleigh."E.G:Rend,Associate Jonet ee,- Thomas Settle,,- “R.P,Dark,“““a &Berford Brown,Yatceyville,N.C. *®How,Joho Kerr «3 R.Metron:Green aire’N.c. Ott Thomas Réffn,Jr.,. #0.M.Clon D rhava,N.Q. Jadyary 29,1859 o-if friends to gite cood satisiactionto ai!who meyfevorthemGithbusiness.B,G.WORTH,D,G.WORTH, WILMINGTON,N.C.Qet.18th,1369. Seent for WV.and North Caroiina Steamship Line,Sermis Weekly.Phi!adelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Nom- pany.to Vhiiadriptia,Raith odyine New York Sail.Pa kt.pe Fear Stramboat Siang River bos's.Nentera if’Bagging Rape,Iron Ties Ly ne.Pine- ter.Cetnent.H jir.Peruvian Guano Ban p'sSuperPhospludeofTime {larerattormigeron «THE UNDERSIGNEDwishestoobtainforhissister—a lady who has hed several years snccessfnl experi- ence—n situation to teach,in a family or o*9-erwise the uswal bratches of ao Englished - eation,—mneie rot igeladed.Ad@Aresa,stati mm BEY.JO ‘e roe ot Rulisbory,oe terms, |38—~2t ii } HE 7Call and examineth—it willnot cost}$4 50 AL sURNER'S NORTH OaNAOfor'l870.~ in all respects;better *thaa the Alnianac ot1869,which was so popolarandhad snch a large sale,Prive,ae aneae otecopiesbymai!one dozen.by mail,T5v.;Price in store,half gross,$4;per hundred g5;per whole»roga,$7.FARMER'S,waN.c.ALMANSC,poblisbedbyJamesAlmanac,fall af masat valuable”ater to the’Furmer,with monthly calendarsin laarmyayes 2Price,per single copy oe vents;3copiesbymail25e.,onedozen by 60¢.;price in store,halfgross ;per buy $450,$6.Pofte COMIC ALMANAO FOR i870,— published by JamesH.Ennige;‘full of comiépictureillustrations,aneedotes,fun,&e,with monthly *large,clear yesPrigepersinglecopy,uy 10.cents;copies by mail 25;es60cts.Priceiu store,periar,gross;90 $6.a a oaiba wrentoapyaddressfor25cts.ForsalebyJA8.if ENWISS,Agent aod of Almanacs,oot 156—411f Sahebory,N.C. ASieinenas _Wotice,as AdminimtratrixwithseeteeadbeeSmythe.voticeisberebygiventhatallpartieswhobave claimsagainst the estate most t thembytheGretofNovembernseOesodetwile|in bar of theirfecovery.sone j Shirts tn nibeed te makecaily t. JULIA CO.SMYTHE,Oct.12,1809.—-4h6~Adm'rx. THE ADVANCE. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL, Devoted to the Farm,the Garden,theWor,Domestic EconomyandProgressinNorthCarolina.TR UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TOblish,in thecity of Ralvigh;as soaas sats base dlaeniabaad be ob- caend a Weekly Bamtly Journal,adapted to {the waots of the peuple of North Carola, who are engaged io thecultivation of the eit w all ts branches)the improfe:fiem of our manufactures,our machinery,oor mechanicalskill,aud olf thdtaterial terest of the State.Io the condyctof theaa he expects tosevuretheaidofscientificand.practical mentoivstroetandinteresthivreaders.His ob-ject will be to makeit emivently practical aod usefal toall classes,It will be printedingoodstyle,on good pa- per of large size,at $2 per year inadvance.—The 6ret number will appear about-the tet of November,of as suvn "as the pat- rovage will justify.Bobscribers will he «x-pected to pay as svoe ag they receiv.the first numer. The undersigned soligits the aidofhismany friendsin the State to obtain subscribers ancforwardthelistsatanearlyday. WM.B PELL.Raleigh,Oot.6,1969,u—if JOB PRINTING,BLANKS,4C BANKS €ARd8 HAND BILLS CIRCULARS PAMPRLETSLABELSTICEts Letter Heads 'AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB PRINTING,EXPEDITIOUSLY,WELL, And CHEAPLY dona-AT THIS OFFICE. pes~Clerks of Courts;Stieri oe and otbers,inordering ksleaserefertotheFarmsasin“Hand-Rook for County Off-cers,”published !y Nichols&GorthanRaleigh,N,©, Addvens.SES.» --J.J.Bl WNER. -:|Homestead Blanks ' (For laying of Homesteads,)And w new and improved form Of LAND DEEDS, Revised.and corrected by ttbestlegalauthorityintrisplac 'mar.10. for sale.A ddress, J.J.BRUNER. andSaddlery . Trimmings of all kinds,Calf Skins,Lin- ing and*Pad’Skins,Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils,Co- pal'and Coach’Varnish,White |"! Lead of the.very _best .Brands, Colored Paints of oll-kinds,-Cot- tow Bagging and Roping;Iron, POWDER!POWDER! RIFLE,BLASTING AND MINING POWDER, Yarns,Sheetings,Coffee,Sugar and Tea,Molasses and Syrup, Salt,Drugs and Medicines,and in short | EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MERCHANDISE All of which was bought for CASH,204 will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to under- sellus. Be sure to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhore, It offords ns a pleasure to show|it our Goods whether we sell or not. Don’t be decoived by loud blow- ing and heavy slielling,but come to seeus and get postedup. cr Order ‘from a distance promptly filled at lowest nrices, (i We buy nearly all kinds} of Produce, MecCubbins,Sullivan &Co No.1,Morpny’s Granite R Salisbary,Sept.24,1800.1%—1y Ties and Twine,Steel and Iron.|., ‘9 Vv HL.@NIOIGAN m on AANO -BHL NS%ox Gimsancbae see ismsBee To Fayetteville. RAYSWarawtt Fayetteville Gafly ex.Cooma aces are in Western N. and procure a throughieeefor$8;Through Ticketsfromvia.Warsaw,wo Fayetteville,“Through tickets from Weldon to Payettetie!from Wilmiagtor,vie?arsaw,to Fayetteville,$6. CHARLOTTE TO WADESBORO; Leave Charlotte aftertrains from RaleighandColumbia,via Monroe,for Wadesboro’eee LeaveWa-»and Saturday,af-ter-arrivaloftrains oieom Witmit ~MORRISVILLE,via Prrrasono,PO EGYLeaveMorrisville,Tuesday,Thursday sad on kfgtMonday,Wednesday wxd Pri. Clemmons’Acounmedation LineBetweenSalemandHighPoint,will chartereeathantheCheaaBatonsete,xO Oct.1;180016 Contractor.Be Bagana oanAMSHIPLINE New York to.toWilmington, atLinewill comprise |tbefollowing steam- FAIRBANKS,Capt.A.Hunter.WM.P.CLYDE,D.P.Morgan, REBECCA CLYDE,0.Chichester. MARY SANFORD,John Moore. With suet addntional Steamers a5 unay be nired-to meetthe demands of the trate — trom New Yorkevery WEDNESDA Y and SATURDAY at 4 P.M.,trom Pier 15 E. RB.foot of Wail street. Ee”The attention of ShtotheLOWRATESand FACILITIESofferedbythisLine,whichare saperior to heretofore offered.“THROUGH BILLS OF LADING in called given to all ts on the North CarolinaRailroadandjtsConnectionsvieGolds-boro,J.A.SADLER, Soliciting Agent.WORTH &DANIEL,Agents,Wilmington,N.O.JAMES TIAND,Agent,febz9—sif 119 Wall Street,N.Y, ‘it & thet stimulant.In all @ima®*, every tropical,temperate °Ffrigitactsaginrae which undermin®thebodilystrengthafbreaksdowntheamimal#iritsWhereve.it fs intro’ duced if becuvs®®?®stand-ard article -®medicinal staple,It 4 to-day the best and parest tonic,and themostpopularlar medicine avilized world—be get the genuine. So jd Druggists,Gro- andCountry Stores. treet wil P,one.Sy"The ceeneywil hae notin that onRaterday,the 18th ember on t.at the Court HoseinCameéen,Z Hy tH ktbeeepneniceCarolinatsrapenether ta enna 0h nowpondion ’ *RUBIASHED. WEEKLY, BY BEWis MANUS) Editor and Proprietor; % RATES oF susBcairr Ry payuble in advatice, ... 83.00 ae ¢ e* eereee ws'to one addreas,......-.-.-- 12,50 sto one eddress,...,.....2.. 20,00 . Rates of Advertrsing. For each additionaf insertion. Special notices will be charged 50 per ceut higher than the above rates. ‘Beort und Justice's Orders fling patel ed at the samé rates with otber advertise- ments. Obituary notices, over six liues, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES. -O€; 315° 2° 9 j a 24 7 \ of | 3 Bg! isis SPACE. , =| 3 K4 2/38 ig; Bt x) ° i oe {| ; ° | B& | Lo eee T Square. ($250 8375 $5.00 &8 50 81300 2 Squares. |'450' 625 8 5013.00 22. 600 9 00 8 00 11 00 11 00:16 00 18 00 24 00 12 00 20 00) 30.00 15 00 25 00) 37,50 | 20 00 30.00) 45,00 30.00 45 00) 75.00 3 Squares. 4 Squares. + Column. 4 Column. 1 Column. Demorest’s Young ime: ica. “The most sparkling Juvenile Magazine evor ixsued.” aud Splendid Chroiny Pictures of Au- dubvou’s Birds of America as ® upplements, and otber fine engravings in each number. The No- vember and December nuw bers free to new sab- scrbers. The most instructive, entertaining, and best 50 | and others, for were sbip to fainilies, clu over ote p ONE MILLION. DOLLARS.. | Our facilities for transacting this immense bu- arsed 7 ee ew ever ae have agen | neipal cities. to purchase goods from all bad : Bat fen. an Lees o in sacrifice frum. the 1 cost of prudnetion. part, Silver, Desert Forks, five bottle plated Castors, Rrittania Ware, Glass Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, in great variety. Elegant French and Gernan Fancy Goods Beautiful Photograph Albums the newest and choigest styles in Moroco and Velvet bindings. Morrocea Travelling Bugs, Handkerchief and Glove Bowes, de. Gold and Plated Jewelry. of the nemest styles. We have also made arrangements with some of the leading Publishing Houses, that will ena- ble us to wllthe s andard and latest works of popular authors at about one-balf the regular price: —such as Byaox, Moore, Bons, Miu- Tox, and Texnyson’s Works, in full Gilt and Cloth Bindings,—and bundreds of others. These and everything else for One Dollar for each Article. We do not offer -a single article of merchan- dise, that can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not ask you to bay goods from ux uuless we can rell them cheaper than you can obtain them in any other way; while the greater part of our goods are sold at about One-half the Regular Leates. We want good reliable agents in every part of the Cguniry. By employing your spare ume to form clubs aad sending us orders, you can wb°ain the most liberal commissions, citber in Cash or B&erchandise, ani a)! goods sent by us will be as reprosen'ed. and we guarantee satinfaction to every one dealing with ourhouse. Avthe Holidays are approaching we are Juvenile Magazine comprises numerous and no-el Seatures Unat are pecoliarly ite own, and eatirely free from the gross exaggerations so common to javenile literature. Our monthly Young America presents the finest colored and | other engravings, the best stories, puazies, prizes | music, sud @ best of new aud interesting sul- | jects that will uot only secure the attention of | Boys and Girls, but serve w purify aud elevate their mind«, cummunigate pinch v fuable infor | mation. aud prove a wull-spring of pleasure in | the housebold. | Yearly -absctiption $1.50 witb ago d Micro- | scope, or a peart-handle Pocket. Knife, or a beav- | tiful Book. as preminin to cach xubscriber, and splendid premiums given fur elabs. Addresa, W, JENNINGS DEMOREST, 833 Broadway, x. ¥. Specimen copies, with circulars, wa led free OD receipt of ten cents. Kew subseribers sending in before the firrt of Javuary next will receite the Kutember and Deceniber numbers free A splendid prize for the ladies. The finest, moat pleasing and costly Parigs Engraving ever published in America presented as a premium to each subs riber. The Useful, the Hatertaining, and the Beautiful. The Model Magazineonf America. Demorest’s Xillustrated Mionthiy: | THE USEFUL in Demorest's Monthly com- | the Utilities of Fashions in Ladie® and | hildren’s dress, including fall-cize Fashionable | Patterns, colored Steel Plates, ete; Gardening, | er spacial arrangements to supply every onc who reads our advertisement, with the most handsome and useful Holiday presents that can be thought of or wished fur, and to enable them to procure them cheaply and expeditiously, we will give tu any one who will become our Agent, Gre Hundred Free Tickets, enumerating some of the many | different articles from which you make your se lection of Holiday presents. For returning full clube from these Free Tiekets, accompanied by the caxh, we will give the same extra premiumns that we now give, the same as if you had paid 10 cents for each one of your tickets We with you to under- atend that not any other firm in the business can ecumpete with ns in any way whatever, ‘As this free ticket is only good for the Moli- days, you must send in your orders before the 20th of January, 1870. “In every order amounting to over $50, ac companied by the eash, the Agent may retasu $2.00, and in every order of over $190, §3 CV may be retained to Pay the Bxpress Charges. This offer is more cxpecially te aneiet A gents in the Westera and Soutbern States, but is vpen to all costomers. COMMISSIONS . Agents will be paid ten per cent. in Cash or Merchandise, when they fll ap their entive elab, for which beluw we give a parual List of Counmiation: : For an order of G30. from a clud of Thirty, we will pay the Agent, as commi-<don, wWyds. Brown or Bleached Sheeting, Good Dress Patter, Wool Square Shawl, French , . Consista, of the followin ’ y so nin : ¢ Vetach santas SN: beyond all ape uh Shdwls, Blankets. is, Gin, best DIU . im existence > al is- ‘Drens Gents. Table pach Towels, p sehen tressed: Kidneys, Bladderand Urinary Organs, Gloves, Skirta, Corsets, be. de. have no if-anyy 4 -Thode “who Silver- Plated Ware, Spoons plated on Nickel} '*¥ these Bitter#; for the> wing Diseases | ‘ both useful and ornamental, adapted to Ladiet || Vasennere ants and Vext Pattern, Fine large | Model Cottages, with their sarroundings; and | White Coanterpane, etc., etc., or 63 00 in cash Jlome Matters in all their departments. Por an order of $80, (row a Clad of , THE ENTERTAINING comprives Original | Finy, we will pay the Agent, a¢ Commission, Riories and Poems by the best authors, Spicy | 45 yds. sheeting. one pair uf heavy weet blan. | Item, Popular Music by the best composers, j keta, peplin dress pattern, bands me wool ete., etc, | -qnare shawl silvercase watch, ete., efc., oF TUE BEAUTIFUL compriaes nnmerons ik | $4n in cash luatrations, in the highest «tyle of art, prined| Wor an order of B10. from acind of | on the finest calendered in the best man- | Que Handred, we will pny the agent, as evw- | ner, got up in a atyle to form a aplendid volume | witsion, 100 yda of good yard-wide Sheeting. | for binding at the end of the year, and altogeth- | (‘oin-Siver Hanting Case Watch, Rieh ash er, a monthly vieitor that no lady of taste or | Woul Shawl, Suit of all Wouol French Cassi: | econotiiical housewife cnn afford to do without. | mere, ete .etc., or 810 in cash. { ee agree se | tomers shonid net pay money tw fF me and moxt pleasing engraving ever | COS" mirenrn te ey we peranmn | eee tee an ay sok $10, pale ] purporting to be our agents, unless personally | tithed “The Pic-Nic on the Foorth of July,” acquaintea . given a a premium to each enbecriber, and Sond Moncey always by Register. splendid preminms for clube, Address ed Letters. Deworest’s Moxtniy MaGazxe, Fur further particulars send for Catalogues, 838 Broadway, K. Y. When sent hy mail, the postage on the Ea- graving, ten “centa, mast Le included. Specimen copies of the magazine with eireu- lars, mailed free, on receipt of fifteen cents. ~ Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit. Herb. Tree, Shrub and Evergreen Seeds, with di- | reclions for entture. prepaid by mail. The most complete and judigions assurtment im the country. Agents wanted 26 Sorta of either for $1.00; prepaid by mall. Also smal! Proita, Plants, Bulle, all the new Potatocs, &c., prepaid, by mail. 4 Ika Farly T Rose Potato, prepaid, for $1.00. Conower's Co HIN COMPANY haa capital and aseete — losaal Acparagns, $3 per 100; $25 per 1000, pre | ing liabilities that will compere with any Life In — New hardy fragrant everbloom mg Japan sarance Company on the Continent, which ie the loneymuckle, 50 cl, each, prepaid. True Cape sar gia mae miisic ee Anuoal Premiam Income.. lreepeet aver IMRT 2.5 6.6ck ees. | The uod-rsigned magent for the ab we Company. A. A. UARBIN, ge Mocksy |e, Mareh 19. 1969. i ‘Pure Rye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pare and Un- . PAREZER & CO., 98 & 100 Sumner St, Boston, Mase Oct. 15, 1809 4i-ly THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES, 9 L-oadway, New York. Cod Cranberry, for gases or Jowland cultnre, $1 per 100, prepaid, with direetiona — Pri Catalogue to any adcrem, gratis; alao trade list, Beeda on Comm isaion, B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Reed Warchouse, Piyeuth, Mans, Establieh- ed in 1342. dec 3—4m Bm bas : SURPRISE BOXES. adulterated. at the Something New and Very Desirable. |Qld North State Distillery, ia Ros te filed with a nem and amorted bah GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop’s. CHARLOTTE, N.€. prick. Godand silver Watches. Watch Chaina. Ladies’ aad Gents’ Breast Pins, bieeve Bnttona, Studs Ear Rings, ALSO, Want to purchase 500 or 1000 head of Cattle. and pay the highest Cash Prices for Corn and Rye july 2—26:6m Charms. &ec.. &c WILLIAM VALENTINE, “THEY RETAIL AT 25 CENTS. MAXUPFACTTRED BY GEORGE MILLER & SON,, 610 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn. | X ny) x And aoldhy Confectioners and Storekeeper ev- i | Hi E BA R B EK R, ry where. | WYETURNS MIS THANKS to hia OLD The demand for tris new confectionery is no grest | , FRIENDS aud the Public for the liberal that the trade are desired to forward their orders at Ne now intorins then: that he bas fitted up a now and mironage beretofore extended to him. or We cartion eur frends to beware of worth. | ett! £ ded ss Jees im tatiana the Bon Ton benz theorig'na! box, | i the tandard of which shall ale ys be maintained. commodiags | oi 4700 | Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Brick-| JOUN S. HENDERSON, (=~ Building Room Mo. 2, | i: : sais oO where he would be pleased to see them. e] ATTORNEY ‘ Cdl \NELLOR \T LA \ |e sea ieee sais i : aca — | : ‘DY Ww ( e is employ of the bes air Dressers | SALISBU RY, N.C, liu Westeru Korth Carolina, He requests a call | CP Will atiend promptly tothe Colle | from all jou of Claims fob2co—ly Salisbury, N (Deg 37, 100 nov. ArAUtees Nas dn t SO- The 7 Recomt ended and. preserived. by , physicians. Wherever knowns 9 © ’ The “Compound: ofthe purest and best Vegetable: Tonics and Aromatics koown to the professiot. They also contain twenty per cent of — wm” Boe HY! will in every case Hind them 4 safe, pleasant, speedy and effectual Remedy. Trey are asnre preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Mularia! Diseases ! DYSPEPSLA, INDIGESTION, SICK-STUMACH, COLIC, SICK-HEADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CuoLDsS & CUUGH, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &c., aud every Disease requiring a general Toe impression BA Fo: Diseases peculiar to Females it is almost a specitic. I In convalescence from Typhoid ant other low forms of Fever itis the very best Tonic that can be used. The Compound Geutian Bitters meet with universal favor, and have received the strong est testimonials ever ziven to any medicine, a | lew of which we append below; This is to certify that I have used Dr. God- din's Compound Gentian Bitters aud ebeerful- ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that can be used for ordinary debihty, sick stomach &e. E. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, O-ange co, N. C., May 15, ‘69. I hereby certify that T have Leen using Dr. Goddin's “Componnd Gentian Bitters,” for Cor gh, Geveral Debitity, &e.. and Pain fully satisfied that they are the best Bitters of which [ have any knowledze, and ‘he Lest Tune ol- fered to the American people. ROBT. Y. SLATER Ilenrieo county. Var, Juve 25, 1869 Da. Gopoiw :—Dear Sir: T have been su ffer- ing for (twenty years with an affection of the kidneys, prostrate gland wad stricture of the arethra; beve been onder the treatment of the best physicians iu the « pont f one of whom is now @ professur in a medical college. Alt failed to relieve me. I finally tried your Com poond Gentian Bitters; the effect was like a} charin—onr bottle gave ine conmplete rehef i believe i te be the Best medicine I have ever ased, Very respectfully, JAS. A. PAULOON, Littleton, N.C, Jan. 7th, 1869. Prepared only by Dr. Gewtdin JAMES T. WIGGINS, Proprietary Wholesale Agent, NORFULK, VA EB Por tale by Dr. G. B. Puulsun, Satis bury. NC. 7 38—(f 40 YEARS Bevore THE PUBLIC. | If OTHER Dil oh AG AOR: 0 -~ s sie Spee tes tr r i "op othe = - * + DEC. 24, 1869. SENATE, io Tugrdpar, Deo. The Senate was called to order at 1Qo'clovk. © "yorog, or’ piu, ~* He ate, Robbine of w bill 10 protect the freedom ‘of speech, and of tle press. r. Martiodale, of & bill to organize the mil- itia, A INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Bi By Me. Murphy, a bill to.suthoriae the S2- rin at of Puotic «Works, 19 »silh athe tate’s interest in. (he Fay@tiesilg #nd, War- saw P Road* Referred. mA Pre y Mr ins, @ resolution to amend thé rules of the Senate, 8y that vills may be tntro< dugeédt without having to give previous nvtice, lies over, ONFINIGHED BUSINESS. Billto inedtporate the Planter’s Railroad Company, Wav taken up. Mr. Sweet's amend ment was adopted, and the bill passed its see- ond reading. A resolution was transmitted from the House against any further increase of the State debt, adopted. THIRD READING OF BILLS. Bill making an appropriation for the Deaf, | Dumb and Blind Asylun $46,000, passed. Bill makiry an appropriation for the support of the Insane Asy!nm of $48,000, and 12,000, in addition to be used io making improvements on said building, passed. Bill to repeal an act amendatory of an act to } incorporate the Westera N.C. K. Ro Co., rau fied 15th of February, 1855, passe. At this Stage a Ihessage Was received from the House conveying a commuuication from the Governor in referenee to amending the militia law, with a proposition to privt 20 copies for the use of each member of the General Ad- sembly, which was concurred in. Mr. Shoffuer moved a suspension of the rules ia order to allow him to iutroduce a bill iy ac- cordance with the recommendations ovotained io the message, upuo which a considerable dis- cussioa arose. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES , Tucrsvar, Dee. 16, 1869. *Tlouse met pursuant to adjournment. BILLS AND RASOLUTIUNS. By Mr. Malone: A bill to declare waltd the vlectiug of certaw Township oftvers io certain | CO mites Mr. Dixon, for the Committee on Claims, re- | ported vulaverably apon the resulauon to fa- vor of Euniss and Henderson. By Mr. Gunter: A bil requiriag owners of toll bridges aud ferns w give buwd. Referr ed, By — Crawford, col: A resoluwon in tegard tu the drawing of farors, Referred. A tuessage was reerived from the Governor. askong fr amrodments tu the mihia law to enable |ius to suppress outrages, Ordered to be privtedt, On motion of Mr. Wilkie, the rules were eu-pended, and the oll requiring the County Comndsesionets lo mevt once 8 month, was ta ken up, The qnesiion mearred apon a sabstitute re ported by the Judiciary Comaritier. After a long debate the sobstiiate was ad opted (the anbstitnte provides that Commis mooers shall receive pay tor 24 days in Ux year aud shall rerive no mileage, Mir, Pearsoo uffered an ameninent that in those @xinties paying 15,000 d liase tax, the eurmuneseuers shall receite pay of 18 days in each year, those thit: pay over 15.000 dullare an} ander 25 000 doliare shall receive pas lor 16 1809.1 Lr # messace was reavived eongrrring in the Hunse vill in favor of enter- the resolution in. rever- ry. ipa Various messages were received “from the Senate tiansinitting several bills, among thea the vill forthe better protevtivn of “hie and property, as-followst «¢ - ~s An Act to sdeure the better protedtion of life and The General Asseibly ot North Carolina do nact, That the Goverdor is hereby authosiz- ed and ewpowered whenever in bis judsment the civil enthorities in any coantry are unable to protect its citizens in the evjoyment of life aud property, to deelare. such counties in a state of insorreetion and to eall into active ser- vice the militia of the State to such extent as may become Decessary to repress iusur- rection. Sec. 2. That the Governor is hereby author- ized and empowered to reqaest the President of the United States to suspend the writ of ha- beas corpus in any county or cuonties declared uuder authority of this act to be in a state of insurrection, and to afford such assistance asin his judgment may be necessary to enforce obe- dience w law, ¢ See 3. Shat upon motion of the Solicitor of the District it shall be the duty of the Judge theegot tu remove the trial of any person in- dict¢d fur muraer, conspiracy, and in violation of eb act ratified the 12h day of Apnl, 1869 frum the county where such offeuce os y have been committed to such yther county as the Svlicttor may designate. Sec. 4. That the expenses attending the cal | ling of (he militia into active servive as herein provided shall be paid by the Treasnrer of the State epon the warrant of the Governor and it shall be the duty of the Comnnussioners of the county declared tu be ta astate of 1asurrection and where such servivre was fendered to reim- burse within one year the Tre wsaurer of the State the expensus thus paid; Provided, That when- ever a perseu or persons shall Lave Been cun- victed of a vielanon of the act mentioned in section thice of the act sad expenses of the muiliua shall be taxed on the bil! of co«t against the persun of persons convicted, and whew | codected the same shall be paid inte the Treas- ury vl such gounty. Sec. 5. That all laws or clauses of laws ie co: tliet with this act are hereby repealed. Bec. 6. This act shail be iu force trom and after tts ratification, On mouou ef Mr. Seymoar, the rules were suspended aud the Senaie bill for the better provectivn uf lite aod property (for proviciens of the bill see Seuate proceedings) was Laken ap Tne tall was put on tts second reading end failes| for the want of a quorum. The yeas and nays being called and resulted tw the folkowiog ballot Yeas 46. Nay» 2. No quorum vouug. ur. Seymour woved for @ call of tle Touse. lo making the motiva he revited various Ku Kiox outrages io certain parts of the State. The mmutive for a call was pal to a vote adup- ed and 67 avembers responded to thew names. The questiun recarted apon the passage of ithe bull oa ite second reading. | mr. Seymour called the previons question. | The call was sustainel. The yeas and nays were called and resulted w the tollowing ballot : Yeas 54. Nays, wesera Amen, Ganter, [as ns, ut Franklin, Homey, mendeohall, Snipes, | White aod Witiems, of Maunpson —8. ur. Seymour called the previsas quesuon ‘uvsday io Janua- ——— irom the Senate | 4 was 24 days, those ever 25 000 amd onder 40,060 | | Diteetors have extiaordinary powers, if bes teve anfaithfal in the man ment of these bonds, our stock may come. worthless, andthe Roads n anfiuished; whily +a still greater disaster befulle as, a destroyed credit, which, wo a State, is as precious as Virtue te a wom- The interest. on the special tax bonds now beiug ted, amounts to $756,000, | a sum largely more than the present ex- ea Of the State government, And of the 32, 600,000 tax. bonds, $7,000,009 go inte the hands of one man with al- most unlimited control. "The tax to be on the bonds controlled by one man 3 the sam of $420,000, which is more than two thirds of the expenses of the State government with all its abltises and extravagance, Surely this great interest, controlled by a few men, should be guard- ed with great Vigilance by this General Assembly. * And while it ie true, that the work is progressing to a limited extent, on sore | of the Roads, yet comparatively little bas been done, although bonds have been is- sued sufficient to build every Road con- templated inthe S:ate Our credit bas gone down, down,—the fair name and tame of the old State of North Carolina have become a “re and “by word” in the commerce res of the world. Why is all this? ‘The constitu- tion adopted and ratified by the people, of the publie debt—legislative enact- mente—resolations of all parties declar- ing the inviolability of the public debt, yet strange to say our eredit grows daily worse. J wust say that much of this results from the unwiwe legislation of this Gene- ral Assembly. Never before in the his- tory of any State, was ench recklessness found. Llere are $7,000,000 of bond» issued to one man, withoat security —with- out pledyes and without a guarantee that the Road will ever be built - to another, | ie authorized $4,000,000 with like ob- jection, On the paseage of these bills, I had the Lonor w offer certain amend- ments providing, that these bonds abould issue in limited qnuansities, and at stated periods, when the progress of the work required their application. | at these aweudments were repadiated And irson this floor threatened to kill every Road in which my people were interested if I insisted ou such amend- ments, Trac, I voted for most of these bille, bat wader protest of thie kind —I did eo, in order to obtain support for Reads io which my people felt great mterest | But of course, it was contemplated, j these bonds shotid be thrown ag the market in @ pradent way—that the pro- ceeds shoald be honestly applied. | Hlad this been done, the people woald | have cheerfully eubsmitid to the barden | of taxativn, in the hope of seeing the | conntry rise from prostration and lethorgy | to netivity and enterpriee, We would | gladly have paid the taxes in the hope of pat guaranteed the good faith in the pay mcut | even refused to allow have peyton the lew, / of the Superintend Mr. 8; < r, we fh rings,” “go! rings” - an¢ rings,” Ag the srailies is the “railn cwbes fret of become oné or the times. Look at the stu ake co) 7 t evils’ of the nidows frands in the Great “Central Pacifie Road” omount- ing to millious, But afew. days pte the Directors of the great “Erie Railroad” of New York were enjoined. from pro- ceeding on the application of a share holder and creditor; the allegation being that forty millions of dollars were not accounted for, by this windling Direetory. And in North lina, it seems thata zeled with the gligtering prospect of gain- ing millions tation, Fong Seicesinad to disregard the vital interest of the people —who intend to revel in luxury and opu- lence at the expense of a people, already oppressed, downtrodden, and bumiljated. And now, when we ose in the “Committee of the Whole,” to oe: gate these frauds, “is it not etrange that mewbers on this flcor throw obstacles ia the way—that they would resort to ev- ry — of tactics to defeas full, fair and ‘st investigation |” But this investigation must be had.