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Carolina Watchman, 1868, April-June
VITAYRESLON — boob dy FON Hs Lown on: premtumn. niet a lien. on elaienran.dle policy in caserof death . ry cae ey Qa i waarse Mile Its rates being lower than thesewt hiea, . oF Bick), Orie. ‘BROAD Laforjation ‘ . cw, renin? Gen'lnyAdgte: for the State ot Ne tC « W.eeWov Agent, mat a van Bowl t fi dh LI fay ones spc “The or) orth State Forever.” —Gaston. Le viva sagan) te sadtapaienont: ob | > prriaraas ja >| om aoftassReon st aotiexe! dope sence 10 od blzow ota: od) ni has! odd Te yeast vd te of2)7 yd af CAS be Glas ot Ege ,Yotoat ond ot dyvous os e.aertent onody ; bak waloogs modnok amen ewebact w0 te solfaeita ods Iles ow eros “i le sesig Inamogs ai ua of thalesin vd brataurry bs oteemell wT a ; ep 6) HED , aes Se b wi wued!? sicarie enw odw jogtoYo hag ads Be waegibba elds yrow # ut tbod dw, doves : eis FI EY NS! salt KX '* Ass% xo ban w rete © : A : nt ones sant cadw .beatsogsil ps a ; ‘ CAG mao 7 “rws lo evviinv irae) . : lodw odT , ) -yiigaw? 6 od of ani98 astq HOUW D ; ; sO & 4 oe i ait Ties a ed e : ae Cents a ae: sii 788 88." INCOME F FOR. 1867. 8 7,726,516,53. FOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, +) WOR INTEREST, @12.393,711,58 a ¥ LOSSES PAID IN 1867, $1,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. $643,005,00 Tnterest receaved aire than pays losses Dividends average over 50 per cent. ATI policies non-forfeitable for astated amount SOrTRR: can be effected in all forms desired. vit = *BAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, General Agent, Rakion 2 N.C. A. Philips, Agent, Charlotte, N. C mar ahaa i premium 2 loaned, and no} —0o0—-—- — 5 \ qdvanta. | J ta pote Cs ‘pes | Insurance Only. | | rete af PIED MONT | “States ‘ eer Ay, * mith eo em di “1 het ie picieiondcall 4 ebhnn sorgeiedi WD mot ban : é 2 eae a | FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, EDWARD PB. BALL, OF NEW HANOVER. Secon ie a, OF GREENE. For Treasurer, KEMP P. BATTLE, OF WAK For rw 8. W. BURGIN, OF BUNCOMBE. For Supt. of Public Instruction, REV. BRAXTON ORAVEN, OF RANDOLPS” For Attorney General, SION HH, ROGERS, OF WAKE. Conservati ire State Judicial Ticket. Supreme Court Judges, | RICHMOND M. PEARSON, of Yadkin, MATHIAS E. OE COMPANY WILLIAM 1. BATTLE, of Orange, EDWIN G. READE, of Person, MANLY, of Garces | A. 8. MERRIMON, of Buncombe. Superior, Court. First District, DAVID A BARNES, or HEBTFORD. Second Di District, EDWAR & OF D J. WARRE N; BRAU FORT. Third ” District, GEORGE V. STRONG, OF WAYNE. Disthict WILLIAM 8. DEVANE, OF NEV HANOVER, aE. oF pierre Seventh District THOMAS RUFFIN, Jar. ago A ea ee pn A ee © Fance are to public pat i WHRGRA PIMLY } » FRA . s EROS. ihe visa rit ¥ aad patrose dat ely on a a ie Ta = manage so eeere ace summpaea a sa go of # geod instita- WILLIAM sa § IPP, pets lity that pmeron which te ' ‘Gt. 5 Steyets 2 | rk Cirenit Court, OF LINCOLN. - Me ofteineame ks an AEMLE, Surveyor. Tenth District, om ANDERSON MITCULELL, RN OF IREDELL. 1 Eleventh Di ict, ‘JON TL. BAIEEY, Gea ko Yd Aesorg, age O& BUNCOMBE. dp alinaighat = moo Tas a | Teale District si POS <9 LST Pataook, +-% SaneOT, _. For Rent. THE HOUSE AND LOT formerly owy- ed by Thomas Johnson, within one os eB. Pag he Sie i me Peg Bingle, Tal oven) $50 to Ae'rs. ou hoe | callemt weil ares of well eb. 18, 1868. aet in Cle- f edarol Wi PS a a Pats Baskrepicy. Ws have just ment of approved bianksia Ban to attend to cases in bank bers Une Ragitory aioe assort- y, and Registers, and the Distzict Guurt a BOYDEN & BAILEY, March 3, 1868. Solicitors in Bankroptoy. — ——___— ‘THURS RED AY. APRIL. 2, 1868. oe = 24 pin teednaat Ft eee Pee Coen bd 9 A cross ¥ cate peer (From the Raleigh Sentinel.) THOUGHTS FOR THE PEOPLE (xo. 2.) TAXATION! TaxaTion!! UNDER THE NEW ConsTIUTION | !! To the People of North Carolina : The poverty of oar people is in every one’s mouth. The statements of our poverty hare not been exag: | gerated. No question, theretofore, is more rtant -to'ug than that of tazation, In our’ cotidition ft is one of the highest interesr. | ow e therefore desire that when the |i | people vote en-the new Constitutive) | pes may understand what bardene they are assuming. We have, there: fore, made a carefal estimate ef the ‘utoney necessary to be raised within the next twelve months, if the Con- stitation goes into ration. The/|¢ estimate cannot be _— being calculated from official ‘1. /nterest on the public debt : The new Declaration of Rights de- clares “that the public debt \ ular, ly contracted before and since the re- bellion shall be inviolate.” In article V,sec. 4, it is prowided that ‘the General Assembly shall by approprt pi a by adequate tava provice for the prompt and ree reg are ment of the interest on t pabte ebt, and after 1880 ,it shal] ev ific sono! tax apr, ine real and peréona t e@ State, and thé sum itite denltend shall |S" be set apart as a sinking. fund to be|- devoted to the payment of the publie’ #4 debt.” it thas appears that if the Pi le |e ratify the Cotiefitation, th AY A cos ly command the Genera f banat 1 y to commence promptly the parent of the intra on the public | BY TAXATION. The Convention was not suger ae with thie Coystitutional provision,— | with They fratned an otdinance direetin how the interest shall be paid, It is into new bon « ‘he fet of July, 1869, must be Leash. It must be notiesd Jiere ‘that i tye of a mile of Towa. Thébe are four aves Ul’ tal improvement bonds issued ver,) ayes ety ah eo ‘ good roomsx: Also, all ing the war, we wer ‘under sea war, and. feet for ras gree the ordi nance will go out ofthe State. Many other bonds and notes issued during gnt of every ny ignored, the ordinance only provid- for bonds dated before the war. ol he have carefally calculated the ip 1861, is $8,906,500. On this there tone Seer 1) - 150 | be * 8d Tlie fnterest on + hate in|, the war, not for war purposes, are | = =o apap $270, 009, terest on] year, he a sae Lath ever fies addition to the $267,000 payable Ast Jan- next, n other Words, the .people m to pay the interest on ite debt. 1 wl he tax Jevied: under’ the Mevennet actof F ebrnary 26,3864, seer (| hprescit chk rey ies—thiat Le Ww “pF canal lg peta ate ond méastire grea Pradent men will stand aghast at the’ Sgarpoire that owlie = Pes Pe eee S A OOeT SET’ ee me 7 7 ban fae st avecrnoes hey rela eee ; ,ohov re Pal ds i a ‘i? ’ . ei yadoyt 4 the a) BOGS... Pae'type on which te “ Ot Worth Gr is| the war accruing si . printed ie entry irely new. Nopetnswittne spared to} 1868, 2. a ceaiertecteeeee ris Interest on bond dated sinc: bly a sccomplished literaty contributors. Semmens PSOE Ss SY SL ee Superintendent, be ap- Ad P if “‘g2505,000 ears hi wot owed . 4 ; i SOV 8 Wey ANSTEST RATES bly Forall periods lessthay one month $10,570,000, 2 taxa- notes ents #1.00 | 44d bends-deted before the : tr Cuntrost chester poids bf us te foes months. WAC oo 00 he sete Séleiels +++ 906,600 iy : herein i bro t S me -Bmo.| 4m0. | 6 x0 Yto all the 9 eekciin, | ste Stat “si:00 | Sate { Total on whieh inderest is to | re Statmbet ween 3 squanes, 10.80 21.00°}' 26100} 3.400 aeiae pas S0P Tet, $19 Seine , i bern beveds 4, Qu aRga, aed 18,00} 23.00) 98.00| 3. urbe od and sixty a a 200,000 i child i naty con, 98.08| 90001) sitet Ox 140 | reer ‘aneually { of. Beda wooed maths own Soin 000 4300] 2.00] 0.00 |. ron #5584000 ie be. paid Sot ely, 1589 in "|e pn esaid sees. atmo the vs da oe — taxation, to pay interest the p ie'debt, out thernext. crop, —in all $340,000. $851,000.11 i a Bs In hy heres estimate. lattade It is enjoined on | ane the $1 4000 guarantie y the ae Convention for the .; Wilmington, | 1; Uni vad nls oe and pratherford ay: road}, or mpa as that ny is not oat ate ond thks sor sesaredee tke wat, . caahy $25,000 See a TT “i pont Bind, Déah and Dit. pony for the ane ners ati sole; ER, Speed ta ese ed-ee well as white,’ Which st at termes 7 one 000 ore, and the! airan is fpaimne sic er Pointed cis 2 na Miley wi stork davesngen at known in eMart Catilinat / iplinipg the sili en Ca Convention. BM ort ed on ~| The expenses, we learn romt ePub-[*! lic Treasurer, slreedy pei d, are. $77,- 165. The charges | of phere i! Constitution, fot yee" ihe ne re san Sorat will be. miOhe’ ffi! $90:000. |. eh wpe asi in the Den g [orm Conta ve fy nee Te meet pealeay the Convention tad lev. Of five eeute: on’ the joes Bac ‘eli trenmat £.tend fon the valuation Vepcaaiaed [We net down Hot leséethan tf t or- capringreee 000;for the militia, white audeq! Ay? yVT jae se tock, farming utensils, provisio tlate’: ‘of ses Py rk down .to rujle! cows, gel boa ; "pore tBver dickens, and babies” cha es. : a i . ; win tne God Ain al costae | Assembly must. : ies ‘eal neces its foe” the aepaplanbel as wel, 2200 Berne tion by 40 Coumben BE? Jon vB | Sr Universityys. ssiv. 0. svt Qe Fev RRROO0 v eneral a} pet day, one third ’ more: than “has 6. As a vee dlmewBO,000 a eee ode te tell ss shall bean al oro, The Adsombly |? Ht, ++ sere saint tegen GOMsQOO in cash, on the Ist of January. | of 1866-'7 cost $98,000.50) sw! Low $869 the ‘nterest Ou. ibe bonds,, sap bE As on with, 120 mn + daa te itn ANE Woford Say Sek, THT coat $80,0 a pene ay, = larg bie iret Tae ees . aickaty, wig Oe, Yo we the tt | re alae, if they sit 10 longer, more sal bas eralife Ws mired to bonds dated rage a xf a the Ist of Jul all, be funded }: % The land tax will be ten or twelve times higher than at present. Of course such taxation is confiecation. | Governor, who was received with loud Nearly all the land in the State would be | demonstrations of applause. Mr. Ashe exposed . - — pear = “ este ac by addressed the andience for more than an| A very Jé Se ieee fe Northern speculators, Ad hour ina very able and argumentative | of the co 1d : in the Cor ——— CONSERVATIVE MRETIN wakurke FARMERS AND PLANTERS. For sale, in lots to suit purehasers. Twen- jty on the 31st, by C.N. Price, ty Thousand Tons of Double Refimed Pou- ‘1p M. LeazerRand Miss Mary 4drette of the Lodi Manufacturing C. y: ‘The memberg‘ atl eh 2 ¥ e 19th of March, 1868S, at ie ee "rcheaive pen tr ; . » me f Ge ; . eth of March, ,a ompan ve exclusive contr I - Caldwell, Eeq., | their looks and*s odladt ny a : ~ oe by Rev. J. W. Puett, Rica > 4 for Congress in| aroused t» gpehangt Als p ete CALDWELL, Esq., of this city, to so made an able | sues involv 2 ine dl deghae@re Swiru, daughter of Eben | F bver an hours length. | election sapange i oy : nee i ‘Ipitiee Mera, of sie former place. | their duty, andt , TEESE Hichaa concluded, Ilex dotheir duty, z 44 Seticotaet Z " ; DUMOBMENTS. . : here we call the attention of our readers | speech which gave great satistaction. He eS important piece of in- owed wmation. ‘Che Homestead granted by Sec. 2, Art, x., can be sold for taxes, as is | expressly therein decliged. Under th constitution nearly ever@acre of land i ie the State, Ho d all 8 14 ? e ; ° , od | % . P Ji , ily pass into th : ds @ cap | : ‘was introduced and enter p Be exo i to announces his the past ; strangers. i Fa. ) nan ae ey oulshing the’ cama tate, te A Homesténd hier this. cortstiPition Ws x wins alf au hour in an Pend dangers, S29 aia Dawa) eandidute Wham 16 ante i bat irony se emetry orare @ delusion and a mockery. Of what use | 2% 984 €6qaenOmanner. ‘ neem, = ——— PRS eee. sp Aelgrgetatry. is a Homestead, when hae more than its At night ere was a mecting of the sptre theer Wiha ee ee ea m . “ até oes ‘ ’ a; We are-authorized to e WIL- . é 7 owner can pay ? Conservatives of Davidson County at the ate ee ae pie: ! . Sm LIAM A. WALTON cpa eandidsie for Some ED Em Non Do 9 | | Sct te ae bea iF Court House for the purpose of forming a { State ee “ te ° _ Shariff of Roy amgCannty. | Dear Sir: Gen. W. R. Cox hand scheme to rob our peo of} An . , . lame a ee ie LL bade 0 : . ; : : peed Add i twtier“always re Conservative Club, which was addressed PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONVENTION. We are. authorized. to—announce- A= rar ot Sept tetecsaking whe ee membered that whoever votes for the Con- | by Ralph Gorrell, }e.q., ina most excel- Previops notice being Pes setts Sy re*s Wkdy Be ior . intendent was using it. I must say that this > y large dnnibet /of t me | ; . ; aS “ee rete oe 3 = n votes to ratify this enormous tax | lent and convincing speech. _~ « fore estimated, and votes, also to is w of semark that-ebb-four-of) Davie assembled=at-the -Oourr House Mi} or thi scour AIC eNSuIng - | kind of Fertilizers on t of the exeess-. ““Saerifiee the Tfdtmestead, hy pocritically amiecsea gentlemen who on that Mocksville, om Saturday the 28h, inste}y oSWpuwparmdhd rized Jo $Gndance H Hf Seon, oar Wit we tried, —— provided for in this consti ution. a; dtl el ch abl for the purpose of nomipatiyg candidates | HELPER, Esgq., as a candidate t le Sang We have thus made an and within | O47 Proved themeeings suck able cham uD) forthe Rpidcue and céuhty offices. 1 PETEFINES'S odhsone! Ta we pie j id se = eee sh te on gined pk of. the tonatitation of lour fathers, | he | Convegtiqn . yas organized BY lin the present Congress of the Uni swept our corn. so that we are unable to cost of the new government proposed to | were themscl ved descended fromvancestors | calling Col. E. D. Austin to the ir, | Sates. / i Bay 4/ p : inaugurated y thi Jonstitutio h , | d inting Dr. J To It Sec We lso tried i er t 400 Ibé ! be i /by this new Cons ny j m i é ib > and a ntin r. Jno, 1. Maxwell Sec- ea ried it on cotton abou ' vs an, and »; ‘ who aided m ac ieving the @ependence oa ageing 0 the th. {t ' had i We in several ‘ under biaiidbefios. | - co, | retary and G: M. Bingham assistant Sec- = 7a considering pl serve ee cane ne band framing the’ Cotistitution of this State, clay. "On =e ee pore te bf three WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. °\ er, produced a large weed, and I think it will | the Company and the building fcc 4 . p : : t te bs oe oe : At the same time and i. taxation for the present and successive under which we haye so Jong lived inj from cach Captains district was appoiiited,y . ta al ield very well. On the whole, I must say sien ol Place I will sell sin. e defy contradietion of the foregoing | the Ashos of the revulwtive were @revin: fafera short corsnitation, they reported : é more ‘particular T corn: ; Nad) de. J , Tabi, 3a fact GSTON, Also, a lot of 11 Acres of Land , 8, + i ; 1; : : the following names for nomination. For 2 Saad i . : . | guished. both ia couneil and ja the field as g : G27 ted to seotk on th Fellow-citizens of North Carolina ; in pho purest of. patriots, whilé. tte paives of the Senate, Wm. M. Robbins of Rowan; 100 nN o iil “eau s eae fee n tha es pit or W. B. Cox. | Hast of Salem, near the Belew's Creek fou’ your impoverished condition, can you bear , for House of Representatives, Jas. A. a W a hl | cood Saxispury. N. C., Aug. 10, 1867. |]: Persons slesiring to'exam ough a ldad oftaxation? Will it not | the immediate ancestors of Messrs. Culd-| Kelly; for Sheriff, S.A. Kelly; for Su-| “ll counties (orexble qutet> fitaished” | James Re Dey, Bag... can call on Apa Butera, Esq , of Sales! ernsh oat all your enterprise, your vitali- | wel! and Gorrell aré appended to our State | perior Court Clerk, H. R. Austin? fot ers he Boyden House to , Dear Sit: 'I'can safely say that your Double ir take sya in showing it. _— ty 2) U4, then, You wish not alt your real) Constitution, framed at, Halifax. in' 2776, , County Court Clerk, E.. Geither. 4 os .« Ges OV 4B BROWN. Refined Loud ugitese far gpperior to any oth- — THOMAS 3 wine day of aie pat ander the Sheriff’s bammer | - Wdesceade ‘nd.| Lhe report of the committee was unah- March “31, 1868. tr.6t tert : ; “for I have given it a Ww . N, Trustee es pa yi if ooh eck hese descendenta of voblesires are stand- | . ly wlopted 4 all th a fuetrialithin season inston, N. C., March 13, 1868 im greene ie ing by and defending the work of their Set ee pe ee ee ee _ Yours, JEHU FOSTER @re [1K have your Homesteads sold for taxes and present accepted theie mdininations. On Panphlets apd etery information sent free COME ONE} . COME ALI | : : fathers, which is attempted to ,be over ion Bent ¥ i : : your wives aud children turned out to beg [ ) op motion es was nominated for is hnwhe appl hy lene harwtes so it EF gym ~ and die, and your once pleasant homes! thrown by as contemptible a sct of dema- | the offiee of Cotnor, and Mathew Fulford The dedi Maar ah getets big Co., 66 Chetlend’ ine CP: BAKER « Co., bat ~ i pep g 2 SF OP enh & ed -” * oe - into the hands of strangers an1 State gogues aa ever disgraced any country. for County ‘Trustee. ‘The following die | "an eas Strider, New York. Tfeb 14-2mww-6] RESPECTP(|j)| | holders, rally, rally to the polls, at ‘The. Conaert:atined of old Old Davidaon | S8te# one from cach distriet, were ap- AV estern . C.. Rail-Road, = ance to the the: election, and vote down ; . | pointed-to the District Convention, which vad NEW SPRING. . oo and the pas} \ te isutie are becoming thoroughly aroused, a8 in-| Hects in Statesvile 1st April. vis: STATESVILLE, March 16, 1868. ¥ blarge-that tie yume tut n! . — ’ ~ if » . fos mm full blas; F . You desire restoration to the govern- | deed they are in all Western North Caro-| Franklin Johnson, Dr. McGuire R. F. A Meeting of ‘the Stockholders of this Com- G @O O DP S their ag ment. You desire to see the Union re-|lina, ‘The Leagnes are being daily aban-| Johnsten, Dr. L. H. Cash, H. B. How- ‘ pany Js a H Newton, on W pear ej. OLD STAND, i - . 7 ' .) mas 1@ Lolth Gay o priul next, to accept or rejec +4 4 AW) stored and hasthowy-among all our poo-' doned by thousands, and in many parts my John Repbis, i. Ja6. 8. Maxwell, the-action of the Convention in relation to the HE SUBSCRIBER HaS JUST OPENED AN exried . ' Be ple, bat, in the means and plan re Hae of the West there is reason to believe that gag ob sand ie b edi f thi Road, and for the consideration of any other New Btock of Goods, at the Btore of ; On Main Stre i tion proposed, you can sce nothing ‘but the'vete against ‘the new constitution will : ’ at the igen ngs OF this | Hosiness which may be brought before them. Jonkins’ Corner, nes tose 16 6 Birdos House, Where they cg 7 beggary; and ruin, and degradation. ‘ gains mie Le i ea in “The Watchman | By order of the Board of Directors, embracing ® general assortment of Fancy and Staple. sf, sind e neatly ananinious. and Old North State.” R. F. SIMONTON, Sec’y. = : W. ge ris y No 5 ><> ‘The Convention then adjourned. Trains will leave Morganton,.at 7.30 A. M., timed; Motte Botts and’ Ruoee Thats thes berg ed They a ‘ ARE! ve he Ol : VINSON INTY L,D. AUSTIN, Chairman and Salisbury, at 6.30 A. M., returning after ; Shoes, Kid and Cloth Slippers, Crockery, Hardware, Ames ey employ none bat the best workmen,y; : oi Bs rth tate on Be VIRRON GOUNTY. Jno. S. MAXWELL, Sierrary, the adjounn vent. w&tw:tday. droniel ootecisurie tee ahah Goons eee use none bm the béet material so tha theirc. ie. _ The Conservatives of this county held case — . Bpices,ac., kc. Sy TOly ape getting none but the ie: Re SALISBURY, ARPIL 3, 1868. | # Convention at Lexington, dn yesterday, " Tue Cosvenrics axe Neto Dax rnin A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Shey ate prepa oar kinds of repaiiy 9 jand nominated the following ticket f. AYERS.— A eorrespondent of a N. Y. pa- s i pui up reofling guttering in the bk: % ae. er per writing from this city, says: A large HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES 5 | style. . WATHAN ~ tthe Legist ior || rm ’ . HON. NA'THANIAL BOXDEN, | Legere and Olek ofthe Supeser| hint ofndsaleady appropriated by | DHT AM WER | or Gate, mein al Ge tage orm SAHs, Worms, &c.. We place the name of this distinguish- ourt: For the Senate, Lewis Hanes, ! ihe Just Legislature stil] remain uncol- -— Minoing Knives. &c., &¢., with many other articles, com: | pe Constantly on hand, or made to order * ae tae oe Aeat a ipa hey would al “y are ju ed gentleman at tlie head of our columns for the “Honse of Representatives,” H.| leeted, and out of them.as they are paid | TAE MORNING STAR, ble wacewtac’s Se ee eoeeee Fe receipt ai laceeeiece ic nie _—o : ; _ W. Brommel aad W. lL. Badget, Exqis.,| into the treasury the eouvention by the THE MORNING STAR, -" nee 4 a as the Conservative candidate for Uor for Superior Ceurt Olerk, H.. oN: ly grace of General Boho fied still expects to THE MORNING STAR. : CASH OR BARTER. COOKIN : PARLOR & OFFIC ; gress in this District, with the greatest he puid 9, hot whet ie m wemerkable fact, A DAILY NEWSPAPER, Mow , Ae’r. possible pleasure. Mr. Boyden was nom: |“##?- ret a ure ie em pected 46 8 Py on hhevctainca boew overlouked, thesc “ ie eee Salisbury, N.©.; March 10, 1268, watwim | * ee : speak; of the otlier gentlemen we c: “1 shi : eo lit Q ’ aaa - z - : ea 3 inated by acclamation by the District stato hay: What tse s iad am funds at ae by -dvingyes were. PUBLISHED AT 40 Years Before the Public, | ofthe latest and most approved styles, whit | Cénvention which assembled at States- na y _ y * hey are nomuirations fit to pA ae ' We hatee or aX Impose y SEH REES a f : m4 YY ¥ i ° de be seld on terms to suit the most econos.| : antl ss ~ made. ‘Phey command the respect of | fue last Legislature, of sixty cents per | PUBLISHE : ‘ woolen a cal. ville ou yeaterday, Mr. Boyden ranks ee blest angle at Davilsen es ot head, cannot be collected frum the sable WILMINGTON, N. C. ao ee week ate in Sheet Iron thataiy 7 : among the very, ablest men in the State, |” ” ie Ca oe. : citizens who are chiefly represented in the | WILMINGTON, N. C. Werep sotfully invite acal? frum all per : and is one of the most. powerful and ef- Guile the Gonaeryalives to sad esiagia convention, and for whom that body is so | ., , — WILMINGTON, N.C. in want of anything in our line. Om arrange — . 2 ts bee mot with any Where. | - We rageot that. the nomination for the wenloarty engaged fraining a constRution. $2 50 FOR SIX MONTHS. ments are such that we cannot be undersold-and *2 50 FOR SIX MONTHS. 2 5 His consistent Union secord, during the Senate was not given to one who had | Though every negro votes, and that Rad- So | JES fet Gbtenlbdtin te dots good Our words, = . : : . Ea .* be KEOR SIX MONTHS. we YY te veptical to cal Ca war will commend: him to the people of | more time to cunvass tho eoimty than we | euly too, yet not one fiftieth of them seer Sepa epriic pwd 2d bear ont prjoee, examine aha aerate) this distriet ne an eatinetly proper than to hae, and to-one who eould hAve'canvaas- ave evet paid even a capitation tax, and TELEGRAPH IC NEWS. Tes. : 2. er 421%, yy when it is eousidered that the cottntry is {Va ) ,VPWe represent them in Congresdeat this time, od tt thore effectively, “We cannot accept! annually taxcd millions for the apport of | roaay, foie PD HIC SEWS. should the new Constitation be ratified, | ft? pottingtion and canvass the county, | these Radieal voters, it will easily be ad- ; ch . : |... | exeépt at a great sacrifice. W. ! judged ,how, infamous and i i a ares which we hope will. net’ be the’ case, Was a greataacriice. We shall pro- Rai “i tewtalation | la eee LOCAL NEWS. There ia every: reason'to believe ‘that Mr. | Dably be unable to secure any’ persoy to | Hadtcal legislation is. I mot a few days MARKET, REPORTS. “gant RARER A 4 Salisbury ; Oct. ee BR ae .. Company Sors, N.C., Oct. 17, 1807. On and after this datethe following will © fi@vial rok sare $ . since a ahcriff’s deputy in this city, with ; ‘ oY REPORTS ad the Trai thi ees Boyden will accept of the nomination, rk for,oar.golumns during onr absence a small portmantcan full of tax asscss- aa Pen ene HEPATIC PILLS, fowl as ced Frmapnene Syains over ts es and if so he will no doubt commence the = aecept, aod ited associate, Mr. Braet ments and unfilled receipts against African GENERAI NEWS , ° ‘ ri rigs hing emmehigelleter remedy ‘Leave Charlotte; daily 9:40 r. x. ¢ eampaigu at Wilkesboro thig week, where oer, is almost constantly engaged fn the citizens, who told me that out of one thous- GENE RAL NP ws. DIS ASED TIVER _/ Saliebury,.....12.23 a. u. ‘ he is, wow iattending cduri. Whatever | ™echanical department of the office. Yet, | atd upwards in his district be had not col- | ENERAL NEWS. audeoia | MS. ae or .4\| greatm sthe sacrifice is, we d t feel leeted from fifty aud did not expeet to oa wre ; They are made and. sold by G.‘W. DEEMS, gh....... 10.00 * Mr: Boyden undertakes he performs with | 5 ’ O MOF feel Ot | teatle dent nimbe.— Wek. EE -E ADDRESS, the discoverer, who has removed to Baltimore, Ph a A P.M. the wtmidst energy, We therefore expect liberty to decline. At atime the present pe Ledeen = WM-.H. BERNARD, Mu., where tie eat have access to the f-iurest and I en Ua - Fae from ‘him a vigorous and efficient eanvass. ty man should withHold’ wiiatevct | gervi- > IN A TIGHT PLAGE. ; Bet 1M algae Hie wil siwepe Rath Non ' Bua - ey el ae 0 Will Calvin mect. him? We. hope so, | Vices be may be'nble to render the cause| “ The Berkshire (Mass,) Kagle is re-| | : Pimington NX: kb and will bell’ to His customers, wholes.le dg 0 y spc etthg «. mu bet.we fear not. If be Woes lt és of white supremacy and good government: sponsible for following : a. cetail, at.the shortest petige... at me “ ‘Alb the» ‘ate thag> ate Boy-+We therefore, accept, of the nomination,| Aman in Becket, while in the dea’ wilt be triumphiantly’ pris Groat and will canyass the county as thoroughly woods for timber, had the misfortune ne. are |. Th the preparation of these very vapecter pad ft Eee eee ee NEW ERA | cellent Puls, a0 evst.on'trouble is spared to Danville ¥ t of insure the greatest possible degree of perfe 7" and Weldon IN in point’ of utility, exéellence and comfort. mane or . Portsmouth, DENTAL SCIENCE | hey vontuia one article which ‘has f ly ‘north of at ‘ d ste . “lodye” a tree, and in order to get ing at 2 and tapid changes are taking place in this }"* We my be able. ‘Ifour paper sliould | ' “Jodge’ £1 ge me i : : in i TY down hitched his oxeh to UJ rr . same time district. Rowan will go largely conser. pe nrsiiien wre the erieredi aia iriadé them pull. The thee fel at ND never before “vere. Gell ‘ae wypgssine, pnd | either reste. | ( tion > mage 9 Gok vativé. Meeklonburg, Lineolon, Iredell, | ee! save that ourireadety Will ‘excuse it} iit) the fork of apotle 3 ee whichis « powértulagent ja cleaoaing the Liver, | bave-with wrod nite! Davie, Alexinder and’ Yai will alug |"2*t the ciremmetingiée:'" | '” hen the tops ovecbalaneing, the by] SS MECHANISM, | (which zives (bem, oh adeaotage over every | Road to and from and by Frei j will aleo ny <9 a ae } when the tops overbalancing, the oth- ae | Other béhitolure offered ba:the public.) The } traing to Weldon... give conscrvative majorities, Catawba TAXPS! | > er end was jerked twenty fect high ir And Charges, Reduced. (epee peab — Pills is pre-[ JAMES ANDERSON, } pared by the hand discoverer, : ; the dir, carrying tl ith it, v _— , ma , , will, go, overwhelmingly Cunservative. Remember that if the new Constitation | where thoy taittatned psec Py ri W. P. BASON, Dentist, be used by the most feeble patient inthe most | Office’ N. '€-"Rail Road, Oct. 1 7 1067. We eannot speak with certainty.of Un- is mdonied “oc etlssint ‘, nat PsA ae a : no crimina i nine ar ‘we y AS jon and Cabarrus,—they may an Pp can be. punis 1 iger @ ing choked to W OULD repectfully make known that he neem adlereurcae are ly ASSES8OR 8S OFFICE, : pang . therwise than by fine and iniprises death. Perceiving the tree to be very { eB, ve smail tadiea! majorities. In Wilkea|” ete ; ARMsepment, | t a 8 pO, OF VETY | has returned to Salisbury with abundant sap- ‘alingy nk’ Chetr action on the bow- U In. Rev nue. iY ‘Condervatives wilt make hea vy gains: cZpept In capital apes, until-g peuitentia- nearly poised, the ian attempted to plies ob everptbick ma A his Profession, and els, and” indeed. tas Ciniate fike”ours where} > * Se N. Carolina, % ; : hha tax - olds and coughs an -nofailing con- pone 8 Serrtirs | : thal be erected. In these demoralized | 2°88 them down by the tails, but, one | ater 20 odd years active practive, hopes te | Cords and oo ey baal ig 8 Wabi yf, “Hike ! if they do aot carry the county. To.the mw mbar of n Freee Sp e Fuf these falfing, he had. recourse to a | please. —- pai ced the sudden changes to which all OFICE is! . 1 elpsaghia ce I e couservatives in other parts of thé State ff, th be ¥ ot Conwlegona lor petty: Hien’ foot pole, with’ which, by} E27 No one.need tbe detered from fear of | ine iGpuits oh signe will Gnd the hig N ganna i tap. 19th Ot Act of Jax = wé would say take'courage. Things aré niiaiacaae hall ered aloe tia. and with | Hagaly up to the tops, he eould so Pay -Ottice és E alae Streets | St security im.having his liver-and béwels well | 30,1864, a8 amended by subsequent Acts it +* going right in the west. no other means of panishmont our Juils | raise Tt that the oxen’s hind teet could Salsbury, March 13, '68 cleansed by these invaluable Pills, ‘ clading the Act of March 26, 1867, that | f 9 = . Te: , wi. , tf - > . ; , De North | ee will be enowded. “Pite Wat ofmaintaitiing } touch the ground, thus enabling them ; _ Where these Pills ae know Pc pet in| Hi. Huuren. Assessor, Gt District of Now a ‘ [> Ti. 3 “iy oe vine? eed " ‘ q g “4 il si office, © the a Ls DAVIDSON SUPERIOR COURT, | Te Pnambér "BF G6i¥icis ‘in prison |tO catch” brea. Being mpable tol CUSHENGS & BAILEY | cian Seat, Oued Died ac react. | Leong ekk Laadae ented tote ety of Salaber. oa tet will beenormoue, all of which will bave |Pustain the top for any length of , —their me Hie, on the 2nd day of April next; at the Cour) Speaking at Lesington. to be paid by the people, ‘They ara.aleea.., tite, lie adopted the see-saw motion, oe wen thear a1 House tounty, on the 34 | dees | fdy:caiimipoverishid af searecly tabs able | CASE the tree to. vibrate pp_and | Booksellers. and Stationers , We were, in attendance upom Davidson | sy pdgithetax cs tow ima See ene often enough to give his catile| 262 any pedi Han 3 one . > : g i ” 1 j oes ” over, Superior Coutton Tuesday; or the ‘bat if the'new dahaittttton ‘should be sat tancé for air. [He emtipned | this senate mar preagie sion cars ED class, Se7e4 eat operation, four honrs before aid ar. BALTIMORE time we daw his Honor, Judge Gilley; on’) 629 {esc taxes wil! be inereased ten, fgld. Hired. Ife then climed ay out ; € i ‘ ‘ P i J , ; RE e the — nay i seer mak st cite Let the people remember thia and vote far |‘0n the tree, clit of a fwelvesfoot log, altar be ny a sgh ker ability , d high praise P| the Old Gonatitution aod Jowsta xcs. which, falling, released the oxen, and | compare favorably (with dos af any ‘othe: all ‘parties wlierever he has ‘gone. Nes a the “snaked” ir’ home without even market. o : only does he extort praises for the man-| Suffrage in Liberia. —Liberia ia agita- Onhitehing. 1420 . Their Stoak. df 1a) ner in whigh he presides, but he-exhibits | ed by: the suffrage question: At present, Se SCHOOL. LAW, ME bi RW P much | : Pavigcenplag only. those posscasing a very. visible ad: John Bull's Cotton Bonds.—The hold- Ms. =ci wane vet ICAL,,| Gross, $18—Bheee Gross, $50—Five 67. at Court Hc co,,00 & legal learning young. , : ' onds eb : M2. Beydbor bos 3 : Groen, vert The court adjourned at 12 0’dlock to mixtare of African! hiend:bep, adasidted to} efh ofthe Confederate cotton have 4 lied }, : » -epgod-tpo | | a ¢Ger Topence alors ttt twee Pe ed citizenship ; bate badglateby arriy. | to Lord Stantey -beggtng him to ip o- | MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS cide Or tf will be sent ©.0.D. Orders should be address- | of the¢e : j ogee = er to give the various candidates and ed which propoges, ine a. easare: Of! jus. jon their right to be eS by thé hited is large and well'sélected” vag Bl scnnr: P hear # . ; : orar ae , others present, an opportunity to addreeg | tice, redhat ener Bae bens for socebehe Seeretiry for’ for- 4. A large aod varied'assortment of Foreion & ee me Assist! the people. Upon the singing of the bell | dow n -tradde n-welitte tra s|:, eigy dffhirs vérg 6old¥y 6 the me- | American Stationery can always be fund * Wr wey wi be proinotts aftended te: 0 < + 9 The conservatives piropglyoppése.co fla. pedtial stating that if a mixed ¢omimission | ‘heir establishment, after djasee the épacions Conrt House wae aver casemate ee et Erle | eal ™ < pekant.« departure draw, thd) aueient Sand; | fox.considering the general glaims of th They keep constantly on hand a full supply sop CRAP We eck Dey: e ») pmarke. of tho eenstitutionydand ‘epntond | 1¥,eountsies alionld be set on “font, the |°f BLANK BOOKS of diiprengptytes aio | FOND: 5 ER * : i - ° me : ° € * a } or ie . : Leagh arose first and proceeded to ad 4} that there is no sufety, socially and polit. pRetiion re, if. they saw’ proper, could sub- connected at er | Hbveg apr if prt neers tet tptdaskt Jory = an pra sa=wiee in prefer, neva ae pon ON Mut their demand, times, able, at short etice, to fill pie for | SEWING W catenins’ . 98, ‘new Covétitation, parts. of meade is be fonnders—sirietlys | Fe Tree Blank Books, ruled.to a tert, or of a i ANTED ° a wih ran nf reper a | Re a CE ADO: hoe | ee wea ge see . iP a Lave Tf iey oR okt TSP prea: us \ © bt di ‘Teased | » yt i o vill tm sith t* , yrner al people. | Gell, Tegel eoaettded by inkro-, _Ttaly owes. $1,071,919 ‘end:her!| thir) Mua A snite Sf | DIDS aMeMtOR, oid rua gor gost om | and Fy boots will sake shirts for gens ducing, to the audjepee, Hop, ,Thamas S || debe habi iporéased: in=iehwivedre-one| iteroaus pouly, white ao péjanta | ook Seyok aatTCbes Sam a Abe Flite ea edn ta co 15 Aero Aana Ashe ongeryative-Gandidate for handréd “ 4 be ’ faa, our St Gea hasing else-if' — as aa kemuad | " hols a i wll "ae raribeit, Sight per cent, . _ Oa regpeing almost stationary. Wimre, a FrBt:w4t:pd * Feb. 20th 1868. . " ‘tal : vty bs . oer canna ED I Oe 11938 = ts — -- ee tA A OI ONO ° oet> A oT —— a — oD For WwM. M. BBINS, a ee gt ff Spices, auches Spices, Cloves, Nut It immediately stops Hair »pe Falling Out. Ginger, Extracts, Es patra Eldridge andyothess of the House senees, Pamiy Moteiney i It beepe the Hair from Cosnging Colerfrom age. reddle NEM, YORK COLUMN. ow. — Ee, RRS. Aredidrdce Bx , a i'n. , . mend the holding of Gong rWAYLA 1 and unad- FOR : HAIR, ; Meetin ad OL EM. | Fad | ces: ; + ‘ - , aes 4)’; Raleigh, ~ Tuesday, April 74 é ' It oes slogan Drona ening for the Weir : [ooaer va Nee Hiaay AUT Thaw Oil, | 1s caused (le Waie to curt besstifally. x ne ss a of on “10 ; mre fe ince in ’ 8 . , aeraay. : invigorates oth. mais ia a JOSEPH A. HAWKINS, i f x E B t — ee if. ing: “I am ashamed that such an oppro- ings, and they are expecte@to tome. It Sch velowenk Sepa 7 re It brings out the Hair on Heads that has been bald (aia OI BOR 00 RABRENSEae rerastys BO 00r A94 will be soon that shomectings are erow PURE DRUGS. ar yo Siow Corewer, ja The, court has postponed the argument meaner’ nee aceg hd ant Medicines, Chemicals, “Paints, | ®t-composed cisely of caple and parety vogua 7 in, the case until next. Term, ut a few days. ; a : af BE nT a Gen, Haneork has isswed an order, to pene Aca OILS, DYR-STUFFS, 2. nea For Superior Court Clerk , " Spy, Megosing command of the Division! PUBLIC SPEAKING IN DAVIE an Se a : six Bhoumnd » “As JUDSON MASON. Ph ratty with Headquarters here} People of all parties are invited to pome out Payal ee The Division embraces the department ¢f the (akan Laid the jullows For Reyistet of Deeds. the East, of Washingtoo andof the Lakes}... fig and plates : OBADIAH WOODSON. cana | County Line, Tusday, April 14 For ge ae Ess. | Chinquepin, Wednesday’ “ 15 or County — * . Washington, March 31, P. M-—Senate| Farmangtan, Thursday, “ 16 JAMES 8. McCUBBINS, —Nothing prior to impeachment. | Smith Grove, Friday, ne | The Court J itted. Evi- Mocksville, Friday night “ 17 For County Surveyor, | donde p peda ath, ple > seen leapt There will be a grand night oat at that tive. C. F. WAGGONER. | jeeted. ) hey peony ip te oe v es J e 4 urv night 8 For County Commissioners.—Joln 1. Chase sustained the managers when DA: , te Shaver, Paul Seaford, I’. N. Luckey, John Drake objected, 7? eee i uperior inducements lie ee le hit, to 2 ae ot fe Dickey Johnson, D. A. Davis. i b oy 8 frifioed shee he had a right to! J is expected that a Barbecue will be given plained invited 00 call, Rie make prelitoinary decisions, gubjcet to ap- | at Chinquepin on the 15th and at Fork Church puree ae ICKETS ~ hpent: ) . >» }oo the lgth.. Come one and all, Tet nothing JOLN H. ENN S. ELECTION | 1 : Drake appealed. The Managers (ag) ptdvent yoo. i ; Gothic Front, st., Salisbury, x. C. By an arrangement to secure election tained the appeal. Batler saying he was ; aoe we takes place on the 21st, 22nd Ev Almanacs always free. — sept 19—6m , fee th owt [Shy glad that the issue arose, when the ruling | *" 23d of April. t— — all the verre t ed ee was in their favor. The defence took no | or eeet +s y A R BR 0 U G H HO U S E, State, the counties of Catawba, Mclow-! part in the concest. |PUBLIC SPEAKING IN ROWAN , ILL TRE. ell, Burke, Caldwell, Rowan, Davie and; A motion to retire prevailed,—Chase | oo “ FAYETTEVILLE 8 ET, . David dpplisD¥rénd’ this of. | Voting aye to decide a tie, and Doolittle | _Peorle, of al perties are invited to come ont RALEIGH, N.C.) Dried and Greem Fewits, ti * eet kK Aw and Sau sbury, of the Demoerats, only | and bear the various candidates at the fullow- ane iy sive is ied He nal ‘ibe Groin, Wool, Game, : ce. » el GP “wt voting nay, | ing times and places : nks to the traveim ae dug ~ ¢ tibera Naval Stores, They will therefore please rr " neue After three long hours absence, Chase | yp Sa s Laat April 2 ater chia rheeals tikes ; my pire | Ginseng, Feathers, oranda of theirgandidates, and tickets will | announced, as the deeision that the Chief cen miaae. Maye them that no effort or expense will be s : Provisions, be supplied to them free of cost. Justice should decide questions of evi- Aan senmay . ; retafu the/present reputation of the Hotel as a rte Fallow, mite dence and preliminary questions subject | Mocuan'a iealen a one of the very best in the South. obacco, Seeds, i: i .|to appeal. Adjourned. “rh ugh woe a He is happy to announce that the fall inthe Molasses, &e., &e., &c., Excuss.—The absence of the Scnior J Shop, Thursday y : cUSR. Houst oNubine lmpormait besond | cOee a: 1: 7 price of supplies enables him tu reduce the Editor thig-week& aécounts for the want of passing ae ie oe ae eon = yo Miller's rove, Satnelay , _ ptice to . TO editorial on ‘Tuesday and to-day. Tts : KridersfStore, Monday” 13 romnree Dears Per Dey. | JOSIAH CARPENTER, i : . o citizens coming in to spend a week or place, however, Las been well suppliod by Supreme Court. | It isexpected that a Barbecue will be givan more, he will still make a greater reduction. , some very able papers which first appear- Pre Sept ach March 31, P. M.—The! * rien ‘~ the 11th, and at Krider's Store he is prepared to furnish Board without General: Commission Merchant, ared in the Sentiuel, and which, we cCardle argument was postponed, on | the 13th, Come one and all. Let nothing rooms at very low rates. . ; a save prevediol more acrvice to the | Motion of Carpenter, who was not pre- prevent you. | “COSTARS” He ho tohave the pleasure of weleoming 442 Washington Street, eadiss ae any thing whieh we could ge Ss mad The election takes place on the 2lIst, 22ud , a deans wow ha his old customers NEW YORK CI'y. ' The managers made a tremendous ef: | and 23rd of April. . "J. M. BLAIR written. fort, to-day, saying that should the point a. P k ‘ | - a prieto And receive bis weekly Price Current of Pr. — oe | go against them, they would be compell- Public Speaking in Davidson. | I c arations ° ee " Cony palliched fe'Bee United occ ee cur: . rR oen mn) : A es b iF PY o¢ H : - HOME MANUFCTURES. _ ed to retire nnd consult the House. f & Evervhadv crise Then) LOOK FOR THE Sind fore Current. Markin; We learned from E. A, Vogler, Esq, en the decision was announced, But- The people of all parties in Davidgon. com- | Vv ry 0 y ries em é ee Prat mibht' on Consignments ‘ ler said that the managers declared to re-| ,_ : | : of Salem, on Monday last, when we were | ii. for consultation. Little evidbiiou) ~ Jty, are invited to come out and hear the watis| Everybody Uses Them | p A D LOCK S | ( N, Established, May ist, 1860. jn that town, t the orders which he is} ken to-day. The President’s frieuds | ous candidates at the following times & pinges First class references given when required. “yeeéiving for his shoes are twice as many | seem to be in excellent spirits. Tyro, Tuesday, April 7. | Everybody--Believes ia Them ! ‘ernn\: | _March5, 1868. twly . - . 2 r y , ~ 4 —" — — asheis able to fll. He, therefore, in- | , It. has transpired that the President | LS da oe 4 W aay oe a g, ark dj - j ' EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORK. mn : ’ : ‘an tea | Changed the form of appointment blanks, | emmeonsville, Thursfay, April 9. /EV@rDyodyeranccommendsy hem Wee « : } fact fae chanpet ppolntinen aU KS, | the : ee J e . tS ND, tends increasing rig ac ory to twice its to conform tothe ‘Lenure of Ofce Mee, af. | Shi lton's, Friday, April 10, ae CRAWFORD & HEILIG, il ee present capacity, and will have the ma- | ‘oe thes tae pane arpa own, Saturday, April 1 l. | Are you troubled by Katies, Alice, Roaches, | ; - a a a chinery and workmen ina few days. We| (ren. Mot@head charaeterizes the inter- | Zon, Ne . ceree jel “4 Custar's Pininidare or mbes Box ot HAVING ASSOCTATED themselves together (if 4 record this fact withthe greapest pleasure, | Views: between Stanton and Thomas as | Thomancdic. Wcduchies. April 15. “Only Infallible Remedies known.” ‘Free gare bode edie ngeuihahd. aee pie ares ; : : > g e somewh ulur. N 7 Pee pe a ‘5 Thurs : 6 from l’oison.” **Not dangerous to the Ha- *6 4 Mr. Mogler, and men like hitm, ‘tre public tions. | She lar. No hostile demonstra ah se pales a : 7 - : tan Family.” “Rats come ae Gt thelr trade, take pleasure wa parte Hs the pub- benefactors, Suceess, we say, to all sach Fieale wale ; Jackson ait % : we | in ee | holes to die.” Improved to keep in any | lic and trade generally that they have just re . enterprises. Wemuet manufacture sucl nf tecred to repeat after inan- Sil e Hi H] . M day con ae ae: ceived a full stock of hardware, — a FM SP seis” et h . ] . ctl dible witnesses, but the defence objected. Siuver Hull, Monday, April 20. ba : WILSONS REMEDY for CONSUMPTION; articles ag we use and consume, anid cre- ‘The vete ia private session, sustaining » — Se | Are you ansayed with Bed-Bugs? Can't SUCH AS 2 atc for ourselves home markets before we Chase, was 31 wo 19. ov 8 so 7 sleep ut zt, ag 8 2 | uy a 25e. or 50e. Bottle of~ | /; yund Tro. eat Uecomn/a) pipepalees eed deselect | [ | GH T Y L [ G Ki Ti /GOSTARS” BED-BUG EXTER. |" ind Te Ayer's Sarsaparilla, : Fram. Ltehmonal A Liquid “D ents : on. ; ’ \s siquid estroys and prevents Bed ° people. When we do this the ballance “se Bugs.” Newer fils.” P Nail Rod, Band and of trade will be turned in our favor and M If ’ vg r aig ea TBE CRERES ETRY \| > Hoop Iron, Blister; Cast ; : | Mulford has issued an order for the de- : a ; na Ploiégh y Ss re we shall begin, A3 as people, to become te ion of.al] Jiquots arriving or passing SOLINE Bi ing Fluid, For Moths in Furs, Woolens, Carpets, &c., a loug Steel, ; : 9 wealthy. As long as we fail to. do thie® ) Ridlfmond, tntil after satisfacto &e. ry B 5c. or 50c. Flask of— “COSTATES” IRB ROT Eo Wie |R. SINCLEAR & Co's. Btraw/) ee oe the ballauce of trade will be against us | TY evidence thdt the taxes are paid. _ No smoke, smell or explosion. cheaper than | Destroys instantly Fleas and all Insects on Cutters and Corn Shellers. Sandfond's Liver Invigorator, Gea. Sehofield lee ieswed orders, that Gas, Kerosine, or Candles, | Also, the celebrated animals, te. 100 Kege Nails , | + : and we shall continue to become poorer | he |New Kerosinc Burners Comet and Star, He 1 Mul } , ' . e “Bure thing.” Thousands testify to its Oree GRE : Hall’s Haw: Renewer } ae ’ ope : aa : Military Commissions will report, | or buruing Kerosine without smoke or sinell. stitution, Thie is what we expected arf}! “Maton, Marek 31, P.M — George Ash- nesa, indigestion, aeryoas and sick a = 4 we 2B : : : é : : . | ae eee headuche, dyspepsia, dysentery, gener- i : 7 yWe wor | burn, a prominent acterin Radical poli- | . . . ili ive ; ‘ predicted some time since chave ever | tics, was killed last night, im Columbus, Tailoring Establishment. al debility, irae nts, chills, fe- } DRUG \ and poorcr. ; : : ! withoat delay, the names of ‘all clective | A full supply of Laps, Burvers, Wicks, Ker . j > . 7 Le officers in the State, whose terms have ex- | 0*tte, Saline fc, always ou hand at “COSTA R’S” TORN SOLVENT. Shoes, Special atten Gotp Sprcimkxs.—Col. D. A. G. ired, in order that, if they are not elig:- Joha H. Eonisy’ Drug Stare. For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. Try it. — called bo Curling Tongs, Parmer of Stardey,-has shown us some | ble for re-eleetion, suitable owns OB ——— : f looting Scissors, Spoons . Hostetter’s Bitters beautiful specimens of gold and gold ore, be appotuted by the General. Roop sarod aor » ous Aenerica, THE | Don’t sufier with Pain! | Wonderfal power h ae =“ . t Sos ‘= taken from What i3 Known as the Thom. ' , pees eee eens: ee poy jane hy tor iisidciaes damimnamaginien! bears, Peotone Seping pupeiee ' abutstec ca ky Metal Ie j | From Al.rbama. that a it myer ond Fernie and Teach- = Bey 8 2c or 60c Box of too numerons to mention, - Perry Davis’ Pain‘ Killer ne, n Mr, Palmer. tis re- ers confirm it. not fail to secure a copy. : ony _ . ; ’ te Selma, Mareb 31, P. M.—Judge Pope ood Mi Se. Stiha G iadees, | “COSTAR'S” BUCKTHORN Satvg. ' 7 cently dicovercd, |__| atthe twalfth Cont of Alabamey waa ar. | Sg0d Mirosone, witha Glas C3tader 2) “COV Wea mae, Forenecoores | AT AL AT bees Reape ee Phe Mining interest in Union county is | rested, on yesterday, at Jaeksonvil!o, by | pearl Rocket Knife, aad a large nomber of et, belstle’ bot’ omen poaepip hainrastry 8 cents per Radway’s Ready Relief, improving daily, by new discoveries and , pe military boner pam and gir for} other destrablé articles. given as premiuinsto chapped bende, lips, &c., bites of animals, ; " »j ae shies >. | failure or refusal to execute the Jury or-| each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50. The Nov- naects, Kc. : : 2 cnt fuctonec Ct Secles oe coer | ders, _ ember Number commeies a new voliuis. Or any other Patent Medicine, ~ igi Published b “Universal Dinner Pilt” ted). Tue CHartorre Dewocriat —This | . Judge ope was an original ard all the . Ww. JENN NGS DEMO 20 years administered ina Physician's Prae- on es ess time a Union man NNING MOREST, ti = é s and 60c Bo f Catt at old, able and influential papertakes strong | oT 473 Broadway, New York. | ,. Were Dp Pine. se 5. : : ae -J Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies ‘COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILLS. y . Dn x and decided grounds against the new con- | Mu: der. ave ceula: peetlad frau: nov9 —t | Of extraordinary efficacy for costive- $6 50 Ke d. B. POULSON & CO'S. | 9V per 2. <—s a - te.” Notaries. mild, had great reapeut for Mr Y¥utes * strive; we | by parties aknown: SPN sans vod at i.48n4 mater otgriping. Gentle. mild } A comiponced reading bis paper. We have eae a eee “Wiis Oi and never doubted his hovesty or his patriot- Wheat the 2 vegroes of Geargia intend | the Pailo ug Business, in al! its various “That Cough wil kill you. Don't ne. ~s ntl ’ ism—neither have we doubted his conser- | To Do. branehes at his stand in ect it. 25¢ and 7 aye . x vatiem as have others. He is a modcrate! Augusta, March 31,P. M.—The blacks | Hrown's Burlding, on Main Street. “COSTA R’S” COUGH REMEDY. te ' , man and will not go to extremes on cithox,| 544 4 large Mass Meeting at Macon, on nearly opposite ‘the Store of Me- np oh th dg endrSbeaanteny side. His present position on the hew yesterday. <A banner, displayed in the) Cubbins, Foster & Co. pore throat, croup, whouping cough, conatitution niust be aa tiaf , procession, had on ‘it : asthma, bronchiai affections. Singers, bh. ‘ = Salisiactory to every * Bvery man that den’t vote the Radi-| He is inconstant receipt of the Latest Fash- ) ers, and 4!| troubled with Throat t if 4 conservative in the State, and the influ- | cal ticket, this is the way we want to do = Spear fenres Hie oh Abel ai lethal orbs . die lah find this « benefictal om : y . ‘ ve eels confiden ils ability to give entire <atis- Pectoral Re v: : ee He WA ee ta te | Tiere wes ol poe pe halo 3 4 a e on | . e hopes from experience, and by an pct file i oF Abe | unremittin oti prise teas to merit a Beantifies the Complexion, giving to j neate cleet ' eacianige Rays reo ie patronage. His | the skin transparent freshness. conservative candidates, but we will not | New York, ne. Me Caicea charges will be moderate—as low as those of| ~ yee Bottles §1,00 Axes $1,50. quarret with itu about that, ALE. the;con- | shade firmer. ‘Bales of 9,000 bales at 27 “EP Country Prue of all kinds taken Ie ceeditlnd dahil styherds URAWFORD & HE1Liv , alitetion ia voted-down alli willbe siecom-|a 27} Mostly 27}. in exch work | AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. 4 ar , CORNER GT IT WOFR. Rendera the ski clear, smooth and soft. | BR. R. Crawroro, plished-that-we desire, ad on this potut urpentine firm at 56a57 Give him a call, and you willnot ge away dis- Removes Tarr, Freckles, Pimples, &c. P. N. Huu. Joe. 28 Gm-tw- bk) that OBrerling | stated: C.N PRICE. | aftion bottl : he is with'us, ag 1 ag Sef PHF TN | salistvury, Janney ¢. OOM cw-tt} naa (CuAMLESTON moTEL { é : ! 2° — fo Me r 3 . ‘ zs or Nt “a mor s hh 3] “Pp. 7 — a Sreecan naan Bos rear : Stine Vii tee by a i} » het ger ty = firm at 27. . Flour firm and een | B. STRICTOMIBON, 4 ABRES BROWS, | cer / A PRRRETT) of all W mn allel | THE LA N W E OVE ahi i - : | Pr Beicare I! | orthless bob tei hh sANYD” ' We are oS ane my: Oa a ae igs oi he ths) Po bg e| E. NYE HUTCHISON & CO. |... WoetidGdne Aw ee i hdd —— jag Sone ge charge of a ND pit J ’ the Gth inet., on a solid financial Reale: Mess | Turpentine advanced 14. Rosin ‘rm | Insurance Agents and Commis meee Se poceing Facies wala v0 g's ped rom \cacsooaknadard Agricaltiere an Gente Duabam & Hearne are among the ablest edi SURNGS Ea ONG COP MTSE sion Merchants. 1-25 and 50c sizes kept by all Druggists.| | ments. The table wil at all times bo-suppiied | Jniligenee, and comprising f Bas. tops in the State, erid the Carolinian. wns’ one | / a r 1 dling 254 | - pain tx $f 00. sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. yap Se ee ee ef - Ues, Incidents..and. Aneedotes Of the Wer, of our favorite exchianges:: Wei shall welcome |. B " 7 eae y’ | $2,00 pays for any three $1,00 sizes sent | es, . ‘The Bath Rooms attached to } never before: Bans oci:minstnt { saelarn to.0ud sasogunt with delight. . R. MOORE, | ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS, | 1) Be oresy eg repo ptini Re Regen Fm vo ea LE 8 hegE aF reap ay osha malig Oss y ae ms NO. I, COWAN'S BRICK ROW, | $5,00 pays for cight $1,00 siscs by Ex. | toxian Water, and Rot, or Shower PROPRIETORS: 3.%. ERWINS DI HILL The United” ‘States Owes now § Lee Seact cd teen OF Latte, SALISBURY, W.0 | ress petra EAE Vie. See ome obese). owins -eeeepengpaenie ys ¥* 1 e Un owes now $2,;/*« nrwe gree ae lai | P ‘Ada tion will be paid tothe comfort of theguests a- TERMA:-ERaadame WeeLeve;.2 Mage- ie with ver hag" é two : Kasare oral wtkcen oe Cnartecion so, | HENRY R. COSTAR, ae ow rene ; ag: gr An, ixty to ¢ighty.pages of as ase ve malar ated SOLICITOR 45 BANKEBUPTCY. Col, Geo. 7. Barnes, Augusta ., Ga —" 483 Broadway, N. Y.| States. ; patna of tbe ic} rahe a: agers, ‘ er country, owns $4,-) ° A a Sh, Wyrm F-For sale by JOHN H very, | erespectfully pee a eae Se ee . . a 7 WILMINGTON, N.C. . > - Agnew, Columbia, 3. C. x. a or oat y NH. ENWISA, Salsbery, J. P. HORBAGH, Agent, a year, in advance, or Five Dollars, \{ rot paid 74986 = Wot Lanhndy oo 3 Sai Bere ORES” wars im | ielacqe cheese memes | team ene, \thicendttnjye, Sa and violative of that” great principle | 1 ~ Tr asule ° State shal . 5 y : i nea oe ep ODOURS BLANKS he, opinion of | FOREIGN LITERATUR Eber ts. bo go tied ols home er } ed oo Hi lat yl SELECTED FROM ‘ galq Buel ear oll. 5 Maree sci sr bl els , =. >- qt Pak money ’ P - > - ee Pa 5 - an me! Spl : S . 8 e | London terly, Bovus deo Deas Monde, | : ' vat) - ae ; _ “UREA Alara asic Jose's ! patos doberbecy, asi | Srinss Goorierh Landon Societys. hs onal’ Ab olines aed oi ney | ime SOMME TE Bt ee cet ch a et Popular Setence Ree. Gornhi i eeands ‘BHth the whi Science a eee ie Saturday Heoiw, Pras Moped ss iis mat he pate hat Vaal oy .* oo a 4, 4 nn ; palais} aA? FEIT itieally HOT OM LOBE Hal Cheirgy owe tsa enve enc sthceae an p e Chamber's Journal, oy dansia | “patie Commi a Geer ees sealitic Zi hone Art Journals RE. Ronee, my BREINP |o sods pie pm = x xW “Marcil eed occ chan Tee) datas wn, Dan Cr): QB “pbtey rs ‘to stich change in our Maceaka’ Mapasua Mikes ai be “00 ‘is . he Gt tivo ol to Mig ‘WHE ini “OGr sOCial relations, ALAWAH A 2B - 2 i, + i of and th abd hereby earnestly recom- orisenctante sree Iw NORTH eaporia, - pee ae peel e en @y B. rund to the oh the State to man- | Periodicals, translz ted raeival a bseolia +H : douse tes & aa ene 1” # So. add tothe variety and v prepared to execute all oytee owe | we lipecces, ti to be Each number is embel at th work dee on .e@0 ede apes 3 Stand, Main , wie to se every pro- | Steel se (alesetaah Missiles! crest eee ——— rene rer mn fen hy iz pending Me power to avert trative of important historical events. ow Tr 542 tee wh? + be ‘ : - sal Sees 2 of ? weve) a, 4 : pirhirt. mS iT Tour s ; ri That while we are unal-| Splendid Premiums for 1868: i caries =e Every new subscriber to the Eclectic 1968, se waty PROFESSIONAL | “a gn “ rC we yet have $5 in advance, will receive either of the ilosing tt! i Weaon rong judices ralkd : egg race ; | beautiful chromo oil paintings |, - b oad aidan het aan pe r that we are determin ust laws, t - a as . ft) ay OP BS ois - il BASKET OF PEACHES aa . ee 3. ee oRer PsP o THER y to confer upon them all privileges Size9 X 11; srhich ean bo d ce cotivtgetithy ‘wich the “Health Restorer, rs zloty have ored ity ie paca al PIPER AND NUT CR ACKERS, 5 sito: “ti Bratifying resuhs, AM? Zecmci and im- Size 7 X 8. ‘COTTON YARN . L hel foes soe Wortd.4? ever sro rod tear ot ct estly The above are exact copies of o iS earn rigipal oil Measures | ings, and areexecuted by ook & Co., in the Sigh ; "4 ture can advise. verde pol adh eblng) seeded them we will oun Tee. 6. Ipasolowd, That is convention recog- | either of our Fine gravings, ngton with age of itude, the hertte Mspae Forge, Return from Market, Sunday Morn- ; + ni Mf oy Otid efforts of the President of the te Two subscribers and $10,00, we will send the , States, to restore the Uaion and har- | beautiful Chromo, Poultry Life—Size 5 1-9 x 8. ' mony and good. will among the American | For Three subscribers and $15.00, a copy of OF A oekd Tat ' this convention regards | Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary, £ etter <— Bill Heads, ; 1 E D Hall, New Hanover. — qaft! hibald McLean, Cumberland. ; Hon. Thos 8 Ashe, Anson, = SPP homoge WORT sre cr the Supreme Court of the United State Armfi Wilkes,. 4 nl 8 as Vol f 1,040 itaini 600 Disease — ee ¢. , ev expounder, in the last resort, ‘acte| iilesten ees. price 8 96,00: ae a copy Of Rona SCROFULA, i in al ite fe ding Hy eat oss Ts “ vw imate . orms, Hngpads ealtnnes RD ALLEY the Cunstitation—aed -believe that its | Bonheur’s Celebrated piece, Shetland Ponies—Size hee - onl 2 : - ie Suk hould be | 81-2 x 12 1-2. WEDDING and PARTY - Wileon, Augact 2 1867, ft oy! c @stiirén Disraicr, ae FEI. aw in the re etal Toye probe ti il ove ham, Cleaveland. '\ febstiée’end better days ofthe Republic, and Terms of the Eclectic : Ao /n 8 Avery, Burke. sptiogs Supairanee thereof by leg- Single copies 45 cts.: one copy, one year, $6.00 TFichoks e\:a = M L seGalklepOath wpe: afin or. otherwise, will be, destractive to Mane ee ne cms ee vans Ee ’ od - fee? Sngied! Or. best interests of the country, and dan- W. H. BIDWELL ‘ ir. om Majoras of the the people. 5 Beekman St. by k. aa? let = ane 71 eekman St., New York.| PAMPHLETS, rm) thern, States ander the . oi . ; bbs rm rs whieh now con- British Periodicals. CIRCULARS, an impure State of the Blood. Se nr io Rheu fie qa waiving HANDBILLS > The follewing, dandreis of our| suede dT eS Te UL hig pad Serato The London Quarterly Review, (Oon bet citizens, ty os rondrfal eBicny. ok salt sed eee — mend and invite the et eo-operation of Faerie oi Remeon wit DRUG LABELS, Home Certificates, from Physicians, : f NoetheCarolina with . ne Ng , - corre ha r20 1 } ths D wu - ouservative men of the} The Westminster Review, (Radical, ) COURT BLANKS, mel whys gn pare edlanent ya 29» we ae who are how nobly straggling | The North British Review, (Free | , a kinds-of and Chemist, and that his remedy is af efficient-andi} | yj geinamee) Wak ey ah eve abetted ACH Coaeiees Chrurelin sod ait other Kinds-of Blanks and Job Printing will | valuable one in Serofuld, &e., it, having performed | - ver be. rou TOE od the Uniteds States and the restoration of the be done fn a style that can be surpassed by none, 4D Moote M.D. Ww. ae Mu Dz restos Southern States to their rights im the Union L.A. Stith, M.D. E. Bas Duggan, 36 the evlire system, to + thea 3 ore anpyetparey me on the ‘solid’ fogndation of harmony and Blachwooud's Bksbuyh Magazine, | and equalled by few in the State. 7 Wi 1, ML. Dun, R. W. hey, a, 2). Di. sree : Deer prode: 1 oe AGM / re Resplued, That this Convention elect (Tory-) SS Sere ie Seine See Ses eee See EC a Dey 4 Weodsors, M.D. ome Lees. TI : Oo - ne arti Hon py Beclanen Y tear Gel@gates and four alternates, for the{ The periodieals are ably sustained by the contri | Southern Country. waeye, X.C-, Oct a1; EN cles of whieb fas OSs ning specie 17 ee J Busts at large: to réprident the Conservative | Butons of the beet writerd on Science, Heligton and Thereby certify that I scans a —— ) i. tao >) wr 1 tite i : of sondhga in Pera rae world of letters,~ “They” are indispensable to the HANES & BRUNER. with the above named Phyaiclan en Aa erirabed On BD ONT Y BY De fa caw. aos ~ : witios. professional ma 0 @ emen Fespectabi stand , state ORGANZA: aii en i e Conservative people of the alae adinege dh they furnish a hachal pecord of the ra Salisbury, January 16, 1868. twkwtf comuunit = in" us pane Ps. pene? coal Limmore, _ STAR PORN et ; ; Con pe ty Districty 10 appoint rent literature of the day theu cap be vyfainedfrom | _——__ ? C. DAVIS, Mayor of Witton. price Le tate cc ittee, to.cousist o Cine pts at day to ye@resent tl ny other so nee” fi oe November Ist; 1567. eh iihay Pi a a ot whe shall fedide Fin Said convention. aa a TERMS FOR 1868. THE TRI-WEEKLY | ee cae : sa@r- For r Sadeby, al Jor thoi Dr in* ‘and three judigial district : tion shall | F ofthe Reviews... $4.00 7 Eps rco mse Counry, Ni Ci, Hayy, ser, >|. or seni to be appoictal by she Bate convention, 4 BeoriBMd We Bibs daa ea a's new Site | fur ty two ot betiaees ce"! OTD NORTE STATE, [22 inept ayven| 704 ek ~ited _ The committee have power to yoqpeel onstitution. Peas Committee for Sa mer benny of the Reviews... 10. hog : a : to Toliborl. tone ern ng inetd dehy a Ws a pbs Yoo d 8 organization, g vacancies, &., a Btaid, whic Wipes pppoisted by this | por Blackwood's Magesine 0 400 east dali, I have carefeliy. iteFormata, and and ed ot aso ener relating to 6f-'l’convention, be instructed, if the time shall For Blackwood and one Review, 7. 4 “ AND THE WEEKLY po are it in soit ‘actice pi] persona t jab"? -W:twon yan ue; Cc cap- ) oO F lackwood and an [th Oe eC , 388 ge _ aa ae renee dae colle Convention of the | Fer Plackwoodand soy two ofthe, | WATCHMAN & Old North State: bes Altdeatjve Leverused .hakebeted Hf sever RECORD i i Pevp'? A OEAEG, TO Put lL! vor Blackwood and three of the al cases of Scrofulg and Se, 4 : , 3TR TION nom nation candi les for the Various State Reviews, Sewer aco re sce elcliere 18.00 “ with ‘much satisfaction a ' é # : , Bi¢e Whose election shal) thea be orde red; | For Blackwood and the four Re- FOR 1868 have, therefore, no hesitation oping . 0 et ee “ alien 1. ‘lee in at att ere, shall pot be sufficient time to WW Re cence ccs iseed cecek i 15.00 . Liywiclane and atigem oe: a ars eee 5 istrict co co ayention, | w putiiu nomination pure. dec cts, apd shall | sound Conbers ive men for said offices, CLUBS. ——o ' publican P wong plage sarap charge of all e e list of ean- ; hse ra of twenty lied al be allowed to bP the FF: 28 - 8. to f; ¥ v ‘f leprae ‘relating ‘county cena thon for te oat A Conven- Buackwvod, or of ote Review, will be nent Wo pre THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH ages: oLp Pike STATE, ” es nam address pain of! Burke : 'PhowG Walton, ‘8 C W Tate, | views and Blackwood, for 448-00, and soon. | STATE havingbeen cobeolidated in the oman the <re 12 mimittee, i : af 58 ot ’ * E Dr D \Addrew POSTAGE. néestiqued : Cheat wee 7 ee Beery; : Shaford, Jno k Subscribers should pve y by the quarter, at “the anne or ex ey oe eae having : ; pak . 6 i 4 W. HOLDEN. : COUNTY | MR office of delivery. The wotane ra part of the | suspended publication, hereafter thete will be bu Will € ' ; 2. Willan 8 Harris, John M | United States is Two Cunrs & nuwber. This rate res peter . l urethe ‘worst Cases ‘To do this the m one Ne alls om ore ons meetin or through t Estes Bots i De Aang aes ony sea 1 ree Cha cee Ferback num- | one paper published in Salisbury, which will be is- of Sor pay : }bemest Rn gy Mi oc ea e a ; €.3 é a if “ pecans ES a. Premiums to New Subscribere. ||" 7. woeady do Weekt mee at els cipher rom captain's District withih Dye Imits. Caldicot : Maj WH Malone, Gen S F eae page will be pe ree a access sa any ame coy corres Read the statement below, and despair _ 4 The ah orgy site, bal e of | Patterson, Edwatd W. Jones, Rev. Isaac | one of the Pour Reviews for 1867. New Subscribers | under the above names. In consequence of the | 200, Weekly TisBiated Campaign Paper vo geeren gt ion, Oxford, B,. Ek. Moody. to a)l five of the Periodicals for 1 mM£y receive, . Wison Couxsy, satan Ed dh. Veckty eo ya ’ to F\ Lowe Henr Walser, for 1887 Sood. or any two of the'Four Reviews | combination referved to, this paiper.will have the - oe. J. pla pro noe eats | ; during the cam- make =o reports to oes chairman a ene J, Welborn, M Ey. See hake may obtain back mumbers at the fol- a sen dead j Peles in E : hh, N.., onsitl oe : ist: an nm lowing seduced i Aig ; = ; as fears? ae ttf 5 ets : mre . te ‘ | ae . Thos 2 The North British “oc Janwary, 1863, to Decem- Largest Circulation pe A her ee ca Tepihieny Bor eo ORD, g said 08 a item, J H_ Hill, | rbe, 1867, inctusive ; Edinburgh an@ the Westmin- there was no. csillonst sonimedioy last The ‘first hich will be issued the inittee. es x hjib, R Dempster, Colonel = from April, y sal cp ceage rl 1867, inclusive, OF ANY PaPEk In she was worse than are her body, 5 ate be ie. isp 4 ; 1 , county and 1967, at Nap lB PLEAS i pede ie or earlier should the sired from New 5 weed \ ican: Ww J , W Revi wr vito Black Gand for SG not Toot for ea, tion. t was , ad ao i a4 Betty ig Fal sere ane “all the registered Setar of their ery = A Graham. W F ell. 60 4 year. or ube tid pb for 94.08. Weste: Nerth beeane T at ones. rey | ‘he thale P are.w ’ Nefther premiums to Si nor discount rn Catoting:| © giving i hers "Tes | » ivory toterém tanust — a st M } to Clube nor reduced prices for numbers, can than.a nth Sane grees copy’ this paper; o EN? ecale eikonal also, ‘that they pioh to ’ ocy, pray ee gaa ~~ ae AND WILL AFFORD row “ey afin d . f A ae whe be eared. ona ep, canolied ons seperate lit on bet ghe Dr McCoy. F E Shober, W H Baik Wate oe pnd aby a oe ee BoRNETE, or © ed attvanent r, but who eas: , ober, Wm i Leonard Pub. Co., : » burl m have aot carrbatve-eiliet #0, aad that vy use "every'ex- Kerr Craige, Wastebl ouck, Isaac M Sho 140 Fulton, SL, N. y, }Best Advertising Medium ROSADALIS Bh toner atain vm ertioa to secunecheirgegistration and active'co- | ver, T W nian, Richard Cowan, John ———s" ‘eke isch Gea ded ghitot thd ry ats of & State and peration. K. G The f. 8- Pe. CO. also publigh the . State. CURES od : t TF) eis? ‘ages ‘ ven- : Be Sst O'R. BELPER, ah to errr HG DAR Sibert FARMER'S GUIDE, y cariolis't | began 20. © Bepiaaibseis, ite. Bidet a and formation, wyn. by Hewny Srerirexa, of Bdinbu d the late ‘ tort i es _ now aged AND Hi ip z Wilkes Dr C L Cooke, Dr Jas Cal- regen tea lila | College "8 n00b-s Royal The Edi al Department, . wes unler seh whee seen oa hse sat 9 Gf pectagat ON. & F PRINCIPLES Phin Meme Ce ge Bp toca 07 mie he rome y a Pome, | "lle ander the manepoment Ofte, Maar, ine | alles chich wih ween pita eagherpesd a 4. ii » eterate and ex- The Conservative e of Nojt a Editor and Proprietor of the Ou> Nowew Sears, setnes bi treubleseipe, Eruption of the Se tay Paveas & ice or eigh, on the 6 NV. Y (OF Ni: ENE Ht 2; AULRI BROWN, | and vo pains will ve spared to misike it equal tdany/4 dutty = date ae roe rere ty 1 fon ii Steet #ebruary, 1968, “to coher the CA’ HUTCHISON & co. See Clam in the State, my. 208 became nad mai i baad $ ff ; e {oe wey ad s rire ANDHOLDERS who wish to Sell Insurance Agents ‘end Commis | i %¢ politics of the paper there will ha a er ars wt sae ie A or A; change—it will contin heat em af) i ot e. ° sion Merchants, ile.da> em mass dented, Consitinption eign ahigt “toni be oe pb ald ice e nf to to DEALERS IN Conservative Journal, bit it will not be devoted ex- ee | we = g ~s i property in our hands for sale. ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS, _| closively to polities. It will also be devoted to the | My a has been eured of « dees erated RE as a e have great facilities fur procuring pur- NO. lL, COWAN'S BRICK ROW disease lle vanced by var aioe ; chaserg for all property. eo ? | materia) interests of the State, and © Literary and | cian Cosaumpuign ioe , | SALISBURY, W. Cc. re Ta ee meer cate pee or ver. aan aera. | . Col promptly attended to. | Roonsmy; 2e Sica Nera ser rie Reter to eo. W, z 8. C : ° : meer i if a vs re . Cal Ooo Br: Saputa oa ~ Offering such inducements, we confidently se! - "na , neeau t ‘ly hee ee tothe public for s Hibétal chats of its patronage | ponte Tigao . : ¢ : James Anderson. Supt. N.O,. * marS-im | by subseription and advertisements. ee ee Lota T ht =o | on 8 WAetaTOR I 3 a {MAIL AND EXPRESS LAVEDaily | ! | Is : 4 Potent Remedy, ia Tae Ss rue fy ‘ nd, viiak 4 SERS, oBl- , i ee eqreoce . . al | ae ge ony eg ai . ta > nt eaecelsion of artistic, ay. Sched ul Hioh Seog ay eaeeeea ss et 235 : nab uaso| wares joe, tates a U Ma ig ria tie Sm “ Bix Meili. Mee aed: “Chronig Diseases.” pel is eta Ton. i. |PeOM Pipaaa oe rien: ves at High Point at7% o'eleck, P M rs will] Ang tis this Line tocked For Ove, Year .es03- ode emsbe dictbovcede » we 83,00 I have eee Goole seth ood seapan and ac- * Six Month... AMADA... 1,59 the ear an! P. at ten yours poor triage Drivers, paige no pains will be standing, ROSADALIS. > | spared to make a!] who travelon this line com HANES & BRUNER, ing, by GEO. W. B BLOUNT. Ree ve freA, a Few =r yy oil. eu x dials ° > peri pr eant — Publishers and Proprictors.| Cant.J. Ht. Pattee ah aren noe Si jan’y 18~twin J. G. VEACH. Salisbury, N, Cv, Jannery $6; 1868, twd&wtf. or eight years J “ea been covercly ‘amends sTCBMAS dc OLD NORTH STATE. a gf ET E i i { if 8 i | i t { . i a | it e { i r i r i i Fr ef j i i 3 j i it } a Fs if 3 z ! | i f | ! 3 f 1 i Lr if ? t in other hands than those ft fe intrusted by the Conetita- | the subject, The con- | former days. its funetiona when it| must be evident to every one that the ton, aod submitted it| plan, to say the least, was a legislative 3 ngietered Voters, for ratification — | crror — ash. letter in Lalt, Gasette eget —o AN ORDINANUE POR THE SUBMISSION OF THE: coxsTITUTion 10 Tax probe fe ost, PLE, AXD THE ELECTION OF 'C CERTAIN OFFICES. Be it ordaimed by the poaple of North Congeniwa Tha m ga ve y el a t Ff F fF ru p S H E f st k Ho i Bee. 3. An election for members of the | Valeed Stairs Congress shall be held in jeach Congressional Distriet, as now ce | tabliched, at the same time and - the election fer ratification of & Con- | stitation. Said elvetions shall be con- | dected by the same persons and under the | nd eame lations as before meut oned mw Necth Uarelina “a s 2 ee thie inaner. The returns shall be © fortmight later” than ia Sosth made to the I’resident of thie Conven- tion. who shall give the persons chosen * | certificates of election It ie the impossibility) oy: ery at \ tats Sed edger! A cscscnca reqeested to en Hee. 5. The President of the Uonrrn ad Saeed oe te hereby direetrd to forward a cer Chen she wbslootiok manding General of thie Miliary Die- ” | her ' tiled copy of this ordinance to the Com Ratified thie 17th day of Mareh, A 1), not be the Legislatare of North Uar- : lt eff ben j ip: en thousand eight hundred and sixty without eonstiintion an and ite work will go for, . " y 0 1 heal de Presudent of the Constitutional Conven and other offices, will be without | - ( Signed, ) Canvin Jd. Cowera, teom of North Carola ————— Mr. Chase's Ambition | Sates.” He will be sore! Bat fte | approaching trial ; and if he comes out a wense expense, as above deecribed, and | work of pure and a for delegates to a “tate | name will be blican in form ;| chair is-eanvet at once teerive the Constita- | Bate, as 9 co-equal of | dissappointed at the failure of and immediately place for the reconstructive of the Bouthern iments, Though they keep very quiet on each one insists that the | thousand questions Kor gen 0 after acoupting the (Con- amount of gas blewn in " the otber | enn pubhely foresee, Order an election ander it, by a, bares this gigantic bubble. [lt of the gotora enfranehieed by it. - | tion and reerim ean the military commander do ter the sonvention iteclf. The Radicale are ronily disgusted and | cannot be settled iu than this, the judgmer SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 3, 1868. Hi u] i ! i A i i Hu i i it Radieal—Well, what is there in it that ,| Conservative—There is a it which I don’t like—but much more out well to be in favor of it. Radical —You talk as if you have stud- over this matter more than & ® This new system pro Jadge shall reside in and ride his own cireuit—thus causir come familiarized wi + t that he shall be- every ease on the ing bim to temptations il y 5 ia there in it you F< tol he frst place, this e & Wy Fr ? E3 r ¥ =f =E i ry 4 E Fz as L is vot all we have to Tet Radieal.—' is hardly likely to bck at tia mater nH i and withoat Peat ag cca prejudice te debt, these white men aryl sprvaent ean wil vet Re hc that convention ne sooner submit to ,000.° ‘Tho interest on this | secial equality with iho negroes than you 5 parents seenate to. $1,140,-| will, the new coustitution, we} Conservative. — You acc aiistaken again to csine nan bene Goon 9608,009 The whole say apn wh gediand fi ale tivo po re othe word a EQUALITY " Thy vag 000. Then we to raise a tax preach it, night 5 ed af Oe barf a oghe he pe ds F oe ,000. This it up to again. The in that convention of $1,940,000. But sum, | met the negro outside of tho not begin at all. The new | convention, on terms tape Be roged a requires work-houses, ée., to| The charge has been made, and de- constructed, and the county taxes will| pied, that Oarviw J. Oowxze, the PRE SIDENT of the Convention, went into | ; it e it ry i i i ii it ai f if & f > : s { f l H o t t s t e rf i g TUE JUDICIAKY ARTICLE! be said, without fear of contra- source, nice has public administered as in North See what this system will lead to: the Radical ticket succeeds, with a few , (and they were placed on the Ty to the proper carry ,) what a | cremeont, and cannot Conservative —Coald not sight Jadges _ whould be our first daty to get back inte Conservative —That is the general ar- | gument of your party friends. We are al- “Tethation-making. Three changre were | ready in the Union, never having been not required by the legislation of cong On the contrary, twenty, or thirty of prominent and moet congress wrote leading wrinbers late eo-ealled convention, urging them to | mrs objectionable make just as few changes in oar State constitation as poesible,—only to eccure | negro enffrage, and then to go heme — | wtarte, that the ennse-| present time, and in the present eripp that the prople, of all aud impoverished condition of our if| to pay the annual interest on the State’ They wart to be to say, that they | intredeced what ther call reforms in con T set out to tell what | thoaght | the | wae 19 the constitation, which shoald im- | the abeolate duty af rejecting uf the | that document at the coming eleetion. The { edical members of | Poet OF Bs convention meant this, if it meant any-| Fether of 1 might ony, the moet | thing. When the suljact was being one- | ,,,, = pre by the body, it was moved thas a Ager names of gery tion, is that which makes it obligatory up | -rparate schuols shuld be provided for grand on the Legislature to levy a tax, at y |} the two reore, and the motion was almost | Men of bene Gm ow a ym) Daten ° has cost to erttle the tens of qaestions of law that have arisen ender our system, from time te time, and that must necessarily arise ander any sysirm. A good jadicial system, we say, i+ the work, not of a day, or a werk, nor « year; it be the work of centuries; it ie not the workmanship of one man or a set of men, — it ie that of the wisest, greatest and | best men of different ages, all contribet | lt takes « long time, and | } a vast experse of study and moory, to : dil settle any system, and, whenever alia they do, certain, | be the ennsequence the constitution an Caaorrvative=_ Het the action of the | Staart’s living representation hie » and | intamous—featarcs «f this new conetita led | unanimously voted down—and that, toe, . | when they hed put « clause in the eon-| that onee sacred place, «| sthution compelling children, whose par-! . | ents are unable to educate them, to send moet infamous transaction, that ever Radical — ) ve are notin favor of Repu- | them at least 16 months to the public occurred outs de of « wo ligars a | schools—thas forcing the children of Members of the convention, biack Conservative —No, Sir, Lam far from | poor white men to associate with negro and white, and black outsiders, form They told these aj eences woald br, parties, woald repudiate their work, they undertook to press upon the people strange innovations | Will the peaple sabmit to these out-| diation, are you! inevitable ruin will) % ® Let every man take | Will do more towa d read it. and see if| Tepadiate than all t i ed that ie here said of ite demerits ie not, bac been done in twenty y arty Pirenoruseput A os te give mee ©) varranted. Every one will be forced to) peng the secession of the Our people of all and approved our system; they ander. IpOWwN! stand it; it secures ther rights, mrete u their wants and exteuds to every mac ex- our for the most wrighty canes. To do sa,| re! poeple | is » keep pablie justice in a coustant might he sail againet Our own courts are ¢ dis AND VOTE IT the citizens of the State by an iw the | ttitution, while Na hopes of | lowed to evllect f courts, and in doing so, to sell your say, that mach mere Then goto the p Letevery white m Mtate beetir himself, for all our a just, culightened, iw Why, then, are we called upon to reject ee ot ee 4 ene a Soll erhed Gud ied syn 1 jour hopes for the tuture—are at stake {To what end are we invited to adopt the| wntried system ew of jestier,—all } SS (From the Raleigh seotnel any negro. Conserva ive.— That's the way your the State Uapitel, and delegates of the party all talk, bat you act difforcatly people were seen to stagger from the our acts lead inevitably to social effects of whiskey avd exhamstion ! with the negro, and tthe very = This acene waskept ap astil a late which you exhibit auch aver hour at night and the departing epec- sion. But this is aot all. 1 wae pro taior see, here and there, in the pase eS Se een oad on the benches, riage af whiere and bincks, wad thus pre. and ce the fleur, bndice of many of position WAS VOTED DOWN pull igpmsn ge otiaye Hg nde convention nut only did thia, but actaally clumber, rape 0d Gua’ their go paserd an ordinanes legalizing marriages system overturns absolu-| A PAMILSAR OCONTERSATION ON THY YEW ly make « support for their families Radical—Bat, my dear Sir, you say | you are not in favor of Repudiation: Then | what do you prapose to de, whee yoa ob- Radical— Well, it is pretty gool ander ject to paying only tho enlercsd ou what the cireumstanore, ain't i! Conservative— Well, I have read the Radical -Good morning, neighbor Joe —bave you ecen the new (Constitution f Coneervative—Ohb! yee untried, and it will cost \the State owes ? | Conservative—I will tell yoo. T would Indeed, I have! tell these Northern bondhi in the world te that it can nev- | studied all of ite most important provis-| debt is a just and honest one—that we ke our present system, ‘T'en |jona, and of lnw, that no one clusion. thie generation, and, their echemes nt of the great-|(‘onstitation carefully ; 1 have eome to a different con- we are admitted 1: ie no more like the old Con- will arise at ence, stitution, handed down to us by those old litigation, ancer-|firm patriots, Gaston and Macon, than/ry revived, and the wealth and prosperity | of the good old days shall return to blees Radical — Qh! Pshaw! you are preju-| ag and our good old North Varviina. The bend holder is rich—we aie poor, He can afford to wait without injary to bim will pay it, but mot to our rights m the Union, and laber shal! become regulated, order restored, indust- is crimina- | that will load to endless ination among them The | tainty and cort. Dade are —-- happy family jof| Under the proposed Conatitucion, They Turner's Almanac is like the Bible. t the framers of the new con- be estab- stitution—you don’t like Helden, Ashiey, at the cost of six! McDonald, 'Tourger, and the other mem- h, and these bere who bad most todo with fixing itup;} Radical—You are making agtrong case new system, entirely, of rules of acknowledge that it d a new code of laws, are to \liehed by three men, j bundred dollars per mont eral tax will not be less than $1,500,000 || with A. H. , So, itis reduced toan absolute certainty |from the county of g Bhagat that, under the constitution, the | the two, Cowles white) and Gallows as are, will have to|(BegTo) ate » taeraiing sack year, in the way of public tax-| other, at the time, by familiar 1Al le, and |conversation. It bas been ow = peace ee Ae ON Se Sage tees ay hers bal * DO 1 l—aend atte, Martia tiew of this sam is to go isto eo pockets | Redieal for JUDGE tn tae Och et Northern “Sh ” and Judicial cirewit, went into a grog-shop, in Rediesl—Thhore mest be couse mistaho| the city of Balsigh, wih s noterious ne- about this, for cur people cannot pay oue| 7° of thet city, known as tenth of this sum. You are or pass y nw Pag dona Conservative—I do not you ay} ( and “Boots” (negro) drank to- word for it. I give you epee i Po ys ‘There cannot be auy mistake, for “fig-/¢t’ looks!! Is act this SOCIAL, “Repeat Wh soutd| Radioal Wh estenich wo! pica — Why, sir, oor . me not raise this amount ore one Do you tall mas’ ie’ to bree that the individual lives depened upon President of the Convention has beea Cosseavative—That may be truc,—/ charged with in that mane and that fact only makes the nrerssity toner with » nigger, and has not denied defeat the Constitution the more ergest litt and thet another eldle man of a r : the Convention so aeted, that be piantts Poa all view, te json be wes oftercords for the of » ean 3 for requires thet to be dome which te tm-| foe 98 Judge by the Bepublicnn possible we be dene. Four millions of oe ee ee a at a three-fourths of the heded Sithey have not been denied. And the ender the auctionest’s these acts are not alone done hy the The legislators who framed such » re-| en whose have beon men - eg pep ie pel eget Proce ee of the Conves- bed ou wy they , generally, acted towards these have ratified it. mappa te Oe Coavestion with a DIcaL—| confess, these figures rath- | consideration to with er surprise me. You said awhile ago| whieh they pave Bhan mg had as much objection to what preapared to nd this featare of the new Conatitation | Children om terms of equality. |ed nfiagiriad org Sg-wass beray- oro Radical. —To be sure, the Convention tely in front of Speaker's chair, he legislation which | did not do this | and dancing to sil sorts of tanes, dif- Conservative. The record of the con- ferent jagi State, and its | rention show this to be wrur. And, be roster evry ae eee ae Joved against | tides this outrage upon the white children ,.-h as “Sal's in the garden siftin this very con- | of the State, the convention refused to for Sood” sald Jehn Beotn’ bode i ditors are al-| bid the enrollment of whites and blacks his 0 0" pe Soest ir dvbee bn the Federal | the ous coer istany Ne the oa of the wildernees,” “Uh: Yallow gal | to o.- ‘ ; of your wife and | tent that it refused to forbid’ the master. &2"'t yOu cume oat to night,” &e.— children. And while such is onr situation | ing of white men ander negroes officers | this constitution declares that these pro- | in the clay,” “Come out Sir, it was a scene that made the heart Radieal—! would suffer myrrif to be sick and the eyes weep. Candidates | ple, (whore lands and whose ali, are to | hanged before | would be mustered by fur Judgrehipe were seen ;promiuent The pre THOUGHTS FOR THE PEOPLE, cpaysechas) shall Oe onal raping of $1 200.000 a year to pay the inicrest on the State debt, which te almost entire- ly im the bands of these Northern men. — among these creating a bedlam of and weariness‘ af whites and blacks ! | mercy that poor old North Carolina Radical —Thie cannot be war. If 1 may nover again be cursed by such s believed the convention had perpetrated scene In her old pitol—and such an outrage upon the le, race as that her may be spared the in- that, I would vote ageinst a constitution fliction, upon them their ehjl. framed by sach traitors to their race and drea, of soch a ourse as the estabiffh- iment ef the infamons Constitution y- OConses vative.— The record can be pro- which these wicked and uaprincipled daced to prove». Bat, my dear sir, the: yen would fasten wpon osalp . convention not only did this, but Hab-| fteiical Amen!! eolately voted dowr « rproposition fobid- | . eI eee ding that a WHI16 CHILD shonld ev. ; 5 . NS ad ea a a bag | Pretsia owes $245,766,508, and kre lately spent wuch wore than her iu- come = are in danger. - he ! Ra LLY f : pedpldi de orn th 0 if on ghits The old Constitution un SA BOR GOVERNOR, THOMAS 8. ASHE, OF aXSON. FOR MEUTENANT GOVERNOR, EDWARD D, HALL, OF NEW aAvoyen.” ” SHURA, Noi ABBE 3,.1867-1der-which we have lived so happily for “FE cbf Gorcbaaehi? ee mader the auspi Northern ad- TRE CONS TTT eee eerie With ily Various “Anighdipents. pthree quarters of a century is threatened with overthrow. For it a conetitation to degrade the white man to the level, of toed negro, is sought to be substitureda— A burden of taxation Is sotght tobe im. they are utterly unable to bear, the effect of which will be tw enrich. the, boad holders of the State in Wall Street. A all of thie tax-will have to be paid by the! White people of the State. For though whites by the new Copatitntion, as far as thoorganic law ean make them 66, yet they will bear no portion of the burdens incur FOR CONGRESS. “ Hon. Nathanic] Boyden, OF RowaXx. ~~ ee COUNTY CONSERVATIVE TICKET. For the Senate, WM. M. ROBBINS, of Rowsaa, For the House of Representatives JOSEPH 4. HAWKLNS, 1 € M. SHAVER, For Sheriff. W. A. WALTON. For Coroner, SENJ. F. FRALEY. » For Superior Covirt Clerk: , A. JUDSON MASON. Por Rigister of Deeds. OBADIAH WOODSON, Por County Treasurer, JAMES 6. MoCUBBING. Kar Cupnty Surveyor, © Be W AGGOXER. Comblissioners. —Jobn 1. - ss mem oranda of their capdidates, god eked wid! besupplied to them free of cost. ‘HON. NATHAN AT, BOY DEN: We plece Dae using Of this dinkingwish od.gemtiergpan atthe bead of our columns Heyden will actept of the nominatin até f 20 be wil we doakt commence tix WH Calvin meet kim! We hope eo, bet we fear mot If he does be is gone Aft the indications are thas Mr th y- den WT be triumphiantly elected G:eat and rapid changes are taking place in thie) dawiet. Rowan will go largely conrcr- vativwe. Meckienberg, Lineslon, [redeli, Davie, Alezander and Yadkin ~.)! give conservative = majoritie.. will go overs helmingly We cannot +peak with certainry of Ur ton and Cabarrur,—they may pore'tl; give omall radical majorities. J Wilk the conservatives wii maké heary game if they do aot carry the county «Te the conservatives in other parts of the State we would say take etdrage. Things are going right in the weet. aire Catawhe Conservative — TAKA. Remember thet # the few Conetinn: t¢ adopted no criti “tan be paiebed otherwise than b¥ fac avd Imprisonment exeept ip expital enw s, antl a pre! ry thal be erectid J) theed demoralized tues the nawber of cunrieiwous for petty 1 with can ntia cftenese will be tery numerous, av nother mrans of punishment our juils wil be crowded wo luge a natmber of convict? enormona, all of which +) The cost of maintaiwing 6 prison will be have t ue} e people They are awra vsebed as-searcely to be able ep wow imposed apo them bat if the pew conetitetion shewtd be rari 4 my ry thy far . tent fied thi ve tares wil) te nerd te “| wmit tient the y have ¢omm | “la great crisis ved in carrying on the State government All taxes levied for that purpose are to be levied on property ouly, and the negroes, as a class, have nopreperty,. Kvery'cent of the taxes paid by them,°and miore® ton; will bo paid back’to them In the cdura- tion of their children agd the support o their paupers, All taxes levied on the poll are to be expended for purposes of. education and charity, and tlie negroes will pay no other kind of taxcs. As paa- pers among ther are more numerous than among the whites, and as more colored children will be eduemed at the public schools than white children, more*of the sarce thus collected will be appropriate d tw the use of the negrocs thaa they pay iuto the treasury. ; Here, then, will be a very large clase of the people of the State #litring the éqiial protection of ite laws, aad participating equally ia ite goverumcut, without paying aoy taxes whatever for the support of that government. “ And this clase will be able to Control absolutely seventeen enuntics ta the State, and by the aid ofa few de graded white men they will be gble to com teolas many more. Thisclassresi'es inain- dy in the East, and ander the new Uon- s@iution they will be able to defiat every sieasure. of legislation insegded to beycfit Ube West. Sach will Le the condision of things ifthe aew constiiation shaaid be adopted a: the approaching Acetion. Are_yoo in favor ofauch a cons:itutlon 7 We lecl quis eure that you are aot— Then Ratex to the pails en the ist, posed upon the people of the State whiel| the negroce are to bo made equal with the > GEBRIouUsmA ERVATR powe in ey weather, the meeting at MeNeely’s Hall, on ‘Tharsday night was # splendid enc- cess, The spacious hall was All with the best population of the . im, paalad.zi pity.A nmmber of the fai daughters | aera the." oces sion with their presence, and the “utmost enthasiasay provailed. ert “DHE niecting war organized by calling | Lewis Tanes' to the Chiaty, and appatating: Johy.8, Henderson, Secretary. Upon ta: king the chair Mp. Hanes made a few brich remarks ¢xplanntory of sho object of the ‘thécting. All those present; with one or two exceptions, then proceeded to en- roll themselves as members of “the Salis: bury Conservative Club.” When the process of enrolling had been completed, Francis E. Shaber, Beq,, pro- posed the name of Maj. Janes EL’ Kerr as permanent President of the Club, when he was-elected- by acclamation. .. Upon being Gondueted tothe chair by Mr. Sheober; Major Kerr to address the Clnb atsome length He analyzed the new gongticntion.in a masterly manuver and jshowed to the satiafaction of every unpre- fadiced wind that if it should be adopted the State wonld be rtined. He was fre qvently greeted with loud applanse. After Major Kerr had eoneluded. bis re- marks, on motion of W. IL. lailey, Req, Dr: JOW. Hall, Kerr Oraige and Robert H. Smith, Esgrs., were cleeted Vice Pres- identa, John 8. Henderson, Seerctary, and P.I) Meroacy, John F. Moose and Stephen F. Lord, Esqre, the /-xceative Committee of she Club. After the organization of the chub liad been completed, W. M. Robbins, Esq, Conecrvative candidate for the Svaate ‘from this county and Davie, was ealled upon, abd entertxined the atrdiencé for nearly one hour with one of the vety Beat a ceobes,. We will net attempt even to give a synopsis of thie epcech jest we shoald do the dietingai shed + peaker injas. ties, We will itty rogiaAl that the tpeech wag worthy of the repwation whieh Mr, Robbins has already aseqaired, as, one of the best political speakers jo North Uarn- lina: Me closed amid’ tremendous ap- plaage, whenthe Tub adjourned to” meet agaig.on nest Thareday night, F We bope the enilmsianm thus kindled ithe If\is an e: that th Mists am An’ Si ing sign ong th GT. pon thrown by as ti of den . draw bac gogues as ever disgraced any country. at the idea of adopting the Constitetion now raced PT They literally can’ “s e if i ppressl Ve At Non Ba yore of thé vote inst the new cousti be mearly Upshimous. ; : £4 oTeT are. DAVIDSON, COUNTY. » in Res v 4 Conventipn at Léxingtbn, ow yrwterday and yominated the following tie for the’ “Houne of Representatives," H W. Brammel aod W. H. Budget, Eeqis. the h t le of David ugite the Couservatives to a maa. ed it more effectively. of the nomination and canvass the county, except at a great sacrifice. We shall pro- Breat @ stho saczities is, we do not feel at fiberty to decline. .At atime like present ho man should withheld whatever pservi- of white snpremmey aud good goverment. We therefore, acer pt of the nomination, tind will can vase the eoanty as thorough! y As wevtny Leable: ifeur paper stiodd fall off i Tatereet daifitg the etn vies” we feel sare that our ccaders. will excase it uvder the'cireumstances. | | —- ape HOM B- MARUFCPURES, Wo leamed from FE. A. Vogler, Ex, of Salem, oa Movday last, when we were recelving for Biswlers are twice.as many will spread throaghout the country. Sew 22nd and 23rd.days of April and vote ht down. Go to work at once and avast ‘pending danger. if cxery Conservative any friend of witiie ascendency falter at a time ltke this? Wo canovt believe it. eee atl TAKE COURAGE, Arkansas has rejected the new radical Copetitation, just submitted to let people hy the maugrel eouvention ia that State, | by lange a majority. Tlus intelligence ia moet gratifying, The people of Arkaw eat have acti? ue Became them, and we hope their example will have its in fucuce wpos the faltering iu var own State—we| believe it will bvery thing wow presagre} “}ule ultioate defeat of the congressimnel } policy. “The passidns thar rile the hour | are rapidly pareing away frow the North-| ern ruind. §=Lcason ia beginawg io resume bev eway once more. Ibe EK idicabs, in Cougrese theme ives, are beginning to ad tted a great et rer, Thas errog will never be repraird, Swch of the Southern States as Pr joet ibeir plan of reconstruction, a8 Arkaves and Atabama have done, will bave nothing! woree to fear. Take conrege then, [rev-' men of North Carolina, frum the igus of , the tienes, and act as fre mca showld actin | De your daty amd ali wri! The men who phorutl for ( { yet be well } the overthrow of the Stat hand the present Stare Government wisi netiluuen lyet reap their reward in the seorm aud in- dignation of an outrag-d peeypde. Th fiime will come when all flee who adv Veate the privecipl.s and ol jeere of the tad al party will ecek ta hide Orernsebees » the fices of their hig a4 pancd , and at distant €4y Phen ket we hone? meraee whn have Leen misled by them retreat w hile they jmay do pa with honor a WHO AR VERN UR? TU. ‘This mwa queruon im whieck the peo of Nerth Carelima are dvepl ¥ tite tented at ft thie time—it je one + neeth. we ar idee Pees | wt «l * pproac hing « leetior 4 eon ts net only 40 determine «Lo ar to be elegtors m tire State, but © bat hind f me Pare ta fill the offers hall ther be Giled With reckless adventarere from fis Look bers fies other States who have come bere ’ other purpose bat to seck them | thre { racic what elise of men will wil the at *t d nominers and you will pee {the mew eousiitetion is not rjceted a Caantrromen of Hooper, Davie, Irodedt, Gaston, Stanly, Macon, Lin ywood. lay- low, Henderson, Kutin, Badger and tin long list of tiluet - “ wh you have been ev jnstiy proud, are ling to wubmt to the governumnt of each men?) Are you @illing ts see each men ae the Tourgers, the Aebh ve, the Dew wae, the F renche, and other eqnally worth adventurers and demazgegu:s from fill the highe- fiers the you Wl lene N rthe ar wrk at at larder: tra? d@Gteeses Miry be expeeted from amr best ppeakers. We further express the | time te cnenamge us with their ia oir sex, bot in the hearts of the zen.}bemelactors, Sucecss, we say, 0 all such] peoeueninas oF-2an comEZ TOS, ules sex it me ver ceages to glow with ap in-[emerpriore. Wesnast manplacipre apch| Previous notieshaving beee given, s {nrtieles 0 we use ond con vame, ead ere- teusity “Lich cangot [ul to stuwalaie ae to duty whea brought in contact with them. —=_—— DAVIDSON SUPERIOR COURS, Speaking at Lexington, W in attendance apam Devideon Superior Court ©) Vaesdey. For the Gre: | thar we caw hie Menor, Judge Cl ; on} the beneh ability and i has extorted hizh praise from | No ttort priives for the man-, al) parties wherevee be has gone. anty dors he arr in which he provide +, bat be exhibies arming fer mach legs! fe The onurt adjvarurd at 12 me en Soung «chock i o give the variows carciblates and pertawiry te address | Upon th atier dinner th vtihrere preeeut. an op the pen le raging of the tell syacwrar Court Hoag wae soon filled to iia ulmeort ¢ apactty. Gen.) le le berge andience for a short time by seh arwe first and procested to addrers ” 1, parts af of th claded by imtre { ! oomation people. Gen. Leach cx dacing to the andiener dion Thoma * Ashe, the Oenerwative Candidate fer (, vernor, who Wae f ved with load dew netratiows of applause Mr. Ashe addieosed the audeenee for more than an) bower a very alte and argumentative 1 which gare great earietaction. Jie! owed by dD | € aldeel, Feq ’ + rvauve Candidate tor Congress in » Soh District, whe alen made and te ling spereb Mf weer an heures loncth { ( ee an able After Mr. Caldwell pid concluded, Weure 8 introduced aml euter Ke bk, tauved th a rq. au: iwuer for lalf am hour in an the and elanucmt toanm 7. Qe Patives of Tividson Cownry at rt | Towne for the patpor: vef ate hg { forming - va Jobs, whieh was addrveard Lalph Gerrefl, Eeq . ina most exerl- vineing epee ch f rem irk } } a genes toca wii tard em +1 f on that I that all four « the dusts e worthy vuish day proved themeclves each able cham of the constitution of plone our fathers, were clvee deace, Ard from aneretors Lieving the wh , nided iu ae K inde pende ce and framing thy Constitution of thie Riate, aoder which we have so long lived in The Nashes and Trt were distin- he field a8 nh peace and pre perity Ashes of the guiched both In eonnc and th rev -he purest of patriots, while the names of r ned ate ancestors of Meesia | “ (, r Jed to our uate ¢ ut frawed a Ualilag ta 3776 | prop! | very great , clines to iclit there” wag av meeting of te, ect lJ.) neyro- athe is able to fill. He, therefore ,jné tends ipereaging hia factory to twlee Ne present capacity, and will haye the ma- all poor neighbors toascase of the im- bm pe and belief that the ladies will cag. | Chimery and workmen ina f.- days. We} record ibis fact with the greatest plra-are doeé bis dary ins defeas is cunt ate. Will} Paeriotiom sometimes becomes lukewarm) 2! Vogier, and mea! Whe bim, arepablie} aie for ourselves home markets before we ean become « prods and dent ie. Wid ae do * this Page anpece af trode will be “rarwed [a our fervor and wre shall begin, a0 8 people, Ww “thecbme wealthy. Aslong s8 we thil'to de tht the ballanee of trade will be | againet ae jand we shall cootinue to betvine poorer and poorer he Goto Srscmexss.—Col. D. A. G. Me preside» with dignity and| Pataca of Stanley, has shows as some, the following names tor nemincation. For benarifel epecimene af guid and gold ere, taken frem what te known as the Thom- w mine, owned by Mr. Palmer. It is re ceutly discovered. Tire Mening interest in Uni county is ' wproving daily, by wew discoverics and | imeasly adopted, and all the sominces the inervase of facilities for developing it - Taz Cuaxtotte Dewocrsct —Thie old, able and inflacntial paper takes strong and decided grounds aguinet the mew con- This is what we erpeeted and Webave ever stitation predicted same time sinee had great respect for Mr Yates since we x his paper. We have never doubted his honesty er his patriot commenecd read em—neither hare we doahted his conser- vauem a6 have ofverr man and will not go to extremes on citber snbe Lie present position on the acw comatitation must be aatiefactory to every coterrvative in the Btate, and te infle- enee of the Demaerat against itt will be We ouly regret that fe de- advrcaic ection of the conservative eanditare , bot we will net quarrel! © ith him aboat that, If the con tation ie voted down all will be aecom the plished that we desir, and ow thie posit he ie with os - MKTIL OA \ “ on ' rv ae he Gone ote suled finarrial onste | Megery \ llearne are aneony e able«t ¢ ’ the Staie, aml) tie Corvlmiom was one wre lavunie exchanges, We aball we bene re m te 117 saat! Om wills ebringiot, — —-— THE ELECTION. Remember thal the chenon takes place on rp} the 2ist, 22:1 md 23d dase of Ayer! At that be calle! against the new Constinateon, which alee ty DEGRADE YoU TO THE LEVEL of tlhe NEGRO, and to impose hardens apen you me you will fpon to vote fur or wl you are unable to bear Yor are thea ty chose bet worn res ertab tay aval degres!s tiwn— vetwern-freetlom afd slaty —be tween a governinent miaunistered by respectable =: white nen and @ voverument administered by! The United States owes now €2,- that ase worse phan mtate? Tier etand for pe gros and whie men ayo ‘y 2 - © Cousetvative BL. +8 ' aire being daily.a bane] doged: by thonennds, and-iu.many, parts, Weatthete isreasod: to beliewethat}.. itution will 9 The Conservatives‘of thiseougty held} | ket for the Legiulaqure and Clerk.of the Superior Courts For. the Senate, Lewis Hanes, },, for Superior, Court Clerk, HN. Heit- Of ourselt we are not expected to speak; of the other gentlemén we cau ‘traly say that they are nominations fit to he made. They command the respect of » aud will We regret that the nomination for the Senate was not given to one who had more time to canvass the county than we have, and te one who could have canyase- We eannot acerpt bably be nnable to sceure any person to write for oer columns ducing our abscnen| If we accept, and our associate, Mr. Lrae ner, is slwoet Gonstantly engaged in the mechanical department of the office! “Yet, yiecs he wav be able wo render the cause tm that town, thatthe ordera. which he is He te a mode vere! Rik ache cacti re The K. KK, ha *Tof the cotinteys"Phé Ka-Klut Klan may have organized here and comneuced their work, of whieh, however, weKnow Noth- lag’! 2 ee ste re , Reatareati0N.-+'The first and secoud Boards tor Registration'for the county of Rowan, will Open books at Salisbury, on the 7ib of Appil, and continue them open for five days. All .who..are. entitled to register and: havinot yet done so, will yous have ariother opportunity of register- ing. —_——___<—p- -- 6S Sxxotinr Bares, eartying the U. 8. fag, wag formally received at this place At + p.m, onthe 20:h. He left at 10 2, m., next day fer Lesington, and thence on w Greensboro’ Raleigh, d&e., wining to arrive at Washington city, “on or before the ub of Sealy. Sergeant Darss denies the rumor that his mission is to decide @ bet. He dis claims being @ sporting man. We regmt that we are not as well prepared to define the acimating motive, though we trust that it is beak respcesfal to the Southern people aud ereditable so the traveller. —_——__ ~~. CONSERVATIVE NEETING IN DAVIE. A very jarge and enthusiastic mecting of the eonsegyvatices of Divie was held in the Court Meuse oy Gutgalay the 25: b. Vhe acnbers ot the wus ting evinced by their looks and acts, $ they are fully aroused tye sense of the momentous is- snes Jn¥olted th the’ pending canvass apd election, aud that they ere determined to do their duty, and ‘the animating mmarks of ROP. Jobusten pr persicae viem and j and y lesa tnt ip Sg ycalealated tw in { cree xbich nom meuace the poople of our PS jlarge womber of the tionservasives of Mockevilleyon Saturday the 26h, inst for the of nominating candidates for the a eR and county offices. The Convention was organited by calling Col. E D. Aastin tm the chair, jand appeinting Dr. Jno. T. Magwell Bee- retary and 4h: M. Kinga nenistant See- pretary (im metien a committee of three frome cath Captains distriet was appointed, | to recoremend cand hates for nam mation — jafivr a short corsultation, they reported | the Senate, Ym M. Robbins of Rowan; jfor Lease of tatives, Jas. A. | Kelly ; for Sherif, 3 A Kellys for Se- jperior Ooart. Clerk, HK. Anatin; for , County Coart Clerk, BE. Gaither. | The report af the commities was anan- | present accepted their nominations, (Cn , motion Beal Ijenses ene seminnted for the wfice of Curner, aud Mathew Fulford for Coamty Treaster. The followmg dele getee, one from cach district, were ap | potuted to the Distret Convention, which { meres on Statenvile ist April, via: ) Frankim Johnson, De. McGuwe R. F | Jobusten, Dr L. H. Cash, H. B. How- j ard, Jobm Peebles, Dr. Jae. 8. Maxwell, ,sed P.M. Cline. Heseived, That the proceedings of this meeting be publi-bed in “Ibe Watchman and Old North Btate.” The Couveution then adjourned. FE. D. AUSTIN, Chasrman, dso. 8 Maxwnit, Sveretary epee Tax Coxvawtion axw Neono Tax Parens —A correspondent of a N.Y. pa- | per writing from this city, says: A large umount of fands already appropriated by jthe lest Legisiatnre stidi remain . encol j -eted, anid out of thew aa they ere paid | ite the treasery the convention Ly the grees of Lieneral Schoficd etill expects to be prid; but what is » rewarkabie fact, and has heretotere bern overlooked, these | funds are due by delinquent negro wx- payers. ‘Lhe capitation tax imposed by the last Legraitare, of sixty. cents head, cannot be collegted from the ea citiarns who are chichy represented in the convention, and tor whonsthat body is so uealously engaged framing « coustitation, ‘Though every negro votes, and that Rad- jeally too, yet not owe fiftieth of them have ever paid even a Capitation tax, and shisha Ree a ama >) box, an ar Gwe as alscin neacly all other. parts. feud, in making lim about as wil! as an tax payer hav t Conventg The expe over had before, as 10 political consis. The people have judged him twice, and will ja him: again, without}, . a benefit Zz, and “nay the| 7 the Rey it up x monih. De ale A ae Hot been exis pad ad yet by tm Breede an toh. mé, Constitution and all, isto be on: the samesheet,; a8 is now ped, this will-stone wilkeink the feoncern forty -futhonm beluwthe ree~ ti as or the of urreetianary® grasp peg | the “Arehives "of Gravity, @ very cunning device. Let it be nen ant Setindy To Bs well, the imoat peevish, male tos] t) } ©. in tent, Thatured mai merica,, sting goes Ti jo 4 tor. Seerctury of State... J.) estimate’ can Meapinger, au unknown Yankee, wha) c lat tras squatted in Ceaven, indudiriously gathering np the epvils of a victory achieved by others kor . Treastrer:—-David Av Jeukins, whee whole finaneial ability has been shown in the purchase and eile of slaves. For Awilitor.—Uenderson Adume, (See the letiers heretofore publ'stied of oar correspondent “Pravelfer, For Superintendent («of Publié Works. cbaru, L. Maris, a dull, heasy, walicions wan, who is inca- We of understanding anything higher than the best made of keep- tug a public Livwi, and who bas wet cr enevecded, even at that. hor & ‘ ft Peblie instruction.—Sarvanei 8S Asilevy, a whining Puritan fom the. region of Cape Cod, who calls off Hrin dle Keow, and doce many” things which he “had’nt oaght to." For slliorney General.— Wim. M Colginas. “OUT breathe bot bis name , Jet it rest in the shady.” For Judy of the Sayrene Court. —kK. MM, Pearem, EL G., Wu. V. Kedman, Thue Settle, and KP. Dick. The tint two are alee on the Voensersative ticket, Of the three vilewrs, #0 would respeeufully ask the gentivomem thenmel es, it fee! qunlitiod test ne the Su ol Nurth Carolita Po man the moral ctu feqhired tw Judge of our Court We tapi ito Bain wheb he jothed the Radical YY, he wae po hore & Radical that Otrsetves—and oily threw himself into the storm with the} avowed design af eyutrelling and re | straining its wild fury, it dag erie.) as sueh hegardugs eaperimoute al ways nte legislat hd 4 tion provide ford nlar parment of the: tutes pe oblic debt, And! after 9880 it shal a w ifie amnmaltax mpoa thy me , ty tf State, and the sum thug hy > Fea: Ve be set apart as a sin fu detonate the sayenhat rbpae deht.” Tt ihe a that tf the Ti p 2 oo ee OD me pe mt pe , F > eo = to commence of the interest Fi t s = of Jandary. bonds dal as’ Mr, Bexl- B L E t 5 nal Gvprevement brede. faened-cer. soy the-owan, alt ongh - woder pweed befote the wer, and aeed tovsiteling our rajtroads,* fet fr’ Purp sen Kiiowbting to” GRP sR, are rorally Ignored i Phin iy pecullarl uss rate ir re 6Y wnt by oa ' “a ay ~ the craziest member of that nad “Cont vention.” Lie fe now an ditra Radi\! cal—and is obliged to exhibit even ah extra zeal ithe bud“ eaudey ww crou~s vince his aetoc ates of his since: ity: las Capiing Sele the calm, Well balatecd Sateltwet, which a Judge‘ ship demande! And abore ull; line be a knowledge of the law, «lich wil! save bis geal on that Ulusirions bes cl from contenyt and derision) Das he cvvet tire mantle of Llenderun, ‘Tayhot, Reilin, Garton, and Daniel ; and willhe wearttwell! Canbel tS rure the otily State hvwn cjiizens, «bile Sor vias of every fifty napee will yu out of the a ore Y mae the war, nob wour iygmored, the ordin aa we ss Sand teomche dated Lelore she war. v have carefnily calonlated the s0- terest tobe paid in ensl on cand fore Vn Daly, 1968) ~) ow tee « young tadies’ Coffeges, and ts conn! posed sine very creditable pons lity thar Ne ambition has spbiled}iaed $3,050,000 more, is him. Pity that he coald nut be eon f5g0) Te this add fi tent with his elegant Wnerary lelsare.tinto new bonds, under the onli Le ewight well have asked to be the! as follewet ~ Superintendent of Publix Inetrnetion | Lnverent authorized to be fonded or esen to be Governer--but ty be Judge! and a Supreme Judye! Ont telist wot! Ade, Lheok ia a modes man; and were he asked, en identi var © an) ber tes ; Mr. Dik ie, we Believe, an. ami = 2 abe and evtimabie gentieman in pri | 1861, is $4,908,500, 000, she vaielile. Ile bas made somewb: |mast be pald dot Of Dnivmilty th all qrent avd very beantifal com ica h g2¢7000 6U is $5,011,500. The Can: 3 ae A 4 ba d ~ allv, by a frend, whether he decme fore the war noerting vines e himactf qual tied for thee great ottiee, 19GB)... 6.04... 6. ee ‘= we know well enongh what brie bl uebe loterest om bouds ded oak of ing answer would be. thewar.......0. srebow? ane . ee least a] What Montgomery Blair Thinks of the And vew bende... ... 904 AAG08) er Sttuation.—Mr. Momigomery Blair made | Bee. a brief address to the members ot the Ma. | + 819,570, Genera} ryland Legisiatere on Wednesday laot, as | Add bende dated before the Annapolie, in which he said ; OOP tsk Biv dre on os & B, . Fd Ile had been frequently asked by prwe wha apparently thought there va. | Tena) om arhtell tenstororen ae some deabt about the matter, what sere} be paid Joly tet) 3860 819,46 eb ol his views regarding the impeachiaent | or one million onehandred aldreinty-cgt when. question, and thie wae te him « matter of thensand — dallare or from sarprier. All the various stages of nie | $884,000 te to be paid-aet , 1868 done wit suljeet had been reached Ly 4 «trict par- | addition to the 6267,000 payable in ty vote, and it was but ressonable to aay Neo B cot . pret than when only a party voice stood nother worda, peaplo between the Radieslaand Exceutive[ratse, Wy taxw ion; Vv” interest power of the Government that vote would | the debt, ve thrown, ‘The whole effort of the Mad- | $851 ou if jeal power was to set ap att én in} the persen of General Great, wheee mili-| tary vtloéatio, had to futhneneéd hha ad to | c: a dcke this the gue) oF ble nasbishie. Tie] Suse stale of affairs portends war, and people! 4 sah should not tall themactyes {atc any dream | of fancied security from ench « curse, — The only hope for the conntry was in the , Out ther text paté “We frie! yey the interest on ite debt. w 10x levied. nader the Re | When it in considered that the country is januually taxed muliions for the on these Kadical voters, it will aay Ge jadged. how infamous and i nt Radical legislation is, 1 met a few days since a sherifi's deputy in this city, with asmell porimanivsn fail of tax aseces- mevta end anfiiled recripteagainat African citizens, who told me that out of one thous. | and upwards in his distriet be had not col- lected trom fifty and did not expret to doable that nambe.— ich, dng. d Ee. t of | ad- 508,125,160, England, with a smaller popula tion anda poorer countiy, owes S4, 003,704,235 jon naga “onder paid jby the Uni eign affcire reptied wery catdly to the me- while looking at the black net of February 26,186Ty yields he felt cheered in his belief that the | $274,000, eo thet. forthe item vf ple wonld yet trinmph ever those who | lerest only mere than theepsimes were seeking the overthrow of their eher-| present tax must-be added te the ished form of government. \'ee—that ie, where @ imanpaid 61 | oes | Year. he inet pay @4 thie yoor, John Bull's Cotton Bonds —Vhe hold. | '*'" se cuppe item that i ors of the Uimfederate cotton have applied "10! the propiwed State goverm to Lord Stanley, begging brim to in-iet ap- wie ree he reales thant here at & Thisie far trom being Qhe case, ¢ English Seererary for for little consflenation wil ees tla! eX sot ads ister, ne 499 went ander the new Conia F be beyond measere wrpotanas) Ny ever heen known in North Ca Pradent men will staid aghast * result. It will be seen that ¥ler triumph of the Conservative party, and | de of ati Bates. morial stating that if a mixed commission for commdering the general claime of the two conatries should be wet on foot, the pounoners, if they saw proper, eonld sab wit th I dM tee 16550" Const c tax | hav The ¢ p lie Trea arer, of Wt , in the State. King Mes, 19 payer rest) pay ine” ey won tA 0 hanged ee as ye * the vew of the w voly: | Spe cfusul of the Senditeto Allow Time | me's C we of “a “ 2. w|.. When.the decivion was annoaneed, But- it return until Monday | ler said'that the declared to re-| | morning, while the reat of the couvéel ate tire for Consultation.” Littld eVideticé “ta- tl laboring Were On ‘the different: ~ jn. | ken to-day. \'The WPresident’e , friends ‘the cas. Thus they are'to ge against t mein gf Cs « het idle h . bus ef Seana ed to retire seem to be in excellent # Baa: v3 Breed Ta ecm tts seat, antag jouses ' ‘ ont, satel ae _— in He HAR OWEN eS PERO v9) ie wy wi Bi iret operon ‘ Pe a aga ag a fim gf Campeytep apo cesar eet pre and consal It has transpired -that~the President > : pee Rigen) canes fin bate steer e oe ies . pase lee & it bused gable Te elie ae Statépvilte; Fad te esi Greershore’, Friday, * ‘ ilmingtony—.. “ 10 cece Usinevet 1 i 4 " [ x, if z ‘ , eT obit weak Messrs. Doolittle, Heads and oth- ers of the U. 8. Sena ‘ and Meesrs. Beoblin TSG ieetipibess FH Mote 5 tiave been invited to attend meet- ings, and they are expected to come. will be seen that the meetings are, crowd- for the reason that these gentlemen of fee Be weriarme vo ene ence PUBLIC SPEAKING IN DAVIE People of all parties are invited to geome out and hear the various eandidates at the fyllow- ing times and places : > MEMeYORK OOLUMN. .,.|. 7 ee a meg sgh « of Lee Ne! OK call ; re ftp if i . tH WD xi bat wt wen a} yet yroit ti tee ey hegebees forvintg my} OsTARS™ ¥ ney hnaA.b aa “4 ine Preparations! :|" Everybody. Tries thei... Everybody, Uses ThOHT: . The disctssion in the House wtithe Su-} ter that lew ow vith oe ee Court Will, vetoed by the’, Presi- Gea Mocebead carats the itr bh —— be Ringe. R; 4 Everybody--Belieres ia Them r ent, was restricted to one bour, and that views Stanton as “apna: Tharsda fa 16 aa. Moun hour Mr, Wilson parcelled out'to suit him- somewhat jocular. Ne hostile demonstra-} gnith Grove, Frida: a it" Everbyods--Recommends hear!’ self; then.the bill was passed over the | tions. pareierenagy a Mocksville, ri 7 tet “ WW —— — \ veto by the same vote by- which it was Butler volanteered to’ after inau- eT pce eke oi cg tele sesly therein : nally snéaked through that body, dible witnesses, but the ie objected.| Fork Charch, Saturday,“ 18 “ Costar’s constitution nearly ¢ acre of land in Seabees progresses here, each The vote in private session, sustaining | Jerusal Saturday night 18 7 o Huet arppooshes — act of Congress being w if possible Chase, was 31 to 19. There will also be a grand night rally-at that 7 pass int handa of capitalists and |thaa the one which posed it. ‘The rF fk ‘ tine. 1 s my a ae, ee pee gravest oe is ne 8 mock- Richio Find 2 be tlic... at ps hoa my gree Fork ¢ ral “iene wrneeratocetiny. Of whet nee vol OAR Cty NM eter has tao aii order for the Ge- prevent fo Casam.sne god all, Los euthl Tere amene +e Ra eT Coes i a when taxed more ‘A Conservative Senator, noted for his| tention of all liquors arriving or pasciug |” Pheeleciion takes the 21st, 22nd My Buys Se. of Sc. Bottle of — 1 > ys deere = A caution es well as bis great ability, de- | through Hichmoad/ util after #aieCaety Yuod 231 of April place oo the Bist, 22nd) OSTARS BED IUG EXTER. |are 1 Public The w! of henson to be « cunning-| clared to-night that there. was no escape |" evidence thdt the taxes are paid. se bh eter A Ligaid =Dedeore acd prevents Bed 1 ? ro mew rob our people of! of the country from its present political Gen. Schofield had dseuc® Anders, that), eee . Bugs.” “Never falls.” est 2 wee, Am ore always were bondage, excepting in. revolution, which the Military Commissious will report, PUBLIG SPEAKING IN BOWAN. ~ 48a ‘ membered whoever votes for the Con- | hand. "| without delay, the pames of. all lective | People of all parties are invited to oat For Moths in Furs, Woolens. C de., 3. stitution votes to this evorwous tax ne and ‘ oak | a a jie thre mre officers in 4 State, whose terms have oe and hear the acee aeiaa at the faow- “C Cn ater —— >, be Be had ly spat to-day, COSTAR'S”. INSECT POW DER, |colated 2 + samara oe ~ and 4 y also to} which varied the monotony of Congres- ‘cps in oon oe if rod am not elig'-| ing times and places : Desire inatantly Viana. sad all Ineects on least presumc. | sacrifice omestend, y pocritically i | proceedi a e for re-election, suitable wa cComnanghey’ 0 q animale te. Geutral ap &| provided for in thi¥ consti ation. gs 28 ull ings to the ideas of con-| be appointed by the Ge § z pa Uulle, od orton oi be a selaried) We biave thus made plain, and withio | fiscation, and he asked she Chairman if}, Atyell's Saturday “ 4 “Rare thing.” Thousands testify to it»| They ot y be nye mg the Hf Sat ongr te of all, the enormous j the Ways and Means committee had made Sel Fe hing as er oat Hitt, eaatre oar “OUST A RS” FOUN SOLVENT. ‘ there ®| cost of the new government proposed to a ; ; : ma, March 31, P. M,—Judge Pope, organ’ - wewlay “ 7 ’ : : pot. sai Raleigh are Orr | ue inaugurated FF this woe Coosliecdiha: lof wtesien at i ps natin ofthe twelfth Cironie of tepid Hatter yn Twweley = 9 Yer Coren, Basten. Waste, Re. Try M. ; Geperal ls to be!) We jeulara, under-cs- wal eonhacation at t 1 rested, on yesterday, at Jucksonvil'r, by = . jealen — = 7 ane ie. ee ~~ Super. war tite d, te OS Wares caatty sealed. My secretes the mulitary authorities aud confined to jee fet = 13 of tealing "Prery tomly shoatd beep Nite . paid. deus Pubbic Instruction counted, Saxation for presen! successive | has charge of taxation; con 1 we or ve execate ary fF! 1: ivexpectedt that a Barbevue will be givou another. , , because hie let» be paid by the if the new constiation ie ratified. |} i uc- | ders. , ppbv “COS 1S fey Te edietyerd ened — de- JA pew ht by the ar owe e defy contradiction of the foregoing brah ts te O tee on Re Judge Pope was an original and all the |S Miller's on the Utth, and at Krider's Store COSTA rs” BUCKY seh og grab ake sie or Repro point in the United ws thralt +m 4 new facta. Stevene—“I asked the gentleman aj time & Jnion man. an the 13th. Come one aud all Let nothing re ends toes Wekaita, eh, shgean. pidoeses PRICE Por one ver, #8 coats —Des. §9.50—Hall Groes, bonds, date: up pel Uy ep be Weenies ef Nertb Owelinn) ‘a fworation and he answers ‘rich « overt.” Madd sittin bet dea ae eh crema OF, Sit the sftcinan. | wegen woe reper eerer here . : your impo condition, can Schenck ied, in a bois ° we wa on 2ist, Se ees cg ack eae Wah wens he a ay el, Mr Ma a ht |e et - . be. re 5 aula. : Teor ——STaiversal Winwer Pin ™ Tnierost “Tl Beskdes, frvss-the exemple one, by thal ty! si thes you mich oat all sour reel \“'t a smderstond that Stevens will bring Sc? wes Killed last aight, in Colambes,) Public’ Spealking in “Diroiils 2 Jor etal ns Pee tre MMe dae iran convention in ‘tha ofScere io aot ps ty auder the i's hamweor jie another scheme for general confiscation by partics unknown. ' a a “COSTAR'S” RISHOP. PILLS. yp Ay army bye all Le fou thelr pay; Heeb ne” ’ andjapd sold tor tazce! i would wot) before the sca-ion closes. should death not , ar Pris pabpielt al pari ip Davideog ~ Of eu epergutare. ond 0 oft the Bregyne s Rumeeny. i . WA he N on Of extraordinary efficacy bor costive- , ‘eel foe Wberality with }have Homesteads sold fur taxes and oh at the Negrots of Geargia intend : reporter, your arrest him before he completes hia plans. 7. : ty, are invited to come out and bear the vari new, indi nervous sod sick yeed | the. deb sae tha goth wane hp Docstet on eters dan Dod thet once. plaorent Beare One by one’ the swift witnesses of Mr Tv Do. ous contfoiagha thf telirding tigheg headache ns . om, soempe all il be |and dic, aid your once § bomes| Bingham and Judge Holt an the conspi-} Angusta, March 31,1’. M.—The blacks aon | al debility, liver y one thaw —it bs faye the aude of strangers an’ State | racy trial fall into the clutehes of the law. had a large Mass Meeting-at Macon, 00 | Sales bivratind ack eeswenc lead oman. 4c. Not griping. Gentle. mild, a belders, rally, rally to the polls, at! Conover, Ashley's friend is in the’ Peni-| yesterday. A bannrr, Golazed fo" she oe hos ak ts a + & sh e e c a r e ! i t e { sines r North d ny! ist » that wher a reper red ib re time, he adopted the see saw mution, port of thie ridl ae well a the poor, color- well as white, which will cost at 000 mére, and the estimate is General shall for the Po elk ¥ | the i begat sud ryyeed ‘linto the fork _l imminent dafger d lof Cetreton and harmony among all our pro- ple, bat, In the means and plac : tien proposed, you cam sce not ive degradavon g bat IN A TIGUT PLACE. The Berkshire (Mass) Zagle is re-| spuusible for follawing : | A man i Mecket, while in the! te “lodge” s it down hitched his and wade them pall. The tree-fe another near by, when the overbalancing, the oth- ef end tas jerked twenty feot high in the air, carrying the oxon with if, where they remained suspended in of being chaked to death. Veteefving the tree to be tery pearly p-ised, the man attempted to them down by the tails, but, one falling. he had recoarse to a fifteen foot pole, with whieh, reachi up fo the te be could & reledil toanite pes fect ombd touch the ground, Uras enabling them to eateh breath. Being unablo t sustain the tup for any length of causing the tree to vibrate up and down often enoagh to give his cattle chance for ait, Ile o¢ mtinucd this operation four buurs. before aid ar-| rived, tle then elimed op and oat | { | +m the tree, cut of a twelvesfoot log, | which, falling, released the oxen, an: he “snaked” it bome without ever vohitehing. n | —— <r in Liberia. Liberia is agita- same . tuto actual eecrvice. Li Terthet Girerine Holden, tn lete edivoxial inthe Biandard, said “that shall Le withdrawn from the State militia, organiza. | ona + -& @: black and white, | will take ¢ Me has often | jaed the poliey of Uev. Browuloe, of eqnessre, whoee MTitiA eng last yeer |The conservatives strongly © ted by the suffrage question. At nt, | only those porerrsing a very visible ad miztere of African b citizenship; but a party bed lately arriv- | ed which proposes, es a ni-asare ‘at jae. | tice, s0,enlacge the area of freedom by cu-| parka vrewy: dew etratldern white trash. ppoee #0 fla about $300,500." Standard, of March pgrant m Wheparture from the ancient dand 19th, saya, “we must sit at ¢ feet off marks of the coustitution, and contend | atthe feet of Game |i hat there is no safety, aoc ially and polit | dhe TH ffataon eo : thew, of curse he will cade? Gud thd saute policy and we CAMO eRpert Sate so pay bete than Tennosewess ; We set down wot lose than —"e forthe militia, white aud colur- To recapitulate: Inenase of expcnece of the proposed Stace geoverumeut over former yourst j 1. Gederal Asbeably, at feast. ..€50,000 and wo have a grand total.of $1,836,000 mose than har heretofore been required to support the Beate Government. Aa end before, where a tax payer was ttxed @1 last year, he will, under the pro 06d Const intion, pay 88. To thie munt | ieally, exerpt im maintaining the republic ar ii was made colored man's go by ite fuundere—eirnetly a verminent —- Conservatives at Work. We are pledeeil to find the Conser vatives- of nearhy.all the Western counties are at work faithfully — hold- ing publio meetings, and enlightens jug the Jitida Uf the peaply on the 2. Néw offices aud fncteave of | AGRE GH Ae: 60,000) great issues of the day. Keep the 3. _ 5 ARR Ga Aten 50,000 aa fuiving, gettieren, All the peo- 4. Gommon wanes ++ 100,000 banle wnt ie mest light. There is no 8. University, ,.... ......--- . » «25,000 daniyer If the poopte seo where the y 6. POS SUA wv ws coc ens be 50,000 | false lights ate leading them fo, In 7. Militiag i ot. artic Lee 900,000 faa ditivn to those already: annoaneed e088 any eS Od. dT. Love. iweottou SPUR = 4 t Wayneatillc en the Jist, Now odd tho jn on the pablic’ deFy, | fpaoaetthy Murphy on tho 28h. Lshevule Newe. 4d re Jialy owes, $1,071,919,940, and. ber debt hfs increased in six rears one Ired and fifty eight per cent ‘Tove , aud vole dows | wupiasy.’, Clyever is awaitinga new trial, baving Vet bho eoaricted of #\ufamnus You desire restoration to the govern: | srime. went. You desire to see the Uviow re- | and to-day 0 warrant isiseaed for Richard of resvwora- | These are the parties « ed and execakd briam should be cast upon the Coeri, and ‘ood are admitted to) | Baker is a fugitive from justice, , charged with embezalement. whose testimo- were couviet- Moutgo ay Ere Sarratt and o }@27} processive, had on its ; “Every aan that dem't vote the Radi eal ticket, this isthe way we want to do him: [lang him by the neck.” There was no collision. Markets. New York, March 31, P. M.—Cottona shade firmer: Sales of 9,000 bales at 27 Mostly 27}. ‘Turpentine firm at 66057 Rhetton’s, Freiay, Apri 10. Vygsum Tow n, Saturday, April 11. Beqwn Towa, Monday, April 13. Zinn, Tuesday, April 14 Thomasville, Wednesday, Apnl 15. Lee's, Tharsday, April 16. Ward's, Frelay, April 17 Jackson Hill, Saturday. April 18 Silver Hill, Moaday, Apmi 20. } ANNOUNCEMENTS. ~ ( bouds 93. Gold 1,383. Sterling YF rye legistation bad on the MeCardle care. Daring the colloqay, Judge Grict paid | eoods for timber, bad the misfortune | he felt called upon to vindicate himself tree, and fn order fo get | from whatever of -Llegay or ernsgre may | oxen to the batt | attach to any ome in this mat H | thoaght the failure to deeidet case will be considered asa design, on the | 5¢ part of the court, to wait for legiclation | to relieve them from the performance of | = an nse} ter, —tbat he leasant duty. He closed by say- | I am ‘ashamed that such an oppre- ing i 1 that it cannot be refeted.” The court bas postponed the argument inthe exse und! noxt Term, Gen. Hanheock bas fesued an order, to- day, aseaming command of the Jivision | by lof the Aclgade, with Headquarters bere. | Mre. J. Jexwre Surri, daugheref Eben The Division embraces the department af the Kast, of Washington and of the Lakes, CONGRESS. W asnixaton, Marct, 2% Renate —The Premdent was atked whether he has established a new military district since Aagust, and ondet what name The tax conference comm! tee r-port was re- jected. Mr. Nye send t wo tanes with government officials, and Mr. lowe said thet woukl be a geod thing. Morril sn! in the Unite! States. eomed and discus) at great length = A ine- thon to table it was defeated by 103 to 30. A motive to strike out the sroued » ction was car red by a rete of 74 to 33 Stevens! anvend ment for aniversal suffrage was nm jected with wat a div teen Mr Spakhing'a sphetitnte wae adopted —T7 140 Wt declares the Montgomery constito to be the farmlamental law. The prov a ent ff cere ently elewted) ar: ality amd enter on the discharge of thea da |‘ won the first ef May The Governor may convene the Leyisiature recently elected unde Jt shall pamaens al! (he je ow nM by that consiiebon The Legis!s hlee metitrtion to the goal s\ran. e may st fil electors wath of without ameudment: Wien a majority af rectors onder (he act of Congress of March 23, 1867, have a Jopted a conetuntion. and the Leaidatere hae ratifies the 14th arhele of the United States constitu aon, the State constitution shall be enbasitted to congress for approval The laws to provide tor the more efficient gorernment of the rebel States shall temaln in force in Alabama, except as modified by thes act, antl Alabame shall be admitted to representation Washington, March 31, P. M.— Senate —Nothing prior to impeachment. ‘The Coart Journal was omitted. Evi- dence proereded with, until Siauberry ob- jected. Chase eus‘ained the miffagers, when Drake objected led. The Managers res- Batler raha f fosc, when t Drake appea tained the appeal glad that the issue a was in their favor. | part in the comsest. | | voting aye to decide a tir, he MeOarvle + Clase maintained that he hada right to make preliminary decisions, subjcet to ap- he was 6 ruling The defence took no A motion to retire prevailed, —Olrase and Doolittle + Chars, tha bil oe hase finn at 27. Flour firm and active; tull prices. Wilmingtoo, Merehe@ 1, 1°. M,—Spiriee Turpentine ‘adv aneed 1) eosin firm rained 2,30. No. one 63,7544. Cotton sdvavecd & halt, ~ Middfing 254 MARRIED ¢ la this eity on the Bist, by C.N. rice, wp! tebetdied M. Leazer and Miss Marv bE. Witnece. On the 19:4 of March, 1863, at Albe marle, N.C, by Rev. J. W. Poett, Ricu | ano A. CaLowatt, Bsq., of thie city, to | abd Louisa Lfern, of the former place. 4 = | A CARD. Saucer, March 30, 1868 Mesers, [lanes & Bruner. Gentlemen { Rowan county “in the House of a wid fil the pemiten- | tives "—T ferl deeply thankfal to ty fri-nds bor a basine=« is y out of my he did not believe there was an boyest distiller | power to arcept the nomination, es I cannot yive the county sv thorough a canvass as | 1} Noow —The Alstemsa admission bill was re- | think the oovason dem emda, [ut what lerere } the compliment paid me, but sock gt present, (hat it is enti tone | may have, acy inends may rest as will be devoted (o tue interest uf ie conserva In your paper of the 28th, my | same is afrununced a¢ 8 candidate to represent Ce We are authorized to announce |OUVADIAH WOODSON ae a candidate | for Register of Deeds | } We are anthorized to annoanee W!L- ILJAM A. WALTON as a candidate tor | Sheriff of Bowan County. We are anthoriacd to anneance A. JUVSON N, sea candidate for |the 6f6ée of of thé Baperior Coun \ for this cognsy at the ensuing election We are authorised 16 kanounes II IT (ILELPER, Esq, as a candidate to repre \eent this (the Gch) Congressional District in the present Congress of the United States | SEMENTS. NEW ADVERT! | ts DENTAL SCIENCE AND Re MECHANISM, And Charges Reduced. ‘Ww. PF. BASON, Dentist, IW | | has retarved to Salisbury with aben-lant snp- 1 OULD repectfolly make known that he [ie cause, . | plies of everything n-w m his Professun, aod Very Reapretinily. Jalter 20 odd years active practior, hopes to Your ob wrt | please | WM. H CRAWFORD, | Ee” No one need be detered from fear of | o paint! | A VARD. FI Off 2 corney nf Inmies &Charel, Streets | T withdraw my name fram the canease ata} ares rh. 13, °68 tt | saridelate for the office of Sapenur Court Cherk ay . ~ in a ani] CUSHINGS & BAILEY, | > | eapetabl obj-ctivps fo the Cate d OF) vate ot ce | Booksellers and Stationers, vee | had notaernt when d aunvuoced mysell eubenitted ty the peuple fer fer ro at the which ¢ trom eneuiog elect 1a canthdate far Uf & 7 ANDREW MURPT Sahsbury, March 28, LN6e ae & CARD, Messrs. Hance & Braner : Do the favor to allow ine space in yonr cot LY candidate tur the Superive Coart Gerkstip members uf vae of the parties which now di vide the peuple. Lam nota party. man, bo endeavor always to bold mysell sa ao iadepen dem position, se that [may follow autram meted the dictates of & A. UARRIS. Mocksville, March 28, 1868. . Fisk's THR sablatriber tespeatiullp » t the publie that he keeps constantly on han Fisk's Patent Mefalic Burial Gases, whic he will sell at the following red wed prices so deliver them FReB. of ehagge eny distance under 20 miles, wither by Raflroad 6f with horse and hearse, A. N PARKS Lexington, N.C., Oct. 9, 1867. aropa, reapecilully to decline fhe nommmation (made witheont my knowledge or coneen') a= a wl Davie County, recently teudered to me by the Met. Burial Cases. From $20 $85, aceording size, be will al WHOLESALS | | No. 262 Baltimore Sir, opposite Hanover, BALTIMORE, RE prepared to offer to the Country Trade, x Guwela in their Tine at prices that will compare favorably with those of any other raat ket, Their Stock of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS is large and well elected AClarge and varied atertinedt of Féreign & | Amenecan Stationery can always be Found at their establishithent . They keepergstantly on band a fall supply of BLANK D3 JOKS df diflerept styles and oF | thet on Manhtkcthe. | Haring 6 Bindery | | conmestéy “wath Bbeir Store thep are, at all) times, able, at short notice, to RY orders for | Blank Books, ruled to any patiern, or of any desired style of Binding | Ordets, received by mail, prompt attentivn Ba You are d| h will meet with | eo a pa as to call at d examine our Stock and Pri Defore purchasing else- where. tw3t wdtpd | Hii it Be Se Ripe “COSTAR’S” COUGIL REMEDY. $i oo “COSTAR'S” BITTER SWEET few //! Beware! 11 of ab Worthless & “That Cough wil kill you. Don't oe aod The children cry for it- 4te 6 “Beothing Byrup.” For coughs. colds, hoarseness, sore throat, croup, wheeping cough, etd, « geet ke a - abe will Gnd thie « beneficial Peotare! Reanedy - Beeatifies the . the skin a Fawcthone- y +l - gy te AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. the aki) eleer, smooth and soft. pores Tan, Freckles, Pimples, 4c. — e | oe I mildtions 82, by Express. 25,00 pays for eight 81,00 sizes by Ex Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway, N.Y. UP-Por sale ty JOWN & KN NIRS, . SC; Mold by all the Wholesale a my 4 the targe citi. fob W—watwly GSqrupner Western B. E. Bail-Road, STATESVILLE, March 14, 1868. A Meeting of the Sinckholders of this Com 4E pany is called at Newton, on Wednesday, the 15h day of April next, to accept oF rrjtet the section of the Coutention im relation to the Roml, and for the consdersthen of any other bewness which may be broaght before them. By order of the Board of Directors, R F. SIMONTON. See'y Trains will eave Morgantun, at 730 A x. and Ralixbary, at 630 A. M., retmrming after the adjournment wkiwitday NEW SPRING GOODS. VHE SUBSCRIBER WAS JUST OPENED AN ENTIRE ew Steck of Goods, at the Store of Tonkina’ Cormor, eat cing & gewersl smorument of Fancy ané Saph Goots, hs “— Ladies’ Breas Goda, Prints, Shirtings emt She-tings, Lines, Hats, Bavte and Shure, Ladies Welt aud Drews Shore, Kid and Cloth Stippers. Oreckers, Her Long Handied thovels, spades and Ports, Creshad. Pew dered and Once Sugars, Java sod Rie Ciffee, Pepper, Spiers, de.. 20. a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; 1 on gt Droming the Hae 1 cannes the Bais to curt boantifally. i Reape the Sealy Ciena an4 Heshihy. bh laviguesiesthd Dosis of the Mats 17 1 forom the Hair and Beard te guee bomen 1 tmmedintely stops Hair Palting Out. 1% eepe the Bair from Changing Opler irom age 1h restores Grey Hate to ite basal 1h brings oa! he Hair om . bene bee epee ona @ te _—— pr roe 1 tae eget ot orga etree Metin sinie of Me accationce, many of whieh are Guay phy seen ae say Noods “ ‘battle. Sr Sop rack 2 ‘ (nual, wt Ayer's Sarsaparifia, Ayer’s Ague Cure, Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, Hall’s Hair Renewer, Hostetter’s Bitters, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Or any Mher Patent Medicina, CaLL AT G. B. POULSON & CO's. Witteow Clothes Baskets and Covers Ructets, (ores hoope ) Charnes, Well. Racteta, Ooter ‘Twhe, Wire Sleves, Mineing Knives, Be., 2c. ith mens «ther srtictea, one tai nedin an axeurted stock, which will be subi at rexseme ble prices fer CASH OR BARTER. M. W. JARVIS, Ac‘r. _Snaere 4.0. Bore m8, ie se whele B. R. MOORE, Attorney and Counseller at Law, —A rR SOLICITOR 14 Bah GRUPTCOY. WILMINGTON, N. C. | —— SALISBURY. N. C. March 17,8 ow Twat SEWING WANTED. TSS'MARY HOWARD, Corner of Main - ahmgeetl my ay nake Shirte for grn- with linen fronts, fox Seeenty-fve cont aw —Iy Vor 20th 1968. awl ~~. tentive to cnablehim to remember fig ary Nan ns Maem eiPegring | TTY of North Carolina,’ the spot in which he deposited! A gentleman, who was in the House of Bones, Liver, de.. Rheumation, |. illabiiciais: every acorn, the industrious little | Representaives, a few days since, in-| White Swelling, ions, Sore} §=MOXTGOMERY COUNTY. fellow no doubt pn forms us that he saw, wpou the desk of; Ayes Old Fe- : ellow no doubt loses a few every a 4 ef Bal year. A few spring up and are{°?yttoldcn’ Mecea? 108) aid) Beth caused by destined to supply the place of the |have knocked completely in the bead all Be ab gad ot Court of Pleus and Quarter Sessions, ? : parent tree. ‘hus is Great Brit- Prospect of the removal of the unforte- test Ginn teal oo i setae our January Term, 1868. be found of gsc | 2iv, in some measures, indebted |" X . G's “disabilities.” —Sentinel. Home Certificates, from Physickans, |! 4: Andrews, adm's.. vp. The hein ot law of | for her mercantile greatness to | oe industry and bad memory of} For Life Insurance Only, |,“ rrmencontsen emanates a prepared Revimion ro WAKX ARAL RavAvE aueurs. by the war, | a squirrel. SEE Sees od eet Be remedy [bon OMiciont und In this cage It appearing to the ratiefection of the bea ————— PIEDMON1 cane capes ee oc Raving pertereret Gacy Mmrt, Celie tied aed nue, Seat ses wit Jim the Watchman & Okt North State, noritying should The consecration of Bishop Beek- -ormecn ry |4- D. Moore, M.D. W. A. M. Dy; dob C. Bow de. er non reatdena o hie State, it {said Gefendant oe ee Our Gext with, the new Bishop of Georgia, will REAL ESTATE INXS! RANCE COMPANY 5 4. GUAM. dD. B. Barnes, M. D.. ommend pmb: a mye . ——— Pp by “eng fom _ tay ‘os ocenr on Tharaday. the 2d of April . ; J. a. M.D. k. W. a . > D.. lighed in the town of i TC Rac ee: ad's Ai sory Prd ext jnext. The Right Rev. Dr, Atkinson OPES CE: at Nera € Po ye a M- D-| comive “weeks + gene oo + Vepenrgy Canfas en gon or ‘baa, pi ovement of ver inferior breeds | Bishop of North Carolina, is to act a AUTHORIZED CAPITAL _ etna per vgred coo — ga ype why the preyer of the petitioner shoald nut be paid | conseerator, assisted by the Bishops of ° Lbereby cortity thet 1 aim Hy acquainted prey Wn RIA. lot peueee. granted, chor wine the cause will be beard ex 'v the selection of mares, as there | Syath Oarolina and Alabama, The|QNE MILLION DOLLARS. |: vy named P¥ ya sctablihty and’ standicg in’ this| WHO, otherwine the same will be heard ex parte San, hadley Wostteds; Qinsh ‘al canenhd . . . F sermon to be hed h and rendered pro confewo ax to them. is great virtue in the old Arabian = fe preached by the — : w C.C. Wade, clerk of our ssid Court at{ Court at Office, the Geet ta Febeua- rulc, whl “etiechen even ware Right Rev. Dr. Wilmer, Bishop of OFFICERS. Sex bao ti! Mayor of Wilson. tice the tr Monday im Jameary A. D., 1868 ry, A. D. 1868, and sar re Borat \nportance to the qualities of the| Ai#bams. | Bishops of other dioceses} W. C. CARRINGTON, President. ce . ie | ree oe eT ODOBON, Onrk ah - are expected te be present, and large | J. J. HOPKINS, : aCe, ™, . am than to those of the sire.— womhon of distinguished — vtsiters|U. H. PERROW,M. D., Med. Adoisor, |e. J Tiara foe State of Morth Car pr ady $8 00—Gw:12 ~ sund, vigorous and good mares | from all sections. This liberal and solvent Southern Company to Tarboro’. twe Pcreastmads eee oe “ % a = e . A showld alwa be chosen. The . The ceremonies will take place at | pays w ite policy bolder annually Seve end Ge er iy pan oat Court of Pleasand Quarter Scesions, State of North Carolina, T op cing 1 te cvailing idea that the Savanah, ema P. os Pid poppe De IN I January Term, 1868 ROWAN COUNTY. in this eave, be —— Se nao 7s Per Cent. of its Lrofits. best Altorative lever aued. J have tried it im sever. —— | tant, to tee reakdont of the: reper ties of mares should be ex- Ol cores i Nerefele and Heretulons affections. Xc._| John J- Culean, sduinbatpater of James A. Rebiv-| Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions Feb- | Unrvtitiny eta; “ised when old and SUHFORD LAND AGENCY OF It p to eid its pat by taking notes | with much satishiction to myvelf and patients. | sou, vs. Thomas A. Te A. D. 1868. hat Sse they are a NORTH CAROLIN for one half of the premiums. have. therefore, no hesitation ia ding it to PETITION TU MAKE KEAL ESTATE s8GuTS. vuary term, A. 1). . that pablication the uit for service is erroneons and A. 1t allows ‘ts patruna to pay all cash if desired. Chyacinne sad ethers, as the mest Telimbie Altera- ht aha tea ae es es Coun ees duliue RK Siwonton and wile vs. Henry B. Petry eS he } ~ejudicial The working | Poe Saeed to It indy a siions to attend ils annual set- Reapectfutty os. the Pe -.ae oh tng ree eee | a ried ‘Semen Beli & | S202 ef al. _ ah han yo x Sell Uemenuts and ave their rights protected. Non. wile Rell, J & wife, A ess Bes scasoa of the is from the | dyricuttural or Mineral Lands, Water Powers,| It alow: its patrons to change their pulicics 4. B. NOBLES. M. D. Kbal ay egg b tare Uta Petition tur Partition, stuns, to be eo first of to the first of A Mills, Town Lots, or Real Extate | from one » to another. ap | Meir: end Arther Qabinees “aren ml text, of the Guuletiels Apnil . u- of any kind, wit! find it to their advantage to! _[t# Policy holders are not restricted as to tra- i i youd the limits of this State, It » ordered by the| wr to the satisfaétiun of the Court} 40d there to plead, answer or OP the The Be NO | Vol o+ resid Court that pablieation be made for six weekn gi average period of ges- | piace their in onr hands tor sale, | Fl or residence. : } ! w n> Monty sears | ethat the defendants K 4 Stewart and wife | seme will be iewrd. epi tev. - . It offers the following certificate as to its sol- comively, in the Warcuuax & (1p Nomtu Sars : gine A r w v . | 4 led ‘6a in the mare is about eleven |, “S° + great Mcwwtire for pewvsring: POM | vec 2 en ewes of | perlspiyrng talyrdlporr amily aiganres Bop ps yp hte :nonths, ing about two weeks,| y. her sthan rang math Nuts x Covet Housr, ¥a. 2 . wis bar adh denes 5 coh Aen ned eg i We Nocth| Witees, 1G 3 raid ve time ‘sanatengs being two| INO. B. GRETTER The undersigned, oftcer af te coomiy or| Will C urethe worst Cases] iimimedh “tom Lee er cic, erknen| Shu miying el dardanne to bead op | A,X eee ine weeks longer in bearing a male General Agent, Nelson, and State of Virginia, take re in appear at the mext term of thiv overt to be held for|pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter | January, A. D. : . ; : 2 Greeusbury’, N.C. | recommending as a solvent and cumpa- of Scrofula. the of Amnon. st the court-house in Wades | Semsions to le edd fur the County uf Rowan, 11698) . & sce ana female foal. During the Dec 2, )867. ly RE Sate rem eee bore on the wooed Monde te Apel! wet thee and{at the Court House in Selighury, on ee tee ire . 2 ————$ | yr.” o ie commmty ; yesides the merit . plead anewer or petition i there te ne or pregnanc the mare 2, &. uve purenmes. I Aaaae oaeee bc rvancy tar haees end terms for —— a the statement below, and despair ined po conten. oll be Pendcred | againt pairing in =~ * xt, pled ai theg S Davineotddewer Le worked or gently, japee are such as lo commend it to pul pat- : — Laatste resroagel ae o Ayre partie esata path grog pce wie se ‘ should be fed with four quarts of E. NYE HUTCHISON & Cd. 1 1(s Seccktnokdonn Directors and Ufficers are men | Da. J. 3. poral : her 10. W857. | ot oftice in W the recond Monday them, and thee prager dl ths gacdinaens gael. Court of Pleas and Quurter Scasions, Feb- uts daily, and as she Insurance Agents and Commis |“ »ish mtogrity, and patrons can rely wa an | Dear Ain—My 5 Le yr wp Bee py coppEnce, crt. | Witmem, Obeiah Worden, Clerk of sar mid ruary Term, 1968, near to . a _- ° | bunorable, efficient managem-ut of its affairs, —_= pererry Papaaaen: hea rr ata lbs : cote | Court at Offive, the fit Mondey in Fetrve-| june ig. Welborn, Adm'r.f LK . = sion Merchants, a eeratenay sau ahatple gove this aa dinieten [cet relieving her mach: ia ct. most of them «ait / State of North Tok P. Leme cad in the cincty-cevned Jens) dav'l. we @ MS Cenpne, ‘1 to grass, and if the is seatses w ate pempaus, aad samply pice this as disintor” | there wae me bope of came. During the last YADKIN COUNTY | four toa ~ man, Frauk Perryman, & wile Fa. . . vated testimony Wo the merits of a good institt- | te was wore that ever. het budy and limbs a ere OBADIAU WOODSON, Clerk. ] P scanty should be fed meal. ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS, | tive ¢ covered with ewresand biotches—with face and eyes| Court @f Pleas and Quarter Sessions, | pe aly $8 U0—Gw:i1 erryinan ead wide in a month after giving birth to) NO. 1, COWAN'S BRICK ROW, jen 8 0 ee naan, inten. Jasvany Tamm, A. D. 1808, TO Mie wT s foal she can be ed or rid- SALISBURY. N.C Wa Mex Mercesee: Romndalis. | ot voce procured ihrer battion and | UOTt!s*0, Gaither & Cu, Justice's Jodement| State of North Carolina, Petition 0 make Real Ketete Aeseta Shui 8. I. Lovise, Clerk County Court, | commenced giving tte her. The effect was magi- "e levied on Land. <= en moderately, but great CBre| Collections promptly attended to. G A. Bingham 2 Co, Agents, Nalisbary rel Lefevre ono Fs — _ rae YADKIN COUNTY. T 1 the estiniaction of * fom W. Da. e alew ne ow . » the ant the Curt, : x the Coart, — nee wal ae overeat wee os oat emer | We slew have the ageccy for goed Fire Com Fone Pregl ited at i whee a ae Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, nthe dca 3: Rater 7 i nor keep foal long ae wt alert * revelin * ad Past: = _ remdeut of Nerth Candina; It in, man, Peadents b oy d an . P Saleen ehetan Nle. Travel «NPT jamaay ted S208. Sere fra elegy anor by the revi! oat wor at . a To = therelare ovdeewt that wade ia y og gear Le sam ecto eS CEA meet te Special Agent, Charette, N.C ROSADALIS rorut be made hy sit works im the Woedshese | 40 Reser, aller, on Metre at low af Wim | the Wathonme dt Cid Seri. ha flow of milk. Foats|— 7 SAOH SR | _2an-7. Ina ate) r North : detrad-} Bran, dee’ emp iénd in Ge treat ws ‘ be taken from the mares J.G. VEAOH'S a “S| CURBS ALL SEIN DISRASRS. on ee me ee Ferrio To aE: Lane Sets eres ll Sewanee a Se : , _ at the nent teres Coan when from five to seven months) MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE—Daily. BROOKLYN De ae ee NC Memon 18, 1867 pet gaa el gamng Cmaaay oe 0 Pi [atrastine to the eatitaction of the Cees to by bell hr the County uf Guntime a —_— AWernece: nd . RQ ea ; Hi ; : LIFE INSURANCE Mir—Ie In68 tay com. sow serd five yoore,| ad pirat, cme et teow mums thy tel 2 eats ead te obo ten. oe ed \ ~ ace, Sched ‘rom Iligh Potnt to : ea poigment of Juste shoukd mot be cuulirmed y ia May went. and thers to answer the first winter colts wde fi gh F to Salem wes tacerneied wih what p-orad tw he impere thas -sosideonte of the St he Pr should . Pat EaVEs High Point at 3} o'clock, A M mmitor, whish cuangivwty drstemyed bis bruh | the land Irved wpam will be entervd to be suid |! Oo Son, Se Cie ee wah, pr age he pinned bo thie cme, echar- { permitted run at 4 Arrives at Salem at 5} o'clock. A M af He bes bron sftheted with an inecterate eed o1- bad — ores Aare yeh tet . ~ thet po ay . capris —_ oa => 1 “elaee i and only housed in bad Leaves Salem at 2} o'clock, P.M a0 © | itemaly tre ehirsome Exuption of the *hi~ ttowes, JG. Marler, clerk of oar mad Comrt eto oll eae fae | — sian ak “pom 3 bry wad They should be Arrives at High Poiot at 74 o'clock, PM ~wmetimes brraking owt ie sores, Be. Rion at Gor, im Vevhinville, the mound Muodey hens pal wrate or A regdenne § Gua be stwes, Clerk of anid Conrt, ot , Be hd pot “ wili Ged time Line well stacked dale wee by me family phy-irinn— January A.D. lee ™" defendants the Gling this petithn, . «in the wooed Munday fed much ae grain as their | iv Stages, for Horses, carefal and ac __ De AD. Monee After taking ite few weeks | 11:60. $%) JO. MARLER cece | 804 that Unkle they appear at the neat Terw} Febrey, A. 0, 1868 eves t lend r cvumiundating Driver and me paine will be my oe become sad renin corwety well. State of —- — of Const, to be hebd at the egart Suse in Y et- dNo. HAINES, € CC vn, The mame treatment should ea nn gros at ropee|[88u08 Policies of all Kind ie se | ee ee cee ee ee cap the sucend wins ee ees 2 re ie 0 Expr ssues Foneies 8, ; ape CUUNTY. pre confemse and heart ox partews wire. | State of North Carolina, Inthe summer they should ne Jan's 13—tw3en 1G VEACH Consumption, in its carly stages, cam be eee menting dg P aaa tlre Sete epee 7 raed ogre Dav : , Pate = = “ = = . g ‘J id A “is cured unwary crm, - ie . couNry. ‘urned to grass. The third winter Connecticut Biutual Life LIFE AND ENDOW MENT. My dwaghtoer hee been cored « » does sonied y ave a D. 1868. 4 @ WARLER cc Court y Pleas and Quester Seaalahe, Pb ‘hey will require mare grain, par- | aaa tepmaase { ssachmeet ered ou and aia it : reuary Term, 1968. wcailarly if it is intended that, --- Sn ene cara, |Ceteetec. nay.5 State of North Carolina, ius St." they begin to earn their | Sctiencer. Masuh 6, 1008 A 27, She stinnction of the Comet tant @ ih Iecgeon, Aohee = food. { @t Martford, Conn. | Absolutely no Restriction upon jae oe reg he ed STANLY COUNTY. | , ni | sf ~ pcp aint alle ore gee amy bbrwooys aclocted for a sire | STATEMENT, pec. 3), 1867. Doel ae Mraidvare. ROSADALI § ht therefore ordered by the coun, that pobiies-| Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, A id es ao pagrtel oar _ Sieyeran Ane Mawre srary = pape pot February Term, 1968. long belly and short back, | ° . . — cane ieee ’ . “elabery. a vellow eye anda thick thigh, have | ACCUMULATED ASSETS ; a King teed spent te ent M. Witty va 3. B. Mendenhall ; - Is a Potent Remedy infall | =~ Jt =. Se ee my avracumenr. een considered pretty good DIVIDE\DS PAID ANNUALLY LN CASH — warks, “It should be, if poste, | SESE Tee neta te paree or meen of te omen ms pared with the mare that the | , ; Chronic Diseases. sgrinat tom, no ine aonad case od bese oy Sager AR ia to coheed ty F ' —_ « Intervet ~~. * 8 good of cach may be pre- | INCOME FOR 1867. ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY or va ot Lw. Wiles ls cmen Went Aicatog ts Somaery. ta the Werctcon & Gif ber Sean seuvine sn he een ony =| = 7,728,516,53 NON-FORFEIT ABLE. Nore Garon feet rs. conremon cos, [Syl eMail keen epee lot may coen- | 9 ’ . } : . pagan ed ea ee * " ~ | eld for the af the courthouse | tevected by eppasite qualities in| _ like ar eed Porict Destoron, "deicy yoare| Tbe Arlimgtoa Maceal —[ Aitemerts on the seed Madey te May ‘he ether. rOKw PREMIUMS }’ort of the premiam loaned, and nO | mandiag. by RUBADALI*«. neat, oud show coune, if any be why the ° FORK -MIU MS | } GH. Ww. BLOUNT. | | property levied on shall sof be cumdemeded t= Leo pane Nemegtd i) 96,882,804,05, | or yreminm mate ina Lien or! Waa mpaeeshingr” ONT (Cif) Susmrance Company Si 5 oc we Tare fl cumelele asi cara , , lavea on the 7 Seve anu et dea yoda wa ws Poe te vagh pte — L@ z md . \ zm ioe 2 pant 0¢ ~“- veers | bere weeer-e werd | NI : See {ul and valuable horse for all prac- | FORK INTEREST, [ates te pred oe etre Up remained ocoaprs vigil reciept al ances ‘jan ok Co — ‘cal purposes than any other | : _— | temic Prerpribe rete tnae any of the mony | A Virginia and Southern Jastitution | State of North Carolina,| © «<6 «—<¢- 1 .3 93 ‘ l I 58 i | rommoctine wh ch | howe ot termes: a _ = cross; aad the valuable | $ . 7 — = ae or eamuai'c Becca | wLY J f “Rey lo-ded animale of our country, _ Ler Sate eek Peat yarn | die Puadd ane Inpt da the South. STANLY COUNTY. Stav- of North Carolina, m\ observation has led me io| LOSSES PAID IN 1867, [= Company “ers peouliar adrants = eourrly cared 4 my truebicemne erep- Peer e 7 | Court of I’leas and Quarter Sessions, ROWAN COUNTY. doce im the front rank, for aami #1.268.75818 | ewe le the Seothern perple. It ie the must takes swatove of tug Sorully wee ord ton preeedented paccess. | February Term 1868. Lourt of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, Pi. ' . , ’ . " « wh the genet grat) ing corele ' my epandy i -IDENDS P . . Literal Company in the United | Tres ry oy, that uf aff his wardiclans | hats {ta fortumes are extathished beyond any W. OH. Heece ts J. R. Mendenball F en Term A. D., 1968. strength combined, the Mes-| DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. Fala. |-ver wed hefner, wome bawe bere om heppi y { aeeaeumend Bernhardt ve Tilmae Austin stock. } Gui | be horn! ie Boat asthe Reendai-. sed! eoal é contingency Ir oi es of te rv a ee ly 6 _ , 0 od 8,0 Mat epi ar irre, anor eae te the publ ond ~ .. —— . _ i chan by pata fae eae hed. rode | naanene, aterest rece * more than pa) s «ars z Company Capita! end eer age te | beyond the bi of Unie Mtate; bt be ordered 1» onan Onage Piastrep BY Sevinrris Dividemds average overt mp ent ts rates beang lower than tovee of thar oom pe Very a Poh tas tha bility that will compare fsvorably with any [if br pana tid puldaction be eater oni as hee it appearing to the ssisteation of | All pudictes now-fortest able for a stated ameonn -H is a curious circumstance.) 4 c-araece can ine of-ctrd A Garmi eiced | min . | 8 ° COCAS WAIT. snd not generally known, thot | On ee OFFICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY, 4 many of the oaks which are call- | Raleigh, N.( ; os od spomtaneous sre planted by the | A _I’hilips. Agent. Chartie. N.« NEW YORK CITY, |*« «jowrels, The little animal has" *"“'"" heen performed the most essential ser- | THE BQUITASLE SESE UME ANWR | Ceman walking one day in a woods | SOCIETY F THE UNITED STATES ~ tort, had his attention diverted by | 1 squirrel, which sat very com- pedi) on the ground. He stop- 4 to observe its motions; in a jew moments the squirrel darted V | ‘ ' 0 ; —_— the Mecadulia, [hare meced mg Labora : DIRECTORS ; January Term, 1868. ike singe biog bal lies he) No, 92 Broanwar. New Yous tory from Wileon, N.C, to 29 Hanover , matism. dt Wuten ¥. teyter pone CaP hag ae Leneath w had mttiog. snerana¥s rec alte > hereby corny that wae cored * ge . : Sees Aied' se) oe instant he was dean [Oot Sere... wang, Ser Ratemares ME SSeS oat! eeey | See (2.¢ ee aed es tem cece ° ° uel brome “um ' ee 4 = . thes +. Lawre A< ( a . J . y } with an acorn in his mouth, and | 22°20) Petras its men THE GREAT SOUTHERN | Wee NC. Mace ames WILLS. Witham iia. Jr, 4. w Ai, me of Seas Revete. began to burrow in the enrth with Ai pean Gnaek cnoog da ferthipat bate Health Restorer, | EF The ROKADALIX thoronghty #-adienter | Thee. J. Brana A.D: Checkley. lesa -iaia ieee amass los paws, nually, every kind of hnmmer and bad tint. sar more 8 Quaren x. (. Com, at 10 the extinction of Ge Court that . sdend Ie st, 1867 — ralue $610, lo ifler j Z | the oti healthy condi |B. . 1. Hertnet. 06 wife Margaret, ; pla cogging a 0; he stoop. Div = February Ist, 1967—Cach value $610-| The best Plond hoa inthe World \' Rasy ar ced gp ste entecrg mee ree flay ms Doapeaste reeregh Sed i Marthe. Malcom o The | M | Léfe Inw Ca nm he in ~ i Oe K i . « Lande Marthe down and deposited the acorn; ee omens eyes DR. LAWRENCE'S esr olen. goes as yp, Teoeni-|2' 6 noe FL em Franklin Bell, Mecotme Rell, Jolm Welt. Lawien then cow it he darted the : = 4 4 corre Berton, tenaes, Malic nell. caroline well. sett, Mary neti, My. rene up lesues Policies oc « Single Life from 9856 to cles of whith it ie made are publiched around | &. Mf. Dibrett, L. Bidgood, ws al pad ape bik oe ree again. a moment he was or ee - co CELEBRATED | coat bettie, 20d Wt ts ead sud cedurced by the | William H. Paimer, famset M. Price. Gents of the taste, ts Geteten by the P utehtseon , Aare Leedi . od haere. . ‘ ‘ourt thet pabtication be made Toms dowa with another, which he bar- 5 Aa Cowan's Brick How, 5 | PREPARRD ONY BY DQ.) 0 LAW.| LEWIS C. HANES. Ae'r. | ou motes ty IAAL. ; | oe red inthe same manner. This he Sauisacey, N.C i | A RENCE, Chomiet, 99 Honeyer 1, Rebimore, ani? —twiewtf Lasmoven, M. 0 | Uke mechs Gbnion tip ee : of 1 rr be gay Seager © eae acs Inearamy Campania gay teh veel aa Brice 61.50 Per Bottle. | STORE HOUSE Por Rent ips pert eee of pe - : i in april next, Cs Pe its hdres little = mareb 4 twain om eum (Oren toe | say Der fale by of JA 4 LARh WAY STORE HOUAR, com Monday fn spel nan Frpation of on me 7 parpese of sn all ite forms, [#0 te Uaiied Site” bcuseae tite, Foc | Seas perks ood eloume wasoes oe vecuring himself against want in JOR PRINTING SCROFULA, in I 1! For sate in by Jno. H. En-| ont. Xo other store within 8 miles, and an C. 0, Wade, cork of wer sald court at winter, and, as it is probable that : — | pias, and @. BD. Poudeon, ond : coocont cand for bastnes, A. Liason, VEZgh 77 Me tet Manday to Semnery, 4.» his memery is not sufficiently re-| Neally Preeuied at this Office | everywhere jan Zi witw3m) poy 3, tee ak yf EP €. 6 Wage, Cer - WM. M. COL, Secretary. ZRISTIAN famation gladly fa ‘;en') Agi. for the Btate of N mar J—skiwly ore | ow W. BOUCK, Pres. rnished in detail, by \ WwW LAWRERCE. of Raleigh, Carolina. N.C Covunsxocr, Agent, Baliebery, N € WwW account of the anparalelied demand for Drerace Opowmette the Crew (ord U1. -ane hereby cortey ther 1 wes cere! of 6 C been fermen of the Kedueye” by the ace of one Jeo? De Lewrenee’s Rewad lis, and the « adv others eof-rag with @ try the Kose dale ® the ~“Kiduey D ALLEY theoe, Aagert 3, 1967. ROSADALIS il! Cure the very Worst Cases of Chronic Rheu- aeertece Company of the continent, which is the Woe teat of reepomability 1a the Watchman 2 Old Narth State, the said J. K. Mendenhall te be ead apyeer ot the Coart thet the detesdant, Times 8 mor reedent of thie Gate, fie ii itn adlairs are cautiously administered by selected orbered that pabheatton be meade ter en works " of snetbilitg ond bast ragectt oar pert Court of Pleas and Quarter Beestumes, to > 1h bes extathicved Wo claves to Reuthere Penrenage radii Rap las age _—. mt the angi tn te perrwnyy ty Bape yan ony om j “ bermarte " arp er OFFICERS May nett, amd chow cause if any he has, why | U~-rt of hens and Quarter Beemone 10 be held oh. | the property levied om shell not be for Une Commmry of at the Court Howse | to the ase of the plaintiff. tm ta oben y cote the fh at im May wer. PRESIDENT, | __Witness, Lafayette Green, cleth of our raid and then and there shew umes @ amy he hee , oo . court at Albemarle, the seound Monday in Pet- why the property levied on ghall aot becun- JOHN © EDWARDS, raary, A.D, te downed te om of the plainsili, | Ow f ~G ¥.c Tren Pemerreer ouceersey | ellen are thanase EEE | Witares, Onapian Woursou, Gletk of our said we'ines, .s'iaemen. State of North Carolina, | o71's\ea men sees, y. » MEMCAT. KX AMINE R, { > 5 - ° - foe! ot one indepradenee, CHAKLES Ho SMITH, M.D MONTGOMERY COUNTY, URAVIAB BUODEON, Chet Let et aPviees, H ©. Canans, @RreRst seerr Jxo. H.C Latmonye | Court @&f Picas and Quarter Scasions, pr. mi. $8 0O—Ger:19 THOUG TALTATIO To the dl The every ¢ ad ours gerated, more i U (0 of the bi Wer people they they fore, money the next Veteg extim caleul Vet. The lares by coon Neel | eoee V, ewe. ieneral It me al a ng thee aed b orbding urpe re total his is re the 0 rn citi at of e ance wij her le 6 war Nored, v4 for ‘ We ha Teat to re lat The 4 861, is inet be ah, ‘lhe 5,011 54 ed 83, Ow Te fo new 8 folio ulerest by the ee SEEM ew pip eee os Baie: Weebstvies Recto: Leloure Hou? Penne Journaly,, Temple Bar, Art Journal, ‘Landon Review, Cskiiopeteny: Christian Socicty} All the Yeur Dublin Unive rsiiy, , Macmilian's tse i Belgracja. pe. bave also arrapged to secure choice selections the French, German, and. other Continental Is, transle ted or sagem Bead the Eclectic to wd ite variety and value of number js embellished with one or more Fine Steel Fasreviog?~ ie its of eminent men, or illus- trative of lenpervane k rical events. Splendid Premiums for 1868: ‘Ev ur aeliag riber Eclectic 1868, paying i pa ieee ther of the following $5. in advances, will ree besutifyl chroma, gil pa sings. BASKET OF PEACHES, . ixeeQ X 11y PIPER. AND NUT CRACKERS, Size 7X 8.5, The aboye are exact — ies of original oi] paint- ings, and are executed by ng & Co.; inthe bh. sh- tyle of the art, or, in place of them, we will send cake of aur Fine Stee) Engravings, Washington at Valiey Forge, Beturn from Market, ,bunday Morn-, ing Por Two xybserjbers and $10.00, we will send the epee =~ A Poultry Life—Size 51-2 x 8. For Three subsqrjbers and $15.00, a copy of Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary, ong Volume of 1,940 pages. containing over 600 pic | tosis! iNustrations. price 86,40; orp copy of Rosa’ jer>— Size | ges to the Southern peuple. It is the most Bonheur's omens piece, Shetland 8 ie? x 12 1:2.. Terms of the Eclectic : Single copies 46 ets: one copy, one year, $5. 00: | twp. copies one sear $9,00; five copies one year 820,00 | W. IT. Bt St WELL Addie=s The London Quarterly LRevieso, (Qon | cervative The kdinburg Revicw,, (Whig.) The Westminster Review, (Radieal.) | The,. North British Revigo, (Free Charet ) AND , Blackwood's FEdinbuigh Magazine, (tory.) The periodicals are ably sustained by the contri a ole of the best writers on Science, Religion and | Gigperal Literature, and stand unrivaled in the | {eLUCTIC. MAGAZIN Eh FOREIGN urren. Fae Issues Policies of all Kinds, LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. Absolutely no Restriction upon) Travel or Residence. | DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALLY IN CASH ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY NON-FORFEITABLE. Part of the premium loaned, and no loan or premium note isa lien or claim on the policy in case of death after the second year, o—— T™ Company offers peculiar advanta- Liberal Com pany in the United nics. }OFFICK, NO. 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. WM. M. COLD, Secretary. CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK, Pres. Information gladly furmshed in detail, by A. W. LAWRENCE, of Raleigh, Gen’l Agt. for the State of N. Carolina. W. CO CouGHEsour, Agent, world of letters., They, are indispensable to the | mar 3—w&twly B: uisbury, NC. acholar and the profesnonisl maa, and to every rea- digg.man as, they furnish a Letter record of the cur- reut literature of the day than can be obtained from ang other soarc TERMS FOR 1868. For any one ofthe Reviews...... 00 per annum. Forany two of the Reviews. -.... 7.00 | For any three of the Keviews..,. 10.00, Far all four of the Beviews....... 12.00 * Fat Black wood's-Magazine....... 4.00 Fer Blackwood aud ove Review, 7.00 “ For, Blackwood and any two of the BROVIAWA. « 00 cnr s yc cccess cues 10.00 “ Fer.Blackwood and three _ of the Reviews, .....-200+eesseeeees 13,00, “ Fer Blackwood and’ the fogr Re: Vie WS, .....% Secedececccoces 15.00 CLUBS, A discount of twenty per cont. will be allowed to ¢ Juba of four er nore versons, Thus. four copies of ckwogd, or jew, will be sent to one for $12. seed row ies of the four Re- vie wooed Bide -00 and £0 on. 1 "POSTAGE: fori ye aang fig quarter, m® the | By hk Byes jtaany port of the ca of delivery - States: rod St, oa nuwber. This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For back pum- write fs eR Subscribers. yte ans r two Of thie. be éntitied fo ae Shee ec vist 50 » bs r mao Sc Tor Spay ta ¢ (can be @ =. - = d direct to the so wast given “he Leonard Scott Pub, oY ae ae A Fem, St, N mw 7 per: Co., }., lho publish the FARMEU'S GUIDE, = Srerhtys, of Rainbufgh. and the late tox, of Yale College.: 2.yols. al Ses Pes LET a ' Stifor os two wo volumes—by Mail, ate paid —___ ae 4 k ated che fof. B| Wat. B. Isaacs, #60 a‘vear foreach or any iew; also. B A comes ae nye frre ly hace just reerived a ES assort- cy, and The Arlington Mutual Life Insurance Company |. OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. Tt has mef with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Company: hes engi and assets, against ite liability that will compare favorably with ang Life Insurauce (ompany on the continent, which is the true text of responsibility. Its affairs are cautiously administered by selected OFFICERS : PRESIDEN e JOHN E. EDWARDS, V10B PRESIDENT,” SECRETARY, ~ CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. LEGAL APVISER, oH C4 AGENT, DIRECTORS: Jobn Enders. Henry kK. rea William ®. Taylor, Asa Snyder Same! S. Cottrell, H. BEC. Baskerville, John Dooley Samuel C. Tardy, Charles T.’ Wortham, ape ag Pm William this, Je, ad Allison, Ed. Ap ’ G S. Palmer, Thos. A.D. Chockiey, | James. A. 8+ H. B.M Quarles, rn, W, H. Tyler, Jo J. E. Edwards, wi ylor, 4. Y. Stok A.P. Abell, | * J.B Wm. B. fha R.H. Dibrett, Geo Bidgood, . Wiliam H. Palmer, san. Price. LEWIS CG. HANES, sane anl? —we&wif Lexixeton, N. fox Foie 18¢ $7,726, ea FOR pitting, $6, 332 804,95, FoR INTEREST, $1.393, 7, a LOSSES rai IN 1867, 4 _ $1,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. $643,005,00 Interest reeaved more-than'pays losses Dividends average over SO All policies non- Fe ah .. Goin, Meweite meets fe Comfort— Glorious Conserva i 7 astated amount {=} tive ‘Rally—The Leagues Breaking Assurance can be effected in all forms desired; &t SAML. DOUGLAS WATT, General A i P A. Philips, Agent, Charlotte, N.C. mar sw Atwtf For Life pereranee Only, ; oy PIEDMON1 ) ieee _— nie 1th rates. bath rotor than tao sv of other com + AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DO OFFICERS. _ C. CARRINGTON, J. J. HOPKINS, * : 0. H. PEBROW, M. D., Med, Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Company pays to its aprac holders annually Sit Per Cent. of ite Profits. It proposes to aid its patrons by taking notes for one half of the premium: It allows ‘t8 patrons to pay all cash if dextred. It invites its patrons to attend its annual set- tlements and sce their rights protected, It allow? itk patrons to change their Hpticiss from one place to dnother. y holders are not reatricted as to mt lt offers the following certificate as to its tt Netsex Court Hovar,: VA \ Mareh 25, 1867. Tho undersigned, officers of the county of | Nelson, and State of Virginia, take recomme nding asa solvent and rel ny. “The Piedmont Real Extate I pany,” of this county ; and besided the merit of its solvency, its rates aud terms for Life laxer- ence are such ax to commend it to public pat- Its Swokholdera, I Virectors axtd Officers are men . and patrona can. rely oh- an t or cl whe! of its affairs. this as s Water: President. Secretarg. of high cmp. tx honorable, effic None ofvas haye stock or personal this company, @nd simply give ested testimony to the meritaof a good instita- Geo. 8. Stkykss,Clerk Circuit Court, Jouy F. Hrx, Sheriih & Ww. A. Hits, Surveyor. 8. H. Lovuse, Clerk Count Directors, of rexpunsibility and business capacity, © Jt bus establiaired its cos. eb “er D, J. Hartsoox, |, MEDICAL EXAMINER, a * | TLS fis | the teagne hy? eF : j ; * ™ 4 : 5 oa ‘ : : -* y ; ' 500 a H ©. CABELL, Jxyo. H. CLarsorS& fy Axsets. wot lae on-s ++ eee eee nd Febraary 1 Ast, 1867—Cash valee’ The cael Mutual Life rere “A the world. lagies Policies on @ Si | JOB PRINTING Mealy Bapruted at this Offtee * * _— 2s. aEporr ——— wer 4 s hcl ee 8 <8 ee ee ee ee eS oe we ae ; w, he paper indicaics in espraiion « of : aoe hich Sm un Sonne Sears,” i ~ OO asec ant" "| Bortéepigndent of the Sentinel. te . Joxgssono, Mar. 30, 1868. 2 estrs Edilbrs:—The X. P. G. éanie, aa and didu’t wer onthe 27th. re mend by hand bill, we expec igic Was laced in Holdin's eet idg that Hon. T C. Fuller be allowed to reply , Mering to ‘submit to any terms to time, dcc.pthat he might deed o1. Af | ter caucusiug for aa Lour, a vertal an- sWer, refusing, was: ‘teturved; to the i .- finite disgust of the Radicale, who h d been bragging that Holden was not afraid eyen to meet Gov. Vance, and that he ‘would do it. No accommodation had been prepared for the speakers, though Conservative ptlemen here had’ offered assistance. atthe back end of a warehouse, in the edge of a —e evidently “hid ater coumy” poor aud ‘fean stock at conch. the’ X"P. G. endytbiecl and three cheers called fo which were’ answered by less than a ra i voites;: and -a groan that almost k the’ round and ‘followed by threc ly ‘and déeafehing ‘cheers : for the Con- asither party—the negrocs looking on, notknowing what to make of it at all.— Allof which had’ the effect of softening rt names ag “traitor,” “rebel,” “ eces- iovist” and “copperhead” into “our Shéicrraficy friends,” ., i in the speech which followed. : Se Mr.._Halden discoursed ever so pro- sily, tor two hours, about the “Con-stat tution,” colored “surgents” and colored Mridgements,” remarking that the U.S service allowed negroes no rank above that of * Tet thas North Caro- lina would do better.: Ile was. in favor of, negro officers in the militia from “Sur- gent” to Colonel. , iD, how Mr. H. was speaking, an im- ve = each a 4 J nged fee . . 23 ae 4 dong the Hon. T. Fuller, nd others, pro ¥ “le pet i to make the fur fi pulp ctowd ‘of ‘Whi tenaed Votes‘ orn by: fost gto hear Me Mr, Eales while Mr. another red on the nothing 0 the influence Sa preed i in this and pee! ies. The lukewarm are arro contrary to all precedent, stayed to work. League near this place, a large 4 i vcte” ~ the new Constita- > = | ~" “‘OANDIDUS. —- sist pees letter from Tennessee : of the order is chari aud childreg of on ankles. treee weer ete > «des S300; ins will be ore to ‘fénfity. In order this we hare oernged meric able and eet neo . are cmptied. Numbers a g of better men thaa' Miwonly found iu such concerns, ce: putty’ and the President made a stating that he should then and as followed b bor isis sith, FUL in‘ half am how, : hed left it_ forever,‘ and one of a up by one or two mak- Cue | ing the reared door. wo Bar ok wage gees red | me hat ae with a fon oft owill XXX - Bt ve peo water. .The-darkey was ‘almost; pve 4 to death, but bronght bim.s bucket of water. He drank it all, and called for a second baeket, whicl he drank also. ‘He also asked for.a third, which jhe likewise | i drank... The. woman, with consternation, asked him why. he drank so mach water. | . The reply’ vi, that ‘if she had been in} . hell as long as ‘he had, she would drinkas much as he.’ They + sometimes are seén- forty and fifty’ together, about: midnight, horseback, but disappéar, nd one: ‘knows where. They are indeed a eurious, set.’ CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENTS— THE Balls ROLLING ON! i) ei RockinGHaM.—-The Conservative nomi- nating Convention met on the Ist. Jo- seph H. Catdwell, Esq., presided and W. S. Allen and \V. N. Mebane were Secre- taries. The Convention was eloquently addressed by Ovide Du, Pre’, late of this city, whose speech is epoken’ of in high terms, and by Meesrs..R. H.: Ward, Geoige H. Holderby and Jos. Helderby, in an able manner. The following exeel- lent nominations were made : Senate.—R. H. Ward. : House:—Cel. David Settle — Dr. A.B, done. iF Clerk Superior Court-—W; M. Elling. ton. egiste: oe F ‘Tones. Sheriff. — J. . Coroner.— -J.D. Ellingto Surveyor.—W. D. Bethel, Jobn D. Watkins, Geo LL. Aiken, J. s. Johnston, TP, Lomax. — Sentinel. CaswELL.—The nominating meeting was held in Yanceyville, on Tuesday, an was presided over. by the Hon. Bedford Brown. Stirring and effective speeches were made by Mr Brown, Jadge : Kerr and Hon. S. P. Hill. The meeting anahi-{ . mously endorsed the action of P. Hod. nett, Esq., in the so-called Convention, and nominated the Hon. Bedford Brown for the Senate, and Ww. bong: and P. Hodnett, Esqs., for the Commons, all of whom accepted the nominations. Good for old Caswell !—Jb. Guitro:.p.—J. T. Moechoad, Jr.,. is one of the Conservative cartdiates for the Senate for Guilford: and Alamance. He will make an able and ‘virgerous canvass, and he challenges the advocates of the fhongrel Constitution to meer him’ on the | stump. a - _ THE STATE OF ALABAMA. _ The Héuse of Representatives, Ly a vote ‘of 102 ‘o 29, passed, on Saturday, the following bilF= os Be it.enacted, &c., That the Constitu- tion framed by ‘the convedtion bf Alabama which wis submitted for ratification by the people at %n election‘commencing ou | the 4th day of February, 1868, is hereby’ declared to be the fundamental and or- ganic law for a Provisional Goverbiient tor the people of Alebama, so fer as thie] ° same is not in eunfliet with -the.-constitn- he Ist day of May, 186 ~ qualify as}4 vided in exid Constitation aud’ the ors dinances of said Constitution, and inmme- | diately thereafter euter rpen the discharge of the r réapective offices. . Ww See. 2. And be it further enacted, ta t the Governor, at any time ‘after he sha have qualified and entered upon the dis- charge of the daties of his office, may, by roclamation, convene the Legislature, | chosen at said election; the Legislature, whe: so convened, shalls possess all the}, pow rconferred by said coustitation, which may not be in couflict with the constita- tion and laws of the United States. And the Legislature is hereby farther empow- ered to submit said coustitation to .the qualified electors of Alabama, for tatifica- |; tion at such time or times as it may des-|' ignate. And said Legislature i ip also em: powered by a majority vote of each Hoase to epee the Constitution as framed by |. the Convention, with er without amend-|! ments proposed by the Lgislature, and] if amendments be proposed by the Legis- «Virginian publishes | jature, they shali be yoted ‘upon s¢ ly. and not iu connection with the consti: wh Be and mysterious | tion as it edme from thé‘convention. bik ie the Es See."3. ‘And be it further enacted, “er in ai of re tbore whenever the people, by a aie oe cate us siz of the: electors of Alabama qual the act of Congress ‘of March 23, 1867) to + 'Dhey travel only at night, and the sight of| vote for delegates to form a Constitution, (bbe of them. makes a negro “take to his! and actually voting on said ratifieation, — ————— Bs hans, aiawe ca sal age aed eatae submit. Shall remain ef to and.amendatory mi bama. shall be restored, ,to pn asnrert ” aisha test — be THE TRIAL OF MR. DAVIS. It wilt bé deen frony the érderof Judge Underwood; published ia onrcoltimns this morning, that the trial.of Hon. Jefferson Davis has been again postponed until the « The postponement, it is madt ob ‘motion of the counscl for the government; and, we pre sume, the.same thing--will occur. again and ae ain, util ut last’ @ wolle™ prosegui will be entered, and the-case digmiaged;— OF course we.do not.,.mean to1mply any-., thing more than’ conjecture fy this, it is evident ‘that'“ihe prosecation’” w be glad to get'rid ‘of ‘their difficalties: in any mapuer.imaginables «»)< | nderwood’s grand j jary have found. a new indictment against)Me.. Davis, of which we gave full report last. Monday; ‘but nothing in regard te the trial of Mr. Davis now seems toafford more than a ssing remark, and the “new i 8 hardly been mentioned on the streets of this city, so well satisfied de the people pt Mr. » Davig ha hic 2d iday: of Mn understood; W Bee It is tle Union from ‘l'enpeéssee, who left his State sake of Union, jostead of the “secesh” . Senator from Mississ Union for the sake of works wonders !""—Richm BALTIMORE AND BREMEN. . » STEAMERS. | On Morlday the- -steatnship ‘PBaldiadnee, the pioneer in the new line betwen Bee- . then avd Baltimore, reached Bremen with a was pe. oat} tion of a mh of ibe President thie Une: of America! App i; who. Thiquirer. lurge and val ble besides 13 eabin and 107 steerage ‘The Baltimore presented a rance as sl entered the port e American‘Hag flying from the paitvasort -the Bremen flag beneath, and the maguificent flag forthe German Coa-.. federation at the stern, with sixty-ene - flags flying f he mainmast " fe Satrrpts orc al ef the German Confederation at the stern, with sixty-one flags ape Private aren flying from her y she ala cee & 83- lute, and another: ous as she. entered the extensive new dock-at Locust Point, on the south side of the harbor, where . she was met by the reception. committees Of the city: ee Ted alae, and..cor- dially received and weleomed. -Addres- ses were niade om the oeeasion b F Clean e E. A. Keto aid At tiowand laws of the United -States } and} 16 Company SiiéPsN. ae 1867. : On and after this datethe following e Schedule.for. Feseenqay Srsint aes: ahis Leonid: Chadteist daily’ 9.40’ P. ue Salic ve <i & ‘eae Office N, C. Rail Road, With its Various jous Amendments, FOR GOVERNOR, THOMAS S. ASHE, OF ANSON. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, 5 ewe - OF NEW) HANOVER. iF % apis “KEMP P. DATALE, oF WAke. For Auditor, 8, W. BURGIN, or BUNCOMBE. . For Bupt. of Public Instruction, REV. BRAXTON ORAVEN, OF RANDOLPH. For Attorney General, SION H. ROGERS, OF WAKE. Conservative State Judicial Ticket. Supreme Court Judges, RICHMOND M. PEARSON, of Yadkin, WILLIAM H. BATTLE, of Orange, EDWIN G. READE, of Person, MATHIAS E. MANLY, of Craven, A. 8. MERRIMON, of Buncombe. Superior Court. First District, DAVID A BARNES, OF HERTFORD. Second District, EDWARD J. WARREN, G,0F BEAUFORT. Third District, GEORGE, VY. STRONG, ee tte - Fourth Dis District, WILLIAM S. DEVANE, OP NEV HANOVER, s District, R. P. BUXTON, OF GRANVILLE. Fifth Seventh Distriet, THOMAS RUFFIN, Jr. QF ALAMANCE, ’ th. District, E. SHOBER, OF ROWAN, Ninth Dis District, WILLIAM.-M. SUUPP, OF LINCOLN. Tenth b District, ANDERSON M ITCH ELL, OF IREDELL. Eleventh District, JOHN L. BAILEY, OF BUNCOMBE, hE welfth District, A. T.. DAVIDSON, OF MACON. LEFT FOR THE CANVASS. Ms. Hanes, the senior editor of this paper, left ra this morning for ae ke vassing Davideon ty, i in eh ke ig age g eonserva- FRAN tive-eandidate. fur. the -Btate Senate. | liar; [Hdabeence will doubtless be regret- ted“by ‘ote’ readers, but we hope to have sa editorial le:ter from him ocs ’ easionally, He has, been suffering for ¢6mé Gays from‘an attack of chills but we hop¢ the excitement of the can vase, Will restore hia.asaal. health. ae will a resume hig editorial du- again until after the clemian a intelligence which we have*fréth ‘that County is of the most eheeritig character; and we confident- ly prediet that the conservatives will carry the county, <P MR. BOYDEN ACCEPTS. It will be seen from the card of Mr. Boyden, whieh ‘appeas im. our eol- umne to-day, that - he’ ‘aceepts of the nomination. - tendered “him by the Conservatives ef the Sixth Con- gressional * District.’ “This will be tifying intelligence to the peopl ot vhs District who will elect him by a large majority. We tearn that he will’ address’ 'the people of ~Pamtonnt of propery eee eee thie omk, it being the week of Alex. | ander Superior Court. Next week he will address the people of Iredell at Statesville, it pi the week of Ires But he.is well known, throughout the Distriet, and.is well-knowf_to be op- posed to the sew C-métitution and to universal negro suffrage. . He. is also well known to be a conservative to represent this pence in the gio man, and never to have any affilia- | tuture, «believing or hoping thie tion with the Radical party. He will | had discovered a gold receive all the conservative votes in lied toa: . . the name Go the District, and his name on the ihiner by trad ticket will induce"many “to support it his. servic ah ‘| who have not-been’ regarded as°Con- | investigatin instar, séryatives heretofore. they were in 1860. Let them re. member further that the amoant of taxable property in the State is about one-fourth of what it was in 18 60. Slave’ property, Bank stoeks and’ Railroad stocks have been swept away or become worthless,, Real es- tate has depreciated in value at least one half. If four times the amount of taxes must be collected from one-fourth of the amount of prop- erty, what will be the increased amount of taxes which that property will pay in proportion to its value in 1860? Solve this qnestion, you men who will have the taxes .to pay, and you will be astounded at the answer. Let us solve it. To do so we will assume a casc. Snppose that in 1860, one hundred dollars worth of property paid the suin of one dollar. That would have been twenty-five cents, or one fourth of a dollar, on every twenty-five dollars worth of property. Now, eolving this question by the rule of proportion: we must suppose that this twentysfive dollars worth of property will have to pay the sum of four dollars in taxes, under the new Constitution for there will be four times as much. to be paid while. the “Wate one fourth of what it was then. If, then, twenty-five dollars worth ot property paid a tax of one-fourth of'a doWar in 1860, what will be the rate of increase if the same ainount mnst pay a tax of four dollars in 1869? The answer is at hand, It requires just sixteen quarters of a dullar to make fourdollars, so that the taxes nnder the new Constitution, should it be adopted, will be just stxreen times as greatin proportion tothe value of the property taxed as it was in 1860. And taxation being ad valorem it will bear just as hard upon the man who owns nothing but his house hold property, as it will upon the man of estate. Everything will be taxed equally in proportion to its value, and all will suffer equally. - Think of this and sare yourselves from burdens which you cannot bear, Ly voting down thé new Constitution. —~-iP> MESSRS. HANES & BRUNER. One of the members of the so0- called convention is construing the new Constitution for his party. in thia partof the county. Ile.says it does not mean to. give the i is Now I want thé same A. R. to come out and explain to the people’ what he means,” and why a provision was not inserted in the Constitution to prevent any such association in the hap schools and colleges, in the militia, &¢., and why it was oa thet he voted for the Comite. tion and now.condemns what he ratis fied by his vote. Is he not trying to lead his own penny. by the nose?— Most assuredly he is. I learn that many of bis party say that they cans not vote for the ratification of the Constitution for thejreason of this ne- gro equaiity. Major Robbins “chawed” him up so fine at Atwell’s Jast Satarday that I don’t think there was enodgh left of him, when he got lime, to tel! Sally what the points 5 ale by the Conser- vative eandidates were. He could not stand it until the Major through, bat gathered up his erouked stick and comme measoring the | PF fis boa that lay between eval vend home, to tell Sally how the Rob- felltas and the Shavers fesenh him b aon nothing bat the trath. Alexander at’ Taslassville one day énd explain, for aa | anda Constitution it ist ‘upon — rinciple * th % any distinetion Lotwdae ban a of the nothiness of 1 | willing to” work | and board biuee date thought & ts br} weight hundred and sevent iteertainly no deli wee bre certainly establishes sc Woe a by den’s en- as far assuch oq: wile oh gayemén te will nae rinit him ad Prasarbe: B3 pcugnit wit vasg the District more thoronghly organic a2 at < » . he finally conelndet fe 8 went to 0 didate, who oO % wae vasticd oh wT at tod that vot lean ticket. “Wherenpon: the. neanis | nee drove him from his premises, de- claring that he would dive employ-+ ment to no person who voted. that ticket. This mean white man now. has the unblashing effrontery to ask the nes roes to vote for bim at the approach. ing election. We tel the tiegroes to beware of such false, hypocritical friends, who, while they are willing to make nse of them for the parpose of advancing their own selfish politi- cal aspirations, yet were never known, and we are well persuaded never will be known to befriend one of them in hour of need. PN Tax Notice [ The following statement shows the amount of taxes that it is es- timated that the people will have to pay for the year 1869 if the proposed-new Constitution should}; be adopted : £0vC i> ;, ‘s + vi a 28 as:mach ‘TAX as Gat Betote? te Wat, and a fraction over, as only round num- bers have been assumed ; for eight hundred’ and seventy thousand dollars will go. into three millions eight hundred and sixty-six thous- and dollats four times and nearly ‘one-half over. “So that the tax payer’s property will be CON- FISCATED under the plausa- ble pretext of guaranteeing the faith of the State! A far more galling confiscation than that once proposed and now abandoned, whicli only proposed to confiscate property excecding in value five thousand dollars. . _ Will you vote for the confisca- Rion of your own lands'? ! IF NOT, VOTE . DOWN Interest on the public dobt | Cost of Penitentiary, |”, For working the same, 50 Common Schools, 500,090 fied, the people will be roquirsa} % to pay in one year a tax amounj-| cloth ing to THREE MILLIONS EIGHT ‘HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS, The Taxes as far, as can be port ahd. other official sou Us the past year amounted to, abo; Ww vu ae 0000') "SSF and dotiar the tax to be levied year by yea under the New Constitution ian TIMES as much as ever levi before, The means now cxisting to pay this enormously increasd taxatior ? than twenty-five per tent. of on Ok fourth of what it was formerly— as the slave property i is no Tonger} a source of tatation. “The Poi Tax cannot be applied toward the ordinary taxes of government bu got |is EXPRESSLY devoted by the} proposed Coastitution to educa-| tion and charity. The Rail Road jee and Banking Property has so do- preciated a8 to afford hut a mall; the truth,-the whole trut Let Me. A. B. come-ont pablicly | tax; and the lands have greatly de- University, - - 25 ,008 "at ; Asyluths; House of PU eS r _ Zeit ket ines f tefuge, etc., ~ 50,000 | | or ¢ Daniel BR. Goodloe; for Mibtia, = - = = 300,000) 5 of Stateye R enor, Wn Ti for Secret County Taxes, - 1,000,000 | Kew P Battle; for Auditor, S W Bur- Township ‘Taxes, - 400,000 (oe myre, ukd Pabite Works, rSu ntendent o vat af ito Gonven- die 5 coe Dr Nerius Mendenhall ion, = = + 80,000 For Attorney: General, Lewis P Olds. Se a Bx Judicial Ticket. will thas be scon-that i teleonseg easy Be iy Bo Soma ‘Battle ¢ It will thas be seen that if the} sony . icf Boyden. * New Constitution should be rat ft Court soc 8 dose : Get dis- istrict, sriet, J ' Clittton A Citley. Jearned from the Treasurer's re+ i=, { both County ahd ‘State, during} - it is considered will not be mors ’ > | o ys 4 i= wa ~S THE NEW VRSRTIT U- The following ig the Union Republican icket brought oat by the. Raleigh 2eg- lerjand to which. olluels wae made on = J Ea Waren third and as oe Wan T Fair- fifth esemelp Ralph Diners vo 2 decid B Gilliam; seventh district, Samuel rs teksca . t ighth distriet, Francis E Sho- ber ;. nint Wm M Shipp: tenth district, pepe Mitchell ; eleventh dis- L pBailey ; twelfth district, “Congressional Ticket. Dr Wm Nicholson, 2d Jno 3d Wm Worth, 4th B.S i gipeteaien of ponte 3 have | mantic, ‘ pom ‘me to ition. But if the reople c te -District roan that my can be of. bya . are ad g North Garona % o her “ft L»relations to the ' Geuerak G abl dv aes =a my ; prisal@end vor to address the peoy re ceene, ane + views tpon the consti- m9 voted Upon at the Natwanrar Boypen. oe : our ) | hea eten: page, as" bi, anything in ourline. pert rove: Lye 4 oy Laghbaned ensy it is our determination to make good All that is necessary iz for the to call, hear obr prices, examine our’ , and then fur NEdeutten. bodes Cc. F. BAKER & CO Salisbury, Oct. 8, 1867. THK BKST IS THE CHEAPES Harvest is Over / The Yield is Great? Prosperity Abounds ! Winter has Come / AND NOW 18 THE TIME TO TAKE Moore’s Rural New Yorker, THE GREAT TOWN AND COUNTRY WEEKLY } THE RURAL is the Leading and rcula- ror ia vate ope Venety af C Bad ap anal Beauty ot arance. It embraces more Agricultural, Horti- 2 ural, Scientific, Bducational Literary and News Our porary our words. Matter, in with Engravings, than any other roepo~ aad it comprises Departments devoted to or Agriculture, Choice Literature, 9| Horviculture, Science and Art, Sheep Husbandry, Education, Grazing, Dairying, Youth's Reuding, Rural Architecture, General News, Domestic Economy, Commerce, Markets, ' With Illustrations. aes Essays, Music, Poetry, Rebuses, Enigmas, &e., The Rural New Yorketinn Nationa! Journal, cricu- lating largely in the Eastand West. North and South It employs the best talent in all Departments. Ite curps of Baitors, Contributors, &c., comprises inapy of the best Farmers, Planters. Wool Growers, Gre- ders, Horticuiturists. &c.. and also Authors, Schol- ars, &c., of note and abilitys In briefthe Rural is ably edited, profusely illustrated, neatly printed— Practical Scientific, Useful—Moral, Instructive and Where Wherever located,—in Country, Village or City,- YOU WANT THE RURAL! AND FRIENDS) MART IT! he Paes not a det lia but ‘ large and orem Ro ‘Weekly, and that Vol. X1X is to be materinily entafiged. > Examine a number and see if, next'to your jo- Lag “sk . the Run ak fs not the one for your money. Sach number contains cight double quarto pages, printed in extra style —Clear Type. Good Paper. and better Illustrations than any other Journal of its Class; A Title Page: Index, &¢:. atelose uf volume. TERMS—Only $3 a Year; to clubs of ten. $2.50 per copy. Vol. XIX begins Jan. 4, 1568 Now is the time to subscribe: Creat Offers to Club agents.— Specimens, Show-Bills, Premjum Lists. &c,. sent or the"13 nombets of ‘this Quarter, (Oct. to Jan. See trial, for only Fifty Cents! Address D.D..'T MOORE, Dec 12— Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED FOR T.uik GRAY JACKETS. And howsthey Lived, Fought and Died for Dizie. “v ITH Incidents and Sketches be ag in the Confederacy, cones tives of Personal Advi-nture, Army Life, Naval Adventare, Home Life, Partisan Daring, Life in the Camp, Field and Huspital, together with the Songs, Ballade, Anecdotes end Humorous: Iuci- dents of the War for Southern Independence. There is a certain portion of the war that will never go.into the regulat-histaries, nor be om- k in romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, rt preserved conyey tw succeedirig generations & better idea of the see the conflict than many dry reports or fal pomiirs of events, aud this part may bee Called the gossip, the fan, the pathos of the Wat. Thisillustrates the eharacter of the lead- women, the bravery of men. the pluck of our heroes, the romance and Ravdshipe of the ser vice. ThesValiant gnd Brave Hearted, “the Pictur . eaque Dramatic; tie Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and the whole Panor- ama ofthe War are here thrillingly os 6 meee eae at once: | Athapement as well eet pay -full description of the work, A JONES BROTHERS & C0.,’ Jan 7-tf ARiehmond. Va. er cusn HOTEL. ; CHARLESTON, 8. C. TT Und rsigned “having taken Poe of the above well known Hotel, respectfully iuforms ee Sheet es Se tepr it has been refurnished in all ments. The table will at all ti with the best the market ee |P tion will be paid to the comfort of and travellers can rely J. P. HORBACH, ie 2 oS Jan. 11,-tw3m Laborers Wanted. 100 N.C. Bail Road in Burke and MeDow- ell counties, Wages spears rate arg F ‘the “he te ere e and the nas wer coniecd. “arly te Borde Hoe “—— , March 31, 1968, ol 7 tuats ‘roe owe is cee ses ers, the humor of the soldiers, the devotion of | ' ang it gt most eat amp mae, 3 bet: wit, and authentic history, are oxilifally inter- Teds Cissalags apd cov’onr 0h for Circulars and see our and a| . he dear } reel sine, Sendisierwenthd to-wotk on'the W. r. oTce whey fe vent the 30, 1864 as mame 2g by su cluding: the Act of March 26, 1¢67. Ui. Heuper. Assessor, 6th a depen Long and Luniss streets, in the city of Sali House in M rie county, on the 3d; _ | at the Cio wm Yaukinville, Yadkin co., on the 4th; at the Coart-House in Concord, Cabarrus'co., on the 6th; ‘at the v fice of Assia. tant Assessor, ¥. W. Alirens, Charlotte, Meck- lenburg co.,on the 7th; at the Court Honse j House in Dallas, Gastun cv, ev the 8th; tT House in of the several days of April, named above, t bear and determine any appeals relative to an erroneous or excessive valnations, assessmen the District. mast be made in wriling anid specify the ticular cause, matter or thmg, sprereg., ¥ a decimon is requested, aud ground of principle of seror wonlaiord of, Hi. LL.-HELPER. . Asorseur, 6th Dist, N.C. thade gratis it the dead animals vie f New York chy, onl T JENTY-FIVE Warranted by t weight for weight to any high priced su Soe na iv market. The results on 0 tonishing the past season. It matures erup from 10 days to two weeks bles the crop. Read the following POLK ISLAND PLANTA EpGecomseE Co., N. C., Oct-19, 1867. James R. Dey, ita, ‘Dear Sir: Gen. W your letter of ed how the Pon - B.. Cox veawwenet: as his has been an unfortunate year for testing passed, Our Corn louked well and fast after we applied it, butthe. and swept our.corn. so that a wine say how it would have yielded, er acre. whieh, the ee produced a ree aed wan i ere very wells: On the whole, i but more Heopetly yom be thas al corm: on the 2ud da el: rit cext; at the Coort- rhe” Company have ee ‘Prices - kts PER TON, - Freight and rng iy fron New York added. e Company to be etfenls Carolina, will sit-at ayifletaten lenrel ~ 7 Monroe, Union co, 08 the’ Sth } at: ace ee the Court-Honse in Lincolnton, Lincoln co. Pe the 7th; at the Court- Honse 1m W itkesboro’, ° Wilkes co., on the 6th; at the Court- House in Statesville, Iredell ce., on the 4th; at the Court aylorsville, Alexander cv.,on the 7th; at Court-Huuse in New ton, Catawba co.on the ~ 6th, betweeu the buars of 9 a: we. and 4 P: My ~~ or ennumeratious by the Assessor or: Assistant - Assessors, returned in the annual list. Notice is further given that no appeal will be allowed - to'any party alter he shall have Beem duly ass * sessed and the aunual list containing the aseexs- ment bas been transmitted to Abe Uyllector of All appeals to said Assessor, as oo ate cue 7 * a* % FARMERS AND PLA PLAS TERS. For sale, in lots to suit purehasers. Twea-? ty Thousaud ‘Tons ‘of Double Refined Pow tton, Tubaceo and ‘Grain have beewad- didow Pres.Lodi Manf'g Co. handed me 16th, asking to be kalo intendent was using it. I must say that this” avy kind of Fertilizers on account of the exeess- . ive rains, but, from what.we tried, I think the Poudrette used for Corn cannot de sur- Coptic to, < e also tried it on cotton - -about 400 Ths. © like it verytwuch for either weir porta] never before published. BY GEN. P.M RIL, LATE OF PR SOUR ASI PROPRIETORS: ). P.ERW ERwin @DUBILL . . |SoLrcr Tem. an, man WILMINGTON, . ¥. a auj—iy Y e r it FF . fe o FE E H EE iS iF fi t a nt £ F © Aerie i t 4 He Ve f i Th et e | ca r l 7 if p e e t t 6 ot a pH Ww ‘gE ah, PR TES] WATCHMAR @ Ween EP in bathe. 01 | cekl-WEERUY OLD NORTH, SETH. Tri Weekly hel ° i 4] ith Ese ogy Tope : Of joy @ come, And cast , epth hy. j Ah! love apd fare last theke Soom, fers Saree Ayo te) 3 bale oom s thy aame shell bo tacred ty (From the Ralvigh Sentinel THOUGHTS FOR THE PEOPLE (wo. 2.) raxation! taxation !! cunpxr = tik wew Cunerrenion !!! To the People of North Carolina ; The erty «f our people is in every ae mouth. The statements of our y have not been exag- gerated. No question, theretofore, is more important to's than that of (aration. la our goudstion it is onc of the bighest interest. We therefore desire ‘that when the fore, made a apae scent Ss nooeey necenary te raised «ithin the next twelve montha, if the ora vation goes into operation. estimate cannet he being calculated from official 1. /nterest on the lares “that the a det ly contracted “er iment since t invielate.” Ia article reble debt, and after 1880 it shall levy @ anoval tax epen the eal pereenal y of the ate, and the sum thue real zed sbe!! le cet apr -t ce eeinking fund to be Jevuted tothe paymeut of the pablic ba” It thee appears that if the people ality the Comstitation, they expres= command the Genersl Assembly c ommenee promptly ant xy brent | unesaal legislation te debt} ' the iptesest on Jt) TAXATION. The Convention was not saticfiud the pu ‘h aie Constitatienal provision.— | Hey tramedan ordinance directing | « the interest shall be paid. lt rovided that the Aret Generul As vinbly ander the Consituiwa eball | ay in cash, on the Jet of January | 889 the interest ww the bunds, date: | velore May Ssh, 1861. 2). AH taterest dae before the lat f January, 1869, and interest on! ponds dated since the war and before he let of Jaly, 1869, shall Le fuuded ate new and It mast be notieed here that inter al improvement bonds issued dur | State, v0 ander acts! Hoard ngthe war, althoagh acd before the war, and used for Urpeses, amounting to 61.053 000 re totally i ut of every fifty by the ordi nce will go out of the State. Many her bonda and notes issued daring | \D NORTM)STATE,| \ 99,006 p00 | tive bs extended the youth . » MEGS] And sew bonds..:....!,..7-8,061,000 | the Biate Cof Asin) felled ellaan Ot . | States, or who has Leen naturalized, $584,000%s'to be 1vt July, 1869 in } paid y jim the State. Thies taxes everything, .] —stock, farming atonsila, provisions, oe Mgt t were? * mf, team near gai gees dat a since ity ian ty DOES 990,600 Se a “ ee U8 Tb nnbea tory * $10,570,000 Add'bonds Gated before the — 8,906,500 PO 0 VERTED oc anc seg ee Tee pla aly ee, teen ly Ist, 1869, $19,476,500 or sd etna one hundred and six be i thousand dollars ‘annually? ‘ oF : the purpose. | $, eet Blind, Deaf and Dumb. the $267,000 payable ist Jan- mT ocktde words, ‘the people niust raise, by taxation, to pay interest on the pabli¢ debt, oat of ther next crop, $851,000! port of the rich as well as the very small, ciplwi Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad | same when called into actual serviee. Company, as that Company is not to ¢ tax levied vader the Revenue act of Febraary 26, 1867, yieldsabout $270,000, so that for the item of in terest only more than three times the t tax must be added to the lev es—that is, where a man paid 51 last year, he wust pay $4 this year. This! Browalow, as Paul sat at the feet of Gaw- is on the supposition that the expen! aliel.” If Holden be elected, of course ses of the proposed State governinet! be will carry out the same policy and we will not be greatea than he: etof our State to pay than Thie is far from bei We set down not leas than little consideration will of administering will take their coe fe. P the case. A | Tennessee. Bechet moans 00 nad ectacd as a |1." General Assembi © 12 New offices and result. | at least. ..850,000 It will be sees that where a - tax payer paid $1 lest year, he wills Peauomtiary, -.-. ccs.) O00 have to at least $3, | 4. Common Schools,.......... 5 (00 Tazes lo poy the expensce of the's. University,...............-. = 000 Convention. "6: Bayles... 3.22.56 <0 ..-.. 50,000 The we learn from the Pub- 7. Militia,.................0-- 300,000 lic Treasurer, already paid, are $77,-| 165. The charges for printing the Constitution, and other printing Now add the interest on the public debt, charges, are not yet presented. The and we bave a grand total of $1,836,000 sum total will be more than 680.000, more than has heretofore been required to Tw meet this, the Convention has lev. support the State Government. iod a special tax of five cents on tho! said before, ~_—s tax anil was $100 value of land (on the valuation tared $1 last year, he will, under the pro of 1860) and on all personal property | j (od all ecuenytond ey Tethis man County Taxes. The county tases aggregated about $600,000. We have no data for estima ting the city taxes. ‘The “tate and coun- ty taxes, under the new Constitution, to be raised ont of the people next wiater, mest exeeed $2,600,000. de., &e., duwn to milch cows, and chickens, and babies’ cradics. 1 Expcnace of General Assembly. The ral Assembly must meet within 15 days after the — a of the Constitution by Congress. Rate of Tazation. will, of course, vote themselves $3) if i: wore possible to raine the rates oo per day, one third more than has i! subjects of taxation eight times the been usual heretufore. The Assembly | rates, then land would pay for of 1866~"7 cost $58,000. | State purposes, on the valuation of 1860, As the couvention whh 120 members cighty cents on the $100. Un the valu cont 680,000, cach member costing on an tion of 1868, it would be probably $1 60 average £666, the General Asscmbly,/on the $100. But if the rates are made with 170 members, if they sit no longer, ' cight times higker than now, many eub- will cons $107,000. ‘They will sit mach jects of taxation will be destroyed Un- long*r, as they will have more business to der the new coustitution, the poll tax cao do. The new constitution totally changes not be bigber then 82. Henee, as the | Nolicitnr to ride the Raleigh Judicial Cir- } 31 The interest wn all the debt duc |eait. The Attorney General ie to be} a delusion and @ mockery ot of Jaly, 1869, must be paid in| h . | . ve, whose salarive will not! stitation votes to ratify this enormous tax adding oer railrunde, wet fur war | ratalagt geno in addition to those | heretofore estimated, He votes, also to |shall not by incorporated uuder geae | tact in the registration books of the pre- | Fi . | heretofore in ase. the Homustead, hypocritically |al laws or spucial act.” by this ordinawee. | his is peculiarly anfurtunare, a they | re the only State bends he'd by our! en citizena, while Worty-nine deflars | pie rt wae publie moneys to themselves and oth-| be iwaugurated by this new Constitation. lere, it eeeme clear that all salaries will be} We Lave, in several particulars, undet-ce- our lawe aud will call for a great deal of rates cannot be raised on other subjects the deficiency mast be assessed on land 2. Salaries of the officers. |The land tax wil) neerssarily be ton or More offices have been created than twelve times — than at present. heretofore. For etample: Of course such taxation is confiscation 1 Lieut. Goveruer. Nearly ail the land io the State would be 1 Superintendent of Public Worke etpoerd to sale and bid io ty State or by 1 eperinteadent of Public Instruction, these fortunate envngh to bave money. gecrally Northera speculators And | pere we call the attention of our reeders 4 Saperior Court Jadges sear to en important picee of in 3 Commissioners to reviee the laws ormation. ‘The Homestead granted by Boards of Dublie Charities, enjoined by | See. 2, Art, 1., can be sold for taxes, as is Articie 41, See. 7, at least 3 we presame (etpreasly therein declared. Under this We count the Attorney General a¢ «| constitution nearly every acre of land in new efficer, because be will be a salaried the State, Homesicad and all, will stead iticer, his duties are to be diffrent from ily pase into the bands of eapitaliets and what they are now, and there is to be a/ st 1 Auorney (peneral. 2 Supreme Count Judges rangers A Homestead under this constitution ts Of what use werely an advisory officer. The Super. is « Homestead, when tared more then ite Casodeat at Public Lostruction is counted, owner can pay t becanee bie sulary is ty be paid by the, The ar plan erems to be a canning tas heretofore by the Literary |ly devieed scheme to rob our prople of Without counting 4 new Solici-| their lands. And it must always be re tore and other minor officers, here are 16) membered that whoever votes for the Cou | sacrifice Besid«-, from the example set by the} provided fur in this consti ution conveution in baving uscless ofBcers in| We have thus mado plain, and within their pay, each ae Scrgeant-at-arms and | the comprehension of all, the enormous reporter, and from their liberality with | cost of the vew goveroment proposed to én a larger eeale than berriefore—it is timated, rather than over-estimated, the _ SALISBURY, N.C, APRIL: 10, 1868 General Assembly is required to i ye hy og insane, deaf, dumb and bind be supported by the State.— eretofore the State ouly supported the vie pore of these afflicted ph This prev weon the State the pn ’ La ed as well as white, which will cost. at least $60,000 more, aud the estimate is Bec. 2, Art. xii, declares that “the In the aboves estimate we include! General Assembly shall provide for the the $1,000,000 guarantied by the att af te wg ui and dis- Conventive for the Wilni on wa we paying the Ex-Provisional Governor Holden, in a able, and has not been siuce the war, |!ate editorial in the Standard, said “that y the interest on its debt. B Poca al onde wy shall be withdrawn from the State, the State militia, organis- ed on a loyal basis: i. ¢. black and white, He has olsen the policy of Gov. Browulow, of ‘envessee, whose militia cost last year about $300,000. The Standard, of March 19th, says, “we must sit at the feet of show that the $300,000 for the militia, white aud color- |‘ [learning, iw which black and cr From the Sentinel. THE MILITIA, tax SCHOOLS, &e. The new Constitution declares ev- ery male person born in the United who ie twenty-one years of age and shall have resided in this State twelve months ing an election, and thirty days in the county where be proposes to vote, an élector, and, by consequences a citizen’ of the Stato, This, Of coarse, includes blacks and whites. All snch pereons are includ ed jn the term “the ple,” men tioned in the first Article. or Bill of Rights, in and from whom. all poli- tical power is invested and derived. Throughout the entire Constitution, no distinction whatever is made be tween white and black. The doctrine of equality between the two is rigidly obecrved. Blacks and whites are equally eligible to the State Senate aud “[louse of representatives,” and to Congress, as well as to any other office in the State. “The people,” meaning whites and by the Committee. .. to prove, that the any thing. ——— GEN. CANBY’S ELECTION ORDER. H'vq’s. Seconp Mirrtary Disr., | Charleston, 8. U'., Mareh 23, 1868. GENERAL ORDERs, No. 45. oe : : The Constitutional venation of the prea oa. ps agli of Brave of North Carolina, in conformity aera rary privite : Pa apes ©” with the Act of Congress of March 23, ? ge, oe OF | 1867, le the Actof March benefit which the State can confor. 2, bapa suapesieier’ Ap nich ris It is, therefore, perfectly plain that) government of the rebel States,” having the General Assembly can pass no law Framed a Constitution and civil govern- making distinction between black and | ment according to the provisions of the white, which the Courts of the State, | aforceited laws; and having by an ordi- under the new Constitution, would! nance adopted on the 17th day of March not be compelled to declare unconati .| 1868, provided that the suid Constitution utional. {eball be submitted “for ratificatio to the If the Legislatare were to pass a persons law, requiring the ‘tnrolment ot | this Act blacks aud whites in different com eetien to be conducted by the officers paniesand regiments; if it were to srpetoted ae ts bs eppemers by te Cee pase a law, requiring white and black por grm armed gs angela ci children to atrend different schools ;' 4” ce if it were to pans a law prohibiting | given by the said Convention ;” and hav- whites and blacks from intermarry-| ing further provided, by the aforesaid or- ing; if it were to pass a law requir-|dinance, that at the sane time an clection ing whites aud blacks to ride in dif-| shall be beld for Senators and Hepresen- ferent coacbes or public comveyances, tatives in the General Assemaly, and for if it were to pass a law prohibiting} all State and County officers who ave to whites and blacks from sittiug in the be elected by the people ander this Voa- same seats at Church or at the same stitution, and further, that iu each Con- table at Hotels; if it were to passa S District of the State an elec- law forbidding white children to be #°° shall be held fora member of the apprenticed to black masters; if it House of Representatives of the United were to pass a law forbidding blacks ig Cengeus. lileerdeved: : : ‘iret. That an election be held in the from being guardians to white chil-/ oo. og North Carolina, eommoncing on dren, or being executors or admiuie- | Tuesday. the 2iat day of April, and re trators on the estates of white men, ing on Thursday the 23d day of April, —each laws, if brought before the ' 1868, at which all sittin voters of Coarte, would be proaveaced UACUR: | said State may vote “For Constitution” statu or ballot for the State and County officers Radicals deny that thie isso. But/and for members of the United States apon what ground? They deny it Hoase of Representatives, as specified in \ @ reason. Various attempts | the before cited ordinance ‘ re were made to get the Convention to| Second, it shall be the duty speak out on these subjects, hut every | Bords of Registration in North Carolina, proposition was VUTEU DOWN. © |commencing foartesa days prior to the In the Convention, om the LUth a7 | election herein ordered, and giving rea February last, while the reporton the a monet cg sere per militia wae under envsiderative, Mr | sage ‘hc eet Bote Be pea Graham, of Orange, moved tu amead being satisfied that any person not eutithed the first section, as follows: | . . thereto Las been registered, to strike the “That colored persone shall be ©f-| name of such person from the lists, and ganized into separate companies, andi such persons shall mot be entided to thateo whlute wan be reyuired to} you. The Beards of Me gistration shall en from or added wo the registration lists, Cleaveland. woved tu insert the fol. : : the Boards will be guided by the law o lowing section : | ° h 2. 1967 and the “The Cauca ian and African racos March 2, 1967 and 2 . tary thereto, and their attention is apeci-| 2. Seereiary of State, The county of Wake chall cect fou sro distinct by nature and color ‘ally dir-eted to the supplementary Act of | 4 Anditor. members ; the counties of Craven, Gran- therytore, all marriages beiween the juiy iy 1867 Be Treasurer villo, Halifax and New Hanover shall cleat Caucassian, of white rece, and the | Fourth. Any duly registered voter of 3. Raperintendent of Pablie Works three members each; the esunties of Oas- Atricau, or black ra ne, are forever his State who may have removed from 7. Supe siutendent of Public I[netruc- | well, Cumberiand, idaon, prohibited = \yhe Coanty in which he was registered, | tion Pe Edg ecombe, Prankdin, Mr. Darham demanJed on this the! «tall be entitled to vote in the County to 8. A'torney -General. Iredell, Johnston, Meek North- veasand nays. but the Convention re which he has removed and has resided 9. One Chicf Justice and foar Associate |1 npton, Orange, Pitt, Robe- fused to grant theur. sud, by a strict) for the toa days next preer ding thieche-| Justices of tho Supreme Court of the 8, Rockingham, and party vote, laid lis proposition ou the | von, upon presentation of a certiicate of | State Wayne shall civet twe mombers each; table. regisiration from the County in which he} 10. One Judge of the Saprier Court the counties of Alamanee, Alexander, * On the dth of Maroh, Mr. D an), Was originally registered and that he has | for each of the following J adicial Districte: Alleghany, Ansoa, Ashe, Beaufort, Ber- moved to amend the ryport ou Car; 20t voted at this election. [1 sb WU bethe | First District—Curritack, Camden, tie, Bladen, Branswiek, Bancombe, Barke porations Ly addiug the following duty of the Registrara, apon the applica | Pasquotank, Perqaimans, Chowan, Gates, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, | proviso: - td tion of any duly regiatered voter who has) Hertford, Bertie | Catawba, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleve- F : j removed of ie about to Inetitukong of} 1 white popile are educated prounscususly, * Provided, That precinct in which be was originally reg istered, to furnish bim with a certificate heinet. Ln default of the certificate, the | Hanover, Duplin, Colambas, Bladen, Montgomery, Meore, Nash, Onalow, Pas- The ameoudment was REJECTED) adfidavit of the voter must set forth the | Sampson, Robeson quotank, Perquimans, Person, Polk, Rich- promptly. County and preeinet in which be waser-} Fifth District —Cumberland, Harnett, mond, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanley, On March the 6th, the roport on] igueally registered and the leagth of time | Moore, Richmond, Anson, Montgomery, Stokes, Sarry, os Tyrrel, Education being under o msideration, | He bas resided in the County in wh ch he | Stanly, ( niow. l nten, w ashington, 4 atanga, Wakes, Mr. Durban wmwred to add the fol: | "#4 originally registered and the length Sixth | )istriet—Northam ptan, Warren, | W tlson, Yadkin and Yaneey shall elect lowing section : of time be bas resided in the Conuty in| Halifax, Wake, Nash, Franklin, John-,vme member each , which be desires to vote. In doubtful | ston, Granville. j Fifteenth. The County officers to be “Section 6. The General Assombly no colored shall be appointed guardi of a white ward. Upon the amendment Mr. Durham asked the yeas and nays, which were refused, Tho amendment was Lost, and the section adopted ag_ reported Now, here is evidence snfficient, (and more could be given, if needed,) ongre! Conven- tion intended to leave no gap open, by which any distinction shall be made betweeu black and white, in the legislation of North Curotina. Is any one fool enough to suppose, if the new Constitation is ratified, that the Legislature can alter these things, as the Radicalsintimate? Such an idea is ridicalous, if a Constitution means 1867, “to provide for the more efficient ered under the prov.sioce of | the Pogt Commander, and will cause the March 23, Section 4! at an | arrest and trial of the offenders by mili- |tary authority. ‘The exhibition or earry- | ing of deadly thirty days after the notice thereof to be | the elretion herein ordered will be regard- he and treated as an additional offence. [VOL. 1, NOv14 | open during these hours without fetter: | 1. Members of the General Assembly, » 4) wean ae, Tedore and’ Checks, cos| tee cies bin e A au rks em-| First. Distriet— uimans, Chowan, dry in seinen caid election shall, | Pasquotank, Curdonh: Gessdionde Sem fore commencing to hold the same, be | den, shall elect two senatotsaen.% 0% boo aworn to the faithfal performance of their) . Second District —Murtin,.. Wi. dutics,and shall also take aud subscribe | and Tyrrell, shall eleet one senatér., ) . the oath of office ibed by law for| Third Dictriet—Bendfort and Hyde officera of the United States. ‘shall ‘ Eight. No member of the Board of} Registration, who iv a candidate for elec-| elect oné senator, >’ wth je otenei tion to any office to be filled at this ahee-| Fifth Distriet—Bertie and Hertford tion, shall serve as a Judge or Inspector | shall elect one Senator. y % of Election in any precinct which he! Sixth District—Halifax shall elect ome © seeks to represent. senator. RTA Ninth. The Sheriff and other peace} Eighth Distriet—Pite eball elect one officers of each county are required to be | senator. ree sat? +. present dating the whole»time that the; Ninth District—Nash aid Wilson shall | polls are kept open and uutil the election ; elect one sevator. Tie . 13 completed: and will be made responsi-| Tenth Distric-—Craven and Carteret » ble that there shall be no interference ‘shall elect two senators. ; ar wih Judges of Election, or other inter-| E Distriet—Jones and Lengir ‘py ruption of good order. if there should | sball elect one senator . * SR S TR E fo e Da sa r ee t A a fe th ee be more than one polling place in any| Twelfth District—Duplio and Onslow County, the Sheriff of the County is em-' shall elect one senator. ye powered aud directed to make euch as-| Thirteenth Di : ood assignments of his depaties, and other New Hanover shall elect two w . peacé officers to the other polling places; Fourteenth Distriet—Bladen aud Col as may in his jadgment best subserve the umbus shall elect one senator. pu of quiet and order; and he is, Fifteenth District—Robesou shall elect farther required to report these arrange- one senator. ments in advance to the Commander of, Sixteenth Distriet—Cumberland, ‘Har- | the Military Post in which his county is| nett and Sam shall elect two situated. Seven Distriet—Jobinstow Shall > Tenth. Violence, or threats of violence, | elect one senator. ; or of discharge from employment, or oth- | Fighteenth District-Greene and Wayne er oppressive means to prevent any per- | shall elect one senator. son from registering or exercising his | Nineteenth District —Franklin and | right of voting, is positively probibited ;| Wake shall elect two senators. oa § and any sach attempts will be reported by} ‘T'wentieth District— Warren shallelect «— the Registrars or Judges of Elections, to : + ¥ Po e ee te r e t e ae me in violation of | General Orders No. 10 of 1867, at or in | the vicinity of any polling places during | elect one senator. Eleventh. Ail bar reoma, saloons, and other for the sale of liquors by re- tail, will be closed from six o'clock of the evening of the 20:h of Apt, wotil six o'clock of the worning of the 24th of ak sons who may tranagress it. Stanly shall elect ene senator. Twelfth. Military interference with} Thirty-second District-Davic and Row- | elections, ‘unless it shall be necessary to} an shall elect one senator. | repel the armed enemies of the United} Thirty-third Distriet—Devideson ohalg | States, or to keep the peace at the polls,” | elect one a ? is prohibited by the Act of Congress ap-| Thirty-fourth Distriet~Porsythe and » | their troops well in hand on the days of | elrction, j will be rendered by the Boards of Regis- | laws supplemen | remove from the | ! ington, Beanfort, Martin, Pict, Edgecombe. sythe, Gaston, Gates, Green, Harnett, that be was so registered, aud to note te | Onslow, Greene, Lenoir, Wayne, Wilsoe. Jackson, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, April, 1868, and daring this time the sale |and Mon’ shall elect one senator of all intoxicating liquors at or near any| Twent: Distriet—Moore and polling place is ibited. The police | Rich: elect one senator. officers of cities aad towns, and the Sher-| T and iffs avd other officers of Counties, | Union shall elect one senator. will be beld nsible forthe strieten-} Thi Distriet—Mecklenburg shall forcement of this prebibition, and will promptly arrest and hold for trial all per- proved February 25, 1865, and no soldiers will be allowed to appear at any polling unless as citizens of the State they are qualified and are registered as voters, and thea only for the of voting ; bat the Commanders of Posts will keep and will be prepared to act rhapaped if the civil authorities are una-| and je to preserve the peace. Thirteenth, The retarna required by law to be made to the Commander of the District of the results of this election, Fortieth Distriet—Baneombe, Hender- sou and Transylvania shall elect one sen-~. ” ator vbey a negro officer.” also. during the same period, add to euch | tration of the several Registration pre- Fat -first Distriet—Burke, Caldwell The amendment was DEFEATED | hets the name of al! persons who at that cincts throngh the (Commanders of the and Wenaye shall elect eae senator. by a vote of 83 to 9 time possess the qaalitications reqnired | Military Poste ia which their preeinets are | Forty-second Distriet—Madison, Mit- Ono the 135th of Feb. while Article by said Acts, whe badd mot alroaly beca | situated, and in accordance with the de- well ball oleet first, “Declaration of Rights.” was | registered ie lod inetructions hereafter to be given |chell, aa aed Fees) being conedered, Mr. Durham, of Third Ln deciding who are to be atrick Fourtcenth. ‘The State officers to be - Forty-third Distriet—Olay, Hay weod, Jackson and S ieblly orprer one senater. voted tor at this election are ; 1. Governor. Lieutenaut-Governer. Second Drstrict—Tyrrell, Ilyde, Wash land, ‘ olambes, Carrituck, Davie, For- Phird District—Craven, Carteret, Jones, Henderson, Haywood, Hertford, Hyde, Fourth Distries — Brunsw ick, New | Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mitchell, 16 war, not fur war purpows. are | safe to say at least ove-third more, vored, the ordinance only provid « for bonds dated before the war. We have carefully exleulated the in rest tobe paid ia cash un and bes, re lat July, 1869. The debtdated before May 20th, 861, ie 68,906,500, On this there} inet pod ag Ist of January, 1869, iv jah, 7 000. ‘Lhe debt dated sinee the war is 5,011,500. The Convention anther ed €3,050,000 more, in all 68.061. 00 Tothis add interest fundable te new bonds, ruder the ordicance, follows : uterest authorized to be fuaded by the aetof Mureh 20} 866, ay presented, (estimat- nterest on bonds dated be- | build a Penitentiary. fore the war accruing singe COUR ng eae een des 1.068,600 3. Penitentiary. The General Assembly is required to ‘This will cost at least $250,000. Not less than $50,000 will be apent the first year. Probably a Superintendent, with a salary, will be ap- pointed 4. Schools. 11 is enjoined on the General Aesembly at their first session to provide, by taxa- tion and otherwise, for a general and uni- form gyntem of Pablie Schools, wherein tnition shall be free of charge to all the | children (of all eolore) of the State between the of 6 and 21. There are about 200,000 children ia the State, white and colored, between the afnresaid ages. It is impoesible that the tas for this purpose can be less than $500,- 000. For white éhildren only, before the war, the Literary Board dir $175, 090, the counties raising the same amount —in al} $340,000. tasation tor the preseut and successive ears, if the new coustiiation is ratified. Ve defy contradiction of the foregoing facts. Fellow-citigens of North Carolina; in your impoverished condition, can you bear tuch a load of taxation? Will it not crush out all your enterprise, your vitali ty! If, thea, you wish not all your real property put under the Sheriff's hammer and sold for taxes! If you would not have your Homesteads sold for tates and your wives and children turned out to beg and die, and your once pleasant homes ie {ute the hands of strangers and State Dd nd holders, rally, rally to the polls, at | the approaching election, and vote down | the Oonetitation | You desire restoration to the govern- | meut. You desire to see the Union re- stored and harmony among all our pro- ple, but, in the means and plan of restora- tion proposed, you can see nothing but beggary, and ruin, and degradation. shall provide scheols fur the black children of the State, separate and apart from those provived for white children.” Tho section, as proposed, was RE- JECTYD by a vote of ayes 15, noes 9v. Ou the saino day, Mr. Graham moved to amend section LS of the Education report, by adding the ful- lowing proviso : “Provided, thore shall be separate and distinet schoole fur white and black children.” The amendment was LOST by a strict party voto. Mr. Durhan, on the 10th of March. proposed to amend the 12th escetion of the Judiciary roport, as follows: “Provided, that white orphan children shall not be bound as ap ‘| prentices to colored masters, aud that cases, the Registrars or Inepeetors of elee- tion sball require such additional evidence as may be uecessary to satisfy them that the applicant is legally entitled te vote. Blank forms for the certificates and for the affidaviteshorein required, will be furnish- ed the Registrars and the inspectors of election and when acd will be attached to the ‘ballots cast by such voters, and will be transmitted to District tieadguar- ters with the returns required by law. Fifth. The said election will be held in each county at such places as may here- after be designated, under the superinten- dence of the buards of Kogistration as provided hy law, and in accordance with inststructions here after to be given to said Boards in conformity with the Acts of Congress and as far as may bo with the laws ot North Carolina. Sicth. The polls shall be opened at such voting places at six o'clock in the forenoon, and closed at six o'clock in the afternoon of each day, aod shall be kept Seventh Distriet — Person, Orange, | voted for at this election are: | Chatham, Randolph, Guilford, Alamanes, | Caswell, Rockingham. Eighth Districep—Stokes, Foray the, Da- videon, Rowan, Davie, Yadkin, Surry Nieth District — Catawba, Cabarras, Mecklenburg, Lineoln, Gaston, Cleveland, Rathertord, Polk. well, Wilkes, Alexander, McDowell. Eleventh Distriet— Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Mitchell, Yancey, Madison, Baneombe. Twelfth District.—Henderson, Tran- sylvania, Ilaywood, Maeon, Jackson, Clay, Cherokee. ‘ Chief Jastice and the Associate Justice of the Sapreme Court, and the Judges of the Superior Courts, to be elee- ted by the qualified eleetors of the State voting at large thronghout the State. 1. One Solicitor for each Jadicial dis- triet, to be elected by the qualified elec- Tenth District—Tredell, Barke, | tors thereof : Sheriff Coroner. Treasurer. County Clerk of Superior Coan. Register of Deeds. Sarveyor. . Five Comm To be elected by the qualified electors of their respective cnunties. Sixteenth—The Firss District is composed of the eoanties of Carrituck. Camden, uotank, Perqui- mans, Chowan, H » Gates, North ampton, Halifax, Martin, Bertie, Wasb- ington, T l, Hyde and Beaufort. Disirict — Pint, Craven. Jones, F Lenoir, Wayne, Greene, E » Wie son, Onslow, Carteret and i Third District—New Hanover, Brane- wick, Columbus, Bladen, Cam- berland, Robeson, wa som ay ~ por Moote, Montgomery and Anson. Fourth District - Wake, Franklin War PP P YN O= ~ DavipSo®y SuPer thle gase of the ten, Granville, Nash, Johneton and Chat- POLICY. ; ~BEFT FOR THES. ‘ST 4 the lawa of ham. oF = : i nd & = ‘ 6 fi ava Bdber” shader, Remiolph, \ We linve amoiig is many? weak-kiiced |) Mr. Ilanns, the sj tr of feonform 4 J . , ’ y 9 i : bpeoia Guilford, “Rockingham, Davidson, Fox 94 who admit that the new constitution] this paper, lett hore Aig u rang for tera?Ter i Hend wasgontinued Washig sythe, Stokes, Surry, Person, Stanly and is avery bad one, and that under other! the purpose of canvassing Davidson * its Ja tion, i! @hext term Cyctin 4 Caswell. ; _cireumstances they would oppose it, but couuty, in which heis the conserga- [Union as Hendersén allowed to res so ; _ Sixth District — Rowan, Cuabatras,” who yet.go for it asa matter of “polidy-"| tive candidate ofvr the State Semateyjrede iu hag of thejtaye tigi mean ti ho) nd norris Union, rg, Gasten, L . ‘They profess to fear that if the people re- His absenee will donbtless be regret. | Carolina. | ee Ulties, to require & | m be swore to © What ia, to tawba, Iredell, Davie, Yadkin, Wilkes |” ; : S oubtless ve regre ‘ . | er support all the laws of the United Sta Russ rorse will befall the W h rd | Le he H Uiam A, @ aah ss and Alexauder. J u eometiiieg cus ae dials ta eaiiay sein | ted by our readers, but we hope to ; . Arent t at in order to gain admis. tter from t & Wi tam A. Graham. nd oMhe State t* Laws are public or /4@ OWnR, affairs Seventh District—Ashe, Aleghany, We are disturbed by no such apprehen- | have an editorial le-ter from him ves | 8108 for our Senators and Representatives . Hitisropo’, April Ist, 1868. ‘eave criminal or evil, and, in this eoun-|1eq ired-to SIXTEI eo Watauga, Laycey, Mazehell, Mel uwell, sions. If the white people of the South | casionally. ilen \tag Gin suffering undgr ip Pecoubtractingy cts itwas ne} \Gentlemen:-+X gus letter of the 20th | try, constitutional or nneonstitusional. The pe: psy. ae EAN tines en eda Burke, CaldweR, Rutherford: leavdand, will but unite in opposition to the new | ' . r chills |CC888"Y t© have made suffrage impartial | ult., inviting me to visit Ritherford and |statutes of the United States, independ-! at b as m tax as he ever t past el Henderton, Trans ann Ban. scams oud elvan Mircsn- ser iaerasgae! or sous daze fhesn an attack of ghills Dewean the ag Ing more. | addrevs the people onthe issues: pending poemted redeem poling tienes g AIT na anes aaa eee mnitee P combe, Madieon, Haywood, Jackson, Ma- ‘ : . ,UUE We hope the excitement of the \ . ; in th h lecti common law, r TE vax a Ter 6k Hae ops terinp ny iv kd epee he am a ah ea eae He at eget mgr whe a ect pon ned enact Smeg More we wee Mae In cack of which Distriete, one person (tions made and supported by the negroes | He wil] pot resume b's editorial du. jjudieid system should be changed —that my return, with ap anxigus desire to, ac-| fill more than a dozeu heavy i . y pro- Hi ilo k ae be —_— rer speamiog tags g br steve Negro suffrage can never be for- i eae bbe until ats the | we should have. five Judges of the Bu- | ceps, Mave delayed an Aneree uotil this! and the we ae heey a perty ‘formerly paid tax to the os eee . wut States By whe qual cod upon the white people bat by the} election. te lnlelligence which We | preme Court instead of th d twelve | time: ing that it might-be in m w |eommon law of England in law eqar |. by) te 2 : , ified electors of the District. ~ sy p [conse f of a ioe oe of emcee. have fom that County is of the most ieee ot the Sn son Gae maar af, to de Sapte to cht a a day. owe he are far more voluminous. Either in amount of $10, and one-fourth of gr so Ole. dr ongumaata potion he ra = This is evident from the debates on the|C2eett g character, aud we confident: (eight. Neither did congress require that | But [regret to inform, you that ap- he stady of a learned profession fur a life | that property is required to differeved *. Canby, _, Lavis V. Cartane, \ tl which i ; ly predict that the conservatives will | the other new offices should be created | poiutments have been already made for|time. Yet every man, ag a condition of P ’ pay ressin Aide-de-~Camp, A. A. A ce pmeeeen tilt; se lati op the carry the county. which have beeu done. Neither did it re- | mc, which, witha few engagementsof bu- being restored to bis birth-right iv the four times such tax or $40; then Before : eZ” |House, we publish to-day. That bill on- epee quire a recognition of the equality of the siness, will consume the time till the days | elective franchise, is to take a wholesalo as one-fourth of thut ” cusding Watchman £ OD Barty Staite. lly makes the new constitution @ constitu. MR. BOYDEN ACCEPTS. races as has been done It ouly required of clection, oath to support all the laws of both these , Property estedneaa, ic ne . . thatthe negro should be i ead wi 1 beg the le of Rutherford and the} Goverumenis. Who will swear that be! y ld formert : =; Hn of provisional government, and does It will be seen frein th dof Mr € uvested with | prop | wou ly have 92,50 terest felt arama ara Feit NE willl | wot peojieee to’ caduali the Stat der i ee ee ihe privilege of the elective franchise, not *jacent countics to believe that there ia | Will never break the peace, a mattor on . 7 © We Lata ult of BY MANES & BRUNER. \* Le p - o admit the State weder it} Boyden, which appears in our cel:|that he should be made eligible to office, 8° part of the population of the State, | what provocation, that he will always) and is now required to pay pa br AALISBURY, N.C, APHIL 10 1663 ori proneaf Rbowe, 7” MUTT] amine todas, that he necepte uf the as has eve done: "Nek did ic reneey. with whore Toecd ike prate hene Lene Le eee eae ie ir alway it is evident that'as $40 is sixteor f=! i=? al cacaplarieiuaniies clin ancient aula jof the people of Alabama, nomination tendered him hy the that negroes aud whites should be gio, bad in conferring on the present state of the | son, that he will never break a contract or |" ¥ 7S 48 Sixteen feat that & ~| During the discussion of some of the 2 ge . ne indiscriminately in the jury box as is pro- country, than themselves; and if time treespass on the lands of his neighbor times $2 ty Id to ae offered to it " the Hoase, Conservatives of the Sixth Con- vided for in ie ace rushaien = | permitted, I should not feel at liberty to | even by eutting a riding switch? Who! $2 50 our proper ty ; 7% Pr Ake ‘Ningbnu, ead ef ibe ables: Grade ci greasional District. This will be| So it is quite evident that the advocates decline a comphance with their wishes. | ought to be required to swear to any ench| will be required ‘ t0- pay SIX. these ob THE OLD CONSTITUTION 1 a wi ae ps rs bar| MOSt gratifying intelligence to the|of the new constitution are lef without The couvention, called under the gu-/nonsense? Jn what respeet will oaths, rm EN TIMES a mich T crs to-day a eee jive Mastcal party in Cerigress, onl thay people of the District who will elect |Cven the argument that ite adoption ie ne- thority of Congress, and whieh has sent! “being most solemn appeale to Almighty | PEE! i AX Biively for With its Various Amendments. | '¢ could never vote for the admission of ; . cresary for the admission of our Senators Ott a proposed constitution for tbe consid-|God as the Omniscient Witness of truth | ag ever before the War. and Alabama so Joag > ophe him by a large majority. We learn and Representatives. lft w th. eration of the ) le, has been very spar. | and the just and Omnipotent Avenger of | ; a Jong as the people of the p he new cons peop! y tpa Jus’ al avenge . that he will address the people of{tution should be rejected, as we have no i”g iu its allowance of time. With an | faleehood,’—in what respect will oaths bo | fraction over, as only round num- get these ej ey aes Alexander at Taylorsville one day | doubt it will be, congress will no. de abt injunetion in the Act, that no leas than | held among a people, who will bring them M4 . ed up and VS \HE joe ee ther which waa proposed ioe } ae ae : i ° ‘ as k ' : ! _ | require wodiGchssace aaa Peal cto to than thirty days should be given, the \ into ridicule and contempt, by twearingas | bers have been assumed ; for eight Pol THOWAS . AS ’ pan her. He said he was obliged to re-| tls tiabs ’ us dllet fu aT hehn of Alex be nade, and that it be submitted to the Couvention by its actior, would appear to) this Constitution requires? “Will it wa | hundred and sevent thou id di icognise ‘he fact that this was a white} &der Superior Court. Next week he people again in a much lese objectionable have understood this as an intimation, | be truc, as affirmed im one of the veto! y sani FOR GOVERNOR, | State were opposed to the constitu- OF sySOS. ] man’s government—that superior aud iu-{ Wiil address the people of Tredell atfform. ‘Thies is all that the people need to than inline og hig days ira be; tae s hd vee oo aod rb dollars will g° into three toillions | wee a raat) ee . a es i fear as a conse ucuce of its rejection. permit or the deliberations of the -) Gece bumiliated to degra: Hon and then) Rs e —_— jy wiles could neve: be i aught nage ae ilte, it . me the week of Ir ia li : ale cole {pir un an inctriment, which thie ay laughed at for the quictade of the subsais- | € ight handred and sixty-six thous- . = .. , a = gether in any fovernmen on terms of) dell t uperior ourt, TY} - pean Was more than sixty days in fraring, and sien ? an d P FOR LIEUTEXANT GOVEBNOR, | perfect eqaality—that whenever it wasat-| We regret’ that Mr. Boyden’s en DAVIE : OUNTY. | which if carried into cflect, will make a 1 have not leisare to pursue this topie, | d dollars four times ‘and nearly EDWARD D. BALL, | tempted the inferior race would go to the! yagemen's will not permit him to, * letter from this county assures as revolution in almost every essential fent./ nor to notice the numerous otber vbyre- one-half vuver. Su that the tax wall. He ssid, and said truly, that this|/canvass the District mere thoroughly (tat Maj. Robbins will get the support of Ure of the State government ‘The Con. | tious to the document sent forth far the r j ION 6 . 2 = eas proved Wy all bikece chai ia Europe | Bat he is well known thronghout the] the swhole Couservative party. ‘The old = of 1835, entled by the people ot / consideration of the ri ite sel paye fe property will be CON. . a On ge : ory ih | District, and t well kneien to he ao rae of the seenry claw bare in the State ander an act of their legistatnre, ance of eXpenditare, ite heavy exactions | FISCATED under the _ Bees ox FOR CONGRESS. | the Celtie races had been compelled to suc 4 Boe we C : © OF | : w: ’ ang rem and which preposed a few amendments}in the wax ot ta xation, its changes in oer | are Hon. Nathaniel Boyden, ©» to their saperiors, the Teutonan-ang | OSCE to The new C nstitation and nominated, aud all being ready, Davie is of the old Constitution, allowed four! jadicial system, tualtiplication of olbees, | ble pretext of guaranteciag the such would be the case here if it were at-| 0 versal negry suffrage. Me is {stripped and ready fur the fight. Mr, months (from July to Novrwber) for the l&e, &e IMPE OF ROWAN. also well known to he a conservative ’ iN far more A tempted to establish hegro governments haveany affilla } obLing will commence a series of epeceb- OF SEW HANOVER. if examination of those amendmeuts by the! My moet earnest recommendation is to| futh of the State ! ee sae eer : jmanu, and uever ae Z people, before they were uired to vote | rejeet it. ; fi if ; ) COUNTY CONSERVATIVE He raid that he did not eXpect much PY | tion with the Ridiesl party, Le will} there on the Mth. With the help of ou thier ratification or ea i Such was! am, Gentlemen, with great respect, j galling Ses fou than that once ADDI TICKET. wlarity for the congressioual policy. | receive all the conservative voies inj the whale-sonled and indumitable white the example of Macou, Gaston and their Your O'bt. Serv't, proposed and now abandoned, W ashi ” . When men like Biagham begin to talk} the District, amd lie name on the! men of Davie, radicatiom will be cheancd great compeers; such wws their care and! W. A. Gaanmam. the Senate - 4 Deg of the we Bath nly ot Rewes after ibis fashion it fureshadows the deteat| icket will induce many to sappert iC} out of the county Ansicty that the cowstizution, the fanda-| Mesers. Jon. L. Carson, Z. L Deek, T.| which only proposed to confiscate we dia r . {pe , , ' ; whit have net licen regarded ex Cons Thi de lafe hat Man mewtal baw, im all ite parts, sbuald have! P, Erwin, W. JL Milles, d&e., committee. | ceed value of the congressional policy of the white eee ats eet eel Cs ts same letter loferme as that ob ie appravalad oe scler peas of dc , nel [erety x ing in five gr heigl bor the Howse of Representatives. por ra a scople of the South are bat true to them img announced there rome days ag, that é : } JOSEPH A. HAWKIXS, peor _ _ preple, and. if net approved, that their j thousand dollars, IShA0 M SHAVER. selves. The plain meaning ot Bingham's TAXES reg ae 2 ihe Registrars of Kowa, be work shonkd be rejicivd. | Abd had | "Tax Notice I re For Sheriff. language is that the Nosbern people will ae . jeoald mot canvass the coanty, but bad recent convention eprang from the people. | | we Jou vote fur the cunfisea- as the W. A. WALTON not sustain any parly that atiempis to ' Let a people ren pe that it engaged ‘Tourgee wo do it for him. We re big tiie! had a gale calls — rm ” eo tion of your own lauds! pabliebed. ‘ a a [the new Constitution ie adopted the ’ : a ere Deen tm sympathy with epend- The tullowi tement T For C r, Soree negro suffrage upon the people of | f aporehend that Tourgee will not come to ent on the connnanities they ened to} isle din — IF NOT, VOTE DOWN Ricki the Soath. That is the reason that the | (#208 Will be fenr time. as great us the esecrateh, aud that if he dors, he will represent; had ihey expeeted to be gov the amount of taxes that it is es BENJ. FP. FRALEY. they were in 160 let them re not stand more than one fire, but will in erned by the regulations and to bear the | Tike NEW CON STIT U. dab : project to declare the constituticn of Ala , ° . fi For Superior Court Clerk , “rasifed b ajority of the luval} Member further that the amonnt ot Gailinenily «lida ean barthens they were making provision to ( (iat that the people will have jin ON ertifie s MASON bama ya majority of the hoya J { : \ iN. read as A. JUDSON MASON. votes” af th te, and admit her Sena.|@&able property in the State is abou . ._- , Wn pose on others, a like extension of time, !to pr fur the year 1869 if the! | ; Sed . at State, and admit her va i { J d eg - ee For Register of Deeds. tore and , Ke t fir lee fourth of ’ in 180 REGISTER! REGISTER!! — (44 rexard for the defiberate sense of the : ad fem . a 5 Presentatives w their seats [ one—fourth of what it was in 800 5 o * - ‘ P . j od = C titut sl | R i . ‘ . To OBADLIAH WOODSON. jas as the Legtelatar meted Nai ; ; The Res want : preple, might have been expected from! proposed new Constitution shou A RADICAL CAN DIDATR. aoagere oo we See x ave property, Dank stocks 7] egivirars e Coanty now bave j 2 ; . a | , ; Per County Treasuer, { coder Rebel) have ratified the How ard/ Rail Py : k } : 5 . . | set berks « nto register all whe are Legra Reset lpre gana te. we wi io j be adopted : We learn that nut preg Swe, — writhice JAMES & McCUBBINS Amendment, was abandoned. She mie | MHHFOAd blocks have rcen swept) their per we ' peop — = y orher of pop } Of the timuinees of the Kadient ary Wille > be left ander a provisional gavernment un. {4 av or become worthless Real cx jentitled to it, We have heard of a grad Sin wrpecoomatiore of the whites, whe Interest on the public }tu represent thie omnty imthe Legis eevetary For County Surveyor, f 5 i have always exereised ihe powers of gov = : od ba C. PF. WAGGONER tila majority of herr gistered voters agree! tate haa dk preciated in value at Jeast)™any inthe country wha hare not yet erument heretofer, they were tar won| debt 3 * $851,000 lature, belioving or teria g thar b- Sate be C Commiagsoncrs ha 1.107 Meret of the constnution presented —{ ie aif Ir f ur times the amount | been corolled, and trust thet all will avail the sere ante of sie majority in Congress | For the General As- had discovered a gold mime on hos — pe Peat Seaford FX ree Sohal the Southern people will only remain luaee laruee be collecicd from | themselves of thie laat opportautty to da whieh ealled the comventiun huto being.| sembly, (estimated) 50,000) Premises, ay shed tom ireedman by 7 "6 wo + one J» firty in their opposition to negro enff; ree. | C a ' of onnaaie . bor-| 8 ¢ ~ jihe name of Governur Urvwell, » pte Dackey Johnson, D. A. Davie. Northern seatinent will sou compet con jone fourth of the amount of prep Jo oye he werning accherity of che{ ntries of ulficere, 6o,pu0 iner by trade, with a view loo each ———— ——— grees to change iss policy and wit them{ ert, hat wll be the er | — ay; : shy et ey ae Cost ol Pententiary, 500,000 x rie 4 proviag as lett ‘ erly, Wha ‘ ‘ Feasee! A Gvuow loga—The ehbite wen of “tate, aud mage snlisivice of approbation } -, ? a Kaging bis serviews fur the parpere ie ELECTIO: TICKETS. on a white baris ‘ the Boathern p “ople | +k ee ; . - thet we h he f bob For working the sanin, 50.900 | in cess vaiing the o “ew.” ‘ mestll a consent ta aegre euffragr, the Northern | CURE Of tance which that property ; hewan are roased and reusing. Voey 28 (het quarter, than smang the feve whise oe 6 year tel eh cht haw Ke een Somes ecites people ail wot abject, but ifthey de not Well pay in pes portion to its taluc! men te put torth ofl their strength to de. Pevple at bome. Bat as if to complicate | ( ommon Sehwolx, - 500,000 witha to work fur are deblar a dar « Th tickets to all the coanties throaghoot the ae . ; am . anal affaus and confuse the popular mind, each | University " . 25,000! and beard himself, whieh the cand a ~ muecat it will never be forced upon them, | in TSO! feat the Radical Corstiation, and to thie (4 ' : mas | ere 5 3 7 « i . aii a i ; , cheeter in addition to voting for or against ss lilate Unernghes exorbitant, bet wiich th . tair, the counties of Catawba, Mclow and of thie the evidence is aecumulat es s e thie question, you men wh end wr have heard that at one precinet the eonatitution, reqaired at the | Any lume, Hux of - = . [he Gnally emeladed te me “he” (h ‘ UM, Berke, Caldwell, Rew d “rr re . } give,eo “U Ant si sid seein age = wil bave the taxes te pay, and you jthey have laid off to go to the polle onthe time, to vote for ecm forty or more off- | Refug: ) etc, 50000, weut tu work j aud contineed work ing omiued Sa i from this of — \ ie Mian ; - { . =e 0.000 J doen, wil be cupplicd — THE MEETING ON THURSpDay |!!! be astounded at the answer, Let! 2let,with three days rations and otherwise %'? euees) ttre! ner Overt ment and tor | Multia, on x DO | fur several hears in the evld and rain be Presid fee. Z ‘E ; z tormbere a the legislature and Re presen-| County | axes, ° 1,000,900 | uniilhe was interrupted by the can+ wding | tettvee iu Congress. A mrgative vote in| Be nship “Taxes, - 400,000) didate, who wished to know how |. [Bpredmens is sclve To dow we will asauine | duly equipped, and camp on the ground hin einirgamry compbermiatgied NIGHT. ! B 2 a . Suirie bar as: re foe a three days service. if the '‘aneer ‘ wdisiun of the “ ~remet } _ oranda of their candidates, and ckets will The Sa! ebary Conerrvative ( \ib hed} ¢ ees ¥ yi a aah ie ivat ve hae vd a of the State wit seer pt pene ones sparlirgl ie dew Triax, | Cost of late Conven- j Fem voted at the last eleetian. “Gow” f be defo be supplied to them free of cost. | ie ling as MeNesly's [al handred dellars worth of property| *@ f f ; ton. - - 80,000 | replied that he had voted the Repu, Koatw @ rousing meeting at McNeely ‘s Hall, on id tt r 1.1 Thar | the suggretion and act wiih: like determi. "rtresary for a proper ands retanding of | =a) . ¥ | Ww reaidont a _ | ‘Thareday might. ‘The spacious hell was | !'@'* the sum of one dollar. ‘Tha ‘nation, they will carry the State by 30,. the changrs propmerd, as well ae to cut of, oc dane — meet = the pom sdivid . ° - : uld | been twenty five cents rats Mahaete. 2 le? ot the Ly we peer ' — twee drove him tram his premises, Jo ; ex a | g , w rave been wenty e cen t many vew, unnecrreary and expen ; } , Hatle MA BERTIE : IN ROWAN | we'l filled by the citizens of the =. aod be ame ‘aurth of @ delice, on ece.g | 000 majtits sive siete AG coach: io cmkiGk ee | Tutal, $3,866,000) caring that he would give emply . hl We had « grand rally of the Coneerva morphea. country. Many of Sal ena (aeale hieilen ween Si On looking inte the Coustituien offered It willthus be seen that if the) ment to no person whe uted tha’ Bite ives yesterday. The town was crowded | y's fair daughters —and the y are the fair : - “ | a . | Rev Proe Yoru —Thie gentleman far adoption, ihe oljectiens are eo numer lar Cc : . | ticket ad the wih ceeemt looking white people, and est of the fait—graced the occasion with Now, ri MUIN EE UW Cp eeaticns Vee aoe thereit re wiih eview of teaching clas os and deceive, that it is lun possible to New onstitution shoald be rate) This mean white man now has the f . pulecal wewiaietine miuelceniiee a : : ; . ; : _ quite alarge number of wel) behaving ‘heir presemer (0) HOC. Jomes, Jr. of '' . a yr J : Fe eee eee ia Gree marand Lage. A rare op Patticulariae them all in the brief space of fred, the people will be required vblashing effromtery to sek the ve The tet cia eae Charlotse cwanlthe Ereteneckanl Alc cae iba! thie tx mn yeti Neollare worth Sortunlis ms thunnordst oe yadug per: aletter. Lam gratified to see that thes | grees to vote tor him at the approac!: Oe m b propery w hace tee pay the ein F tark ve being well performed in the dis-\to pay in one year a tax amount- ing election. We tell the megroes | te 28 he tl o's Tows Hall was crowded | chained the audnnee for near one beet tone dol AS in takee. umice ji a 70u8, Whose time of meane is limited, to carsions of the pablie od orall i tock al ' ‘ thee ine Pp prees and orally ons san ~ tee ] hy ox herongh knowledge of their ver- beg feave to bring to year aticution one ("2 to THKBE MILLIONS! "sre of swch false, by puentica b> court wrth ae attentive, wide-awake asermblage Fh a thrilling and elogaent «perch which ¢ sumlitution fur thee wrll lef gain a i trends, who, while they are wii! ng Jadge ( I: wae am old time gathering And on wa: {frequently interrapted by rainde of times as mich to be paid while the, aacular tongu Ifie leetares on Lagic of these objcetions, which, so far as | EIGHT HUNDRED AND to make use of them for the Parypees sy, bas the platform were seen a namber of hen. | spplauee. Alier Col. Jours, bad conclu. atteant A preps Myvi saline @ Lui give the most cutice eaticfection. Profre- po Ree wet bown pablicly oxmenented SIXTY-SIX THOUS AND of advancing their own selfish polite ne fret ial oe i . deb. sea Ne fourth of what it was then i et ? “ ae a mc jae “wR 4 ABBOT ALL av ored and highly reepected gentiomer 'd i, howd calle were mode fur Francis } fen: twine dive Glace “nk sional men sho have not studied ,he Article VI, section 2, reads as follows: | jee! aspiratiorna, re Were nev er known (ov, Graham the most notable of them Shober, Kay, who responded one of ; : eae \ ,. @Clenee thoroughly should embrace thie It shall be the duty of the General) DOLLARS. and we are well persunded never » |i : leer f roverty paid atatofone fourth of = 7 {te kk " Washin all. There were Gre ministers cf the | the wort chaste, elegant and appre : arin ise) what es ¢ Opportunity of probing it to the bottom tor mbly to provide trom time to time | T eT aster , je Known to betriead ony of them in ward cha epeeches tn which we e eter ' : atwill be the rate vo we axce as > | Loe f “ (iongel, ating pearly as many * t i ! oan = lon: ait rvase if the amine anoint mine se itis done with great ease and in imend- Ketrauon of all clectors, and no person ~ ar as can be | hour of need °° {ne bal myn, repres< J e hope he pardon us foreaspe sei 7 4 ‘ pra ehall be allowed to were out re fee Yh —_—- oa } vangelieal denom nations, besides some Ae z t - ' a well st tax Of fone dollars im P8690 Phe tbly quick time The Prof guarnutecs'?'4 COLT ‘ without regetra- learned from the Preasurer's re- NEW REPUBLIOAS \KET word exalt , rp ; " grt tha Ue — pas’ ‘ 7 : ) Ne } Hon, or te register without first taking an i Ls REPUBLIDAN TICKET. of our meet aged and venerated citizens | 00 aeldion After Mr Shober had tuk anewer te at hand, Tt re SDJ et eelielschite to al whelw i! favor hie with oi | afirmation to eapport the Consti port and otber official sourc i 5 mation | The futlowt J iean Rational flags displayed above them con. ‘hie seat, toed calls broucht W " Bailey, aixtes inerw of aod he MARKO 9 tria tation and lawe of the United States, anc both C. is { 1 Pa ' wh i¢ the Union Repnb! nhad W ashi ptiteied the decerauen for the occasion. | '-*4 A bie fret ' H a {that Le we ald feurdelare, eo that the teves wude Treture at McNevly’e [Mall, Saturday the Constitntion and laws of North Care- | 0000 ounty and State, ¢ Grmg | 'ickrt brought oat by the Raleigh Arg ancock (soe. Graken was satredeerd and peo)?" winake a oer » at ~ oe an . Z ee the mew Coupiitution, elowld it te _ Pa Ba chck N treat ie expect Ine, not incensisient therewith.” the past yerr amounted to about tstcr, and to which allasien was made >" ogre ike a tfter euch epeakers as had pree eded h sbepiond, wail de jist -iX TEEN tines as i All er vital Here ie a provision which deprives eve - | Satarday : The U ‘ © * ” care we warneerds i Poy Par ec All are iuvites ¢ nen wat menmapt neg aan bie 0d oe oi sia beset L " ee ge proportion tothe valne ot : _ ry = zen of on : oe - hie a tiie eight humlred and seventy thous- Kaceukiee Tiehet WN svana ts i ” 1 . aulienes “* ne nutes ina nated Heerty taxed ast! wae in LSGG ee . hbes ~ ; 7 , ateleetor, nutil be ehall re-cstablis hie , , - i] , 5 Pay ic & peMbciont Velen yi hati heiiert cl ley ctreinie ch oerledai ee teh \ : _ ee ae J pie: y.—T “ title to it by an oath, and that an oath | and dollars—( $870,000 ) So iba eoeme Sen, reer al Ry i é : “'eiaem Bel aud Mr Shober, DT ke thed nina sengstee in ' ' . $ ‘ bandied the Consinuiion wow before tie CL (ear fost ae hand upon the mani, which ro conscientious man can take. No the tax to be levied year by year! ry of Mate, BOW Best; tor T “fret in ! ower freaneithe a ¢ = ’ mrt ’ \ ? a , : Treasurer, prople bor ratiheation or rejection, proving | + . at pe thew cine woth ng but bie bewee held aa ; a pereon shall be oabie to ve - eibet ik ie i, 74 : Kewp P renee Pi inden 4 W Ber. fatare * . r i i ” 2 ¢ ‘ ‘ * ” ' ® ; 4 they shoul | erty, am it Wilk wporory thee: supa oof z Sos regietra hor be registered, without under the New Constitution wi fe: Hor Damend Dablie We © Unhen te « demoanstrnuen, that they sid aM ih, . ‘ meet aga wen ie S eeevihi, iy ! ei i * Gd icem Bed Tenkl a J | YooTe yy first taking an oath or affirmation to eup = . Wit The ny aeeee ft ~ webiste rol ations beainatingty reycet ef He was listened to Tureday mght, when able speakore are ootats me NN eee meine reel) mi ves port the Commitution avd laws of the ln /@mountto more than FOUR le I iy 5 foe Superinwwadent of Pub throughout with profuand attention, and crpected to be | : he i. Aes tla, ny ‘ 1 ie a “ _ ted States, and the Constituuion and laws TIMES as mach as ever levied fo Pperhangrranall pow rou 7 Ae ; . Co ; “ arn that + ‘ husiaem wiiel al w euler cqQumils Wink of this a of North Carelina vot incousistant the ‘ jie zs . ‘= pod e. w A Me — ant — a Y — ~ ee bern ek dhed here ie rapidly epread. ind save yvonreloes from bardens Post eosen.—1t will be mecn by sete wa i rettrhseassi latin} entchnanttamich! Urabe thefure. i Judicial Ticket, ro one erty reteved of deubte on thie most im). g tothe country Phe canse is now whiel 1 cCaniet bear, ly Youngs enee te cur advertising cotumas that. the When wae ar wath of any kind ever be ees ; Kor Supreme Coart Jadges, RM Pear f here, al portant subycet, largely in the as da tin Old Rewan, down the new Constitution sale of the valuable Janda belonging ta fore ee quired aea qualification for voting The means now eNisting to pay seu, Wi H Batue, EB U Reade, Bt mn reel Mr (Graham concleded his speech aboat ‘and is gaining ground eve Ty day Pash, ——_ the estate of KW. Griffith, deceased hae “Men who were appointed to office and this enormously in ronsd taxat Moore aud Nathatiel Boyden. B eleek, and was followed iu a rhort ad. (1 the eolamn | Ea We mast adopt the New Conatitu- been postponed to the Munday of May were required to tohe part in administer- : ide: RanOn, For Superior Oours Judges ; first die dic by oer eb e e le ee —_— Nae kee i RL or we will never! (Oar, it being the first Monday in the ing the Geverument m any of its depart-/it as considered will not be more | tie, David A Barues ; eeeond district. Washin > Wr. W.M Robles THE IMPEACH\VENT ae oo . month, when it will take place at the ments were very properly required tm take , 2S Warren; third digtries, We T Fa ‘hie, hae ai TAN > bbine ; The impeochmem io progressing repidiy. be admitted into the Union—this alone Court House door in Salisbury. This ia an oath of ofhee, as well an the cath tn; tian twenty-five per Cent. of One- cloth ; foarth distrie, DB Baker; fi) ckat hy Heenics romewing portians of the Con will eccure oar admission. There ie not very valuable property, and persone wish-' eupport the Constitation of the United , district, Ralph Barton ; aixth district, I The { ; Within the next thirty days it will, in all eitafion not touched upou by Mr. Gra . , / J gle §eoneluded prrotab ourt "what i ‘ rly — stad a word of truthin it. The reconstruction | ing to invest in real estate would do w.j] States and of the State; bat no oath was | fourth of what it w ax forme rly \B Gilliam ; seventh district, Samuel 4 wu. Te to attend the sale. ever required of an cleetor asa condition| as the slave property is no longer Jackson; right: district, Francia F. 8ho wiibv ard and (ell nmas ke bad been cer : ‘ A C ee bi "1 i lator eee cose of hie right to vote. Aa the natives of the | ° - ber; winth district, Win M Shipp: tenth een, be ard and fril sinee 1 OUt cations, however, ate nore favorable to the! Constitation ae this he ouly point o A Sram Exoixe.—Mr. Lewis State artived at years of majority, they 4 8Urce of taxation. The Pill | district, Anderson Mitchell ; eleventh ds Coasting the crunty He related some President thanthey have been Many able! which those acts dictated anything to the Brown, of this place, fas Just com. , acquired the right to vote on paying atri- "Pay cannot be applied tthe jtriet, John L Baitey ; ewelftlr district, )F N tery 1 eh weidenta—how he foand one of lawyers amoung the Republican “euatoré State convention was the suffrage ques pleted a beautiful working wodel ot fling tax, as they beeame competent to} . > Applied townrd the Clinton A Cilley, ‘ , How it will ter , ' ham, Mr. Kobline told us of what he lad minte bene ean tell with certainty; the indi- acta do not require as to make any such ' the cue didates Hier! agen sem ts be deterinined to try the nase, not tion. They required that universal suf a atean engine. It ia of a uple — a conirnet, by mere age and resi-/ ordmary taxes of government but } Congressional Ticket, midwers, clieving 11 to be | eee CONS: | as politicians. bat as jodges. Jf all of them frage should be inecrporated into the new power ty drive a sew ry machine, Genee; and th upon th de of . ». > * ' Tet district, Dr Win Nichol 2d Jno , ' ud t orised th > SA Pe it Pid ieee ae thet ‘ Laie) _ “ts Gea is EXPRESSLY devoted by the ee tare Nicholson, 9d . Washin 4 - me ance heated ret gaa periniy eoas could bring selree tu try it thua, th constitftion, and they required po other OF anytlang of that kind, and to them have lived and died without ever ta = y {A Headrick, 21. Wm A Worth, ath B 3 onetitud Preesdent's aeyuittal would be certain. And we have strong hopes thet enongh of them ‘some such porpose it was design- king any oath, unless called to teatify in pr sosed Constitution to educa- Hendrick, Suh LG Lesh, Gh WIL Het ‘he } ed. As @ pives of mechanicsm it % Court of Justice. It was in this sense, | “t ‘ m Be thet oer people rejoiced in the idea, %0, tion and charity. The Rail Read |" 7th, Col E Ht Jones, MY town Hat conber will we atempt to report changes in our old system. Lae the enn- M ). Ro vbins’ epewel : it was strung, con vention earried out the requirements of. btehi : ; oer ares GES will prove themselves judges w defeat the | i " “ is highly creditable to the builder. eppertunaly expressed &t. Paal : .. oe a Majorit Atel ‘teas: ea day panel 6 dccided ee ST ste — Feegpeandene peri! nag ete wet rage sii i ey panos fos tee rtd they werp “free. | 0d Banking Proporty has so do- estoore April 7 pi foc cig WM pepdenee. hee, attention, | the diag removal of i 8 gin M6 size, what is tohin- bom This ‘emth . y April 7, P.M. . aT. a pees a> Sasa A, appealed) me chief magistrate for politieal reasons. for this { whole strnctare of our State Government, der him from building a ten-horse, oF | hereafter sey shall only pa srtsprrd par. | Preciated as to afford but a emall — op sate took the wath of 0! VY; i a nce Conermation Rollon the ball. {is » patitical nnd net a priminal penseeation. | and tn provide for a new codification of '& twenty: horse power, ‘ilege by being eworm “Lf the oath were tax, and the lands have greatly de-| pos pa geal Virginla wed vw Lieb me} 4 ‘the Repub- be os ageluet it. vit bev 4 to suspend his order, until farther orders, Gro With Ta toa Gerarean le oe to- ~ ATER. A fi Washington t, from reasyaen ena announces , ps elis will be here to-morrow, and be in- of ‘| many spectators in eae ctoated thelr fu to there pro- and augorated. pitol fall two hours ith- The Demoerats' Again Victorious in Connecticut | Gov. Enetisn xe-eLecrep!! ! and LATER. 50 Cities and ‘owns show Democrat- “lic gains of 1100: and Republican gains of 8,31. Democratic majority iv these towns 13,000. crs to-day game are pos- STILL LATET. fuively a remaining! New York, April 6, P. M—Conneeti- ; a is to _ cut re-elects English, Democrat, by an inercased majority—say two thousand. Hartford, April 6, P. M—Englieh's majority here is 548—a gain of 176— Republicans here elaim the Legislature. The Connecticut Election. ree tillions Washington, April 7, M.—In all but y-six't | thirteen towns, English’s (Dem.) majority Y hous. the probabilitics of an sc-| is 1,294. The Legislature is Republican and nearly at the tax be CON. the plansa- Meving the . far more 8 that once abandoned, ) Confiscato value five atex.—The Democratic majority is ,500 in the State. A CARD. w ; I cannot withhold the expression of ALLACA. {my regretthat my name should have been brought befure the people of this IMPEACHMENT TRIAL fi District tor a seat in Congress. yar vy | tie well known that when I le‘t ADDITIONAL TESI IMONY! | dies ds 4iaajraek | enwhastaad tas ae: W ashi: pril 2—After the read- termination not to permit my Dame to og of the , Mr. Drake moved ta/ be used again for a seat in the House mend the seventh rule, and the motion of Representatives, and nothing but ies over {the present unhappy condition of our Two witnesees, General Emory aad Col; country could have induced me tu allace were examined Nothing vew | change thatdetermination. Lut if the as elicited from them. Their evidence people of this Detrict think that my as the same in substance as beretofore| naise and services can be ui any aval oodshed thereafter in| Lennessee. Why, aud by whom he did | not explain. A ve confisca- MESSRS, HANES & BRUNER.’ One of the members of the s0- eulléd convention ié eenstening the jmew Constitution for his party in i this part of the county, Le says it ; dees not mean J0.give the negro 'so- cial but only: poliveal.equality, and that whoever says it does isa d—d liar, and ‘that any nan that wWante them to associate together is capable of a wilful marder. Now want the same A. R, to come out and explain tothe people what he means, and why a provision was not inserted in the Constitution to prevent any snch association in the publie schools and it was that he voted for the Ooustita- tion and now condemns what he rati- fied by his voie. Is he not trying to lead his own party by the nose?— Most aesuredly he is. I learn that many of his party say that they cans not vote for the ratification of the Constitution for the reason of this ne- gro equality. Major Rebbins “chawed” him up so fine at Atwell’s Jast Saturday that I don’t think there was enough left of him, when he got home, to tell Sally what the points made by the Conser- vati#e candidates were. He could not stand it until the Major got through, bat gathered up his crouked stick and commenced measuring the ground that lay between Atwell’s and hie home, to tell Sally how the Rob- bins and the Shavers exposed him by telling the truth, the whele trath and nothing bat the truth. Let Mr. A. R. come out pablicly and explain, for, as 1 understand the Constitution it is based apon the funs| damental principle that all men are) equal, and itcertainly vowhere makcs any distinction between the races. It certainly establishes social equality as far as such equality can be cetab- lished by a recognition of it in the organic law A Conskrvative. Chine Grove, April 4, 1863. —_—- —— Negro Equalily Endorsed. —The Kadi- cals have the impudence to assert, that there is no negro equality in the New Constitution. Did they not, at this place last week, nominate a wegro (Jordan Chambers ) over a white man George) for a ecat in the Legislature, upon the basis of thie very Constitution 1 The negro re- ecived 43 votes and the white man re- evived ouly 12 votes! In so doing, did these Radicals pot eay, that the negro f vabliabed. {in restoring North Curolina to her - DOWN Ble gldog cory is message to Geveral | oper and rightful relations to the General Government Ld» wot feel at} tiberty tu refuse them, as il) |muet inierfere with my private and | protesss nal duties. willendeaver to address the pers] The President's counsel demanded that ertifiecates of the eabluct officers should read as @ of the document. Judge Chase pat the questiun ; which asd feated—ayes, 20; nays, 29 So the tuuch STITU. JLDATR. anagere was not required w read the| ple as opportunities may secur, wid | Zz shee, one eorttficates, give them my views upon the cuneli- | jadiont Marty Wilham E. Chandler, late Assistant} ution to be voted upon at the evra | im the Lag a ecretary of the Treasury, was intrody-! tng elective. } img that b- ~d, and ventified regardiog the ‘I'reasary Natuasiat Boyvpen. mine on hs wuline Bw —— objeeted o ehce Salisbury, April 6, 1564. t wne re LJ a Kameetal © win - —_—- | spo seat : un i id ial The Negro Candidate vs, the Negro.— vied ee Butler stated that the managers intend-| W. W. Lhuldew ic the negro candidate foe | d proving by this evidence that the Pree-| Governor. He declared that bis objret in we perpree «f dewt appointed Cooper eo that Thomas | wishing to step the war was to “SAVE was the superior of the white man! Well, in the present case, thie may all bo true, aod we reckon it is.—/d. >_> — Tuk Fieg ix Wanesurwo.--The loss by the late destructive fice, in Wades bore, at a low estimate, was 850,600 We deeply sympathize with our ex. cellent friend Darley, of the Wades boro Argus. who was one of the princij-al sufferers,——-having lost near [ all of his material, fixtures, &c We trust that the friends of Mr. Dar ley, in that section, will show their appreciation of his past aseful labors, in the most gubetantial manner; and colleges, in the milftia, &c., and why . Arrangements huye been made by which Parcen- » aF ean procure Through tach wi Salisbury . C. fos Louisville, Ky., Nashville, Tenuessee, Cinciwnati, Ohio, Cleavetand Ohi-, Toledo, Ohio, Cotembus, Uhbio, Dayton, Ohiv, Tenn., Lafayette, Ludiana. And ali L’oints wm the Great West. By thie great route passenger bave vnly TWO CHANGES of Cars between Washington City and Indian Pare two changes to Cincinuats, and three to Bt. un. Time from Washington to Indian- apolis36 hours; Cincinnati 36 hours; and St. Louis 50 hours; Cario 52 hours; and Memphis, Tenn., 62 hours. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and econnec- ting rvads are the only ruutes which can check baggege through from Washington City to all pointe i ent.—Pussengers should be eure to ask for tickets vie Bahiowre & Ohio Raiinad,as it te the aearesi and must direct route, Passengers parchaning Western thro’ tickets have the piiv- lege tw visit Baltimore and then reeume their joorvey West, via Baltimore & Ohio Kail- toed. OF Parties wishing to Emigrate to any of the Westera ur South-Western States enn, by get- ting upa pany of 10 full Passeugers aud up- wards, proeure Emigrant Tickers .( JEUUE FOSTER, Esy, geot, North Cerolive, at Salis- bery, for— ludianepolie, lad. Chiaags, LL Cinciavati, (thio, ®t Lewis, Mo Mempbis, Teun, Napoleon, Ark, New-Oriesns, La, Paducah, Ky., et greatly reduced prices. Paseengere shuald in all cases perchase Through uckets from the place they start from to where they Ste gang; as by ev dung they wil mare from $5 te $10 in moves, beedes thoy are mt subject w aunosence in reducing beggage and psying treasfer charges, By thee Rowie, »hew- ever 8 Fassenger hes purchased a through ticket, the different oompawre serome al! charges of All over (welve yearsare full Passe gree bir tween 40nd 12 pears pay half price. A! euder 4 years ere free Fos ell fusther mformets n addirss, LOULs ZIMMER, Gen. Sc atbern Agi, Belt. & Ota RB. E Geee nebeoru’, S.C, J 1. Woreon, M cctor «4 ‘I remepurte Rou AOK KR Baiumore L. M. Coes, Gea Trenes Age Baer &O.u. 8 Bakiamnre 30.1y IF YOU WANT ROSADALIS, WILSON 5S REMEDY for CONSU MI'TION , Ayers Sarsaparilla, {1867 ol for the West.’67 irsuders of Passengers and baggegee LF Every | pecorager ie allowed 100 the of heggage tree.) | sbebewte cores Ne “ — [OF IR, | one RE 54282 o} a: Wor THE HA , —_— ; - Improved ! 1 oan sega Dei he Mo Jt causes the Hair to cur) beautifully, it Kegpeithe Séalp Clean aud’ Healthy, Tt tovigarates the Roots of the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxeriaatly. It immediately stops Hair Falling Out, It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from age 14 restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It brings out the Hair on Heads that has been bald _ y —— It is componed entirely of simple and purely vegeta ble eubstances. es 4 It bas d over six th ry textimo- nials of ite excellence, many of which are from phy sicians in high standing. It is sold in half-pound bottles, (the name blown in the giaas.) by Draggiste and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere at $1 per bottle. Wholesale Ly Demas, Barnes & Co.: F, C. Wells & Co.; Schief- felin & Co., New York. marchidewty 40 Years Before the Public. 2 “THE SOUTHERN That old, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilious diseases, caused by @ DISBASED LIVER. HEPATIC PILLS,)|. in EW FORK OOUUANE. 4 nigger naka x y iid. M. BD, . King, M. D., Ri Lbe “., & Woodward, Mi D. Wilson, ©. C., 31, 18n7. " 0. DAVIS, Mayor'of Wilson. cer tek ‘8, Mayor of o Xs Cr May 24, 3807, Pl ysicians and others, as the tive vow we. RO Will C urethe worst Cases of Scrofula. “ the statement below, and despair Wuser Covrrr, September 10,1867. Da. J.J. Lawaencs: “COSTARS” Preparations! Everybody Tries Them | Dear Sir—My you: donghier, og0t Soe Everybody Uses Them | |=.” twedagrn ieee tae Everybody--Believes in Them ! Everbjody--Recommends Them ! Are you eubled Ly Kats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, &e.? Ep Buy a We. of Wc. Box of “ Costi’s Exterminators “Only lnfali:ble Remediew known.” “Free * “Net dangerous to the Ha- holes to die.” Improved to keep in any _ctimate. Ave you snooyed with Bed-Bugit Cant sleep at nights | of— (4 TI” Bey a Be. or We. Hottle “COSTARS” BED BUG EXTEE They are made and sold by G. W. DEEMS, the discoverer, who has removed to Baltimore. | Md., where be can have acoess to the surest and | best medicines, on (he mast favorable terms | He will aiways keep on band a larce supply aod will sell to bis customers, whol-sule amd retail, ut the shortest note, | Io the preparation of thete very superior and execllent Pille, yo oust or reuble ~ speared to mesure (he greatest possible degree of perfective | m pomt of ail ly, «Xcrllepee and condert | They coctan one article which has probably | never belore been used as a medicine, and | which is @ powertal agent tu cleansing the Liver | winch gives (hem an adveutage over every | ther Pul heretofore offered fo the pubbe.) The | enn ition used i these Pulls is carefully pre- | pared by the hand of the d-scoverer, and uay be used by the most feeble patient in the mest | situavon, eitiet ma'e or female rom ther pecuhar eombinatwn are bighly | strengthening, mild in thetr action on the bow: | ele ead indeed. ina chmate lke ours where | ret and covghs are ahnust an unfaling con sequence ul the sad ten changes to whicb all) are wi pct, every one at ali hatle to suffer from | | the inflaence ul these enases, will Gud the great- em security in having bre beer and bowels well | cleansed by these invalaable Phils | Where these Dils are koown, especially in Ube seathern States, where they have ber r culated so ettenavely, they need no recon are! 1 tremdation —their mers are so well known by their tems what have giten them ea repute } thon that bas broaght them into great demand | | } } They therrtore are destined to be, at ne ! “Wow.” was night hove seceas to the treasary throagh SLAVERY” He has declared, pivee the hope that the Argue may apeedily be Pond enclhotloch note cent loan be | dedlar a dar a The Presi ‘ent had also vielated the | war, that opposition to negro Suffrage was resumed It was an efficient. carnest 5 | the people where bile as dieu preva gad ee a en ee meray! erg pull on eng fated soe ie oo and able Conservative Juurnal “ya Ayer S Ague Cure, Pa eat feat apt bool AIL Cher , whieh re evidewee was rrjccted—vI to 26 | marks He wied, durir g the war, i is Sent l | fore al acure m be rf wd corr ve, 00 “Ur COA Troker, telegraph wanager, war eaid, to pat hie negroes inio mone) ase tad ae . | jriete without the neeeeiy of breaking dame | wed working amined regarding telegrams between) 1). A Jenkins, of Gaston, is the negra = = Sandford's Liver Invigorator, the ay tem in one pa arenave/alamnnen wld and rain be President and Governor Parsons re. | candidate tor Public Treasurer, He was) Public Speaking in Dacidsen. | ee : ene cane Carte by the can: wrding the adeption eof the Moward a wot rious slave-driver and negro-trader, , . Pe mi ime * ns ons P 1 Uiee ted pow hew i> veadmeut by the Alabama l.rgislatare —/and ie charged with having HUNG A The people of all parties io Davidson coun Hall s ILair Renewer, | ee eee cee | tien. “Gue" be defence objected to this evidence | EEGRO WOMAN by the neck until ehe ty. are invited tu come oul and hear the van | @10- One Grose, 01S —Thr-e Grove, G0 Pive Grom, 673 , Boatwell enid thet in the tel-grame the! wes dead. ; dedates of the tullue wes & places : | a ae enter tar the Med the Repu!, Ere’ rue candidates at the ’ . resident of congress as a “eet of i . | ; . H B Cine of ih @ill be cemt CO BD. Orders sheaid be address " the ) " odividaale Sale of the Bank of Cape Fear AS Linh ees eal ostetier S itters, |: w ow peews | cca : Hatler contended that the adoption of| ‘The annoanerment of the fact that the | (ce Ae Tuaraiog Acad 6 | a: Oe wee < rniectonatin: 2 Robe Howard amendment was among the] ‘ape Fear Hank property woeld be sould | Shelton’s, Boiey, Apri 10 oe . . Pa ee a, : vuted tha qrirements of the reconstrnetion for iba cen attracted quite a namber of Previn Tues, Seturteay, Apel VI Perry Davis Pain Killer, otmee an ons pexepewenee ts Sete ad the President had no night tv oppose|geatiomen at Eachange Corner ai | Boren Town, Mamdey. Apel 13 JOUN i NNISS eck the we. ithe punted ber, The popriy) tani Wedeelay Apis | Radway’s Ready Relief Dacre tren! Ages ask the ve The telegrams were admitted--27 to 17. was offered by Meeere. (renly & Morrie | Ms cae She Ansar A : Y y ’ eehely ele : Ne approach: Oe motion to adjoarn the voter stood!) Ii we tated thats woukl be sold tor | rip co K ait ° to BP: to 22. Jadge Ubase vod ay: ; sud! noire or the bank, one-third in cash aud | Jovem it, paterday. dyed 18 Or ans 0 ver Pateat Medicine | For Life Insurance Only. hy pueritica! b> court adjoarned. balance payable at the expiratyyn of six | Bulver Hi. Mouday, April 2 | ae are wil ng Jadge Chase decided no questions t Jand nine months. Notice wae given, = = CALL aT | PIEDMONI the paryoe: egy sebmitted them tw the Senate in| however, that the xaeee might - oa | ANNOUNCEMENTS | - y stance e by e of ome dy or . . a, ee) Thee prded gil top| We a anioraed we anoonee| Gt By POULSON & COB. (REAL ENTATE INS RANCE COMPANY eo. er known ’ “ a Congressional. l below forty percent. premium. If gold | OKADIAT WOODSON as a eandidate OP FIRGINIA afer grckls i : Washington, April 2—The House at | should reach thie price thea the eurrency , for Register of Deeds. DRUG STORE | aes : La 1 nded the impeachment | a] to day, and | wii) be received at thie rate | We are authoriard to announce WIL | b AUTHORIZED CAPITAL . ina business. The Senate wasen-| The bank building and the vaeant lot! LIAM A. WALTON ase candidate tur | W yas O.d Stand, | | Seas rey *grd exclusively on the tral adjmaing were offered together, The| Sheriff of Rowan Coanty | s | TICKET. _—_—_— firet bid reecived was 840,000, which was We are anthariaed to anncence A ‘SALISBU RY, N. OR | ONE MILLION DOLLARS. | m Repnblican From Washington. | gradually increased until the bidding be-| Jy, DSON MASON, as a candidate fr! OFFICERS Raleigh Rey Weshington, April 2.—The General | eame spirited aud the property finally | the office of Clerk of the Saperior Court | March 17, "68. twTtowl At W C. CARBINGTON, President Sis aes oa aneock had a prolonged interview with | gold to Mr. James Dawson for $105,000 | for this county at the ensaing elretion = | — ‘ 2 —\J J HOPKINS, Secretare ree to-day . in notes of the bank—cqual to 835,000 - : a — | ‘se! \O. H. PERROW.M. D. Med. Adrvsor ‘nited States Consul-General at! earrency. MARRIED: | zi | t Havana informe te Departmen: = ——_ . NEW ERA) sin tiveral ond eicret Southern Company | Soa, ber he a ret = hogy F ved rc Mass Mecting at Rutnerfordton.—An Avril 2nd, 18638. by Rew. Samnel is pays te ite ‘poli? holders annually | Geodine; f : ; on of the people will be held at! [25 lirock, Mr. Davin Earsrearr, and ; ; for Seerets avy fine against the schooner bunse for | oMtpoering por a Aes 3) , DENTAL SCIENCE | 9 g7 ’ ent. of ita Prop or Treasurer. fees im her manifest, but doabts wheth Retherfordion, oe ie — pe | Misa Francre D.. daughter of Wil epi | ¢ Ler Cent. of ita Profits , 8 W Ber- fuiure remissions can be obtained, an | alle aded by Gove Graham Ag: Lot \ lian Crome, Beg It proprace te aid i ms by taking notes Sablie Works, be Unban Government fe wemied of the aunts alte eer hag Mire vious Ry Rev Wo Kimball, March 26th. Jonas W | 2 MECHANISM later h af polio ear leash if deared edeat of Pub wlations of ite laws in thie reepeet pial a. ri rihecret all Frick ao a Mantua A. Fesrerwis, buth "| And Charges Reduced. * ma ha bate ah roel ae endenhali = j whee : 1 lements and see thes Storm at the North. are pleased te learn from vvery quarter.) Hy the eaine. on the Sih of Apel Minas A Ps peace APSR. » P Olds. Washington April 38) M.--A ec-|that Mr. Ache is winning favor with the : Kerewie and Maroarer !lou<e, of this county |W: at BASOT, Dentist, se mae there we > ere proe people ie ewinen wilities. parity of Y --- + Its Poley holders ot restricts] ae to tre re, RM Pear an eager on north | Pte nbs aie 6a . veel \\ OULD repertfolly ma® known that be! cei oes { a ee , , ere, and wo northern markets have /7bar' Hy er per VE w AD VPERTISEM ENTS | has returned to Sablebury vetl fant ery flers the following cert fieate as to ita el- Reade, Bt m. ca: first die rond district. n reeolved to-day. Areasing the people in the great erisie— ae lifting a warnimg Vorr to his countrymen Democratie Victorws. Washington, April 7, M —Sandueky, te shan both diegrace and ruin—ehows Mr Ashe to be a true benefactor of bis Wa T Fa ‘hio, hae wlected the catire Dewveratic | race. — Statrsrille American. Baker ; 6/'' Biickot by 200 majority. ———— th distric’, |i The Democrats have carried Keokuk, Sale af County Bonds —In_ pursnance t, Samuel 4 wu. Tt went Repabliean last yoar with an advertisement heretofore pobliah rancis F, Bho ed and by virtue of special authority vest- Shipp; tenth eleventh di actment, the chairman eg teed — elfels district, , N . yaa through Messrs. Cronly & Morris, offered 1F NEGRO SUFFRAGE ee i ai auction yesterday bonds of the . 5 count’ to tve ameunt of $6,000. These “ @d Jno . een! pets are intended for the eupport of the mag b B 3 Washington, April 7, M.—The New| Workhouse and are secured by a tax al- h nh Het onatitudon of — ie defrated.—| ready levied. They are made payable at 1 he Negro Suffrage clause killed it, S:v-| the expiration of six montha, with inter- MY towne, inelading _* give 8,100) ost at tho rate of eight per cont. added. Pua Majority againat the Constitution. ‘The amount obtained at this aale was at | on W the rate of eighty-nine cents on the goon ah ot “oe es | Gen. L. Gs Keates was the parchaeer, a roped __Virginga Convention, abe. i took the whale amonut offered. TI ilming- — . Lichmend, April 6, P. M.—The Con- pn Journal. DEFEAT — rd in the county court Bh legislative en t | Sale Postponed. THE Sale of the Lands of R. W. Grif fith dee'd.. has been postponed to Monday of May Court. when it will take place at the Coart House door in Salisbury. Z. W. GRIFFITH. Adm'r [apr-4 w &tw td) $10 Reward. Ra NAWAY from the subscriber the Ird Nonday m Febenary last, an apprentice buy (colors!) nanet Saat Ross—way chance bs name to Saw Arce. He is about 18 years ald, yeliow comph sion, large mouth, a sort of Smhag evantenance The above reward wit be par! for his delivery lo we Dear Deep Well, Lredeti Cu, N. OG. &. J. BROWN. April 8th, T848—3tpd 1S 7 Charlotte Deswarag cop and bend bill to Deep Well ab view of everyttt yew in és alter 200 od-! years active practic pleas wr Noone vred be deere d (rum frar of pant! Office corner of [oniae 8 Church Streets Sehsbary, March 13, 638 wif THE ATRORA BURNIN: FLIIO, Call at G. B POULSON 4C0'3 Dng Sto-r, Saliewry, N.C. gah nat tw3wlt a ny ’ ’ iN QO | IC k- the Store off K Burke | & Co. on Saturday the 25th day oAp il 1963, one barrel good Brandy, seimed f¢ forte:tore for violation of the Revenne Law of the U. States, and unclaimed, after havin; been duly advertised as We law directa, 1 | ' | pany,” of — | tte solvency, its rates and terms | ance are such as to commend it te pasi New® © Covet Hecsa, Va ? March @, 1887 ‘ ye The Neleon, arel State of Virginia, take pleas | recemnnenditg a a solvent and reliable ev underaigned, officers of the cou amper | The Predmoat Real Betate [neurance Cour thie eonnty; and besides the prerit of | for Life la-ur pat ny . ronage ! (" ME AT LAST, same vld pice 60 cts. per Its Stuekholdera, Directors and Officers are nen | of high integrity. and patrons can rely on an} honorable, efficient management of it« affairs None of us bate stock of personal interest in ! this company, end siinply give Uns as disinter ee _.. | ested testimony to the merits of a good inetita WILL BE SOLD aT ea Gro. 8. Staves, Clerk Cirewt Court, | Jonny F. Hix, Sheriff. f Ww A. Atce, Sarreror 8. H. Lovise, Clerk Coanty Court, | G A. Bingham & Ce., Agents, Saliebary Woe also bave the agency fur good Fire Com- panies. Traveli ta ted. Apply to Cot. T _- ae c | oe PT JAMES Pp. SOevsow, ‘ol. Tnt. Rev. 6 it, Aponiel A gent, Charigtte, N. G. Ralixbory. Apr! Bl, 1268 —tdals Jan. 7, 1968 . viewly | ae br Buy 0 BSc. or SOc. Flask of “COSTAR'S” INSECT POWDER. lect it The and |-COSTAR'S” COUGIT RE | 85,00 pays for eight $1,00 secs by Ex A Liquid “Destroys and pr Bed | was d with what proved te be impure _____ Bugs." “Never fails.” | into, whieh crapletely his heath. a Ue hae been efthcted with wo inveterstec end ex- For Moths ia Furs, Wovlens. Carpets, &c..|‘remely (romblesome Eruption of the Shin, sometimes breeking out im sores, Be. Rosa- dal's was prescribed by wy family physician— Destroys instantly Pleas and all Jnsects on | Dr. A. D. Moore Afier taking it » few weeks animals, 2c. my son beceme and remains weil. ied ma con ours traly, J.B. DANIEL. “Rare thing.” Thousands testily to Its merits. a7 B yu be. or ide. Box ot— “CUSTAR'S” CORN SOLVENT. ee nom: Canieny: Kom Sey Consumption, in its carly stages, can be “My daaghter bes bees cured of a deep peated disease of the Laogs ( by oar Physi- cians Cossemption), by your Mee E. ANN OMITR. Balsimere, March 4, 1867. ROSADALIS Is a Potent Remedy in all Chronie Diseases. Don't sufer with Pain’ Wonderful power of Healing’ Every family should keep it In the house. ng Buy 2 Be or 60x Box of — “COSTARS” BUCKTILORN Bacve. Ke effects are immediate. Por cuts. burns, | wounds, sore breasts, piles. alcers, old sores itch, screfula and cutaneous eru ec heuds, lips, Se, bites of animals, Insecta, Be. Of extraordinary efficacy tor costive- tes, iadigestion, nervous and sick headache, dy epepsia ot drove G cagnd al debility, liwor eompiainta, cbilia, fe- From ©. W. Blount, 4 at vers, ac. Not mg. Gentle. mild, ‘ torney at Low, Wilson, and soothing tha North Caretina. I have been cured of Chronic Infomation of the car cod Paria! Desforss, of vee Sears’ standing, by ROSADALIS. GEO. W. BLOUNT. Dont ae ie Sises— MEDY. “Phat Coagh wil kill you Whlece, & . The children cry fur \t- ts a “Boothing a 3 <a 38, 1867. Syrup.” Furcoughs. enld-, hoarsevess,/ Copi.J. H. Boher—Hir: Farthe last vevee sore throat. croup, wheoping cough. |e, sight years i have beee eBreied adhma, bronchin affections Singers, very treablesome fore of SALT ROUEN Speakers, and all troebled with Throat Compiamts will fied thie @ beneficiel Pectoral Reanedy from which I have mever been able to obtaie (he slightert pererptible relief from sey of the many remedios whch | have at varias Limes applied, entil I chanced to try Dr. Lewtecee’s Reendal- is Je bese than ove month | frend myself sl most eotirely cored of my troublesome erep- toe Other members of my femily have aned it as « bleed periier, with the mast gratifying reseks. Traty I cam ony, thet of aff the medicines | have ever wed before, seve heave been a ’ beneficial in offret as the Roendate, sed! e Reaotifies the Coa lezion, giving to the skin transparent free ness. Lettles $100 “COSTARS” BITTER SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. Renders the shi clear, sncoth and soft Removes Tan, Freckles. Pimples, fe Ladies. Try @ buttic, and see its wom. | meet cheerfully recomend li te the public and derfulqna w off homeniy. Very respectfully, pours, &e., es Lt &. N. BOGGS, Cm” /// Reware!'!/ of all Worthicss Opposite the Crewferd Humes. I mitations None genwine withowl “Costar's Signa- ture IT hereby certify tha: I was cared of a “Chree- 125 and 50c siecs kept by all Druggists. ore advine others with the “Bidecy 81 00 sizes sent by mas om receipt of price. | Drecase.” te try ag tine Oo 82,00 pays for any three $1,00 sizes sent RD. ALLEY Wileos, Aagest 3, 1867. ROSADALIS Will Cure the very Worst Cases of Chronic Rheu- by Express press Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway, N. Y. EP Por sale by JOHN HB. ENNIBA Se 5 BC; Sold by all the Wholesale im all the large efits feb wahtwly On accoun’ of the unparalelled demand for the Rosadalis, I hare moved my Labora- tory from Whison, N. C., to 29 Hanover mm. e Street, Baltamore, Md | ber-by corvify Gent 1 wee cared of long entnding Chrosic Rh e motion, taking far boutles of Dr. Lawrence's ROSADALIS. JAMES WILAA Wiles, N C., Maw 6. 1°67 IF The ROSA DALIS thoroaghly eradicate every hind of hemer and bed tmiet, aed restores the enure system te a healthy condiies OP |i is Parfeesty Harmices, sever prode cing the shighiest iejery Ii + nota Seeret Quack Remedy. Tine erti- cles of which 1 @ made ere published areend | each bettie, and @ Gerd and eadorsed by the | Leewding Ph: stciewe -ver, where it ie knows PREPARED ON'Y BY DR J J. LAW. RENCK, Cheeses, 29 Hagever 51, Balimore, Werviand Price $1.50 Per Bottle. 7HkE GREAT SOUTHERN Health Restorer, The best Blovd Paritier inthe World DR. LAWRENCES CELEBRATED AYSAD ALLS POR THR CURK OF gists m the United States. SCROFULA, in all its forms, | For sale in Salisbury, by Jno. I. Be | miss, awd G. B. Poulson, ond | crerywhere jan 21-w:tw3m Consumption in ste early Stages, Enlarge | acon AS i ear bor Sale by aii principal Drug’ ™ | bent citinona, tentify to ite wonderfai efficacy. ment aud | icerahon of the Glands. Jowis. Bones, Liver, Kiducys. &c.. Rheumatew, | Whate Swelling, Mercurial A fections, Sore Eyes, Old Sores, Diseases pecnhar to Fe males. Ernptoms of the Skin. General Bad Health, and ali other Dhsrases camsrd by an impure State of the Blood } UP The totlewing. among many hundreds Home Certificates, from Physictans, | Wer herety certify that the Rosapatm is prepared by a fb an who tan experienced Lan and Chemist, and that his remedy is an efficlent and valuable one in Serofela, &c., % having performed qores cummarkabse’ puree [) this vicinity . i ‘ J GUILFORD LAND AGENCY OF © NORTH CAROLIN A, ZANDHOLDERS who wie to 8 Agrvceliural or Mineral Lends, Weiter Milla, Town Lota, or Rex! Estate of ocr) Of any kind, wil find it wo their advantage te | place their property in our beads for aala We bave great fecthties for grecuring pur- Chasers for all such property. For information, addrces JNO. B. GRETTER Aeners! Agent Grown-bere, WC. yy OE -_ Miscellaneous. Correspondent ef the Sentinel . TheX. P. GC. in Moore—He mects ww Sela Comfort— Glorious Conserva Gee Lally—The Leagues Breaking +. Joxyspone, Mar. 30, 1868. and Hoa, S. P. Hill The meeting unani- = mousty endorsed the action of P Hod nett, Esq., in the so-called Convention, and nominated the Hon. Bedford Brown for the Senate, and Wm. Long and P. Hodnett, Esqs., for the Commons, all of whom accepted the nominations. Good for old Caswell !—Jd. Guitrosp.—J. T. Morehead, Jr., is one of the Conservative candidates for the Senate for Guilford and Alamance. He will make an able and virgorous canvass, hig | “yh Ta SONS |G] Holior he Wea WT Sule aT LAR ASSURANCE 2 Speeaag, | MonaGe MEH? COUNTY. - 1a SOCIETY diy sto tivaat Netione Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, BF Biden Bulwe ve Piel gan. howl ais i : geese ieetaves ' Petitiiton tu ais catate assets, OF THK UNITED STATES BALTIMORE: h OHID 1 this ease it erepering tothe ratisfaction of No. 93 Baoanwsr, haw Youn. the Coort that the defendant, David Fultoa, |18 a nou-resideut of this State, it is, therefore, Juling A. Andrews, adm'r., vs. The heirs at law of Henry Bowden. PETIFIOW) 0G WARE REAL ESTATE AssKTs. Messrs Edithrs:—Tho X. P. G, came. y@aw aad didu’t ger on the 27th. Ax as anvagnred by band bill, we expected and he challenges the advocates of the mongrel Constitution te meet him on the stump. —J0, Annual Vash Income,... $6.000,000 - »3.500,000 45 Rail Read. AND } ITS CONNECTIONS, Arrangements huye been made by which Pamen- ger can procure Thruagh woke ac Salisbury In thie-case it appearing to the satisfaction of the | ‘Mary Smart, Colin Bird had wife, Nancy Bird and Jolin (. Bowded, are non resitlents of th ‘court that the defendants Widliama Swart. aud wife, / ordered that publication be made tur six weeks jin the Walchman & Qld North Stale, varilying State, it said defendaut to be and appear al our Bext Court of Pleas and Quai ter Sessions to be held Sum assured during J3867,...... 2. 238,460 N.C. for Number of Policies issued in one yoar— 10,465 | All profits divided among the Policy boulders an- bually, Dividend February Ist, 1667—Cash value $610,- $05. | is Cherefyre ordered Uiat publication be made in the | Lovisville, Ky., Warcuwan & O1v Nowrn STATE, a paper pub- | for the Comity of Rowan, atthe Conrt Honse Nashvit:, Pounemyee, | lished tir the town of Sajinbury, N. C., fur six suc- lin Satisbury og the first Moaday in May ext, : ceasive weeks, notifyi suid defeodants to be | \ itt f rae, any be bee. fueu aie, Obie, { E t is court to be | x ont 4 ¢ ei, OL and appéar at the nextterm of this cour be | then and (here to shew cause, ui any Cleayelwnd Oe, | held for the coanty of pny earl at the court. | why the preyer of the petitioner should pet be Toleda, Obie House ip ‘Troy, on the first Monday ie April mext, | granted, otherwise the cause will be heard ex eae ral Pe Gy font od eroding Ld Cc ie ” - ~ : Issues Policies on a Single Life from $250 to | sla nore : ad) Rp aod judgment rendered pro confesso as to them, W ines, Obadiah Woodson, Clerk of rad said $25,000, | cmiphin Teun. ayetta, Ludiana, Witheas., C. Wade, oterk of our said Court at} Court at Office, the first Monday in Pebrua- D. Nye Elutchison & Co., Aa'ta And all Points um the Great West, five the first Monday in January A. D., 1868 ry, A.D. 1868, and iv the uinely-sevend No. 1, Cowan's Brick Row, By (hus groai route passengers have valy S6w: pr f gs. C. C, WADE, Curne, year of our lodependeace, Satigery, N.C. TWO CHANGES OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. paddled he Ee - —— Who are also ageuts for six of tho best Fire} o¢ Cary between Washington City and fadian- ‘State of North Carolina, pr adv $8 O8~65:02 Insurance Com) anice in the United States. polis, wo changes to Civesumali, aud three to ANSON COUN Dy sh 4, 1368. twdew) eas scoohe dls ica RO Oa Pi . Courtyf Pleasand Quarter Sessions, | Time from Washington to Indian. January Term, 1865 | “several ether eminent Republinan speak era.” But the cortege reek ro reduced by desction, or, were, perhaps, out Lun ming cleewhere, till they a. cal} om eld A. R., of our coanty, to make Fi | ed at all Oa the arrival of the @ars, a polite note Was in Holden's hands, ask inghat Hon. T C. Baller be allowed to ng oftering to submit a any terms to time, &e., that he might decide on. Af ter cancusing for an hour, a verbal an- ewer, refusing, wae returned, te the iu- Gitiée diegust of the Radicals, who had been bragging that Holden was not afraid even to meet Gov. Vance, and that he would do it. » Me accommodation had been prepared for whe speakers, though Conservative here had offered assistance tthe back end of a warehouse, in edge of a swamp, evidently “hid “ as we say of poor and lean stock our county churches, the X. P. G. amnounced and three cheers called | Cudana pets, fud,, ) Chicago, In. [st Louis, Ma, j St Joseph, Mos, 315. pat The largest Mutual Life Insurance Company in} esliey hi the workd. urliagteu, luwa, ———-e- THE STATE OF ALABAMA. The House of Representatives, Ly a vote of 102 to 29, passed, on Saturday, the following bill: Be it enacted, &c., That the Constitn- tien flamed by the conventionof Alabama which was submitted for ratification by the people at an election commencing on the 4th day of Fe bruary, 1863, is hereby declared to be the fundamental and or genic law fora Provisional Government for the people of Alabama, so fer as the same is not in eceniliet with the constitu- ion and laws of the United States; and the officers elected at said election shall, on the det day of May, 1868, qualify as provided in said Constitution and the or- dinances of said Constitution, and imme- diately thereafter enter upon the discharge of the r respective offices See. 2, And le it further enacted, That the Governor, at any time after be shall have qualified and entered npon the dis- were answered by less than a charge of the duties of his office, may, by that almost | ptociamation, convene the Legislature, chosen at said election; the Legislature, .| when so convened, shall possess all the power conferred by said constituiion, which may not be in conflict with the constitu tion and laws of the United States. And the Legistature is hereby further empow- ered to submit said constitution to the quatified electors of Alabama, for ratifies- tion at such time or times as it may des Bo Mi. Heiden discoursed ever so pro- ignate Aud said Legistatare te also em sily, tor two hours, aboat the “Con-stat | powered by a majority vote of cach House tution,” Saad b6 bod : UTTY) > Jaxvany Peis, ' James Anostroug Wa°A, Mo Howard, Ls i iu the oune, Oddie resident ar’, is @ nap Cavolioa, ft ia, ( ‘State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb- ruary Term, A. D. 1868. Connecticut PMetaal Life INSURANCE COMPANY Or Hartford, Conn; STATEMENT, Dec, 31, 1867. — — ACCUMULATED ASSETS = $17,670,288,83. ao ON COME FOR 1se7.) - $7,726,516,53. apolis 36 hours; Cincinnati 36 hours; iis and St. Louis 50 hours Cario 52) Joun J. Cotson, administrator of James A. Robin- hours; and Memphis, Tenn., 62 Sou, ve. Thomas A. Kobinson aud others. | hours. The Bahimore & Ohio Railroad and connec- ! PArIMUN PO MAKE BEAL KSTATE AsaBTs, —_— Jutus To Simontou aud wile va Henry B, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Cod that |! '5 ° 7 the di vndanty Thamas A Robinson, James Hell & ; ™' . ting roads are the only routes which can check | wife Marp Bell, Jemes Kuubroagh & wife, Anu | bavgage through from Washington City to all! Kombroag Joneph Kobi - Calvin Bepbi i points Weet.— Passengers should be sure tu ask | Melvaa itobineon, and Arthur Rebinsom veside be -— for tiwhets vie Bahimnore & Vhio Ralirsad, aw it} voad the limite of this State, It ir ordered Ly the | T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart ie the neurest aud wost direct ruate, Paseengers | Court that publication be made for mix weeks, wuc- | that the wefendants KE. S. Stewart and wife parchasing Westera thro’ uchets have the priv. | em tely, in the Watetaan & Urn Nowra Sars, | herefere, | i h 4 poper published in the town of Satinbury, notify. | are non-residents of thie State,—is,"t i the ir ve melt ig the suid Thown A. Roblmon, James Hell end |. dered by the Court that publication be made « o Rail re Mary Bef J sea Kimbroegh aad aw ABB! tor six weeks im the Wi & Old North wbreazh. Joseph Robinson, Calvin Re! pingon, ) Me vina Rebiassas cod Arthur Ro insen to be and, Sake, butly ng sud defeadents to be and nig year asthe peat term of this court te be beld for!) Pras at oor yvext Court of Pleas and Quarter M Ponnty of Aneoo. af the coart-howse in Wades. | Seasions tu be beld fur the.Qovoty of Rowan, Petition for Partition, Ft u t Wege toweit Bulimore and jourvey West, ot@ Baltimore rad, E7Partics wishing to Emigrate to any of the Western or South-Western Siates can, by pet ting ep a pany of 10 full Posseagers and I satires eieunl/ Fmigrent Beton ce senve hero on bredlpey wl Moaday im Aprit sro sr and at the Cunrt House iy Salisbury, on the fire: | 4 , there Ie aneret ar demur to on item oF POSTBR, sz, geat, Nurth Capotina, at Satis bardbl saat pad iets rerdt Meged lrgs agaiuet | Monday in May ext, and then and there to them and be name will be heardex purtean to them. | at wer, emur or plead to said petition, other Wise judgment wil be taken pre confesses as to them, and the prayer uf the petitioners granted. | Witness, Obadiatt Woodsun, Clerk of our said . kK | 5 . atilasaes ute 4. COPPEDOR, Gert 1 Court at Otter, the first Mouday in Febrea- State of North Carolina, | ry, A.D 1868 and in the Binet) -eecond year YADKIN COUN ry. | of our Independence. '. OBADIAL WOODSON, Clerk. Cort of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, pradv $8 wW—6w:i]. Jawcany Tens, A.D 1868 Pa fie Morrison, Gaither & Us i j A i a s va, ing cof it at all. — i oe BS & {bury . fw— Lidiauapol-, tnd | | Cincimmartt (Mum, | t Chiangs, 11 *t Lovie, Wo- Napeleou, Ark, Paducah, Ky, Witness, Petiick J, Coppedge, cicrk of mid ( oust | aLoffice in Wadesborough, the second Monday mm January, A. 1., 1868, 2Owipr f $5. Court of Pleas and Quurter ptssions, Feb. ruary Term, 1868, Johu HL Welborn, Adm's. of LK ; deed. vs C. M. Perryman, Audrew mau, Frank Ded oe se Perryman and wile Kiexbethi,” J, wan aod Kubert Perrywan, Heine at Lew. Prtiaion to make live! Emtate Acnstte, T appearing to that tp as wan, are beg tesidenta of this tt ie therefore ordered that Le wade in the Watcha & Old map ee ited it the ering trbemeze Yas oe wear ewre weeks, not dyreg deteotants v. be aad appear at the aext tere of dis Coon to be behd fer the Cuwuty of Davichsom, at tha Court Louse in Lexington,om the sreuad Mov. day in May next. Thee snd there to soewer the peution of the ul im thie case, other- wine the saa wat tondaeoh ead jolg- ment redered pro cuufemo as ty them. Witenes Jeo Harman Clerk of veld Court, ot Ute, 1: Lexengium, the seowed Mouday “ Me-epms, Tean, New-Oviears, ta, fet greatly reduced prices, Passeng-ry s veld in afl cases purchase Th mzh j j tekets from t ¢@ pee they start from to wh: re) [they ere ging; as by ay deuag they wri wre | | from B5 ts 610 in money, bredes they are int [ra'jeet © a -noyance in redocing hergage aud Pryteg transter chargen By the Ruowte, when- ever ® Paes -uger has purchened « through ticket, bend { levied ov Land the Off-ren. companies seseme oli chargers of A. Mo Moward. = tranet- ss of Parsoogers and bigrage. IF Ever, | [T a peanng to the satidaction of the Coart, pa-enser is allowed 100 Ihe of hagenge ther that A.M. Ueward, the defendant in the All over (we've years are fon Pasar gers Re | case. is nut a resident of North Caroftua: ft is tween 4 0d 12 years pay bell pres A! ender dered ty the Court that advertme ment he mah: jor me weeks in the Watchman and Old North Stite werilying the said defend ant that unlese he apprars at the west Term of Une Court, ta be held on seound Monday in Apnl, next, at the court house in Yadhemy He, and pf - Igruent of J the lane! lewry ~ Poa dial ht lerk of anr sard Conn | ert that pubbeation be rade for sx works the thine le the mowed Moeday ec| it the Watchman und Old Nerth Bhote, wstify- - Hy serl def nants of the fling of Ubes Petitnon ba FOR PREMIUMS pice ok $6,332,804,95, ~~ a) : Wm t * and colored | 0 submit the Constitution as framed bv ” pemarking that the U. 8 | the Convention, with or withoat amend service allowed ee rank above | Ments proposed by the Legislature, and : F; amendments be proposed by the [gis favor | lature, they shall be voted upon separate af negro officers in the militia from “Sar-;!