HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolina Watchman, 1868, January-March The sale of real or personal. propert , i thewir by foreclosure of in the casew i f E t Li f t il £ sa r i ; i is ca H t E $4 i : | owe or ander the provisions of aril r ef as i FE i* 5 F th i g tf FR $ g & = F i i i 4 ~ . . | January, 1868. $F if . ea l i ih ; i He Fr e t t e d . He fF . ia t i Z ie <8 A é 5 as i FE E : if ? ft H . : Se re 3 Fr Ee . se e c t se t t : te EE FF ; = 4 cf I Ba §7 Hi : ti zs ? Ta g l a y F he e y fi t ag ra t t e : E it i Lovrs V. Cazranc, Aid de Oamp, Act’g Ass’t Adj’t Gen. Orricut : Louis V. Casiare, A. D.C., A. A. General. EE The following are the paragraphs of General Order No. 10 referred to in, and modified by the foregoing order : I, Imprisonment for debt is probibited, unless the defendaut in execution shall be t E Fr : E £ : tl RF e i I if i : Pr e Ri f it atteution a* a signal iilus- toile and perils of American pioneers. There is considerable discrepancy in the dates and some difference in the facts of his fe {t i e ul i i t if : i F i AL es e lent van ttaghethg spent off eay- ages, but they were again defeated and driv- en off, During the summer two additions of from N.C. and Va., amounting in all to I This reinforeement gave them security nag ia | Im the fort and enabled them to assume He was born in Backs Coanty Pa.. about twenty miles from Philadelphia, about the year 1730, Daring bis bo: his father wes peo } eead foe bengioneeramaee was y in this region. He settled in a valley of the Yadkin, net far from Wilkeboro’. His two sons, Daniel aud Squire, both possessed « tuod fur ad * aud pi tif—— owing doubtless to the long Joarney from Pedusyivania in theie youth, amd their eon- stant parsuitef hauting. which in those days was followed ae a livelihoed, as well asa og ‘The name of Squire Hoon, stands on Clerks Register fie Rowan county as witness t carly intiroment®. In active re- veduti y days the store of Willian New the revery uf bi : ~~ oa establish din North a respectively, for the trial of and determination of ae ques tione may be adopted. 11. Judgments or decrees, for the pay- tment of meneed, for any such canses of action. Ht. Bhariffs, Corocers, and Constables, are hereby directed to suspend for twelve months the sale of ali y. upon execatina or , on liabilities E E F , i r 4 . L ‘ i wer | plaintiff, or in bie absence his agent or al- iveet the chusing of bar-rooms « | lorney, shall dpen oath, with coroborative for the sale of intoxicating li- | testimony, allege and prove that the de- ners whenever it may be necessary in | fondant fs remov judgment to preserve order aud qai- ; proceeda of all license, et tures and fines, ander the local | * ? » will be devoted to payment of interest money, i Sonar the 15th day of May, is- 1 not have been made before the of sale. eity or town in which they acerged, comuaissioners of oversterer will at the inst the t; and a ap- be had to the pri- of liens anless in cave where the good tt 6 The pengles or by the Lec police regulations may be | f,ith of any lien shall be drawn in ques- in any civitor military court, tion In auch cases the asaal mc of phew Pru the ing adopted in North and roe «abot determine that to the sale nees and twenty acres of 0. 32, 6 inn keep- or other ere, an remain unexpired after the'let of employments, of the value of ve handred dollars. The homestead exemption shall ov = DISTRICT COURTS. . inure only to the benefit of families—that - To promote the sperdy trial of ip to say, t0 parent or parents and prisoners confined for miner ) 89d child or children, In othet casce, ype peo cost of mer =a the exemption shall extend only to cloth- es [a lag pepe alata Tl yey Pm to she jadge of their county ot distriet | of the vale of one bh dollars. The court af commitments made by them du. ! exemption hereby made shall not be wai ing the preceeding half month, specifying | ved or defeated by the act of the defend- wheal polhapatr gers the Pence te § a bpritrey nace poe of the de- were committed, to-the ond that the’ if or other officer execution jodges ee in yr wlbenanred shall specifically deseribe the same soap sn set wee i bold - a & report there of in each 7 to terms of their courts for the % le. aslo apeyhs-& esses! Qilinars pose of disposing of such eases, The ad- debix, known ns actions ox oniracio, bail as bitt stead wn the Fit now oeenpied by the re- tidence ot Thenas BE. Brown, on the #. W., corner of Toniss aad Church streets, Ia 1817 De. Alexander Long the baild- ing asa mreiieat ioe aud one day in uk- jum ® pices of old paper to ” r a - he disevvered the naar Dae tel Boon. aad Gee ty foand that it was agressive, The next year Col, Booue began to work at the Salt Licks, ant Pigde wocea® is artie back & Chillleoth, This town miles fron Booashero, bat on another formidable attack was ainet the fort. he escaped om the ym and travelled olf the distance four days. having bet oné meal to hie ia that time. Hix i At e ai a store acenunt of the and disposed of all his furs and shine, While residing on the Yadkin, he married Miss There are etill remaiging seme relies of bis little house jo this county—ased while on his beating ereursions. Tuthuemoed the description given by John Pivley of the Valley of the Ohio, he determined a omg that vi wild. and on the Ist of May, 170. left his on the Yadkia in company with Johe Stan, Jo- seph Holden, domte Monay, 204 Wiliam Coob. joorve sing sete Reaching the Cumberland river pitebed their eamp eng oomont in henting. lt was not bong before and Steart were by a hand of savages—while returwing froma heat. They deluded their ea that might and escaped. bat were mort ified on returving to camp, to find thet their three t had bee abont the savages (od fled Boon then comeluded ta retnrn to North Carolina, bet before be had com) the necensar, his uber haan with a ade companion ar- tived. This was abunt the Ist af Jawaary 1770. lea t which ccenrred sana after, Steart was ki doce the corn m who came with Squire to remain. ¢ two brothers thos left aleve, managed by care te make their sapply of salt aod ammunition last watil the winter w. over. Then ire returned for , and left rg os org ln ge the por Me 9 er ten of the \enodione wilderness—expomed to and no eutreatirs could in. | 4: ii strategem, and - powed a treaty. Boone agreed, aad diecdited ont, sigued the pledge of peace, I then urged, that. according to invariable and ancient castom, cach white man should give his hand to two indians. Couningly euspect- Ing sotMe secret he hesitated, but at length consented. the hands were given they were grasped with fearful violence, and stert warthirs sew in an instant that they were deceived. The contest was terrible. Roose soon saceeeded in driving a kvife to the heart of one of hfe pale and felf- ing the other. The whole party escaped and fed to the fort, Io the Rotwoda of the Cap- itel at Washington is a representation of thie seene ta seulptore. Boone visited North Caroling once more, his family having moved back during his captivity. He remained two years, and en bie fortune again in the dangerons Seenes He aad his brother were attacked on their retarn one day fromthe Salt Licks, and Squire wae killed. Cul. Roone escap- the indians paves a huge deg on hie trail, he killed the animal and reached the fort. Dering bis warfare with the hostile tribes, he also another som. Th the attack on his fort, Duquesne lost @ men, and Col. Boove assares as that when the attacking force retreated, he found 125, Yhe. of ballets on the gronad near the fort, the fury of the wild & and the « ne of the savages. Itis seldom that « human being has vceupied @ position: (« rfretly ingalated from all the race—one apparently #0 forlorn and cheerless. And yet b> tells na that the benaty and grandver of those + ir- gin scenes joya.te bis heart peeuli or ant profound. ecan well imagine the pleasure with which he greeted his brother as he mde up t the little eabin on the 27th of Jaly, lend ing a horse or two, and bringing a quantity af much desired articles, such as salt. pow- der, lead. &e. They then made an explor- ing tour tothe Cam pierre «i and at great hazard seeking eneh knowledge of the country as might guide them in their fatare operations. They speut the subsequent winter in their Uetle eabhn, and in March 1771, visted their old howwes and friends in Rowan. For nearly two years Daniel had been separated from his family. Remaining with them a little over two years, he again started for Ken- tacky, this time with six families, including hisown. They left on the 25th of Septem- ber 1772. Ia Powell valley they were join- ed by 40 more sterdy and enterprsing sprite. While peacefully moving on, on the 10th of October they were attaiked by a body of in- dians; and t lost 6 Linaband tes tances. and fell bac to Clinch river, In this fight « son of Cotonei — N Hed them, haw’ besides those that had ludged in the wood. About 1787 he discovered thet his tithe to the land he bad taken up and were defective and would not stand in law. All his blood ht possessions being thos taken from him, he became bitterly incensed against the alvus apd eujost treat- ment of Virginia. and determined to se) a! home in the receding frontier in Misoari, He left Kentucky, which he fret settled, with a wumerous population. He pursued favorite oceuy of huuting fora ber of —— Io his latter days, Congress vot- ed him a small pevsioon—a poor retorn for the eminent blessings be had conferred @pon his country, in carrying the toreh of civilian- tion into the dark, benighted regions of the Wilderness West Ss SHED ks as called “te. Soy ton wee! ing calamity of the death of his wife. To this hie brave spirit bowed, the first live tri- al of any kind that was kuown to bend it. This cast a shadow over the beauty of his huntting grounds. that weakeved their spell a his spirits; and now the baying of hte faith at vee and the shrill * 4 of his rifle, thongh still loved, were no longer so gtatefut to his soul as they once were. Abt dvath will teach as that our earthly treasutes are too mutable—too traasient, for the retiande of our immortality. Borne down hy thie great sorrow; Col. fi rt s if only too late— perves an opinion epon certain social questions, winch thosiastic about Genetal some tine ago, They are anxious.to yet some positive declaration of tiews from Gea. Grant, The close of another: year reminds ws that oar cogvtry has been called upon to regret the Prolessor Charles , | Howe, the inventor of ale a ey 9 w Obanerlor Walworth, of New York; Rear Ad- a General Griffin, Admiral Palmer, i EF if f H 3 Ff 17 k 1 HP L MR AND MRA SUMNED .. The geome-time-ago feport that Mra Sem- ner was to go to Washington to preside in ber basband's establishment, has failed of verifica- tion, ond the “ilome Joaroal of last week bas the hollowing, indicating that tLere is no like- libood that such will ever be the case : “We hare guod authority for stating that the difference beiweeo Mr. and Mra Char Sumner, which bare d © much ant guesip aod scaodal, have been deaily ext- tied by & permanent separation With the mu- twal consent and dere of bowh partes, and thew best fmends. The direcr canse of ths seperetion is ae A the certainty —duscovered there exists between the upaiitihry of P aod previudes the possibility of their living happily together as man and wife.” Richmond Enquirer, SO Cowsratatiee Oncamizatrox im Messtestert. —lo the Missiesippi lodex’ 9 call from the Central Executive Committee appears, sum- trommg « Conrention of the Canstitutional | Union party of Misdasippi to meet in Jackson on the 15th of Jeouary oext, fur ‘be purpose of “thorough organization, consultation, and ac- tion.” All ertizens of the State who are in favor of peace and Union under the Constire- tion, regardless of former political sssuciation, tes. are mrited to send delega —_——_~<o-—___. Ges. Gaowt’s Paceruors ron rar Parst- pext —Iryaunent mentioned West aod Southwest, in discussing the pros- peets of the different gentiemen meutioned for the text Presidency, are by no means 96 en- as they were expecially in reference to suffrage in tie South, mying that some postive expressive of opr ion on the issues of the day is due to the loyal Tribune. people of the country,--N. N. Ni a ced Nicore Rroats tt Wasarvovon.—Nigger coming round the corner runs against white man coming round the vorner, and nigger per- crives that his “civd rights” are interferred with, So he draws a revolver and kills the white man.—N, Y. //erald. ——__ The single State of North Carolina now pays annually more ditect taxes to the Gen- etal Government then the entire amount Great Betian to levy on the Colo- proposed pies, which atiempt the war which made the then scale Goede teneeae dependent States bd Watcman & OO Morty Star, - oe == SALISBURY, N. ©, JAN. 10, 1868. Ke” BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 4 wi » Year, + $3.00 Soka STATE CONSERVATIVE CON- VENTION. Itis resolved by the State Execn- tive Committee of the Constitutional Union Party of North Carolina, that a State Convention of the Party be held in the city of Raleigh on Tuvrs- pay, the 5th day of February, A. D., 1868, at 11 o'clock, of that day. - Itis confidently hoped that the friends of a Constitutional Union and Civil Liberty will be active in the efs fort to make the pve oige the lar- it and most ctable that ever pare in the Bate. Let the Conservative people in eve- ry county of the State, where meet- _ ings have not already been held, hold meeti at once, pass appropriate resolatiuns, appoint delegates and see that they attend the convention. The candition of public affairs demands the patriotic effort and co.operation of every good citizen to save the coun- try from impending danger. By order of the State Ex. Commit- tee. R. C. BADGER, Jan. 4, 1868. Secretary. TO OUR PATRONS. At the time of our suspension in De- cember, we promised our readers an en- larged paper upon its re-appearance. Ow- ing to a disappointment we are unable to comply with that promise this week. ‘To enable us to print a paper of the size con- templated we were pelled to have a larger chase than any we have on hand. This, we ordered in time, but owing to the miscasriage of our first letter, it has failed to reach us in time for this issae.— We hope to get it in time for our next when we will present our readers with one of the largest and handsomest papers published in the State. We intend that the Watchman ¢ Old North State shall be inferior to no paper of its class in North Carolina, and we trust that our friends will use their influence to aid us in extend- ing ite cireulation. Salisbury being loca. ted at the junction of the N. C. &. W. N. C. Railroads, we have advantages which will enable us to furnish the news to all the coanties west of us as carly as it can be obtained through any other chan- rien We shall endeavor to keep our rea- ere as to the most im t pace! anne Congress, ard Gan shave Coavention, which assembies on the 14th fast. Now is the time to subscribe. As the paper will be much enlarged and improved, oar published rates will be rig- idly adhered to. Be Our Contemporaries. We tender our acknowledgements to our contemporaries of the State for the very kind and complimentory notices they have taken of us upon the Linion of our weekly papers, and the new arrange- ment by which the Old North State has passed into the hands of the firm which will conduct it hereafier, We are under obligations to all of them, and would not make invidioas distinctions, but we mast be permitted to bow our acknowledge- ments specially to our esteemed contem po- raries of the Wilmington Journal ana Star, and the Western Democrat. We hope we may be able to meet their kind expecta dons and to have long and pleasant inter- course with them al! editorially and per- sonally. ee IMPORTANT ORDER We surrender much of our space to-day to the important order of General Canby, modifying Gen. Order No. 10. As these orders partake of the natare of legislation and are, for the time being, the law of the State, we have deemed it our duty always to publish them at the earliest practicable moment. We have no epecial comments to make upon this order at present. We believe that some of ite provisions, at least, are very good, and will meet with the ap- probation of the pablic. It will at once command an attentive perusal and the obedience of our law abiding peopie. We append the paragraphs of (en. Order Ne. 10 re to in, and modified by this order so that our readers may be able to ere at a glanee the natare and ex- tent of the alterations and modifications made. — >_> —-- BM&eeting of the Convention Gen. Canby base ordered the Coartention elect to assemble at Raleigh on the 14th inst., tur the parpuse of framing a new Constitution for the okd State of North Carolina Many of the delegates are desiine|, ia the end, to the sorest diappuintment. They im- emoe they sre to take rank © history with the framers of the Constntotion of 1776 bot they are much metaken. We already have a Consututwa, which Conyrr ss has no myht to overthrow, and it will yet be acknowledged by the National Governnient. The work Af the motley, and with lew exception, tynorant crowd which is to amembie on the 14th, will eon be repadiated, and its a thors consigned bscarty or be remembered only fur ther fotte : —-———-—-s-——_——_ Aeu Beoxes.—The youngest ton of Mr John Taylor, of Mocksville, while going to mill, last Tharaday, ona mule, was (brown and had bis arm broken The Old and the Wew Year. | The year 1867, with all its excitemente: and all its vicisitudes, has gone, leaving behind it.bat’ few pleasan’ memories to the Southera people. It has been to them a trying year, and most sincerely do we hope that they will never have reason to look back upon it with regret. In no re- spect has it been a prosperous ora happy year to them, and sore, indeed, would be the afflictions that would cause them to pine for the retarn of such another.— The high expectations of thonsands of planters have been swept away by the sudden decline in the price of cotton, and the refusal, thus far, of the Government to come to their relief by repealing the tax apn it for the present year. In many portions of the South the failure of the grain crops will be most seriously felt.— In a material point of view nothing has prospered in the late Confederate States. Not only has this been the case, but the political prospects of these States have been overeast with the decpest gloom.— The heart of the patriot—the true friend of the Union and the Constitution—ash often almost sunk within him in the con- templation of the situation. It seemed that the most abject humiliation and the deepest degradation were inevitable, ‘The high-toned and intelligent among the Southern people,—the class which had ever ruled in these States, and which had for so long exercised a commanding influ- ence in the councils of the nation, and whose ancestors had done so much to es- tablish the government—were threatened with subjection to the rale of their former slaves. A condition of things which | threatened again to deluge the land in | blood was inaugurated during the year, and for no other purpose than to secare the ascendancy of a reckless party intoxi- , THE CONVENTION. . We publish in, this issue the order of General Canby, calting the convention together at Ral ¢igh ou the 14th inst. It will be sean. from the list of the members notified to attend that our worthy and respected fellow citizen, J. 8, Mo- Cubbins, Esq., who was un‘versally conceded to have been elected from this county and Davie, has been displaced, and the name of Isaac M. Shaver substituted. On what grounds this was done we have no means of knowing. It may be that some of the ballots cast for Mr. McCub bins were informal in not having his name up- on them written in full as the law directed, and that, therefore, they were thrownout. Howev- er that may be, it is 9 matter of but little con- sequence so far as it effects the interests of the people of the State, or of this district. The Convention is overwhelmingly Radical any way so that the influence of one conservative man would scarcely have been felt. And, besides, Mr. Shaver is understood to’ agree politically with Mr. McCubbins, for whom, as well as Mes srs. Robbing and Johnston, he voted. Yet, nevertheless, the people of the District were en- titled to.be represented in the convention by the man of their choice, and are entitled to an ex- planation. Whether Mr. Shaver will consent to serve under the circumstances we have no means of knowing. That the election was fair!y conducted in tis District has, so far as we have heard, never been questioned. But this cannot be said of all the counties in the State. In Davidson county, for instance, no one can say that the members elect are the choice of a majoriiy of the people of the ty. A lidati precinets was made just on the eve of the election without any previous notice, so that hundreds of voters in that county were unable to exercise the fran- chise without great inconvenience. And no cause whatever existed for such a course. In- spectors, who could take the required oath, had been selected for every precinct At one of the precincts, at least, the inspectors a tended on the morning of the first day only to learn that their services had been dispensed with, aud that they could not vote themselves without travel- ing more than a dozen miles. The ¢ -LOXALTY—OF WHA‘? DOES ET + 7 0 eer: cower.” Bs Somerof the ideas of “loyalty” now prevalent in this country seem to be very erade, The word is constantly on the lips of many men who seem to know nothing of its significance. With thous- ands it expresses nothing but their pas- sions or their prejudices. It is with them a matter of feeling only ; they know noth- ing of it as a principle: They imagine that ‘every man is disloyal who dares to differ with them in opinion upon mere questions of policy, Believing, or affect- ing to believe, that they are the political saints, they claim that the governmest, with all its offices, belongs to them. In narrow-mindedness and bigotry they re- mind us of some bitter sectaries in Eng- land, during the civil and religious com- motions of that country in the 17th cen- tury who resolved, “First, 'That the earth belongs to the Saints. Second, That we are the Saints.” Like these Seetaries, they have “ve- solved” that they are the “Saints,” and that they must govern. Their “ loyalty” or “Saintliness” consists in nothing but a slavish adherence toa party which they expect to raise them to power, or avenge neiple of universal manhoo: rage, and to this no conservatiy will ever consent. them upon their enemies. Like the Jaco-| " én ; legates have yet bee bites of the Engtish Rerolation, they will] pointed to Sepresent this county continue to diminish in nambers and in- vative State Convention, fluence until the last of them shall drop, unnoticed and almost forgotten, iuto their graves. : : Tn a government like oars—in any lim- time that some action was tak that end, We hope our leading and issne a call fora county mi was that not more than about one third of the istered voters in that county went to the satall. High minded and honorable men would not accept of a seat under such an elec tion, but we have no reason to believe that the members elect from that county will trouble themselves with scruples of that sort ited and constitational governament—loy- at the earliest le mom i - alty ts in a devotion to the constitu we 2, Shaker. tion and the laws made in pursuance there- of, not to the party which happens to have control of the administration. If this were not the caseevery party in opposi- This estimable gentieman, to well throughout the coautry as “Tux Cam. Puiexn.” we regret to learn, has determin temove to Baltimore, and will leave Salis\ cated with military successes and still | reeking with the bellish passions ever en- | gendered by civil war. Bech was the year, and such the events | {7s,,n0 Complains wasever made :o bin. and and vicisitudes of the year which bas just | blame to him in the matter. The blame . “ : : €s to those who, by false representations, indu pase-d away. The New Year brings with | eed the district Gua act as he did, or it no sach high hopes as ve would most | to the district commander for act ng upon the delight to herald forth. As far as the | hsm pmas made without satisfying himself . | y of their truth. failure of tue material prosperity of the | ens epee wien South is concerned, we are but beginning | THE N. C. RATLROAD. to feel the sad effvets of it. Every = ; eee We publish a letter to-day from How. Gucnce of the egurcity of mowry ; por can /20018H TURRER, Provident of the North vs see any remedy vear at hand. Al. | Catlins Railroad coaveying information ready appalling accounts are reaching us| V*ich all are interested in obtaining. I of the destitution and distress of many | *¢*ws tv be conceded now on all hands that portions of the States south of us. Sec. | Mr. Turner has administered the affairs of rious consequences are fearfully appre-| the Road with great suece-s thus far. He headed. a) think that bread riots, | has certainly made many reforms, and cur- not to speak of still more alarming indica- | tailed the expenses of the Road to « very tions, are immapent, anices relief comes | wousiderable ameant. He hes also made from an unexpveted source. Sach are some | sees , of the circumstances under which the year | — . —— - Btn f 1868 is eshered in. Nor fe thie ail. | *rixhts whieh will prove of mach advantage Providence, who is too wise to err, and too |‘? ‘he people of the Western part of the State. and will aid in carrying out the great gt not to be ever mindfal of his creatures, deerced that, for purposes hidden | object had in view in building the Road— frome us, it should make its advent in the | the development of the resourses of the widet of the most rigorous and inclement | State. weather pertaining to the most rigorous i Not being “among the editors who lately and inclement season of the whole Feat. | waged such a fierce war upon the President A dreadfal snow storm, with colcer weath-| 7 1. Gln er anve cll ee er than esual with such a visitation, had a a . Here was a case requiring the interference of Gen. Canby, and if the facts had been fairly re- | edersgetare to him, we doubt not that he would ave ordered a new election. But, so far as we been raging for some time when the Md |°% “Me7uragement to them by copying in Year its exit, and the New | 0" paper the assaalts of others,” we write Year announced its arrival What thie with pleasore. Bat even if we had beca benevolent and humane heart does not _ among the class to which Mr. Turner refers sympathise with the sufferings of the | we.should have felt bound asa matter of poor and destitute among ns at a time | simple jastice to have borne this testimony. like this? Much saffering there must ne- | Such doubtless. was the view taken by our cessarily be, and it ie the sulemn duty of | -xecitent contempory of the Charlotte Dem. all. who are in a condition to do 80, to al- | . a1 whose howest frankness has ever com- leviate it as far as possible. May God, manded our respect. The Z anges “who tempers the wind to the shorn v : “We publish a letter Mr. Josiah Tur- lamb " remember this anfortanate claso of ner. the President of thON.C. Road. which our population. What the end of all this will be interesting to the public. We have ia to be is not revealed to ordinary mor- never’been an adinirer of Mr. Torner, but tals, but we shoald not for one moment | we will say that we think he istrying to pro- despond. The Soathern people are not | mote the welfare of the Road under his eon- worse than other people, and sooner or la- trol and bevefit the State as well as the indi- ter the day of their deliverance will come. | vidual Stoekholders. Every tax payer in the Taking a view of the political situation | State is interested im this work. Even if he nes not own stock in his itdividual capeci- ty he isa Stockholder as a citizen aud tax- roaching. Among the Northern people, : 7 rom whom alone we are to expect deliv- gg —— porns yodl pcal maa? : fairs of the Com erance, reason is beginning again to re- plain whenever ae Boar yper. same her sway. The wild and mad ex-| Party feeling caused vintment of ceseca of radicaliam, by whieh the Soath Mr. Tarner as President of the Road. and would have been made a desert, has been | we do not hesitatetoexpress the opinion that signally rebuked by the sovereign people. | party feeling has inflneneed Mr. Turver to A mighty revoluion io pubtic sentiment | 9m little extent in his management of the has set in which pothing can rrsist. “The = is a vindictive partizaa,) bot if hand-writing ie on the wall.” “The deeree i Se ee sak Serene Se io _ ,_ terestof the Road. the State and the Stock- has gone forth” that this ie a white man's 4 ijn. we shall mot grow! at him about ea- government, and that it must and shall important matters. Upen the whole. we ever remain subject to the control of the think Mr. Tarner deserves credit for his Caneasian race. Negro governments may, | good management so far, and we hope he possibly be established for a time, but they | Will have a fair opportanity to show that this we even vow imagine that we ere it ap tion would be a ‘reasonable party. No laws, however obvoxious and uncoostitu- tional could be opposed without subjecting those who opposed them to the imputation of disloyalty. But instead of this being so, loyalty to the government often compels the citizen to oppose the government, i. ¢. io a few days for that city. During a sen years residence in this city, Mr, Hunters his excellent family has won the respect a esteem of oor citizens, and will carry with bic to bis new field of labor their kindest wishes for thew happiness and prosperity, i Cor. Dawret Booxs —Read the in- the administration of it. If, for instanee, any department of the government should attempt to subvert the constitution, the persons administering that department would themselves become traitors, and it would become the duty of every loyal cit- izen to resist by every constitational means in their power. Such is now the case with Congress. It is not pretended, even by the Republican members, that Congress possessed any power ander the constita- tion to pass the reconstruction acts, Such being the case, it is the duty of every loy- al man to oppose the measure to the utmost and constitational means. The constita- tion to be submitsed to us by the Conven- tion, which assembics at Raleigh on the 14th proximo, should be rejected by the people of the State, aad will be voted against by all that are truly loyal unless it be such « constitution as they are satie- disloyalty can be preferred against those who oppore it, as to accept of it might be of Congress to reorganize the State -~v- ernment. —_— ——— We recently took occasion to express the opinion that for the fature the culture of cotton in the Southern States in larger quantities than would satisfy the Ameri- can demand would have to be abandoned. We gave our reasons for this opinion at the time, and we will not repeat them on this oceasion. We were sorry to have to give any such opinion, but cireamstances and our dnty as a journalist compelled us to de so. We even then hoped that we might be mistaken, bat since that time we see that others, more able and practical than ourself, have come to the same con- elasion. Among these is Senator Sprague, of Rhode Island, whose oplnion we pub- lish in another colamn. With facts like these staring them in the face it behooves the people of this part of the State te look around them and see if there be not other and more rema- of his power in the exercise of every legal | fied with. And even then no charge of construed into a reeognition of the ‘right | | teresting article or cur Sret gage with the | above caption. It is from the pen of « | clever ard weil knows writer whose ser | Views we contemplate secaring whenever | oar finances will pernit us to do so,— | This our patrons may enable as to do by | aiding us in extendiug our circulation and | paying us promptly. —--—- > A Goop Move —At a meeting of Ful- ton Lodge, A. Y. M.,, on last night, the Seeretary was directed to send a copy of | in the State with @ request for an ex- change. This may lead to a comparison of their respective merits and lead to some- thing like uniformity and perfection. ——~- New Pos.icatioxs.—The December numbers of the North British Review, and Black wood's Edinburgh Magazine are ap- on our table. We bave not had time to peruse them extensively, but their tables of contents give assurance that they are not behind their predecessors in interest. Of the general character and great mer- its of the British Periodicals, it is not ne- cessary for us to repeat what we have so | often said. They are certainly ansurpase- | ed by any similar publications in the world. | Their great popalarity long since led to | their repablieation in this country imme- | diately after their first appearance in Brit- | tain, and the success which the enterprive | bas met with affords the best evidence of | of thier excellence. Address the Leonard Scott Publishing Company, 140 Falton Street, New York, | to w prospectas in oar columns we invite the attention of our readers. ——~— Tae Weatnen—After several days of rainy weather and muddy streets, the sue shown out this morning, mach to the delight of all classes of people. We hope | ina few days to have dry streets and | pleasant weather again, bat at this season | of the year it is so precarious as tv leave bat little room to hope. _—— —-— New Grocenr Sroan.—We notice | the By-Laws of the lodge to every lodge | i will be of brief duration. They will soon go “glimmering down the stream of time,” and Le “nambered among the things that were.” The gloom, then, which over- | spreads the country is not entirely anal- | great State work ean be made to pay and re- dound to the benefit of the people generally. ——_—_—, St. John’s Day. Tus dey, Friday December 27th, was cele- nerative crops to the cultivation of which; that Mrs. I. 8. Aldrich has opened a they can tarn their attention. We bave| Family Grocery at the building formerly before intimated that the erop whieh | known as “Pheonix Hall,” on Inmise St. would prove most remanerative to the | jast opposite the Mansion House, where planter in this pact of the State would be house-keepers may obtain all articles in layed. We begin to see an oasis in the | brated by the members of Fulton Lodge, No. desert, and we have an andoubting faith | 99. Ancient Yorke Masons, by « pubhe inatall- that we shall reach it ere long ation of the offcers of the Lodge elected for <> the entuing Masonic year. The ceremony took Over axp TeERMixeR—A Court of | place in the Presbyterian Charch, Bro. Wm H. Oyer and Terminer will be held at States- | Batley, P.M. officiating. After the conclusion ville, by Judge Shipp, on the 3d Monday | of the installation ceremonies # most excellent of January, iuet. and appropriate address was delived by Rev. We make this an-eeneement for the Bro. Jethro Rumple, for whieh the thanks of boned of the Bar who may wish (oat. the Lodge were sulsequently vuted bim. tend. Atmyht a Grand Party or Ball was given —-_ , by the Fraternity at the Boyden Hoase, which New Parer.—We have received the | 748 nN every respect a brillant suceess, The firet number of a paper called the Daily ‘ece'p's considerably exceeded the xependi- Herald, just started at Newbern in this tures, leaving @ ballanee to be appropriated to Btate, and published by an association at charitable Masome purposes, Much of this the low price of fifty cente per month. It | success is due to the efforts of Bro. R. Slater, is cleverly edited and hansdomely priut-|wio displayed great seal aod energy in its ed. Buccese to it, | Management. tobaceo. This is, we believe, generally econeeded, and being generally conceded we take it for granted that the farmers of Rowan and the adjoiving counties will en- gage in ite eultivation next year. As we intend to do whatever we can to promote the material prosperity of the country, we shall soon publish several very interesting articles on the cultare of tobacco, givmg all the information to ena- ble those wishing to engage in planting it, to thoroughly anderstand the management of it, from the plant bed to the faetory.— If this can only be made a tobacco grow- ing country, we may expect soon to see our goodly city start on a new career of prosperity, and our people recuperate from shots tenses by the wan | her line of basiness, sach as prime Coffee, | Sagar, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Corn Meal, Candies, Raisins, Nate, &e., &e. We hope she will receive the patronage which she merits, —— pe Tue Curtetmas Honsipars—tue Cor- ORED Peovie.— We were not in the city da- ring the greater part of the hollidays, but we learn that they never passed off mote quietly. We have heard the demeanor ofthe colored people ially commended. by Mayor Shaver and others, as being exceed- ingly orderly and quiet. We vote this con- duet on their part with the atnost pleasure, aswe ate ever auzious to do them justices, and to promote good feeling between them and the white race. ae 7 ie s i ‘ 4 z i i = ? H : 4 i f i f ia i | EH af it Hi i tf | ri iH if A i i | ra p iy r e e l ei i Ta | R E Y i i fg ah 1 z i f i i t f t : i ae ui : sF L E R T E HE 3 > +4 if A =e & = i f i i g i f s Z t i e ad + fe e l we i t ! fg i t h i n i t e¢ € 25 . Ee k TA L E ti t z oe OO aa n it y i f i n t i ; e b be r i iH Rina te 5 Tee Sian ihateiies Si ai ; a F cf l f je 00 better point in the State for a Shoe Fao tory ead Tannery, with improved machinery 0d feciinies than Raleigh, Who will start the tot? Mr. Vogler makes a goed suggertion about the Deaf, Dam and the Blind in this city — Retter Brooms are not mate Yee e t l ‘ i Pe H i i z fi | i f iy of the deeds services of whom 1 hare been eo fortusate as to command, 1 placed all the faets and tes & Sr penne ara'lable to me, in the » bhcg -o: myo who have done their part and conscientious research, See eee endenreree to make op a neither oversw t nor over-colored, as | testify. For Sepeeeyctre ; notes. t us- ita bel done in some gree to zeal, fortitude, and widieny‘aeaii of the men of 's Cavalry,” for that has been the main of this of tte Gea Ry Ree pny wlll weer go poo oy rene gle Ph gery ~ oy a fully illustrated, on as The Canvassing Boule abe Casncen, deohd enaect of ome seeure an at onee,; as the sale of this work will J.P. Murer & Co., Pubs Philadelphia, Pa. ie fi “LE W Jones. H Logan, Jesse Rhodes of Yancy and Mitchell—Juli- as 8 Garland. of of Mecklenburg—Fd ward Fal- W Stillwell. Coanty of Orange—E M Holt, J W County of Chatham—J A McDonald, Ganter County of Weke—8 D Franklia, J P Andews. B 8 D Williams, James H Har- ris. Hyman, County of Franklia —Jobo H William- son, Jas T Harris. County of Camberiand—W A Mann, J W Hood. County of Harnett—J M Turner. County of Moore—8 8 McDonald. County of Montgomery —Geo A Gra- ham. County of Richmond -R T Long, Sr. County of Wayne—H L Graat, J Hol- well. of Johnston — Dr James Hay, Count Nathan ng Coanty of Halifax—Henry Eppes, J J H Renfrow, J J Hayed County of Northamptoa—B C Parker, H T Grant, County of be—J HH Baker, Heary A Dowd, O Cherry. County of Lise W King County of Brunswick — Edwin Legg. County of Colambas— H Lennon. County of Robeson—J L Nanee, O 8 Hayes. County of ence Fisher, F F Frence, 8 8 Ashley, A H Galloway. nore | of Devlin—J W Peterson, County of Sampeon —Syivester Carter, Alexander W illiams. Counties of Tyrrell and Washington — Coanty of Martin—Samael W Watts. County of Bertie—P D Robbins, Bryant Lee. County of Hartford tare. County of Gai f Co of ounty of ® Nicholson County of Hyde—Andrew J Glover. By command of ae no 4 C POF Curfftock—Thomas Sanderlin. ia” Craven—David Heaton, WHS ~© D Pierson. County of Pitt—Byron Lafin, D J Rich, ? Bvt. M Ep. R. 8. Cansy’ LOUIS V. CAZIARC, By nc mpyar] McDowell— Counties Jobn 8, hy: pO AB M a Counties of pry Ww ? A l t e ge r e t r e l t and the bill passed. swearing in Trimble, from Kentueky. in legal From Washington. to-day. offices of Secretary of ritorial acquisitions, Schenck stated in Congress that there are 400,000 barrels of whiskey in bond, on which tax is due amounting to $40,000,000. Revenue to-day $630,000. Howard's Report—Stanton. Washington, Jan. 7.—Howard's Stanton re port takes the grouad that Stanton favored the The report bats all the Presidest’s posi- tions, attempting to plece lim in the light of a falve acouser, and closes with s resolution that the Senate do not concur ia Stantoa's suspeo- sion. The report impeaches the President's veraci- ty regarding the New Orleans riot. Pennaylvania Legislature. Harrisburg, Jao. 7.—U nine Republicans per - sist in their present refusal to go into a Kepub- licen caueus, the Democrata will have the or- ganization of the lower House. There is iatense excitement bere. A Radical Light Extinguished. Augusta, Jan. 7.—Foster Blodgett, Post- master bere, has beea suspended. George Sum- mers, Special Ageut, takes charge of the office A petivon is being circulated for signatures among the citizens, which will be presented to Gen, Meade, asking for the removal of Biodgett as mi'tery Mayor of Angusia, Louisiana Convention. New Orleans, Jan. 7.—In the Convention, yesterday. Blackburn offered a series of resolu- uens providing that the warrants of the Con- vention with eight per cent interest from the date of the assembling of the Convention ontil ev into the Beate reasory, shall be receira lor all dues to the State, and prohibiting tax receivers from receiving any warrants other than those issued by the Convention. Cooley opposed it on the ground of illegality and offered a substitute, providing that tax re- cvivers pay into the Treasury the ideatical funds collected. Both were referred to a Committee, which reported, to-day, in lavur of Cooley's sabstitute, which was adopted after a stormy vebate. Markets. New York, Jan. 7.—Cotton opened dull — Sales of 2,000 bales at 16a164. Flour a shade firmer. State 9a11,50. Sout)- ern 10,50a15. Cora—Southern White 1,3941,40. Mess Pork 21 Turpentine 514052. Rosin 2}a7. Gold active and excited, 1,37 Baltimore, January 7,—Cutton firm, at 154 alSt Wheat steady, best grades Red 27502.85, Corn active, White :,2181,23. Yellow 1,23 al,25. Bulk Shoulders 949}. Mess Pork 20. Wilmington, Jan. 7.—Spirits Torpentine firmly bed. Light sales at 46. Rosin steady: Te a $2. Strained and No. 2 $2,124 Tar 1.75 Cotton steady, Middling 14. ———- __ Virginia Convention. Richmond, Jan. 7.—In the Convention, to- day, the first section of the Bill of Rights waa adopted, declaring all men by oatare equally free and independent, dc. Mrs. Lincoln's Old Clothes. Providence, Jan. 7. —The Board of Aller- men here have refused hcense for the exhibi- Gon of Mra. Livecola's Wardrobe. = ape The New York Post Office Commis- sioners have given $14,000 in prizes for plans, but bave found none worthy of adoption. They will now proceed to “consolidate” the fifteen ideas into one harmonious whole. MARRIED: At Episcopal Methodist Chorch, in this city, en Thursday eveninz, the 2nd instant, by the Rev. Jos. H. Wheeler, Rev. Wau. Il. Warecer, of the North Carnlina Conference, to Miss Lorrie Kiorts, of this place. No Cards. To this city, on Thursday, the 2nd instant, C. N. Price, , Mr. Atragp Dovey and ts8 Sanan KE. Hartway, all of this county. teeter DIED: In this County, onthe 16th of Decemb The election Committee reported in favor of A bill preventing whiskey tax frauds was introduced. It forbids the ‘withdnotoal from bond, under any circumstances until the fail tax is House went into Committee of the whole > when Cary spoke in favor of paying the debt = Washington, Jan. 7.—Giaot and Sherman had prokonged interview at the War Uffice, Wilson's bill, presented to-day, vacates the Governor, eo Treasu- rer, Comptroller, and Sarveyor General, of Secretary Seward was before the Senate Committee on Foreign relations, regarding Ter- gS cay wae ; yeu | : as f ) i BS r a s e s s fe s s e s s s se t s 88 si ve” om of this. bg ‘ of an, at Oe wo - , on the first Mon- Wto 12 im August, 1867. ond there to sn- ee gh} Homer £88. BM. STEVENSON, ©. 8. C, Ppt sapem 42 #)State of North Carolina, them 80 | ALEXANDER OOUNTY. cot }-$ ob its. eta stem, OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. outs 52:61pr £ Bs 3 M, A. Gaither, vs. Wiley Gaither. Perr i” in oO “ wie @ tthe satiation af the State of North Carolina, Dt 2 i EQUITY. . * 0.00 to 8,00 DAVIDSON COUNTY. “So to 8.00 The Thomasville Bak, to 00 ‘a 80 to 1.50 ergecocece 01.00 A ES TTI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Por Life Insurance Only. PIEDMONT OF VIRGINIA, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 874 PER CENT PROFITS Paid te Policy Holders. OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKINS, Secretarg, _|C. H. PERROW, M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Company now offers the benefits of LIVE 1 ‘SURAX\CE at rates so low and terms #0 accommodating as to place its policies within the reach of the poor- est; and, willing to share its profite with ps trous, hones seven-cighths of net to them annually. Agents wanted everywhere, and a liberal com- pensation Jiowed active canvassers. Address the Company at Montreal, Nelson Co., Va. G A. Bingham & Co., Agents, Salisbury Traveling agents wanted. Apply to CAPT. JAMES P. Teixsox, Special Agent, Charlotte, N.C REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY ONE MILLION DOLLARS, | -:jsm% oe State of North Carolina, ¢ in pursuance of Act of Assembly, Superior Court of Lane, Fld Term,| cena ena bn a Sam A. if 1867. Mareh, A. D., 186€; that s commissioner of —— said Bank, to-wit: 8. L, Lee, of said Susannsh Brown, vs. Benjamin Brown. county, has been duly appointed in PETITION’ FOR DIToRCE. of Act of Assembly, and has been iavest- It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that | ed with all the rights and effects of whatecever wn; the im this case, is s| of said Bank; and all creditors of said Bank non-resident of the State. It is th dered by! are hereb Ged to before the said the Court that publication be made in the Watem- riers: J As a, eral clei uaw & Op Norra Srare. a paper poblished in the demande ad sev claims, town of .N. C., for six successive weeks; | debts, and against said Bank accord- notifying the said Beojamia Brown, te appear atthe | ing to said Act of A , by the first day next term of this Court to be held for the county of | of March A. D., 1868, or will be forever bday «he Bh genoa ae nee oe °° | thereafter barred, and the Court will proceed pee dime j Anainy fapedbamodig- eyes d-cetrngs to administer the assets of said Bank witheot eae ree BAW. Gnd © Geemmset Aieeme regard to any claims sod demands not so es- Witness. G. H. clerk of unr said Court at Wir F. a vess, F. C. Robbins, clerk and master of eng aad haope the Gh Monday after the said Coart, and the seal of said Court of Equi- Me in August, a. ».. 1867, Lew pr 168. e BROWN, C8. ty. at office in Lexiugton in said county, the epee OD ses?" "| State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. J. M. Purguson & wii vi Gordon, tof kim heirs aod of OBicers, gents sid date athe nga wr non mde afin the Step Bicep Coop Tan me made in the Warcuma 4 Op Nonra Grars, a fendants in this care, reside beyoud ( himits hare ven its promptness are ample testimo- nial of its fair dealing, and to the list of lowes paid. we refer parties who wich to deal with a Inquire of ite Agent nearest to yon, in- eure sl) 1) oh Sago you may feel sure of receiving full on any loss you sustain. $170,597 98. G. A Birgham & Co, Agents, Salisbury, z.C jan 7, t—watwly , For Sale. W RB OFFER FOR SALE A FERY ST- TERIOR Iron Lathe, — 24 inches by 9 feet) with Gearing and ( ks complete, new end in good order. Made by the New Haven Manf. Company. ALSO, « Daniel's Large size Planer, in good order; a small Planer, suitable for a Cabinet Sb ALS©, Shafting and Pullies together with a larg: amount of bent and dam: shafting Apply te HARPER, JONES & CO., Patterson, Caldwell County, N.C Jan 4, 1868 —w6w. C7 Charlotte Democrat copy three times and send bill to Patterson. “THE OLD SPORTING Literary Emporium, 302 South Fifth street, Philadelphia, OM chars rrecnty otded to cor seost 0 very choice Song, election of Rich and Rare Books, Pam- ta, Carte de Visites, fc. Ac. Send fore irewlar 4. D SMITR, A, Address, » Agent. 29.264 No. 862 South Fith st., Phila. GUILFORD LAND ABENCY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Laxpuotpers who wish to Sell Agricultural or Mineral Lands, Water Powers, Mills, Town Lote, or Real Estate of any kind, will find it to their advantage to place their property m our hands for sale. We have great facilities for procuring pur- chasers for all snch property. For information, address JNO. B. GRETTER, General Agent, Greensboro’, N. C. Dec. 2, 1867. ly ultimo, Mra M. & Allisou, wife of T. A. Alli- son, aged 18 years, 8 months and 8 days. Charlotte and Statesville papers please JOB PRINTING copy. ‘ s _Jen. 7, vet, waowiy, | Cece coscsatey Goan cublptag tae Whe Oss | Court tat pttnerion Geena ae dae W. C. Caamoros, [7 Horkrns, Mathews and Pye man and (id North State, lor six consecutive President. Sceretery, | Fithes ot he Com Aeaae’ io Wake ran! | weeks, notifying anid deledante to be and Chart ed ( A the Gfth after the inst Monday in peer ai the next term ef this court to be beld eT apital, $1.500.000. next, then and toshow cause if amy they have | for the county of Rowan, at the Court-House A} Ria fuses CG te granted last Monday marca an as te ‘ames Liver Jnsurance Company, enema, G. Ml. Brown, cfertt of careaid Court at y in next, thea and there i to 1, or demur, otherwise jodgment roa ee ee Ae 7 | Gaal will be rendered against them, and the . . lto:pr - i. » ©.8.C. | property levied on sold to satiafy the plaintiff's FIRE INSURANCE. Judgment ond. cost. ., | State of North Carolina, | Wise, 4. Jedsoe Mason, cre of oor mid Tome Office, at Montreal, Va. x sane Coart a office, the 12th Monday after the inst DAVIDSON COUNTY. Monde in Aagus, A. D,, and in the 92d year This first-clars Southern Co has ior Court ‘ = - candidate for public petresage tiuse tose ona | PTY by as | aaa A. JUDSON MASOX, C.8.c, ite career bas noted for promptneas and | ‘ 1:6t:pr £ $8. morrygere It bas proven no loss due -_ “4 T Reps, wa PAcaeo ory seb os company. “Tus aty parties whe ATTACHMERT. State of North N this case it appearing to the satisiaction o INTY I the Court that the defecdant is nut an imi ROWAN COC} . habitant of this State, It is ordered by the court that publication be male for six weeks | ML & R L. Holmes, AP in the Wetchman and Old North Sate, for said | os. Original Attachment defendant to be and appear at our next Sape- | ckett, Beiche & Ca, ) : | rior Court of Law to be held for the county of | L appeating to the satisfaction of the Qoert w at office in Lexington, the first Monday after ordered by the Court that publication be the fourth Monday ia September, A.D 1867 | in the Wetchman and Olid North li. N. HEITMAN,C.8.C. | consecutive weeks, notifying said deteodante lees alan ovata ee a... 2? we. utnm vs ~~ | t0 be held for the county of wan, at the ‘State of North Carolina, | \or-House in Salisbury, on the 12th Monday | ALEXANDER COUNTY. a oe ee eee 2 ory es Oe and there to plead, answer or demur, otherwise Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, | jx t fiaal will be rendered against them. ‘itness, A. Jedson Mason, of ont said | December Term, 1867. | Jacob Moser, by his ) | son, J. P. White, | Court, at office, the 12th Monday after the lat Monday in August, A. D, 1867, and in the | 92d year of our Independence. ca O. iginal Attachment | A. JUDSON MASON, C8 CG Deniel Miller, Levied on Laud. L:Gtzpe £ $s. and W ife, == T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court | tat rth Carolina, that the defendants in the above cause ab- i} e of No seconds themselves from this State, so that the | - a woe 7 - ordinary process of law cannot he served on | ALEXANDER COUNTY. them, It is therefore ordered by the Court that | Court of Pleaseand Quarter Sessions, publication be made for six sucevssive weeks 7 in the Watchman and Old North Slate, a news | December Term, 100%, paper published in Salisbury, N. U., notifying them to be aod appear at the next term of our soar Berne, ©) ; ao said court to be held for said county at the | © ra So Court- House in Taylorsville, ou the 1s: Mon- | day in March next, then and there tu answer Solomon Burns | A and others 3 and plead, or jodgment will Le taken against . . them, and the property levied on condemned N this case it appearing to the —— to satisfy ihe plantiff's claims. the Court, that Moses Barnes, Joshua Barnes, Sulomon Barnes, Nathan Austin and wife Mary, Burton Brown and wife Roth, and Benton Payne, defendants in this cause, are non-residents of this State, It is therefore or- dered by the Court that publication be made six snceesive weeks in the Weichmen and Olid North Strate, a newspaper pablished in Salisbo- ry, North Carvlina, notifying said defendants of the filing of this petitiun, aed that gee 4 pear at tbe next term of this court to be for the county of Alexander at the Court- Hoase in Taylorsville on the Ist Mosday in March next, then and there to show cmuse if any they have why the petition shall not be granted, otherwise the same{ will be heard os parteas to them. Witness, R. P. Matheson, clerk of our said court at office in Taylorsville, the Ist Monday in December, 1867. RP. MATHESON, Clerk. 1:6tpr f. $8. Demorest’s Young America, THE best Juvenile Magazine. Every Boy and Girl that sees it says so and Parents and Teach- ers confirm it. Do not fail to secure a oopy- A good Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two-bladed pearl Pocket Knife, and a large namber of other desirable articles. given as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50. The Nov- ember Nnomber commences a new volume. Published by Witness, R. P. Martin, clerk cf our std W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, | Court at office, in Taylorsville, the let Monday 478 Broadway, New York. | in December, 1867. Neatly Eocouted at”thia Offce. ? * wo Try it, Boys and Girls. Speeimen R P. MATHESON, Oterk, five veins mailed free. poy wary L:6tpr f. $8. aa ak s Le Px sh h me ? — co t e ce co m e . Sa a t oe er . TISLGy ents ee “And Oe © the Witt ug lang hours flowers, © a y ‘pflied fod ito the goood of the stream “tne PM Bove with alaling Row, - en pO 8 ‘Whhe: faces pect with many a smil ‘From, the bowers of Memory's magic isle. There ‘are joys and sunshine, sorrows and tears, That check the path of life’s April hours, < for the coming ygars, Hope ever wreathys with the fairest wers ; ' There are frichdships guileleds—love as bright * Abd pure as the stars in the halis of night. There are’ ashen memories, bitter pain, And buried hopes and a broken vow, And an aching heart by the restless main, cael: breeze tanning a pallid brow; cked"a rer‘oti the shell-lihéd shore, Listeniag for voices that speak no more. There are passions strong and ambitions wild, And the flerve geare to stand in the van Of the battle of hife-—and the beart of theehild Is trushed ‘in the breast of the siruggliog . man; Bat-short the regrets and fow are the tears That fall at the tomb of the vanquished years. There's a quiet and , and domestic love, And joys arising from faith and trath, And a love unquestioning, far above The ’ dreaming of ardent youths, passionate And kieses of children on lip and cheek, And the parent's bliss, which no tougue can » There are loved ones losi! there are little ves Is P snore dell, ‘peath protecting trees, Where. the streamlet wiods, and the violet waves, And the grasses sway to the sighing breeze; And we mourn for the pressure of tender lips, And the light of eyes darkened in death's And thos, as the glow of the daylight dies, Aod the night's firs look t the earth is cast, I gaze ‘neath those beautiful sammer skies, At the pietores that beng on the wall of the ! Ob! Sorrow and Joy, chant a mingled lay When the Memory's wildwood we wander t The ata to Assassinate the Hon. in relation to the attempt to awsy A hey assassinate the Hon, Richard Busteed, Jadge of the United States for the Soath- ern District of Alabama, by L. V. B. , the United States Attorney Bat it is the duty of the press to go farther than merely to chrovi- shi tetserciesoin of the bloody deed. ‘rom the earliest days of the appoint Mr. Martin to his office, the rela- chtisens under cover of ment libels and other suits; and it is known by Judge (¢om posed 0 of the Mobile commmnity) it known true bills againet the Distriet Atorney for shuilar offeners. These indictments had be disposed of at this term, and pend- teed expressed himeclf from the bench iy and harshly on the couduct of Mr. Martin, « public officer in his coart. Me. Martin took hie bat and left the coart, court, he ted Fire upon him with a whbes t word or warning, and eontineed to fire at him, even afier he fell, until he was stopped by the bystand- ers. He plainly meant to kill bim after a afer a wight'’s refectiou—two kill an an- armed mau —in brief to assassinate him It remains to be said, that the pablic in- dignation against this cowardly act was exeited to the bighest pitch. Jud Busteed had many friends here, and the to have found ten or wore had lately fel: ite prativade | * ; iy stirred for him by several acts of |” Bankraptcy will in ordinary cases a-| f rty cowte on tobacen, anil two dollats on | mount to about one handred dollars—in | whiskey, our people should turn their at- United States, “These Scliedules, © fied by oath of the Petitioner before a District Court \Jndge, Register in Bavk- ruptey, or U, &. Comm » MMSE ac- company the petition, and when filed, is the Bs sia of proceedings “in Bankruptcy.) , Very ete 2. To becomé a volun meray the debtor must owe reg fo mom amount of at least ($300), three hundred dollars. 3. When the petition is by a firm or copartnership a full set of schedules of the respective estates of the members of firm should also be added. 4. When the petition is filed the case is immediately referred to a ister, who examines the petition and schedules an- nexed thereto, and if they are correct in form makes a certificate to that effect, to be filed with the Clerk, then adjudges the debtor a Bankropt and iseucs a warrant to the messenger to summon all the ered- itors named in the petitioner's schedules to meet at the Register's office, at a eer- tain time and place, to prove their claims and elect one or more Assignees to take charg? of the Bunkrupt's estare. 5. A creditor can however, prove his claim at any time previous to the last di- vidend, whieh will generally be six months subsequent to the adjadication of Bank- Bankrupt Court antil he proves his claim (Inre EhasAlteobeiso, Blatchford, Judge.) 7. Creditors have ne right to compel the Baskrupt to answer questions concern- ing the disposal of property by him ac- uired subsequent to filing a petition in Bankra tey. “In other words, the date of the filing of the peiition by or against a debtor, is the date at which, if adjudica- tion of bankruptcy follows, the order of things passes away and a new leaf is turned over.” 8. The bankrupt can apply to the Court atany time after the expiration of ¢ix =aeoe: apd within one year from the ad- judication for bis discharge in bankrupte and im case no assets come into the ot thé assiguee, or no debts be proved | against bis estate at any ‘ime after the expiration of sixty days. \ 9. As enon as an assignee is elected of appointed, the Jadge or Register will con. | vey to bim by deed of assignment, all rhe bank ‘se property em what is ex- | pease viz : flosccbetd aed kitehen | furnituse and other necessaries not exceed: | ing in value (€500) five bawdred dollars ; | also lis weating apparel and that ot bis! wife and ebildren, and each other proper: | mount not execeding that allowed by State flaws in force in 1864. | 10. It ie the daty of the assignee, | .| within twenty days after the assignment | | to bim is made, tw allot to the bankrupt | | each articles as are exe mpted, aud file an | invectory of the same with the value of each article to allotted, and creditors may make objections to the report of the as signece at any time withiu twenty days after it is hled. 11. As to eostsin bankruptey pro | ceedings. Section 47 of the Bankrut Act) provides that the petitioner, before a war | rant tesues, shall deposit Gfty dollars with | the Register, or with the Clerk to be de | livered > the Register, as a seenrity for his fees. General er XXIX, pre . | Vides that the fees of the Register, Mar- _| shal and Clerk shall be prepaid or secur- | ed before they can be compelled to act.— I. ie also provided by General Order XXX, tnat where the debtor has no me ane, j and ean prove the fact to the satisfaction | of the Court, apon application, an order will be made reqairing all the costs in the ig | case to be paid out of the filty dollars de. | | posited with the Register. If however | there are ndsets. but not ensagh to pay | | the Messenger after dedactiog the Bank rupt's exempted property, so that nothiag | comes i:to the hands of the assignee, th« fees will have to be paid by the Bank }rapt; bat if the assignee receives aseete | | the fees of the Messenger will be paid by him before any dividend is made among | creditors. The fees of the Register, Messenger and Clerk and for part nei of notices Martin is an Alabemian hy birth and raie- | some casea more, in others lees —the costs | he took the irov-elad oath of office when he was appointed United States Attorney. This, io itien to the notorions belief in the public miod that he bad, ander color and power of his office, preyed apon the eta of citizens in shameless extortions, made the man unpopular and shun- ned in this community, and it if dne to the community that these facets and the status of Martina should be known, lest we hear the huwl from Northern Jacobin sources that @ United States Jadge has been mur- dered yd er If murdered, at all, he has murdered by 4 style of man that the true Southern rebel most thor- ti ade Rad- grt Soh acais od Adelie, depending on the wamber of creditors, | amount of litigation &e., in each partieu- | > | Four Ilundred Lives Lowt at Sea~— Wreck of aa English St amner. Boston, Dec. 28 —A letter has been reevie- ed from Rio, dated November 24, and publisb- ed in the ‘Traveler’ of this erty, which eomtaines | the appalling statement : | “This morning a Brazilian steamer has er- | rived from Montevideo, bringing the news «4 | Use loss of the English Mail Steamer Saturn, | in a ternble gale of that place a week ayo.— She was iron-clad, and one of the finest look: | ing steamers b evef saw. Slie left the harbor of Bahia while we were at anchor there.— When she went dow6 she bad on board four hoodred persons. including the crew and pas- sengera, Among the latter was the Ringgit minister, who had juris been reieved to enable Lim to makea short visit howe. He, with the was lost, only fvurteen out of the whole being saved,” — - Starvation in Swceden.—'The news from Sweden is appall Three bundred thousand of ‘her moe are reported to be on the eve of #tarvation: x ms ‘ Ver the at }will answer. no. ruptey. 6. No creditor has any standing ina A | could bay for forty at home. | Chiekene and docks , a<¢ ance at wy feet. . tis good generalebip to avoid a fight with women or they are sure to. have the last word, When I was ready to bign a-treaty of amity and friendshi Senet ie leet iad 6 manufacturing and agricultural Interest of the State, a great purpose would be ac- complished. Our road has more than. once been ran in debt in order to cateh the through trav- el, whiely we never did and I fear never will-command,. The little wer do.eom- mand pilys'us two cents and a will a mile. When we were running for it the month- ly receipts from through travel waa a lit- de ler than $400 per, month. ‘The ¢x- pensd of running the train for it was $1500 a mouth, ‘The Superintendent thought it best to uit the chase for through travel, dimin- ed to the through travel train broaght into the Treasury ‘$3,000 per aionth for freight alone, to say nothing of the travel, «We may, io fact we did, lore a portion of our through travel, bat we could afford wo do it on euch terms. Last year we ran at lighting speed for through travel, and we ras 692,000 more out of the Treasury than we were able to ran into it. The effort and policy of the road has ever been te muke the travel and not the freight pay. The policy has been against the labor aod industry of the State. I might add, such has been the policy of most Seuthern reads. A few illustrations will better explain what 1 mean than of reason or argement Ok ted of flonr oa be sent from Boston or New York vver our road to Charlotte, chem than you could send the same Scad aoe Charlotie to Golds- bore; and eo with almost any article you could name, Every facility was ao te our people io buy eheap from ot ; but no encenragement given them fo sell, In fact, difflewities im the way of high tar- riffs forbid them selling in foreign markets atall. A gentleman in Raleigh bought a bar rel of potators in Morganton. Ie afier- warde learned that be could buy potatoes in Raleigh from New York or Boston, at what the freight from Mrganten bed east him. As Mr. Rafus Theker is a dirtetor on the road, I know he will pardon me if I tell of w practical joke played on him last scammer, He bought wheat bran in Charlotte at sixty cents a bushel, and paid | 30 cents a bushel tw get it to ninety cents for weat bran—which he Lest this statemen: should injure my friend Tacker asa business man and « financier, { mast state he did not know the price of the bran or the freight until it was delivered. People do not grow rich by what they bay, but by what they sell. You my bay as cheap from the North as yoa please but you will soon buy yourselves poor if you do not rel] them something ia return Under our new tariff we take batier j and lard from Charlotte to Geldeboro, at one ceut a pound—distance 221 miles. — half acent each ; six cents fora turkey; bacon, beef and pork four fifth of a ernt per pound ; yf ples and potatoes fif.cen cents a bushe te thirty cents per hundred. While I write, some enterprising man is prasing with 1000 chickens for the Balti more market. They cackle aad crow, as if they were glad to die for forty and fifty cente apiece instead of ten and iwelve and a half each I have writien to Charleston, Wilming tenand Newhern, to learn what amount of hay ie bronght into each of these porte annually from New England; it is im- mense. With three cents tax on cotton, : ; tention to eluver and hay, ‘Chere now more money in it than ip the great South- ern staples, cotton ond tobacco. The sea shore countics of North and South Carolina furnish a market for New England bay at a dollar and fifty ceats per hancred. I say, quit your cotton and tobacco, and cultivate grass for hay. The wet seasons for juree years past have been most p lous to the growth of this great antaved New Enghiad staple Oue advantage, too, it has over all oth er products. i can’t be tased. Hay, being the spontancous prodaction of the earth and litle or no ploughing or boeing being neerssary to prodace it, could bear atax better than eotton or tobacen, If I could do to without being called disloyal, I would suggest to Congress a modifiea- tion of the tax on cotton and tobacen, and a partial tax on bay in place of partial conuhscation. Cottgrese has not eet its face more Sonthern Agricultare strongly inet than any 9 Southern Railroads by ee false policy of tarifls ing ped “tl 1 bees wil lenem before is too Isto. that thefe 3" : e* Sat J tention of the public to the new tar- ‘ ff and new policy lately inauguarated, Tt good purpose at this Lite ves |, Sirioe by sete breton wh eh ded people the adv of cultivating clover and hay, instead of sah the months of A for of August, Sept. ee Boken amounted to $162,- 078.21. Our for operating the road $101,870.21, leaving a net profit of $50,208, which the has tei to the extinguishment of our debts. r-ceipts for the three months are $18,223.- = i f F last year; while the expenses of months operating were $40,773.93 less than last year. We compare with last because year, becanse it is naual, and that administration was infinitely beser than the ove that it, and com- pares favorably with any that has preced- ed ft. If any @ is deemed necessary for this fi 20a will be found in the asvaults made npon the »¢ admin- istratian, aud t iti ‘acts that some of th: large stockholders are alarmed, and have written me that they see “nothing “| bat ruin im the nt poliey of the road” We think t fears are ill fodnd- ed, capecially when they call to mind the done under a tariff from ten two hundred per cent. lower than former tariffs. JOSIAH TURNER, Jr., President N. ©. RB. R. Co. ee News of the Day. From Washington. Washington, Jan. 2—The Hon. Mr. Bur- ingame, United States Minister to Obiaa, tel- egraphs the State Dey artment that be bas beeu appointed by the Chinese Goverament Kuvoy to the Western Powers, and tat he has ac- cepted aad will leave immediately, CamLe SMM ART. The Emperut of Chios has seleeted Hon. Mr. Burhogame, American Minister at Pekin, at special Envoy to reviee treaties with Boro pean Powers, Mr. Burfingame acerpts the position aad is to rare as soon as be can make (he Prowssary actangements From San Francisco—New « from China, Japan, ete. San Fratvsco, Jan. 2—News by steamer from China states Chat the Lnperial forces Lave met with severe repal-es A powder explowon at Wychung d-stroyrd many lives aod mach property. The Viceruy’s Palace was blown inte the alr The United States Consel hat male a treaty with the Teooso savages, by which wrecked srainen are to be protected. Commodore Watkins died of board the steamer Costa Rica Teddo and Newport, on the Idand of Jadu, are to be opened on the Ist of April The Tyoron of Japan has resigned his power to Mckedo. From Washington. Wethington, Jan. 2.—It is stated that the funds of Georgia have been removed from Mil- ledgeville to New York tor security. The Massachusetts Legulature organiacd to- day—Geerge UO. Braman, President of the Senate, sod Hawey Jewell Speaker of the House. The Maine Legisietore organied to-day — Jewah Crosby, President of the Senate, ead Thee C. Woodman *peaker of the Howse. General Meade will veut the Preendent and Gen. Grant to-morow, sod depart southward oo Satarday The revenue reoripts to-day amount to §2,- 18,000. An imervie@ between Seoretary Seward and the Sweedeh Minuter shows that no steps hare been taken towards the acqarities of disposal! of the Ieland of Bt Sertholomew Special telegrams from Havana and Vera Crug, to the 27th ult, have been reorived Cungress was vcenpred in the consideration of the proposed con=t)tutional refornes The rebeihun in Yocatan @ becoming more terre Merida was captured by 8 party from Havana A descent is meditated on Sisal General Alaturre bas beea ordered to Yuce tan with three thousand troops to quell the tebellon At erier hae been iewed banishing persons con vieted cf sJing with the Imperialists during the war. Virginia Reconstruction Conven- tion, etc. Rich mond, Va, Jan. 2.—There not being a qrorum in atveodance to day the Conventwon adjoerned. he Northern Methodist Conference of Vir- ginia and North Caroliua met bere to-day, Bahop Jones, of New York, medding The politicians are spevulating to-day about the Gubernatorial office, the term for whieh Gov. Pwrpoint was elected having expired dJausary Lat. No action has yet been taken in the matter by the military authorities, From Charleston. Charleston, 8 C., Jan. 2.—General Scott, of the Freedinen's Burean, has issued a circolar letter of advice to the planters and freedmen, with regard to coutravts for the coming sea- son. From New Orleans, New Orleans, Jan. 2qln the Convention to-day the discussion of rd ekliffe's equal- ity substitute was resumed and several amend- ts Considerable without feeling was tian- fee: npg Ae pi ee ae 5 alae 8 at Paris, have been The recent di Wg tanh eb 4- . } nate documents captured and sent to % titution represented, Southern met the necessity. He thinks «lis variations freame last week Strong eflurts are being made nore to withdraw has deel bor ; ee syed sone ek ae ae gentlemen mated that it would take two million dotlars, © berees half milion tress will not ¢ So stringent as by Petrone * ~ ety Hum be Hee may fact that what we have aecomplished was before The Nathowl Bank rtatisics show notable New York Demuorats to induce Governor Sey- year's dis- by teadings tettind Hon. Mr. Sherman's bal for the Gaancial circles. ‘Tt is estimated 1 debt as propored oe xploded ber boiler today. Maw were barped and otherwise mjured. of Wheehag. Bodies lore hoet convention te- of inquiry were riferred : Of of hined labor to eight boars 1865, at 25 cents on the dollar—< no poll tax—of requil in the State ten years we v galiaing the birth of children born in slavery, so they may ieberit selling seeds to the speeches of the Conyention. The Convention The city bas been quite Paper fights to-day, one oceurring reporter of the Examiner and the Majer’ Poe, Chief of Police, was Marine Intelligence et Champion, form New York, Sailed—Steamers Charleston, York; Sea Gull, for Baltimore; Nellie Bowers,’ for ressons forms (ie Preedouteal enndishugy. * the netige | delt egeties severe comment ameng het it wih cot eleven milhoas ia evmangsions to fund the Marine Disaster, he. Cincinnati, Jan. 4—The Seamer Wheeler, Capt. Harry Deen, board benes for Marietia, inctadhag Capt Beggs of Asti ‘end, Capt Morton, General Pope strived bere to day. Imprisonment for Libel. Philadelphia, Jan. 4 — Wm. Maser, publisher of the Gunday Mercury, bas hewn senteticed to nive Moats impnsvement, and $500 foe for From Richmond—The Convention — Newspaper Fights, he. Richmood, Jaa. 4.—Ia the reeonstroction the folly resulation sealing all debts incurred Weviees ok 1 forvig ners to ot oe persous t+ Uol the Military Instituw aud devoting deational fand The newspapers were severely denounced for misrepresentations of members and the y with news. ent of the New York Herald, and one tween a reporter of the Dispath and the offi- cial reporter of the Convention, in which @ inember of the Convention and another re- porter joined. No serious damage was dohe. All parties concerned were arrested. : Military Commissioner to-day. chat Rev. J. W. Ha with diing voto! tion which was df & correspondent of anew York relative’ to an alleged neendiary by tint gentleman. Te Charléston, Janoary 4.—~Arrived—Steam for a Boston; Clara Bell, for Dariet, Ga; Mary Pletcher, for Mobile. EO Some of | the Northern papers contrast the Christmas times people of the th formerly had, © with the fading of ine killed the time day—of tf lew le parents erty ul bet ween a » fore the ne ep Tb e PE R E s F i E t a t l e i & ~ 2 ; i i i . in the = Detet, ute years army, uit igi pe ON wake pay- ‘ et h i i i is fl ; B E R T : T u t H fi ge ef if ail i rise? ‘ ‘ ‘ : R. L ABERNETHY, Pres Table Rock Seminary. ‘Srechoo! appara gladly received. ~~. i —— Ee Cenc bit Ay from Marytond wad of Srepegier!- 9° 0 Torts aid j. De. T in his défense ‘ trial, whieh ‘takes the hihi pyr RATES UES) TKR us—-CASEE 1 \TCHMAN & OLD NOE One Year. 3 nk ly paper, A “ six monthiy Ge h] WEEKLY OLD ly, One Year ~ Six Montha, Oue Meath, ross 4 on the paper ription. W y KE YO AIMABON Pieces — yy De. Magill, belitig asked the above quention! ty, responds Hows: oar of af thea ‘ > “ # Spray or clerks: of equity courts, and} same, as are tt i agents, or invested by them | Ist day or Apa of | character. — oy pene sand DISTILLERIES. _ | vidual taxes) will by Orders, No. 26, of May 20, II...Genoral is revoked ; and on and after the y of} ly as are im ‘by the laws of | such cau-| ted States and of the States of rth and By command of Brevet Major \@ * < an And by labor end 1 dincovered Heb h are kept by the craft with dee care, ? ples: and orphan 19; Led my wword | could draw, Te wsittaim the pare law the duty of Maxsene Thow have Tt revealed From IIE PRESIDENT AND THE 8C- PREME COURT AND RECON- ~/RUCTION. d States vo ving the question of (the Reeoustraction acts are >a good man speculations. all cries profensing ta anifold what the decisions of the jadges on this naathor- or im- vena of private . No ouecan » advance what will be the conela- {the learned judges. The latter ~ U bear both sides, and then make up r decisions from the argaments and le- preeecents advanced, making « little »wanee, of course, for the political bias ech of the jadges. But thie may be ald, that shoald the ne judicial tribanal of the land de- uneonstitational the aétion of Con- n enacting the rebel States oat of | uion, distiranchising white voters and g negro eaficage avd African supre- y upow the people of those unhappy ete, the coursé of the ¢técative may ety certainly indicated even at the nt moment. The President, ia all bability, would, ia that event, hasien claim that the rebel States were er out of the Union, and that, erg, people of those States are still entitled all the eivil rights (#a¥e and except erty in s'aves) enjoyed by them ante- o the acts of secersion; that the eab- ation of the civil to military anthori- ae been illegal, and must immediately bolished ; and that all the past action the Congre-sioual reconptrnetion » has been pull and void. Follow- - this gat to ite natural resalte he would be consistent, have to recall the milita- vernors, With theig numerons trains atellites, and haps would remove ecmblanee military sarveillance, prudenee wouold saggest to to the preservation ot law in view of the negro a and the eupposed disaffcetion of many of the white oO Reve rdy Juhnaohm rdy Johnaon is anid to he boaity ener various legal sclemes Jew cent 40 titer the the redenetraction fuws, He intormesdt of bu Southern frends, a few Mage age, fally expected ade ciesion fr, m the So ort within a short tome aMirasing that The Preavtentalas ot ponte svyeart interested ty the epse, h « deeisgn & rendered he with sry supe Temypom trom that tate omanding Mficers OF to rep test of the eit! an ‘lis said Teehdy ds is giving pared, + n and alvice in the be- volving Che cong ri tow laws in ench OF the Buf. Com. Adgocale. we Court shortly, in- the constitntional- k fiom. fa «a diate tif » as {ty ecoustro South Carolina, reapectively. 4. . Do. ft. 5. Caxnv. Lovis V. Caziarc, Aid de Camp, Act’g Ass’t Adj’t Gen. the civil government of the re- : 1867, "rong te” 3 are, A. D.C., States shall be established in ac- li-} Orricut: Louis cc with the laws of the United paph TI¥ of the same order is m a y EXECUTIONS. |, coroners and. constables are suspend the sale of all "The following ave the paragraphs foregoin, dott to grauting that the are granted, together with their sureties, shall be re- sponsible persons, and of good moral standing in the community, and that both incipal and. eureties. shall be able to qualify individually in double the amovat of the bond required, and that the bond shall be » lien upon the personal th Carolina, 1 y of May, 1561, and the or- of the provisional goverument tat :, under the Preetle -of the 29th day of April, 1 ts or decrees, for the pay- ! ment of yon causes of action arisin 5) between the 19:h of December, 1860, ana the 16th of May, 1865, shall not be en- foreed by executida against the Pr con of the detendant. Proceed t shall warrant the sum- mary seizure and sale of so much of the of either or hoth as may be oe cessary to satisfy the forfeiture or fine and | op the ings in such causes of action, now pend- ing, shall be stayed; and no suit or pro- ecen shall be hereafter institated or com- costs. 2. Drankenness and disorderaly con- duet on the premises shall work the for feiture of the licienge and of the penalty cf the booed. 3. The owner or keeper of any bar- or about to remove, his pro-| room, saloon or other place at whigh iu- the jurlediction of the coart,| roxieating liquors are sold, and ull other to defraud his ereditors > pro-| persons ipterested or counceted therewith, judgment, so rendered, | sball be regarded as principals in any se- aforceald, shall be a! tion of damages growing oat of any as cotbitiencement, iv a State conrt, | sault, riot, affray or other disorder cceur- w eait upon the same cance of ac-\ ring ov the premises, or directly traceable any case ja which, y L.~, she de- | thereto. fendagt may remove or appeal the sameto| 4, All bar-reoms, saloons or, other a court of the United States. | placce at which intoxicating liqtore are FORECLOSURE OF MORTOAGR. sold, shall be closed on the hay or days of The sale of real or pertonal property, “vy general or loeal cleetion, and for the by fureelosare of mortgage, ia likewiae | twelve hours next preeeding the opening saspended in the cases embraced in para- | and next succeeding the closing of the graphs IL and LLL, of said order No. 10) polls at such election ; and the elitriffs of as above amended, except in casce where countics and districts and the chief of po- interest ing * meut to the accru lice of cities and towns, shall have power 29h of Ari, 1865 shall not have been to direct the elusing of bar-rooms and oth paid before the day of sale, and all pre- vious restrictions on such gales are revo- 1860, unless upon the written consent of the defendants, except in cases where the plaintiff, or in bis sbecnee bis agent or at-/ vorney, shall upon oath, with coroborative | testtinony, allege and prove that the de. fendant is removing, of imtends trauda- | leutly to remove, hie property bey und :! territopial juriedictien of the Court. The} sale of real of personal rty by fore-; cloeure of mortgage ia hkew ise suspended tor twelve calender month, except m ca- sce where the payment of interest money, acerulug sivee the 15th day of May, 18- 65, shall not have been made before the day of sale. } 1V. Judgments or decrees entered or) | enrolled, on canses of action arising sab- sequent to the 15th day of May, 1565, may be euforeed by execs ion against the tarce and fines, ander the local regula eae, 1p eccearopad Fence marta. tions or noder the provisions of military | exceution, reqard « h be had to the rs orders, will be devoted to the support of) rity of Hens wales in ease whore he geod the poor, and as soon as realised will be faith of any fien shall be drawn tn ques: | turned ever to the commissioners or oer lion =n euch cavegthe usnal mode of seers of the poor of the district, county, proceeding adopted in North und South mabe Leneepptgpoctan Sng plied been «5 = palma end of each moath report to the Provest | ry it. tn it sales of pepe ander ex-! Marshal-General of the District the amount |ceation or by of any p ho there! received by them daring the month, «peel ! fy ge Bari of the pasties fous whom yas gh bas we pe of te pupa of oo aid - fe a nt, dose a — depend- t ° . ae ent apon his or vot, a deelling house Oe eet ercaties ny wel oa Tete ace acl eomgaion of fs enforeed in any civil or military cottrt, | famil igi ea oe cae aud upon conviction the court may award | wore of farvitere apparel, subsistence to the informer a eum not exceeding Gfty | ignlements of trade, husbandry of her . c cent. of the forfeiture or fine. Aad ley che a , and (if in the country )twen-| 1) i, made the daty of all sheriff, coneta it er -chionlions pagans Or } land the md shall tot peters ‘a ye are ane Perot meet — TF. = inare only to the benefit of fawilies—that | z P ricts, an police of citi owne, |) } |awm of ee thousand dollars j and in ® bo be vigilant in the enforcement of the ery 7 te rhage org | town or city, the immediue bet apo! |); ae rea RG ir or children, In other cases, ieee oxy Se, tgmtinn 6 S07 | ten eaciine cod eer is (te peg Me etd Yr | | P : orde “hi imp » oy- ld eeanary ati of for, 07 nig ig remem deo tegen rel, an : — of has- The provisions of thie paragraph will | o¢ che valoe of ono handred dollars Tpe| ae hea prs oy 7 the | be held t apply to each licenses granted exemption hereby made ehall on te ent | | we ban snc \ % ager ander Gene a Orders No. 32, to ton keep- | ped or defeated Se the act of-the dcfend-| FE eee er eaeee| Tee ee Se a ee [eet exempted property of the de-| a . “ ° | . - | the exemption shall extend onty to eloth- January, 1968. fendant shall be ascertained by the Sher- 2 DISTRICT COURTS. iff, or other officer euforeing the execution | ‘tng and im: nte of trade or employ- cor © went usually followed by the defendant,| IV. To promote the speedy trial of | who shall specifically deveribe the same jsoners coufined for minor offences, of the value of two haodred dollars. The and |and make « report thereof in each case to exemption hereby made shall not be waiv- | diminish the cost of their maintenance, the court. ed on defeated by the act of any defend- all paren | magistrates will on the X. In suits brought to recover ordinary | ant who has a family dependent upon him 16th and last days of each month, report) ps baone @ Ae = po 809 he vee | lor her fr support, and tha gucaigeed pro- | 10 ee yo of their county ot district | [°° pak ieegleetbaras es i= Ghar a cahiee | perty shall be ascertained and defined by | courta | commitments made by them 40-| micer alrving the maa le enite far wee } lthe sheriff or other officer enforcing the ex- | ing the preceeding half month, specifying |pxss, libel, wrongful egeversive of property, | cases known as actions ex delicts, | | eeution, wh: shall eall to his aid two im- ithe date of commitments, the names ©: | and other | partial citizens to make the necessary ap lithe prisoners and the offences for which bail a heretofore anthorined may be demanded | praisement, and shall make report thereof | they were committed, to the end that the | and taken, The protibision of bail ie catesex to the court. | jadges may, whenever in their opinion | contracts, shall not extend to parties abont tu | er places for the sale of intoxicating li ory whenever it way be wecessary to their judgment to preeecve order aud qui et. "5. The proceeds of all ligense, forfet- ? P. IV of the same order is mod- ified by yom y Soy 2%bday of April, 1865, for the 19h day of May, 1566. SUITS ON XKORO DEBTS. All proceedings for the recovery of money on coutracts, whether ander eeal or by parol, the consideration of whieb was the purchase of slaves, made subec- quent to the tet day of Janasry, 1863, are aus od, Jadgments or decrees en- tered for rach causes af action shall pot Paregraph VIL of the same order is modified as follows : HOM ESTEA DS. la all sales of property nnder execation \or by order of any conrt, there shall be i ont of the property of any defen bdent whe has « family dependent pon his or het labor, a dwelling house and ap- ! \ i } , LRaxst FOR YRAUDVLENE DEBTS the pamber of prisoners or other consid- | eave the State: bat the fact of intention must , roe tona of public interest call for it, held |” clearly established by | Paragraph X is hereby modifed so as jonas yond Apry ‘w~ eens for the pur- XVI. Nothing tm this order dell be con, ' . + % ‘ tet ve }to ree ts a ia = eaten os bg pose of disposing of sucivdicts, ‘The al- a eyaliags ip uation ery the operat ad | tracts ovly in eases nhs O84 a il ditional expense of holding such special |the xcs of Congress in such caves made and | part due, and the defer ant % ord lterme will bea charge upon the State] provided, nor with the collection ot any tnx iy of fraud io contracting the if hi ened | Treasury, and the accounts therefor will |impost, excive, ot charge levied by aiitiverty | for, or haa removed or disposed of Dis pro 11.5 aadited and paid as accounts of a gi. | of Cie Lined ypes or of the Provieional Gor- | perty, or ie aboat to do so, with intent [0 ) 1+ character are now audited and paid, ernmeots of North and Sonth Gatyliog; bat ro} defraad bis creditors, of is about to leave | od if th ladigs id the fede: insprisonment for overdue texes shall be allow: | ‘ ‘ and if the 6a now pai we judges the Bute with ench intent. should be inadeqnate in view of the ad- ed. Nor shall this drder orkcy law of the | i Provisional Goveruiumnu of North or South! EXECUTORS AND TRCSTERS, ditional labor performed by them, a rea- | Carola upertte to deny fo minot ehiklren. or | KVI is amended by adding sonable addition apon the proper represe® | chiktren connag of age, of their legal repre- | dings in any court of | tations through the Governor of the State, North Carolioa, oF of ~oath Carolina, re- | will be allowed. ectitatives, fur to suapend as to them, any riviit of action, remedy, of proceeding, agninst Ex- 6r sanctioning the invéstment of | of minor belra, of of females, or eontors, Ad rators, Trastees, Overdians, | Masters or Clerks of Equity Courts, or other | in the svearities of the f, OF the seenritica of | P ‘thereto: PILOTAGE. V. The pilotage regulations now exist- ing in the States of North and Soath Jarolina are so far modified: that on and fuer the fires day of Marth, 1868, all ¥ la, éd by the Cary [oe of the Uuised. Baier eo pilot commissioned by U Commissioners, officers or persoos bolding « Sluciary relapon | to the parties or the subject matter of the ec tion or proceeding. - eC | Pennayloania Legislature. Flartisturg; Jao. 9.—In the Legislature this there were two bellots—the cauctis oe receiving 45 votes each. Battering ay : it ao J Bagi shalt awake with a smile, at sung thee,” ; Bot Memory said, “Hope, is there any neod a? He shall be mine ike wide-spread and inereasing destitution aud Southern States. g citizens of Charleston have taken this subject under special con sideration, and in order to give practical effect to their views, one of their namber has gone to Washington to place before the authorities the ing facta of Southern necessitics and their plane to telieve them. ‘This gentleman, we learn from the Charleston papers, has submit-| ted three plans of relief: 1. That Congress should authorize a loan of $30,000,000, to. be tent in small sums to necessitous planters ; the loan to bear interest and a lien upon the crops of the borrowers; the loan to be distribated by loeal commissioncrs of approved posi- tion aud standing. 2. ‘That the Government should lend the Southern people an amount equal tothe gross amount of revenue already received by the United States from the cotton tax; the loan to be secured, iseued and distributed as under the first plan. 3. That the United State Government should scil the gold in the National Treasury, in execss of the sum required to meet current demands, and lend the premium realized by its sale to the South, upon terms aud in the manuer before named } The President, Genera) Grant, Chief Justice Chase, Senator Harlan, of lows, and General Howard, all express them- eclvcs a8 warmly favoring some measure for the relief of the suffering people of that | have led through the w It is thine this section, and General Grast ssid be "0" since Jesus hath redegmed it.~Ars, Si- would, as Seeretary of War, submit to | 9°°"™9- Congress a coumunicatoa earnestly re- commending one of the above plans. | ; a Generals Tlancock and Ord reeom- retngle pee = eee cxd the at gpa of the levers of Mit) it) confirm what it eaye of the present } veriment, inorder tO) ite of business: “Prudence and econo- w in T0-| oy, of coucse, are the two great lessons to be lrarued; bat there is one part of operation of the law, in some iw dull times is espe- these lessons which States, and apholding the cially apt to be forgotten. Beware of ane | governments. sins thing; whatever you have to sell;-there| (Mr. M. bere sent to the des are many people ready to bay, even u | Secretary the-gerr-ef March an We shall look forward with deep ao xi- the moet de season, Find them | be read, and also the order_No ont; show them your wares; pureua*e | Hancock, in which the civil ety to the action of the President and the 7. . ete | them to buy of you rather than another, legislation of Congrese apos this question.) When bayers are reluctant sclie:s mast oe ek that Gea. They are lo of all the facts | ‘ A p - Te ee a tie inaatire of tele re an neither cheap por seusi- | iq chia order, not only defied ble to eit still behind your counter bat ' pr peril gen NS eee eee on: | eet fer en Sues of as revive.— . at wh ts p deo M ibe . When besiness is dull, that is the very pevily of the Nout elee oa gt pod | time to advertise Jn the firat place, that frank to eay,” said Radical Senator a — boner = ne and Spra , of Rhode Island, in hie recent |" spel sre , oo > ee pepe covers *° in the Senate, “that the market of | test Hand to reading the newspapers, Sm re South is as indiepensable to our pros rer patra ry peg aay - perty a our prespr ry pneeessary to in veeted will do wore to revive asluggish ear cristence That market is now de ay " ” seroved. ‘The same body which hahah ar business than anything elec in the world. ed Bouthern incestry, taxed Southern | _ actions and deworalined Southern } Moving —The New York Times Jearns aborers, can now do something to restore through correspondents in various parts this market, and as our kx Ipless condition | of the cotten States that very considera- is rapidly dragging the prosperous North | ble nambers of people are moving away ed iuto the same prostration, we may hepe | from there to the North, and still larger fur the inanguration of some practical, numbers are preparing to move away in possibly liberal, measure of relief the spring. The idea bas taken firm Wilmington Journal. | session of the minds of the people o the | cotton States that their section is destined | to rain, poverty, and negro supremacy fn l che fatare, and they complain that their hopes of better times have at last left them. We would call the attention of our} Southern friends who are now eceking | new homer to Virginia Oar troables here tance with inetructions reeriv-| ee ¥ery transient. Here there nerd be feadqnarters Beeond Military | no want, and can be no conflict of races. | s, C., January | Here they will find cheap and prodactive } ji} lands, a climate that suite them, congenial | eons concerned that surplus copics of | society aud a warm weleome. Many of jeneral Orders No. 165, Hendqnarters | them bave Virginia blood in their veins, Second Military Distriet, are on file in) and they will come to va like long absent Gite sfies for diaribation. General Or-{ bisdred retarving bome The old mother | dere No 165, Headquarters Second Mili-} State will take them to ber bosom the | tary District, constitates theveertificate of | more affectionately for their mmisfortanes. election to the reapective delegates to the | Let them come —Rich. Whig. State Convention, ordered to convene ta Raleigh, N.C, on the fourteenth inst.— Auy delegates who have not been farnish- | ed with & copy of the order referred to, | will call at t Tearquarters and be! furnished with an official copy of the or- der. By oder of Col. J. V. Bomford: Dan. ‘T. Weees, Let Lt, Sh U.S. dof’y.. Bvt. Maj. Official : Post Adjuvant. | —_-_-_——— COMING BOUTH. The Wibnington (Del) Commertial, of week, says the extent te which the farm- ing commanities in waty of the Northern States are moving to more, genial climates and an easier tillvd suil is hardly gen- etally kaown. Oud of our real . estate agents in Wilmington informe aw that he now has on file Applications aud enquiries from ne leas than three heudred parties in reference te latule dur sale on the Pevinsula. They write hatn atl the New England States, New York. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and States further West, while ‘one gentleman writes from ‘Teunessee. Most of she — dle sire a less severe climate, with shorter win- ters. to each. ¢ becamea man. Every day him to bis labor, and ev an old and tried riously and that I entrust And be answered, “I fear s0; for ogee! hile they thus sadly convessed, Hope pot forth a wing that she bad worn, folled under her garment aud tried its strength ia a heaven- ward flight. The old man laid down to die, and wherr the soul went forth from the body, the angels took it: and Momory walked with it throegh the ‘ gate of Heaven. bet Hope lay down at the threshold, and gently expired a#@ rose giv- eth out ber last odours, Her parting sigh was like the music of » se- rapb's bap. Sve breathed it intu & glorious form, and tid: “Immortal happiness! I bri thee a soal —_-- -— Advertisiny.—The New Yurk Tribune um siesipp! by os reclaim many valnable estates tit ine and to give employment to many thousands of freedmen, now withont la bor or means, who moet either rob or starve, uniess enployed or assist d by the Government. This would be a great re-| lief in that particalar section of the South. | which they had raised up to thes crisit, it was incumbent on © trae and consistent to itself and Houve.—The bill asking for the . Father McMahan, and several other Fe ——--——— EF We bare been favored by Col. Bom- ford with the following eirealar which we pablish for the benefit of all conecrued : Hv’ers. Mut. Pose oF Rareied, ¢ | Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 7,,1868. revlar . In co ed from District, dated Oharieston, 3d, 1868, I bave the honor to inform a | General Grant and the & tion Policy. Senator Wilson bas written a long 7 nication which appears in the New York Int pendent, recommending the nomins a° Gencral Grant for the next Presidency. quote from it the following : Fo a “To the recenstrection ac the rital and overshadowing issne of che General Grant cave hrs earnest : has zealously striveu to carry the Congress into effect. On the pehey General Grant bas Seen sad now accord with Congress and the Bepa ty. So anxions was be to bare that pe carrie:| into effect that he argently . om members of Congress the vital +f 90 arranging the adjournment as to ment at any time, should the 6 conntry require it.” Tt appears from the above that G is as Radical as the most Radical, snd endorses the recunstroetion policy of © with all its attendant evils and divastere i country. This is next in gross error 0 to hie general endorsement of che” Stanten.— Nat Jntelligencer. te es Treatment of the A A little thoughifal attention, makesthe ula! They bare outlt the friends of their early youth, their hourd Olen thet partnets Ci ae - — RECONSTUCTION IN LOUISIANA. New Onzeana, Jan. 6 The following ordet has just beed protuul-) gated : Beado'ne Stn Mirrtany Destarcr, } New VU leans, dan. 1, Lsu8 ‘ General Orders No. 1. Appheations have been made at these head- qnarters implying the exatever of wn arbitrary anthority in the cummand.ng General touching rely vivil controversies, Uve peti ener se icits this aetion, another that, awl each cefers to some specail consideration of grace oF favor, whieh he supposes to exist, and whieh ehoukl lnfuence this Departuent, Tae: Sumber of sech applications, and the waste of nme they involve, make it newestary to dee'a: that the vdeninistration of civil justice a;pertains to the regulur courts, The rights of litigrans do vot itlepend on the views of the Gineral.. They | long filled their silent graves; oftett are.te be adjudged aud setth-d acrording fo the | drea they have followed to the hiwa, Avtytrary power, such as he tas been | staud solitary, bending on the stell, Urged to neue, bas MO ex strnoe fiere Ft is | the same call shall reach them. not found in the laws of Loniviana oF Totes, they must think of absent lame iu cannot bé derived from any act or acta of | the love which cherished then, It is restrained by a Constitation, ; vi syoopathy that fell with theirs, 1 and prohibited from action in many partic | Sonfort them not had e ulars. The Major-General commanding takes oc- | aud happy smiles? ‘yy ; Tye Pry NR gue sting * ee tretion These two lihes that Iovke x0 solemn, Were just plagad here to fil the eoldma, ee Basix. ne 45 2 Sigs i ii Der a Mithun € Oo Bork Sot, BY MANES. & BRUNER. | |S? it to power by attempting to coufer the - privilege of the’ eleetiv them. W. o_o Tux Eovxono Macame for Janua- OUR WESTERN sUBSCRIBERS. RB. ~ or tbe recovery of such estatenean: now be a greee i egulationsare 'Y 18 also nponour table. This valu Owing to our inability to get to press roe es nha _ bing able publication which, we. believe, @» early as we wished erry coy ay had been suspended for some time ation day, many A FIX. has been resumed and was greeted tere mus have We heard a ludicrous story of an individu. | is A ‘| . ite re ali with a cordial. welcome pon its in a Western county whose election as a ‘ deleguteto the Conveutiun was duly au- appearance by thousands of friends in vernments the 7 i P oe . voune@ by Gen. Canby's order convening every part of the codatry. The Ec. P ht, : he Ji Meomply with their... body Being much elated at the intel- lectic, as its name imports, contains North and West of the N C. Rai 7| measures. Secing that a majority of the ligence, for up to that time he had not Fe the m of all the foreign Maga will get their Papers one week ea Supreme Court is likely to be true to the | garded his election as certain, he repaired in ’ Ne Reviews and other Literary if wailed on Friday—the constitution, they propose to enact that no jall haste to Raleigh, proceeded to invest P vel id ig @ work of surpass- they bear date. | person, law of Congress shall be declared wicon- | himself with a new suit of eclothes—such a 7 icals, and is a P Subscribers tothe Old North State will | it will Stitutional by that tribunal except by the | suit perhaps, as Gastov wore in 1836-—eo'ne | ing Intepect, is embellished #lso remember that the numbers lost by the \ : concurrence of two-thirds of all the judges, | euable him to make an appeatance suited; The Present number is embelli *uspension will be made Up to them at the 2 eit ailvanes aie el all ae And fearing that, should the matter be !to the dignity of his functions aca Consti- ; with an elegant steel engraving of @spiration of their term, eo that they mill than howe which he has care ad- louger delayed, enough of the Northern {tion maker, (?) when he was suddenly Shakespeare before the Court 0 loose nothing by it. re f 3 Tr rY eI EY a : ; : th into i : i : I hes barren pe ' : P j vanced through the Columns of the Reg. Sta'es to defeat it, even if the Southern ieasclng that a Spaby had chmyud te sere tot tin 204 alte ———— {ister and the Old North State. He at States can be brought to its support, will! return and given the seat to another, He eotiaa tage " nad Coke TOBACCO. | tempts to defend Congress and the Re- rescind their acts ratifying tho Howard ediately cent a di b, ora to ; afaile F . hie successful. rival, infurming hi |ings are in the finest style of the art ' ‘treme basi do ‘hon, shall be Pereubscribers who coatcmplate the | ee sated feng gag lal dare Amendment, as Ohio has already dene, | nay bat? wep io: teeeuise ant anniber be surpassed anywhere. soteews ts Ls — a0 Cultivation of tobacco this year, or at any | fortunate in ovme of bis statements; and they propose to declare it a part of the ‘esta Ls des rent a ee any exceltent articles ; i : Phere. -, future time, would do well to file away if some of his arguments prove any thing Constitution by an act of Congress. To Bo waht pty agin contat ne te this number we will on~ 3 Washi eves e . Con ae c this mumber of the atechman 4 (iq\tallthey prove that the negrocs can prevent the President from mitigating sal them off bis hands 12” mention the admirable eseay on Row et, a 2 Sie ] : North State so as e rve Mr, Shel.) Mever have justice impartially administer- rigors of wilitary rule it is saith not, but we hope | Voltaire, from Fraser's Magazine, the|" we pay tin ssn 2 tones sa hoc except under a government in which ke from h “ his successfn! rival came to bis relief and that Christians of Madagascar, from the en a od pe v's essay on that subject. ! they are the redominant power, or by q | ‘ke from him he went on his way rejoicing. Edinburgh Review and the article on request Chairman be withdrew {an —————____. | perpetual mailieary caenguney at the cone reconstruetion acts, and toestablish a new Farady the Cornhill Magazine. 9b -eete jw whee the Wy od /¢ HELPER vs. HELPER. | '"Y, as the following extract will show: | executive for the Southern States in the UNDOING THE WoRK. There are also many others of very | the fllowiog diepatch Hardie Hogan Helper, of this city, has! “The writer imputes thedisorders which Person of Gen. Grant, notwithstanding} A telegram from Colambus, Ohio, dated great interest. . Comeaneding - written «long letter to the Washington | prevail iv the South to the policy of Con- the President is sole executive and com-| January the 17th says: | Each number contains about 140 - Chronicle ix reply to another letter chiek | Rrese, on ro yerwleel iat A = or nee | mander-in chief, by virtue of the provi-| “After the organization of the State a ha rns welled to oud Jas. 8. MeCubbiog, as s recently appeared in the columns of Wal c ike i a d | wise ess have | *°"* of the Constitution. a a to | Legtelasare Yesterdays veselations mere) Se" Add Il. Bi : and Davi, in place of I. A | puis 9 that crime ap ae ee ee ensure the success of their efforts in this | introduced in each house to rescind Ohio's we at hath asinhepernd Marier bre rife in allh a of the Uuieu since etl kc is tec ratification of the amendments No. 5, Beekman stroet, N eo bavi * tween } Hancock om of hi secadiis lee ino | ation vba tapas ~ = Wille, N. C., or at least notorious, | te J eet ° ale - New York. ; RO | those States who refuse negro sn — th « " -.-y,, 2Ot be forgotten that prior to the esage | oi} h | Co the of The Impending Crisis fot the act for the shale ai ae Ho ot (cason than that be bas shown bim- | he and “No Soque.” The letter of H. R. rage . . | be right to count all whe aredisfranchised | Lirw Inscraxce.—We invite the ats) five military districts in the South a f,. | *lf to be the friend of the See Te receding Meson! apprintmests|temtion of our readers to the —— 2 Helper never appeared in these colamas, — oo of sa pi eh sae ybrruribay : je ha Ip ras S wee Cuttin: | tisement in oar paper of the Arlings ; 2 : | than has done since "or the ) cmphia "8 1s the last dying struggle of the owes: sas. e . i ife I Co of} The ion to adj i d 1 andl the wely b stalgted coms ina Oe and New Orleans riots, which originated Radieal party — the last flickering of the! This ia very gratifying intelligence, bat | ase ari ) Pr iolcengg 7 adupted. = a e part) Ting the | g j L u L . The object of H. I. Helper) vith the negro-bating whites, aud reealied 'titrte he which remalucd to these of is nothing more than was to have been ex-| Va, Lewis C. Hanes, of exlegton, es _ seems to be not only to point out the in- im the cold-blooded murder of the scores) Pe rpseaiag ad tae wl cea ted. Ifthe measure is not toreeg through | N. C., agent ; and also of the Pied BOARD OF VALUATION. ‘ Sonsisteney of his brothers course and re- | of blacks, eceurred prior to the passage tinuing themselves in power after the late ii he t Cone, sder th imont Life Insurance Company of the The following yee | of h be first of the serie. A i Pei fall elections, They might have redeem. | °Y ' . present Congress ay ie sapeee! : . j hess the bis premises, bat also to vindicate that, the first of the series of reeon struction acts we may expect to sec many | 8aine State, Bingham & Co., agente, jnet aT of having | *7UCtion acts. In all parts of the South «d themachyves to some extent, and have | S ¢ = y Sali a3 PF. Job Grer, to the Ohairmen of oa hie ee in 5 | during the same period, the rights of the prolonzed their power for a time by frank- ‘other Northern § ates taking the came /6e isbary, age ames ° neon, County Courts in this State : —_ views. : HEF) negroes were poops = if not abi inn- | ty confessing thety errors, and marfally perpigre- eplergpocelidig din Charlotte, N. ©. . Starz or Norra Caseems, he well Written temper good. | Punity, certain y withoa reper Vindica- - x } Ne i Der’ ‘ 2 Et is needicas for @8 to say that we dis-| tion; and they were far ris erjoymg oo them, raga they hed | Jersey and (alifornia do not do the same | on promwnte a — th, Jan. 9, 1868, : with bot, brothe: The | that freedom which had been declared to | aeither the courage nor { magnanimity | thing at onee upon the meeting of the wean ; i ot No J Re all neg be their right. It way be that the m lit- to de. But, being deficient in all the | legislatures of those States this winter. the people uf the South at tle ign ie ee b te extidetion—that iike “a Sanien tary protcetion they have enjoyed during higher qualities of men and of stateswen, Nor are wo entirely without ‘ that | must be known and appreciated bY | ahher the let of J nae 4 te 9 . fe -elnget _ —— ys Pongeenncsss they have resorted to these desperate meas. ain York and Pennrylvania will follow all. Both of these Companies are | Buarde of Velaath for th purpe octhers poops vastly ouperi PE it ea may | ®hich ied bean leflisted dering the — ures which will eurely hasten and render - [used ianoe | Seuthern institutions Cong - ; edi e t mater omplete their final and irretrievable over- hy — ; y bbe the correct one. We should | Preeedicg years. 1: is bur natural that) ¢ te be ocd Ha half j the bratalities suffered hy them should throw. ‘Th, Earl of Eesex whom beat vs So Mae le bane ie bed —s a spirit of revenge, whieh in (OFF | temnied to vlge. the roternmbat b- Pee —: or 7 bis ” “es oF, P ere ps ; PTemedtane ane of the We 7. ~ are GMO Northern Companies, bat taking a) 1 must bo remembered, however, ( Sia f the war the | 400,00 the sasbalon! Sh-Mibesy when he. > htm that Ges Canby bed | practical and businces view of the er—ony F for siuned agninst | attemp:cd-ahg semethin: Uy meane Br earned The, cnt enn: tad memeonaig bin to | PORE all mast sec fats hoe x ’ . tte is i i ervee : RESIDENTI ELECTIG Ia the days of Boath w be ve Hers Piet, did not oxtit, t more oa shsnectahhipeld racy hr man s : THE P AL N “ slavery, being, alas ae SEY sere Ney S ‘= See ry ohall recklessness than 2. these desperate poli- 44 we deservedly repo ed their confidence ial In provided for, ia sickness anit YO ar! Ses ws > ihey seem to be perfcc:ly de- him. Among all the members of that body | 4 they = . Jenga: ved cece th af tbe. oe But in| mented. They foreibly remind as of the | there will be found no purer or better man than | . ' — —_ ees " wen have net been «rt Simpleton, who, in the midst of a great ee a an nes dey are teed 6ver thé people, and the reealt is that in storm at sea, lashed himself fast to the |? hare heard nal oempeaa of the ressons n nav qe; cBanged in ue directiva we hear of turbulent rebel. b th f the shi a | which induced Gen. Canby logive the laveutmente to eanative eh, ibey ae no honger sepplied tramphag on the righis of ihe ne froes ; =e fe Oe tnat the @ ip did Fo down, | te Mr Sharer im the first matauce, but suppore | hieh th eller , the management of superior minds! in another, reckless bands of uegrocs be, at least, would be vafe. And sooner it happened throagh some inadvertance | Gee whieh they i wth means of comfort ubsicten preyimg @pon society and cx mamitting acts oF later ‘“th> genius of Sravitation will, UTS aas a . , i aw “eed — -wpdiccajage iy of rapine and marder, We Want large- {carry them all eo otraight and so prefoand. Deatu or Bisuor Hor«ixs. — Thies Davexrorr Fras Cottuoe.—We | Beeresary to the development of their Minded, disinterested me a, who ean shoe ly to the bottom that not a babble will | distinguished Divine died at Rock Poiat, | invite the attention of our read ore te ' _ The eonseqvence j.,| ““Pr rior se part bari pred oe * 4 rver rise to mark the spot where thes | Vermont, on Thareday last in the seventy (the advertisement of this Institation will be, that they will not be the long aera a eepply Just whites an wentldnee jsixth year of his age. He had long ovea-| to be found in our cvlamne to "waa mm the an ae eager pair Notwi h tar din Mr H ly . opinion =. feel hm Srotse ceriain Even if, — . ——— — Pe vets z ae in Boath &, the er SO wt Rotanding “i 5 Ope by ench desperate measures as these, they |Chareh of the United States, « Ri woun ~(Bae greatly | we believe the meogroce reecived as much; 7 *" ° im wambers, and the diminution! . fuk) Ses ce ks 1 govern. | "beuld onecerd in obtaining the votes of been Bishop of Vermont Wil conticec, and become more rapid, an nae « sibel | the Seathern States for their candidate | the time of his death he Mall the more indolent and worthies.|™¢3' established in 1865 a they have for the Presidene ext fall, the y pemeng them shall hare disappeared. | ince received, or ever will receive at the! sy ext Gall, they wi it physical powers be ing imuaied by and want of thrift, the ; wmber of among them will be very whites of which bh k k h : a As ea: hite " ie epea awe now noth ll | Z acc ery Reet ging fe peg Sut ltd te me TWO greg, erat and we Wont that it will 9 "Beekon 1. Twat a Vieglate. North co be met wish « ©, ie a ech | 7 MORE the Radicals wre will profess redication che! No Jepox.—We learn that Gen. John | ceive the patronage of the very re Cuwrolina, Sonth Carolina, P , 1) | auy thing or do any thing for the sake of - } . L Alal M Lew wirewark§ = And of the emali politieal power. In the L-giclatare of {the Ce oiwdexter, who was tendered the va- Spectable denomination of christians} Ala rama, Missiesi ppi, isiana, 4 = bes Somypers’ively few 11963 -O6 the ohels crew were opposed to fathers be restored Even now, the music | cant Superior Court Jadgeship, by G v.| to which it belongs. It is located a Hy Florida, and Arkansas the i Peach : age of minhos. Thi. ving the megro the right to testify in of ite rolling surges are reverberating Worth, deel d the lj | the be tifal ville ‘I ir, Oald State Governments mm eaid States re- yf Ceatioar, in all probability, u uae Cons se apt in the lect Legislature q | ‘hroegh the land and filling the heart of errs, Guerines ¢ mueat t wd very | the aulila Me ge 0 noir, spectively shall nut be recognized as ber of negroes among us chal! fell-qrowa leader amecg thew thoaght ita thr patriot with gleduese cod joy The | uch to be regretted that Gen Poindex-| well county, N.C., one of the most valid or legal State governments, eith.- Somparatively email the desee a al pereevution™ sa' k. ““stiewatioed bearts of the true friends of the Union ter could not, under parsent peculiar cir- | beaatiful and picturesque spots to he! er by the execative or indicial power —— - wh are bh w \ 0s favoring aegre saffrver.” reat . —— are being re ‘avigor- | cumstances, acecpt the office of jadge, | met with in Western North Carolina ; | or authority of the United States. > ya who p et © the i 7 ja wit new fe and hope, and they are which he is so eminently qualified to easiest and climate healthy | Section 2. That in order to secure ¥ tothe perpetnation of a es saat : becoming joyous and becyant. And well 18 7 am speedy enforcem nt of the Thes we think it Jikely thar, (NE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION | they may rejoier, for, even if, they be re. | ll —Salem Poess and delightfal. itled a y id vid for - PM grado y disappear makes This body assembled at tne capitol in Rel | wired to pass through farther trials, the | —_—~-.- | i ae entit An act to provide oe of nateral and p'ysical cane « 1) o'clowk to de Tueeds What it poe of their deliverence is manifestly near OUR TABLE. | THE CONVENTION Riares," cand Mash & beet nee of 12 Be be seea——-we wii! pot prejndge at hand, or as all events quit ertain atmo} , : | eee . 9 Ghe vives of “No J qre” thar its = @ every particular Bat there! distant day, and nothing fords dearer - Linde rerapfoctet. and how they | No permanent organization of this body was | the several acts sopplemental thereto, |‘ has deereed the ¢xtinction nf ae w tings which we fee! warranted 12 | proof of it than theae desperate measures ived. ought and Died for Divit.| gece 0a the Tuesday. We give cisewhere the General commanding the army OF | siasipops and rece breause it stands in the | sa t willéo That it will frame s constitn- by the Radies! members of the "7A Incidents and Skate of Life from the Ralegh Sentinel such proceedings as | the United States is hereby sathorie. alny of the development of the highest te ferriug the right of euffrage upon all the | spsons of talives, Whether the|** the Confederacy, is the ti le of 8 | wwe hed on the ira day We will keep our! ed and required to enjoin, by epecial |of the ma itizs and herrfure, it Senate will concur iw them remains to be! handevme volame. june isened 7 | readers posted as well as we can as to its do | Orders, upon all officials in command | thereto y usr for “participation! sern, but in most of them we ReKoes doa Beorners & Uo, Riehmon +! tage | within the several military depart = we hare no doobt. It will will a & Ff 4a > ai t s Pa t TH E & te {p i e f Le t h H i i Of th at {i cenaslee sb tablial bereby drive from them ber mero oo sited : Be ey eerernanens aimee all the Northern States wi i < . i ed in the State As to the ne gro hating eiceplions day: A u s jL i j b e es 5 i fF re f r ae Fr e re iu i bi f l i i I sbitants of the State, except euch white rac to extermin t ma home ¢ f. = bev canna be Zottoa rid of — we ——_~2- : Pow God's dircet eommanication K-yssbran party inte pepe’ Cd Na ed GEN. ORDEK NO. 166. Man has ceased, and wi: lout ench ¢ : gps cali separyate, Gta i a. ate eee ee ; | | Mente withio said States, a striet e bave no sym ath; pas. 8 opportuni f This seems to be a very interesting Toe per Place bimeeif upon Gea. | formance of all acts authorized by the opiaion. Bach rao stn that } | and entertaising book, and will eon- STATE CONSERVATIVE CON. | enid several laws above recited, and ai the recce- ng the 4 Cette aie teem We CAa~ ne k me iste ‘ e . ¥ a ws ad ete ecb = ee = — ove ee = sate EGerevee af vey to succeeding generations a bet- VENTION. ba pone A on — ommend the , \ ier : Aberor chat hcane opinion as to the extent of the alterations! ’, os j any or all said commanders, and de thie mre inthe matter Nor can eee, to some extent im sta de-| " : | 'er idea of the spirit of the contest that 1 other off of the Sa frame why the whine race sheckd =e he mem. but it will cer-| and modifications of Gee. Orler No. 10, by| h like! is , : ; a | tail other officers fro RarBeld wm pe any hatred tu the wyro race as lone ** orm f asdhr t a affixes | thie order, we will State what we nnderstand| "ey are like Jy to obtaia from the ¢ mi iotr ¥ x ations for «uffrage whatever, x as to Ghat rece ie content te occ Ipy only oe constituton at ali aceptable tw the | the effect of it to be is relatic : 4 General. prettiion m the gorernment and its so 4 peer t weil fail to sectre that party as leetion of debts y Party be} thoriged y nm Y for which their Cre ator has qual fied oe s ico mre gle ry SN rhone pede No | a record of the fun, the gos = ari nese dis wk) No one hetde the ne £rore respons ** . LEE freachivemente . : d r ary, A. + | eruments, ”) rae lee | Proceed to extensd te durfranchinement ae ae sip and pathos of the war. wr the late env , tnd all are y ‘ lieal course of some of j the & ° P adait that the Southern people are un. prodere = Will doubtiess herp 6 day of May 1861. and the 2th day of April FF great obligations 0 thess fur their §. a-cn ¢; F its proceedings, and -trive to pre 7 bf r NEW STORY. Mere 6-41: which: andes ihe cir TH froin goiug & revoluug extremes. It is 1965, and all Proceedings bow pending for | Mirtaners, finds no pagnicll in bietor, £ efrts to have the Alabama Cup- such causes of action are stayed until the = anere, Gnds no penile ory — tertr masters during the war. The tus fra that State an to vectre its tablishment of @ civil goveroment in the « | gest and most respectal, ma of eatermicating them by the sword cation br the perple. It begis Btate in porsuance of the lows of Congress. ! ene with which <. , anger vf the dufeat of the 1 | vernments with- Fea by Aunt Grace,” “The Sister's Trial,” “Paul! assembled in the State. } ithern men can have the extrume radication af the ino hich (¢| But it does not interfere with the collection | H Manu Eerow Let the Conservati people j pa on id , ee, ent bad : 4t the vative je in eve. *\mpathy. ‘J hey wil! never allow has called into existence “onta be Oe of debts contracted before the 20th day of | sina Mag ape prc rae a4 of the 8 | } 7 = ‘ | The Reason LHe a ." We would| ry count the State, where meet- me! ven to contemplate euch a crime ae tion,” and it le commendit m to me | May 1801, of sitee the 29th da piped naangs 7 4 ) revs of ridding themeeises of tie tion. 1t endeavoring by its macipylatie respective y ings have not alread and may do any or all sete whiek by make them the merest puppetain ite bauds, | 1665, press i lation, however worthless ut mey be couse m them, at Inast, we believe, will pr lf an exte Miretirg war between intractable. Bo fa: as the action of the Co.1 eencer a the South should ever take thon in Uhis State ie concerned {mr : or it will be pea by the we. | tee! bat little concern. Tory fer! quite -are Sales of Property weder mortgngn = ; i | er andit ihe iucomdury teachings of poles Goering ater + trtde the cat artde of trust are also ouspesded oon | Hare Your Pours Rerairso—We woold d acts, or acts, a6 authorizes | Li kes wees ender snc ohation, pad ous ey reruen to ©2°0 Where the interest accruing infor . coun- the I resident to tai) military com-| ahendoning oil diepaeivion tn dubedt ite ratibeat’n at the lo, y | sizes the 29th day of April 1865 shall not be | a. . _. | manders for said military departments, rmr of ‘remdebip with their pendently sale manta, nr.| Paid by the mortgagor before the day of B mit-| or to remove any officers which may > ob 10, abwald aspire to barcee eho —— sapere ab poly ee. R be detailed as herein Provided, is hero. “6 teow a any of the Stats of geome ‘Al! reerrietions inforeed by Gen. Order Ne by repealed. teed ation ae ROWAN COUNTY. and Quarter § Towne Towa ht i Marie L. Swink ve. Wiley Swick end others Junto se s ) TUE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE|toe pleasure to inform their friends, and the public, that | Hishe they have Atted up one of the very best JOB PRINTING OFFICES IN NORTH CAROLINA, and are prepared to exesute all orders with which they may be favored. M.A Virginia and Southern Iuvtitution Ite Funda are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. RE B R s P e e e l § FE E E E S E E S E E es de s Publication be made in the. Watchman. Od North Stute for six weeks, notifying seid defend~. ants to be and S en ee Guart, to be hail er the aoneey af yan, the Court-House in Salisbury, on the first Moy -|day in February next, then and there to an- of North de map tS seep) omaryele | te Carolina, |" “= » ' ALEXANDER COUNTY. |W: pipe Superior Court % Law, Fall Term, . B2 s c s e . 2 e u 8 . ¢ Witness, : ee K. M. STEVENSON, C. 8. C. ys Busan ace as se ee on the comtineat, which ia ie Rag Cie ———o vf Ad oo me hy 28 an a ® S a s 8 & ee Ss s s e s e s s s s s - bs - . BUSINESS AND PROFESSION AL GARDE, COTTON YARN LABELS, Letter & Bill Heads, ee WEDDING aod PARTY Tichets, PAMPIILETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, DRUG LABELS, COURT BLANKS, end ail other Kinds of Blanks and Job Printing wilt ECLECTIC MAGAZINE! vc cscs tas style thet con be surpassed by none, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. or and equalled by few in the State. Our terms will be ae Jow as the lowest in the DAVENPORT FEMALE COLLEGE. FOREIGN LITERATURE, Rvetbern Country. LESOIR, NORTH CAKOLINA HANES & BRUNER Ralisbary, January 16, 1868. twawtl Rew. Samuel Lander, A. M., Pree = . Magazine, we How THY TRI-WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE WEEKLY OFFICERS; PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, SECRETARY, D. J. Hanrsoox, im eQuirr. DAVIDSON COUNTY. The Thomasville Bavk, The Creditors of the Thomasville 2 st e s e s t s t s e s ee > Se s a c e u n e c e s s ee s e s x e x t c t s c e VICE PRESIDENT, Wu. B. Isaacs, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D LEGAL apviess, H. 0,0 zs ABELL, GENERAL AGENT, Jo. H. CLatporye a | 1 Fi n e pu s e i g t e e a d te t PS > s a r 5 z ¢ LEWIS ©. HANES. Ao'r. janl7—twdwif Lexixetos, N. C < State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. 7 Ta es teen of 20 weeks) will open Feb. 34. Rates Pde lew: Board, nee Se, Ceaesey, olvdaes bful. Sebool fix-| We have also arranged to secure choice selections tion bealthy. @ ds spar) execlient. Beard . iRovmns refprninbed. Village | primar ae tenses epeciaty Srthe Rennes, | WATCHMAN & Old North State, au the surronndings favorable to svudy. | add tothe variety aod value of the work. of t is & Ls il a2 8 e 2 t IGN District. leard Station. wrt ¢. | Sit tagrartngepertunect cee ono es FOR 1868. - ented wative of important historical eveats. ee gee Pas 4 Splendid Premiums for 1868. a THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH 7 fv ry new subscriber to the Eclectic 1808 paying | — + Conservatives of New Hampshire bel:! Mastin chess of page | STATE having been consolidated in the | , en > i yar or womed BASKET OF PEACHES, | hands of the undersigned, and the Basxen having ; DAV IDSON COUNTY. er —_ oa State, io this z* fw Sin 9 X11; [ones publication, hereafter there will be but| Superior Court by as Fall Term, A. JUDBON MASO¥, 6.8. & ould pa get of saleable balding bes sod | PIPER AND NUT CRACKERS, |°™ Pre pebtebet to Battebery, which wit be | si anit the meeting, which > vw. 0-8 ve Size 7 X 8. | sued Thomas Pope, ve. RF. Andrew orth- B.C Baker, _ } Tri- Weekly & Weekly, | ATTACHMENT re te of Concord. Ls glee poolonadoenae yh pee, gap prod, | 16 this case it appearing to the satislection o- ROWAN OOUNTY. ngth cpeoten, after et vtyla of the art on, in ws them ve ow need | Under the abvre names. In consmquence of the | A the Court that ihe defendant ie not en inf —_— etier a either of our Pine Steet Engravings, Wasbingtoe st ” ae habiteant of this State, It is ordered by the MaLAERL Holmes, ; tentioo Valley Porge, Return from Market, Sunday Morn- | Co™*imation referred to, this paper will have the = | oort that publication be made for six weeks . Original Attachment ° | hin the Wetchman and Old North State for said | Sackett, Belcher & Co. ‘or Two subseribers sed 610.00. we wil! send the | beantifel Chrowe, Poultry Lite—Siee 61-9 « 6 | | Por Three subscribers aad $15.00, 2 copy of | Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary, | sererity. 7 3 | defendant to be and appear at oor next Sope- rior Court of Law to be held for the county of | Davictson at the Conrt-Honse in Lexingtor, on the first Monday after the foorth Monday ry ith approved CRE BLACK SER, C wate —td For fale r W B OFFER FOR SALE A TERY S0-| one Volume of 1.940 pages, containing over 600 pic | “ PERIOR Ero Leathe, («ings 24 inches by | worl Wigmrations price 800. er » vopy of Rom | Western Ncrth Carolina, 19 feet) with Geeting and Checks complete, new | Bowheur's Celebrated piece, Shetland |'onies—Sine nd ig good order. Made by the New Haven | *!2 * 1914. } AND WILL AFFORD THE Meal. , Terms of the Eclectic : ALSO, & Daniel's Large sise Planer, in { a e | order: s small Planer, suitable for s C Single copies 45 ctn. one copy. one year. soe Best Advertising Medium grofts | See ; two copies one year $9.00. fire copes one year $20.00 | A , Shatting and Pullies together with a/| Address 1. BIDWELI Mf. BIDWELL, larg: amount of best and domnesd shafting | Ww BARPRE, JONES 4 CO. v7 5 Beekman St, New York. | | ae : moe | | | | Largest Ciroulation OF aXNY Parek Iw rt trading ender the name and Belcher & Co., defendants | appear to be — for the county of — 1 ce ae ere — | Coart- ouse in Selisbary x] \State of North Carolina, |s*« the tmx Mooday « Prbruary ° 9 " ~ ter > a » Peead. aoswer or deawus, ALEXANDER COUNTY. | judgment Gnal will be rendered Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,| Witness, A. Jedson Masoa, December Term, 1867. | Court, at office, the 12th Monda Monday in August, A. D, 1 G2d year of our F A. dU iN MASON, C.8.0 a! Attachment | 1:6t:pr £ $8. 1:6cpr £ $8 to be met with in thet part of the State 5 e ee ee & wear dh oom Jan 4, 1968. —w6~ |_-—_—_—— —_——_- erased to Gow—then hig | £9 Uharlotte Democrat copy three Limes and ; ; owtl@in te = Por Life Insurance Only. | W. C. Canauxoros, . Caldwell County, X. C The Fditorial Department PIEDMONT | will be ander the management of Ma. Hawa, late Seach Mecer' by bie p one . EAttor and Proprietor of the Ore Nowrm Srart.| gon J P White, AEAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY |. pe cetmr art omatoncqatte ny.| tet OF VIRGINIA | __ aad Wile, Levied on Laud j— le ‘State of North ae { T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court lo the polities of the paper there will be no | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL thet the defendants in the above cause ab j ALEXANDER COUNTY. ee E S E SE T Te k a t h |? J. Horniss, | t Seeretary. + Chartered Capital, $1.500.000. Fs . - { not the best paper of its clase in the State. James River Jneurance Company, bads an inch SP L I S T E A T ES I Ts —e se H e r t f f t t tH and then if the it le becnase the grafts had before the work was done soll in which they grow, and hat depth to etrike their rvots this it isnot my faalt, bot will SILAS McDOWELL. Z it Hi t y e T 2 ra d : | FIRE INSURANCE. | Home Office, at Montreal, Va. | This first-ciars Southern Company bas been s candidate for patronage «ince 1460, and Gpemmercastere anaed tae an : | can whe! > of itz A receiving Bi eolce on ae vag sb snstain. | fisk your home to the devouring ele-| met of fire, it costs #o little to insure it. | Assets over all Liabilities, 1st July, '67 :| $170,597 98 G. A Birgham & Co., Agente, Salisbury, B.G. jan7, 6—watwly GUILFORD LAND AGENCY OF ‘ORTH CAROLINA. Lawpaounnns «1.0 deb to sen Agricaltural or Mineral Lands, Water Powers, Mille, Town Lots, or Real Exiate of any kiod, will Gnd it to their advantage to io our bends for sale, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. 87} PER CENT PKOFITS Paid to Poticy Holders. OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, President J. J. HOPKINS, Secretarg C. H. PERROW, M.D. Med. Advisor LIFE Iv8URatcER at rates ao low and terms so accommodating as to place its = within the reach of the poor est; and, willing to abare its profit. with p» trons, will pay seven-eighths of net earnings tv them annually Agents tanted eve ywhere, and a liberal com- pensation allowed active cantaasets Address the Company at Montreal, Nelson Co., Va G A. Bingham & Oo., Agents, Salish. :y Traveling wanted. A to ohPT JAMES FP. SSilseox. Agent, Charlotte, N.C Jan. 7, 1908. Fisk's Met.'Burial Cases. THE subscriber respectfully s to the public that he keeps constantly on hand “s Patent Metalic Burial Cases, whieh he will sell at the follow! sc rd ged priges From $20 to $85, aceo: ling size, he wil! al 00 deliver them rare of charge any distance under 20 miles, onavith a /horve and hearss, - wails 1 ange— will continue to be o firm and decided Conservative journal, but it will mot be devoted ex | ; clesively to politics. It will amo be devoted to the material interests of the State, and to Literary end { Miscellaneous Reading, Domestic Economy, &c. Offering such inducements, we confidently sppeal tothe public for a liberal share of its patronage both by sabseription and adrertisements. Terms of Subscription : TRI-WEEKLY : For One Year..... * Six Monthe. | WEEKLY: | For Ome Tear....... ' { | Publishers a»! Proprietors. Balisbory VY. C..Janeary 16, 1968. twiwtf, | AGBNTS WANTED THOR the ‘anpaigns of Forrest nd his Car- a airy) Beaatifully iustrated. Thia histo rieal recor! of the most brilliset expleigs and daring adgenturcs -f the war, among its many ~acaable and wtovesting contributions to biste rica] trath, clears up, on anquestiogable anthor- ity, all miere: tationa in to the te king of Fort Pillew by Forrest. Ad- reas, J.P. MILLER 4 00. 4 en T—tn Philadelphia, Pa. | ord nary process of law cannot be served on | sconds themsecives irom this State, so that the } Court of Pleas and Quarter Seavie a December hem, {tis therefore ordered by the Cuurt that | pubbeation be made for six soccessive weeks | n the Watchman and Old North Sate,anews-| ~ | paper published in Salisbury, N. U. notifying SR | them to be and appear at the next term of gor | said coart to be hek! for said county at Si a omy | Court-Honse in Taylorsville, eu the Ist Mee- day in March next, then and there to answer Bi this case it appearing to the satisfaction of and plead, Or juigment will be wkeo against the Coort, thet Moses Barnes, Joshas them, and the pruperty levied of condemned Selumon Barne® Nathan Aostin and to satisfy the plantiff 's clams. | wife Mary, Burton Boown and wile Rath, aad Witness, R. P. Matheson, clert of oar said | Bruton Payne, defendants in this cause, ore onrt at office in Taylorsville, the Ist Monday | 20°-residents of this State, It is therefore or. o Deceurber, 1867 . | dered by the Court that publication be made R P. MATTESON. Clerk. | 2 succewre weeks in the Metchman and Old | North State « oewspaper published in Sahota ee | ry, North Candna, outifying sad defendants ol the Gibng of this ition, and that the A TANNER WANTED. |... at iia erat oe this cvert to rtd = jtur the cunnty of Alexander at the Courts WANT a white man who can come well! Hoase in Taylorsville on the Ist Monday im recommended as a good Timmer and Finéah.| March wext, then and there to show canse if er ofLeather. He must he of good morals and | say they have why the peution shall not be todustrious habits, Sech aman can abtxin with | granted, otherwise the same, wil be heard as me the position of @ journeyman, or a foreman, | Part as to them. or a partner in the business I have a fine sit-| Witness, BR. P. Martin, clerk cf our eai@ vation and a well improved yard. Address me | Court at office, in Taylorsville, the 1st Monday at ‘Jeronatom, Davie County, N.C.” in December, 1847 CW. BESSENT. R P. MATHESON, Clerte u 6t-pr £ $8. 1:6t:pr f $8 BINGHAM SCHOOL, FOR SALE. T No. 499, Broadway N.Y. » splendid Mebaneville, N.C. £1. Piano Porte, cost #59 may bu bad for rue s&s TER Scsaton of 275 in carvent fonds. Tic Piano is of aplea- i yt eatin — = vA Rosewood, Seven Octaves, ext: mowkl- strection, CLASSICAL, MATHEMATI- ese a ont lyre berp pedal, sed CAL, and COMMERCIAL — Ad¢rem Lome XIV siy'e Apply at the ¥ thes COL, WM. BINGHAM, [office . (aes 98-2749 Apt 15, Is « Dec. 9, 1867. fine manufnermring wi it muat be confessed t “great deal de ‘that the f * pioneer, and will venture to assert that no t a. the weed will loose anything y° wing © path hore taid ont before » bia.” Fier ikon we will begin with ~THE KINDS OF TOBACCO, We have no hesitation in asserting that there is a very great difference in crops the same way, arising from managed in the different kinds of tobaceo planted. The two kinds most used in this section | are the broad. and narrow leaf Oronoco.— | ‘The tener, eae yoke an uncertain ’ , to ite liability to spot, is of by ferabie'Saret texture, oa wit pen at} . Jeaat two weeks scouer than any other ar- | » tiele grown in thie section. Tt ia liable to the o! ion_of being. rathicr sinall for ¥ vg, and when planted on very rich will, if she season is all wet, be al- Most ecrtain.to fire up; but planted on moderate new hind, or kind grey old land, it will prodnee'a'finer and sweeter article | than any other kind. It is very heavy, and will caterigh a larger plant of the other kind er \. The broad Icat is very desirable for wrapping, and whew not two large, will | make a very pretty article ; but its texture fs decidedly coarser than the other, even on thesame land. The leaf ie thinner, the veins coarter, and ‘it is wo a certain de gree lacking of that oily richness which the narrow At iam ueh less we liable to #pot, theretore-can be gro @0 stronger land.) The other kinds, we | think, are about equal in all respects ; while sone possess one rat meh apt dy } y Obes. } is a kind now greatly used in our country which seems to be «a mixture of the broad. and narrow leaf of Oronoeo, | which is very desirable, and our experievec | is, thatit should be cultivated, for it loses ; many of the objections of both by the mix-| tare; and, while it lowes rome of the good! to fail to go to bleep at wight, aller ing land hard all day | AY possess many objections qualities, it is, tpon the whole, a very fine kiet -f tobaceo. It will be oleerved, by what bas been sald, that neither this nor the narrow-leaf proper is fis for any othes than a fise wanulacturing article. SaVING SEED The ecarli¢at and most protulsing plants should be. curned out for seed. ‘Then should be pruned of everything exer pi tl. Jarge Icaves, and ouly the wo topavet branches left to bloom. The plant should be carefully eackered as the rcet of the tobacco, and about the first of October every pod aot theroey!.!) ripe sheald be plocked off} and) the ered) ent off and put im a dry place to cure. When dry, they should be rebbed oat and sifted, and put up in some dry vers!, euch ae a dry gourd, and kept where oo dawy ness can get to them. Seed proserved ia this way will keep ten years SELECTION aBD PREPARATION « LANT RED, We prefer a gentle slope, with « eonth ern or sont heastern exposure, a rich, gray ell, remote from any field of other ing if it is possible. We never set have known any other land abeolately ccitain for plants. While son yeass plant le fn t fieid mayeorn oat well, he ul Moat precaution, other ve , will + i iGicient to keep th cia trem " them; while, if the beds are in tl oda, they are rarely ever fo ! » and ac reely ever i pred lo a » We never k . a bed in th » properly selrcied d prope vd, to fail We have ecen ¢ md in eres 1 gr &» admirably, and, as f @ gork, sone Of tig very bert is fad of land. Bata hever certam Thie te 1 , tyra-s of practical exper “ Os, & worth all the « dd theory praloliahe a. Avoid land that ist wit. tig your plane, thoayh come, will Y very gene Ovcabn wots, tie placte will t weeks carte. Red ”? rich, is unerstain, aud sh. @ \fter a piece of land » | » leet a dry sitwe from the first of I r to the firat of February th berter—and after rakive short ut ther i k nal ] ov fit feet wide, and high vd thout au hour and a }cif, JP then boa Ficiewt qua otity te merry » ther no diffeulty im kindling: after the firet me When ithes burned enongh, move + fire alot as for ae. che width of the | 50° firet layer, then thiew on beush and goed bed of wood, and « on. Densh adds | reatly tothe barning of the fire, and mies | « need with every layer. Bivery firmer | shjs verkings in ught to provide himself with tron hooks | the propertime. Tf the land is fre bly hil here ed, about two weeks after pleatiag the hills |, | should be scraped down and a little fre-na pth: earth put te‘eneh plant; Abodt threesee be! fe put in at least thirty-six hours |. / i be billed np, and ip or- is yellow enough for hard firing, andi dinary eases this will be aaiflelent, eteopt to drying fires be applied until the barn | keep down the sprouts that may put ujp.—)by. whieh tine to! aight put to be worked after té ping na ft will break the If the erop. be planted | hw inthe right time (aay from the In } r palling plart-bed fires. There mi esveb ath! 2 af barging tend disined, it we give it ae one opi) 1 that, where e hed iaiefar i uy bi. berning, ten i. jured for we tof it. \Ve have heard geeat déababon: rfeing plants with ga- nov, aud Withow barsiug; bat ‘In every « we hayé wituedsed, it proved a signal ire, tt the ej cing was at all a dry one. }one shall leave the-o miss acrep of tabacce for waut o “We thivk that, for every ten thomaand |) i to be planted, there ought to be at yards xquare of plantland, A| plant more thay} ola safle hold. au ted wih dn : allowed to remain more than two weeks with out working until it gots in ‘the top, “si 4 work every tine should -be well dime. » Tolcea has for some ) rs past en- rosded the attention of a Seay mr of the ageichh wna community of this State! bed ten yards sqivare will ten thonsand, if it is good; bug it is much better 19 have some ter your neighbo thaw to be uuder the necessi:y of begging Afier the land bas been well burnt, should be allowéd to lay until the first or secoud week in February, so that the ratus have the effect as mach as poss with mattock, dig up tlie land 96 ‘as not) make fine tabaceo. to turn it over at-all; and. with. hilling-| according tothe plant, but never too high. hoog and rakes, pulverize the Jaud thor-' Ass geveral rule, four or five of. the bottom oughly, retrpye all the roots, and if the leaves should be pruned off. We have no faith in topping tobacco to fifteen and twen- ty leaves, with the expectatien of makin, It.will juvariubly “be toorth be wured yellow, ie-will be wantivg in Strength avd aweethens* ow leaves will. never ripen with the top sections of the State the ea prevails that all yellow wd sd i ed . are of sary and Pittyylvaviay dud. spine parts ‘Few other Geutels ‘Beater aod Of a Caswell and Rockingham in North Garo- p lina, have tar surpassed any section of the United States in the producing of an extra ; and although tthe Jands ‘in this fection are better aditpucd jo the produc: ‘tion of this commodity, yet we have sren . Mads suited well for making fine tobaceo whereouly a very eommon article was “produced. Believing, therefore, that a nde ou the management, t cron on the hill may sereeott chered.abg Fuined b / mitnage: ity Ke Stine Na Piste Taek a. na ure backed by practleal @Xpe- This should ‘begin’ asecon it | sufficiency of plants large enough to make a) oy diay ‘respectable topping. In ao plants may be topped to ten and twelve eaves, from about, the 20th of July to the Isnaf August; but after that time no plant 4) shold be topped more than eight leaveu, te) The priming should be kle a light e¢at of sia- ble manure (clear of grass seed), and chop is inawid rake agala, and tho bed is ready) | Uivugh feamay We think a large table-spoonfal of seed |} to the ten yards square is fully enough. | ones. The sced should be carefully mixed with | very mistaken i nice sifted ashes, about half the seed sown | tobaces is necessarily fiue. over ate way, and the other half sown by} a!! good tobaceo makers, that a walking across the first sowing. the seed will he more regularly aown.—- After the seeda are sown, the land should be lightly raked and rolled or trodden un- | tihit is smeoth—and vow is the time to! may’ “spersimmou faith; ’tis bod to the Along in the fall thege should : be sume #talla.in the stable deaned : out, and the horses kept in them should be | that each lea fed ov corn and fodder, aud no litter of ered, of arich yellow eplor, possesses i ty, sweetness, and flavor: sight. the srnell, aud, give eutire satisfaction to the chewer. also a very mistakev votion that fine tobae- co ean bemade on rich bottom land by tp- If you wish to make fine toboe- The manure sbould ‘ee, do uot plant laod rich evough for ship- pot be enffered to get wet antil it is used. | ping tobacco. This should be the last maouring, i the spying ia very dry, and then a light; waeefactaring purposes. top-dressing ovee a week would be b ne-| As to the use of gnano on plant- plant is as easily cured. yellow, hone, end it is algo known that jest chewing tobaceo. that ever made | By high topping, a yellow crop may be made, | bat a fine one ever. In is like the Irich- »~pped to just so ‘many leaves as may get fully ripe, and when The maueure from It will please the | any kind be put in. the horses should be suffered to collect and remain until. you, wish it for plaai-beds.—} \ It shonld then be chopped aud sprinkled la lithe wore than b. If an ineb thick regu- | larly over the beds. thave them smooth on the outside, 4\ can be had to make the fuside sinvoth #0 as | uvt to obstriet the putting in of wood, it is all that is necessary, They. should be ran , | jest far enough frou thebouse-side vot toset + the house ou fire, and there fs net asx mach danger of this as may be suppored, “Run the walis of the due parallel with the honse-side, turing with the corper, so as td preserre the I all narnd, ranping the stem out atthe middie of the! upper ede.” The ‘stews abduld bel ree Gr! A crop that will average less quless | than six plants tothe pound is too large f» s should be done at least ouc > not prepared to recom jit as highly aa smblo manure il, and we sce Ho bee ie nm by every man that ever tabaceo, aud all that is necessary Destroy every exe g it, when we ena easily get to say is, to do. it well F . that can be found, and send te the Jame- jexperiments, but do pot think it eafe | tiwn weetlpateh every eventtig dhout siubet venture toe bur from the, good .eld. way, }to kill whacco flies. © spetience haa taught es the ] y the infddlé Of Septetpter, If your erop ef> planted early, it will be fit for em- Never eat immediately after a rin, f jou can pospil sebdible in all other matters to trust their) has whole ernps to anburet gnano beds, and ting. that they were plant beggate, and very eo i their geal agriust old fc) weather be setiled, ematmenee abouts two hours | ean breaks oat veat As soon a8 the gun bas | wh to handle. pick jt aot fall at all until the | ble manere, # tight inp : will be of service ; bus if you lave guod stable manure “let well enoagh alone,” jiu heaps. authepere ealledy bgiang wits for, f the direction as to land aod ginw- | handful of Ted of twelve plaids, oct ith stalk be fullewed, there is about an) #* *treig uh chatece te fail in pl nts me thee te and the !« dressing of plaster they cau be wade t slightly teeked on tite ehali bear ite own weigh) wr the ! ally covered with} tushes. so thet the san eapnet burt thd ont tity wey be saved in this nam See of hy eurieg aod moving oat, bat it ls very} troublenne larger euugh ¢ “~ at least three taupe, se hill, if the awed i + st of October, it ia be st When the weather is favorable for pellow ingon the seaff-ld, » dave, seeording w the e without breaking, it should be put down modes by which fine siea dingrace to “8 been tetally abandoned jt mp is the bjert, it may}, wount applied in the cannot be procured, and we itu plough, make beds on the rows, ™~ | apart, and if the barn is clear of « and the tobacen dry, it may he aud stem, im twenty-four | are properly constructed. the fines ae quick! The main eceret in to keep the | shonld be le open for the firat eight or ten Uc (Lew Jand ‘henrt, or aatil the leaf begins to crook. after f bad seorchiug/ ean damp aod chammy, the fine damp of the bard motet, the tobaeer « after this it shoal ' ibaceo will suffieients; low} then fite as before direeted, aud in nn leay 28° Levides | case elacken the fires, after the flues are! ated. until the tabaceo is thoroughly cured, nof May ' stalk and stem. tive } " or four hours te ops ovbog is right for inebes lower at the will be slope « built of any stone will stand fire with- 80a sate distance from the hut si euongh above the wall of the huase to avoid jdanger of sparks frum the ehimoey, The; height of the juside of the flue shonld be} crvediite whale lemgth: . The width way slightly decreased from the elbow to the chimey. The inuer wall ivearried all around. manger and was lying down, quiet Bat too much explaation oftew bewilders ;! chewing ber cod—her Bankes being we think we have sald enough. As before suid, we like sual barns; where too much tubagee ie together, 4 all eanet reeeive the heatalike, which lb vor wale ob- | jection te large barns. As ty the numberof barus nv cessary, we rule, plant © they witl receive it. A mmeh larger quan- RTRIPTING AND As*onrTIrXxn. a the tebacen ‘o bey all the winter.— The “etutming and going” wadecided advan t Parthe re, Remanet be pot down 1 porta eotebe etl the opring. lv stripph g. its ibe tied up io med tate wine be lew. met t all. avd a log iniwaye be ased for tying, as the “!l alwaga mould. The a ting ow he wt to these whe priz foo rket ' eut tolaeco is always bengrht at the bar cvtpury wh facta e sud a r ‘ce give n fe the crop ualities erally make oply iw as, But, where the farne depeodent open the whim and caprice of the : ner ¢ try to plenee hine ‘The door should be aways between the b flues and in the endvf the house, to prevent the drip froth fal before the door and the eye of the flues. The tiers should ia construction of two carly ia the spring. lcommended the same remedy to others |"® he Weald say that there ought to be enough te and wever knew it to fail. Petbive al theerop withvot moving any.—! Say oue sixteen fat hare to erery MOOD bills of wheres planted. Ada pacha 1000) lille for every bunderd stieke house-\ young cows were “Prpricking tad” on | bis word and rom. That is, if yor bave three barus,! dry hay. | ordered t plavt 54.000 hills, and if @ is cmmmoan tobec | afisk checked the disease. nt eben \farmer informed me that three of wm rms | purchased 4 new mileh cow, in high ¢on- I |dition, and lind bet driven: la.avery-eohd a Pip Meise ~ ~_ Ey we oy shut-|day thirty miles to y * Z n Of this sige wi sticks | ; {of common-size tobacco, whieh will weigh eS ee | about 1200 Ibs. The tlues is of great importance ; they should be ue ve bey kentr sbe was taken’ with a , and vielent coughin I gave her at once, in a warm mash of bran, a tablespoonfal of powdered Cayenne pepper, whieh seemed to reliove Tf stone! with a continuous moan, refasing food of every deseription ; her back hawped and she trembled like av aspen leaf. I then took a coffve cupful ot high wives, with an eqnal amoant of soft water—put them in- toa fank botile, with @ beapi ouful of Cayenne peri » and possed y ome tents down throat. then covered ber with a heavy blanket, strapped ‘én, and, filling the manger whhhay, whieh tlie refused to cat, left her, Iwas aboot four hod: On my Fetimn to stable I beard no noise from her, and eup- never | posed she hac done breathing, but to m: surprise phe had eaten op the bay in | ly lerully covered with frost from perepina- ton. She thrived and milked w.\l ever alter, although abe cast her heir a little 1 woald add that during the extreme cold weather, about ten days since, m | nieces SuePaep, Ogedensbargh, N. ¥., Dee. 1867, ~- —6 pe | ipa )WON'T JOLIFICATE—POR GOOD Tolaeeo should be stripped when it ls in | tulerably high ovdet, and bong back |. the | bare inuwediately, aad suffered to remain ap- , tithe «pring. We. dwu’t like the idea of REASONS. Te Hon. A. 11. Wf. Ptaart having been | invited by « comuftive to a banquet to be! given la Washiagton on the Sth day of January, courteously dechoes the invita- tion bor very proper reasons. We give bis letter below, and commend it most hearti- ly. “Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold iv pictares of silver”. Sraunxtox, Va., Jan. 2, 1868, Genthmen—I pray you to accept my thanks tor your kind invitation to attend a banquet to be given at the Metropolitan Hotel, in the city of Washiugtan, oa the | Sth inetant, ander the ausplees of the, lead- We eae Ee Hair that a fine crop of 1% me mlxrs of the Conservative Demo-} e ery paasortng, anda o- f fae P strict : ties made ran, it oaght to be subd mean trees and the five leaves ough? ‘ akeo away to make wean meaner This be thongbt nuvel reasoning, but tg pole ORDPFRING AND DELIVERING If you do not suffer your tohahey to hang up daring the winter, it ehoald at lenst be ging by the middle of M as to tak. the Gret ¢ eason thereafter for po uw dowt This should be done ia a warm season, Withowt tain if posible. The to- hacen being previeusly thorong!ly dry, ae asthe leaf ie in order eno yh to bulk plank. twe er three feet flee. There should be at least ree hands toeach bulk One to take it eving. will hand it te the packer, who will put it down as carefully as if he were pack ing itin a box or heg for market, Af ter the balk ts thus made, it should be ent ered with plank and weighed heavily, Noth g adds mere to the looks of tobacco than caref.] handling at Uila stage. If it te to be prized it will be ready for packing without trouble. Hf it is to he hauled lees to the faetury. it packs a great deal better in the wagon than when carelessly handled. It will also preserve ite oder through the whole at ona Geek wp in the bulx.| me the case might be different, Bat be We know bat litthe about prizging for nes, market. Very little of our tebaeco finds ite way to town masket in the leaf When/|¢les her brow [I caunot twine the myrtle is sent, it is generally packed in boxes |round my own, lightly prized for wrapping tubaceo.— : : Presuming to know but Tittle about thie condition of things is teuipornry 4 If | do department, I shall not attempt to instract | HOt misinterpret the sigus of the times, the 3 One thing I will say: make, co fine, and very soon yoa will ketat bome for it. A fine ar-| ever want for buyers, while a’ ‘ 1 common article will always te dull of shall be pon bits. then, heauty for ash. sale, and while there is so mach Jand in) ¢% the oil of joy: for tiou ing, and . the Virgivia and North Oarolina that will garment of praieé for tite - |) cit of heavi- crutie rm ha | Under ordinary circumstances it would | be peculiarly gratifying to me vo partici-) sonal” which, I doubt not, will give zest to/ your entertainment, Bat situated as I am uch a man as political privileges which are accorded to! know my negro servant; repelled from the ball | state he bas of the House of Representatives, to whieh) we are I was elected almost by acclamation ; my | redeeming aality. “native State, the proad old mother of | litical £ who are entliled Warhington, and Henry, and Jefferson, | denoance him io wo harteog vized save as Mili District No, | and we have yet to hear 1—I meet confess I wonld feel somewhat |, of , oat of place at your board. Corwin, in the exeeutire councils of (hip nation, I felt that, in the eye of the law at leart, 1 was the peer of the lotticet in tye! been pas } nnd speak freely on all matters of public | G concern. Were I to join your circle now I should feel painfully conscigas of the diffrence between your position and wine. No military order can consign pot to & dangeon beyond the reach of haleas cor- pus, aud no persuasive bayonets admonish you to speak with “bated breath.” With that as it may, while Virginia mourns I eannot rejoice. While the eypress encir- But may I not hope that the present day is near at bend when, by the mandate of a magnanimons eked the sity will bo mvicken ftom the ia and her Soothera, stators, and reduce fise tobsceo, Uvere fe little We ox-}red-” When that glorioas d*y shall have se for making @ rough article. One trea I shall Le happy to eit Ly yoo a 4 point more, aud we are done. There isan old saying that £0,000 tol set her frees = the bend is enon Bp young, ac: leg t ue "4 the beiwd | our fellow patriota aroand the festive ra, andl on behalf of Virgidia to erg » AMOUNT OF vorcy ro THR TROUVEAND willing and heart ‘uibete . , te poble Oonser one whe Conservative Democrats who , Your obedient servant, Anrx. HY, Stvarr, finally I have since re-; He “Phen,” said Wirt, “T scuept them.” same preseriptioa, ,0's aad giry Ls name bas been evrolied proper Fame osm an Pe oe, ) ae i [ E i Es : Li z F i z j | utation to Gill a itmingtoa, 9% Aig Rosia Ho. 2,2 steady Cotton dail and nominal, 13ga1 4. Riot in Tennessee. land. I wae privileged to think free ly; is not w ppt Rey hom "Two on nt | Jeneral Canby will Raleig a The Bible must be the invention of good 5 bad men or devils ; or of God. It could vot be the invevtion of good Meo or angels for they deither would or couk! | make a book, and tell lies all the time they were writing it, saying “Thes saith the Lord.” when it was their own Invention. be the invention of bad men or devils; for ¢ sould not make a book which @rmmands Unty, forbirs all sin, and condemns themelvés 1 therefore draw this eoncla sion ; the Bible must Le given by inspiration of The New York ‘Commercial’ is advisio.: young men of the country ost or employ: to keep away from the cities. Says the Viryinta Convention. Richmond, Va, Jan, 11 Ty the Cone ia Pfedmble sod resetutons, dévanng the Snctacths, ent lispeaiog. dor ealgnn were faid on the table, / Minot 3. A resolution to ent down the y, alter the Ist of engaging employe Tan. 9 —Uarrigon, Godin © ie mOrding session of the Convention oe Llanmeett, in a Conservative tide, curred, ii which & statement that Senator |! Was & traitor was pronounced a lic by! ata Talla Joan tin swoneanictn daip p — meld monarch trees | YRI- WEEKLY OLE tri Weekly, One "Year » Bis Moats y fing t 1H b } i t t 4 EE E i ‘ i | ; i E zt Ff i : midway station in « bachelor alone, all But reader, there ing so, palpably fveutly weighey in hie fy hie remainiog aloer, it wor others cannot view i light, or consider that siesl one. Yet we } i ri i 8! r + E i f 3 t *f HI E R : t F a) is f ; the i i f i i took up my cath ” promee. was entranced, pro- declasion, bat I never wih than it with the same eyes. But let hooweth bis own dislikes oF bet kaow tell you this evening the as given os Sark Belen, oh remained He bad been with anes rs or the the en to- y and i i f f Ly % whiteness of the checks. fallen Th e ig t h y 1 did, to fix m ta couv ing at the Cousio Eaton and L rl by ing livice. re e rt & wo enjoy the meal at ed and gone to bis store. members were conversing of the da » the past, while Ellie and I were ed hetevers. Mra. Bay asked abruptly and with a minchievone smile “Why Mark did you live a bachelor f usd to think whea we were children bert was warm and you were suseeptible of the beausifal.” We were rather amused to see the ear nest look hie face put on sud laughed aloud he answered, | won't deny Gericude, I hare lowed re than most men, and still love an eal face.” I: wormed so 044, @ man of his agetalk- { the tender passion, bat we ought to have forgotten he eould not forget younger days. Be continned, ‘] sometimes tell my friends reminie- cences of my early [iltyand-wtate the true } reason of my loneliness in Tile and have been oftener laughed at for my pains than I have received sympathy” recital if pos. We plead for sible to grant the latter, if he was not too when { was much in fault. He began, Milas can pected yore Camp in my t# a Mecting © D~. You remember, Ger- trude, what a vastemmber of “i pa ra ied there, Bata ys ag . hi and in paelirg my wr or head jn adoration tomy Maker, for, i ars got Lag — wage mo that haa been rightened by Time It te wow only” E b 1 caught her o be mistaken vices agtin arose to ed afar off. — My Steed of conscience or 3 i i it L 3, iL a l z . “f fart i i it ite way 0 ree gay stalog he ¥ ing t on the beaerite! * thos ack again caught she glance of the blue i t po his wear the charmer, fe once bya || small means do witha wife, eapecially one asiarm, | 4 Me Yvie and Jess in a t my Hike*#ituation, cannot for a life time, A po apps apna a Bee ny Shall be An bewe ot look hosed and wo home, iry delay 1 was in ‘eco twihght. mn. horse would travel too fast. So-te whi away time I turned down a by-way with woods on either side whose lapping bran- ches almost formed a.leafy eauopy ebove, In this quiet retreat I would not hive Wondered to have met a trio of fairi.e with tresses crowned with Ulae daisies or honeyeuckle with which the woods were filled. And could I have asked a gift and the favor been beart atid hand of Edith Carson—I would have been the and nehest of mor- tals.’ But in imagination could I see the * I > opt cpemesr er ey the yest of the gay, to shake off the day- en and t deepive myself for my fol- 1 wished 1 had not gone in the morn- to the camp-mevting, or that 1 bad pot bave beer such a fool and wondered if some of our neighbors had not observed my distraction. ' For ut that 1 was) eg, mean > age» Lor ote orror ot ing teased. oped my « brothers | blue eyes of she fairy 1 woreln is . an | never hear of it, of father. L arin Pe upon me 12 leaf ered, peep” gued, could not a young man. of twenty au almost fancied” F hear the sce Fe face, a most pretiy ove, with-| melédy of her votee inthe song of amidble out falling ia love. What if she was! navureN. Aftora whilemy noble home's beaxtiful, there was no need of insavity. | bead wastaruedand ill the ean was bg Besides, what would a young man of my|u in the heaveus. A fier a ride of halfan bour i re‘ned up before the gate of a some- what va tedbbonet wrapped in trailing vines. The family wasgathered in the = front, the mother sat sewing, the , axeatiegs boy of twelve, walked the floor and whist and coo ly, that had been cradied iu afflatuee—a child ot fortane. 1 eas ‘not wealthy, if fasber | did own a large iow and a score of slaves, and most probably for thie reasow bere was an impassable gulf bet ow So alone in my room that oght J decer- | min to outlive the anhappy paseion,| ing chair, reading whut ! (ould angels and to forget 1 had ever secu Car-| delight in novels! Bat what happiness son” Days'went on—l theaght of her vo ba'near Edith, not an angel, bara we- and dreamed of beralaset wigitly always|man! Seeing me pause, dire, Carson appearing ty my dreams as | caw her ced | spoke lous enoagh tor me to hear, in the gray silk, the dark loig-bair sottly| “Go Heory aud see what the stranger ietided and the bright foco beuming with | etebte.” asmile Try as 1 would | could nos rid With a boand the boy cleared the steps yeelf of the infatuation. When aslone,)and walked hastily dows the walk edged with bos After the usual compliments axked, “Can I stay with yor eff to-wigtt 1” ‘The looked earprised aud stammer- ed, “1 will ack @ ther.” Hearing ay request, Mre. Corson came down to the gate after bidding me gvod evening said with mucb diguity or pleased my then fa I bad ence though’ preay, now scemed | homely or quice commen. Bat it was in to the society of my owe sex 1 went— wild rude young men, who delighted in wuch as io miduight sappers, ; 1 bed searly love, if 1 did dream of ber | simetines, Bat one evening having by jove at & coavtry store L wae anjustly made an object of ridicule. A young man ; pro- jewuld tt be Bdtisb Carson. What « trane- ltermation! hidoth Carson ia that old ta » hue | ded torn calice, and the dark hair combed quired twa tone menut for all to heur, | radely back go as to display too much of “tay, Mark" Beton, have you got over | ‘he forehead and kuotied tightly at the your distemper T™ limek of her bead! ‘The hair too short to | © What disvemper sir 1” I asked in won- | reach, much uf 1, standing on eods. Bat er. jam? horrurs where wae the pearly tor “Why, I hear yoo canght the d'stem- | plexion | had econ in the saewy bonurt ! at the carep meeting at D—, and have | Wheretbe bright rich benaty of les cheeks! wofully mek ever since . Coald the rain have warhed it off | Newer * All seewing to anderstand the joke,|in my vielous of Mise Carson had cb | joined into an eprorious laugh, This was and pai ocearred to mind tod bad. My evlor brightewed, 1 knew) Nothing mrmsined bat the ermine lips | pot what reply 1 made. My tormeater|and they without as Ye continued, the Llue eyes, bat dreamy and dr ' +P you Mark, Mies Edith Carson | enough after being bent over a novel th ie handsome, bas it is wo ase geing die \eutire evening. 't was Edith Carson be tracted about it. Some of ae more hand: fore me, bat uet the Edith Carson | bad | same fellows wwtend disputing your claim once seen sud learned to love, ob! bow | mile s, there wae Nhe 4 hawk doce « chicken beforea swoop.” | what a sad waking up! | felt Ike shed “] was indignantly angry Added to ding bitter tears aud taking the wings of my own discomiture my hoarded seerrt an eagle 10 soar to parts avkoown. Ba »| Lhd thought of doing. 1 | queried. ited —riamely the} it bet Mise Edith, tiled beck in the armed roek-| alk i ; o ; ik He gh TR lett salted iden PRA Ay, £ ce. he country may fire, while they ma Se he Aserg of Be F yet be n the histor, may yet realized : AN am 4 Quem Deus vult-perdere, prins demontal. neta THE SEASONS. The followin gi morceau is from the pen of the gifted George D- Prentice : “Onee, again: Time in the eyele of its has t to us the rich atid mel- and bright atmnos- ms to be yet ewcape, he ness.for Ne own sake, R j before't “| Wh liet the succeeding day tia’ “Aja did you ever Visit her again,” we “Yew, some two or three times, the last time the man with the red hair avd whom | thought more disagreeable than ever, alihough not then prompted by j I know. Yeoneverdid | see my angel Ab! that event of my 1 could never recover 4 weald. ’ won the hears of Edith Carson, bat is] Pelmonse would have wronged her and myself too. | Of anavoldable and speed Dou't think me presumptooas young 14-) ture, busyed into dighiiet dies in saying vo. Mark Eston was quite! puse, sees as if it were a different looking man at one and twenty | the yee of itsown death. to now, nearly weighed down by laps nepine t savage fr naire r » score years. I leave that to Gertrade to a Ince? sapelios pr An ware: we plone peor Holston marry ber 1” Ellie tle of faded. green, appears as if 1 clung and graceful re- w aed are . many-hued mesiac that lp Ot adetiedaae t. Wo man’s shoulders were uever made for ‘etripes more (han their faces for 1 they are but treated kiudly, \they Will repay us ten-fold in love. Bat they tell me Richard Holston is deaduow and gone to his ecromnt, Edith is now 4 widow living in Virginia,” “Go there, thea, and marry her yet !") we al? cried. “He shook bis head sadly and answer- ot of dale, un the plaig or ‘in the forest— yea breathe the same a iets air, twat only Autuan brings to the healthful breese, the life-bleod-oourses ‘ | “No, no, it ie thirty-five years since the |Camp meetiig at D—, bat could | find} |some sewblance to my angel face, | would hgo tothe North.pele in search of it,” | “Did you never see her alter her mar- |rlage,” we inquired. | “Yep ance, bus as T had long since leraeed to care fot drees or appearances, hehe did not recognise me, and | did aot jmake myself known although by bes “But tell as Coasin Eston coald you eevet love another! ‘There is certaiely | surme, yee many fair women on earth," Jwe hasked of bum. | He replied, “no not well enough to jmarry. | wae wedded to an ideal being.” « Cousin Mark Eaton, as be wished we evamored crew, who sit metal to the boards you, have, quit fora time your mercevary niasings, su he yeto the fields or forest—breathe the pare air— bid your sonlte revel at the frast that bounteous vatere jn lavigh hae spread before you; asd ee the inajeaty and power of God, in the of the bicasiogs be bas bestowed, attowe feelings in aniaon pi the surtou ones, and jour thoughts a and beyond this as rest thew oo Heaven and its high hopes. “The geaias of man has contrived to ff- dicate the progress of ‘Thue by the machine- rv of the Clack and the movements of the watch, but God marks ite progress on a scale by the retolutions of the plan- ets and the chauges of of the seasons, Days furm months, mooths make seasons, seasons compose the year, Man's life, like the ° of Governments. wight ai wll » Theis beat Jaid sehemes way yet prove. p e n n e pi f f e H i t H A R E i i H f i has its seasons. In the springtime of life all is fresthuess, verdaney and a In hie somner, man ripens Inte fell grown and vig- oregs metarity. Pleased with existence, he | jwukh which many are omoverrant. frela conscious of streagth ; and. delighted | plead io exeure « love of ecribblog and by so engaging our tims some hours have been passed plensantly, that otherwise would tare been tedious, during these Ubsistmas holidays in my quiet bome. —_— ee Prom the Chariestaa Courier | THE PLOT THICKENS. The Bil for the saperseding of the Bu prrme Jadiciaty Lae paneed the Honse avidity ine very Geld where it is likely to be {aod. Hope—the most bardy. the most! brilliant, the nest delightfal flower that ew- | er bloomed im the garden of the sonl—now | eprings iote full bloow exaberant existence It diffuses ite vivifying odor over the whole eyetera, relaming the faded pietares of past} ceves, and opening to the view uf the mind's | eye splendid visions in the future. Who fn tw mid-eanmer of life has not felt how eweet it wae at times yo seek t'¢ field of for- by the large vote of 116 ayes to 39 nave ertand be alone; to let the soul in dreamy Congrese has forbidden w the Je lieiary | Pter tenn back upeo the past. and draw any right to pate apon the con sitttional bear megs = ah age oe “ep thes : } diay basis of onwnbetantib! air, but the in- | cscept by a two-thirde vote. The ¢ O@T! | vests them with the gorgeous grandeur of compere dof eight Ahbomgh five, ithe sunliteloed. Bat Autamn comes, aod therefore, of its members should declare with it comes the harvest of ‘the froits whose bese laws be pnconstitutional, this | seed we have soon. "Tis well if they be not jndgment is to be held invalid. In | bitter to the taste and poisonous to the f the three disecnt-| tach. Man is the framer of his own for tane. Ashe has sown so shall he reap, aod Ea 4 : as he has labored so shall he be rewarded.— eidered an establinhing the conctita } Yet whoa he hae failed and hie harvest i* ionality of these e.actments } lity of aaconetitutionality of ite mrasares, le other words, the opiaions © g meinbers, or their absence, is to be! scaut. even here delasive Hope stands by to whisper in ber sweet, alluring tenes, the as- meut have scized upon and overthrown | sqranee that the coming winter will be mild; In plaia termes, the Legislative Depart _| "Throwing myself upon my couch, . | aaying, . | bride of | to the prise, for we saw you watching her | dearly But the dream had 1, ane | They have put their v and that somehow or other there will be an to apon them Chey have first asarped | abundance. Apd finally, when the wiuter the Government, and then annou | of like comes. cold aathe glacier on the meun- be Judiciary that tt ehall net p trin peak, and boisterous as the storm -epirit ’ their acts, ‘This is a when it lashes the ocean into fury. aud the 1 jadgment upon 2 } Z tej | 182 perishes and passecs away, immortal) | coup detal, almost wihout a parrallel | Hope is there to eheer the agony of the | “Ob! Cousin Eston, why did you not It is certainly «far greater giretch of | parting eval, and bid ft Tif its vision fo an- | prerogative than James the Sceood ever | uther aad better world, where there is neith- | | dar. d, even two centuries ago et Hope vor Fear.” After this, there ie searcely a step, = . |however extreme, which ean excite the | Tar Vacant Juvorswr.—The judicial | slightest surpriee | ermine vacated * the resiguativa of Judge lt was to be expected, in puvenance of} 'e wie, has been begging arvand in all per- | the now evident design, that the War De tious of the State, bat nv oe worthy of the td aloo be eviacd. The rea-| statiou has been fowad te aeoupt it, The Inet Ai (Gael ho a remewrad 1 Uy iehe \offer was made to Daniel B. Baker, Esq.. of 7 | this eity, to whom the Gotertor formally reardent of Mr, Stanton trom his Cabi- | teadered the position for the second time. have therefore been of course pro-| yesterday. Mr. Baker declined the appoiut- jucunced ine ficient The Senate bya ment. There ie eertaily po imettiveto a | vote derics his rightful suspension. Cap-| man who honutw hie profession aud upbulds loa of thie vote, were imme tiately trans the dignity of the civil law, te aecept at thie mitted to Mr. dobneon, to Me. Stanton | time, & seat apon the Bench, whose judg- land to Guveral Grant. j nents may be set aside by the bayouets oi o Mr. Stanton appr ared at the war office | milltary despotism and when « law is even 1 now before an arbitrary Congress, whieh ind clrimed to be ite head and to teas) wilt wagate this and uther offices, and leave sume its duties, under the direction of| pat a winp of straw in the hand that should Congress. ‘Lhe telegram says, General | have grasped the sword of justice. — wi. Grant withdrew. ‘This we suppose means Star, that he has abandoned the office to Mr. Stanton These events plainly indicate the in-|¢. has written aeomimunication to the Nor! tention of tho Radical party to hold and | fotk Journal, in whic. he states that he ha- rale, at all basarde, the Government of | discovered a method of condensing twokes which they have taken possession. \ theréby making it valaable for “agricultura, They intend, in order to retain their | parpeses. He claims that he san ‘extract ing i the essepee of th ke” and inake a valu- cee eri een i> Nan "eb Never has there bees « more remarka- ee ble fulfillment of the predictions madeby the Conservative stasesmen of tho dan- take 1819 barrete of ley. toon the emoke, oe ole ee ae Hirell, being known, 1 did not care to hear ihe |! could form no excuse lor gomg ere morn the Jadiciary name that | revered above ali others, aud |ing. A strange loveliness erept over me spoke only in soft toves, dogged iat) «somewhat tinged with moresenres 1 be jeat, to amke eport for hoyeand rude men. lieve | was froaen 1 could not love her 1 felt as if 1 could have strock the rascal | So near ber, yet Fo far from a being idelined neet } ther ridieale | ment at my expense. dispk seme and mortificayon as beet 1 could and tried to laagh with the others if in nearly the same breath Bat I did not tarry very long after this| He regarded us attentively in his earn- ivence, bat making an eX-|\est way a second oF two, thew ¢ aclaimed, ory nature, lefttorhowe,| “Lord kuowe girle Ihad already bees When deceived enoagh For wereies sake do) partment wou Stee there, childish as it may seem, | felt) you ton never powder your fates of wenr| nerigne more like setting down and giving vent |uld faded calico gowns. Lity White bar P to my feeling iu tears than amy thiug clee.|deeked many & face in beanty aud proba with | bly made many 4 bride, bat for once | the monlight streaming iu apou me, I re-| made a bachelor of vemly three score solved 1 woald onee more ser Edith Cear- | Fat let the deshabille bare a share of blime son. Boon I feel asleep and dreamed 1! Bat to eontinac, | must give the whol saw ber in the gray Gress in tatters and {story | suppose. ber Jawturiant hair disbovelicd and floatwg | “After some common place remarks th: arownd bare whise shoalders. The blac | mother left us alone, A sndden deepera eyes wore swimaring in tears a» she bent | tion seized me avd I determined to try & them on me and pronoanced my mame, |love her. Dat this was foolharty, aud | “Mark Eston 1 will soon be the! should never have breathed « word of ten Richard Holston +1 da not love! dernese for her. Yet | did. him.” 1 awoke and wondered at thetatn| “i asked her if she knew me, or had my dreams bad suddenly takew. But} ever seen.me.” She replied, * No.” Y he’ daylight came my frm resolution of |] knew from her tace she was not speak the night had given away. Then T told ber of ywder on her face,” | ue | wet, ——_—o her image bad her in my dreams— yes, how b luyed ther. Bus is was taise. 1 did not love \Edith Carson as | now saw her, but as I saw ber. And probably imagination fuvesced that face with charms not its Bat 1 bad CWAPTER tt. Mt. Brom Whitely, of Morfreesborn, N.! i eeease of other nati jenda and his the A few days called at the rethines of sent inhiscard. General engaged with friewds, ladies themes. He 1 them ceive his old army foe, bat now again warm ing, General Longstreet ducing him tr the com The style of the im ar that we fit of the Radicals, as « fall fieation for their suspicions of General cvek"s lofalty. “Ladies aod Hancock, “allow me to totroduce te gallant geatleman, for an ungrateful li misfortune to win tn the tame combat.” We must add that, the was composed phere he ve Pm compa, and tlemen whose sympathies were on the Ty, side of the late war, the ineident profound aud mest pleasurable i and the two distingwished soldiers garded with increased admiration and N. 0. Tyne. —— Armed Negroesin the South, Nine oot of every ten of the negy ses to be seca daily ou our etree are “atmed and equip et” a@ (he Radicals direct. Some have hoge bludgeuns, some fremence kaivet some prtols of every patern while by far the funm- ber carry at a“siwoller,” orin a map- ner, the regular Government musket, and mang of theta with « fixed bayonet! Why the oe- groes ate thus armed the whites know not.— There is certainly no cause for theve bustile sets of the part of the law-abidiag wintes. These are catried aboat with the negroes wherever they go, wight and day, dt is a eoumon or- currence tu hear Gring at all boors of the aight uu ail parte of the city. Bullets have entered several several private tesigences within ihe past few days, gor in close proxumity to the sleep inemles lorwithstanding all such positice vidhetions of the law, no acrests have been made, ewther by the. military or civil an- thorities, eo tar as we bave been able to leara. Such ts Radical rule and roi in Alxbamea, Montgomery Maik re vt To rise funds for baying up all the ious, Congress ie evidently bent on selling the epare per- sonal esvates of ovr own. It bas Begua with the iron-clads—the “old junk” of ot the Country. Dealers in odds and and “notions” will please take notice. the buyers and venders of cast-out wares, and the Chatham streets of all creation to bid in our mar ket. and to “give a good prict ("for to off our war-armor, and ¢ Wee what h will fowh.- ¥. ¥. Tie gr BY HANES & BRUNER. (0 SS SS “ALISBURY, N.C. JAN. 23, 1868 CONGRESS AND THE SUPREME the races to which its members {They seem to be determined that their equality with the megrorace shall be ad- mitted, and for one we are little disposed has been praven by their whole history as It is curious to reflect that COURT, We have before alluded to the fact that |4 people. the Radical bers of the H of Rep- seatives have gravely proposed the pas- sage of an act requiring the concarrence of two-thirds of all the judges of the Su- prewe Court to pronounce a law ef Con- ress unconstitutional. That the Senate vil coneur with the House in the paceage : . t such an act we cannot believe. There |tlemen whe joined with him in presenting | peal to their passions and their pre- are many alde lawyers in that bedy who, | we think, will interpose euch a powerful | /pposition as will cusure its defeat. Such | won a6 Sherman, Trambafl, Fessenden, | and oubers we could name in the Bepub-| icau party, however strong their partizan | ‘eclinge, urse by self-respect. umous fame, as ornaments to the H teseion of the law, will not allow them to | uike auch a blow as the Jiberties of their | antry witeout the semblance of author y for the deed. And they may be saga- 208 enough to see that they would be y likely to fail m their object, even if} -y were so far to forget their obliga-| vs as to pass such an act. The Sapreme Coart, like every other | partumeut of the Government, was cre- | d by the Constitution, and derives al! | The hope of pos- powers from that instrument. Congreds | .an net doterfere in apy way with its ju- , stietion, nor declare that it shall require han « majority of the jastices on the ‘mech te desideany question, whatever its vatere or importance. When the Consti- iom says that the judicial power of the sited States shall be vested in one Sv epue Court, and sach inferior Courts s Congress shall from time to time estab- sh, —it means what it says. It means that wajority of the Coart shall decide in all sees, and Congress has no power to de- ower wat vested im that body just as the ogislative power was vested by the same tae power te pase all laws ander the Con- stitason, and that power cannot be taken ‘vom such majority expept by an amend- aent te the Constitation. This proposi oe is wo plain to require any argument o clacidate it. If the present Congress should pase an act making a majority of wo-thirds necessary to the passage of any | call laws, such act. woald have vo bind-| ag force whatever upen its snccessor, nor ven upen this Congrese, farther than i: | bose to observe it. The next Congress! would not even be ander the secessity of | wpesling it im coder to Ingislate by 0 cim- | de majority as tormerty, if it did not choose | vo de s0 286 mere matter of form. Be, too, f Congress should pare an act requiring the concurrence of two-thirds of Le Juliges to declare a law of Congress uneonstitutional, such aci would be atter | piece of political legielation that will ly weid, and the court would not be bound | return ts plagne the inventore—saye by i, As to tribunals established by aol; oot of Congress fer certain purposes, is|, «ould, perhaps, have the power to bey |, jews sach 0 rule for ius government. Bat) (i nimercial Advertiser is scarcely less when the Constitation exys that the Se! weme jedicial power shall be vested in 2 varticular court, i means the majority of thatcourtas mach as it means the majority of Congress when it says the legisletive power shall be vested in that body. And, so think, the cour: wil] held and set ac | ngly. We believe thas it will treat/' th = law as 2 mere brutem /ulmern In|! @ mech an independent department of |‘ @vrerument as Congress i+, and it will |‘ | | deteg rity ie oi an end. —— A PIGH-HANDED MEASURE lb |! iti be seen from the proceedings of tis still Secretary of War. ‘that he had no confidence in bim asa | CaLinet officer. | arthe North are speaking out in strong and decided terns against the present dence Juurnal, in avery able edito rial, denvanees the propused act in relation to the Sapreme Coart as a serere npon the new reconstruction bill, which proposes to abolish the civil governments now existing io the | Southors States and to confer apon g those who voted for this resolution are some who have been noted for their life long hostility to the negro race. The thanks or the Conservative people of the State are due to Mr. Durham for the able and eloquent opposition which be made to this resolution, and to those gen- a protest against it. ————~-o-——- E. M. STANTON. | Our readers doubtless remember that the Senate bas refused to co~cur in the will be deterred from such a {moval of this gentleman from the War) ‘office, but have, in effect, decided that he! This action of the Senate was taken under what is known asthe “Teuure of office Act,” an act which the President holds to be anconstitutional. In this opinion he is sustained by all sound constitutional !aw- yers. Perhaps no one expected the Sen- ate to act otherwise than it did in the matter, but few men supposed that Stan- ton would persist in striving to retain the office of Confidential adviser of the Pres- ident after the President had declared It was, perhaps, natural that he should desire to be reinstaied by the Senate, but at that pofat cvery man with right notions of proprity supposed he would yield by resiguing his office. This, it seems, he has not done, aud has ne intention of doing. He seems to have no sense of propriety, or to be blind to all sense of shame. What will be the end of the e-ntrover- sy cannot be kavwn with certainty. The President, we see it stated, bas no- tified Gea Grant that all orders in rela- tion to that Department will be sent to him for execution, thus ahowing a deter. | il liberty will hail the event with re minati vo not to recognise Stanton as S<e- retary of War. This may be, and we think is done with a view to an appeal to the Courts by the latter, which will bring the question of the Constiiutionality of | the Tenare of office Act up for decision before the Supreme Coast. This is duudt- less whas the President desires, and the probabilisy is that his wishes will be gratified. —_ SIGNS OF THE TIMES. It is a most gratifying fact that ma ay of the ablest Repablican Journals legislation uf Congress. The Previ bat it finds no countenance or sap sort in the Constitution, and will find The Baffalo} none among the people ten Grant the sole execative powers) 4 the govergment in all matters per aining to reconstroction by giving sium exeluai ve command of all milita y officers in the South, and confer ~ to dispate it. But that the negro is Ot’ tation of their fathers in time to save the equal of the Caucasion race generally 11,6 cdifice from irretriewable ruin.— desperate + iT a 7 pe politicians to their fate; and strike for the Wuion and Cosatt However little patriotism there may be in the politiciang, it is not yet ex- tinct in the bosons of the niasses of the people. It still glows there, and sooner or later it will burst forth in a flame that will burn and destroy the | selfishness of the denmmagegues who have so long misled the people by ap- ‘judices. Of this no man who reasons lfrom cause ‘o effect can doubt. None familiar with the hissory of revolas tions can fail to see it. Ln such times jthe public tind veers from one ex ltreme to the other, and vibrates like a pendulum onl in the course of years it settles down into the quietude of reason. One extreme has been reached, and the reaction has cotm- menced. It may not be as violent as | the firet inovement, bat it will be as speedy and far more permanent. The tendency always is for those who are governed by no high principle in pol. ities to abandun the sinking and join the rising party. So it will in this In addition to the honest \ | instance. an will be fully and ably represented there by zens. The people of this county are at last becoming aroused to the real dangers which threaten the destruction of their liberties as well asthe degradation of themselves and their children, and they are determined to 90 act as to evunteract them if possible. When the Constitution to be framed by the body now sit- ting at Raleigh, comes tobe submitted to them for their ratification or rejection, there will be po such abstaining irom the polls as there was at the late election. A thorough organization will bring out every conservative vote, and we appeal to the conservative men of the county to eid im effecting sueh organiza- tion. Come up, theo, by fifties and hun- dreds to the meeting on the 23d, and let us have such a meeting as will give assurance to the lukewarm and the timid, and strike dis- may into the hearts of our opponents, a EXCELLENT. It will be seen by reference to the pro- masses who act from the impuises of patriotism the Conservative strength will be swelled by hordes of others} All the varions causes combined will pro duce a mighty ground swell that will | cause radicalism to totter and fall.—| It will godown witha mighty crash amid the exeerations and rejoicing of millions, and the grand edifice of the Unicon will be snatched from the hands of those who have deliberately plann- | ed its overthrow to serve ecltish and Constitutional liberty will be restered, and all lovers of civ from interested motives alone. partizan ends jeicing and celebrate it with a grand jubilee. —_ THE STATE CONVENTION. As our readers will be much imtrresied in, or amased by the proceedings of this body we publish them in full to the ex- elusion of editorial and other iutwresting matter. The features of the Cons:ite- tion which the Vonvention is e.peeted to bring into existence have wot yet been de- veloped, but we feat from what we bave seen of ite proceedings that i will be} radical and proseriptive enough to meet the views of the altras. Bat we will not de- nouvce it in advance. Repadiation in some form, we learn from a private source, seems to be determined upon. The great champion of this measare of “Relief” seems to be Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, Mr. Redman, on Friday last, introdneed an Ordinance embedy ing the main featares ceedings of the Btate Convention, that Mr. Hodnett, of Caswell, has had the in- dependence and the patriciiem to propose | that the new constitution eball be estab- lished upon correct Conservative princi- ples, notwithstanding the radical and dem- ocratie tendency of the times. He propo- ses to balance interest against aambers by providing for aniversal puffrage in the election of members to the House of Com- mons, and suffrage beeed upon « property | (, qualification for members of the Senate. Such « constitution would effectually se- care the rights and interests of all. The Senate would be an effcetual cheek upon any agrarian legialation which might be elamored for or attempted by the mob, while the Commons would prove an eff.-c- taal check upoe any oppressive Irgislarion thet might be attempted by the more arie- tocratic class. Without a check of thie kind suffrage cannot be made aniversal with any degree of safety whatever to the property holding portion of the people of the State. All taxes would soon be levied apon property exclasively, and the majority of those who are protected in their perronal liberties would bear no part in supporting the government. This is « proposition which, as the voting popule- tion of the State is now constitmied, ad- mits of lithe «¢ no doubt. But it if ase- lese to discuss the question now. Mr. Hednett's proposition will not reeeive twenty votes in the convention. The time is not yet come to discuss the true princi- ples of government in North Carolina. — a number of her best and most intelligeat citi- | the most discussion. wages |” by the different mover, varied from $4 to $10 per day. As the conven- tion expects to band itself down to poster ot ity om the pages of hiatory as the creator of a new State'and the founder of an-al- most unlimited Democracy which is to live a3 an example to all the eations of world, it is not to be wondered at that ite members should desire t6 be paid for | their invaluable service to the canse of’ | good government and of mankind. The |hope of posthumous fame, one would think, would prove a sufficient reward for such devoted patriotiem, but like Bacon, they unfortunately bave to rely upon “the next age” todo juatice to abilities which the present age is incapable of appreciating. Tsanxs.—Our thanks are due to our triend, E. A. Vogler, Esq., of Salem, for a perpetual Calendar, with his business card Mr. Vogler ie one of the most pu’ lic spirited and enterprising citizens in the State, and we wish him euecess in all his undertakings. —_—~ao-————— From the Sentinel. “CONSTITUTIONAL CONVEN- TION. Monpay, Jan. 20, 1868. The Convention was called to order at 11 o'clock. THE the city. Mr. J. G. Marler, of Yadkin, appeared, was quaified end took bis seat. J. B. O' Aare, vegro, was sworn iu as j = re ee Daplin, which was referred to the Com- mittee on the Jadiciary There will be another reorgenization of] Verde, ond who have paid the taxes as her government, sooner or later, by the of Gen. Camby's late Order, to be in foree Convention shall be ratified by the people. If the people should never ratify the Uon- | stitution presented at all, what then 1 Will the ardinanee beenme perpetaal an- less repealed by the same body, or by | suppose the author of the bill can answer! the Canvention. Il'eshaps he takes it tor cranted that the Constitution will be ac ecpud by the peeple that it the ordinance pasece in its presen: Our opinion is ing upon him powers eo ordinate *resident or the Supreme Cvart shall | be a high misdemeanor punishable by lie onother colamn | fine and imprisonment ; It denounces tas an effort on the part of Congress | | Mr. Rodman's ordinanee may be foand Monday in March. This case, it will be| GEN. GRANT. « Couven'ion on Thersday, that th.:/ to usurp al! Constitational peser and | This great soldier, who command Av hws peel ar — of restriction to mazzie both the President and the | ed the respect of all parties, has low | zi de iedlarsll igual ine jad “ary, and gave that the “amazing|ered himselt very greatly, to mse no nie tewccome ecerpeon ese arsamiption which is involved in the| harsher term, by the manner in whieh - a nar le ae “ or “ propesinon alacwet takes away the! he treated the President in the 8 ans| ich Ly i i ee — - breath im the reading and staggers |ton affair. It is mot denied that Gen. | sm ply declares that no rrport-r shall be al- |" credulity.” “This new deviceon!Grant had promised the President ved o pcat whe docs act erent the Coures.|(ne parte Congress,” it aays, ‘seems | that he would hold on to the office of e with proper peepect, but the disrr to as to be 80 monstrous as to throw Seeretary of War, whatever might! be | epeet complained of, end at which the re= jon was leveled, was « dis*inetion made all ite previous aete into the shade.” The New York Commercial Adverti the -eporter of the Sentinel between eer and the New York Times hold tie white and colored delegates—desigua tong the latter as negrocs. We feared | similar language. This coarse on the part of the lead-| the action of the Senate, so aa to ena ble the President to teat the Constita tionality of the law, should Stantov | appeal to the eourts to be re-instated in hie office, or at least that he would tas the Convention would bes very Bad | ing republican press shows that there resign the ofticeinto the President's ' al body, but we were not prepared to set! ig g@ point beyond which Congress| hands and all w a successor to be ap go this length, The term negro is a | will not be sustained by the Northern | pointed to that end. Nutwithstand | roach a generic term, as the term Cauca- people, even if the late elections did | ing all this he treacherously surren. | gress derive theirs—the Constitation, it an, and it ie diGeak Lod enderstand | not farnish ample proof that such dered the office to Stanton, and viola |would prove reereant to ite trast if it bow any ensible men of either | was the fact. All sensible men every~' ted his slemn promise to the Chief should suffer that body to usurp its fune- ee can objcet to ite use Bat it seems | net we have a party among us who are! «crazy as the Red Republicans of the) French Revohiion, wheee ideas afd mot- tres they seem to have adopied. The old ~ry of that day—“LAberty, Praternity i.quality with all men,” bas been revived a this State, The white Radiesls in the (opwention, ebile affecting to deny shat and sent, not sympathise very deeply with us of Gen. Grant, that nothing ean ever of the South ia consequence of our re- entirely drive away. bellion against the government, yet | ted that he feeis very keenly the im: ay favor any thing like fraternity and | they will balt before they will consent! propriety of his eondact, and that he nal equairty with the nagro, yet treat|to pull down the pillars of the eonsti- is endeavoring to make some amends we offensive a report of their proceedings! tution by which all, both North and by persuading Stanton to resign, and thoagh many of them may! where mast see that the proposed | Executive officer of the nation. This measures, if earried out to their legit | may elevate him in the estimation of | imate results, will end in the over:lirow | the extrem:sts, bat all good men, of lof constitntional liberty on this conti-| whatever party, will condema the act, and it will enst a shade over the glory We see it sia Mr. Abbott introdeced 4 resoletion of intelligent whive men of the State who insirvction to the Commitice of sixtren, antil the Constitation presented by the | will not discriminate agzinst intelligence | to v™. lef and in favor of ig By ing eaffrage upon an intelligent basie gee- erally, a provision like that proposed by Mr. Hednett, may wot become « accessity as it is where the nvorant and vicious some other of competent aathority 1 vagabond of an inferior race « made equal gre): These are pertinent questions and we! at the polle with the most intelligent ond | “om virtuous man in the land, bat it would be them to the satisfaction of hie friends in| an cteecllent eyetem under any cirenm- cepted,| shall reevive six stances. le THE McUARDLE CASE. It willbe seen by reference to ovr form it will defeat the ratification of any news column that thie ease has been ad-| En ¢ ite independence and maintain) With the district commanders, and | (-oustitation which the Convention may vanced on the docket of the Supreme Otherwise Consiitetioua! provides that any interference by the | frame Coert, and set for bearing on the first remembered, involves the question of the to leave no doabt about the jarisdietivn of the court. We, therefore, have an assar- ance at last that the opimeon of the coart will soon be given as to the validity of those acta. What that opinion qill be there can be bat little deabt. The bills sentatives tormasculate the court, con- vinees every intell'gent man that a major ity of the court are known to hald opin- jinne adverse to the constitationality of said acts. Aud even if the bille referred to should pase the Senate, as no one now believes they will, we have not the slight- est idea that they would be regarded by the Court. As an independent depart- | ment of the Government, deriving its pow- ers from the same source trom which Con- tions, and it will not do it—+so we believe. Pe Tcespar’s Peocreprscs of the Convention are unavoidably crowded out for want both of time and espace. They were not, however, of any great impor- tance. A namber of motions were made, and a number of reevlutions were introde- eed on various suljects, such as “relief frage, the courts, the per diem of mem-! inquire inte the appoidtment of leumigration ; evs peagee bolt | Hood, of Cemberiand, [ne- A resolutions in regard to the per , vis: That each delegate to this convention, j and each elcetive officer, [the ex- : per day |aod twenty cents mileage to and from convention ; and that the President shall receive ten dollers per day, and twenty jcents mileage. Lies over ander the rules. ‘The question as to the election of an grovemg Clerk was next takes op, and |the resolatron of Saturday, against the appoiwtment of such and officer, was vot leddown. Yeas 30, Nays 89. Mr Morton, of Stanly, nominated Joel | Ashworth, and on motion, he was declar- | constitationality of tbe reconstruction laws ed elveted without « vote. | which is now presented in such manner as | Mr Bradley's resolation, of Saturday, jecame ap, wait on the G -vernor and inform bim of the organization of the body, ke. Mr Tourgee moved to strike out the | words “His Excellency, the Governor of N.C.,” and insert the words “Gov. Werth,” simply. Mr Abbott, while he did not recognize |reeently passed by the House of Repre- | the State government, yet said that he | was in favor of acting courteously, and wished to address him as was cus:omary. Mr Jones, Washington, said that authorities of the U.S. had recognised Gov. Worth in his «flisial capacity, and that they were acting ander their aathori- ty. He did not see how shoald in- volve themselves by a similar recogni- tion. He would vote for the original re- solution. Mr Tourgee said he cauld not regard than committing them. That son he introduced the amendment, and lost; and Mr Bradley's resolution was ther adopted. Mr Peterson's eeton of Saturday, calling “the Provisional Secretary of N. Oo” for certain doenments, came The resolution was amended to make it read “the Provisional Secretary of! State,” and > : : g = g » pa & i b s e f : i I & E Ls s t s i f h i b e f i Prayer by the Rev. H. T. Hudson, of | the ‘s resolutive. thie morning, covered the whole matter, and it lies ever i f z F F F it t i i j f ip t i iF 3 H i 4 i i i j | i : i i i? i i i i [ i H i i i i f t Ls j Z i z i 2 rH ao r an, Rich. Onndier, Durham, Graham. ij x 7 pe 4 : On motion & Mr. Heaton, the Convention providing for a Committee to | sijsurued —_——~—So——— Washington, Jen. 21.—Honee :— After inef he resolati else the original wen re amy Slosad On! 104 ea, oa Of tor ove "Fs somadient” wae, pat 00 vote end | gore’ f a i t eval, pl . ene iy k bo t oe eS ee OY or a at seme a apn et ence ete —_—_— THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE) 4 Virginia and Southern Institution pleasure to inform their friends, end the public, that : they have fitted up oue of the very bent Its Funds are kept im the South. ; «nag np 0 a € ; . : : mi|igtheiond oe oo dia nats JOB PRINTING OFFICES | 0 ™tr senile in yorra carouina, |p" — ro ‘ contingency. and are prepared to exepate all orders with which they may be favored. ——9 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL will Cure the very Worst g A my ip i} > = soueee, Cases of Chronic Rheu- PRESIDENT, COTTON YARN JOHN E. EDWARDS, matism. VICE PRESEDENT, SRORETARY, Wa. b. Isaacs, D. J. Harrsoox, CRELEBRA OF The ROSADALIS thoroughly evadionter LABELS, | casttes‘n’surrs,x v Tinie queewewenyenace (Letter $& Bill Heads, John Baders, cles of whieh it is made bitched assond w wach bottle, aad 1 to coed nad endurend by the EDDING cof PABES Leading Peycoine wr bY Das 3, LAW aon Cormin, 89 Uancre St, Bahinere, Tickets, Meryland. a Price $1.50 Per Bottle. PAMPHLETS, 7H. Tyler, Joba 'C. William, William G. Tayler, sar For Sale by all principal Drug CIROULARS, -¥. . r gists in the United States. i seorge L. ILLS For sale in Salisbury, by Jno. H. En- HANDBILLS, oy Gooran Price. pein ial sn 9 . : ‘ Bad| "488, and G. B. Poulson, and Druggists » > ‘ . the die- The heaviest ex attendant up- everywhere. jan 2l-w:tw3m | DRUG LABELS, er ee CG. A So coverer, who has nmoved to Sabimere, hop cultare is t lay for vuild oan ; COURT BLANKS, _— favorable Downes: but thie could be |, 137 Tektlowins agirete 1867 Ho! for the West. 67 For Life Insurance Only. (‘7h [55 Jin sists tis costomers, and all other kinds of Biaaks snd Job Printing will Home Certificates, irom Phyxicians, be done in 0 ctyto thes gan be eanpenané by Bent, PIEDMONT hesay cary ft the Bast serene and squatted by tow inthe ase. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY | We sod Cosmin no tnt i remedy ve ons oad Bg the Great National Cur terms will be as ow as the lowest im the ' DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE! | sewaere Countey. OP VIRGINIA. = _ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL =|. OHLTIMORE & OHO |. Tt" |ognmarow pou Rail Road. AND — = THE TRI-WEEKLY #7} PER CEN PROFITS ITS CONNECTIONS. : Th whe Based ae . er arenas suagh uchew « ary OFFICERS. : AND THE WEEKLY W. C. CARRINGTON, President. Sccretarg. oe eee J. J. HOPKINS, be. 3.9, “gai I bey were Neca, Tepmoemer-| we srCHMAN & Old North State,|O- H. PERROW, M.D. Med. Advisor. | gre bed This liberal and solvent Company now offers berets Ta FOR 1863. en ea Caiw. Is, Obie, LIFE INSUMA‘CE Wemphis, Teve.. . . o— And all Points tn the Great Weat at rates 20 low and terins #0 accommodating as . : to place its policies within the reach of the pour- By thin great coace pamengers hare vely THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH | oct; and, willing to «hare its profits with pe - . . . 2 . h TWO CHANGES STATE having t lid a ie the | ee gaan ee eee, of Care bete-cn Warkingtoe Cwy ond faedien- | Agents wanted ove y where, & a com apdia, (wo chonges to Cisqrnsat, and three pas bands of the undersigned, and the Bannan boving mm allowed active canvasers. &. Lon suspended publication, hereafter there will be bat Address the Company at Time from Washington to Indian- \ one paper published tw Galisbery, which will be Montreal, Nelaon Co., Va. apolia 86 Avure: C¥ncinnati 36 hours; | G. A. Bingham & Co., Agents, Sslisbury. and Ss ; : Caric ous : Travel ted. Appl Ss. Louis 50 hours; Cerio 53) Tri. Weekly & Weekly, vereling eanate wostes + a DR. LAWRENCE'S 3 | wines, .c. Mur $, 1087. TED t z e e t i e : i te tz f i i h i if r id al en n t t ii u 3 ? r i t I L i e3 e F i i b i FE H H L F u e n i | i { f j hours ; and M. mphis, Tenn., 62 hours. = the above samen. in consnquence of the Jon. 7. 1988 } The Bakimore & Obie Raitroad and consre- - a thag roads are the only rutre whieh oan heck | combination referred ts. this paper will bese the Equity Sale bevgege throagh from Westiertos City to or VALUABLE LAND. we the nearest ond meet mree Peale. , OR Saturday. the Mb day of Pebrvery ' Wearre they’ tickets heve the priv-| OF AKY PAPEk ix "i : 4 sep fae ps te weet Baltimore ond thee ereeme thew . te the nerney Weet, vie Sotimere & Ub Rad William — ~ "“\ western Ncrth Carolina. U7 Pertice wishing to Rmigrate to awy of the | Western oe Soeth Nesters States can, by get- AXD WILL AFFORD THE dmgers gory of 10 tal Presenters at | wet to pay arte, preare Emigrant Tiehere | RHDE came Umme and Teer, key. geet. Numh Careton, ot Sale Best Advertising Medium Special Agent, Charlotte, N.C. watwly e t a e s e i t e s i q t f t F y p t i if i Al } 7 i Ht | Hi bi s 1 | | fi | ai i f | | te be met with in that part of the State. 3 { fe | iE F fs ti i t f i H ‘ | f Jen’y, 13th, 1888 ot greatly reduced prites. a . —_——_— ———$——_ Pomengere shall in oP canes perehere Th wage The Editorial Department J. @. VEACH'S bets from piece , wher ‘ ay ztread ” on gaa ass on ae wil be wader the manngument of Ma. Hanns, late WAIL AND EXPRiSS LI\ E—Daily. from $3 to S10 in mosey, besides they are m+ | Editor sad Proprietor of the Ove Nomva Srart.| Schedule from High Point to Salem we anterance in reducing begg=¢r sed . Poi *olack By the Roots, when avd no pains will oe spared to make Rt equal t aay EAVES & iat af 3) © AM “Tr laa aaa aman wery | I oredit. with | —_——_o-——— LUKE BLAC t 7 r 4 j i Jn the politics of the paper there will be wo ree. | veces tad How to Julge the Character of @) Be | change—i# will continne to bes frw and decided by Outward A hana “ Loree by ust ppearances. { Hremety treeble<ome Eraptive A s \¢ years are fret. | Oeetemats journal, but it will pot be devoted e-| fortable “O | bor all farther wf-rmath mn address, ‘ : Charles L. Thayer writes to the “Cogniry | sometimes br- al ng oot 2) ores 2A } a ee LOUES ZIM WER, clasively to politics. Tt will siso be devoted to the Special attention will be given to all Express td Gate wae prescribed by w family phy-icine— c Pa ; aR matier sant te my care ; After thing ite few werk: | en Siethere Agt. Bai. & trem , | jan'y 18—tw3in 3.0. VEACH “| fer Uren, A.C: material interests of the State. and to Literary sud) — y Sem CC | Ch ered tal 500.000, ote Caereaten ont ong expen | xT mace ann nt Uw tS Met. Burial Cases. ae the color be light sorrel, or cbestont, lire leet, : .. jL M Coen. > Wiena, | Mieceliangone —~ = } . : | : | \ope cunt face white—theer are marks of bind: | Gea Tredet Ag . ; tering cach indecemasta, we cousdent!y sppre!| THE subscriber respectfally a.vounees to| Jamee River Jnewrance Company, } fall between the eyes . | Ba. & 0. RR ie onan the public that he keeps constantly os hand | tbe 42 Greed ent ¥** Consumption, in its carly stages, can be Balimore , Fisk's Pateut Metalic Barial Cases, hieh | “ , depence hors of goud | othe public for a liberal share of its patro’ doth reliably informed thet some of the peblie met } poaenp Soph a eet al trace nomen | cured Wily | end oalal ai Lenten | he will sett at the fullowing red ced prices . = » u s by subseription and advertnemeats. } Prew $20 to @25, acrording size he will at- | I IRE INST J RAN CE. tations heave been tuffering, o@ seogent of he “ty econghter hes d on cvr-duf ad: operated) Aap _— ST ne ee de ie pec exch Narre Se ted in| Sennen of te creed on oor tt tps, GOMFORD LAND AGENCY OF , ire Sed nolo prin ar vhs Mae M y, Leen oo Pan yd g apenas p J x ears p04 return. Nor eile horse of this desorption clan Comer’ Biba esymP MITH N ( RTH CA R¢ LI N A. Terma of Subser tplien : | 066 a by Oey npoteg a! ome Wfice, at ontreal, a. Beate Treagery, oF for other reason", Lom mot | Won hen pe Ao nd teal ory outs | Setlawee. March 4, 1667 ae | TRI- WEEKLY * Lexington, N.C., Oot. 9 1887. This first-clars Southern Company bas been « = ae vig | ANDHOLDERS who wish to Sell RLY: Sfnaimgton, NC. Ont 8. 187 | Ti ers ech pany has pon 96,00 | pesre*t: PAIN: ENO ‘i = ) to arere, bat he wil ] ge ofl ar pacer eae Agricultural or Mineral Lands, Water Powers, | For Owe Tear. ...-----rerceerese coerce eee AND have foo mach go abead in ins to be safe with everybody. Li yuu want a fool, bat borse ROSADALIS | Malla, Town Lots, or [ral Batata fs ea Momtha (crc-ccescc sees ese esses eee a PHOTOGRAPHY. ped. whaling of great bottom, get @ deep bay with nots of any bivd, wd) Aud it to their advantage to | DAVID L. CLARK | find nw safer company. white hair sbowt Lim, [f lve face is & Itue place their property in our bands for sale, \ : ‘ p Uda ’ eraryh greg its promgptne<« Portrait Painter and Photographer, | nial af ite fair dewting. and to the dieh wo much the worse, Let no man ride We have great facilities fur procuring par | an eet orden! placed : such » horse that i vot an ex rt rides, shasers for all sack propert a xr Xx. C., | * a want one Is a Potent Remedy = all ; Ser ines ie se _-« Bla FOX . ¥. Cy company where losses are promptly § | Havings spleudid Shy- Light Gelfery, and Lnquite of its Agent nearest te you, JNO. B. GRETTER, | with the aid of the best Instruments, is pre- ‘sare your ——. and you may feel ture jall ja Le ‘ ANES & B UNE | pared to make Photogra: hs and all other enn | recei via stice on any loss you sustain. Chronic Diseases. a Ha} R R | jotures in the best i hg the art. Maving| Do | risk r home othe vouring ele < | Dec. 2, 1867. Publishers and Proprietors. also W oudward’s Solar Camera. he can make met of fire, w' it costs so littie te insure it. From @. W. Boast, aeerery at Law, Wilson, FOR SALE. me oon eee | yeanguagtia fall ie vize. equa! to a steal en- ae tO ON | OR SAL NoF Rei vee ay 3 war 3 >| graving. Pictures. Photographs, Drawings, | Assets over all Liabilities, 1st July, "67 - I have been cured of Chronic Inflamation af te 4 x Sait L rri0R. Ce Medical Ss toc wast @ali aud | Ncchinery. Views of Buildings, Landses prs, | 470,597 98 —— the ent oud Partial Dewfnres, uf tee years | — oe i es ES. 2 for este or af will Gnd their bills in the tani, | dca, faithtully phutagraphed and maguifiedto| gy oe paps i ca aan How. Thad Stevens, in 4 letter io favor of standing.b, ROSADALIS. ; | eats Aegneslinap a ka Of an officer alter February Court. | any desired size. lw a pe enw con GkKO.W. BLOONT. [ot Rosewoud, — Paicdideageod | aplen | _ For the future our bille will he doe os soon ee PORTAIT PAINTING, | ibe | Wileun, September 18, (865. ' ‘ ~ | the sorvides are rendered, and prompt t : ; | ings, ntine base, iret lyre barp and ae geen Portraits accurately and faithfully painted 2 Poarenocra. Ve., Aug 9. 1667. [Pr v ’ as will Be required. We cannot pey and | 5 ther e opt tpn ror Pa. Nl iNG Capt. J, 8. Bskor—sirs For the last seven Louis XLV style Apply at “hms Medicine ther from pietures or sitiugs Jub i ea practice on credit. : ; Reon soversly afflicted Office. WHITEHEAD & HENDERSON. patra apear satisfaction guaranteed in every 3 frm ASALT RUQEM) April 16, acts Sediabucr. Inn. 1, 196T. J-ew iz. | instance. dee 14—twrf Beatly Executed at this OWes. al @ resoletion ing for pay, he anys: ‘1 lave Unie day reorived tatormation there are ne funds im the I have ale been | por “ @ix Moathe..........-- reseseesees eee i i i ! i f heave . s + iS : a: ae” Ai Pg . on lt F ti . A sf ” 0 Ot RO Sap PMc nt rive " s fa ee ae < pa rt, Darham, in a few well choseu aud Mieyt of the rainous policy of entering in- to “SN Agi napa | 4 {ty of ull Republican governments dated ¢ pi rl Eh vatous snes lineal of beth su met eloquent semirké) warned the. Radical ee-| 1 from. the commenecmeny such vetlaiee He, Mr. Durham, ¢f ) Aesistant he! th and the power of ent of th te in onder to llow Pate an opportunity to. spak, being rouew- inh vo. wrdthl Whe Wide he would withdraw his motion; and nel Prywatentbaytee 8 pssel wh we tie annad hronsba Fan. 16, 1863. Mr. Moore, of Gfativills, Viloted to lay ‘Tile convention was culled to ordeb lavhehe resolution on the tabs le, and, when at-| wi Ger asad WO P@eeh? re wer os ele heute - tempting to maké u few tharks! was de- Mr. Abbott, of New Hanover. moved that cided to be ous y ‘nang * . le election epvens Mb¥onght by F af of Wake, Curr.) greed with ttie adele J.W. find sustxinédby the chair, <e:ntery acer vof Wihnington, therefore, The ‘yeas aud. nay, ov she, aptions| wMr. Ellis, of Catawha, said that, in order 1 were however called and resulted as fol- |‘? Ban herp he offered the name of J. | ti Janes : ad vee pa "gro | Me. W t. Avrsi—Andrews,; : Aydlott ; Benbow, Blame, Bradley, Chi'son, Dan- | , Wiibdrew the nomisation. tr. Moore, of Granville, numinated C. J. iel, Dowd, Durhiti, Elle, Feawktin, Gra 4. That . ae 8 Rn Pm a le declared duly elected and Wim, of , ot N ers, of Wi Gully, Hare, Heryis, of .F (Mr. Peek was directed to ward. take the vath enter the offfee. ke de a gr Hobbs, Fledaett, King, of “Lineoth, “Lennon, Me- |} Qubbias, Moore, Nicholson, Parkers Rie, 5 < Navs+Abbow, Ashley, oo Bry- ‘ Seleet : Mr. Sweet, of Craven, from the an, Carey, Carter, Candler, Ook : ated the following | erpve, Congleton, Hox, Duck «orth, Bib |esgeed thet ie te nead ie becle and paceed n seriation, and that, where a vote iassaiel, «0 ch ananigae offered. each adopted, withows » rpted. Artjéles 19, 23,24 and @. providing a call of the previous question, were objected to by Mesate. Urnham, of Or- Porkper, French) of Ble Redioghecs, French, of | Garveti, Geoige, Gmbam, M Ganter, Harrie, of Wake, Mayes, of) “| Robeson, Hayes, of Halifax, eaten, | Poo! segtnbpid PUghemih, Vaiicr, Hood, Hy tan, 16>! age. and Durham. of Clevylacd. Sepa es Ge eeancehanting Joues of Caldwell, Jones, Washing- questkid: being put. the objections it bad met with, ded from pine tal Ei aneolioath, if the wee ydhe of of the servicers of their states- | men, oebising intelligent whites and of blatk«, shall be eoutinued. The President decided that the resolu- toa, King, of Lenoir, Kinury, Ler, ler | were vot sustaived. tions Would lie Over one day under rules; , Leng, Mann, Maye, MeDonald, of, Mr. Rich, 6f Pitt, moved wo one, ex Cherie te of Moore, Mortosi,! delegates, reporters, &e., &e., be allowed to} ‘tite brates j ths Céheeaton sdjenreai ! its pe oe nae bo ine all Mullicen, Morphy, Nenee, Newsom, Pat- cammie the nay «the Huse, exeept ov iv- combated Wasieas ot~' rick, Parks, Petree, Peterton, Pierson, | ‘@ative of a member. J ‘169668, |" ' ity—concloding bie}Pool, Ragland, Kay, Read, Beufrow,' Mer Ashleptutroduced abe dllewing. os 0 ccna’ re le 5 by drawn pactare of! é Bothine, Rodwen: Keon, Sm, aaletitute : The A came to order a) ) of the other éonsti niidhel! Stilwell, Sweet, Taylor, ‘Teague, T As) Ordered. Twat the Doorkerpers be direct: | o’tlock: od to allow toperiums, except newbersand| Prayetvby Rev. ‘Dr: Smith, of the together. | Mr. Elia, of Catawba, said thatberup- | Coovestion H all ay such » a ~ Bb "Wiliones, of fs Boke’, of) posed shat is was the pres Se cs pete eaita bee hte she ter. Sa ores apepwehs, qualified oud | other Sampson, rolation to digtate to the bat, thee invited by voteed the Couyentin. 4 i>) | whole by direeGiou of the! should make his report. ¢ contended! After sume y Men the Ree bed Bev’ *"Poargee presented = weporiel | the tent, eumee t0'the desk, took the outh|iba: the Rtreporier had s perfiet sight to Sally modified and adopted us follows: |{vom “lie Pejpnds’ dBpmadmen's Aprocie-| 19 Spee ery fmsten,Socen errno: Fm apm, wp own of, Paap pt : | men and | Ste G nedeceatal . ‘bm of the Couvesthe, be oliewed to one | we tir, Preing Me rows Rabe righs, whatever, to exclude Lim for Titehelion O doeeatetes tle a ee a oe ean f eae noweniaaee F be pabat. j . | . Teepe may ¢ wan ect seemer into <n impor Mr. Rich, of Pitt, Aatmed to be oReFdemrinne th iuaeeer appetboed ta enacts. auth Committee wes formed. - tratiod of slaverys” Kelther did te wich to | ¢ argement, bat would! pablican—a Radiéal on-¢ he Hked to fee lee the best mode of proceeding tw frame a Mr. King p da . have the unjust provislaac'W? ie Qutewt) OE Le ” wo refute the ments eweh distinctions made. Th. widened the , fas! al. struction Acts forced Lge tive people. Coppiering 0 wes Lids of parte as to Fs ony arg a Pasquotank (Mr. ‘breach beiwcen the Southern white peo “The Committee appointed to shasider Mn Gicaten, trom yer — Afver sume time Coustméd ‘hea Witness, EP. Marto, cevk of Gor Piede ean in erasing, La.7~ | ple and veqroce, and groaily inrenerd tin macro" ores he Fret oS J+ | inte of Mls, Pd: of Proqocteah, epeo] We hin insli debeir peut eee ee = os . ee a ast tin to frase (oe evil gev- . , . P Sachdeow Saige ee ee ee Gueewet, coourding to the atte of Coagrans | Gee ochfues Kellewing repent aunt ob hn. tovialnsa, a0 Gate A. P, MATHESON, gc to the sovereignty of agen to 4 on enukaeaed poly ltlar-k dig —e ~] coer | ly pe Sap eer ne “Lhe Committers: of Bixteen, to whom | red by the following vor Lonpe £84. ‘ Galina sapreme snthor:.ry the mili) Mr. Forkner moved thet the rules be\appajared by the Preshdoa we typorton| oy penne gle: wr poy —— Ayeo:—Meers. Abbott, Ashleg, Seated tary, be said, had performed it office, aad | scxpended and the resolution be pat to each of p by en fe: d be moron lod eopare the following an| B@0OeM, Besant, Ontos, ire) Om State of North Carolina, them actrammelicd. ’ vole | Sat. Om Preamble and Mill of Right sees : LU “s om, Cotgreve, Congleton, il, ROWAN OOC Tourgee ie tekoldcten uaa! Ah Hule Radival le ae - aenbetitute thewedee: 4 A NTY. a . ~ or veh rf wt a Wittle more Radical gas was let! fed. Ou Goveruor aud other uecwssary| y, teed, Thet the Coavention, being Dickey, Dak worth, Eslis, Preach, of cdimsiny Commitmed, unives it was committed | of, (ly roll was culled, vie: | State affieers. \ealled te frame a Conatitation aud civii| Diaden, Fremeh, of Reekinghem,| MT & R J. Bolmes, “Son Fads, (or) was la favo a —_ ee tle % Moe Rdicial Department. government, in accordance with the French, of es ‘co ‘on =. { eo Anta aad /, * dle, Barnes, ”, » ryan, . , “ clad wrett, 4 i are . ; Se On the Pigances. Acts ot Coogress, will proceed in the die-| getty , a ts . time fye consid \é arey, — gy te oe — 6b. Ow Internat Improvement | change ot that duty, as speedily as prac- | haw. Men ¥, Gan) Harrie, | Mr. French, of Ch Re giove, Congleton, Con, Dockwonh, Bp 7h. Oa Counties. Cities, Towns andj tieable.” of : ~ ~ ta, 0! , to weer k to the committe [-” meas , ora tae ragh Frank: Villages. Mr. Tonrgee moved ite adoption ; and! EH atifax, (wegro,) Meson, Highsmith. | teary. rr et ar om Freech, of ( laden, “Freneb, at Rock Ath. Ov Corporations other than Mani-| i: was carried, I botrine, ) 4a t vediag By Mr. Tenth of W achingnon Fe cate: ngham, French, of Ubowan Fallings, as Cs Bistelcenis oct Peel Gaal Mr. Grant, of Wayne, moved that the! Ing Janes, of UntlWell, z, lation inviting the clergymen of Wie city c ey wat, Geb Gunter Phsliriagh tee ane nats" | Contention go into an eleetion of do Be J enoir, Kinney, Lafiin, Lee, (negre,) | to-cpen the serviens of this Copvention W is Hay, Haver, of Rob-oon, dings, 1 > On Militia. |gemecing Clerk, aod nominated J.B)) ory 1 garg bree Bate, MeDow- jibe y, ye, ’ ’ e, orton, . Qo Bapertios, Common Sebools | U'Hara, (eee, for the positive. i Mr. Heaton, of Craven, moved to clect and “ niversity. of Haltat, Hearon, BMighemith, 14 +, ' Presvated the following res) 1)... Hyman, Ing, Jours, of Caldvril, lay i the wer! rt Gpthetonds A clshidlio Seo 4 trangferring political power inte the bands} rjeman from Clea or as ’ De Bot ls As i Sa uate wed A oh Pool: the eptire resolutions, ({, when the duly was under debate. The Chair sus- tained the point. } Mr. are resummed, and enid, in tot ald, of 2rh oamvent acclanea ey: jones, of Washington, King, uf Le-nmit,) Te Committe Be ritmo that the! Mr. - rer tention t Rele No. | Petree, Petere-o, Resieed, That ve Reporter for any, Kinney, Lattio, Lee, Logan, Maun, ' diferent mg Committers. a0 named. | 16 gs applicable to ouch enrtt. }Pool, R-gtand, pe mp eth ta upon thie door, whe! Mayo, McDonald, of Chatham, MeDoo- agg reses Aphiaees ote erst tan | ‘Afier quite « lengthy debate apon the (negro) Keeton, Rowe BS ote arte mom | ahd, of Mou, Morton, Maltiess, Mer.) The port of the committee Cis deed | cmctwusten cf the Rale, ¢ was |'7r Sulbeell, Teaser, any dieres eu . ‘ red in. . , pe ba pny 3 this reepéct, &| M » Theen nm Pont gf wr oan Mr. Heaton moved that the uscal eanber ee er to oe — drop autal ah dees Seri docteted trom the Goer af the Lali and) fled Renivww, Bhodes, Rick, Robbins, ols uted for the any of, the Cup. | Te radian bleed (he tttawing rear Bradien, arte a B reas J “Eee eo iy fan aoe oe ~—_ onan = Saray © anid Mr. Grakaum moved that the same nem-| lation, which lies over nodrr the fule: | wer. Graham, of Orage, went ading | Taylor, eague, ~" Teeton, | ber « Rules of Order printed — teed. Somat three \. . Degree. es, porter of this paper,] at in gio of the Goan Wous, Welker aad Wi Cail “ ane ve aeptantd to wey te keene Talcesta, Ladet oo Sage = tmorning pepers, a dwtineiion had 6 | ligms } Mr. Ashely offered the following resele eG ; Neweh Clvstinay end Saarinen MeDounbh. of c made beewetn tho-whitoand colored dele) x +5 — Mesere, Bradley, Daniel, Dar- | : Chores fish Of the orgesianion “ot Ge| FT ‘Woliean, P R Mé fead ah extrect fromthe Sem yo. p14 ticity Ut Cirant. | Wherenty The Commitice of 1Gwas di-|'wform® him Of the organi *| Moore, Mattiean, Parker, Tey; Rowdy in which the ue “Odiewa,.|""" i, Urcham, weange, (ra \ | rected to consider and report the beet praeti- Convention and that the Coovention it| Renfrow, Richy: Sanderling. Tey, Fest chek earn “allows, hn rin: Mam Maroy eek | ings eacichng © Cniran| soe ely ttre Say esos | Targ'e Wart aod W enon, 28 “nen ab Curnveland,, 0s preseed| ii’. ae ® west, ane, jaod civil government, loys! to the Univn. | bemay to wake M. eerie \er ee oss: Ma terrow-at seeing the reacdation twtr ||” 4 Willems, af Goapens.” | por Sdons pion Ee the cembtcheneat fol eee oral by Me. Aahleg,| EO lars (ovgr "dh g Clerk, sor. . Be wow AY ne evel Mir Drarham then submitted the felled- pastleation, entitely ignoring caything pe Faareerye.( ig we. Re Bans gp ye - 3 _¥- Le a4 en? tr or Me-|; a ; ‘he oe ehw orth was alee Nom » — would act fairly. Uo conld’nt bh Aa ae io 0 step in BO feng arena . soles : = ovens a Resolved, That the Oommivee of 16) int the nom nition was withdrawn. by and eve the liberty of th press ine te liberty of the Presa, and poet . That the Comsiittes te instrver-| be lnctrncted to farther consider, andre | (’llara was then eleeidd, te & mit- sepailed without entering hie solema pro- i. ¢ tufurteation from the people, we pro-/e4. as s:0n as practivable, to cunsider and port, aasove as practicable, upoo the beet) tee nt course, but es egnines wach 0 procreding. | The se cot against ite paseage: { <igued) report upon the best method of earrying in-| method of carrying into effeet tne Constl-| Mogsry Ellis avd McDonald, of Cee bin! ee P. Deawan, mma North Canilina. nite Merb, = nce e civ] government ©) Chesham, wished it anderstucd wit —— nage’ a Se pth J.W Gaanan, OE Prat. df Unsows, caltet op « reen-| . vo wel ta adoption. Car- they vered for Ashworth. who ‘dea his pra mos “| ‘Se teatnal ‘ D. Movwert, lation, previously aflered by Mr. Jones, of ried oa a The Onavention, of motion -of Mr, : Ps Se dan, It Extia, Washington, directing the President to in- s genaiasenn of Ane te Ellie, edjodroed uatil Monday Morn beagieg So-called Coarention 7B fora Gok. Cabby of the permmaret a Mr. Durham's resolat yes ) Mr. Darham resomed that the ARE, han 'ef Ge Cou canteen | acd wan edopeed. | (Published in the Sentinel of Saturday )| 'S- Avexasper Wittiamas, Toe. Sampanes Mr, Porkner offered the following resolu-| Were next reached, wben *. DANDEMLAS, 18. McC thon : Ma, Daphass ould dies, 9 order © give 5. Bowvasms, Resolved by the delegates of the people of the other gentlemen time to ¢nsider the Haves Laxwon. North fn Convention Paneck f resolutions, he muved that they be made wat a negro onthe floor, He did mt be-, Mr. King, of Lenuir, offered an objee- | Tha. the Seeretary of State be directed si special order for Wednesday wexs, at lieve that there wae tien to entering the protest without the | fernish cach delegate of thie Conveotivn | 12 o’tlogk. Mr. Abbout, again on his feet, enbatan- consent of the body. with « copy of the Constitutin adopted by! pty. King op the motion, and tially reiterated what le bad before ewid Meeers. Durham pad Elfie beck as ea el scone vn sais ps iy bs pag obs ache: se “da Gar hn ig tas he rt ey any oe, Ne Dabo ald sh yond traet in and clanoed that it war’ | nguage they pleased. aud appealed to) « Prowvisto * inserted '1| 887% fair and wapartial one. In the midet of Se itl end de guingded sin om hel koaet coemnny et ape, omen Mr. Abbott said, that as he wished to Big remarks, he wee interropted by Mr. door te seeord them an undeviiable mat-| J. W. Hood, ( Jot Camberiaud. erg-| discuss the resolation, be would oppose Sweet, of Craven, why arore to a point of ter of jnstice. greeted that it would be better te “reyuest” the motion to table. ordet, vie that Mr. H. was vot confining — The President announced hie determin: |Péther than “direet™ the Secretary of state} J. H Hatris, of Wake, (negro,) a who were negroes. [fle would evter hie Hood, [ negro, weatsd to know if there <> EO There wae quue a hvely time in the Commissioner's Coart io Winston last week. Dr. J. L. Jobn-on, Assistant Assesor of this district, was tred in two cases—one for mak- ing a false retarn, the other for receiving a bribe. The evidence in both cases was ive, and he was bound over in the com of $1,000, in eech conse, for bie appearance, at the wert term of the Fede: ai Qoart.— Winston Sentinel, —_———— mete The Woops’ at Post, mote fortansie than A op od man- kind in this e»emmunity, were off on yesterday. and as a natural cow me meres whom they will, this mornin g have a hear- ing. gh Prose, 16th. ‘ bicself to the tim ander debate! ation to reserve bie decision wntil anme {20 fornish the the copies; whieh suggestio’ |that the gentiemas from Lenoir, (Mr. (The Chair tustuined the point 1) ‘futare time, and eo the matier dropped 1! gangs sar eg | King y would withdraw the motion, as be Br. resumed his rem.s: ks, protesting’ Mr. French moved to go foto the elec-| yyy bay ewer | gn erode ofiored the | “ished to introduce a substitute. orm auch « bigh-baoded outrage upon tion of Sergeant-at-arme. following + Mr. at onee withdrew. freedom of the rene, Mr. Graham. of Orange, moved to ad-| Pssolved, Thai a Comittee of eight, to}, (Harris introduced a substi- Mr. Ashilvy (bimeelf the econdactor of journ; but withdrew it. Sovsist of dhe tietiher from each Jadicial "i, Which «was. so irrelevant as to be the Press) anderstond that the reporters,” By Mr, King, of Lenoir: District, be raised, whose duty it shall be to| Tuled out of , and 1 was returned to were bere by the courtesy of the convew-| A resolution fixing the hodr of conven: | devise and teport some to relieve the) bim.) tion and they had a right fo demand the ing at 11 A. M. yple of the presente of debt whieh they) Me. moved to refer the resolu same res from them that would be dae p Oat aa adjourn being renewed, ft [oas, 20d sehiah sot, anless some remedy tions to a Committee of three; but them their oWa roofs, He wanted) was fost: be resalt ia hankruptey.| Mr. renewed his wetion to table the Oognervatives temndersiaud that tho) Mr, Abbott moved that the election of ota ® frm at » wt only rar | oe mee that the reason convention, would protect iteclf from in-} be gone into. ‘Che Rad-| Soe ‘a jninald eee ont a jement Was wished, was) sult vw a 1 aia = |feals were’ agreed, but the Conservatives a ye So _ a Pe Harris, of Wake, [negro,| did not care objecting to such a useless picce of ex- : whieh areoptad c t. Durbam © what the Prees called him, bat since so amt Pe — bons 7” tend to withdraw them ander any cireum-| much party +prrit had manifested, and cor-' A frer gome further proceeding, motion, (Mz Rodmen’'s ordivance provides for » stances. > wat afore oy ad Ary Anag ee eie pide wil @ wee ther +" hed ne if any! ey, have pe” 4 vensecotive ao! 7 to to the satieieetion of the ["nluediteen Basher ost Agee ai] Rae the Deep Hiver Copper Mioing de- & there ner fercdante 16 thie case, reshie buyond the hunita cal plas er pelghions Wis be ~ bananas of thes State, Ite therefore ordered the! them, ained the levied on conden Court that pablic made in the te the eset ches man and Vid North tor #x consecoure BR. P. Matheson, clerk of oor » | weeks, Hotif, Ing Aeid detendaritevo be and kp! court ia Taylorsville, the [st Moods Se smenty of Horeen, oto enc tiem] Dn 1 rary the county « Tan, ' 4 NW, Clerk 18 Salishary, on the Iath Moodag afer the! 1-6rne f $e. > it Sagem “ last Monday in February next, thewand there | — te plead anewer or dewur, otherwme Goal will be readered agaiust them, and the Y fonted eS OGY Eb geaes's DAVIDSON COUNTY. A. Jadson Mason, clerk of our said | Superior Court of Fall Ter, Ooart at the Lath Munday after the last 1867. A. D., and wm the 2d year -— of our Thomas Dope, ve RF. Andrew. A.J UDSON MASON, C8 c. L6tpr 6 $8. fale his State, WwW 2 ido Weldmen RB OrreéR ror 84th A VERY sv.\i0 the Seehes ana'c tote pe gmep ht and in order. Made by the New Haven | Davidson y * the firs. ALSO, 4 Daniel's Large size Planer, in March uedey order; asuel) Planer, suitaule for a poeice the last siz care whother the same is St e i aR e g h i . D ee b s e a s e Tt Ba t i t i i n ar e | > LS i —_——_— *@ ‘'. TRI-WEEKLY OLD NORTH Tri Weekly, One “ Six « RATES OF SUBSORI) - . Year Montha,” + Month, One TERMS—OCASH. INT ADVANCE. WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH Week! , One Year, sate Lane! Six months, «at who whi lion—has surrender riousty surrender, equally as des’ and Gow ‘ eu ty te ove | beha¥ior to his ident of the Uaited States. Geyeral received his from the dent. The was purely and ander the Chief pablic, the President. to do with Congress, and cived no ordera from sboald b Congress did with 5 partment, an bis an the I’r - utive atitd | Stanton wae oot at order for Grant te the War Department; and W is vatale had bee reeaguized t; he choald have reerived wo orders ber trom the President. Bat the manwer of vacating the position to whieh the Presi- dent had appointed him, Witheut eénesle- ing with ar referring the manter'te the de- cision of his chied, was disereditaBle. Ih rhows plainly that General Grant did not understand bin duty and the dar to the President. [ris mot to inai- vidual, Mr. Johneon, thas this dove, bat to the President of the OU “tare, and to the people ae by biw ia that bigh offbee, wae something so anworthy of Grant—we} might almost say trick y—in Ws skpping out of the back door to let Santen come n at the front, without notifying the Pres- lent, th seriously ia the cotimation of the Ameri- trashy ar- abeat b's an people guments, and epecial previous vo the sabjcet of Stantea’s position amount to nothing in view of the tact that in bis conduct he ignored the Ex- ceutive of the nation, did not set with proper reepect to him, and ne the He bas surrendered to Kieth, 80 semnell +The au gree of wes be From the New York Herald. SURRENDER OF GEN. GRANT, The great captain of the age—the man | such avote the rebel- | ia utterly. pped Lee ernment as ai ies, iy Oy tf i “ . i ' F ff ts ave known w daties in it, Went The mere resolution of the id not approve of the 1, he should not have at it cannot fail te All the eaiog' conversations with Mr. J plain dictates of duty toward Wim. And this leoks ae if the General had thrown bimeelf into the acme of the Tace- Kadieals, and \« ready to go with them their revolutionary coutee of desthe b r the What a changs must have come over him | was @ Democrat in former timet; be thibited greas [ite rality and broad views H C and Gover c i fF bs I 4 7 Congtees fe not the E ii fi s bie ohnsca il member of-the Senate. n bis treatment of the rebels whew they surrendered, and he bas been regarded as| cent per rod. and thrown him among the revolationiets? We atill beliewe bis heart fe right, and that be ie @ sincere patriot, but evidently he has been ander banefal infacners.— Ihe politicians have befogged him, either . . whe, im 17 to kill him off or to Se car ie temnily then liege. tne dirvet i 1d on the esteem and affection of the | \merican people he will retrace bis steps) sutinted to his immense property t once as far as he ean, show that he te | ie eoneat of eighteen estates in various parts nacrvative at heart, and give the enld|.( Kayland, one of whieh in Soffdk, ie nine shoulder to Ine Radical advisers. Nothing | aymre anles ie extent ead worth $15,000,000 -no, not even hie great military fame bt is nino seemed heir ow hied —can s n purposes. ave him from ruin as a pabl ie Man. A few nights sinee, a party of yunng grn- tlemen, lady mance a in St Joseph, serened card was dropped from a hdow, by the young lady. opow which wae writtes the following—Complime sts of the young ladies to Yaukey Robinson's The moukeys perform admirably, —— For Far Ache For the benefit of little folke who adler with that agrr izing afltictiof. Che! par ache, we give the following remety, whieh w # 4 to bes «me eure, Wiz warin le wil! ove imrtediate fefict.” Take a bit of cotton batting, put apoo it s pinch of black pepper; gatliér it wp and te, and din into sweet ol; iser®im the ent, & flanoe! bandage over the head to keep if a | f | ® yuong| At the close of their uvusical - f é i 1G poe ME ae Dok hae | ayes hades leouference of the M ye my ia to seize the Goverum a § ft i ° f E few vedere pi pa aly == ae - es Tie var demsge | an ' ad | It i Ff f re t gs f | sue) covered States, but subjected provinces ; citinents, bat ethjects. We he roaster. and a master irresponsible and with- —_——_—_+——— The Heirs of Sir Johm Holt. Peruse clasmeng te be the heirs of Sir Jobe lott, beld a meeteng mm thin city = Theredey ct. er dubn Holt wae an English Jodge, O3, exceuted « will deviring larye etigirs coe having faitel, an effort it making, 160 yrare after toe will wae framed, t far vat who i- Te i= oni thin there ix @ fond iu the Curt of Chancery of $15,090,000 belunging to the estate, The persons who are investigating the matter, and claim fo be heirs to the oer. set the amount dee them at $40,000, New York Times. —_—_—— —_ Ax Howonapun Mas.—The Atlanta Jn- telligencer publishes a string of Yankee hat- ing resdlutions. written read by Parson would we cousent wy bre again Goverument of the United States, with such a Je ler, ia a single roand gra Li t _ Si t a tt v e c t e e l e T rushed upon him and seized his gun, and & ecuflle ensued, during which he mana effect his escape, and repairing to Mr. reported s00n himself, he ran to the store ied by Mr. Wyndham. There entering they found the desk robbed, and the clerk, Mr. lying dead on the floor, 7 havi through his bead. this ad plot Meeers. Mal- Wyndham went to the house of where tmey found that Mr. yodham's father-in-law had been dan- oo shot twice in the bead, and his in three different places on the per- son by the same of negroes. We are indebted for these lamentable indications of the coudition of affaire in that section of our State to Merara, Wag- “= 4 ] Jf H = icated by Mr. Maldrow, one powdeuts.— Charleston Cou- rier. a PERPETUAL MOTION—AN INGFE- NIOUS INVENTION. ope of @ very remar- most ingevices inveution re- thas gentleman. Af hable and ous atady, Mr. Wright has diseovered what he believes to be ual mation, and, indeed, if he has fully sceomplished that which has puzzled the combined wisdom and ingenayy of ages, be has clearly de- monet the power of a eelif-motion which may be continaed indefinisely, oF | | watil the wear and tear of machinery rev- dere « renedal necessary. Of course we are not privileged to give smy insight into the seeret mechaniem of thie invention, though we may ony that the motive pow- sheet weighing ounces. “Two nest littl tenements, owe larger than the other, are sgparatrd a distance of about three or four fret, yet conuected by two inelined grooves, the ove immediately above the other, and cach toclining in opposite directions. The ap pet one inclines about § of an inch to the two inches. The ball is started slowly @pon the first and rolls on to the smaller tenement, falling some 34 inches. |i is thrown owt apon the lower groove and tolls across to an apertare in the larger tenement. As it enters the opening it etrikes « spring which tolls a bell in the tower some two feet above, and rolling on, thrown oat on the “pp groove to repeat the same motion. In the length of time it bas taken as to deseribe this, the ball would make 1 or 2 dozen rounds The great difficulty, we are assared was in raving the ball from the nether, to the upper groore, and Mr, Wright was cleven ears in mastering thie diffienlty. Mr Fright, we understand, intends taking this invention on to Baltimore in two or three dave for the parpose of perfecting it Washington and take oat a patent Mr. Wright is a native of Hanover Oo, but has been living in Petersburg for a aamber of yeare and working at his pro- fession here. ile is a gentleman of bum- ble circamstances, bat of decided ingenui ty. He is well-known as the ‘nventor of the well-known “Barglar’s Alarm,” now 90 widely used. In hie present invention fe has achieved a saccess that will tell in hie favor.— Petersburg Index iim EO” The Washington correspondent of the Cimnodeatt “Courmercial, (Repubhean) takes the liberty of reminding the Kepubiwans that “there is & thle in the affairs of parties, which taken at the flood, leads to the devil |" and be adda the expression of ne own opruion that while they have frequently dnited toward it t lave never “squarely struck that ide at joey te til now.” This senument, says the Mew York ‘Times, (ateo Republican.) would am b& of any great irmportaner if it were sim that of an isulated correspondent, but there pend Yeasen for the beliel that a very large propurtion of the people are thinieang the same thing—and this fact may make it formutable, Rich. Whig. aed y with Republi seals better completely stripped, | GEN. GRANT DENOUNCED THE HOUSE. OF HIs OWN IN tien. While I am prepared to find in Gener- a! Grant's oreegt compliance with the conclusion of the Senate, matter for con- gratulation, | confess it is a singular spee- tacle to see Republican papers everywhere exulting over it as av evidence of his sym- through which we grope our way to Gen- eral Grant's political tendencies than the avidity with which this abandonment ofa civil office—held by him ander ciream- stances of entirely doubstl right — in obe- dience to the mandate of the most angust | deliberative body of our country, has been ‘caught up and echord as confirmation of | his affitiation with ourgreat party. Strong- | ly eympathizing heretofore with what has , been papalarly called the “Grant move- |ment,” | stop to aek—in no small alarm grave question: “Is this all ft” | —the | But im che 7ribusc of Thuraday last, in your npecial telegraphic correspondence from Washington, is a detailed starrment j} of the cireuuwtaneces attending Crneral Gran;"¢ retiracy from, avd Mr. Stanteu's | vetern to, the riment. A por | { in‘ormation,” — from General Grant himself or an wathorized friend. To thie official in- | formation | wish to ask your particular attention I confess it startled me great- |ly, for it seems wholly to confirm the as-| tounding allegation of the Jatelligencer : | | “We have official authority for stating ' (hat they had advierd Mr. Stanton to ecnd im hie resignation as Sceretary of War!” | When 1 ficet read thie statement {: fill- jean priveiples. Noth-| . lestrate the darkness}. ed me with anziety. Ke-reading it has wet abated the force of that feeling. |) could find ne satishetory moive for ‘his | extraordinary proceeding of Gen. Grant— beretofure «0 persimentiy reticent and caretul—but thie: that conscions of hav-| ing forfeited hie word to the President (1) hesitate to ase thie strong language bat || find we other t» cipress my meaning) he} sought to repair co grave a fank by inde ed, watters have not, as yet, fally devel oped themselves, except that the blacks are eo of their position as the equals of the whites,—which they need not be, | *¢rday as the entire equality is fuily admitted by their Radical allive —that they want re- a expelled who dure to make any istinetion of color in the record of pro- ceedings. ‘The Herald says : “Thus are the radical revolutionists go- pings ont of the cloven heel we see ti y of the times—that the Radicals mean to secure uation of political power by all the influences at their com- mand, or that they intend to leave as the government in a condition of inextricable confusion, riot and chaos." - Sentinel. _————_—— YESTERDAY. It will be seen, by reference to the pro- ecedings of the unconstitutional conven- tion, on yesterday, that, as was expected, « covtract has been made with Mr. Jos W., Holden, to report the speeches in the couyention, at a compensation of 86 per day,—-the same to be pabliched in some city paper, (the Standard, of coarse.) As the young geatieman is no and can do po more than furnish jast sock abstracts as those already given by the Standard and other city papers, this whole proceeding may be regarded simply asa wanton waste of the public moury, for the parpose of rewarding party pets, A+ the Hegister (Republican) ssys : “If 4 citizen, without the requisite qual- ifieations, should reecive the appointment, as it is rumored, it may be hoped that hie sone of propriety wilt indace him to tele- graph tor « phonegrapher, eo that he may be on band at the earliest practiconble meo- ment. Otherwise the office will d ate into a mere partizan job, which will | deplete the treasary without being of any bewetit to the public.” A resolution was also adopted, calling upon the Public Treasurer, on war rant of the so-called L’residemt of the se- three or four fect, and the lower one aboat | poh pod raised to a height of siz inches, ard making « medel, when he will go to, ‘cing Mr. Stanton tw veeate his office — called convention, to pay the per diem and What other explanation can be offered || mileage of deirgates, ont of the monies at Can it be possible that, after all, General | prrsent in the Public Treasury. Grant is in practien! accord with Mr.| ln view af the strong doubts in the Jehneoe (a0 ervtniniy Liew. Gen. Sher. |peblic mind, and of the universal cowvie- man ie) and evoke to aid him by preearing | tion outside of Radical inflarners, that the if it be im bis power, the retirement of Mr entire serics of acte porteining to Reeon- Stanton? One or the other of three hy.| traction are unennstitational, and, be potheses can alone afford an explanation | tire this, since the proposition of the adequate to the gravity of the matier | | cowvention te by no moans anthorized by have read your editorial of yesterday, and the Reeonstraction Act, themselers, it your jokes of Thursday, bat they are far, | caenet be expected that Treasarer Battle very far, indeed, from removing the diffi | Vl! for a moment think of paying the eaky. | mouey, apen the simple order of the con- Sir, I have to this time been conten: to| vente. Lis bond, which is a large one, support General (jraut apon what | re) *° apprehend, would be seriously jcopar tewmed to be sufficient prov! of hie Kepab- i ded, were he to do so — Sentinel. liean principles. Nay, more, | have ad -_-> — voeated by with ceria ri I Aa VALUABLE INVENTION constrain tm slop at thie last develop. | > — ment. I cannot : itively, I Phi | We witnessed yesterday. says the Wit- . tnington Star of the 20th, the operative of a ge further withoat ight. | have apain- remarkable machine invented and patented gized conscientiously for many acts of by Messrs. Fields & (Guerrent. of Salem doulaful Urpablicanem on the part of yi ( . by which all sperics of engravicg is Bat when and where are) dene in the best and most expeditions man my apologies to cease? My vote are asked for him tor the highest of fice in the gift of thie great people have aright to know what his polities principl sare; and until ldo know, my Gren. Grant. voice andi ver. The met complicated lettering. the nest delieste photographs of the finest ew ] | eeavings. are accurately empied on weod or 1 lseel, from whieh hpreesions may be taken | Newspaper cute on wood or metal, and all : varieties of letters are engraved with mach chall be silent and my vote vies . with facility by simply tarning a crank. The held Very truly yoors, M8 | machine ts «om exhibition at Messrs. Brown P. 5.— Since the foregoing was written, | & Anderson's jewelry store. It is the inveo- it hae been stated that Gen. Grant ex | tiow ff North Carlinians, and stands anrival plains his action in yieldmmg ap the de-|ledin the world of mechaniam The prin- partment by eaying that Mr. Stanton | ciple apem which it je eenstrocted may be promised to resign at oner if possession | applied to all manner of work where a graver Reluctant ae Jit chisel ie used, and it may not be long be- fore we have marble stataary eut in the same manner. With tine and experience improve | ments will come, of course, and the origina Gen, Grant made tors will doubtless accomplish a fame equal bad promixe and broke it For one, count! to that of the greatest inventors. | me out of the “rant movement” for the | | future. While hie action in this bewil-| | dering Matter seems to have attracted you | to his causc, it has converted me from i: j Were quietly given how | was to believe ! “official anthority thie, taken in enoanection with vonr .” leaves no room for escape -_- Davy Crocket.—Davy happened onee to be present at an exhibition yy animals io the city of Washington, and he abstrectedly observed— “If that fellow had on a pair of spectacles, he would look like Major Wight. of Ohio.” The major happened to be just behind Croecket, and tap; Davy on the shoulder. Torning round, Davy very formally remark - Partapecenia, Jan. 18, 1868. —_— By Graprvixe.— Washington, Jan. 17.— Mr. Johnson is sewed up. Batler is still bot- ted np; Grant is politically used up; Stan ton is staffed up: and the country eonstita- ed— tionally epeaking is gone op.—Warrenton| “I'll be hanged, major if T know whose Courier pardon w ask, yours or the monkey's." ee Dr. G. W. Blacknall, at Kittrell’, sleaghter- ed two hogs last week, twenty-three months old, weighing, respectively, 513 and 545 Ibs — The Dosior seems to feed the deaf and dumh, on four legs as successfully ap he duce apeci- mons of the genus homo, (# Rev E. M. Frost has resigned the Presidency of the Goldsboro’ Female College, to take of a church in Baltimore. Prof. E. W. Adams, of Wil- son, bim. MANY CABBAGES PER ACEE. ga ES FE ri if re 3 4 a Hy e Howard morning, Cebr. Louisa Balance, L 00 bushels from Elizabeth City, with 1,1 Lind, Cap. Howard, from the same port, with, with 2,000 bushele of corn, to town ivhees on Mendy Sight las, withe wn ashore on wv attempting to make Shien hee, where they to ae from severe storm raging. lars were not fully give, but “tn sumed the vessels w peed a tobi ton, about New| the | way fe ¢ i fe Ba s s HE i j F f F iE i & Ellis, and the Sehr. Jenny | been cooked “<Hlere they are, dear,” said Mrs. Black. “How dare you spend my money in that eat mam 6 praeae,” SEBS a, to- guarantees, and the nog itleiane, was never wade than in f of Mr. Bingham, of debate on ares. He tok ap Stevens’ ery, and bold- ly claimed for Congress the right to late oatside of the Constitution. Yet these same men, ube not only violate their oaths bat glory ia the act, who spit epon the Constitution and ite guarantecs, are the same who declare they will im- peach the President if be dares to violat: 4 law of their making !— Rich. Dis — a FRANK AND 8USTE. “There! that kitten’s ram into the pan- try," eaid Mrs. Lee, as she was hurrying shout her dinner. “Children, ane of you her eat. won't yuu I” ty pol- peatry. “Here, ‘seat, clear oat!’ Poor Kitty, frightened with the noise, ran wildly in every direction bat that of the door, and finally crept behind a barrel. Frank, of course, could mot meve it, and as little could he get the kitten out. When he found that the would certainly stay where she was as long as he scolded, he tried conking ; bet it was tw late fur that—Kit weld nut trust hina. “Flere, Kitty. Kitty; come. little Kitty; said Sasie. in geutle tomes, as she came with = footfall into the pantry. Kitty knew that pleasant vuiee, and she pat head oat. but hesitated “Come, Kitty; dear littl Kitty.” enid Susie again, and she caine. Mrs. Lee had beard it all “Which de you think the better way. my bey I" she asked. laying her hand on Frank's shoalder—“Sasie’s ot yours!” “Basie’s, Frank replied. "Remember, then. little ones, always, that gentleness and kindness are better than roughness ; and the rule of love better thas that of fear.” ——— Ga AFFAIRS AT THE NORTH~— IMIGRATION SOUTHWARD The editor of the Piedmont (Va.) In felligencer, who has recently returned from «trip into Maryland, Delaware, New Jer- sey and New York, bears testimony to the general fiuancial and industrial die- tress, and says that all classes anite in tracing this utter prostration of the pros- perity of the country to one cause—the anectiled condition of polities, Extreme legislation, be says is now reaping its le- gitimate fruits. As long as captured cot tn and tebaces, and the so long busban ded Sourhern staples, which found their way to market after the end ef the war, supplied a basis of traffic, the North f-lt not immediately the effeets of xtreme legielation. These resources have been exhausted now, and the grim rkeleton which hae so long had ite abode in the j South only, ia aleo knocking at the doors of our Northern triends. He adde: “Laat vear very little disposition exist- ed with emigrants to come to Virginia. — At this time we enald lead thoazands np- on thousands to the shores of the Old Do- minion if we offer them employment and farnish them means of traneportauon.” “We mast confess that we consider the situation in 1868 moch more assuring and hopeful, and that we have at last reached a tarn in the long, long lane.” oe South Curolina Convention. Charleston, Jan. 23.—The Convention to- day was chiefly engaged in discussing the propriety of adopting rebef meseures for debtors The negroes are bitter against the landhold- ers. One said, in @ speech, that he would make them sell theit lend, if it coukd be ecoured in vo other way Ther negroes are, growing more exched ““f will,” anid Frank, clattering tuto the F a t e s f fF if e e j » te t j z rt c is another struggle would eventuate in the addition of a most complicating and dan- gerous frature—namely, a contest between racers — we recoil from the reflection with berrer.” It will be seen from the above that pab- lic opinion at the North is noton the great ed action on the part of Northern peo. ple, the convictions of the Albion will prove to have been well founded ‘The country is even now passing throagh a terrible crisis. History ia, indeed, repeat- ing iteelf. The scenes of the French Revolution are about to be re-enacted in America ; and the only barrier now re maining to the accomplishment of the Ja- cobin pw ie the of the Pres- ident, backed by the determined will of the Northern people. The immediate fu- ture is fraught with events of unparallel- ed sensi and importance ; it may not be long before the destiny of this once grand ie will be irrevocably fixed. Whether for weal or for woe, it is beyond human ken to decide — Wil. Star. Pa Sea The negroes of the Union League in New- ton county, Georgia, are bound by an eath to defend each other in hog — One etuten noe me therefore got nine good Radice! voters Wt. & £ . ~ and we sep thie body ever contemy, t another segsion. And gyen if it | dogs, the effect fs the same. ‘Whatever y di ” Watchmen & Og Sx Bree. | a eee ; = SS @ WY HANES # BRUNER. SALISBURY, N.C, JAN. 31, 1868. “steed upon thiS"Ression, and, therefore, ; . \ ———~ 11 has rejected these resolutions as the ba- | We are willing to allow | MR. DURHAM’S RESOLUTIONS. |*i* of its action. ThdbOWeplutiods 20 vot aa lua to ‘that some few voted as they did from cx- have received the attention at the banda | (TRUeous causes, butwe are bound to assume “ofthe Conservative prees which their at she bedy el : whe a eeree f faapertance demands. Thelr ecepe ts ve (of their indefivite postponement did so be- comprehensive, in fact they uudeilie the | poeta — betel in fest Sppreed ts thm 10, ERGrG (CSIR An pe a | solutions. This vote leaves us no longer ; called to perform—the whole stracture of! ia doubt as to the course which the Con- | she-Dats geveruenrut a6 waderstoed and vention will take. It will present a radi-| contended for by the Conservative peaple of the State. The first declares, most truthfully, that it is ube sineere desire of | the people of North (Carolina to restore the State to her ecanetitutional relations tion, bnt are acting in the face of a declar- | with the Federal Unien at the earliest day \'"" . ' | ~ ation on the part of the Convention as cal and proseriptive constitution nitterly . . : A { sulversive of the liberties and best inter- | es'8 of the people. Those who now de-| clare their purpose to oppose the constitu: | tion presented are not prejndging its ac- | practicable, upon terms just and honor.- tle, both to the Government of the Uni- ted States and to the Stam How ayy member of the Convention could havi deca opposed to this resolution passes our comprehension. Yet it had the fate of tie others. The second, while recognizing ihe powerless condition of North Carolina, | and the power of the Federal Government, | ‘olina tu restore the Biate to her eoustita- plain as the light of day as to what it in- | tends todo. Let ue take ap the resolu- tions seriatum and see what cach member whe voted against them on their merits declared in casting such vote. \ Those who voted agaiust the first reso- | lation solemnly Gectared, that it is net the sincere desire of tlhe people of North Car- yet protess in bold and manly terms against the recousiruction acta as anjust, oppressive aad unconstitutional, as sib versive of the rights and interests of ue Southera people, and ecalealated to hasten the destruction and overthrow of oar wis syetem of government. The facta eet forth im this resolation are scif-evident to every man whose prejudices have not tional relations within the Federal Uvion at the earliest day, upon terms just and / honerable to both the State and the Gov-! fernmeat of the United States, yet there is | }no truth that is more aeli-evident than that asserted in the revolution. Those who voted against the second resolation thereby declared that uc jacts, degrading as th: y are, are wise, just reconstruction suede him an enemy of bis governmen:— who fer the cake of an anhailowed and/* constitutional, notwithstanding th thase revenge upon his former opponents, , 4eelarattons of their authers, oft repeated, is net willing io pall dowa the edifer of [Amd the known opinion of five judges of Constitutional liberty and perish himself, j the Supreme Court, that in passing them with his children, beneath the common Congress acted “outside the Constitution” ruin. No tree son of North Carolan, | —32#?, notwithstanding they discriminate however ardest may have been his Union-, against virtae and intelligenee, ad in fa- jam, can find any thing to oppose in thie} VF of vice and ignorauce. Those whe resolution. The third resolution asserts 2 fact, ental recently, never dis pated im this or any other civilized country—tiat the white and black races are distinc: tare end that the black race can be maue equal with the white only by degrading the latter to the bevel of the former, ard that such atiompted degradation isa crime against the civilization of the age, and against God. Sach « resolation, it seems to us, could only be opposed by degener ate Caucasians whe have lost all respec: for thempcives, and who are serking an oppertanity of proving to the world that they are secreant to their race, which ther! voted against the third resolution on its merits, voted that the wlote and black ra- not dstinet by narnre, and that ces are rr, by na. #8 80 degradation on the part of the whit zi man to assume aneqrality with the negro, thas removing, as far as a mere vete of the convention can remove it, the only in surmeuntable argnins nt against the ama) gamaiios, or wireegevation of the races.— Those who voted against the fourth iceo- lation denie t thereby a birtorien| fact as well known as ary historical fact can be— thar and of the several Statics were created by white mea, or, admitting this, they voted the government of the Vaulted Statre wish to degrade to the Jer~! of the lowest that these fo versmen ts caght (nat/ to be type of mankind. We make thie decli ‘° sates by etice mee ” ive st ration of our opinion in all candor, not ail Shiels aught: Clabes uC pr withetanding it ip well known thar we to life, liberty aud pewjr he have fav.eed am extension of .bi- elective | SRT Of Just laws, but the y cht franchise to such of the color-d people asi be mate eqasi with the white man i smay be ablete clevasie themselves safficien:. amie eles St Oe 5 . ent by dy = the ernie of indusiry, intelligence degra iag the white Manvt: «4 ieved with ahd wore! character to enable them to ex t!"™ hose who vated aga thee fafi erome intelligently aed fur the goud ef ™ d last resolation, voted tha: they did not the Seas. The fourth reacla claree desire to have the degradatx a vow be 4p emoved —er, rather that, ed apen us a th i Sptaion, peo leg ad r thatthe government of the ( wited Sta:ea ead of the several States, were om etree by white men, and while the lives, liber sy and property of the Lack race ehvald b- protected by jue: laws, these guvers mets ought to be controlled by white men on!y ation is being that they regaid the ne f them artre beaped upor us on gro as the equal 7 an op which, as we have had occasrn to remask Thevemarke whiel we bave made inrela. Tile contending that the = race le thon to (hore who op} se the third real mmeasara gro race tiem apply equally to those whe oppose * * ™* thig one Tbe descendante of throes. « yi mew (1) who opposed thie rrciation w.ii| declared that these gov mente git ~ Megret that any record of the pr or led by white race ” of th Convention was ever wade 11 : reisn inet bet wees filth aud lest re-murion appeals to the | the white and the black races, and : mense of janice ot the masses of the North. igen? re ie exe people to rewove from the jutelli¢ Ae if apat ga " x Ateerican cittrens of the Soathern States W . arly us f the aegradati mm tow heaped upo- Cemstutution ire likely make, tf, i aed to consider the dire resali Lo iLe whole deed, it shall ever be abie to agree npr @euntry, if the policy of ( ongress be ca auy Constitution @hich ie not prepared fled oa This last resoletion conid e for it by cateide hands lie l neve bern opprerd only by men fo made up oar op mn befor . een sense of ry myathy with their fell have had no difficulty jeet yo vgarmet gene of ibe Dvaih, and who were w r w wt » te #ubonst to any a if-degradation for | ‘ { j j S parpore of abering them, forgetting thai = ie the creree of cime the blaod f both per they ake ' ¢ = sire wT] mingle in the veins of thei pending grad * OO tnieds ie. their deseendante they will jasily deaerve Meeere Dakam Graham VMeCuht ne, the execrations of mankind. at th<y Hodnett, aad the ox wk a w li not eae act ] wy wiil ral o of Conservatives in the Cons me e polis and rejeet the instrument eli! @ gk-vricms and galinut fight bor there re wi) mdered them for th eer butions—they strarried manfully forthe, ™ with the scars 6 be enase of good goverament, the w af wing beg ‘ 1 ‘ the Btate, the constirution and Jibesties of able men their county, wut Bere compelled to 5 But, ery the Radicals, when y } & overwheinitg nambers of the destruc the Regintrat " ya committe Cie, degracing and dieurnion phalans ourself to the sapport of universal the Convention Bat he; are mech gro saffrage by ite obligations — yor eotitl-d tothe thanks, the sympathy and ‘swore to suppurt the reconstrnction Acts enpport of the people and the press ae if Sach sophietry PY, tecy bad snceer ied jman, and wall be tri ated j f each with The Bret ihe vote liver reeete bowl eeorn Phe reconstruction Acta pro- leeee soraie lw have alirect vide that the Conetitutions to be framed te and co comment, Lb is, y ‘ venfinne »} t eurpremeg in view of ite tremendone big the peo,! ta far es Lior niheaner, Phe reeolations wert formed four aceeptat tily Wy 9 vote of 69 orn Shia the baw, then los nivel Le sey rded agal Vube oud 6 equi : a hae AU Ce gh may favor Who deni-a thie only wishes waien| to their regcoteem. If weremember °° “VP 7** aricht when a bili or resolation hes once’ Mlead and deceive the peopl: kven Lech pactpaned indeBaitely, it eannet be the Federal Judge who studies one act } j tand efr net p ca 1 op again dunng that session a: ore to leretand bow t le her on i ARerarirat : ng wo the useges of Farliamentary law, & Whol iifferent and al ler consaitution it, may agre@ upon will 8, : . mony is | favored emeut, “because he desir- are erroveous. V ry reany, think that itl ad time enngid jou, and they wight | possesses no powers which are not confer-| ye withdrawn.” |never think of looking beyond the acts before, we are not diepees to coattorvert, . it ny silty ides prey —Sgepamate code—willinog is! CONSERVATIVE MEETING. patation by, adv at ee oo P .*y are) A medi ete mervative citinens of 5 jot at liberty to is they leaag on | Rowan Cut + if b@hela at th nice a TION, jhe new Constitution, apd défeatit ifthey a r Py Sanne ) Pedi ry , Monpay, ean. ae ~*~" the parpose of appointing delegates (6 the State! THe: a i Perhaps we ought to apologise to our | Conservative Convention, which meets at Ra- 11 o'clock, readers for devoting so much of our epace | ith on the 5th of the > enoath, A large Po by the Rev. Dr, Smith, of the and geveral attendance , P “MANY CITIZENS. ‘ cae to this subject, but we thought the ae- tion of the Convention should be review- ed... We-waited for some. days inthe hope JAS, 8. McCUBBINS. that the Sertinel or some other leading | This gentleman having been erraneous- paper would perform the task, but it ly reported, by an inadyertance on the seems to have escaped their attention, | part of the Sentinel's reporter, in the de- and we hive furnished this. |bate on Mr. Durham's resolutions, that ~~ paper makes the following correetion, THE POWERS OF THE CON- {which we insert in our paper—having VENTION. copied the Sentinel’s report of the proceed What are the powers of the Convention ings. This is a ques-| Conaxcrion.—Ia the report «f the ai ae “ fy equeatly arked, and which Man Methadianet ten ee we ah never seen satisfactorily answer- jed aa saying that 4 ‘favored the post- ed. We do not propose to answer it our-| ponement of Mr. Darhain’s resolutions, self, but we think that most of the opin-' for the reasow that he wished them with- jdrawn.”” What be did say was, that he now sitting at Raleigh? ious prevailing iu reference to its powers red upon it by the Reconstruction Acts} Again, on the question of their indef- of Congress. ‘This is the view of it ta-| nite postponement, Mr. McQ. is not re- ken by several of the district commanders, j corded as voting. He yoted in the nega- . = uy among them Geu. Hancock. Lt is not to! Y¥® be wondered at that mere military men who a WANTED TO AMEND. in ack of absence for Mr » watil next. Granted. Mr. King, of Lincoln, tion from 90 Citigeiis of Vis Coun a temoval of “rebel” State’ officers. Re- . N Hood, »& memorial respecting the election in ampete counry. Referred. Hood, , @ tesolution that Oommit- tee of five # pepeloted hy the Chair, whose duty it be to gather such in- formation as will enable them to an early day, to thie convention, such persons as may be presented to Con- | grese to be relieved af their disabilities. Mr. Rodman, a resotution in relation to taxation. Reterred. Mr Glover, an ordinance to relieve; debtors. Lies over. ati Strate. Referrnd. Mr French, of Bladen, repeal a apres of the Revenue law, that provide that corporations and ets shalt list ns employed their taxes. Referred sa Mr Candler, an ordinance fing the general amnesty granted We observe that our friend Mullikin, of Da- of Congress should express such opinions. | Bat we think they are clearly in error.—! a few days ago to amend the Bilt of Rigins — Pr PLE Of the State, or it ie not. We | Consutatioa for many years, and has answered shall not undertake to deewde in this arti-| 4!! the purposes of good Government, yet we | tion, cle whether {t is or is not If itis a con-| have no ol jection to its improtement, if posal vention of tke people of the Sute, thea it sa sovereign body, and is posscesed of! all the sovercign powers which belonged iS rob cilinn! to its predecessors. Its powers are bound- ed only by the Himitations and restrictions | the Bui of highta wpon the sovervignty of the States in the! ——__~.»+ —. Federal Constitution. ordinaner, or de any act it chooses, which | Senator editur va Monday aud ‘Tuesiay, and bis Dalim prcosat bon cnt It may pass any Wedmeslay, acgoount for the de s not couffict with that iustrameut.— | waul of editurial waatier in var paper this week by submitting the Howard Amendar ot} sure, that « deigative highly respewtably, both vidson, offered a resolution m the Convention | ble But fur two years past we have been | laboring under a Biull of Wrongs far more op ie pressive Cuan those which drote out fathers in- | We bupe Mr, Mullikin wall offer | a resoletion to staemd this Bill, and not disturb | passed by the General Agsembly, cembe:, 1866, except so much as applies | {to females. Referred | This assemblage is a Couvention of the! The Bil! of Rights has been a part of oar State | Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, and ordinadce regalating the expenses of the ‘enven- sterred M 2 pita. ouies for the expenses of this conven- | tion. Lies over. t Mr ‘Tourgee, a resolution in relation to Bank isenes. Mr Laflin, a resolution suspending the | eollection of debts, made prior to May, Arotocy —The necesery ubscoce of the | 1865, for ten years, without interest, amd framers. That was a great those made from May 1866 to Jan. 1668,! five years, without interest. Referred. | Picrsou, negro, a resolatina providing | so This. we take it fur cree, sone Not being able to keep pace wit passing event> for the admission of persons of all races | deny and entor to the benefits of the DD. D,, . fer three of tuar days, we have availed ou 5 | tr be intend. Bat is ita Convention of the people! aa Pe and Blind Institution aud other benevo-| 44 ty such wicked and vile legislation sel iargely « 2 COMETS Of OO able : = ary 5 * Thoee who attemps to support the nega an nid - lent Inatitucions. Referred. | with aft of bie abitity.. He a i 4 : bie ud comtcaupurary of the Sentinel, with wuss veo) + heiry, negro, arceolution in regard to | jutelligent and tax paying they > | are redmeed ty the mecossily of main-| we generally conc r suffrage. Reterved. * had seut bie bere & protect their tuterests on falbing thet io mescly she ugeus of Coos] ih oe vubican aeennak \ and defend their rights. aed he would do it. cr gees, to de for it what it might have done} Covsry Miansa—We lepe our readers} Me Abb ad es bs tie [is was troe be felt out of ; it waetree uself? Will any mau of tatelligenee an- will not forget thet Munday orxt is the day sa . aie By ba wt eh ed ook re saree wth, to var ta : diraka ta lose) bihet (ulin lesch (ce fixed tor g meeting of the Couservatives of the | gy consume time in its discussion, until mbre} ton, Hedger, Morehead, and 4 host of Rerth z dent? We imasiac uct Whbv alike cvanty, for the parpose of appointing deley.des) time was allowed fur cousideratioe, asked) Cereliaa’s puble subse, @iled meme, 3 . ween fears Cog ae geen arn in| afte eee or Gok RR ee ae ot ren eee aS, Ae vckle * wes rvogresa hh le Sth —- 4 ta, ne with the interests , ie not yet bad the hardilod to cuact that! Wears aesnebee wine nahi Mr Daciels reanttio, ate indemaiying | Ste. ” ropa of _ a . | hope ad = Ge tan *~ *") mechawics end artisans their labor, was Ashley replied tm a speech too leogth ries $ these States are nat Biaive ia the Uuiow.| ceshumestc, sud thet « large delegatwn of ov: | talon op, aed vn motiun of Mr pa YES store 7 aren Deh tes read tome ve It gravely acknowledged them to be sack! west and bes men will b seat, We ter! adupted. | Marvis, of Wake, negro, also bad « speed 4 ee ‘ashington City COMMITTEE OF WMOLE, | © utalte ow the . Me. Welker wo mach dscns. sal a list of order,’ after the Commites “and tunporeria ved, yet . ees sad py oer tne setion by shag calives of Public lustractiow,”* in had desided to| for Govercor . make office order to D- then creation wey bear it ! Common Stamped such legislation ootrageous. he af have ligwut, tax Mr can thn he and proceeded to the sore length. ‘ Mr French, of Chowan, thanked pore grit bende nest slp 8 few short years ves, thie fear to the Copaty of Att Durham said thé littl excited. He or svetional bb to them for acveptation o rrejection, ‘The |! gowhers aod charseter, wrt ve im etic! The bour of 12 having arrived, the ©v2- | pee, the Chainnan reported progress and ac Supreme Court hag more than onee ack } ance at Raleigh on the Sab yee weot into U = ree vf the W ‘asked have to sit again. Harris, of ake, (negro,) advocated the | - =o The Report of the Committee on “Gover, | , ’ nowledged them tw be euch Chief Jus. | ‘Geurs”’ { commeuivation wae veesived frou the creation of tbe offices. 4 Nor Rvow —We regret that want of space | Mt aad wthes Executive «i wastaken! Public Treasurer, to the ex- ‘ Lona s 3 F at wa nee Lys t pey The on Mr, Durham's amet ’ Ne vse deelared the sime thing wpen| , , oP vuasdered ' Of the Convention, om the . ; : . day, Compete as to abri lye th- prowedings | Mr Abbott moved to pews o the | wmend ment, yesterday = opening the Circuit Court of the 1 sited} f : ' he could not, from the untore of oath ellen P Jini. Cf the Couvratwo, gy far as to eactube most ul by sections; Which wae ag to, and the | o¢ dice. or the obligations of nie} Wt Provisions for tbe of tone “Mates in Raleigh last spring Lf they) ihe remarks of the membera We segert thm | Seoretary read the report, whee Rand { ner didthe cow of © Governor, Superintendent ot Public W ork Mr Prevth, of Chowas. moved to add: in| eline ¢ Public are tates, ne power oo earth Gan organ: | as we would have teen glad tu hete pubheied —- — .¢ —— te *' him te disbersiog mrary in compliance paonip Instrection, Was pet to « tz rovernment fe hem cer he 0 temas ks of M Graham a» url 2 . z the f 4 vote boat. av a poverncermt fee them cserpe t 4 Fema —— = “m= fof Public Works,” the words “and lmmi-!. Agee tame debate & wee. determined to After» good deal of confusion, and own sovercign people. Thie has not been | —2- | gration.” and, io « apecch of sume length. veheche matter tothe Committe: of Ahree, |pemereble the Lat geetinn by Congresa. It has only ander.| Cosvweatea Goese.—Me Ro 3. Wer —— — —— of the appotated to wait oo Gen. Canby, instrne- nee ee dain ede folios ‘ ’ A —_ wr “ . 7 , take ws to declare whe are the people of th. ; wa nh : a ia = satel ates hoch ataaaien of Caateten and pal 1 A hn heen inde penton rng water ee modified form ; < rn Stairs, Having, as @ apposed," mt 10: clnt, met 0 Mark ann ror | working-wmew into this Stat, 1 Oe od - ye de owes efjvarec. Sacricx . The Executive Departm- settled thix question, it provided for their | 8 td — " Detaled Noel Lal oa B ae Mr Kodinan ebjected to the eg wuts} —_—~ shall conrict of » Govemer, in whom +! ” ; d heir} teeate r Wear atrempte! to ulentify the | themght it had Setter emg ia 1Oth eee. | be vested the supreme Excegiive pow lage in couventions to trame enneti-| oe stor byw face iner ene teveslne » | thew and be wdiied wo the deties of the Berens | wpened be alee of the See, in es, a Frente: iene «f met fer seweclyes — > ‘ of sal ‘ ’ = tution got re t themselv gore tena desiesd oo Gvehed on taken ee was in teres | 1) Oteleehh fener £ Tents Works, a-»p Vhe Conetitatan of the United Ptatee| «em kw es au ordeal amd ty avurd it broke) fe seything thet encouraged wurbi ae | Prayer by the Rev. Evie, ( » intendent of Public Leetruction, and “s ho sha’ tle eo that three perv ernmcwte obeall Le) « with vuch fury, thas Mr. West rae el-) to eumne inte the State. Mr. Redman prevented report Attorney Geueral, who shall be f ! ree bas de.jter bm Lt waren miere-tin race while | Galloway, negra, wanted the avenue open the Commitice on Reliet, for the tern of two years, by the qus!'s : wil] | eed—erend!) Bat enffee knew bow to tree to all, de. | Me. Tourgre moved that be printed, of the a the “ ’ ' “ ne yee Mr Congleton wanted to know what elise! and bnid'ow each member's deck, as he}*%4 and in the samme mann’ ares ad goverumen: if jes emnnen: be Si ae the gubler: the they wished to invite here ; too Many Yt | wiped ve give it eeevetal consideration | me of the General Assembly » fee conventions fer such peveraments, PUTT’ Thad to take it ap end winle dung | penpte here sltvady | Mie. Welker moved to make it the epe)tievted. Their term of affice shall : , o I mal gard bia ecane Carey vegre, said the laborer im Nertiy s ell 6 Congres hay repeal ‘ Plane eddace aan (pre v2 (tine Ricadingger yRecligrae ( erddt fir ve-manye, ts 18: o'deak—.) monee cn. Se Bret day, of Jae ! 1 be rae. themnands of them idie now, and yet we} Catried. pater elretiog, qnd exadieme antl ivi » ( 8 ' ’ EON ENTS POP OMEN | beard gentlemen talk about bringing imat-| Mr. Gunter offered a resalution in rele-\corears ate clected and qnalified: Pr- ca _ — tors bere for to guarminate the mp peo tion ol ore Laid ever. fame te etipcge Ot eleeved ohall ry “ “ fo i Asctwen Se celloven Rowssey —Vig| ae of te send him away to some bi re| Me. », a resolation in regard to is-| ie duties of their office thirty Gays * ts mrnifest sate hee keeo on . : ics nwler. 6: If men too rt te» be distributed, the! suing ne@ State bends, Laid over. jthe sece of thie Constitation |’ = at Malstohl isl a ecueras ; Kentay naght laet and rutbed of at Poot black shoald have it. He would wot) dp, Parker, & resthution for the meeting|\ougress, and shall bold their offices ‘ ; hats eck nae ubject to some of them immigrators. bat hel uf the Convention at 10, A. Ms and alen|!™ years from and after Jan, 1, 1869 | 4 This bo ‘ . 4 ' e io bas . J put ep rercn| maw ton mach disposition, om the part of ail; Mr. Abbe od for tolfing ufteruson sessions, whew we-) Mr. mimeved to amend the 2 = eoverr ig « pe} bogs to fs eovagh for « yrar's supply white men, te disregard the interestee? the! ’ leretion, by seviking out the words “bar } ecerral St ay fone were stolen out of the pen, and now black man “Dem immgrators come down, CCO*TY. Lald over. } - 4 ie , iis | here. wid dere implements, and twe of én! Hyman, (negre,) « resolation craving | been.” in the Quod line, and jnperting an as { pr vale ] * “ ocr year 8 province bes & eacbgnadr nh aaore wage gph 4 meer p word Bh poo from the enolate ey paok to de bl mat eee ¢ ~ » do any act “ eo malda caltive wo; we, y | and in regar saffrage. a i bss ’ =o we gz upon the fish . —--9 | would be exterminated. De negro had| Eppes,inegro,) = ceentasion thet sil, the word “and. for thes own sontwcmerte nud, Avtnee Eommiay We alan tearm thar «| Lintted de wilderness. built op de State W| veal estate be ttted adealornm, de Re-| Mr. Twargee moved to amend, by » . , ia El ei caieta ag what it = « ial if — wae : he! ferred 16 Commineron Powns and Citics, } ing ont the first five lines and inser the ¢ os awe Fa given. de magro wee cutitiyd to ht. Folks on ie i veentaien by to} “aay qualified voter of the Btate sh»! jack ier: aie SEE TE 4 Sh Saas Sage ote hs El a eat onthe Berge TN alighle ae Geveraer or Leaiens hestake ( : Fe eam baw sour othe ee tat mou) POT neque had barn abused ; dat was derce-| Mr. Ellie, the following resolutions, “i he original di f ; fp alihaks puch 2s, be son de State was Gung in de rear.” vis : } ¢ thonght the original did not ¢ 7 be ; ; Ais g iGently authenticated are not men | Hood, negro, favored the amendment.and,| Wrereas, We, the delegates of the | @lored man « fair chanee aree ee th convention a ‘ ed fr the present | in the evurse of his remarks, stated he was | people of North Carolina, assembled, de} Ihe amendment was lost. wfall) vt alt Wheres exe things to end f [totally opposed to any system of confises- | repogpise in the Government of the Uni-| qnestion recurred ov Mr. Abbe ‘ We wil not attempt to claberate the ey ie ASbett vaste i | ted States three comerdinate branches, via: | ment, and ik was adopted. statement whieh we have made by an ex Sepoes Deara — We learn that Mr. J E set he ee wag < erpesate Berean) Pxeentive, Soadieial and Legislative, and | Ao amendment by Mr. MeCubb Jedd) argument We believe ie wif)! Rakestraw a very worthy and reepectable res Mr Freach withdrew the amendment. and do nor frengnige anv Constitutional war- which had been previously OBered, | te keaverted Weare couedeatihat| ciret Brokes county. while on a cist t| @8T@ Gotier thas be would ofr an waren. | rant far the one's infringing Spon the pre- raled oat cf order, to strike oul Gwe ye t Le eontroveried are confident ihe aaa ; a ment to the 18th section. when it was cop-/'galives of the others: And, sheresp, "idence in the State and insert foer, » a man in Congress will admit that the ae seat A Leone bss (shen wu | sidered. | There are many special cases where | require a frechold valued of $1,000 f sovervign powers of the Soathern States,” prepexy, bell from his horse ond ex | Mr Redman moved to strike ont “two.” |} sane are held in euspense, and are detal | Governor, was again offered. \ have been absorbed, throagh their cnn- nen af syrieie oe ; depiagt Polenta a sec aia: verre a epecd hearing before one af pond io ee } rape} ose 6 Wee sineet - rare ui age 4 ware w * eo shed i brane depriv hem ; oe qnest, by the Federal Government They | eres eed hs 7 re rt Carey, negro, an amendment, providing | Aghe 66 pete and 4 ne Pe ‘ ey sd : . — | ily denied on all occasions that the E | chat the Governor or Lieatensut Governor | ite involving the it i pod rs © person shall be eligible as Gov ; ee shall he a colored man, when chosen; bat pohite eonotitutionstiny of hed \ Pederal Groverument waa reeponsible tT Dera. tred in Iredell county, last werk | he withdrew it. the reeon-trietion nets, thes enhj.-cting om, or Lientenant Governor, waless be + ; lebta of the Soath- | for the murier of Lanra Foster, a case remor-| Mr Graham, of Orange, was opposed wo} thent to great and bubappy inconvenience: have attained the age of 30 year. Stats, which would Le se if| ed from Wifkes connty, was found gui! auy change in the Constitation of North | Aged whereas, ‘I'bere exists a wide epread shall bave been @ revident of the | ats, which uld Le the ease if I guilty, and OF pr F nity had be beort | gentenced ts be hanged on the second Pritay it Carolina. He did wor nite the power} feeling af discontent in all the States of for twenty , and of the State for heir sovereignty hac en 20 absorbed | 7" | of this convention as sufficient to make it.| this Union, in regard to the present un, Seat sext such eleetion, nor o Tbe Convention, therfore. should do al) Vetrmery: Aa sppes! was prayed and granted! In regard to the term of office of the Gower! ty YY state of thingw: ;any in elected to either of thore | thatiit deems wesresary bor the gnod (of the Supreme Court, pow in session, for a| nor, it shedld remain as it was, for f a bait ‘Rol ved, therefore, "That we, the dele. | Por be eligible to the same of 7 ewitral, bot as this ie the second trial had | one should he elected. he wonld be fastened f the aie than f . the people of the State, not ineonsiatent) so. it ia hardly expected that the So. | 2P0t the people fur four years. Sales oF peopl: of North Cafolinn, do More than foor yonrs in any term, with the Conetfation of the United States, ve - a et ee that the Su- | Mr Modenae replied, advessting bio ansend- hereby eall upow the Congress of the U. prs we him a Ia Gavernor or Spe tshonld do nothing at all. If it inf? OT pele “Sart Pin dite dang why » » tad On motion of Gallo negro), | 1d walt a ! The (ce iC 1, (Rare Mr Toargee apposed the an . ng @ bes ie | n way, ( ; pr eee Ava powers for ¢ VY purpore | The ioniona ‘ommercal, (Radical ) Harris, of w ake, negro, arose to @ per. Goart of the U, 6.00 all points involving commitice rese, the Obasirman repo" F purpos ithin ite eonetite an able article ovposing tae comrse of the | somal —- in regard ont ones the constitetionality of the reconstruction | PT and asked leave to sit again limitation’ preseut Congress, says “pot one intelligent Ree ment ¢ Y Carey, negro, saymng that! ois, in order that their decisis he On motion the © th jjours _. publican in a dotew indursee the present coarse ea biaek man entertained such snviméeute finde known to the people al the 1 fp, nneil PTY o' dock to-morrow. : that Carey's mnendment had been drawn up A Gonariis Suow Newer was there a Gner | of Congress | some conservative, who os ge na of thts j _———a- chanee for a Baxxc to make “a pile” than » _ i Rage e a that geotleman’s (Carey's) credatity. Rhy! heied y *¥ olution femored ld now efarded 10 the persosuel of the Southern Cong Election. | was iro. he held the name of the mae tw be VA President of tite}, Se eee ts Sts an pean é Tete (a of , Coluenboa, Ohio, Jan, 28.—John Beatty. re- | his hand. a | Coavention, to President of the Uv. te, not am ge sph ted h ae ttha Sa theas” in bleck wax publican ts elected to Congress to fill the va } Carey did'nt like Harris’ remarks, and! 8, to the Chief Justice, and to the Speak. mone ry rh aaa bei Ce if aisfrent 6 Povatwas, and the thing legney caused by the death of Ham:lton, repab |commeneed an appeal to every member onjers of both houses of Congress, Laid parle. The “irosly toll” an, pha * + 16 ‘heaa “this delegation floor,” but was informed. as| eve: king te dimes. — Ral, Sentinel it a ! Tz cs p i p i i g i L@ s ti r - 3 - <= e s s e sk oi EEG RN ep .- | ayy gare ‘ oe ace mie EPG When ‘ ' ta ater - be Lamas oe ECORV ENT N. it t *y sai i 3 ' ie “ ae i Mt : Seo ey ” _ ; a NR A ae MN Wier Sok on : nea en , Sife Jusncance Compary edhe .'s. ds kaa hae ar. ry, ti Os on bac t see ' ie ake dia y ee ee d OF ; VIRGIN 1 TA. ‘a Md bso a , Yra cir time and atte sea as ea ‘Bg to awe and pia pe medicines a6 Ceres Stabe b 4 “2 Y 4 - 0 . sores eer a, Lerme. we’ on . Bowie Fi wei at tts tee sng tel oo ee jsiee| “concent a oe Oe 2 Voxphiinand tnatere etter NE ee 7 S 'e . . e tee, ving oy te ‘| Jte Funds dre kept ih the South. Re pre Aya rye sot mouth to astonishmeut ; ote & : gent It has met with unprecedented success. |\ton"tp vaidl cr wally, tad oat Ia Conventions were d 2 pee Tis fortune. established beyond otaaveraiies aaedouel Me Sestar Batre the ROSADALIS ” — iis a ‘ Pm cdeansing the Liver, fl Georgia. apr : which gives advantage over ect Reconstruction was renewed and discussed. { contingency. Since Bil hevewatore fared. an. the. publ. to thousé TreWhishey Metro poe CURES ALL SKIN DISHASES. ee = an Th ooh word in ten ‘ si history an Executive sessin, the Senate ad- Wuson, N. C., September 15, 1967, { jjapitit, = 4 rif - faye bly with Life py “ ; must journed, Lawennes: : iy that will compass Averaiiy any may be ated by the most feeble the to the — a tb 1862 my eon, now aged five years, HL ngtor yam wv! lng wich 4 the} most delicate situation, either male or female, because f was vaccinated with what proved to be impure | _Itsaffaire are cautiously 4 by setected | #24 from their peculiar combination are highly MARRIED : . | mutter, whieh completely destruyed hie health, | Directors, of responsibility and business capacity. rourbeiog,. allt in Gar ee ee. need in (AL the residence of thetbciile’s father, in Stan- | Fle: has been effeied with wn inveterate and qx-| !t hes extablished te claim tw Bowthorn Pstronag olf see p oe ee ae poe’ fy nom ert anes ly coonty, on the 16ih January, instant, by the | tremely apart nea mwoten wf she eee, OFFICERS — ont oat yo rape dove here. © | Rev. J. W. Puett; W. L. Sx { Rowan, to , sometimes breaking out iv sores, &e., -! JERS: veqnence r& the steed of Cones vativent a general vem | Miss Lotta A. doubter of Allen Crowell, eq, ! arggicg = sane ty de Be a —- pred dagy rab ra sale rom prostrate content With looking on aid ' gusteepemmemmeteeiememmmmiiommes |!" °')0\%e nnd temuine emirely well. ‘hisiuliaaladal Ereutest security ia having hie liver aad bowels a arya ly” ga Ty Borat ore a sous x. zowanos, | Eel ete : jand that was the ordinance by the’. Ie this town, aboat foar o'clock this morn- #1 PONE | the Southern States, hare. they beew ped id that the Seino pee yt ogtry Si tess Tobe ON cong im aor lager, com bo Wa Be ieance, D. J Hiaurasox, | ele, seer em Pacem ior recting the Public 7 to pay. the aged about twelve years. Con on © 0s poly , can ei aM. AAC, J. LAR K, mondetion —thelt miorits are 06 well known by per diem of members and officers of the| 19 Statesville, on the 3d of January, 1868,| “ty duaghier has been cured of & dee neated MEDICAL KXAMINER, .° Price 25 Cents's Box; $2 50 a Dosen convention epen the warrant of the Presi-| David C. Foster, aged 66 years, 3 months end disease of the Laws (nronetnced by our Purysi- CHARLES H, 8MITH, M. D ; dent. The most ofthem voted yea, for)* **¥* cian Consumption, by your Rosadslie ‘ He mil sive bevy o8 hand. 8 SER Py the vemnen thes Olen soak hak ve (patio ane ae ec ibertee ANN #MITH. LEGAL ADVISER, OPNERAL AGENT, Deems’ unders timere, March 4, . z.0.C ; for the of Fi and other [State bed R to pay-ciber now or hereal:| WW ADVERTISEMENTS. MO. Cavptty — Jx0. He CLAIMORSE.| Chimed Fevert rae haw poog.” & seving te the! —_—_—— \ DIRECTORS: We wish it to be the mouey on hand ; distinctly understood, thet ciipense of collectiog VALUABLE ROSAD ALIS ey ee ee p - Ra} z | Som 8. trell, H.E. C. Baskerville, | the effect at the same time, 1 am sstished that the Repabticans will LAND SALE |hatie't Wortham, osrpedagntn”” |, Tt nee atvorenty ede ead! pot to i : William Willis, Jr., J. W, Allisea, byt esmon, ever en ES ed ay wo chen x | Isa Potent Remedy in all r4:\s" smu” Vane. Buimer, | evory farm and ‘modifontion, ip eunmed by « eee ale They are al-| THE o igued admivistrators on the | rs A. Both 1. ©. id — ro a F f H ¢ 4 A. Bot, H.C. Cabell, lianle fur the introduction inte che system of 60 determined, in my opinion, to have all | estate of Larkin Lyneh, dee’d., by virtue of Ch H Di J D. 5, Begpest, certain rae Hoar or agent nalled -|the officers, from Justices of the Peace, |x decree of the Vourt of Pleas aud Quarter ronic Diseases. J.£ adress wanes ©. Tayi Weleria, or Merch nome. "Por te Deler, up, elected 4 the people ; the judicia- | Sessions of Yadkin county, made at January = a.Y A. P. Abell, we furnish « peckage containing twobones of may posi be left as it i, 26 far as | Term. 1863, will offer for sale at the late re-| Prom G. W. Blowtt, 4 tio 4. B. Mestoa, Wm. B. lanees, Gite, anate ont epee the Liver, cleassiog oad Soper ced, bs iia eee ey or ar ee Sa geet | geragcndrating ing nein, sug coe doubt very much : day of February vext, all the lands of the} 1 have been cured of Chrosie Influmaia of ; : : red tecdic’ gee Fae . 2 f ; h ? uve ne . ; . o ry ne, which when taken intothe There le also a diaposision te lenctben | des d., on Deep and Hannon’s ereek, iu said} the eur cud Pwrtiel Dewlurss, of ten years’ LEWIS C. HANES, Ag’r. stomach, passes into the cireulstion, and, by a ~~ she seven af efles in ment ences free vee, | County: containing about standing, by ROSADALIN. i. ; ‘jan 17 —twéewtf Laney iN. Ole ne wah ihe jie é HARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE |10 four years. This, however, 1 thiok | 1200 ACRES, ine, eptember ete | Seasuenty, co sammora ds tp pelea, The COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. will net pass. There is adisposition also | in whieh there us about 200 acres of fine bot- Poatemootu, Va.. Aug. 28, 1867, advaiage in this treaument therefore, is, that a cure mast be redice!l and complete without \* tie vig sr now gre ond jum land, with exeelient uplands (both in} Capt. J. H. B-bor—sir: For the tast seven the Li y epee question may remark, that the | cultivation and in timber) well adapted to | os eight years | have been sever-'y @icied | ” berg. (Va } Sows ' Conservatives object, and thie was the the growth of Corn, Wheat, Tobacco, and j wih e gyorg form of SALT RUUE ¥, [{ Communicated. | | cause of the long discussion to-day. There | other products. These lands will be divided | from whieh [ have never bern able to obtain the Gecoeat grove Mesers Elitors;—Siace Whe ineurance has} is aleo a iderably dispositi oe lend Ito suit parchasers. Also, 8 ope-half interest | signtest perer pible rete fromm ony of the many ila. aus rates cal be sent by mail a lin the GRIST MILL. known as “Bruce's | remedies whieh | have of varwestiunce appli-d, It is authetitieslly stated that one-fifth of| or express to auy point in the United States. taken such « hoki apoo the popular mind, aod | State aid to all the mufinished railroads in q A ill.” wi bot | eeti Ll chaseed to try Dr. Lawrence's Romadal- | ihe since 50 many ace taking ont policies of assnr-| which the State ie iuterested, but no far- x as figs ager A end! enn [a (entincalcde qasalk ti heed aye (el aa aa aes yeah entry die The ott oe ee will ened in the various companies in this country } ther, | and @; | most eutsrely cared of my trombiemane erup- pt : . . pproved security | theroaghly etndied, rad its nature less under- | roaage gives us heretofore and hope There wifl 1 think be a clanse in the W. W. LONG. | ae stood ; there is no disease wpon which exists a | Comtines te favor ve by vading on ke t Sa J lee bet ’ oat] ecomann eehadh he St k | | Other members of ary femily heave used it as to Southerners generally, serivasly to cogasider | og t Mate taking ISAAC JARRATT. we He x : : : hs jeremter divermty of opinion and po dmease}@ W. DEEMS, 28, South Calhoun whetem amenet of mangy, pod apie in any kind of Toternal Improve-| Administrators of Larkin Lynch, dec'd. bee 1 sas ae ee deg prkyatoar hear pave Which has more completely baffled all medical Street, Baltimore, Md, where they will be : wente hervalier. 1 Sau. 27th, 1868. [w-te-4] nie % { skill and remedial agencies, prompily stiended to. deme moevally Uae ot trom cae faiied | 1 ‘ j lever wed before, nome bave bern o happly ee > For Medicines call on oll irculmiga to earch Northera imsututions, and | @ great many ordinances and | ———— oes aaa _ | benebcie! la offret an the Romdals, ond t = vald | ee a everywhere, and co all (ae e uttous, avd | resolutions calling for relief to the people F } mare cheerfully recommend it tw the public ead Cough, Expectoration, Shortness of Breath, Te } ai people, ty Sal ia "y : s@devuine permationiy iuvened in Northero | aii of which hang been referred to the | Equity Sale Lo all refi-ring hwmasity |ritatiun about the Langs and Chest, dart . y- stucks? Itin.wige ig out peuple to effect as- | ¢ juce relief, W Sep-cision | Or Wary sepenines - esrs 88 - —- the Sides and Rack, Emaciation, EW” Joho H, Ennins, Salisbury, (Druggis:,) ome UL on fe has ” y . t » kN. BOGGS, | gene negative coudition the whole sys- special agent. marance on their fwen There is vo more cer-| will be made of them I ean't tell, bat 1} VA LUA BLE LAN D. Oppenite the Crawford Huase. ter = . tain method of providing sometilng for one's| think I ean pce that the whole matter is — Pr offerin i i "67 j 01 aréay, tho Stans of Pobroey n \ er sone g with this dread disease, familly, in the eveat of death, thaa by eur losing strength. 1 think upon the whole | nn pigregy rider tome Boal topatiagl Faggeh pda I herby certify tha: I wisenred ofa “Chma- or any of its concomitants, should lose wo time 1867 Ho! for the West. i | that the Constitution j | | Known as Che<tnat Hill, belonging to the hex ‘of | be affection of the Kidneys’ by the ose uf one hempelere of cs Reme ya) cxproelly va these Precarious times, whee when Suished wil Witttem Murphy “Gee'd adjoining the lands oe A. { bette of De Lawrence's Reendabs, and the «- a eiewaraes , het pean Lage scons The ie @ next to impossible to mare say thing hice «| be a like the one framed a short |; joieson. 5. R. Harrison and others. This tract | fure adviee cthers -affenng with the “Kdory and be restored to health. are i young a ve furtupe io the ordinary prreuits ofite Wis by the Convention of Alabama, | cocteim « pember of velaable building lots and | Ujiseese,’ to iry the Kusnde liv. ) ) advocated | — ou bn —— whieb I you have scen | ell timber tend. Tor o—six ond twelve mowthe R D. ALLEY Rev. E. A. WILSON’S design lin eden a gratiicet 2 pleasure to know "The i ke Jt with interest after six months. The percha Wasco. Aanent 3. 1007 By the Great "¢ amet . after (gt aff dagts of wet are out : me | es ; { : repared Preseripiios Care = ‘eral siveanere fe #8 rm con hing out cal eommanioatiog tray, declining to hover [same Socane ecteborauenct Wa or SS r far the Gare of ent tin powers. OF team mene. Bat is it wot the part of waedom, he warrnat of the lehihees efihe C py will att twenty-threr ac es adjacent to Nal sbe Consumpti'n, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cou gs, DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE |! of Raw he view of thiv all good men are dann pucy for exe peopte to putrub: | taf the Con- |, Down an the Brick Yard. Aino. a part of tee} Ceids, end a.) edhe mae merecrs pemene rc Ses ae! ROSADALIS ype | Ps os thie school is to be fete from all excte- | lof the delegates, apon the ground that the ee eee Cae aed ee All Throat and Lung Affections, rien iatiuemers cod will oy opie anaes and every severity for smuraser thet | warvant was not a safe voucher. The LUKE ULACKMER. C.K | thy the use of which he was restored to health > ant patronage wf «!| eretions af and oth | @ be cficeed, de goed faith, by Northern | Convention I think @ disposed to jucufy Jan y, 1a, LK watw—td Will Cure the ve Worsl io a few weeks, aller having soffered several Rail Road. AND ; ministers of all decowinations are} ? faim in the course he has parened, und —— i ry years with @ severe lang alfectioe and thet ITS CONNECTIONS. (4 ees! : herb} called fo tetpy by presenting) © At exewination of the clsime of the Arling- | will to Gat Canby fer hie order on Un account of the wmparalelled demand for . deve siisease, Consun,)tiva, has tow beeo in 4 this rabjeet pe on eed em | ie Muttal Lite senrance Company of Visgivia, the . whieh « bo audérsto. d vill the Hosadalia, [ heave moved my | abora- Cases of Chronic Rheu- | Wee over tee years with the most marked suc- Arrangements have been made by which Pases- ge Departme deaver t wale a6 We thie enter | ested in Bichpuod, bap qvarined your we. be « sufficient veucner. | tary from Wilson, N. C., lo 29 Hanorer| - oo This Rernevdty ts prepared from the original a. a ~~ Eo a - — which it te leaped Mader Diving) cogci et that, bu pind of sbeatilte eraponst | As Onserver. | Street, Multimor?, Md. matism. Recipe chemically pure, by the Rev. ED- lediesepele led,” Losisvitie, Ky, eeqiive Pp ‘revidener, wil) prove» lasting benefit to bility, oud ail sae chaments of 9 wable, relistile' Te Se | So op preppy | Lherby certify that Teas cord of lveg WARD A. WILSON, 165 South 24 Street, | Chicagm, a Nashville, Tennessee, theasands why am pow idle brenuse : : | = | QMA GREAT SOUTHERN | : y W dhamsbargh, Kings Co, New York. >t Leonia, Mow Chie, * " m= . e 1 Treattrer Campany, it has po superior gn this continent, | LATEST NEWS | ernndiug Chemie Rheamation, by tabing for ’ \ know not the use of the ehmpledt tools, or} . . utles of Dr. Leerretr’s 8084 DALIAN A Pamphict contaming the orignal Pre- | St Joseph, Mo. c Obie, orks, a>”) PO Acquitian oh ¢ < oP Th ne as large « guarantee Capital stock as say, _ Hea'th Restorer, | JAMES WILLS, | ~ription with ful and explicit directions for | Qeisey, 10. Toledo, Obie, etlon, and erations, being raised in the Mp of lexury , other company. It is in the hands of an able | Congress. ; : a Witwa, N C., Mav 8, 10:7 [reparation and use, together with s short his- | Sertagtos, lows, Cotambee, One, all be ele aah one Hed what heretafore, U icovory. Tia buernens efanire are carctully,} Washington, Jen 97.—Heere:—U oder cal! | The best Dhed Parifer inthe World. | OF The RO<ADALES# ihercoghly osedicotes tory of bis case with <ymptoms, experience -_ ae ba oom bg =" re had athere to firm 6) cauthardy, ond jodbersedy edainistered. Lie \of the thetes, the bafluning lal, susan othe"s | —— [tery Bind of hammer ond bad tarei, vax tories res he gat agi ——? monger hemor gv Rndinse. a same te ~ hee’ fa” Uhese | (andy are sll retained sod employed in the ee 1s Vein Soteend thnks, te | DE. LAWRENCES [or RT te eros » a by oating And all Points ws the Great Weat. Taree’ | ial oe on rye t t te Vertes sty armies, never prade Ps : . “ . . Aveembly + - times of Rmancigh cmmbarresetgens enn this South 1: has reasived the highest possible © Crested directly or idirectly in boriettore CRLEBRATED ding the Mabie ehers (. B. POULSON & CO By this great rowte passengers Have only ) fand be Diet ry +s lend . , %e , sled ~w* . ice shall « be ralerd 1 F : | our Lad d, im that ite ug ap-' det the revetine laws, releting to tuffocre om |, . _ Th is wot a Seere: Qeock Remedy, The enti TWO CHANGES Jamoary ue tat he ae Can RN ees [need todas mee have meet © i spemanie of pomvumnteprang foneta mR He HAY fel lbntagedi aia pea areoe alee RALRBURY, x. c.|<f Som Stara ee SY Sikes vo 7 ven . r (agents prockhog { ! { - te, aud tw aed and ¢ odors the . CALE ie two te antl uber » 7 : ve Ate ; hy ft has deme a arger business im the fire six eek eet oe Aye \ Leeding Phrmemes everywhere it 0 hewee 49.3me St. Low salified: Pre the in New York Clay matarings plan | ni, uf je existence than marks the hietcry as ed Gur Wyonung wernory ( ey xe uy PRerAdRO ON'Y OF DA J 2. LAW ——= : — _ | re ; 4 pied which business men say Gaght to raise hd ain alibdes a sien onl Gils ccotlaat.<- gh a ee ee and bqaalstc | RENUK, Cheat, $9 Ueovver &, Bchimere, For Life Insurance Only. Time — Washington to Indian- ohall the fonds secessaty, nad while enough y ' uvual (ay Cagey,) dealernng «wn FoR THER CURK OF | Wary land. _ apolia$ hours; Cincinnati 36 hour: ; itty days +! has already been aceomplished reatowe- | The Company hes altwady established « line of promims fur vidathne of te retemir, hos ; . d St Louis 50 Aours ; Cario , ‘onstitation |’ } Potictes that places ite fortancs beyond an awd for the better urvenization of the Umi ed R LA : . Price $1.50 Per Bottle PIEDXS ONT ane wre, 53 ey bly to eucerss, yet mach re- : ¥ | States District Court to Lauidana SCROFULA, in all its forms, - : |hours; and Memphis, Tenn, 62 | 1869 mains to be dene. Lom getting ready | onbusty contingency. It mcomplahed Se | 4 reaitathen pated, repeating the terrtorial | sear Der Sele by af principal Drup- REAL ESTATE UESTRANCE COMPANY Aeure- ted "i the 2 for publication a book of advertiorments | retary, D. J. Hartapok, so well aud s0 favore- | aot of Mowtana @8 account of the etclosive of ee | giste in the United Stale, 2 . : . . “| The Bakimore & Ohio Railroad aud comnee- » words “her ond valuable reading matter, whieh ebro} bi koown in Virgima, in all busioess and & ee Consumption ia sta carly Stages, Enlorge-| For sale in Salisbury, by Jno. H. En- OF VIRGINIA. ting roads are the only reates which eon check 1 ipening pleted, will be fr ly | nancial roles, han. in piersn recently ahieeend PONY patie omelente ree pre | er ced Ulorration of the Glands. Juarts [olga y ghrp eiyg alas waren ton Chay to at the word: ca are N oe App The Lynchberg, with enproredented ) PU" | eenrtion, urging the dinates Gl a tate Bones, Liver, Kidneys. &c.. Rhenumatiom. | everywhere jan 2i- tw3m AUTHORIZED CAPITAL I echoes oda Bohimere & Chis caine a lei ded io ase Rew mie "bb inne Pb oes, Wy fhe epgecn@ omen ty orore | Govermanre, end the rewetal uf sh-ateinn White Swelling, Mercurial A fectwms, Sore | = — = isthe nearestand most Grectronte. Preengers : 200.00 per page, payable im prude. PNR ar heated ead ftp Crowned dat Lord! sod a rmaibuntiom of fie teat ont Alm» a px Pym (td Sores. IMensee pooulier to h*,| \ orth Carolina Military and Poly: ONE MILLION DOLLARS, | perehater Wentere thro’ tickets have the pri have thas far advertisements 10, in the apace of one week time Lo the space | tition from nertmbers of the Locisiana Conven mates, Eruptions af the Stim, General Bad N Academy. —The %b Aunval . jiege te viet Behimore and thee rramme their amend, by , the amount of $100,000. Lf ithe Book | of ten days be mawed poleses in Charlotte! tion praying the removal f General Mano nk Heatth, and all other Discases caused by | S.caion opens Febraary qT; 1958. Regular OFFICERS pereey West, vie Behimore & Gio Rad- » dad laser were com 1 coubd-claimn the goule, | rill tv the amoant of fet hendred theemnd| sod Gime and Porch officinia. Alsoe peiiwn — 08 PUTT State of the Blood | Course—Languages, Mathematics, Nature!’ w C CARRINGTON, President — e Btate she but a6 these gudde must he sold eventas!. | dollars, which te been swriled to near a mé-\eem the Micskmippi Ounvwatua, relate ty 1” The tollowing. among macy hundreds of oar | Setences, Engineering, Retler lettres. ae. de! KING zt a : } U7 Pertics to Emigrate to enyaf the etttena at 0 etka A Aod eo esl 60 Chine one bon In Danville, Lexington, Farmville end | the Freedmen's Bare heat citizens, teatify to ite wonderful efficacy Special Course of Engineering. Architecture o J HOF KINS, Secretarg. | western or Seath- Western States ean, by got- D> ve coucind ed o ape dauler hes epwaed the : : . = and Drawing Comwmerrial Course for business C. H. PERROW, M.D. Med. Advisor. |v . of 10 fail Passengers and hand " re ve places guerre The bili fnrbiddng certain clams ari a j vag ape gany be a » . on hand before proereating the work far.) a A oh the Arkagion L&e fu- : Howe Certificates, from Physicians, |i. For Crronlers, address ; | wards. Fmigreat Tichew «( JEBUE I did not ¢ wu nue ef the rebelbon Wee resawe! and passed J ya COLSTOX. Sa sary Pee . ther, As a gaaranter that the advertion oemuce Company. ln other Stes im sre | $6, aan Ok J = : F jase. KR. b I 7 rt rn This liberal and solvent Seuthern Company | POSTER, Bey, goat, North Caroline, at Saiie- ope a OF cSe i ri. br y goweg £ vert, atul, from the poprlar | A Ne bon was adapted, afer cons Jerable by pag wooden crafieponhshdhimaenteee- deal posar So usmeasas ee ee ee Yee eee) | bery. oo s. vag the proerets talea th the ba of | al wath whick it every where meets, 1 Sees | Kllihustering, under a srepenaion of tHe rules, Bad Chemunt and that bis remedy is an efficient and! ~ a es z wee 874 Ler Cent. of ita Drofita | Indienapolia, Ind Chiaage, M8. mm Mr. Abbe the advertiser, dad constqaently mast pell.| destined in a shart time, to supervede and OUt- | inciructing the P@onetruction committee to Rictsmetad ose erpetacngam ined fi em verfowed) THE LAND WELOVE. ° | Civetanasti 1 thie, *t Louis, Mo- 5 wy for cash or ite equivalent in prodace, a» i | carp all ine ownpetitors in the race for public | engeire whether combinations hed bern mate. 4. 7) Moore, M D.. W. A. Deggan. M.D | AG ET ino Lg exoagiry aia See poarete BG | ene moses nem snob ep ary * ea Ir, MeCobt have not as yet-eceumulated sifficirmt | Pitmese: Now, with soch on institation at we auiempted to obstruct the due exemui no of 7 4. Stith M.D, EB. Barnes. M.D } A MONTHLY: for ume half of the premiam + |, ccaeaie ‘sednead ou = ly offered, * , ad <The] 20t demas, ie it not rhe treme policy of war Soath | ihe igws, with power to seud for persuns and! 7 Wimete } , Ke j Devoted to Literuture, Agriculture and Genern] It allows ‘Us patrons to pay all cash if desired /° E7008 : he eal two ye capital to make extensive advances. tir tnwwre ter the Arlington ? paren 7 Wenet, 8. EY eee dee Jetelligerce. and comprising Reports of Nut | It invites ite patrons to attend Ke eaneal set Passenger? shook ia af cases parchere Thanugh , . goods | have for eale tre y mat + ny iene all kinde of non-for f-it if r sane, Wiane introfnced bat R. G. Barham, M. ).. 8. Woodwerd, M. 1). Pd 1 J thal ps A pce tlepents and sce their rights protected trkets frum the piece they start from to where | imeert foar, * pl UE | articles, not equal ete Cumpe' y Be-tents r introdne & WwW te- Witeon, ». U., Oct 31, 18et. | es, Incidents and Anecdotes of the Wur. It aliow, ite patrens fu change their policies they ore pine; es by no doing they will weve ed of $1,000 7 Gre >| img. Life ard Kakrwment Poligies, apon tie | moving the disabilities of certau ett izews ia Vir- | never before published fram one place te enether mer P from $3 t= §10 tn money, beaides they ere a4 ’ \ merchants, ench ag Acricultaral | mast Hberal terms, aud at the lowest rater O! | cing, | Therwbe carly thet | om easily sie BY GEN. D.M. MILL, LATE OF THE SOUTHERN aRMT ta Pohey be! eotv ; eurject te . } ed. \ : ; per= aequainted | Ite Pohey beiders are not restricted a to tra. su' yee ennovence ia reducing baggege sod be following’ Im ute, Sewing, Weehing and other | pnunaw. edie The Bill relieving Governor Dation, of with the above named Physicians. and they are all PRIETORS: ).P_RRWIN vel of residence. pryeag transfer cherges. By this Rosie, wheo- uA try ° labor Nef machines, pon yy bow orher | LY SCHBURGER Aleem, from pultwal disebilites, was re grariemen of mapectabiity and standing in th) PROPRIE RS). PER & Dit HILE |") (Sales ive following costitiente an to its col | ever wy ecrnger hos perchated «throug borer s Stoves oe, Parlor Cbereh Ure; Lewes C. Hawes, Agent, sumed. os ro oe a . eae vercy the @ff-rent companes aseume sil charges 4 aod i. lode Bageies aed War- Lexington, N.C. Howard aod Drake wanted farther proof of 7. C. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson. TERMS :—Tus Lanp We Love, a Mage Neve x Coret Rorer, Va.) treeeers of Passengers and bagrege- oF rey — ganes e BLT LZ 2 x November Ist, 1967. gine, containing from sixty to eghty paces of 7 57 gible as Gov ons, Books and Perindicale, Sheet Music oo Patton's sincerity. te or £ oe inka y fe March 2%, 1867 $ paw ager is aflewrd 100 Ibe of tron. sb» ; . : : Pa d Suh geed epecial |og je sme oF Chose < roood s Magazine. is : : ar c twelve years are fall Pi qora Be. r, walese bh: Musie Books for Uboirs aid Sabbath Decision of Supreme Court. oo eats 9 tt. a ' files) = Rrarcower Crusty, N. C., May 9d, 1967. | published at Charlotte, N.C, for Three liars Pils steraehta Cnet of oy county of pat 47 ges os pape ak gaa Al ender 30 yar. ‘ Schools, Fertili of varlows hinds, Be,| we, ares Se A Plea ngoret. I De 4.4: Law BBnce, a caiately per Hxprene 0,Jeuh advance, or Five Dollars, if not paid jomrnom “Heese Kellan pak 2 compar 6 ye: ft nee re te Suan Sea er Laalges ith | un equally divided 10 the cae of Joo K, Bik] | Reconstruction Bil reamed, Witon favored |p Tabara” owe, deme mere atin of Yous Mow, erm ny. "The Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Com- tf +H (eriber imformsen a lttogs pe ; . ; 4 : a the thir. | @atia ve carefally examined ite Formula, and i = ——— ay.” of this co ; and besilex he merit of . UU ts ’ salah: ber « on Mis tile cat Tegalia, | ee's mbnroiguargr, plant in error, aod af-| the bill, In apenimg, be swd . ] \ * ron BD pep epee Pe \enteed te Eee mite, ond emorest's Monthly Magazine, lg tnt is _— - t 9 Gon. Sothern Agt. Bak. & Ube R. 8 ’ ‘ jewele and other farviture ; Sabbath | tine! hereby the judgment of the lower) teen years he had beem in the Senate, be hal | soy well pleased withit I think it beyond doutst the | 47 | are are werk an to comenced it we public pat Greensbere’, N.C. er of those Hehoole with masic books, melodeons oF | court, with vaste, This ense involved the Fir-|iistened toa great many speeches, He had | best Alterative lever used. | have tried it in sever WB aiversalty soknowlodged the Model Partor Maga panded nich a= to commend it tw public pat- phish the same o® e ladies With ‘ Wa, tefer- | luv of pardon in festoring property, aud eame heard the domineering Davis, the bartering | al cases of vcrefale and Se ofaton. aGections, Ac.. | RO Oa es Arebvterture and Mod sacs Nouscheld | Ita Stuckholdera, Directors and Officer: are mea L. M. Cona, 3. L. Winsoe, . with frach anticfection to myxelf and patients. | ny term, oF enge t there inetre try | will way that, ) from the Datrict court of Missua:i, where El- | Toourba, the plausibie wf, and wily Shdell, caccieee ab bedeation tas eeeeny it to | Matters. Gems of Thonght, Personal end Literary of high integrity and pativos ean rely on an, Geu Tiehet Age Master of Tre . erpor or Spr I have visited nearly all the various faéte, | vee? admiaistratur tard the Treasury Agent (but be hed never Tatened to @ more wicked | PITS, [ons eed othora, os the moet reliable Alters. | Oossip (including mecial departments ue Faepions), | hanorshic. efficient inanagem nt of its affairs Bor. 20.8. R Bon ORB 4 . . " tur evtton seized in Louisiana speech than that delivered by the Renator | tive now known. Instructions on Health, Mumc, Amasementa ete..by| Nene of un have stork of parcomn! interest in Bekinere Baltimore. y, ( 0), t ries in New yore vende 1 “ih: nf 4 —_— from Wisconsin, fr. Doolittle, on Thorsday Respectfully sys &c. Fis nal or yl bereanphagakie- aged gatnarragca thie company, avd dimply give thix as di<inter-' 30. 1y rs neg ‘i entire satiefact and qt y. in s ts last. ! A.B. NOBLES, M. D. oltion, with other unofal cd commana obscenity j ested testimony to the merite of a good instite- —— - sirman repo" fine y, that T ean Git ay onde South Curolina Comvention. Reverdy Juhneon fullowest, with erful ‘ . Paes mevauojatnaberasry destuereygig Fisk's Me urial Cases. to sit again for vay ads "put of course enh to pall Charleston, Jan. 28.—The Coo to-day | Gousti : | opment an in a | 1); We) Q "x of prarlglny afford to do withoet the Mode! | Gro. 8. Stevera, Clerk Circuit Court, 8 t. B ‘ cae i , be sey di bill tol Washi Jen, 28 —House:—A dill an- | \ i | Aq ny | Monthly. Single copies, 80 cents back numbers, as | Joun F. Hix, Sheriff THE subseriber respectfully annowntees to J what have on hand m to any | wae chiefly ocenped ig disvusmg-tos < Mn RION, " . ef Je] Jat imena, 10 cents. either mailed free. Yearly €3. Wee \. Hits. Survepor. ‘ d for the convention, The bili} thoriaing taxation of shares of Nationa! Banks, | = 7 : : . the public that be keeps coustaatly om hand . thing nét on my lier. e things mpriy funds the J } | with a vralnable premiom. two copies #610 three cop- | 8. H. Lov: xa, Clerk Coanty Coart. Pisk’s Patent Metalic Burial Cases, which be sold at the lowest New York cash re- | fiually recommitted, and an drdinsnce | paved. : ; | ies. $7.50; five copies, $12, and splendid preminma, ( A. Bingham & Co., Agent Seliebar: will — hi ily far adopted, paying gleten dollars per day and) A bill reqolat deposits of pablie money, | . {hee with the first premiums to each | W also have the agency fur good Fire be sell at the following red .ced prices « os che hts ™ tail prices, which are genera cheap-| * ity conts shileege to the members Ot the | permed. [it that National Banks shall! Will Cure the worst Cases |sabecriver. ro A new Wheeler & Wilson Sewing | panies, | Prom $20 to $95, assording size, he will al- 50 6 member ° er than they can be gold Ta South, I pit. maa wot be selected in whaonb deere is a Tria Machine for Sieubecribere st #8 cack. dream Traroling agente wanted Appt tw |e deliver them rarer of charge any distance wd, with the 4 will deduet ali the freight from the This payment is tobe made in State corren- | arer-or Assistant and requires pabhe cS fula. No. 413 Brosdway, New York. CAPT. JAMES F. ENSON, | under 20 miles, either by Railroad or with « oh members, *! of the article when sent east of the Wil- egy known as'bitts receivable, on which there} momies'to be sed in sab- treasuries, (here 0 cro Demorest’s Monthly and Young Amarica vonettoy, Special Agent, Charlotte, F.C | horse and hearse, A. N. PARKS. yem beut of 0" mington and Weldon Raiitoad, one-half} tpedisount of twenty per cont. be one within mileg} ; with the premiums for each. nor Jan. 7, 1888. wawty. | Lexington, X.C., Oct. 9, 1887. nel w aig eee gee > wel nite enter eau a, Rapa Den Bri) coir ye ! } pep TR I RL ES as the fa ; would m5 ommittee on “Suffrage and Eligibility. | Attorney Office,” regretting that they have - ae Ne > . “ sid we 4 simi sand, mui snoring | games ot ‘4 anable te:agree with the’ majority of the Benth # “Cuil, bag, lave to submit the fol ‘oO report: 5 We cal Vield, without serious ap- vrebension, the admission to all the bigh et rights and privileges af citizenship. #3 = $ (3 zi FE his views : eal f a race, consiatin entirely o;] “ Washington, Jan. 31.—President Jebnson ppg ode eget Nad recency compos rom slave! pf is to declare Soe in th 5 tice os ty ao when he (Gra) rad } rhfittea by previous education and habit: | «Mimatum, The tergiversation of * ad interim" © , ' ith bim to ie dchaage othe dina sd vty eee: S Sane * , : i of. the duties higher’ anthority by ped by Bm: , was opposed to slavery, duitities which would devolve upon courte which is to be of ea Pot f see you Monday. Why did yoo not institation . prejadicial to! wy go pot the right to Vote a: claim of the United States upon ean y issued Gr appolit’ call? Grant replied. that be was ov much | both races, and. especially to the white) setural ‘or lakerent,’ bat “eénventions! Prechiage wagioy aur att ae pede. or Uy 5 ee eseopiog by Gpneral Sherman apf! apay Mile race ; but he desired that slavery should| ‘erely-to be regulated in each way a: ee en ted Btates... The section quoted. dael The d Secret ded as follows: extinguished by Lite id means. Bat a8) vil) hest mromete the welfare of the whol of State upencheDeigah that the Convention cueet the} . “L chink he was engaged jin the prepara. | negro equality with the white Tact, #0) community. Upon this principle women | forced at whatever basard. of its delegates, Sree <8 tions y to an abdication uf the War | Public man in the conntry has borne a sd tole bane beitn ete Ts there | Minister, Me. Thoroton, will Heart recy we Aor . oma Wee ‘i Uae many Sen testimony againgt it, than) any season why the should be ad- yee ee anger —— rth member of the Cabinet present | he. i Auberge addresees —— wrth beg Beant ges dabireterAnd erty Ta ara Iu the memorable canvass between "aWVlle cos do wok deay” that thore aro] San=t ee 25 mast aah Ww oo . Douglas jinois, : wr collect taxes for the purpose—| The Seales. pow pertineutly pat “On oe =e his deels —— At pean pogdenderrsd erin bert» Ay dope a sptety A the particular kind of revenue act is | Saturday, when he (Grant) referred to the ten- | Gade he said, “I well J P to expr we eirteigbeengnres tl td made ag Ms ee aes & indicated. The taxes must be levied on oe oe the ghrir en ng sip z, am in Hivec' ur ths bose ts wale tig pp aden Play S eaten else b when segey ; ” t the fine , i j ~ ) sibel: Bate," | property alone, nat om_pernae or ober] i Coteau ia sie rows | Fong having the wepeir."poshon” hey cay Uecome. de. dupes o design: [Ort rine mex ena coma af the cnisting comm. pr pe. Vien kn-ageas sa bavavten.senm I ve a “bang ing edventurers’ and’ démagogdes, | and, —_— P< lechipndtioe poi elle wiagts | hcp OI incnded eto oie | orate nn nent, rt ereage core lamp sad cosine mepg er as well as fi d igui im I peur] ute! Tek epocipehte thas th eertina Coal pone ep en | Lam ooh ner ever, hare. Seem te fe liy fallow the inetructions and salons thal iia jon al-| The fourth member of the Cabinet went on poe oa he we de the 80-| views of those who control them. House :-—The President ‘was atked whe! her snag 1 Cig” pad mapa valet Poenpen aoira a political’ equality of the white) We believe that the bi we have |e sok ean By the Bette, i tof e washes. find goreromee ten operon | tn Yor memo La, of wang tes wee ie ep td sae sagen St ow th pate has enjoined on the Conventinn, for PB ig me bo ge ee “Be dproes ok orenvent pes. qualifying pendence of those invested with the| John Young Brown's cese\wan mame — ee -“ rant) did what | expected to foffice, or intermarry with the} right of suffnge, and we tremble for the|Beck advocating bis admission, He denied extend f of paying its members and of- | white ; and I will say, in addition ; Beees beng cn peyote es me renee |i pr ua [a ee ae ee eis E mag es Sp Panes, ond wold id not wappor® | between the white and races which those who mentally and morally are member elected took the oath a right nae dal ve} Yeah ade — eee ee He pusttion wows #0 feer® | 1 believe will forever forbid the two raves exes te abaleine i “conde the | * 8+, and charges of ate oes scaditions.