— bole shall hold this Legislature, and the minant party in this House, ap to the pasar a theorest of an indi public opinion, if they fail to do their ae! in the premises. The interest icvelved is too vital and momentous to admit of dubious action. The bonds issued to these Railroad Com- panics belong to the people of the Sate, —they are paying over a half milliea dollars, aoa to meet the interest om these bonde—this must continue from year to year, and fiually the princi mast be paid. Now, wil we to ate Toearsy~ ho miserable, swindling, aud scouted by a majority or the House | “Ring? ana ition go ate ty and absurd. Will we stand by, and behold the Remedies FAIL FO BRUNCHIAL AXU LIVER DI SEASES read the folle wing : Thomas fl. Rainey, Eeq. Granvil'e co., N. ¢ says: “lI ded your Mille to be the best fami cone (| have ever ceed. They have proved very ben . 'y m di- | shail receive pay for thuty days, these ove 40.000 dinflars shall mveive pay for 40 days and eLall receive no noleage. Adopted Mr. Seymour offered a substitute embracing j the prommons of Mr | witch was adopt, ¢f. | Mr. Smith. of Alleghany, moved to amenc {hy saying that all counties pay tig under 8 ime | Pearsub's ameodiwneni upon the bill on ite thd reading. he call wae eurtained. | The yens and nays were caled and resulted | am the fuilowing balbt: Aye 4 and development of all the resources of We could the State Navs—wesera, Ellington, Garter, Horney, | wendenhall, Snopes, White.— 6 | No qoorem voung ur, Seym ome more! fo postpone the bill an- | Gateer oarvel ves that we were on the high ‘road to preeperity aud greatness; and; the manipulations, combinations, sag ao country bleeding at every pore! Shall we not catch, and throtille, the “Vam-, pyres” who sack the life blood: of the le 7 mrt thie investigatio® shall prowe the | faleity of the charges against these men, I ehoald be par, ty >: to their inneence; bat if they are found guilty of this bigh breach of trast, f shal be willing to vote a resolution of con | demuation which would hand their names to posterity, branded as the most iguo- minious ingrates of the present age. } If gentlemen are in good , they say they favor ‘net throw open the give fail seupe thie investigation? Why qitibble aboat the techniralities of the | getting them back in the rpid growth | law! Why refase wo send fora witness, and continually proclaim hope from the | the investigation te a fare: 7 | faishfal applicanen of thie vast sum, to} I wil geutlemen now, that thie is but « | #ee the whole country roused to a eptrit of } commit:ing Coart, we intend to prefer ar- jnlastry and perserverance, and could | tigles of impeachment before the great tribapal of pable opinion in August mania has seized a few; who being daz- - eficial jn my own case. | have been very much ef: |) incre tax. the Cotmmrmeiarrs shall receive |! the frat Thoreday after the recess flicted for p+ aba years, and have tried every kwedol| oo ioe wily 15 dave medicine that | could get. bat have foond mere e aap Al LG j |) Port poue was adupte:l lief from your Pills thag all others. My dixease 1s The amcudmeut was adopted by a rote of } bronchial efftiction, and a complete prostration of We do net employ any travelling agents, and | ihe gervous aystem. i have reed thei in ten or f1- | third reading. teen casesin my family. and find them to be the very medicine tor pearly a:) family diseases” Phe Cure is Thorough. Kenneth Haynes, Beq..' lerk of Coiambus county court, » rites (April 9 1685:) “During the iatter part of the year 1889 I was sercrety aM cted with divensed liver and masy tights + bile in ved the pein would become of excrociating thal | was compelled to out of bed aad eit Gp wotil the pain wonld ped av 1 wrod lye Bdnen ol the SOUTH ERA HEP STIC Aus. and the Sret dove | took gave me qreet telief. | continued tw axe the Pile for two @ecks, aed have not suffered from liver disease ‘ since. | have recommended them acoording!y, afd several persons are in went of : } Ail draease te ani enemy to the human system and | is at war with it and wif! conquer it. annie nature with al! the eesistanc~it can receive from strength. | eaing medicines and eulitable nourisiments, can } conqner the enemy; which would be best. ta take | medicine before you get ick. to present sich ne * or to take medicine efter sou sick to cre acknest. Lr 4 word to the wise is evongh. 40 Exercise your own judgment in the means of de fense, the enen y will come, be ye sien ready with The Southern Hepatic Pills, That oid, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilions disruses. canned by @ DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL BMIGRANTS.—\ oware abontte ake a home for yourself and fantt'y na climate * hic you or they have not been accustomed to, you wi!) of enarse. be e+ posed to all the diseases peca!'ar to that climate, you shoaid be careful to nee wnch Med- ieines as ave adapted te the disevats of that climate you will find the greatest? security in the use of Derus’ Sortuers Heraric Pitre, They can be sent to any pointin the United States by Express. PRICK—For ome box, 25 cer te.— Dee $2 HO—TalfGroee $10 One Geoae, 0)8—Three Grose, $50 — Five Grose, O75 The cach must either aceompany the order forthe Wedi- cine or it willbe sent ©.0.D, Or ere sheuld be acdress edie @. W. DEEMB, Ro. v8, Sours CaLaocr fraers, BaLtimons Ma where they will he prompt'y atiended ta, Por th-se Medicines Cali om ail respectable Druggtete everywhere sod on Q. B. POULSON, Inly 2—-26:1y Salisbury, N.C Retablished 13588. LEPAGE BROS. &Co., GENERAL Commission SH. uchants COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St., Morfolk, Va. CH Special attention paid to the sale o GRAIN, COTTON and all other kinds ¢ COUNTRY PRODUCE. # Liberal advances on consignment | and proppt returee juy9g7- Alter the transeectiun of unimportant busi yeas 45, nays3l. The till tiew peseed ins | Oa mution the Lovee then e'journed. * ng cent at 5 o'clock. REMARKS OF ersaTe. Friday, Dec. 17, 1869 | The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock: Mr. Swert aroee to a qaestion of privilege in | regard to an miticle which appeared in the | mortiing Sentinel of this city coped from the | Winstén Sentinel in whieh he (Sweet) m charg: | ed ith being a party ton manipulaben of the | as ty prolong the tenure of of i fice of the members of the present Ge reral As | sembly. Mr S vd othe tabrica ion from begining to end County, In the House Representatives on the pro- agement of certain Railroad Compan- ies, om 6th Dec. 1869. constitution my denout arlce as 8 / } hie General Assembly made extravagant | appropriations to certains Railroad Com | panies, the faithful and honest application lof which might bave brought relief to oar KOTHCE oF BILLS. By Mr. FP skoer: OF a bill to change the t me of bokding the Cgurts io the 8th jidicin! dwtrict INTRODUCTION OF BILLA, Ko. By Mr. Martindale: A bill ro amen! an act | to proteer Sheriffs to the sale of lands jor taze<, also a bill to amend an act i+ relation w the | sale of lands owler e2-oution CALEATAR Ri solution tnetroeting the Treasnrer to make vO payment of interest on the eonpons of th bonds esnedin paymentol a site fur a Pepiun itentiary, was adopted. Bill to allow enterere of vacant land further time to obtain grants froin the State, passed us third readiug onder .@ suvpension of the roles the industrial reeoarces of ihe State. The report of the Treasurer submitted the State in Rathoads and other corpora- tions to be the sam of $21,707,500. If this stock, wae worth ite nominal value the State would depend for the purpnee of paying ber debts. It would seem, that a State having such a stapendous amoant of tock in Railroads would have eueh a | basi« for capital, that her credit would Bat 12,600,000 of this etock Bi'l to enlarze the powers of the County | were taken under the auchority of the gy He emptied its ll reading. jacte of this General ; toamend an act to anthorige the forma winter: and Reade not tion of corporations, passed ite second reading nrae ihe stack wonle Qe motivo the Senate adjourned. conrae the stock is worthless. — . In order to show the neeessity of rigid HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, Dee. 17, 1868. House met parsnant to adjeurument. Qn metiou the roll was ented aod 6L mem- ber ar.swered to their names, On motion of Mr. Veet, the roles were ans } the nation. | meut look at the indebtedness of the State, which is made up as follows :, The “old debt,” $17,215,045. New debt (special tax bond) (1seacd) 12.600,000 pended and the Senate reeolotion anthorazing | . . the A ditor to more fer jadpinent: against de | Bonde (special tax) not iseued. 4,280,000 linquent Sheruls especial » of the —— Toral, 234,085 045 Now let it be remembered that moet of this enormonsa debt State taking stocks in Railroads. This etock Mr. Justioe moved to lay Ue resolution on the table. A ballot being taken the vote stood yeas 33, | nays 23, (no quorum ) | On motion of Mr. Seymonr, a call of the} ° : Honse was had and G2 inembera responded to) Mana d by a board of Directors, ap- thair paucs poisted by the Governor. Sow, these neers the Howse ar joarned autil MooUday murn- tigatiou into all-ged frauds. in the men- | j stand pre-ewinently high, in all parte of | is the result of the; btained by the issuance of bhuds to be The call was sustained and the motion to | eonld anticipate some of ibe happy ‘“vie- | jterive of peace.” Bat instead; dowbdl, | and distrust precail the whole State, Ivie eaid that a mighty “Railroad | Ring” bas been organized for the purpose of ppeculating on ihe bonds of the State. | Propasitions have been introduced here W. H. Malone, Caldwell | to iawcetigate the management of tbe Di- rectors ou these several Railroads, Why not do it} Llave we not the right | to seqnire these men to show to this position to raise a Committee of inves. | [louse what shey have done with these | boude—to whom they bare been sold, and at what price? Shall we allowa | confederation of epeeulators to destroy | tle credit of the State, and bring pover- Mr. Sreaxrk:—The last session of | 'y and prostration on the perple 1 These | Directors on the part of the State are but the agents of the State; ond if they bave traneceuded their power, or been guilty | of fraad, we should huld them to a strict distressed people, in the development of | *ecount. It is a familiar rules of law, that an | agent or trus.ee, cannot apply the means lthis eseion, shows the eieck owned by | eutrnsted to hie care to his personal bene- | | fit without impeachment for frand and \bad faith. The President of one of these | Roade who shoulc convert a single bund |to his individual benefit, is guilty of | fiand, And, especially, if he should en- ter into a eombination to epecniate on j these bonds he should be considered gnil- ty of the grossest conevivable fraad, and should be held np to the public gaze as an- | worthy of the trust reposed in hrm. Indays |gone by, if an honest pablic man was Assembly, last! charged with the vielation of any official being built, of | trust, he would demand a Committec of in- | vestigation, in order to vindicate hia inno- cence, but very different now. Look at heeonomy and a stiit inves igation in all these Railroad officials ; bebolding charg. | {frands upon oar rights, let us fora mo-|es of fraud and mismanagement iu almoet | levery paper in the Btate, and from almoet every citizen of the State, yet they pub- hsh no denial—they do not demand an investigato.—they do nut make an of | Geial report as required by law, in afder | that the condition of these Road could be ifully known. Taek if this is not a cir- teumastance of suspicion? Docs it look | like the conduet of the honest man wha intends to vindicate himself? these Roads to report to this General As- sembly, through the Superintendent of Public Works, the exact ¢ondition of The law requires the Presidents of | This | by the geutleman from Johosion) to hate 'been “born amid a halo of glory” oi | bound to totter and fall to pieei—the | glories of its triempbe will fade into die- gustful oblivion, an uprising and indig- nant people will hurl from powerthe mis- creauts who have sought to prey apon the vitals of a distressed and struggling peo- ple. I am desirous to see ouranficished Roads completed—the destiny’ of the Western portion of the State de upon the completion of these works. Yee, I long | to see light pouring throagh the tannel of | Swannanoa Gap—and the grand line ex- | tended on to Dachtown and Paint Reck | I should delight to see the completion af | the Atlantic, Tennessee & Oltio Road and | all the others, in course, of constraction. | Bat except we get more than thirty-one j cents outhe dollar we eannot build the Roade. We must check the abuses in the man- agement of these bonds—we must ear- tail their isene, and thereby resime the credit of the State, and obtain the con- fidence of the penple. Our citizens are languishing for reliet—they ery to ns fog | help —ehall we diregard their interest— j shall we beeome reereaut to the bigh truet with which we were entrusted ? Our people are opposed to repudiation, they do not wieh iG odiam attached tu hie dilemma, bat gentlemen muet reeot lect that we may compel repadiation —w6 may continue these burdens, and the next. Repablican party, which was (said | ple for want of substance, and ebi will break down, in spirit, and then, re- | pndiation and financial disaster, will be welcomed as a pleasant, last resort. Bat all this may be averted Ly an honest de- termination to deteat the designs of thase “ho intended to destroy us. Let parties, caacas, and poljtieal gom- binations be given to the fanr winds, and let honesty, truth and patrivtlam rule the hour Tennveaeo has sovanteen thoneand Pree Masona The Swiss laborers in Geotgir give universal satiafaction. Pore Hyacynthe sailed thy franco from New York on ibe L jth = ISBURY, FRIDAY, DEL: 24, 1369. ——- == OF ape ne omer PREMIUM FOR 1870. all our friends, and the public generally, pmber that all new subscribers to the Old State, who pay in advance, will receive the Anericax Stock Jouryat for one year free of coat, except pastage. Let all of our pres ent subscribers remeniber that by renewing their subscriptions, paying all arrearagea, and for one AY, year in advance, they “will also receive at, Stok Journal one year free of clar ze, except pos- tage. Calt at the: office of thie fui North Sats and sce a specimen copy of the Stock Journal and you wii be sureito subscribe. ee CHRISTMAS, They afe at hand—te Chris.m.s Hotidays.— To-morrow is Christmas day—the bitth-day of “the Saviour of mankind—the most blessed and glorious day in the Calendar, Compared-with -it, and the great"event which it heralded forth, | all other days and all other events are as noth- ing. Yes, the Holidays are at hand. Time, at least, is true and faithful to all his engagements. The changing ses come'and go, but the les- rons which they teach make little or no impres-: sion. In the pursnit.of mad ambitions projects, or in thetfruitlesssearch afer real and lasting happiness in this World, their course is scarcely observed by any but the husbandman, But not so with the Holidays. Christmas is a regular and peculiar season. It never comes anobserv- ed or unexpected. We may endeavor to efface it from our minds—to think of it just as wethink of other days, but we cannot, We may strive to heap upon its glorious memories the urgent pres- snre of business; we may strive to blot from our vision “the shapes of Love and Joy as they rise from the mist of the Long Ago,” butall in vain ; we may tel! the children in deep seriousness that Banta Clans is all nonsense, and that they need not expect tohave their stockings filled with good anil pretty things, as formerly, but we can- not fail to give the occasion our countenance.— The season will come, and it will be the Christ- mas season in spite of all our efforts, Congres, and only needs the signature President to become a law. It gocs a whol how-shot beyond the recommendation of the President, in his measage, a8 we feared would be the ease, . It does not stop with requiring the | members to take the oaths prescribed, by the Constitution of the State and the Recobstruetion lawa, as by Gen, G but requires them to her oath which differs so little i ey “iroa-clad” that we-may almost call it { the oath, This is @ bittes pill for Georgia, and one that she might‘have avoided by a pru- dent course.” No goodwill conie of. characters ising such legislation, andowe will remain sile about it. It has, donbtleps, been broaght about as many other similar acts have, by the baseness of certain partienin Georgia, to a great extent. Se TIIE RMLROAD FRAUDS, Never ‘was a people more infimonsly swindled and gulléd than have been the people of. We tern op Carolina, It 2 Py a, a based since the appropriation 000,000 in State Bonds was ade te the Western Division of the W.N.C. RR. It is well understood $3,000, 000 of the Bonds were sold ‘months ago at 66 cents on the dellar, yielding$i 000. Where is that'money? Not more than $100,000 have been paid‘ont for work on the and there is not $5,000 in the Treasury at this time. Who has got the inder? It should be in the hands of the Treasurer, but it isnot, George W. Swepson, the former President, who sold those Boi resigned his offive into the hands of of the ident, with the remaining $4,- 000, Bonds. Swepson and Litt im- mediately after the $3,000,000 of Bonds were sold, purchased. by a “little piece of rascality,” # railroad in Florida—where the purchase money came from is strongly sus . The Florida Railroad-is incomplete and a bad speculation, unless it | jemnaies and Swepsop has yyed entle of our acynaintanee in Columbia, S. )., to build that extension. who holds the $4,000,000 bonds belonging to-our roa.l, is also President and part owner of the un- profitable Florida road. As the former President sold $3,000,000, just before he bought the Flori- da road, and cannot or will not account for the proceeds, is there not great reason to suspect that the “little piece of rascality’ in Florida will turn out to be a very great piece of rascality in North Carolina, by selling the remainder of our fofessiona and to hi “Many, arour mtitnent, and h, the respect of his i eg Oe HE SWEET—TOURGEE AFFAIR, any one. and hence, when t! peared in the Winston copied igto other gard to the wmanpi i b dmorder to mislead pnd fin inatter. regard to the charge against bim, | a favyrable opipion of they character af Mr. renarks in the Senat him set himself right in this matter. Over two weeks haein gehtleman remainin eubtvely sileut, we re- showing the people the metho! pursued b their se-eallud representatives te hoodwin avd defraud then of their civil rights. On the appearance of the article alluded to, in the Sesrimen, Mr. Sweet avose in his wee in the Senute to a question of privi- ege, and denied, in tote, the trath of the statements reported, aud stated that he did not believe Judge Tourgee had ever wade the statewent attribured to him. Now, thisisa very g: Mere newspaper Pid a fact. with the time, place, aud ciream- stances. as well as the uame of the party making it, all given, except the names of che gentiemeu to whoin the statemeut was made. ‘Tt is oujission we are prepared to spply.— The statement was made on the train of the North Caroliua Railroad. going from Ral- eigh to Greeushoro’, ou Tharsday, Noveim- ber the 25th. and one of the two gentlemen to whom the statement was made, was Vic- tor C. Barriuger one of the Code Commis bonds to finish the Florida road? We consider this a legitimate suspicion, and ask those mem- bers of the Legislature who are now opposing | the investigation of the alleged railroad bond | From a very remote period this season has been one of festivities and rejoicing. From the moment of its advent until that of its departure good f prevails among all classes, All! ciitaiea cr and all enmities are forgot- | ten. Christmas is the only season when the ice | of man’s nature thaws and leaves him, for the | mowent, happy in the warmth of a genial sun- | shine. Such it has ever been and such may it ever be. Gol forbid that the time shall ever | come when it will be otherwise—when there will he no social gatheringx, and no social greet- | ean tell them the people are making charges frauds, if they, i to shat their eyes to the | danger until jate. Swepson ought tobe forced by ] , to disgorge or account for this large amount, immediately, and Little- | tield, bis accomplice, should be enjoined af ance | from selling any more bonds, and removed from | his position as President. The Legislature— who oppose investigation—say there has been no charges made against these men. We against them every day aud demand an iuvesti- gation of those charges. We clip the above from the Asheville News. inane: hange of courtesies, and no hilarity | The charges which it contains against Swepeon ae drab p canes ge i will, and and Littlefield are most damaging, And they 3 | are scarcely less damaging to Governor Holden, po love making. Sioners. Judge Tourgee, at another time, we are informed, made substantially the samme statement in the pr sence of Mr. Ball. Doorkeeper of the Senate, mail ageut on the R & G. Railroad. &e . &e. We have ot approached Mr. Barringer on this sabject, nor bes he in any way au- thorized us to use bis pawe in the matter h thehas said to different gentlemen that the report of the conversation alluded to by the Wiustun Seniinel, and copied by us. is true. There the matter rests at present. Judge Tourgee. oa the train fom Raleigh to Gre-vebore, onthe 25th of \ ovember last. said. publicly to several gentlemen. of whom Vietor C. Barringer was one, that Sweet. jn saying he thought the Couvention eom- mittee in traming the article iv the Consri tution ned ag an exense for hotding over. e him—rabid and 'y towards those who ay with an, consequently, always political oppo We have no disposition ta du injustice to, <@ extract ap- Sentinel, aud was. papers, statiug the eouver- satiin'of Judge ‘Tourgee on. the Railroad polation of the ple of the State, we evtradnell pyle = " NM athe article or-alladipg tuthe two weeks, to give Sennttor Sweet full opportunity tw set hiuself right in e silinit that we are not usually as f r- Veir'ng in such cases. but we had couceived Sweet, both from his course during forwier sessions of the presen Legislatare, and hig, during’ the present session on this subject of the tevure of the Legislature, and we were autivas tu see elapsed and the’ published the article, fur ‘the pnurpuse of ~ ave matter; nota uta deelaration of But we are not accustomed to write in this | strain—wo have borrowed half the above—so we will conclude by wishing all of our friends and patrons a happy Christmas. In accordance with a time-honoyed custom | the carrier will visit the patrona of the Old | North State with his Christmas Address on to- morrow morning. —_—_-——~~4 oe TITE LEGISLATURE. This body has adjourned until sometime in anuary, when, we are sorry to say, it will meet again. Tiros far it has done scarcely anything Lat continae the per diem of $7 per day, which eath member has pocketed up to this time. It wis hoped that a mtjorfty would have been wil- ling to unda the mischjef of last sesyion, but if ed tliey liave been prevented by party drill. It ix now certain that nothing good can be expect- ed from this legislature, and that the sooner it | adjourns sine die the betier, It is the last one of its character that will ever be elected ia North Carolina. Radicalism is dead and buried ia this Stale, so deep that the hand of resurrection can never reach it. As we have before mid, “ ite leaders will sink into the deepest nothingnes and the profoundet obscurity.” The mames of the people of any party sre always honest in their potitical sentiments and will do right when convinced what right is. —-<+>-__—_——_—_ A DANGEROUS MEASURE. On our Grat page will be fonnd « bill to be en- titled “Ag Act to secure the better protection of Life and Property.” The bill is a very extraor- Ginary one, and persons out of the State reading it will be apt tu jade that dang ineur- rections exist, or are apprehended, in several counties in North Cardélinag fYet every one knows that such is not the fact. Will the legis latnre, thea, make itself ridicnlous by passing a MU whieh nothing but a state of insurrection or rebellion can jastify? Every body knows that the writ af habs opus cannot be suspended by the Federal Government “ unless when in cases of invasion or rebellion the pnblic safety may require 1.” This is the language of the Consti- tation. Where is any febellion to be met with lo North Carolina? Ip there 2 single county in the State where the civil antheritics have been renieted—where civil process cannot be served ? Not one, that we have heard of It will be seen, tor, that this bil) confers extraordinary powere on the Judges and Solicitora, In every point«f view it eecine to be an upealled for and danger- om mevure. We made no objection w the amendmcnt proposed to the militia in the Gov - erpor's mewage, but thie @ a very differcrt Meatrre. That there have been individual cases of ont rage, in which, perhaps, a agore or two of per | sors participated, ie too true And no one can} eomdernn ench outrages mote severely than we do. And we will go farther and say that we do ni think they have becn denounced io certain yuarters as they ahould have been—that what haa been eaid in palliation of them hae had too But there is no anch condition of things any where as will! yotify the passage of this bill. [ts prseage can | only hare the effect to make matters infinitely worve than they are. rich ten tency to encourage them. -——_- - — Bee" The Ritherford Star ia “informed that | Ji ize Henry made an important derision onthe cireait just closed, which aileets the righta of m uors arising undef the prov.