¥. and not in connection with the consti ** t@ Colenel. tion as it came from the convention € While Mr. H. was speaking, an im- Sec. 3. And be if jurther enacted, That henever the people, by a majority vou ee ee) rege |” pespee, Sy Jorn im the pablic equare, and, after he was| dene, of the electors of Alabama qaalified nuder Hoa. T.C. Fuller, and others, | the act of | ongrees of March 23, 1867, to to make the fur fly to a large vote for delegates to form a Constitution, enthusiastic crowd of while men and actually voting on said ratification, votes bere by | sball have ratified a constitation enbmit- while Mr.| ted as aforesaid, and the Legislature of the need State organisatien shall have E-ailost pervilads pres amendment to the constica adjuiving | on of the United States proposed by the arroused, | XXX! Xtb congress, and known as arti cle 14, the constitution of Alabama may be presenied to Congress for its approval See. 4. Amd he uf farther enacted. That the District cow wanders shall furuish al! necessary aid in enforciog thie act ant | tbe act of March 2, 1967, entitled an act vo provide for a wore efficient govern }ment for the Relel Stases, and the acts of sapplementary to aod amendatory ‘her of shall remain in full foree in Alabama, er cept as modified by this act, antil Ala FOR INTEREST, $1.393,711 State of North C YADKIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Janvaey Treas, 1868 A.C. Baker, ada'r, ws. Ueirs at law of Wm Lean, dee'd PEritiog To SEL. Lamy fr ustice's Jodgment » Vv 8 LOSSES PAID IN 1867, 81,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. $643.005,00 Interest recesved more than pays loases Div ideuds average over lt per cent B All policies non-forfeitat!e f f astated amount | Assurance can he flected in all forme desired | SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT. { General Agent. Raleigh, N.C A. Philips. Agent, Charlotte, N.C. | therefore d years are free (Wor afl further informativn addrere, ee LOUIS ZIMMER, | Gen Scetheroe Agt, Balt. @ thi RE - Greensboro’, N.C T appearing to the satinfaction of the Cour i] that Breuer Parks and bis wile Dolly, & | James Matus and bis wile Sarah, defendants in thos case, are pon-remdents of the State of North Carolina, it is thereture, ordered by Un anewer or sliw canse why the tice should mot be ordered to be sobd JL Wireew, Master of Transportes Rar aR Beltrmure Tremet Agt Le confirmed Bat. 0 BR Bathtime fron wr 30.1y - ~ fat e, in Vethin | Por Life Insurance Only. | :.: AD. 148 } y: | ret $x) JQ MARLER coe | f thar wonle atin Ferrer ot the cost — Hebruary, A.D, 1808. of Court, to be 1 at the court-bous in Ya! 7 ary : JNO. MAINES, C.6.¢, iz mar 3-wA&twetf oficial ee . | re S 2 ed th Car lina kineille on the second Mouday in Apri oat |p, aay vw BROOKLY ° cmt Ree aes IUNI “he amd anewer the petition, the tame will be taken | ok ety. $# 00—Gw, LIFE INSURANCE @AUENTATE INSURAVCE COMPANY) SSO ¢ ON am Penal eee ( | MP \ NY \ OF VIRGINIA January Town (sek ofice in Yadkin ville, the 21 Moodey in Javon ~ ary, AD 18648, J.G. MARLER, cea 11:6c$8 ie 5 . . 2 ' . ry , eee 6 Policies of al] Kinds,’ w. c CARRINGTON, President. THE TRIAL OF MR. DAVIS. Issue P J J. HOPKINS, Srcretarg State of North Carolina, Tt will be seen from the order of J adge iC. H. PERROW,M. D. Med. —— STANLY COUNTY. Conrt vy Pleas and Quarter Sesssona, Underwood, published in our colamns this | LIFE AND ENDOWM ENTE | oe morning, that tLe trial of Hoa. J cflerso,, s ts pdwy holders evuuelly February Term, 1868. M Witty rs IR Mendenhall “We havea strange and mysicriou| Davie has been again postponed satil the | . ization here which is called the Ku 2d day of May. The postponement, it is} 7} Ler Cent. of its Profits Kian. One of the principal eb- | understond, was made on metion of the | : ee . s of the order ie eharity wo the wid tthe government; and, we prv . eal atone by taking notes! wf, owe and chddren of Confederate soldicrs sume, the san thing occur ag v p They travel caly at wight, and the sight of aod acaio, until at last @ malic pr ome of bem @ negre ‘take to bie will be emterd, aud the case diem =| 4 hake’ epeedily [have kaown colored | (f we do not mean to imply any i } a were broken ep by one or two mak. | thing more than e mary PIEDMONI State of North Carolina, DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court y Pleas and Quaater Sessions, Feb- ruary Term, 1868. The won al Lae Perryonn te {oes os tone a Tk Perryman, a te. : M i y Avinew Porginns, an try wae wile Bigeberh, J. Perry ae cad Kubert Perry man Tetution for Dowes, iy eppearing to the satifactue af she Coat, 5 that the defo lente, J.D & Hubors Por ATTACH MENT. | ane afe O08 residents of thes State: It bas | It appeanng to the sati-<faction of the CORT | fore ordered ty the Court that am be » war | tha: the di fendent, J Kk Mendenhall resides be } nade io the Whetchman ia; a Moms | Jew the fomite wf this State: lt ie ardered by | pager publethed © the town of Saisbory, N ert of said covert! the court that pablication be made furait weeha|/ 0 “adestem the i Monday in Jaseary jim the Watchman @ Old Narth Btate boti ying (U., fot a commence Sowka, Boritymng smd aa cont the aemt trem of he sari J K Mendenhall to be and appear ai ouy | *odan 48 lo be and apprer at rtf Meas and Quarter seastons to be | (hte Court te be hehd tor the Cuunay of Dawni- i for the cvumty of Stauiy et the euurt-house | 0, at the Court House ie Lexzingtoa, on the narte on the second Monday in May | ewod M monday of May een Then ead there wat. and sbow cause. if any be has, why the | to answer the petites of the plait @ ig tine » ied ow «ball aot Aad condemned te | cae, ier wine ibe same will be h I ee par Ca re ilar stte | ts aud jotguunt reatered pre eomfuas & te urt at office in Albe. theme Wrness Jeo Hatrex Qerk of said Court at Ofive. 1a Leaington, the seound Moorday of PF. bruary, A D, 1868. INU. TAINS BA aes Se 12 ‘State of North Carolina, | KOWAN COUNTY, | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Prb- Reece's 203 1B! Mesdeonaii ruary Term A. D., 1868, ' JC Darnkardt on Tikues Austio. ATTACH WENT. } —_ ven | Charme Bea ne bet- Coder Pate, Wise Sevres! It appearing tc the satisheetion of the ovart AUachment A : eg th mons ~thes articles, ene | that the detendant. J K. Mendewhall resides — spel pretation hes -9 bie ie nie “ines eat st renemme:| tw yond tbe lumnite of Unie Bate; It be ordered ty | N thee came it as ‘ { ‘| appearing to the estsfaction of } the ft that publication be made for sis Week. the Comsert Une Ube deten dant Aven nthe Watchinan & Vid North Btate, notifying | ;, , the satd JK. Mendenhall to be and appea: et|. next Cunrtef Pleas and Quartet Sensis. te we beeil fort the ¢ : he M 1th | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MiLLIOW DOLLARS. Viaceat 8 Garrett, ? Mad » Attachment levied on land. Chatatepiner C. Kirby.) t ng to the satisfaction of the Coort thet the Cirttopter U. menibberremlan’ pron the limite of thie Siete, at ae comersls bi tbat the ordinary process «flaw cannot be served on bim 1s therefore oniered By the court, that pebbles toe be made for sig weeks succemively, im the Warenwas & Ovn Nowrm “irk « paper ped hed in the town of Malbery sotifying the anid beral and solvent Sout ye: mn: } Chrtet: ther my we ar at the eext ye cca ee en wr ments of Ae ma. 26 the court-bouse in Wadescore. on the a theg and there tx withdraw. was followed by another and another, till, is half an hour, all but two had left ui forever, and one of Bew will vote against the new Conatita tion. CANDIDUS. oe - The Lynehberg Virginian publishes the following letier from Tcuneasce le an belt £ — . 7. counee| Absolutely no Restriction upon fm will at of- . . Ly f Travel or Residence. téccart Cal P52 . "| NEW SPRING “GOODS VHE FRC RIPER Has JUST OFETED 2% ENTIRE Bev S.-0 of Gawle, of ibe Me of (VPPEDOR, Mert. he uree » Albe conjecture ia thie, th : # te evident that ert cor appearance at the door, Thes | dressed in graveyard clothes, trimmed | be glad ty get cd of DIVIDENDS PAD ANSUALLY IY C04 eed ; a hat thirty imeben Ingh, with a ay mavver imaginal ; Ngu Doce fags beraimg in the ceuter They w Uuderwood's grand jar . walk up to ve and — to shak ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY UD ealids with him: and when the darkry eee gene a ier broteapet tell NON-FODFEITABLE. Th ! | ae k.a " dictiwent fi Lies ey oe “oh © and Mes Ltiee Wate ~g od D Mev trvwece ! ! é Haapelaey = ond bomen themecivest The resalt is, Mr) parting rm he wparty bes De Certifies! « as tr ’ os « A the p! asntall wen, clerk af our said ox marte, the serond Monday in February. A Db! inne L. GREENK, ¢. ©. ¢ | oie pr fe @8 by A. W. Stowe. D.C.) ~ Etate of North Carolina, | pr ale $7 00— +. Aawes | r Gn | Iti °| eew twdicteme eg rinet which we gave a tu Jonkine’ Cornor, ot 5 . ** ral sesoriment of Fancy ond Sa vel petinag n * Gaede Primes Mh, A ry. Merde Ne ie’ A bhew frte ago, net far) has bardi¢ bee heerttalerad eet A Poe ably home, one po eee gang stopped | of thie eny, #9 well eatisfied do th poop » dave Be Cafes, Pepe gta colored woman's house to Ett some | seem to be that Mr Davie ie anfe fro Water. Tbe darkey was almost scarnd | ibe walignant spirit of which poor Wirtz S death, bor brought bim «a bucket of | ¥a* sactifierd Contrary to the Xpecta @ayr, sedgrask ig el, and called for a} ico of a year ago, Tria backe:, which be drank aloo. He) * taking place to-day at Washington j Maked for a Uitrd, which be likewier | stead of Kichmond, and the reeprnient is reek. The woman, with cousterpation, | the President of the United States ad acked Vm why he drank oo much water } of the Preaident of the Coufrderats States | 1 fos <n Co The reply wae, that “if she had beey in| of America It is the “nator [™ Company Mors posi ar aivants q bngt , rent ality | : bell on bong tie he had, she would drink as | from Vennesere, who b ft bis Suate tor the eo mech Gahe.’ They sometimce are seen sake of Union, instead of the “secesh” , forty and fifty together, about midnight, | “erator from Miseseippi, who heft horseback, but diese f, ko one knows! ! Hion for th f his “ta Pin #peeal A gebt, Charlotte, N.C wher y are indeed a carious set.” | Yorks wy Richmond Enquirer watwly | ——_- _ MONFPRRVATIVE MOVEMENTS BALTIM Sperry BREMEN Sik KS ™ THE BALL ROLLING ON! aie | Cowrt of [’leas and Quarter Scasions, | Directors aad Offices: are men | : kebr uary Term 186%, Hi 'y. and patrons an rely om an! a s wee ike » aff ENERAL A*SORTMENT OF HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; Wilew Clothes Rastete and Covers Puctrta, (brace | Ww ( Ss . £9 theese gd the (reat ate ae Gye ji CASH OR BARTER. Mo oW JARVIS, Ac'r ory 8 0 Merch 10, 1-8 ers Le Scuthern people It is the must nee beohll | , witeln CUSHINGS & BAILEY, WHOLr?ALE court @t Albemarle |Booksollers and Stationers, I , Alle | . ; ae . tary Do, pte P . I D-fiw (pr f gay State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. gag ply ta Tr 2 rated Apply AN z CAIT JAMhGP JOMNBON th Literal Company im the Unit ay 0 onday in Mey avxt, there shew caune @ any he has vperty levied on shell not be cun- [Wir te the use of the pleincif, Mates Witness, Latuyette (ireen, L. GREEN, ce; voeite Hanover Witewwe, Unaniag Wu uum, Clerks of onr anid Court at Office, the fina M in Februr ) 'Y. A.D. 1808, end ia the binety-mcond ee of oar ime % WOODSON, Clerk. 2 rans as ae a a Gew- -~ sours , bea 97 os On Mouday the steamship I re the pionerr in the mew bine betwen Bre , ? a4 Ruck: \GH AM. — The Conservative nomi- | ie: e ; : Rail Road, Pating Convention met oo the let Jo-{ Hre peph He Cerdwell, beq . presided and W j bee . Allen and WV. oN. Mebane were Rcre |gers Garten, The Couvenuou was eloqarutly y tul ap she entered the port @ldeeseed by (vide Da Pre’, lave of tiie! with the American flag flying from the city, whose speceh ie spoken of in high! mai mast, the Bremen flag beneath, and «terme, end by Messrs, BOO Ward,! ub magurheent flag forthe German Con Geer ge H Holderby and Joe Holderby |. Jeratien the stern, th sixty-ons A. W. LAWRENCE. of Raleict : ¢ MONT y bean abir manucr, The f lowing exeed | fags flying from the mainuast, the Br ™-\ Gen’) Agt. for th cate ah N pailcbah Traine w pave Bi Mh a ber vom nations were made ; es flig beneath, and the magnificent flag , w sine ot : i A - rey GE A Stmate, ROH. Ward. lof the (ber <<. oa et NC ae Hhuse —Col. David Settle and De.) with eixty-one flage and private signals eee t i A. B Jobane. {flyieg trom ber mgging. Ae the noble! Clerk Superior Court —W [ship passed Fort McHenry she fired « sa-| | | =| { | | | BALTIWORE, | | Baltimore, reached his port fron RE, ; ( te | NEW YORK CIT) WM. M COLD, Secretary. he 15 soy beeen Sa. ; CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK, Pres. wie ¢ ’ OBADIAH | pr mde 83 OO— Gert { ten with a letge andl valualte des V2 cal It ara nes eug n and 107 stev rage Ppasern | . Saliatiteieon ee yhof ‘Sts i SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, “4! % Leas and Quarter Sccmums, Late of North Carolina, AA » ME AL, ROWAN COUNTY. ' January Term, 186%. | and | Court f Pleas and Quarter Staskons Feb- | MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS ruary lerm, 4. D: 1008, | ee ules e oe, D A. Davie ~~ G. Tuuag, A large and vaned ase ort tetat € ! Ar Dtavonery can always phebphie bed | PETITION TO MAKE GEat OBTATE AgeeTS | Ovigrond Attachmeot (herr estabh«tment They keep conatantly of BLANK BOOKS, wir ow Baltimore presented a beaut as deratim of avy otl« may be brought before thet [aformation gladly furnished in detail. by at wv — — M sreitg@ alter wAiw tay J.C. Beil, adin'r of Botey Harria. va The heirs et law of Hetey Harris | Carolima pe man Coufederauion at the stern, | eran mar 3—wkiwly J. G. VEACH'S t } 4 ALLEN Baows M. Elling E. NYE HUTCHISON & CO. wit iaegart | is 4 ihe P, ” hen. Register RK P. Jones Bherif’ — Jae Roberts Treasurer —T A. Ratliff Cuguner.— J.D. Elagton. Bereeyor.~W. 1) Bethel, John J) Works, Geo L. Aiken, J. 8 J obnaston, | ses were made MM. P. Lomas. — Sentinel | wae beld in Yanceyville, on Tucaday, and jon the south side { i] Caswett —The nowminging meeting | —Lajfamore Sun | Wee presided over by the Hon Bedford | Brown, Btirring and effective speeches Were made by fe « Brown, Judge Kerr } lute, and another was fired as she entered MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE--Daily Insurance Agents and Commis '' the extensive new doek at Locust Point, | of the harbor, where! she was met by the reerption eommitters | of the city council and citige ne, and cor! dially reevived and weleamed Addres- - —_ : , Schedule from Mligh Point to Salem | Blo Merchants, EAVES High Point at Sock, AM f Arrives at Salem at ¢ o'clock, aM | Leaves Salem at 24 0'rlock. PM on the oseaswn by F. Raine! , Arrives at oN ll Aas it os at rM 3 oo : G "d | ‘assengers wi thie Line well stocked} E. A. Keene and A. Schumacker, Eegs. with good tages, fine Hurses, carefal and ac- j@omm dating Drivers, and no pains will be apared to make all who travel on this line com- | fortable Spee'a) attention will be given to gf] matter “ant to my care. poy |S-ewem The bill exempting manufactases from tagation has been approvan and signed by the I’resident, and ig now a law, 7, 8. 7, Colambia, 8. C. mtton, Obariowse, N top BCR B markim Express ¢ @ VzEaou, Having @ Bide jconnected with their Store they are, at all | ‘mee able at short gonce, to fill orders for! ean teil | Blank Borkes, rated w any pattern, or of an desired style of Bending Orders, vod by marl, will meet with |,, Prumpt attection Macy neil, Xv i” thie came. are won resi therefore ordered by the ourt tat publication be made ig the Waremwas -p Nota State « paper published im the tow n Salisbury N.C. for ax enocemmive wovks neti. | |fying the said defendamts to be and a st the | next term of this cour, to by held for tl | Mon ‘omery, at the court-honse | ¥ im april wext. then peta og dermur to the wi heard ex perks and dered — as 16 them. sate itness, ©. C. Wade. clerk ofuur said Court at —_ in Trey, the fest Monday in Jenaary, 4. p., Ow pr 1 88, C. C. Wane, Clerk. res You are requested to eall and exa:nine our Stock aod Prices before purchasing cise- where. tw8t w4t pd JOB PRINIING Neatly Executed at this Office. [that prbdiention te nade for six weeks in she Watchmen & Old North State, potilying sit [defendant to be and appear at our next Comet OF Viens and Quattor etdone 10 be held for the County ot Kowno, ot the Court House im Salisterry om tie freq Monday in May nes! aod then sud there : &. of ward Court at Office, the free Mena in Fobrus- ry, A D. 1868, and in the Binety econ! year of “OBA DERE e 0 ADIAH ¥« DSON, Pr adv $8 00—Ow. [9 _ acini Sywe rh Ye s t c t PE hel Matt be levied to create a Sink- ‘ nd. Words eaunot be pla'ner.| make éxemptions, but they are not)’ danger ; sepa | Ty Gen. Abbott ‘was hepiiing| edmpelted Ba Re Aud’ Wer auld -e kent ot on a ee aah Oe mnasand opage theme W518 SP oes et of wy debt. terribly when he said: “To correct nee bo Tt: if thereby they wonld fal! war has been uted; you may. theo- Jaicucet t suggest oe 4 {nat be expended y.yihidiye © p>. And yet Gen. Abbott does not deny | this, ti *¢. the | deprediation “of off | to raise Moriey enough to’ carryout’ rize and speculate to the contrary, but the|" ‘Lhe “ordinance” bears the of! ergane the walae : bonds) it-was ouly necessary to pro- the directions of the Constitation, facts retiain, and the only wise edurse is] unconstitutiqnality oi its very pte, wd &. The late Convention actually lev- | to admit their existence and provide the | inde it will exercise no, + <¢ Janyjot then; enly makes & ¢ on, absurd, ag will here - after, Gen Abbett estimates the State debt, alrendy existing and to be crew ted moder ordinances of the Cunven- tion, at $18.888,000, whereas, we esti mated. it from official data at $19,476,- ee. difference only of some §60,- 4000 por annuum; Gen, Abbett must n little more qlosely. be- ‘eet Obaieman vide for the resumption-of the inter- est, and this the convention did, bat did not-direct @ tax to be. leviod till 1910.” Oh, General Abbott! COTTON TA%- Gen. Abbott argnes that our people can pay all these Convention expen- ges of over $2,000,000, because in 1867 they paid $1 $00,000 taxes on éntton, and “there has been no extra- ordinary oppression from taxation.” In the first place, it ie not true that theredins been “no extraordinary op- pression from taxation... Many cotton planters were ruined last, year. All| except a few, who have held their cotten uatil now, Iogt money, Ts many farmers the tax amounted tv one-fifth of the gross procecds of| their crops. ‘This is certainly “ex- traordinary oppression.” Becondly, cotton planting does not exist allover the State. whe raise this staple might manage to pay theirshare; bot the taxes must be uniform, and we really believe very many worthy people, now bardly making both ends meet, will be to tally unable to nd their increased taxes. Lands will be sacritieed at tax eales, bonght by capitalists and speculators, and our guod citizens with whom we have been rained, will ite place to strangers. plainly a ie FOR Meee FP " saad we t brin sim, wn tho-olistanding interest to pm os BIS ais gaih adcay, | Oetouer Let, 1967... The ordiuange of 536 “qa conveniiun, ordering the payment tomb a} of interest, directs the funding of over a million of dollars interest, falling due. after Octuber Ist, 1867, which, res, make itt round nambers the r+ ve we stated it, $19,476.500, Wesee by Mr. Bar tle’e letter te bir. Leach, that he esti- it ab $19,480,500 ~—$4,000 more did. Dhe difference however is not very off o beadeand stocks, which dimin tals the State debt to $5,257.00. and he quot from the Public Treasurer's tu the General Assembly of 1965~-"66, wherviu he says, “while have North Carolina hearts. Gen. Abbort defenda the Canrens tion by showing. at length. that cer- bag! in * of Jaws, no exemptivn: from taxes is i-| put. into the Constitution, The Gen- eral assembly shall have power to ied a tax oneverything,-oushe baby’s cradle, the bible, the clothes we wear, of the Convention—to pay negroes and others eight dollars per day, No duubt the Radical wilkpass another fike this. lu fact, if the section any erally, no viher act ean be passed. créased County taxation ander, this aliominable “Constitution. to notice “the enormous taxes under ifs Yaukee regime of County Commissioners, salaried Jus tices of the Peace and towashipa.— We have vot space ty eliminate this heavy expen this Constitution cannot be defended. words, 4 nites like Massachusetts and Rhode \eharacter. Imported here, aud ols fered to a people poor and sparvely settled, wich one third of their nam Perba i RY. Gen. Abbott would Ike thie. Wel ast es re Oe ge dee in order to raise Goniiltnton prowsribes call tiv lausi bilit abe torre ? t he food we eat to pay the expenses Hakka if elected, venue act just Jer consideration be interpreted lit- Gen. Abbott is oblivious of the ins Ue fails increase of Be. The truth is, the extravagance of It jg, 16 state the whore truth in 9 few Yankee Constitution, tited mly forrich and populous comme Island, with a peaple homogeneoas in ieans, Just eme ged gt ro A OCKE- ber ignorant Afr frown slavery, tt is in such GRIM AND HIDEOUS {te aeccers will be the ruinof the pple—ITs DEFEAT THK BROINEING OF kENRWKD PRosrguTy. In three weeks, it will be ea>t, by # terrible rebake of 20,000 white majority, tuto the remed, “ my judgment, to locate a suffie'ent m tary foree to preserve peder, comm: spect, and secure order. to vindicate the supremacy 0! Then disfranchise those who are not loy-) vote; bat i al, making loyal acts, oath, the test of loya create a perpetual balance of power, whieh | that, in certain continge: will at all-‘imes seeure you from political danger; or more plainly, let the negro vate. He has fanglt—Jet him enjoy the) EB fruits of victory whieh he helped and in extending the lective franchise to) digcharging him it is done ngf because he is a negro, \tion; and, if it have but because he is a free native-born citi-}it will only be to induec some, zen of the United States, twenty-one | gard years of age, always been government, State; and every man, who-has such a record ought to vote. ie dice—agaivet such a measure, but then it shee & prejadice, and uot an argument » While'the Qonstitution is’falf a to carry on - age ere ts of details; im fact being & more code} 1, bear arms, and did Lane honmely Ande ¥E y. id what is that remedy? Itis, in afen'of North Carolina th re- | sipa. Tn other words, and’ not a) paper viees may be dispensed w lating the “ordinance” ven under this Chines an employee any dee emain in their employ. But let as give 5 nity of of sound mind, who has and now is, faithful to h's obeying all the laws of the white or black, lb true there is a prejudier, an old preju- more control over, the actions of the white ili-| order pronialgated by the King of Abys-/9rves We have never advocatedshe use of f the hiw.lextraordinary means to eontrol the negro employers think proper to dos, thete are forty ways in which I:y. Tis done,| their employees may be ted to understand to win; | napee” no penalty attaches c it as a threat, to. exercise iding who shal! and who shall uot public an ut reading the “ordinance” for them- selves, and if it don't make them laugh, then we are vo judge of bumtan natare.— Here is the docament thet te to etrike terror into the Conservative ranks and an if it were an We ‘urge upon all of our ; to make the simple ealculation for b nae gard to the ex of “ total of our public debt; thereto the salaries of the’ ‘officets for whom he is called to vote; putidown his own estimate for the expeages of the pub- he schools, the militia and the penitentia- cies, their ser- ith, without vio- in question.— -vbey i- sto the net of after the elec- infinence at all, whe re- the right id the United States, directly and.in- Spaly, county and municipal taxes, the total amounts to fearful opport MORE THAN OUR WITHOUT A_ SAC THEIR Te Before we vote let ns count (he cost. oo be weighed —— cause every white mau to retain in his ee ety | “I am, very reapectfally, cm the midnight Leaguere—his sworn “Your se Nebieas er om ond - NORTH CAROLINA. | i “TL H, Weiss, President Virgivia An Ordinance to Prevent the ba-) 3" Ss 254 of To 8. F Beck, Esq, limidation of Voters. Cafolina, to wt fa Duion Association.” . ; » which a Be it ordained by the people of North) pi 4) Carolina, in Convention assembled, end | Conativution, ft LOOK it is hereby ordained as follows : hereafter ’ aT THE Old North State. [series ioe siete er parame Si Prosi lrabbieh of history. Ir may be ex- If it is 3 wise,” as the eabeey wo We poveon or Spee ay! ~ ma oor aslane ahd.der. fast mopda--|hanned heveatier by oame ene} td : Wilg aa Secsct A tapeyment,. or una i .--teorst bedyrnpl an and site ef cla gress eg (Old maxim tells us, to) Tcksing to deprive thea a cmploy-|—s tad iet.wa | anuary. | _ dle |intative fe ly. Bome ite advocates | 6 saa” deemed guilty ms sty ened wét anticipale, then, that hostile, # siay il take conspicnus yore in ee f, learn “es as the wie mano, and epon coronal dancing, called roconstrectiun legislation, ile eee | tory, as petty Dantona, Robespicres, ~| shall be pani imprisonment i P 4 Ss Benedict Arnolds. it Is sure y 80 to ies ee hadi ner tg a. a ~ favor, and ne : 2 have not foand isult with their activn, We might hare voted tur, 7 manufactares ot the Wee! hair schemes, for they have extrome ‘orn woald prevent “the re ly “winning waye.” Bat we er vival of trade and travel,” wirich he.| 1, one of them asked the mowens | in common with all Trade and wav ashe hy the Biaia.. Noi a cent vidend hide Leen paid the Stare ont share. wi one BS im any certain time, . Some of the stocks, as there of i. the Atlantic & North Usarolina Rail fm our State papers rend, of the, Westorn, and-of the Wee sorm-by}rera N. OAR R., emmot be expected productive fur many years. eraels for Gen. Abbort’s core off hoped | ion to aid them by giving the perple a Uonstitutioa hick be, ovst over . for the State tases alune. They bed “Railroading” aa this. QUEM. ABBUTT FQ0UL AR. ious, bat over $10upev |!" Now think of it a moment Gen. jake as to vur poritivn, mech opposed lw repudiation as he j in fact, We ary more en, as he vote for the ordinance providing for the)’: payment of the inerest ve the debt | VU0, dated dfure aud aince the war. total -} equip ly igueriung, ated thereby rep horde issued during the wart, for imerval ineproveutent parposes on ly. We think, however, thie, as well} de other matters of detail, bhowld be | 825,000; ot any of o Fa qpecifically | 5 a aa je era af the State debt. NOP VES Y. LEM 1 — thetefure, adn it their currect+| Cas Sok 1. Gen, Abbott devs not dony that he General Asewtly, at $6 per «day the must be ped aod paid when in service, Id Urownlow $3,000, ‘lhe nd ee olfieets, wich : Hadical re B30, left to the Gencral Assembly, who are) "ye" for ali colors, rich ahd poor ‘ ibe. will at » the Vest jédgus as to the tune and | wiich will east $50, be Leiit hy the manger of Cummencing payment of |Penitentiary must first General! Agembty, which wifl Deny, aed cdAhet.|inierest. Especially we insist that a j Srark ornceds will | Cmelitution, «hich itnposes, besides [est €100,000 the first year, &e., Ke interest, additional | And all these Uilugs, according to the $1,168,100 Gen. Abbott, can be done for g100, pet auuum wore than ‘ Bardens of $1,245,000 per annum, | “ deny that the Peni-\ehoald be voted down, ae nut suitable | 00” less than we hace heretofore paid ‘Suit $250.000, at leat! cs the people North Carvlina. And jfor our State government @. fur, fused to take the oath, asd pr ferred to ’ we ere eure that the furcing ent pou Hess than $21,000. The General tose ts of bee ni) and be enparated from | deny that ple. by thre leyulation of Nurtiwen | -\ ssembly, alone, will cost two thirds} cee My Garena of - for whites andien and of penniless negroes, w be jl thes Worse Maes. Teo yeare of duty herr, TUR POLL TAX ARGUMENT. and such general acqaaintance as it | gin payment «f interest before they @ ready, will foster the epirit of re- pidiation, ilence we ere the truest {rende of the buadhuiders. Gen. Abbott Ignorant of the Constt | of property, tution, es cannut be very high. Will Gngt G5ev.G00 The General quotes the clamee ir Constitation which says t We are amazed that Gen. Abbott Tr | ahold say that, wader the action of the Uonatitation must be cunstruec the convention, “new bonds can be together, and, as very clearly, isaned to pay every Cept of the inter-|clunses command a much higher tax watus it falls due, until the ae ation than the words of this section ehiall be able to jay the tax.” e Ledinance express: directs, preg ae . Lent sltll be made on part t debt ov ist Jaucary, 1869, in cass, | P' and, thet, finding all interest not paid to new Bonds, the ordinance directs the Getteral Asseuibly to pay interest let July, Bosse shereorda, in tame} in iM. a- deed. the shale Constitution itself ‘ I ~ Boe: vecalen a jehall, by ate jon av by cdognate tazatios, provide for the prompt and regular payment of the to arm andeqnip ok ep L wnop position tetis administration. wll gostei 00@00 lier autem, The : oGonstitntion vielses che iuytrhie Usieed Stated tn on the General As Courts will be compelled rovisions stand. ed wust be in and other property it will the becume to levy on wea el, horses, cattle provis ‘hate mang.other the Cons! Refuge, Drunkard Asylames, &., be }Btate to publish onr reply, that the | antidote may go along with the poie- would not be guilty of each) Toe General 's not only a financier | Ast. That all the provisions of | that these gentlemen w taken litterally, would warrant, the vd se them guch a meaning as will ioake all the| Qnd, Or else if the rate cannot be rized, the quantity of property taxs Besides land heretofore taxed, the daty of the these will havehave to be brought im General Abbott's letter has not on- ly appeared in the Standard, but will dogbticss, be sent, In another form, all over the State. Itie a = and tisleading article, and we call up- on our culew poraries threugheat the oo. —_—_—_—-e-——_—— THE DOUTRINES OF THE NEW “GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA.” ‘ deapairing lthe power of the Gevernment or the mizhiy logic of events which was soon to su a comune faath of allegiance | An election of members of the Leg-} \}atore was seon to be held, and among lth we who anneunced themerives ae can- | | didates were some who had ani that an oath of alle- | br: ght, tang lt mit Insive evidence of ’ iance Was hot cone be poll tani fvalty, but that it waa vearly worthiras, . {eball be equal to tax en ¢300 worth lunles« accompanied by consistent conduct as showing that the tax} aad loyal acts, and no sarprise was fe Ki To thie We) when, on counting the vote, ft was found ere elected by large 1) majorities to represeut the people iu a other| State government whoee legal cxristenee -| they Lad positively denied, and for whose loverthruw some ef them had within one year plotted and conspired. No one for ‘4 moment misanderstood their design, for it was too a ale and too frequenily admitted by the less discreet, to leave room for doubt. With the Legislature in the hawds of these men, the calling of a constitational convention which woald r- peal the t and restore the old con- stitation would be a work of short time and little labor, but very sad in ita conse quences vo the white and black man. “The country is today in & most dis- tufbed condition. The rights of ty are not respected; the man whose fidel- ity to the goverameut has never been trusted by our friends! And we turn towards the uuins, which sweep her territory | ewi trom highland aad lowland they tormly re- | rally to the rescue. | glows with such rare brillawey in |so of its passage. ast to West with a fire of} CALVIN It ie af | | J. HM. BONER, Ass’t. We repeat, it iva sablune spectacie, and the most bitter Radical in Congress must admire the heroic force of} the Anglo-Saxon spirit which dark «a night as that which oe pa gathers over the orators of North Carolina. We accord them our | low-mea. Pshaw) N adiniration and salute them with neste could be made wo honest pride, from Vance and Gra-| rh ham and Ashe down to the mer- est tyro among them all, and we | property are sold i ( the tax colleetor, jthe agent of Northere his work. When our signal fur the men of Virginia to | com be up and doing, like the men of \A S Prest. Const. Cone. of North Corotina. T. A BYRNES, Sec'y. _———=>———— COUNT THE COST. to tho welfare and vecessitice of his fel- The man is paid, and WRLL rar, for te meet the demands of this man Liittie-hebd, as lexhibit bimaclf in his true eolors—when hwo MILLION AND mast in 1869, ander the operation of example of our sister, |*=lf do Soe shall ge ' es prose nenane ie . Section ap laborer prevent North Carolina, for a Val-}apon the condition ‘he the oop On ph coer and uable lesson which we|<".r prucsier pany, sepals rer sod eats ~ should hasten to follow. | sss, ssl p=, tows ee the eet 1 In that gallant old Common | the persons demandi the said condition, [from i wealth her sons are moving for-| Sretiow 3. This Leeds chill be poke befare us ward to the rescue of her imterests| lished snd cireulaied with this Constitu- roe and her honor in three satid col-| "Os, ole rdayrategee ae re . J. COWLES, see’y. try to avoid it by | ong of North Cancling, we subjoin the. og) following azine Sam ads ; 5,1) | dress of Hoa. Wm. G at tho recent, y arene. W "| Conservative Coa in that. State. Mr, Grabam ia well koows a2 one in his previous service Staten Senate was noted for hisimed and conservative views. deserve especial atttention aa_refiecting the sentiments of the most moderate and oe Goo. Vance at Newton»-(dor. Vante addressed « large assemblage of the good citizens of Catawba, at Newton, hast J'ues- oluntary ! uneelish devotion ot even the poor believe suck nen} lands and other of their own will, # fi n and vote as they please, according to the dictation of Holden, wh« is the Head Centre, Ib. 1 lnolad, 2, will af the State are The Jewish Paagover. This festiva) df the: Jews commended rel be the old North state. It is time ’ new Cons‘itution, p we were at work! the daiearrested petritiom of this man| yesterday in the . which waste Norfolk Virginian. | will be unbosomed. {ick diy of Nien, and, towinucs gh Surely, sach of our who intend | days. wes in commemeora- oy . to vote for this Weaeriensin’ |tton af thelr ewvideatie! Seman on Virginia Convention. camsot have the cost. Honor} the night their departure fro. Richmond, April 9, P. M.—Another contrite of us that our debts a aot the destroying angel whe regolution to invite Sergeant Bates was | should dat it does nab Y “death the firstborn of the defeated. ' that the last cent sal cor mp be over the honses of the to-day. |taken from us to beae speculators ' brows." —Wit. Journal, 71h. Bates was among the spectators S m m e s e e l — — _—— A> doldrede : a to 1 an oem tba a a it ia im to @ great peopl hie ine ee ang jena, BALIS — +N. For Our ee THE — it cast a ra With ite V; * | Distcs Ad pege—le m a s The sae st waeniss | ot ee i OMAS cae whore soma Xoo co [sar 8. comm Keates TER. |% é rag wl Bis 5 LSE, may se arcre sae ~ (& Guwa, to i ig to in ing x, bus the ese FOR the oring but alee aacke ous M Seat clr Lage orate reindeer eee Epw ANT pirate the Co withdrawing astillians of Me eS es eee ie ree ARD GOVE. as our Thi interfe nyen win, aa ce re » just of POVERS pubrobamgcn sccomreab ~~ s| witter, oat wie — s ohinn the kind which oF D. HB ‘OR, wel} vely and iar of s ico. B by th ach as well which xEW the he in poli-|° » and porn e proud va ae has poli- b th N —— aa pepe sitet es Paneer crear vty i er Wi OONGRE S S . Moring, = uals the pangs ch yao peat fas — ‘dhnaie t dyes ectitln e n rid Nath Ine —b pamerous in wit ae whol ts neta pacit ond sve = el : tne is persec arte. of Am the cf po wiening y tot clean a t for | sbout wwoet : may omen Boyden , reaprogpsc e l oT as — Spel rere polic ing Seri e s aghowe ei ans os | Fad. Dist For ness to U nishusigiam e c r Union of perraapa preva the atin tH “ atta than on cesar Pres the Car yg Maat d of the plat and 5 ic php smi This nion an a men men State: peop] ils vil ri ow- ve ao per 960 A ne 90 in pat it nt’ OM prisoners, Lae : . ple wi , all ights bi over y oth da Bi nr tould done . "a a AS anal esvengemen, orities tebea | 7 , and it the ts bi would had er y, and 6 er, potatos to me, for ill th lea be il, | i i mach Tow bui that >» ween f Fors: J.W beca & ama e lo ve tte: | dis: com! in use i do wry, ried ound her For ythe. . WILSO lication use it tw c., &e. kind- shall Igama: wer ord the r class bme mend ia thi ine whic! nd idee ried in an ‘foun ne cre a ould t Wu. ™ the Sena N of was as a nee ue, Sou th nt to Mr, is cow h we and nt in ep of ves Hes M. Senafe, , | lead th beli greed ico all the ith whi thern paren . Thom ty baila he came ” At RO oan to e ie to re-e the ich W try. ontons, = aL: r i BB the certifi ved at d be; b remai. as ho are pson’ Ww his pper. issed utend: into: Ati Rowan IN jury, w prosec cates that the Pre ay acted in gracefu groes main well which in ‘es es 3d herca| m but sarten Jim he ed her lo - 8, of J hich, ati woul Can ed b a l ecen: , and as as of we need tab- time th before plat As sho r, and visi “clock or the Rowan. a on of M i eruonly var nig HG i ete lll tape sans pally be a irae M scan ae = [Sea oe cece ed ieee frye eee et . A: : ing been ose is fami Bill Sed E d im and b ) as wi ’ a me.ti ol M. HAWKI vill a rebel who certi ly, no Palate Lame Beate warm cm man are an heavy such > Tx Arg vite ily »| bed y, and time t. SHA KIN e, Cl ¥ ified , the ntr: and te of he Wed ufact xious castin syth om yard, . it sayin, w For VER. 8, whom jerk eye ML. to h dol pha Mars: ymen the H the meeting negday urers to pee »| Can e; has ae J, W mer e aoe ss Sherif red Mori H is b » th vhalls ee w gepen ¥ ea he, hae resived Tsay, cule Ww j cin ‘oount all, av. | De eD » th the W note Lexi ith the e had Di the had wot a ALTO as one g had so oh of Kn ts avies, eo Lers asbi pa sacar Radi the istrie ete he enn she the ad ‘ental N = trie at ci ox- Ges utled , the Jred , the ingy assui in ical pleasure ven t. Bee , of Far- Y turned rt ly ‘to; ENS Coroner vt cul prove ty, tons. igce ell R wea’ re O' thi candidates of tion prosvedis of ation ve shot U of a whe step. Por . B. PRALE c prove hi atly Ping pao re *, the a ik set, ur reed at hots: in anoth i this eo 0 Ot m lara shrie n ehe , The ALV his Uni al I th Lau Piok Mr. Ge wok my for alos Judicial words, and : and A Y his IN J rp WIL + Shale ever be "| Mr. Long, i ime han a ap mothers enough poy ed, Court 58 gress gentle "CO nism, L B ever be ) an er, t g, isa m peti we met we} ‘OTHER. mn, ist. C m . eh These +Ob as For Bi Clerk, = and man as WLE . Peopl E YO 1 d paliohnen Germ: ane for wa oticin, _W. ‘on- sora tna she on pane mal Posen MASO: he may pires 8. that le of N UR O 4 bis politi an Re the Ben a| plet 1g ano e ha’ appe 'e fa print ly li fue IN t he can be ta if ani ort Ww h ne cal fo in ther vo the are a kiss ved Por ¢ Deeds, position a br neh equalic iversal bh Caroli N FAU He pie pbc promising pak: by M gk pleas te prion teams pti « sae oopso err Boyne sa, | il be ona “livin aes ry patil ao ieee er "nected Ouanias | caer paige = « been dejo oan on A ~yA u ~ihoes bea lhe PRE Pr Ae unable jassouea rage rpeoanel agogueis wever, » will enabl perfecti he| Sho with th Goxpe bores gom- the ited act cmsyues oC : great man dese i thigh | ° y bed to Ja fe ~ Pros aout otwith es hive on as | fu ps. I eo W N powere Ba co \° grows UBT eeend a weer’ a y but ened pen 704, Jo te 1 artes: standi to 1 ie + is mag ge > os M NFI For Count F aoe are his over such he co’ at me sama res Id the youreel tude you weeiem he cro vase ing hi do.| ble peg @ “high N. 0 © ma sah & ba rac read ra . WAGGOX Sf alra iy age ha age for ce age cites sie door ci ali at oem em- | nnd n. spac beh pesar" i ca eee nd rath si i olnang 7p ER pre e has ERD pe to taint efence, a. Thai y at the cannot On Th the by akin pa in | im aw wound tik ted ik beauti. tention, iN Soy vibe iriend ~ ver Ww i t a ry i - ) Job h se 8, eer ity pp hecho dis Gree See an. =a Piha reda eis ah — wd of a th admira. | er del a Le t att: . He state: attri tingui Sout ; “We wrks bad y will hl] le monsvi y we of the 2. specta ing © irae n the ont of is revi ight an yan 9. 8. y, John view eae bate ion. | av# bern did ly mak rger ile met H tors f lif 80 Cha th ivio d Asthene : ti 2 and i palperan whi RSENS asi Koay ged bag attendan: where them pg eengeem s = hag ir ve Pp car abe the MORIN of oe. pl fi ed age th N seo be d spectab l e ef iG AGA’ So e a ma pire a perp — Our fee apo Here to the aon ot ee had im at le rina a : Big it wuedbi e ci and Water ga ise commancon, Phi : sia A ase rfastat nt veal Aik ad oe asl 4 fa Jon ena ng a oar emaR Lisa find ts here ie rack of at the "7 pablish most bo An paea N er prej I theis acee St ity t of negro rete a T ith att o lis- harms w + moet tell 7a ihe frigh othin re and i r, H doom.” ebided the 7 w to {= eomaints early al a. | ly all of eicicaar m a ae . seers of 'yro and ¥ ‘ Be eek, —o ling t ea pr bette in Co olden : beve by had llow- w to “e med Wi of fi lof | bad those In OF rej free el ple re goin, pen re many adkia — perio bein nm at speech | it scat r, wi ng avd A oe roti giae itbou nanci a maj Sta jec elee te % lo garded men Col ¢ court, B the Taylo rc bpd ople, ith 68, Can hae sete Go for p the} 7; be t kno cial | cepted jority of tes th tion. I il bos vote as vee ta Rearstr eaik xt bias: bar snes than th which pore: 4 the it poh rome an With ittle ne = wing | ‘B° of the the co wh a near didates At al eae ae had | im ~ ‘slew. | 2° e, but —- ve eth to a ie a — ihe at falle i lands — scpuia’d ooank 2 i |e ‘Ae Chama who ee ha a iresdiwag the hatiden at of never omall . he in, le rejec is thei % 4 ple euterta ville Con learn w Ro ise re new tidot bal ar pablic rr] Bat wt nie Ja ee into bi ayrdaaegr te dans a ea , af ti. ee wa oe w Ov fap ing : bie again them, needles, yeta digni his if m we a y ac- strong b the ter th i- ed for thi the Zt. priv Con y is nstitati this be su igni the cies * Ww de y MH. e » Whi is cou resul Th sleges, fisca w itat . as beg most thim h jceces ty of | y be by di , and and -H owed . utes bd . « fol-| the t oree rang Pi oe a polltiea! ead. pe Protas eer bat dial y had y did picted Pra bel sa dw peers arp on oS sip ede re If maliie e t statem oak hey mak PON | socaeatiy —— dines Brordgatdran ae leuess HE Pai, Bag a.) GRAN 8 Make 18 ed “se therefor, Ne pre midi the i ard ae ta the to be vas, meetin arr =, ae ed tA a, to dot At rom milan of in which te D KAL 38 ad- || uritan’ New a i a te and fact, be ee th scl ered pies Be | °™ i of pn ey oe Prrapeheeta ly Peagickagy hind pte LY AND * — “ER gong — wo rae the A «tered ae —. he in vo echt tirel ee people le of the hecoed ee the endance to-day w a Con] tight eit be PROCE D TORC of gee ys on itute Cute on at = started dlapsier r e g e r s e y cane igrored gorern of the e South ope speakin who bas had nigh process grand SSSION H- Th is to halt a and bree cea ry m,| fie a Gerda to the © skins aber by C ment & Bates ‘Tan feats = pai god set ight nex ion in Sql ral! : srt gr way wea’ yr lara by phages hich ihe sme ia Hon hago a ~ + Coneatin arena prude Congres ty = oe ca, et stea m bay toreh- prove with Peal gen hie eter Cectne ss hp Prd eae lisbury pada “a tion. C 7 were — will mel tos . changes opal ao ae hte Dues neces pil en th ening rentlowen. n n 3 . olappad act to nat the mi: tof pon er orth at the ‘ertaint . against the Satine - e will atin elub of agile yith C. ese, us of Bouther a A hie =| nares oe Con a pot sefiaas, wach Repu 7° fetion i the ical se os pot | Parencics. pet In Sali eel pagal onsti ial! confiseat threw “ve jews, the t, net alate j all, vee- 1s that » favor bien | ramones — many |” amber the labor 4 atk © itation 7 = ion - " re PRET v it. ; and negroes part ach of ant ij ree 0) titur 4, and y add Able of issn = i thi nee wo the band, Marg : see ny thee Relies id Cascais . Tec ne ly ton wit be hay ta ae ~~ quae ue Gohan eelie 7 pstay id thing tani mre eto meus r bad ane en ened only to ne ay ve of wie this 8 P “, = won tai te we on = ramet Tg! oar con-| "8 a hadigcat i o n will be tras povonpetd — t ® an indi pod aaa ie mah ee ry ore br Repetn ni aa Deven dt mot tt a Jebchcea l cera Langue pes es sini over fe one i er favebed , , y di peo . : : , te rey timpe | the wie aoc pared re Stas : hiieas ok , Sse write wy dear er MR , oan he D weeti Pena their - olested ath arrested ain W aE Ac the mi step ee sous “ rtanit thee i loa if Can BO i ot ” a ne and erbpteha h i r e o most - rie nd ern peopl ndantly in vario ner, ply he Letin 7 of xed baste sr ena . didate YD OCIATIO lig in the Washing. cy thie dietric ct ating be sain, ese esters Wes taad ys ding he have on District, for Con = ne mo coters to now goleg 00 fat fiditor bing ea people ia C clan pto the Boat pian oo ya fri suit alae citi will gress report AEB? white men North Ge on i yo ov oe ipa, veer tound a Bis diet Cor | peng ft aoe eat ane = ae Rewas os his im this eine Commissioner me poe Po . riet ellow-cid ° close hed fel eatimatc — 8m Forth 867. } Are lawyers ga ae exe goin the of the ote for Pp ——~— of ic a , in low Ia V of 1 2 resone ell : Fm they ee thectheea' the y nex Selichary, _ aohy mee Kee £4 alt 7 Sees ° eat re Pe negro pany gee . boat pris = Come and rip April a it Nats Gane a the prep. peer Seent g ime lorena Mr. Bor t mee equal versa. 7A fran 'y of NN o ; I is , cay See 2 at , ae Pt ten pont to sept rata} os ere le . set — i in this bhary em him. . cen Corctina the 27 per cent. A St ‘ t ne pic e s Saa s eg af sole wa State speak) of s im the CS usives 6 Settee Sta chy. vubaes eet Pn sme 7 Saou wi tym Seapine he pop ph Gorn Jog 1 hla panaianeciac sty wm ong whatever, > ts rps ad pana a eens om cbostd aka we i.e pont eee vote a cheb - ‘fec e s ° < hike beavers. plestion pandidaie _ would nea 7 | aman in jet th on wi | the aE | nambe my Belg ees The he decree i 60 per break . warb be| 40 a of le the the yoa as h ie C. om th , bu the se ef then t ming. Free the te —— oe 60 a and 73 to the the open ant a attract the large t re will igh-wi Youstit: mie- lta is fe p State Fadl poigice whic o Poet Ste Dobetiato n , t be vse, decree 33 por cnt pS oo “8 ee any tick palpate rupees ateee expe- bor em wl rb ‘ ative. at ch evel rear Sich are ioe" - wal ¢ i use a ox ae stom os ss ning i M they ae ee make ec ape plcgacien sae Rodman nod to bs 7 Fede en renn e r : y Dear se which a act vad of We ae The ry . v ac , on fe a ® . bs of i aan ’ y, | fear ated ° =i 7 Set tein hal eng ery re nto ane Spree oo etd os cen ai rn ad wet fotiningy aoe aE fe as | could Yee "),¥ e feat i past digni eo mach in run- wise is ential Ne eucce mg to publial sectio the i the a nom that ai ap and the slaves, mee se. with “ jerme trath a Me Moring' seamed siies, bos b bes = = re sites he he reap tal sage bn grey = e.kgre wd 7 friend qanedl auilal ‘ho deed oe bar Kiex Kis any frm, vis Pape Ao rocky tage Pee bi i, bei ae alae jcten “ A cond rai Standard ratte ie Vance . the op Urs te | the or a cocagh t0 numerous tog Py ome rn eh png oh ak sa him in, and P- oe com ; ca ypel gece teriall 2 a prise ; be and the ‘onati aan ar tray & hte anne pdt my inet » oh re S| ibe lida — ite di eid party rina pe well ane paDia, D ave made P le , Teed 1 cr can LegbeAp s sean ne - Coy le sn wy wey bey TH ery ye 1 « eotragtio — neki io Ww , Davidson C RAC aken { ad we aber g pre . . . e it last = opie tear ec ieee pre ee = ae, anne eete ae EL, Saag nah 7 rs hn longed to the ain mering, heh fr the iss I ret one We har ory lar cary. OF eS Cerne wp spins = ae. : each. det me : ee ‘lee c nay = for r ae = x aye s, . . y: as suet YING it is false eto he wa noe a _ em ry f Te is count the ict T veed tanel t with Msi oe Al ecg wee pod “Ty peut, om buy, - rapier goer! a tbe world Nise hrm tt repre pe = be every opr adog Tease we ’o) Pemgaran monly age Heed wand Pray = pamphies ane dn The weg men who wou —— eave mn ie nals tole op oad ast Lanst ds goed =, poles is w- clertes <—e YANGE - mae abon for the o qin he ae C p. | thie eos Yne of th let @0 a ison aM cae sary sae yee peer a epi let of ae w a esftais: and living ° lar ¢ that r R . t ( o ant e py-— . ; of Hed ao oe . bl He wae and ths ec ators ing 12M rnate oneer m.| bie d ty, M radi Sen able he ol ie ordi Lonaed f He jar? | for 7 done ee oo ” Oras ony, Mr {hedpegleeptoul a ky i rca = Sor | ive ae ~~ win pare ety w © can 6 | at ver the inel we rea Jo th ative | "*Ve pes fro Frigg, h candid ned Prost genta ly gra and Beat have , even been are not my * nary 2 igeation of no dan earbnagr i d a prease y few emene ched T e came | * rknew om Rod ' ee ates } oe a ei th has been Age ad oe any Dame a. 5 -ethctg sda any fue this| Paige ews reer of 1a holt - ae eh ole ai y of th yro, bar | age ag — pring al Wmen 1 Paap carte vab ja the singe wrname a, h co vas wer in mee rp fare Moan oe a of the in th — "—}i eek ca svcubled A “loo sl be aicth nae ee Pike oe a ecm jected. — 3 Re pa pep earealer, tea: Seer oe ore aa se irri ean “agar ae cSueores pa any i nger lan = T aalit netitutio of the r be gan peech eang svat! eo all | * or the ,our ( tall 7 eel be ria, ng mi eade igent ea Se with rm ene ee ler ie fh epi tin which | Ec tars thom nom. The Maer svar | vith igen itaead Re wey wa pay wine pops Tetyae ron was denial wi i er an ben aon [oe cola es Aaadione them | ¥* arge sie sie condi. | tome wall gto 1 “al il oher a Wenie = ore obovate te aS U bar e with swdeced |i ace ja jhe na to i time, aes of rd re i es uee Leilatere one of aay was opa l bans cra n e te re in — buiaperd oe bas a a get — alpciatonn gle ol tree eee ee ei ne ro ie aoeiois, era incr kee ray toentia nas lets <P r aces y quarte agin the e recei t e 5 ; ‘ ayi? ie Ret ae a pe. 7. aie a fact Hen lt — ely ee anid ee are a wa ts eae re tan moe deacive n figed a that end Mr — U ° pola r manner a pk ee: Indiane— b e cs en Je ae bile naw | ™ tin, fam jet la yuitt ar a of th bine an p in the r A tates.” no pabi here of ed ch * peen whe he resi w ial y of era will ig see ilian y,ar | nd go ing th that wd fr | man’ to te y body each pam- geatianly gee er the we ice- | tem bet le scews cane nem a , addressed n oo hav br er) ted yin Des yw od | N ing he the om n's u J a 1 ria Does pread h ¥ to ‘ enhet why ie M d k xhibi ps _T a , the ith No g* Le ho ei add bim uy man for y on as K - pe m parties ell be jodg- orth ellpeos here, new atkins that : halen great rene the tool gainst agues nest . | left drees wha e wan ner | b secre ly a realay: Klu he ref sion. nade tel (ia their Oarslinn, : P weeded it to the ris ine 1} PA y is thi th b mas it to had t b ted at t pe ™ ty— tl The Und to ereate opie- there ponnk he del in fe w vol ‘a eg of the negro ing asure gnavee | rt of this o new y the ». | tion the there a Mr|t the U sfities! yth. ~ the The pad fa fet co th wb poten he fo pealbiger goin id thei whi is dec: genera 1 be ab | Pore David the case Cor ene peuple i bn Rod the eo L.A hese ihe latter errata Loheeary thes Pd Kderent the them y such agninet wehont the fo bag 7 tend dears oe mei dred kg ai vikes oe lise nipreeieincin 2 ee the Major eoald niet 4 acsgr tad sgronghi Salar abe re, the conti tat at en gg pr germ ms llow sent y : | goei hers ain wien seeing | ous { Share bus moe “ Is is cide ajo infie than done Sur ae a bieh parla ae yee sags bie be A P ing me Hore 1g | octave wi kaw the the ig tT shah eral the nosy ft a ew groe: an = that jor tin the ae y v0 ree gradual rycen pree hite Sech the thee company! g words sane Gil ie ak conetitati equal | ae Ae ein CE wie joe ier backs quee-| ™* lalachatd be gl (gt oy Saeed a gr ported geen a0 us yin hs Not bo on aceus tion J, w est amon re ie dical Conne led ¢ ‘al -hoe — mor y yeare as K. ary ci promise th tiffenin, those lend u o- Fy g this |jury bo x, i} term: tomed , and | th tlson mane € the a vem schools eg af od, ul ki e uN a . ke "6 be rk w my oo °” ate nigger-« o be thet M . note | x n th sof to eC _ od d Pe fro — the p yas g hte fort ; ve ber y will are these te hive fered going wh te i ’ oe pablic area e legiol equali as:| wh onstitati iS emee pairs tent vill be te Nor Pillet bls Berton ing saa Nin —— righ tlle room i ake st a eet "5 LF llow- jens anes — jaglouen atere Hity at | ti o had tion Hf 5 eo ot, Thos : a Non bes attend d hoole ; monite Ne— A Gi th sere n e ahle to ond and ete fello note e ibnegh ssiath: ead bar. rs, and 1 in the til be onal eceervad it were oe teve i Koon head Hoey is i@erent ey Suicide irl of toot Radica for Fra —g Prenoan. j Benner ood | bis - Sed wee ae cea i ne = efi with ing been in other it closel d have his! « _bearab| Pport are ae has nase Raleig at ie all. Bo QnT {Fram the by Shoot oe ls to ds. ~ Fo Sun. muha ior ee fore- ence peal nal of them riba, ears y deduced | pinion Ba Neola ont ried b Ha was coe — pyar abe hd hee tr Ne de pry Aes : Maing, with j Gpea sg°, loa! such ex themec ghy | be fi n Wed lared ashame of uae stri ecticut,” ” of the thee “ gece with rig ee even Herald } darkene d ro sae Page ol prs Sides dyes sort ¢ chew | bat jet A Lees euch with amples Ivey found it needa gt Lat, 7 ta ot = cted to ” bat ¢ Public arg Drie er mut d Cla ing las o. § rooms prin at th ida lenburg os a tice he th far P fo IN og y, th prec ad B th bat Toe A. I r ! sg og bear a ocr this aff eaid tion Pye Th ings t leas Pele ba ——- inelerabi, afte hat W Vin = the Bie lored 9 ee pole a hail er shat heron 9 (eee bee ea “me codert prevent Sa ont ont ec —_ by rele aprons : a fart i The ban rch stady opere 0 arieneriaeg aang len bisect aan eune peeled ba * tak nd itckets Te 7 H-—'--- ae ‘an 0° ag now i he Iaid e of the vote pan is co was fi etedy (0 | Caroli rd add 1s alo re- | ™ reast 6 the with fp ipotets, Jf hy hanes pune ie I too. —w- per | oo this ox and w inhabits mongrel the firs agripe ii ay ere oreed to in te — 0; “So oe ri ala bady fee L ele: = foreget ad _— eats, eo pare Loy - govern meer ar pe foun- | is roca ve ee | of Mr Wil ing shen ie wt Oc Trove i it wil sc hiees of ic djing te trie. el fg seep pt fies ng fro to be} ™ Constivanion ‘e ment, ia utter! Ae arp the ae ifieasi: ia Fors a.|'% ib it will be netit ie ne Stele oe of lao" ted ey i — ; he | as w mee” that preci m the 44 to fades differ. o ap y inca Mezi. of the eee onppo in who ythe to} at juatr 90; egaie provi som the rep of the gir pl ia,” etl speed . Hb New coat the that wes r ing pable of exi- | th ea ci ative rt it. wean parate umen ; bat o guaran “| pl he tim jase ate, a girl k o bei and =e ‘eo. Foo people male elee self. | e day ak pearing Mr. W bode & ae n the aco plained o eg ra Cla eepe a Te ; jn “bo deoom the jap te « vee regain Pa teeres Speeds a pt ads ashe Tala Rapa sotss or i v ni a ¥ ’ 4 Perna hie = esl ion of nope rl are appeared cee a oo of sen te adhe liege ma epsrateigy | ge se dcttaedled ty {liven fo Mie i aa 7d ll id ado afopenn ye lected i bd - hope as Dp te a gacoenes baal sori Michign Bie a ath. On |-—Baleigh be — panini rey ody da The { our pis spon ommittee- whites to hav vontian tg ates chi isit her the es tine r hike poten adn ead terpris. por previa gee athe therke, ond the he ye. = Hares es Washi — ity ia oe wey = nro wae “4 ves li BM ager ese hed j and ta sit b pis Pine ol she her og ae sale NGRESS 5°"| made and et my Or Sy en ee mf ae Te | Mfomipe ak ee craze on saree aianes, tres og dol cide gad. of sis he ha ni trae. “Bot compere. ils ies reer Arcgy Bnay ting rayon, parding te the Vote co Me Be bent csi =p en on the Ms) of eter for a for her ’ are Mr. Job 1 DS lrgra the oa veek, ice ee Smt pA, mate wil vod the ymns joym y see ture at ofl en as fh pirser Be who hushed end bis afections. pal rede med to de tbe fal oyna," Oi eager = mapas,» psalins rom to d the | Ball tine _M of Con pros Hew which listening to del fa De os parent a fe in ok "e . hen. i. » made ct. suvhabty be ne gf to| The j the Cours ‘ah ee mee ndeamatary (late " “ ond of — se See Ae hd oy Come Serta ithout di- ab tad aot bree BA) . Exceatir D a Be by ott , : * % Ses wh Rass siner “hoe dings fe wn Reef a tr things fom ba : Al d than arpecte d set 5 a e T a h i n p e e l f i s h ; H E 2 3 k a z if ] i E s H F 3 s e F P 3 if ; E S T e c k H he | paca nsseane as = = sa k af the i an h t 1 t l e tf ' ie r t i ) rH rt iv e l ve eR e uf ce s e i g e ’ fe f fr QUAKING. —_———o——— or ofs| THE RADICALS IN THIS STATE Mr, Eldridge, eonsin, weleomed The . ee ee ee DMN. ~NEW YORK GOL he 4 Old North State. FOR on CANDIDATE FC ” FE INSURANCE received, In obedien call, a con- = . , rate re HL ESTATE RACE COUT CO VED.A NY, ‘met. at the Court House in Winston, me i aft spetie ot Th dl nmin candi- { , AUTHORIZED QaPITAL” genie fac ae SR ate ip ONE MILLION DOLLARS Issues Policies of all. Kinds, phe or Lae H. Waibor request- : OFFICERS. 4: 4 heh On conled tse teksto Shots ot 0. TON, Dresden, LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. 6 ya a 0. H. , MD, Med, Advisor and 8. A. , Hbetal sad solvent) Gotithers ‘Company ay ee Pies ae elborn, M. H. pays to ite policy holdem ammnaliy Absolutely no Restriction upow add eclat to the Pinnix. $ 4 ca ee, & > et " coremonier. He unfarls! RowapenJ 874 Per Cont. of tts Profits. Retidence the dome of the Capitol at 88 5 Fringe P. Lions, mn ismeeaD unthes Travel er Reside — Tan _ tog bal of te pe sik bhened oie 2 From Washington. Burry—Sohn Booper, “COSTARS” | tina i Feces i td DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALLY IN CASH Aue 14, P. M—Ser-| On motion, the following gommittee e I aliowy is porous to chaage their policies Bridge at 10} were wed to submit a name for nom- Pre rations! from one another. F L ina vis : John H. Hester, of Boroytho, ‘pa «| lis Palloy holders are not restricted as to tra ALL POLIGES POSITIVELY Welborn of Davidson. After a short ab. meters tre filhewing coctifionte on te nnel- tee e | senee, they submitted the name of Tomas Everybody Tries Them | sve, pest, ‘March 25, 1867. @ sub-| The Standard, of thie aity, we oe pile crac poe. ky ae Dalam Everybody Uses Them! | mn. tadersigned, ofloers of the county of mepressts she tel receiv- On motion, it was ordered that the a bateye pa Ee pean Part of the premium loaned, and no : Associated Press, from |sssh presented to him in Montgomery: [eeediogs be published ia. the Wanton, |2verybedy—Rolieves in Them | ay. “The Predioons Raa! Motate feosmaae Coe " ington, oo Tharedey night.—| Als “He carried a horn cup, presented |@ Old North Stats, Sentinel, Press and Everb Recommends Them a ” of this county; and besides the meritet| loan or premium note ti @ lien or yam was as follows: the ladies of Viekeborg, M Patriot. yedy-- lor Rocce Sa Te . the ia death : ’ CHAS. TEAGUE, Cn'ux. Tne jos ole ance are suvh as to commend jt to pet-| claim on the policy in casé of = ae aan ot Be hreeheld Joux H. Wexpouw, Sec'y. a“ ney oe. & Be. of Bbc. Box ol iT Sicoolder,Dipstors and Offeuragre mea after the second year, Mansion. sa: bes ant to ———-~-_____ 5 ity. oan on an race. | do is to venoms pap 3 your fag,” Pa Radical Faith to the Negro.—The Trib- ten Peoen” “tet een ane tec aielcat mebagement ote air dhs Bate» regeiv tertainment at une -" “Rats "| ie Manes ok soca to tha Mie} ‘Ths domseiets of Londonderry, N. H, Pelee to die.” Improved to heep ia any poet yom sod Sp ir i maar Gempaiy sittin pooutier give. secrete of the where he fs quartered, 2 a9 eoagigir drained = tion. on « fa to the © where he| town officers at late eb The Giroult Oourt,| coe to the Southern people, Itie the most Baad red poe a te eis? Republicans did not vote for him, and be dnp engl Ve BeeleeT Cant ious Pie Sow ; t it indi After leaving the Capitol, Bates pro-| was defeated.” Buy Se. or Se. Bottle of ~ 8. H. Lovino, Clerk County Gourt. | éheral Company in the United , oa t cates, i pers Sor! mon: And why did they not vote jor him 1 “COSTARS BED-BUG EXTER. G Bingham & Co., ta, 1 3d | eonviation, on the O, Perrin, of ‘Tennesse aad And wh, Vue -f ibe colored per- fA og Fey Hg) Prevenja lted,| We so have the agency fer good Fire States nid that had Bates Carried a nagro on| sons at do they try to force the "“travling ageata wanted Apply to existing his shoulders, from Vicksburg, would | Southera to sabmit to negro domi- PT. JAMES P. NSO, Its rates being lower than these of other eomps- = Sag EATEN IN |have allowed him to THE NE-| nation \—W. Y. Irish Citigen. | Be nn ngs he Special Agent, Charlotte, N.C. NA, beyond re |GROON THE GODDESS OF LIB SNOUNGENERTS “COSTAR'S” INSECT POWDER | _Jen, 7, 1908. waiwiy | nies. ERTY| ANN Cc NTS. end all Insects on Gonunccticut BMiutual Life BROADW It is too late to remedy the matter.) J: is understood that the = OFFIE, BE 368 ay, rh rule Holden off] will be closed to-morrow, in honor of un- 3” We are authorized to announce OBADIAH WOODSON as « candidate , it would me wpe avail.— ae Lincoln's ary ror . for Register of Deeds. a roast INSURANCE COMPANY soir . contracts Carolina . Sherman w : “COST NT. prior to RB ibates has ment Managers re ot ast bering gue lrg pti pdiegpenrs bal Por Oores, Bunions, Warts &c. Try jt. Ot Hartford, Conn.} a sanae' Ot siactah: Pres the white men of North |¢r t0 examine witnesses on oath, without Sheriff of Rowan C. 81, 1867 aa li wan County, Don't suer wih Pala’ W, STATEMENT, DEC. . further enacted, aball role the Gtaie. The|Testraiet of Court rules, elicited all facts seat guhodaed We smaounce A wf iating' TBrery aly shoud tah _ ‘formation gladly furnidhed tn detail, by a, been weighed thoriti shiftiag th: JD8C ASON, as a candidate . be pas erates mmpraty of denying pores te Setes, the office of Clerk of the Superior Court |“OOSTA R’S” BUCKTHORN Sate AQOUNULETED ANGETS Pm mye ye cores Be glia ara ea Saar” | “EOE! 647 670,088.88, (EE ‘ si ——— ——————SS——E———E=_ which, there i rly weighed the Pig of tir ‘ones of usual | NEW aD VERTIORMANTH chapped banda ym, hes Bat of ’ —-_ — time 1e8, nat / until Executive Session, and then ad. gaa. lr oe aa lesste, Se. - Arlington man, who |journed State of North Carolina, 7 a =r; INCOME FOR 1867. . y dee The| __Firyinie Convention, de, tee BURKE COUNTY. eminem t=" Saar 7,726,516,53. fife Jusureace Compény jc: | Richmond, April 1, Pr W.— An ate “COSTAR'S” Bishop PILLS” 7 ruction acts | was adopted, providing any amend- —— extraordinary efficacy for costive- — fe frag bred Pon Ucastitution shall frat be Court of Pleas ond Quarter Sessions, bees, indigestion, nervous sick FOR PREMIUMS OF, VIRGINIA, adopted the Legisl ti and the : headache, 4 ~_— snongh ered tthe. seterdng’ “Legian, Spring Term, 1868. ror de. Netgipng. Ocaus-mia| $6,832,804,95, | A Viryininand Southam Jnaltation o j-[ which may refer it to the people for rati- W. ©. Beott, vs. The beirs at law of Th = “s Jia Funds ore kept in the South. wegro the equal, [N Seation. [TEREST HESPECTS,. with. the white meee es Feremnee Be mets. Lins “That Cough wi kill you, Don’t wo FOR INTEREST, 2D Aas met with weuprecedenteBeutesss. im the jary box and Aa article was adopted, declaring all| 18 this cose i appearing to the satisfaction of the “costars Me and 500 Sime | g 1 -393,711,58 ate, along] os: i aal civil and polisi. | 2% ast the defendants Jone E. Johe M.. James AR’S” COUGH REMEDY. Iie fortunes ove established bepond without Gay fe eal rights and pabiic e 7 repo gh ae ha ath ponte Fadleage: + Jee children ory for it ste @ “Soothing —_ . iad walification or condition,| 4 sod Btate for | M24. ' ie therefore ordered that publication be yo ng ao a LOSSES PAID IN 186%, : Bay eaest a cat llggeerw soape Ja mad mW remgas 8 Ous Rove Orava, 2 pony ee nye * I wi secfoe by he Bune large, van clope[EYGe'aon oie San ne Lan Comptes wil tad tas 5 hese coin ote ers , y from | ed. fu bs kotd GP's comsty. of bates os es se’ Peotors! Remedy, DIVIDENDS PALD IN 1967. = blacks in The Convention rescinded the resola-} House in Morganton, on the Ist Monday after the } wee tent of . PROUIBIT the tion to adjourn to-day. 4th Monday in May next, then and there ta answer $643,005.00 itm affairs are ap ow to the plaintiff's other ime the same ‘ . Opodo, of voy. sncap orp orem are being wie oar e pmeY sens ten a po oo ine nate idag t Divdands svorge ovr oper ct a whites. | Sede all ov souages "Sheen & 0 Sens. ; Bottles $1,00 seundabmentebrpnenbenstns Jodpet| ad Warksbers for Ooverean ced nn, | siogay™ Berwin es ona dy't Hare"S"| “COSTAR'S” BITTER SWEET” juemae cabeaieasiel monaco OFFICERS + & polit whtia ahd ane sigue member co the Lag-| oon tO B, W. DORSEY, ass ‘eeenennia BLOSSU MB. SAML. “Omer Agee PRESIDEET, islature. oa, Pimples B.C, the In Hanover Parad tabeea James Loken tye te, od asth wee ca bres oh Charlotte, N.C. JOHN & EDWARDS, sale of pny was nominated : one ne- ‘ aie vee gre member to the Ww. B. issace, D, L Hasrecem, ae oat Oe oben] Sena frp (la varwweg aly IF You WANT? 22> = Worthiess ""ELNYE HUTCHISON & C9. nampeoat toed, Siete. wil Leia fina ror poor or Imitations. . ts and CHARLES H, nr a poctages Worth Corolioa| for thas ety. ROSADALI None genwiue withow! “Costar's” Signa-|[NSUTANCe Agents and Commis 20 5 aeurr, mark end their shil- 1 aleo nied a new city Council Po peres : a sion Merchants. ABELL, wm. Seepeees ues © Constitutive | for WILSON,8 REMEDY for CONSUMPTION; $1 silos oatig ode tl fo pepe alppangas DIRECTORS: tazed, equali us, Sin ; FERTILIZE => ve be off dmnpeachment. 82,00 Jor any three $1,00 sizes sent ALL KINDS OF - aap 3 hee not yotrby| | Wahinges api int Moths Seaae| AYor’s Sargaparilla, by . oe oe) ee eslit : to lenpeach pent 85,00 pays for eight 81,00 sigea by Ex SALISBURY, W. ©. debe Dost y Upon es de Curtis concluded et bsif past two, ; ~ Loman Lge seadipppeggrediea —_ pan VE de, , . Thomes wes called for the Defence ddress, to Con W. Wiltoms CReortesten, DOES! Will] Teomes wes sropped by the Pros-outan, te Ayer S Ague Cure, MENRY R. COSTA M Son baa i-th white men of the Btate, by their Soonrtbing oa pratt! — President, 482 Broadway, NY. Fe 2 eae ° orders v sppoimtment = mes A ane 2 , . A Nee Tm, rt to hg equality] pate “ete ay ra ee ee Sandford's Liver Invigorator, r Patet by dy by wg AL ENNIGR, Bei ery: “ Andersen, Sap 5.0.8 Ro mardi 4.2, Béwards, dcllere| | Never! Sows See ee —— oe"! NEW SPRING |! fis ce ti rf 7” — R. H. Dieesil, assessor and Prospou i i REEVES’ q the munthe of| piers drave by © Morton’ Basreat| The One Junin srbanitiad the question Hall's Hair Renewer, — GO O D S. on uae ae ‘tae in mm apagers were de- » Y ch ary swe med [ming Dh tiny Lo hel any prt cies tM nye ne | BS FOR THE HAIR, [qugemnge wemrgrmp o erasles 1ytowent © PANES Mat , 4 ¥ ar te ° ren eeengey-mmneeeenm ne d paid. firet aseomiient rulers of about the fairst|fivwent'Nys horas et noe “| Hostetter’s Bitters, Improved | Fomine’ Gowmesy TEE BQUIBASLE mont! a yaaa prpenarser = Ban Pnpere- inal mene inv eee tine, oe Aue ? : mm ns Nepean enmeng Oe ee Boy, per inom Prints, Shirtings and sixty the three mouthe country ie in quarchy,and the| Curt sljourned. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, | 1 cosme tne Hair wo con beauty. Syren Bae, trom ong Benes, Lats Welhing ond Brame , vat er a M tawee Say Cae od Bett. SS a ee he 5. enacted. sort of governing exis ron ’ ; — Sptoms, Be, be. : sven! tenes to keep the prisons fall, but thie ja] Washington, April 10, P. M—all at the} Radway’s Ready Relief, | :»vigorate the toot ofthe Hair GENERAL ASSORTMEST OF OC “ ia pe about the full extent of ite pow. | Ontoet, exorpt Thomas, y , It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriant!y . sd IETY zt & r i 3 E Hi it $2 *t = I to cannibalism, i i l Fs 1 1 s is i ?. ? i t of axistence, it would pro- best thing that could hap- in cunt dadge. ful. Michigan defeats the negro Suffrage Cunsti- tutioe by over 30,000 ! | | Patent imovements are sfloat, louking to Hancock's nurs mation. Fond du Ler, Wisonsin, for the first time t years, hae elected a Democratic Cir [4udge Curtis’ argument to-day, was power- An abstract would give a poor niga of Or any other Patent Medicine, Mt immediately stops Hair Faljing Ovt. Mt keeps the Hair from Changing Color from aga It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. 14 brings out the Hair on Heads that has been bald CALL AT G. B. POULSON & CO's. DRUG STORE. for years. its fore Tt is composed entirely of simple vegeta - The | of Gen. Thomas to-day, eli- Wyatt's Oid Stand ‘ es _—_ cited nothing vew, beyond that the President J @ Stand, ble substances. had not instructed Geo. Thomas to use force, = | <s EPS 4 test Whee Thomas was arrested, be went first to SA LISBURY, N. Cc; ze, bas cocalvet ve ee Maine) the President, who sgid that be was nghit— wh a7. Sa + nials of ite excellence, many of which are from phy} ia © ‘ a7," wit: the cane was now ia Court, where ho wanted ; —— : . o sicians in high standing, The ruling of the Senate (42 to 10) wi)! let jes. <7 .—t roprietor. n half-pound bottles, Que 4} in evidence of Qvoeral Sherman : nd the Cab- J.G. VEACH'S te et eat and hk inet ofloers MAIL 4ND EXPRESS LINE~Dally. ay 1 Og bate. oor teal ae ae —— flip & Ca, New York. march 19w ly EM The Tarboro Southerner learns} Sohedule from High Point to Salem. that the Loyal [eaguers at Rocky Mount} y paves Hy Poiut at 34 o’clook, A M Bankru te ad 0 gelveigns Gone of b ene night last) bs Arrives at &t 8} o’plook, A M P . week, Such and gouging Leaves Salem at 24 o'slook, P. M. W ~<aanant one abi eee OO Ts 86 eetonh, Pe E have just received a BOYDRN & BAILRY a. 2G Qniie. Sos Special attention will be given to all Bxprese DAN & » § man's tw”. RACH. | Meru, 1908 ——— CASH OR BARTER. M. W. JARVIS, Ac'r. | Cash Asseta, ...... So Fo) Saitebary, N.C., March 16, 1868, ™ ‘atria | Ammon! ooh o> => cone one 00,008 Sale Pestponed. Number in one year—10,405 All profits pong the Policy hdidetean, THE Sale of the Lands of R. W. Grif- | 1867—Cash ead Shs ded bus Some to Monday | = om, of May Court. when it will take place at the Court House door in Salisbury. Zz. W. GRIFFITH, Adm'r. (apr-4 w. Actw. td) $10 Reward. Ranawar from the subscriber Whe ae for atx one — Mutual Life Insurance Company in Isanes Policies on « Single Life from @966 te irvine the best Fie tates wavim B, R. MOORE, Attorucy and Cownsellae at Law, —a— SOL CiTem Im BARRRUPTOg, WILMINGTON, XN. ©. om—ty te ee LS — - pe _~ te ane = 2 ; : 1 | Wilson, Septe ‘i, # Miscellancous., | REVOLUTIONARY. —_| Byonvatont system of public schools, one] Wilma. Spcelon TG ML 55 er, _-y- THE FATAL MINCE PIE~ Some of our friends who bave been bor ing with persi to pub- We hold the following, as tanght) === by the New York Zribune, to be re pt day to day, there is ample accom-| \volutionary aud dangerous doetrine. lish ht anf fanny atories,” can gratify th ir desire for literature by a perusal of 1. following ‘thrilling romance,’ which 2. bave procured for our columns at great troabhe.and at ‘heavy expense ;’ CHAPTER f. She threw herself upon his breast and ph CHAPTER 11. As she ceased weeping, he groaned au- dtbly. There they Salk eptwined iu each other's arms for, about two hours, and nagpeone of ‘em ppoke. CHaPTLRIII. A voice tragturéd the -stillness. of the air. ‘Harriet. my own love, if 1 hada mince pie to eat.’ Thenale lifted up her toar-diggmed eyes to the etarry heavens, ch ter bands wildly and exchnimed = with yue to kitchen, love, and thon shalt eat thy fill; for there are irre them Je& for digpes.’. They ciasped eaeh otfter-by tbe hand aiid msh- ed to the pastry. CRAFTER iv. Two mince pies had disappeared, and th third wag ehout to sbare the same 4 whena stealthy step was heard. — ‘hly my i, my beau. “Tis Catha- rine Arabella, 1 Lave And she fell fringing ot bis feet. CHAPTER V The old womau aygod face to face with Fogene; she askel what he bad been ag to the gal; and he said ‘he hadn't aoue nothing.’ She grabbed the remaiu- INE PM and with the ferocity of a ugress chacked it at bim. ~~ oft TER Vi. Her aim bad m too true. She hit hi ia the pit « the stomach and be fel! at her feet a corpse. They buried them both in one grave, and ewery epring the v lage maidens plant onious over the pace where die the levers, ai last united. —___—_—»— Two of the Escaped Prisoners surrender Themselves ——Lenerday morning Mr. J. 11 Philyaw, the coanty jailor, reeeived ‘ormasree phat Jobo Alfred Robin- -.a, two of the prisoners who eseaped > jail ogrKenday aight Inet, bad erriv- in the city om the steamer North Car- nt from heck ease ii’ Bladen county ud were anxious to sarrender themselves iusto his custody again. After some little search the jailer found them, end eure they voluntarily surrendered as wou lus prisoners, with profeasinas of sorrow jever, tha whole aumber was divided into| hat they should bave c+caved from cus-| tody. "Phey were taken im charge and are Low again confined ia jail. These two prisoners are charged » '! soarger and were to bare been wicd hig tote af the Crimieal Court, bur the | evse has been continaed. It seems that afver their escape setucped 40 Lucir home in Bladen: =< keener tam a lay ertwo, they were persuaded by o centieman of Uieirseetion that it would be far better fer them to return and bet the law take its Gogese, whatever # might be, than to remain fugitives from justice uring the wheleterm of ther satmeal | w hich he belonged, created sone existence. Acting upon this proposition, But, unfortunately, its boldness will fascinate, and, in so doing, lead many astray: “Congress, after removing — the President, lias either one of two ways to assert its Constitutional supreima- jey, as the creator of the Supreme Court over the thing it has created, and as the immediate representative of jthe present people of the United States over the represetatives of that generation whose bodies moulder in the dust and whose vpinions rust op ithe shelves of law libraries, Congress |caneither impeach and remove the Jadges of the Supreme Court for con- Pes, | the Qonstitution differenily from the construction placed upon it by the High Court of Impeachment, ‘er it can reorganize the Supreme ‘Court so as to make it’ consist of thritwen Judges, or as many more as may be necessary, of whom the re quired majority shall be able to con steue the Constitution in’ harmony with the ideas that now reign in the United States of America. Congress, hin short, represents the people of the United States; and the powers of the people of the United States, to do whatever they make up their minds ‘tu do, are ander our presevt Constitu |tiva, very considerable.” i TO THE BOARD OF SCIIOOL } COMMISSIONERS. | Gentlemen :—In obedience to the ‘rules and regulations adopted by you for the government of the Salisbury Public i schools, I have the honer to submit the following report for the month ending, March 23d, 1868: | When | entered upon the duties as su jperintendent of your schools, my fires laction waste vie the ward schools ‘which had thea been in session a litie {more thana werk, fer the parpore of noting dows tbe names, and dividing inwo five grades or classes the whole numa ber af pupils enrolied 1 found the ag- tgregate number of pupils on the diffcrent rolls to be 235. "Their classifiention was feffected with some diffenliy, Lut rot te }the entire satisfaction of your superinten den’, owing to the great variety of text books in the hands of the many and ihe} } Want of them in those of a few. liow vades ap well as it was ponsible to ‘ ander the ¢iuciumstanees, and a grade Jor elare assigned to each of the five teaghers: your superintendent taking febarge of the most advanerd or fifth class, and giving ta Mra. Brecker ibe fourth Mee Lou Ltamanthe third, Mies Ma Kagtian the second and Mie Jer Haward the ret As wae antic pated, the » - iration of the children of the same family rend: weeessary by a proper cla-- fr {ibe appointment of cach w euch sotet charge of the chase or grade to diveat iefaction, and | am sarry to sy, ae vernl teacher thogepenahormams. Be whecmauen jebidren hare been kept away fiom se bem cana grindd trom ¢ reas y reserved as w ¥ the cacape was : . Wi mingion Journal. —_— ~~ THE CONNECTICUT AND MICTIT ~ GAN BLACTION. The seclection of Governor the pecro suffrage consijtation in Michi gan, have oceupred the sicetiog of the [tunity is offered. Should they pereiet in | poblic mind bese to-day, jo the exelesion 4 umpeschmetdt, legislation, and in fact canaame very. mach depressed over the} METTt it, Hine: reeglt. With the amogat of money coo- and they are) for thie reason. mancer in (be more from the fact that the larger num: | ele | This ie to bee of thoee who were a pow attending schoo! at all | patents reflect for a moment ~| portance of having th } raded. in opder tha: the teacher may Ren justice be ber pupils, val do are not Woald the the im schonta properly .| to echool pow that eo favorable an oppor keepmg thew children away from schoo .4 for the Board ite act apon consid: rations of a moet liberal anc “| J. Woensterd, M.D, e | we regreticd | however mea ¢ thetefhre. a0 hesitates ip recommending |t so Connecetient, and the repudiation of the their number, | f-rl rare that they would (Congressional poliey, ia the defeat of | no longer besitate to rend their children on this fimey pretext, | cam ete nothing { Commissioners to do bat a has been based hendred and thirty five pupils; and al |: <Gepl ds 0: See BeCe e ootee or eight years 1 huve been severeiy vfflicted y troublesome form of SALT RUUE W om w_ch | have meyer bera able iv obtain the igh test Lait ce relict from ony of (he many . j * ? re edies which | buve at varivus times ‘applied, ane re esa ieee i Rae jars 63 | oe bd cheseed to ry De. Lameunee’s Bonedul the proper Government of the schools; | ig” tn teas than one mouth T found myself ab good order has been maintained, and 1 | most éutirely cured of my troublesoine erup- am gratified to aay that the pupils have | tiow i ; borne themselves in a very commendable heii fiegd- cial * of family bape —~ it tes = vee 2 g = a am, punher, wi the most grace ‘ ng fesulle wane the large r nuniber of whom ful Truly Dan cay, that of all the medicines Lhave ly coming up in the prosecution of their : ever wed befure, nove have been ms happily stadics to the most sanguine cxpecta-! beneficial in effect av the Ramda'is, aud would tions of your superintendent. 1 desire mest cheerfully recamimeud lt iv the public aud also to acknowledge the kind assistance to all seff-ring hamanity rendered me by the parents of the chil- Very sere a dren ander my special charge in their Oppusite they’ Coa wand Uuees. prompt compliance with the rules adopted for the government of the class. Should they continue to manifest alike interest and influence in behalf of our public schools, we may confidently look forward | to a day, uot far distant, when they shall | be the pride and boagt of our.town ‘These schools now offer splendid advantages to the young, aud-if properly sustained, I have no doubt they will sooo be equal to any of the kind in the country. J.J. SIEWART, Sup't. {Publication ordered by the Commis- sioners of Public Schools. | though the number continues to increase modation for many more. Strict regard has been paid to the rules | T hereby certify that I was cared of a *Chrov- ie affection of the Kidpeys’’ by the pro of one botue of Dr Lawrence's Rusudulis, end the e- ore advive others saffering with the -Kidney Dineuse,” te try the Kosudativ. R. D. ALLEY. Wilson, August 3, 1867, ROSADALIS Will Cure the very Worst Cases of Chronic Rheu- malism. Thereby certify that Twas cured of bong vatodiug Chromic Rh matiom, by takog bottles of De. Lawresce's ROSADALIAS. J\MES WILLS, On account of the unparalelled demand for the lusudatis, I have moved my Labora- tory from Wilson, N. C., lo 29 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md. THE GREAT SOUTHERN Wileon, N C., Wav 8, bee7 Health Restorer, ) 2 TT ROS He ay : roughly eredienter The best Blood Purifier in the Wor lds fevery hind of hammer wnd bad tail, ame Comtures DR. LAWRENCE'S CrLEBRATED ROSADABIS lwur condilios vever prode | the eniire sytem be a@ healiby OF Us Perferwty cing Ube sighvest tejary. Tire nota Seeres Quack Remedy. The arti cles of wiveh i ie made ere published arvanc Caren: ax each bovi'e, and it waned and endorsed by the Leading Phistciane ever. where itis khowee PREPAKED ONLY BY DK J J. LAW RENCE, (beast, 29 Hancver 54, Baliimore, Marvinnd ; Price $1.50 Per Bottle. FOR THE CURE OF pey- For Sale by all principal Drug- SCROFULA, in all its forms, | gists in he United States, | For sale in Salisbury, by Jno. H. En ercn as niss, and G. B. l’oulson, and Druggists Consumption in its early Stages, Enlarge- aioli \abelbal Mhelihhced ment aud Ulecration of the Glands. Joints, | Bones, Laver, Kidneys. &¢.. Hhewmatiom, | Whste Swethng, Mcreunal A fections. Sore Eves, Old Sores, Inseases pecubear to Fe- males. Eruptions of (he Shin, General Lad | Health, and all other Inscases caused by| an unpure State of the Blood | 177 The wllowing. ameung many } undreds of our bent c lizema, lestaly to ite s onderiul eflicacy . Home Certificates, from Physicians, Wea hereby certify that t« by @ Physician who isan -tper coed Pharmaceutat | and (heen, end that bie remedy ts an eTictent ard | | valesbte one n Setofuia A % having yes ormes some remarkable ceres\a this vicin ty 40 Years Before the Public. Rosa date fs prepared | LHE SUUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, Thus odd, beng known aud well triet rematy for all Ldlvows daseusea, { 4. D. Moere, M.D. W. A. Duagan, M. D.| L.A. Soa.M.D, £. Rarnes. M.D) W. King. M. J) RG. Barham, M. D., S. Woodacard, M. 1) Wiimea, N.C. Oct 31, 1&7. ! ered bg 4 | DISEASED LIVER. atl am personally enqua'nted | ert'fy th I beret with the above mamed Plrywrtans end they are atl} They are mle and abl by GO W ODER MS geeUem a of respectability and maading im this, the dissiversr w ase os wore -mmenity Malo wh aves 7. C. DAVIS, Mayor of Wilson. Boy h November ist 1987. A pec Beeccraeed 8 6 Freerenwae Coewry, 3. C.. May Sd. 1807 tw. J. 3. Lawwnree | leer Sor lenee ered Ine immediately per Expres | to Tartare’ two degen mare battles of your Rew) rrorllen! Pilie, ms cust or traitke me apared 6 Ue ft ™ bate eel axayskep oo be | need well wed tv bee cwetenrets vtail at the shortest r - ' \ the preparation dew very super ane | dole | have carefelly examined ite Pormela. 204 | nore ihe grenient qemmastel> hegre e ol per he-etient | are aed Minmy practe m6 nember of came = || R wt t : tome cord aethé |theh M bqpend doubt the |’ POM ft Stimy. czar cv oem best \terative lever aed. | Love tried it im aeves-| i bey contain une article whith has protetl a) cow of ~rufele and ~< ofsicss affections Be. [never belote been uel as a bendeome, ap >, «th mad satefaction to my--/ end potent. |] als ims powertil agen! io cian the Liver "\(ahech greee them an @dvantage over er ry retobre oder to the pale) The manpeition aged ia ene Pols es caretally pre pered by the band of . = We Myre sed others, a6 the most refinble Alicrs tive sow baowe ther I tfelly gowr. an. . } A.B. NOBLES. MN. - ed by the test beetle patient is an i 5 a | » Lier tae y } | \ ) wate wtuat«. cities male of feral a ' letiee r cat | : ia ar oxubine! em are ‘ “2 af yy | Mii com id in thet ection on il ice * hee a a chmate lke urs wi «are alter=t an onfailinyg mer dt the wbden clang@ to whirk » er, ard ra ba Will Curethe worst Casez |» State of Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1868. Julius A. Andrews, adm'r., vs. The heirs at law of Heary Bowden, PETITION TO MAKE REAL ESTATE ASETS. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the coert that the defendants William Smart and wife, Mary Smart, Colin Bird and wite, Nancy Bird and Joho'€. Bowden, are non resideuts of thig State, It rpdedn defed that publication be made fn Warcuaan & OLp Norte Stare, a pab- | lished ip the town of Salisbury, N. C., for six sue: | vewive weeks, notifying said defendants to be and appear at the next term of this court to be | held fur the coanty of M mery, at the court: | House in Troy, om the first Monday in April next, | then and thereto answer or plead to the plaintitts pe- | tition, otherwise the same will be heard ex parte and jud, dered fesxo as to them. Wade, clerk of our said ( ourt at Witness, C. C. fice the first Mouday in January A. [)., 1868 &éw:pr f $8. c. GC. WADE, crerk. State of North Carolina. ANSON COUNTY. | Cuurtef Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 168. | John J. Colson, administrator of James A, Robin- son, Vs. Thomas A. Robinson aud others. \ PRTITION TU, MABE BEAL ESTATE ASSETS. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants Thomas A Kobinson, James Ball «| wife, mer Bell, James Kimbrough & wife, An | Kimbrough, Joseph Robi Calvin Rob a Velvina Kobinson. and Arthar Robinson reside be | yond the limits of this State, It ir ordered by the ‘oart that publication be made fur six weeks, suc- cessively, in the Warcuman & OLp Nowtu Stare, a paper poblisied iu the town of Salixbu notify- ing Ue said Thomas A. Robinson, James il and wife) Mary Bell, James Kimbrougt and wife, Ano Khobrough, Joseph Robinwen, Calvin Robinson Melviea Kobinsus. and Arthur Rovinsen to be and appear at the next term of this court to be held for the eaunty of Anson, at the court-bouse in Wades- hore wn the secon! Monday in April next, then and there to plead answer or demur to said petition or judgment » coniemo will be rendered against them and the same will be beard ex parte as to them. Witnens, Patsick J. Coppedge clerk of said Court at office in Wadesburough, the second Meoday January, A. D., 1368. 6urpr f 98. P. J. COPPEDOR. Cert State of North Carolina, YADKIN OOUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarier Sessions, daxcasy Teen, A. D. loon astiee s J wyment aM Moward ( levied oo Land. thet AM. Heowart the defendant tn thre ceeelis mane Cat North Carolina; His therefure, ordeted by the =x werks in the Wutehmen reetbet Coort that adeertine- bee tars leven! ape will be onion d to be sold Hs chetit @ tal ty jie w : 1 Marler chek of one aad Court at uty Ya diaville, ee s und Muoday jo Jarwiery A 1) 1sut 16.$ J 0 MARLER cca 3tate of Noth Carolina, ANSI COUNTY. Jin y teim, 1565. Vineent S arrett, =) ve \uachment levied os laad. Christopher (. Kirby 5 aye og t) We satioinetion af the Court tbat tae ant Cbristepher (. Kir ayood Le leet of th’ State of a concenis bianelf the y. feanee (tie Cuereiore pructed by tee pcremrvety. im the fave © paper pod DENTAL SCIENCE ABD MECHANISM And Charges Reduced, |W. F. BASON, Dentist, ! S ae \ \ OULD repectfiuily make known that he tribeted fer Conpecticut aad the fame of | worthy charecter, and which are, indecd,| jaree 19 |, cerry ow at a!) |.at de bh. on fle ids » to the sucerss aud prosper | ett Ae ww of theme cans wi find 1) «x (rramt, they ©x to carry the State iiepeneable to the success aud proepert of Scrofula. iene daneierrestaa ; by st leust « nd majority, bat ie) 'y of the means chee n for the cdncation =e } ee Ae s . Es: ae wee hive Prem! be dk M» the reselt ie regarded as far " provement of the great mag ber Read the statement below, and despair, Mier oem | ar hewn eipeially worse than in Usamerticut. Meeere «hme chidren fourteen nol las se 4 2 Kaan lloward end Chandler bave ben boast: | Ontbers, | am peteuad d,are k pitr | Wiese Coste, septem er 19 LST. poxbut z that their State would lead off in the | echo becaase ihe teacher to whom Uy} i Lowarxee | ave er iv ae wo wel, Miemit “ - parktor ‘ ° ' work Of wegpe eafftage, and rebuke ibe Were ateigned did happeu un adie) ome tea Ss bere oy | ral ection Momsd dL ah haat dated a besle popelar vow ef (Je lasi fall on the sane | taverie or Chior of their pircnte rds gre ay Puyo They have ly deerived their | perbaps of the children theme: Is This , ° , ; ‘ ' 1 “ the (et pong ify com y now ‘y teesgmzed » ord t ical sesomates. The dispatc bes from | exenre for denying chiidres tle blesen..- wer Wan ever. her! ody set lube bees |. ak gherte te js Micb.gan today contipue to represent an jof @ free aud wueb needed practical cd th ores and hint (ee ath fore sed ore “T ss sis om io i . rated and ewol'e Wh int . 4 eae ite ,sereased Majority agsinet the constita jeation is far bese cuariiavir, es & regarils a 20 adv marge inet A. St#® we wry you = (hats - ws he reer! « pon — Wagh. Cop. B.¥. World jthe relations of the parents torard tle | deametale. Jat once procured three bottles and) pirte wiluail oy of brenk ag dow | Beard of Commissioners, an) cannot well wmenond gia ttn er The offer t em magi ibe 4 A ar b- justified nm th part t a. fa lem t a J 67 al antommhment Be . (feds Pywa—tTve folowing payments poihionilied ie elt ib baicoes Vig nue Was enurely © tan. <r Z ry each ieacher is fully comp test w de an t dour, with reepect ane gra ' any pewd im the | ere March, and are worthy of particulier protic: a thee pee: made at the Treasary darwic the month jestice to the elace cou Wd wd be p I to | arge, OF, ab ical, li eh sume¢ | “Ww ‘| ROSADALIS : Three Hirose, Oe Nive (irae 8 it simetrrry wrth sherrrtan: oop ery ew mh hie Predeeaon and | . voodlyeare mtive pract hopes t vie as wr ° 10 nee] he detere] from fear of ‘ i? | | Ae - | we A Church Mreets } Sarvehery Mar +, 68 wif CUSHINGS & BAILEY, val <i. forei gr ‘ — ooo eign re sae an Seren Th- cach meat either erenenpety the order fer the Mati | . nm - anna! sither the ecaures to whie ve pe a oe j terest ou the public debt, © 4G 1m { ! ward CURZS ALL SEIN DIST LsEs. ¢ or Weill De emeC.O.8 Orders str-ahd be wheres | WHOLesale . P . : referred can rease y be regard: d os) ed be G Ww peruse ar ° |e dn io % - : , > 18, are ( a hraeer i Nery ako eee ee pre er ne ee Bahl ado Booksellers and Stationers, r -@ ng theit chilare) nm ae brew and ore. | oe aweee sitions Mo A i vor (Pengons end ladiena) ae gn ME ’ ae | % . . ae Ne 262 Baltinore Str, opposite [lanover a — eume, mone will altemnpt to exener him | | = ‘ ear Rata Sith ve Yeeros Mts ni Te are stony fos « . ccorenae Dv veg ot . — ™ @ 2Oltinm lect, ee maral point of view. For the rie: | cree chad raschicty @eele ced he, Keen [orem nat all the Dreentete in Becmmrer BALTIMORE, that fourteen mullerns poyr@ent of thie whimsical proyadice wh) 1 hee boone fwrhs oand on | JUOUN H. ENNIS, | \ RE peepared to off tothe Coantry Trade wees 4d topay the apyropmaion! he eomes to realize erdicies pow the) iver nh eo 0 Breptenm of ihe bb Pr Draggict, Special Agent é ( < tietr © at priees thet wat be by -_ cad apices bye owe months | welfare of hie eluldren. It would really 7°77" sy ae, Ran!) MeN ' | wre favoraly with those of any othe: - gs le teygsia army. OF a jie rate of j oe tno aticroract va cw ce prose rhe Oy wy femmily phy cer en— | $= OWOW Wwe the year! This i the way m4 . ae elle lial atk OP be AL Messe Alter takings a “ow weeks GUNFORD LAND AGENCY OF Thee Start of , ywev oT “ proeterd that b 4 ' ' } , ‘ , . . Be ton er year! Thr b the 20! Tt was, however, met tole expected that my a herome vatrencres carey wot | NORTH CAROLINA, [SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL uiveaue ul « ei ong the wishes of all wld be gratified. bus Y ours tretr _ | ’ : preee, fur what Fa paricle | was expeeted aud moet rarner tty hyp dy J.B DANIEL | ANNDHOLDER®S Who with to Fell and sty, gud the only tae “ sto that those most iutervsted iu suceere — | Agrvcelturad oe Uinerul [ainds: ater Powers MISCLLLANEOUS BOOKS - wi idleness env tusory thousands of of oar school eyrtem would wield wii Consumption, ints carly stages, can be Mile Tren Sata, or ki beste te a latce and well a lectint af — — and debs 1piua (ever I'ttle persuual disagreemeuts migt + cured any NM fied ints vd vantage t A lace ars! varied aematment ol Foreign & d a sae *, who sre arscserd fix ee aniee rather than to allow them t. pr ’ sesanie! hae been eured of « door seated Pineal ibacte bola haa 4 2 OA 2 8 hor saules, Aroenean Stationery cao always be fuuod at Hs 5 — _ = —— toe + Cad tolpuch an extent asta de pris oa : = ‘ ' Gexpaes ur Phyo We lave at tn procuring pur peor eet ablioh rave-tnt ea on he eveta the at a mp ioe, b reed hie hawerg | ' t . : See ’ | Thiecy kien epatandy on hands [ull vo Met nol UW tee did as children of the advantages to be «1.5 Mas KANN eMITH For a a ube bie me f BL ANK BOOKS us ¢ “ i \ a : te eer darlevaniee: (Leee harmonious and prosperous e| 4. | Balirmere, Merch 4, 1867 vO. L. GRETTER * if A ae Hove aty = andy ; J GRE oh theie own miantife-tur - die your veder the admim<ustion of Join: I regret to say that twenty or twenty-five | G nl Age pebble w tii Pa Phos ved : a? i al gh | fel hall ee ae Fiveqiaes’ HO0 lcgae able al Aud ectes 1g Bh orders Go — Vet. / nt the rolls, are now deprived of the be fit Blank Books, ruled to any patiern, or of any -_ From W ashington nelington, April 6 M—Twelve ne . swetmpod a beat at Areaudale tied i Lue i vsomas,) aud were ali dro «1 Havana, great activi: a, gre bi wig ovt of the Alabama claims ih Jadiciary com mittee of the Sen pill, (vo-) ve considered the Alabs ewerable 63 nee Of ¢ «| existe. House — Uni vortant. ie report dock vands aud fortitieatsons at Yok Wouble ie aulicipar of your #« hoola, either on account «f t! causes which T have stated, or the ai anpardonable ndiference of pan y- Bot while there echocle are kept o} - tree to all the white children within on esporate limite, and tepecially to tho« whose pareute are not able to defray th expenses of givin the good of their offepring. There are now enjoying your wise aod them the advantages ot a practical education, we can only, PromG. iF. Blount, At orrey at Law, Wileon, Lope that all parezte will yet lay aside all mivor differences and take advantage of | whe favorable opportunity .ow offered for * ROSADALIS ~~" i Is a Potent Remedy in all (4), : f. at e Kevenue Laws of the t . Chronic Diseases. eee 8. H. WILEY, Col. Int. Rev. 6th Dist, NO | Salisbury, April 34, 1868—tdel3 ~ JOB PRINIING © Reatly Exeouted at thia Office. m Ma ay x 1468 North Carviina, T have heen cored of Clirenie Inflamation of the ear end Partial Dealuess, of ten years’! sanding, by KUS/DAIA< GEO. W. BLOUNT N( M | C [;--" Wt sR Te ane Jestredl style | Orders of Binding. received by mail, will tneet with scneested to Gall and examine EO You ar yood Brandy, seized for torlenore| var Stoek and Prices before potehasing che i} m if | where. twit. w 4t-pd Sale Postponed. THF. Sale of the Lands of R. W. Grif fith dee’d.. has been med to Monday of May Coart, when it will take place at the Court House door in Sal ; 7%. W. GRIPFITH, Adm'r. [apr-4 wdta td) J.J. Summerell, Ex't'r of Ellen Bulton vs. Dae, vid Fulton, ‘the | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sewions to be beld | Witness, Obadiah) Woodson, Clerk of ger said Morriam, Gather & ( dy ‘Btate of North Carolina, L appeanng to the satistaction of the Court, clot Pieasund Quarter Sessions | pee ordimary proces of law cancct be a@rvedos him [ vart, tbat publica | . notifying the naed | Carolina, State vr poy’ ruary Term A. D, W868. °°. sin tyttel Petitiiton tu make real estate assets, | be this case it appearing to the éatisiaetion of the Court that My defendant, Devid Fulton. is a non-resident of this State; it is, therefore, ), ordered that publication made for six weeks in the Watchmas & Old North State, notilyiug said defendant to be aud appear at Our next for the County of Ruwaa, at the Court Houge in Salisbury oo the fret Monday in pew, then and there to shew canse, if any be bas, | } why the preyer of the petitioner shyuk! not be granted, otherwise the cause will be heard ew rte as to him. } itpess, Obadiah Woedlson, Clerk of enpsaid, Court at Office, the first Monday m Februme, ry, A.D. 1868, and In the viuety-sevond year of our Indepensence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. pr adv $8 00—6w:12 State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb, ruary Term, A. D. 1868. Julius Ro Simonton and wife es, Henry B. Knox ef al. Petition for Partition, T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants ES Stewast and wife are non-residents of this State,—ta, therefore, ordered by the Court that pablication be tuade for gix weeks in the Watchman & Old North State notifying said defendants to be and ap- pear acour pext Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to. be held for the Gonaty of Rowan, 1 16x88) : 2 at the Court House in Salisbury, on the fret e Monday in May neat, and thea and there to answer, demur or plead lo said petiuva, other- wise julyment will be taken pro comfesso as Wu them, aud the prayer al the peUtioners gramted. Vico) eG, Mn State of North Carolina, DAVIDSON. COUNTE: © > Court at Office, the fint Monday in Pebrua- ry, A D. 1868 and ip the mucty-second pear ut our lodepemlener. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. prade $3 W0—Ge:!L. YADKIN COUNTY. aud » oo fo . ese and Quarter Scesiens T appearing 10 the mtistnetion of the Court, Court ¥ I Q i" the détewdamrs, JOD. & ove it Jonvany Teas, 3668 man, ae vot residents of. thig . tha A.C. Byker, aden’r., tieretire of dered that ) Unie tiaaty mele on thes Watchman ke Oi No Bae vs feirs at law of Wm vetat ber tive: le ' (hi North & wily ing tle eed dete mad Bean, dee'A b on Sat unilese |i weer a bated ieee foe of | PETITION Tu SKLL LARe bed mw tLe wowy of Salary, ) amas us ( t bn Hi on second Monday ia | — . sourep te works, auf! yung seed Welemelane te \ ext a wouse io Yulkinville,) [7 appearing to the setidectivn of the Court | be rg « sg al the ment. treme. thie Queers “fl ee ee ert we cage why. the that Eber-ar Parks aod bis wife Dolly, 2] (0 bx I tho the County ol Y the deraent af Jimtice whom | not Le cuntireerd |¢@Sr? Maths and bis wrte Baral defen s} Coaft Hoos ini Leainghonod | co € : wn thts case, are gon-renidents at the Beare of | Gey in May nest. "Phed atvt 1 Snewer ; North Carvina, it im ther cture, ordered By the | tr petted the piel in hiv abe, oober- Cuert, tbat pabhoatie be nade ber at weeks | Wer the pene ail be heard ex parte and joi g- u the Watchman amd (Ad North Baste, mutily- | yet redenn| 00 eonlewmees we theme { b> vdants of the Bhng of thie petition, \ Wires Jeo Hanes, Geek of Coun.at land that onlee they appear at the ott Tecn | Offve in Cetington, the sound y od | of Court, to be hebd af the eourt Loam or Yat | Beteuary, AD. 1S 5 | kre vilken the seooed Momiag wm April m xt, /¥o JAIN Qeo jand anewer the peliiien, be game will be taken isn» *. 5 (O—Ge 1g : pre comfesso ard bened ex porter oa to them, i ¢ -ar Wail. teeth. «| State of North Carolina, Wines JG Marler, chuck f fixe in Vartkinvile, the 2) Monday tn Jane DAVIDSON COURTY. Goart y teas and Quaaler Sessions, Feb. wy AD. 1868 «J. @. MARLBR, coe ° Nort Ae ruary Term, 1868. State of North Carolina, |r jes. ty Perynmo dyaige de 11:36:38 Ilews ot Law ot 1K Pa pig STANLY COUNTY. CM. Perryumn, Aodiew Prank } Peery ann noch aie Elimabeth, 3. De Part y- Court of Tleas and Quarter Sessions, | tan atl Kobert Peorguae. February Term, 1868. Petitien ‘he Dower, g mnil defer ed COT aphor(', Kieay and appear at the next M Witty ve J. R Mendenhall T egreanag wn the eilislasttin eh deo a coart to be he d far the county of sn} — Goert, ot the court naval - Ww iaicaces' eu eke cas | ATTACHMERT. Wot ihe pata 4, Dds Rotery Berry- oad Moods Apri ret Uken amd there to plead lt to the setinfnetion of the court | 27 Or lon rements of this Simset thew anewer or demer or jodgment final will be rendeved | the: ibe drfemdent, J R Meadenball recdes be. | fete orderes: by the Court that > rasmat him aed iainde iv ed on condewend to sat | yd the mits of this Statet Tt ib ordered by } mete in rhe Wertman & ONT val Anapdlacdh sak ag p= a io said comrt tO” Court that publication be made fornia weeks! parr published im the tow of ’ st cf e ls Waceutors’ the Of Monday in Jameary |’ the Watchman & Old North State, audly ing) C_ forms secerqive eveka rn cn. i the sald J BR Mendenhall be and MONT | lrukents 0 be and appre at the een senne! T6e-pe! P. J. COPPEDCE Clerk. itoourt of Plea: and Qmurter te be jr this Court to be behd tor the Coaney.af Dewkd- helt for the county of Stanly a8 the ewarbboute | win ar ihe Court au ; . « care in m Albemarle op the second ecnd Monday of May ue FS eles | property tevied an hall tet at|** the petition the plalied th we of the pining! Witness, Lafayette | (**) otherwise the mater will be heard ae per Green, clerk uf our ser court at ofiee im Albe-| M¢ 9% pulgrowut remeted pre cobfme: sete | wearte, the »¢ocnd brwe 3: Fetruary, A D | there. , | tewne L. GRE ce. 0, | Wines Jen Platten Clerk of Court os D-6w pr fee $8. by A. W. Stowe, D.C.) Ulliew, in Leaetgton, the mecuad y of Febranty, A. BD, one 10. u , abt. Ss. $7 00a, ey “as State of North Carolina ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and, Quarter Scasiona, Fee ruary Term A.D. 1868 1. C. Barnhart oq Tilman Asda. Attachment N this case it appearing 0 the aubdheti.a of (he Cmatt thet Cee defendants, Pinan Aaatin 6 a nv repelent Of «hip State, itm therefore ordered that pri bhic ation be made lor ain weeks in the Witehimen & Off North Stats, noiilying sail detemdant to band appar Bt our Hest Geert of Plene and Quarte: Serene to tel hel = Comanty png mg? atthe Court Hoase o ont Moe and soa tad there thew ouay i avons why the property levied becuse dosed to the elo el Ven vida AE : State of North Carolina, STANLY OOUNTY. Court of [lean and Quarter Sessions, | February Term 1868. W. W. Kecee ve. J BR. Mewdewbal!. ATTACRMEST Ht appearing to the antisfection of the oourt that the detendant, J. R. Mendenhat! re-ides beyond Use lates of Ute State, 16 eoptered by We coart that publication be made ter ax weeks in the Watchnan & Old North Mate, notifying the asi J. R. Mendenhall tebe and appea at oar vest Osurt of Pheas and Qaarter Sexciema, to be beld fur the crumtg of Stanly, ot the evurt- bette in Albemarle on the second Monday in May next, and show camse if any he has, why das prepay Witch on alto te ee to the use of the plaintiff. Witness, Lafayette Green, clerk of oo said court at Albemarle, the secund Monday in Petr ruary, A.D , 1-Ge bw (pe (@*) _ 4. OREEY. ¢ C0. oe yo Wooress. oe ee a rh ot ihe Monday Peoria State of North Carolina, |». +». 1%: wd, On sheepmend OBA MONTGOMERY COUNTY. pia & State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY: 04 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Fd ruary Term, A.D, 16680" *~ D. A. Davie ws, W. 0. 'Féting § - Origival Attachments, It appearing to the satixfaction of the Cou pen the detendants alexander Beil ann wife Mery bay | Ser anne 1 tie Aeemetion of Renjamin rcearbrough end wife Marthe, om Bell, Wim. Lande and wile Mary sum Marthe Hell, Franbiin Kell, Mecotas Hell. John Ref? Lowes Heit, Malice nell, carotive sell, Nancy sett, Mary nett, ¥a- san well aod penjamio sell. in thixcane, ere pon-1te:- pints dents of the State. It Is theréfore ordered by the dy Ag Goers tins pabietee Go wet fe Ge Warenwan Age Re ” ed & OL® Nowte Stare. © paper pebliohed im the town | He Cimety A Rowne, at the W Salisbury, N. C.. for six auocemive weeks ma Saliebary om the feet Santo $e - Court of Tleas and Quarter Scsswns, Junuary Term, 1868 J.C. Bell, adm'r. of Betsy Harria, va The heire-et- law of Hetay Harris. PETITION TO MARE Bh) Wk OOPATE aeerTe. reeeut uf this State,” € is, that publicavon be made for stow Watchman & Old North State, defendant tube aud » “ A Vier on! Quarter eae be fying the anid defendants to be and { } xy bes, st hore of this coungta te aan ~ plist. ail thea and there shew eaawa, if amy fu tas Montgomery, at the cowrt-honne in Troy on the tray “NY tue property levied on not be cou 7 fa open err, non and there to —— fo (he wse of the th ewer ot demur to aintit's Witness, Obadiah Woodson, Clerk. of onr seid eaten — Me. the Bret ri ia Pehicte- Witners, C. C. Wade, ot P ry. . TRO, in the eeond ofan in Troy, the first Monday ra wh a gg b year of oar bile frog Gwipr | $8. - &0- . OF the sate BADTAN ¥ Gubsow. = ROT kn 1A ¥ Qubso¥, Clerk €. C. Wane, Clerk. that tle defendant, W. G, Y ontig, ne , that en ed spear plan my ventall gm to aay hou. e can detect liewes thers pose is to election, le ton, from vetie nom berof were® for this #0 th tham avthie tion te ake Ww a Holdene On intimate] bestndee bd belief that and prop appoi ng ter rio to the there are 80 «(al fed an to e ae | = t 1 a = = oe He = ~ - = ed jor tho i ¢ BR E 4 Be Hi s eon ; _ +) A of the Coot Pp ® t ‘of interested. persons a Wwe f i ‘ar ter satisfaction. he tives, of course, will vote wit the Constitution and for Mr. illiams, of Grauville.—Sentinel. 22,704 men and 70,302 negroes. mere Con. pe ery throagh hime we prey, and firm. colmed man from Anes. adm Being thos called, “Coprention” Ld ad met in thle city on the 14th of Janeary Vast, and bere remaiped in ecssion up to ythe 17:h of March, « period of sixty-four days, with a per diem of $8, and a cost to the good people of the State of close on Df a : to $100,000. As to the personnel of thi few da: ' pos fap epee ert ny Man share fo teas litte sha in the conductors novel ; clectiogay Mhegwelves, might, if 1 was pay tection Mi aca “O=e- chooses telteve themectves from all lyeution,” and that sufficiently describes imp or gaspieion hasan be Thirty-three out of the 120 = ly re ing voe person | gates” coarpasing it were regintrars, and, ol cote uamaane when the jas such, certified to their own clection.— votes are cvupied. ach a courte has) The gentleman from Givines was there of aluage, bees eal in ~ elections in —, and the Kon Carvlinien free: } ‘ander old and} New England, and the representative of honeged |= ley a FAL) (be ban an, and ay fateraa bes ee wan, fi ; the “maseback” and “scallawag,” ead IS EAMU CORNETEETON ty re er tod ek in 5 . . sou om oe mengre Wahg OY CRW EEL Me te pane tify elie meso with bi praars INGLY ! .. | It didn’t differ in the least, | assure yon, P. 5. Binee-the . Waeowrit-| cm any of the other Crooks, save ma the ten, we have gome facts, | serfing originality of ite grand finale, and whieh ane af im this-con-| thas was maique. Jast prior to adjourn- » exhibit 2 desire ment a delegate” strued up ‘John Brown's aad Get on the part of Body,” with great aection, lining out the Gen. G w fairness in the from « Freedmen’s Bercaa mission- eleetien: — F ary Cam bash. In joined the saints and of Gen. Canby Waa Up rose the chorus. At firstthe negroce lh elev this whole sabjec ee eaped oa Cleese plan since sngges- poon ar Gen Deal, come time age, | 44 | ; grew tremendous “id ye ; reach | John Brown” gave way to “Hail (‘clum- be~ npr bin,” and that in tarn z “O! pay yaller believes that the care which has been pepe ed spear the efficiency of t plan w a adopted, will pre vent all groduds bs ° oe lo coming e tod ie rete which he can detect any error or unfairness, re lieves the'marter of doubt; us Iris por yose is to have pothing but a fair election, tion, were prevented from ¥ ng. tm of the small nom berof a at 2 ogee, erg li at, se gal te wee pam ee ae were wa r= thee mae election, the Post where ote. * le “aloe & Jadge, in the ace ndge le, the public fi a oe heen more ourevieet thamatthiguppointment. The qnes- tion te asked who rectitamerided hint MAP yn hat-ndO one Woald have 8 oD & recommendatinn, bur HoldengQoleman or Harrie; nen ow intimately identi in party itn and busing Mines tor predlude the — that they woald consult fitness and propeiéiy.in euch matiera, The appointaednd & wenn already hold- Nested Btateaolfice of trust and ro y i” J M4 } ti to the Genk iB when there are so many other men better! ‘"alified and more needy than Dew- al can’t yer come out to night,” aud then l were aewamped in the roaring air of “nH Eye,” favorite negro corn shacking ests which begine “BKal’s in the garden siftin’ sand” and hase for ite sceond lime a rhy too fndevent to repeat. Fired by | thi, the saints joined hands all round and execated a war-dance to the chorus “And a roly, sholy, bool, An a bog eye, Aad a rely, sholy, bool, An a hog eye. For Sal's in de garden siftin’ sand,” dc. And thus did tbe North Carcliaa Con- greasional redestraction “\ onvention,” dis- port itself ia its closing hours. ee gens BRIBERY AND OOERSION. Two candidates, Schenk and Bmith, in Mecklenburg, tried, first by bribery and then by coercion, a few days ago. to induce or compel Jno. lersor., a Colored conserva tive, tv pledge himectf to vote for the holical debe, llendereon told the rascals that they “had not money nts to buy him,”"—and a pereon- ision bide near being the con wl sequence. The only persons in the Btute, who are now die . or who are attempting, to BRIRE or to FRIGLUTEN voters, are RADICALS. This'is a fact capable of prof. The “Euyal Leagues’ are grand bribing machines. Not only that, bat they are, engines of terror. Those who still adhere to thems dare nut call their sonls their own. They are bat so much clay in the hands of the trea- enable manipulations of there dark- lantern concerns !— Mai. ; _-- —-.-- -_— Catawba. Extract from a letter, dated Newton, April 13, 1868. ©This county will give at least 1,000 psi againet the infamous Conacitu- on Que people are all wrning out to | register: Ove two handred have regi« tered this Week,—nearly every ove against the Constitarion. A great many negroes will. yote against it, Holden and bis crew will be no where. Dr. Ellis, our candidate for the Legis ture, has no opposition.” — Sentinel, : a be sectounted for, | xoept as supposition that ra Me hotns Udeled by the a? thie matier we have no person- “interest, whatever, bor are we in- d by any partizan preference. “oat qonogy We pyolatpent of a but there are others of that jon would havé ie POLITICAL SEED OORN. The seed corn of sel givernimen swwall remnant has Hotel on. Mouda Among ‘the gentlemen of note pre- sent were Governor Seymour of Con- necticut, Governor Price of New Jersey, Ex-Mayor Gunther, &e., &. wing were the lar toasts. jan have the twang of better days, reminding ng of ante-Radieal times: 1. “Thomas Jefferson—The Father of American racy.”: IL. ma Soverignty—The founs tain o} federal and the ‘ ladium of our liberty.” a IIL “The Constitution and the ——_-~o-- Union— May we never pray tur peace Correapondence,of the New York World. [On any other foundation than that es- my = sed canes om oe aT a 8 crag nar sein ane > ief —— United ‘Bigtee—The ‘highest. office - April 7, ises, | Within the gift of the Au-erican peo- — it forever stand as the corrupt logtdat dependence and integrit myers, of those who shield survive the to de VIL * White trine of the framers of our couetitu- tion and the keystone of the arch of our divilization. VIIL. “The Militia—Oar fathers’ standing army for the protection of liberty.” 1X. “The Independent Press—The terror of tyrauts and the last bupe of treemen,” X. “Tue West—May she emanci pate herself from the tyranny of die- ‘ant capital, until her prosperity shall be as broad as he: praines and as anrestrained as the winds that sweep vver them.” XI. “The South—The birth- place of the greatest statesmen, orators and herees of the revolution —desclated by the military rule of strangers and tyrants, mavsbe rice Jike a Poanix from ite ashes, and bestow again the sMceiimable blessings of peace aod liberty wpon her people.” X1f. “The Democratic Majority of the llovee of Assembly of the State of New Yo k.” XE « Weman--May che rule by thé power of her virtue and beau y * —_ TOO MUCH FREEDOM. tral America and Mexico are inatrnes the Parana have acquired amoarnfal celebrity for wrong, ontrage and op pression. In Berw another revolation—no historian ean give you its nuwerical | valve—has breken ont, distracring the coun ry, with ull the lherrora of aeavage warfare In Uragnay, Genera! Flores has been aseassitated at the instigation of bis own son and the capital given over to eack and pillage. In Chirequi a political volcano has barat forth ; and in Mexico and Yu- eatan we have “wars aod rumors of wars.” Now, how are weto account for these commotions# Shall we accept the theory of Hobbes that the nor- mal state of man is one of perpetual warfare! Shall we attribate it to the eftect of climate, or the failure of Re- pablican institationst? We answer that the cause is not suggested in any of these questions. The true reason of these perpetnal commotions is to be found in one simple fact. The American Repab- lies, South and North, have aitempts ed an impossibility: they have under taken to reverse a law pronounced by God ; they have mado bold to eay that “all men are born eqnal.” This is the solution of all their troubles The Latin races, the negro and the Indian, have been endowed by the Creator, in hie All-wise economy, with different faculties, and powers of sesimilation, These elements can wever be made harmonious, and the system of government which attempts to place them on an equality “mast” be a failure. This system has been tried in the countries we have named, and the result is before ns. Tt is vot in pow- er of man to make the Negro, the dn dian, aud the Caucasian aseimilate. God tas decreed that this shall “not” take place, and it is vain for man with Se SALISBURY, has not beet esitirely destroyed at the] ttaneplaiting it'to our ‘soil North. “The following shows tA is but one answer to this a reserved, oapdoral “Thé State Rights oh hed ion _ of 10 the’ Latitis mew détcended from New York celebrated the anniversary |the Normans and Saxons, the Celts of Thomas Jefferson’s birth day by a dinner and speeches at St. James’ evening last— live. There is a feroeions war going | nin Paraguay, and the banks of] In Eqnador a social convalsion is} -¢, APRIL i . ERD | home by Sas ent! tree; ‘then whe ~ hia fat. rary a ane rath, t nite: tates ex : gton specia confirm: a sol- pon ern) There shane tw tue siberian wc emn ordinance of the Convention. And sigh of the white Men of the Soath, oe ae, setae te:theDlerk of the i We have liere a race vas and the ered the earth with their jostitutions whitened the seas with their navies and adorned it built a city ; or poseessed a civiliza tion. It ie one of ¢ of history which aw men recognize. American contemplate wit shudder the attempt to make the on val. If tb mee fairly inaugurated, we shall share the fate of the other American blics. Cun we es- strength of his of the Senate, Bailes anguce, has foundation fur argumeat, abl fectively ; beyood that he qui peri: i ing re to the bounds strict dialectics ; reasoning chain, in which there are vo weak links, leading from certain i conclusions | yer, at his fnvurite pursuit of making the | Worse appear the better canse. Cartis | talks like a jadge who live examined the whole question judicially, aud believes npon hie seni in what he says. Butler treats the Senate as if it were a Cooper {Tpstitate audience, whom he was trying to bully, eajole, and tiatter to bis of way thinking. He appeals to the prejudices, the partizan feelings, the seeming inter- Jeats of his bearcrs ; never to their wiedom, | their equity, their maguanimity. Currie | addtre rece the Benaie in their high aad true chareecter of court. He trusta to their intellygence, their justice, their gen | | plimeut to the Senate. Huiler harangucs | the m as if they were no betier than him- jeelf —whien ia an inealt to the Senate. — | Certis reasons at the Senate from his lev- jel; aud there is just the difference be tween the wo men and their epecches. As the Sc ontore decide apon the qnes tion of impeachment, sa will they take their place in history a the low plain with Batler or apon the bih table land with Curtis —New York Jour. of Com merce. ———— Tux K. K's Acaix.—These awe inspiring and ghostly visitants made their appearance at Furt Fisher afew | learn, was made in the wise: Several thousand coffins, we give the state ment of the ecntinel on duty, drifted with wnnatoral regularity upon the beach, and as many ocenpants raised | their fleshless bones from the interiors thereof, and formed themaelves into of a sepulchral veice. the Dread Brigade of Death, marched with nuiseless step on the fort. As the fort was immediately evacy acted, it is not known what effect any opposition their movement would have had, although it ie probable enmething terrible woald have oecur- red, for we are told, “They eat up whole leagues, Not leaving a man, And gé awny hungry, The Ka Klax Kien. pee Iureacnuryt —J. B. &., the intelli. gent correspondent of the N. Y. World, “adheres to the belief, expreased more than a week ag>; that the doubtful mem- bers of the Court of Impeachment are an- merous enough to prevent conriction |” The New York Herald says: “On ev- ery side the case of proeecation is falling to the ground ; for besides testifying that the purpose of the President was to test the conatitationality of the law, General Sherman also declared that nothing more was said about the use of force than that Mr. Stanton was a coward and would not resist an order for his removal.” lis parehments and fine abstractions ito inake the attempt. | With this lesson before ns we should | profit by the warning. If Mexico,! jand Central and South America have | \failed in this disastrous experiment; la- if bloodshed and rapine and waste | making and flatiers himeelé ‘and outrage have beon the fruits — energie sta Sensisre.—James Ransom (negro) who waa nominated by the “Republican party” for the House of Representatives (so-called) in Warren, declines the hon- or.” Sesays that heis on in Coach- at he is bet- Teutods ; men who bave cov- by the -amenties of their*civilization: and on the other hand, we have the négroes who never founded any institations ; never sent aship upon the ocean; who néver No man, however fanatical, ean dispate the justice of this antithesis. rand, ‘silent facts This being trae, how can any white at a ghostly colamns and at the bidding| e 24, 1868. ae THE GOOD. OLD CUSTOM. shonld cowed bead cote the pete the lash and the Whippin wi be re ¢reeted. 5 om need correc- tion, occasionally. The whiping Post isa terror to evil doers, but vot the Wiliunington Fost, for it en-~ courages that clase.— Daily Bulletin, al bo 7 Important to Voters.—The following is going the rounds of the Press, but with. out an verhity that We can discover. — The obtles bs drataine ought to be strict- ly observed. to make those who wish to vote Constitution, vote also for Holden. for the Radicals gain by oar in- difference. We must as well as work.— Rough Notes. Ignorant and gullible as the negroes are, they are ehliges to appreciate, independence aud rather than to jeopardize the right of property in SLAVES!! ee CABARRUS. Extract from a letter, dated Pronexx Mircs, April 15. “Cabrrua ia all right servaiives will carry the county by five hundred majority. We have an} excellent ticket’ [ do not know ofa single person, in this section of the county, that will vote the Radieal | ticket, | [lolden advises Li« negro allies to flock to the pollein erowds This is evidently for the purpose of carrying ut the programme of the last elees; tion, which had the effect of driving thowaands of while men fro voting places. It is intended for tn fimidation. Gen. € auby, in Gen.| | Order, 61, orders voters NOT tolin } | ger about the pollyig places. Again : The ordinance of the “Con-| vention,” cmbodied in Gen. Canby's| jorder, affixes a penalty of tine or un prisonment to any person who shall nthe, nights since. Their appearance, we | prevent any qualitied elector from the| THE “RELIEF” BILL IN FORCE. | free exercise uf the elective franchise, OY THREATS against his person or prop erty. This is what Llolden is bd every day. Lle isounstantly “rureat | rxING” our people, that if they vote| duwn the odious Constitution, confi- eeation and other horrors will be risit- ed opon them!! Is aot this ute | pation? [a Many have been pazzied at the in| consistency of the Northern Radicals, who are so enthasiastically in favor of granting political privileges to negroes here, bat, jstabbornly refuse them at home. The; reason is obviows enough. It is the best: mode of draining their own lands of a nui-; sance. They intended to do it by way, of a blind ditch, and slyly discmbogue | their filthy and feted waters over the broad acres of ansaspecting neighbors, be- fore they were aware of it. They intend. | ed, in this woderground way, to africanize the South, but the ditch barst looser, and | the cunning scheme is exposed. We look, | however, tor an Egyptian exodus of the, disfranchised race, from all Yankeedom, to enjoy the luxaries which await them in| this favored “District No. 2,” 80 soon as the late matrimonial decisions become | known dmong them. The Constitatiou-mongers were remark- ably sensitive, and could, by no meaus, allow thems: Ives to hint, either in their precious Coustitation or their precious or- dinanecs, at any distinction of color.—| These exquisite gentlemen left all that to futare legislation, orto the decision of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, te-| wit: the Hon. Tribulation 8. Ashley from | Cape Cod. But what reasons had the sages of the Wittenagemole to suppose that the same delicacy might not embar- on himself ? ter prepared for that than for law-making. the Radicals’ fail’ in their We ate not ufraid of i Grend’a fet bal cle thiAl’ bod wh ; ‘ost but t ’ it ornamented it with their arehitectaret met pobre: as mH bce 'Y | mand of the Clerk a license to take to his | troversics and arguments, either, at |fruin frown observations and remarks ee eel The Con, } | conft-et with any junder the Pres: | ceedings of any court in North Carolina, raas the Legislaturé too, and even Tribu- question of the validity of Bat the thing is all set-' ments shall have been ed. The marriage of A, (7, Thornton courts of the United States or by national sboro, ends the dispnte as to what-will be done in fatare. White a oe marry em Dinahs. hereafier, without regard te co weight, oiliness, or odors, And Cufice has the right to de- bridal couch any white dawsel who may happen to have a taste that way. We are all equal now—blessed be the Reconstrue- tion Acts, as i ted by our very pa- vory Convention! We shall need no leg- islation, if the Constitution is adopted.— Soshal equality is already, then, a fixed rs Let Quashee come on, from all the yperborean regions, and bring al) his family, as well as his neighbors, with him. Here we will have the right to vote, hold office, and intermarry. Many of the best white men can neither bold office nor vote, protect their persons from insult from the Greasiest negro on the streets, with any thing more dangerous than an old Barlow knife. So, let all negrodom gather itself together, aud come with a rush to No 2, where young Jubilee is growing fast, and will soon be a full blown —culled gemman —of dimensiona so awplitudinoff%,. that his every day breeches will scarcely be able to bold bim.— Sentinel. BUREAU OF R. F,& AL, Ho'q’rs. Ass. Commissioner, Raleigh, N.C., April 15,°68. Cason : Tn the course of s few days an elec- tion of great interest to every one in this community will take place. At all times, such occasions are produce tive of more or less excitement; and from the pecniiar issues now pend- ing, the great objects at stake, and intense feeling of parties—the com- ing election will undoubtedly be more than ordinarily exciting. Io view of these facts, and the manifest, us well as expressed determination of unscroapulous leaders and others to create disturbances if possible, the Asst. Commissioner of the Freedmen’s Burean feels it a duty to caution all e- lored citizens to refrain trom con« the polls or away from them; to res calculated to invite others to anger ; and, by all means in their power, to avoid collisions with those differing m viewa. Vielence will be productive of no benefit but will result disastronsty to jallengaged. Take not the law in quickly to your allotted duties. Yoa have shown that you are law abiding citizens, and itis with confidence that you are now a.!dressed. Allow noth- ing to ecear new that may diagrace your record ; but on the contrary, 80 deport yourselves that the futare may he what it cannot fail to be, happy | 29 an a prosperons one. By command of Col. and Bet. Maj. To rag Ooccamp Crruzzns or Noxtu & | jouw Of this order, or herewith published, shall From Washington. Warhington, April 18, P. ML—Speak- er Colfax took the ir of the Honse Taform- ally, before the bour of meeting, and,:withgach members as were present, accompanied the oe to Court. was J on the q of the admi of the cabinet p dings in evidence, Wilson, on the part of the tead his speech, and Judge Curtis Judge Chase decided that the evidence was admissible, but the vote bein excluded. The vote stood: f, Virginia Convention, éc., dc. ril 18, P. M.—The at fast ni taken, it was ‘eas 20, nays 22. Richmond, Con- fl ; fj it (i st h ‘| F iz fy ti c suceeeted in estormg order, : during the trial, that efority, even. He cannot bring himeelf | We will defuat Llolden in the State your own hands, bat leave it to those pa ia the pecbryede vesesnt MG to think that a body of men, representing | by at least 20,000 inajority.”— Ral. daly appointed to carry out its pro-|" ‘There was 90 or wid < pas they are sappored ta do, to much of! nine. i | sistone. The civil tod, military an-| tion, but simply a rising from ior all that is wieest and bee: in the land, can! We have a leer fess Comnerd to-day | thorities have been charged with their |e scored inclined to ak his neighbor “what Tail to follow his lofty line of argument, | ; heeri f 7 | renpective daties, and to them you he sow?” The advice from South and Con} 84 to be influenced by enasiderations di-|‘° the came cheering effect. | Should look for protection and redress. Yee haaeae eek Buckslew, Davis, } rected solely to their minds and conscien-| E | Heed not threats, nor be intimidated | Dix Doolittle, Pemeaden: Fowler, Grimes, leew. He speaks to them ae if they were) VIOLATION Of GEN. CANBY'S'-; f that which ieri d rear Hendricks, y ia gus Gtalnaaally cou ike a ceed ORDERS jin performing that whic isright, ao 5 . Jobason, MeOreery, : DES. jafie doing so, return quietly and | Patterson, of Tenneses, Senlsbacy, a Van Winkle, Vickers ead Willey Gen. Netsow A. Mites. Asst. Com. ear fl oath” eed temoring Stanton JACOB F. CHUR, ‘The next question was stated as follows: We Act'g Asst. Adjt. Gen'l | offer to Prove that, at the meeting of the eabi- nena act, Mr. Stanton being present when the“ as queues om eeek ee quesuon was the ex- ; — pressed, that Mr. Stanton, and the other cabi- Hp’gres. 2p Mu. Disrrict, det officers appointed by Mr. Lincoln, did not Cuamcestox, 8. C., Apeil &, 1068, | ome ender pees = ee bebiss oa GENERAL ORDERS, " No. 57 pated The Ordinance of the Constitutional eow- appeal was sustained—22 to 26. vertion of the State of North © aaa aod Sherman voted Cmgreas of March 23, 1807, sepplemen | "mest anti te wither the Caine tary to the Act of March 2, 1867, “to pro-| teeegt'? ‘° ~ aan vide for the more efficient government of] The Senate refused to hear evidence— the rebel tates,” entitled “An Ordinance | 19 to 30. w respecting the jurisdiction of the courta of | Un this vote Willey voted withthe majority this State,” which was ratified in said Seoretary Wells was then subjected to 0 se vers Coarention on the 17th day of March, | rom ensmintion, but ecthing Sow wun list 1868, and which is berewith pabliched, is hereby approved and will have the force of law in the said State until the ratifiea- tien or rejection of the Constitution fram- ed by ee convention, by the of said State, shall have been determined by an election held in the manuer preseribed by law, and, in the event or the rejection thereof, for the farther of eo days. Provided, That the terms of Ordinance shall not be held to apply or Itural or labor lien guaranteed by any law of said State, en acted subsequently to the organization of the provisional A verlag of said State, ident’s proclamation of the 29th of April, 1865, or by any military order from these Headquarters now in force. And provided further, \hat all vizing or sanctioning the investments of the funds of minor heirs, or of females, or of insane , in the securities of the late rebel goverument, or the securi- ties of the State of North © crea- ted for the purpose of carrying on the war against the government of the’ United States, shall now be suspended until the invest- i b it &, § | THE LNFAMOUS GONSTITU- TION. The more that the infamous Consti- tution is dissenssed before our people, posed,—the more indignant the people become that the Northern a: venturers and white apostates should have had the effrontery to propose it them, If the canvases pe 6 be pro tracted for thirty days longer, it would be rejectéd by 40,000 votes ! — As it is, we shall kill it and its anthors termined by the “as dead as Llector.” Passs ow tu < cotumy! — Siatywan & OD Barth Stale. BY HANES & BRUNER. SALISBURY, N. ©, APRIL 24, 1667. EDITORIAL Conn Seren DENCE. THOMASVILLE, Davidson Co » N. ie April 16th, 1868, Through baste, we omitted, in our for- mer letter from Arcadia, to notice the im- provements being made at that place. Dr, Shelton & Co., have established a foun- dry there, and are now engaged in manu- facturing ploughe and other agricultural implements of excellent quality. They will soon inerease their establishment largely by the addition of new machinery, and wi!) then be able to furnish all kinds of castings and machinery in demand by cur farmers and mill owners. ‘To this end Sey are patting up an engine of consider- able power, On Saturday we were at Bethany—the piace usaally known as “Possam town,” « name which the good people there do : mach fancy, and which we promise oh lo pee again—where there were about ne bundred persons congregated for the purpose of hearirg the candidates. Many ! them listened attentively to the epeak- re om both sides, and seemed to be anx wit to be enlightened as far as possible . \o the merits and demerits of the new netitation, This is regarded as the ugest radical precines in the county— g voted that ticket almost unani- »-y heretofore. It will still give a rity for the new constitution and the idical ticket, but there will be a good ‘ote this time ageimst the Constitution d fer the Conservative ticket. We did aetaitend at Browntewn on \‘caday, but learn that, owing to the in- meney of the weather, there were very + persons ia attendance. Ail the in- ‘ "mation which reaches as from that quar. er ls to the effect that the Conservatives vill carry that box by adevided majority. t are that a very reepectahle sumber of ‘he freemen of Davidson were present, and «ere ably and effectively addressed on ‘oe subject of the new constitution by Mr. Brummel and Mr, Heitean. Hr. Heit man is the conservative candidate for building was well filled. The tack of interesting matter in this and one or two preceeding nambers of this paper “| The voting now going on is the all-ab sorbing matier with us as it is with every tmasic—playing happy efftet, “The Old North State,”| .... elee. We can think and talk of noth- the patriotic ode compoved by the illus ebout 75 at Mt. Ullain the last election, jority, Thos, altogether, we believe we shall carry Rowan by nearly 300 ma- Ve were net at Zion on Taesday, but — last, any allusion to the proceedings here on Monday ; and amidst the excitements of the election, opening next day, would uot, probably, have thought of it antil pew, had not our neighbor of the Char- Lark of the Bupustor Oourt, and bed wot) 22 Tinos, As, Warring, presented us. hitherto engaged fn the diseursion of the : . ; in his Tuesday's paper, a fine account uf Constitution, but gave his views of it on what transpired, and which we have cop ied in this issue. remarks complimentary to ourselves, for waich, neverthless, we tender our highly esteemed friend of the Times our pro- "| foundest bow, with the wich that he may live and flourish for a thousand years ina white man's (jovernment. man & Old North State,” whieh fill nothing of the kind has slipped from our own pen. ————_--. —___ THE ELECTION. known with certainty how the vote stands until after the last day of the election, when, (and not till then,) the ballots may be counted. Those who have been at the polla all the time, however, adventure ap- proximate estimates of the result, and up- on these we are enabled to say that the tween 200 and 300 majority, This will be a highly gratifying result, showing a large gain in the county eince the last election, We have, also, reports from Davie of the same tenor—Conservatives ahead with inereasing majorities. From Iredell the same, and From Catawba, almost unanimously Couservative. P. 8S. Just before going to press we have heard cheering reports from Mt. D]- laand Atwell precincts in this county. Atwell's will give about 150 conscrva- tive majority, and the radical vote of will be nearly annibilated. At Harkies, at the close of the 2d day, there was nearly a tie. So also at Morgan’s. Gold Hil will give a decided conservative ma- We very anintentionally omitted in our given up the race. &e. If any such pa article has appeared in our columns oly assanliing a young man by the we cannot find it. We are quitesure|name of Henry Jones, one Sabbath night, while Joues was on hig way from chureh, in company with some ladies. Sumuer is now the Radical candidate for Sheriff of thie county, while Jones is a Conservative. It is known that Sumpet, through the standing medium of communication between Gen, Canby and the Radi, Under the regulations of Gen. Canby for holding this election, it cannot be Conservatives will carry Rowan by be-jM yr Mistake —& Ooncord corres: | Gen Canby has removed tho magie- ~~ MEETON u 0 Yr dondent of the Raleigh Sencinet,{traies composing the Oounty Cent i oe over the signature of “Many citi- * cot Hes. oa edt eel med zens,” will do the favor to direct oor ee wing comments ; attention to the date of the “Wateh- them; but a clue to the secret cals of this section, a »plied to Head- quarters to have the fine and costs re Geueial refused to do, but has res moved the Court. The next Court will be able to remove the pepally. We understand the assanit upon r. Jones was an unprovoked and considered light,” i More Insolence—This Time tt mets with Punishinent.—Another of our citizeng was last night stopped on the street by an impudent negro, who assamed the right to catechise him asto his basiness. As Mr. M. U. Finlayson, of the firm of Finiay- son & Bro., was proceeding from his residence to the Methedset Parson. age, about eight a’clock, and while opposite the colored Baptist Charch on Walnut atreet, he was radel seized in the collar by a large black negro, who insolently demanded of Mr. Finlayson who he was. This geatleman made uo reply, and for the moment kpew not «hat to da, being totally unarmed. not even hav. ing actick, Tlie fears were increas ed when he turned and saw several ——- the party to whom fie se sailant doubtless belonged, on the op- posite side of the street. Determin ed to make at least one effort at revia- negro a blow ander the ear which caused him to measnre h's length ap- on the ground. Mr. Finlayson then, We have omitted of this accoant some ——_—___ t# Oar petrons wil! please ¢xense any visit at mA h jority atone handred more in Rowan. fiers ; and all-are to be seen cong: ¢gated {ia the vicinity of the polls, with an niety | | like & prudent man, tarned and made good st'ck. We usast re selves fur defence agninst these night assaalts. and should be prepared for this course.— Wil. Journad. Batler would he a guest. Kone dia j ing else. It is a life and death su uggle, |; | in the progress of which the hearts of all rjare deeply engaged. ‘The farmer leaves | foed bm liberally, and put him hie plow standing in the furrow ; the me grace the occasion with their preseace, bat | chanie forgets bie tools; the merchant bis| t counter, ibe lawyer and dector their of gress before him, get hold of Tum his way from the spot as rapidly as possible. Some precantionary measures must be adopted to guard against snch out- tages. Every white man out after night shouid at least —7 with hima 5 apan our mitted, or a part of them, which the malicious one, and the penalty was tance he drew back and struck the }al our sister or: As far as Qoncord we had the pleas Bar, one of the ablest and most ris- ing lawyers in the State. State. Monday morning we wandered through t ecity and saw-many ele- gant stores, which had been built on the burnt district. Salisbary ie reals ly a beautiful city, The etreets are magnificent elme and oaks. There is aD appearance. of progress ~ and pons which indicates a liberal and enlightened people. > of ar friends called to see ns, and extended to us a warm greet- ing. At four o'clock the Fantastics ap- peared. They were dressed in every variety of fancy costumes, both as men and ladies, and represented every character. It was most admi- tably done and created a great deal of amusement, After parading the streets nnder the inspiring strains of music from the inimitable Saliabury Band, they assembled on the square and went through a variety of amnus ing evolutions They were about forty in number and well mounted. The whole city turned out to seo them, and the country was well res presented. After masie by the Hund, & prvlonged and enthusiastic call was) made for Maj. Robbins, who a pear- ed and addressed the assembled ino! - titude in strains of thrilling elognence He said he had visited every cnruer af Davie and Rowan, and be was satified now the white vote will be Most Gnanimons against the negro yankee Constitution. The afternoon passed in the most pleasant manner. At night there was an ontpouring tothe City Hall to hear speeches. — The large Hal! was crowded. M ny Of the fair maidens and matrons of a city famed for beaaty graced the oc casion. The Band poured fourth strains Of eoulestiting music. The whole was truly inepering. r. Sas. err introduced Gov. eS Si Butler—A Dinner Scene —A Washington Correspondent wriles the following god acevunt of g scene | which was lately enacted at Wi! lard's: “There is a loose darkey abont Wi! lard's Hotel named Tom. You can} bribe Torn to do any thing er day there was a dinner party give en by a New York contractor, at| which it was uondertod that Ben. | oyal way, without the fear of Cun, | { omfoolery After the plates were served, the le: host said, “That will de, Tom: you | an gv.”"—Bar Tom did not ger Ob] description and another piece by the Hand, our | humble self wae introdaced and ad dressed the meeting for half an hour Nextintroduced and commenced dy n denouncing the Carpet baggers for we oth '¢ | North Carolina the Pp ipeiple of ne gro suffrage which had been repndi | jared ly the very States from whic they hailed. enthasiastic and pleasant meetings we magnificent mountain Cainpaiyn, en chained the audience by his thrilling At the conclasion of his remarks Mr. Duffey. of Greensboro’, was * coming down here to itu powe on Mr. Duffey ie a graceful and dig emwbracing » | nitied speaker, and will win FC} Ula | Geote, 20 tetews up to tion, ’ Lies, Hats, & picee of vatragvons and treasunable Atthis stage of the proceedings few Ea snd Chen asner7, He . 2 a4 70, Ppades eebedt he time for the train had arrived. and | eores poog ad with relnctance we had to leave Altogether it was one of the most A Dutchman’ “TI shal) tel! bow on mind there vas von pain. mine hand on miue body and In compliance with an ingitation from the White Men’s Conservative “Why these geptlemen were re- Clab, we went to Salisbary to attend {i} the meeting on Mon night. At! theta: bat it bese” made ‘known to il d'etock he Sunday night we found ed him, and thoee fur whom he speaks, | be fonnd in the thet that at the sitting | O¥rsel ves on board of one of the most I fine with pain by saying that the conser-|0f the Court a fellow, by the name e . ‘ of Jesse Sumner, a de uty Sherift, vatives of Cabarrus and Stanly have Wen tried, convie od ani poh fae 3 a fine of 850 and costes, for bru- Mena ie So oder. There vas very much | all mine body, Thea I put mine ets and there was mid de temperance. Now there CONSIGN YOUR more pain in mine head, the pain fn ly vas all gone away. in mine pocket, dere vas t So I stay mid de elegant passenger coaches we ever is no in, (rebuilt at the Company J put mine Shops) and were soon ensroute for hand wenty dol- ure of the company —_——— bo of ©. Dowd, Esq., of the Charlotte} EX” Tharlow Weed, a Grant man and a Republican, says : “However blutantly members of Con- may affect Southern n peeches, they knew enough to ro delegates out of the At half pasttwo we reached the! Boyden House, where we were hand- somely and cumfortably entertained. This is one of the best hotels in the egro suffrage that convention, not even General y will enable us to carry In- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Millinery. Would inform the ladies of Salisbury and vicinity, that I have just received « handsome stock of Spring and Summer Millinery, em- bracing the new and varied styles of bonnets Thankful for the Ii heretofore exteuded, I wou! lidit @ continuance of the and braiding done at the wide, level and shaded by rows of same. Stamping Mus. N. F. JACKSON. My opening will take place the 25th of this mouth, Ali would 6nd jt to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. Comms: TO THE PEOPLE'S STORE AND SEE ! VING just retorned from the Northera 3 we offer an ENTIRE NEW STUCK OF GOODS, bought at the lowest prices fur Cash. We offer at WHOLESALE & RETAIL sonnei and greceal stock of Goods, either CASH OR BARTER NEW YORK CITY. duce .nd G Send fora Plates and Cards Furnished Free. Liberal advances made on Established, May 1st, 1860, Firat class references ane when required. __Mareh 5, 1868. twly JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, 442 444 & 446 Washington St., And receive his weekly Prive Current of Pro Tg0st pree our j tent published in the UVaited States, Current. Marking N°# Te Camouing Malt ROAD. Company Suors,N.C., April 1, 1868. Leave Charlotte, daily 11.36 Pp. w. Saliebury,......8.07 a. mu. Greensboro’,... 5.05 igh,.......941 Arrive at Go ; at wch prices as will ensure 2 sale to any per- son visiting this market, connsting of DRY GOODS, DENS GOODE, CLyT ENG, BATS, Ladies’ and Gouts’, ef all Kinds, Also, some Fashionable Sik tate made eipressly fer ws. A larve stock of eots and Shorea Hemlock Sole, Calf Skina, and Lining Skins, Bridies and JAMES ANDERSON, _ Office N.C. Rail Rowd. April 1, 1868. 1 CUSHINGS & BAILEY, Satidien ; & genera! mock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Iron and Steet, Groceries, Tanner's and Kero- vine Ol, Woxten Ware, Queensware, aod in fart @ general stuck of goods All we ask 5 5 Vance, «ho just returning frown hie| call at u PEOPLE'S STORE, The At Xprague's OM Stand. Main Street. SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, BALTIMORE, tt Stork of Near the Market House, SMITH, FOSTER & Co. w Jewc Foerea, Jr. Salisbury, April 15, 1868. NEW SPRING GOondDs. ME SUBSCRIBER Has JUST Oran American Stationery cana always be fund at tbew establishment of BLAN (heir own manufacture, Having 6 ee connected wih their Beore the ore, at Himes, able, st short notice, to orders fer Blank Books, ruled to any pattern, or of any dered styie of T and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKs) — 48 is lorge and well eriected, A large and varied amortment of Foreign & They keep comuantly on band 8 fell ‘K BOOKS of yeeros 9 | PreePM™ sttenton. Goda, Prints, Ghirtings am4 Bheeri jeerving that his « dere were nit obey - ver foo ar n. W - ru ows eberering, aod we have strong hopes of re depicted on every face. They are q@et led, the contractor repeated, +1 ¢ t hanks ok pa Wine Pa atl De fio vative ticket even in| and grave; and show bat faint signe off yon to ge, Tom; it 1 wane yon, Tl and courtesy extended, and on vy te Devito, thas deep feeling which, if it had eipreejinng t 7 you,” | gret we could act do more jusiice to; The Radical candidates were not with tion, would ring out in tones of indigna-} Sull Tom hung abont the door an ty the occasion.— Charlotte Times. we on yesterday, and have not been since tion at the terrible wronge which a cor. did notretire At last, very mach Saterday. We were exceedingly antious | worned at his eomtamacr, New York | Tupt party is seeking io inflict upon them | yale fee ee te 4 Sy str ted Soe pei" dere wd pen Rian an ment, but they thought proper, for reasons | of things it cannot be expeeted of any one! hole company. “J have ted yun whieh mast be satinfastory to their friends, | calmly to sit down to devise, of call ont, . , to go with us no farther. | tempting diehes for the pallate of newepa-|['l] be obesed, or put you Thomasville is the seat of the celebra-| per readers, who by reason of the ardoons canvases | ; ; iN the Messrs. Limes, and Shelly & Bro.— | through which he has just passed, is ae | and replied ina subdued tone, bat " . sede Mia he he by al! pres. | ™4y eat to the fall, bus eating without ex Both are still ge agenrenes but are not be | @™prepared for such a task ae we. the jo V _ : ‘ Ir ne . ; nes panel id . r ee | ereise is against the laws of Ratare, and mg worked to utmost capacity as j D10r, we crave indalgence antil thie clee . a ‘ tt hn) | very soon the stomach refuges to digest | Miesion—“Tean't go; I'm ob ged to } formerly. We bope the prosperity of the tion has fally paceed mag the food, the bedy is nut nourished, and | Reter to Gen W. Witteme country will soon revive, as with it will | : sien tai — “The d-1 vos erel Whar br yr | the man literally starves thoagh he may 3 } AND LEE. : . reviwe the prosperity of this pleasant and | beantifal village. Who, to-day, would not rather be! | wh ao aa here ie wheat erep (en. Lee, the rebel, with his character fur }s generally looks more promising than we truth and noblenens of soul ansallied eve | speneibte for ée epee: Eber: eine by the breath of euspicion, than to be | have ever before seen it at this season of Gen Grant, the Loyalist, dishonord by | * the year. There are, however, a few ex- cepliona. Our readers will not, we fear, bear {rom ue again until we retarn to oar sanctum afver the election. H. {may only be questioned as the right of revolution may be questioned ; as the ROWAN. right of ten millions of freemen to local Whigs. self-government may be questioned . as | Rowan may be relied wpon for a! the af bo resist encroachment apon ves- | ted and v: “enn =omajority. The Son Jobs Poo! addressed ¢ !ar, @ andicnce | ™ inthe Town [lall in § Friday evening \ast. Nisbury the Republicans had been eanstantiy gaining ground. Af. tor his able efforts, pat down our ma as Rely npon Oabarrne for the Oonstitn | his tion and the tieket.— fal. Standard whose mind aod judgment could be influenced in his honor ina matter of high eer them.— Recor, é ty oe of bie stamp, He pleased the negroes vat be made po votes for the radicais who [i Cor treachery, aud diegraced by falsehood |—|™uch as my place is ot 6h } ny, speak, for him bive I offended.” |*€qual can betier be Imagined than be, we repeat, would not rather Le | described.’ Gen. Lee, whose honor as a man, aod whose patriotism as an Am-ricay citizen | H } ital rights may be questioned ; the doctrine, in short, enunciated in the | ag SN rss | Declaration of Independence, and implied | His speec! ‘bad ‘yg - Federal eryrrrirseane Nog peters . 7 \ by « effersun an Madison in the ntac the a effect. Lefure Mr. Pool | Sesolations ) may be questioned, and ped otherwise! Lee—crowned with the hon- \or and affection of his people—with a fame wide as civilization—calmly and cou fi- | So ‘dently appealing to time to de justiee to} cern; concerned in a hase falsehood, _ and publicly exposed by the President! gar“Vote for the Constitatio * doubt, te whose interest he spoke ; | of the United States and his Cabinet ; Ia the aheence of the seuior, | 8€ Democrats. Dougias men 5. He deceived and betrayed the | eonfiuement, where the Union 6. He deceived and betrayed the 7. He deceived and betrayed An- jadgment, hie motives and hia record: drew Jewlineon. who would not prefer to be such a man, ha- | vote for Free Behools,” was | milimted, reft of personal honor, aud “none mington Post (Radical, ) Cabarrus | 80 poor to do him reverence f” leit Ne Ape feel no haw The hand, the brain, the “Well, sah. if | must tell, I mneat. heart, wan ak to live. “If yon dodge lessons, at the same! —— time mies the strength of intellect which | mental work brings, and tne mind will) perish for want of nourishment. Thoas- | M RS CORRELL ands have starved their wits in thie way, until they wonder how carry away ali the prizes in life | Many starve their bearte by never ox.|*°* all tie ereising them with noble erations, Bel. 7! Pe mn her line axes Mars Batler’s pardon, but I'm silver, an’ ] was “specially set to atch ‘em. Tean't go, sah ” It's an —_ ——— OLDEN’S REOORDIN A NUT. the labor of learning aioe orc WORK OR STARVE. This is the law and penalty from which | there is no escape. Thousands are trying | twice to leave the room, and by —.| to evade it; some are making their fellow - out my-| men work for them, others by living on money inherited or accamulated in for- Tom approached the table } ambly. | mer years, but with no avail. If idle 4 they starve in the midst of plenty. They SHELL, fishness rate into the natare lke a canker . . [ and leaves the man hungry for affection ; 1. He deceived and betrayed the but love ia the price of love, and he tha, will not work in this field mast accept the; Salisbury, April 7, 18¢8. 2. He deceived and betrayed the | penalty. ly bs ae to thivk thas) — ‘ work wasa penalty imposed on man for, j 3. He deceived and betrayed the | having violated God’s command. Man's Tailoring Establishment. mature is such that aetivity calle for em- i? | ployment that it may remain in health, il valorem men. 4. He de evd and betrayed the ath tion and Uetrayal of — death will surely reaalt. So then ys aod Astor or § says the Wil- | (80. exactly, sehools | or.” } | which are “free” to white and negro chil-| making and flatters hy Logan County (Ohio) Gazette. drea indiscriminately {" a there can arene’ Ayes amore terrible eye, the ear, and must remain idle. A slow, ‘ Western BE. Bail-Road, CASH OR BARTER. M. W. JARVIS, Ao'r Settetery. & C March i, ge the 15th dey of A prit SER, Lo Becept oF reject | the action of the Convention in relation to the vatete fload, and for the coomderation of any other - bawness which may be drought before them & SCS BCTCHMmos ; E. NYE HUTCHISON & Co_ Insurance Agents and Commis | sion Merchants, ALL KINDS OF NO. T, COWAN% aod Salisbury, at 630 A. M,, returning aher the ejourn ment. w&iwnday FERTILIZERS, 8 BRICK ROW, SALISBURY, Wt. C. Collections promptly attended to @ On., Ohartestos, & 0, Wm Johnston, Cherietie, 8 C Aoterson | OUR Shoes are weil teade, and of the best Materials. We invite maenbetsioenam, ine oar SHOES ; they will speak for them- selves, awd will we think. Compare Payon- i/*"y ever broaght into the State. 2-3en-220 State of North Carolina, Millenery and Drex« Making, , Lega to isform the Ladies romity that she hae « ¥. nearly opposite the | Store of John H Rone, w nes to ecoommodate them with She solicits a call. meat the same establish- rent in the beat sty.e by (A Salishary and + it is that others anew Millenery MRS. MARTUA SP ‘HE Subscriber takes this wimiug bis friends that he 8, in all its various Brown's Build: nearly oppomte the rls, strive tolove work and not) Cubbins, Foster & than it. ‘hoagh you may be as rich as tewart in money, yet your own! A 8. He now has in hand the colored | ®ature will suffer the pangs of poverty pel EF John Pool's speesh in Town Hal. was |than to be Grant, standing self convicted | people—two years will suffice to de-| ¥thout active exercine, to negroes, there being no white men present | % treachery to a friend, who had confided | velop hia dece ing, om Main Strect,| lt sppraring to the satisfaction of the Court that Store of Mc Co. im constant receipt of the Latest Pash. confident of his abi faction to all who may EN | He hopes from his Sensisie—James Ransom (negro) reoeive a liberal share of pablie —— who was nominated by the “Republican peg. dont aan ° n, and you| party” for the House of Representatives %y other workman of equal skill. -ealled) in Warren, declines the hon-' ©” Country Pr: . o ail kinds taken in exchange for work, He ryt tke —— Give him a call, and you wili not ter prepared for that than for law-making. Galisbary, January 7, nM . Orders, received by mail, will meet with On and after this datethe ng will be he Schedule for Passenger Trains over thia z F il ef i F z $ Wroumals ie Booksellers and Stationers, No. 264 Baltimore Sir, opposites Lianover, | _ - i t | STATESVILLE March 16, 1868, Meeting of the Stockholders of thie Com. | 9:60 pany is called ot Newton, on Wednewtay, By order of the Board of Dirretors, R PF. BIMONTON, Say Trains w)!) leave Morgaoton, a 730 A.M. SHOEpes, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. PRrITION TO WagR REAL RNP ATE aneere. § i F z é fi g F ; F : ak E ga t i ri g i t 2 and ’ J Pendered pro lerk Fr rs 4] Vogler & Co., Spaiert tae con ~ MANUPACTURERS OF the anid 3 Meenas eee om Mens, Women, Boys & Misses' mest Court be held for the E fF Py ui i Es iH € ¥ f f SEWING WANTED. 188 MARY HOWARD, Corner of Maia 3. 6 of streeta, the tt endey fe Tecaey st] men wth hae ro and i : ia ] tH a3 i r ck < Hl ii z e a 2 F FE Y ; Es z i FE if AL E s F re e ? ii g t E 7 i 43 i fe FE H E S “S & S i 3 =? ll y Ps a et : paid oat of ves with a dy, apon da. Ba nee will be ons Boathe fices to hia yaingt his itiea) effec ve beep un ? BE 2 f Fi e gs € me P om 7 f en if Hf fi t t e s t =F Bl Pi d 93 " o> S 9 ru OF F | ' o et * # fi t ae ] * bi e ti t e Infinentially, the Bouthern dele. tes will have to play a very impor- t part in the July National tion. 1 am sare the feeling of the of the South is to bear thems vee with moderate reticence in that dy, apon whose action so much de d Beta of Inflo nee will be forced upon as to ivice apon, if net absolate deter- ination of, a + important and yrange ation. Tae eaatan, net the —for oe there ill not be womanagoad Qiordty op tion here—bat to the choice of e re none candidate. General rant ’ candidate, * coldiar Sone of the tate great ar ies, now scattered in every Brate, bea element jn settling resalt, And the question is, can at be counted on for a Democratic didate, taken from the wing of the rome ealer bay daub agate case, and to deny that 4 teantiihe on. nely hazardous to make Mr. Val- din the standard bearer, for Po fiat «AL aare nd his be vocalized om every etninp, but his actual hos- to the war. It won’t do to un @ a million of men who were arma in thet war, even, by impli- fon, that they fought ps | i fe and limb on the wrong side. No ne knows this better than Mr. Val- ndin himself. He felt and triotieally acted uv it at the aguat, 1866) Philadelphia Oonven- on, when, to avoid a conflict to opin » he refrained from pressing his ‘doubted claims to & seat on its or. Had hedene so, no conacien- ons Soathern man, gratefal for sac- tices to hia people, could have voted aint hia right to sit, and yet the ‘litieal effect of 80 just a vule would ve been unfortunate at the time,— principles | —Perd iency ie he party want and the country demand in @ President of the United States. But the outcry against Valanding- hawt argued, would be me a a lower ney age Pendleton. The idea of this class otliers in the West, which we cannot afford io lose. And what is a little » this class of Democrats look to the Southern influence in the Con- Southern 4 i F abont it needs no ile I believe Pen. F a 4 5 i e F if Ff Hi Fs e i pi r e HH ‘ i e F F hog nutbina lace Vv - ang “deliverance and liteety of States, and to be most care- A -| fully pondered. From the Southers Home Journal. AN OLD PIOTURE RE-PRODUCED. mighty nation, says: “The Senate, once the most grave, and stern, and just assembly that world had ever seen, was now a timid, faithless eastomed to being ia all the af faire of their lives, and unable from their | very natare to learn the lessons of self government, the Radical Congress are ventiou to-settle the question of ex |* i. Butler proceeded to state orally what be lepadd--> pee, : i. Pa Payee ye few apd to writing, Butler protested, a ae peaslatnd ang. Malas fs nye eat: ing. Impeachment. Wasurnerow, April 20, P. M.—E. G. Townsend has been appointed Agent of the Freedmen’s Bureau of Virginia. The close of impeachment is not ex- pected before the middle of next week. Stanbery is much better. IMPEACHMENT CONTINUED. The Senate refused to admit the Blod- api La vaggeals pealing for Blodgett. atler, when ng for , cald that’ be bad acver besa able to ger bis case before the Senate. Justice should be done him now. Blodgett was only Captain of a Rebel Militia company, and Captain. Blodgett ¥| Mayor of Aagusta by Pope. Butler did not doubt, when Georgia was admitted, that Blodgett would take his seat here with the proudest of us. Batler then offered the nominations of Sherman Thomas to Brevet General- and sb their admissibility ander seeeg a= ey The Benate refused—14 to 35. such as cannot pay fifty per cent. passed. it A i f 4 fy il | tuted to reach any balances in his bands ; ai che extinction of the Confederacy. Georgia Elections. is progreesieg withoat sérious distarban- blacks remain about the polls, The democratic vote was large to-day, but the Radicals will carry the coanty.-- The military is stationed at the polls, to preserve order. @olumbus, April 21, P M—Everything is quiet. The icals are desperate and tricky. There were 798 votes polled to- day, mostly negroes. Many of them were for the democratic ticket. The democrats are in high spirits.— Couriers from several of the surrounding counties bring in the most cheering news. Markets. New York, April 21, P. M.—Cotton a shade lower. Sales of 700 bales at 31. Gold 1,394. Baltimore, April 21, P. M.—Cotton quiet and firm at 31. Flour firm and ae- tive; full prices. Liverpool, April 21, P. M.—Cotton dull —declined Lie. Uplands 124. Orleans 12}. Bales 10,000. eee Speaking of the Impeachment mana- gers, the Rownd Table says: “Of thesev- en men to whom has been entrusted the eondeet of one of the most momentous wesngeasteal wololheed there are bat two w ap conveys assur- Gees al hay Ge Gate " and he believed it would be worth ove hundred thousand dollars to pay the ex penses. Eldridge asked if be understood that the gentleman would give one hundred thousand dollars to make the impeach- ment trial a success. Washburne had not said that exactly, but what he meant was that if im ment was a saccess, it would be worth not one bandred thousand dollars, but ove hundred millions of dollars to the country, persoa- | in greater security to person and proper- ty. | iibldge all ts apn as much— thas if this money was to be used to se- cure the of impeachment, be woald not vote a dollar for such a purpose. Sergeant Bates in Baltimore. Baltimore, April 20, P. M.- -The Ser- * Bates festival was enthusiastic. — _ vepeemed an at the Washington Mon- ument were beantiful. Bates ie loaded with presents from the ladies and citizens From Washington. Washington, April 21, M.— Banks’ bill, protecting naturali citizens abroad, amended by allowing the President to withdraw commercial relations from offen- ding nations, and exempting ambassaiora, consals and agents from persons whom the President may inearcerate in retaliation, passed—99 to 5. striving by all the means which their po- sition affords to them—®ot hesitating 1 adopt the most anboly, when A —to bestow the privilege of suffrage, for | the purpose of plaging in their hands the balance of power. And thie will Con-} grese—so-cal'ed —do that they may retain | the government of this coantry in their own bands, although in doing it place the enlighten-d white majority the control of the ignorant and degraded ne- gre minority, Americans, shall this transparent design succeed ? Shall intelli be governed by ignorance! Shall civilization yield to barbarism! Shall the vilest and most rest { hands; and that ie- sue is one which involves all gp en! tenment and degradation, salvation = destraction, life and death — yes, even on the strong language, but we feel it, and the wise will acknowledge the ey of the assertion—even heaven and hell. The is in _———— a sa Thomas convicted as prin- cipal in the murder of Laura Foster, was sentenced, last week, by Judge Mitchell, at Iredell 8a Court, to be hanged on Friday, May Ist. Mr. Wilson, an English gentleman connected with the Rock Island Manufac- tufing Company, has made a beautiful walking-cane of black walnat, elaborately ca( Jed, which ie designed as « present for Gen. RB. EB. Leo. Therlow Weed sankes an important an- nouncement, to the effect that no consid- erations whatever could indace Mr. Sew- ard to remain in office a single day after President Johnson is removed, if removed he is to be by the High Court. The pressure on uncommitted Senators is tremendous. It comes from all quar- ters, and tee appretrensions of the Presi- dent's friends are increasing. The new Maoicipal officers of Alexan dria qualified to-day. No negroes among , bat no known native Virginians. North Carolina Elections Wilmington, April 21, P. M.—'The elee- tion paseed off to-day quietly. The a roximate vote of the Ps ards of he Sity, for the Constitation is 1,200, and against it 570 The vote at Weldon was 294 for, and 37 against the Constitatin. Some voted the Conservative ticket in Wilmin; The whites gev- erally, will vote the second and third days, while the negroes make their greatest ef- fort the first day. Newbern, April 21, P. M.—The vote of the city, to-day, for the Constitution was 1,250; inst it 200. The negro strength is polled. There was no distar- bance. At Morehead City the Republicans are only 18 ahead. CONGRESS. Washington, April 21, P M—In the House, Mr Robinson offered a resolution, recalling the managers and abandoning the im hment. The Speaker declared that it was a question of privilege, but ander the raling of the House it could refuse to consider even « question of privilege. "he House retused to entertain the resolutions by a strict party vr te. The Post Office Committee was direct- ed to enquire into the expediency of the government's securing the Central tele- Cara amendment to the Bankropt law, MARKIED: In this city, at the First Presb 2 Church, oo the evening of the inet, by the Rev. Jzruro Ruupce, Mr. Wit- {tam M. Witwee, Por Life Insurance Oaly. | PIEDMON1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OB VIRGINTA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKINS, Seeretarg. C. H. PERROW, M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Geuthern Company pays to its policy holders annually 87% Ler Cent. of ita Profits. Ik to aid ite patrons by taking notes for one half of the premiam + It allows 28 patrons to pay sl! cash if desired It invites ite to attend ite annual set- Uements and see their rights protected | It alow, ite patrons to change their policies from one place to another Its Poliey holders are not restricted as to tra- | vel of residence. It offers the following certificate as to its sol- vemey: Natacs Cover Hovss, Va / March 95, 1867. The undersigned, officers of the county of ertending the time to January 1869, for| STATEMENT, DEO. 31, 1867. $17,670,288,88. INCOME FOR 1867. 7,726,516,53. FOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, FOR INTEREST, $1.393,711,58 LOSSES PAID IN 1867, $1,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. $643,005,00 Interest received more than pays losses. Dividends « oVer 50 per cent. All policies noo forfeitable Assurance can be effected in all forms SAML. DOUGLAS W ’ Gener feighy N.C. A. Philips. Agent, Charlotte, N.C. mar whet? Sat IF YOU WANT ROSADALIS, WILSON,S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION ; Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s Ague Cure, Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, Hall’s Hair Renewer, Hostetter’s Bitters, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Or any other Patent Medicine, CALL AT “? G. B. POULSON & CO'S. DRUG STORE, Wyatt's Oid Stand, SALISBURY, N. C. March 17, ‘68. REEVBS’ AMBROSIA FOR THE HATR, Improved ! twTtow 4 Tt te an elegant Dressing for the Hair. Tt causes the Hair to carl beautifully. Tt keeps the Scalp Clean aad Healthy. It invigorates the Roots of the Hair. Nelson, and State of Virginia, take re ip | recommending as a solrent aad reliable comps joy “The Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Com- pany,” of this county; and besides the merit of | ita solvency, its rates and terms for Life la-ur-| ance are such a to commend it to pabiic pat | of high agp ne Sipe patrons can rely on an bonorabie, t management of its affairs None of us have stock or persona! interest in this company, and simply give this as disinter- ested testimony to the meritsof « good instite- oa. Geo. 8. Stevens, Clerk Circuit Coart, Jous F. Hix, Sheriff. Ww A. Arts. Sarveyor 8. H. Lovino, Clerk Coanty Court. @ A. Bingham 4 Oc, nts, Salisbury We also have the agency good Fire Com- “Wodxsow. Special Agent, Chariotte, N.C watwiy panies. Traveling agents wanted CAPT. JAMES PF Jan. 7, 1988 THE BQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES No. 92 Broapwar, New York. Cathe BeBeOD, 20.000. 0.50000. sense $6.000,000 Anmual Seek feeswe,......5.6.. 6004 3.500,000 Sum assured during 1867,........ 45.238 460 Number of Policies issued in one year—10,465 All profits divided among the Policy holders an- river Dividend Febrnary Ist, 1867—Cash value §610,- 315. The largest Mutual Life Insurance Company in the world. Isaves Policies on a Single Life from §250 to $25, B. Mye Hutchison & Co,, Ac'rs. No. 1, Cowan's Brick Row, Sauispury, N. O. Who are also agents for six of the best Fire Insarance Companies in the United States. march 4, 1868, twéwim JOB PRINTING Neatly Execute! at this Offes. It forces the Hair an4 Beard to grow laruriantiy It immediately stope Hair Falling Out. It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from aga 1 restores Grey Hair to ite Original Color. Ite Stockholders, Directors and Officers are men | !* brings out the Hair on Heads that has been haid | for years. It is composed entirely of simple and purely vegeta} bie eabetances. It has received over six thousand voluntary testiow nials of ite exesilence, many of which are from phy] wicians te high stan ling. Tt is sold in balf-pound bottles. (the name blown fm the gins.) by and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere at $1 per bottle. Wholesale wf Demas, Rarnes & Uo., F.C. Welle & Co. Schie fella & Co, New York. marchidewly Escaped From Jail At Albemarle, Stanly Co., N. C. $50 Reward. I will pay the above reward for the arrest and rafe confinement of Bill Murry aod Nick Williama, or 25 dollars for ether of them. who broke jail cn ibe the 15th April inst. Bill isa bright mulatto, about 23 years old, about & feet 7 inches high, weighs about 140 or 50 ods, convicted of rape on a white woman. Bit is a native of ths (Stanly) Co. Nick is cold black, about 5 feet 10 inches nigh, weighs about 170 pounds, convicted uf man-siaugbter in Wadesboro, Anson Co, N.0. Said Nick says be ia a native of Ohio, and may be trying to make his way io that direction J. MANN, Shff of Stanly Co. 3w. April 15th 1868. i a BT H i n t i and costs. clerk of said court Moodey in January, P. J. COPPEDGE, Clerk. DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quurter sessions, Fob- ruary Term, 1868. John H. Well Adm’r. of I. K. Pi err ve oti a ee dakew Paved man, Frank Perrvman, & wife eg rh Perryman and+ Elizabeth, J. D. Perry- man aod Rober ryman, Heirs at Law. Petition to make . eal Estate Assetts. | gp segs | to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants, J. D. & Robert Perry- man, are non residents of this State: It is therefore ordered tbat ication be made in the Watchman & Old Slate, a paper N. ©, for be of this to be held for the County of Davidson, Court House in Lexington, on the day in May next. Then and there to answer the petition of the plaintiff in this case, other- wise the same will be heard ev parte ment redered confesso as Witness Jno. Hauems, Clerk of said Office, in Lexington, the second Monday of February, A. D., 1868 JNO. HAINES, ©. C. C, Pr. adv, $8 00—6w:12 State of North Carolina, BURKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spring Term, 1868. W. C. Scott, vs. The heirs at law of Thosmas Boott, deceased. E PETITION TO GELL Larp. Tn this case It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants Jane E, John M., James C., Jalias M., Bartlett W., Thomas G., David, Se rah, and Corians Scott, are non residents of this State, It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Warcumaw & Oty Nomrm Stars, « axgrf published in the town of Salisbury, N. C., ix successive weeks, notifying sald defendants to be and appear at the next term of this court to be held for the county of Burke, at the court House in Morganton, on the Ist Monday after the 4th Monday in May next. then acd there to answer or d to the plaiatifl’s petition, otherwise the same will be heard ex parte and judgment rendered pro confemo as to them. Witoces, E. W. Doosey, clerk of our sald ( ourt st office in Morganton, the 3th day of March, A. D., 1868 l&k6w-pr f 68. B. W. DORSEY, ese. State of North Carolina ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb- ruary Term A. D., 1868. 4. C. Bernhardt vs. Tilmaa Austin Attachment N this case it appearing to the saisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Tilman Austin. is a poo-remdent of this State, it im, therefore ordered that publication be made for siz weeks in the Watchman & Old North State, notifying said defendant to be and appear at our next Oourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessons to be held for the Coanty of Rowan, at the Coart House ta Sehsbory on the first Monday io May next, and then and there shew cause. if any he has why the property levied on shall pot be con- demned to the use of the plaintiff. Witness, Onantan Wooosom, Clerk of oor said Court at Office, the first Monday in Februa- ry, A.D. 1868 and in the ninety-sevond year of our independence OBADIAH WOODSOW, Clerk. pr. adv. $8 00—6w 12 GUILFORD LANO AGENCY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 4AANDHOLDERS who wish to Sell Agricultural or Mineral Lands, Water Powers, Milla, Town Lots, or Real Estate of any kind, wi! find it to their advantage to place \heir property in our hands for sale. We have great facilities fur procuring par- chasers for al! soch property. Fer information, address JNO. B. GRETTER, Dee. 2, 1867 J.G. VEACH'S MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE—Daily. Schedule from High Point to Salem. EAVES High Point at 34 o'clock, A M 4 Arrives st Salem at 8} o'clock, A M Leaves Salem at 24 o’clook, P.M. Arrives at High Puint at 74 o’cleck, P M Passe will Gad this Lime well stocked with peta peli fine Horses, careful and ao commodating Drivers, and no pains will be — who travel on this line com- 2. Special attention will be given to all Express matter sant to my care. jan'y 18—tw3m J G. VBACH. Sale Postponed. THE Sale of the Lands of R. W. Grif- fith de 'd.. has been postponed to Monday of May Court. when it will take place at the Court House door in Salisbury. ZW. GRIFFITH. Adm'r. {apr-4 w. &tw td) $10 Reward. ANAWAY from the subscriber the 3rd Monday in Febroary last, an apprentice boy (colored) named Sau Rosz—may change bis name to Sam Arcata He is about 18 years old, yellow complexion, large mouth, a sort of amiling countenance. The above reward will be for hie delivery to me near Well, Iredell Oo, N.O. id ad 8. J. BROWN. April 8th, 1863—3tpdi3 te Democras copy and send bill to Deep Welt TAKE NOTICE, EAD AND GIVE US A CALL. We haved associated ourselves for the purpose of doing Dress-making, Tailoring, other kinds of sewing ; neatly, cheaply and promptly. on a new Sewing machine with the ee im- proverzenta, JULIA HARISON, SALLI£ BEARD. On Bank St, between Church & Main. ALSO, a few Table Boarders will be taken at $15 per nouth, payable in advance, SALLIE BEARD. State of North Carolina, |- COURT BLANKS, fo 860 kei, THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE pleasure to inform their friends, and the public, tha: they have fitted up one of the very best JOB PRINTING OFFICES IN NORTH OAROLINA, and are prepared to execute all orders with which they may be favored. —_—_—_o-——_—_—- CARBS, Letter & Bill Heads, WEDDING «nd PARTY. Tickets, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, DRUG LABELS, COURT BLANKS, end al] other kinds of Blsxks and Job Printing wil! be done te 2 style thet can be surpassed by none, and equalled by few in the State. Our terme will be ae low ap the lower in the Southern Country. HANES & BRUNER. Salisbery, January 14, 1608. twaew THE TRUWEEKLY OLD NORTH STATS, AND THE WEEKLY WATCHMAN & Old North Siate, FOR 1868. —o—- THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE having been consolidated tn the hands of the andersigned, and the BasxEs having vaspeoded publicatina, hereafter th@e will be bat one paper published in Galisbary, which will be is wood Tri- Weakly & Weekly, under the above names. In consequence of the combination referred to, this paper will have tbe Largest Oiroulation OF ANY Parekh Western North! Carolina, Best Advertising Medium to be met with tn thet partof the Gtste. -_ OO will be under the management of Mix. Hasza, Inte Réitor and Propristor of the Ous Meare Grate. aad no pains will ce qpaed to makelt equal t any, If not the beat paper of ite class in the State. In the peiltion of the paper there will be ne change—i# will continue to bes Smt and decided Conservative journal, bet it will not bedevoted ex- chusively to politics. Mi will aise be dergted to the material interests of the State, sud to Litersry and Mincni Reading. De Re ao =y Offering such laducementa, we confidently apes! tothe public for a Uherel chare of Its patronage both by subscription and advertinements. Terms of Subscription : Por One Year,....... gece cccvesces. oe “ Gix Months. 0... ...ccccccesemesceness 150 HANES & BRUNER, Pubhehers Galiebery, F.C..Janeery 16,1688. twraww. Salisbury, April 17, 1868 tw -«f-335 rations and comfortable farnighed. Apply at the Bagdeg >. March 31, 1868. te. _ sv successfully carried was displayed at [Mrove ow ym he Cage will o, ‘or te . Sa adellAw. W Cordially, and “remarked! “All I want’ ington Monumen ged thre furl the SLC 'tocdo is. My betinlente you on ifag to th baeeest™ Peceitesce = ." He-thep-invited Mr. Bates into th jprocecded thi foiw pent siwoniit BATES... ¢) “SyMansion, aid eacorted him to East thie door to + ote rh y * Room, where, Order having id; opened b sostap the ont said : rR |Hinquiring }- arms An entliusiastic welegime—Cordial Fecep- I merely desire to sincerely and cordj- | Brown | y lad endorsed any af- tion by the Presidént.— Radical “Loyal. ‘ally wHeone np end the ap vont “ficial paper Yermit oa geen the — ‘ > = ‘you have traveled so niany milea. ve} ing, aud the flag which the Sergeant ¥ to the Old Flag —The Eargeant taper or speech to at bat wish ‘ . he ‘ Refuted Admission to the CupitolHis to testify my gratification. at seeing you! this place. His Flag Unfuried. at the. Washington Monument-—Speeches, Incidents, £c. oe * * * * * On Wonday evening hig reached Alexanaria, was escorted to the Man- sion and teceivel the hearty 1 not only of the citizens of that-city, bat numbers who went from Washington . to anticipate the termination of his He tet Alexandria yesterday morn- ing at nine o'clock, and arrived at the Long Bridge a few minutes after ten "clock, °e A large crowd had collected to welcome him, and aa he advaneed, the first person to extend the welcome |shey and the Sergeant having | today, be might deliver another fatewell | Insnrance - an impure State of, the Blood. hand was Senator Doolittle, of Wis "x Sewer he the front balcony of the acral to all the eee cad pala af fife Susnrance Company Ti blieene tmong bnndreds of our consin. A-committed-of the Conser- avers wre Bis cppsamnee before the as-| 9 distracted / OF VIRGINIA: citiaons, testify efficacy. mie Sane poner tr + ep having been introda- Lesh bat 4 moment op ibe inten ; i from estorn Biates was heartily cheered. That silken banner t by fair hands as Pe ape ‘Ant ltadica Clady ale welboued | Hon. Charles A Eldridge of Wisconsin, | yon the banks ot te ‘Min yan] al Sore SOR Sriery Senate hia, remained for a few mos! ¥** Introduced, as baving been ¢ in your yy the ci of} - , west bn conemecion.<chih' thems gee fous & Solndeen Dir mt from his | Vicks I ee ted ilk January, Its Funids are kept in the South, tlemen. travels. Mr. Eldridge as follows: | has been hy yom, Sk posting cad Ir hay tact with He continped his route across the Hon CA - rain, by night by day, for nearly ere nRS aapsien pes teachingt he end- of| _ Spek of How C. A. Eldridge. aed sie, angle inn oe aad beyond ar he was taken in charge of by| . Fellow-citizens: It is to the fact vee ey rey ia, North ony a Coneers ative that I'am wcitizen of Wi that I am | Carolina, Carolina and V avd eon ‘Army nion, who pre allowed on this occasion « bref moment to a ~one yer ya 2 1 uengeney: cented him with one of the ilk bad eee Te ee ee ote Mh lod’ gledecee-rever citg, village 203 gdTee,Sommpeny, be copia! nd santa, aguint of the and escorted | 5" sgh y y son, of the —— Souipare favorably with ny Tite] guatiomen of a State of Wisconsin, Sergeant Bates. [Ap- | town th the men | losurygee gn tee continent, w meer 4 to the : of Coleael } He finding « error ex-|and young men, and citizens, ma-| "it. Stairs are nly admiuisteted by selected November ha, oe rn po fad gos g Fannce, a short distance from the Ere semen a iseonsia, like that | trons and Bg Pie grminn. | tees ity aud business capacity. : that gentlemam hariog fen | perhaps, in every Northern State, that the | as the beeeneey Even eg Ahm epabtesped te cate ty Sonthen Eounco mee Coverr, B. Cu. May Sa 1981. the talities of his estab-| people of the Southern States, whom our | Men Richmand, t OFP ICERS : Dr. J, J. Lawepxes . lishment for odeasion. Here the tougneriag arms subdued, were hostile to | capitals of the Inte confederacy, were ; ( tarcene’, see decane teats Re held jon for an hour] the flag and Goveroment of the Republic, #0 the dome of each fl, and Puterpanr, Lbave a half, Which he was|ndertook to carry that flag from Vicks-| the and stars kissed again the dere und W in Sly ite visited bye member, of ladies and| burg to Washington, on foot avd unatien.| balmy breege of the ouce rebellious South, JOHN £. BPWARDS, wero} gentlemen, and received their con-| ded, for the parpose of planting it on the] amid the load plaudits of a conquered peo- cl lei ee te ees Pert ; dome of the capitol, and showing the ac-| ple j ’ |W B. ae D J ogee es — = t Bates, on his arrival, was| 4! feeling towards it. He “has demon-|, I have it from your own lips thatevery Masa poce, gaa npn pong in a sait of bloe-biack wolves strated to the people of the country, and | Where upon your triamphal journey you MEMICAL PX AMID, ve now known. : close the world that no such hostility evists,| bave received the same wart, joyand, CHARLES H. SMITU. M.D. aa = . Savana and-that'the people of the South sabmit | patriotic greeting, and all witboat theed-| sei abyiwen, GnruniL best, xc wore & pt sash, presented to to the flag of the Union in goad faith, and | penditure of one dollar, from Vicksltrg| HC. Canetyy Jwo. HM. CLArpons® 1 him by the of Montgomery , . | are determined to maintain their allegiance | to Washington. . -_ \ . From left’ side was cacpended a to it, as they expect the people of the| Yet here, in the capitel of the nation, DIRECTORS: ; born cap, w was presented &1 North to maintain theirs Applause. } by meu full of professions and beasting of doha Enders. Heary K. Ej\yson, . on the journey. At the wore these selcce, b hand the flay with ‘him, with is : = i ’ 5 Hf f H i ; nn f FF manner, and resembles Co!one! ~ At the ganclasion of the re he remained in company wit! Se a i t , had verer rest: ra Gut was often ma tO express to - expressed te Pace “Kindness to: t ot for the flag.” At the of Mr. Faance be was entertained, and re ty cod dela a put "comes isn tie ane and Mary land @f the public house the t was rest i Shortly @elock 2 com mittee of members of mf Uonserva tive jon ands comand Tome ashington made thew in cow any with Healds’s “ ashington City Bras waited apon Ser Batesand extended to tim « | ‘ ~ i rom the Prominent among whom a pte ii ar F and a £ i i beaded Foarteenth ue. t was the central figure of the line, aad-with tite flag londly theered =p aver. street to Peansyl- @ id as he passed Fourteenth street. He was flanked on side by Officers bi and Whitmore, who were detail ed order of Major Riehards ta guard patriotic pedestrian from’ “omtsid: | preeeare.” Parsing the corner of Poarteenth etreet and Peousyivania avenue, the crowd had | become #6 t that some difficulty was capttesel ta forcing back the “great F \] ppepected aad honored by all. stitution, delivered a few years daring the war, boasted that be ed for nineteen years to digsclve the «| street and others greeted | ding in thie number Wendell a the | s traitor as Jefferann Davis, or any other | fo seemed highly | welcome their lac —= of march was then eomm-need, | by the band,| in Washington. The President then requested that the jcompany present should be favored with some music, when the band, led by Pro« i fessor Heald, , in fine style, “The Star § ner.” When music ceased, the President held a few moments’ private conversation with the Sergeant, and then bowed his adieu to the assembled audience, The Sergeant was then introduced to Mrs. Patterson arid presented him with a magnificent bouquet. This over, Mr. Bates had te undergo a short ordeal of hand-shaking, but finally succeeded iu get ting out of the Mansion, and the .proces- sion being reformed, passed out, and, via Pennsylvania aveoue and Fifteenth street But | will not detain yoo in this pelting storm. I understand Sergeant Bates will sow proceed to the dome of the Capitol with the flag which be has borne i: honor and triamph from Vicksburg to Wash ing- ton. He has received nothing but kind- oces and reapeet during all his long jour vey. The people everywhere have bon ered and eneouraged bim, beeause of the emblem which he Lore Bat, my friends, | cannot forget the At the monament Hon EO of New York, way introduced and sed the’ audience. Speech of Hon. E. O. Perrin. Sergeant Bates: As unexpectedly to myself as to you, the reeeytian gommittee have this moment requested ‘me to wel- come you and your flag, after having been driven from the pea A of the nation’s Capitol. fier such a repalse from such a source, no place could be tore appropriate than here, at the base of this unfinished monu- i ment, erected to commemorate the virtues of George Washington, the Father of his Cougtry, , Could the spirit of that great patriot look down upon this melancholy picture in kw loyalty, you bave met your fret,-your aly rebuke. At the moment you expeet- twenty-six bright stars, a Radical Con grees would have weleomed the dieman fnet that it ie just seven years this day timce the flag of the Kepublic ws lowered ip bamitity and sorrow from the battle ments of Semter. ‘le tlag tha: Major An | derson was then forerd to take down now | floate prondly over every foot of our land, { Aud thie! young man, who, without maoury and | alote, and on foot, has carried it for mote than fourteen bundred miles, will pow | plant iv in ghey and triumph wpon the | dome of the Nasional Capitol [Applaase | At the conclasion of the address of Mr. | Eldridge, General Wm. Mangen, of Ubio, mas iuiroduced, who said : Epeech of Hon. Mi. Mungen. lantly as « soldier are to be ly, but I think know his face The treat } ; | agent whch be received ought to satiefy | oar Badical gentlemen that the people of the South are more loyal than the man who, in an address at the Smithsonian In- Rs and labor Union A bill is pending in Congress to remove the politieal disabilities of General Long I am in favor of incla- Phillipe, for iegaily all 1 believe him thie day as great |] think be bas been voting \ the time. man, (Laughter and applanse. | if he ia to vote a ticket im the fate want him to vote eecording to law. plaace. | These addresacs enncinded, three hearty eheers were given for Sergeant Bates, and three more for the flag. The Sergeant then proceeded to the avenue, and the procession was reformed and proceeded to the cast front of the Capitel, for the parpese of anfarling the | flag from the At the door of the! om, I LAp-| dome of the Capitol police, who stated that he | had orders not to allow any demonstra tion inthe building. He farther said that the poliee had orders not to admit Ser- @rant bates with bis fag, but be coald pass in withont it One of the committee of citizens proda- | nowber ef-meo, women, aod ehildren, ecg an order from Ger eral M chiet, allo w- who, deepice the heavy rain which was ing the Bergeant acecss to the dome t falling; soomed anxious to catch a glimpse gufurl bie fag ‘The pliceman, howes; of the The brleomy and steps of the Tre asury Department, ag es the windows of the offiets and ite, were trong ed with people, who lustily as the Arrived at the We. Mansion and in front of the porch, Sergeant reM«ed to allow them entrance unless the pert was endorsed by the Bergeant-at- } erpiatives, By the personal application of Hon Charles Eldridge, of Wieeoncin, | ‘the endorsement of Mr. Brown, Sergeant. | at-arme of the Senate, wae obtained, but as Mr. Ordway, of the House of Repre- sestatives, could bot be found, it was de cided W escort the Bergesot wo the Wasb- j have foand Ged ensign with shouts of joy, as bemg! evidence of au anrepentant people it was a standing rebake to them to Gnd it pase safely and triumplmntly throagh- out your entire journey without an ipsel:, and requiring no revonstredion ai their hands Louse ie the same banner desosaced by a Kadical organ thas: “Tear down the flaunting lic ; Farl up the starry flag; Lwalt poeupay «ky * With hate’s polluted rag.” ac nine dot Doo | Wiliem H. laimer, LEW anl7—twkwif Ba State of AN ' with® thie | vit roteing’ cheers? * The Sergeant was then condneted 6] the Metropole quarters had Hotel’ where bea provi mination of bis jouiney. He wilt ha Pag tg ‘for several’ days, |' and then proceed ton, Wisconsin: aii The Ar lingtom Mutual tobis™ home in Edger- me % i" hy Panmet (. Tordy, ed to crown your tramphal march by | Cae eae Fg ere lanting that tag upom the dome of the) £4. A. Gini George &, Paluter, te jtol, the massive doors of tint } nme we vate a line erat of hberty are slanimed by your” free, art o: senn” rp boree oy you are driven to Washington's Menn-| ¥. W. Tye Jobo (. Wiltiame, ment; aod there, with bowed head, you A i, one Na Pes we bave unfurled your bauner J.B. Morten Ww KR. lsaace Had the se-ealled rebels torn from it] 8-H. Moret Gparge }.. Buteond, baasei M. Price. 1S C. HANES, Ae'r. Lexixutox, N. C North Carolina, SON OOUNTY: Court} Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1868. Joba J. Cotson. sdutinietrater of James A. Robi son, ve. Thomas Ai Robin snd otilers, Periries Te, re eS Whe sttictection of the Coart that the defeodants Thomas A Bobinaon. James Bel! & & wife, Aes ~ » Rel, Jomo humlewagh Ke = Jeep) Robinson, Caivin Rebwasen, Meivina Kobinam. tfd Arthur Rebineod reside Le yood the limite of thie State, ro ordered by the a better fate for the} Uber fal sg eptive be mote " Jaghe Bing ene | eattor, aRteh wespnnity Sadaeeee weeks re thas oe ey tg the werd Thomas 4. Rebiecen. domes end oad wit, Awe | Yoe believed | “7, Bell. James Kew 1 m the profession of these men. You pare a he . and Arther Re.igers te be and beother—the American citizen, of Alri- can descen*—intn the outetretebed arms of the Goddess of Liberty which crowns the dome of yonder Capitol, one load, long eboat of joy would have gone up from thoee gil halle below, and you would that they keep the word of |Jodqmen: alte Retemene coer Pee Wed ie the county of Anson, st the court-hente ie Wades {cattery ted, Sent thes and sewer or 14 petition or confess will be rendeeed seninet teem aod seme will be beard es parte ns to them. Witwer Pateck J. ¢ dae. chert of santé Court t office » W the second Mondey = | Janwary, A. D., (mB. tow pr 1 BR. P. J, COPPEDGE, Cert ‘State of North Carolina, YAI Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, dawcant Teew, 1908, James Armstrong « A M Howard | Attachment levied on Lend. T appearing to the satisiaction of the Coart, 1 thee case, that the defendant, A.M. biew- KIN OOUTTY. we) DR LA 3. |} todw lore mmm drapes) coe! Semeetietinarer ie YHR GREAT SO: i i 4 i] Btealth’ Regtater,° |) -# ee bee Ba Eee HN ert a0K < of Scrofula, not, Wises Coewrr, September 16. wer. fe, 3.4, Law eee, | Deer Sie— j een Greadfatiy pened . ‘eri | tried egmratwany there was te hope of cere. During the last Nome datee. cal. pode Dee To i, faim. wae Veernmed wih what proved to be impare | He hee bree afl ried with am inveterstec eed on [itemety trowbicere Brepthe of che Ghin | tometimes breaking oa! ie ores, Be. Ree | my ce become sad sre ninw emagely well eure trety, J, 8 DANIEL. Consumption, in its carly stages, can be cured. “ty auaghiet hae been ured of « dren ecsted Gewese of the tape promwanerd by war Phyw cian Coneemption), by yaer Rowsantie Wee KB. ANN + MITH. Buiiwere {March 4, | 667 ROSADALIS Will C urethe worst Cases Read the statement bclow, and despair heer, s Saatngs het out relieving her mech, ia tett. most of them said heneed giving tte her. The efect oom "= ae mage ‘Issues Policies of alt Kinds mie—Kn intl my roe. cow tard five poor, After \ahrep it « few works! BROOKLYN LIFE AND ENDOWMENT: Absolutely no Restriction upon Travel or Residence. DIVIDENDS PAID ANSUALLY 15 CASH ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY NON-FORFEIT ABLE, Part of the premium loaned, and no loan or premium note in a lien oF LIFE INSURANCE ye © } cool ovat song wod wat ht Se athe } have been bailed as « bere and crowned with laorel. Seated in that came Capitol from whieh you are driven, they etrike down the Su- jared, is @ bow resitient of the State of North Carolina. ts, therefore, ordered by the Coort, that pabheatien be mate for siz weeks, in the Watchman and (id North State, notilying ite said defendant tv be and appear before the Jus Is a Potent Remedy in all Chronic Diseases. claim on the policy in cate of death after the scoond year, roit that s® proven ny five jem ear the Edeuut le of ed Po ite ‘ of ouf gore Sach are pra € ' renmel ves are mere. 1 fluence tw ¢ aceormpliols The wend lh pemeh une aud a verd preme Coart, trample upon the (onetite tion of oar fathers, ride over the sacred ness of law, and, in the madwess of ibeir wrath, drunken with power, they are this moment enactirg the solemn farce of im- peaching a President for the high crime and misdemeador of refusing to bow, And | down to their party fash, and daring to | stof.~ stand between them and future power. This “tgnitor President” gave you and the flag a warra weleome to-day, and the loyal Benate, that bare you out of the Capitol, may, for that crime, frame anoth er charge in their bill of indictment But we must not despair. Their transi- nt voice is not the voice of the p-ople No; they but imitate the rash youth “who | fired the Epberian dome, that his name | might oatlive the memory of the pious | {rotunda the purty was halied by the chief | fuel whe reared it” | I well remember in the Compromise | | days of 1860, Daniel Webster, the great ¢ xponnd: tof ‘he Constitution, after vot ing for those meagures that bow of promise in the political heavens, ! spread the privilege of defending hie course, am | tees of owe Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses mons, to be whim on second M. next, @t the court-lnuee in Yadkinville, thea amd there to plead, answer or replevy, or the same will be Leard, ex partes, and the land tew ted on erndernned to satisfy plaints dedi, and an order of wale granted Wanee 1 G AVI Hers at Law GC. M, Pertynme, Andrew Perry man, Frank Verryman anc man ead Bobers Perry nan. big T appearing to (he satidaction of the Court, that the defer | an are 000 resnients of this Stare | returned to Boston and asked the poor | foré ordere! by the Court that Wont the made in the Watehman & Old North State » sate Radics! fanavies that drove you and | paper pal 1 hiterty, against Daniel Webster. yourself, be wae driven into the inclem I may well here : “01 ye solid men of Koston, you have séuvotnd arms of the Benate and House of Repre-jevt air, and gave them that rebuke, which \4o anew 1 | your dag from tlhe Capitol to-day barred . , for Gx enccesive weeks, notifying said de- in. of F P < » of | eMmants tu be and appear at the next term of 1,} the dgors of Faneuil Hall, thar poodle at ich ¢ Conrt to be hekd tor the Connity of De vid. ABC! son at the Court House in Lexingiva, om the | Te Mut of humor andbed telat; mar rectores Monday of May next ert conquered an inhospitable clinvate ; you | thera. have conquered the very waves that wash | Witness Jo, Tausez, Clerk of said Court at your shores; bat you have ye eon- quer your prejadiees.” You, sir, havé taced rebel ballete ia Of, io Lex February, a pr. ade, 67 tn Yadkie vile, the sewoud Monde y i: January. AD. 1868 Lene. ow State uf North Carolina, @ petition of tie plainul in tiie } ease, otherwise the sane will be henrd ex par- | and judgment rendered pro eonfeso an to Ad ; 2 ao. HAINES 2.4 6. mB w 82 a raf in Apri Marler -lerk of our said Court Prom @. W. Blount, Attorney ai Law, Wilson, North Carctina. T have beep cured of Chronic Infamation of the car ond Portiel Destecsy of tom yourt’ sanding, by ROSADALI< Gh”). W. BLOURT. W leon, September 13, 1867. I her-by eortify ‘bat I wee enced of a “Chrop- «f- MABLER, 29-9 pe DSON COURTY. Court y Pleas and Quaater Sessions, F cb- ruary Term, 1869 | The petrtion of Logy Perryman againet the AL KL Petrynan, &e'a war d wile Euzabeth, J. D Perry- tition for Dower ndants, J. D. & Robert Porry- Lt is there- atron be in the town of Aalisbary, N Then and there the second Monday ot ¢ sfieetion of the Kidneys” by the ee of one borue of Dr Lowreste’s RusadeWe, end the ote atition sthers ufivning with the “Kidary Diecase,” bo try the Rowadehia. R D. ALLEY. Witeon, August 3, 1867, “ ROSADALIS Will Cure the very Worst Cases of Chronic Rheu~ matism. Thetrby certify th 1 wap! eared of hong waindug Chrome Rhee mau om, teking foor butiles A Dr. kawrenee’s ae A La, AMES WILLS. Wilron. N.C., Mav 4, 1867, - {7 The ROXADA thotoagh ly © cadic ster the enure syeiow Wo & healthy conditiog. tf Ls it Perteesty Harmless, sever pede. cing the sightan injery. : | Li ts gut @ Keeret Qmde Remedy. The anti thew oles of whieh it = mude are shed rech bots, andst inuhed = wipers P RENO nd ond endorsed by the | bead * { RELAUBD ONY br DKS SEW. 18, Chemivt. 29 Oanover at, Batiimore, names “Tit Company oters prontier stvants get to the Southern people, . It is the mot Liseral Company im tha United States Its rates being lower then these of ether thea, NEW YOR ory wm. BI. COLD, Secretary. ommretiam ty. Doucx, Pres, Information gladly farnished in detail, by Lag A a OFFICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY; “paces am _ oe , 404.7 + eam wre TAKE NOTICE, Reap AND GIVB US ANAUL We have Dress ALBO, » few : at O15 per apaun, payer in ad “Price $1.58 Per Rottie, Salisbury, April P7, La ' wish as a ee AEM nate y neatly, ebeaply ai peers a Minn al Milla, datete A Boy kind. wilhofital it: to so | ed UR RR taken F 1 i NO. BG ys) le EN at iy heat week ‘abliee the heretubstee Generals dined with Fs eveniay (reneral leave for th Generuh day, Die known, MINISTEI On Thar a thonder- T. Bandy, depot on th Railrowd ry A nember store at the killed hy 1 was Lawél Man about other the Fi heentinfe'® Tits few dened, ate withthe f Splendid Premiums for 1868. goa Dare sil rose ‘citer of te fe paintings BASKET OF PEACHES, Siee9 X11; PIPER AND NUT CRACKERS, Sie 7 X 8. wing ie ° and 10,00, we wil! send the ead Weboter’s National Pictorial Dictionary, contaluing hanged 06.00; er oe yr T™ pal PC 2 Terme of the Eclectic « an tun ciples tas year $000 Sve-copies one yont 000,00 W. H: BIDWELL, 7 6 Beckman Si., New York. an% British Periodicals. The London Quarterly Review, (Con porvative.) . The Adinburg Review, (W hig.) Iw Wentminster Review, (Radieal.) FARMER'S GUIDE, + dda P out “a pie f “he ; ‘ | LIFE. AND ENDOWMENT. Absolutely no Restriction upon Travel or Residence. DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALLY IN CASH ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY NON-FORFEIT ABLE. Part of the premium loaned, and no loan or premium note is @ lien or claim on the policy in case of death after the second year, puny Se Company offers peculiar advanta- ges to the Southern people. It is the most Liberal Company in the United per : Its rates being lower than those of other compe- | ign ules. OFFICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. We, Bf. COLM, Secretary. CHRISTIAN W. BOUCE, Fres. Information gladly furnished in detail, by A. W, LAWRENCE, of Raleigh, Gen’l. Agt. for the State of N. Carolina .C Cove an i weeniy eaiieer 3 The Arlington Matual Life Insurance Company OF VIRGINIA. .| A Virginia and Southern Institution Ita Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any OFFICERS: PRESIDER, Joun &. RoWanDe, Wu. B. Isaacs, > D, J. Hamrsoox, MEDIOAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D, pan Mee | 4] inv 1 ee pone WPA a eee ceeeee cee yee egiU . Pe ceencereenans | services of ableand - Tobacco, Sorghum, TRANSIENT RATES Molasses, tc., %t., d0.; For all periods less than one month One First insertion $1.00 TO atenquet ioben 50 ~ Contenct sates for periods of one to four months: poem MeSe tees | wees | “soe sats General Commission Merebant,|? Sess: its] 18} Sis] dies) fe 442 444 & 446 Washington St, fair soe ata g.00 33.00 B00 tiie NEW YORK Gil¥. GxR COL. 80,00] 49,004 52,00] 60,00] 70,00 acid sive he woaty Pa Curetet Fo | Haig BARITMANN'S “RECEPTION rent published in the United States. Hans gif a barty, eye fr.2 Fees, See I in lofe mit a 4 Liberal advances made on Consignments. «. Hertiame it wos Matilda Yane : Established, May 1st, 1860, She hed hair 9 prowa ass bun, First class references given when required Aaipnaestianate, March 5, 1848. twly Und ven she looked brite into mine, Tailoring Est blishment. _Deg shplit mine heart in two. a ; ins Breitmenn gif » barty, , Subscriber takes this method of in- ' orslag ts Ieude that he wil eneios ou da yout sm i Se; Tailoring Business, a al (ts various kegs = ry ae - ; shpicket in, ’ ° in, Street, Nepee & cheer. eo und fas " vy : Ht u -_ float on der mountain's prow, There wh de. stern? Al pened way woh bo gee ew Avay in pe , THE “GREAT ORIMINAL.” the New York Commercial Advertiser. (Rep.) ie the epithet which the New i. Merenry and other Now 4 rnale applied to the Pres- his trial, Now that the before us, of what of- the “great criminal” been guilty? For what “high he to be convicted f E. Bifted Gown and analyzed, the of. pre a + fence of the President consists in a greater di difference of opinion with Congress whieh has more the on of reconstruction. skill and remedial ‘The views of President Johnson were oe weak et those entertained by ee Lincoln, Congress,aud the Pains in Republican “wp Besey the rebe. general negative of ion, viz bo pr . ac fp tem. . ont not euffe te Persons suffering with this Sage ont.of the Union. This doctrine, era oe ene sh are Gat] Se “epating > eoat.00 «four years dy, in that stay pone with more blood treas- and be restored to’ hb The ar an war; -abdcient or . B.A, ; Radical leaders, a'ter Prepared ) war Was over, institated a new Consumpti’n, , Sou’ ga, Abandoning their former ground aw ‘ : and thatr tracks, they ass All Throat and Lang Affections, States were out of the use of . j efter having ‘with @ sotere “the . 3 | ~*~ Union ; that they could act d-bmeéntpit was inviolation of the civil- ‘ eae tae sat in what he can ool ras tion was that States conld not lawfal- ay meeeeells get out of the fa , ae 4 son Lincoln. The manifesto, or declara- not ia by the. Couetiy to the public debt. Johugon has done any — foréed construction y subjects him to impeach. bof constit ntion- consideration be left free to choose and binet Ministers. ‘Inthe begihning, therefore, the Lincoln, SR NES ea ' nd the ubli party were wrong "during the © Mor was this all, The war it- for our only justifica- encodntered awaited Abraham Lone oe om dgment ar Rad of which his enemies aleo impeached, their action will more Congressional seats than wi be profitable or pleasant to their occu- pants. And the Moment the pres-| sure which, upon’ the principle of the withdrawn, the reaction will .com- mence; and those who seek a sub- stance mast content themselves with *jashadow. The Radicals will get ten months of perturbed, restless, unsatis- prosperous rule, RS THE NEW PROVOST COURT. We published last week the order of Gen. Canby, establishing a Pro. vost Court at Raleigh to try certain cases that may arise jn 31 counties of the State, including Mecklenburg, Union, Cabarrus and Iredell. The order appoints Col. John T. Deweese, of Raleigh, as Jadge, and limits his jurisdiction in accordance with om Py H, General Orders No. 18.. We tried last week to General Order No. 18, 60 as to = lish the ph alluded to along with the order establishing the Court but failed to do so, and in- sert it for pablic information this week. aye ir ebiit nave, jartollrioa ts toe 3 ; it have counties ga of a cases “in whi amount does not exceed three hundred doh lers, and of all offences, not ander the Articles of War, which may be referred to it by the Post Commander, ex murder, m » assault — intent ———- of the aws against dueling, b and arson.” This ju ee ther restricted b General Orders No. 18, t6 all-civil which the amount in . contro does not exceed $300; and to all of- fences, not under the Articles of War, Post Commander, with the excep- tions aforesaid. P IL, Gen- erl Orders No. 18, is in the following words ; “No Provost Court will entertain jurisdiction of any case, nor will any Post Commander refer any case for trial by any such Court, unlese it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Post Commander, and shall be cer- tified by him, either: 1. That the case involves matters of difference between employer and employed, respecting ts under provisions of military orders ; or 2. That the proper State authorities have refused or unreasonably failed orare nnable to take action necdfal for the protection of persons or prop- 3_oF, “3 That there is good ground for rbelieving, apon fucis shown, whieh ‘| must be preserved of record, that im: ial justice cannot be secured in the tate Courts, by reason of prejadice on econnt of race, or color, or furs] mer condition.” . So it will be seon that’ the Post Commander at Raleigh will have to file. pretty strong and broad-certi- tifleate, before the Provost Court can enter on the trial of a case. We hope this restriction may prevent the Court having much bnsiness to transact.— Charlotte Democrat. a, A Woman Kills. Her Husband.—On yesterday evening Jane Dupree a colored Woman, was committed to» the County Jail charged with the murder of her has- band, Sharper Dupree, (colored.) According to the statement of the wo man, her husband was whipping ‘her, when in a fit of passion she seized a knife and stabbed him through the breast, from which wound he almost instantly died. mfirmities of temper, | ompty areh, now sustains the Radicals is} port factory power, at the expenses, to the | »: ublican party, of four, eight, and per twelve years uf legitimate, aay 4. Paragraph TI of | pa’ and farther w Pastors and that are i 3 s i cases arisitg within that Post, in |formation whieh may be referred to it by the| the the Spptelte side of Friday b and Ma lnaving te depot om f z in t l pe r i s HW Si b s s e r : t ; I : 5 Rt e ri s F r i t Hf lg Sa P be Fk re . sito i: ‘atadton ss ad’). the’faet tht aft Joen_ ean) ereafter vote, we do “rs think “we are hadly hurt af the Constitu in ts atop ited. Chili Democrat. We do hot. understand. tho ‘nectiost quo- ted;\a8 our friend of, tie.. Democrat does, and wo' think ‘he is clearly “tistaken. | It will be observed’ that thé limitation is on the poll only, and nob, ofthe), property,. Eet us employ the language’ usually, em- ployed by legislative bodies te end the idéa jntended* te be eareyee, Pad its meaning will be clear; “The General Assembly shall levy. a capitation tax on every male “inhabitant over 21 and undef 5@ years Uf age, thick shill 86 cquat oh eae | polt} td the tax on properly calued at three hundred dollars incash; Provivep, that the State and County capitation tax combined shall nev- er exceed two dollars.on the head.” This'fs the languaye Which m most legis- lative bodies would have used, aud. which exactly conveys the, idea df the-se¢tion (noted from the Constitution. The” } visti wilt berscet, Is fill the thx by ib sna 4 | ~The greatest objection ' -;matter is introduced at <a The . ean + eine liave been’ left | the'S T taxation ‘through their Liceul: may pacaiew They are.determined'to be a bet” mabe i ebm can russitg agninet the new Constitu- 1 fiftyto years ago. Since that time het any such thi : }not done it. ection which we have to this part of the Constitution ts that the | a es the Iegislatnre, as formerly, .” A con- stitution shouldbe only’ a fundamental ’ —~ }law for'the government of the people of | who, as a corporate body, should trine, but they ie ‘ari be left attend to mauers’ of debt and Where they stand on: thiss.all- free'p Seorsninneinal ‘ J dof oor 7 ids oy Myve HON. BE BROWN. ri The spblimest, spectacly presented Ht inthe Jate.. contest. was’ that of, this distinguished statesman and riot der the foot of the w ‘aod: ri aitoan Povgenriae eae tion. We"was the Conservative can- eae BSc | thie: didate. for the Senate in Oaseivell, acacia Dae &# this aud it was maiuly owing to his-exer-|.¢ch iat tions that that county, in which there ls 1 -Denses. was more than 700 registered major- THE NEW CONSTITUTION 3184 ity of tiegro votes, gave a mijority | ‘CONSTRUCTION, @ °°" against the Constitution, and .elected, We ask the North Caroling! pea 6 Pthe conservative ticket for State and | bear in mind the coustructiohs:.w aetic ‘county ‘ofticers. put upon the New Coustitatiou, Oot. ‘Brown is, we believe thie olds paar Mp We adres “19 tas | est public man in North Catolina, | yew Constitution is; the with 3 single exception. That excep-| plete equality of the negro. with ‘the white} tion is the [lon Weldon N. Edwards, | #@", to North (arolina, taal repeanen] of Warren.. Col. Brown, first enter- » dearer nays ars ed: public life ae a member of the leg- he st their iar , views than they are Jaid down by the Conventiod, in the new Constitution. We have y Generali Assembly was 1 ‘new Constitation, from pasath gh a hich made the dightest des ‘at dlina, in the mk 5 =: ee islature in the year 1815, more than he hag filled the highest positions of houer and troatwhich it was in the power of the state to confer npon him, ‘and filled thom to the satisfac- tidiof "all: "The mensugo of higbow [oy in'the public ot pas! PEP Tisieey pete vrable'a:bition was fill, abd m0 1902} or in Use amatter of lindeiad to taxesioh-of grdperay battle | 42,285 that.of thedofijest palciotiom | °F spprenticoshi conueftatign.” IF ty should be ab Gey * Lect | s 4.2@ Pree whatever Dd rg dir erpdied ation en property, bat pe Metre ar en ere ‘of the section meant there can bo yo dowls. In consttuing aa inétrument of any kiod, and toe fepdpnane) a pnnprn nt as a” Spit," vote =a mys Liege parts must be made to harmonize, if possible. Where this ean- areceMipehiarten sista 4 J Ros Section 4 An the above ieex. ia a6 follows provide fot the promptand regua@r payment of She . 08 Abe poblia delgt, and after the year it sball lay a specific aunaa) tax up- pied thas =e Wes les sons being;parts of. ihe | Artigle.oo Revenueand -Taxatiba, must be eqnetraed ia’ couneetion with each oth- or, nel tiny eavdgt "be iid to! Kigree, | cnet 1, geal the Dewpern, must yield to seotion-A )jnat. given, as,. when oh mn ad il on of the’ and with gertain ordi- nances of the totivedtion, it will BS ‘been to be the more ft. The lan- pin Paterno snes on the rea! sera Rear aeans tan ach iff AM i 2euis': = EY themn/vend wo mai pcs er With somb “carey Spectre ryan he in nto een perned; We the “allbyuaey ot)” thedoand reel to darry'a i the State governiment, to meot the expenses. of she | county abd township governments, to erect Seni Asyhims, Houses of Refage aod Peni- hyse! hi Rene, patchy, td people, could be turned to, no politic tentfary’s and to pay rest oft the oe nat @ cause ig which he account, either among whites or blacka--| ait bet, Wed, hs ke Pe 1886, os Fonglit hig last political contest was ena, cat create » sinking fand for ment. of | 2"°, worthy to close the ¢aceer of An agent of this Society im ther the principal. And all of this tax is’ to Jancis aman, hoWever.much we snd says, that if he had'the means: be levied on ‘property exclusively txt} posterity may . regeat that cit: ever sed tle aged the taxes rice Ae Mo / po Te Mtoe = (rent — Cfrse « 3 ticity hide are cal to ducatidiial a No Seon) thet ‘ould their fathers, where thay. w res arse sib! ‘be pata to i, high ia py, oe Soe ng! pabligigscessicy aud thé mandutes of the {Cul ever bare tempted Lith to ap- Th the tak te Weber: Houthpon the *politiedl: areon ‘agaim byy most o “TInflaenced ty such: considerations as fers during the ‘oie wa rh eke ie i biaethdntngi O'n | re bare been tam press in .1865—be eving that, from eels for USecks eb eaued ee : harwinvions re-uniun of the States ‘a practice obtains inthis 7 aia ay en pee si- | venerable years, his long experience,‘ na tthe acquaintance ard intic}der the new eonstitation we ' with abeopublie® men of ithe | /4we wos ae ns We Mt Nae "h€ God fender’ very, iipor? aie 3 A: g5g2- 8a: the pebaiit adh tiee tp, thd people 6f Noth) nor would we object, if it ya Odcolina, As, is kpowh, We. were! tiie ips meters ee aan hie gnceessful competitor <in that. ¢om-} peopl have ead Feu med tevgrwe only referto itto bear testi- he coneti'ation, bad as. it ié, oie ation moty to. bis lofty and chivalrous bear- bree et . WILLIAMS, — asl Yadkin Co., N.C. oe ee Siseaes CHEAPER | GHEAPEST ! iT Ser ntraetea ue onda en Se of New the ymiast; ‘ re ey offering, that L ever the consisting ia part of (| .. Dry Sige Hardware, Cision: haps i€ is the best to givertheun their ‘it * ware, Boots& Shoes, Hats bapem ets e, Har- of aa ofr: ne &.. ry U “Ht Leather, 2°), * ak Ing ia the eayvags. and to the patriot- of the negro in dhe starts: «.e gefit er ; ; j A web it iam: whieh we believe inflacaced him Shetyeep gre oes aby ree de aids f ' “wot tee 4 in becoming» a candidite. Durisig }the convention, really baliered in, d y boat new oid the eunivass lie repeated|y told us that, |equality, to the extent (that he woul Siddall twee atta ld Gieade- in: xy "Sd whether ‘elected or defeated, that pe = ef Ste PU, 1D} stand, Wo. 1, Marphy's Row. AN kinds of ould be his /as¢ appearance before } time 26°, aioe t. the 9 oe a ae : r: , male mee the public aga candidate for oflice. | the Radical Congresemag ig * && “McCU BBINS firet District, “In expressi Bupailas! the hope-of a speedy pode convietions tbat’ hind Con nie my j tended’ h thing, th Cea {with "fe at tht’ time antic’ pated, | | varprived to hear ri Finch, that’ de- and in which be was «0 anxions to intends woah eee - atsist.as the closing scene of his long Ve node Coeaaeds a thoy'h: aod useful public life, was destined) 913 mean x put ee ae the not then, and perhaps never, to be re alized. A more alatming crisis in the history of his beloved State than! ‘ever before threatened. it has arrisen. [True to the instincts of his blood, his [noble iatité and'trne patriofisom, he °° agaist Oucked’on his anor 16 do bat- tle forthe canse of civilization Bab ee destroying that prejudice! -Oaror asked French that Beeston: p: appearagce is quite enough» to, ec any on, that he has no pre} edlor himself, hé, and those. who. act with him, may mech When will of hen w se my amin iets ui tiestioned, patriotism, and his dk te hye , ¥ and chivalrous béating will; ** the Haden gloat so mash ? : iW abated the respect of even the «Beatie . tockless of his . opponents. [or Th Aleshpdew Gao conflict | Though he carnot contt! the jutore; hig Hiflnenee’ will yet be felt for good. } His canvass against the Oonstitn- foil, and “hie'terut of service in the _— will, Ti'all hutian probabili-: ped says that a ans weiglese government bureaus might be rises es more 4a- those who déevire’ tego to’ Liberia. the difficulty is, that dach a’ the fund used for the beneht: vantageously in alding the Ap Belistiory, N-O., April 27, 1888. twit same sthools, &e., as the ‘best méansof | OASH y ctr | bat fFfan viet se qaatteeen north ald ve py is unders we rebated to abiotl Saree paretegrs TF 4 good government—‘or “(tod and bial ~ : rsen Hs en poe .t0 |b cae ngtive Jand.” And most: nobly and ta ae hildron oh 4 hoe Re: : gallaiity Inds he dong his “jiart He wedddely Matha delete. pee veo & now Zoos to tlie Senate. Where, thongh ' : or Fe. 1f ow we td AT TW. BIPTING’S “| SALISBURY, N.C, * ~ ¥ be found canals 4. glock. in eve- ai line et ce in. the country, he nown to be as aeany,- were for prego A at the ti of she e Jn. a! thereby ad | Wns hiraalages be bad ie. large, embractug a fae Roe roa weithe sé@irity : the ‘first, yavie Naor mae in ah 1869; the 2d. Jan. ‘ # ’ ) hé'Sehedale fir: Passerger 'Tralbs Booksellers and Slalioners, SEM GAS per wont, paysbls in eavenes, [aceite ari dust ORTH CAROLINA BAEL BROAD. Company Suors-N-C:, April 1, 1868. ‘On and after,this datethe fol an og wal ba | Lear Charlotte, daily’ 1.36.7 a. Salis bury,. ....- 2.07 A. M. AtriveatGol Leave Ot ale x68 dee 550 +: Me r Raleigd,....... 3.20 -* reensburo’,....7.17 “ bao OBS“ Tis +\ kevdircheneae “11.3 aA Through) pagers by tt ST ree tne to | omy, of routes yia it ille to Richmond, %r via Kalei ch | don to Richmond or Fagen arriving at all points north of Richmond atthe saithe time by either route. Connection is made at Golds- ‘| boro with Passengertraiue on W. d& W. Road to and from Wilmiugtov and by Freighn trains to Weldon: JAMES ANDERSON, Superintendent. Office N. C. Rail Road. April 1. 1868. tf CUSHINGS & BAILEY, WhoursaLs cys et | No. 262 Baltimore Sir., opposite Hanover, ie Ct ee A RE prepated to fy, tathe Country Trade, Goods in their Tine Bt prives that will u ef + nm mt on, zie those of ony othe: 5 Orre LAW, “ME DICAL, MNO fy PE OF RO) j MISCELUANE US, BOOKS is large and we’ selected. of BLANK BOOKS of deflereat styles and ol their own manufacture. Having a Binder Sorte: wah their Store they are, at sar Lage notice, to & = for Blank Books, ruled to an lern, or au desired style of Bidding. 1 ee d Orders, reoéived by mail, “ei meet with prompt attention, » Ea Yor’ are Rees ie to call and examine i ein ha ARP } before purchading glee Ow owRiw da: pd ui New’ “Miitiinery. I Woald ate the ye oy of Salisbaty and vicinity a I bave just received a handsome stock “of ring and Sammber Millinery, eni- and hats, © Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, I would respectfully so- licit@ contiouprwe of the same. Stamping and braiding done at the shortest notice. Mas. N, F. JACKSON. My opening will take place the 25th of this moath. All woull find it "to their advantage to call belofe purchasing Sayers eT Ime. : April 21, 1868. asl TAKE NOTICE, EAD AND CLG GEA CALL. We have a for the purpose of deing making, 7; <audjother kinds of fet ar ers On Batik Bt, between Mai Aso, a few Table Boarders will be taker SALLIB BEARD. - Salisbury, Apeil 17, 1868, tw-tf835 ‘Millemery and Di Dress, Making. RRELL, tess Legs to inform the Ladies Picinity that she,-has opened new Dearly opposite the Drug Store of Join H. Enniss, where she will be able at all ties to scvormmodaté them with’ any thing in her lize. She solicits a call, Dress-making done ~ the. same -establish- ment in the best styie by MR3. WILSON, ‘and MRS. MARTHA SPRARS, + | Bot each on her individual responsibity and ace counts Salisbury April, 18¢8. —tweel-330 (ea eere ace t® be Al aT SepCourt icnetigus Fa ney cao always walt day Min ee “HS ap constantly on hand a fail 74 bracing a pew and varied styles of bonnets } . antes ” Coit 2 Pleas aid d Quarter Sewions, January Term, iii : Vincent 3 Carrett, 7 Attachment levied on land, Ghristopher C. Kirby, B Spenbing be on seccartin nh Chee he: aor limits of this State, or so conceals phd apey for six Goths: cockatiels ty. inthe © atcumanx & OLD Noxrs. ae a waaisiet spub- —_ in the town of Salisbury. said ristopher C, Kirqy, to eel the next wate court to ty ia ey ——— of An- at the court-house in Wadesboro, ot Monday im Aprit next, then anewer or demar, or jud final will posfet roe m1 inst him, and lands omcondemped to sat- the pitas ate interest and costs clerk of ssid court 9 a eer’ Monday te January, A. D., 1668. NOw:pet $8. P. J. COPPEDGE,) Cletk. State of North Caralina,” | DAVIDSON COUNTY.’ Court of Pleas and wurler sesame, Feb b 2% pede age Ae hat John Bo Welborn, Adm's, of LK Pi se deed.) vs OM. Perryman, Amirewr ? man, Frank "Perryman, & wife Phebe, Wie | Perryman and wile Kliaabeth, 4. D! Pecry-' * p man aod Kubert Perryman, Ugirs et Law. | ais uly ck at Dy pearing ‘to: fhié eavislactivh of the Court, gars Dade Revert By wd in the town of p ot by weeks, nuillyte: real t ue and appear at the next tern of tip. rt ie for the County o Davideun,-at iM ington, ob the sevend Mcp- Then. and there (© anew er ahe petition of the plaintiff in this Gasé, Other- wise Fite casllb will be beard ryt prtesngs at ment redered confewso as to | Witness Jwo Hanves, Clerk of said Coart, at | Offwe, in Lexington, the seco Monday t, February, A. D., 1868 ‘INO. HAINES, 0,.@:C) , ee adv, $8 00—6w:12 State of North Carolina. ) DAVIE COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term 1868. | Jatbed M. Jobison vs. Lefayette Vai Eatta, { Attachnient levied on Land. to the satisfaction of the Court that ap ndani 13 & non: resi- 3 dpat of this State ; iii is ordered that publica- wn be fhade'for six weeks in the Watenman N this case, jt. any M. Witty ys'Js\R) Mendehha Soe y br fee 68. Db %: yr $10 Reward: wn Raxawar rem the pobeuised } a 3rd y in F (ceed) Soe es name to Sam Ancure He is : isaam = te ‘A 1868 py 13 $4 BROWS. IY Age fi tok aod send bill to ce l i n e Ay ) em e a m i g : me m e - EE S ee 2 ee ee ee ee ~~ 5. 0 Te oe ts a ee ee ee Oe ce ee Se a EE & a Ps y ; Ces, 140 Fallton'Street, New York. ——-- _ GEN. D: Ht. HILL. Sin commanity . had: ithe pleasure of listening to # very futeresting and ingtruétite~ Ideture | at “MeNeely’s Hall, Wedsiésday @tening, trom the distinguished gentleman whose name héads Mis | Paragraph. ‘He shad cho sett for his ‘subject, “The Saath, and Seuthern Literature ;” and proceeded briefly to éliow’ wliat the South had conitribated'to the greatness ‘and glory of the Unitéd States of America in the past; what.she snow, and what shé shiduld’ pride and endeator to fos- tery for thé wtgtesy ong these were peeeningnt the. vation: and en- ‘ef Southern litcrature, aid Salk iy ra he’ dwelt with most Shai « was’ packed, -and it af , ‘ _ ee pleasuite td add thatwe have } ys sft ever, seen A more attentive ere ipa public speaker yu any sohfes: Dixyek 4 ae: Het’ of the Bayde Brown; gyve an eaté ia? pA Veckg namerous icp sense ee ourself. It is say to} these abo Knew Gol, Brown; thet the ate- not wes His ‘reputation as a c Vener is eo-extensive with the State, ard of this oceasivm he surpassed himeelf. Among the distinguished gentiemen at thé table we" watiéed Gen. D. Ht. me. B.Graige, P) Be Shober; Eeq., Maj. W M. Babbins and others, iy a Ma. Bovney’s Masonrry.—We sta- ted in’ dur last that Mr. Boyden was elect- ed by about 1000 majority. His majori- ty Will be “About 1400, he having run ahead of his ticket in one or two coun- Diab. —Thé, Rigbmond papers are in thouruing for tie death of William ©. Rives, who died at his residence, at Cha/lottesville, a few days ago. Mr. Rives bad been long in public life, and was One of the most accom- pli-hed men'V irginia ever produced. “ elle Reroxwixe Fasiions ry letter says that the displeas- \ venth Nash, and Gallagher thie Tradtpy.— We vhanabentes of the affair taken the wae noabons Journal of Commerce. We have endeavored to iin “f° here, bat learn ing definite as to ste Day ecesnd asa that ore aok v liffer pale it. The Jour- > »—There reaches “as from an reliable source, the on Satdrday night frye Seite County, accompa several rt ad proceeded to the hows ot Reddick Carsey to arrest a son Gabaipeid ta have bese’ barei. i that. hoase, fired by the attacking party. “Tho dwelling and smoke house, with all the rovisions were consumed, ‘T'wo'soldiers were killed, tne wounded, and the officer shot throngh the flesh part of the arm.— Mr. Whitehurst was captured, and Mrs. Carney and her daughter, Mrs. White- burst escaped from the burning building. The Sheriff carried Mr. Whitehurst to Greenville; and this ended one of the most’ bloody episodes of this age, in Eastern N, Carolina. We recollect distinetly the charge made months ago that young Carney had killed an officer who had attempted to go up an upstairs when warned not to do so; but thoaght the -cuse -had been adjudicated Ipng since. I: is remarkable that the at- tempt to arrest ‘him should be ‘made at a dead hour of the night, when. it is well known that he has beer. in the babit, open- ly and frequénily, of going to Gree -aville, and other public places in the country, for months past. This tragedy is & mort unfortunate one, bat illustrates most forcibly the unsettled condition of the country under Radical rale.. If the Sheriff had the necessar authority, it wis his duty to make the ar- reat, and public opinion in Pitt will either approve or condemn bis course, 60 soon asall the facts are known, The case should be promptly investigated, and the facts elicited and published, forszhe vindi- értion of the cause of tru:h.--Goldsboro Rough Notes. —_—__@--____ Latest News. “Congrées “The Court.” r? Washingum, April 28, M.—In the rt, Suntuer offered a motion, which lies over, that, after conviction by two-th & majority of the Sen ate shall decide regarding the qaalifi ation required for a snecessor. Manager Williams resumed. In the House, bills were introdauc- \ ed, admitting North Carolina, and Lonsiana, or, the Adoption of Art. XIYV., and providing for the excla- sion of classes froin suffrage who are now disfranchised, and no admission of the disfranchised under Art. XIV, until restored as therein provided. Abyssinia. London, April, 28, M.—Io Parlia- ment, D'Israeli said that Maiper's Abyssinian exploit was only equalled by that of Cortez in Mexico. Impeachment, ce. Washington, April 28, P. M.—The Conrt continued. The following is the text of Sam- ner's proposition : Whereas, It is provided in. the Constitation of the United Sta that, on of trials impeachment by the | ested testimony Senate no person shall be convicted | without The concurrenc eof tw thirds of the members present, bit this res quirement of two-thirds ié not ex tended to the judgment on such trials that a major.ty: prevails: in order to remove any doubt, That any question, which may arise with regard to the Judgment, chall be determined by a majority of the members present. ‘The following among the sentences of Manager Williams’ he: “J ook Jat The bloody Connell of New Or. -| leans, and show mercy to loyalty and}. -| innocence, and not to treason.” After Williams concluded, Batler explained the Managers’ connection with the Alta Vela affair, allading to Mr. Nelson’s reference thereto. |} Botier said it was not only sup- pression of trath, but a suggestion of v6 | falsehood. Nelson replied that this was not the time to ineasure characters with Batler that could be done some oth- er time. He did not think he would soaffer by comparison. Ovnsiderable excitement enshed. Logan wanted to say something, bat Senator Oonkling, who was sit- ing near him, said: “General, be quiet ;” and the affair subsided with much. suppressed wrath. Evarts, commenced and his first ac-, teay | this — Richmond, 1 et 28, P. ‘MoJo. Milward, one of the proprietors of the Spotswood Hotel, on Tuesday week, intimated to some friends, that they ‘would not se¢. him again, and bes, since been imissing, till this even- * when he was found inthe eanal, with a ballet geen yay in his head. ~ The Gerigrs Election. Aogusta, April 28, P. M.—The un- ofticial count -of90: counties gives Ballock; Radical}, ‘2,268 -majority.— Forty-two counties. to hear. trom, which will lessen Bullock’ 3 Fane 4 | and leave resalt. doubtful, ~ Markets. : New York, April 28, TP. M>—Cot- ton doll—a shade lower. ;Sales of 800 bales at 33. Seme sales report~ ed as low as 824.) Gold 1.394. Sterling dull at 10. Baltimore, April 28, P. M.——Qot- Y | ton dull at 32. Flour firtn. For Life Insurancs Only. PIEDMON1 : REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY vrelihiczs Panes RGINI avTudtiizeD ONE sition pOLcANe OFFICERS, W. C. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKIN Seoretarg. C. H. PE »M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Company pays to its polidy holders annually 844 Per Cent. of ite Profits. ee aid ita Leweny by ‘taking wotes f of the premin “Ss allows “ts patrons Sey alt cash if desired. It invites ite patrons to attend its annual set- se = _ sce their rigtite protected. It aliows its pAtrons to change their pulicies from éne to another. Its Policy holdersare not restricted as fo tre vel or residence It offers the following certificate as to its gol- vency: masieepaing an gustven duet ny. “The Piedmont Real Estate Insaranee Oaim- y,” of this county; and besides the merit of ite solvency, iterates and terms for Life Inrur- ance are such as to commend it to public pat 1 Blogtholders, Dwar and Officers are men ean miy of an Sle, emda’ sasanduene weatpgeencnt of ihe alteiis. None of ux have sondline Press reonal interest in espana. AR gg “Gao. §. Steves, PE Mi Shae a= + Hix, Sheriff. fas-remain subject to the general law | paniex OF THE DN eh a No. 92 Broapwix, New Yorx, Sg on I OF 600, —_s Sash Income, Me 00 Sum assured doring 1867, Number of Policies issued. in one year—I All oe divided among the Policy holdars an- Dividend ay Ist, 1867—Cash value $610, The ipeet Mutual Life Insurance Compatiy in Issuer oe Policteh on a Single Life from $250 to &. Wye Hutchison & Co, , Ac'Ts. No. 1, Cowan's Brick Row, Sauispury, N. co) Who are also agents for sit 6f the best Fire Insurance ies in the United States. march 4, 1 twawim as Seei eeee , “INCOME FOR iser. ‘$7, 726,516, 53. ‘FOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, FOR INTEREST, 81.393,711,58 | LOSSES PAID IN: 1867, $1,268,75818, -PIVIDENDS PAID JN 1807. $643,005,00 oan SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, 2" Raleigh, N.C. |A. Philips, Agent, Charlotte, N.C. mer 3-wédrwtt Sandford's Liver Invigorator, Hall’s Hostelter’s Bitters, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Or any other Patent Medicine, ‘Hair Renewer, CALL AT G. B. POULSON & CO's. /.,. DRUG: STORE, . Wyatt's Old Stand, SALISBURY, N. C. March 17, '68. twitwide OSIA POR: “THE E HAIR, : ¢ Improved ! ie an elegant Dressing for: for the Hair. itcnasds the Hair to cari besetifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It invigorates the Roote ofthe Hair. Th fproes the Hair and Beth th gf¥w lesuriontly. It immediately stopa Hair Failing Out. It Keeps the Hair frosh Changing Color from age. It restores Grey Hair to jt Original Color. — | It brings out the Hair on Heads that has been bald for years. It in comiponed entively of simple and purely vegeta’ ~ ble It has received over six in Capuennd voluntary testiso- ntate Of fts exodterice, many . many of which are from phy? TT invite p GUNFORB LAND AGENCY OF ~ NORTH CAROLINA. Laxprowoens who. wish, to Ml, =. 4 te or Mineral Lands,” Waler’ Powers, Will, Town Lots, or Read Estate of any kind, will find it to their advantage to place their property in our, hands forsale. We have great facilities for procuring pur- chasers for all sugh property. For information, address j INO. B. GRETTER, General Agent, a N.C. Dec. 2, 1867. ly J. G. VEAOH’S MAIL AND. EXPRESS LINE--Daily. Schedule from High Point to Salem. EAVES Pat ai Bf b'olock., AM 4 Arrives at Salem at 8} o'clock, A M Leaves Salem at 2} o'clock, P. M. Arrives at High Point at 7? o feleek. PM Passen, will find this Line well stoeked, = Stages, fine Horses, care ‘4 and ac- Drivers, and no pains will be spared to make all who travel on this line com- ortabie. Special attention will be given to all Express matter sant to my Care. J. G. VEACH, jan'y 18—tw3m Great Reduction in Prices of HARDWARE. Look ‘for ' the “Padlock Sign ie attention . Nails.7 ets, “peri lb., or $6 per Keg ; Farm IRON 61-4 cts." Shovel Moulds, Round» and Square Iron, best 8 cts: a a By ey eee. LighT! LIGHT! THE CELEBRATED SOLINE Burning Fluid. No smoke, smell pr explosion, chea ‘then Gas, Kerosine, or Candles. Also, the 7 New Kerosing Burners. Comet or a Tee without ne A fall st: Burners, onine, eal & Ley ain Store. rananougr ROBE VILLE. i wor re N. Cc. — The ores ve out ils certs fring tlsconore tioti w Meh Hotel, takes ostaslo m to assure’ them that nd effort or & awill be spared Shaper et peg wales: aue of the v a He is py to sunonnes that the fall inthe enables him w reduce the Price to. ' To citizens coming in to spend -a “Wicks, Ker Perea Wagon Tire, from 7 to 7} olan pees Buggy.“ 8 Cast Steel and Iron Shovels, Blacksmith Tools, Carriage and Buggy Material, Harness and Saddle Monnting, it Sinclair's Straw Cotters, m6) Shellers and Ca)t vatora. mF STRAW © f a. Thompion's Sema: Cotters Corn Shel- lers and /-PLOUGHS, P TS. OVENS, SK LLETS, aod a large assortment Nea 2 lids. i Stee) Mate » Lea ieee eerie Re cae otek ales, Latches and Hinges, Screws, Picks, nes, Mowitig afd Grain “Stythes, Good Winte ‘Lead, Trace Chains, Hames, Cow Bells i Bed Castors, Hewry_Distants| Mill and Hand- Sawa. Also, Rowland’s Mill aad Cross Ont Saws, Porcelain aod Brass Kettles, Donble Barre! Shot Guns and ‘Pistols; add all other goods usually kopt in a WARE. STORE. Come gentlemen, one and. all, to the ware Store, where you can purchase your goods at the lowest market prices. CRAWFORD & HEILIG. R. K. Caawronrp, P. N. Hero. Toet. £8 6m-tw.1)- st'® Monthly Magazine, Univertally acknow the Model Parlor Maga- zine of America; devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Architectare and Mod. Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of bina 9 Personal and Lite Coast orsies 9 “ia timents on Fashions feowreeions Woe, Amusements, etc., by vings (fall size) useful and relimble tterns, em- brovderien ana & Constant stccession Of artistic nov- elties, other usefal and entertaining literature. No person of refinement. economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, $0 centa- bombers, as pleat coe either mailed free. Yearly $3, jes. 07.00; thee icon preniums for clubs at $3¢ with the first premiums to each 1 A new subscriber. ilson Se wii Machine for 20subscribers at ere ~d W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 478 Broadway, New York. Demorest’ ® ree A and Young A together, with the premiums for each. Sale Postponed. THE Sale of the Land Lands of R. W. Grif- fith dee'd., has been rdepey4 e of May Court. when it take place at the Court Honse door in Z. W. GRIFFITHy:-Adm'r. [apr-4 wedctwtd] ; ne oa aad that Fol. mt Fol. IK i to 27 Examine veer oor not the one for Specimens, Show - Bills, Premiam’ Lists. ee eee Sar naan th ae to Jan. jon trial, for only ee Se D. T MOORE, Dec 19— Rochester, N.Y. THE LANDWELOVE Devoted’ Ia MONT, Intelligence, and Reports of Bat- tles, Incidents oss aatioas wre’ Wer, never before published. CY GEN. D.H, MILL, LATE OF THE SOUTHERN ARRT prasdocks . -* PROPRIETORS: J. P. ERWIN & DA BILL © ee ey TERMS:—Tur Layo We Love, “sleet zine, ‘comtaihing from sixty to 96h, the size of those of Blackwood's “ published'at Charlotté, N. ©. for Three a yea, in advance, or Five Dollars, tek pala till the efid Of the year. ; ACCOUNT BOOK LOST.—Oa Wed- rage Fo pati e leave itat! April U1, 68 “te tw n City to all be sure to ask pure i to —? West, vie Baltimore & Ohio Rail- roa U7 Parties wining to Emigrate to any of the Western or South- Fosorn Ste can, by ast ti & party of ful andy) pan S , Tiekew of JEAUE FOSTER, Evy, gent, North Carolina, at Salis- » for— adianapolie, : Chicago, fit. aon NRE te New-Orieans, Le ° He acne Ky., , at greatly reduced transfers of LOUIS ZIMMER, Gen. Sceihorn Agt, Balt. & Ohio R. B Greenebero’, N.C. « —e ., my hat 0 Ticket Bat. ORR Bahimore. THE SOUTHERN Leiter & Bill Heads, WEDDING and PARTY Tickets, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, DRUG LABELS, COURT BLANKS, add ail other kinds of Blanks and Job Printing will be dove in a style that can be surpassed by none, and equalled by few in the State. Our terms will be as low as the lowest In the Southern Country. HANES & BRUNER. Salisbury, January 16, 1968. twawl THE THI-WEEKLY ‘OLD NORTH STATH, AND THE WEEKLY WATCHMEN & 01d North State, BOR 1868. ——o-— -— THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE having beon consolidated in the hands of the wodersigned, and the Baxxxs heaving suspended publication, heresfier there will be bat one paper published in Salisbury, which will be is- HEPATIC PILLS, |“"""™ for all A diseases, caused by a Tri- Weekly & Weekly, DISEHEASED LIVER. under the above names. In consequence of the The made and by OG. W. DEEMS, Pt greeted macy «ood y to tattasre combination referred to, this paper will have the Md., where he can have access to the purest and ry ‘ on the most favorable terms. will. siways on bsed a large supply, ood Ci OMe Se et wholesule and ree ot Seca ent often o the in point of utility, excellence and comfort.— They contain one article which has probably never before been used as « medicine, and which is a powerful agent in cleansing the Liver. (which gives them an advantage over every other Pill heretofore offered to the pablic.) The composition used in these Pills is carefully pre- Escoverer, peculiar i strengthening, mild in their action on the bow- els, and ‘indeed, in a climate like ours where colds and are almost en apfailing con- sequence of sudden changes to which all a one at all liable tosuffer from the . » of these catiees, will Bud the t- est secarity in having his liver and bowels well cleansed by these invaluable. Pills, Where these Pills are day, the only remed ized and used by the people where bi are so preva- -lent. The advantage in this treatment there- fore; ia, that’s cure must be radical and com- plete without the necessity of breaking down ee remove 8 disease in Gan be sent to any point in the United eueet ion. box, 95 centa.— Dus. $2.50—Half Grose, sie dee ora Three Gross, $50—Five Gross, $75. ‘The cash mest | er aceompany the order for the Medi- ine or it wil) beaent ©. @.D, Orders thonid be address ed to way ¥ Mo. %, Largest Ciroulation OF ANY PAPER IN Western North Carolina. AND WILL AFFORD TUE Best Advertising Medium to be met with in that part of the State. SS will be under the management of Ma. Haws, late Editor and Proprietor of the Ou Noare Stara ‘and no pains will ve ypared to make it equal to if pot the beat paper Fit class in the State, © In the polities of the paper there will be no change—it will continge ‘to be a firm and decided Conservative journal, but it will not be devoted ex- clusively to politics. It will also be devoted © the material interexts of the State, and to Literary and Miscellaneous Reading, Domestic Economy, &o Offering such inducements, we confidently appeal tothe public for a liberal share of fts patronage both by subseription and advertisements, Terms of Subscription : TRI-WEEKLY : Pee MISTI, mes scccccsesecdosccscesses 96,00 Six Months,.........+.4 monigsecsevstce 2,00 WEEKLY: Weer One W600, 2050 0g db pes cegctetacccccsece $3,00 bad Six Months, . 10+ dv qpocens oveeed + s00te0 be 166 HANES & BRUNER, ee Publishers and Proprictors. Balisbury, N. C.,Janmary 16, 1868. Rwif. ey “COSTARS” Preparations! Everybody Tries Them |! Everybody Uses Them | Everybody~Belleves in Them ! —_ — = holes to die.” saspeeisl @ tke B toe climate. xd Tea you wbaepel WHR Bed Bega aah slcep at ? -cORTARS BEBUUG ERE A Lilt, a prevents Bed For Moths in Furs, Wi &e., &ec. Bay 8 9c. ot “COSTAR'S” INSECT BO Cae ety Pat aper aay an ae. “sare ing ~ tae wo ie merits. S cum 5 of “COSTAR'’S” CORN VENT. Por Corns, Bunions, Warts, Ao. Try it. “Don't suffer with Pain! Wonderfal power of Healing! Every family should keep it in the house. ‘We or Wie Box of — “COSTAR'S” BUORTHORN Sacre. Ite effects are . Po co / Bottles “OOSTAR’S” BITTER SWEET. Escort fon bath Pape S| ia ae Ee Fore (1/1 Beware 17 of oll Worthlan Imitations. $2,00 fe tia the tere he "where, $5,00 pays for eight 1,00 oisee~ by Ex- 482 X.C. Bold b AND ORANGE BLOSSUMg, | Nort: % i l a f F e s E G E i t y | ‘ ti i E r ie ¥E & 2 & State of North Carolina, ROWAN OOUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb- ruary Term A. D. 1868, J. J. Sammerell, Ex’t'r of Elles Fulton vs. Da- vid Fulton, Petitiiton to make real estate assets. 1 this case it sppitilag to the satisfaction of ™ the Uourt that the defendant, David Fulton, oe tetapontone, OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. _-pr adv $8 00—6w:12 Julies R. Simontoo and wile wa Henry B. Kaox a al. A. O. Baket, adm't., ve. Heirs at law of Wm dec’& od % PeTinow To stu: LawD. * T appeating th the satisfaction of the Gantt thet Parks sd his wife Dolly, sthie-aod hie wife Barah, » James : Hy ja i l Hi e Tt n F } : = = i 2 é rt i SOLICITOR IN BANKRUPTCY, 13For tale by JON H. yy all the the large citins. : WILMINGTON, N. C. aud~ly of roar OU : to of the Obadish W , Clerk. of our said} Court at the first in Fobrua- ry, A.D. and in the y-tecend “ROW, DORSRY, oun, 4 / & Old North State, notifying defendant to be and appear at. our next of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held property levied on shal! not be con- demned to the use of the plaintiff. Witness, Osapian Woopson, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the first Monday in Febraa- try, A.D. "iclicentenen the ninety-second ear of our ii . J OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. pr. adv. $8 00—6w:12 h State of North Carolina, STANLY OOUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1868. M. Witty vs. J. R. Mendenhall ATTAOMMERT. eS preme the satisfaction of the eourt that the defendent, J R Mendenhall! resid: be- yond the limits of this State: It is ordered by the court that publication be made fotsix weeks in the Watchman & Old North State, notitying the said J R Mendenhall to be and atour next court of Pleas and Quarter sessions to be held for the county of Stauly at the ovurt-hottse in Albemarle on the second Monday in May next, and show cause, ifany he has, why the pronerty levied on shall not be condemned to e use of the plaintiff Witness, Lafa Green, clerk of our said court at office in Albe- marie, the second ine February, A D t868. L. GREENE, c. ©. c. . &:6w pr fee $8. by A=W, Stone, D. C. State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term 1868, W. If. Rocce va. J. R. Mendenball. ATTACHMEST. Tt appearing to the satisihetion of the court that the defendant, J. R. Mendenhall resides beyond the limits of this State; It is ordered by the court that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North State, notifying the said J. R. Mendenhall to be and appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Stanly, at the court- house in Albemarle on the second Monday in May next, and show cause if any he has, why the property levied on shall not be condemned to use of the plaintiff. Witness, Lafayette Green, clerk of our said ovurt at Albemarle, the second Monday in Feb- ruary, A. D., 1°68. &6w (pr f $8) L. GREEN, ©. c. c ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb- ruary Jerm, A, D. 1868. D. A. Davis vs. W. G. Young Original Attachment, appearing to the satisfaction of the Court the écieudenc W. G. Young, is a non- t of this Beate, it is, therefore, ordered publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North State, notitying said defendant to be and y wh de 4 pext Court - bap wh Quarter i to be held for year of oor OBADIAH ¥ OODSON, Clerk. pr adv $8 00—6w:12 State of North Carolina, ANSON COUNTY. of and Quarter Sessions, wary Term, 1868, John J. Colson, administrator of James A. Robin- son, vs. Thomas A. Robinson and others. PETITION TO, MAKE BEAL ESTATE ASSETS. Te pepesring the satisfaction of the Court that State of North Carolina, | met form is. 19 3 25 26 as moe 4 2, 3 6 6°77 8 9 10 Ill 12 .13°14°16 46 17. 18 19. 20° 21 22 23 24 25 26° 27 28 29 30 31 Ty . Seo womegoegenes 1 2 & 4-6 6' 39 8 9 10 lh 12 13 4 6 16. 17. 18 #19 20.2) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. 29 380 31 SErremBer,.... 1 2 3 @ 6 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 #18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 29 30 OcropgRr,...... 6+... tecoere 1° 23 8 4 &6 6 47 8-9 1l 12 13°14 15 36 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Novus. 1 3 3 “@*@. 6. 2 8 9 10 2 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 @ 22 23 24 285 26 27 28 29 30 Decemnusr, 4-°3.-@538 6 6 7 8 9 30 31 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AGENTS WANTED FOR Tuk GRAY JACKETS. An eh fon Dine 8 L' ‘ITH Incidents and Sketches of Life in the Confedersey, Narra- tives of Perronal Adventure, Anny , Naval Adventare, Home Life; Partixan Daring, Life in the » Field with the : lt i : Pa gt spirit of the confliet than many pr ts sslio’d dan puesips Set nthe patien be gossip, nm, war. This iliestrases the character of the ers, the humer of the soldiers, the Li F i f women, the bravery of men, the pluck of dur heroes, the romance and hardships of the ser vice. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Pictur esque and Dramatic, the Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic,and the whole Panor- ama of the War are here thrillingly in a masterly manner, at once and re- mantic, reude it the ahost a brilliant and book that war mi Asepupent as well s¢ Inatroétien be a n every as graphic detail, wit, and authentic history, sre skillfally inter. pyre Ae LI art. Send for see our terms, and & fall work. Sprout, Goodrich and Harvisén Potatoes, supe- rior to any others Known. ~ ie Oe OR Se Re 8 on t -p RS ar e +e ii a Pe e p e r e+ a rpose 4 remo. or, day r a » Lringiag ert and the inet Oa a af. mabner in To-all human pul 1, ' life if been spared ished. e8 as to bow to - His will, rnd onreeltes-tp for more dilis ind faithfulness, while we are redt work: Presbyterian. stad 7 , rs 7 taretlon WHY ORCHARD’s DETERIORATE Fruit trees, like else whove sustenance is: derived from the earth, are A a ; b id winnte. ed, and what is the re- > buadreds: and ban- *. 3 F 3 preseqt diciowa, buspoct vou Would. be.am-Oatregeg ber carpe fregly -bandy panes a the -streeté> and in ‘otek edabesnstanlp itn be mistresivar img! | iy rr if ; # AS} wwor-taned bya tmyly the fibres, reaching out maw it’ ecarch ‘of euston- the trank, are severed ; their ab- and conducting power ms destroy- the Uvee end » rastaiwed active fuactions, wither ; it cesses it Ae «es. teuth, ie, the Carmer asks too much for the are of ies nee vigor aod for tt Matewmen- ia patiie sll: ests thse inean ew ent oh ‘the ace, besides giving bim « crop of cont and potatocs m thes® the last he eats the thoesnads of fibres of | arovally. ‘To secure bis trees with the bh, and then wen- ae eo te « fall develw at, a maltiplication of i are te samples of immature ones. The earth, properly manered and tilled, &» manificent in us tipliesty of exactions ite peeponse to lite lelere will be feeble and onsatiafactory —Rwral New Yorker. a . Linesin’s Opinion of Gen. Loe. 2Mira. Keckley, the colored ser tant of Mr. Lincoln's family, says -_— ‘ehot that of the tery morning of the as claim Oger we entire cle vee gety “pertuasive or threate af odreatiim, ~ A noticeable feature ti 1h , heat she hé fomaval, & Me. Ss rait that, is" proven Mp te tnake for iompemelvmng ier re bo erriet legal owt ™, that thebe gm aot if the Sena'e@ A @ustain the Llouse in Me « Tite vide oot | trovertedy . by a tery conerd- crable tam tier Rapublicace, j ree wt as the resrilts) of ident with ‘ote fact, and they eat depow tion of | the Exevarive s y measare,) Ie Of the prpcedent \t etal inks | ed and ite deter of the stab hiry | of ouf gore Sach are the drgomania advanced proagl cot by the . Republicans thenmel ven tought. The Democrats | are mere. beckbhteen, having we in-| fluence 06 exertin atigiananber for the Boece me prt . lie generat ath Te That the vnpeachundht taal wl be cone) aded nud a verdict rendered on Toesday of | heat weelemer” * i Mev Saabecy “his “fmproved in healthy eonatietubly. to-day. Assouit as offixetient afier the cl se of the impeachment trial, Mr. ee 5 nt pay toi red nee bie ‘abliee the system heel oforgereferted iepately Generale Lawesek “aod Sherm dined with the rer ope Sarirlier 'F « evening, spe General Shagnan wi leave bert et Genet ield arr day. “Dieeparposd of Iris ee known on bly to-| visit is not : Data. a KILLED BY LIGHT NING: On Thareday last, the 16:h, during a thonder-rorm, the. store of Mr. T. Bondy, at Lattinbergh dex depot on thé Wiluingtos & Charlotte Kailroud waelenek by lightning. — A nomber of persons wére in the} Store al the thine, fwo of who were} killed hy the stroke. One of these was Lanéhiin MeLanrin, a young) man about 21 years of age, and the other the Ree Vohn B. McKinnon, a hieentinte tf Fatetteville P oshytery. Titts few sad Hieation of Provi dened, @ sympathize MINISTER earsination President Lincoln took ap mw pertrait of General Lee, scanned the face thenglitiully, and said: ‘It ea food face; it tp the face of We biave man. Tam glad that th war over at fase.” Looking vp at hieson Robert, he continued : “Wel! my @o, you have -rpeturived etalely from the trent. The war is note ano with the brare men that hare been figliting againet ws, [trust that the beta of good feelifig has retorted with | the cleee of the war, and that lence farth we ehall live fn peace.” Were | | President Lincola not dead he wont, | fer wach sayings and thonghts as these, he denoanced asa first class, double-dyed Utraitur by those whe who have wile hypocrisy to pre fend reveF®ice for his memory.— New York Times. COLORED FIRE COMPANY. Ma. Evrroe: the wmearbers of the eolured -}QSinpany for their energetic and ef ficient aid in extinguishing the fire on lhireday evening ¢ The manner in which they drove their engine ap in- to the very teeth of the raging ele- ment, and stood their, ground there in defiance of reat and emoke until the flames were subdued and our town rescued from a great and threat- ening meer att is the theme of dniversal admiration. By such gal fant and disinterested ‘efforts Tn be. Phalf of the welfare and eafety of the copmanity they have deserved the kind consideration of us all.” It is ewid that the owners of the prop- erty moet immediately endangered and which was eaved mainly by their ex@iions, design making the colored fire Odthpatiy a hatideoue donation. It is richly deserved. Very respectfully, withy th . 6 fast hfs’ flitig ‘to suddenly CITIZEN. April 94, 1868, te man, but when | -Will you allow me} aye 13 was pst f ing to “her and traj]-. ing on tre hae: arte General w dressed in full anifota as were his groomsmen,.and he looked the thoroagh goldier,, . .y) The bride’s maids were five in nnm- ber, and ‘were all dressed in white tarlaton and. lookin ne af therm dee , Sree Eaton and iss Sewell, were, from this, place, while -others, Mies Qunficld, Miss Stangliter and Miss Calphas, were from tiniore, The groomsmen were a}l army of- fiers, and their costumes, as Well as the whole affairin geoeral, is deserib- ed as “gorgeous.” — ARKANSAS. Ilon. James Hines, of Little Rock, Ark., member elect to the Fortieth Congress urrived in this city yester- day, His two cvlleagues, esas. Roots and Rowles, arg daily expected. Hon. B. Rice and A. MeDeuald have beea elected senator from that State. The fourteenth article of amendment to the Constitution has been ratified upanimously by the Legislature now } im session at Little Reck. Arkansas will seuon resame her place in the | sisterhuod of States. j Furviey's Chronicle, | —_- —- A CARD, ' of Salieb jthe flames which Uireateved the de- | struction of the Book Store, on Thars- day evening Inet. flis thanks are es pecially due rnany young txdies for jtheie assistatce im removing books! a plaice of safety. J.P. SULELDS. April 26th, 1868, _— Congress- /mpea Ament. te etill bere, and bis departure is ancer- well, Nelson, of ‘Tennesace, spoke cz tem , pore. He alladed to the magnitude of the | oceasion, and feared a lack of ability to | properly trent it | the President with evil nature and wicked. | charaéter ; and. accused him of everything | from a greas - mon ecold. M dent's biography, fa refutation of these charges and arpersions. Those who, like him, kaew the President best, sastained the President. He felt that he waa nom addressing Senators ae politicians, but as! Judges, who would rise above prejudices, of party, and was confident that outside preseare would be indignantly repelled .- jelsed, and we will euen live in peace; If he believed conviction a foregone enn- | clusion, hamble as be was, be » ould scorn to addrees them [We are compelled to cat short the re- | port of Mr. Nelson's argument, | —_———— ee Wr ten for the Watehman & Old North State { LOVE OF CUCNTR Y. “Livex there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himeelf bath said This is my own my Pative land i" | charmingly.— | ; lowe of coantry, home and henor. The undersigned tenders his grate~| will the danginers of the Sowh strew | acknowledgments to the citizens) flowers, aud plant the evergreen over the ary, and the colored tire mon, | graves of her fallen braves and find there- ter valgable services in arresting|‘u a sadder, sweeter pleasure, than werr- {aud dark clouds of oppreasion hang gleom- | dreolation vow—bereft of all save thine Washington, April 23, P M—Schofield | m. In the impeachment trial, after Bout-| Th : “ é jothers as they woald have done anto spasm, sie oar Py The memory of her fallen braves | wees; charactctiaed him aa deatitate of will ever render the South a consecrated witical criminal t a com-!° r. Neleon gave the Presi-| | with intent to viele them both Ket sae 9. 7 oh Ve MAY; vo ee Shy wit J, days of d_ renowned ronized by, those whoiaspired ta hasan Sanaheat the world—her yaren old eos saurnrAuey aati world ever produced. “Ir tiow gee the noble Demosthenes, the ver tion of: ‘edloquénee, .piceuring ike nf of 5 pti sine point of in: thise+ that while in England » nul clothed with power to decide between, the two in ease eonflicting ¢laims arise between them, with us this is, under cor yaitask ss Lak Ade Hoe is no triba- vote of one 's wrongsand o jons, and the restrictions oof the specific functions Rr dsitsd cP ema a Ten dike Ba eme Court. ' thousandieyes ‘are beaining ‘upon him, ‘Phe real eolfision now on trial at Wash drinking brea’ in’ each barning |ington is between the President aid Con- Sl a apt rem re ceases, and one d, shont rea wi jon, in. ing @ * heavens, “We will conquer or die.” Co had, passed, ‘Phe, President's Sony Al There is Ttalf's sitiny skies, vine cad ral teply to eens that Congress Wilke eompbfiageuta of esatins pation ‘the asurper ; that he was only trying —arebitectural splendor—and _ splendid eye oe, wrnpeee 5 Wilmington, April 23, P rice of painting.and sculptare, and|al functions ers of his own: | jeg) majority in the city is ark eyed maidens 1 gg 2s oon sment, @ whi Gangrene had am-| the majority. notes in ‘hat Jand of song. Yet we envy is reakeneeal, is is the issue which Ect a wot other fands their | 1 renown or fis really being tried. On the facts of it, sa te glories: Lika the meusiry of come ew bbieethd vets Whe éab CUUh ear nal lingering, lovingly, soothingly; |to be tried by either branch of Congress, the heart, lightening the cares and jor by both; for Congress i¢ thamditting pen belo Foxes Sal gene's oe in judgmen' ns onthe peer. & & memory e once wny South} self one of the parties. Under the Uon- otherwise stealing o'er the hearts ot het children it} stitution, and that distribution of power ag be ee or Dp mba A genog lands ; OF | for which the Constitution :provides, the | a resals, . still ap inmate of their once happy, tho’ | issue thas joinad it, in come There is considerable betting to-day. now bomes. form, to be decided b Sn Dearesentoneh, Newbero, April 23; P. "Te asad pleasure to close the eyes to} The question whether the President could | voto ip Newbere and James City the joyless present, and revel in the san- |and H © Mr. St » 0 | a Republican majority of chine of the past. The land of my birth T love thee yet— the skies areas bine—the tiny songeters warble as sweetly aud thy rippling waters flash back the sunny rays as in happier days—the orange aud magnolia breathe | their eweetness as of yor*—but alt!’ the hearts of thy children are weary, crashed, and hamiliated. A wail of woegoes forth from thousands of deselaie homes for their martyted dead—whose patriot blood so freely shed epeaks in eloquent pone ang ing the festive wreath for tho proudcet re turn on earth. My native land, thunders of tyranny iy over thee. Thy once futile fields. of fotton, cane and rice are one east scene of honor—a bright beaatifal jewel, whose | lustre cannot be dianned, bat gains addt- tioaal brijliancy by being ground ‘neath the oppressor's heel—and will ever keep her beet and proadest sons from bending | the servile kuee to tyranny ; but ever wil- ling to yield an hovorable allegiance, to that true nobility of soul, that would scora t trample oo weakness but willing to «x- tend that magnasimity dne an hovorable though a conquered for, by “doing unto } them.” spot to the bears of her childien, the wee happy, Suuny South, the land we lave. ADA. — From the New York Times. ion, or whether, by of the tenure-of-office bill, Mr. Stanton was still entitled to the place, in rem of the Presideut’s attempt to remove him, is ove which should have been taken far de- cision i» that tribunal. - The result would lmve commanded respect, and settled the codetraction of the Constitution on a point of marked and permaneut impor- tance. ——-aea———— THE SOUTHERN PRESS ON HANCOCK. No name that bas been mentioned in counection’ with the rove so salininetot vi Geveral aaa leans Preayene, ip each a man as this the South can and does place its confidence even the moréthan if he had not fonght bravely and with distinguished | skill agaivet it in tho late civi war. He was a soldier by profession, and a native of the rection on whose side he fought. He has shown equal civil with bis great military capacity, and the South has had an op- portanity te try him. If oar Northern friewds find it difficult to choose a candi- date in whom both the war and peace Democrats might have confidence, ict them choose the man who has ed to be the best friend the Senth has had since the war cuded, aud whuse brilliant careet asa eoldicr should gain for bim every Northern vote which ie net sworn away to Radicalism. The man for the oceasion, says the Maenn, Georgia, Tele graph, ie General Winfield 8. Hancock, who, to wilitary abilities and achievements equally bril liant with these of Grant, and far more at the South ae that CONGRESS The President rHE USCRPER. aad the Constitation of the United Buatee| The} ‘apeeific law which he violated was the | tenure-of-offiee bill; the act by which be} | violated it was the removal of Mr. Stan-| which makes it hia duty to execute the! |lawe of the United Scates. tien = If the trial and the epecific acts The love of country is one of the no-| charged were mere forms and pretexte | Jno bleet and parest senuments of the haman I ander which a “toregone conclusion” is | lheart, taking fv at one full ewee p. the | to be reached, and an obnoxious official to | | whole circuit of thpaffeetivns, bom«, fam-| be removed, thea for the decomplishment | ily, frie nda. | ot there ends three Our ehildhood's home! how many ten-! Kat iv charging the in your columne to express the | der recollections cluster around that hal | the Ilouse of Kepresentatives were conm- | thahke of our Whole com uunity to | lowed spot. "Twas there we first learved | pelled to allege a criminal infent ; Fire | to liep our evening prayers whilst kaeel- | they have accordingly taken apon them. | ing at our mother's knee—learned to ap- | selves the tark of proving, that in remov- | April. »ointe are immaterial resident with a crime! | avd | preciate a kind father’s loving emile and jing Mr. Stanton from otfiee, he intended | | played bewcuth the shade of those grand old trees and called together the first fair flowers of Spring with loving brothers and sisters. forgotten pleasures and will linger through tany changes on mewory’s tablet as sweet mementocs of the past. What eaa- ses the wanderer in foreign clinves to lis- ten so attentively. Hark! ‘tis an old fa- miliar strain falling om Hifs ear, first heard in his far away louie, and bringing with it a thousand ténder récolleetions of loved dtes there —he listens with swelling heart and quivering lips, and bending low his stately head the strong man | weeps. Love of country teems to bé an innate principle of the human breast, implanted there for the wisest of a ae en- kindle into a pure and holy flame the stumbéring fires of patriotivm. Every country has its own peculiar at- tachmeuts, The far clad Laplander in his ice begirt land—with sammers ‘of ternal snow—would not exchange his Those are pure and never to be| to violate the law and Coustitution of the | United States Whatever itia competent | for Congress to proce, it is also competent | for the President to disprove ; evidence both for and against the specific crime charged must be cqually admissible. And when the President offered the testimony of those upon whom the Constitution aa- thorizes him to call for advice to prove that he did call apon them, and that he acted upon the advice which they gave him, and conld not, therefore, have in- tended te violate the OCoustitation, it is not casy to see how such evidence could have been refused. Mr. Wilson has dwelt.on English pre- cedents, showing that the Executive is simply the ng of the legislature—ahd quoted largely to prove that the Parlia- ment is onmipdtent. He did “not fail fo notice avd. make large allowauee for the int that there isa broad distinetion in the two cases, po out of the fact that while wo have @ vithes Constitution | of popular enthusiaem, unite a caltivated intelleet ond enlarged statesmanship. His is charged with aser- | ciyi} administration of the Fifth District! eluged without cause. The Democrats tion—with having disregarded the law jand his recent leticr to the Governor of | are in high spirits. The radicals are des Texas, are glorious evidences of his abili- ties a¢ a civilian and his devotion to law, and would do nonor to any stateeman of his day and time. Let sach a man be e Ithe nomince of the New York Conven-|daya 5,247. ton; and that clause of the Constitation| gion and the death-knell of Radicaliem | 1,000. which he vielited by this act was that! wi} have been soanded in every State of | the Union. To make the thing doubly If this were | sure to the name of Haneock add that of| wounded but none seriously. The excite- ‘all that is involved, the case would be | Charles Frances Adame for the Vice-| ment was intense. Subsequently a negro | clear enough. But there are a good ma-| Presideney. The revolutionary nawwes | knocked a white lady down in the streets, ny other points which, in any tair and lof Maneoek and Adams would stir up| injariag her severely. ‘This added to the | just jadgnrent of the case, demand atten- jthe populir beart and rerurrect revolu-| excitement prevailing and fears were om | tertained of a general riot. tionary principles, now trampled iu the ee Washington Mattera. Washington, April 25, M.—Gen. | Lovell H. Roussean has arrived from | Alanka, as a witness for the Defence. Ile left Sacramento on the 4th of Regular pools are opened at the fashionable gambling houses, where bets are made on all the impeach: ment questions, including the final rearit. Nelson's specch is universally read and applauded. it is adm rable. In the Senate, the resolution that the proceedings of the Court in re- tirement be published by regular re ports, in the usual way, Was postpon ed nntil Monday. The Ohief Justice ordered the Pro secution to proceed, bat, Stevens be- ing absent, they asked time, and Mr. Groesbeck is speaking. Impeachment. Wasuixeros, April 23, M.—In the House, nothing was done. To Court, the motion to meet at neon Was 4 Boutwell resumed. Presidency would | says the New OF-) ‘and 94 | day, © [srectar 10 78 SENTINEL. } Franklin in Part. Franklinton, April 23, P. M—The vote at Franklinton stauds : Conservatives 187 Radicals 297 At Louisbarg : Conservatives 173 Radicals ' Georgia Elections. | Savannah, April 23, P M—The ‘Gon servatives are guiving , and are | boayant and enthusinatic. — off quietly. Every species ad has been practiced by the Radicala| | w exclade Conservative votes. The | vote is considered conservative and the epanty vote Radical. The resalt is doubt- ful. | In this county 4,499 votes have been jeast. ‘The result ie doubtful. The Dem- joerats claim 200 claimed by the demoera s. ettimated at a radical majerity of 500.— ‘Twiggs has gove Radical. Moarce | 190 democratic majority. Pike 300 ,oeratic majority The demrcrats have | cerried Lee by a emall Baker democratic by 250; Mitehell 300; Wil }eax 300; Wilkinson is Radical | Colambas, April 23, P_ M—The dlec- tion closed in good order. The total vote is 2,834. Over 200 white voters wereex- ndent. The news from this district is Cicily favorable. Augusta, April 22, P M—The total vote to-day is 817. Total for the four Bullock's majority is fully The election closed in a row between \the whites and blacks. Several were Several shots were fired at a freedman, but be esca- ped with a slight flesh wound. After the negroes were arrested, the military charg- ed through the streets dispersing the crowd. After quiet was restored it wae ascer- tained that the negro who assaulted the Sheriff was suffering under a tem fit of insanity. At this hour, 10 o'clock, the city is perfectly quiet. DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IN MI- CHIGAN. Washington, April 23, M —In Miehi- n the Democrats gain 70 eupervisors and cleat negro suffrage by 46,000. ’ More of the Democratic Victory in Chicago, Washington, April 23, 4.—The Dem- ocratic candidate Recorder is elected in Chicago by 921 majority. Radical Split. Alexandria, April 95, W.— Radical Uounty. Convention nomin- ated Hawkhurst, for Governor. One A spht occurred and nearly half of theit delegation withdrew. eee coders‘ weré composed of an white and one negro were nominated ; ' ratte Legislature, ; ” Ee ears “1. ane: » dee in a seg’ grees oe Ren with wah of rr i Sarees ein ae cates. . Secon. fate, 201 | Ph The f t z 4 i: 4 E 5 ? 2 3 af i | i z i 4 H rH i i I ¥ i i | i equal nnmber of whites and blacks. is sheeb ferred to “nothing for dinner.” iad The gre pital Sontins, obich of the battle has so Saajority of from ten to fifteen thousand. This result was feared by us from the commencement, though fora few weeks before the election we had strong hapes of « different issue of the contest, Wil- Ting, only for the sake of a settlement, to have accepted of a good Constitution at the hands of the convention, we could no: think of supporting the one presented. In iu all the ideas and notions of government which we have entertained since we first thought materely on “the subject, and whith have been strengthened avd con- of the weaker. Tuithe firét event we are ruined for all time; inthe second, after scenes of horrer whieh io pen ean de- scribe, we are ruined for a long time. As the greater part of the infclligent and re- ‘was to decide, for a time at least, the destinies of North Carolina is over, and the smoke far cleared away,as to euable us to determine the result’ with some degree of certainty. . ‘The new Con- stitution, with all its leveling. doctrines, has no doubt been accepted by those whom Congress have thonghy proper io denomi- nate “the people of North Carolina” by a ; } tion tax on every male inhabitant of th THE ELECTION. _ We give no tabular statement of in this iene for the reason that of then) are Thosmies ot official are so unreliible, been 80 far misled by thed Wi abat WEdo not deen give them in detail. . As to the result there can be no doubt The Constitution and the Radical ticke more on joint ballet, «The East general land. smaller majorities. the Republican ticket in the Sth district. _—— bo. TAXATION. The General Assembly shail levy a cuglee A A ve State over 21 years and under 560 yeursof age, which shall be EQUAL on each to the tox on property valued at Aéndred dollars in cush The commissioners of the severs! counties may ex empt from eapltation tax in special cases on ac- count of poverty and infirmity, and the Stat- and Capitation tex emabined shill never exceed too dollars on the head. to the above Ianguaze not more than two dollars tax can be put on three hundred dollars worth of property for both State and county purposes, which would be 66} cents on the $100 value. — Wr are satisfied that this is the meaning of the scetion, notwithstanding some of oar prominent men have asserted the con wary. We know that some prominent members of the Conservative perty agree with us that there is a bimitto thé taxing power.though they opposed the ratification have certainly carried the State by a large majority, The Legislature will also be Republican by a majority of thirty or ly did very well, but the West has gone largely Radical. We hear of but six counties west of this that have given Conservative majorities, Davie, Iredell, Catawba, Alexander, Caldwell and Cleve- Wilkes and Ratherford are both reported as having given 900 majority for the Constitution, and many other counties Mr. Boyden has been elected to Con- gress from this district by about 1000 ma- jority. This insures us two able repre- seutatives from this State, Mr. Beyden, of this District, and Mr, Lash, elected on government, to mect the expenses of the county and township governments, to erect )} 603, | 602/816 609) 819 817 608 G00 B26 507 B19 t| Asylums, Houses of Refuge and a Peni- 129] 79 1286) 179). 196 179, 126 179, 126, 179| 126) 179! 196! 179) 176 17 tentiary ; and to pay the interest on the 198) 169 198, 169' 198 169; 198) 169) 169) 198) 198| 169. pe 169° 198} 169) - public debt, and, after the year 1880, to 36, 147, 35), 4147, *, 147 35) 147 36!) 147 36'| 147) a 1 create a sinking fund for the payment of | 90) 67) 90) 90) 68), 90, 90), 68; 68; 90| 68) 90 e2) i. | {thd Witaeipal. “hod alt ar . ss 64) 49) 54’ 49) 54! 49) 54 49) 54) G4] 49) 49) 54 48) 65) 36, i Pare: wae all af thle tox te to 127; 27) 116! 27/115] 297) 115 a7 114 114) 29}. 27) 116|--27' 116, 97, 116) 97 ‘ t be levied on. property exclusively, as all ! | 49} 56) 49, 47) 55, 56) 64) St! 49) 55} 6}, 87 { the taxes levied on the poll are to be} ————.— ——— |! I —_— | Odie | appropriated to educational and charitable | Total, ..... 1641/1162'1618 1166'162611161 1618}1165)1621/1617 1168 1158:1634 1180 16831146 16141168 OT purposes, Sixty-six and two-third eents|— ~~ —— oe Rank Ob wal eG W essl aio a rr eaie’ H aseeited Wey ee ou the handred dollars worth of property apoaiey..-:| art en 465 peels 453|__ | ssl sao! pores A. BAUR 2. j see —— J. A . Ha w k i n s , | | i 4 a» “ ® ham at Boar oamne A og wilt, [ Goroagr: "ae : 9 in the State at its present value, would fot more than mect the amount that must be raised, if the requirements of the Con- stitution are complied with, exclusive of the interest ou the public debt. It is impossible for us to understand the Article a» our friend of the Democrat does. Nor, little as we think of the eapa- city of the Convention, do we believe it was so stupid as to insert sections in the same article which are contradietory-— which are wholly irreconciliable with each other. It vertainly did not intend to do any such thing, and, in our opinion it has aot dune it. The greatest objection which we have to this part of the Constivation is that the matter is introduced at all, The whole matter of taxation should have been Jef with the legislature, as formerly. A con- stitution should be only a fuodamental law for the goveroment of the people of the State, who, as a corporate body, should be left to attend to masters of debt and taxation throagh their legislature as may scem best to them. faites i Senate, will, in all human probabili- ty, close his long and aseful. public one worthy to close the career of such a man, however h we and posterity may regret that it ever arose. No higher compliment could poss sibly be paid to his high integrity, great worth, and exalted patriotism than the manner in which he has al- ways been sustained by the people of the intelligent Conuty of Caswell. Before them he was always omnipo . tent, and the recent election shows confined alone to the white people o the connty. rah cskine penis Tur Evecrron in this town and eoun- ty passed off quietly. No disturbance of any kind, so far as we are iuformed, oc- curred. The vote cast is a larze one, thongh it does not come up to the num- ber registered by some twa.or three hun. HON. BEDFORD BROWN, | dred. The county had been well canvas- The snblimiest +)ectacle presented | *4 Ry the Conservatives, ond = — in the late contest was that of this | ae bere —- nad seen ” the sawe efforts had been wade in all the couuti-s of the State that was made ip Rowan, the Constitution would bave re ceived a far smaller vote in the State than distinguished statesman and patriot Canvassing against the new Constitu- tion. He was the Conservative can-! fidate for the Scuate in Caswell, | that this confiaence in him was not | Dixyer Parry. Boyden House, ,ourself, It is those who know Col. Brown, that the din ner was splendid. His on this occasion be surpassed himself. STANLY COUNTY. constitution is 251. and county Conservative ticket is abead dent says: moe, Our trine, bat they lave shown to the world where they stand on this all important question. They are devermined to be a free people if they can. All the better informed of oar county voted against the Radical ticket. Nobody voted ihe Radi- eal ticket « xeept negroes, and such whites as colertained bitter prejudices against the —Mine Host of the) THE NEW OONSTITUTION. Col, C. 8. Brown, gave earecr. And the canse in which he : an entertainment to some of his numerous fought his last itical contest waa, friends 6n yesterday, among whom was! ag" fr needless for us to say to put upon the New Constitation, P as A caterer is cv-extensive with the State, and We are indebted to a friend at Atbe- marle for an official statement of the re- sult in Stanly. The majority against the The whole State L. Green, Esq., beats Morton, Radical | member of the Convention, for Represen- | tative by 250 majority. Our correspon- | “Stanly county is right side Up onee ple have been trodden | down by this Negro Radical agrarian doe- | ITS CONSTRUCTION. We ask the North Carolina public to bear in mind the constructions seep the canvass, We have shown that the . ape wee of the perfect com- plete ity of the with the white andy ge nl, Carolina, te all Wendell and the most whites in North Car- olina, in the matter of jurors or of officers or in the publie ec ot io the militia, or tn the matter of marriage, or or apprenticeahi But we blic not to that these have been by most of the Radical writers and speak. ers daring the canvass. The white ple have been assured that the General Assembi schools make distinetion, nor would we object, if it determines to ‘actin those matters as it is required todo by the conatitution. Many of the white people have beew reckives enough to vote © the consti ution, bad as it is, and sr s ; Ps fF En 4 @ = ~ Fo r e it e fi ‘ H i f z fi l i | it hae. In many counties there was vol better informed of our county, dnd were! haps it is the best to give them their fill apectable white people of the South would | °f tbe Constitution on other grounds thar | and it was mai ily owing to his exer organization at all. Some of them were determined to pat down intelligeses wn- | of the negro in the start. emigrate before they would submit to the} !?* '?*4tion matter. ; , | Gens that that eounty, in whieh there but imperfectly canvasaed even by the der the foot of the weak and ignorant to| Ap intelligent Republican informs ™, w ion, and ith ubis restriction on taxation, shun Tin : a é . : the ruin of all. But this eannot be- at| that ke had no iden that any member of first, the latter will most probably be’ the the fact that all white men can be reaftes | 788 Mere than 7 ple Nag stere mah patel | Conservative candidates. least long We, of Stanly, bave washed | the convention really believed in hegre tee en ecqnel. vote, we don't think we are badly hurt iffity of negro vores, Kare amnjority! It isthe boast of the radicals that theirs our hands clear of this ebarge. Let the | equality, to the extent that he would be emg ra" aor " Bat apart from this question of diGical-| the Constitution is adopted. against the Constitution, and elected | is the party of the working wen—the la-/ matter be as it may we are free of this | Willing to see whites and blacks put in ae bes enn iene ty ithe races there are other objec- . Charlotte Democrat. the conservative ticket fur State and| borers and the mechanics. Such is not | charge. Yours Respeetfully, |e same schools, de, until some hort cecurrewee, every f We do not understand the section qno- . ) A Ciruzex. | time age, whee he met with J. It. French, Gone that are insermountable—other pro- ; : county officers. the ease bere. No claes of men dic more | the Radical elect from the pete Phew. Te ve 4 visions inthe Constitution which wil) de-| ‘4, * our friend of the Demorrat does Col. Brown ia, we believe the olds | gallant service agninet the constitution in - ; | Gres Diseri nal of Commerce aye: : : lieve the ee "¢ Baec ret District. In ex to Mr. ¥F. feat all the ends of good feverpment — and we think he is clearly mistaken. J ‘st public man in North Cat ti Salisbary on the day of election than the sor kweve’ MGs xine petal gba his convictions that the Convention in- Trania.s Tasaunr.—There rese!ies theoe the most prominent are the | Vill be obecrved that the limitation is on | : sisal Dak 7 aes agg RIN of the plac... Nut a single one | MMbeT of this exceilent periodical ia "PP | tended no such thing, the gentleman was | @ from an Suna biene ~, mdllnet lento ce with a single exception. lat excep | , : ‘. : Pm ir ble iu i i 3 for 2 : 7 the poll only, and not on th p operty ion ie ie bien Weldon N Edwards, A them. eserpt one of the radical eandi- = re Bs eas ane ven | surprised to hear — » thas they a onceere vl J Let we employ the langeace nenally em | ‘ r. Contents: Horace, and theeauses of | intended nothing elee- that they were de- by the people, and that making every vo pes 5 : cw Yr : j dates and hie broiber, voted for the eon |.” < termined to teeak down the ‘eed by several tw th ter Geral sflines 10 which he may | Peed by legislative bedivs to express thy {of Narren. Col. Lirown first enter [titative To this clare uf men, as mach | "* Popularity; Linde Tressel ; Sir Rod. perma the “rebels,” 4 that they | house of Reddick « Camws « be The election of Jadges path idea intended to be conv eyed, and itp ed pablic life as a member of the leg oe tee ce ee ek pagel one. | ° Walpole ; Willian E Aytown ; Cor- aa a ae alt Odes le pe of that geotieman apenas of bh: pot safely be given to the whole bedy of] @e27ing will be clear : sstatare tn the year 1815, = fe than | le thie connty, aud ibeir services will aclias O'Dowd's papers; Charles Kean ; | same schools, &e.. as the best means cid everal mouthe since. ove ees ples they ave of A r “The General Assembly shall levy o| fifty two years agn. Siuce that time | nt bbe forgetion ci * sang abomt Ircland; The bate for destroying that prejudice! Our coly sur- Pt mptiwne Bien oe deme: f Under this eapitation taxon every male inhabitan: | he hae filled the highest positions of | eee pea. Address the Leonard Seott Ped. | ie thet the v pamed should f i oat Senate pears Lat “4 ie large of the elec. | °°"? 21 and ander 50 years fage, which | hovor and trast which it was in the! Firg—On 1 hureday evening abeut 7] Ue, 140 Fulton Btreet, New York. | ene asked — that question. he hease wae restaied, and firing en beth aod ar 5 ‘fea thall be equal on cach { poll) to the ter on power of the Strate to confer upor | o'clock, the Ware-lLonse in the rear of — ——_— = | any poser dc pcapre ae pepaines sextant snies commeneed. have cither « Mo @ ie property valued at three mwndred dollars hitn, and Glled them te the satisfac | Ponlsan & Co's, Drug Store, canghe fire A CARD. | color biaseif, ay, Wenn One wae killes | Like in cath; Provipen, that the Slate end|iion of all. The measure of hi how |end wae totally coneamed By the prompt It ie Loth a pleasure and a daty It is understood, we learn, that Pilgrim ae. a . of —— . "| County capitation tax combined shail wet-| oruble ambition was full, and no mo-| action of the citizens and the fire compa |'0 express oar heart telt thanks to wnr| Ashley, the “eperintendent of Public In- “¢ naa we J Pp ; j » F | Reddick Mie |. Legislative ——_ or exceed fave dollars on the head.” ft 6 df ~ad fellow citizens of Salisbary, for reseu | struction elect, entertains the tame views : Carney ; AA ‘ tive bne that of the loftiest patriotiam | pies the fre was prevented from spread : J fanran i pz idea with kine, f William wh» cial, will be filled by men ntterly Th the lan , ae Th ing our Drug Sture frown the flarnes & tavorite hint to e the of all public ‘Principle. And if i: chal! eee eneenee O6ICh) weet lege et overt ave teinpted hin to ap. | mg to the surrounding buildings. The fire on Thursday night last. We feel | P% the white and black ehildves of the | °™* night ot Carey's never be removed, as its predecessor was lative bodies woald have used, and w! et ear apou the p» cal arena again. | 788 ecerdental. As we were not preseet T itsas it tet hate sr mired ae | State in the same schools, &e, Sach an | to hare been barnt fa the ved, erec itean | “Mttly cooveys the idea af the sectios FA py TV apeedy payee slerations as| Te ean wot eprak of the merits of thee | ,irmculaua inks ateteH: ead ents | idea was denounced severely daring the yon) pays the attacking: Ha not be of te ather way l quoted from the Cousiiiaiioa. The Peel cee he Lee . ho Gandidace fe Cam who rendered the invalnaLie service of «1 ut meaning invidious discrimination, | ppt n Prob ng Ah provisions were consumed. ‘Twe soldiers an 4 vise, it will be seen, is that the tax on the oe : \ingnisbing the fire, but we give plaee | we must accord to the eulored fire- re j = : pr " =— were killed, two wounded, the offer: - - : acy dee = poll, net the tax on property. ehall never Siem in 1865—belicving that, from with pleasare to the eommanmeation of “A | men the highe t pra se for their in (x in fevered Ren Jeroll- vhot 1 the flesh aaa of the fh none or etorrd 4 certain amount There ie ne oa : ~— 1UsIa ance and ae Oitigen” on the sabjeet All, no doabis, domitable and efficient effurte, With | wa Whee will the hey day ot prosperi Mr. he = and Mrs arte sifertionahte . limit Gxed to tazation of property bet the |(M#) With the pull CHiN he id thew duty eceafetis reiterated thanks tu all, we are, ty cowe to our down-trodden Stave, over | Ca7eey and ber > Whire- we have mentioned, at least fir some yea, : ’ Norby be could) render very jaa, ; Very Reapecttally. a ; burst cseaped trom Ags public necessity and the mandatrs of the| - ’ por —) / Joris ; sich the Radicals gloat so auch ? The Sheriff carried Me ome, We cowld demonstrate this 7 eonstitation. If the tax levied on proper anteervice to the people of North ACKYOWLEeDGEMEXTA. —We are ; POULSON & CO Sentinel. Green vith. ts <oied ene of Go mess “Greeff ted 2. veae we shan |*Y 1 Mee than $2 on the £300 worth the, f mrolina. Aa is know were debted to Kemp P. Hatile, Kaq, Public i a bloody epiendies of this agm te Easter %. 3 <r the tax on the poll is to be reduced iw the | hie suecessfal co ppetitor in tt on , Treasarer of the State, for a pamphlet NOTICE TO MAGIST RATES | WF The Alexandria Gasetie very pro- On . obey the new Constitation while it remains ; re ; ies Ae only telecine neti Copy of the Revenue Acts of North Caro The jnatices of the peace for Row perly says that the v whi We regollect distinetly the charge ands CS at te & W, | *™* proportion, bat if the tax on pr per, | tes’, we only refer lear testi Py J | perly say ast eames whieh the Pte aa c hed EMD--1 pe ames “ rid nee h ty shonb! be above that raie the tax an} mony to his] My and chivalrowe hear lina, with inetractions to oficers, fer 1868, an Cuanty are reqnested tu meet at | government appropriates for freedmen's pees lag hed ameagecd ap an shall eerer seck to get of by othe the gull sant ts ohared Oe TL previ:ling in the canivace. aril fs ihe parrot which we bave pot had time to cxzamine the Conrt Ilonse in Salisbary on Mon bureans might be appropriated more ad-| when warned not to toh tS thas legal and bo rene hash = sion, as we understand it, affords no pro-|i-in which we belu ve in flucuced him | "“® ®re aleo indebted to the managers day next, it being Coart week, as it| ‘tagronsly in aiding the eavigration of| t the care had been adjadicased ech, we doubt not, ovatienee . eestion whatever aguinet extravagant tos payee wing « canlidde, Daace for a complimentary ticket to the “{'om is necessary tv have a majority pres | those who desire to 6° to Liberia. Bat] long sinee. Ik ‘ remarkable that the at- of the Conservative people of North Car-| a 5 5 E mencement Ball,” com limentary to the : ; ¢ the difScuh h h ; tempt te arrest him should be made at « w ation om property, but only against high | she cunvaes he repwated!s told va thas F ent on that day for the transaction of | te wy \*, that such a disposition of dant hour of the i clinn, We will indalge tn 0 facther re ih aacN ack | * | graduating class of the Caiversity of North the fuod used for the benefis : d whee ls we firctions now except © rémark that, iv | 2%%00" on the poll }whether elected of defeated, that 2 : ! Hin T i the county basiness. etl of the colar known that he has in the habit, of -n- - the jodiexus historian will, Thet thie ie what the framers « f the | woald be his last ayy arance befire este tiie aes “Pe oe aaa D. A. DA VIS, Chin‘u ed People, could be tarned to no political ly and » of going to Greenviii», oo mest crntery, characterize the | scetion meant there can be no denbt the public ae n candidate Ku ct evening, Jane 4th, 1868, aceount, either among whites or bleeke— | and other places in she country, oo-ealled reethetraetion measares of the coestruing an imstrumentofanykisdand| »! ,, ee ar ee aa and, theref re there is no chance for gid. | fr months greet 4-7 > ay hele ee pictares eopecially one of such vast enna | Bat alas! the hope of a tpeedy and GEN. D. W HILL. Dran.—The Richmond papers are!) An agent of this Society im the South b This ly is & moet unfortunate one, in the of time. ¢ s harmonious re-nnien of the States, One conn anity had the pleasur: jin moarnis g forthe death of William | save. t bat if he - linstrntes most the ansettle. the fundamental law of a State y*, that if he had the meant, he could dition of the ; Sa i = i ; which heat that time antic pated, of listening to a very i: teresting and | ( Ruves, whe died at hi taal, |] i 4 © | condi country ender Radical et be ' a * residence wd avessel loaded with igo I COLORED CONSERVATIVES =| meaning mast be given to every par ee hich } natrnetive lecture at MeNeele’ , = SS cemig@uris to Li-}rule. Ifthe Bherifl had the wecessary ie baad i ta eember of re.| 0nd the difesent porte must be made to {224 in which he was 60 anxione te atrnetive ectnre a eNeely's| at Cha lottesville, a few days ago. | beria every month—to gn to the land of poanpiis ed wala toe A Tg An ar epuiitlé tatehtd mos whe voted the C i oniae, # peaill Where thie can. | S8¢i6t aa the closing scene of his} ng Hall, Wednesday hi enmng, from the Mr. Rives had been long in public | their fathers where they would be, indeed, rest, eee Pitt will either t ow : ; : sd urelc live ite a esting distingnished gentlerman whose nan he = . : . as (or a ' s ve or course Bower corvative ticket aed against the Cometita,' + be dove the lers important must vi. Id not ital ae _ ek 1 ie en ih He hed ed ee eee lates ee ee on oe fhe fre Enews. "The once thom, ‘Thess wen are entitled to great to the more imporiant part. Keeton § y And aI ere re f ped gray ee ' pliched nen V 'yginia ever produced pewerat Bat no! that wouldn't anit ~ should be In end the coudideratina ot the hands of the whit tof the Antivie from which the above ie ex |alized. A tore alarming erisie in sen for i subject, — rath, and i. en | They are wanted here to rote —10 aid che {feet for the vindi J eat tle tor f hie cloved Srate el Sonthe torate dp ie > eee i, “engac truth.-- Goldsboro wrople. They should be preferred on ah] coats Oe mca iaae aes i : pe oe . | . ae ignores A Queev Reporwixe Fasmroxs ry | POrPove and designe of tricketers ‘and Rouyh Notee . wcearions, when their serviers are necded,} Fee. 4. The General Acar yan jerer bef threatened it has ariser ely toshow what the Soath had Haia—A Dresden letter eave that the | Politicians, witho® any regard to the tree , / t these Who voted o mst as. Ther [Pe priate begi<'a a ,) | Trae ceo hial ae ved toth g eatuess and glory Queen of Saxony has expressed displ as. | Interests of the colored race! — Whig. I W. = . : provide Wu “3 ! ' a ; thre Stat ; ure at the untid dishevelled P | rom. have hed the penetration 20 sce thet theft eases oble nature and trne patriotisom, he he United States of America ir | & 3 y, — style of ener . Ww A PM i eaculice ; 7 = . P : , | we mrg the tr whie 4 latel 0 F . . ng ° Conservatives are their omty true friende, | 7°" | real and etal : ~ bi aphy erate or ated todo bat. the past; what che is now. and « ra} ils ri on. geting ae ay to po A Woman Kills Her Husband.—On _ Senator leas lator tothe and have had the independence to act BP | end the orm thes reals ahkec Ne forthe exa-e of civilization and *he should prize and endeavor tu fos ecive English and American ladies who Yesterday evening Jane Dupree 9 colored | ©''2en8 of | % ern Sytem on their convictions as freemen, and their | «:k in big be devoted to the pay good government—or “God and hia ter, Or the tuture. Ainong these were ey a iyi rv gud rensing | woman, was committed to the Coumy HE prec. Lage . -+ peal oh Wel 1g, | the public debt areas aoe ob qd pro nt tl Ahivation aire oosely about their shoulders, her Majest = . J, a ee ho Geegpuen wna tan These two sections, b rte of the} : is \ i And most nobly and prominent the “ ‘ ty ! put has established a regulation that ged vat charged with the marder of her has. hae dragged him down, He claims for ourechres, to patronise those mechan two stone, DEINE parte of the | oailanily haa he done hia part Ile conrageinent of Southern lite 1AlOre, | oe th A | band, Sharper Dapree, (colored) } ‘ = ners R nd T : ; : sach coiffures shall not be ad- that bis drunkenness has been ea, tes. and laborers among them who stood rapa on neh ue @ : axation, must | now goer to the Senate. where, thongh and npon which he dwelt w ith most | mitted at Court. According to the statement of the wo aggerated, by the interests of the white race, and the | earpie 1m Connee +“ with each oth jhe, and those who act with | m, may emphasis. ee mau, her husband was whipping her, Gen. Schofie'd's nomination canses = ner of beth move. Goch, we |“ sane ame nee Feng pili be overborne by numbers, yet his; The Hall was packed, and it af Gen. T. C. Hindman was brought to when in a fit of passion she seized a knife Yarlune speentations : Firat, aa.an of hope, wili be the coarse of all. We mere 1, qu ag ry the Democrat, — venerable years. his long experience, | fords us pleasure to add that we have | this city a few days go, and was before | and stabbed him through the breast, from | '¥¢ braneh held ont to Conservative would not deny to any the right to vote | Field to vection 4 just given, as, when| = é _ 1 : hia unquestioned patriotiatn nd his rarely, if ever, éeen a more as they please, bet we would alwaye | Considered in connection with other part 1 F , and his Js ; give the preference to those who vote of the Constitution, and with certain + it attentive vanly and chivalrous bearing will'aalerce toa public speaker on any the United Btates Court o: an indietment for treason. m Satarday as The ease was | eoutinaed antil the next term of the eonrt, | the b which wound he almost instantly died, The parties were living at the time of Senators. tween Johnson and Grant, but the Second, a coimproinise be- rd i e gee Hat i omieide on the farm of Mr. Redin . riset lla State secret, id thes csnveniide, Kal een COOMA the respect of even ihe subject. and the General was held to bail in the! Jupree of this county —Tarbirs South. Jolinson appears nat te have con- eith us eri ahi —— eg ia most reckless of his opponente. Me be ~ n’s Maceas a sum of five thousand dollars, with Meaers | erner snitedeven the Onbinet gloat the A01.~We Cdldins the commani-| = : 6g tant part. \Thaugh bbs Gaencs 'Scatrel 1 Lae in. YDEN's Masonrry —We ata-|. ohn Kirkwood, E. H, English, Bain. W Nomination, evcer Gui¥ Bibomsendent | guage Section 4 _— comprobenet ive ae bears, Mis iadlaanes i: Ee ee in our last that Mr. Boyder \as cleet Storer ge’ f Clarke, U, M. Rose, A. Tharlow Weed makes an important en I) the Coart of impeachment, € ition *« ren ‘eum be—the word ‘adequate’ being ale ' ; S € jed by about 1000 majority. His majori- lakers 2 Poco George A. nouucement, to the effect that no consid. | Saimner submitted a taovion, thatthe Ada, which appears on our first P8Z¢, ' comprehensive as any in the Englieh lan- | good. ; ty will be about 1400, he having ran x - = ne counsel are | erations whatever conld indaee Mr. Sew. | vote on the several articles proceed at with plemsure. We hope to have 22 | guage. | His canvass against the Constitu -| shead of his ticket in one or two cour. Nak od Ja whe og lena ¢ p soba ag + op snes fey sher| 12 o'clock of the Wy after argument. occasional contribution from her pen. |. But, as we understand them and we tion, and his term of service in the | ties. p hepa be ’ neon is removed, if :emuved Objectioa waa mad it se i ; thie city. — Little Rock Paper, he is to be by the High Voury over, wader the rutee, ty ioe U 2 oF 2 —" = ee e ee ci . ) > $3 2 Zs = 3 o of dienst ofiece-tern had the | a! adeine the Sena cons der . wald t hange bh In the Presiden Lineolm, - Cher L peuln Ton igen ner UD tne t nvieting wheae on! ) vgn and of wh impewchec more Com ve pr fital ante, A ‘ore whieb “th, now i thdrawn ence; ar * anoe wir * shadow, ‘onthe af -pubten vorh ape ty | Tusperous beg A Negro | a Trains ‘egten am av leg the ¢ ue fiver at | amed © cot ow the * ground a eath the wi vomenta afte eo and hort aetored ane Tiahed. Jf zwar by « r hide relief. ell, weese, limits hie jarisdiet fecklonburg, ‘Y° The order appoints Col. John T. De of Rotel yas Judge, and in accordance > 3 Raa oa" ® 1t0 4 @ H ‘MATTE RS. in thitt at @® meeting of the} rely p pale : St. Solas Pariah is City, nt ehureh : the "ellerondba the 22d inst;, the following named persons were |, | elected members of the Vestry for . | the enguing year, viz: Mr, MW. Luke Blackmer, Jarvis, Mr. J.-M. Spot | Ou : D Pidioure of Sibving ‘Hon, Na- ; uc- nese and with raph | thaniel Boyden, Dr. J. Wi Hall, Mr. Jed, admitting North Carolin,” aw’ with sho i ‘ma Trimmings of ; Stephen . : Hens a tion o! rt. never can the loss . i derson, Esq. that at a meeting of XIV; and providing r the tite of a mother. May this affliction be the _— & the Von peed held on ea h cent mane ane op ear ond cell ene to ‘be Pend &e . urda: rilthe now nehi isai ved ar he . . but failed to aif 40d therefore in-/the followin siiihed Hameay were | of foyer ada ie XIV, of Jesus, and thas work ent for them a Upper mak for pablic informativn this “cig to represent the Parish in the | until restored as therein provided. | ft more exceeding and eternal weight of Leather, ‘ ie Am Convention of the Protestant ; : : nch The: order apPoclaing the Court Episcopal church in North Carolina yay “This » faithfal shying, and worthy of Fre biceaed , have j tetion in the | te beh i Ctieary : ? Abyssinia. acceptation, that Christ Jesus came in- Skins, Lining and S nel to eld in Calvary *Chareh, Tar- ‘ h Id aii "oO p - ‘ ' named, of all civil cases “in hora’, on the first Wednesday in May| London, April, 28, M.—In Parlia-|to the world to save sinners. om. Pad Skins, Groceries of whieh the amount in controversy inext, the 6th day of the month, viz: {™ent, D'Israeli said- that. Maiper’s| = all kinds, Drags, Dyes, Oils does not exceed three hundred dois Abyssinian exploit wae only equalled) For Life Insurance Only. | and Paints, Yarn and Shirting, lars, and of all offences, not onder! DELEGATES. by that of Cortez in Mexico. - Ww y y PIEDMON1 Trou and Steel, Wooden- ware, bi gy ad er ron ids Bod Pb! FF pws nay bel « Mr. J: Ml. Coffin, Mr. 8. F. Lord, — Shot ned Land: Goano of diirout ae referred to it by the mmander,| John §, Henderson, Esq., Dr. J. W. Impeachment, de: N 1 ry | short @ full and complete stock ‘of ruary Ter except murder, manslangbter, assaalt| |) a1) P H REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY | Goods. “T donot devire vo try to the | Jéhu H. Welborn, Adm'r. of I. | with intent to kill, violation of the Washington, April 28, P. M.—The people by saying I bought $20,000 or $80,000 |" “aoa” wy CM ALTERNATES. d Jawa against dueling, perjary, rape Court continued, 8 OF VIRGINIA. worth Goods, ia bor pane Fg aaa slay er | oan, Beak Ad armon.” thie jurisdiction ig fur.} | F- E. Shober, Esq, Mr. A. HI. Boys| ‘The following is the text of Sum- AUTHORIZED CAPITAL __|10 per ccot alvance pn them before T moved mat and atest ther restricted by Paragraph UL of fom Dr. J.A. Caldwell, Mr. M. W,|ner’s she rom ng pitted in the them from New York. All T have toa a} . = ae ht it ral Orders No. 18, to all civil erga F : that [believe I have the largest and best se- etition to make Real Estate Assetts, é arising within that Post,in| Mr. M. W. Jareie was elected Gosatiation wel the le phen ONE MILLION DOLLARS. lected stock ip the place, and it was bougtit for P - bang rn “inp woh the meezan coercing |Semar Warton & Treatrer of the ha, ala of peachnen by tg orrrceus roar a fog Ser [Eg ie i sas proven. | 300 ; to all of-| Vestr: ohn 8. Henderson, PY ear 5 O ct totes ae ; sing, De te crime” is be to be convicted ? ee waa pita Fasian Warde. 