-~ | reseou clolen de, [Your correspondent deeme it beet to omit | li together on terms of social OF Pe-| Lower of making laws to those who have up afereanly, WES Ee ere oe of March 2, | lected by a different mode of taxation, for! li ; ; - 1 stronger syed by the speak aality, And iuasoech as the hossauy -— the people a xi ee! hg 9. Srna op at te demand sarees ences live, while they do remain “f regs ~ pasnap aries — nowt acon was takea, postponed to Monday Congress. any | lowed on certain terms to continue enti! be tied aman ry “My ides is thet or Pewee way sas opi eovead (anes pd ny st exist there-|superceded or controled by the Uniied | be supposed that the Senate would act on Sat —— Py agp Bat a or am ane Soin Gearon. ed heciias the peetrier is demanded by sl gare de A : pandas age “2 : assigued white race.” restore our State to © Richmond, Feb. 1—The Committee on In- 288 agape ie Seek rere Seep ney mic cen Monday. Tow Senate we Prat |” ‘There fe no evidence dhas be ese withthe Poteral Goreramant. Sse eon, ternal i provetcenta reparted « close Monday, he changed these views. They stcord singelar downed, should extend be or euper-| ‘The Ordinanee under disevssion calls | )*" pod preps Haytraly el geenpens a the views of every honest white mao, elective franchise to those who are so in- ol nane ” t ordin- _— : 4 , mated. is according to analogies heretofore pre-} Tic Presdeut Sniebed the conversation as | two races, who has not become | : power-over the | vailing ia North Carolina. To authorize | follows: ~I desired to know what be (General | i “ re Carolina, yee 1 wy panera —— the warrant | Grant) woald de, snd did hot think thes be reed. eroding by partisan ant J Co admitted to re- overnor, on certificate of the} cuvld have so misenderstood the t.” . sal sath | ' Tier teamre vg *e agreement | Bach views, we hold, are not unfrind- ) Ms Oeert enn abol-| en Siti eee aml gan epee ce ymca eee Mat at ies c ive ws Cab | ‘ would give him bis othe ben: and warrant of the Governor is no protection duocelip te Ghaneted, tu wodhinten ad den og fo ‘bie tdliy tn ail civil ri who shall vote for members of Congress— red ' “ protect y rights. the Fon uutilaGen-\to the Treasurer, unless anthorived by | nateres of ail who rendered the testimovy | These are identically our views. Bat he as the Constitutive of the U. S., Art I. : onder that! law, . Hener, I have felt it my duty in| woul! doubtless be allized to it if it should be Seo. II. provides : chasers. shall the wut: Sen onal cficially deuied was not in fever of giving ropa: gl “The House of Represeotatives shall be y ber and 2): el gor eect: | ver 7 1. Bg. | Titieal equality to the black mee. 4 of hes oll 4 to be bet! he ie} rant, Ee eeenet "hee ans expe Siadippicmenges *% was opposed to meking Yoters or fatrors,| year by the people uf the coveral Grates Jwart-Ho-— known | vietions of dety ander ol MR. TEAGUE’S RESOLUTIONS. | of eegroes, or of givi »-cial and politi-| and the electors in each State shall have the y after the article) views ex in the beasiteane< paper albcrll astm Hypo He was |qvalifications requisite fur electors of the of Bi “4 rand shore >) on eee y pet oe os Sor proceed. making vom o jeen, fina of the State le Leal yesterday, attribating ar tare.” =m amd the duty ~| te dcelining to obey the or-| the following resolutions to Mr. Tourges. wagpens, or of giving thom office, end 0b ]'NE sas cortalaly scoeguived North Car- ome: eceom plished der of this Convention, | eg leave to ae-| They werepresented by Mr. Teague, of | Or wn But ne oe See Ig Sedpop nie tha Solaentent of tap an - kof cnr pan! ole Comstitation.— | sare them that nothing bat « strong sense | Fore and we pat them on record, | Lincoln was a triead to the vero, bai | smccdment by on ri = ele ee Ret the n« time, abolish, modify, | of duty could induce me to inke an antag- may to posterity, 48 ©’ oe who hold the same views, precisely Se. "S| patches, has tne Wad yr State |onistic position towards them. In all ea-| proof of hie feeling and his readi-| 1] was accepted, and also when the the Minister to Apaia, that ‘ inter- | ses practicable, it will give me great picas- sess foplace Berth Careline ensinety and | “7 ‘alle’ bie enemice. ee a te sommed bene eo 1 ae islatare » - ratifieation. L Oa. United hoard & cand ak & ee ee en THE RAILROAD. Weeaa, thea ‘caly regard the present | oof st the pero B =. Sa, x= —<—— Justice Marshal lays {ing the best interesis of the State. Be it ordained, ke., That the County Te will be seen, by edverticement cleo | 45 she Perth pea rg pA 4 known. ur aad rolina ‘ Weschh oe she Sone of Ma. | I have the honor to be, registering boards shall have power to dis. | where, signed by the principal business ches ws so @ ped Dele papitata : THE QUESTION OF VER DIEM. that the power to tax apy subject, Very reoptetielly, yours, tranchise all and every person, that sided | @e" of Winston and Salem, that « rail-jenjust. We cavsct consent that oar State ‘The World's Mexican mye Y. amet . the power to destrey such sub-| KEMP P BATTLE, and abetted, gave comfort and theie infla- | road mecting is called to be beld im the |shonld be degraded to a0 interior position to | thst the Lagion of Hesor? a hny- + Seasions THs COMMUNICATION OF THE PUBLIC ject by ‘excemive taxation; and so the Public Treasarer, | C2€0 With intent to dissolve or break up | C*rthouse. at Winston, ou Saturday, let ber sixters—that she shall « frow her |2t¢ American soldier, whe 1867. the Unived States ment, before or | day of Febreary oct, to “take into eon-|Constitation clauses. exelading the Jenore tease the Mawth. & the TREASURER. e to & portion of the —_—-_— government, op , holding of hich cake, | ordered to disband immediately hpme, SE TS Ree nese 10 | ren to Poangua Cothapntam of the Kew | @ time of or since the rebrilion, or have ion the best means of sceuring the | frum woes of ne | is mid of them their does acd aod others fpothanpeded pyfomn cred pNonienses Pony location and building the Railroad to Sq-| States bare ii tly refused to strike | Nothing | . Hon. 0. 3. Citeles, Provident of Ce Cam | apprentiata all, aut bones to 4 or Tick Bost. —< ——- tote in the| iw ccdee the chener granted by the| ®ve thelr ows. Fo reler, expecially, to the | Ware wiles 4 vn aoe | patiefect on stitutional Convention of N.C.: wey bynhaned nantionad Sean | An Official Report of the Johnson Be it farther ordained, That said board | !ave Legislature,” it being the extension bemog m ee eee Todi | nich they bare coer A ra -manoee wa ents, Abo 8ira—l1 the honar to acknow Bio domaine tha collars the Grant Affair—Statements of the | shall consist of three loyal men, whe can | of the Coalficld Railroad westward. We) that the requirement would come with much | “°™ Fo pa that I have received and earefally Convention, directing me to disburse mon | President end Cc¥ine Officers ag| take tret-oath, (iron-elad,) to be elected | hope the oo attended, a2 | better grace, if then aod other States had| Mra James Gordon Sennett wears one wre Order! = the ordinance passed by your honor-| ey from ihe Treasary, infringes ow et to the Conduct and Promises of ord —— ui ccomet ing ame = ethadiegeen ooh be ft ca aaa of weed ue eee O sol ve > ae paar vay aa Sagres (a $ Juited g their oflees — ihe, he P we pres > e Cons tiow " soled M op the Stave Aor codadionty,,. Ue Us Gen. Grant sucecesors are Er igs inden report Svppdnainsside Mags shugesar loary Betnd een — sania afl thio North the warrant of the A the Let erection of the Act of| w oP 1968. Be it farther ordained, That said board all direct commaniemion by railroad, | °"'* = : DIED: ( Rowan. » Presidtated tile Denveetion, is hereby Laer aoe ibe tnationsans of the prcorst| Meee rentan ncnad hall meet twenty daye previous to any | which always kas been & great drawback Peikigaler (past pemdhiiggolln. rule 200 won; ce Wisitig on pe first Moe authorised and dimmeied te pay the per | Siate govon ig allowed snd the same |, ">" T'r.. wont Johatee cad Gear Greer |iections that may be held ander thie | "Pos vs — — — proeperi oe gr» population Hianaag. dr that waka. | sole, Monee pede =~ 2 » wheryat| there to so diem and of members and officers ix to be eul,ject tn all respects to} oh baearqastitotor jent to | Constitation, first giving ten days’ notice | 0 Coe ox a ere will be preecat, who! cstcty reault from the late var, ot thet is! A x Bes bag com ed wag Military Commander and the Entlintt.| wake koowe the folowing lowe which contre, (of the place or places of meeting, and; vill fully explain the olgest of the mest-|wovestary be Geir sedertie end Bheatnen 18 Holt, aged 12 pears 3 mouthe and . a With the greatest deference for the opin- =a Cc How is this consistent | jus pad rare ment ike Weokd aad pair shall proceed to register such person or ing and impress upon the minds of the} we yet think replant § beth res baa _ oid wt wi het pened tet ark a | ton of the convention, I mech regret that | wich the tie by the Convention of pow-| ot unly the President himseli. vut four of the | persons a8 may be entitled to vote ander | People the great utility of a railroad promoted by ug our pr c ita-|to thie dear boy, that the first Gdings which re my views law render it veroment f ' reea-| HA prominent mewbers s ymet, will, this inance; ® for their servicen sha : : g : . many reevi ted of his eck: d * Sere 9 vows ha ew rar agen |e rest ren vero The Airey [ponte woh rn, |trevrwocch tomponnion tm salt eada’ have always been Ulceing to| We consider the whole scheme as lated-| by ih a te death hed E : “ ively vox : ivesach compensation as pe al- i 4 j nt IN, Clerk te Io sf ™ ats © eee a re Just alter the formal meeting of the Cabinet | lowed by the Soncat penton «| communities, wherever located, for {| ed to advance party purposes, and tw seeure | brief had been the term of life allouted hin, a, . et. to the yu gan 1 | 22% 17, the ertcte (rom the National In|” Be it further ordained, \')at this ordi- of which we need only refer to the flour- the nert Pi election —in the expee-| that It was scarcely to be expected that this yo enw oan , 1867, took the whieh it ~4¥ h — in telligencer of the 13th was reel im presence of | none al ait ko te ren eed ee ite ishing Northern « Western States, | that the States of the South, being | event should cause any co a” or indireetly manner allowed ly the Act. the President and the be ore mentioved mem + foree a / . | Africanized and Radicalized, may more than! the watural sy mpat irolina pb = Awe tw aay other It may he said on aap in 4 bers ba ~ Cobian, The ——— a eens . (benssay lpdoaarer’ peyote ee ie . reaper put orl loss of viet votes aml bereaved. Sian eee NTY. use Treasur are sufficient for t needs of | that article, which were subsiantially those tel- | ye did not anppese that any white! , : ’ that wi | occur in ot et sections of U J -| wise, Thoagh so yoong, the devessed bad a- . I, aleo, entered inte bond in the penal aetberashe and of the State govern-| egrepbed after au interview wih Mr Johneon | man in Neth Careline was on running © SUH O70 net very favorable to enter-| We advise that North Carolina shall refuse | ready gained a saies in the lowe and esteem of Kali Term oom of $250,000, that I would Ao a. ssattcr of fecr.slda is’ al-| 07 the co rrapondlent ol the World, wereaureed over with bile againet hie own prople.— | prises this kind in the South just now ; | to alter ber Constitution, ander dictation! ali who Knew him—such as few even in riper aecount forall woneys and oth- | wgether ancertain, bat, even if tue, the} '* sg ve : fe ger ral oi all the Secretaries Pre-| ‘The Convention, of coarse, will net show but a brighter day is in store for wa, os — wah Tas hg ae 2 who | years are privdeged to ati. a sent, bet the objection was made that they|" ). we should not let the ; resent opportani- | have tw repr their mts.) With « high epirit and self-possession most Mileape. pe. ad Fn be into my hands ¢ tp mot at Oe. fell short of what setaaily oveurred doting the | °° little = ne ae road to — the ordi-' se leering 6 Maked jan pxiregnird hake saeaaees — pe pe = io . - cireamstauer of one “| necting of the Cabinet on Taesday the L4th, | 82¢e or to incorporate it in the Conscite- ; 57 ne af expressed in recent electiv iit har- | , propnety of manner were poly oeol rt If a call is made on the » BOt! ing at this time ao emis ‘Treasary, Can | eran “Phe first Seeretary or menber ofthe | thon. Te ennfer auch extreordivary pow- gra. ibe vary agereta oppertenity may | Ee thet Renvoand Gysise ore og a8. \Soonkbes of pp nein popem that pob \ Muthoriged hy law, it. amy duty to have no bearing on the constenetion of | Cavinet present at the meeting on January 17," ers upon the Boards of Registration, who oe bt, OE Pan “tar ara |= rather trast to @ returning seuse of even among casoal observers. And among aivety, in the as well on account of the ob-| acts of ( ongress passed before. and| referred to, observed shat ‘Gen, Grant ackaowl | mast generally be an ignorant class of e™, De ena ohl - justice, on the part of the Northern people. | those who saw him daily, hissweet temper anu . ee pe 1 of my oath, a8 the pecuniary re: ing 10 the nine other States as well. | edged that he (Gen. Grant) bad promised either! whites and blacks, would be monstrous. ' i aie ray ue it oes kaki —_ that t of magnanimity whieh will afectiooate dispusition rendered hime general yank te be bid of my bond: ordi. "ie ee ta direst State. offeats be) (2 retain the ofllon or to (ender his resignation | Weare aware that the “black and tan” | UHY: One tuerelee our beet, eilet & revolt at the idea of “forcing the South to tevorite—end one requently spoken ef By fond wey able the President to appol w be put forth to he we aceep mass paren tated wart iene = nary eirenmatances it Ve incumbent t seems fo follow, that power to] '% we © enable the Prete A arin a | Radics! payer in this City urges upon the | gos hall sorte and georgia arwie) pares ——— ae? ——— eS ee : Pe. | SUCCES, . . : . : ; ae on me to Sreoak eran at. dir . wie P “a at gh cngecliry reas jaf — say pol pasos lye pentllr = ‘ong meetings, having in view the extension of Let a oe ve —— Bot a mgr pe felt more lasting and deferene~ wiedom i possessed Y | antil the ‘uuu could in by a due cvurse x sparen Sis innebpaliocs id a vettevi Ger pig | Couviet what a North Care- | sincere, Lbose of bis a-sociates and Pon Couns Convention. Bat in this case the conse- thie Convention. "The moet obvious pun-| jaw,” | Convention will adopt, but it will hardly ll devine ad nar gg ©: | lima, and, while submitting putleatly to the mates, among ene apeadopremmag ayy a y after the ist quences of action are of ishmentof refractory officers is removal) [i make a full record of what occurred here | gratify Mr. Teague’s low malice so far, as "ee , Rigi COM-| present military tule, not forget that free-/and most welcome companion. Even 7 se * . : : . Ae | menced at Kernersville, im this county, a ter sores i ; & be! or from office. Now Congrees| on Tuesday.) jto place the power of disfrauchising our dowm of opinion whieb is our birthright. Ef, neste ; eon- | has refused to confer on the Uon bee tome pastime ae “The Secretary's | cirizens iu the hands of ignorant Boards | ae pa es pg ry h woeen, then, negro suffrage and py * i ; ; record, then, agrees wi is Newspaper state- : ‘ : r , XMM0. | forced will ¢ ted and | vention of removal, It is vest | vin, excepting that it iemore full of Registration, We bave no choice, | “ahere ip no time to be lost for those |to oer own “Demifuation, aad. will os bent | pert Vommander, who may Whereupon the first Secretary nid: “Yes, hower, in the matter. The more violent, | 11, favor another route, via High Point, |have preserved honor and self t. of the army, or others, ate ; \the meaner and the more outragcousl ioe ersoen el bye: mt, va ee it gives a much nore detailed account of what l y ia the JOHN W. GRAHAM removed or auspend-| occorred here. Speaking of bis withdrawal |the Convention acts, the better, No de- —-——- = rl sag P. DURHAM. , bc od from the War Departerent, Grantsaid that be | cent man + tbe Carolina can certainly linen “ their tating | bolted one door of the Secretary's office on the | have any fe to take part in the con-| Louisiena planters ; th " : Laimi and the Gon-|inade, licked the other and delivered the Key | duet of auch s ment.as the Stan-| contract systeu by ging “ape Sin rept Pi Bempellls FS rare toe ‘0 | tiveie General, ie did y sy> y direet such off-| '© the Adejwnt wad a 5 Dot profess | dard and Mr. Teatigue would have in| ets each day, guvd for the pey of so maay| tems, wes tried on the Western Duicn Com |” to me this claim ia incon- eal ed pikud: | “Itis not ot would have in this State.—Ral, Sontincl, hours as each way have worked, lazy or ipnds-| pany's wires at Portland the other day, and was oF all surprising that be (Grant) did not rewstleut — | tious, reported to be quite sacsessful 4 He was evidently two mech contused to re-| A farmer in Northern Georgia, who never) The Fayeteville News chronicles no less than ee e and considerations would ber mueb.” tiade any money in faising cotton, bascleared , fort fires m h Aer cocurring in the apace} ~The Newark inventor of the steam man pro | mournful thoasand the explonon of @ soliae | mises to invent a gteam horse that will plough: justified by the the - third Seefetary remarked; “He three dollars this year on a otop of of four days, ; the Hosoi (Grant) id thee thy Guaon in the papara! wheat and corh. | teen. or ran over arace onacse. Good bye Dexter. a (© paler wah that com —the jodge was acyet in! this issue. Wednesday's proceedings are very fally reported, but aa the siibject un- der discassion is one ia which every body takes a deep interest, pro or con, we have not at'empted to abridge them, believing the remarks of the different. members would prove wore acceptable to our read- axa than anything which we could have written. Very little has been done io- wards perfecting thé Constitation. As the verious parts are agreed upon wo shall comment upon them as we deom fit. We have before expressed the opinion that the Constitution presented would be: radical and proseriptive, and we see no reason to ghange that opinion. Our Raleigh cor. respondent, whose first letter we publish- ed. in oar last, and who bas the most am- ple opportunities of informing himself, takes the same view. He believes that ‘We alee give place to the very able let- tes of Mr. Treasurer Battle to the Con- yepute! declaration, io the course of converse private circles, by one of the Judges Cnuted States, to f iL c J i i fastimony, nod Justice Pick! was speaking wh the whole came beforehin. Huw deciaration, in Geet, wae that whenever 2 case arose b<fore fhe Coart, jnrdiving thet. past, and which ountries for n ing and planting interests of the South u , ‘ : wo were fyrain, cotton; ite, this could) be af forded: «Oar @xports Were thon great: er than our imports, and we were Hut impoverished thereby. Now it is dif- ferent. The Southern people are nothing—acd consequently the bal- ance of trade is against them. As long as this state of things continues they will become. poorer and poorer. One of the reinedies for our present condition is a system of home mana- factories. We should produce all the mannfactared articles whict are used of consumed by the Southern people —should manage for a while to live within ourselves. Such a system would retain among us the little mon- ey which we have left, and would re- dound to the benefit of all classes.— “| Et would bring the consmning and producing classes along side of each other—would create a home market for the smal! producers of the coun try, and at the same time prevent the necessity of importing from abroad such articles as cannut. be dixpensed with. The man who at this time devctes bis capital and his energies to home home indastry fs justly entitled to be regarded asa pablic Lenefactar. fo cles prodaced he turns the balance of of the employment given te our arti- zane and mechanics he fosters heo:ne industry and gives employinent to a most worthy class of oar own citi zens. fn this connection it gives ns great -| pleasare noie two enterprises just started in the county of Foreythe— the show factors 4 E. A. Vogler, Exq., of Salem, and the clothing extal lind: ment of Wilson & Co., of Winston. The enterprise of Mr. Vogler ie net the first one of the kind in the State, ment af Thomasville for a nanrber of years past. Mr. Vogler ix now an- wader way and is tarning vat work very rapidly which is equal tw the best Northern work. A yentlewan wishing & fine pair of boots or shoes may call for them at thie estalsich- ment, and if they are nut on hand he »| May get them by waiting a sory whet) lime. Such enterprice deserves pal- [fonage and saccess, and we hope the ‘worthy proprietor will be blessed witi: beth. The establishment of Wileoa & Co., at Winston, is the first of the kind in the State, so far as we remember.— There have Leen cluthing estat lish- eoukd at be dended without devine that pets, the Qoet would Getic thar the recon | Mrection sets were anoonstite! ca Cham, empeacted dorug (oe adie | wation of Mr. Jefletwon we pn case! s similar to ths aguiast Justice Field. Every ope in fe- only wpoe thet, bat upon the bther a iao—The . Eclectic Magazine of ture for February bee been re with @ Goce steel en- of the coltbrsted port, Pie Gator of the fine martial poem, Maree i contains a number A eget artes at, wom A the leadong Pericdiedd of Great Brivtam sad the | nited | aot Gea@iage the al cantages of Ife insurance grue. Ptates, Notes pe Hew Books, Science, Varic thes, Be Mie printed in form for binding. and) ie diflerrm Companes carteives, The Om "Mee Narrize Porssan, wile of EA ments where gentlemen could bave |garments made to order, but this is} Onecl the Bproifiations im the charges again | the first where all the goods made in | to clothing were manufactared by the proprietors of the establishincut. We hope they may be able to introduce their elhthing in every part of the State, and that it may supercede the Northerw article. ——— ego Lave Ineon. sce. — We are requester! to state that, Mr A. Philips, agent forthe Coonenti- cut Mutaa) Life Lnearance Company, will he in Salebury nex! week, and will take great pleas ore 8 watmeg ap sach persons as may de Gre to secure « pile the sarne, We need ~vthey ore wligitield by of. We have iseared early all the tianufac- weed eaex es the red articles for which they used: and pon’ taking: the: chair: be “made ithe 5th : , such a spegeh ag. him—sech oe consumed. Ata time when the farm ape ere beret Ae shipping large. qaantities of producing no surplas—are exporting manafactores and to the fostering ot the extent of the manufsetared arti trade in our favor and to tie extent } there having been a sisnilar establiah-| wton . Raltigh Convention on a ‘ Z “d te Ba Eel y and. patriotic sentimenis. We hove..be, will attend the Convention at Raleigh on the Sth, We make the f Howing exttact from his pnblished s¢marke: It ia,” said Col. B by te, aleanl telerentne tates 7 “ "said Col. Brown, “by re * most momentous crisis, thrangh which our be 7 v Rew country has ever passed,» It behooves ns all to ee ete forgive the errors of the |. past, and-to unite as one brotherhood ofl cotiig advocating; as theydid tridts to rescue our common country | 5; i Be at do ate : premacy of the whife than, itnpolis | apelin x gepal aque tag ase tor Whee hiane yak Ma reepect the principles and institutions of 1 our fathers, aud ace fatally bent on the the measnres of the uncunstitutional destraction of all that is valuable and dea: majority in Oongrese. to deteat the destructive measures of the present majority in Congress, or we are forever ruined, wn the Conservative Conven- Mr. Durham's amendment thereto, on the table, we are left to infer that that beady | Will not recommend the removal of the political disabilities from any portion of ber, James I. Enniss, Kere Ornige; J. 8. Lenderson, J. G. Fleming. Lsaac Shaver, M. G. Morgan: Levi Trexler, R. J, Holmes; M.-L. Holmes. E. Maa i j ney, Dr. Shimpock, J. D. Johustan. the people of the State who are not now rk, Graben F, Hall, ALG, ul t maqeerd wih the Bepubdioad party: rly. De, .O, P. Uasten Jesck ¥. ‘Tourgve, more geucrons than some native | (ood J. F. Jamison, A | radicals, is for removing them from such! Leagor, Jolin Sloap, Lenry men as were Union men during the war, Win, Miller, Dr. Milo A. “J. Rose bat who are opposed to the measarce in man, Moses Barringer. J. L. Rendle | Congress; but we have litile reason to be- | mans Seott Tot, John O. Miller, HL. “eae ; U. denea, A. J. Mock, Jehu Foster, -_ cerqreretgs he C . idr.J. J. Broner, J. J. Stewart, Wm. : mayen nai) Maa NSoohthtie toed If, Fraley, Wm. B. Atwell, John t would declare in favor of aniversal am- westy by the passage of some resolution similar to that ef Mr. Durhan, bat we feel sure now that it will not. Yet, we have no reason to believe that Congress 'wonld heed its voice If it shoald. That | bod y is determined ta keep thos. disabili ities hanging eve: the Southern people for the parpese of forcing tuem to give in |their adhesion to the Radical party. That some may be foand, wh will yield in the end, we think quite probable, lent teat the (great mase of them will stand firm antil the Conservatives shall obtain control of | the governwent, we have po doubt. As it appears from the remarks of some mem- bers, that in giving their votes, they did intend to commit thomeclves agaivat the |measare we will not say more at present. cae ieee nee MAKING HISTORY. Under this attrsetive beading the Ral- Saprione cont sow'but es Ble cigh Carclinian wotices the fact, that W On motion, a comm 'ttes of five , M. Coleman proposes to publish in bok! were appointed by the chairman to | form, hefore the Convention shall adjnarn,| draft res-lations tur the meeting, o- |e historical sheteh of the life of each mem- j Siasts ngg oof tLe followmg nawed gentle her, and 10 this end has laid on the decks; mem: Dr. RL Beall, Gen. U. W. | of members a circular aetiing forth bie page M. A. Lerwherds, Raq.. Dr. shin nad nctlen Guan se hercihin ott” L. Glam, and David EB. Bower, jtnch cketehes of themectves. This Wule enterprise of Mr. Colcthan's | for pocketing a few diines, id likely to cose the State several thousand dellars. 64 course the members of the Coavention | j will reepond te his call, and cach man ) will lmrdly consame lers than two days in preparing a sketeh of bimeelf, the ox- —_ of which wast be paid by the pen P. A. Heilig, W. E. Powe, Dr. 1. W. doues, Dr. M. A. Locke, Dr. N. F. Luekie, Dr. P_ A. Senfont, Dr LW. Coleman, Dr. J. G. Tameay, D. L, Bringle, leary Barringer, Ker, Win Lam beth. Ou motion the meeting adjourned. F. E. SIOBER. Cu'st's: Kere Caan. dec'y. ——~ae——_ Por the Watehman 4 Old North State LENOIR, N. ©. A Cn servative meeting of the efti zens of Cakiwell Coanty, was held at Lenoir on the let day of Jany, 1868. ing Gen. S. F. Pattersen to the chair, and J. Mason Spainheur and BE. W. Faueete were requesied to act as Secretaries, b ‘The committee through the r chair man, reported the fedbewing resola tions, which were endeimerteal y weds» pot of the Union, but it mast be a C. neti tational Union of free and eqral States Gud. Readoed, That we pledge our Sd : jeelves ty new all lawful means to sp ple. Mt Coleman might a« well have | pee aw! defeat all parties whether deterred this work, anles« cory “hard ap,” | apecio sly called Lepabliean, or more and soaght, at hie leieure, in the records properly Radical, whose am is to taf our courts for the information he desiree }destery the Union, blot oat the States, for true and anthentic sketches of many of *tbvert the foundations of stial or ae der, and establish a despotinm } - 3rd Aesotved, That we will main et Sea pee Bese —We are due Col C 8 | ain the supremacy of the white race, | Baow, of the Boyden Loam, for a fine shad sor eal chee voles hearin The Csluns! always up to time ae fear +9] ‘ - A nn ar coopera puoviding ged things in craven fer bin House | and cordia sytnpathios are with ! . ree verlle f : , } bot im thie case he hes, we thunk. taken he pe- these ueble men of the North, whe are battling fur Constitutional free ote treme by surpriee, Ram Jowseros, the hand dom. man serving at bie ample beard, had the hap im > , > i. akin 6 lee oe 5th Reao'red, That President John “nee ‘ : ‘ ; | and Periormed the oft ji loccmannedteo = his ueble efforts to caintain risrted the office » but sovest the Ceriretit ution against the revole jtionary echemes,of Ladicaliem, ie en ns all lovers of freedan and good guys # the end of the year will presess 9 volucse of | Necticut hee (he repatainn A bem, an excelent) Pyilard, te man who lately hel a shorting oe. 6 4560 pages of ciegant Were! ore Terme 66 per emmem Ad ene v. bs | Berm. Be 5 Bertinan, % Bow York Buscuwoors Eomecacn MM scaziee — The ; + | iat Jancary member of thin athe ami popolar Mag- | MeDemel, formeriy connected with the Care | atime, & also on cur tatle. $1 contains 2 coo tieestion d the Drowulows 204 Lands Trem! and other inigresting grticles, fully sustain og | ite ancios! repetal nm | Addrom the Leonard Pub Gompa’y, | 148 Pelton &., N.Y Meney's Mospry, An Mlestrated Murtisly | Magazine for Boys and Gira The January ounber of this publication has been receized Ja is dexoted chiefly to the sostructian gnd | amusement of the Young and is ony of the very best publications of its kind jn the sountry — Ite contioged sapcese dering § penod of twen- ty-cight pears fornishes the best evidenge of ite morte, Jt is 6 ele and instructize can- panion for the fire ade. Terms $1,508 year Addrvm Verrys Museom, Boson, Mass, Demoupey's Young Awensoa for February has alo been qpeeiwed. It ig besutife) month- ly, end tte atlvent is always hailed by the chiluren with raprores of delight. It is hand wunely llasrated. Prive $150. Address W, Jenwngs Demorest, 673, Broadway, New Youu Gamiuate caods ates for Mgate officers, Compaay ———— New Parran —We hace rcrivel the f-v nawber of the [aia Deder.a new weekly paper pet started at Wikon, N.C. by Mr lintan -f Gre wame place. bet which ha been} removed t The Plain Dealer ae large, well edited and well printed paper, and | Comservatire in its polities. Success to it. Raleigh Dany Norra Casoustay —We have re- ceived the first nansber of this paper, just star- ted at Raleigh, and edited by Hearne & Dun { ham. During ite publication at W ihsun, as al semi-weekly paper, the North Curolinian estaly lished for iteelf a bigh teputation a« one of the shiest and edited papers in the State.— That repotation, we doubt not, jt will fully sus- tan asa Daily paper, podging from the num- ber before us. It ie, we weheve, the largest Daily m the State ag it is certgily one of the handsomest aod bést printed Democratic. Snecess to it also Iy politics itis ee j Rapist State Cosvewrios.-—Goy. Holden, es Chairman of the Republican Kxecntive | | Committee, has j~sued 8 call for g Convention | of the Radical Party to mest in Raleigh, on Wednesday, the 26tb dey of February, to | gusaned here by rong De G. A. Mooas, (of that city bx L } $1,500,000 of the mortgage of $4,000,000 an-|lowing de ernmimnent afisit with the Wises in Baltimore, has distio- Oth Ldcanl ved, That we approve the wmition te hold a State Convention |of the Conservative Party, at Raleig! orebed lemeelf from bie wiketand she wn search on the Sth of Feb: uary frst.. and that for rim suspected Dr. Moore of aiding bie | the Chainnan of this meeting appoint lus concealment. She entered hie Dreyltwenty five delegates to represent the Store and deiqsoded of the Dugtar te wil ter! county of Caldwell the: ein. of her hasband’s whereabouts. He onlered her | 7th LReasloed, That in the event of to leave tiw stare, amd sent fore Polweman.| not more than three of the said dele Tue Doctor then attempted to pot ber oat, and | gates attending the Convention, the she drew a mall pistol end fired on him, the | Lion. John C. Bryan, Ex-Gov. QOlvas, ball taking fet ws the wrist. P.ticemen en-| Manly, HH. W. insted, kaq., and Maj. tered and took her tu the Station. She refused| W. W. Dickson, of Raleigh, be re to give bail and was tent to jail quested to act as proxies fur the fail ———-_ ; ing delegates, STATE CONVENTION. Sth y anally That the chairman The proo-edings in this body on Monday, are |of tis meeting appoint an exeentive summarily sisted by the Raleigh Sentinel as | committee to Gonsist of five persone, fellows; who shal} reside at or near the Court The Convention was engaged, es will be! flouse, and sach other sub Comumit- seen (rom the proceedings m the consideration | tees in the county as may be necex A an ondngnee in favor of the Wilmingtus, leary to disseminate itoper informa- Chaclatie Mf Batherlonl Railrosd Co. providing |tion among the people. for te @tate's endoraement of $1,000,000 The Chairuian appointed the £4 mds, and for the and destroying Sidlooll thertand by the Denar Assembly of eee 7. : ~ G. a D. Jones, D, sotyect 1y dispussed gnd remited in E. Bower, Dr. J. Mason inhour, cin pou of’ the ordinance. It is believed, Maj, G. W. F. res Jolm Hays, Wt serene that Pollard has con LRéfqoodl, Gon, Gay opposition to State Convention, now in. sessiow af On motion the following delegates were a to’ represent Rowan } County Ls us Milter, Llotick, W. A. Llowek, Sul. Khatte,) er CONSERVATIVE MEETING AT|N. The mecting was urganize! by call-| The Chairman explained the object ,; Jat, Resolved, That we are in favor! jtitled te the eenfidence and thanks of| WT Fo, iaW, Jad. . ny bm to us as citizens and patriots. We must| Raleigh, atid to thé destractive and | the chair, and Juc. H. Welborn, r to forget old party ‘onene erel dtidelenet aud shostsplite ineasuree of the Radieal beg A ogy ae sparta, Mage: rps 1 must unite in a noble and patriotic effort meeting. wis: = Prius, Jeasb Hortion dB. Seieeoows dan ° A miix, AP fs SS 0. AMNESTY. T. W. Keen, J. W. Hall, Lowis} jp , Seo! J.J. Sullivan, aod ; et : Satur. | Lane: W. HH. Bailey, W. M. Reb-|acdemou Owen, Daring thé abseuee of the By a vote in the Convention on Satur. bins, J, 8. MeCabbing, W. 11. Craw-| committee, Jno. H elboru, Esq.; wus day, to lay Mr. ‘Tonrgec’s resolution, and ford, Jeremiah Barringer, F. E, Sho called fur, whoeame forward and addressed weal of o@r commun country, Ist. That we are te the Ben xo My alee leben rh ar tes wr Ne eater the Jet betieve the equalit , the South» patnotie . ability. Thee U. FP. wae called » whe, owing to the inteness a On waston it was ordered that the Beere- tary sewd copies of the proceedings to Old North State and Daily Sentinel, with request varned. H.W. BRU MELL, Presidot. 4. U. Wetaoun. See’y. Eo RATHER DISCOU RAGING IF TRUK The North Carclinion, at Ralrigh, spanking of the Convention schemes and labors for the relief of detturs by some short cut other thea hwnest payment, has the following : “RELIEF FOR THE PAOPLE” This ie the ory of the Convention of North | Carclina—the watchword of the Republican party of the Beate. The yple of North Carolina duubtless want | rete as people ever did, bat they are not | hikely to obtain it through the median of this ) Domarnaript brat infatnous concern, quartered im the sitete Honee at an expense to the os is ar Acar ne, F of the Oonsiroative wis Ay gS igh ih MAE ROSNY ing an one sae Progl he mats Aeth wr tCpad a es oe Ai SS L pE ci a t e ask of the mileo so Nh tin Relat my ng Tg , rit eis po sage of the way |lematien of 2068, eo come in eonflies with | 10 enery of the war. Bh beset Ber eaaly eaguenend Me 0c [SORTS A 8 “hon repediain sumption, that we Sort wk 6 Beste of thie “om oaths i f i s f ft | F r ? i i ae h f | : F i i i i a i E i ft 2 i Fr } oA mame twelve hundred dollars a dey. great body hat now been in ~ days, at» cust of out less than twenty thoa-and | dollars, yet whet measure of relief has teen | perfected, or projected even? Still the ery ie relief for the people, and members msiet that rete? mest be bad, It the people of North Carolina are depend- ing of the Comventon tor retief—g pubstantial and beneficial relief—they are doomed w die mrad Trerwet Convention will not even attend to its legitimate work, « slow to touch apon the bas- iness it was exiled to , aed itis ifle, worse than fully to think of relief ur benefit from a set of men who neither know, or care what they are doing, beyond gutting eight dollars for sitting in their seats three hours each day. = The Wilmington Morning Star on the Gor- rifles : “The Ashtabola (Ohio) Sentinel says the snow at that place was almost blackened by mithons of sual insects, on the 16th Ja Perbaps (bere was a mammoth Gorrilla Cun- vention io session there, “A live Gorritla is of is way to Loudon,” Plenty of them inv Raleigh, enty-eight thousepd seted ot eee pee Breet ohecun wn calor. J. Oxiord, Joseph Oorponing, Spc en! OTA. hn WU Bde fe * of the Union armies now jje i i = i i g 3 $5 { 3 3 F i t 4 3 if rt Rational cemeteries VE R E TE L i t , ta g Pr l i s e ee Fy - at Ba c k ii « Fé = i - j t ? y j la t e si z ! ant ~ yer solid Ja cea es mi — ah ey wen ha ag UE aatinaly % aeoe ~ ats. @ ony, 2 J : i A pean Y Stew eT ‘ 4 ; ee i) : ide + ‘ nd 6 ea 3 ~- — on —— ° “_ eerie oo 2409. Shek ath Of tybe dp parashiett an poner mie Paper poblbea in Balsbory, On account 4f mapor) 16 very Worst! 2%" ayes f ¢ ye ap at tl , “4 have ” il Cure'the Hak Sb ANG : diane aac te 7 7 é in : a i? [ od ¥ ey, we cnieonel| Tb OREAT SOUTHERN ~ matism, : , » ta HiaiGay as ” ’ loug | . Health Restorer, Dr topmesrt HOuQBAUSY "| dred ait Potade an the The best Blord Paritier. in the World. Dy Ubie groat route purvongers DH, LAWRENOES - ROSAS See keown. ED ONIY BY DR J J. LAW: RENCE, Chemist, 29 Musuver 8t., Bahimore, Maryland. * Price $1.50 Per Bottic. o@ dor Sale by all principal. Drug- -| gists in the United States. For stale in Salisbury, ¥y Ino. H: En- niss, and G. B. Poulson, and Druggists everywhere, - jan 21-w:tw3m | "Por Life Insurance Only. wom AG Pr PIEDMONT ERTISEMENTS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINTA. AUTHORIZED CAPTTAL {ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W, ©. CARRINGTON, Predident. J. J. HOPKINS, C. H. PERROW,M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and sot Southern Company pays to its policy holders annually ier --7- ~ ahaa geen dllntmgaas 874 Mer Cent. of ite I°rofite. : Ae ip ts i i it HI i f i al i i H i i i gt Pe Fl EF F { i ii le i i 3 t i g i H i f i t 2 * LOUIs ZIMMER, i I fa the Evertowes Cocery, X. C., May 9d, 1887. Dr, J. 2. Lawuexes venitare, | yalua - ‘ _——- tmmediatety. per Fx press 1 Mileh Cow, t ber . 0 dosen mure bottle of your Hore- ve carefully examined its Formula. and fo all the Housebuld ely chaminnd We Vormita. arnt sa ‘TY. well planned Cited Vial k beyond: f i te another. holders are pot restricted as to tra &e..| vel of r Ivoffers the following certifieate a4 \o its sol. vemey : t Xeusos Covat Howan, Va., Mareb Of the ‘county of} A. B. Yosles M.D. The undersigned, officers Neteon, and State of Virginia, take ploasure tn recommending as a sol and reli a Real yl WOSADAHES re ance are such ax to commend it tw putilic. pars} A Veryinia and Southern Institution! ae nmage. te Stwokbolder, Directors aud Oflleersare men) Jry Hunds are kept in the South, | Price 25 Contea Baxty 1 Will Cure the worst Cases Oe RENT. oof rere oe eis 2 He will ain beep on hand None of usdave stock of personal interest in It has met with unprecedented guccess. of Scrofula. Mio eotronny, ont dnpiy gine Mio th ateaney for the eure of Fever aa tea = one Ta fortunes are cetatlished beyond any|“momnd eG Geo. 8. Srevers, Clerk Circalt Court, week te Jous F. Arx, Shariff contingency. TRAM SAW-MILL- geen Gocers, Germeetel tm ery re — se «4.4.1. >¥ IEG, : etc! GA; Hinghder & Un, Aprots, Bollobe a eee We aleo have the agency fur good Fire Ghee! pty dat ety oy panies Weve teat of reagenrra betty Traveling tawanted. A to te affairs are hed 7 cl?t. JAMES P bar oat Special Agent, (barlette, N » Jan. 7, 1888, bal Warely Carolina ALEX ANDEK. COUNTY. PREStIDERT, E ; , et February Term jot, Wal Ste upentan nee T Weducaday), thd 18¢h day of March dend of whieh the late RW. ead possessed, if ; I i ee ee Hi =f i t Z i i Neth Carolina Railroad, mt which a? . os » me + bee obtaines! the Anan notice, and : zt pet oD wae Wee - - : _ ee eee JOUN E. EDWARDS, Ha Hi : — ICs Pumper, SRCERT ART, Margeret RK. Milepa, ve. -- Milenpe, PETITION FOR Prvouce. Wm. B. Isaacs, D. J. Haxtsoox, lt appearing to the satiefaction of the Court that ana | ~ wil) be =. 6: nae Sn Gteahe Sone tort on MEDICAL KXAMINER, . : ‘ * | rhabitant of Unte Mate. it is ordered that peblios 33 H. sMIT : B A_BERRY. wth! the fishits af the Beate, It ie therefore . re a Gan bo made fe cit wedth, enscanteuip. te Oe CHARLES 1 MITH, M. D fan ov Wtabuns enocanined aoa Da ica rica memati | Warensas & Ou Nowrn Spare, « paper pub- Lao al apviens. ORXTRAL AGuxt, it t y + tor of 4 tubed in the town of Maliebury, notifying him te be + ae 3s s 7 ite weeks, notitying enid ckedasta} F¥—In 168 my sve. mow awed Gre yeere.| aad appear al the uoxs term of tbiotioun te be beta | H- C. CABELL, J%o. IL. (Lamoana. to be ate! wt the next term of thie O | War vaccinated Wik Ghat prowed to he impure | for the County of Alexander at the Court-Hone is . reg Veg -_ ale VOM | seaitor, which Manpletcly destroyed his hewth | Tayloterifiece the sixth Monday after the last Men- DIRECTORS: oe be for the county of Rowen,’ at the a, hee beee ofl ered with o@ ineeterst> 20d ox- | day im Febrwesy next, then and there to answer oF! pone Enders, Court-Hoase in Salisbery, on the 12th Moniay tremely treehivtome Eruption of the > bi-n,| emer to anid petition or the seme will be heard ¢x } Wijtiem F. Taylor, atter the last Momday io February next, thet | semetioes breaking eat ie owes, Be. Ruag. | rt ae to him and decree accordingly . Semec! 5. Cottrell, ated there to plead, wer or detnar, ort i “| Witnems, KE. M. Stevensem, Clerk of setd Comrt at} join i \ ae vere ie | dalle war preeerite dd ty ay facut’ phy-icien | wffice at Ta: file. the 6th 5 afer the inst | ¢ eG — final will be rendered agsinet them Dr AU. Memee After inking it « few weeks | Moeday ie haguat. 1907. coda Thartes T. Wortham. Fitness, A. Jenison Mason, Olerk of corr anit | my ror become end towmnine emrely wet | his ope f 8. BM. STRVRNSON, ©. 8. O. Robert R. Galloway, ve. J. W. Davia Conrt, at office, the 12th Monday after the bet | Yours trety, -_—-- ene Sate aS “Soxsie. |§t ate of North Carolina In thas cove it ie ordered the ¢purt that | ¥2d year uf our Independence . ’ — publication be made im the A. JUDSON MASON,C.BC | Comsumplion, in its carly stages, can be DAVIDSON COUNTY. cured | Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, William Willis Jr. Ed. A. Smith. F i “ty Gnaghter hee been cored of « deen arated 1867 Gieceee of the La wpe (peonewnerd be car Phy st Ase WILKES OVOU NTY | cian Consempree', by pear Re-aarie . he ,’ ante { Mes BK. ANN > MITI. Thomas Pupe, os R. F. Andrew. Superior Court of Liw, Spring Term! 2 vie. March 4. 1667 ATTACRMERT. , dD, 1868. N this case it appearing to the satisiaction o i f t i Fs . f F f l s t ; ; LEWIS C. ITANES, Ao'r. jan 17 —twX wif Leaixetox, N. C. i = ferry. a SN eT RRS ane DAVIDSON COUNTY the Court that the defendant is net an ml P bs : habitent of this State, It ix ordered by the State of North Carolina, The Thomasville Bauk, 4.3. yipeas. Ment / Petition tor Legacy. overt that pablicatiun be made for six) weeks LE o mar eneeee b ae of Jane Mathews, deo'd in Ue Welhman and Old North Slate, tor <aini ALEXANDER COU NTY os Courtof I'leas and Quarter Sessiona, upon cath of 4. M. Parguson, the! lefendant to be and apes at oar next Sape- that Owes Mathews ond Blize-| rior Goart of Law to Le held for the county of December Term, 1367. g Davideon at the QCuart-Hoase in Lexingtun, on Is a Potent Remedy in all |v ac‘ncemy ane tee too Meetey @|Ascen Qureme & March next, then and there te replevy, plead, | Sarah Barnes ° ° avewer or demur, otherwise judgneut pro om = Chronic Diseases. fm willbe gran! on the property vied on. | Sukomon Berns Witness, H. N, Heitman, clerk of said evert| nd others, J } Whesborvagh. on G. WT. Blount, A ‘ , Wit at office in Lexington, the firt Mowhy after . * . ‘= Julian, who reported the bill, fefnsed amen. 4 : test Montag ta Vebtsery Pe” Moris Carona awe eee toarth Munday ia September, A.D. 1867. { | ,th com it appearing to the satisfaction of Ca y the Conrt, thet Moses Barnes, Josun ineuis exempting eertan ruads from its oper : TTP pet a H. N. MEITMAN, ©8-C. | fermen, Sulomon Barnes, Nathan Austin and ain, . ‘ | Theve been cured of Chromic Inflematin of borer é $a wife Mary, Barton Boown and & ite Rath, and GH. Brown, clerk of our said ( nef at the rar sed Portia! Denferss, of ten yeare | ———— = re Benton Payne, defendant hee canse, oftce in thesorcagh tn the Mh Gay ot dennary | tanding.b, ROSADALIS. acer Equity Sale, cUntettim od thio Gnne, tt b thane en _, RR se - AYU? td r G. BH, BROWN, C. 8. Cc. Wileen, September 13, 1867. dered by the Court that publication be made | ur esive Weeks in the Woetchmen end Old Ponta wre, Va. Sug. 98, 1°67 V ABL ; & 4 oe NOTICE. Cod. bekeae Part at even} | VALUABLE LAND. | |Nera' eats meres painted Sonor , tire stock ON Saturday, the 8th day of Febraary next, | will | "7, z . gfe pe eA WmM et Te hee eizht yeare | have bret severely sfilicted | sell at the Court-House sixty acres of land | Of the filing of this petivon, and that they ap- Go., f take thie nity of returning my xin. WH ® ¥ety treeless form Of SALT RUUE W | known ts Chestnat Hill, belonging to the heirs of an at the Wext term of this overt to be heb! care thanks to (a groetally tor ‘ob jfrom which Tf tawe never been able te obtain the | William Morphy, dec'd., adjoining the lands of A. the county of Alexander at the Court. | twonky years, and | HEhtert peree ptible relief fhm suy of the many L.. Johasen, 5: Bu Heerinve endothere. Tis tenet 19,000 ig Taylorsville on the Ist Monday in 1 d a s= 2é i fi . } i & il t ) | Petition fur Partition { of Land. ni g iH i £ : ; iaube , Of valuable building lote and i« Savannah, Feb. 4.—A ; fur the futare 1 fee hat Ivan Tig becerog relat slept preraantes y va sbr ry sit Gunter lend. Tor ie—ale and “twelve ‘moathe| March ane ars tnt there to owe cause if| to adimioitier dhe essets was held at the Altwan a public ther io men of éxperi ra et aa fe Tn Tess thee one neath | irmad inyerif al- mop rie » A vt gt dn Ad nga fy Pec . Hoy ya ny . sihenn, andl whaistdenetatne saine | MOF! entirely cared of my troublemune crop partare to Gee. Witsem, F.C. Robbins, = sino, Cena. c security. eee r: 4 gig ete Rs ae funiily have weed it a*|'y. y Witness, K.P. Martin, clerk of our said] said Conrt, and the seal of said Court of Kqui- ed on .W. . at and 2 blo«l purifier, with the mort gratifying resele, sdjoining Margares py Keng in Taylorsville, the Ist Monday ty, at Office in Lexington in said county, the Traly I ran say. that of all the medicines I have}, v wajuune rca hook with Ae wings by » 1867. 18th day of December, A. D. 1867. § parered R P. MATHESON, Clerk. F. C. ROBBINS, ©. MW. the ‘ ee, . pdminiétras 4. ; ever uted before, none have been so happily ‘UKE BLACKMER, C.M.E.- ; 7 - tw-im | beneficial iu effect asthe Rosadalis, and! would] Jan'y, 130, ek . whew—ta | h:6tpr f $8 L:4t: prt $8 ib 3 2 # amounts of lands, and cited the tauser in which lands were worked { @tentudvantage in the: North. Me Moore, of Got teeni5 _ comfiseation. creating all the distress. Yank: our frendas’ he wéald Mr. Grahaw, of Orange; asked Hlemn, if it was nit 2 fier that eteditora had’ taken judgments’ ta this in the U. 3 |Distriet Coart, to the amount of a half a willion of dotlara. Mr, MeDonald,.as.a reply, the gentleman would not Questions were being always ‘asked, 10 drive one away from the ‘main’ question. » Hood, (negro,) nioved to e report. to dog Cowmittee. Mr. Tourges made an argument, ju yw we toa suggestion | of the Judge on renit, in ~jtegead to the constitutiouality. of; thd stay ature. and ou being e thought the stay ‘was also unoonstu- law, passed by the lawof the Convention tional, he would net “diseuss ‘that; be and of the bar had ayreed that }, that ‘hey would. net moot the q ocdinange would-expire ou the Ist of July, 1868, Why didact Geo. Candy's order cover thé sume grobnd? His idea of relief negro) (a winority report from } Was to set the State on its Ales ordered to be printed. Harris, of Wake, nogro, a resolution, ' Convention will not act apon ¥ bills for relief, until the Constirn- seat. of Mr’ Wiliams, of , by ove Hall. Referred to the | With instructions to report as as or etna other geatlemen the fei the stay ofall debts until a homestead etause could be inserted in the Cunstita- tion of a retrospective nature; he was willing however, that it should be recom- mitted, with instruetions to the Commit- petition Gen. Canby to stay all “a oh = tate; the momeut such a declaration was »ple of the North would beg to feel confidence in the bunds of the Star Then the stream of prosperity would set in J and the straggle for supremacy would begin. | debts. -} That was his idea of substantial relief. said he stood here a Repudiator, bat wir - Gries for telief were heard fram ev- | ery quatter. {ft was nus dithonurable, He! would say. publicly, that they were uot States | and, pot being States, we could A : Nef. Congress had declared that we had nu | troduced the following resolution : Resolved, That the Cammines on Fi- nance, either in the nmume of thie whole tiplica- | Couveution er ia the pame of a sub-Uaiu- j mittee, be authorized to negotiate a loan, 9% to exceed $16,000, in urder to pay the mileage of members. Mc B, said hewagid move tw subpend tufes, because immediate artion should taken apon it; an there were some mem bees in nerd of maney. The rules were suspended and the res. olution adopted. Un mation the Conventing adjoarued until 12 o'clock to-morrow, tien was here made to. adjonrt, drawn, in order to allow Mr. Hea- ita report from the Bill ef Rights Commitice ; which was ordered to Brench, «f Chowan, by consent in- bt the miatter had for the relicf of the Wilmington, and Rutherford Railroad Com- ¥ was the Lest relief for the peopl Carolina “ft saved two millions of poate teeth Harris’ resola- tion w effectually kill it. thought, that all reso- id over ender the rale; he to: the. saspeusion’ of the Son ‘Pheu we had po iaw,— He agreed with Thad Stevens ig his dechera- the Constitution had ne « ou te the conquered | provinera. or Such was the setiled puliey of Con- grees with regard to we. avd such wes our! condition > therefues,. wecan grant broad | and sweeping relief. We may be called re. | be charged with ecting day would come when lega! goverument. podiaters dishonesthy, bat sueh tries would he hashed forever. V. closed bis remagks. by offeri owtig amendment; ‘strike out « owed vothiug. The included in the exceptions, sud insert: -ewn- | repudiation iutroduced Waet or engagement entered inte fer the pur — ord oe of real estate. when one hal i purchase money has vet been paid, Me. Graham, of Orange, said, sabstan-j Mr. President : fax dred! the 6.0, i Tuvesvar, Jan. 36, 1868. The convention was called to order at f rise to naggest some 11 o’clnck objections, which, it the advoenirs of this Galloway, (aegra,) offered & resolution surely, by requesting the committee on cities and enquire by what authority the ' claims to be a eity. »® resclation im regard tn h Referred. Canby and towns to wth the Viegipia Kijurention town of in their petition to Congress to extend the} titag ip the Gest clanee of the Hankerups lab . end to redece the rx pewses 1 Can we! {Met so amend the Stay Law of 1865 as te! for labor dgument for the testabment dee, rd at the mes mentioned, inuptead of tor the whwie amount, or give judcwents | véentian shall for «me-tenth of the oid debis and By the same: A resolution that debits performed shall be « preeedcnce Mr, Gunter, a resolation that the ton asermble at 10 o'clock, in- » every year stead of 11, A. BM, as heretofore. over Mr. Logan, « resolution clock having a2rived. | noc pe Cbsieman of the} spemal order of the 1 do wut intend to argue, at thie thee,/ etitutionnlityof the recongtrection |terme of the Uoart of Pleas and measures, but to view the whale alter | Sessions in froma “bayal” basie, Aad bere { ) Sas ed . Onpexamcs Reerecroma tHe Scar) eeind thie Convention that wr have | Mit pconnece cs tgp ioias) womviotuencce vidlated the Constinetion of the All wha, 20 offers, took and of the Se Retiet, reapectful'y report ne ondioticn and Ratherford connty. : Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, an ordi- waper levying « tax of 76 per cent, on Mr. Teague, « reso!atiog inswacting the inte of three, appointed 16 enafer Cruby, wo aserriaia how far be Should we a4 Sed Undatnctot PAeee. peuse and consider that clanse Chick (to whem was referred the memorial of one ange: “Na State shalt pase any law isn-|ffall, of Sa them. or other| Putting the obligation of contracts [” Bat seat of Mr 9 ween oF process | # is maid that clouse dees nota We are not a State bat only «a 1 Was not North Curotina asked asa Siale,| hta watify the amemiment abolinbing eave | the en ry? Ast said { woald argar thie qe: | printed. ;| Son 08 & loyab basis, [ quote Thad, Stev-/ Was not the origin of the whale re. {from con straction scheme of Congress * — Bees cntteeniqcin into the condition of the States, ic tp the «hich formed the so-called Confederate same te the proper States of America fT” ther acting im 5) test have boon exchade? Gtties. by the ap Wee of memry or liars, of thas count iy — that, commending that Mr errttary. | cleewed. Hl ue jedgment bert. for sleds whether suet Redman submitted a report from ommittece on Uectief fH ft Mr. Pool preeonted 2 ms the eomaitere ou ~uffrage [T we or three minority reports accow- re f te theie heads any final | “® at t i it They were ordered wy be printed and mare toe special order for Thareday wr xt Mr. Rich moved that the rules be sas and | pended, aed hie rrecluiion offered day be-| lective franchise tore yesterday. calling on Sheriffs to far Did wet | hief nich « statement of the tober of eseen mante shall be in forre frem and afer its rat! Seatin by this Coetestion. and feel contines inforee util the first day of , Aaly, 19GB, of eutti tee Constitution. hich we Convention bes wed withm their own S‘afre.” pe Sst. ab fed Sak See haere. 2 North Carolina | tions ip their counties, and the amount of vy. (ae & State, in bie addresea to the Bar in moury to be collected thereon, be taken oar cirewit, treet Jane f P ‘The rules were accordi. gly suspended wead. does jt unt give a stone! and the resebudon adopted. Heed (negro’s) resolution, raising a|ted. in fem Mr. Prevident, as our pever ix comoaritice of fice, to re eka *{tetiomabte, had we vet’ beet nfer the [eons entitled to Syiee which > inks shold by wicishes featter to Gen. ¢ ‘anby, whe can have bie! dieabilitics war, on his I think thas ong great- | and on it he called the eet distress comes from tbe United States | bat withdrew it, Courts, and the expenses connected with; amend it a6 follows: “Birike out 6 and Why not }ineert 8.” making the commitue consist ; petition Congress to change the law, so ae\of owe member from each Judicial Dic We said that to better a complieh the perpoers for} triet. which it wos designed 1 Why should Ex- ecutors and Trustees be sabjected to eait, | th * these me arcure give Mr Melbogald. one of the Cm agrees iy teccutmending the fereg.aig, with the exeeption of the exeeption m iv which fle poeple ask port womes af per om politiest}the Stase of Korth Carclina, between the motion, taken ap ;) orders evtorced | previous gacetion, } Wes. B Rowwsx. Chairmen. Jone A. MeDexauo, 6. W. Baarter, 4.4. Decsworrs. Mr RB. moved ite adoption. Mey Were egiled “repadiators.” sod aden: ted thot as poy law passed, xfleeting de irs ted contracts. was ia some degree repudia ‘Plow t some Sxtent. Bot’ the pevple of the! when they exnnot collect to meet the calls Beate wete impoverished a filing petitions in Bankraptey. fhoed, (megro,) aecepted and renew @ call of the previous qnestion. Mr. Toargre wished to amend; and Mr. Durbam wished to amend by ma- og the resolution I believe the} thet labor ander politieal disabilities. — | adjomrned tntil to-morenw. 11 o'clock ‘teas question came r. Darham said th yanew thas the gag law wonld be en if thit, a4 int & great ahy other instances. apon the reporters to state how all debate npon this suljeet had been ent off. He wished the people to know how the minority were pogged and not allowed o a free discussion. ious question being Pon, 4 vipa rode vote ed | the samt, ‘when called into setive service. It ie to the interest of the posterity, some “mees- | State chat ali these old debts shaald be | kir wn 16 prevent the sac compromised and setuled. Tt way a perewity. and History baer os beggarded, | tpou them f | saked keare to sit ayain, Pilide of property. Peoresity Kew po law. TH cline where a eunntry bad passed throng a Hisastrde aud dexoisting war. Awd not lh # the same eunditi-n fast and thiek.] at he | to order at 12 o'clock. tnived, but execution shoald be stayed, He |Petil their property would command bet- qeHed veriows instances here repudiation | prices, and until their industry had has beet resorted to and stil] *omewhat refieved their present distress, Wht che uations? lonor attarvished. The Let as not WE otty rongher debts. deer, eintracted te May 1865, 298 expired by ite own } thon on the Jet July. 1808. ss of this kind fs net takew. the land would L. ‘ owned by a large clans of ahagnice landlords charge bis debts in fall, surrenders bis vdet the same suffering as not eare wherethe parchas- er was born, but be wanted him to liveand | We reduce the expenses and make the labor among ve. He whowld say to the debt-|perty bring full value, and enlarge af Ours at present tride with them on this sub- prier ject. I do nut believe that our people are «mita- dishonest. I see no dishonesty, or has any been charged, when a man, unable to dis- roperty (with the ex was taken apon the ia®) for the benefit of salted, 69; nays 16. negative, vig; ens Me eo: Sth was adopied Without de- te. Seetion Gth was modified as fullows, and adopted: “Strike out the words “treason and,” in the third line, and insert the word “iv; strike ontall of the word “pardon,” in the seventh bine, down to the word “reprieve,” inclusive, Sections 7, Gand 9 were adopted with+ out debate, turned the time-horered ‘and castoms of North Carolina He was-op-| posed to allowing 19 so small « such! complete sway. ‘The people wah his party. “The w thing wonld just ametivnien in bn gd anything to de with. Me. Graham's motion to strike out was then put to « vote and list, The section, as reported by the eomssis- tee, wae then Sretions 11, 12 aed 13 adopted, without objretion. es be s a if a ° jt h te s : La b ta i oF Vr, Hodmett enoeurred With Mr. @. given and said that the section com over~' Soath, 4 a q ae - ns uot | nation of she civilized trd,—only the Governar and > represen } Galloway, : on mount to « party machine, and he would have she effecs of oppose euch being “incerporsted into a ject. iF rt t : i l re l ? | i i iy H i i tf f ¥ LE i i 7 £ i : Hi it r i “No pereem shall be cligitte as Goverpur) anything like » resobution. i i F ther ne an addition Lees to the seine offer more that four| Orveervative or Repeblean. Bat as to Mr R offered an amend: beat withd }&. os Me. Toarges’s amendment of yester- — the same groand. S E E f h to the general government, they right to lovk te this Cowvention for i t jf * i e 7 4 1 master. He wanted the 1 Toorgee moved to ameud his amend-| the men who dared j ment. of yeeterdey. by striking ont the word | Foti “ratification.” and insert the word “appree-| Jal.” and t strike out the figures ° insert 10." P i ia agers! a generui amnesty. 12 o'clock having arrived, busines of yesterday, via:| he Committee on Militin,| ton of snc « A" 204 | the wbhiniched The amendment was agreed to. and the| the, Report of « section. as amended. was then Mr. Rich said that Me. Durhaw'y The Report of the Committees om the Mi.| Chatham, moved to bus litie was sext taken op for eounideration | postpowe ite } aed, after acme time spent in dments would embarrass aod discussion, Gections t acd @ were adige Sec. 1. All able brdicd male citisape of . He wished | commities to tent that @ report made, aa there were sowe five or six thousand disfranch « ed persons in thie State, to have «fell and fror disc 7 vote tnken ou Mr Durham's amendment. of UA atid 40: years, who ate citizens off YOO wae taken, which resale United Staten. shall be Jighle to duty in the mititia: Provided. that all persons, wher many be adverse to bearing arms, from religi- jowe shall be exempt. Seo. 2. The General Aseewbly shall pen- | Vide for the orgapizing, arming, equipping | and discipline uf the militia. snd for paying Prwding the vonaiderstion uf the 3d revtion, the Cotmitter, on motion of Galloway , (ne Mr. Heaton had understood The onse then went into Commies | 7°") 7? the inlier side, to say, Yoaer. i ple wis not ready hesty, but if was for Wuirerenl guts Ile would yote Aguinst Te ‘s resvlation and Mr. Dur Me Jones, of Washington, striking out the whole settion, wae eartied, 4th was adopted, without ob- a . ii f Ha e HE ie ¥ Bro.) rose, the Chairman reported progress and | jeetion On anion of Galloway, (negrd) thie House The President caltcd the Convention de the } Prayer by the Rer. — Warwick, (ne- Mr Bryan ted a petition from aa stricken out, aa part le Sn ie tninn how rise, and report the adoption of bill, a2 amended. Agreed to, when Mt Sweet vieated. the Chair and re- ham's amendment, motes of Wake, (negro, feeling had been to the matter The day's work was “woh AE H fF the citizens of Wilkes, graying the te- Committees on Governor, &e ' P mE - arried, moval of disloyal officers aad them with “leyal men.” Referred. - He wanted the’ wile inatier voted down, and ‘fhe eonvoution to and imate work. Lat the mat — Mr Tourgee, & report frow the Cotomit- tia; if was ulso tee on Towne, ke, to whom was referred baller pDeper pent Se) lowa me ha ote Way the manne of Chatham, called mays. Tuo call being t. Mann moved ment on the table, Mr. for the yeas and se i t i e m a e a i — tenes ‘2AAHTORE AF ci cTAHTaOHT- LASS _o Wi Sa = 70 a - —— “The Old North State Forever.”—Gaston. ————— IO yon YKygetw Single Copies Five Gents x SS > — VOL TiI.. NU. 16, For Life Insuratice Only. yoy 9 ebealaaen REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY . O}, VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. O. CARRINGTON, Presidext. J. J. HOPKINS, C. H. PERROW,M. D., Med, Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Company pays to ifs policy holders annually 87$ Per Cent. of its Profits. P It fe aid its patrons by taking notes ‘OF oO premiums. ; qt ‘ts pay all cash if desired. At mvites its 2 attend its — set- tlements see their rights protected. ‘It aliow: its patrons to change their policies from lace to another. ‘ta: Pol fp holdérsare not restricted as to tra- vel or residence. It offers’ the following certificate as to its sol- vemey Mise Court Hovsez, yt March 26, 1867. The. undersigned, officers of the county of Nelson, and State ef Virginia, take pleasure in recomm ras a solvent and e compa- ny! , Real Estate Insurance Com- pany,” of this county; and besides the merit of its solvency, its rates and terme for life imsur- ance are such as to commend it to public pat- To. ‘ Ite Directors and Officers are men of high and ean rely on an kescunier eaten! management of its affairs. None of us have stock or personal interest in this company, and simply give this as disinter- ested testimony to the merits of a good instita- tien. Gro. §. Stevens, Clerk Cirenit Court, Joun F. Hx, Sheriff- Wm. A. HILL, Surveyor. 8. H. Levene, Clerk at G A. Bingham & Uo., Agent., Sali We also have the agency for good Fire Com- ies. _— JSHN8ON, Praveling agents wanted. / CAPT. JAMES F. Special A gent, Charlotte, N.C wdtwly Court. sbury Janu. 7, 1868. The Arlington Mutual Sife Iusarance Company OF VIRGINIA. A Varginsa and Southern Institution dts Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success, Ite ‘fortunes are established beyond any contingency. —_— —- The Com has capital and assets, against its liability that wil! compare favorably with any Life Insurance Company on the continent, which is the true bility. iaathiev are cautioualy administered by selected ° Directors, ibility and business c ity. It has esta its clatm to Southern Patronage. © OFBICERS : PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VicE PRESIDENT, Wx, B. 1gacs, _ MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D GENERAL AGENT, Jno. H. CLAIBORNE. SECRETABY, D. J. Harrsoox, LEGAL ADVISER, H. ©. Capett, DIRECTORS : John Enders, Heary K. Ellyson, William F. Taylor, Asa Snyder, Semuei 8. Cottrell, H. E. C. Baskerville, Johan Dooley, Samuel C. Tardy, Willies m (George Jacobs, Jr., J. W. Allison, Ed. A. Saiith, S. Palmer, These. J. Bvans, A.D. Chockley, James A. S>ott, H.C. Cabell, B. M. D, J. Harteook, bf Joba C. Wines, re A.P, Abell, 5 i Wm B. lanace, Witthay H. Palitier, pata | i. Pe TEW1s ©. HANES, Ao’r. jan] 7—-tedewtt Lzexiveron, N. C. peeteiit Fam TING . D ie SALISBURY, N.C., SATURDA Ys FEBRUARY 8, 1868. THE , OLD NO STAT TRE WEEKLY 2 = TERR MS-—CA | IN ADVANCE. —— Tri. W ’ Year, Pee OOO e wee ome cee 96,00 se Bee meek ” 3,00 7 From the Raleigh Sentinel. CORSERVATIVE STATE CONVENTION. 1 Grand Rally of the Representa- tives of the People! SnEEEEEied The White Men of North Carolina in Couneil - Yesterday being the day appointed by the State ative Executive Com- mittee, for the assembling of the Conser- vatives of North Carolina, ia Convention, the spacious and elegant ‘Tucker Hall, on its lower floor, was before the hour of meeting. A number of ding ladies, were in the jes, interested of the scene. The Convention was called to order at 11 o’clock, A. M., by Col. Thos. A. Alli- son, of the county of Iredell, who moved that, for the purpose of temporary organ- ization, R. H. Smith, Esq., of Halifax, be invited to take the Chair. The motion having been unanimously mare, r. Smith took the Chair, amid the ap- plause of the convention. The chairman, in returning his acknow}l- edgements, remarked that only a few mo- ments before he had been apprised of the intended bonor. He hardly aew, there- fore, in what terms to address the conven- tion. It had met ander extraordinary cir- Br Coin af pear when the peo Id 5 out and as- sert their rights, (if they had any left,) this was, emphatically, the time. Threat- ened with the overthrow of our institu- j what little remant of liberty we to confer together the good of some oe Being but chairman, he would say no the. convention to were requested to act as temporary Seere- taries of the convention. Lean, J F Hunter, Geo Bason, James E Bo, J W Stockard, A C MeAllister. runswick—Col Johan D Taylor, Da- vid 8 Cowan. Buncombe— Mareus Erwin. Winertl, BV Maons, Catawha—Dr J RB Ellis. Carteret-—L W Martin, BH Bell, Ward, T A Rebbins, George W lotte. | Thos, Wins : Armfield. J. DeRessett. Franklin—W H Mitchell, P © Person, ton, A Henley, £ Gupton, L Joyner, Danl g Hill, W K Davis. Granville—J J Speed, Robt N Far- man, H Davis. Ai a9 eager woe Sie Lindsay, Peter = ams, Sr. Wm le, John MeCalloc Peter Adams, Jr., H K Witherspoon, J R McLean, Jas T Moreh Jn Henderson Won" A 8 Metrimon, Prox.’ Harnett—Jesse Morgan. P Halifac—R H Smith, R O Burton, J. tone. Hertford—J B Hare. Jones—T D Foy. Proxy. ively SP mes H McLaughlin, T A Al- RB, Benj vant H Hill, 8 A Sharge, W W Foot, G W Clegg, W P Drake, H M Allison, R F Simonton. Johnston— James H Abell, Dr John H Beckwith, Charles E Preston, Maj H J R 8 R Horn, Dr R Rooker, ra WwW , Haywood Howell, Jethro Thane, Wm H Avera. Lenoir—Jesse C Kennedy, F A Broth- ers, A Munro, George B Whitfield, Lewis © Desmond. Lincoln —Jno Bollinger, Dr M Brown, J F Hoke. McDowel—W W Flemming. Macon—A T Davidson. Mecklenburg—Gov. Vance, J L More- head, J H McAden, 'T J Grier. Moore—N McK McNeill. New Hanover—A J DeRossett, J A En giochi W McClammy, E D Hall, D G Worth. Northampton—R B Peebles, W R Pep- d that I have none against the They have behaved well in m genes! eel One Shegeret astray, it has been almost inv ‘atthe instigation of some white rascal, repeated that he had no pre- judice against hie own eolor,—against the statesmen and patriots, and sages, who temptations of the times so far, as to at- tempt or desire to disguise himself by don- ning a black livery. As an old Friend once said, he was “still alive and on pray- ing ground.” He thanked Heaven that he was surrounded by so many intelligent and patriotic re ntative of the State, so many of his former associa- tes—the true men who, “though they had sworn to their own hart, had ‘changed not” —who did net seek to commend their own loyalty by foreawearing themselves, and proving reereant to every former pro- fession. It was, indeed, a privilege, for which he was gratified, to be environed by such men. He predicted that the dawning of a bet- ter day was at hand.. Everything indica- ted its approach. The light comes from the ‘sun, and we can tell when day- light approaches, if we will watch stars, and the lesser orbs of night. When the God of Day sends out hie herald beams the smaller luminaries, with commendable modesty, get out of the way. That time is coming. “I know it,” said he,—*I feel itin my bones /”” From ev quar- ter, the signe of reaction are auspicious. In North Carolina, we have a white ma- per. Orange—Wm A Graham, J C Parish, Philip Sutherland, Joseph Woods, Wm | Strayhorne, M W Moore, Pau! C Camer- | ou, W W Guess, R F Webb, Jas Webb, | Jobn A Turrentine, John W. Graham, E. | M. Holt, John Berry. Onslow—J ohn W Shackelford, Frank- | lin Thompson. | Pitt- -R W Joyner. | Richmond en W Leak, Walter L| Steele. Rowan—F E Shobcr, Wm E Robbins, | Kerr Craige, J S Ifenderson, F N Luck- | ey, J C Turner, J F Stancill J S Me- | Cubbins. Sampson— Alexander Williams, Jno C Williams, George R Williams. Surry—Seaton Gales, R C Badger, Proxies. Wake—Col J P H Russ, Thos Bragg, A S Merrimon, H P Tucker, W D Wil- liams, JQ A DeUarteret, Rev Wm E Pell, Robt W Haywood, Alfred Upcharch D L Royster, J Horton, Geo Little, Rich- ard B Ha wood, George Whiting, L E Heartt, Wa H Crow, H W Husted, Alex Lawrence, J J Overby, W D Johnson, | P P Williams, E E Harris, J J Ferrell, | W R Coz, C B Root, Talbot Selby, W R | Andrews, S V House, Thos D Hogg, | Thos Jenkins, M C Harrison, D G Fowle Theo H Hill, Wm O Upchurch, James A Moore, N V Denton. Wilkes—Dr Jas Oalloway, E M Wel- born, Eag., Col H A Brown and R F Wayne—George V Strong, William G Morisey, Council 8 Wooten, Alvab L. Palmer, E Arnold Wright and John M Clemmons. Warren—Weldon N Edwards, Whar- | ton J Green, [Applause.] Watauga—Z B Vance, A S Merrimon, Proxies. Transyloania—Hon A S Merrimon, Proxy. Ou motion of Col. Walter L. Steele, of Richmond, it was ordered that the tempo- Uhairman appoint a committee of two delegates from each Congressional Dis- triet to recommend ent officers of the convention. Whereupon, the Chair- man appointed the following gentlemen, viz: First District— Rev. R. O. burton, R. B. Peebles. Second District—Jno. Hughes, Dr. A. Third District—W. L. Steele, John D Taylor. ourth District—P C Cameron, D G Fowle. Fifth Distrit—J R McLean, B B Roberts. Sixth District—F E Shober, R F Si- monton. Seventh District—A C Avery, Marcus Erwin. Pending the retirement of the Commit- t2e, loud calls from all parts of the Hall es Hon. Zebulon B. Vance to his He commenced by remarking, ia his own style, that he once heard of an iri n, who was looking at one of those donkey engines tha*are used im unloading ships. Gazing indignantly at it a while, he exclaimed: “Arrah, ye puff and smoke and rattle away, tell ye's clane out of and do the work of twenty men at that, blast ye, ye gall and gunbn, tot J eeats, eet Oe al 8 I can’t vote, for Still sir, thongh I may be deprived |N. Edwards to his feet. jority of 35,000—yet they were so pros- trate and depressed by misfortune as to allow the late election to go by default.-- Now, if we will remember what we have been in the past, who we are now, and to whom we are kin,—will arouse ourselves aud put on the bearing of men,—will make a vigerous and active ¢anvass, we shall atone for the past and save North Carolina. No argument is necessary. A an who necds an argument to convince him, in this exigency, of his duty, is a fool, upon whom argument would be waste of breath. It is only necessary to urge our people to do their duty, and we will ae- cure the goverument to the hands of the intelligent, tax-paying, white men of North Carolina. This will be best for all racce and colors. [At every stage of his remarks, the elo- quent speaker was greeted with enthusi- astic acclamations. The Hon. Wm. A. Graham was next vociferously called for. This distingaish- |ed gentleman made a few excellent re- marks, but, as he subsequently spoke at greater length, we forbcar a report of them here. The Ifon. R. Y. McAden next made a few appropriate remarks, in response to loud calls. He expressed his profound gratification at the distinguished and pa- triotic character of the Convention, aad augered their best results from its assem- blage. He believed and hoped that a brighter day was dawning for North Car- olina, the South and the Union. The enthusiastic invitations of the con- vention next brought the Hon. Weldon He said that the Convention sought to impose upou him a task to which he was inadequate.— Extreme age rendered him unfit to afford entertainment to such a body. “Old as I am,” said the venerable patriot, “I have come here simply to signify my approval of this meeting, to endorse its action, an to commit my fortunes, good or bad, to the same barque in which are to be com- mitted those of the Anglq Saxon race !— This sentiment was received with long continued applause. The Hon. Thomas Bragg next came forward, in obedience to prolonged calls. He commenced by remarking that the Conveution had assembled under i iar circumstances. The faces around him were familiar. He saw many with whom he had associated in the past, and he hoped that their deliberations would re- dound to the honor and welfare of the State. Forone, he was not al disappointed at the state of things under which we are laboring, for he expect- ed,—however improbable, a few short years ago, it might have been deemed.— We are now under a grinding despotism, (there is nouse in mincing pi without law or liberty, and the Constita- tion of our fathers regarded as no more than a bit of waste paper. Still, we had ao abiding faith that R eee be well. The people of the country will do their duty, and after a while our spoliated priv- ileges, would be in sdie measare, restor- ed. The'justice and good sense of the masses will return to them and prevail.— Coming events cast their shadows before Much of the injustice that has been done us,—most of the iniquitous i that has been consummated, will be wiped out. We must aid in this great move- ment. We must go to work actively and enlighten the peo We must arouse to a sense of their duty. We must resist our enemies in every lawful manner, . | —face to face, and breast to breast, —and Btd not ot Salted Mack” Godt mo cree OLE” NO’306 | then, if we go down, we shall, at Jeast, Seek like men! [Great applause } Here the Committee returned, and the Hon. D. G, Fowle, Chairman of the Com- mittee, reported the following list of per- manent officers of the Conventioa, viz : FOR PRESIDENT. HON. WILLIAM ‘A. GRAHAM. VICE PRESIDENTS, Hon, Weldon N. Edwards, Warren. Hon. Lewis Hanes, Davidsen, Richard H. Smith, Halifax. Samuel Radcliffe, Craven. John W. Leak, Richmond. J.P. H. Russ, Wake. Jesse H. Lin , Guilford. John H. McLanghlin, Iredell. A. T. Davideon, Macon. Col. E. D Hall, New Hanover. Saml. McD. Tate, Burke. William M. Robbins, Rowan. R. F. Armfield, Wilkes. SECRETARIES. Seaton Gales, of the Raleigh Sentixei. J. A. Engelhard, of the Wil. Journal. Jordan Stone, of the Roanoke News. W. P. Drake, Statesville American. J. H. Byinn, of the Newbern Herald. The nominations were unanimously rati- fied,—the name of each gentleman, as an- nounced, having been received with loud plandits. The temporary Chairman havi uest- ed the Hon. Thomas Bragg and Col. Thos. A. Allison to conduet Gov. Graham to the stand, that gentleman came forward and as- sumed the Chair, amid the hearty cheers of the large and enthusiactic audience. Gov. Graham said that although he had e to take his full share in the deliber- ations of the Convention, nothing eould sur- prise him more than this call to preside over - He had no intimation that such would be the case, and would, therefore, apologize, in advanee, for any deficiencies in what he might have to say. Hethankedthe Con- veution heartily for the appreciation of him- self implied in the honer conferred, and would endeaver to discharge the duties im- upon hiin to the best of his ability. We had met for purposes of deliberation on the political situation. A desolating and expensive war had swept over the land, and the question now to be settled is whether, af- ter all, we have Peace. The President of the United States declars that we have,—the Judicial Department of the land has so de- cided, (opetally has inde Nelson emphat- ically so declared in the Eagan Habeas Cor- pus case.) But Congress implies, by its ac- tion, that war still prevails. Surely, if so, war only exists by a fiction of law, of which the people are profoundly ignorant. They had su that the armies of the South that the capitulation had been accepted in faith, and that, therefore, Peace In other countries, after a protracted. and desolatin turn of peace, men asi war, and the re- ave been punish- ed, but it was done in a constitutional man- ner. But the measures taken indicate that the States, as States, must suffer, as well as men in their individual capacities. Gov. G. said that he thought (with all de- ference to. Congress, of which he should speak in no terms of contumely) that it would have been no difficult matter to have settled the controversy, given harmony to the country, and placed the people on the road of a moderate prosperity, instead of their being, as now, de and impover- ished. Charles the Second came back to the throne—an era of restoration of outhority, somewhat analogous to the pres- ent, after that authority had been temporari- ly deposed,—Lord Clarendon, the Chancel- lor, speaking for the King, said to Parlia- ment: ~His directs me to say that he is a suitor to , and asks you to join d | with him in the yeah and er ple to their ancient temper and dignity, their old good humer and manners.” Oh! fora Clarendon at the close of owr war. If it had been i in the councils of the country there was a desire to réstore harmony and the return of concord and ami- ty, it would have been universally seconded, and al some little ground-swell of alie- nation night have succeeded to the furicus the storm, all would, ere now, E together dinary contracts, when they thought the ob- f a Rae aa 7 opposition ceased, on the termination ‘of hostil- ites; the le saw the contest (waged on uo- equal ¢ i decided thear; they _ Gov. Graham next briefly dlscissed the pol- icy of President Johnson, with teferente to the State goveraments, after the serrender.’ While he did not conceive it necessary to strikedown governments; yet,’ in. common with all our people, he acquiesced therein. .. He negoun- ted the concessions and i by the people of the South, in obedience to the exac- tions made upor them. ‘They:did all this for the sake of Peace, And yet is not satisfied. Another Convention has been eglied by it,—not by the State,—bringing tu the col- ored race as voters—a thing unknown before— and through that agency it is sought to cliange entirely our State government and us under a new and anomalous one. He ed his belief that the of the North: will not sanction this. They will finda from the golden rule mischievous ous; and as they claim the regulation of thei own internal affais, so, when they cote to act with deliberation and dispassion, they will do justice by restoring to the of North Ca- rolina the same great right. Justice isso nat- see at, w matter is ! will say “this is right.” And this por ef will be hastened, when, forgetting latter preju- dices, they go back to the pest. end’ remember that it was the Southern Washi who compelled Gage to raise che otig® and that it was the troops of } Vg ines: wm and Virginia who, on the imyers amid hills of Jersey, in Peonsylvania, down ‘to the Brandywine, broke the back of British power. Gov. G. cited the case of the Dorr rebellion, and the judicial decision therein to that the forms of government can never be ri ly ear te Bove by naar ye the time exercise the right of suffrage, accordingly declared that the t coolnt attempt of Congress to change those of the Southern States was revolutionary. Bat in the case of this atte ed change—on this Constitution which is to presented to the people—we have a right to vote, and it will be our fault if it ie fastened upon us. We have a majorit istered white voters, sociation shall precede it. We are not with- Out observation; Where has the experiment ever succeeded? [The Speaker here entered into a forcible recital of the effectsof ae suffrage and rule in Hayti and Jamaice.] With these examples before us, shall we it? A good deal had been said about “impartial suffrage," with certain qualifications of proper- ty or intelligence as the test. sme sage to disfranchising any white man ia Oa- rolina. Aud as to the blacks, while-some of them. under the test, might be qualified’ yet the line of color wag the true line.of demerca- tion; and that would be best for all races. Sta- any in government is’ indi _ ov. G expressed the hops that the present state of things woul! cease. If the nten in power have uo commiseration, the great tinsses’ can feel the movings of: sympathy. Phereare prepare of this ” cfg He! was suse: at there was no desire 2 LO perpetuate batreds. Unfortunate ag the war a had, and would still bavé, the effect of maki the world think more Althoogh, for the ist, and clouds might of some, history .will accord te the North and Soath alike the highest meed:of ad- miration for a heroism, prowess and manbeod, such as the world never saw before, Their mutual achicveménts are so many.common exhibitions of the greatness of the. Americah le. . e The speaker next pronoaneed a hi g3 upon the Judiciary of the land, and Ingh bopes from that qnarter, :and an eloqueut tribute to President Johnsons Af ter again returning his acknowledgments, he took his seat amid great applause. [The foregoing is a most insufficient and meagre abstract of this great speech, which was aod which, we hope, will yet be writtea out for publication.} wet The other officers elected then assumed their tive positions. Py llama the Rules of Order of the House ° moos, as far as applicable were for the Government of syperelet shame a Col. E. D. Hall, of New Hanover’ offered the folluwing resolution, which was unanimous- ly adopted, viz: , Phat, in the efforts we are about to make, to save the country from humiliats and ruin, we will pat aside all former party pre- dilections, ligation violated on the other side. That and know only a contmion parpose class constituted, perhaps, the —8 | to e civil liberty and restore® Cansti- mejority which the reins of with | tutional Union. ) sate rare intervals. He (Mr. G-) never be- | On inotion of Ool. W. L, Steele,/the.Presi- lieved im that doctrine; but it was a disput-| dent was directed to appointa of — When, therefore, it was prac- | Sixteen,—two from each Jodicial Dist : oreo “/ lat you Con i coef oe al the issue sooner or er, vention; w! mans have come. True. he did not think our! The President named the lollowipg gemle- sufficient to warrant a resort to it, | men : } when North Carolina thought her duty Pag Detrict—J. B. Hare, and Richard H. and honer required her to take - in the ith. Ailes i great issue, he went with her oce what be 2nd.—M. E. Manley, W. G. Morrisey. regarded as & revolution. We did*our ut-| 3rdi—Thomas DS Hill most for our section and out couse; andj; 4th—MQ W P C Cameron. when we failed, we did our utmost for peep ame fee i on such terms as were just and —| 6th—Z B Vance, Lewis : We meant Pxace in reality. 7th.—A © Avery, R F Armfield. It has been sepposed by some that the war San eeOal Bb. one OF aiiabty might have been terminated earlier. Thedis-| Ou motion of Col J. F. Hoke, of Eincolo, Soguiteah gataines eitdthandie nad been ploses Committee of Five was ordered; to-report on in a position where be could minutel Plan of Organization; &. wth. ir appointed the following geusle- mon 16 Sm the Comntittee, vis : Cal G: N. folic, ‘On motion, the Convention then adj until to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. it. bed highly of this coon : genre people of im. Ino. ¥. Hoke, Dg2. Fowl, Ooh W. T.Greem.. ? Jag "SH, Richar [sEconD DaY.] THurRsppy, Feb. 6, 1868. The Convention was called to order at 10 o’clock,—the President, the Hon. Wm. A. Grana, in the Chair [By the hour of meeting, the spacious Hall was filled, — with a large number of ladies in the galleries, gracing the scene with their presence, and vention, and its objects, proving smiles. } The Eilewtng. add forward and had t viz: . ar iolmanhas tLe Tay ies “e,2 Cmrrituck—Thos. Sanderlin. Granville—W. L. Peace, Thos. Cape- ou G. W. Kittrell, S. G. Hayes, R. O. wy- Yar—Dr. G. H. Maca, W. H. th. Johnson—J. W. B. Watson, N. B. .,@ M..C. Quy, JM. Smith. Kin oon—R. RL Beale, G. M. Pow- Garner. Onslow—Christopher Ftevers. Person—Dr. Wim. Merritt. Werren—B, M. Collins. ‘Wake—R Watt York, A. «. Clements, J.W. Watson, Jno. Mayatt, Jno. Scott, L, W. Peek, Weasley Boon. Yedkia—Andrew C. Cowles. ; Col. Jne. F. Hoke, of Lineoln, on be- half. of the Committee on Organization, &e., submitted the following report, which was unanimously adopted, vig: ' A PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. STATE ORGANIZATION. A State Committec, to consist of a Chairman and thirty members,—six of whom shall reside in Raleigh, and three in each judicial district—to be appointed by the State Convention. The Committee shall have power to maintain its organization, by filling vacan- eies, &e., and shall take charge of all matters relating to org: inization, | regigtra- tion, &c., and a proper canvass of the State, DISTRICT ORGANIZATION The members of the State Committec in each judigial district shall constitute a district committee for their respective dis- trictsand shall appoint a Chsirman, and shall take eharge of all matters relating to county organization, &Xc., in their re- spective districts; aud shall report all matters relating thereto, to the Chairman of the State committee. COUNTY ORGANIZATION. Itis- recommended that each Connty, by popalar meetings or through the me- dium of existing or ganizations, appoint a County committee, to consist of at Icast two persons from cach C aptain’s District within its limits. The County commitce shall take charge of all matters of registration, lo- eal organization, &c., within tho County, and is requested to make monthly reports to the Chairman of the District Commit- tee, and, when necessary, to inform him of such Yocal matters as may require the attention of the District committee. It is further recommended that each county committe cause to be enrolled the the names of ali the ryistered voters of their county, who are willing to act and vote with this organization—no man tobe thus enrolled witnont his express consent: and, also, that they cause to be enrolled on a Separate list the names-of all those who are entitled to register, but who have no’ done so, and that they use every exer- tion to seenre their registration and active co-operation. The following supplemental Reselation, offered by Col. Hoke, was also adopted, viz: Resolved, Vhat the Dresident of the copyention appoint five or more persons, in. gach county to make a thorough can- vase of the saine, and disseminate ' proper politiead information Geo. V. Strong, Eaq., of Wayne, nov- ed that the convention do now proceed to the election of a Chairman of the State Executive committee, and he placed in nomination therefor, the Hon. William A. Graham, of the county of Orange. Gov. Graham having assigned sufficient reasons for his inability to scrvo in the capacity designated, his name was with- drawn, and Col, W. J. Green, of Warren, nomin- ated the Hon. Thomas Bragg, of Wake, and the nomination was ratified by acela- mation. Oa further motion of Mr. Strong, the Conventiou proceeded to the appointment of the members of the Executive State Comwittee ; and after a short recess, for purposes of consultation, among the delo- gations from the various Judicial Districts the falloy ing names were presented to the convention and unanimously confirmed, VIZ % First District—Ilon W N I Smith, Win A Moore, Mills 1 Eure. Seeoad District—LL H Bryan, Geo V Strong, TS Kenan. Third SD ieeriet itor Geo Tloward, J J Davis, M W Ransuin. Fourth District-—Uon J M Leach, Liviagston Brown, J T Morehead, Jr. Fitth District—Col ED Hall, A Mefean; Hon Thos S Ashe. Sixth District _l F Armfield, W M Robbins, Mon J {1 Wilson. Seventh Distriet—Plato Durham, A OC Avery, ML McOo kle. Eighth District—R M Stokes, Cas~ sin Gulger, W L Love- Besident Committee at Raleigh— Hon AS Merrimon, Hon Daniet G Fowle, Gen WR Cox, Seaton Gales, J P H Russ, Moses A Bledsoe. On motion of Hon Daniel G Fewle of Wake, RC. Was unanimously re- queated by. convention to aet as Seere- | lary of the Exeemtive Committee. Mr Badger offered the fulowing reso)u- tion, which was adopted by acclamation, viz : | rostrum, bythe protraated ee ~ the Resolved, That the President of she ¢ ecutive Committee with his very able ad- dress on taking the chair, that it may be published and widely disseminated throug- sak the State. Under the resolution adopted by the convention, and in n parsuance of the plan of organi e President proceeded pmendation of Rsiggate canvas- . i subsequent- pe-Secretary of the Exe- cutive Cowmittee. | Hon Thomas Bragg, from the Commit- tee on Resolutions, submitted the follow- ing report, viz: DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES. The Conservative people of Wort Oar-, olina having, by their. bled in Convention at leigh, i the. 5th of February, 1868,°to consider the present anomalous condition of we atta of the country, atid. to conan er upon the grievances which now eh afd threaten them, and the cotirse of ac- tidn proper to be adopted in the trying cir- cumstances Whieh surround them, do re- solve and declare }. Our unalterable devotion to the prin- ciples of Constitutional liberty and our fealty to the. government: of! tlie’ Vnited States, as set forth in the Federal Consti- tution. That we sineercly and’ in good faith accept the legitimate and “te sulte of the late war, and do’ héreb rae erate our oft r ted declaration, that we most heartily yf Par peace ‘and edncord with our sistér States, and with the eutire alle of the United Btates. That regarding the Constitution of ie United States: as tlie souree “of al! powcr in the administration of the gévern- ment, and that the powers of’ thé EBxeca- tive, Legielasive and Judicial departments are equal and co-ordinate, as defined by that instrument, we do vcapeetfully, and solemn!y protest against the enforcement Q}on our people of the Reconstruction Acts and policy of Congreas,: ag; uncon- etitutional, unwise and destructive to socie- ty, and violative of that great ptinciple of American politi¢s, that cach State shal) have the exclative ¢ contro! of its own in- ternal affairs. 3. Desolved, That itis the opinion of this Convention, that the great and all ab- sorbing issue, now soon to be presented to the people of the State, is negro suffrage and negro equality, if not suprémacy, and whether hereafter in North Carolina’ and the Sonth, the white man ia to be placed politically, and, as a consequence, socia)- y, Upon a footing of equality with the ne- gro, and in many r localitic 8, subjeet to hix government asa superior. That we are utierly opposed to such change i oer government and in our social-relations, and that we do hereby earnestly recom- mend to the people of tlic State to inan- fully meet the issue now attcemptet! to, be forecd upon them, and to use every pro- per meusures within their power to avert the impending mischief. 4. Kesolved, ‘Vhat while we are wunnl- terably upposed toy; olitieal and social equality with the black race, we yet Lave no unjrsi prejudices agaiust that race ; that we are determined, “by just laws, to protect them fully in all thelr civil righta, and to confer upou them all, privileges which can be donc consistently with ; the safety and welfare of, both races: ‘ o. Resolved, That.the distressed:and ine poverished condition.o{ our people earaestt ¥ demands the » aud wisest ‘mesures of relief that the Legislature can advise. 6. Resolved, That this convention recog- uizes, With feelings of gratitade,. the hervie and patriotic efferts of the Presidentof the United States, to restore the Uuion and har- mony and geod will among the Arnerican people. 7. Resolved, That this convention regards the Supreme Court of the United States as the legitimate expounder, in the last resort, of the Constitution—and believe that its rights wud powers, in that respect, should be preserved intact, as established by:Jaw in the earlier and better days of the Republic, and thal aay serious impairment thereof by leg- islation-or otherwise, will be destraetive to the best interests of the country, and dan- gerous to the hberties of the people. 8. Resowed, That despairing | of any res- toration of the Southern States under the condact of that organization whitch néw eon- trols the proceedings of Congress, waiving all former party feeling and prejudice, this Convention does ost unbesitating!y recom - mend aud invite the hearty co-eperation of all the good people vf North Carolia with the Democrats and Conservative men of the Northjd W est, who are now nobly straggling for the maintenpange of the Constrtution of the Uniteds States and the restoration of the Southern States te their rights im the Unien ou the solid foundation of harmony and JE ACE” ' 9. Resolved, That this Convention elect four delegates and four. altermates,: for the State at large;.to represent the Couservative people of North Carolina in the. next Deni - ocratie National Conyentien, and hthat it re- cornmend te the Conservative people of che several Congressional Dastrict,»to appojnt delegates atan early day ta represént then in said convention. 10, Resolved, That wha an election shall be ordered for the ratification of a new State Constitution. the, Executive Comanittee for the State, which has been appothted:by this convention, be. instructed, if the time shall be sufficient, to a call a. Convention .of the Conservative people of the Staté, to putin nomination candidates for the vatious Stute offices whoge election shal)..then be otdered; and if there shall not) be. suilicient time to call said genvention, to put im» nemination sound Conservative men. for said offices. The resolutions were enthasienticall r adupted. ociferous calls from.all parts.of the house here brought Gov. Vance, again te‘bis:feet. Essaying. to,speak. from his. placer-on the floor, he was compelled te ad vance:tothe eonvention. t (Gov: Vanee’s-remar ky shall apper ‘fn our next.) convention be requested to furnish the Ex- haas: i in full as reported for the Raleigh Viotharey in which they have been repos- pees the war, and must convince all each Judicial District té Send dele- gates to the National B tion, when held, viz. 3 3rd“ 4th °* Sth * Jno. Ho es, ES. wes A. Gilmer, Jr., Cowles, Ffon. A. T. Tree ber votes of Col. W. L. Steele, the she C4uveatien were nnanimonsly Ven to the Président and other officers of beheremirertion, for the manner in which i eae discharged their duties. er, 1sq., moved thaf the con- vce ek having discharged the business for ‘Which it had assembled. be idjourn. , (Gov., Graham's valedi shall ap- pear in our next.) i The Old North State “SALISBURY, FEB. 8, 1568 PETE CONSERVATIVE STATE CONVENTION. To the exclusion of much other matter we publish te-day the proceedings of this Settinel. It was in every respect one of | the widst imposing political assemblages that ever congregated in North Carolina Forty seven of the eighty-nine counties in the State were represented by nearly four hundred delegates. were to be found the names of the most venerable, the most emipent and the most ¥irtuous.men inthe State--men whom the Intelligent white people of the State have heretofore delighted to honor, and whoge confidence and esteem they astill Among them posscss., Here were assembled the men to.whose counsels the people of North Oarolina stil! Jook for in the hour of peril—the representative men of | the State. Tt was an assemblage that re- mindcd us. of gindance the olden time—tbat it *. Convet-4, conservative men . of North C to be proud of an eecteey " h che mouth of such a edo | not mean to detract from the 6 of others. There were many rithe old parties present on the ‘of "Siarecter | in the State, as well as his national reputation. sf of. + oe THE NEW eee sure they will net prove recreant to their blood and kindred. . —~~-<>— EMIGRANTS. send them directly South, before they be- | come contaminated with the New York or] }-Wes‘era-bound fever. AS 000 as this is | atcomplished, the company will be ready | | WELL BE THE AGAIN Heal | PURES Ii TT. This question is of ‘great injpor évery whité man in the State, | Be oss is anxious to, know what sort, of « Consti- tution will be presented to. us by the Con- in all its parts, but we feél warranted in! saying what it will propose on: the. suf- frage question. Nothing shortof absolute equality of the races will satisfy the Roy publicans. Suffrage will be made univer- sal so far as the negra is concerned, and it may be made universal so far as the white man: is concerned, ‘upon degrading ‘condi- tions. . Eligibility to, office will alse be. made aniversal. The pablie‘achdols will be thrown open indiscriminately to both /races—in short, all distimetions. will be abolished, No qualification will be requir- ed for any office beyond that of ‘being 1a voter. All the officers of the State Gov- ernment, from Governor to Constable; Judges and Justices of the Peaee ‘inclu- ed, will be made elective by the popular vote of the people. The Convention’ will proceed upon the idea that sufftage is an “inherent right” with the “privilege” to hold office annexed to it,. All ehecks. and balances will be stricken down and W pure representative democracy established.— There will remain no security for the rights of property, and every man will hold what- | ever property he does hold at the mercy of the rabble. Suffrage will probably be conferred up- Was de}ishiful to contemplate. No true | mau could look npon the noble apecimens | the Canensian mee there assembled with- out experienecing feclings of pride and | ple apure, cepecially when he coutrasted it | With another body now sitving inthe Cap- ittekunder the pretense that it is a Con- | vention of the people of the Stat | sembled for the vurpose of fr: ubing a | Constitution for hem: | The greatest harmony and good fecling | prevailed in all its deliberations. Old party distinctions were forgotten, and old antagonists were united, A sense of com- mon danger united all upom a common platform for the purpose of a common de- feyive."” All were determined to ignore the pis ‘and stand shoulder to shoulder in fighting the great battle for the prcserva- teniofithe Cons.itution,--the rights of the States and of the | white race. or later succesg the feecn dey And sooner will crown their efforts ; for such a people, animated by such a spirit, and contend- ing foreneh a stake, cannot finally fail. Atfeast such is our opinion. sticctss abead of happiness, glory, prokperity and civiliza- tion of the Southern States; and in their i defeatthe degradation, slavery and ruin of the detendents of the Cavaliers of England and the HWuguonots of France In their we see the peace, under the dowination of a race of semi- barbarians. And wecannot yet believe that God has deomed this beautiful land to déstructiou. The mecting of the Conservative Con- vention in this State, like similar Con- ventions recently held Im Virginiaand oth- er States, will have a marked influence upon the coun try. Jis counsels will reassure the peo- ple of the State. and aronsc them from the create a scnsation, and ing since the passage of the reconstruction acts of Congress. Nor will it be with- out its effect upowthe Northern people. It was ‘most fortunate for the country that the Convention selected such. a man as WiriraM A. Granam, to preside over its deliberations. Known and hon- ored throughout the Union, his name is-a tower of strength to whatever catse he espouses. ~ He is emincntly a representa. tive map,-and the noble specch whiel: he delivered on taking. the chair, which will written-out and published in fall—will be read ‘with adutiration and delight by mil- lfdns‘alb over the country, It was a no- ble defense of the course of the people of North Cayolina and the Sonth, since the reasonable'men at the North, of the jus- tice and pfopriety of that course. ‘The Convention, by requesting him to furnish a copy. for.publication,. has endorsed tire Speeehj.and it-will go forth to the world Onaeties . 06 Gel.salaed: F.~ Heb ée€ies Chair sealer Commirtce of one from on all white men who will swear. to sup- | port the equality of righta to be thus es- | tablished—“the inherent right te . vote” | having, i iu the estimation of the Conten- tion, been forfeited by every man who ren- | de ‘red any assistance to the Confederate and not restored by the clemeney of he Kxecutive. This is elearly fore- 'shadowed by a leader in the Radical or- gan of the 6th, which completely controls that body. cause, This is to be done confessed- ily because it is apprehended that it Teft tree to act for themselves, the people may hereafter, in the exercise of their’ soyér eign powers, change the Constitution. so as to undo the work whieh is now being We had thought that the right of the people to change their ergani¢c law at will, wherever such change fir theit opti: ion Gecrnck neecskary to the presetvation of “life, liberty, or bel tag was one of the “inalienable rights” spoken of in the Declaration of Independence, and also't in. the Bill of Rights which this very. “Cou, vention proposes to make a part of their Constitut on. We had supposed that no one in this State would ever deny that “governments derived their just’ powers by the cousent of the governed,” and that, therefore, the governed in any State could change their government whenever, in their opinion, the security of their rights | and privileges demanded it; » always keep- ing within the limits of the powers reserv- done. Yet these worthies have the effrontery ’ to come forward and ask the intelligent white | men of the State to swear that’ they. will do ‘what? Disposgess themselves . of ptights with which, ia avather. part. of the instrument, they declare they ean ‘never part—to alienate that whiel they deefare to be inalicnable. Was, such vonsense ever before heard of 2 Declare im one breath that a right is inalienable,) and in the next say unless a man will agree to alienate it, he shall be forever disfranchis- ed. Was there cyer such a contendiction in terms ? According to their own shete ing:no such oath canibind the-persow ta< king it. Fortunately they ean imposed no further | disabilities upon the voters who are to. Tate ify or reject the Constitution which they power by the reconstraction ‘I: we!” Will: the people—the white pedple of North |S Carolina—yote for the Fatification sent to the imposition of test oaths; which ’ cannot be kept without sacrificing the “in: herent’ —“self- evident” rights of fyce-, wen? Will they consent to strike dound all the ner and. en in our system mae its the’ true seatiments of lista sarifaeye families ipiesenanere girls, for cookin vention, We cannot telt what it will be |. ed to them in the Federal Conatitation.— | may present—that is;c put-oat!! af dhetrl ale such Constitution? ‘Will shey-ever con=4 1g Ca wead | gee, alpor “ei Uebarers, mec } os a ¥ fed -Uli We anewery ¢ tap hone pe arran| ments of this kiad-ere Pag made. There ere mary: ‘families’ Yoéality, we thiak, ‘whe ‘who would beg | to procure such I ae Ce THE CONSH QUDION Algg ONY BAPION Phil white mau’s gs off tye Cringe rvative, or aetont we oO" omitted the Nothing of importance has been done, howdv- | the temporary relief of the people, p' evisely jas reported Wy; she} compmipteeethe tax bill ab- thorized by the Reconstruction Acts to pay the per diem, and mileage of members—a resola©4" to prevent the sale and sacrifice of property? biitider exeéetion’ already Msuedid Phe Article on the Governor and State Executive mae was so amended as to require the election fory.. the terimn of four Tue) 433 ad 5 From the Raleigh Sentinel. - 1835 AND 1865. ' A miserable set of'felldws of the baser sort were sent by ouf infat rather late, having lost: ip ole: as they were to ignorant to réad pete, aud too proud to aek! ' They Pela oh, dollar and # half per day fortheir ertices (so-ealled) and wete welt paid ‘at that.— They succeeded, hiweveér, ‘in *dhout ix weeks, by the aid ‘ofa cotipte of ‘compe- teut elerke, in’ patehingip: a document, | eonteniptible int-all ite ‘pai tsiwhich they called a Constitation; and'which fal beet from ‘that day to’ this the schff'6f .the’civ-: ilized world, and a disgrace to. the Lite, En an ald scdord ‘of! tlie thdres im: ay be found the names ‘of -thi8 ‘weak and‘ ans in ent ANsUrABléde?” "Gthorwtad | might be' difficult to learn ‘av ho ‘had ‘got tip this “fanfornade of nofecnse?”) Ove Nat Macon, "possibly @ white math} was Prési- We do not believe ay will.” We feel qn dt nd se rae In order to make room for the far more in- celebrated Iichigan White’ “Sprace proceedings of_this, hady for several daysi— me | exer pagel, Bodie’ SIO%dinanéd for} : Pee erent Spey ted’ ped plé'to pee Just Received cobble up a’ Cons isteton’ as j wae A tin the’ year of our ‘Lord 1835: They tet in. the city of Raleigh‘ sotie of thetn cathe }* best Sle scted stock of We learn from a letter just receip@{1 > fro p General Southern agent off ty ad ih a Baltix and Dhio Road, that | Bj ~ . 1 a NA cUst a, ant staimatip hace BenGBupef Eposphate of Lime, which we wei ° ith, of Nonlgtk ie Negi’ Hetgecetsennensyreenmction foal PRS Ne seperate ; veatdbed: Cro frowiNew York to all parts of this Site\2>4 Pees i enable for any soil. 4," An abe One hundred Pres Bonde bY side, oj n aBent will be stationed at Castle Gar- poutids of this Fresh Bone Super.pj.0 den, where all emigrants land, in order to, ory Nese at aan "A pth Be ek Of te ’ ry able °— “crop ang! ‘ 8 Eas So - “eb at 0. 32 5 oer ray Street, > rere or ores Bringtin, y. i Fresh: Garden Seeds, CHA) MLE ts By ld A at dd grow.) | |’ Landreth oy sik cama OB Tin. Goodrich and I Tea hte Botte ‘Foor, vi apy tae known, Country Merchants supp!i al discount. supp ed Ala liber. ; Uall or'send-and & descri or an r et Péive almanac JOHN HF. BNNIss, ‘\ Deuggigt and Seed Dealer, Salisbury toes, BUDe- tion requesting Gen. mOecay to issue an orden IGHT. J ‘LIGHT! T! A bent uF 24 vit E CELEBRATED SOLINE Burning Fluid, chea th sine, or Candles. Also, pragarsli le Kerosine Burners: Comet and 8 for or ine mammece hart smoke or an fal] supply Lamps, Burners, Wicks, K ee Saling 4c. always on hand at a John Hl; Enniss’ Drag Store. x splendid {yee of wari auted pure and unad- ulterated Drugs, M edicinesaud Chemicals, inclu. ding ali the officinal Solutions, Spirits, Pills, Powders, Gils. Acids, Extracts, tc All the leading patent medicines of the day, Copperas, , Indigo, Snuff, Tobacco, Dye-Stutts, Paints. Tanners Oil, Sperm Oil, Kerosine Oil, Turpentine, Paragorie, Landapum, &¢. &c. An clegantassortment.of Toilet articles, inclu cing soups, Brushes, Combs, Perfumeries, Hair Oils, Cosmetics, Pomutums, &., &e. Spices, such as Pepper, Spicer, Cloves, Nut- Inegs, Ginger, Cinnamon, Flavering Extracts, Es SeLCES,, Family: Medicines, £o. Aud for the publi c generally the largest and PR E“D RUGS. dent, but was so utterly ignorant ‘of the parligmentary nilés; that the Whole body, during the scssion’ was ihéxtricable confu- sion. “Will. Gaston was there+-probably the ¢ame-Billy Gaskin’ who’ was indicted for stealing a hog) of a’ititle iad received thirty-nine for thé’ nfistake: * 4 Branch was among thenioind DB. BS "SWain whether negroes of not is 800 whewlint an. certain. All that fe erry gh FR i found. in - thiX“record >” Tere" Was" one John Owen, ‘t tebe the ‘ser- vant of Govi'Owen, whe “téok’ fis name’ by wa cata cate 5. Jobe 4 Ww ho, was he? Eeho’ _ PES Daviel figared “ath ong” ther ° “mide! some very fodialy remaeth well -wds’another, ed fr im County of: Wake: ye nee y iaferior’ nian, not‘a'he Tiienatné* of Webdun N. Bdwarde Bao appears.’ ‘Phiere’’ is a rumor that he ié’ stil ving ‘in’ War- ‘file of that mémorable body were a’ we set, who did the voting as they Were't and lived on their ddl lair’ ad 4 hatf'a day, perfectly satisfied, as they ‘ought fo Daye | been. They boarded | ‘at’ cheap “*h and drank Sut little whiskey, -w se ‘then only forty cents ‘per - of them were in Homéepud, "& sat sense enotigh to ‘betish id idectty are their names, ‘some of mis- elt, as they were tco igno ire rile bak correellyy"Nohe Pe er would séem to havemadé ren ; though’ in great obscurity. All these menibers ostentatious! ein their) own'in tency att eut- ly. mi age ‘the tee ‘to i) twhith were s Pap the wild jabbe eae keys: bin convention as et it “OILS, ‘DIE-STUPRS Al evel broagitte Sabistuity. ad Exquisite Perfumeries. The Ladies are especia-ly invited, te éall. They will be politely waited on, and ne mare made for showi ing goods. or PRESCRIPTIVE DEPARTMENT 5 Fey is under the charge of a competent Druggist, who will faithfully, pexfoxtn his duties— Day or Night. Superior Me teeemcot offered to the country people in buying their Dye Stuffs, Med- icines, &e: ‘Cotthtry Me aad Phy Physicians afé respectfully invited te, rf OLIN. Hi. £ S, “ Drug ve utist, Gothic Front ing eC: 5 Atmanacs always free. pi 19—6m J. G. VEACH’S MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE--Daily. Schedule from High I? ‘pint lo Salem. EAVES High Paine at 3¥ olock, A M 4 Arrives at Salem at 8} 0’clock, A M Leaves Salem at.24 o’clock, P. M. ‘Arrives at High Point at 74 o’clook, P M 4 Passengers will find this Line well stocked with good Stagesy fine Horses, eareful and ac- n poommodi ti Drivers; aud ‘ne ‘pains /will | be spared to m e all who travel on this line cou- fortable, S attention will be giveu to all Express }matter sant to my care. jan’y 18-—-tw3m ~\ @&. @&) VEACH. (CHARLES: ON HOTEL. CHARLESTON, S.°G, f HE Und-rsigned “having taken - éharge of the above well known Hotel, y 3p rormas? his friends and fhe travellin that ithas been refurnighed in all o se sar “ments. Tho table will at all times with the best: the market affords, inel 4 Probably some better he tara the ebitegra phys ane them yan fied the acts by bowing Bastien s.. Thea names;se'far a as intelli ) ae pis at : ee Oey Rae ‘ua Wits li osiah Gradup, d mht Mek we Shipp A iene; Doh } Hole. 7 Williser B. Megres es Ken - thers, of aboat Sig. 2 same s 4 dhemlhall tip Mo i | assume the very netiée t eG hand ia ye Ms or be mis] rea ¥ i Over ped 4 Ht stan. -Hitw3ar T, Balen O, Pa rehe Sos thede 4 : dh, DM rood delicacy. im @eason, while the cuisine : pxceptionable The Bath Rooms attached » Hotel are supplied with the cele n- Water; and Hot, Cold or SI be oBtained at any tine. The same & a will,be paid te the comfort of as retofGré, and travellers can Tel Te ta {barléston Hotel equal to an onage of the travelling PERUE | fo texpecthaly soli dit ORBACH, Agent, é a tt ay a ‘will sell twenty-three a ac: es adj known as the « v\ Sy wT gle -_ aie sateen aw oer ee reais. a . a ~~ = “GN LWSPAPER LAWS. +n is letter when a subseriber does not take his pa- and give the reasogarof i rom the ce, . : eglect k tal res ubli for. nt. : . . nsible & J , ‘4 Any person who takes a paper regula:ly from the hether h tT 4 Satlat fer fhe 3 the ba. scription. A perso eer as aren: discontinued must maya oes or the’ publisher may coptinue to send it yptil payment is made, and ddllegiftlid! WhSle amount, whether it ix taken from the office or not. ~ _ The coyrta have decided that refusing to take a newspaper and periodical from the post office or tetnoving‘and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. ee . New. Parprer.—We have received the first number of the Tiwks, just revived at at Greensbore’, N. C., by Jas. W. Al- bright & Bro. Previous to its discontin- uance, the Zimes was one of the best lit- erary papers in the South, and judging from thommmber before us, we should think that its ‘former reputution will be fully sustained. It contains the first chapter of the life of Col. C. Cole, one of the for- mer &ditors, by Will. L. Scott, Esqr., well known as one of the most pleasant and agreeable, writers of biography in the State. We commend the Times to such of oar wish a-first-rate Southern liter- ; Prcms $2 per year—in’ ad- ance, ; ——_—— ¢ ) Qome Liner, W e tender our thanks to our friend, kK. A. Vogler, Esq., of Salem, for the peeseny of ia pair of “Balmoral Shoes,” the first fruits of a new enterprise, “Vogler & Co's, Shoe the 6 — The Sa aha? Rid aang in dige = ters are required tq give nosiga:by wees wy Ais Charleston, Feb. 6.—Th > SEED GROWERS & Dealers. 1506 Main Street Richmond, Va. —0——_— | ieee a lesa s Catalogues for Spring of 1863 now ready, and will be forwarded to any one applying for them. Particular attention paid to sending Seeds by Mail. Upon the receipt of Catalogue price, we wil! furward any Seeds ordered and guarantee their Manufactory.” Weare glad to know that this Company js now fully underway and prepared to turn out work equal in every respect to the best Northern esfablishments, as the sample presented to us fully proves. Mr. Vogler de- serves the thanks of the community in which he. lives for this manifestation of enterprise and publio-spivit, and it is to be hoped that his ex- ample Willbe followed by others. All success to lug Undertaking. 0 Mr. Battle Right. Tt appears that General Canby, in his reply to the Committee in reference to the per diam states that the Public Treasurer tikes a correct view afrria awl y, arb that be (Gen, ©) cannot | oder bin to furnish the money out of the Pub- he Treasaty, ginal the Convention levies a tax to be collecced accarding tu the Reconstruction At, typay the expenses of ile Ceuvention, in order to geimburse the Treasury. Those who have 80 terribly conder:ned and denoanced | Mr. ‘Buttle, imay now be expected to “haul in | - their hyrhs.” Sentinel, LATEST NEWS. New York Radical Convention. Washington, Feb. 6.—The Syracuse Repub lican State Convention instructs delegates to vot unit for Grant and Keaton, The ces blak she YET Fé very Radical. \ —-— {dryland Senatorship. n, Feb.6.—The Maryland Legis- lature nimously” adopted a resolution, auth Governor to issue certificate to Mr. Hfen? td succéed Reverdy Johnson.— Gove Swann has heretofore withheld the cer- tiftedte; ander thie law giving one U. 8. Senator to Eastern Shore. Attorney-Gen. Jones sus- tains the-talidity of Hamilton's election. safe delivery. For Peas, Beans, Corn, and other heavy Seeds, 8 certs per“lb. must be added to the remittance to pay postage. There is a special Postal arrangement for transmitting seeds by mail. and for all packages not weighing over four pounds it is the safest and most expeditious way of obtaining them.— Larger quantities will be forwarded aceording | to instructions. Remittances by cheek payable to order, by Post Office Draft, or in registered letters are at our risk, Send for Catalogues, and address ALLAN & JOHNSON, Feb. 6, 1868 —twot) Box 438, Ricbnond, Va. VALUABLE LAND SALE. THE undersigned administrators on the estate of Larkin Lynch gdec'd., /by figtne of a deeree of the Coart of Pleas aad arter Sessions of Yadkincougty, made at January Term, 1863, witkoffer forsale at the" re- sideuce of the dee’d.. on Saturday the 29th day of February next, all the .lagdsidf the devd.,on Deep arid Harmon’s ‘creek, fi sia county, containiug about 1200 ‘AORES, in whieh there is about200 aeres.of fine bot- tom land, with excellent uplands (both in cultivation and in timber) well adapted to the growth of Corn, Wheat, Tebacco, and | other produets. These lands will be divided to suit purchasers, ‘Also, a one-half interest in the GRIST MILL. known as “Bruce's MARKET RPFORTS. Ld BURY, N! 0, FEB. 1868. Bank Notes. SPRAGUE BRUS., BROKERS,—BUYING RATES. Salisbury, N. C. S Re Paes aeeeuoocsaas beth Silver ooo... Lele. 1.35 Old Coupons .........0...... 00.0000. 45 Old Sixes... ee eee. 70 Bank of N.C... 0... eee. 50 “Cape Fear ........000..0.0.... 29 Charlotte .., 29 “ Lexingfon 2.0... ee, 17 “Graham ................... 20 “Roxborough .............00-. 50 “ Wadesboro’... 24 ‘© Thomasville. .....,.......0... 30 ‘* Wilmington ..............0... 22 “Commerce ....... 14 ‘“ Washington.... b2 “Fayetteville .... eee 8 ‘“* Clarendén..... Lecce cece 3 “Yanceyville .................. 7 Miners’ and Planters’ Bank............ 30 Farmers Bank, Greensbdro’........ = 22 Commercial Bank, Wilmington ........ 22 Merchants’ Bank Newbern ..... 50 DY VIRTUE of a Deed in Trust executed | 1y specified, anil at the request of the parties | con erped, Twill proceed to sell at public auc. | } tion to the hichest bidder on | | Sulurduy, the Lith dan of Fibruary | next, the raloalde Dwelling House and | Gots of Land in the Fowa of Lexington, beTonging to the said Robert Foster. 2) ”) ~/ board and Furniture, Tables, 1 Dining and Smaller Ta bles, 2 Bureans, | Larce and 2 Sinall 6 Bedsteads, Beds and Covering, 1 Trandle Bed and Furniture, 1 ble Piano, 1) Milch Cow, together with alk thre Ligusehold and Kitchen Furniture. Bate to tie place on the premises. Terms Cash. Cl LOWE, Feb. 6. 1863.—tw &wlw Trustee. N'PURSUANCH of a Decree of the Cowt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the Coun. ty of Rowan, inadde at Mebruary, Ferm 125%, I on Wednesday, tha 18th day of March Griffith, dec’d., seized and possessed, lying on Third Creek in said county, sixteen miles west of Salisbu to me by Robert Foster, for purposes there. | Also—IL Large Sideboard, 1 Cups | Half Round! Mirrors, 5 Trunks, a number of Chairs, | valua- | will sell tO the highest bidder, on the premises, | next, the tract of Jaud of which the late R. W. | the lands of the Rev. | 2 mn Sees = x EXDE R ‘COU a, of Lav , Fall Term, 1867. —_s - * : ae BY, BENGHAM & CO.¢GSDCERS. URE, ’ e oe mend Pea i acon, Tr Bd, <c.se-0en i + 3 z a bit aedqa zat ' : on Virginia Contention. " Coffee, Lee eeaad, weseveeee. 98 c Ko4 J aie _ BBEECTED, FROM. - ™ ichmond, Feb. 6.—The i Corn, per bush;of 66 tbs... ......... 1.00 to 1; “ie * cad mae the « = oft t Meal, bush. 46 “ .......... 1.00 to 110] = Ei Bow Yos pase tN | London ; Meade, : o per pound, .,...4.... Mto it @ of Court that | Bridish wh =) ay : ih : rH Veg ees Be a sceececs Wto 30" tre defendant in this case is mot an} North Brit Review; « Sti Pabap! |: * anda of in Adamantine, cerateser to 3B , ltit ordered that nivcgtiet Popular Seience Rev. ; ; : ? ue fo a = : : adop . a ET eee oe per pound, .......... Wto 11} et epamasteoly, te ee Warce Saturday, Review, -«: An dmeat to declare ineligible to the Eggs, per m, per bunch, 9.-.--.+-. sr to aan aTE, & epenrees ) Westminster Review, :- } ° , ebeccccceoe »_ nO’ aa <a } office, any person who had aideg the rebellion, Peathers: are ad, i . D wim by i ber hata were Cha » Journal, bie sy: eeei ty. Another) Rawr |) perengk. (4 jcscd..-(Bs96 tu 6.80 at theCourt-House in Tylorg- | 47¢ Journal, i white in the Wish, Ma@edaicy s. n) Wt 5 A, $26.00 Monday after the last ay has use, was defeated. * “ Yb aGdeocucad 24 to 00 and thére to answer or demur | All the 5 Be as e Fn to : on orthe same will be beard ex parte} Macmillan's Magazine, Belgravia. Bruit, Uried, spplespealed, ......-... to 4}% —e deeret accordingly. ' eas iee : Marke nin a unpid,)...:..... 00 to 08} Withess,E. M. Stevensog, clerk ofsaid Conrt at] We have.also arranged to secure choiceselections arkets. 7 , p'ld, ft. : i New York. Feb. 6—Caottor oe * Peaches, peale?, .......... 10 to 19} Ofice in Taplorsvilte the 6th Monday after the last | from the ch, German, and other Continenta ew York, Feb. 6, OG more active; “ « « “unpealed. .......... Bto 6| Mond gust, A. D., 1867. . Periodicals, transleted especially fer the Eclectic to de Biers , ape of 3200 bales at 194a194, | Leather, upper, per pound, ....... ... 62to 75} “Owprf B. M. STEVENSON, C.8S.C. ada erbatr iaa! Exirarbbe oto bobs = closing at the latter. ° “sole, re ene 33 to | % Each num embellistied with oneor more Fine Iron, bar, , es St 10 , : Steel Engre its ef eminent men, or ill ns- Gold closed strong at 1,42}. _‘* castings, ee 8 to 104 Sta f North Caro trative of important historical! events. Percy ta February 6, p, m.—Cotton bouy- Nails, cat, ve) nnn eis 2 LKES COUNTY. ; — , a 2 Molasses, sorghum, pe [ieseniec ccs ’ ° . ° Flour steady. so West india 202000 65 to | Superior Court of Law, Fall Term,| Splendid Premiums for 1868. ; 7 , “Syrup, Melee .00 to 1.20 : Wilmington, Feb 6.—Spirits ine ac- | Onions, cae bushel, ; 2 sd ; 50 . - A. D., 1867. Every new subscriber to the Eclectic 1868 paying tive at 53. Rosin—strained 2,20, No. 3, 2,25; | Pork, per pound, wesceeee.. Wto 12 2 $5 in advance, will receive either, of the follewing low No. 1, 2,50. Tar firm, at 2,20, Pot@thes, TelaG per biiabel, 22. 2022212 BO to 6 See ere: te: Penanm Browns beautiful chromo oil paintings j sPiling | sx _° SS Bed Bb Ooeettc Ot na ‘ ——— active, aud advanced 4. Mfddling at Sugar, Brown, per pound, .......... 15 i: 20 It ap to the satisfaction of the Court that BASKET OF PEACHES, it. Clarified, : re ee % to 22 | Benjamin, nm; the defendant in this case, is a Size9 X 11; Landen, Feb. 6.—Oonsots~ amd Bonds un- |.) (rushed Palverized ..2 2222... 22 to 25 | uon resiSBOE the State. It is theretore ordered by ee ’ : Salt, coast, *r sak, .......... 0.00 to 0.09 | he Court that publication be made in the Watcu- changed, Liverpool, a 3.56 bo 3.50 | MAN & OL Nogtu Svate, a paper published inthe} PEPER AND NUT CR ACKERS, Liverpool, February 6.—Cotton bouyant— Table, 5.50 to 6,00 | town Of Salisbury, N. C., for six successive wecks: : Uplands in port 7$a8; to arrive 7$a9J; Orleans | Tebacco, Leaf, per ponnd, .......... 00 to 00 | aotifying the said Benjamin Brown, te appear at the Size 7X 8. h aS} 4 ie | “e Mannfactured, .......... 30 to 1.50 | nex m of this Comrt to beheld for the county of ; _. . ; Smoking, —_.......... 40 to 1.00 | Wilkes, at the ‘Court-House in Wilkesborough, on The above are exact copies of sige! oik paint- om = = — ee the fifth Monday after the last Monday in February | ings, and areéxecuted by Prang & 0., in the high- Quotht ° h Noets : next, then and there to answer the petition, or the | est style.of the art, or, in place of themr we will fend j ALLEN & JOHNSON, 1088 Jur orth Cearolina | same will be heard ex parte, anda decree of divorce } either of our Fine Steel Engtavings, Washington at granted accordingly. Witness, G. H. Sonn clerk ofunt said Codrt at Office, in Wilkesborough, the fifth Menday after the last Monday in August, a. p., 1867. 1:6w:pr f 38. G. H. BROWN, C.S.C. State of North Carolina, tOWAN COUNTY. B. T. Martin, vs. Deep River Copper Min'g Co ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT LEVIED ON LAND. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court. that the Officers, Members and Agents of the Deep River Copper Miaing Company, de- fendants in this case, reside beyond the limits of this State, It is thereicre ordered by the Court that publication be made in the MWateh- man and Old North - State, Jor six conseentive Weeks, noufy ing said defendants to be and ap- pear at (he next term ef this court to be held for tle county of Rowan, at the Coort-Horise in Salisbury, on the 12th Monday after the last Monday in February next, then and there to plead, answer or dewur, otherwise judgment final will be rendered against them, and the property levied on sold to satisfy the plaintiff's | Judgment and cost. Witucss, A. Judson Mason, clerk of our said Court at office, the 12th Monday after the last | Monday in August, A. D., and in the 92d year of our Independence, A. JUDSON MASON, C.8. ¢. tate of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. &R JI fons 5 US, HY Kett, Belcher & Co.., | | T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Willa K. Belcher, Jostus Ro Sackett, 1:6!:pr f $8. M, | | 1M. L. | ( Original Attachment | Wilam Swansboro, Willam BK. J'ownsend, Heary Bverson and dol 8. Belcher, partuers, u omer toe mame and style of Sackett. ) Reicher & Co. defendants in this case reside j beyond the linits of the State, It is ‘therefore rdered by the Court that publication be made in the Watchman and Old North State, for six consecutive weeks, notilying said detendants jto be and appear at the next term of this Coust }to Le held for the county of Rowan; at the Court-Honuse in Salisbury, on the 12th Mouday alter the last Monday in February next,. then j and there to plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment final will be rendered against them. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of our said Court, at otfice, the 12th Monday after the last Monday in August, A. D., 1867, and in the 92d year of our Independence. A. JUDSON MASON, C.S. C. 1:Gtepr f. SS. ‘State of North Carolina, WILKES COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term EULFCTIC > -€f 2 Be t.2 = ~—- vy) AZINE mar ¥i [aw aigyt eau 26 Fr a2 27 FOREIGN LITERAT gates Forge, Return from Market, Sunday Morn. | “Pte Two subscribers and €10,00, we will serid the beantifal Chrowo, Poultry ¥ ize 51-2 x B. For ‘Three subscribers and $15.00, a copy of Webster’s National, Pictorial. Dictionary, one Volume of 1,040 ‘containing over 600 pic torial iNustrations, 00; or a copy of Rosa Bonheur’s Celebrated piece, Shetland Ponies—Size 81-2% 121-2. Terms of the Eclectic : en Single copies 45 cts.; one, copy, ene. year, $5.00. two decles one year $9,00; five ere one year $20,00. Address . W. th BIDWEEL, * 5 Beekman St., New York. [AM SCHOOL, 7 Mebaneville, N, C. HE SPRING. TERM of The. Sersion of 1868 opens March 4th. Cogree of in- struction, CLASSICAL, MATHEMATI- CAL, and COMMERCIAL. Address COT. WM. BINGUAM. dl [dec 23-27-1f} AGENTS W {OR the Campaigzis of Forrest ::nd_ his Cav- alry., Beautifnlly iHustrated.: ‘This histo rieal record of the most brilliant exploits and daring adventures of the war,among its many valuable and isiteresting contributions to histo rical truth, clears up, on unquestionable author- ity, all migrepfesentations in regard to the ta king of Fort Pillow by General Forrest. <Ad- drexs, J. P. MILLER. & CO. jan 7—2in Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale, W, OFVER FOR SALE A VERY SU- PERIVE Iron Lathe, (swings'24 inches by 9 feet) with Gearing and Checks complete, new and in good order, Made by the New Haven Manf. Company. ALSO, 4 Danicl’s Large size Planer, in good order; a small Planer, suitable fer a Cabinet Shop. { ‘A180; Shafting and Pullies together with a largs amount of bent-and dam shafting. Apply te HARPER, JONES & CO., Patterson, Caldwell County, N. C Jan 4, 1863,—w6w - ; t#& Charlotte Democrat copy three times.and send bill tu Patterson. 2 otf THELANDWELOYVE. ——00—— A. MONT Eisys: Devoted to Literature, Agriculture and General Intelligence, and comprising Reports of Bat- les, lucidents and Anecdotes of the War, never before published. BY GEN. D.H. HILL, LATE OF THE SOUTHERN ARMY, ——00—e-> PROPRIETORS: J.P. ERWIN & DM BILL TERM3:—Taz Laxp We Love, a AMaga- zine, containing from sixty to éighty pages of } of the ldtest and most approted Y ARBR OUGH HO POPs Reem. 3 “ theirs) xs © cS TAND, — On Main Strect BEppipall demande or wouey her they can TIN WARE! | They employ none but the best workmes, and use none but the best material, so that their cus- tomers may rely upon getting none but-the best articles. They are prepared to do all kinds of repai ing and to put up reoffing and guttering in he vest style. Stills, Worms, &c., kept constantly on hand, or made to order _blast at They would also announce that they are just <“e in receipt of a large stock ef COOKING, PARLO styJea, which ml be sold on terins to suit the MmoOst economi- cai. . All kinds of work done in Sheet Tron that may be required, G bo invite a colton (i paksons of anything in ourline. Our arrange wis are such thatwe eagnot d ke xe ogden b Bole ood ag Se AlP that is nece if for thé sceptical to call, k, hear our prices, examine our stoc jadge fer themselves... . THs OR ee eee oo 7 Bertie Salisbury Qct. 8, 1P67, 5 ES “BROWN & CUYLER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 124 Pearl St., New York. JNO. P. BROWN, RICH’D. M. CUYLER, (Formealy of Brows. © - “Of Georgia. DrRossrepGCo.)e ¢ te 4 WILL make liberal advanceaga Consignments of any Southern Produce, REFERENCES; How. B. Crarce, and Jas. E. Kerr, Esq., Salisbury. NO; Dr: Srpyxy K. Jonnston, Lin- colnton, N.O. [nov. 2-3mtw-4] JSE, FA TEVILLE § ET, RALEIGH, N. C.”. The Proprietor in returning his sincere thanks to the traveling public for the liberal patronage extended to him daring his connec- tion with this Hotel, takes oeeasion to assure thém that no effort or expense will be spared \o retain the present reputation of the Hotel as one of the very best in the South. a He is happy to announce that the fall in the price of supplies enables him ty reduce the price to , - Whree Dollars per Day. To citizens coming in to spend a week or more, he will still make a greater reduetion. he is prepared to furnish Board without rooms at very low rates. He hopes to have the pleasure of weleoming tu the Yarbrough Heuse his old customers and many new friends. J. M. BLAIR, dec, 6, 18°7.—tf. Proprietor. FOR SALE. \ T No. 499, Broadway, N. Y., a splendid Piano Forte, cost $350 may be had for $275 in current funds. Tbe, Piano.is:of splen- did Rosewood, Seven Octaves, extra mould- ings, serpentine base, fret lyre harp pedal, and Lonjs XIV style. Apply at the W-vehms office. April 15, nol5 tf DAVENPORT FEMALE COLLEGE, LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. Rev. Samuel Lander, A. M., Pres. T HE Spring Session (of 20 weeks) will open Feb. 3d. Rates extremely’ low: Board, $55; Tuition. $20: U- §.Ourrency, in advance. A. D, 1868. | + ; : ry adjomin a : ne. is he ; ithful ao : From Washington. | Mill.” with about 18 acres attached William Wood John i in and others, contain- | J+ M. Furguson & wife ) velfche’ at Oberintte, NO. foe hoe Betare - ihe it Tey peccasiet healthy a Gaeauke pel of y i : . : % ing —375 acres unencumbered. | 3. eee 2 iLiad? teed z 7 : . sias Washington, Feb 6.—The President's reply | TERMS—Six monts eredit, with bond ae iohetnaa ar ne aha walk rie 15 Gly y. Freeland, Executor i Petition for Legacy. | 4 year, im advance, or Five Dollars, if not paid | cious an beautiful. Buildings excellent. Board unusfaly -goods: Rooms tefurhisied. Viflage quiet. All the surroundings favorable to study. Come to Icard Station. For C.rculars, apply to the President. to Grant's letter of the 3:1, was transmitted to Grant, ‘taday. Its publication is expected in | a few days. The ie | and approved security. W. W. LONG, ISAAC JARRATT. of Janc Mathews, dece'd. till the end of the year, §¢° Terms made known on day of sale. | P Z. GRIFFITH | It appearing upon oath of J. M. Furguson, the . ’ ot ed Febrr eRe. iniatratne | plaintif in this ease, that Owen Mathews and Eliza- rary B, 3 we Adminiatrator. | beth Gordon, next of kin heixs and legatees of the Demorest's Monthly Magazine, a ymaster G. neral’s Circular fixes the | commutation of a ration of thirty cents | A special to iue New York ‘World’ from Montgamery, considers the defeut of the Consdi- | tution certain. {t says the heaviest part of the vote is poled, but the caine ratio for the two remaining days would defeat the Constitation by twetity- five thousand votes. “Fhe new British Minister will be presented | ta the..Presidant to-morrow. Those who an- ticipate any allusion to the Alabama claims, in the respective addresses, will be disappointed, as ouly the usual ¢ificial compliments, exehang- on such gccasions, will be made. Congress. W n, Feb. 6—House:—The bill relativeto American citizens abroad, was re- pee | 4 4 Astarmy appropriation bill of $33,000,000 was reported. The discussion developed the fact thaéthe total'appropriations for the fiscal year of 1868°9, were aboot $276,000,000 including $2: ‘soldiers and sailits.’ 7 aay ‘Aeadeniy appropriation was considéred.-*“An“amendmént that no portion | shall be pai eadet. appointed for a State of whi tis not a resident, was de- jation Bill. was resumed.— ion the Husee ral acpperaain Senate ;—A memoria A 8 Convention aeking power! to remove State offi- and a hun- men. of North Ca- } MOvthé relief, and an- Gonstitution of 1865, with for Committee's report, were tabled. .mema¥? tC _o3 C. e ped tion eee po favors during the past fel Ie Te Administrators of Larkin Lynch, dee’d. Jan. 27th, 1868. [w-ts-4] ‘State of North Carolina, ALEXANDER COUNTY. Court of Pleds and Quarter Sessions, December Term , 1887» Aaron Barnes, & } Sarah Barnes | vs. 5 Solomon Burns and others. N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Moses Barnes, Joshua Barnes, Solomon Barnes, Nathan -Austin’ and wife Mary, Burton Brown and wife Roth, and Benton Payne, ‘defendants fn this ‘cause, are non-residents of this State, It is therefore or- dered by the Court that publication be made six succesive weeks in the Watchman and (ld North: State, a pewspaper published in Salisbu- ry, North Carolina, notifymg said defendants rof the filing of this petition, and that ace pear at the next term of this coert to be for the county of Alexander ‘at ‘the * Court: House in Payloreville on ‘the 1st Monday ip March next, then and there to show tause ff any they have why the petition shal! not be granted, otherwise the same) will be heard ex sag? a gts - A iy He i 3 : ; oot taht We in December, 1867. ™ * ATHESOD é tk 1:6t:prf $8 | ra shu we: NOTICE. Petition for Partition of Land. H‘ VING erlfite stodk of Fur t niture and ns, to Wm. M. Wilhelm & Co my for on M Timory latéU 8. A. died at 1.30 P. M. to-day. STEAM SAW-MILL. Shes SUBSCRIBER has in operation a Stesur. Saw- All, located 12 Miles Bast of Morganton, Burke county, N. C., and direetly on the Wes- tern Noith Carolina Railroad, at which First-Rate Lumber ean be obtained at the shortest notice, and on &s good terms as the times will permit. dets from a distance will be FILLED PROMPTLY Col. Sanil. McD. Tate, President of the Road, is my authorized agent. Any contract made with him for the salo-ef Lainber, will be duly executed. B.A. BERRY, — Proprietor. Morganton, N. C. Feb. 6, 1868.—w st State.of North Carolina, ALEXANDER COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quurter Sessions, December Term, 1867. Jacob Mos. by his } J.P. Ww 7 on v = Original Attachment Daniel Mitter, Levied on Land. and Wife, lB appearing to the satisfaction of the Couet that the defendants in the above canse ub- seonds themselves from this State, so that the i| ordinary process of law canpot be served on them, It is thereforé ordered by the Court that papicetion be made for six succyssive weeks in Watchman and Old North State, a news- paper published in Salisbury, N. ©, notifying them to be and appear ‘aid court to be held fer said county at the Court-House in Taylorsville, ou the Ist’ Mon- day ia Mareh. next; then-and there to answer jad plead, or judgment will be taken against prior orth ake oA ALD on condemned ta satisty t 'sclems / | Witéeds, R. TP. Matheson, clerk of our said rt a ° a aa ee lorem the 1st Monday pe. “P. MATITESON, Clerk. 1:6t:pr f. $8. All or | said Jane Mathews, dec’d. are non residents of this | Ktate, It is therefore ordered that publication be | made in the WatcHMaN & OLD Norra STare, a { paper published in the town of Salisbury, N. C., for six successive weeks, notifying the said Owen Mathews an Elizabeth Gordon to appear at the next term of this Court to be held for the county of | Wilkes at the Court-llouse in Wilkesborough, on the fifth Monday after the last Monday in February next, then and thereto show cause if any they have why the prayer of the uloresaid petition should not be granted. itness. GH. Brown, clerk of our said Courf at office in Wilkesborough this the 6th day of January A PD., 1868 l:6w:prf 3s. G. H. BROWN, C.S. C. State of North Carolina, IN EQUITY. DAVIDSON COUNTY. The Thomasville Bank, v8. The Creditors of the Thomasville Bank. N obedience to a decree and order of the Court of Equity, made in the ahove named case, notice is hereby given to all the creditors of the said) “The Thomasville Bank,” that said Bank has filed a bill in the Court of Equity for said County of Davidsgn, to close the business of sui Bank and surrender the chartered rights and franchises of the Stockholders of said Bank, n pursuance of an Act of Assembly, entitled ‘An act to enable the Banks of this State to close their business,” ratified the 12th day of March, A. D., 186€; that a commissioner of said Bagk, to-wit: S. LL Lee, Eaq, of said county, bas been duly appointed in pursuance of said Act of Assembly, and bas been iavest. ed with alt the rights and effeetsof whatsoever of said Bank; and all creditors of said” Bank are hereby notified to appear before the ‘said commissioner and prove their several claims, ing to said Act of Assembly, by the first day therealter barred, and the Court--will - to administer the assets of sard Bank Without regard to any claims and demands not so es- tablished. . Withess, F. OQ Robbios elérk and master of said Court,and the seal-of'said Court of Equi- ty, at office in Lexington iw said County, the 18th day ef: December, A. D., 1867» F. O. ROBBLNS, C. M. E. 1:4t: prf. $8. | debts, and demands égainst said Bank ‘accord- at the next term of our | of Mareh, A. D., 1868, or they will be forever |" os Universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Maga- zine of America; devoted to Origa Stories; Sketches, Architectureand Mo@. es, Hi Matters, Gemssof Thought, Personaland* Gossip (includin ial rtments on Fashion Instructions on ith, etc., by engravings (full size) useful and se eaee area em- broideries, and a constant succession of ar ¢ nov- elties, with other usefol abhethensciniel literature. No person of refinement, economical! housewife, or lady of taste cam afford te do. without the Madel Montlitya’ Single copies, 80 cents* back ntimbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either-meailed Re early $3, with aval iam; two c rine rgloabl remnry SY acemena presi for clubs at $3 each, withthe first premiums to each setae denjecubem at $8 each... Addeens,-° t le* Maching for Meuron ENNINGS DEMOREST, * No. 473 Broadway, New York. Dyumorest’s Monthly.asd Yeung:America together, with the premiums for each. . « Mov Gtf State of North Carolina, SURRY COUNTY. Superior Court of Law,Spring Term, 1867.5 Fighert By Gaby ars ay Fer PABA f 5] bab Got nk le’ ” & ial Ip this case it is ordered tans eae x — the court th eo ray 48 pe mae in he parser a Pon ap pos & and appear at the next term of.our Court of Law, to be held for the coun at the Court House in Debsph, oh the 1868, to plead answer or aga pro confesse will te: tahee rai | Pad pada tea Be Pa ind miles, either ro mn prt horse and hearse, A. N. PARKS. rs {N Lexmgton, N.C., Oct. 9, 1867. January 16’ 1868. w—Im. ORTH CAROLINA BAIL BROAD. Company Snops, N.C., Oct. 17, 1867. Qn and after this date the follb wing will he the Schedule for Passenger Trains over this Road : Léave Charlotte, daily 9.40 P. my ~*" “SalicButy,, ..,.19.28 A, M.., Greensboro’,... 4.11. * Raleigh,..... o 29.09. .** Arrive at Goldsboro,.. . 2.00 Pi M. Leave Goldsboro’, oe e6 12:29 P.M. Raleigb,....... 3.59 .* Greensboro’,....9.10 |. Salisbury. ses .12.16 Ae M. Arrive at Charlotte,. ...2.54'_ * Through passengers by this liné havechvice of routes via Greensboro’ ‘and Deete to Richmond, > via Ra igh and Weldon to Richmond-or Portsmouth, ‘arriving at ‘all pointé north of Riehmond atthe same timeby either route. . Connection is made at Golds- boro With Passenger trains on -W. &» W. Road to and from Qitmiegton and by Freight rains to Weldon. ~“ Y e JAMES ANDERSON, _ Superintendent Office N.C. Rail Road, Oct. 17; 1867. tf A WANNER WANTED. I WANT a white man who can come well recommended as a good Tanner and Finish- notte. He must be of good miorals indostrious habits. Such aman-can obtain with , Fr an, Clerk-of out taid.| Me the position of a journeyman, or a foreman, Sa Gomrt, at cings i -ipeem doe want yor a parttet in the busipess, I have a five sit- Monday after the last Monday in , 1867. |oation and a well improvedyard... Address me 5:6w: priee $8. <A. Bi PS W; 0. 8, 0. }'st “Jerusalem, Davie County,’ N, 0.” _ 4“ ew REET omrcraencrisnnl i |G: Wy BESSENT. 'PHE sabseriber 2 BR. MO LICrTrOR@ YN BANKRUPTCY. WILMINGTON, N. €. an4—ly . at + 1 Keeern@. Hin i rae Fawriy.—A Kentucki- an who had, after a protracted courtship, made up his mind to propose to a’ young lady carried his resolution into effect. The lady, with some hesitation replied: “Lam partially engaged, but mother wants to marry.” The widow ofa Colonel of an Illinois In- fantry Regiment, is peddling pictures in the e:ty of Buftalo. A punctual man is rarely a poor man, and never a man of doubtful credit. His small ac- counts are frequently settled; and Le never meets with difficulty in raisiog mopey to pay large. demands. Small debts neglected rain crédit; and when a man has lost that, he will find himself at the bottom of a hill be cannet ascend, LOOK FORTHE PADLOCK SIGN. EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, HAVING ASSOCIATED themselves together for the of conducting a general Hard- Ware business, to the exclusion of all other trade, tale pleasure in armounting tothe pub- lic and tradegenerally that they have just re- ceived a ful) stock of hardware. SUCH AS Round Iron, Sguare. Tyre, Oval, Noil Rod, Bund and Hoop Iron, Blister, Cast and Plough Steel, R., SINCLEAR & Co's.: Straw Ciitters and Corn Shellers. 100 Kege Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Special atten- tron called to Curling Tongs, looting Scissors, Spoons Ladles and many other house keeping articles too numerous to mention. The advantage in buying from a regular Lard- ware store. To those who purchased herd ware before the first of August atid since. Farmer what did you pay for shovel moles? 9 cts; what now? 8 cts; steel shovels? from 1,75 to 2,00; the price now 1,50; nails 10 cts.; now 8to9; Carriage builder what did you pay for 5-4 muslin? answer, 65 cts; price now 50 ctw; what did you pay for 5-4 drilling? answer, 1,00 tu 1,25, price now,75 cts.; wagon and boggy tyre 10cts.; price now, 8 to 8}. / We might go on and enumerate thousands of articles which have fallen equally in pro- portion. Then we ask what bfought about this rapid and sudden decline in Hardware? Kach answer the Ilardware Store. Now we appeal to you farmer. mechanic, harnesa makei, carriage maker and thousands of others who consume hardware in their vo- cations, to know if the hardware Store does not deserve your patronage, that it may be buitt ap and the country greatly blessed by procuring throngh this medium, the implements to devel- op the resources of your fertile regi Strict attention paid to all orders.» We will sell at small profit, and exclusively fur cash or barter. To one and all whether you want 10 cts, worth or ove hundred dollars worth, come to the Hardware Store, where we can give you coe advantage in buying small or large bills. We can be fonnd in Dr. J. W. Hall’s new brick building, formerally occapied by Craw- ford & Bro, Main street, Salisbury, N.C. CRAWFORD & HEILIG. R. R. Ceawrorp, P. N. Hetie. (oct. 28 6m-tw- 1] THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Harvest is Over / The Yield is Great! Prosperity Abounds ! Winter has Come / AND NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE Moore’s Rural New Yorker, THE GREAT TOWN AND COUNTRY WEEKLY ! THE RURAL is the Leading and Largest-Circula- ye ca om of on Class on the on —supe- riorin Valuea jety of Conten te ot Appearance. uaec. more A L tg A - cultural, Scientific, Educational and News Matter, interspersed with Engravings, than any other Journal,~-for it comprises Departments devoted to or including Agriculture, Choice Literature, Horticulture, Science and Art, Sheep Husbandry, Education, Grazing, Dairying, Youth's Reading Rural Architecture, General News, Domestic Economy, Commerce, Markets, With Hlustrations. T Fasa eran Tice, s,s Mad, Po The Raral New Yorker is a National Journal, crica- lating ro the Eastand West, Northand South It emplo beat talent in al) Departments. Its cu of Editors, Contributars, &c., comprises many of best Farmers, Planters, Wool Growers, siers, Horticulturists, &c.. and also Authors, Sebo ars, &,, of note and ability. In briefthe is edited, a Practical Scientific, Entertaining. Wherever located, —in Country, Village or City, YOU WANT THE RURAL! YOUR FAMILY AND FRIBNDS WANTIT! For it is ada to the wants ofall. Notethet i is not a monthiy; but a large and Beautiful Weekly and that Vol. XIX is to be materially en 1 Examine s namber and see if, next to your lo- paper, the Rural, is not the one for your money. | number contains eight narte Index, &c.. at close of volume. | in extra style, —Clear Type, Good Paper, and Class; A . - = a ; u ten, copy. Vol. begin Jame 4 isd Neos the time to . Offers to Club agents.— , ote apheresis iy ander aage a4 ¥ trial, for only Fifty Conte! 4 Mitustrations than avy other Jourmal of its! Taventors, pul ife, will find “4 great veer ah their respect- counsels suggestions will save hundreds of dollars annually besides affording them a continual source of knowledge, the value of which is beyond pe- cuniary estimate. Ail patents granted, the claims published weekly. Every public and priyate libra have the work bound and:preserved ence. The numbers of the Stientifie Amer- tean make a splendid volume of nearly one thousand quarto pages, equivalent to nearly four thousand ordinary book - Anew Volume commences Jan , 1868. Pub- lished Weekly, Terms One Year $3 ; half- eh $150; Clubs of ten copies for one year A AMERICAN to ive should refer- ; Specimen copies sent gratis. ddress MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. t# The Publishers of the Scientific Amer- icon, in connection with the publication of the paper. have acted as Solicitors of Patents for phe lit rein Thirty Thousand Appli- cations for Patents haye made arerk their Agency. Morethan one hundred thous- and inventers have the counsel of the Proprietors of the Scientific American eon- corning their invertions. Constltations aad advice to inventors, by mail, free. Pam- phiets concerning Patent Laws of all Coua tries. free = A handsome bound Volamé, contaia- ing 150 Mechanical Engravings, and the U. States census by counties, with Hints and re- eéipts four Mechanies, mailed on receipt of 25 « nts. jand—twtf Three New Southern Books Bidaward J. Hale & me 0 eT Te usr, tbrough her, of the South), in r pending contésts agaifist ' fie d Prof ‘Robert 2nd.—_DIARY OF A SOUTHERN REFU- G 9 THEOWAR®S By a la- d irginia, | vol, 12 mo., cioth $2, rtp aan is well known as an Author, His Life of Stouewall Jackson has had an iim. mense sale—greater, probably, than any oth - er Southern book ever had. He has devoted much time and research to his treatise, and has collected much gore! and iustructive in- formation for the vindication of the Southern people. ¢ radical questions in debate are eee to at.orough, searehing inquiry. Several of our, test emieubt Statesmen, to whom the MS: has been Subinitted, have ap- proved his werk iu the highest terms. The Diary, of.a jatrom the pen of a Lady who holds the hizhest social and liter- ary rank among the ladies of Virginia. Most of the four years of the War were spent in and near Richmond, in contact with distinguished military and civic characters. Like niany of the best women in Virginia, she was a con- stant attendant upon the sick and wounded, in the Hospitals of that ety. Her book is ad- mirably written, and is a thrilling narrative of scenes an incidents whieh eame under her notice daring those four eveutfal years. A large number of copies arealready subseribed for among her artepiys acquaintance, with- out the | yment of any 0: Either of these books will be seat by mail, post eae of both to- Early orders from the trade solicited.— Agents wanted, to whom liberal diseounts will be made. d 3rd,—_IN PREPARATION—A LIFE OF GEN. PAT, CLEBURNE, of Arkansas the Stonewall Jacksonof the Soutwestern Confederate Army. E. J, Hale & Son, (late Editors of the Fay- ettéeville, N. C.Observer), r ly solicit the orders of Southern Bookgellers,Merchants Teachers, Professional Gentiemen, and oth- ers, for any artieles im their line, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest wholesale cash om: Theirs is the only Southern Book House in New York. oot IO— yas MALEIEM Mi GisT ex. Semi-Weekly and Weekly. RALEIGH, N. C. A Family and Political Newspaper. } oa manly, reliable “ to clubs of five atthe rate of “ -eeee 2580 ten or more, at the rate of 2 00 > Send for DA R GOODLOE, Editor. HELPER & CHAPIN, Proprietors. various on Main Street, [Brown's Building, rea ‘O- & every |. LFTO i a: lay S - £ as + Pt . *¢ 32 FAY Fos f RO s ’ 37 a ef f 7 Ma is i=¥ with | 6 a . Ist.—A DEPENCE-OF: VIRGINIA (ana} ToS - é ‘A y o u r e a Li 9 a 0 Ur ‘g q O O D AU C OL L S U M E ¥ 4 p0 8 99 > We g 1 ‘a s n m p s e “P 1 0 } Q HB O WI G ¥ QV de e y ‘2 0 9 “W V pe o u se w on a 1 no t @A 1 0 0 0 P JO U [T L AA ) “A P O E IL aa L a y LV H [ a oe aya e rep i . eu 2 eieed a cS Epes ay S ° F SEER £3 gpm, e £82 fm zich & AGENTS WANTED FOR Tak GRAY JACKETS. And how they Lived, Fought and Ded ee Disa ITH [Jnecidents and Sketches of Life in the Confederacy, comprising Narra- tives of Personal Adventure, Army Life, Naval Partisan Daring, Life in Adventure Home "7 = a , oppital, together with the {ge Ride Aneedotr and Vumeroes Inci- ents of the War for Southern Independence. There fs & certain portion of the war that will never go into the regular histories, nor be em- bediek im romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved convey to ing generations a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reporta or careful narrative of events, and this part may be called the gossip, the fun, the pathos of the war. This illustrates the character of the lead- ers, the humor of the soldiers, the devotion of women, the bravery of men. the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the ser vice. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Pictur- ae and Dramatic, t!.e Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic,and the whole Panor- amaof the War are here thrillingly portrayed in & ihasterly manner, at once histori al and ro- mantic, rendering it the most ample, unique, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Amusement as wel] as Instruction may be found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, are skillfally inter. woven ip this work of jiterary art. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, JONES BROTHERS & CoO., Jan 7-tf Richmond, Va. British Periodicals. The London Quarterly Review, (Con servative.) The Edinburg Review, (Whig.) The Westminster Leeview, (Radieal.) The North British Review, (Fre Oberch.) AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Mugazine, (fory.) The periodicals are ably sustained by the contri butions of the best writers on Science, Religion and General Literature, and stand unrivalled in the world of letters. They are indispensable to the scholar and the professionai man, and to every rea- ding wan as, they furnish a better record of the cur- rent literature ofthe day than can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. Por any one ofthe Reviews. ..... 4. Por any two of the Reviews. ..... uf Por any three of the Reviews....10.00 00 per annum. 00 ” Por all four of the Reviews,...... 12.00 For Blackwood’s Magazine,...... 4.00 ‘ For Blackwood and one Review, 7.00 ee For Blackwood and any two of the ROVIO WB 6.20026 cecccccccc. 10.00 Por BiacKwood and three of the Reviews,. SOP ese ee seer er Dr oeeeee CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to (Jabsof four or more persons. Thus, tour copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $12.80. Feur copies of the four Ke- views aud Blackwood, for $48.00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subseribers should og sad by the quarter, at the office of delivery. T ostage to any partof the United States is Two CENTS a nuwber. This rate only applies to currentsubscriptions. For back num- bers the postage is double. Premiums to New Subscribers. New Subscribers to any two of the above period- ioals for 1668 wil? be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the Four Reviews for 1867. New Subscribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1868 mcy receive, So or any two of the Four Reyiews r - Sabsoribers may obtain back numbers at the fol- lowing reduced rates, viz: The North British from January, 1863, to Decem- rhe, 4867, inclasive ; Edinburgh and the Westmin- ster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, and the Londen Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866 and 1867, atthe rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review ; also, Blackwood for and 1867, for $2,- 5O « year, or the two years to r for $4.00. “> Neither premiumsto Sa bers. nor discount to Clubs, nor redaced prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the moncy is remitted direct to the Publishers. No preminms can be given to Clubs. The Leonard Scott Pub. €o., 140 Falton, St., N. Y. The L. 8. PUB. CO., also publish the FARMER'S GUIDE, by Heyry Srar of Edinburgh, and the late 74 P. Nonton, of Yale College, 2 vols., Royal Ogtave, 1600 pages. and numerous Engravings. Price $7 for the two yolumes—dy Mail. ] ale FA.00. 00. : morest’s Young America, THE sen Yor Meee Every Boyand Girl that seés it says 20- and Parents and Teach- ers confirm jt. Do not fail to secure a copy. A good Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living ora two-bladed Kuife, and a ore number of articles. given as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50. TheNov- ember Nomber commences a new volume. Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, Dee 19— * Rochester: ¥s five cents, mailed free. TIHHAM | &eo. &6o. —o ‘THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE plessure to inform their friends, and the public, that they have fitted uptone of the very bess JOB PRINTING OFFICES | IN NORTH CAROLINA, andare prepared to execute all orders with which they may be favored. &o. —0) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL faARDET, COTTON YARN LABELS, Leiter © Bill Heads, WEDDING and PARTY Tickets, PAMPIILETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, “ DRUG LABELS, COURT BLANKS, and ail other kinds of Blanks and Job Printing will be done in a style that can be surpassed by none, and equalled by few in the State. Our terms will be as low as the lowest in the Suuthern Country. HANE£ & BRUNER. Salisbury, January 16, 1868. tw&wtf THE TRI-WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE WEEKLY WATCHMAN & Old North State, FOR 1868. ——-———_— THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE having been consolidated in the hands of the undersigned, and the BANNER having suspended publication, hereafter there will be but one paper published in Salisbury, which will be i¢ sued Tri- Weekly & Weekly, under the above names, In consequence of the combination referred to, this paper will have the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPEK IN Western Nerth Carolina, AND WILL AFFORD THE Best Advertising Medium to be met with in that part of the State. ra’ ww The Editorial Department will be under the management of Ma, Hanna, Jate Editor and Proprietor of the OLp Norra Srarz, and no pains will pe spared to make it eqnal to any, if not the best paper of its class in the State. In the politics of the paper there will be no change—it will continue to bes firm and decided Conservative journal, but it will not be devotedies-' clusively to politics. It will atse be devoted t the material interests of the State, and to Literary snd Miscellaneous Reading, Domestic Economy, &c. Offering such inducements, we confidently one] tothe publie for a liberal share of its patronage. both by subseription and advertisements. Terms of Subscription : TRI-WEEKLY ; For One Year,. ttt eV ere eeeeswneeetecce eas meg StU be: “ Six Months,...... ercescvcccccvovcscccss ROG WEEKLY : For One Yeat,..........ccc0cee-secesce ses sJ88,00 “ Bix Months,........... duapeesaty szecene 1 HANES & BRUNER, Publishers amd Proprietors. | | BLANKS): ; W hite ‘S2E:% edf-—.2 deF ote ads BSCE aa ; ew - = . « im | Pores.) HMwuy i: 4 : uh gfT—2 dei bo >. ‘ Wyatt's Old Stand, jan23-twtf . +i] v legen TSgag + 2926) OW ees 1 GB. a? ie is t ye ne 34 i st fe ef we . = taj os Main Street, Salisbury, Ne On account of the un demand for the Rosadalis, I have moveit tay Labora- tory from Wilson, N. €., to 29 Hanover'| Street, ore, Md. THE GREAT SOUTAERN © Health Restorer, The best Blood Purifier in the World. DR. LAWRENCE'S | FOR THE conn or SCROFULA, in all its forms,’ ~-r| ROSADALIS SUCH AS lon in its Stages, ment aud Ulceration of the Glands, Joinis, Bones, Liver, Zw to ipweccer ad site Swelling, Mercurial A ffections, Sor Byes, Old Sores, Diseases ar to Fe- males, Eruptions of the Skin, GetefaldBad Health, and all other Diseases caused by iF The following, amo: ny hundreds.of our best PPateiyvert J, its yous ] Citicacy. 