<ionsof the Home- at. The point argge on the application of ©) nistratar, to the Court for leave to Hh real estate to pay thé debts of his intestate Incy, d-ceased. . bt ¢ppedée that the deceased vel ‘the war, aac that éwing to stny lawa, a ® i te } miiitary overs, &e.; 4he adminietrator’ had not vet heen able to cMad ap:the estate.” To his Ap. paation the heire nt Jaw ‘retponded,’ alleging thatone of their nantbér had not vet attained } T praying to he allowed nader th v aol the n Ww have the Heinosterd ccomptfon lafd off according to law. Tiadion tr held that they were sg entitled, on tl id principle that the law wae enacted for the bonetin of the “helpless” d minpry We uadgretam that in th opinion the leading members of the bar concurred,” amjor yan provist Constitnti ones — widows ar who, it must be remembered, ia responsible for | /Uly meant to bold over from Ap ilts Ao | their appointment to the office of President of | ¥'*t 1903. had knowingly misrepresented | the Western N.C. Railroad. In the face of all | i yt nde Bros geile thia, is it not wost Mranze that there should ever | expressly stating that the Legislatnre should have been any opposition to the appointment of! hold over faur years sand foor months. and a ial committee of investigation? Ins it net, that he showed it to Heaton aud Sweet. wh. “pee : : : : strange that Gov. Holden has not sent in a epe-| Were sitting one on each side of him, and cial message urging the appointment of anch | at [lraton who was atimid inan, objected. ; A A ; | avin that if it was pat iv that wey it would committee, and asking for the most rigid inves- bat the C Sati 1 thet 8 tigation? Why has he not done so? But one! __ er eltiis npr EM seed) enrol alld tok ts] : Mh hee : . | agreed with him. and that they went behind answer presents itself to the minds of honest and | the Speaker's deak and evnsalted. and that intelligent men—-he fears the eflect 4f the joa, | he drew up the preeent sect on. a0 worded as upon his party, if not upon his own character to nislend the people as to its meaning aud The people demand an inyvestiggtion, but it |imtewt. He said that Sweet and Heaton were will net be mada, Thé ions pf the ‘Neen, both delighted at the manner in whieh he f = aul badpneereded in their object. and that Sweet ar pres wi pablo se: pan tadlingorses wag nt voly kuowing w it. beta party t: other be enjoi rom ing any foore | j¢-” ; | bonds, and he removes! fromoflicg, if the charges! We repeat, there the matter rests for the can be proved to be true, will not be carried out. | present. Mr Sweet saya the statement. a» We need not tell our readere why. They will} reported 's untrue, ann that he dows not he find the answer in the venality of the times and | jeve Judge Tonrgee inride it. . Mr Barrin ta ihs senasask ak sacar lacclvad ger says Jude Tourgee did make it, aud we heard it intimated tiat he has been other thav SOUND VIEV The Connectient Courant, the oldest and one | of the ablest and best papers in New England, | has the Best article on the McFarland—Rich- | ardeon tragedy which we have seen. After re | counting the fact» in the case—which resulted in the shooting of Rich rdson by McFarland, and the subsequent marriage of Richardaon, on hie death-bed, with the divorced wife, as alleged, of McFarland—and giving the statements of both | parties, having first condemned the shooting, | it enya: “Now, neither of these statements shows a clean bill for Mr. Richardeon and Mra McFar- land. We can understand that nothing which the law calle criminal occurred between them, and that, in the present perverted «tate of public opinion concerning divorce and marriage, they may not have thought they were doing anything a Wecan anderstand that Mr. McF arlaod may have been brutal, and that she ought not to continne to live with him. Bat here We stop. — Here we feel that we are treading near the -—-—-— VS OF MORALITY. | of sentimental if not of wicked When « woman about getting s divorce in order to another man, we the ground giving onder ua. When a man “sym- ines” with another man’s wife and to the extent of arging her to a divorce and marry h cntloely cave: in.— together in any such lax tina sign of frightful ie when two people (mm ing them to have in- tended no harm) adopt sich views and practice them. It in not our busines to sit in |e your m the consciences of Mre. McF ar land and Mr. Richardern ; but thie awful trage- dy @ one of the results of the low tone prevalent in social Jif.” The Oburant ie right—“sochety cannot hold te- gether in any such lax practice of morals, or loose notion of marriage.” | A young Indy who wonld openly and poblic- | ly receive the attentions of a married gentleman, who, it was understood, was endeavoring to ol- | tain a divorce from hia wife for the pnrpore of | marrying her, would very justly forfeit her tice | in respectable rocicty, leta it be understood that he is engaged to be} And a gentleman who married to the wife of another, as enon aa ehe ean obtain a divorce from her husband, as Rich- | ardaon did, sliould be Just as eever __- OUR U. & CIRCUIT JUDGE. ely dealt with, i | The Hageretcwn (Md.) Maida strong Demo eratic paper, apeaking of objertions that have been made to Judge Pearre, President Grant's nominee for the Circuit Judgeship of the 4th Circuit, composed of the Statee of Maryland Virginia, West Virginia, North and South ¢ ur olina, enrs: “We have no disposition to interfere in the law tteT Of} Appointments where onr yoice wonld not, under any circumstances, be heard; but we ennnot refrain from expressjug our surprise at the manner in which it is alleged the nomina- tiqn of Judge Pearre is treated by his Radical friends. Asa lawyer, Juctre Pearre has alwavs ranked among the ablest in Maryland, who are asa bedy sccond to none in the Union. Ae al gen'hrian he stands without reproach, and asa politicien, although against na, we have never | cOuntry on the first of Fe bruary hetieve he did. Mr. Rweet and Jad e Tourgee ean settle the inatter between thein.— Ral Seutinel. The Winston Sentinel givea the name of George Makepenee. of Randel h Connty. as the other gentleman whe heard the eonver- safon on the train.—FEp. North Stare. ——___- ge CONGRE-SIONAL. Wasatxatox. Dee. 20. Tennessee delegation ee pt Senator Fow- ler and Rep e:ntt e!'awti:e are engag: d if preparing « protest agminat the legality of the Tennessee election, p aying Cougress to se! it aside. The President nominated Edwin M. Stan- ton to be a ledge of the Supreme Coart vier Grier. resigned. Sexate:—A bill was reported fur the ex- empting of canned fish from duties. Fromball from the Jadiciary Commitee reported a joint reseluti« m declar pg Virginia entitled to representation in Congress. A bill was introduced for the adjustment of the French epoilation elnime. Tn an erecutive cession “tanten was eon firmed by a vote «f 46 to DD. Hovose—Bill distribaticg the number and rank of government eumployers ainong the several States and Territoriv-e parsed. The Georgia bill wastaken ap. Tle vor will be taken at Bo o'eloek to motrowe. Sev orn) amendineuts were propeeed all of whieh Batler, whe championed the bill, o; posed on the gromod that the bill le vot in all reapeete satisfactory, and amendinenta woald cause delay. Mr. Bingham will oppore the bill. There is a night cession for debate only. Mr. Batler stated that the committee post- poned t!e Virginia Lill beeause he had uot set sufficient evidence. Farneworth moved to snapesd and pase a feectation that thed te representation House refured to suspend the rules, 63 te the rnles Virginia is euti The apenket decides that the Georgia bill is open to nine wdinent and that a imucien te postpone will be erterrained Becks’ amerndinents require a day forreas river at Newark, recently, while gowing from the pivot of the new bridge now being constriet- elto the <hore in a flat-bottomed scow. Seven others excaped by har | swimming. The water waa rongh and the hoat) commenced dipping, when the whole party became eriliaed anc jumped overboard, The five dead bodies were recovered, ee ee The Britich Government will take} poseession of the telegraplie lines of the for being vo 8 as‘a fraction in oe ig bility to error or nnstak figures, - Bix Per Cent.—Multiply ber af dollars by n| terest desired and dis the juterest of such for the eight percent. Ton Per Cent,—Maultiply * cent. , [communtcateD ] To The Index: Your calculations of in- terest are aery correct, but they are certainly of the “slow coach” order and we dyn’t think they evit this “fast age.” ealeulation of the interest on $493 59 for AB days you make just 47 figures. To work on that basis in an aeeonut of two p ges would take up inuch time and would ba a pretty heary job. tosay nothing of the, pa- per and ink consumed to work ont the vari- ous calen'ations, The suin mentioned by you would be worked out ‘up towu” this way. $493 59 ‘ 4 94 49 25 $5 68 Tu this caleulation 15 figne’s only are ased as against your 47. Explanation: 60 days at 6 per cent. is 1 per cent; 6 days is one- tenth of 60 days; 3 days one-halfof 6. If the rate of interest should be 7 per cent. add 1-6 the amount; if 8 per cent, add 1.3; if 9 add 1-2; if 10 per eeut. add 1-2 and 1-6. If 12 percent. double the amount of interest. Tf you want interest toa fraction, then de it on same priucip’e and it will only take 23 Ggures as against your 47 (it not being ne- cessary in fact to put down the remount if the same interest is wanted on except asa port of the calculation to bring the iaterest) thus: 358 49479 246795 $5,67.6285 The first ealenlation g ves the right amount, asif the traction is over $e it would be tak- ing. and if under it wonld not; but any oue whe wonld stitekle for the fractional part of a ceut’s interest. can work ont the smn in the second way given. using less than one half of the figures taken up by your mod -ef ealeulation. ~Ovv Foor.” ———_——_~geo———_—— A Simple Calculation —The following re quest for information was recently submitted to the financial editor of the Philadelp! a Ledger : Will yon please inform ine a ready means of deterning the discount of a en reney del- lar in gold when the latter ie reported ata “preminin” of 32 percent ; and also of ap- eertaining the coin valne of our Goverament bends when quoted at 12] in curreney, that eurreney s-lling at J32 fur @1 in evin? The reply of the Ledger is annexed: The process is exerelingly simple. Piret, pat down 100. to whieh place two cyphers to the right. which make {he sun read ten thoneund. Into this divide J92. and the jantient will be the ouin value of the per. aud if this quotient ie sarbtraeted froin 100, the difference is the diseupnt of the paper. Seeond. divide 132 inty B21. Orst placing as before two cyphers to the right of the latter, the qrotient will be aboet $14. and is the evin waloe of the bends All this may te acermplished ina tenth of the time and space eccapied in atatiog ft. notation of Coin.—When gold is qnoted at $l 10,a piper dollar is worth 91 cents pearly. When goldis quoted at 61 15, & paper doMar is worth 87 cents. When gold is quoted at 1 2.8 pape: dollar is wor h 834 cenis. When gold is quoted at $1 26, a paper dollar is worth 80 cents: When g Idis qnoted at 61.30. « paper doNaris worth 78 ceuts nearly. When gold is quoted at ‘yi 3, a papr dollar is worth 74 cents. Whe gold is quoted at $1 40. a paper dollar is worth 71 cente. When gold is quoted at $1 45. « paper dollar is werth © ceuta. When g 1! is quited at $1 SO a paper dollar is worth 662 3 centa. —- -— — An Lilinois farmer asserts that whoenerer tries the following Tecipe fur corned beef. will never nse any other: “Bor one hundred pounds of berf, three bockets of water—or enorgh to cover the rrnt—foar poonds brown eugar, with as moch enlt as will dis- solve. Ben) and skim. Pot in the meat while bedi g. boil thirty minates; take oat cowl; pack in barrel and tarn on Mmghe Pet coat —Stanlply “any” lowe % as | Sood tiply any Rres amount by the nunher ovaaye upon which: it Weilesirel to ascer'ain the Yaletena. aud divide by forty-five, and the result will bed: time requirgd-at}, the same as absve,-and divide by thirty-six. andthe re? Sule will show the rate of interest, at tea per In sour dee Two of the Jone John P. Oy: Republican Government. and the our society, and the men are orderly and quiet. The remains of Gov. Swain were disinterred and removed to Raleigh last Chapel Hill, Dec. 20, 1869 ———»2» UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. (Reported especially for the Standard.) SaturRvay, Dee. 18th, 1369. The Court met pursuant to adjournment. The only new arr val to-day was that of W. W Peebles. Esq, Mr. Bailey, of counsel for yarions assi- gnees gibed acs to ainend his declarations. which ere d'avn substantially in the same wayas thore in Dewey's cases. Leave was granted and the cases eonting «1 Tn the case of Chas. Dewey, Assignee. va Cobb, Walker and Pemberton the 4pivion in which was delivered o4 yesterday, the plea ‘ings were as follows: Action: debt; plea: gere-al issne.— Moore. Phillips and Merrimon fur the plain- tif, (Mr. Moore o ly wasin atie:dance ;) Faller, Strange and MeKoy fur the defen- da ts week. e After the case for the plaintif was closed the counsel for ‘be deendant raised ‘he ob- jretion thatthe allevations in the deelara- lion were not safficier t to give the Cvort ju- isdiction. for that there was no allegation of an assigoment of the estate and effects of the bankrupt to C. Dewey. bat that the title iv then te upon which suit waa brought. was alleged to vest in Dewey. by a: endurse ment from one Haske. - His l'enor's opinion was ae follows: This deelara ion alleges, First: That ae rporation was create] by the wame of t'e Bauk of North Carolina, by act of Assembly. in 1870. Seeond: That in 1361 the de‘endants Cobb aod Walker made their promissory notes. a pla | promiring te pay te the de- feudant Leveh. vt hie order, $180, hivety days afier date. Thir): That aterward the said Leach en. dorsed the said nete to the defendant Huake, then acting as cas ier and agent of the suid Bank for the use of the said Bank. Fourth: That afterwards t « vit, on the Slat das of Octuber, 1868. the Bank of N “arolias breame a benkrupt. and the enid last pained day was yy alauk:a t by the Distrie: Caurt of the United States for the Distrigt of North ©vre" ns : Wheredpoti and befure the bringing of this. suit, the laintiff wae doly appouted pedense of all es eotate and at be sof aT ee ] The apinim of the Court is is not hy virtne of the endorsement of Haske that the plaintiff can claim as assignee to be the owner al the note ened oa* bat it is by vir- tne of the assigaiwnent provided by the Bankrupt act to be made te —— by the Register or the Distriet » that the assignee reqnires his tithe t the estate of the baokrapt. and his right to collect or reduce United States. e complete appuir tment of the assignee does not vest him with the right to sue for any part of the est te of the bankropt in ary eonrt; fur he may ander thea t of 1367 bee mpletely appoi el. that is, elected, as that act prov or in the event of a fa lnre to elect. appuinted by the me rr and coufirmed by the District Judge. stil] have aa title to any part of the es tate. Now it will be seen that up to this point plaintfa deelaration there ie no allegation that by -virthe of the proceedings recited. the tif, is entitled to use and retover in this against the defewdact: Bled or Tyumen onthe Excellence ‘ other, Wal- inte peseession by suit in the Coorte of the ¥ It is clearly necessary ta pivre that vb oe do the - ue his declaration until {| defendants allowed. anti to nmend their pleadin ‘ The eotire morn’ _ of th forms of declaration used by the Mr. Moore, for the plaintiff, and bi A shocking catastrophe is reported to have happened on the Rhine. A vewel coming in tact with a bridge i of construction at Meynee, brought down the whole structure and gagsed the death of forty workmen. A young man in North Adams, Miss, who Inst week learned that the woman he has looked upon as his wife for four years, was the lawful wife of another man, immediately left her for his father’s house, and then socn sickened snd died of grief. The twenty-five stndents of “jonrnalism” to be adm 'tted to Gen. Lee’s college are tobe nom- inated bs Typographic.l Unions an4 editorial editorial recommendation. «The twenty-five ae- lect their own studies, and are under no expense except for board. MAMIE D: In this city on the evening of the 23d inst., by the Rev. Jethro Rumple, Mr. Robert W. Price, and Miss Sallie K. Parker, all of this city. In Thomasville, N. C., Tuesday evening, De- eember lth, by Rev. B. Craven, D. D. Rev. Joe R. Keen, of Wilmi and Miss Georgia J. Hogan, of Thomasville. At the residence of the bride's mother, on the evening of the 14ih, by the Rev. W. A. Weod, Henry C. Cowles, Esq, to Mise Juliet Moore. Th Hillsboro’, on the 8th inst. Capt. John Wooster, of Wilmington and Miss Sue Nash, danghter of Henry K. Nash, Esq. Tn Rich Va, on the 15th of December, by Kev. Dr. Mr. A.D. Taylor, of Kaleigh, N. a to Mim ie V. McFarland, of Rieh- mond. In Kernersville, on Tnesday even 4th inst, by Rev. W. W. Albea, Cyrus B. Watson, Eaq., to Miss / melia Hemler. In Wanghtown on the 25th ult, by F. A. Tneker, Esq, Mr. John F. Tucker, to Mise Phebe J. Gibbons, alt of Forsythe geunty. In Guilford county, Dec. 13th, by Rev. © F. Harrix, Mr. J. Henry Coble to Miss E. Callie Fentress, all of Guilford. Tn Charlotte on the 16th inat., at the residence of Sheriff White, by Rev. Dr. Miller, Mr, 8. G. McLaughlin, of Alabama, to Mim Rowena Can- non of Charlotte, North Carolin. , DIED At his residence in Davie Co, N., on the 16th De. 1869, Elisha Gibbs, aged 72, a usefal and much esteemed citizen. SALISBURY *ARKETS DEC. 24, 1869. 4. MCCONWAUGHEY, gancga. REPORTED BY 2. Bacon, Cecee . Ite 9 Coffee, . WE, ccccccecce Rw ww Cora, besb, of G6 tee., .......... 1 to 110 = . Spec eeccccvecs 1Wtiw Copperas POP BOONE, .nccccccce Wt oF Cubthe, Yolles, | = sisatscese BWto @ Adamantine, ee Btoc w Cotton, per poeed, .. - Be = Yarn, per beach, 2 Ww03.% Rage. per doma, We & eathers, per poond. Bite 4 “lear, per sack. 3.600 te 4m Pish, Meckeral, >. 1. $2).00 o p re to 99 = = %. to Frait, dried, apples pealed. .... *s Tte 8 » S = ox toque - Ow o “ ™ Peaches, pealed. .......... Me . “ onpesied. Sto 0 pa a to % Bw 8 6 tw 8 Bto 0 6 to 7 6 @t 7 00 w 1.99 hte @ 1% 19 73 00 16 bd bd oO % -~ 10 85 -0 pie }- Kith: That afterwarda, to wit in Febro- 80 to = a — xagge ager od ‘a fRe9/ TEMD, the esit Hortie eudoten! the anid |<. re T Mesch ote wre - paid plaintiff, «+ aforeraid, TR to vod Lestaheenh = eee : sald pata beeame eotd to | A, ae <> marie : M * ito CONN sc cvscececc - 58 to Treatment of Small Poz.—A ts 0 Heap oo oom of money te ’ Fete ere 2.°5 to 9 pit Arhanes aap © mete By 8079 jounseel of the piaintiff seeined to at- tT mee f a! : art | curgews of the Britich army in China in thegg? h bat Vitthe ign tashe engection | Manwfectered Sh to 1 ce ean, 1 ict an pea eneemcat a) meme ans the Lia eo vn men y = “) : 3 cal : 1 liderence bet wr rer bank act, = m —— - ee —— When the preceding fever ik at ite height, rere) sa repwy Ps - " mage and just before the eruption appears, i € j co a ada Tips ty at 1841,. im N EW AD VERTISEMAN 7h chs is rubbed with croton of and tartarie | {18 the ee reqeirpd, ne cerigumen /———— —— — vutnent. This eaves the whole of the eruption to appear on «hat part of the Tndly ta the relief of te rem. It a’se stcOres » folland complete ern) tion, and thes prevents the disease from attaching fhe internal or.. gros. This is row the estab ished inode of treatme tinthe E:glish arny ia (bind, and ia regard as a perfect enre.™ [The first prescription we ever pnblished; HU We expect some doctur tu tell ue that it jis ¢ rtain death.) ae | the oflice of both President and Vice President, approvid March 4, 1792; and of the act to em tablish a uniform time for holding elections for | electors of the States of the Union, are repealed. _-- — The Charllotze Times saya on Wednes. day night one hundred and thirtyssix } persons, all from North Carolina paseed the South { j through that city. enroute to and West H of conveyaner to be. made to. the aasiznee. bot hy its provisions vested the a rignee with atitle to the estate of the bankrnpt by foree of the adjadi. ation and the: appointment of the qasigore ; that in this ptespect the act of 1941 was very similar if aot. identical with | the Englixh actiat that time in foree. whieh very tulty aeenuots for the preeedents in Chitty cited by the eotumsel, and whieh he {theaght thie Court nas not disposed to re- i spect sufficiently. 1 wenld not willingly have ate profession tu believe that Thad not the finest profound regard for the opinions of that { | Distriet Court. and in which proceeding. if peter el. the greatest liberality is allo ed io permitting amevdments and otler iodul- president and Vice President, in all | @eneies in the furtherance of justice anda | | Speedy adjustment of the matter is d’spute. | But the plaintiff has seen proper to bring his action at law in this ceurt.in which. the forms of pleadings aud the role are required to be observed. | It should be remembered, too, that this is a court of limited jurisdiction and not gene- jal, as the Superior Courts of the State. Mr. {\ Gorn and Rail Road Stoek.--- On Wedoesdas. the Bth day of Jarnary, 4. ¥. 1879. | will expore to public male. et the court honse in Salisbary, at 12 e'c.ock, M., about sixty banbele of coun im the ear. Also, 10 Shares of stock in the North Chrolixa Rail Road Company. Ten Shares in the Wentern MC RR Company, and Three Shares in th Charlotta & S.C RR. Corpany. Terms Chal, JOUN &#. HEN DERGON, amr of Anp Hanghton, oer’. Tee. 14, 1869. 50th A LARGE SUPPLY of Parofina, Wax and Sperm Candleg just received At Howerton's. A large and Fresh supply of Candie Nuts and Fruits just receive! and for sale At Lercerton's A large lot of Canned Tomatoes, Green Corn, eaches, Pine Applea, Salmon, Lobsters, Oys At Howerton's. | Pres'dential Electora.