7 without the conearrence of (wo th rds Pg etal TON, Anat papi riiptd de — AB. dew! man, are noo residents of this fe Situs Gon ene onclyeed, ° the O61 whice iy be telprred to 0 by the | See'y of the Vestry, and it was re |of tho members present, but thie re~/J- 3 PERROW, M. D.; Med, Advisor, | eloowhere aud be their own jodges I toh the Wolehman i Okt pob- fer z e ie 8) Post Commander, with the excep. | solved thatin the futare the Vestry |Qvirement of two-thirds is vot ex : distinctly understood that I ‘am not to be un- lished ie: the tows at ae tions aforcenid. “Paragraph II, Gen-| should meet regularly, after ‘Tea, at |'ended be BR ctemen! bea neh trai Pa te pebey oe ae Company nent © ial tole soe en ee successive w to erl Orders No. 18, is in the following} the House of the Reetor, on the Jast | #8 remain subject to the Sater aw pleased to ore oll sag eX Reioly: da be'aa be and oe ee ee this - words: » | Friday in each mouth, to consult up |that a majority prevaile: horetare, 8i¢ Per Cent. of its Profits. stard, No. 1. Murphy's Row. All kiods of sed Home to Leaiagiel, ex melee “No Provost Court will entertain! on the condition aod prosperity of |!" tha “d red, Tl pe fiiag i It to aid its patrons by taking note ‘couutry produce taken ie exshange —— day in May next. Thee and co-caswer jarisdiction of any ease, nor will any| the Parish. Ut is orderec p onat any question, tor eke Lait of the premium Ne P'S Orders trou a distasice prevoptly attended to. | the petition of the plainti to - > \ ; - which may arise with regard to the = watered a Pp J. McCUBBINS. | wise tne same will heard az s Post Commander refor any case for Dillane iad t, shall be determined by a| “Li Slle™s %s patrons to pay all cash if desired Salisbury, N.C., April 27, 1868. twif sedered pro éeaiieia me Staten werele rae any cach Court, evless h SUSTENTATION. phe reap rare bere present, “Fotemenioss ab Sem epee ne | ee Ce Apr 2, 1008 wet Wisaae Soo, Asaph anall o not Out end Would pot be suffured te shall appear to the satisfaction of the “4 ne fol pr penton tunes It alow, ite patrons to chauge their policies AT J. W BITTING’S Office, in Lexington, the “ goout of the Union. . This. doctrine. |p... Commander, and shall be cer | The Committee of Sastentation of Con- ne following among the sentences| . it Seo ite patrons to | - WwW. February, A-D> 1988. _ or “policy,” cost.us a foor years’ Glled by hick elthet:: cord Presbytery desire to eall the atten-|of Manager Williams speech : Louk} Its Policy holders are not restricted as to tra. SALISBURY, N. C, , “INO. HAINES, ©. 0. 0. war, al with blood and treas. 7 = atters | 404 of all Ministers and Churehes to the | at the bloc Council of New Ore) vel or residence : ‘ IXY TILL be lowed es esnuie in eve- | Pr. adv, $8 00—Gw:12 ar, were 1. That the case involves matters} Noffers the fullowing cestifieate es to ite sol ILL be found as complete @ stock in ¢ ° than any other war, aycient or a 2 | following extracts from the minutes of the leans, and show mercy to luyalty aod! | [offers the following o Pad Hanae \ ry line of Goods as any in the country, | — ure Te ’ of difference between employer and! * N.C as j Seueys : : y ys N - + inodern. Madiedl leaders, » ter! omphs respecting rights) ander| >) 90d ot.N. C., and of Concord Presby-| innocence. and not to treason. | Nuia Cover Hovsg, Va ( | and at prices which 1s well known to be as State of orth Carolina. i eae ved, eed & : tery. In Newbern, Noy. 1 1868, ¢ After Willams concluded, Batler| March 25, 1867. 4 |reasonableas any. His Goods were bought for the wan Waeover, instituted anew! © f mil Rianne: Y at, " } DAVIE COUNTY. Abar ead(” isons of military RR rehd Jf Synod adopted the following resolations : explained the Managers’ Connection | ., TR wdersigned, officers of the county of (CASH, and in the market atthe time of the} . ° teat, their former 2. That the proper S:ate authorities! 7 leed. 'T ; I < , Nelson, and Staie of Virginia, take pleasure in late decline in Domesrle Dry Goods, thereby | Steperior Court of Law, Spring Term 1868. and crossing their tracks, they aes! ve refused or unreasonably failed |p, Meech That the chairman of the! with the Alta Vela aifair, alloding t0| recommending as a solvent and rel so Coun. | “aabled to give advantages thet cannot be bad| James M. Jobnapm x Lafayette VaoRatou. samed thatten Grates Were oat of the pave relu or asonably ©4| Presbyterial Commiuee of Missious, as] yi, Nelson's reference thereto. } ny.* Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Com- laewhare No blow, but at J. W. Bitting’s *s weld ' sabes iald pot tahoe we nnable to take action needfal | the organ of that Committee, be instract- Butler eaid it was pot only sup. | Pars,” of this county; and besides the merit oF any and everything usually kept in a Grat class Attachment levied on Land. Union > they Come I! 1 the Protection of perous or prop-|ed te make himerif particalarly aequaint- recsion of troth, bat a soxgesiivu of |! — rey and sores ter = heer Weer! deus thaws can ke uk kee by the mode provided by the Consti, erty ; or, ed with the condition and circumstances P Nee Wand , sees: [poo such ow commend if te public pat- thanks to my friends fur thew past patronage, | this case, it Wee tick a» ticle, bat mast be so recens! ructed . That there is good ground for | of all the Churehes of the Presbytery, for | '* N 1 2 Ned that. this wee ara Its Btyokholders, Directors and Officers are men | and it.vite them to come and see me and tell of the Court that bad stssed as to ostabll ‘universal Hegro sof. jeviny, apon facts shown, which} the purpose of sscertaining whether they { | +S“ !sou ahd lt y ;) (of high integrity, and patrous can rely ow an others where to buy good goods and cheap] dent of this State: Iris Poverty trage And fesne, aud over! must be preserved of record, that iin are contributing accordiug to their ability | the time to measure characters with) orable, efficient wt of ite affeirs. (bargains. He buys all hinds of Country pro-| tion be made for six weeks in the hi the P. y aa : of 8 ion and the other! Butlet that could be done some oth None of as have stock or personal interest in| duce lor cash or barter—can give wholesale! & Orn Noara Srars, for re — bt lag A @.5 a partial justice cannot be secured inthe} — f Sustentat pr res - sr r rtime. He did not think be would | 8 company, and simply give this ax disinter |}... » the country when wishing to recrujt pear at the next Térmof' yy i 1 ree fears i of nretuding ent en rises the surch ;|¢ . me ver ted testimeay te the merits of pod bartites i stuck wreat as vehlace seers Feanlos cet enc i S| etal ty ay Sarr (aint, se Se nme ttmone pence ig [Re Sema 1 | od that have andreds of millions, FER MH. 5808, OF aes port & their Pastors or Btated Sapplie-,| Considerable exciiement ensned. | Gro. 8. Srevexs, Clerk Circuit Court, | 1. W. BITTING. |4 ‘and . mer condition, . Joun P. lirx, Sheriff ee a AM, ugust answer Ww un y, © the pablie debt. Se it will be seen that the Past |2@ Garther whether Pastors and Supplice,| Logan wanted to say something, | Was A: Rita bee cars | Salisbory, N.C, April 27. 1868 ‘wtf | plaintiff's eult, or the sume will “ oh dune any |e ; ae ; “8” | that are aately supported, are giving | but Senator Coukling. who was sit- 8. H. Lovixe, Clerk Coanty Court. g — ren = If President Juhveon bas ( derint Rel ll have to! mb ct uf forced Construction mewn @ 5 ots = righ lade wh dine the w of thoir time to the epiritual in ing near him, said: * General, be Go A. Bi 4 Oo., 4 — Salisbury us Witness Ht. R. we ask tell vets him to lnpesehs ! ate EC perty strong ana Lead bl | provemeut of their people iqu et;” andthe affair subsided with vs ales have the agesey for gued Fire Com 4 J Soon last : Py " Dinvtslailen of the civil }eiGeate, beture the Prowest ( uri cant gy Reo eed, That he do what he can much suppressed wrath. | "Sreeaiine agents wanted. Apply to | , 268. A ee ' ae and yet. in what bef ner wat the trial of a ense. W @ hope) by hie influences to induce ‘he Churches Rania shinedetablr is his fret ac CAPT. JAMES P Tbixtox, | pr adv $8 Te reaches : Rlce-tetem 4 this reatriction Mar prevent the Court jot only to give freely to the caase of be- | ee h l - ted blayge Special Agent, Chariotie, X. C. | had the epprotal af bua conatiration-| 4°: ht | awe aes cent hushed the excited aeemblage. 5.4 7 pana watwhy CU, LAND the eving mnch Gnetiees fo transact. ,nevelener, bat to provide ade quately f RE PR sat and ous : — — rhaniartadis’ & highs? «| advinery while best minds in Charlotte Democrat | the comfortable suppari of their own Pas Eva te spoke ‘ adjurument and com THE UQUITABLE R ADA I NO TH CARO pe the Senate, whem the Bhp tnder _ oe aaa tor, aod especially it chey pay the promis: | ' nes fo malt: hat Mc. D ! 7 — we cone derotiom told that the! roidens| eens ter esiierra ces Soureni bed edlaey @ KN gare calc The agp ng cone ere ] I WILSON,S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION ; | {/ANBUOLDERS who wish be reat a ee ere Bee "bl Ay OLD PICTURE REPBODUCKD.| 3 Bomhed, Tha ek. Se ee po" : on —_ of bh. ange hie Cabinet Ministers. bbon ¢ ¢ |tabwed that any single Charch, of two) the Court, - ; a. ’ Mae Dam © fee Inthe beginning, - therefore, the} yaa -aalsgh canal Saal als harehes unitrd ander the same pasiora:e,| I! is ented on —_— ria ar al Ayer's plies deg Ba yay demas President Waa right, of Presiden | which led pa the d j have not the weans to give their Pastor a authority, that grant lins advise: - x - | w. L 3 . eetruction of that) : ; . ‘ PF y SOC I ETY ! a hove te Lincolw, Conjgirete the Republi, saflicient sappori, the Executive Commit Schofield te dectine the War Depart chasers for all suck fet aa ow the ean Mid in dosing tho] AY oat a tte > A be requested to eupplement fis salary ment, and request the President to ] A er’s A ue Cu For " ime fi ms ° ; » Gute the most grave, an | hat the mintma mount shall pot be thdr his name re, : Fea bob war. Now @ne all, Tho war it . be (be mem amon wi aw ame, y g “tern, and just assembly that the world } han $600 : 2 ‘oe : cell wae for. our only jostitica had ever seeu, wag mow a timid, faithless | T |. Full Cabinet to day. -— ® . RC led . ' ! 6. Resolved, That where any Chareh ‘| _ . . . ’ , pea & Mane poh ow om = get peed pobre tad Vicentinas io ped, we name | fowad persistently pr laden slike rs Suicide in Richmond | No. 92 Broapway, New Yorn Sandford's Liver Invigorator, Dee. 2, 1867, | Weide ly meaataliy tr, \- "0 Ginjeet Oe negate [—+t contriLating to the Sust-otation Fand or Sahat caoecis cane . =< - Mies Ic; wren. great Rowan px sple— was: n" = ide fer maseeoat Richmond. April 28, 2. M.—Jne. Cash (ests . 96.000 0 9 . hfs, i Te oe lich Andree Jeet Tbet wéithy tui etiarinm of Abviesan| pois, dam the ema shall teh roparied fo | Milwarl, ts of the ices eine of Anatal “ach Income, caw Halls Hair Renewer, Oaseey's eon enemmutered a am | Greeke, barbarians, enfranchierd » aves, *resbytery for it to take such action as it | the Spotswood Hotel, on Taesday Namber of Polictes tesued in one year—10,46 | ‘ rid - | Sprines, Hberated Sladiators, made worse hi aa ’ ee ee onda, iat All profits divided « f the Policy holders an . - Ht fa the L nevin, The manifesto, or declara T ; may think proper. week, intimated to some friends, sha prestit ‘ 5 a. Pag os Of vlan based apna lnd cine ec Bete Ft hem wy Cut ail thi a ey Aho ae Hostetter’s Bitters, B. € ball the Winver Dawks wae terved apen trim be their sere ya’ verge padeel hae reasonable complainis to make against has since been missing, tll thi even.) A < . : : STATESVILLE, Mareb 14, 1868 told. t befor mai ian, | Sty corrupt ai Geally dishonest heir Pas for not devoting the wba | ine e e a found in the val ne lar gest nal Life ineursance Company in Com- he eens The Spee pon TN ager agli lt -equired more than a thoneand years ie den . oe pho eer ash at, oe ote ie 5 bee — v: hal i “_ ' ™ "| Perry Davis’ Pain Killer A weap aie oa is he ore. — vame. Tle hat commited ne!’ gy, tery Roman nation , the after they have provided him with a rea-|} = | i= pear ore ween tace,fromn 16580) te ’ 05 jeri fay an ond Mrs. ee ” hing worthy SM Shall our aatiog—eo recently so sonable sapport, it shall he the daty of ppoye claegioa! Wye Hutchison & Co., Ao’ . the action h Whi dae oP g © dyer gf or tha | deer » = citizens ohe prided themectlers the chairman to bring ench tomplaints to 7 : = A pat a N har Comune ie ck hou ™ Radway’s Ready Relief, mead, ane tee consideration of any other f stripes ot bron ; an . jnted [07 in being Americans, so high-toned the amiee af the Presbytery Angneta, April 28, P.M. —The an cai see | ’ — ee ~ before them. * BR oe rel Pass r r “mildty) of and majestic in the presence of the gov 6 Resolval, That the eaid ehe man be | ‘ficial See of 90) evanties gives Whe are abeo agents fer sit of the best Fire Or any other Patent Medicine J 7s f the mor: «Settee ner of high eriv oe riders! of the world, ek grand f vd required to render to Presbytery a re port, Bullock, Radical, 2.268 MAJOY.— | Insurances Companies ia uve U nited ony | . 7 Traine will Kare Hy ag mht A M, lestera X ; 508, | leresistible in power ~ perteh trem the face | 7 seion to session, of the manner in Forty two conuties to hear from! march 4, 1g _—____._*Fawim ead ahter N. ie “e woe ing dtl phoned be the — hag thene a pee ! Pip hernia “aah heence th. dail sand which will leeen Ballock's majority | Connecticut Biutual Life CALL AT : the pores wg preg prom Ty ’ jd getieny « Per. pictare which the historian gives of the the resalta which have followed from the nd leave It dowbtful. - _ Chow and of = hia Cnemies ie hese rg segs . justly cl to + 1, That the ( ‘tepaiaa aa ‘ ‘ ee [NSURANCK COMPANY } G. B. POULSON & co 8, . &. impeached, theis retion wi empty ears. sere out ol the membership of tents vineach Presbytery be directed Marketa | LINE—Daily * " zt ‘ J “ ot sa nore Congressional. seats than wil} | ite raling party can there be — he to take such ete pe, and to recommend to New York, April 28, P.M —-Cur- Ot Hartford Cena | " — — rouse r Hadieased 1 profitable wr pleasant to their ecea | mene personally corrupt, more perrtrealty | he Preebyterice such measarrs, as may be 14 deli—evelade llnwer! (Hales of ’ ° Sch fi High ind to Solem. ant And the t the pres diahewest! And the “barbarians the | deemed ad vierble for the combination and : re : 1 einen 7 : . | P ’ < edule rom at the at ante, momen | a x ne ’ 800 bales at 3300 Some sales repor STATEMENT, Dt 31, 1867 Wyatt's O.d Stand, BAVES High Point at @deck, AM ade at a sare whieh, upon the principle uf the | “enfranehieed slaves,” the play olemrnts | senceldation af feeble ond vacant | hareh- | 4 as low nc 2g ' | L Artives at Salons S. sock + y ie well “th, now eftstain«e the Thad cals ta | of the Rowan population, afl tetas) ar eA, po ne to constitate puitable and perma Gold 1.393. Sterling dnll at lo. | . : ee SALISBU RY N. Cc. emrtectpay z “ U thie clase of the pepaiatior a clase , P ‘4 apie - > 7 ° Artives at Point at 7} o'clock, PM bit, open- ‘ithdrawn, the redetion will com. | oP eaie - yes pare mr f frelon, we Nant Pastoral charges, and that efforts be Baltimore, April 38, P. M.--Cot ACCUMULATED ASSETS will this Line well. stocked , . : erecd sous 0 om, 2¢-| made to have ther) temporarily splied os psa es meartay ‘ arch 17, 62 twitwl4t = \ paseviiie, : belts thove = es a ret | enstomed ta bel 4 governed in all the af by rer bial Winters sii mm ton le af nd : an ptcend we h a ~ Y -, az qventsy, pra torers The feud t ale will hy | faire of their lives, and unable from th: UAT Wel feeret satetie g at Beck Creck Flor firm ; 5 5 = | REEVES’ AMBROSIA spared to meke all whe trevelon line com- Reged ce pete, tin sat een ue daa ones ro Ape a 186 Psy == | FORTHE HAIR, | TSpsinwese sts at tg anectsl bs ’ men < pORgrres are | of Caneard adopted the following resole- — . ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ = ae Cte er, at the expenses, tu the /striving by allshe means which their po- pis ‘Se A a. th fatan see te , Valuable To Propirty INCOME FOR 1867 acti metber aunt to my cone. Live Radic tepe ni varty, &f four, eiglit, and tion affords to them—oot hesitating .o f ce 7 , | Improred ! > 3 . re jeceneary hag thee Seu cf taiticacte, {en i FOR SALE | $7,726,516,53 ' I AILEY orhape tf ve. years ey tinate, | a pts trat unholy, when weceseary Resolred, That the Chairman of th . | ’ ’ ’ Tin an elega: ng for air CUSH NGS & B Buber i Tusperous enle. to bestow the privilege of saffrage, for co mitier of Sastentytion ke dirreted to | Hn aN tenella Flak the par, @f placing in their hands +) j ne erxa a TILT, be eal at public sale, atthe Court — | It camses the Hair te curl beantifally. WHOLESALE fe sann ——— 2 purpose i é ck, end the minister and ee<sions of W ¥ I { . a sb ace A Negro Kilted while aan get balance of eh ae ‘am wilt Con the Preabytery be direeted to firnish, ali House in wales yoo ; elk of Jip FOR PREMIUMS | ts koaps the “ralp (ean Gnd Toate, Booksellers and Stationers, ! . ‘ led = do e yp rete the tacte an d figures neeesaary to er ie Devt. the valuable Hoase and Lot known as ES jo. 26 ‘ and the » a Trathinn While ea i Wil. Soles madaauae rey a Ge iii oo by Mr. Rit, $6,332.804.95 1 rea tie avo 6f the Papi No 262 Baltimore Sir, opposite Manoser, Mr : ret an 4 ~_ eww han da, althongh fa doing th # f p! ‘ce fe ily ma fathfally, ell ‘be taney tones It will ben fall sale, Ate bag) mens Uelaanidl , , : : itt forces the Hair and Beard to grow tu curiant!r. . i, ape aaa read ds rt 16 Opposite rule of she enlighten 4 whire majority ander the ed by the fore roing reel tions” Felsen te ae a ver A'S. sya yey ee iver at S o'clock Friday night, « ne gree ict ‘ eee _ : Kol store r street, and seven FOR INTEREST t immediately stops Hair Falling Gut. 44 Goods in their line, at pres that will / . 4 control «f theignorant aud degraded ne Published by order of the Committee na fw fami? ’ — amed Grandson Can bd - publishea by or Forms am ae | = : compare favorably with those of eny other - ! and tn 4 ETO minority. of Susteutaiivon of Concord Presbytery Trrus—Notes with eee rity: the first. ~ te _ te It keepa the Hair from (banging Color from age enthet, z paekaae ba he | Ammericais, shall this temaparent design J. RUMPLE, — [payable Jaonary Ist, 1200; the 2d, Jan) 91.393,711,58 Grey Hair to ita Original Color Their Stock of P.M. cee nd We tell De _ janeceed # Shall intelligence be governed : 7 Ist. 1870; the Sd. Jan. Ist. U#7]— interest | | It restores Grey He ° fed 1 Color. Stock rath the fi SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, f tothe ath the whet, Ife wes ate! by ignorance 1 Shall civilig+tion yield to Chairman. from January Ist. 1868 | It brings out the Hair on Meads that has been bald | ’ : i mona afterw atte with on lege bro- pm! Shall the vilest and most! Salisbury, N.C. May lat, 1868 L. BLACKMER. C. M. E. LOSSES PALD IN 1867, Aa and . bie dw- eo and horri mangled « one arm brutal widine rele, instead of the parest | ———__ _———- ee April 25th, laGe, [wtw-tds) | | caleee MISCELLANEOUS 1 which urea the oar rr bine and the highest polleleal wie po ———____—_—_-__—— | $1.268,75818, } itis compoaed entindly of simp'e and purely vegetal!” is large and well BOOKS : bd on law 6 g i ~eting . MARRIED: Z . . . a ’ elaine zwar by and & tht poreible done |‘ m iding the destinies of our natk ’ ul | | Escaped From Jail | DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. | ble rubata Con. A large and varied assortment of Foreign &. sate t his relief. He stated then it was thro’ ag a st rong ge Be cn | At the residence of the bride's Father, At Avhe marie, Stanly Co. N. C. | It hes received over «.x thomarnd voluntary testing: partie rere Lee geting es = : sue ie ove w tayuives ail things —en- on the 26th inet., by the Rev. W. H.| $643,005.00 lence ; sata . Cansee Ns werd an rm be ~~ lightenment and drgradation, salvation Cone, Mr. J. B. Turxtrn, aud Miss F./ $50 Re ward. *] Interest received more than pays losses | nial of ite excellence many of which are from phy? of BLANK’ BOOMS of on Soul mene ol. ret, SS as aud déstriction, life and death —yes, even 8. Kxscer, all of this coanty. | . | Dividends average over 50 per cent. —_—- : en fe and several chikiren, aud was on his te , y will the above reward for the arrest | : nit re sicians in high stan ting. their own « P iy pardon the strong language, bat we feel | T pay the above All policies non-forfeit able for astated amount | h rvative *y bome when burt, havi come to}, gcirire . eS | al le crore meat of Bill Murry and Nick! Asura: an be effected in all forms devired.| 1, rold te balt-poond battles, (the name bir covnected with theiz are, at he : ; it, and the wise will acknowledge the ee 4 1 rar fe mold in halt-pou { ‘w8irimes, able, at short to fill orders for ise De- es city in search of work. He expired th of the j h 44 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | Williams, or 25 dollars for either of them. who SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, in the glam.) by Pruggiste and Dealers in 2 e bout 46% ; - iru aasertion—eveu heaven an anh “ 2&6 eee OES 4 OV oroke jail on the tha 15th April inet. Bull isa General Agent, Goods everywhere at $1 per bottle. Wholesale by | Blank Books, ruled to ‘Any pattera, or of any put th 4o'cloek yesterday morning. An bell ache 93 eld, about §| Raleigh, N.C. | Demas, Barnes 4 \'0.: F.C. Wells & Gan meni desired style of Binding: e ’ 5 —_ i Canae een ce ——~T bright, moalatio, abou years h a almgao, N.C, ~ “4 ° ~& a 0 con ive be tee ag wiih jury ron a | Valuable Worsen for Sale, |fovt 7 inches high, weigh stout 140 o° 50] A. G. Brenizer, Ageut, Charlotte, N.C. ———— hanes —— pecan ace SE mm, wil meet wich : ordi " . : 1) oF | powads, convicted of ape ona white woman. | mar 3-wd&twtf at ths | "Stim secordanes with thé faete eve-| Charlotte, April 25 P, M.—Ravh SIE BURSCRIBER hie tor [ii ia 0. wative of tse (Beealy) Co. Bich fo] ener = Laborers Wanted. WEB estroge ol sd eamio . — Wilmington Journal, érfoF®, Lincoln. and Gaston are re ' fot sale two very valuable Hor. | vd black. about 5 feet 10 inches high, weighs! Sale Post ned. | Our dtock and Prices parei else. ment od as giving Cepublican majori-! ses—one a beautiful bay pony, rant iso pos cot vieted pple gy bobmowrg — | 100 Freedmen wanted to-work on the W,| Where. tweBtow pd b : In Michigan the : . ~ ‘ ty | four years old, good gate and works well in Wadesboro, Anson Gd,.N.0. Said Nick! THE Sale of the Lands of R. W. Grif- | N. ©. Rail Road in Burke and MeDow- saat ie 1@ ennet majorit ae we i ae * a The other a Sorre| Hurse, four years old— | says he is a native ot Olio, and'may be trying | fith deo’d.. has beon postponed to Monday cil conntie: Wages paid monthly, and good pod at : Wrarion exceeds . . The | ‘; ndid baggy and sulky animal to make his way ip that directién, of May Court. when it will take place at the rations and corofortable narters fernished, JOB PRINTING ort +f H " ’ g| amr ment. } againet prohibition is 10.000 Ton. N, Boyden ia probably the 2 rte LEWIS J. WILLIAMS, 7. MANN, Shf Court House door in Salisbury. | Apply at the Boyden Hoose to t goes 1 bienvial legislative eae-jonly Conservative elected to Cons Huntevfla, Yadkin Co.. N.( of Staply Co. XY OMPEITR. 2én'r, | C & BROWN. : . y. ug "0. « grees, II g majority is 2500, May 1, 1363. wt April 15th 1868. aw. [apr 4 w Atw-td] March 31,, 1863. wt Neatly Kecowted at this Offios. ‘Prow the Raleigh Register. _ LETTERS FROM LPINERAND.~hobatenctions tie ti tHe Way OF the fish _ Beauroet Hannon, Near Coast N. OC. April 15, 1868, FISH, 4 arisen attraction of these waters is There are two kinds, the shell Ret = ¢ the. scoli Seca o e vine is “Geuproved by” transplanting. "They are found tu immense or, singly, cling- eee tees piles; oreven ty the |a ‘Thoy.are hot so good, tames. They are taken efabote, | » of rivers and These river = tag rs lank, lean, otal Tetidala baa ct 4 story aboat a Rea'Gulfand an Oyster. Some time last year a gull was found dead with his iman-oyster, between the shells. “Whe verdict of the waa, that the Bos at em, gba the ting aow pads iad ag him, and ape of i pre bird the ‘peter, we oyster culled the bird Pre a bung” awhile bd ceieare detail.coutended that in- stead of an oyster in a bill, it was ‘ bill inan oyster. cLaMS. Weak dite ftihe Re cerca, 1 have never known. wR Dn. peetin edad eaihd toa.mais piledpend tough. Sraverpptpedetnea ley the or teiees; butit haga fishy taste, and is as tengh as bite of raw hide—not quite as twwoagh. net wholesome—they to be wholesome.— and lie about sandy, wep, Saas sibel =p one at a time. They ee connected with ee Atlantic Ocean. gl the @eean. ‘Nhey aa and dé come iu Ye, mense quantities info all the nearest wa- ters, and the fresh water portions are om ply supplied with fresh water fish.” FISH FACTOR:ES. Already there are establishments fur drying fish for manure, along gur eastern » |sections. “There ia one midway between Beaufort and Portsmouth, N. (.° And the number can easily: be’ multiplied.— Never have. I behokt a-country that abounded more jn fish. than the region I am now describing, ‘Tlie inference is easily drawn, that if this region can spare fish tor manure, fish asan article of food is buta cirenmstanee. ‘The water backs up from the squnds, into almost every portion or else there js a river accessible to nearly every farm in this s¢éction, and «4 va is to the coantry here, what coal is to eastern ‘Pennsylvania. The truth is, these fish must, one would think, become, one day a source of great income te the country, especially when | taken into connection with the vast vege- table’ supplies that lie at band for com- posting with it whatever contains oil, makes good manure. GA NCERENE. Another source frem whieh real indas- try ew i and energy may draw a! rich and profitable fortilizer, is the King | Crab. This animal is captured, dried | and ground ap, and used as a manure for land. The ground crab is called “Oan- cerene,” from cancer a crab. It is rather an munceremonjous treatment, but so is taxadon, The king erab, at certain seasons, re- sortto our coast in imense numbers, and they can be turned to proiit. elsewhere, and the ground crab is said to compare favorably with the imported ma- nare, Amonia evters largely into the | compesition of this powder, and it is well supplied with lime. | It is said that the king erab is used | upon the lands of eastern New Jergey, with ;muach success. ‘he farmers there put the fish on the land whole, some com- post them with earth. But ciher way produces the finest effrcts. ew. Bat I will not k cere { my | a not meke can ne o. ) The s" ae setae gael reader's paticner, se simply say | when w is in m ITiNeR NT. | Fishermen row out t0 the spots frequeps, __ 7 od by them and then wade and! | |..,,. PPrAR tool for thea: with - rake Ba them JCODGE CURTIS AS HEA "AR. with the hand. It is the size of the clam, ED TO MAC. but hes a far dinner shell, scolloped is = Seas _ defones a “= sae hee the meet | 7” yeti: sis is aga Nails : " it ex é ak rd and grave reminder o rtotl heart. nr sage gal eloqguenee that was trite Gory vears Wane :B dange pile to make « ago. It brought to mind, in its stately pe riods dispasewnately, rat ounily, concisely COoscis. agtered, the dave of Marehall, Kent, and and beautiful shell, | Story on eee the howe «f| Mr. Curtis is a nan withont a smile or s Te like the |= a trifle. Sombre ie Lis ture, purple is onal, ventores oat a , bat it} this @blor. He is very | I cl Web pre r agi rethene’ again |#ter in stature, face an Arr He sel pete: Te is a pulp, dom walks in atrybedy'’s company - ba aod looks as iittle eatable créatare | with » slow, delib« rate stride, wipes bis an earth worm. Theseare conchs and | forehead in ‘the eute-room, and teiing poe mock in-size shape and color. {the Senate sits in ac =idun of vigiants Mhapest retirement, like a turkey-gobb! nitling! oad ole wee ap dh en Dre n up bie rage an rd working hie eraw. He and thin, ovate, CRAB. of all ere, is the the}; \ lexehanges wo words wit : hie leg l br th- ren. Fhe is Introdaced to any a pes pense or recess he Shes hance aS wil hat gravity that Webs Loto re He weighs abouta hn: dees au ter use in ty pounds, perks wm wes jegepand tecs. They Pl ;. id we sterian head, and ee ndoidhing | tu tect fies tid livers He pe pe enter | ame bowever—it| sires with great freedom, but never thro io gate. You! ssenemrat. His pare ; ot a Ag of meat — a frog will d Goth gaiters are cu ly bo gal; ne ge ' her fed and od pnline per distaths the du mareness of frie vest J MEibis bluc eyce retreat into his brows at your bait. sie — Bis bead into bis stand uz colar, and he herps ane | lncts Filer a phospercscent Lall-dog in a} craw the holds om | jock cella: uotil you boat; then = ie Judge Cartia, with the addi whee be the and be is cap- tone af straigit, brew u lair, and a fecr | tuted, he be aed scratching srqnathly shaven , pee tiie Gs tees aed com: | Rising to eperk to-day, there were aboat | taiek, Lam jn class @, for of the} iweniy books of referruce before him a0. | He [pat bite hands mu tlan baize tale k \ Sea Terri. a gloomy grandest and began with Loan of the spore ok the ecaat, is catch. | he mater ig aig oe nian itis “es tng ora turtles. are vety womerous |' i ore ae oie, and very large; and they make fine food temp pment eS ays ane pie ‘Thess d0b Cite wetbesds of catching them. | ‘he sume easy key, it rencles I Jae in, for two then to go out to the rea, |“TTY Pu vransy, Bie et in a canoe, and row ap among the tartles, | ™ Rey Dnbbnae , oue man from the boat to a | alg tahennt shi ‘ed he, Aas : thes grabs the animal by the je oth i wired cites ve ass obell, with ofa x Giggirg ino fot i F ecaiie ws bee ce the enft, He mst get ee DB ri ' the tartle, horse-bark fashion. The salt Lah “ neal sy La frightened ereatare vere bat hie rider! **?! . oe were ee : Saas Mig es oe a Seems i deeper into his neck . at Vial a A cone iy dhs thay. res wen of the tartk ag met mee!fta the supe he —— caande seady to lay bold of the ani mp auciv ‘ eett-re male fine or legs and dumps bim into the PP °° EF I Ls a Ze bedt. This is the romantic dime nore! s gig es ten } method, and atiended with the liability of | the 5. n a ° grtting (he dothes damp. ' ™ ” Another, and the most common way In ’ ‘t to spread a det for thom, which is a very aie ores ae successful way. Nona “ ia tema fille Another wey tethis §=In April the f '" Jor ay ; ; males come inaide the barber dep ae anhl abe BAe Ah tag ‘ their eggs in the sandy beaches. Trey of Gn argemes ie A ; forget ub at they have left the deep sea, and eee 2 Re “ bery. W Ny ba go paddling and fanning to shallow © ater a failed r Pi " lak oper. us slong with the ude, anti a sudden les!: of iL " he ens . Le ae ne a wave throws them on their backs. They “at Rae saipialianale mee i" : ie are then Btiedy heipless. A eca (artic on | tir oe ‘ oie b . arenas ar ur ' lee back is as hebpless as a defeated can. |" that time be neve anged bie | never faltered for a woid, nor ased any didate after an election, and aboct as cheap | looking. ‘Lhe ment of this creatare makes rich a toast among-epicanes. But it is coeapinely rich a the old folks used to call it Bot cee soup gains its re nag ton a fashionable lady's hat, from | the trimmings. ‘The ckeleton or sub-st:a- fim ie rather o joke than otherwice. 1: has to have wine, spices, ances, ete ete., 10 make it palatable. When! hus fixed, it goes down without any cho- hing Feb makes Pet fertiliver. 11 is not eo labting as dest and mavy other. fortilimors, but more in ite cffects. | r 0 cay in immense) yuantiin, as avy one willeonclod-, , apon | PT jae ot map of eastern North (ar- olica. Water oa af wat nel tion of the--earface, and immense Seana no ype vu of ecto are | ap dignified whatsoever Jad ge Chase Leard the argument gravest care. It wana stady to the Chief J ustiee taking hie time so treme sdowly mon nati Comme ex pression and the eulia ole pleader a Lomuisian a New Orleans, April 23, P M —The comple‘e réturne ebow that the majority in ths parieh against the constitution \«| bat 208, (ne democratic and one repni licam 4 ongreseman je elected. Conway democrat, is elected Mayor, and demvera-| tie majorities in both boards of Aldermen The resarns from the county parishes | place the Conetitution abesd, nearly 3,000 in 22 parishes. The Crescent con- | cedes its ratification, and the consequent election of the Radical State ticket by from 7,090 to 10,000. It is done} | S COMPANY. | Ye Issues Policies, of all Kinds, LIFE AND ENDOW MENT. Absolutely no Restriction upon Travel or Residence, DIVIDENDS PAID ANNEALLY EY CASH ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY NON-FORFEITABLE. Part of the premium loaned, and no loan or premium note is @ lien or claim on the policy tn case of death afler the second year, o——— “his Company offers peculiar advanta- ges to the Southerp people. It is the most Liberal Company in the United States [ts rates being lower thau those of other compa: ries. OFFICE, NO, 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. | WFR. BX. COLN, Secretary. \CHERISTIAN W. BOUCK, Fres. | / | Information gladly farniehed in de’ ail, by A. W. LAWEKENCE, of Raleigh, Gen'l Agt. for the State of N, Caroliva. W. © Covongxocr, Agent, anon Df mar 3—wkiwly The Arlington Mataal Life Insurance Company OF VIRGINIA. A Viryinia and buuthern dnstitution | Ita Funds are k ptin the South. It has met with unprecedented success. lis fortunes are established beyond any contingency. Wee copttel end @eete, age inet ite fevorabty with eny Lite ade@inistered by wiected E. NYE HUTCHISON & C0, Insurance Agents and Commis sion Merchants, DRALERS Is ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS, NO. 1, COWAN'S BRICK ROW, SALISBURY, W. c. Collections prourptly attended to oo, W. Witiame & Co. Reter t« . Charleston, 8. C., CoA. Geo. F. Adgw4, Ga. T. J Someoe, , & 4, 14aTR A 4. 1 wm. J Somes sodereeas tape. WLC. RR merd-ion} March 8, 1968, oetiernt, eheb & te) d defendant tives of oar Court of ox.» Quarter’ See lene next, at the-court-house -iu. Yadkin ville, then and there to plead, answer or.replevy, or. the! py same will be heard, ex partes, and the land lew- |naxt, ied on condemned, baer plainull’ 3 debt, aud av order of sale Witness, J. G. M y= SO atofiice , in Y. adkinville, the secoud Monday in January, A, D, 1868. Jo@, MARLER, cco. 11:6i:$3) State’ o BURKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spring Term, 1868. W. C. Seott,.vs. The heirs at law of Thosmas Scott, deceased. PETITION TO SELL LASD. In this case it to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants Jase E, John M., James >. , Jutius M., Bartlett W., Thomas G., David, Sa- rab, and Coriapa Scott, are nom residents of this State, It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Warcawax & O1p Norra at dy a published in the town Sherry ae soy) successive weeks, notifying said auleal tw to be held for the county of Burke, st the court- House io Morganton, on the Ist Monday after the | Petition, otherwike the aumre | apo ex parte and judgwentrendered pro bein as to them. Whness, F. W. Dedsey. clerk of our said Court eer] in Morganton, the Bh day of,Mareh, A- AbeGw: pr f 88. E..W. DORSEY, cumex. State of North Carolina ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb- ruary Term A. D., 1868. J.C. Barobardt oa Tilwan Austin. Attachment. N this case it appearing to the aaisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Tilman Austin. 19 & DOD: res leut of this State, itus, therefore ‘ ed that publication be made tor 4% sevks in a We rieiman & Old North State, notifying said det.n to be and appear at oor oext Cowt @f Vleas and Quarter Beemens to he het for the Comnty of Ko wan, at the Coart Honse in Sa'ishury oo the fest Monday m May orxt, amd then aad there shew cause. if any he has rity levied on shall nut be evn le of the phintiff Witness, Owantan Wonecar Clerk of oar sni' lant > the vee ry, A.D 1368, and in year of vor independence OBA DIAN Wi pr. ade 83 00—6w'12 | do years Before the Public. the ainety-secood JODSON, Clerk No. 2, Sowrw Canon Sranet, Batgmows Wo, where t oy wi wl he pramptly attended to. Vor thete Meticines ¢all on all reepectable Druggiets m Nthe Draggigtein Racenrer. JOUN H. ENNISS, Druggist, Spevial Agent every whee vane 10 incor : | Bankruptcy. | LW. K have jnet teeeived.a Complete sasnrt- |ment of approved biatke in Barkrapiey, aod af@ prepared to attend (.nnes.in 9 ae before the Registers, and the Distriet Coort ted States, BOYDEN & BAILEY, 4 Bankroptey Solicitors in > ? f sions, to be holden.on ph de Monday in’ Apary ae Court at Offiw, the first Monday in Februa | “ea se dea Sd cl Qo aT | » STANLY COUN Sues ¢ February Term, 1868.5) © M, Witty ‘ve . R. Mendenhall. py my Sn of b - Fl gol, eae aoe J B® Mendenhall tobe Hei ere county of Stanly ot eta we ry pase Vues Me Deaoery de on. shall nol be om Green, clerk of our a eure at aes in Nike. 1 eben Monday in February, A D r .G NE. ©. ©..0. 9:6w pr fee $8. by A. W. Stone, D, C State of North Carolina, STANLY, COUNTY. Crwrtef Pleas an ind Quarter Sessions, Kebruary Tie ‘erm. 1863, ” W. Tk Reece va. J. R. Mendenhall. ATTACHMENT, It page teed ipa age fae 3 oy @ bourt ey the limits of this Fetes Bh It is ordered the court that publication be Sata aly aiiine | pure Larges! im May gext, then and there to answer f roary, A.D piaiatltrs |= %6w (pr f $8) | \§ | iu the Watehman & Old North the said J. R. Mendenball te be our pext Court of Pleas and elena. io { be held for the county of Stanly, atthe court- | Sams in Albemarle on the second M in May next, and show cause if ang he hes, why the property levied on py not be condemned ad appear at the next term of this coart | to the use of the Witness, Lafayette ti ae of our said court at apenas the secend Monday in Feb- L. GREEN, ¢. c. 0, State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb- ruary lerm, A. D, 1868. D. A. Davis ve W. G. Young. Original Attechmest Fr appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart | hee the pe Akin W. G. Young, ise noe resident of this State, it ia, therefore, orders! that pablicanon be made for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North State, votitying said defendant to be aed appear at our seat Court of Pleas avd Quarter Seesions to be bebd for the Connty of Rewan, at the Court House in Salisbary on the Gret Monday in Mey oext, and then and ilere shew cause, if any hes, why the property levied on shall not be coa- demned to the use of the plaintil Witness, Obadiah W oudsen, Clerk. of onreaid Cuart at OfBce, the first Moaday m Febres- ry, A D. 1868, and io the nigety-secend year of our Inde OBADIALL ¥ © DODSON, Clerk _pradv $4 00—Ow-12 State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court & Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1868. J.C. Bell, adm'r. of Betey Harris, va The heire-et law of Betey Harris. PETITION TO MAKE REAL STATS stents. Tt appearieg te the aatiefection of the Court thet the defendants alexander Bell aed wife Margaret | Beupemen searhroagh and wi Marthe, Malcom Kel! Wm. Lande and wife Mary sum, Marthe Bel, | Frankie Dell, Secotes Bell, Jobe Hell, Lowine Bell, | that the defendants. JD & Robert Perry man are non resuient« of this State: It is there fore ordered by the Court that lication be made in the Watchman & Old North State. » eared published ia the towa of Salisbury, N. , for x successive weeks, notifying said de- na ndants to be and Appear at the next term of bis Court to be held for tie County of Dayid hu, at the Court Hoase in Lexingtot, on the second Mounay of May next. Then and there 10 answer the petition of the platatd® irt-this case, otherwise the same will be beard ex par & and jwiginent reodered PPO confers xa them, Witness J x: y Senne Clete of said Court a: Office, io Lexington, the second Monday of February, A. D., 668. HAINES, 0: 6-0. pr. adv. $7 00O—4w: 12 ~ oe 1 ing ye 4 Avows te + Ate ‘ “COSTARS” eid te OS K COLUMN. aby Op ebcrel onde ae 7 * Pid ‘wae a wah Fe 5! ; Sadly bY HS: ap ot Rs ‘trite _ + - *. “ey ? y err ‘ : » ae ell a Wf wih a f f Lae ms at vy £4, t are j . (be ‘ i Th, oe i re ee - oe. | é bs Weg eK “J ~ ‘ Preparations! mes Tomtly.” “Rae on af holes to ya taapeeved te bevp tn eny pew ie es ae apt onatiad by tan tp) Our terme will be as a one paper prblished la Saltebary. whith + we ered Tri- Weekly & Weekly, ender the shove nates. Ta covanquesce of Ge cowl mation referred ta, thie paper will have tbe to be met with ip thet partef the State. On - Aares;| will he nner the manages at Then, ote BAitor and Proprietor of the Gib Brame fed ne pains wi opmred eo mae gin) te a Hf wet the best paper of Me clam bm the Mente : In the polities of the paper there will ee change % will continne te bee frm. Conmervative Journal, but N wiit not he devoted ot: closively to polities. It wit aime be deweiedte the materia! \nterents Bt the Atate, ond te Literary and Offering euch inducements, we confidently appos! | tothe public for a liberal share af its patropage woth 25 Fg $1 00 sizes seni nay Se all by Express. ate. pga coon ag sites by © Of rerponatbs lity oad teestnens éaper ity - are sas you aneoyed Wi Wed Duge) Cant cs eokahihabed its claisa is Heathers Pairemage. THE SOUTHERN Maina sell. caroline sefl, Naney sell, Mary well, Fe- eee ~~ = : | MAR Pet! and nenjansin sell, tm are non ree e BE tUG ornicnEs HEPATIC PILLS, 250°" 203 See eee me] “COSTA RS” BED BUG : Court that peblication be made ip the Warenmae A Ligeti ~ and suet ald iy known and wr'l tried remedy — & Ute Nowra 4a te « paper pablished (8 the town we xover hag prevents PK ES 0, | 1 Bilewns disensis, commed by a of Salisbury, N. (. Soren ee = rs fying the «td defeadents tp aod at the : . JOUN k LDWARDS DISHASED LIVER. sort tare of thee cours to te bead Gr Ul ebaaly of For usthe in Fam, 2 ’ | romery. at the court house in on " | They are made and sold by OC. W. DEEMS. | wondiay om april oe xt. then cad there plead. an- “COSTARS” [BLT PO , _ TICF PREMEEN * er - overer, who has removed to Baltimore. | ewer or demer t the plaintif” of the same | Wa. B. Isaacs, D. J. MH .nraook, 31 where be cae have averse to the erent aud wi be honsden porte and julgmect ventured yes Ursarar Rateatiy View ond oft neem on tenet on he ave | 7 ccnrfala sate \ ; MFDICAT EXAMINER, li « steep on bead ¢ lee oot, | an wie a cee Co CHARLES Ho SMITH. MD. fant fie entomers, whoete ond] ms a ee Se Capel, “an ; Soret. £.C_Wawe Ck. }.COSTARS” CORN SOLVENT, SE Me woeele ee © ae 8 Ne C: Por Corns. Bunions, Warts, de. " oe | Pcakisl Fas we “CUM. State of North Carolina, om PoP Din, CT IRS tha evens Nee we of perfect ANSUN COUNTY. = I 3 “ ep nw te of etdts 4 ’ > ° safier with Pain’ Woedertel power nee ae = Lsled heres Sour Sonate Courtof Pleas and (Quarter Seasiona. of Heating Every family should beep « im gene: m. Cuttin Mee TR [never bole been ead as a Meum January Term, 1868. os EOL BAT 2 ie or Se Rox in Lis a powertalagent in cleansing the Laver 5, Caustor of Jane A. Rebia.| “COSTARS” B CRIMORNSac08 boxe . ‘ 3 mon a lvantag every ee ‘Snaiea bud eels: Ne effects are immediate. For cate barna, repehy rP tore oflered to the pabbe.) The | FRITION TO MARR MRAL Bet aTR seers irra Lome depe- po piles. ulcers. of soree ae oak. je “!iu aeed in these Pills is carefully pre Reb. aavetite estognees areytioms. { . | pa t and of the discoverer, and may! |t sppearing to the satisfaction of the Court thet SE i fe. bites of sximate., . : I by the post feetle patient im the moat | Ye & tendasts Thomas A Robinson. James Refi A] — — _ = ¢ : wife. Mary Bell, James Kimbroagh & wife, Ans ale siication, either male or female; and! Kimbrough, Joseph Hebiecon, Calvin Reblaase,| ~~ “Universal Dinner “ < peeviar commeaaven are highly | Meivies Kobimgon. and Arther Robinson reside be ® years ad mintmered 1 4 +f ection on ee 1 sd the _— oo Kb ordered by the tee. = =e ; | Court that pablication he for > a a irate hte our where | socinyniyTenetenys weee he Stamee e|“COSTARS” BISHOP BILUR ISO : a unfai | ® paper publinhed im the town of ‘sister Dertal Ol extraortinary efficacy tor contiee : LEWIS C. ILANES. Aa’. | » whic || ing tne said Thomas 4. Kebinegn, James | and news, indigestion, pervens and ok 17 —twkeartf Lexinat Oe from | #i. Mary Heil. James Kimbrough and wife, Aen hoodécke, Gyupepiia, Graap <. ; Kombroagt. Jowph Lye yt alvin Robinson al debility, liver congue. nie, fe. = ; elvine bineem, ar ur Ro. inson te be and < ‘ N Bw SPRING ving ins hver and Lowel weil | appear at the next term of thie court to be betd for | end saothinn’ “°° N*srisinges Gentle. wild, ke taluathe Pile the county of Anson. at the coert-house in Wades | — ; A) O D § @' Tile are known, especelly ia Leotde the wee ond Monda y ded April mext. then and i; euathern Safes ‘ Not have beet a plead answer or par te id petit Ser rh a a et Xtet ¥ See il recor |r digment yr conto will be rendered agaiaat That Coa TH Fe Don't ne- . ath horeiae srr e ie . i 4d »4M- | them and the «ame wii] be heardex pare te th Ye RIDYR Mas JCF OPESYD AN ESTIBE 07.4 ru itis ata mhervdl bnowhby | Wierm Paikek J. Conmeae slk creed ton “COSTAICS” COUGH REMEDY. Jonikine’ Corner, : } Ser SIV ES (omen Oe taqents » Pe wcond Monday m The ebildren cry for it- 28 — “Soothing c . pipeens Stapie i ; ' “mn v great vermand an J. COPPEDOR, t, Clerk Rr rap * Por cungh« colds, hoarsene<a, ry te o~ 1 te be, WO iinet i ~ sore throat, croup, “ing congh, a. Prints, Shitings ond Bhersings slay the onl, yregumel and wed by) State of North Carolina, a:thma, bronchiat Lede x ‘ awe ares) preve Speakers, and all tevnbied with belied spi sbeoty tt one Theo on wre. | DAVID-ON COUNTY. Complaints will find thie a ae Begare, Java nod Kin CoOer, t “ cal end’are oat a ts and Quaater Sessions, Feb- ___Peetoral Remedy. A OP Kil As®ORTMENT OF “es inet sas me IT > rt ie leg isos t ~ : tae " “ase | © prtitew acy Perryman against the ~ Beantifies the Cony oxtony iv te HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; Herre at Law of {. K. Pereemon, deed, via the chia » trenepereen teak w * bref askete and Covers, Busert+ hey can he vert to any point in the Unite C OM. Perryman, Andrew Perryman, Prauk eee ees eee Malon heres Perryman aod site Biaabeih, J.D Perry: |“COSTAR'S” BITTER 8 nT. a ear led stock, whieh will be soli at reasona RICR— Por one bor. 2 certa. —Da $2 "all Met ane vet erry ran : . : ‘ mire capaci aire rated i AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS, | ach Mud ctther errampan rte tor the Wet Dai tine : er, CASH OR BARTER. bed or it ae sam eo D nd ned pashan meatton tne ewer, fe ae Tam, ehles, Piinples M. W. JARVIS, Ac't. |" Pte Peete = Ladies. Try « buttle, and mee tte wom Selishory, N.C. Mapu 38,1008, a t > ts T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart derfui q FT Beware 177 a We he seedsees mitations. oi None — without “Costar's Bian - fr fix Months,..... of price 82,00 pays for ong this 91.58 sizes sent % by mat \ption and advertinemrents. + eee vever ees teewedesed MO HANES & BRUSER, WATCHMA Weegly: Pepe TRI- WEEK iarly ' time in the | are bern, an an enclosure viously a y their kee are aleo mar their mother Ia June t All the colts it the final a all the anions would be w conld not be the increase sinee the and the herd year, + A strong ' end of the re left, Usewe be (leven Qn om other. Bos from the ote and om heres end of the ahead, inte t ie dome. Atter the | of the evita b gain and sal three years ¢ the halter pe ‘The rider te! of \netrwetio: try bogs go «as clowns. long ased to rider both. gallops, foam who sticks & all these gies v1 There is qaiets the as neighboring | Hie beet are | forts to kee bees da ' have long ha fot ross Ba wild things horwew avd ub jen likely the bat these re stock. They bat left for g dom, i have beeome toda, noed a « crossed, and Then the + other flies, ha “worried thet fay, They ' and eald in.w ontil the hair poe There are the subsoil is hole in the sa water rises. es, a8 you ha eed when the WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE. Weeely: FR hey! dye et he ‘ — 4 wort TRI-WEEBLY OLD NORTH BTATRy Tri Weekly, © ‘ ? * 2! * sire a texgiens® “oY we From the Raleigh Register. LETTER FROM “ITINERANT.” at. —— are rather abundant wittar Act trey? ive frota party, who shall only vote apon consent of the Congress; and whose votes shall not, under any circumstances, be counted for or against anybody or anything. Among the signatures to this ‘“Consti- tution” are: ‘Thaddeus Sumner, Butler T. Si , Robert ©. Skunk, Edwin M. Ma- cilage, Wendell Wilson, Hannicatt, Ann Dickinson, Sereno Howe, and Eli Keekley.” ———- ee — Test your Kerosenx — Under this heading the Scientitic American, of the 21st ult., in view of the many lamp ex- plosions resulting almost invariably from the use of the bad kerosene, urges the im- portance of —_— their off before use in the lamp. This, it says, may be readily done by any man, woman and child, by , ofa ther ; a little warm The New York World. of Tacsday, | water and a tablespoonfal of the oil. Fill getd off » capital satire on Radicalism, in ;the eup with warm water, the tempera- cu ¢! shape ture of whieh is to be brought to 110 deg. edie fa Warleequs Constitution, | Fahrenheit. Pour the oil ou the water ; ' 1 purporting to have been presented in cau- | apply «flame to the floating ofl by match otis in the first mouth of the New Era, by | or otherwise. If the oil is unsate it will Thaddeus Stevens, for the people, and | take fite, and its use iu the lamp is dan- naniniously adopted. The preamble | gerous, for itis liable tu explode. Bat if redde : We Kid sothing abou, ‘snd what ls het: tet; citres ‘hn . He has no more use Thin inseceiens slice h - } in use ow farma—in buggies and 6 gee ip the surround: cou 4 ly saw aman moving. nig By and was moving wo a -, He had bis trunks, , ket- boxes, shovels and the oth- moderate sized boat, Among were alotof bank ponies—some two or three mares and colts—they were’ put in loose, about as a sow and pigs would be treated, Int eRaNT. ANEW CONSTITUTION FOR THE “UNITED STATES”—THE BEST SATIRE OF THE AGE. the oil is safe and good, it will not take} |fire. It is worthy of remembrance, too, | “We, the members of the Radical par that all persons who sell kerosene that) ty of the United Satrapics, in order to} will not stand the fire test at 110 deg. are form a more perfeet Union, secure to oar-| lable to prosecution solves the pewers which by the grace =| We may here add that late accounts de- Gab, G » and Greeubacks, we have |ny that there is any trath in the assertion been evabled to seize, insure our perpetui-| that salt put in coal of increases either ty aso pany, provide for the gocamon | econowy or efficiency Af ita use. On the} spoliation of our subjects, promote our! contrary, it is asserted with at least some | general welfare, and secure the blessings | plausibility, that the addition of salt to! of pluuder to ourselves and our posterity, | the oil could only result in giving such a! uw and establish this Constitution for character to the flame as woald impart a a GOV. WORTH. SPEECH OF MR. GROESBECK.} !tisa little remarkable that the F name of Gov. Worth has szarcely Massinazon. #pril 27. | been mentioned iu the late campaign There is but little differences 0! jin this State. We never vote: >a opinion abont the argument- of Mr.|}Goy, Worth, bat it is due to him to roeabeck, of connec! for athe Presi. gay that he has discharged his daties ac eit aed foatt A ea" |eo copes OY on that neither y ty could find good exuse for com shades of politics agree that it evine relat, The bal Jonathan Worth | ed ability of a superior character, and | jg an honest man; aud although he that it will rank with the ablest, | is ald line Whig of the strictest sect, tebe pg grea ere alg areder ta . . | old-line moerat of the orgina’ apdten peas ay Toa ee victing {Penal we cannot but admire bis) wake won elie we ch aie ances Pre ganda N oe ‘ii the | es | Unie ecutive 0 ori retina, made up, and who have determined) We presume that Gov. Worth has not to be convinced, (and this is not! but little taith inthe ability of the} intended to apply to Senators but to} yew parties that baye sprang np dar- gentlemen outside and to meuwsbers of | ing and since the war, to settle na the began all 2 ie pes ar | tional difficulties, and probably bes | drlge yet presented fur the defence | jieves that things will never get right | nt they do not attempt to gainsay| until the eceantry acts apon and | Beppe ean Poca bd eerie ior = | Add arty, (forthe whig party waa @ trial no wan has been listeved 'o with {Ve ie pale :) dare we believe a4 sach marked attention, both frow) the rights of the States and the peo Senators and others upon the floor ple will never be respected and mains =i spectators iu _ qettery ; waa) tained until the principles of the old | thia, too, in spite Of the fact that) Democratic party are engrafied on itwas a great physiical labor for the qeliey. af the Government—we | him to Fe and that his voice, from | mean the te a of that party in, bronchial hoarseness, was anything | regard to States Lights, Tariff, Bank- peers to the ear. Bar after] ing and Expendiiures by the Geners his first sentence the voice was for-|al Government. The war settled the | he Seip nae nema okey j peal —o ee of : Biate | ei iG ! ries B reaeonin }to secoed and ayainst slavery, bat pet | Ie was decidedly original in man | against the geucral rights of Hite seps Corresp of the Baltimore Bun. | ~~ PLORA MACDONALD. The Tory Heroine of the Cupe Fear, BY MONONIA. IN TWO PARTS.—I. ‘And I marvel. sir, At those who do not feel the majesty — By heaven! I'd almost said the Llioness— and silver That circles round the fair and virtuous women. sree: of ibe 7 hose religion. To trace the times and the Passions \Eogland was all ful; 4 2S which controlled the minds of men; to| \): . conneet the whole as one thread, ‘avd | 7 hsened every ofa;\the um Bever set weave into a simple web, will be our pres- | ent aim, We shail ran over much histor-| ic ground, tear down many bistorie bar- riers and many old landmarks, Blection isan act Of will, not voice— and we therefore single out this field. The eightcenth century has long sinee away, bat it bas left bebind, in ite igtory, pages of romanee, fall of, daring and aeklatiglelie Here faney_cay roam and dream of lovely visions, and conjure up thoughts of never-ending bliss. Here fame can wonder and sound her horn over the conqaeror’s tomb, and tell of bis past lory aud greatness. Or, she way sit ried by the grave of honest deeds, aud tell the passer by how mueh worth is bu- ried there. ere glory can find a erown ani find a name, and none brighter, more fair or more famed than Flora Macdou- ald : The sweetest tales of hainan weal and sorrow, The fairest trophies of the Unwer's fame, omy fend taacy, Flvra, seem to borrow Celestial haloes from thy gentle name. ple were most cruelly bu verished, and chained — ing jo pee Ba to the few in the great olis. Was th. spirit of liberty No. Like embers on the hearth it shot forth scintillations of vitality. It was merely dormant, waiting the opportunity to barst out anew into a sweeping than ever, i was alling, and to none more to the Brave brotherly Highlanders. They ba- the new 80: ty. They blushed with shame at heir boss condition. , until Dy In it nations were crushed, nations were born, and nations were remodeled. From ner, matter, and furia of expression, | arate Siaies. land threw a flood of light upon the} Bocit was not Jease. The lawyers of the Senate— parties that we commenced this arti the men of acknowledged legal abili | cle, (we imay have something to say {the ereation of the kingdom of Prussia ia |i _ to talk abont ol 1/1701, down to the storming of Seriugapa-|!y happened to [taro in 1799, lies before the Badent of | outbreak. William | bistory a vast accumulation of interesting the United Sairapies of America. j horribly ghastly hae to the countenances The following are selected from the va-| of those sitting within its range | tiows articles and sections of this new) Milton Chronicle. Constitution ; _—_—_—— matter. the owners; avd fn May of each = ’ frolic over what is il a “pouy penning.” By this time in the year, 4 aumber of cults are bern, and by driving all the herd into an enclosure, the mothers having been orevionsly marked, the cofte are known sagrers ¢ wach with te mother, and are aleo marked with the same brands a+ their mothers. In June there i another “penning.” — All the colts are wot bora by May = Yet if the final marking were omit all the anienals ave born, tlinee born first | would be weaned, and their ownership conld not be kuewn. By Jeane, however, the increase le ended, « rinee the previous “penuing” are marked, and the herd lett w@ req antil the ucxt year. - THE FENSIXO. A strong enclasure is constrected at one ead of the reef, From this, from right to left, there te a fence reusing oat to the Ocean Qn awe vide, and the Sewad on the ether. Now begiwe the driving. Peopk from the sugroanding country getler mm, and om hatpe-back begin at the opposite end of Ube rvef, and drive all the ponies ahead, inte the enclosure, and the marking ie dowe. HoRst-TRa dino. Atter the marking, and the ownership of the eutta in deterudned, begios the ber- gain and sale of the boreas, one two or three years old. The price is fired and the halter pat an. ‘Then tomes the fan ‘The rider ie taken throagh the same coarse of inateection as the inexperienced eoun- try bogs go through in the bands of cic «ge clowns. The animal bes bern too, long ased to Wberty to submit wo bit and rider both. He rears, planges, lies down, gallops, fossa, kieks and pawr, avd he | who sticks to the animals back through all these giratians aa quod rider. The GORRE TAMER. There ts one relrees, however, that qsiets the aninal. Ue is forced iste a neighboring creek, whh « muddy betiom Hie feet are ouly employed now in bury eforts to keep frow sioking wo decp — After a fow houre of apon, the animf ia | compromised with bis master, and go Lame with bie. Hut they newer quite recover fepm their confinement. They long for their liberty They paw thetr stalls, and often kill them eolves im fryitless endeavors wo get looer. | They are slow to brooms accustomed to | grain, They love their oative grass, and thrive best on that. HO@ THtY LOOK, Bank ponies are «mall, bat strong — They sre nenally no larger than a two or three year old colt of apland breed. They have long hair, mane and tail. They are fot handsome. Engravers generally make wild things look well. Indians, plants, horeew avd the like. And in South) Amer ica likely tha wiki horses are handsome, bat these reet ponies, are degenerated stock. They were probably a good bréed bat left for generations to roam at ran- dom, without gro-memen of shelter, they howe become dwarle, Horses, like pot toda, need a change. The breed mnet be | crossed, and their pasturcs changed. Then the maequitors and a thousand other flies, have encked their blood and “worrtdd them to death,” ae old Indice tay, They snffer fiom teat in enmmer and eald in.winier; from winds aod raiue, until the hair is coarse BOW TAFY DRINK There are no springs on the reef; but the subsoil is very wet, the ponics paw a hole in the sand, and in a few minutes the water rises. The pony waits and watch- es, aa yod havé esen a terrier ata rat hole, ord when the gator rites he helne him | the colts ‘born | THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT | AN legislative powers shall be vested in Week.—The week was unknown to the \a of the United Satrapies, which) Pagans of the Classic Ages, and wae , ola conse “ Renate, s House of Rep- j gradually adopted ta the Rosnan Empires, resentatives, and a Caucur | . All the powers of the Government of ‘ . the United Sutrapics shall be legislative | POror® Tle origin of the ouanths of the | sewers. jdaye may have been lost sight of by many The House of Representatives, or the | of our readers, and might not prove unin- Caveus, shall be the judge of tbe elections | teresting to all. We find that Sunday te Hn pO ualificatioues of every wed. called from the fact that it was ancient oe of elt ener. : ; The Congress shall have power to « ly dedicated to the Sen. Monday weans anything. jthe day of the moon. Tuesday was ded 1 a be held arti- ed wo T he 8 M he god tax or duly may kl apo icated to J wiaco, the Baton Mare, the ge - — ier yong sf \ot warand litigation. Henee in Eugland, that gener one: ivew by all com | aid in several of the Uaited States, I've mercial regulatious, to the parts of the day is Assize Day, or, as it is generally Satrapies of Massachusetts, Maine aod leailed with us, Court Day; the day of Whode Island. beginning litheation, Wednesday takes | ‘Lhe Congress shall bave tall antherity | its name from Woden or O:in, a hero ar over the lives, Jiberty, and property of the | [yjety of the Northern nations. Friday ie people of the various Satrapies. |from Priga or Frea,a Bason goddess. — ' ‘e- gpg may be = pag Saturday means Saturn's day thie Upton, at the preasare of (he (an Wil. Journal gress, whatever their population or wealth | Bo e may be; bat ae offence shall be consider: | The Eastern Terminus N. WON. CR ed sufficient to wock perpetual exclusion, | R.—The citizens assembled is the cvart except the offence uf perpe: al boatility to} honee, on Wednesday evening, hear the Radical party. . ithe proposition of the Direetors throagh their President, Mr. H. Fines, of Balem. lt wae etated that if we would! grade the road loeaced to thie place. After eome remarke from Mr. Fries, Col. Shober, D Fo Caldwell, and C. BP. Mendenball, | was anavimously Res cod, That the eubscribers 1: Tbe datics of the I’resident shall be to stack of = N a Weetera N-COUOK R ; ce py and inagpeer poapoiraringd rad jCa., — to — ~ diet hae par ougrone, a ‘ » the | the r Greensboro to the Foreythe various sabordinete administrative offices YS eee ee ne eta , ruch persons as may be designated there for by the Congress, or by Congressmen iudividually, or by promimeut metwbers of the Uaion League {along with Obristianity, by the latter Em- ? | . THE EXPCUTIVE DEPARTMEST The exceutive power of the United Sa ' trapies shall be vested in Congress — There shall be an officer, to be known as the President, who shall hold bis office during the are of Congress the (Coanty line, in the direction of the town of ~alem, as the eame shall be located ap oa a survey +f the eaid route ; and that leach eubseriber sign a bond te ace semé, in properuen wo the subscription {made by them respectively, on the hook W berenpon the sabseribers present came furward and subscribed their names to the boud Cc Wir. L re the THB JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT The jadieial power of the United States ‘ shall be vesied in the Congress. The ut banal hitherto known as the Sapreme Court te hereby abolished, and the sons hitherto acting as Justiers Coort are hereby declared oatlaws Trial by jary ie hereby aboliehed Treason against the United States shall consist In opposing th: perusal ci ,and adhering or giving aid and comfort to the enemies thereot, ridienting the Radical potiey, and in each other things a+ the) ond at Sa.m., if in Winter. Ile lefta Cougress of the Union League may de- jig, of 400 persons who were io be invit clare treasonable ed to hie obsequisen, ne all of them had The religion of the residents of the | shared hie beuetite time past. AN Catted Satraplee chall be worship of theme | eho came were to inecribe their name ina gro. There sal be, herestter, an anti- | pppister ta be kept at the door of bis resi | slavery Bible and anti-slavery (rod dence. Of the entire namber of invited, } anly 28 came ar 8 o'clock on the mon P. Mewpsxnacey, Chim Sreivan, Seeretary Greensboro Patrwt _---- et { the pled the ether day by an eccentric old gentieman whe directed in bis will, that hie funeral ehoald take place at 6 oe! ck a MIBORL LAN ROUSE PROVISIONS | Freedom ot speech and of the prese j shall be eontroiied exelusir. ly by the Congress. Any person who shall pub- ‘Yish a newapaper in opposition to the Radl- [teal party may be jawhawked at sight No resident shall be secure in his per eon howe, papers and effrete, agninst | seizures and & arches commanded by Qon- | grees, Warraits may issu? upou any] |thia eounty bas sent us through the hands lor Mr. Thos. C. Pasa a conple of eg | ease. | Persons arrested may be tried at the eonvenienee of tho parties procaring their ms f } ad jof flat shapes and reugh shell, one of which j i | be word “War” distinctly tormed in Nothing in thie Constitution contained has ¢ , 3 vil The other has“ \V "on it.— | was buried. Afterwards all who had at tended and pat down their names as re tearned a legacy at the rate of $1008 fur leach geutheimanl, and $1600 fur rach lady Thas those who etaid away lost some | shing uy vheir indifference ee A Literary Haew.—Mies | arreet. | ehall be held to affect the supreme otal aay shell. | of Congrese over all persons and things | "This Conetitation may be amended at the} suggestion of the Caneus, and in accord: | bats ance with the desires of a inajority of the | enon upon any other hypothesis t pan that House of Represeutatives, | the hen had been chased by J. W. Sire The sight of suffinge, commonly known | ens, the radical candidate in cs comity as the right te votr, being an inherent and for the Senate, or, that she stooc in dren. livbera right ia every person, and coming, jof @ war upon her roost, by the aforesaid lige reading and writing, by natare, shall |eandidate —Milton Chromecie hijered by every resident of the Uni-| Te — rie Nore: ted Satrapies, withons regard to the age, ne ar enie ye leox, race or color of the euffr ; and made their ap; thie right sball newar be abridged exept northern part of F : in the ease of neh persons as may Ww Va., and a namber of hogs : net »ppose the radical |killed by eating then teen by the carious. al arance Origin of the Names of the Days of the ity—such us {Trambull, A test of sincerity wae curiensly ap- the gail in the morning, if be died in the Sammrr, iwhed theo ing of Feb. 20:h, when the old gentlemen ‘ | quired, found that each of them had, r ttard, ot} | | | 7 Federick connty,| best way ere) Johnson, Fessenden, Grimes, Sheratan, and others, seemed ty be particalarly in- terested, and paid the strictest attens tion; and there was hardly one but] noted the points now and then unde Senator Tloward, who has throagh jon that subject hereafier,) it was mere ily to pay what we consider a deservs led compliment to Gov, Worth for the taithtal manner in which he bas dig- charged his dutivs as Governor in times of great trial aod perplexity.— { Lhis term of office may soon end, and The Mississippi bubble excited the French as mach as did the South sea bubble the English in a subsequert year. Poor Poland was brokeu iuto fragments, aud the exiled Irish loat their owa dowa- trodden land, but eaved France on the bloody ficld of Fontenoy. The United States struggied through seven weary outthe trial ecenpied bis own seat) therefore we do not cousider it UO-| yy for freedom, and won it after a glo- - . ‘ ou the outer circle of deska, on this oecusion, and alter Mr. Groesbeck had spoken a short time, mneved near erto hii, and more than cally examined the case cited ly the speaker. , It was manifest that the Olio law ver was yiving the M-chigan Senate fe once oriti fine points and cisione which were tol had es Srimoer, or which n. Mr. either new th alfents tou, seemed to be more than he has yet been, } haps. gince Mr. Manage Opening. Senators Drake and Fowler oedup ed seats pear the table of coun sel, and listened attentively. Sena tor Conkling kept his seat upon the for a time, but awhile became so mach caped his interested xceyt, per r i Ax. alte interested outer eircle that he ineved nearer, and sceupied a beside Senator Joh The Fr, Asitjis Custom, pa d the etrict- sea ety latt. attent Of al +. wh Tg est ou the Senatora” he ia the en!y , } has, ther i trial, ray notes arnt laeos taken caret ul ot the coed ings, and of the referred te bv the and ceunsel of Managers wheher apon the adanssily in the general Senator ( y featinnony of diecna- aan of the jasuve. hand alone didnt eeom to be at all inte ested, for he waa notin the chambe moch of the tiine, and the arg thre waa, r enyaye ut conversa ertuec determ rie tinny that Mr. Crroesbeck gave tions ssanmed by the Managers some and vitn, but nyrat & certain, the posi mderous blows, utter! y demol- 1" { imnished { High (Froese Nev vA Teasonihg, at moch teod for the serious refleetion the Mr Cis n representative in each antevery member of ( ny heck atys York ; roof | eachment onr eof the St went tly t Ile wus fifrty 4 » Peace ( nh) ‘ th and a member At all Abyseit ne e an exped ts fruit e-~ and the expense ved a briis inl uld entail, it bas ach The snipe | es are all rec pot satlered liait success. barba an has beeu van pittmare and kills the Fuyl sh cay ed, and the army anvihing like the hardelipa pre hicted, has and iseafely making ifs way back to the coast. John Caboer, a German Democrat f Hartford, Connecticnt, was too ill 0 The eggs are at this office, and can be) with rhenmariam to walk to the polis} aetion wil iat the We eannot account for this ege phenom | wite (a notable helpmare, indeed,) | The Charleston Mercury says: Gen late eleetion, whereapon bis took hima upon her back and earried him ep amid the cheersaf the crowd A parse of $200 waa wade ap for her the §} ; The New York Ecpress, commeat- ipon the varioas plans that are dto keep passenger railway ors from atealing, cays that the ty prevent them from pilfer- ing fron their reeeipte is to pay fair on rot. ing oe for the'r services. | ete iniler «| * ty ashes or drowned proper toallade to lias at thie time as an honest, pure minded pablie ols tice. We have received no favors} | frown Gue, Worth, and don't ask or! expect any, bul asa wan who alwaye [dtiered with bins in politica, we are disposed to give lim Gor any oiler mau” the eredit he is entitled to, | No aan deserves more the compli} ment paid bim above, by the Char | lotre Democrat, thau Gov. Werth. | North Carolina bad a better The pussesecs be ne } never State lt “nol | Governor. truer cilizen, than Jonathan Worth, and time alone | be yle Ruman,’ wisdom and }euceesa of Lee aduiinistra during the critical period he has adiminister edthe Execative office. Ilis have nearly exlausted and worn i cl b can fuily deve we i, duties out a consiitut al ralife of sobriety andi had made capable Now led, and wi on, yand a good conscience of great age, he is eu ce when he can thee, tu *k re diy his valu tegn endur at ance a ripe lee | rej ie of n pr May ileavet lay a-idie ( cares De Cupsration vaie hive et eee ~ Ile preserve wiitelt ¢} a oneal the fe alleong ur, mee infegri ana Vv D] connect as with the Jayeult past, and saci ( State Nenline —_- A BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT 1 rere tifal An rg in ite eradie, will live ané » forgotten fant, a prattling dy sin im the better thenghts play ite part, though ite bedy be barne the There ie not an angel added to the of heaven but does ite blessed work on earth in those that loved i here Dead! ob, if the good deeds of haman "£ loved i d of those who i deep at era hoets creatures coald be traced te r source, how beaatifal could leath appear , fer how fied affect growth in ¢ even roach cha me a on woald t : A g seen tu have th lnaty aves )* _- HOW TO STAMP LETTERS An exchange has the following article on stamping letters: “Many persons instead of wetting poe tage stamps wet bat it bad plan, as the saliva is a powerfull »/ 4 dampening Mowith the tongue, the size is softened or wholly AK once the moisture begina to sink into the the letters, isa vent, and in the act or partly removed from the paper. absorbent sarface, which in three second becomes #0 drv \atick firmly and completely to it that a atamp will on - — The four divisions of the Preabrta rian ehurch in Seotland have had juoder consiederation, tor some time) | past, the qneation of a general anion, jand it is thonght that some decisive \ [be taken thereapra uext week. Hancock seems as likely to get the Democratic nomination as any name mentioned, and availability will de termine the man, whether Seymonr, | Hancock, or Pendleton, either accep- ‘table. { A representation of a finte anda harp haa been fonnd on a tomb near the pyramids, lered to prove that those instruments are xt Jeast four thousand years old. wh ‘bis eon * ¢a rious contest. Amidst the many revolu- tions and cenater-revolutions whieh dis- tracted the French people, aruse the great- est wartior of modern times. This centa- ry then can claim many brilliant things Ilowever, it is not our province to say why empires fell and republics roee, nor | to strictly adhere to the causes that tron- bled the civil and political polity of the era, but it is oars to Liend the méile with the dulce, hist y with romance. Now, to do this, what analogous theme, fietitivus or real, could be possibly ecleeted more truly worthy the pen of any writer in prose or in poetry than the onc bere pr She belongs to Columbia as well pa to Great Britaip, and to the Honse of Hanover as well ae te the Honse of Btu- art Vhe latter she loved with woman's love, while to the former she became at- current of haman events, based upon the stranger tide of deas, and #0 (a say haman in She figured on this continents and in Earope, bat in each hemisphere the was the advocate ef tory painciples. Iler heroiem was not less co wprcucus in th Her nfaney to matarity was obsenre, wd to the grave an al orm, fall of adventure pore i? tached from a strange haman ic etinets the one ran it was in the other life trom bat ba from womanh et areene! 4 et ratoriety In “cotland she was the ne a e@tern nto " has immoertahecd ber nam sof bes tclaimed evotb “ dear Cher e, and in re fu heart she might have truly « In I will not wholly die.” arrayed herself in com evuntry men at the forgetting tbat it was { Prince Charles Ed f his enemy, the elec- With all a woman's thusiaem, she anfarled 1 fough: for his America she m with hec ase of freed not for thy cans 1, bat f of Ha charms and h n high hie bet za n al War rt tor flaz a sapremacy We have pat eta wottce en passant of “1 thie mach, and 1 Whigiem will not, we hope, be i Vhe f tland, and os pec hoer Highlands, seb . of settlement deeply which drove 1 royal line. The re- them by the heart y increased the gloom them. Cor seq rently, « and cruc! mazeacre wh ld d wil ed their sacred crags and rht the distant not o rarke to the shores at the antre wyviem and consider uni clans « otf the rthy to the and lly 1 relucta g Will the am, alvers a ’ } which } after the of GI ‘ those cou eo facility, abio tranentiar tarned their St Lawrence, peaks and ent ‘ wiles hey Vv at teered for a more genial, more torrid t t 8 r lime, iu the upper region of the river Cape Fear ll pureac the art of husbandry, ar d gain for r children, and their ehil- dren's children, f honest toil, the fruits of patient labor and i vdustry They forgo sot kindred that sit} hoand them to the present coaatry, and they watched, not without eome feel- ing of hope, the quaggy { vundation on which they conside the House of Branswick to stand, Year followed year down the ffeet flow- ing stream of time, and no change came, no reformation, It waa ldoked for by auxious eyes at home, and by antious hearts was it everywhere desired. Lou- don was then, as it is now, rotten at the c Orachy, dishonesty, avatiee, and e Wew themeel ves, the the aweeta « not the hoet of | Fourteenth. ti leave them to} into the g Like the wi round and round the which ber glow fancy had op of the W ic party. t was midnight, and a pale cold tt up the delves sf, Raaie. The Tow ® gloomily against the sky, # terror a cronching race. In it M been immured by William. were deserted, and on the bqaletade reigned » | pattered on the x gus Oh »roceeded from the alse-house |larity raug ite merry peal rooms —the en ffee- houses, | clubs —of Es "s golden solemnly atill. The palace was of ite pageantry, hollow P ry-man was visible, No |red and belted, trotted along ; nor did the sheen of a helmeted od} appear anywhere. In one of the ki halls lay the King. Taleontes acbeth,” bedlng soaie h | the air was audible. | nsites of that great man had all vanis None stood there to do him hener, What cared they, he was no of the jworld. fie vietories in | Preles were forgotten; not sufficiently resplendent to to hie bier There he lay, the cold embrace of all- | He was the bitterest enemy of Lonis the He ia now nobody’s enemy, unless before the judgment-seat his own A side door ie cantiousl opened. ly veiled head is dowiy lekedooal cyes glisten and stare to the right, to ‘b> left, tothe bier. Noieelessly the doo: tarne Tiptoe proaches the envelopes form ; a deliente steals out from tho |tolda of the black domino ; diamonds fiash, jthe figure starts. The embroidered gous- jeovering the pallid face is with mach trembling termed down, and the dead is gased upon by the Rvieg. “Thank 5. for thie,” mvattered the Duchess. “ You ‘are dead! dead! dead! Yoo cannot ter rity me. Yoor eyes are cold. Wher now ie their fire? Whe now will |your behesta! Who will cower bh you! Lean deem every obstacle in my path as a mere trifle, easily overcome. | will gain wealth, and friends, and dietine tion, and power. My ambition will be satisfied.” Wish these words she cover ed the inanimate visage, and more like « lepright than a baman being, glided from the chamber Soonall bagland wae con | vulsed with joy The Princess Anne ascended the thre: and became the good Queen Anne Y Tories participated, perhaps from poh-y lthe Whigs, from evident suceess. | rom Chevoit Hills to Land’s End, if not trom ' be bey took a more Southern track, | Duanet bead w Pott Patrek, the nam | Anne was glorified, and her enthronem: | was proclaimed amid the booming of can it nea, and the aeclamations of millions ~ She was the daughter of Jamesihe Cath- olic, but she was nota Cathalie. Phe was +f the House of Stuart, that pleased the Tories; she was a Protestant, that pleased the Whigs. Heneath all thie sceming acquiescence ran something deep er still, That same ananimity of feeling was not so enthusiastically ‘displayed in Seotland. How eonald the Tors there feve the Whigs? The ghdsts of t mardewed fathers would ariec from bloody graves and ery out, “For » for shame!” However, the fict tb Anne was a Stuart tended to keep in cnt jection their arroused nature. They 9 one gleam of hope—the ejectu tre opposing faction from otdee : Kingdom. ‘The fact A her opposttin their prodigality, were at‘ par. Bribery ex- tended an {itching palm. Mammon wae Lis gee? altar was sa- its deity, and tthe naion of tho esowha of Prik as ike (fr ‘Spain secured in some de ‘ ( . *. ship of the Whigs. "The Tories Jnbured tates. All Enghind apparently respond {to Fre: - in the dicwie of a Secs lthe enthusiastic cheers of a em seat of te ’ redulously to supvlant, them, to prejudice ed. Had the popular voige as last *por}ish-eonrtier. and succeed cin Wringing the heroing of the Yootch rebellion! |she deseeptime of Gea. be chas “id Queens and, If possible, convert her. Mien 7 Had the iniquity of the radicals Louis XV ta his vie ; r for-) Flora selgci@ll fharwienr aad 2 | peevived: thea avith: pie lle dlepelieee becaech 2 ory ied, bo +o Ras 9 beeu expared ! “ee lfind favored hime Bat as” e ‘was soldier, Geidhad Nae, to attend the statty which they od — as the apg hak * von “4 her ve, ifs Thon owe al Saaperg ine Ried Hey ed x pain Rite’ poe b peascialgeed ti ies i a “nd ' ie And A § ? Four, it oe Sete! & England, with (at jarmy / of. fifteeh the had o tp Lamdinn to bo lang. |*8 “a pie and sacred thingy” 0 (cre cite bereenea exereised no inflwence irogen on the hilly and plies. Millions Bioteand, thas Brivis, Adusiral—Nors hed, but r 50 1 het, ~ before them ia % “ta-gorrect the viees, the foilica,the ignor-. of frosty stare studded the firmament, + fe xuee which too. geuceally prevailed at the ‘Che cowniry pound was bleak, and the rita hiely abe sdatter’ the wholelfour with: BIG Magetonti." Aer aaa bn, arity aot ee?” * THE C&M commencement of the eighteenth cen- winds foand not a tree to obstruct their! French fleet. Tere fortune seemed | “dear Charlie™ was uliea)) heyond | ternal joy, aud everlasting leve. a Sec We obs tary ;” and to promote “virtue aud know!- sweeping, headlong fury, as they drove |‘? desert (iiin, Novhing daunted. |the reach ut danger, At Lochnanach | Her presence reminded the old of their | SALISBURY, MAY 8, 1808, . ries age wage, a penigaaind whatsoever may be ‘befare them over the glassy, sparkling | and relying ” his own resources, helhe met a Preneh trigate, which eons Highland glens and caves and crags, and | ——————___ ee: : ee dell cither ua ful er ornamental to seeiety”’ snow-covered ground pellets of icicles sets onc wih a teow followers, and | gered hin im osafeiy te France. A |the young ta, cherish the memory of the pre IMPEA SHMEN THE y = ‘They kow well, and they tel it, thar: which sounded not che rily to the ears of ‘lands on the western coast: of Scot few ootths Hefore ‘ae the crown of flan ofthese fathers.” Herown loved clan, | THE se one - at i - : CASE d ppecalations® “Our passions play the tyranta in our ‘a lone traveler. “Wil itnever be re teh Hand. "the clans and their chiety England was in his grasp, and the ‘the “ Bell Heath.” was well represented. | STATED BY BINGHAM. di afford but breasts,” but capt did not oo any ed?” escaped his iee-bound mouth, for al flock aronnd him, iu il raise the stan-|J continent hazed with an universal! Tt looked up tovher as Aid the royal pee-| Mr. Bingham, in the closing argument cast. Yoo ——— curb then, and leara from the ‘thick, heavy beard tell stifily to his breast, jlurd of rewelt. Phe indignation of feu d joie at his signal successes. Not ;sanages of the Court of Oharles the Be of the managers, thas soma up the case honld indulg 3 of the past that Fluo an whieh, ‘and pulling bigher ap on his shoulders aiihe Whigs was is deseribable; thelauw,” He inet fricud-, but they Were | Pouth look up to Johu of Are end bo oe S the Po sid oe rab ‘ We do not! when gained, is ever the ripest and pack .f which he seemed to take consid- joy of the Tories beyond beands.— few. The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle)"® day was vigh when they conld atteat “#%# seeide nooiadl ~ ho righ west. erable care, he again reiterated: “Will it : ’ wh . A heir devati he h guined “ Tois the head at fi f And pec {the Kuglish weresent from Edinoarg {deprived | fevery chance of ever belt devation for ber on the ensanguined | els the head and front o new 7 = ie the re be reac a , - al pri ed bin o every chance of ever A ; any - : A fi Leyla fa an da [ange tt se tS negate |g ee a Aah ax ome. evan setieet an Ne poe ae wil hat onl “ho my it if it docal alive capture the bet Pretender. Tha Very extraordinary woman, Ma | ede Hinhtacders goctire de I ide’ enn payers ies he? Ghanliean snd det. arate the snecession of her house. ‘To at-{notf A halter—.” He was interrupted | aha ise na ching ail - tole dain de Pompastone, interested her; jhuman reason ken the Gest workings of' din . ay he laws for himself, “Tn ny t the » by a preity | ey Were badly beaten, and Perth | self in his behalf and had conferred the Gréat Ruler of events. Lhe same sys- of all¢ ¢ lawyers” tricks ; in spite aon we —_ na who app’ fis parts, and againet Mt cauecs white! tempt this she must place authority in the in this dark view of thin ps . ’ ; ’ i ine hands ‘of her friende, and her friends hard clap on the back. “Hallo! sir, arc | ted, whence Went torth the proclama upon him fora life a pension of two tem thet deprived the Scottish chieftains | the technicatitios, this was’ it. With ‘all Genate Is sustained by: various, MM were unquestionably the Turies.— yona wake yet? Where is (hat halter, en that Charles Edward Stuart was /hundred thousand livres, Spain Was of every rightat home, wasaboat to be iu: | reapect to Senators, find to the’able coun.| sentatives, henes the. who vored Her charming taverite was not ig- that gibbet you were talking about? 1) regent. Success rapidly tollowed the ! not forgetful of the Srandson of James | augnraied ou this contiyent, and by the! sel after the weeks and weeks of dlecds-| This makes the, one , ferred." 4 vorant of the ebange. She portray. don’t see any; but om cverygyside 1 sec |rapit marches of Charles, and his!the Catholie. She setiled upon him! very same despots, The Seoteh had al-| sion ou this ease, if there is one man who | ordinate departmen f the. 7 . i ris — Ps eed 4 rather ae 2 dea a, | seca bere wUey. Mol A Peet a handsome annuity. The House ot | ready felt the strong armof power, ‘The | does not anderstand this simple “proposi- Rach Pena ‘weurpation, oie sari ficklenéee, the Scotch, who, she naive- ‘Macdonald! ‘That you!” }over the Seotcl capitel. t Preston awick was easy vo.tong 4 liron gr wi i et from their | tion, t in bi i i basshe: bebop rt wr. a ‘ } tomtia : h, : y } Brunswick was nnewsy so long as af icon Grasp was hardly yet f heir | tion, then God in his infinite wisdom bas hid bie ‘eee ene wih ly hinted, merely sought a pretext to| “My veritable self. This is a cold | Pana, where bis father had suffered member of the fallen family was liv | throats Rebellion begets a diretul phase | denied him reason." thave her dethroned. She depicted in a! place to tarry. Let us pash on to the | defeat, he completely puts to flight!ing and the beloved King of a tallen lof society, They a8 ph it, had felt it | And this, aecoriing to Mr. Binghawi, fe nate departments of the government is be. tisded wit vebement style the dark designs of Har- | liouse. They are there awaiting us.” the Britisharmy. at sroclai i eS 4 Wah } i and understood its meading, In Seatland | i i thew. , ley and Bolingtrohte ; shenglia the Robert} “How are The clans 1” : : erbin ein : “fie Cease Gtanc tle i‘ — eae ee | they had lost cverything Was tne wo | the whole case against the Prestdealt:— oe plow Dew wonder that Walpole u knavé, tas thet she onglit to| “They are al] right, aud they listen for | ment wag amazed, ane began to outs ile XUV ls coteict ve | lose everything bere? They bad meas. | And what sort of a case ia it?—Ert dean wa . — h settlement at detach herself from “the principles of the the bugle note calling them to battlé’t l think iteelf near destruction. The | throne. b ; hj ie hy , neta : ie a py ured strength with the foe on their native | alise it and see. ‘The President is warn | %°8 Mis whey can ome the: Feault erated an thy Tories.” She ewlogized the actions of} ‘They shortly reached the cottage. A tente of the Pretender wore pitched | ae es oeearaty “ Goyring. plaine, but found it inendicient Hera | to support the Conatitution and see. thet wih certainty, Tene sta de. 1d to beligne (iodvlphia and his confederates. ‘The |dezen of meu Jumped up and bade them within a haundred ailes of London. | sate ie LTP ene) N Tihey were few. They bad everything to the laws Le faithfully executed. This feos in tho Coustivution Of Bi ecivutiqn’sg Duke of Marbborou, needed not her; Welcome. ‘The pack wus opened. Pa : every whim of the fLauoyerian Uy~| ciel, nothing to: gai » They did wot an- : " i poor language nag his position. His | pers were read. the "Third was The Grivcrnme nt a ae had the Hitsty. When this was told the Priuce PS best r t-ee tg Megat ot E nie) wall deny, But in order to encouie — NOR YY, coe es ‘deeds had made England great and glo- | Maturing an invasion of England. His | (eps iy Sean) called home, Bat, | h's anger tonnd no bounds. He w abs ilu Was convulsing the country. They | the liws he must give them some. con | tre’: 4 ho ee pions of anti rigus at home and abroad, and he was al-| sister, the Queen, was not expected to fickle fortune! the career of the | driven to the frontiers, whénee he | were separate and lived seeluded to them- straction, Where the meaning of = law Bat which of the pastigs t eon tigeation ways ready to defend bis sovereign.— | live very long. Now was the time, or| Prince was vearly run. At) Falkirk Jjourneyed to Rome, where he expeer- [selves What could they do bere iu the | is go clear as to admit of no deub he We have cudosvored at tbe veir © Toward the close of her life, the injudi-/mever. Sothought the Hal of Mar and| he obtained his last victory. The led svinpathy, protection, and a home.| wild woods of Americal) Did they fear | ne . 0 4 President is not, and if hovis ant Oragress i i cious prosecution of Sacheverell by 5 pee | Lord Derwentwater, and ia their honest] fatal field of Culloden was entered { At Florence he became very troubles tthe lées of their ne wly acquired property? | eae ts met diftculr, bat where the te.” en: wean as ee t i eupidit Godolphin afforded her (the Queen ) an | pride, for the good old cause, they clap-| ‘The English Dake of Cumberland see to his friends. De assumed er. | Did they fear ta attctupt auother rebellion? | Beaning and intention of the law is doubt-| ™ " “ M Oongress bet ter'en- vols should epportani:y of emancipating herself from | ped their banda Bleetully; as did bkewise} gained ihe d ty. Phe retinnants of the | ory empty tithe. This. instead of ens] Tocy wer Tasies eal, aud the avowed , ful he must construe it one way or she deavorlug to Sneesne to Teel the Preto. hich they f pery pt . ‘ t d ” g atives™ of bot the other coordigate de. snot mach t elt control, of which she readily availed | their followers, and made that little valley | Se.tiish clans fed te their homes, aud jhaneing fis honor, rather ausmenied (enemies of the Whigs. The Whigs | other. Otherwise he eaunot execate is at , herself; and in 1710 the Whigs were dis jin the bighlands ring round wih unwont | Charles found himself withent 80 at- | ihe rid-cule in which be was bewnn ta, canged, bat they did notehange. The! ai ‘Phie. it seems (o us, is a proposition | Pet nts of the Government ik cannot vien we reg Lad hw . 4 , Ho wall Euaireder l gma sy tursy thousand pounds fixed pen » whe 2 werried. an Noe | Tutee f¢ furwe Rad fought at bame | F . i jeeti Exebequer and Lord High Treasurer.” —| The Whigs were no Linger in power.—[44. HOES “e Nadr enh nie Daeg jaxe when he married, and waiter thi sae the government, hed lost and bad) bevsion. Tt raay be replied that the Sg.| 1 bas never shows any Bispasition, as tho *t objeet . tan po : The : oticeable event his existence v : as | . ; , i he Duchess saw yery plainly that hea! ‘I sonar of heehee slg power) intitemels Wane ahibauk de betres (" sie “ bch Hopman ey wit : jsubmitted. They were now called upou | preme Coart is the proper tribunal te de. President has, te ; power was gone. The Queen owed omen F ria } sanomty ee lilies tie ave young Prince. bis friends! re t if i fri a “Hed cc) (uber te fight for freedom in cenjuuctod | cide each questions. This is granted — Coart about the construction of Gpmetiin- ie, perhaps, to ber Lasband, the handsome} often keener than the soldier's bliule.—|} 6 Niel end to Aig cause. led ed] yiup the Whigs, or side with the royal Bat it may often be months, or even years tionality of the laws. Ou the contrary it fr repose, w . . t Sere : Were many, A wire thei stands | 4 k ] J ied ar F, . A ‘ - Englishman, vat more to ber o family | Bas the trea y of Utrecht was made. 1)! FSSTENL OS Fg) Ott a drunkard, and was buried at Fre. iden tur of re af Wherty. | \ Mee gage nae ue perm f= del og 8 ead Seoaset ter memes Guat: jnuuone in lavur of rretriction uf liberty. |) 1 any decision ean be reached before | *¢ constantly manifested. dispositiva io rongh thie recuinenily fist, Flora MeDonald. leati, Thas ingh tioualy terminated 3 1 . RU betas) ruunated a) fhey hated the W bass. They bated the * ess retired from the royal presence, say-|fricuds of Jam vr The death of the) Wer heart was ever inthe im det ot! career that had iuits wmerniag of Yi elf : a of Havover, No tim: was left for | that tribunal. And what mast be done cireumvEnE tlhe court aud prevent it froin rplorable ing: “Sweet dreams, my Queeu.” Anuc, | Queen and of Lowis the Foarte uth w ac} bat le and carnage. Her spirit wae begun 6 a wpiciously, and with sojdehate. ‘Nhe rupture took plies. The ia the meantine! Must the exceniing of king any sach dovisions at all, » of freemen tostared mentally and bod! i coarted | for him a ead blaw. His plans w re made|[fent (omany a brave young fligh much ge v. Thus parscd aw ay from | gory locks of the revel view sprinkked th the laws be suspended? Certainty aot | Both these parties witl owe day be trie 1 ple. sleep: and eudeavored to banish the many | kuown. He had to withhold further ac-! lander, to raire om high the claymore, | ithe bis wie sface ul the cighicenth| lit, The Tories could not asderstand They ra od and a ‘and judgment be awarded by a bighes tri of these @ harassing thoaghts that troubled the re-| tion. Che Hoare of Brunswick ascended | 41 dostrike, amd cleave in two the eontury a character remderesd| yore) the mature of the declaration of the Meck. , Gf eats thet and the Espen: F “a { tive, with the assistarce af hia legal advi-Mbunal. The tale jodgment.of poswrity, [Py uiogly & poewe ol her mind. Bleep came not The | the throve in the person of George the hangwhiy toeman. She wre the dangh {ricus for whateaver of wlory lenburg eonvention. ‘They could not see ; " e = pat | ; 'OW8 lor Whatever of wlory and 5 . ; tired boor snored loudly tm his miseral,J.| First. There was no political distarb-| ter of Maedonalst of Milton, whe was! ame there is fon din a mame, [Lie| teat “de North Casulina, for at least ton | Ore, mast give them enue construction *Pesking through the iufpartind historian, verned ty q hovel, forgetfal alike of his poverty and | 4"ce, aed the Whigs, ee A malier tl ot the Macdonalds of Claranald. in jconnection with Flore reudered thas ine before the meeting of the | oniinea-| so as to enable him to exeeate them in the | Will render « verdict irom whieh Vrre rot, there the morrows’s labor- Bat here the de esater, Sars back ta ofhice = Ahead el tit carty chintheood she lost her father, | lady famous, The Tor se were neels Congress, great struggle had been } interim will be no appeal. Nay, we do hot dee. » were go scendant of a house that sat ona throne | '@ a hive, and revelled iu its h Bey SM nd tithe marringe of her mother ON Sree ) iL 4 Jd reeted agaivat the oppression of the pro- | y os | pair of such ordi fi ee fr four hundred yeurs, rolled restlesely | little interrnpiion for nearly hilt a er rit Miceets oun ht of Armadale in aioe tees See oaks ¥ The new order {vineial government. ‘The tyrannieal fe- | Wieever any decision shall be teade | P® a ee rom the pree- we aboat on Iber cider bed, craving 0 eimilar | tery.” Marlborough was recalled. But ' 2 a 4 ze eset es she eee of things in Goeat Bin n i ENN WINN ise af Marianne had vever been | bY the supreme tribunal the qnestion of ©! geeeration and chat at no distant day. wnty end olan of “tired a eweot vetarer | tbat great man‘ sand of life was almost! yh iaebesile viel babidr oe “nN ea \ and net mMuceurdauce Wilh! sadn anneal protest against the | constraction ie ectiled. ‘Phere ean then! Vhat verdict, while it may allow that the © Conetht Mer mind wesdered. She has meee mr ia len yrs x ‘ . bite ligt toledsiemed ical parties of the times Whiys ana seine pie Ay P {right to tay was the ouly attitude of hos-| ne longer reruain a doubt as te what the President made some mistakes will never. TARiiute eve En, and Scotland a Great Brituin, | 's woble achers paid his biographer) 'C#! ta’ | Klasg was far advanced in like whes {tility ever aseumed by the arsem|)ly : ™ 3 theless ri aml r a —the greatest act of her life. She has |fve hundr-h pounds, while to her own| Lories. Ate paren ta baud to Macdonald of Kuige-lageinst th: crows of “Kaglad.” The law really is. ‘The decisions of the Sa- on riwinph y acquit bia af any , fixed s price on the bead of her own fath.| *he geve as many thousands | Aner the hatite ot Culladen, she ‘tang, aud iuber Hichland hore, in wasjenitest bein. ‘The bloody battle of Prtme Court are law—made so by the drvign against the Constitution, tho. awa soaponye er,—the most unnatural deed of her lit: { lel Bkye porpemely to visit her SOR living in quietude, udisiurbed by farther) Veore's Creek was fought, and here Blo | | ovstitatiag tee. ‘Then. to make oul a or the libertion of hie « rte Liver ; | coos a aod 1 { cet, ’ Is it to be wondered then that she could | IN TWo PARTS I. porether in Routh Cost, Itwrson this / anne yasec from the chemies of ber cuun- | ra, forge Jing it was for the Privec, cheer. | case agiinet the President, it is ineam- ‘in : r—the w fied no rest? Steep came bat not with it} _ a iJ rarnev that she met, aud made the 'trymen, - The latter, however, could pot d the Seotch on to victory or the grave. | bent pon Mr. Bingham to show that the THE FUTURE. an acta these geet dreams. Tler children, ros: The Seottish —« s were not ter jp tcqua tance of Cuptan O'Neil, the! brook the deepnetic cule of their conquer) Many fll inte the Latter, and the living President has set bi ACERS: “tg “Wetchman tell us of the alpha MB oclaseis beds striekep from the stem of life, pass bled stricken, They were prey nglonly cocnpanion of the Prnee, then ore. Chey looked fo conragement trom | fled in defeat Kingsburg was captared. iol — oe = of What ite signs of prowinn ase?” he oC ed before ber, attay into the gilent gloomy | for the cont.’ Die Tey et wandesing frou istand to isha, and! their pec; iw Ainevics, and received it, | Plore lest everything but ber lite, Her, (ve pon the laws for bimertl in opp? | We almon that we & at! ssa as & » 2 lies , | ; z netantly : pa womb ef the grave,—e punishment for) 1715 a) length arived, in wh el the! oft WIncaves, elidknyg the © silance | cepretlly a their hiveinon settled at! peeple suffered with her. It ie wholly , #ition to that of the Supreme Cont. If . } Hebes prea , & : ; hn ; ry z : . ; att] peep ; : ) bear the above onde tinging id our whet wal mo saw is be visiou. | va f of Beutcliue whted a fresher hisencmics, The Captain evan | Cre t = : Be a = Me unvcerseaty to recapitulate the sufferiugs he can de this be will then find newe to ears. The sigos of the times are, indeed. a it & vision | me faw their grandfat! at ter theie barre It is tran steed tos bree ind wie Cg (fF arfal exodea began Vhe glene were} iflicted 0) them DY tee victorions party. | defend Mr. Jubneon All will then join ° a calate the has beraled those wld wourds, bat u : portentous, The wisest smmg us can gto de er hunted down, deeried by the very peo ere defeated, aod that ars I " wWasu rg, mil rytomer | rewire deserted, aul echaed Back no! ‘f in dennanciog hia ara usurper who ought! anower but imperbeetly, Doubts aud fears pleabous her, her friends!’ The Dach-| \) cia aud eer gk ; Peet ely Ape | ner Slee wikl, eneha ting masic of thellia opened new ours, It ie ike bistory : one (014 ber bechand all. flor enepicions 31... naire sa sa bagpipe, Ramael Dobecon, the greathet- jot nations, Time ea ch'ld that keke op. % be couvieted and dk posed. Has he, distur the winds of aif Gloung ieee - ore would were jas. The overthrow of the — . Wy , atin ‘ a . sci rf Sane ti oe : br ents, bat after all full of the pr ja-|bloudy pictuers; closes the book, cpena baa auy of ihe managers, made outeuch a! pen. end diihie) £6: 0 = "act oppan We Wes inevtable, come when'; 2 , “ abet oe 8 ¢ of the times towards the: Seoteh, wave} and best e en ba , ru aK ~~ a Pe >. The Duke “> i. % “T) Derwenier wis theayhe o Ja ny lene c heart, ?lheacm AT aay aig’ oa ch ' ure ; : “is bles pa — a6 the same ar : rages rls is not even pre- haunt the imaginations of the calimess wt x é tres vir adierenuts thought otberwis » heart in the wreat has ; Sant Noe it on) EPEESIes St ieee Onvare. tended that ae . ; _ Queen May aitempt tha destruction of the ,' : a “ re . i is J me “ t the heart). ex af leer » that * We landed at Parte {t oee | Blorak tt hie conot in dwast, and ln bact & is aig bravest. Men are rapidly bowing faith in hifee te Whigs, aud may mute the effort to have! ‘* ; . : : _ ‘ i - ec wane : mtefabany wood” and b € d, beeauee Janes the Pitt {s plook presoge im an hagheh veaecl tor her a rect (he Maid reverse ia the state of ihe haman virtue—tfu the capacity of man br “ the profligate sen of James the Second | *" si ae 4 we 3 “se ap ea ES, Se Vt Cel band, who had ewrinsity to y the ielaud | owm dear fir off is On her voyage a | self-government. Nor ts their faith ia mnemety euceved her, but, mark me! euch a thing Ue Et 4 i 7 say ' os a deen w Dasa we eam nS I so mide by an] French lop comes ap with the Leitich Phe President contended that the Ten | Ged is erresing. We secm to be ep h tn nety will never happen. The adherents of | UO Extinzut-hee hey looked t vain, it. ne ‘ ee let of the sea, deep aud narrow, ele slip a:.d ope: son her The fighting b - ~ thew As ' : . prtnee - d { re ' ; r , we hee tie ye - UTR « Art did nota te the . zs (peorge are the malion. Bhe may drive | their canse as gone, Liat not forever ody soln ’ has Hr wi he” wien! a ob P lay to disy ¢ Nl ge hy carry iag ‘comes gr ter af Plera stands there on of Mr. Stanton te this vely ° be onl @ that Erneral mpiris of anbelief which «EING them froai offer, from evart, but as lam | [t would retary yard have the; her waiting mail. Th: [Prien iajthe natives away ta Atrsion” one het blacl-b- epattered eck, and with peer opinion D® 88) prevailed ducing the pariad of the French ae Marlborongh to sare will they ia thes jente “swords of tort ¢ times” d Ae ‘ coh the garmcnte aflether pargraph) he writ “We were) word, and der!, and gs are, ammates the “Utined by bis Ca vinet. This sould) Revelation, and which Ste mes for wy tura rise in their might: and plant fiow rifend it, atid, if pos Vv ‘ he, and ¢ rats ' terained with the aeaal hospitality by femw. She fell and broke on arm. Thas 24°° appeared brbogt the eourt if the evi- change—whieh Gtted the Freveh propie wing ¢ pope poh aide a national ecil the eran! elorivus and ly I acart titel : ; ro Max ald, and hie ledy, Flora Mee-|did she imperil ber befe buth for the }I rece , dence Af the Cabinet ofBecre Lem tnimmaneill Pa. eh Sry He : ; ehtte wo card of oa cummen consitaion Ti. lintained a o i bartien eh ; maida name that ent! be imentinned { Rimert aud the House of Haneeve raled ont. ‘This was the President's con. at the varias tasomatetions which their hirteen y people will meet the issme opesly and [lsiune oi Sn... . Tier ste = ; story, and if eomrige and Bdelitg be} Shorty alier her retarn to Kerope, she cretinn ot et Hin the », Brverament wuderwent ducing that period, me toitly, amd iw their i, ligmatioa ome thee bd ine nee ; . ! ‘ Victacs. weriithened lank L. fr She ian was joined by ber hashend. She then, " ve law, and in the alwence ot from an wulimited te & limited me hy, } ise orig el Med = pape van Bi cheraicd cae est Seven rea: ie . boat : ve py) Woman of widie stature, coft f-atarcecrm. | afer much i aaa , aud of a Aes he. * -_ f song! ms ig ne overt bee Bed from . monarehy to a repablie, whieh wos “* Up vich y ha een bow eo jong c . 7 " ; - es anne and clegint prereener."” We) r sareactet, foand tepase on her wative #7 Suds od right te pa ia OWR Dn . —- 4 : . after thien ethirts Chevalier!» . f ouly « repablic la raihe, and from sath cing. The will of the people mat L/S : Pee tie SIT snthice to eulighien)heatl. She died in March, 1790, in the strwction pom i A enon hed atten! mtn em p te ‘ heard : a will | Je 90. George awn was Road he any chapcan opens te ‘ ' , f é repablie to an em, Empire ia the reepected, and it will be respecied, or | en hee cn : ; my ead hha e where we hive rd g@aention her | seventioth your of her age. Bae hee kh eh ch required action — which falty josti-! le + oa alesse, te a how to ase this,” draw g hw cps ; ‘ kr eek cs ‘ es : wot : hI Mat ST i ly Ht A woman rude, masculine, aud fited | 4 mame that will ever hve in the memory fied him in taking the step whiel eo lid saral soqnrece of Repaliies. ate and grt sword. werd, al : a ry us Plota Wise Us* 6 efud fabk for the camp and lang of armed (of man Some fate wovehst o pert . | What are the “signe of promise — hy . [re r. Elie mother woe Cle ' and» A tod well the eon |e Chis elivar Me. 3 chase eg 7 ai — - nee Se A Ile foand amoug these whom the law i r son, they w lhe climax af Par'y epuit wae nigh, J iit of : reer th Hteke it ap aud produce something a ‘ ' None that We ean see, feasoning froin 4 LURE eave ‘ fi moot things ‘ ere chlands happened in 1773, and the howl fied wremost nicl : ' i “ t ta da and in the vortex of human ee ks aides nee a ; - gti Ae ia was 4 i 1 1773, 4 thes Pa foremost niche in tle “de hie confidential advisers tue that merely human premises, — Peiriotiom te ed to engulf everything, few fel: inclined | 5° Ky, a gra Z re Rages hat placed thoeoe apien ; moat promivent featare of it was that be y temple of fame was false aud treacherous. Te WAS necre- itary to debste the question of Engieh raic, Celebrated King Join of Poland Vy how to avoid the EB iiieh pickets and) Flora Darran ged for him the same bed J) one rreeat visit ta Faylttes tle, We sary for him to relieve himeelf of ene who id _— -* the land,aod siere par. Ki ghie Ae or by whom it was raled. One thing ia Pitle arcerion ter lis J aly rots the day to bid tarewell ar in which almost twenty-seven Years be tock particalar paine to get cll the bed red a apy iss lis own fainily aint hewo taken ins place. Nor arn, @ erriain. that the Britieh law ie fur ir ions fSoath Uoer, e «9 d Die Pisines was ed Iris diet. fore had stent her idel Charter information rebetiee to thie ber ¢ vit . if se thos tig 7 \ dors thie reroark apply onty to one Of the ij good, bat for dependent — bad he A L les, a fen c | ‘1 Was and hoped, bar hoped im vain. to meet ei Vv , as , . fe By Pe ~* En cast vid thee 7 = ge par pose a ; } “ so in aceesdasre with 1we great piu thes oll wie divide tlhe part * Bot @ parades, Lut a gruerel trath ; not ested tu le fie 6 hed wih asain hiedear d ere Ie exca ped (Fi! lowarle the Se ttieh clane rola wat eightern oviles from thie town well cotablishe: preecdents. nary . ve arcertion, bat a Gaed feet; not sand in Hie nase iit kiran to al agen. Lenina nes geancr of the Engiial miccen C7 And Presbytery —Tory and Whig -|deelle a strange ervatare, « weeromancer, ‘The Sraaie, hewevet, eonstrand Pe be uy, Jt may, and perbape dove not cde jadier, tut declared iw ail candor: ) se was tain lin. dea.inluaursclments not wo Flora. Thiedelregg, (itd taught the grand fight. The High-!maeh ght after by the young of either Tassrnal Cols \ head ’ | *pply equally to each, bor thas it does ap- aw'ets ioe ant fo fran baued of Kagish oj et ee eats | hae egh ‘ae 7 ate "landers frett-d — Thery felt luth tomer the leek. She serme ta be holy an hes: rena ms ce Act differewtly trom the | ply wore or less to buth ean easily be rete bi tations and the Engheh people, bu age, and tug ni wh 4 rel | ae eer (bit whoicks their pereccutora would bave esteem, and notwithetanding her evil eye, Vresident, and reineteted tant ow. This! shown, Every Proposition is considered 1 a trom admiration of their home legielatare, 7 te 4 ae i Z ia on, sat v Ch alot rave tt wand. risted im putting ia ¢ months, “The lie ace by any mrane feared. On the ine. CoUrve of the Senate was anticipated hy sate Ge bk lighe ef The . hoe role and tiriy natioual system protector las 2 CY, mans r : i ; (oe ea ume os ‘Wy $0 quote agaia from the ates t ,credatous poor ehe ie anid to work all man- | the President He inade brie atrangoments oy, the try i ans Lolly le 4 Soreed While these were keeping Bnglar ‘ in ' ee Aerie : ;. . . a se na ; fo : een Ie flawed the vy ry ot wer of charms. Fler name ie Flora Mae- to test the qaeation of construction before —— 7 loos aight { le sear ay ides Weskes Ike otic e Ga: nae Meee Ms t Jy Sie: Sak Daly WERT Ra he te HE rt been | ¢ en. Crud ation dey | and donald, and eave ahe ia the grand dangt- ih : | was : of —the effeet upon one ar the other part? i’ = & that tate a great deal, were trans; ie ‘ j 1 P iyrle pou Ihere ato) otis TD ieete pide bas been ernsh rot blers the proteetress of Prinee Char- rae Rerees 16 y. Vhie he did by ie wih that le theagh: of. And while thie a! od § rove the chaanei dames the d. : | . ; - . ate. Hers it i-fed by « howwy hand of a cindicticr com. lea Edwar 1 stuart OF course thia is not oUt ing Gen. Grant, whom he bad "P- state af things continaes there ie but Tittle " _—s + -called, having 2eeomed Pame of Shares £4 cas Cw . : rat, aed nt te varner the afer. gecrar, whoa « “hive been follow. sn, for we arr positively certain that Flora potted Seeretary af War ad interim, to le As long «0 4 ; 2 et Lon thet “hevaliee do <1. Gearer. bal com cnc iy: Me brgl crown: ‘ scot tlie lariat arte wire time led by liwe, which, thoazh they cannot | never left an heir tin the manor be m. The hold on ve the office and thas enempel a iS @ wee te their party Come fregu Iv knwen mm histary asthe BP: he McD J r { tern and 1H sre Sperber wit "€ ‘ lay prrinced mach die name of thie ald woman renders her COTY 8 eine to iret bie tight te ie b re , hig or than they prige thei country will * of the tee me beaehag bes XI. me Aare Pern ECE Tie een ty her inetin tine, Trjel 5 4k ry aperate upon the | popular among the people an a bevel with ae ; brlcag ix ya en the Present state of things contions Nay, ae F one wad Clement kt Pope of B is rue, goud and ie fave uh a geese : oR CEng (Atlan fife aul make ev y cye bear! here lt, and thie, tan, aeeoante for ber arra di This Grant proaveed to do, they will grow Woree and” wosse. ipeisit ‘ reiet in placing bim on the throne «f | Mine ogre atid dive rreeraih.nd, I iuy’aid’s I'u Ns OF 7 eid dL 1 Pe be compell-d | wonderful cures, We had no time tn ent but proved falac to hie Pevaiee, and it same mighty change shall be : ‘ e «anerstere:|) Though lewd was diepos. | § ghed fur the resto:aiieon ot his : vite la ar itiwenturai ay : ’ ” ara " ay 4 hee alwaye ha pon her, or we wouldthace ectiainiy dune! wee om ly through bis ¢ cachery tat Star-| shromgh come tartibte earéaleinn: rhe 4 dia bat taemar Life foupise for it. leat Joon intern P es ind painf .! lora and } husband ‘eo with plans f, More to find out same ? waraioe erent . 8, } € bat 7 ar eae — x eh pany sey I eg : " me i ; . an . a. C10 Glih lite badees keestel Olas dae * ¢ ship | ching a iambgad. aah tke Jon regained posecasion of the War offices; Shalf We néver agaia see the time when ie ai OTE seer ate ee ould utile} Suel , he ba m ore thee ree a ere ns ’ » - ; rn ’ , thou Je 7 . £ mr It the Pr pe fel: baterested in hies a } ( Great P : fie ; ' salty @ re cles af lay waiting to dingr ople skye" With eonvey th telligemee te onr readers than without } El proeedi ge Having thus the etatcemen of all parties will write in { rend ‘ $ wrens =e , be a eV Ale iv ores ‘ H 4 WHA ad rer) Confused 4 F “ Pe | " . ’ wen defeats } a oar . + Few no must in inte intsilible jadgment have | side. the Whig Anite tail. Ihe iewld. dan ha ines ~ ee : ‘arf eres vlidy and genth-man termed ito learn anything in connection with thee heen : feated fu the aec mplishment of an effort to save the country f Bach times ue predict: dthe asame. The Chevalier charg Tar ca hin aoe narte, the Whige fur TH ann, ” | , : r 1 and "ne d there aden 19 their native eubject. We listeucd to this ivformation bis objoet by the trench, ty. of Gen. Grant, have been ta the history of this country, o \ Le eae efits 8 ji lew for : te, ¢ i gz< fi. Pe ee ban o be lor ve long wea | ahore The vewsel eweryt peacefully over while atanclis where once stond th a) . ; . 7 * ienue | Pts : rah . h ti abo h ioe the electo:a of Hanover Nie-To y tenths, at the end of whien + dee) the garnth licaving boo fe of the des _— deneelid Pion Meedvoahd The orcs . 2 tines had ta deny to the coutlananee but they seem to hare passed pever to stribution a * * vililery pr . ' aie e ’ . » . wa hla @c aks oo x — sk ig 2 rr rican the firing side, the Whigs or e temeved to Londen, where, in| It earticd heary bearte and and sole; Cross-errrk, ae it tolled impetaonaly one vl uathesaal Jy his ¢ Minet oF lo parae return, Yet wehope such ie not the case., aSenk : Leioong pf eplacalirion Londoe waseo. | 2¢ Kinning. The Whigs were bask-; kag ish parlance, she augfcred a mild} none heavier, none eadder than that of ward to be net in the river, fell on war, (HC comrse which he dil, and for which, re Gloomy as wo feel wo have not detpaie Ane Gveraging. The T'mies were aired, | ng in kingly sanhine, and dauzhed Mpiiscniment for one sear, Ifer re | Kingebary Macdonald, and of his thought- ear, We thought of the Seoteh aseem- | ¥° have alrendy said, there waa abon- ed. Our faith in an overruling and saper- ‘ ohh triampban’. Tie Doches was openly | ate puuy effnts of on CXECU Gis: lease Was a signal of trinuph, and the fal, grieving wite, Flor, Over the wa- ling at the old Market-howae ; thought we | dant preecdenta, liewing thatthe Tome intending Providence is pot shakeu. His iss sahitiey disowned by the Queen, aad the charms (28 "C1. They thought theselees| Tory neo nitty of the coy turned og [tt blue was tading her native shore — heard the clank of their barntshed arms Gre-of-flice law did wot prevent him, be ways are past our hens Wha a w hiel she hed £0 jotently used could now | 7CE2Fe ; tleat Preston wae ’ lien merase ty do hes wnor, Lads ! The night winds sighed, and sighed her rre tht y ect ont to meet the Whigs, and dddveased ion ’ ? P bes —— ension. i eluding P produce no effect The spelt was token! fietd of blood Human the igitel Priturose waited on her and introda heart. She was follow ng the setting enn meet defeat at Moore's creek. Some _ " nhs erm Mt. Btantnt in v's ever may boppen, America we believe, ts i wid forever. The grest Duke flr thie,| What are t! «yf ed her at court, whe re she was warn (2 his home in the Weet. Yet oh vas) bricks crs ling ta powder and redden. &"° the war office Sti he desired to destined to be 9 Stent aod hoppy nadlfn. \\ ofa adlis big beart threbbbed with eno | Charles Ldward wae a folesecnt s!ly welcome d, and rece ved rather as al po hanes glad bai leave her na ‘ e land, tug the soil erownd there, peer an at na tat the qcetion of ite coustruction before Or form of Government may change; +e ° tas tise of chagrin, The Whigs were din. | «a5 a man, at the age of twenty-two, Queen than an icmate [y. m a neigh Whore libeity lay crushed aad bleeding. | fran ine earth, a4 much tany, here stood the courts, and to their decision he was ay be repeatedly baypti re te chag it : vt smate fre ‘ Pine wi melaition of lade (PLL . R } aptized in bloody, ds ’ or mayed The Seatch and Irish were wild| with a very fair proxpect of success, boris g goal. She was giad to leave! Phe year before the D claration | f inde. | Klora’s howse. A fone ly looking loenst prepared to. bow submissively, ‘Ibis ioe t ie with enthasiasm@ Boufices: sen: np their | embarked in the enter prise of tecov. tl 1 t : é [peaense she arrived at Orose Crosk (co land twe ba kber ies flourish and cast t rth I | ‘ } Ses ee eee aot mes, wu Juri flames from the peaks of Wicklow = au tases. a : i ke ne _ iunynire Atmosphere of Londen, | called from two ereeks crossing each oth-| their libs and branches as if to embrage | 7 Peewee by the evidence of Get but our vationality, our greatness and one h in gE a MBeression the and breathe agaia the pure air of herjer with sach a velocit that the water of and protect the place with which ia con. | Sherman, to whom he had tendered tho akimate ha: ree P P con ness will snevive, By such sinna and the Giant's Umusevay, in answer to these of Ben Nevis and Usirngorm moun land of his fathera. He was prownised | mountain home. She entered that|une, though differing 4 H 5 : jm me. She ' » though differing in eolor, does not| nected so m.ch of the heroic and bes ty appointinent of Secretary of Wer ad in- a clive addi the support of Rome. ile traveled! city as apiconer, She left it anid! commingte with the other), and thw pre- | of romance. A chalybeato spring poser terim before ha tendered it to Gen Cees sake koe ce et ae may be " a my ’ pirtt of the people may ob, be ohne eit yp UE tna ae | oe FS ase 5 happie ' ; Pee is f Rye Fe ie I Yee o 93! bh ms Christia and for ‘) to bell ge ‘ : form rly the slase of et. 28 Does eR ot . rt i k THE O4U v ye amet Sones Ss. rr res B Rar man of We obsersalt drop it. But the answer was, “ No—We of | have inscribed upon our banne: the names of Rowan, Davie, Iredell, Catawba, and the 6th Congressional district as worth of dar célebration, and we're guine to rif it ;” and true to their proniise, they were, at the timo d ont on the’ street in all their glory. Everybody was.drawn out by the grand procession to witness it, peculations: o afford but little +0 god character generally. New. Apvens:sements.-We invite attention to the advertisement (White em- igrants wanted) of Dr. J. R. Johnson for-| ¢ i Merly of Statesville, which appears: ta oxir jPaper today —who refers to J. D. Me- | Neely, L. M. Davis, R. M. Rosebrough, Daren n Rugs i wr cor rye PI hing was c@le r de Habn was’ baking bread Hoar, when! Mr/Habs pte ab: erm) ae wt ay SORE interest. ©The Dietriet Attorney, D. TH. fe Onited ‘Sirtea, ian Wasaga y 2—PSM. td Bers cs Mr. Stanbery concluded as follows: “Now listen, fur “mement, 10 one who understands Andrew Johnson better than *mostof you, for bia ope portunities have beeu greater. When nearly twoyears ago he ealled me from the parsuits of my professional life, to ler a seat in tris Oabinet, [ auswered the call ander a seuse of public duty. 1 came here almost a stranger to him, aud fo every mem ber-ot. the Cabinet, exeept Mr, Stans ton. We had been friends dor many years... Senators, need [tell you that all pay tendencies aro Conservative ¢ You, Mr Olvet Justice,. who.have known me for a third of a century, ean bear me witness that law, not artng; is my profession. From the moment was henyred with a reat inthe Cabinat of Mr. Johnsen, not a step was takea that did not come un- der my observation ; not a word was said that escaped my attention, Ihave observed) him closely in Cabinet and still more in private and confidential conversation, I saw him often tempted with bad advice. | knew that evil counselors were more than once aronnd him. 1 observed him withthe most intense anxictyy bat never, in word, in decd, in thought, or in action, did 1 discover im that man anything bat loyalty to the Constitution and the lawa. Fle stood as firm as a rock agains! temp. tations to abuse his his own powers or to exercise thuse which were vat con ferred upon him. Steadfast and self relient in the midst of all difticulry. When dangers threatened, when lemptations were’ strong, he looked only tothe Constitution of his coun try and to the people, Yes, Senators, I have seen that ian tried as few have been tried. [ liave seen bim endure, No man could inave mere sublime pa- Sooner or later, however. | upon fo mect. met thew with tience, knew the explosion must come, and when itdid come my only wonder was that it bad been so long delayed. Yea, Senators, with all bis faults. the President lias been more sinned against than sinuiny., Fear not, then, ty acquit hm. The Constitution ot the cu@utry is as cafe in his hands fren violence as it wasin the hands of Washington. Bot if, ecnators, you condemn him ; if yon strip him jof the robes of offer; if vou de grade jhimto ihe wiuneet stretch of your ;power, mack the prophecy —the Jatrong arm of the people wil! be about hii; they will find a way to any depth« te which him, and we shall i to hear people, sohall thas e your reward.” Bat, if, Senators. asl cannot believe, but it has been raise hin from you may Corned gat live to see him redeemed, an | ' he finjestie Voice f the well done. fatthfnl servant, + boldly avd, with almost official sane | tion, yonr vo'cs have been canvassed! and the duom of the Lresdeut seals 1 in this Senate Chaumber 1a eeu " } ‘ j—J =! bere, where eur Camiiiag, in bre hear of our greatest peril, 8 gle handed, met and Laff rot the repubire 54 , where he wood twithoul aw cee he forglit t ufo tet here, where forthe Un the ¢ “ “ Liane Nice Seek ou st chanwber inthe « obt | an reccases O° the Cay 1, where th ° ' cheerful light of day Lever enters; impmolate there erect the altar and the wietim House After the return of the Howse, Mr. Dunneliv, of Minnesota, nade a personal explanation 1 OM. Washbern, of THineis, wrote letterto Mr. Doanelly's cone!is vents leneuneing him Mr. D> v said the letter con ed twenty bon tui-e statements Mr. deotine y proceed dofor an hour and a halt it net bilter invee- tre The <penker called him to order a half lozen times, bat Mr Washburn said, “let party goon,” and the Howse met be Mr Donnel read betters goirg to abow that Mr Was! burn had vutrageousl y slandercd him. “wenton.”’ y baa Mr Washbarn rephed, reiterating the -{truth of hie letter, and saying that he could make ve answer to a man who had been false to his friends, his party, his jcountry, his religion and bia Gad. Pend- jing the motion te censare Mr. Washburn, jthe House adjourned. MISCELLANEOUS, The Star of this afterweon says that heavy bets were mide yesterday, the odds being three to ove in favor of convietion Twenty-four million dollars was drawn from the Treasury yesterday to pay the interest on five-twentics, redacing the coin on hand to «ixty millions. No more éoin will be requived anul July Ist, when a demand will be made for twenty-seven million® The Republiean Congressional Com- mittee have advices trom Loaisiana sta- ting tha: they have bat one majority in the Benate, whieh will prevent,the adop- tion of the Fourteenth Article*{ known as the Howard Amendaént,) thas delaying 2 hi T. L. Bell and others, who have seen the E -ttistain ,, who approvedot mn mi ee observed ~43 coh tet country Sor tho olleabinig tadte. plan ah tee ani a 0 between i parts, and whe would phe late ” Mest” erat! The Guadalupe Valley in Western Dex-| appeared for the Goverument, and Judge Ym ques. cainet it ander a The jafe Bwayer like Willow twige'lu the wikd. | ., ;, S of the richt i corge Green, and Lehman aud Seymour ag . . as is one of the richest and most beantiful AW. Tho Beavees which them to vite are ‘The demur and tardy langhed as hear ily regions of ‘Texas—a delightful and healthy for, tha. defeadant. $6 of Rep. most of those }asthe litsleboys.and girls...The old and |). The great namber of talented gentle- P athies aad pe climate with a Rail Road from the coast | mem en; aged and the highly able manner biment.— infirm, forgo’ ‘8 pains and aches, : funhing ‘nbw'as far ip’ nb Vietorinpla: | in which the trial was conducted, kept the lena ret roc ty fa sign Utleing it within a few hours rau of direct (ergs aesemblage of epecaaiers Poyeaiecd nt, © scem y it as a rare pe . 7 with the most breathless attention. sprpation. episode ia tho life of the Town. Nebeue: jon with New Dyeeys and Fi wes sition of James Farrel, who axoflypiniltiabih eincibicés 7 . t it in the Court r® e0-ordi- Aa Ae bn Not being evelusiyely cot.on avd sugar | and several ee ayo 4 3 ble ariel nen is be- tistied with the ercilement pro} osed, rye cence : b fees’ farms, like some region’ Giv the Brazos, | zens testified that Farrel wis w bad char- sole judg yet aegepted of it as better than no} son 4 whose ee wee Oe the white population preponderates great- | 2eter, and could not be believed on oath, miler that vettlement at all, “Many others weie op- in this place on the night of the 232d of ly. over the black society is good—liber- they also swore that they had Known Mr. ha Vl ed ah fears, They were April, bad the sage insured in. the Ggor. al id oa tints {Hahn for a namber of years, ana had a ; 81S Home Tnspeariee Com ony ofGelen- eas, and general intelligence prevail | never known ought against his characier, ace | sane ee eho Peseta ae Ptrialeol Be icution’ be ie Soca bi ae oan Se Se-y OG OMIOT oe matters, charueterize the community.| ‘The jury after being out a short time, eut is con (reed upon aa "Through the representa a pent Svs pti s . Taxation in ‘Texas with ite vast terri- —— Mr. ere ks ons of artful demagegues, the ghost of| The loss was promptly paid pon the tory aud resources is comparatively very |... mee oF aan pe haa pie 1 contisentiony frag haunting presentation of the claim, properly an- light, and is vot likely ever to become i at, tho ir vistous, thedlapperiing aswell to (theasicated and the partics subjected to i d. ie ai sda Y ews, ' 1 heir ¥ ‘ardenrome—the liberal provisions of its ui yeate ne cases of material in wee ir eupidity ax on ashame BE acai F lau Constitution for heads of fauilies, bome- | terest hy rin The Court has ad- tea is en. 1s should have voted for eonstitation mptness ou tho part of she | sad exomptions, dc, ever protecting Jourued fur the term. ; Me preroy. ich they disliked ander such iuflaences Company should commend it to our citi-} ad ee Res Newbern Republican. Tiaate de. : nod to be wondered at, crpecially "4 who caunot be ignoraut of the great) 4 sires gir ve Tate papa rest ee ec “ eit ecannot Bu iicn we remeaiber that ’they hope to dvantages of insuring their town proper], , A HEAVY “SELL. we WM BE cod it hereafter, and thus get rid of its tw some Company. While we would like to sce all our Geet Weeder nicks ot ae bom, a6 tho +t objcetionabile feetengny Tye “a To Ove Exowaxces —Can any of our white population remam iu the Stateymudl! « sell," afew days after the election. — Suprens ‘ta necessity of the demoraliza: brethren of the Press give us the status of | more immigrate to it, we thiuk those wish-; They luformed the colored voters that eomstivu- times, and the longing of the wiarers ihe agency that sent out the advertier-| ing to emmigrate can not do better in the | Holden bad sent cight handeed pair of obtrary it fi: repose, which they vainly hope to find es of “Reeves’ Ambrosia for the Hair} Southern States than go to the Guada- — elle we da tn be 2 epi 1. sein Dsehdstun at aenae lit (and tw Keep it umeding) of those | Pe vally in ‘vase. Scwded tap tects fealey vo Redteat pind on -plorable evidenee ; “lageneies and whieale wh = == . ples. ‘The reeult was that the old Gen- i. of freemen onthe part of some of Mf | swindling Southera pulfishecs. Mas rei MR. LINCOLN ON OABPBT BAG>| cral’s store was toon filled with the ry a iy bwitriot Bh ple. body received any pay for the advertise GERS. aud expeetant freedmer, each one fully higher tri- (1 these whe voted forthe constitution) meat referred to? Ur, do they ever ex-| When ft was proposed to reconstrne! | impressed with the generosity of the great poswrity, [pv iogly there were two classes, cach | peet to recuive any t— Wilmingtom Star.|} wuisiana during the war, and fill the of. nw cone of the Unio Longue. Men historian, verned by equally auwogihy motives. re ey oy ae the agrhey re-| fees of that Siate aud ite repreaeutation | techies ons demsfeunded. ved in feats ely there “vt, (here wae the large namber of those ferred to, - Seymour Schell, 43) in Congress with foreign adventurers,|and wanted to know “who in the devil New York, bas thus far! .. ” : F i had TY The freedme ot des. , were governed by the desire of Alling} Pine Burvet, ’ g Old Abe” wrote the following Ictter,| said he had any 1 reedmen were the pres- f the numerous offices, both State, | promptly falGlled hs engagement with =. which is applicable to these times. Un-| grids ond — nism stant day. uty ond Suwoship, created by wha fy nes (aes, —— yh ogee der date of November 2), 1863, Mr Lin-}7F btask a Nad ‘Ser ~— v that the © Constitution, and were willing to *'' paper coptaining ¢ vertiee-} colu wrote as follows : , : = : —_— —~—- ——___ vill never. vottiiute every thing in order to dleaia | ren 0 ant at uinety days for one-half) oo gin ty, Kennedy, bearer of thie HE VALLEY OF DEATH. a af an m ’ has sume aryeryne twat Federal off- . tho Pus Sveond, there was a large class who} oe me cers, not citizens of Lodisiana, may be wt | The following fe a probable explana- +e Overned Ly nothing bat thetr pe | Hows Mapes Brooms. —We are pleas up as candidates for Cougrese m tha: | 10" of the Opas tree story : . . ed to leare that Mr. ‘T. J. Merwicy bes| State. In my view, there could be no} “A real valley of death exists in Juve; +—tb tha trol ba- | wes a “ * tbe worst passions that con pong, ke aa eat ia [Preeible objcet in euch an election. We it is termed the “Valley of Doiron,” and + oc(one—the désite of rovers. To| mine. amt * ed do wot particularly need meinbers of Con-|it is filled ta a considerable br ight with ‘ecuet wae qely neeeeear, lo say —_ place, <o aens hoctary. We are grese trom those States to enable us to |carbonte acid gas, which ie exhaled froin vet the (Canservative Cellet wee se | 2° informed as to what is to be the ex grt along with legislation bere. Wha: frow paper the age Ifa man, mnetantly A on teut or ty of the fact: we ue edo want is conclusive evidence that [OT 8My animal enters it, he Cannot returng g id our | tehes in apdpg tagngupe thelr votre mas is a ni aaeire pi “hablo chlowas CP Leaksks are wil-; ard he ie uot sensible of his danger un- ‘ ceinet It. They néver once ttopped to} ¥ Lee a ling to Le members of Cougreee, and tol! The finds Niuwself siuking under the , indeed, mea lcce cae & Thy «. re | the attention of farmers and indace them lewear ta suppart the Coretitution ; and |prironoas iutinence of the atmosphere 5 oe ge Log to do anything which they sap | to raise the corn im quantities to euPPly | abet other reepeetable ecitiaens there are | ¥ 4 earrounds him. The Oarbowie acid ead frase nel would dicctwha and punieh their | "be demand. Mr Meroncy offers to pay | willing to vote for them and seud them. ire oo : rate 7 Pg wal grig,! uel =) 7 ‘Ay ° } q ud . lel Nerihern meu bere j height of eightcen fert troas tf potter = senet rt eppaneate, od refleesing on gargs ee a oder igs pea ie cy a clectea, oS wo lJ be un. {of the valley. Birds which fly inte thie , os shock they might cause would be * owl property ¢& . aud We re Guretatd (and petba s ieally bck ot the | #"™ tphore drop duwn dead, and a Tiving sacred —that they were pulli down | *?°* ly eaggost to owe farmer friends, a all the baveus . said be dicen ce. feelthrown into it dice before it reaches & taith in héee te 5 ike hdaaaeas a. their} © ho may desire to try @ small experiment | Py 1 fans ce - nd a re | sia mj the letiow, » hich ie etrewed with Lagehtoas stored vi mnems, in the Call, Alas? for peor in thie line, to call an Mr. Meresey in ad | ber ‘ ven bere, | would : te ag alneti nt heen at have perished cd, then let met that judgment bye <a weterr vanee, and consult with him es to the | adwitiing avy such wan to awa Fs bh. - ; Yea ; Lich Whig _ = - — : _ caring, price, &e. —_ _ 9 Impeachment ve French ~_ “hid dads tn Becday| Courrr Owar= Tie agen trite. | EXECUTION OF 1lOs. C. DULA oe ‘ad » April 30, : M.—Usnee | - r woks gave notier of a tex for oy arning that « young and good Inok. |"! is im servion this week — Jastiecs Ia | —HE MAKER \ CONPESSION . ing regarding the Managris’ ce h ae shite woman, or girl, for she was ow- = drei —— proding. W Theums ©. Dula, entferea the ex ri . r ae — a lat bich ~ horteen yeare of , had ele from ™Y® waa to attend any pertiow breine pen div of the law Let hanginy sacha need pacthemnted tre A aattl I at period, — a with pal aosartl the | of the time, and ehether there ie any em- |) near this place, at 17 minntes past 2 ¥ \ : ie < oe nlanbely at weer pogarchy, . of Wash Smith, fi sly of Anson «+ ot business of importaner be fore it o toek POM... aon Mav Yet. tins be + Sucve he a ring ae oy : i rhieh . nant op i a pps ieed bere sheald , 6 teecoed Hane convict ot? (etiaae Pp Gero) fee Sapa om yee ata e 7. ges Aje-nries nathing yee oe co wll eathe shes ae ae Wkele eee card from them. Toeir abject fe e notice (hem im OFT NeXt. te ae Cn ee Cee ae Un | Mas y mane for a ia the wa ders, torge bf shoe canaty or! This te probably the lest Coanty Count} *" it \ 3 . é or heh t . age rd wonld claim f x preem p> ney rege 7 that will be held in Rowan Cosntr. Fee ee ire a italia Meethal Ld, onl bal EG ste and get married. In this, we cr t : [diene ty several ti ved ye naw The ton Senaiors voting agatoet taLling mise f"— may te | ie [mere presentio « hscxcen'ion, | the resolution ceneuring the chivalric ing &: ep piasiy 48 cng . op The ether of tire Witarmgton Star hed ‘ " i a at a atl wed 1G an we Can ni gene Mormon Pesriction . veo has & aged by yr “Va new bat given bim the other 4), ad CR iar ne “i - ee | ee | Mecreil, of Vermont, Pomer Rasen: ia = commanders, ander the Civ he enye for 24 boars after he put it on the! writ, On the mut pte 18 tothe | Sumner, Thay er, Witeon and Yatra vee. Nor Kichie Met, The parents af the gir! constables dida’s know Lim, and that de- | exc: mr, be made conte-sion at his | ; Evarts spoke the entire day ; will con one Of the il Mattes — and — jring the time he madea ch ar gain of thir ign ', which we copy trom his own n pa vg Nei Bly eae a sid reeee mast . blow ta them : ‘ eee ru ug w form indicalcs fiality, ba ‘ torn pounds averd: pris. hand: ! our thewt water, wil ed e © Catheg bea Ered o peeard fee the , aes + “Statement of Thomas C Dula: \eeeed pie 1 yr valts pee Hot “ na hension of the “thin,” bes *e yagi Warr Bacnses —We leara from cor dk cl ~ that, ! _- 7 e wel je MW cvcciive anrcarm amdidctAll artisiealls o ie know weet advantage bia arrest will W iimington contemporaries that cw wh tel che rs wi f ‘ grt ee Pe ca se aa: llowi gan hey ng each other, with pecans 8 Bim Rather then the rrowel7 | aon team the North have fant epowed 9] 1) 1, ens twict convicted, enticely ee eri eiiler im matter or act ‘flack vp. ¢ rained daughter, and even this er} 5, o shop in that city. They may sony 2 eetantiall es ower. >, eA at ars Bae 7 sh ¥ ‘ll be lors sight ; be anatile ogy : j le expected in all the prineiple cities of | iy» chong avewed bia 7 ence a vieti@ of Congress, a warye the ae t he searctly neeoamiry to epeenlate |the South. f the crane, anil the nig { lia’ C retin tou.” party this oeearrenee. The moral is plain _ -_- - cevven fi 400 . me above «tat flies ——— t= Ko +, and ft fa much to be feared hat FOUND DEAD tee ee ee Ca ini oe oe wh occurtenets will, rower ot later, | Ona Sanday night last two men Janse : bale : on an e 2 = }h peli i : ’ Ai ; v " ms Balk ‘ ane nes — ove f the =<. a. | trom this p ace or vicinity sone & hite he an Socunit aie oa ne ‘ 7 34 wy are me a he teachings cow peyva ent ee) done culored, saw a negro man Ae Poe Kepatslicans also claim the Se: ate ro, ent! “mone a “see jiying on the Railroad track abont! Ann Mehonm, charge! as an aceon | aie : sia 7 ani : t sede ioe ‘ ® Oar readers bave psnenguel wink | our miles cast of this place arhoor | plies sosine ngneeny i ; te ey i h peng pa d ried el mide : ’ Le heaboro, and @il wi ‘ertri ! ; . . . 4 g but polities oo long that te om)- ther believed to be dead. They were |e or tle neat pooh he’ Wilkes Smpperi {tion for being an anexpired he vies of ime when they are becoming quite thred of that | 8°" what frightened at the spectacle, | |. Court, tu which her trial was again Sing Sing, and it ia belic rs Vhat he will wnize in . i ’ not be allowed to take bis svat in the Leg frending. We therefore change the Madd d not remove the lnly— bes! removed. islatwe ach times zromme somewhat by publishing in lieving they had no right to de so.) This tragedy has been involved in] a ety, * isnue the first part of a well written! Shortly afterwards the train from the | great niystery, and there ie a popolar| Brownlowism. pever to wtribution to the “ Southern Society”, east passed over this portion of the anid strong belief that, notwithstand Cincinnati, April 30, M.—A epecial to the case. . ee . 2 ing Dulas confession, he did have] : al. of h - © North Carctinian, devsted mainly tolioad On the next morning the eame!) > : lisos 1 N.Y | the Commercial, of this city, enye that deopaieé clbrated Flora Weldoneld. the wll’ nen eetarning from Healtabwyh ie, ee BRtigee: The: b| Brownlow, withont kgislaive authority, nd super aa a McDonald, the en re ing meTOOW KIL Zeruld had a LReporier preeeut whet but urged by lettora from certain _partics, <4. " eme of Seottioh and American! whisher they were yong the night will, doabtlese, sapply the poblie! tas determined to eall out the Militia to , Wha ry, Wo wit give the second and, jefoe, foand the bedy atif] wn the wilh adescription of all that traus:| suppress vindenes. [This ie « pretext for iano, te tluding part fu onr ment. | rack, but horribly mangled by tino Fired on. he ovens Mt Sie columns} cries aud plage ' owns tip ———— { : jet that journal 2 . ' —) wali: WAM vn 151 The Cone rearive | '4senge Of the care over it. ee | _ — Barkete, ign; we » and boys of our Town resol. A coroner's jary was summoned, | From Washington. New : ork, raat as ‘iP. ore rood, as =. two aber tho election, that) and after hearing all the evidenee Washingion, April 0, \.—The House oe ny rs ms ig le pam natin ro bust, n-honor of the Goneervative and gpaking @ theregh inves igay did nothing. . : | eed > ce a 324 ' jand one h ia Rewnn, Davie imd the ee a vordiet that the de- i the ourh Sooper’ seootetap. dam. Gold L398. Sterling dall at 10. By sucb rersinnal Distriet, repeat, with at-|eersed cate to his death by being wih noting usight, exslonny amonded| Baltimore, April 2, P. M.—Cet- may be nc''ve additions, their previous fantastic run ever by the traia. 50 a8 to pr tong the day session, waa ta-/ton dull at 32. ple may ‘play, The the fixed wae Saturday! The probability is that tho negro, bled to #2. Floar firm. reconstruction. Court continued —| day after day, Privations | a ititia camp, and very foolishly fired a as few men have never been ealled} object. | PutasKy Tenn., Apil 26, 1 1 the Hlitor of uirer and Egaminer “Honor «© whom bonor accep‘ed maxim. Now, as has been some ecnriosity, and, perhaps, more sur- mise as to the origin of the Ku-Klux Klan, aa a solution of the question I give youthe following facts, whieh, by the way, will show that a late article in ene of your city papers giving assurance that the ization was a foreign one and introdueed into the United States by Ifumpbrey Marshall, is all bash. Several young men of this place, “hun- gering and thirsting” after amusement, resolved upen masquerading, parading through the streets at night, visiting pub- lic assemblies, and occasionally appear- Their attire was exceedingly grotesque, but not wry alarming. ‘The principal feature was the apparent great height of the character, made so by an enormons hat or eap rising lofiily iu the shape of a cone. Long and flowing robes of divers colors were mostly worn, bat a few of the masquers might be seen clad in Spanish jackets and wide trawsers, with cap and feathers. The watch call was a child’s whistle, and the movements of the party were directed by a baton of wood flourish- ed by the Grand Cyclops. Marehing in single file, a few presented the appearance of many. Their place of meeting was where they could most easily conceal themselves while dressing and preparing for the evening's enteriainment. ‘Their ladicrous aspect and burlesque antics for a while ereated a sensation, but the per- formanecs becoming stale the actors retir- ed from the stage, aud the Ka-Klax Klan gradually faded away. ‘The ouly incident oceurriag during the reign of the Ku-Klux which occasioned a suspicion of its being an organization— and political at that — arose from the na- tural feare of the freedmen, and fears of another kiud ou the part of the eqaad of ‘Tennessee militia who were at that time stationed here. The “boye’’ ene night marched in the dircetion of the place of meeting of the “League,” and th-n di- verging, approached some half a mile of a few pisiol shots in the air. Then there was a call “to arma,” and ina few days an investigation was bad bya military of- ficial from Nashville, which resulted in voitbing The incident, however, was noised abroad, and public attention was arrested. Other bove, also wishing fan, maequeraded iv various localities, until the Ka-Klux became an inestftation of jamuscement iv almost every neighborhood, | to the ereat dread of the aforeenid “per- sons of Afriero descent’ and militia-men. | This is the trae expose of the “rise and progress” of the Ka-Klux Klan. A very near neighbor bas the boner of | being the first Grand Cyclops, and it af- | fords him no little amnsement in readin the pe ges of the day, in whieh the do- jngs of hie followers are so amply div- played. One thing ie certain, its begins [ning wae for fun. What it has become jeleewhere thie depouent farther saith not. | A few more words: There are no such | words as “Kua Klox” to be found in any lange age. The y mean nothing. They were aed because they meant nothing; jast as the originator has introduced an- other word —Gew-ee- Whillkins. I: fs to be tamented that the simple ob |jeet of the original Ka-Klaxes showid be © perverted as to beeome politi¢al and peruicions ia its demonstrations, The firet departure in this section, from its purpose resulted in the death of a very worthy young man. If it has become a jregular organization, with guerilla and i ihe enemies “lyneh law” attsibetes, then better the Ka-Klax bad the souncr # t bert cially for the Seat! lers, clube, clang or associations are per and cvery neyer been heard of, and diseol ved es pe- ch organization is r f he eoantry at le “Sls AN secret) litical ) nicions in their tendencies, cool man and sensible patriot shontd per stetent the y express his disapp obation of | VAW ADVERTISEMENTS. ‘Southern Shoe Factory! Shelly Brothers & Co., ‘* SUCCESSORS ot J. Sheily & Son —es a tablished in 156 9—We are manefactunng Men's Boye, Women's Mie-ee and Obsbiren'« pe, ged Shoes of the best quali y and at pr r- to tit the times Our Shoee are mrde of gaod materials and warranted to have no seakly in them ‘ 4 Parneniar attention pad to orders Send may 7 twau 3m TROMASTHLE, ",c. fur price het ; White Emigrant» W anted! | a “| O CULTIVATE two of the Richest and be st farms outhe Guadalape River, Texas— where a working man can raise 10 bales Cotten and 1000 bushels Corn in ore season —at t prices worth $2000. Timber, Water and Stock range abendant, and the country mach healthier thaw Rowan or Ire- dell. Parties wishing to emigrate to the “White Settlements ” to make something and to keep it, Apply wo it Pee. MéNEELY, ve by letter to Dr. J. R. JOHNSON,. Salisbury. N.C. lay 5, 1868. witw-tw 868, Wt due” is an| ing at agricultural fairs in the day time. | © at the rate of ope per cent: Pre prtny By who ys after appoint nt Btst, 1868 ; M 1868. A May 7, 1868.-wiht twit SALE OF PROPERTY FOR ary UNITED STATES TAXES. V ILL BE SOLD at the residence of J. J. Albright in Rowan Qounty-on the 30th day of May, 1868, the following | : 2o ACRES OF LAND, more or belonging to J, J. Al- adjoining the lands of John » Pe wer Albright ot The above named owner e or refased to pay the Taxes ($300, by him to the United States, the pale ype eo a at the time and place mentioned above, in pursuance with the provisions of the Act of of the United States to provi tosapport the Goverament and for’ other por- poses, Sawn. H. Wer, Col, Tot, Ras, OO Tie ale \ next, the valeable House and the Julian place, now oce Tt will be a fall sale, inei yable J lst, 1869; 2d, st, 1870; the Jan. Ist. 1871—iuteress from January Ist. 1868. L. BLACKMER, C. M. & April 25th, 1868, ( wew-tds} Witew Goethe pee Pig teieet (240 which will Be eokd at reagene, | bie prices fee 5 " | CASH OR M. W. J. - Selicbary, H.C. March Ie, 1668, waiwle ‘Western HN. E. | | Meeting of ee A pany “of and oa © the lth day of April to OF reject | the aetion of the Convemtion fo the R Trai it leave M ala | nd Peery, ot 630 b gprs mon 1A 1? How foreible the exclamation, “Behold | the adjowrnment whktw: how great a matter a little fire kindieth.”” | ——— ~ ms Vs Incest vert K.K | Valuable Horves for Sale. = - SUBSCRIBER has for pip aneac aaa ae ae for sale two very valuable Hor- Pat pat andi er wae bette bay Pony. bMe) Wile S Vinal Wentwortt, yt exper ey 4 ma a ae b 7 yopugrst danghter off LW |= splcoald oo years old areas, LEWIS J, WILLIAMS, April 28, 1868, at the residence cf the | Heuteville, Yedkie Ce, H.C. bride's father, by the Rev. J. 1. Tilling- | ay 1, 2868. bet, Me. FP. H. SPRAGUE, to Mise i. PAULINE E. KERR. AND AGENCY OF | Te this eoants on the 6th daw of April, SUMFORD f Jaiwes F. Rone <.te Miss Axxa Barcre, NORTH CAROLINA. fanghther of John Barger. Esq -.. Liaxnompers who wish to Sell Agricultaret or Mineral Lands, Water Powge, Ait, Ten Lots, or Reel Bytnte of any kind, wi! Bed it to ther advantage t place ther property im our heods for enle, We have great tacilives tur proceriag par~ chasert for all savh property. Fer mforumuva, Vogler & Co., MANUPACTURERS OF ine oar SHOES ; they will speak for them selves, and will we think, Compare Favow- ABLY both as to Quasaty and Paros, with any ever broaght inte the State. mareh 2-3-0 . B. R. MOORE, Atiorney and Oowsselior at Law, —arD— ; SOLICITOR IN BAN ERUPTOCE, WILMINGTON, MOC ani—ly ee PN ABER ER) Mm oe NT vaeasone - Pe PM He Re ag > Oe PN TELNAES eI LEME IN Re BNA EN ti AN aN ee ee ee a a RECONSTRUCTION. NEW YORK COLUMN. coneenemmemmennes eens ee State of North Carolina, The Radicals claim that Arkausas, South Caroliea, North Oarotina, Lou- isiana and Georgia, have adopted the negro supremacy Constitations fi am- od by thetr Conventions, and elected ®@ offic ani resentatives to the two Houses of Congress in har mony therewith. These results are hailed as great victories by the Radi- eal organs, “The lost “stars,” says the ashington Chronicle, “are “gradually and glowingly reappear ing.” They have not yet reappeared in the sense intended by the Chroni- cle. They are not yet restored to the | Union, and there is no certainty that | they will be for months to come, or| that when restored they will be ads | mitted without modifications of their | Constitutions. Congress las shown that it does not regard the reeonstruc tion law as finality, and docs not hold itself bound to aecept the Southern Constitation as framed. It claims to have reserved an ample discretion, both as to the time and terms of ac- ceptance. If the negroes persist in showing that intractability and self- will whieh are just now their promi- nent eharseteristie, they cannot be re- lied upon to follow the dictation of the Radiea! managers and vote ac cording to their wishes, As in Vir ginia,s0throvghout the more Sonth-; ern States, there is a disposition | among the negroes to set ap for them | selves, to claim the sais sad unite! Upon an extreme and ancompromis, | ing advocate of negroism for the} Presidency. In Virginia, they are} warriog upon General Schofield, and | if the other military commanders in the South were of his stamp, the ne- grees in their districts would manifest | towards them the same hostility.—! Their present tone is that of acerbity | to Oh white men who do not go the whole and acknowledge their numeri superiority as entitling, them to supremacy. Of General Grant, they are doubtful. They have | a notion that he is an obstacle in their path—that he is fishy ou the, negro question, and that he, in some mysterions way, hinders ivem frow | getting all they claim. They, bence, | dv not look favorably upon his Presi dential pretensions. y want a) more , Out and on: negro | candidate, who will promise to le1| them have their way. The Radica)- is know these things, and as Gon. Grant will, in al! probability. be the Presidential candidate, they will hesitate Jong before adinitting the Southern States toa pars ticipation in the Presidential eleciion, which would be the resalt of thei: admission ivto the Union. ‘There are othe: signs not pleasing to Radical eyes. Considerable nom bers of the voted in the elec- tions just bel with the whites, and it i feared that this tendemey may ripen into @ sort of alliance between “COSTARS” Preparations! Everybody Tries Them! Everybody Uses Them | Every body—Believex in Them ! ~~ Are you Woubled by Rats Mice Mosches the a Ant. Ae.) FPBey » Be kee. Bex of Mr. cannot be relied epon by | CS, Tenae mere tnowe." “Pre the wapagers. In addition to from Poison” Not dangerucs to the tie maa Pamily.” beoles to die.” ¢.