5 Home Certificates, from Physicians, Wr hereby certify that the Rosap ais is prepared ts Ree BARC ems ye an Paps Sys emt * D., WwW. A. ” D. A.D. E: vars . D., FE. Barnes, M, D.., J. Winstead, M..D., Ro W. King, Mi BD: y a G. Barham, M.D., 8S. Woodward, M.D. Wilson, N. C., Oct. 31, 2807. { Thereby certify that f am personally acquainted | with the above named Physicians, and they are all gentlemen of respectability and standing in this comma: '. C. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson. November Ist, 1867. EpcrcomsBr County, N. C., Ma'y 2d, 1867. Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE . Dear Sir—Please send me immediately, per Express to Tarboro’. two dozen more bottles of your Kosa- dalis, I have carefully examined its Formula, and have used it in my practice‘in a number of cases. | am well pleased withit | think it beyond doubt the best Alterative lever used. 1! have tried it in sever- al cases of Scrofaja and Se: ofulongsaffegtions, ac... with much satisfaction t6. myselfatnd-patients. I have, therefore. no hesitation i ding. it to PL ysitfghe end pena aS ‘thé moat welidble beri tive now kiowp. a_i 4 » , Respeeffully, yours, de. © ~~ A.B. NOBLES, M. D. Will Cure the worst. Cases of ‘Serofula. Read the statement below, and despair not. Witson Counry, September 10, 1867. Da. J.J. Lawrence: Se esseus ally aff feted with Sorfuia neay al . with- she was worse than ever, her body and — i — never been able to obtain pie noel have at, . ya until’ T chanced to try pg Veemale sy SJ is. In leee- than owe month myeeif niost entirely cuted of my erup. tio bine . 0 fausily bave used ii a, with vary doublouoas rw OPAL Ravay the Other members orf my a bleed purifier, wit the most gratifying resaiy Truly I cap say, that ofall the medicines J hav, ever uted before, none have . wm happily beneficial in effect a8 the Rosadsiis, and! woaig most poh ecommend it tu the publie.ang ‘to all sufferiig humanity. =~ ~ Very ve v; yours, &e., MRS. E. N. BOGGs, Opposite the Crawford Hues, I hetrby certify, thatJ War cored of & “Chis. ie affection of the Ki ’ Bottle ioe tee ee Rs ord a fore advise ethers suffeting with the * | Disease,” to try the rape J : ‘SD. ALLEY. Wilson, August 3, 1867, Cases of Chronic Rheu- | matism. I hereby contify that T' was cuted of lov standing Chronic _botiles of Dr. Lawrenes’s. ROSaBaLiR Wilson, NiC., May-6, 1867: (> The ROSADALIS ezadicates every kind of bumercend bad A the entire system to a healthy eonditien, > Tris Fereely“armiean, never prods- cing the slightest fujiry. © ~ Itis nota Seeret Quack Remedy. The-erti- cles of which it is made are published around each bottle, and it is used and endursed by the - Leadii:g Physicians evetywhete lt is known. PREPARED ONY BY*DR 3 J. Law. RENCE, Chemist, 29 Hanuver St, Baltimory Maryiund. Price $1.50 Per Bettie. sex~ For Sale by all primeipal Drug- gists in the United States. For sale in Salisbury, by Ino. H. En- niss, and G..B. Poulson, amd Druggiste everywhere. jan 21-w:tw3m 1867 Hol for tho West By the Great National « DOUBLE TRACK RODTE: oa 4 Ne g covered with sores and blotches—with face and eyes badly ramp > tae Ket app , Whilst in this condi- | tion, I was atfvised by Dr. L. A. Stith to try your | Rosadalis. I at onee proctred three hotties, and ; commenced giving itto her. The effect was magi. | cal. In less then 8 month tomy great i che was eer Tei per eon with an . ours, Treapec Ww Bi Vf 4 ° CURES ALL SHIN DISHASES. Witson, N. C., September 15, 1867, | Da. Lawrence: Sir—In 1862 my son, tow aged five years, was vaceinated with what proved to be impure matter, which completely destroyed his health. He has been affiicted with an inveterate and ex- tremely trcublesome Eruption of the f&kia, sometimes breaking out in sores, &e., Rousa-} } dalis. wae mepoeribed by ay family physician— Dr. A.D. Moore After taking it ¢ few weeks my son became and remains eptizely well. Vs : ws DANIEL. ' Ballimore, March 4, 1867. de" 3 Arrangements huye been, made by which Peses- gere cup procere lekets ai Salisbury N. C. fury ‘ % ty Ladi in, Ind Louisville, Chicege We. a | aee~wg nol St Louis, Mo., ‘ Ohio, St Fcarene Mov. Sem Does Quincy, Il., Toledo, Ohis, . poeta Towa, eons airo, Itt., : Memphis, Tenu., Hp wane Tudidva. P And all Points. in the Great: West. By this great.route passengers have valy — ‘TWO CHANGES iy of Carsbetween Washington City and Indiss-. acral ehangés to Cincineati, and three 10 St. Gours. . Time from Washington to apolis tf hours; ik nary waa and St, Louis 50 houre; Oatio 52 hours; and Memphis, Tenn., 62 The Bahimore & Ohio Railroad and comnec- ting roads are the only routes whieh eas check baggage through from Wesh City to all points W est.— Passengers sald be on to ask for tickets vie Bahimure & Obio Raiisoad,as it is the nearest and most direet route,” “ Western thro’ tickets tate . lege to visit Baitimore and then resume journey Weat; vie Baitimore @:Opio Rel —— ne Boron Salisbury, N. C.,Jannary 16, 1608. twa&wtf. Silt ve a 2 4 <HPT a lapis Tr te eS a 43 . Isa Potent Remedy in all: | gees. Bemis iL Will.Cure. the very Wors! : 4 parion. z e! wanted. to 2 — tree iG Sry Auns Pr ORSON, : Jan. 7, 1868. “Se Keely 1 The Arlington Mutual ee PREOIDERT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICR PRESIDEYT, Wa. B. Isaacs, D. J. Marrsoox, me ‘|Moore’s R ‘With Illustrations. Tales, Exsa: Music, Poetry, Bebuses, eee &ei, de, ied The Rural New Yorkeris a National Journal, Jating in the Eastand West, North and y apd cleo buthors, Boba. ably edited, profusely illustrated, neat! ted— Practical Scientific, Ceef—Moral, ebedave and Entertaining. Wherever located,—ip Country, Village or City,— YOU WANT THE RURAL! YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS WANTIT! _ | Per it is ada to the wants of all. Note that it ls nota monthly, beta large and Beautiful Weekly, and that Vol. XIX ts to be materially enlarged. 3° Examine & wamber and sce if, nextte your bo- paper, the Bru nat le not the one wea pe money. umber contains eight double qnarte ted in extra style.—Clear : A Title Index, &e., at close of time to subscribe. Great Offers to Club ad Specimens, Show-Bills, Premium Lists, &c.. LOOK f ) BR THE PADLOCK SIGN. EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, HAVING ASSOCIATED themselves for the purpose of conducting 4 ard- ware busines, to the pod “a other Soaed telegeanhy dar ae Lave pal ceived a fall stock of hardware, SUCH AS rend Tron, Square. Tyre, Oval, Nail Rod, Band and Hoop ister, Cast Ay nes y mm R. SINCLEAR & Co’s. Straw and since. -” wi ete the 40 wo ; now 8 to9; builder what aon ; now barter. To one and all whether you want 10 cts, worth or one hundred dollars worth, come to the Hardware Store, where we can give you > a advantage in buying small or large We can be found in Dr. J. W. Hall's new brick i a occupied by Oraw- ford & Bro. , NO. ORAWYORD. & 'HRILIG. R BR. Caawroro, P. N; Henze. [oct 28 @m-tw-1) SALISBURY, - . “| THE CONSERVATIVE STATE °{ fii ES CONVENTION. ..,,, Remanrxs or Gov. Vance in the® siers, am, d&c., of note Lag In brief the Rural is by a few vile outcasts from race, whose slogan of warfare was sition to decent houses, and clean shirts, Who, + gach a state of things, cound bat see the danger ? Whasiwe neod ie td cheer and encoar- We have become éo Iilestrations than aay other ite mination, “knowing our rights,” to maintain them. Our timidity, heretofore, has been most lamentable.— With 30,000 majority in the State, our white yeople have heen so demoralized that they allowed the recent election to go by default, when ordinary spirit and ex- ertion would have secured them ascen- whom God (for some inscrutable purpose had ever ~made! If, with the power yurow#n hands, you cravenly such control, how can you stand parison with the good and noble men of — L z SS = - i f i Cutters and’Corn Shellers. ‘ a i =) s E 7: ni f af f i Fi rt E E i 3 ri f e a pe i i 7 a i Z s i i. H i . z i { i H : F > g E R i 2 i i Fe s £E i 4 L di l i & s ne ne ee : ' t e : TOESDA PN OS ui sranuccoven, deiidatea of ober od ti 4 0. the shall be . ee sake olive,” leg. Sha tube roe that, even if this State Consti- is adopted, the white men will .go F i E ¢ is Fe ef Fi , iy i E t 5 : 4 Hl | i ese 4 homestead act, ratified Febfuary 16th, Fe A SER a ON. PO RE OES YR OCI as ES * . t.¢ t ‘ eel ~ : ‘a ; op a Hh} osidoumnh ovit ola die. wasihe’s Tart ededings In bankruptcy, to an amount not exceeding that allowed by sugh State exemp- tion laws ia force in the year eighteen hua- ~ Under the exemption of the State laws, the bankrupt is entitled to the benefit of the which establishes a freehold homestead, not to exceed in value five hundred dollars.— report And in addition to this he ie aleo entitled to the aseal exemptions provided for in the Re- vised eode. All these taken » will amount to about twelve hutdred "In addition to the above remarks of the Statilard, we will state, on the authority Erabeiny = oie Keokrapcy. mete ged their petitions filing eould withstend, dared ot Tmormity and oawege Weathertord pride. eet ee re ature . Having I came : — ah re ate done. lam me} _ a he secre: tne ~— charge epee fody to i Lise they become 0. indifferent to. ms Essa in ey poe re vith Be w may be presented to move their ; of provisum "We are hol tandy be behave ts yet we shall be compeliedto do eo if the pur- " “omige ona e penowe _~ingie Copies’ | oT ee nothing about the children spoken and we are not 5 if E : i o F f i i R i g i ai n a ® ; ei sia , ‘hie 7 i igri, si ie ) oy eer ah , a : oi ie ’ * , oe . “Rea r dat ca : 4 me “he et : yd white race, then, ia trae to itself, there is} © COMMISSIONER'S im. .£ Roanoke News) preserved intact, as established by law i rg oN woe. te tthe Fomotart danger ofthe succes of Dr. Jobnsoa, in bi * oa F MASONRY. corked and better dine a he Raph: an] . I j { = —=—== the radical programme in State. If|stated that he had hf i : : any us pe thereof +90. FF 8 FEB, 11, 1868. .. | the white: people vote he in solid | Teeted for fraudulent ret gt pemsive poor, exemplifying | re ee atereste af the none itr ee LLY . | column agaiftet forte oan come On for reality of Métonry, was gerous to the libertio of hepa (hy nina NGS Gc | a + fo ve” Whiting, after his owed, That despairi aa a4 “LIBE FRA ; ND constitution W them, | House. The terrible malarial fee w.. of pe) outh “ges phos be i fe dey , EQUALITY WITH ALL meme: |* fhe ig 2 pas of Java, He | eas pie “OD STAND Sometime since we took @ . ms i while | 11 former f ’ ii 7) or ry ee ge is oo aia Moin wolution ell | fen Fanked | all the goc in House, where they can been revived by a certain in- this | resorted to on pa ye Northgne Wi fh b . State—that it seemed to have adopted tbe | the British Parliament, but bythe ® | North) W@, who are now nobly 6 ting e: motto of the Red Republicans of that day ' a by onal Lash, Esq, lest Parsee mer- i boda er — mes eae? They emplo wetie, but the best workmion, and which heads this article. Subseq - pants of Seo Morthurs peuple bay Save | ae ure, that he of Batavia, approached him under be Southern Stat States to their ‘rights fp in the Valon tomers. bas the best material, oo thaetbelr cus- velepmperys ’ shat ou the solid: harmony an me ome cs aia te laa ict harass ee ee bee ; x BAR ce fevered | Po a | ud tee com ol bs * hand in ry . an our sty te: . b to governments ‘in. rat wa aed eer ithe to represent the Commaneiies Stil s ove ; those ae vand | ooratio 8 aad that it ro. i 3 ( i } as lee bits: Sue rt uccghe Ftsa = ace people of the poorine: erent ntlo + toattend to Ati oo the eal. Bf sea L wie? ‘fete: be Conds ul oA TV UD naan ve con bi i 2 3 . D & ' Eowas 5 avidetrsaol * 1 4. to the We \ "Years ago on Jova's Shorey? 1) -belatt .,peordered for the of a new State pre oh || | Strangers, around me thought me dyisig,. 3 ¥ [eee ginanee hadi seis $e som, ee bod 2 | figrses waht of oldjanyacti a $) 4 with ae as : tok - i, i vy Ad whose : Be sha yes sya 4 Yo sasha if there shall to} | ‘gaeell wort var mn ney heal Daeg baat ll said cotwéutions Domination m belov a nena iste , fpegund , "L ler considera- nro rtrd aad ail vis : wD Woke i oe a fa me ea ' yin ¥ite chit yee » te Me tari’ 124. pe New Vork,.. 1g a soa sae BROWER ma yt , : Bs any eet Sec DeRosserr & Co.) 4 ee | mp , * WILL make liberal Te ts Fine be def saaaaiter of any Southern Produce, »* © ®= ‘attend you night and day; > REFEuENers! You wil? attend him; wealous: Hos. By end-Sas Bi Bea: Wittehielpshitiel std alway.” Thos ea y Ss aire Raen earn eraey ot wa pax. | ©! 2 Cesniaaren Horas Caan, C.; Dr. Ssonzy K. Jomysron, Lin- Bel te o> «<faovt'2-3mtw- 4] fardidg," ° “OHARLESTON, B. oF” An alone airs 3 mar di douti-f to have! 1. Wington Lar “lea A ats ap T.97 Ma scons’ are QTON ot ws Pe eerie, bart ioe . iow ‘of that fee, maser ooh fy » fit bas red ot} Dols aact-pepei, ‘ne ath ponder febiOn tw istrms ote os a noenatabe pl tres Agll, D Sch | tee oa vA swe oon Fresh reat, not -conciliated amy ‘pon » so idly, : ’ b A bsg ; ge 90 | McDowell: Gen cect Bargin AM M folaring’ his’ vdbocangt Aftee os Though bet ween vs billows rear, ban al Seeds, are awd te ie aaa lah ths = ba eae dc acahibbenbtc cep popes eee yao F inte tern "The Beth Booms Winches Dr was a — to s eg, oh “t and there cain be-brt little doobt that sev-| Pee tt Baber, Wo fraitey, | tie eebricue of a lange: St hen Sr Rpt Lal Lanes Bate - 4 Thorb Sie Hot, Cold te Shower Paths oral Of shat Files wilh be placed in pmi- Kerr Caan W A Honek, Jeasc bi, SL ON Bosveman tid Monet, Rlinog + Lote te Ged is love to man. th, ’ urn. | be baa Sat herptrnani ietaoen sont ee Ueir convention op the 26th . ey Swe Lemma psduihen canes giteh deen: — “ ee ALSO oat aed tres pa bad pay wf om inst, © May expect)te see a much lar- BS Dr fone Hollingsworth, eee mo geod wpe Ar. pepe x GONSERVATIVE PLATFORY. Clover, Blue-Grass, Herds-Grass, Timo. veggie po rea rota of te ental Be patiie lic geonitup ber of them in the aint legisla. NH y ra " DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES. thy, ‘Yusernt, aed other seeds, and the | is respectfl elicit, ture, should the mew Ceostibation be rati- Wilkes. Dr O L Geoke, Dr Jas Cal- hig rtrd soreness aes ring The Conservative people of North Car- poclebrated Michigan White Sprowt, _ Jan pret n. % nonEnen: at. 2 fied by the ape ae gE in the | loway, BA Welboarne, Dr. Tyre Meth, 17, ee ee ee havings hy their delegate and Larrison Potatoes, tupe- a ieee oii] Piineds Horton j mainte, Shakes goraniat ap “5 ngeem- | side. te-any others kr FOR iS pretended wet’, “Rid, do ithe ag oy “ee ns Fegepen <a ine neve) be seeeet) deg'f/ bul) a Me at, Raleigh, a. im aa : continae to negroes hy rad CONSERYATIVE PEAT. - P Ot ». 1868, 2 wn consi nts Whee, A pte. THE x z ol o. na toghoud 10 ing—and through the ees arts tte > PORM. 3 ~ Bi: al thé goupiry, and to conault t ib nd and get & doscripttre POD F 4275 ey Shy ike worthless d ues wh peyile the people's mavens” intJapince of |” ’ o ron | | Ts emagog y. 8. Thomas psepuieey ae’ “witalts” | & tipan the grievances which now. afflict =. did Re 0 oak. fest party polities they wi ‘ever meee is ane pation of prs Bh by 25 and threaten them, and the couagsé of’ ac- Drayyatand Seed Dedler, Raley |" ts ’ Se he are Bs and —will abwaye hold the balance of power de ‘ ‘eal ho edad oath a pate te tion proper to be ado pted in the trying cir- ate ¢ dts = Ti 2 the é Np pasty can am wih be bent endorned by apenas uCold im tunope. ipereannese ic surround them, do re- LIGHT ! LIGHT! April 18, nol t , veir vote whic not agree to i 0 aroliun ey, commend} The cull’ is 66 seeders frt that tr 1, Ou lterable devotion to tb . C VEER the offices and emolutnents of thé . | themselves to the intelligence, virtwe ead | drive the woltes! tron tne Brora Miplcs uy Condtivational "lherty- iat ees bam ENPORE SRBILEW VEERE ment with thom, This is almost.a oalé evident fact. Nothing else-cah ‘be ex pected from enclt ¢ Wotnetius body of vo- | the ters bound ties) of race and color, abettedby. the miscreants of the white raed. "SHeh piling <td once fastened span:nes end in amalganiation—ih 90 can the dlstloctigh pik Bead down. [ma that event allaho bett?r | por- tien of the witite South, and the .s live on tartarof ferfeet social majority vill ty thai Bacal cee “i patriotism of ‘the State. They ra in terms whieh cannot be mistaken, their uvalierable devotion to principles of Conatita- pte tong! hots fealay to ory wr etriment of the United States, and antiety for peace and largiony withthe ears pation hut the Constitution ts the pee) cated ot nil pdwer Th the ‘admintttration the goyeroment—they yy a A Stal to who gre ig aod they “gave ventered even lo the Cordova. eeedingly severe. with unusoa! savory ane consequence. rponkoff, Maboow, twelve persotis frome te Gegth 4. overnment of the United th ig the Federal Consti- we sincercly aod in ees faith accept thevlegitimate and legal re Ite of the late war, and do hereby. reit- erate our oft re declarafien, that we utost heartily desire? peace. and concord with our sister § ined ta aod with the eatire. people of the Uni it That regarding Se omstitution of the United States as the eourte of all power in tho vimiaitzaton of the o- ‘ment, and that th tive, agiaativeand Judie ef ewe rene od Gat avd 0-9 yy ae Est ty to the All over France the frost contiaues to teal * ag 02 woh Phe winter at in ap past eg town A perves wer. laser ad kyrand n> ~~ > Pd! & t a ‘atid’ wisest’ oi Them bib 6 f po Mf , lief ithat thé.Lagiale rea patente = is. crea this convention recog: th fee’ wade, the a shite _ nL Noe of the re ie ie tea thé Union and har- | es tae Pott the mr and good Ailidtiz the “American % Hohe What this convention regards be patho. Buy rome Goutt .of’ Uaitedilstece ne . | the he * 5% Bee agg pastitutiopreand . believe... ts - ae I powers, in that respéct, should be ita YWoung best Furenile Magazine. hates Boy and Girl o and "Peach- | éach subscriber. Zig CELEBRATE ‘ SOLINE pooh Piaid, oot ea te aie LENOIR, NORTH GAROLINA. . Rev. Samuel Land, a. y., Pics New mer t and . for barter Keni eS, at or | Sher. A full supply of Lamps, Burners, Wicks, Ker dcine, Saline Ac.,alwaya on hand at TS chestacon: (of 90 woah n) ilk ee. | eb Rates extremely Boah John a. Eontw’ Drug Store. | $65; Tuition, g20 . 2 2 oe = Besse T hers com t fait School fix- Tust Reoeived tures amp'e jon healthy. Grounds 1 sha a: ooas ben utifal. , exelent. Board Warranted pure anosually goed Fanaa. area Village - =| aeried Drag aughi md quiet. Al the sarroundings favaruhle to stady. @ing all ee) = | Spirit, Pitis, Powders, Cils, Acids, Pica ge | perigee - = Set to call. JOHN i. ENNISS. | Gothic ts Bagong, 6 "Almanacs always free Demorest’s Amertes, THE that sees it says nl gt ly ogee ers confirm it. » not fail to & copy, A good Microséope, with 4 Glass Cylinder 40 confine living ects, or a pearl Pocket Knife, and 4 large ndmbet of other desirable articles. given as mis to Yearly, $1.50. The Nov- ember Number commences a new Volume. bina b two-bladeat Gee taal Come to Icard Station. Por C-fediare, & Jannary 1 onTM CAROLINA, MAL ROAD Company Snops, X. C., Oct. 17, 1867. On and after thie date the fbi apwan g will be the Gebedule for Passenger Trains over this ZHU to the President, * — fin + s__ same Road to traits to Weldon, * : carr pap A a * Office Nv G- Rail Bend, Oct. 17, LISTER ‘BROT St PT ian| a. Oras teas | eee Ex | ” > ai ek : spt mare Water Stee: “4 DB Vs A TON Se F CR har ie Ne Te atl sp awe ies 4 _— paiement ~ , dosten cei igakeds have no better sense than to be .|for experience in real life had made us} = Pron! the’ Habrisburg Union and Patriot. have ensued. I am not able» te state NP AD &) Besides there are a great many intelli | more than hopeful students. it was CONDITION OF THE SOUUB. e falling off of the cotton “this na eget nee lc aaa te Nath rrr prices meoes n ei socially or jnight on ht. whea @ ; pate “ y or forty’ officially. ; us were communing tenderly and touch- i. nt bil aa Or ces to twelve thousand tierces. pres- But why should I say this whon the|ingly in the main Coll building, the Na. ent year every one will have his eorig imate of my companion so sinvoth- | Band at Steward’s Hall the festive savy attention to the raising of a Yyte the portly keeper that, we were) party was held, the eloceof the| Perrible Paralization of the Peo-| 1c will uot rw many aha = pect- a great-distance and would like so) joyous anniversary that ever ple. would not be to feed if he did. wach to inepeet the grounds, that permis- air, “Sweet ” With what The negroes have nothing ‘to five’ow:the : sion was immediately given. soft cadence those rich notes swept on tho} |, » present year, and are unable tomake State, | had From that rade stone statuary of old jsilent air! As we paused and opened How the South Costs the Oowntary a Hum- | crops by themselves. wilt have to FRIENDS, |" #P ; mortality that stauds in the angle front-| our hearts to welocme the enchanting} dred Millions, Instead of Adding o steal or starye, This Piargery rm ee, fed vital current in letters of woe! le, Mo.,|ing the entvenaty. We wandered \about| sweet that sil was a desert, that| Hundred Millions to its Resources. at Se ee iw divease attacked hits it encountered 4, set | through the maltiform plots, amid the va- |i hable music was an where |\ (rhe following letter, addressed by ex 1 i a dug will that is worth half the med scenes of | ri i of | wound |ouly dowers bloomed, and those flowers | G oy caren ae deni os ep, to , icine and of the medical profession | Ouba. While en route for Missonri| through a very forest of tombstones and | diffused around # that woald re- On, pag" N. Butler of that State, but i ei) or h river, ia an open vehicle, « fierce Novem- Pe monuments, antil we the gue any soul that was nut dead to the —— os sag 1 thie city. gives ® so hie - storm arose, and the cold winds and wooden tower which overlooked the | faintest dream of hope and love. and asttonebte pictare % gS pies 2: ce , his ! beating rains were too severe for bis sen- valley of the Schuylkill. That night [ Weal felt—we are once nfore, | dition aud future pros L oypa giveth ‘thé notes sitive and constitation. By the aden deseribe the view we enjoyed from | but oh, where shall we all meet agaiu! - | Southern section o pigs pit grea : sitiv Ai vined the boat he was sulfering| thet point, ip an article ip Henry's.albam;) Here Henry and Lhad a loug separa- ny A greatly from his exposure, a cold having| so I any eel enorgh to assure the} tion. He in Virginia, He mar- Guzxnyinte, 8. C., Jan. 19, 1868. attacked his- wounded lungs. His singu-| reader two sanguine minds like ours, |tried an accomplished lady, and speut a O. N. Butter, Esa. ; Jar recuperative powers soon rallied him, | did not go away jovi from eveu that| few years in the untold that noble) My Dear Friend :—In, your Setter to but only to encounter a suddea attack of) visit to “a field of graves.” woman breathes upon man she ad-| my sou you say that the orthern —_ cholera. Frotn that dangerous and alarm-| See that solitary eross, so rade and} mires and loves wi that profound jnten-/are not aware of the true condition of the }' for thf disease he suffered souve time after his | coarse, standing on thas little slope between | sity of devotion which nen ano Por Southern States, and that wish mete | tion, many of the negroes had forgotten arrival at Memphis, While ho was fast the tower and the river! ‘That is the| ate save those who are thus a write something on this subject for pabli- their names, and on eee ning his strength once more, as tho’ stranger's grave. Hie came to Philadel. (To be continued.) cation, Lam willing, as Lalways bave dred could tell after the for maladies had formed an alliance for phia and died, and no one knew even his been, to de anything and everything in he voted. They were controlled blindly his utter destractton, he was thrown back | name. Let him sleep there! It is a A DEAD FALURE my power to eli oe othe Northern nied by the Loyal The Tickets were : upon his bed of by « sudden and| beautiful spot for the calm repose of . as to the frightful and g condition a a with a likeness of tion severe rheumatism. Along confinement death. If no friend visits it wo weep over The New York Tribune, having be-| of the ; bat it seem to me ident Lincoln on them. ae was the result. Bat his bravo soul did] his memory, yct there are more dew-drops | come intensely disgusted with the ec-|thvt 1 can very liule not already er has been before such a wide fi | not surreader, and in a fow weeks he was/| there than in the higher grounds, and}eouhte given by the Herald andthe World| kuown, throtgh the public press, to the ed for the demagogocs and nnprinipled the sufficiently recovered to ride out in a bug- dew-dropa are the tears of nature as she of the sayings and doings of the Radics) whole reading commanity. aspirants to office The negro is the of ve" ft; Here again his il! fortane befell bim. | weeps over the darkvess that skrouds her|“conveations” in the hern States,| Itts well known to the world that ten credulous being in the world, an@ most But abe and thither is horses took tright, ran away, throw|children. Those tall oaks are worthier | sent a special commissioner to Florida, | of the Southern States have been strip- mony imposed on vile wretches who the mofving, spend the | him from his baggy and fractared his an- | ornaments than the rare vines and shrubs| with a large assortment of brushes and a| ped of every vestige of republican hber- | are disposed to to his ing and such amase-|kle. By the aid of erutches he was soon| which haman taste and treasure bave| barre! of hime, with instructions to lay on} ty, and placed by the wicked aud uscon-|and passion, Exmissaries Plt 5 . 1d invent, afd in fhe after- | visiting freely, imparting and receiviog Janted over the dust of departed friends. | the whitewash thick and heavy. The} stitutional Nexieiation of a Radical Con- | white and black, have come ry of yy to| noon rethis pony back the six miles.— | refreshing pleasures at social gatherings, | They look like great sentinels guarding seem ecleeted for this work was Solon] gress, under a miliary despotism for par- ap him against the white Tne be vers 2 Under thia regime bis recovery was re- | enjoying special attentions which bis vo- the seeve of his rest. The Father's river | Robiuson, the yotorioes old hembug,|tisan purposes. It is equally well known | Das been told that unless he voted the pear the rapid. ble qualities as well ae bis yisfortaues| murmurs his requiem, as it flows by bia} whose twaddle about argricultare in the} that negro conventions have been ordered | Radical ticket he would be placed back come selfish| Atthe Pair in Raltigh, in October, I} wer calcalated to win. tomb. Perbaps those who lost him have | Tribune for ae years, has been about| ia all those States for the purpose of es-| in slavery and that if he voted tick- ab was wurprixed and delighted to meet bim, When the mild weather arrived, be re- foaod bim forever and the angels know | as profound as the celebrated discourse | tablishing in them negro suprewacy. In | et he would have lands and be io looking nearly na well as when I left him | turned, somewhat improved in health, to hie name'aad the place where he was| about ° eosmogony” with which the im-} order to accomplish this, a yery large por- him, In some inatances ac par : lt Jnue. As nelther of us had maay ree- his borne in Booaville. He then joined « baried. Ob! how many of oar own have} mortal Jenkinson prefaced the conversa-| tion of the most intelligent, virtaous and tually brought with them to take of college, ident seqaniatances in the city, or scarce- | perty of young mea on a hunting exeur- idied the etranger’s death and met far) tion which ended in bis exchanging a| patriotie of the white race have been dis- | their mules home with. —, that the shrew ly enjoyed the bow talities that were giv- | sion to the Western frontier. Swinging] worse than the stranger's barial singe we, gross of green speetacirs for the favorite franchised, and sre bereafler to be gov- By military order in South Paton, eceord, Perhaps | + 0-40 the quadrapeds oa exhibition ; fer the | loose from ali the stereotyped eustoms ef | stood in pensive sileace and gazed on that) colt of the Vicar of Wakefield. Nover,| erved by their former slaves and unprio- | Degroes are to sit on juries. : thougbts aboet the old Frank hotels wore crowded and Kaleigh is very home-lif-, with guns and atomanilion as retired spot that day! lias the angele} did the Tribune send a “commissioner” | cipled adventurers from the North. These | the districts of this State the s their means of are and stbeigionce,|kiow their memes, the story of tbeir{ upon a more unbappy mission, Bolon | facts are well known, aud their conso- lation is so much larger +4 reached Tallahassee, prepared his white- that they wash, dipped his breshes, and was in- daiging in a preliminary oarish before quences every intelligent wind may well anticipate. When slavery was abolished in the city-like in we luvitations, At last we were Li emad ative we could @ud « private hoarding house. Jt reems to me ke wae deaths, and are watching their dust eveo thong it never foand a sepalehre. But tarn cow aod enjoy the scenery i they felt indeed that they were adventur- ers. Having reached their destination, f é T e t t i t | bandaame young. mans af: : dered my ofece in sasiating bith as | the bose of « repatable citizen who was | they freely roamed the prairies and wild- ciccumstances might require to ieake bim | Post Master, On reaching oar little Tuas- | woods fn parsuit of game. Their plain | To the loft rune @ deep, concave hill do- | applying them to the unclean blacks and | Southera States, if the rn a2 had been eases, is scending to tbe -brink of the stream. It\and tans, when, lo! tho convention ex- Jet alone in their State legislation and re- bat wholesome meals were mainly furuish ns in each day's baot At in the open air—by day they ttunted in the open air ii was the beet medicine for Heary that could bave beeo prescribed. He grew stout afd mas- cular. His eye was as bright as before ite patara] jostre was by the mer- clless cloads of sorrow. je pale cheek wae reddy again. He war a large, strong umn now. When he retarned he entered apon the stady of law, but apply- fng bimeclf with bie wonted energy, he shen began to etudy down hie strencth, and prudence warne d him to asbaedon it This brings bim up to the period of ovr re-auion on a easual vie by beth of as to the city of Beotherly Leave, eo-called } geod natured and were coon His com pation on this visit was a haud-/ to the city as happy 4° Kings. some, intelligent and weathy young wer One nicht we weat to the Academy | each other like chant f-om Miseoari—who afierwards be | Moots to beara lecture by Hoary Ward | “eorn-shucking,” and their cunduct was cdine Colonet in the Confederate foreet | Heecher. 1 de not kuow who he was that! so atrocioas that Solon had to drop hie} and by night. ‘The whole race seem dis- in Mine< The firew were theu barning | night as the other day wheu arraigned by} whisewasb and wll the truth about the} posed to quit their work acd resort to the nly which at length spread inte the) bia ctrurch for writing a vevel, (for which | ate: rly depraved vagabonds, whom he was| town and villages, where they may eke i a 7 P e e | e t p e r a i t i stored to the Union, all would have been well. They would soon have recovered from their exhansted and crushed condi- tion, and been cnce more & py and | ty le. They would have ad- wy eared ieee annually to the wealth of the Republic, instead of cost- ing it, as they now do, a hradred millions every year, through t Freed men's Be- reat anda standing atm, “‘us the an- jast, unconstitutional and saute. ,al legiela- tion of Congress has paralyzed them for- ever, I fear. The negro is no longer that industrious, useful and civil laborer whieh he ones was, but so idle drone and pest to society. Inflated with hie new and mar- velous political importance, he bas aban- doned bis former todustrious habits and spends his time in attending pubiic meet- ings and loyal leagae gatherings by day trees ploded like a bombshell ! Thore was in the delectable body such fearful amownt of seoundrolism, that is like an amphitheatre. Those ranging along its slope, are the spectators The chiming river, bridged with ice, is & the arena. Aud I know pot were we | the rogues got by the ears, end the “mi- sball find tho combatants if we dy aot, nority” “majority” are now holding fancy those roaring coal-trains on the op: | separate conventions, and each “conven posite valley, to be madde ed monsters | toa” insists that the members of the oth- rushing to the conflict. That long and|er shall be hanged. Both very richly beautiful bridge to the right may answer morit that fate. The day after his arri- for the cages in which those monsters are} val, Robivson informe’ the Tribune that coufiaed, there was more talent, decency and learn- Bat we peed not Tages bonger here. | ing among the black and white Radicals By the time we rerached the ewtranec we} than he had ever seen in any deliberative were fatigued, aud we could fiod no om body. He foand fourteen corn -field hands vibus. Luitering along we at length met | eqaal to Daniel Websterand [ whens, up with a jorey wagon whose driver was|and nine Yankee equatters nob at all in- jultiug back |ferior to Heniy Olay. The very mext day these dixinguicbed men fell upov dranken negroea at 6 ber rtoms, (vo it appeared,) we felt graie- refey 5 As > there wan, something am the foor lange en~agh to sleep on afd the eg pe of some rest without fear of falling Lape, or tum- vling the send down. Bat alas! adjoin- log OaF Toom was alarger one fn which . | about a dosen young rowdies were crowd- ed late at vight, whea they came in from their Per f dia not know then as certainly a I now, that when men is towns aud chies are ont after 10 or 11 o'clock, withoat being detained by extra social engagements or trgent bast near, they ate occapted, a¢ a gedetal thing, im what { will uot degeribe here farther whan to call it Use pasttie of fools in ibe devile moet infernal saloon. Dat she ob. ed by their night they elept i i h i ri i B. L r bat symmetry @ith the rather large, handeame lace Jite form wae erect, lathe, reminding me more of “ye ot Heary (ls than any apher were L have ever sven "Whe cols Oa dig aitied aud bie ony ors spent indicated gelf-postession jecenity | profanity and noveence of tbat and old resolve drunkea aad crowd taught us The intimacy cf a long friendship re-} where they bad been. If 1 could photo- vealed a character in direct harmgny with jgraph, anseta, I could hang com bidious thie fiattesinz exterior. ie was the vos oo" Of ment Owd actions fn their par sold by the ‘heriff eer the of this the other day that be. cold well improved, containing two acres, in Horry dis: dy Oop to the highest bidder dollars. — an of a Methodint mintoter w whore tbe Spir- | lotx. Avd What if 1 could botele up the) ** te of Love bad song 4° whiepered, echoed of thei¢ words aod arn them loove | awful coutiagration of civil war. This} be received $25,000) and permitting it vo }to te as miracies of virtue, refinement | out an idle and wretehed existegee in pil- Mules brought only five ttecednt of 64" ell Come’ ip respectable society 7. A great many young merchans during his sajourn ex-| be dramatized, be plead that He Beceher |and clogdenee. He fills three pages of} fering and begging. A great many persons are Ret Por By bored wapes™ fren ng men would gever fad « decent we- hibited the ardeut southern epirit ia hie | anid ulhor Beecher were two different | the Tribune of the Sth with accounts of The conscquences are that oor fields | the lower country, where there are 60 ma- Before he diat, be had writen noble ‘nan whe woald marry hereelf to e mach | discussion of tho exeiling wpits. One j ebataeters I presame he was bot! that| the Pandemonium into which the late and plantations are uncultivated, the coun- | BY , and that section ef the State truths and principles on the min’ of bie | peitation, abd many a wife would spurn day while engaged in a warm controver | wight, tor bis story for Bonner i# evident- | “conveution” bas resulved itself. He de-| try panperiacd, at the point of starvation, deatined to become a wilderness. The bey ghat were aa Garnet of lie euceese in} from ber presence the dirty dog who dares | *y with » northerner, several others, |ly unmade ap of what be couciders bis best| clares that there is no “intent to work,” | and filled with every grade of crime. Not | same thicg mast oecur ta many portions the | dutics of Ht. to kits her pare weet virtoous Tipe after | friends of bis antagoni«t, gathered ar und |thoughts in both Iectares and serious ; that ‘the wildest tumnlt prevails,” thai) a day passca over our heads tbat we do | of Mississipphand other Southern States. as net Jer with all the ett bathing his owe in the fehor that elavers | ™ ith evident sy mpathy aud readiness tol and observe part f that lecture of 1856 | the hall of the convention has become al not bear of some theft, boase borning, A gentloman just returned from Minsiasips dents, bat knowing bin better than amy }from—bat T must go ou with my histery. | **pport their advocate. The northern in his “Norwonl’? written last year. 1] “hideoge giadiatorial arena,” that the del-] robbery, rape or murder. I will mention | pi tells mo that which rented last other U4, | caw bay be whe wore es ty Very laie, ono alter avother, overpow- | man becoming offensive, Col O-— un- | presam« if he ever trices to write another! egates are “mad angry bulls.” He de-joue of two instances out of thousands | year for fourteen per scre, wero frome telbles and facler, and e ahib je ted Ly intezicatiqn or faigne. gradually | dae itedly contineed, althoagh he saw #0} neve! moucy will be his inducements, for inces the Radical “lobby” for bribing | which might be enuwerated: Five pegro | 00” offered at two dollars per sere ; and ad mote of the betrer tree of the trae patbeided inte silence and slamber, The many opponruts and no one wear to de- | it 4 al he get in this grand experiment tho members of the “convention,” and the | len, last week, in Darlington Dis’t., went | 8° one would take them. y than oF@ Renong 4 8 seinedé. (na at morning, as We prseed throngh the | fend bim Jnet then a heavy weight fell| 1s bas couvineed those who have read it | ‘:delegates” for being “steeped in whis arwed with guns, to a country Ftore, rob- Unless there i¢ a reaction at the North, only petted the finishing chart) | rem, it betrayed the chatucter of ite oc | hie ehoulder and as he tarned be beard | that he is mach Ligher in reputation than key.” hed the store, killed the clerk, shot a | and better 14 the Southera uree to make bim remarkable ae @ eopants, ‘The beds, the counterpanes, | Us booster ke exelamation, “Goit, straa he deserves. If be never tries agalw Indeed, taking the statemants of the) woman ‘a the howee, and went to the States, they w be an incabus to the Un- cal wa by was not without an abi the ebeeta, the pillows, the box te, the hares, | ger! Ym here?” Tt was the band and/eveo the lovers of fiction will pot object--| Tribune's commissioner as pot overdrawn, dwelling of the owner and killed him. A | ion, a et to the whole re ding confidence fe the wruth and ghery afl he various oatet garments, the whiskey volee of a broad -ehouldered, brawny Ken- | and Beuner is tow sensible to risk beavi-| we imagine that of all the “canventions” | short time «ince 8 parcel of Negroes plac blie. present pen force will dhe Christian frith. 1p converestion he |Lotsles and the tamblers, the fumes of |i- | tuckinn @ho looked “rough and ready” ly on bia agai [have ecarcely read a| yet beld, that iu Florida i¢ the most an-| ed obstructions en the North Carolina to be kept up to be Wes Gecnt, and ebaate Hii«| quer, the loud breathing of the slumber: | for any amoont of euch work as was| work from mortal man, which, all things redeemably infamous. We salmit that railroad, which threw off a train of cary | tween the (wo races, adndheatinenem tastes were polities! }fww lohy Wie ad: | ing webr atesand their own various erooks threatened. ol. O— raised Ine hand tol coneidered, is so value rable to the eritic’s | the Tribune bas not paid expenses by |io the night time. Again, st another point | tainty of theie ability to do this long, i thiration for Keate ty’ prertess etatre- land angles eethey bay fa their stmpor, his breast, whey the other digpataut de Jpen. How can he humbug aod coutrol | eending « commissioner to whitewash thejon the same road, ols of negroes | bave, for some time, thought that when man? How he loved that sterling old} made up a specimen of e erg very fended bimeelf with a hearty langh, say ithe N eth as he does! Southern Radicale.— Rich. Bnguirer. fired into the train, and came very tear the government went into operation journal, the National [nteDigercer > the jotrikingly Mucteacve of t cal cond). | ing, as be laughed, “Oh pshaw ! we nor lits lecture that night was hardly inter en killing several passengers. Last fall, at | ¢ wou! be impossible to preserve the wes Hem “Mikedtriy ved he ree! 4m nof mn who ean delight in so deba- thern folks don’t fight #0 easy about these) esting, thongh it evinced originalny avd} JUDGE FIELD AND RECON Pickens’ Court, scveu or bt negroes | peace of the coantry. A wer of mace with OH Pow Berton—hie rail | oing their character und manhood. things !" ekill iu composition. It was as dry, as it| STRUCTION were convicted of murder, and seventeen /MBSt ensue, and it will be the most ter whid beaver—Bie cotopact fi en—ard| But the wakeful bours which the row-| ‘This sane spirit met w ith dread dixas-| fell en the vast aadience, as 8 shower of nN. or eighteen others sent to the pesitentiery. rife war of extermination that ever deso- the digguetfal panderings of dies forced apon us were spent by us in | ter in the history of one friend, for in one saw-dust. He read it, wearly all There | Washington Correspondence New York THersi4 Highway robbery, an offense which was | lated the face of the earth in any age or the old ian as he played the deme pleasant discourse about the past and tho | of the Grst Missoari battles be was to bad-} must be peculiar’ foree in bis extempore| It appears frou various responsible scareely ever heard of in South Carolina : the | agt Gerinant. fovere, Le wat not yet & sound maa.-— | ly wounded that he Was compelled to sub- delivery or Lis inflncnce could not be 80] sonrces that there is vo tru h whatever in| *r years past, bas beeome a very com- I am, with great respect and oe 1864 complied the courses and fn Thore wae @ palior, a fuch, a cough, that mit to the amputation of ave of bie limbs great. Bat atruce to tho man of Ply-| the statement of certain newspapers, that] mon crime in the neighborhood of towns | Yours truly, d&e., B. F. Pere. that (to me) memorable Jane, 1 bade created ancatinéss and fir beding He | at the thigh. I do not know whether be | mouth pulpit and hard-hearted Philadel- Stephen L. Field, Associate Josriee ot the | ed villages. Theft and barglary are of}. ————— adieu te him as to all my loved compen teld me he would go direetly to Miseoari, | eurvived the operation. phia _ | Supreme Court of the United States, in constant occurrence In the country it is piss ledge mus 18 tHE SovuTn fons of that interesting period of my Wife.) close his business, and thea repair to th Henry informed me that a few days be I make no apology for my frequent di-} Ue presence of a namber of geatlemen, alwmost imposible to raise hoga, sheep and a A datagedin Gpoa looking throagh our whieh IT oul of the world in polledh om | vand-billa of Georgia or to Cuba for the | fore my artis al, Messrs. Zollicoffer and | greasions in this narrative, as he whe writce| expressed an opinion eoudemnatory of the |“ tle. A genileman told me the other} * — rn exchanges, long lista of persone Winter. We parted early that morning | Brownlow of Tenuesece bad held a grandja faithful eketch of real life 's earet~|recoustraction acts of Congress Some | day that he had fost the fast one of bis who have beea sentenced by courts for “ | sheep, furty iu pumber, ‘ali stolen by the | P* ity crimes oF offences, nearly ali of mementoes of my fellow e#tu in | butowery doubtful as to whether we should give a miscellany, and constantly change | days ago Jadge Field visited Senator Wo went together to Balti-} Stewart, of Nevada, at bie rooms in th , | negroes. If the latter were controversy with the aboliouists im the | ln the tumultuous excitement of} hie theiacs. whom were negrocs. Another geatleman, who had douta J 6 beantiful piece from Iie pen attograph albam cow Audiag. an f-l-| ever be favored to meet again. city. : 7 iown 7 ™ aa the oceasion, Zoilicefier drew bis p stol| more. We did not think our dignity com-| city, where he met several gentlemen. — beca Governor of the Staie, informed me better men than “rebels,” why the vast pee pow, as we are about to separate, CHAPTER TI. upon one of them, who was advancing ap-| promised as we locked aris at the depot, ly the course of conversation, the subject that he had cighty-five hogs to kill last disparity in the commissions of erimes? Aad ’ ee @ mementn Months pasecd away in whieh I beard | oo him, and stopped bim by the rema k.| wouldn't listen to the frantic porters, and] of impartial negro suffrage wae alluded | fall, and that they were all stolen by the lf nu be said that the courts were partial | chose our own active litabs as the best} to, when the Jadge gave ‘ie views aa | negroes exerpt seven. and panished negroes while white rebels I leave a yauy oem thing from him. Opposite his pirce in of hi onacinas thet 1) not our past friendebip—conec'e mat dy) ibum I wrote a few sad lines closing shall never recar to your sem withont | my 4 J ; flwith a reference to his supposed visit to “if you come one step nearer I will slay you.” There werc numerous hisecs while Zollicoffer spoke. When Brownlow arose were uuwhipped of the military, under | inverposed for the protection of b ‘The support of so many prisoners and 0 meaaure at thie time. He convicts in our jails and penitentiary is locomotive. As we wended our way up posed to sucha that he thought a more Baltimore street we met a inedity of sub-jalao remarked recalling hous wee emories ¥ . . ape oe ee rts godde ao) ( uba and thia melancholy line, “1 fear he | to apeak, he deliberaiely drew a pistol] unary life - fair ladies, « heterogeneous | conservative oes f asa moving feature | becoming alarming. We shall not long star! p+ neha thay omile propition=ly apon \alteps bie Tang sleep in 6 land of stran-| from his pocket and laid it on the table] throng of meu joe barry aboat all sorts | of governmental administration at this | be able to feed them ; nor wiil the prisons | “PO? hundred» of the black the pathway o yout life, that th. gonins | ger a before him, quietly observing, “L willjof busiuess, the aaxious and sbiveriug|time would be desirable as calculated to contain them. The country is so neh race 1—Nat. Intelligencer. yo) : \ fier awhile oue whom we both cher-| blow out the brains of the first mao who| poor, an imposing funeral procession and draw together tho opposite elements of | impoverished that it is diffcalt for the ve- a aT ao ae groes to get employment, if they really Mr. Chase.—The new papur which bas political opinion Nothing was said on the subject of the reconstruction lawa. It appears, therefore, that the accusation a severe suow-storm. Next morning we separated with the expectation of soon mecting 1 Wasbing- hieses me.” ‘There was silence till he was done. been talked of in Washington wif, it is a friend, Prof, 8— from Massa- quite sure, be established. It will be back- pod came wind may preside over your every 3 i that finally whe the fished as jertaking, and th nally when th ia EE Vesaze a ife chal] have been made, wished to do so. ‘The failure of the cot- ton crop throughout the United States, and | chusctis, of the joarney of the Ocean of Time, with ite agry bil- lowe and threatening storms sliall have been ernered, you may reach the Haven of eternal bliss. I remain Your sincere frien®, Boonville, Missour. LA. ¥V eae Fee P réached home, when raddy, , talented, Tom —— led to tthe altar a beantifel Virginia girl who re 1 dded in thé village near the college \ tenry, (for that fx our bero’s nate) to 4 ether with several others, remain d to at ebarpshocter in the me A} |was very ill in Mempbis. was confident that if he wero terrible disease, was indeed sealed. I mourocd him as dead, and few were the. graves, trated by his that covered a manlier heart One | parting, a cold gloomy worn 11856, as Lentered the sy, (ae of the 'Ainesican hotel in hiladelp army of Lee, wrote vat the net he heard of Heary be year and a balf from the day of our Of coarse 1 again proa- his fate I fel, ing in March, Henry and I saw “he lions" city togetber. Our visit to Laurel Hill Cemetery wag pleasant enough to be re- called in these sketches. We had _fail- ed to got permits and had to use addrese wor with the janitor. It is to carry really amusing to seé how self-important, how ¢2-officio dictatorial simal!-minded ple, with a little brief authority, are. tr aay sometimes console one to reflect that, often. none but people of very sinall ia, and glan- eapacity would hold euch offiecs aud they tou—an expectation that was not realized; for though | spent some time in the Capi- tol, I never had the pleasure to meet him. la the Summer of "57, we had « brief in- terview amid the feverieh excitement of Commencement at our Alma Materi At the close of that commeucement I was conscious of a deeper aadness than when we firet said farewell to the friends and scence of student life. Memory had be- come move sacred and potent in ise @mell with the Gorerament tax and low price of the staple, has rundered it impossible for the plauters to coutinae their business the against tho Judge was baecd upon an in ference drawn trom his views on political matters of an entirely differeat character. Senator Stewart, it is understood, is very present yeer. Tho difficulty, too, in get mach mortified at the occurrence of so ting the to work during the grave an agousation resulting from a con- | Fear bas and disgusted a great many. A large cotton crop was last opting, and a great effort was taade hy the plauters to retrieve their for- tance and give employment to the ne- groce, but untversal failure and bankrupt: versation that was merely social. On the other hand, Judge Field ie anxious that an investigation should be made, #0 that it may be satisfactorily known how the powort acintnatodl end from what source. ed up by a large capital, will be strongly Radical, and advocate the claims pf Chiet Juatice Chase for the Presideney. The same backers are strongly considering the feasibility of establishing first class af- ternoon daily in Baltimore, having the same object in view.—Swn. Memphis, Feb. 13.—A Freneh woman liv- ing goo the suburbs of this city, was ravished ay two negroes on yésterday. Tue Pulve are ate tin SP ee A ieeememienmeme en Whatua -& oa Movil Stale, | he socal and domeatic cine o he hithy vows PAE CONVENTION: + Jor condi henge. are entitled s rade SALISBURY PUBLIO SCHOOL, a. ae : . arena of politics: But al] this stupidity Aw absence of ay " ore ro' has Sorthe reason, as - afi ne We learn ‘that at a meeting of the Board of are not BY RANES & BRUNER. ae to and | ee oa by thelr eveoted the Rite cading up a ie nee Anvat | School Commissioners at the Mayor's oie. tees the age. fully the proceedings of the Convén- by all chp ‘7 to every in- yesterday evening, Mr. J. J, Srewaer, was Perea i. But to be more serious is it not strange ti } u felligent +1 ay ’ i , SALISBURY, N. C,, FEB. 21, 186s. thac men should be so blinded by preja- sone oe OM OF one thing. » 2 Thenew Constitution will place ev- | Publi¢. schools of the town, We think this ee eee el | ae 2 however, we feel pretty @ertain—-thar}) == = = dice and fanaticism ? Every experiment | |, tbody i ee dicali 4 “Whom the Gods would Destroy | of self-government which preceded ours | 0/8! 00CY 18 suuk in radicalism bes 21 years of age, in perfect eqaulity, not | #08 will encourage our commissioners and the itia, ‘ yond the ho ft rreotion, -ouly as to the right of voting, but as to | Superinteodent in tus most necessary and hdenees . they first make Mad.” proved a failure. Our fathers endeavored |) nen Os seaareneten. Di etle : . ~~ laudable enterprise; for among the things need- Inga ' rom the proceedi demanded, aad worthy of encouragement than | amendment to t ater : ry other franchise. to avoid the rock upon which the ancient |'S '8 to be hoped fur from it that sa. aah will totally discard ¢ tial town, at is none more It is related of the celebrated Dr. Jo- democracies split. Butthese men {ic {ors ofa wise Oonstitation—its mem- republican principle, that piiros Pay e : ed, in our town, at present, there seph Butler, Bishop of Durham and an- ing to be 80 much wiser than their fath-| bers are intent only on party ascens claim \) representation, or @ right of Pro" | a good system of public schools. thor of the immortal “Analogy,” that he ers, are driving the ship of State under a dency. Even those Republicang who | tection Fe ante, in the property hold- | ,,, Stewart is to take charge immediately, was in the bubit of walking ia his garden high wind, headlong upon the very rock |Prutessed 10 Le “mo lerate” are now ing egg of the representaijve or and to spend this week in organizing and class~|* daring the darkest nights of the year, and which the founders of the Constitution jas radical as the most radical. We ' ‘ that daring such walks be frequently held 4. It will create new offices ; besides a | 7% the schools in acveatings page sought to avoid. The progress of these | would as svon expect to see cold fire, | Governor, a Secretary of State, a Pablic | from the Commissioners | Mr. Stewart the following colloquy with himself :— . ta ae es sate on . ; has four female assistayt teachers, who we i Z Bi wen 1s & progress backwards 10 the erplo- {hot ice, a woman that would not mar. Treasmeee, and a Comptroller or Auditor, , teachi Mele lonone Aphaa.saithaae ‘eran ded ideas of the pure democracies of an-iry if she had-a chance, or a virtuous : Het tata so ob gmt heen ial lek asen cae aan pepinere . and en to divi a an ue cient Greece. No greater madness ever! viz tous prostitute, a3 to see a native land a Superintendent of Public Works, | and if parents will only take the interest in this nam, : ° coutrolled the deliberations of any party | Conservative Republican in North |*t to be elected by the people for @ term | arrangement that it deserves, we have no doubt om, . —— ye iipegsmadtied | any age or in any country. We do not Curvliva. Louk ut the tnoderat vor yoars—and negroes will be eigible | we wil soon lave « vel arpeatnd epetien of Ge upon in relation to this aifair.” “True, | petieve that God has yet determined to Teayn . : fetsoaral | all of these afiices, vo property or eda- Public schools, which will be of lasting benefit my Lord, no man has a Jease of his under. destroy this people and this government eague any eeteue Proposition to / cational qualifieation being required of standing any more than of his life: . . é "}place the elective franchise in each | them. i any 3 they | bur certainly the Radical party is doom- ave both in the bands of the Sovereign tovsall The children ars expected to attend " sehool from ni ‘clock in the morn ull 3: oe | County under the contre) of three men,.| , 5 It will vastly increase the expense nine o'clock in ing, fl hin.” “Wy, ed. It will die and the constitation will Dispose: ings. Y, then, might not whole communities and public 9 Wat 5 of our Judicial system. Jt wil! vide | 12. and from 2 to 5 in the evening, aad here- live, fn ene ue the ether: areal die. Even the fastidions Spence who was for three or five Supreme Coart pti after, all those who wish to attend school will | ® once 80 proud of his Qaueasion blood | as the Legislature wey determine, ten Bu. | port to J.J. Stewart, who will instruct them bodies be seized with fits of insanity as imoe ee and euperiority that he refused to “gq. | perior Oourt Judges instead of eight, a [ where fo atiend. well as individuals?” “My, Lord, t have} 4S EVERY BODY EXPEUTED., lute” Eph and Ned as “brothers in the Sedge sella SE” ihe, State, and | The Commie oe never considered the case and can give no| Senator Sherman has introduced a bill church” be hy = — for three Equity Judges, all to mittee to prepare a system of rules and regu- : sok Sire Bs | . : r canse they were “ng elected by the people, requiring no oth- | lotions for the sebools, which the teachers will ‘opinion it.” * Nothing bug this | in00 the Senate declaring that the State 6s i concerning * Nothing mare ce cacti ion | BOWS —“because God had made} er quali pre, presame, than that the | be expected tocarry out. principle, that they are liable to insanity / Of A abama “is entitled to representation them his inferiors and it would be|°#Mdidate for a J ip shall have been ———e-____ equally at least with private individuals, |" Congress, and that Senators and Rep- degrading in bins to salute thea: with licensed to practice law, Negroes, there-| A Sixry Dortar Prow.—A plow costing ean account for the major Part of those | eseutatives shall be admitted on their ta- help kiss” } : fore, will be as eligible to Judgeships as sixty dollars ! who'll give any such a price fur (raneactions of which we read in history.” | ting the oath prescribed by law.” The ca one Has been seen sering serie Jud plow! Thereis scarcely any farmer in te hls was thonght to be an odd conceit {CW Constitution was submitted to the| Side by side with the “‘negrowes” of ther own colo they chase ME | who cannot getup he. plows at from 48 0 rare ple of that State last week, and it ia| the Convention whispering lovingly ; ’ of binned S6each. An! but this plow is a new thing— of the great philosopher and divine in his | Pe , ; : i 6. Under the new Constitution Hegrocs | * : ; May, and attracted bat little attention at | 22derstood that a majority of the register- and fraternally in their ears, and who will be eligible 10 both branches of the i'9.a buggy plow—you ride on it instead of Gites ace imagine these jg |€d voters abstained from geing to the|'$ now most probably engaged in wri-| Legislature and to either branch of Con- regen after it to —- ap ; mar ys pata of intelligent persons who have reed the | Polls, thus defeating its ratification ac- ting affectionate letters to “his dear 7 Negroes will also constitute 9 team ean stand the draft, oni ae tes wire S23, n - history of the French Revolution, which cording to the terme of the law under politieal brother Gid,” has shown tion of the State militia and will be oligi in the morning and drive right along till oceurred since bis time, and many thous-| Which it was submitted to them. No| himselt ready to go aa far as he who | ble to office in the militia, and the vooa, doing as much or more work as if you 6 whe will in after yeam read the his.|%0ner is this result known 2p Wasbiug-} will go farthest in endeavoring to de | lature may allow the regiwents to be cor bad six men, six males and as many plowsat tory of the present revolation, which has | ‘02 than a bill, retrospective in its opera- grade the white race to a level ee eee pred ead pa and | work. So yon perceive that sixty dollars is ° B | en en. : i) now been over seven yeors in progress, |''02, is introduced to annul so much of if not te place them below the » 8. Negroes will be admitted to the jury | 2&t eh « frightful sum after all, to pay for hare been, or will be, unable to aceoant for | the eee acts as require the as- growes.” Puor Spence! [le wag! box alike with white men, and pol a 5 o pw. them, or at least for many of the “transac. | *¢Mt of a majority of the registered voters elected, however, by the negro vote— | “age will be allowed between blacks and oo ohall rs phage bee —— = tiene” of i im | % ratify the Constitution, and declaring it L ; - : 2 whites, w more minutely. It must — arent reer arabian apeloea PT by “a majority of the qualified but ty the white men of at deen — 9. The question of suffrage has not been | seen werking. to be property estimated. jand he seema to think ir inenmbent poe ed, except as to allowin Those who feel interested in it may b i- : ' t a e grati fer part of those transactions of which he | persons voting on the question of ratifies mpon himself to do al fe : Wea, 4 : ce Ren} estab- H a ae ; : I he can ta he- | negro, 2! years of age, to vete. But the fled by calling on Measra T. J. & P. P. Me oF pee] om had read in hist ” Many of the leading | bon.” Congress, it is evident, will net atick j come one of them, and be bids fa:r ty question of disfranchising white mau has sunt. of thie place, who will take pleasure b os | le- public journalists, and the great body of at any thing necessary to carry out its | Saceced in the effort. jpot been wettled. We believe thata Bis. im exhibiting it. The time will cone. we ‘ee feat the public men and statesmen new con.| infamous policy. Constitations, eo-ordi- | ACTION ACT: ar jewrer ne’ clause will be ineertt a. ; trast, wheu all oar farmers will be both able aloug the i Which telling the party which seems for the time | "8! departments of the governments,—} a " ee bathe mo ap need ang | 224 Willing tointruduce pon their farune or. A series of low to held the destiny of the country in ite | ¢¥ery thing which stands in its way will We observe with the greatest pleasure settled, bur tt 2 Baran, A agree ~ ery valuable improvement in the implements whore the servants, saldiers and hands, appear to have lost all “powers of | be overridden for the time being. Bat| that the Couservative people of the State | tin sehnols and the University will be | eplyed, as well as the mode of caltivatinn. t siners littered in the straw, In the poason—in fect to have become pericctly | the day is not far distant » hen the. sap-tae Sterywhere arousing themselyrs in opened alike to nogroes and whites, both Soa angle opposite the castle was round demenied. They forcibly remind us of the j ple will rise im their might and has! these | Vig?rousection. In m Any counties meet- , 88 teachers and pupils. NEW BOOK nied 4 LEXA NDER #1. Thie cheeld bebe a — — dike the main build. whe, in the the mj jas [bad men from power. This they must do| ig" have alrrady been held to endecs| Il, Pinally: thecrrvention will require anion theatre of ber exploits in the buewn seating tiie ety white was pane ag Baath oeara fami we ses , the action of the State (+ ive Can. aval Fights and privileges tor the negroes | The National Publabing Company willshort family, where she way do as much towards | “"motluing like om Hime kiln storm at sca, in lest the Bhip {or see Constitutional liberty forever de-| ; a ot ~uservative ein pelle Conve yanees, Railroads, &e. ly give to the world a new publication from waking » fortnze as he can jn the eoanting- from seven to feet in digineter - thould go dow himself fast 1 | *treyed on this continent. vote — ‘eh on the Sth mt Ve have presented, in the foregoing. | ne pea ol the lace Vice President of the Con-|bowse or work-shop It ie pest the money | the walls were Sve feer thiek, formed be at feet wigke bc! ‘The cence longer reraain a duubt an {2"d te carry oat the plan of organization what we believe will be the genera) fra | texderate States, to be ertuled, “A Constity. | 0areed that makes a man wealth y—it le what | of rough hewn stones. rodely ode. this party seems to hare | to the course whieh the people of North | then agreed upon. The ablest and beet tures of the new Constitution. Beme of | ' 1 ¥ 4 the L Ww Bet : C \ k FAR, men in the State are iaking part in these | provisions will be lex. offensive, bat | pe diel nga = x A ne Meg fast to the anchor of a series of Caeatine ongts 1 take to defhas the agea- ti nd the | } its offeosive features will he eufficl-nthy | Mates; hs Conse, Char eee Stal, radical and revolationary meareres, | ria constitution now being framed for} ™¢*tings, and the rrealt will be —- ; 80, to demand of every white man, and | Presented in 0 Series of Colhoqnies at and it i greatly to be feared that, if re-|tb m Actioy is the werd. Vote down} "lying to the polls to vote agaiust the every colored man who desires the peewee | Liberty” Hall.” turning respon in the masse of the pro | the constitution by casting a majority of | *6T8Can Constiration now being framed peace aud welfare of the State aud people, ple chail not 008 overthrew their proiects | the registered votes aguinst it, acd Con-| %* hae not been Witnessed in many years. | say ray a ae : % | _ : 1 peop i told that its ado and defeattheir wicked designs, “the geniar | grese Will be left withowt a pretext vo far| We hope the canvassers for the we SOE | es al be eneckiiad to l Arne, Bat it | a ‘ot eae (th (an Chin Benes is' on ned. hie ie the | Counties will go to work speedily and can. | | 4 safficicnt answer to such a claim, that} hope! If Jt appears from the introduction, with the proc’ sheets of which we have been farored thet ‘he book ie tnede ap, in a great degree, of the record of conversiugns had with many of - , be rotelligent Northern friends by the distin mabe : remeant of Constitutional liberty bett te joaly safe course, and the ove which we j vase their counties thoreaghly. In no the Congress hes not required such a Con bui-led author, at bis residence in Crawford- tom be dress, or the country, “se stenighs and s0 profound. believe will be parsaed. | other way can the people be fally aroused stitution as the ( on vention will give ne, } ville, Ge. The t will doubtless be ens of ly @ de Sant © bubble wit to « reure of the impending danger. The U order ar orgy eae We 7 hag arg great mteren, ss any work emanating from bottom that ———— p> ——— AG Jnion, erder ¢ Constitation of ¢ )ni- ever rise to mark the rpot where they 1. G. LASH, ESQ P . ee esarvied is = oo" oat ed States, bar such a State Constitation | @> * ind ~ = eo = | te o * = 4p - . ee, went down. j We eee that this gentlemen has | ead howe J ee OTe! ie the Convention propases to give ws, ; jed by reading the public papers. And | Will destroy all concord and harmon Duwonrer’s Macszeen —Thinelegant Mooth- These reflections have bern ealle<d forth been reemnimended as a suitable can-| | v y bey the mild a84 reckless course of thee | _ . | bewkdes, the masses of the western perole among ourselves, and of coarse alienate didate tr represent the Sth District I” | were always im the habit of aeqniring their | %* party or the other from the National political information fiom “the stamp a eee more than from any aber source. Since a siied Makes lis enc Salem J’reas over the signatare of the wer th has been but little ongervatire 9 @ ce meh, eae iame off the of the They | - ; rug nol ork sie) pends ; ke wer Ca _w fathers Pe Ke pablie. 3 th, | “Republicans of Forsythe In it « sing done exempt by the leaders and emis- Surry County, Feb. ist, 1968 a w shales hee — very high compliment ig paid to Mr sarics of the radicals. The masecs have| The proceedings of the above negr » formerty Pr nie Conetitation, and treated with contempt | ; | 4 il Ww Hurston, Key, was ot Chine G-ove on Setar- Ge feted widow acd o Lash as a cousistent and able man— couseqaently been mieled. It is to cor. never reached as anti to-day. thane day last, trying to mela horse, but upon being many ages. In the march of z hat they jeminentiy qualified in every way | rect the errors into which they have been | gladly have published them had they been | questioned se how he omne im aie — “progress” they Seba aceacd thes | the prsition for which he is nam- } be d that « canvass is needed Here ie an | free ived before the events te which they the berve, ke shunlonsd eager ae ae Besa ‘ | ll of which we mest heart! : opperianity for energetic and active con. | have reference transpired. The resela-| an Cvsnty fron which couaty the borse had the great Statesmen of the past were inca-|°4, 2 y on-| °P) y > of irae axel dome, ond we since ly hope the peo | *tvatives to render more important servi. | !iove endore the policy of the President, been stokn There he was wibeequently arm f . iy | ers to the canse than ean possibly be ren.| prove of the | onservative onveution immeasurably superior to sack piguies as! ple of the district may be able to se F 7 rested, amd beth he an! the horse ihe wtitied, — { mie bth o The o Was sent to jal at Lexington to Sydney and Locke, Somers and Moates-| care his services, should the new ove aon ey mer way Pe war gh on the . , nt) oe saa be Sd aod Pa peepee: to : t fied | h " In this connection we eall the attention | breathe a ppirit of patriotism thronghout. | qties, Hames and Madison. In the |stitation be ratifie »y the etiesiin The ting wes abd by W. W_| owner : Mr. Lach 1 wait litie; of the canvassers of this county to their) be meeting was reseed by . ———-a-——_ ee ne a aieat of their learning they | Mr. Lash has never heen & jwlitician datirs. We think it important that they | Davie, T. HK. Roberta, Dr. W. A. Jen-| Sheriff Hart, of ¥dgeoombe Coanty. has, stem to have overlooked all thet is valua-| nor an office seeker, and we havo no| | have w eet and agree ap-| hi: and J.J. Sitlifl. We are glad to | i= commplianee with an urdinanes of the Con. ble im the history of the past, and to have| idea that any thing can ind ice him | @ plan of operations. We itn aleo| eee that the people of old Barry are be. | B® repurted the vomber of executions ip become fanatics! on theories which they | to canvass fur that or any other office ly few March has been teorived, aod ss asnal is file] with choice hterary gems, povtry, fashion plats, erehutectural designs, ke Every lady shoukd hare Demorest Powlberm “Constitutional ” *Couventions Congresa. The re commendation ig weeny [MY ' land, diveeting « hon exeried themseives entil the fire was suida-i, J i ’ x ily a : : | euggrst to them the importance of calling | coming alive to the sense of the danger | We kendo for oultocs a = In addition to the cond scownphsted by the a Sao, J. In Link #0. Brooks, find im the writings of some Red Sepabli-| Yet we believe hin to be ton patriot. | 2h fe cs f thig) which thneateus the liberis of the coun. | 7? “a that the vamber of execations on fremen's ‘ efficient service wa | Om Person, reversed, In State ean cheimed by hie admirers to have been |; f if el |Site coe ee! GET buth old and new delte is eighty-five, a-|rendernd by thee ix od the engine of | %*. Lindsey, = = . ° “ {te fo refase to serve if elected leounty, at the Court-llouse at an early, try. noanting to eighty-three thousand dotlars.|Memre Hert & Betoys beak The on | versed, venire de nove, -. me fd Bay” These beer | The communicativn elaine that Mr day, for the parpose of ratifying the action cca [Fis tena Can liek holds im hie of. | reine culclured pipemen, Brn, bas the thanks | Gibson, from Caldwell, j revers- lead direc y ray retereary ae Rad. Lash ie a true lie pohican. This is of the Raleigh Convention } HENRY WAL&S ER, Se., Esq flee judgments to the a:noaut of thirty thous. = orion dias we. Soaveal aerege ee Sa 209 a be ea ieale seem to determined to follow them correct in @ (tteral sense, Int we do! —_- | ” , ‘ * ie ee b rom won, writ to qaashed. , a - ah A enee, Ur < - This gentleman was appointed one of | and dollars, stayed by Gen. ¢ anby's order. Commitice of Lnvesigation. In hi ra a « a SS Casa a | not thisik that Mr. Lash can be said) THE CON VENTION—THE NEW | hy cee Divides Ocguy a| a0 a7 Me act of the Preniene of at Convert, | 1m’ aie yee Se | Restores kom, ’ t in the | } ' Seer snares ae | ee — Ov fs, in , boas - : fall free ee id behing to as J party organization ir OONSTITUTION | the late State Conservative Cor ventiou at ™ Governor Worth has ined letters pa- ple ge the etevlicn ep arsapeled ‘Ja ead ie equity from Beanfort, de- scree : 6 * e the State He is an ndependent As we have not the space to ablieh) Raleigh, but we see thas moet uf the jre | tent the Meckienbarg Mechanical Amociation | Oummittee to ravestiqate the tumors im regard | oree for . ws. We shoaid mot be surprised at any Cone ihe ere hark \ sdings of 13 Rigr i ee pers He ugh some mistake, have the | %Charinie. The Company w engaged im the to black mand demanded by Mr. Durhani’s res. By Reape, J. In State oa. Leake, ss hes a taas madernime » ’ a in —~not wl ne proceedings of the so-ealled in fall, we y through an) » have manvtacture of the North State W ashin, Ma. | olution = The ommmitities, a tamed by him, | from Ricky he error. Stale lons deelare red as all auth wi in gover Heiman. We du nut pretend w speak | will keep our readers posted as well as we! name of Henry Walser, Jr. Mr. Walser | i, ne, mvented. we behere, hy @ puna Aas cvarets of Mr. Durham, Asiley, the Plstim, } Cook, from McDowell, no me. In rae a “ el pay. Ce f the i m, bot we thiuk wecar aay with | can as to ite doir g*. It ia now engaged on ia an able and efficient apenker, and will | re g Crarhute The Mechine asad Pa Harris, the negro deb-gate fron Weke — ve. Baekner, from aearver. in Ben jer} @ re Cnrts of the ° bogidy rewomiunendes tl no have | Tr is pe je { ~ tie ¥ e erfect truth that lhe hes alvrit as! ibe Conslinedos and elthourh is has’ not! de pond iecivice during the comin cam. | ely ees ineuded by all those who be Alle tieetly manifeg thet the oj of Pr't- | State vs Putney. from Wake ore. In gevwnad,” © father can crcrcice na!! a * 4 g } ased it ting Ashley and Harrie on the cornnittes with Beaty ex rel Hoke 4 trol over bis family except by gonsent "Dich confidence in the a ers and perfected mach of ita work it has yet paigu ——-—— Mr. Darham. ie to tefemt and pr t the in oe ; . ‘ oo ai ' nd . : re ewiisersof the itadieal party in tlig done enoagh to enable intelligent persons | Spe 7 We = from the “W ped Demo- Mba rctst After whet has tratepired, ni pcoeey FP oad = of the chiddren, and that our we mus ''£ . ive sohtolde darlela tw wick Ovr Taoce.--The Westminsicr De. | TH,” that the ieom bridge over the atawha — ye APPareNt 16 every one that M- Dose. | tin | report. in Francis os. be ebanged accordingly. Reasoning from State as we have- certainly not more. 1 know h ab aioty what the ; river, am the Western divmion uf the Witming. |ham's reiathne to Ashley ate such that he can Aardin, in equity, from Cleaveland, bill b canval this purty have| Ile js conetitntior 1 (Sarviy e most objectionable of ite provisions will '¢™” for January, with its asual Variety of | ion, Charlotte & Ratherford Rauirved, was | have 90 conference with bim. Mr. &. forced | diewmtased with ensts. cee premices y care eareree ls Pas REEL EIS Ge ne 5 ute by iw ¢ ‘ ble. The | Gawhbed inst week. ? ; ye The Raleigh Sentinel, whieh has op. teresting matier ia on our tab ne slready discovered that suffrage is an “in- 1; an, and we feel quite sure that he! B min the netesity of den mincing Per ( Curiam— tate ve. Spivey from 5 ——_— - him es having Leen gnilty of = palpable laine | Vf j centre ‘ - ; following s Y the contente: Dan . . S Mead ase acon, jadgment reversed and de herent right” which cannct be withbeld wii] never ¢ dorse the innovations Poruvites of knowing, which we have ee = > oe sed ips } A Relic of the Late War. boot and Harm, Me, Dorian onl Hot | now, ; » Bate cs. * 4 is! gers of Democracy, Physiological Pry 7 ! F touch with of : | vers, from Frank f byect to the lows aed hat fant State C : not, tumea np what it has done, and is! £er m cy, Ys8wrogica ay We learn that on Thoreday lant, while q | (ouch with a pair ¢ opster tongs — Sentinel Be, ne erser. rom any person sabjex , jQow being made in our Stute Const, ' cartaniiecet chology, Two Temporal Powers, The} large log wae being sawed at the mille of Mr . “eT tae aa Phe Dart { coumiquently that the civilization and Pro 'tution. He has always been in favor, 7 © O%, as belews! hoy b of 8 land. F hi The | 0 G. Parsley, « suditen commouon was cansei| THe Use OF Prrprr.—Po per isan te Hurham, of Cleaveland County, of the demands that it should! ; | Cg Let it be borne in mind, that the Re- Charch of Seotland, Fxtrac yee, Me | and the log seen to Ay off of the car on which | almost universal condiment, ack pep- | aud Calvin H. Koonee, of Soaes County, oe ad jor checks and balances” in the con- construction Acts of Congress. ander! Origin of Electricity, &e. Address the! jt was boond, and the saw broken and entirely | per irritates and juflames the coating of (Vere Tieeused to practice law ip all be conferred upon women as wel! 2s wen. | stitution of the State and recent events | whieh thie Convention mecta. and trom Leonard Seott Pub. Co, 140 Falton Bt, | ruined. The engine was stopped in all poss-/the stomach. fed doce not trri-| Comte - Sentinel, In Arkapens this bas been dose. 4} |). must have sttengtheued pnch convic-| whieh it derives all ite powers, only de- x y ble baste, and an examination made as to the | tate, consequensly it should be used in { - es new Cogstitation which has just been rat- | i nal fl mand of the convention that the new con- | ~ .. . gees ed ces al nererrwt = thea the en- stead of black pe . It was known ta} The Payertecille News records « most die- iff that State reeoguizer the right of wiahion alan Toc aacee stitution ehall admit negro suffrage and Nhe svuthern Planter and Farmer for lar ane ne § ig ag ak Shh | the Romans, and cS been tu the Kast In.) reing acevlent: whioh Qeourred in that town deal ut o ize 4 , } } . a cms. | large en rar py ine rie , wh m ’ 2 - 3 canon ip Wa Ge —- We wiil not degrade such 8 MURA the Howard amendment by the Legisia- February has also been received This ta none eal ked ‘a id dows from the sawa, dies from the time immemorial, as ft cor. - Birday last, resulting ia the death af Robert " ; * ’ nae any othe by mentioning in compariann with ture "The ¢ cugress, by its Acts, demands ia one of the best publications of its kind | [twas fowod that tte shot had heen imbedded recta that flatulenee which acionds the . saga « sd nese Mitchell, Kq, Rober, nes, aod, we , 4 } > 4 ’ he bi ig ’ a : nu 4 the hoe ‘ ee 7 = WH TWO oF three payMates, was ote rm Sa ne The him the naines of the Radical aspi.'" black osc civil rights sein oaf in the country and should be sustaind. | soi 6A th Nile silver me ~ recht larga nae of vegetable food. Persone I jand about «fat en ‘oa the tail hertey i fre This ta, indeed, progress. » : D . k frage, but it certainly docs not reqaire all, Add Ch. B. Wal die |" thont any ir ma of chris fact on (he vat- health do not need any pper in their! gas . t ts td trict. OSvcialiv, mor ‘ sf = ee ddress ° Uitatas, editor anc fade, Ti om take was when, oot of veneration for the ‘ante iu the Dis B political franebiees for them and social po ’ : ally, and i liectnally he towers high | eek, we thouytt all the drudgery and cor. #Y, 8 14 intel q . cit to have eumne w Pailroad employees, strack the ' aporemi al ; stomachs it is far wore healthy to nacivar apou which oung Mitchel! f 1 tabould “bove them. Iie taleutsand character | Constitation will elaim for the rence bree Merry's Museum, an interesting Maga, ary orca cee ae Bader on on. Onyeune F at meals than ay hoes of | 2nd threw ie ope the trace Tovey ee p lites and goverament should alify hia to il | Let us see what it has alzeady done, look-| bai ia al are tinca lcs pepe anced the log thet solid | Wine, bran Y oF beer thet can bo mamod, | ‘#king itx thotion from the woud cat, was drie- we by uur sex We bonered them are euch as to qualify ~— OR any! ing to thie resalt ; zine for boys and giris, for February is al- Ppretee This oe ek lithe ame deat it stimnl with the reac (*? over his body, He died in owt an boas, t h to drag them down frow office with honor to himself and use| 1. The new Bill of Rights will affirm| so pon our table. Address, Merry’s Ma. wdle fact uf he chacacter we have ever heard, | tions of sleepiness of debility — Hall's Jet Wie be 6 warning lo boys aud their pa- wha we regarded as their lygh place ia! fulness to the State, {tbat all wen, without distinction of olor eum, Boston, Maes. Wil, Journal Journal of Bowith rents. Railroad sbops and tracks are danger- of the Ze unanimously elected Superintendent for S eee ery negro and white man tn the State, | 4" excellent. appointment, ai 3 Se ene staan Selected for the Watchman & Old North State | OF im the There i oedteng VAL rks data ere goes so placing young a thelr domeatie alata be saves from hie caruings. A good and rled icreed with deut husband makes « of the fai |e’ ae fruits for windows, thy eb j of bis labor with hie best and if that te A nothi hind bees oes to him, what has he to | /#ger than s cat cou the companion of his bosom, where ia he to| the lake aud the hille corp Ped tember aad for , ,| With glass, The communication from aki caaay ak sean gal The i rom to reom mast have beew by lad tans a doctor's bill te = long batener’s ac-| ers through bohes in the floors, for count; andthe latter brings \ntewmperanes, | here Was bo staironse catside, and no apart : Po le monte, that the Queen of Scotts é; see Nees be ant od the long months of her inyrien. ee We : a « . 4p ij “4 ii eet Me. Goerge Boophe, of tie ed os Wege ~~ par : Walker, « cohsred i a oe oe or Pasteos, J. rape State oe. Lad- v8. Cooke, from Wake, ne . =? Segree of activity im ite perionm- N error, In Biase » too mach oredit Cannot he scuord- ty, from Oleaveland, d: ed the members of thie department when they lu Cobb of Lack apon Mr. Dur} lial } Wat wnne filteen or twenty in- food. Bat to those of wee sition with the whites. Al! these the new proprietor, Richmond, Va. | ches in dianseter, and is thoug TT ! by Ta i t aS Ui s t . o) € . sin F F F z pi l H E F i £3 nu e ui uh pe t i ® 7 2 4 & & F ef 3% i rf f t i j ~ ij i é Hi s i ~ 2 >. pi d e Fy ~ 2 eé aF 5 2 ° 5 ; pass, bat whi be dues not place confidence in| admitted of daylight and sal a ife acts aot for herself omy, was divided inte three ny which it iste be hoped { i space for one within. —— Ifere it was, in these three the undertaking, exhiited an ex wiek, from error. Ie ve. erred, 1 the excitement set at rex. Hinton ce. Hinton, from ake, = it te plainly evident our Bre ryatem | reversed. ln Terley es. Nowell wren eres for plainsiff. J, in equity, from Cleare- eqerty, *® heuied with wood and pashed two and langaid | u: nie, fi nga vat places tor careless, 1! aiglthee children, he t b z Z i t ie eee, Sane © ¥ ahh a eS et RIMS : é i it t the New Orleans Intersal to take effect the Lith of May. . & petition from citizens of bill, introduced to-day, defini the Jurisdiction of the Courts of ihe Unized States, is, in effect, as follows : Courts of the United States shall be the acts of ob p r y e i i i ki i Q § f A . The Senate military committee has passed a he on oiniad to the builliogs men- W tioeettd —! e nl night’s dispatch, 4 Ee the South for From Washington. Mark the on, Feb, 18—The Kentucky Leg- . P ts Senator Guthrie's roster Arrest of the Comptroller of Georgia. y- ¢ nent 10 telegraph matter’ lis among the favorite candidates, Angesta, Fok, dat b rte eer it wood that, up to a late boor last} “ype. ’ Genieat night thp President had received no communi- Hy 44 Gok: Mache end . paw Gen, Sherman, lowered aahie Dated Barracks, for refusing tw deliver as Brevet General or the assign- 16 Recérdéof his offi T 7 resolution, tip returning Sherman's Feeley ae Leer SALISBURY, N. OC, FEB. 208 1868. Sergeant Bates. , Feb. 17.—Sergeant Bates, car- i 3 es ud fT ] i i f E 3 i i 3 i § 5 g & F i i d [ § i Hs e7 3 2 i i 4 § , reached this city to-day.— by large numbers of citizens and | Cotto = & ee s s t s t t s t s ba l Washington, Feb. 18. —fonse:—Batler in duced a bill ameadatory to National Banks, aj FF § H l i f 3 5 F Dy isjured. Before been kfaat four other were ttracted, three and one white man. ite, han shoce died of kee injaries, oo rea Eo Blnce MeMetll, as he ying tur a redaction of the Tubecco tax, war Agaicamt Some even millions of property has n attached in France. The claunes against 1 Melca approximate twelve millions He ) suid twenty-diz ships to various parties 08 gs agetent Wham are shout being in- ut The Presitent has pardone | Commodore Par who comttinnded the Pereacols navy yard, resigned ty pin the Oenlateracy, The whiskey tax trom 1868 to 1867 hase twenty-seven milhons per anne. than Atlen, Uolleetor of custome, Teche, La; G. Gridley, Appraiser of mere frau li<e the South, @. Morgan, Surveyor of “ey Selma, Alabama, have been con- An official proclamation was ieened, to-day, ting @ new military division of the Aviantic, prising the Deparunent of the Lekes, the and Washington, to be wommanded by neral Sherman, with Headqurriers at Wash President orders Grant to make no per- rot gesyuMent for the Division of Missonri mt astigns Sheridan to the temporary com- | of the Divieron of Missouri. Dovade presented a yur uantcation, support. - alidavits, regarding alledygesl whiekel in Mew Orleans, The papers are y ive ominous, The report alkyrs that deh cis or pays the whickey riag $1,000 per month he Reyeous ofiders getting ¢ portion of the y $100. Therefore, be ix Resolved, That the present outstanding Bosds of the State of North Caroliva be called in aad mew ones issued at the rate of SO per cont on the $100, interest incinded. having twenty (20) years to ran, and bear- ing interest at the rate of five [5] per coat aouem Whee this comes up for diseussion, I have of the » been Asal bave ee wi written, the rong é Contentivs is for repediation. but ” bis cam eo far be controled as tc inake a cotn- vine om the abuve resolution. I fear be- ore the adjeurument. Mississippi and North Carolina will will be twie sisters in repadia- thea.” It te wnderstood that the author of this letter voted ia favor of the Section referred te, aed If ea, we extend to him oer ala- tions abd stand ready to pitt bin agwust any ” Ltneraber of the Conventive fer his disinterret- | Btate. he Bonds and other interests of the Il homer to the Coevention. my we, for this actof perpetuating the eredic of the Mate. Her Bend helders both at home and abroad may enfidentally expect that in less than twelve months, a thoasand dollar bond will be worth one yoy -coved iu legal tender currency of the Cuil alien. JUSTICE. LATEST NEWS. Frightful Mortality foam Cholera. New York, Feb 17.—The Steamer *Santie- co de Cate” bas arrived from Panama, with dates of the 7th, The cholera is raging terribly at Bernos Ayres There are 180 vietims dail The citieens are . At Villa Nava, 210 oat of 270 Railruad ers have died. The M° Curdle cnse to be Argued on ite Merits. to-day, overruled the motion heretufore snade to dimiss the appeal in the M"Cardle case tor want of juriadicion. The caw will therefore come up for argument on its merits, se pre vionsly arranged, on the first Monday of March per. Congress w Feb. 17.—Honse :—B.ngham | introduced the following whieh was referred to the Rewonstruction Committee: “ Wherens, A large majority of the rotes giv- en at an elretion hebd am the Sth day of Feb- ruary, 1968, were for the Constitation present et by the Conveation of Ure people of the Stat- of Alabarna; aed whereas, certain combinations of citiacma, within said State, retnas! tu rote, wnh iwtent thereby tu defeat the efforts of the frewls of the Union to retiore the said State to its proper relation to the Union; therefore Le tt enacted, bc., Tint the Legilatare elee- tel under the sew Constivrtion of Alebama, be convened at the Capital of said State, a9 soon a@ practicnble, by order of the United States Miltary Commander, within said State of Alabama, and that upon the ratification by the said Legislature, of the 14th article of emendments to the Constitation of the — States, roposed by the 39th Congress, the cnabicnanees a law of partial snffrage within safd State, as authofined by sid Consti- tution of Alabama, the said State shall whe mitted to representation in the ress of t Coit d States, in accordanve om be laws of the United States.” ; The appropriation bill was considered, and after the failure of efforts to stike ont the ap- propriations for severg! Suutl Awerican Mis- sivna, it pasged. Senates—Senator Thomas’ pase was post- paned, in couseqrenge uf the gickaces of Sena lor J shaeon, Ove baadred New Joracy negroes asked for $100, each, to carry them to Liberia. A similgt petition from Massachusetts ne- ef ndications are streng that Senator Thomas | ee refpeted, | grows was presented, Washington, Feb 17) Te Sapreme-Gawrt, | | which was referred to the commitice of Bank- ing end Currency. It provides, .mong other Unags, that every may vote ac- cording to the number of shares he holds, in a certain proportion speciied in the bill, Fifty thousand dollars were appropriated, to be expended by the Secretary of State, to re- eve and bring American evire-ns sbrow), erresied and subsequently released. Passed, 114 to 29 A bili was introdaced, increasing revolntion- ery and war of 1912 pensions. =| approprates two millions Washburn, of [lhnosm, opposed the bill, contending that e hundred and seventy - two millions woukd be expeuded under its oj, eration. The bill The Ilou went into the Committee of the Whole on appropriation and adyourved. Benate:—A joint reselation was introduced, to print a Medical and Sergical [listory of the Rebelhon. The House resolution, reducing the expen- ses of the War Department, passed. A bill for the gradual reJectivn of the army, and the abolishment of useless gtahes therein Benator Thomas’ case was resumed and dis cursed to adyoaurmmrnt From Washington. Washington, Feb 18 —The Reconstruction Commitive agreed to report a reatunen, allow ing Batter, of Teonessee, to take his semi, wil out teking the ino Brooks moved & extend the same pov ilege toJeo Young Brown. of Kentucky, which rejeeted—only Prooks awd Deck voting im the afirmative. The city Cooncits delegation w!ll_ to-merrow personally preewt President Jubieo the olf cig! endorsement: the erty Geo. Stredman s semgnatwe is dated 24th January, Foll Cabinet to-day, exc opt Stantoa The Senate financial comnemitice reported ad- versely on the Licese Bi, respecting depo-is of patvhe money ne toll removing certaing political disabih ties is not to be reported immediwicly. Stevens favored farther investigativa. Stevens was suthuriaed to report bis bill dividing Texas imto feer or mure Matcs Bingham 's election resolution, which was of ferel un yesteniay, was postpuned The dis cussion developed the fect that Stevens aad other Radial rmembers of the committee will woee Sherman's bell admitting Alehama m. ©. MaCrury secoreds Senator Guthrie. clad oath, war Virginia Convention. Richmoed, Feb. 18 —The Convention was engayed to-day chiefly ov the oyster qu stion lt was reso! wot to tax citizens for te priv The Republican State Committee met A sominating convention will be called to meet im this city, five days alter the e“jourp ment of the Convention. The names of Hawxburet, of Alexandria Rives, of Albermwarle, Rye, of Shenandoah, and Thomas, of Hleory, are spoken of in connection with the Guvernership, The Aidoma Aledcn: M.mtgomery, Feb.—Official retarne from 42 counties have been received at Dretrict Head quarters, bat, ander an orler fr ium Gen. Meade the pubbeation of them is refireed The whole vote uf the State, on the queation of ratification, it is estimated. from partral tarns, will be abut 72.000, The white cote ie less than three thousand. Half the registrator is 84,000. South Carolina Convention, Charleston, Feb. 18.—Twenty more sectivos of the Constitution passed fae ds Senator Wile telegraphs from Washington that Congress will pot lean one millon of dol- lars to the State, to purchase land for the poor. Markets. New York, Feb. 18—Cotton active and fally a cent beiter, Sales of 20,000 bales » Q3pa24. wr dul medium and good grades favor beyers oye qrriet Sterling 94 Wilmington, bonyant, 69. Gold irregular, closed 1,40} Feb, 18.—Spirite Turpentine Rosin wivaneed: strained 2.30, No. 2, 2.60; No 1, 3,50.3,624 Tar firm at 2,25. Cotton firm at 22 Liverpool, Feb. 18 ~Cotton closed active avd higher. Uplands 94 Orleans 9}. Sales 29000 bales, Manchester advices ta7urable. the negro empire of the South.” —e——_—_—_—_—_— Yurk Distrna ¢ rendence of the bride's | father, on the Oth instant. by Milo A J. Rowe man, Eeq, Mr. [henry Pahel end Miss Flora, | aaghter of Mies A Shoping eq. | EEE eee DIED: In Coharrus conuty. on the 7th instant, after a short iliness of two days, Mra Jane Pharr, ! wite of the late Waker &. Pharr, in the 75th year of ber age. hving in heb-taal com sadden summons carned wih it nv alarm to i peacefully In thie Connty. att Long a |. dower of Jeews, and tne with God, the hie tonerable Mother in lerent, t recdining upon ber Saviors breast, and shel tered mm He Almgiiy arms, she gently fell asker. In Iredell comnty, on the 2d inet. after a se mow and protracted biness, Merees K. Wileon, wm the 68th yearul bes age He was a member f the Presiytenan Charch of Prospect He weves 0 wre end three chiktres, an aged father ami muther, asters and brothers, tugether wih many [nends and acqsiniances to m urn = lowe | TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS } For sale, in lots to salt parchasers. Twen- ty Thousand Tous of Double Refiaed Pvo- | dretts of the Lodi Manofectaring Company, | made from the wight soil, blowd. offal aud | dead animals of New York city, for which the Company have exelusive cvutract. Prices only TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, Freight and charges from New York added. agrauted by the Company to be equal. weight for high ; per phosphate in market. The resu Cotton, Tobaeeo and Grain have been as- tonishing the past season. It matures crop from |0 days te two weeks earlier, and dou- bles the crop. Read the fellowing : POLK ISLAND PLANTATION, Foarcemne Co., N.C., Oct. 19, 1867 James R. Dey, Eeq.. Pres. Lodi Manf'g Co Dear Sir: W. R. Cox handed me your letter of Sept. 16th, asking to be iufurm- ed bow the Pondrette answered, as his Saper intendent was using it. I mast eay that this has beeu an unfortunate year for testing any kind of Fertilizers on aceoant of the excess- ivernins, bat, from what we tried, I think the Poadrette used for Corn cannot be sur- paseed. Our Corn looked well and grew very fast after we applied it. but the river rained and swept our corn. se that we are anable tu say how it would have yielded, We also tried it on cotton aboat 400 Ibs. per acre. which, considering the wet weath- er, prodaced a large weed, and I think jt will re very well, On the whole, I must say like it very mach for either corn or cotton, but more particularly for corn: Respectfully yoor obedient servanr, HENRY KINGSTON, Sup’t, for W. BR? Cox. Sauisavrr. N. C., Ang. 10, 1867. James R. Dey, Eq, Dear Sir: I can safely say that your Double Refived Poadrette is far superior te any oth- er fertilizer for Cotton ; for I have given ita fair trial this season. Yours, JEHU FOSTER, Jr. Painphtets and every information sent free to any one applying by letter or otherwise to The Lodi Manoniacturing Co., 66 Cortiendt Stree, New York. feb 14 Pnw-f) Gen Wt ! c ptt dream of Calhoan—e dual Execative—a Presi-| ~ bes to 8. “ Table, 6.50 to 6.00 dent to execote the laws in the republic of the| >, Leaf, 4 North; a ailitary dictator, independent of the : “ p soed ool wery : ae os President, to make as well as exeonie laws io “ Smoking, = =— - -eeeeneee auto | the de | against bim. and tends levied of rondemned to «at “| the defendants Thomas A Rebinson. James Beil & ' SS E S 5 =e s s c s e s BS E S S S E A aa c B B o s s LF RE T a s R E s F E R SR e s e e c s e s s cs E R s a s 8 e Se t s s s e s ss s s s s s s e s s Quotations for North Caarolina MARRIED : Bank Notes. In Charlotte, on the 12th instant, by the Rev ees R. HL. Griffith, Mr. Francis Morns and Mies M SPRAGUE BRUS., BROKERS, —SUYING KATES. E Myera Salisbury, N. C. In Mecklenburg cownty, on the Gth inet, at} Gold ... 22.0.0... 000 eee 1.35 | Pleasant Grove, by John Walker, Eaq., Mr.|Qilwer ......... cee ee ee eee eee 1.30 Wm. McCall and we; Francis M. Medbwell, | Ol6 Oounens 225. <6. 55:. csc cceecees 45 daughter of Mr. 8. N. Stilwell. CON SRBOW occ cca acess eee 70 In Gaston coanty, on the 4th inst, Mr. W, — e BE 50 N. Craig and Miss EE Wilson. “on gr hee * “ Charlotte bs) In Caharins cownty, oo the 30tb ult, Mr. J eA ear 7 B. White and Miss Lovisa W inecoll, “ Graham Peres 20 In Concord, on the 6th inst. Mr.G R Swink Roxborongh s 50 and Mies Margaret A. Cook Wadesboro x ** Thomasville. REPRO! Lied Ja Anson conaty, on the 29th alt, Mr, W * Wilmington... .. ee 22 A. Pratt and Miss Molhe KE. daughter of Me Commerce .. ‘ Shine 4 V. Parsons. Washington ............. ; 2 In Youk Dietriet, on the Gib inst, Mr. Walk- Fayetteville oe 8 er Barrie and Mike Mary Moore Aten, on ; Clarenden sree 3 : the 4th inet. Mr. J. GC. McContey and Miss C "| Yanoryville ......... ‘ H. MeGuil : Miners’ and Planters’ Bank . 30 | Farmers Rank, Greensboro’ 2 On the 4th instant, Mr. Joseph A Wriie of! Commercial Bank, W thmngton 22 Chester Dienet, to Mra Bhaabeth J White of | Yerchanis’ Bank Newbera 50 “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. State of North Carolina, ANSON COUNTY. Court of I’leas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1868. Vincent 8 Uarrett, ve. Attachment levied,oe land. Christopher C. Kirby Ik ee to the satisfaction of the Court that odant Christopher ©. Kirby. re<ides be vood the limite of this Mtate. of a0 concenh> hinsetf thet the ordinary processef lew cannot be eerved on him | \t is therefore ordered by the court, thet publica thon be made for ix weeks succemively, im the Warcuuas & Ovv Nowrs Stare « paper peb- tighed in the town of Salisbury. motifying the snid Christopher U. Kirqy. to be and appear at the next term of this court to be held for the county of An- son, st the court-howee in Wadeenore. on the sec ond Monday in April text. then end there to plead answer or demur. of judgment Gaal will be rendered tof y the plaintifie delt, interest and costes. jtnems, Patrick J. Coppedge. clert of ssid coart at office in Wadesboro the Sd Monday in Janaary A. P., 1868. 76«:pe f @. State of North Carolina, ANSUN COUNTY, Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions. January Term, 1868. P. J. COPPEDCE, Cert. Joba J. Coleon, administrator of James A. Robin son, va. Thomas A. Robinson and others. PETTTION TO MAKE REAL ESTATE sseEre. t appearing to the satisfaction of the Coert that Rell, James Kimbrough & wife. Ann Joseph Robi . Calvie BR : Arther Robinson reside be it i» ordered by the weeks, sec wit. ctat ( Metvina " youd the limite of this Sta! Court that publication be made “COSTARS” Preparations! Everybody Tries Them | Everybody Uses Them ! Everybody—Believes in Them ! Everbyody--Recommends Them ! Are you troubled by Rata, Mice, Roechés, Ants, 2c.) [Bay « Me. or We. Box of “ Costar’s Exterminators “Only Infaltible Remedies known.” “Free from Poon.” “Not dangerous to the He- man Family.” “Rats come out of their “COSTARS” BED.BUG EXTER. A Liquid “Destroys and prevent: Bed- Begs.” “Never fails.” For Moths in Fura, Woolens, Carpets, &e., a Kr Buy 4 Bic. of We. Piask of “COSTARS” INSECT POWDER. Destroys instantly Fleas and al! Inascts on animals, ac. “Sere -" Thousands testify te ft merits. Bay 0 Sc. or Sc. Box of— “OCOSTAR'S” CORN SOLVENT. Por Corns. Bunions Warta, Ac. Try it Don't «nffer with Pain' Wonderfal power of Healing! Rvery family should keep ft in the house. HG Buy a Ge or We Box of — “COSTA R'S” BUCKTHORN Satve Its effects cre immediate. Fer cots. burns. wounds, sore breasts, piles. ulcers. old sores fteh ula and « rh chapped bends, lips, dc. bites of animals, Insecta, 2c. “Universal Dinner PUI” (angar-costed). 30 years administered in a Physician's Prac- tice I PBhe and Sie Boxes of “COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILLS. Of extraerdinary efficacy for costive- ness, indige<tien, nervous and sick headache, dy«pepsia, dysentery, al debility, liver com te, chills, fe- “That Cough wi’) kilt you. Don't ne- glect it Te and Se Sises— “COSTA R'’S” COUGIL REMEDY. The children ery fur it- -its a “Roothing Syrap.” Por coughs. cold«, hoarsencas, sore throat, eroup, whenping congh, cowively. in the Warcnmayx A (hp N & paper published in the town of pene, “Th ing the said Thomas 4. Robin«on, James i wife. Mary Bell, James Kimbroegh sed wif. Ane Kimbroagh, J: by . Calvin Rot Meivina Robinson, and Arthur Ro.insen to be and appear at the next term of this court te be he'd for | the county of Anson, at the court-bouse in Wades. | hero on the second Movday in April next then and | there to plead answer or demer to sald petition or | jindgment confeee will be rendered against 1 them and the came wil! be heard ex parte as to them. | Witnesa, Patuick J. Coppedge. clerk of said Court | #t office in Wadesborongh, the second Monday i January. A. D., 1888, 1,60: pr f $8. Srare, P. J. COPPEDG ER. Clerk i} State of North Carolina, SURRY COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1867. Robert R. Galloway, va. J. W. Davia ATTACHMENT In this case it is ordered by the court that} publication be made in the Watchman § Uid | North State for xix weeks, for defendant to be | and appear at the next term of our Saperior | Court of Law, to be held for the coanty of Sur- | ty at the Court [louse in Dobson, on the second Monday after the last Monday in February, 1868, to plead answer or demur in this case, or jndgment pro confeaso will be taken against him Witness, A. H. Freeman, Clerk of ont said Superior Court, at office in Dobdaon, the second Monday after the last Meuday in August, 1967 <-Orer oF fro 82 A. U. FREKMAN,© a ¢ a<thma, bronchia! affections. Singers. Speakers, and all treabled with Throat ‘unplaint« will find this a beneficial | Remedy. P Beautifies the Comp is © the skin « transparent freshness. Betues “OOSTAR'S” BITTER SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS Renders the skin clear, smooth and Removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Ladies, Try a bottle, and see its derful quality. Cw //! Beware!!! ¢ al W Imitations. None genuine without “Costar's” ture. 25 and 50c sises kept by all Druggists. $1 00 sizes sent by mail on receipt of pri $2,00 pegs Sur any three $1,00 sizes “xpress. $5,00 pays for cight 81,00 sizes by Ei press. Address, RENRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway, N, Y. TPFor sale by JOUN H. ENNISA, § cC. Sold by all the Wholesale 1 fn a the large cities, th Bwteety to die.” Improved to keep in any c tern Nosth pape panel ter-dhntene peg on a ry ay will be : yell 1a Ct Samml. McD. Tate, President Road, with hive for the ale uf Lamiue, Wil be Saly executed. a A Mergenton, 0. Fob. 6 Me Arrangements haye been made by whieh lads » Ind,,” + ae ™ Louis, Mo., Ciacinsat, Ohio, St Joorph, Mo. Cleaveland Obie, Quieey, IN. Toledo, Obie, Hertlagina, lows, Colamber, Ohi, Caire, TH, Obie, Memphis, Tewa., ladiave. And all Points wm the Great West. By this great route passengers have oaly TWO CHANGES of Cars between Washington apolia, two changes to Lee ting roads are the only rontes which cen check FOSTER, Esq , goat, North Caroling, at ! Ht tl j it ! ! | 2 of t it BE 9} F f For off further information eddree, LOUIs ZIMMER, Gen Scathers Agi, Balt. & (oR. B Greensbers’, N. ( Rent exeellent stand for basines Fed 13, 1883 G e):2 | A 4 LARE NEW STORE HOUSE, com- © plete throughout, with cellar, at Third Station.on Western N.C No other store withia & miles, and an A of ri t e i 4 Raitroad, for ALLISON w—tm samme Miscellan: 4 oe LAN CONS. An Outruge ve — eos i g y a Mo : NEGROES |) ~ EU cE Sy aR Wa Neary Mob uf sveor Aproy t IN CONGRESS oO £MLEVER, . yas < ou, SSS. - noe ts desive the refusal of Se ; , a ie eve within hi dont ahh \ for t nater Sam Aaa alte he foe aN ate, w . # gift in th 7 1 The | sbuorg ky forenoon }seribed by ited, on thei a | SL RC A mcr es! he jnote from 1! be ai Sai Weide hb - a law.” t taking the oui aly 0 EAS iegester as ribo a) e Arkansas C . 5 ee “The as toilows : nales and nwagro onstit atio: r- \e: a Se an = K wtieals in ard out of C us runt, on and saci I tthcraalgert RF , HuONE. OB PRINTING memb . Hak alarmed _ Je of € ougress | y the Recousts Mel Shisée those A competent AL ESTATE OT be CO TR’ ’ sit Ea the Sout! 7 a some negro | : t the Cor ee, yo acts, und peopbloameeepeon ‘ 4 SERA P PANY R r BL ‘ ev. d ith slips into 4 M “ % e'3 su on: GO (hoes VOUn yt ba ANK pany the =i ry : Ew auL any a i Son = ‘ : ‘ auto Se es inission to the Euro; — OF VIRGIN: ; &o S. HEPATI maguifice ut k ‘ cashioned che cometh al roy who are a eg against tl rapean powers | 2s saa ¥ . & Cc. PI a year t halle of Cor'z air in the | z ) | comm pressing the f 10 Chinese + sai AUTHORIZ = &o. ADE ‘ year eatary, and eas, With $5.0 a ahh } are ee imperialists Cor ne, | RIZED oA i J ; ig o¥. 4 make his y at Oa ; rve eiffici »,000 Ag : ation fur we ary tcAdin J weske! ONE He: ——— Md soverer, who ore © DEEMS too good, i y 88.909, ie eee Tretleetaal vial aud pouucal hoy Com YLLIO ; apa where he can Pp wed bo *agecia ve pa -_ tu I ‘ i }1 erally A ae ae pon ad, JON DO RS THE UNDERS bprach heal medicines ave. access 40 ep min De, La Wirron, NLC. ; epi andl he pesinn, f | al aie eat inert ¥ 5. IGNED HAVE ohare ir aecee ihe Yount -'S » otto Dlr Nader oe 9 September ; des sod beste 50 ‘ sl Stn |. o, canith oe ae Ce ewe ks yan oa oot seat Senn, oe cae se, correspoud abjec, ihat a | Jove ‘ . te rltres J.J o Ve NG‘ np Pes r friends, tail at th § custome" e aceinated wit +» now ‘ - 7m ident vf t i | x ad bee es . J. HOPKIN 1TON, Be they have fi and the publ Tu th e shortest ere, whole matter, with” what five ye 5 ge ae hes ine Chatlest jpNiacce tee ver te an y the Orio Gor- | V+ KINS 1 at. tted up one of public, that | 6 preparation of notice. e | He | +s whivh complete! proved to be ar plas rings they ar a j erie ery Ficslay ovetiig, wane (he papal es . LH, PERROW, by) the very best exevileut [ills of these ver ; nas been wfthe ly dasicayed bie. boeken ’ k Yar proud t we edns vening, whet auc wt pers rat- W,M. D J imeure th » no Cost or Ki superior and tromety ¢ hed an la date to ack Wane who 'rtts uj fara buy - \ ' Eas 1s W wt, that th This li or o> doi OB PR tiw w greatest * ie eoineti roublesoue : Congres no ncis Up fora cal ee ge of a guard of | at w witli ere is | rus liberal a isor. IN pin point. t possible de eparedto nekimes break epecalation “ me ak w, bere ts ss se fos sone Bh See ae du'cluck, a euler individual or pat eent “ ta weit) PAS a 2als pani Keabieeg Sout! , TING OFFICES popeed eoutain pomp ih =~ > portea: . e. pr we. { aut oie oe whe Liloue t, oe aoe ie mao bs ieee ins bi pany) LN NORTH CAL ie poredtal tg ated sa medicine wy my se bce ahaa B yore dine ey Aalose ol uterpri “ cdlthe wuant iu oo file. iuaiagy AROL (whi erfal agent i edicine, and whi ; FS a et fn re OES aa as eae "pet aa era — “ na Re ‘ : minal ov Signul ~~ ae, ae prepared to execute ell ; ‘ The Pit he reiutoe av advantage pac puted mh ok att alpen yn t Yor migne _ ne : e ae fore er 4 Seed be figures, yo egers ; an ene Democratic Vi ae 'teeymay.be favored orders with which | Pre compesition used i eed en che pond peer” ed meat F you ambitious ine a ; iat mprone Ne Yak ictory. le jnvites ts patrons pare oe ys . = by the hand ia these mie fe) Congumption, in ite k The Dacre | : us ¢ ‘ 3 ee ad LROriLy, tees Dcmacral tleenenta ne its patrons to y all 6 ks ee a = be ured uke of the diseove efally hy f early , ‘ Th mg is elected .N yp ; ' ( BHOCTALIC I id see thei attend it ——o rt delicat nost feebl rer, wad M cured. e pay is $8,000 a dala for two vears : : BS ye PhOOrTy csteluey inet were elev frou ET te Satin, rights rho goa ot and from mee ee chines patient in the | die y daughter has + a & PS iy SS year, or $16.00) ars se s Wior hanrecttie 11 ove place he ioe to change their polici nue pepstanar drole poh eds aKaruate pri 3 of hing bie beep seed 6 isi od, (and he { ne candle : w My im ns ue Its Pohey hold not her. eir policies JSINESS AND els, and ag» roild ia their tive are hi M Coneamptl ( deep pea: =p to oan b-, if he chargers ele : bthe s | Terrible As an vaicl ey holders ure uot resteloted FROVEsS1O® At Sr a pi ag te peg bali PA vat Payee vote for bie I pet his a | vt | . tdlent frou = nee ters the f p ed as to tra a be coughs ure Jimate dike ours 7m altimore ,) ss BK, P naa will etand all b for lows of = vey y belies of a La v the Lrplosion ee ie following cerftficate as to i 0D ee gon ey ota sodden ae walsltny eos. aba nie he ti PMITH wy carpe t » to him in p bite} ew : A fe . stipe NI : 0 its sol z the i . every one wages to whic « * x K. i-hagger, whet preferenee It is : ¥ | w ouights age Nauscs Cou Lasneaniiane at all fiabie te viol wl ° ‘ _—— « tom) tee ther he be 1 us [red te ne fan anus terrible atcidcat The undersi C stats Housx, Va, } tea molec oe Paget pales pb ppiodinca Se ae PO = . acle loans mone pockets $16.0 umed | " \ ie es i Jooachan SM lent occur. | Nelson, and rs gned, officers arch 26, F867. : » eo | cleansed by th having his fiver find the i showing for a ride yrmapieteonati ee ee ee oe Hniae | Crooner du ES Fun ie poets Teal se! Lie adc ipo See out, n election pakes a fi ey Peters wlery | OCoM Holines ‘Farmer’ g ini ny. “The P 1g as a solve: a, take pleastre i pe the Southe _ Tras 889 kao = . . ir Tyg ll Radicals = Se Pay | y _ Dac gives the | pans ae wrap Real oe par, seyponh Ho COTTON YARN circulated inde esate a io i. r price be be And il come dow mel tryinta PB om : } ; Neadvcaty sis cuaee, ana late Tumursane Coat, nent Aaa etO9 og bey wey howe Mat Is Vee ee . pS t Just $16.00 what Jaboald the | The New York Po oeects 2 Twelve they lrecae:” a bela and termed the merit of eiceaka. worits are ieee ott a Potent R ; ms ak ad ver and which } ), which it is w i ea \ ile blish shed t ieee explosive, ete » commend it feabiere tragaerd P seas emedy in all to uch he cot orth | & ned the ligt eds candle and ts Stockho , ublie ri a Bittle Cougtess. oe be uld ges if | a) a%airs a, Ww filling it it fron: the ia and | of high ir holders, Director _ i ™ ae 25 Cents a Box; mo! ought t : 1 Ks ¢ ars ofd wu His s p for the | honor iteg ® 3 and Office 4 4 \ will alae & x; $2 60 Ch date re, beeaase #t ttobe worl { ? w j td, was bol jon, a child 1¢ | honorable, effic and patrons ed rs are men oop on hand @ a Dosen. ronic Disease made the trade bh dhe black ca: 2 Be ihe nource ; filled ’ g the capdle, about a None pe pas “piihny weflioviatbeger hd rat aa 3 Dee “ oupply P % giry avd fn of beng H the black candi |» Freie 0 V ron B he had ean (om a wy gal cin company and mp mart of ie als ms’ Sovereign R trom Q. W. Blew ¢ dining with 5 og a Congress _ AS Wi as Virg Re ted the oil SP hae ta ct fs imply give this interest in for the cur emed Ni fh, Aiterney, ot old Thad. 8 Sumner and a) gressman— | '0' Na * ate g op , which | the merits of an disintor ¢ Chit cure of Feve y North Carolina. Law, Wileon Her - Stevens. ad sleeping with | + nan - 5 aed Poa {le roor Wk and im Geo. & ST a good inetita- ¢ ter y Dill , We oi bry t and Ague and all oth I have beep cured * “ } At] P ee . 5. Stevens, © > inh it other a¥ com ts then we offer a c 2 ag we nee a ines teu wa, Clark Circuit C {je d we pre te be Wetlnnt F Sebdnnitien “Layal am ambitions ped emer Ser foe : i< Me Se ee ete Wr % ait Court e aus, ITs a Peeps y prety “ad thes “ ferred to ‘ ” The co man ia th v j ta ‘ ceeded ; eae er 6 A: Bingt Lovine Clerk pf WEDDING ap : 1 Geet at ‘a6m poreting oat the IN ALL Wilsoa, “The says: OTPeS por dent a = I 5 Tot uw teat? ies a We alen ay _ n& Co, Ae ney Coart. and PARTY . tle ‘ecw Oni me time. cause end zs National Radi Fe. ca ie | abo: e ship and pe ope a = panies. ve the agency Ce ee ae - nd the Profession, tha iy sdmitted, apd % mittee bave this ma ical Exeeutive C | as ‘ many Mr. 3 oe Traveling agents Fire Cour on ede form and t Fever aad Prati 6 using all their ster in band oo ‘) Se aa Ae aging ae Ticket ay ee uoder power in th band, and ar a ‘ . = t-ace:! afters op His APT. JAMES F pply to ‘, Sandal bt the the fives, pend in cansed by « fi in the Snath to k s ‘ a Fs ath . o be bloed Jan. 7,1 Special Agent . JOHNSON, aE batsadacive i toring the patiens < X 3 . . m bis | » Due nt, Charlo , M bosives wo ihe © { at ; : aved t niv.— | tte, N.C PAMPIILETS sera poms ~ or poisons us yetom of Ma Cones aod airentur : J shout an ‘ a g. and, itr The Arilacto —— watwly LETS, we iervish arch Miaems. F. agent aod erevative party pty rShopdlte te alt bes ved . Arlington } oa ae Cl 1 8 Pills, oe to peckage con(sini oo hc aks ane } have y en. MMe H ‘ lagi obese ti t} ° cutsal RCULARS pertyuug tarps epee Reply cag fe (we now | ar ‘resis a “ eins “ { tue be | ¢ . Gitiew ~atting | ubai purpose. Any w being raised for tha | nV J aseke 1G the ev : bade Muoay might Lif Susur NANDB oat eh other (ing hehy, acting gress can sel] ot netninee & t that | years . i tal (Sn a , wt. O ; rance Comp ANDBILLS, ae il Recetas which pataates have some fortane, mei ebauee for ap vera aguus A . . = * any DRUG ome | lees ime the rte toto che pape gut emgtngs mS es ke = oo scons | OF VIRG UG LAUELS peter Perseneserey Bernd pric i ng kk - 4 7 " : a : ie : t jenni | - via, ' rely 5 pe oe wing seas in th _, eee) 7 of aaa ai - The St —-_> INIA COURT | advas an asti act of desimeys it, — ical candidate of P © House | | sd " ' rementwes | idl ALY: _ . URT BI : tage im ft pure te the and is will mol carayig R | that eotrage aod crm mevis:fan “| . ; urgini sand & pad adi oth 3LANKS Ja eure mart b s treatment ther : inly be def tad Toe t bey are against maf or yon | fives erma Southern Inatitidé er kinds of Blaols vithe peeeasty of ridieal oad @ vecelare, te, that Lh ES Se eae feated.” o better class of ee viva bse tee —aaloo Its Fi itudion | 2 dene! and Job Print [ome part t breaking ¢ canpleve with GES. CANBY | . rake Shak Some nats re . the 's Funds are kept i a0 eagle thes eon be jug with} Allth @ remute a dbeenme bu 8 Pegcireny KANBY'S ORDE ae Paes alte theese is * ' . ws pt in the Sou and equelied sur,amed b iNvic ab we modicine ia seovher in The felle DER | of wt ¢ ad 34 oe It ha th. by fow ia the Ste 7 wen At ¢ Guat. dervens * @20 be farnivwed i Gea: ©. wing order has > 7 neo ard sonan dred 1 Rarnes s met with wnpr Our terms will = Payton gases conse aha the grove ont Tey wd Hom Public Sanby and has t bers issued le T ahbe 4 . ly precedented success. witl be 20 low as th | asain co nye they we = coat’ b ie phate | “— that T t a by 4 ts iE Mont he : j | each y + z « with TT ama te A aon ie bof t : { : y Sortuncs are est ore (wea? wo beth teed bom We a Salty peat Dae the United > Hesse bottle vf De doe Kidneys” “Chros -: ape ay eting in ac . | : ublished be} | ronng yank our emat the order or U. € tee | fore Se ae Wt one ef ethess whe sdewcat ani t . ~ B yond any HAKE aoe © gives om Se as the Ebooed pis | Piseare,” bo & my eae” Feed thes. lease th c of . tue coun e I conti IEP . Ge oe is favor plore, and be - af © Reead ~K . Ge. © the Pablie © reat . | —— ew Ralisbary, J & BRUNER. |*% W. DEEMS. bs sending he they wili| Wilsoe elie ideny Canby 's order easurtr will * 5 + « Corapany bee _ . January 16, isos . civ Dulane: hs ». 2, pte! ortore 7 , Awguss 3, 1867 BD. alazy HDQR'S ~ * ——_— . bee ta! and anota 2 oS twhotf Y. pity handed id, where the elbow | ; : 3 fad MI! | : aih . Nate end inte Montcleerdishy THE TRILWEFKI anchcoba| Pichon bees reertinai ey WH be Cu « | - : mi asa : Aabpiorinra | -EKLY : exivts ever elon al ee G wa) heey | : ger .| OLD NORTH = tales ryetere, toa ou ate Bree wie AD AL . j . aaa . aie he > weg ets Ne. 20 ; A a re fearon AND TILE V 1 |Omao gent ary (Oruggiot,) | Will deep a Witten OFFICERS : le aarp 7 WHER | =e wnt of the wrparalelled demand Jo | Cure the ve uty of Pion arel ina er . ay we add HY Wé Old N | tory fr ~~ Wi T have w cor fsa ved Case ry Worst dawe of tbe oe T ld North § Sirect ilson, N. C., to 29 Abra Ss P ing, te evnformit . . - JOtIN ’ State,| , Baltsmore, M C., to 29 Hanover | of Chronic tion of the law > clade a : . t sas VE EDWARDS FOR 1SGS8 TW oe ‘ =| 6u- P . Marca ¢ ’ ! vice e _ z ro. NE GRE. penta the Inv —* : i IREAT SOUT ee matism provide 6. + K.e | ACS, Db. J ah —_—o—_— H HERN \* hag ( Creraly thet 1 a dee ha ah = bales ad s 7 ee oy | THE WATC ; ealth Re mation of Oe ka a patty angi tae — 2 adopted im ( aiet CTTAL AL EXAMINER | HMAN& OI | The best BI er, ucches’s BOGA thing tar day of ae! KILF li. &) sT 5 D NORT | Mond Parifi : Winee, B.C ALIa, race pe ‘ . 5 MiTIL MOD ATE having t TH sitar ta the Waste Pr hoe ames Wilts A ie . “ oh Le ag been consol —_—— rid.'« =e he ROSA 3, LRT . ne pees on of 0 tax ill . ane | a yeolidated ia the | DR. LAW . nase oe aa BAL ao te te ot cn the rn Perera oe ant | AWRENCES | 2 nne=3 mors mm ty im tl re fra! and e | > pended publi- sticn au won |e cr AN NBs + ‘ tie Per broth ad Se ye pen . Le DIRECTORS wees Lemmas eeccer nee ion, and bev pemees of o3 e . paper publobed ta be | te te rate Moe aye wer prede ing direct s Cows . Ertye | ower . BO st pa aicee ooch og yg may — ar kona eae 2 a _ jf a } y. which will be i> lee in as wee b Remedy, was ans ’ the Beate ia re Caar ALARSRY oe erritie. | Tri. Weeki ; | nating Pay» Arne peal erremanry pear es aa wid ly ot Weekly | “PREPARED ONIY b) redoreed by the be t Fx t ' wher ¥» {RENT Ev ON! orien purpose of ( —j|* en one! - the sleve ® PR TRE CC f., \ memete NIY bY DR yenee penece of the Cetra ying it : . ot | 20S = : Acbnee | -nmbioat ome. J copeqoes 'SC CURE OF acai tay yim, #9 Ueavver ih J. Law. t officers Coaventwnn, | ty.» eich hockley or Jelena ROFULA, in | Pri = » Bernt he pa n (abet, hie payer : : : ety 4 mh re “a7 . . y a caso Oe | ’ all its fi ce Of! It te order , crt ; Ala . s orms 40 Fit Tha i ° : = “ - | Largest C Ki +| oar Por S Per Bottle the State of . ne “ maa Ts j iroulati | Conew "HAS gists im or Sale dy on . the of North ¢ : , “One on mption im i i the United 8 principal se aatameanrate ab arcimea - i or a¥Y meat aud U1 ie early ! . For onic i States Drep be mode fer t ah rots ail © ( PiPEk IX | Domes, 1 leeration Ve Can Kalarge- | 44 heed Salishury, t th the ve ' : M. Pre f } Lower, Kd Handa, J and . BB. ury, by Jno n rity of thr! 1” ; ans Liv Weste | Whole Swell lla gr Aig ea ce ever yu here . Poulson, and. | En lewied an awe . er DA HAN ; | rn Nerth C . | } ou 3 ng. Mercurval “9 ~ehatiom. | . » 4 Druggists fa det : ae Yi arolin - ores, Sitenece Affectrons, Sere an LP jan 21-wt: the collectors Means : rate 5 mOvWE : " ie a, : uptions of the Trego ey . - te dy the « ¢ tates ow _ th Hare * , WILT AP ’ ed all Otser in. (there bees ; a ee — i CL OLD WE 5 2EW B wie | an smpure - poewe : LF w preserit «« : ” * ; ee “T , es f the Blow wsed pe otto Se w ” ee H a | a / ST GREEN t Advertisin g M . bent edie: we abt lair ihe Teorey ala Sy ele la cor z Medium Home ( venir Meany Sante Pics ibe CF reer . et Well bre ; ' vet te | ertiBeates, ire \ fe beredy oo «Treaeurer . rewn Fralt T | Wr beret m Pbysici ' Be be natbee . pay anthort ot lea E @ ree< } _ | 7 cortfy U ynciauN wally ¢ the zed a . 2 9 . ae ee that the 5 ts ie ated that 5 me and milk eed Te s A L. EK 7 a See asctie an os he bes ; . iy pobre: otorg ol pepe ie Ay 4 he Favs miClupaety ee = b preyed | tRe~wmehty « . Noa Kurope 4 eontu : ‘ of 7. f - FAvtorial Dep re yr ravesy Won ee re . vared and ress bas heen mor rent. . e De v . pprrimey | »> wv 5 ares int va ’ ata ,’ the u- if ae | ay : _ . wert the money _ |Z 4 Moore. M.D . Ww - ne Oe ‘ ———— ioaw teen ender of nt : " . went of Ma. HH ly Suth MoD. - A. Duga whie!, bn ety of cp hich exis e yey Be: M : ~ wut repeat swan late |. Serve aly fey cama MoT) i nor niog ond 00 & } . preter of tee (on ® Fi nerd MD reese, M. I) i cet remedial vn de tety bef daw woul _ . : and 90 paire : “een thee Farhan, M.D. f W. henge Meth. |' $ a! age octen jot all medvend is 2 “ \ » ~« SS aes - -Y a ped on ave leon, N ¢ Pe Ww . ah 7 . Aide ‘ } - ; : od . ’ nat the Last 60 mete it equal to any | A 31, eT. gvodward. M./) dae ve echoration cramer Py aptorne are == : ‘ a cael 8 foiin , Tort at iene per of te cam in the Hite! _ herby cary that = vt the Langs end ot Brest, Ir i - : Pinetn gd I ‘ mite all a = { the - nilmceniot: dowry Per perssunity « ab pe _ See ee ‘ gh maces ; oad acearar ete paper there will t ppomasdtt: sapeeae Pree Kaen goagee- . mine coudiioe of p wepsrary = Sa ; 1, A 4 is |“ atiwee to t adi. pd stead my Mg — whole ifrage.—A | ¢ ae \ | I GUILFORD LA 6—wl Connervative o be a firm and ve N ee: DAVIS M % this | me ne , - eaflering with th Lil SS ( j q NORT ND AGEN jourval, bat it wi ein ayor Of Wilson ob fotled ennai sepa dread dierew —_— : . NORTII CAR £ CY OF nat be Gert poressing the ots sheuld ‘x \ f ARUI IN A TT dex-| ke . —-- - ice : uacives of the ome wo tie ) a = | NA ote barca wen ( cdeertargerts scam t . ( “ I 4 =e a. erie ted ae whee tr, N , bun be ve y ne wens I A.J ' ; DERS a eects of tar Hite be Tart Tudela » May SL iit > sored to healt 7 vay ite ravages k : y as Miecetlan , te. and to Literary Tarboro’ two 4 ond me ime Rev E A h. The . t , | eding ary tnd|). I hav ron mare ately per hep e - a Lots r Powers OGert my. &e jam tinwy pier! » Cc Preseripth ' y a4 = y 4 rR I Serving ach Indae ' ve aactee io bor ensumptii' on for the © ' cements. we j beet Ateer te mers pii's, Asthm B are of : I " AO |“ ihe pu , ” aveee . oH ai ae . od . pres Col aa, ronchitis, Con's ( / he a liberal share of ita pat mw Sheth 1 r hagpeed _ All Th olde, and : ; at k . aoe alan cad patronage bot Pees Septal ramet ee hes A Throat and I : se ae ’ ‘ a eaten I iaeleseg on emus cache veg tirnte. | © use of sung Affection my al are 1. i 1S T, . ire Os eens ooo coe eroding te ee * 2 i Jt { ORETTER is of Subscript Revy : pee \itern . with ka, after having ored to health . . , ro : FENCE plion : { ect a leeeiee tena adi suffered severs ‘ at t A » 2 12807 Greene mt TRI-WKEK NOUBLES. M./ i wane. Ovnauinpt eotwn and the “Arc ( ® J G . Fer One Y Aided aS af ow f you's ree haa gow been © ’ _ 1 o Year.. = th the most bie 1 « WAIL AND Be ercoati J eee ay a is Remedy is prepared ala > : inn mths,... 5.0 f be pared fre De Act ¢ Ng botnet RE al XPRESS LINE--D wise ieeececsewe “4 UD A Wika iil from the eriger pla ro beet Ap ~ from Lhligh 7? fae aily. — RRO 3,00) Will “ oats N[LSON tess the Rev. FI ad te hae y Le Law ta 1 Deg nal gh Point to Salems* RPRLY | il! Cure th snatmgh, Kinge © 15 South 2d treet w ‘ " ] LT ge ; , 4 Arrives whet at 3d Salem. Por Ove Ye ew I's k ‘o., New York euteyed’ ala be joterest? § ‘ : aiid Spal eal or ies eee relock. A M Bfeerererere orst Cas eat phils con erer ne : very and Creeewn Boy (7 ‘ ey \M ee OS prep XG ager he orignal Pre pudiase the | negro euflray roe fa f wat M rhinos of Scrof | : "y , soll Cot pil Nolasco rh sagurets tree ae vince 6 ben: ‘ seer 4. That me 4 this? My IAN Read th = laud corn, cant jycnielicng @ chert . ' * ¢ con we ANES $ some Me VW e ptorn disappr er Now r a ne rong : Seine é : a i cree pon | ES & BRUNER not © statement bel Mr. Woleun, os > wd or experier amt ia oe t as bee Yr" : ¥ ad , ’ NER, ono, and d oe as abore, att of charge) : ' .* peins will te Relies Publishers and I LTT ee aeapar | ne » of by calling on or V orfodh - , 1 pread tte e cor. | sliabury, N.C. 4 and Propriet rs Lawnes bas (} 3 An “ « j t Pal ‘ : ; , * . | annary 16 ors), Dear Sir—M ® | ‘. B, V1 1 . : se orale Wy ct eat way care ves trail Expres STORE H can Gahew it = bewn red yo perc Pol LSON & CO. ; L WA 4 er | ou Aidt | tried re as rm 404 Tuggiets i : | OB Pp a. TEACH. | A jem throughor bode For Rent eg alleges : i Bish BALISHURY, N ¢ 24 a’ y ’ 2 in lem througt TORE Wo “|. 8 wove: Hue arenes 418 ’ + ease Vv RINT iN¢ - ee ge ! CO me ead A with sores a0 Risk : rit 8 Met. Buri ——— Mites k 4 | No gern N. ( Third |¢ eted a n ae a Cases. Finis ft th tie 4 ream les with Kailromd il thee 1 was advine d swoon h « the publ riber respectfinl this. (Conk jatand for Soy vac. for was navined by Dr. 1 V kikd i che ' ie that he he ally anaonncet a ; and an| erm" “ at once procar Abe bh Gn tee ae a atous Metal 19 comaten ty un ha ae ale rae : Deo! The of pews ¥ ‘ latt } Burial Cases, w! “ ’ ° my Rivet ede . Vin B25. a i se ond pricet mest ’ @ aime . tt ) Jol, Ccharge ef e@illa hy Rallr eis dintane AN PARKS ufataat ; 5 REMO l e s t i 5 T T c i l i a < e e i a e s H l H i s f r i t T i r e = i P r e t t e t e ‘ ¢ m e i i y t i j e s i l i iy 5 4 T i t F s F to the ne am are ty Boe Ne.acu Oovat Hovasz, Va., March 25, 1967. . ow asa solvent pad part. apo foo numerous to mention. ny. Com- | The advan in baying from a regular Lard- | ap b tiie merit of | ware store. By eng Apsedd Oi prodione ~| before the first Of August and since. Farmer what did you pay for shovel moles? of the county of Its ie of can en an po s caoemeer Ge affairs this quapang, end simply give this testimony te the ta off a goed instite- Life Jusnrence Company OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. |B. SINCLEA FOF this Rend brah fr Boba oO. Wann a. WI Utes dca rs g leo gh the, " os “The Of ‘ = and Plough & Co’s. Straw Cutters and Corn Shellérs. 100 Kege Nails, Horse and’ ue Ladles and many other house keeping articles 9 cts; what now? § cts; steel shovels? from 1,75 to 2,00; the'priee now 1,50; nails 16 cts; now 8to9; Carriage builder what ¢id you gag Ge 6-4 matin aairwte, Cates ice now cts.; whatdid yoo pay for 5-4 drilliag? answer, 1,00 tu 1.24, price now,75 ats ; wagon and buggy tyre 10.ots; now, 8 10 Bb We might go on and enutherate thousands of articles which ‘have fallen equally jo portion. Then we ask What brought this rapid and sudden decline in Hardware? Kach answer the Hardware Store. Now we appeal to you farmer. medhanic, harness guake:, carriage conker aud theasands of others who consnme hardware in their vo- cations, to know ifthe hardware Store does pot deserve your patronage, that it may be built ap and the cooutry © greatly blessed by procuri!i throng this miediom, the tnplements to Sotek op the resources of your ferule region Strict attention paid to all ordera We will j sell at small profit, aad exclusively fur cash or bas ter. - | the subscription. or ee Yr 54 ¥ 4 ‘A-ctoss 4 onthe «at er Ss ‘ hn siniey oo enon Suit bad . indigaiseie axpirat The type on which the ‘ . v4 news: No: : et ia Bi Co a ~anaoei + wdumapier & a, 1 , Siete pian ear mee ie Pu . Pe a gins, 9 hore ag 4% 4 FR emia 2 MP gi 2 e", . Pgh srg PY ac Ww. TD atti ‘3 bi i ' a ow Aw ay. See a ——— we seinbors of thi reer? ob t ggudty Bh ow ~ ong ert 3 pele balen | He ta | lige alloed Rat, “enn “ei Contract for periods of one . 1 mo. | Sao. | suo} 4™o. | 6mo A square, 96.00 berry $12.22 | 615,00 bance 2 eqvuanes, 7.50/ 18,00/ 17,00 37 3 equanks, 10,00) 16,00) 21,00 oo; 3 4 equanzs, 19,00) 18,00/ 23,00 am Qua. con 13,00) 19,00 ez 29,004. HALF Cot. 90,00 | 27,00 00} 38.00). 5 8 quAR. Cor. 96,00 al 40,00) 45! Ss ONE COL. 90,00 | 42,00 | 53,00 | 60,00. CONSERVATIVE MEETING. Cmanrorie, N. C ,'22d Feb, 1868, In pureaance of a call made by the can: |) vassers appointed by the late | tive Convention, held et the city of ‘Ral eigh, a very largé concourse of the Con- servative citizens of Charlotte, ‘ together with others from the surretnding coun- try, assembled in ‘Treloar Tall, on the night of the date ab ve mentivned, for the ory of forming a Conservative Club, of fully endorsing the-actina of the Conservative State Convention, which had j ita seasion. At the hour nted fur the wecting: Gen John A. Young axcendéd the stand se fot al fie artsy Add, aapinaied » whieh nomination being seconded, be was unasimousty called io rent and, iu a| few remarks, fully explained the ubject-of the meeting ; after which, on motion of Gov Vance, Mr Jonas Rudisil and 'T © Allison were appointed Vice Presidenta, and, on motion of De M M Orr, Mr JE To one aid all whether you want 10 cts, | ‘worth or one handted dollars worth, come to | | the Hardware Store, where we can give you | nor advantage in buying smal! or large | bil We ean be found m Dr. J. W. Hall's new brick baildimg, formerally occupied by Craw- ford & Bro. Main street, Salsbury, N.C. CRAWFORD & HEILIG. R. R Caawrono, P. N. Hutso. r {ONsUMPTIV S = and its nature less under- stood ;, thered$ n6 diseasd apon which exists « fact. 28 6m-tw-1] greater diversity of opinion and no disease which more ly baffled al! medical skill remethal ag -ncies. Some of the promitest ‘symptoms are art i Williamsburgh, Kings Co, New York, A Pamphlet containing the orignal Pre- directions for n with fall end! tion agdwnse, together with a short his- af bis chsé with s¥toptéms, . experiénce a cu dressing, G. B. POULSON & CO. B. R. MOORE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, —ARD— SOLTOITOR IN BANKEBUPTOY. WILMINGTON, N. ©. 7 maka, Judge J W Osborne was calledup- Britton and J 8 Phillips were requested to act as Secretaries. After the organization had been perfee- ted, on motion of Gen R D Johneton, the President appointed a committee of five to draft a set of resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, as follows:—~— Gen Robt D Johnston, Gov Z BV Gen J A Young, Mr 8 F Houston Mr Samuel Taylor. While the committee was absent pre- business for the action of the meett- At the conclasion of Col Jones’ re oa, and ascended the platforu amid tre- mendons applause, and for some time id, as if chine the attention of bis hearers, in ‘e . and eloquent addresa, whieh was interrupt ed b we ceded 3 ey ’ the of Judge Osborne's the committee t pre hpare business for the ha fe in this crisis of Southern on ts sation, in the mame and by .the. snered m-mories.of 1776. ‘ iv Resolved, That an Exceutive, Commit- tee of five be appointed by the Chairnian of this meeting to request thé» eitizens of, the various captain’s district, to» meet in Oharloute on auch day as may. be “indica~ ted by the committee herein to consult together for the Sonake a Resoleed, That it shall be the duty oné—ty the Executive Committee — Ti Davidian Ms'8P Aiccant ond gee hee Gen John A Young was then called up- on and addressed the meeting fh a few pert and well-timed remarks. Afte¥ Gen’ Young had concluded, Co! beh + ae was called upon and re- 8 ae ’ A } "her Colonel Johnaton had concluded, yor pean = that a ee of appointed to nominate o for wh epg Sr orga ag Sy ur. Vice S are tre Borares ae HE Treasurer, which, g owing tlemet’ were ew bald -eaneatenes Vy the chair: ‘HO Jones, Mr TB Brit- ton, D M Orr, C Overman; Esq , and Jape. Y Bryee. Jpen motion af Col Wm Jobaston it was unanimously Jtesolved, ‘That this meeting hereby ex- presses gratitude to Presideus Jobnaoy for firmices, consistepey, aud patriotiem has hii course ta ao. fonding the Constindtion, during bis ad- ministration ag chief executive of the Uni- ted States. Upon motion, the proecedings of this mecting Were ordered to be pnblished in the Daily Bulletin, with'the reqnees that the other conservative yapers of the State be may to copy ; an@the Sccretaries in- stfoeted to faruteh the other cit with a tat” Sep- SENATORIAL DRIVELLERS. Hundreds of thousands of white men, women and children are |i in the |! = ri f tt | in the ‘of the Prete th te ot a own seat grant case, gress iw hand, He also , that he had been called on that day an ‘of the other House, Mr. of the Honse Restaur AAU Cope aren & Rheeciay MUR « le. ee 900 Be bine pent Se ee ed me a at aa , be eS. | J sat Sad _" i l ee ee Ss Oy © pe By ree wh Tag “se ha 4 4 —* » seers eee phe mete eh ty ee Symp ae Vi renee, hey | plod thy de he iD a Teh ’ 4 ; ” » » fhe dees. * nega a6 ee me ome ae tr’ yp een aA a i tS ae | 4 Py a8 oe : 3 mente Gam ene hn Th Po segh | ey arr wenger y ene ty? ree me BOE Pomme, om arnal ; s2 f F s it eR e s * B Fe ad its heel upon ope peapary'* sec- tion, uf ures — to and down the ‘ my Baltimore Gasetie. ~~. --- ‘ IMMIGRATION FROM HOLLAND AND SWITZERLAND. Sag Sis gly Yom the spring for Virgivia. He went down Times river a me lands for sale between this city and Hamp- On his return he will go to West Point and examine the lands there and n. H. Plumacher, of the 8wiss army, aleo ar- rived here on a similar errand. Se fe the accredited commissioner of the Ra y i 1 2 F F f i j i a k : y e Ls a S i i ; ovér that road & their new homes, if he determities to locate then on Dan River or. elsewhere in that part of the State. ‘Mr. Egbert Haseard, editor of the Lon- don zi merican, ts now in New York. He to ‘our internal improvements. These are all good signs.— Richmond —_-->- —-——— Hon, Thomas Cla M who hia ian these to the United : vice Senator io a relative of Henry Oley, profession. In be ma ' Speaker Is sald to be Avent EN Ek I A AI A A Hed Prvltaluomanpsl lo agen dl Pt ioe — ; 5 poe rr enth diet nts thir (6) 7 a Saeco Roarkups ys Ay val wes ¥ eae b | With “wage a rE — Pete: iy Money is abendant in dange and the difficulty of ment, have reduced the rate of interest per cent, en loatis well seeured. excited a talists to z E i Wi : r i i : : i t the East to the fearing vineyards and making of wines, and ber im mense water power for sos? The subject is sbecteatty earl tao rt ut = i = s r t i Be s @ f i l cass, or mere bat ais od sa Eetent Bogeed Wales thd 2) lands end Sat peostip, wins Hewh Onccien apes We ply org 0 Bbw oontiae ‘ “it single’ston~, bat is ent oe doer We ° Its oY GTi 7 iste cade ee! P mon” We ny te doubt honor, for The Old North State |" SALISBURY, FEB. 27, 1868. PERIODICALS. ; The January number of the best of British Quarterlys—the Edjphyrg Re ——is.on our table. The pre is one of unusual in AU cles are excellent, bat to us, the he third, and the sixth are of surpassing in- terest. The Cafe, a ili, nO wy | * * a Bisond et 9 2 40 injons,” vabonid; #4ls. edn never set. He w: trans ded by able states- wartiogs ¢f his time,.. Of all. hie. contem | poracies, and, with few of ‘all the men'that ever lived, he commenced his career’ with the moat yt oe) ‘opper- tunity of leaving a great and good. name to posterity, But,his mind. wae-narrow, his will anbending, bis. neture gloomy, his heart hard, anda dieposttion he wis big- otted"aind ‘intolerant, He delighted in, a dark and tortuous policy, He was.a mys- tery to his owp age, and is, perhaps, nbt fully known to ours. “The influence which he exercised on, the course ‘of bu- man affairs was eo terrible that it earned for him in the North the appellation of the “Demon of the South.” He estab- lished the Inquisition in Spain and the Netherlands, and, perhaps,. was instra- mental in eonsigning more persons to the flames and'other tortures, for their reli- gious opiniens thaa all others. He remov- ed his enemies, or those he suspected of be- ing his enemies, inclading the most eminent men among his own subjects, and. even among his ewn ministers, by sceret assas sination, If not a great man he was cer- tainly @ man of considerable abilities, and played #most prominent part In the events of his time; indeed it may not be toomuch to say that the effects of his are felt ever BGR” Beas ek kk ee ig Re at the presént day. ‘The histéry of each | a man sunst ever excite deep interest in the minds of men. But of all the events of his reign none have been shrouded in deeper mystery than the arrest, tmprisonment and death of his sen, Don Carlos, He was arrest- ed and eanfined by Philip's order, and only emerged from bis prison a corpse. — This ie all that was known to the public at the time, and the geveral opivion was tbat Phillip was reaponsible for his death, and se he was in agreat degree, though not, perhaps, in the tanner supposed by his contemporaries. Dy great labor’ and researeh M. Gachard seems to hate sol v- ed the mystery whieh surrounded the last days of the unfortunate Prince, and-te have given to the world « tolerable eorreet ac- count of the tragic end of the youthful heir of the vast monarehy of Spain, the son of Phillip the 11., the grand pon of Charles the V., and the dceacendant of Chasles the Bold, and Phillip the Goodof Burgandy. Bat we mast refet our readers to thé arti- cle in the Review or te.the work of "M. Gaehard for the interesting story. The second is’ review of the history of the anejent provinee of Anjon, in France. ‘There axe fow countries in the world whose history is More interesting than that of Anjou, and the interest scarcely ever flags from the time of tts oéespation by the Romans, to the death..of its last sov- ereign Duke, Rene, surnamed ‘The Good, and father of the ill-fated Queen of Heary the Vi, of Bagland, in 1480. We éaaner find space in this britf notice to tention ang of the most: impor- tant events in her eventfat history: Her Ducal house gave, perhaps, ' moré sovér- eigns ta the different countries in. Earope than ang other of which we-have an ac count. ‘It furnished England with a line of Sovereigns in .:he- illastrious house of Plantagenet, aud at one time was ‘frepte- sented in thirteen soxeruiguehouses of the continent. \ The eftth f4 4 review of the memoirs of Sir Phillip Francis. ..What we certain- ly know of Pranvis woald tender liim an interesting ebaragter, but it is. what we don’t know with certainty thet makes him the most {ntereating. A vast mass of internal cirenmetantial evidenee goes to prove that-he was the author of the Ju- nius letsets, and‘fg all but, chnelusive. — This evidenge.ia examined in the article before us‘ andcalmost convitiees” ud that the gréht ‘seerct ‘lias ‘really bean discovered, .At.ell.ewents ‘the . elaites: of Sir Phillip'Francts sian Bigher for the doubtful Bdénor of the authorship of these first is a review of Gachard’s Don} while the ability and style of the letters is such as almost any one might envy, yet) bt created. He evidently intends no further tesistenee than an appeal to the Courts to settle the legal question involved in the removal of + ae tag He. seems to have abandoned the ides of applying for a writ | Of Quo Warranto against Stanton, as the whole question is involved in the pro- ceedings against Gen. Thomas for an al- deged attempt to violate the tenure of office act, by taking charge of the War office under the President's orders removing Stanton and appointing him Secretary of War gd interim, This case will be heard ina few days, and if the decision should be favorable to the President his acquittal on the impeachment follows as a matter of course. But as the case will be heard in the District Court it may possibly be car- ried up to the Supreme Court, and some time elapse before a final decision shall be made, Or Gen. Thomas may possibly apply to the Courts fora mandamus against Stanton, which would be a much more summiary proceeding than by writ of Quo Warranto, and for which « prece- dent may be found in the celebrated case of Marbury against Madison. In the meantime, as we said in our Tuesday's issuc, we apprehend no dan- ger of an armed eollision. Indeed we cannot ace how any cceasion for it can arise, unless, contrary to all precedent, an attempt should be made to suspend the President from his funetine during the pendency of his inipeathment before the Senate, Of this we apprehend bat little danger, though we may possibly be mis- taken. Senator Kdmund’s bill, providing for the suspension from their official funo- tions during the pendency of the trial of government officers hereafter to be im- peached, had not passed both houses when the impeachment resolution was adopted ; it cannot now be made to apply to the ease of the President, as no ex post facto tgw can be passed.. We conclude, then, that the trial will proceed in regalar form acearding to establish éd precedents iu our ous history, The President will be represens- ed by counsel, of hia own choosing and | *¥ the impeachment will be condacted by a committes of managers on the part of the House of Representatives. The declara- tion of some of the radical leaders that ten or fifteen days time will suffice for the deposition of the Preident will prove a vain and idle boast, ‘The trial will un- ar rE eq y many months, and an Ls pos art me duh of Marwh 1900, the. dap oneblah the ag pertnad to be appointed by President's term of offee expires. the preter Toute be enetapes ' as be deem and. to |" Acod éréhn if 06 detisfon in the Coarte} {yy the chief sledk tr the. Depart. should be arrived at daring the pendency ptegr a ar, and who, whenever the said of the impeachment, we still do net be- officer shall be removed from of- Tieve that the W’rusident will be eouvieted oe Hee Eereiieatiel he Unies Sates, by tho Sonate, an he -eaanot ‘be eonvited | [19 SAT oes coi are. the ahnrge and except by & Yo thinds of the Sen- ofall records, books and papers ators present. Senate there are to the s id department: - publican party, wlio will -have too muel} pon tg oe ED age pro een regard for their reputations es able jurists to hear and determine this case as a politi- eal question merely; and bearing aadde- the Senate will acquit the President. Afi his predecessors ‘ha¥e anderstood and ex: ercised this right, of removal of all mere executive o ) not as a right con- fered by any jaw! ot Congress, bat by the Constitution itself. The act of Congress of August the 7th 1789, creat- ing the Department of War, does not con- fer vpon the Prosideat the right to remove the officer at the head of that Depart- ment, but recognises if @ pre-existing right wnder the Constitution. This it cleatly does in seetion second by providing that “whenever the said ptincipal officer shall be removed from office by the President of the Unitéd States or in any other ease of vacancy,” the prineipal clerk shall have charge of the papers ot the office during | the continuance of sueh. vacancy. "This sees ementeertasaets oh: for] States, which has, on more thag-onelee eclebrated lettere than those of any other casion decided, that this power of removal APFAIRS AT WASHINGTON. | appointed | jo} besa to here been. sree as i ae 7 ‘stitution iteelf, Aud ith Mhyented ta President by the C ™ }mantfest to all that Congr 1a addition to ¢ the President co power to bed > » Wie ar age 8 ee? Mr. succeeds to the ‘office as Vice President. The President holds the latter, and if cor- réct in that position his. case is clearly made out against every possible contingency. But this point does not seem to be so clear as the first—that he possessed the power under the Constitution, and that no act of Congress could deprive him of it: He was bound to obey the law, it is true, until the Courts should pronounce it unconstitutional, but the eoutse which he took was the anly.one by which he could hope to obtain sach a decis- ion. We repeat, that we believe that all will pass off peaceably, aud that the result‘will be most disastrous to the Radical party. We are aware that there are those who fear that Congress will make an effort to tsarp at onée all the fauctions of the Exeéutive and Judi- cial Departments of the Governgent, de- clare itself to be the Supreme power in the State and make its existence perpetual. Bat we are not disturbed by any such appre- hensions. Evey if/Congress were disposed to take such a rash and revolutionary etdp, it would be detered by recent demonstratioas of achange of sentiment among the Nurthern people. THE PRESIDENT’S DEFENCE OF ELF. Stanton, is a lengthy and forcible docu- ment. We have s only for its princi- pal points. He briefly refers to the fact that each of his predecessors had exercis- ed the prerogative of removal, and that the Supreme Court had desided that the authority was in the Executive by the Constitution. He then says: It is only necessary, then, dest should refer to the power of the Executive, under the laws of the United States, t remove from office a Secretary of War. The res- olution denics that uuder these laws thie ér has any existence ; iy other words, it affirms that ne such authority is reeog- nized or given by the statutes of (he coun- What, then are the laws of the United States which deny the President the pow- er to remove that officer? I koow bat two laws which bear upon this jon. The first in the order of time is the actof A termining as a legal question we believe alone, By its terme, however, beforo he can be i pie H F G | sought to appes only appoin # War was that conferred by oln, and after-nuting the distinc. tion between members:of the Cabinet and. ivi tablished’ by the pro- BY. eat HE Ph d 5 S bs E [ j to € E. owing to,doubts which ex- e construction of the law, be t.“deemed it desirable that at ible moment those doubts ed, and the true construc- ¢ act fixed by decision of the Su- Pye of the z i & 5 = 5 Fy 5 f g & & ti tion as make a resort to judicial decision both and . My understanding and w , however, under that order of , Were frustrated, In respect to so much of: the resolotion ea relates to the desi of an officer, to act as of War ad interim, 1 have only to say that I have exercised this power under the provisions of the first section of the act of Feb. 13, 1795, which so faras they are ible to vacancies caused by removals, I to be still in force. After discussing the question whether the act way be, however, in this, as in other of may ari i a ‘one of subthr de- batable questions which arise in the eonstrue- tion of statetes. If, upon such a question, | have fallen into an erronious construction, I submit whether it shoukd be characterized as a vivlation of official duty and of law. The message concludes as follows: I have deemed it proper in vindication of the course which I have considered it my daty to take, to place before the Senate the reasons ap- on which lL have besed my action. Although I have been advised by every member of my Cabinet that the eotire tenure of office act is enconsiitional, and, therefore, void, and al- thoagh I have ex ly concurred in that opinion in the veto seeee which I had the henor to submit to Congress when I retnrned the bill for reconsideration, | have refraned from making a removal of any officer coutrary marked out for myself, as a rule, faith- fully to.execute all lawe, gh passed orer my objections, on the score of constitutional: y. the Constitation Washington, D.C. Feb. 22, 1868. ——_.gpo———— THE LAST OF GRANT. It was ‘searcely necessary President should have troubled himself to 8i reading of the The whole business is too to be misunderstood. ‘The stain Supreme Covrt.—Opinions delivered oe poe which they offer very low fot cash or produce, as follows : By Pearson, OC. J.—In State vs. Shaleh- ter e¢ al front Oraven, judgment reversed. In Benbow vs. N. C. Rai , from Guil- » uo error, In handler vs. Bigge ay no error. ae» of 9 part of the proveca' 37 monagere to, be appointed by ithe ouse of Representatives, and on part of the President by counsel of his own choosing. Mr. Stanbery, Mr. O’Qon- or, and Judge Black, are said to bave many managers ag it pleases, and will robably, as a compliment, select Mr. tevens as their chief manager. The number will probably be less than half a dogen. The Constitution provides tha‘ punishment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than removal from of- fice, and disqualification to bold any office under the Goveumest: It a the concurrence of two-thirds of the senators to do even this. Tt bas been asked whether Senator Ed- tounds’s bill to sus the President da- ririg the trial has been . It haa not, cannot now, since the President haa the right to keep the bill iu his possession ten days before returning it, Bat the Senate sits as a court, and may ds a court make some order which will virtually eus- the the President daring trial. The deliberates with closed doors, bat the jadgmeut is given with the open To the last impeachment caro—that of Judge Peck, of Miseoari,—Mr. Buchan- an was the chief manager on the past of the Honse of Representatives. No President of the United States bas the Chief Justice has never before presid- ed over the Senate, siuce he doca so oaly in such case. It may require weeks or months tu com- plete the tual. All depends upen the temper of the Senate.—ltickmond Dis- patch. WESTBROOK & CO. Westbrook - Nurseries, Greensbeore’, N. C. Fruit Frees and Grape Wines, 100,000 GRAPE VINES, SCUPPERNONG VINES, also of the Pirowers. A very superipr Seedling of the Scu at VERY LOW PRICES. Our of the Vines. WESTB K & 00, teb 27wlt—tw2t Box 66. Greenshorp, N. SOMETHING NEW AT OLD WEST GREEN. HE PROPRIETOR, C. f. MENDEN- hall has a choice lot of Well Grown Fruit Trees. FOR SALE, cultivated expressly for himself; the old Wer stock haying recently been disposed of to anoth- er New Nusery Man. Wealso have a large aud handsome lot of Evergreens, Roses, Green house Planta, Shrubbery, &c. Prices as moderate as can be found any where South. Send your orders to My. 8. J. Tharley, late gardener to Westhrooks & Mendenhall, and eigen and punctual stteution will imumediately given. Greensboro, Feb. 13, 1968. 6—wlm STORE HOUSE For Rent A LARE NEW STORE HOUSE, com- reversed and judgment for . Lo , from Edge. never before been impeached, and theretore | -—~ ‘THE sv ER has i &T Fee in operation a ‘ TANNER WANTED. WANT a white man who can come,we recommended asa good Tunamer et med er of Leather, ‘He must be .of. good moralsend indestrious habits,-Such a man can ebtaib with me the position of « journeyman, ors foreman, or a partner in the business. I bave a fine sit- uation and a well improved yard. Addréss me at “Jérusalem, Davie Com Ne Dee. 9, 1867, if State of North Carolina, ANSON COUNTY. bate head J cy : 3 Ps . : i x F ‘ f e A F court-house ip April next, then and therete f° 0% evry will be against him, aed lands lev meat — = plaintitts debt, othe Lem pore gl se : itaem, Patrick J. te cag a clerk of said court e i at office in Wadesberu’: Monday in January, A. 1)., 1668, | & Tet pee Thu:pe tee P. J. OvPP RRO caer. hurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Tera, 1868. - dohn J. Colson, etaleberster of James A. Robin- son, vs. Thomas A. Robinson and others. PETITION TO MAKE REAL ESTATE aceeTe. gg? oop mye A. Robinson, = and = Joseph Nees. Tarte Ms . iii cocety of Anson, 68 thn ate Ma i ! by fi n sweet, "OCABSTOAL.Y MATH RIMT. CAL, aad COMMERGIAL. COL, WM. BINGHAM. [dee 23-27-46] State of Myrth’ 1867 ~rt+7tas anent, Robert BR.’ Galloway, vs. J. W. Davia. ATTACHMENT. In this case.it is ordered b publication be made in the North State for six weeks, for and a A te we re ret: ft . for Rent. No otha store within & miles, and oo on Greht's charactor is now deep | and ineffaceable.