—\ ) introdn- : sembling the Legislature net be lese thar ‘ A Mr. Drake hasintrod- | sininent autbor upon any question of plead- | ] we } “AN! ced into the Senate a bill to establish a aniform | ; ¥ H 1 thirty ner morethan eiate after the Gaver Ktimetochoiat Veer ¢ a » ings. ae well as his precedents, reiates only ; A ,{ time for holding election for electors of Preni- | h 1 in fi t aud before nore’ proclamation ordering® eleetion te fill jdent and Vice President of the United States | tot 1e state of laws in force at au 2 i he vacaney end inserting the word owolun- | and Re preeentatives in Congroa in all the States the time he wrote, and not to new bie - | tary in lien of cdireet: prysieal force’ in | of the Union, which provides that electors ahal] | Material changes subsequently made. lence othera declaring a person taking ithad not} be appointed in cach State on the second Tues | the precedent relied upon was correct at the engaged iu the rebut ion. j day of Octoher in the vear in which they are to | Ume. ae . | Vihittemore jutrediced a bill eating on} le appointed ; and that Representatives in Cone} The Conrt isinclined to the opinion that | the Virginia Legislature to impose the teat ree shall he clectcd in each Stare on the second | Assigoeesin baakrptey are not linited te j Tue-day of October next preceding th i t law j of law (ae this is) in ath and seat those having the next highest Sserday ¢ Let. i ing the begins actions at law jo eourts of law (ae this is) tid SHC Hone THRU RI IEE? cohen ee nig of the term of the Congress to whieh they | thei: +fforts te reduce the estate of the ha k- | tm and Sardines for sale ivelligible. , “ast. soe ’ ps a fol on of the act in relation Tupt to possession or in the collection of ae jo the election 9 Presic ent and Vice Pre ticheses in aetlon; bot that they may pursae ov the United States declaring the officer who A lnore summary course by ; etitiow inthe 7H A 1: ey ie é ; r i sur t wIrse bb Five persere were Crowned in the Passaic! sall act ax President in cases of vacancies in d os yi Jast Received, a large lot of Goshen Cheese, | of superior quality At Hovwerton's | A large lot of Fresh Family Groceries of ev- | ery description, just received At Ilowerton’s. A new supply of that euperior-seven-year-olc | Kentucky-Wheat-Whiskey, for medicinal pur | poses only, just reccived and foreale At Howerton’s. dec. 24—-50-tf 4 to ar- saber ver ee, by wre MINISTRATOR’S Sale of DWELL, Na Mt Walem, iv: C 127m AND 13tn OF is and Coulters, with H. tks and Matiocks, mia ol elie : ° ter F- Pool, on the ; Fotute of North Car. lets Bacringse and. Ba.ly for the. _ nome _ bag cae y commended. for = His’ Honor was of the pinion that there 4 x oe ee EES aa ye wat vo auch differeven Petwroen the varions| Witham i ; nt | foFns of ‘declaration used, as to temove: f 1 Paemetnprenpech hed ora ipa’ mame from the operation of the sion'in the} next term,-and that arrangements Red taco come case of Cobb and. others. All the eases ‘of | George DoBr pleted by'which the price of board redn-| Dewey, Assignee, in which the general issue}. MuLeod ai 8 ' ced. The h was + come within the operation of} James Biizht, ; month. The next seasion this decisio; ee, | Ebzaber ' mission. De Hndents bane applied for ad-} ‘Phe docket wae regularly proceeded with,| Petition to make Rea : I rumored that Profiwor of . aati the hour of adjuurament. To Fait H. ‘Bright on. of the: oda as appoint le name is not’ definite- s iy ahove &@ non- Oe ly caprronsed, thos gh several persons have been By hater er My o Ree, (sprue re Apr ogw' i" wo nary .. ve en titled 4 : Another rumor is that new Ladies Seminary ut, by De ade sos nad and the Cimaplalet ‘neti. sar eg, yt is to be established. here! under: the charge of his daughter. . perior Court of Mon County, .om the a te a no A Faas oer el Ani i ine, containing half s ae aay F Deiter, 1e08 hi . Yeerine mazaz' “You are notibed, that the sammons in aa Tae company of A'S Satan, ew aoe |ion of te materi, exploded at the Baberte| ing cane S ea nane he a an Ther bass ere tex eals of our ptm ville, Faaaivaaia, rec hy "Two mon Asa Superior Court aforesaid, to be held st the The officers and their families are an addition to | killed and the tows was damaged considerably Court Houge in Troy, ofthe 251 dey “of “February next, when and where you are news required te cr and answer the complaint—in defaalt whereof the plainuff will apply to sad Coart for the rélief demand- sd in the complaint. Witness, C. G Wade, Clerk of the said Snperior Court at office, in the town of Troy, ‘hig 16th day of December, ] 869 Cc. C. WADE, Clerk Superior Court Montgomery Cou: ty. 51—6w:(pr fee $10 pit) Worth Svremor Coc 2, Bouxe Cocrty. Fall Term, 1809. Christena Britain, against ae Heirs at Law of Petition For Dower. Wo Brittain, deo'd. | In this case it appearing to the satisfaction: f the Court that the defendants Moses Fry and wife Aalhe Pry are ren residents of ths St-te: It is ordered that publication be made in the ‘Old North State.” @ newspaper poblished in Salisbury. N. C., for six weeks notifying the defendants to appear at the next term of theSuperior Court for the county of Garke at the Court fo Morganton. on the 10th Monday after the 34 Monday in March next, then and there to answer or plead to the Piaintiff petition. otherwise the same will be heard exparte and judgment readered pro conf-sso as to them. Witness. F. D. Irvin, clerk of oor seid court at office in Morganton, the 10th Monday after the ard Monday in August, a. p. 1869, PRANK D. IRVIN. c a. e. 51—9~:prfee $8. for Barke County. Ligcesr, BENT, CHEAPEST. Moore's Rural N ew- Yorker. TUS GERAT tL1 UeTRATED RURAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER: Volume XXI., for 1870, Of this Famous Journal will Excel in all the Taluable es-eutials and characteristics of a First Class Rural, Literary, Family and Business Newspaper combined—making it the NAPOLEON OF IT's CLASS! The RURAL was doubled in size and Fasfly Improved. in January last, and is now not only the Largest, Cheapest and Best. bit abethe Largest Urrculating Weekly in its Sphere Superier in ability, valne and variety contents, as well as in riso, style and iliustra- tions, and baring @ continental ¢irculation— with fens of thousands of anient admirers in beth Town and Uountry—the Bewar is tbe great FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE ™ losing the best talent in the land: hav. {ng .ne able editors and hundreds of #pecial contributors and cerrexpondents, and being an acknowledged authority op Practical, Kcientifie and Literary Subjects, an exchange truly of it that “Tre Korat isthe most — 7 printed, ably edited, widely circulated aad bear. ty welcomed papcr,as a whole, which pow fiuds its way among the peaple.” MOORE'S KURAL PAYS All who cultivate fruits, Sowers, regetables, dc.. even cn a small scale, (iv city, village or su- barb, ) while to farmers, planters, ivuitnriate, stovk-brveder«, woul grower , dairymen, peri- try fanciers. ete, it is indixpensable. In the Family it is ly regarded, ite Literary and Mirce:lancoar Departments, furnishing Choice and entertaining rrading for all. Tus Kcra.'s MARKET AND CROP REPORTS Are full aud reliable. Indeed, being ably edi- ted, illustrated and printed in extra style, and adapted to country, village and eity, the Ku ral is the cag ela yourvelf, family and friends. Remember it is ot & montbly, bus the Jar- ge-t, cheapest and best illa-t weekly, and that. though dyale its f& rmer ize, and greatly improved, ite subscriptivs pice rewane on- changed! FORM, STYLE, TERMS, &e. Vol XXL. for 1870, wil! be yubli-hed in se ’ eaob number sing Rixteen jwuble Quarto Pages, (af Fite Colunine eact..) Finely Ilustrated and Seatly Printed on Book Paper. A Tithe Page, Index, Se, at clowe of each yyy , On! & year; in olnbe of ten oF mare, $2.60 Kor Q tbe fmf firm Clube! Very Jiberal indocam@pste te joral elub og-nen—tinelnding Over One Myuadred Vabwabbe ef ramg- ing in am Pre ’ é4rere, D. DL. T. MOORE, $1— 41 Parx Row, N. ¥ HOLIDAY ENTERPAINMENTS ! THR LADIES OF THR METHODIST CHURCH, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS FRIDAY EV ENING, DEO. 24th, A SUMPTUOUS FEAST, ! prepared by the Ladies, will be epread in | MNLELYS TALL | The room will be desorated and every other arrangement made to render the occasion pleas- {ant to all who may atiend. Admittance fee 23 !Centa, Children half price. | ia] ‘TABLEAUX & CHARADES. | ON MONDAY EVENING, Dee. 27th, Me- Meely’s Holi will again be opened for Tablean« and Charades. A very choice selection of piecea | have been made. Thore who wish to «pend an | evening pleasantly should nat fail to attend. { Admittance foe 50 cents. Children half price. Vorth State: a ae AN. EXTR Y¥ OF DON’T DELAY, SEND AT ONGE!! THE LEADING AGRIGUETURAL JOUR NAL OF THE COUNTRY®” =f FREE FOR ONEXYEAR) The A ch Journ A Gaeta merican Stock monthly, 32 large doub dev to Farniing and Stéck ing regular ments fo Dairy Breeder,’ Poultry Keeper, de, ce., numerous fine ing: cae tinted covets. monuuly @ verwrert ments of Farming a Veterifiary, one of the al who answers ¢ t the intelligent f will no doubtiduly crumecite‘and in .vour subscriptions at once and sebtiré the “tock Jour- nal free fora year. Oe New ADVERTISEMENTS.=-Public Sale at -Sa- lem, N. B.—E, Beio, Pres’t. R. R. : Sale of Corn and various.rai ‘toad stocks,. by John S. Henderson, adm'r. Be surete veal the changes in this advertisement. Moore’s Rural New Yorker. Kdgeworth Female Seminary. Groceries, Fruits, ete. ete,—At Howertons. Court Order from Burke County. Court Order from Montgomery County. ape Mayor AND ComMisst6ver3.—We find3the ticket which we give below in the Examiner of Monday last. This ticket has been selected and agreed upon by the Mechanics and Working Men's Aasociations, and other gentlemen. It is a good ticket. FOR MAYOR: JOUN I. SHAVER FOR COMMISSIONERS : Dust Ward.—S. E. Lixtox, Jouw A. Sx1- PER Weat Ward.—C, F. Bager, T. E. Brown. South Ward—W. M. Barger, J. 8. Mo Cennixs North Ward.— E. H. Mansn, Dr. C. A. Hex- DFRON. Se seo Grex. D. H. Itxx, late of the Land We Lv, proposes to start a new weekly paper in the city of Charlotte, to be called the Sovurmens CoxsenvATIVE, It is to be devoted to the vin- dication of the trath of Southern History, to the preservation of Southern Ch iracteristies, to the development of Soithern Resoarces, unler the chinged relations to the Labor Systent, apd: t+ the advancement of Syxtheora Interests ig Agri- , Minivg, Mamufaecuring and the Meehaa- ic Aris. In ad lition to the contributors from the old corps of weiters of “ Tae Lin! We Love,” the services will be secured of thorough men of Science, and of Practical Farmers, Minera, Ma- eulta chinivta, &> Torms—$3,00 per anoum, in ad- vance. — — —<—p-——-— Tue Eourctre for Janaary hy been receis- It contains fourteen selected articles from leading m\g.ines upon various subjects of im- portan-e, I[istorical and Scientific, besides Po- etry ani the ueaal Literary Notices—in «hort, a most attractive table of contents. Lt ia also em- bellished with avery fine steel engraving of Sehilier at the Court of Weimer. Terms: Sin- gle nombers 45 centa. Yearly subscriptions $5. Aliress E. R. Pelton, publisher, 103 Fulton Sc. New York. el] ——_-ao—__ Tar Mittos Caroprcre i« to be merged in the [udlishoro’ Reeorder, and that paper is to be mich enlarged and improved. . Jt will be edited an! published by C. NW. B. and T. C. Evans, who hive heretofore published the Cbrosicieand Rew Trey are both experienced editors ani poblishers, and we preliet that under their minagement the Retord-r will beoomeone of the t weekly newspapers ia Noeth Otretina, In Politics it will be Mberal, keaping pree with the progress of eventeramd-trattting agsinat the pre- W. wish then the moat atv] politiea!- be 3 thices of the tim ah iadant saceess both pecatiiarily ly. . + - Moorz’s Roga. New Yorxur.—We in- vite the attention of our readers to the P. tas of the Rural Ned Yorker. .We have receiving the Rural for more than three years, and can conscientiously say that it is tite béet pa- pet of ite kind with which we fre “ncquaised. It is a large royal qnarte of 16, pages, pybliched weekly. making in a year an trimenre . Book off valuable reading master and farniahed to. dingle waberribers at $3 per year. The. Rural ie re- markable for ita eminently practical vharacter, aud the very many valuable hint gud sagges} t ons which @ontaine all that are reafly useful to person engaged inthe shttors, ofectife life, Jt aleo contging in ifs great pariety, mpch, that is fhteresting to thiwe whoart of Tight @ rendinc. ei ra94 We learn that Mr. Andrew Murphy andéMx- ter Willie Blackmer are cnzazed if Retting up @ club at this place’: If-yod-wish- to-Leeome | club, and you will get it fr $2.50 per vear, mss - - 7 poten a lO Sea Danroc’é Moxtarry.— The nfinBer for Jin- vary has Leen reccived, and “its pages pérumed ‘The proprietors have fnifilied Cf promise to ite readers in the last namber, an wntend «till forther to merit tbe generous ar~ probation which bas been extended to it by its merous patrona, @atrcriber join the with pleasure \ddree, Eiliott, Thomas & Talbot, Boston, Maeac! a fo, ennai aloe epee Tutt ONSTRUCTED FARMER for December rtah It is the first number which we | have acen, and cecris to justify all that bas been | i ' "ithe the State press. Ita edi- | tors Messra Thigpen & Daney fare, we believe, | boon practical formers of large experience. This | fact w ! 4 to the value of the publica. | tion «ription priee, $2 per annam. Ad-! Creve Thi eon & Daner, editors and proprictora, | Tarboro’, N.C, = ee Conaection.—In publishing a list of thore { w trenbilities had been removed by Cone gi lit week, the name of Mr. Kistler was | Pristederroneonsly. It ahould have been Wel- | lington L. Kistler, and not Wellington C. Kist- | Jor, a2 printed last week ! | Upiod, exdept, per Breeding. It has | ded by Judge Brooks, of the United Sttes Dis- the }eriet Court, to be unconstitutional. readers know, has always been our opinion, and law per se.» This decision by Jéidge Brooks will He | not materially affect the peuple of the State— | >Y iw | only those )| judgments Courts, of this sprightly daily? It has not visited our sanctum for more than two weeks. a a lc ee twenty years some machinery, which + In regard te the value of poindder Rerity Ceriling, | eral wealth than wish the Dr. the most abundant.success in hid efferts to develope the mines of this State. ’ re kidd i 7 g@- Tnx Homestead Law has been deci- oak we haye often so declared without assgiling the who may be sounfortunate as to have hdaihsd Sgilnds ‘thane tx 'the U. & Tue Witsisetow Stag.—What har become ——~>-—___—. Judicial Outrage. —Judge E. W. Jones, of the 2d Judicial Cirenit, recently, ordered that. Mr. Biggs, editor of tite, Turbérd’ Southerner, should be debarred the privilege of practising as a law- yer, becanse he (Biggs) had offended the Judge (Jones) by a publication he made in his paper in regard to the conductof the said Jndge Jones. Thus we see that a Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, in these modern times, takes advantage of his position and power to stifle and abridge the freedom of the Press, Judge Jones is the man, who, in 1868, while intoxicated in Raleigh, ex his petmon in a disgraceful manner; for which conduct an effurt was made in the Legislature to impeach him.— He is a nice fellow to undertake to stifle the press and silenoe editors.—Char. Demie-at._ Farsrrevitis & Westerns R. R.—The President and Directors had a meeting a few days age, and ordered the road located, on: the route recently surveyed from Jonesboru’ to Sal- isbury. We have been, aa is well known, anx- ious for the road to go to Salisbury, ‘and as indi- caicd some time ago by us, we prefer a route runging on south side of Deep rama in- stance from Jo: as now seleeted. Thirty miles or more of this Jonesboro route lies in tur- pentine country, has few hills or streams, ia san- dy and easily graded. It runs near Carthage, an importont point, and passes through the rich mining conntry on head waters of McLennon's Creek, and in Montgomery. The Legislature must amend the nt charter to enable the road to go from Jonesboro. We have pretty re- liable assurances that some twenty miles wil soon be let ont to centract for grading.— Fay etteville Eagle. ——~ep--—__—_ The Coming Democratic Leader.—Judge Thur- man, of Ohio, who succeeded to the seat lately vacated by Mr. Wade, has given indications by his oumerons and ready utterances of the past two days that the Democracy has at last found its Coming Man. That diminutive body in the Senate has enflered a serious lone by the defeat of Mr. Hendricks, and ite leadership has hivh- erto been uncertain. That doubt has now been yesterday i remark debater, and showed the ex-Chicf Justice of Ohio to be gn accomplished parliamentary tac- ician. Ff unfs'ling coartesy toward his « bents, his frankness and fairnes in pss * a every legitimate inference from their facts, will andoubtedly give him great personal populati.y even with the senatorial majority, who recognize him as a foeman worthy of their steel.— Forucy. _———- —_>>-—-- — Tur N. C. Rattroan.—We und rs'and that this reel haa just reevived from Phile- delphia. two new and elegant sleeping cars, modern style and fluish whieb will be im- mediately placed on the toad. + Ina 2 Gis time, itis the intention of Maj Smith to run ‘a fast schedale—about thirty miles an heur—whieh will mate the same time via Raleigh and Weldon to Washing- ten and New York ar is sow made via Greensboro’. and through-passenrers will be taken from Charlotte to Weldon without a chang? of care, : train will leave Charlotte abuat 4 o'clock. P. M.,and Raleigh about 1 A. M.. for thed Soutl. The read-bed of the whole rate from Charlotte te Weldon, isic exeellent con dition. and the efforts of Major Sinit. to expedice travel and to provide. for the onmfort of the passen ers, is worthy of all T ite. { Weare certaily gratified at this contem plated arrangement—it looks like business ; aud dispenses with that greatest of amneny- abees, changing cas at Greeasburu’.— Stan- dard. . a Rew Out. - P. A. Wileon, E-q. the Senator from Stokes and Forayihe, hae been read oat of the Ropabtican rit Sar In A canene of the members in Raleigh a few nights since, at the call of the roll of the Repnblicane, Mr Wilson's nam e dropped. The bead and front of Ms Wileou's offendiug is that he is an houees an, and declared that no honest member would be iv favor of holding over two years longer; and be denounces the ex- Stavagavec aid frauds of the party, and dpes all he ean in ha plage dn the Renate >t eg oy wuearth rascality — Win stor Sentinel. ; ; ‘ [HF “By a Accision from the Post of fice Department, country papere, wich imide or outside printed at city offers, oat Of the connty where the paper ie pablished, will not he allowed to a) through the mate without prepayment * We clip the above from Pomeroy’e Demacrat. There are three papere in this Slate with “outeides” printed North — Inek eharp— “outeidera”.— Greenboro Patriot. —-—___ ae — —-—_ The Wadesboro Argus saya: that a negro man living on the plantation of Mr Berj Harie, near Lileeville, by the name of Jack Hinson, wae recently burned to death by accice aly falling into the fire Gen. Howerrd, in a reeent lecture in Boston, etated that all that he rewembered who had acquired a love for etrong drink before they sixteen years of age were already in their graves; many from the immediate eff-cta of drinking. M. Berger. a member of the Prussian Chamber of Deputies, was knocked down | a few weeks back in the streeta of Berlin | by th» carriage of the Princess ( harles. — He has now commenced an action against | her Royal Highness to reeover damages | for injuries produced by negligence. ! were The Ecumenical Council bas adjourned | over to Epiphany. The Pope said: “Be! sure of co-operation with tho American | Bisho, «."* NEY TH, &e., tle of it for a single hour. In flesh | manufactured ex for us in Boston at such made ” it. has won | wounds, pains, sores, de.; it is the most | prices that ‘Buys them. the enviable reputagion“of be beat and most | effectual remedy we know of.—News, St. John,| Hanvwanx—tron, Castings. Steel. Baddies and in Ounada. Saddiery"Hardware, C: ng, Sale, Up- . Harness, Patent and Enamel Liaing ‘ vei ow cn 4. i op Bac ne our pave omy For sale Advices by the ocean ‘cable state that the Bragilien, Ministry, had: resigned on account of the continuance of the Paraga: ayan, war, in opposition to their wishes, The Sultan. of ‘Turkey: ie-the son of a Cireassian slave, once noted for the mo ing beauty of hin’ father’s harem. His mother, now-an old woman, -was visited by the Empresas, Eugeuie on her late visit to Constantinopl:. A breach of promise case in Detroit torus upon the question whether the de- fendaut inténded, by enclosing a leaf of rose. gerauinm to the lady, to use the language of flowers, in whielr case the innoceut leaf would have said “thon art my-ehoice.” A Canvdian Postmarter had a keg of damaged powder; and one night thought he would sce if it waa good fur anytbing by throwing a lump into the fire. ‘The lump jamped back into the keg, aud the building was without a roof iu a very short time. For the Old North State. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, It behooves us, the surviving membereof the session of Beck Creek, to express our serrow while we regord the re death of our be- loved and egeemed brother elder, Jacos F. Goopmax, Has not the hand of God been laid g& death. hamble submission to the w Il of ven. sill and know that I am God.” Mr. Jacob Fisher Goodman was the third son of Jacob C. and Sophia Goodman, bor# July 2, | 1823, in the county of Cabarras, N.C. His! mother died while he was young. When fif- teon yerrs old, the family moved to Rowan, ~~ ete hie ~NEW Goops TWoSToRES COMBINED W as yet A wed the Pain| { : is the most va medi- pcine now in use.— Tennessee Pay ‘ of phieatest a nor Moet Davie’ Newport an follows, in Staple and Favicy Dress Goods, a comp'ete line of Ladies’ Dress and Furnishing Guods, Pant Goods power in relievirg the most se- vere bas never been equallca,-— Burlington | "bite Goods, . TL di at toc bt settles @ t are just what ‘ions, Hats, Shoes, a ¥ , they pretend to be.— Brunswick Telegraph. end Boots, (i large stock)" READY-MADE CLOTHING, Our owil opinion is, that-no family shonld be ears trial of Dayis’ Pain Killer, | Bj cair shina. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye- Stuffs, Uaints, Tanners’ Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, cod the largest stock of Lewis, Bart!ett, Buck and other noted White Lead, (hrome Green, Yeliow and other Fancy Colors of Paints. abso Duiting Cloths of all num! We keep ove store especially for . §, 76 Bags GCROCERIE ee which is thé flaetin towa—comeand me, Hostetter’s United States Almanac for 1870, | Coftee, 40 Bar e's Molasses 10 Hids Molasses, New for distribution, gratis, throtghout the United ott th ewrleelailernendinngd rups, elles and States ivilized atties of the W. n | Corn inkey, Califotnia Champagne. Frene Hectahore cil be Sailing chon tick Brandy and Ave. Rifle and Wasting Powder. ail J v,and all who wish to vaderstand the | Kitts of Confectioneries, Crackers, Soda, Spices, manger = ‘ . j “naff and cigars at manufacturer's prices. all kinds ive ph psophy of health should read and pon- | of Pavey Fruits, cove Oysters, &c. We keep on der the valuale suggestions it contains. In ad-| hand Cedar Falla, Rando ph and other Standard dition to an‘admirable medical treatise on the | Shirtings and Yarne at Factory Prices. causes, vrevention and cure of 4 great variety ef} Our Mr R. J. HOLMES has taken great diseases, it embraces a large amount of informa. | pride in getting up the fivest stores in North carolina tion interesting to the merclinnt, the mechanic, | #14 We too, have spared ov trouble or money, in the miner, the farmer, the’ planter, and profes. | Setting ep this : ; sional man; a.d the calculations have been | WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL made for such meridians and latitudes as Arc | establishment. We know no other (louse canoffer most syitable for a correct and comprehensive | better inducements than we do both tn Wholesale National Calendar. | and Retail trade. We buy all kinds of The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary | "CR, EITHE 9 effects of HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT- aan a ers <a TERS, the staple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully set forth Remember the EAGLE STORE! MAIN STREET in its pages, which are alxo interspersed with XP- Thankful for the very l\.eral patronage giv- ictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for the mehold and farm, humoreus anecdotes, and en our o!d firm, Kmith, Foster& Co. we hope by Fair Dealing, a continuance of the same. other instrnctive and amusing reading matter, original and scleeted. Among the Annuals to SMITH, FOSTER. HOLMES & co. appear with the opening of the year, this will be |W. A. WITH, EFUBEN J. HOLMES, one of the most osefiul, and may be had for the | THO®. J. FosTER, Jn HU POSTER, Jk. é Salisbury, Dec. 12. 18¢9. 13—ly asking. Send for ie to the Central Manufac- | ittaburgh, Pa. Twyla at Pittsburgh, Pa. or to the nearest dealer Valuable Lands AND : After \ ‘os diconaediierery family should provide Seer renaienre effectnal and speedy a pain killer.—Antherst (N.'S.) Gazptte, “The Pain killer. of Perry Davis & Son we ean ly recommend. We have used it Sea length of time, and invariably with. suc- ~~ Chnada ae es The Pain Kiter is for sale by Medicine Deal: ers generally. : dec 3—1m THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL. tory in HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS.— The BITTERS are sold in every city, town and iNiage, and are extensively used throoghout th entire civilired world. dee 3-im| TOWM Property for Sale! be VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM Rowan Superior Court, made at Pall Term 1869, { will expose to public smle at the Court , e ; House in Salisbary, on Wednesday the Sth day BALSAM, was firet offered 1.‘ Ite good | of Jauuary 1870, at 12 o'cluck, M, the tolluw- qualities was soon made | nav home, and | ug property, to-wit; Very soon its fume was noised fica. d near; now) "| 5 (Und be eae it is sold fn nearly every Drug Store in the Uni-| 4! Acrvs of Lang, known 0 the syle ted States—North, Bax, Month and West. Xo | plautation, 4 miles from Salishury, insmediate- similar medicine stands higher with the people. | 'y ov the Western N, C. Railromd, which is It is well known on the Pacifi¢ coast, liber. | well adapted to (he growth of Cotton, Tubae- al demands for it from San Francisco, Sacra-| co and Graig, contains about 50 acres of But VERIT SOON SOISED 4BROAD, Tt is hut six yeara since | LLEN’S LUNG | prone Me about fifteen miles west of Salisbury, where he | mente in Californja, aad Portlantl, Oregon; even Gving North. the’ throagh | OS remained with the family until he entered his twenty-third year, at which time he was mar- ried (Oct. 16th, 1845,) to Mins Mary Brandon nv, danghter of the late George Knox.— With her he lived in complete harmony and love (having = perfect congeniality of feeling) and raised an interesting famtly of children, four in number, who with their mother survive | pleased to notify you of the benefit which I have to mourn their los, which however is doubtle «| his eternal gain. | Bi: t the most interesting period of h& life was not until the lst of May 1817, when he, with his two otder brothers, profemed religion, | and cast in his lot with the people of God in | froat Australia, latge orders tre téeevived for it. And throughout Canada, it is well and favora- tom aud Meadow Lands, In order to suit all who may wish to purchase a part, or all of this plautauon, | have divided it into three | ly procured it, and found it to relieve my cough bly kuown, and sold everywhere. Read what Captain Foster writes: Port Buawe.t, March 23d, 1869, Meer. Penay Davis & Sox—Sire: I am Tracts A Valualte Tonse and Lot in one of the beat neighborhvods in Salisbury, frooung 204 feet on Inniee Street, and 400 feet on Long Street aod 204 feet oo Conweil Street, known as the Jukn Murphy property. This is one of the most desirable residences in the town. Persons desiring to examme the above perty can du so by applying to the parton “a in Salisbury or to John Y. Rive on the planta- tion, Terns 12 months credit, the puichaser received from Allen's Lung Balsam, having been troubled with a cough for several years past, the Balsam wae recommended tome, | immediate more readily than anything I ever tried. My Wife has also used it with mont satisfactory re- OW iv her ed ROWDS ARE POURING IN tno all parte of the country pe gett store, and their large splendid . STOCK OF GOODS, Which is larger and more complete than ever Stores: _ ; >t " ud to get their supplies where they canfind al } oe ( ¢ fennel Gata the Lowen polechiw r UY I hey are receiving additions to their stuck a most daily. They are enoouraged to keep thix Stock of Goods from the flatte:ing evidences that had apd are still receiving frum the:citizens Salisbury end the curronnding country. : The remainder of their Stock of — WINTER DRESS GOODS will be-sold at at cost and carriage, to close ont the balance of that clase of Guods. MOCK & BROWN Keep one of the largest stocks of Dry Goods inthe State. RANDOLPH SHIRIJNGS and COT TON YARNS, at Factory prices. 6,000 yds, 4-4 RANDOLPH SHEET. INGS, IN STORE. 600 PIECES PRINTS, ASSORTED, 2,000 yds. PANT JEANS, at all prices, | A full line of Cassimeres: Cloths, Ready Made Clothing, . sid BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, SOLE LEATHER, BOLTING CLOTHS, rs COTTON BAGGING AND TIES; a large etock of SUGAR, COFFEF, PEPPER, SPICE, TEAB, SODA, &c., always on hand, AT LOW PRICES. MERCHANTS will find it greatly to their interest to examine our stock before waking purchases in this market. FLOUR, CORN, OATS, BALE and LOOSE COTTON, BEESWAX, TAL LOW, RAGS, DRIED FRUIT, &e., bought at highest maikct prices for CASH and BARTER. 