\mate. Rate come ont of thei laprored to keep in any being suspicions of the strangers, ad. veutarere-and carpet-baggers, wh. have béen riding them like so many donkeys, they, have become jealous Ace you Sanoyed iti, bed-buge? (ant BURKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas‘and Quarter Sessions, Spring Term, 1868. W. C. Scott, va, The heirs at law of Thosmas Scott, deceased. PRTITION TO SELL LAND, In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendauts Jane E, John M., James C., Julius M., Bartlett W., Thomas G., David, Sa- rah, and Corigna Seott, are non residents of this State, It is therefore ordered that publication be made inthe Watcumanx & Ovo ieee Sear,» paper pablished in the town of Sal N. C., for six succemive weeks, notifying aid okadntes to be and appear at the next term of this court to be heid for the county of Burke, at the court- House in Morganton, on the lst Monday after the 4th Mouday ia May next, thea and there to answer or ney to the plaintitf’s petition, otherwise the same will be heard ex parte and judgmentrendered pro confess as to them, Witness, E. W. Doosev, clerk of our sald ( oart er” i Morganton, the 30th day of March, A. Lae | 1& Gw: pr f $8. RB. W. DORSEY, curex. State of North Carolina ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb- ruary Term A, D., 1868. J.C. Barobardt vs. Tilman Austin. Attachment. | this case it appearing to the saisfaction of the Court that tbe defeudant, Tilman Austin. ‘8 a ooo. resident of this State, it is, therefore dered that publication be made tor six weeks ta the Watchman & Old North State, notifying said defendant to be and appear at our pext Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court House iu Satisbary on the first Monday in May next, and theo and there shew cause, it any he bas why the property levied on shall put be con- Jecuned to the ase of the planuft. Witness, Onapian Woonsun, Clerk of our said Court at Offiee, the Bret Monday ia Februa ry, A. D. 1868, and in the uinety-sevond year of oar independence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk, pr. adv. $8 00—6w:12 State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1868. M. Witty ve Tk Mendenhall, ATTACUMEST ypearing ta the satiefaction of the court vat the defendemt, J K Mendenbal) readdes be- | wnd the tamits of ubix State: It is ordered by | ‘he court that publication be made fursix weeks 1:4 Ube Watchmwnan & Old North State, botilying {the said J R Mendenhal! to be and appear at our | hext court of Pleas and eT teaxions to be | beid fur the county of Stanly at the cuart-bouse jin Albemarle on the segund Monday in May Hext, and show cau-«, ifgny he has, why the Property levied on «hall not be condemned to the use of the pluntiff Wituews, Lafayette | Gawen, elerk of our said cuvrt at ofce in Albe- jtarie, the secomd Monday in February, A D | Lees L. GREENE. c.c. c. by A. W. Stone, D.C. State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sensions, february Term 1868. 9:Bw pr fee $8. W. 1 Reeve +s. J. R Mendenhall. 40 Yours’ Before the Public. COMPANY, Issues Policies of all, Kinds LIFE AND ENDOWMENT "THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, . { That old, known and well tried remedy for all Bilious diseases, caused by a DISEASED LIVER. They are made and sold by G. W. DEEMS, the discoverer, who has removed to Baltimore, Md., where be can have access to the purest aud best medicines, on the most fa terms, He will aiways k on hand a large supply, and will sell to Ge tance. Hin align retail, at the shortest notice. To the p tion of these very superior and excellent Pills, 00 cost or trouble is spared to insure the greatest possible degree of perfectiun, in point of utility, exvellence and comfort.~— They contain one article which has probably ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY Dever before been used as a medicine, and NON-FORFEITABLE. which is a powertulagevt in cleansing the Liver, (which gives them an advantage over every . other Pill heretofore offered to the public.) The Part of the premium loaned, and no | pre- 2 Travel or Residence. ** DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALLY LV CASH compusition osed in these Pills is carefull pared by the hand of the discoverer, and may be used by the most feeble patient in the most deheate situation, eithet male or female; and from thetr pecoliar combination are highly Strengthening, miki in thew action op the bow- ely aud indeed, in a climate like ours where colds and coughs are almost an ants ling con- sequence of the sudden changes to which all are subject, every one at ali ligble to suffer fron, the influcnee of these causes, will find the great- est security ip having bis liver and bowels well cleansed by these invaluable Pills. Where these Pills are known, especially in the southern States, where they have been cir- culated so extensively, they need no recom- | teendativa—theit merits are so well knowa by heir results, winch have given thew a reputa- Non that bas brought them into great demand. They therefore are destined to be, at no distans day, the ouly remedy recognized and ured by the peaple where bilo diseases are < preva- lent The advantave in this treatment there fore, 4, (hat a cure aiest be radical and com- plete without the aroervity of breaking down the system in one part ty reuuve a disease ip another. They can be sent to any point in the Vuited States by Mail or Expresa PRICE—Por ane dot, 15 ceo, —Da $9.01 al Grows, F1O—One Grose, §18—<Three Grow, H0— Five Gruss, ot. The each most cither accompany the enter for the Mati. tine or tt will by cent ©.O.D. Orders should be address dw o. W. Depwa, Be. . foows Caco 5 Oraeer, Be.ruces Mo, where they will be premptiy attended to For tivse Medicines ext 4m «il trepectatie Graggiow every@bere. vod om all the Draggists in Satmocny JOHN H. ENNISS, Druggt, Special agent loan or premium note isa lien or claim on the policy in case of death after the second year, o—-— T™ Company oilers peculiar advanta- ges to the Southern people. It is the most Liberal Company in the United Slates Jta rates being lower (hun those of other comps- nits. OFFICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY WM. M. COLD, Secretary. CHRISTIAN W. BOUCH, Pres. Information gladly furnished in detail, by A. W. LAWRENCE, of Raleigh, Gen'l Agt. for the State of N. Uaroliva W. © Coveneyovr, Agent, mar 3--wkiwly Salisbury, N The Arlington Mutual Life Insurance Company OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Southern Institution lewbreiy aU SR Ds \ ous Ger. pReees Lames State of North Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY Superior Court of Late, Spring 1 erm 1868 dames M. Jobasun ve Lafayette Var Eaton Its Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Avachment levied va Land. RB thie case, it ar reenog to the satixfection of the Court that the det ndant 8 900-rem stablished Leyund dent of tvs State bt ts ordered chet pablea- Its fortunes ave ¢: 3 foon be mad for & Ove Noatu Srarr, & vin wewke tn the Warowmay contingency. the defendent to ap» ATTACUMERT | Penr at the veat Terns st the Secertoe Overt, ty -_-~ Tt appearing to the satisfection of the cwart| be beld fur the « stoty -f pterre he cuurt The Company hes capital and sassta tte j that . J. R. Mendendal! re}hoase in Mecksvitie, on ast Mometap iy | Habitity that will compare foverably with aay Lik + 4 ot hin © ewurt Une pe the Watebman 4 Uld Nerth Btate, potif R. Mendenhall te be and the «aid J ; t ight ' our newt of Pleas av! Qnarter & of ait foreigh interference, and can- “rs iy Baya B. of We. Rotsle of ~ | tue edd Pepe share of Sealy at the « not bé made to onderstand how they j -COSTARS” BED-KUG EXTER. [nua in Albemarle co t moday in ehall be to carry elections. | A Liqeld “Iedoys and prevents Bed | Mx and show cause be has. why | and pet not be allowed to exercise | —__ 89 “Never i». frepotitattl A nicest a. compel, Like alk. iguerant people. | ym am rc Wacken | ee Leer ca cierto eur vai they imagine that they are the most | FA Re Nei pm primo | owart at Albemarle. the reownd Monday in Feb-| consi pert of the world, and|“CUOSTAR'S” INSECT POWDER. | 2 (et) LGREEX.c co | Destroys insta atly Fleas and all Inencts cannot be brought to comprehend the magnitede of inflaance that does nv enmimas &- . = = ——| State of North Carolina,| ineuramee Company op the continent, whieh te the e oH ef . ee 7 Cerner | tree tent of respumslbilit; . be token pro} ite affairs ase cautious!y administered by aviecteq | Diteetars, of onsibHity and busines capacity Me bas extabe ft» ciate to Southers Istronage. OFFICERS ; leurd ex per le Wioes, H.R. Anstn, C erk ard Court Offer, the last Monday in F-trwary, A D 1868 H & AUSTIN, Clerk adv $8 00—60)2 } State of North Carolina, | ANSON COUNTY. } Court of P’leas und Quarter Sessions, | January Term, 1863. { atl } PRESIDENT, JOHN k. EDWARDS, Tree feaeipgrr eererrsry |W. B. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsoox, MEDICAL KXAMINER, Absolutely no Restriction-upon | - —— agian ge f , r b: WMARC 7a : I 2 maths! a E FOR THE HAIR,” : | tan elegant Dreming fees oe te It causes {be Hair to curt beantifully, It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It tavigorates the Roots of the Hale. ai Aas oe > It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriaatiy, it lmmediately stops Hair Falling Out, Tt Koops the Hair from Changing Colorfromage — | It restores Grey Hair ty its Original Color, | {8 Brings out the'Hair on Tiveds that as bess ala for years, eat teal eee it mel tle eT Ae ei ANE RY a ee x ’ ee oo aw . % nt mA It ncompysed entirely of simple and purcly vagetas| they may be fav P ile ble vubstances, i es th d over ax th d voluntary teutime- obits: Bhat Oe No eal PROFESSION AL hials of its excetience, many of which aty frem phy; BOSLSUM_ARD : sicians in high standing. vs .% Tt is sold tn half. bottles, rie a wy in the glass.) by and 4 in s a Goods everywhere at bottle. Wholesale b; Demas, Barnes & Co.; ¥. OC, Welle & Co,: Behiel. felin & Co. New York. Lisew by LIPE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES No. 92 Broapway, New Yorx. All profits divided among the Policy boldersan- Dreidend anny lat, 1867—Cash valve $610,- The legest Hessel Life Insurance Company in waar teal tiem i Life fran $240 to 3B. Bye & Co., Aa’ No. Fis omy ho Howe, Saussvny, N. O. Whe am als agents for six of the best Pire [nverance Co in the United States, march 4, 1868. twdvin ~~ ‘Gonnectiont Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY Ot Martford, Conn.; OTATEMENT, Dev. 81, 1867. ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17,670,288,88. INCOME FOR 1867. $7,726,616,53. }FOR PREMIUMS 86,332,804,95, FOR INTEREST, @1.393,711,58 LOSSiS PAID IN 1867, $1 .268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. $643.005,00 Interest reotrved more than pare losses Invidende er | | | | | i } ] One Sagurgutinted ip natabewp, white) = > Letter $¢ Bill Heads, WEDDING end PARTY Tickets, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, NANDDBILLs, DRUG LAgeL COURT BLANKs, aad vil other hinds of Bianhs ond Job Printing +1 be done in a style thet can be curpemend by noes atid equalted by tow tn the Rtate, Onur terme will be at low 20 the lewet te is Bouthers Couutry. HANES & BRUNER. Setlebary, Jeonary 14, the. twat THE TRI-WEREKLY WATCHMAN & Ol North State, FOR 1868. -_—wo- THE WATCHMAS & OLD NORTH | STATE having heen cutsolidated in th dersigne|. ond the B bases suspended poliivetion, herrefiet there @fll be bu 7H. Weakly de Weebly, onder te shore semen. tn consequence of te combination referred ta, this poper wth bare iw =| } Vincent & Garrett, " over 0 cent exist amoog them, and is not appar , Sate thing i as | is neat hat ; ve. { Attachmeatieind on land. CHARLES H. 8MITH, M. D All polictew table Ao P| Largest Cireulation emt to their senses. You may teil} mere. FFB cosh of &. Boxe Hl ROWAN COUNTY i wristopher (°. Kisty Lee aL APY IER, CORNER SL 40EKT TL nn» & Gen dndocd ! them aboat the North, but it is like \" COSTA I's K ORN Ss LV ENT. | Court o Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb-| 1 appearing to the satisfaction of the Cowrt thas | H. C. Capeua, Juo. H. CLatpogyr SAML. L4 no acl { OF aB¥ Peren Ix ili Pot Cores, Be cious. Worm Try is , crm 5 the defendant Christepber (. Kirt Cee beyond Geaora telling them » faiie. They have nev | | ot ee | she beats of thio tate’ er so sueasens Mimantl toes DIRECTORS : SNC. ap “Hr er seen it and know nothing abou | “he ell oa a —— | DA Davis ve WG. Young | the ordinary process of law cannot he servedon him. | Johe Enders i K. Eityson, A. G. Breniser. Ageut, Charlotte, N.C. | estern orth Carolina. They live in the South, know all abou: | of Wesling ' Kvery totally should bee bh | | it te therefore ordered by the coert, that publics j William F. Tayler, Ase Snyder mar 3- «Atel | 4 i. . 4 : pA pasion ¥ ] Origina! Attachment thon be made for siz weeks, soccemively. in the | Remeaet 5. Cottrell, HOR. C. Beskerviile — 7 od — asP WILL arrorD THe it, and think that hey should contro: Bey Secs. th hex of) ¥ svemmss a Soars Arave pare po. Jobe Bon Samuel C. Tardy, F or Life Insurance Only. Sein es a ae rd / : ; ished in the te of Meliebery. notify in, anid | « . it. As to the sice ra = , ar ‘\“COSTARS BUCKTHORN Satve i re oe. of the Coart Christopher C. Kiray. to he and «: ar ot he nent Witiem Witte Se Hp a LiEDMON1 Best Advw Medium a comprehensive and delicate system | It effects are immediate. bur cota, borne | at the detendan', W. (+. Yuwng, is nop- | term of this court te be held fer county of (n-| Ed. A Rantth George 8. Palmer ss. W. } ertising of polstiesi Management, they know = ands sore breasts. piles ere feares | resident of thu St t > ontered| son. st the courthouse in Wadesvore, on the «ec-| Thos. J Evans, A.D. Checkiay < “ ore 4 cutane: us t bhratwon he ma-le ° erke 2 | ond Monday in April at. then and there to i 3 ~ 7) y i ne wore about them than they do bapped nehart \— Ac. bites of enimeia ¥. I t 4 — ag | Anewer or 7 Leal papas final witi be seedared .. Gunn D i Mental REAL ESTATE [YSURANCE COMPANY eet peek a Pieme aboat the m of seience, Wall inmerte varkmen & (Nd 7 7th State, outsty ie Kran’ | ageinet bim, and lends levied on condemned to sat |W. M. Tyler, John C. Williama, i ; is | ° — = ende < atal a)-prar at our meat Conrt | isfy the plaintifie debt. interest and rents , 3.8. EAs ; h may the Hadieal leaders fear that it} __ : a (\Piaeand Quite Cesare 60 be held Gr] Omi Pesca a Coppedge. clerk of said com | 4 y ponents Pipa th ted OF VIRGINIA. | ——aimat they admit the Southern States into | = siversa! Dinwer Pil amae-comnrd . y Row at the Court House m | ofhes be WV adebore dead hondey in January. J. B. Morten. m. B. Inaaca — ° » pears admin iatered sician's Pre 5 ; AD. : ea : 77 ‘ x | . . the Union andr negro suspices, they ee Fond be Besac| y Monday in Mey arnt, jag om mm P. 3. coprepor, Gan. (Fee oe | ot AUTHORIZED CAPITAL } The hiditorial Department eff be sdeitting «a bull ints their/“COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILLS D ropes lel en ony we es | ———— —— ilo : _ =, will te ender the of Ma. Ritts, be pt Ma | Orme amary wea a natn) LI mr rd aad am oe: State of North Carolina, LEWIS C. HANES. Aor. |ONE MILLION DOLLARS. prean en o- aie some of the considera | : 4 : of Utedeh W Clerk. of oor cad | DAVIDSON COUNTY anl7—twkwtf Lexiwetos, N. C OPriceas. sod Propricter of the (ae Nowra Sts ; lv give papse fr { Office. tire Moo bet Court of Pi y r i 7 = 5 a ae 2 a ee Rpg tndim, mvyete and wo paine will pe & a te ony. me bet Lergnt met EE 3 tla a nha OTT Pet ers es 7 Gonatey Mlacabeate, |W. 0, canta emace [attra cneemte cakes o Seailor, eget telalt Use tt ; atone’. Lae J.J. HOPKINS Seereta if wal tse thee o< ‘mm clams im the Bunton. ° re netinn «i and ««thmg Judependenre John H. Welborn, Adm’. of L K | | uns 4 An, rg. peper a re ew - we secepting 4 { ——_ OBADIAH V QUDSON, Clerk deed W Paeyen peal ena Dairy men, Farmers. U. H. PERROW, M. D., Med. Advisor Ie the polition of the paper there will te » soretitatien that fave been fra:ned. } ne O—fhw 12 ] . Visek Parsynan 4 we Ph “ “ j > Virgir we canh eee ny ur } - ——— | oe che a eb Wim This liberal aol Dee penn Ty ~ State of North Carolina.) 0.72717" bint. 4. D. Peery-| And Others, | pays ti poly beldern anvaally” "PAY shenemM wl continne ee 5 rm snd git! 4uZalion af a ee t Aes , . man and K ’erryman, ticire at Lew. bell | } celled reemetract on. Here we have; COST ARIS” COUGH REMEDY. | ANSON COUNTY. } ee { 874 Jer Cent. of ite Profits. —. a large whire majariy The genecall Arne Forreeehe cis ain | Cou Finneand Quarta Seesimeg| Toile oka Gal ete aeeti, | CONSIGN YouR ' ctestvety to-yotiicg. 18 wit ote bo Gopeted to 0 _— ing muall Giicen i alls Be ae , : fap ’ ~ It proposes to aid ite patrons by taking notes oA > - z ie h P , id sah, — { sore ub Ps whe ” eo Sunuary derin, Let, iy appear ng to the es isfaction of the Conrt,' 4 xhes, Reeswar. Beans, for one half of the preminms. ~ * | material interests of the State aed to Lierery asf the Constituiion offered, w« t % ; ee that tie * J D. & Robert Perry- Butter, Cheese, Egos, | Tt allows ts patrons to pay all cach if desired. Mince? a -~ a tet cath ov na of i'sfoatures Sever | Be = aie ant atek tle, mn we ae meee of ta Bet ie Hour aid Ment, | imine Fu nd gaa es : al of whe meat prominet BR | Pex I { PriITios TO Mah Real MOT ATE sesers. therefire uid (hat pobhcation be made in Flaz, Cotton, 10 ie alae tas sth +4 their | Offering such inducements, we confidently apper meupber: of the (. ition hav ~ ain ~ —— the Wotchman & Oid North State, a paper pub- > } ; patrons to change policies ‘ ' “ ‘ ¢ It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that lished be towr Se lashur N.C, for mx Furs and okons, | from sar aco elbg fommsaened tothe public for a Wheral share of |e patronage pe clared that they w te i Bea e0Ce q vit An rudante Thomms A Kebinson. James Beli k , miveleecka: se e aed belemdcaie ts Dried and Green Fruits, tears y boiders are not restricted se te tra, neal it re Leatd ti : : ‘ Mary Re ‘ wi _ | Cueramve weeks, Notilying me fen 7 , | vel of residence | nga wet it Here, t teoald the Con the ate trensparert fre here. | hig i Tila o ermnggron 4 wie es Le and appear at the next term of this Court Crain, whey Game, | [toffers the following if ee talip acl: by tatweription and advertisements. etitatiog be, by lity, adopted | caries SEM DIEPPE p i $ Mefvina itobinsos. and Arthar Robinson reside be | 10 be held for the Coonty of Davidson, at the Poultry, Naval Stores, | veney: cee and Bleetiome beld uncer several | “COS He We wee Pe ERT Fond the iimive of this Réate, It ordered by the Court House in Lexington, on the second Mon- Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Naas Oovet Mowst, Va @ Terme of Subscription : : : : pine »D ORJ I > BLOSSO ourt stton be made for six seeks sac- vin May next hen and th < %, } Sich weg wont eine] Rati dummy “eocitiamentng et i NN TH Lena oa, rang rare fH POMOC my wage cg BRST, veo tc than whieh nothing would be more Removes Tan, Freekies, Vi hes Ae meas RGU ee re wins the save will be beard ex parte end juig- : a Nelsen, aud State of Virginin, take pleacure in| j , mas A. Robinson, Jewes Rell and , jug Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum «flensive ta the Kadical party. Ther Ladies, Try @ buttle, and v Mary Be!!, James Kimbrough and wife. Ane | ment redered pro confewu as tu them , , Sorg ’ ‘ fecommending as a solvent and reliable compa- dread it ag metidresad the iteh or any | derfal quahty. Kimhro nh, Joneph petioswe, { alvin Robinson. Witness Jso Harwes, Clerk of said Conr, at Molasses, &e., ke, ke, ieee ae ae —= gh rt ang opened Fer O06 Pht... 60. coossssccstees dbecn seta oe » . a a “evi Hobimsot. amd Arthar Ro. ineon to be 4 a 7 E is county ; a on the merit a-Si ‘i eee i Vy } Co on tt the next term of thie cowrt to be bei for oan = Haag moved Monday “| TO rap veney, ita fates and terme for Life Inenr. | * Mt MEM... recsescosrccrscerceed sy, ‘ad ue probability ie that Virginia,' —.- 7 aay eras | ty of Anson. at the court-bouse in Wades.| February, > 1868, Pe | ance are mich as to commend it to pabilie { = ee will mec aie ra Biel rein [HP /!! Beware! 1 of al Worthless| yon the second Monday io April next, thea and | JNO. HAINES, C.C.C. ‘JOBIAH CARPENTER, ""*s" , aa WRERKLY nde . alton ° 7 aed a Imitations there to piead anewer or demar to vid petition or Pr adv, $8 00—Aw:12 | Its Stockholders, Directors'and Officers ade men os a sec rile, neve be poate alll None genuine without ‘Costar's” Signa thew oad the sama will w heard ot poriees tofeens) - TAKE NOTICE. a ie bigh integrity, and patruns ean seyly om Gn Vor Ome Year... el ecceeu sees ry te wake ouree| ves eomfortabie un : 4 ‘“ ture. Witness, Pataick J. Coppedge. clerk of eat Court | General Commission Merchant, honorable, effied ent Managem: mt of ite affairs Jer it ble. — Whi. ‘ me t by al , P et office in Waderboreagh® = Bone None of us have-stodk of perecnal interest in| “ Six Montha...... tet eereedes er it as poss: ble hig 4 Tag 50e 5 - key id ull Druggist Janeaey tT eaonen, the recond Monday us Rei AND GIVE DS A CALL. Wehare 42 444 @& 446 Washington St., this company, and imply give thie aa dininter- ae 100 sizes sent by mail on receipt of price \gu-ge 1 Qh. P. 4. COPPEDGE, Cher. | associated ourselves for the purpose of d nog 2 : ested testimony to the merite of « good inatita- HANES & BRONGR Ww $2,00 pays for amy three 81,00 sizes sent; ———~ — Drese- making, Tailoring, and other kinds of NEW YORK cny. | ton tr A special to the Bos by Express. Laborers W t d sewing ; neatly, cheaply and promptly, on» | Geo. §. StEVERE, Clerk Circuit Court, Publishers and ton Je says: The Democrats 85,00 pays for eight 81,00 siecs by Ed| , anted. [new Sewing machine with all the inte im- , 40d teaaive hie weekly Price Carrent of Pro | we ee ert 0. ee ae have apparently determined to nnite| press. 100 Freedmen wanted to work on the W, | proveccenta. JULIA HARISON, |sone purbiched Lone Honecompiete yriee oI 8. H. Lovixo, Glark Count Co SEWING W, on Gen. Haneock gs their candiate| Address, : N.C. Rail Read ie Burke and McDow- | a anny rl gps fre Price Carrent. Marking . = tye my hd Oo., LY pa 7. M onan fe > P | - CORT el} counties. ages paid wonthly, end | nk St. between , aim, Plates Per ‘ ¢ also Fire | - - = President, — —s BENBY - Cc borg pate cid alan Cee ml Pere giporgtath wm te | Pe ished | : iy for good au 188 MARY BOW ARS, Soren Sto “ ied ERMest atibongh come advo | FFVor sale by JOWN H. ENNIBE, Falebory|| Apply at the Boyden House to 4 $15 per mouth, payable in advance, May 1st, 1860, Saveting spueee vesests es * noel oa roo Bebe og knw pas cate the Semtination of Mr. Adams, of | y FP ee ONE I ENNIBE. Falter) C. & BROWN SALLIE BEARD, | pirse sigas references given wh O Ged pte ee ee lak ee Gomes Maseachasetts. | the large eitien, fed B—watwiy March 21, 1868 tr 6t Baiisbory, April 17, 186% tw-uf-335 Siven when yogntred edtal Agent, Chaglotte, XC. | eae March 6, J@68. twly Jan. 7, 1968 watwly | Feb. 2b 1268, * NA OIE ATE NA A UR AIR YTZIGANO {HITAIND | GAIND! thoserey ihotiae ‘fj oved 1 sad? « won ine wok mo 2H youre? egitacus? e By aANES & BRUNER, VOL IIE NO. 55 CUREPIC MA AZINE| BROOKLYN - ; 4 LITERATURE LIFE TRSUSANCE é Gad 9 . ale : ] SRLECTED FROM id Yi XX OMPANY. ondon Quarterly, i done een ¢ wry » a ete "Chamber's Art Journal, dil the Your Bound, ‘| LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. mee, Universily, Macmillan’s Magazine, wia. Absolutely no Restriction upon ‘We have also arra to socpre choice selections other Continental one or more Fine Steel B nporthat hi ~ Cac ww land alo Travel or Residence. Spléndia Premiums for 1868. os 90 UL artes. the Ravectc 2808 poring | DIVIDENDS PAID ANNUALLY IN CASH bead’ mp o paintings ' Or , BASKET OF PEACHES, Bise 9 X10) ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY PIPER AND NUT CRACKERS, NON-FORFEITABLE. ar Size.7 X 8. Pie ebes ane éxads copies of original oft paint. | Part of the premium loaned, and no jand are exevated by a & Co., inthe high- R F : font es or, in place of them we will send loan or premium note isa lien or ref our Steel vings, Washington at Ses Rese pom Marte, Sunday Mere} ' aim on the policy in case of death Two sabscribers and $10.00, we will send the a ~~ ——— yy ap chsh 8. after the second year, ——9—— Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary, | one Volume of 1,940 pages. containing over 400 pic | - toris! ilinstrations. 96.00; or acopy of Resa | Celebrated piece, Shetlaud Poules—size 61-2 121-2. Terms of the Eclectic : Liberal Company in tha United Single copies 45 cts; one copy. one year, $500 | two copies ue year 89,00: fire copmsene ) car $2.00 | Adige | W. 1, BIDWELL, 17 5 Beekman St., New York. | (tx rates being lower than those of other compa- Dar be P Vee ¢ | nies. British Periodicals. |OFFICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY, The Londen Qua terly Review, (Con | NEW YORK CITY. eervati ee.) ] The kdinburg Review, (Whiz) WM. M. COLD, Secretary. The Westminster Review, (Ruicn|.) | oumrewtam Ww. BOUCH, Pres. TheNorth British Revver, as, Information gladly furnixhed in detail, by jp™ Company offers peculiar advante- | ges to the Southern people. It is the most States * Church ) AND A. W. LAWRENCE, of Raleigh, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, |Gen’l Agt. forthe State of N. Carolina oA kory.) | W. C Covanenovr, Agent, | mar 3—w&twly Salisbary, N The periodicals are ally gustained by the contri —— dations of the best writers on Science, jon and | ‘ Literatore, and stand Wwhrivailed in the | The Arliagton Mataal Se eteadlacatonere Life Insurance Company OF VIRGINIA. ae a gan as, they furnish « better record of the cur- can iameene ofthe day than can be obtained from | any other source. op } TERMS FOR 1868, ee es Por ang.ene ofthe Reviews...... 04.60 porennem. | 4 Virginia and Southern Institution Per aay two of the Heviews...... 7.00 = } ro PEM Tria teres. 13.00 Itg Funds are kept in the South. FOr Diackwood's Magazine....... 4.00 Pee Bleckwood «ad one Review, 7.00 bed { It has met with unprecedented success. For, wood and any tvo ay “ { Por, wood and ‘Pires “oF the | Its fortunes.are established beyond any For Biackwood and the four Re- . ot WAM ewed pestdeh oor qeseces 6.00, + | contingency. | | oon ab OLUBS. |. The ‘thas capital and assets, against its w | abil compare favorably with Life td Bias aor ineranee Compas oe the continent, which the Black to one ‘ address Four copies tthe towr ite: | J Cini ne Goatioaaissdminstered hy sncted viewwthd Bleckwood for $48... and so on. shine ; eae vapacity. -s @ POSTAGE. amaimiads — OFFICERS: PesIDENT, DWARDS, * @teurrarr, D. J. Harrsoox, fthe Four Rp ‘ove 1967. Lh to all five of the Periodicals for 1868 mcy receive, . Biack wood or any two of the Pour Reviews OAL EXAMINER, SHARLES H. SMITH, M. D, LEGAL ADVISER, GENERAL AGENT | MH. OC. Caper, Jo. H. ( Lamorne. DIRECTORS: John Enders, He K. Ellyson. a Witttane F . Taylor, a Say der 00. Samuel 8. Cottrell, H.E. C, : qana x Samnel C, Tardy 4 ° Charles T. Wortham, Govage Jacobs, unless! 7 is rem direc William Wiltie, Jr., J. W. Altizon, ‘Publiwhers. oy Ed, A. Smith, George 8. re ne oe ° . . 70 oe . , , Co., ‘ B. Quaries D.d. ik. ~, 140 Falton, St, N.Y. | w. 0. Tyler, John C. Williams, aan eee) Magan The L. 8. . COs, also the J. Bonen, Wins Be te FARMER'S GUIDE, William H. Raimer, ramen ay ong > < i ad the ‘LE +r . : by nay Sternexs, of mt oot oe LEWIS. C. HANES: Ao'r, ot Col Powe votes vy Mall, pony =r SEWING WANTED. anl7 —twa&wtf Lexierox, N.C Freedmen wanted to work on the W. N.C. Rail Road io Serke and McDow- ell counties. Waxes paid monthly, and good 100 LI ee lp tear Ye rations and, comfort ished. omen SRO : mt | Apply at the Boyden House to each. va é 0, & BROWN. Fett yh ie: . twif Mareb 31, 1968, tr,6s ‘ j sage papal at such prices as will ensure & sale to’ r- DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, Ladies’ and Gouts’, of all kinds, Also, some Fashionable Slik Hats made expressly fer as. A ‘large stock of Boots and Shoes, Hemlock Sole, Calf Skins; and Lining Skins, Bridles and Saddles ; a general stock of : HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Tron and Steel, Groceries, Tanner's aud Kero- sine Oil, Wooden-Waré, Queensware, and in fact a general stock of goods. - All we asks a call at the PEOPLE'S STORE, At Sprague’s Old Stand, Main Street. ' Near the Market House, SMITH, FOSTER & Co. W. A. Surru. Tnos. J. Fosrea. Jeuv Foster, Jr. : Salisbury, April 15, 1868. tw3m. No TH CAROLINA BAIL BOAD. Company Snors,N.C., April 1, 1868. On and after this datethe ing will be hé Schedule for Passenger Trains over this Road : Leave Charlotte, daily 11.3% Pr. a. Saliebury,......2.07 A. mu. Greensboro’.... 5.05 ~ | Ralshah... << 9.41 Arrive at Goldsboro,.. 12.25 Pp. u | Leave Goldsboro’... ... 12.30 rp. uw weeee Throngh passengers by thisline hare choice mit 2 f sifige State Fe eee 6 ; a Sith 4a gd sattast re beds hae be piti ety HOO AE er: ; ‘ bss ayy! Gh Fee Sos PA it 2M Es gaan iy ih es koe hal: ae * Peete Vs ‘ ROK OD 1D ss eseeanitiliien steatenva _ 5 POEL OTR De LNIGeLI AS Riko ohertrte eh Atal) TAMU MOA TIM GT it Baby Y Find: ot ewe ; $ Wed wilt sole o4 “i oidestibano’ > Demi pees = DAY, MA NORTE eee tameer pes 1PRATES OF ot SRRMS-CANG AN ADVANCE. on © bee ears Sree new, No sticnda ior boston, Ta et to do this we have engaged the services of ableand accomplished titwrarr ators. , « *Advertising Rates. TRANSIENT RATES Forall periods lessthan one month One First insertion , $1.00 Each t insertion 60; ° rates for periods of one to four months. 1 uo. | @xo. | Aamo, | aie 1 square, $5.00) $8.50 | $12.00 | $15.00 00 2 sqvanks, 7.501 18,00/ 17.00/ 21,00 by 3 squares, 10,00) 1600} 21.00) o600) 3 4 squAKEs, 1200/1800/ 2300/] 2800] 3,700 Quan. con 13.00) 19.00) 24.00 00.) 3,850 ALF cot! §=—.90,00 | 27,00 |_ 83. 60 00] 4.00 3 QvAR. COL. 25,00) 8300) 40.00) 45.00!) 60,00 ONE COL. 30,00 | 49,00{ 62,00] 60,00| 70,00 THE ABYSSINIAN WAR. History of King Theodure—Origin of the War. King Theodoros or Theodore of Abys- sinia, with whose name and recent history every reader of newspapers t the world has become familiar in conse- uence of his war with England, bas been slain at the storming of his capital, Mag- dale, by the English army, as has been announced by the telegraph, The origin- al mame of Theodore was Dejajmateh Kasal. He was born of humble parent- tage in Quarel on the borders of Weatern Ambara, and was edacated in a convent, in which he was plaeed under restraint e comoet from the to jatich Camfa, « eled fetal, ellie hom helmbibed atasse fot Watlike pursuite, and evevtually be- came ruler Pe large portion of Abys- }of routes via Greensboro’ and Daaville to | Riehreund o via Kaleigh and Weldou to | Riehmond or Portsmouth, arriving at all | | points north of Riehmond at the same time by | | either roate. Connection is made at Golds- | | boro with Passen trains on W. & W./| | Road to and from Wilmingtou atid by Freighi \'trains to Weldon. > | JAMES ANDERSON, | Superintendent. | Office N. C. Rail Road, April 1, 1868. tf $10 Reward. | Rawawar fro Monday io February last, en apprentice boy | (colores!) named Saw Rose—may change bis jname to Sam Ancnie. He is absut 18 years | old, yellow complexion, large moath, a sort of smileg countenance, The above reward will | be pax! for his dehwvery to me pear Deep Well, Iredell Co., N.C. S. J. BROWN. April 8th, 1868—3tpd13 Charlotte Democrat y and bill to Deep Well. iad a ‘State of North Carolina. ANSON OCUUNTY. Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessione, January Term, 1868, m the subscriber the 3rd | PRTITION TO MAKE REAL Betaty assets. it appearin; the satisfaction of thefourt that tw detodants Thome & Robinson,.James Be!| & Kink, feb ae clan betes Kimbroagh, Jomp nee cassene oud the limits of this State, It it y the YARBROUGH HOUSE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. The mage aoe in feturning his sincere thanks to the travelin blie for the liberal patronage extended tohim during hiseonnec- tion with this Hotel, takes cm agence them that no effort or ¢ sf sp retail ie préceaicopliiion aR one of the very best in the t He fs hnppy to announce that the fall inthe price of supplies enables him tw the price to Three Dollars per _ Toeitizens coming in to spend more, he will still make a reduction. he is prepared to furnish Board without H heparcobare pleasu of weleoming e to re to the fe h ong wany vew oe | tion was directed to the importance of be v- lerument which roles India, and which is old castomers | sinia. Natura'y ambitious and politic, he sacceedid in enlarging his authority eteadily at the expense of the other “Ras” or Chiefs of Abyssinia Lis pow- er especially increased when in 1853 he felt himeelf strong enough to formally claim the throne of all Abyssinia, and he was crowned as such b be Abana Sala- ma, the head of the ‘Aleosinien Charch. His reign soon proved to be the most ef. fective Alyssinia had ever had. As soon as he came into power bis atten- ing on terms of friendship with the has established itself in the neighboring omen hold of Adev. He, thcrefore, re- by virtue of the treaty made between Great Britain and Abyssinia in the year 1849, and ratified in 1852, in which it was stipulated that each State should receive embaseadors from the other, Dheodore. Unfortunately Mr. who had succeeded in w ~ STATE, |" to assert the rights assured to him | and troops on mr toinvade Abyssinia. « "s letter was . conve to iously liberate the dition being not with, the arti- sans returned to E ex war . ¢ war was chiefly to be carried on with the peers, European and native, which iv India become accustomed to the hot climate.— The first English troops made their ap- ce in October, 1867, but it was not antil the close of the year that the whole of the army arrived, The expedition was commanded by General Sir Robert Napier, heretofore yf re we peewee at bay. Under him as com- manders of divisions, Sir Charles Staeve- ly aad Oole Malcolm, while Colonel anneal! ve commanded the cavalry. The netgear ey 00 Matyas the ing place of the troops, to capital of Theodore, is about 300 miles. The me had to overcome great difli- rkbble ce King Theodore rema energy. Kin ay retired before the Sbugiieh hens ol , asthe cable ia our issue of a as, he made.a stand foagh vain; he was defeated, the 1 . ed and the king himself « King ruler Abyssinia has ever had; even ac cordiug to Eaglieh accounts, he excelled culties, y have overcume them a battle until he reached his capi- tol. this and vely for bis crown, bat in Theodore was, on the whole, the greatest in all manl uits, and his 2 pelle and find be manner was palite and engagin avoided this quarrel with Enaland proceeded on way of reform which he entered upon in the of bis treet ya gh yt tm polaron im $ iti regenera- tion of pp sa Alrica. é a On How to Keer Fresu Meat.— 7 J. M. BLAIR. ca eyes * , ' Raut Our citizen caught but a glimpse, and struck for fiome, léaving his mark all the fay — Some say he only made two step: from where he was to his house Po the ject had vanished, .. Reader, this is no editorial myth. It isa veritable fact, vouch- for by those who went. to. the. frightcned citizen's assistance — He must have seen something, or he could not have shown. such signs of fright as they saw.on bim.: We learn. that ing sim A Syaxe Srony—The follow- ing story from Caswells a. zine, is actually enough to @ one’s chignon stand on end : | king of snakes, E ari re- m of an anecdote I once’ heard of the wife of an Indian railway official, who was trimmi with a large knife. some plants ie a a border to os flow- er he was cutting thet off, and while so 8 she = sacred by seeing the coils of one of th deadly serpents of th pel estg the leaves, With «Jou shriek she dropped the a plants, and a. employed inte garicnran ther assistance, On ' of her alarm, he sought to killtbe is thou recently. ne Tof them may be St. Leger Grea* fel, who recently escaped from the a Dry Tortugas. dp sanhibiot A man in: New Hampshire . crawled a quarter of a mile im sat- isfactien of an election bet. — eon A ae 1 30;: B. age! os : hundent cabvuiod eeuhttte . 7,684 majority. * oo a! LL agile , ; ve Ve Se genie near Havana ") i ; ag Avother charge made by Mr: Bing that the President has “assumed self the prerogative of intepreting the Donstitution™ for himself, as well as the AEN AR Cape ‘tag whid it ieticadd hows tab tition ation’? of t Wate tet —". whith & ‘Bat ’even if this could be shown—could pod aces dlegrly as’ the Tight of day, ie 5 td 5 : fae Testy bet in’ tal ot vial Gobi Se eat t | cause he believed the taw'to be a | great me , 4s s . | They have even. ei a th assent of many fi edtage wc | been the fruitful source of much of the evil which bas afflicted the country. But we will not stop to discuss them at } here. That it was the daty of the judges to thee Fe Baiocd Welw wi ee : mt! #) Mt Sl He tenosael onda sta deesinee prevent the execution of .2e sentence .be- . Ce iol 6 to be hd pe “en bait ~ Abi one yever, absurd the ¢ ad “ys ” b i by besides Mi. Je Me. 2] 4 weetesy Fan? 2 ‘. meu of the present radical party, including among thet Charles Sutmneriand BF. Wade. Justified by such preeedents and sustained by such authorities should Mp. Johuson bave been impeached if, he, had . E | fallen into the sameerror? | Did tae great ar | leaders of the Whig" party in 1832 hold of | that Gei: Jackson ought to, be” impeach, ed for the'course whieh he then, pursmed ? to de-| No. They expresely disclaimed that it was a case for im pent—that it was! only & politieal question: “They passed a res- olution of censure through the Senate, but declared shat. if it was a case for impeach- ment the Senate could not diseass it at »,| all, as, in the event of impeachment the Senators wauld become the judges. - How pha oy eta | differenit from the conduct of the radical selves? Have'ront | thie e: . | Senators of. the preseut, day... Even. the piv wlan om the Q- | rpselation of censure was afterwards ex- tion’ for theabinel v jae 9 that’) paged. - 1T susteg intdrptetasion, "a ‘onitraty oh’) "Bit Présidént'Jolinedn lias acted alt the by thé aad Codrt “notwithstadding t) time apon the opposite doctrine. He was If any bonored and respected as profoundly penetrated with the couvic: or threats of impeachment, then we wub- mit that it would greatly éxouse and palli- ate aebbilar dence. in him. Let ussec mae. _... ed minietmtian -of tha e cclebratedialien and sedition lawa’ were paesed by the Federal party, then impower,. Thing ‘axa. were deslagn ihe affirmed by ihe aiixidas for the question to be raised be- . efferson do, did fore the coarte, and be probably. encour- the Taws of Congress as he was aged the taking of the proper. steps for , Our’ Feeders will} that purpese, but nothing more. No ‘bay that be ‘ditt President bas ever shown « greater sub-’ 4 my a td law, or @ more anxidha desire ran thé’ to preserve the constitation. Even the titties i Aa npc themselves have ; ‘rblastiin’” th the agitint hin so tar aa the Previdemt's jie) fot belt? Pa Witek sh OHA ietind wine botierdnd 1 eubject, weitteh to Bx-President’ Adams} Aud thé silon is constantly being im 1804; Seficteon tayo! 6/61" b asked “W? ne PYetidetit be ‘convieted.”” ME dinchargud-every):p rn0g onder. punisb< to the degeneracy of the times that ws Saeed, oom co, % ‘eénvet be answered. ‘In other call tion that the reconstruction acta of ('on- a sentence of fine and im D- unui other | sh "oh Meher obnoxious pro tion which he is fi myn t thy & er of man ' zealously than the ing gtess were anchistitutional as Mr. Jef- moreover be believed them to be rninous ality.) He bad. no doubts lrinself, but then it-wag not his provinee to decide established a tribunal for the decision of such questions, and it could be, decided by ne other, The Jaw, baving been pass- them | ed by competent authority, mast remain. the law wiitil thé Sapremce Couft «ould decide upon the queation of its validity. Notwithstanding the clearness of the President's convictions he executed the law. He, no doubt; was exceedingly ipther chan 1 Gusts What canal adi | we bibinit; te nd answer at all, amd’ “we ar€ stpriged that oar ‘neighbor ‘should have #hown hitmeelf wnsbpbidticated enotigh to take for gospel truth the deela- rations of politicians in am extited eat- vase and @se them ‘as argéments. Sach was vot or thode: of dealing with the neri- ' ./ | We tothe up the articlé on' Rete » of. ¢3 ue and Taxation and endedvoral w Larahteos mint *\F if Da Sruttieens be vedshed) m5 aor ns vox ' But-we will disease the-eubject no far. ther: Weare sure that our ropstrustion | Rf one can fersan gould possibly have been that the | sed'tion Jaw: was uneorstitutional. And: odd? 2Am sith ‘questions, The Constitation had | Oe risio su the a tauird the article upon den in his paper of the 2d instan can any man, and especially Mr. Holden, attempt to threaten a man with such a Union record as that-owned by Mr. Boy- den? No'man’s‘record in North Carolina or at Washington is..better known. No more ‘constantly or wore he did to prevent secession, and when seceasion came and the great body of iis political friends,/on aéevant of roclamation of me Lineoln call- r troops, abandoned the _prinei; of the Bell kd Everett party in 1860, Mr. grapl Boyden maintaited them and contioued to do eo throughout the Wat, ands never for a day Wesitated in avowing his attach- ment to thé Union’ “He, as all’ know, maintaied “his consistency during the whole war, ond has been a” steadfast ad, voeatc of reeonstructién. He refused to endorse the proclamation of Gov. Vance in’ 1864, which im the latter opition, was a ‘terrible offence. did not almost every decent and intelli- gent.man in the Siate ‘refuse “16 'do the inspection of the reterns of ewe, <a a pamphlet copy of ‘thio Wt Sumner on the condition of a Carolina, When we hav tunity to read it fully we. will! mila hind Une ah Tb ued Pooabhie! 431 with much show (df geaadn) that the ls election in North Qarvlina tor Sta 3 and void.” ' desire to ‘State. ‘While’ we diffe: trots things we yet have the highest respect for him, arising from our convietion of his perfect honesty and sincerity. WATAE RRB Wa COMING-1 1 How does‘ the‘Editor of the Standard of North Carolina will the Hon: N Boy- stant 1... How « that election will show, hely advised everybody to vote for a Con- vention. lle also advised the against any attempt to oppose the is hew CO by fe the <n " ch ’ Le « his ‘native him fn many * tleman’s ludeed, @n- | arrog:. it, me le doings 7 A SP ae -? ieee a! a catic party could not be charged with dis- loyalty tothe, U with hankering after Rosert Riwerwar, Esq., has writ- ten a stirring letter in reply te an in- ie ey go Reape oO c omake a public H v4 ‘that pli previbts te his reindval to New York. We give one para- nt Ga “But gentlemen how gloomy soerer may be our surroundings now, there 8 yet a ‘silver- lining’ to the clond suspended over us in the auspiciou and chééring fat: that thib'idtteritige of a signal and) decisive revolution among -the e of the Northern States are already distinctly audible ; and, if L mistake not, the gald that sweeps from the North, in November next will bring tons all the welcome assuratice of deliveranec ‘and peace. It is dimply impossible that in any antry where intelligence is diffused, tre i ig, aap a ] organization as the i can long exist. It has effected antold mischief in the t, and it .will doubtless survive long ot the late Convention, until their action) enough to accomplish much more.— was made public, When he publicly ‘and repeatedly deelared his opposition to the the new Donscisiaions, becanse, as he clear- ly proved, that inétrament did not meet requirements of the Reeonstruction Acts. ‘Mr. Boyden ‘also declared in all pablic epecches that no man was more anxious than himeelf for reconstraction, and that if the Convention had stopped at required, there would have been no advbeate of the ratification of the Constitatjon, and ition to it was founded whol- great fundamental alterations his what the acts of that bis But if truth and justice are still reali- ties on eatth, it will, in my jadgment, soon pass away, pursued by the scorn and detestation of good men the world over, aud. embalmed in the execra- tions of history forever.” -_>— -— Tue Neerors as Vorras.—It is doubtful whether a State now in the Union would not to-day repudiate colored euffrage by an overwhelming majority were the question submitted. . There ia, therefore, good reason why the Southern States 20.universally resist the Republi- can plans of reconstruction. If the com- t} paratively few colored citizens of Con- in | necticut ate unfit to vote, so mast be the thonsands and thousands in the Carolinas. If Michigan and Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania, cannot control the action of Terms pf aml on the day of sale. ‘ ; 8. R. HARRISON, 4.8. McOUBBINS, Ex of Wm. Morphy, dec’ May dib, 1808 ws a r toji os aa "y ay 2ist, 1968; Mec ty By os Mockayil 1868 3 25 * ’ Ma y Sawonb May 7, 1868,—wlt_twlt an SALE OF PROPERTY fea UNITED STATES TAXES. ILL |BE) SOLD atithe residence of J, J. W Abriguels Recas Coley tiie " 30th day of May, 1868, the following | property. ACRES..OF LAND, more or less, belonging to J. J. Al- bright, adjoining the lands of Juha Frazer, Pe- ter Albright and others, .. "+ ‘ The above named owner having neglected or refused to pay the Taxes ($300,00) due by him to the United Statea, the y deserib- ed has beea distrained, and will be sold at the time and place memioned above, in pursuance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of the United States to provide Internal Retenne to support the Government and for other pur- poses. . Saue H. Winer, Col. Int. Rev. 6th Dixt, N. C. JOHN BEARD, Salisbury, May 5, 1868—wtds Deputy. Valuable Town ‘Prop: tty FOR SALE. Wit be sold at public sale, at the Court fiouse in Salisbury, on the léth of Jone next, the valuable House and Lot known as the Julian now ’ Mr. Ritz. pacman "Tae Honce-te target cmctguaing . goed store room on Main street, aad seven roéms for family use. Terus—Notes with sec rity: the first, grr January Ist, 1800; the 2d, Jan. st, 1870; the 3d. Jan. Ist. 187]—interest from Jaunary Ist..1868. L. BLACKMER, C. M. E. April 25th, 1863. [wtor-tda | NEW SPRING | GOODS. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST OPENED AN ENTIRE New Bteck of Goods, at the Store of Tomkine’ Corner, embracing « general assortment of Pancy and Staple Goods, as folluws: Oroebery, are, —_ und Forks, Orwsed, Pow- a =a + Oetied, Pepper, ERAL ASSORTMENT OF EPING ARTICLES ; Baskets and Buckets, hoops.) Charnes, Well-Backets, Oedar Tubs, Wire *, mm yng éc., 20., eith many other articles, con- ET tn ee en CASH OR BARTER. Boyden Provisional Notth | their bandful of th fgpeanate Carolina, and bat for the *s ballct, ae satoe bad, Paip “must Fiserv, ies mae pe? inntigated by W..W. olden, Nash Caro: | them al , What cari Alabama and “= lina would gore back intoithe Union | Arkansaa, and Lonisiana, do in 1866, under the wise statesmahship of! with them swarming at the polls in my- Me Boyden.—Raleigh Register’ riads !—Parker 4 | —_. — dint | An Oridinance for the submission of) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Western B. EC. Bail-Boad, tit . STATESVILLE, March 14, 1868. Executors Sale. A, Meetina of tive Stockbohlerg of nis Com- : lhe pany is called at Newton, +} $56,000 BANK BILLS || %: ie | — WE, RILE SELL «the Court Houta in pas we : N.C, on second By order ¢ poh a Ed ( size), Tow bile re eu the flowing én teen, $20,000 of the Bank of Oupe Fear, _| * “tlenrnment ‘taee a > ogeeeaee. Valaable Horses for Sale. for sale two very . ses—one a beautiful bay pony, by teSe''| ronemters Sorrel Meese, er yeora shd-— law. =, Raleinh; Sentiasl and W'il- | « splendid buggy and sulky antnal. tis aa hoo tcnatenones Catena | La TAS the rn for tod = to sei Tae: iad Yadkin Co., on Cc. sentatives in the Get Aseembiy, and Southern Shoe Pactory ! fe hbo by the people mader this Gon. Shelly Brothers & Co., Vogler & Co, ‘stitution... .. oth eel Tree a+ Want ? : A i SES : neg tay wegen pe one _ THOMASTILLE, ) & MANUFACTURERS OF each District, as uot ses hee 4 Se Mens, Women, Boys & Misses |* ‘tablished, at the same time .and .. ‘ 7 ntiitel pre hs as , ion of the: Gonati- 8 SUCCESSORS of J, Shelly & Son—es- tionA Baide shall be conducted tablished in 2869— We are manofactorin she -aud under the’¢ame } Men’ Women's; Misses and Children's of eS nh nj Re se ny we a divanee. a be See Oor Shoes are mrde of good materials and-| selves, aud will wethink, ComParn Favon- ! aoe yale Cnaqputien) ow: ‘warranted to have no shoddy in ABLY both as'to Quanity and Prior, with persons chosen '€ ‘Particular attention paid to orders. Send j ‘any ever broughtinto the State. flection, ; aul! ii ad & nay Potwaw Sar ~h mate 2-3m-820 : nin: , May |) “ 1868° | eee Salisbury, N. 0. April 27, MdimuoRY Nee ILL be fuund as complete « stock in eve- W ry line of Goods as any in the omen, and at which 1s known to be ae perk gw hens His were bought fo time of the thanks to my frie#ds for their thes stock great advantage, Rwpaety, 4. W. BITTING, Sslishary. N. C.. April 27. 1968. two Accents Wanxtep vor THE OFFIGIAL HISTORY FO THE WAR, Sis Cannes, Character, Conduct and vo ia I By WON. ALEXANDER W. STEPUEAD. A Book for all Sections, and Parties. This work presents the only com- plete onl isapartial analysis of the Coles of the War yet published, aud gives those ie- | terior lights and shadows of a5 gt | fliet only known to those high who | watched the flood-tide of revolution from ite | fonntain springs, and which were 80 acces- | sible to Mr. from his position as | second officer of the ee woege | AEE | "Toa public that has been with APPARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUC- | the as omy ° | War has AT LAST found « historian | worthy of its im | it will receive sa be is a native of Obid, and may trying tp anhs his way in that di ” aid “v4 ” : rN a " - Api 15th 1868." °°” wk ar Neatly Exeerted ab thie, Offon. LD NORTH Tidated in th Bawwes ber: ore TT be be which oil > rekly, A ae og ae — [ H i is if Fi t n a ; E i | Fl Gen. F.P. Buarn.—The Norfulk Jowr- nal has the following in regard to this | Go distinguished eoldier and civilian . dleton Gen. F. P. Blair, original free-soiler, he would coneiliate that sentiment in the great Northwest, where the Germans do most abound. As an old-line Democrat, brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, bis name would rally the thousands of “Old Hi ” men who | have not affiliated of late with the Co H for the Presidency a soldier who volunteered to for the Union, and a member of that family which; of all others in this country, has proved its devotion to freedom and nationality. vitation tendered him by the citizens of Lynchbarg tomake a public speech in that place previous tu his removal to New York. We give one para- graph: “Bat gentlemen how gloomy soever may be oar surroundings new, there we yeta ‘silver lining’ to fthe elond ry ed over as in the ausp'cious and cheering fact that the matterings ot a signal and decisive revolution among the of the Northern States are Peehy diatinet y audible ; and, if I mistake not, the gale that sweeps from the North in November next will bring to us all the welcome assorance of deliverance and peace. It is simply impossible that in any country where intelligence is liffused, and where the ballot is free, such an arrogant, malignant, unprincipled and SALISBURY, N -l ville /ress, of the 27th, tells of a duel . €, MAY 15 4 i if Halpine school that they only waste breath and paper and ik if they imagine their threats, or their vows, or their oaths, meet with anything but contempt from the more than a million of actual, posi- tive, unconverted and undeniable men in the West and the border States All this means that the War Democrats will not su will not sapport Seymour * Foor, ‘ow, isn’t this a pretty piece of basi- ness for @ Northern Drakeatees to be in? Atatime when all should be cc § they are sowing the seeds of discord disraption simply because faction is too greedy after the spoils This division of sentiment isa good thing for the Radicals. -Grantsmokes his “Havana” with increased relish as he watches the progrens of these unfortanate breaches iu the Democratic ranks for be knows that without it he will never oc- cupy the Presidential chair, or wear a crown.— Morning Star. ee A Texnessxe Doet.—The Nashs it st with rifles in Overton county, some two weeks ago, between two youn ex confederate soldiers, named Wai ron and Jarvis. Their families had been at variance, but a reconciliation had occurred. Nevertheless young Jarvis, ander the influence of drink, ake d ingly of the courage of aldron. latter thereupon sent him a challenge, and it was agreed they would fight with rifles at one handred and fifty paces. At the first fire Jarvis was wounded through the fleshy part of the left arm, while his bullet whistled savagely just above his antagonist’s head. “Are you sat- isfied,” said the wounded man's sec- ond to the other's friend. “ Waldron wants gnother shot,” was the reply. A savage smile lighted up the fea tures of young Jarvis as his arm was bound ap to staunch the blood, but he said not a word. The rifles were loaded again, and once more at the ipa the two men wheeled and fired. Ne reports were almost simaltancons, Waldron ran forward a few steps, staggered, reeled, and fell into the arms of his friend bleeding and sense | lees. Ile was shot through the heart. Haley went slowly home, saddled his horse, and tellmg his tamily that he | was going to Mouticello, left the coun | try. — -—~—- From Washington. rt Pendleton and that the |i 1868. OO, Teak!" miadapess tenis. remexhe, order. builders, why it ‘estern laborers. ing titled an act to provide for the ‘more ef ficient government of the rebel States, passed h 2nd 1867, and the acts eoguy thereto, framed and a ¥ ation of a State government, which is blican in form, and the Legislatare of State has duly ratified the amend- ment to the erp gray valle United States, proposed the 29th Congress, and Maced o Asicle XIV, Therefore, be it enacted, that the State of Arkansas is entitled and admitted to representation in Congress as one of the States of the Union, upon the following That the Constitution of Arkansas shall never be so amended or changed so -| as to deprive any citizen or class of citi- seus of the United States of the right to vote, who are entitled to vote by the Con- stitution herein except asa mishment for such crimes as are now at common law, whereof the par- ty shall have been duly convicted.” A delegation with the North Carolina Constitution and several members of Con- : prolonged —eecret ses- sion resulted in the adoption of the fol- lowing: that the Court adjourn to Mon- day at 11 o'clock when it will consider the rales, and vote ou the several Articles which shall be taken at noon on Taes- day, without debate. The speeches shall be lnmited to fifteen minutes on the entire subject, apd not on each Article. The members may file written opinions within two days after. The vote on the Articles to be publieh- ed with the proceedings.. Motions re- garding the form in which the Chief Jas- tice shall put the question to Seaators— were tabled. From Washington. Washington, May, 7, P. stated that adjournment to Monday was at the instance of Chase whe desires time to reflect on the proper mannerof patting the questions. From South Carolina. Washington, May 7, M.~ Only Trum- a opposition to the | reckless polit cal organ:zation as the | bull, of the doubtful Senators, voted the new , because, as be clear-| Radical party can long exi-t. It has | agains: the publication of the speeches in North Carolina ‘asbington is better known. No secession, im the year ool Ua ciea cone ed great which it was body of his political friends, on accountof oot a manager lt bane bagarsehora ‘ing for troops, abandoned tho principles of the Bell and Everett party in 1960, Mr. Abys- ae mate at od ool Abye i do so t war, never) presents for a day hesitated in avowing bis ai tach- remained pebel Union. He, as all kove,! the acee-| maintained bis consistency daring the a ty dain ce Deemed steadfast ad- io voeage of reconstruction. He refused to| large ex- cotene Oe preeenean Gov. Vance rt. |n 1864, in the latter gentleman's arrival to was @ terrible offence. Luderd, devired to net almost every decent and intelli- treaty; be gent man in the State refuse to do the ‘ an wutograph letser to Som same! Aa of the returns of V asking « permission to send an that cleetion show. py ig ee the let a ee ter Penglaod ‘ebracry, 1863, spectable person knows well that Mr. ‘i remamed amanewered ; and Boyden was in favor of recone ruction an- soou te that this cireumetanee, der the recent Acts of Congress, and pub- with a with Mr. Stern, a micion- hely advised everybod ra cary Igy ary, whe, ina book on A ja, had vention. He leo advised the — tpekre of the king, and agsinet any to oppose the doings who had remonstrated against thr ‘ot the late autil their section to death of two interpreters, the was made pablic, when he publicly and) king's , anda year aher having ie dacentihall GU teandutend Vile, bn cont arwed force oo the station, ly proved, thet instrument did not meet) coard the missionaries, and them in the reqeirements of the Reconstraction | chains. Healeo enst Mr. into! Acts, Mr, Boyden also declared in all | prison, and had bim chaiced continually his public speeches that no man was more released it was oot antil the second half of Aagust 1865, that Mr Raseam, an Asiat-, te by birth, was ceut on « I mission tthe = 4, or pean crived on bis arrival in February, 1966, loys. magnificent style, the release oft the king. Bat the soon to be disappoirted, Raseam and the other pri hope thas mised was for when Mr on the point of taking leave of the Em-| peter, they were pat ander arrest and no- tified that they would have to remain in the as State guests anti! an on- iment the charneter of Preodore ro town otro tor white he, in a0 tion of Me, Rassam to his wish of con- cclting with trim in what : y relations of the measares hie victima, Ava rea- son for his of condact, he after- Yard gave an report that English ¥ : and Tarkish troops were on their “" to invade Abyreinin. , _ Theodore’s letter was conveyed to England by Mr. Flad, s German mission. ary, who wae aleo the bearer of a letter from Mr. Rassam, in which he requested that English artisans be sent to engage in| for all State and County officers, who are the Abyssinian service ‘Tho’ English | to be elected by the people under this Con- some artisans for) stitution. the ving seat the. wporif mF Aa election for members of the enaat of totified the king that| Phited States shall be held in they would enter ‘his territory it he would | each as now ce- Nberate the The con-| tablished, at the same time and place as dition being not with, the arti-| the election for ratification of the Consti- sane A to . After exhaust-|tntion. Said election shall be eonducted retarned ing all diplomatic resoureos to.obtaia from Theodore the release of the captives, the being at once ordered by, ' be obtained to another letter | ~) voters of this State, registered and qoali- he| The vote on said Constitution shall be in the Constitation that were in no way effected anteld muschief in the and it will doabrless sarvive enough to aceomplish much more.— lover, and embalmed in the execra-| tiuns of histery forever.” ee re | made in retirement The vote was 20 to 28 A Soath Carolina Committee, with a protest against the Constitacion, will ap | pear before the Reeonstraction Commit ‘Theee remonetrances and personal regarding the situation pabliea -« The c..mplete city registration is whites | 10,234, blacks 6,737. The Couct opened bat immediately | conneeted with the Congressional plan of Tre Necross as Votras.—Tt is! closed the doors and went into secret ses- Reconstruction. Mr. Boyden's consistent Unioniom was well known at Washington daring the war, and it is a fact well known to Mr. Helper and others, that President Lineoln determined to appoint Mr Reyden Provisional Governor of Norh Carolina, and but for the assassin's ballet, inatigated hy W. W. Holden, North Caro ! lina would i gore back into the Union | Mr. Boyden.—uleigh Register. ——- } An Ordinance for the aubmiasion of | the Constitution to the people and the election of certain P vi8 Be +t ordained by the people of North, Carolina in Convention assembled, That | the Constitution adapted by tnis Conven- | tiow be eabmitted for ratification, to the fied, as provided by the acts of Congress known as the Reconstruction Laws, on the @iet, 22nd and 23rd of April, 1868. “For the Constitation” and “Against the Constitation.” The said election shall be held at the places and under the regula- tions to be ibed by the Command- ing Genel of this military district, and the return made to him as directed by law. ‘ Bee. 2. An election shall be held at the | same time and place as the ratification of the Constitution, for Senators and Repre-| gevtatives in the General Assembly, and doultfel whether a State now in the Union would not to-day repadiate colored | suffrage by an overwhelming majority were the question submitted. There is, therefore, good reason why the Southern States eo universally resist the Republi- | | can plans of reconstruction. paratively few colored citizens of ( on- necticut are anfit to vote, so mast be the were just | in 1865, dader the wise stateemanship of thousands and th@ueands in the Carolinas If Michigan and Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania, cannot control the action of their handful of theee uufortanate penple | at the ballet box, and so must exclade them altogether, what can Alabama and Arkansas, Mississippi and Lonisiana, do with them ewarming at the polls in my riads |\—Parker Pillebury. oe Tur Sarem Rarrroapn —\ friend at Salem, in a business letter, allades to the Railroad chartered by the \‘onvention to na Road to the town of Salem, and says : “We are determined to build this road There is an enterprise and energy con- nected with it that would surprise you, and which, with the means at our com- mand, will ensure ite saccess.” The citizens of Greensboro’ having re- solved to grade the road to the Forsythe line (in accordance with a proposition from the Salem people) it is understood that the road will run from Greensboro’ to Sa- | lem.— Charlotte Democrat. ~A man in New Hampshire crawled a quarter of a mile in sat- isfactien of an clection bet. The Georgia Hection. _ A April 30, P. M.—One hundred and pine counties give Bullock by the same persons and under the same regulations as before mentioned in this or 7,684 majority If the com. | run from some point on the North Caroli- | sion to-day, remarked in allading to the im | peachers, that their friends were mach | distarbed The Honse is in session but doing noth- ing | Gen. Gilliam has made a report to Gen. Grant, stating that the incomplete retarne show a majority of over 1,200 tor! ratification of the conatitation in Arkan sas. If his order had been complied | with the reenlt would have been indis putable Bat there are in the counties of | Pulaski and Jefferson 1,900 votes which | | cannot be ascertained to be either for or | against the Constitution Where there) |irm gularities eecur each parity charges | the other with frauds. Nominated. Richmond, May 7, M.- The Repnbli- can Convention this morning nominated | | Geo. W. Booker, of Heury County, | for Attorney Gencral. From Washington—Impeachment and other Matters. Washington, May 7, P. M—Honse:— A deficieney of $87,000 for the adminis- tration of he Reconstruction Acts in the third mtlitary district, was reported. A joint resolution ordering the Presi- dent to send war vessels to the Gulf of St, Lawrence, to pr fishing i and to demand a reparation for certain injarics. In the course of the debate, Pike said, ‘Who is afraid of war? The resolution asks nothing but that your laws shall be be enforced.” An amendment was pre. »sed to send vessels to the coast of Ire- to take care of American interests there, was rejceted. During the debate Pike thought some one called him a cow- Charleston, May 7, P. M.—Gen. Canby has issued an order postponi: the meet- ing of the Legislature, which had been fixed for the 12th inst, antil Congress shall bave approved the new Coastita- ou. M —It ia) ne & drop of his blood, or . or Kis lizabe, he i tte to Constitation won’t stand in his way. {Langhter.] I can think of no meth od but that of a convulsion of the earth that should project the President to this infinitely distant apace; buta shock of natare of so vast an Laat 4 and so great a might unsettle even the so firm mem- bers of Congress. [Langhter.] * * How shall we accomplish it! Why, in the first place, nobody knows when that space is but the learned Mana~ ger himself (Langhter}, ard he is the necessary puty to execute the jonooment of the coart. Let it, then, provided that in the case of your sentence of deposition and removal from oftice, the honorable the astro- nomical Manager shall take into his own hands the exeeation of the sen- tence. With the President made fast nited States May dey broad —= strong yer hen, wee. +e, > and having already essayed the flight mane by aagiaatiia, bector™ prepared to| . Pena oo execute it = oe soak ad-|¢ talesace bond onse,598,000:00 vantage of ladders, as far as ladders would go, to the top of thie high eapi |g tat bende ee tol, and spurning then with his feet} jg) 283,677,200 00 the Goddess : iberty, let him set! ¢ per cont. 5- oat a his flight [langhter}, while 442,065,450 the Honse of Onn a all the| Navy Pension ” people of the United States’ shall] Fund 13,000,000 00 shout: “Sie itur ad astra /? [Laugh ter, lond and long Aero Here $1,963,378,291 80 an oppressive doabt strikes me. How] pesT BEARING CURRENCY INTEREST. willthe Manager get back! How,|6 per cent. 23,982,000 © when he gets beyond the power of 3 Year Compound gravitation to restore him, will he| Interest Notes, 44,573,680 00 get back? And so ambitious a wing | 3-year eee 00 as his cou! never stoop to a down-|3 Per cent. ward flight! No doubt as he pasegs| = sqasaeme se the expanse, that famous question of Cralyle, by which he cnr out the 269,;296,9%0 00 littleness of homan affairs, ‘What| “4TO8ED DEBT WOT PRESENTED FOR “einer — of them, as he leads his PAYMENT. ‘ punting dogs over the zenith in their/3 7-30 , leash of sidereal fire!” will ocear to ima the Managers. What, indeed wonld/ 1867. 1,075,960 00 Bootes think! cf this new constellay | Compound Interest tion [laughter] looming throogh| Notes, matured |space, beyond the power of Congress June 10, to ‘send for persons and papers#—| 15, August 1 {Langhter.) Who shall return, and October 15, De- how decide in the contest there be»| , ember 16,67. 4,745,280 00 gan, in this new revolation thus es- Bonds, Texas in- tablished? Who shall decide which |. Semaey 260,000 68 is the eun and which is the moon !— pan any ler Who shall determine—the only seien-| ja¢4 lane litle test—which reflects the hardest 165,461 64 apon the other?’ (Laaglhiter.) Bonds, April 15, TUE WOODPECKER'S FORE. ane, 0, SIGHT. wane The woodpecker in California is a tn = —- storer of acorns. The tree he selects! debtedness 18,000 is invariably of the pine tribe. He ve bores several holes, differing slightl 906,283 in vize. at the fall pa om DEBT BEARING WO ONTEREST. * then fliee away, in many instances to a long d stance, and retarns with an Another Manager Brought to Ridicule. Mr. Boutwell having said in his epeech that there was in the Southern heavens a spot across which no plan et or body of any sort moved, and lthat the earth ought to upheave itself; The succeeding winter the acorn re- and send thim to this desolate region for panishment, Mr. Evarts thus takes A Massachnectta member of Congrees,| down the uther Massachasetts fledg | when it is attacked by m ing “I may as conveniently at this | point as afterwards, pay eome atten | harvest his wisdom has provided, at tion to the astronomical punishment which the learned and h--norable Manager (Nr. Boutwell) thinks should be applied to th's novel case of im- peachment. Cicero I think it is who saye thata lawyer should know evs erything, for, soner or later. there is no fact in history, in science, or in haman knowledge, that will not come into play in hia argument. Profound- ly sensible ot iny ignorance being devoted to a profession which sharp ensand does not enlarge the mind, I can admire withont envying the sas perior knowledge evinced by the} honorable Manager. * Bat, nevertheless, while somo of his col | leagues were paying attention to an! unoccupied and unappropriated is | land on the surface of the seas, Mr./ Manager Boutwell, more ambitious, | had discovered an untenanted and appropriated region in the skies (Laughter), reserved, he would have us think, in the final councils of the Almighty, as a place of punishment! for convicted and desposed American Presidents. [Langhter.} Now. at first I thoaght that hie m nd had be- come so enlarged that it was not sharp enongh to observe that the Constitution had limited the punish- ment [Laughter]; bat, on reflection, I saw that he was as legal and logis cal as he was ambitious and astronos acorn, which he immediately sets 32,450,489 aboat adjusting to one of the holes ’ CertiGdates of re as for its reception, which will| Deposit 19,357,000 00 dit tightly in its positivn. Bat te he does not eat the acorn, for, asa 407, cry rale, he is not vegetarian. His object] Total = ary ~y ne 38 in storing aver the acorn exhibits | Amount in Trease- | foresight, and know of results| ‘y, coin, 105,909,658 00 more akin to reason 1S vo instinet. | Amount in Treasa- ry,carreney, 32,174,136 82 mains intact, bat becoming saturated with rain, is predisposed to dong, 139,083,794 62 a —_ : |eeem to delight in this special food. It at bof Geta 56 lig then that the woodpecker reaps the Aon nies & > Guepaet othtintans of a tine when, the ground being curs | aed —resatbeaers feats ia aobganons ered with snow, he woald experience |oo ist of May, 1868. a difficulty, otherwise, in obtaining Huon McCottoca, snitable or palatable food. It isa Secretary of the Treasury. subject of speculation why the red | A comparison of the above statement with wood pecker’s taste, frequents only the poe interest has deereased $21,390,- onteide of two trees; bat trae it is, ag "he matared debt not presented that in Calaveras, Mariposa, and oth The dake bes bas decreased po. ag ter districts of California, trees of this 77.640 ae as eae he $1, kind may be frequently seen covered | 99 196 710, while the debt riage “_e allover their trunks with acorns, } h * 1T.. rl i when there is notan oak treo within = a = 20,600,080 ‘paper : wood cedar or the sngar pine is inva riably selected. It is not probable that the insect, the most dainty to the several miles.—A. B. Barton. i. GEN. LEE AND EX-GOVERNOR LETCUER The editor of the Lynehbarg Vews being a fellow passenger with these gentlemen on their late visit to this city. says of them,in a letter to his “Gen. Lee received the salatations and respectfnl compliments of many of his friends, not only in Lynchburg, bat at all points along the roate.— These he received with that anruffled dignity and graceful politeness which have ever distingnished him, and he seemed to pay with equanimity, if not with cheerfulness, the ‘penalty of the ballot you won’t get Suppo [Telegtaphio Cor. of the New York Herald.) . Phe Death Penalty. Shocking paeettae Orime and Pas ke Hoaged forthe i ab é ors t were arranged. by der of Laure Foster. aah m= on deat both of Shen tf Wacson, A gallows constrac- yore sentence without exhibiting any visible | 'e4 of gph poe. —o held. the Sraresvitte, N. C., emotion. She is apparently about twen- | th road depot in an © eld—as May 1, 1868. ty-five years of age, is A Megitimate | ‘here is no public place of execution daughter of one, Carlotta Foster, and is a most beautiful woman. She is entirely aneducated, and though living in the midst of depravity and ignorance has the man- ner and bearing of an accomplished ey, d ite and all the natural powers ‘that shou — fe the Burdell trial follow- ed. evidenee was entirely circum- | grace & high born beauty. This may in stantial ; bat at nearly balf-past two, P.| part account for the great influence she M., Thomas Dula ‘sulfered edeath pen- | obtained over Dula, with whom she is ille- gitimately connec that he persistently of her participation in the murder, Paalive Foster, the principal witness against both the :ecused, is remarkable | for nothing but debasement, and may be! j-| dismiased with the statement that she has fal, bus frail girl, who was decoyed from | since married a white man and given birth her father’s house in Caldwell county to | to a negro child. a place in Wilkes known as the Bates Thomas Duala, the condemned man, murdered. The|is abo.t twenty-five years old, five | feet eleven inches high, dark eyes, | dark curly hair, and thongh no; hand- poste a grave already prepared for it}gome, might be called good-looking. ; in August of the same year the body | He fought gallantly in the Confeder~ Am them, that it was generally be was found in a state of sach decomposi-| 4s. service, where ho established a|ticved he murdered the husband of a reputation for bravery, but sinee the ; | war closed, has become reckless, de- moratized and a desperado, of whom : §: man was enciente. pression to indicate the rardened as "The disappearance of Laura excited no alarm for several days, as it was sap- ate ; } posed she bad gone off to get married |lonsness that is revolting. ‘ or to visit some uaintances in Wa-|and jokes when spoken to of hisa county; bat at h the opia-| proaching end, and exhibits a shoe lan heonmns general that she bad been} ing indifference as to hereafter, refus oully dealt with, and a genezal search z ing persistently all spiritoal comfort was institated, without success at the} trom attending clergyinen. Yester- time. The comm aaa 7 ia the vieinity of) day evening hissister an this tragedy is div inate two entirely who caine with a wagon tu ta body, sent him a note from his aged tod and intelligent, and the other, living ted, and also for the fact denies all knowledge Bw mouny ly attract~ tiosity ‘to see an eral among the ig “pociety. pre- lin Statesville—was the place selected \for the final tragedy. A guard bad jbeen summoned to keep back the crowd and enforce the terrible death penalty, and forthe berter preservas ition of order, the bar rooms were closed. The curious, nambers of the = who had never seen a gallows fure, visited this structure, eyeing it with strange feelings, and ag it was merely two uprights, with a space of about ten feet aud a cross piece on top, under which the cart with the above and th BY HANES & BRUNER. ~ to control Congress or the Exeou- tive, but to have only such influence a§ the foree of their reasouing may deserve,” SALISBURY, MAY 15, 1868. In our last issue we commented at some | Jackson, and that we think they have might be teuproud to make them in |i, omcer who takes C sho ¥ public. Lis reti¢ence, however, ia) Conmteatiagn aipanes dah be will sopport it es stand the Constivation just as we acconnted for by the wish i he | he lene it, and =o as nd flonagergeres ing the canvass, : would not implicate his accomplices, | by others. | It, isas m ty ————.,7-~——— ‘ . of the Senate, and Mrs. Ann Melton, now to be tried... | Boos chee rs eee ie eae HON. D, RB. GOODLOE, ot}, pamphlet copy of hie letter to. We need not say that we reject in toto} Mr. Goodloe admits that there aré many THE IMPEACIIMENT CASE. | the doctrines laid down by Jefferson and }obnoxious provisions in the new Oonstita- condemned had to pass, many singe \lar obeervations were made. the jailto the condemned man’s former companions in the army from the mountain region in whieh he lived appeared upon the streets, and sume singular remiviscen- ces of his former life were related. woman at Wilmington, in this State, jduring the war, with whom he had j then criminal intercourse, The opin- Previous to his. being taken from allows, many of the length upon this case as stated by Mr. Bingham. Butin doing so we confined oarself to the President's right to construe the lawd for himself in certain cases. Another charge made by Mr. Bingham is that the President has “assumed to him- self the prerogative of inte:preting the Constitation” for biiself, a9 well as the laws of Congress. The President is sworn to support the Constitation as well as to execute the laws of Congress made in pursuance thereof. And how can be support the Constitution without know- been the fruitful source of much of the evil which bas afflicted the country. But we will not stop to discuss them at length here. That it was the duty of the judges to pass a sentence of fine and imprison- ment upon a man convicted under the Se- dition law because they believed the law to be constitutional, and of the Executive to prevent the execution of the sentence be- cause he believed the law to be unconsti- tational, as claimed by Mr. Jefferson, seems to us to be a paradoxical absurdity. Yet, however absurd the doctrines of the people in his vicinity had a tet, ror. There is everything in his exe sassin—a fierce glare of the eye a deal of malignity, and a cal- He langhs i d herhusband | bollow eqnare, the con ke his | !ed forth atiended by the Sheriff and : mother, entreating him to confess the troth for her sake, so that she would he satisfied of his guilt or innocence. ion of all was that he was a terrible, desperate character, and from their knowledge -of his former career an anxiety and singular cnriostity was) excited among them to see how he died. Few there were who pitied jhim, dying, as they believed him, | guilty, without a confession, and none sympathized with him. At eightoen minutes before one o’- clogk, the guard sit formed in demued was j/Some gesietalts, and with a sinile ap on hie features, took his seat inthe cart, in which was also his cottin, be {side his brother in-law. The pros these distinguished worthies may seem to us, they were maintained by many other great men besides Mr. Jefferson and Gen. Jackson. They have even received the assent of many of the most distinguished men of the present radical party, inclading among them Charles Sumner and B. F. Wade. Justified by such precedents and ing what it ist And how can he know what it is withoat an “interpretation” of it? Itis simply impossible. Then, in respect to such parts of it as have never been interpreted by the Supreme Court, he has the same right to interpret it that he has to construe the laws. His own in- or Lakad sar We are indebted to this gentleman: Samner on the condition of affairein Carolina. When we have had an oppor tunity to read it fully we will notice it ' tion which he is for changing at the ear- Tiest time possible, He also contends with much show of reason, that the late election in North Carvlina for State off- cers and members of Congress are uncon- |' stitational and void. In writing this letter we have no doubt that Me. Goudloe has been actuated by the best of motives—a desire to promote the welfare of the people of his native State. While we differ from him in many things we yet have- the highest respect for him, arising from our conviction of bis perfect honesty ‘and sincerity. ee THE IMPEACHMENT. It will be seen by reference to our news column that the final vote ou impeach- ment in the Senate has been postponed until Saturday. From this postponement no inference can be drawn bearing upon terpretation, made with the assistance of his legal advisers, must be the rule of his conduet antil a different interpretation is made by the Sapreme tribunal. To make out the shadow of a case against the President in this regard it will be necessary for Mr. Bingham to show that he has assnmed this prerogative in defi- sustained by such authorities should Mp. | Johnson have been impeached if he had! fallen into the same error 1 Did the great | leaders of the Whig party in 1832 bold | that Gen. Jackson ought to be impeach-| ed for the course whieh he then parsued 1 No. They expressly disclaimed thas it was| the final reanlt. Both parties, we learn, are confident, bat we incline to the opin- ion that the President will be deposed.— The cause for the postponement is the illness of Senator Hew- ard, of Michigan, who, it is, hoped by those favoring conviction may be able to attend on Saturday, Should be be une- did dur- | ment whieh Messrs. 2u ) é 5 EI ? rf = ©: i Py bp annten ee af tg rN ey © Deas 9 ier 2. if 24 | z i FI G EE Ce n te t it will be out of our power te attend. on the spars and ridges of the mountains, r ; ‘ . fj chawte a i is ignorant, poor and depraved. A state Bat farther than asking that they be | evssion moved slowly aroagh ' NC | ice of that tribunal. ‘This he has not] s case for ism a nent— thes 8 wae ent —_———— le. 8 of immoraity unexampled in the history allowed tosee him, whic h_ reqnest ae ogrealeraes by a han wa: paved bd Wiadalegaldes aches ts aad ay | te to — yell pepe post- Ges Rinwoiin Meanie oun poe of any country exists among these people, | was refused, he said nothing. Hej male and female, whites ale Py wey nf he cunld da this be ,woellisnthd | chaine-ef consire thuongh the Seante Pa | sarees y highly gracifled w-day, im tooking moerat and such a general «ystem of freeloveisa | -'1!! remained defiant, nor showed many being iv carriages aud many : ped bs , But there are doubtless other causes Mesers, Crawierd & flellig’s Haniwore <.4n te, that it ia “em wiee child that] any signs of repentance, and seemed | on horseback and on toot. While on | out a case of usurpation, according to oar| declared that if it was a case tor impeach-| which have had something to do with the | 1: cowtains mare bithe * @icks” er devien sents nme father.” «This is the Bates |1o ! ave some hope of escape, thoagh the way to the gallows he looked | view of the Cons*itutional functions »i| ment the Senate could not discuss it at! matter, Prominent among these te the | ns cow dutch hte whieh | Place. where the body was discovered by! ),¢ did not eay so. A ceufession had cheertul and spoke continnally to his| the coordiuate departments of the gov-| all, as, iu the eveut of impeachment the! estseme unpopularity of Senator Wade | ing of iabur tina any other establishment Let ws bleed marks, and where some ten or! been looked for that might either ex~| sister of the Serptures, assuring her} no aye | - id " = »een looked f « I ‘ ernment, and we would be the last to de-| Senators would become the judges. How resident hn of the | chy— ing tha : } Ty Se ' ; DIGS 7 coe ay ‘thar 0 eee who is to become P; case cy — Machines, large sod sali, tor almow ng are living ia onerate or implicate still further, his) he had repeuted at that his peace fend hiw. diffi from the cond e : } twelve families . ; my fereut from t nduct of the radical al of Mr. Johnson. Bo is his ‘house keeping, farming, gattentag, sau lawe oh deoctied. 11 is a poor ign Fe covered alleged accessory, Mra. Melron,) was wade with God. At the gallows B. if thi ld besho 1a! se tthe ur. remov r. * great ~— with thinbow and «dense woder-growth. |b or this he refesed to give, and left the| throngs of people were already as-| Bat sven i ib con isauete vais «) Nseilels © the present day. Even the/ unpopularity, even with his own party,/or other purpass of a cape mer hs been made to conceal |i preasion that she is not guilty and|sembled, the uumber of females bev be proved as clearly as the light of day,| resclation of censure was afterwards: e-| sha; should Mr. Johneon be acquitued i, c™mmpritet as sknost endie varteey a i; the by covering it pee anes ja. |shal! not be “blowed” apon by hie, | ing almost equal to that of the males, | ie there vo precedent that could be pleaded | punged may be ascribed partly to that eanse.— ee al Seka woilitas Boss r gteaned ve thongh the contrary is generally be |The few trees in the tield were crowd. | im mitigation of the offence. Have none! But President Johneon has acted all the | And there is reason to belicve that the | Mies ‘hat, aevlul. Tt is vain to at — 4 & = Br — lieved. He partook of a hearty sap-|ed with men and boys, and under| of the long list ef American Presidents, | time upon the opposite doctrine. He was jure parwular description; you must States Pasliad Foster, an illegitimate coutia: of eee at puke lightly, butlevery imagivable shade that was heuer ed ly ab vore was postponed in order to prevent | he stove sad get the propristsny to of svi Pony eee like heraleo frail, as| Per, augh and spoke lightly, but) y a ae) whose names we , ever ersnyed to| as profoundly penetrated with the eonvie- Wade from occupying the Presidential jog their goods io onder to realign bow volee | gly ae Pauline was then ser-| ere the jailor left him, it was discov. | present, were Luddled tugethar every | construc the fandamenial taw for them-| tion that the reconstruction acta of (on-| chair until after the adjournment of Chi- | wsalvase ouch elector Melton, and between ber and | ered that his shackles wets loose, a! imaginable species of humanity. : - ae , jo om = ep establishment » vant to ‘ By : selves? Have none of them ever assert-| gress were unconstitutional as Mr. Jef- Couveution vext week, as the - | commenity of tmultitedinous ead tiowal | Dale a criminal intimacy Was known to/link in the chain being filed throngh | Seon the procession came in sight <i sic sia rin ee fe ld Sly he cage te pest y varied w. tw ite t exiet, and hence suspicion more particu | with # piece of wndow glass, whieh |accompaned Ly horsemen dach ng | 0S Sere right to lnlerpret Consiittn: | ferson could possibly ses been that the | ponement was moved and carried by those — ot a larly attached to the culprit, becanse Pan-| was also found concealed in his bed. jover the field. dispersing the crowd, } Hoe for themecives, aud to act apon that| sedition law was unconstitational. And! Senators who are kuowu to be for couvie-| Tax Wasat Caor—Tad .Weavnen — lew of fine had mysteriously —— for a| While this was being adjnsted, he | and at ei ht minates past one the cart | interpretattwn, a coutrary interpretation | moreover he believed them to be ruinoas| vietiva. Wade it ie well known, aspires | hee crop to Uris section of the State is This tise efter the murder. Her character] pisred savagely. and in a j cose man-| was halted ander che gallows. The} by the Sapreme Coart votwithetanding 1 tothe country. Yet be oever t of fol- ice Presid ing Ny foe, It ip eorlier than Pi £ ge J to the nomination for the Vice I y | 7 deretas was the mont abandoned of all, and un-| nor said it had been so fur a month condemned man appeared unuffecied | If any of the honored and reepeeted pre-| lowing the precedent set by Mr. Jefferson. by that Coovention, and it was feared tinat | POM Of It being mow in bead, Since the y will ne der tha laftecoce of bounty she oy pai ag Being at last. left for the might | by the sight, but talked incesantly to! deeesors ef President Johnson have s0| He did not, as alleged by Mr. Bingham, | if installed into the presidential office now | *284 it bas pot beeo as early or hwked = our ad “oy rome = oe psa at »y the jailor, be ince tog Mr [his - er and othere of religion, Me “| acted, without proveking impeachment, | assume to decide upon their constitation-| he would so jiguat Us parenage PAT. this seasoe of the year a8 af prewor 1 Alison, one of his counsel, be eent ing, if possible, tu aeoure them that} eae nee We | | there is great treason 40 fear that it 4 bees yg soirogcesd Pee. for, and while charging him with the | he had repented. Upon being told | the “a 2 a pt ‘ i ‘ a a — = re donbts himself, bat |i geeare it. Sach nomination will net | esreged the conta ut seatber. PRIM Bw 5 v strictest injunctivns to secrecy while | by the Sheiff that he conld address | = " Sdotciatel coco ers then it was not his province to decide be at all aceeptable to hie party hence, it! died we ale ben ore " elte : - - A : . ‘ : w yee aor gro 8 he me jaar ac he was living, handed him the follow. | the assembled crowd, he arme. and | ste a similar offence in him. Let as see) snch questions. The Conetitntion had | is believed, these tactics. of the runt, “ae wet = usd was arrested and confined in the jail of ing, written in @ rude manner wi h ajturning hisdark eyes upon them spoke | whether euch hae been the case. eatabliehed a tribanal for the decision of| Sach heing the probable reasons of the | O°" 204 the remaider of the mouth of The : neil :— p aloud tice which rang back from! Daring the administration of the elder! sach questions, and it ¢ : : be dry we think the crop ieanfa. Orber was Wike Here she made a con-| Pe “ 4q and ould be decided or - » . i : - fees vs : \ , | postponement of the final vote on the im-| may be let, Asap to the preset tuo be f-emoa chon, who Statement of Thomas C. Dula.—\the woods aa if a demou there was! Adame the celebrated “alien and redition ober. T - A j v Me. M : 7 by no other. The law, having been pass- peachment of Mr. Jobuson we do not be- wvather bm bnew gem an che alleged, wee jeeloes of Leers, end|| declare that I am the only jereon mocking ihe tune mud sjirit Of 8) laws” were passed by the Fede neh by competent authority, must remain | lieve that i 1) tebe place Betarday, |.‘ ey secee” han Sew — The guided's party to the place where the | that had any hand in the marder oi| wretch who well kuew he ¥#8 gv" ine0 im power. These laws wert declar- | the epaastgrs 3 jlieve that it wi on | hope Sor dey weathee ts tlie Gir bw ude ag was duwcovered. Laura Foster. April dosh, 1868. jinie eternity wih an unconfessed | be 2 ecagds the lew aw apreme Coart rhea ld | hat that there will be another postpone- ioe phe Dale bad fied the country,| Besides this be had also written a) marder epon his mind an! faleelond | bar ban erecnmeracanrerentarsh tf SP pCenes decide upon the qaestion of its validity. | ment. “ sre bet wae and arrested in Tennes- | lengthy statement of hie lite, bution hie lips. lle apoke of his eaily )% Reyoblions perty. ae it wae thea eall- Notwithstanding the clearness of the Pasian Siete ~) 7. where he was found gery aera without referenee to the murder,|childhood, bis parenis, and bis sab ed. Every well informed man is famil-| President's convictions he executed the HON. NAT. BOYDEN peo . name. Fle was then im jail) which wae intended as an exhortaion | sequent career in the anny referred | iar with the sensation produced through-|Jaw. He, no doubt, was exceedingly : of forme a hommes vatican Pe = ron = to yonng men to live virtuously, and te the din! uf the Union. made! eat the coantry by the passage of those! anzious for the question to be raised be- |; ila cqgeamnary eclgeat’ aot — . non of § ~ —— Tend aan ee ears not be led astray in pails of vice a asphen allusions tothe Deity, gets. The clamor raised against them | tore the courts, and he probably encour = — Saye, Opened om yer Polar € had Bary of Witere, vos open fidaci, | be ¥ a There was nothing remark voking that nam ‘prove ageet-|nioee down the Federal party, and | aged the taking of the proper steps tee | ren? evening. We leare from him that prety t ¥ wal ,| able in this docamen!, though it cov-jtins that he knew were. sone of ; . ae | B . |tis name was among the two hundred aleeny. the trial was removed ts Jered fifteen pages. them, at leas, falee. The polities of — “ guaran ie | athe alee. ook bar hess ston Me | whose disabslities have been removed by as follows: a ‘e apne a Left alone in hie ecll on the last the country he discussed freely, and wed leak At eebneed) ihn ft. Jeferson as| President hae ever shown a greater ew ‘ote of the Hi ff ; After impeachment, the and that the Pit heel ecryglt erty ail aaa of his eartily existence, the! upow being iuifecwed. io reply to a| their President. The obnoxzions laws) mission to law, or a more anxions device | "5 that he es ia t Rayrseonttonh| Ske Repeblican on aoe to be fo daye by the people bere and of the ear. | savage fortitude that had ciaracter | question of his. hat Helden was clec | were etill apoa the statate book. Their to preserve the constitation. Even the! ee bi with the wid “| embodiment into law and ly atme Gites. Nearly all the peo-|ized his trials, sentence and imprison jied Governor uf North Carolina, be | Constitationality had been affirmed by the | impeachment managers themselves have = ae oom other members | of the of eee ' light of on Baws Place «cre examived,| ment began to give way, and heuer || anded that person as a secessionist Coarte. What did Mr. Jefferson do, did) bee i i ef the dalegution fvom this State. ship—the same in M diaut be 4 4 5 : : ’ been compelled to abandon their charges Careli rl ho tod? of oud the a ot extsnerdina:y revelations of | vously paced the flor ae iar as the jand a man that cus d not be trusted.| ye exeure the laws of Congress as be was | against him so tar as the President's in- sd dos anew in depraved were developed. Wil-|chain would teach. This was only [lis only reference to the marde: Was The Hail Storm of Thareday last. gas int | 5 sworn te dol Many of oar readers will! tentions were concerned : moet ae pou Foster, the father of the deceased, tes-|interrnpted throngh the whole night a halt explanation of the econntry ; : | ; d.dimportant damage to ereps in! tified that eben he arvse on the morning} by an attempt to court “Naturesjand the d ferent. reade and paths be surprieed to hewr as say that be did) And the question ts constantly being wofewty py et ‘ We | , pate « af Laura's porgag engaenle hie borse was, .weet restorer,” bat in vain, if a fit- leading to the scene of the mu Jer, | not, but it iweven so. He positierly refused asked “will the President be convicted.” j 2a) verotpn ds ne eatin rag ye a alee gone; that traeed the animal to fal half hour is excepted, and th n which hie only anwety was to slow to exeente the sedition law on the ground | Owing to the degeneracy of the times that _ reported tu we the total destrues| vibe aon . - Batre Place ; your breapdiers — condemned, after the weary minuies ilatrome two or three of the wit | that it was ancopstitational and void; and | question eannot be answered. In other tion of fields of wheat in tome cases ; like ov abech preg rg be ay akce “eats kes f that night, saw the last eun be! nesses swore falsely against him lle he elaimed and exercised the right to in-|days, when Senators would have been ayd in others, serious damage. We 4 conditia he enw and reengwiaed ber body; knew ~""" dever belwhd shed ite glurons; mentioned particelarly one, Jamee | terpret the Constitation in relation to the! judges, no one would have dared to pro-|#"¢ pleased to find, however, that the pres riant v? ST ee ead wie ein throng ie sur thee lo Late, be allege ba ned wate fr him To «ltr 00 the por he impeachment of he Prsdent we wring re of there doplny-| he we oe Be enon, — = = 7 cy eles ps ; ‘j m4 . \ A? Deets il eign at aah \ » been na babicet. Written to Ex-President Adamsj|such charges. This ie clear from the|@! itself in only a few localities, | Wry of the Grimes are ” the m” wo al i ei Vimets, ale seetied or ie hs A , g J i bere ie “ : we hy adr : sia a Menday saa time tomake an attempt »pray jiheseworn againat: him he would not|"® “iti —— het j | eases which we have ched. though It sseme to have passed over pn Hard spe - " | i mrglevery preen ander punish a ee We€uredar yectively, preeeding ber) Lat atillto then: aud all others deuy- have been thore. Thie concladed his ees ind tah, Se here Initen (et = - a the entire Jength of the eoanty. with euch dina go Meries wotimony went |ing hie guilt or any knpwledge ut the fapeech, which had lasted nearly one pecace Lennmlered and mow miler. the’) Cee friend pig tint ant ; eer oe oa to show that Laura and Dula were both murder. The theory/ seemed 1 be j hour, and after an appare ithy wffee-! aw ty be a nuliny ae absolute an] palpable » sl heat : " a san! ne renee G Cakes) od h oceasiot ecen on the worning vf the marder trav-|jthat he would « ow the perpie that t ate farewell of his sister, who shad oclered as ty fall down and rejoins to our article in reply to his on the en. nby's late order throwing drea, sling Ly dierent rvates from the diree- he could die “gatne” with an awtul was thea remes ed from the cart, the = zs - ce ee che past liunit ———— in the new Constitation, | apon the respective coanties the bur- abler Pieska tien of ber home, to vo ge I lace, with | rime resting upon hssoul. Kuriy pe. which all the time Siad) beet ee eee lace ts hove eocond rom | ™ whieh he merely reiterates his formerly |den of supporting such Degrues as ple i. Pi the ext a view, as was sapposcd, to marry Vala; ihe morning he was bapt sed by the vod ine neck, was thrown over the) tie fery furnace these whe shold have been expressed opinions without ing to » hav . ' lieve th shat Dala bad borrowed a waitock, the Methodist clergyinan, a! ! from tha: | gallows and tastened, Standing there | cast into it for retesing to worstep the image. | This he d te ee ove buen dieeha ged from oors | ay Gert ofa bed . fear it | hick tholavave was a : J A ee our arguments. ¢ does not attempt, vice fur voting the Rad 1 tick of our teaplement with © g dog, time engaged ferven'ly in prayer;/un the brink of eternty, this man, Ic wes accardimgly done m every welance with:| | a te ceete wh : : e! teal tHhenet * leat pers the day previews, and that he had been iurluhen left alone was heard sieak|calis in) the presence of that vast [Out ss<ing what the oGenders bad done, or | further soe ibe at certain radical the late election, is little else than a! them over too mat heard to say that be contracted a disease |. , ipgpiateieras ee ee wliait publicly the | 280% whom they hed MTended, but whether leaders said daring the canvass. This,|},road jnvitati hl ia that shall upos ef from the mardered girl for « bich be wou!d ing incuherently, Words occas e lly |erowd, refused to adinit: publicly (ne | i. nang they were suffering were inflicted un-| 2 oubaie ig no anewer at all wad © invitation fo wourt)iless NEKTOCS | out a ¥ depend be revenged upow ber. It was also ‘pro dropping from his lips in as latieeio| murder of whic they all believed | der tbe pretended sedition law Sie seed has aes —. b *! to quarter themselves apon the pub-| colors and instinets with Radics! is too tl ven that Dula hed changed hie name, and | the marder, but nothing that wasin |bim to be guilty. | And in another letter to the same, on ut od neig should lic for support. Itisa stroug meas | moniaes of Liberty, Equality and ¥ sider f when being brought back from Tennessee | te!! gible. And thus wore away the) Artwenty toar minnics after (w0,! 1 seme oabject, be says: have shown himself unsophisticated ry ity. why attempted to escape jlast hours of tue condemned. P. M.. the cart was moved, and the | oY ox 7 tak Vaccheod the |Proagh to take for gospel truth the decla- Se ee dewe—enforced by the us have and one only, rl ? lg Thie comprised the essential testimony.) 5x long had this execution been) body of Thomas Dala was suspended | 4 Es Mies patge res Mets «Rides | gations of polleisinns tn ap eusleed cne- strong arm of the military, and |citisenehi the length ar, , pnd the. witnesses generally appeared im-| pending, and as the wurder wascom- | between heaven nd earth. ‘Lhe fall ic but nothing in the C.stiretion has given | vase and use them as @ eA however unpalatable or oppressive, | breadth-of the land. i preseed with the idea that Dula was guil-/ mitted in one county. and the trial | was about two teet, and the neck was | thema right t decide for the Kagootive, more ee ee poe was oy dealing with rn must be borne! What next? ve must. be made to feel the | obtatnis ty, thoagh so” of them appeared anxious | had taken place in another, it became} not broken. Le breathed abont five | than fur the Executive to decide for them.— | ‘ . ¥ e eatiie pete: sure of the necessit p. render po effect his packed dee fear of come! wenerally thea ee aie We en- minotes, aud did not struggle, the pulse | Both magistrates are equally independent in the qnestion. We took up the article on Hev- We know th fe Lcod {platform to be ado; 4 of hie reckless assuciates in the mountains. | tire western section of the State. Ly | beating ten ininates, and in 13 min- bee agape re dort yr Oe gy ae enue aod Taxation and endeavored to and ie Seat st gua fe Toon oe the evactinent of — fact attempted to be Lehi fron jeleven o'clock, A. M., dense crowds! ates life was declared exiinet by Dr. | pase pias, Seven fine and imprisonment, be- “pply to it the rules which guide jurists | are Conservatives, so-called, fry per-| be that the disease contracted by I = “by (of people thronged the streets, the Campbell, attending sargeun. After | cause the power is placed in their hands by the and statesmen in the constrnetion of such | sons have reached a depth of political tht in the mardered woman was impa »Y | great nomber of females being somes | hanging fur twenty minutes the body |Constitotion. Hat the Executive believing the | ingtruments. Stieh, we submit, is the on-|degredation more easily imagi than! him to Mrs. Melton, who toreed him)” 0. extraordinary. These, however,| was cut down and given over to the)" unconstitutional was bound to resist the : deseribed. There : A —' te the commission of the crime on that | ly t fe ’ blie| afili a esi ( thie terribl execation of it beeause that er had been ly mode by whieh # true construction can ‘hints she wees and ber ot account. An was granted a a a oa erates oa sitchen! Tes = FIT Ne | confided to bim by the Coastitation.” \ be reached. ssoon aos aii one at ~ his ein etal =r ‘or >| criminal, run Benar p ade ; were foalrme reg FO to make but a eertain| Thasclosed the career of a man,| Nor was Me. Jefferyon the only Ameri Bat we will diseuss the subject no far-} | dencl ehetventien —_ Mer dar ge "same | class indicated by a bronzed complex-| who, though young in years, ignorant | cae President that entertained opinions ther. We are sure that our construction} Verily, “the breed seems not entirely|no security for Unem oo ptatp of Gucitement existed. Gov. Vance ion, rustic aitire, a quid of tobacco in! and depraved in character, was one like these. Gen. Jackson, io bis memor- is the correct one, but we are willing that! to have ren out” There are men in North | South, feolixigs. ueutly as- itici- mili despotian now govering ten Seopa to ite terme; and that the authority of the Constitation, as the supreme law of the laud shall be vindicated. This prodlamatiad the people cag un- derstand at will. approve, and if will not faterfere with assanlis apoo our adversaries.—Chicago Times sa PRIMITIVE OLIMATE OF THE EARTH. of the earth ‘4 researches on ra diaut heat, He hae fowsd that the pres ence of « few handredibs of carbon a y e r U t i FE L [f e t ; t f i F ; ul conversation, ted to have sa in answer to a question regarding Bing- bam's that he would not obey the Sonate aadate ® should 1 not obey if the forms Fa °F sponsibilities and with a cunstitational abase this, or any other power, the alone can bold them to sccount. people The ect avidethe fadgment. The people alone can settle with their agents for any abuse of their great truste. Terrible Earthquake —Immense Loss oS Life and Property. San Francisco, May 9, P. M.— Various terrible were experienerd et between the 25th of March hee and heases in W aie, Chi- thock a which came a tidal wave rixty f«t high, eweep- The earth op- Vast tend slides. in the meantime oe- curred, ing life and property. The sammi and side of « bill, fifteen handred -| feet high, was thrown a thousand feet over the tope of trees into a valley below. Gases tesued afterwards, destroying ani- mal and mort no obstacle to the passage of the eo | land by « stream of lava a mile wide. A lar would suffice to prevent almost volcanic display laminated the sea fifty the loss by radiation of obscure! miles. Ooe hundred lives and a half wadedadbaetepansty"wesll, seems an ’ troyed. poagpacr memati: g pend which the ' ese condisions of climate necessary to a luxu From Richmond. ee Hard Pressed. — We regret ts witness tach evidences of want aud rty, as we tee every day, tn the throng of black, and white, meh, Women and chil- dren, aa atoand the office of the Preedmen’s Bareaa. We do not know sider it a charity for the government to » provide for them, but a duty, hence not Tn sotme cance t obtaining employment that will pay, may render for help necessary. See ae algh Bontinc EO Me. Wade's Suocessor.—Ii is stated thu in care Mr. Wade becomes I’reei- dent, the Hon, I. J. Jewett, exanem, 2 ~| the shoulder and W difficulty of , ; ‘ de anything to woand a mother’s M.- The Sa Richavond, May 9, P “| preme Gourt to-day decided that in debts contracted in Oonfed.rate movey the amount shall be commuted at the value of money when the debt matured and not when it was contracied. Another decis sion was given by the same Court, is that note holders of the old Banks of the State shall not have preference in the division of gesete but depositors and all creditors ebare alike. téen thousand Confederate graves, at Oak- wood Cemetery, were decked with flowers, Duel. Baltimore, May 9, P. M.—A duel was fonght between B X. Green, of Missouri, and Daniel G, Wright, of Baltimore. At firat shot both were wounded, Green in ht in the leg. — Second shot demanded but seconds refa- acd. ‘The affair ended but the diffealty ia unadjneted. A Child with a Moustache. There is a female child fi teen with a moustache. It is black, and bouta quarter of an inch h the hair on the head ‘on June 3d. where company of Mr Whiting then fot tor 13th . Two thousand earth-| -~ hy The shock on The memorial eelebration to-day—Foar-| long, Over eight hundred thousand of the! were delivered to the aathoriti child is red, twas only a few days ville Tim y ever been excell. ate prayer; ‘ ; ode written forthe occasion, we learn, by Mrs. Mary B. Clarke, was utlemen.— uced the ora * .J. J. Davis, of Franklin, who delivered a touching and elo. quent address. Most of the erowd stood daring the entire exercises, aud all seemed interested in the D and appropriate services, The graves were most beautifully decorated with one and at a late hour the crowd r space will not allow a particu- lar notice of Oupt. Davis’ excellent -| addrese.— Sentinel. Horace Greeley says: For young men who are worth $1,000 each we regard Virginia, ‘Tennessee, and the Oarolinias, as very inviting. Twenty such may buy for lee} $10,000 an estaic large enough to cut up into twenty good farma, and then have half their money left for i vements, &e. By settling to- er and cherishing a fraternal irit, they may diminish by oneshalf the amount they must otherwise in- vest in teams, implements, &. We advise no pour young man to migrate South alone ; bat let twenty to forty go together, ouy an estate judicious- -| ly located, eut it ap, start a store, a blacksmith shop, a‘common school, &e., and they will double the value ‘of their purchase in oneyear, und be "}im good circnmrtances within ten years. There are as cheap lands and as good chances today in the South as in the West; bata man worth $100 may squat in the West ona quarter section jn some section remute .|from present eettioments, and grow into a competence ; whereas we could advise noone to migrate Southward with less than $500, while if he goes alone and eettles among utter strangere, he will need far wore than that. Vicious as old Greeley’s politics are and have been, there are yet some goed streaks in him. In the above | he tells the simple trath, and gives |some good advice.—Sentinel. —_— Cuesy Lanv.—We reeolleet of reading some months since, in a | Northern paper, that the taxes would that euch quanti. States so heavily, d be forced into mas- ties of them wou jcommand ashilling per acre. -This | prophecy has been already verified in Randolph eoanty. We learn thar six hundred acres of good timbered land was recently eold at auction in Asheboro’, at tem cents per acre.— This is the beginning of the end. It jland was bought by a freedman. Greensboro’ Patriot. Pe — Passerven Coay.—As the season for green corn is nearat band, we will state for the benefit of thease wlio | wish to enjoy aloxary in the winter time, that green corn may be pre- served in ealt and water during the whole year, and will be almost as | palatable as when first placked from = stalk. Mrs. D. H. Byerly sent us jeome last week which pat up in jealtand water last year, and we | found it very nice after a little soak ling. Make the water salt enough to | bear an egg, and place the ears of lite. An island, toar| corn in it and keep them submerged. | ment resalt. EE ———e | South Carolina Conatitution. | Washi ,» May 8, M.—The Soath the Constitution before the Reconstruction Committee. Mr. Stevens reerived them | a chilling remark, thot with the protest- ants claimed as grievances, he regarded ‘as virtues. Ool. Thomas addressed the Committee making the point that the | white people would gell genzpie! submit to uegre supremacy, and that which they would be compelled to eabmit to the yoke there could be no real peace until it was removed. ‘The qnestion of taxation seem- ed to impresa the Committee seriously. — Stevens saggested the plan of allowing | the property-holders to fix taxation Mant S.ontherners wre present in the Committee room, and the Committe are hopeful of some modification of the mort | objectionable features of the Coustitation. — _~o The raising of cotton in Egypt has ceased tu be remnnerative since the ltertnination of our war, and large tracts of land lately employed for i that parpowe are being sown with wheat. In ancient times Egypt was the granary of the world, and it may become so again, Last year a reward of abont one i dollar abundred pounds was offered ‘in France for the carcasses of June mcuthe old, not far from this place, ne which have multiplied greatly have become very destructive. — ands The Ladies of Wilmington observ led the Memorial ceremonies at the Mr. Davis" trial is certainly te come off — near that city, on Saturday jis needless to add, not an acre of this! f poe a ae y man sh the si aoe oe the wer to shop ip, whi man etays at doomid sie 8 tends honse and baby, A thermometer forms part of the household furniture of this institution, _ « Sor From the Scientific American. CASTING METAL IN PLASTER MOLDs. Messrs. Eprroxs:—When readin No. 13, current Vol., on page tat see one of your correspodents 8 8 of plaster of Paris for molds He ge ings of low fusible metals, and re- commmends that the mold be sub- jected to a beat of 400° F. I must differ with the writer. I have had some experience in the use of plaster of Paris for molds, and I found the best plan was to dry the molds perfeetly in open air. hen about to use them, 1 warm then juat enough so that they would not chill the metal when poured in. After warming I held them over a flame that prodaced a good deal of smoke, until the inside of the mold was com- pletely blackened over. Then I could get about two hundred castings from each mold, after which the plas- ter became soft aud small particles broke off. Upon examining 1 found the plaster was barnt and of no fur- ther use for molding parpoges. A. O. Saacer. . Angusta, Ga, ——_~—-———_——— THE IRON OLAD TEST OATH. Llaving been requested to publish this test oath, de tue it below. Ie has tobe taken by every man who hulde a Federal office of any sort: “l,——, of-——connty of ——, and State of , do sulemnly swear that | have never voluntarily borne arms | against the United States since | have | been a citizen thereof; that I have een given no aid, counten~ anee, counsel of encon ent to persons engaged in armel bestiitiy thereto; that Lhave neither sought, nor accepted, nor attempted to exer- cise the fonctions of any eflice what- ever under any authority or pretend ed authority in hestility to the Uni- to impeachment and rend ; : : fragment Bon a4 if er jetest - be laid on the land in the Southert/ted States; that I have pot yielded a volantary support to any pretended |g? @ oment, authority, power or eon people having empowered thew two ‘ry im-|ket under the sheriff's hammer, at} stitution within the United States, achment, it is not fin the party tried w, public auction, that they would not! hostle or inimical thereto. And Ido further swear (or affirm) that tothe j best of my knowledge and ability, 1 j will sappert and defend the Constita- jtion of the United States against all | enemies, foreign or domestic; that I jwill bear true faith and allegiance to |the same; that I take this obligation |freely, without any mental teserva- | tion of parpose of evasion; and that jl will well and faithfall discharge ithe duties of the office on which 1 jam aboat to enter: 80 help me God.” -_> | Steel Bdliard Balls —Among other new | ases of steel, one of the latest, as we learn from a foreign contemporary, is the em- ployment of thie wetal in the manatactere of bilhard balls, in place of ivory. Such |balle are recommended for their grea: | elasticity and their freedom from any lia- bility of cracking ' ee From Waihington. | Washington, May 9. M—Absolate un Certainty exists regarding the impeach- The Tarboro Southerner eaye: “We anderetand that a body of cavalry million dollars worth of property was des-; Carolina Commitice will protest against have just been through Pitt eoanty, ar |resting every Conservative citizen who made himerli ai afl conspicnons in the last election. Several of the more prominent | were carried to Goldsboro’, on the charge of endeavoring to intimidate voters, but |eot being able to eustain the allegations they were discharged. | «We have indeed arrived at the lowrst | stage of Military despotism God protect the old North State in the fatere! It lovks indeed dark.” | i pene | A Singular Story.—General Halpine writes to his paper from Washington : “Tt was told me this morning by a gen- tleman of the highest poention and char- jaeter, that threé Radical Senators, whose | fidelity to the beheste of their party haa {never heretofore been questioned, waited upon Senator Jolson, of Maryland, a few jevenings ago, told him their conscicuces | would not permit them to vote for convie- tion, and begged of him to prepare, in his strongest, most pointed, and condensed manuer, a summary of the leading argu- ments for President Johnson's acquittal, in which they might concur with him (they not being lawyers,) and to which they might point for jastifieation with their respective constituencies. This sto- ry appears to me incredible and yet my authority for the statement is a geatlemaa bearing one of the most names in the land, and who is on terms of clone so- cial and political relationship with Rever- dy Johneou.” Mr. Buckalow's term a1 United States Senator expires next March, and Govern- lor Curtin wants te succeed him. ington was @ the city, just south of C oo. aie tho Cat, some evily person hurled a first it was thought the injuries received would réBult fatally, but lastevening Prof: Smith was of that the injured la- dy would recover. Rev. Dr. Curry, who was on bis way to this city to attend the Baptist Missionary Convention, now in jon, was d to dgliver the couveiRtion sermon last evening, butowing to the condition of his wife he was com pelled to decline-— Baltimore Sun. Execution of a Murderer—Confs sion of his Guilt—Speech from the Gallows. Haverhill, Mass, May 6 —Samuel Mills, for the brutal murder of an old man named Maxwell, in Franconia, New Hampshire. was hanged to-day. Rev. Mr. Cowan offered an impressive yer. Mille, in jooked the vast assemblage as if en. deaveri to discover one kind or familiar but evinced ontwardly no emotion whatever. Ata quarter tten the prayer was concluded, and the Sheriff then informed Mille that he had fifteen minutes to live, and could say anything he pleased befure he died. “1 do not know as I have much to say, sir,” said he ; then tarning tothe crowd he remarked : *Geatlemen, Sanne! Mills is guilty of this crime, andi think I have made my peace with God. Samael Mille bas acted like aman, will! die like a man, If I have done any- thing wrong T hope you forgive me.’ Here he closed temporarily, bu after the lapse of a minate continued “Gentlemen, tell all of the folks tha: Samuel Mills says he is guilty of thi. crime, and he dicd like a man.” As the last minute was passing away, the Sheriff advised the unfortunate criminal that he had one more eppor tunity of saying anything he desired tothe crowd. Mills said, in a low, clear vvice, “Good bye. gentlemen ; goud luck to you.” was polled over his Shenff remarked: ‘Samuel Mulls, your time is ap, and may God have mercy on yuur soul.” As be conclad ed, Mr. Stevens pulled the string and the trap dropped. Mills, being a heavy man, fell a distance of eight feet with euch velocity that his neck was broken, and the only ap pearance of life in b . body afterwards were contractions of the legs. After he had hang half an hour life was pronounced extinct, and the body was cat down. —_—___.4>— sa The Fifty-sccond Annual Conven tion of the Protestant Episeopal Church in the Diocese of North Caroliaa met in head, and the Tarboro on Weduesday last, and adjourn- | edon Monday. About thirty Clergy the meantime, | — Bhe expected death, was Brat haec des. May tor Ses be ; a ep be prec ge wg wre & the morning tru tran tance incorruptible, te , aud that fadeth not away. “Thon art gone to the grave—but we will he His faith was strong, pat ale apart oie 0 greet aaaee in al a was pi es. bo why gg > pated er was his brief life was draw- ing to a termination; yet he was unmoved by his dissolution ; and, when ty alone can inspire. He avowed his govigencs so rvs, nat Gar bas own sake, but thatof his parents whe were most ar- ents, Charlie was that boy. ears old at the time . Shartie, "tis hard, with thee, to part ; How can we give thee up? It almost breaks the wounded heart, d So bitter is the cup. But this oar loss, our saddest loss— Is thy eternal 3 Till that blessed day, «| on dear la thy calm, n ar wr shall thee annoy, i dowers bloom. Thy mew'’ry long shall linger here, Aud thy example too ; For thou wast to the heart most dear, thy y days were fow; Cai And greatful as the gentle dew, Sweet evanesel still will give. F § ~~ 2 ec B. TODD, Clerk pr adv $$ 00—19 State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Executors Sale. $55,000 BANE BILLS! \ Salisbury, N.C, on Tuesday the second day of June 1868, Filty five thousand dollars of Bank Bulls, and 1 1 Thousand N.C. Bonds, (old sixes). The bills are vn the fullowing banks, to- wit $26,000 of the Bank of Cape Fear. 21000“ * W ikmington. 80n0 Wadesboro’. Terms made known on the day of rale. & R HARKISON, J. 8. MeOU BBIN3, Executors of Wm. Murphy, deo'd May 9th, 1x08 tw3w Charlot @ Times, Raleizh Sentinel aad Wil- The black cap! mington Jowrnal eopy (wo weeks and lorward | billg to this uffice, White Emigrants Wanted! nN ' [ O CULTIVATE two of the Richest and | best farins on the Gaadalape River, Texas— where a working man can raise 10 bales | Cotton and 1000 bushels Corn in ove season —at present prices worth $2000. Timber, Water and Swek range abundant, and the | cugutry wnnch healthier than Rowaa of Ire- | dell. Parties wishing to emigrate to the “White Settlements " to make something and to keep it. Apply to . D. MeNEELY, or by letter to Dr. J. R. JOHNSON, Salisbary. N.C. wkiw-2w ‘State of North Carolina, WATAUGA OOUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term 1868. Wm. Horton, Guardian va Thomas & BB Brown. Attachment levied on land. c appearing to the snatisiaction of the Court that the defendants Thumas & RK. Brown reside beyond the limits of the State: It is or- dered by the Court that pebheation be made May 5, 1868. | for six weeks in the Wa'chman & Old North State, notifying sari defewdants to be and ap- | pear at owr next Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be heh! for the vnty of Wateaga on the seeond then and there shew at the conrt-hone in Bone, Monday in Jaly next men and Lay delegates from some twei-| -ause i any they have why the land levied on ty-five Parishes were ia atteudance,— Bishop Atkinson presiding sal vet be eundem ned to the ase of the plain- | i of On the second day, the Bishop read | Witness, JB. Tod, Clerk of our said coart at his annnal Address, which was more than usually interesting, ai was Ifetened to with the utmost atteution and respect. We learn that the entire sestion of the Convention wasa pleasant and harmo- nious one, but that no great amount of bu- sinews was trancacted The next Convention will assemble in this city, on the first Wednesday in May, 1869. The citizens of Tarborv’ were lavish in their hospitalities. No people can dis- pense them more elegantly or graeefully. Raleigh Sentinel. etiam B. T. Rice, the newly elceted Radic7! Senator from Arkansas, was a Kentacky lawyer, who, having collected a large sam of money, gambled it away in Cincianati, instead of paying it over to his client, and left for parts unknown.— Boston Post. — pe The Macon (Ga.) Teiegraph of May 1, is “glad to sce that, since the excitement of the election has , many of our in- telligent citizens are turning atten tion away from politics to great questions of political economy that even one re- euperation and prosperity as a people.” | | office, the 2ud Monday im April, A.D. 188. J. B. TODD, Clerk. prade $8 00—19. “é State of North Carolina, WATAUCA COUNTY. | Cuurtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1868 . Wm. Horton, Guardian va Thomas & R E. Brows Attachment levied on land. Cc appearing to the eatisferuion of the Court that the defeadamta, Thomas & kK. B_ Brown reside beyond the limts uf this State: It is or- dered by the Coort that pubbeation be made for ax-weeks in the Watciwnan & Old North State, notifying seid defendants to be and ap- pear at oar next Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be hedd for the county of Wataa- gaat the coort bousé in Boone, on the Zod Nonday in July next, then and there shew cause why the land levied on shall not be cun- demned to the ase of the plaintiff. Witness, J. B. Todd, elerk, of our said court ai office, the 2d Monday m April, A. D, 1868 J.B. TODD, Gleck. 7B WILL SELL at the Court House in| the : an other articles. ceswwied sseck, hich Wl be Gehl G8 rexee » Western B. E. Rail Road, STATESVILLE, March 16, 1608 Meeting of the SteekholJers of this Com- ‘ve | WILSON,S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION sooty al tain sent a me Ayer's Sarsaparilla, il, Fire. was. -from its a ae entias ._ |LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. mouth, its nose and its} State of North Carolina, Ayer’s Ague Cure, ~T beri mieten ROWAN COUNTY. “nd : ~ ein i sage thigh bone, host << al a _e Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, Absolutely no Restriction upon flourished | Julius. B. Simon: ile B. 4 : : . Gar ctizen eng Roo “rs ""7\ Hall's Hair Renewer,| Trt or mgr cmnone a and stro home, Petition for Partition, leaving his mark all the way.— : _ , ] : ; , None ey ho aly mad co stpe| I tage sax te con! Hstetter’s Bitters, |pivipevps Pap ANNUALLY 1s CAH from where he was to his’ house. Of this. we are “hot prepared to speak positively du and are non-residents of this State, —-is, for six weeks in the Wi vesions to be held for at the Coart House in Monday in May next, answer, dewur or pie wise ae me will be thet, and the prayer of the petitioners granted. Witness, iah Woodson, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the first Monday in Febraa- called justily for the County of Rowan, a 7 h nd being phenden. 5 the crowd went a short way back on the route he had travelled, but the terrible object had vanished. Reader, this is no editorial myth. It is a veritable fact, vouch- ed for by those who went to the frightened citizen’s assistance.— He. must have seen something or he could not have shown such signs of fright as they saw on him. We learn that something simi- lar was scen hy one of the citizens of Lilesville on last Thars- day night, frightening him almost out of wits —N. L. Argus. ‘A Swaxe Srony.—The follow- ing story from Caswel”s Maga- zine, is actually enough to make one’s chignon stand on end : In king of snakes, I am re- sainded of an anecdote I once heard of the wife of an Indian railway igs > was trimming with a large knife some plants which formed 2 border to a tlow-| er bed. She was cutting the tops off, and while so engaged, she was , the coils of one of the oes A serpents of the ¢ amongthe leaves. With! rag onal shriek she dropped the! oor In OBADIAH WOO pr adv $8 00—6w:11, State of North Carolina, YADKIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ; Jawuary Teaw, 1968 A. ©. Baker, adm'r., vs. Heirs at law of Wm Bean, deo'd. PETITION To SELX Lamp, DSON, Clerk. rr appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Ebenezer Parks and bis wife Dolly, & James Mathis and his wile Sarah, defeudants North Carolia, it is, the: elure, ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman and Old North State, norify- ing said defendants of the Hing of dsis petition, and that uoless they appear at the vex Term of Court, to be held at the evart house 1 Yad- kinville, on the second Monday io April next, and answer the petition; the anme will be takew pre confesso ami heard ex partes an to them Witness, J. @. Marler, clerk of oar court, office ia Yadkinville, the 2d Moewday iv Jan ary, A.D. 1868, J.G. MARLER, coc 1 1 sfie-$8 al u ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb. ruary Term A. D., 1868 J.C. Barphardt ws Tilman Austin AUlachment knife and the plants, a man) ae employed in “trea ~odeaenal bP (Cen tal Se danke Thee cat e ve Court the mm rodent mae Aas. awttance. Omnhearing the cause |. oo itt eset =, theralore ot her alarm, he sought to kill the | ordered thet p shoauon be tnade toe ax weelte . ; je Jin the Watchman & (Ad North State, notifying snake with hus hoe ; the creature sard defendant to be aod appear at our fest was pte be seen writhing | Court of Fees and Quarter teana to he head @ | fe the County of Rowan, at the Coort House about but although struck, it mad ; a ue effort to escape, or. turn on its) Lo) tice wel thaw dee ey Oe assailant. At last it lay motion. |»! (og devi: ey 2 tens, andthe, gardner ventured to) cn ine ee oe he Pain 3 it up, when he fonnd it was! |<. adless. ‘To the horror of the | lady, the head was discovered among the leaves which she had thrown downon seeing the snake ; sive had grasped it unconsciously among the tops of the planis, and with her garden-knife had sever- ed it from the body. The bite of that spocies of snake was Usually fatal in’six hours. » May vent be has why the pre t rt at (fice, the firs Moaday in Februa A.D 1968, and XH oor independence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Cerk pr. ale $8 OO—Gw-i2 State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. ry mn the ninety -seooed Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions, ibruary Term 1868. W. H. Reece va. J. R. Mendenhall ATTACH MENT ~— ape — - . Tt appearing te the sati<taction of the court The seventéen year leguets have) oo Dr aeteee ne deli geacrst made their a ~arance in the nor- d the limite of this State; [t us ordeted by |, tee | che art that pablication be made hur ai weeks im the Watchman 4 (ld North State. p | the anid J K. Mendenball to be and ay thera part of [lendrick co., Va., and a gumber of hogs have been therefore, ordered by the Conrt that publiestion be made BAe, notifying taid degetionetn at ce notifying sai ts to be and a pote, Vove Dext Court of Pleas and Quarter Salisbary, on the first and thea and there to i to said petition, other- taken pro confesso as to » A. D. 1868, and in the nivety-second year nee. in this cage, are non-residents of the State of State of North Carolina! | 0 answer the Perry ‘Davis’ Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Or any other Patent Medicine, CALL aT G, B. POULSON & CO's. DRUG, STORE SALISBURY, N. C. Mareb 17, '68. tw tow l4t State of North Carolina MONTGOMERY COUNTY. { Court & Pleas and Quarter Sessions, * January Term, 186% J.C. Bel, adm'r. of Retxy Harris, va The beite-ot law of Hetey Harris. PETITION TO MAKE REAL EeTATe AtentS. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that t te alexander Bell aud wife Margaret, | Beajamiit Scarbrough and wife Martha, Malcom | Heth, Wm. Lande and wite Mery ann, Martha Mell, Preablin Bell, Mecotus tell, Jobe Bell, Louies Heil, } Malics ell, caroline sett, Nawey sell, Ma: y sell, xe. saa Sell and senjamin nell, ip thiscase, ere non-resi- dents of the Mtate, It ts therefore ordered by the | ext term of this court to be held for the Mogtgomery. at the court-howse fn Troy on Monday in april next, then and there ewer or demar tothe ager nrc or wate will be heard ex perte, and judgment rendered pre conetae oto them Witness. ©. ©. Wade. clerk of var seid court at office, ia Troy, the first Monday in January, 4. >. _ to ~ fe, i Cc. C Wana, Clerk. ‘ ef : State of North Carolina, DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court y Pleas and Quaater Sessions, F eb- ruary Term, 1868. The petition of Lacy Perryman against the C OM. Perryman, Andrew | Perryman and wits Ehaabeth, J. D. Perry met and Mobert Merry man. } { P.tition for Dower T appearing to the sati<faction of the Court that the defendants, J.D. & Robert Perry wer are Aen Pexidents of this State I ie there f rderet by Uy Court that fpatbes be nade inthe Wathmun & Ohl North Sat o of Ralebury N 1C., for sx successive weeks porifyir . send de } fewdants to be and appear at the weat tern of} thee Court to be hetd tur the County of Dawid. | at the Court vere in Lexngtun, on the second Munday of May next. Then and there | thom af the nlerct # Paper published? in the town “ur f @ tht cane, otherwise the tame will be hrerd ex per fe and jodgwent rewdered pre confesse an to ote W itoees J 0 OBee 5 Tharwee by sengter February, A.D Ce:k of said ( wrt at | iM way of the sens lane ear next Court of Plea+ and Qnarter te A - | killed by cating them. be held for the county of Bianl; rt-{ ies My ‘ BAINES ccc : house in Albetwarie on the «com! Monday in| pr. ade $7 00O—6w.12 Two.men travelling in an open) ere irre vee ae why} h boat. were pitked up near Havana recently. is rag ga that one of them diay be St Leger Gren- the property levied on «hall pot | to the use of the plaintiff | Witness, Lafayette Gree f port at Albemarle, the «rund Monday rary, AT), 1°68 ke n Fe fel, who recently escaped from the | ¢6~ (yr (¢) L GREEN, « cc Dry Tortugas. = gontencmaes aa —— —~e----- State of North Carolina, | { How ro Keer Faesu Meat.— ROWAN COUNTY Steak (pork and beet,) FAUSALEOS.| Court of Pleas and Quarter Seas:ona Feb padding, ete., can be kept fresh | A.D) 1868 the “year round” by frying and! re WG Young seasoning when fresh, the same as| fer the. table; packing down in} ruary lerm, D. A. Davis i Original Attachment crocks or lard cans, and pouring) he = ha of the Court | that the defewds ( mung. is an hot lard over them, covering about | 8 yf euans MG Voung, seas] oné inch, When needed, s« rape | that pnbliesnon be made for six weeks in the off the lard and heat throagh—| Vtehm® & Old North Stat ying sail ore efendant to he and appear at oor next Cor Phi is valanble information (01 (¢ Pleas and rarer meodoon te le lehi ne farmers and others who kill a beef) ‘be Coonty of Rowan, at the Court Honse w > | Salisbury on the first Monday in May next, aud dispose of a portion ata low!’ ihe de ee cee rate, and then are unable to Pro-| why the property levied om = mot t ; : > apm.| demmed to the use of the plaint cure fresh meat during the sam-|\yones hades Wks Gk wee ck mer. ‘Those who have adopted! Coart at Office. the first Monday 0 P-bras- this plan assert that it is impossi.} ry. A D i ste in the ninety-sscond fea year of oor Independenre, ble to detect any difference be- OBADIAH ¥ GODSON. Clerk tween the preserved and the re-| pr ade $s 06—6w:i2 cently prepared meats. _—-—-- King Theodore, of Abyssinia Fresh Garden Seeds, once saw a beautiful girl with a FROM . La dreth, Buist, & Thorburn: band of roving beggars. He of- ALSO fered to marry her to a farmer, ; . F é: Mh G imo- bel ton declined, saying F pre- Clower, Blue-Grass, Herds-Graes, Timo 0 oor ean | | Boas lin the Watthman & Oki North Stute, notitying ¥ ? od | veel State of North Carolina, |? Heirs at Law of 1. K. Perryman, dee'd, on f | ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY NON-FORFEIT ABLE. after the second year, ‘4 hl ges whe Sonthern people. It is the moxt Literal Company in the United States its rates being lower than those of other compa ules OFFICE, NO. 141 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY WM, BM. COLM, Secretary. Ink ‘ gladly furnished in de*ail, by A. W, LAWRENCE, of Raivigh, Gen'l Agt. for the State of N. Carolina W. CU Covenexous, Agent, mar 3—wkiwly Baliebury, N The Arlington Wataal fife Insarance Company OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Southern Institution lta Funda are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. contingency. The Company has capite! and asete ageinet ite Perryvoan, Prank | Geldlity thal © il compare Gvureidy with any Lite! Jnsertnce UCompeny on the coateaent, which is the tree test of rempomsibility ite affaers are cautioesly edumini-tered by selected Directors. of responsibility sad tasine= copacity It has extabinbed its claim to Nouthers Patronage. OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN FE. EDWARDS, VCR Feaetperr Ww. B. Isaaca, encrrraay D. J. Wautsoox, MEMOAL KXAMINKR, CHARLES H. 8MITH, M. D. ieert seveege, @SeERAL seReT fl C. Casey, Jwo. H. CLaiponse DIRECTORS : Jobe Enders, Weary K. Pityaon. Withtem PF. Tayler, Ase Snyder Semect 8. (ettreti, HB. C, Baskerville Joba Dooley Kamer! (. Tare Charles 7. Wortham, Heorge Jacoba, William Willian Jr., 4. W. Aliteon KA. A. Smith tieorge §. elmer Thos. 4. Bvans, A.D. Choctle ames A. ® ott, H.C. Cabelt 1,5. M partes p.J fartanot 2 § f ae} w.ut ter, doha C. Williame : ROWAN COUNTS ara bawarde, William G. Taylor Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb- |‘, Y. Stoke, A. P. Abell, ruary Term A. D. 1868, J.B. Morton, Wm. B. laance, J.J Sommeretl, Bx ir of Ellen Puliton ve tid Fulton titon tor eal ke eviate arate. 9 care it appearing to the eat rsfaction af he Coart that the defendant, David Felton, «a non-resident of thie Nt dered that pobtication be made | *, therefore cms werks defendant to be and aprear at our next Oonrt of Pleas and Quarter Seeaune to be be id | « the County of Rowan, at the Coort House n Sali.bary on the first Monday ww May next, “ then and there to shew canse, f any he bes why the preyer of the petitioner should not be granted. otherwiee the caose will be heard ex parte as to him Witness, Obadiah Wordeon, Clerk of oor eaid Court at Offer. the first Monday in Fc heua A.D. 1868, and im the pimety sewond yrar of our Independence OBADIAH WOODSON, Gerk pr adv $8 00—Gw:12 State of North Carolina, © STANLY COUNTY. Curt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1868 | oom | M. Witty ve. J. Ro Mendenball, } ATTACHMENT It appearing te the aatiafac ion af the eourt that the defendent, J R Mendenhall resides be- yond the limits of this State: It ia ordered by | the court that pabtieation be nuado fornia weeks either roate. Coune tion is made at Golds- | 25 and 50c¢ sites De-|! R. W. IWiredtt Willem H Palmer, GeortPe 1,. Bidwood, Ramsel M. Price. Cc THE SUBSCRIBER hase fe for sale two very valuable Hor- ses—one a beautiful bay pouy, four years old, good gate and works well The other a Sorrel Horse, four years old— a splendid buggy and sulky animal. Address, LEWIS J. WILLIAMS, Hantsville, Yadkin Co., N.C. May |, 180e. wt \ Ont CAMOLIN: Ball ROAD Compaxy Snora,N.C., April 1, 1868. Ou and after this date the following will be he Schedule for Pawsenger Traius over this Read : Leave Charlotte, daily 11.96 p.m. Salisbory,......2.07 a. m. Greenabero’.... 5.05 Raleigh,....... 9Al Arrive at Goldsboro,.. 12.25 Pp. m. Leave Goldsboro’,..... 12.30 p.m. Raleigb,....... 3.20 © Greensboro’... .. 7.17 Salisbury... ... 9.96 Arrive at Charlotte,...11.35 + Throngh passeugers by thisline have chuice Part of the premium loaned, and no loan or premium note is a lien or claim on the policy in case of death Company offers peculiar advaute Ita fortunes are established beyond any — | sore threat, crow “COSTARS” | Preparations! Everybody Tries Them | Everybody Uses Them | Everybody--Bellievex in Them ! | were Ante 0.9 SS Ss |“ Castar’s Exterminators ' tre vou anweyed with, Bed-Dege) Can’ sleep at migtvts ' ia Bay a Be. or We. Bottle of ~ “COSTARS” BED-bUG EXTER. A Liqaid “Desteys and prevents fed Deg Never take.” { For Wothe ts Furs. Woolens, Carpets, Ar, te 22” Poy 0 She. oF Se. pea “COSTARS” INSECT POWDER. bestre dose Pieas and all Insects on seime © ~ tere thing Fande to Te nee. cre gush orOe. Box of “COSTALR'S” CORN SOLVENT. Vor Corns, Bunions, Warts, Ae. cy ~— fow't sailor with Palm’ ~ Wondertal power of Healing ' very tamily shoald keep it ie the hone . ™ Buy 0 Se or G0e Rox of— “COSTAR'S” BUCKTHORN Satve. its effects are immediate. | . | cute sapped reds Tye, Ser sof cae insects, &c. engarcoated). clan's Prac Roxen of 8 headache, 4 al debility, vers, &c. and soothing \~ | { thek or orange ma iver complaints, chills, fe- Notgriping. Gentle. mild, Don’t ne- fleet it . i and Mie Sizes— “COSTAR’S” COUGA REMEDY. The children ery for it- -its » “Soothing Syrup." For coughs. colds, hoarseness, oup, whooping cough, a<thma, brouchia: affections. Singers, Speakers, and all troubled with Throat Complaints will find this a beneficial Pectoral Remedy " “That Cough wi’) kill you | Deaatifies the Complexion, giving to the skin a transparent freshness. sos Rotties $100 “COSTAR'’S” BITTER SWEET * AND ORANGE BLOSSOMs. Renders the «ki clear, smooth and sof. Removes Tan, Freckies, Pimples, &c. Ladies, & bottle, and see its won- derful quality. of routes via Greensboro’ aod Danville to Richmond wi via Kaleigh and Weldon to Richmond or Portemouth. arriving at all | points north of Richmond at the same time by im the Watehman & Old North state, notifying | boro With Passenger trains on W. & W. ? thy, , and other seeds, and the} “2 i R Mendenhall {0 he and appear at our | freed to beg. “Beg, then,” re-| celebrated Michigan White’ Sprout, | noos coon of Pau anf Quare en Lee plied.therKing. “But you must] Goodrich and Harrison Potutoes, sape- bold for the connty sageoene 2 nell megs me say » 6 © eecon oneay wm ay have the right.to beg.” . He. had tor to any others known, alt aod show care, if any be wi 4 ‘the rt on ined ta her foot and band cut off. Country Merchants myplied at a liber- property pow = Prayer books, it is reported, are| “ Road to and from Wilmiugion and by Freight! trains to Weldon. JAMES ANDERSON, \Buperiotendent. Offiee N, ©. Rail Road, April 1, 1868. if &, descriptive almanae | Ureen, clerk of our said court at office in Albe- 3 . ? arle, the in 7 AD now gotup with look ing-glasses Te ome os oe em) : Fares ot placed’on the inside of the covers, Druggitt and Seod 4 9:Ow prfee $8. by A. W. Stone, D.C JOB PRINTING Neatly Keeoted at this Office. t# // 1 Beware!!! of all Worthless Imitations. 4 5 ete. é val Bios di * 4 EF i n e ti t e 1 He 2 g g gere Can procure TWO CHAN ww. ban jAours; and Me | Aoure. te the weareut aud most direct lege to vieit Baltimore sad | FOSTER, Bey, gow, North | bery, for— | ledienapotix, Ind Chisage, Mm | Cineianaui, (bin, “i Lewis, Mo | Mewpirie, Tene, + Ark, New-)rivens, Le , i cea Ry., st greatly reduced prices Passengers should in all cases parchese Through tiekets from from $5 te 910 in money salject to annoyanee in ever ® Farsenger has the dif-rem eo» All over twelve yours are fel 4 years are free, LOUIS L. M. Core, Gen, Vieket Agt. Belt, 2O,R,R Bahimore. 30.1y ITS CONNECTIONS. Arrangements hove been made by which Paren- Thrvegh uchew a: Saliabury N. OC. te lade mepedtis, fed, Losirville, Ky., Chicago, 1. @Na-hville, Te anesnce ™ Lees, Ma, Ciusinnati, Ubio. ™ Joseph, Mo. Cleaveland Obi, Qeiney, it, Téledo, Ubin, Gerliagima, lows, , Obie, Cairo. Mh, Orbe, Memphis, Tenn... And all Points om the By thes grea! rowte passengets have valy of Care betwren Washington City ond Indien. ap-die, \wo changes te Cimermuati. and cheee to Time from Washington to Indian- apolis 36 hours; Cincinnati 36 and St. Louig 50 hours ; mphis, Tenn., 62 purchasing Weeters thro’ tickets he reey West, sie Baltimore & Opie Rat U7 Perties wishing to Emigrate to any of the Westere of South.Wemern Ststes ern, by eat- ting ope party of [6 fall Passeugers and »: | wards. prceure Rmigraat Tickers the pees they start from to where they are puing; as by wo doing t » brads theyare ant paying transfer charges, By thir Rowse, when. 100 the. of baggage free. tween 4 and 12 year pay half price. Al euder t alf farther informath n address, Gen. Scashern Agt. Halt. & ObioR. R Greensberv’, N.C. 4. L. Wuaer, Master of Tra * Batt.& On R Great Wet hours; Carie 52 an it Passengers ve the priv- thea their rvate, f JENUE Caroling, at Satie will wave and tr Bee Parsen ger. Be ZIMMER, Baltimore. THELANDW None genuine without “Costar’s” ture. ‘ Kept $1 00 sizes sent by & Signa- all Druggists. on receipt of price. 2,00 pays for any three $1,00 sizes sent me les, Incidents and never before published. b a8. “on repn Ar ehvonm sites by Ex. in all PROPRIETORS: J. P. ERW the large citins. md witwiy press. A mans Setar. as x. Pre aie 0h ae ry. a 2 x= Ones ‘ to ore + Rake el beneral " , and comprising ports of But. elligence bone: Rep of SY GEN. D.AR. MILL, LATE OF THE SOUTHERN ARMY ELOVE of the War, IN@Du Or tlemen with al - ? * e ’ oon- Letter t thew pom Pome CIRCULARS, the a grate HANDBILLo, pred DRUG LABEL a ee OOURT BLAN Pins, GaSe fer ohm fo by 4 seme Land all other Kindwof Blanks and Job Pristiny pe Oe dra 5 rvs Oram, repre > ghee oyster tr name poe sa om eee Oregon and equalied by lewis the Stste. No. 98, sors Cuumods Srnase, Our terme will he a2 low a0 the lowes ic in, by fed ty: Suuthern Country. ” ieee “J0nN Te MANE? & BRUNER. te, wk tewarwty ke ee Salisbury, January 16, ‘ 1867 Ho! for the West &7 THE TRUWEEKLY 7 OLD NORTH STATE, AND THL WEEKLY PAMPHLETs, FOR 1868. THE WATOHMAN & OLD Nor STATE having been consolidates int hands of the undemigned, and the Basxxe bara Tichets, & Old North Siate —o——_ ’ ~ ” P nader the above Mixcolte one paper published im Ralisbery, which = il! }+ Tri- Weekly & Weekly, combination referred to, this paper will have ue Largest Circulation OF AXY Parekh in Western Nerth Carolix ASD WILL AFFORD Tur Best Advertising Mediu to be met with in thet partof the State. ——— The Editorial Department will be onder the management of Me. Ha vrs Kalter and Proprietor of the Ox» Norre and no paine will be epared to make It equa! to if not the best paper of its clam in the State. in the politics of the paper there will be change—it will continue to be a firm and der Conservative journal, bat it will not be devoted chusively to polities. It will asso be devoted te materia! interests of the State, and to Literary be there +i Semen. in comnequence of Are by subseription and For One Year,..... “ Six Months... Reading, D Offering such inducements, we confidently #17 tothe public for a Wheral chare of its patronace Terms of Subscription : TRI-WEEKEY : For One Year,..... WEEKLY: HANES & BRUNER Aattbery, N.C. denmate ie Soak. Economy, te advertisements . seer eeee tw aw Feb. 20th 1968. 138 MARY HOWARD, Corner of \! Streets, will make shirts for fronts, for Serenig:/°* more effectually than all thesarm ORT in the hoving be ber vt he of be ee op hy Tes OF SUBS por ‘s-casm IN ADVA? yATCUMAN & OLD NORTH Weesld paper, ye Year, . AL WEEKLY OLD NORTH TATE. Oue Year 5.00 six Moatha, 8.00 One M . 18 oe ri Weekly, a oe ‘ - : - * From the Bagi & Hier, 3, JOUNSON BARBOUR ESQ. Radicalism Reviewed by @. Union Man. Bar Bou RSVILLE, April, 23, 1868. nae can party bay wickedly, biest triumph ever ¥e and fered toman. One toneh of kind- as would have subdued the Sonth but they a have failed, to ap. reciate the grand trath ‘per. eet luve is absolute Diy y ae eos power,” and the resalt’ ie thar hey hold the ground on which are Kiev erevraped and nothing more. Toe picture a6 now te; is srmbre enough, » by day Rive syst rit ot the Southern sinke wersnd lower antil it verges utr! jeapair and there ts danger that they tle down inte the melancholy onocton that the werd” ean to wore supply a cement fora de, Tyion than for a broken heart. produc lot of the most fertile por on of the counly be vople lack the ene : ee from hope wr are isreaolute nd nerveless, weighed | down by a ase of a e-lamity all the pure intolerable i is 6 hague and indfinite. This, however, as nothing en red with the efy wrt 10 place the Seatherr States un et eeyges domina joan wutrage po oul an co jastify as in denouncing it the master eriine of the nineteenth caturs; and | eaonet woderstand ~any Souther mane ey us- neo witha party which bas eith through hate, fanaticiem, or folly. cangurated a scheme filled with cer- tain danger, atid perhaps, fraught ,uveltersble woe te the races, ad ultimately to the whole nation. hey can WUSter; ther c nquerore ‘ The dreaded ‘experimen's is apen) wand our best and aaly bape is boat when the madearres of Radical om ae met ite legiesl fate and an «| uvagter steps dpon the scene, -eparate there livstile eles neand temang the negro to hie mtinent, vt to seme hone pro- vied by the sation, Justiee to the crace and merey te the negre eclare that this ia the only re- dy which cam prevent ab appal) zg catastrophe, To keep the two Pace im juet tien and uf a social {polincal equality, te simply io lr ie net on sceout of his at we declute axtoe ation «ith i upessi ble, bat because it niex of an frfeceneilable an- agunien Rume, England, Russia. ld tree their slacee at on blow, cover debused, they Were oft the erace andhad the of con ligation; bat here it f ime The two races are entirely be inct, and “od has sealed their in ror one to separate ei tiliz ition, and aN cannet juin teygether whew God vh put assunder. The negroes uselcen beth in their speeches nm convention andin the hideous ion they have pot forth, dies 4) this cormervasness. They evince wansleratle suapieivt of the white ice of the South, std acknowledge | U they cannet «and vu the sanw wfocu ¥ “ ke a wes le hor th wthe ™ nie! tiv ona || net ta have always depreeated th 6 con- { races, bat if iguerantly, rash under the advice of wieked uded men, it mnet coms, there by course left to any man whe mid vot shame bie name and line- take bie position premtpt- reclotely in the ranks of hie «0 people prepared to share ther Fite orty teet dheir deou Of the uliimate fesolt of all ths mvlthers can be ne deabt.