— Baltimore Gazette. Po n y excelent stand for busihes. G. A. ALLISON. Feb 33, 1h68 w—liIm Witness, A. Ht. | spear Gt 3:Gw: pr tee $8 in August A. H. FREEMAN, co. s. c. °-T n fi iat be a, é MBS NC. gow Oe ae ina > BE SPRING™ PERM of The Beidiee of Superior Court of baw, Spring Term, the that: atehman & Old iat at the next term of our Sear? Law to bv held for the cotthty ‘of Sur- second , 1867. Tis BTM oe st one-fifth of nd Burope é- ae heen more ro lew ender which existe s nd no dace led all medenl ry mptome or of Breath, Iv Oberat, dartine AA LON, om! the whole 97> dread dere d lose wo tee proper hea ay ts feveges j SON’S be Cure of thitis, Cou g* Affections sored to heath wifered severs sion and the! a pow heen st marked wo , York. we orignal Pre, . directions tod 5 ith @ sbort | os, experien” ne of charge)” slling on or N& CO. MEY wc Cc y angnonnee lantty on hw Cases, whi? d .ced pri hew cer pond oor wit N. PARKS —_ sagey bom rp If Congress will wot grant geecral am- neaty, tv Lcaven’s mame, let it act om the ye, thet hwtility to secession and oi while then ements o deverd BH T eo ' F i t B E E . s i 3 a 1 : yk li l i if } F i t L during party | that prio-| to whe Conatitation to | ag e i i 5 E} 5 z ti FS F a] t the The wider! z Hi i = f i RF > true; the F £ z hie partizanehip. } i i i i f U | Will mat. the Convention call apon| ‘Congress te embrace the whole Lody of men who to ; ve | LIVE-SKETCHES OF MY FRIENDS. extent, throagh itself with a meas- al the wttainded men. Self-preservation is the eo 4 lew of nature. That ic will prove to be dismetrous to re-enact the odious principle of ploniem in Alabama, and that, too, by a Hegre minority, and not & white ewe, there cannot be a shadow It, ie connection with other jes of Radicalem, Re eT aa (im part by blacks wee) in Alabama, what wonder is as Senator The people of the Brate of Ala- theme herve ip etrict costplieace with the Sth, Revtiwa of the Act of March 2ad, 1967. enti- thed ea Act © provile for the more efficiont governitent of the Rebel Beaten, framed a Con- +itetiun of gevernerdet, iu couformity with the Constiration of the United Staces, framed by 8 Coavention of delegates lo compliance with sand Ack ond Whereas, The said Constitution has been rat- ~{on ed, "| band-writing of Rafue Choate and there No, I. CHAPTER It. On the 21st of July, 1861, when the battle of Manassas was raging, when ev to check the flank preg! MeDowell- it was heard oe Sy Leatees etree acom- y of spirited Virginia youths, that the -in-chief had had. his horse mounted... Immediately a private rode their ranks towards the station oceu- by the General, He was mounted As he uregard alone, not awaide.in sight, iv the act of-mounting a inferior boree. He saluted him and “General, T beard of Politely (for the distingeished unlike many of his (nferiors whom I know, 1 and spoke only afew but elo- Mager of p radenet A ent. ‘The Neng ¢avalry man saluted him and was said to him; “Stop! you are on Carry {this staff till ws orders. dispatch,” t Young man was my friend, Tetiry eo coud his part well en *Ithat day—aed he was not forgotten by Beatregard. Ina few days be gave him @ permanent appointment on his staff — He followed this leader's furtunes through all his vicissitudes till he was relieved, Fu p E N Ht f Ba i i chester she gras | Soke 2 ©, FEBRUAR <p may be well; to the good it mst 3 and this is the consolation for christian. When be was lost at seems misfortune and sorrow, ill convert his tears to diamonds “Weeping may joy cometh in the ictions are not 60 ple of God” as promised, to the pco- A Southern regiment was beaten and rer back before ~ owe er A regiment was t upto relieve the loss. Gen. Johnston ssid he, would lead it himself. His officers protested. — Gen. Hodge told him that he ought not to do so; that he might be shot. He re- plied, “No; there is no danger,” cr in i : He rushed into the charge—received the wound io his leg — treated it lightly and refused to retire from the field the hemorrhage had sealed the fate of his honored career. It was not the clamor of the censorious press that led him to that seeming rashness. It was the vont that led Beauregard at Manasses to seize the colors and press to the onset iw the very blaze of deadly carnage. It was the spirit thet converted the coolness of Lee into such desperate valor at Spot- sylvania. It was the spirit of majestic heroism swelling in a storm of enthasiasm above the want of means required for the execution of its grand conceptions, aud having done the work of the commander, hurling iterif as an armed host against the centre of concentrated danger when the fate of gigantic issues «' hesitant and quivering in the shock. Who can tell what that great genius of the results of utter defeat or complete vie- tory that day? Can less than that genius interpret the impulse that led him to such ow rashness? His death and that Jackson bear the iupress of the hand of Divine Providence more signally per- haps than any other casualties of the war. The death of such of them was revolution in history. Iu the bloody and less successful con- flict of the second & y, Heary’s faithful ee z 1 +b Y tr e BB 3 <= oT tured. At length on third day a cw rious object, like a live baggage wagon with a mule’s head in front, was seen ap- Y 28, 1868. YOUNG MEN AND MARRIED gentlemen, in society. Te-page"in more ways than one. It ig generally under stood among young mon, that married la- Che de 0h ennn, fon shale reslons. Ne rope are 8, posed to ex LS a Iephl thde ets ois ad ti Biel pan is little attentions -of society with indiffer- ente—tbose THE HUMANITY OF THE NEGRO. This is an age of development, if not of The sea of public opinion is seasleee oul la stig “oaetin up mire and dirt.” Even after the ial subsidence of the storm of revolution, there is “mn n - mairons, their position and its 1, end _|do uot “Hirt” and make themeelves as lit- whence he sprang, or whether he fs infe- rior to the white man; the question is,|" bas the negro a soul~is he. of those qualities which constitute: hemani- ty! Ifthe negro is a brute he is, of course, of a class of creation totally extinct from man. But it is a fixed law of ua- tare that whilet two distinct classes of an- imals may pa, ao ty the t is in- a pear of reproducing its likeness, The “spring isa barren hybrid, upon which nature has set the seal of ite d t tion. It follows then that the ud mete latto is infertile, which is contary to, facts and daily observation. Any resul: of amalgamation that can be perpetuated in- dicates oneness of origin. Again. Man is the only being known who recoguizes the Supreme Being. Of the Great Incomprehensible, or any of Hia Attributes, the brute knows nothing. He has no capacity either to “call ov His name,” which implies faith, or to “ ; ee s # Wn t : I for amusement, and not are almost unjversally ne; mes.” expect to be avd think little of ir, custom, peculiarly American, door to mach genuine social enjo The fault of this is with the men; and yet it ix rather standing than a fault. may not care for the many little compli- f g “ ! Hf “E E young a misunder- fane” it, which implies uubelief. Bat it] ™eots and tay Apri which are natur- ia in evidence that wherever the negro is|«! and proper the gayeties of young found, there is some conception like that| meu and girls, of the red man, of a “Great Spirit” who is This form of attention to married women over all. His ideas, just like other heath-| is, of course, disgusting. Attention, in ens, may be very vagne, but etill these et er alee in itself, are found to exigt| ud is enjoyed ly on this ac- even among the wilds of his native land. The negro may be proved the lowest of men, bat his reeoguition and devout wor- count. The man in society who is clled “s per- feet gentleman™—and every circle ‘has at least ove such man—is always proach it proved to Tobe ri y 4 2 up oa a mule werdartally eden aot Ay a ewollen to immense proportions wi diversity of articles. held a huge trauk which was like- wise filled with what be esteemed. orna- mental and uxefal. Bebind bim was strap- ped a fine saddle while hie dusky form kable events in ali the untold and wonder during the fatal struggle She ie o native of Georgia. Her name was Harrollien before rhe beeame Mrs. | Gordon ; and she is a relative of the Hoa Willie P. Mangus. Ie showed me the record he kept on the ficll of Shiloh, during the engagement. lt was a very good representatina of the ge uias of a battle. The first few entries were regular and the chirograpby was plain jas to the letters and more reckless as to the liuce. Then, as the beeam: fo- riove, the letters boeame as illegible as the was a nig-2ag jerk and dash about it that might well mt the tracks made by the Rebilbu v's crab. Just before the fight commenced, the stalls felt the pulse of Beauregard and all hie aids. He found them expres sive of very different degrees of excite ment. They ranged from 80 ap to above 120. Ue felt them again after the firing grew severe, and found acceleration in some of them. Strange as it may seem, Rea one, U ae, it not above, 120. ¥ accounted for, however, by the enfre- in Congress, and Seustos sod Representatives <hal) be admiated, on their taking the oath pre- scribed by law.” To add to the infamy of the Radical record, in so far as it has been exhibited at such short notice, by men destitate of true political iples, we copy from the prese of Mr, come gtd A afore- time bitter evemy of Lecomptoniem, as follows: “Nie plainly the duty of Congress to weleome the members cect to Washington, and at once to admit Alabama to the Union. If there are ten logal men in Alabama who desire to return to) Hittle- | the Union, Congress shall recognize them, and | them only, aa the representatives of the Slate” Than the above, no lower depth for a mor and rap Pek grerry wanton, and meretri- cious negation of principle on the gravest ing entirely recovered from severe illners —by the realigation of his u emendone re- spoosibility and the intenee exereie of hie brain at the moment. | stances, ¥ fal history of the daughters of the Soath | | wen him qaite a reputation. ' Daring oar brirf interview, Henry gave “Ime several notes of his roldrer-life next few grew more ancelar | , tell bow, repeatedis, he ard's was higher than any, rave! g. if I remenber corrretly, as | This was ce- { bleed condition of bis heakh — be not bar- ] That was aquaiot | tarmed to Khichmond | witticiam of the eunzeon under the circum- | devoted gevius aod his army's valour had, hen, it bring saggested that be ) married to immortal ly, in vain, so far as| rested on another. While engaged in his anderiag, he had become separated from e- | th triends and had at let effected bis es- cape aod brenght off his epoils through a seties of dodges and flank movements that Henry gave mo a trinket fram Joha's trunk which I prise very highly. CHAPTER IV When Teauregard was temporarily re-| Hieved, trom failing healih, Henry was treneferred to the staff of Gen. Bragg. — He did not like the peenharities of that comamander, aad ciiher resigned or asked for a change. Gen. Lec applied to Gen Cooper for an active and accomplished young mans for his Inepeetor General — Hevry was reeommended and promoted to that highly responsible pesiiion. tie praise enomgi to say that he beld that of- fier wader the eye of the renowned Gen- eral from the day of bie a)pointment to the cloee of the war, a period of strife whieh for violence and continuens firug cling has eridom, if ever b en equalled in the annale of war. ‘To chronicle this pe- ried of bis life in detail would be to write the history of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia for the last two years of ita stupen dows career =| will rot even pause 1% reved bimectf the orator as well as the ie 1 hasten on to the day when he stood by his be loved and immortal chicttian at Appomat tox and saw him surrender to his mfcror that sword where hilt seemed the only mortal holding-place for the Independence | of the Confederacy. Cast down bat not in dee patr—eongq ered, bat vot dishonor ed, he rede by the side of Lee as he rv that city which hie feel bis own pulse, be replied : “It is ase- | the appreheuded issues of the berote strug Ie «2; for mine was eo high some time ago | that my pants busted.” He had tora Ins | pantaloous, a few moments before, in | mounting hie horse. | Beaaregard commanded, though ranked by A. 8. Johnston ; the latter deferring to \the former's familiarity with the locality, &e. Karly in the fight a courier rode ap with tne intelligence that the enemy were advancing in heavy force against an ex- posed position. Johnston suggested that —— with 8000 men he sent to meet them, Beauregard stood quietly and thoughiful- ly, like Archimedes, but far more alive, th that philosopher, to the evonts around him, marking with a cane on the ground as — he was drawing « of the conflict When he raised hie bead he ordered 4000 instead of 8000 to the threat- ened point. When we think of that battle, how na- tural it is to reflect what might have been had not Albert Sidney Johnston fallen! When he fell the angel of propheey burn- ed the unpublished leaves of the bistory of the War of Beecasion and wrote a new and wildly variant volume. Those un- published pages, like the lost leaves of "ia ke hugar of Sin em wover waned gle were tavelved. ! How strangely eonnded the voices | those Federal coldiers, as they gave veut to their admiration of their great adverea | ry incheere ! Henry emerged from the struggle with resolved still to coutest the field with mis- fortune and destitation. Ere long he migtt have bie>~been threading his way along Baltimore street, with a few books uner his arm, selling to whomecever would purchase, thereby managing to pay the beard of himself and family, Step by step he arose, and to- day he is a Inaurance Agent with a large, increasing basiness, enjoying the confieence and esteem of the most distin- guished men in the eity of his ra se Surely such men deserve to be known and honored. He uered the diffical- ties sf seqliacags al handel hopeless af- fliction—of defeat—of poverty. Let us admire—and take courage | Do not the blessings of his father's un- forgotten prayers follow him f the battle-fields. Across the mule was} swung « prodigious sack with both ends " ar b | the distinguishing characteristic of man to of | ship of the true God certainly entide him to rank as a member of the Homo. |* an entertainment by hostess and He may have less brain more skall| alike. If « young man will his than the white man, but if these were the | movements, invariably find thas measare either of soul or in many he relieves the hostess of the duties a Caneassian might be nimi- |ot the y, by paying Again. Man is the only being known sc ngnstetcl aged, rn reg have atten- Peotlad amapriay tater of apeech.— | tions to opase. sar tiogepe # ve the faculty of expressing their | per room he will be found hy a by artical de, bat it is married ladies, chatting with listen - E ing respeetfully to what they say, |complimenting them. Yes, staid matron- ly reader, complimenting them, in « han- red delicate ways, which ladies can best express bis emotions by the tongue in the sequence of thoaght. No nation has ever yet been discovered that bas no a language eapable of being redaced to| appreciate, beeause they auderstand the some g.ammatical ogder. Even the Bash. | @tt themselves. If a young man wishes men, who are esteemed the most degraded the reputation of being a “perfect geutle- ' and the least like men, have had their lan-|™an" he wast pay aitention to the mar- } guage systematically arranged. And it ried ladies. Setting quictly by, as they ~ hae beea teund that these African eava- | 4°, aud taking appareatly little active other language with facility ges acqaire interest ia the gayeties of suciety, they Bat where was the language of brates ev |form and guide tts opinions for all that. reduced to a system? Whoever beard of | As a matter of selfichoess, as well ae of ja Mouwkey Alphabet or a Baboon Gram-| politeuess, it behooves the young man to |mar,or a Gorilla Dictionary 1 | r ever kuown, that with all his powers of | pot to young married ladies entirely The Arangs|clderly matrou is pleased to receive at- teutions, and appreciates them. When they are given anostentatiously. and with yerfect respect, she turns to the friend by side, and speaks of tree politeucss. oo - INFIDELITY THE RESULT OF mitation, Apes spoke French or letudied Engheh? The very idea is ridic- ulows eneagh. Man, and man only is pos-| sessed of colloquial powers. Language ts the gift of the Creator to intelligeut be- | ings. Ite acquisition is beyond the pow ' er of imitation. Has the wegro the pro r organs of speech? Are his colloquial oe valine disputed! Then he is pay 1 IGNORANCE. and no brute; thea he has an immortal! A enrrespondent of the Church Union spirit which will rise to its maker and not} says: Lord Litileion aad Gilbert Went descend to the earth were, as they supposed, fired in their Bat that which stamps the negro with prine ples of infideinty, and were pereand hamanity and unmistakably proclame! +d that Christianity was an impestere (him a living soul, is hie power of abstract | (ander this pereaasion, they were deter- reasoning, or the facalty of deducing gen- | mined to expose the cheat by writing crit eral truths, or laws from eolicetions of in-| jciems on the New Teetoment, and etpos dividual facta. Animal instinet is of it | ing ite errors and baman inveetions. Mr. self wholly irrational. Iteannot be im-}Weat elonse the resurrection as a subject proved by education. Lt has no accums- | for writing and palblication, Lord Litthe- lated experience either individual or tradi j ton chose the life of St. Paal. Maving tienal. Sach ie not the case with the ne-| commenced the examination, serveyed the Jere. He thinks and reasons, judges, ima-| feld of inquiry, and reficcted upon the gines and compares. He has canscious-| various parts of their mbjccia, they saw, \nese and reflection. He is a propes sab-\as they ed, new light breaking in |ject of law, and all civil enactmente in re- apon their minds, and the foree of treth gard to bim are based upun his capability | overpowering their understanding, they of intelleetaal obedience. The epoiling) were sooe brought to a peuse. The re- f his goods and the taking of his life, the suit of their geparate attempts was truly law regards as theft and murder, and pan-| extraordinary, They were both convert liwhes accordingly. Bat the negro reong-| ed by their eudeavors to overthrow the | we mean, who se) pects [VOL. I, NO. 8 From the Salem Press. he, and dear reader, ’ tlc onary cad ac a a he si ra nn BAD: ROAD MEETING. ing, thores of the Land. of Perfect Life!—} 44 wow York, Mail hae tbe following! ber of the ehiscan of Forsythe’ bs ha POREE IS Tee caiman sensible article on this subject : ~}in the Court-House, at Wosunchioan- From the Charlotte Democrat. Pay attention to married ladies day the 15th inet. ‘At one o'clock, E. A. Vogler, Eaga the zeus of Fayetteville and W were pera np atps ti fanny 2 sec- tion of the country, bat he saw bat little chance for mach aid from that _ y j ‘ f . i : the Central Railroad, at tween Greensbero’ and ning via Salem and Winston, and exend- ing through the Northwestern of the It was then moved that a committee of should | Cd ay 5 tes, man | be chairman ofthe re gear | On Was it| pay attention to the married ladies, and | P® A PASTORAL LETTER CONCERN- ING AMERICAN WOMEN, Bishop Arthar Cleveland Cetr, of New York, has iseneds pastoral letter in rela- tion to American wamen, ia which be dis- EE E nizes a moral as well as a legal obligation. | tembh of Obristianity, and b as emi- He has a conscience which acenses of ex-| pent for piety as they were for letters. cuses. He is the eabject of divine trath,| sir Isaac Newton eet out in life an in- of moral impressions, and moral accounta- | fidel; bat on a close examination of the bil ty. He hae borne every evidence, Pot! evidences ot Christianity, he found rea- only that he anderstood the gospel, bat son to change bis opinions. When the jthat he had yielded to the justice and the | cvlebrated Halley was talking infidelity | power of its claims Who bas not admir- before him, Sir Isaac addressed bim to ed the simplicity of his faith, the rational-| the following effeet: “Dr. Halley, 1 am ity of his hope, and his joyous anticipa-| always glad to bear you speak about as- “better country” whieb shall | arte of mathematics, act is incladed in the great scheme of re | know nothing of the hd toe demption, and that the negro is a proper) a just ro adhere ong recipient of its glorious realities. Bh ED) , ight apply to many Homo. es Orr wirg se Heav.—On dif that another military officer bas committed the anpierdone- ble sin of believing that a white man is almust as good as a negro; and the Radical negro worshipers of Newbern are after him with a stick. “Off with his head” is the ery; and off it ily come. pesegplianstliprn Sh te a similar assertion with respect Ton ore the Orpan dcoied bet the se. | Sead it carefally, « qnel proved who was ight; and in spite of any| majesty with whieh it revealed, ar p ined perp present on dit, we fod content, song evidence of ite Divine origin; so that @ abort time will show its entire aceuracy.| that I finished — with the fullest Meacbere, Jour. Commerc. | satiedaction of truth of the Scriptures.” i ri r t é i i : ‘ fl 4 gee Rotice another case of horse steal- ing in Davidson—i le thief captured and the heree recovered. We would advise everybody to “took the door before the borse is stolen.” cris av] Od Bor Sh. . . == | Yaatcrman € BY HANES & BRUNER, CONVENTION. We have met with some intelligent persons of Conservative proclivities --men who are opposed to all the rad ieal changes being wade in the organ ic law of the State by the Convention now sitting at Raleigh—who complain that the assembling of the iate Cons servative State Convention at Raleigh was They contend that it is possible that a Constitution would have been framed whieh the people of the State could have aceepted it the Conservatives had not pledged themse! ves in advance io oppose what- ever was to be done. The position, inflaence, talents and character of the men who make these complaints is such as to entitle them to the most re- speetfal consideration, and so we in tend to t.eat them, We are not oue of those who were pledged tu oppose any Constitetion which the Convention might frame. We were anxious that that body shoald be composed of Oon- eervative and moderate men who wold frame an acceptable Constitution.— On the 7th of November last we pub Yeled.a wery able article, from the peaof one of North Carolina’s most distingdisbed'tons, on the subject of calling 2 convention, ip which the wri ter took ground in favor of a Conven tidb; a84 ire formation of such a con . gitation as would be acceptalile to enc the majority of the white people of the Guide, Ber wreek, while bo did wot) WASHINGTON NEWS—IN- PEACH MENT. ergee in favor of colored anffrage per ot, Bdvocated a. settlement of the question, @pon the basis of an intpar- ‘enffrage for all elasses in fosttined’ in & very able ‘argement which, was béver refuted. If any such , jee had been tendered o: ghould wow be tendered by the Con “Peatioe we thould advocate its ac eoptanee,.ae would many thousands of as good Conservatives as can be found tn Western Noth Carolina — Bech was out position daring the late canvass, and snch was the position of tiany of the ablest Conservative men in the State, as we bappen to know. Bat from the moment we saw how the Convention was constitated we abandoned every hope that it woold -}to play bis part with digwity avd dis y seem sear deplare jn ad vange that the Ce riservatives would oppose any Constitution that might be presénted—good or bad. It did not | ect upon the hypothesis that it was impossible that such a Constitution ' should be presented as the Con- servatives could accept. But, judg- ing from the developments then made,’ theCon vention, in the third resolution of the series adopted, declared it to be its “opinion” “that the great and all absorbing issue, now soon to be pre sented to the people of the State. is vegro suffrage and negro equality, if not supremacy, and whether hereaf- ter in North Carolina and the South, the white man is to be placed politis cally, and as a consequence, sucially apon a footing of equality with the negro, and in wany localities subject to his government as a superior.” I’, in expressing such an opinion, any injustice was done the Conven- tion sitting in the capitol, why has not that body refuted the slander by its subseqaent acts? As all the eubse- quent acts of that body have been not only to confirm, but tostrengthen the “opinion” thus expressed, the conelu- sion is irresistable that no injustice was done it. From the first day of ite assernblage the evidence afforded by its acts is conclusive that, like Com. gress, it has acted and legislated gole- ly with a view to secnre the political power of the State to the negroes and the radieals, ard those who were op- posed to such a condition of things ean find no reason to justify them in remaining veotral in the approaching The news from Washington to day is of the most. exciling character The President has at Jasi deter mined upon dec’sive action of some kind, but whether he will have the prudence cretion, and the nerve to press forward with vigor, reuiains to be ecen. Im deed, it is not. quite certain what course he had marked out for himee!! bp taking the first important step —the renotal of Stanton. ‘There caw be vo duwbt that the President at ouce test the qacsitom of will Stan- bron betivre it,)t al Stanton avd appointit fie acted within the sphere ; ‘stitational powers iat ‘event, Congress would be overwheluwed with shame and disgrace, and would be re- pudiated by three-fgurths of the peo~ ple of the North. Or suppose that such decision shonld be rendered dar- ing the peudency of his trial’ before the Senate, that high court of-im- peachment would then be compelled to acquit him, whieh would be equals ly disastrous to the fortunes of the radical party which the country would hold responsible for his impeachment by the Honse of Represetitatives. In either eveat the President would stand before the country in the atti- tude of a martyr to the cause of the constitution, aud would almost cer. tainly be triumphantly re-elected next Fall if acquitted, Bat whatever may happen we apprehend no armed col- lision. AN INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY. There is nothing so essential to the preservation of liberty and good govern- ment,—of law, order and public morality, as an independent judiciary. All history demonstrates this fact. Judges, like all other men, are only human beings, and as such are subject to al! the temptations te which human nature is liable. This must necessarily be 20, for we cannot ex- pect perfeetion in man. They are as lia- ble under the same circumstances to be biased by their interests or influenced by theie passions as other men. The firs: duty of every government, then, should be so to construct its judiciary system as to remove ite Judges as far as porsible from temptation. Let their tenare of of- fice be for life, or for a long term of years —place them above waut by paying them an adequate salary —make them remoyca- ble or punishable only vpon delivquency —tlet them be appointed by the legislature for their sonad legal learning and great moral worth, as has geverally been the case in our Giate herewiore, and we. will have an able and upright yediciery, In the past our Stipreme bench ‘has’ been adorned by judgrs Who woold have re- flected Lhowor upon ary country — whose opinions are heard with nupect and quo ted we authority in Westminster Hall in- eclf. Of this every tree North Carolinian justly fcels proad, and hopes never sec ies high ebaracter tarnished. Yet, notwithet nding the epleadid rac- ton’s right to retain his office an- der the tenure of office act Ly a writ of Gao Warrunto before the Supreme Court of the United States. Wheth £, oF er thisis a sanmmery pruceedtr whetber it takes the eases on the docket we have vot caf | ese of oar tyetem in the past, aud the au janswerable arguments which be | brongbt to prove that it was foanded ap- | on correct principles, it has been diecard- ean led by the body now eitting” at Rateigh | f ° ‘ Ccuuree \ ver and claiming to be a Coevention of the be. it te not at all im; bable, in orous for the passage of laws which would be it violation of the Constitution of the Uuited States, and which an independent. Supreme Court would declare to be 80, and, therefore, null and void. But the difficulty will be avoided by the election of some currupt creatures, to the Supreme Court Bench pledged to sustain the law at all hazards. _ Thus, the decision of all these great questions will-pass, virtually, into the hands of the mob. With the right of suffrage confined to the white race, or to the white race and the intelli- geut among the colored race, the danger would not be so great. But adopt the Constitution which is soon tobe submitted to the people of the State for acceptation or rejection, with the judiciary article as it now stands, and the glory of thebench in North Carolina has departed forever, We will see no tiore ‘Taylors, Hendérons, Gastous and Ruffins on the Supreme bench during the period of ics existence. To use the graphic language of Fox, ia reference to Pett’s India bill, our courts will then become “a bed of justice upon which justice will forever sleep.” Of all the features of the New Constitution we regard this as the verg worst. If the eon- vention cannot be brought to change it before its adjourument, aud the people fail to vote it dowa, it will not be loug before they will be unable to say ila lex, seripla est. dink eliotn THE CONVENTION. Wih each succeeding day the intense bitterness and leveling agrarianism of this body becomes more and more manifest. There is pow berreely 2 doubt that the University and Common S¢hools of the State willbe thrown open indiseriminaté- ty to both races, and that an act will be passed compelling the childn a of each race to attend the Cémmbn Schools or be deprived of their Len fit alingether, Hod negro, Lom Cumberland ovunty, bas g.von hotice of bis intention to inu oduce an erdi- nance “ [ifting® the fine imposed by our laws upon,” Misistérs and Susfices of the Peace who solewniae the rites of watromo- ny beticcen negrots and whites.” That 4 provision to carry oGt this iden will be adopted scarcely adinits of « doatt: “In fact there ie no degradation to whieh this body is not prepared to ptnop. The pab- lie néed not be earprised at any moment to heat the: some of the eo-eviied white mom bdera have openly declared themeclves im favor of amalgamation, auiboriced, if not compelled, by law, as the beat and } people of the State. That body seems to ne British thepiesent -condision, of af —is ong , The reseat fairs, that the populace may become clam- jg one pyro Aatieg “Al cles are excellent, but to us, the first, the third, and the sixth are of surpassing in- terest, Garlos and Phillip IT. © Or-rather, we should say, while Gachard’s book is made the text of the article, the article itself is devoted more to tho subjects of the book than to the Look’ itself. ‘I'he bubjects are such that they must ever excite a deep in- terest in the minds of all students of his- tory. Phillip TI, was one of the most ex- traordinary men, in some respcets, that ever lived. . Ile was heir to the immense hereditary possessions of the celebrated fost Emperor, Oharles the V, and “on whose! gal te dominions,” it was said, “tho san never nome set.” He was earrounded by able states- men, and served by the most consummate warriors of bis time. Of all his coutem- tunity of leaving a greet and good name : ¥ ieee een eee Phere ey “PERIODIC The Fomuary number of th lyse~the Eo } opt pounced to. the Senate, and appointed to prepare and exhib articles, Preparations will at onee'be made The first is a review of Gachard’s Don mencement of which settle the legal question - involved tm rewoval of Stanton. He seems’ nbanidoved the idea of applying for against Stanton, a juvolwed in the Stanton and him Secretary 4 interim. ‘This cave will be heard) be most poraries ceptions War ad ; tbe i wi A od |= we dare, sa ihe decivion showld | are aware bis carver with the most splendid oppor- be favorable to the President his sequittal | Congress will bi on the impeachment follows as & matter all fanetious will be heard io to . But his mind was narrow, his will onbending, bis natare gloomy, his heart hard, and in disposition he was big- otted and intolerant. He delighted in a dark and tortuous policy. He was a mys tery to his own age, and is, perhaps, not fally knowa to oars, The influence which he exercised on the course of ha- man affairs was so terrible that it earned lished the Inquisition in Spain and the recodey’s 1 1 Netherlands, and, perhaps, was iustra-| Can armed collision. "Indeed! mental in consiguing more persous to the | 5° ° soe bow any cceaston fie ean flames and other tortures, for their reli-/™, cqniaay. 12 all precedent, am gions opinions than all others. He remov-| sboald ‘be ape i the ed his enemice, or those he snapeeted of be-» Prealdcet Heal ieg his enewier, including the wost emivent thel of > ‘ pendency of bis impeachwe.t before ‘ mea orca tri Pee and CvEM senate. Of thia we apprebeud but Tittle The Ser none r by secret aseat | ee, though we may. posaitly: be cole] #AFt te sidation, ‘If'tiot a great man he was cer. . tainly a mau of considerable aUilities, and taken. | Senator Edmend’s bill, poor played o most prominest part in the events; of his time ; indexd it may not be toomach | ‘all ete rr a ow Det cf all the-evente ab-bie sign aapetoee™ have been shrouded in deeper mystery than the arrest, imprisonment and Geath} ef bie sea, Don Carlos. He Wea arrest-) ed and coufioed by Vhillip’s order, and} . only emerged trom lie prison « corpet— ed by counsel This ts all that was known to the pablic Por the Od and) Twomasvetre Bie Fab stl Ef ‘Eprroas —As : a Sate. i i i } Al HF BL T z & fe fl l i y re is i> te l i p i s b e y i 2 t il ? en t i r e t y present a Constitation which we eould | and constitutional question involved | visionary theories of the JxcoLins of the! mr pe ee ey : And even it ao decision ta the Coarts P !_- “1 3 ; | permanent, then the ran © the South bas | of the vast monarchy of Spain, the eon of coutive © accept. We watched its proceeding. will apeedily be broaght before the} pest. It hae determined, if it dove wet | at fore ver, ond 0 leng—an endkse night! Philttp che LL, the qrend ova of Charlee | bald be arrived at daring the pendency — 7 closely dering the first weeks of its| only tribunal competent to decide it, | change ite mind, that hereafter all the j™| AF osm haw alrendy eet in. | the V., and the descendant of Uharles the} of the impeachment, we oil <spel Ps deliberstions anid oo: worst fears | and if that tribenal should decide in} 4 cial officers of thie State shall be elected Tt fe eetiled that all the negroes are to| Bold onl Phillip the Good of Burgundy liewe chat the resilient wil Se wete specdily confirmed. We rfid ear! of the President, as we leliewe |S ip ie eopus vi gall vote and to be eligible to office without] But we mast mfer our readers to the arth-| v7 the Senste, ao he cannet wo 9 Th cotld discover the slightest disposi ion | it will, then be will andoubtedly b ae ety sent fet “f little z | qualifications, bai there eccms to be great) ele im the Review or to the work of y.| exerpt by a vote of two thirds of the on the part of the Repablicans in the | sustaine! by the people who still res] Or ¥en ® pdage a yrws = a MIE | doubt as to how far those privileges will) Gachard for the interosting story. ators present, In the Senate there are Great | Contention to conciliate the Con | tain some potion of that reverence ye as : ° 4 aire a ches | extended to the whites. Our opinion| The second is a review of the Listory of several able lawyers, members of the Re servatives by acts of moderation | for law and order for which they have re “aay core ines Poni te a is, that there will be a very large proverip | the ancient provinee of Anjon, in Franee.| pablican party, who will have too mach aid and liberality. Nothing was farther | always been distingu hed. Sslaf tanuse of thele office thry will oun | tion, ewbracing most of the intelligence | There me few countries in the werd wees | from a spirit of concil'ation and com-| Nor then can there be any doabt| stantly be revolving in their minds the <a, ee oe bietery & aT ae coke then at of “he 6 promise,to oar miod, than that whieh} that the Pres dent will at once be tar-| tess mecans of evvuring thelrse-clection.— i itate ote agai a | Arion, on interest searcely over | = P : : | stitntion—no deeent white man can besi- | flags from the time of its ocenpation by tore they manifested from the very begin | peached for high crimes and misde-} They will perpetually have their interests | sont it the Romans, to the death of ite last sov eat ing, and we do vot hesitate to say that meanors in a0 alleged violation uf the before their eyes when giving their jalg - a cvign Dake, R 7 ae The Good his eee with them universal negro soffrage| jaw of Congress regulating the tenure) ments in important cases. They will be 4 : ate . ALLEN ROSE. and father of Margsret, the ill-fated was a predetermined question. A is office. tion may have | placed in such a position and be nd- a wie orvented jarge majority of its sacha were reins isan err garnet by st ed with cher ceneatans as to cake it We ove that the iodivideal whose name | @ of Weary the Vi, of \ S =n, $9 elected ander the most solemn pled-! President, and we think it probable almost impossible for them 1 be perfectly beads thie article bes joined other wem- we, we — gh aap arene Vege = y , A A ‘ bers of the so-called inareport on the sab- notice to mention any . ps to coment to nothing leer, and | that it was. Not that we believe that! independent or rented er ed br inare on ts oon | cant events in her evenstalbistory. Sew aK many of them to go mach farther, as| the President contemplates & enili.| they decide agains: the interests of w ny : A ing the id the V , : ble inetitutions of learning in the State | Ducal boare gave, perhaps, more sover- ; fiuential characters of the 4\P° ‘ — toy ae doing. sion by armed resistance—we believe | and infuentle, « eracirm Os Politics| call be thrown open indiscriminately to| eigne to the differeut countries in Earope . Bon As a mere matter of policy to the that he contemplates nothing of the| Pty te "ie y ewe thelr ewveton,| ij than any other of which we have an ac : a 9 Ie th md will e 4 their influcnce to be ened | tho = EH end the blocks. If Mr. Rese y Conservative organization, the sssem jkind. We believe the result will ays : pe ‘oe ection |bad capacity enéugh to entitle him to be | count. It farnished England with « line ment, bat recognises it @ pre-ezisting right) and bie ray a aaalag ‘ : : at elect : ‘ clearl oom, Uling of the Convention may have show that iv taking this course he hae) mal ri bee pera eeeter held reaponsible for his nets, he woold be | of Bovereique im the Mlustrices house of| wder the Constitution. This it pry d aim been premature; bat that any longer jonly chosen this means of waking an} — y Y P we | visited with the indignation of the white | Plantagevet. and at one time was repre does in section second by providing The vesthuony F the ae A ye —\ere= impeachment for deting vencies fuily | ole of this county and Davie But it red ia thi houses of the “whenever the anid principal officer Ben. delay —any amount of negotiations | apes '° the prorie to sastain the \ =e pert , HY} sented ia thirtecs sovervign the Cabinet war al Janeery way 1 ; ae proven ; hereafter they will be in constant }1— im por sible for euch a man to exeite ontiacet. be removed from offer by the Pressden( work of Gener) 6 with the Radical leaders would have, Execat ve, which tea co ordinate a ar of being panished wi h diemiseul from |any other ft ling thin that of good he- . . the United States or fn amy other cave etands 1 tender woe baseet dep! rene indured them to take a more moder.! partment of tue govern aga ofr (or the upright and comeci: 1a die |" d cm sly The Prag cipher . Pitan oe review Bailes memelre . ” he od Jerk shall b upon his ows ‘ yeeor will pe , b. od “one if the asurpations ot ¢ gre t ey ie ducts ith tes nthe world, he te a fit subjeet vat of) Sir Phith rancis. it we certain- 7 ? 7 feet te abagaee AR te ize Ieomee a sire - . os = 7 - ve ree f th ies. Paley a if which to make a tool, and ae a wool be i811) Know of Sar aa ccdae idan lee charge of the papers of the ofiee daring jit bay = are aon thew cae any Coeervausce ma ana Ze ; libera d ’ lan adeq tate salary they we 2 al being need No owe who knows hin will | iatcresting character, vat ft ts Saat we the continaanee of seach vacancy. This oom eoald e — we do eh for | aeseth sted in a ‘J ‘ di a way? above the fear of = t FE! ed b; ever . = | _ t hg argo sag FORO heew with certainty thet EP of the case has been frequently ear | ihe P Pacers od due modient believe. We cbullerze days of the French lhevointt lle} the pomple for the br f term of fonr years) the ac h loing, and apon hisre-) ” ; | tained by the Sopreme Coart of the Uulted | hat be Cl Was ‘Baye Pe ‘ ~ . cs at t senate! ae rh turn from the seene of the manipulations him the most juteresting. A vast mase of aan, any wan to show from the first days, pt »bably suppor that the Senate! they will be in fear of hosing their place le ebich be her brew eubjesend, bbe witt | tas 5 Gccaaaaaaal aves omen t | States, which hws, on more than one ve- to bel hes ’ A P . - wien bed ’ ue, ’ micrnal ¢ m ” vie 0} a 7 a ertcom any of the peccwemnge af Oat vill be overawed by diy manifesta: | and their salary at the nl core lain of their! ok into the obecarity trom which he bat} i ove that he-was the author of oe Js |\o decided, that this power of removal mincing Seges Taam body any fhanifestutions of such a dis tious of the | opular will and acquit) term Lo avert thiathey will beeome, what! teen temporarily drawn forth: lo faet hi letters, aud is all bat conclusive. was vested in the President by the Oo), can anfice ® on“ position, Qn the contrary, the evi- him at unee, or that his conviction and | no ) sdge should ever be, politicians. Ip-! we do not know that be bas been drawn | pelts ; ; : etitation iteclf. Aud if is te Vested in the ‘thas is left The th, sl deccites A) reat aterm of in.{etead of pare bearned and upright judges from it at all. Ne eve thinks of enquir- This evidence is cxawioed in the article Pecsthens bp cho Venmieabend ss resting dence igpthat from the first they had oil locas oY semiais nents | ' \ Alias 4. {ing what evaree he ie parening, and but] before as, and almost convinces us s 7 onatit it, minet an mere determined to make voters of the iz dignation thronghoat the conniry! ¥ shall have, what are now justly Tegar for’ vbte patagraph ne Weald ana proba- that the great gucret. bes really ton meamnifert to all that Covgress caunet take Ohad notant, the “Ciclo, abd the bratal,|againet the Republican parly that w li, ee ie ai need pa ws |b, #000 ar ph pong oat = the minds | recovered. At all events the claims it away irom him. ae , ‘ sar te oo aed Jegidators of those who regard (result in the aiier annilulation of that “rene obs ‘ ; Po | of the ‘peor of btantay: ! of Sir Phillip Francis stand higher for the Ia addition to this is will be peon that | aud ineffsceable.— all oj Nee. tras licence, end law asthe in-(pariy in the next electiome, And teal Mlz'® , Tite BOWSES ACADEMY, {medd bene obsenseibestin ee Soe the President. comtende hat.he bed WO) aa, g «ened Reed To ee, etrasnewt of-vevenge. We hed no | should the first be the resalt lie may | Jadgee w howe tenurre have depended : x 4 7 , celebrated letters thaa those of aay other power to remove. Stantan. even uader the sonia sh eta Rip o- . = more doubt on the morningof the 5th possibly be playing a trump card for|%pom the mere will of a despot have sel-| We leera throagh a correspondent that person, We say the doubtful honor, for teunre of office act iteelf,... That, act pra- ad wa sete’ or te enna vers - : ! : ' t : idem failed to become the instruments of the examination of the pupils of thisia-| | biti a nyle of Wibte "| vides that ‘tho’ beadé of) deparunemeet Moti, cage by of Feryary as to what the sain fea-|Wre next Presidency. to } or 1 * | while the abitiy and style of theletiers ie : op svung cid, te mh “Bor ber lew ' - be ¢ . ; ' dc-epotiam Hundreds of cases could be | stiuation, siiaated fy Carawba County N maak, 6b stletlt any ove right ewey, yer “shall hold (hele offienre "rrp ively fue" yh asst sen teres of the constitution wvuld be diau {| These, it ie true. are the hs gee meutioned to prove that this is s0, but the ,C., towk place on the SIN’ fot, The ox-| o ccilaee conprity why whitel: the pri | ended acing the tors ‘of the Prisideut by ytd 19 Coronet Wot ate prenerial 7 we have today. Therefore, hte) gpscaemcambite in the boendices fiel 1 Of owes of Lord Keeper Guilford and the | ercises were opencd with prayer LY the | vate gharacter of the greaiest and 4 » | whomthey may have been appointed gud at Se eaahanaee - as thas d we thous wat the eali had better | mere possibil ties, but then i are i famous Jeffreys are sufficient. And eo} Rev, P. A. Long, after which came the | men in the king von ia assailed, their bit- pone radbuth thervafter,” M¥,Beariton Was sernby i age comet ahaeee® I ds. bave becu delayed for s few deye\strong reasuns for believing Uiat they! Jadgcs whose tenure depends upon the examination, the specehes, dial: and | terness anc aeprtity, ia every reapeet ite appeiuted. by Mr. Lineala, therefgre “the }eppeacanne ol) he Wie #74 the panee longer, we yet had wot the slightest; may be eorrec:. Suppose that the | will of a political party wiM almost cer- jeaepoenione, whiety mve gen > he yo — tial fe ry maa th cheese Predident artes thay Ne had the riytit wi oo earth Sa af Naat Res heairation about going isto the Coms| President eboutd be convicted and de \tainty beedme the igstraments of that par lea iden hy poorly ren phat rest goo SIRE ER Ses 3 tng (Pr wovein—that haying bees Hpi ated | parson Tak 5. el a Ore Of the eervalive Couvention, aod we di 80) posed by the Senate, and after «ards ty in a greater or lees degree, c-peciaily Lied : fe Address the J A Sentt Pab-| daring the sera of «former Providers be tihomed Cin thé fot entity veh ay ee D . S ’ aid exe t inuaic. jeart. . sonar b <t a 4) deat [AJaty Was , days who Ge hoena ef » Court eu) oecide, il 4 4 t . i ! ig piipep oO be jorttu Ing ’ L a“. . . ‘ 5 v robes Le Supreme Court suould decide exciting times Ike the present. Many H Long is j pal of the insti: lishing Company 140 Fulton Street, N.) eould not remain ,ia office more then one contignia the uiatter ao aeruhg Thy 4 e Conver pot, as.the Quo Warranto case wiich wi lLe party quest. us will Le prosented to them, ‘tion. } Youk. | month after the expiration of that Pre wi-| Witareyta © to Be Cabitiet that ungonstitional, and, the wt “i thongh 1 have expressly refers 10 fact'jopinion in i : ; had exereis- | Loner ? : T rete 4 ae ndoowe, oam’s:irn. Fhe bets ot ew # al, and that son ). Peririo® TO MAKE BEAL ESTATE S88ETS~ ed that the} he provision? e to the satisfaction of the ercived that po unt, | Smart “ ng dissol ved, The Government meim- which, in wy ju Soar ft Bi and ‘Bid and bers withdrew, the Liberal members were It is only neces should jits provi [forcibly expelled, and the gas was extingaished, {refer to the power o' under | with the greatest clreumspe ‘ hat publi the laws of the United Brates, to remove ted only in ao extre , 7 Elites: H Suiuberg. , carefully following t Seer ie i notlying oad. a marked out for myse fully to execute nwttete from office a Secretary of War. The res- New-York penci its T _ lelution denies that ander these laws this 5 feb. 25.—Spirits Turpentine | power has any existence ; in other words e. I quiet, 754. Rosin very firm; common at i n ‘ Pat »} my objections, on t st 40. ’ t afirmes that ng authority is recog: | in the preseat inatatice I have appealed, Gold 1,424 i or given by thestatutes of the coun- | sought to appes!, a that final, arbiter Oxed. by) land jud,ment rendered _| Liverpool, Feb, 25,—Cot! ining. aL the Constitution for the determination f C.C. Wade, clerk of our lands 94. Orleans e epee eavaler — What, then are the laws of the Dnited | such questions. To this course I have been ima Mice the first Monday in Juonary ty»: chester vifas orable. States whith deny the President the pow- pelled by the solemn obligations which Te 198. C. CG, WADE, GLERE~ remained in Stanton’s room ‘nut cdilipaiips er to remove that officer? I know but upon me to snataia inviolate the powers of a ee when be left the war building, $ Congr ss. two laws which bear spon this question. high ee ee to my me ja: Whe oe State of North Carolina, Dutieg the interview, Ai Thom | “°'Wabhitigton;~ Feb. 25.—House:-—A resolu- ‘The firat inthe order of time is the Act of |e 1 eculd nos on thane pm rail age rion. was sdopted, paying Jobo Y. Brown, Wm. Aupast 7, 1789, ercatng the Department | , Tah duty so-clear to my pone ; MONTGOMERY COUNTY. T. Suith and ©, G. Limmers, $2,500. each for of War, which, after providing for a Sec- | imperative, H what was possible bad i sr ae incurred in contesting, elyetions. retary a8 its principal officer, proceeds as cextain; if 1 had been {ally advised, when I fe , eos and Bingham reportec that they bed moved Mr, Stanton, that in thus defending the : 4 of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, soles prolonged : : follows: 7 Newry deri Sa ‘eo of the t we ead mee aga Peg — ore ine Ani be it farther enac!- 1 a“ ot ed sd pets bier Ja Term, 1868. he deaived., to test the mmiter te- The new Covstitation of Alabama wes pre ed, ‘That there shall be in the said depart- me goals Me be is cou ri yave hosel muary 7 tat enn er PFy nd tote ge Sauna 7 NEW — * mittee. - i ine jee, employe ; : ia yodoubied. . , Pe Nawal Appropriation bill was resumed, | there as he shall deem proper, a. to “a farang ee onlays 4 parr pe & AT OLD WEST GREEN. 45. ©. Set, so. ot Peo te va The hefrs-at- ply C0 adopted which prevents dil- be called the chief clerk ‘in the Depart-|Constitative and Jaws of the United Siaies. ry\HE PROPRIETOR, OC. P:" BNDEN- 7 . Daxeee. story: motion ment of War, and who, whenever thé gaid Awoasw Jouxsor. hall bas a choice lot of Puts @-Guard in the War wees odepied peer officer sball be removed from of- Washington, D.C, Feb. 22, 1868. Well Grown Fruit Trees : ET ae ALE, te , Wr ce by the President of the United States, — What the 1 rdioals Say ! te in any other case of vacancy, shall; de?- MARRIED: A 22. P. yy be ing such vacaucy, have the charge aod On the morning of the 19th instant, at the be 5 he custody of all records, books and papers residence of the bride's father, ia Lexington by t the Rev. W, D, Meacham, Mr, Nathaciel Pee- band ¢—At poon the Bi tig clear that this act, parsed by a bles, of Davie county, aud Miss Jane Lowe. sasounces the passage — many of whose members partici- Wy ey! ergs ra _ baw — — onthe : in the formation _ Onuaaication, aay a ai Rew W D> saad dln we “a | Send your orton: ‘0 Ms. 8-3. ‘hurley. aan fae . W. D. Meacham, Uf. w ok 2 the power of t | Faller, of Randolph covuty, and Miss Julia C Ercan rns wel oh par cores rnd ven. The Impeachment and R rection com mittee were allowed to sit dating sessions.— appertaining to the siid department. ove the Seeretary of War, | Lindsay. isting in the Exeeutive | — PO of the Honse en- alone, withous the concurience of the Sen- TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. ————_——— » aT Ese and afterwants Stevens | ate OF of any other department of the Gov-| For sale, in lots to salt purebasers. Twev- STEAM SA Ww MILL- ard Bing aerered, Sevens ernment. Furthermore, this act does not | ty Thousand Tons of Double Refined Pou- | AB SUBSCRIBER has in operation ‘ pupeee to confer the pewer by legislative dretts of the Lodi Mavufacturi in, authority, nor in fact was there any other made from the night pull, existing legislation through which it was dead aulmals of New York bestowed upon the Execetive. ‘The re par od have exclusive the power by this act iv there = fore com as a reengnition under the Conatitation itself, for there was vo other eoares or authority from which it could be He then quotes the first section of the "| civil tenure act of Moreh 2, 1867, and in reference to its concluding provieo, says + con to snawer 10 wid imprsebrornt. Wade sald that the Benate will take order im proviso that follows proceeds to es that opectively resident by whom they —_ have been | § - popenent, ont mont! thereafier, | nas been a0 aul subject to removal by aud with the adviee |ied of Fertilizers ot eso | of Senale.” Thus, as to these ename- | ive rains, bat, from ; From Washington. | rated officers, the proviso takes from tbe) the F bat iqgned Oy Oren oor : AL President the power of removal, exeept | passed. Yeu’ any order whch Washington, Feb. 20.— 1" Administration ‘ A t : _ with the advice and consent of the Senate. | ™*t after we ther Depertwents has shamioned ihe gee warrante agen! > | and swept oar corm. #0 that College. (nt-nve Reaches!) } toe, a9 vert prooreslings ageinst Thomas, say how it would have yielded the 10 . io povvitivety rep" morroe will cover We groun! pom : . a cowie | iy cowl 4 Mami the The Oabrvet met ot soon-—s! present exer} ' must appest that he bimeet# has appoh ed Di gedoggt es plat ET A eon bare, Feb _— * ae ote p Late wae + | eeeeat feelings ead pup Thewnar ; thew t monly iu that ease that they | or, produerd a an aed cba oak le ane Ralergh Sentinel copy. TT? me comled woot be susta ned Ganton eit bolts the War Offer, He of- | have any tenure of ofber, ar any indepen-| gield very weil. Ov the whole, | mast ray | r: . —_ ma eabondinates tv commuunenle nothing (0) demt right to | 1d during the term of the! ] like it very mach for citbet corm or cotton J. G. VEACH 8 * wt » . : 1 z . rT. Congress. 2 <p | President, aud tur one month after the | but more particulariy bet corm | MAIL AND EXP&ES* LINE-—Dally. goetbed that it ware priv al Grant and Jatge Fisher were at the De : " : : ersgation of his ¢ ficial funetions Ihe} Respectfully your « bedient servadr, | By its torme, peweret, before he can be } deprive a of the power to d splace them, it Caries and ob tut eet io Oe lee: a b P r e t oe wre ually 1 Ferret IMVvE ACUMENT PASSED! - a de ) ; | : partmen : ; HENRY KINGSTON, * By the Great Wan wa, Feb 24. —Senate ot) The excitement bas wie’ Sap't. fur W. R. Cox Schedule from High Point to Salem. y re e edule from High Lin. a®. | DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE: ~~ Heguton bas cae verte! the War (fbr, porteat. The impressun is growing (os 5 been app uted by a form r President, be Saumaunr. N. C., Aug 10, 1867. | Ly Arrives at sal ‘ mt . aM The Senne to sit! (8 oetock P Mp Bx u eur The teation rae cul ap into speeches | proureding will be a tedious reviine . j = cutive sre bad from theve se ewesty gagersentes le em —— yond one mouth afters the acevseion of his 70'"* R. Dey, Eq | m at 2) o'clock, Gen. Tienes hae « ielly povepited the War | corey apereles, Be rally, oxphaming probe Warlike puccessor boone ols i can anh y any that your Double \ ¥ n aint at 7§ « “Rawl Poudeette is far superivt to any oth: | will find this Line well stocked | Ce ak inter ark i SPY bo Dae § vat) errr WOter } Phietetphia, Feb. 25 Tie Kevet ’ He fart! r statce that the ouly appoint ( fur I | A *haget . Sean e . ~ * = . er fert or for Cotten , & 1a ri t >) soot & one 7 cape Bat EN, eten yr by 0 sl See Brrr ween eget com Tn eat tt contre OU meg Coons fT have gee | dang ices com! sod | Rail Road. "AND ’ * seu om me ng vers, j s pact orpt Steer, « « Yt} ‘ ‘ be iret y tHe, ©* pt Sivan, x Yer | rare has resulved iteelf into @ mile ye Seerrtary of War was that confer " JENMU FOSTER, Je sparrd to make ali who travel on thie line com- | ITs CONNECTIONS. fortable . » TUE STAN rUuN AFFAIR. ard Carey of Ol, eho voted with the Dew | anon { . : mali Mr. Lincoln, a Lafter meting the distinc ‘amphile id every information seut free | : | Special attention ¥ | he given to all Express Acrangoments heys been made by whee Eevee” } ; s | ‘Baliet b entirets | proviso, ther-forr, gives we leaare ¢ { of L e e the Senate | fice to any aue of these officers whe has | o t — eee jtinn between a mbers of tae Cal band /to anyone applying by etiet of vtherwiee to | Great Exeliemeal la Warbington. the siwe @ the Lf we redative to vetpeech | z re tabliehed by the pre ; avd saufacturie Ce.. 8 Cortla at | iG “7 <3 care J. @. VEACB ; — Tervage chew as quent, comsrts of Mreveus © tngiham rae ri a ay centro we"! iso above alluded ts, oay® ree ‘ ork. [feb 142m | ; 5 . so | Lediaao pate ted Ky The Cotemitee to prepare aie acd onery erang mirage OF sy 1 The conerquesce that ae to my Ca ~ ‘* s t Vis ‘Texw IMPEACHMENT , DOTLEMINED on! qeaghdhent, tre Buuiercil, Bienen Brgbaw. | \imet, embeac hl the ecven officers de -ig NEW ADVERTISEMEN Ts. | Vatesmie Lome a gy sae a) Teme tan \er ss se belts: eae tn 9a South Carvlind Cone alron ited iw the fret erction, the act takes from ccm ae a's of leas and Quarter Sersnons for the Coun- | for preroune no pate a Lata | Cherte-ton, Feb 2 The as rentior, 1 | me the power, withoat the eoneurrence of NO i if Is. } 3 of Rowns, wade at ? hruaty Term 2888, t | @eimey- a . — tay past, on the Hund reefing, Ce tite} the Senate, to remote any ef them that I ( y, ag : vil sell to the Righeat Meader, co Se PISS ™ ran” ara From Wushingten {* ‘ : al } j have appointed ; bat i doce B pt privet epotart ‘ ‘ gun. yen. Canby verted the body, day. lccch of nn to the Senate or a The Committor, to annemone tf Ge Virginia Convention. er civil office — \ of P a : wh eh eotnaeety Mora nicke * dneaday the 18th dey o } oat i < abet : Washington, Feb 24 Tie most profverd teen col de Pig + ie ae : treet ‘ lend af ebonrtes | wlved right td achiagtwn, Feb 2h perst pre es ee PS FE of ; SAO . en , she treet of lend af which the lato R 2 that the Preattent hat wo neh Woe ar the pense Tae I Florida Convention. a to th - y senure 6 bey ond BARREL OF BRANDY, Srigith, dec'd., eciged and posers A. stag o | Amod @, ae the Wished ee Ree oe : oe my pleasur ° r : ord and pomenen mifes went ihisinorsing. Gen. Thomas wae Fn oe pore Tyrvd rs ey Tolishame. Pro. B—The Concention her je ° ° o without Inspection Prande at any other marks | of Indutag the Wands of the Rev. lof Care berween Wf wed by dudge Unter ler: adywrncd. «The Constite von adopted appe=' om, which wns seerd by me an being ¢ at» | tv Wood, Joba Ireta and others contain | apdis, two changes fe th Stanton dieing w Ut t 1 be slatio f plain austen, for as lattog of ”, eed a heey haa ren pee ~ 9 aie * Ito ©¢ solerabe satsiaction | J Be = bi “* ui : ' a jer to f eiwnre under the Tvternal Revenre | f se3 Acres 575 acres nacncansbered, | 4 " sate of-Otive Ad. — | or . ment, with Canes a gl Repndi-an nominal’ § Cearertion | meen? g of thie enactme n te place Mr. Laws of the United States, seotive 45, of the | the remainder sudject to the widows dower. | W. - < Indi Ve ama var of $5, Ma, w eppoers » got tok Bane’ © Thoraas af) meets to-sight. | Stan’ m upen the same footing ae tliwe | ext of With July bee | gr Terum made known day of sale. from ‘ashington to sen at , Hine prone, and every (TENE qytiet. hemds of departments who have beer Lay porson or persons claiming said Brandy | g GRIFFITH. Cineinnats 36 hours; Mite Stans ope) 1 Dy ore Fete 4 ‘ace ne | Markets pointed hy myself Asto him, thie Jae are hereby ip verhag appent 280 | ake such| Febroary 6, }a6A.— etd \dministrator ‘ ‘ io’ the Wer meu 5 edie wil fags ae po one . mat, Seere | New Yok, Feb. 23, ~CrAioh dall heavy | eiece | a one ef check ag a € “um within thirty Gaye Trot the : te «ff Uae} _ — — ph ok we P* | cary fl War, ond witeat to pecgh ee 0008) od more seedy Relves of 4.000 tckd *'| bers of saree \ oe 8B gee eer were J.B. MORAN. \STOKB HOUSE For Rent | Boih guet to-day Tot berinn ee. He concinded the Wterview by sayiun, | 224 \bere of my Cabinet who have oul Feb. 4. 10 = Degaty Coltecter. | 4 LAKE NEW STORE HOCSE, com i | SGat and the Aimefioan people wot wake a” ‘ 99272 Bune 83287 | pointed by me are by this act entit : | A ete thronghent, with celfar, ‘Third of Régttatracters, * Porpentine 72073. Resin 3,506! f NOTICE : | a « agaieat two Db riglaty and ane O8F Lasait utions God q net at 1.420 {hold for one month after the term « viv at . Rupr { eck Station.oa Western ¥ Cc. Railrend, & a ex The President ays, joe meseage DorAns ; ine | OMe! shall cease; bot Mr. Stamton cv i {TINA std at ray entire Morr Fur] Rent. Xo other CUek & thins miles, and as iieles of ingractaper ¥ ting Being * Seeretary of War chat be hed _ Wing re —Bpiries ST arpeeet | al againat the wishee of my eu 5 ca ad a — hee has MW caning ee exccilont stand for basines LLSON se ; qriet; . 7 ; b »' Ca. [take this oppertanity retarving my @ @. A. ALLLSOF. oat teitetided and dacs / . sity —s wbres Howiu @ » No 1,3 Sh hold a moment thervalter cere thanks te i pobly genetaliy jue Unett Feb 13, 1668 , Tenure of offer, oF ony ver law, ane or8 Cotton decinet. Mridiing > | He aseerts Uhat ander this construction | nreny favors during the pact twenty years, ane nana: peer | Al oy aut 6 ecb pavely ad Pad 5 lof the tenare of offic e | ‘ for the fature | feel that | ean recoummend my P : ne renore ead Eppolat ad ad interim Seo Tar firm. 2? i . of th ‘ nare { office act } has DE ET egnauts to the CO fidence and patronage of the A TANNBR WAN TED. retary. Liverpool, Prb. gh ——Cotten ¢ wd O-m | doubted bis power to remove Mr Stanton, pabtic They are men of ey ence in the Vi | _ . , The bdbowing © telegraphed we nen | with more x y A plamds at BE; to arrive but says that owing to doabts + hich ¢k&- | simess, and may be found at al) mes at Gee cane WANT 2 white men peels ad teas bomen vite | Os tine marches, today | ’ Oh. Oricane Bp Sales of 10,1000 blew werd co in the constraction of the law, be od Sue pd way be fet nadate al whe way | come bil pogapeion Me Payue, who bad the floor, valk “i sieht - —_- from the firet “dee med it desirable that at) ™ ant any thing in potiegy on _ inde eo er oflrather. He mveg be of pe a : i Ito me will pre eome a y cates ; two minates 0 the pentheman frows lediane Neath of a Centenarian. | the earliest possibic moment thos doubts | © died vast fe te nso ace ap ven ail Hs ing oats a ge — aman = a natike sak “Mr Speaker, pion | Mr, Rebert Kio died n {should be ecttled, and the true construc Re«pectinily, 8 R Haaanmos ar oe a ‘ae A aint a ae rang, “iat ime 4 : the wet fixed by drejsion © pani January 0. otal plied. ap a well unproved yard. Address me ' ray : quse siowhl | Frid: H t he 29th of 3: : _ ia, that te thee the ft ree riday e was born on the " the United States My. sat etiam, Devte Comat uc in August last, war) VALUABLE C W. BESSENT 9 : v UR and coneeyrently lncked Lous:—Me. ineted thet ot wer wel months of beg 100 years old. Mr. King ¥® | er of suspension, ashingion's birthday Wastington + Farewell! ed la most extimabl- cian, and during be jong | intended ‘0 place the case In such a poe aed the House adj wre life had artasar- » large forrane by bie energy | tion as wonld make a resort 10 jndicisl | Ethel — fund tency — Hanetingy Ie Wn obcan acerenry wd proper: MY] Ta ade State of North Carolina, |i Taw" syta cy tet . ; anderstarding and wishes, huwever, and-t| THE anders ned imistraters of the “SON COUNTY they are going; ae by 8 ‘ from oo a ~ a Seenced, mt Se ef ee that order of suspension, were frustrated, estate of Larkin Lynch, dee’d-. by virtue of ANSON ULE : from #5 to $10 in money, emi moe! ghee b ' xenness would i acer en tae po thought of any dung but’re- | 20d the late order for Mr. Stanton’s remo- & deeree of the Coart of Pleas aud Quarter d Quarter Svasiona, ae cmmagnere ee — _— aac uae anaciniet ia stated that over 200 hare profess val was a farther step toward the accout- teasionn of Vote oo mo Pray orgs Term, 1868. rr " = =F McCulloch will =< ‘ed since the excitement com plishment for that parpos: ”. - eel Ma he PEI pon > we Lage (ore — other Ons bd . — In rervpect to 80 much of the resolntion 8s refed February ong all the argon an Attachment levied on land. | puvernger ie owe fate the 0d reed * * ashin gton : relates to (he demgnation of a2 officer, to act as! .. on Deep 8 . = He . " ‘All over twelve youre are fall Pascoe gem . ‘ = etal . Jeoretary of Wa ad interim, | have only te | ont ona about —_ ae uneve sad 8 pay belt ‘al any thet I he nnder the } oe. Court years are Lane meme este * Thinci, proposed to postpous ; Sopvienoas of the frat se Ht of Feb. eens on concen see | Troe ot farther inbiemanicn tI a condiog address » 13, 1795 whieh so far as they p | q uplands ; ; ; Lou u rm eetteeate apart f 14. vacancies cansed by removals, | Gen Sceibere, Ast. _ & Obie Ruweus a ay the ker ger aa —_———— aor be still im force. . i dew S nid Wood night, After dincussing the question whether the sct | other . ™ oe ‘unomal a negro recently imprisoned 1 of 1863 repeals that of 1897, he says to ea! sanit-epon Mr. B J Anvires, attacked the jailer Daweret that ia palais in the construction eowthi' feet _ Leyeother day, while he was inspecting the pri le and de to both parties} am, and was only conqvered after ® sharp “4 Resleed, Trt Andew Brinson, Preadrat Dispatches pf enenaragement porn ‘ of the Used tldtes, Be lanpemeted jor! igh ihe President and Congress, —continue 10 | strngyte. Had his antageniat been a lees athe } us A crimes ant miademean: *s '° fice | come in, lee man, ig might have faved badly ~ ith him ialten tuto , y Bre R ; JOB PRINTING General debate ensued. The Radicels, jo diferent localities, have fired] | hai strength and courace qubdued the fellow paral > le Ke f ‘ Lynch, decd. a \ iy Laegeds ome ae a o sore om he bad @ — guns. in honor of the jaud be ig nuw kept vader afe cootrot sa) . .. 1 + peer, Ont Neatly Emeouted 4! this Of t h F H a f e 4 ¥ t Mowing frew the re | t Pe Nap oe % OWEWSPAPER’ LA WS. I ysired Postmasters are to give notice by ter when a wpa does not take his from the office ; ang give the ressous of its being taken, Neglecting to do so makes posi master respuusible to the publisher for The New York Jouraal of Commetce, whieh fas all along beea hopeful that the troubles agent for the Aniington. The company is highly spoken of in the above cotimunica- tion. Lewis C, Hgnes of Lexington, N. C., is payment, . Any person who takes a paper regularly from he post-office, whether be bas subscribed or i, Isresponsible for the paynient of the sub- ption, A person ordering his paper discontinued st pay all arrearages or the publisher may Minue to send it aotil payment is made, and lect the Whole amount, whether it is taken a the office or wat. The courts have decided that refusing to take A@bewspaper and perivdical frou the post office removing and Jeaying them uncalled tur, is prima fac evidence of inteutional traud, 7) Important Decision in Bankruptey..— Ta « case certiticd to the Distriet Judge by B. B. Foster, Regisier iu Ras kruptey for this district, in which it was claimed t assignee erred in setting aside the fall amount of $500 to the bankrupt as exempt, the Judge decided as follows: “iu all cases where a bankrupt has a helpless aad dependeut family, the full sum of $500 should be allowed, in such rty as the bankrupt may select. a Noefolk Virginia. Scene The Alabama Constitution Vote. Philadelphia, Feb. 17.—A special to the “Press” states that unofficial retarng from all but fourteen counties uf Alybama indicaty that 81,000 votes were cast at ibe late election, sufficient to ratify the Constitution and elect State [The Press is one of Forney’s papers, and is as Radical as canbe. Of course, before they get throwzh with it, the so-called “conusu- tutions” of all the Southern States will be ratified. } which now beset the conniry, at the frait it beytns now So we infer from the folk wWartmg which 1 places cons of its leadyng editorial) Radical po wo.) w over vy take the alarm bowing note of splevoasty at the head eviama : “hk books as ift wore for party ‘(tal iateresis of (ix tand we ) Brn of those who care for the mest » would au resign thed then head most end in revolntiog) beea the most hope are Pow gloamy and d-sooudenut, for mad mess seems io tule the hour, and the fully t legislators appears without rest rai di the cour e fire b tare pence 3 unity M may as weil come now as ry, and wh vu Teather ruin che tt hove e over it, Was about to; t ig WO & COUTSe at thom who have hic ms ry wus pas rout ey aU Ge feSlore poral ver.” Speakiog of Uke defeat of the Alabama sutution, the same paper ol-ervs : “Tue peliucal waoagers who are trying reounstruct the Seathern States bad a chy of two policies to parsue—one of kindness vagnaprnity whieh would have yiven titles a far chance without needless humili , and the other, the pohcy of vengea: (wcknamed justoe,) mmpusivg tests and pen- sives which 1 was well Koown beforehand Ap- gio Saxon pride and self-respect would indig- naatly reject. The pew constiiuiion was fram-} the uext question. ed disumely in the interest of the black man as “Yes, save what help he gets from me,” vst the white; and that being the great | repli . eli ing. Guact which the Radical plotters desire to} a3 preg yenegrng far from Pm » Wemay look for an amendment to| aoe ag, oes ote. law which will make ama. | ons ‘ : 7 Jomty of all the votes cast (stead of all those } It te quite Lesard ll etony the reply. registered) sufficient for a choice. Of coarse) “Can we see it ?” asked they eagerly. that will have tne desired effect. Thosit is}! “Oh ne, I could not thiok of showing | that the leaders of thy Radical party stride ox | it to y a,” replied she. from one oppressive measure to another, cor- | “Then it is a secret place, madam ?” “Quite private, 1 assure you, gentle- * View | thom. “Is he working the claim alove?” w: peenerecsoe Deatn of as Oxo Citizex.—Wm. H. Hood, Esq, tor many years a weber of the Special “How long has he been digging in it?” | Coart for ths county and since the late war “Almost a vear.”’ {its presumg justice, died al his residence in “Had any one been digging there be- | be county, yesterday moruing, aged about fore bim f”’ 60 years, " , “No indeed,” answered the lady, with | The Cees mperere ee eens : ¢ ment ul his death as a mark of respect a violent blash. Raleigh Carolinvan. “Dy you think be would sell a part of j the claim 1” “I'm quite sure he would not,” waa the quick re ply. rectag bo errors m their legisisuon excepung | tuuse that leam towards tbe side of mod- ereton aud clemency to the vanquished Sveth. — TITE PRESIDENT! AL CAMPAIGN. Democratic poliiciaus recenty arrived from the Western States d splay consid | erable encoarageaent as to the issue of | the coming Pregidential dection They wary the Arif: of the papular mind is per ceptibly‘averse to the continuance of the | present disiracted condition of things, neal The-Washingtun oorrespoydent of the New | York ‘Tijbuae’ write “A gam ting estat bash } Ment existsin this erty where fools are opened | . “Ner work it on shares, madam ?” about once a week for the Pre-wWential candy and the people are begianing to realize | ape date Last efemog Western betting inen that the only hope of a selation of tle | “H ae fas hemep otiil were voting aids of $500 ww $10) iat Mealy existing difdeulics is ia the choice of ley mae dobasun will rewive the Dena -rmuc uounina- “Certainly, bere it’ is,” grid abe, 29-| ca, GG covering the babe. “Solid agaiy,” cried they, a¢ they rushed out of the Shanty. al but more moderate men. The financi al qué#tion ls parti¢ularly watched, and in| ts said will exercise a devided indluenee — wpon the results of the election. Othe: | A MODEL CONSTITUTION. jous af policy will also come in far a For ingenuity and cool assumption, the > wate wand rig and it ie thought tha: | Radical eonstitu:ion-makers in Congress, parsing ite reckless career, must be awarded the will precipitatc.one of the mos: decisive! ment which they revalationvia the patlic mind that has yanic law of ¢ aa yet characteciaed the political history |b of this country. A movement is already weeral Hanonk is line next bighest —- | Une of the prominent gamblers oO Une comptry has bern ancl jheavy ids ov Clucl Justice Geoeral Grant, as the Re; As the ume for the pummwatog Aakansgs | draws power, the inte-eyt jp these pools In palm. ‘The imetrp- | creases. have framed as the or- hapless State, is per- ape the most curiously concocted dare- ment that bas yet been pat forth by any an poeucmns | ail letting t Claw against ap —~ Prom the Daily (Wichmond) Diepate. LIFE NSE RANCE. Life tnsurance is rapiily growing iw pop 7 | on foot fo devise some ways and means! of the reconstruction conventions. After | lar favor. The fvoltsh proj adieds that for "| for the-carrying on of the campaign, and! giving the ballos to women and negroes, | Season plein —— out pee-| in whiel, from afl gt eee neviber | and making them competent fur jary duty bo om of Wife \nwurance hare a reumwed by s A : ; ’ «| the diffttion Of correct and reliable informa. | party will be found lacking in Hberality | it proceeds to regulate the manner of Val-} tion ge to the Pridciptes on whieh life ieeur- Ot dmpienion—Wes. Cor. B. ¥ ing on the Constitution. Voters are °F | anee companies conduct their business. ht quired t6 swear that they have wever Bi¥- | te we een ald te éecession in any Mate Not | siunp saticfied with thi-, the framers of the con stuaiion clap a muzzle » bonger regarded as insuring hye. but as | ply axeuring the payment of a stipalated | m aipennt te one’s family or other representa ee ; JUDGE GASTON’S LAST WORDS The Raleigh Clarion thus bescatifa'ls and = sketebed the deasheled upon eve ecen the great and good man. jmouth, by requiring him to swear that he, 40ing vothing more than. ine bummess way. |... been dreadtuily affheted with Scrofwia nearly ali | Pile. one to ant epee the Liver last werd le Jy | acer pte for all time the social and politi. | AeriRe the reapeuusibility of paying 6 | ter ii&. | tried a crest many Phyticiana bet wia.| ' He br ne ae » ben ms : lit f co hit ib! I 1 | gives sum to the lusarer’s Tepreseutatives in | out relieving ter mach. ie fact most of them said with the [= p.cty of bix long life eden ad a basin o mie aeons the eveut of his death; for which risk the pn shell ap oe ‘ Aieadin Nyda Bag dlcond e y a few of hie chosen} merely the “political,” observe, bat inourer. during the term of the ewatract. | OMe Chama nd hae gene tm the “encial.” Aad , 1 friende, who were at his bed«ide, on the to cap the climax of parsse much [anvaally or otherwise On account of the wnparalelled demand for The best Blond Puritier iathe World. SCROFULA, in all its forms, best citizens, textify wo its w Home Certificates, (rom Physicians, by & Physician who isan ¢ and Chemist, and that his remedy ia an efficient and valuable one in &c., it having performed with the above named Physietns, and | mentionen of sempectability and ea commenity. Dr. J. 4. Lay eence leo Tarbors”. tere j have wred tin my practice In a apmber of rane am well pleased with it best A erative WwW ot Me. J.J.1 ry man's|tives in the event of death—the company |" Pet ae 4 doughtes, ered Bee [+ ferneh © peetage eonteming twebnnes of tear Sor the Rosadalis, I have moved my Labora- tory from Wilson, N. C., to 29 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md. —_—— THE GREAT SOUTNERN Health Restorer, DR. LAWRENCE'S CSLEBRATED ROSADAKTS FOR THE CURE oF I” The following, among many hundréds of our efficacy lend. Joins. | ET BO) Cases of Chronic Rheu- matism. } hereby certify that I was cured of long ding Chronic Ri ation, by taking four botules of Dr, Lawrence’s ROSADALIS, JAMES WILLS. Wilson, N.C., May 5, 1867. i The ROSADALIS thoroughly eradicater every kiud of hamor aud bed taint, wac restores the entire system to @ bealthy condition, UP It is Perfeerly Uarmices, never produ- cing the slighient iakerr; tis nota Secret Quack Remedy, The arti- cles of which it is made ere published around cach bottle, and it is used aad endorsed by the Leading Physiciaue everywhere it is koowy. PREPARED ONIY BY DR J J. LAW. RENCE, Chemin, 29 Hanover 51., Baliimore, Marylaud. Price $1.50 Per Bottie. bear For Sale by all principal Drug- gists in the United States. For sale in Salisbury, by Jno. H. En- niss, and G. B. Poulson, and Druggists everywhere. 5 jan 2l-w:tw3m HEPATIC PILLS, press and nid by G. W. DEEMS, the div cvverer, who has é te Bal Will Cure the very Worst feupa OFFICE: W. ©. CARRING@TO: J. J. HOPKINS, OC. H, PERRO tt to aid ite for one half of the It allows ‘te it invites ite Uementa and see their from one place to another. Its Pole vel or Md.where he can have secess to the purest aad beet madiciacs, om the mot fayurable torme. He will always keep on head =pply, and will sell te bis custome a, and retail ai the shorest nuties. lu the prepar of theae very sap and excellest Pilia, ne cust or trouble ie spared to insare the greatest pursible degree of porfer- ‘eon. ia point of atitiiy, excetlenee and comfor., They rontain one urticte which has probaliy Gover befure brew used asa medicine, sad which » & pewerfel ageat in cleansing the Liver, Thereby certify that T am personafly scquainted | they ming ip tha ©. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson: November bat, 1567. v Epenconse Covxry, N. C.. May 2d, 1867. y. per Ritpres Tear Str—- Please send me immediate? the inflgence Of these “eyuses, will fine the (whieh gives them an advautage over every other PW heretufore offered w the pebble.) The sompsitions ased in these Pills ie carefully prepared by the hand of the discoveres, ond may be aed by the must feeble patient im the mut deliesio miunton, euber male ur femair, oud from their prewhar combiosiion ate highly # rengiheoning, mitd ia theit action on the bow: rhe, aud indeed, in a chmate bhe ours where culde aed coaght sre thos an aofeiing eve: veqnence of the sudden thaaged te which vf are to jel, every fe Gt OH able te cul + from dozen move bei thes of your Mote- | have carefully examined its Formula and ? [UniAk it bev cmd dome the lever uned. enees of dcrofuia and hc ofulows a Teeth mm &e. ith mach satisfaction to myvelf and patients alin Revpectfally, youre @e.. A. B. NOBLES. M, ROSAD ME » | ‘ of Scrofula. Read the statement below, and despair ut. levery Witses Coewry. September 16, (S67 71th feee and eyes | le Well Glawneed By these invaly ole Prite. the Seuthers Mantes } have irved i imeever-jeweviated co esis |memiothe—thely meriis are ay well hauwa by hate. theretive Bo hesitation in recommendiag it to foley lt come, (ORD Dyiinet.—— | Meyeicians aud others, ap tie most relinbie itera. | Coavenhep | te pow known Ei selbmpimny rete mye me Lae | Gr the epre.of Fewer aad Ague end all other ll Curethe worst Cases| 7+ ty the Prdesehonm, thet ue M otarte } det mm * | toemart, srewteet ercarity ie havid® bus tiver end bower Where chore Bille are know a, vopecialiy in where they bewe bree weterly. ‘hey ared ne sromas the «i alee beep oa tolivaeed Peters We wish it to be distinctly uhdéretand, thar ne fo care Preerand Agee (1M ALL [Pokus ty operotiog wa the cause Geet at the Yost " me Tt Gee wulversuy adeuted, ond teogs! evrrand Agu, ander forme apt taliheniwm. @ caused by « bid stute of the Liver, readen « the peuest ¢ forthe ininsdectee inte the rvetom of « Builows OF puremve egret called ot March Winems For one Dadher, ae cleaneng -ad rarifyung oad patting i ia a hewlthy. setive ene- la the other we clams in have dno red a medicine, which whee taken into the powers & sod, by the cyreul sine, ee: itteceutect @iih he copar of the diseaee an RS. IN, President. W,M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern pays to its policy holders annually 8Tt Ler Cent. of its Profite. Company patrons by taking notes patruas to Mie i desired. patrous rye ee ee bel Oxo. 8. Steve, Cirouit ag Yi, Board mA bh, Surveyor, o 4, tage See a We also have the agency goed Fire Trar agenta wanted. A to ae) PT. JAMBS Py TEESox, Jan. 7, 1868, . waiwly ee A Virginia contingency, se Tee hme capital ood Hee effeirs are ea! ous! Drrect. OFFICERS: PRRSTIDENT, vee Paaetearr, Ww. B Isaaca, cety . will compare favorably w NORA ot aghadaian whee 7 ode mintored by aplecned co Of rempoosblity aed business Jt bas evtabliened ite claim te Southers The Arlington Kuiual Life Jusnrance Company and Southern Insite Is Funds aze kept in the Scuth. Tt has met with waprocedented success. dts fortunca are estdblished beyond any wbick JOHN ¥. EDWARDS, ter bak ® the vECRET SRY, D. J. Uarrscox, . he | was!y wicevated and owolen. Whilst im this coat . MEOICAL EXAMINER, firet intimation ot a danger to which he | Boderation, afer preacribing all the other company. It ie a pare bustness travsaction. |! wasadvimed by Dr. 1. A Bvt to try poor Med Peary BS i afittiistd sCopeale be shor, carta CHARLES HL. SMITH, &% D fae th qualifications fur voting, thy gravely | haved a calculations which have stenal th adele. | at once pracered three bottles, an xf eh g@ was inseumble, be waa relati with 4 z é A he dvaniage im thie treatment there te by = ; - ¢ ¢ a ef h ; me a he ecanared. omen wd giving it te ber The efeet was magi. | edveniage to its owt ft + fore, @. that na 4k seveeen, @artest sourr, great yealness, he particulars of a, proceed to diefranchise ail persons whe tent « sag eX periment ruperty . a. ta lows thae 4 ganats to my gteat estoninhment!. cure west be redieal od sumplcia © heme if ‘ J H. « m ’ t ’ t the : We a life insurance eumpany cannot fail. With | she was entire's well, | omar ¥ Se te C. Capeut, wo. H. CLasponnx comvirial perty at Washington City, shail rote againet new comstiution ¢ } ) 2 a 7 ; . covemy off whing doen the evscem ie q : ead this proviso to the reeonsirec.'* ordinary rua of business. vue company st all, pariclnerlacheomtapcaa = Lar’ tet Sere’ © Ser tte ta) castes DIRECTORs : many years ago, aad spoke of one wi | CommeD P ‘Sfas woud aed ee sere had she W.W. BURNETT ; i : : : - ae - qued and safe as another ; |} + All the ah ve medeevees ca, be erneshed a1) “ on thal ceccasien avowed himee! a Free me ap ing meg dmoetnet ‘ a aed oo fendamental principles of life insurance are aT GIy per eet deromat, by the grone recov di» Tunter roy | K. Eliyws, thinker” io religwa “From wnat day,” Sently fit to grace a pees Constiiat ine atrietly adhered to grsating policies, ed ROSADAI Is Al the sbowe reice \hey can be seat by me | none a Pip eas a, wy ae Bask. ervil he. oaid Jwige (iaston. “I always looked on | fora free people.—( haricston Daily News lectiog premiums, ad sting feds. Af [2° eapreve tw amy pint tw the United Mates | John lreoiey Samuel (. Tardy, that man with distrust. | do mot say that; Death B eee tthe Treth |ter accumulating a sulficis ut surplus f |\CURZS ALL SKIN DISTDASUS. ™ ——— accompans (he feck coo | barves 1, Worthen, a Jaco eallh rings out the ruth coal ts + ae the org e Ueamk wer cast more fer the beorel pai hve me oy - ©. Atieen, « Free thinker mey net be on honorsbl. A clergy me : tie ( England was nding : ren mr CS pal ape *e re Wiis, N.C, Seprember 15, 1867 | veange PVe0 a heretofore, aod hope they won} E4. oy come ©. Palmer. = al oat een ' af a captial atock de ne a ! ter the Tie : on ie : m . Sram, A (hee wen; thathe may mot from high eer wey | lek by thee cack « acts ant : nag he of a eanpany further thau the parvies | D8 Sewxence mvaae te favor en by ereding thew orders od Ay biey, ecorm to do a mean act; but I dare not is ee Bo ae ae ar ae ; , F a Sir— In 1-08 my som, muw seed five yrere,| 2 W. DEEMB, Ne 28, Sesth Celhovn egy a lore pd ax. trast him. A belief in an over-roiing | 7: bm Soba i, | See thr otek ore evverally and ass body | ied ath ohes Provwd to be wnpure | Street, Leltimee, Md, where ihey ali bole fh tos java C. Wten t ks * s worklly effects, to end tus peculiarily interested in ite affairs being juds matter whirh —mpletety dewinyed hin heath | prmptly etiemded to 1J.R. Réwards, Wuties 6 Taytor Diviahy, who shapes our ends, whose! da. s with, preacheng the Guepel bere. A cee-| aoucly and ecowreically administered. thas He has ben ried wh on aveterste ond on } Fat these Medicines reli on all reepretabie| 4. ¥.masben A. @. Abed, , cyeis upom us, and who will reward ws vn: avw g bes @Guiry box S ovuiry’s youd, | eeelting in larger divicwods to the insured. | ieee ¥ tv eh conse Eruption of the ®bis,| Drergets every where, eed ca aii ine Dreggets| J. 8. Morten, Wa. B. eon accord to our deeds, is necessary. We | ic the same ship, cvocea! © CuareAe’, | Cumpanies heralding and blazeuing thor mometioes br-abiog at tm sures, Me, Rees | in Seisbery, N ¢ bly =a ny —t- Bid geet must belewe and feel that there is a God care intrnate w he nan On Ue | millions of assets are ns aafer than other | dais was Prescribed by wy fenuly phyricwe— EM John H. Eoviss, Selabory, (Droggi,) | ¥Wtiem hmer, Sam - Price. - i } pweter . “ bak Om ~ ae @ ‘ “a — re ae » lar , arte ver te ' fe » “4 7 Pisin . —AA wise—and”——raising bimecIf and a mages ad = Z 5 s 5 is companies whess figures are ont eo larg ADM After tak * cs ©. works | te special agent. LEWIS ©. JIANES Ao’r. wareed samivousiy ty ver. aad dying, | ,, h on ith 3 eroell array my aca beceme and remains wely well. to ewell with the thought—Ax ) prov “dthe company with ite vies ; — eoeming = < left all hig efflecta, inctading his sermods, betters | h¢ figures is doing au average rea of busi. | Yours wrvie, | janl7 —twhwitf Laxusotox, N. C. MIGETY Fa There os 8 —— — ot aad trstumowmals, to the noknown nurse. Up. | vess, and conducting its affairs on the prin { 4. B DANIEL if) Se ——_ ———e bheed to brain ¢ 6@0K tn t SPM4 | on arrit ug tale im thas contry, the evsvict ae ae Viesiesece-| —— i - ° jeiples alladed to above Asa irgiuia en- | of bie frewds—and ia Give mivutes, bis) samt the name of the deceased, and present’ | terprise, aud one well-meriting the success | Consump/ion, im its carly stages, cam be a1 SUMFORD LAND AGENCY OF opirit was gone | Not a groan pained the | ing the letters and credentials of the departed | we are pleased to learn it is attaining. we eall | cured. 0) N S U M PT { Vy F S NORTH CAROLINA. ear of bin agonised friends. His body to the Bebop, was invited to preach, which } attention to the AViengton Mutmal Life Inswr-| “ty caughier hes been cared of « deep erated - hee ded, using one of the sermons he had tober ted, aod was called to a « has tothe dest; his sgirit, we can wot mow vests in the bos m of tbat! Ged Almighty, whose name was last on ve offi cated scorptably for several yeara The truth burch where | as throughly sound and safe as any life insur ance company in existence. It was charter ence Company of Verguma., whien elaims to be | drseas of the |e x¢0 (promoenerd by ; can Cosvempuce , by your Rosedale war Phyw- Mas K. ANN eMITR. his the inhabitants of this authentically stated that one-Gfth of hi NDHOLDERS who wish to Gefl Agricelturel or Mimerel ABAL ESTATE ASIIANOR COWP GY OF VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL i “i key 8 F é 3 fs sy * ois ihe *s very {7 . 4 * ms * Pi LIFES aC Mabo Neuss Cove? Hovas, Ya., Heaven — rw 1067. 3 half of Nelson, and State of Virginia, take in “2 recom! a6 a solvent and ‘com pa- bens ps Lg Bn ee may : solvency, lassie aad tories ter Rae tee : E Uses Them | wet ne: bedy—Believes ia Them! | verbyody—Recommends » Then | =. Sa Areyes iste, Whe, Roache Sar 2 te Se ee “ Costar’s Exterminators. Aw vou soneped with Bediage! Che) nr tye Res at Ok, ete “COSTARS” BED BUG EXTER Lora me & ‘Vor Moths i= Pur, Weslewn, Garpem 0 Ae EP’ Bay » We. oF Be. ° “COSTAR'S” INSECT POWDE! — testantly Fives aed olf lessee «« an mak, ae. fury thing.” Thousands tertily to mere. EP” Ray © Ge. or ite. Box » “CUSTARS” CORN SOLVENT For Gores, Bunions, Warts. He. Try & Don't euler with Pain! Weedertel pore of Nesting? Bray Muathy thea bevy * 2 —— & ie Or Be Box of- “CUSTAR'S” BUCRTHORN Sun “Universe! Dieu Puli” WO year: adminitered \a a tice. Lyte “COSTAR'S” BISHOP Water Powers. country and Earope die Mille, Te prdpng Ny di ¥ PILLS. bets 1s aad os @hecan bes keg ne given would oat here teens ——— had on ed by the Legisiatore of Virginia in Jane-| Beliim-re, March 4. 1667 of Consumption, No dinrase has been more | a4 ony kd, wil fed kt to 0 r age we or fe Pp, the wretched imposter divulged it on bis death ry. 1967. It hae had ao Copreeedented | —_ thoroughly stéched, and its natore less onder-| 7 td the homage of « pure and devoted heart. bed at A . : ‘ Cp s place their property ie our heads fur sale. indigestion, mervens and ot j jraa of basiness. It has passed al! the perils Las ; 9 90 crevasse upoe which exists * We have great tor procuring . ryan F ca gene ee jof ite infaney. It has extabliahed ite claims | j greater divereiy uf opinion and no dima chaseg for ali such propert _ ais + Mune and Preaching.— A pitch of| Another Fire in Fayetteville — The | ¢, public confidence and favor. As yet it| RO ALIS | whch has more completely baflied all med:cal Var ichocsnasion a sth “ att refinement in the art of pertormirg Incendiary ( iptared. has sustained no losses. Js assets are rap- | | skull aod remedial agrovies dNO. B GRETTER ood sacred masic is caid tc hare beet On ator ay y 2 er fi-e broke vet | odly imereasing With a due regard bo tise | J ; Some of the prominent ry mptoms are 6 vr — reached in London, which none «! the Raye e 2 danger:me kawitty, |interests of ite policy-boiders, it is adminis | . Congh, yo atceg cing Shortnem of Breath. Ir Gicabe” No nes . charches in thie country have rer *bere & Dumler of ok pn buskdings pre- | tering ite affairs on a well-guarded and ec. Is a Potent Remedy in all lj ome about the es — darting Dec 2. 1847 ly “That Cough wi? Ril) yon. Don? P te ate d - erated a w de field rms, which | nomical basis. ft assomes no extra hazard | are in the Sides and Back, Emaciaton, and a pecs: RS SE nas giect it Bc and We Sie achieved. A visitor at the CEE 8 cad aby hay ver @ wide| ons risks. It imposes dae restraints and lin | erneral peyauve conditua of the whole sys J. G. VEACH'S “COSTAR'S” COU PMEDI St. Cuiharioe Cree was astonished, a. ere T toe prompt aod energeuc exer | itatious on insurers. but only such as long Ch onic Di eases j tom ~ &. COSTAR IUGH REM . few Sendeys ayo, to bese ie Litany Grau! te ce exparicooy Bea felly nenaned toe chal te r CASES. Lahn gine Salerine sh his Sead Sera! MALL AND EXPRESS LINE-<Dalt The ctitdren wry the sag = “Boni prefaced by a my senor » ten 1 wesc) at 845 P Min ele : succens aud safety of a company in the | r any f us concomtants, should lose no time! ie * ; } any Syrup.” Por conghe, . ' ¥ rear m user) as a she piog ™ bs long rus. Ite terns are an liberal as can be} From&. W. Jinan! Stterney at Lan, Wileon peereerg thernsetves of the proper Reme | Schedule from “igh Point lo Sal m owe Urrest. croup, whooping cows until f dered by a prof a Benen Situated “a and | offered im good faith by any eompany. It im North Carona r that they may stay its ravages BAVEB< High Point at 34 o'clock, A M tines onegcer pr Plamen verpattg= aid] poo % f and followed i ayn Hi ie : ea ‘) ss and he restored to lneahh The 4 Arrives at Salem at %4 «clock, A M pe wr and all troubled wih Leder a ay i ot ; . . g wathe wnpany. nd ite : “ : T have been com d of Chronic Inflemate n Leaves Salem at 24 o'clock, P.M Comms inte will find this a beve ' ano nonting - *) Cie Se Seton oe eel ees ewer le AUS BOL Ste er ned (Peviel Delano Uicaii care | Rev. E. A. WILSON’S Arrives at High Puint at 7) o'ckowk PM | Pectoral Remedy rhame « img Gyon a tr f : Anlinem vitages of a life insurance ¢ gets “) emdeng, by MUBADAIS | Prepared Preseription for ihe Care of Passengers will find this Line well stacked — iuflacnes| Leotier cleva fob te Melean ¥ ad ‘ ° 4 cet comparing with rig et lee f As *net ~ . GEO. W. BLOCNT | Consumpti'n, Asthma, Bronchitis on gs, wu La pom, fine Horses, cafefal and ar. lect oe + tion, wh sic , mock tame. thie - ofiaees - beng buldiy claim southern patronage es- | Horm, Rept miter 13. (m6? ; M commwedating Driters, and ne » WHHL be | B : ing » the fare ac i zs “t J linge erste Milica, and was peeially, wile it hasan eqnal ela tht Portemorrn. V-. Ame. 98.1667. | Colla, and spared to make ali who travel on this tine cows. tities the. Complerion, ¢ivin« Nine lelh tes rch ie ee ci | Ports about $2, MoD wuich Lede wes * futher canpanir~ in every elime and latitide.| Cope JH. Biker—aw. For the leat seren| All Throat and Lung Affections,) abe the skin 4 (pansparent fresbves- oe time left to preach his seru n tall.! me ° Ite prineipyal uff sin Richmond. Va. while! us erht veare} have bean severe'y siihreted by thw metal which: ba wes tasnee ce aca Special attention will be given to all Kpree k wy & wert bathe would have it printed. Cyn “mony of Wwacaners two | it je establishing ite agertes all over the land. | #4havery truablennn form of SALE RUUEM afew werks= wer having sufered severa|| Maer Mant to my care. “COSTAR'S” BITTER SWE we te F < 1. , fr which f have wever been ote ot sda the| seed - n'y is 4 BACU. z Cie catenin : aged oe Si ane be , : i. z Sha lis v. J. £.F aia grulion gl The # trae fs : vas iilec al peau Oy speed ans iv’ = with & severe lang affection and thet ey — @ VeEacu. | AND ORANGE BLOSS( NS a - shied Na tee | directory We composed of the resi nese | | read dinense, Conaumption, has now bees ig | + wh Ao Engi, paper says |), , ai pian : Sehla A sg i reinedios which | have at various (Hines appl md, | mF Rewders the skin clear, smooth and y Pw Uve evid-nce ul ice a talent in the city of Kiehmond D. J. Hart ) nee over te us s j ' 7 ) eflect the | ) - chase ed to try Ur Lewrrvee’s kines { © years with (be most marked sno. BRERAIT PAIN ING . ae eT a tn at ph ~ for Int Fagin onreary.nod Majo Jt ee chard toy kam nus na | | pe sme | Raton Ta Pri Pen ited Staten, eo Amerwan friend advised pus A x var Ha net ae lately ia ver ly pg = pode Aa J 4 nent cutrely ewred «of my troubiemnne erop : The ator oat gr fron oe PHOTOG Rap Hy. | defn) quality. a purchase Stu wer t bes reaasr . “ . et. by w a the raped OM THEM WeRA On oF site Z rt en wipe chetncaly pure, by the vw. ED- '¢ 4 a, aa sda, an ay ahaa . “ wie arietly inirenen! e i A ‘dremuad. and from whom any desired iuforma Other members of my family have ared it as} WARD A. WILSON, 365 South 2d Street DAV ID L, CLARK, {_ a otto ou cable fora we . guard, of palshs ether ts moe sy @tem will transasst about 150Q per bour tion may be vbtwimed pertaining te the ct- | 5 blond purifier, with the most giifyingreaute | W Whamsborgh, Kings Co, New York Portrait Painter and Photographer, LUD Aid all Worthiest Lamibod ptuds, “fur,” smd be, “the New York! Hone and cunmaed system from 200 to! ditiva, tespousibility, ah gperations uf 1! ? Truly ran rl etl Sep rtageaaiel have A Parmiphtet eonfaming the orignal Pre WGH Potxt. ¥. ©. Se Hs : Mp fewarc 1/11 of we ard tind tut Long? v ersvalay L000, while a rate of 4990 to 5000 is claimed jeompany. They will furnish a statement of |+ver ated before, nome have beow ws “PPAY | seription with fall md expheit directions for) Waving & eplendid SBy-l. t Gallery, and| mitahons ee Seeded niw'ias acl | g cme to the pew cue. The writing brary a reene- {the euedision sad business of the Cae ee rete ener netn cad! would | preperation ond use, tenets wlth. cher Me with sh nid of the Hayastan is pro. | None genuine withowt “Costar's” Sig boing to lay bold u lance to manascrijt The letiers arefiraced | up to Janaary, 1464, with cortifiestes of at rote psy relat a it tw the pabiie ond) tery of bes caw with symptoros, experience | pared to inake Vhotographs and all other ean} ture. rmaties . _ Wit printer's ing, are securate, compact, and | teatation as to the credit and responsibility i f Very cevpecitell y ae jand cure, can be obtaired (tee of wharge) of | Pictures in the best style Of the-art. Having %6 and GOc sigee kept by all Drugg's': the nobl The Le simian article on th | SA'7 Ta } panier pot Apdacenariaaey ag’ st leert.| MRS. EN. BUGGA | Mr. Witeon, ae-above, or by calling on or ad | also. Woodward's r Camera. beean make | $1 00 sizce sent by mail on receipt «fp foud of FO” The ix aie nin = oa A solder at Galveston, Texas, stule » Lim-|tuir of pablie seovants. and by J. 8. Calvert, | Opposite the Crawford H.nes, | teeaiag, | *hotages phe fall if sine. etal to a steel ev. | $y 00 pays for any three 1,00 sizes se weal pobriud of thie conntry, says | burg cheese of his oxutades the other day — | treasurer of: Vitgisia. | G B POULSON & CO graving... Picteres, Phow raphs, Drawitign |” ey pote t mn “tT are Jo better for the They seatenwed bum in mock conrt-martial 10 Phe Arlongton Mectucsl Inauerance Company | T hereby eerufy tha: | was cured uf @ '‘C hron- pet 18, ; M i » Views.of Bai igs, Landveap- ? $5 Pins ss pea 81,00 si, by fF onged Reputinuaus paraie s( vice and put bay apother cheese of the sane size andest | is adive, thrifty, setive institution It 19 Ph bsg eGieciwe of ‘he Kidaose”’ by the am of one Pri, | in N. C,| Xe, faithtally photographed aud inagditied to | ""’ pays for eight 81,00 sizes 6 sees QM wet ae Cig Bub of HeKE Noven whole at once without hav ng anyihiog to be regarded in the light of an experiment | cine ui Dr Lewconee's Rosadehs, and the e-) 49-9 Oe any desired slag. i press. tee Cb. dey th loog be| with which to wash it down. When he bad It isan established fact No COMPANY 18) ore advien vthers suffenng with the “Kidney | ————__—_ arene PORTAIT PAINTING, Address, eo id) them ace * tac- comwored one-third bis powers of swallowing | safer or better than the Artington. ft ehal-| Disease,” to try the Rusedelie ‘ Portraits accarately and faithfully painted | HENRY R,. COSTAR. tes wows» be .aders to exharsted, and be begzed for aed — investigation, and shrinks from ne R.D. ALLEY 0 PRI 1 ING in oii, either from pietares or sitti Ago the 48% Broadway, 5 “0 niscbiel which‘ ‘a a reyneve irum toe remade A ie | aaen parla bigs “ hypo most gears Wilsoo, Auguet 3, 1867, Weatl tel tt thie eubject, and re 9 pliend _ ka Por sale by JOHN FH. ERMIRA, Se)°h there wa iat Le ume bh reper nen Wente. } oetieutions ite kind on continent $ eee cathy Euen Offfias. gnaras ’ ¢ instance. dee 4-130 Reld hy all the Wirolesale Drags fed - 0 large cities = Ot baa ed yg i ™ a F " A ee % THUBSDAY, MARCH 5, 1868. [WHOLE .NO 316 The ‘Arlington’ Mwigsl THE ~ be i philaathrop — a . t “no negro, or mulatto shall { taken policy and has thrown [ig it i | OLD NORTH STATE. have the right of suffr °.” on its Own resources, wal” waa Ih to Adee J pol i) azarae. ory ; . ai rn p st, i } H a Life Susarance Compa RI very white male citizen of | itselg without any restraints and checks, | citement. First of all, books must be enter- ny [Tv -WEEKLY '! all age, and to every civilized male In- is fast sinking te its t-7 a : or we will not bay or read them.— L9-RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: 261 ian not belonging to any tribe. that of the savage and the brate. meaner peggy pass. pirdle wes. dolar “grad OP vVIRG TERMS-0CaSH IN ABVANCK. 4) Mii he constitution of 1865 ex- Wadesboro Argus. a sarte of aubjegts to all depart- STATEMEST, DEC. 31, 1867. TRGINIA. ~~ a — te Se daha Voting. mak ee eet Bein hat po garlic oo, -Weckly, One eats ss--o»--~nslte, «a amDIC white male citizen of or atom Pate. ’ edict — |“ Virginia and Southern Institution , et ull age resident one year in the State, Thoaghts on Current Literature. apreggtber ge oan din 6 ape Jte Funds are kept ¢ the South WEEKLY WATCHMAN AND NORTH STATE Kansas—every white male citizen ad- ein: justify ite tran hy Sadaband = : One Copy One Fear ult, resident six months in the State.—| Germany, France and England, are the Lit- | usurping the tights and of mure salu- . i; oe esti aac eaaveny 4 The question of negro suffrage was pre- erary trio of trans-atlantic vations, The intel | * a | : 7 Certain it ad 1 has wet with unprecedented success. | | A crom > onthe paper indicaicsiheexpiration’er {sented in 1867, and in a total vote of 29,-| igeut enterprise of American pub ishers regu- |i, itis not the est -mesasifor dewdloping the wth ge peerinae 30 j ; 904, was rejected by a majority of 8,938. rok Bacigeres hye those of their books and pe- ofthe stab urte and training all the lties ; a Ita fortunes are established beyond any Brod sk on + Cn NB we cha Spee a Catrroayra—every white male Uni-| of ardor Reargesreard reliable exponent voles to act in harmonioas and effective TNQOME FOR . make it a welcome visitor toevery family. fn order | ted States citizen (or of Mexico, who Goma is transcendental ; France is licen-| To pnt everythings the fashion of romance 27 726,616,563. contingency. te 9 0 this we have engaged theservices of abieand | elected to heeome a eitizen under the | tious; England is conservative, but growing | is as mnwholesome aad unreasonable as to cun- ef . rs _ mplished literary contributors. treaty of Queretora), of all ages; no| impatient and slowly assuming a menacing at- | Vert our healthful and nutritious dishes into _ lability thal wilt compare verstiywit tay Lie| Advertising Rates (“yen or mulatto ean vote. | tiltude towards those sacred truths which form | spiced and sweetened deserts. If those who FOR P UMS Geamaae us a ce y so Por = Nrevapi—law similar to that of Ore the basis of individual and national excellence. | cultivate fields of literature extend the flower REMI ——— cenponalheiiey. utinest, TRANSIENT RATES gon. The evil in Germany lies in the wanton in- | garden over all their grounds, there wil! be a sii staeeion sdnamhn 2 any sda by mice | Forti piteiranne ost” | ho thirty ar coumtion designated |fPendeoe, of Ssnace Her schol hare «| Frat dal mor of bet, pera at cri > Tt bas eatabi ies © to Sguthern Petrenage. Each en besquent insertion “59 | 28 West Virginia” do not permit negroes | and Se eainen, in religion. The _ ahs public mind scan adasahed wisel _ Contract ee of — fons eee to vote. Congress passed bill enfranchis- | ter the realms of philosopby ia a spirit of bold | fact woukd need the sdoruings of naear . FOR FNTEREST OFFICERS : 1 squanx, 95.00 | $8.50 | $12.00} $15.00 | $90.00 | 1S Negroes in District of Columbia, De- | expectancy like men ina hopeful search for a fiction, little less than virtue needs the meretri- : de a te) | ’ $ covanme, 7.50} 13.00 17.00| 21,00] 97.00 | cember 14, 1866,in Senate, 32 yeas, 13) religion anda God Many of them having vir- | “lous attraction of fashionable vice. $1.839383.711.68 PRESIDENT, ri a _ = npn pase pe nays; in House, 126 yeas, 46 nays; tually ignored the Bible, both as to history and — os ’ — quan.cov. 13.00 | 19.00 . President Johnson vetoed bill Januar doctrines, acknowledge no standard of their From the Raleigh Registe SORE EE WARES, sur oor 3000 | 37.001 200] s8o| sc00 | 1867; same day Senate repassed the bill, | 22oferis and theones. As there is no great |THE HIGH COURT ‘ — 3 QUAR. COL. 95.00 83 00 40.00} 45.00/ 50.00 : 7 sad sds central moral truth or idea to hoki them with- COURT OF IMPEACH. LOSSES PAID IN 1867 VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, ONE COL. 90,00 | 49,00} 5 00 | yeas 29 nays 10 and the House by 113 H See aoe? : “A cn ‘y Wa. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsoox, —— mal 0.00 | 7.00 | vas to 38 nays. when the bill aca ‘ their legitima Pa sgt Be reel lay “ot afar nich — - — — law. May ouse passed a bill | naturally wander into such systems of belief ‘he following is a list of the Senato >.’ 268 yy? OHLaTea a ee SUFFRAGE IN THE NORTHERN “that there shall be no denial of the elec- | the cieaided and uninspired smagiia al ak who are to shay Johnson u the DIVIDENDS PALD IN 1867. : , M. D STATES. tive paced to citicens of the United on coe ait Ont Fed - im materals | articles of impeachment EEN the . States because of race or color, and all | ¥#'co are leit w ivine tion with- | House of Representatives. The politi $643,005,00 = LEGAL ADVISER, GEN@RAL AGENT, We are indepted to that sterling paper ; . | draws its lights and treasures H. thei pt ° tos _C.Caparr, Jno. H. CLarponsn. ‘per | persons shall be equal before the law,’”— : 's enee their! of each Senator, and the State from whieh the New York World, for the following to amend the organie acts of the Territo- iis ha gi Shuliiete their sub- | hy is seut, are given. It willbe seen that luterest received more than pays losses . ’ 2. os Alt policies. Rootes cmsanl John Enders, Henry K. Ellyson, the several Northern States upon the sub tana, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, epicmneene they ‘ne gla peiihselia “Two-thirds of the mem present,” in : Assurance can be effected inall forms desired. | William F. Taylor, Asa Sn ject of J SAMI. DOUGLAS WAIT, | Samuel 8. Covel Ae. O Baskerville, | There. et’ bat five of the Northern | wt New Mexico. ‘The vote was 79 yeas | voluptuous. Their cheif endeavor is to refine | the language of the conetitation, are ne- Genéral t, Joba Deals ‘ Samuel ©. Tardy, Gage eed chee an N E to 43 nays. Jannary 10, 1867, the Sen- | and magnify the enjoyments obtainable from | cessary to conviction, and should all the N.C. | Wunlem wie en JW alloc Btates, which make ; ai New England | ate adopted a substitute that there should | the merely buman and se ral means in their | Senators sit during the trial, thirty-six will A. Philipa, Agent, Charlotte, NC. ee le a daregiPaber no mei in the | be no denial of the elective franchise “on | Possession. As the true religion interdicts this | be the number required to convict’: mar 3-w&tetf ) Thos. J. Evans, A.D. Choekley, Sesh Hrage on account of color, account of race, color, or previous condi- anesloclating parsuit of pleasure, and imposs| H H Authosy, re blican, of Rhod ~~ 4, | James A. Stott, H. C. Cabell, Maine gives the right of «uffrage to ev- | 4; tarred “ Paes its salutary restraints upon an inconsistent af | 7 Jy, Tepe ° BR LYN B.M_ Quarles, D, J. Hartevok, ery’ wale citizen in the United States wh ee eee many of the ‘Territo- | fection for what is deaominated vanity, it is eae bs oa 5. &. aterke debe C. Williama, naa ceanied iu ihe Minte thine asi lis. | ries of the United States now or hereaf- | either disregarded and scouted by them, or J A Bayard, opposition, of Delaware. LIFE In U ANC E A. ¥. stokes, Nasal iedaal excepting paupers, persous under mae | ter to be organized. The bill was passed | provokes a spirit of presumptuous and defiant C R Buckalew, opposition, of Pennsyl- a’ i. 8. mae Wak: lsc. diansbip, and adi se ta od if | by 24 yeas to 6 nays, and in the House, | antagonism. vania. | ik. H. Dibrell, George I... Bidzood, P Ane ROS AEAG, [same day. yeas 104 and nays 38. hig} | Whatever of Voltaire’s theories and pretend- S Cameron, republican, of Pennaghya- New Hampehire admits as electors “cv- el pl.iiosophy was compatible with this volup- | nia. OMP NY | William H. Palmer, Samuel M. Price. cry male inhabitant.” | bill became a law by tailure ‘of the Presi- | . Si A . y ant,” exccpting paupers, | dent to sign the bill, or return it with ve- | (us taste, has been perpetuated, it may be; AG Cattel, republican, of New Jer- | . S ? ¥9 . LEWIS C. HANES, Ao’r. and pervons excused from paying taxes feared, im its baleful influence on opinion and | ge )janl7—tw&wif Lexineton, N. C.| at their own request ess within ten days after its presenta-| aondaet. France yet inherits bis rash and des- | -y i , | tion. -_ ; * | Z Chandler of Michigan. __ ; ( o “ey : _ _ “ d y he Boo ° poop For life Inaurance Only. Bl eins hee the vel " a he ty Bik METS EI SHAME! the may vot bere 00g bis sceanars Ole at B Conkling, >. lh Zt - 2 , sade aera : : oe such varied and extensive powers. Has she nness “ ia. Issues Policies of all Kinds, PIEDMON1 eee hacctie clinic every male eiti| 9 Nltt® shame and disgrace it is that | not now a talented Henan forming a fend ali-| © Cole, ropublican of California. BAL ; Saitwesiyaue Fears cid Ste el ae us S. somo eee caused the recent pelted mgd ot burii noe tweens reed Corbett, republican, of ‘DAN vy aah ae! ~ | difficulties at Washington, and excitement | © 2@8)0ors _—s* an inso- Cragin, republican, New LIFE ANDIEN DOWMENT. | ESTATE (NSURANCE COMPAN) pers and persons ander guardianship i pit in the country, by persistently refusing to | vit? hod wher oun be ore fetal torn, | eniee. eis? ee OF VIRGINIA. ne b = oe permit the Presideut to select his ptivate iad ie ; fe fee, more fatal to merel-} — G Davis, opposition, Kentucky. i 7 iaae c who ig not able to read the constitution in | advisers and counsellors—bie Cabinet y and virtue than the potions which the pan- G Dixon, o jon, Connecticat: r | Vn eet ‘ i AUTHORIZED CAPITAL the English langaage and write his name. ulletre. ate eogrcwy pruss daily ie out for the mil- JR Dooli opposition Wisconsin. ‘ONE vaste iioen af Rll seas ee tee apse ; hs are he af Pang of Andrew m ignite corte and orthodox Eng- . pate. oh Vermont i ar MILLION DOLLARS : gy >| Johnson (he is far from being inuocent of | !and, gh toa ul moderation b re nnecticut. Absolutely = Restriction “pen ° pen pooeren eecindise va ae bringing trouble on our saction since the fn trp 4 edge : ment which io deeply im- wpe Fesscuden,-*epultican, Maine. a « e 43 % % on , ntin : . n Pi ; | 2 edd ot Residbade | OFFICERS. 87 per year; and to every native male cit | Vi, deus) bat we think overy man | ft cane aghe Sti teoe lomter eet! ‘Frelnghepsen rite videblions, 3 sad - : Lg suoekimae President. izen, twenty-one years old, two years in ought i ada gpeach ng bcm ro —s ae venerable tenets aud to innovate rashly upon J ed Hi cece ial _ m2 KINS Secretara. H 4 i Stanton on resident as one of | beliefs whieh : ° -+ : U. H. PERBOW, M. D,, Bod. Advisor. | eeisered,"che hee part 81 toa of Jei| his advisers. Stanton io both personaly | all ber costoms and idtnatone 5 W Grimes, : DIVIOENDS PAA NSB aha 451 raisieee) Sed ecurees scuthors compan militia service ae io orig — and de ego i erate ayer to the Presi-| In England, as in Germany, the protracted repos’ | and solve y A : . .. | dent—he eceived and insulted the | term and extensiqn cartivature of studies to- cxrem, va | pays te its policy holders annually _Connecticat gives the ballot to all white | Prosident— ied toi ther with te adoption universi T A Hendricks, ‘ . 87 Per Cent. of ite P citizens re full age who have resided one Pa asec ig gs ‘ll wivase af va in edecntion, hose Webdeney ong le J n Howard, 1 ALL POLIGIES POSITIVELY : eee en epreee whe ware tes mee—ci | fit for the purpose of disgracing. him —| Se'rssen: dow leparimom wands aeecca-| Gore It : : a ; are essen- for pty f oy, —_ food conic by taking notes any such survive) at the adoption of the a ee ee “Ohana v7 ecaeetng doy a ps ; t © Meier NON-PORFEIT ABLE. ; It allows ‘ts patrons to pay all cash if desired. State Constitution in 1818 may vote.— i pate vic. sepia persmmempreegecasereyees, pol ur of repa a.) wit It invites its patrons to attend its annual set-| The question of n suffrage was sub- poses merely) i mean and contemptible. ded to a great science, he sccords it a loyal de- rt Kors : warty ae Llements and see their rights protected. mitted to the aiGcieber amtecshleey | yee fei kis tie Frei | toiay woes wareipien Fe TMP! LM Mori, sopetnnn DPurt of thé prémiim loaned, and no| , tt aliow: its patrons to change their policies i. 60 wae . ’ i | dent has been guilty of, he has been most | in 4 votary towards his religion. L M Morrill, : a -. “ripe empl another. . pn hgh Agel rengetur against, 6,-| shamefully treated by Stanton and Con-| Owing to the university system and the pé-} © P Morton, replican, loan or premi at ole ers are not restricted as to tra- —in a tate t t n April of the same gress. But it will all come right after a culiar strueture of English society, it is common D S Norton, et ages A croslonce tollewine certificete aa to | year gave a Radiea] majority of 11,035. | whilc—fairnces and justice will prevail | Mere #8 among the Germaas and French, for) J W Nye, re cain aa the ee cae g cate as toits sol-| New York—every male citizen of fall| sooner or later. P scholars Sedo ¢ their resesrches and appli- | J W Patterson, republican, Neacw Court Hovsx, Va.,? | #8¢ ten days a citizen, one year in the; er. ar ._ | cation to a single branch of knowledge. . This, | .4; after the March 25, 1867 State, four months in the county, and thir- he President's refueal to reeognize | per s, is the surest way to success and exeel- | °"y)* <m™ undersigned, officers of the county of | ty ders prog verry nergy bs pol Stanton as oer War is made | lence as to attainments in their peculiar de- pleasant. Ncleon, and Stave of Virginia, take pleasure in| voto unless ho has beca three years cit-| “Wer x wil take see month treet ibe | bs, the uregurd of those nestiaable sais | A Ramsey, republican, ny. “The Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Com- | 7°" of the State, and for one year the | President out of office, if at all. Though | “hich are indispeusable to the formationand} E G Rose, repblican, 4) Oe Company offers peculiar sdvanta- | Psy: of this county ; and besides the merit of | owner of a freehold worth $250 over in-| if he is removed, nothing extraordi ary | ™aintenance of « well-ballanced moral charac- |W Saulsbery 7 the seivenay, its sate and terms for Life In-ur- | cambrances, and on which he has paid a| will h area vs anne ter; and secondly, that exclusive interest and J Sherman, Lins rower ges to the Souther .people. tie the most such ax to cominend it to public pat | tay. D a in cousequence.— Charlotte dogmatic confidence in their favorite science| -y republican, Rhode Liberal Oompany in the United "fts Stockholders, Directors and Officers aremen| New Jersey—‘“every white male citi-)) that tou Often rescké in blinded pedeamy aml! wb Seeman, “Nevada. pany au or pat ins ity and patrons ean rely on an | zen’”’ of fall age, resident one year in the avers — aa re ott ith the ‘ C Sumner wahoo ie ag — — management ——_ State, and five months im the county, ex- AN INCIDENT OF THE TIMES. which suvehabed lit bor) be sicheihe cava JM Thayer : , this company, and simply give this Rag reeticn cepting paupers, idiots, msane persons,| On Saturday last one of our county | inspires, is brongt by circumstances to try the} J W Fa a its vais } ested testimony to the merits of a good institu- and persons convicted of crimes excluding | officers was called upon to execute a }great pretensions of religion by the oi L ; ng/owor than thage of ether ¢ompa- ter cy er 1 55.4 them from being witacescs. | search warrant for clothing, which the | his own philosophy, it is clearly apparent that? PG Van Winkle, tepublican, West _ | One energy mre, Sey sit | ee a Te gee | eect eae reece | Pe wach ~ i ee Ww. A. Hitt, Surry ’ : nf n days | woman n stolen from 2 . BF W: Ohi OFFICE, NO. 14t BROADWAY, poam 6. A. Lovige., Clerk County Conrts |" bo district. Dae alee an and wore concealed in the hanse of anoth- retains a aD we Saher ye wr , tepubliean, West Vir- TY rT ‘YALL . Bingham @ isbury hio—every white male citizen of full | er woman, about a mile from this town. . We also have the agency peal Fire Com- | age resident one year in the State. Negro Complainant weut with the officer to ring. cae ase beni tan oats ee tos GH Williams, republican, ; Traveling agents wanted. Appl . —o tle: Nagar a em to the roe int out her articles. Arrived at the | mad for a just Wilson, eer ll ‘APT. JAMES P. HWSON, | the following result ; for, - the officer noticed a woman sitting | 4 worthy reverance of Jan. 7, 1863 Pees! Agent, Charlotte, N.O. | 987; against, 255,340 ; majority against, | by the firc, told her of his businces, and | doctrins of the Christian Religion. tn a | proeéeded to a search. Passing into an | 10 the United States, isconsin admits every white citizen | other room he left the woman who had yaar & BK os ry wit of full age persons of Indian bleod de- | accompanied him behind in the room wi h | “Srs smere Ny a8 elared citizens by act of Congress and civ-| the other woman, and pretty soon he| gu, men to CS comnblishod itined, personas of Indian descent; but the! heard shi f fighting. Goi he Guaietemal ts Wadee Onaauitecice to strike | found the two ‘ing’ the pono, had out the word “white” was rejected in No- | accompanied him being pretty roeghly a ‘ r f vember, 1865, by 8,059 majority. handled by the woman of the though, in the frailt Minvesste~the oases : with | in and took the woman of the | ‘2 betray a lamentable regard to white and admits In-| house into enstody, and was proceeding La ‘ dians certified by to be fit for citi-| to bring her to town for trial, when she att In November, 1856, the State appealed atrongly to be Jet ofl, saying colle Seotary riage te ante ie f tsbe had given birth to a child only} unrestrained pe og met 1, a a pees doy foteen,. 00d thati-the old Ter for fiction. Fact \, citizen age, | dead on the in the corner. Helook- | ate to fiction. six months resident in the State, and ev- | towards the bed and saw enough to con- | palm from ren ; So Seems he entene.year in | vince him that he woman's statement was | ** ‘vortte * | the United States, bat “a0 negro, China-| true. Sa try stale. - tat ; man, or mulatto. “ This little incident needs no comment. ray sl indiana—every white male citizen of | [tis only one of the thousands that are} not i ‘ the United States, resident one year in daily occuring among the race that a.mis- | about the intrinsic worth of a AALS | eth (aa ara of the State Legislatere. He on: other the votes from the precinett? which CALL FOR THE NATIONAL DEMO- | 2 ¥rexercnmor. J. ALLEN BROWN. - a The Old North State ‘tered that body with ourself in 1860 and | was said to give Marshall. a majori » CRAT CONVENTION. ‘| EL NYE HUTCHISON & Rowan Count | served one term. Consequently, we knew | 48 ae 1 his Incanatathnnt was ail | 1D tie commities, by ' : : y Sa a eS a Witlde of48@"a thority conferred upon thers | W8Urance Agents and Commis-', M4 . eo © him well at that time. “Jake’ le person- | | ned the 2 . gned the s@afing Mr. M | by th National Demoeratie Convention si erchan ally rather a good sort of man, we think, | (,, the pres on of the peport\ + osoauin held this day at Washington, wala " ts. and is not without “a streak of genius.” | Durbam cx posed she infamous fraud © to hold the next Convention for esti of nominating candidates for 6: ALL KINDS OF FERTILE: Bat he heaos and, consequently, , demanded a fatr j ; wT? hd Vice-President of the United | a. Graham, and pthe punce every popular ead ic McGubhiee-w ~~ pday of July, 1868, 12 o’- leigh in 1860 a | from the report 3: Bt bn he : b city of New York. - ma very short | tormé o jon, as fixed by on fever in tha jeonaelephi c Gonvention, fevailed at the | —— —— ——— SALISBURY, MARCH 3, 1868. Gonservative State Executive Picket. r, Z 4 ( NS j i : o——___ TPE ONSERVATIVEs OF (> Sa etn | 2 OUNTY are invited to ange THE BQUITABLE Council at the Court-House ators and Rep. | © each State under | gnew, Columbia, 3: C. Johnston, Charlotte, N. C. James Anderson, Supt. N.C. R. R. ng sccession rable paid a visit OT The wii ‘his cotetitnents and returned a strong mb “fai one and fraudulent JCOCC in Salish, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, » Sy 7 Ss . § ° | Union ran again. Soon after his return, tive of common decency, and shows that ae Minot, DO ae 7 2 : 4B ox : Tnion | the convention is bent u n its partizan mith, Eaton e Te ifad AL = r EDWARD D. HALL, he took occasion to make a strong Union arate po ane 3 . ne Av amas Haynes, Z ANSTRAVGR-= wt. of Marg, j es | speech in which he declared his readiness hy : | Dideon Bradford William MeMenilfeon A t : . ‘: do-it) @89BW Bizewen. - . Mr. Marler and hie friends will ventilate ’ ! nr, Nyy ight Gg “seo a oa a to fight, if necersary, “for the flag.” After | this matter thoroughly. Lhe rest of pei ann i en : < : “x a7 —* we 2 LHR be Slate, this, he oscilated to and fro for some time, | gession was spen® pon he considera On | Joha..A-Nisholson . roti A Om + ' ¢ ' 4 %T5 OF ROB 7 - BEST, — {but when the warbrokeomtbe backled | of the article on “Crimés and” Punish- | Odin Bowie, ‘Joseph A Rozien, | | issiaDe ‘SPS SESHOBER ae eee ee OF GREENE. . on his armor and weat forth to fight the | ™ents. i Lae icine Joh WW Eathonck | rw atc rare eh did ; ; : —-_ m : ; icy '| a WW viyie ines ae { battlesof the South.. -We did not seehim ACCEPTANCE OF JUDGES PEAR: Rufes P Ranney T itd, oi sete A) WEARS : r , AY ut <A. oe se : . Treasurer, Z_ jany more until some time duriftg the year! SON AND READE | W ENiblack,, John Patrick, © Nar’ 92 raN E Rh. . Ss VER , KEMP P. BATTLE, 1863, when he still professed to be a good . > : : Wither ¥ tere, James W McCorkle, | — je > ES RTC BAVER 4 OF WARY. Confederate. ; Bhotily after this, howor-| eincne Te of Coresbonslenee speaks |} cals ViBogy Joie makes, | Ck AGS a Ey AO sso | 2) fs se Dey KreN,' & For Auditor, er, ue caught the peace fever, aud became tice Pearson and Judge Reade accept the | Jolin uf McKinny. : ia ee one Fe aarp Feb. 29, 1868, Canvassing hina * S. W. BURGIN a Union man once more, and. of conrse, a | nominations tendered by them” By the | Pasir Oe | All profits divided among the Policy huldersan-= Pee. ares WIN itn * oi stirrer x? ‘}radiealL We do not charge “Jake” with | State Conservative Executive Committee, Wasi.ington, Feb. 22, 1868. 5 | Dividend Vabtapdp nex 1867Caxh Palue $600 IO) c ' R THE * X : ; hypocricy in these changes—they were | pines y oe elevated positions ae 000. ad ae i} | :: . . ° 1 . 9 er: | . A j * ; ¥% For Supt. of Public Instruction, just such changes as might have been ex- Judge Battle having left the city has eo ene AND Farrnrut OFrFicer.— | me reid ae Sdasareece Gempany iafh K N | (; \ REV. BRAXTON ORAVEN, | pected to take place in a mind like his. | not yet been heard “ram, bet oi be, | an instance of oficial, pages ne Peet: | Gos OU, 7,8 Single Life from $260 to} ie BE. OF RANDOLPH. He certainly knew no law at that time, | doubtless, in the course of a few days: | deserves to be mentioned. ft ia generally | B. Wye Hutchison & Co., Ac’rs EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE ST and we presume he knows but little now. | Hon. 2. Pearson : known—at least among the legal piofession No. 1, Cowan's Brick Bow, C2 Okt For Atgrney Generai, Indeed, we learn that he has never been; Sir:—The Exeeative Committec of 7—that the Clerk of the Supreme Court is al- | Sauspury, N. C. CRAWFORD & HEIL] ti ; . , atl | : ; . | lowed twenty days" after its adjournment to | Wh e nin Ger act af os ok Pern | G, SION’ H. ROGERS, licensed to practice in the Court over | the Conservative party, now assembled in | make up his certificates, &e,, fur the Courts Tutatitics Cos Hb ae ae hng atertleadl re HAVIN ~ é OF WAKE. Which he has been ‘nominated to preside. | this sy have nominated you for the of. beldw; It is’ datyinvélwing a heavy| match 4, 1868, : tw&wim for Abed asrach’G Ut themselves tog. { Aud if he does k . law. he! fice of Chief Justice of ” the Supreme ! amount of labor and anneh care. The Court : nel pa docting a general Hy ie ‘onservative State Judici l i an nai neas aw? © Court of North Carolina. adjourned on Saturday last. at 12, M., and SOMETHING NEW Maal _ to the €Xclusion of 4l| ,. . a , = Tick t aiaietas: is certainly without the abilities and the | Hoping that you will accept the same, by So’cleck of the same evening, the veter- | AT OLD WEST GREEN | ace paral, nie Tn ing tu the p.» ° et. ] liti k ve ar an and efficient Clerk, Edmund B. Freeman, | . : tat they have ju. | a mora! qualities necessary to make a good , we are, ; , : ’ HE PROPRIETOR. Cp my. - | ceived a full stock of hardware . pace Tmt dng ©. 1° [age Depts Pacey ae eae ery nepal, rae fy dt spar wnt "IES ls Ras RICHMOND M. PEARSON, of Yadkin, ions, having but little knowledge of the D. G hase Scene actness prepared, When the age of the | Well Grown Fruit Trees. oa ) AS WILLIAM H. BATTLE, of Orange, | law, and being possessed of little self.con- Lt. G. aecue For the present ineumbent is considered. this is re- | F O R S - + rund Fro, & 8 EDWIN G. READE, of Person, | fidence he will be constantly driven back | M. A Hececan Committee. eh ar one ide Alea ne cits ee | cultivated express! - A L E =< iad Tyre, Oval, _ . ae ; = ? soe Mr. £ reeiné ‘ergy, capacity and ¢ 2 expressiy for himself; the ¢ ar Nui Fars Pr are aoe and forth like a shuttle eock between the | (A similar letter was addressed to Judge | fidelity. He is a model elerk and a good copy | stock baving recently been disposed of:to anoth- Hoop Coe apd i. 5. " I , of Bancombe. arguments of opposing counscl. He sure- | Reade. | for all younger officials. — Raleigh Sentinel. coma Mwery Man Wealso have a darge aud p > er, Cust [The two last, if the number of Judees Gentiemen :—F acee h ominat’ - oe jandsome lot of Evergreens, Roses, Green house add b Steel, “ ov” | ly must have been takea by surprise at | cept tae nominat’on | Plants, Shrubbery, &c ‘sg a8 preposcd, is increased to five. ] 3 . ; y . P . | of which yon have just informed me. You | Support ror THE PRESIDENT.—The con- | Prices as moderate \s he found avy whe R. 8 EA & Co’s Str; * reeciving the intelligence of his nomina- errata Moan s voey Tr: : ls pe we CAN Iie found guy where |“): WF sy _ Star ; . ° |are aware {hat I have already accepted | Servative Army and Navy Union of Wash- | South. : Cutters'‘and Corn Shellers a. Superior Court. tion. We think we could name a large | the nomination of the convention of the | iugton held a mecting on Thursday night | canteen Our orders to Mr. S.J. Thurley, late 6 ; . * z berlat in North Caroli ; . : | and passed the followin resulution : - | gardener 10 Westhrooks & Mendenhall, and | 100. Kegs Nails, 2 oe numbe men in North Carolina who Repnbliean party. ‘As Chief Justice of : . m Pe party | ‘Resolved, That if the worst must rompt and punctua) attention will immediately Tlorseand Mule ~ First ‘District, never read a page of Blackstone that | the Supreme Conrt, should the people of | +5 the worst: that if eougtess proccess he sues Shoes, Sj al atten- ; DAVID A BARNES, would make better Judges that Jacob W. | the State elect me to fill that responsible | war uponthe conntry byits eontinued ox | Greensboro, Feb, 13, 1868: 6—wIm dion obdie? 16 Prting 7: | ow Ezwivenn. Mosman (Haris a tic day of small| station, 1 shall feel honored by this con- | croachments upon the prerogatives of the | NoBtH CAROLINA RAIL BROAD. siete yao oi g al z ; ; | Currence of opinion in regard to my ef- | executive and judicial brawees of the Gov- | CoMPANY Swops, N. Cu:Oct. 17, 1867 ‘ee Wg looting Seissars, “Poons i Second District, things and we ought not to be eurprised. | forts as a Judge for more than half a life | ernmeut, and aggressions upon the people, | On end ahes ai datethe foloutg i - Ladles and “a VIS peer | time, and, without reference to party af- | we hereby pledge “our lives, our fortmes ; | the Schedule f Passent¥e Traius over this| Many ether house keep; eke a EDWARD J. WARREN, THE CONSTITI TIONAL CONVEN. | filiations, to whieh, as a Judge, I liavs and our sacred honors” bo uphold the Chict| Road « ule for Passenger Trains over this | T Coudmenn bes Sune rar ae OF BEAUFORT. TION (2) j never yiclled, [ shall, to the beat of ny eratrba of the nation iu defence of con- | Leave Charlotte, daily 9.40 p.m. ’ , ? ee \ ‘ability, cudcavorcd to discharge the du. | Stetina liberty. | Salis bury... 142.93 a: yt. 3 Third District, Ti has been several days sineo we no- tics of the ofice without fear or favor, Ma Signe koa nivel ers _ | Greensboro’.... 4.110 + | ; aoa . | rs. “Stonewall” Jnekson has reecived $15-| Raléic] 10.00 + GEORGE Y. STRONG, ticed the proceedings of this body. We} Yours very respectfully | 000 lor the sale of the Life of her hnsband | Arrtveat Gold = ro... . 2,00 ' OF WAYNE. had latterly conceived the opinion that it | u Re eiie NM Prvrmsox | Cente Goldch aoe : " r . . . . aessrs. Fuicle, Bledsoe Sudger, Com- | | * ° a toc ain Oth: a was growing rather more liberal, bnt in | eaters. Pvcte, Leaace (rt ger, Ue MAREET REPORTS Raleigh... 22... 3.50 « = St ittee. - ] , Teen ¥ ¢ , & Fourth Distr ict, this we may have been mistaken. arc a | — ities ac LL Greensboro’, . 2.9.10 + aa a ee ° : ; = | SALISBURY, N.C., MARCH 5, 1868. | Salisbury., 2, 42.16 4. uv. » § * . ¢ . CR WILLIAM S. DEVAN Ey possibly grant universal saffrage, thongh Gintlemen: —I have jrat received your en _ Lee | Arrive at Charlotte... . 2.54 6 OF NEW HANOVER, thie is very doubiful. A’ nomber of the , lutser, Informing mo ot the nomination of CORRECTED BY BINGHAM & CO., GROCERS. | Through passengers by thisline have choice | 4 r) Ta 4 Te ine IC , acke , , shame, by the Executive Co ittee | Bacon, erpound, ........0. D a0 | Of routes via Greensboro’ andy Daaville t 6 QO 4 ; Fifth Distri t leading radical memb¢ al backed by the af he eae ae a - ol ee Cotter, Ser pout Seve ces ssc 2 rps ai | Richmond +r. ni Vatoiph: And Weldon te $ 5° per C0 e R. P BUXTON nominee of the party tor Governor, are for ‘Ai te e , ; a a py ren tle ee ates Mle poddoonsee 1.00 to 1,13 | Richmond or Portsmouth arriving at all “7 . . : o : : “hind ~ . See whic occupy up 1} Meal, bush. 4608 227! 1.15 tol.g5) : e Be Pe LA Pils ce eae Le ’ Searching a larze number of the in- | Supreme Court Bench. Iam honored by | Copperas, be pound, S20 vl = pe north is secangtvte hla: seme ae men. teltgent vhs erie of the we ve = ae apa your seein in me ane ee Adamaiive nie #2 30 | bare with Paskéner hich} ou W. &W. 7} mr og m, yet pne, utu the "ct udge, and aceept the nomination, with- | Cott . dy cscecscsss 3 ) fare re j »& i - Seventh Diatrict, of negro equality it eee ohines | out reference to an party affitiation. “| we. i Yarn, per bunch, SII ap © 1.75 | peeeaee te ihhfugton and by Freighy THOMAS RUFFIN, Jr. Wee leich bys private letver. u tM |. Lam nothing bunt a Judge. If elected | Fosthers, neroeeraed nyoeensdss @ to se JAMES ANDERSON, —— N 7" OF ALAMANCE, J.% prive —-- | by the people I shall as I always have | Fiour, per sack. geek 5.25 tu 5.59 ‘ Superintendent. I se Redman’s relief bill was passed by that | done, declare the law to the best of my | Pish, Mackeral, * >. a vies sn ocet . $25.00; Office N, C: Rail Road: Oct. 17,1867. tf Eigth District, body on yesterday, but we are unable to | ability, and do eqaal jnstice to the rieh | ea a ees Me sell va Lan forpaeD reese mews oe FRANCIS E. SUOBER, say exactly what its provisions are. | and the poor, to the State and to individ- Pruit, dried, apples pealed, ...++,4... to 4 T RCESENS. of ag fe of the Court a : : \ . : : + ys - oe x unp'ld, .......... 00 to 00 f Pleas ¢ larte, sions : . f oe We give the following account of Tues. | runes fear ond ina partiality. | * Peaches, peate?, oo.cco0 2 10 to 19! ty i Rowan, uiate'ae Partie oe cone * C S, os day’s proceedings from the Raleigh Sen- semi eceatin ne Kind termn of| | * ot Pues rece ‘gg eh will wollen the highestbaaee red bo) premises : wis . | your communication, eather, ola neh per pound, .-.+..4. s> 2to 75 pal iATOU Pry Wit te ee tinel ; I am, very espeatal &e, jira be, we Th Ae Wednesday, the 18th daysof March : : ’ “The pressure upon our columns, to- »G. Reape, | 0" castings, (6 TITEL + o> 0) next, the tract of lond of which ) n - ; . 7% . Nails, cnt, anne eye ie 7 to 6p] Next, one of which the late B..W. a OF LINCOLN. day, precindes the ublication, eatire, of Tahaorc | Molasses, sorghum, ! - 5¢ | Griffith, deo’d:, seized and -possesxed, 1 ing on me) saith = ; a P nese _ ! 8, $0 , per gal... se. iw eaten : vn > g r] a the performances of the Kangaroos at the A MYSTERY EXPLAIN ED. { - Westindia, “ .......... 65 to 70 Thitd Creek in said count: » Sixteen miles west : > ae ; ; : . “Syrup, S seeeeeeeee 2,00 to 1.20 | Of Salisbury, adjoining the lands f the Rey. : neh Tenth PMTKCITEE I Captol on Monday separa paaitire hes ice A lio seg promptly | onions pee bamhel, 2007 "20 to Wiligm Woe. otn Irvin aid others oontein. Sais. ERSON a MI r a lay \ _ Mission. | mvestiga says e ‘atchman ar Pork. Petpeand, ook. ee..., 1@to 12] ing eres—375 acres nnencumbered, Le _— } OF IREDELL. They-.are, doubtless, thoroughly wearied Refleetor,) by minds free from supersti- | otatoes, coe bushel, .......... = 4 - the remainder subject to-the widow's dower. .N. Haru. foet. 28 6m-tw-1] : ae and disgusted with the whole aflair, Wel tion and fear, occurrences, that appear to Sugar, Brome “ner pean. veseeesees IB t Per Terms made kuown on day of ‘ale. rs . Eleventh District a iee-ank Per p sereee 1B to 90 Z. GRIFFITH $ y AMS ICE, make an abstract of the most notablé pro- | have @ supernatural orgin would often; ‘ Clanfied. Sd setae eeeee 22 to 2%! February 6, 1868 —wtd. Adminthtrator CO ALL: JOHN Ly BAILEY, ceedings. find an easy solution. Judge Parsuns | salt, conned renee rere 0,00 to. 00 | JY, _ ‘ N : Cc. F. ER & Co., OF BUNCOMBE. On ‘Monday night the report of the com- | used to tell with: great zest of an incident, *° Liverpool, UIT, 3195 to 3.28 Fresh Garden Seeds, ee RRSPECTFULLY . —_—_ mittee on Corporations, other than Moni-| in his travels which would have furnished | Tobacwn vencenea on savas ounce to their Twelfth District cipal, was finally adopted. Pending its | food fora whole Company of village gou-| 8°” wanuhetered 778 to 1.50 . . * friends and the pul A.P yi victe mip poanerhee Mr. Darbam offered thie fol- | sips. _ “ Saeking, | beleics. Be 1.00 Landreth, Buist, S Thorburn: ee ile Arvakeat Bo _ ’ owing amendment : His wife, who seenred mnch agitated. | = their - OF MACON. Repair soi palate of ccaraings| waked ve one night ata village inn, | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . — OLD STAND, = — ——= , in-which blacks and whites are edacated | and told him there wasa woman sitting | | Clover, Blue-Grass. Heris-G ag - FRANCIS Ek. SHOBER, E8Q. ih mapeninat shall ie incorporated | at the foot of the bed knitting. The | Country Merchants, | thy, Luecrne, pes ather mvke tad the Oa Maa leet! 7 wa Bo thi under general or special law. _ | Judgesaw the figure ag distinctly as his . | ¢elebrated Michigan White prout ot mete San: of vee penal i Mr. Durbam offered the amendment in| wife, but having no thought of a super- | Dairymen, Farmers. | Goodrich and Wéerieon fies supe- pext aoe te the ves House, where they can \date adges POF this 40dicial | good faith and advocated it with acal, abil-/ natural orgin of vision, began to specu- | lor to any others known ppl aay me ' credit, was a well merited compliment,as | ity and earnestness. Mr. Rodman, one | late on its real cause. After looking And Other iF . se WARE! nd well to his abilities aa tobis greas «moral | of the Radical candidates for Supreme sharply for some minutes, while the wom. * B, | Country Merchants supplied ata liber. | They employ none but the best phelgralanlh worth. Few men possess in cena out. | Court Judge, and others, endeavered to an knitted on with unruffled composure, al divaoc unt. =: ra ees nse gone oy ere» oy Caren ee og aed the i te | dodge the issue of “social equality’’ thus | he was confident that he could see the | CONSIGN YOUR - Peper tlm = ® descriptive almanac erties ' 3 - “nS eagven tbe eneval oe Feqtisife presented ; the yeas and. mays were refu-| wall through her, and she eoald not there- | Ashes, Beeswax, Beans. | ‘yOu. z.2Z They are prepared todoall kinds of repalte : nt ek 8 Singularly ‘free. from TED DOM MENT VO- | fore be substantial flesh and blood. This ' Butter, Cheese, Eggs Druggistand Seed Dealer, Setobry poles en en exter a tee every thing like prejudice, passessing are-| TE N! ‘This is another stride discovery, which wight have affrichted Flour and Meal | = ° aw wel ar Fy RN @titts; Worms , &e. 4 markably well balan ced.and highly calti of the infamous Radical monster. Will} weaker men, only aroused his curiosit y-—| Flax Coton Tailoring Establishment. ept constantly on band, or = ies A ¥ ind, ‘ed with " A | the -white people of North Carolina vote | He at once rose from the bed, and walk- | FR One lp Ce ae ; Fhey would also announce that they are jut ft ated mind, agcompan great u for eonstitution, which compels to'bind te the £ h here | 7: , furs and Skins, | PE Subscriber takes this ‘m of in- |, f : baxity of disposition, he will, if pleated peers ed opel Biden | “0 bata nie acta met Pe one was there | Dried and Green Fruits, tne forming his friends that 5 be aloe on (TT. of i ICE < . . i | ae a Vanis = Q y e ‘ e a nal! ts- * 0 if the new geen <7 Should be ratified | with negro children, of clsc, if they, are Patting his head as nearly as possible | Grain, aon woe Stores, 7 | ren oring Basia 9 8s TE Oe OFF by "thé people -sd0n beeonie a universal} ueable to provide fur their education oth-, in the position where he bad scen the ; ve , gt py ; are, tavoriteape of she: mops popula Sudges | er¥ise, allow uci, to grow ap in ignor-| woman, the mystery, wat ai once en Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, | Brown's Building, on Alain Street; -y ) a yy | agee? Naver! Never J. laitied. H ci , Hemp, Brovisions,| nearly opposite the Store of Mo- : bcd in the Staber,.[e is wuethat-he-hais’fop | *9¢¢ 3 Never | Prained. tHe saw a circular hole.in the} Qits Lard’ Talloir ‘ : of the latest wid some time = OA the'dd ve The proceedings on yesterday are de- | shutter behidd the bed, through which 1 éBacce Seeds Sorghum Cubbins, reds Co. oe: 4 willed SPO, GUE Oe cet cooker . been withd - ° . . we, ‘ : é -_ ? ’ ’ > . ; ie raaticclata hictec . oa ay ved of nehe eat ery’ 4 me fafoorrs rays of light were. streaming, and going Molasses, &cy Se, &c,, || He is in constant regeipt of the Latest Fash. arth kinds ofvwdrledonéinSheet'Tron that!’ Pp ois profession, and may BAe | action inthe case of Mr. Marlér, coni-| to, this hale to look throagh, saw a wom- j ion Plates—ix ly ¢ Sites, end be required. wa = neglected thé stidy th D some Apittee was appointed, some weeks ago, lo | an in the room on the ether side of the TO: ~ | | feels confident ilit, ati Wer folly invite é’ rm all perso"s Ya tan of his. | yeaa he é Claim of a Mr, Marshall to | street koitting. The nerves of the wife J oes t am hie oo him with a call. i OF apy’ ur li rae Mr Marler’s seat, It had been generally | were greatly soothhd by this discovery, JOSIAH CARPENTER, s renaitoies caitae te oe qualify} ‘ | seatoce od, Joe by Ys | unremitting attentio ness to 2 and seemed to be agreed wp- and rhe inquisitive spirit of the Jad e receive. a sbare of pablic nation Is Very P 9 | tel ae friesds, and Pre ! much 4 the strengd TAOOR Wi B Ba that the decision oi Gen. Canby, in | was gratified By so si le lanation , General Commission drew‘ Charges will ke ‘mederate—aa (align seats to members, should be | of Ms epberhlon Many selcae starics | Merchant, any other workman of equal iia 684 Up +? Gv. Marler was not called before | could be easily shorn of thee. apparently; *&2 Washington street, |, Ee Country Produce of all Kis fapen, | exchange for work, cee t Give hinn a eal; and you the committee and felt no concern’ in the »supernatural character by a coo) andcare-, NEW YORK CIry ‘ rine - satisfied. matter. The tomintttes scemed to man- | fal investigation. Whole even po ing Mr. — : And receive hi “rvént v t* dalishary, Me aa, the pti tl oo The Raleigh Rigisier, which has ever been a | doce x amaiae vies Rags Tt a esants ignoran A0Nimportant facts. Two “thor ag thie flesh,” to the negro wing of the | rént ay ee Uni Ay fi : » A Radical pénty, speaki of forcing white men / Send Mark lhe Abc g Ir he ay luterest the | ° cial, Saeenceat te — gers “At and tiegreestip the ine cniicaeinl s: Plates ip tebe 26, tiog Miss MARY HOWARD. Cotper'g ’ . ye 4 possess ie “Trees oan be no necessity fur an et Liberal advances made un s ents. nd Cemetery streets) will na! € Shires fi ths ‘oi a ae eet thea and its effect woyld be to render j % bas 3 Siete civtehdhew: Or for Beverity=fir paeties ea wir. Matler's mar } Wa *yStein odious, nnpopolar, ad inef- | First class referetices givén when required, | 68h. _ ty" rey wae 159 \otee » the, | Sei a.* March 5, 1868. twly ° ry TOQuress és Feh. 20uF 18h3, © re oe? 43 pe . ; ‘3 a é "77 1% ome " Site 38 OAR SL ri . ma eesti: Laon ee _— ty As ; ese. 4 * = a@e.. 3 a. . ty isé s2eil wae _ 7 te tte <> am - : —— , “Kk COLUM) ry Fiamma es g - % 4 + ‘ }ARPLA KDUAROM |e actei Meet ager uss + 2 Te inv 4 Reaves 3 od A . ed oll ocherny ek all > grow terg » oes. | rk oe a. ey Ant nS ' § eles’% ? ’ ie a ‘ . om ‘ oom : er ft) : . $¢4 ? ~~ oo sae A % ‘ sphs < ; ‘ ng , 4 4 ist aes at es a Su Red aoe house to the patronage of the Southern | qui -pok, it ie Ww you cena ss eat chal »{ amptiors. a She — 36 ; ae ‘an norlows pa} \eAciniel epiina mer — or Ree, ole eam, | 12 tie te attenlion the advertise- J : lot for M bimaned lowest vote on the bal- - — re ment of “The Equitable Life urange | £9-The Jewelry af thea took . bb Dent! es Sickted heb Been onde a aa ce a ke el eee of the Valted SStatesym, Nye nthi- =q., in this place, was entered on Thursday infantry popes Hancoct, fo comengyd PROPOR ee be ee wen bel od . ne Co., agents, Sali ary: Ne. Tie Lpight, she Sich ot Pebroary, by means of re-| Stanton left the = Pay = ny dedipee od tpormavemrnpgdhar semi yay, . 4 g : ei ; Fi ‘the: - at Department, for a am . cebete Joa x erg -— s - } “y J ‘ .. brick and forging an enterance minutes, for the fj time, since February 2\st, wapee te eb4 tue . ea in the country, and the estimation in which | ‘rough the fire place. The whole transaction | '-da _. '¥. ja Bela Ts we id. d th nt asthe boldest and P Matt Carpéiiter, ‘of Wi :onsiv, followed e +4 ‘ 4 13% + vig. ' ae , . re . he de ” by of ¥ ‘ , adroit pleve of villa. Jud Black ’ 4 - AM, 923.4 od ae psy ‘ fa » \ “Our, Mest. prominent citizens'who have et 0088 heatd 6 eMroLyath's son was). 7 She MuCardle argument oo kilos iia “i : ; ‘ j . a » > . x * ” ‘ ga back room of the store, and from * . . , e te 7 3 , ; . $ ¢ 4 elegant b ortini . e c S 4 P : c s * 7 ~~ piawti placed him under the chloroform, |. Richmond, 24:20 Jedisiery Com- ‘ ee or some Other powerful hinittee ; od gee g TH AS ov TRE CONSERVATIVE MEETING | not have accomplished en they eta the reiete Ys —_ a. eMfion ading | , esd 1 NEXT SATURDAY. fully. His wri ented a clothes, the repudiation of debts contracted’ to the Let.ne one forget the call fur a conserva- bared only a few inches rom his head, were ri- | rst April 1865, The C ittee on Judiciary} | ‘ is tive meeting at the Court Hoose on Satur- | 2e4, his keys taken irom his. pocket. his can- De ‘ . eit report makes all Maes 7 die ligtited, and his desk opened. The next | Judges to be chosen by the Legislat d day. We expect to have a rousing time, and mosis his keys, were ora oa Prior Merges Clerks and Attorneys to acans by en : » Mg duptslito every conservative to attend, | ftont of theston: Pey thet retorned te ihn | Courts @ election is rapidly approaching and if| front store, bas . Sple,spme eight or ten silver Bho ren . rey the serpre debate, and ; rs ; watches, a large lot of fine and costly jewel Ia such determined o ition we oxptef sucégss , Sages nance pee breast pi and earfings, leet Reives, Aaiveal 4 tO regnastrection, that be Was now wing to 98 speedily as possible. re issues involved | coystabs, Wacch keys od haces also a lot of | Tisfranchise twenty thousand more thafi the are the most momentous that haye been pre- _ bis Hf pede, cutting and flat plyers reconstruction acts disfranchised. seated to*the peopilé of North Carolina since ene Bases. a oy see er: atid thea re- . the'commencement of the late. war. They | \7o° Out of the front door, leaving it opon.— South ia ©. . . ate nothing less than the questions of soci- Mr. Lynch estimates hs low at $500, . No Carolina Convenition. man’s tty is. safe, per his life. Charleston, M ee : webs a ee al and potitical equality of the black with - Coan a erfianly ly pt res with an salaaied akcecar ce Elan wairliees cis ba ; PS ies are. especialy invited: tu call. the white race. Then arouse yourselves | 6m his appearance next morning; his fage was | Of white cliildren shall be compulsory. An at- made for ; ony rae, On,cand mo ¢harge fromthe lethargy which has so long depress- phone al.” e oshened, and he had an in- | eas was made by a strong faction, to force + oul Penradt — vebgars ie, 9 ed you, and go to work in earnest to preserve standing a owas ‘oe vied io ke | whites children into schools and colleges among pee " OUR“PRESCRIPTIVE DEPABTUE NT Cite Bera! "y Your poligiealgagd soc’ | relations from the sroom, but hed no power to more or speak. *| , . te i t matvactive ts co) i of aftican eqoality if not as-| No custower'e watches or work was taken. : . is under the charge of.» competent Driggist, ‘ y a ~ por een Come to the Court House on | \V#ichmakers and others are reqnested to no- | Maryland Le grslature. Who will faithfally perform. his duties—.Day or —— Dountey, Village or City a . | Uceif any articles of the kind above enumera-| Balti Marct Night. Superior ind ut @iiered to the | you ay FER BURAL : . Saturday and join with your aeighbors in | ted are foand in suspicious hands F more, March 3.—THe Maryland Legis- : L country people in buying th i Med- | For j R Fa ay : WARTI' : endeavoring tu ward off the threatened ca- Hi , aoe eter to-day without 9 choice—each 33 ieinés,"&e. Conntry Mereh; . ians oe 5 mantin is eee ad apes it 0 wa : illsboro’ Recorder. | House voting seperately. Thothas, rejected TA t- ure respectfully ™ er a, = bat @ large = Beautiful Week|). lamities.. —o | by the Senate, received the highest vote.— | Lc. 4 JOT TEN Nias nD Ly oy pyre : Tar Tantracx —Don't forget the Young LATEST NEWS. canes Tis es is fat aati a | Pre ra t] | Cotte nie tr, : yp 32 Bett, wemee wt wylat wpb ex Ladies’ Tableanx,.at MeNeeley's Hall, to-mor- ay: | . Ppa a 10ns! CP" Almanacs 's os. 4 — ics rea othr tether Type Cope Paper, and row’ night’ for‘the benefit of benevoient ob- fiom Washington. i Class; A Title Page wy volley Impeachment. jects connected with the Presbyterian Church. Washington, March. 2—It is understood PF ; : : ‘& Tree 196m 1 ok ‘ ‘\ n , y A R | _s 4 TERMS we Hyg Pane fis Bata of volume. We for them a liberal nate seal that Counsel bave abandoned the quo warran- Washington, March 3.—The rules of proce Everyhody Tries Them i B R O0UG H OU S E, a Year Clubs of ten, $2.50 per FAYETTEVILLE cSERBET, | tind io onncnn OS, Bm & 1088 Now is the ; so to. Long before the machinery of that writ } 4u"@ .were adopted in the Senate, after an | am I: Speci Ho Club agents.— the hands of the Young Men of Salisbury. can bring a decision, the wad to will eh amendment taking from the Chief Inetige the | Everybody Uses Them | RAL EIGH, Nee. ‘ or the 13 numbuneeteqnne ‘ eee ; ee _ | elosed matters. ; | decision on preliminary and interlocntory | B : wy, The Proprietor in rétarning hi sincere | trial, for only Fifty Cents!’ Address , Tae Mitton Curonicie.—This spiey| The House is occupied to-day, with the Im. | questions. All are to bereferred.to the Court | verybody*-Believes fa Them ! thanks to the travelin able fot eliberal} j.. 10 D.D. T MOORE, paper has recently been revived by the for- | peachment articles; the Senate with the mode | #4 decided without division, unless the yeas | Everbyedy-: patronage extended tohim.duri igconhec- alae Rochester, N. Y. mer editor and proprietor, Mr. Evans. The “oi and the Supreme Court with the epablans we named by ea fise The wwerbyody --Retommends Them ! pa tl morte Ub ere: ey A xi te (T"* =\lkiku mice. icle i ) sade ardle case. © voted against it were An. | — tending xpens ! ar i Chronicle is one of the most readable Papers |thony, Morrell, Sherman, Sprague and Will. | Ave-ych WelgGh s vo retain the present réptitation ofthe Hotel a Semi-Weekly and Weekly. iw the State, and we hope it will receive the ; iama | hee han led by Sep Mie, Meochen, one of the vey best in the South. ' ’ a —- liberal patronage which it merits. . Congress. Stevens alfnded to his additional article, | ¢ Costar's Ezterminate: . soaks He is happy to annoance that the fall in'the- RALEIGH, N.C. ; We 2k W sebsington, Maret 2.—House :—The Hone | era was gate by “s operation of time, has | “Only Infarft mie oh ‘ " price Plait ies etiables him ty reduce the AF ly ERIODICALS.— The New York Helectic | S8embled at 10 o'clock. The articles of i said that, if, withont that article, the Senate “Dou we eg oedies known." “Pree } pmee , ° we jee family and Political Newspa 7 fur Pebs it upop qurtable, and 7 ne i) jeachment were discussed. pian verbal | did not acqnit. they Wonl. be greener aa ee Feet Das ahgrcrons to eg Phree Dollars ‘per Day. —— a eer Glied with the Quvieust selections from na | igh a eae eee : a we oe out, County Gourne commenced to practice in the | ee die.” lwproved to keep in any Oe ottrens nt ake ta spends a week: or ont et Reider eller: y, reliable . mae : clock, rere adopted. Vote : she g ’ a Rep ; beat Reviews and Magazines in the world. | the first, 126 to 40% and ae the ante con 0 Sas Saas he is tepid a forige + ery i pais Le et Reporte, Persons fond of periodical lit ature cannot | OD al, except the last, on which it w LOS t eS | ——— — : roo tery low Fates. tsi rq Deters Recipes, Hints on do better than ane a ayers " 48. . A protest signed by 45 sa Barnum 8 Museum Burned. PB tlle a men eee Hage Cane He ho be jheva the nhceeace al assloosate: Revenee: , "Gaetial Orders, ana ie Addsuss W. H. Bedwell, No. & Beekmaa | oo allowed to be printed, , ew York, March 3—Barnam's Mivenm | 5 3-.Buy a Bic. -or 500. Bottle of ~] to the Yarhroneh House his old mentee cat ate and MisceHaneous Reading. : slit Saw Yori Fe BS te on mihi and Shawks tailed in getting | With most ot the curiotes and animals, SOOSPARS ” BED BUG EXTER and many new friends. Pieces building peste fone — ~ ; ew sections, Davas, bared. jast ail: Loss estimated at a | poe ee ee © 16d thei war ta Dp... pervatees : Fon ¥G: Amenges foe March, hasalso been | Tae i wingers nominated are the sime as | hall wilfion. = a Gani Destiage and prevents Bede” ded. 65 1987.—tf | soo | | Dait Sing Spe ait + 00 P-cetved, This isan excellent Magazine for those a ieee “ cancus. Noy Dewuwcrats chosen | 5 : . ‘ 1867, ' anne eae Ty —f Weekly, Shiple cony Perannum,..,.. 4 00 a >t a3 the tt ‘line . ris . | ee 4 _ = io Weekiy, : ooh mesic Af shSann STE eee Oy iI ~~ nothing a do Sra oO wishing ee Markets. - For Motha in Furs, Woolens. Carpets, &c.” gifted Ho! for the Weést,’67, é to clnbs of Gan, of .... 2 00 Resales me Ss Demorest, 473, Pi hadedeil = direeted to inform the Scnate Ae York, March 3, M.—Gold quoted at | cosTs LP Buy a We. or. 50c. Pieak ny : ad be ’ Sewn Bike! jon more; atthe rate of 3 00 ° i: ' proceedings. tig. - ARS” . : -$9 x 2 : + L OODTL( —_- a wal OS Marie petitioned for reward for | Cuoiton dull. Uplands 23. crs nnd Pit n s ae rR & CHAP N, Becowixa Tricky.—Sume of the negroes captaring Sugtatty Referred to the COmmilttee animals, &¢. ecte-cn said © a , : : tame who spend their {fine in idleness abo on Claims | Barnum, : a By the Great National : Por Rent. a spe at town, | “a egninal.the tatigunalit Do THE LOT. former! = ve . io aan ow me OS ona , ‘ _ * > - are becoming very tricky and smarf,— of the ea rane ron acl ead roe erelninsd bite New York, March 3.— Barnum was insured | “Sure thing.” Tf aie ie ae UBLE ‘FRACK ROUTE! ed by TM within ene y own To iTlustgate ~ « they have a “drop,” or card | was referred to the Judiciary, irae merits. Buy a 2c. or B0c. Bex of— a ¢ j of a mile bf Town. There are fout acres of game. “Th requibes two to play it. It consists} , Tee Bedete degymad the ieapeadh ment pro- : is giralle, valued at $20,000 will die from “COSTAR'S” ‘BOLVENT pit 7 Tl, . , i Land, (two.aéres which is well set in Cle- of a pieceat.eard board in which a small piece cedure. A severe contest arose over limiting | UPS, A pair of tigers were bnrned, valued For Corns, B Ww ie a y- }, | 2ekr} with s comfortable’ residence. covtain- of money hag beer inserted by a eplitti speeches, The Radicals, however, contended | *! FO5/000. | The gorifls was burned. The | oy: ate reta Bee Dt. ki ‘Rail’ Road. AN » {ing foaregood: tooms:” Als6, * all necessary Ya splitting and | that the proseestion wudld be restrained, ag | P'*tees an: Circassian barely escaped, los- . “| ott-houses... There'is u'thé os ox- repasting, This card is theu wrapped in a piece | well as the def:nce. It is noticable that sey. | (9% everything. Twenty-eight enimals were > > hi ITS CON ONS. | cellent. weil and a fine orehat 00, } of paper with a corresponding piece of money; eral Repablicans vote frequently with the burned. Don't suffer with Pain! Wonderfa) powye tatdagtinensi Wa sf bets al Bly ate! | of well-eelected trait. — a Pi ode (PDAS sirret wheres particular Haiti or ee vote of the minority, Wiskde he ce ein aes poy, . Fe can gnaeey Th I'tekon ot Balad) individual is likely to find it. Oue of the par- o-dey, reac 0. This would preveot im- Markets, KF Buy a 9c or 50e Bot GE: | Me OWDE wenn)! wet EP man aeseby: os 3 HORN: erie ery ty..stands nearaatifiie intended victia: picks P The Senate te sail in ereddae at past 8 New York, March 3.—Cotton very firm and “COSTAR'S” BUCKT RN Sityn. [pcitoceetiandind,, bie % pot up the package. On his doing so, this party | having reached 22 articles of re, with. |” at demand. Sules of 2,390 bales at 23. winks spon eae: ee Noy Dari vf : steps op and witnesses the unwrapping, and aid on oar aS Wt conclade the Ronee int Teer. , _ itech, oy orm ——— Py ute . : 7 money. ae - ’ ina r lo-nig t. 2 Coe | , lips, £c., bites of aniniats, Quincy, Wi, i . oledo, . incky Bag Ging ot Pe Cait pts *| Wade does not vote nor preside, during these Gost ats: insets fe, ’ | Bertiagton, Lowa, ia echanlieain ; ae : els Dim, proceedings. —_——__~-<>-___ , atal . . Ohia, ; - £54079 test? 3 cas asthere is uo name “on (Hie card or wrapper Semen “ eo azton, :Sadieda:. | SORE potas we showing the owner of the package, the fold From Washington , LURAY Beg ee Pct pe Dinner Pil” coated). n iy i sactie Oat Px. cee ONE SE Tew. is his and he might as well put it into bi Washi ; The Convention, so-called, has abolish- ‘og. ne Admiluisicred in ¢, Physician's Prac. By thie gr gers fave « WILMINGTON, V. C. ; P is ashington, March 2.—Gen. Thomas re- ed C . rar tice. TF%c and e- Boxescf | \” Steal ruttie passengers fave wily hn tyes pocket. By the time this has'béen done, the ore Ae private mail at the War Office to- State tan, poe oe mated the | «COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILIS TWO CHANGES pA pents.oon : — mans ra paleaek a says—“d-d you see | “4Y, and then visited the President. adicial Districts, as ie 5 SY A eA ie, WE 1 . Sdn ; ny, . fi : Of extraord y for costive- | of Curs between Wash City and " anything of piéee of fd board lying around ee was at the War Office all day trans. | folloma:. .. nes, i ' ous and sick | apalis, two changes to lay ea here?” They atifWek “Ves Wwe just now pick-| ‘The Whisker tsi ee Resdashe, Gyapepsia, dysentery, gougr- | Bi Laeye. tote e a AO SB. P e Whiskey Metre Commission have com- Gack rs Hertford al debility, liver ta, ohili, fe. % Weashs Al -gs1:z) od —" ed it np,” and hand-it to bim.—| pleted their inzestigation and are preparing urrituek, Perq an Be, ord, Cam- vers, dc. Not griping. GeatJe. mild, etl Meta pw 6-e And how He then remarks, “it contains a very peculiarly their report: One of the Commissioners is re- den, Chowan, Bertie, Pasquctank, Gates. | and soothing. : hdure; ” - precious and Ineky five cent piece, for which | | Ported 4s saying, that some of the metres were SKCOND DISTRICT. and 8t; “Loui " . inarvels of ingenuity, but w wa ie. . lata a me He hod 's apt to say— | frauds with fe ace $2. seni sett Tyrell, Beaufort, Edgecombe, Hyde, ‘ ’ Sat I pc ong Henphis, ‘no, here's the money that'was with it.” Bur Judge Black spoke aa hour on the McCardie’ Martin, Washington, Pitt. That Cough wit} kill you. | Don’t nig: tl a : ; ; glect it. » @5e and 50 Sizes— Baltimore & Ohio Rai , pies & red responds, “no Sir, its here. in this | C@8@ to-day, when becoming ill from the dense THIRD DISTRICT. “COSTA R’S” COUGH REMEDY j venta o> card. They dliepate about it, and Ginally make a President pe cree ts bill for maki Craven, Greene, Wayne, Curteret, Ons- - ) Hex se adh) Soup Beil , Anecdo a bet of frout $5 to $20 and stake the money | bount dead. soldi making | low, Wilson Jones, Lenoir. ” Wer : at f Y | boumty to soldiers’ payable to certain ‘ ° ° Syrup. in the hands of the by-stander, when the man | heirs. FOURTH DISTRICI sore throat, tares he > ° The S . ° ma, mg ‘ eas <paipesy pie a ll Rapti nts aoa a. forts rah wiaay - Branswick, Columbus, Robeson, New heme canter Geednen me der siastiotieciley of the legal tender act, to the Hanover, Bladen, Daplin, Sampson. : - money’ to bird, andthe party | next session. immediate! y. break and di . ; FIFTH + DISTRICT. y up and digperse. The McCardle argument will be continued Ca . ‘We have been informed that John. Fullen- | ‘rom day to day, till completed. ri Rich mond, Stanly, Har. witht Tite Y poled in-ene dee ; The Secretary of Treasary decides that i nett, Anson, Union, Moore, Montgomery. rs da dastas having ry roo aud 08 pe ties are subject to a duty of one and a SIXTH DISTRICT. on on adn pound, Beard's patent lock to be Northampton, Wake, Johnson, Warren, wenty officers of the Reserve Corps will be Nash, Granville, Franklin. i ' ri ee a : - WS ‘ he detailed to relieve the ervil Barean tanctiona- SEVENTH DISTRICT. wes “a s ae “0 yaoi f Pe ie cies—thus reducifig the expenses. Person, Rand Ih, C ell * paver.) : ? Be Arh ... sender had Dat ae Wi vu rs : Ohatham, Ala- , , ‘ —_ . mance. from the j of te “Mauss entne the EIGHTH DISTRICT. , nnoanced the passage of the him by thi were | impeachment articles, and the appoiatwent of | , Stokes, Rowan, Sarry, Forsythe, Da- Were required to fetura: the money, and Mr. B. | managers. . ‘ vie, Davidson, Yadkin. sae | The Secretary” of thé “Senate was directed inal Bly his See hte the House that the Seoste was now U yusse _— Cu 4 Hlome:—A resdhitiod “bequcsting as much | @**#0m, Polk, Mecklenburg, Cleveland,” We trust wma WP HSH Will Sse ou, wae eed at ompatitle with TENTH RISTRICT, ' i ici " I Oald well Alexander Bark country friends on their gpard against the trick Committee was directed to in- “many Pi j 0 ee wt described, and save themdaeth from annc : " whether has.the.power.to regs } Uist well... 2. - " vs oa DISTRICT. ; . DISTRICT. | i tal ca ’ Cherokee, Tranayl- oO Pade iE by JOMN HL. vania, Jac aon, aywood, Clay. | the lange Gitins. SALLIE BEARD. Galisbury, March 3, 1868. u ge = CONSERVI r eT - =="GORVENTION. eee OONSERY ATIVE STATE EXECUTIVE - “ery i? ates KE. Hos. THOMAS BRAGG, Raleigh, Chalrman. Resident Committee at Raleigh. Hon. A'S Merrimon. “" Daniet @ Fowle, Gen WR Cox. * Seaton Gélés, Esq. ‘te ¢. eS. eae wes RC Badger, Secretary... __ PRB? DisT user. on, W.N BH Satish, Hertford. , Williany & Moore, Chowan. Mills L, Bore, Gates, . SECOND DISTRICT. | He ) Bryan, Craven. Geo ¥ Strong, Wayne. PUM Lita 1a Hon, Geo Howard, Ragecombe, JosJd Toe Pranklin. Gen. M W Ransom, Northampton. FOURTH DISTRICT, Hon. 2M Livingsten i. Gk Jas*T Morehead, jr., Guilford. . FUTe DISTRICT, Col E D Hall, New Hanover. Archibald McLean, Hon. Thos 8 Ashe, R F Armfield, Wilkes, W M Robbins, Rowan. Hon. J A Wilson, Mecklenburg, SRVENTH DISTRICT, Plato Durham, Cleaveland, A © Avery, Burke. M L MeCorkle, Gatawba. FIGHTH DISTRICT. R M Stokes, Buncombe. Cassins Gadger, Macon. W L Love, Haywood. iVational Democratic Convention." DELEGATES, Hon. W N H Smith. Gen. vr re Req A Wright, Esq. Jno ¥F Hoke, Esq, ALTERNATES. Jno, Hughes, Esq. Jno. A Gilmer, Jr. A C Cow y Hon. eT Betidte * A Plan of Organization. STATE ORGANIZATION. A State committee, to consist of a Chairman and thirty membere—six of whom shall reside 1 Raleigh, and three in each judicial district -to be appointed by the State convention. The committee shall have power to maintain its Organization, by filling vacancies, &c., and siall take charge of all matters relating to or- ganization, registrarion &¢., and a proper can- vass of the Biate, DISTRICT ORGANIZATION The members of the State committee in each Judicial district shall constitute a district com- ‘uittee for their respective distriets, and shall appoiata chairman, and shall take charge of all ‘nalters relating to county organization, Xc., in their reepeetive-disiricts; and shall report al! matters relating thereto, to the chairman of the State ‘ COUNTY ORGANIZATION. Tt ig reeommended that each county, by popular meetings or through the medium of existing org:nizations, appoint a county com- mitfee, te consist of at least two persons from each captain's District within its limits. The couaty committee shall take charge of all matters of registration, Joeah-organization, to &c., within _ the aad = make monthly geperts to the chairman of the Ittee, and, wh td in- orm him —ef—euehjeeat tis further recommended that. each county committee cause to be enrolled the names of ull the registered voters of their county, who are willing to aet and vote wi is Organisza- tion+n6 théh Nib Wd be without his Xpress congent; an also, 4 @ause to re enrolled ‘on’ Ey ee those who are enéitled to register, but who ‘ave not done ga, enckthattheyuume every ex- ertion Lo secure their registration and active co- Cperaliogy oe ¢ ¥ ; ¢ Resdloell, th ot Ar braede of the Conven- Lion appoint five or more persona, ineach coun- ty, to make a thorough. canvass of the same, and disseminate proper politiéa! imiformation. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES. Fy Eacre g ee people of North Car- onne v E assen- { bled in Poetic ton | on the 5th of Febrmary,.. to consider the fips paper and roe u to er upon the grievances w now afflict and threaten, course of ac- | tion preper to cups i. Our fealty te the States, a tution faith the black race, adices stermined, by just laws, to em fully in all their civil rights, and to confer upon them all privileges which can be dono consistently with the safety and welface of both races. 5 Thatthe distressed and im- —— condition of our people earnestly the and wisest measures of relief that mony and good will among the American people. 7. Resolved, That this convention regards the Court.of the United States as the expounder, in the last resort, of -sccilet gamomangy > = believe Pel a rights wers, in that respect, shou preserved maaae as established by law in the eares and better days of tne Rapes! = at any serious impairment - aati’ o: otherwise, will be prsedinl Eon, 5 the best interests of the country, and dan- gerous to the liberties of the people. 8. Resolved, That despairing of any res- toration of the Southern States under the conduet of that organization whieh now con- trols the of Congress, waiving all former party feeling and prejudice, this Convention does most unhesitatingly recom- mend and invite the hearty co-operation of all the good people uf North Carolina with the Democrats and Conservative men of the North & West, who are now nobly struggling for the maintenance of the Constitution of the Uniteds States and the restoration of the Southern States to their rights in the Union on the solid foundation of bamnony and peace’ 9. Resolved, That this Convention elect four es and four alternates, for the State at ; to represent the Conservative people of North Carolina in the next Dem- oeratie National Conventien, and that it re- commend to the Conservative people of the several Congressional District, to appuint dele. atan early day to represent them in said convention. 