5 We cannot close this notice with out expressing our kindest regards to the citizens of Salisbary and Country gener ally for the very large and liberal patron- age extended to us. Our intentions are to deal liberally and fairly with everybody, and to sell Goods as low as any house in the State. MOCK & BROWN, WuorrsaLe axD Retat Mercaasts dec17—2m taliebary, N. C. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL LAVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIKGINIA Back Creek. That t he erected in his | sults. Yours Very Truly, giving bond and aporoved security. Title re (es Sy . aN hause a femil — : which he ole a | Capt. D. FOSTER. tajned uotil purchase money is par A Vi a nia and Southern Institution y / d kept he South wosshi with his family er | Capt. Foster is a chip owner and builderer, J. & McCUBBINS, le funds are kept int : terwards worsh y, new ap Fo i iti ; and } And | siding at Fort Burwell, Canada Dec. 7, 1960. —49-4t Cousmiesioner It has met with unprecedented success ta morn evenin, vera, / ‘ hin ‘ ’ paca. ’ = Ax ° . b Ste hin death he aw his children, all exeryt | _ It ls eold by Da. G.I. Poctsox, Selisbney, | ———— 7 7 I's fortunes are established beyond ang the . members of the same church to | N.C. 4-1) SCHOOL YOUNG I ADI contingency. which he belonged, and in which he was chosen | —— —— - nits sear ling-elter April 2th, 1860, performing A CARD |? egy type pS ye ald Sausuns te Aoeal Wed sana cased the duties of that with great atisfactionto| A Clergyman while residing in South Amer. | Ledien, on thes oa Main parry hate ability Chat pa A compare favorably with eny Life the fur the space of nearly ten yearn, ica as @ missionary. disourered a tafe and sitr | Salisbury, under the general supervision of Prof. | '=sereace Company op the coutinent, which is the a a fieals | ple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, | J. RW" ton ee i adiidiend be eens peace phe ps a brand Pea doy. be Early Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem | Ths. we of experienced and etent Sh accoemed vd sibility aed ace mets Comes eg ® anite with -any net woald See Organs, and the whale train of disorders | Te’ < will be secured for the several depart- It has establiabed its ciaim te Southers Patronage yer—ihe Inet sugrestion that he mede in the | brought on by banefu! and vieiwas habits. Great | me A limited namber of beneficiaries will OFFICERS; monnee of oy cnee wes eee ee ae nogibers hare been eured by this soble remedy. | Ten we—Cor English Breedes— PRESIDENT, Scart cocheel aad sic — gg be | Prompted by a derire to benefit the afflicted | per semion of five $10.00 JOHN E. EDWARDS, in ettedilines, fendy 30 tek Tike wane ot oe si} | 20d anfortugate, [ will send the wcipe for pre) Higher Englieh Rea Latin, French, 12,50 VICS PREBIPENT, SUCRST ART. pa teacher On, bow re oe hiss. beth im the | Baring and using this edicine, ina sealed erm | Vocal and Instrumental Musie, 20,00| Wu. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsoox Fino Pay + Sabbath- ¥elope, to any who needa it, Free of Charge. | Use of Phana, for ptactice,) 2,50 aresrgele sion Hb dgeth vniver.| #0drens. JOSSPE T XMAS. | Drawing, Velnting, ete, extra MEDICAL EXAMINER, yer g . Station D., Bible House, Contingent Fee, (im adrence,) 1,00 CHARLES H. 8MITH, M. D rally esteemed and beloved by all who knew his Ost. 1—Sin New Turk City vice ¥A0 sie ueeenn Pedra cana pice , unassuming and gentle behavior. To any that he wars Find neighbor would be so- perfiuons, for his very natire was kindnere—s | very affectionate and Joving hasband, indulgent | and mild father. By kind treatment and per. | sunsive measures he governed hie family, harsh words. and austere looks were foreign to his mild +pirit. - . ° He greatly desired to see his cliildren walk in thé wars of the Lord. He was an humble and active Christian, and bnmanly ¥as a cry oxefu' man in h scommunity, iw had only a common Englich @dgcatian, had bee chosen as tne df the Maghatrates of Mount Ulla townehip. But as be drew near to the end of hie life his Christian character brightened, and hia spiritoal joys seemed t increase. “His ry Lim not ashamed; for the last day of hi» earthly existence his onl anticipated the heav- enly scene, and in his omnes holy detight he seemed to forget al? anary | ange he was ao bnoved up that he nttered the words, “To-day shalt thon be with me in Paro- dine.” Finally on Tharsday. morning the 4th of November, his ransomed spirit winged its way to the bright world on high, In the 46th year of his life, leaveing a surviving partper and foor children and many friends to mourn their low. “Let me die the death of the righteouy and let my last end be like hin,” Joun T. Stewart, Mosrs Lrva13, Jt be «pared to eithe® Charch ps or for he So } Com. SPECIAL NOTICES. GAT? THE BUST. EUY THE OXLY GEXUIND IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, Manafactored by THE OROIDB WATCH CO.— They are all the best make, Huuting Cases. finely chased; LOOK AXD WEAR LIEK PINR GOLD, and are equal in appearance to tle Lest gold watches usually costing $150. Full Jeweled Levers, Gents and Ladies’ zea at $16 each OUR DOCBLE EXTRA REFINED Solid Oroide Gold Hunting ( ases, Fall Jeweled Leveia, are equal to 22°) Gold Watches: Regulated and Guaranteed to keep correct time. and wear and not tarnish, with Extra Fine Cases. at 89) each. SO MONEY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. — We rend by Express any where inthe United States payable to agenton deiivery, with the privilege te open and examine before paid for. and if not matie factory feturned by paying the Express charges. — Goods will be sent by mai! as Registered Package, | prepaid. by sending cash in advance. | An Agent sending for Siz Watches gets an extra | Watch free, making seven $15 Watches fer $00, or Seven $20 Watches for $120. ALSO ELEGANT OROIDE OOLD CHAINS, of latest and most costly styles. for Ladies and Gentle- men. from 10 to 40 inches long, at @2, 84. $6, and ¢8 each. nent with watcher at lowest wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch requitec, and te avoid bogna concerns order only from THE OROIDE WATCH CO., $15 | Those desiring to enter pupils will make ear- ly application to the Committee. D. A. DAVIS, ) J. J. viele Com J.8& McCUBBL 3} Salisbary N.C, Dec. 7th, 1869. 13—& Re AIRES St ew LE, STAN AND} s of Morth: DW. fe sit pend, dwarf! STANLY UCotrrr. ‘Le Bi “VTS, : - Superior Ceurt . ‘ hee, wherties, &e., | 4, éarst‘al!, Acin'y of i i; peste: F eaten hg | Seeph Marst'al!, A sah op Jas. Smith, dee'd. apealiancs of hie fruits at all the! ¥ + pe r in North Carolina. Or- Ji hn P Tish ard whe Sophia Joseplr-Flaskell hy vv H llow kuTux Agert j and wife Margaret A. Clarie Austin and oo Re : ie | wife Francia, Sarah Byrd, heirs at bw of dec.-i7-im-tA. Ja.res Srnitl dal $ ee Petition to sell land to make aeseta. It appearing to the ehtifactioW a? the | Advantages of Life Ine |. a > Dain wie sopiee surance. Jare non-residents of this State, it is Ordered, ! That pablication be made weekly, for sit sucede W C.Canent, Jo. H. \ rarnoRs? DIRECTORS : Joho Enders. K. Ellyson, Wittiem fipiee wees An % sameaei 8. i, B. EB. €. Beebervitie Jolin Dewteg, Sameel C. Tardy, Oharies T. Worthem. Jacobs, Withiom Witty, Jr., 3, W. Aliivon, ne A ; Sane. nn ee Per bos. J. Rvana, - D. Chockies, Janes : oe mu. & Cabell. a.M Qa D. J, Hartedok, WwW. Ba e Joha C. Wiliams, J.£, Egwards, Wiliam G: Taytoe, ra en, ALP. aber, J. B. Mortgn, - “Wm. B; haaaes, R.H. Dibreh, =ones George L.. Bidevod, . William H l'dimey, . ., - Samaed M, Priee. LEWIS. GC. HANES. _AG'r. Feb. 12—1y Lextxctox, ©, C The North America tacarance Company payeite sive weeks in the ‘Old North State, a newspaper ae ee Peat pees , : pethshed in Sah-bury, N.C, summoning each | Nort Asatte Lite eal suet of said defendants to be and appenr at the offide | Taowarrnis N.C, k of the Supenor Conrt of Stan'y | c. el the cle Dear Sir :— Fon will pleas aecept my sin- | County,on the 15th of Jannary 1270, then and cere thanks iy your prompt payinent, iithow!| there to anewer or Jemurtogald priition, or chargn, of tho Srovuns of the puity of Ingur- the same willbe taken pro confesso and heard ance an my Hasband'y Life, amounting to the | ez parte as to thetr, sam of three thou and dollars At your ear-| — {y itnees James M. Redwine, Clerk of our foment ors Bulicitation he was induced |.) court at office, the 23! day of Nuremter. o Me . I now » | lacy? ing tne mag arial allaieael P73 JM. ReDWINE, 0 0 0. To you and the North America Life Ineur- 48:6w:pr for $10. anee Company we ehall foe) under obligations, |; ——-—— such as sale the widow and fatherless can (eel | Worth Carolina, ; and expres-. Staxty Coustr May yon have snaeess in inducing otbere to insure in your moet liberal eomppany, and may the Lord of the widow and orphat # blese you and prosper yuu in yonr good work. MaRg@aRreT C. Barner, of Rowan Milis, N. 0 | Mr. Holderness is also agent for tho Liver. | pool, London ard Globe Fink Insurance Com. | Rcrerwrr Covet Fall Term, 1869 A. S. Mogs, administrator of Thomas Moss, acainet Roland Forrest and wife Jane A’ Porrest, A | A. Moss, M.A. E. Kendall, C. W. Moss, — Threadoi!l and wife M M Threadgill, J. C. Mose, VC Moe, and Wilie Mose, Petition to make Real Extate Assets, pany, which insareaall kinds of public and pri-} In this case it appearing to the satisfaction vate buildings, Railroad Depots, Bridges Fac- | of the court tl at ——— Thereadgill and wife M tories, Foanderies, Mills and Merchandise and | MM Threadg.|, MA E Kendall, CW Moss and pags all is losses promp!y ) 1 C Mors, ceferdents in this proceeding are All letters addressed to Mr. Holderness, at pane ee one o thi Siate - af g 8 Thomasville, N. O will receive prompt atten- | atefore. it \rdered by th na Arte pees Therefore, it is ordered by the court that pub | licanon be niade for six weeks in ‘The Old @TRCH. — ALL PERSON= HAy. | Nomh State” new “paper, notifying ihe reid de. LY “fhg claims against the estate of John F. Clog. | OD % (fs 10 appear he oe ES bea! felter. dec'd.. will present them to the nadersigne 1 | MEX’ Superior Court to be held for the eventy at the court House in Salisbury. on or before the | of Stanly at the Court Tones in Athemarie, on first day of December, \. La 1870 . | the first Monday in Jan’y. 1870. then and there . M. W. GUODMAN. Adm'r. | to answer the pention of the planuf, filed in Nov. 16, 1869. 47_6w ; : this court, or judgment will bc taken pro con PIANOS THE COLD MEDAL Ilas just heeu awarded to 2 | ‘ray ’ | CHAS. M. STIEFF, For the best Piano now mede. cver Balt. more, Phil- ade!phia. and New York Pianos. 2 . OFFICER AKD WaRfrooxs: No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti- more Sirect, BALTIMORE. Mn STIEFF'S PIANOS bave ali the ments, including the Agroffe Trebig, Vory Frenta and the improved French Action, filly warranted for five years, with privilege ofexchange within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to purebs- seers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organe alw hand. trom $50 to 6300. 7" alate Roferences. who bare onr Pianos In use- Gen. R. FE. Lee, Lexington, Va. Gen. UV. H. Bill, Chartotte. N.C. | Gen. Robert Ransom. Wilmington, MO. Gor. John Letohe . Lexington, Va Mesers. 2. Burwell & Son, Charlotte. ¥.0. James H. Greenies. Morganton. N.C. J. Uf. Bmith & . W. Meiton. Chester, @. C, TP Prown & Bernhardt are ageuts tor the saleof the above celebrated Piante. Pianos so 4 at Factory prices. Jone (8—1y improve. Scarce aoe ESTER BePontrn. {Jerse and heard @ prrteas to them. THE CHESTER REPORTER, Witness, J. M. Redwine, Clerk of the Snpe- | A WEEKLY NEWKPAPER, PUBLISHED | pn BY tior Court of Stanly County, at office in Alhe-! E. C, BeLtRe, & J. A. BRADLEY, Jr,, AT CHESTER, &. C, J.M.REDWINE,C BC. | nos 6—6m 148 Fulton street, New YorR. TBRMG—loveriably in advance 47 -Gw/(pr fee $10) { iJ marle, the 22.) day of November, A. D., 1869 } CONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE WILL MENCE THE NEXT TERM a LHR to see their * ech Tee “LAWRENCE “AgHiLY CONCENTRATE | FOMPOUND FLUID EXTHAOD Se ate tae ll KOSKOO The great Henlth Restore, Not a Secret Quack; Medidine. Formula around the Bottle. _ PREPARED SOLELY ar “Dr, J. J. LAWRENCE; ORGANIC CHF MIST, “Nor VA. Beware of Counterfeits. See od Lawtence, Chemist, Not folk, Va,, and the Koskoo, is blown on the glass of cach bottle. Koskoo is endorsed by the best physici everywhere. Read the following from } Tillery, a suceessful praciitioner of many y«. standing in the Old Nerth State: ne Rocky Mount Edgecombe Co. ! “Sept. 10, 1860. Dr. J.J. Lawrence—Dear'Sir: I have v your Concentrated Flaid Extract of Kosko« ny practice with the happiest results. 1 fin: to be a Powerful Liver lavigorctor, Blood ] rifier and Nervous Tonic In all diseases the Liver, Scrotulous, Syphillitice, and nerve affections, tt tsa remedy of tmmense value ; fact, in almost every variety of Chronic Dises: its use is indicated. . loping you may ue: with the sucerss which you deserveas a mais facturer of reliable medicines, ]m a sir, wi b much respect, your obedient servant, RC. Tiery, M.D. ——o ——_ From Dr. Fentress, an accomplished and ¢£- perienced physician : Sept. 13, 1869 t Princess Anne Court House, Va., J.J, Lawrence, Mo D.—Dear Sir: 1 hese carelully exumioed the formula, as well asf Thegputic properties <f gour Koskoo @t1.<~ pound, and have poesgribed in scarce stubble: eases of Chronic Liver Affections, Dysenters, Dyspepsia, General Debiliy, &c., and alwa)s with the most gratitying resulta. J] find it eo be asplendid Tome, Alierative, and Hepat combination, accotuplisbing its coustituuior «| + Meats withont the eighiest debility; in fact 1% zive support to the geperal support, while 1 alterative effects are being produced. I chee r- lully recommend its vse to the public. Yours, traly, J. J. Festazes, M.D. Kusxoo cures Scrofula in ila worst forme From A W Mills, a prondoentand «ell-kpov 5 merchant of Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk. Va, } September 15, 1869. 4 Dr. Lewrence—Dear Sir: Your Koskvo b»< worked wonders in my family, My daugia.+ has been a sufferer from Serofula since chil hood. She lost thirty-one piects of bone frm her ankle, several from her arm, besides han uleers in several Whilst in this condjtiwn commenced taking yur Koskoo— it acted like a charm on her—and+ ¢ its nse the alvers gradgally bealed, and her g:: - eral health greatly coved, lt certaithy saved ber inuch suffering, and perhaps her hi . [ regard Koskoo a specific tor all serofulous «! fections. Yvuor Koskow sleo cured my wife of d ia, from which she suffered tly — She tc wow in better boats than oh hes bea aig the bedy. in Gve ye re. With the bighest regards, 1 am gratefally yours, &., A. W. Muss Kosnoo, the great /nvigorator. Read ihe following from the Rev. Joseph E. Martin, pas- tor of Wesley ( Portsmouth, Va: “This is Ww certify that myself and wife have aed Dr. Lawrence's Koskoo, and can testify its beneficial effecta, Previous to taking it we were in a condition of debilitation noe! ue, and suffered from soddeu aad often + - { attacks of headache and nervousness. Tw «- bottles of Koskoo has improved our gener + health, and we regard it as invaluable, a) ./ tuoet cheerfolly recommend it to all who hase ueed of imvigorator. Read the following trom Dr. Goddin, the er. perievord and successful “ specialist,” of Nx + folk, Va: Norfolk, Va, Sept. 19, 1869 Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: I have 4 your “Koskoo" for Syphile lo na tatihese tore e with the most satisiactony results, T have en! iefied myself by experience, that it will ccis thiat disease in its worst sod mort matignns Stages, and vredigate ewery teint from the sys. tem. The Kosk@ is cortainly.on alterative of extraordeonty power, and fully rp the great popelarity which tt bae so rapidly atte ed. (| oN. AH. GODDIN, M.D. ~KOSKOO?! CURES CHRONIC RINEUMATISN. . ~ +" «« Norfolk. Va Sept. 7, 1968. Dr J.J. Lawrence—Br ar Sir: My son hoe Lr ewised so.moch bencit fom your wendes!./ K vkoo that I cannot refrain from expressing wy gravitade, Thad tried almost everythi: g Without benetit. LT beleve, in all sincerity, thit your Koskvo ts an Jnfallible Remedy for the 4 sease trom which he has suffered, and, 80 tw a: [cao learn, but never failed. If you os Anew the immense amount of acff-ring that |.» has undergone, that you egald conceive U.~ value of such’ a remedy as Kosko— that mure’y cures. The great amount of good it is now c- ing among ts is inestimable With much gratinde, To #m_ respectlohy yoors, &, Mee ME. A. Neveos Dr. Lawreree—Drar Sir: Haring been treated by reveral shulial pLyecians for Dyape, ja, Chronic Disease of ine Kidney'e Geren) Debiity, &e, wihont bene At, nan last react Ccon.-menced tbe ase of sour Korkoo, and ars pleased to say that nnder ite use my beetth bos been entirely restored Tam sir, with much respect, vant ohedices servant, O B. Meage do. 5, Market at, Norfuik Va, July 9, Ler Pacific, Franklin connty, W Ce) t. 11, 1868. 4 This is to cert’ y that for a long time f ha» > enffered tory mm ch from indiration of the ip «+ sod constipation of the bowels, and tried epre+ al remecties, bug received 16 ben Gt until 1 commenced taking Koskoo, I took the mea cite about one month, and [ wae complet’ cured, and bave remained wel, 1 know of tecetal cures made by Koekoo, and cording recommend itas a gor! mefdivine Joux H. Baxze CH For Bare sr art Devoaista qe &@ Dr. Lawrense’s Woman's Brien annary 0, ad continue sit months. Board and m the name as formerly. Addresa, REV. E. F. ROUK WELL. Statesville, Dee, 9, 1969. 60-2: | ‘cures diseases peculiar to Fem ves, Vor eale by De. G.B. POyr4 pe Druggist and Ay yébecasp, Bali -9 ) £ Rae om SALISBURY, FRIDAY, DRC. 24, 1869, RAILROAD MEBIING AT DOBSON, — Pursuant to the recommendation of a pube Jic meeting held at Mount: Airy, which aps pointed delegates and other citizens of the pounty of Surry. at Dobgar, acpublic myéting was announced £6 fake place in’ the Cans House at 12 o'clock, on Tuesday, 16th of Nov- einber. A very large crowd assembled from nil parts of the County. John Banaer, being appointed chairman, and A.C. Namptor. ‘Secretary. ‘Phe Honorable J. M. Cloud being called on, explained the of ject of the meeting in a favor abl&and impressive speech, When on motion the chairman spporrted the following named geatieen, to prepare bnsiness for the consid- eration of the meeting to-wit? J F Graves, J C Giiner, J J McMickle, R R Qalloway, HN Woit, Jobo Hamlin, MY Folger, TJ Willems, Vestal’ Hatching, Sam! Scott, WM Waugh. AC Cockerham, James Abiils, De N OA Wolf and Joseph Hollins worth, After announcement of the eornmittee the mevting adjourned tor half an hoor. At the appointed (ime the meeting reassem bled, when the committee reported the follow jng resolutions: 1. Resolved, That we respectfully suggest to the President and Directors of the North Wes tern North Curolina Railroad the propnety ot memorializing the Legislature to amend thir charter 30 a8 to authorize the location of the Mount Airy Sranch of the said road throagh the connty of Yadkin, Wilkes, and the other gonnties directly interested in this matter, sod the President and Direutors of the No thwest- era North Carolina Railroad, that the charter of the Yadkin valley branch of the said road to be located at avy particular point along the Jine of the road. 3. Thut we suggest that the charter of the Plaster Bank’ and Sylz Works Railroad be so enenged asto remove the restricdons which require that said road be located at auy desig nated point along the line of the Railroad be- tween the terminal points The resolutions were disenssed by Messrs Joseph Dubsgn, MeN. Waayh, and J L Macey alter which they were adupted almost unani monsiy, On motion the Secretary was reqnested to furnish coptes of the proceedings af the meet ing for publization in the Sentinel and Standard at Raleigh; the Sentinel at Winston and the Ol North State at Salisburv. JOHN BANNER, Chairman. . C. Hampton, Secretary, co paces THATS WHat THE MATTER. There is too much prejudice in front. There are too insny pop corn orators, too mavy idle and loafing wind bags and croukers, too many newspaper scribblers and gassers, — Lie down! for the laboring masses are wear- jed of this bupcomb and are about to PoP A pael They are tired of that sort of ball bead rourage thal runs against (he engine father than clesr the track, They want to roa an en- gine of their own and call it progress. Aud i's tg have @ cowcether that wit! sweep away the old dead leaves of sectional strife and par ty abuse and inake a clear clean track to thrift and fortune, peace and plenty. Jt is got politic to starve just now, It were better to be vharijable and at least recognize the trappings of a Ruler that the people (nig- | gers thrown in) of this State have placed tn | power. If we don't—we are foolish. If we don't—we are rebelhoos, If we doo't—we'll | be mode to. D'ye hear that? Was the boy | wise that kicked all the cover off on a cold! night aud waked bie mammny up crying he} was ould; and she said, “Jehony, pull the} his money tompgit the appmach of death. | a close-fisted tradesman to a friend the | The reply was characteris. | tice: “You have never asked me to, gir. — | I have Jook all throagh the papers for an | rover over you" —and the boy «aid, “thant do it, darned uJ TL deu't teethe fast.” Was that boy | pmart?) Weare in the Usion. And if we'll | submit to the aathorities recognized by the | United States— we ll Keep warm expect the United States to onver us ap with | jest such laws as we fret for—as the boy said, durned if we don't freeae Grst. Then let the leaders on both sides cease ca- tenng to the prejodsers of thew reapecteve parties. Let them agtee to unite rather than disanite the people; to peopnlare rather than depopulate the State, It's mathematical raleulation the people wan'«-not the romance of Scot's novels =Theone feeds on mext-——th- piher, wind, and the people want meat There is always intelhgence enongh to control ignor- ance no mater in what crowd u's f and. Let the intelgence (of both sider) in the Legisia- fare gnd in the State marvh forward with pra dence aa its hand maiden, and trath and jus- tree as its mol duggerre, and let the g sal be the food and prosperity of the people of this State Aad thongh their ways may d.ffer—iet there b+ no strife, but cheery wor's as they posh on- ward—and very seon the tenorant and cor rope will fall out and stragyle ia the es | nets by the way, and the leborer will go ta whist DEATH GRASPS A MISER. © An kecentric Guest at Taylor's Hotel— Whom Nobody Ever Knew, Found Dead in “His Room -$6,000 Concealed tn Trurk, te, &c. For the past six years there has resi- ded at ‘Vayln’s Hotel, Jersey Cityy a quaiut, quiet, eccentric ald man, of whose very existenga scarcely anybody other than the servants and clerks of the house had any kuowjedge. | He oceupied a lit- tle room on the top floor of the botel, which he scldow left, except to go to the dining reom for bis mele. He usually appeared in a shabby old suit of black, giving ubundant evidence of twenty years’ servier, as well in its style as ite wells worn and tattered appearance. Nobody ever ealled on the singular old man, and he in turn ealled on nobody. His bills were paid with the utmost prampthess on on presentation, aud with no grumbling, facts that satisfied the landlord and insur- ed to the guest the retirement and solitude be seemed so earnestly to court. Ou Weduesday. morning one of the cle:ke of the hotel ascended to the old man’s garrot rodin with his regular week- ly board bill. The door was fastened, — The clerk knocked but received no re- sponse, On entering the room the clerk found the strange guest sisting in a chair before a little table which formed a part of the scant furniture of the room, dressed as usual in his shabby suit of black, the tor nnmofiled a little, and peered. around in the darkness rnd snow, : “Why, Nellie, where are wet” he said. ‘This looksJiker Chesnut Ridge ; yes, there's the’ dptning: in~ the*trees, at the turn of the read on the brow of the hiti—thie must; be: ChesmuteRidge— eight wiles from bome.’ Well, Nellie, we may as well cainp for the, night, for we cau’t get home.” ‘ pplied us “How lucky that Bruce sa well with blaukets,” wolloguiged the Doctor as he uuhitched Nellie from the cutter, aud fastened one of the. blavkets on her, aud tarned her loose to look out for heraclf., Then, spreading _ a / buffalo robe on the show.and turning: the Gutter ap, he wrapped himself in bts blankets, and crawled into bis novel bed and wae soon sound ashep. His faithful dog was very nveasy all night at his master’s absence,” and boun- ded ont at the first opportunity to look for hin. Finding the cutter in such a novel condition, he began to bak furi ously around it. You caujudge of the Doctor's asten- ishment, when he came ont of hia bed room, to find himself in hia own door yard, and Nellie btanding at the | stable door, wondering no doubt, why she wae treated eo coolly.— Western Rural. —_—_~4o VICTIMS OF THE INQUISITION. A statement, derived from an abridge- ment of Lorrent’s “History of the Tnqui- | sition ia Spain,” third edition, has been But if wef room in all respects presenting the usual | published by the Edinburgh Spauish appearance, The clerk essayed to apolo- | Evangelical Society, giving a summary gize to the ‘nmatefor his forcible iutra-|of the vietims or that bloody instrument sion, when he wasetruck with the statute. | of Romish int-lerance, from the beginning, like immobility of the. person addressed. jin 1481, down to 1820. Tke whole Astounded and half affrighted at his own | number of victima, including those burnt | vaguely formed suspicions, the clerk far the stake, burnt in effigy. and sent to | stepped up to the chair in which the si- | galleva, is 335 497. Closing the record }lent and motionless figure sat and was! in 1846, sivee which date only 14 have jahocked to find it cold and lifeless. When | been barned, and 268 aentto the galleys, jor from what cause he had died was alto-; we have a total, in 363° years, of 36,154 |gether a mystery ; bat that alone, in that; barnt at the atuke. Just about one-third | dreary garret, with no kindly hand near of the whole awfal work was done ander jto stay the assault of the grim visitor, or | Torqnemada, in the first 47 years of the | assuage the pain his claws might have pro | hiatorv of the institation, when 10220 auced, the old man bad met his dea bh was| were burued, 6,540 were barned in effigy, beyond question. ieee 97,361 were sent to che galleys. It This singular man, whose lonely death | took nearly 60 years to make up another so well comported with bis latter life, was | third of the victing of the stake; while a known to the proprictor of the hotel ae fuil 100,000 more were hurried to the Lyman Allen, He had also acqnaiuted | galleys in the ehort apace of 23 yerre.