— hroagh what “wasiety of antried Ping we mnat pass before the ern- nin [donot dare to prophesy. "der ll T cannot allow myadlf to be ‘rethat the American people the preentaives of the great Anglo will consent fo pine ger whikt wieked men oi vied tanaies indulge in this foot hand pertiaps fatal epeode of ne- ro doninaion Lhave an abiding Uh thatthe Union wae preserved Talhigher, nobler, better parpose 49 to elevate an inferior race, aud Perusl ont a gallant peuple, aud ihe tine will soun come wheo shall no longer be “Rion tace, auch Jo justice lead the way, and w walk in path where Yroth and inet wrmigh int to the ureof a might reposin ; rity Siler took prospe of Empire which, fitly 1 ing the te mid interests of very this great country, ow with all the vivid hues of lie first p and yet stand fast with all the streng h of the everlast- ing granite, ‘ta a air, free Gommionwealth, Wiiarsetos, N.O , Max 13, 1868. Observing that you have published own epee of the late "Daindnan “Almighty Gud haying removed from the scenes of their earthly labors to the intermediate state, thereto await the re- end. Fathers in God, John Heary Hop- kins, D. PD. LL D., BD. CAL, Presid. ing Bishop of the Oburch in the United States of America, and Bishop. of Ver- mont; and Cicero Stephens Hawks, D. D., L. L. Ds, Bishop of Missouri, \and « native of this Divecse, That we desire to place yp- on the Records of the Oburch of North Carolisa an expression of our love av veneration for the deceased Prelates, the late of Vermont and Missouri, and our sense of the great loss the Church has to endure in their deaths. Resolved, ‘That copies of these resolu- tions be forwarded to the families of the year ly distin- la” tale by’ camieee of Camelford, bar, himself. arliament for the to regain a seat in Parliament, be whiel ih “impeach nly Tin ch the impeachers eu. moti to thelr aid, Sint eal ft them, Every tick of the clock isin favor ot the Presidents) The longer impeach- 9 » the and his insegriy and ind least of his qualifications. .Mr, though a very young wan has. exhi ry bigh qualities as a Clerk. he office of Secretary of State cannot pta he wae finally returned by the, ee of Meat at Rettmees tthe rane Winchelsea, which he cvntioued te repre- sent until 1830, In the meantime he had the Catholics from disabilities under which they then Jubored; avid the extension of be berter filled than it le been by R. W. Best, Esq. His careful attention to the | minatise of he office, his foreeaste in keep- interested himeclf in promoting the sup jing up ‘his supplies and ia attending surrection of the just, our Right Rever- pression of the slave trade, ethe relict of prom tly vo all its duties, cannot be ex- eclled, It his suecessor should make halt las good an officer, there will be bat little | popular edacation. In 1820 and 1821 he |roow for complaint. He has had excel- was the chict adviser and the boldes: de- | lent-assistange from his Clerk, Mr, Syme, fonder of Queena Caroline, the consort of | who has shown hhnecif to be very compe- George the Fourth; and whilst he lost the favor of the Coart, he gained immense popolarity by the aetive part which he took in the trial of the Queen, whose ac- 9) quitial frow the charges preferred agaivet her was largely due to bis eloqnenge = tu 1827, in spite of the dislike oP Gee the Faarth, Mr. Brougham was made a King's counsel, and in 1830 resigned his seat in Parligment as member for Winchelsea, and wag elected to represent Yorkshire — deceased Bishops, with assurance that the Diceese of North Carolina mingles her sympathies with the tears of the be- reaved families When the above resolutions were sub- mined, the whole Honse arose, and with fitting solemuity they were uvauimously parsed. The Committee on the election of an Assistant Bishop made following report: “The Committee appointed to congiies that also, other interesting . Among the many excellent discourses " d theConv Sermon, - Johu's Charch, Wilmiagton, uy; that conecras all -the education of oir children; a sermon of great abiliry, eviacing those rare quailties #0 ed scholar, ted wit aed uttered with the voice of the true or- ator. 1t rreeived the warar approbation of the t Clergy and Laity pree- cut, and the desire wae ex -d that it should be pabliched, whic! great good. Having moderily alluded wo the faet that he had been eclected to deliver the ty of complying, the speaker said that hoth the condition of the Diocese and the Sta@ acemed to preseribe the subject, which was, that of the religions ¢ lveation of the white children of the land —the great qnestion of the day. He said that we saw, on every Bide, the efforts thas are made to educate negre children of the Soath. The Government was lavishly expending ite money to give them sceniar koowledge ; and the Charch with great liberality was sending oot ber teachers aud contribating her treasare to eerbligh and matetain free schools for their edocs thon; while not a dollar were given —not 8 Ochowt house wae bailt where the chil drm of che impoverished and helpless whites of the Soath might receive insirvc tion. North Carolina should fulfill Her Divine mission to the rising geverntion of W frites? Whether, anfaithful to Her mission, She ahold stand idle, while the Guveromrnt wae edacating the interior race, and the race of Christianity was eft in ie pover- ty, to pursue ite downward course to ig- noranes and ruin! Then with dex p cm tion, and 4 baret of trae eloqneser, he said, “1 stand here to-day. Brethren of the Clergy and Laity, to plead fur ebitd- hood ; to tor the chibiren of the Soath; to plead for them in these ygror anee ; to pleat fae them ia their poverty ; 10 plead for them in their helplessness ; and in pleadingfor them, 1 am pleading four oarselves— tor our country ~and for oar Chareb '” Then following closely to the text, ar guing the hereseity of educating vor ehil- drow in religions faith and prinetples, say- ing that they were the “oracles of God— the silent teschers of His wruth—the bene- stirring appes!, first to the Laity, to build the echool-honee and sustain the Minister in hie labor of love and duty; and thea to the Clergy, saying shat if there is a eab- ject that should engage all their sympa- thive,'and tas all their efforts, and demand their most fervent prayers, it is the cause of the children of the land, in their belp- joveness and poverty. Oni thie second day of the Convention, convention on the sabject of General Canou affecting the mads through their f eu, have af “Orn dons nied poppliants to walt, Whi wen ieaetpene sod slaves debate, { On leanuot believe that God in Bisltbevugh avnwal Coovention Sermon, and to bie du- | the comatittwe appointed to memorialize | to which you have alluded, should be | | ' ' | ; The question was, How the Chareh in! factore of maokiod,” he cheed with a having reference to the election of an Assistant Bishop, beg leave w report that, while they concer with the Bishop in that portion of hie addrese m regard to the ts > a telcetion of,an Assistant, ‘that the pro- pote Geto &. 8. Toy. parvaghaghe | grees of the Chareh in the Dioeose would be promoted by the appointment of an Assistant Bishop,’ yet, in their opinion, the necessity coutentplated by Section 5 found combined—thas of the sccomplish- | of Ganfou XILL of the Charch of the nS toe | United States in refereuce to the elcetion of Aasistaut Bishop, does not seem to ex let; and, therefore, they d that no action be taken in the matter for the mt, PsBigeed, R. E. Trany, Chm's.” Oa motion, the above report was made for Saturday at 11 Committee was eoucarred in, thas die ing of the matter of an Assistant Boho at preeent lu the afternoon the usnal eiretions were beld, the Old Boards and Commit- tere being generally re-eleeted. At thie Convention eur Clergy and Laity were well represented, nestly all the former being present; while among the latter, were mang naracs of which we may justly be prowd—that distinge ished jurist, Judge Battle; the sccow- plished ea-Minister at the Court of Spain, Gen. Barringer, Mr Wilkes, of Chat lotte, Gen. (‘o2, Colonel Sarange, of ear own eity, and many others. The Charch of Tarboro’, ju-t pleted and comarerated, 9 owe of the pret tiest in the Dincese, while the chared yard surrounding it is one wf Natare'e mest favored epote, There repose the ashes of their dead; bat beaatifix 1 and adorned by the choiecst plarte and flow ers, which so embower the tombe ar a mike them so lovely, that there o Fe pagoaner at the theonght of resting there ourselves; and ga the anthems of ; ariee from within the sacred ealle, we feel that the epirite of the lowed depart ed are indeed present te joia theic strains with those of the Chareh militant Thies lowly spot has beew brengh' w ite present state of pericetion by thea tiring work of their devoted Keetor, ‘hy Rev. Dr whoee hands have placed and tended every shrub and te dril, and wheee faithful ministry among them for ape arde af twenty yeare ie rv pid by the completion of thie beatiful Cherch, and the estire lowe of all he people. the good people of Tarboro’ vied with each other in their bospitainy, reeriving the daily and wightly scqaisitiane to their numbers with the most geverons kind nese. A moet happy made apon all present, aud the merting of the Canveatian ia Tarboro’ will long be remembered with pleasure. A Latwas. oe com alee Cheshire, impression as DEATH OF LORD BROUGHAM. | A eablr dispatch published thie rnorn ing wmnoances the death of Lard Brouwg ham ta Cannes, in the South of Franec, where he bas long had « winter residence. Henry Baron Brongham aod Vant was born in Edinburgh on the 19:h of Beptem- ber, 1778, and was therefore in the nine- tech year of bia ago at the time of his de- cease. He os edacated at the Unirerri- ty of Edinburgh, where 2 wan diatin- is pati mathemat- seiencs, Before he reach- year he had the refraction and reflection portion of the Bishop's Addtess | ‘The sate year, when Earl Grey became | Prime Minister. Mr. Brougham, who had | breome one of the most prominent leaders lof the English bar, was offered the post \of Lord Chaneclior, with the tile of Be ron Brougham und Vaex As Loed Vhan- jcellor he is said to bave excited the aston- jithment of the chancery bar by the rapid ny with whieh he cleared the docket in | cases of arrears. His ts aceused i him of recklewsuess fn dealing with cases, jand of inacearacy in deciding them; but , his long and earefully- prepared jadgmente have generally been wd by bis sue- coasare. in 1834 the Whig Ministry was dismiseed, and Lord Brougham was suc eveded in the + baneetlorship earty the fl | lowing year by Mr Pepys, Sivev that time Lord Brougham has wever beld of | fiee ; but bas been in reevipt of an es- Chancellor's retiring pension of 85,000 a year, and antil recently has taken au ac- tive part in the determination of appeals to the House of Lords. In all gatters, relating to popelar education, te sactel re- form, and .o the progress of seievee, Lord Brougham took a profonad tuterest up ww within afew months of hie death Ballimore Gazetic, Monday —_— CW We clip the following article from } the Raleigh Sentinel, and inert ia the | place of any remarks of oure It isa pas ing tribute to tboee efficient officers eann! to yield the state oGices to the radical iv cumbents The Sentinel says the Ex-cutive offers at the State Capitol are being pat in com plete order for the incoming Radical ad mivistration The book. brought up to date and the papers so ar ranged that their sucerseor, with ordina ry caparity, cau take bold at onee. Sun ple daty reqaires that we shoul! give precing tribate to al! of thew The Eaccative ability of G Worl lise been fully equal to the extmords are all bring y civeumstavers, ander which be hae dis charged the ofber Noth hie tended ta pertornas almost treredible fieuh qaretions tled, ree« k ie ty, of nperior ¢ be a moet able, iateresting and bmportant hie The public interrrt« he te The amoaat of work d with hie. Vbew intr and dif cramined and & tentr he hae nired wet only ford senre but a dof cxe r. It bis ter wok were qabtiched. it waald ennetitai @ lee el th liwia tal tory at the timve har earvfally gaarded a» far as he could nied lee bas ind ably ditended civil liberty do en int die} timers, fearlessly and conetiin A few uf Siew. Waorth'« appoint ber r ly vy god rmrasen, bu tive nal government on all « eaviona te baw m complai ved kaw allel as whib have him, excolpat ting that reae has Or himw from all blaw eof seand public pol ey guided bom in his entire actor Worth hae been greatly assisted ia hie ardaows habers by the efficient and uotiting ef rte of hie private vretary, Mio We He Bagl-y who hes ahown him elfau able offierr. Hie office has been kept in fine condition and will b Me chiewe Oth been fully sarrendercd ta bis sucersser ery have needed have rendered exerllent service i thie department, of whom Mr. George H |g, ow deserves henerable mention The Pablic Treasurer's office is fully ap to time. The State has wever had a eu perior in thie department, to Kemp P | Bartle, ¥inq. He hia devoted anreniit ang men whoee serviers and responsible daties of his office The snbjects of revenue and finance he has in- vestigated aa fally as it was possible dar- log he period he has been in office, avd he has iMustrated the philosophy as well as the practice of these difficult matters in the administration of his offiee We re- gard it av d great error in our system that the Public Treasurer of a State should be liable to removal for any other cause than for malfeasaner in offer. bso © cg a n head and hands i+ | siveda, bad her ltingly his tine and talente to the diffientt | tent. The daties of Comptroller have been ably performed by Mr. Burgiv. He found ithe office iv bad enndition as we learn, bat | his constant application has eoabled him to reduce the offiew to ayatem and is will | be ready for his saceessor, He has made a moet obliging and competent officer We are not sensible, dest any persooal or partizan feelings have prompted us to say a word in the foregoing remarks. Our observation and a ataner with the coudaet of the various have enabled us to speak advisedly, and what we have said ir no empty compliment, but comes from oar own convictions of what ie due to the several offjeers. —_—-— From Washington. Washington, May 14, M.—Senator Howard had a rectices night, last nizhr, and ia still delirwus. Seantor Grimes’ right arm ia partially useless, but he is in no danger Visitors are denied. Nothi.g eerious with Conk Vinny. The Chicago Post sustains Senator | ‘Vram'bull. | The pressure le tremendons and the jresult dispated. A favorable vote for the President will not be allowed untd afler the Chicago Conrention | { {lu etplanation of the foregomyg tele- gram, it may be stated that Snator Grimes \ wae when suddenly ill on Wedoraday af- \terneew, and threatened with paraly- ts, \ The fact creased bee & panic among im- peachment spreciators, Senator Couk- liog was aleo dulte ill the same day.| } Prom Washing!on—Congress Washington, May 14, P. M.—Senate —No sersion House —After animportant basiness, the oanibus admission bill was resumed | Prayn spoke in opposition Hrooks fullowed, Ile epoke of the unfit character of the Repeesentat vee, alluding particularly to Pler'da. Stevens interraped, saying that he was willing to agree that the Represenia tives frow Flerada ehould net be admit- ted Breek« wae glid that Stevens agreed wiih bin on that point, and proceded, saving that Georgia, ima and others eete controlled in bike waletaining that their (ar and La zie eed of men whe Siates,—whe were not understood by ople nor d d they and retand the than that ever Caar of Raseia or bad bern perpe marin tere stilton. al ¢ atures) were mentions had ne interest in A tyran.¥ were couatenanced by the Sultan of Turkey, dapon the people by the pe determis 7 to cur Ure trate hed here by any means no matter bow, or by what mean The whale object of | on g al Legislations wae apparent lt wae all intended to Radiealiae the Beath, power bere hive amnee reer and the party in ty and pardon avd welcome for any mar who embraces Hadicalem, no matter & hat J acts may hav been or how deeply aud darkly bie bar ds “Those who hie past conduet or n imbeord iu treason, cal rule were pardowed by aceepied Rad the wholceale Paine and Bingham advocated the bill.| dm-+nt to bill—lost Wootridge offered an amet strike ont Alabama trom the 60 19 74 Stevens’ Amendine in referenee to dite dae doyal ne ted 78 10 50 Av amendment stinking from the Gre section the clause probiluiing a change of ng : « of said States t » Grorgia was adop the Constitution, and ines “That the Conatitariv shall never be amended es as ta deter. j minate in favor of or ngamet any citiarn tor chase of citisens of the United ~tates in reference tothe right to vote who are entitled to vote by said constitution,” wae ladopted without divieion. An amendment, that all citigene of tbe United States in thoee States, ehall be ad- j mitted to equal richte of euflrage, wae re- jected without a division. |" ‘The bill then passed— 108 to 35. Ad- journed. The three sick Senatore are improving & bat atill confined to their rooma. The Impeachment. Manngere were tu session to-day, cxaming parties. Neither the object nor full details of thia proceed ing has transpired. } “AWorden, the President’s P and Evaris, the President's before them. 4 d fuot of the people.” Tie New York Zimes says: “Impeachment las failed. . The |postponewent of the vole autil Sas jurday isa confession of the fact; { band the declaration, on behalf of the proseeution, that it will not be taken even then, unless conviction be cer tain, indicu‘cs a belief that the whole thidg must be abanduaged,” The New York Herald eays s “Ad- journment in the present ¢ ream» stances means thatthe Radicals dared got encounsiee che final trial, Tt means defeat,” * lpeachweat will be weak erow Saturday than it was ou Tues day.” The Tribune says: “We have nonew thought to give the Senate, We regret the adjourn ment. ‘The snapense that pervades the conmtry—nay, the whole civilized world—should be ended. What the country wants is a verdict, and that speedily. If i; ie a verd ct sequit- jting Mr. Johoson, we can avnderstand lit, aud are prepared to meet it. If ii | brings conviction, the sooner we en- ter upon the duties of anew Adminis tration the better for the interests of the people.” The 7ridune eays iv another arti cle: “The vote aequitting the President admits that he can nullify ail lawe by mere force of will, and deny the Sen ate all veice in appointments and re- movals, except when he thinks prop er to conselt them, Afiersnch a judg jment Congress bad better resin. — Tie country has no nse for ui. An drew Jolineon is the Government.” The same jonrval makes a furions assaul! upow Senator Grimes, liken ing hint. Judas Lseariot and Bene I diet Arnold. Li deale more tenders jly with Senators Trambull, Meader son, Fessenden, &c, heenuse it ap pears to have some faint herp of the rt but hints at thanderbolte iC has in reserve lor them if they go with Grimes. voting fur conviction, | —_—-- } TRIBUTE OF RESPECT | Whereas, in the providence of the | Grand Architect of the Universe, our well |belowed brother, Jensmiagd M Baows, jhath been called from thie imperteet to jthet all perfect glosions and celestial Lodge abeive Hesoiced, That we feel that in thie ead! etacd and worth old bers, ene et, mest ont est mew ety a quiet and uprizht « aud hie trmily a teacher aad devoted hus ) bawd and father. Rewdeed, hat we tender wo the bereay ed tamily of ear departed Lrother oar sin tizen, cereet py mpathies boprmg that the remem brance of bie long ueefal and virtuous life | "| may prove by the help of time a healiug | balin Reaulced, 1 as 4 testimonial of ovr! sorras We wear the usual badge of mourn- ing for thirty dave | Resolved, Viv: a copy of theee reaola- tiome ander the eval of the Lodge bo eeut to the family of our deceased brother and! a copy be sent to the Watchman & Old North State Wub a request for publiea- lea WoW Buter- j Lewis Daxes, > Com | J W. Gaus, § - } ST OATH. | vg been req vested to pobl ah oath, we give it taken by every man whe te a Federal vthce o any sort: I,.——, ov! ~-, and State of ——-. do solemnly ewear that voluntarily | ‘ hat —_— THE IRON CLAD TE Thay } tlie test it bebow, lie tee bee lavobe ——Connty af [ have’ neve ~orne afta ayuinet the United States sinee | have been a citizen thereof; that I have, volan anly given no aid, ceanten- ance, counsel of enconragement to persons engaged iu armed hostility thereta; that Lhave neither sought, }ner accepted, nor altumprted to exer | cise the iunctionsef any office what. | ever under any sutheily or pretend ed anihority in hostility to the Uni. ‘ted States; that I have oot yielded a volan'ary support to apy pretended ‘go ernment, authority, power or con stitution within the bnitea Btates, | howt de ot inimical thereto. And Ido \further sweat (or affiriy) that to the | beat of my knowledyo and I will and dotend the n- ull and inert thing, spurned. bythe | % 4 jour eyes linger sadly ona | shore”, and, with them, walt to | when your earthly pi - Goneile-|eeed rainet all 7 P fi eae brig eee oF home her ys young) ¢. As a danghter, she. all as a sister, “mild tee as ee in and g 5 Faby rn Like the last notes of some a song dying away on the like the last ba warble wings ite flight to warmer pga 2 ap es to enter iy of . and the last words re ing ears of those who w bed-side were “All in well!” Oh! the sweet arsurance—the bope—the memory of thoge’ words must bring to the hearts bown J wiper almost brokeu! Ob, how sweet te know that loviog beart has fonnd a : rest''—secure from all “wintry weather” of this Moarner! ‘Round the do say, wouldst thou wia back to this abode of transient, . 1 Wouldet thou reeall py beart whieh beat so loving! while life listed? =Would’st ots je “loved one" from her calm thy vain tears? Ob t po 1 bet be neake po ges more dokied words ' shall leave her, forshe ts awa from ali tbe pain and worest of earth’ th waste away—to ming eyes grow that strange lastre power stealing over them--to side a loved form, and seo it away frow us like a summer flower by = sey frost. Snetehed from y ‘e bright sonny urespecte. Fagen dn ) and more, wo, when we miss the a winning vviee in the home cirele—when we sit down among the scenes where s familiar form Was want wo greet and Secons chute,” it is thea we feel how ead are there wich Ged eth —we back worde earth terious dis 1 whieh apou hie chidree and feel per g yr bin longings for the loved sad experience that temptation to win the sweet smiles, the endearing love avd kindness which made this an ever sonny foc as, In que sel- fish hearts we ory: “In merey epare the Gower that sheds, Sweet fragrance in owt hearts.” Ta thm quiet shades of “Fair Grove” three “graves of a household” are made. A father, a con, and « jewcle from the home-roof are er by equat ; dispensation, our Lodge has lost one of ie) Annie slerps pot all alone. She is oni; gone to meet others whe lowed her ia —to meet them on that “gem you lgrimage bave ended. Oh! “thoegist fail of beauty!" You shall meet again oa ‘thar sinlese shore, you ball enter the “mystic land’ aed learn the ‘s lovel Yea shall meet eroand 7 great white thove in Heaven 1 Then, weep not aged Mother, vie tere, loving brothers! Se live whea the “golden chard” loosens your rou! from earth you may meet your “tie” where co earthly sorrows find an entraner, Look diane § then, let your saddened hearts be filled with Hope—that “guiding star’ in sorrows hour, Your gems are talling away. Your hearts are laden with Ciiet to mise the “pure abd “bat hh 8 because our Father ie gathering ap his jewels. Farewell! then sweet friend t dear An- niet Wonld that 1 eonld offer a tribute to thy gentle worth. Thoa wert a “rare friend” —a “tair flower” and my beart | thrills with avepokeu regret when I view some momenta ot thy pure friendship.— May the tarfbe green above thy head amd flowers bloom around thy last resting piace. ro d heart will linger over the past and cherish the sadly at memories connected with thy pame and a wish thas my life way pase offas sweetly as thine. amount ehall be commuted as the value of money when the debt matured and fot when it was Gontracied. Avuother decis- ‘sion was giveu by the same Uoart, ia note holders of the old Banks of the » SSaREEIREEEEnenemeeeeeane differ from, the political views President they do not hesitate clare that there is no case for im- peachmeut made ont, Tliey “des nounce thewhole affair- ss a part’ zal ind depretate making im by him arged npon the Mississippi “The impression seems to prevail that Convention.in a letter to Gov, Shar- all persons who come within the disabling |key. But even the President's coun-s a =n 1 of the Howard Amendment are in-jsels were of bo aya). Yet snbses NEW ENGLISH GRAMMAR = in the recently eleeted |quent events have demonstrated his We are indebted to \E. J. Hale & | State legislature. This is a mistake. The | wisdom and sagacity. Instead of a Son, No. 16 Murry Street, New York, |"ew Constitution docs not disfrauchise | quulitied suffrage for the negro, with- for @ coy of Fowle’s Common /4ny person whatever for political crimes | jut political privileges, we School Grammar. | unless sach person shall have been con- now have, as a cons quence, perfect This work is ivteuded as an intro | Ticted of treason, but allows all to exer- fequality in all things as tur as eqnati deetion to English Grammar and is | cise the elective franchise aud hold office, Ity can be established by Oongitus . 5 . _ | And thie legislature is elected under the! 7 . designed for preparatory schools only. ten aa _ | tions and laws. ns wy i ;,, |new Constitution and the eligibility of its It is iMustrated with engravings in ; { g ; members must be determiued by the pro- | early eaw tl ‘hol re | visions of that instrument. ‘The Howard | °'C8U'Y Saw the whole exent bi A ~ | Amendment is not yet a part of the Con danger songht to avert it by a simi eedieg fie be adwirabily adapted to “be | stitution, and until it is it disables no one | !#r policy. It was then practicable ginere.” “The system proposed, ‘trom holding office. ‘Those members of |LY prompt action, but it failed, not- 5 . . i] a | . . 5 : @ays the author im his preface, “S| the legislature who are banned by it are|Withstanding the fact that it was what, in the language of politicians, | ., much entiled to take their seats when (strongly urged, ina private way, by would be called conservative, retain | that body assembles as are those who are /the Chief Executive of the Nat'on dug all that is valuable in the earlier not... ‘They will continue to oceupy their | himself, But, fur the present, we grammasians, and departing trom | seats until that amendment really becomes, | will refrain from further reference to BY HANES & BRUNER. SALISBURY, MAY 22, 1863, ties, and dhat he was pyre + other North Carolina Ata later day patriotic parties who order to render it easy of comprehen- sion to the youthful mind, and seems ious to ind but we would from them. ges of that country, the obj is, doubtless, to encourage his fortunes in that ¥! West” The length of the is great for our columns, or we would lay before our readers, notwithstanding: the supposition of the writer that he procure its insertion in the North Caroll papers, becanse they are opposed to the emigration of their people to other States. We do iudeed wish to see our people re- main in their native State, and are rather than immigration from the . e toremove and “their « portion. of the ' article 7 emigration to rhe: vithhotd no information them only so fargs a necessity, or a| what it is intended to become, article XIV | this proceeding tor reasons whieh rational expediency, eeems to authir-| of the Constitution of the United States. Ina ize and reguire.” So far as we are | Its ratification by the Sta’e of North Car- however, we enabled to judge we prononnce ihe | olina will not vacate their seats, for that | purpose giving its history to the pub. ‘work to be a good one, and we hope | Will not, of itself, make ita part of the jlicin vind cation : . 3 } 7 the sxstem will be fairly tried. Constitution. ithe authors | jas a proof of their eaguc ty and pat j riotisin. must be obvious to every one. . . i | certain contingency, | decent men to aw. | ~ We are affraid th : : : of the We concur wit The case is too plain for argument—its very statement must carry | conviction with it, ———~—- ) Death of Ion. John A. Gilmer, | trom their position during the war, It is with deep regret that we record 1 were in a favorable situation to medi the death of this eminent man, who cx-, ate between contending and infuriat of the in any party it it himeelt to be acd a3 4 tool movement, and ’ once commanded has vanished go far as feture. They take the strongest pos- | doubtful whether he will receive the nom- Coustiimionfor merely partizon pure the nomination of Grant, in view of all these facts we cannot Tt will be seen by reference to our news any of the remaining articles. We! hope amounting almost to certainty. jvmaneas mee ee Nae: The aula This body assembled yesterday. Several “out” awhile longer anives the “omnibus the probabilities are that its session wil! | Kansas. This may possibly be the in- ty harmony in the workings of its machi-|'hi# action of the Senate may be account- jis a disagreeable dilemma. Onthis ques- ‘kansas by seven or eight thousand ma- | ville Chronicle Jong partigans, ‘The res peachment a part of the political na- all high minded and intelligent. men are sible grounds against the disturbance | ination, poses as tending to revolutionize the Desi believe that the President is in the : column that the Senate has indefiuitely look forward to his ultimate and tri | __ disposes of the bill forthe present sess daye wust elapse before the result. of its { bill” for the admission of the other States be a protracted one. The Republican tention of the Senate. action of /MEtTyY: The failure thus far of the im- ed for, The constitution was uoques- {tion there is anquestionable division in ita Jory. So say all the intelligent Conset- chinery of thy. Government for the /coucerned, aud. it is, to say the least, of the harmonious workings of the! P.S —The news this moruing itidicates government fur no justifiable cause, WHAT DOES IT MEAN, least danger of being convicted on} MM for th isei f umphaut acquital with a degree | setts na WM hoe he od aiarien THE CHICAGO CONVENTION, | Arkansas will therefore, have to remait: deliberations can be kuown. Tudeed, all Should be so ded as to include Ar- party is not now in a condition favorable! Yet there are other reasons upon which peachment schime has certainly placed it | tiouable voted down by the people of Ar- measure and | lranks. The ablest men and the ablest | Y#tives of that State, After « long delay, Seta Psriovicats —The Electic Maga. zine of Foreign Literature for June ison oar Table. The merits of this excellent pubi‘cation are too well known to require any extended no , : : tice at uur hands. It contains the | Pired at bis resideuce ian Greensboro’, on |ed factions, and they were anxious by choicest selections trom the perivdi- ) Thursday morning. Mr. Gilmer had long such tuediation to restore peace aud adi Saseiere of the world: The nae | and justly been ranked among the ablest jharmony to the country. But their < . BS: | y 5 { . : ent number is embellished with a tine | 2 ™ 76" 2nd statesmen in North Carolina, efforts, not being seconded 3 —— - jand few men ever possessed a stronger! engraving of Napoleon io prison at} Niece. Literary contents: Its authors were men who , Trumbull has had the manliness and the in- been accepted by the meagre majority of |to see snch em dependence to declare that the case agaiust twelve handred. His report shows that the President would not stand half an)!" Seme counties, in which there was a : ‘ : ; oR : . voters in those counties most vitaly interested, or rather their, With theae views Chief Justice Chase is mediation being rejected, they ‘ailed In the face of | dered by the Jat | hold apon the affections of hie friends and support vf such Deinucracy as it professes tauvestly hopeless, absard and disgusting xe above sentence.— Lynchburg ocrat is n disgrace to any party, and wouldra- This has always beea our opinion of journals of the party oppose it. Senator } however, Gen. Gillem reported that it had { the La Crose Dam erat, and we are glad nale as our Virginia contemporaries, above quoted, and others, characterise it as it hour in any justice’s court in the United considerable vote east aguinst the Consti- | deserves. It has acquired its large cirea. States, Fessenden, Grimes and Hender. tution, the number of votes cast for it |lation by pandering to the vitiatrd taste by these! son have been seareely less explicit.— exceeded the whole namber of registered | resalting from the demoralization engen- auderstood to coincide, They are all ans- such apparent frauds it would not be | the supposed patriotiem of its editor. The 7 “publican Senators | fact that such a paper can command go i for allow. —N. ¥. Cilaeen, that there is mach truth in News, h the News, La Crosse Dem- were imitated.— inent Conservative jour. ¢ civil war, and not from is a sad { acquaintances. He was a man of large } } Ss ) de : i te. Strange if many Re : | in their Jaudable and patriotic de-; tained and defended by such leading Re-; ‘ ee | : t 7 The Queen's Book.— Lond Quarter. land liberal heart, as well as of ance olight on t ‘ publican papers as the New York Jimes, should vote against the admission of the | large a cireulati , IL Volea noes and Harthquakes.— Fra jeved mind, and was deservedly one of the| ca a Fry TERE Evening Post, Commercial Advertiser, the State. And ia Arkansas, as in Virginia, ° . RADICAL APPRENRENSIONS : f the State most popalar men ia He had —Quintus Kescius | been honored by the politieal party to . | which he belonged by being selected as ‘Minsiakes Bentley *) its standard bearer V. The Eastern Question. Concluded, | Contest of 1854, in which he was defeated —Lend. Quarterly Heview. by Gov. Bragg. In 1856 he was ch-cted VL. What is ‘Tarkey! to represent his district in the Congress VII. The Seyehelles.—Com'r Maclay, | S. NW ser's Magazine. 111. A Roman Actor —Dublin University iV. The Wife's Revenge - North Caroli d th re Southern | Chieago Tribune the Cincinnati ( ommer shal arated aad tall @ other Bath bel Many of the leading radicals of both States, the changes made sections, but especially of the Seath, seem were mach | is edited by the cealand many others among the very “am es 6 e greater than those required by the Re- ablest journals of that party. These men construction Acts of Congress S {Viretuk and these journals cannot be spared from coastruetion Acts o sea bs Nor Senators \ ginta, whe were pledged to rvecive those States to be impreesed with the e-nviction that tthe President shall be whole Congressional plan of reconstruc: in the Gabernatorial acquitted the | {the party. ‘They comprise a very large, tion will fail. Botts has rceently written | d bitic Ie u = t nee av respectability. these are| : |begro woman, o : : a letter in anticipation of the dire event |e : 5 | Vote for their admission when those re-| "6 ce - ot the United States aud served two terms f ‘ throwa overboard the party is gone. } { which abounds in characteristic wailing, | | | party now assembled in couvention do! vil "The Bisthade: An Episode nd During his second term he exhibited a Under the cireumstaners, what w the Kod of the Empire (continued ).— | moral courage of the sablimest order in | acd ia the Baltimore Sun, of Saturday, upon the degeneracy of the times. The Lynchbargh News, quoted above, Conservative candidate for Governor of ee lig he | : art. of ten beaius fatcil when they reorganized their goreruments | Suestir Meevaxen—We Jearn that MW not the largeat part, of its brains intelli- [po required by gald este are ist Lon to| at Cabarrus Superior Coert this week a au the | itirements have been so far traneended. | '¥P% was introduced as a wituess. After But while we can sce that sach consider- | being daly sworn and placed upon she ti gallant Withers, now the i i i f the frisky and polite ae | f i ee ‘ . Shad ihe (lloeinecloece : Ae ee stand the attorney who introduced her, other of the Jrenslated from the French for the | voting agaiast the Leeompton Conetita- rs i the fullo ingrispateh from Gov. | If le incorporates fate i kis plations e¥es — might have influenced the Senate, way kanes bes te whew oe in this bill, ehall be Flectic. : — | tion, in opposition to the views and wish ‘ania ) elution endorsing and approving the im 1 the preecnt distracted state of the Re- | direct her testimony, before he commen-! * X. Medern Mothers.—Salurday eles of almost every other represenrative| Kaleigh, May 14 Prampt action on perachment policy, thoee wen aud joaruals publican party, we fear that ouch has met end Wis etheninatt-a of heb — Siete shes tiene snpparted Clee. > “ of Cougrese in relation to the as fae been th case resibly rao 4 P XI Simson’s History of the Gypsies jfrom his section, as Mr. I aryear had done | coed saa ee Carel Rigen i . we have imcontioued can aci with it ne . heat it ah ; ars an “s Peng hagat thi amp —— alas shall hate the same rights in . x" vefore him on the Kansas-Nebracka bill . Pgh ee ° . 2 mt vowever, (Mat, ahoakd the President be 1 : . . — Bentley's Miscellany. be’ ly bope ty avert a terrible civil war again, longer. ‘T hey support d all the measures XIL. A Great Chapter ia Llistory —| Mnough of such men in the natic Hlacknood's Magazine. | cils from both eeetions would have averted XIIL.—Jaek Osborne's We will not Miscellany. ws Island of Mity} —The , ft here to the many aspers‘one cast up tarned around to nal coan in the event the weurper at ihe White a Hed r Senat 7 of the party ap to the time the impenel eymitied, the Senators voting for his House shall be acquitted accquital may, he men? issue was presented, but there they Sqn’ May, Mpow lnese grounds, ous Aahiod “omnidag bill,” for Wooing. — the late dreadful civil war Jn the name ot humanity, iberty, and | 5 {jartice, can it be possible that Andrew tain his veto of the fasion of bis how Aguin, they are now thoronghly \ P “ , we have no ex nev committed, and the honesty, firmness and © ne confidenee in the reported at polite courtesy said in her blandest man- ver, “Good warning, Jadge ” the bar ean be betier imagioed than de-| the court and with a The con or aud the amusement of of ‘ Jobucon will be acquitted! We have a i : ; ‘ seribed. the Legislature of either of anid States by Béitor. on Mr. Gilmer's contact and motives | eee apprehensions vier eran ieee independence which they have displayed tempt at cceewet ia! oa mat woos, the Pre } ee, the constitutions thereof have xy. ‘The Portry and Utility of Tears. that occasion by men who bave long since |atrong hopes that the Senate will vindi thas far is such as te couvinee niost men)” eet aed) “Congress ss spe re Oc Trace sy a Neoro.—Mr. John El- betor the passage of thie “~s m4 — Chambers’ s Journal. | been compelled to admit hie honesty, hie) cate + iolated law Strike the asarper ‘ | Constructions acte to be unconstitutional ; lature may be couvened y : } 3 PST | that they will stand firm to the end, what ; : len, who lives in the vicinity of Raleigh, XVI. Voltaire Dying — Lond Pop isd i} { When all his | from hie scat, and thas save the eowuiry u ashe docs we believe that he will veto y days sher the passage of thie net by the pg wisdom and his patriotism saedolibug G ine ern Beas as ici) O%eF the consequences my be. They cn ble. for th N. C., wae decoyed into the woods by of the convention whieh fram—d omermad } i i wean . thes i the darkes aa) aa ever cn thee i fOr : . XVII. Napoleon in the Prisos of Nice. |*frts to prevent Less age ‘ ‘i bo over this land if be rhoald be acquitted. ¥ere Republicans—party men, bat they i: f - il, Ns pam mreacen of Oe ears whe pretended to have dive vered «| the constitation of sack State. . —The Editor. j Southern Stairs had failed he Jowed his W. OW. Moipes had not eank alleoneid: rations af honesty | ~ patmere creates uncer thew. | corpee, and by bim knocked down and Seortox 3. And be gr mecbngrer| HVIit Poetry | fortunes to those of his reetion, and rep This soands strangely coming from the | and patrietiem into devotion to their per aver pe: oo . | robbed of his bat, pants and vest. That cht Gret soutien. of shipvast MNT, Sees on Books massed be Monin we ke Chics. we : pe THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION : : take effet whon the Presidens of the U ui- . | former frend and adherent of Audrew ty Phey doubtless sanported many of =e shall ‘the XX. Science Congress. It ie te be hoped that som j ike 4 \ - ' va ARTICLI Ca Yoong Men's Christian <cas ed States officially o) dus XXL. Varieties. ® , t A eon, and denennerr of the Radical the measures of the if party against the / of 4 ° j h a J ratiBeatine by the eaid TERMS OF THE RCLecTir jeompetent pen will do justice t+ bis mem; ngrese aud negro suffrage, But when eouvigtion of their better jadgment, but (ur neighber of the Charlotte Demo bee? a ib aoe : sae fie lp State reapetively raf oe ayer Single , 45 cents ; one cops. one ory ; ¢ the cireametancee theres ¢ events have eh: Latikees ae the (rat is of the opinion that the Homestead | ight the 22nd inst. at MeNeeley | the @ wt to the Conetitusion of the coppice fi : we look at the ciren ceet . nis ha pown that there a lengths 7 i United 3 the Thirt 000; two copies, one year, #9. : . ' } " ption provision o . ‘one o hed State propoard a bey , ne year, 950.00. (QUALIFIED NEGRO SCFFRAGE, |i9g strange in i, When political gam. vs which they will not gn. One af the Mtemption provision of the new Cone:i | Anessay will he read by Maj. W.| ninth ¢ i and mess taade Add W. ff. BIDWELL & CO. Wolrolmerverthet (his question ie | bl re wake their lives apon the “hagard! questions tp be determined by the party, “4 “ n CANN Oprrate eee Pees ly, but} y¢ Rebtine. The commeanity, im-jthe duty of the ten 108 Fehon 82, New York.) sini being dacuased by the public [Othe die’ they are expected ta exbibit thereiure, ie can it spare these mon! 1f,°°Y proepeetively. While we cannot eclading the Ladies, are invited to ut. |days afer reeriving informume as and : te and ‘ cal bodies in some £ f great alarm when the luck perme deenice in ite madness that it ean epare VeTew with our weighbor in bie eoustrac tend. of the ratification said aracodaent by ibe ine geepeanehal el metal pats sbi ot “We swe bu: | Berumning Agsinst then. We bupe! them, iben 1 Veil have na troubl ton of the taxation article, we fully agree atom eee Logiclatare of either of eo, 2g ! 4 the S» wr ate Sh B mn” © ” . ‘ J . 1 hom May bes alee been received We ’ tthern 5 4 ‘ i brie. woret fers willbe realised. 0 fac (ren 1g 9 platform on the weet radiea) V''h bim in his view of the Momest mal =a Kerth Uarolina Directory for ig o noch che See ee hare often taken occasion to com-|!ifile good to result from this discuss ; Jere of the reconet , basi rou shal - Artick nat o ospeetive. © 68. Thie work just published by | . sare often tah ony Ui resent time. The Ktatne [2? tbr failare of the reconetrection policy | ha But if it phall have tempers It can mt operate retroepeetiy Nivahees ie Bunis' ke « hele ohcua | day and gore to the Senate, It be as great mend this peblication and any far b f Congress is concerned genent eneach decide otherwier, ite '¥ without impairing the ob! fution of con Beit goto ; jan Outrage epee republican institutions as of these States ie tived. at least fora : . besiness and profresional operations of the ~ ther remarks apon its general mer =e IMI OTETT NI 1 ficulties will not be by any moans mm. 'rets, which is prohibited by the Consti P he oi < | Was ever perpetrated. ? No imme ale re Can come "hCil , . entire Staie, giving t pamere in detail inj éts would be wanecessary. The en =a : : marved. Jf it entirely ignores mofthe United Statre The princt r Ledger teate of the presen! nember are var [0 8&4 etcept throag We ericcess I ee Ne prachment question it * i] be ¢ privalear Plo involved in this case has been fopest ee oe comes iad A Samnambuliat Walks a Tran ed and in'esesting. Ch. Bo Wiican, he Democrats and Conservatives ot pals le ny © to an abandonment of By auch a ly decided by the Sapreme Court of the Terk toutaine @ wlaveal peas dt ae need de Mod and is i. Billed. S ; the Northern States af ! apron sas y take Tit we ' [ United States. Among oth t de. and aleo railroad map, as well as agreat| ile, = Lditer and Pi oprietur, luchmond, Va ‘ ‘err € bt a coarse it may retain the men of who wer t Ota i ng othere it wae de variety of miscellancons tables fi } On the train on the Men. = — g fall elections If * } Satnrday It wa rT at artic (hal. heve bern speaking, bat it wall stalify Ciled, tf we remember aright, it the eases - abies, re erring | his and cretevtll road, whieh left thie Ovrwist. Hestony of rue War — fail in those electione ne ¢ ly ow the ia peacher« Fst nocd the teelf before the coantry f Sturgis rs. ¢ rowningshield and Ogden ewe fagyories, & faipes, ke., el 8 at four o'clock on Tuesday evening, We invite the attention of var readers to retina rat for the people of N at geet ly pes,» saat «otic What the Convention will do, there. ") Saunders Many othe? decisions go The Work ie ecid by RpeetParents only, | & most oi lar and distressing accident “Th jal Elieur . ; . ‘ : and we learn it ie having a fine sale. Ev.! cred ies South of Me the advertiaement of “Che (ficial Carolinato seek (a) ainend Serieere delesic) J vote © re. | fore, is matter for conjectare It may po-- far to cstabliah the doetrine that the ec ” neen al te mies 5 ar War” by Hoe. Alesander Ho) ~ ; a aa ieei in Gree alco ery business man would do weil to bave a| Kenzie station, involving the death of Mr. 7 - Constitution as best vo may Then ingning ten a 14 P eibly, ia ite reeklesenees, determine up. f t the time the contract was a Te a a Stephens. The character and talents of the question of qualiticd : ? ft ; 2 bold stroke, and prt everything { ule enters inte and forme « part of the | ©°PY- Priee 82.00 Olinten "tS ; . i the: afBcis i aes eo . _— : ee ia renee ' | ra ; ij the distinguicbed anther te . safSc " Ree may yey cae oreryinicaiiale be bron hazaard apen the as prosed omnipat-nee Contre Certain it is that ne retroepee a B ransom, the General Agent, wil aor on tral. We guarentee that this wink will be one . Hee ie ae . 4 ae re ite decrees. I: may probably deter temption law ean be passed except "Ptvd 4 day or twa in our eity. company with a nember of trathfalwres and great merit. Indeed no ; : - 1 a mine by its action in Convention to de. bY Congress, and then oaly ia connection New ~~ : j taken paerage from pay pris man at all connected wiih the struggle Hah 82 A ‘ : . ‘ ° ae ‘ 1 : } } hig wih a general bankramt law And some ey Rin stad enacchshy — wo bble. | ing in question, was in sleeping either ia better, if as wel!, qualified as Wr wonidaie frie , Wthvarsiclotes far: ; cide the caee of impeachment there. "This sey £ 4 é of the celebrated Gratton Mineral | attached to che trais a bee jen of arial b luced a rat Among may attempt to lo by a resolation en. % CaF alreet and most leamed jedges have, Print for sale ayNew York cost. Ap-| berth immediately over ~ r nd wupartial bis au a 4 seul . bg . . id AULA! 4 t t ’ | 4 ae i une : jee ee nhl dorming the impeachment policy af Can. Cttn dowbied whether Cumgreoe itvelf pleat thie offies He had retired at 20 early hour, tory of in. * 1 ha ae rye rpawen op onkd pass any such law. Judge Wash This is the best, cheapest and moet | fallen inte a sonad sheep, and his friends ; : ( , - ee : a er and declaring an ace ptanee of ita 6 3 1 j . Demogrsr's (ticerkatep Mosterr ee : ore aa : eee asa whole to be the touch stone (KM Hf we are not mistaken, onee ex- dnruble paint now in use: two eonts| had done likewise, Bat wheal the train t [sg3 ~ rweasniech S 8, threatening tele |! : : idauks well puton, mixed with pure Li | vas about two miles this side of MeKen- —-This periodical has risen from being a « 1 ( ( of revablicaniam Ky sneh a conrer it Pease? doubts, in a dissenting of cetera, } wii la t 10 or 15 ts ay sgn | zie the conductor of ‘be sleeping eoael 00- VAN yle men ' at t era r ] chy vr sethar libre erat her a | ol, | Jas ” 5 reurs; fal® i ‘ mere Gagrttc «-f Vashio the posiue 2 avie m . ; may aye mpt ta drive the “recusant” Sen. *bether the framera of the Federal Con light brown of che ea e 1 af sand | Hed hime rive from his lower bin- = wae Tit “ ha ie yea -—e nm site ‘ we, we can a Aa ES oe : station in the prnhibitieor h ‘ weher, of the popsiar magiz a Ladies who TPA ae ae Sy eee ear \ renee Seo ators inte the support af eame of the re aie aa ne i ; : one rea the can be changed to green, led cone, | dows ip mony Le ‘ego begs take it chink “the world of it,” as their, ’ Ke a ; . “ maining ten articles of impeachment, and ‘ : not intend to lay it one 884 drab, wlive of cream, to suit the taste to . — plat * was phrase ie, ard are quite sure they could PJ ties at tke a etafeman-likge ake in ference Ne NMOL iewewannt!’ Re pablican jonmale into seneral priveiple that the obligation of of the consumer, It is valaable for eis enmante ii digas Mr. i ENC, Cand casi vg View of the eituar Ir steven It may pase a resolution ender K their apport. ‘Thie may have been ane mitracte should never be impaired by i mses, Barna, Fences, Carriage and Henning who had gone oat in his night ignorance of those prints wich would en. then have been apparent to able and ¢ tpeachment movement, but wei of the objects in view in postponing the titler the State or Federal governments, Car Unildera, Agricultura) imple-| ctothes failing to retern to bis berth, 1 * » ' > wa 4 able us to do entire justce to ite merite, reflecting minds that an effort wotuld de think ft will be so uttorly vote on the remai ving articles to the 26th Proapectively the provision will hold | Me sear eondactor became suspicions that we may ireedy admit that it ie mort care ‘sooner or Jater be ade to enfran- | wantir Zin judgement as to dase BR thie isa step which success alone can €0Od a8 ‘0 all debts contracted between Dr. Milo A.J. Roseman, —Profess thing had happened to and went fly and conseientionsly coudacied, that chise the hegroes of the Benth. Irjrashan act The ablest of the Re juatify, and we do not see how it can be (zene of the State, but not as to those, ® onal notice | the pla: form to investigate matter ie ligerary tone ie far sop of parlor periodicals, that ite ner to the gs most have been apparent that the! publican Senaturs, Fessenden, Truiny enecessful. If it frile it mut necessarily and citizens of other States This is aleo, Wine. a point that seems to be settled by the de- EH Robinson's cisions of the Sapreme Court in the above Vertisement in ano eral ren great revolution then, as now, in pres boll, Grimes and Hendereon, are cer. ; fail moat dieastrously In every view of rage of topics inclades pearly ail int Np et ly ese had not culininated ho jtainto stand tirts against all the arti_/ its situation the party secma ta be eur- to women, that ite inform tien the down-trodden people of the South. jstaesman attempted to gnide aud|cles. ‘Ihe pany ean not afford to, rounded with insurmonntable difPeultieg, | cited or other eases. We will not indalge = ne him, The train was stopped “a raerhid sabjeets ix cauplete and re-| \ ] ° ; Prom these we deduce some hopes for the |! 2PY sprenlations as to the probable Rowan = Srreutor Covet.—The | ™0 back for a short distance, when : sad va eathaciir’ silopet abst __ contrelit toa harin} se termination, | loose these men, with whom Chief 7 P : | working of this and another exemp'ion Spring term of thistribunal je j that was feared was realiaed ié M i ey # patt roe alone ace worth|and the result of each want of wis-|d .stice is believed to agree. It has piacthlatehnnity of the Sev ernmeent on a ( bs | pravided far the censtitution as our neigh. | F thi ok, hi na 16 OR Ou the able that presen iteelf. The double the cost of thygnaguzine. A large| dom and foresight is before as. Tt) no brains to spare, and we do not be Stitutional basis. In these things we im- | bor has done, The Constitation je now rated sd ha i " Honor J remains of the m’ man lay across vd auusna)ly interceting amaant of read tet » Soathern States had, at that time,|liewe it will be guilty of 1] fully of agine we ree some sigue of promise for fastened npou us, at Jeust for atime, and| Mitchel presiding with thé d gnity.} the track, lifeless and and 4 tastier is promised for Jaly, for coun { paciatllaadaiiasl. Sled! le bake te Bos) Ole bh these things must be left to regulate them- | gbilit time Irv egeywent. of theirown volition, made their Con | driv ing them from its organization, as, i ubbiehed by W. J. Demorcst, 473 Broad q; Three dollars yearly “7 ie : ; ; : We wi'l not apeentate as to who will eves wader it, as they will in the course stitutions Conform to thuse of Mas-/it vertainly would do by endorsing! Rea inoe of che © lan lei jof time. ‘The other exemption to which hi rabh be Reads Were Hy aeqaainted with the ~ Sp | : : : : ° mire : , De the nominee of she Convention for the j we refer is that which exemptg all th. | "'m 80 acceptable on the hengh, | forturate man, the recollcetion that re a | eachusetts and New York, so far asthe impe achment in ita national Con, | presidency further to way that all the lit-| and personal propery of ie wih, wheth- | Several important cases are on the | as < iemagaanel and in this state of Cou wexcemEs?.~— Phe eowmencement {the question of suffrage to the ne- veation. | tle enthusiasm first excited by the men: | er required before or after marriage, from docket, and aa we g° to press the © | mind he bad walked off the plat- exercises of the North Carolina College |gro is concerned, their governinents Besides, a large number of the! tion of the name of Grant has entirely ox. | ¢**vution and sale fur the hnsband’s deb.«, form, where he was seen by the cor: ; é ; : ¥ Ox hy of the Btate vs, Best Cambell, ind the at Mt. Pleasant, ae oo would never have been overthrown|ablest Repablican journals of the! pended itself. Gen. Grant, by means of ied eer dof oo om by the same} 4 tn Khenabdée Qoont ’ | duetor, ee the track ander , aon ouenh. 'R. P. Waring, Bog " : ee tying Phia| North are sustaining those Senatory| his reticence , for a time commatided thé’ re Gren aaeee on tie at the fact of the smiedog: t dein’ General wake bla peliver the addeee'e the $P.k. was soon by one able Conservative} who are for aequital. While they | speet of jhe sountry. Tut no sooner did ¥ is the nom contracted between citizens of thie State! City Tan Yard, by Martin yand impartiality for whieh he is distingnished, and whieh bas made | Rich. | Neither there hor wae the Big Show- See AJ. friewds were sromeed ther column. it ih oh Wiaee, Dea Hendricks, 4 22 , 8 . ; Fi l i l iw ’ son, og be Patterson, of ‘T'en- Rose, Trombull, V. fe and Wickens. ea fs Williams oo" Bf a fifteen minutes’ recess, Negatived. He phen moved an Mr.Jobnson suggested the annuunce- » dudge Clase said that he would not ‘wonouuce the Vote until that on all the articles were taken, unless the Senate or- dered otherwise, adjournment to the Drake raised. the point that nothing | were taken, unless he Senate ordered otherwise Drake raised the point that nothing war in orde:, pending the motion to adjourn. Mr. Henderson said that the motion to adjourn was not in order, while the call of the roll was pendiug. Judge Chase sustained the last point, and direeted the Sceretary to the roll; which, being read, Chief Jus- tice stated that there were 35 votes for at and 19 for-not guilty, and that the Elevtoth Article. re f It} } } ih : Papl- the | degrees! Char-' bo live sinth of ree Bio dela Mlat-| are alasnet black, while the oe ader the are ameng the fairest © pte nn. Fivally, not to mul- 7 those 4 bave becnar inhabi geae fa beth bemie- L £ i z t = h gs ree, all turies, exposed to the most active fu. jweners off the climate, have fever, in a itary inet vier, exbibited the transfor- FL E » SER lesion. — w Monday. wee hie act shall GENERAL HANOOCK. nt of the Uni- Hancack"s star is etill in the ascendant slais the due [ipod crows brighter and brighter with ev-| wares of said day. His chances for the Dresides- | 6 frartecn of Bish vomination are Mtadily improving, dinasing of the fpod there i+ now little dowla that he «| , the Thiny- Bpbe s:rongest candidate ia the field. The | wads BP mocersey of Pennsylvania will give him ten beir undivided seppert at the polls shew! ; informacion bee the chefire 1 the Canrentiow, aed if danetit by the Fi rent, as te nerw eonerded, ie te be the | id Stace, » ical candiders, then bet there two cdg that fact. FB ictiinie be pisted aginst cach oth oo on There oe hip. We It be ae great ve ne to what the reeali would institutions as — Phil, Beening Herald. eo ” Impeachment—The President Acquittedon the Eleventh Article / Triumph af Bight and Justice ! w M.—The Coart ‘i £ SS F f Hr are ab. | te from @ Unweasian to negro com. ! tuorning, and, Williaws, it waddecided, by a vote! 34 to 19, te @éte of the Pleventh Arti | Jadge Chase then stated that the Sen- \ate- was new in prowess of carrying ont the order to. proceed to vote upou the ar- ticles of fmpeachment, and no motion was now in order, while that was pending. Mr. Counces appealed, and the appeal was sustained— 30 to 24. "Theu by a vote of 32 16 21, the Court to the 26th. Wade reeamed the chair, and aficr a _— a joint resolution, adjvurning 25th., was negatived, and the Seu- ate adjourucd as usual. tain a tesolution appeinting a cowniittee of Enquiry, on the conduct of the Missou- ri dydegeteri—Z5 to 50. ~ t Was, therefore, acquitted on the | pre consisting as. Parker and Jesse H. Adams were appoiat- ed to invite suitable speakers to address the clab; from time to time. On motion, a committee of five, consist- ing of R. W. King, C. 8. MeDanicl, Jno. - Dunham, Jas. E. Shepherd and -P. E. Hines, were appointed to draf:.a Con~ stitution and By-Laws for the govervance of the Club; to be submitted.to the Clab at ite next meeting. On motion, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the Democratic Club of the county of Wilson, believing that the time has arrived when a reorganization of the Demoeratic party in the State, will conduce to the best interests of the peo- ple thereof; hail with pleasure and bear- tily endorse the following resolution adop- ted at a recent meeting of the Democrats of Ifaywood County : Resolved, That all the elements of op- position to the Radieal negro panty, by whatsoever nawe known, -_— naturally and necessarily co-operate dnd affiliate with the Democratic ty North—that being the only national party which now pretends to respect the powers of the Con- stitution, or to maintain the ivtegrity of the Government framed by our ie; ly ‘Therefore, we respectfully suggest, ia or- der to perfect our organization for the ap- proaching Presidential election, that 4 State convention of the Democratic party and of all other organizations hostile wo the perpetaation of Radical negro suprem- acy in the land, be called to meet in the city of Raleigh, on the 13th day of June oxime. Resolved further, That we recommend, and respeetfally urge upon our Democrat- ie brethren of the State, to hold mecting» ia each county, at a» carly a date as may be conventient, and —— delegates to represent them in the State Convention. Resolved farther, Vhat we recommend of the Coanty of Wilson be held on Wed- selecting delegates tothe said convention. Oa motion, adjourned. to meet again "on Saturday cake May 16th. MARCELLLS EDWARDS, Preside at. H. F. Munnar, 8. B. Faumenr, >» Seerctarics. Private bille weve resamed. of the t'au- | "ore efficient prosecution of the imprach- | meout of the I’resident the Managers be | direeved and jnetructed to sammen an! | théir Wereendautse have |etenine witnesscr, ander oath, to rend for n for ceutaries, aud in Africa for many persons and papers, to employ a steno gmpher, aud to appoint a sub-oommittee to take testimony, (the expense thereof to be paid from the coatingeut fand of the fouse,) wae adopted, aud the Howse ad Brownlow in a Dying Condition, Bt. Loais, May 16, P. M. -A_ special from Nashville, way: “Brownlow te iu adying coudition at Knesville.’ abana The Difference. —A case was recenily tried in owe of our e urte about the sound wees of 4 bores, in which a clergyman, aot couversant with eneh matiers, appetred as witness. He waa alittle contueed in giv- ing hie evidener, and « bluctering lawyer whe etamined him at last exclaiord : “Peay, six, de you kvow the difference between a horee aud a cow “[ acknowledge my igworancr,” re plied the wituess. “1 hardly know the difference bet worn a hover and acow, oF a Lally and « ball—only that a bull, lam lield, has hermes, and a bally (bowing with meck respect to the pettifogge: ) lack ‘ily for me has nowe.” “Yoa can retire, sir,” said the “I've no more questions to ark you.” lawyer; South he Covi we Sins Revs and Willy vo A Devin Fisu.—A letter from iy A g Neg ae - + sob ceqyeinnd This | Alaieka, published in th: San b ran ble citizen of BB ove leotinhdtiddigmmbestre of ore abil evco Balletin, raya the ‘devil fish was & parser” it shows « strength of only 34 or ao | an inhabitant of the waters of our teri ‘i jnew territory Not beonnge since one ot Velen. 5 Laren The vote on the Fleventh Apticte stood it irimes, Henderson. Van Winkle, ‘Tram , and Rese voting “Not Gailty.” our, and After the | Wef Jastice bad declared the vd his friends resident aequitted on the article, a mo to adjoarn ta the 26ch tnet., wae de oat of order, An appeal was sus- ined, when Hendereon moved to ad- 2° fi "ping eoach no- > lower hin to July, This vote is pending. — vig djournment bie. 1 Mee katie eri. ‘ The Court has adjourned to the 26th 2 aoe ot. Wade voted threaghoat the day. ie BE Tho lon, William bi. Reed has and went 0 resented te the New York Thiateors matter.— Al Seciery the <wire cvileetion of son the trai BRA escri oe a of his grand fath- » found. His * Prveideak vteph Keed, of enn cenme excoed- BP! <ania, oxtensling trom 1758 to 1784. ident bad be- comprises an &xtenal ve serics of an: Bopyed ond BEb grays terrere froin Gowornl Wash nee, when = Ee — Deleware Goninty (’a.) Dem t CAT RAL CLOSED iz fully torn aod BE The Clarke (Va) Journal eays the the first — ethouint Episcopal tharch at Rer- | af those yville, Va, wae closed last week hy Mh i nited States officer, For the! clon state a t LWo. years thia chaech has heen beatae ple subject of d spurte between the | on by the cor- orthern and Sonthorn. Metledints. | Vhat right the former havo to it is knownyps it wae built by sobscrip from the iizéns vf Clarke coun: y and nota doar went to rds paying for it is ‘ to 19. Mesos: Fowler, PFeeeenden, | there tasteged to the bart which a sail er on the Wamestown had thrown lever fer halibut, and being detached from the bottom. was haaled on board lwithout dittenliv. The correspond lent saye: “As the repulsive gl lows aes sprawled its ¢ ight col } mv, i] ateley lfuliv feur fee) abeut the deck, to lwhieh it would attach eo firmly tha [the wtmest strength of a pow erful }asan was required to rend the helt. | Lone of them, we reongnize:d the cors lreet and anexaggerated description bef Victor lbuyge. ir anyth ng was needed to intensity ite intrinse loath e@oumeness, it Was added when some ledians bey ced it, and taking itin their canve ashure, ate it.” a Private “ecreTAany.— We ace itata- ted ju a telegram to the New York Tri- bune that Gov. Holden has tendered the position of Private Seecetary to Robert Douglas, the eldest son of Stephen A. } Ponglas. Mr. Holden, it Will be recollect ed, war a Donglas man in 1860, bat vo- hed for Breckinridge, the‘veerseton candi- \date.-- Wil. Star. { A clean well regulated kitchen adds reatly to the comfort of a honse- eper “A jlace for every thing and lovery thing in ite place.” a fps POO LE MARKIED : L@A lamnazice Co. N.C., May 17th, | 1863, by Rev. Sail. Rothrock, Mr. jJouy Waccoser aod Miss Saran J. jtaughter of the’ late William Whit- sell, ‘ton's woman's rights paper. {and remote comers. The people ar , in it shall be saved, and he that bel itin | eli: | living th wnges (+ stend ny | ally, are respectfully requested to copy the above proceedings. be —— MULTUM IN PARVO. There is a world of trath and common sense in the following extract from the Revolution, Mre. Eliaabeth Cady Sian It is the production of Parker Pillebary, and stamps him a man of no ordimary sagacity : “Suffeage to black men in the Soath is i ja political accessity, aul wot an act of right for the sake of right. Impcaching C. 8. McDaxign, | The Tarboro’ Sout er, Wilmington A resolution that, for the farther and | Journal, and the prese of the State gener: | | From: Washington—Indefinite Poat- ponemnent of the Arkansas Bill, de. wew ap yet. The Beans has indefinitely postponed the bill for the admission of Arkansas. A special to the Chicago Tribune says on leave) was stoned at York, Pennsylva- uia, One of the stones misaing Logan, struck Gov. Hahn, of Louisiana, on the breast. ~ John Nagler, of Prince William Co., Va, sues Stanton for $50,000 for trespasa on his farm. Markets. and heavy,—lower. Sales 900 bales at 31h a 32. Gold firm at $1,393 a $1,393. Ster- ling firm at 10}. ° Itimore, May 19, P. M,—Cotton dull at 31. Flour quiet and unchanged. Liverpool, May 19, M. Cotton more active, prices unchanged. Sales 22,000 bales. From Washington. Washington, May 19, P. M.—Senate —No session. House—No quorum. The Managers examined Charles W. Woolly, regarding his draft for theuty thonsand dollars. He averred that it had nothing to do with impeachment, but with- held furthea information relative to bis private business. The Managers have summoned several newspaper men. Full Cabinet to-day, inclading Thomas. Chieago dispatehes indicate that the Vice Presidential contest is with Wade, Hanlin and Colfax. Indications are fa- voring Colfax. The most credible egeculation indicates the exclusion of southern delegates. D. W. Vorhees has not been betore the | } that x coavention of the Democratic party | t9 render Jolson powerless hereafier.” nesday of Jane Court for the parpose of | that liberty is the best guarantee of jas- | | | the Presv'ent is a party trick dictated by | a demagngne predetermination to held place, power and jx if Were the trial aud hanging of Jeff-reon Davis a similar necessity, hie lite woald be ve more than ¥ mashroom in the party desperati The South ie hated by the party leaders | at the North, aud hates back in return — Aud yet we are atnnned with the about restoring the Laon, as if fire and faluinating powder could be moulled iu to bread! The hate naw engendered the Seoathern heart by tow Norther: prate in treat ment ot her will bern as the dames of bell for generations, by all the laws of nataral life and being. Gerrit Smub and a fiw others preach forbesrance towards lier is our fellow -sinner as well as cufferer, and are mocked for their paias, and branded as Copperheads. ‘The prees has almost supplanted the pulpit iv power and infla enee, bat nowhere aud never calls tor joe lee or pleads for teath, ence pt in obseure mide to believe that the Republican party is the only name under beaven given among men whereby they and their country can aud that whosoever be leveth veth wot shall be damned ; and the lingering taxation, be saved; years of miarule, elarvation, Soath aud North, are revealing to what parpose.” —_— When we walk near powe ful ma we know that one single mis noghty chinery, step and those engines will tear netonmbbons with ther flying wheels, or grind usto powder in their vouderous jaws, So when we are across the land in a rail thundering ear, and there is nething bat an inch f iron flange to hold us on the track ! ard there j}So when we are da a ship, ‘ia nothing hetween ua and ete nity then, that we sce how | We imagine, close we are to the edge of the pre- cipice, But we do not see it.— | Whether onthe sea or on the land, bike partition that divides us from Jeternity is something less than the | onk plant, or halt aq inch of ion flinge. The canchinery ot life and ideath ie within us. | hold the beating powers in their place pare often not thicker than—nv sh ppaper, and if that thin partition taps it a cannan adeath Tad’ struck Death is inseperably bound up with fife in the very stracture of onr bod ies. Struggle as he world to widen ness of -a sleet of paper. Ivea Bign to see a man adver tise iu sheriff advertise for hiin. ture, it wonld be Mig same wish ub as Us. — he space, potpan can, at any time, go further from death than the thiek- The tisanes that | t OT] | ie | recent po ou the papers—bad 10. see the | Tobacco, |rel, per pound, Managers,—has not been summoned. French Press on Impeachment Panis, May 19, P. M. Le Temps says: “Johnson is saved on- ly by legal forms.” Des Debats says: “The vote is sach as La Liberte says: “The verdict shows tice.” The Constitionel says: “The vote ie fatal to the Radieal party.” Le Epagne says: “ A great party could not riore clumsily have lost its prestige ” La Presse applauds Republican ivetitu tiona, whieh permit the Chief Magistrate ot forty mnifliona to be brought w trial, without bloodsbed or natioarl disq ales Napoleou is sick. Washingtov, May 19, M.—'T'be Mana- t, | gers” investigation has developed nothing wv that Gen, Logan (absent from the House | New York, May 19, P M—Cotton duit} ' year, at his late resid of Land on the Yadkin river. The bome tract contains about 365 acres; the other tract up- wards of 400 acres, A large quantity of first rate bottom on eavh tract. The lands will be divided to smt_ purchasers. Also, several other tracts of.upland. Terms made kuown on the day of sul, I JARRATT, ) J. P-OLINGMAN, > Adm'rs i. & PURYEAR § May 22, 1868. w3t LOOK oe wm. The Ku-Klux-Klan is About ! AM READY to exchange Leather for good Hides, Kip and Calf Skins, Bark, Tallow Lime, Hops, Barley, Corn, Rye, Oats, and country produce generally. I will also Tan good Liides, Kip and other Skins, for one-half. T return my sincere thanks to a generous pubhe for their liberal patronage in my differ ent businesses, in this couoty, for the last twen- ty years, Moses L Brown's old stand, corner of Lee and Liberty Street. MARTIN RICHWINE. Balisbnry, N.C. May 19, 1868. why ‘FOR SALE! TWO BARRELS OF THE Grafton Mineral Paint at New York Cost. Office. watwtf Apply at this May 19, 1888. ROBINSON'S CIRCUS ON WHEELS. WILL EXHIBIT AT 28th. 29th. Gold Hill, Thursday, May Salisbury, Friday, a A. ROBINSON CUAR COVELI DR. STEVEN 4, HIRAM DAY Ts MANAGEK w. that im orgamzing tine Cire . Manager Equestrian Du cetor T eacurer Master of Ciroe- thi meoeetfully stare bas «pared wether Time, Labour « angele sees Arrest of a Su p pose d Murdere 1) Officer James Peyton, of the police | force of this city, arrested on Wed nesday night, at a dance house at the street, [saac Shaw, who echarged with the nurder of James Fisher, at Washington, NOC last Saterday aight when ont serena ding, an aceonnt of which was pab Tuesday 4 ; ” ve foot of George lished in oar issne of last Shaw was bronght before tis LTeoevs or, Maver Palwer, on Thareday morn ing. and by him remanded to the cus tody of the Sheriff of Craven connty whe will transer bins to the Sheriff of Bewuiort county. Newbern Republican. ——_- Swelling. — The fall of rain recent Iv nbowe thi peint mast have been] etteme}ly heave, judg ny freon the auiden rise which hae caused the I> aneke te ewell te unwielde prope theme Sire ia well oat of her ban and her muddy, waters “lap the te ot Weldon as they rash hy” t tuake the present curmminatir: tive mem bee t wrcts| Court of Rowan, I will sel! at public 0. ls PURSUANOK of a decree of the Gounty sule at the residence of Mra. Melinda File, lat of Jaco’ File, of July next, the following tracts of land loaning to said Jacob Files estate, to wit’: The bome tract. sui fo the widow's dower, lying on the Y Abraham iii ’s heirs, Muses Lemly, Alexander Friek and others, containing 227 acres. A the Beaver Tract, lying on Dutch Second ijoining Charles 3 , Alex- ender Frick and John Lull, containing 136 acres. ALSO, the Hartman Tract, lying on Duteh Second Oreek, adjuining Kiward Kulty Alex- ander Pool and others, containing 105 acres. ALO, the Misenhamer Tract, on Dutch Second Creek, adjoining Leonard Hoffoer, Moses Lemly aod others, containing 250 acres, CP Sale to take place at 11 o'clock A. M. Terms made known at sale, ALSO, on Tharsday the 7th of July im the Village of Muuut Pleasant, Cabarrus Co. [ will sell a Honse and Lot belonging to said File’s estate, said lot lies oear the Female Sem- inary, bas a two story dwelling and oth- Per necessary buildings, and contains one and three fourth acres. Sule at 11 o'clock. Terms made known at sale. Persons desiring to purchase any of said property, will please examine before the sale. ‘The terms will be liberal W. R FRALEY, Adm’r. May 21st, 1868. w6t-20 White Emigrants Wanted! ry | O CULTIVATE two of the Richest and best farins on the Guadalupe River, Texas— where a working man ean raise 10 bales Cotton and 1000 bashels Corn in one seasou —at present prices worth 82000. Timber, Water and Stoek range abandant, aud the evumtry noch healthier than Rowan or Ire- dell. Parties wishing to emigrate to the “White Settlements’ to make something aud to keep it. Apply te J.D. MeNEELY, or by letter to Dr. J. R. JOHNSON, Salisbery. N.C. May 5, 1963. wktw-2w Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. \ TILL be sold at cay sale, at the Court Hose in Salisbury. on the 16th of June nest, the valuable House and Lot known as the Jutian place, now oceapied by Mr. Ritz. [t will be a full sale, ineladiag the widow's dower. The House is large, embracing a goed store room oa Main street, and seven rooms fur family ase. Teams—Notes with see arity: the first, payable January Ist, 1869; the 2d, Jan. Ist, 1870; the Sd. Jan. Ist. 1471 —interest from Javuary Ist. 1800, L. BLACKMER. C. M. E. April 25th, 1963. [wtw-tds| 0 ws (C ow and Believe } vant mts attractive ever presettet to the pab Ape AT GB POULSON & COS DRUG | bee fear rtere of the Glone lave ou ; | s A phe en | and Mel son this section of North Carol weeny i aa Try them !—at eet ieee 2 “ade WYATI'S OLD STAND Digan eceeatl es pees se | Mews Seliebory, N.C ] and the extrmerdinary array of Porgy au! Ne af é Juve Talent inetodiug | JAMES ROBINSON, | CHAMPION RIDER | MADAM ROBINSON, THE PRIDE OF THE ARENA | Mam'selle Annie Robinson, | TUE UNEXCELLED. Master Alex. Robinson, TUE DASHING RIDER | UBLANCY—The erraiet Acruhel ia the | World, « Lowe feats the fAyiag bar are tru 1 WY isaichens toed | Pramiment among the bead nr monhere o thie Extenewe Troupe «| be found tie foo w ng naned Hiram Day, \State of North Carolina, BURKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spring Term, 1568 tt va. The he'rs at law of Thosmes Scott, deceased PETITION TO PRLL LAPD. auts Jane E. Johe M. 1 W.. Thomas 1) ' Seott. are non residents o 1€ is therefor fered that publ Rate ° » made in the Watrcauax & (hp | of er xX Cz e weeks no ng «aid de@ndante to be and appear at the ner term of this court }te be held fer the county of Barke. at the coart House in Morganton, om the Ist Monday after the yin May nett. then and there to ans plaintiffs petition. other« ise the «ume p the town Weldon Vews | Clown and Humorisl. parte and jndgment rendered pro _- | The far os M < — 4 Fa te rweser. clerk of our anid ( cert Last rear a reward of abont need Wit al H . x | stefice ta Morgawton, the 30th day of March, A dollar atundred pounds was offered Fah fication of the adage, “Langh and Qroe | ig¢e pe Qe FE. W. DORSEY. craee in France tor tie carcasses of Jane)” aes Bass. whch have multiphed greath |W: WV HILL . Doable Somereault. The Arlington, Mataal 7 ' Le JEROME TUTTLE — Acrobiti ° 3 and have become very destructis . scew 7a rae A . Life ti eyed jeaee irecumme Nerd destructive | YOUNG TONEY —The Funny Felon (SUC Susatante Vompany y roncres onsand pounds J = ie ANTHONY HEBING CH. he - bane Aivee tin an nce ONY HEBING CHAMT'IOR - |" QP VIRGINIA, 4 —— ha : ——— ; iil ian ies ce e edhe Me C.CORNILLA, { Virginia and Southern [natitution pase lover ths place on Wednesda . AY Pap rest ia + gre = . evening bat fellata p teame three Peter Jenkire Its Funds are kept tn the South, niles below here, bat we have heard MONS. CUTLER fou Primed lwingmdonc at or Sfoweal Beil Act Ti hag met with unprecedented success. e fcld of voung ’ rR 3 ian wen 1 oot HTS ce - '. ' HARRY JENNINGS, Its fortunes are established beyond any Cessl ating the re lana’ ir oF ’ ‘ Tell TT ni(ivcat Twi our ae Sig ilwenl Ruler : 3 el . « 21 i : A hase contingency. : . ; ; rarey PROFESSOR SHOWERS, The Company has capital and amet at ite SALISBURY MARKETS] PROFRSSOR SHOWERS, |, ua company ton capa! and amet, gun MAY 19, 1868 sin A aa li a | laearauce | ompany on the continent, which is the true test of reaponsibt iit REPORTER BY RIXOMAM AC ORR: ents rt) . ~ en |, te afaire are cautous!y adminintered by selectent Beceon per poun et 8. a y Directors of responsibility aad business capacity nail ca seul . ee ; ‘ : . 6 “ 4 It has estabinhed ite claim to Southern Patromagé Corn oor bash! 6 A ite ite tw 0 bay t est Choe us Meal. bush. 4 1.@0 2 iOS had | : ey | OFFICERS: Copperas. per pound, Wto The I Brothers. -in Vl arr Candies, Tallow wo ched Gy mnasiiee i thew | PeERKOIDENT, Adamantine bn “" Nehamo—The Dwart vt lenrst, the hegt : . rite wr pouns bt le + < « s a 2 ye ay arn us lined 1 es 1.78, %™ Batronte Leaper in tha Universe JOHN E. EDWARDS, * i 2 . . e ' ts oe BE BlAdmiasion =.= FS etalg Nines, on THIER 5 , . - of cs, . , eet ence highs Children, (ander ten yrs) 60 © | ‘ SRTSOOR «keral, Vs . saees ," “uo od rl meat Py ois) oslo To al parts of the Maeomoth Pasiion, no MEMIOAL EXAMINER, cy EPL poy er i) il sraminag Ran Hone bes | CHARLES H. SMITH, M.D. uit, dried, apples ' piveces a | ates i . car Wake eer ae Ae cic | AFTERNOON AND EVENING, |p, Wteh cette | someeae somuy Morsaotese pealer- eee 19 te 18) Doors open at 2 and 7 beck. Perform. | Senet a fi Lasthae! epper iar pased 62 ro ye | ADE Some at DG an 7p lk DIRECTORS : i’ , no'e ; 4 -- te 3) G.W. WHITLOCK, | Joba Raters Mery K. ENybod! Ff Se delhngn 8 ar ed ea General Baaness Agent, | Wham F. Taylor. gh, ge Sane ee astings, Namnued S. Co % ©. Baskerv Nailsent, " ; ed pees — | Joka trwotey. Semnel C. Tardy, Molasses, corcham. pert zal te D Mi oO U D Charles T. Wortham, Heogge Jacobs. . —_ Indian, * A ro to o A T B IL . | Wiltiam Willis, Jr., J. w Alison, Onions, er bashel, fe to ap) PPROPOSALL will be received for bunkhirs a! | ERPs stony ryrige et | Pork per pound, FRAME DAM at Maj. Hairstou's Shoals | James A. Sota, H.C. Calbett, Yotatons, Itieh, per bushel Mill, nsvaily called Fisher's Mills, The bottom | By M Quartea, D. J. Hartaeok - n Sweet, * mote Sills are to be pinned to the rock with iron |W. MH. Tyler. — C. Williams, tee elane ana Lepthacee bulia, The berght, length, de, of Dam ean be | 4" + nara rashes a yas —, | © Cmshed Pulverined to gs ascertained by exauining the locavon, whieh | J, B. Morton, Win. B. inancs, | Ratt, coast, per saok 4.00 to 6.00, will shown by Sami. Hobson, Bey LR. HL. Dibrett, George L.. Bidgood, : were * . pep And ad Early offers are earvesily splicited. | William H. Palmer, Samael M. Price. , _, boenpocess i du al . | Address the subsenber at Salisbury. » 8s Soeceeens Lt eon SAM'L REEV Se. ' LEWIS ©. HANES, Aa’r. Qmoking, | ........ Mis i.o9. May 14, 1368 —ewlow2rpd Agect | Janli—twkwif Lexuretox, N. C the 2n' in River, adjoining | of Samuel Knox, deo’d. 1 will expose. a amvant of personal’ | estate for sale, at hisfate Touidence ma Wedoes pa Fine and harnesss ; ‘Spee A fine lot of household, niture, kitchen utensils and And many other articles uot enumer- ated. Also, alot of North Carolina Bank Bills will be sold at the Coart House io’ Salisbury on Saturday the 13th day of June. of Sale, Terms Six months credit, with bend and security. Sureties will be required to have more property than what the law exem: The sale willbe within a quarter of a mile of Third Creek Station, on the Western Rail Road, and Train day, so that parties from Sulisbory can attend the Sale by going up,oo the train R. M. ROSEBRODGH, Exr. [w3t-20) of Samuel Kxox. Por Life Insurance Only. PIEDMON1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINTA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL « ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. ©. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKINS, Secretarg C. H. PERROW, M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern pays to its policy holders annually 874 Der Cent. of ite Profite. It ee ee taking notes Tt invites its patrons to Uements and see their rights protected, It allow; its patrons to change their policies from one place to another. Its Policy holders are not restrieted as totra- vel or residence. it offers the following certificate as toitesel- venc y : Nets» Covet Hovss, Va The undersigned, officers of the Nelson, and State of Virginia, take recommending asa solvent and ny. “The it Real Estate Insurance pany,” of this county; Le solvewey, its rates and | ance are stch as to commend it renhage. It« Stuckholders, Directors and Officers are of high integrity. and patrons can boverable, efficleot management of ite affairs. g None of us have stock or interest in thie company, and simply this ae diminter- ested testimony to the a good institn- tion. Ww. Hite, Sarveyor. 8. H. Lovine, Clerk Court. @ A. Bingham & Oc, mm Rahabary We also have the ageney for good Fire te Trovellag agents wanted. Sbikxe0 x THE BQUITASLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THR UNITED STATES No. 92 Broapwary, New Yorx. Cask Aagete. |<... .<:.-2..5.c.sdenccoueeeeee Annual cash Income,..... .. B.S0aRe Sam assared dering 1@67,.......... 4 2 40 Namber of Policies issued in one year—10,465 All pretite divided among the Policy heiders an- nually, Dividend February Ist, 1967—Cash raloe $610, 315. The largest Matual Life Insurance Company im the world Isanes Policies on a Single Life from §250 to $25.000 B. Wye Hutchison & Co., Ac’ Ne. 1, Cowan's Brick Row, Sauispurry. N. C. Whe are also agents for six of the heat Fise Insurance Companies in the United States march 4, }ads te dwie SILK OF PROPPEIY FuR UNITED STATES UCAXES. \ ILL BE SOLD at the residence of J. J. Albnight 1 Rowan Ooanty on the BOth day of May, 1868, the followmz property 2u0 ACRES OF LAND, more of less, beblouging to J. J. Al bright, adpaning the lands of Caleb Freese, Pe ter Albnght aad others, Tix abyve named owner having neglected ot retused to pay the Tages ($500,100) due by um te the Uuited States, the property desorib- d has bee. distrained, and will be sold at the ne and place ment smed above, in pursuance hb the provisions of the Act of Con of the United States to provide Internal | tonal to support the Government and for other pur- poses, Same. UL. Wirer, Col. lat. Rew. 6th Dist. N.C. JOHN BEARD, {2 Also, at the same time and place Two sulle avd Figvones and Sixteen stands. Salsbury, May 5, 1868—wids Deputy. T OTICK.—A Special Term of the i Coart of Law and Court of Equity, wili be held for the county of Osidwell, at the Court House in Lenorr, commencing On, the third Monday in Jol: 1868, aod eoutinee tor two weeks or until the business of said courts Rk RK. WAKEFIELD, C6 ©. May 14, 1968. wee | Pt e ts “arenes . re nn na . nm . at ~< orem . + * y Convention Stay Law. | Section 11 cf the xoove entitled Act be industrions or less manly. NEW YORK COLUMN. 40° Years Before the Public. , }anended to read as follows: Thus far the tide gf fortane may be ’ ; : - Heape’nsBeooxn Mivrtany Dretrter, ides hsve roll ith d a : Cuamurston, S.C, April 2, 1868, Section 11. That no warravt befure Justi+ to have rolled With @ steady current ‘Wace’ re rl . ees of the Peace shall issue or be returnable im Seott’s favor. He was in fair practice . i O8RERAL ORDER, until January 1, 1869. Should the defendant at the bar, convidering hig age and stand- : No. 67 io such saiere FeeDe ves plaintiff, or the ing, ‘The advocates “had appointed him 4 The Ocdimanee of the Constitational Con- | collecting officer for his use, ur coufess Judg- one ot the librarians, He was rapidly es-f, yentuo of the State of North Carolina, con- | ment before the magistrate, for one-tenth of tablishing a good name aga man of ge s+ ve! tt comformity with the Act of Congress | the debtand demand, (principal and interest.) ; dare d s b & wy t , | : : . Was and great research, He was about of March 23, 1867, supplementary to the Act! be shall be allowed twelve months to plead ; taleaointeolkialé ; ai of March 2, 1887, “to provide for the more ef- | at the expiration of that time. should the de- “bith, lenge i rat nach i re i a a > f vemt government of Lie rebel States” enti- | fendant pay to the plaintiff, or confess judg- & bitter one. Kncouraged i part by the oe ia tsi ed “An Ordinance respecting the jurisdiction | ment for one-fifth of the residue of the said success of his transiation, in part by the} TARE SURSCRIBER takes this method of of the gourts of this State,” was ratified | debt or deusaud. be shall be allowed twelve partial assurances of his friend, Miss Crans- j ining ry, ps oe 2p brah ado +9 wand Qunsention on the 17th day of March, ! months more to plead ; = the mtpeton ot toun, he had wade up his mind to tell ber } road ce ML see ada, 46 ebm: 3 bi Meigen 1808, aad which is herewith published, isbeie-/ that time, should the defendaut pay tothe his tale attove; and finding Limeclf an- | tah TUR ranches, at his C Build) by appreved, and wil! hive the force of law in! plaintiff or coufessjydginent for oue-hult of der the same roof with the ‘wobjéet of bis THe sou i HERN = pe oy 5 we ta yey * seid State aati the qucstion of ihe ratifica: the residue of said debt or detiaud, he shall ¢ . i . ea Lk _ x ‘ cCubbins ehasin bis, © rT. er pejection of the Constitution framed by anid be allowed twelve months u to plead; at 7 ene’ he ee sought . va to aah hes ti EPAT Ic PI LLS, Caran. of Bal'imore, who is one of the ’ Gonvention by the people of satd sate 1 the expiration of that time the plaintiff shaj) Jet Beart, and was rejected. She had Boy That old, lng known and well tried remedy | Cutters in the couutry; and being also im Ar be delormined by au election beld in ther ‘T have judgineat for the residue of bis debtor heart to give. Another hud it in his heep- | for ail Poliove diseases, cauned by a gular receipt of the poescnited by law, aad in the event « and: Provided, however, that the plain- | ing. and be was one of Wakher’s dearest DISHASED LIVER. Latest Farhion Plates, jecnan thereat, for the father period vif required, shall tile his claiin iu writ- (friends, It would be angenerous, if it nsepmae is fully up to the times, andfecls: coufident off days: Provided, that the terms oi - . and if the defendant shall make oath | were possible, to depict bis t clings on tha They are made and sold by G. W earn his ability todo very superior work, and to nanoe @hall not be beld to apply t x ratthe whole or any part thereof is pot! occasion. the discoverer, who hye removed i pros cative.catielaokites tor pik Win. eee’ aed weth acy agricultaral or labor seu qearanteed justly due, or that be nas a counter demand, | "Whi “he t es » bound Md, where be can bave aceces to the purest and | "" . ( d Sta: of w! i particular! ferth by | his much, however, we are bound to best edicines, on the most favorable tering | Wt @ coll, He bopes from his yl hd bad hosed alread apap 2) allel wbioh he shall parcioularly cet forth by | 1y - Sikes he overcmasicicd teem) wilh al anes - ia large supply, | pee aud by unremitting attention to has organiaavee of the pre a er0- | affidavit. then the defeudaut shall only pay |""- {will which 3 i end Ue will aiways keep on hand a large supply, ig BAM ade he aa d ‘hate ot belied ment of said State under the President's pro- | the instalment reqhired of what he adinits to | powe! J ane yy wlan pmarye peed DH aud will sell to his customers, wholes le aud tres. His ct will be rn as he atiou of the 2b ef Arr be due. andthe Justice shall proceed to try {C4trying in his soul a giict whieb ucver! ° retail. at the abortest botivr, patrol — 3 charges moderate— : ot , ager I afl bora toe dal re . ; ; . er 4 | low as those of other workmen of equal skill, uy orders from the~ itters in disprte betweeu the parties; ! died, be uever aliowed it—no, vot even Tu the preparation of these very superior an Connery peodisasal athintehs tabaitrea : ; Ee” Co . r Amd prowided tthe expiration of twelve mouths the | for a day--to stand between him and the xcetleat Pile, vo cust or trouble is spared to Pig is, a adh Dive lire a. sat eae: he 28 MD ALY Court aot shall be allowed time to plead only ; wanly exercise of bis faculties. He quit-! insure the grewlest amare pe: fretwun, will insure a neat and yood fit. aug OF BABE. Be Op NeniMetio © chon payment of oue- fifth of the amount ad-| fed the beuse, made his way into Perth- in pout of atiliy, excellence aud comlort.— FB Cotting and repoiring done with abd re 00ds af reinor | = vr" anitted to be due and whatever the Justice! shire, and threw himeclt, with apparently ides Mera bes pleas eng “i Longe despateb. C. N, PRICE. ws per a 16S nay have found bin indebted over andabeve). | of eis . iss ered < fever before vO deed as & medigue, anc ie peute . " “ bd the the same: Prowded. iki should the deteud: | nina tad: pied 2 seals a sete — we y beara the Lives | seibory: May 2. 1868. weela tag OO war against tee £5¥- ant to pay or cuufess judgment fur the first} VOTE $0 bi at once busiucee an re (which gives thew an advantage over every} : Sa Undead Slasce tick oxi nnwihe! — coat Ae Meare as then and in, ten; while, strange to say, only one | other Pill heretofore offered to the public.) The State of Noth Carolina, Ud ag Lobe eutitled to) short poem by his band survives to tell; comovetion aged in Gere Pills ws carefully pre WATrAUGA COUNTY rd, { execution for such | that such an incident ever befell bia. - t pared by the band : ~ SEDO EN, a paws | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April ded stalmen': Prorided further, that by con-| Phere is, however, wo doubt that there | be used by the most feeble patient in . no ‘| Term 1863. ve sent of Plaintif® the defeudaut may at} aie qaces of her in the beroines of ube | ies rituation, elthes spare or fe ie “hi sp Win. Horton, Guardian va Thomas & RB, E. > bs auy time e s judgment for a stipulated @Liy Rokeby,” and “Red guautlet.” | frows hated peated CuminoatKe fe Jy eA at %s Rn orem at fake se 8 tases tae! . tengthemog, avld ia their action on the bew- p. _ : _; satin full aad final discharge of all further | ras é 1 = Aid aa like ours where Attachment levied on land. w@ proceedings i be . demand or liability upon such elaiu : that} ——— --- | oR) Reed 10S CH te ee wale, or insane per ' **- executions and judgmeats iu actions of debt. - ; entds and cougis are alnost an anfailing con. | I" appearing to the satistaction of the Ooart trie, preperty or mieresis ic Lic Lands CZF wir : aes assum ay 5 Ree - whieh } net fe We take the follow is g fiom the, sequence of the sud leu changes to which al!) 4ilat the defendants Thomas & R E Brown : ‘ ee lee : hse ae au be H ad Ff jad es en a hereto Wilmington Post | are sebject every one at al! lable to suffer frou | resiie Le youd the units of this State; [tis ar. - me lerks of equity for eke ined iy saan ee pares sliall be < Vorth Carelina HB Z } be influcoce ot these causes, will fod the greats | dered by she Court that publeation be made sri, and othe: fiduciary agents, « vente aac seh re Sas | As crap Y North Carolina isivry.— } ext security in having bis hver and bowels well | tor six weeks in the Watchman & Old North * y ke vied ou the property of the’ defendant apd | -py ; ae rata Baste ; ) | them in their fiducary character returned without sale At the etidcation of re following is copicn trom a Boston pe } cleanaed by these tnvalus Pilt« {State, noufying suid dyfeodants to be end ap- By coromand of Bet Maj G Ed R - : anlitle: : slik Be Xe ution |Preef that date, PT weuld eccm that Rice | Where thene Pills ate known, especially i |pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarte Conky Locrs V. Caziare hon. ita re coe iss aha He a ae || was ac ing Governor of the Colony, bar } the seathern States, where they lave beeu cir: | Nessione te be held fur the county AW etauze A id-de-Coin ieee eeikae a al : vl where can we bid any acecant of bi ort culated eo extensively, they oe ' y court-house in Boone, on the seoupd Actg. beet Adjt. Geol t = of Cacite bs from that tine Jule acdimuietration? bth uk he ix not} Meudation — their ments are su we lay im July oext, then and there shew anaes J 2¢-fifth of the residue i at exp nenhowed by any cf the Listoriane of the | hetr Koeah whe lieve g wea the +3] cereal any they have why the land levied oa AN ORDEXANCS ABAPRCTISG THE IURISDIC- Pinu af twelve inenths inic. one half Siate, and it uay be of come interest toe vec toi store maton tee LIE auc’ | shall vot be eondeaued to the use of the plain- t sit tt - : a, i ik They theevtore ace destited to be, aC no distant | ig TOw OF THE COURTS OF THIS sT4TE t 2 brie oo Rue ae J woito know Hohe teed abd wud Jelay. the culy retesly recognized aod ured by! Wines, JB. Todd, Clerk of our said eourt-at Secwom 4. Be it ordained by the peopl < on 5. pe hee rida oo) Pha ningtou.—F. K (he people where us dimwws are so preva! office, tie 2ad Monday i Acstt, AD, 1088 “Newsenn, N.C, Feb Letter & Bill- WEDDING wed PARTY. Tickets, | PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILIs, ’ Xd tedline im Conrenhen acscabled. Beeler ae ie 10, 1783 t The advantase iv this treatment there J. B. TODD, Clesk.. Phat Sections Land 2of the Ordinance df , a Ba } "On ye 29th of lust month, died at Wil ; le _ : cure : = Verdes an = a lv $8 i et _ DRUG LABEL Cuerettion. adopted Inve Zt. ING. « “ ici ® mMgton, on the Cape Fear, the Hoo. Na 1 ee ' shichaitel sedi TS - ar ’ ° dud he Delinsss 6 eae he te Ose al ee ee cred Rice, Eq, Preeuesst ata Cow Jie em nou yoie rave adeae «State of North Carolina, COURT BLANKS, even of the courts aud the rules of plead any debte on demands contracted or pen | manderiusechiod ov and overthie Proviner IMRT icy aan eeleenet cacy mantinie Cuitest| WATAUCA CUUNTY . therein.” be and are Lereby repealed nities inenrred sipee the first day of May. A}, ds y tf the enti, by wheel pon eeoay ieee. aa | sod oil other kinds of Blanks ead Jeb Printing +t Seethon 2. Be ut further ordeumed, That J). 1465. or which may hereafter be cot tenct-| a4 Wdiculine leelihe {" te bon. Bee mo De 92M Walt Gras, COUrt ef Pleas and Quarter Sessions April See ea Ea rattled Ordivaver be ed ue incurred. ences t seciowe foamed ou au) 111, Matthew Mewar. ard tube Seeets “COSTARS” r seecmean iw ‘west enering: ienen gee + wale worded to read as follows : bond. promissory note. bill of exehang } ‘ et ie aes at iv Wr iGs ‘eit ckaald be carom’ | Wai) Lieina, Qaaidian ea. fhuss & R Riese tow r ee ——— se 08 Strumret. al writ me ot ' “n it ' wer ahd - aS ie ; . rs ours” aid be wd i a, Ga 3 wiles nas equalled by te the State. atsampeit and account pow | ca 5 May. Istd.in re-} ! ‘ : P a7) W Kah Bes | Ne. FA swere CaLaces Sener Attachment levied on lead. Ocr torus will be ae low 6 the Jowes ip the Parier = shall be wont wal of or oul for we et onede | Bak Rood - RC tay ean Us es ae ule 1 € pa ation: Sn ea ee ene eee vssermmen 20. pearns to the setsiaction of the Court! tugthers © ing ser mag Term 14%. acd that the several jer ts fi ‘ muncunt! veordes of the jas slory our Biate re} wre they will be pr 19 attended te, bee Stlel delgmlanta Themen BR hewd! weey r Coarts at the Spring Term theref of the princ Aire Tiling enNati fi Elia wane tire BpiArlpd padpctih ale ride Watwap anal kh Te ae prgpeny tat ag betas wr, till be : i : c . : : ° eVeryebere. and on « agzists “ . Bikey bey conned Laem rts i": ci Xx oat enalenseo arigisal Juriedictioa uf aii img tent ts said day. and without sthervwm | apwars as Deer tisy of the Pewvinee un) Everybody Tries Them! | JOUN Ho ENNISS, “ety the Cau that pati te ae HANES & BRUNER, wn nema bave exclas,ve original jur tiva « ‘ Jeratem than sue pre-exi<tent debe fer Goversor Geoige Uarris ge wh AA Patypo he clan Watcoman & O'd North | Gebebary, J 16, ised. ioe rain, i F000 Chases Uf attion, except WLese ) ‘ ale? mefiona, SU18 OF Process Ve: as apy tid Gover af N. ¢ lie Everybody Uses Them ] waiely — it | state toyteg sad detendants to be » lap ae i a bas been « r Saal be « vents a e enforce any jodgineti heretefin on the 29 April, 1750, bat whe did ne } ~ eee f me Lelcalh peace dotted: sodeay THE TRIW t aioe arti a - du any » : ” bert, porerem in rake meh the qacwin: Seidibernnddiaret Lyery body--Believ: » io They ! | a Sesion to be held for aa emai ol ihe » REKLI Spring Terw of 1865. on wris : mae for. | Petra He qualfed at Edvaton ep | | a Walls oe hoe OLD NORTH STATE, ali tetarned to t Term of in any au t ; ; | hee troubled Ly Hate Mi-e ra | | aoe why the land levied 03 shall wot be cum oe 100 above chuecs gute Lede | eecales § no. Be vt further ordained, Thart rool De 15a. B r Teri,g ‘ 1S ea: -% rx. Bos of Lmned 10 the use of ihe plastid 7 x taguies Goat ca} ft ack Ae aS redavad ee ee ia Utatl earn ee AND THE WEEKLY ges the Bre f {« neracnp aes be { tk ain, Ow the I f the ee toe aerate nee _ or ko | at ofer, the 24 Mondsy im Ap il AD 1e68 ‘and demand. (prive pal and ivtersst.)' p, lav arch. A.| eae a iiti Ped cep eres at Le orate Hs, J.B. TODD, Clerk. | WATCHMAN & Old North State, end ali evate wt nisotchaihearse be : “ D., 1368 i i Ge ; ( n . levy ito keep in say ROSADALIS r ody 0A W-19 i entii ext Spring Term to pieced t the Cagextt : = ‘ ane @ . bap ae pec te is haa) a A 2 raid Spring Term. shoeld the deferdant pay y ’ apaite te: ‘ enh } Ri. g'e etruc *, qual fied a = J 1 Qo, y ’ 4 I OR 1868 te the riniatiff or conkees jadgmect for ne TA . 98. Secvetary ) Governor _ !WILSON.S KEMBDY wor CONSUMPTION, | State of North Carolina, . fifth, of the residue of the said debt or ds ~ Hoe adininiet was, bow \ wth led Boge! Caan! } WATALGA COUNTY. | maed aud costs, be shall be allowed ur Syare or Nati Cas ‘ mele re j A s jx = “tne Gatley ofl . ~ a | . t ‘ eB. . . t of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aprti ‘ penis & Term w plead. At elt? . Lis, B ea eee bee ape Pears CONT AL BheUCGEXNIEION Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ote mandy vet si t Spris. etm, ci i the da ? . ‘ ‘ ~t | = i * as ares ev) Peete . . pay to the » baud of confess jadgome "rE RWHR Ricee \ ons Hi y 4 ‘ - sie - Lk Farthor & Co, va Thome &€R EB Brown ouehalf of the residue of the ds tt or de Ce ie ty : b A C Attechernt levied en land reaed. he shall be aliowed cut\ the seererd five t | ee £ a ” se | = iS a Ayer S gue ure,'y: apr a ing to tLe satvection of the Coenrt bad neglee eg 8pr “Ses gas At tie opring ; vad See ys ck a : | ' Mer . bur = i Pe... hat the deareaieasa Vinwaes £1 & eon it involw tern, the Pleiotiff shell have Lie f ‘ j aK was . / ogc ay Be f . - or nite od t e a Otuper . 5 R WR | ; OSTARS INS Fe OWDER , beyord the fim 4 thas Seat bt 9 oe pe Pesca ely scare her precea alate, Secretary of State. | bem Wy viriwe ot hie dew. abled to the! COR) A NS manny ben asset tect’; Sandford's Liver Invigorator, that pobbeavow be mede lor mx werks| THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH Qand belie mcorer, plernt requiret. sha ae Z A «« » . RE the Warten & Old North State notifying eweed th file ‘sie debt te demand writing. and if the | vis = ' mul detevsdants to be aod appear at on veg: (STATE bavi been consclidated ts the : eicsdoat shall maha vetl. thot the whole «1 anne cous ro fall's Hair Renewer, i tis se! Qn: Sewone 10 be het “ . pened # sy part therwed, ig Bot justly dee. or that be ; Pa ie ; ; Ss Ja have arte tee te ee Ss ‘ wl tor the vuty Waetenze at the cmartchene bands of the wndersigned, end the Rammes having deep Ural > a mer éemand. ai) of whiel, shail \~ 4 oe One x steve assy Veadern j =e LS deere =a / \ Lene Jin Bue, on tle Dal Moadag in July vent | pabite ' , “" | have —- 22% = — —_—— the SIR WALTERS IT'S FIKSI | { GsTal a rs OLN ‘ Ly | N . ’ e | } ther wie shew cause if any they cmpuntes * 2 wt) as a drain d ietdnot seall pay the ioe meet teq 4 on unhoma, ¥ erte Try oe the lao? ewtend o@ shall aot be Gun | Dtished ia hich wit be fee rf erecta Lov H tett B tt ; one paper pei Sallevery, © . we tl bro = ape ge aes | 33 : Connecticut Mutual Life : os € er S I ers, - ont - “egar parent ; = follow ea’. order @ jary ° © Of sone >s a sinew alive ) = ] ee =a ae Ar ea ae OF cbedl oder taeda endl Vane’ at ; . : Ta x eo t {{RIOTT A Mah al A ' ck Se eeeraale aa . ae ‘ : | thee the cd Mowday w Apri, A.D 1968. Tri- Weekly & Weebly, mere @ , i cumirchirene . : NOU NUK GUMEANY yeas ; Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, | J.B. TODD. Clerk dried in : A | U UI 4 ere Liarcn nts raas as | pr adv $8 WO-19 voder the above sames, In sonequente ef le 1 ngy sg r Of Baritord, Coun.) eee A a ' : P= Ee + |r. | combination reitened te, tte pager tlt Agee the A dryin cles ee betaine we . Radway's Ready Relief, | State of North Carolina, she ons ' ‘ 4 ' a x STATe¢MIN s vl, Sb, } . " 4 . | . o42 winter . Ee aie eee} sires , ghee Perenincacen | WATAUGA COUNTY Largest Circulation ie dal * the . eS ' - E | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April a ; Pe eter ere | ee Term 1868. OF ANT PaPRu I¥ on An | g. } _ Wee “ j Thea J. Coffey & Bro, ) re, , : vad er “ : . . A tachment thom, a ! $17,670,288,88. 720 hiiis’ GB. POULSON & COS. ror on aah “| Western North Carolina. #P°"", La ned . 3 seprannog to the stt.cacteon of the Conet Inn. ranky hie om ry | _ | OF exire sh ee nN iI hat the rietendant Thomas D Kouworth re AND WILL aFvoRrD ThE my sien . e were y t INCOME FOR 1867 } i A g ee | 5 | # berger | ie mteol the S Ik 99 or- . ¢ Mrs dt] | : J F | teseal the oe «x ek] Best Advertising Mediam ~_——— -_ f ro le } ’ ( v wits Mare Wa Safe motily iow | om ere scree $7,726,516,52. 7 eet tem sett ot wt toe ae peti = j a ‘ . ° Fr ‘ Qin wre tea be bated few | Mate. od pa . z 1 } SALISBI RY, N. ¢ . SWateuge ot gia mds Anton vant Re f e tf} Mit MIS | Mer 7 ‘ea les rat Beome on © 2m) Mueday in duly ne £1, and anaiesalipacenmaaas on in >i sis Pore ba } 6 de SBE : ‘ edt hew coor if any Le hee, why ls adv aa ; rate >RQ0¢ a4 ‘ ix at | , | — * prope . thall mot be condemued = } ‘ €6,332,804,25, pO COUGH RENE | ) , YORUM CARLIN: Munk ROAD eae AY sintiffe eres wail 4 ; gett? } “6 Compasy Snore. S.C., April bo tama, | Wits 2B Told, eer of one mit ec unt a The iilitorial Department per ’ . : Sy BHcee q office, the 34 Monday in Apnl 1868 Eero? . Fi) ‘ ] + ()n and after thie datethe follow w le r ‘ i , he Aebedale foe Feameger Traiea seer thi JW. 1ODD, Clerk {7 '* seter Be mecngement of Ma, Basen lem Biirestion, s OTS ld o§ . head pray $3 W—19 Editor and Proprietor of the Oe Noara Beare jake t 4 and - , } < Leave Charlotte. daily 11.96 rp. » aaa = — farmer’ ' 1 ) 1@ ’ . 4 r) noe Ses heh : airbus... ae |State of North Carolina,|™""*" sonauuatte an ‘ +i Y . | 5 05 . . s f cleme . I SA ves WATAUGA COUNTY ee / ud a . ae fe Mis TOME N 12.25 pw Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aprit} ' “* prilties of the peper there will be ne ane y . { : ae | reer gto P.M | Term 1868 charge—t will contions to bes Sim ond Gealded -s \ NDS PAID ane ( EA s 43 : N rin « i h s MU I Di AN) 2 r acA7 A (askance Conservative journal, bes it will sot be devoted e2- Now cst ’ ae € f k A re Dona ‘ Salisbary 138 . r at | R e Ate - ¥ ae of nat os Ja i k Rrrive at Charkste. if ies) ; d clasiveiy te poifties. 1h will aio be devoted to te * his nage anew nf ¢ Gy . " T hirough me byahialine have choo Appearing to the eari-fection p his of i \ r 7 ji Prinetio ce - es rough passengers by this line havechoice meter’ “ ef i thre . , ‘ 7 } ® of routes via Greensbers' and Danville to the Jeton'ant Thomee D ™ A. of the Mate, and fo Literary oot Pre ati efi oh tad or deer-< ' Teresa Set ievedl GENS colle ae 7 mailanaede ics — I don via ah aod Weldon to ro resrdent of thie State: 31 is} sesste Reading, D Economy, he lece uf oss ‘ Wi atte iy eae feel SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, ; R dor Port th. arriving at al) rol Liste LOAN ssh et cannot te ee . as sie — (General \eent (Po! Beware! 1! y ull Worthless s north of chmond atthe same tine by aie as Ls oe ae igo OPering such (aducements, we confidently appeal hannel ; af ‘ t throwsn team of hie owt his S| Raleigh N.C Ay either route. Conner tion is made at Gold PCR ant faut ty Be an ‘ e b f tlatiered bimee!f that bis parsioue BuGe licen see A eoner Chain: a ( [mitations boro with Passenger traiue sy w & Ww rnext Court of Pleas and Quarter Semaone, | totbe vabllo for # libers! share of its patronage be : ' cciprneated’ No word exe aped bam r3 , & one oe ° None genuine without *Costar's Signa Road to and fran Wilmington and by Freight to te bekl bw the conmy of Watnipn at the by subseription and . a . ' ie the | eel ee shad fure Spats sei! J hese in Boerne, ot the 21. Munday in advertinemente. al odin vowenne ae i i fs bth 126 und bie sizes kept by all Dreesiets, ("wets Wt “JAMES ANDERSON, —|!¥ ne#1 then and there shew cause f any T Subseri ‘ co eeMitaicl erik JAMES ANDERSON, . Wane ae : 5 fi this awu feelings, Me resembled COMFORD LAND AGENCY OF 81.00 sizes sent by mail on receipt af price.| beat Cede si yee , he r * wt fur yr ss oN. C. Rai ee ath} * oncenmed tO the use of the plains “ ae etponed te the to this reepeet the moet bashtul of the NORT . 2() 7. 82,00 pays for any three 81,00 sizes seni Offer N. C. Rail Rood, April 1. 1868. uf | Witnew, J. Bo Tedd, clerk pee said court at THI-WEEELY: ( Ll: ss lime, eb J basitel lowers deagrbed in hie novels, ae 2 . owe . by brpress A 0 E } as : ar aerteeee, | fe, the 3) Munley in Apel 1968 : e half ofithe ite tuld hia ereret to many oS hie brie a ee oloene. « ere #5.00 pare for eight 61,00 sisces by sai SEWING WANTED. ‘s J BTODD, Clerk, | %0r One Year... .cecssscescsesees eed he 6 +d to first Larong othere te Mies Cranstoun, af TT pring Pa adit) a prady 00—I19 “ y ond at 1 ne % word Countess of Porgetall rag the Mille 7 Lots 2 cul fb i “oe A ddress. , | M 185 MARY HOWARD, Corner of Main | ~~ > wb = PIDs ater eeieca coretgt : . Mi " . | win netery stiects i yp shirts for gr ‘ lew OF rigagee shall & the Property. OF ot, et uf bie devotion he eaid nothing Wei any kid wt. find at tier miventage to HENRY R. COSTAR, =| fees beataleabat ds wil wake shirie lor gre | Bb. R. MOORE WEERELY: } wel of it ae will realize the el eo ee lat sompark. bewever, that ackic| place ibeir promtty hiv Waddle tar sale 452 Broudway, N. Y,| Gemen with lines fronts, fur Seventy five cont | ’ - wihue ruts: Proruied. dow encr, that » sald the| % 9% evi aie eae ae iar UG: Wark Giese betas peed FOR SALE BY ao cas (aan seer Attorney and Ovunaecllor at Lae, | Por One Year,, stveeeeneescennens tone OO miel sia truster of wmortgager te be | © Briton aay : _ | chasers for all such property v at, j Huy sabecquent ogpensiena r th lope es xpbowany to rt _— Ker eeeneers er 2 "I JOHN H. ENNISS, ‘ —«an GPO] ME Month yee ce ersesvecnesdes 10 Wad th vane truster of mortgagee Fal! well a Pp 5 i O. B. GRETTE i JOB PBINTING six months’ credit so much of the property Ae first love is apt _—_ such as General Agent, Salisbury, N. Cc, COLICITOR In BAN KRUPSoN HANES & BRUBER, ver a cooveyed ae Will realize cach ieetahoout | him it ¢eepened in him the poetic tem- Greensbore’, N. 0. felg by eT the Wheteaie fet to ati P WILMINGTOR, &. hp . # ther ordained Thar ment; but is made him neither les! Peo 2, i867 ly | the lange the Me hewterty Deety Maswded wt this (#7 ¢. Bertin 6 peve ‘ ond ty nd this iat deed yal or pn 5.0, Socmey ah net ape * effecting | vals, ily, and benee dries vieinity, aud thigin ite —_ abserb— ing the water adjacent, a” gometrical progression Fd pp tora ing - es, Cees oor ae wa | wer, ti . 1g influence, | & acevant of the aaakes from the drain, it avails I just now sald & the earth 1000s +090 GB, 08 veveysstes 100 RUVER, peed Arad this we to that part of my subject whieh ig the most neces sary, (as I will prove yreeutly) and at the same time uvwt dreaded as well as neglecied by the farmer, because it involves @ heavy capense, without a crupensating reward, as he fears and believes, whe has @ever experi ened the result, or seen the greed ef) fects; and this is, dense as we!l as! deep drainage. { | have already shown jin what ratio a drain drice the land, and will now | rove the necessity of frequent drains. follows, them, «f coare, that the were draina, the éeaner the land is iried in @ geemetrical proportion amas tog; and all know the necessity OG MERI ar ie, then te Vs eda Rahn ap al to| see Hore in the -|to bore in the same way, and I will ‘om uplands, (partieulaly uf a wet Phe: 7 HS oe ont he curions to know the: result, I contin- ued boring till I reached, yellow sand, when, to my utter astonishinent, the sand g up in wreathes, and ina few minutes the water flowed three or wa-| four times as copiously as it did be- ‘idea | fore. x in the extreme.| Result. The land dried, and-I have cultivated it ever since ; first, in corn; then in clover, which was geod, and since, in corn again. Now, Mr, Infield, if you disbe lieve, come and see. Ap#if'3, 1868, A. Drreuer. ——— From the Raleigh Sentinel, GEN. CANBY’'S ORDER-—UCOM- Can OF “RECONSTRUC- ‘The telegraph reports that the first re- solution of the series adopted at the Uhi- itch’ (a “to | * staff, eay eight or ten feet ) ' Olympnal!) and bore convenient digtances in said ba insert “4 stick as ue equ . OX: and or you tign of water ousing up. thure your: “= SALISBURY, N. C, MAY 29, a phils Dare lobaoay e it wil are the pro- onotingnot the meetings in Haywood and Wilsou counties, as reques- ted by our friends there, in both of whieh it was to hold a State Uonven- tion at on the i3th of June. We have declined to give endorsement to this movement beeause we did not see the ne- cessity, and believed that anless there was some argent need for this meeting, that in the impoverished condition of our people, and in this basy season among the farmers, it would prove, if not a tail- ure, in no sense a Convention of the peo- ple. Buing still convinced that our first ideas were well founded, and hearing of no other response, we cannot yet join with our ry of the Star, ina call fora county mecting to appoint dele- | gates. What necessity is there for a State Convention? Delegates have been ap- eago Convention “the d suc- cess” of the Congressional plan of Re- construction. So far as North Caroling is concerned, General Canby's late order constitutes « pet of that plan. Let us wee what is to be the effect of ir. According to the new Coustitation, the Legislature is to assemble ow the fifteeath day after the approval of that instrament Wortom of the , froin 8 to. 5, 6 of 7 feet deep, (mercy upon nsf lj) asthe case may be, drawing z Fas het yellow sand, you litthe the sand. will “— tu spew ap, |by Qungress. ‘The Reconstruction Acts, and soon the water will follow boil |original and supplemental, provide that ing and up sand, sometimes | 9° Sute shall be @htited to representa- tien in Congress until the Legislatare thereof shall have ratified the Howard Amendment. Bat here comes in Gen. Cauby's order, which allows vo member elect to the new Legislature to take nis seat, unless he can take the iron clad oath, or anless his disabilities shell have been removed, or nutil the State is de- clared cutitled Ww representation. ‘This removal of disabilities can only apply to ineapacity uoder the K-constraction Acts, and cannot affect a man's abiliry amoant of « peck or mure, ac cording to the force of the water.— Continae at intervals ot Su or 40 feet gvarantee, that in a few days you will eee & great aud alter a little ir wet, sy spots w Il become ry, arable uctive. I have iced this mode of draining such ite torten ‘years, and I have fre- quently caused springs to gush up, discharging from 30 tv 40 gallons oi water, by measurement, per hour, «here thete was no sign of » spring before (and in such places you amy have apy quantity of springs, but af ter a while, the stronger will absorb the weaker.) «bi dees net follow that white sand, because tins is a good ings, always turns out ty ve the coutrary, is 7 be required antil after the I[--yislatury ehall been declared entitled to representation. li is probably no cxaggrration to say, that not twenty-five members of the L-g- islature can take that pe Laan nothing like a qurum could do so, in vith ef House. How, then, ae matiers stand, can the L-givlature assemble at all | And, ff it dows wet, how ean the Howard Aweudmeus be ratified, and how can the State get representation in Congress | — Uunlers Gen Canby's order is revoked ot modified, the owly course to be adupt- ed is thie: when time for the meet- ing of the Legislature shall arrive, ead qtoram can be had, it will then become the duty, we sappese, of the Distriet same act —— hoes ag ane oa cases where members are disqualified by reason of inability tw take to take the testoath ‘This will involve great delay and additional eapense. So much for this part of the “assured saccess” of Cun- grresional reconstruction Again: The new Constitution provides that the Exeeutive officers, &e , elect, shall enter apon the discharge of their re- spective functions, tea days after ite ap- is philosphy in stones, why elioald| proval by Congress Bat Gen Canby'e there neat be in the sub drainage sys jorder provides (bat no E- xceutive officer tem. If water is attracted to the sar. jchall take scat, withoat swallowing the face for thie want of an outlet, i} seems very philow ~phical lo suppose, Jed entithed to representation in Congress, that if you make an outlet, altheush | oF wntil their disabilities under the How it were 40 feet deep, that as water | atd avecndmm nt, (dfter it shall have been naturally unimpeded has a downward | ratified by the Gow ral Assembly.) or the ted: ¥. it would ceck that pase- | Keeooustruction acts, Rat time,» even where there are nm springs; undeubtedly, fer from ex- perience, last year, (1967.) I knew it to be the case. Then, as a matter of course, it fellows, that aplaads re quire drains as well as low lands; it wet as pameroas at least as ‘eep. Now, my brother farmers, if there are removed 4 drying tamd, for the dried the sooner tmmay be glonghed, and hence, the time whieh might be lost in delay from @ superabandance of ‘ater, if gained fuuld rere than com até, perhaps in une year’s culti tien, for all expenses, to aay noth- bag of the mereuse in vield, and tue mproving ef the il afterwards aud n the improving or advancing of the emperarare wr climate of the land rom eight ty teu daye; che later of hieh is net only necessary, but very’ Vantageous in the cultivation of ert ion in particular. by whieh the cotton! as alvanced, beth in growth end ma- ar ty, propertionally, Now preenm-/ ng wome farmers may het coupre | end what is meant ly capillary ats traction, L will try to Mastrare it, and) ake them sensible of ite meaninz in} farmer's way. For instance, sup | pwe you hadve piece of meal swland i nd aboat in spots inthis meadow are ingy plaews, whieh xpparently de | all drainage, the water standing | oF Rear the surface. Now what is the canse of this wa t standing se mear the surface | — i is cansedt try capillary attraciion, he surtaee attragring the water, as # | 'ece of sponge «ruld water, because cannot escape through avy other hawnel; and lene it rises fo the sur ce and there stagnates and evapor- tes by a slow provess, rewdering the nd barren improduactive. An ther caase, andthe chief ane of these ingy plades ix, because they origis ate trom ngs Whose “iuree is con- derably the level of these wei pte, and fre tly an ordinary itch of two or three feet depth, will ot reach them, and therefore they vinue wet aed unsightly. The mclusion, then, anight seem to be lity i an ordinary diteh will not tap tein, then these, wet apo's must tor Ver remain undrained and worthless Nut by ang means, bat the reverse. nd this ie & chse in point to prove rat deep drai ie imes ne- essary and bee in some ape or ydrer, if ty the depth of five, "ts - beck it cteu tt we have eceu that, as things wow are, the et shec or he ; : ers m a eo : ‘ Legielatare cannot assemble at the rime in, deapite all year ingenan ty tel R ] epevtied tu the Conatitutren, te ratify” the force it back, it w ll wut somewhere ; amendment, and that, antil the state ix and aniess you wake ita passare.!'| jnetered entitled to representation, the will find one, if it be on the top of ® | teat-oath mas: come Who then will be hill. To prove this fact, ({ write this) Guvernor? Not Me. Holden, for he eau- for the uneducated farmer, net for) net take the iron clad aath. Not Wr. T the learned.) on one oceasi-n, ater ]|R. Caldwell, the Lieutenant Governor had tapped a spong as ad.ve deseril> | cleet, for he cannot tate it. Not the Speak ed, I had the curiosity te know how jer ot the Senate, (for whom the Consti bigh the feantain head of that spring [tation prov ides.in the event of the inea was. | procured emne old enst pipes. Lieutenant Governor, for and inserted one in the hele [had j there will have been no 1. -gislature. Not bored, very tight se ne water ould jGiav. Worth, tor be be mt “" officer S a eseape, aml the wacer rose 2 fect 8 der the mew Constitution vw thew . . x [Se mach for thes part of the ‘wsered once just oy vi sF with the lensered” of Cengheniencl sweunsirac- ground, and there it stepped. De you not seo that fur the want of Gen. Canby's orler, however, speei- Las ago it @mnght the sdrface, and 6.4 one other contingency, in whieh the hence kept the surrounding land al | perentive and Legislitive officers elect ways wet. Then leacn and practice |imiy be permitted to enter upon the dis what yoo leam. But, say onc, how charge of their feepretive fanetions, vir de you know that this is the cause of lthat the iron-clad eath shall be diepensed these wet spots ¢ Beeanse, as | said, | with by Congress, Bat the Omnibas bill, ne ie sometimes the ease, an ordinary which has already pase dthe House ot ditch did net dry my lant, but afier! Reprearutatives and te now pending be I fad caused springs to gush np where fore the Seuate, for the admission of there were none before, and apon in | North Carolina, &&e., divs not propose serting the pipe in one of these | diepense with any oath that is now re- «prings, Lfound the water rise aboat mi a Ded with the land and this land be*ame, as soon as the nature of the case would admit, dry; t ew there was proof positive, that this warer | ascended from below at the depth of Gor 7 feet fran the surface, for it is) one of the laws of water, as Ire as heaven, that it (water) seeks its level, and will ease tu rise When i: las reach- ed that poitt. Apropes of tapping springs by boring. Ten years ago, the t, (neving that ditching did not drain a certain piece of land.) suggested it: self fo me that this plan might sacs rp Accordingly did as I have diretted above, and the very first trial T made (and it was lucky [ did) \i.0y did the same thing, for the object of I sacceoded intapping a spring, about \the Conservatives was to dcfeat if possi- four fect deep frow the bottom of the }ple, the whole scheme, and thereby de- ditch 24 fect deep. I first struck @ feat their own candidates. In the Radi- belt of white sand, from which there ‘cal greed for office, the cormorants flew ogame a preity free atreau. bat being directly ia the face oftheir qaster's bidding pacity of the tien | cinl legislation is had, or unless Gen Canby suspends the operation of hia or- der, it hooks to as very much as if the val of disabilities by Congress (and the ate, and mey yet fail of the necessary two- hirds,) does not diepenre with she obligation to take the test-oath, before the State is declared entitled to represnta- tion. The truth ie that the Radicals in thie State alone must be saddled with the re- xponsibility for the present difficalties. — refersing to be the peenliar friends of the Congressional plan, they ran men for nearly all the offices, who are diequali- fied from holding office under that plan It is wo angwer to say that the Conserva- alter it shall be ascertained that no legal | Commander wo order new clections iv alll | | ltest-oath, until the Stare shall be declar- quired, and auless some further and spe- | whole game is biocked The simple remo- | bill therafore has not yet paserd the Sen | pointed to the National Democratic Con. | vention, and that body will give us can- | didates and a platform. The Execative State Committee have ample powers to select two electors for the State at large, and arrange everything weeessary to con- duct « vigorous canvess, In most of the jes our tion is very thorough. | Our people, Democrats and Conservatives | are all uuited, and the decks are clear, | ready for action. | We are heartily in favor of the forma. | meeting with the most gratifying sucevas. In both instances, however, It is the re- sult of the recommendations of their State | FE sceutive Committees and not of Conven- tions. The causes which operate to make lit umpolitic to call a Convention here pre- | vented their assemblage in those Stairs. We believe that our Exeeative Com-; } mittee should meet at an early day to) j the candidates are annoavecd we should | ve ratified the 14th. Article and | be ready tenter atonce, with enthusiasm | ed. into the canvass. This 9 6 all be done | | without a Convention. Our peuple are lthermughly united and ready to do their | duty. — Wel. Journal. Soon eeabane ee A BEUTIFUL LEGEND. A charming tradition is connected | with the site on which the temple of [Solomon was ervoted. have ben owned in common by two brothers, one of whee lad a family ;| the other had none. Ou the evening succeeding the harvest, the wheat! paving been gathered in separate! shocks, the elder bruther | wile : “My younger brother is unable to | | bear the borden aud heat of t ee day 11 will arise, take my shocks, and place lthem with his withewt his knows | lel ge bod ! The younger bh-other beiug actua- tal by similar kind said withio hinewelf: ;} ° My elder brother has a family, and [have none! [ will contribute hie their support, | will take off my | shocks and place them with b » with lont hie know ledge.” Judge their mataal astonishment when. on the belkewiug morn my, thes fond their shecks undimintehbed.— This cour-e of events transpired ter ubtiver, reveral nights, when each re -olved te stand goard and sulve this mvs ry. They did so, when on the tollow ing night they met each other, halt way between their reapective elick . Upon ground hal towed with such m@eciations as these was the Temple of Solomon erected *) spacious and maguificent, the als miration and wender of the world! Alas! how many in these days wenld eener steal ther brother's whole shock than add to it a single sheat —_ MULTUM IN PARVO There ie a work! of trath and common senac in the tollowing extract trom the Revolution, Mre. Elizabeth Cady Stan ton's woman's rights It ia the production of Parker Pillebury. and stamps him a man of wo ordinary sagacity “suffrage to black men in the Soath is a political necessity, and wet act of right for the sake of right the Present is a party trek dictated by a demagegue predetermination to held Were the tral is a similar wih arne fall aper an Impeaching place, power and pe If. and hanging of Jeff-reon Dav necessity, hee lite woald be no rore than ¥ mushroom in the party desperation. — The South is hated by the party leaders {atthe North, and hates back in return — Aud yet we are stanned with the prate | about restoring the Unon, as if fire and | fulminating powder could be moulded in to bread! Phe hate now engendered in the Southern heart by the Northern treat- ment of ber will barn as the Mames of hell, for generations, by all the laws of vataral life and being. Gerrit Smith and a few | others preach forbearance tow nds her ‘as | our fellow-einner as well as sufferer, and | are mocked tor their paine, and branded | as Copperheads. The press has almost supplanted the pulpit in power and inflo- enec, bat nowhere and never calls for jne- tice or pleads fur trath, except in obscure | and remote corners. ‘The people are made to believe that the Repablican party ie, the only name under heaveu given among | men whereby they and their country can in ft shall be saved, and he that believeth | not shall bo damned ; and the Kagering | years of misrule, taxation, starvation, | Bouth and North, are revealing to what) ” purpose 1 waid wh | be saved; and that whoserver believeth | aaa a —_——— The Chicago Convention. Chicago, May 21, M—The Southern States were called, on yesterday, and rep- resented on all the committees, Gov Hawley is permanent President and wags introduced 10 the Conventior. by Gov. Brown, of Georgia. a "SECRET COURTSHIP, ¥ROM THE FRENCH OF BERANGER. Bae blind mother sita in her cottage, be- side her pre ty daughter, and cautious her tury scene is cing On betwern the girl aud the very a" a A J ver whom the old dame The Southern 8 among the Vice P cies, in the per to izati Nothin, definite pels the nomina- tion for Vice President. Hamlin seems to gain ground. No leader ventures a positive prediction as to the result. The Southern delegates are disposed to sup- ort Wilson. The platform agreed apon by the com- mittee was foreshadowed by Carl Schurz’ spevch. are F) dS From Washington. Washington, May 22, P, M.—Senate. The Prevideut transmitted the Constitu- tions of North OUnrolina, Louisiana and Georgia, which were referred to the Judi- ciary Committee, Davis introduced a preamble and reeo- lution appointing a committee of three to investigate the attempts and intluence to intimidate. Seuator Hendersan® made a personal explanation, stating that he had been re- tisn of clubs. This plan has been adopt- | qacsted to appear before the Managers, | ed in Georgia and South Carolina and is} and desired the sense of the Senate pu bie | duty A lend desultory disenssion ensued. ‘The Radicals maintaining the ebjcet of |the managers was to clicit facts to support le c oli additional articles, the gravamen whereed was the Presideut's attempts to corrupt the Senators ; to this end teedenae was to testify The Democrats maintaining that tbe to take the ireu-clad oath, which will #tid | make preparation for theeampaign, When | proceedings were against the Senators. la this »-nse Henderson rightly rfus- Without action, Adjourned to Monday THE CHICAGO CONVENTION— GRANT FOR PRE-IDENT AND COLFAX VICE PRESIDENT. Chicago, von 21,17. M. —The Commit- tee on resolutions reported. Congrata the Congressional plan of reconstruction. Congrese murt guarantee and maintain eaffrage to the Seathern loyalists, De- nounces repadiation a¢ a national crite National igations must be paid in ietter and spirit. Demands equalization and action of taxes, Favors extendmg re demption debt, to the latest day, reducing the imterest, whenever honorably possible Phe Government shoald be administered vith the stinetest ceonomy. Corruption and extravaganer, fostered by Jolinson, should be reformed Lincolu's death was deplored ing Johnann's accession, denounces him as ueurper and vielatur of the laws and| has increased until it hae become. iv many | , obstructor of reeonstraction—and justly impeached of high crimes and misdemean ore No citizen, native or naturalized, mast be imprisoacd, when abroad, cxerpt fur vielations of the law hal..giaes the sailurs and saidwre, their beanties are vbligations never to be for gttien, their orphans and widows are pa tions wards larmigration should be fostered by hberal and jast policy The Convention sympathizes with all struggling fer Adopted, two or three dis oppressed people «bo are their rights eonting (rant wae ananinmeasly nominated (tev said the maxim of the (seurgia Re pablicans vote, “cuemics in War, la peace tricnds.” First bailot for Vier President — Wade 149: Fenton 122; Wilson 119; Colfax 11S; Harlan 16; Kelly 6; Creswell 14; Pomeroy 1 Ou the fitth ballot Colfax was pomina ted, reeviving 552 votes Phe Convention adjourncd eubjeet to the call of the President Bichmond - Rot im the City Jal Republicans, in Danville district, Thager, a mem onvention, for Congress It was ee nt for and From Th to-day, nominated L. ¢ ber of the late! Riot to-day in the city jail serions that the miliary was se the leaders arrested fare did not sait them Miorketa New York, May 21, P M—Cotton dall and heavy, 30 a 31. Gold firm at 31,39} a 31,393 ling firm at 104 lower —_ The following incident was related to us by a frend in Cincinnati, a year or twoago. We do uot kaow whether it wasever in print or net, but it i too good to ran the rick oof lowing it, A gentle- man wes chiding his eon for etaying out late of nights, of rather early of neat mornings — and said : “Why, when I was of your age, my father would not allow me t go out of the house after dark.” “Then you had a deace of a father— you had,” sneered the young profligate Whereupon tho father very rashly vo- cifeoated: “1 had a confounded sight better’n than you, you young rascal. een ae General Paluter is the Repablican nom- ince for Governor of Jiinois, Deplor Brown, im announeing Georgia's ! Phe prisoners asserted that the prison | Ster- | j Daughter, while you turn your wheel, Listen to the words I say; Colin has coutrived to stea Your unthinking heart away. Of bis fawning voice beware— You areall the blind one’s care, And | mark your sighs. whene’er Our young neighbor's name is heard, Colin's tongue is false, though wiuning— Hist! the window is uubarred ! Ah! Lisette, you are not spinning! The room is close and warm, you say ; But, my daughter, do not peep Through the casement, night and day— Colin there his watch doth keep. Think not mine a grumbling tongue ; Alt! here at my breast you Being | 1, like you, was free and young ; | Aud I know how apt is love | To lead the youthful heart to sinning— Hist! the door—] heard it move! Ab! Lisette, you are not spinuing! It is a guet of wind, you say, That has made the hinges grate; And my poor, old, growling ‘Pray, | Must you break for that his pate? | Ab! my ebild. put faith in me ; permits me to sce m soon will faithless be, } Aud your love lo an abyss | Of grief will be the and beginning— Blers me! sare | beard a kixs ! {| Ab! Lisette, you are not spinning ! ‘Twas your little bird, you say, Gave that tender kiss just now ; Make bim cease his nar pray, He will rue it clee, I vow. Love, my girl, oft bringeth pain, Shame and sorrow in its train, While the false, sucererfal «wain Beorns the heart he has beguiled From tne virtac's path to sinning — List! Lisetir, you are not epinuing ! It is said to lates the country on assured success of) Yoo wish to take the air, you say, | "Phink you, daughter, I believe you | | Bid young Volin go hie war, Or, at ener, as brides ceive you. Let him go to clrach, and there Show his perpose te be fair ; Bat, till then, beside my ehair | You aust work, my girl, nor heed | AU hie vows eo fond and winning ; Tangled in love's web, indeed ! Lisette, wy daughter, miad vour spianing ! _ Frm the Halirigh Sentinel DRIED FRLIT. | Within the Last few years this barincss | eections, a leading branch of trade, and |has been found to be very profitable.— | The high tax imposed apon distillation of | trait has had a tendency to inerease thie | basimess. Again the work is easy —the greater part of it being done by women and children Since this is comprratively a new basi | pees iw many seetions. and one that shoald be imcrenecd, wo propose giving a few beet plan We practical suggestions as lo the uf drying, packing, shipping, cte begin with | Preeted Peaches To make these the most saleable, the fruit should be taken from the trees betore it becomes perfectly Mpe and mr llow —yjuet ae #oon as they be gin to “blash'’—auless thie is dove they will dry dark in color, whieh is the great objection, and leaves them always with out & qantable price They should slieed as fine as a little care and attention will allow. (Qaauters large size for perled peaches, and conse- queutly not as saleable as if sliced finer Unpeeied Peaches -hovkd aleo be ectect- ed from fruit not too ripe on the trees. — They should be cut into halves only as quarters and mixed never bring as gom | a price, while they are really urore trouabk to prepare. It ie always best to select |the largest peaches for good “ wapeeled | halves.” Dried Apples.—Selvct sound fruit, nor teo ripe. Be careful to pare them clean Let there. be no specks of the skin on any | part, and above all, be eure that yhey are | Dried apples coming to mar. | | well cored [ket with specks of skin, cores and seed jetill on, never meet ready sale at mar jket pre “Sheed” apples always pay for the additional trouble ; bat where this is not done, let the above, as to clean linesa, be observed. ‘This done, and drie? Sales 900 bales at! of 9 bright color, they will always sell ! ;teadily tor a good price Dried Cherries, «ith sevde in, always jaell. They should be carefully picked when ripe, thoroughly dred, and kept as clean ae poesible. “Scrdiess” cherries belong two the most fancy of dowestic dried tit, and always fimd a ready market at good prices. ly dried without being burned and pack- ed in their natural state. If mixed with molasses or “dectored” iu any way, it is detected at once, and have wo be sold at very reduced prices. ried Plums should be handled in the aame manner a+ eberries. Dvied Blackberries bave reecutly be- come quite 4 staph, and jv many sections the best crop that grows. When a they be nicely dried (not barn- ) before packing. If packed before tho- roughly dried they breed w: become mouldy, and lead to general infac- tion against love, while all the time an ama- | are considered a} They require to be caretal- | [VOL. I, NO. ecru carte ald be { the same way | of drying and shipping. PB ara poe prey: Perea i ly pe » bring fair prices, ” Phe above, we think, affords the main | ideas as to curing the fruits. We | now come to a most important instruction for shippers, packers and buyers, whieh is the grading and packing of the different descriptions. Never mix different qualities in the same package, as it is always and the price will be based apon the poor- est quality in the barrel or bag. a ond s- are mach ble to bags for Let there be a distinguishing mark: each of the different quien ates all barrels be carefully and correctly tared, with each tare marked on side of é as well as on the head. If the above di- rections are closely followed the/fruit will class with the best grades, and the in- crease in price over poor, mixed and care- ~ ‘essly packed fruit will amply pay for the extra trouble. This epplies to almost ev- erything that is sent to market. It mat- ters not how dull an article may be, when of good qaality and in good , it will not fail to bring highest market prices.— ‘Then remember this, and pack all goods in neat order; mark plain directions. on every package, with name of article, weight, tare er count, and forward invoice of what, how, and when shipmenta are made. ’ We beg to state that we shall endeavor to make a _— of selling all kinds of dried fruit daring he coming season, and claim that our advantages are equal to any other market; bat if desired we will wn ag Liverpool, London, or elsewhere. © will furnish, at manufacturers’ ces, any or all of the latest and best im- proved peelers. All letters of inquiry will be promptly answered, and the best possible informa- tion furnished , Salisbury, Greensboro’, Fay- etteville and Salem papers please copy. H o t t i a: F Hi | f | i ; i gi g s | trav, ling cirens troupe. | was then nearly twenty-one years j and seemed to pted to thie | freak by a pare dislike of coritrol desire to ave the world. Years away and no tidings were heard wanderer, and the parents, now | ing old agr, had of ever | again. About a Fe ago, ‘bicago being in Savannah, | to meet the truant apon costed him by name. The | however, denied his identit | theman told him it was | deceive him, as be knew him j and finally the wanderer ack: | bie name. He soon away, | ever, and was again lost sight .of. other day Bailey's Cirens Company | ed their tent here, and among the perfor- | mere was the long lost son, who | songht his father’s house in | bie wife, a very worthy poche ay had been conneeted with the establish- ment, and whom he bad married some time ago. They were welcomed and | made at once at home, and the young man has setth-d quietly and sensibly down af- ter his wandering, and will eheer the de- be clining years of his aged parents. j eco A certain jndge was once compelled io | doable in with an Irishman iw a crowded | hotel, when the following conversation en ; sued: “Wat, you would have remained ip | the old country a Jong time before you ‘could have slept with a judge’ would you sot?) “Yes, yer honor,” said Pat, “and ; | think yer honor would have been a long time in the owld country before ye'd | been a Judge, too.” — oo. | Tae Leo tstatore —Aceording ta | Gen. Canby's order, a portion of which we publish on our first pagr, this morn- ing, (parts of the remainder to appear hereafter,) the Legielatare of North ed lina is composed aboat as follows : Senale.—Radicals 38; Conservatives 12 Honse.—Radicala 80; Conservatives | 40. Of these Radieala, 3 in the Senate and 16 in the Hoase are negrocs —Sentinel. {| Tue Warar.—The Shenandeah | Herald says the wheat erop is luoks | ing very promising in the Valley.— The late wet weather and warm epells seeuns te have forced it besond the reach of the fly. Look ont for fine icrops inthe Walley of Virginia, the | finest wheat section in the world. | —~—-P. pap apnoea Petree has written a let. cer w Mr. Hoover, of Washington, ig which he advises call contisels aud wise action en the part. of the National Conservative Convention to meet iu New York on the 4th of July, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President. He saya for himself “he would teadily yield on ree preferenes te ensure the : of the more thao ra. reign af terros now harrying all is valuable to swift destruct’ jou,” | watil receatly kuew nde soe i whatwe saw in == == ' bic ta Bs.'8 low opinion # to, we haves through ‘¥, listened to the reading of a few ‘wanibers of it by a friend Which more! The following s the suffrage plank ‘than confirmed our preconceived opivions in the Republican vlatform adopted of it; hence our recent remarks about it. | We have never read papers of that Seeond—The guarantee by Con- character. Before the war we were a firm gress of eqnal Pains tw’ ‘ait loval and decided, though not a bitter and ac- men at the Sour) was demanded by ¢rimonious Whig, yet we never wouk every considuration of public satery, of gratitude und ot be maintained whii suffrage in allthe Joval States prop erly belong to the people of those OMICAGO | at Chicago Jast week ; read Brownlow's filthy and justice, and must sheet, che Knoxville Whig, thou gh we hud | 1.) © the question of an opportanity of doing so, and were \ the urged todo so by eubecriber to it’ —— eee THE CHICAGO NOMINATIONS The Republican Convention at Chica- In the whole history of American politics no more shameless or menda- cions declaration was cver made than | that contained in the tion, Tn it the parte openly po claims ite indepeudeace of the Con- stitution, and ite delermination saceer | this ie the strongest ticket 1 wader it xi all We need out say that ander the Con stifation of the have presented rem.ins to be seen. Gen. , Grant has ertainly uever given evidence | different States the ‘of fitness for civil employments beyond | it w equa) rights of al! the States, whatev- allowing hiweelf to be used as a tool by | belic ever thease fights mav be. arc guaran- certain wily politicians who wished to jcharge us with having We need not sav that under Cmbarrass the President and secure mat- j** rebel document” kG daukioe the Constitution all legislatioa must, tt for impeachment sguinst him. He cer- tpecehes in 1864-65, for whit was Union. | tits Country, beariform forevery State in the ‘it! is not the possessor of a large and jism then is rank trease Unies) We latelese intelligent comprebensive intelcet, or of any of the | mation of the meu with qoulities which go to make up the states- Eveept iu the particular instance which happened du ing the to which we have refered he hxs exhibited considerable firmness v4 ; IF Ose, reader that does not know these tac‘s as well as we do. these, the simplest and plainest «li the provisions of that sacred instru ment, it is openly proclaimed t!.«' while the regulation of suffrage PrOP- | eonerol as And erly belongs 16 tlhe pe Northern States, that im the face of | auc if he should ever take it inte lis bc id to things. tew Johnson has been, not- ple of the | withstanding his intelleetualy inferiority. right is never ‘Phe enthusiasm which his fRame at first | again to be enjoyed by the people of | exeited has, im a great deg the Southern Siates—ihat those States itself. are never again to be restored to) thing but bis military sucecsses, and it is) whom we their rights in the Union were never, in legal contemplativa, out of the Union—that the ordinances frtenate for its ite conservative oppo- from bis Heavenly Father of secesion were the merest nulities. "C"%*: "tt it threw Senator Wade over- give Daniel very diff-reut advice from We imve aiways contended, and still board for the Viee Presidency While be | that whieh he gives us Era sevssce some intellectual power he is| view him to cultivate a f contend, that they are Stares in the | ?* | ° . destitare both of the breeding and the | and ex Unica. The Sup camo vee instiness of a genticman. He is aleo te | most altra and agrarian in his political | all things, cndanih all things, vaunteth opiaions of all the leaders of the Radical not it-elf aud « faimeth et party,and without personal popularity Mr.) would advise him, instead « Colfax on the other baud, has the breeding , and the instinets of « gentleman, aod isa man of mach personal papalarity among One OF the members af hie own party. He tea good | before presiding officer, is quite sprightly, but is These vot aman of mech depth uf though: — are propositions too clear for argu- He will daabti-ss be very scerptable to And there ie no theory wpon his own party, bat can add nothing to which they can be overthrown bat: i'* strength that of the eecessioniets, which we have always opposed, and which w: - “oe eee ee ei to be . ected be 2 oe. tween President Johnson and the more Wikee rae moderate members of the Kepablican par chet it asanme windly ow dinvan dé the ty, among them (thief Justice Chase Constit ation. or that the theory of the ! sccesmon ists ig truce—-that the Union is! im fact god in law dissolved, and that! it never means existing canes it Bat another noticeable fact in the above resulution is the failure to en Gorse the doetr ne uf universal suf frage, thus admitting ite hypocracy je ite prof seed fnendship for the ne In the North where there is but few negroes they are to Le allowed no polities! privileges, while at the South they are to be eafran-hieed, not Les cave such entranchisement dound to the good of the negro race, bat because it will annoy others «hose penishment is desired. and because it t sOppeeed that it will wid the par ty in these States. thie setion of the radiea! Convention we are reminded of one of the graph je delineations of MeCanles, who in dewcrildng the hostility of the bigoted Peritans te the amosemen's «¥ United States has repeated!y held ihe came opigion in its jadicial decisions, and Congress has not ventured to de clare that they were nui States, but «d mitted that they were. The rights at the States are as ind: stractibie as the States and the Constitution. the other mast be des ros ed their tights can cease to exit. 1 ws asserted im politien) circles that a tens a8 ever The object ie sasd to be the defeat of Gen. Grant, for whom Mr. (hase ie said to feel grat contempt es a | olitician, for the pre lt is even asserted that tbe 1© restore it under the! Chief Jastice is to be the candidate of " thie party im opposites toGraut, and that be will be sapported by these Senators who voted for the acquittal of the Presi How mach truth there is in thes aseetiions we de not know however, will develope whatever there may be. There doce not seem to be any thing very improbable in them ablest and best men among the Repabli cane are certainly becoming disgusted with, if not alarmed at the exersece of Rad realism, and nothing would be more na taral under the circumstances than the formation «f a moderate Canservative par ty for the purpose of cheek ing it rumore are rife as to what are to ; +rileless In eratemplating conditions pon shich such reconciliation will take place and seach party be tormed, bat we forbear any comment at this time When the movement, if there really be euch a movement, sseanes a more tay g ble form we shall take occasion to Ppeco times ssid that they oppemed bear la late pon it more at length ting, at beeause if gave pun ty the FES ~ nbd bet becuase it weve pleasure tw THE HOMESTEAD CORREC the tyyetanders. We aill publish the utule radical Upon reflection we are satisfied that platform: is our next. ant. perhape, we were m staken in comment on other port ons of of the edstortal Supls article on the II nnesead in our heart. THE LA CROSSE DEMOCRAT Our weighber af the Caarhute Demo crat, ep. shing of cnr etrictares Spon this The principle decided in the case se. ctered to ie that poper. eave chet te are just beginning t diecoves that it is doing the Conservative cree harm inetead of good, and takes credit to himedf, and very justly ton, for }uving Jong age warned the Southern propir againet the trashy concern have always admired the independence and moral fourage of our neighbor, - though «ee have sometines fared ther | Personal property, se the pruie which be taok im it bad made | hae always been exempt frown execa j bas Lom o like captoms,—but we suspect that tion and sale for the husband's debts. be denounerd the La Orose Dew crat| Every thing we said in first paragrap! sooner than we did only beeaure he fully | is strietly trae. We had not read the its chargeter sooner than we | cases for marry ~ mofithia, did. We vever read the diegusting sheet, quently were a little “rust we said about the exemption of the wife's property on- ly operating prospectively must be anderstood as only applying to her her real estate|, j "Tt vieted ¥# must decliile to publish it. sone, firag becanse we bewe no aakiaduess for him, and do uot wish to expose him to riticale ; jfal toward as, though be miy fave ine ‘tendéd it tu Be so. /we have not | the stren He bids us remember sondry tings jieh him that if he dovs not become mor- It was fortunate for the party, and aa- | forgiving he can expect wo forgiveness We would ger to be deerived by party names and badges inte the eapport of a parry that has become an open and srowed disunio, party, and hag proclaimed to the world @ ite plattorm recently vdopted ats ze, that i never intends te resare thy re eve us bat would, ° ould not sarisfy him ane it hia req «do for wos aveondly, self re- spect forbids that) wo should publish iu our columus a letter which is not reapect- The poor nan is mach | distressed ‘that-we are editing a “rebel disgusting | paper,” and that we have “turned tra- to our country after having stood by Union during the war. srence between a pare | div. ty or a name and a principle. | quote from our writings and speeches d Whether | ring the war to prove to him that we ha hey could ‘not changed our principles, however the | relative position in which we stand to the partics may have changed, but Ile would nos quoted from some instead of our Union | m now ip the esti-| | whom he acts Wi fis own disagreed aid whim we opps , "pon bie military prestige alone that the | ed befure and during the war. We fear AsaTUnion man we have always patry rely for his strength in the coming that Daniel bas “back s!id maintained thit the Southern States contest. and at 'mou- Unwn ander the Constitution at atl thee namber of the North State tails inte Daniel's hande « hope he will read the article o forva, as weil as this one With many good wishes bis family we hope be way become mon Liberal and more « ‘ jects, «8 well as more charital! forgiving Watchman fr Denied and 1 THE PLATFORM We publich today the R. i can pls form entire, and ievit pur re alers Pe have but liethe more te « Mhe eighth contains. |.5 implicatio Ine vere ceneere upon (! the seven Repatlean A+ nat for the ecquittial of Wresilent and those able Repaldeean jJoarnale ei eustain them in ther + fleet of thie will be + [0 seems to we thet if thes spirit whieh we take cannot act longer « f this we eanuot le eUupport the Impeach mae A short what they inter The twelfth regolution en are men of the them tn Ka arc career male to a perasal of it mm nls Te Whe Vote Whar tle y rxerpt these whe have yee time will reveal to Inde etrange fy when we remember the ¢ i party towards the southern peop! Ww. suns pret that the printer hee wnintens ma ly omitted a part of it, We suspect tha the last resolation, tas adept must have conetuded with thane d ‘rcbebs, @ have net brought forma faite, repentance by pointeg the Badca pat A+ to that part « relates to ccone Srictpe. —We Bxecctey.