10. Resolved, That when an election shall be ordered for the ratification of a new State Constitation. the Executive Comunittee for the State, which has been appointed by this convention, be instructed, if the time shall be sufficient, toa calla Convention of the Conservative people of the State, to put in nomination caudidates for the various State offices whose election shal) then be ordered ; and if there shali not be sufficient time to call said coaveution, wo put in nomination sound Conservative men for said offices. EF The following is the list of can- vassers a ted by the State Conven- tion for the countivs named ; Burke : Thos G Walton, 8 C W Tate, Dr David Berry, Audrew Shaford, Jno F Merrill. Cabarrus : William S Harris, Jobn M 120g Be L § Bingham, Dr F M Hender- son, Frank Rogers, Samuel Pharr, P B Means, Caldwell; Maj WH Malone, Gen 8 F Patterson, Edward W. Jones, Rev, Isaac R, H Moody. ise, Po Cc a Henry Walser, Sr., F © Robbins, J H Welborn, M H. Pinnix. Iredell: Thos A Nicholson, J H Hil, R A MeLaughlin, R R Dempster, Colonel John Malt. Lincoln: W J'Hoke, D Schenek; W A Graham, WF Hynes, J A Caldwell. Mc Dowell: Gen-Alney Bargin, A M Erwin, W W Fleming, Dr John Yancey, Dr McCoy. Rowan ; F E Shober, Wm H Bailey, Kerr Craige, W A Houck, Isaac M Sha- ver, T W Keen, Richard Cowan, John Grabam. K. rry: HM Waugh, H © Hampton, , Dr Joseph Hollingsworth, N-H @wyn. Wilkes: Dr C L Cooke, Dr Jas Cal- loway, E A Welboarne, Dr. Tyre York, Phineas Horton Y OF to their ad | Our report! og ties fur procuring par- sdeh ‘property, Ber information, address JNO, B. GRETTER, General Greensboro’, N. C. ly to TA a i j ' ! FOREIGN LITERATURE, We bave also arranged to secure choice selections ~ | from the French, German, and other Continenta! Periodicals, tranale ted for the Eclectic te add tothe variety and value of Each number is embellished Ntee! trative of im Splendid Premiums for 1868. Ev ry new subscriber to the Eclectic 1868, paying ee nilpt Senco will receive either of the ree an beautiful chromo oil paintings: BASKET OF PEACHES, Sizee9 X 11; PIPER AND NUT CRACKERS, Size 7 X 8. The above are exact of original oil ings, and are executed by & Co., inthe high- est style of the art, or, in place of them we will send either of our Fine Stee] Engravings, Washington at Valley Forge, Return from Market, Sunday Morn- in, Ser Two subscribers and $10,00, we wil! send the beautiful Chromo, Poultry Life—Size 51-2 x 8. For Three subscribers and $15.00, a copy of Webdster’s National Pictorial Dictionary, one Volume of 1,040 pages, containing over 400 pic toria! illustrations, 96,00; or a copy of Rosa Bonheur’s Celebrated piece, Shetland Ponies—Size 81-2 x 12 1-2. Terms of the Eclectic : Single copies 45 cta.; one copy, one year, $5.00; two copies one year $9,00; five copies one year $20,00 Address W. H. BIDWELL, t- ¢ British Periodicals. The London Quarterly Review, (Con servati ve.) The Edinburg Review, (Whig.) The Westminster Review, (Radieal.) The North British Review, (Free Charcl,. ) AND Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, (Tory.) The periodicals are ably sustained by the contri butions of the best writers on Science, Religion and General Literature, and stand unrivalled in the world of letters. They are indispensable to the scholar and the professiona! man, and to every rea- dipg man as, they furnish a better recofd of the cnr- rent literature ofthe day than can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. For any one ofthe Reviews......84.00 perannum. ee - For any two of the Reviews...... 7.00 . For any three of the Reviews. ...10.00 For all four of the Reviews,......)2.00 For Black wood's Magazine....... 4.00 Por Blackwood and one Review, 7.00 cor Blackwood and any two of the MewleWO..- ccs: cccck sce 10.00 “ For Blackwood and three of the MOVIOWS, ccc ccc cc cecicccec cece 13.00 * Por Blackwood and the four Re- WIDGB cc cc ccasclcleccs so cceces 15.00 at CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to C hubs of four or more persons. Thus. tour copies of Black wood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $12.80. Pour copies of the four Re- views and Blackwood. for $48.00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should y by the quarter, at the office of delivery. ge to apy part of the United States is Two CxnTS a nuuwber. This rate onty applies to currentsubscriptions For back num- bers the postage is double. Premiums to New Subserthers. New Subscribers to any two of the above period- jeals for 1868 will be to receive, gratis. any one of the. Four Reviews foF 1867. New Subscribers to all five af the Periodjenls for 1668 mty receive, age aaa at ae or any two of the Four Reviews Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the fo!- lowing reduced rates, viz: The North British from January, 1864, to Decem- rhe, 1867, incbusive; Edinburgh and the Westmin- pril, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive. and the London Quarterly fot the years 1865, 1966 and 1867, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review ; also, Blackwood for 1 and 1867, for $9,- 50 w year, or the two years together for $4.10. I} Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor discount to Clubs, rior redaced prices for back pumbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No preminmeacan be given to Clubs. The Leonard Scott Pub. Co., 140 Fulten, St., N. Y. The L. 8. PUB. CO., also publish the FARMER'S GUIDE,‘ by Hexry Srerwexe, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vola., Royal Oetavo, 1600 and numerous Engravings. Price $7 fo two vol by Mail, post paid, onc r volumes—by Ma be " (CEs BLRtron HOTEL. CHARLESTON, 5. C. HE Und ‘rsigned maving taken charge of T the above well known Hotel, tfully informs his friends and the trave lic that it has been refurnished in all ls depart ments. The table will at all times de supplied with the best the market affords, including every delicacy in while the cuisine be un exce the Hotel Cold or Shower Baths abenibed sh cop be ‘The cade Wee ted. J. P. HORBACH, Agevt. Jan. 11,-twOm Proprietor. v.G 7 . G@. VEACH'S MATL IND EXPRESS LINE—Doily "| Sehedule from High Point to Salem. EAVBS <9 whe o'elock, A M 4 Ane at 84 — AM Atrives at Platt oidoak,? x will find this Line stocked with fine Horses, careful and ac- Drivers, and no pains will ‘be } spared to e all who travel on this titte!com- COURT BLANKS, > 4 = a. Pncriai THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE : IN NORTH CAROLINA, and are prepared to execute all orders with which they may be favored . “2 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS, COTTON YARN LABELS, Letter & BillHeads, WEDDING and PARTY Tickets, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, DRUG LABELS, COURT BLANKS, and ail other kinds of Blanks and Job Printing will be done in a style that can be surpassed by none, and equalled by fewin the State. Our terms will be as low as the lowest in the Southern Country. HANES & BRUNER. Salisbury, January 16, 1868. tw&wtf THE TRLWEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE WEEKLY WATCHMAN & Old North State. FOR 1868. ——§—— THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH | STATE having been consolidated in the | hands of the undersigned, and the BANNER having | suspended publication, hereafter there will be but | ome paper published in Salisbury, which will be is- | sued | Tri- Weekly & Weckly, under the above names. In consequence of the | | combination referred to, this paper will have the | Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPEkK IN Western Nerth Carolina, AND WILL AFFORD THE Best Advertising Medium to be met with in that part of the State. oO The Kditoria: Department will be under the manavement of Mr. Hanes, late Editor and Proprietor of the Opp Néurm Srare, and no pains will be spared to make it equal to any, if not the best paper of its class in the State. In the politics of the paper there will be no change—it will continue te be a firm and decided Conservative journal, but it will not be devoted ex- clusively to politics. It will also be devoted to the material interests of the State, and to Literary. and Miscellaneous Reading, Domestic Economy, &. Offering such inducements, we confidently appeal tothe public for a libera! share of its:patronage both by subseription and aaverecanente! Terms of Subscription ; TRI-~WEEKLY : Por One Cee Peeerete vrre o> on * Six Martha, «|. cecvsvic: eer oeescove WEEELY : - $6.00 seevceeed. 8800 ee se Ra Bk Rg badia ,.¥ ie a Salisbury, X. C,,Janegry 06, 188. “twa wt, pleasure to. inform their friends, wd the patie, shat .| L. A. Stith, M. D., E. Barnes, M, D.., 2.2 3.001 nn J us = Ge m dt nts 2 = * ube... pk? > f. a 8 % ° + i sii} *4 : f > 2 4 On | Streets : THE GREAT 800TNERN Health Restorer, The best Blood Parifier in the World. DR. LAWRENCE'S CELEBRATED . ROSADARDS FOR THE CURE OF SCROFULA, in all its forms, wipe moma the Rosddatte, I hove moved j Labora- } Baltimore, Md. I ee Te ie affection of the ne ‘ bottle of Dr ‘Lawr ” ore advise others ng . Disease,’’ to try the Romdalis, R. D. ALLEY. have a vatil I chanesdtotcy Dr. is. In less than one moath [ most entirely cared uf my troabiletoins rep. tion Other membefs-of niy facil a blood purifier, une mont Greityen a Traly.I can say, that of ali the medicines | hs ever ured befure, nove bave been "es beneficial in effect as the Rosadalis, most cheerfully recommend it to the to all soffsring humanit y. found myself aj. ee Wilson, August 8, 1867, SUCH AS Consumption im its early Stages, Balarge- | ment aud. Ulceration of the Glands, Joints, | Bones, Liver, Kidneys. Sore males, Eruptions of the Skin, General Bad Health, and all other Diseases caused by | an impure State of the Blood. 13” The following, among many hundreds of our | best citizens, testify to its wonderful efficacy. Home Certificates, from Physicians, | Ws hereby certify that the Rosapatts is prepared by a Physician who isan experienced Pharmaceutist | and Chemist, and that his remedy is an efficient and | valuable one in Scrofula, &c., it having performed | some remarkable cures in this vicinity. | A. D. Moore, M. D., W.A. Duggan, M. D. ' J. Winstead, M. D., R. W. King, M. D., R. G. Barham, M. D., 8. Woodward, M. D. ' Wilson, N. C., Oct. 31, 1867. | j Thereby certify that I am personally acquainted with the above named Physicians, and they are all | gentlemen of respectability and standing in this community. 7. C. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson. November Ist, 1867. { { | Epercompe Country, N. C., May 2d, 1867. Dr. J. J. Lawrence . Dear Sir—l lease send me immediately, per Express to Tarboro’. two dozen more bottles of your Kosz- dali. | have carefully examined its Formula, and have used itin my practice in a number of cases. I amrwell pleased withit 1 think it beyond doubt the best Alterative lever used. J have tried it in sever- al cases of Scrofula and Se ofnions affections. &c.. with much satisfaction to myself and patients. [ tive now known. Respectfully, yours. &c.. A.B. NOBLES. M. D. ROSADATS Will Curethe worst Cases Of Scrofula. Read the statement below, and despair not. Wison County, September 10, 1867. Dr. J.J. Lawrence: 4 a Dear Sir—My youn hter, aged five years, | has been dread y afflicted with Scrofula nearly all her life. saqeny! gretgrend’ Hke' hore but with- out relieving her much; in most of them said there was no hope of cure. During the last she was worse than ever, her budy and. limbs: being covered with sores and blotches—with face and eyes badly ulcerated and swollen. Whiilst in this condi- tion, I was advised by Dr. b. A. Stith to try your Rosadalis. I at onee proeured three bottles, and commenced giving itto her. The effect was magi- cal. In less than a month to my great astonishment she was entirely well, I am, sir, Yours, with respect and titude, - W. BURNETT. CURES ALL SEIN DISHASES. Wuson, N.C., September 15, 1867, Dr. Lawaence: Sir—In 1862 my sow, now aged five years, was vaccinated with what proved tv be impure matter, which cow pletely destroyed hie health He has been afflicted with an.inveterate and ex- tremely treublesowme Eruption of the Ski, sometimes breaking out iu .seres, &cy Rose- dalis was prescribed by ny family physician Dr. A.D. Moore After taking it a few weeks my son becume and tenuins entirely well. Yours tralv, J.B. DANIEL. Consumption, in its early stages, cam be cured. : My. danghter bas been eured of a dees seated disease of the Lu gs (pronuunerd by out Physi-’ cian Cunsumption', by your Rosagalis Mas EB. ANN SMITH. Baltimore, March 4, 1867. "> “Is a Potent Remedy in alt’ Chronic Diseases. . wag ¥ 423 mm BR Aia3 . i From G. W, Blount, Attorney at Law, Wilson, North Care mikes I have been voted of Chronic | the ear aad» ‘Der i standing, by ROSADA Lis. , ¥ | meld sesh ot rue? 5 ‘oes WwW, ber 38,4067, ‘ontemouTH, Va., Aug. 28, 1867. | Capt. J, H. Beker-+Girs For the fast seven or eight years | have been severely { have. therefore. no hesitation in recommending it to PL ysicians and others, as the most reliable Altera- | - a@iieted} Will Cure the very Worst Cases of Chronic Rheu- oheciy certify that. . gared Of long satnding Chronic taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence’s wosabati JAMES WILLS, Wilson, N.C., May &, 1867. iF The ROSADALIS thoroughly eradicate: | every kind of humor und bed taint, ane resieres the entire system to a healthy condilien. E> It is Perfeesly. Harmless, never prode- cing the slighiest injury. itis nota Secret Quack Remedy. The arti- cles of which it is made ate published around each bottle, and it tensed and endorsed by the Leading Physiciaus ever, where it is knuwe. PREPARED ON! Y BY DR J J. Law. RENCE, Chemist, 29 Hancver St., Baltimore, | Marvlaned. Price $1.50 Per Bettie. ba- For Sale by all principal Drug- gists in the United States. For sale in Salisbury, by Jno. H. En- niss, and G. B. Poulson, and Druggists everytchere. jan 21-witw3im THE HOLDEN RECORD. E> Good government, the real welfare of the-Re- publican Party and every covositable interest of the “GOOD OLD NORTH STATE,” demands the defeat of W. W. HOLDEN. To do this’ the. id -ealis on. evety honest man in the: @tate for.sid and encourage - ment. He will Edit and Publish a ‘eekly Illustrated Campaign Paper, t the low price uf during the cam- Paign, in Raleigh, Nyy neti) THE HOLD. CORD. The first copy of which will be.issned the 12th day of March next, or earlier should the euts be. received from New York. Every voter in the State must have a Feb. 29-—twtf peostBair PAIN (ING ate PHOTOGRAPHY. - DAVID L, CLABK, Portrait Painter and Photographer , Hien _ 2 ee Having s and with the aidef the Best is pre- pared to other sun pictures in the bests of the art. Having also W oodward’s Sc fob 99—tw4t ] . Det aad te Sie | REMEDY. anton, giving” t freabnes- Bottles #1 {SWEET BLOSs0 NS ir, eatooth wed Siece f all Worthies ostar's” Sign dl Druggs! » receipt of pr" $1,00 wees sew! D giges by |? SOSTAR. roadway, % ER WINS, Kalirhe’ sy of Ml as * haunratin oi gin ing * dateicdidin often > PY ke Chee a4 thay Byer ahd Mosre among the ao noe, bod ol Wie moth ind doch #8 deerty ‘pel, may, have hed her to * ripened foto hee ruin, How y ar blind afretion to the bearts von ouage ae Bore! thas kp fl wad tle aes tokapar od perhape ‘don of your ts SM 1 coce at 8 are called “Titer and T cath corer ve Trew ae pee em con all Graaville Wee an enibesisstic admirer characters. hiaself both plished. beatiful od apa, war calenlated to win the Fa vor of influence over hia companions. Withoat! and exerta fascinating there was a onered regard for religion that or re and ee tart hente (aad av one should present a book | hed swrevedored mean, ane eae bee 2 pee [ that thie old man should, in his d cli ving itenee and brasti aon : withont knowing its contente) or with a A habeas corpus wea demanic!, but Jintze | SOM, array hunesclt in deadly boetl ty area 5 i ing love. sa bie Brom offence against modvsty and virtue. Carter tobi General Thomas gi he that race whoee blewd courses } wr a ‘ fe ih ogee a b. bite! W hen the Confederates were routed a:; This clases the m ter atless the Gran! veins Sneh an exhibition of venom ia shes beter, i rv k I led Cheat Moantain, in 1861, the portion of , take cogrimtee bad enoagh in a young wm bari he | b aes ts 3 le atc . ed a ’ the forces to which Granville belonged, grees ouyerted tide a wirvento | who lias past lie f for evils ind te 2 soap r a4 was cut off and eurtounded. His spirit, 67" “Anton will be am -bed execrable — Wilms ngton Star a vy chal ee on a, A is raged like a mad lion, Disdaining to car ! Cone mien —-- pets « lo pees wr SSP wader, be foaght till the fue was very Weskeagten, Ext oe veer Connirant an thle eralil rae? Ban u val Ce En‘ refer near hima, and then with Gxed bayouet, be yg oy as of Lo cat ame presented a men Tena Me Oren 1h te arent Offs exnt ed eal! oF the Ch a3 he had nai tushed at the breast of Rosenerane ; but jg) of grevan sain) asked rect, which wae | amiving « aie civeritnd stabil j d fenet ¥ hth saitain'* ball piereed him and he fell. That night wal bo thew. dude (oe , Meu hom, aka ple abard “i (0 friend asked him, “ Are yoo suffering |" 1 concerning 2 a 1 jend g Me tl see = “ Totti wee aad be replied, “Yee; Iam snfforing the)! : Ne He Cd were lag ey hehe fa, pan « of death, bat Lam reeotred these Net ft - b ” N Pa ( “ bom era Takes phall not know it.” When ask. | 'e"rty me wordest ; ; hoe over men I have seen woble : Certew roatine res duiiows reya: ding in pase give neal ht. be 5 mg t ud pious ghalipally bes. varely /d Mf be bad any acesage for bis wife, be | oe peer eee we deaw Tato Tae nila fb tual charm’ simply eaid, ‘ Tell her I die in defence of", )\ ¢-Ring Harper's Perry, 7 ‘ | origi chats until thelr Wan iinese @Whered: end they |™ country.” Thas closed bie anforta- Several Senators minnated lombtd abort a | of the Mei shrants pibsg = a ningalt ‘a Bie Yi nate career, His whole life wae a frilure oayn for venation at the Tenuresut office ¥ « ow @. wed men 10 lie ean fhe Wlocrsble F shed = we —made eo by vice. Alas! poor Gran- vhre npeachment eharges wil! Ahern on Mr Grant? M "yy e untrace seten of righ! comnts | llere he ant dow, w acto anole « ——< rhame and gin, Se remarkable was his | ville! = Spee Howe :— The lease eaceors Jun the sup | Thais al . ‘wt . . “ve Jufacnes fn thie regard tliat oo bne ocea-| The President « Crime. Pleawatal He-cometmetion bill jaser|on Jrs Seid Dagan, “Mr. O Folka dent know rion, Wien De. Green, the President of Tire creme for which the President ie to be day by the Senate Tt pros rhee that a mje | where yin A nln H. §. Colle ee, : ; ity of voters shall any the Constitarion. Reg | He terol the en) of the cigar and rephed x” allege, near t tropesche! eondste simply tn the exercise of a . Coll he vi this deadly charac) ght which hae been enpryed hy all his prede stered petsons shalt vote anywlere in the } What lem ded pen bet cs we Ay : : — ace d belo site y tive head of State alter 10 stays res dene, Me and that | other day ? 4 infenis tary Tnatiturions, ert ptatpsny- “hes senate oo we | Congressional and State eleorionia chal! be held Sard T, lockia’ at bin, oNoo the herse you'r TN < vividly that a part of the andicoce tarned | every Government m the i Pa se eve | remain saad y with that fur ratificanon ol the | trying to ride, old fh" and “thereby hange@ and looked al. Granville to #ee how he | callesd on hen by 6 pretense wn oo [Oeneaantien: Vote, 96 to 32 The bi!) pues] tale fe Wt mother aherost, and | could bear the terrible description so faith ’ fal to bis own Aistingulehed divine and simed the fearful denunciations #pe-| And vow the President is to be impenched in cially for him, 1 was ssid, the ad heard of him What @ eonfasian of pictares his mem- ory presente! Firat, I maassive intellect nasaranee the ab rmaties Sonia whieh onged applig tee Lim iis Wa with confiderit tice problems of Math- Then he looked in every tense the noble student. foud of that BraicW and easily solved | in cher attempt “ He was’ particularly ipod patient and pro H (Fim whe first-grade raembera of the clas’, . Seco Care » L reoall him as be entered) ,,, the cha in the morning afver a night's dawing from the “Loyal Leagoe,” and declar- He-would come staggering in,| jug tur “the Dnida, and the old Coustivation | hie fave unwashed, hie-hair unkempt, bis| and « wbite mac's government.” i sone ® preys nay Nawal Mercer be etiaii.'s set == <= akon ¥ Oe ata ee Went power ince Heals suey a Riders es et 2% THE CONSPIRACY. It isclearly manifest fim the tele. messages vent to Washington Radical Governors of rae me and liljnois, and intended to operate up- on the action of Congress in the matter of impeachment, that the conspitators whohave been “engaged in a plot to de- pose the President, and thas to possess themselves of the Executive power for Jans so as to strike together apie" Siar moment, and a a particu! ment, and u| ~ signal. Those Governors co most wWQne week I was sick aud confined t nd he the w puvesee a now offering to come to ca if measures are serious, they are Tittle calculated teintimidate those against whom they may be direeted ; for patriot- fem does not shrink from the discharge of threats. If they are only intended t coming the gravity of so solemn an occa- sion We have never doubted that the revo- jutionary cable which now really controls the majorties in Congress, and which, by dint of audacity, sistency, and vio- lenee, has in all its desperate measures, even against the better judg- mentiof the party, was prepared to take any step, however rash, in order to carry out its wicked and destructive designs.— Heuce, we have endeavored to preparé the pablic mind for such a condition pp hae as ig now upon us, and have not ceased to warn the country of the danger that bas long been impending. We had not supposed, however, that these schemes bad been so far advanced as to be backed with armed organizations in the States, such as is now openly and recklessly proclaimed. We knew that General Grant, after going over to the Jacobins, aud renouncing his recent pro- feesions of sympathy with the President, bad, like Breanus, thrown his sword-into the seale, and expected by that proceed: ing to deser those whom be so shamefulty deserted from the fulfilment of their con- stitatiogal, obligations. As the menace of the regelar army did not make the President falter in his duty, it is not to be might have spent lives of useful- respectability. To them I ap- ou go remorse! Are you it arouses no shame wor virtee ? Then, I question it there be « critht in the catalogue of hewan crimes you waeld not coomit it the oceasion offered. ‘Toall 4 would sey, Beware of the sedueee who shows no deep remorse }for bie cin | ~=He ie amoug the worst men oorrth. How often bar murder been the next step after seduction | Granville was aa ardent have been issued by partisan Governors j will alarm any American citizen who has |the first instinct of patriotiom and true age of courage. If we are to be assailed for de | erage CT?) fending the Constitution, for standing by may have been the eouent of tris untorta-! the escred tnulitious of the past, for op- nate course in life, ‘There is an intowien- | basing anarchy aud tyranny, for aphold- ting volaptuowsness in the portry of the| tue our free inaswntions, and for roriet jhevter. dt ina garden of literary towers ug the progress of « militar drapatiom, fulminations, the trifling fs unbe- SALISBURY, par'isan purpoges, had eoncerted all their | place threaten’ a new civil war; and announce) mics; supposed that the outrageous threats that > SSS SSS N,., C,, MARCH For what cause’ ia’ President “Jobneon to be impeached; and what high crime or misdemeanor has be 1. The.os- tensible pre‘ext is an insult to and an eut- the intelligence of nation, Sk only weeds to be named ‘in““orde? to provoke an outburst of honest’ indigna- tion, In the exercige of hid conpstitution- al fanctions he has thought preper to dis- an offensive of Cabinet, who has abused hig trust, violated the sanctity of the most confidential counsels, allied bimself with the President’s ene- and conspired: for his downfall.— Ever since the foundation of the govern- ment, at all times aid ander all circum- » right to"bélect ‘his own Cabi- ional on its very face, and which was ramed for an express ey purpose, it was declared 'y- during the disens- sion—whieh thus serves as a contempo- raneous construction of the law by its own framere—tha’, there wag vo intention to apply it to the Cabinet™ officers, rinee it cou honor would eonsent to hold such a posi- tiou- who differed ia any way with tbe views of the President. ‘The lious Stanton was Jess anderstood n than now, notorious as had been his baseness and Venality.”— National Entelligencer. a BLISSFUL IGNORANCE. One of the enterprising agents of the Star, whose wanderings led him into the most out-of-the-way cornere and be- nighted localities of Robeson county, where the enlightening influence of a live newspaper has never been known, dis- covered aa old woman whose ears had never been mocked by the tidings of a peace which has proved more direful than war, and Who, in blis«ful ignoranee, was still knitting socks for the soldiers, and taking Confederate money in exchange for her chickens and egge. Poor, dear old soul, ber weking wes a painful one, and our friend regretted, when too late, that be had undeceived ber. Better have been left to go on to the end of her days kuitting socks for feet that would never duty under tne influence, of offensive cai tenare-of-office bill, which ie uncon- | wear them, and boarding the euly money } thas can be baried with profit, Bat thare is no hope of this now. Bhe takes the STat, oud as long as ber old eyes can | falling behind the times. follow the lines, there is no hope of her We exonerat {ed our ageat for taking her subscription jin Confederate money, which we have de } termined to devote to the next charitable not be supposed that any man of aren - a WAKE CONGRESSIONAL. DI ‘ ‘PRICT. We understand the negro-Radical Con- vention ter this Congressional District met in this city, on yesterd James H. JIarris, negro, was nominated, but de- clived, on the ground that the election of a negro to Congress would damage the party atthe North! Gal. J. T. Deweere; Register in Bavkruptey and Yaukee, wae Card, in another column, that J. A. Me- Donald, of Chath.m, declares himself ai¥ in dent candidute. whole proceeding is the. ‘boldest. thing ever perpetrated. ‘The nomination of Haris was simply made to delude the: negroes. he never would have de- clined; if he bad not been to do bo. He has, doubtless, reeei oat of the corsaption fund, a full iary equiva; lent tor his patriotic abuegation, avd we may soon expect to hear of his making another trp North, giving Phifadetpliia the go-by, for obvious reasons. ‘Phe white Radicals, Yankee and native, are deter- mined to have all the paying offices them- selves, and the National Conmittee, at Washington, for the ostensible reasons alleged by Harris in declining, have fur- nished che means to’ buy off negro aspi- rants for all the offices. Whether the ne- grocs, who are not interested in this cor- ruption basiness, will stand by and see a few handred scalawags monopolize the offites, to whigh ‘their numbers ‘entiile them, in the Radical distribution, remains to be secon, The nominee, Deweese, is the most ob- eral army, he made a speech, denouncing the President, and boasting ef the atroei- ties which he had an oportunity of in- tive, a negro equality man, on professed principle and by actual practice. We should be sorry to Lclieve,—what we do not believe,—that ench a mae could ever Sentinel. —_—_——_— Mr. Jones of Washington, Our not very young from Wasbington, seems la be Dent upon a taining the bad enineves of seeming a wat Congress by the negro vote of the drat [nein He will bave asap comtest to ¢ nomination. Tle mast ent . Pool, French, of Washington or the then nominated. It will be seen, by the, represent the people of thie District, white} business beretofors or black, in avy public capacity —al | County Courts (riwad.” the jay-vird | Lieut. Governor; H STATE, NEWS. we BP per the ofa Noth Beate. RALEIGH CORRESPONDENCE. RateGh, Feb. 26, 1868. Messrs, Editors: Thinking your tead- ere would like @ private letter oii the pro ceedings of the Sinte Convention, 1. have concluded to write youa few lines The suffrage question was. under con- sideration for six #, at a cost to the State of'at least $6,000, when it could have been passed in one day ws ea-ily ae in six... So much for the :ratification of a oi men, in order to get their. nemcs. in the news, rs for clectioneerin rposes herdatted? They finally got 7 We Monday night, aud pareed, upon reading, the firs’ two sections of the ma- jority. report as terme from the commit- see, Several attempts were made to amend by inserting test oaths of a disfranchising ebaraeter ; bat they were fl promptly vo- ted down. ‘Phere has been a deal of temper exhibited within the last week : a fire-brand was thrown from the minority 4 [VOL. I, NO. 9 disgraceful, on yesterday sherncon., The whole affair, to a spectator, like an indieerimitiate row. “Phere rte few white men in the Hall, and the negro erowd were surging to and fo “Yh black waves. Amid such scenes of tomult ani demoniae excitement, a resolution was passed ‘instructing’ the Constitutional r#o-called) Copveation to distranchise ihe “rebele,—Mr. McDonald, of Chathan, and Mr. Elliott, of Cleaveland, alzoost alone and amid hisses, standing up ag: it. If this Pandewonium, added to the motley “Convention” in the Capitol, docs barca the blood, excite yg indiguation arouse the energy every t white man in North Carolina, c. hall have a much poorez opinion of oar © \ race and color than we are pow diepo ocd to entertain. We shall take occasion, hereafter to d: scribe some of the closing scenes of yee terday, and to speak, particularly, of some of the actors in the disfranchising v.ov ment. We rejoice, for ourselves, tha tothe majority side of the House last week that seems to have inflamed that | side very mach——«o much so that disfran- | chising the rebels bax become the wateb- | wore. One of the Republicans in aj speech a few days ago, on the subject of | disfranchising the whiter, said: “We, muat fet ther know that we are their mas- tere,” &e. ! the Hall this morming growing out of re-, marks made by Mesers. Ashley & Dar- bam, on Monday nighs, which I suppose hexious man to the white people of this! yor have seen; but it was éettled fer the District,—and we should hope toall right-| present by referring it to a committee, | aeceptance, that he was not afraid to thinking megroes,—ihat coald have been} who I hope will be able to scttle it final- | Gov. Vance on the stamp! put forward. While an officer iv the Fed-jly. The report of the committee in the ja- 4 ¢ieial department has been discassed and | partly presed. “Tt abolishes County Courts, , flictiog apon the people of andefended | makes twelve jadicin! districts in the! would walk a long ways, in the riin, portions of Arkanens, during the war. He} Stace, abolishes Coarts in Equity, and | day, to hear Vance is Holden's prime pet and favorite aseoci-| makes the Supreme Court w bave the P. G. ate,—malevulent, vialictive aud proscrip-| same number of Jndzre it pow has. All the Judges of the Supreine and Baperior | Coarts, and Solicitors are to be eleewed by the people. Tt gives the Clerk of the Sa- | perior Court jari-diction over moat ef the transacted in the | The R pablican Convention te fn era! They have nominated W.W. Het- } Todd R. Caldwell, for | J. Menninger, See- |retary of State; D. A. Jeukina, Pablie | Treasarer; [I]. Adams, Aaditor; C. L Harris, Saperintendent of Pablic Works ; ' ee | son, Iden, for Gevernor ; anv the; von C | Mr. Asblet, Soperintendent of Pabtie In-| struction; W M Coleman, of Cabarrus, | which emit a senraous fragrance that ab) g let j OEh g le e Unite : Watts of Martin, and hener, mast yet down as! Attorney General, Messra. Pearson, Rod perce enchams and polluter the soul prea pee, Lad emyack bai ques- _— that comes in car way.— Morning | ing 4. possible. Inatant spoo be} man and Pool are spokeu of for the Sa ' 4° Byren's genius gives terrible potency ons for themselves, and those who seck Star. ° OBered the following oath, ass preme Court beneh site oe te era Gioplayed '®\to employ forer as their only argument pa ntaae nar 3 Se ee orth te ue eeGrace eenl weve The Convention secma to be fall, a this private fife and copied in bis poems. | will find in the bour of trial that they | POOR OLD MBN. Mee ne solernnly coeur (or ans) toat Twit) (MARE portion are blacks, T sce bu: one : ive fear: bow « consistent parent!) .y0 counted without their host, and wil! | During she direussion of the suffrage | cect par reitae th ‘atitaion snd tawe | ek gate from Rowan, Jo. Ballard. I au- \ean an anexpargated edition of bie’ repent in sorrow the attempt b) sabvert |qnestion iu the Gorlla Vonvention, OW of the Uurted States ant the Comatitatica o | derrtand they are not ucar through and works to pase into the handewf « en oF thi. Government by miliary power. Ove | Friday, Mr. Kinney, delegate from Da | tie Siaie of Nort! Caviina, nyt inconssient Will continue in ses<ion to-morruw daughter. It may be a mask of Miterery | rebelling of more furmidable proportions | Y'deon county, now eighty-one years old, | therewith; that | will never countenane or ani] The Constitational Convention will not iehment to read Bye, to talk of | than that now concocted here was crushed raised hie tottering form and said that if in the secesmon of bidet A the Un we ! adjourn before she 1h or 15th of March bes prodactions and keep his com: | og; by the sireng arm of th: prople, and | it were in bis power he would allow po )5States, and that Twill aetept the p vlsternl znd | These seems to be an inclination to tran pleie edition on the centre table, but it) he pirseut conspirators would to well to | minister of the Goepel to vote who had — a * oe vont wad pend mg sact basinese exeeedingly slow, for some | I peri ner +eontaive bis Don Juan which har proba : bly done mare to corrupt the pure youth! ee. fin somie sections Of the and. than sll the GEN TIMOMAS APPEARS Sretyand peeve | FORE JUDGE CARTEL! eos of New England. WE Is Disc Ame RED, In the name of dtepncy and virtue I protest againet the moral reekirsances in- | volved in placing in the bands of the : hyoang « volame of Byron er Shakepeare| Waiincicn Feb containing those pieers which are #0 de-! nore. igradiagly leeutiows and ruivoasly cer | J m-ige Carte rupting, The young man who presents, The Jutgr a copy of greek alady mast be « rae ad pa Se — either with th tlesences as to what he) Sree ® — <8 pone a jis doirg, or with ignorance of their con |Gemurat Tesenn:' lawyers 0! yreted,— tus bail BE Qro Warrante Next, + nas ap Nee oo with hee Cosme, & teen) os tet pewd for Stanton ‘ own eon and other document« @ in moh ant vrdlation of the constitetion jas wellasof gli preowdents, that this same | Stanton, who is» lawyer and has beeo Attor- ney General, addieed the President to veto it to the President —— <p An Arkantas Negro’s Bible Knowl, ete. The negroes not bem z read ia the Talmud, for conversant with thedathers, freqnentiy give very original comuents on seriptural fact- uiten accompanied by no less original versions of the facts themeelera, The Dew Are (Arkansas) Crescent, Febrnary 11, contains the following metaoce A flow days ago we heard afreedman, who sevnied to be the Nestor of the crowd he was talking to, diseowesing flaently on the longewty of the antedelowians He aaiel, ‘in dem days people didn't marry nil dey wae two handred years old, and at eighty dey was hetle ebikdren “A sable bystander remarked yay group of hearers, dat’s 30; before de flood de peope wor | twemy-five Fears old before dey was bors.” Stanton's interest beenuse he belietes the law tu he nucoastitutional, and institutes proceed ngs | to bring it to the jedieial tests j New York World. -_-+--+-~-- A Georgia exchange enya, that while 4 ma- jjocny of planters in the Svuthern and Western | pertions of that State bave become banks ups to raise cvtion, almdst every | furor in Northern Georgia bas made money ty resing wheet and cora. The Asheville News contains » Card, signed | etyht citizens of Haywood county, with- | prayed for the succees of the Confederate cance. He aleo said he was in favor of ‘distranchising, for life, all whom Oon grees had placed ander the bin, and of | taxing thew property as leng as they held | nat far hie lite forgive the a dollar's worth im the State. He eould “im, of them, by his vote, euould ever be ad | mitsed ww the ballot-bos. What a pitiable objcet does this poor Id man present. Oathe very verge of the grave, he raises his feeble voice against h wr H ean co aeeniiously lvoe in fawer of the enfranchisement oft the most ignorant and de praved negro; but seach men as Will A Graham be would disfranechise tor bic. Whataehame, ™ Mr. Grant we are seferme ternbly dewn Seuth, coul | not you aml sone vther woman send us down some tracts 7 «peek to Mr. Stanton. and if he has ve fir me to do in the offier thie af get sore cigars and take you out ternoon, to nde.” 1 was eatisfied by the above conrersation that Gereral Grant was a great mam T never had a manto grate more on my feelings thant he dil; he is a man more qualified at a man than Aapa Dickinson ever was, New Orleans Commercial. ie Gevena Miervesn — Generel J. RO Ma- groder presepted lounself on Friday last, in the Clerk's Office of the United States Circuit Court, of New York, and proposed to take the oath of allegiance, which was t) adminignteted to him by Comnsissioner we and not one} e | four i . | Hide thetr tiene. vo led bot inan ja taaght ho 8 att site A 4 ‘ “ } | de pat tenet r tw f vhe hes te North Carelina me Io ”- a * ’ b peg he Sra \ “ " A | atZAlION, met «ty ” J it7ust take placn bx « Aw * ae thal val } ‘ [the State, whe have heretaterr . Joni « @) hence ’ mks are We are plese Mr Real | ican ediviniceced a anvrre. catitatiom: te the v urd and Cod Heaton we are tobi, male e sug appeal agaris’ © potwraide a leature pa trast ands >the dreoomAtare of his Oo -Rai Sentine —- | Masoxre teaches her jlamb skia or white leathern apron, an emblem | of innocence, more aneiwot than the golden leece or Roman eagle. To nse the tuenty ch guage. that they may properly di rejected, mnech igress otha! ied »” was te ye members to wear a The common gavel that ther inay divest their heart and conseieuce of a and enperfluities of life. thereby fittii.g their minds as living stones, fir that epiritua hbosidong. that house not ueade with hands. eternal im the beavens Bat she reles net wn theee alone ty aee-anplish her nuble work }for every well regulated [edge has a | Hible always present. from owtech Ma sons may learn their duty te e another, t Gon. In this bless their enuntry. and the ‘ wh he ie, and how yt he ae to live. of he ever gets to that ‘rest pre pared for the peo} f Phat the las lof the Lord ta “perfeet converting the sal Mie testimony. core making wee the sir ple e heart; Hi pg the eve ve Hie jnde [ment true and rightevas alte gether.’ he is Masonry equipped. » id relying on the {promises of the Al she ente tthe great werk of removing. or assisting to \Hrs statutes right feomn andinents | | His fear clean. enduring t nighty. ra ape j> ighting the prospects of our happy earth Nor does she fot one of ber cardinal principles is brother come aleve. ot fight isolated {whole haman species as une family; the high jana low, the ae gee poor who are treated by ote Almighty Parent, aod inhabitants of the same planet. areto eid, eupport, and protect each other. On this priveiple, Masonry petual distance from ench other. This vast army of Masons, composed of nen of every country, clime, kindred, tongue and people, comes furth with boldness aad courage to en- ter into the work, to ameliorate man's cvn- dition ; to prepare the way for the spread of pure religion and undefiled befure Gon."— Ree. A. J. Regan. _——_-r— -— The term of twenty-one United States Sen ators will expire on the 4th of March 1869, of whom fourteen are Repnblican and seven Dem- coratic. anites men of every country. sect, and opin- | ion, and eoneciliates true friendship, among | } equally | Gude the at the race the | remove the great incantain of sin whieh Woy hav jConvention, and wo may only aay, foe the | Guano T save flydewe, whieh theaches her to regard the | Pres ut, of most of these following, that if | these who might otherwise remain at a per-| best known to themselves. I | should not be at all sarprised if the 15th! Convention still in seesion reason AN OBSERVER - w | ut pre tew.| The Negro Radical Convention on Yester- | e u-| day— Additional Nominations We had uo Reporter on the spot, but} we donot care to camber our colamnes gusting detaile of the doings, the negro Rad ical nomir ating Canven- ! The proceedings wore marked by great confusion, constant | wrangling ower the spoils, lke hungry dog and iucessant clatier. A looker.on observed that the whole affair seemed ‘0 be a epeeial contract underta- | Abbott and Jim Harrie, as ove or he other of them was c uiinualiy oa the} RoR: Dick | ih! Col., thar! milk in the eneeanwt,) on, on yesterday 8 over a bone, ken by Hon RM. Pearson, Mon and Cal, Wo Bo llevan. accounts for the were nominated for the Suapreme Uoart | bench; and a committee. consisting of i J. Cowles, DL. Raeeeli and W.M. Col ma pointed to upon these and aseertain if they would ae- | ndcred, as Repwb- | resolution re- | KR 1 or set of men. were ay evraerr ; pt the neminat!: hicans,—the mover of the marking that be theaght th party ahead of any one ma On m 4M Mr Abbott, a resvlation was adopted. that it was the ecnse of the + ‘onventien, 1 wait gen ce et »flon rat the “Cenatitations!'’ (se- } called) Couventou should inerease the | namber of Supreme Coart Jadges to five, ntahichleviniihe Rxccative Cleat er was anthoriaed and dircete! ts. make $ the two ditional nominations ' The s ah) ned nominations were made for the Sapenor Coart Bevch. We shall oceasiun, freqaently, hereafter, to iss all the nowtinations made by this eA they are to constitute the Jndiciary of! | North Carolina, Lleaven belp the law and the people Ast. District —-C.C. Pool, Qnd. hd FE. W Jones. 3rd. bd CR. Theta, 4th, = D. L. Raasell, Fe. 5th. * RK. P. Buxton. 6th. Samucl W atts. 7th. bed Thomas Settle. Sth. D. H, Starbuck. Oth. a G. W. Logan: 10th. « Hon. Ander. Mitchell, Lith. « Jacod Bowman. 12th. * RB. H. Cannon. We will publish at an early day, the new ment of Judicial Districts. r:. ¢ learn that the of the mongrel concern were atareese a ‘ Cousiderable excitement prevailed in | his | were in mongrel and crazy crew have shown the: inqndo sp plajai, avd unguardedly. Now for them ! . . Larer.—The mob Gispersed sine 2» about 11 o’clock last night, after +! pointment of delegates to the (! Convention. The name of Mr. Mii ald, of Chatham, though reported b; committee, was sirickem from the | +, a ism was assailed on a) sides He defended himeelf visorou:!y and “carried the war into Africa’ in’ /.:s | way.— Raleigh Sentinel. The X, P. G. boasted, in his epeech of p}.. He would sooner “pluck the Nemean lion by the | beard,” put hie béad im the fire; tell tlc truth, or do samething equally deeper «t« as to meet Vance before the ple. We any hold of the X There would be ing left bu: a very small grease spot, after ¢ skin ning operation was finished.— Id, Having been twiée overwhelming)y beaten by the white of North Car lina for the office of the X P. G. now comes forward as negr candidate. Of course. be ecan not expcct ilu eae ae boo ow can ex to do sa, when he pretie iy Te That he onl peace, in tho latter stages of the war, in order to SAV L SLAVERY; That slavery wan themormal condition of the negro,—that-he should be ‘fd well, worked well and THRESUELD WELL.” That unqualified opposition to negro suffrage was the most CONSPICUL US OF UNION LANDMARaS. And so on, ad é —all of w! ich we shall be under painfal neces: i: reproducing, from oe for | theso many weeks.—. ————~gpe— ew Congr vse. Washington, Feb. 27.—Senate :—Not! wteresting transpired Hose: —The Civil appropriations were r reamed g Speaker Colfax read to the Honse a let from the Chiet of New Yerk Police to: Ch» f meu bundred ( Washing'on Police, containing a sts Pal. |’ Shaffner reported that 1 sixty poeads of ntro-gtycer unantborzed hands. The New Y Chief feared that it: was intended for Wast ton It seemed to creste more alarm t! trerritrent that From Washington. Washington, Feb. 27.—The Iowa Der erate: State Conveotion has elected delega: « favorable to Pendleton, and instrocted thea w vote The impeachment matter has made ho p grees to-day. Several parties, interested Alabama's admismon, were before the Rec siruction Committee, to-day, urging prom; ——_ ~~ The Prospective (?) Attorney Gener! Wm M. Coleman, the exemplary Ua, whom the e:taens ef Geacord inform fag furore] to ramose that town for hating deflow ler a oegro woman, waspominated for the Attce ey Growtie. # the State by tb sckale and hyenas Meo. 2, ia K-nven-hen last night. ere Gracious “heavings !"— Rel. Cerolinian. ge Ona Saterday Judge Kelly presented, in 1’ + Howse of ven, & menrorial from three thousan! colored people in Mississ:; >, asking Coogress to make an appropriation | carry them to Liberia They say they see no prospect of success by remaining emeng the whites The tetur, they ony, hawe all the taos aril fre to gree them fair wages for vwetr laher, and they, therefure, with te em:- grate ———_ A NEW FERTILIZER. Mesere. Atkinson & » sole agents for North COarolima, offer to the pablic, through our advertising colamos, a valnable fertilizer known as Redonda Its introduction inte this eoun try ie recent, and its success w all Linds of crops has been ma-ked. + pare natural guano, it all the best one « the Peruvian, andis sold at just 4 The imonials of planters ~ ie used positive of its merits. ‘The here will sell it for $40 per ton, cash ; or, $50 payable Nor. Ist, for approved . ; prolly <9 ———- > —______ A Hore. poe Oneteriins m New Yorx — } It is said that Edinburgh, wi:h 140,000 popu dation, sustains nine mission echorches in dest- tate districts im that city, and that if New Tork and Brooklyn would dos jonaie work, in city missions, they woukl have nine ty eburehes for the nu-v neglected populaiiou The New Orleans Picaywne thinks there will be comparatively httle cotton planted unis year im Lommana. Withee Barty GOV. VANCE. the courts of justige, “they = fm Sut This gentlemen has been mést grossly the sanction of the BY HANES & BRUNER. <j Plandered recently ‘by the Radical organ, withetanding the bigh =teonttne| in this State. Heis charged with tation of the criminals, Among the fool. SALISBURY, N. C., MARCH 6, 1868. | tn bis speech before the Raleigh Conser- ieh and frivolows prosecutions of that kind, vative Convention, that when the Conser- | undertaken for mere partizan purposes, ~ Conservative State Mzccutive —_vatives acquired power io this State they We Will only mention that of Dr. Sachev- Wieder. {would make the condition of the Radicals eril, impeached by the Whigs for preach- ‘more intolerable than that of the people of ing a silly sermon in favor of the exploded FOR GOVERNOR, | Sodom and Gomorab. He said nothing | dogmas of divine right and passive obe-\ served one term. ZBBULON B. VANCR, o's tre ‘wa vor tseg wate OF MECKLENBURG. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVEBNOR, EDWARD DBD. HALL, OF NEW SANOven. For Secretary of Slate, BOBERT W. BEST, OF GRERNR. For Treasurer, KEMP P. BATTLE, or wake For Auditor, 8. W. BURGIN, OF BUNCOMBE. For Supt. of Public Instruction, REV. BRAXTON CRAVEN, OF RAXDOLPE. Por Attorney Genera, SION IL BOGERS, or Wake. Conservative State Judicial Ticket. Supreme Court Judges, RICHMOND M. PEARSON, of Yadkin, WILLIAM H. BATTLE, of Orange, LDWIN G. READE, of Person, MATHIAS EB. MANLY, of Craven, A 8. MERRIMON, of Bancombec. [Tbe two last, if the number of Judges, as proposed, is increased wo five.} Superior Court. First District, DAVID A BARNES, OF REETPORD. Second District EDWARD J. WARREN, OF BBs UPORT. Third District, GEORGE V. STRONG, a waren. Fourth Dutriet. WILLIAM 8S. DEVANE, OF SEW HAXOVER, FB Dietrict, BR P. BUXTON, AF GRARTIIALX. Seventh District, THOMAS RUFFIN, Je OF ALAMaYFCR. Eigth District, FRANCIS E SHUBER, OF BOWax Binth District, WILLIAM M. SHIPP, OF LIXCOLS. Tenth District, ANDERSON MITCHELL, oF IREDELL. Bleventh District, JUHN L. BAILEY, OF BUSOCUMRR. Twetifth District, A. T. DAVIDSON, The nomination of this gentleman as 0 candidate fog the jndgeship of this jodicial emeult, was « wel! merited compliment, as well to bts abilities as to his great moral worth. Few meg possess in a more emi- pent degree the moral qualities requisite fora goed jedge. Singularly free from everything like prejadice, poseensing a re- mathably well balanced and highly ealci- vated mind, xecompan ed with great ur- banity of disposition, be will, if rleeted. — of the new econstituzion should be ratified by the propie - s00n becowe « aniversal faverite—eove of the most popalar Jadgrs im the State. 1: is true that he ban for seme tigre been withdrawn from the active prsctioe of bis profession, and may bare neglected the stady of the law to some ex- tent, but a man of bis talents can soon himeelf for any office. Hie vomi- nation te very gratifying w his many frienda, gad bis great popalarity will add much to the strength of our ticket, —— iP -——— jshree feet of him while he was speaking jand heard every word he said. He was |epeaking only of certain teaders of the (radical perty at the time he used the jan- | guage which has been perverted, and not jof che masses of that party. He diselaim- |ed all hostility to titgauegroes—waa wil- ling and desirous of protecting them in all their civil rights and conferring upon them all privileges which could be done consistently with the safety and welfare of both races. Nor did he denounce the masves of those white men, who, in many counties, have allied themselves with the Radical party. But he was very severe ;upon that class of politicians who bad plotted for the overthrow of the present State Goveroment, misled many of the white people of the State by appeals to their passions and prejudices, and arrayed the negroes as a class against the white people. He said the present condition of things could not be permanent—that the virtue and intelligence of the Stare was bound to rele it or later, and that when that time should come the pultie seorn and indignation that would be visited upon these leaders would be such as to render their conditien as intolerable as that of the people of Sodom and Gomorah. That this is substantially what he did say on the oceasina 1 ferred to, can be proven by hundreds of the best men in the State. We did not notice these charges at the time, and would not now, but fur the fact that they have been repeated by Col. Mas- tro, of Forsythe, 4 gentleman for whom we entertain respect, ina recent Radical meeting in that county. (Col. Masten rep- resented Gov. Vance as threateoing to penish a certain class of our people when bis party obtained power, and very pro- perly said that be would not support ang man or any party that proposed “to pan- ish any part of our people for their poliri- of such panishment, or should do ee now, —ve would not only not support him, bat we would have been the first to denounce jbim. Bat he did nothing of the kind | He only eXpressed an opinion as to what would be the condition of certair party leaders im a certain event, mentioning the | Holdens, the Hendetsons, cfc, et , in whieh opinion we coneur. Gov Vanee is | known to be an ardent and impassioned | epeaker, dealing mach in sarcasm and in- vective, and fond of sinking fgares — | Soch a speaker never faile to ex press him j self in very strong language, and is al- | ways linble to be misunderstood and mis. | represented. We are glad that oa: Forsythe friends | have at last gotten on the liberal and mag- | aanimons platform of vo “puniahwment for | politieal opinions.’ Such, however, does | not teem to have been their views a year jago. Wf we are aot mistaken, Col. Mas | ten then made a speech to a meeting at Winston which favorvd the passage of | the Steven's confiscation bil!, a bill which jmade no distinction betweeu the guilty jeud the innceent, bat which, according to | @ deciainn of the Supreme Court of the! | Caited States, made in the case of Mre | Alenander's cotton, would heave acted equally in depriving a!] men who remain- éd in the Soath daring the war, whether | Seeecsiontete or Unionists, of their land, provided they had over « given quantity But we will not quarrel with them for what In pertect aceordance with the teachings of ie past —we go apon present irene oar whole life, we oppose the radical pro gramme, which ws artfally designed “to parish men for their present polities! opinions” and makes no diecriminaiion be- tween (nionists and Secessionists, inae- much aa it dicfranchises sach Union men as careelf and B. F. Moore, and holds oat to we wo hope of the removal of oar “die abilities” but upon the condition of our joining ihe radical party ———__g > ——__—— IMPEACHMENT—THE INTEN- dience for the supposed benefit of the To- ‘ {tare thr alowlgg, hiandel to be an hi i such » and from loss. Jobn Fulleawider was disy jou charged from jail yesterday, upou condition of paying costs and leaving the place, and will doubtless go into. seme other community to practice upon the vaitiated,’ THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVEN. 'ti “Jake,” as he is familiarly called by his friends, bas been in public life as a member of the State Legislature. Heen- tered that body with ourself in 1860 and ly, we knew him well at that time. “Jake” is person- ries. ‘To prevent this he was impeached by the Whigs, then in power, was acquit- ted, and the Whigs were, for a time, ruined. As a conerquence, the Tories | earried the next elections and retained! their power until the death of the Queen | and the jon of the H of Hano- | ver. | When the framers of our Constitution ' it should be called into requisition except io cases of high crimes and mised. 8 tice or subvert the government. They uev- er supposed that a geueration of States- men (1) woald arise who woald resort to| it ag ap engine of political power or as a! of party dency, They never! dreamed that it would be resorted to agai:ist the chief magistrate of the Republie ber | avy crime mach short of that of trensee, | or for any conduct which did not tarniad the national honor, or degrade the antion | in the eyes of the world. But bow mista-| ken! 'fthe patriot fathers eould look | down fram their lofty habitations, and see! to what a» base use this wise provision had | been perverted, they would weep over the degeneracy of their descendents. If Wash- | ington, Madison, Hamilton and Jay, who | watched over the Constitution with so| much solicitade daring its infancy, and la-! bored so sealously to induce the peaple to | accept it in order to seeure “the blessings | of liberty to themselves and their descen-, dents,” coald be made acquainted whh| the manver in which that imetrament is! trodden under foot at the present day,| they “would rarn iu their coffins.” Instead of sering the President im-! peached for high crimes and misdemean- or calculated to injure or subvert the; Government, we sce him impeached for, exercising a power under the Constitution which was never questioned to any of bis } | eal opinions.” Ou that platform, if on ne | predccessors, and which many of the! never read « page of Blackstone that other, we can stand with our friend. If | adlest lawyers in the nation belicve be | would make better Judges that Jacob W.| with negro children, or else, if they are Gov. Vanee had declared himeelt in favor | poseceees, even ender the tenare of office Bowmen. But this le the dey of email act itself. Sarely ne barw could have re | Sulted to the coumsry from the removal of Stanton and the appointment of Mr. Ew the war office, and so the people They are familiar with the! history of the past, and they will ne ver| justily the present proceedings ladeed, | they can never be justified exerpt by fae-! tion and fanatioem. They are disgrace-, fal to the uation and will be so regarded in history, whatever may be thought of Mr. Johnson. tng t will reason. —_ THE CONSERVATIVE TIONS. We run ap today the Conservative Banner inseribed with names o’ oar can didates. They are all men well known te the public for theis high character, ew- NOMINA- inent talents and great publie wornh — Upen the whole we think it ie ome of the strongest tickets that could have bees pre sented with the motley and f-eble ticket of the party i8 oppasition at thie time the merits It certainly contrasts strongly We will not discuss { each eandidate separately—they are too well known to | require anything of the kiud at our bards Aad if their merits were wot acli known the utter want of merit on the part of most of the epposing candidates would still ren der any history of them avneceasary. Be- tween the two tickets no conservative man can heritate for a moment. In the first place, the owe is the white man’s tieket and the other is the black man's tieket. In the peg? pla, the one ia the ticket of the natives, the o ber is the tick et of the Northern advewtarers—thase | perthern men who have come among us | irr the purpose of seeuring office by means of the negro vote. Theu again, the one is the ticket which represents the inte!li- grver of the State, and the other is the tieket which represents the ignorance of the Bate. There will no doubt be quite an exci- ‘ting canvass. In addition to the eandi. dates already nominated for State offices, we shall have eandidates in the field fer {| Renee the impeachment clause in that | specehes. Afterwards he paid a visit to caleulated to pollute the fountains of jus-| speech in which he declared his readiness j Which he has been nominated to preside. | lowing amendment : TION OF THE FATHERS. | gajicitors, Representatives ia O | In imitation of the Britiah Constitution | for the Bate Legislature, and probably eur fathers inserted the impeachment | fot County Officers, All the ecandidat:s clause in our Federal Conatitation. That | xcept those for Judges of the Supreme | mode of procedure against high govern-| and Superior ( ourts will eanvase, and el ment functionaries is of considerable an-| bape even some of them will take “the tiquity im that eoontry. It bas often stamp.” We shoald like to see the ean-| , been resorted to in the midet of high party | Yase condacted with decorum, bat we fear monicaLs.— Eclectic ¢*citewents—often justly againat great de- | ech will not be the case. We wish to Phen ie eee a ed eee is Jinquents, but often unjustly and for par- | seyit conducted with vignr and energy, filled with the choicest selections from the tizan purposes. In the latier instances it | but we should like to ece it free from ani- best Reviews and Magagipes in the world. almost invariably damaged the party whieh | wovity and bitterness. But this ean Petnons foud of periedieg) literature capnct resorted to it. Among the most noted cases | searcely be expected at a time like the jo better than to patronige this pabligetion. where it was justly resorted against creat | at. = Bedwell, No. 5, Beekman Aclingvents may be mentioned those of et rent off Lord Uhancellora, Bacon and Macglesfeld. rene ved, coliont Magasine oy TO 7% pled guilty, ond tho jester was e.g egies Or avuntsted ol the cola of which Be wpe Address W Jentirge Demoren, 472, Sberged. The proceedings in both eases | Broadony New York were pevescary to preserve the pority of Youxe Axcnis for Merch, has gino been present. ee - Tax Mittow Cunomicie.—This sy, iey paper has recently been revived by the for- mer edivor and proprietor, Mr. Evans. The Chronicle is one of the most readable papers. in the State, and we hope it will reeeive the| liberal patropage which it merits, TION (2) Tt has been several days since we ne- commenced the chastisement before it was day, But he bas no ballast, and, consequently, ticed the proceedings of this body. We}and kept it up until some school children were is liable to be led off by every popular ex- had latterly ived the opinion thas it |p citement, He came to Raleigh in 1860 a) eae growing rather more liberal, but in strong Union man, but in a very short | this we may have been mistaken. It wa time he caught the secession fever in the | possibly grant universal suffrage, thoug atmosphere which then prevailed at the ‘this is very dowbtfal. A number of the crpitol, aud wade some strong secvasion 'Jeading radical members, backed by the ‘ nominee of the party for Governor, are for bis constituents and returned & strong | disfranchisiog a large namber of the in- Union wan again. Soon after his return telligent white people of the State, and it he took occasion to make a strong Union may yet be dove. But upon the subject of negro equality it abandons norhing. We learu by a private letter that Mr, Rodman’s relief bili was parsed by that ally rather a good sort of man, we thiuk, and is uot without “a streak of gunius.” ping and drove bis son into s kitchen’ And after the chiklren had passed, he went into the kitchen, tied the young man by the feet, theew that position, his hands ‘barely touching the floor. He then commenced beating him with bis usual weapons. The sister of the young man, about grown, said this was the condition of things when she left the bouse togo to the spring for water; and that when she returned ber brother was lying on the fluor, dead, During the day the fgnilly dressed the oorpiee for barial Bat whea the news got oul thet to fight, if necessary, ‘for the flag.” aie, this, he vscilated to and fro for some time, | but when the war broke out he beckled | body ov yesterduy, but we are unable to on his armor and went forth to fight the say exactly what its prvvisions are. battles of the South, We did not see him ; We give the fullowing account of Tues- any more until some time during the year day’s proceedings from the Raleigh Sen- 1863, when he stil] profeased to be a good | tinel : Confederate. Shortly after this, | “The pressure upon our columns, to- er, he canght the peace fever, and became day, ades Laps) wwgemnean. catire, of a Union man once more, and, of course, a | the performances of the Kangaroos at the radical. We do not charge “Jake” with | Ceplol, ow Monday night gpl asraend hypoeriey in these changee—they were | O°! bran bys ’ are, doubtless wearied just sach changrs as might have been ex- ood bachadt with the w thir, We pected to take place in a mind like his. make an abstract of the most notable pro- He certainly knew no Jaw at that time, aod we presume he kaows bat little aay Oa Monday night the report of the-com- cruel treatment by Harria, indvsed some of the white men of the veighborhood ty call at his house and inquire into the case, when they dis- covered enough to warrant them in insiging tuat the ourpse should be exhibited. This was opposed by Harris, bat the Coroner was imme- diately seut lor, when the foregoing facts were brought | cin. The man, Harris, ise tdlerably weil informed man,—can read and write, and is said to be asort of preacher and dector, Other mem- bers of his tamily bave also shared bis orvehy> Even bis wife, on being examined, was found mittee on , other than Muni-| scared ; and the other members, fur vbildren, lewsed to enon te ake Cee ee | ipal, was Sally nd Pending its | from Gheeu years ohl duwn, were all severely | licensed to practice in the Coart over | consideration, Mr. offered the fol-| marked by whippiug—oar boy, some 12 of 14 yrers old, so bedly dumaged that be is unfit for | any kiod of work. quaemenigeenedye Joux Feicenwmen (negro) oman of very bed character, sexi to be from CUberlotie. was Aud even if he docs know some law, he “ Provided, ‘That inatitations of learning, is certainly without the abilities and the |™ Which blacks and whites are educated 1 be incorpora: moral qualities neccesary to make a good Cider pec o ap Horde — Judge. Destitute of stability in his opin-| Mr. ™ the amendment in faith and advocated it with veal, abil- ions, baving but litle knowledge of the a tone law, and being possessed of Jittle self-con- iw owe fidence he will be constantly driven back a reg —— a gemb er by trade or profession, end & great rarcal g ily. He has ded in cheal- and forth like « shatile cock between tbe | dodge the “social equality” thas | ing several negrors vat of their money withie argaments of opposing A. He eare-| presen yeas and were refis-| the lant few dayn He was before the MENDMENT VO. pala, as Gt ted; the sed, AND) THE | TED DOWN! This te another stride of the infamous Radical monster. Will the white of North Carolina vote for 4 ennatit , which compels them to jeend their children to the same schools ly must have been taken by sarprive at receiving the i:telligence of his nomina- tion, We think we could name & jarge sumber of mea in North Carolina who last week spon sume charge of this kind On youerday he rsiecda ditarbanes with Bk Gurdun, « white man, and drew « knife upon bim. He siso rained dimerbanos with Bort MeNeely and Sill Veleotine, respectable, well behaved colored men of this plave. ws EW™ There were also two negroes emtit- ted on Saturday. charged with breeking tute and robbing Lov: Trester's Mill, Two bays of flour taken fram the Md! were feand in their portrenon They had sokd « part of it im small, iota «On being d-tected they made qonlession anable to provide for their education oth- erwise, allow them to grow ap in ignor- jance t Never | Newer / Pe | The proceedings on yesterday are void of interest, a8 to the infamous action in the case of Mr. Marler. A com- mittee was « some weeks ago, to things aud we ought not to be earprised. cr —-_-> THE CONSERVATIVE MEETING NEXT SATURDAY. Let no vne forget the call bw & eonserva- investigate the claim of a Mr, Marshall +> tive meeting at the Court Hoasq, on Satur) Mr Marier’s seat. It had been generally | — ee eee day. We expeet have a rousing time. aad understood, and seemed to be agreed ACQUITAL OF SAMUBL BAILBY. a we appeal to every couservative ww attend.|on, that the decision of Gen. Canby, 4 Hameel Bailey, of Davie Covoty, indicted in The election ie rapidly approaching and if| ase teats to members, « be| in the Suvencr Court of that Cuamy, for the Weer pect success We must urgauize our torcee | Gnal. r. Marler was not called before) nerder of Dock Womble, 2 frwedman, come as speedily as possible. The insues in volved | the committer and felt ne conerra im the) toring the last cemmer, was pat apon his are the inost momentous that have been pre- geet Mc far sega maf is, | Wis! at the Spring warm of said Court last weet sented to the peuple of North Caroline vines | Fcebbine, a member of the comaitter, |#°4 soqultted by © highly intelligent jury stene ¢ the cominencement of the late war Thef | ignorant of some important facets. Two| Fitho vt the baa. According to the evidence are nutbing lees than the questions of suc jofScial statements from Gen. (anby’s| of the State's witness—the only witness intro al aod putitical equality of the biack with beadqnuarters were in poserssion of the | dvced—it wae a char ce of self defence — the white race. Theu arouse yourselves | committer, —one giving the official vote of | Mr, Bailry having submitted to the smanite of from the lethargy whieb has so long deprese- the coantics, by which Mr. Marler’s ma-| the argro antil lorbrerance ceased to be « vir ed you, and gu to work in earnest to preserve | jority over Marchall was 159 votes; the tar, and ont! his safety leh him no alternative yoor polities! and social relations from the | other the votes from the precinete, whieh | no: te take his bie. coutaminatioa of african equality if mot ao- | 98 said to give Marshall « weer of} ee —— Come to the Coart House on | 8 votes i ard reanptnangsrasia ar rod FI The Jewsiry store of Lemadt Lynch, Saturday and jun with your avightese tn | St oo Peart Me = Ey, i thee place, wae entered on Thursday . Md hehnedea\ too ee ‘| night the 37th of ebruary, by meene of te eodeavoring ty ward off the threaten | On the tation of the 7 Ms.) oving a Wek “end a lain tiee | Darham exposed the infamons fread and wf | demanded a fair investigation. He, Mr, | torent the fre piece. The whole tracsnation | Graham, aad others, denounced the affair, | ** "he boldest ani mom adroit piece of tithe cendency - a Reomise Tmcay —snwe of Lae negroes who spend their Une 10 idleness about town,jand Mr. MeOubbins withdrew bis wane | 7 we eret beard of Mr. Lyock’s om was! are becoming very tricky and austin, © ae te dla beck room of the store, cad Gren To Moestraic: they have a “drop,” or cord pases es por pica ade ga jal ~ a ec the — mast have re ot ’ crores 9 5 = ™ o ‘ } ee ees ee ee * | chal the seul abe Conservatives enter. | or some other erful opie, of they could of a prec of cad board jn ee ae heir p t, which was ol easly out hare their of rmmey hae been inserted by a splitting and | tuced a place on the Journal. repesting. Tle card is then wrapped in a pieve | of paper wil) a corresponuing prece of money ae and frandulent proceeding, bat viole- and dropp- nthe street where a particular |tive of common decency, and shows that | tdi vidual is likely to fod y. Ove of the par- | the convention te bent upon ity partizan ty stands rear anti the intended victim picks | designe, without regard to truth or jastice. | op the package. Ow tris doing =, this party Mr. Marler and his friends will ventilate i ly. The of the ee eee ea gpd me the comalderation |«r7eely wash lerys tnd chain shen'e tot ef frowt ol the sture, They then reterned to the front store, aod stole some cigit oF ten diver watches, « lerpe lot of fine and contly } weir breast pins at] ear negs, pocket knives, cee tering the money, says—“harrea! you're | ae jab. | s well files, punches, eutting and Gat plyers, hacky man, — foand five cents,” end tefl bim i=. on “Crimes and Punish eye glasses and we ch hawunera end thes re ter sm ame minicar aaa a ne amiga '. wim | showing the owner of the package, the moors | (#7 3,000 Mississippi negroes have | man's Puperty te mf, vow even his ie = The be sad he ovgit as weil pet ut into bm tet 5 sent a petition to Congress asking Gov- ; . veket. By the fine thas has been done, the | . . F | from his appearance neat bis tee wan te a Cowes ap oo! mys— id yu see erament sid to emig to La » Afri. | cwolen, his eye blackened, eed had an in any thong ot 9 pires lard based lying around | We have no ides that Congress will | ditinet recollection of feing two persone here 7” Tisy pawn, yen We just puw pick | anewer the prayer of these people. The | orwr hn ond ratty apo tm bie room, bat had no peewer to umeve or «peak. @! it op,” end prevtaciny it, bend it to lnm — | members of that bedy have too mach | No customer's wat-hes or work was taken, He thew remarks, “' comtains a tery peculiarly | cofing work to be done to grant the 298G (slagrapmapactored poo tr po seco to we preewus and lucky Site cent piecr, for which}! tion. Mf the petitioners had asked Con. |" " ™y f seve sournete- Mouks wot ake $5." The finder apt ro my—| grese to import 300,000 Africans and|‘™ “(end m eompictows hawt, “na, here's the money that was witli.” Bat | gyread them in certain Southern States to the ownrr rrupvodts, “ne sir, its here. in thie! 54 iy overturning the form of Govern- card.” They dispute sbout it, and finally make ; “ ” | We have heard, within » dey or a bet of from $5 w $20 sod sinke the money | ment cvtallisbed by the gern lPufeang an instance of oMlicial prove in the bends of the by-stender, whee the man | M6"; Jefferson, ? com | deserves wo be ined. It in gonerall tares open the card and produces the piece of | Peers, Congress would have opened its cars money. He claims the bet, the stake holder | Wide to teeeive the gratefal prayer, and hands over the money to him, and the party | Jadge Kelly would have sung a sweet re- immediately break wp and disperse frain in anewer to it. We have been infurmed that Jubn Follen-| Se wider, (negro.) noticed in our last as having | The Radical nominating Convention of been committed to jail in this place, introdnced | this Stata ananimously nominated Gen. and practiond this game dere, on several ne-| Grant for President and Senator Wade, of groes laut week. Bat others have snare then | Ohio, for Vice President. his certificates, dinptayed an aptitode fur such scoomplishments, | Gen. Graut is a great humbug, a great and on yesteriay Levi Davis, jr, aad Coraeliun collapse, anda great deceiver of Presi- sta haat Pandan eosin Sragredh ag | ES A Mayor charged a wid a Mr. A ‘ ben ioe cae, Bede nee B's = Pehertriolacgae radical and all ponagee bit by this or some similar trick, They were |* . were required tg retara the money, sad MecBi| Ob! landof Washington, whither art , with the prospect of receiving from thow tending, when such creatures as hin wife, who was along, 1 regu'ar caodle leo thepe ave sought to be thy rulers. young man was evidewdy foully dealt wich, Seneca La is al- ing near his house ou their way to school. | On seeing them approaching, he stopped whip- pa the rope over « jowt tug, and hauled bim cp in| the young fetiuw was dead, previous rumors of , committed to the jail of thie plese yeaterdey, | ia defanit of bail. hi some that be is « rowdy, | A Vereran axp Farrarvt. Orricer — Peet, of | . whieh 2. Ft Ses. foll age, and § constitation of 1865 I citizen tal yt ' male od. le sit months in the State — Q f i $ sho ae i f i 2 & F E 3 | gra. “The thirty- Wen V vute. | { it i i f i 5 z é i L hereaf- wes es the Presi- we i i f ! ] I t i H i u i ae ef ——- 2s } ob the Triimpet tn Bain o 2 + ZA ve | COMPANY « mi Issues oe Policies of all Kind re s LIFE es AN te fica *, D ENDOWMENT. tion in j pame. i 4 —— ] . 3 Absolutely no ot the ; . a eepllian o Caoral. - Travel iction upon “ shire. , New trom Oreven, reversed 5 hes Hall ve Want, | '0 inform =z 7 G Davis, r eve Taylor an ueat for plainti the House that or done opposition, combe, ylor and Kai atidt, | Pend. the Senate @ Die, ati, ogee | re Tl Rad Sages pee mee DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALL all white Ramee ‘sion, Wi ws Wood, fr Pantadhal em ogagna pee wll m+ apap requesting a8 moch Y IN CASH ded one oe —_ . fom. Waypa, judge Jaton wo sSvet. a9 is compatible with ‘ 5 ie the Sewn, sebtthesh, Ociomate By Reade, J.—In Smi The Judiciary Commi ALL POLICIES ~_weLY W P Fessenden, , Connectien' from Gailford, n Smith ve Coble, i quire whether ittee was directed POSITIVEL nt he JSF republica' t | injumeti donsover ocapvidel equity, | alate freigh Congress hes the bpd Y . of PT owler, republican a Maine, inetion enationed to the with costa, te ephta on onde rong rom ob Sat aaa NON-FORFEIT, vote. Foelingheyeen, repeblicns, ¥ meee 3 toes er ig to Wilh | en nena ove State | Sumber of Policies i a.og0 ‘ABLE. neh TW on pee | ae pe nn to mn ra at hl Parean Baistimer . - 1865 J Hari Heary G. Will ° vs | %0 72. - was t the | pividend the Pulicy belé Part of the ; ' 6: JIB naga Practice ae er ME ne hment 000. tet, 1867—Cash valne loaned, and no Re r 8 Headersen, ” ty Courts. to os atticles : Rictiahd introduced two The largest Mutual Life $600, loam or prenium Pe ie fal Fit Moca pte cen LATEST NEW : =. a re ee a tnnectl sage tan tan geet daim on the policy é htrcsgae fim the 1 3 eta, isconsin. ___ 3. moed the cree while journeying Life from $250 to after the én case of death and thir. To McOre opposition, Maryland. Warhi From Washin scent wich oy in ing tbe seins , Ate ; can E eOreery, 0 H ington, Feb. oa gton. that Congress ing, in 1866, in Washi s ? ess E D Morgan pin Sow York pee ora trocar Senso etre ees pone eteciees a + Fond LMM republican, Vermon’ ° mee ee on ope Ee nation of of twoof t » it, and with the sonst Corapine nthe United Btn. in. rife peramg a eae (eng pono ec Ota wat wnt il at are, bills io bie efforts to & United States. Company offers peculiar sped « SN replican Indiana. Th a j tuo will have «| j les reasons the the Seaate had over. SOMETHING twouim | 89% the South edvante “ ? orton, , —e- ticles of i great interest bere des taevend charge a sion, Thus article A NE people. Isis the ale ot _ LW Nye, repoblion inaseet. pean, bot po sxctemeat hon fapverom:\( ey ar in the W Paterson, republ —_— From , HE PROPRIETO KEEN. in the Onited shire. ican, N M Wash hall ree ©: 4 jy et- D ew Hamp| x ass Mecting in N . Washi ington. hess a S Pr. MES . T Patterson, ew York, Feb. ew York. tunes March 3.—Bingi Well Gre States. 8c wen, To mense aot . 29.—There w . of I ame wandee- wn F Seema, A Remon, epebtoun, Wve oo York | “Stern red te vet Yt ron 8a. Ts rates baing lower than EG i. mg bere last for Managers. weat vote un the bal-| Cultivated SALE ar those of other compa oman re- w Ross, republican, Kansas. — a Daniel E. Sickles stock having for himself; ton days J aulebery, F Delaw: Philadeiphi Explosion. lofen’ to Geo. Hancock, Se a a to er New Nusery Man Nat thot re OFFIC Sherman, , are. | of a, Feb. 20.— try. cho 30x | nanan Tes oF Wealsohave to anoth- £, NO. 141 BROADW. ‘ w we niki Fh Toe heal ea mien or tenant Represents Woe ay eof fall ws republican, Knode wight. Seversl man were iat wet nates ar he rt em, ne Poy 21, Prices as ae. Green NE ‘ e Negro D Gakeds obedient eg Ielend. persons were reported killed, —— Giaw, cnee Povrenry 2m, | Bond ate as can be found W YORK CITY ‘ ay J M Thayer m, Massacbuscuis: | w Impeachment ae Pe sy Corpenter, of Wissonsi ncaa ad siamo ae 8 any where | WEE. BE. COLM, 4 ® , Pepublican : ticles. ie ig Rae ay aa estbrooks & Mi . tate Goeretary. » iy aaa Nebraska ashington, Fab. 20. * fromet and ponetnat a * CHRISTIAN z A or bliean, Nebraska. articles are as fotlo —The impeschmes — nent. : attention will . and w . Fir allo we: t immediately . BOUCHE, . 4 PG Vaa Caged © ana tit er the memeval f io Lok Markets. Pos. 13, 1088. Information gisily ‘Pres, Ieod ; . the pe- Virginia. republican, West rtochs ig Ange peated Samper with im- | ™ neta aban Nog 2 3.—Catton very Grm y aluable Land ter Bale in . raished in detail, by p and civ- Gewens aed Pronch, kr B F Wade, republican, Obic ten at hearer We, can 9 te uy 70s71 12300 wee Pp benmre ~ Ware Gen'l W. LAWRENCE, of bet rons few wrt Willey peso) caer oad ar, with like poss- Sye7. ° re a Doeewnnls Ae ll mg . Agt. for the State ae & a bine , repablican, West Vir- Third. — iment, of | Gold 1,414. Vill sell to the ‘at February fer the Conn BN. LS others : ‘ po high we x bores oes Ore settee ee ea Low Yor, Mac Meld ute tn en a gp Ni 4 R Yates, Massachusetts Fourth. ¥ cmon Vicciien, Cuton dull U at] next, the , of M os with +s Bee Paettin Ss eine ee ae BG (Peggy adiagne yo Agr be a — ee ered ‘Baataal Lite le ls adie} | WHAT ARE Toul sember of repabicane ators to pret tod hn cence o| ARREST Sri eee and" peomed, ine | | gh Stl tietdtoving, sich ov dip Saircteggeee |e Far (heaped ° REPORTS. |""ss wea," daicn le et COMPA: coed cnet Senate w of Thomas Y lands : aan, | Raleigh Standard, we clip from the | SHAME! 8 er gig tedlaria: ey while | SALISBURY, N.C ime ond. John p.. WS) Rev. NY ‘ as of apealel What a shame and S455! the property ails U with Thomas 1 conances® > MARCH 64, 1988. deme te the uneocum bered @t Hartford, Cena. _ Ju et 2 ube’ : oy, people, SP yon U. 8. Senate has degree it lo that the wot of Jat, sest nd Glas een ions aie ceo ennean, inven se ap sate creme Sake and ev. Weare : if jee at Washington, and wthers te Por conspiracy wit = per pound, -. be a 6. aa" GRIFFITH . 31, 1867, permitted | be the counery a ekcitemen ject Stanton h Thom ‘ore. best, a os w# ye wee noel e year la the by Mr Ragland i » by persisten 4) Enygbth Fi ow oe itn of 6 ibe... + to mw CCL — >», Chine ettract te | permit the P : tly refusing to | 4 'h ‘of couspiraey ar Oftiew, | Copperas, veh. we ~ an Otice. eB A —,- =" Sera a tele. | *dvivers and dues — nor Sood Co Se of the anderen ni ies = a “8 to 1 : ares ASSETS P chan unby : vfficers. hie Cabiact | Nath For givi . Wer | comes. Adamantine. i Bite < wishing the $17 67 ras Sofa cone ge tee ee igre near ald ee Reeth etry les ’ aise (he i wr a of : a . exam- whe nod that dw | Ung oa Thom tag nan | aoe mee i Ware rms BE Ele tom, heper oom te mae = ee dition of py bef Marr saghen-d PO cated.) bat ve ‘eth sine the Seay We prmeding Ore, Renery sha |" WE ire Seam "908 Ace aaa INCOME FOR 1867 condemn ’ of Bh e : A ao) 5 = ge ° ee) wi m . mele ln oneugpe—sa Sitnion beck — —— soeee ae | Te thes ar one papreand-Syisher| are _ 2. ae oe mi or Pee — $7,726,516,53. 1865 Quite Lzpena edvieers. St Presidewt as af ima 0 ergerver the | Some pealed, .... wo the 1th sok to the bi mos ‘eomale a : “ and politienlly prorat ea talent nf pasematiiy ag oan tore wl Ee heme pe he 0 to ‘s Feb oy boy aa on } nd ‘cate no has decrived to the P: y | orm charges sedeut's answer sprees acaarnag . a pesied. ... + Mtoe 1 Raleigh Sentinel tide FOR ad ont sone doftary | | Tee — 6 and jneulted | Nine above; — per pound. .......-. bw 6! cil copy PREMIUMS tog te tre ntl hot Ce ph a ay ears Bly ago tried to ir the | Santas wal y ring the j tren. bee. . ~ voce bes 7) ———— $6,332,804,95, ~ hag lp ewarme of the (want isos Soares Tepe core fie fn in sal ele Sone |g = ee tt » (* the NOTICE —_ sre soogh we mast pce po ayy a or gre tor the 20d now for P of divgracing bi “4 d “Am 1 to omierse the actrees ty a nena Ste wl Street i day of February wate. — Sa | ing and many a Her espero Syma trand wd eer pr rin | Seat od thatthe Promdvet | * vain - 15s = m the Terra of Salary, there wee FOR INT! ne of 29, : the F pe baceath ye ages Aa Apgar thiew-| pers mere! the Cabinet a rete |G ee Bae | oleae Syren. - pees) ry, there was INTEREST, —— | prety behdens of the coe a ae ae a ea and scontengsiibe, gece : i-Ohiel, or General | Sort emo es - 1.0 91.8 | BARBEL OF BRANDY. @1.393,7 aon, ve {Epi glSh deot has bem ity oh sna the Pres SO tee SCG mm We see wee oo: ote saircds »7213,68 tte very carmel 7 a | shameful ’ ‘eaaighcvant ——— ihedrew, | Sagar, Brow ; to @ om, which or an ander io y coased q y treated mest jos . | was seized yy other marks -. the (aye gods potion wan rere 0b Oe gress, But it wil by Stanton and Coo. | =e Fiom Washington Canted reve @ Tro trtare ade the tote Ree LOSSES f° ages; De ’ Canby te be ovet | @ iM all come ri ington . rushed P bod of the T Internal AID ; ack oust | hike — Merch alver 2 to nited Reven: Ly 1667, fer |euinous tax ; ing some relief fairness aad 2 right after a that Conner 2—Kkt is Salt, coaat, oe SEE. qs | set of Vth J Btates, section ne ma vote. | aed epon our peopbe hom this | sooner jastice will re i hate ahant emlertcod! ~ Lverpee per sack . te mw A wily 886 4, of the r} at of Ore marly pall i. ver sume other pala pore ' hig set prevail __ befure them ie the quo murren if aa vobte 0.09 0 0.08 are abl waipactedl er reaps claiming said DIV 1,268,768,18 might a oa panseh- | Pres: AP ton a ing 8 deus 75 nery ul that e@rit '° aceo, a : . Sean @\ claim wi mi te Brand ‘gi ee : wm, ep np ra, | Snton wearer of tte rengrie | Fir Hone a eee Ci a i ee nee o- |= = ete ne rere, | ce or rapeshing bm. shame sd ecg nfo OE EE BES ate of Non EEE| ts eee afancde 2’ wot sume reliet Aspe «pag ad the Court, enn- | FTestdont at at wfben. months to get Of procedare, and = 8 dks FARMERS AN State ee Interest received more 700 mibia, De- not sroming oy to this evil? © he of ches, if ot oll gt the | MeDarde gal ye Supreme Court alby Pur cate. | ND PLANTERS. | of North | Dividends ae pla I Ae ee scneeeh, eothing ceuenrdinnty “| Feral iu ett ot porches Te i st Carolina, | 1 pies nw Rae Boe merece worth of ladual . gee happen in conseq entwessdinary | a b Bear reat jar of Double Refi Twen-| ., SURRY COUNTY Ascerance can be esau paper} The Athens iry Still Pays. eevee. — Charlotte Congre made from Lodi Manchetart ped Pos. | Supersor Court of ae Sakti: DOUGLAS WART a a Ga, Benner, eaten an tance | *% INCIDENT OF Beadeernc pea rye te ne |Srot enka ot New York oe typ peel aa ala Term, Geveral . } € OF THE : | at 10 ochok nee : — Hou | Company hav New York city, for whieh + | Robert cs A. On Saturday last one of ores. [ree nonlin ee ject eS B. Galloway, mo J. W. Doria ee Charters, Be uC. maty | and at 4 o'clock — the 7th inahaltbapary | TWENTY-FIVE = In a pyre ACHMEST. | y were ahpted. Vote | Freight and char LLARS PER TON.) eaten vole gy ag by the court { oo |W ca from N. Ni) th State for the Match that! arranted by the Con New York sdded jee weeks. for remrndt Otd | ANSON Carolina gany. te be equal |e an ceca § next term of our t to be Cvurt of J” COUNTY at the U _ te be held for the Superior og Pleas ‘ (oct Rowe cies os cera feo Kg me - aty®. y eed | of @ young man fb : wmty miles from | beers was called a y execute he ‘a | the first, 126 10 4, o Hr md nearty the same rote weight to any bigh priced eaper- day after the last Mondar in Pebra: | ary, | John J - Colson, adminictrater of Jamon 5 A. Bette i aayt; i, initere to > Uhe veoh y owl houn we by 119 be enter. ogi who lened « farm became read tiem — ren, mont of it well containing 308 a s four orn. j good « bill nents and poncbtvng elegans mabe over He worked | search f the elee- tree all depart- | o of ends, me oes twenty ba | sat far closhi Now ii corn, aod w persis, Poy oa | cll the mg, which the /™ ® - if it be | pr ith the "6 warrant L, exceyt the | United freveral por Fr Cae the proceeds of his | woman,) al » (a colored 43 yt the last, oF 6 aod all im the @w joes ter | B1NOO baw in, farm olew days ago, erp, | and wer legeu had been stolen pact polar Jag pnt chan olev,“— jastity cy mp aan woth oon rey Poll uae the arya pegpacagaresl in the house | 7 aly wed epuea “guia hi fii | cope. sg je market. The rese /? “ ‘ , about a ‘ bd ren asses | . ce i } e . e Territo- ea lienite and aby nly mah entry ny © ration | Complainant ao from this | Papas end Shanks tailed in gett tonishi ae > and Crate rita a Core. | 1A, te f oa the & will du, | with nN mg ba § past been as- | jnc plead anew peta, Mon- mauve saha- | dead of leeces 9 If cur young any: tout her articles. the officer to ce Mangers Grrulpe from 10 days to evasce. It waters jncment pre poser gr snp oh saa, Utah ? Certain to Huwlaras men, in- | honse . Arrived | how chown in cs wd are the sw bles th two weeks earli erop | bi fenso will be cane, oF on in [gu to wor or the officer A = . e or lier, taken 4 vs. Themes 0s 79 ’ de-haping the 4. with Bensil, wor: | b ae noticed a w at the | a the ran sce, Mee Dewnucrat ame as | POI yp. Read the followi , and dow-| Witness, A against Peres ‘A. Rebiasss all the the | they wuuk) svos 450 right here at home y fire, told het of hi oman sitting | %thimg |: nad to at fowrtepasta FE .K ISLAND PI me Sa ~< @. Feorecn, Cloth To mame naan and others. the on, pete that padre pe | ss : a basi: wand sc Sete it = te hare |y a Co. epg: TON, | Monday ie me Dob = phe « eas RSPATE scnePe. <5 aot —___—aa—— jother room he lett the — into an |% thee sada to mform the —, Dear agg Nanay Pres eo el gi lca fag fy lier za hap may Settee, lg he ~ | ons condi: sso een |. TO liome Monufacteree. rage exigodet Presi payne bapa ao poe reared Sep Neb. aching ‘owt, 2.| State of Wests Careline, poe Sout und Gow ‘Ss ye Territo- dishes inte tp Drtsar of tb papeenpe cho Pebecee Plent, | fog obigne ay ire pretty seen fo baa eae — m ion br rea! tend wan eqthasir speedy pled ANSON colina, ‘m— Sota Gans hb cramep by Oe onset Y ing. jee ug i 58 Super ‘ a - ! os Cig Ps thew we| [om Shy ems wo al heaps md oe ire tr — o Teck be | a te Sere Cn a caanionke ‘ee bapyen atone Timo nay that ti CO¥TE fo @ phabbt Pn mache, oe en roses sod the Bower | chat whch is w two delle pr oe coeaied b eo Weleg prey aolress | wap reer to he vt aod reasiraion ty | ive rime, wrtilizere os ple ieaclypr cago Bad Janwary Amey? fone Tyee garth by 98, This but certarn- to be a superior wankel at two ie anid | interfe i woman of the 7 Senate resume M |the Puadrett from what we tr pee | f Steen. 1868. x de grey — — y- 7] aoe the Pree pairfeiy on one sees Cus ben-| bouse inte and took the heuer, He | cee A owes prolate as ongeaaayl th Vue tag stg ar er wted, think | Garrett, | Metvina Jonph = Kaien ved im, Son it with re pli pany, them upluyed by the com- e into enstudy, ‘ond man of the | |), The Kad nest arvte over lets a her © Jorn looked well and our-| Casmeneber pe spore : Oa, Se ee we Qan cree a men and gnamber of Swiss, French to bring her to tow Was procee ding | ‘ne the proseont tne sale bcp sg 14. bet the grew very | apher C» Kirby, censet boted on tact os: wae eau of Giana inaek preseuts newts the meretri- showk! est The people of the x appealed a n for trial, when sh well ot the dré wo weald be rest euded on ‘ our corn. so that river raised! ft a . ‘Ti coon of haenn. os none towm , We ae com it a privilege to Bout | tlc abe bad gr to be let ofl pons eral Republica moe, It aeflaa ti ceaietangpa A ae aneareary aaa ay are avable to} the te the entish there te plead amewer a- tetas then od ith, an property are eouben cveres of ts eabeabte | be #8 a, @ a aioe leas oe with tue (O°? ee ere ane Selena apts ny en Moyen ~F se tD as pean oe haan 0 , am evurttrie bachelor at Ches- their business nhere well-known se | eed ake bod la the om the cond ey to-day, reached oT vote a iecooe prode carpe considering Ants ~— Ths. pais cee. reed me Pisses parm ~ | he . : capectty : ; peachaent b; 2 sis woald ‘| yield large weed, weath- therefore ordered canuvet be served - ~ abbey y follows — a — —— ee Oe pi pliagendl yd pot ee a pret eee ee ond] Ginh bot ple oe ee ee | ——, lee whe meen Bona? frome ah vod be A Cane for § ’ hym that he woman’ ugh to con- Ni lpater Ppl gal Pinpegesiran eee ae T mast say Die gy shel ~ magi ly. im the re. P. 3. copPErag bead ast! eS alate oor Tt ia nid that intendent Ashley. “The “ee t was ——— articles of al garb Respectful! aries for enrw terra er. Ring te be "easing = an — - Bie |S Sah Se it att te so iadaas 4ettey,| "sib toe nabs sot te i yeelionipees eccicaeeee, | fcctvsukeee| Estray Noti yobed » bg doh na < asarte 0 engital “K ievarg with dally ae ——e Poqporn proceedings. not rote nor preside, dari 8 box ta Wh Ce ont Rene = Oe me oe te A: 1 y otice | x . ALISEURY. « RK. Cas. egainst him. Guat to plead. TR AND j— ier 2 a a et ee eee women in eae RDB eaSeoepeeteee cron; Eivasend "Seis (em ‘lemma de ; Tie eto beta bent wn ts own rare, athrwy tan Gere From Washingt Dear Sir: 7 oun taf og. 10, is07. | Wan Bean 2 sit ntet sede vi oe 6 BOER mint 6 the dae received #15.- North by the severe ae Griven without an. d which. left to Washington, Ma : nt EO yee Dowbie| 2: 5 ~ Coppedge, clerk of sald comrt| 5 monthe, bown.on my Life of winter. y restraints on , March 2,— is far ye la court | °% “atintying ‘The owner ber busband. ene felons. Only Doo't| is fast sinking to ite and checks, ved kin private wail’ ®t Gen, Thomes re- er fertiliser for Cotten snpertor to any oth tenet. Meoday in Janeary me of his right to pan tie , . a isck-birds} thet of the sevage and cndiice— yon pe neiy i A beng gaearias ir 1k Ok cen. ; for T have given its 2. 3. COPPRDGR. Cer +] Boao, Bob. 33. 188 he and brute. baat die Pamphlet on JEHU FOSTER SEWING WANTED. : gee SAS oe wise Mer te any one every information se Jr. 18 —— STORE oe Cxpemininn bene The Lod, ying enter: = Hare am! MARY HOWARD, Corder A LARE = Por Rent eoulique Van ¥ Co., 68 tel thade @’' street, will nak of Main 4S YEW sTORE HOU! —- oe weet on Svste, for Greenty. fice shirts for gen. > eg 7 B rc ft ~ Deb. Di 1900 conte SLAG ~y- T . woe ‘ and for baaines miles, and ae ‘Pod 1% 188 @. A. ALLJOF «3s ; ox. luide. Ynamwemnae = | oe SC Aicorar sue wow i Pr. “DMON" FRO F iy - é 0; wit by The plows merited, hs Z od } Lime they: to. enquire: lately: oi) 64 wniorit “he cosine Bee, pol the’ ‘pee men pe the adopti 1) Constivutionsy}-.. jilehaennds deubé asi caarys State with surprise. Sneh a dist f ob- tee 1 News. | to be submitted by the Southern mongrel | jectionable and incompent men, to fill the ann CR ae mee Conveutions, shall be hecessary to t vilow for which they are named, we not: = hee ne vst a pip not wee Ger to have seen ortheard of, The tu ag trial of the” Rev. Stephen | the registered voters, as heret alt ccm, in This” selection; the MR. Tyng was concluded.ow MDmesday, by the | seribed. The Bill hea gone is the. Presi- ; Radicals made no note of persenal popu- closing argumevts of Mr. Fullerton far the rf » x ry ve" ) or fitness, bat resolved to it Pathog act : doubtless, be passed by. the r BIDE oes ud, relying upon the power M atta rent aguice tne Moye Me. vag or otheins. |two-thirds, [t is steed eat to vi Tt So 8, ne kites e+ Lo Leagues and bribery aad the vari- ing in the parish of @uother’ minister with- | 2POM the pertidy iuvotved, iu this) meas ©. H, PERRO M.D. Med Ads Pd ous demagogical arte employed by un | out the latter's permission: if that was all,| Ure —the vielution of faith solewinly pled- Pager "len It principled people on such accasions. Sach the matter eonld be easily disposed of, but in| ged, —for these are things that will aston- This liberal ind ‘solvent Southera Company | ; , See DALOR (Ou: '¥,, * +) TATE AA a ticket ought to be beaten, “horsc, foot reality it peril aa the two lish none, in view of ihe charac ér of bays to ite policy holders annually at ¥ wATeH an@™@qagoons?”) Leave out the negro ‘ges! parties of the church. ; | Congress, rhs. | be ger tatt 6, veexty papel vote, and the ticket ia gcerral could not the Praeted « A Racled y ite Sich | Bat the Congervatives of North Caroli: Sie den, Cent. of ite. Profita, a ; ! : " e aged fv, aaa ' ” carry 12,000 votes in did ot the now Con. © as , s newer ee na mart take it iu its pew fi ad de- ft its taking novbs imipiet - her tile. | trig, amy ’ stitution and its own election oh Ge Pet catcebleg he va feat the new Geaiiie ate et at {| for che half the predihae . és * * "| Ditestors,.of ility and business eapacity. | et og pes ae Ss : ey CRI. WEBE As a North Carctina ticket, the ouly and denominations, and seeks in posh vole, Jet them bear in tind the new rt sees pT mwemaabe! = Sa pee it denied. is | om i“ 5 aha ’ . Tri Weekly, approaching to respectabilty oF Pro with thei to preach the Gospel land to save | ™ istration fourteen days betore the elee- 5 ee on oe ee YI ' my ; OFFICERS } — ” “ @ & whole, it the nomination for }enuls. The other party disallows the right Gem. "Thousands of qualified: white. vo- it alwows its #8 to change their S oa A Oa rerio aprenie ‘Court, yet we cousider that ' and validity of the ondiaution 6f other Chris-| ters iu the State have not yet registered, from one another. ‘ ng S rP¥SID ENT Ee heneh greatly weakened by the ticket.— a) eke and the éxisteace of other} [f they ave friends of the white race, they ih Sopa ee a oe 2 1 ae. ing uel «che A af neminecs 3 churehes, dot rene P of . - ; r dope sete Seda fe ¥, wah These parties are known and familiar to pea re we add behet f Conservative west lt offers the following certificate as to its sol- TORN FoWaRkne; o ~ rier OT, ae ree eee ec reek tas the high and tow church purien, This | 27 himself to secure the segictration of one te tnopeeany wrstetsecd bet, >. Sh the Br bape ot question involves liberty of Seeeck. freeduun osery qualified wan. ~ Raleigh Sentinel. a bc aap SB Wath Issaca, } ye: am , On being = mes. thiek »y ; $ d % ——_~ae -— ; 4 h . ; we Fool tm the place of Judge Barnes; jxy- “i conmelence “yea, the principles or which | aw iW PARTIAL “AND UNPREJU stone, ood Qe Seenche ean ney tee — e ‘\Q 2) MMArTYrs went tothe stake and gladly saeri-|“* . bey ss , . Nelson, and State of Virginia, take pleaguie in | MEDICAL EXAMINER, eb. bth bind Jones, in the ae of Judge War- ticed their lives. If this were a solitary or 2 DICED TRIAL, ay Tee Pee seit asd rie compar OHARLES By SMITH, M. D> 7 ren; greasy Saw. atts, in the place of novel instance, he would have beld his The fortheoming trial of the President ay. “The Hetate Insurance sti Ne pwn onde r t pets ee ia | Judge Gillam; youag D. 8 Kos el, of ee yeaa more ~_ half a century | is probably the only cage on reeord in Aiitleceae teentt aaie e aha, 6) Qaxwmat albert oo er Gt — who has - jemith rec saat = ae bares be ry eco which the tribanal was, virtually, sworn ance are subh 5.10 commend it to pat- i C. Canara, vn “de ought, the burn-books ve law. Be structing bs me pim. And if ough a! in advanee to eonvict. The itomedtiat ‘| tonage. , ara weside ‘ rust ruction is nuw to b » a ; mace 5 i Haron, of cone wil dy ian “rtuni ww te bat tome | ee at eased The Tea ae Fc pista mera =i place, but we learn be ig a Conserv ative. ‘and the court before whom his elient ie vow | He decision will Linge, is the consiita-| - N i a , wi . currene?, Settle may do on the Radical ticket if. : T } bieranashiy ; i ; agenpehinl ite gifairn. : y ms at the re - tried. If thig younger Tyng has violated the | Heualuy or Bocoustiiniwnaliy of the None of us have stock or ial ini hia jusglemae they can . elect him. Starback has no! cannon, su has also the elder Tyng, nnd so Tepure-of-Ofice Jaw. If that law be this company, and siniply give this as disiter Charles T. W One qaalification for a District rpg mach 2 Drs. Newton, Dyer, Canfield, and a host | really violative of the congtitm@ivea the — tel the © goed y pacha sa lenmaciadge And as to ‘Sate Gaungn jof others. President has committed ne offenec in re- : Gumrt, | esi “m aoe and Bowman, they have no qta eactnal He then read over the testimony of Dre.| fusing to regard it. If piagres _ | Guo, 5. Srevans,Clork CirewitGowrt, | Thos. Y. Evans. numerous for theeffies. Judge Mirebell in ont at ee ak Tyng. Patapon | ——— The Bestar’ bs arcertaining tra foeape . Pe we ek tte: | Stipa. fair a re On that ticket, unless the mongreis Preaching im other parishes beside t wir ow? | ianocenee, must Grat i | oa. Clerk Coanty Gout, ©) W relligence, : * ) y without consemtof the-reeters of their par. | "O° u sard oteresewe the con- { @ A. . i ope Jed : arena hp = = ben, and, alsd, in relation to the use o ve ! stitutionaliiy of the jaw. This very ques- | We inteiet a aed Pire - a ge anda g uservative prayer book at special services withoutre Gon they did determine, under the solem- | is pa Judge Pearson wus danbiless s lected spomaea in cases where books were wot to be} ¥ity of their oath, in the aicenbuamma ad Traveling waitadl’ abbte to j his part, by the Radicals, for the parpose of giv- had. He calied attention to the resulutions| the law. They have already, in effect, | c JAMES F. 140 ABO A 4 ations and iog*Gharaestr Yortheir ticket snd on ac-j which were passed at thy meeting of the) sworn that the law is cunstitational. They | ' Jaa mara mild eee quae by — cone axa Aa a Judge, as be is as wate i i. : yr labret | j ate therefore, ax it were, sworn in advance | — — ” : os eat 4 vell-Saewe & Conservative mau ad ani “tT pe eee a tq convict. In ordivary crimiuabtriale ne | 3 bed The Bate ticked; as. whoie,is the mos; ania meee ae oO a | man who has expressed en opinion ol ‘1867 Ho! for the West. 67 baile valoerable, which could have becn named site Mf ty Reata Ghcue i foe et {tbe guilt or fnnecuce of the steuberd b | ! , _ No ordi BASED © edith = ee re : she sey, and sald that there were more eommun)- | OM Prtres } By! aaa juror, bat jo this | i . Paks convi , poverwer ants belonging to it than the whole Episeo-} 890 @ jary 1 as Pot oly expressed ; 86 93 7 fore the wbiteopecpic of she Starr, WIM ni charch ia the Uvited States. The Nit. | an opiuion, but sworn to it, 5 to try the | COSTARS ’ ’ ciety fan —— fate as heretofore. edd = chy roh had fol ny) its centeanary, | casel— Richmond Whig. ! rf By thé Great Notional oe ‘prtuiart, vindiedve Had- and subseri wT the propoga- _ oe | T > ~ gr ical. who, seme tame since, decisred to a | tivn of the Gospel all ocer the arid He TROUBLESOME SAMBO Preparations! DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE lj vip gael alt Mc bly, fa the gratlemsn, that “Holden was too timid | Sis *aid that presehing was pot his only of Th co é " { } ; ; cireameéta c deters miei bg ore te to Mornrt ince fas tend’ SPiey Alec ee Metre vervbedy. Feies 7 ' BAL b-& OHIO ‘ae . : P rae ‘ joand. © ir Mevhe tree bee ga = ° asosloel, bee | oul gti. mrp er ress & g | with hice at the Nerth «bile we are hav very y , fries hera I ‘ AND ya thes - ; = amyer f tug oar big troubles wish him at the South E Uses Rail " X pea ul i ‘ cv - p ait Backonan, team wich Jef Dovis acd As, seine giuners to be wiem The Witte two Of Spencerport, N.Y... erybody Them | | ROOA, niheores ITS ‘CONNECTIONS: drew Jobason, sud besides these be, — Wit aot for to-morrow’s sun; ie in a state of excitomens snl agitation | Everybody—Bellevex tn Them ! would Webel Gevergerywho 294. & it happens. this very hymn had heen en the sab} ‘ ‘ hove Gee a ; : A ject of a aezro, +4 recent impor. | | Arreugements hats Geen made by whith Pomeg | Couch Jxpeetorsuan, Shor stents, ided the to in ase in the Protestant Episcopal ehureh for : : : An a T wekene na Exntlcmen Spit 100 years before it was adapted by the P ak from tise mg waa Teoumily Everbyods~-Re commends Tiiem ! Aen = res py ace | f yl oy tym gy mane he * F ; he was wm Bp would bn bee Methadists. If Mr. Tyxg had gone so a. | Clee a OF a, lomp a I ae seen letanepdir, lad, Losirv tie, Keg Verner wepalive cumdition of ibe while oT a>: LJ «. Gat bar! y bAlbans, and gone through the muwmurrieg | 62 zatiow under the impression that be | Are yon tronbied by Rate, Mies. Ravches Cvcog, bit , Naustevle, Ts dortmed. | teu we : as 5 pete im, Ome gels there. or read the prayers for the} Was 8 white man. Wiiew the osletake wap Aum, de.) 2-Buy 6 The. oc Bde. Bont | Leen Mw. Cipemantiy. Pete. } witnees SOUS banging aad mised eer it dead, which he theo read as follows :— discovered, upon the negro appearing and; Coatar’s Exterminators it Jemeglt, Men, Clestvinnd Ons, aire A This, we learn, is undoubtedly + And, “© Lord 6 } . cananey'S as, y true Anc ord, oat Redeemer, whe. bast put toking tie peasy: a Groat eommatinn ey: “Cnty lntaltibig Remedion known.” “P Qeimey. 1 Tuiedn, uber, such « man is spire forth for the voice chated mankind by Thinawws Blood. rising} sued. The Ladge comprise about Ubrec from Potmon.” “Not dangerous ty the Mme See eg — Nasenen: of the of Aerth Cercle! Men-\ as by Thy death Gum the cting of dath.| handeed meemiesiand om beat declared | Nine te a” eee So Bes ake, Lote ea ee oe @ deuggie, ia Newborn *4 giving 0s everlasting life by Thy resur paar if th bales to die.” langeueed to keep in any “eee, Tomme Leolayrrte. bude en, ag Son He ts a North. POUC% gPOmt rent to all whe hawe fallen asiery ack sl Se , And all Points we the Great West. un holiness, in the deserttoupin the cities. a1 | Bitied to continue in the organieation.— |, —— Oa ny tne ets ren = Cideletigwe: on lend. odd ie pt a ove hk sas Ibe other balf declare thes shey wii! leave} —————____________ , ‘ i ee : ery Br anid privete, nad bichope. tu the solitary acd if the negro is expelled. ‘The Borhy ster er vou Uoneved wi. Bed. Oui y Coats! THO CHENG ES = Wehing be: the wedded. t» all ages and gemerations, and| Umion say « KP Sayeths. oréte. teceg % GO bete-ee W Wy end Ioiag qroes before the war, bat, with the cxemp- ht them for Thy heavenly hiagdom. where| ‘These iod Templar indges are pliers! “COSTA RS" DED BU@ EXTER. Rae tHe Changes te (Vatioseth ead thie. to Gon of shugedece, im money making, be Tbwa livest and reignest.” where bash ersr nae . bythe we Wf which be Was rested to ulmoet has wo fitness for the Henderson | Alters few minates delay. Mr. Nash ree Pete pees ee prowioges NalA bang ap may B04 prevents Bes. Domed Oe Wawkinygton to Indian: | sem weeks phar banog wileret chew rfally prermene ed inte off Adams for | Bev taer sap chee for the preceution, io opeving | ared people can sly Veiadassted 13 oe . 7 apolia 36 hours; Cinciorwati BO houre-) 2°" th a severe wom aflevtiom and that ah sing bammendt y voter & : ; . , | the charge. be anid thas the « PTR € proper! ¥ bead mitted iLere ma iM P a firved dense, Consnmptun. hes b0W alll plied by tes As af accountant "PPee ng a k and St. Lénis W hours * Curis 9% » Lqagenrn.eram, tren ip Very tevpeantalte " cording we be fe omtively deficient — “94 Spekee for wutsiders, and net bir the they can be takew into ame Gasnil y te sp | > aay , ee rer ten with the ost merked ede ar ulereat, he soreg ees es aie gh Stra hn "Fy Sar) met oh ou otra | RE MTom open a hours endl AD ine Pe Bea eA Omari aetna Colemas, Peopmi. eo Ore ile Aaa Sor ere | Bf the refined Indie af Aprnerrim ae wd ay arn, Bementy bs prepare oral: £ ol . vom ons ef pure AQF nsigalibe pr nas a og bin ang POE = fant oc hall sh eral Z ey ‘COSTARS” INSECT POW DER The Balbir @ OW IM ihaad cid Wicnde nerereg ta wy ye her be eertity bapsabe « hag he teeket Pipa, fat ins rt he had preached mo as te disturh M Falles- | easely bei ’ . De-trovs instant'y Fiens and all Insects on ‘Ee ‘Unde ot6 the eaily Hts Cited ow oherg’) WA 4. WILSON, Dheert, (16 areas Ae oe ne ote pig hs x hie taleats “to « use by pers ri K bro. seeld he ox be stopped ! W hat fe’, . ae —_———— —— * evenge ree fend athington City te.) W ihameburgh. hogs oe ini ot Oetieiinnen a . which, ne them sadly. C. L. Harris fur Sapern- Not teraase he preached the grepel. hut be GEN. GRAST"S MOVENTS :eeeeeeeenes eee eee ent stem We eae te nak | A bled conaat a eign he ; we sduentthews alicnaeete aed, mations teudest of Public Works} He is much “aos he preached it wik-te he had mo rich If a: : ; z : Fe, wii he nee Rahamae Kun Raioved, van, niin Sich foil cal wage ee Downe” w tp meat, com , puch als pd : ent | any aecarence ie devded coperrring “Sure thing.” Thowsands téetlfy to fa the MEWT CS nee Grek citres romte. pevfarehot ant ner repether wits dhort hig | ab } nearec bis calibre in bis basinees of ap Phere © grant 6iB--ente between presed -| the iniewsion of Gen. (j amt ia this erivio, wert tP fey 2 Me ore. t— porchecing Weer-ry tite tthe Wie the tery A tue cane with symptoms, eipeviea «| Wiles. Anger S| ae a abs praiairy S plyady als at wilt woad at ad = the Gospel and practicing it. The ran jand there ie ne one bese «he eutertaine » “COSTARS” COKN SOLVENT. th ge te eet Bellin wet tte e resem the ted cure. con tw cheat tires of ob ) of e ‘ slhowk! feel eo imchord, to anstes « cor “CORT ARS” RISHop PILLS. Farce ngrt bo pac bore through te het, pon whieh Mr. Tyr ried exteted in | OTIS - “ mad ag da ——— it pail Ge Rewigh, Comnct: hpibees ph Beb-p at > in the fect thet he bee Yes Cams, Busines, Form fe. Tynan West, ote Gettemnge & Ube M8 ba Wikun, as sborey or by calling op or ad-| a penal roy at dees e know « the Pubic pime wished to do what this 4, Pemow old guard of the Wer L--' —— sine ~ ——~| 67 Perers tm B-wigrese to ons of the | Werks Mi Ipina crricatere of the eGee. | waate—ris: w do whatever he liked aa partment, the 12th mfantry, and detaske dd ———————_______.. _____’ wasters ut Mest eotbrn Mines dom bt ao G. B. POULSON & v0. thes Rev. 8. B. Ashley, the Pilgrim father (Langhter.) M- Tyng hes» perish em-| men af hie own body guud, the Sik eas Doa't sof 7 with Pale’ Waedertet power | "t OP 5 patty of TO tgs re oneal ae Srey from Cape Seaper inten iro: of Pablic bencing 295 familien t» attend tw: has he, aly. to do the duty. of Healing’ Beery family showid keep it te cle oc icp gantPd rcpt aa. B.C.) Gal apd A Kdecation ! does North Ciroliua vat enough to de witinet attempting weran-| Gen, Grant iesued an order yi idas — ay tia My Ming. grat Nemh arefaslut Sele) 40 305, esas en each o ap ee alin rad etbarras , , 3 } tar Bay a Se om § ot fo | : want With « Massache tes man for tho: _dellires Po le ltl Bees amnaed. If we| morning, calling the ate tien af ema “COSTARS” Bi CKIMORNS at ve Leedibvampedin, Ind Chiange, I f ——-- mentees i leaner efiee! He neither respeete the whiie cabbage mare oo as are _ a aoe bad mandersof posts to the rreent set of ( t eftacts are immmedionn. Fer cute. borne [imrignonti. § hes, 9 Leuk SP | On acement of the wn paralelied demand for theory of people of North Carolivea, not can Bey gvarn enter Wo Gees pe, mop er gress that all orders to the army mst wounde sree tresst< pile were ald ree Moony. Town, Nepricon, Art. | the Reeadnlie, [ hare mored my Labora-| will ben respect, bigs —Ral. Sentinel fa eh gre clean’ f ware = pass through his hand-, +h: h headgn " ah. scrofula amd ¢utameous craphone New Orecan, le, Peduest, By.. } torn from Wilson, N C , 429 Hanover! prises ple oo es < {LJ ree ) ie chapped bands, pe, Ac. bites of animain * Fre ot) eeciered priees. { Street Balt Md j \ Vie went of thea read the devlera ned by members | €F? are in thie city. and that orders com neevta Be Vomr ager sivvubd inal ences parchare Thromgh , erat + Theree ther of bey A NEW SENSATION of the Epmeonel (Sczeh im favor of My.) ™Sting from any other source mash sot ir urhet> inven the piece they >601i trots le where ft P ; nn \eotadiog Uhrente Wh tow oy od Rey, fhe. K. Coteer, whoie principal of Vem. and asked if they to sgued it dure Obeyed. The President hee teen Mo hey nee Gane; o6 by m Mog they wr wre | 1H GREAT SOUTHERN \Camat Po koormente te epiuto « ochael én Michmend, Va. fur nde. g Wi etand np apd say he whe did preach the ai crery print, ond thera is arp Cniveree! Dinner PINT (segercoated’. Pov #5 & 610 im moves, beedes they aro me ° Ate munity, edinetid gen fir the minis rv. eri . f A Amti-Chrie, Why. these men 4 ret pene oo pein le = il be able ae veers adewiaieared tw a Pe fePrec. “ek (© tne sere on redecing bugbege aed Health Rostorer. , Wiwe. N.C, Mey) a by such ane + aie ’ * not know w at they are talking about: the ’ . dn fe . = ee ee ore aeenae © tent emery xe Oa eee; Rowse. haw F i ee eeeiae ooo wegen nerthera pager young man , ; P ‘ The best Blovd Purifier in the World.| Joe Mere boner gad ed olen tor fester-e 1 cannot pL no there from North Carolina, eaeanorets fo he eee Te \; poral’s guard of the regular army t> aid Ps iene Ane P the Aas fru ©: psure om me 38 charged of! the eavire in poe who been atri by the Rebels of taoghter. acd cries of Oh* Ob ') haces, | Him In bic oppasirion ta Congress. — Wash : Tdgeation meee gs mtv ten nelors of Passougers ant > etere, EP Bewy | , : “Ames ar certing ann Le was nd thane! afer tke Me Nash Acard Wie address ait CO" NY. Tridene, 24th headeche. dyspepaa, dy - re a me pegice alice : mae be nent =| DR. LAW RENCE'S . “I je y had sold $0 eccere money to defray tle after 3. and the court was adjourned Watt : a dew rer comp'aint>, chill fe- :erce 4 etd ii pase 64 fai psy grees CRLEBRATED ‘ a hee hee, Whe ie this vou a | Steamboat on Dan lirer —We had the rere, de. Sot griying. Gentle. wd. jt : organ man Nerth Cérelinaf [ie mm}. COTTON FRAU DS—CUEN., GRANT! proud -atietection of ant oanciug that ey.) 274 ~rthire aw afl latter abewenh po 4deren. / r wr? Gaited a with eb . MeLemor®, and fiailé frow the vicinity of IMPLICAIED | reegrwente have been made by nar tow, a) Lotls 4iM WER, | | } +5 i ‘ orvetonn: Wapaerilie. Waring the war, be war [8)-cial Aepatch to the Cineimnatt Pngnicer {28M the erttarme of the sarrennding vieia® : ———-{ Hen Mather Ant teen a te | 29 ewe we, So Mea Mest ste obecare men as a Ba; Mewphe, February 24 The pois pos pe ee 2 oe en Bw, hy ies wine por Pay cag —_— ; Rettic. hommes tet mitioter, He was wot in the so ea eae ate - > rve from Milton to Barkedale’s depot Pi ciety oo ee and Ey Sow ss Cone. i pearener" ot hin wede — tithe renvey, Boe = een cee, ne reine the bor 111 6M tw ander the management of Ores | COSTAR'S” COUGH REMEDY. (“de Tihe wn, LEMS, re ah Pe Ben, Bhermam eameto Fayetteville.) asm epecular nage stlge bs ied lec ince 7 Me) Walker. colored 0. 8. mail contractor | The ehfidren cry t+ it. te 9 “Seating BA. 0.0.8 Bor BURR and 6 & Gp tante tor pre pene te’ hoes the ones csed. ha hee 1 hei: als d willhe ased by him as a mail bout, wang di Pow ov, cota, hrareonee Ba eter sa BaAumore and idle hile gdwestion. He took away hight mpntant feera J c * will . ng freight and pecsrngers. As we a thine be reeneteies ideo. dane: 7 t of the bie @ile—seterwed 4 short time report- "the trigl that Gen Grant and other afi! the saccess of thus prajeet to the en Rpeskers, nod al! troubled with Thrag = 2 OS era | Consumption in ite ‘ ph ed that the was dead—and wow says that cide were peivacly codeect.€ whh ine)? * and iudomitable perseverance of aera will Gud tie » beneficial State of North Carolina ment aud Uldrru tion «sf the ok Wid hebes lestéwe wives. Goes stripped of coiion +jeculators during the acbeanee 11 Ubatlet who ie highly reapeeted tr hie solace a 1} Bonen, Liter, Kidneys. #0: Bhewatttinn.| , Te Ten een 5 to enter 8 BERT the army through Miseiseiipi and Tonnes. nelitgrnce and enertiont character. w- MONTGOMERY COUNTY W hite Swelling, Mercorial Afechons Sore, DeALe. OF, North Carolina, @ eines exbool. Awirthy man; why did be not ere in 1069.” I : enggret thet the steamer be named “She! aie og en INTGOMERY COUNTY. Eyes, Old Sores, Dineneee ier to Pet : of white te the Kdemsion Keeney of the 15 thie ease defendant.a Northern man, Cestiee Walker.” iia a ales, Bruptions of the Stim, Ceastel Bott (> MONTGOMERY COBY. State Convention or to some school gaye himaclt by proving. by several wh. en are Ley made to pi! skin « tranepare eo co Heath, oy Lo ow Dian pee ty Ee p edhe in Bute! Why go to Dr. Colver nesece, thet where the citizens woald ot Lae beat on the river immediately, and we . a -pyp | Lourt Oo Pleas and Quarter Sessi on impure Mate Poot. - ms = nenece, : en ot |“COSTAR’S” BITTER SWEET mane ‘ ' with @ falechood on bis lips aod seek am seeryt the prices offered fe se wa anderstand the R. & Danville railroad has - oees” ihe January T. LF cg ering, smell Pron wee of oer} i", Pleas and Ol place among negroes! "eae we care pi Secated ‘by the repbenlontbonyeny 7 ny agreed to haul it from Richmond without | AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. lat aia bent inca, StH bt wear ve { = J L aaa a ion ond noth apne (iraat received « pct eeptage on all cotton a bout iss demsker ix Milaca’s | races liege aont-ar Home Certificates, from Phyriclans,| re age & “és ’ ac tot k ty j ‘ 2 ' cap, : ’ dy hemes ceed lemgadit FE. % . olins A. law of pon rm bedlopestl of hic’ flan saan a ond will give things in grneval o new tars, Laden, ays bottle, and ece ite wom. 4‘ © Bell, dm Sal me aga wh The beirmet | | Wa certify that vhe he rnd at mo perms i> a at lew wife, bat we do feel boand to affirm onthe Mr. Calhoan’s library was lately sold, Miltom Chronicle. ste sas SIN _ | Guna o6 wae eH od fat Soskocty erga! veverind $e tnstvenie tetaatinten. the Kec beet gutbority, thatdr. (olver bas been ith rome other personal Property, to aat- | ——-o-— : } AEE WRAL ReTaTe asumrn. vaieable one in Serofuls, £e,, having performed . ” te oe . constite impoged spoa and deetived, by this iefy debts, at about $250. Whole shelves | Disappointed. } ee : a i } B gepenrion to the ratinfuction of the Court that some cowarkable in this . Je thie 7. ineuleac “y wan of talen:.” of books were knocked down for from | The dosky and delet sble drannale were in ‘al i it — va Worthless | wo % peuweet ate ——, A. Bi Pai : ur te. rey P) ‘ t ¥ ” mi t . ° * io ‘ teh “4 Rebels! When the four to six dollars a she's. high odor in ti. gallerwe at Packer Hall test! None pala srithow Coates Signa. 1a ete set wim Moy Asm Marthe belt et rebels bebind our tifermant, As an extraordinary instance of frenndity | '#!". 894 al! qui eive Kr the nomination of an lure, | Mattes welt cor: “Tae, thingy sont ed se etteville will ify. Ini at Lauford Toastineon, of Bybecr co (SOS strange servient the claims of the flat dente of the Htate } M maltreat dune with wach nies pr i nin whi , tee yaa! birth to bat pease bbe noved kini-heale were entirely averionked in $1 00 sizes gent by mail on receiph of price. Coart that prbtiention the oie Wieedenn vinee jie the other that « gentleman of '* ive movthe—three the first time aod low | ot noe oR ale oo dagner | OM a Sor any Gree © 1,00 slog ‘wont ot atebeny I EY ye earn df not the ¢ cn . , the b Aft cpe gent “dameanehs.” by Learprese. | he ~ ORE PN | omerel by : ir thie plage was. ju a distent |‘ ** | Kotamly. were expiretions ot cnak-| go fying the maid defendants to be aod Ht the ws DA Ma arch ; wy mu Official, to ascnr.| It is said that Augur's J. Uvernis to @rite | thera, fo aee ben 2 a ade al 7 museGpeunseeen ne vol Novemier Sewanee © Rhee. ngs tain somebing dboet ® than who claimed |* ~ fowl ef whieh the lovers prgetpee la Hood, the Egyptain. onceremonioasly over- h ro Oe leona ca xt, thet ta. pd, an- fo ae ae | to be North Ceroiina, who was soli. | *!"** im their lighter moments with “ir | slowed, but-evew the elsins of Galloway, elay- CoOaT heard tenn ame Rdhbnnte Cobare, May nM soon chung to retary, to Make Conny | om okey and differentia! — | beak, were bythe jet RENBY = ao yu be -” - ponder’ pro! De. J. 7, Lawannes . deed 94, 1987. sipiinet . a * 7 ‘ r ed repo formera, ful reve! loat ead came ati serious moods they talk to each! brethren of the . ¥. CAC Mbig poor wretch, according to bis own) oiince of the origin of the and Seo One r vale soit naan ae |e: é tir MA etn the oa sad belo orem Sats ~ eal | SEO EDT ad ie Le ca a ne to ily "aaa to make % years ; | tough and the de- | tos het or el new H H a of the y Ti t i avver- Bathe max placable, pole via Bin Eo ps , was the son of | akind of is t ith wv loyalty on y and death frem his | w for twelve lon ptin g, and had Leen himself | trus exile, with narrow es- vewant fd lide penne internicine war; the paler name Clarendon spoke, the ay swayed the destinies tbe such to the crown had subdued the whole real bjects, like tendency to Therap a fugitive and an from capti the most ales min, ponpgypaere fhe Bae of religion or government, in - | there , be- | passions of men were too im which | oceasion was too tem Ho TH R E E scot excl conce- tp a an that pros sealots in 3 point out whole | tors, and informers ided the cane of to to of ta, a8 was =a oe on a thus to control Lat eS fed to be its of the rl le n A L E a eT F ao e ik fi u t t i i Le k a e aU LS E ai RP ip is a ti He a i ve He i eH Ht AG Hi Hi it l a in il a y AS F ni e fe sa e s e He e i TE ae a relies TURDAY, 1 sa t i s $3 5 5 5 3 9 9 3 paghang | SEE au ij HH L ce deliber- |its own inhabitan } STA Y 4 pected OLD NOR TRE bia we ampere ls us SUBSCRIPTION: ‘ Samus —caam am ADVANCE. : SS ee ji { e m a i t e es as best be might, in their sions and mata on tiga’ 8 sen ogee ai e SA H, M. D SECRETARY, D. J. pb BR, Med. Advisor. , President. Secretarg. Lexrmerton, N. O. State; and while he had ex AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, ONE MILLION DO > w,M.D. PIEDMON1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY |% OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON J. J. HOPKINS OF VIRGINIA. MEDICAL EXAMIN CHARLES H. SMIT VICE PRESIDENT, Wx. B. Isaacs, LEGAL ADVISER, LEWIS OU. f9rreteme, ero — It has met with unprecedented success. Por Life Insurance Only. |‘ $i Pace janl? —twkwitf H. PERRO C. | et r e a e i j l al oe bb l Ht si t a ni h He ul t Fa Ht oo a il i i : et ire anon Jan. 7, 1968. BE ei i “b s fi d ? bp a g s 2 q qq iz 4 $3 3 # +H na Pres, ABLE. Information gladly farnished in detail, by Part of the premium loaned, and no TRANCE 6 & BRUNER, yoyes fa | “Th NEW YORK CITY. ae | Gennecticut Bfutual Life ee far This liberal and solv — NUD ANIL th. COMPANY paye to te pulley boldere exmealiy oe) ae me ac ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY loan or premium note is@ lien or | H. C. Cazng, LIFE’ AND ENDOWMENT. Pier the sovend gear. DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALLY IN CAS Tis cates being lower than those of athero mpe OFPICK, NO. 141 BROADWAY, nies. losses ft $643,068,00 Intereat received H H d y u s d h : the consthution had den tt appended to i tions were removed, the press, and other ciples, nearly all of in the Nerth © cluding trial b traitors, then, are enti ed to have nothi ? 2 imputed to them but the acts of treason | ffon, in aids of France in public war, in denounced in the gonstitation, and to be | outbrouks under Emmett and Wolf Jentiige acquitted anjess there be two eredible | and in the-Fenianism of this day. * 4 —— = med olan! mt Sapleae! ' Constitution eee the crime fment of the rights” of éitizens, becals it had become certain histor that these would be adopted, our objec- wo v ratification.” It iv in these anjend that you find the safe-guards freedom, of the liberty ws ; sch, deal proud of » Wallace and Bruce, and will sult him who shall affitm that not. hayes were net the best seldiers in all the President at all these “was | up by the act of to which the P required, if a. shall pve part men , to perfect p only devia- pl dhas been oted for its eneFation to gener- t, or ed But it is said, that we are without the ye tection of the eference to North Carolina and, med it expedient, to call other : — \ _ committee, though ap- | pointed about the 12th of December, 186: ear tnt he id vot, Wiring the Te cone Ri : Ay press, nor has its sucesioor, in the present tor tiie ve eee a ee giving its opinion in ti matter pobeaiies edu t to it tonchin , the cor have boon fee yt and by the lawgef tA to Raho, cise uaa as tl nu his goad nieasure to hs ee tt fod afi . =! 1 4 — | sithas route Connection:igana To aie A Bn : | ADindeitne att no the ne doctican ee Sat | nwt . ¥ 4 ‘ ee: ile Ps se ittce a vate of two-thirds jorit “ cas dpa jit ron A FLA VINO AcbOCHL FID Gastron cal that they tw the > lie and craat cone ve pA pee ment ant gaa as to “the 1 ceived a fall st dition of the or their “title jto pei hy | ed i vm POH AS =p the ti pe saniligasioy RAs? Stihouy Sie Gaitdetan eceere rie aa a oe Jexample a ear tu the 8 fitteat sh onlt etree ctiec 4 erat thn papeitbigy | eee te aon ee eM i eae oO pt TO a ee bauals pwretichdd, Bah su 1t8 passage as -ig 4 kposition Sel wit Weighty ruthie oa ener! 9 . liebe @o) | measure of sonal power between the itm herman A : hat ~-y Cons be dubai hh | Northern and Southern States ; whert 1 aia a egg om) cam ference: ry A8e | egustsrntiaatity: ‘ Boi” F yas there @ gouiye- a | cette idttrin 2 Mma og taoty ersewpeiae ser Fe Deine bear ahninbableeaes tab wernt Tees on) the North sbqnkdcbavetax majority of ci imputed, . cand it imatters fame Fol a Re heath) aad re ; YSalbeealpiaasons09 1A Shoes, 8; n Tonga, g Scissors, Spoons the. t »easedbe, affe et, ae hse a ih 68, since, fae ita? ou me Sop ,\y a ar: a i posing a Se ae ities ae ub ef e this committee ; but this amend- trade, take plrane ) an debianeliqo8 the: ebenancoan —pebinndennnnyrenae bythe grent valready laont nya 93 or 94amajorit eer of Reprp- ; sc@acites!t I! ! 8 EMR AM) | paca: ai members a HM Pill lose ore | Ww lors i oo Hi ‘ y, i dee ha A by. - the rule, are jn the e af oti ¢ u " na” Ae berth *| p : + he, mt, So (sa tastiche Vat be ase Sareel PS CULL ten b raha Tprp- | question is, whether in North is to ats é uct aree ae eh (iat many other house a. i‘. ecoy) Teoup ab ilk do peguneeA tty se nice ma wo 4 be ripe myahe ites y Sram oat ts ea a panda, m ong * a ¥ aabyal snk Av wa ired- ith ae Ay aa suds 29) ssh ean sedecet by “RRR aad ae wl MOUs | or" fore Hind BF that ing = wel . + eulled, it vite wa yee velo ‘oom septs ne nn ae r iaemeraparaceess 7 Songer ey AONB | Sere Wit mt MePHeE shat { : td Bs “i i ‘ i f voce a ' }% 7 irher, “ nt : kite hy y : n; Col. ’ = —- : : : t= ia, 3H ed, aa) } | Moa od. ao eaanlo Bevenrts per lb. —oOs attempt at ‘ pacers Dh karma t mor «3 an. eal Scam rhe a ttpeeey pra aes rel I Rods a iia er kes : pret. Al Melle bao + 50. porkec. aisha me A ~ Po = Lie a ple €33 Bes 3 | - a — Charlotte > th 10 aad ‘ushero ; somes ite: “TO AROT Waz it # . if et. i. Guild, pies BE a| W.J. Blacks. ‘baat + Jak H. Fert D | Norfulk. ” AY les sti beoced areal lll stodtesereaal me Fn | | Ce 1 Jun jn fame pk an eee serdebde tpt hoes — ee Pyipeinente witaas i Seat ray: STEAM POWER FOR ere Pia eh ys Vek y 5 airenel tay renters ——_e ORNOTRY, itt ot tape on _ hy ane 1 rays "ats + ~~ a? Raft ; : +} Boj enty |} ai tm uw® # 6 Vil . wae b Artead terinthtpep rowricthe wishear-et we. cbte ype whe aha ane ct Ya mere! E* ta hu nad Mt expreee ps Saw] Lear egret myeetthed wag wr er a 130, | 4806, there was a civil cover ‘ ore atl ‘ee =| / } vo — ren ow a Apert Kar di aod a dadicial Depart oat thre ‘ oth olla ™ e En ar ean be eéen by calling hohaving sale. cog uigd ce 66 erinais ai Ne ment of ther paste. wna slirins that State = hia = _. elie wik de® Santen, aro pd smecesttol \eurmage: Hat ‘ : wee theist min kit nm bition virtue’ rise cai tat 0! ad ae eleviine i Vihiche, pte all §.4¥ sce raze) cuod od Senators fo Cotter wi % op. e hee a of the lateet will be gaia ral Sik az cal. Shoes! Da wadgeill ./ All kinds ites ta that may be vogue Sr ome tfc asad afuii ‘hebotforey’ ENTER vain oW *; vbr aad An. ala i = —— Ge oe ae eee a" caigepeeents fidiat ' . prouielioeaate chit — -4 : ry inp. 8.000 sidered ‘a ie c = Liberal advances made on Con bose r 4 VUE SPRING . ? , 1860, T 1868 ope iret Class references given ‘gut ra tout btroetion, CT __, ea eRe are LASRI Oder A 7 © COtw okdea28 -29-f) ti Bo we dwt ab , c mil. p ~~ 3e) Ne vat of the Dagies | © — 1 Seiitie it 168 p zogfeht stand for Vasines. ; phe ian Aid ete Ostrow, oderthg Ping * ? rere comes Buiitulle oun eon ym txts haseon st A ed tinge 2 ne A Como, ides = Paesm ota p- be tare friw . marel cheetah "ee pelea , marks of Joba A. MeDounld, sappen et bicorrtainn pti rty.) ‘ I am the asa of this Convention. ae ® ane cat Ey above, but ads “Tam Safenenrd tines the Bonet: has proceed ed apun other views, and it is not my purpose Pere ms == ley Fi 2 hour to cach tere @& aiiee bec eperwvede bus hie ed Coamy Gourte, and has: dtvid aya Siate iyte Av Sine ? oem Pe G Managers to | son tat - mbesiotey Saree awe Gaston, Polk, Meebtent Chase advanced and took the Cbair and d Seater A ninvimer tegen 0 the wit ga ano I ent, for the BG of the Ux That W; in the Coit; havie a 3D That il, .atsbe. codpalibvednten dure balances Ltt woul ep 5 Chase aug wacetd me Be day are ve Judge Chase Adjuuraé {ne fupcone wt one? SABRE, "for Gue iti (OM the ow af, ate ree. . Ruane | ing Sulge Field ady sured th adi Merylapa, Fasihetucte eat March 56.<¢Phrae a a ee Shari e jet « : at. rw of) beet mo ered! ale Se oe — awe & j Sain” Yak, Mich. &—Cov on ‘palinet et wlarte7 Peale SS wn BSLANLS QCUARENTS Wi i 2 104.4 v irgwniap Bg Sch a Norn Corea was 71. Wilmington, ib i Se sr mahcer Cotton quiet; pa dling 2. 5 he — iy DICI4L DISTRICTS. ab. | bore beyond nd the ate el ms | Kila inf nocserig am aecreter hina All the days of life till night— Whea the m with its And our aE ae Seen Sy aw May that “island” of 4 MAL sivnolsfl pdt ot Se Aoaiee wanes vit lin ait te Seaergen a a JaHOAS LO Taaaad ASAD TU Cea aarp 3 BEI Fd ete eh rar os 2 Al SEW OI It. W | State of North! STANLY @OBNTY. pax ard SIP 1888. W. H. Reece vs. J. R. Mendenhall. w gottatrt dal bag wieatt de said welte lie ie TTACHMENT. Pega NE thai ES Be the Watchman & our next Courtof Pleas and ah the cou second : ery itt ma TE em ae eins esate at LO State:of North ‘Garolina, Court “yahlar} 7 =i; amma M. Witty-vede4 “&. Mendevhall enacepr, Wat ve gh.gun OREM wer |e Peat fs bape next court of Pleas and ule i) is yt x Cais etal weete ‘isl 048 Yo yar? "The Conven‘ ion, s0- called, has abalinls =e Adwod “eo Ervermesn est a UNortha ~ Chatham, A ham cy? UTE THUTIACRCitasereenel Stokes, Rowa Fors Da vie, Devidem,! wm to bab voideuen 7 ¥ = 9 at ee et ealt Wes snaoerh . 22 RNG’ mie fees AWaiany ¢ Maneolé, TENTH “faresr. 3 EVENTH DISTRICT. ~ Alleghany, Nitchell, Buncom oe rereaaie Be ELFTH DISTRICT. vania, ? F ee en nfacor wf a ‘Press a son oF Pit meme obmapodi - general intelli cence. | : mT f T Titty. uns . TT sjeee wa Soy rotons, Ne om 7 [om eatace ta RE TR tom 0 50 B. Mye “irs A ga tae six of EN eae y __maareh 4,1 lee Jodi? TEAR, Pron Mai | “> ‘tegen into oa ef Amey vhrwrang -five oo eee red PPO Mh HE rere rine was tren herdoeae pest A 3catdt . si - = Oe 10 es ‘ain EF or ele vy abn N He me mek sie: eae « » Sold | iwi DT Re pda el Cy; 19 Ge ’ a5 ‘De 4 for lee S paeeeeanGs UeihT Sas Baa Oe of i 30.1y i 4 eoBahimore extrit’ i . Salisbury, March 8, 1268. oo . Oe A Ee a A as oye oi) hep rupharygh adwind ott sbrags! LOW ie Aart tags ak) Na eit ea Be ‘ OR OAR OLIN-A, via be da wthoe « ‘ «Daniel @ Pow, ; mM Teta weer A, * di ] it ; i | | é i ch sortal<s ees ee tut Tae gE unp on alell vil demand for : oe weRge to fred aw lig? os On orzo of ono amps ' » } coo RUSIESRMD PRowRestowat ~<| moved my Labora- "Wore ~ fo) tony from Wilton, 3. O., to 29 Hanover GARD Ss, THE CREAT S00 THN |e cor tom iA dpe Ew cies . ee ay a Health Restorer, 5 is , we.) ee ee oe oe Rw / q wo ee ba udke comyprivy ie go sh ote cate ut @ off! oe WEDDING and PARTY Tichels, Beekw. , PAMPBLETS, ” RM BR aieis. _|,..: CrROULARS, Pincers orite iio | MANDDILED, as * 2 I hereby The Edinburg Review, (Whig.) | nt ic | sadiag Chrosie Wh pela’ of "esiog et Ww ) COURT BLANKS, bottles of Dr. Lawtence’s The ’ i (Free z Pherencetet | rnd we WiLLs. abe ,; be done in 8 style thet cam be surpassed by noney: Upreqt ff. _ Magazine, and equalled by few in the State. ;, i he 1 ee ° Our terme will be a» low os the lowest in the “hilpeeta 1 PDaridece ou and Southern Country. sack bolle snd A Plow Drpuwigation. They. sre tndipeneable to the HANES & BRUNER. . FReka E a eftbn ny on tan dain om Salisbary, Janoary 16, 1888. twawtl | TERMS FOR ises. THE TEI.WEEKI ag coe ofthe Revives, -..« 04.08 por sanam. Te LY abies wintieiews ee - | OLD NORTH STATE, Zoe sale in seve AOD , nies, and G. 00 ARD THE) WEERLY here. | WATCHMAN & Old North State, |AMerice ere tet. There Uied t in sever ° , hond ‘Sonos be bastinetes I secmlenen it | = 4 FOR 1868, Physicians and others, 00 the most reliable Altera ommend jodinial . Respecttr!!y, he (Good government, the veal Welfard of the Ro st epee ' 4-5: Koni es, Me ee NY eheny ceca Gr apr any a in pa THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH } } “GOOD OLD NORTH srAte,” oon Rt So. chaepe of STATE beving been consalidated in the donna etal ness = , ot the | Runde of the undersigned, and the Baxxsn having s w. W. HOLDEN. i y inte | senponded publication, hereafter there wint te vas} Will Curethe worst Cases weak yeh comm one paper published in Salisbury, whieh will be is. f Sorofula honest man in thé state a wad svenee, 5 ib , é 0 . Inept. . of the above Tri- W & Weeki He will Edit and Publish a SESE] Mal Mot, | at at nt ar] TO 1808 may receive, | under the bows naines. In consequence of the oe 4, qt OOVeTe, Soames 0 se A yg a: ' t | * ys com bivation referred to, «dads ‘W REXCE: md ti ae ee ae oe bar ben raliy ete she Toehes wea Syam| Leamgest Olronlation | ox rioving mruush: ms het mon of then ant Ince. 9° & MOSOTON 3°) Ia wus Cares thon orgs her boty hat rate Gone aes Ena had oe : covered with sores and blotches—with face and eyes a } beS FSU 8 badly alcerated and swollen. Whilst in thie condi. tion, | was advised by Dr. L. A. Stith wo try your Ww Carolina, |S terres EL, eae cal, In lew & month tomy _Criniaiate wanias mepenaastin: 15 |e wee satiety eal | am, We "ARS ¢ “hu. fs er rs ‘ be mot with ie that parlor the Mate. 4 fi . ; ‘ Ws “pea | wit be ual dil AR of WE. rawee, tate reat ter, ve — if Paper of its class in the State. in he poNBA pT Me ee Gem will be no are. | phsner—t sill continue to bee firm and decided Faroe ltt Ah tn to to politics. Tt will aiso be devoted to the Wy daughter has been Gured of « dees seated material faterests of the State, and to Literary and | Ses" of the Langs (prosoonerd by unr Ph yai- ’ Mincellasous Reading, Domestic Eoosomy, he. eek: Up e MIT ’ . ® . Waited Cy A * TT" Baltimore, March 4, 1867. . oe | Miho ip ot ‘aer" ty PP i t (othe public for» liberal share of ite patronage both “tment re vt ROSADALIS ‘Terms of Bubsoription : ee ee °° eile Is a Potent Remedy in all Por Oke! Tete e800 ~ ix Monta, .ivvveons.. Penccot ges tance 2,00 Chronic Diseases. WKEKLY: From G. W. Blount, Attorney at Law, Wilson, ¥ . . Merth Caroténa. For One Fone. sss. «Fs. --nvevees caress ygy e800 as : I bave bees cured of Chronie laflamation of “ Gh tosh debs eso. didebbdes sks. 1,50 eter ae Werder Deafness, of ten years’ 200 uizvs. : undid. by ROSADALIS. Ye sagt Ld eager a Se wwarty! ANES & BRUN Ww, BLOUNT. , “of Oongtead, ‘xs whitch all Bx; A " SU Ride abies hg ee , press + Ve,, Aug. 28, 1867. stivapional, unwise and désttuctive to sotie. Publishers and Proprittirs, J, H. Bakor—Bir: Far the last seven Capt. POH at OD . 4 @ VRACH. Relisbury, H.C. Jeowary 18, 19m, tw Swe. on sigat years! have beew taverety eflicted| feb 90—swet lig faa | Met 71: rt eit? were cuter odretab vidi wwii sere em ma OLS. , ri ~* o8-8.....cftoited) te evinA SMH Mie flog yd tag daetg of bate f t Ht Jog }i tuo ees seas 3 Cc ? ‘ Pa | a Aton® yustx erivdoarad sail sid) (i evrpesenna Syoo7 !T HG Th iMelem hay ¢ djtoveintw diw Cliatiqage ua @ 2tibe co eelbos ae , ah ae ho TO RAL al ee i soltail ah ha h etter Tertio ’ aw pe <t. 3. oF oak 4 , DINIDEXDS BAD att’ POLicies PosiTivEty NON-FORFEITABLE. es Yow) ° >a b, Part of the »Joan.,or premium note 14. lien @fter the second Ail seq 2dag90. if ty get to the Southern Sbfle 11 is the most LNGE | fife AN JN CASH BB AASLOAI¢ premium loandd, and no or elaidl’ on tHE policy tn casa Of death ) { \ Gompany offers peculiar adranta 097 i Tou Oe ROME FOU flat. od Mouth? om , ale tera +! ths tame! wegen BO im " te pe KOR PREMIU Ms od tt be me felt I ia wolfe bewtreres ten he “eon = 968;758,18 “ PIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. ‘ae hO SE, OO8, 00 of other oom pe ait * Raakraptay. so Wil . ‘ eS *? ‘te be winal tow [eee Bie od evn gerz anc oP Ba Poder ke So ‘Ti Rad pt wich wnprecedented mcs. Its fortunes are established beyond any has capital and assets, inet ite babii thot wl compare favorably with any Life neuranee GE Se nee ealpionet, vateh 3.Sho i er eee prrer on Sepenty selected Tt baseeabl na is clan to Southern Patronage OFIICERS : PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, SECRETARY, D. J. Harrsoor, VICE PRESIDENT, Ww. B. Isaacs, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D GESERAL AGEFT, Jno. H. CLarBoRNeE. LEGAL ADVISER, H. C. CaBect, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. ©. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKINS, Secretarg. C. H. PERROW, M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Company pays to its policy holders anowally 874 Per Cont. of ite Profils.. Tt pro to aid its patrons by taking notes fer one half of the premiums. lt allows ts to pay all cash if desired. Tt luvites its patrons to attend its annual set- tlements and see their rights It aliow: ita patrons to change their policies from one to another. as Its Pol not restricted as to tra vel or residence. It offers: the following certificate a to its sol- Neiscw Cocrt Howse, Va., venry: { March %, 1967 } The undersigned, officers of the county of Nelson, and State of Virginia, take pleasure in recomnmendi wat wad ie com ay. “The t neurance Com- pear” of this county; antl hesides the merit of ts solvency, ite gates and terms for Ineur- ance are such ax to commend it to ‘public pat- ronage. Its Stoekth@iders, Directors and Officers are men of high , ‘and patrons ly on an None of us have soc) “te this company, as @isinter- SS ‘of a good instita- « “ +) ered Geo. ys, Clerk Circuit Court, wee » tx, Sheriff. : u. A. Hrut, Sarveyor. « ss B H. Lovina, Clerk Court. the aguney for good Fire Com- ly to We also have Traveling agents wanted. A TEENY LOursOr Jou We have just received a complete assort- C.| ment of approved blanks in Bankruptcy, and’ are to attend to cases in ban! cy before the Registers, and the District Court U ni- ted States. f BOYDEN & BATLEY,”* Solicitors in Bankruptey. March 3, 1868. tf BOR SALE. A “, Broadway, N. Y., a iano, Forte/qost $350 may be for $275 ip ioale Piting is of splen- did“ Rotiew: eb extra» toald- jogs, tine base, fret ly and j to Apel Woy cae SP woke Ht a DIRECTORS: Jobu Enders, —: Ellyson, William F. Taylor, ig Samuel 5. Cottrell, H. E, C, Baskerville, Joba Desk. Samnel C, Tardy, Charles T. Wortham, George Jacoba, William Willis, Jr-, he ° ‘yew oe, + ol A. ht, Oh Ja A. Srott, H.C. Cabell, B. arleny » J. k; WwW. Tyler, 2 jame, * en ® ards, Uliam aylor, A. Y. Stokes, A. P. Abell, J. 8. Morten, Wm. B. sence, R.H. Dibrell, La Bidgood, | William 4, Palmep, Ramee | Psasy foo gee, NES, Ao'r. hagd? cig dette were PIEDMONY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF WIRGINTA. wétwly |‘ ee = re ee is etiges ite ore : F ND 1T ; ciaeeuchad ° meee nests en For all periods lessthan | b pes t 60 pete ctor prods of ove t four 1 square, aie fis gists (es i 2 squares, LA e ioe 9st a eae cou. HY Ww, seen 3 evap cob - pnt: ot 42,00 rior to anyvothers known: Morchants supplied o » liber- t. or send and get 4 descrivti ve almanac Per ay K Subséti tilt ett’ of in. om “= the brapebes at bia stand in Brown's Balding, on Main Strect, nearly o, Cubbine, Foster & Co. yeces (the Latest Fash. ion Plates—is com 7 girs to the times, ond feels confident of hie abifity to give entire «atia- faction to al) whomay fevur him with aeall. He hopes from his lon, lence, and by an He. is in constant receive a behare of pablic patrounge. His) charges will be moderate—as low as those of any other work of 1 akilh Lr Country Produce of all kinds taken) in exchange for work. Give Him «call, and yon will not go away dis satiated. oO 8 PRi Salisbury, Jannery7, 2685)» » wtf i F 2 F 8 eters ‘BB WraDL sow! | uO ko #34 ts Congress, e ce cg sball te ye ” &; B.POULSON & 005 |i: . B Nee. fa 49: 3mo. Z i? enit f a omrsis aa y BOH* sed ho States was bbe tench Tg te mo off a ed) ni .ngoO omorqud | icwelb A AeiunMs et sini@ | odd 4 i Ancled bua sist | L to head 4 al? motif lia ~All f dite)! sob ttgeh RRO. 10, very, ad thereby ' mrORS mt “between” s’ ® bo on * mere? ig on rol yatdacgh % ‘ e al of % Sn ee — it Davi Tie -!39) F staaquacrs fies germet syed ancieada tao | eneuhiv rns 4. . A obixg oft of slecgqe bus ssapieb Yo “~otai of ae Hew ea boodasa baa thing. & ela! bo | a eoneiel to Vt! tee sbivi doidwanaitetiid aeoiidng , ) rales phe awk, ovads bosis atte as oye Pema yee Veloso ve tiom@eagt imoveg of Sh ; oe = b doide jciuowtmgah otal gowe ed bee. scihown tod atdgis xf: dy moge Crecidonm elitd mal. Ee ol jooq © bosuds i at , wis Y set yt no { OTS w hGitivsoe t o\ to ted-ago wag? sae 16) bo noins + ‘le tite bo diinis elt seodk atusiidada + tei ag cee ry ov rh olde hy 6 the e jlo ‘effect tothe principle, re elt Scbopidediont bys Gesu] g- 4 e' - | merely. fer | ry with aw amendment of ¥ the war, an@ that warsesitting streation tobeaicegt to merit and} the President's provisions for its revival reason of which there islatute it the State, would even the aeseat of the Legislaiure, which rejected it, have rendered jt valid t) United States, in express terms, declares Surely it i¢ not reagonable to impute the jection, of this amendment as an offence, and puke it the ground of more stringent | the qualificatious re measures, 0% ia said has been d if, aceording to their Own alle- Legislatere fttelf ‘war Vinaw- dud could do tio” binding wet. the sate nes that we have no valid . ? OP e@lspiitece jo bee tages tm tip Toe | | > ; ~ a ‘Tass the ‘ostge ‘ot ‘these acts: ohe by | aw Dp va! hate tah aay, ‘ . that $e chsh hat dosed uh 141ly wotend- and been the re-comstruction m, how we could‘ have a BOD .osls alte 4 % | voters for the most T r yr) fi 8 W090 -w Mil Und aot) © ‘ esiutex? asi a} uotatvib ! or ef e * / / wholly 6 give atrention to. ‘our ex/ ‘ : ; 2 pmerce, the mbt the States to each otter, and the like kindred topies, “Cont Lgrées ever before \estayed to mvade the province of a State ment in “ite “in tethal “affairs.” Its trae that daring the powticed slavery abolished, “and General: Schofield; as soon'’s he was ih n sRaation ted the rat Rab , ‘Phese were’ military proceedings But Oongrees approached slave- conatitution, arid the convention elected by order of the President deemed it ex to signalize the’ carnestness of the of the State int their longing for qu , to extin it by anf ordinances of it#own. "The tnhi- bition of slavery, however, was but an act of negation. It but prescribed what shall not be; in the futureexistence of the State; bat; by thé acts of “reeonstrietion,” Con- reaches its atm far beyond its sphere of jurisdiction, into the very vitals of the '| comimonwealth, and preseribes what ate'to) avail) nothing ; im i threat ment taror , impoverish { chad catty continued, unless thie shall be nasented to by the people, through ‘the ceremony of an election. on the basis: of the constitnency sought to be established. and happiness, ae same to control the relations of marriage divorce, and child, guardian: “hoon ‘To order the qualifications or want of qualifications of pss electors or the authors of constitutions and ‘framers of laws, t@ infinitely more j nt than to dictate the terms of the 1 w 6 any par ticular pe Tt fs ascénditig to the foun- tains, aud giving compésition aud com- plexion:to the headsprings from which pare and clear, or turbid and. bitter, wa. tert are'to flow. ‘Phe Genstitution of the “the electors in exch State, fim all elec- tions‘tinder this Constitation,| shall have ulrite for electors of the most numerons branch of the State Logislafure,”” a clear ition of the fact thet.each State of the Union had pre- scribed, and had a right to prescribe, the qualifications of its own eléetore, It might have been otherwise, bat not more clear- ly, expressed this; ~“ Whereas the Sraten of the Union Have preseri the. right to prescribe cr the eleciérs for both he Legislatures, the electors in F. ceasion %6 Goimmenton thi¢ caate of th Constitution, T ami reathd- claiin not ‘unfreqdéntly made id ) Nod ‘that authori. Congress, and by the 4 sh | ty is found for this 7A Wire assamp- E declar- of power, fti that ing that “ihe United States shall ou tee toench State a Republican’ of government, &c,” on the supposition, that this clause authorizes Congress, (which, for this purpore, is the United States,) te examine the Constitutions of the several States, from.time, to time, to determine whether they are Republican in form, and, iffound in its judgment not to be, to or require them to be made sdch, s| As well might it be maintained that’s cor ration chartered for the ptrposé*of tn- arkdbe 6f biildings, of Shite thodels were furnished, should becdte w dictator Of thé arcliiféttare’ of the evantry. OF an ‘thie “of tie Conétitution, this would seem to have been the mo. in- its or : commen- on it, be found aay in contained . ‘ to in about half of. t pose to make an hot grea pew. a toddin 0d dlewesiea der votee in” instituted, without the eld con- stitaent body of the Seate, ao¢.on seach or “with powers ja % g i i a F E ; E f iF | i % rf i i 5 ig af i i ef : ff ; 4 it i i 23 is FE : a] He y Pe 5 F t e 8 E l of g i * bad x a ‘4 tw w ht to y hac bias lesb bine noit baggie nde eaie .xerad seoryne> yd bow | va oven Liew ents to on Ms ork 1s ie #, mands Osi all the inhabitants from the right of suf- The entire. female sex, nearly to the malas in-all coun sake of the’ denenay of -se thea bod Ae Balen frage: eo and the towards th of ma- vality ,fratervity,’and after a short oq ‘9 * as ex- periment,.iai dach inatdnce, shouted them- selyqs back.under a onarchy, with ‘vive qT; making’ thé, .welkin ring, quite. vine, Le. Republique’ had: at the beginning of the if shale cages ehonld mop Snare bullof the. eclered wate be carried as an Empefor, if he was re- ph yooh Agrazian division | ~ Hi e He iy i H E 4 - ) EB i 4 i i t H i g x & J Fi s 3 E | ii FL ii i 4 It : th Me i f i ie iH : ih | 4 3 i 3 i i r ft fi $ = rs inferior frnits, ha oned labor va eccnaies the surest jndica- Is eles bt cxmtrh of Jeagoe alan cubion and ridiculoas of a want of qualification for the duties of electors in our own, and other States, especially Ala ing ? Gentlemen, the fact before our eyes, that the coloned men, in the election or- [ thin line of division ia in; round, numbers, were, in; a blacks. 71, 7} being tration of 1867, k the line majority of whit early twor to one... By ine pene entitl rest, known as it is in many instances to make cians, bell the fable “beut their miata agreed to return to the city upon terms lated. In our secession for us, the parties failed to come to terms be most tell-tales and sycophants of power, no matter what their stain of the guilt of se- cession and war, are all relieved, wil’ but trumpet of the constitution and the subversion of our sogiety. In the early history of the Roman Re- public, weread that the Plebéians, for causes which they deemed sufficient, in the conduct of their rival and unjust, while the their advice and influence in favor the Patri- made a secession (the neces The ite, that analogy was se et ie » most pegutecsiy ? accomodation ; and to pursue the of Agrippa. ed the the body took arms, and erring limbs to return fo their obedi- ence to the constitution aid laws. Bot this extremities, the toes, were nal lengths, it determines that these shall ai) be bro: t toa perfect equality; and in so- m as the shorter cannot be the longer should be shortened off to equality; a simple operation of sur- gery which nay woodsman, who can handle tor ther founded plored the department Civilization of the Oross to the endé of the earth and given to haman hies res, made conquests, ex- of science in every , carried the religion and all jts eolat and reverence; whe- this favored and mighty rage, such portion of it, at least, as dwells in the vast r mac and Rio iun between the Poto- rande shall be destined in the future, in the great matters of ho lity apd government, which inspire pe, confidence and enepgy in a peo- ple, are to carry the. dead. weigh: t of the barbarie, raee!of Africa, whose to eivilization and gular by tt ha been, natil.a Garton f to p life, t period,t he slaves of those he blacks have been admitted. ape | atthe the ep tion, and, I donbt not, will be made universal. , I trust, I ¥ a for us, that thera.shallbe stable t, by which all shal) ie jo the. pineal uf Tatomdy labor, in honest employment, in the, uisition of comforts and of wealth; that each trace; in thé” re of many To them the gain be far greater thant will ever acerue from att te on feagies, haran- es, and the agitations of these dis- jointed times. The meana, gentlemen, of averting this radical change in our. institutions. is in the hands of the free white mea of North Oarolina. . Congress has not undertaken to impose it upon asa by an sen peprpenn po of its own, -bat by means of an election with » majority of more than 32,000 white voters istered al after the exctasion of 80,000 more who are entitled under franchise. And ifetection stilt means choice, there is no doubt that these voters with au approach to ananim'ty would give a negative voice. But threats are made to deter voting their own sentiments, to i therm to sustain.a w iey. ander an that it they do not a ser pevalty than the destractive AREY BAPE ied pote that either negro domination or their investitare with so wnch of the power of the State, But a base fear, inepir those who aunt yan the ta of Congre no te to the condact white freemen polls. By rejecting thie meas~ ure, our old instita remain, sab- ect for the to, interruptions y military orders from the comman ding general of the distriet; and I have no ion that the distin- i who is now in com mand, or any other who will sueseed him, will indalge in wafton cruelty, or visit citizens with any marks of di ¢ for exercising their own j tia a5 decieh in to vote. Bat it is a snbject infinite ed b P = 2 3 e t e 1 b e t a s a b e e i i f a tterances i. w of the world phot ger hebig Mak With a canse so hy the Constitution, hon be hat aie not withont great that the j ciary, the Sa of the Uni- ted States, in cases whieh are in gress or may yet ooear, will icy of to be at» vari~ The sue- Uite , w just, so sanetifi as it ie now our céssors and disciples’ of upon that bench wift itt ry rival his famie, if they the dignity uf the court and the’ gn- premacy of the constitution t the woes and and threat ings wth ch ey are fel os A ty ly been, never in connexion with an, our State Constitation to. the elective | been coal . Congress will visit them with | °°"S now cal Dat isha ples: Mow great mph bee ‘ed the brite ed at whe se si din pep ete) ti Vahey aed eae thor kabeictlions forme of nk time. ely Gentlemen, tho passion of revenge is not ah endurihg motive of human action. ge trynen of oo oor = ” sehich j : away} Te totnds 6 of the white eof this conntry can, pot, i niales beadse The Northern ‘ the seige of Boston, that if was men of Virginia and Nortls Qarolina, in conjunction, it is trae, with those of Northern and middle States, under the same angnst and immortal chief, who fought the battles of American Independenee from New York, along up the shoresof the Hudson, and the hills of Jersey, and deross into Penn- aylvania Delaware, over and above what achieved in the bloody fields of the Qarolinas and Bat ft is aotlierand wholly different popetite to admit the negro fo 1 ' And those who really desire informa: | other political agsogigtion, J am grati- h they a tlemen, but +e ained you thns long, gen- be brief and i apa case, @3 it is, against the thousand "| misrepresentations {of authority is vexed, for the consider- ation of yourselves, ple, and of their fellow-citizens in the rst celta ate on you have been Be dayermen€ <= by gold, will f not ruin, up- with which the ear} + “of our o@e- peat eee pleased to confer, 3 a ALISBURY, N. 05 MARCH 65, 1868. bie prices ter CASH OR M. W. A GENERsL ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; Witlew Clothes Baskets and Cortera, Ructrts, (brass poops.) Caras, Well Puchets, Order Tate, Wire Steves, Minoing Knives, Bc, ac., with many other articles, con- taiped ip an assorted stock, which will be seid at ressene- BARTER. JARVIS, Ao’r. _ | COMREOTED B , & 00., @ M4 a ee of yi agit ity wey 8 sap ghee streen the powe Gatien Teton. acorn 0 a - Mh oot ven } for the purpose at the ie WRO@) ". "Yaro, per bunch, | ...-...... 1.0 fo 1.7 | ware bine She maka tee a ‘ Reni. , en to the Sears Bat P esa vived o Be aoe ao ve je a e' ; of our sys- Mto w Lv Awlead bh tom are nailed and the entiea fabsie ‘a é SUCH ‘As. . of the State governments is’ menaced we. 0 | rund Aen iesK +> banT with. being tarned npside down. In Sw 6| Square. Tyre, ing with ancient political op. | Lest! cate Nail Rod, Band and joneute in opposing sac ‘eons, i ie PN Ore ae if we were entering ie ranks castings Magee er eeee to j gh ry Wy the army against an enemy in’ & for-| Nolemes sorgtum. per gal... oe | R. SINC & gis eign bbs pre threatened our de-| =“ — PEE! Se 3 struction ;, and if they are to be bOC-| onic “7 beater. 1.06 101.20}. Yylhene anc CosaBhalien, 5 cof in rliing tha mere the noe BE | tio cou toa of 1 d i ore spans od peemestes o dade > ei the erie and restortig: mt as Sugar, Browm, ber pound, ”. ete 90 —— vetoes ment to its old asd proper fanctions,| ‘| Clsfifed. ,-\ 4a gy er aha ene ZING, and establishing a, real pence, it will’) Salt, conn. por mck. ..-.cs-.. 0.00 to 0.00 ipetine Sines iron . not be as democrats, but as thesurvi-| |, Liven 7 « meet tee vors of the Constitution and the de-~ | Tonacco, Leaf, per ponnd, .. etc | many other house” keeping articies liverersof the country, and then would “ Manufactured, — ..... 30 to 1.50 feo gamerous to mention... ensne a scene joy such as has not | — @moking, =... ss ee Mir 1.0 wi on since the —VEW ADVE ’ oe ip Prince of Pesce appeared, and the) “’” ERTISEMEN TS. ' 8 cents per Ib. morning stars sang together. NEW SPRING pee ae GOooDsS. OM 1 sae SURSORIDER HAS JUST OPENTD aN ENTIRE $ . * Bee Stock of Goods, a1 the More of 6 50 T eg. Tonkinese’ Corner, > bd wwe egeenne Or PRAEY WEbls, as fot- . Goods, Prints, Shirtt nd pie beetires bad hace Bhort, Kid and ‘ ; eats aa ; Kei pt taae sani aod Bs a 1 M40 = \ 5] Georgia, and at the final triamph in | sasery, . 6, march 10,1908. whtwien nS ” on Vi ar and though they had re- R R. Omi ok ana cently a dreadful intestine conflict,) Valuable Property for Sale! | pp Nine a tpes deeply to be deplored, yet it develop- OFFERS FOR SALE HIS YALU- ; ed the soldierty qualities and heroic i hte Reel Gnnate Wing to Oe ees sang Was virtacs A ithe | ove to 1» acres. Alpe, one Improved tot of six nerve side, as of renown ke ae oe afl the moderna Improve a Ty. with all ments, and conveniences in the way of weter and ont- charter 8 tte he ws Te prea gat eclatt the world w ich pe Salisbary, March 10, 1964. tele tare ageé will admire. In the valley mal —— of the apper Mississippi, in Missoori| Country Merchants, and are thoasands upon thone- ands pore me who, trace with Dairymen, Farmers. pride 4 descent from these offios xt door to: they ean n@ gentium, the old States of : the And Others, parame ty 2 es) aos dara | See cid On Pane ot tak 7 panygn se Sa Swe aa aoa Conny THUR, uss none Dat the best materiale that thett cus in longus: who that a fami | Ashes, Beeswar. Beans, oe anny aly Seen ee ane Does ly fend been ae who believe Butter, Cheese, J t They ary preparmd to Bo ll tind of ropaisng that there as been chastisement, and eal, and to put up forfeiture, and suffering meng oa Flax, Cotton, vie. stilts, that it ie not jast, expedient, or ly) ar +. au 3 theiz xindred,. over whom they been to humiliation ang ruin, ia a ex» periment to contert negroes men, or hpnee the whites below the level of tegroes. ° avons gacsiony- tani ~ gue? favor of the emancipation of t fri- can race here, and a forfeifnre for the anpposed pertinacity. witht which the contest was prolonged to decide it— pe i tical and soeial equality with the white bo ulation. “the whitemen of NEW .YORK CITY indgo Per themmnAlEe LK e860 the North revolt against this in their 4 | ebicbarei et cit own States, where thée»number of) ana roorive his weekly. Price Current of Pro- blacks would hardly Be felt If practi- | duce und Groceries the most cumplete price out , ; resulta, and canpot fail to be. con- rent published in the United s ehiztting 2 oe ' vineed of the Injetice ws well aa isn] rater an maid Pe relies N.C. policy of enforcing it upon us. e| Ti advances on Consignments. promptings of latereat will sigpr tor | Established, May 1st, 1860. [LB pclae Tam of The t less Hy than those of jus- “a wr “= “ty syene- Soot sah sled, e cack at impo ee the yun OE Sy givin chit te CAL, asd COM “i i ea es ‘ [dee o3-97-6f en ation ’ . ‘ a 94 agtion of on ress, N ] ! q or bly afeat the revenue do Estra Notice =: fived froin the South; and the declina| A WEIN gua srorrnn in-our great of cotton, t with « slit in the left ear has been om my “place . an word “py xcellent stand for ' als in former times handreds of on estiafying me of his right to the property. and e . 4 sTa00%. millions of exports, in futare to bp sub- ag Zz i 0 1968 price of ad. $2 = Feb_13; THHB w—tm - eer Le aa line ee OO ete eS SEY Meme s eth i's ols Ae lhe Sa BET Pee et ea , P o 8 r ° ‘nm oe ° e ° ° e 1 9 £ Saad heer th 2 or 'o y ae " 2S agin ap f y © © + Tih > + lige catia aaa tae BRIG Ay SNOT EMT aE + ge tiger lage A a Tae nye at : Qi ' jes a te em at eden AG IY en Psy Aol por — < pe ° eo Yaoi | ne ee ai enn olen Poa a fal 4 Ferme o> Ee ey a ime to iF oe ee. Mee , piper yal ae ea a ee ej ted t Y ‘yr: ? ial P “ ew... >is " iT IHL “IO > . ‘ at va Jenlp tees t np S672 3AAWd? : eee be nd — Teswea Polidies of all Kinds, ‘ Lia Posie gre kept tn the South. LIFE si ea Tt has met with unprecedented success MENT Its fortunés' dre established t any : contingency. elutely no upon Wabi pry and emote, agaluet its Insure theo ar whieh ae Trace nas rece . 44 7 ¥ a bt ae Divctars. of epogalbllty and businew capacity. ‘ , —— Southern ) ' ?, day Vw OFPn _ ee pet baa © CASE PRESIDENT, tolluadee BIOS DGB WTI hatred eS Part of theprembum loaned, and no JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICE PRESIDENT, Ww. B. Isaacs, SECRETARY, D. J. Hartsoox, MEDICAL EXAMINE OHARLES H. SMITH, M. D ; LEGAL ADVISER, GENERAL AGENT, loan or premium note is a lien or| H. C. Canzxt, Jwo. H. CLarporne. : DI RS: claim on the PITA a ne meet goon Gfler the sacond j Saree! 8. Cotta 5 PH] M22 0 eet fs Jake Sooty, Samuel C, Tardy, : ad Willan Wii Jr, x: rai. (Tm Serene ers prcntior stvante | ey hres 8 A. Dichckay, gee to the Southern people. It in the most A 5 , ni iy . . Ba Bd Willlagt G. Taylor, -, hibend M4 Me. fiogted |}. F mot Was es pe a. bac” George L. Bideosd, States. William 4. Palmer, Hemael M. Price. LEWIs ©. ITANES, Aa’. Be eaten SAE TE ee oe et memes, parr acts Lexwwetow, N. C. “71S hal | Por Life Insurance Only. OF, 41 BROAD AY, —— a PIEDMONT NEW YORK CITY. OF 87} Ler ‘* ite rere le aid tte one hepens cope patrons to Patrons to attend REAL ESTATE INSERANCE COMPANY VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OWE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. be: CARRINGTON, President, . J. HOPKINS, Sceretarg, O. H. PERROW, M.D. Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent pays to its policy holders annually Cent. of ite Profits. = taking notes cash if desired. its anuual sot- March 3, 1968. BOYDEN & BAILEY, Solicitors in maeryy. =|" FOR SALE. T Ne. Piano iv office. see April 35, 4 vel Pe . ‘State Forever.” | SBURY, N. 0, AY. MARCH 12, 1868. HOLE. thhye 8 Lace RBar ne, 84 say and is entitled, and to induce all to tur From the Wileington Jodrnsl of thea. {44 ak OF achesleand ed y WIAD sod outandVote, =~ NORTH COBOLINA. RALROAD the poor. ‘We say it is a bold p. One NORTH st alae Resoloed 3a, That it a the imperative ranienra. Mchian thas wit erg the tak of pul. ; = r) (ST ee every citizen, w ; nde stockbolded. of ATRS OF SUBSCRIPTION: sc to do so when. an ‘Te correct ‘misdpprebensions gah | the fmy'the Gtate that ow-- TSRMS-048 IN ADVANCE, *< eherhee oie in} recent publications, wo refer again to this | no ~ | Of things broug!.: ag suet: weeded! whieh ‘fallen, on the State purchasi: Pre. + Weekly, Suen cds scaceaslips ned election against only alteration made of late and ¥ ‘i Sp ee eae i i uve Radi ie Shan Finger Raleigh a Ganon Road is rail een at A our State us pay. " ‘we SERRE wero ip nena | 9 gr ow ase |b. Onn a SB arehom on te bios greedy, + One Copy One, Year, Sidi beeye seats sne OO The following resolutions were intreda feighte mere to gnee Goldebere’ Ifthe} tT ee A ctomt > on the paper indicaiesthe expiration of ood by 'M: H.Pinnix, Esq., and adopted: receive no special direction they SPEECH OF EX-PRES. PIERCE the h pe atari Wilmiugton and Weldon > aaa . eapriv|»-° Besoleed let, "That the Chairman ap- on hulitehon (Despatches = antares Te) 0 os | omete ta ba re erewent Davideon In 9 former fiscal year the Raleigh and 2 FE ah ~The Dem iota oF sbleund | County in the Judicial Conven- | Gaston Road . tecérved seventy +ight ocrate + kage 4 meetin: atl crasanel te the perpose of nomi. thousand dollars front its North C this eveaing at Hall, whieli w.. @ candidate for itor in the 8th Road business. If that business, the ee ded J Sing the'ball Senator Doo! : g District. present year, should amount to that sum; pie ee aineeised wi Resolved 24, That the Chairman ap- by Goldsboro,’ it woald add thirty: ase gon being introdu. peint five persons to t Davidsow | one ¢ dollars tp the seasigts of [56 ag Cenatitation, z $1.00 | county, in the Distriet Cou- the North Carolina, and forty-seven procecded'ta « speech Wet hag to be called for the of nom- to make good the title so rr , | Fention, P and dollars to the Wilmington and Wel: Se | Conn 2 candidate for Congress in the Sth | don Road. If divided according to the | bY the b feved.D Le Froo| Coneressional District, and to appoint ood ele ee eae ee Mae = of two hours; sud rece. | 349 | Gelegates to the National Democratic and dollars to the State, of which seven. ares Ren a Saat, an bY pevetine. ween thousand dollars would belong to a loud valle F. Dowii- doe | _ Under the first resolution the chairman the school fund—ell of which be} # a ae node for . 80.00 | “ppc the following : lost to the people if the business went by 7 was discovered ne homas P. Allen, Alex. F. Smith, J. the Raleigh and Gaston Road, But su . became; yocit..; <== | H. Welborn, P. A. Hoover, Dr, C. M pose they pay the North Garolina ous, and ta answer thereto General Pi.-r: CONSERVATIVE MASS MEETING — the same as if the freights wentto Golds. |**PPed apon the platiorm. This was ‘|, IN DAVIDSON. COUNTY. nder the second, poro’ —even then seventeen thousand dol. | *igeel for renewed ~~ ~ Dey At a meeting of the Conservatives of | H. W. Brammell, W. H. M. lary would betaken from the school fand | SMe a Setting Davidson County, held io the Court 4 Dr. J. H. Shelton, Dr. W. B. | and given to se eens of 9 private rentoman i _ Pt reap House in Lexington, o Saturday, March corporation more favors ‘“ 7th; 1868, ° : Harmony prevailed th ut the then any other tu the Butte hea quiet was restored |... On motion, Col. C. F. Lowe: was ap-| meeting, The Conservatives of Davidson| ‘The tockholders of the North Caro- —- x A Alex. Conrad, ese in casdest, lina Railroad, at their last annadl’ meot- agp ow air we eatin. lee President, and Andrew Sechrist a On motion the p: were order-'| ing, took a wise and just view of thesub- peer at ere mpeg Joha D. Payler, Eeqrs., were’ requested | to be to the sto pale | (art, 04 ordered the frvights by Golde. | 7ovr calls te my aa to act as Secretaries. and Old North State with ¢ request to pub- ,, a ree is greater, has; trom the first, fia dark ge F. ©: Robbins, Eeq., being called for, lies . | weare that, in eonseqnence of os ie years so errant Sbioet of the meeting to be gibt motion the matting adjourned sine fan eaty fades and curves; tsemeparte: iframes sed loge dates! to organize a Conservative P, He tion can at cost defeude:i showed the neveasity of 20 doing, in or- C. F. LOWE, Paxs. | time. The shipper pays the same br Mbertiee oe —— der to aflttet the constitutional AspaEw rreanpeg Socretar ies. say, ¢ ED bm te a Pw of North Carolina to the Usiow and t|Jomx D. Pavzon, The Raleigh and Gasjea Company are pong bo vovar banaigeice save the State from the Kadical’s extray po dain clamoring for ad thie business, peg Fee No rg nt rule and aeet ruin.” Their : — Raleigh », | teoald only be given te then: at « I cannot consent to mingle thoughts potlay to eseahlich wephe rack and heuee} WHO IS“THE PUBLIC LIAR1” | he pe ey say they, paid for hal neat So sy. thong negro sociab equality i« clearly visible.— | A friend has handed us the following | the stock in orth Carolina State bonds, of emotions of my lager . This is the fase. “Hy .:'regeed himsclf| from the Standard of Friday last. Let |and ane wently entitled to stand on preseeber wn Yi gars.) ers next to the uegrocs present, advising them | the reader look at it. W. W, Holden the sme fetag the. eboo! fed or green y he PY i that thé comservatives were really their | last Friday says : ong cther Sante listened We oe best friends;—the pretensions of the Red-| “Mr. Pell was laborious in his habits, us seo what thefacts ares Wheth- wae have risen, pone ical leaders to the contrary notwithstand- and took pride in getting out a good news-| er the State subseribed to the com Shove mee a g = tng. H6 @lsowned any intention ou the| paper. It wes his “habit cach week to| construction of the road we do not hate no sejeice part of the conservatives, es by a columa of items of various kinds | but the Legislyture of 1838-'39 let them hes ts ears ity Torte Others, to inaugurate a evnflict races. the Weekly Standard. These items have five handred thousand dollars, se- hand, Ah vend victory, ve They simply desired that the negro should did not appear in the Semi- Week! Stan- | cared by ; afterwards the State ems om a oe coeupy euch plancs and be admitted to| dard. writer of this, the Senior Ed- | let them have three handred thousand oo an pepe d ~ wiworwsr a cech participation in the government, as | itor, seldom saw or examined the Weekly | dollars additional the Stockholders giv- | 0 ® fay os pt pr — his moral and intelicctual fitness will jus- paper, as it was made up and printed from | ing their individual bond of indemnity in - the destroyers tify. ‘This is the white man’s ~| the matter which appeared in the Semi-| the sum of five hundred hdllicn rere a fraternal rag ates, preeparity. ment ahd its destiny should be controlled Weekly. tosave the State. The road failed to its enteetheteaie bata: ‘ by the race that fought to establish it in | * ° = : ° * | meet bogh, and was sold to pay the prin- mney be Aendtdinoenen "76, and.are every way infinitely more ca-| Mr. Pell denied in the Sentinel that he | cipal and interest from nine | me be thankful, net yes pablo to labor for its peace and prospert. | selected thie jtem for the Weekly Stan-| hundred thousand to one million dollars. iE ares = re ey oe ge edo, at ste ed eee eae sibs | ma gon ea The Conservatives of this county are es, we to a fully’ able to vote down the sa that W. 'W. Holden wrote the|cight hundred thousand dollars, ‘which ee words of stitution, soon to be.ambmitied. to the peo- | item for the Semi-Weekly Stan- tor Parris 2. paid, with the loss of ie aieeene ta Ansoa a, le, if the true men of the county will on- | dard. several years Interest, The Logtalatare Cin 1 La ameemnamman ae [y appeosiate the ooya apsh ot? oc thn We have beforeus the Semi-Week! proposed to give the Btok one- : ie : please. A little more of ac-| Standard, dated June Sth, 1861. ° if would advance four bandred } tion ealtily but firmly, will redound to |have it in oar office, to be scen by every | thousand which was about the oo heen. our j and a returning sense of one. Iw that very Semi.Weekly, in the amount they owed, and them 4 re- oarn by of the whole country, “a editorial column and the first arti- lease of their obligation, fa, to such =f ceteris sd hee ia clan, apenas re | Cold ak up the sum owed, they — Sues eraottet saa Siew eh Mery thea, prepared by WW. Holden wach ta ened tlh” elm wenak ot ihe covey on news o Wi a tongs tice himself, from the last mail reeeived before about two-fifths of its cost. Those who . Hol- Henry Walser, Sr., next addressed the | the Semi-W: went to - The last | had no money were unable to any of fast pak that the present Con- | article in the all of ich are editur-| this rich present, Finding = aa gre, having all to restore the} alized and prepared by Holden himself, | too small to represent the profits, & I alow, Was responsible for the present! is the : “watered the stock, Sareea ol diatraeted tondition of the} “IT 1S A PLOT HAS BEEN | serves us, and called the Masa country ;—and, there are disloyalists or WASHINGTON TO | dollars one million two tandred thousand a Cunpee Melieie tele tee (or FOR THE Ge tek biiewe ee ee to every penny Fora ma ge HEADS OF ABE LINGOLA AND | The Legislatare, since.the war, passed a wig He Yt ak pete at oe poe, ad Shee aS s and sympathy 7 Dy they the white mee, as was that of were not and approv-jand Weldon “and "the Witat and cand ado | ci by Hotes Hime ag pg not met peo yw for be we should adhere to p at all | correct Bemi- Ps regry practice mp on Radical ta orto, mre py ated fie ee he pergraph no icrwt eke of a Lar poe | to Ly A in as He had taken an oath to support the Con. the Ws or Wi o pat. a dividend. The ing bill a opal, stitution Of the United States, and; re- 7 Deere a te i- Week. | great deal. of in at the time, know nok shy: Provi garding the reconstpaction acts as uncon- iy, heenihiand foreman of the office, |and was soon, repealed. It was eouvider- could not support them with-| who ap the form, arranged the mat- a0 aon * einer to give Btate bonds, 5 wits out his oath, ter of the Seusi-Weekly for the Weekly. |on which the payment of the interest had ; = J... Welborn, Esq., said the issue, | If W. WiHolden did not do. it and d suspended, for a stack that was Aon with bg w4e'so taand by “the ‘Senne not approve it, Mid he mot call the at-| bout to ya dividend aod’ that would hos tion of the United or go with those poorer Nal 8 pg can ethyl bar tarther “watering” by a" stock di¥i- ro endeavo ave fected? | not correct end, Me Bobtina weal resola- Sieh adapts Gbke ithe, Gis next meats The case stands thas: These tockhold- the coming tions which were ‘adopted : | or the next’ t Why did he not cor-| ers owed the State; they were released B. Pri. ri Hesoleed Let, That.we fully endorse | rect vin 1862, °63 and ’641 ‘The truth | and allowed to come in and toke the uke eerntine Cone eeines of the late Cou. ia, W. W. Holden did it himself. It then | the stock at about one-half of ite valae, servative Convention at Raleigh, on od his sentimepts and feelings, as subsequent events have shown ; then ask our cotemporaries the 6th Feb’y. last, and earnestly ¢om-|anc he #0 told a friead several times about | they were allowed to buy the State's in- mend. its of and | the time it appeared. He said it was the| terest when thoy were to pay divi. plan of organization to the peo of this | smartest he bad said—it would put dends, and pa suspended bunds, which here evens mee jams fatimated te rr Pell oy rassond dolce Co the = ahr cxstution, cr- . in or , to his friend that Mr. Pell | ty ¢ ing the amount ved 2d, That in order to carry out{ ones Sa Aadnaiee tee soon actly Broadway, N. Y.; « orte, cost $350 may be ie curtent funds, ‘The Rosewood, Seven Octa tine base, is of for Piano is fret lyre Ay le. Apply at the aos of { Southern Compariy "| @ act as an Executive Committee, whose | then, if done this smart thing; but took all to himself. Bo friend told him was smart it’ was imprudent.— duty shall be to tend all matters] We say we can prove this. But we.may that plan we recommend the appointment }a of three persons in éach Captalu's district | the and ; ra, 4 of organization ia the count that every couseryative in their reapective | ry to any that Holdee hes demaged ve by disizicts registers, whe polis dst attack, ane sq | his i , and to see | not do it, until we think we-can fiid a ju-+ fiscate insist om appropriating State se- edad.’ ° cet Fok eee part of the echoal fund income ar- We thiok the State ought to hasband|ren,) the Indicatar asks, Where im King The Or ray. State SALISBU ky, MABOH <_ eae BIGNS or THE TIMES. From almost every quarter we have the by falsehood with the radical the indicati ple will vote 0 eg ity Constitution with a hae of undnim- ity much surpassing anything, of the kind which over before gegpired i in our history. eee ite "Ag i rm 7 poet. iat 4 “mp wee {e br’ [gawet, and amosiate W dlowe With Abe c ry spam, history af tory amén , been ate emnreugrk es Hy “recutivg Committee} Raleigh; ers Sadak aeaiaal iat igh oot o Srontre ate At) tote ir hn ‘ fosiball 0d tena ~_ ih + 4 ot of the day po Tuesday ats found eur friends there jubilant over the the Conven- tion, of « chiteht feta "FIP road” Bearing the above riamie, to start point on | the - 0. Road between | * and | I by brat | Cans ee. ei tg more mobly, And overcome, and threw down their arms, their surreader was @ religious act,-sacred-and pure-| tem Mr- Bites believed that their r surrenders confidence in =e eerniggnigliesmreyd e wag vindi- honest, and he had erties 3 ; ket iia S8ipee day! during ‘the tas pportsel vx Tian grea a orb el thse are the Committee andthe, khig ‘thai bane Tod Sigerspnaba i evidences Which are wn cS bht ra ha of @ great aprising i their Ifved ‘ne dre ever ikely to of cshgabpterce to parel indicative of ap Pain sree ean tangereth 5 (bingy a> igor aaa pay reane } wi ie both the! Ptecttive oetan Saya Uae espected : froso Chats ont ly ase be. the |<: fed ib ratered ke as for thesmahmen tn srcenitte hh sad derabee hn) tno goof it to services of the great. men who composed | me vices of more. universal favdrite and'be canttot’s1- Src ese en de | fo him by the’ parison, M hi nile they were able to fight they stood up manfully, No people ever fought alluded soababenir bata and no Sa mor fer thie and the day of éléo- 1 ea Rutog ‘dndigations.are that: at the xt election the entire: voto will be polled, and if it is the consdreatives will Our limited space will not permit us to pub- lish the proceedidgsiof all the Couservative | meetings whieh nate ra Bret .| HeBState-as we ld sed wim Sideryie ent Wher EF. a Tole alice Nad © Mollikit and ‘ladeo Ritit adorn’ thay those of Joh. Lie Fidiér and John Giles? me em to borat aptording x demres Gt incdiapeseng eke « ‘. . et v South, is expect- 3 it is wot wholly it relates why 1 th when they were at fast of ing iss of an the State should calm yb consideration only of the g ious Con the eon @, White peo of the hater be eT thy to be eenitek men reven bye ih to do, held in the pooot pr aioe ied wre can, ne 1 er my ek Oot PT ue Whiw body Will Ghee off Ah, ‘anail’s | Committes, will plapaiien, aot D AS wart ee oad crat, solieiti ag nga By $6 per day f Saattbace 6 Those and: Dr. Hobba more than wete the set ifors reply : ee all re “Guties, with, .tehidli martes aa res a y oagrey he baer of ve JSeaee ties of our race, for constitational a — meee iat MB Pat vu ee? on aud 0 sata & lad te. fos thé: hha hole Y sot ashore tech on’ patel ma By banuer and ‘uphold er | Seeerts Fos tet Suma Py promise him ay most} his @-peration eee ye iyPBy's. YaNORe. oe we. Baas x. Senate naps andeleguee't f the Conyestion, seen rae : Written t¢ thd editor of the Charlotte piri ws cay ee of the new ape "abe Wanda to bb sabmitted fo the people ts ‘shia State, We shjoin the ‘fulld Witte extract comin af oe howexer aio we atts to bee es pirtited pr “home wi g | It causes theHfair to > Cunt beautifully. _ | Bis compbaed entirely of simple and poreiy tegets- Pie ry 5 him mgm g vpn in, Pennsyl- | = the gies. by Druggists A gent Big wd 2 = “IF livre ‘pioge route elon: ta rE ke sd ats tape : i thy \trtwn he fate will ‘ ¥ Tey ingens doris Haw. Is heey tha Boalp Cheam WWidy, Pe Ib iavigoratnthe Ross of ie Maly, sa Is forces the Hair end Bea we gow. luseriantly. 6 immediately stape Male Pemting Oat’ | 18 keope the Hie tromy(Chabging Color from age, Wt restores Grey Hate to ita 0 ite Original Color. Lo It brings sud the Hals on, Me Heady that has boon paid the for years. ble substeqeai: Ip hasreceived over six thousand voluntary testitno. ‘ nials of its excellence, many of which sstrom phy. eldians in high stan ting. ad he oa ice biown Eco > Wells & Ca.y Beit. York, 09 siarehitewty Pay V SPRING. . Teese epi §6,50: per Keg. " Pomiat : aA . } per ein wl enthriiding « wererdl Levis, of Procy aot Staple - ‘ peer eres Bale 1 SUBSCRIBER bate hay Sa 25 Saas ete ie whichisa te seat r wo an of water « athe ot the trent devira bie Se raemeen a ; r Tele sa TS on men si] Tee le 3 NG ere ee 1268 ophes March 4th. Cont or ie > First class references en when requied. at. a Soe A ae vo bn; Mareh 6, 1268, ~ “ * ; Bett ple te ft . v) ~ + bei frakadtt } ; Se sos dca ate eae Lae 5 Pe vf ; Peete. 4 . Y ani 4 ‘ ——— SS —— “SALISBURY, N, C, MARCH 13, 1868. [VOL. I, NO, 10 a seam re a — LS rhaps, wére intended to overlooked, Treason, the greatest of] the strangled princer, with the precure- | with homicide, was tried before a Military | bis honrs of relaxation and social intereourse, «hor feta and, after its sentence, was had declared an opinion that these laws were ee ee ITE and, ware Mt fresh and real offerices, with va-| crimes, is in that instrument mand in the} ment of their death, War is at best a : tence t jared : rying objects and pretexts, were persisted | artlcie establishing the Judicial depart-} dreadfut trade. "The most brilliant vieto- | Sept te by cunfined in a State’s prison iu New ~ conflict with the Constitution, # commitise in, until the national miud beeame disgus-| ment, with a definition of the offenc’ and|ry is but successful carnage. But “the Lhe feo the reseed. that, eg acre Shared — of freer oe Pa ted, and it recoiled in a new revolution, and the quantam: of evidence necessary | big ware that make ambitian virtue’ rite | (4, ce aaava ancl, abaya th te a polars pred seat awe, by whieh the constitution was restored |for conviction, as well forthe safety of} above the malice and revenge of private | of Lace. “i = pao ar r sel — ae ae ara nigh erie ortsinde- and righted np, and placed anew upon its | the Governmentas for the protection of the | feads. Ours was an American war. Wel wittedin that State; aud that by conse- meanor,” Ju proceedings such as these, I feet on the firm tion of the Bill of| citizen against the cruel and malignant | have read of the fiercencss of the struggle, | quence, the sentence imposed by a Mititary think we have some evidence of that i Rights of 1688, And the philosophie| persecutions on charges of this crime) “when Greek meets Greek,” bat never | Coumission was void. ‘Phe revenue officers | enthasiasm” evolved by civil warsof whieh commentator on history, from whom I|which disgrace the annals of English | was the sublimity of valor, prowess and|tmake their rounds in every eounty for the | the historian has reminded as. The President have already quoted, in allusion to this | justice. Said Chief.Jertice. Marshall,| manhood so Mnstrated as when “Ameri. | cvllection of taxes. The Courts of the Uni- | 19 his proper sphere, and the Judges of the ~ and other al cok, whether on account (in a Judicial opivion:. “As there is no|can met American” in the hostile fields | ted States, within our borders, are regniarly bing Gears jn, thelen, see Sy oval y ‘of religion or government, in each of whieh | erime which can more éxcite and agitate | of the late great conflict. History, story — a bal me ot - ail —“ CO ieee ame "the a e Steal there isn like tendency to intolerance and | the passiods of men than treason, no|and soug will celebrate the achievements be prone ier 6a sects verre the | the whole people of the United States, an Con- , remarks, that “of all spectacles, | charge demands more from the tribunal | of the heroes of either side, while time! Kuion, for all the poole pr duty and pro- | stess in its department. And when the com- v d is| before which it is made o deliberate and|sball endure, or the English tongue re- | tection, that may be demanded or afforded | 10” constitaent’ of -all shal! see one get of its to oppose religious | tem inquiry be directed. to the fuct| main ; and the military stadent, with his | by the Executive; for all purses of taxa- | axents attempting te i 30% and or'even political enthusiasm. It is not|or the law none can be more solemn, none | diagram in his hand, will traverse their | tion and the eullection of taxes fur the pur- | vrowbeat another, and it in its fanc- only the vulgar, bat it is men of educa-|more important to the citizen or to the | fields for instrnetion and adutiration, as he | pose of carrying on prosreutions of being | UONS they — not be ee the tion, the most liberal, of ae the most pare ager none can more affeet the| now visits those made illnstrious by the | Yeetce of ofimgeroar eS the — asc Mieroanee “= wad ae brilliant, who are almost ly exposed | safety of th. ‘Po prevent the possi-} daring and genius of Marlboreugh, Conde, 3 of being geed by citizens of ser) theory balances — ty these fatal eclipses of ‘the uuderstand-| bility of those calamities which result Bovctparths iad Wellington, And if our Tessa He fa ee vac beldageed rel ant oe o ‘ : 33 gress, ing.” Avd he adds, that the only protec- from the extension of treason to offences | statesmen could but reconcile themselves! 7 ayy Sit Centraeat ae escailer © Aclow of law vi-| tion againet these fatal consequences gou- of minor: importance, that great funda-|to look upon the past as irretrievable, and | without any foundation iu the ‘grinal pa sists in two wholesowe precepts: “in yeli-| mental law, which defines and finite the| would adopt as a policy to forgive, and, | tion of affairs, declares, in effeet, by its leg- | court, except for the un warranted attack made ~ never to lose sighs of morality ; and | various departments of our government, |as far as possible, to forget ; if they would Jislation, that there is no peace, but a state of | wPon ition the proceedings of Congress, to which political speculation, mever to depart has given a rule on the subject, both to) be as wise and teuperate as the soldiery,|war, to which we, iu our helplessuess and | 700", — has re —_ — vad from the great leading forms and maxims! the Legistures aud the Courts of Awmeri-| who overeame the resistance and accepted | poverty, are & party. ; ofigsrier ns to remind you thet Age ov : f A hi ; ; : ‘ The first reflection, which oecurs upon the eight judges vow constituting the court are of the Constitution, These humble prim-|ca, whieh neither can be permitted to | the surrender of theie adversaries, were joe, SE re oy appoiutees of President Lincoln confirmed by ciples, so obvious and 50 safe, are soon|transcend.” And the siath article of the | brave and magnanimous ; if they would anaes this ly ae a bo the Senate during the war. If Congress can- arid» legiti- |despised by men of ardent temperament ; | amendments to the Constiiation provides! but consent to re-establish the constitu- | °°. gress isthe peace making power of our] |)“ eatize its wishes in the determination of ooh | f : 4 : overnmuent, even ju ease of foreign war! e; enaeiment {and it {6 thie firét symptom of religious or| for jury trial in this great crime, a8 well| tional relations of the States xs they were They have express power to declare war, but soch a-court, it is because those wishes are not nt -exela- | political cathusiasm to deny or disregard | as other capival offences. Avd here per anderstood to exist before this disastroas | pone such to conclude peace. By usageeat snch as in reason, law and justice can be allow- *bénefite of the constitation | them.” mit me to relate an incident of some in-| war, and to throw inte the common stock | least, this bas always, heretofore, been sup- ed — “ a al =< they have tes, as the alternative of It is my sincere conviction, gentlemen, | terest in the history of the Federal Con- | of American fame the renown acquired by | pused to be an Executive power, to be exer- tae — : ar lgpos Pye Se of poles Fs one the net is, iw ef: | that the serioas, if not fatal, disease with | stitution of the country. Perceiving that! either host in the terrible collision ot arms, cived by the President, subject to having his) oo a3 pear ts por Scounciton p persed s ¥ which ear country is now afficted, which | he had voted against the adoption of the bebey would at oitce commence the work of eee rere ys fens — * te ber both their associate d 4 : In P . A : le : Pe e ough) to mination ——— our country has recently | téays ita recovery from the gaping wounds | Constitation in the first convention, in op-|re-auien, and jn some measure anticipate | (oat Deut. witb Mexico. with the Barbary govermmeat. Genilemen, what was there in the nature of wnat bloody and desola- | of war and threatens the utter de sletion | position to the admirable argumeniation | a verdict which will be rendered b ; ae a , es , r } | Y P| wowere and the Judian tribes, in differeut pe | uo yal arasale ig waht Weerlf paper rt WEEKLY, OD, t ri Wookly. Ompsitoenteriy ets Sehiqgt a4 . «(ie : . J i i | ! | j A & i a te if i B u t f t u t i i k Dh F e i 23 FR ‘The straggle was one of and destruction of the section in which | of Iredell, and the commanding elognence | terity, aud that not a distant one. ‘deal history; and in the insts { ‘ je ity haiman history. Is | our lot is cast, springs from the polstical| of Davie, whom be had followed in the | Gentlensen it is impossille to disfran- ihe Whiskey pat ldronggr ts Paalieat ki and animosities between | aga ty wl = of and \cuthuisam, the inwlerance of party, of | field and in favor of it, in the second, [| chise aud attempt to disgrace, by the | his simple order, wi ubdrew his troops, after — gt tam ir Ho wah pepe whee a should continae to roll for a sea- which individuals may not be couse/uns| inquired why it was that thie change took | wholesale, all those embraced in the male-| the rising was cousidered as 80 pressed, and | ate i oY Poe wert of > wcll which has now been annihilated. It was beld he storm which sep them in ag- | or vot able to resist it, whiets pervades | place. The reply was, “We considered dictions of the acts of Congrees, or civil criminal proceedings, to the Courts, were wabsided. _ Bat Bave wee nos, | the setion of Congress and even jaundives | it as proposing a great revolution, by |or military office, the millions who, in any rn ve at ee oe Coa by those who commenced it, that this defence $n thie land of the | ita eye wheu it looks towards this “Jand| which ue State was to surrender im- | way, aided the rebeltion, without produ- |" m aaent ee a rear could be made effectual by & of the of peace, at the end of three years of the eun;” and that the ouly cure] mense powers, without adequate securi-/ cing a recoil, and a shock to the sense of om ka? pricey iper- = ees aafees é are States interested in this propert the rest, honest enrrender of all the armies which can have the least effect, either in } ties. at after the conatitation had been | justice of the people of the Northern and | .ny power ower the sain ‘te Aeron and from the commen ae 16 the government, and a per- benefit'to the Government or relief to} adopted by the other States, and the gax-| Westera States of this coantry and of | catiey eomtroversy. which was # war, though isted over both; — ety to secede and ourselves, is that of which history de-| croment had gone into operation aod Mr | mankind fn general. “Courage,” etyr|it did not reach the shedding of blond, all poser bebe. ‘hy ae wolored in Madison had proposed the amendweats | De. Johuson, “is #0 necessary to the per-|thatJacksou asked of Congress was & force a por Ta ght tnd never gave to the @octrine ad become certain | formance of every cuty, that we admit bill. All other steps in the affair, the proclsa- | ihe jeast countenance. Bot I at free to con- “ "The Engheb, with the | tion, the military orders, the disposition of fess, that I very bh doubted whether a ina- Seutt aud the vaval un- jority of the people of the United States had cat We not have deetare for hi that he spoke ther eentlmeuts ; nesmber of the convention, that eo far as feet restoration’ of, and profand submis: ) wihtary aatherttp-had-beenextended over sion th, the duthority of the Uvhed Seates, | monsirates the efficiency m free aud re- uc, be bad no desire te’ contravene, ov treat) * fully and completely as before the-eous- publican governments in past ages,—4 appended to it, and it h ix with Gier@apectt phd of the Congress mencewerit 6f hpstilities 1 Are the les full aud cordial restoration of rights 1 all} that these would be atlopted, our objec- (ft even in error predecessor, of the fame of the land furees ander * the States as members of the Union, and} tions were removed, and we voted-tor its | Seotch, are alike proad ams s der Elliott; the determination, after the pas-|)o¢ at different times gi it thel — raw thy Mae tne pelciege ypegerrel Motor fe be nee Sewer counacls | to thelr poop! diag to} ratifeation.” St ie in 1! dwenta , Wallace and B will almost i j i } ) to} the etatesmen who now rele oar counsels | to their people as citizens sccordiag (to) ratification. to in these amendments , Wallace ar race, and will almost in- fi tee at ni : : ht ty = pot with oe d due} yet 00 leare, that?“ te aerin a civil the Cuustitation ; Aud that the whole) that yea find the aafe-guards of religions ' eatt him who shall affirm that Cromwell's that _ eG one pag Bccely 183.1 Prom an early jod of the Federal govero- vo truth, wel the prin! { republican | ¥*, i+ wot to Ulam, "that she enemy | scheme of reconstrrction, im looking firet| freedom, of the liberry of speech aud of Tronsides were not the best soldiers in all labout the harbor of Charlestom, and their per a el ~ os ouberiap fas whieb puta| the presa, and other great and sacred prin- history Yet the fame of all these was| withdrawal were all Exeeutive acts werely. feo of 0 Beate ue coe port) covtending the’ plee 0 - berty, he trusted lie whould doco wich [overcome la.their fellow-citizen ; and al.) 9 deujal of represeatation, . 4 : 4 f ’ its nuihors to their wits ends to make ex- ciples, nearly all of which are comtatuc 1 acquired in fighting againet the crown — | Bat if the Senate, only, is to be consulted by | os it had been established by compact between candnty yeapeeitulnres areorded though it may or may pat be politic to se- ! e — on or a of the eagusmape eat nal bh jndividuals for the sake of | eases for it, with out being able to fiad | in the North Carolina Bill of Righte, iv-. wit them when there is an end of war] the President in bringing to » conclusiot & | ihe people of the diGerent States @r eommuni- \tnt. bald Mie. @, Gleetions are about to example, (todern nations deeming it the | auy that are satiefactory to an aaprejo cluding wial by jury, Eve accused there is peace ; and as “blood is thicker furvigu war raging, it may be. by land and | ties the parties who had catered inte it could take plack, to'dhertale "the sense of the wiset policy pot 1 panich,) yet, afier the edebeerver ; then to an attainder,s “mild traiors, then, are eutiticd to have nothing thau water,” if the fight has been with « vea, all around the globe, and a dunestic reel as in canes of ordinary conte dissolve it; ~ * "ia is true, if authority could be) imputed to ther but the acts of treason brother, there ie no ahject.on on the pert | errsves cannot he brought to am ed bys! the other, that it was hke the matrimonial coo- . the President at all, bat cau only be closed | tract indissoluble et. the will.of the cophe, and great lene of constica- slanghter of bis ehildren, the desolation | ove,” he : afe of Bie fclde, the conflagration of bis houses found for any, by disfranchiscment from | dewounend in the eonstitation, and to be of the vietor, the stroager party, to perfect ep by enpee tan Carry at Congouees | ca sa 4 acquitted unless there be two credible reconciliation at once The only devia-|15 which the Presideut’s concurrence is wet ume. The ot Vie taal thom © wo rob for their decision. It is and all the eutold chastisements of war, office aud the exereise of the elective] net onky bet ine to the very jo oxset of him degrading submission. to frauchiae of all niew whe, baving jurmer-| witnesses to the same overt act, or on | tinn from this policy by England has been | required, if a two-thirds majerity tn each tacky, in 1793, maintamed the patere Parr” eg 5 ahah shall be the | crush bie hope and destroy bisinetitatons ly held Federal of State offices, took part} conte-sion ia open coert; and to be tried m the case of Ireland, and its fruits are|eball give it their amnction, it * certaiuly ® The party which apbeld it, with atmost freedony pfttiseussion and inquiry will woud but to tarnish the fame, sud against the Government, bo matter under! by » jary in the distriet where the crime seen inh surede from geurrat’on to gener} new view of the Constitution whieh vo cutn- | pleeted the President aad beld majorives in soto alt dheTeenee tetglved; and that the} Weakea the am, of the couqaeror ! Tt je | whut circametancrs of chuice of neces }ehail have been emmmiticd. And they tina, in aide of Prance in publie war, in mentator. ja eighty years. ne! — before Cungress from the beponing of the " voter thal he free te cast bi wnffrage ae-'* pleasing incident in the annals of Bug sity, although they sre pow, in sinerrity | are eulijeet to no pusiahment exerpt apen oat breaks under Emmett and Wolf Tone, —— and =I \ategitets 7 ie ces eatary dll 1860, and at the ~»~- conting 60 bia txrt judgment of the public | land at the réstorntion of Charles the 2d, avd truth, ite friends; of toot aathe, by | the sentrace of a cnart afier euch a tral. and in the Fenianiem of this day pita _ vate at es i . deepal = = | Vretemmpapde naam Po to these agama ¢ ecighout appre eaten of ivjarione | an era vot avbke that of the re-establiah- which ne man, who in any way volunte | There is ne authotly, bat an inhib ion io Hat it is said, that we are without the pro nowy, Weare ealls it, of the eaiyal G Perliament: os saa coo satin ae i. ransequcuers (4 kimeelf for the act, * he. | ment of the United Ststes over the south od oe Gs va “lt = = tare shoal | ee oe — uy asf nye g — va) th 2 © at i a and eshte for there the Executive alone buth declarys | land, iv 1507, and 1814, ia Ohio, in her coo- 5 D . trad to ab me-l thes ander dietraiut, duress ¢ uff 1g ment of ghis of tizens, be ise We | ther it be given en ome side or the ether, |¢ta crantry 1865, 10 hear the Parlia- ey admit a » | me r Fail, Tyee “ uh Pies ee oy Le idea Ba Ueis ian laarw ell st g-oar eeoenioong peace ; . test with the Hanke of the Calted States in it Congress not only fusists, that the | 1519. and with the fogitive slate law in 1854 . Oe enalentiehareee! ott Bill of Rights | ment first arecubled claiming to themer! | gros or to held auy Federal offer, berw-| + f any kind, by way « ; shoe} Fd : ; which, nett th the Drealogar, and the| vee the tithe of “the healing Pasliament,” | ever houestly and truly he now supports allezed treason, of ta prevent iia repett ———— re ¢ steals : eas 1 vores geverminent in ium tate Lyles oak eens | ad 106K: fred ~ on ae we Testa )2nd the Chancellor Clarendon declaring, the Goterument; and making Sie « cheat hear sestdria | [ache sed and huinitiated States.—an linagin sleeping tha that they pew? isvoke if mrot, cousins the priveiples mort neece-| in the mame of his sovereign, “he king leceaser and witurss against bimeelf, a| judication sages toh J ary chimera, whieh the mielane holy i“ whe | they found it necesnery, Thoagh not a be- ’ che ae. a suitor to you, gentirmen ; he ie a bear } powertul temptation top: jary on the) Legislaiar: to ada te the crime, Stlatd ands rs cee jeliarc ind us show te be a delosion.—but it | hever in it myself, I sary to be known. among wen, it ward P, e | ike Weed ike hid, and alterfere in the trial, war to is Sict o} . il makes iuatant and Quixotic war upon all per- | that its advocates were not few him te | part of week av 1 wicked, aud a! terfere in the tral, var to! fict pa - harshuess are the best inrans of cementing laine principalities avd powers who do wot | and that event sa"ly it woukd be bronght to the baw che | lion etcept apm jndicial warrant and cd- weme pe a8 ANY terms And there is po power ta the ] sw pay dictate. ner Ww clared “Ghat elresons ought to be free,” | ty eunter: that you will join with : ; , and “that 4040 the right of the people to | reetoring the whole nation te is priautve | stambling block in the 7 of de taanly | ment _ r by its own offiecre, : by ae ; veut c thee ary i © exprted t | te cacti it, Tha Preskéonted the Selacd Guana | caioeseuh at Ua onan has dodielon hao assemble tegether to e-meult for the com tem) er and miegrity ; to ise old guod and conecientions ; of looking first to aj agency of the Hrarv. as an alternative get set an eit » na fac - eantry. FE at} segatives this theory. and it provokes ap at- een most erophatically snecanced, and can- mon good,” terthe end; of coarse that | manner, ite old good humor, and ite old | representation from « class in whieh it for not eure ving wp theie rights a6 ts tt im Dotbe rlee the pobbeiste. | iaek upon the Executive department of the | didly acquirsecd in So far as regards the ¥ bad Ietori Yat | will be difficul fad n of any Ainess,| citizens, or such as Ff tain to thew States. Tore” sp ly to ferrign ware. heave any fete-} f hich it | ple of Nerth Corol here i a tons they may compare mpitions, be couvinerd | “aiure Awd the historian relates that) #7! ¢ wht to fiud meu of any Bi 4 izene, or such a* per \ States, were apr’) atthe fale, teste fet | gorerninent, stripping of powers «hie it | Nerth Cerolina, ¢ is not of theie ntereete aud duties, and strength | Clarendon never tailed, while he poerese lanless they arc imported trom abroad, And we ch pot arregantty er ’ as ine tle wf - | has exercised aince the days of Washington. | cause lor nursing the embers of » feud betweee en each other hy avataal enonerte and co- | ed any inflacner, to nae it to purposes the | and which mag inclade negroes; then to Gantly, but with a conrciousuer* frock Hotei hood ip mvs — *jand threateving the ive unbent with im-| them and the peuple of any of the other States ’ sf . ’ ' ’ , ew t ' e « t rea } ' he enb lar nit * ech | heen the American tenat noble, by recalling bie severcign's | * pirdor ing process by Congrees which | ot hing . judicial deterr Be an oe ap ; as : . and al Analyse the | A large mapurity of them neither beleved m tatkos. ?* pase ber ‘ P ss ‘ 7 } } a ataeed lea l't enna as . * \ ect of the quart and will yoo not discover | Lhe right of secesdion, its efficacy a8 # remedy theory of Government, and I (rte ever \ mind, whenever a fair opportantty efieved | may letin such as have Re pitiat he we Py er w the yp “ +s : act bet ; zeus. | hae the President inaiate there is prace ais tor any priseenee, nor that grievances ex’ will be, . Under the brow Aigis of thee: | to those great por ciploe and frre maxims | faver, not by maintatming the ‘ravers aay : zs mate taal aie ae arp al Pea ae ail User that the people and States of the South are | Whoch jastified a revolution. As late as Ped. principles je this convention here, at the joe the E.nglich constitution, wich, as the | during the piel bas by « of de- | om i gently - pied a ‘ Wg the nm whil« lemenn | crite to a beting of equality ander the | 1861, they voted down, af the polla, with my Hore gand renee aud bitter expe. | votou (6 its policy since; and thea, pre expounded by > § t Jang whom elf as a gm tines that even |(.nctitation with these im other sections; | full cuncerrenes, vel fon, seat of gevernebentiol the State, openly, |‘ hanectlor’e gone ! ) : ) : Aaah a ae 1 \ ; appr per ; and in the face of day, to aake + apa rience bad taught bim, Were wot euly the | haps, at come remote day, thoagh grudg | refetener has ben a y made, whiner Uves So ee mit eriine. ra Are che zed wie chilet Congress deuies it, and reforts that |= propesition to call « Convention to consider he Hedghoeey he “4 More af the com safe gaard of the liberty at the subject, | ingly avd reluctantly, to have a ger ral example of jadicial bravery, i tegrity and shall be sule to trial and ateuement | the eatertainer face each opinion te in sym- | the oat of ; tt Gut Gail eve- 6 Opes edbattr td ms hem | but the best serenity of the crown. Ob, | amursty, ie a grossly mistaken and fatal, impartiality ss only equa led by hia th oe ae provided fur. therets Jpathy with cobetion snperadding that be 'y Srate astound ber had seoeded, and war hed gran and tnendrover roeongtird g fe _ t ro catholic | patri« (- ae well as unconstitational policy lise) rengh grasp and sus 4s exposition of . fi the \ivese be tiene a: peu threatened greater severity towards them be- | * wally been commenced, in Which she was iP coccinea i eaoctnent wish #3) ° pire, ivmnipt = aad et a t a kind of annealing preect* ful of di«-iall anretene of Arecricin and pa iw oo decstraceen em ey ahi nf fore the clome of the war? And apon the | comin lied to take the one thle or the other, that isting wuthority and we other. And be-r|tic, a wisdom vo profoand and just, ae that) mer oe ae nae pela ¢ vleervations of Mars alrenay 4-| ineeat rigid peruting. will it wot appear that | 88 © metler uf necessity, of pationsl interest 1 cannot bat eapreee my rr gret that s#c- of Clarendon, tn the troablows fines w hich ! aree |) OOS S a Pores ah hes ) a } eae ee dae a Wikenaltt exbt Sy Fries re calculated | hie affence hath . new more 27 | ard salety accoriing to our we de- eret avenciations, & wnuned ateractiv: | aweered our civil war } | properly appl ed to brittle, ¢ a, but! hie pros ee af y five veare, in the ou oe and agitat ; org as see a ; Sepa | termiued (3 eapoare the cules of (ad Southern to the ignorant and & cusioer, euch ae | Thore war no want of food for bitter | whoily aneurte d to make a tevacious, | highest conrt of che country. againat these ; AK in stitnt f the! ov ccy than in the heat and fary of the em Statea Being in, North Carolina bore her part 2 } , ] f - ' ' r / f tr , : Pe ‘yg wane,’ eb, Ate Ars to be | aeemories and revengrful feelings ia the | touch and lasting political unin Our! acts of legislation en the part of | reaa me wpe e ade at inet expected to be: “that his failings with goo faub and honor towards ber asto- art i omer, af \ ae yl wernee through whieh Eagland had just fathers af the Rrevolution proclaimed of ¢ led Her nstruct Acta; by ® the neat See f dence ate clearly dedacd tomercy'® vide? And hie noble ‘ie. | ciates, and an wuselfish beroieet and gelactry — wey eatrasretys am seed, whea he ® wke thoee healing | oor British anecetors, that, like the reet, begishatis 1 tof the gove Uns nam ners © nay have been engaged | fener of the Constitution. aod the rights ¢| vever surpassed. Whee the forvanes @ war with closed dvors. or in uigttly and arcret | pee*re, } K \ rr mankind, they were enemies im tar cs anew | ra ke lifierenee ; t ery aetof lev: the mew (the Meuthere States. rendera| proved sdverse she was in favor of peace — saehinate and oy onthe and myaterion avck |v ords of noble charity: A King. nor aaa pare yy ade Lt eill require a more and place ina stite of ie nt ee to Wace wiwlich exu here be (47 ba ike cane being. Use prevcaibention ef | otr=. mae been'tome dilference of opimion, to engender hatred artong Ure black race | br wae altied by the imterwarsi ace & alee ' of ve Ne tadivil ee pen (Orn te impated. iunplies nainbers, and it matters’ pr igciples dear tothe American heart, and en | whether peace evwhi not have beca earlier againes the native whites end baud the children, had been depoced and beheades|, | couvmens logie than any of om wa edhe - be seco, bat States af aug huw many. N . ass: be affert na bim te the evenaragement and the | Te hed. With some opportanities for obser- femediipdibe: on © spegpt eenger munarchy and aristocracy bad been abol- | men are yet maatrre of,to prove that this commauities, includ meu, WotMen Ged) ed by the facts tha i os charurd had! thanks uf every patriot sacion, T mast aay, that, through the timid, 1 : on eanhecalion | isae d, a Protector whom he regarded asa} watia ts not trac as between the late chiar wihall a lie appreba and a ft Bat the bypotiess of Concres, ad the | of Governm-at whieh bad bees i by and a Petr a “io iat the ‘Gino |" urpet had sciaed the teins of govern belligerents in the Amenein Sats ¢ If exte, and comp L thew | hy , bs scree y of its Aircon these |S eyncarrence, I wever saw the day, ete v ww sense J es : ° t) liv 1 , " ean ‘ cn a] ‘ 2 : . wie a nd idlé, and th : coutrel che decisions |r’ and swayed the destinire of Bag: | the people of North Carolina are at peace way of expiiion, ot \ y A . ae . a ! t to he Drewegtt | oo ee coukd have beea obtsined earlier A ¢, thus te ve , ae : with thuee of Kentucky Olde, Penenvl- | der ap the see 1 ern! scene - State aut y. 9 pie t me | . iar ete a. | tan it cane, except by a new revulation, I: of the Lallnthex.. To eeduternet these | land, and had sabdwed the whole reala (elie : ere ft Nae be bi | capes a ‘ : ~ | suetaimed. as ¢ euncarreecs of State A t . ral : y = = sco seeiys to have been among the ordinations vf * Par! " onqener rar a 3 " ake it th ‘ ng riy so ee ure, and a ait nere | urler the wast? m4 evil indwences ; tn aajgdin the grunt exuee | 19 * flere inientiine Wat; he OTE ede. and, if friends, then equals) amt negry = to the enjoyment ol Ts 1 ne thority i pe aggravation of the erine. In| wae when ite legate of Une comntry, | Providence, thet the war should be pretrene’ of the from and |in whose name lareudon spoke, the law: | are friends, and, if friends, then eq ant neg - - 1 aks other words. as the co and of approval of | » aff > y. "| ho the point of exhanstion which it feached, hidden to the Open of thre | Gal sucerteer Im the crown, was the son uf and fellow -citizen*, eulitled to the sawej; wilh = ccfmaiona cf : ite m rare wathucite can make ho Man's case ANY cas 4 - NOt : _ 1 P F . mw e {that wore pene dnl comm, & mash be ore : eo en reperee , So ores ford t +c aaah await ‘ a een b a pee 1 esta, were plcaew ¢ e therr laws bron! api ‘4 i were * - : » behe mrardered king, aed had Leen lime | rights as te representation | - ' , bet t 2 a k " . ‘ a eae \ismd aod uciver-al, throughout the entire rm a erg: he old yes wne) - = gage 8 wh narrow ee-| ihe regulation of the qaalifications of | negro Gan over the State. When! Juridietion of the United states. withi sepa or ihowe evar aol | ited Never wat there a cutest aaiaboned | of white cltetars, 'y tader ft acts of “6 f sivit pes) death frera his | votera. among their own pe iple, and in| we nok whut was thie impute doffener, and the limite of the Coustitrtion. was fall and pie th le«t fed a me Sie ; . | nore periect srnuerity, OF a surrenter of erme: Pac ye! eA! 1h .‘pyantene ef their | eoprn Trven of / 7 lve long youre ‘all other resprete known to the Conatita. | are anewen d ‘Dreasen ; we continue the nplete befire wor It was exelnded and : aoe onfl ence of pastvt oF eG, f s maade or observe! in better faith There fates,” and have power of decision rebellions eulgcets, for twelve Tong ) Urs Ide nat deny, on the contrary [ inguiry, ae to Ho condemant lalividaale, seapreded fora thre by the wer. m diweew joo 9 tas bow wt pitts | has mot been a day, I assert it withoat the z : lee Carweat desire ol the pew gaver \ ert ‘ thew y: . yuuy, 5 t f ; sein i wu ne hour, whe are set apart wih sim z sshas B oe over the present feswes in their own hande | yet, He € , haga Feely admit, that it la the right ot she lin what court waa the guilt ascertained the eutest ended, it was simply restore Bo ie ieee gerry rar eeaceas ke aieeare | east besitatiun. there veret has been a day, it they but Wit 16 exerciee ft; aud to give ene ant be oe per spa neg apne GQ ae t thro y ite proper ar ! tene ine Was there a its aid supremacy rith a guverament of } srg ginel bcheat a, areal ie » akg simy the surrender of thse sruis became Lasie' 2 i Beart avernment, acting ong proper and sentence pronen d re 4 . SL ’ ae ee gine " vd Ud <3 a Marshal ot hin deputy, with pro- organizat ott Ry ye these | and harwony. Their policy was, in part, | Or rm : i ; . E ere 8 | Legislative, Exee itive and Judicial pow iy Saas ge pee ue BAO" | Koown, that a Marshal or bie depaty, cade. 9 .% s Ld ied vast ear a euceresful, yp ie thirigen——1 think this | aw officers, aided by the Fixcentis ¢ Du | trial by jury aud im the distriet where the Wa. western Peunsyivania held as a cv ines rg nO The pedal Lined’ per evidence of his official charscter, might mot yp SUED A EHYsET EH Ce as iw} ’ . f the raplticated in | partment in a ease demanding it, to ar-| erime was committed 1 Were there tWe! juered territory. afer cha ee aiisendithe | A ae, be me when £Fa * | eee gone te every part of the quae, ul or become a nererasity. It was neevesary Was the number—of thore hay \¥ : . ‘ - : \ ’ trom in the monde af legielat rs was er tert aimert, | om 3 restand carry befure the Courts for trinl, | witnesses to the same overt act against Whiskey insurrection ' We k rit Wee liner the reqpenwiylty of solving such gr t| rested or served the prowess of the law on any 7 Ny J : - y La F - citiare from the bighest to the lowest withous ’ ne of a le re ere arrest , bat on ts leaders were arrested and | quesbons was abuul to be remored fram the: sho lave king's denih were exce ated —ath- A y citi er any num fled. others lost their esiates Butehe | any citizen, of any pt on legal testimony, are charged with of- ber of tliem,. who, | each conviet, or aco frssion by hin in Jopen cout} And ne to the State is there | tried before the civil enurts As well may) Civcs or, at least, shared by swol an anpest or elaewhere, | one meinber of the haman bedy claim | Qoupority; so that Uo the inter likewine, to diagbuee the public miad | the North, in Co se and among their} ' on o' } sinve of men were Loo inplacable, the | residiance or obstruction Weill, gentlemen, what followed next? The * sty ot we lany law in tho Conatitution constituents, of wh lmpreeeton studiously | a : Uni , ) : 1 ® gs , ted States in the : c lectalie smpting to epics, dela- fending agaiust the tom é | : a Lee : } ‘ inculeated and cherished, that there 5 scendion wae too emp f 7 salons of | late war Pe atany ober time. W bether! by which a State can corm't a erie for | have cvaquer and to held at mercy. aguth: | power: by the Le-gielature Were trav, it mebgtet atiemp! at seerastion had been pul cown, (wih exinta, among the native white people of Horm, and informers, With provers he | the aitY thas acenacd can be convieted | which it is amenable asa Statct Is ele wr member. a8 for the governing power of al he confined, aul, f erroneods, it ‘civ rpld be | Heavy lueses to the conquering aathority, ' is the Beate, adesling at-ayerrion, to the con: | super bounding loyalty on their lips, the} the party ki y lovging that|not as ineapable of doing a wrong us a | cvamtry. when its anthority is every where), pomptly corrected, ant tts titschels averted | trae, but these were a8 nothing in their effects, etitetion Ne si of HBO OC nited fapirit of faction was too fierer, to allow | of tieason In ma “sii ge : —— kK ei tl ans t] : there | Teorse d. te claim the right of a conquer: | Bit ander the snqpicten that the sets ip ques w the desolation ant ruin suffered by (heir States, and a di+ sony to. perecequio anid) tiie wise liberal and hamane policy long | war against the United States, Senki mg; re heb et Set F rat there |; yver its own territories ut peuple. Juen may tet stand the teat to whieh all bor adversary,) tranquility Was festored, and the . 4 * ; cu asf ¢ sefore which she apon- | ; vay < ; be 2s i pees | remorseless system of per acted in eo doing — ona life wad sible ne is eee : . individe F ‘, aly be | Then. gentleinen, have we peace | We see ler laws were hable, ne svoort is iis kind of people of the recreant States eouspelled to re ernment exercising the ywer of life anc ible; her citizens, as v ma K and feel and know, that there is no war since ) appeal suggested, than bikes are intrdnced te turn to their obedience to the Coustitatien — maltreat phe enfranebiard blacks (‘ta ¢on- {to prewail A : 3 vinee them thwt dtr present struggle ps brn was 000 inaugorated, nat thre not the offspring’ Wf resentinent or contas| military comissiof& aud standing arudes death over all within ite limita, J = ling responsible - fer Tt they may| April, 1865; and that in the prostration. im-{ reader the ouurt, mot @ ouurt, as alware eater. | NS2S a : . | ral ord " clad i pt seure or inclination to diecues. tie|have done? |e will not do to answer) ), verishmeut and ruin, which we witness all’ stood, in which the upinions of a maprity [eration « all the slaves, to the number of foar macy, buv-onty fer ‘the preserve ton of car{ but by provended ead co & ey: = cs edb for the Judiciary which Hhave these questions Ly epithets and denuncis cnaed us. there isa total Inability on the 'shoa'd decide » dog but to raise the a fe ber wd of a million 1u rights a&{ Armericayt ciingot, and the de-|juriesy (ee pretense wae ot np Tr . pi, urpose to antictpate. ” Bat granting itione, and a recital of the etatisties of the | part of the Senthern States to make ove. 1! of jodges necessary to declare void an act of ‘ nfrcted a8 a pens fence of ciyilizapion, if not the exieteuge of jing from this ordinary machinery of jus: )® P rm itty f te extent, it | war, the namber of men alain and wound-| prvtest that I thoaght there was peace. The Congress to two-tl rds; to direct the court, that ty her the war te the em it of trore thaa oor . : Woe OT | : I titation | the ame nabitity in the greatcst extent, ar, is : { half of all the property of the State. It was civilised Bhetely'y “aide © orn hem nor, ane going etnies Ow a 3 con- fis an amenability to the Courts of justice, ed, the amount of treasure expende!, and | Pxceutive Department declared that there | while it may pass on the constitutionabty of | ng Se ict poe aah an rb gue bard arepreveyeatione gers ere ae ry ee oe wee spirit of with all their safeguards for an Wmpartial | the like appeals to the passions, as is pimp myririg te Finca ap cg ‘ wl soap ste ie peor pian sg the question betore the Courta Subseqnent od roporbeny ane Was, Pe beats. and co gene . ard ath : Yb the | trial, In the Constitution of the United baenally done. ‘This is bat ordering the Judiciary et ae as ee candnaaa oh he : nts ial be Part put ly came anoiber forfeiture, to the anmou t formers, wha, alter ghe elose of unenccess- Pagland, in disreg ‘ 9 <4 the | Stated, as iv all otherwise fratoe’s of guv-| drinns to beat, to drown the voiee of re-| thet e-ainent Judge. Mr Jeotion yw iy Mee eect that tho Leevteture nay fess a ciate of & aight milhons of dullars, opoa a requiremen ful revolution, sboogh gealots in the! perjary uf noonstre Tk. beets tions, | ernment, the subject of paattory jretior, | moastrance, she resprt of Kichard the 34.]larged from imprisonment a citizen of South ' laws that the jodiciary shall nut expoand '-— gt" Preadent for the annulment of the debt loat cated while ft to proeper, be- | gibbet or ee . ‘bese. perpecarion®, | hment for crime, has not been | when met and charged, by the mother of! Carolina, named Egan, who, being charg~d \ Yupon a gurcor that one of the Judge ta | came still more fery gealots in that whieh! with their a tendant erueltics, which pro oF pa H milous m all, and of o North Carches a forfeiture | | Cumelealed 9 ath page * : = iC ; ae 1 Ti : wtitated um Yperedvond, will Pw Ioningy ent if not rai., ap- ‘ui ee oe be commered) the currency. ov Be a Pi r 5 a BY HK = ‘& BRON ey j . ry why read wee ot $7 —Daniel Kaddleman, E E Phillips, as si 1. BALISBURY,W. , rite ‘ te. Tes aw ‘ imets Rosema: : . < oe ; ge i = of otr intéresia and Ui.! Gold Hilt = Dr. RY Skinpoch, Ad riehtiaed to be horoasailt to the Baty Sentinel jaud Old North State with Morgan, ; heh, me. Hatter Shops.—-Heury Barringer, Edward die. ufty, Noah Peeler, Tobias Kestler. 7 . he Miler’ —G M Barthadt, Jacob Trexler, } UKEW Aa isd F. LOWS, Pres (Dr. LW. Coleman, Cnderford M. BL NL QNORE 7M REST, ie: Kavddétained yon thins long. gen-'D" i mai vile, Foun 4k Sohase, f Secretaries. tloipen, bit to pe brlef and stare our y rare adit BB, against the thetisand Adam Brown honhepiresen tations with which the car) Ua mouon the Chairman of the meting was | oa wt twwrity ig vewed, for the cunsidur- | eyeesied to appoint at Lis leisure delegates to! ties, the day of deliverance wil] edme, © Meurey, James Gill witltar a kadrifics “of the sovereign Cabin'Reeds Whey agen, vate: pee and beat ipteresig of the Staies , : and ot the é¢ffrespect and manhoud ot ty citigens, 1 Nave a request to. pub: artipan'3—M. 8. McKenzie, Juha Julian, ; oS b Fhom the Wit. ington Journal of the 8th, NORTH COROLINA RALRUAD FREIGHTS. 5n motion the meeting adjodrned Sint | 43 mt of yourselves, of ovr own peo the Discict Coavention lc, and of their feliow-citizens in the ates of the North and West, and the On wolon the proceedings were ordered to! be published tn Ine Walchmon and Old North ovate, and uther Conservative papers requested | To correct wisapprchensions made b recent publicatious, we refer agaty to ilifs tty much surpassing anythiag of the kind » kK + culm fadgment of the world at large. suljret. I tepeat my obligations tor distine- tu you have been pleased to cunter, wsod“aesome the duties imposed: | oe } _ Coavervative Meetittg in Sali-btry. CONSERVATIV Manon 7, 1868. { Prirsnamt to previous ‘notice a large and en- | tha she gueeting of Conservatives of Rowan | , Cty. sa hel et the Court House in Salis | Davidson County; held §. wey u 4 bua to copy, | The meeting then adjourned | A.J. Mass, North Road suel P. P. Msrorny. t Seoretaries. pay to the Carolina ehh aes | fire ights were to gass Goldsboro’. IN DAVIDSON COUNTY. At a meeting of the Conservatives of | in the Court. | Gaston | Road as heretofore, oad received seventy the wetting was organzied by the ap- | 7th. 1868, neat of Henry Barrier, Raq, a8 Obait-{ Ou motion; Cul. C.F. Lowe was ap-| Preseat year, should amount to that sum ‘a8 and A. J. Mason, and P. P. Meroory as! pointed President, Alex. Conrad, Esq | Boe by Goldsboro,’ it would add ihirty hh end di ; : Rice President, and Andrew Sechrist and Phe Chairman, upoo taking his seat, called | John D, Paylor, Keqra., were requested the North Carolina, and forty-seven thoua « Mr. Shober to explain the ol ct of the lie att as Secretarice. t-crtuag, Which he did im a very abie and p 1- F.C. Robbi E bei led fi dou Read. hae steed t ante | . . ho ne, “Sq, meg callec or, ons “a a wath ba Wen Gx uleglgrenet ‘peobtahes a(eXplained the object of the meeting to be | State's interest'it would give forty thous- vogcly juamBer, end declared that they aruse|to orgauize a Conservative Party. fle and dollars to the State, of which seven- ' a «veve all cousiderations of party, and ap- | showed the necessity of so doing, in or- ‘elu to the “individual patriotism of every | der 10 affect the constitutional restoration ' qeervalive maa—ol every man Who desired lof North Carolina to the Unien and to ‘asutaim the ey Of the Cancamar: | wave the State from the Hadical's extrav- ¢ agartt rule and conseyeent rum. Their fedh popag: Namen eP oy. ~ taeoelt as paliay to establish as rale and henee iowa te ag by our wise and petriotic ancesturs. | *egre social equality is clearly visible. ~ He arged with mach force that plan of organi- {This is the iseue. He addressed himsclf eatin, tor the several by the | next to the negroes present; adtising them vention, | that the touservaives were really their | best frieuds,~the pretensions of the Rad- ical leaders to the contrary vetwithstand- lost to the people if the business went b the Raleigh aud Gaston Road. Bat su pose they pay the North Carolina Road the same as if the freighie went to Golde- bero’— ercu then seveutecu thourand dol- lars would bet aken from the school fand land given to the stockhulders of a private corporation that has reevived more favors than any other in the State. The Stockhulders of the North Caro- bf . : : ' : te ~ "|ing. He disowned any intention on the | lina — at ew Last Raper Lcd on the work with all pnssible eaergy. worte ould bets ot the conservatives, as charged by | 6) took a wise and just view of ibe su RAN AS ‘pened, fhe B stiring appeal to the | Part ~pphtne 2 |jret, and ordered the _frvights by Gold ~ pe Phyo shnag sf their lethar- | others, to inaugurst- a cunffiet of paces. {iret 4 frvights by “i PARTIZANISM. : ri iM tode-| They simply desired that the gro should | bere’. Alt the distance is greater, | The bof old :, at Nae of the Gvastitutwn foceupy such places and be admitted w| ¥® are ink that, in cousequence of = , 7 . “ frauved by a convention sitting at participation in the goverument, as| tbe easy grades aul curves, traneporta-|truly eurpriving. We frequently hear hie moral and intelicctoal fitness will jus | 0a can be done at lees cost and in ual se whom the constitation and laws of the p ia the white man's govery-| time. The shipper pays thy ome thee ~ have decked “~u ie” tify. ‘This gorere- ier pints thee cut and its destiny should be controlled way. by the race that fought to establish it in Tire Raleigh and Gaston Company are The Guly alteration made of late ix, the HENRY BARRINGER. Charn. | Raleigh and Gaston Road is required to | , { sum asthey would make uet if their | civil rights, and even to confer upon them If the | euch political privileges as “can be dune » wage EVING | freights reecive no special direetion they E MASS MEETING | nase ever the Wilmiagton aud Weldou la « former fiscal year the Raleigh and , of equality with th -vight jis what they can never be brought to con: laf. On action uf Pranere K. Shode:, | House in Lexingiou, on Saturday, March | thousand dollars from its North Carolina jfent to do: : = Road basinces. It that basiness, the | foods where one thousand dollurs to the reeelts of the banner of white supremacy: It is on and dollars to the Wilmiugtou aud Wel- If divided according to the! them to abandon the hypocriical leaders seen thousand dollars would belong to | destruetion and ge with the decent men the school fand—-all of which woald be P” | presented for our canvaesers, and the re- SIGNS OF THE TIMES. hiost_gratifying intelligence. A great rev- olutiou ie tapidly taking place ih the gnitids af the honest masses who have been induced [by falsehood and tiisreprebentatitin to aet with he radical party Metetottire, and afl the indications vow are that the white peo- ple will vote againat the new negro equal- ity Coustitation with a degree of unanim- « | whiel ever betort ocettrred in our history. | Phey are willing to accord to the cdlored | people the fullest protection in all their Jeousistently with the safety and welfare both races,” bit to mise them toa position lves.in all things We leur of whole neighbor they are abandouing the radi: cal platform and ranging themselves under - ly necessary for them to be enlightened jas to the real condition of things to cause | who are endeavoring to lure them on to ‘of the country -the true friends of the Con- jetitmion aud the Union, A five field is | sult of the cleetion will show well it has | been improved by them. Manv of them jare already engaged in their arduous task, jaed as we learn, with the greatest success We hope those who are not already en- | gaged will euter the field atouce and pash {men complaining on the one band that “the Conservative party” is nothing bat the eld Demoeratic party re-organined, aud times it ig : i ‘ it to Mr. - ea ‘ eudicieated without interest, expecially as it relates: Bares. own personal rony of the hotest surrender of the parkesiie.. defeat in the date war. Writile d tiey swod up manfully, No péople ever fought tnore nobly, Aod..when they...were. at last gveregine, and threw, down (heir arms, their |Surreader was a religious act, sacréd and pure, Mr. Barks believed that. thelr gurrtiadet was honest, and be bad conf leave in the imegrity and hovor of Southern men. He was vieds vating the sincerity of the Soath agninst the aspiersions of Norther radials when the bet alluded to dbove tas itades ath) no Southern respect for Iti ad li ptagsds glung With the ea- blent of Our uationality, Separate that em- lens from the insane avis of the party aot in power, and-associate it alume with the cuba- try’s past history of glury among dations, and its wiee and benifiveut adts at home, and there is nelther than nor woman tw the Somh who Will not cheer, aud that right losity, both Sergtant Bates aiid his fay, relied ns CONSERVATIVES RALLYING. Iu every qaarter of the State we see that the Conservatives are moving. Mass meet- ings are beiug held every where and the ut- most enthusiasm prevails, The ablest and best men of the Stare are im ean- vassing aud the people will be thoroughly enlightened between this and the day of elee- tiou. Allthe indications are that at the sext election the eutire vote will be polled, aod if it is the couservatives will trianpb. lish the proceedingsof all the Conservative meetings whieh are being held throughout the State as we would wish to do, but we will publish all uf those beld ba the evanties where our paper has a general ci>eolation aud as many more as We ¢an. te our icleuds sead them ia. —_— THE CONVENTION? This body still creeps on at a snail's , able r gree able to fight om copnaunity cat, therefore, restrain a lecting of Our limited space will not permit us to pab- | Bo ae any | fortenesy ‘ | pace. Perhaps the explanation may be! foend in the fact that ite members have | voted themsclves 88 per day during the. |‘ vominativa. | 1 wrust, therefore, joueine Se | wane’ kena cat bear br ner ned | hearty and sealous the Counwittee and a e ) Pi ob ihe Spnoall=y i é i is tx t 3 is i . Par i i i the ether that k is the old Whig party ' om snaila Rubbine commit. | 76 and aré every way iufinitely more en- | clamoring for ail thie business, although | ou seesion. ‘The great majority of them are boner done me a a ae ha W. | pable to labor for ite peace prosperi- | it could ouly be given to thems at » pab-\mvived. The fact that we hear these com- making more money than they ever made Sobatthie we sno lie lowe. 7 any they paid for half of ‘ I New Trott, Wim.) ¥- k ; pleints from members of both the old par . me, I am, shey, Boot , ¥. k b © Sta P*' in their lives or are ever likely to make ivormean and De, J,.A Caldweti, was appvint-| The Conservatives of thie county are | stock in North Carvlina State bonde, ties shows the strength of the old prejudi- in Think of thie My dear traly yours, howe a } 7 elpresive of the suse vi | fully ale to vote down the jen! Com- | 40d are consequently entitled to stand ou : — “ » ye peor men whe) LOS B VANCE. tot we stitution, soon to be submitted to the peo- the same fuoting as the school fund or | **- But the tact is that both are mistaken. | are ta be tnzed to pay them. a thie the | _——— a 29 rie Re Commtines wars detharsting, De. | ule, if the true men of the county will ou-|*"y viet Mate iuvestmrat. The ennservative orguniaation le wot a oat | vind of relief which you evpreted bom! Epcocnsan Home Maxevacrunne. ‘niet oni bot, doubly T W. Keese was called to adders: the !1y appreciate the issue and vote as they) Let as soc what the facie ace: Whetb- | ty atall in the usual aceeptation of the'term. that body when you elected it Are the} _ We hed the of fo eng Mirtle al to Dineinty, A ~t gy Whieb be did im bis use! forcibie an! please. A little more independence of ac-|* the State enbecribed ta the origiaal It io but a temporary coalition of both the mata aoc ahr —We pleasare of eccing en exungai-tond ' +n. tion, calmly bat firmly, will redoand to caueeresnige os thaveat we 4p SOLD 15 a sties 5 inten due Generates serviece of these men more sanctum this week our fiend, Mr. ©. B.'s sey Buncm, cneot Al the qoucksion of De. Keene's remarks the | io. lowor j aud « returning senee of right, | Det the Legislvture of 1933-'90 let them services of the great men whe composed Brooks, of Forwthe, who fe here fur the we, afters vaaiare, aveagh tte Chairman. W. i. Rob by the people of the whale country, will | have five handed thousand dollars, re-| wee of all partis to save the Brate from) the Convention of 1834, aud who were parpose of introducing the shore now bon: irae ite "reported the following resutations whch eventually save the nation aud the State [Cer by mortgage ; afterwards the Suuw | the degradation of radieat mierale and op! contout with #1,50 per day? Are the on ‘ bby Mesers. E. A. Vellechoo ean eae “4 were unanimously adopted: Coun. (of North Oarolina will go back to the|'et them have three lbandred thousand | pe. ssion. The present iseare are of « cerviers of E. Ii. Tongue worth more thas | & Co, of Selva. He-exhiberd | ret of thaw loadelow aod we Fe p> a eer Sows ef ows | Union upon just and hovorable princi- | lars additinnal—the Stockholders giv- grave ani momentous character and riee| e of Emanuel Sheber——these gh . hag Pn writer ee oa Gi tations eae tose . ing their individual beud of indemaity in ik chees oh : Paco pl | ee cory neee : | Ge several specimens of thelr work which eee ih seve Dew 5 Mog = fe the toters of North Carv-| Henry Walser, Sr, next addressed the {the sam of five bandred thousand m,| cousiderat mere'of Spence Mallikin and leeac Kinney | we do nog hesitate to proseanes equal la| Oce Benemrwur teow te haa. do adapt the follow mg resilations | meting, charging that the present Can | 1 sare the State. The read failed to! party character. They appeal in the cle) worth more than thase of Jobe L Har every respect to any we have ever seen. comely sod reechedt bene ted Denied, 1 so mlh Soom | anyerre the) grese, hoe ing ait the power to restore tbe en = aud «as sald to py the priu-| quent and patriotic language of Mr. Sho-| crave and Joho Magan by 36 per day? We are gratified to leare thar Me. Bracks | 20" nee mae - p= form of by the Con | : wepetetbla Ber the veent | cipal and tuterest. amegnting from vine | Ler hie © bh iu the Co th y " ; alvery barks, ERM Tga eo acca tal |e hd ene is | em, Caer Ke al Dae ong te Mew th Se ea = « te } i? z i The State became the purchaser, aud pro r j | © Warm oer- Vogler Oo., are oring to op 3 . of there br yalets or I aser, ' ‘ : . ’ Py nee Atte “ BR Thet we have witneeedt with | OOM'Ty >—end, if there are diehs) weed t ganize the road Taf] ‘ast, to the individual patrietion of every! vices of Chas, Fisher and John Giles 1—| {mew ox <— s revolationiste the Radical members of{ P* o grerganize Ibu rend 6 capite | home manufactures 20 a0 to reudrt 84 AR | horns oxnnetend : ney ah cob hepa gare) ba | this games re eral eM aprtaprie engine banded theasand dollars, which | man who has the gand of the Stace and) Are men's setviers to be valacd aceurding prople commercially, and a cour) tw Watle 1 tbe eomtene oe eel po om ay abe be chedien at ‘Ks | stitution, are tee leaders. | wae the principal ai tong pes ose ee of Coastevens Tiberty | to theie competeney, or incom peteney | tare the balance of trade in oar prale yee Morty, vat cleat ret dente chante , | : > ave veare i tere The Legialasure . : sé . ee bee ins to ant ie the came of the yoru | MH. Winnix, Eaq., aleo addreserd the | scvrtel vrare interest. id atheart. The plufarm laid down is not discharge the grave dutics with whieh OE eer ee ie ta art raped em Ney oy ats ea pate sack nea ET re cae eect wen, or be] Se ee ay their rigbts aad interests e ; ah the white rece, an wan that of bey would advance tr sand pee P » » wamre the sguendency of & currup! pa ty esteem sli cita-n . Ile mi (| thomeand Wollare, ehieh was aleut the! prraents the iseurs of the howr—iseure far the cousideration of the propie ia their man whe has the interote of oar propl tate Tk sa hare deo Resdleed, 3. Tat thin so-called contri ns | oleae icekd adi : le at all |ameant they owed, and give them a re-| which affect no party Lat the radical pel | present impoverished condition. I ’ a is adh ernen of 66s wane 1 we olen adlvrr te principle at all | 0 F teas ‘ i ear a . ; } : . at heart. jv? ee at her-taon, ren and oe Be = ee ta 1 stout 0 cotineran, | Raterde; and denvenerd ike pubcy wen,| Meare off the ir oblige er, that te, 7 each ty, bat which effec the dearst interrets! As to the duings of the body itself there | <a jam, Kept fee bets stare aed podiw al et went al car cadest std trar bow jm thie crivie, a9 werelisble aid dumgrrous oo _— Pied rl * a apple cage of every gord citizen and every deerut, seems te be po in provement. Every | Ay Assavur vrox Tur Orne — Oe Tete tee a a, gar gnome to ‘ine qantas of ent prays - | He had taken oe mad mal wears Sha pe iila a Winter iad ik t white man. Wetrnst and believe that emendmet offered by the conservatives with , Mouday night, jass after the train for ay te y. tikes anhanin prathe sete estind of cor Rae Soren Leardg rue teconstrcton nes as woco | stow tervbtibe of ct Theme ele there is yet partion eaoagh ft Inthe |a view of prewenting the social eqealty af | eet hed pesued MeLanaceties roo W. {lod apees peed este gi wernt te the Negro Race. stitational, coold wet support thm with had ne money were wnaile to get any of land to override partizan prejrdiers and | the reece is promptly voted down. Every |C. Railroad, some pereon threw a large duet egy yy Men on be Rensind, 6. Vint Ge volluaticn oi » lating | a hie rich jerveewt. Funding the capital to save the coantry. Gnd forbld ikat the |ibing mast be conceded te the here | stone, weighing several ponada, at the le- ast" a vee Vorgintion, weekd bring » bigtt "jk kon Ea. wd 0 ye, | 100 eemall te represent the profita, they go on 1 | bee pipes bile « ching te dve-ow, which earned Gio) “EQS eae » party of our State bor ,enriations 1.1 +~ ether, Deg, sap we lee ee é Ae pt wea 17 she ever come when party prejudli- | for party purposes while every ing is o aes car, © atone ' oat suttens efor oe.) ih him, eas to stand by ties Comeiita _ : : 1 phall be an etrong and party lines be! pies : the Ker let Whe is theve Gee fle rn] — paedge our mos 0 ol the U vite States, af gm wih those | AFF e8 %, el called ¢ Behe temnenael TF ONO Nee a y ved to hion at th Kerth by the cqune pus | windnos-urar the wp, enthing eguinatthe| > worthy fs glory tamclect, & That we will sive onr ndravering te cEicct te overthrew dellare ene millon two haccdred thewsau > tig r drawn that all good men may ty for the same perperce. The Constinn- side so a0 te hapede ite pregrere whee fh fle work ewe dome sell! and Go's Gages aol enthumeetic tothe ticket of th | yyy a. ine coud the fellewine reent Lollera, ven mg Glry pet cmt. of stock te ot be abl nite ja @ common effort tn tion will be completed soon, when we will | fell down ap wm the foor at our fret, oar have . ( merveive party ia the exmong . = : be ag | te Seeley adele: 6 save the coantry ' God forbid that the! eke oceasion to analyzo it and ket our| friend, Mr. ‘T. J. Summer, receiving « Geene of 10 the Gown be huwrer ars se ad ee ee set dial (nee e9 ' rang ag Pompe ; re & af pth rene ot eld - day should ever come when the opirt of readers know eracthy what it ae. | shower of “2 g) am. We do net know Na aa —? Hewolred Yet, Vhat we sully endorse! ¢ bill oateneitdy applying to all che ¢ au- 7 beok: ded fet shepeth, oh! mywics! Retort, & That this meeting ape and ty the proccedings of the bate ("4 with the everption ot the Wiiwingt or arty ehall triamph over the epiris of pa —_ — i whether the thrower of the stone, Den —— a 2 ol postman vate | servative ( tion held at Bokigh cod Weideu and the Wilmington and trotem! Whenercr that day enmes the GOV. VANCES LETTER. | Quixette like, intended to “fight the Rail-| Tht thet to our teary tee hes culty goo —_ a" we . . 1 ' 1 ’ 1 , ; i, Fr mapas « + eon walle ayy wird s he Sh Feb’y. Lex — carnest!s enre M anchrster, to exchange Riate beumle for san uf our liberties will set forever. ov. Vanee hae writen a teeter to the} send,"-cr whethey be hel sulpegiiye te aT aA tow thee of selecting © commertatire can i nd Pi eclaralen of pr ey ff adetdt Coailben pes “ = star Nog ” ig" “p In thie eonneetion we invite the atten-| Canservative Evceative Committee de- | pression that an editor was on beard who| Piesact Retrrat, Pe. 20, 1868, imgpeien Eb je Mhersaiey to prow [tommy nt lthat wan out of debt. ud. ready te make |tm.ef our readers te the elagarnt reclining the nomination for Gueermor we [ought t9 be *tahon ol?” for dhe pense oad New York, 3 asin pias in the Nations! Demo-ratic ( Resolved 2d, That in order ta carry owt 4 dividend. The swapping bill errateda marke of Ex -Dreesdent Picree, at a reeeut | cently tendered bie. We give below the qairt of the country. At all events, the! ork. March 18-—-Cuevam boas am seem tobe bell ia New York Uny uo + dag of duly 1008 Recieved, T. That this meting app twenty Getegsies to the Contention of tle pr ved Deotnl Dest — ed whitch Bove on tin bat plan we reeommend the appeintmen! lof three persone im cach Captam’s dixtrict }to act as an Exeeati¢ce Committee, & hee vali Le te superintend aff watters Zalion ia the and tm err tw the tr re epeetive great deal of diseatistactom at the time, and was soon re praled Ik was consider ed qitite a pris thege ta give Mtate bends, on which the payment of the interest had been raspended, fir a stock that wae abeat to pay a dividend and that world daty sl} on 3 Lum few th of we gn com ry, | that every conservative pa of wlecting » Commrvative cand Jate | distriete ivgietere, whe has not dewe se, bear farther “watering by a stock divi os eter et sand Jadicial Diets «+ | and ie ewtsthed, aud to induce all to tarn! dend. devil, 8. Tha Be approte the plan pro | wat and v se + The ease stands thas: These tockheid y fw eorganieng the emer vals = . wm | Resolced 34, That it ia the imperative ers owed the State; they were released — ig peel Sods s aoe bee daty of every good citizen, wha hae not) and allowed to come in and take the take coding om tae , ye Ona mean pe | registered, to do so when an portunity the stock at aboat one-nalf of ite value, romety ; sad Unt we os - ofere.—io aroece from the indi ce te as saberqaent events have shown ; thew ; » te which be has fallen, go to the ona te tack brat, and age every man who -xpect | lection day and vote against thr Destruc- tote goutieewed a Whe man beocelorth. «| tive Headical pohey now being inangura- coral big pame at voor as & Menber of the | ted ja our good old Btate aud Uses sare they were allowed to bay the State's in- teres, when they were ready to pay divi- dend+,and pay ta suspended bunds, which were worth aheut three tandred and six lie revewaes to give to the stockholders of ~ | the only railroad in the State that owes no dett—a eondition of thiugs brougin | aba her from humiliation and ruin ty theceaud dollars, being the amonnt the * ea, 2. St gl eagie ord The following reselations were introda- | State has reerived for ber vast oulay in meeting be published Ftow nh pepe, with "™s ; apt @ tequett thet shes be copitd by the dumserva {ced by M. MH. Pinnix Eeq., and adopted: thie read = With all these sets of liberal- Live papers of the Stare { A ratior: 1 ne be ity they insi-t on appropriating State re- W.. Robins, Seturiay tte | Resolved let, That Ubsirman *P~ venues in euch a mauner as actually con- On mowon ’ iat David. } gla Gap devignslied 22 the day tor nid | Pout Sve persame to vepresent Wavideon | «1, 4 part of the school fand income. | tng the Const Cuapention to avnnnaie van- | county in the Jadicial Diseriet Couven- "we think the Beate ought to basband \etates for the legishtere. : | ton, to be called for the par pee of nomi. | 1+ reennrers (6 begin, at an early day, The flowing men were aprednted wn-| nating « candidate for Solicitor im the Sih th beretabiiol tov lant eobeaks and od: ler Pah es Odtnaltie+ tor the porpow | Jadseial District. acate the poot. We eay it is a bold po- vat ‘ Counervatize Clube in their ret | Jiegnived 9d, That the Chairman ®P- | Hitician gman! . : ; clan that will orge the taking of pub- j* Gtive districts + wad ae | point five persons to represent Davidson { prog i j inating a eandidate for Congress in the 6th! . OE %. woh }n, ° Ke nese Huffman, | Congreseiowal sige A and ho appolot oe es pag otc x or red re | Tubo B. Creek Mart | Rich'd Cul | Contos = the Retooel ee hams deka ie Bo a present. We advise} our ovigldborg not to be too greed have had their share. ach ssill oo Mra. Sallie Harris, living at Cedar “hdl | Cherokee county, is the 6id% person now liv- Under the firet reeolution the chairman appointed the foliowing ; EY et See Oe { “'Phomas P. Allen, Alex, F. Smith, J. Coebe TA Wit ephe, WE Bader 7 eH. Welborn, P. A. Hooyer, Dr. C.”M dua’ Didier | Payne. sng m Alabama She is one hundred and thir Med aghvey's —Thoe Borbee Br JF) U'nder the se ty years ob! he i« a astive of FP igroombe Meeeil OF MA Leek Jobo L Sica H.W. Beummell, WH Badgett, Mo een/y tm thiv State oerat says, ‘hat bet with a party of Radicals in Michigna, we} which none belie we, that ha equid curry the Matiwnol Plag Moreover, he meetinzin Concord, NH. They breathe the right spirit—the spirit fa pore and lofty patrieti-m euch as alone can save the constitation and liberties of the coun try now tottering to their overthrow. —_— — THE NORTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD. We rpent mast of the day on Tareday | at Salem, and we foand our friends there | jabilant over the pareage, by the (onven- tien, of a charter for a rail rond bearing the above name, to start st some point on | the N.C. Road between Greensbern’ and Lexington, and ran by way of Salem to mile for the first twenty miles of the road. | Cpon reeetving the in‘elligenee they / ewabbed the old cannon, which hed not been amd for some time, and we left | amidst the reverberations of artilicry, that reminded us of other, bat searecly of ead- der days. We wish our frienda mach joy of their good luck, aud when they get their read completed we will visit them | often, if we do not remove there with the Old North State, which, we eappoee, they! would seareely tojerate. i THE O'S Flag. Under this caption the Ubarjutte, N.C, Dem Barm, who made o rome point in Virginia. The Convention | tives thronghout the State, and will be aleo made an appropriation of 810.000 per | hailed with rejoiei jleng in advance of newly begged that he shoald not be for an sett neeessis ys very strong him. Henee, letter prefaced by the Sentinels remarks, | *towe which he theew came qaite aa rar in| ehich etprees the fretings of the great, as we dreired, and 4 we bad hie in, bedy of the Conservatives of the Btare —| 08 power we would hand hie over to the Rat Governor Vawee's retirement will not | teuder mercies of the “derit’* (oar devil No man in the State is «| ¥¢ mean,) who would knock him inte more aniversal favorite and be cannot al- |“ pi,” throw hie into “Rell” aud send bie ; ways resist the appeals that will be made be permanent. to him by the people of North Carolina to serve them in the bizhest official pasi- tions which it te their power to bestow. The Sentinel says: crate of thie city Hekd « large mevting “The letter of Gov. Vance to the State | this evening at hagle Mall, whieh wae Execative Committee, declining the nom-| crowded in every part. Senator Duolit- imation for Governor, will be found below. | tte, on the ball, was reenived lis first anrouncement will send a thrill! a perfret and an bemg of regret to the hearts of the Conserve ins the defendet oa he Tandipelod wa of by the Radicals, paper rypland 2 no Bat their joy will be of short duration, Wg know, personally, that Gov. Vanee, ie nomination, ear- porition on the ticket. —- ee r re off to the foundry to be eset over again, f sa c i f Nee TD VERTIONN ET T= ; male, Kruptions of the Stim General Bad {" war . J % sian, WC; Sepueeibor 15, 1867, | i, eee U hus LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. o. coma iid he sou, now vaed five yrore, “ mE , what proved te be impure ’ \ pee i. ‘This liberal 4 jyent South mater, hie bewhh. —_ Racinusti, ( for at pays to ite pally told annually hen gor aad wher dg ims | QIGHASED LIVER | %t Por Cnt of te Pree [ENS Ge Srey San | AbeoRinel op, retro “pon Seeg orn mode sat *, the diveos-| It to.aid Dr. A.D. Moore After taking it @ few werks : fed aes 4 oa . pon roeh oy ca oka oie en taking notes! wy sop beeeme end mation repel well. Travel or Residence. " ows “ts patrons cash if desired. na my a wl et enter, Feslerals oad Fo ly abee SS petores eat ae tee oe oo al sla ne tant yeep, So 8 een the rots It peg its patrons ta change their policies | Comsuane ion, im its early stages, degra of rection, an Eos, | MH Sosy holdere are not Post tion, im ite carly stages, cam % DIVIDENDS PAUD ANNUALLY IX CASH Tas pati are bts ewe mused ao » medicine, al et oe erga das to tra | “ty duaghter has been cuted of a dee seated : 3 ate toe ang pon Kee A ont It the full ivan ina ole diveuse of the Lange (pronounerd by var Ph ysi- Beatie tp meter ee cor nen vest| sarerucn See ALL POLICIES POSITIVEL hooey Jia toy the hand of the discoverer, and N . Mas BE, ANN >MITH. Y 2 may be ‘he most feeble patient iu dre mort del mac Count Hovst, va.) Balsinore, March rt =; cr - : thle are 25, 1367. ote, March 4, 1867. a: eae epreaee) me mines ane oo — NON-FORFEITABLE. ea Soe Seth ata td Me Sry oon ata baie trom the tnduones ot jena | BY- “The so ietpea Tnearace Cow ROSAD prem at he Pee elt 3 bey tees, Will Gnd the greatest security 1a, hiv liver ,” of this county ; tind toeldes the merit of is Part of the ium loaned, and no — "es . o" and bowels well be these Iw itis. fis iterates aad terms for Life Ln~ur- oo ab Peet "bare tear Pills ate noe ys My edie, apoo ace dai Sb inte loan or premium note i hi a x counted paliic pat- P isa lien Oriig ae Tre oe sal | MAN der, Direct a Offers are me Is a Potent Remedy in all | ciain on the policy in case of death os ibe erate Se iaee Sete | Soe tilt enema oe le. “As — Beet, Sees prevalent. Se cates tw this trent |, Sone of as bate ktock or personal iuterest in Chronic Di r the second year, ont i inves gen aes, be Dye Ct ae this company, and simply @ tinis as dinduter- seases. pad ay Spe cy: Aaa ae the epsom | ented tostiuuay to the vf a good instita- —_o—— wre tte suk to aby poiat \n the United States by Oe. eae ‘ From G. —— Attorney at Law, Wilson, ‘esicte Mister chu, by get Pen van wh trers 9 why $2. De—I aif Gross, dows Pr tien, Sh 1 Saco On aa “ ‘[tss Company oer peselier obvante: ruary Parseagers ‘ap | $14<ue Gross, $16—Theve Grose, 54-—Vive Grow, . A. Hie, Sarveyer. ave 4 of Chronic lu fiamati Fudigrent Tickes «( JEHUE nde tae, 6 rn ark aseed, Mleck Coanty Court. | the oar sad Portal antares, of —— gos to the Southern people. It is the most Ow Os) ay. Got North Georgina, at Salie- | cine or i will be cent C.0-D Or iers shoeld ue address G A. Bi & Co., Ageuta, Salisbury sonding,b, ROSADALIS. . a Tabane, Cape! * hing! alte os - DEEN, Borderland goed Hire Com) eeptemihe ee Liberal Company in the United o, tS, forty Casuous Sraner, * Prasad pry esseuens Traveling is wanted. A t Puaremwra, Va., Aug. 28. 1967, ONTGO UNTY. sconce here they ah be promptiy attended We wes € a Fetae vr TOss0N, Com. 3. 1. Bakers Fie the last _ seven States. a a a thse tener, on ofl rapestale Droge) ae a Agent, Charlotte, N.C or cidht seared have brea reverviy efficiod -_—_— ywhere. pot 7: a ae a ian. 7. 1 watwly witha err] tence, ee a te cued Ite rates being lower than those of other compe 7 oid 2 . END 5 NOTICE. Aaya pull pind real ‘¢ at ios ranuary Term, 1868. ante wepctndros | (> 28. of February. on, Cound | wo araotad howe oe a it OFFicg, NO. 41 BROADWAY a aaa on ‘vwa A was chanced to try Dr. Lawreves’s Rowadel- 5 > NO. 14 P found une t 4 thee coe math | hwnd The Arlington Mataal , iat ously aived chs gel . BARREL oF BRANDY, oat wa my trouble orup- NEW YORK CITY. 4. C. Bath o's, ot Rena Magen, 7a She Malet thout Inspect vands of any other marks} Urher members of my fenily he aeed which was seized y fealty have ered 0 Life Sususance Company 7 cicwe bay Somer gy —~ med 2 bhod pariier, @ib the swat grmity ing seswhe WM. M. COLM, Secretary. peerrtox Te MARE REAL ROTATE ASE™ES . ws of the roo section 45, of the Traty & gan say, tent tS OO oe es bowes} CHRISTIAN W. BOUCHE, Pres.) * act of ¥ we , a ey bayply . OF VIRGINIA. so Neeson er peewas claiming said ce ere in e@et go the Rowndatn,andl woul! | 11 ssise gladly tumninbed in detail ane ee prt fits, sng se sabe ee | aoa a i i Vreokti A Virginia and Southern Inctitution | seer 4, wees SS Very erapoettels, youre, Ben a ae Ww. aye yf ae Males sell . jaca. Collector. a . 24. Gen'l Agt. Buate Q Carolina wan well su Fund, are kept in the South. \~ Valuable Land for Sale! Onesies Crete Som) veins... sites ¥ 0 sae S CURSUANCE of a Decree of the Coart| | I her-by contty tha: bw ws cnred of “Ebene. Mccisatsrined »3 Cc. }4 w It has met with unprecedented success. Us peo art oe om I we seein of he ilaceye tre the mee of oe Connecticut Biutunl Idfe fying the anid, Pebruary 5 a .wrenee’ " rae te Ite fortunes are established beyond any poder’ daa apmetnaeay spre wn at abe lg wich ths dur} oe : Wednesday, the 18th day of March fey eh B AtAee i COMPANY cited contingency. cont, soe pastel tonal ee ed. ign ye.| Witeos, Angust 3, 1867, ot ped yy P< peimged and posted, —_—- Sartford, Conn. bi aay re ETL, ent on car Lim aes ae eo oo = - ogee tr tt “ * . a “4 the Gers lnngrance ( ompe?y ae eS eb The | WStiom rin and others, cntain- — oh, 1eez. tee 'e. o.¢¥ well w trae text of ing 699 acres unencumbered, be wr (e+ allaare ered by selected | the nub ject Us the widow's dower. 1) APR . ee Directors, of sbitty sad basinens capncity UF Terms made known of of male. ACCUMULATED ASSETS t : > ne a on day of sie | Will Cure the very Worst ‘TGO COUNTY how oe —e Pebreary 6, 1868 —wtd Admini «trator ry MON MERY +g = ST So eae a aay bat mae ne, Om account of the Cases of Chronic Rhe ’ greet om oe. oer, hem wo! sere,” u- eo ts , eee s COstARS” BED UUG EXTER | uae mee paseeso* i don queiog One . ins bi oo Oe eee | Beek tetes | FOUN B EDWARDS, -Strect, Baltimore, Md." teste cone coed ft bee ideal padi bee a . oem net ‘fees, dove ant Be . rece remerpert srcerr at — entnding ¢ hnanie Rh a by tah 726, $3. iS ® ° wag fear bie protien —_ * e , = open, Sn. Wa. DB. Isaacs, D. J. Martaoox,| 7A GREAT SOUTHERN beisien of De. Lewtence’s Be eee $7, ss, shemile | an ‘pers Mie Fk 4 DEXERsL AsORTHENT OF . Witea, NC, May & 1 a - COSTAR” INSECT POW WEI. HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES oilimins MIT & D Health Restorer, or see cas ate ALan coesonghly eoodinater FOR PREMIUMS county ® Teepe Reaeatay Pies end 68 heen 00 5 _— al The best Blo~d Porifier inthe World every bind of humor ord bed \nist, ous restore a rey ae. ; Fier Cube, ware and Cnerrs hep eraee uno at apvenrs, @xxEmat soe*T, ! — we hae ee eee prede $6,332,804 95 A - Saoeeers i. Erbin fl UC. Csaeert, Jxo. Hi. t LalpoRxe \ DR. P AWRENCE'S dee the ehgine tejery " , , ore Shp ces ome nd lee eee DIRECTORS : iia Boat ee ee ree. on SOR INTERES pede el ore ys apiece. Bas ot | sobe Prien henry x. Piiywoa caLesastee : cb ae pad pat _S aged FOR INTEREST, “Costar” Coun SOLVENT. CASH OR BARTER. | Willem ¥. Taplor, Ana muy der | My ¢ - a. eae spevvn nie boo al Fo Catt, Pyetenn, Warts Ae. Try & M. W. JARVIS, Ao’r <r , that aoe | rN il \ PREP\REDON'Y RY DR J J. LAW $1.3903,711, 58 < atm tt c.e <envtm | Coat T Cenage dest . t \ e al A RENCE, Chendet, 2 Ueowver Si. Beli.more, : pana Php oa iinear aaa Te | William Witt Jr. 3. W, Atieon. | Wervinad = oer ° per my eo eeeerese; TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. | Fer at tren rer gon pom TUK CURE OF erie 2? — LOSSES TAID I 108". “eating dz oie tars ota ti poerbarer. Tere domes A. 5 oth M4 Cobol ‘ SCROFULA “all its fi Pa Ber Bele tg all principal Drug- $1.268,758,18 ‘ . ow t vine ‘wne of Dhatte Wet Pow | W. H. Tyler daha ¢. Wa . | gests n the United State ~( OBTARS" BUCR ORNS Banve.|aevter of he Ledl Mawttteetering Comypery, 4. £, Rawanda, gts Tughe. } a meme, nie sale pegeed tren ie Jno. H. Ew| DIVIDEN DS PAID IN 1867. He ofette bee immeetiote, Yor out hares, | sete froai the pight ol, bhed. offal and ; - — Laks — even As | ies and G. B Pouleun and Dr ‘ots | i. eaten, en dom dad aahwnale of New York city, fur whiel the <M. wer, ana 1 “pedcond, in ecergwhere jan 21 es $648,005, 00 ecged pene Ne, he. tenet omens bem y have exclunive cvutract. ——— it. Palmer, Saecei M. Price. rear € rd pe lo i renee ete thes pays loesee a. at wh ‘rome ; LEWIS ©. RANER. Au'r, | Aspen Live. Kidueys, 4° pisenatiial. , Into Or a inhis bor osaated anne —- NP ENTY-PIVE DOLLARS PER TOX.! 17 tedeert — Laaixerox, NC) Le a ceased Aprctons. Hare Me Ce ree AN palin ma ota tn a feree Orceed - | Byes, OM Sores, Diseases peculiar to Fe p “ j SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, | NSUMPTIVES General Agent. ws. Raicigh, N.C. ¢ and charges from New York added Wy the Company te be #4 sal, eopht bs any hagh poced out The results on Corn SONETHIVG NEW AT OLD WEST GKEEN Health, and all other Lhscases caused by | an impure State of the Tlood The tellowing simon ms ay bwndreds of owt } It i« aathentionlly states! that ome firth of \. Philips. Ageut. Charlotte, XN. C. mar 3-w&twtf of North Carolina, ee. “COSTA RS” Bis i AS | phosphate tp voarket or iu P Pits. Cotten. Teaco and Grain bare won a0. | ((°HE PROPRIETOR, C. P. MENDEN. onal cfdnecy og yews tontabing the pest erusen. ft matures cry hall has a choice let of | bent citizens, tetify to te womeiesful efficacy. se sehatieeas of tae cenmiey amt Benge ar] —- ® ri A ER t+ wm 10 days tw toe evek« eatlicr. and duu Well Growa Fruit Tiers | 4 Cunsamptnn Ne liner es naa naa State ae Ped egeen'-, am ag the enap, Rema the falleowing : | . | Home Certificates, (rom Physietans, | \iccaghly stmdied, » wt ite matire nebiegewerahe = veer, de. Not griving. Gentle. m.. poLK Ts TATION ' E o Rn Ss A L E ° w m here certify that the Ros ap atts iv prepared | sted there io ne climeese open which ox ate n SURRY COUNT Y. ¥ i weeny Cn.. 8. C.. Ger. 9. 167 | cultivated exprenely fr bin if; the «ld W by a Phydieser aba isan expetionced barmeceutiot | © eetet diversity of speniat & vd mee heres Caer e aft ae PS | innate HG te, | Sate ert eid aos Secon ne Semen |g Ae eI eR Superior Gert of Lave, Spring Term EE ek See | Mee. Sir» Geo-- EBs One eA lee ey | —otlibeg v are a large and velenhle one oe en Tweny- pertermed | kill ancl rewersisal act news | i867. “That Cough eT} KIN yom. Dan't ne- pour better uf Be _ AGth. asking t+ be inferm- ss a area, Deen house | 4. 2). Moore. M. D.. W. A Duggan, M.D. : PO ina C os — — ar | Robert R. Galloway, re. J. W. Tavis geet it. | Be antl Me Siew vl bew the Poodr#tioanswert shalhie Raper | prices as Qeadoriete as can be found tetera (E 1. With. M.D. KB. Barnes. M. D.. reneh, Sepectoration Shortness ot Breath Ir. | ATTACHMENT. “OUSTA KS” cowed REMEDY intendent was using it. I mast way that thie | Sewth \J Windesd MODRW King. M. D. ri at ott ob the Leones and ( beet, darting In thos case it is ordered by the court that born The pin has been ap aufctanate year fur testing avy | Send your offers ‘eo Mr. 8 J. Tharles, iate | RG. Barham, M.D, % Woodward, M.D. | Tams in the Sites ant Rack, Remactetion. sm | pablication be made in the Watchman ¢ ipo ald ply — said « ® kind of Pertilizers vv account of the exerss- | gardener +e Weattewbha@ Mendenhall, and| YO" X. C.. Oat 31, fat. oe | gractal negative condition of the whole ays | North State for ix weeks. for defendant to be tema Oe coniese will be rendered hie + ine | apt and panctua! attention will imracd a j ten | at the next term of our same will be beard ox te sure Uprmat, jive tains, tart, free what we tried, I think ge r ” limmmediately | | Witness. Patuick J. ohtee, the Poadertic seed fer Corn cannot be eur- pe given. | Phemehy certify that | am personally a-quainted | Persnne suffering with this clrvel disrase, Court of Law, to be held for the county of Sur. | ot office in © the a Peer ary vib | sonnel Gue Corn beked well and grew tery | Greenebora, Feb. 13, 1603. G—< tm | W0th the aleve named Maysicinns and hectare of | oF any of ite cunmummiann shevakd hese ws time | Mt the Conrt House in Dobson, on the second January, A. D., 1808, ——, Sele beech! | barn after we applies! tt. beat the river raieed - —_——_ - — . pases of reqpectability sud standing in this | try peenrmeteg themsacives of the pruper Rew cae ee ee — geen Veen pe (OR. P. 3. COPPEPGR, (tert. han ae ; bade. in order that they w ter eadlane 2 iw an, ae 00 es Spm on elit o eaenele FEB BQUITASLE | ~""F.¢. DAVIS, Meyoref Wien. | sad w- ‘ork that hg wg ay He MOTE edema pro ron/tene Will > Sabon seins State of Nerth Carolins, z ne We also teed ec cotta, aboot 4007 The, | ——— | Rev. E. A. | i emane, A. H. Freeman, Clerk of our said ANS )N COUNTY. } nore. whieh. saeercterrt he wet he} Lx rs .c., @ . Prepared Presertption for ihe Cure i Court, at affee in Dobsun, the seeond 4 » pe = ora 4 ay * v post ry pee i |. 1p haeeanee ileal oie l as ill | Consumpti'a, oe owcie Con'ga | Meme after the lat in a 187 Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions. Vidi me Ee Cn the hole, Twnet may | ; | See si teeen od we eect poor Home| Uda, wad | sain pr ee Gh A.M. PREEMAX. © s ©. January Temm, 180, “QOSTA RS” RITTE anal Whee 8 tery much for either corn or cotton. Se eas ca aon bolle Ono. and All Throat and La Affections, | one gna Ln S| ; —— A RSWRET bat rere particstarly for ore: | SOCIETY have need Minmy pon a ahiectager prey +| by the ase of whieh he sy tr to health SULFORD LAND AGENCY OF . i facta vid eo’ AND ORANGE BINSSONS. Kevpeotfull y obedient servant, | = Se lthiak it beyond doubt the | i, . few weeks, after having en fforel estevel! NORTH CAROLINA. Chritopher ©. . rape MEXRY KINGSTON 4 best Alternative lever wed. | have tried it in sever entry at ars aad aft, Sup't fe W. Rn Cox OF THE NITED | ATEN ess remiite sot Sree Giiectinne. he. — pte evere long affection and that \NDHOLDERS oad an a to the astinfuction of tho Court ‘an, , Pimples, ae 4 hed neat with mer fo myreif and patients. J) ‘irre’ reease, Cunsnmption, haa caw heen i JA? whe wih te ‘& ee ; wit Therefore. no hedtation in recommending 11 | uae over tri Fra’ | Agra ; © ©. Kirby, pentdee Lee Bee bem ni woe ine | fogamier X: C- Aug. 10, 1867 iS tucson eB meee SS | ee ee ee with the most marked sne- | grooves « NT fey Fy ~ A peaen oer @ = cams Noel ’ a Dear Sir: i safely say that your Duable | ° ~~ wee ¥ “euen oe Reapecttalt » he. This Remedy is prepared fro-n the original of any kind, « fl fod it to their advantage to | & ordered by poe ial a Se far mnperion wo any uth | No. 92 Broapway, New Yorx. Ap. NOBLES, M. D. | fev chetuically pare, by the Ree ip. | om Caett property in our ianvle for gale Golan Mt Mane rae, 8 ‘: . er fertifiner Ontten ; for Lhave ives ta —— - rARD A. WILSON, 166 South 2d Strew, ‘eo have great facilities for HF 1 | Rewaret 11 of all Worthlees | aie ch thin enone : Cash Anqeta. ..---+- $6 «99,000 ( WiPamaburgh, Kings On. New York, chasers for all mach iis we egy. wae oe nd Nv i . Yours. JEHU POSTER, Jr. Anuval Dah Inewuw,.----------- 3.64 £000 \ i \ A Pampliet coutmning the orignal Pre- For inturnetion, address wm const ee ‘ Nome am without “Cystar'#” Signe | Varaphlets every iubermation pent free | Sa assured dering 1065 ,...---- -- 43.000,000 . j ) seription with full and expliait direetions for IXv. B GRETTER — & ial can om the » | | Namber of Policies ixtued in one rent — 10100 ; " . nnd ie newt then and there to 5 ple te any one ing bf letter or utherwive to ’ aie preperation and wpe, together with « cburt hie- | General A pena Ty 25 7 = a AN} profits divided among the Policy holders an- ; ’ s - , a eW be rend 50e vires at Drugniste. | The ~ Com $ Cortland wee tory of Ins cane with symptoms, experience | Greensboro’, N.C. him. and + aad 1 00 sizes sent by gm prweipt of price Stroet, New York. [feb 14-2mw-4} | Wvidend Febrnary Jet, 1867—Cash value $600,- Will Curethe worst C amd enre, can be obtained (tree of charge) m | Deo, 2, 1867. ty the plalntitie debt. imtervat and conte. #200 pays for wm, deren ¥ 1,98 ( gf at) ao —-- . . , af ASES | Vr. Witeon, xs above, or by enlling vu vr atl | Ps — J. Congntye, stat of eS a ud repebeed ‘ The largeet utuat Life Invaranee Company in f Scrofula arewing, ‘Pisk's Burial Cases. oR 85.00 pays for eight 1,00 siees hy Er | Estra Notice | leone policies om a Single Life from $50 to . . G. B. POULSON & CO. gia ete ar ran a Se ‘Atldrens —- o| y eur pow y svorren ba eGo. acr.| Tied the statement below, and despair ania, v.c.|Pek's Cee See Darin! Cases which STORE HOUSE} For Rex ‘ _ " é mark », B 40. 3mo. prices ~ LARE os HENRY BR. COSTAR. | som hea bron on my place Xo. 1, “or ation rae ot. cane Cope, Reptamber eet. | aaa a ETA, = peer Sa toy See eh A plete throaghout, with Tr pasty 2 Y. | Ger several hers, can eve him sasevrv Ne OC. | ng 3.3, tagremeoe: . ‘ 4 so deliver them Fane of charge say dnsnocs Crook Bation.on Western N.C. Ft ~ S088, Matixbury, ov §' me he Who areal o agente for xis of the best Pitre) iar sir— youmenst Gone aged fire year. 4 oder 20 yalles, ether by ‘or with Rent. No other store within 8 miles, end - in oft payl @ n.c. FN Sr. Tneuranee © jes in the United Mates, | et orem deo fay with Berofula nearly sll us Lesee ond honren, A. N. PARES. arceiient stead for busines bb whew) Oime, ‘ny 9 1008. -peice ofnd, Q march © IPM. twdwim ‘heel, | tie egeatmeny Papice np, tant with Weeiy Beco) al thie Offer | Leningts, B.C. Oat. 9. 1807. poe G A. AWAAOX , ° ~_ » » ont on - apotnan YR PAOOHE : cc. . opniras Pees SERRA apy ee epipahctnl : “<P soueraieol oak iE id TO" geel of vg) igtieagr : oxy ga am: AY a a ._ ne . =e aon _ _—— ee ete ee ~ ~ "ine, P . de Bes . troyed every Bank fn the adoptiog ofigle 0 ndmeng rg opt = . — me “ne : . - ’ Ly Wee Sue for the prijyees oi the their number of toh tae We by tains, and giviug composition and eom- } angorons with tho assumption of vow | bat the men} refused, and anact which ¢ i 3 aie, and, with theay’ her fan? fo® educa . . : ‘f y 4 ~ Plpxion to the headepridgs from which er, by which it ianttempted to effued Others of the strect sell cigars or polity d govern gent, which ing POL of ( tree ee: down, and theréby ihe sectional majority | pare and clear, or turbid atid bitter, wae, Republics are but rare exceptions to gov- | inferior frui having ab bor abd |hope, confideuee a id. energy in a peo-F Un the pany pd raed the tyrageCol tricyengus in ot the North will rise from sixty-three, its (tera are to How The Constitution of the e#mments in the history ‘of world, If} left it to thelr women3 the i¢a-} »Je, are to carey th 2 ee i And ue aay, that ; jeu rary of these © being of thé inost OF Mle - ' ee Sebo ads, 4 i 4 7 Sails patlans A pie, a" Bee or} widest the. Wha: ne He ghd Jt was euovuneed by proca- preeent Uumber, to ninety-three ; where- United States, in express terms, declares we lo k back through time and over) tion of a farrgone rel into b rigw-!the barbaric FAC ‘ica, whose gs. ; ed Uniform. up oad the gorerament of he State had as, unless the change be made, it will fall “tne cleetors in each State, [an all cloe- space, it haa been in bar few countries | Is tbcir subniisgion to s t I of lea es | highest pretengiog ta id been, bever it gortnexion with any Loew dinsoted,and a Qogvention was ordered to turty-three, All oder mani vepppvided tings under thia Ou tutiag,| shall have and at rare intervals in, the six thousands | and ridiculous exibitions 0 P& wank of culture is, that it: has’ r ' hey political association, I am grati. to be chosen mad. to aswemble, to insaituie -0- fur in the article arc sunk iu this “!eveat the qualiticaions requisite for electors of yours of whieh we have any account t PQealificarion for the duties of electors in mogt redent period, the slaw: hy ‘ od that the Hot party, m culy anew. Although wemete anable 10 per iggne’” of sectional power, Tt had been the moat nuinépetis ers of the State they have even been attempted. fn all) our own, and other States, especially Ala- to whom fed proposed to#oréé stig {old adversities, v6, Whiatere, cove “haw eae) venwated Bill of Karis aud hoped aud predicted, that after the ex- Legiclatare,” a clear recognition ot the! Asia and Africa none ‘was ever kuown, | bama, any recommendation for their ad-|! peprasea a wale. ; op. | motives, kept “np an ; ' ea ee ee ne Garton at mar ry, and theteby establish! fact thot cach State ofthe Union had pre- | auless the Tittle golouy of Liberia set up! mission to a” stare ly the government here? |!" To t ent oy, the Newt © which will servég ition ! ; f nike SRA Ce ee ing a supposed homogeniety of interests scribed, and had aright to prescribe, the j and still fostered from Aerica may be Is the fact, that the great States of the ; a i to rialife pertaining w-onité all, who are in- me EY oe coutd ofiend Viwerer individests ead ectitiment between the people of quatifiearions of its own electors. Vt might | ealled an exception. In Lurope,. in tea{ Novth, New Youk, Penngylyania, Obio prage 0 : é atation' ‘OF iiaintenance of the ¢ sti ati in the i whe eld aulbedty i heamizht he amen. these Uiteicut sections, we should have live been otherwise, bat not more. clear centuries out of sixty, there may have! and ethers, where the paucity in utmber #@ person or Sgt pel! ed dmiited uit now made npc » it, and of t a ibere was up 1 acquiescence. The heard no more of the North and South, as ! Iv, expressed thas; “Whereas the States! been goverumenGs bearing that name; by of the negro inhabitants is but a drop in jlife, the blacks have On _ a¢ “7 " yew A sat ple. Aa jue. ik Convention assemble whotcied » Y advorme iuterests, bat that exch would jot the Ualon have prescribed, and have} far the most conspicuous of thei, the Ro-| the bucket, refuse them such a right with | And those who le desire Informa pee to r veo whom We form } Vy ondiewe, at Vacnied all wlbers repudiated | embrace the o ber as a common hrorther-' the sight 10 preeeribe, Wie qualifications ef | man, bx ing a military empire, which flour. | indignation at the proposal of jt, not to/tion and deal candid y with the snb-|a part. (18 no party ‘Question. iP sthantel dtaehaaes d, the War deb! ard virjra hood. But tar otherwise was the angu-) the electors for both houses of their State | ished by plundering the world and rioting | be weighed by as in adopting it here, ject, will tind in the opinion of the phere ty dock tatrape or nines us Hel raeeal oinla tea add SULIT meut and persuasion for passing this! Legislitures, the elcetora in Federal elves] on the epoils, but with none of the securi-| where their number would exert a power |Supreme Court, in the case of the osthing le for the i. fi tae — = a — ae © amendioent throagh a Cx gress, in which tious, in cach State, shill have the svme i tivs for persoual freedom aad right which! ful influecce in the State, and, with the State vs. Mannel, in 1888, that at that buta mt fed ort i. 80 ter of ; ‘ itd an nig 10 futher tthe South bud vet a sol tary meanber. Ts’ qualifications that the State a ques 1 have been kaowa in this country and nas proseriptions existing and in prospects time, and before, the free negro ha, patonal om AS eretood by ts : alee) beluee the Pies cnt the | it to be wondered at, that the Legislajures | voters for the most unmero branch of| der the British monarehy. ‘The enlight. may render it controling ? in a Court of Justice in North Carelis| before the dark days of civil war. Iy {the Souchern States should, as they did }the State Lewislature.” instead of eued and refiaed nation of Prance has | Gentlemen, the fact before our ©yes, na, all the rights of a white man, all the couteste wf parties in this coun. Kittel com plaanice Wile wis bees Lue freivet its and it m ay be asked, was it ex- + ongrers Wadertaking to preecibe, or to; made three or four attempts to establish | hat the colored meu, in the election or- with special Galutes prenieh with |try, between Jetferson and Harwilion, ‘ ‘ <i ; reted that, supported as it was, on such vequire a Couvention to preseribe, who | and widutain republican iustitutions sinec deved by Congress have, with the minut: | Jeath ‘kas who might kidnap, de Madison aud Rutus King, Ciay and rounds, in the organ of Congress, it} shall vote ina State election, the State | ita King nobly contributed his aid in the | vst exceptions, been formed and compact- reba ttempt t a ay hin) exee tj Jackson, nover wae. ® question agita- f *: oN ea, oe uld not be rejected 2 Was there any hast! d has always beretufore | catablishnent of American ind pendence; led into a party, upon». supposed divoret- | PON! OF "1 emp ' 0 CUSIATE e's 99 ted which approached In its tngtnes: ed aa tion , Lie cautamacy manifested iu iis |} Jove y Ax the qual fi, tious of clee | but in every instance has re lapsed and re ty of juterest and intagoniem to the} bh PUM i, © petiae tek nes been i tots importatice, that now under the i cis > to | [re je And if the theory of Congres | tors for Congress, aud for cleetors of Pres-} turned te monarchy; aud that by the | y hites, is a conclusive reason why the “Hveting white men, w on titer | consideration of tach : SKS Wine “Rew ciRenb e true, that off civil government in these! ident aud Viee President. of the United | Votes, perlaps ftoreed votea, of the Peo} white men should unite, exhibit their extended since their Da Minad Ubnady isle Those great wen travelled de, eo OMe of Whee lad Pieheve () Stites was destroyed by the war, and that. Srates, by reguiriog her regulation outhis | ple. What is the lessen we derive from power, and assert the diguity and rights | Hon, and, [doubt not, will be sacra ERE way together before the jak . A Dice ee ibe Mcsidents provisints for its reBivul! eubject to be adopted and followed. | this great fact in human experience? Tk of the race, which discovered and séttled | UDiversal, 1d ah forka ur the fat witch aa Denag abi these jaueau oe were nogatory, by reason of which there} Paving oceasion to comment on this) js, that few nations of the world have ev-! the continent, achieved its independeuee, | I trust, I need pot say here, that Ly sted The “a : 7" etree cee {is wo duwful Legielature in. the State.| clauseof the Coustitntioa, [am remind: jer had a population sufficiently virtuous founded its institutions and have always | have no animosities or u njust pu separated. j y agveqa clemen. mu hes hy te ‘ i a ° . et would Cven the asscut of the Le zistature. ed of the claim not unfre quently made in) and int Invent to goveru themselves, Re governed it heretofore. Such a consider- | ces nguinst the black people. re- salted that te at noms Ad all ad- cacao ' Wass wi d live rendered ahd! Congress, aud by the press, that anthori publican institutions, which divide OX ation renders union on our part a matter | yard it as better for them, as well as mith that these wore States of the ee Weis neg T ~ reasonable to ty is found foe this extraordi: tyasswinp: power into departinents, which define nat of aelf-detence, and appeals to the pride lfor ua, that there shall be regular and Union, and that they had Republican wis nent a tion ef power, im that provision, dcclir ouly rights but remedies, and base their of race and manhood, ae well as to inter- letabie government, by which all shall forme of goveroment at the Hime of w pared, an! wiaieke itthe ground of more string i © United States sball puaran- | whole waecbinery npon the constituent eat, duty, the prosperity, safety, and the ! be protected in the pursuit of steady the adoption of the Constitution (even work wis de ‘ sis said has beea done by tee to cach State a Republienn form of body of the people, are too eomplicated,! well b ‘ing of society. Speaking for my- |), ! ie in honest employment, Ja the} Rhode Islana, with her eharier of aa “ Urigroes. if according to their own alle | gover: ineut, &c," a: th “ujposition, that and too easily abused, to be hong 8ep- scif, I have no seruple in declaring, that | = . ; ition ofe at far) of wealthi Charles II); that each Of these, under of wa bled. The ] fextoua, the Legislature ithelf was unan this clause authorizes Cougiess, (which, ported by au ignorant or dcbased people. { think the Ime of coler should be the | os Ta. Mi tel ° ef eal parate of the Constitution, possegsed the power ei ane rege (noes rei hat \ . Ay 1 Peould do no binding act.—*for this purpose, ie the Uuited States.) to} And in pose countries, where they have line of division in the exercise of the elee- paud iat eect boron pe rm " the} to rezulate the elective franchise with. a im hie cownanicatien & a Ue |, 1, Cherefure, you hear sume good man / examine the Constitutions of the several} beou maintained there h 19 been always jive franchise. [ am therefore opposed | lea owa complexion, shall seve sh 8 ite lig Nisaite and that the African race et ze ‘ Ree ‘ ae i oo his eager dorire tor } ide, that’ States, from time to time, to determ eC} AN exe lasion of far wore than one half ofl te what has been denomiiated “impartial pleasures and ie data ot Ewes oath i the farthbes ble degree pi ee er mbit: . 3 . ! ve adopted the [4 emend: whether they ace Repablicau ia form, an the iohabitants from the right of stle | suffi "or in any way abridging the | @” 1 social intercourse. Those 0 oun pein tad Wear aa F si at nalié. . ‘ db spared the re-coustruction if found im) ita Judginent uotto be, to) frage. he entire female aex, nearly vigiie of the white man. Whatever may| Who shal! be content to net on this bret asek a reigs &, Bar ° a te, Inquire of Lam, Low we could have mike or require them to be ninde such. | ¢ jual to the males in all countries, for the be his condition as to education or other | princ ple, and to rely npen honesty, ca oe eee 7 — é nt Micsernes neta hot es we trie, as Comeress asserts, Ags well nicht it be miistained that acer | sake of the d ceney of society and the | (ug, proposed, his associations willenable | industry and good behavior, will in| now these ret rudiments ooh be eB ghe heed ooh age i “ g{ that we hay yvalid Ts yislature | poration chartered for the purpose of ine! del cacy proper to be obacrved towards hig to vote with a feasonable degree of the end find themselves tar better off jtem aro assailed and the entire fabric : cee Congress wei agein iu D-cember 1806. « trance of buildiugs, of which mod: ls them, and all males onder the age of ma- j Helligene » a d he theald not be exclad- |r jeu will be euch aa, intoxicated with of the State governinents te menaced : nase i dias, ’ do the list days of the seee'on, and of the l wore ¢ tuiched, should become a dictator jority at bweuty-one years, have beew uni- dq (chia the rights of the ree to which the new enjoyment of freedom, aspire with being turned upside down. In vey I ea sar ao sack ar Eresw, there was pissed the ti fihe af the architcetnre of ee come ay, Re] versally ex luted To these added be belo ge and which Xperience has to become politicians, and rely wpe | CO heck. : with ancient political op wae prencenced “a white! “ 1 “Rec truct A { the provisions ef the Co tation, | such others, aé, iu any partienlar Siat rhown that he may exereise without de- ldisponsations of Government or party }pooouts in opposing & Course, : < pe Seca se reat ie — we . red Ma 4 a” dou] but was s would scew to have been th “ua rst tits Wisdom aud discretion has thought wu- 1, toto the jinblie weal ‘That the adits: or the distribution of copfia: | '6 ae if we wale entering the ranks / ; ; { fea R fective, that, Trt sveeced! og coifieant in tie diecasstons which pa fit to be entrusted with pelitient power reaa to euslaw ibe cena). Lot Petree | | » the ; er ¢ icienes . A i . against 4 " , ree ahied w com teud, ma ec xtra ted heopotie rameongt Mmeu-| or “ have a rien of the Kepublie . Ba bs hey apes 4 f dvtenes i: nv cated estatce in expectancy, “or other the army eo. ate } 1 vt? » v 4 leccese sn ¥ ” ‘ "| ng ee Ode ¥ leo P a » ar p m ’ a ail " € v bese names i was alleged to Le mecessa | *? , ba , t a } wa hands easily demonstrat: y fog? { i ~leixn war, which our de , aration mine i . Rcndes eek eihir 1 ere . : . rood fortune in the whirlpool of -ree to couceal, fest their revelations «haald | “°° Viatiiy Upon the capiratiun Latore 9 Phe moet extended treat i commiiedi te thetyeharge.”) Inithe Aeer-7 itu cousus of 1660. haw bile @as'ot (ke ie a Larky aalelt hes been de-/# rection; anbif they ane ta be suc sill tithe scream a of the oll oe, it woe amended by en action it wo foand ai rn a couta *} team Slates, slier an educativa by expe- Scare abov iw y-one yrars of age} of) any scasfulia bal the of the Toet their personal safety ; aud these] : ! 53.) ' \ oy oe th he rctibed by a great man as “the wad. [ccesful ia rallying: . : I = ‘a P { @ bith ed March, aud by anuiher ac vabout balf a page of the S30 us renee to government by eleeiions fora y..,, n roand numbers, 139,000. the "¢'! yag : 7 it pe t at dan, “ we REPENS te caterigh the cvideaor| Jas J since the commenremeng of! of the Federaliat. wr o by Meo Mati lbontred years, ip bas bern fand sabe to) ks 71.000-<the walacie off wii « fesse of many fur the gain of a few. rants ad eats . A ger « ‘ oe . ' un Jaly, a eince th Wve Etes : aa tr bist, . y 4 le tredreg ’ sage be ee il 71% —th mfr o lite BY . th of the President and General. And! ; , ' I hae Le ball ll w! To them the gain of honest labor will! the crisis, andrestoring the gover, : 3 ae ich enuf regular sess vere are pens ' son, which he save dt was cud dt “to comunit the battot to all white mea twen- 1, ing ucarty two toone. By the regis-{ To thei the gain \es . : t page ro SE - oh 1 bee | di e J know net bow inane bie for tl de fend he syates hen exis) y : vu years of age, who give aseurane tra 1 of E867, the whites entithd to | be far greater than will over coer’ pean ah re ee ~~. t t res : “et ° . ’ ’ 3 y a that the Pr eideat'e w ramet df mes ag fu r change io soft this tile! enetoeras c mouwtchics ‘ It | that t y ate beng fide members af the... are 103,000, the blacks 72,000—/ {from attendance en leagues, baran. | ® hot ‘wha & Sala 4 re 3 fr tan aia oad . weliis i : : rd we tt presents there has Leow t uceded for this,’ maya, “it Gilt community where they vote, and, in mont! 1.4 ingthat all the colored inen were reg.) genes, and the Azitatlons of these dig | art “tin Const ati he de th mn. od pemalt . on wae | s ' 2 . te ’ re i = " rial Ps aeveat . trick cs bend | ifs easy cle . Tb eo oy heeded Noes secrht avd to aanther | instances, where th y have coutribored j, rrvd, aud that eome 35,000 whites at Jointed times. Prttaghss a eke: h eld dagen nate prays i Mes os In b net | be South, Wack ty! their wrigvuces, of | jan, which be states for the sake of | som thiag of tates to the maine qoe ree at ed, supposing the namb-ret Pho meana, gentlomen, of averting, liverersof: te Country, ang then woul es a eae Sing, D a r : ‘ ra) . 7 = era , Cepartint a ss ra rie Ae ut correet Ure wer jescuatiome whieh aus wer) € it: that ert may beeom: a pre- | tenance of government. Dat, if. for this remain inthe game relauve proportion asl this rp idical change in our institutions | ¢2ste@ scene at joy me has no « _ 4 : iz eke’ a ave couse ntly al If, of the transac! wear for ratios tab Srato govern: | pertad of time, thie people bad byed nn io 1863, Some fow thousand white men fig n the hands of the free white men} been witnessed on earth ince (i: veubordinaiion by iLe qotde dikes tt M + COMeTag a nenret Ga ments, w ut the c fever of the | der a grindieg despotism like the Russi-.,, led ander the cule adepted have pro res \ C j ot | Prines of Peace appesred, and jie anes of Washington aud Jackson; tha , : rg Mat ? } of North Curlina. magrens hag not | 5 Dueved ot state, that the senpe and ine § themerdves,” he ober rves, ni an, or the thinees, (the better ty move ap-! Lait failed 10 resistor; but afier dedoct 1 ; : by | morning stars sang together, ress, by icgislation, possesscd the p3 . ' z ; andertaken to impaee it epea us by) P ° “ey = . » {tout hese acts is to adult all wegece, charity exsemeds mo forthe c Uli sae je a Y '4 >| posite to the case in band) woald they | ine reeer and © me 25,000 to 30,000 dis 5 } Gentlemen, the passion of revoug: y rigpefal peers io cog the war £01 ; ’ ) KR ' Hl \ rege 3 ag Shore ’ ’ . an immediate fal ol Ys own, but "4 ’ > i te idicat~ its dathori: v dest av!” a ns eine any (es mpi io hi) 1 4 Rep.blie! hive bow agora tee Phe Bea, Lc itbined, there stilt remains; aceneding | nears of am election Will @ majority) * Sot an enduring mutive of hums = : ed ae Our yea Cage and cau form of coven ment, whieh sup) ores comment apon any each rable} Thefrench 1... 5 ristra-ion a white majority of 32,009 | "IP : ray dD @} tele action. The “eollpeo of the ander pated ry t € . ° ‘ ’ f > ve thar 92.06 ti a aoa nt : : v tor} at tothe ewercise a prea dieting gow ’ f th with all ¢ mee, social rebmement vor. And the very proseription of the | “% i" salt 93,4 Thite tetera rey | candion.” a ite will paw most take vp the eabjeet de nore, I ; \ on ile were 66 te rht the estrblichment of eet : istered already, after the exelusion of ng.” which itoccastona, : ; leet ve irquel: ite ley ep vviaion is which ie cratante le ge " aught the ost reet, Known ag it is in many instances to! itt t away; the minds and hearts of ibe niet den Gite Unie ition @he a corsidern 6, e f “ ox z* fobs ow Graz: atener, wpow ibe dopo > tndescevidl and anjust, while the (30.000 more who are entitled ander nee le of thi whom Sts A eter ( ' a et f ne Lede he ; : State Constitation to the elective} W hive people of this country can n-« 1s wh. tif dune of 5 canteed, orauy other Re pablican forme einen of their Ringe, the very prrive t view aud ayeophaute of power, oo Cur State Constitation oo 1 i t of tien nh Vie ate Gena ey age Mize it the Ntat-s may ewbeciiat: fir thew ut goverwrerat. “They chewed bbe, matic shit their stain af the guilt of or. (franchior. And Ueleeiian off] tdamatiRS een 8 ee ene fan from < 5 Ce se h ; Sam aly k , he be attend eg geil 6 . t ly reat } lie Mality, fraternity,” and after a short «x cts 1 war are all relieved, will ba:!/ehoice, there ia no doable that t ee it a w. ae bere vi peed ¢ ve ore. © te — . = he s @ ehall mat exc K periment, in cach instance, obuted them join their a dvice and influence in favor | voters with an approach to apawim ty that it bp J . ae ee ; f Fina eather eee a . tl Hearts ¢ bo hom dow ncen--:- pubbern foe ant Repabhean Co oan Deck undiy e manately wih Mie of ithe trac hiterest’ of tie’ eanmtry th would give a negative voice. But|ximians that + ena dl te > Paine quire into th condition of + r ; “ at. ee oe , ne t . ; ' : { ‘ hat Wes we s eek ae? : Pisetenay Ral A) »* . Gretkwen, North Carative Pe er nttcat he Noli - 7, Breater, and ‘~ pial hke argel*/threata are made to deter freeman) '¢ seige of Boston, t et bs F — , xed seni tA f ‘ sand hot prope te make « scha ata 0 oe bendy ne “rive Tt Lrpabliqee” tremprt vongerd” avains Bho overthrow | oting their own sentimenta, to indnee | Virginia and North Caralina, in ey " hn chad « . Cee en wae Cun gross, a et, hae only a nezative on tad beew soundd, atthe beg wmgzel ibe of the constituts and the enbversion | them t9 sustain a Wrong policy, ander Comjunetion, it ie trne, with those « CPOs® © Tarn Witresers whe shuaid tes . _ : ; ae me ' id feeeelactles > . an ; , ., ! > Cre fy tm r@lerener te North Cirotiea amd. it m dineeone . ok ai : Ts road ie ie: seg of our onclety Jan apprehension that if they doe por) Northern _— Stats, wdc » aye wie vb be ‘ Mets in frterfering eth with tem aye eto th P gues, ; ' 596 ot ‘ wtal c! they deemed it expedient, to call «cher ey ; me riithac Darsek if tei ieee } Boat sek In the early itetory of the Roman Re- | mply. Congrése will visit thom with |'he save atggnet aml ina copa witgesere, That committer. thierh an , Satay, Pete te th vee Sane ni Acony ae Pes ' ‘ alana i mak “huni eel pebhe, weread that I’ briane, for & hassher pe alty than the deatractive who funght the hatiive of Amor = “ ee ve critt Ee ae { 5 r sucoresful effiircts io kof the color 1 vote coal ~ Ca t caurrs which tbeyiid i palhceot le 4 It te diMBentt tr | Incepens ene frma New Veork, alon, patated about the 12th uf! abe ; ie . deat Wi cladenteent atl thet saree as icadily fur an Emperor, if le wae eed oy tbe Ps measure proposed. It ie 0 “a af tha tad artis Gd at, daving the whole of :Lee 3u:h co 7 Vityinie W le Jones» diet . wnieud am Agrarian dives ‘ Re h ase magine what can be more sala teaead (To 5 ai ws +" arene, Bor bas ite success, in ‘be pr , ' a ; . ( had fs as tbey are eupeeid t fe 4 aang ey, aud aNpal 4 that ether negro domination or theie|'!'!s of dere ‘haw pve 5 } a aan . y * . . eee Panne : Z ve werd) from the evry, aud took wp and P - vivant “wate, ofer 4 Cougrers, to thie day. enade any : PP emeery ‘ . —" Rigen we b P eae { ned he power | ** "atta frre tts opinion im the matter » TERY . . cain vi eled. ‘ia aseertion of atification,”” and the ners Fes fortified a « imp on the secred mogntain [[OS Comverse we hes be heft oc P | ahote what they se! i mm the Ewe we ries: uit = he pew wed gucet thie clans, not havea Ger more jutelligent enw . ; pt et the Siate. Dut 9 base fear, laapir | ‘ : : rie Prin We 2 i Mo Azrippa, with ten of the principal Liuedy flelde of i a to it, lowching the ¢ ’ re ae ‘ . . ¢ " * | sion of t! omnim nt they wore ce 6 ne by the }'st pa ed by thoay whe assume to be the | tua y Ben tne pas ‘ she 60 Nhe wteenete * 8, War ec rt vo yv " atr o A “wl »} verntiaped. of jd we a, ais : Poort weve, bey eels OF tee great Mais tallies firmer ¢ \ 1 Saabs aS Sy Ge 1 make | prophets of Congress, ia no motive t.| Georgia, end et the final eer ‘ They reanes ae ‘ Cer t ‘ ae e 4 } . te gn awe A y : ~ abiehing tie ver f os the tree gawe ri: mee ev . paper Heteld that they were all shape the conduct of white freemen Virginia ; and though they sone a ow accrr = t . bd f e | 4 t (om ‘ r . . ne 1 i , 2 . some colt : - oe a at 4 to etrck , Lm y re ric , © that baman society was tikelat the pelle Dy rejeet ng thie meas cently « dreadial intestine cor pa aclasen sg ag eg H eater ae . a . . : nei gale ee) amrng mat isd eo lor ei peal tas hus & t Ly comjnrecd ly of def-e-| are, our old institutions remain, sul) | does ly to be deplored, Fore devel ‘ t an wher ke | . , . VU tes med | rm) | yotd re, ; { ° a. : . f - being th ‘ ive ~ . ’ . Y § : y ent porte 1 their « wal, by the jeet for tho present te interraptions | 4 the soldierly qualities and bh we wa he os e ' w ep ! ¢ ioe , Tinian testifying ato her ’ ‘ | Jr es ; : : € wy they | firmed, reminded | by niilitary orders froin the comman | ‘ives of ont generation, «© eithe Fibs mek fivarchle ct pr of : f a = : him ef @ fable he} d, of a eonepi- | ding general of the distriet; and || “le, as not unworthy of the fens = "e os ‘ie ms * king . lace, travian arid the as lev, @ . ‘ ' : r« f mhere of ody an wt th lie » anprebension that the distin. | @ glorious ancestry. And with » peRpeay Dea . ' a large y “ mended it 1835 Sie! ETadual 5 f iraming the | Phe noakgy Was a> apposite that aire yet eee ner vow ia com |'* lamemtable resalts, it hae gives | — gente! ot be of the State, since com adiar, | gewera g beis the a tees tly Lon widen bt : ioe ¢ oa a ; \ | we Bra Nyrabeaincieci lara Reweraiein a vbent the inard, or any other who will enaseed American name and character (mu the 13:h of J : yen yew eat weet He “etc ate UP ee ar In ate snewwsion. meet anfurtunately him, will indulge in wanton ernet:y,|celat Usroughene the Se aich a voie of tvot! : } - then t ict, always beretot ved cinder « f block vatore yor elections the parties fa ow te or vieit citizens with any marks of |'@re ages wll admire, In ve, hs Houee, ad yom a sed - F erry f tn 1 n i that ¢ vlees w t 7 ) and strike dow . inten: and b> porene the alleg disp leasare for exercising their own of the upper M soienipyi, in art posing a foaurtenth amendu t . Ne ae ; ee . Ly 25.0 y hook aris, and * judgment in ecasting their euffrages in}2°d Obie, are thotennde BPO thew P > r . ; aa’ these ab sug : : it : i a Constitution ef he U wu d . ren Ahab ete ; ok i : ; wi Uect ed aieecel 4 ‘ Rar thie AM elwction in which they are required | ands a’ inhabitants Who trace A am en wim iters ber i} . - Fo , 1 ans } Pi P A ed from this mites : . . “ : ‘ dvice and ty educaie the popular miad, * eogh: it exaniues them with alto vote, Bot it isa sabject of such |pride their descent frum these 3 poe Pp ; ry r t Sta ‘ eee ee prin ‘ what . end of Ue ex; oe Gertie, i seeing that the infinite impeurtance, that we muat de | "* gemterm, the old States “ . ae * ate or ther ' + e t t ® ‘ t i e rape — ~— A: i tt W and? me kit i -. Coe , v . i i | ha j ell ns that . ~ tome, were of @moallone daty, and leave Consequences tb, | Sve'hern Atlantic frontier, whos resentative a a a , (1 ev cet ; ; x be budis-s p bet that tt i it ' satiafe ‘ ther é : Le & ena eons ee ‘ -« upon vile bud . ime ee ee | that Deity which controle all himan |*atisfed with the trienm ih ol ret oa, paste y : ; eye : t ' t on t } ' <n . tert npon the moet } wht to & perfert ty: aed mon} armas; who cherish no 4am pram t Beate an¢ , sh bide vy; tree . . ' - F f Line t s poy the lengthened : . ’ ee ‘ ol pe PC a t : Is i 1 i i n thing tened aud sqaarrd| It may be asked where are these /” 4ongum: who rejuiee that a {a - = = ’ . i v ‘ © Miele ne wr 8 ¢ ae og are : . tle : » be erticte beads eG pe , Z = : Mic ernani ene ae yp things tw ew). and what hope ia there )/¥ fewd has been ended; who ! . ? 5 = : 4 ‘ » t er hot Mever Lei . wart many weeks need ite presage aca — : ; f Ber niteand to produce vi resulted & handle lof deliverance! It rr quires a wisdon, | ‘hat there has Leen chast!isene = mensare of + : we ba ‘ * varie . ad f Smee ; ema f Im vain the subdned | Min Ink inte the eeeda uf time and ‘erteiture, and suffering enough a vip ; of ated "6 dy that ine re les “> a : 7 ; ; " oe ha Nerthern aed ne mm Mates. whe me Nis ; : : ; ” “ Be nee @ ae er tell winch graine will grow and whiel: | thatit je tet jnet, expedient, or : . . ‘ t I . ' at ain they ple © onginal comet ah - ¥ ¢ the Nueth aheruld bas t ‘ a a aie : (ihe Nine. ait . . Gib f fe them asefn) Will not.” to which Pda not fay claim {mane to entjest thete kindred. : © the ee x - i feet anita Werabere, as bey the | fe ( . t powers orcantz t t . f the bewly. and that here are ar-| but tos an inquiry Dreply, we are «haw they have bron yertor me Gabment, or bh eterse th - ae © ’ ' r ‘ f as t i Maviee “ r : Whos bign . and ne Rietding fart Hot without yrounds of bh pe, if we ham iliation and ¢ in, i ® Sear! ¢ by adopting tbh ye f brs Reet tweis aif ‘ ‘ . has : 1 « Siebe 4 th -wagh ° bat exhibit wecdestly and without ar- | periment to oe vert negroes tntu wv! : emeres . . | x c _ it 1 4890 vy of reg , : ' es » che Togance or deflanee, the nawl nose af || n, or bw redneo the Whites bel anesting . ' ' A See se iy s ; . ont # ee : . ‘ fous, Wont Octive, te the feemen and tcfuse an sign the, !h vel of negtoca, ‘ é I tern Tey that ow ie = she ; ‘ be z re ° , t 1, “th ° ev . noe { . ‘ ({death warrant of ovr institations | It wae one thing te rally &@ party entativ ; Pe F . ; ; A A ‘ sues ery s mer OF is we : ./ : miles 4 the Tie Executive departinent of thejlavor of the emancipation of the \ ° * 4 4 ¢ f > a y f } > , 5 ‘ . ‘ . ° 7 ° 1 Maver y, 198 ae ae m f ail vee government of the United States.fean race here, and a forfeitare { . “Jf the } ‘ eee . i “a euance of @ reonl 1 compiiented con r nh ereneni@ with, the athe j ; ioe ! itl which the ! " ' ’ ; a hie F ae ey . ef pe ee weakened in pewter, 8 te true, |Anp yma portinacity with «lr the neger Bann eed | ; Seyi agin ; ratist be established and all ite emgrqneneee UUt With a force uf angament in his emiest was prolonged to deeide it bere and » ft ne one t ‘ tie Aa? aL, ' ( mark - wa Bos an - to: d na hy utiet be esta bliel ex m & COMBE Nene . Th ay ee : eee ; farbiw ne nrivble: top Ventures Z cripples for life, or death puboe atterances which commands | Bat it ie another and wholly differ: : ote peg a z ‘ : pty It oe fi oe Her A yp itae lf travis risked for the enka of enalit the aduusration of the world and which pre wmition to admit the hegro to | . ee ae) i ‘ d very 8 I ‘ ale | ia ue ‘ ; ' : : : + x . i a wae cag nets = ae eee ) tatke eadccuta y |e eG AY i; (1 ‘ cro we will pe ec inot be wileut ite effeec on the/titient! and social equality will water; wots on bat ; ' ae =. th ' { t “ . forty story of the ry in H r datenica Mite fe lym, thie act of dea |sentiments of our tellow-eitiger a, whe! white population. ‘The white mer honey, relation, Jet, ia the jr & « . - LU. ik, ae he very ’ t ull : ’ : ; ap fm eqanl rights; 2 a a Rt) war eur pertod doruled | lies I 1s Von Noonisels 4 he ques! now aleve monopolize the re presenta tee North revolt against this in thes tu @ fe gugress tation, by w! th ae a all te a nent outs f the they were liberated by an aet ot the Beit tor tue Jed ty t ‘crereatourttion in OQenyress With a cance eo own States, where the nomber ; or preeeutauves from «4 Sate «ould L« ' ' (ow vy aaff litv, | w ho neig » Partinovent in 1532, and invests a ext ¢ Whether the free Meteo eancitiod hy the Conetiturion, tacks wool lear Hy be felt in prac RK , ' , , 7 f ® duced, if it failed ta a aw? try 6 ‘ , rj . < . a! " allther ghte f white men, ‘Mec nq whee la 4 n race, wiich has auh-! as jt ia now our lot to present, I as eal re-nlts, avd cannot fail to be c lee = grove; Qed *dieh anche { at govern tl t myles ‘ s been btbia jelas Alby far! dued all the eloments of hature andj not without great Lope that the Judi’ ciuced of the injustioe-as well as ael te tere fur partierpats oth moen aed, Wil eO-diie shall te] sistent w Reus a) ies mont fF ae he a oinade them: tributary to neefulnesa {ears - the Supreme Court othe Une |p. Hey of calnwing it upon ue J ; worn.” ; g the put s But: usaenie:] to by ee peopte, te migh th venienee, iat Le, ae ul = e ? grony, except ( ahh tek e} eas ly} which tins crmead c remmnas ted States, in cases whiel aru in pro promptings of uiterest will plead wa thee threge attr t f tt ; y of an chee ( the bas (or grees : RAN ee ’ a eX porte gated the » @, jlanted eolon es, Cicsa or may vet necur, will deeiare: ue leas po vertully than these of |? alver 5 { CHM. UF cr ‘ { 1 a fy sone H coly n ; Ag ; 7 ( ay: ete im Uae ta ng 4 trey th Lol es y suught to be es will be of diet ' \" : ; Hien, pow ps raKidle ougnestsex the policy of Oe gresstaln at va ‘ The work of impoverisln re une ; 1 '@ cept 4 Il. am ron . the goverumert ' ‘ : and . th “ i , Fi : . ae bs =. fe i: stan . = ; ’ sie ; of oy contd t rete : ty i bar ia : : Ok , ney mal ite nine ow plored Hells of mevene moevery ance withthe Canstitution. ‘Ihe enc i 4 Cw gw ings ealily on nord ; question ” reprenet a. a a pracr, safety aud Lappise *, : ae pa ee / ; fal oe ‘ jp Pepattoiedt, carried the religion ane Censure and disciples oF Marshall non certainty, confusion and agit ad gals tie ground Ff sector ’ > ol the tions of mtr nt va f 1 Ales ay 0 ; ’ ' : > a “ 2 ong i . . il word sa ‘ \ stalls va ‘ : will of thes ow F vt ed A puss trum New York io Charnes MZaton of te Cross to the endae upon that bench will infutare ii, produced by the weion of Cn, = bee le Re da | tverce, naret ard ch t i il @ ' aA 4 a MA : ' . A f ss . 4 ies ¥ devecte | to the ¢ om . rider the ficationa cress in which they bal no re, tal one forma dine, ia 1567, and ant. UH the cath and given to buman hies ry rival his faine, if they but maintain suet setionsly affect the reves" ca myn tee. “th : theee States : POS lbp oe ties Jsequrntly Jost bis life on one of theme tory allits scat and reverence; whe io dignity of the court and the en ‘rived fro the Seath; and the dec : Be 4 ‘ e it t - , , 1 j HL eae . ; f L 1 ee tifioen ” 7 af constitations and framers Bat the change proposed, of inves:ing | voyaxzes, that having occasion to enal his ther this favored and m ghty race, | Premacy of the constitation Against in our great staples uf cotton, tel the beer with the meke of . “ ship at Kingaton, J ica, on each trij much portion of it, at least, as dwells the woes and shares, the annoyances em, engur and rice, contabating ® ' oft . vr | without any er 1 t “1b Yoneg wen tocarry IN The vaet reyion between the Puoto land threatenings, with which theynro uoally wy former timea handreds : 4 ; eral Pek ; ; ‘ ’ 4 ‘ , a ready etated, la ent e eVuue abd} cog he» f divi HL ary lie ac n ) u id it patle auall bo des ‘ chcompassed aboat Y oillions ut eXports, in future to bee she of by ts wil oer In inthis coun. @ Hamilton, * Uy and pstion ‘aglia- ite momen. ander the q mavens « they reach. which they in clemen. They all ad. tates of the Republican the time of itution (even charier of these, voder d the power ¢ with. African race ble degree, of qnaliii- etor, Bart of var sys entire fabric ie menaced down, fn political op @ Corre, 1 the ranks - a for ied mur de te be sue nbd the r of the eer ’ fanetion, “ Jit wi the sursi the de- id then would fas has no h ince the and the at reveug: ool hums the Bhuer will) paw of ihe can tx Se forges d tiie Vir ittgh to rane it was me Caralina, } lel those o! ' turnuder ertal cle « Amores York, A om, atm, wre the inte Ie ever 5 we mm the mae 8 trium p hey ha! re eon ft it devel and her «i either the fens pd with » has gives ' character » Swhich { la the va'l in Mie apoo therte trace ¥" these of ates «! tier, why) art hy of ther imi aon j wan that a fa’ wh) lx meme)! enou, ame lent, or he indred ef Ptorions, a feariuie into wh ites belos a hy a parts of the A’ eitore f b which decile | iy differ: hegro to | ity will! white me thia in they o nomber felt in prac’ hil to be c ls well as pon wa. ill plead these o! voverisiin ny nner and agit! of Cn, revepie d the ce stton, tele taujbati x3 handres+ ure the 24, : 2 Pasquotank, we Ae te. Oe Mn dl c: A FEMALE had all their plans luid po nice: ) and settles he merite to-night, aud swear ly, ‘oat there was to be no escapi the, ly, that weft ne a ge gees on the Militia is 80 cram- ihe same oaths that you" ed bere grat wialng, wen was instore. Mrs. | Impoted to an nteutional ed thatthe Legislature may mix whiter when youdre alone widh out was . was invited into the house above men - cad = hom aon ache’ Ae Be) and. blacks. in the poterea. oak ie ip. pad said the man, “tie an easy pam. |t whee nthe pretext that ay A shed the law; ew attribute on Red Hy hm or far blacks will be as liable as whites to be of- ba Well coed mS taawriow ia a ee allan inners aie x ite meaning and bearing'on | Scere of the regiments. you have done it and the money a of hy bares eres eas blood an amount of 8. No prohibition will be fousd in the “ ; . 4 jon, nor eae the lature en- sani 15a okt aa Coes nL lee pevee’ hee 24 aneéf the five tt sovtesh hho blacks from ere a night of piteby eahbins!” Ais he enter- 3 aor. te ° 9. Finally, ander this new Constita- Oe anak ant deed eae : 11 brown. at ber with full Ep A tion, the property-hnlders and mon of ou-| i] was still as death. ‘Then the gentle- 3 ae gt Me aga : terprise, may. look for the severest 4%) mau's wo tglone with God,” came 1 1He betore it trek “hor oF tolatwod ber |e bears Tecntoed, tyres for| laws ever kabwn, to carry out the Radi }over him Tila waodertal ‘powes.’ The OT sanilint ost of tho balk teito vse Ritohots.| ns erie ei -e filler ab. ty and for the promo- | thought of the wickedness he bad cou * lor cures or im his ehareh | t the n 5 oy | wt in “The een een poor yg nat “el THE ae ce AUCTION dared sd che ied ‘ee desk a , , then. ? LOONSTRUC fight in a second, ev tly afraid of their Where pak ghee are pot defined BILL. ¥ lightaing. He trembled as hie fell on his tempers cooliug and nerves giving | by Jaw, or settled by diocesan abthority an-| Be it enacted by the Senate and House kuees, aud instead of the away. ‘Vhe p- Ses five went inj seised det thé secbud Section of Canun V- of Title) of Representatives of the United dtates he came to utier; the carncst. cry went ap, III. of this Di heerwise set- resentatives of the Cn! | dod be mereitul as the by hair, tried to, gg. her) 14 ee *set~) America im Co assembled, ‘Fiat | 9 be ie? $2. DP.8 SPO” wy her, spl q | ted: they for the qu of this See- | : 328 The next day he weut to the geotleman choke her, yer, spit ou her, and | ion be defined by the civil divisions of the hereaf er any election authorized by the £3 everene f their evil fniagination ated tls as of t ect paserd March 23, 1867, entitled “An se perry be on pod what he ao gould thi Aided only’ by the’ cud-| \“Parcebial boundaries ball be the limite/ set supplementary to an Set to provide for | Pr a to say thy tao Deere —_ the more efficient 1 of the rebel as long 0 he lined, ae it. yl Saas lnhocie. <6 eet LISBURY,. N ~ ii ag er ae RL ED ad aah ds al mr a5 ov? i* ty 1 Ars WOMEN VANAUISHED pore bee Se Oe ; | Cannons of ehuteh, having excited « of had conti to} good deal of pet Ip religious circles, we : ge ony Hy . the extract frow the months, if they cannot, be edu- a wad Churchman which explains the case, as gives |eated otherwise ; thas oe the white ‘ho man sid btn] eetidren to echools in’which negro chil- |” a1 give you ten dollars,” wald tho gen~ dren are taught, the Convention voting tleman, “if you. ge into the village church- feetly clear in its down all propositions to make distinctions I States, passed March 2, 1867, and to fa- ship. i y ‘te of sume division thereof which inay-have) eflitate restoratiou,” shall be decided by a —_~———_ A SIGNIFICANT DECISION. ~”_—_— 1 Peqows poeh, nJare an Sy Aan te tad | bee ined by the Bishops acting with ’ one or two. on the # a yeoogs 7 shops aching bisjority of the votes actually eet 5 chad} We gave in the editorial columps of this He | they fell helpless. For a full quarter = | har dealers hirer ry denon Cotn-| Se the eléetion in whieh che. qocstion af} pare, Some werks ago, & syaopan of a cas 4 Richmond, 1 whe wus ly bY saber aporgey inn Sige SP8T~| the adoption or rejection of any Conetita- mvvlving the giatua of Je privatowes, 6 Rowan, ep any er ony One inserted a theve be but une church or tion is eS oy person haly regio. |", vein wany sons af interest, eonneered 5 20 Randolph, |e he in ber mouth and tried 00 | jon within thelimits of such village toe. fered in the Stave may vote in the eleetion |" oh poomer ur papmayrenees 2 Stanly, Fores, dewe her thrast and choke her,| township, borough, city, or such “Sricitn of, districy where he offers 10, when he bas} of Saursin v9 ihe Alianee Insucaner Com ~ 2? Berry |e the ine caught one of the fin a oiiy oc tows as here provided, the sane | resided therein for ten days wext prrce-| of Boston, the plaintuff having seed to vageor z betwees het teeth and ground the flee ti shall be deemed the paroebial eure of the| ding sack election, » atatiog of : 6 Brokers, Le | Ging e », Upou preseutatios of the company the value of 0 ship which wes 2 Tyrell, j | the bone. ‘This “laid out” another ove, | minister having charge thereof. If there be | his certificate of registration, bis affidavit, | captured by the sree yoasel in 1862, 1 Union 1 \ ed she ran out very sick. There meas | ty 07 are congrogatioey 0 ee tals, | or other sitivfactory evidenee under such and taken into the port of New Orleans for ‘Wake. bat twe left, and, and. the, Amazon bad cal strorees , vapid i> | cogulations aa the district commanders comicinnation aS a jrite, by tle Adasirelty 1 Wake 42 : ‘ aseen' i rset the at wreatle with these. Havin, cores t and the t ofa majority of P comt. The veel was iusared against TWayve, 4 , big . 5 | such nuinisters shall be neorasary.”—( Digest | preeeribe. . seigure, or detentio and the defence wes “that far, she was bound not to . “* | “ x m, and Warren, ‘ co ap wart vin had ue elpbead ver the Canons. of the Vroteataat E mal See. 2. faethe & pate: oe a racy wren nok aature, ecDIre, 1 Yadkin, 1 a Ch Jui States, -s Can-| “onetitutional Convention avy ofl by the ard the taking & aDPe 1 | Feiee neler side, In the tassel with the | op 12. Section VI ee ae etre ta the oct 40 which |< on sie gh mat = pracy.” The come = Yaney, P ag" ¥ _s that it be 2 ____ | inst two, @ stove, with & of betes 1 ah Shay pe Mea of the case. It thie is amendatory may ide, that at} was elaborawly aryset belure the Supreme ped pomp Total number of delegates, 29 py “tg veert, oad “ ac 1~\ io. me ing ean be mere seu the thee af rating. open Um MOAen mej a ae vl a eae oy I do pot eev' men were . 24 , titation { jeter oters ma’ that ¢ ee ' ance env > a ninbn ofet, 998 he cram hte Acie Me Ting, goo! nae metro wm of Sea ee ey Creel oe = “ad ‘ tings, bet they knew pretty well what |°C) (, sa Aandp ges er New Dreewick Representatives af the United States, and thesstore Units. Fingringina aes fot im the carne coudition Of wretched helpless- | Wake, — be the rumpes prekeoat | ee wwe | bate pe of the written prohibition for all elective officers — for by the ee erent fe was not, there- tems.” m . Craven, Jahneton, shemseves to the defeating wom-| “fone of the plecnpal clertymen settled jn osid Constitation ; and toe Sane election | & The rebel twas 7 \Beanfert, 7 | am whose of plack ran 8¢/ that place. There is po dispute shout this. officers who shall make the retarn of the masedh go 2 asarped all suthority ts aaa A SCURVY BUSINESS: 7 Halifas, 6lhigh as did hers, The fight went 05, | It is admitted. Thie is the fact of the case | vowrs cast on the ratification or rejection | States, aod as such was supreme, and seizure} The Convention through ite 6 Alamancr, 5 | and Mrs. G. easily conq the remain-| Regalar procesdiags according to the law | of the constitution shall enumeraie and made auder sud by virtue of such authority legitimate business of a Constitu- 8 Cumberland, 8 | ing two, who sercamed “enough” load | of the Church hace Leen instituted with ® certify the votce cast for @embers of con- | 7 * getmrre within the laws of maorance.”— | a it te Maseai —— | enongh to be beard blocks away. ha getiee vee —_* ee jot breach 0 : Mr. Jamioe Nelsuo delivered the opinian of the ton, sate Se Fw t . } } alt eaers of the canon ve tectted, ore the proper, or —_ detente of se 158 | THE, PRESIDENTS LINE OF DE ncaa wibemnbte whieh of Sour Ce ee ee oes th ant irare| 98 more mone? Oe tina \ OR of the Episcopal are . 7 led ont of the revord tvdeviare “that the States (-otlontoee 196 Was in the qonvention, 156 represen- FENCE. Laas ——»—_— Licly in rebellion did wot, therefore, lat their ever epent before in ag! d ar areaphanh ger ret y ys tare] Forney gives the ae . par CHIRY PEATURES OP THE A GEXUINE LOVE STORY —AN LN. | satus ao membere of the Union | The Crane, in the first place, 4 per diem = qnenting (Having 14g0en- | of drfeate resvlved on by the bres = XEW CONSTITUTION. | CIDENT IN THE CARS a come pom skon opel lesen of hk which ie higher thun thate Was aay prece- entively without | mapid w . : On the whole, pleasant traits and char distum” | Bat rm gre (‘hee dent for; it has avowed- Of the 63 counts or. ten were| First. On appearing by counsel on{ We have already given the chief and’ acters are not commen ow theears This oo boperaslye Ragrige tara oncom | -Y, SF party parposes by cco-residenta, where | Friday next, motion is to be made to have | moet abject inable featarce of the new Rad-' opiwion | expressed to my 3 Saar rae ie ae bog “ts gsc ew, adopted am ordinances ra names from oth- | the hearing postponed antil the Gret Mon leal Canstitarion as devel wd by the ac- | verte the other day. ality of the Reconstrection acts which vide for the codification of the er oueingtancr. a coun- | day io May ¥ ailing in this, they will — ed | I was escorting | the lovely Cha fen days And it vrs thas, whet | Peally, to create @ fap job Sow . a my ° P j ra) : = <a | was cecorting home the lovely r- | well pow tm few Now . ’ ty bys a teetaly | iy. Makes motion to quash the tion af the plan. ‘The various at lotte 1) \ to whom I was at thas time Fords law wanes colts obitrr datum, was con- | The follo y tleles presented have beew so amended tram Dbiladelphia. are oot articles of im bment on the groned| prese : ame 1% | devoted. Charlotte conld scarcely find carved in by all the members of tlie court, ex- the natart * meas- a whether he has ever been within one haw | that, if true, they do nat consiiule a high | their second and third readings, that We) room t» apread ber eruuline oud astange| > 4 Chase and Swayne. It the seme judicial | gre : “zy aE deed and Shy wiles of bic coustiouency... | crime of mictomennor | bave not been able to get sach perfected her velumivans Ronvers. 1 steed Op] weerecen. agcocops Sia ee Mr. Heaton called ap the otdindnes, . he that any county should | ‘Thirdly. Exerptions will be seaje ed of them 00 de to lay brfare | near ber, there being ne vacant seat. snd value of waste paper ley the Lime the Poam | pctasteteane for @ oda wT eermna mere toca Serectere we [ore foes ea feta Dae weer we ee is Set earn Del Coe e [oe Ree , | gis | was lo ere | ave t _* . if iad woman, who deposited a backet of clothes | pexctrnent Ww. 4 te jee i’ over the 7 is Weralty trae bem in wiicd chore are bat imtive of thir- | Henate hes already declared the Prevideut be able to give them. The following fea- |... the front plattorm, and beld in see OT ne “tate of the rebeliions States mae ad dats ote for three ‘and the A on : Which We) icon “Conservatives” so-called ; and so | guilty of the main charge by the passage) turrs may be relied upon : arms armall child, while a little g.ri bung | ot aheeal by tie rebellion” then these oegro | General Assembly to terms cok in thr moreing papers con be relied om, 1) far an we know them by name, all the of the resolution coudemming the removal, 1, The Hill of Righta, in some particn- | to ber dress. She booked tired and weary, | forvertbae wil have 10 Nay all the td circus if it be deemed nenerenty.~ ‘of the + emote Anite p Cmnonity in Leguienun. Ki) eouutios them ia thas bo | of Secretary “tanton- ; \lare, materially differs frem one Bill of bet there was na verant erat; to be oure, |‘ whet on bed canes -_ catulet prvotse- | commissioners te ef $200 as ehewet {ay, wer in the Tucker Fourthly. Exerptions will be taken f Rights, ander which wehareenjoyed eivil | ( nerleuse might have eoudencrd ber] y as ew ther menegeres - aus per month, while perfor “Charkestin, March 0 ~The affair. So that some foartcen of ihe the jurisdiction of the court ou the growed | jiberty for nearly a century. It asscrts| floances, bet she is ma. ode be] regn Sones of on cumpel sor who rote Republican counties were not represcatcd | that it is not the Senate of the Lutted) the equality of all mere. without regard to however, sata very lovely and elegant | OP at the Capitol to com- by renerous winded set. | States, = | mental or moral distinctions, and it claims young woman. whe recrrd by moving] DOMESTC ECONOMT. ymeasions af an | _ nay sthpeccted 9 t to show that} Pifthly. That the tenurr-of-affice bil | for all eqeal rights. down chaser to others, to make space | Breowx Baeap—Teo quar corm petatiog are ; was in no, cannot apply to the case of Mr. Stantow,) 9. The article on the E.xeeutive De enough tor the stranger beiween herect{ | meal, wet with batsermilk set to soak Mr. towd moved ver night; Inthe morning add one pint} the nate aa Be f ey een given in the es pry = in vr setae caging meet statement of the namber " office ater the 4th 1g, pie Mareb, 1564,) Geage administra tion bat once four years, tha hrotuaewe tte PLE | Knowing a0 we do the capacity Tock. | the expirative of Mr Lincoly's fret term, by a yapubsr vote, however Meucna u, The tenknewn lady drew the lietle girl | crust oF comipaan tral. — Moon tor \er's Hall, aad remembering its crowded aud that he has nat since that date been | might beerme. ‘pen ber lap and and wrapped ber vel j baking, ‘ leandition we caunat donbs that considera: | Secretary of War de jure, although exerci 3. Raff age i made universal among all’ vet mantle around the small half-elad Gen. Steadman's Views —Uen. J. Bi. | ble namber of well-wishers to the cause of | ring the functions of that afior. {men, 2f years of agr, who hare been ree ‘fora, and pat ber muff over ber half,'" Steadman « card ta the New Mr, Holden, whe happened.to be intown,| Furvey saya the President will nadoubt-| jdente of the Riate twelve newithe, and \froeen little blac hand- Orleand Uressttity in which be says: CAs were permittee! to take pact im the proceed rdly fail oo hie fires pt’. aad secu 10 whe are citizens of the | aited States,; So great was the cro { there are some citheens @he desire that he shonld rerign, and save the | wiphout any qualifying conditions of dis- | # emed to obecrve. The cinid shivered |, aticals the tfouble of de poeirg hifh.— tinction bet ween black and w bite All of. '—the keen © ind fr m the doer blew on |, cup understand do believe that I entertain sympathy with or other flavoring: aceoriing to taste. ———_— — “Roo A@ay—A hired maa named Jobe ; | fos nose turned ap fie fem etaslt qvekvew Ligh. | worn.” WH boge t edvertiamen's, OW snted—a steady yonng man wo look after @ horse of Ure Method: persaator “Tost'—A suall lady's watch with a spite fro, alsa, two ivory young jadies’ work -bRes. \ mahogany geotemaea's dreteing+ dase, am! & tinal pony ging toa yourig buly w iba tilver maia teil. - Never do aaything.to wound. # mother's beehugs | what @ wrong ia the follow nices jeeived so Many and hed on 6 pur of condaroy poms mach : {thas: ng | gled With Fa replie i A line ih one of ei A Western toothache, the the trying to drinle lager beer out is out of order, and we jack, the preas "t well hb, whose names are | post fucto stethes us another | of these facts, the impnsing | K of the beat places. } —-——- Moore's songs reads «Our couch shall To which a sensible a: &"Twould give me the rheu- matiz, and 0 i: would you.” paper contai:® the fellow- a sig is absent, the foreman had sdevill”’ is drank an Korth Carolina. — | degree by vol- | a halt a deaen | sppom the test facili- | tewure ratte | tive effect, of the Re. wet only o nestion be roses beepan- mand vf cock ale preseng dj of of « boot District fivet poction, but also on having Leen passed after. Mr. ‘ument, it cannot be applied to of office withoat having a rrtrec ~isthty. who came on here with their eithe President with copies of dence he Gen Hancock, re civil officers in New Hancock asks to be relieved from com- ties in the Executive from relieving him, #5 asefalness a8 commander paral yzod — Wash. and Missa D. with the sweetest blush | ever ea invited the woman to be ecated lette 1 her, and blushed too, but it war not pret- t ty blueh at all, and she looked annoyed of the new comer, who} of the proviso in the | partment provides fur the election of a At last she sncereded, and ‘? the ground that (Governor, Lientenant Governor, S creta Stanton'si pg af State, Audit - Public ‘Treaserer, bis | Saperintendent of Public Warke, Saper- jntendens of Public Instruction and Att Ocneral, by the p ople , bor a tera of fare —thae putting it oat of pewrr people to charge the charecterof the m acenant @, she Ubar and becoming thereby an ez ney low. faae ‘ That Mr. Stanton was oot of | of the at the proximity however, decently, war, ck auly and tnough thinly clad it the eame terms her unprotected meek Gen. Gram bas farnixhed the | ded into a Senate and House of Repre- ance who stood in the doorway. From | the correspan- | sentativas, instead of a Henee of Com- tween the General-in-Chief end, mons, and abolishes the prope-ty qualifi- lative to the removal of | cation either for the voter or representa- Orleans, and in which | tive,—thar affording property po other | ble, that lady is | protection from taxation then the caprive | small incident whieh iutrodveed her to General Hao-| of the majority may dictate. It so gerry | me she showed ber real character. A few | mauders the Senate and Howse, 48 to jdays after aur —T 1 showed ber the the hope that no representations throw the control of the L«gistature, nore \blessed crimeon shawl, which I redeomed New Orleans will prevent the fally than heretofore, in the hands of the | from its owner, and shall kevp af @ me- hia{ East, and discriminates in favor of throw-| mento. There are sometimes pleasant ing the balance of power in the hands ot | things to be found in unexpected places ; | eosuataly I may be said to have picked oat my wile io the cars.—Review, t | and address new my Ww fe. the Fifth Dietriet. o whegraphs te the President, ex- of the bith and his action has been im or. N.Y. World. the os 6. The Department of Public Inetruc- molasert, meat, some salt, drew her drapery around | mow caretul to preverve The bread cooked int L saw the young | pound of him ere many wainutes I learnt her WAME | Dejerdan To shorten the story as much as posst | In ihe | appear personally b-ture this Court, according ! two pints and a helf of rye hours in a moderately heated oven, being | Vote thick inh auleniacaiie d by this long not in ed in the hope sag wp Poo wd that T alone | theee or four medium-sized sweet potaters, |) “wy : e the heat a saiferm emprrature As some object to the er the top forme it vany be cooked in the steamer! his way ie difforemt flavor from that which ix baked. Sweer Porator Peopra— Beil nd mash thew smooth and fine with of cream. Stir together ‘half'a boster eager til quite light and Gen. Gram, 1 deem t duc to mm to) “Republican Brate ( onvention” of Wed- } The fat that the Wadieale wre witttvg © fices are Open alike as Aion say that J am ee te the | ueeday last dwindles down ta the propor: | let hia resign 8 favorable sign. \yo Hack And white, Ard a of jarvwen. | lady quietly draw trom a der her cloak alit-|ereamy, adding half a wine-giassfal of potivieal views and action of Gen. Grant | tions of « Jocal mass meeting, guticn up| —— ne } 4. The Jadiciary hae been gre ly en- tle woollen shawl, which che softly put on | femen brandy, or the jaice of a lemon or as any man im Lovistena. The usarps-' in the interest af Mr. Holdew. Ho the, Gen. Hareeck asking Gen. Grant to be Jarged, making five Sapreme Coart Judges vh' shemldera of the little one; the moth-| weange. Heat there egge ve; y Tight, and ties of Congress, saatained by QGereral Conetitational Convention bad wot been in | Retered.