— his landlord with the fac: that he had a/ After that, the work flagged, even ander sister living in Connecticut. This was|the rule of the three Philips, and two all that was known of him; baton search. | centanes, during which the world was ing his apartment, great wae the surprise | moving into the light of the Reformation thrown promiscuonsly and Joorely in an} Torquemads. If any one wiehes toknow old trunk, a mass of stocks and bonda, ag gregating the enormous suia of $600,000, | went aboard with the Reformation, be with some gold and paper money, and se- veed snly read the adslitional fact, that curities for money deposited elsewhere. | 260 persons were eacrifieed in the last a will, dated 15 years ago, giving all bis! 271 prrsons in the fiat 17 years of its property to bie sister and her children | existence; or the tact that, in the 40 years Allen was bern in Connecticat in 1797, | betore the Reformation, 242650 were and was for many years a prosperous com- | destroyed, while in the 60 years immedi- mission merchant in this city. But for alately following only 60,000 suffered. Iu- namber of “ears his whereabouts have, manity stands appalled at the reeord, been unknown, or the disposition he made | and Christianity blushes at che atrocities of the property be was known to have ac. | committed in her name. cumulated, Ee retired to the garret of ee eae thie hotel, and there barivd bimeclf with) «Why don't you trade with me?” anid Neo, York Suh, 27th. --+ + - j HOW THE DOCTOR GOT LOST |! bare IN 4 SNOW DRIFT invitation in the shape of an advertise- pa . ment, and have never yet found the sight We thiuk the follawing story “‘too/ of any. | good to keep,” aud, a’ we promise not to! pd.” j betray the hero's pame aod place of reei- | dence, we Lope will forgive ue for telling | {how he got lust in a snow storm. | Tt wae a pleasant place—the home of the Doetor—just iu the edge of the woods The hoase was one of those nent litth Jeottages where one always cxpcete to | Gud comfort, peace and happiness. It was almost hilden among the trees, lwith which the ground hid been eo lav irhly adorned. Some were eo large tha you would thick they oust be een arie« old other day, at those couneeted with the bouse to Bud, | were reqnired to equal the 17 years of | YO° *° whether Spain eseaprd the influence that There was als» fonnd among his effeeta| century of the Inqaisition, against 114,- | I never go where 1 am not invi- | $25,000 Worth of GOODS} -—_—__— JUST ARRIVED PROM NEW YORK! THE MOsT COMPLETE STOCK of guods ever offered in this market a prices to suit the times, bought for CASH, and after | shed declide in prices, whereby they can and with be suld Jower than any. in the mar- ket At Howerton's. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods of every ,de- scription aud vari ty At Howerton’s. An elegant asso:tment of Boots and Shoes At Howerton's. A splendid assortment of Hats aud Caps At Howerton's, An assorted Jot of Hardware and Cutlery. At Howerton's, A very superior lot of Queensware, China and De.f Al Llvwerton's. All grades of Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Molas- ses Al Howerton's, A Choice lot of Confectioneries Al Howerton's. Fine and Common Tobacco. imported Ha- vanna, Regalia, Principe aud U. 8. Grant Ci- gars At Howerton's, | A complete assortment of Liquors of al' | kiuds and grades At Howerton's. { | For Medicinal purposes only — Moore's cele- brated seven-year-old double - rectified - Ken- | tacky-Whiskcy —perfectly pure, i Al [owerton's. Every variety of Yankee Notions, At Howerton's. In fine bis stock has been selected with great care to meet EVERY WANT. EB” Cell end examine it—it will not cost ything to do that— But Don't Ask }or Cred. His motto is “PAY AS YOU GO.” ta” COUNTRY PRODUCE ¥f every description taken in exchange. E™ Bank Notes and Specie taken at the Highest Market Rates, At W. H. Moworton's, SALISBURY. N. C. 44—6.n WALTER A. WOOD'S: PRIZE Mowers and Reapers, | Norember, 5, 1869 _ Useal in all coantrive, and universally | commended as =| THE BEST IN USE! | Awarded mere first preminms than any other | Machine manufactured, both in thus AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, . Among ~hich is THE HICHEST PRIZE! Tw Grand Gold Medals and Croes of the Legion of Honor, The Doctor and his wife lived here | alone, with the exception of a boy whom} the Doctor had taken to do chorea tor him, and to be company for hie patients ; for althongh, as | eaid, he was getting | hog at bis plow and the mechanic at his beneh; ell, the people of the litile village arar for harmony and charitable behavtonr amoug | gould not hare been persuaded to give ap their Jeaders assures them of intelligence and { their faithfal phy sician. reason at the front; and while the qutebman | THE Snbscriber having been appointed an agen for the sale uf ef one party can cry from the housetop “no body drunk or eur enie,” the @atchman of the miler can respond “and nooody mad on ours’ This is the feeling we want to have to exist in the State—andas an luinble servant of the la bosing masees we sha.] work to produce it. Hid shore’ Recorder. ——- ---- ——- ADVICE TO YOUNG ME¥W, A young lady, who signs herself “ A Martyr to Lace Hours,” offers the follow ing sensible enggestinn to young men: Dear gentlemen, between the ages of “cighteen and forty five,” listen toa few words of gratnitone remarks: When you make a social call of an evening, on a oung lady, go away at a rvasonabls | ee Say yon come at 8o'clock,au hour anda half is certainly as long as the moet fescinating of yon dn eanverention can, or rather ought, to desire to use hie chasine. ''wo hoarse, indeed, ean be very pleasavt by epent with musie, chess or other gaince, ty lend variety; bat kind wir, by no means rtay longer. A girl—that iva senejble, true hegrted girl—will enjoy it better, and really value your acquaintance more.-— Just conceive the agony of a girl who, well knowing the feelings of a father or mother npon the subject, hears the clock pirike 10, and yet mast sit on the edge of her ehair, in wortal terror lest papa should pnt his oft repeated threat into cxeention —- bat af coming dawn and inviting the yentleppan to beeakfaet! And we wocerstand it all by experlence, and kno girls shat it is to dread the prognostic of dia- ' al hee Lasete, h eases ae gh off rcohel 1 Jn FL. generally accompanics the cloring of the door behind the gallant, and one don't get ver Uae fecling ef trouble ii) eafe in the arimgel Morphena, iiven then sometimes the dreams are troubled with some phan- tom of an angry father and distressed (fur a’) parties) mother; and all) becaage a vonng taan will make longer calls than he oight. ee Three Siicee a tase ta Nebraska have lie ! Com inietera in the La 16 pal clorvch by Dishep ¢ larkeon Tiey are ty Jisshuudrs AMOUg the Indians. One day it had been snowing—such a enow sterm as you Western people eel ldom ree. The beantifal white fakes lecemd te vie sib each othr to sce which ehoald reach ite destisation soon. | est, and the sky above seciwed one end less sheet of snow. “Well,” said the Doetor to bia wife, ashe retarned from hia round of calle, “T am glad there are not many sick jrsi now for an old min like me;"’ and he shook the snow from hie great coat and handed it to Biace t+ hang ap, saying that he ehoald not nel it any more that otghe, Jnet ashe had peated himself at “he tea table and his wife was pouring oul Lis tea, a Jond rap was beard at the door “Tria «ms Llasted traveler,” deeided the Doctor ae he arose to open the door “LT want ycuto gaand sce my wife, Dogtor,” enid the visitor as he sea d himeelf by the fire. SINGERS CELEURATED New Family Sewing Machine, and ail iteattachmente oGersthe same to the Ladies of Western taro! na. This Machine challenges 9 compar and all other Machines. It will de kinds ot work —frem the simp-e plair most Seant fal ew ever invented. “Kconomy is wealth. then why not bny the best.” Theve Machines are warranted te Itthey fal to givesaticfa tion they may be re turned after a tral ot and the money will be refunded. sen with ans yive entire aatisfaction b 4 two ten Machines manufactured crpressly for SHOE-MAKER=, HARNESS MA KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be sappiied when ordeved, at manufacturer pr om. Parties desiring ': mation wil! please rend fur epecimens of wok and civeniars John A. Ramsay, ¢, “What? coten miles auch a night as - Ka‘isbary N.C. thief [tia ismpoossible,” retorted she Jane 18, 1949. 24—7m Doctor. eect : ee “J fear she will die,” raid the ian, \ it c } ‘ y } \ “onless yon do. JT have a man ber ( \ a \ PS f ( with mand we have shovels ee ; { . Lee J j A yon saté through, if you will go.’ ee . The amount of it war, the Doctor I HE a itO% Eh 18 TU a MOST A PPRO priate uame wocould bave been applice ) went, |: NEERING RITE ie | It fs not my purpose tn dwell on hie | : {ride there; for it was male comparatively | adie Jeary by the aid of atrong arin tela; nor of eick woman, but ney home, thick and fast as the Doeter tacked biin Hight entter foe th <UGb pasted Cxert cannot 1 oha t } vod sho an een Us at] i. eat enovation oter all ! jot vended for socilar hs MAGIC 7 ath. vurte Joma v. Cholera Var {homeward trip, and started off brivkdy s! pig coca, [pee Fie Tears te Tih to get ate Poos, be her warm atable. dive, Sprains nd Praises, | Ne The Doctor wag not very well ae jain. a yn Pains or Spasms, os Ce of an hinracte !ted with the roandabont way he came.) prepared and fi ie ‘and with the darkues« and bliding snow : De. GR POULSON, bewildered Droggixt avd Apotheeary, Salishurr. NOC June 30, is “20-t¢ ach eongz-y ie. bis La) jfor Nellie waa anxivns home to | ea, § rer ann 1 Aid ‘he econ became So after a| \while, thinking be bad riddea farther! than the distance to hig home, he though: he wonld trust his horse to gee him out TOTICE.—ALL PERSONS HAV. Aap : AN ing ctaimeagainstshe estate of dobn F. Clod of the difficulty, and gave Nellie full getter tec, will proesst them to the undernigne liberty to choose ber own road; ga, after) atts cout Yoase i shuts: o@c or before the : Pi 1 lite « of Pcemt { 197 he baal yr : nee itet day { mber, \. 1S70. In bad gore ee for ’ yme time longer, M. WW. GUODMAN. Adar. Nellic atopped and whinuied, Phe Duc-, Nos. 16. 1969, q7-6 3 } moe different | eram to the viddery —thar anvotler Machine | Vina f At Paris Exposition, 1867 | More than 120,000 now in Use! poe mannfactnred and sold in 1868 and the demand ansupplied. | Increasing Demand, Inereased Facilitles | Idditional Jmproveme ais for 1869. | Wood's Prize Mowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) Noe Self Raking Keaper, sith “ New Mowing Attachment us Hand Rake Reaper. Haines’ Illinois Harvester. | Mannfactured by the Weher A. Wand Mow. Company. Genera Houmcts Falla; » Rens ng an! Reaping Machine J} Oficr and Manutactory elerconnty, NOY” Offiresand Sales Rooma—44 Cort 1, New Vouk oy PO OQ Baa, S805 e Street: Chicaye, a Alexzandiis, Va Matieon, Wea ppert Thames, St. Londo i} | | Sind Jor New Descriptive Circular | and [rice List. cp , Applications from the South, Soath of Vir 1 be acddremmed to the New York cinta, she Boanch Office. as ubove, (RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Tadocements Offered? McOubhins, Salhean & Co. are Agente fo: healove Reapers in Salisbury. rl 23—16.10m ATIORNEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, WN. ©. x ILL PRACTICE 1) the courts of David- Von, Forevthe, Guiierd, Alamance and Ran- olph comnties ; REFERENCE. Hon ROM. Pearson. C. J. of N.C, Raleigh. kG. Reade, Associate dustice, had Thomassetile, * “a hs ; * ROP Dek, ooo “ Bedford Brown, Yanceyville, N.C, { © Plon. dobn Kerr, ve “ JR. MeLean, Greensboro’, N. OG, Tuomas Rufhin, Jr, ’ “ J.-M. Cond, Dobson, NC, Jannary 29, 1869 “ 4-1 THE CHESTER REPORTER, AWFEKLY NEWAPAPER, PCRLISAED BY j KC. MeLURE, & J. A. BRADLEY, Jr, AT CHESTER. 8. €. | TBR Ms—Ivyariably tn ecdyamee ......4,,...98.00 MILES, - STATIONS’ Leave. 2:10 Pat. 10 wr ne P.M. 2:55 20. Hickory Tavern, 3:35 - 8:40 30 Newton, 2:25 42 Catawba, “ Plots, 43 b: 67 Thicd Coss, 6:33 7:38 80 Salisbury, "8s ALMANACS FOR 1870. TT CORNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA- NAC for 1870, Bolarged and imjiroved in all respects; better than the Alwanae of 1869, which wasso popular and hadsnch a large sale. Price, single copies by mail L0.centa; 3 cupies by mail, 25e; one by mail, 750; Price sn store, gross, $4; per hundred $5; per. whole pross, $7. FARMER'S N.C. ALMANAC, poblished by James ff. Euniss; an excellent. Almanac, fall of most valuable matter to the Farmer, with monthly calendars io large vlear type — Prive, per single eopy by mail, 10 cents; 3 copies. by mail 25c,, one dogen by mail Gc; price in store, half gross; per hundred $4,50, per gross $6. THE COMIO ALMANAC FOR 1870,— published by J mes.H. Enniss; full of comic pictare illustrations, phe, anecdotes, fun, &e , with monthly calendars, in large clear (ype. We have received our Pall & which is very large and complete ne e consisting in part of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sole and Upper Leather, Enameled and: Patent Leather, Coach Winter stock of New Goods Price per sivgle'tepy, by copies by mail 25c.; one doen by mail 60 cts. $4 50; per yrogs $6. tH One of each of the above mailed to any address for 25cts. For sale by JAS. ¥. ENNIS8S8, Agent and Pablisber of Almanacs, oct 15—411f Salisbury, N. O mail, 10 cents; 3 Price in store, per balf grovs $3; per haudred Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all GROVER & BAKER’s FIRST PREMIUM BLASTIO STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Points of Mixcelience. Beanty and Elasti-ity of Stitch. Perfection and simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spoo's. No fastening of seains by band end vo waste of thread, Wide range of appheatioe without change of a jatment The an retains its beauty aod Grmnes alter washing aud iroung. Besice-s doing all kinds of work dene br «ther Sewing Machines, these Machines exe ete the giost beautiful and permanent Ew broiuery and ornamental work For sale hy ANDREW MURPHY, ot 15—ly Belisba-y, N.C Valuable Land for Sale. ‘(TV ITE SUBCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUS DRED ACRES of valuable Land in Caldwell County, Lc Ove tract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES with a most valuable WATER-POWER, on Upper Little River, enfficient to drive any amount of machi: , with a dam already erect- ed and in good ition. The remainder of the tract will bedivided in- to lots of any size, from 100 acres upwarda, to suit above land Ijes ten miles north of Hick- ory Station on the W. N.C. Railroad and will be sold on the most feasonable terms. Apply to the undersi at Rowan Mills, N- C., or to Jacub W. Fowler who lives near the landa. JEREMIAH BARRINGER. Aug. 12, 1869.-32tf Rowan Mills, N.C. kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co- pal and Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very best Brands, Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot- ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. POWDER! POWDER! RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING POWDER, Yas, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and in short EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MERCHANDISE JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, ¢C_ BLANKS Caass HAND BILLS CIRCULARS PAMPHLETS LABELS TICKETS Letter Heads AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB PRINTINC, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELI, And CHEAPLY dona AT THIS OFFICE. bered in “ Hand- Book for County Off- cers,” published ‘\y Nichols & “sorman Raleigh, N. C. Addrem..-.... ...J J. Bi VNER —— Homestead Blanks ! (For laying of Homesteads. ) And a new ant improved form —of— LAND DEEDS, | Revised and corrected by tk lhest legal authority in this plac ifor sale. Address, ‘mar. 10. {. J. BRUNER. pax Clerks of Courts, Sheriffa, Ma- gistrates,and others, in ordering blanks will please refer *o the Forms as num- All of which was bought for CASH, 24 will be sold AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We allow no House to under- sell us Bec sure to examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. It affords usa pleasure to show oar Goods whether we sell or not. Don’t be deccived by loud blow- ing and heavy shelling, but come to see us and get posted up. t{P Orders from a distance | promptly filled at lowest orices To b a c c o . ET O N ’ S gg Ct y ce e + RY , N. C . ! U. -, WR E R E YO U WI L L AL W A Y S FI N D ‘R FO R - PO PU M P S AN D NU R S E R Y BO T T L E S ; Co m b s E . G. : ” SA L I S B N E V ] "Ou id A1NO ann yo" CLEMMONS' STAGE LINES! SB is , WARSAW To Fayetteville. | EAVE Warsaw for Fayetteville daily ex- 4 cept Sunday, If you are in Western N, Carolina go to Raleigh aud procure a through ticket to Fayetteville for $8; Through Tickets from Guldsboro’ via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6. Through tickets from Weldon to Payette ville $10. Through tickets from Wilmi: gton, via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6 CHARLOTTE TO VWADESBORO: Leave Charlotte after trains {rem Raleigh and Colambia, via Monree, for Wadesboru’ Tuesday, Thuraday, and Saturday Leave Wa- desboru’, Tuesday, Thursday, and Satarday, eaf- ter arrival of trains and Stage frown Wilmington. MORRISVILLE, , ia Pittsboro, TO EGY PT. Leave Morrisville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday oe Egygt Monday, Wednesday and Fri- y- 2 Clemmons’ Accommodation Lina Between Salem and High Poin’, will charter Stages at all hoara “Cheaper than the Cheap. est.” Office at Butner’s Hotel, Salem, N. 0. E. T. CLEMMONsS, Oct. 1; 1869—«f Centractor, NEW YORK and North Caroling STEAMSHIP LINE rhea New York to Wilmington, This Line will comprise the follow ing steame ors; FAIRBANKS, Capt A. Hunter, WM. P.CLYDE, “ D. PrMf REBECCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester, MARY SANFORD, Jvhn Moore, © With such additional St-anwrs es may be reer: d to meet the demandao! the tra-le— satting from New Vorkevery WEDNESDAY aml SATURDAY a 4 P.M, from Pier ISB RK. foot of Wall street CH The attention of Shippers is called te the LOW RATES and FACILITIES offerrd by thie Line, which are superior to any heretofore offered. HROUGH BILLS OF LAD!NG given to all points on the North Carolina Railroad and ite Connections via Golde- boro. J. A. SADLER, Soliciting Agent. WORTH & DANIEL, Agrats, Wilmington, N. 0, JAMES HAND, Agent, febz9—Sif 119 Woll Street, N. Y. PLANTATION BITTERS. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet- anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it ts superseding every eiber stimulant. In ald climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and bycaks down the inimal spirits. Wherevaa it is intro- duced it becumes a stand- ard article—a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. | (Pp We buy nearly all kines lof Produce. ‘McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., ! | : are | No. 1, Murrny'’s Grasite Row, i} Balisbary, Bept. 24 484& ‘ j BB—Iy+ Dec. 16 1 Re, ‘Sold by all Druggists, Gro- cers and Country Stores, ‘\) Cornand Rail Roid Stock.--. Cn Wednesda, the Bth day o \ 1879. Twillexpose topnt tose ntt in Salisbory, at 12 0'¢ ook. M.. ebout of CORN in the ear. Also, 19 Shures of stock in the North Carolina ) Radi Road Cynpany. Terma (nah | JOUS 8, HENDERSON, Adm'r of Ayu Haughton. a ou HR | | \ DMINISTRAT.U'S Sale of Janna Ay 1, court hens ; a xty bushels | | 1 HL @ANIOIWAN : + . each additic eens: Sagi Silver- Plated ary po ret | SSP eee ay eS aie pleasant, to}. . 2 Pac Ripley 1 sped monly ¥, Special notices w } be charged 50 per cent Silver; Desert Forks, five bottle’ cai fea aang are gy ova - . Ya atlas bs : THE PEE i: 0 : esr of red man C high sr than the above rates. Brittania Ware, Glass Ware, dy and effectual nioomsar & J , patrons the compliments of the season and wish ~ cpute RAILROAD company. * ancl wo iptoueh colored people arid.a: Contt and Justice’s Orders willbe publish-| Cutlery, in great variety. They ate agnre al M. he IDi cure for | prepaid, by sending cash iv advance. themwall a happy New Year. Hov : ‘ be per | Charlee the direction of, Salis- ed at the same rates with other alert: Elegant’ French and German Fancy Goods Chilis and Fever, an alarial Diseases ! ‘An Agent sending for Six Watches gets an extra a Role or ar gar ony eer The Old Ne ot tied ° + nents. Beautiful Photograph Albums the newest and | DYSPEPSIA, | Watch free, making seven $15 Watches for $90, or . e Hox. R. B eh, lo rages 19m. est the Geandard vy pleas gabtind wast ; Obituary notices, over siz lines, charged | choicest styles in Moroco and Velvet bindings. INDIGESTION, | Seren $20 Watches for $120. . PUBLIC MEETING. ry 4 NET ese a Mal” wadin in th poblish. an sede pacuial to as advertisements. *‘Morroceo Travelling Bugs, Handkerchief and SICK-STOMACH, hae dn dypbel idol ae D La ta ee ye ; : .| Hows for the ‘acciveraion of Viens a Pa oe JA ‘facade 4 » 2 ’ a « st ¢ ly styles, for Ludies and G - as be uggeste Vv 5 ~ A, u CONTRACT RATES. Glove Bores, ee. Bans a eet trom 10 to 40 inches long, at €2, €4. €6, and $8 | as been suggented by mRRY A! ovF Prom | preferred sock Aaeld by the Biate in the North Sheriff of Davidson County. See old an a ewer of thenerrest slyies. e JN ue é My | each, n i w shes lowes eres ag 5 y D ve Fram- | ¢) . A 5 _ an _ earner _——— GC ld d Pl ted J ’ ‘Y, of U rst lyl SIC K HEADACHE | a, sent with atches at west wholesale prices. | nent citizens, and by our neighbor of u E arolina Railroad into common stock & that — —_- , © 4 Lr PR (-) We hare also made arrangements with some BRONCHITL, | State kind and size of watch requirec, and to avoid | ter, that a meeting of the people of this county) | Direc’ 2 Tod g acoh ivi 5 2 > ; 5 ; : i j é iS N | peo} y? | tors of the road may declare such a divi- For the Old NX 2 = 3 2 > “ the leaging : Gt © ue Da& ASTH neon ear | bogus aoncoree Oe On Mines eo | irreapective of party, be held in this place on the | dend as the earnings of that corporation ought ae or the orth State. L = p 2 8' ; tes OTKR "i We? al GH 4 Y% os = . : +e: =) ry av 4 > , ACE a re ry peoaiar auchors at elon nena the regular iar A 2 nov 5—6m 148 Fulton street. New York. | Ist day of January. The object of the meeting fee sar bays bbe thd receipts. . HER §TRANGE. space S 5 ¢ = | 5 ohvog as BX aw Moore, Biren eile | ° GENERAL DEBILITY, | PAIN KILLER. ——————~ | is to give expression to the views and feelings of see lates br pres pacar AO ndaweam ate It isknown that Stokes of the “Asheville News,” ein 2) | Peak pisalnge and nparate of share and | piseases of Kidneys, Gravel, &c., and every [OPINIONS OF THE PRESS] capa tinal acbeleiar a relation to certain | ¥ respectfully ask for any information (official | has for some time been firing rather bot shot a af a | These and everything elgg for Disease requiring a general Tonic impression. | — No article ever attained to such unbounded measures now pending before the General Aa- | oF otherwise) that may be in your ion fa th the iniguetions ned fraudulents transaction of T Square. 98250 83 75 8500 28,50 $1300 . A ] f™ For Diseases peculiar to Females it is | popularity.—Salem Observer sembly, especially the military bill, No more | reference to this matter. The people of North {cod tory _who are pretending to build the Wes- a Lee ant t on rs oo | One Dollar for each rile e. almost a specific | 5 a : eae dangerous and ur ‘ » 7 + Carolina are deeply interested (at the present | tora Division of the W. N. C. Railroad. 2 Squares. 450 625 850 13.00 22,00 . $ j | a8 oP : P | An article of great merit and virtue,—Cincin- i inecessary measyre was ever | time) in all matters connected with this road.| tis not generally known (nevertheless it i ae . P ” ° . 100 | We do not offer a single article of merchan- eer In convalescence from Typhoid and N. 2 | proposed. i th sine of th oh aS u é Fi ‘ : iu is 3 Squares. 600.9 00 12 00 20 00 st 00 | dice, that cam be sold by regular dealers ae out | ctor lowil val Feverit is the very best] nati Nonpareil. | proposed, and the voice of the people of the | I hope. therefore you will see it your duty to equally true) that honest expdsures of corru 4 Squares. 8 00 ih 00, 15 00 25 00 37.50 | price. We do not ask you to buy goods froin Tonic nae paler i I od y = We can bear testimony to the efficacy ¢ f the | State should be heard in its condemnation. The | communicate any information you may possess tion and fraud is not a very fitable cls : pe at vod oe = = rns wv pos modes | us unless we can vell them cheaper than you The Compound Geutian Bitters meet with Paih — r. : We have seen its magic effects in | meeting should be held and Jargely attended. | on this a a tol! mare ome eal pad 7 kes oe sing Column. 18 00 24 00. ; 5 75. can obtain them in any other way; while the ae 5 : in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be | . ery respectfully, yours, , wang ish pressed for means 1 Column. 28 00 40 00 50 00 80 00, 130,00 | greater part of our goods are sold at about pongacaeralattal opel napeaginba a | a good article.—Cincinnate Dispatch. = e = ‘ Be sams SINCLAIR, ee ~ Farmer for sale, having —_ —— ~ — - es e oniais ev yive ~ am : a my “ww N ~ y »’ 2) }4 aaa Sta £ Wo: th Ca : ae ree One-half the Regular Rates. few of which we areca below: ? “ meee? — for igs no family should be IE FEAST AxD TABLEAUX. presentative of Rebeson County. conthined | fl tity staat ind against the re as =a e? gree: backs, steal- eR ONTOUM a YOUU NTY ; We want good reliable agents in every part| This 1s to certity that I have aséd’Dr. God- vate a eS eae ; oS i the Pai | ‘The ladies of the Methodist Church, gave a | Caine Dec. 16, 1869 age, Ke. i eine: a . sis ‘> | ofthe Country. By employing your spare thine | din’s Compound Gentian Bitters and cheerful- Killer, whi his Ny = ve Talis & hs “ii. | Feast at McNeely’s Hall on Christmas Eve for | Cov. James Sryct. a. of Rey ne Now comes the strange part. A few days ago : Superior Court. to form clubs aad sending Us orders, you cau | ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that}; B waicn ts Cie ee eras a a \u — aisi te the} Ri leigh, N c =o mz, — a man in ourquiet midst calli Wilburn Lassiter, administrator of Thomas J. | obtain the most liberal commissions, either in| can bo used for ordinary debility, siek stomach clad mow in uxe.— Tenncasee (ryan | the parpose of raising funds to repair their | De iy Ss Devi Laval? ; | himself Womble who represented that he had Bnghit, | Cash or Merchandise. and all goods xent | Pee EM. DOLT,M.D. | It has a real merit: as a means of remoy ing | church edifice. 1t was a decided success in all | esking my v3 eer age age lived in bidapoay- as Fernandina, Florida, edi- : ; i r re ae aes > ole i 1 ~ has ae ds Seat etry : Far . , zg my views in regarc n Te: | * Jed “4 against by as will be as represented. and we gaarantes Lipscomb, Orange co, N. C., May 15, "69 aon Le Te eile , . seine AY ye i yale s points, comprising almost every thing thatcould | you Po convert bal million “of ‘cchaal : ok rho panto ct ape lay os grt : o Ve avis ain iller,.—.Vewpor sh ia’ “e Pa ie Bay . y . * ~, | Favre conductor and a great many ot | please the eye and gratify the gratify the taste. owned by the State in the North Carolina Rail- | things. He hurriedly called on jiakas sadecd George D. Bright, Daniel H, Bright, Daniel B. | satisfaction to ever) one dealing withourbouse.| 7 jb reby certify that J have Leen using Dr. | (Ky) De q | y) Dewy re MuLeox a wife. Cor ate 1 | Aethe Holidays are approaching we are) ned hepa A, I Land wife. Cora, Hune J. Bright, | making spocial arrangements to supply every | Godgin's ‘ lomponnd Genuan Sitters,” for road Company, into common stock; i. e. put- | he had come to comply with his terms and want | Wehave rarely witnessed ascene more pleasing | ©. ; : p ting it on the same footing, as to dividends, | ed to take possession of the office at once Now Ite wonderful power in relieving the most se- | James Brizht, Philo Bright, Sarah Bright, , Jene 0. | kh he ot Bri t per th , B b 8 | one who reads our advertisement, with the | Co@Pp, Gene ral Debility, &c.. and I aan fully | vere pain has never been « Ned.— Burtinylun | to all ages and conditions. The children were | wy; ili izabeth Bright and Catherine Bright. | > and ful Hobtid: ents | satisfed that they are the best Bitters of which | y 1 a k ‘ mm with the other two millions held by the State P ; most handsome and usetu oliday presents Senbiael Niel! a ; ; wo d by t Stokes did not the necess: P : , ' t delighted with a magnificent Christmas Tree d the one tl held by div see the necessity of such hot haste etition to make eal Estate Assets. that can be thought of or wished for, | | bave any knowledge, and the best Tonic of- |" 1) i. one of the few articles that are jet wh ith 4s of beauti ; 21 IG esete pa spare etecnecorlir rp yy individuals, 1 | and refused to comply with his (Womble’s) 1e- To Laniel H. Bright, one of the defendants | and to enable them to procure them cheaply | fered to the American peo rhe, he one : « ss ich - are j hy what | and thousands of beautiful and interesting toye. have not seen your bill, bat } strongly approve | quest at the very moment and intimidated that above named, a non-resident. | and expeditiously, we will give to any one | ROBT. Y. SLATER a Lplesedatls alae " saesabass eat ae | ‘The more advanced, with the elegant taste dis | sag Jose! . | he (Womble) was in the interest of the “ring.” Youare hereby notified, that a summons in | who will become our Agent, One Hundred | Hlenneo county, Vo, June 25, 1869. te bpp ay I : ; that no ate M4 aie be played in the decorations of the Hall and the} ie raps Maske . a the i ech pace * Womble stoutly denied this and feigned anger. i . | FF n »rati me p | : = Fee : ss thou tile of it for ae oO cs i ‘ ‘ | y. a yeen for oral ye : : the above entitled case, has issued against you | Free Tickets, enumerating some of the many| Dr Gypvix:—Dear Sir: Lhave been suffer- eater > BEER , wore ; e well ordered tables of rich viands, so exactly | membx t its Fi been for several years & By some means it leaked out that the ex-edi- different les f hich wak F wounds, a@hes, pti! r it is the most y we of its Finance Committee, and I am railroad: and the complaint therein was filed in the Sa ifferent artic rom whica you @ your se | ing fort 7 years with a aflection of the | : | i ; tor- -contractor, de p and Cx ” M epi or rate . b lection of Holiday presents. . kidneys prostrate gland and stricture of the | 9 al remedy we know vi. Vers, St Join, | Suited to the season. certain : since th \ t ; i . } er ee ourt of Montgomary Counly, oo the FE s ' 3 , ‘ 5 j v . ‘or returnin clubs from . ' ol . - ‘ )5uy dap o ’ RvR: Waee) are n under she & mm re re cash dividenc one © mm Ao-called. at a . pfe Davie : “harade 6 7 ae rf a treasurer of the Western"Diviston of the W.N, + - . to cent—if it could “hay Le : Ve | dice ae at every family should provide | furtherance of the same purpose. The Bater- | deelared in aw payment of aly v% C._&, ent biocgion eee : ied to reliege me. 1 finally tried your Con. | be sama with rie ee and speedy a pein | tainment was so highly appreciated that, at the 3 act of 185645, making the | else's 1 é TE a Noes or somebody __* Suatt Houses Troy, pound Gentiaw Bitters; the effect wes hke a} killer.—4 jenharet (N.S) Gasette, argent request of namerous {riends, it wasreproda | ; subscription of one million to com-| | think a tae will we sear nd petal and hereby reqdired 10 Appear amt -arewer charm—one bottle. gave ine complete relief, 1 | The Pain Killer of Perrg, Davis & Son we! 4) aa Se | plete the work, scems to forbid. It is construed | honest ny bey 7 to alence an acmplsintemin Jefaul AR { way believe it to be the best medicine L hare ever | can confidently recomme nd) We have tod it | OS Ot OS at, in part, with some additions. We | (o mean that 6 per cent per annom must be | d ee ae se wien to do his duty. Bus will enply.to sa. : plaivt fl | devs, you mnst send in y - A Ne fora length yf time aud wt 2 ee, beer hear ican the very dgome mas | paid to the Stat hi : “ | does it calculate to silence the honest indigna- angry to sad court Te ren {davs, roo mist mend in xoutgplets taefage the uals 3g Yor neers Coleg eh ts eS ialicine Deak suiovae paid ta the state ‘on this. one million “befere| tion of an honest mountain people ed in the complaint } “In every order amounting to over B69, e'on, N.C, Jan. ith, 156.. | im Ailler ts Tor sae \iedicine Deal- * all coneerned, xcquirietr Honghout; "™parigeedes shall be paid on any other stock | the ink in thi re = ople or. to. freese ¥] Witness, C. C. Wade Cleik of the ssid } companied by the cash, the Agent may fe Prepared only by Dr. Goddin. | ere generally. dec 3—1m | 44 aincerely rejuice to learw 5 aii 2 : : _———— ——— LL eieel ene 1s he ink in the pen of a seri bler who cannot : , ©. , Cl { | 92.08 ati a rier of over $120, $3.00 may oe Sa aero — = 2 : A ac- | denda or in seeming injustice to the private F SG Dee lode Taeg ammuniion._ Super or Court at office, ia the town ol Troy, he Case order of over § $. ua) | 2 | AM ES T. W IGGINS, | THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAI complished much towar ds the object™ey had | stoc euslacra ll kain 3 5 ied Pera ata | Asheville, N. C., Dec. 19th, . —— ae this 16th day of December, 1969 | | Propr telary Wholesale A t, | ee . : in view. *. 6 per cent to the Btate on its preferred stock | a aa Cc. C. WADE, | Pay the Express Charges. | NORFOLK, VA. B gre s United Star~ Almanac for 1870 ee and only 2 per cent on all other tock. In| _ Judicial Outrage.—Judge E. W. Jones, of the ; Clerk Superior Coart Montgomery County. | pis offer is more expecially to nasiat Agents | G7” For tale by Dr. G. B. Poulson, Salis- Wrnlfeaopese perp . y bartels mnt - nited . ; | 1868-9, 6 per cent waa declared “in scrip,” 2d Judicial Circuit, recently ordered that Mr. bad 51—6w:(pr fee $10 pe’) | in the Western and Southern States, butis open | bury N.C 38—«f | as erosiig on he | rae dat fits the Kab rn TRICKS OF THE RING which in plain English, means borrowed money— B editor of the Tarboro’ Southerner, should samPahelle — = — : staph LTE il re i » pablixhed abont the first of a | « » Co Laldt be debarred the privil of ini = rs to all customers. | | ¥ yo ol Seed : . | costing the Company 8 per cent and yielding pari privilege of practising asa law- Worth Carolina, ) Scrrmor : t a. | | - —_——— 40 YEARS | January, an ‘ all whe wich ' ndder tand the Read thecommaniecation of our Asheville cor- | the State and stockholders not exceeding 4 per | Y° because he (Biggs) had offended the Judge cece Cocsty. j Fall Term, 1869 COM MISSIONS | ' true philosophy of health « Id read and pon- | peapondent. “Ar ml Tete frome Ob t cont! Jones) by & ication he made in his paper ~ | “ ene } rom he pen of a Lhd « ) u Christena Britain pests ot PQ cent in Cath o perone Tue | der the valuable enggestion ontains, In ad ; To an a ’ re j peat si pial t ie | ey oni a near spr L | dition to an admirabie medical tre on the ee tleman of character and respectability, and . pes pico is id nel tae — oo | Thaw psd pola ae phe greg mien Coust : Petition For Dower poe : : ’ } PUB C6. . tie de arent ‘ar | hie atatement + be rel lag ‘ig edhe ne only way, as the law sands, os 5 or Cou Heirs at Law of club, for which below we give a partial List of Pe canees, prevention and cure of a great var ety of | his ataten s may be relied on It shows to | ¢., do full justice to all ‘ t ry | of Norti®Carolina, in th 4 i . : . | a . iis : : a oall partie. This requires ina, in these modern times, takes Win Brittain, dee’d | Commissions : . po syraen dae babe a lance amount | ( inf rina- | what lengths the “Ring” are prepared to go to $240,000 in ready money. Of this sam $180,- advantage of his position and power to atiDe and Iu this case it appearing to the satisfaction of Por an order of $30. fom 8 elab of | — h arta reg re . zs - shar * mierarie ae stifle all attempts to expose their frauds and cor- , 00V goer ty the State, and £60,000 to individu- abridge the freedom of the Press. the Ceurt thar the defendants Mores Pry and Thirty, we will pay the Agest. ss communion. | pd lareanadd pass apt mt ter planter, and profes | tions. They have the command of vas BF ek t is se easy matter for this or any other Judge Jones is the man, who, in 1368, while " e Malle Fry ere nen residents of this Strte: It is @ yda. Brown or Bleached Sheeting, Good — — : — the «a ations bave beer vy : ) xe command of vast sums <) thern Railroad to raise at any one time for intoxicated in Raleigh, exposed his person in a 4 ordered that pablication be made in the “Uld North | Drexa Pattern, Wool Square Shawl, French iF OTHER made for each meridians aod latitudes as are | Of Money anc will corrupt whoever they can) dividends the large sum of £240,000. Nor will disgraceful manner; for w hich conduct sn effort state,’ a newspaper published in Salisbary Ns. ¢., | Caasumere Pants and Vest Pattern. Fine large A most suitable for @ cofrect aod comprehensive | when necessary. 1 corporation stady ccon my or effic ie cae was wade in the Legislature to impeach him.— foy aix weeka notifying the defndgante to appear at | White Counterpane, etc., efe., oF $3 00 in cash Remedies National Calendar ; gpa : . He ta fell : Seis he @& Lor ( t " onty | V We are also in receipt of another letter fror agement, when its earnings have to go_ pretty in a nice fellow to undertake to stifle the the next term of the Superior Court lor the county Por an order of @, from a ¢ lab of The nature, vecs, and extrordinar anitar prods : ‘From snuck all to the publ k h : | press and silence editors. — Cher. Demcerus off ee at the ( ‘ourt —— aM phased oo the | Fifty, we will pay the Agent, Commission, PAIL | effecta of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT an intelligent citizen of Asheville giving som - 1 ye public, rather than to its pri- = : — 10 yacday a tthe 3d enday in arch mext e 1 “ s 7 a . ate mem ber- — -s-- —_— 5 - 45 yds. sheeting. one pair of heavy wool blan i . cae TERS, the ataple tor A alier af more | furt dent t " of Womble oD , en and there to ouewer or piead to the Plaintiffs edt ore re } Be wot FOR BRONCHIAL AND LIV ER DI-| chen ball the ee - sila — 2h - of er inci ents in the history of Wombt The officers of this Re ad are thin, on the one Ox accoust of the great number of nder a ype athorw ine | ne van e. : e he af qos. ere cra aha cl « lesa ote. or | BRASS read the following : | im ite yee? ss : Tie was first a conductor and afterwards Su- | hand, restra ved in declaring dividends of its ful cures of obefinate and tnreterafe Cases 0- ae ad ent rendered pro confesen ae te ”. i ’ ’ ,or| SELASE.« 3 pase vie are alw ntereperee wi ‘ “ . | erp : S x x - e Witne Seg = 1). ey ‘ate lerk of our eaid coart at | $500 in cash | Thomas H. Rainey. Exq. Granville co.. w: C: ctoral illustrations, ¥ able re — ke th = perintendant of the Florida Railroad, which © ated nto; ar . nthe eet: Uney are Rr Ces Dysrersta, Liv FR IyeaxatTs, Kip ofice tn Morganton, the 10th Monday after the 3rd For an order of #100 from a ciab of | says I fied your Pills to be the best family medi- i hold and farm, humerens ane tee, and Swepeon and Littlefield have por haaed He |; = t ethiggae’ mary xray agance, by the very NEV AFFECTIONS Grsrrat B \v Hasta, &o, Monday in August, a. D. 1889, | Ove Hundred, we will pay the agent, as con cine | have everased. They have proved very ben- | other instructive end s Ss rea ee Ae + if ) fact of their often having large amounts of | made by the erleb ted “Koskoo,” it has woo . FRANK D. IRVIN. c 8. ©. | miasion, 100 yds. of good yard-wide Sheeting eficial in my vwn case. | have been very moe bof cricinal and selected ah of haa 5° r had no money in Asheville, and if Mr. Stokes moncy in their Treasury, which they have no. the canable reputation of beang the beat and most 512: pr fee $8. for Burke County. | Coin-silver Hanting Case Watch, Rich Long ficted for Neen years. and have tried every kindof ee whale sgn of hd nuals to had closed the trade with him for the News he e fur, and which they would declare as divi- pop'" medicine crer discotered. It is daily pre- ¢ - zi hat le : a he = appear with the opening of the year, th « will be | ; eas sass P YP Be Ee | Woo Shawl, Suit of all Wool French Cass medicine that I could get. bat have found more ie I pitting yom, would, duabtles, have paid for it in the same “Cf” a {at for thie provision. True policy re- | scribed by phymicians and recommended & Sta { BYorth c lin ? Sbawt, ou! 1 lief from your Pills than all others. My disease is, One of the most neeful, and m7 he i » the ” : » fae \ in the sa pedighan preg ee J bdatinie cae Wn one ¢ : * iy te o aro mere, etc..cte., or $10 in cash bronchial affiiction, and a complete prostration of asking. Send for copies to the Central Manu fac way that Ke paid his hotel bills—Ly a draft on Jebel J doflar not needed for the jet | many thousands of our best citizens For sale j i the treasurer of the West i Fike W wants pela eoapand a be promptly paid | by Druggists and Merchapts everywhere. ne treasu of the Western division of the oat to the Mtate and the # «<kholder« as divi- = - — ——__-—— = P STANLY CourTr 5 | We do not employ any trare ling agents, and | the nervots «ystem. | have waed them in ten or fif- | tory, at Pittsbargh, |’a.. or to he nearest ler Superior Court. enstomers should not pay money to persons | teen cases in my family, and find them to be the very ges pee =| 8. ©. Raiiroed Company. dend, whether ithe 2,4 or 6 per cent This a ARNE : exten! anol , and Mr. Stokes ix an r il | keep officials and sag rks | : —— aed imeorraptible man, and has | Would keep ficiale employees up toa rigid | In Weldon, on Monday evening, Dee. ba Joseph Marshall, Adm'r_of Jas. Smith, deo'd, | purporting to be our agente, "AlCEL pcr sonal, . a = pee -~ « r= Sik Tan | beew active in exposing the “ring.” W economy and a «trict ‘ at a : , hope ict accountability, and lessen | : ; » ; = = ” Se was severely aMlicted with | —__—_—_—___——- | that friends can be foanc A ul the chances of loss, steal andi 1869, Mr. J. C. L. Harria and Miss Fi rence a . SREEMR 4 GO, | Seresioweadmeny sgneevsinin ved cn in| MERIT S00 NOWMED ABROAD. of poribbanpelaanbaindsiscpdegeal pm and cxiravaganae, | Upchurch, of Raleigh BN. C- oN : ee Baer St, He Seriscorte a .__ | iecgniy terme at icin SG liars eee a ahd EO 7 Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the| _Ort We — 41-ly | eobaide. 1 eee Tr aRE | oe SSE years sincd ALLER ONG | , oad, and sey fallure to decls Yenbonable ersity, court that John P. Lisk and wile Sophia, | S| AEP ATIC PILLS, and the first dose | took gave me BALSAM, was first offered for sale. Ite good | a | dividend would rating aa rd 5 : Univ st are non-residents of this State, it is Ordered, | D.T. CARRAWA great relict. | contineed to am the Fille ee twe qnalitics was snon made known at home, and DEATH OF F. M. STANTON. |'At poesamt the very dificaities pag wig nt, © Be Rate § oe Tes That publication bx made weekly. for six succes | ° ° lohestg, aoe es SS ennee ene — Mt erry its — was nx mot far and near; now ' declaring div idends is made ire ex baboll sg G Poe Mar a ow Tate. aha pg Pattie . ae Eee Goesserardhe jon Ls . .s on n ne y Dr Stor the t's on. I = ' : ae 88 »xcu lor de- fA, Maj. 8. C. 28 i i ¥ « ve weeks in the ‘Old North State,’ a newspaper € commission Merchant, several persons are in waat of them. ad Sd masse sank Pad Sith a sia : oe cn Stanton, formerly Atiorney Gen- | Claring none at all, and all partics aciuicace «, | Pearson, Hon. C. L. Cot aba Mur Lovre Peer Vebury N.C. summoning each | So ; ne at te the & ede Rortn, Fant, South an ext. No | eral of the United 8 ; : stupid policy of ; ; re - ura lear- > peg aa : i lb gastch Seg pa . —AND— is een once reget dango } similar medicine stands higher with the peop! a : ss haan arpa eg aoa Aba on “bps we , Leper ating oe ol the longest | ©", and Mr. J. H. Pearson with Miss Lide oy se ‘k we t ont wt i baad at the offirx . . with all the assistance it can receive from carougin } = i ayitedlte nd recently appointed a Judge of the Supreme | ly for t! ct net of: = nega almost entire- | Pearson. volo pinay voc tn pee a tT) | ; ening medicines and suitable nourishments, ¢ ~ | ol demands for it from San Francisco, Sac Court of the United States, died 1 Kiel it of money lenders, contractors ing .. C., Dee Gy ox he (bt Sars Iara hima ca er ois roceries ee ee ~ . sadly = “largo Migs eect Cali bersiat ned Poca ee u ih is inp Caan ieceren tae: ee ie very anddenly, | of he and employees } ne Lobel ig sl eo 23d, 1860, by the al Abie es tuner | coe ne fai hoa pravenl ack nensof inc Nadu was ack ss 5 en ee rington City, a few dare ate - poe in the Act of 1854-5, wasa < Mia Fannie A euephd th — A gyre age a the game Will be taken pro confesso and heard PROV ISION 8. H ARDW ARE to take medicive after you get sick to cre sickness. And throughont Canada, it ie well aad favora age was unquestionably a man of great | ares ‘ ctnal experience has shown it to be! Dr. W. R. Holt. - nth danglter of the late e J ‘ V0. AR d 49 TF 8 word to fhe wise ts enongh.£3 bly k ability, but public o = 1 ach, and it should be promptls at a parte as to therr. : Exerciae your own judgment in the | > f nown, and sold werywhic re ’ publi pinion ia divided as to his | has added An ; I repealeu | ———__- —- -—— ; . > judg , means of de. | aes " . neither a dollar to the Treas ra = ——$—$——_——_——_—— Witness, James M. Redwine Clerk of onr Glass and Crockery Ware, Wall Paper, Wit | fense the eneny will come, be ye aley ready with | Read what ( » F- ster rrite ceareci© His friends and partizans claimthat the State nor a cent to the value of te sah we MRS. WAREN WHO HAS eaid court at office, the 23.4 day of Novemter, | dow Shades, &r., &e. The Southern Hepatic Pills, Poar Ronwet i \harck erern he was a man of kind and generous nature, while Indeed, it had the opposite effect, as all ciplek | the advantage of having bec & taught music by ‘ 7* I . ren ] Sf } rete a ahre = . 1869. Ps ee P — That old, long knqwn and well tried remedy Mesers, Pernay Davis & © “6 his enemies, with more truth, say that he was st ~_ hrew business men readily sec, It | some of the best German Profeeeers and has also . i ¢ : <c s ; x ‘ an one e ori : » " : ' 48:6.w: pr fer 210 | ROMPT attention given to ordere and to for all Biliows disensen, caused by a pleased to notif, a of ikeik nefit whict cruel, heartless and unfeeling, 1 lit 1's : : = aeasege . : ea penbsiseh Bae onike Tia a0) be 7 7 _ | : ? 5 ves % spam A ” neti rich . ¥ d te vorme o favored th ® * tion wees t ve a “tions 0 he lane yee Worth Carolina, { ~reetrere Cover | the loco a ee Naral Stores, Tobac DISEASED LIVER. = from Athen’s Long Balsam, having | ee Heep SLR Ree © aap abe pow : ul e pecstiniyel mt = iat oe on , : ree eat y 7 : _ z Mi e for it § a erms, on of five montha, f ae Cote g Fath 'Verm, 1869 } co ried Frait, &c . on Commission Ah ALL EMIGRANTS. Yor ore about v.00 Balan d with a cough for several youre BAT Who is the member of Congress for thie They sought to deceive the people by giving it Piano, $20, Guitar, $18. : a r : | COURT HOUSE BUILDING, a home for vourseifand family na climate which m was recommended to m< Tint tte. | District? Canany one inform us?) Mr. Shot the color of a loan, when in fact it w uch | Refe Dr. Gibbs, Col R \ A. &. Moss, admiiriatra mr of Thomas Moss, april 9—I4-1ly NEWBEI! vc vou or they uave not been accnatomed to; you will, ly procured it, and found it to relic oli iene , : odcr ’ act it was nv such | ference r. Gibba, Columbia, 8 € V{a- | Pee NE SKN, N.C. course, be exposed to all the 4 seares peculiar to cote asadil " it to relieve my congh | was clected—haa he been atmmitted, or does thing : | jor Casson, Columbia, 8. C dec. 81—tf - bcieraiion ate: ve Gren pee eh ore readily than anything I ever tried My. Mr. Bosden atill hold the place? We w From my knowledge of the preeen 966 | ————— = pe eee | | eee enould be careful to nse ench Med- | Wile has also used it witl adel ‘ I ant t : £ he present condition — we / Pure 2y 0 and Corn Whisk ies nea ne are adapted to the diseases of that climate: | gate, it with mont sa r know eo that we can inform the people to whom of the affairs of the Company and my high DMINISTRATOR'S Sale of | ° SAAS, you will find the greatest pages in the ase of Yours bt ci : TE end applications for the re-opening of mail pinion of the future prospecta of this road, I| 4 Corn and Rail Road Stock.--- . C.| Distilled in th Old Style _ | Derma’ SOvTAERN Hepatic Pines. , ay. D. EOS ER rentes and the appomtment of Dostmasters feel fully justified in saying, that if this pre Bel On Wednesdar. the 5th dav of Janmary, a. P v - yle, Pure and Un They can be sent to any pointin the United States] . Capt. Forter is arhip omer and buildcrer Ch Democrat, ion is changed, it will be followed | . ve 1870, I will expose to public sale. at the voor honse adulterated. at th by Express. siding at Fort Burwell, Canad Al | f ry Prompt | in Salish t12 o'clock ‘ e pr ng EC i. A ; : und regular cash dividends | mee a ary. at 12 o'ctock, M., avout sixty bnsbelg Old N h S i . PRICE—Forone hox, 25 cer tr. — Doe $2.F0—PalfGroee Lt is wold by De. G. R. Pooreox, $ 7 ) Bevden contests Mr. Shober'a right t e : ; ‘ nds of not less than 4 or | o¢ cars in the ear iat 810__One Virose, $18 —Three Grose, $50—Five Groen, $78. 7 sin ALB ' ; aa ag EER) Sod CATIA ety pr Alan, 1 nar he N ‘erels { ort tate Distillery, The cash mnste ther accompany the art forthe Srbbe N.C. _ 4 Im; he at, but whether he contesta the election Very respectfully, yours, &¢ | Ph 10 oe ~ea of stock in the North Carolina 4 rs ginger) w beseut 0.) u: Overs shee d be address a ——_— ———— | we canrfot say. Weare of the opinion, how- RUFUS BARRINGER | “ Road | nda) tobias | Ten Shares vin (he Western r Pe) \ Cor = , - , op Ss. | ee -_ A CARD Voce (hat the! : ; | C2 R. R. Company, and Th Shorca in the : Sil : : : are | | foes Ae rime Ws A Clergyman while resid \ . that the latter point has heen abandoned, - a — Charlofte & S.C. RR. R. Compa Terms Casi : ; S digay = es y . <idi in Sou mer- } . 5 ‘ “ * Vi af . ' that , | CHA RLOTTE, N.C. | wherethey wil! he promptiy attended to caas aAMmissionary ‘ixe ae fe ar ° Phe only question now is will Congress passa), If any one of the people retain a feeling the 3 JOHN s. Hk NPERSON, Adm'r. ‘ r e r atr oes esi ec tora i uonten! j y ' 19 i dirines lon all respectable Druggiste ao hades nar} ; ve ; asafe and siin «a! act for the removal of Mr. Shober’s dis- east akin to veneration for anv member of the } mh ak of Ann ilanghton, aec’é. 7 maVN o porchaee 500 or 10% ad | every eard or i remedy for the Cure of Nervor Yeaknes dicis f on p : LMC. }— ae Catt 7 A uf shechost C Pac sy G. B. PC JULSON | - : . : . ous Wet “y or will he he kept out until the p dua asf ao our Diep: save and excepti — gees OF adh — —— fag S oe i ay the highest Cash cea for} cee - wD. Aca N, | Rarly Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem: | gage of a ge ery : ok pas- | Judge Mitchell,) we desire to know which of ey ; rs Cora Rve Wy 2—296:6m | °?! Q—W ly Salisbury, N.C. | inal Organs, and the whe train of disorder j sage of a general bill Mr. Boyden is in favor | it is.” Raleigh Sentinel aluable-Land for Sale, - in of disorders | ¢ 44 a aoe shlong ; . PS of the passage of a general bill, and the pastage Judge Buxton, also, is certainly entitlec PENITE SUBCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE | 7 wane 2 7 | brought on by taineful add vicious habits. Great , Enstablishea 1335 Great) of anch a bill will admit Mr. Shober confidence and respect of the people. _ W ~ TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED of him particilarly hecause we know , an ACRES of valuable Land in Caldwell County, > WILLIAM VALENTINE, 1 onlay te : TINE,|| EPAGE BROS. & Cow, momen nescet uct aveblereneds |" We mot witha Lepulican member of Ch.) trem amet ther pean: . sf A aMicle H f 1- | are willing to assert that there cline ~~ebe vbn-| N.C. } TH E BA RB EK R, | GENERAL |} and unfortunate. I willkend the recipe for pre grese a few days since, who gave it as his opin- | est, pure and honorable man in bi |- Ope tract of FOUR HUNDRED ACRES | Weare alen willing to speak a | paring and using this mglicine, in a sealed ene | 10n that Mr. Shober would be seated soon after rd for | with a most valuable W \TER-POWER, on J rt vent W f con c * - Fa ; ie ; Fe ; ‘ py ET RNS HIS THANKS to his OLD | ¢ ° ° Ae, HN, ee Clork Ors Chea | \ FRII NDS and th Pal | for the lieral| oMmmIssion cuchants | velope, to a1 y who need it, Free of ( harge the recess. | Judge Dick, of the Supreme Ce Ye believe | Upper Little River, snfficie to drive tronare heretofore extended tohime ft Address JOFEPH INMAN i re any ( t arity ¢ vat olive Q aa : Themitbathe haa i ek pe Fal AND | S! i ) oR i é nem ee ange raph af pre tleman, how-| amount of machinery, with \ oady erect- ‘ vis \ fatertas them that be bas fitted up a new and } t n |), Bible Hoase, | = ever much we may differ git® him in political ad and i xd conditio . ¢ the 22d Novembe A 1) 69 | conmediou ry. n 4 7 | ae Uxrortesate Ac = a political | ed a in go ondition. : Rea eee ) nodic | C 0 1TO N I A CTORS., | Oct. 1—6m New York City | Sporn rr CIDENT On Friday last, | matters. We do not beli at he can be brib g remainder of the tra See RED WIN] : | Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Brick. | Commerce St., Morfolk, V )| — ~ mummers emocrat, Mr. Win. Shelby. , ed of induced toact dish iy inthe discharge | to Wits of any size, from It i pe ines ) | Building. Room Wo. 2, | 9 rfolk, a. | Jon VS.E VDERSON plea ots Al M, on a Creek, near that | of his dutics as a Junge veg, Democrat. | suit parchasers. : ; Z » would be pleased to see the | as Rete |g AUR VEU te Machinery ju sone sony. _ The above land lies te mean < ‘a idl RREP One aR pls has ict 2 pies a t ‘ the ne Hic | pgrSpecial attention paid to the sale o | ATTORNEY { (‘() NELLGR W ae held bruised until his wife came to his re- | | ory orally lairte ic “é A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY | Moh give satisfaction in every cate | CR ATN, COTTON and 3 Perky |! MBL ¢ ELLY AT LAW | tiefand stopped the mill, Dr. Robert Giblon, | ‘The city of fexi . Vee on E. C. MeLURE, & I. A BRADLEY, dr. He has in his employ of the best Hair Dressers | *R AE . oy rr a = other kinds ¢ | BALISBUMR Nt . | of that city, was sumr ol Arias eal Phe city ohggexie tha population of | be sold on the most rea oa eee) «Bs he ety in Western North Carolina. Ho reqnests a call COUNTRY PRODUCE. | ‘ ASHERY, N.C. | sary to am putate t] Hines and fonnd it neces: | 260,000 souls, h® eight ,theaters and a Apply to the undersi AT CHESTER, 8. C. from all (@ Liberal advances on consignment | FH Will attend powptly tothe Colle | i ghee =— i on, at mT fio testing ia ne city. of Gnadaijura a | C298 0 Jacob W. Fo TER Me—Invariabi PAY Fry POOR eer OOOT «tha d Buligbury, N.C, Dee. 17, 18% 50— * : 27 —~ ‘ : | ed Abe Seely gL) WM right, anc the lose iS le - ' lands. JERE _ sari aed prem pt teace® joly® of ion of Olaisns | feb26—1ly of hia arm is a serious loss to himeelf and feanilpe theater is building. we 12, 1860.