—Gen Haneock telegraphs Gen. just ad ef tbrer, and teelve Suyenor er lacking on with em fa-ed wonder. Af | stie them inte the ‘Wulter ad swenr in Cratieyare as abborrent to me ax they are jecesion, vot a thicd of the cpantiva would | Grant asking to be relieved from the com. | Coart Jadges, instead of eight, —all het tee @ shor tim wee to heave the lige sich the mashed peiato; atir all very | 4 the great body +f the conservative poo have been represeuted, while with the aid) mand of ue Fifth Military Diatrict. Vln ed by the people, a 1 for eight years, in- cara, and would have removed the shawl, | hard at the Last, paar inte @ battercd dish, | ple of Ameriea, and t mostearnestly hope of that body avd te eight dollara per | request hae be« .: teferted to the President stead of for tie or gn behavior,—thoe but the ouknown g¢ ntly whispered, “No, lard back ima quick even; oF X ma¥ i] that both be and (angrese may te debe diem, they to ge up delegations | wiro has the matirr ander adviecment — vastly iereasing the expenacs of our keep it for her.” The .w 1 did not baked in deep plates “dh witht pat | el it their attempt to trample sper the |feomouly 75 of the 89 counties ; « dozen | Gen. Hancock clvime that corrupt officials Court system, aud fixing apn North Car- answer, the condacter harried her ont. | paste, with & wide border of paste band- | constitution and the govetument.” or more of them being proxies The} whieh be bad displaced have been restored | olive that most odjoue of all things tn civ- Let her eyes swam with tears. [noticed | somely notched. | ‘ | whole affair, therclore, ie little better thaw | to power by order of Gen, Grant, Heil affairs, the miking 4 Jadgeship a polit. her as she descended to the basement and | ° —-- } Howax. Sracr-—Disesive ten ibe, an linposition. : therefore ts of the opinion that he eannét|ieal office, This article, if there were and I hastily marked the hover | Mr Davis’ Trial Again Post poned?| of sugar in four lb, or twe quarts ot; Br. Holden eas nominated by acclama- | make hie department eficient wle<e be | nothing else, gnght to defeat the coustin Soon after my unknown also rose (9) ttietmond, Match 12 The tril at We. Da. | water; when aid wo pounds of \ gion the 42 delegates from Wake, connt-| can be the jadge of the sitration in that, tion. Besides, it abolishes the necessary depart. Twas in de d eo for T wanted | cig wetoet was to have taken place om the honey, mix well, and when cooling, ori | ing eqn toast ame goupties in other | regard, (irant was at first disposed to distinction between law and equity evarts, to follow and discover her residener, bat lfourth Wrainesday in March, wae pentyuacd tu a few drops of casevce of peppermint, paris of the State. hie fact may explain sustain Hancock, buat yielded to the infla- | thas giving rise to extensive litigation and conlp not leave Misa 1Y—— joy the f Mowing procer auotler fact, via: that Wake coauty, re-| enee of a lot of New Orleane Radicals, | legal eqnabbles Jlow glad, then | was to sre her bew- | Fool's Court this @urneng: . } of the| 5. ‘The Legislative Department je divi- | ing as sie paaecd to a matnal acquaint “Unite Stetes “ Jefferwm Divrs Cronsel ha¢ing been beard im this cane for the U Sand) These whe the Defendant 2 » aow dederet that end have leave to depart hence nntil the 14th, day of April next, st 11 o'clock. at which day and hovr he ie reqvired to be and hw to the cunaditions of bis recognizance JNO. C. UNDERWOOD. District Judge. WH Baray, Clerk Mr. Dats, it is stated, woul ft have beea ia Richmond, m xt ee “For Sale —A qaano by «& lalg aboat to cross the Change! in an oak case with carved legs” ton the wh-1., aad soda to neutralise The be cid of the buttermilk Mix tho: ly, tion of | pat it into an earthen pan and bake ‘The yeas and nays pet be sense of the people will see gossamer pretext of veils its personal autl the ji called for the tation — to lews. 1a the nf ihe people, tifmation for ize industr afe railrovd ebiaetrs; bul for this act « ordinary legidlation—this creation of s job, for the batiefit of two members of the conveation*—there is no shadow of jasub cahen. Tts authors dare not eabmit it to Hogs in Jotge Unider- ‘ae for ratifiention, bat it will neverthe- be one of the isstes before shem in the clection of menibets to the Segisiature. voted for this extraragant awindle will have a fearfal account te ren- | der to their constituents when they eeme It was.bad enongh to eon- | hot the ignoming of the transaction is ag- | gravated | candidate Sapreme | another nov « member of the Bar \ Te fe a master of regret that this act of the os of the { its ratification point his sun reportep Tor wb ata balary of B6 penda (WHERE Img MONEY GOES ‘Ata time like the present, when Onnl in Jer vite patting People are completely impoverished, | pabitteaiton ¢ and when they are erying ont daily to| WR®" the Stendayd ; be relieved from. their pecuniary.emm- tems ite\proceed.! hus addiug EPWARD D. HALL, OF EW MaNoyen. POR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, ning orgie lol gas iney schemes by rejecting the Constitution Withdrawn. “Yhe opyosition originaied ik y: a oe Me sh r age a whith proposes their degradation in| with Galloway, 4 negro. . © Creation of @ natber of new o addition to the inerease | vA, enditures Aries red ragebie eng het - \ ? 2 e’s money by that body. sh consider what is being done, and what | pl the Sessor of power-in the contention should admonish them as to what they jay expect in the futnre if they obey money thatters as in every thing else. Wo are not,therefore, disposed ty com. plain that such officers as are really necessary lo earry on our State guv- the polls and defeat their nefarions cers at a hgh aelary when there is no sae » {whieh they roe, present necessity for them at all. We) 72'S? le a tit $2.500 mare'td thé uselees and’ received a & ‘ or peo- en’s Ob: i barresments, they would do well to| “UMCCesstry expehdititre of ihe 4 ‘aj. | Let the people look at these acts of Micrace, of Scotland yf is proposed to be done, with the alee: party that claime tebe their, anly| were’ « 1 movey ye’ remaining in the country. Hriends. Ie brief ~ Meetra. As We belong to the liberal school inj 02% 118 brief career as the pow Northern m Ite bebests now, Let them rally to | Pom the, ing the suse of the Commons Hall delivery of a Treqitest was | the occasion, norte ‘tts earnestly’ Hoped that every Cap- Privilege. Rather thay accept the kind- | tain’s distriet will be fally represented on —_———— ihe A CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. As the time for holding the eleetion is ; | but a month off, the Couvention ha THE HOLDEN RECOR This illustrated paper made-ite appear las ance according to promisé on the 19th, about whieh the ‘ litthe—indeed, if they ee rather be glad of the succes of hie vhs af one - = 7 ey ench | nes ana —s, and is all that was promised. ‘Phe ob- , Slate a “Caucasian and raves are die- | fixed it on the 20th, 21st, and 22ud days of > A eg! pub | For Serctury f 7. do protest agalnat the expenditure af TUAT “OPINION.” tinet by nature and Ny therefore all April, the Conservative people of this Jeet of the publication is 19 give the pablie “ ring ' macereegy Ah BEST, the people's money uuneeessarily at a , ; ma between the ©, ‘L tacn | District will be under the neccasicy of se |Tet%™ of the Itadical candidate for Gov- oF a 2. titne like the preset. Whe: Judge Merrimon argued the white race, and the African, of FRCS | oti sna Ag few | mor daring his whole. politicabtife, eo} bndh —s Re " qrestion of the bankrupt rinting be-| are forever probibited.” : “e* Congress in a few sisting maiul of thearticles which he wrote ie7a For Treasurer, Of all the legislative bodies that ‘ his ho Sud P “fh ks, that | , Uipen the section Mr. Darham demand- | days. We see that many citizens of Ire. pe y rats The first hall KEMP P. BATTLE ever asvembled im North Carolina, the | V7 1S Aonoe Judge Brooks, that} 9) the Yeas and nays. dr. Sweet moved | dell have urged Jou" HL MeLavoatry, : ginal dard, Seton any wach ju : , Cunventiog now sitting at Raleigh learned, enlightened and profound | to lay on the table. Mr. Darham ealled | Eso , of that county to sonsent to the use —gomn ouerglnet C3] pepery 2 thie ¢ ‘ or wake. has shown Itself to be the ino: ri “| magistrate promised to write out and | for the yeas and nays on the mation.— of his name ja that connecti Mr. Me- from theni, and the editor Promised that iste, _ 1as sho self to v 08! pro. "| publish his “opinion” when heshonld|'Phey were refased; The motion was s the next one-shall be still more “crash ‘or Auditor, gate in the expenditare of the peo- : : then adopted, and afterwarde, slso, the | Laughlin is a moat worthy and respectas ” trasiag 5 W. BURGIN, ple's money. Af the new constitution | MAKE his decisivn in the elise. We sestints ue fapaesed. , ble man, about whose gonservatiom there |S” 1¢ will doubtioas ied apse debts a ‘ ~ . have waited lung and tiently for] Op the tik of Mareh, the of the |can be and we learn tbat 90.000 copive ‘Of TNeT sane, to frag. oF BURCOMAS. should be adopted —if we should de pa t . report no doubt, and he has the further poned a ; de at the ballattbea to abati that “opinion,” bat our patience is Committee on Corporations other than advantage of bemg able t tahe the re«|t8t number have been printed. The spe-| time should Por Supt. of Pubic Instruction, seh vip ose saa lies aaceepymeetinme becoming somewhat wearied—“ihere | manicipal being under evnsideration, Mr. quired cath. Should he become the can: ciee of politieal warfare which is wages,te ~ REV NW ORAVEN present Constitution and State gov- : . 5 Durham moved to amend the report by f one in which we never bat whieh ie ipo . BRAXTO: ’ jaa point beyond which patience cea+ adding a as follows» Provided |‘Tidate of the Conservatives bb will re- Pang that tinte a! . oy RANDOLPH. erament for the bew one proposed, dea to bb & vice that taneienes daarwinng 2 sebigh |tclve our b m always resorted to in thnes of high party ne the expenses of carrying it on will be » é y edcitement. The effect of it will proba For : ie 71° On the day before, when Mr. Boy. | lack and white pupils are educated promis- eo Attorney Generai, increased at the rate of many thous- ; cuously shall nol be ine rporated under THE SPEAKING. bly be considerable. den argued the case, his honor wus ; A; AK Xs SION H. ROGERS, ands of dollars per annum, ali result. : .. | general laws or special act.” The ameud- ~~. or Wann. ae ke oe we lee of} “ery auXivus to leave the matter with ment was é Gov. Holden and Thomas Settle, can- STAY LAW. fealize ¢! — dn, t ‘ac eos oO venting. |the Registere—thonght the publica} | Ow the Gch of March, Mr. Durham |didates for Gevernar and Judge of the’ ho & ise-enstioy <f genera! interes to okt : Conservative State Judicial >aponpelgh Mer eta noe icon us {tum slvrubd be unde in the toeal pa- | Saved we Edens [eect of the Ones. | Baperime Cuter, apthe to about fer hou clnenes of people we embrace the earliest op- | GF tall ter Ticket. 2 PrP amar loeb om oaiag pers, and that it would be very wrong page Lao Section Ad pg Sala dred persons in the ‘Tuwn Hall in this portunity of laying befure our readersthe = show what — anole! Ta lot toe Siendlardl'ead ike’ Maca coutliy shall press schools for the black | Plate on yesterday. About one funrth, | Say Law. or Rete Bill passed by the Con» Supreme Court Judges, ey wi , require ty carry on a have it all, but se had no discretion | CAiliiren of State, se arate #@ apart | Only, of the audience were white men, the — which will be fvundin anuthet RLOCHNOND Nu. PEARSON, of Yadkin, | °€W government iad people shuold taba taasiee aes worry he did not from those grovided Sot white children. — rest negroes. We did not hoar any part | eluma to-day, WILLIAM EH. BATTLE, of Orange, agree to ace: pt of it. Becond District, EDWARD J. WARREN, € OF Bzavrorr. Third District, GEORGE V. STRONG, OF ws TxR. — Povwrth Bratt, WILLIAM 8. DEVAN&, Seventh Distric!, THOMAS RUFFIN, Jn OF ALAMANCE, ~~ Peano E snd BER, oF nowaz. Bomth @ LIecois. ~~ Teath District, ANDERSON MITCHELL. oF ratpets. 4. T DAVIDSON, OF Macox. —— —$$_—_. HOX. THOMAS & ASHE We run ap today, the name of Hom, Thos. 6. Ashe, of Anson, as the Conservative candidate for Governor. Mr. Ashe ts s gentieman of acknow! edged ability, and ne man In the State eujoye & more enviable character as Seen. Cnr ticket is now ; ad we compare it With thet of onr opponents with pride and pleasare Let every Conservative man do hin duty ender the fesd of our standard bearers and victory will perth upon our banner. ee REPUBLICAN NOMINKRA In the first place the number of = —_ oleven to peste )iMterfere, Of cour-e be will explain ditional judges have beer added ta} is “opinion” —he will show Avw the | The a meudwent was lust by « strict par- i al jj iy Tt will be a very interesting and ef- sre i sisted almost wholly in appeale to - : rast color able didi ed — ~ eppropriatn Liw came to affect pri girth 10th of March the se of the | the passions and prejudices of his atidlence. feetive cle ing do Ia their ( bat little or no reason for Pa Crvative | printing ww he dune in theebene Judiciary Commnition being coke ssastt |Ho vedas re them by exhum-|PF*pre'ers the publisher's say : ae of the fear sew cHeit Jadges at this jtion of avother law, on a wholly dif-| eration, on its third reading, Mr. Darham jing incid: ats of the war that, for the sake aif we are immediately assured that a) tion of time. These sew jedxes will re |ferent subject matte: —a separate and | moved to amend the 1th erection as ful- of she peace of the country, should be al- | *@#iciout samber of copies cnn be disposed ing te Ceive a silary of $4 000 per anni | . ip | lows: Provided that white orphan chil. | : : of to cover the expense of publication, we bieh will. al , jd stinct code. It ie true that thie | aren shall aa le Sead op alices to\ owed to repase in the silence of the towb. will make arrangemetts to have the duke, of each, witch will, alone, iverease the | would be a revere turk for such jadges | colored m isters, and that no colored per. Avd he appealed quite as much to the | phict in the bande of the Pablic within | twelve expenditares of the State Bercinment le Mardwicke, Manofielll, Mar-hal!,| eon shall be appointed g $24.000 w sear. Iu addition to this the convention has created a ecinmis { | mittee. We . stale these facts for the informa ll the lead Union men of that aa | other meticr and descriptions of persons debt or dewand +. This wil! add st tenet 87.000 But we want to sec the “opinion.” | ting of the white men at North Carolina ve owe pened het a ne Onnvervasies |224 scenes as have *ppeared in the North) the plaintiff, years vie will add at lease @7 We call fur the “npinion.” The ar! They are enmprteut to decide brie rc, Carclinian touching the Couyention end claim in more to the yearly expenses for the wext three years. They have alse tam the are facts which the poor tax PAYOR) vor of negra equality. They disclaim ai) people of the country should pouder|imtentio: of wel) before they deende how they will | lic schools ined eciimuately tothe children vote ot the ratification or tejection of | of both races They deny thr they are the new Constitation, lim favie of enrolling beil rrees in the lw ‘aire . = | body Questions the correctness «f his ing trom a bedy which bas so anequivo- | ¢), , what we herd of this b Nerth Carcliaian, stating lo what extent thal) , of peolie works and Saperintendons | iors deekbe. ber ua they are | cally committed itself to negro equality, | vests te, saat as os sation A +s in, . thea feat sers I vf pablie aes uci ngs will add janxrons to see the reasons which led deserves their 7 and cappert The speech was that of a violent partizan, time, the thoctaes —— per Kone rapesy some $4 ard Paves (he increase S| bia tunvor tu make a devisivn so much . eae x . | whew » jadge should be @ man free from | enced Uy the sumtiors walanes which will amoant te about | ; A RADICAL POLITICAL JUDGE : | ! to the interest of hig hener's personal . . | partizan prejadiees jay ORDINANCE RESPECTING — * men ork a | and political frende—that they way | dodge Vioke As of the Sapreme Court of} Early in the morning a note was ad-| THE JURI-DICTIon oF Thx! 5 S If, then, the new eoustitution should jread and anderstand—see and be eon. | te District of Colombia, has reeently w, [dros ts Messrs. Holden and Seule by! COURTS OF THIS STATE. of Aa bn be adopted by the people, $55 vv0 vinced. Agu n we say, yive us the chided, ‘a the sere yin on ot aes the Conservative canvassers for this coun- ecTiow 1. Be it ordained by the peo, | ¥batever more wil! be requ red to carry an the | ain cee ipin ioe” —the “news | Strong, puree y Ger. I"herpont, Fey, Propoeing » public diecusston of the! ple of North Carclina, in Comvention at pre ge Ne ae above goveroment than will be reyuired tol 44” | Va, ae 2 fugitive fon justice from thet | isoucs ~f the day—that same of our men | sembled, That sections 3 end 2 of the Oded | 4 earry it on if they should reject} ee | State, that Virginia ie mot a State in the | shoald be allowed to moet them. This | dinaner of the Convention June |" fail to pay or : : a anit Union and has ue rights as each. This, | lined ball ral of , 1966, ewtitled “Ag ¢ to| the fires oF any it. And most of thie to pay the sal PUEIR ACTS VERSUS THEIR , cite wee Ore 7 Cereany, on the plea . the jariedietion of the Courts and | then and in that ¢ ‘shal! aries of officers which are not at PROFESSION < nuder the circumstances, is a devision wer- want of time, The district nominating a cad pleading therein,” be and are! be entitled fo. ons te tnd all needed te carry on the gorern ! | mbes thy of Jeff-ye iu hte palentest devs ; in- {convention they sail, was in scesion,and hereby repealed. , “| exacation for tach _whthew chick & eas alwaye| ig aera Thomas, and the ober aemurh as it can only be seesunted for in| would not eoncinde ite labors in time for | Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, vert That ment,— - > eatets of the radical perty totes thane the d-sive of Liew ho adored i q P a 7 th 3 of the is Acfendant been carried on ! eretofore These State, are dewying that their Party ie in ta = J who reudered it to sas-| sack » discuseinn. The Proposition was | *tlion he qbove eutivied Ordionast Pine for a opening the colleges and pub We. enuse th decided Bat it ie not only in these reapects |*4™ reel in the militia, whie : that the convention has beet lavish | Toald certaiuly revalt in placing colored of. the people's money. One of the| MBerrs in command of white meu in those ret of that | ly wee te vote cing ] counties tn which the vegro race iM onday Insuran j ver of permitting the intermarriage of leat cee whee aud blacks. They deny thet they}. . }are in favor of sovial equality with the day. No convention, or other legis lative body, ever sat in North ¢ areli na previcns tothe year 1862 the mem bers of which reveived » larger ealary | wore. they deny while they persistently than three dollare perdar. The Gas refuse to incorpor ste any clause in the Con tone, the Stanlye, the Iredelis, the | stitution prohibiting them. They have Henrys, the Kafflna, the Bad gers, the | proceeded all the time in the Convention tribunal judge of wy of by gone days, were content with | the Constitution, now nearly completed, ye that eum. Bat making all dne allow.| without any kuowedge of the cireum-| Lace ref ance for the depreciation of the cur-| stances under witch it was framed, | i . of Cougress—by the appropriation| Mr. Graham, on the same day, moved jadges in the State has been nero a and Ae did nut have the Power to| to amend section 18, of the same report ‘ : “‘_ : orgauination. is anxi-us ty see the “opinion” every | Radical declarations and Radical deeds, bel ey i. Nea al avd they must decide apon the day of the | tertained doabts before as to the oav Want “tee e a¥e aa ' ' ereated the «fMices of Supe: intendent he ne "YT clection, whether a Consthation emanat- | and is, therefure, wholly political Coart of the Uuvited States. Only éal iv the easr of Mauro against the Alliance t | EF salary of right dei/are per j inatee They deny that they are in fa tint U sien fond |tkac hey bad eae heck judges of thet Court united. Here was : hs a decision made by the highest tribanal megro race. All these things, and many known to our Coustitation and lawe—the have disregarded that devision ; ow * ee nalicy | "Omtated to Grahame the Muveteads, the F-|apon the hypothesis of perfret eqnality | whatever might have been his own opin. wards’, the Fishers, and other pigmies | between the races. A Stranger reading The section as proposed reject have—it was all fixed by another law! 4 wore of pos 15, toe ed hy of the epeech of Gov. Holden, but learn that it was much higher toned and more able than that of Mr. Bottle. We heard a ; part of Mr. Settle speech, and we never th hole matter when he publishes tinct f j : the Supreme Court bench withont | be ate pp a Pee ceed nn and Mack chibtiren Gueoistitutional acts of Congress be question involved had just been ce (' till constitutionally States in | dected as they are conducting this, In thin opinion six of the eight | and W. M. Robbins Keoq , of thie ) cided by the Sapreme Coart of the Btate tee herve nom inate Jadge 2 she andi” ney, and the sGperionty of the Maul |woald couclade that there was bat tae Hon. "Thos. Settle as candidates for the | Places thes crested. Jadge Warren has | tive been nominated by them for judge of the Superior Overt for the Ti circuit in likine, the Roses. the Tongues, the Te { prophe in the Brae. Bat the peo Marehalle. the Kinneys, the Gallo. Pit 1!) Judge the pany by its acts and | : ot by ite prof-seions. W » belo wareand the Caffee Mayow of the |"! °F i'¢ profess ae og 1 td . | % . from the Kaleigh Carolinian, condensed | Court of ed the ja present contention over the poor fit ! f the C joanne report of the proceedings ¢ we Couven of Mir. Rattle, Mesers. Reade and| creatures whose names we iave men y arren are ales on the Uonservative tick. a. tn Ee THE NOMIXATION. tioned, and four dollars per day unghr to have satisfied then. As the ean vention will sit about fifty Ave days, Southern ere to judge for theweelves of ite inten | tions ! Oa” Despite the deniale of ite leaders and Foose F A ; } tingle jar . this would have saved to the State presses, the Kacieal party in Nenh Caro-) “ate ) : aguas remem ss ney oan, [abot 826.000.) Bat, not being satige | lina stande firmly committed to the dogma { that his j YSU Te oTgumination mmets leigh to-day, - : . : run on our Geket ie pince uf Gov. Vance, de- || tlived. Who the choice of the Committee | of the peop te ineney, thes wt fall apo We not the remotest ides, bet ed to rewa d Mr. [i we doubt sot4 good selection will be made | fied } rard oy of the equality of the raves | and equa to nominate = candidate for Geveruor to be | fie With rewarding each others pe Tu proof of the charge, we enilite from | the patio rivtiem (?) with the sum of 826.000 the report of the proceedings of the Re Vdo noite proceed« conairaction Conver on, whieh was, we | ' ; Judge int Iden str] wore @Fe jastified in asenwing io be are presen. | : ul , A tative body, the following facts, votes and | had Uw ¢ (Ri ras agantiy e net being eatie We have mever ventured to suggest the | of pling ‘fied with the order that he induced On the 10th of Febrnary last, the re- Raine pereos through " ne P apes and . het Siena Judge Brooks to make, thst he ehould port of the committer on Militia came aS pan md |havethe backs tadvertising at near fr consideration. Mr. Graham, of (r-| © the wiedom and dimeretion of the Cofemit.|bave tf eimg tp ange, moved to amend the firet scetion by wwe Whoever the candida may be = double the regular rates of such “ beve ar cordial Seppe figures 1 decision inserting the following + “That colored \ timation, work, iuduced the convention to ap- persons shall be organised inte separate | The only aie oo —_ of Maseachnertis, which had fustained RADICAL NOMINATION. [the p'sintiff's plea, and the Supreme} The Radical nominating couvention for the United States mv rely afGrm-| thie Oongressional Distriet met in the Two} Town Hall in this place on Yesterday, high jariediction, one nf them | aud after eousidasable deliberation nomi- A ali dh. i | the highest, had already decided that the | uated Calvin A fe Oowles, President of the alect al aettns Lal ph ee SI TED States were States iv the Union, | late so-called Convention, as their eandi- Yet Jadge Fisher, for the merest politieal {date for Congress. We need not tell our dgment of the court below. decides that they are not. A} readers who Calvin is,- -be is now known Ige of an inferior court aneames)inevery part of the State, rad will long urisdietion is en-ordinate with,| be known, as the most inefficient presiding 1 to, that of the highest court in | officer ever lward of in North Carolina, — | 1~ the court of Jast resort We! Hie strongest competitor for the nomina- ‘61, notwithstanding the fuct that near! If we had vever en- | j submitted to that bud, aud by it rejected by almost « unaviimons vote — one mem- ay thet st i¢ wholly politieal, be-| ber remarking thet he had beard enough | At night, Gen. Leach, of Davidson, addressed « large andicnee of both races im the Town Hall, making very effective ii ccc and patriotic speeches. The Conserva- which is wade by them the Amal} tives of this county are beeoming thor- arbiter in ail such cases. No upright | oughly sroused. A vigorous canvass of avy inferior Court would have the county will be commenced at once, the results of which will be seen in ¢ large Conservative majority st the ap proaching cleetion. Other counties may thie all. The case to whieh wel rest asearrd that Rowan county will do crred had firet been heard and de.! ber duty iu this erisis. Conservative speeches, and that he sail boven the other way by the Se preme | wanted to hear some Radical sperchcr.— What exeuse they will be able to find at |°! "ty: tmlens lart that aaguet tribunal devided, | their mo Rt meeting we eannot tell. Sinee! the practler of canvassing tirst commeneed “mpany, that the Boathern | in this State, no eanvase has beca eon- predom- [3 etee were s Spring T the — aes A CAMPAIGN PAMPHLET. The pablichers of the Daily Carolinign | Warratite at Raleigh, N.©., propose to pubbiah «| Shall campaign Pamphlet, Provided sufficien: —_ encouragement be given them immediate-| to be amended to read as That all actions of jsempelt, and stcount now one-tenth of 1 onet, Spring jonc week from to-day; and, if pablished, | North Caroliuian’s re- ports in full, the Constitution to be eube | mitted to the , & Caption ef the be Acts of the rae « Pe { speech, together with the address Demoernts of Weag Virginia ; alee, te respectable (1) members, pre- | Persons desiring to sce this work priety of giving ihe election of jadges to | 0%, will at once write whieh shall be retarned tn that Term plser,!orin any salt, for the abe tion then pending one-half of the residue of the plainsiff. if tired, chall Me or demand in ra ant shall make oath rt thereof te not j pas nt re qnire d dac, and the eourt shall order @ fame or some subseqnent ‘Tvrtt, to try t Matters in dispute between th lieve that there ie bat one other | tion war, we learn, Mr. Jobn McDonald, {274 at the next Spring C Gov, Grahani’s of the commanicate with the such follows: Bee. 3. debt, covenant, as! | Superior Coarts shall be continued to Term. in the Saperinr Court, )of wrrlve af 10 the plsinciff| the reridar, and ab the eapiration of debt and careyped Pty a more for of { pel and interest} and all costs to time, be shall be allowed inti) the! See. & Fc ac ensena, Tins Spring ‘Term to plead. At the sutd See ion 17 of the aboveentitied erm, should the detendant pay| be amended to read a6 tallews; Sno. 17 4 a nti oF coulees jndgment for| That the provisions of the residue of the debt or de-| shall not be constracd be shall Le slowed antit! debts or demands Term to plead. At| incurred since the fires tm should the defend.| D. 1865 or whieh may to the plaintiff’ oF eoufons judy Ha n n t [ i teneted or ed om any bond, of change, or any other of shall have exclusive original jarhadiction | Wtrave, shall be levied. ow }of all such causes of setion except cone ae fondant jarindietion has been or 2 Justice of the Pence or laws of North shall be given to| st the expiranog of the constitution | %¢) return writing, and if the defeud.}*'! doy, and without that the whole or any [ton t watly dae, oF that he | cept aleo & counter demand, all of which be partiealarly set forth by the defendant shall only pa i shal}! Vive, ex affidavit, then | han such pre-e of what he @dtiss to be | bittraments of writing of os AD jant shall be ail: he United States who would have of Cabarrus Bo far ae we are concern \ hall be ail wed to piead ouly my ffrontery to have made such a ed, we are a@ well satished with this nom- Underwood, of Virginia. It ie ination as it te powsible for us to be, with bad enough for Congress to disregard the! any radical nomination. Of all the men | B "P| fandament the judges come to hold {: in nobigher es- | yon we think Calvin can be most easily liberty 1a indeed in danger. — { beaten if the Conservatives act wisely in consoling refleetion about the! bringing out their candidate, hitth of the residue of the admitted amon and whatever the jury finds him indebted | mother over and above the fame ; il law of the land, bat when! mentioned in connection with the nomina- 7, That should the defeudant tail Pay or coufess judgment for the firat any sabes that ease We have proeeed to j op ne + iuetaliment, then and Plaintiff shall be entithed adgment and execution for he Ser Provided, fur.\ wn to} HI or of tn | to ge po the tout of ¢ to; They took his adv) jury nt the | le hereinbefore thentioned | ow i a ee a Should the | meuteshall issue for only of the amennt then due; at the of twelve month« from thet Gass! page Te Cavers of ac-| fh of the residue, and-ag Jodigtaent for the reetdaeaf tig | fo". « contract made prier to fies of May 1965, to the full — rg aod interest fe Mele Pewee actions, or to re- aoe suite, or process ; ofore recovered apon sneh bond, y the inetet. | promiasary note, bill of parol promiscas 6. He tt Surther ordained, Thar © parties, |e onlinanee shall be in Porm the def hd. | afier ite ratification. med tn bares | ‘YING or donfessing jndyment for che lhert —— tage, sotd tobe Seve? 'y foareut age, Seited by « td lady and choke ‘hen asked, hie wife to ee m, and @ahorrer| jy tddew bret °C Way a yay er, and the was arrevie | soon amber ward. force trom and { Wa wiew eve roge snes, Ro- ly & Get mar, kid bom a ques y, be qprang Thee to dear for a teaght << abd he chide a} poms — ey malrion ¢ Nt was copegesd 10 peedie « oe when hie "f s ti s t s sf Ge l i ? ‘j a i gq ?f E = fa i l i d i t a i be ju t a i f i t d i e ? Hf ia g i t i i n i p i s h s e i e s b e a t g t s x = b a t h e ot ) r, the in ie foe | coat ciween the aerdee ef twelve Lnorise the a Florida Radicals here say that oppreiticn Wn wo the that ae Pre a re ot ed eaying. ie Lv wenke of i" for wo the laws shal! ft ia a on jody. Seg PE ce . ben Seog ele, 0 Court te rN rT i expiration Washington, pir ation . ome that, the State nother —_—— baladce of ‘ist having unde no imm- | bereafter polities! department of this paper, bot we can- not resist the temptation to give « colamn of * elegant extracts,” occasionally, from the re- cord of Billy Holden, that immaceulate Uuion man whe is now running for Governor on Ue radical, negro ticket, in order to unmask an: expose his hypocritical pretensions, We give the fullowing sow, with the promise of more INTERESTING EXTRACTS HOLDEN’S Jim Crow Feats, AS COMPARED WITH HIS PRE- SENT POSITION. sca Os Beth nied Feb. 10, 1864. SOME PLAIN TALK. We were a Union man up to Lincoln's proclamation. We have since been a war man and we are fighting and nego- At the beginning of the war, when were being GRET » THAT WE WERE “| made his escape Nort tinting at the same time fur peace. | bedrercinns at work, (i.e. South must lick by at home. him soundly President Davis has alread taken the initiative (i.e. dema ing Lincoln to withdraw the Fed- of war. 12, 1861. FE S ji ‘i j —_—_— NOMINATING CONVENTION. « M ond in- ford, videun, Randolph, Alamance, sthdd WPttcoky Ul chord sasha) ot Seneca te rae path peo he et re Lin- grin Dar ae ° aes as w as bloody a | = Convention = tyrant as the if oe nese te eoatagaaer rath se And those i mrey he tere said J or wea to take LEVI M. SCOTT, Com. protection from him, will bod.that| _ PRANK ©. RouBiNs, } they will be insulted and their pro-| _ “sre 10, 1008. perty destroyed if they refuse to| wry ADVERTISEMENTS. aon ay rere iaas t ay.inst their own blood.” Pare Fi cncantenenbrreoaapanrntepeanypistl cisive battle. May God give our arms success. ndy Johnson Least from ‘Tennessee, in a close buggy with three armed guards. He ought to be caught ere he reaches Abram’s bosom.” Steodard, June 26, 1861. “WE TRIED TO SAVE SLAVERY, bat the secessionists wouldn't let us."-—Hoxpen, 1865. “CONSPICIOUS UNION LANDMARKS” “6. Unqualified opposition to “what is known as “NEGRO SUFFRAGE” Holden, 1865. For the Watchman 4 Old North State. . DIED: In C—, on the laet night in Febraary, S.- aaa, oar lormer slave, in the hume thet had | sheltered her for so many years. In the breaking ap of an institution thet had been handed down to as by oar forefathers ted bad t allied, as it seemed, to our very extevee as 8 people, how mach of unteeding disregard has been manifested on the part of | the slave towards hes former master and best | friewd, } midcost and severity aay be chionichd. this, dhemearbered of so many houshukl+ in the past four year, in wineh riches have been | ewopt away by the rung hand of power, where the master has beuome the servant, ihe mae | tress her owt dumesrec, and the dare a mere vagabond ; when diaens os joakoames an! lb | will have been sown bruadeast orer oar lanl, | yre, morr, heird bet wees the (wo races, how | plasing # w te record so instance of B4elity | end qrateal trast, And bere woukl we sey «| few words in grateful remembrance of one whe | was in every way prameworthy as a servant — industrivas, faithful, tind snd tliging When | the boo of fiberty wae offered of cverse it was | acerpted, but eat scarcely a show of pleasure. | In years geome by, eho! was treque: tly beard to sey, she desired no greeter freedom then sie | then eo jged. In later wb treth she | declared she did not have the satisiention cord On the other hand, too, instances f | la} i= temlly of my grendl- | father, and wan b-eralier her birth was given | tomy mather, then aqhitth: girl, by ber lather Looking epon ber ap Gee te be always with her, greet paws were takeo to make ber os wach assistance as peesibie, And well war pation: rewarded. Alt my mother’s marriage | Sern was (takew to the oew home, aad after | serving in the boure as waiting oad and eurse for a bew years, having given evndenue of alah ty was made awk. which place she has bet fur more than thirry years in our family. She teas loved as chikiren with the warmth of a ma- “ The true condition of the African race is that of depen- dence on the white man, or, in other words, SLAVERY.” W. W. Hollen, Dee 3, 1850 ternal love and ever dil we find ber hand wil- hng to serve wa As in ook! death she lay art jm tears we gated upon ber and took the sinf- “ The day draws nigh fur a de- | ™° March 19, 1888, Salisbury, N.C. | pe Western B.C. Bail-Road, STATESVILLE, March 16, 1868. A Meeting of the Stockholders of tuis Com- pany iv called at Newton, on Wednesday, the 15th day of April next, to accept or reject the action of the vention in relation to the Ruad, and for the conxideration of any other business which may be brought befure them. By order of the Board of R. F. SIMONTON, Sec’y Trains will leave Morganton, at 7.30 A. M., wid Salisbury, at 630 A. M, returning alter he atjcornweat w&uwtday &. SYR HUTOHIBOX. 3. SULLKE BROW’. E. NYE HUTCHISON & CO. Insurance Agents and Commis- sion Merchants. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS, NO. J, COWAN'S BRICK ROW, SALISBURY, . OC. Collections promptly attended to. Rotor to (en. W, Wiiame & On, Charteston, & C, Oat. Gee. T. - james Andersen, Supt NC. ~ NEW SPRING | 43 ete , Cotmmninin, 4. 0. Co We reo a ie GOODS. T.. SURSCRIGER Has JUST OPENED AN ERTIES | Bee Meck of Goods, at the Bore of FomMina’ Cormer, Preparations! Everybody Tries Them |! Everybody Uses Them | Everybody--Believes in Them ! Everbyody--Recommends Them ! “COSTARS” “ Costar’'s Exterminators. Are you troubled by Kets. Mice. Roaches Ants, 2c.) E> tuy 2 Bc. or Be. Box of “Only lnfallibie Remedies known.” “Free from Peon” “Net dangerous to the He- man Vomiiy.” ~ hotes to die.” Improved to keep im say climate . “Cr om recing «© greerel aeserteent of Fancy ond Ptaple | ~ Goote, a0 feller: Latter’ Brose G~ade, Prints, Shirtings amd Shervings, | Lanen, Hate, Bode wud thaws, Ladies Walking and Drees | peep ta pola ontyeoy «hy ware, Ammer | Lomg Wawdicd sherets, and Ports, Oret-d, Poe. | dered end On@re Sagers, Jove sed Bie Co@er, Pepper, Spters, be., oe. A GENERAL APSORTMERNT OF WOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; | Witew Clothes Bastrte ond Pectets Wire Mere- Gree .. ‘COSTAR'S” CASH OR BARTER. §— M. W. JARVIS, Ac’r. | Salidery, B.C. Maree t6, 1-48, warete | — | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, al A. M. Uoward. T appearing to the eatidection of the Coart, that A.M. Howard, the defendant in the case, i¢ not 0 ren dent of North Cardina; |r ie, vied ow Lani lexed hand withie oer own, how forcibly were | we remindet of tbe thousand kind offiver that | hand bed dume for as and how tried te epere us domg the mount trivial thing | Even when var asestance was proffered in tine lot need, wool she say. “No, wo, | and Aman- therefure, ordered by the Court that advert me- ment be made for ox weeks in the Wetchmon | amt that onkees be apprars at the wext Term of thie Court, to be bebl on sevond Monday im | | and rocthing | Apri, next et the cvurt-house in Yadkmville Jaxcany Tenn, A. D. 1868 | Merrion, Gaither & Cu, } Sastice’s J nigment — | ~COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILLS. | che had ever | end Old North State, mrifying the sail defend- | |\State of North Carolina, | “CC YADKIN COUNTY. | 2 | ia can du every thing, you gu beck iv the | end pled, anewer or show ranse why the | — | becomes.” jodgwent of Jastne shoakl set be continued | j | 1 Cont | COSTA R’S” COUGH REMEDY. COSTAR'S” CORN SOLVENT. Are you annoyed with Ded-Bags! Can't Sy this 6 Mie. os Oe: Bottle of — STARS” BED BUG EXTER. A Ligatd “Destroys and prevents Bed Bags.” ~Never fails.” Por Moths ta Furs Woolena. © het ae iP” Bey « He. or ot INSECT POWDER tinstant!y Fleas and all lneects on ac. TNertre anima “fture thing.” Thousands testify to ite merits. KP Bay 2 Be. or Be. Box of- For (Corns. Buntons, Warts. Se. Try it Don't euffer with Pein! Woederfel power of Healing! Every family should beep & in the house. tv Bay 2 Se or Br Bax of STAR'S” BUCKTUORN Sacre. fh, ecrefule cwtaneoas eruptions chapped hands, lipa, Se bites of enimale. imaccta, 2c. coated). “Universal Dinner Pili” 30 years administered in * "s Prac tice ws Sle Bones of Of extraordinary efficacy for costire- ness, i nerveas and sick headache, ge ym é i al debility, liver comgiat, fe. vers, dc. Sot griping. Gentle. mild, “That Cough wi | kill rou giect it fic and We Sisee— The children ery for it- dts a “Seothing Syrup ” Por coughs. colds, hoarseness, = let, 1807—Cash value 9610,- ‘The largest Mutual Life Insurance Company in the world. Issues Policies on @ Single Life from @250 to Hutchison & Ge., Ao'rs No. 1, Cowan's Brick ow, * Satusscar, N. CO, Who are also agents for six of the best Pire Inserance Oneaganies to the Tipe States. march 4, twaéwim IF YOU WANT ROSADALIS, WILSON,S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION; Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s Ague Cure, Sandford's Liver Invigorator, Hall’s Hair Renewer, Hostetter’s Bitters, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Or any other Patent Mediome, CALL AT G. B. POULSON & CO’S. DRUG STORE, Wystt's Oid Stand, SALISBURY, N. C. Om acomant of the w demand for the Rosadalia, I have moved my Labora- tory from Wilson, N. C., to 29 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md. 211k GREAT SOUTHERN Health Restorer, The best Blowd Parifier in the World. DR. LAWRENCE'S CELEBRATED ROSADABIS PoR THE OTRE oF SCROFULA, in all its forms, sore threat. creap, whooping congh asthma, bronchial affections Aingrt+, and all tronbled with Throat nint<« will find this a beneficial tomedy Reantifies the Complenien, giting te the skin a transparent frexb neces Bottles $1 00 ,|“COSTAR’S” BITTER SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS Renders the aki) cheat, mmvoth and soft Removes Tan, Freckles Ladies, Try a boite, and sce ite wun derful quahty we 11! Beware!!! of all Worbdess None genuine without “Cos‘ar's” Imitations Signa- ture. 125 and 50c sizes kept by all Druggists. ) ‘That “1 is a good rule, in the MAM Lag with my mother w lung she hud ac- | the land lened rpoo will be ordend 10 be robi we heer Another Failure agement af alares oF aervanta, 10 quer) the smu miter tates aut she ever sem. | 10 entity piainei» ote “- | Smo. 17. Portland. Me, 17, M.~—The second defothe well, feed well and WIELP ef micron’ incor dem exer ething we te) Jacana Far tasiceed fRenlelnlepys ord Ls reavite ia an } Leewd op,” aa ele expreeeed Rather a Vaikrweillr, the secund Monday it s + Democate 2 well.” anguiar sett may wom sre wae neert better |Jansary A.D. 1808 « tobwel 56, Lndependent 207. WoW. HHedlen, Dee 3 1859. | juleagerd with my » tae Rammer wns 16 a8 JG MARLER cce id ‘clined pee nw twas w eo, andl treqoently leave 2 . . * he “ W hie ; ¢ Stay, From Washington ®QOh Abram! Abram! After “5 2°"), ' State of Lahadhon ceeclas; ¢ March - : ) Z co lons found a ae > ft, PA. times will surely call thee Abram, | cant ie _ \ \ ; r pote, bill of Georgie oy gine ‘lthe Fool. Ist, For thou uphold.) cee a art yf Pleas ane ae er Sessions, | wument of General Hanenek'* aching ist bas] ost the Government by undermin- } pty. One. | ; 7. * ne ces ; sivee fret no geweral a 4 Th ae vies “ . t g ¢ 4 ihoward Action ‘Biddle’s sancea § valued at} gf. its foundations. Zad, Thou : s 2 : | ai) we std t mt he whe " st of May 810,000, has been stolew froin the Patent) st the Constitation by dis- |? apa Serpe fn Attachment levied on Land 6 prineipal M it thyself, 3a, Thou con- Ve Aud what a pretty baby | TT appearing to the sar faction the Cou , : : eet at ry Usts cade, thent the chtereduat, A.M Hew spree It hae Ms stereos, on {tinmest the Union hy cutting it im 7 es i tect can never can he ropa # mum tran of the state. of Nov considera- has fs kdnission an- | two” parts, hy’ the sword. Athy! pied. she was not alone the rervani, but a) Carolina, it is, therefore, order! by the Court, | ty and ex- der the Fecent élection and that he is strog- ‘Thou esteemeth the Platform Of trend. No lured pend can do what hive did | that pableattvn be made for sxc we ka, me tie | jeese to re- cling for suffrage, only restricted by Uhe one- -. =e \ How we do, ail shall ever miss her The| Watchmaa end Cid North State, nutity nig the , J vietion of ime. thy own devising of more import household work that under ber superviaon | smd oefeudavt to be and appear before the Jus sneh bond, Seprema Court hae granted leave tol ny. advantage than the platform) went on se systematenlly. wall disurder, Like | neva of our Court of Peas and Quarter Ses ‘Mew i hetand a eas P . an old clock that has pone on for years wich | sions, tu be hokien ow second Munday in Apri { srarcte “Yh Wa, coo Gente watson oni 1 WWeghpgtgn —the Comitusiun tat sictes tht hsm aires sion el cao! ray Ap yremeces Governor. of 1787." remored The whee fa ‘ niome- and there (0 plead. answer ur replery, or the Th -_—_ Srandard, July 31, 186! chaniem ist r that! sane will be beard, et partes, and the land lev ned, " Wi , thhe | ied oy ned t naty plameniis debt, | ongress. bee pu it ' bhe | ied on ex o satisty plaints ‘ - | trom end Washingtom, Mareh 17, P. M.—lIlouse.—| Mr. Lincoln was elected, and | vues Tn page cedar ” A cealigl! hae ihcatect epee au osm | Jencks, chairman of the Retreachimeut Com! has yroved himself a knave, fool ee ein the fugettul at office, in Yoder itle | ssinee, Ro- tai thea, noes Yau Wyck’s recent whie- = edly rs TAU lls ear tea meats bata res aa) A ee quiet man, key fraud eb the unadthorized work of and tyrant. {pres me ‘ 3 me ae c, when ins ae individanl member of the © — Pia » 19 ‘ ' f tasile with tha @engent. krowledyé he ed neryswal of the sther members of the Com * The peopl of North Carel \ LiTBAND BROWN SPO to érets Sime : : A Tele . 4 YEARLING BULL < mile ici Within ocsined to tuoke na ore at war with Lincoln, a mith per us ee Caallet int naa esis Bi ya chiideem Vom regi De rlandomicr yittary despot, for the. protection o4 me Pp gece ib erin mscant te Ges } posite Ameddment. ‘and muintenance of thode very). | bade ——— ‘ ryhta. Woe shell and will resis ‘ 10: were to reply. . \ tiie oe i Mond . {81 00 sizes sent by mail on recerpl of price.’ with the above named /"% re 8 | 9 00 pays for any Uurce $1,00 sizes sent by / ‘ pa rciyghi 1 "Address HEVRY R. COSTAR. 482 J idiray, NV. ) Pimples, &e. | ercn a8 Consumption, in its carly stages, cam be “dy daughier has been cared of a deep acated disease of the Le xgs (pronounced by our Physi- mabtipenpsiee ie Baltimore, Mareb 4, . ROSADALIS Is a Potent Remedy infall Chronic Diseases, From G. W. 4 not ttorney at Law, Wilson, 1 have been cured of Chronie of the ear and @ tn youre’ mandiog, by ROGA 3s, £0. W, BLOUNT. or wb Sum wtih £ lave tases ry the rh gn tent reicf from ony of sary pr net th Teareeee' - te tase chain pipe Gusti ae Sana ns eee Other members of beve ened it es » tant pastor ous ean Traty L can ony, that ofall overt wed before, none be reficial le effect sethe mosi cheerfully recommend it te the publie aaf to ot eefferiag bemenity- Very § 7 Mn. Sinate eae a “Chree- 1¢ affectwa hd neys”’ bortle of Dr a, ig Sg advise uthers with ~Mideep Gievase,” 00 tap Ge & D AlLey. W ilevn, Aagest 3, 1867, ROSADALIS Will Cure the very. Worst cases of Chronic Rt wills. Witoe. N.C, May | &F The RORa Iheroagh ly eredieates every kind of eT ae the emire we ‘ r 1 Ferendy“orate -—— ~ cing the fe Ii ie ont a Beers: Qenck ‘The ort: of whieh» = made are awe nd cork botrle, and it fe aeed and the Leading Phy stetene bere PREPARED ONY BY D&S 3. LAW- RENCE, Chemist, 29 Hanover St, Merviand Price $1.50 Per Bettie. nar For Sale by all principal For sale in Salisbury, by Ina, H. En- jan 2i-etw3m Consumption in its carly Stages, Enlaroe | wemt aud |lerration of the Glands. Joints. | Bowes. Liver. Audmeys. de.. Hh ahem. White Swriing, Mercurial A feehons, Sore Eyes. Old Sores, Disenses pecuhar to Fe- | males, Eruptions of the Shum, General Bad Heaith, and ail other Dnseases caused by on impure State of the Blood. 77 The following. among many bondrede of our | bent citizens testify to ite wonderful efficacy | Home Certificates, from Physicians, Wr hereby tify that the Rowap itis is | by a Physician who ean experience: Pharmaceution | and Chemist. and that bis remedy ix en o@cient sad valaable ove in Acrofula. &c. it having performed j some remarkable cores in thie vicim ty | A. D. Moore, M.D... W. - L.A. Stith.M.D, B. Barnes, M. D.., J. Winstead, M. D., R. W. King, M. D.. R. G. Barham, M. D., 8. Woodward, M. D. W ileon, N. C., Oct 31, 187. | Thereby certify that | am persenalty scqneinted vans, and they are all gontlomen of rempectability aed standing in this ‘ commanit 7 C. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson. November bt, PS?. rense r,S ‘fav 20, 1867. | Chasers formal suck proper: ; RY Bor information, adder: me ft Notety per Pxprem v6. B _owr «of your Kosa! 2 Fe a, and - » rotebe? of -eeea i ‘ it Sevonddouht the D> J. G. VBACH'S WML AnD EXPRESS LINE—Daily. | Schedule from Tigh Point to Satem. | BAY Es High Point a 2pe'etek, AM 4 Arrives at Salem at % o'clock, A M Leares Salem et 94 o'clock, P. M. | with gue (cous! «pared to fortable. Bpecial attention fll be given te all Express matter ant to my cere. 4.6. VBace. GUMFORD LAND ABENBY OF NORTH CAROLINA. whe wich to Sell | Lawpnoupens | Agriceltural or Mineral Lands, Woter Powers, Mills, Towen Lots, of Reol Estate Jot ang kind, wil “find it to their adventage to heir i hands for \""Rammcgee wena «> a.eF | me Gail tins. he to| a of } of North Caro. = i mittee ig to , @ by rain iu caring meet in Raleizh on Saturday, the 14th ifthe win fustant, to nominate Some one else aa -the standard-bearer of the whites of that State; The Vetersbttrg Inder says that the de- elension of Gov. Vanee is but another proof of the high-minded and tingelfish patriotism of the uan. eariug to preju- dice the eause hy a past record, which, glorions ax ft was, finds objectors in these degentrate times, he refuacs to jeopardize jthe public sufi ty by aspirtis for office. -« From the Raleigh Sentinel, CLOVER AND GRAS6ES, of the Fiest, then, as to che cltaratier of 1 { [have said nothing about the value of soil, Red Glover, like other pris ws heat ow goad ooh e-y: ety sated iene manure; OF a3 a mteans pu poor soll than ttost other varitties.— jof improving the soil, ae this onimanica- Any coil that produtes wheat well will! tion is already riuel longet than I had produte clover, bat i: like everything else | iutendtd. Suflice it to say; howeter, that ‘n the vegetable kingdom, does best in! asa vegetable manure fir plowing under, these soils which are peculiarly adapted | and particularly as a ration for a to its growth, T hare foand itto succeed | wheat erop, I regard it wsrtiperior to any- better om strong upland clay svils than | thing else. WwW. F. BAS Den T Aah | TAR be om ik ed W OULD repectfully wake known that be a returged to Saliabay ry with aby p> an of everpihing new in A te tuk oe Dp i M] a eae ot CONN ~ lris best always to sucteed | And yer he pledges his high talents and] ss 3 & 4 shy other. Low marthy Or Wet lands do |elover with wheat; there is af tintes a dt- Funneaaur ible iflucnce to the suceces of ; Sng for lity a ew 20 odd years active practiqu hopes to v. . et euit it. | The proper time for sowing jficuliy in getting. a good. stand of curn|the Cons: ryalive ticker We théuke tho {/dtamepatic, fd poking We” £9 po ve en ee the seed in ufis climate ts the latter Part | after ty OtWing..to the. increased quantity | Governor's decision is a wise one. Bar} y) rae Law ametleeld ona? if ib ePaper poser path lar of Pebraary or the early part of March— | of worms produced, from some: .eause 2. Malt ai, ‘ we hope that better a vs will come in Ist Je whieh his admiring fell i meph, Moi ‘Ww Cilizens Bly fe- | “WH teavete nd brie, Quinny. 2 , #7 Office corner nf Inpi ‘ though it will do very well any time iu which-A bave been unable to discover, P Re oars Paes Jus i Potato, Oniig March, and shouwkd invariable be sown | CALDWELL. ward his commanding talent, and uuvary- Sema re Iowa, an Vhia, = oe eowe ether protecting crop. | ae ing devotion to the Commonwealth. {Ei Uy oo Dayenn, Ob as OK ch yo hohner ays rE placa A WILD WOMAN. SE "Kickand Enquirer, | Sempiae mange) te wale 2 et watekad renee tho ook ieexveedingty tenter and needs} ‘the Dini {TARR Cahill Ye \isres ; eo | pAnd ald Leihds tn the di rent Wesi. LIFE’ IN SURA’ CE samething to protett h a few iionths front |ihe following marvellous’ story; “In the WOMAN'S GRAVE, By Hew grout fymie puspengern buve only «| AeA, Ri a * it tive effet of suwmer's sun. Hf it is de- | (raid ( iv ¥,} Tcan pass the tomb of a man with “TWO CHANGES’ : hype prem cn. wtitighi me a ~~ {a eae le he [somewhat of ¢ ihn indifference, but When | of Cur between Washington City oud Ladian- about « ground, | 4,. . y 0 hot if intended for pasturage alone, a buch-| woman as wild and alatost as fleet as an +i will sow ten sere thick epongh. The fustamed « ehnce of wer jwome rompie « the “ther I survey the grave: of a female, @ sigh jn. | MPlimawe chauges.to voluntary escapes me With the haly }** wae of woman, [I associate every soft, fender and delicate affvetion. J think of jher as the young and bashful virgin, with eyes sparkling, aud with checks crimson wed whe each impassioned feeling of the dheart ; az the chaste and virtuous raatron, | tired with the follies of the world, and p ted there iu) Fils roa! Weltiiglen a Yetta } apolis 36 houres Cinginnati 36 hours; and’ St.. Lowia Nhaurep Ougio 52) hours; and Alemphis, Lerting 2 | horre. f The. Rahimore & Qhie vec fupnec- | ting roads ure the ouly = mas pe peed | COMPANY. | Bil ; ground shanld de well ‘wn horee- , pulverized as > and free wonderful } woman, with long, dark hair, and clear Ite Plicin of all Kind . “per, LIVE AND ENDOWMENT: |lomivcuoy ns . - Washingtoe Ci Ie ence are such a smeothe, “Thr tlove= seed shoul? then brave a firdle of grey “moss About her preparing for the grave to which she must pale re aie roe yal . be sown and re pe in with a tolerably loins. Her body and limbs were covered | s00n descend, Ol, there is something in | fortiekers sie Bahiiuete & Ohid Rained, ww it — brash, coutemplating the character of a worpan, | isthe neatest und wust.clrert rate, Paewengess iy and prepared co that it will pot! inches in length. She was. much Gight-|tha; rises her soul for above the level of | PAtCDAriNE Mentors tbr’ tickets hute tbe paie~ Grag the seed up jute lamps = banehes jened and seemed unable w tale, bat |society. She is formed to adora and ha. —— — pee fig rong tat] Absolutely no Restriction upon The mode of gg gpa rartots, must bave comprehended signe, ag it're- | manize mankind, to soothe his cares, and | hued, | y but that which ered for many '¥ t0 mations of the gentleman by whieh | strew his paths with flowers. Inthe hour} | EF Parkes wishiagte Emigratp io ony of the Travel ut Residence. Orava, Clerk veamandthtieh | esteem the best, I ob | songltt to indute her to accompany | of distress she is ihe rock on which be | Vesterp of Sonth-Western States caw, by pes { Jony P. Hex, Sharith ‘awed from an cesay of the late Edmund | pion out of the wood; she constantly|leans fur support, and when fate calls him | {8S 9? * Peary & BS fat! Pusvengers ond wp | -—— WK. A. Hiut,Burveyar. . Mafia, of Vi who was perhaps, an-| inted to her own forrest home Trom existence, her tears bedew his grave Apel rs dg. agli pee fae a the Bap yee rag — surpese inthe Unie State ant onc. | Pk “inal a Bcavaved to! C; inch ) \ frp | POSTER: Kent. grat, North Carolina, at allie 7 . “wr a A. Miogham € Vue Salisbury % : zs | Final vy, the gentieman en Peace to van you 100k upon her tend without emo- bory, iar— J pty \ ¢ (ID (VAL {LLY IX CAN ~ We also have Ute ageucy ior gued Fine Come It is as follows : - | compe! her theoway be desired by {tion 7 Man hay always justice done hia| ledbenapedie, Pad) CVieago, 1, | “ scotch a oo panies. Have any wurber of mall made | ett betore and by threatening ges- | memory j Woman never. The pages of! (iacnemeti. * “tebe, *¢ hase, Mur Troveting agents wanted, to : andoareg | aessie J : € ; pag Meapina, Teun. Nepeeom, Ack LANE. JAMBS B. JOLNSON, = eas may bedestired. atcording to nem- | cures with bis gum and she becoming en- history lie opeu to one; bat the meek and Row Ricans’ Ex Pdlicah. f7 ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY Cart. ou 4% v. bins Ps Ler af sewers. Tey Setobnawe eight | raged, seised achub, and tarned Spon janobstru-ive excelencics of the other ol greatly meduted elven, _ Jan. 7. 150 o- wately or nine inches long, the handle, and | bin with the furr of a demon, and it was sleep with her uuneticed in the grave. In Pasecagere should ty of cases porches Th wugh fve or siz inches wide, with a smoothe | varias. Lat cach gewer prove humselt | wit) common cicth 2 prou and tie ¥ on re ‘wey; hee gatherter wp the foomt part of the aprow im the itt band oud taking the paddle alsa ig the samc ‘andy having as math ceed deporited in the a as may be necessary to sow a ak 48 egipped for the operation ouly by the speed imparts d to Irie steed | by a liberal ase of the spurs that he kept jeat of ber way. After driving off ber parsacr, she reeumed the direction she had so conerantly pointed, and 7.5 soon | oatef sight, The gentleman followed, | and after gning some dieianee, came op } twherloae, Three trees, st amling newr TON each other, in a trinngalar form, with ile | Tho New York Commerciale: ably Ube first etep-on Preeceding t- the field is rpaces between them walled wp wish jeonducted Republics jomedal, coutiunca te atrange a set of guide stakes, or other brush ad moss, male her moss ber be jo c-pres mach uneatures at the revo~| wie slightly mark off the ground, vo that | teen them secure from the rude blasts | lutionary complexion of thimgs at_Wesh- | - rach sower will sow a land about siz feet ot winter, and comparatively orcere | lngtes. ‘Lhe ~ fiaancial Aiuation, igo, te widah. th ip best w 3 © straight | goon the pithess ruin. ‘The only stares | troubles tr } | thas wee discovered were & few nuts “We are drifting inte tepudiation | We L. M. Cone, he rn» Ay have shown the with the victacs She too, may have passed along the eteril- pathet exis. tence, and felt for others her. — Mortimer, Uckew fran the plee they stu: from to whepe | they afe ging; os by so doing they wit wre from 65 te G10 le money, beetes they are mt! sehjeet © enropnace ty redo tee baggage aad dart Psying transfer charges, By the Rowe, when- ever ® Passenger hee purctinee © chrough thekes. | the ddl -tomt emmy tire eoohene «ll charger «- | aoeters of Comengers and & Greece OF Bve Facertges if atom. d 100 Re, of betes ge iver. | Ail «wer be olive yous ate folly Pecren ier, Be | tween 4 amd 12 eure pas ball pusce. Afeador| NON-FORFEIT ABLE. of the prearvam loaned, and no} | Seulus of a poet of a saint The Arlington Mataal fife Insurance Company OF VIRGINIA, ... ——a A Viry/nie ond Southern dnatilution: Its Kunde are heptim the South. J! has wet with wpreceden ted sntoess. Its fortunes are estallished bey any ae ! wow trel for loan or preminm nde ia a lien or a ae RRVOLUTION AND KEPUDLS- | eluim on he policy 1n vase Sf death i é : und year 6 che aoe tek uf ler the occ und y e Por all farther Informatio addieese, LOUIS ZIMWER. Gem. B athens Agt. Halt. & the & W Greembee’, N.C, —9-— — T= Company Ofors peculiar adverts 5.L. Wines, Pes to the Suuthern peaple. It te the most © it,) or otherwise arrange so that jand some four or five busbels of acorns} are so drifting, not becanse our debt in| Gea Trenet Ags. Mamer ot rH We hoes tawered the sewer will be} Very wild stories of thie wild wou |e ouereme, ar. that ons ace die: | gr Sols 8 dv rolai } Litera! Conapany in the United vraight o: ia will ensure | ag have been rife in the opper part) beacs:, bet because Cougrean is cither bn- | as wie : sensible to the danger om indifferent to fe! — we aces If Me. Mewrill, of Maine, | thinks that a sper ad-ragle speech alcnt/ faith, hover aud integriy will bridge over the dangrs, he is fatally mistsken. Two thing at bast mast be dow bepe: see mass be dlntuished and the Tate of inter Ost mast be diminieled. Hath are pree- of the county for some time, but she was made three) Retieved to te a myth by ail except those t the first! who claimed t have hdd gthepntarton. three Now, however, her existener, di: scription, whe fier yps a fand the Vicinity at least. @f her @ here aboutsare established beyond enutrever- tte Os oy on deneethed,| Her easly capture may be regarded jae within the ganze eof prvbability, a States. | es sted Nadie Srevip sien shee of hor emit! ‘nine jOFPICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY, Tem authruticntly sated Hat ene fil of | ow nr year , the frout.cad slightly iwelined duwuward Concentrated effort “is being made potling|ticable. Congress can effect Lath, aud ‘he mhabitents of this county aut Enrope die | NEW YORK CITY. ?axsivnsrt, ‘be meat cower wil take sim feet) ona” : it will be held responsible tor ite refusal o% Coapapapte, O20 dimes lade here "°° wma. ac. COLD, Sceretary - ; é from the first, and so on w number —_———-o-—_—_ or negheet 10 save as frum a great dancer | horenghly studied. pad jte netere ess ander . JOUN FDWARDs, “ ' F nge : z ‘ ; thet tpy” be the sower A Remarkabie licath —A frw das*| and @ greater shame.” | od grew Ag : oo 4» es * omnreTIaw w. BOoUCE, Pree. Ye? Peenener, omrertanT, pets 4 a * ” } SERS F Se Ender, governs the move-| since s couple of yoube were ont in the | _ CLAh kos wae soapy told ot oka] Wa. 8 lecact, =D. J. Hammacnit, | ons anette il tee eae Then taking up| orighborbeod of the city, practicing with! A THIEP SUPPOSBP TO HAVE NEEN seid aed oe , - ¢ “ j !eeftetysation Madly furnished in detail, by eau welt with the heed ne meek werd 42 can» bow and srrow. One of the boys die | ; SHOT ; r of a Pronaitent wyrricme are | A. W. LAWRENCE, of Ralet MEMCAL EXAMINER, 2 of the wae be held between the thumb eovered a puake, and RMid tt by shootin, 2 W ech wwday pe pe e ie wt Coagh, Mtpeetatuion Shirintad Beeath | iG n't Pars tor the ph XN Sei CHARLEs HM, SUTU, M dD. & he Se F » ch an ough with hue SgPaaermehchan 5 hee t ae dens is ritet bene * and > eget iaay | es’. ™ kf we 2 2 ac@' tee Gngers, “and Woving off like 2) the repiile throagh and throwgh wit | Wlaad. at Cailey’s mille, im Corrituek pre ate Mant the Longs an 7 Chuns eat WiC Cabaneucs n, Agrnt, tetst aerwen, @rveass doet-| 2, platoon of soldiers, ii le dashed at every | arrow. Soon afterward one of the be ys ciert im tale eewety, te copy-erd bs here re aisle tm te —— b —— ane! | j—whuwly teliotery,X C 4, Gana, Jno, Bt LAtponin se l ! | Peat ‘1 5 hiadhing al eegetiwe condition of the whule eye / mar I— ‘ * “ es uther step, With cousifierttble force, on the | plac: himeel! behind a tree, and exposing evived hia Jot due in the shape of a joad of a ™ ; dls padial : .* ; —e ¢ ao one Sponge eopntie renter wn | Shit discharged fia gta Aap atte Dersae sulleriog with thike devel twee | 49 Years Before the Public, | sone DIRGCTORES ' ; ‘ed ttcwed Mocustens, Cero muse | “sb be tar we antler WAP! gariy pact Ah the night Me and (wh te crperenrtarire, sheh! hey wer rire - “ Porter Ana i. 7 he the sewers to kevp ther re acerpted, and with the same arrow whieh | gijeice add, s the stor) @nsa “ ~ming theenettew al the prmer 2m cin Sp aren - * sponte aces i oil de pewd i reed the snake, trod at the ex am po , f hee dye 1 veubd od v 7 erties thet they amy vtag 1 reve Seton eee eee tee . > : <l hat an ¥ . } Y re t “ug ‘ € te “tt la * om the we « (wathew g : weeaey So ; Ps t . peor : ns 4 ‘. ¢. however, he ‘ound that » bn nky had ehier ee ee |W Riom Wie Jr, +. w.4 tribated. Any number of owers may od paldagrs dee aaa vente» Rev. B. A. WILSON’S | eas a Mae . Onanie ®. raptyspteed p Yod> caparteer WHS) Sours the Baad and asm af ¢ & gan). adie thas beck qi vine te thbees CS Prepered Preseription (er (ee Cereer | Thom 7 — MA? aa : I 2e@ enable dew to per. to swell, showing that poison from the deseharyed Tn f ARES Seals Consump' i'n, Amthma, Bronshitli, fon gs, | er 4 wee ) i erert onifern ire fenake had been communicated by meane oa the wredww by which on catragrewns of . Colds. b j iw PR i. eve. Whep the crop of cats ie cat and re | of the arrow ‘The yourlene fered OEE bated: aad apm the ground lending Wie witarey mrt § Lung Aff-ction«. 4 “ pr hr ai taped iq FUE, RN Ceoeid be permitted to! azony. and after lingering tn thie Wire| gmeuiee ae ube landing wn the ereek ne by Gee » hoe hee sat restored to Imi ie ‘io a d ren upen thé groend sail] some time 1 tunditiow beg three da % © Xpiced, The | The wegudesd per as evidently wes. tea lew weeks after hewmg afer d everel | ® ee Sally tftvem, in many be peetares by bey who lust hie life in thie playful and) by stne Swepenion. Srghing sipee ther rt witha wer rege Come ase ash | bed «ved or other remarkable manner wae named Bailey, | bas hewn head of the afte We wr ettieet OR A Cd had Cow Veet et cattle Gntil froet ap- ' ‘ t ee ae | Whee rae | - eS > ‘ 3 Ut ire vio Patenmntr the pen wee use ute: in paate tills ihe wed werbed on. | ) ‘ Pe LEWIS C. TAX &S, Jt tte AARP pe wn Garth. "Tose ce reer sPamed wh tah” Wit Toor oa a i TUT tot the het te or on _ » RL '¥ 28 Prepare! fron thé orginal Pie, 6, 8 of De a Bad jéntly to | Warning to youths. — Aflowtqnmery Mad yr Tee Re ‘nay : nn a i Prrere ay 4 YD HEPATIC PILLS, | Connecticut 2 3 4 overt the groped pretty well, plaster of — a : Th yell h ie i NN 1) A WILEON, 1G Seesth 2.) terewe Thent old, omy awd sell tried remety Boi px | aut Bhoald benewn broadcast upon it at FLED DOUGLAS ON THR NEGRO ie DT nt << PAabED eater Oe Natwetee tf. Kings Co New York for ult Bilwon dinemam, conned by a | NCR ’ the rage of pot lexe thar 80 to» 100 Ib. | QUESTION Whee Ga he Sr A Partch exit coms! | DISBASED LIVER. ' etrelimere @onld be better, bat hvoe a report of Frederick Douglass Geagia WR ven-eb-red the hapten "7ee were telbemd expla direetmape te They ore mnde ned oid be GO. ©. OEMS the Giener-| ha® fund (Bie quantity, if ic be mis- leetare on “Self Help,” we take the ful-| C somart bie wworuing. “Tee om sed ate, beretiben With & aeaet bee. thet he bene Cemeewed te Reltimore, Wd ~ there he eo bite teers. ¢ eet and Orel Piedictors, om the trast Of Hartford, Conn. , / rached fo pie. * aepretercpm OF hay of ie cere walt euapteme, SAT | | erat teva, He OH atwapy heey om howd © terpe > bar aig a cgmal Wa O nd tag the low ing sensible remarks re eprcting the he = fee ee hat : a oF fa i" goneste an be vbtaned (Ire of change} ud Sry tes #8 & ~ curtwmers, Thuterate aed se; ata FEMENT, Daw. ai, 186 * ashes to aneer very w araben: : hat ew gre 5 19 Bish M: Wien as abowe, or by calling on or ad | " Que ee et Gree ener ent Guest plaster with aches make i moreeasity policy to be pursued toward isis ownrad eee eo py Ht i ~ (em “Sp, dewering beat Pi we =at er uate te vp’ td naar the grace ead . e aA akite wae 5 tore rontgia ‘ ‘le 7 . ee wher ti aut of malting, “79° ° > rvealy 240, a if docs ot to mach fy H patient, endearing » : 5 =f ’ G. B. PUULSON & C0. ot procole angras FF ce eat tating, va. | ACCUMULATED ASSETS of la sowing the plaster it ix importaut the miracle worker, A mar le , sna Dregriat8 bus protenty enter tetere Seen coed as © meditiee. ant | to seheet a tale morning and if it ben wait for eometh og to a up No on : feat Fatt ey a Pate ape sooo ee rites | $17 670 288 88 ‘athe damp or the atmonplere heavy, aN! wos! wart for a bind frege with a spriey pate galleries were a Wren — a vasruhe teed ke at kendo Oo tea | ] 5 b = the better, Care shoald be taken to jeave | board to aid him. Thc ict who emi to black fares © wd ap = many Or eoed by the Must Rrble pati-et im the smont del wine Bere that’ plow Of pare eecore Foe eee ap That ton areted imhgratioasmone Reywiicnss 1s Stwte of North Carolina, | elo ep heed align Trogl ne é cnise bere that, plaster of paris does not denny of he world wight ecm Lut gateries are flied wit ». Mera be ~ \NSON CUUNTY, oe Me Boers, ond teaerd to Oiepate libe cece INCOME FOR 1967. act equally ss well on all eile, or it wae jut, peodepes was, pos bmwr com fine) their faves to their (eon Lead Qutriee Risione eee Aas pce ple Cpe rather mm Clover growing in ail varietic? «& virtue Vite beoitainwed by thaywirg b arding-hounes 7 ory Oucns of these $7,726,516,53. { Pyar im order to seal ta efficacy ’ reese. Whe wowld Seuaters c@rapy their nemal conte. | f sry 4 1863 ries, © 2 beving bis Ever | df op ~rche ’ Meacy, « ' Ae 204 eewels © te) matte Pitte { world he well wo leave 2 erris: there be bese ¢ < © aphed hie rear ace TEN chairs for mernbers of the Him- Wier> tte F A, oopectally im the Reuthern a . " 1 . Stan be Corts and Neteom are 1 z . .° ire uke tod oe ettemety ety . > we , ’ Geld witheat int application Wioerer of pls. Give in far ply amd det te wg, Manbery. Corte and of atasate ot trie! om ta se Cas FOR PREMIUMS | s y Kr ih hove given them « reper parts prepared for agriemh ora PTT oe Phere eae much Chinsiion ducy 4 4 1 vret dem=nt The canbe gittdteed eadl> in Palrim the words, “Jet pe aleve (oive “% ‘ voracat day, (he baad $6,332,804,95, ti Sw €h¢ per ton, from Meere Whitman ‘he oc gro tair play and bet hire alone, and , T . P eas , the venple wore se 4 < f any one df the Aenealtnra f he flewed, wetl: of he d eqnally wet I e F te A w t ; i we Welded ana ; — : : reg gy ee If the frwit could not bag. bot ot d — ; That partite. be cae pn, Sor tge st Siting Se tn ae VOR INTEREST, : - A ‘ bi tne Convention t * ' ’ Th-? can » bs a09 point in tee Crited Mares by la regurd to the proper time forcu:tine Itw eno chatty t be | 1g him a oe eak. Mall ow Repro . « " ~ rlover, a de an the ase to be muerte tegs if the neat minute hie head « he FRichm 1, Marek 1. PMN ore : _ ae _ : fie ou a 4d PRICE —P+ ome box. 95 we 49 ~ Da 82 MPa Ornes.| $ 1. 393 iad i i ’ 68 Aa Uf tw designed fur soiling milk on the eurb-stone. If the y sew lim going. of Franchi repact, requiring all of Kiwqs 00 he am [LAE at the NEVE 010One Grove. 618— There Grove, O—Fire Grass, 673 | te her tn t bert. Ly ‘ the “rete t ohne 6 ruTl to be heid Go t wuety Of An 0,, cock must olther eccemeen the order for the Meas. | Ras cows ot horers ar feeding to hogs, it may to charch, to work, to the bal Ky ere of th © to take an oath, th | f iplice ic oe ies pany | OSSF : > be cat as sanm a6 the bloom appears. bet him alone. The preseare of necessity on reognize and act pt the civil and t Mand gpm (hea ade then to pend mapped be. oe Pastas eee be etdrem | LOSSES PAID IN 1867, a 4 A ed to 4 “ hitended for her it should wot x cat & man. fren stire him into a knowl: geet cal equality of all weyers bpd we the jae toutes at dawet oo Jedgmer seal WO he renered Ba 0 ben 0 ays. cee ~- tut? shows one fall the heads are turret posscrrion of powers, Bometiing was was dsprel ie oe een Soares = ge $1,268, 75818, . , brown. When cat tt dhonld Le left in the apt to be done when there was a trem en A communication was reeeived f, m | tnem. Patrick J. ( clerk of anil cOUrL where they will be promptly attended to DIVIDEN Ds PAID IN 1347. swath for half a day Wale weather ix dons reeessity tor something to be done. Gen. Schofield sazaveting that the Con-| % office lp Wodubete’ the 28 lig anual, Pe ood on oh ter Brewan ty hee | epeear clear, and « louger time if wot rage As Among the , ne net ach — st vention ila ” aah pap asurer to! +6. nie. P. J. COPPEDOR. Cleve, | JOHN HH. ENNIS8, } 7 864 5 ,0 9 5.00 fondle soon we the surface of tlt ay w experience, that which r-veale the rele lertte errtifies e« of inde Yteduerts th fy ate ir ae, Te uaae | | . S Nileret recented neowre f on Pay e hemes | there te cured, which w generally be the adel BEE of natare to effort was the most in- | the expenses of the ratification eleetion, | Valuable Land for Sale ! } thety Drecant, Bpestel Agent, Dividends average over [Ad yer Adin | yea pre cont wih be red ogre inet ; yee ‘ P ‘ a Pi N PURBSUANCE of « Decree of the Court) — = sc) HY 3 ine S11 policies mom lorfritable tot attnied amount Mem ond the mine will be heardex partens to them be ~- tive. In Afries the aegru foand an- | and the recietrativ ov inte d it, | | n ape » the tha hove mentioned, i ebeytt be | -trec \ nr Os " her ok Cs Cee | at Pies aad Geta Sch Ps | NOTICE, | Aswarance can be effected iv all forma desired. | Witnems, Patsoh J, ( K of eaid Court turned over Qarefully with forks, without; der the palm tree shelter and f.od—all he for weither of whith had Congress @PPTO | ty of Rowan, made at February Term 140%, NGC? the 0th day of February, on Council | SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT dace » Eg Wee meted Monday » epreadiug gre than im unavoidable, wanted. The result was, the glory of priated money } Will sedi to the highest bidder, on the premises, Bireet in the Town af Satixtury, there was, Cebeal A gett. | despre f on 2. GopPEDGR, Ome vben it should remain another half day. | Aftica was her palms, not her men. He estimates the cnet at seventy-fire | on P | found ane ° ; ; : | or one handred thousand dollars | Wednesday, the \8th day of March | BARREL OF BRAND F, | A general debate on money matters pit dog treet of lond of which the — RW ; etated the: Griffith, dec'd., sewed and possessed, (ying sprang ap, ta which t wan stated tha: the Thee Gases in «nid pico press tiles we xt sbpred of the Cenvention bad had no pay | the lands of the Rey on three weeks and there was no money | f the weathe? be favorable, ft thea a. od . partie ints fae Peedi fs the! A celebrated lawyer once said that the barn or other place” for eeon: three most troublesnme clients he ever had ft 1: doce not aneWe well tw stack i: were @ young lady who wanted to be mar Hike moet other kinds of Nity as the want *'¢ 1, @ married woman who wanted a di A | pr. Agent, Charlotte, M, @, { other marke! mar d-whewtl lh me as being «nt —_— ee | ert ‘cove, ST OKB MOUSE For Rent onder the Interna) Keren: awe of the United States, section 45, of the A LARE NEW STORE WOTRE, wom FoR SALE. T No. 490, Rrontway, MOY a Piano Forte, enat $360 may be for Pithont Inepertion Prands of any Sheteun. which wa. met to futfeiture \ of Balistary, sy ; d William Wood. Jobn Irvin and others, emntain- t act of 13th July 1506 | / plete throughout, with cellar, at Thin fr current fomts, The Vane is of spinn- + compactness in ive events voree, and an old maid who dido't know to Ro” him ihe 809 Acree—27% aren unemeuntbered,( Any person or persans ola ming said Rrend | Creek on Weetern WC Odhel t Rowe wood | ongy Octaves — peiey : 5 5 : @ ae Ln low the remainder vahjert to the widew’s dower are heret.y required to appear and make each | Rent. No other sore within 4 miles, an: a) aetuenting hase, fret lyre hep 4, Oo t from tarming the rain. @bhoald necossi- what she wanted egietration here eomsed to day 1 aad | tW Terms made known om dey of onto 1. jatm within thirty day from the date of this | exegliont «fand for Warinee. —e pLoms XIV ste'e Paes at f Pisin al by ja ty require, bowever, it wil do tolerable | “To Let.--& cottage io Newpor! contact og blacks are 36 votes ahead in a t al regie %. GONIVFITH Betis DW WhoRan ! i a” SUtey ioe well it the stacks are built with the sides | eight rooms and en sere of ground tretion of 14,00 Fearsery & Ine ett A brats rtrarer. Feb. 28 lain we Deputy Colleetor Foe 13. sme w—\ A avis r zi ! t at i c n is at t » he Ymes by i mite ted leo a dihe OM sro of the t soley hiey wer E i i at : fh HF rt e t t st own consciences, shoald, in any case whatever, control or interfere with | kin the rights of conscience. See. 27. ‘The people have a right to the of education, and it is the daty to guard aed maintain that elections should be often held. See. 29, A, tepquent recurrence to fun- Ae t < ? | og 1 Teed 30. Shee law tal lien ah ie of Wiberty. emolumen | anaed | Thirty second Distriet—Davie and Rowan shall elect one senator. Thirty third Disirict—Davidson shall elect one senator Thirty fourtn District—Forsythe aud Stokes shall elect one senator. | Thirty fifth District—Surry and Yad- elect one senator. Thirty-sisth District— Alexander and | Iredell shall elect one senator. Thirty-seventh District — Catawba, (iae- 1 t60 and Lincoln shall cleet one senator. | Thiny-«i, Distriet—Clea veland, shall elect one sena- “Thirty—ninth Distriet — Alleghany, | Ashe wed Wilkes shall elect one i dared » Forsieth Dietrict— Buncombe, Hender- ; #00 and ‘T'ranaylvania shall cloct eve sen- Forty-firet Distriet—Burke, Caldwell lawe, punishing acte committed the existence of seach laws, and by thew only declared criminal our senator. unjast and imcomparihl. y, wherefore, na cs post fucto to be made. No law tacing, ook. ooght tivel , of ther si t fl i : I l ii ri t f iI i i ; ‘ hi t ‘ ; restrained of his Hiberty, is entitled so a remedy to inquire nto the lawfalness thereof, and te remove he same, if unlawftt; and reo? cha heat bg preting property, the ancient mode of tial by jary ia ene of the best securities | elect one See 33. and \nvoluntary servi The shall be and remain 26 they how ARTICLE II. eral Assembi sd spon pabive besinees,anive a ma- i- | jority of afi themembers ave actually pres-| 3 - | twhee the said ratio there shall be axsign- | See 4. Until the first ere View Detriet—Perqaimane, Chowan, asqantawk, Carriteck, (ater aed Cum-/ and Tyrrell shall tee. One eerrtor Third Digtriet—Keanforn and shell rheet owe senator Fourth District—Northampton chet ane senator. Fifth Disttictq—Vertie and Hertford shall elect one senator. shall Sixth Dietrict — Halifax shall elect one; of Caswell, Chatham, Comberland, Da | thee | | the places where they are now held, or Edgecombe shall | (sailford, Iredell, Johnston, Mecklenburg, | may be directed hereafter to be held, in | shall be President of the senate, bat shall poring t. ite enemies, giving them aid and Northampton, Orange, Pitt, Randolph,|sach manner as may be prescribed by have no vote unless the senate be equal- | eomfurt. No person shall be euncvieted of Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Warren |law, on the first Thursday in August, in ‘ly divided. ; the year one thousand eight handred etd | President of the senate, reecive for his nesses te the same overt art. ur on confession senator. Bevewth Distriet— vepator. District—Pite shall cleet one bighth sonator. Ninth Dictriet— Nash and Wilson shall . | chet one seuntor, Teuth Dtetrigt—-Oraven sad Carteret + | shall cleet two senators. Eley: wth Distriet—Jones and Lenoir shall cleet one senator. Twelfth Distriet—Duplin and Onslow shall elect one senator. Thirteenth Districts —Beunaw ick. and New Hanover shall elect two senators. Foartcenth Distriet—Bladen and Col- umbas shall elect one senator. Fifteenth District— Robeson shall elect one senator. Sixteenth Distriet—Cumberiand, Har Forty-third Distriet—Clay, Cherokee, , May wood, Jackson aud Macon shall elecs | See. 5. Aa enumeration of the inhabi- ‘tamte of the state shall be taken under the di of the U | Asermbly in in the year one thousand eight bundred | males, ly dowe, ought ta be passed jand pecidong: Ste and at the end of every | nal of ie proceedings, which shail be ten years vr: and the ssid Senate | for crime whereof the | Distriew shall be so altered by the Gene- | tur the every aforesaid, a by order of Congress. That tad boundaries of cach Senate District shall contaia as near-| act or resolve, which be | aes cedathag cliees }eamed, end shall remain unalicred entil and no connty shall be equitabl poaee-w thapceiomast aa if The Heuse of Kepresentr be composed of one bundred | jad twenty Representatives, biennially | chosen by ballot, to be elvcted by the To each containing the said ratio and net | ed ome tive; to each county fand them the rhall be assigned seve tally to the counties having the largest fractious. ! Sc 8. Uutil the General Assembly «ball have made the apportionment as ovided, the Lhouse of Rep- resentative shall be comp ced of mem- | | lowing manner, to wit: | members ; the counties of Craven, (iran- | ville, Halifax aud New Hanover shall | jether officers, and also a speaker (pro -| take an cath of sfrma that be will such maoncr a¢ shall be provided by law. See. 15. If vacancies shall occar in the General Assembly by deash, resigna- tion, or otherwise, writs of election shall be issnrd by the Governor ander such regulations as way be’ prescribed by ‘law. Bee. 16. No law shall be Indi y for the payment of any 4 or to in any tax upon the le of the reer. gpeibes Sires a connae; Wiha or towns, to deo so, anless the bill fot the rpose shall have been read, three sever- al times in each house of the General As- sembly and passed three several readings, which readings, shall have been on three different. days, and agreed to by each ings of the bill shall have been emtered ~ See. 17. The General Assembly shall regulate enteils in such manner as to per- acul wibies. See, 18 Each boure shall keep a jour- prioted and made public immediately af j t of the General Ac Mee, 19. Any member of cither house may dissent from and protest any gre ink, inje- vidual, and offecrs. See. 21. The Lietitenant-CGovernor shall preside in the Senate, but rhu!] have no vote, aniess it may be equally divided. Bee. 22. The Seuate shall choose its Assembly, before taki the coustimmrion and laws of the U Pratee, and the constitution of the state of North4 arclina and will faithint- ly diecharge bis daty as @ member of the and the clectedl at the firet « of their ob term of | of this ection held ander this coustitation ehall terminate at we as if they bad been cleeted ction 5 the same ti at the first « SS. 23. Upon motion made and « waning m gut ar election joint vote of beth Honers of the General ilina, a4 be will faithfully Fs i FF E E E r E 4 0 be eligible to the same office more than, four years in any term of eight years, un-| less the office shall have been cast upon him as Lieutenant Governor or Presiden: tof Sec. 3. The retarn of every election for officers of the Exeeutive Departinent shall be sealed up avd transmitted to the seat of Government by the retetning offi. era, directed tothe ~peaker of the Houseof Re tativer, who shall open and pub- lish the same in the of a majori- ty of the members of both Honses of the the highest vumber of votes respectively. d dul ; bus if two or more be ex aud highest in vétes for the same office, then one of them shall be chosen by joint ballot of both Hotses of the General Assembly — Con- tested elections shall be determined by a Assembly, in such manner as shall be by law see. 4. Governor, before entering pom the duties nf his udier, shall, in the presener of the members of both branches of the General Asaembly, or before any Sastice of the Supreme Court, take an cath or affirmation, that he will support the constitution and law of the Uwited States and of the State of North-( are- wfarm ibe duties appertainiog to the o of Gow ervor to which be has been elected Bee. 5. ‘The Governor shall reside at the scat of government of this State, and he shall, from time te time, give the Geu- eval Assembly information of tha affairs of the State, and recommend to their con- tideration such measures as he shall deem expedient. Bee. 6. The Governor shall have pow- er to grant reprieves, comumutations and pardons, after conviction, for all offences. (exerpt in cases of impeachment,) upon vach conditions as he may think proper, enbject to seach regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. He eball anna- ally commanicate to the General Assem- bly cach case of reprieve, commutation or mander-in-chief of the militia of the Statr, eterpt when they shall be called into the ecrvice of the United Sta es. See. 9. The Governor shall hare pow occasions by and tra seamen by his proclamation, stating therein the purpose er purposes for which they are thus convened ~ee. 10. The Greverner shall and by and with the advice au] consent of nominate, Hyde | bere cleeted from the counties in the tul- | omded in cither Hanae, by ove fifth of a majority of the senators elect, appoint’ dienment and punishment spending to law mW ta f fee ee ieee ite te jaa oe ‘Scuate, Lf ! it Lg 8 te l e ! i TH Li g a a e uh i Sec. L4. The Scerctary of state, Au- ditor, ‘Treasurer, Superintendant of Pab- lie Works, and Superintendant of Public Instruction ehall constitute ex officio the Conneil of the State, who shall advise the |‘ Governor in the exccation of his office, - aud three of whom shall constitute a que- ram ; their advice aud proceedings in thie evpacity shall be entered in a Journal to be ty for thie exclusively, and sigs by che Attorney adviser of the Executive Department. Bee. 15. ‘he officers mentioned in this their services a com tion to be estab- lished by law, which shel ‘neither be fn- which they shall have been cleeted, and the anid officers shall receive nether cmel- ument or allowance whatever. See. 16. There shall Le a seal of the State, which shall be kept by the Gover nor, and used by him ae cecasion may re- quire, and rball be called “the Great Seal of the Stae of North Carelinan.” All grants and commissions shall be isserd in the name and by the suthority of the State of Neorth-Carolina, sealed with “the F a at law aud suite i ef all { Hl to the General Assembly as svon an ieable, nonde of law ef Curehaa.; Jeovernor shall have power t Gill the vacancies cecurring ip this Commisen, See. 4. The jedeial power of the State shall be vested tn a court fer the arial of im-, peachments a evvurt. Superior cvarts. courts of justices of the Pence and special Courts j See. 5. The Court for the trial of imprach- mewts shall be the senate; a majority of the meurbers shall be necessary te a querum. and the judgment shall net extead bepond reme- val from and disqualification to huhd office in thi« but the party ehall be liable te in k State the members preseut, the yeas and nays all offeers wheee cfiers are extablixhed Ser. 6. The House of Representatives ade ¢ tered upon the journals See 29. The election for members of The coanty of Wake shall ciect four | upon any question shall be taken and en-| by this constitation, or which shall be created hy law, and w are not otherwise prev “ ap -Oinimcuts vd pr and no ly. shall have the power of impeaching. No pereon shall be convicted without the con carrener of two-thirds of the Senators pres. ¢ When the Gwrernor is imprached the , ent eleet three members each; the counties | the Gicneral Assembly shall be leld for | each officer shall be appointed or elveica reetrisr, piesa ar | videon, Duplin, Edgceombe, Franklin, and Wayne shall elect two members| leach ; the counties of Alamance, Ales-| ander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Beaufort, | Bertle, Bladen, Branswick, Bancombe, Darke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Uar- | teret, Untaw ba, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Colaumbas, Carritack, Davie, | Forayth, Gaston, Gates, Green, Harnett, Henderson, Haywood, Hertford, Hyde, Jackson, Jones, Lenvir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Martin, MeDowell, ri Montgo , Moore, Nash, Onslow, Pas- qeorank, Perysimane, Tersen, Polk, | Richmond, Ratherford, Sampson, Stanley, Tyrrell, | Stokes, Surry, Transylvania, Union, Washington, Wataaga, Wilkes, distrieta, and counties, at) seventy, and every tte rears thereafter. | But the Grencral Assembly may change) the time of holding the elections. The! first election shall be held when the vote|receive no other compensation except ¢ . Chief Justice and four Asseiate Jus- shall be taken on the ratification of this constitution by the voters of the state, he General Assembly then elected, | of the Governor, bis faildre to qualify, Supreme Coart held at the seat of govern: | — nage the his absence from the State, his inabiliry ment of the state in each year, commencing shall meet on the fifteenth day after « val thereof by the Congress of the, Mitchell, | Uaited States, if it fall not on Sunday, ease the bat if it shall so fall, then of the next day thereafter, and the members then elce- | ted shail bold their seate until their sue- | evazors are elected at a regular election | ARTICLE III. by the General Assembly See. 11. The Lieutenant Governor He ehall, whilet acting as for the er of he shall services the same pay which shall same period be allowed to the « the house of Representative, when he is acting as Governor. Mee 12. Incase of the impeachment the daties of his office, or in ce of Governor shall in any-, wise beeomé vacant, the powers, duties and emoluments of the office shall devolve epon the Lieatenant Governor until the dinabilities shall cease, or a new Governor | shall be eleeted and qualified. Jn every te disc! See. 7. Treason against the state shall” eonsist ouly fn levying war against it or ad- treasen antes an the teathneny af teu wit- in «peu court. Ne eonvietion of treasen or attainder shall werk eorruptivn of bleed oF | the forfeiture. Court shall eunsiet tees. t Ree. 9. There shall be two terms of the’ on the firsts Monday in Javeaary, and fret. Monday in June, and continuing as long as the public interest may require. Ree. 10. The Supreme Coart shall have jorisdietion to review, upon appeal, aay de- cision of the courts below, npon any matter} of law or legal inference ; ee no issue af fact shall be tried before this court: and the in oaid distriet, at least i i H iF i i : EF - ? actces, whereof eaclasive risdiction is net given to some ether and of all criminal in ae i h e F 4 i rr -E He re t e for in this Artiele ; Jndges shall not be diminished 4 : ih if r a z i pr ti if ri e chosen, bwiee ig t Hf U rs 3 : ? of al civil original je i fr : el i ; it te tf [; : iw 4 i EL it a | f i i 1 a f f i i } i ie f E i i iy i rs r i rt il E FE h e Fe r Hg i? 7 a. regulate enelaments of all but f 2 5 the i heir contineance in office. See 24 The laws of North ! 8 F i 2 Ff e d h i l H i and shall hold their offices for eight years, [covourven om vournTu Paar ) 4h — — — ee ee So In the former divisions of patties in and we acted “<cakman & OD Bo Shue Se a tbls State, Me, Ashe was a firm and dpci-|ia arki ss i Whied Cath N we "bil RUNER. od Whigd Until Nor volipa = - y =a ol a ay Union: a. A +a “A LISBURY, Ne @, MAROB 2%, ‘oe att be bast his fortuneswith his nitt sons = + —— zz =~ | Bare, ene gh meade fe Confti > | teCo ered. Ile w hopeve } RSs erik Gtk glo THE CONSTITUTION jliberty. He voted against all stich ex.) i ~~ -- : ; , treme tHeagdres as the Conseript law, and | SIGNS OF FHE TIMES. \Vith ite Various Amendnients. the bint to duspend the privilege of the | 3 aie f From every ugdethr we have the } k GOvERsdn, dj ! writ of habeas térpus. Suth is his char- | oh jcheering intelligence: rom the | acter and record rod Ms dale at “THOMAS S. ASHE Thigh order. 18 iy uniteually reapecte ° § { and perhaps no ptbniinent public. wan_ in | He must have of indore } North Carolina has ‘fewer enemies. == } <r sour OF THE IssUES LN THE COMING ELECTION. ithe erate povertese. vicert Shall white children be apprenticed tane?t the gallant Vance and ‘ptliers’ are Going sabe gx0,, Masters !— The radical: sontention Fllestivecseryico,while she. gallans, Hall For. the .Sarales refuded to. prohibit suchia thingy ‘ WM. M. ROBBING, of Rowan; _W Shett wh ite childbon ts Wo 90} teidnite tye'thite: andl alse even: rg iia gare, Orr SEMOOTS WCLEH Hegr oes EM ip Cau} is, wi tre N66 Paks Wat fis Fe 26 Wain, don tha Haneef Representatives. | vention refused to probibich. Gur notions of duly, We can soy with per- JOSHPH A. HAWKINS, Shall netro quardiana be tyypoin ted fort feet truth that averg. thing hnoke ance ISAAO Me SHAVER hike ards P- Phe Convention refused to laging lavthe-highest: degwe, and tiathy i probitit such a thing. : Shall mibriages between intyroty and whites be allowed ?, "The Convention re- odr opiiiton, judging from what we see our exchanges aid 1 ér sourees, the defeat of the ner. FB UBLAC, SPEABING IN ROWAN. People of all partis are ivipited 20 core oi re a eet -tiice--conres the gtorions}- Wess. * new@ thatcdite | Ceuscrvatives® are fully pApodeed end are sallyingmzeinat sie new | Gansaturion with un coergy that niteé-en- (sure success, Every where weleat'that the honest matses who had bedh tnbeiz gled into them are deseriing the Leagues by huvdreds and by thousands awaiict claring for the Old Uoustiation and a TW the" West) eas ee the Ries. Jind otherenre.arttusingtlte Bart!:De ouf from tarttus dth- will oatweigh many moustatn coutitien, Re tis. the-senne watery SPINS. 1 3 en bes Shoo! [SOc ‘ud, anit the ititerest aH happitites OF the of ‘The above revoltition tae” Kdépeed in weRroes with White’ persdns! “This is est to OM The Weat bas been straggfing thr years X spset ener ht iwogrGenype! Assy ir he bof Apri ter thd wee Ootettasied te pi Fiat ort § branwhes of slied.cginlainee, ate tiased 09) 99» 4:9; population: The negroes of. the Bach! bets, Just ettiergtd Froat slavery wifl dversbul- ance the white mfen of the West, “Fare: well, Western Hailroads ! Farewell, ali polities) power). . Warren and Kdgecothbe al Se ee Ty Strela i ml pater TO Bie." PT RRTED areata HTPN ‘onde Mapes | ead fy : wih F . zk? be best im by “tiie “Geta. bintdiasbet wymeds Slime?! 7 8: hy | blemished pay NE, hin elrtrt@ter Wire the so-called Convention FUR "Before ‘ine | ender’ hit Adjoumumens, dad some mew, are weak enough to qaote it to show that that-body bas refused io permit the intermarriage of eat mistake. “The Convention hosilice resto. of the - Ds Rone Bonen Sar als see ; tye puthogs dyed we tee te - 80. ‘Tbe masses of the radical my rel Psp better manner than ig performed, } need to be. Hened, : Here paral leeds Then ee present tore: ken and rutted tondition of many of ont ‘ streets, whith with @ good Road ' ct; duggested thi trust it may “auit the" , out Fowy 10 ayall, HeHleclyes: It lp very simple in constimerion, cook more thas five ordin 2 Mk weet eae MRAM NOE W i atrentlont ¢0 thie cart! of Maj. which appear tp our, columns jloday. Phe) Conetevatives of Rowan, ‘an and Davie will be: rejoited "Ge te hat he adeepns of thie tidttinunion 7 Sopate tenslengff to iit du Last Byierday, | ft eonsiets This is a deserved compliment..to Major Robbinss:Novttian'tn the Dieteiét hind done wore the Consdreative: tates than} . i best pol e epe ak : ers nigh? i Theacy..addud toi g. Bal ‘ipthe: parity of hit spriirate tife-and® thie ube re ee ane 0 mt cacanall ‘ } ral ead OF! te Seat Agi MIT arar andres ad a get tre Wh Way pass out without clogging. fofte be d Everpthing being soady,:hiteh tok a strong tram, nod -@rive ahead, Gt y elected and the Jegisle une should ever ap- semble under the new coustitution, as. we bape aud believe it wever wilt, the people| a | of Rowan abd Davie Wit Have fit eatise Wo be proud of their Senator He will Ube! Mav's tk aaa ham tee | ay cuales raciasadtarsaaieae el amg oe ee en aan PRAM Gtheay mil untet GUE salicad ia prchibic sap -sned . Wham eieltaek pomugshs ables GE boa ee G pal tna ME a as sibetithe. | Wiss ae vag Gimerdad piscest | Shalt the whites and the Macks be cn70tl-| evemon should act in a crivie <tike the Having refused to: probibitsuch marvinger, | tliat body. i grad Toke in chan Hyon Mon Thordasy, Apeit 2 | ef tm the same tomtpawies in the militia, } present: ‘Then we call upon'every’ trend the Cun vention merety expressed its opin.| “Suseph A. Hawkine aud Tease M. Sha- toieet ies ; wed upun. Moet U Priday a} : A . : therefore; fo sonie extent-a te, Saturday * 4 ond there the Backs p-ttominale, the| of White pitpremacy to rally. Do ibis fon, im the above resolution, that it woulit | Yer, though never in public life, and Bon If any of par toad wotkert or town my Monday s . a be compelled to obey pores aud victory is certain, be best for the viites to refrain from gach | *#-qucuily Tess known, art gentlemen of Commnlestanont, desire ynye. Z Tuesday 4 Convention refused to ibit such ~~ * iabetandi thete. . clear} gred capacity and high character; and] as to constraction or use rt COUNTY CONVENTION. gael Py = Fla tbing. The Wetert Kail Koad Cannot be| itn te eatne dent will wake eneliat representatives. ‘The Plament, 9 ean eta Fart | noe a the Coase eet Baha Codi, u A . © wedge Rowan Miher's, Seay . : If te be replied te the above questions} Ay 777 Onde? This Constitution. We ety their clear right to contract! ticket 18 4 mrong our, and, whatever may | Sill be cheerfelby Grven-iete. ty was hekd at the Uourt fi ae i t Mls ee be givan | (at the matter is We with the legislature By Bee. 8, Article Y, it ie provided that | thew; for if this Constitution should be be the fate of the coustitation, he =e ———— eee jtery ow citurday the RINE inst for pp repaee Nth, and at Krider's bree were als iM hots | “UM the bonds of sho state shall be at} adopted aud ite Howard Amendment i* cefittt by « handsome majority. | Wel pr etgeagerroriN I) earwAad end conch “i one and all. Let nothing | a toon Mail hot t, (i. ¢., wever at all)) the General As- jshould become 4 ptt of the Federal Von- > RALEIOU RLOlaTE e learn that the pr rs cons ot don . ems Came ous — the balance of power in this State, and cae shall have no power to enutrect | sttetion the legislature will have no pow hate RALEIC U REGISTER. ’ fined in faii at this place seeceded | Ue * mpeg tte ue, takes o0 the 2st, 22nd } that for the purpose of securing their votes any new debt of pecuniary obligation in | ef to prohibit cach ma: . The Bill We leartt from the propriter, HL.’ j, breaking ote of the irm bars of, to the The eketion place . y pecuniary obligat rriages x pee 1 Abd ay: Aod 29nd of Aprit oe oe be a party of depraved | 5. ir of the States exceps to supply al of Rights which is to be a par, of the . cas Esq. aa da ly sins | thelr eet ontay night and making erry | .w. wy rte « whites who will go with them and give easua) deficit or for eu ing Inedrtte= State Constitution deelarrs thet “all men} Weekly fegtatece will Le sitependec | the ir eseupe there from. Th of them | : the "ur ppressing lusdrree- pe ¢ ° ree E pedo y setae ad oc oe — me FRigey ae tion or invasion, anlese tt shal! fn the same | are crested equal,” and the Moward| uutil after ihe election, Fhe catse uf cemeted le wrcaping outirely by eee the: pew P bales retin. | Ye stares to be elected aader it will aot bill levy a special tat 0 the iutetest | smendment deelares thas “no State shall} the suxpensivn is a disayree:hent be-! dod pear the raous condidates at the fuliow- |). any better than the copvention which s. ~y apoually.” See tg [Ce con aedcecey cre Bre a ee Feelares, F on “ i" —. fe nt Certain way bo prevent these ad ™ epeekted te sal aa se ™ cuba wargiina age rally 0c that time things but w vole down the Constitulton, Now, as the Senate aud House of Rep- on Sesnrdey H Ti DISCESSION AT LEXING. |"#emtatives are both founded on ye TON. We leam that oar talented townsman, W. M. Robbins, Eeq., met Messrs. Hol den, Settle and Toargee at Lexington, on Thursday, and bore binserit most gallant ly tm the @isenesion. He fibored under | every disadvantage, as ihey would not Give him an equal chante. They would w only consent to give bin of hone after Mr. Holden fad concluded, to He follow. ed by Settle anf Tourgee without the | priviege of a rejoinder. Yet be did not shrink from the contert, but boldly cater ed the lint, During bie hour th dealt | ty. @hatham rail road f them ttany heavy an@d damaging blows, putting theee who foliowed bim complete ly on the defensive. Neer the chose of “| bis epeeeh he turned to the national fag, which was Geating fn the Court Howse, and said: “Cod bless the old flag- =the flag wheh Jacksoe upbrdd st New leans, and which Gen. Scott bere triam phantly to the eapitel of Mexico. [1 |. my , and the fing of my country, and | ae ech | reverence it and i:tend to stand by is. My Nadieal friends eay that it is No bill for aid to Western Kailenada wil ever pase with ihe abote restrictions: Gethe Pit, Ped wea own way. MASS MERTINGS. ‘Tine Stage Enccutive Committee rreom tend the hoiding of Conservative Mase Moctingft 22 the fullowing times avd pla eer Western N.C. RR bly orn. of eur milroads cust toad as a gi/!, ing, aad ey ars ef pected w eodie. Th will be, sobe, that the mectings ace crowd- ‘nd, far the wonsem tliat these gentlemen rast teante to dhe Pimc bat « few days. to | water pater, even if the nates —o eles dei Bag. Mo what & the cans j weed for navigation. ‘len or twelve lnege | wen of the Bate? WF wot, thet Yote Ue wae Durne! in clingy. ia thie bn deen ey ard win or Od | som hie : FRESE CUNSTITUTIOX cf chase ‘birtp-ewven stare which glues | 4umm-cod locks, which cass the Busse tent | agdtnot the ¥c% Tloibiasie vince der ing trie lates vinin bore iby DACOn taken Ahérefiomn cl last gre ike 4 eee tret'y | i: i ae re rv Wheaten 4 Wiiine Biller, givew away for nothing | Win Men FE Weed! sone thonpitive terre wid leo at) Peery offer a renard of €25 for the ne < ’ ‘wee, det oe thet etPry man wt nadty | of thee thirteen +: streaming | tha rll th whiel thev had fact donald A , gals |Oharhatte We dude Ny" ¢ Sppreben-ion of the barglar. 2 “ fips £ | a € allude T). the matter; n . * hoa mtenk l the whgl> gues | bueathy Grew f Te the end to my €00-| 55 090 ittile - 81,200,600 to a ged 0 vachelaged eodlrae ntepedonmipS maison lf 10 expredaour & rf at rf (| er > ae yale = 1 ee O wher oir Paap: qeo-| -orvetice fiends they have a weaning of re : " pn sigiadae: distin bation of pot ieal power Lewwreem the | fhe Hy, ty. woald pg, Bi | Tux MeCauinn Cass case has been to the joatcat Done seat tetigte whee Tigives ab ike power 10 the kam | treméndou siguificauer, They an OF és hae Wt NO. RR. thay | Batt tnd the Weet® If en vote opttost |i: at the tinw, bet we did. on hear uf P Mponed. | mate © Cendidute for Bolicitar - © \enmresoh, np depres. Ud the ebue| bolical Ae peel eee, Ridanagd onty asec an orth.ante ff earn gene | Mhe'ne ® Ponerittifion, ‘ap Tt bases repre-|it puta) alier oar nent payorliad buen LG we SS Lenni — ted ike Fi adhoeonty seas i pad dee | * Yeu Sars represent the ibir'y-meven eo , . ' : ‘ . | | -u. ', Paw. has reeei } te on 0. Gin S ah otaye —— j ak States of which we ephiemi thi. alitirs, tnifeet te repeil at du time, and gevtation in bast botdes of ub: legislature } pubis i] ble i be wie be = ralhuarunreensied anbvtrdiantnasmabed 1 cam he) eee ihe gf Y | epon uamixte and gives the power 4 the | ie tepublican nom nation for Congress | esi \— . oe ak dbs ce ln ae el aes ee es ee ee ee | Tinta Mano We hove two dassee of in the. Sith Dist rict—beating Windy | rain vorrag cen Meow Attn GO atts ile WRAL He ort You [the Btates are aff irr the Uwtom and enti.) SH pecvemt (he ordinance being carried j titmid wen wt thie particalady momentos | Pilly. Miotlon, che proceedingy of the con fe vies le Geert or wont be” wn aor pais Sa eh ts ws it youn. Whit, Bin of the Wee! Pe of wali ? std io ont cai, vention were ordend Be ") they | led to equal rights be constitation wo fe of polities) affaire First, those whe the enEey Come Me Adet the sew The flag then, perly illustrates oer] “fn vain te the net ppread in the sight Do you d-sire at any time in cle fa | have Hot fuformed the meul vey on the ena. | Rameat Nownrra —The Radicals |e Waehust * OM Northy state. Reem ae CH Ye WHT be reqsiral to fey) 8 ess pom c A nol the Gag ial any bed” i . | of thie County have made the folios | ona vention Ter $2.0") OU ip Rigte taxes aext year Ws! oF} {ic4le and A wot be antil ie Tw fart to get any farther appropriatttns for | dition of the country, and are therefore P =| HENRY BA RINGER, (ha. “ua the Lied W fb which ta etpected at ad nngee ol sis cane ana pales tee, | Phe Western peajrle are plain and hon- improvetpest in your part of ile Buaste | | Bet couvineed as to their dory in the pre- ing howinationa, For the Senate ; Gi 3g x . “ t, ” ‘ : eat, but they Are mitt hinks. (oe bande @f the Convention, poopte of AL | af the stipes from 5t. mt, They contend that iwelading four of the We dof original thirwen are ont of the Union — -———— an Bor Tia! Ci peo vote let Sm jean of che Brotte, GEN. W. 8. bOCrEEE Hata, ratbentiot Ul ebch 6 Come nutun t t 4 How did thevertom! My radical ops The Yankee witdat nftte Reatd® thie ar fea xfer . i s ' At ee eee - jarnts hate Art and that the ord rancre ™E ticle was the great lobby member of the HON. THOMAS 8. AHR. §— {ececesing Ma wot take them out— bat they Vouvention, and is supposed te have ex erted a considerable iwhuener, if he did wot te ome things, shape the action of that tedy: How far he was instramemtal Vet, it is conteuded that they he pireets'on inecttr@ tn the | Were ae land void of inleo will x pretewd say thar they got oat by fight Vint tlie Miechigtiched Auf catit te ern fing. J @ill damit that they were fighting Yleman dccepis pe Ldaservatibe motwine to get vet, bet they utterly failed in their sO veErBor. Udnicrvative tick. | stew pt Y in getting th orld bencir teagan rameter Nl whe contend that th + nh Sew complete, : | we owt shoald aot des-erate the old fly Sesetretion SY 8 Bick ser prople are to eter, talent af@ teora! torth $: will com by ealling it heir Bag. It ie the flig of be tazed mee than they ean bear, that fire Rivet aily With any ever presented ty, the U wion—the fig A thirty-seven States the pouyte of um State by amy pany — dud ntl the fl twenty-seven. We ail their N. C: Honde at on entrmows ad- : ‘add ( Clalis tha: she shirty-eeven States are etl tee | The somimation of Mr. Ashe with add ; ‘ vmer, and tus realize immen*? fortunes, Le i duthgR, He fram 3! the wien, and we arc the trtte + rion | 4, jinen of the country.” family highly Mitingutsbed in oar revite-' |, ,, ply to Gov. Holden that the oath hiopary Hie ancestors were prom.;ern States failed to en-ry out the Presi themt to that dalebented étritgric #hieh re- | dent's plan of reeonstraction by refusing to caleed in the ettabiithetst of Ariericen = 3 mori Med ——, be ge te ahs - propriation of $28,000 per mile, for the - OH oath, we by e te men « ; Patlroad ile beamed re ied: Independence find Aritridin nettonghty, |. wowe Union proclivities in this State,‘ bathem railro 7 Fepeate beck ia bonecl add In the Beld. More | bet that it Wet next to imovssible to get 'y during the session of the Convention hn.one Of them hare filled the Gaberna-| compertat mon whe conld take the wath. ‘tha: he wae tM Otrier of large possessions hid ehalt aod ait iigiin the bémeh of jue. Asan evident of it ot Mr Robbing, (, the Deep River vatter. The None We learn with the greatest of canons tell, interest he ).i4 in the emecess of that mereeerr, bar, if he, hitheelf, fs fas) be be- lieved be was deeply interested in the =p- tion, the Bast will uve all the power. — It ie well buown that the Bast bad all power in the Convention. Abbott, Hea- jton, French, Rich, &c., bad it all their| The Contention tried 16 deceive the eetern peopl: by passing an ordinance | tstablichf Whee they sce the argr| that the Ceneral Assembly shall fintth the equal with the white man at the The reason ie plain. The Decp River #7 quretions fur the White Valley in largely owued by Serthare | Novth Carctina to ponder before they de- Hence the Com¥eniion Rave the | cide to tote for the new Consihution. * batham raffread, 49 atile-s long, $1 |960,- 000 or $28,000 per mile—more than some | Whete Mee of the Wea? They gave this : the Cape Fene and Deep! meat of the State in the handd of ihe ne-| Skalnat them Kiver Work,, from Norbington Ferry ap | groes, the thé Malf—an immensely valuable | very worst clase of white men atieag as, Commenced arity By: works are bot) to the exclusion of the rewpectable w hrite | eoee the Wall Street brokers may be able ta! ers of the State We know noi how mach: | wake ot enforce any law whith shal abridge the privileges cithéens of the United States ” The oaly prohibition, then, against suc! as expresecd in the gbove reselution, 1} Gd the penalty upon miviters end Nias legalided thoee already solewniacd. flages be to 4. great extent removed in the minds of the vulgar by the polities! equi. ty whieh this Constitution is futended to pole, «1 Tut this ordinanee , the University, in the Publie Schools and can be repealed by the Gepersd Assem- Why wne't an appropriation made “the wall of partion” is broken down tor the Westery N.€. RB. R, as was for | and that, conseqacstly, thee will be no (bs the jury bo®, Wil they uot conclude that | degradation in such marriages | ‘These of = _——— Are you in favor of placiity the fervern. Rorthern adventartra antl the You will mtver get anether appropriation | if the mew Constitution in ratified, at an-| der its provist at wn Pppropriation Fan be made bat by the tietent of the people of} | State at the ballot-box, and the negroce | | of the Evet wil! certainty voto down aff appropriations fer the W eet | White Men af the Werat Fé } Are yna in favor of the people nf rhe | Meath Paying a tac of a million and half! [of dollars meat year, that the bond hold- in Watt Sremer may reali®e fortunes by their sgle while you are left in poverty and distress? If yen are net, then vow Against ibe new ( onsti- tation fur that is what it trysires of you. | sae j Mas Meting in Subiabury. It will be seen from the announcements | which we wake to-day, that the Uae for, holding tho Mast Martine at thie place. has been changed to the Sih of April het everybody remerber this, f % ate ; ; ticwin Merdlt Onrolina with credit to theat:| he rood ogi dy jolapews of i ios of that Wood staat abtresarity inure odives had oto? to the ak of tact "Rate, hae not been able to obtaip a candi. &really to his benefit. Oar people would ay ancestry, Thomas 5. & worthy date for Governor and Judges of tie Sa. do well to seahember thie feck, and to et deseenden: And representative. [here Court without taking men who membxr that mith vf the legislation of lives wet o purer or more bigh@toned gen: sigged the ordinance of Keerasion and thie Convention will redound mainty, if not solely, 16 YE Beneltt of this class of : © WGeAiion thin be {x ,| ied 2 volunteer company to a Cen had for the most patt mach ™e2 while our own people will be req uir- | better fr 10m the let day of = They shrink with loathing from the idea Gay of the congressional i touven tomple- and cirea:' of fastentn, upon onseelyes a d jon tloun—to nomirate @ P Huticis late the inteltigenée far att Wide, Inad. °° tithertng! inet ae F _ ythe Union. Te man — — one vhat wodll mete adorn Pxecative chair. vetords flan these menhave, ed to pay ten times their former or immuyities of | Mr. Goodloe, the editor. marriages Will be foaud in public seuti- meat, and the “sense of thé Conrention" ‘The Conveotion, by prdinance, has remav- magi». trates for solethaifing such Oiaringes, anc And will uot the repugnauee te sach mar. rnough what is their duty, bes dou't know | yur! Al red Johweot and ae [on which side the largest number of votes ; te = © agent of “the will stand at the approaching election, CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CON. | newspaper The firet thaet is afraid of doing wrong VENTION, {hee —— — The ercond, of missing the "main! The Conservatives of the Oth Congres por ‘ chance" he firet, woald like to do | sional Dietriet are hereby notified that a | te ede te right. The seeond, ignores such wedkurse Lon 0 te rm a hid | and Walt in the remembraner of offices and m@ wey Congress, will be beld : (country inany age. Call him whet Jou composing this Dissries take proper mens- here Thos profiecty Plenast Orvé af on€e (0 have themerives nts Wad ‘ We admonish all honest men detiring ted there JH Wise, no 0 information, 8 keep both eyes and ears RF Aamrieion, promo Mobs Ye ya ; and aap ye erp with an intel We M Honhesa, againet ultimate » igemt tan who ie aftaid opeuly to detlare ; hie sentiments fur or a binat dhe negro ewes dete thi aenee a the Blark side A convention af the of 1 white and black, AN middlo men are the 9th Judicial District, peartat of the ror aw ¥ Mtfeal peetntrws: atl wh with the blacks. counties of Union, Line Rustherfoed, Thar lott’ pa pits ill please ao art ekterdingty beppy at the fact Cabarrur, Gaston, Polk, Meck of a ee that there are vo informed women t and ' leveland, will be held Matesvitl. Ba tt8 who are timid on this subject, fal bn Wednesday ry bd " : rave ax that pro; | to ne by the radical Rowr.. D. Jousact, are 1 terat 10 cases ip wd ss ergo oe ie pate ate of the worth, through its tool, the Sau, H. Watace rage Negtertira, sod the Diserlet Gourt U2 eut from the North, there be present [ite ‘so-eath-d State Convention, it be M.L. McConnre, st as sothe of the dblest and most aecott plished devoutly to be hoped, that the ladies of Committee. BOYTDER ‘ont Seater, speaktte bf our own State, fect ah have | the moo Aacll see yy ans = ape | Match 4, 1848. earrienas a grind 0at-pouring of the decent white %09" # ‘event their hnsbands and; MARRIEh ; on at men of Rowan and the ooun Fanaa dar Aa = apa = witon® Im this County, om the 16th of March by» Jon PRINTING ties. Let crery wan whn toves his coun. scherme, Fees M. Brown, Bag. Mr Hixur Kav Mie My letting thetnselves down frost the | that every . Popresented \ window of the third etdry of the | Atwell’t aad Gold Mir” ' Mr. Ildtper Wailing by theans of » rope itiade | kt was then moved and “ppews the ratiticativn of the new ry sifipe of their blankets which they of aheir | Constitution while Mr. Goudloe fa | tory ap for abut fi I} tween Mr. Helper the pruprietur, and vore it, hence the smaiyeinet a. point they were arrested fn their pro. /gad and : We have these facts from Mr. Lel gress hy the awakentng of the Jaitor, | te Lek per himself, and state them by his au | The three che escaped. were neyroee he pa tb is) vi thority. We Tiare Bnown for some lnatinad ow charges of potet larceny, !y manuer; Hime past that Mr Helper was oppos There were stveral fa the fall on! ‘The Comahtee then aod ww posed tu the Constitution bot bate! eharges of thirder and burglary hat Lopenacaede the follow: .ot stated the fact Lefore for the res! thoy were prevented from escaping, | Pier the Seite.” won that he never befory au tiuriged | SaeunttNiees samen WA M ROBBING oy : Gs (o siete it, though be never request. | Laresr Trax ebitie News crowded Pr the Lote wd we nat t Je ee. jout this week, Nothing of very great j A Io oe efforts to defeat tho Const) | Hmpartance exteyt impeachment pro- SAAC HBG jtutlut #e rejuite at overy acteasin: |Credings. ‘The trial of the President Pe to Vur strength and we ure glad that | “ill commence on Monday next. New| W.a WaLvon. Ale. H. has taken this kround, | York murkote—Gotd 1.884. Cotton Pur pete Cat (AN@ING IN EPRIGY, "Se Sewer at Mihe = We learn fiver the Sentinel that aes oe Derearen ad Axx ay- aad Sunday wiuting an figs of Gor, |*** ~ the new Constitution ig Feport-| Ow wintion Holden was fenvd hanging toa tree! be defesiod in Arhanase by a war conearred In in the Capit | eynare at Raveigh, and! MR sumjurity of votes being enst | ™ | elfen: Sntttiittieg that a number of pereons were ar. | niet Mt. | a vibe C wae asthertoed w 2 the Yacantics resied va tle charge uf having dome California hee rejected the Howard! 5 eae the act. Na tridenee deity foand! A meudinent hy 4 large majority of Mendetene’ gail they wore dinchas ged by | her Legislatare. prtwe j the Mayor, and sume of them have eee teen sina thee proseea |. Be Rabamt— We lencarithet the! ie tte for dasttages | Rate hwute of deity Kmon dé Orn, was | Sateeville, on ER, vee. mises ; end sceond, those #ho know wel 8. Mering. Vor the Huse of bar ‘ 0 the a Brarsvilie, porter ty The first, is an bowen man ‘The second, WHhONBSDA ¥, APRIL iat, isd. ts bad exoagh for any ro ag in any Let the of the varioas counties we ee eonstivation, to Sudirial iat ict Conr-ntian, Z = ES i ¥ = 3 own at once on 4 him here ate bat two sides — We have jnmt received » ly shameful to 1 mew af Approved blaoks ip white tor. yy Jane Weaver, Neatly denconted at thia Ope. ” eR t i i Te State of North. Carolina,, par . ! sie “ yptdowaity court. | pg nig on mivininte ) 86! rig yn a ae: Me RAH ROW AN OU; ing, te 4 ofice of, Olyck-o Te oun Wert te ON i. JB Asie wnt AA sg mane : i tan, |Comsemptily in early tees Gam be | . q et Wy dunghier hee been iP dincuse of Us" i cured of dees sented cian Caaseneicar’ ¢. paar manele Physi. . Behimure. Murch er ANN #MITH. It hag wet with unprecedented success, |. in ‘a hacraitale thiseh sual the, Genet that iis Bey Fultoo, oly ae pega pein Ite forbints are eatablished beyond any mien pS praprog ere North ae Od wots = ROSAD ALIS |. 2 ceaseomee ; The Compaty hae cnpite be bots 3 yg a igouns li . Mabill en 4 capital and asevts, against its J ‘* or Nf famarcoe poeagnts Mverebhy with Suu, Lay nex ie ve taken i vjouinrie) Is a Potent Remedy in all [isa honabinkee stb abit ‘ive cains, but, from. what we! \" ds ol 2 Ditactons y by! pelpetid weld tut be | ('flice, the last M: at the. poe ‘tied, Debrink : cos Tees beainens beard e re Sy D. wit, connate sur Chronic Di ite elie te Noutnore Pevvotag ponds Ge echo rig’ yi ym {5H te ails seases, ae Dna ntt? -Lend oe oat: a fh Sinead Ft ten ayer ‘ an ear Proud: Wins: Morany At La, Witom, niet ‘ uu _ - stn, WAD . yd ee at Keath Carolina, af tried it on cotton Lhoat 4004 ‘a6 uT,. State : goka ral shige themyntal | the eos! ae er aa eT Ce JOHN'&) EDWARDS, ANSON Ua} pe adv $8. 0—ld, ny FS erg Sra TIT Kookind Os se Cutt Plat end Quer isa | Stato. of North Onrolin it ve je, 1 must sa GK, By \ any, yy ; ; et tlhe it wah eh Tor either corm or mead | Wie Mees y. W. BLODNT. Isaacs, th FHtrecos. anudry Term, 1808. sin oa Carolina, ty 5 6 5 : u } John J. ci Fak Ph aby f ; estos Respectfully cman , : MEDICAL: EXAMIN John J. Colson, admin of ; Py ay UntTy. ; Pls ta ae gpseacbhenes est Seng] OHARLNS HSMN wD Sak eae | tt oi at Ooty ewe PO ne a “62 ee A gniens adh aed HO. Uawett, swe H mepenting oh anton xe i ay Jolin &Simeemion . Ay DAB, {tbat bw when big ri we ae ro . LL, Jso. H. Crarsogeg. Ne Thomas. A. Kebineen, J ot Knux 4 af ’ aed wile m, Henry B. Tt ie onty 4 et aan toy that your Done) "4 cpese DIRECTORS: : Tout abn cle 2 nit Aes od byrety 5 superior ty angeth- in Wes tA js, famed 4 : Melvine Robisasa, and y erat vad iia Petition for Partition. it you will Cottons, fe. have given it g | mort cutively cared af wy’ ¥ faerie ditt, . the an iil sampiee "A, tes zi 3 ree" yey postr e Lphpasneneler i pital Baskervite, > S . ay mandingo wi ou | Bihat tho. Sg oe : soa mat, fier Ae ar mesjeer” |ipmkenone Mite pate ag hh ee ~ . e a (4 bd TION aap ty we Peay Fa say, What oa the eer Pave Cinorge 3. Polar ie ata Met Sarmy uous 4 ae ay ‘hae N. Cou/ 66. Cortland | bene theres mune have been wo hi J A. Dy RE Poche ire Calvin va fi thes & Oa alt, « Cnt, ‘ork, [ub 4-Srnw-] figiut in effet anthe Vavadatte, md becus] By wd. rh al iain and rhe Ros me P ngeye ssf at Bowen Vou pivey OF Pa “. Witeama, cary lee £6 es cont bons ig wate: i ry be non ta. a he on Capeeheerree dade Sam [Serene = et gies te ic Saito et idaiea fo te L OAROLINA. x. Wai eens | Woe Cra ll ard pres tras Moinlay We May met, Had then ol Uber to | z ANDHOLDERS-~ho wi Mt. Price. ni uflor m Weerbarongly te = of wal Court win jripentiett ood petition, other- : x the who wish to Sell theoet ortily tha: I Was tated of « * January, A. 0., Ses. the second Monday mj them, aud the tuhou pre Confesses us to DAVIDSON CO! < ted seri a ort ce atest seca So atr tee nto, 8. ee ae Gene tinge Oda Woaemiet a peel Pt ed tre cra wil fied it to ther advan ore advige vilters sufleneg with Mage lll af UKs te of North 1868 first Mooday ta ruary Term, 1868. pace ther proper mi 1 te tar edsantage to| Dorase,” te try the Eeneg wih the ~Ksdery Por Life Insurance Only. YADKIN rom, fearatinn, Joc todgentont nye Joh H. Welburn, Adm’. of EK. for all euch mong producing par-| Wise, Angus 6, t0r?. =e PIE. t of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, Ai WOUDBON, Clore. | > ve O, 1. Persyem, xd oct -e ’ DMONI ecdekanin ace A. D. 1868 pr ode £8 CO—~Sovil. Perryman and 5 i. 1 JNO. B GRETTER, ; ee OT Sate man aud Hobert - sx, ROSADAT Wika WouIswtsce (oT eee | elas - Dee. 0, 100t. Greeusbure’, xs 1S Uk FIRGINIA. [rey te the sainactivn of the C YADKIN COUNTY. to make Real Kstate Aesetts. djoitted Uuion ———__—_—__—— : — sag bcd rape scbogpe Fon vleledunt in thie, Cort of Pleas and Quarter Sessi T ‘pasidination ; to establish « m" Will Cure the very Worst AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Mhervtete, Ordcred hy oi North Caring; i, Janqacy Tent, 1988. [ire aesoar, D& the Canre ihe ment be thede fur dx weeks wescheen, | 2 C Deter “ ; are non fesidents of this State x : the Reendatte fh bg Ay soppemtt fang prea Cases of Chronic Rheu- ONE MILLION DOLLARS. poses Hert St sane ta el Se 4 Oe eee pe amaste ty wa tory from Witean, N. C., to 29 Hanover OFFICERS. thie Court, to be ya at the next Term at PeTImOom fo xi. Lash dehed in the town of bd @ master y Bemienwee, Be. mati W. 0. CARRINGTON, President April, oext, at > agnaling aaron are ad RIE 3 = jonsneeire Sand TV bereby ceriify what « J. ’ j aud pluad, snswer in Yadkingille, I wg 19 So eaticlagiian of tas Const es ot “ to abdyeetaad , eee cared of J. HOPKINA, Scereta or show cans that Ebenetier Poths awilter ete Tih GREAT SOUTIIERN — RQ» woe am. por ped U. H. PERBOW, M. D. 9. ona hand of Justice thonid not be why the! James Mathis and his — his wife Dolly, 4)6 FH ee wn the follow isalth Restorer _" apne Orne mp si esd ik Gee hens sod: aaa oth co, ar hw rns ot Seale tn pun oR cee ‘ N.C, Moy §, 1267, Ouw Witnens, J. G Grerelore, ordered jon of the : ’ €r The Rox y pays w ite policy holders aawaall pany anira) . Marler, clerk of aid Court, that ; . wise on The best Blond : cea AD ALIN therwoghly eredicales 7 at sien, ts Yalhoviin, the seated | Conrt bo ninco few ‘six the same will z f Rowan. nd os implo : Purifier th the World. | 2" Vind ot hme au aoe rr 814 Ler Cent. of ite Drofite. eerrpoe D. 1908, , the seoond Monday tn ag ont Cid Sets Ste crs ent tearel pie Senta nd a reo emer aie we r RRS Crk. Wao Wann see _':0e$8) 3. O. WARLE sad that tines Prtitiv® 4° Office, om of ‘wid Overt, serlsbiecs r Une. bo i | Ke ’ DR, LAW RENCE = (ar the stighseot Aa Mh rimiees, never prede- a tart on gil te pment tating mn} CUSHINGS t = meee : re arpoyegh rp by ab Anal faeeee. 0 Beam (he second Monsey sd ng many He cotemusree Riera ne 5 ee GS & BAILEY, || Syecew eprmantecce ile wae] ne on ging BAINES 0.0.6 nm De heii teed Ke ond and 64 escort | tomate and patrons to attend its annnal set- B ksell pre confrese ond , the sane will be taken , 88 00—Ge: 19 pale Abeeltledieninperdoigoy raion Aged Mey ove (helt Heft postvcnel 00) ers and w ant @ na Wo them. nae ¥. ROSADAETS ee CROP ee z= ~ | Booksellers and Stationers, au = Famer fe Mag, Btate of North Carolina, oe 1, 29 Meaater #1, Bel imore, in Paley bese ow Pete es & tre BALTIMORE, ’ gi Slo ane O. MARUMR, tac DAVIDSON ON. : we Yes crne oF P si.so Per Bottic. anys te following Curtifieate a+ to its sol- f oe pared ty offer to the Country Trade, De a — bd ond Quaater Seasiana, Heb. : war for! . Lae their hie at priors that will wary ma. SCROFULA, in all ite forms, sits’ te i'miet Si "| te om fan stigs peers jist Son ‘“si/ State of North Carolina,” is. (any, Pocyemn sgt he Seay a v7 oron tae Digby gl yor in Aig He En-|Sthovs, sed State wf vegea whe, retain Ae sCHoot Their Berk of STANLY COUNTY. Pog icates re * 7, oo wen | Coneamplion in é ; : - B. Pouleon, Dreggits ponte Ss find rel : LAW 2 ‘ Perryman sod nm Some or ae | ened coad. beer ay oO mBadarge | Le Tao” el tip tari tnvarance Cm eal MEDICAL,| “wt of Psss end Quertw Senin, onal iat temea Benes, Litw, Kidneys. £0. rarvenhiee to BROOKLYN | er mat und org te Lite o-e| MISCEL.LANEOU nnn ee Fetision fe y Swelling, Mercurial A fections, Sore N ance ore cach & to souunend It L» pablic — Bets KOUsS BOOKS M. whe — for Dower. ane | ioe Wt tee, ame pee © LIFE I The dat holders, Director aad Oe te lange ond worl erivuted : os 5 er escent Gane Pe po of the Shin, General esl N § U R A NC E of high integrity. end procter ig mre fy ie varied asurtment of Furvign & aTTacumerT, ie the defendants, of the Court, pr agre: other Deeenecs caused by = heveorable, eflictent cam rely on OP) thew keiove ee ep a ven always be hae ot It apptarinig ue the eastefeetion of mao are bon residents & Perry- were appoint Bi we pure State of the Blood ' + Toad fas tare tate wernt of iis affair. | 1) en eee el eee of thie Stase : evanty aes ee ee OM pP Fut mary ooh ctw aflngenrorten wy keep constantly on head « ft | yond the limits of this State reaties be | made bby wteany * be Rorh! citineas, entity te im wondertil eficaxy - al “ = iL e | ested ie & frond ier goaptig ihamter | f BLANK BOOKS of difl-tent «yt a Rapthee orp neta nihictshae ne F phe ee ray <3 & . Ie . | teeter mre meaee val Sop Aare ul " agi town our Home Certificates, ( ~~ © el ete) anes wil tecture, tlaving a thedery pdipethyy yy -yres eter bore Sante, matiiying for six cube s cx, [rom Physicians } Geo. & STevers, Clerk O : with thew Store the 4 J BR Mendenhall (¢ be and feadents weeks, on w | —— dens Be beaters roa Overt, | ore pra NE of arr, at ofl oe crear oi trae wel Ast appear stout this oes ES of wy er ERs Be Sree ne ee Menta. macaceeraion Bank B nits ned ey ge — tar | bold for the enuety of 9S eagaceee 1 be San ely bn is Some | : ni . &. A. Le red « e ath a, an méte on cwurt-houre Cvert = ewe Policies of all Kinds,| %.2,2s25 oe eee ans oe Cen ay oe Sf lege leglnd penton ees sound tmiey of Mag nest Soewena Gee Ci easRabe eats | 02, Baws 9 Ne Mid |g ie Pct red scl cei | seek in ered an . Meare, M. D., ‘ . pastes. } , mere Pp , : \ . ¥ > . a A. Stith. M A. & ——o ny 2a nr ILIFE AND ENDOWMENT Traveling agenta wanted. Appir to { ower Poe mar can to call arel examine peter oy how ee es Ge & end pcWowbele wade Ly yy 4 ety sorvahay: 0., & W. King. MOU ee adi ‘ "dou Ree i xsoyx, { wh we Leper vp ree | 1008. oovnd Co bn Sphrwery ayy -__, con fesso aa Wo w: toe nad 4. Weedward. M.D. dan 7. 808. gent, Charlotte, NC | ae _ tes tcpl [ote pw te 6. t ba ap hehe ace 390, Casey Cnet ofaine Guin ee , >". — Sees weew! N td one, TD. io Lexington, ewocnd hae : 806 Connecticut Mutual Life » NBW SPRING | Sento - ©.) Ponmey, A De eae pane NY des ’ SETY BD gry etna = fersonatty arquelutrd | 4 G O O | North Carolina, adv. $7 J50. BAINEA « oo aE | eT SESE ean es g | Stik ate of Nor Oa es | la “ 7 P citeke) ATES * ag of awe Travel or Residence. Ot Ha . \ Nee Ged Onna ee ot as ervar! Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions tate of N © ‘slate. ; —-~— | ‘hunnianar etteed, Cone. | eee February Tm 1868 ROWAN COUNTY. + No. 99 Baoabwar, New Your | ny tote tesenenet C.. May 94. 180t. aan STAteitext, Dec, 81, 1867. | aaa” cawtertl of Dosey end age| "BS Brcbowh A ee . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Fob : Lites’ “* rae t aoe Lotre’ \ ruary Term A. the wh A pay PPE bi ane a bleep tee there meme eter of foun DIVIDENDS PAD \\M \LL} i\ CAM ACCUMUIL “71 1 oes Wat ee ot LOE ag re | . Att ctwkerr 1G Betaherdkt on _ nyt _ y naa pet oaths om ty examined ite Formals, Ged | . L ATED ASSETS | aang Noatied Cameein atten pinch Aly arene tao fe tie ndtinlecti ao Again ) CU ae rere AT ee | | | sce R Rei Ere oa Ca Poe nee oF cca ois Auachmet setaad ware A! Pets Wed Wether Ca"imaaree ever ens: tev sn ie om | ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY $17,670,288,88. — souse-nerpive anrictt (3 tim pata nue evans sm can b eppltiity w'evenniates Carolinian” Fan wih mach sptinfaction tm my~rif a oe) ’ ’ : in the Watchman & Old North st Cort that a leigh. enya, Peta ohn ig rena tom et wscwitice'nvs| «—NON-FORFEITABLE, - WOGSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; Ss FS eee hol oes ins mee qeetet of oom Me shes P ay. P. te ee Ne) Bid tne wow hae. furt Petinble Alters INCOME FOR . ee oe or Otek Bihke reapers hap epelson and Quarter to | Ordered that publication be therefore ~~ Oe 7 nengance Gumpans in} San seca bet i . | ME 1867. Niaany Revoghey ae oes meng ee eects, (ore | house in Albemeart 7, f Stanly, ot the catie weet pean a oul Meda - na nate - po reasor a wee Life frat Q0 me A.B. NOBLES, M.D | art nf the premium lnaned, ond os $7,726,516, 53. SEIT aS Sata STA Sh ai treme bnnd — shew TORS any he wang Hoe naatget we Praly non eppeer of cor . " rae iat : . | to the use of the for the Coan to be had ocr Grae ace! DRM ANS | lan on premio met i 9 tion “ CAeH OR BARTER, [Sica ltin tnt br Coney of Rowe of On Hae Hearing of deaere?, Ko Welipeleyar dai a | FOR PREMIUMS eaen M. W. JARVIS, Ao'r * ann Lette Oran. ek of or utd te thw, ce, # he bo he promptly Wie oss chan 'encik Anecuy, 4 ax | ’) aimon the polecy in caee of death | . MS 9 B.C. are 10, 1-08 ae raary, A. D., 1°64 in Pet why the te etn 8 exp to tno J neurence tr uta fur Oa of the beat Fire . &. Bye METOUMOR, —— a ee L@ damn mee @n sha! wet be con- collected Companies tm the United st | after the d $6,332,804,95. | J. stam Brown. | oo BBES. ¢. © ©. maed to the use of the plaintiff ~q@ SI we (Will Cureth soon yore | , a | €. NYE HUTCHISON —— | There, Cypeens So- wed oa eee | ureihe worst Cases) | . & C0. State of North Carolin more, Cnsenen Socom Suk df pe ais ' the erat a | | —o—— | FOR INTEREST Jusurance Agents and Commi a, ry, AD. 1R68, and rian Hardt sto 3 ” of Scrofula. . tEST, ‘ion M mis MONTGOMBRY COUNTY year of oor independence. menety-cecontd | | [™ Company offers poaliar etree; O1.393,711 38 — erchants, NTY. — junabian WUODSON, Clerk. sa H. € Pail-Roat, =a the statement below, and desparr ' ges to the Souther pample. It ia the minet | ’ ‘ ALL KINDS oF pEaTRIzENe lewt f Puss cmt State f _ spond % ye ; : ; \ oe x , p sabes ’ Quarter Seserom . LL. STATESVILIA. March 1”, toma bie. J.J. Arheaeaa ee uTe, Meptomber 10, A? | Literal Com pany tn the United | LOSSES PAID IN 184? El allad cael x Kow, | Jaawary Term, 1868. . a North Carolina, " wear Sir | er z \ SALISZUR i . 5, A Mertian of the Beemtehathters of ture © | hae “acadetay hv . sees tee eee | { $1,268,75 Ot =e. Court acylase Pepadedaghd pe copy. tee then i called of Newton, on Mantel olf proper py coe pedi, Te-mrong perpen tates 268, 65818, ace eto Yok teats — of Pleas and Quartet Sessions Feb ————— = (1 Veh dey of April nett, to acct or ae Prcgeetty. | dg plileg lire, saoen. of ier | DIVIDEND® PAID IN 1867 Or or: Cia 8 On Rertevren, AC. J.C. Beh, ade. of Retey Farhi va Th reary Term, A. D. 1888. , peti B lowrein ne nos oe aac SS enc | mi nc te torte apis. | FREER So 1 hated eR ~ N “. ail lense sg tes ee Chews aren and Uietehe Aat wine | ies | NO ek 7 008,00 { C4 we a Seyi PeTiTioy To A880 RBal BeTATS Asners Orig aad Kuecaouent onher Of the, Bese of Bir Se ear. 4 em eF Pom rare | Bee cee aa meme ps Core 8S ee oweee ae to the euttheetten . mplete asso: gr Lear Rwatalie. ay Shaye Ww try For OFFICE, NO. 14 Pore “ts Tr over 54) per cent. J. a@.VEA . ——— | the defend of the Court that _ wokeraptey, and Treins will sale M4 nnevtegehl Mewy —— > i re a scopy Ror Dpto tory 1 BROADWAY 4) Ai pris nom ia atte amownt MAIL ) D X . Ori'S Renjamia SS ea ae oor aes Baicom M2 the rebate ae of the Geart ip 4 and Halistury, wt ay 3 ou, VINA. MEO hat a month tomy grat astonish ment | NEW Y a pees | saMt ed im all form devired. |" AnD EXPRENS LINE--3all! Bell. Wm. Lande sod eite Mary ana. ena tie . @. Yunng, ie ® neo dy aor snd the olsperanett 20 A. M, ret ate | concent oot poof ag vB YORK CITY. | o cle melee pol _ )- ee Recetas Te Jobe Belt = BF on oan! by ge oem endeared ae rer ae wm. ee ek Schedule ‘ . Sa etl od tenia roll, Repaeit, sw | Watchin mate Ge ay Ca a .W. BURN . \ igh. N.C! om If " pon ynman nell n & Old North - LAILBY, BDOnE HOUSE For Kent! FEF “uo ante adesmndunratiicil ier ter oo! pasa ety Nee nave men Ldap peeling ee ee es nebetee eet seered Wy an es mies pony me f) rAd to dahl Mace AL | | ROSADALIS \S TIAN W. BOUCE, sree, ees Ee gta npee a hg pe or Naltbery, Nec. bor rare id nes do Onewty owen, or Cath Sao fo | Creek? ar hs igh it, With cel ot es 1 Paaeral Ga ; +-—— | y econ’ ’ v'elook, P.M. % Pees an cuccemive week ; ING al neti ace RA Hepat Jeunes ard Skin st.en ee ee ene en SEWING WANTED, |. )o-f7t wel cg, Sot pe opt oe FAcyatp et ple ceeflent air ole thiter, anchu . : ees eas j ee wit ee a, One a well stocke E of . i . cellent abe ral for P-Ines . Jim tas sli N.C, September 15) 1867, oat Ms, Fabled ad E, of Raleigh, = 189 MARY MOWARKD, Corner of Main lea asa engy resi a = - Spe sererartce S why — fewed on shall fi gba , AnEK Die omen etre nly Att. be ¢ State ot N. Caroltna. pukeaneet se streets, will nalts shirts fot gen- — make all who travel ua this line com- ofa ener prio es or the same | Witness Obadiah Weel . Iiy | was ver ernet ’ ‘ovonkvour, Agent wen fronts, for Seventy fie oneban parte, aud judgment rendered maison, Clerk, of ned uth whet proved ty be inpare!mar 3—wiktw! Hy doe ch ’ yr fier venl®f Special attention will | : concen 00 to them pro] Court at Olffice, the fint Manda our said Y Baliebury, NC, | Feh 20rh 180" | matter sant to my care pe geven. wall Bxprese | aire, ia tit ‘a — clerk of ear enld gout} °%! A D. 1868, and ia ha y a Pare twif | jan'y RotwOm ya Veice. | imps - rst Monday in Janvary, av.) 7° of cor tne soa nety-second , CoM Ae COR; pe adv $3 00. en —— iby lot into two years, the other for eight ‘cars. : Bee'a? The General Avselitly inay provide by la that the judges of the su- urts, inetead of ac eleeted by whole state, as is herein- for, shall be elected by the respective districts. 28. The Superior Courts shall be, Lo the transaction of their jurisdiction, ex- utes Of fact requiring a shal! be elected for See. 30. In each county a Sheriff and Coroner, shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof us is preserib ed for members of the General As- sembly, atid shall hold their oftices for years. In each be tere there be « Constable, in like by the thereof, who ge were for two hold their offices for the terme pteseribed for them ‘reepeci ve- ly, mext ensuing after the next rege lar @lection for niedibers of the Gen. Amembly. Batiheir terms shall x ? i ; > EF ip he t f i t r i ik i f F t shall exceed I wentrstive there may be a new trial of matter in the appellate comrt; bet if the judgment shall be ve cue celaae es me or lees, then be heard in the apellate coart, matters of law. In al eae Serimifa!l natare the par t ie given same with the superior court of his Sec. 34. When the office of Justice of the Peace shal! become vacant, oth erwise than by the of the team, Sock in of a failure by the voters of any district, to elect, the clerk of fe enperior court for the ceahty,chall appoiat t fill the va Sec. 85. In case the office of clerk of & saperior court for s county shal! Lecome vacant, otherwise than by the ee ee oe ® tas by the people te elect. the court for the ARTICLE V. RP) ENUF AND TAX ATOR. ; {eral Assembly _| to. give or lend the credit of the state , |seientific instruments, to valne of nor .| Assembly, levying @ fax, shal! state } applied, and u shall be applied to ne 5 ‘ i : pan plan preceding the election. . | to office, bat before entering apon the - | dine’ see.'#. ‘The Genetal Aasensbly shall by ried aie é 8 and if ad, nate taxation, provide for, the prompt and regulat paymeut of the interest ou the public debt ; after the year 1880, itelall ny a bare n- ial tax upon the mi anc ate | property of the state, and “the gum thoe realised shall be set ‘dpart as a sipking fund to be devoted to the pays ment of the pnblic debs. sec. 5. Until the bonds of the state shalt be at par: the Gericral Assetrbly shall have uo p6Wer fo’ contract any new debt or pecuniary obligation in behalf of the state, except to supply a casnal defie:t; or for suppressing inva sion or ingurrection, unless it shall, iv the sanie bill levy a tax to pa the intercst-annually. Aud the Geo- have nov power in aid of any person, association or corporation, except to aid in the com pletion of such) railroads) as imay~ be unfinished at the time of the adoption of thie Constitution, or in which the state has a direct niary interest, unless the subject ha eabitiyed toa oe of the people of the state, and belonging to the kitchen farnitare, the mechanieal, and agricultwral imp'ements of me- chamics and farmers, libraries, and exceeding three hand red dollars. sec. 7.. The taxes leaied by the commissioners of -the geun ties, for cotinty"parpuses, shal! be lev- ied in like mao ner With’ The'sefare tax es and shall never excved the double ak, Stora rect al jer. poses, aud with the apes approval of the General Assembly. “eee. 8. Every act of the General ( t the special object to whith if s to he oiber purp we. ARTICLE VL SUFFRAGE AND MLIOCTBILITY TO OF Fick. Section 1. Every male yerem born im the United States and every wale perean whe has heen waturalized, twenty ong years old or upward, who ve resided in this State twelve 4 and thirty duys in the coamty in which he offers to vote, shall be deemed an lector. See. Z lt shall be the duty of the General Assembly to prov from time to time for the regi-tration of all electors, atel wer person shall be al HET GC He STMHout teyvistr tion, o¢ lo register, withoat Grgt tekiny an wath oc affirmation to sapport and matutain the constitethen aul laws of the Un ted States, and ~ the Constitn fi n fi a a inconsistent theres? '. Sec 3 All elections by the people shall be by builotand all elections by the Geveral Assembly shall Le vira Oocr. See. 4. Every voter, except a hereinafter provided shall be cligible ) 0 of the duties of his office, he shall take and sabecribe the ful lowing oath : “I , do solemnly ewear (or rot tag f will sapport and maintaiy Cucstitw@tien and lawsof the United Stares and the Con- stitution and laws of North—-Carclina net i t therewith, and thu I will faithfally discharge the dates of my office. So help me Gud. Sec. 6 The following classes of persons shall be di walified for ufice:| First, all persons whe sha ny the being of A ted. Sound. — All persons who sball have been con vieted of treason, perjary, or of any other infamous crime, sinte becow- ing citizens of the United Sta es, or of corruption or inal-practice tn «fice, unless sach persons shall have been legally restored to the rights uf eiti- zenship. he hi ke \ d k ARTICLE Vii MUAPUTAL CORTURATH #4. Bection 1. The General Ageembly | shat) male ages witich shall be equal om each to the taken property Catued at three handred dutlacs in cap ~The ens) tndestoriers “ef the seteral conmtres! may exempt from capitation tax iv *peem] cases, On Acouut of property and infirmity, and thedtare and coun ty captiation taxa gow) med shall nev er exceed two dollars on the head Rec. 2. The prececds of the state and county capitation tax «hall be ap- plied to the parpores of edatation and] the support of the poor, bat mw ne one be elected, bennially, B) towel hs etl q cuters* thereof, kan i) twe justices of the’Peace, whio constitute a board of trustees, abd thia § shall, under thé enpervisiod vot the! pria county Ouinmissioxerey lave control shall of the taxes and finances, roads and'ly pres Dridges of the Township as may be prescribed Ly law. semblf niay provide for the election | of a larger wansber of Justices Of the | Peace in cities aud towus. and in these Townships in which ¢ities and foTNS Gre situated. In every Town- re a Beboy! Commitico congiati three persons whose duties’ shill be a vad by law. y | Trustees, shall property for their towuships and make return to the Coumy Commissioners. for nev isi law. fcio Treasarer of the townships. other manicipal ex tien shall contract any debt, wid ite faith, or loan its credit, nor levied, or collected by any office. of : ro) the samme, exeapt ar the mesassery ox: y & majority of} penses vate thereon majority of the quali in. from any county or Township Trens- a hey: by authority of La county, city, town aniform, and exempted Bee. eleeted under the provisions of ‘this articlé shalt enter upow thelr duties ten days after the approval of this Jonstitat point a saffiefent pamber of Justices shall hold their places until -sections fonr, fire abd six of this Artiely ehall have been carried intu effect. corporations shall remain in force wm til legally charged, unk es ineonsistent with tle provisiuns of thts Congtirns ti ather municipal corporation, shullass sume of pay, or similany tax be lev- ied, or collected for the paymnet of any d@lyt, or the iofereet upon - anv suppert of the rebellion. CORPORATIONS GTHEM THAN MUNICIPAL wherein the judgment of the Leg's tuiure, the objects of the corpora- thows cannot be attained ander gemer- tr non and awe ef North Cagplipa, noi" shall be seewred by seach imdivichual juther means, as may be prescribed by law. used in thie Ariicte shall be eensrru~ | ed tr include al! asqnciat ions and joint | stuck companies, having any vf the powers and privileges of corpurations, uot posscased by inmtividaals or part nershtiy». trac’ ing poration government and happiness of mau kind, schools and the means ol edu- jeation, shall forever be eneourged Bee 2. Tf cach Connty, there shal | its first seaston ander thie Constitution, by the qnali~| shall provide by taxation and other lev & Capitation faX ch cver) fied vuters thereof, ag provided for| wise ter general and uniform system! jriard lebehliont od the Brate over the Geen of miepthet @ sleeliep} of |’ blic acheolay wherein Mifben Con); twenty-one and auder fifty years of « ral Aseemb!>, the following officers.) «hal! Wie Tree of charge to alf the chil vere money ¢ shall visé thag the aunnal income of which together The General As. ‘ of the State as may be necessary,shall ane ted aspeiprtbeed TOF abtab- ling aud. perfecting education in this whats! a Ame A} Free GiMie Sebools and for pe ojher purposes or uses whatsoever, ; See. 5... The) University of, North, Carolina, with itstands, ‘emoltnients and franchises, ie under the scoutrol ot the State, and shall be held to an inse! connection. with the Free Public School system of the State. Sec. 6. The Generab Assembly shall provide that the benefits of the Uni- versity, as fur as | shear be ex- tended to the youth of the State free of expense for tuition; also, that all the” property, which , acerned to ths State, or | hereaf- ‘er accrue from eschkeatsy: unclaimed dividends \oridistributive shares of the estates of deceased px: seetendad tothe ee. 7. The Governor there shal! also be-bisniatly elec- of Board of 6. The township assess the. taxable preveribed by Rirgy kit (emg cigared See. 7. No county, city, town, or any tax be thereof, unless by a rote of a voters there- Sec, 8. No money shall be drawn dent of Public Instruction, and At terney General, shall constitute a State Board of Education. See. 8. The Governof shall | be President, aud the superintendent of Pablie Instraction shall be seeretary of the Board of Edacation; . See. * Board of Education shall en to all the»powers and trusts of the President Directon of the Literary Fuud of NosthCaro- lina, and shall have fall power to leg: iglate anthic wnake! Sn weedsul ruics and regulations in relations to free public ‘sebriok and the edaca- tonal fund of the State, ta tuiles: ahd dacblodbed’ bd dual dhe Board, may be altered, amended or | repealed Ly the General Assembly, jand when sp alreréd, aiuendes! or res pealéd, they shall fdr be re‘euacied All taxes levied by ap or rn i ad valorem, upon all it the same, €xcept property this Constitation. 10. The county officers first jon by the Copgress, of the Tnted States i“ wid See. 11.°The Governor shall ap f the Peace in each county who Bec. 12. All Charters, ordinanées nd provisions relating to municipal bythe Dosrd; , mM yy t Ree eo Rhe first Wea tin SF ite Board of Education @hall be held at the Capitl of the State, within fittewa days sller-the organimtion: of the Siatw government: pmdert titid Qursti- tution, the time of farure meeting may be deterinined by thy’ Beant See. 11. A majonty of the Board shall petmiitaté a quoren fof the transaction of bus ness, See. 12. The eomtingen! expenses om. Sec. 13, No Connty, Ciry, Town or t contracted, direetly im aid wr ARTICLE VIIL Section ‘lL. Gerporatims may be med under general laws, bat shall ot be created by especial act, except a municipal Porposes, andl in cases the General Assembly. Sec. 13. The Board of Education shall eleet Tr stees for the University as follows: One Trosteo (ur éach county in the State whose (erm of vitice sh.ll be eight years. The tire meeting of the Board shall be held within (10) dareatter their election, and at this and ev subscynent meeting teo Trustees coustitute « qnorau. Lhe Trustees, at their first meeting, shall he divicted, a equally a« way be tnd far classes. Jlaws AH gemeral laws andl speci acts paused, perriant be thin eee ih, nny be altered, from sor repealed. Bee. 2 Dues from orporativats time te abilities «f the corporations and years; of the second class, at the ex piration of fuer years; of the third class, at the ex, i ation of six years; of the fourth class, at the expiration of eight years; eo that eue fourth may be chusen every sceond ) car. 14. Ihe Board of tdacation And all corporations shall! aud the Prusident of the University, ave the right to use, and shall be | siail be a office members of the Sec. 3. The tenn corporation, seal satjeet to be used, in all Courts, in} earl of Trustees of the University; ke Cases a6 natural persons. and shall, with theee other Trustees See. 4 ft dette she duty of the! ty be appointed by the Board uf Tras are to provide for the organi | tees cunctitute the Excoutive Com: perl Gis, oendan bing: 4) mje of the Trustees uf the Uuviver- er ing money, contracting debts, and villages. and ts restichtheir pow | sity of Nath Carclina, and shall be f taxation, aceesDents, burrow | ciothed with the powem delegaied to |the Exeentive Committee wrger the existing organization of the Instita- tien. Gueernor shall be a of. \Acio Presiaent of the Board of Tras tees and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the University. The Board of Kalneation shall preside for ithe ene, VR BB iw OLthe Hoard of Sec. 15. All the privileges, righta, franch see aml ewdewments bereto fore granted jto, or conferred upon, the Bart uf Trasteeaof (eT uiver. sity of North Carolina by the Char jter of 1739, or by any eubseqnent llegislations, are hereby wested in the aning their . # as tf) pre ent aluses in ascessements and con debts by each municipal ovr ARTICLE IX. ECC ATH M, Seetion 1, Religine, morality, and nowledge being necessary fo good Sec. & The Usneral Aweratly at tien, for the perpetad? Lene ti the [ lof hiversity A Treasnrer, Lezister of Deeds, Sar dren of the Bate berween the ayes of! 5 As mr as plac icable at vevor and Five Coniunissioners +x and twenty ume yenra, rthea tion of this Cometit 2 It shall be the duty of the s Each comaty of the State © Gene | Agemily sball est ali! Commissioners to exercise a general js! (| be divded ime @ eomvemen! aio) iiaitain in connection with the sapervision aud coutrol of the penal numberof Dienete, in which one er [',,.,, vor Department of Ayr and charitable fneritutions, Seliools, more Pablic schools ehall ba main | oytenre. of Mechanies of Minin ard Roals, Bridges, levving of taxes and taiued, at least fou monthé Tn every |, Normal Inetructior ° finances of the County, ws inay be; rear, and if the Commissioners of Sec 17. The General Arse: rescriled by law. The Register ot any county elaall fail to comply with | hereby empowered to enact that every reode shall be Lc yfic.o, Clerk of the the afuresald requirewente of thie oj,,14 of eufficient mental and plat board of Commissioners. See. 2. shall De die duty ol, the UOowntiasioners, firet elected in wectiog, they shall be Hable to indict- oa) abiluy shall attend ment j the Publie Schoole during the period between dee. 4. The proceeda of all lands the ages of sixteen and eighteen year year shall wore than twenty-five per each county, to divide the same inty) that may hmv bweny mt hereafter may foe @ term of not less than 16 monthe cent, thereof be appropriated to th latter on See! 8. Lawes shal! Le paseed, taxing by a nalform sale, all monies, credits , investments im beads, stocks, joint stoek companies of otherwise ; aid, | ales, all real and personal property, according to its trae valne in money Tue General Assembly may aleo tax trades, professions, franchises, and in comes, Provided, That ne incoine e\iall be taxed wlen the property from , the first day of Junuary, 1869. Kec. 4. Upon the approval of thejerty new belonging to any fun | convenient district, to determine the! be granted Ly the 'boondaries and prescribe the mamies of the said districts, and to report the same to the Genera! Assembly before ‘heretufure by this State, ales, all i monies, stocks, bonds, and ed gd apprepriated by the Uuited States or Cited States to unless edueated by other meune. tis State aud net otherwise specia! ly | ARTICLE X. HOMERTEADS AND KXEMPTIONS. See. 1 The personal property of fur any residevtof this State tv the vaine reports provided for in the foregoing | purposes of education. Also, the pet of fire handred dollard, to Be selected kuown as townships section, by the General Assembly,’ proceeds that may acerne to the State! by such residents, shalt be and is here- the said districts shall bave corpors,from sales ‘of estraye or from tines,| by exempted from sale under execn- ate powers for the necessary purposes, penalties and forfeitures. Also, the tion, or other final process of any of local government and sliail be} proceeds of all salesof swam jands | court, iseucd for the collection of any unging tu the State. Also, all debt. eviae, rh With so much OF thé ordiiiary revenue? and “wot ¢: litig the. value of one be we ohio Daiver of of the beard ahall be provided for by \ ‘ oceupied by any resident of this State, » Shall be exempted " thousand. troav sale’ geder ‘execution or other final process obtained on ay debt.— But no property shall be exempt from Bris eee See. 3. The Ilomestead, after the tea of the owner thereof; shall be pt trom the payment of any debt duting the minority of his children or any one of oleytii) 4 Se Tc Ulalone of sections ong and two of this. article shall not be 86 constraed. as) to. prevent a la« borer’s lign for work done and per- forined for the person slesiag sesh exemption, or a: mechanic's for Wotk dene ot the p-emises. Sec..5, Ifthe ownér of a Homestead but uo children, from the le to any debts, '’ hedw Od | aint buildings 'nsed therénn,” 6 nd iy the re | T herd nt of | %4 ppl “ — . ad -*otanihed 4 a. ‘ 6 tA sone Whe.ap artns, n manderin a or, call ont the ‘Mit aed on ny: law, suppress. riots or ineurreetion, and to repel invasion, Bee,-4. The General Assembly emptions 4s may be vecessa ry. and to enact laws that way be.ex- — for the government of the aniltt shall have power to. make sel ex~|. deemed Sarena es aa 367 Ho! far “Ee ? GOs i « % to by General Assembly and ~ thtee fifths of the | members of : ib rehall ae ‘ til the bill, go agreed jf, jshell have been pnblished six months previ to a new election of members. to fit of his wife and ghildrey, and in GeFor the Aenth of Ahe Ipebland the Qsedver ids. lnsuetll dial be paid over to the wife and children, or the dian, if, ender nyey foe lier or of Ute oor Mery ‘AF Hd eredituts. foreguing seeting a rale tw otuesteah amenmt of his wife, signified on ber pri- vate cxathi dation according to law. oe | ARTICLE XL. PU MAM MEN Tt, PENAL iNGCTTUTIONS AND PUBLIC CUARITIVS. Seetion 1. The following inents only shallibe known to of this state, via: Death, imprison ent with Gr withodt hard labor, fines | removal from Offices and disqualitica | tien (3 hold ded enjoy any office of | honor, trust or pre | See. 2 The | being pet ouly wo metialy jnative | glary and rape.and those be eral A«embly a onset, prison OF penitentiary af» ime central and acécesible point withie the Gtate. Correertton where vagrants and restrained and asefull Sec. 5. A hotse or employed. | ses of offenders. See. 6. It shall be required by eom- petent islation that the structure aad mayerntnden! of penal ipatite. tiene uf the Brate, the county jails, and city police prisuna, seeure the health aad and that sale and prisoners be never confined in the same room or cell, Sec. 7 Beneficent provisions for | limed and a christian State, the Gen | idion and inebrinres. Bec. 10. The General Aseembly shall eed that all the deaf mutes, the blind, and the ingune of the State shall be eared forint the charge of the State. | Sec. 11. It shall be steadily kept in view by the Legislature, and the Board of Publie Charities that all penal and charitable institutions should be nade as nearly self suppor ting as is consisient with the purposes eet of the prigonere, | female Heir ower tie, free from all the claims, 4 Mivde by which the ame rprenyiasivey of the baaband, | amendments may be sabmitived to the a Wy ded, bar'ro deed wade by the thereon, have approv owver of a [lomestead shall be valid 204 hot other, ~ehervaad without the voluntary signature and come # part of the Constitution, The Seast of the first class shall be | a+) to revo-m the offenders, and thus eal huld any allies in t vacated at the expiration of twr| pretest Grime, murder, arson, bur-| only may | fromm the Treasury, bat in conseq, pichable with death, ifthe Gen | of appropriations made by law, and an See. 3. The General Asseinbly shall! and ex | at ite first meeting make provision for! shall be anneasll the erection and emduct of a State! } | See. 4. The (seneral Assembly may | eqeate lien on the provide for the erection of Louses of | their labor, sone guilty of misdemeanors hall be jt ' of Trustees aaiborited by thi«| appotat and detine the daties of a} tir | eard of Pable Charities, to whom | gi of their creation. 1,;4 al A bly. i after such pab resentation in each Lieuse of the Gen eral Assembly, after the same. shall hace becb read three times on three} several days in each Tlomee then the sald Geveral Assembly shall be ment or qualified voters uf the Lluuse @- Rep- Sec. 3. Nothing gcyutained in the | Feeeutati ves throughout the State ; wt this article shall and if upon sent the owner of a ©" in the whole State, it shall appear Rica dicsciig at comme that a majority of the votwrs \yating the. votes giv- t of, hen, thee we be» ARTICLE XIV. before thie Conatiin- proceeded nih | \iottakes effect, undy~ be Taws | open in the proper Cones, bat nea punishment shall be inflicted which we fortiiddea by thin Constitution, Sec. 2. No person who shall here after fight a duel, or assist in the same t, under this State. as a secon, of aceept, or knowi vlject of punishments, carry a challenge t 4 oi. & agree to . bat) go vat of this Sate to a duel, Bate. See. 3. No money shall be drawn sccurate account of the receipts of the ie money = The General Assembly shall provide by h ¥ Eg ws seociienies anf ehcronen ek subject matter of See. 5. In the absence of any enn- rary provision, all officers in this State, whether heretofure elected. or suses of refage | appointed by the Governor shall hold may be established whenever the pub | their positions only, until other Ne interest may require it, for the cor- | pointnents are rection and instrugtion of other clae- | or, wade by the Govern- ot, if the officers are elective, an- til thee sucressors shall have been ehesen and daly qualified, according to the provisions uf thie Constita: un. Bee. 6. The seat of Government in this State shall remain at the city of Rale'gh. See. 9. No person shall hold more} than one lucrative office, ander the State, at the same time: l’rovided, That officers in the Militia, Jastioers of | — | the Peace, Coumtissioners of Public the pour, the unfortanate and orphane | Charities and Commissioners appoint being owe of the first dubes of a e:vi-|ed tor special POrpeses, shall net be considered officers within the mean | eral Assembly shall at ite first oe Of thie se@tian, Jouw ut Chuventionat Raleighi, the xteenvinday of Mareti ff tle 5 Gir of a And Charges Reduced. W. F. BASON, Dentist, \\ OULD repeotfelly make knvwo that be bas returned to Salisbury with sbendant sp- plies of everything new in bis P: and after 20 odd years active practice, hopes to wr No one need be detered (rom fear of pain |! (47 Office corner of Iuniss & Chrch Btpsets. ‘ we Selsbury, March 13, (8 . Ts “ae Py vbw + ee em a |parecy Wee, if i F i Ht . i January Teri, 1968. Vincest 8 Gaerredt . | shall be cnirasted the supervision of | war Lord, one thousand eight buns Chetatepher C. Kinty. | penal ar state i . | on ; ae ! ; ec ineritut eae and | dred aut sixty-eight, and ot the Inne | 14 appearing to the satictaction of the Senet tes! whe shall aunaatty report tothe Gove! pendence of the United States, the! the deteodent Chemtepher (. Kirby, beyond ernor upon their conditions with 6Ug [ninety eecond, i oder meee thet gestiote for their fh) Powenmtenr | (Sigerve 1) CALVIN J. COWLES, it Ceretne ad Sec 8. J ala shall also as soou as Venrdent vf the Condtet ational Corrpentoon Ta practicable, be measnres devised by T. A. Brunia, Ser’y | liebed im the tow the state for the establishinent of one aa als = <% ter Kio ix | Of nore orphan houses, where desti ~ ‘eam. at the courthonee in W. on the *e | tute orphans may be eared tor, educa » NEW ERA end Monday tw Apyil nent, then ted there to ted and tauglit some busine auowes ec Gomer. oF Ona will be uglit some business or trade ageinet him. ond lands bad I” \ age fe on condrmard , ec. &@. itsball be the daty of the ty the plaintitie debt. In costs Legislatare, as son as practical, to DENTAL science | oats A oetctrlead ep onl devise neans tor the education of AxD A. D.. VARA. T6~ pe f OH. i( X the goth , on Comneil ' Street in the Tuwn of Salisbury, there wae: found ote BARREL OF BRANDY, Yithout In=pection Breeds ot any other matt ghereon, Thich was seised py me as being -utr Ject to forfeiture ander the Internal Reven® Laws of the United States, section 46, of the act @ i tth July Iso Ally petson or persons claiming said Braody are hereby reqinred to appear and make sm sithin thirty days from the date of sbis Jw. HORAN Imei Deputy Collect wh ae a2 : cp t g r i e s z * oh bi t ef ]