- os Py : « | f anged! 3 Ri we THE ONLY te," _. MEDICINE THAT y : ;Cures, All Pain! 2 NAL OF THE CO F@EE VOR ONE YrAR. —A first-class | fo. uble col. ith ¥, the {tock Jour- nal free formyear. mye © Advantages of Life In- surance. The North America Insurance Company pays Its precaiums promptly without charge, W. H, HOLDERNESS, Agent, North America Life Ins. Uo. TAOMASVILLE, N.C. rar Sir :—You will please accept my sin- cere thanks foryour prompt payment, without charge, of the amount of the poliey of Insur- ance on my Husband's Life, amounting to the sumof three thousand dollars. At your ear. nest and repeated solicitation be was induced to insure in your Cumpany, and now we are the recipents of ita bevelita. | To you and the North America Life Insur- ance Company we sball feel under obligations, such as only the widow and fatherless cau feel and express. . May you have succes* in inducing others to iusure in your most liberal company, and may the Lord.of the widow and orphars Liess you and prosperyou in your good work. MARGARET C. Barer, of Rowan Mills, N.C Mr. Holderness is also agent for the Liver- pool, London aud Globe Firk Tusarance Com- pany, which insnres all kinds of public and pri- io <O nee Sr ar eee eb ee a Se Poul "Keeper &e. ital wth cael a oe af Cte iments otParuiing ang Sock Breeding. It hax| 2 C) = & HZ SES a Vi , i the hans ot, ; ue 2 ~eD one ees Be BE PEC who ans t t Ce chai . ae . g & 5% 4 ] all questi s telat to Sick, Injured or Disease [= =} ios a Se . “Tamgvere suede haa Hane and ie :) nee 3 sy .r offer the AMERICAN | b> s ~ ve “8 for..one year, to oS ow 2@eaie e Pe Ne : (em se and >This is 9 rave nis z a4 coum ae Qn ih doubt a Wade von Q # E - subscriptions at once a oF i ured TW seang HL AUNIOIGaGW ‘Op lod vy AINO a4 oe TO THE LADIES. 4 vate buildings, Railroad Depots, Bridges Fac- Al Howerton's, | w. a. switn REUBEN J. HOLMES, tories, Founderies, Mills and Merchandise avd reoe hadi oho aoe JEU FOSTER, JR. pays all its losses promply Ia Bue hie etock bas been selected with | Salisbury, Dec. 12, 1869. 13—ly All letters addressed to Mr. Holderness, at Vim Sauer ta cee bes et walnake L r wl svill C eceive ul - HE » r D f roi OTe ee ee eee eens 7 ues ville, N.C will receive al dai ‘et ike perk ar per having n appointed an age great care to meet EVERY WaNT , ands on. j3— ayn aaa SINGERS CELEBRATED eae LARGEST, BEST, CHEAPEST. 5! rE RS me AT c ER Call and examioe it—it will not cost Town Property for Sale ! ' ae New Family Sewing Machine, d ly VIRTCE OF-AN ORDER FROM : | . you anything to that— But Don't Ask For | ‘ ie ‘ Moore 8 Rural New Yorker. j and all itsattachments offers the same to the Ladies | © — ° "| Rowan Superior Court, made at Fall Term of Western (‘areiina. This Machine challenges » comparison with any THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED ba Pt resect | Credit. His motto is “PAY AS YOU GO.” 1869, I will expose to public sale at the Court JUST ARRIVED FROM X BW alk ; Gas aR eae ba a heavy decline in prives, whereby. they can and witt be'sold lower than angio the: mar- of rs. “ZS er A LARGE SUPPLY Sperm p Candlés, just rece! "At Howexton's, Notions, : gfe, Wes to aa tort we a) ie owitton’s” |READY@M ADE CLO of Candies, , Nuts | manufaétured expressly for vs. in for sale prices that everybody buys cy Me ote THING, tants tach ‘ _ At Howerton’s. ory ro! ‘aha | lh of Canneit Pf tooe, Green Corn, Baddigry. Heri lane i tp : = Lobsters, Oys- * pee. an a * ining At Howerton’s. ~ Jort Reodived, a large lot of Goshen Cheese, of superior quality ei : At Howerton’s. ‘A lange lot of Fresh Family Groceries of ev- ery dcurlption, Just fooutved fami! Drugs, Patent Medicines,’ ha Stuffs, Vaints, Tanners? Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, i « | and the largest stock of Lewis, Bartlett, Buck and 7 other noted White , Chrome Green, Yellow and At Howerton's. _| other Fancy Colors ¢{Paints. 4190 Bolting Cloths A new supply of that superior-seven-year-old | of all pum %y Kentucky+Wheat-Whiskey,.for medicindl pur-| We keep one.store egpectally for poses only, just received and for sale - At Howerton’s, Fancy and Stife Dry Boors of every te scription and variety _ At Howerton’s, An elegant assortment of Boots and Shoes which is the sfiest in town—comeand see. 7 Bage Coffee, 40 Barrels Molasses, 10 Ihde Molasses, Nev Orleans, Bee Hive and Gio!den Syrups, Bourbon and Corn Whiskey, French California Cham Rifle and Blasting Powder, apearvea Brandy and Ale. yall ; At Howerton § | kinds of Confectioneries, Crackers, ces, A splendid assortment of Hats aud Caps Snuff and cigars at manufacturer's prices. All kinds At Llowertou's. of Fancy Fruits, cove Oysters, &c. We keep on hand Cedar Falls, @gndotph and other Standard Shirtings and Yarns at Factory Prices. Our Mr. R. J. HOLMES has taken great pride in getting ap the fnest stores in North carolina and we too, have spared uo trouble or money, in | getting up this WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL establishment. We know no other House can offer | better inducements than we do both ia Wholesale and Retail trade. Webny ali kinds of PRODUCK, EITHER FOR CASH OR BARTER, An assorted lot of Hardware and Cutlery. At Howerton's, A very superior lot of Queensware, China and Deif Al Howerton's. | All grades of Sugar, Coffee. ‘Tea and Molas- ses Al Howerton's. A Choice lot of Confectionernies At Howerton's. Fine and Common Tobacco, imported Ha- vanna, Regalia, Principe and U. 8. Grant Ci- gars At Howerton's. A complete assortment of Liquors of al! kinds and grades At Howerton's. > * Hardware, Buots & ‘Shoes, Hats ig and Caps, « ie ; 6: on Upper Leather, Enaineled and Patent Le athe ry Coach Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins, Lin- ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co- Remember the EAGLE STORE! MAIN STRERT. TP} Thankfn! for the very liberal patronage giv- en our old firm, Smith, Foster & Co, we hope by | Pair Dealug, a continuance of the same. SMITH, FOSTER, HOLMES & oo, For Medicinal purposes only— Moore's cele- brated seven-year-old couhle- rectified - Kep- tucky-Whiskey—perfeetly pure, At Howerton's. Every variety of Yankee Notions, and all other Machines. It wibi do more different kinds of work—from the simple plain seam to the most beantiful embroidery —than any other Mgehine ever invented. “Ecopomy is wealth. then why not the beat.” These Machines are Warranted | to If they fal RURAL AND PAWELY NEWSPAPER. Volume XXL, for 1870, Of this Famous Journal will Excel in all the valuable essentials and characteristicsefa First! | : ale inal Olasa Rwra!, Literary, Family and Business| give entire satisfaction. Newspaper combined—making it the | to give satisfaction they may be re NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! |tarned after a trial of two months The RURAL was doubled in size and Vastly! and the money will be refunded. Improced, iu January last, and is now not only | ] the Largest, Cheapest and Best. but! Dd GchbiReekeMH, as in vise, style aud illustra tions, and having @ continental circulation— with tena of thousands of ardeat admirers in doth Town and Country—the great FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE Employing the best ta’cut in the land; har ing uive able editors and hundreds of «peeial | 74¢ 18, 1869. coutribators and correspondents, and being an | —— Machines manufactured erpressly fur KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be supplied when ordered, at manufacturer's | RURAL is the | Prices. | Parties desiring infotmation © {ll please tend for specimens of work avd cirealors. John A. Ramsay, y tou. Terms 12 tnon edit, th ich, | Mowers and Reapers, |... tcctwcisosens st EN House in Salisbury, on Wednesday the 5th da NAT ATaeater aaa } of January 1870, at 12 o'clock, M, the tollow- (WH COUNTRY PRODUCE ¢f every| seed ios 520 Acres of Land, known as the Murphy plantation, 4 miles from Salisbury, immed iate- 'y on the Western N. CO Railroad," wehich is | well adapted to the growth of Cotton, Tobac- S27" Bank Notes and Specie taken at the | ©O and Grain, contains about 60 acres of Bot —— laken in exchange. palhand Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very best Brands, ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Stcel and Iro , © om and Meadow Lands. Ip order to suit all | | who may wish to purchase a part, or all of | ' lant High farket Rate lighest Market Rates, {3 I bare divided it into ri AD Lalio . . eeUWwerwn ®, j luatle Hoase afd Lot in one or me ver aAtw ; 5 freighborhcods io SM@lsbor¥, fronting 204 feet SALISBURY, N.C. | ov Inne Street, and 400 feet on Loug Street | 44-—6.n rnd 204 feet on Council Street, known as the | John Marphy property. This is one of the “WALTER A. WoOOD’S w 5 sidences in the oy pa. | ‘ersons desiring to examine the above - PRIZE be ty can do so by applying to the sobsecriber ary or to doha Y. Rice on the planta- November, & 1809 st desirable re lin Sabie | parchass money ts pad | | J. 3 McCUBBINS, } De 1869.— 49 4t Commissioner Used in all countries, and oniversaliy mmend d n a .* THE BEST IN USE: Awarded more first Minome tt Machme mannulactare e AND FOREIGN COUN Among ~/ GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC sTrITcxHe FAMILY THE HICHEST PRIZE! SEWING MACHINES. pre an any other vin th ) TRIES, | h is nrinted, ably edited, widely cirenlated and hear | stock-breeders, wool growers, dairsmen, pon!., ANChor of the feeble and ted, iMustrated and printed in extra style, and | remedy for the nervous at. thongh double its furmer sige, and greatly , vlcomed paper, as a whole, which now itv way amoung the peopic.” All who eniltivate fruits, flowers. regetablea, try fanciers, ete, it is indispensable. In the} Fumily itis highly regarded, its Literary and debilitated. As a tonic and \d eatertaining reading for sll. Tux Kcea.'s| COr@ial for the aged and vlapted to country, village and city, the Rr- « (be@ paper for yourself, family and friends weakness to which women : | npraved, ita subscription price remains ut-| gre especially subject, it is and Literary Subjecta, an exchange raise) s MOORE'S KURAL Pays This wonderful vegetable 4 »., even on a small scale, (in city, villageor so- Miscellaneous Deparineuts, furul«hing Choice MARKET AND CROP REPORTS languid it has no equal | mouthiy, but the lar- | every other of it that “Tne Rcrat isthe most ele Pantiy ‘restorative is the sheet- rb.) while to farmers, planters, berticuitnrista, Are fail and reliable. . Indecd, being ably edi- ' among stomachics. As a | if ber thas it is a “et. cheapest and rar Theres weekly, and | t. In all climates, PORM, STYLE, TERMS; ae ae 1., for 1870, will be published pe se ie, eno be een hroatle Baito Pages. (of Five Goiumos <3\tropical, temperate or Li ‘ated, on Boo Puied. X Tile Paes, Latee Gon ck does ot) frigid, it acts as a specific each volume Only $3 a year ; in @lnds of ten or more, ¢0.50 In every species of disorder Xow is the time to form Clute! Very libara inducements to local cfu agente—incindng| Which undermines the | 20,000 manufactured and sold in 1868 } Two Grand Gold Medals and Crosse of | | the Legion of Honor, 181 Baliimore Street, Baliimore. At Paris Exposition, 1867. VYore than 120,000 now in Use! ! and the demand unsupplied. Increased Facilities Bereasiag | Additional Imp: evements for 1869. tice Sowers, (1 and 2 Horse.) - ~ t Raking Reaper, with g Attachment. Uand Rake Re aper. vines’ [il Ww ew Mow Points of Bxcelience. Over One Hundred Valuahle Premiums, rang- \ Hf e Harvester Beanty aod Elasticity of Stitch ing in price from $4 to $500! 9 apenas Pre- | bodily strength and breaks | Mar he Walter A. Wood Mow Pr var aty of Machinery mium Lists, Show Bills, 4c., sent free. Drafir, | ng } Ma e Company. Genera t, hreads chrect!y from the snoole. | Orders, Se.yatonr risk, Aides =| GOWN the znimal spirits. | fice and Ma y. Huowrk Falla, Reos | No tectemrg of seams ty beard and oo easte | eS & . MOO : nx “.Y f; . | x | r elaer ¢ v {thread s1— 41 Park Row, N. ¥.! Wherever: it is nin | Bench Ujvreund Soles Roome— 44 ( . oof application witloat ehange | Sieo eee ee bee nd- |'a New York city. P. U. Dox, 08 Fresh Garden, Flower, Frwit. Ierb,| duced it mes a sta J 206 Lake Street. Chicas Til T a Tree, Shrub and rer ven, ects rie ‘ard article—a medicinal | Alexamtris Va ee sami meine rections for cutture, prepaid by mat e * i etaciene . ; Resides doing all kinds of work done by most complele and judtetous assorlunent in! staple. It is to-day the | 771 eer hemes: Sip joncon | Besa oe pp :s ei ea | th f nent j ” ee . beantifal ar nent Em- Sear of vithes er $1.00 orepaid by mait.| Dest and purest tonic, and | Send for New Dnwriptive Cireubm eee | a) rte af eit er lor mM). C ae | ! ; ) : 7 AK DREW WH PHY. Also small Fruits, Piants, Balba, all the new . edicine and Price fy ASUREW | R vo Potatoes, &e., prepaid, oh mail. 4 Iba Fariy| the most 21 a m ld - | Ap f \ tl ly Schebary, N.C Rose Potato, prepaid, for $1.00. Cc nover# Co- ili woria— as i in } to few Y + — }oeeal Asparagus, $3 per 100 ; $25 per 1000, pre in the civ ilize z ly : hon wat ALVWANACS FOR 1870. paid. oN hardy fragranteverblouming Ja; an] Go ik. poe ar Se ; ae \ Jicneysockle, Hct earh, prepaid Troe (ape; SUC and get the en SS Oe oe RTM CAROLINA ALMA- Cod Cranberry, for apland or lowland enitnre, > ists ro- 1 . ‘ T. NAC tor is70) Eularg d aod improwed | 21 per 100, prepa , with cireetiona, Pri ed | Sold by all Druggi ’ \" f the Alo cee of (Malone to any addrew, gratis; aleo trade lit! cans and Country Stores. aie wand had such alarge } ©. ¢-de on Comn.ission. | . : } : ; ef n 10 centa. 3 RM Naw OM) Coleny Nureeriea and _ ; | t . . . ‘ d Worchonse, Piemouth, Mae Ay t High x We «\ , } \ : } \ | MDGEWORPIL PES re SEMI $1; per hundred g& | od in 1242 Cee > | } / Care A : ao _ (| ( f f NAVE) : : SC ALMANAC oct - . . - \ } ) | ; | N LMANAC, pubhshed | 50,000 Fruit-Trees.> | pVIaR f PARA | | 1 I pecsient alone J LINDLEX EON, proprietor of Ke pinay " r ee ps - ene me cale "h piste Aohceh GARDEN NURSERIES, Gree ; Se eee rte pe Pass persingle copy & mail, 10 cents: 3 ‘ rosale 50,000 CO we aan ry oa ee mnal) 250. onddozen by inall 60e: we ¢ ; PPLE, i PAR » ANI) soa eee ey, re. hal! yroaa per be d $4,530, 1 bet Hew y woe “ = Se CHELETES, of vis, APRICOTS Say Vy 2UETLIC SALD, At Salem, XK. C. bitE COMIC ALMANAC FOR 1870,— Hines, Gira} nea, S'raw berris ougm recom , r S THE Leth OV Ry silived tte: full of conde Mrcidndley. hae reveiged jcemicms for OAR ive tated, BEa|Te OS TE 12tn Pile cuetion: 7 vacate HEA a ines wn ce alee ce Ti Salt th on f eer ea he cold ; tA ce. ANE 1, &e, tet poe held in North ¢ : lina - ; t “} : lac : / ot Murtes, Abe Vy gis eaengars in large clear: (ype eu eRe) TT) flea < Acene oe y ; aoe ( en Aiic, 1 1 ‘ rts vy fbarnc per singie coy lyr | 10 cee ( Hl fe re 7) \ Shove a = by 2 ney n by mail 60 cts. ‘ / r oe Ne i re Sor 10 Plows and Covlrers, wi larness pee or hall goss &3 et hundred | i 0 COSTAL OG EST aN TE TE , 100 Poilroad Picks and Mattork: are &e ey —- ha s ‘ : = ‘ ’ $4 50; per yroas $6 { IN“ HAV-!, Hilic r Spe “4 en aay ens Go oe of cach of thfabove mailed to any ol - 1- ots » 1 i i; tae ue 5 lintel Pag & rie address for 25 cts For ‘ al Bf | nA | . Fie ane O TT Soe onte-Ce oa dc J@. H. ENNISS, | i liemenintaca athe Aes ee ie VO eT BELO, Pt et. Agent and Pulsher of Aimanacs, | ce June, 1869.0 Dt | BBR N. WON. CR. RCo] oct 15—alet Salisbury, N. C. | and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Salt, Drugs and in short EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MEROHANDISE AS CHEAP as the Chéapest, sell us. ne its beauty and Srmoess | before purchasing elsewhere. | our Goods whether we sell or not. ‘ing and heavy shelling, but come mail, 750, |t0 see us and get posted up. POWDER! POWDER! oes Colored Paints of all kinds, Cot-| 4 : of their Swick of . _ "WINTER DRBS8 Goops Will be.sold at at cont and carriage, to close out the balance of that class of Go ‘stocks of Dry Goods fee ong ‘TON YAl 500 PIECES PRINTS, ASSORTED, 2,000 yds, PANT JEANS, at all prices: A full line of Cassimeres, Cloths, Ready Made Clothing, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, SOLE LEATHER, BOLTING CLOTHS, COTTON BAGGING AND TIES ; a large stock of SUGAR, COFFEE, PEPPER, SPICE, TEAS, SODA, &e., always on hand, AT LOW PRICES. MERCHANTS will find it greatly to their interest to examine our stock before | making purchases in this market, FLOUR, CORN, OATS, BALE and | LOOSE OOTTON, BEESWAX, TAL- LOW, RAGS, DRIED FRUIT, &e., bought ut highest market prices for CASH and BARTER. Ee We cannot close this notice with out expressing our kindest regards to the citizens of Salisbury and Country gener- ally for the very large and liberal patron- age extended to us. Our intentions are to deal liberally and fairly with everybody, and to sell Goods as low as any house in the State. MOCK & BROWN, WW HoLessLe axp Retait Merciayts, decl7—2m* talisbury, N. @. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL RIFLE, BLASTING AND MINING POWDEk, Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar Medicines, and AN of which wae CASH, and wit be sod We allow no House to under- Be sure to examine our stock It affords usa pleasure to show Don’t be deceived by loud blow- (cP Orders from a distance} ! promptly filled at lowest prices | | | | | (cP We buy nearly all kinds; of Produce. | McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., | No. 1, Murrny'’s Graxite Row, Salisbury, Sept. 24,18C@ | ,13—ly'! LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Mae are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Company has capital and assets, against its liability that will compare favorably with any Life luserance Company on the continent, which is the true test of responsibility. fte aMairs are cautiously administered by selected ofreeponsibility and business capacity. lt has entablished its claim to Southern Patronage OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIDEWT, S2CRRTARY, Wm. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsoox MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D LaGal aPVisER, GENERAL saGEFT, H.C. CaBxit, Jxo. H. CLarnoryz ory Hameel (- ire Sone ethan, George Jacobs, Willtem Willis, Jr., J. W. Allison, George S. Palmer, H.D. Chockley, H. C. Cabeti, D. J. Hartenok, Joba C. Williams, William @. Taylor, Ed. A Smith, Thos. J. Brana, James A. S>ott, B.M Quartes, W.H. Tyler, J.E. Fdwards, A. Y. Stokes, A.P. Abell, J. B. Morton, Wa. B. Isaeds, R.H. Dibrel!, George 1. Bidgood William H. Palmer, Samuel M. Price. LEWIS C. HANES. Aa’r. Feb. 12—ly LExixGTon, N. 7 | “PIANOS uses, THE COLD MEDAL Has just been awarded to 1 ‘ ’ ah ad A CHAS. M. STIEFF, For the best Piano pow made, over Baltimore, Phil ade!phia. and New York Pianos OFFICE AND WAREROOME: . No. 9, North Liberly Street, near Balti more Strect, BALTIMORE, Mp. STIEFF'S PIANOS have all the latest improve ments, incInding the Agroffe Treble. Ivory Front and the improved French Action, fally warranted for five years, with privilege ofexchange within MOCK & BROWN keep one of the! | RANDOLPH SHIRTINGS and cOT-|~ SON oP oa bs wie ah. © @ ys HIGHLY CONCEN POUND FLUID BEXTRaCT oF; ' NE bad oN i | dete PR RNa oa. a eo e ¥ “ ~ ” ae “e, % Tillery, a successful East tn be ilery, a pradiitiover o standing in the Old Nerth State: 0 —_—_ f Rocky Mount Edgecombe Uo. | Sept. 10, 1869. Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir: 1 have used your, Concentrated Fluid Extract of Koskoo ig iny practice with the happiest results. 1 findit to be a Powerful Liver Invivorator, Blood Pu- rifier aud Nervous Tonte. invall diseases of he Liver, Scrofulous, Syphillitic, and nervous affections, tt isa remedy of immense value; in fact, in almost every variety of Chronic Disease its use is indicated. Hoping you may imeet with the success which you deserveas a manu- facturer of reliable medicines, Im a sir, with much respect, your obedient servant, RC. Tirrery, M.D. —_o0—_——_ From Dr, Fentress, an accomplished and ex- Sept. 13, 1869 perienced physician : Princess Anne Court House, Va, t J.J, Lawrence, M. D.—Dear Sir: 1 have carefully examined the formula, as wel! as the Thesputic properties of your Koskoo com- | pound, and have prescribed in eci.e stubborn cases of Chronic Liver Affections, Dysentery, Dys ia, General Debility, &c., and alw aye with the most gratifying results. 1 find it to be a spiendid Tonic, Alterative, and Hepatic combination, accomplishing its constitunional effects without the shghtest debility; in fect it give support to the general support, while ite alterative effects are Leing produced. fally recommend its use to the public. Yours, truly, J. J. Fextesss, M.D. T cheer- Kosxoo cures Scrofula in its worst forms.— From A W Mills, a promiagnt and weil-koowa merchant of Norfolk, Va: No. 1! Main Street, Norfolk. Va, Bentember 15, 1869. Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: Your Koskoo nas worked wonders in my fam'‘ly My daughter bas been a snfferer from Scrofula since child- hood. She lost thirty-one pieces of bone from her ankle, several from her arm, besides having ulcers in several ts.Of the body. WhLils: io this condition she com taking your Koskoo—it acted like a charm on her—under its use the olcers gradually healed, and her cen- egehd ney A fey rer rire. an = ew re worormons aT fectivns. Youur Koskoo sleo cured my wife of dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatly. — She is now in better bealth than she has been in five ye: rs. With the highest regards, 1 am gratefully yours, &c., A.W. Miu Tew? Kosxoo, the great Invigorator. Read the following from the Rev. Joseph E. Martin, pes- tor of Wesley Chapel, Portsmoath, Va: “This ts (o certify that myself and wife Lave used Dr. Lawrence's Korkoo, and can test fy to its beneficial effects, Previous to taking it we were in a condition of debilitation—had no ap- sige and suffered from sudden and ofien yi - ent attacks of headache and nervousness. Two bottles of Koskoo has improved our general bealth, and we regard it as invaluable, and rwoet cheerfully recommend it to all who hare oced of invigoraior. Yours, &e., Josern EK. Martie. Read the following from Dr. Goddin, the ex- perienced and successful “ specialist,” of Nor- folk, Va: Norfolk. Va., Sept. 19, 1869 Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: I hare preseribet your *Koskoo” for Syz hiha in ite various fornis with the most satisfactory results. I hare sat- isfied myself by experience, that it will eces that disease in its worst and moet malignant stagcs, and eradicate every taint from the-ey s- KOSKOO!! CURES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Norfolk, Va, Sept. 7, 1860 Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Drar Sir: My son has received so neich benefit from your wondert:! refrain from exp Koskox ieee: Ae ing had tned almost everything my gratitude I believe, in all sincerity, (lat “* witbont benetit. your Koskvo ts an Jnfalisble Remedy for the di sease jrom which he has enffered, and, so far a: [can Jearp, bot never failed, If you only knew the immense amount of suffering that he bas undergone, that you could conceive the value of ruch a remedy as Kosko— that ewrety cures, The great amovat of good it is now de ing among os is inestuinable. With moch graninda, I am : fully yours, &e., . Mee M. E Pg ean Dr. Lawrenee—Dear Sir: Having been treated by reveral ekilfal phyewiane for ee via, Chronie Disease of the Kidney’e General Debility, &e, without benefit, asa last resort I commenced the use of your Koskoo, and am pleased to say that nnder its use my health bas been entirely restored Iam sir, with mach respect, your ohe tient O. B. Mare Do. 5, Market st, Norfolk Va, J: ly 9, 1860 Servant, Pacific, Franklin connty. NC. ? twelve months if notentirely satisfactory to purcha sere. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwayson | hand. from $50 to $300. | References, who have onr Piano in use | Gen. R. E. Lee, Lexington. Va. } Gen. D. H. Hitt. Chartotte. N.C. i Gen. Robert Ransom. Wilmington. N.C, | Gov. John Letehe . Lexington. Va Meecra. R. Burwell! & Son, Charlotte, N.C. James H. Ureenice. Morganton. N.C. J. H. Smith &G. W. Melton. Chester, 8.0. | Tz Brown & Bernhardt are agents for the sale of | the above celebrated Pianos. Pianos sold at Factory prices. june 18—1y CONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE | WILL COMMENCE THE NEXT TERM) nnary 3d. 1870), ard continue six months. | Board and Tuition the same as formerlr. | Address, REV. E. F. ROCKWELL. | Statesville, Dec. 9, 1869. 5U—3t Ja Eepe 11 ¢ Is6p This is tocert:‘y that for a long time I have enffered very much from ir ation of the Kyer an nstipation of the bowels end tre! eever al hes, bot received no benefit oil EF ‘or ced tubing I took the mea. e aboot one month, aud Ewas ecmpletely wre’, and have remained wel 1 know af <everal cures made by Keekoo, and cordially | recoinmnend it ws a good medicine Joux H. Baxer. fe For Sacre py act Devcarsts.-—a Re Dr. Lawrense’s Womans 2rien: cures diseases peculiar tj Fem use. For sale by Da GROVE Droggist and Ay thew wy. Gallet, £ Sel gnc nH, rer oraye Beis 4 A s ae wetter se ewe (Re ay oie a. hana Ope ea ‘Sire “O L S3 e n 5 L d 9 s Cé AN A T St 1W e d ¥ 81 HO M E I] Ax Y A N S 3 2 ox EM O T I O S Ph a B y VN E T O A V O HL E O N “A N N S S I T V S SN IM O T I O S SH L UC 4 AS V U S T T YN I T O S V O HL E O N 40 AL I S U S A T N A JR L NI ST Y N I S U H O KO Y 4 Ca k TI 01 8 1