—Reaben Wright, eonvict- ed im October hast, e uodas Worth until to 2 platform which my tn the adiatuistratin of the £overnient, we refer to the extract from the New York Times wb our payer learn that only held good as between citizens of Lsaae Holman, a higuly respeetable cid the same Siate. A prospective Wome 2" rf Davie Guar ty, committed suicide stead wil) hold gered in all cases, as it} by ebooting himself on Tarsday evening. ja Stokes Saperior Court, of the murder of a negro man, was haoged at Danbary on Friday last. He expressed himer a C vMr. Tedd, We wish We mig we) nt it. pe war—the seucrel y thousauds of lives that were sacrificed, | the Salisbury prison and many ather We are sarprised at shia, When grees he may beas hard tv we knew Danicl he was 4 religiqus mon,! joften repeating the Lord's Prayer, say ing “ Father forgive us ovr treepasses as we forgive those who trespass agoinat as,’ ree, expended | and we presume he dues so still It waa never based apon any is advising us never to forgive those with Yet he woald ad- rKiving epirit eretee seme part of charity which suffereth long and is kind, which hopeth We A Liming the dying embers of the past and « udravoring to oti ap strife, to forget and forgive th: past aud labor for the restoration of peace and harmony and not allow bimeclt Jon- and OWA vottet plat and mute (hase Jobuser be -een eale Bar meats for fouod in tun t once, to + OUR F i aie tice of 1 Badge | State Co ive It ke recent elec ions, who are barred by Art. XIV, commonly known as the Howard amendment, or who are otherwise under Giaabilitiess At ie also requested that the reasons of their disabilities shall be sta | wad ~ Prompt ana Tiiticdiate attenttan” to this matter is most desirable. ——+ ab, 4. THE END OF IMPEACUMENTY. Tt will be seen by reference to our a friend who was a j we had it in our power to relieve hiw, but \ news column that impeachment is at His letter satisties us that 8 end, gth of his prejudices is so great, jand the scope of his mind 80 narrow that | it would be impossible for ae to wake him 9, as aur readers have already been in- {understand the diff. formed, has nominated Gen the Presidency, and Hon. Schuyler Col- fax for the Viee Presidency. - “the nam peteaqmaiivelected to —— —_- STANTON abandoned the war office upon hear ng of the President's acs | quittal, Tux Warat Cor. —We regret to; learn that the rust is making its ap | from the Raleigh Sentinel that this pearance among the wheatin portions | venerable gentleman has been apy jof the State, especially in the Conns|pointed a member of the Nationa]! Saniteasly Detmoeratic Eexeeutive Comunitte, to fill the vacancy for the State of North If he who! Carlina. This is an excellent ment. and weare glad tu learn thar, °°" 8 Col. Brown aceoptr. The appointment was tendered to! and rixty-three, the Senior Editor uf this paper more | tive of Uoien and Stanly. Mes. Bo vpen’s Gauney. makes two blades of grass bat one grew b fore, ie worthy of honor; she who makes the garden of flawers dis. + play itseli in enarming hoes, leading the air with their delightial fragranes, eannet | N ‘ “ { So Aree warthey of preter: Nar le ke ft than a year ago. and by him declined that those who daily enjor the planing /pinee which time the State ot North | teu'ts of such 9 laborer, as duce the “Jay , Cervlina has not been represented jor” of this firm, choukd be se anmindfal ‘ the committee. as Met to acknowledge j: We hape ty be pardoned for the liberty we take in acing her name, bat mast be allowed to dechire var conviction that Mra, Natiwaxtey Bey .. . : set pected ree Need ete UL Edanond Cooper, the President's pri VEN ian public benefectress in the mat vale secretary, tevehing his know)- od of the eurreptivon suid te completed. ~ it None « ly we h se } 5 e re & ete on rae as ic practiced in the impeachment pree the remaining 4.767 feet, it is expeeted, ate ret piping frog hae attcred bie Mr. Comer tasted thet will be finiehed wichin the next Ave months. | 17: ‘ Vel lenin ° A wew iron bridge at Iichester has been | of what is dae, in some suitabh ter of her dower garden shrill note at the brenk of winter, the beds | Ceedings. and berdere of this parh n are all aglow | the only corrmption he knew any: snd crimson bean, thing abont was that he was ap the; and ail throagh the Speia with gold through th he on have racked we chix of | n j cheethy attractive whobe : the giaut old cakes © beh form the ek groand, where the robbie, the jay, he arinte and some of the forest songste re |; oung Vhe creepers, and thick shiube, run if nominated hy ives, and t 1 te » } ol lesigniees, mingling of fraite and Bowers, &'MA'e in Philadel ptia oetal wris—all im their moet matarel places, 1d home + pase Mie Beoryde * not enjoy it five or six times a day. yrar after year withont telling every body - Saitem Fewatce Saeuwewary. — We nave been farored by the Principal wh a catalogue 1 “choliste vear ending at the close of the present month attendane evry State iu the South will commence on rer awned iueritnrion af learning sustain. ing itself so wel self we think we have a sight to apeak of it, and we take great pleasure in com- mending it to the patronage of those who have danghters tn edneate. Nor Preassxr ~To send 2 Vill for and sentenced to on Dan River, near Danbury, with about same time, has been re- | 1,200 acres of the 24d of ny of German tablish ing a evlony there. Second Week—Fifth and Becond Cir- Third Week — Fourth and rear ‘: Urwod Eight h F achaal itt raarn sineas, the President etat ie al meeting of the stock-halders of the tons peony was held ou the Lith inst, in. se- 'ordance with thy notice which had beéu'! eevee under the direotign « a aggregate c ferred stuck of the Main Stew | Waabingwon Brauch is 177,8 Qae hundred aud eleven THE CASE OF YO Iu the Superior Court of this county, UNG HARRIS. 2 The vote was taken on sev. feral of the remaining articles with the same resalt as on the eleventh ar ‘ticle, and the Court adjourned sine Every body expected this since ht the failure to conviet en the eleventh & /article. and pe one will be surprised The effeet will be considerable jin more ways than one, | Crease the centidenge of other nations in the stability of American. inatitas vey | (lots, and enhance our credit iu Ene a acamets and it canne! be without its ins fluence upon the political contests in ry last, was taken up. ‘The circumstan- lees of the case, as developed before the Coroner's Jury, was published in this pe. | per at the time, and we shall vot repeat As in all cases where a tale of horror is unfolded a good deal of feel- ing had been excited, and an upuauully large vamber of thewenire had “ formed and expressed an opinion” that the pri- soner was guilty, After some thine, how-| tious au’ ever, an intelhgent jury was empannelled and the trial proceeded with, The pro-| at the Bourd +0 authorise the issue. of 8t,:! 5 preferred stock on which petual dividend of six more is to be paid, were considered and President then Fa e ¢ ompany, Camden Station. with scerued iuteress to he Presideot stated that ments of the Company would some time to come by the issue 000 of the preferred’ stock, plications for eousidersbly amodnts already been made. eatitled to the sime common etock of the Company, ts fore tree from State and municipal EL E jthe prisoner was very ably defended by | Maj. Jas. E Kerr and Mesare, Boyden & | Bailey, all of thin City <The case was submitied to the jury at 9 o'clock on. Sat- urday night, who, after deliberating gntil Ie would have saved him. '3 c’cloek P.M. on Sunday, returned a self trom much degrace if he had | shund ned 11 long age, at Fr verdiet of Guilty, On Monday sentence of death was pronounced, when the pris- oucr appealed to he Saprewe Court Es Le u t h E a E E ae eae lox. Beprorp Brows.—We learn ai + i f f : sirably investment. The resolat a | Mr. Garrett sated that sinee of the Board the double be-ween the Point of Recks and two miles, had been con; rt E i i LS fi s a e 2¢ ri t i t i i t e c e d e E ds t t i : & f i E r e H d | this line three tannels, res thaudred aud ef z < 2 i FE [ E i Fi r i r rough extremely bard Although this work proved very ex- in| pensive, the cost exceeding $200,000, it | will doubtless prove advautageous iu wa- both safety and ceoue- my la working the line, Large torces continue to be enga; arching the taancls on the P, This work is reesing 1,003 feet having ice cates Na ‘ tanvels during the month of April. jtotal length of the tunnels upan | Branch is 17,870 feet of whieh, on Le} lst instant, 13,203 had been 4 a l t —_-— — Cacour.—The impeachment mana- gers, it serins, made a slight mistake | take in the conrse of their investiga- thong by semmoning and examining ly, cum@rt, avd automa, the ator Pomeroy, whe preps d, for | forth in| thousand dollars, to secure five votes sracom the lovely, charming children of | fur arguittal, Snitores M the other great enterprises in which the, orton and! Company is cugaged ts being The | Proereuted \a encouraging feature, to induce con tinued + fort om the part of the commani- imagined than | ty and the Compway te perfect the con- decribed. The defence set up by the! @vetions still required @ increase the ba-| - partion expumed, that it Was a trap oes | Hess of Bulumore, es i grovel rope at the east end of) to cateh the President ans bis frien le Larg and Conuctleville and the Wivches. Ii qurened dees wet maligne the ulfence in thee | and Stareburg Koads, is shown by the | @ggre gate rovenars of the Haltimere and Obie Company aod its present branches for the past month, whieh amounted to At the low tariffs existing prociam ‘This vill passed the M ¥ and gore to the Senate. It be os great an outrage apou rpabiican institutivues ) Was ever perpetrated use wa There Nye being am ng the namber, wing the goodners meferhation prod ueed by this revas nd thet trains them Correspondence of the 8. ¥. World Gen. Grant And the , r, worth a long walk walion — Rumored morning leet, theagh i may | didbcceaa 0s ee fw day at | this revenwe indicates the vast volume of whe profes tw be aeyaamiod with A Washington dispatch to the New| elie whieh ie being transpor.ed, aud | \@en. Geant, thet the ‘Weliera! has j whieh builds ap and developes all the) ¥iiien a letter and shat Chief Insticn Cha-e has SF tMterrete with which the Company j hamde wf a (rend, @ ph Ses \e connected — Hall. A mesican. borinally qeut bimmeel inte the bands vf ee Paying the Debt in Greenbacks.—The poorible for the ful “Then we shall have what are called king well for several deve THE PRESIDENT. A | allempt a de Seri pt ten leche York Temes, dated on the ewt at the Chieage Uonvention, dic jtimetly declining t» have bis name , deed in that Convention. Ip fact, it a d that Gewernl Grant hes decided but ty bea candidate ut the Republess ‘aplendid times’ Wheat PAT fur the I’ resdeney, reyes’ ben the en«y, and apparently “#'* the smene dispatch, eecms tu or | and greenbacks will be exchanged basket | ni —— - y tor basket. A barrel of whisky will will : be sold for two barrels of legal tenders. flee principal ecundition ie. reported go| bv that whulesale negra gulfrae sbout with wagons having lofiy and es Sell nut be made one ot the ylonks pactous receptacle on them like those used Of ‘ts platforns, hauling charcoal, and iil gather in the | tuw blic tares with pitehforks. dollara ia gold will feqnuire a ono- sly, selected aa the | Waree wagon load af greenbacks. Tat the would command moat Government bouds will be “ . only question will be how to pay the Go backs. This ie something oes rot covtemplate. Specie | pay ments under it v ill be reached — gener.” oe <-heesetee veriodieal is on our Interesting Correspondence Telegr } th, Atay rps “dtnaly a fron with an old Western friend, blew re evidence, and demande the con-| !han a vietion of the President, Anthony and 1,000 others To the above Seuator Ross sent the | t hie tnende, and ‘ety neta cumdnlate, be cannot ob | Chicago Times is res securely build theie neste and rear their Jeet tothe use of his name. and will | lowing : © mocking bird conecale her treas The movement in hs behalf. | ‘good times,” teals ate ov expected ty gunsent ta tbl «and flowers, and flowers and GIVING ITUP Collectors of Government revense will The New York Zrsdene, in a late number. sage: Mr. Jubnson renuains i The eleventh pu I: ie a rich treat to Dowt. the General's brother-ix (law, 8 alow reported to have said tues j friend within the last three days, that it he could be a delegate te the Cor renjon he would vote | bimeelt, on the ground that he don't want iv we Gram mixed ap in poll tice, and on the himeell dow't waet to be mixed Lhe General, in conve Ws ginden, and we can doubt net jadicvr witea. This failing all Sried! THE EDINBURG REVIEW. ! nauber of thie valuable The namber of papile in and interesting ie 218, represent e not had time to pre fort night agu, said. that be Signed D. Kh had now gut ihe position that tnost acceptable ty bib claus is said tu have | closed in another way. At was pro j|posed it Congress to retire Gen | ousean and vue or two other officer { the avimus of the freer wews of th » iv I have the ex 7, | ene wes to General | rage and honesty to vote againes the ‘die. |" is maid to hase exelsimed gmeut aud tor the highest! rt 1 as’ follows; “W | mrweer upon polit j|¥, every one of na i for the consequence Congress, mistake of political idewsity | tto hut doube met it will meet the the firet of Auguat ; . expectations uf ite friends We are glad to sce this aneient aud re- ten’s of the present number are: The! Maat) inatiatlnele? Positive P tilossphy of M Anguste ’ et Comte, Western China, The Monks 4 the kind were greatly cripple 1 if non des- h nah e troyed by the war,aud seareely anyibing of the West, Techniehal and Seien- bot the acknowledged eaceiicace kG t fie Edlnewion, Bunsen's Memoirs, | vietion. one could have saved it from like misfor.) The Irish Abroad. Malleson's French Having patronized this ech ol oar-, in India and the Desraeli Ministay. Address the Leonard Beott Pab. X.. 140 Fulton sfreet New York. been recently dir Washington, May 16. - Gentlemen, I oar right to demand ote either for or ag tinet con- I hove takew an oath to do im- partial justice according to the ¢ Jonatitation and laws, and that I ¢ hot seengnige y tates of my jud goed of my country. Fetate Conrteorn.— The annual Commencement Exereis- j ‘es of this lustitution will take i advertising and be answered with « notice!" Wednesday and Thursday, the 3d /on | It ae being fully prepared ,in Lankraptey. This is oar expericner, 81d 4h of June. die and protested his isnovence to the ia ane instance at least. | SP Reaben Minta, a negro woman; who was con- Stokes of the same crime, be hanged at the aud conses | *pited by Gay. October next To D. BR. Anthon and 1,000 others A epeeial to the Chica eu. Logan (absout cave) was stoned at York, Pe: Oue of the stone missing Lag strack Gov. Hal, of Lonisinun, ou Savawrnes Year Loo that this apr from the [Honse ;vlherwise, uf our Wednesday at D. Golding, Esq, of ° Clock by Rev. 8. D, Adams of the| county has sold his forge, situated N.C. Conference. Literary address on Thareday at 11 o'clock by Wm. L, lamd attached, to a compa- | Seott, Faq , of Greensboro’, capitatiste who intend es» and Gradnatin, ) The public are Tune Stovery.— While stualiog onions and Garden of Mr #. Oy st. We learn hecet made its a fo 1834 with more distiner ata ulaf Order, in 1861 as to the latter date as te the @ exercises at night. invited to attend. not se ary | that he had bet j and tas not bees heard of since. rts wa) hownr reg Ji a hi ni f i e t t IE F ? 7 if i F. oa i : F F z if 7 ees heise wt With bees! preovlarbe TM: Da he Ak he ee ated be Nes ar ~ ‘friends of Southern Literature to sus arguments id its favor, is tw that J Obase could carry . The owner of a stra —A New York Engraver inherits $14.000 000. , For several. weeks past the following advertisement bas in the leading Btatea: sterling for the in, Peake wha emigrated to America a ress Rd. Stafford, No. 4, Lincoln's "New York Timed ‘says’ that the owner of Oy sabre pe epee in found in vid R. Harrison, who hac ise for many years em - as an engraver by the American Note Company. Me. alee vy | By ae years 4 a iy. “Fre Times adds : When assured of his good fortune he appeared to completely overcome by rur- prise; wae so that he wae auable te coutione at his work, and was compell- ed to seck the retirement and quictude of howe before he could regain pe wonted Thee individual to whom the fortenate legater is indebted for the bestowal of this immense wealth was an aocir, a brother + who tne his high alfice'te Ygnere and vivlate the eereative yy! of the citizen ;! wer; | ently and cqcruptly related by every | rorasare ia hie ef every proper at | etitation tempt at the reconstruc jon of the Btates | y_Ahe Thirty Lately im rebetiion ; whe bes the | hereby msde potlic pattreage inte an of whale. | ty within ta cale corraptivn, and whe bas been justly | secinhe te impeached fr bigh erimes and misdemean. aot ore and ty pronoanerd guilry there- sid Sumer, HE of by the pour MM thingeite Senter. | peing that fact. Ninth—The doctrine of Great Britain ace wa There and other Karapean powers, that beesnse Is be as grew a man te ane a abjeet be le always en, inet aloe must be resisted af © hanerd by the ver Unierd States, as @ whe of the feadal tees, met wet bes ined by the law of me- aud teed ep mdenmer Naturaliacd chitens are entithed to be protected in all thew rights of chizewship a6 thongh they were native berm, and en chinew of the Dniied States, matioe or neteraliaed, mast be Mie- ble to arrest and impriscoumert by any foreign » Gor mete deme er words epe- kew im this country ; and if eo and imprigoued it is the duty of the gor.) ernment to huterfere in bie behalf, Tenth—10i alt whe were fainblel in the triale of the war there were ene cutithed to more lower than the brave act diers and eramen whe endured the bard- shipe of en and cruise aud imperill- | ot te ete een of their jerry wy; tind pensions by the laws for these brave rod st of the nation ave whligations never to be for. | gvtten; the widews and orphans of the gallant dead ure the wards of the e —a sacred legacy bequeathed to the wa- tion's care ‘ Eleveath~Vorvign emigration, which, in the past has 0 much to the wealth, and resources aad, inervese af te this nation, the | eludes heal! encouraged by « Viberal | al Convention declares in-! rell in aympathy with all the prople which are arraggling Tights. —_— - -—o——-,—~™O” PRESIDENTIAL © ONTEST, ke. Despateh ts the Baltimore San. Warhington, May @4—The ‘bh he Platform attached the past Jarty-right weadics ta fs ty their | | and sleoaly tat-erie, for the tine being can merits. nomi. heen of the Did Cmctreath en. 8 to-night is rife with regard | ta the bominere of the conven- tion to meet in New York on the dh of! duly, The feaders of the Pendleton in- terest have been herr, during the past pen | taking « view of the situation, and | in "8 the ret The Bed le a thief ( * frow { vof Re he was sud ge of 4) tions and at wer with our national hover pa Y satiate ana to Davia's father. He began life a poor boy, bu: by his indefatigable judustry and close y ove all abetaci and at an carly day laid the foundations of hi ; he like many others, he amasced the | trensme which te seou t» be decreed to « comparatively poor man. Among vther otawes of s ar ie Mr. Meshayette FP. Harron, the well known proprictor of Irvieg Hal’, who ie tull eousio PRIVATE LETTER FROM DR LIVINGSTONE. 1867, and was written at Dewmbo: “; have been unable to send anything ta the comet sinee Left till vow, and have bear’ vething from the const, © © We have been very long in our progress Wither, but | think we are now on the watershed between the Zambesi and Les la, which flows, a8 report says, into ke Tanganika. I have only nine of a , bat hope te get on ia time, and de what I bave undertaken. In some rie we hed ty +f meat; | could pot with my rifle. Io >on as best we conld and we had to | was the rainy erason, and we had a long ! tradge throagh dripping forests, with the oul often 20 sloppy the feet were con etantly wet. This eae made worse by want of feed; nw of fine dieber, but of even alittle porridge. The people could net ecll grain; they were eulaisting themecives on avashroome, which are very good as cateup, bat wretebrd, watery fool, producing vivid visions of the roast beef of by-gune days, Now we and we mean to reeta little. When we get to Tangautka Like we hope for news, and to find a second supply of goods. I shall write to you from thence. Tell —— that his deg tarned out a famone one and ! mever was eo eorry for any animal as shen we lately loot him. He had more spirit than fifty country dogs; and as own as we gota hut in a village be kept it clear of all cure, and never stole bin eclf. He was ae mach of an attraction as the white man himeelf. He took charge of the whole line of march, and was so epiritrd he went at anything. This is how we lost him: We “aad to wades march amile wide and wast deep—a bottom with holes made by buffa- feet, which made as ell floander — 1 Weak first, and forgot the poor doggi: He awet have ewam among the boys, each one minding himeelf, till he was drowned. No one noticed him. [ ara an able to write tae De Wilson, thoagh I waght to do «9; hint the slave trade will wet give me more time I consumed Mre ‘s extract of nveat from real wing hanger, and found it exerllent. have lost all my medicines — the surest lose of goods | ever suatained. Yoo » il exense my brevity. The «lavery party leaves, and 1 mast write several letters. Blessings from the Highest be on roo afl, my dear friends. Dargp Lrvixestoy nce Gp emanate CHI The following have been elec: jed wfficere of Salisbury Obapter, No. | ud ts w, Kt. A. M., fur the ensuing Feary | thing formed to diffase lustre and glory tweet MLE. Lake Blackmer, 4. P. k. John 8 Oe . BE. Joseph W. Hall, op. D,.A. Davis, C,H. » William Murdoch, P. L. " Martin Riehwine, R.A. C. 6 Andrew Mt , Ms. ” Joby W. M. ad V. Joba. 8. ho M. ist V. : Obadiah Woodson, Secretary. go ad 0. A. H Troasurer. ba Janitor. Rambel. Tinton, is now ‘iee Sere gh This Leeey i apoapeed ihot spe: ’ Tarity which it has attained. The con- Fortune found | bout 1796.— | have! come to 4 land @here food ie to be bought! t with a of contents. It the third-year of | Phas fur been the part of Helena rhe has become its evle proprietor and ‘urges his old Army friends, and the jtain him. As we have not been a ader of this Magazine we libs Viterary? merits , beyond the fact of the general popus present number are as Sketch of Gen. Janius Daniel, by Maj. Conigland, of [alitax; Nature's . Preswon, Lexington, Va.; Unpublished Correspondence of Washington, Carrolion, Misa; The State of Franklin, by Dr. J. G: Ram- say. Historian of Tennessee ; Under the Lava, by Mrs. Mary Bayard | Clatke, of N.O.3 Personal Recollecs ened of Eminent Men, by a Virginia Matron; Farmer Bumbleby, by Dr. |F. O. Ticknor, of Columbus, Ga; Mary Ashburton, by Elise Beverly, of Md.: The Amer.can Conflict, by Rev, Dr. Dialer, of Hendersom, Ky; Nothing to Eat, by Mrs. Jetfrey of | Lexington, Va, Only Sou of “his Mother, by Miss Porter, of Greenville Ala; O ange Culture, by a Coutribu~ jtor; A few thonghis en Goethe and ‘Schiller, by doy The Maversack ; Ibu rial of Gen. Juha IL Morgan, from the Louisville (Ky.) Cowrier ; Edito- jrial Book Notices. Ld sib Whose Husband ?—A poor devil of a wegro, in addition to other char. ges brought againa bin, was claimed before a Magistrate in the ¢ ty, yes- jterday. by two wornten, each stontly lasserting that be was her hushand.— | The vldust claim, however, is wot als | ways a guarantee to success, One of ithem dated her marringe back aa far as 1857; but she be ny a free woman and he a slave at that cane, ite legali |ty ewtld rot be recognized. The oth EM ek From Washington—Impeachment @ Failure — The Court Adjourned Washington, May 26, M.—House—The | ¢ . Woolley affair was fillibustered to the hoar for Court. The Court met. A motion to adjourn to June 23d., was lost. The Court pro- ceeded to vote on the Articles and detvat- ed the Second, and ‘Chird, by the same vote as on the Eleventh, 35 to 19. The vote is still progressing. LATER. The vote on the Second Article: CGuil- ty 35; not guilty 19. The vote on the Third Article : 35; not guilty 19. The Court then adjourned sine die. Guilty From Washington. Washington, May 26, P. M.—The Court met at noon, A motion to proceed with the remaining articles was lost, 28 to 26. A motion adjourning to the 23d of June was lost by a tie. The vote on the second and third arti- cles resulted in acquittal, when a motion to adjourn the Court, sine die, prevailed. In the Senate Armstrong, Willey and Van Winkle denied newspaper reports, that Chase had endeavored to influence their votes, and Fessenden denied his iden- tification with the proposed third party, and ed hie deter tion to s1p- portthe Republican nominees. | Adjourned. House.—A motion granting Woolley twenty-four boars to prepare his answer. was tabled. A motion that the Speaker pr-poand certain questions te the prisoner to be an- swer forzhwith, prevailed. ‘The Speaker announced that the fune- tions of the Managers had ceased. A resolution continuing them asa Com- mitiee to contivue the corruption investi- gations, prevailed. A protest that the Committee of | nves- tiga:ion in which the minority was an- represented was anparliamentary, was overvaled by the controlled, and could entrast investigation to whom it pleased, A motion t add two metobers wh had voted aguinat impeachment, was tabled ow Butler's mation—50 to 51. Woulley answered witha protest, which has Leen published, and announced him- daecd her claim from 1859, but | confessed never having the ceremony | verformed by the proper officer. — | ‘Poca ty exercise a choice, the poor |bedew led man selected a+ he thenght the least of the two ie ile ehooming | the soung ot in right and duly reeeg | | 0 gad hee positon before the Clerk of | jthe Court inthe manner prere ibed he law. — Wik Journal, | —_—-—e-——-- The Wheat Crop.—The Wheat erop } | ding ite unusnally promising appear | ance up te the last fortnight, We were shown a stalk of wheat a lew days age that measured five feet in length, with the ear opened finely aud | erund, Thisetalk was taken from a emall Geld of wheat near the eillage, which ie now reported te he entirely destroved Uy the rast. Gentlemen from all parts of the @oantry bring mn telhgence of the same disagrevalle character, The sieht on the connty may be set down at much des then * Cree went » ithe average Crepe of part ve ar Lutherford Vindicator —_—- We clip the followtog from ihe Norfolk Vergrntan : The Differ enor Sergeant Bites, as oar readers remem. her, marched from Vicksburg to Wash ingion with the eld flag unfurled aad withoat money in bie parser, trusting to the hospitality of the peuple for bed and beard. Me achieved bis task, as we all remember, to be received in the Capitol with cireumstanecs of prealiar ignominy Since then be has been invited to visit New England which is the Palestine ot Unioniem—and what de yoe think he ead? In reply, the Sergeant declared that he woakln’:) doit, Net he! Beeanse he considered the experiment tao hazardous The proposition sas that Bates should start on hie journey among the Ceernd ents of the Pilgrim Fathers as he did | through the South, and this he replied as | we have said, that he couldn’: thluk of it, and gave the following reasons for de. | clining the invitaveo, im addition to the danger be appreheaded to lite and limb : “Firet, o andertake a joarney throagh the New Eogland States without money | ts equivale nt io starvation. S ond —lo travel throagh that with moury was torana great riek of being robbed on the w wy | rr gien -- CH Barke, the wis s), and most phile sophic statesman that BEnghid even pro duced eaid, and itis well to consider his ‘words: “There ie ne qnalification for Govern. | iment but virtue and wosdom, actaal or resumptive. Wherever they are actaal ¥ found they bave, in whatever state, candition, profession ur trade, the passport of heaven to baman place and boner. Woe to the country which would madly and impionsly reject the service of the talents and virtaes, civil, wilitury, or religious, that are given to grace and tw serve it; | and would condema to obscurity every: ! | jaround a State. Woe to the coantry, too, that passing into ‘he opposite extreme, ‘considers a low education, and a mean | contracted view of things, as a preferable | {tile to command.” | —- . | Old School Preabyterians, Albany, May 23—The Presbyterian | | General hay ot the Old School con- } 5 | ve Joonph Wiliams, negro, of Knox | mebrney, of Georgian, was inined toa self willing to answer any questions which the House might direet. The Managers maiatained that the Committe represented the amhority of the House, and Woolley had ne right to question the propriety of their questions. | The House sastained this view and Woolley was ordered into clase confine ment in the Capitol uutil be parges him- sell of contempt, by answering rach ques April 4, 1868. L recei our ve e 160) auswer, till egeed pope ves y' ever since been a Union man—-but because 1 believed that God made man and every —thata negro is not a white wan no more than a polecat is a lion, 1: am © denounced gro maniacs as a disloyal citizen—as a ‘copperhead.’ The erowned heads of Eu rope are now, no doubt, Tanghing at us ly into a negro despolism. € scem to have taken poor, miserable Mexico as our model, instead of obeying the Constitution and laws. God help us! ! “I rely on the common sense of the other animal as he desired they should be | Second and proseribed by the pressnt radical-ne- . and our model Republic, rauning so rapid- | i Broce Grae adjriniog Crk over, alee. INCOME FOK 1867. frees ety ee $7,726,516,53. Se te A RN RL i ot am tet Beate 2 ster INSURANCE COMPANY STATEMENT, Duc. 31, 1867. " | ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17 ALSO, the Uartinan Tract, lying on Datch Second Creek, adjoming rami f Katty Alex- ander Pyol and others containing 105 acres. FOR PREMIU MS FOR INTEREST, $1.393,711,58 leasant, Cabarrus Cv, I will sell @ House and Lot belonging to said File's estaty, said lot lies arar the Female Fem- | LOSSES PAID IN 1867, $1.268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. made known at sale, i Persons desiring w purchase any of said , property, will please exansine before the sale. ‘he terms will be liberal, people and their patriotism to rebuke the | anpr neipled men vow in power at Wash- ington, and consign them to werited inta- UNITED STATES TAXES. W, R. FRALEY, Adu'r. May 2lst, 1868, w6t-20 SALE OF PROPERTY Fuk $643,005,00 Interest received more than pays lesses JILL BE SOLD at the residence of J. J. | WW SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, Albright in Rowan County on the General my. “Yours truly, “Lestir Comes. » “§. R. Combs, Esq." MARRIED: Tih inst. by the Rev. W. BO Wa Mr. J. EL, Reuse and Miss Julia A. E. | Mooxn. At the residence of the Mr. E. M. Kenwexcy and Miss Mac M. McNewiry. In this county, on the Qist inet.. by the Rev. W. IL Cone, Mr. James I daughter of Caleb Lleilig, Esq. We acknowledge the receipt, wit the above notice, of the printers fee | usual in such cases—a handsome | piece of wedding cake.— Editor. } Sale of Valuable Lands. | | V AN OKDER of the County Court a Talkin Cevaty. we wil sell on the 18th } lay ut June pest, as Adar of Col RC. Pur- | year, at bis late reibhenee, two valuable tracts | of Land on the Yadkin river The home tract | containg abxrrt 35 mete-: the other tract up | wails of 400 acres A large quantity of rate bottom on each tract, The tanids will b.- | diveled to snot pur las firey tions as the Commitice propound. The Hoase went into a committee on Indian Appropriations and adjearned j Che excitement in the Coart this morn ing wae intense on all prolimisary qaecs tiuna. Ross voted with the merjority and mov ed an amevdwent to the motion adj oarn-| ing the Court to the [-t of September It was tnonght thee vetes indicated that Rees had gowe over The grave qacstien turned on his rote Rows rose from his erat pale bat otberwice gave ue indications of exciement Wadley ie contined in the room of the Cowmittee on Foreigu A@aire | From Niw York New York, May 26, I. M.—Maror Heffimin has reeetved a letter trem Rock inghem Nerth Carolina arking assistance fur anticipated distress. The demand tor laber don't equal the eapply. The May or will reeeive contributions. ' ! From lhicharnd R chmond, May 86, P. M-- Chief Jas Chase having areented to June 3d as the day ot cnumevcewent of the Davis tréal if impeachment has been fivished by that time, it ie anderstood, to-day that the trial will e-rtaimly tike place then thew Mark te New York, May 26 —Gold 1. 39) Virginia 534 Cotton steady, 30)a31 SALISBURY MARKETS MAY 28, 1868 RIPORTER BY PF: 3ORAN 6 CO... CROWER®. Bacon pet pound Wu » Ce tee per poand Btw 3 Cnrn. per bush. of 56 Ibs. Viste P28 Meal. bach. 6 1Pwi 2 Copperas per pound we “ Candies, Tallew D te » \damantine Bw w ( atten per pownd 15 te 16 Yarn. per banch 1.69 vo 1.78 gee per dem n tee Ey beathers, per pound @w w Four, rer ack. 5. be Pieh, Mackera: 1. Ce 2 WO 2 3 t Frit dried. apples pealed. ... to 4 aop id Mm Pea hea peale 0 te 12 unpeaied Str 6 | Leather, opper. per pond ew % me Bre B Iron. bar. 8 to we castings ® te eo Nails, cat, 6 te sf | Molawes, sorghum. per ga! ” * West India mw @ Symp. 1.@ to 1. Onions, perbachel oo... 6. coe wm % Pork per pound Wt 19 Potatoes, Iriah. per bashe! Btn wo | Sweet. . Bt Sncat, Brown. per ponnd. . Bt “ Claritied O) iwees ence Rw Crashed Pulverized Nr 6B Salt. conat por anck. ......-... ‘ Lrverpeal : Table Tobarco, Laat, per ponnd, Manufactured, Smoking DVERTIS NEW A de Soiled lestalraatidtot B. R. MOORE, Attorney and Counsellor at Lav, AND SOLICITOR IN BANKREP RET. WILMINGTON, N.C be J ant Alma several other tracts of yplael Terms funarde kuwwu on the day of sabe 1 JARKRATT, ! J P CLINGM AN, » Adare Ht 3 PURYEAR { May 22. 1898 wt Valuable Town Propirty FOR SALE. Witt. be auld at public sale. at the Court Meuse iv Saliebary. oe the Itith of Jane next. the valanble House and Lea known as the Julian plece, now coeapied by Mr. Ritz Ir including the widow's dower. The Huuse is large. ewhbpacing a ged store room oa Malo street. and seven raves for family mee Terws—Notes with payable Janaary Ist, 1B); Iet, I870: the Bi. Jan. Lat. fron January let. 1 L. BLACKMER.C. MW. E April 2th. 1404 [ wtw-td.] Os (C Enow and Believe ‘| YIAT G BH POULSON & COS DRUG Store i the ebempest place to buy Drugs aml Mednines in this sete of North Caroh- Try them ! WYATT’S OLD STAND Mav? " Mah<heore N State of North Carolifia, BURKE COUNTY. will be a full aule, the first. 24. Jan luterest sec rity: the i7] Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spreng Term, 1868 W. C. Scott. ee. The he rs at law of Theamas Scott, decease! PETITION TO sBIL Tarr. Tn this case it appearing te the <atisfaction of the court that the defendants Jane KE . John M., James ‘ Julies M.. Bartiett W.. Thomas C.. Dard = rah, and Coriena Scott. are fun residents of this Mate, It is therefore ordered that pubiication be made in the Warcamas & (4p Nowta State a paper pablished in the town of sgponyy & B.C. for six sacceative @erks notifying anid defendants to be and appear at the next term of thie conrt to be held fer the county of Burke at the sort Hoase in Morganton. om the Ist Monday after the 4th Monday in May next then and there to answer or to the plaietifl’s petition otherwise the came will be heard «x parte and judgment rendered pro conten as te them. Witness, F. W. Doorer. cleth of amr «aid ( of at office in Morganton, the WRh day of Mar h A. 1. 1968 U&Ge:pr f . Ls ¥ DORSEY cime. | aq> ua The Ku-Klux-Klon is About !| AM READY to exchange Leather for good Hodes, Kop and Call Skies Dark Lime, Hepes, Barley, Corn, Rye, Oat aed country prvluce generally T will aleo Tan good Hides, Kin and orher Skins, for one haif. I] return my simeere thanks to a gener pabhe for thetr hberai patronage in my chffer ent businesses, 1 this county, for the last twen- ly years. Monee f. Brown's obi, stand, cornet oof Lee ‘and Liberty Street. ; MARTIN RICHWINE. Ralisbary, N.C. May 19, 186%. -. wly Neatly Meemded a6 thie Offoe. At the residence of the brides! he following property: 200 ACRES OF mar 3-w&t mother in Iredell coanty N. C., on | oo 18. cer Albright aud others. ‘or refused to pay the Taxes ($300,00) due by bride's | ed has been distrair fa'her, in [Iredell county N.W., on the | ime end place meniioued above, in 12th inst., by the Rev. W. B. Watts, | 9) the provisions uf the Aet of GC | poses. Cuawrorn, and Mies Sacum Uxie,) gis and F ‘of Samuel Knox, dee'd. | will expose s | Pune buggy and harnesses ; OP THE UNITED STATES = 'Caxd Axser« ° & assur ur = | & @ | Ruma «i during I l Namber of Policies teered in one year—)0,686 pay AN aber . ded among the Policy belders an- vies S. Stevens, Clerk ; Din aera Pebmary Ist, 1G —Caeb value S610, pay ay Sherifl Tatow phe largest Mutunl Lite insurence Company in! gy pr i. i 8 Ons gen ob ) the world oa ngham . i-wire Policies on a singie Lite tren §850 te came have the agenes Cen Fire eee. Travelin : ig agents wanted. A to a ersten Cftt james vy Souneos, No. 1, Cowan's Brick Rew, Special Agent, Charlatte, N.C Sauiserey. N.C. Jan. 7, WR. watwly Who are abe agents for siz of the bert Fire) ——————— aS ee see ne | Tnsersnce Companies in the United States. march 4, P twtwim | Just Recei A | TWO BARRELS OF THE | of Spirits Pr nocrenh jack ‘85 | raion Mineral Paint at New , con : York Cost. ; —s os ~ ¢ Saint « JOB PRINTING O85 30th day of May, 1868, A. N.C. G. a Agevt, Charlotte, N. C. to J, J. AL . ght, arljpaning the lands of Caleb Freeze, Pe- AND, more or The Arlington Mutual \ the property deserib- P asd will be sold at the | Or VIRGINIA. P of A Virginia and Southern Institution the United States to provide Internal cone Its Funds are kept in the South. to support the Government and for other pur- It has met with unprecedented success. The above named owner having neglected Lun to the United 5 Saute H. Winer, Col. Lot. Rev. Gth Dist. N.C. JOHN BEARD, at the same time and place Twe , Its fortuwes are established beyond any contingency. . . The Com n2y, ban capital and amet. agalnat Wading tal wi compare avoray wih ty Lat FF Als. atures awl Sixteen stands, Salsbury, May 5, 1868—wids 7 EXECUTURS SALE! AS Executor of the last will and Testament true test of , | Ite affairs are cautiously gee OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, emeant uf personal operty. belunging tay estate for vale, at his late residence on W ednes da the 1th day of June vest. Among whieb | pruperty will be a large quanuty of | Corn ; from 40 to 50 Sacks of fine flour ; One thousand pounds or More of Bacon, Hogs & | Cattle ; Ome fine Mule and new Horse, one Four Horee | Wx. B. Wagon and gear; one | reese Isa wrORETARY. Perr, acs, D. J. Hawtsoox, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D Leeal aprisns. G@REERAL s0EPT, Jwo, H. Crarmonss. A fine lot of household fur- niturc, kitchen utensils and Farming tools of all kinds ; One fine threshing ma chine, and horse power, H. CO. Capers, Joba Enders. And many other articles not enamer- basory (phe tore} ated Joba : her Af N Cc Chartes T. Wortham, A ™, a lot . orth arotina Bent Bille Wittiem Witt, Jr., will be wok! at the Court floase ia Salisbury ' ga 4 menith w Saterday the 13th day of Jane | Thee. J. Bvens, Terme of Bale Sin menthe credit. with James A. Boot, bead and approwe) secarty Sareties will be | 8, Quartes, isabel Caps | W. i. Tyler, wre property than what the 3.8. Be a A. ¥. Mtekes, will be withen a quarter of a mile | J.B. Mestea, 4 Thad Creek Station, ow the Western Kad | RB. W. Dibrett, Road. and Train that partes trum | Wiliam Hf. Palmer, 2 Ji on/Ate wajite: Sameihy | gee oy LEWIS C. HANES, Aer. eased catia Lexrvorox, N. C required to have law etemyrts The mm lay. & tet « ROM. ROR ERROCGU, Exe. Keon fate? - ~— - ' ~ ~ JOTICK.—A Smeal Term of te Superior) Kor Life Insurance Only. N Cuert d law amd Court of Lquty of PIEDMON! REAL ESTATE INSTRANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. Mas 14, | in «éw i! Southern Shoe Factory | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Shelly Brethers & Co. | ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ' THOM STILLER, \@ Secretarg hee |C. H. PERROW, M. D. Med. Advisor. J Sek, & mn This lheral and solvent Southern Company We are manufacturing | Pats to ite policy holders annually ml ren’ as ge Mines aol (ohne 87a Her Cent. of ite Profits. ‘a! pores to aid ite patrons by taking notes If of the premium :. lt allwws ‘ts patrons te pay all cash if desired. It invites its patrons to attend its anmual set- tements and see their rights protected. : the & Cariewell, at the Court House in Lennar. commencing on the d Moelay io Joly 19868, and comtrnne tor ~ aulll the buses of sani com te toe leek d for vent y WO Rewk * herrea: Me RR WAKEFIFLD.C 8 ¢ OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, Presiden’. J. J. HOPKINS, | 8 SUCCESSORS - A tabliched in 1X9 M.n'¢ Boye, Women's oe) Prowse of the best quali y ar 1 ot rc are michel go matenals and, ae om » have me chenidy im thet { » orders Seed roag 7 twawdm 7 a It alrow, ita to oh thetr poles from ave place to another THE BQUITASEE Its Poliey holders are not restricted as to tra ec] of residenc It offer. the following certificate as to its sl tener: LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Newe = Cocat Horas, Va ¢ March %, 1667. 4 The under-igned, efficers of the county of Nel-on, and State of Virginia, take in recommending as a solvent and com ps- ay. “The moat Real Estate Insurance Com ir,” of this county; and besides the merit of ite solvency, its rates and terns fer Life Lowur- ance are such a to commend it te public pat- No 9? Broapway. New Yorw. of bigh integrity. and patrons can rely om an honorable, efficient managrun ut of ite affairs. None of as have «tock or interest in this company, and «imply give this as disinter ested testimunr to the itkof a good inetite- on oe ASO a0 4.2 460 Anneal ‘ax! Imovime, FOR SALE! Apply at this Offiee. Drag S2er Pad atts Gid Stand, ee May 19, 1868. watwtf - ett Bt Baliainey x 0 mat ; : ' sana'ee Sscoxy Mmuvaty ‘Disrnior, r ] J ih £ | GuaRttston, 8 CY April 2, vee | { a onpkRs, { i PatS ort '. ThPDiiindnoe OF ‘the Usdetirhf8nal Con- vention of the State of North Carolina, con- vened im conformity with the Act of Congress of March 23, 1867, supplementary to the Act GR the debt anddema at the of March 2, 1867. “to provide tur the more ef. hah pesoapeaerhgliire gpa ate | ficight goverament of the rebel States,” emi- ment fur one-fifth of the! residue of the eald “An Ordinance respectin the jurisdiction of ee 5 pe viet mouths more to pleads at, the expiration of which wo lerwith pablhed Shere that time, should: the defendaut pay to the | plaintiff or confess: by approved, and will hive the force of law im thepesidve of aS he shal said State antit the qoesrien_ of the ratitication or rejection of the Coustitation framed hy said Conventiga-dy- the people State, shall be deeeretied ye hate the manner prescribed by law, and im the event of the re- jection thereof, for the tiu ther period of thirty days: Provided, that the terms of saint Ovii- nance shall pot be held te y tweor conflict the expiration of that time the plaintiff shall however, that the plain- tiff, if required, shall file hie claim ju writ- iug. avd if the defendant shall make oath thatthe whole or any part thereof is: nut with any of: fie, cuaranteed justly due, or that he uas @ counter demand, vied "Shave R all of whieh he sbal) ly set forth by by any law ol sud State” @ iacted Sutscqueatly fe bogredlegtag —— org rneut of sal dete andes tap, Peresicnts gre. (the instalnvent requined uf what be edusit ts clamativn of the 29th of Ap), 1865, or by auy | be due, andthe Justice shal) proceed to try militaay orders frou these p> pagel ge now ut torwe,, And provided further that - * revlaga je aay cmt ci North Coosliea,’ ry, |delredent chat bo olluwed Sup so plead only coghiamg @r saucivning tbe investments of vd 5 erage of one- fifth of the amount ad- the feadsaf miner tei or of females, or of | ™ to be due aud whatever the Justice ev of insane persous, om the seenrities [Way have found him indebted over and above of the State of Th Qarvliagy created for Use | the Same: Provided, that should the defend. parpose of carrying wn war against the g.v- | amt to pay or confess judgment for the first ernrpet of the Upityd States Khall, as see, be | or any subsequent instalment, then and in suspended until the quesik<: of the validity of |that case the plaintiff shall be entitled tu “uch dosestnents shall lave been determined | precerd to judgment avd execution for such by the quarts of the Duited States, or by pa-, lustalmen! : Provided Surther, that by eon- nonal legislat As d muthing wn the provis- seot of the plaintiff the Cefepdant may at sons of this onder, ots tie Oudiuance berew ith | auy time asdieed } ut for a stipulated pubhebed, shall be bed to bar or binder any |4uth in fulland final Giseharge of al) further legal proceedings in tehall ang minor heir, | demand or liability upeu such claim: phat female, or insane person, respecting (ust ex- | executions and judgmeats ivy actions of debt, @a%e, property or witerests iu tie hwuds of ex | cvVvenapE, assum or acouunt, which have eeutors, administrator, trustees, guardian«, | heen or snall be ixtued ou judgments hereto- Commissione:s, masters or cherks uf equity (fire obtained before any magistrate, shall be courts, and otber fudciry agents, or invested | levied ou the property of the defeudant and by them in ther fluc art. veturuved without sale. At the expiration of Gea. Et RS By command of Bet twelve mouths from such return, execution - dane N Cadi anc, oa all such judgments shall issue for only ‘ Y i ‘mmp, teuth of the then doe; at the (expiretios of tweive months from that time. Actigg Ast. Adj't. Gow L a | €or one-fifth of the residue ; and at the expi- AN ORDIXANCE RESPECTING THE JUKISDIC- |tathou of twelve mouths more, one-half of | tion that las brought thea into great aemand. | saab | the residue; aud at the expiration of twelve Tees wn gp ots paren ae }uumthe more, for the belance of the debt. Sectiox i. “ | Seetion 5. Be it further ordamed, That . aig cong posing preg eeabind, | Section 17 of the above entitied ordinance be ‘hat tiens | a 2« Irdimance of | suneuded to read as follows: the Courention. adupted Save Zt, 1866, “n- Section 17. That the provisions of this tithed GP temmcogite = wpe fOrdiawure shall not he coustreed to -xtend diction courts e "| te amy debts or demands coutracted or pen- ag — lary are hereby ie sae | cities tecussed since the first day of May, A. Section 2. a ordained, at! D. 1865, or which way hereafter be coutract- Seetion Jol the above entitled Ordinance be | nd or inearred. paar B= funded « any soended te read as follows ; bead. promissory wote, bal Af exchange. or aubiealontns, wf ee at land other instrument of writing of parol aut acovunt mew | in | ~ - tier made sinew first May, LAGS. in re the Superior Cuarts, shail be continued tu jmewal ad ur substitute Gor & contract made Spring Term 1808. gud that the several Su-! prior to Grataf May. 1885, ts the full amount petiog Courts af the Spring Tera therenf| uf the principal aud interest of a debt exist- valy. unless otherwise herein provided, shall | ing prior to said day. and whhoat other eon- have exelasive on sideration than such pre-existunt debt, and such causes of action, execpt where jurisdic. | except also actions, suite of process ty pevive, ow bas been ot shall be given to a Justice continue or enforce any jadyment beret fure of the Peace by the eonstitativn of laws of ted open aay seach bond, promissory recs istrate, for onestenth of {principal and interest, ) | he shall be allowed twelve munths to. plead ; | debt or demand. he shall be allowed twelve mt for oue-half of have judgment for the residue of bis debtor | jemand: Provided, }the matrers in dispute between the parties ; | jand at the expiration of twelve invuths the | exelent bei THK SOUTHERN be allowed twelve mouths wore ts pled; at, HEPATIC PILLS, That «ld, lng known and well tried | for alt: Bilious diseases, cansed bya | DISBASED LIVER. | They are diade und shi by G. W. DEEMS, | the dixeberrer wholes removed to Balnitiore. | Md. where he can have ncvtss tothe parest and [dest medicines, on the most favorable terms. | He will siways keep on banda leree supply. and will sell. ty bis customers, whels be apd j retail, at the shortest, putive. Tu the p tion of these very superior and Pike ho cust oF rote ik spared tu [insure the greatest possible degree uf perf-ctiun, jim point of utiliey, excellence and eomburt.— | They cortain one article whieh has probably {Bever defere been. aged as a mediiine, aud | whichis a powertulagent in cleansing the Liver. ‘(which gives them an advantage over every J other Pil heretofore offered to the public.) The jcomousition used in the~e Pills is varelully pre pared by rhe hand of the discowrrer, an may | be nsed by the mest feeble patient in fhe most |deheate situation, either male or female ; and from their pecuhar combinativn are highly “rengthenng, mikd in their action on the bow- els, and indeed. i) a clunate hike ours where colds and vouyls are almest an vobuliny cow seqvetive of the sudden changrs to which all are subj et, every Ore at all Malle to suffer trom | the influ: aceol these eames, will find te great. | est security in baying bis byer and bowels well! cleansed by theme invaluabl: Pills, Where these Pills ate known, especially in fORK OOLUNN, th -deoteet. t the southern States where they hate been chr culated so cxXtenmvely, they need po seeom- mendabon—thewr ments are sy well known by }thetr resulta, whah bate given them a repeta- | They theretore are destined to be, at ve distant | day, the only remesly rregruized) amd ube by | the people where billows dieenses are =e pres leat, The acvantage in tins treatment thefe | lore, i, thet a cure wast be racheal ad opm- plete without the newsey of breaking slows the system ia one part ty remove « diwase ig etre } They can he sent to anv point in the Unie Btatex by Mail or Exoremn i PRICE — Por ope bon, Bee. tn. — De 92.D0— olf Grom, O18 — One Gress, $16 —Thre « Grea, 6 — Five Gram, 973. The cock mest cither semampamy Ube wrder fet Une Med dime of it will be nett C0. 8 | } Or ere druid be address | | ed to 6, W. orEus, Be. C8. rooms Cocaoen Oren, ‘ Saree Me, | whate they WEL be promptly athetiél to % | JOHN HH. ENNIS, Droge ist, Spreial Agent Wewarwiy Ayer's- Sarsaparilla, Or any other Patent Medicine, CALL A? G. B. POULSON & CO's, DRUG: STORE, Wyatt's O.d Stand, SALISBURY. N. C. March 17.68, twTtiw i4r “COSTARS” | Preparations! Everybody Tries Them | Everybody Uses Them | HARDWARE. Look for the Padlock Sign! 5 Nore underigne| baring jot reorivel » large and earefally seleete! stork of Flard wate, Kc, javite ible attention thereto Every body--Believex in Them ! Are you troubled by Hate Wire. Raache, Sute 20.) 2 Bey @ We. oe Ble. Bax vt “ Costar's Ecterminators ‘haly infallible Remedies known.” from Polson. “Not dangerous to the He - of they wan Pemily.” -ats come out hates to die.” Imyevved ty herp in aay Nails 7 cts. per Ib., or 96 per Keg ; ‘arm IRON 6 1-4 cts, Ayer’s Ague Cure, Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, Hall's Hair Renewer, | Hostetter's Bitters, | Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Great Reductian in Prices of North Carafiua. Should the defeudan: a! the jog Term of 1665, 0n write which petareedto that Term or im apy salt for the above causes of action then peuding debt and demand. (prive pal and interest.) At the i} next Spring eget « confess jadgment for une | Gtth of the renidue of the said debt or de teed aed costs, he shall be allowed wotil Term tw plead. A: erm, should the defendast ow ‘og terme to plead. Al the spring term, the shall have jadqwent be the reshdeeef bis debt of demand: Provided ower, that the plaintiff. \( req@ired, shall tite Nie det or demand in writing, and if the sietondant shall make cath that the whole or any part theted’, ie met dam, or that be +e « coaster demand, all particularly «t forth by affidavit. then the t-foudamt shell pay the iastaliment required of sehat be adunits to be der. aed the omer ah Orde: a fers at the same or wome eth meqeent term te try the matters io disput between the parties, aud af the oext spring term the defendant shall be alluwed time wu plead ~~ *¢ @mbeesiag mment erin St rite of the « mitted ameunt. aud whatever the jary fivds him tndebted over and above the same Provided, farther, that shoaid the éctendant tail to pay of confess jem et for the first 5.” wat, thee aad in cathe ke ababe 3.2: he entitled te proeced to judgment aod execution fr such stal.cent, anlegs thedefeudant shal! par in pleas. in whieh came the sunt ebail proceed courding w the course of the euart in 180 Preceded ftther, that by emsent of the Plated the Ueteudant. at any of the coorts. weny coaires joigmeut for 4 stipelated sum ™ and fimal diechargr «+f ai\ further de sand ot tihaility apon such Rection 3 Be of farther ordaimed. That Seetion 8 of the abu recited Act shall b- asmewded te road ae folk. es Section 10. That the exseuth.ws jadgments netion of dctt. saemnpe?. evwenam or ac comat, ot deetees tit mews mands in Eqn ty, whic bate beew o: thal be issued on figinentsa or deerees berettene obtained. shall be levied wu the @ the de ciaim oF, tLe the plaintiff may sequice have by Aree of said A. fa. venditvom crponas At the apring tertin [hE execution on al! arch fudg<wents of decrers ue only utieteath of the suviat then doe: at the spring terw BOO, for ove Bfth o cosidaw: at the eprag term 171. for one- half of the residue, aad at spring term 1872. fathe balance of the deli: and ov execa- s shall isene from the fall term oo any such judgurett oF deere cxeept by consent f the defeudamt; that we mortgagee or trax toe hall expose to sale the property omerey ed in each mortgage of trust dewed, without the consent of the grantor before the first of March, (400: shouldt netigager of trus- (erat taat tine pay one-teuth of the debts avutioned. the anle shall be postponed to firstef March, 1470; at that time. should the eter’ gaiger or trester pay one-fifth of the vnidue. the aale shall be postponed to the iret of Mare, $871: at that time, should the trister GF wportgager pay ouve-half of the residaw, the sale aball be postponed to first ( March, 1872; andat that time the tros- tow or mortgagee shall sell the property, or » mach of it as will realize the balance of debts: Provided. shenid the trastet or mérigager Pthe first or any subsequent instadwenta, then in that cape Use travtee Or mortgages | shall sell at sig aioothe! credit ¢ utyeh of the gproperty | conveyed as wil! realize such iegtabment. + Bestive 4. Be it farther ordained That io thatt hee eed all evate to thet time. be shail be allow- | ti which shall ix | wety, billef exchange or other instrument of writing ef parol promise, as is herrtusar | te Section 6. Be wt further ordamed. Tha | thie Ordinance shail be is free from and sf | READ THIS! Ho! Ye Naked, OME AND NEW STYLES! The SUBSCRIBER takes this metheet of | ehete ig 8 Mie Ge (nate el darres on | ihe T 1) /DORIRG WES) VBR 6 he carwu hes, at hes stand in Browne Basking, o | tet its ratification ren The Ratified this seventeenth day of Mareh. A.} by. 1368 | Catsix J. Cow tes l'resident _onstitutional Concenton T A. Byeves, Seretary | STATE oF Nowre CAametins Deragt went cy STATE. Raleige. X.C.. March 18, fun.) 1. R W. Baar, Seeretary of State. deo bere termine Mam Beret, nearty oppeettc the more of 1 NM by certify that the foreging is a true COPY VieCubhee He has in hte euplios, Mr T +4 the ongiaal of Gle in this offier. (6e-| Coccap 04 Mab inere whew cae at a best on ender my hand the day above written. | R.W Bear. Secretary aj State Catlers m the eunntry fular reeopt of the Latest Farhion Plates, | 9 folly ap to the times, and bets runfident of tus atakty to de Tery sapenor work, aed Go gree j mire selesdactece teak wl: may basen bow, awl Geing aly ih re [eeas.) - A Comacientions Widine -A prer man on bie death lant, made tie wl leh «call He called hie wife hom and told | her -f the provi- ume he had made “LT have left.” sai be. ~ my horse tomy parents; sell it and hand over tle mm Mey you receive. T leave you my dog, take geal care of him, and be will serve you fauhtally.” The wite pre tnished to vbev, and n due time wont for the ne iggty tree He le ge-s fron bee long exper tee aed bY etter teeagg attetete et tee bemrueee wert arate ieee lpeete! wtare of Prretetn |patrumage [Tie -erye< wil be tmsb-rate—e- | ow me theme od other workmen of equal +k ED Gomntry yp retuce of all kende ePmnge for eck Gave ima all a Sle j will ea neat all good fr po Catong and topping dene w bem putt Cc. N. Vay Saimbary. Vee 2 1 ata ted wile ht AK _ Shovel Moulds, Round and Square Iron, best 8 cts. Wagon Tire, from 7 to 7} ets, Buggy “ 8s * Cast Steed amd lean Shovete Blacksmith Poot User ead Boggy Metermi Harness and Ate you saneged GH! ted ot Cont sleep at bee ~~ we Gey 0 Be. oF Ge. Botte of “COSTARS” BRD hls EXTER A Liquhl “Uestope snd prevents Bed , Bags. ° Never fais For Moths in Farm Womens ( arpete Be., irae 4 thonipaiew” wade nome Sie emis Sat | Hae tg weyrgar i Leralae emg 8 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE pleasure to inform theit friends, and the al * | phey.have fitted up oneof the very best cr yr ue A 0 tio a} it ! “ JOB PRINTING OFFICES IN NORTU CAROLINA,” and are prepared to exesute all orders wha they may be favored. . go uy ny a BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL —_ GAaARDs, COTTON YARN LABELS, Letter & Bill Geads, WEDDING and PARTY PAMPIILETS, CIRCULARS, UANDBILLs, ! | } | } ! DRUG LABEL COURT BLANKS, ia ail ther hinds of Blenks sad Job Printing will | be dome im a style that habe surpaaned \by iene, | and equalled by few im the tate, | ° Our terme will erah Wow ine the lowent’ ba the! * | Sowthers Country HANES & BRUNER, | Naticbury, Janwary 16, 1668, we THE TRI.WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE WEEKLY ikes | Toate 7A penal ee wa et I: ia hes yable, All pet rpehe i hah eink Sow a Pe Bed ety are OMe Preersty Pott ai hi ¢ of ; ee ig ot ew Tiehurw. be obey, Win = May 7, 1868-911 i CUSHIN ORR i Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasions April Term 1868. « - Ted Cutty & Bro, - Pala og wry Os pamela Monday am |WATCHBAN & 01d North Se, cde en EE j a te of te “ 2 FOR 1868. | Ware | Witness, 2B ofbee tee iy. “COSTARS” BISHOP ae bar Bay * ot ‘COSTAR'S” INsk Ue-troys insta nt) } lees and oll ln~ecte on mee Ar Sere thing to merits oust of Tie. Rox at cre “CUSTAIOS” COKWN SOLVENT ber Corns. Bunions Wert Be. Try Taucde sent fy [eet soffer et!) Pam Wendertal power of Heating) B ery family shoei he p itm the boar. cP Rey “COSTAR'S” Ht CRIMOMN Says Piast ot Setdle M wevtie, Ro Munclaw's Straw Cutters, j POWDER Corn Sbeliers apd Cnlt raters } ery stud oot a leer ate etiment of extra hele Ray « Be or & Box of r —o-— -- N. WW, Stade & Co's, | pr adv 89 00—19 STRAW CUTTERS, = ‘*"* “ATCHMAN& OLD viel StH of North Carolina, 1 iW Th. onpeon's Siraw Cutters Corn Shel STATE having been consolidated in the WATAUGA COUNTY . vende of the undermgned. ead the Barven heving Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions a PLOUGHS, aanpended publication, herpatter theve wil be but Term 1868, - POTS. OVENS, SKILLETS, om rerpetinies m setainny. which wit te tp} Reve Fatthing jute coed | The D Woxwersh Tri- Weekly & Weekly, ¥ this cane it appearing to the saticfaction of | “vie Cort that the defemient Thomas 1. Cast Stert Male ar) Horm Shoes, Glan andl y, a large gemrtowent of Lacks of all mrwics, Tatchrs amd Hinges, Kerews, Pk | ander the shove somes, tp semequence of the| Fun wurth be a pon revedeet of this Beate: hi tte efiocte ere -menvtiote. Per com. CER Panes, M.iwiny ont Grain Meyihen (heat = - {(berehury ordered that publication te marie for tt meth cod slouch inane Chute Lewd, Trae Chats, Hames, Cow Bethe CO@hinetios mferred te, this poper will have the mix works be the Watehemn & OM Mie Sear ebepped heads fiye Ae tes of swimeia lied Castors, [lene btents Mul awl Ilaeel * meen sane rye dt 6 ted inetete. Ae. <awe A Kew inte! « Mil me! Comme Cnt car oem Court ot Pleas Qerter Sawn Pravetics cad igo’ Keitkee (Dodie Largest Circulation Carre the county of ‘at the ioe ‘ ome ae Barret S (inne amd Pistol and all ctler coert bese in Bowne, on - io BO jar admsinmeered ino Hpteccchre,, | eaais esnally b pt in Ov as Pores ty | aly s+ 81 then, and Shere 4 any and Heirs of tee pet be Vilis Of extra edinary rfirery Bees, indigestion, vervous end rch “—e cod ive. " { why the bevied on HARDWARE “STORE. Western Nerth Carolina,/sc=¢heeepeee EM Vows protirenss. com tod alta the! axp Wit. Abveuw ‘itz (fier, Une MH Monies a Ag i ‘ hg - - -—- headache. dyspepsia, dy-eutery.g@rwer-, (Lariaare Ste re, Wher? yuu con purchase you | | ady $8 ’ ing tharkel with the horse & the « 4 J - wy ‘ ° al debility, liver comp! saints, ehille. fe. sunabs ot the hrweet arb severe | pr ady o—I0 “How sasiéo de vow want fur vam | State of N orth ( arolina, nd eet de "Not griping Geutle mild CRAWPOKD & tTEILIG | Best Advertising Medium horse 1° inquired the farner WATALCA COUNTY patra ) RR Crawponp “Leanne sell rhe harté, alone tha urtof Piensand Yaas ler Seazions April you may have both at a reasnairie | Term, 1568 rate. Mi ve me @ haedred doiiare bn Ww. tories, Oyanima se. Thome £ RK) the dig and ove duliar tor the try 4e,” | na ' . Bike fary er langhed. but a “ehe Attachment bvied on band ; [iT ng toy the emurisferthas dh the Coo ternm were low. he willingly accepted aa mak € Bue hem Ther the weeths Worn ya we tube beyond ¢ ritterd thee Stas It he oe the [saeland’s parents the dollar re erel hy the ¢ a! tertehemtica be rrumet ceived for the bourse, and heget the 7 78 wrevks in the Waterman & Our Now hundred dollars vate neuty ie sant drterntewte ty te ain 0 . ear at ext ( ot Phone» Quarte - — - Seteietie tir te tert fet the county if Wetan W hen quite a youth, be 1 jamin Frawk- | za at the evirt m. B. «ne ° 2nd lin went to Loudon. entered a printing lay duly nent, them and there chew is ace whe tine land ievicd an shell nace a. fier, and inqaitrd if be could get em Vmedto the aor cl ae ae allt Piny aoe NOSED oP gree: Witnees, JB. Todd, clerk. of usr said ennrt | - dated ¥ z : W here are you fn m myaired the ot ofhes, thee 2) Mimday a Apri, 4. D.dnes foreman * Aeuerien,” «the geply “Ab te Side 1 it a “fre Ameri ca! a lad from America ses king employ ment as a pristes! Well, de you really | auderstand tbe art of printing? Can you! aet type J" Franklin stepped to one of the cases. aval bu a very ae; spate met up the fA lowing passage from the first chapter of the Gos, el by St. Jobn: “Nathanael saith anto him, Can there any good thing come oat of Nazaret!, |" It was done so quickly so accurste ly, JB pr adv $8 MO 19 State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleusand Quarter Bexsions Aprti Term, 1868. Farthing & Co, es Thoma & RE Brown Attachment levied on land POD), Clerk. | vende beyord the hin dé of thre gestalt Jered that prbheation be made fag iser | fips ia Goods every where bottle. Wholesale by | "ot One Yeor............. bdcepeecsscecic + fe and contained a reproof so appropriatr nthe Wage vn GOid North 30 ing’ press Hemas, Barnes & 19. F.C. Welle & Co.: He! said detendanis to be aod appear « rine} Ad i-cos felin & Co, New York. march ite! * Sin Mowths.. 0... 8... so and powerful, :bat it at ence gave him Quart il eas worl (meter Sestigns 10 be Ladd | Adilreas. . ssl ne dll arson re ’ ee eseeee oes character aud standing with all im the] tor (he county of Watauga at the conrt-bonse WENRY R. € OSTAR, a“ DAM T fi Werkur: office. 10 Bexme. on the Ind Morminy io July next = 482 Broadway, N ee Oo BUILD. _ and then and ‘here ahew cause if any they FOR SALE BY prorosats will be rreelved for biibligg » | °% M0 Yett-reeeeeseree rere t | ~ have why the land levied on <ball nut be con } FRAME DAM at Maj. Aitirstion’s Shonle | % SacetLece.—To take a newsper or to adve: tise, on your honor, and obtain er-d it, and then, right of, serve a n.itice i, bankruptey on the poor printer. A fel lemoed to the ue of the plain ff Witness, 5. B. Todd, clerk A our said eonrt ati office the 2d Monday in April, A.D. 1868, | J.B. TODD, Clerk 25 and 50c sizes kept by all Druggists ! Gs appearing to the satitection of the Cuonr | 8! 00 atzes sent by mail on receipt of price. | j “that the detendants, Thomas & RE. Brow, | $2,00 pays for any three $1,00 sizes sent wks! 85,00 pays for eight $1.00 pices by Kx. | the large efties. Thet Cough wil kill yon pe- giect it __ Be aud We Sires COSTARS” COUGH REMEDY The children ery fer it 4ta « “Soothing Syrup.” Fer eenghe. cold«, hoarsenr- ewre threat croup. whooping cough, adbam, brotebi sd ecto Piager- Speakers, and all troubled with Throat { earplaimt« will fied (tls « beneficial Pectoral Remesis it Keeps fle Scalp (Chan ond Healthy. REEVES’ AMBROSLA | (t causes the Hair to curl henetifelly . Sort BR Gem tet) | to be eset witt in that partof the State, State of N WATADGA © —_——9——__ a nia Terms FOR THE HAIR, Wm. Horton, Goardinn. va Themes & R 5 lmprew at The Editorial Department iniskeiate ded oa Yaad. Tt is an elegant Dreaing for the Hair. |x snr phgrednmges Ym be reaps Barhne Emon: Hi Gos { Sditor and fyoprietor of the (he Kosem Sratn. cond te Ota ee. 7 ) dered b te Cowrt that . male | 2d 8 pains 1 00 rpared to male Mt eqwal to ony: wm or ke in the Watchman dt Old s | f nt the best paper of ite clase im the State, ep { Deantifies the Complexion, giving to It tov igorates the Reots of the Hair. } Pepe py ay dm me yh np the skin « transparent frest reve t forces the Hair and Heard to grow Invurtantly | to Ge polith® of the paper thew wm te we} Rosa 10 Oe heh Yor the eomp Bottles $1 a0 ‘COSTAR'S” BITTER SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS Henders the shi clear, cneothand «oft Renwves Tan, Freckles, Pimples, dr ladie«. Try a lettle, and see ite won- derful qaalit hn 1 '' Beware!!! of all Worthicss "'*compraed entioety Tamitations | Nowe gemurne without “Coatar’ 9” Signa fere 1" by Express JOHN H. ENNISS, | Salisbury. N.C, Fold by aff the Wholess’ | 8i in aft! be faery pr adv $8 00—19. low nght jurt as well rob a grave-yard How shall it be cured? New aud advertising are now all a cash busi- ness. When men are trusted, therefore, beyond what they have paid, it ie trast eaten getaeneen SEWING WANTED. Miss MARY HOWARD, Corner of Main! th . i Cemetery streets, will wake shirts for gen. ing to men's honor. If they bave none! *” ‘ fronts Seventy. ~ of that article left, please let us know it. el haghiagh J oy 9 . Sentinel. Feb. eth 1464, ; hb a; ‘tr be held fur the count: Court House in Lenovr, two weeks or ontil the business of said courte! iw wrt of Eoginy, will | a Unldwet? at che! commenting on the | vind Monday in July 1903, and continue for | Conrt of Law end gs) RR WAKRBIED CRG >) May 14, 196g wow | Kt immediately stops Hair Valling Ovt. It Keepe the Hair fom Changing Colot fom age ~—yo it restores Grey Hair te ite Original Color. MiM, omnally called Fisher's Mille The hottom whtw ty) seeertained by exammning the loeation, whieh -| NY STICK A Spotl Tot of ihe Soper | ehanee—it will contines to bes fim end decided } Conservative joureat bet 0 will wot be devoted a. | ctusively to polities. It will aise be devoted te the wt Witness, J. B. Todd, Clerk of our said cont *¢ pares soy brings oat the Ratz on Heode that has teen haig | "Pirie! interests of the Stein, end to Literary and ' Miscellaneous Reading, Domestte Ecogomy, Ae of sump'e and parely vegete | Oferiny soch hnducement«, we confidently appeal for years. pr aly $8 00-18 Me rubstances. tothe pablic for liberal share of \ts patronage both has received over six thousand voluntary testime. | by sabser'ption aud edtertiements, als of MM exeationce many of which are from phy | Termes of Subscription t sicians im high stan ting. rs It ie sold im balt-pound bottles, (the name blown the giams.) by Th FF and Deales in fancy at @1 per THI-WKEKLA : Yor One Yeor... Is are to be pirned to the rock with tron The height, tength, de, of Dam oun te ate. i suewn by Bum. Hobson, K~q. Karly offers ace earnestly nah a Address the subscriber at Sababyry, SAM'L REEV Br, May 14, 1868, —twBtw2epd Agent, Aor ap hae been ising 16 JOB PRINTING - 2S an Neatly Kaveuked at thi , 3 ob . he ‘in “By GANES & BRUNER) » os ) / sf LP ; ena wer f F% \ f, aot j , fp ee ong gen © Vv Ses hous id A dbGogps ne 1b 8 e oii werent «well “ font eee thud’ ae? ey piennqueD scotia 22 i hivg a euigntenadmyrtmvrcss sev} ved T ted? ytivinie | ¥ Ie STyY.Fo fy Triliak seu’ fas gohgB’ we acotes out Pile fever Gow wee penton . * 4 ,Ostoteten) masigaot hs Ole BLOT lnete wvtyuilyh edt At Wo tea Pgs ségitltia acty ehide: is” tanta a ie L cups ’ kaos anil 1 : a be ae , ! Mi - = Pit. uae fe al Lian —— Tete “pr A ce ne Saf sl dokia@ oe ‘ he BOD at Ba TOR 5 ! iis ae MAG 000, 382 : + “w¢itplassio of} bea 13h88' On x Baye) c= iriunis ‘ “oo e ts ; _ i er rs is Ty —— oa os — 1 ba * - os dcakt Ye | ’ ty" ae by) at¥ i? N » Em ; P er 4 + Revue des d aay British Quarteriy, Lando’ Society, a trp ‘ 4 jeu _, Bra fagaczine, Westminster Review, © Leiswre Hour, Pisa "Chamber's Journal, — Temple Bar, ! Art Journal, London Keriew, | } Contemporary Review, Christian Society, bs the Year, Round, Dublin Universiiy, _THE SOUTHERN aomillan's Magazine, Belyravi 4. | ‘ Hh a ran ear seg nti | H EPATIC PILLS, from French, German, wnd other Continental; Zhat ohl, lung known and well tied remed Meet ramet pels fr te Meee to | for lt doa dices, aunay@ Each gumber is embellished with one vr more Fine re Ss E LIVER. Atee! portraitsof eminent men,or ius. | D EA D trative historical events. They are made and sold by G, W, DEEMS, the diséoverer, a ho has removed to Balumore, | Mi.y where be can have access. tothe purest and best medicines, on the most favorable terins. Splendid Premiums for 1868. | Ev ry new subscriber to the Eclestic 1868, paying | He will aiways keep on hand lbve erpply. | ? 85 io advance, will receive either of the following | and will sell tu lus custu:ners, wholecle and | deautiful chromo vil paintings | retail, at the shortest uotive. | BASKET OF PE ACIIES, In the preparation of these Very superior ani] | : 3 | excelleat Pille, no cust or trouble: is spared to | ; ; Size9 X Jl; | lusure the greatest possible degree of perfictiun, | ' ry j Qin : sti pa | (2 point of atility, excellence and comfort.— PIPER AND, NL qT CRACKERS, | They cortain one article whieb -has probably | Sise7 X 8. } never before been used as a medicine, and | eee . | Which is a powertul agent in cleansing the Liver, | Pidgin paadncothrry ony bagel gee apd , (which gives them an advantage over every ent efthe art, or, in plece of them we will nead | her Piibheretofure offered to thepublie:) The | igber of our Fine Stee! kngravings, Washington at | cumousition used-in these Pills is eatefaly pre alley Forge, Ketura from Market, Sunday Morn- | pared by the hand of the discoverer, and may fag. be used by the most feeble patient in the most toc Tee Soe veal eas May rh a the | delicate situation, either oxnlo or fernale; and ba pon oer at wal gibt cane ah from their peculiar combination ate highly Thyes strengthening, mild in the action on the bow- Websier's National Pictorial Dictionary, | els, aud indeed, in a climate like ours where cold¢ and cougls are almest an ili éne Volume of 1,940 _ containing over 600 at coger Ra + NO, cic Ta | ca SN bread em Ham | Aa ao Sar sro ion 8 1. ¥ , # uses, will fir t- =a i Y ‘Terms of the Eclectic : dvedend tp prc ietaheabic Pane towel ei Heer 1 ae ert je Gita ee le Preise te esas ta peer tibeSeseSfic ve Js O00.0 | she wrirn Siaten where they hare esa] Mt id it Greats Thuteaiee 6 ; W. 1. BIDWELL, culated so extersively, they ueed no fecom- + ner ang rn The namber of the Ces, in this weit» 4 Deckinan Si, New ; mendativun—their merits are so well knowy by Dicer, ag , Vy ——— we MOOT é sRural NeW YorKer y | inenflicieney of their maintai : They theretore are destined to be, at no distant day, the only remedy reeugnined and uted’ by the people where bilieus diseases are 80 preva- lent. The advantage in this treatineut there- | lore, is, that a cure must be radical and com- ' British Periodicals. The London Quarterly Review, (Con servative ) € ROR ATL ts the Leading sad FE. | ting Newspaper of its Clase on tha (endl = | A ¥ y the rarer. Pear ten.. ptlon. peper indicates The type on w ined is literary tors, Advertising Rates. , TRANSIENT RATES | | —— | FOR PREMIUMS Por all ‘periods less than otfe mo th neserticn | | $6,332,804°95 | FOR INTEREST, nee ‘eto et 0 'e8.0 a $1.393,711,58 00] te0n} stoa} acon} 3400 12.0017 18.00] 2300) 2800} 3700 — i [Sra ie | Bs) ee LOSSES PAID IN 1867g ‘AR. OOF. 26,00) 88.00) 49 00 2s 50,00 30,00 | 42,00; 52,00] 60.00] 70,00 $1.268,75818, DIVIDENDS PALD-IN. 1867, $643,005,00 Interest received more than pays Josecs. Dear Brethren of the Clergy and Binderds treco ee 2+ Meeting-aswe do-at a time All pulieies nan table for astated amount | great agriealtaral and commercial Assurauce can be effected in all forms decired, | depression atid likewise of much anx- Square, First ii $1.00 bsexjuent insertion 50 MPutract rites for periods of one to fon: months, PL4 edt oh ot $a * Stew) agg tb aire? Nae etek ot cll bas “oe nally ri worship of the Charch is. ted ope more of sblem devotion and impressive and itis, inpthege re- specta, I Ksilste, th galed on eavih,— The Church seems to have an inereasin strength of hold upon the pedp le. A established or cisestablishs gion, hg by it, will remain © at St. ta By Church, Orange county, the English pation: blessing a and going forth from them & bless the 2e- notes: nations upon earth. pug and was very favorably impressed | why tat bod urged by isa Sant . | more, to 8 nd the’ etntee wit a . parent progress of the popils. 1! Ttaly, but Whee shal ia LY, 5 tl preached to thein and contirmed 6 of | where, and T' returned to the United their number. | states about the 1st of Decémben On the 15th and 16h at Salisbary | At the instance \ of the Freedmen’ I preached twice, installed the Rev. | Commission, 1 | reached on the ied st Jno. Heeske Tillinghast as Rector ot | the religious cdueation of the. colores St. Luke's Ohurch, confirmed’ 3 per- | population at the South ih several oh. ) sons and adininistered the Holy Com- | ¢3 in New York, Albany ‘and Baltimore. }manion, On the 17th at Christ Ch ,| Meeting the convocation of New York fa Albany, and ressing them on the same subject, on which Bish- SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, tery becanse of the political condition General M4 df the country, and fecling as we all Rowan ‘conty, | preached, and con. firmed 10 persons, 1 of them colored. P ites On ‘the 18:h at St. James’ Church, | °?) ok who was present, likewise 6 with great foree ond deep sympa- thy with his Southern brethren, Iredell county, I preached and: coa- In Baltimore I preached at firmed 5 persons, 1 of them colored. th eatin. in the Methodigt Charch, kindly off er uaee fh Bs ag % of ered me for that pur aud con- firmed one person. On the @ist at Gwin'’s Chapel, in. Wilkes county, | preached, baptised 4 chiidren and confirmed 4 porsons. On the 19th at Statesville, I preached and waited wi Bishop, Wh setting the for _— came the Rey. wal eince wien | owing to the general impoverishment | of the people, and in that way we have | lost some of our most faithful and use- | ful ministers. But, wherever the !a. | TRE GRRAT TOWY AND COUNTRY WEEKLY ! & . : | plete without the necessity of breaking down | The Edinburg Review, (Whig.) | the system in one part to remove a disease in | 76 Valesand Vaeety of Cwatents 0 e!| borer has been enabled to work, the . | Appearance. I embtaces more Agricultural, Hort Larvegt scems to, become increasingly The Westminster [feview, (Riuticn!.) | another. | cuustural, Selentific, Edecational y and New es . By | They can be sent to any puint in the United | States by Mail or Express. The North British Review, (Free | Charch ) - $10—One Gross, $14—Three Grove, G0—Five Gri | Jearnal,~-for t comprises PRICE—Por one bex, 25 cents. —D. a. $2.50—1’ aif Gress, | Inclading tings, thanany othe abundant. It cannot, I think, be | bei that the Charch is becom'ng Choice Literature, etter tinderstood and more highly Matter, with Agriculture, Edinb. kh Magazine pied de oerp LgmenPy- ay wat food dige | cog | Horticul Science dnd Art, appreciated throughout the Diocese. Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, 2, ©. W. DEEMA, | Sheep Husbandry, | Baucation, The confirmations in the places where (Lery.) ee aaa aas ene te. | 2racing, Dairying, Youth's Reading, I have visited, aro on the whole, lar- The periodicals are ably sustained by the contri where they wil! be promptly attended to. | Rural Architecture, General News, ger than usual, and the nomber of @ the best writets on Kcience, Keligion and — Fer these Medicines e=Il on sil reepectable Dreggiets | Domestic Economy, Commerce, Markets, young men applying for admission pen itereture, Fe ey Erle ne Ip ads arated a) all tr acme torch | _ With Illustrations, Tales, Emays, Music, Poetry, | ¢,,, Holy Orders is very mach greater world of letters. y are indixpensable to the JOHN H. ENNISS, | Rebuses, Enigmas, &c., do. The Roral New Yorker ia a National Journal. crica- nal man, auggo every rea- | Draggtst, Special Agent. tego ey orga ee fsa wenn nr see TERMS FOR 1868. REBVES’ AMBROSIA sii eat Poe nem es | 6CClCU FOR THE HAIR, | For soy three of the Keviews....10.00 brig € Pot ON et tS egos. 40 Improred ! | Entertaining. bor Wack sod — any two of ibe . It ia an elegant Dressing for the Hair. For Biackw ood ‘and three of ~ - It causes the Hair te —— fully. not vir Hisekwood aud the four Re | It keeps the Bealp Clean agd Henithy. PIWE,e covcccccce se paced . 16.00 bs J i > inqibogiefe he hackles dy. CLUBS. A Alacount of twenty per cont. wil! be allowed to ( labs of four or more ne. Tinos four copiesof 1, immediatel) Stops Hair Palling Out. Biack wood, or of ow Review, ill Le sent to one address for 12.80. Four copies of the four Ke- views and Black wood, for 848.08, and fo on. POSTAGE. | bersehould prepay by We quarter, at the ft brings out the Hair on Heads that bas been hald | office of delivery. The Farage to any part of | - Ugited States & Tro Cevts a noumber. This rate for years. only @ to carrentaueriptions. For back name | ia = pottage ‘es doubie. | It te compened entirely: of sintpie and purely vegetag Ltreminms to New Subscribers { de SWtlleriters to any te 0 Of the above period: | teals for 1968 will be entitled to receive. gratis, OY} It hag received over six thousand voluntary testimo- on@ofthe Four Reviews for 1867 New Subscribers to Bi Gve.of the Periodicals for 1968 mcy receive, wood or any two of the Four Keviews | It forces the I'air and Beard to grow luvuriantiy It Keeps the Hair from Changing Color from age It restores Grey FIpit to its Otiginal Color. | | | ble rubstances. nials of ita execilence, many of which are from phy | “4 } sicians in high standing. Subeoribers may obtain back numbers at the fol- le redaced rates, viz: \ Hritieh from Jennary. 1863, to Decem- Tt is sold in half-pound bottles. (the name blown The " in the glides) by Proggists and Veale s in Fancy | rbe, ve; Edinborgh and the Westmin- (jo0ds everywhere at $1 per bottle. Wholesale by ater from Aah. 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, | Nemas, Barnes &L 0.2, bi Cy Welles 06.) '"Rehief- marchi2twiy co ae SER Bearers | nt eo Review ; | Mack sood — a for #2.- State f N th C 1 BQ & yenty two years ot CAA. 0 Vy § aro ? fats sdealiers. nt ina, me Ger tds vmbere. en WATAUGA COUNTY to Olabs, nor tedaced prices for back nam | money ia rem direct to | the eee baie | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aprit | Term, 1868. Ne premiams can be gixen to Clubs. a Zhe Leonard Scott Pub. ae } Wm. Tlorton, Guardian vs. Thomas & R. EB 140. Fulton, 8t., N. , Breve af Attachment levied on land. PU#, 00 Ja. publinh the ers, the bumer of the padiae, thie hee apap o distant, and althongh the aongroums Trade. Be PU84 DOs. WR T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court) women, the bpagery of men. the plac ©"r tion has lost one of its .mdst usetu ERS GUIDE, Tina apis rete eat ee ee ee and efficient mem in. the person FA BME it reside nd the limits of this @tate: vice, . ; it i cae Srete Hainburgh, and the tate | der e Court that publication ye ritde fg irra and Bra » the Pictar jof late Edmond | ilking, set there WF BER e ae Yale College. S ¢ols., Royal | for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North | (avail Drametie, tne whole Pas to be ful determination on their ama the War ate here thrillingly ed State, notifying said defendants to be and ap-)) ar at oor next Court of Pleas and Quarter Revaioon to be held for the county of Watauga at the couart-house in Boone, on the. seeand Monday in July next, then and, there ‘shew cause if any they have why the land-levied on shall not be eondemved to the use of tho plain- cm...” 0:4 «abet? Witnesa,J. B, Tadd, Clerk of our said court at Ootarvo, 1600 . and erons Engraving® Prieé " tor the ¢ er eaten by Mail, post paid, $8.00. jan9—tf Milo A. J. Roseman, M. D. FFE b- at thers, w practisinz indebted years. » wou'd con- c r ea ir} by payi ‘and: cost.| Office, the 2nd Monday in April, A. D. 1868. Tater 5. B. TODD, Clork. Mis 19 Stal pradv $8 00-19 ‘ lating large! ewrye of Kditore, Contributors, Bes. compriesmany one of my predecessors. On the 25th piaotamy: Kool’ 1868. | ably edited, profusely iWustrated, neatly printed— than atany other period during my Episcopate, or I believe of that of any in the East and West. North and Moath | best talent ip all Departments. Its | Gre-) May, Siva Gateeet Ay ee _ (daring the sitting of the oral is | Convention) I consecrated St. Joha's |Chareh,, Wilmington, De'ore tho ri- sing of the Convention, iv St. James’ ; Wilmis », 25 persons ; and YOU WANT THE RURAL! Church, Wilmington, 25 pe eee YOUR FAMILY AND PRIENDS WANT IT: | ou the 26th May,in the same Charch | For it adapted to the wants of all. Notethat it is| J confirmed 2 others; and on 27th, in | ey Ate Brinn on Oe henota the same Charch, another person 3,00 | i> ramming § nueibet ahd see next to your fo- / 28:h, 1 confismed in private, a sick | rapt Maat a nie me eat mae person, a inembor of 8:. Jolin’s inted in extra style—Cleat Type, Good Paper, and | Charch, Wilmington, and on the same etter Hlnstrations ‘than aty other Journal of its are, &c.. of note and ability. In brief the Practical Selentifie, Usefil—Moral, Instractive and Wherever located —in Country, Village or City,- Ce, A lunes, &6., at close ofrotume, | Jay another sick person of the parish ee a Year; to clubs of tenc@260per| of St. James, of the same city. copy. Vol. XIX im Jan. 4.186% Now is the} Hasing been requested by the con time to salectie. Great Offers te Club agents.— "2 Conference of Specimens, Show-TRille, Preminm Lista &c.. sent free; | vention to attend t or the 13 numbers of this Quarver, (Oct. to Jan.) on | to Bishops of the Anglican Cunven- trial, for only Pifty Cente! Addrens bs ae ‘ oT D. De E. MOORE, tion to be held at Lambeth in Septem Dee 12—~ Rochester, N. Y. 2 | ber, it becawie necessary for me, im- AGRN18 WASTED FOR Tuk ) mediately, after the adjournment of | the Convention, to set out on visi- tation of the Central and Weste:n arts of ny Diocese, in order to be GRAY JACKETS. And how ivedy: Kong ht, anh), \¢ 1 l ith the reques’, Ce fe Dee HEIR, Wea ri Whe aren’ wit Ine anil br Lite | Inctant to refuse, and yet compliance in thie” ey, sing Narra-| with which would, on any other terms tives of Personal Adventure, Army Life, Naval cad ;} ° Advent are, Home bife, Partican During, Life ta | have resuled in neglect of the flock more immediately committed to my he Camp, Field and sae vig hho Senge Ballads, Anecdotes aad Hamerous Inci-/ charge. Accordingly, on the 80ch of May, 1 set off from heme, and on dents of tre War jor Southerm Independence. ig 4 certain portion wart that will : yeast 6 eo the Bist held. the service of the » Which is a very; Church and preaclied at Gaston, in neyer go into the regular hi nor be em- | bodiek in ogre u 4 oe | real part of ft, av m4 “convey We ; 5 succeeding generations m better Yéea of the | Northam) tou opapsy. The chureh bailding has been re- spititof the conflict than mapy dry re . pear tyme: ove’ cae me Lea pert ny inored from the village to a site con- This illustrates thé¢haractor of the lead- | sidered more convenient at two miles be eallek the gomeip, the faa, the path War. partto secure their, regular religious ro-| ser¥ices, which, in consequence of pore) ample, unique, | the mystérious ahd violent death of pote bey * at the al ted Sg Mr, Castleman, and the cons Sermeeial bo WOR ee" Paticeitel tity be tinmed abscence of Rev. Mr. Light- mit, an waco ie — oe oe | vourne liad been for a considerable wee Peay, fa time fiterriipted. ” . for Ciréulafr'and see’ dur terms, anda! On #6 2d of Jnne I visited Emans fulb description of the work. Address, @ mast home, and he Ja dear acd ™ ot its Spring Visitation.) From this point (Rockingham coun- ty) I went ou to Baltimore and thence to New-York, on my way to England. Of the proceedings and results of the Lambeth Conference, so far as they were intended to be made pab« lic, you are already well informed. That meeting will, L believe, be here. after considered as marking an era in christianity. It brought together, from all parts of the world, the repre- presentatives of that great and rapidly increasing commanion on which, un- der God, the primitive and anadulte- rated*Gospel of Christ seems mainly to rest for its preservation and diffu. sion, The prive’ ples which they set forth in. theie pastoral letter and the'r reso- lations, and in which they concurred with gach remarkable ananimity, are those which can, aud which alone can, eflectually shicld the Divine Trath from rash and ruinous anbelief on the one hand, and perhaps, searcely lese | rainows innovativn and corruption on | win (jeer is at present residing in Virgin- the other, jia, although still Canonically within the Amid consid rable adversities of | Dioccsc; the ev. Wm, Hodges, D. D.. opinion, frankly expressed, and with | has resigned tho charge of Mmmanael dignified courtesy andgreut adility , Church, Warrenton, and has been. trane- maintained, it was yet very encourag- | ferred to the Diocese of Maryland; the ing to see how absolutely the “ One| Rev. Jos. W. Marphy was, “@ the Faith” was received by all. That | year, transferred to the Diocese of a Faith which has come dewn to =o vee pad H sali ; agath ’ " from the earliest ages of christianity, | dares of Christ Chareh,, ligabeth. City and is to be transmitted to the latest. pais | a datke .abaeastion And the Catholic character of the) Tey Suscah 4. Ridley bas. resigned the church ; ite adaptation to allsorisand |... 4. of St. Paul's: Ubureh, “Losisberg, eonditions of men was made striking-| 4 a been transfered to thé’ DMssese ly manifest when one looked arownd | o¢ Pennessee; the Rev. De D. Vanant him and saw in what matually remote werp has been transferred to the Diocese uarters of the earth, in what diflers | of Missouri. ent gtetes of intelligence and civiliza There have bech added tothe Oletgy, ~ tion, amid what varied races those | one by ordinations, to-wit: Edward Woo- men | ved and labored, who met to | ten, who was admitted wo the Order‘ot gether for the first time in those an- | Deacons Sundy, May 19th, 1867, in Bt. ciont Halls at Lambeth to consult how | James’ Church, Wilmington. they might, best advance the King I The ea J, Siren ton Rint, BAX, Dae i | been transfered to this dag qf Uae | of New Jersey, and has. become te There ween _thaee | pereekt Wee pal of the Normal and ‘Draining Schools spending their strength and Lapeer in Raleigh for the education of eolonred their lives among the most degraded heath: | | ners and tie thetruction bf eoloured on tribes of Afriea. whe aoe ee ministers, stid haé’ alsa taken’ chatge of the savages of Borneo. Others aceus- the colouced “ebagtogation of St. Angus- tomed to the political tarmoils of tlw sine tu the aappe chy. Democracy of America; while others, |. be Pil: Pada af wer moar oo ll again, sat in tho front ranks of the Peers ‘ t world-wide | ceived by deters diemissoré intothie» Dio- of England. Some were of w w rtters Aoesspeae aon o reputation as Theologians, Some were ; eminent for historical amt, and éome | ken the Rectorship of St, Mark's Cliureh, distinguished for brilliant cloquenee. Bat Hatifax, yl eg with that 6f"Sa- all. were agreed in ateopting fot their awn | Viour,” in JacksO0, 6) gouty ue i ie pipet for aneeiee of others,'!/ | We have loss by, death the that doctrine of Chirist which. is qilataly {AV ster: furwerly Recta of; taught in Holly Seriptare and believed by |f Bt. Thomas, Windsoti » the early Church. 1 lan opingethe war, subjected Ik may perhaps ‘be permitted to ori | ment by an act of a , wh» had no personal claim to to distinc- | on the part of soma dined Babi ; net tion ta say so much of this renowned as- | in the Army of the Un ; 0) his Fall vidhotion: } Persons confirmed during the t are 395, of m 321 are white 74 col ored. is number exceeds that of the confirmations of any other year of my Episcopate, while the places visited havo been fewer than usual, owing to my ab- sente in Europe, showing. a more rapi growth in the Church. It is also to bo observed that where the Parishes. have been vacant, at Goldsboro.’ Elisabeth City and Kinston, there have been few. or no confirmations, showing that where there is no minister there is usual y no progress. 1 have adwinistered the Sacrament of Baptism to twenty-four persons during the year, of these seventeen were white infants, three white adalts, two colored infants and two colored adults. During the last..year the Diocese baa lost some of its most valaable Clergy.— The Rev. Geo. M. Everhart has resign- jed the charge of Calvary Charch Htn- derson county, and St. James’ Church, Hendersonville, and been transferred to the Diocese of Kentacky: the Rev. Ed- i Varrenton, preaclied TONS BROTHERS 2'co,, | [Vol Cliurch, V » pre N | Sant tf Richmond ¥a. |‘ confirmed 14 persons, one of whom sembly. that he had commiited aay offence, but ‘ aa ee he - Collin Hu 6 has resigned | .5 “Ohusch, Beaufort | so Present without a Par- ’ the Diocese will éa of his va The Rev. Wm. C, Hun‘er has resigned the charge of St. Stepen’s Church, Golds- and has beeome the principal of a fema schoo! in Warr@hivon, perfo ing, doe urinister’ - dutics at luable ser- Henderson manuel Church, W. entry A. Skiuner ia Agsist- of arren-} tha iv. t the s March t for Holy t greater at f. history of the | the. are now rae yall Joyner, E. Gregory Pront C. Hines, Soha Archibels Deal, -M Wemy N. Jasper, | te ettigrew, James m, Benjamin P. Winfield, Nathan. Edmond Joyner, Jas. , us Oliver Gee, and Charles lE West: or ray, wd { feel boand to acknowledge in this manner several very liberal dona- tions made to me for the use of the more destitate Clergy in the Diocese. refrained from direetly asking {or contri-| butions of that sert, except in two in- stances. A small snm waa sent to Hish- | op Potter, of New York, uaint- anee = - eo bject saw ft to eae it to, | att ‘ed to him that I could well ure ft own Diocese to in which, with his " itece of heart, he readily assented. Ii n Raleimore, by the chaeedl ve gtine en. by that 'Y cougregatlo on which 1 thought I had 4 sponse to the Applicativn $300; but vari. 8S etme Lave coine tn whose in North Caro in Baltimore, The congregation of Dr. Doan, fe Ticany, Placed at my disposal a box | J of a A comune aod $75. of which Bix dr of cumribating to the relief of the ys Clergy, has quite recently sent me | $500 for the wants of those , and, the also sent te 4 Binh-place and @eme are Miva, bat who ix Sm same committee has | for clothing, not yet re. | daily expecting ' ™m jry E Lincoln Coa Bynum and He Wilkes Count have abso been wish their +) Wiles, Toliver Reynolds, lays. endence of t and that j success, | Andrew Parker, Wortman, to the Site and directly to its | Lew well too lonz on saljcts which I have in my Annual aJ- dresmes.itiy evident that but three resalts are | possible ta regard to the culored people, They | right religious instruction, they | © instruction, or Mecklenbarg Count m R Myer, Robért Reed 8 Barri Wm M. Marti and Alex Melver, YS n Alleghany County—W_ A Morgan B Andrews, N better than « nowe at alt — that could well Ovcur to tohave « boly of bar. ded ua, with jodie and be by compe- or their de ruction at all. of themselres and of to require the escablish. them and wht ’ schools | E O Brown, ga | ‘hen we JH: our Lord Jesus Jesse 1 and preach the I have | Po, rch second seven, entitled ¢ more efficient present States,” rete, a W RB Richardson. Stanley C Malden, Lafayette Green, All A Lafion, and John Davidson | Epbraim Ham in, Willis Person Count Caldwell Con liaun M Barber, Call, Washingt ber, Robert B Boy | _ Forsythe Cou Johw G. Sides, J ses, William. Clinard B Stipe, and Allen Spack Transylvania County—Jeremiah Os- re, J. C. Dackworib, Robert Hamilton, R Galloway, P. P Kilpatrick an ried, James 6, a Johu C Gulie me oueslicited.— | teender Pace, William | Bedford Brown, § R Stan | aey, Thomas Esteen, | David Stradley. ’ Guilford Connty— oseph Haskine, \W ‘p ‘ ” . reat geatlemen in New York. Pa Freleviok hop Petter is chairman, mnised for | 87+ Geo Barn Alamance Count n, Nathaniel Sto nm. _ Veatle, James Cleaveland Count is Dor. Long, Jas | Cc Watts, DF Réeee, [ Ca Joha James Harrie, Eaton B ‘T’ nt Heive ’ 8 everal ed be, and they lieved from all disabili them, or either of the and the Acts ‘su ud the amendment o stitution of the [J Article Fourteen, Wake County—Wm D. Jones, Albert Jo Augustus rel, Hilliard \ abas Kirkman, of my | Clapp, David Emanuel Harro A W Gowi ness and J O Alexander Co an, A errell, W B Vaughn, Yadkin County pm Hanes, Ger nilla Speere, Sami © Weel, Winston Fiem En Bet in Tr Ie in the best chum : Kurope, but-I still of the Cbuireh in the ed by the appoint- -|4AN ACT se be Call, Jolin Elfett. Johu O'R , 4: Ludbettery'E Smee n, Jobh T ory and Charles H Webb, es Cabarrus county—Vietor C Barringer. Beste » Cherokee count y— William McGayre, |, one. bash otter T R McCombs, Phelix T Ashley, Obris- | ™ fer eee! topher Gentry, Geo WF B Dickey, and George W Hall. Polk county—Martin Mambleton, Nes- bid Dinsdale. James Jackson, BR 8 Ab- rame and J W Hampton. pa 218 Rutherford county—G Logan, Ru- fus Williams, Israel P Sorrells, J E Mc- Parland, B W Andrews, Moses Wi sou, W B Freeman, Edward Haw J McCraw, Eli Whisnant, Martin - er, Willis Bradley, WG Mode, J Mode, James H ‘C: , James “Wi Farland, John A + : ins, Smith McCarry, WG Wilson, R Rermonn CJ Sparks, LL, Deck, AB lefield, H H H ” » J W Gibson O Wallace, AG Jory Topkaon, Jeet tb nai. > n county. vr) * Pressnell, Win McGee, .Jas Lathes, Also’ Jennings, B A Sellars, J R Ralla, Ai ‘ y—John D Wilkerson. Julian, Jas T Fox and Kliiah Whit Belt, nty—Loyd T Jones, Wil- Surry county— MeGee, Thoms | | AW Austin, Samuel Me- Martin, F J W illiams, CO H Kepp, J) |. on Moore, James M Bar- Hurtz, Martin Payne, George AJ le and Hosea Bradford. | § Pedigre, Jas Natious, Inaae Armfie MAY 30, 1868. REPORTED BY ‘BivdMAM 4 00., Oxocens. g therein, Bee co. persons hereinafter, nam- sass are hereby, severally re- tics imposed upon m, by the act passed » Cighteen hundred and six- “An Act to provide for government of the rebel lemmentary the Con- nited States, known as name! ~— — Candies, Tallow, te A Cotton, * “Yarn PS S S l s l s s s e s eb b | 8 S8 s a c k e s k e x s SS B S Z . c e s e e e c e . Be t e s u s e s s k k e s ti Harrison, Wi- bneon, Jacob Sor- C. L. Herris, and = ° J. Smith, ounty—Joseph Marshall, Jas Dumas Coggins, Dan! Riche ' en Barris, Franklin A Morton. County—Evander Davis, ptou, Green H Lee, David Cecil and Henderson Adams as S 8 8 . .. 0 8 8 a s 8 SS s s s se s s sa e : sy s s e s y u t e e Ss c e s e s t s s -. PP P cy jn. | Wat. Bedwas; eon he Pr Lint are kepi in the So th PRESIDENT, Pe ae E. EDWARDS, : ithiiy fe 5 t ; ee | oe a VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, “‘D: I-MyRrs00n, » GE Wedetere” made known on ponte of sale, vice htc ecutors of Wun, Murphy . Ma, ‘oth, 1808. Wm twaw 7 Yai RBROUGEH ary E,. | RALEIGH. N.C. in his sincere choclate ome ake the liberal pat extended tohitn ‘his counee- tiou this Hotel, takes occasion toassure effort pense will be spared them that no or ex shite bier eee hey 10 retain the present repatativ: one of the very best in the ots He is happy to announce that the,fall ip the price of supplies enables" him to reduce the price to wba Dollars per : Day. Koaioms bree: in to spend eer or more, he will s' ea luction. he is prepared to rooms at very low rates. Nails He he ed the pleasure of weleoming to the Yarbroagh House his old custou ers and many new friends, a m, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE | Great Sale of Land!! N PURSUANCE of a decree of the Cuanty Conet of Rowan, I will. sell at public sale at the residence of Mra, Melinda File, late residence vf Jacod File, ow Thareday the Quid day of July next, the foHlowing tracts ol land belonging to said Jacob Piles estate, to wh : The home > tiact, sulgcct io phe wWirlow's | dower, lying on the Yaukin River, astpimny John C. Williams, William G. Taylor, A. P. Abell, Wm. B. Isaaca, LEWIS C. HANES. Ao’r. Janl7 ~twé&wif Lzexixeton, N. © Por Lifs Insurance Only. PIEDMON1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKINS, 19. 0. H. PERROW, M. D.. Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Company Abraham Hill's heirs, Moses Lewly, Alexander A boned my S Phipps,| Gideon Bryant, John Nichols, A M Btolts, Israel Mo- aeres Jola CU Thompson, © C MeMjc- NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. pays to its poliey holders annually 83% Ler Cent. of ite Profite. Frek and others, coptaiving 227 aerea ALSO, the Beaver Tract, lying on Datch <2" EE CS Be k ENNEDY'S P; closed after June } Those Venable, Martin xum, Jno MeO and Jeremiah Gay. Macon Uonnty- RM Henry, W H Higdon, U T Rodgers, AL Parton and A Vaughn. Wake er Be nore mw F Moorp ““Chettramaconthry=Yonn Ww gan Craven coanty—Richard T liam W Holden, Tod R Caidweii, Hen. » EA Vogkr, Wo kle, Williem Hodges, B F Scott ote ‘ jo Samael Reed, J W Clayton, Williom rty Orr, Isaac Harris, ad GO Neil. On ementoney—Bd nn, RJ Allen, »>MBlLa ae M Owenby, ace, D M Justice, 8 {3t 3.2) potograph Gallery will be 30th, tor the sommer season wishing Pietares, would do weil to call z hy | Pon. oa ‘ brenda B. ~; estat Berry, Wil | May 28, 1868. S$ cond Creck, a:ijuining Charles Sroner, Alex! e@ der Frick an) Joha Hil, covtainit.g 136 * - ALSO, the Uartman Traet, liom on Dutch Tt invites its patrons to attend ite annual set | Second Creek, aljoining Elvw Kolty. Alex. ander Pool aad others, coutsiting 105 neres. and see thoir right« protected. It aliow, ite to change their >» on Du t alow, patrons ge wud AL*Oy, thee 2 Trect yr ong Siaiienneed wet Moses Lemay amd ot ; berecoaminirg 260 were. following certificate antoits woh | S97 Siu TO 1sRe” place af Th deur A.M. Terms made known It pro to aid its patrons by taking notes for one haif of the premium i. It allows ‘ts patrons to pay all cash if desired. Fel oc resi livllers the K Leadhetter, cil, G p 8 BO McCall William M. Mebane, derson Adams, Cebarn L Harrie, Rieh- Ed-! mond M Pearson, Robert P Dick, Thoe and | Setule, Edwin G Reade, Chas R Thomas, | Danicl L Russell, Jt, Nathaniel Boyden, 4 | Oliver H Dockery, George W Logan, yatt Raepdale, Robt and Anderson Mitchell, Fentress, Calvin Can. Passed the House of Representatives W Bowman, Newton D Woo- May It, 1868. Pan-, John Hyatt, John! Attest : Epwarp McPnersow, Clerk. Andrew ©. Marrow, Abram | By Ouisros Liorn, Chief © jerk. Greesoa and Robt M Stat. | ieee ¥—Joseph C Thomp-| TUE DOURLE at, Wm P MeDaniel, | Albright and Hen. | H.C. ORAN who kept last year, g of interest to bi calling at this office. To Builders. ry | i 18 UNDERSIoN *DEALING CILIOA- | proposals for the Repair of the CO GO PLATFORM. |30th of Jest owe of Wedesborv’, From the New {York Times, ( Rep.) }at April Term, for laying the . > pi. In certain other respects the plat.) lor said repaira * oe Want Wid | form sennds ironically. Deckatsitons | ea be made in —R M Smith, John yy) i9 faver of a rapid reduction of taxh, the Board of Cotumietoners ugtoan, Andrew Por. | tion and the strictest economy in the | &. W. COLE. th, John F Particr,| *dininistration of the Gavernment | J. & HANGRAVE, rrold Hays, Ambrose | ®re ttnasanilable as abstract propos | G. W. LITTLE Shoumate, Wm BP Rey. |! ons. Every man not fed ar the pab- | ete ld, James | lie expense will hetd up both thauds | May 25, 1948, [tw4i-352) for them, Bat @ Republican Con |—* y ~ James O Bridges, | vention in 1863 onght to have been David Hall, Heury | able to ns. Johu Cook, Sale of Valuable Lands. Ryers fective t y been in Robert Carson, R athe FS Wm 8 Tea ae, arshall, William, FORD - aty— writing or by per. Cots, » before bine Pointe con acres; the other tract up- ~~ shout 365 lange | Faris of 600 crea, A quantity of fire Feed tot 98 each, tract. The lands will be | div to yas been for yeary alt hands. It has had exclisiv ment of the ay sive power uv of taxation, —HW Pritchard, cEwen, J ppens it, then, ed to set continned confiy hing better to offer than resilves if favor of teforine which it has obstinately and enlpabl neglected? Why is it that ro seri. ous attempt has been made'to enfo: ee even moderate economy, and that, in consequence, the abolition of taxes mast be followed by their reim posi. tion, or by a Inege addition to the debt! Theso are weak spote in the Party’s tevord. They ate @ condein nation of its resent Con ressional career, and a eorry exemplification of MeCans | its fidelity and capacity in fiscal and oer financial affairs, : Thomas o How tro Cups Caxcur.—A Brook arion Smith, Win. eaver, Goldman Hig. burn, Reuben § ’ i Parsous, John Jones, and Alex Black, John Williams. Thomas Holeomb and H Broyden, —Jno J Shaffer, A H oore, Wm V Shelton, J brose Jessnp, Ira Gentry, J B Young, J J Martin, and Wm TLL be sold at House in . next, the valuable House the Jalian now It will be a fali sale, dower. The House {s store room on Tone th heals on the 16th of Jane ieee ocen r. Ritz. | t w's | embraci Main street, and nse: borg Spent we, pe ws the first, | $ 24, Jan, Tet, 1870; the Sd, Son. toe tay 2,280. from January Ist, 1860, L. BLACKMER, c. M. E. April 25th,1 868. [wtw-tds } D , of North Cougs bee o —Moses Grose, Thowa sind th sewed and i in thie ey ij ve. Try then: baw while he was aj WYATT'’S it attained the, Maye Rodwell b RM P grew again, and, Cineiunati on bosinese, «- . x * We . os the Jack, May learn m by ED WILL RECEIVE vurt: House until the made Provisions, (axes becessary ‘sags Frolicien on © Single Life trom $250 to Teucy; at sabe, Neus x Covar Hovar, Va i ALSO, on Thursday the Th of July in the March %, 1407. 4 Village cf Mout Pleasant, Oaberras Cu, [ ficers of the County of | wilt sei) a Huns aud Lot belonging to sand Virginia, take pleasure in | File's estate, sid lot Ties peer the Peale Sen). & @ solvent and reliable cumpa: | i. » : > our | AT, hee a goed LWwo story dwelling and yth- mont Extate Insurance Cour Wings, aud onteing one and besid it of | fT Dewessnry Gui Coen eu tan et | three fourth acrex Male at tt othek Terme commend it to pubic pat- | made known at sale. perchase any of said zamine belure the sale, Persons desiring to noliers, Directors and Officers.are men | p erty, wall please @ of high integrity, and patrons can rely on an{ ve tetas will be liberal, honorable, { W. BR. FRALEY, Adm’. May 2ist, 1868, The undersigned, « Nelson, and State of | ronage. { Its Stock nt mawagement of its affairs. wit.20 IY r Ty ‘ ‘rr ’ -E +7 | Gm 6 orermntns orenn | EXECUTORS SALE! Jous ¥. Hix, Sheri "| 48 Exeoutor of the lest. will and Testament Wa. A. Hint, Sarveyor. | oC Samuel Knox, dee'd. I will <speee a large 8. H. rixG, ) , . | *meunt of personal ° to bis G A. Bingham & Os, wrt county Coart | estate fur sale, at bis late cuidepes on Wedres the ageney fur gvod Fire } dav the 10th day of Jane next, Among wbica | Property will be » large quantiry of A to Corn ; from 40 to 50 Special Agent, {BiRox,. | Sacks of fine flour ; Jan. 7, 1868, i wétwly ore a gee or _— ore Cuttle ; t | Nume of us have stock or personal ivterest in | | this company, aud simply give this as disiuter | | cated testimony to the teof @ good instita- Hogs @ i my <r Horse, one Four Horse Wagon and gear; one Fine buggy and harness ; COPTHBUNTRD Stara niture, kitchen utensile and | No. 92 Broapway, Niw York. | Purming tools of all kinds One fine th img. ma chine, and horse Power, _ many other articles not enumer- Also, alot of North Caroline Rabie Bila Wilh be sok at the Court Honse in Salisbury on Saturday the 13th day of Jute. with hae weed cee a | | | | | let, 1867—Cash Taine $610, ’ $0 that parties -tron The largest Matual Life Insurance Com i the world. ww attend the Sale by going up on KM. ROSEBRONGH, xr. of Sanme) Kwox: LOOK “a> “7 “ The Ku-Kilux-Kian ts About ! AM READY to ex Leather ; Bare, Toho country prodace H I will also Tam ides, Kip "and other Sking, for pth aaa a M4 ; I return my sincere’ thanks s fenerous county, for the lee : public for ‘s old stand, corser: ot tow Bi. Mye 4 Co., Ac’rs. No. 1, Cowan's Brick Row, Satissury, N. . waehn on nt Beat the best Fire neurance Th tates march 4, 1863. mied Piston, ' eat busicesses, in this t oses L. Brown aod Liberty Street. A tablished in 18f9— We are manofact Men's Boys, Women’s, Mimes and Children’s Pegged Shore Of the best quality and at prices to aci¢ the times, : 8 SUCOESSORS of J. Shelly & Son—es- Bo . As . a fe . are led + ioe nat, like the other te ie ia ny’ ai TO REMOVE DISABIL. ETIES. * interest weipub- lish:in this isene the bill which recently payer the Hoase of t fur somedays that many of the Southern Radicals are appre- hensive, that the Southern States may not be admitted directly auder their new Con- stitdtions after all. We know fiot upon what grounds their apprchensions are based, bat we suppose that the rem irks | of Mr. Drake, in the Senate, ou the bill to admjt- Ar “discloses the key to them. Mr. Drake is certainly not confi- dent that the Southern States can be car- ried for the radical ticket in the approach- ing presidential election. Consequently, he wishes to keep them out until after (Hat contest ié decided Whether he speaks for anybody but himself remains to be seen, but i fair to infer that he will have tome followers, We notice that the last Standard is at some pains to assure the Senate that North Carolina at least may be relied upon to vote for the Radical par- ty, which gives some coloring to te views imputed to Senater Drake. The whole condnet of cungrees apon the reconstrac- tion question proceeds entirely upon the idea ‘of party Pupremacy, consequcnily we are left to conjreture as to what course the Senate a take in regard to the mas- Bis” Gree a tae | Se a 4 New Apverrisements.--P, B. nedy gives notice that his Gallery will be closed after the 4 June. Those who wish to obtain Photo- at once, Mr. Kennedy's merits as an tist are too well known in this com us. We have patronized him and can } say that he never failed to give sativfac- to: the notice of S. W. Cole and oth- ers commissioners of Anson county. Also to the prospectus of that % ee, a eT : * One of the happicet mew that ever jour. neyed'a hu miles from Michigan, Fremont, bound for Toleda and his home in Michigan, He told a strange story, of which the following i¢ the substance ; Sone weeks since, while at home in Michigan, he retired to rest after a hard day’s work, and fallirg asleep, dreamed a dream. He appeared to have taken a long journey from “home,” where be had been located for years, and had reareely lost sight of, and where he had lived “a happy old bach,” and never thought of matrimony. In that dreama vision appeared unto him. He arrived at a place in Qhio, which was called Fremont. It oppoyed that soon after his arrival in that place he formed the acquaintance, and that, after a short but happy courtship, he married her where he became wealthy, lived happily, and raised a nomerous family. of children, rand in time trotted his ildren ap- on his knee. He then awoke; it was broad daylight, and his mother was at his door calling him down to breakfast. At the breakfast table he related his dream to the old lady, and she was deep- ly imppreesed with it. Le told her it was his intention to at once seek out the beaw tifal creature of whom he had dreamed, and the ald lady, believing there was a special providence iw it, and being also 4 firm believer in dreams, advised him by all means to go and find her if he aud if he couldu’t find her to bring back ter,” ‘Senators are not satis- fied inare te their asvantage iva can polat of view to _ad- | init the States before the presi. dential election they will not admit them | Of that we may be certain. . SE Tue Caszor Rervs Leow K.—This young man, our readers will remember, | was convicted at the last Fall Term of, our Superior Court of the murder of his! wife, and appealed to the Sapreme Court, | which affirmed the judgment of the Court below. 1 Tursday last be was brought inte Court to receive sentence ‘Ihe court | sentenced him to be hanged on Friday the 26th af June, when hie counsel again appealed on the ground that the court at whieh he was ebavieted had not been le- grlly held. Judge Little was arsigned to thie éireit fet fall, bat from indisposi- | tion was anable to conclude it. Rowan Coart was held for him, at his request, by | Judge Gilliaw. The eoansel for Ludwick | contend that Jadge Litde hed no right to | sabstitate another judge, bence the second | appeal. Se Ladwick will be permitted to | live six months longey, if ucthing cleo re- sulte. | _— or Morning Star.—tavn't seen Tour. gee in these parts, though the groves are vocal with the song of the Locust. | If you happen to meet the former in joarrambles on the eoast, dun him for teh Gollare’ worth of trees le owes us, merels.to keep h'm wari. ‘ pe The Uirens le Gombe abd gone, and we suppose theré are few who regret its de- parturée. There have been several circus- es here since our residence iu the place commeneed, but we have never secn one #0 poorly patronized as was thie onc. We supzose it did little if any more than pay expenses at this place, though its perform- ances were than we had been led to what we had heart of it—in brother, ta.dapart with ber, - So said she an Ohi - girl any way, “for you know,” said «bé, tlie (Hilo gions are right ewart."* So Jolnfpacked ap his lithe wardrobe and took the first train eat for Ohio, and hl s | loge no time in teaching Fremont. W hen be arrived at that place he was graphs would do weil to note this and call ightly daily paper, the Wilming-}< ihe PPro beh aa ot at. Mae " ‘ ; rer Fores took the Toledo ¢xpreas on Saturday, at | and returned to his home in Michigan, | . We invite the attention of builders |.. The The Sonate is divided iste four parties on the. eu dk Rs ae 4 . Senatorial cancua is For- ney’s resignation, A to Mon- day, when the acquittal Senators will be Wade, Chandler, Cattell and other ex- treme Kadicals withdrew. Ex-Senator Fagg, of North Oerolina, is among the applicants for Forney’s 5 Tt is believed that Seward, and MeCulloch will soon retire, It is asserted positively that McCulloch will retire on the first of June, Stanton’s son has resigned his clerk- ship in the War office, Markets. New York, May 28—Gold 1,39}. Virginia $ Cotton iy, 30}a31. —=_- -——_ Resignation of Mr. Stanton— Reliaquishment of the War Department, Archieves, Property, &c ,— Congratulations of the President. Wasnixorox, May 26—At about balf-past 3 o'clock this afternoon, the President reveived the following cou.manication from Mr, Stanton: Ware Deranruext, Washington City, May 26, 1868. Sin: The resolution of the Senate of the U. States of the 21st February last, declaring that the President has no power fo remove the Se- eretary of War and any other offer to perform the duties of the ad interim having Uns foiled to be supported by Uwo- thieds of the ture present and votmg ou the articles of iwpeachment preferred against you by the Hunw of Representatives, I have Pettfiqnished charge of the War ment, and have loft the nm and ad 9g $4y and property in my ‘enstudy ae Sucte- =a Wee in care of Brevet Major Gen. surprised to diseover the sign at the de- | ‘4, subject td your dirretion. | pat, containing the name of the place, was | an exact duplicate of the one he had seen in his dream, and that the depot baildings and general appearance of the city corres- ponded exactly with his vision. He put up atthe Kepler House and began his search. For two or three days he was ansuccessfal, but finally, jast before he was on the point of retarning home, be came face to face with a maiden at the “*Tis she,” said he, all to Eowts M. Sraxtox, Secretary of War. To the President. The President to-night received the congrat- ulations of consertstive members of the Sen- | ate and House and citizens of the same persua- | sion. No general demonstrativn was made. | CHEAP! CHEAPER! GHEAPES | I DESIRE to joform the pubhe that I have just revarned from the North and am now opening the most desirable stock of New st office. Fiimself, and then he walked up manfully | Goods that I ever had the pleasure of offering, and told her hie story ; his dream, and of | consisting in part of his place in Michigan, and frankly asked Dry Goods, Hardware, Queens- ber to share his lot with him. She said something about its being sad- den; ele would rather wait a few days before giving an answer; but he was deter- | | | mined to have it there and then, and she | finally said she was all his own. Ie ac- companied her to her home, and that eve- ning he told her fond parents all about it. And they pronounced it good. The day following they were married, and at | onee commenecd their joarney Michigan- ward, The mon was a fine looking fellow, a0 happy chat he could scarce! himeelt. He protested sseadly was the womam he saw in bis dream that he had met and married, and that all, from first to last, had been exactly as ho pic- tared in his dream. The lady was of a pleasing appearance, and comely looking, a few years younger than he, and seem- ed to é full of fan and to ealey dhe rotten - gt degen mi oe husba ‘all in al were W. Ka and m4 : were donbtless made for each other, He said only one thing was lacking to make his happiness a that was the falfilment of the latter part of his dream. Cleveland Leader. Latest News. From Washi ngton. Washington, May 28, P. M.—Sen- ate—Wade appointed Buckalew, Morrill, of Maine, Stuart, Chandler, and Thayer a committec to investigate the repo cor- ruption. Doolittle presented a memorial from the ennservative'citizens of South Carolina, against the constitution. He said that it was an able r, temperately written, asked its to the special consid- eration of the judiciary committec. A bill was introduced extending the time for the completion of the Southern Paeific Railroad. Also, a bill reducing the interest on the ie debt. : gre ee ADEA . Drake se ddatedion watt the foar- teenth article became a part of the funda- bed usver gore @ a circus before ~ that ‘mental law, maintaining thet twenty-! coytain | that it | ware, Bouts & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Carriage, Har- ness and Saddler’s Trimmi of all ki Sole & U Leather, French Calf Ski ining and all kinds, Drags, Dyes, Oils and Paints, Yarn and Shirting, Tron and Steel, Wooden-ware, Rope, Powder, Shot and Lead, Guano of different kinds, In 4 that [ believe I hate the la . lected stock in the plag it was CASH and if 20 years in am to dersold house in the place new or Be sere cal tetas ou buy. I w+ pleased to sve ali my stard, No. 1, Ma PS. MeCUBBINS. Salisbury, N. C., April 27, 1868, High Point to Salem. Foint a: 34 s'olook, A 3 re eee Towngend, the senior assidtert jedjutant geae. | y's Row. All kinds of | PAREN: ik ta ey OS a wri vm “A lively, pungent Daily. The editor is ov- idently an energetic and ekilful caterer — War- renton Indicator, “If you went a bright, sparkling, lively and cheap daily yer, We can commen the ing Star.— (& C). Gazette. “A well conducted, independent Conserva- tive and well deserving of public pat- It is one of the spiciest and most readable papers in the State.—Sulisbury Old North@State, “x kling, lively and clever sheet.—Ma- 7 (3 0) Chacon first-class. Daily, and one of the spiciest received by us."— ‘ of wit, one of the liveliest Duilies in the Staty, and a worthy recipient of the large andi patronage iis daily re. ceiving, Asa bright particnlar,.Slar in the | Greascent of the South, we tecmumend tor | eit, alld wish-for him.em! his litte ‘Pwink- | ley” nub lel and oniathomable sucevss.”— | Raleigh North Curclintan, “This bright constellation of the heavens continaes tu illaarine the political horizon, and nubly performs its office of guiding Star for the pyor, downtrodden Southerner. The su- periur ability of its editorial staff isa snffivieot aeeamamanine sucoerss as one of the leading journals of the ovuniry.— Benetiscille (S.C, | Journal. “0 yt crore “The liveliest paper we know of, fall of news in a spiey aad conteuient forin, and has an ed itorial stall who net only anderstand the art of epitomizing and paragraphing to perfection, bat whoalso wield sensible and flquant pens If you want to invest $2 50 in a pleasant and profitable manner, send and get the Siar for six mouths “—Asowee (8. C.) Courier. “One of the best and indeed we may add, the sprightliest newspaper in the State. The Star shines consepicuonsly in the political con- stellation of North Carolina, and we take pleasure in. recommending it to ail who are hot posted in news, politics or astronomy.” — Etlenton Tranacript CH” Remember our low rates of subserip- tien, and address all commoanications to WM. H. BERNARD, AT J. W. BITTING’S SALISBURY, N. C., late decline in meen ete! es ne t ft ; v 3. W. BITTING. Selisbory, N.C. Avril 27.1868. twif NEW SPRING GOODS. Aa’r. whtwtie sae ne tn liest « Dalles | js ” ci Flaz, Cotton, Furs and okins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Po , Naval Stores, , Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, &e., &e , &e., To JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, 442 444 & 446 Washington St., NEW YORK CITY. And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro dace Sener ects mast commatiote price ot Sead Garrent. Marki pee bene Free. ‘- ? Liberal advances on ay let, 1 its Causes, Character, Conduct and Resalts. By GON. ALEXANDER DO. STEPHENS. A Book for all Sections, and Parttes. This work presents the only com- plete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the War yet published, and gives those in- terior lights and shadows of the great con- flict only known to thoso high officers who w the flood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, and which were so acces- sible to Mr. from his position as | second officer of the Confederacy. Toa mie that has_been_surfeited with APPARES LY oS te TIONS, we promisé a chan agree- able and salutary, and an iatellectoa) treat of the highest . The Great American War has AT LAST found 4 historian4 worthy of its im » and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and im. partis! treatment which trath and justice so se we J demand. mtense desire every where manifest- ed to obtain this work, its Official character and ready sale, combined with an increased comm .makeit the best subscription book ever published. One in Easton, Pa. reports 72 sub- cocthere fy. tases days. One in Memphis, Tenn. 106. subscribers in aud see our terms, anda fll of the work, with Press no- tices of &e. Address NA AL PUBLISHING Co. 26 South Seventh St. P.iladelphia, Pa. CUSHINGS & BAILEY, WHOLESALE Booksellers and Stationers, No. 262 Baltimore Sir, opposite Hanover, BALTIMORE, RE prepared to offer to the Country Trade, Goods in their ling at prices that will pas sid favorably with those of any othe: Their Brock of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS is large and well evlected. A large and varied assortment of Foreiga & American Stationery cau always be found a: ae Sie ecncts fly on hand a fajl sappt antly on a fa} of BLANK BOOKS of different no wens 4 their own manufacture, Having a Bin connected with their Btore J Blank Books, ruled to coere =, 2 ae , or af na Olden, resaivel an wel - q me sia attentian. ; You are requested to call and examine Gur Stock and Prices before purchasin ; dee why re. ; tw8riwdti nd are, at all}. ant alg: Jeong pow ges sear + ike tay pcg , ‘shiisen weskitlt olin! able at all times to accommodate them with any thing in her lise, She solicks a call. «~ ress-tusking done at the same 4 ment.in the best styie b: ; : 4 MRS. WILSON, and MRS. MARTHA SPEARS, Bat each on her individaal responsibity and ae- count, t , Salisbury, April 7. 1878. * tw-1330 TAKE NOTICE. EAD AND GIVE US A CALL. acd ig associated ourselves for the aa a — Dress-making, Tailoring, and other kinds sewing ; neaily, cheaply and , one new Sewing machine with a rxs4 iu- provements, JULIA HARISON, SALLI€ BEARD. Ou Bank St, between Church & Maia. tines o ee ee be taken at $15 per mouth, pa: vance, ’ - SALLIE BEARD. Salisb ary, April 17, 1868. . tw-tf-385 tw 361 Box 95, Charloue, N. ©. _, Just Received —A, hint Lead, and 2aint of all colora, at ~~ Deng third Monday in Joly two weeks or until the is despatched. TWO BARREIS OF THR Grafton Mineral Paint at New York Cost. ase A at Office. May 19, isis.” watwtf State of North Carolina, BURKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spring Term, 1868. W. C. Scott, vs. The heirs at law of Theemas Scott, deceased. PETITION TO SELL LARD. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendants Jane E., John C., Jalius M., Bartlett W., Thomas rah, and Coriana Scott, are of State, it is therefore ordered made in the Warcusax & Ovw Srare, o Fores atthaes ip Ge town, of BN. C., maybe eben De to be and appear at the term 7, ey oe , at ouse on after ac wena ha 0: plead to tne be heard ex parte confesso astotiem. - Ce Witness, E. W. Deorey, clerk of our said Court ofics te Mergenten, the SHR doy of A. 1&6w: pr f $8, E. W. DORSEY, curex. State of North Carolina, WATAUCA COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1868. - Wm. orton, Guardian vs. Thomas & BR. B Browr. Attachment levied on land. | Bs: the ta, E, reside beyond tle nydire ne rage is fered by tho rt chat pubhcation seo pt ‘tn the Watehman & Stace, notifying said defendants to be pear at our ont Ont at. Plans and Sessions tu be held hg county of Nonday in iuig: next, then. et o i : i i ‘* g Hi if : i : tf z : _§ P a , onl , Co aie emia as Mass MARY HOWARD, siuee and Cemetery streets, will dae temen with tinen fronte, for erat ach, : Feb. 20tb 1468. °° tw °1 am ‘s.: a “4 Me gta? me ae Dediahnee ie apes i, Pot eee Soke fe RET Mei ge ater ha, r an fhe rs Ld 5: p> buy widt mht « fiom obi phaww: 3; "7 || the art nd it PE isaene-. or Id | ) |e ah te ee nl ee ere, A Cnee paige pos Oe BO per Keg pc sah t ry i aoe ae ae > ee ; Hh BH | vr ‘i be: lor'o ‘ oy ‘ ie 3 ‘wei! Beat al , tt i oh / boo A ‘ F aye ss 7 s) m TRON 6.1.4. ets. " bd ws “ ay ' . - " that ld the nay ta th ‘a . Shey, may be fav tet waas2e fd od r : mn ; nag i’ | die gelinetyorg af amok) ols do ih, 3 ‘Round: be. shal tat oo) whee pec Ml meee Tron, best 8 pein yer dy . ysl ft. ogee eone. od] to nvit Iron, i DEG. 2 Fae ‘ge b+ : 2 +¢ wd gh v P poste by ae : - f ood SR a See ee ; Eid te | Wagon' Tire, from Vito <4 cts., |) '" “the pl a. oer hiss ta we aha ; ce? bit : iv Buggy! 1 ae ash: ;. eee aiery arderedomiea ‘ P Be Pah te: fhe his’ otafcc ie arcs. are 5 se Te ee ra in force. gal gow ng H at ea ’ es ee ben ter eY dries & care vi its of Moret OX at oui e@n Ai oonkee oro! | ang hich he'’eh: Tarts : 5 ye, pe estore iio a | BA od ment iO ut temo © yao ve the Saran ‘thien. dant: ouly gage! Peat i bi, y | fon eesloaw 6 WYABNee! omen) ote Be Bojemmtoaeeet 10. shal! Ae a ea . es Ss er oe 1 ; Rach ge wn Sets dif aoe ‘ciety at rw : ee ‘ igi , Cubes deg dtd ryines 42 Ve, de walt. seca Ei A tome until the-qneetion the yalidi pe “PR aa ; fag es i: i is mpao G ; : ae. ¢ ‘5 t intestments shail have been de d Minot etn Lo a. oe sabi , ao” eis it ae, re giz 18 “49.20 gunna ofthe Unite States, or by na- : aera ole tame Od ; " ahs a Aod-nething in the provis- be nt ct Sy tiind. . iain rd Qisebeni, ak Modias bet : » ‘29 -ReTT* pe as ? islyttivn, Pi oo 4 ‘> + % _ Fatal gin wiathee-bar-ar'iMieter- one “dja eo ! ri a} Pingwest “pers. OVENS. SKILLTES, eur neat sedibon sale oa “Tegal | Progewdings inby halt of auy oxivor beir, pip: ' rap tony Bs, ooo: ruaregnetgg De Letter © Bill Scat and a large assortment Of exten hide. saathedis, ey = taf. Bs be , fie PBs vas ry 79 me Atala er i insane person, respeeting twust es- shaiRetnsatersthier te is we . Reg 7 Sree pts Cast Stee! Male and Torse Shoes, Glass and tute, property or interests im the hauds of ex oe oor Ee i ae shall be coin oa f hi 6 Douy, a large pa a of Locks ‘of all j acai 27 "es" a (trustees, guardians, ae ie Latches and “Hinges, Sérews, Picks, “F iGueatets Hepiielerks ‘of equity | reseed te Mee farther tat bee amie WADING aed PARTY ewig 000 wr ew Seyther Qond AUGUST Hi014G5. 3 Mond. : rein men! ¢ naa ’ emarannonions Atadery onetas or awed | ont OF ve ui iff the dant may at spree OF 5 we i 4 ‘ be . seal white Lead, Trice Chains, Hames, Cow Bells "By command of B’st Gro. Ba. R s. any time coubens a ail tanto : ~ aye Bed Castors, dieury Distants’ Milloand. Hand- dinlterets Casane, ~~ | Stim in fall and final bat int - Saws, Alo, Rowland’s Mill aud Gross Cot : erate, ean demand or liability upon my Pag oa that - ee Se de. to pion thet olf sprit ytereitiaoy o ‘ Saws, Porcelaiy and Brass) Kettles, Donble WY wha "aia we eee cuautlennenll bate Ip WeUOUs of debt. — PAMPDLETS," ; a Guns and Pistols, and all. 'yther e's. 4 euvenant, asst or acovunt, whieh have e «ito i te é goods asua ly kopt in a ay heen or'stiall be isstied on judgments hereto- * ‘CIROULARS, : AX ORDINAXCE RESPRCTIXNG THE auRtspic- fore obtained before any vate, shall be TION OF THE CoURTS OF THIS STATE. levied on the prone of eee and HARDWARE STORE. Srerion 1. hc ert me ea returned without sale. At the expiration of : “COSTARS”. ee - HANDBLDL», EB Come geritlemen, one: and atl; to ‘the os 4 twelve mouths froin such retu execution : DRUG LABEL dae phy pwr pa oe ma you on all sueh judgments “shall for onl 23, 1866, en- | one-tenth of the Amount then due; das rati ION: COURT BLANKS, CRAWFORD & HEILIG. or ped “1 ~anh teal mecachy Gore as tes , 1 P. N. Ae tgs foct, © 8 Gm-tw-1) ur one- of the resi : a . +X. ls > ~iw- ration of twelve ‘months more, ‘one-half of Ev Tries Them , pe: eben eGerbinds Or Btaahs ant Job Pristing vin - st gables sate of tee soon erybody Be dote ins style that can be surpassed by none, uionths 1:ore, for balance o e stoma iy amg ««| Everybody Uses Themed ~ | +24 sated iy sowin hese Our terms will be as low as the lowest in the Roordes. | i mi age IF. YOU WANT teat 7 ROSADALIS, TRE TRI-WEEKLY OLD W , STATE WILSON|S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION; ORTH , set yet eee with Bed-Bugs? Can't of ge vat ‘ ray pe AND THE’ WEEKLY Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a Lucagiener bug hanno a WATCHMSN’ & O14 Norih Siale, A A C FOR 1868 yer's Ague Cure, For Moths fn Ver, Woslene, Carzata, Be. i $ in a Syste and cn og “COST Tams! INSECT Pu “powpst| os. Sandford's Liver Vigorator,| thors) wacked hd eee mans veer stovd ; there ry in while aa te it Insects on aie? greater divergty ob, scp ca THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH ; F 8 iti ’ STATE having been consolidated in the Hall Hair Re Cwer, —- w = po ceity oe ~—» res ’ rte Citvit J.Cowes, | «COSTAR'S” CORN BOLYVE Ni. Ba tes ter ’s Ri TA Brenes. i Convention. For Corps, Bunions, Warts, Se seapepled pe Wipation, heteatierthers vil be but Hostetter S Bitters, |: Paina in the Silda k, iy basting sg _ "ue ome paper published in Salisbury, which will be is- -~ ’ , paw hegalive condition of the whole sys- State or Nortu Caroma. Bowe satter"wih i ae Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, e tedendid suffering with this dread disease, inerrnn selene: Sheen zeny es Tri Weekly cb Weakly, pan en A ~ a ” " in prseessing thew, ree t on vba ge fe Np bed I. RW. BawrSeeretary of State, dv here: | “COSTAR'S” BUCRIMORN under the above + In yeonmquence of | Radway’s Ready Relief, | sy. iv onder vim fey may ye even th. b that the fureging is a true copy Its effects are immediate. For ents, bis . nd be restored to pret the bi . wigtiky theedlgieh comets this office, Giv- Karns, sate breaate, piles, alocre, ohdiares “SN cel ait SERS PARA ee tee Or-any other Patent Medicine, Rev. E.. A,’ en ander wy hand the day above written. —_ cape cin lt ‘Be, bites of wail ; j x ine Largest Ciroulation CALL AT Pema Penney? are tong: Sra eo a int PR G, B. POULSON & Co's. Culdavand “COSTAR'S’ BISHOP PLL Western Nerth Carolina, DRUG TORE tetlcees t ae Afftetions, tt, 1368. tg by the use of which He Was rést ofl A a witg will be aeeet Tetitetlle ierue ey ee iat os AND Witte amet THR . 5 ia ow To i ve tonth ner- Wyatt's Oid Stand, years with » pew, oe Tay hone eryl shes bow been in oy complaints, wilten | ss oe disease, Consurt tha canst plehinid whiath bo coritied 4 | tnare Ce ee ay 4.98. See, Comic, Bost Advertising Medinm |< a7 ISBURY, Ne Coo" 300 wil the not reed Be a rage ci yt Cre oat FF. FF | te be mot witiltathatipart ot thetlates March 17, '68. | nie Mag ae meal ary eee case. the ealt-ahall proceed ~y : abe th mal ™ aia} eS TeE ee— Wak AW BY jee alae Slee to the course of the court In 1°60: face? + Me 500 Bises—| " ae SUMFORD LANO AGENCY OF Wilinnade Boras Ran tapies Taker “ that bY consent of the Me on “COSTARS? c coe mime | . oe ro ' Fes, mi i tity of cn < Sie a , en CAROLINA. | miptin WIN | ge r A & Li i Pe r e s to be duc, and ae "ose court | chal oodlt Seiuat toeoe spel or Some sub- | twitrwldt Ve rien 4) Miia” : wry of ue Wil be under the management of tm. Hagen, inte 3 Ps . cure, | Falitor and Propthter-of the Ot» Nonew- Sean} 0d no paina will we rpared to make ft equal to any, _| net the: best paper of ite clams im the State. Mie tae ° i is yt the poliggg of there wilh be ne! For information, address mad. {trainetd z . 481,00 | changdat 10 be 4 firm and decides i803 i onan. 19805 yew ORF : bh... ; Cotearatie url, oth wilt be deoted ex Dei" yaer, Greensboro’, N, C. Otibe S. Ri April 1, Renders the ski . 6 Th will aise bedevoted 16. the - clusively ) polities, I ‘Also ‘State of North Chroling + ad wee ts won. | Matera fhtbrests OF the Ble, and to Literary and 7 . Nani Mincelanqoon Reading, Dometic eo &e WAT . WATAUGA COUNTY, f as ATAUGA COUNTY, eee Cisse ¥ i$ - Oring s¥eh indecent wo content spe Courtal Pigae <n ce ’ . R : r% F ete ; ‘ Reeven a cae Suan hitschines : ese dig rors 2 0 pad « gh oe Attachment I Thos D Foxworth, et al ut eA leon wie aN oe Sree 7 Thos D Foawerth ies, $7.50: f ; [8 tiipesie'ie wppearing to’ the satistactint of be Court) that the defendant Thomas D. — ee nN 1-404) PRAGD LS ia Ged J eddy: OF, . ccewewerseos PORTH ee eeee coon 00 | 5 yay om pit, Conte aibte said. bg soya ey ati” « ate edness ‘ talae He ee 1 7 aext Coot of Pls and Ga Pleas-and Quarter 0 : ‘ ; . ; “ ws ite btm iy | 5 county of Watauga at fi court icin}. A “ Ps ce rein iy 1 \PRo. Be held for tect af Wat laa in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in hext, ‘and | Jee - a4 “ee | eonrt-hense in Boone, on y] thewand there shew eanse if #n Ny : iy Fer O06 Kastdsihi cds Segsatys #300] July next, then and there choy the property tevied‘on shit not : : R: t Pphmare Low mitnd 9 Wa ta oh y levied on ites 2.3, To, et MP tae) lee Soc Mentianccss sist, BOE, oe ids, V4 180 of the iff, «| ase 6 ie AR ep oe ‘yey > NT; ho ' soLeciren ee wave ie ‘ wren ORIEN, —-t ened gates ear’ 59 em if °> “ ite wether ; nm ey Pa My iin eae ays ee ee 4 gy to Can greta where the hero fe laid ; Fetch spray that it gives, Ime wimien of charity draws « veil over hit rng, i deeds of Bonewulenes are board in ite songs, Perfectioa-eA earth bat fe@ bare attarned,” Rewall tel bid ern ge—seree Ob 1 neter My ileeihs fe Ot teded gags the temat)- | eway (VE Brtiane to gite them my ev, pit Nyranipet Cs sand ont its tiga beoesth bis long arma Freterwite tT Pracereegy ll thy miadon 'e sien higher thy: Sanner—bind clover thy | stomp thy brent fal deeds, 2 koaw thy trae tnigion t all that ft acole av atse = : low ty Cte Casuxn—A M'l- that some ight t Mr, T. B Masen, of tint wv my incinnati on hwsTness a hickory nit” tmaa under treat “attained the, ‘the Clergy, in this indeed been diminished. » becanse of the ‘their’ maintainance, mpoverishment hat way we have : faithfnl and use- herever the Jn- to work, the sone of my predeceraors. On the 25: | Ma 1363" daring the sitting of the ‘atest fa ted St John’s Betore the ri- consecra on, % mM, £0 pe aL op the 26ih May, in the sane Charch ‘tL confirmed 2 others; and on 27th,in the same. Charch, another person ; on ©} 28th, 1 confirmed in private, a sick : a member of St. John's ; Wihnington, and on the same Paday another sick person of the parish of St. James, of the same city. Havitig been nested by the con vention to attend the Conference of the Bisliops of the Anglican Conven- tien to be held at Lambeth n Septem ber, it became necessary for me, inns mediately alter the adjournment 0! the Convention, to set out on my « isi tative of the Central and Western parte of ny Diteese, in order to be ablete comply with the request, which I slid hare been most tes Juctaut to refuse, and yet compliance with which would, on any other terms linee resulted in noglect of the fl « more immediaicly conmnitted to nis eharge. According!y, on the of May, | ect off from heine, and on rh Olinreh pud preached at Gaston, in Northamy-toa county. sidered more ¢onrentet distant, and although the co thin hae lost one of ite most and effigient members. in the | of the late Etinond Witk yertl deca to be ful deterrgination on thei: mart 16 ebcure theie regular religions eer vices, Which, in conseque the mysieriots and 's iwreg ates weefn ore ng nee of lolent anen tinned mbecence of Rev. Mr. Light veurne had Leen fur a cousiverabic time interrupted. el Chareh, Warrenton, proached, wis colored, and administered the Holy Comimanion. Bist, I preactied at llenderson, con- ed the Communion, On the Sch reached at Willianwsborongh, and aptioed an infant. On the 6th I preached twice at Oxford, aud con firmed 9 persons, On the 9th, in the morning, | preached at Louisburg, in the afternoon, after a sermon by Rov. Mr. Vanghn, | confirmed 10 po-sons, 9 of wheat were colored ; and at night i preached a colored congregation On the 10th L preached at Kittrell's $s * * ‘* [ThePishap continues an-account is Spring Visitation.) From this point (Rockingham coun- 4y) Lweiit on to Baltimore and thence to New-York, on my Way to England. Of the proceedings and resntts of the: Lambeth Conference, so far as they were intended to be made pnbs of lic, you are already well informed. at meeting will, I believe, be herey after considered as marking an era in christianity... It brought together, from alb.parts of the world, the resentatives of that great and rapidly nereasing commanion on which, un- der God, the primitive and anadulte- rated Gospel of Christ seems mainly ‘ rest for its preservation and diffa- on, The principles which they set forth in their pastoral letter and their reso- lutions, avd in which they concurred with such rema:kable unanimity, are those which can, and which alone can, eficetually shield the Diviiie Truth from rash and ruinous unbelief on the one hand, and pethaps, scarcely less ruinous innovation and corruption on the other. Amid considerable adversities of opinion, frankly expressed, and with dignified courtesy andgreat ability .| maintained, it was yet very encourag- ing to’see how absolutely the “ One * SALISBURY, re-|win Geer is at present residing in Virgin- | of Missouri. Faith” was received by all. That from the earliest ages of christianity, and isto be transmitted to the latest. church } iteadaptation to all sorts and couditions, of men was made striking- ly manifest when one looked aroand tion, anid what varied raccs those men | ved and labored, who met to cient Halls at Lainbeth toconsult how they might best advance the King dom of Christ spending” their strength and perilling jen tribes of Africa. | | again, sat in the front the. Slat held the serviee of the | The charch building has Leen re | moved from the village to a site een. } ! t at two miles | seably, death of | tho Jkev. Mr. Castleman, and the cons | exceed 22, | On the @d of dane I visited Eman |“ confirmed 1} persone, one of w hom | | The Church seems to have On the 30 and oe blished or Gisestablished rx and al Iminister phegi~-y vera "si he relicten of firmed 4 persous and aleo admit ltanght by ft, will remain the religion thetr lives ansong the most degraded heath- Others from among the savages of Borneo. Others “aceas- jtomed to the political turwoils of the Democracy of Amerien; while others, of England. Some were of world-wide |repntation as Theologians. Some wee eminent for historical research, aad some distinguished for brilliant eloquence. Bat ill were agreed iu accepting for their own ’ P guilance and for the instruction of others, \ that doetcive of Chiret w hich i« plainly taught in Holly Seriptare and believed by the early Chureh le may perhaps ; wh. had no personal elain tien ta say mucu a>}, : yyryeu & tie A rogre of the Charc! assural person | te great t The Ck y doubk whas they the cammencement ot the century. Th land and Wales are 00. The d ia sim propertion, a otten of beauty and eontinually rising up = =The is ted with zy. ber rear , are ww in E Bard te Churches hav do new creas lar ‘Et, great ndor, ar f the Charch is conda reand more of solemdfity, and impressivenese, and it ia in these re #pects, I believe, un qnaled on carth — av tereasing strength of huld upon the gi An gion, as tpl " orehig devotion m j the Engfieh nation; blessing that people motes( nations apon earth. 1 wasstrongly urged by two dear friends Italy, but I felt that my duty led 'clse- states aboat the Ist of December At the instance of the Freedmen’s Commission, I ;reached on the subject of the religious edncation of the colored Faith which has come down to as} Vee of the Normal and ‘Training Schools And the Catholic character of the | hit and saw ia what matnally remote | quarters of the earth, in what ditlers | ceived by letters dismissoro into this Dio- ent stetes of intelligence aud civiliza.|cese from that of M gether for the first time in those an- | “Oh 8 Jacksoa. There were those present who were! a ong by au act of anserupuloug violence | yon the part of soma of the subordinates are established. What ovr christian obligae| Eaton B ‘Terrell, W B Vaughn, and Wm ranks of the l’vers, * resign his charge, where he | combe Conaly. and guing forth from them to bless the re ' who had been my parishioners in Bati-| more, to spend the winter with them | ant Minister of St. Joho’s Charch, Wil . | mington, where, and I retarned to the aited | S-hool of that Charch, Newbern. WwW N. €.,, 5, there is'no minister there is usually no progress. I have administered the Sacrament of Baptism to twenty-four persons during the year, of these seventeen were white infants, three white adults, two colored infants and two colored adults. _ During the last year the Diocese has lost some of its most valuable Olergy.— The Rev. Geo, M. Everhart has resign- ed the charge of Calvary Church Hen. derson county, and St,’ Jameé’ Church, Hendersonville, and been transferred to the Diocese of Kentucky: the Rev. Ed- fa, although still Canonically within the Diocese; the Rev. Wm. Hodges, D. D., has the re of Emmanuel Church, Warrenton, and has been trais- ferred to the Dioecse of Maryland; the Rev. Jos. W. Marpby was, during the year, transferred to the Diocese of Penn- sylvania, bat lias recently been received i into this, and has “accepted the of Christ Chareh, Elizabeth City and entered u his duties there; the Rev. Joseph J. Ridley has resigned the eb of St..Paul’s Church, Louisburg, and been transferred to the Diocese of Tennessec; the Rev. D, D. Vanant- has been transferred to the Diocese There have been added to the Clergy, one by ordinations; to-wit: Edward Woo- ten, who was admitted to the Order of | Deacons Sundy, May 19h, 1867, iu St, | James’ Church, Wilmi . The Rev. J, Brenton Smith, D. D , has been transfered to this Diocese from that of New Jersey, and has become princi- Raleigh for the education of coloured teachers and the i tion of coloared ministers, ¢ud has alea taken charge of the colouced congregation of St. Augus- tine, in the same eity, The Bev. .Mileon* Falla has been re- |, aud has ta- ken the Reetorship of St, Mark's Chureh, Halifax, in conjanetion with that of “Sa- =e : — SER =.= JUNE We have lost by death the Rev. Cyrus | | Waters, formerly Reetor of the Church | jof St.Thomas, Windsor. ! He was, dar- ing the war, subjected to hareh imprison-| 1868. — i, North Caroliva, but who is eeetty in Baltimore, sent-me $250 ne cay a . The congregation of Dg, Doan, fn Tidy, placed at my disposal a’ box of clothing and $75. ; A committee of geutlemen in’ New York, of whieh Bishop Potter is chairwaan, raised for the pa of contributing to the relief of the Souther Chere, has qnite recently sent me the sum of $506 for the wants of those of my own Diocese, and the same committee has also sent me a box of clothing, not yet re- ceived, but which Iam daily expecting. A box has also been sent me by the good ladies of Cooperstown, N. Y., repeating a donation made last year, and another has been sent toa Clergyman named by me, from some of the ladies of Flartford; Conn. Some smaller amounts have also been given by persons who, I believe, wish their names to be withheld. Tam giad to be able to state that, since the Inst meeting of the Convention, « Normal School for the education of colored teachers, and a Training School for the instraction of colored ministers have been established in the city of Raleigh, under the superintendence of the Rev. J. Brinton Smith, D. D., and that theresis every ground to hope for their success, and, consequently, for great benefit to the colored people of tbe State and direetly to its entire population. Not to dwell too long o2 subjects which I have repeatedly discussed in my Annual ad- dresses, it is evident that but three results are possibl.: in regard to the colored people, They must receive right religions instruction, they must receive wrong rehgiers instruction, or they must receive no religious instruction — Wher ted, John i eundet Pace, William K Leadbetter, Bedford Brown, 8 R ne Ys ber David Stradley. { " Guilford Connty—- William M. Mebane, Joseph Haskins, Wyatt Raepdale, Robt P Dick, Frederick Fentres®; Calvin. Cau- sey, George W Bowman, Newton D Woo- dy, Barnabas Pane, Jolin Hyatt, John na? Cla fe ” Alamance County — Joseph C Thomp- son, Nathaniel Stont, Wm P McDaniel, Simpson Vestle, James Albright and Hea- ry x Lincoln Connty—Rufas Clark, WP Bynam and Henry Wilkinson, Wilkes County—R M Smith, Jobn M Brown, James F Tugman, Por- ter, Samuel P Smith, John F Parlier, Isaac MeVall, Harrold Hays, Ambrose Wiles, Toliver Shoumate, Wm E Reynolds, Emanuel Harrold, James Haye. Cleaveland County - James O Bridges, Andrew Parker, Davia Hall, Hew Wortman, A W Gowins, Jobu Cook, p, David Greeson and Robt M Staf- Lewie Dorness and J OC RB Alexander Connty— Buhari R O Bennet, W W Stafford, Wm 8 T; The first we can vive them. The second they | Elisha Bebber, Gabriel Marshall, William will have if we do not give them the first;|M Bogle, Tlomas J Dula, Daniel Moore, but even imperfect and erroneous telizious in- George W Long, Jas J Teague, Andrew struction would be beter than none at all—|C Watts, D F Reece, F A Unmpbell and The greatest calamity that could well.occur to} onr country would be to have a body of bar-; bariaus and heathens seitded among us, with considerable control over our jadivial and leg- islative systems. Next to thatin evil would | Wm R Myer, |S Reed, J N Carson. Meck!enburg County—H W Pritchard, ere McEwen, Jeremiah afus Barringer, Wm M Martin be to havethem tanght a defective and erro-jand Alex Melver. neous religion. The only preventive is to teach them true rehgion, and it is quite clear that this can only be done by teaching some of themselves who shail teach others. If any \vins, LM Blackbaro, Reuben {Hanks, John Parsous, Jobo white ur the ath, I Man SOpposed that a suffient body o teachers and clergymen ¢ Vf wants of the colored peo ean only pity bi« want of thought. The reai question ss between in- struction of the colored population by compe- tent teachers of their own boty, or their de- onvation of sotod religious instruction at all fhe highest interests of themselves and of ourselees seem clearly to require the establish meat of good svhools for them, and we ought on every ground to rjviee when such seheols | | Alleghany County—Wm A Brooks, Morgau Bryan, A Marion Smith, Wm: Andrews, Nathan Weaver, Goldman Hig- ye fi Joues, Solomon Stamper, and Alex Black. Ashe County —Jobhn Williams. Iredell Gounty Thomas Holcomb and iEB Stimpson. | a ne County — Curtis H Broyden. | Stokes County—Jno J Shaffer, A H Joice, Aquilia Moore, Wm V Sheltos, J R Jewett, Ambrose Jessup, Ira Gentry, James Harris, J B Young, J J Martin, inthe Army of the United States; not) 00s require can hanlly b loubted when we | M Gordon that he had committed any offence, bat| as it was said, to deter others from of-; feuding. As soon r¢ the faots were nade known to Gea, Palmer, who at that timo} commanded at Newbern, he ordered the release of Mr. Waters, togethor with that of two friends and parishioncrs of his who had been imprisoned in the same dee ' Waters, en been shatier wtitution of Mr naturally ¢ had | ed by a cold coutracted amid the d forts of lia prison, nN A00 manifested itself, and he was compelled to lowe Che co lieate, and consampt wae greatly uariu and to Marvla ™ beloved and very his native Stat gered natil a few eutered into b Phe present Dioces« is forty-nine ; ecveral have the f Clergy of these, changed their caree during in this however, past yea The Rev. N of sarge ‘ollin Mages has + Charch, cig t Beaufort t pre withont a Par it I strongly hope the Dioecse 2 long dep ved of his valuable Che Rey Wm. ©. Hanter bas resigned ( rrinty ty, and i@ a eenit eer the charge of Si. Stepey’s Charch, Golds boreagh, and has beeome the principal of a female echool ia Warrenton, pr rform ing also ministerial dutics at Tenders and Gaston : H. Jones, in Edge The Rev. Richard forming some Missionary service M Marehall hae re The Rev. Ma signed the charge. of Christ Church, | Elizabeth City, and suceecded Dr. Hodges | as Reetor of Emanuel Church, Warren. | bo and Master of the Parochial The number of candidates for Holy Orders is considerably greater at present than ever befmein the lhirtory of the potie manner; bat the mischief had been | * will, ia per- | n | The Rev. Henry A. Skinner ie Assist remember the jajunetinn of ear Lord Jess Christ, that we should g» forth and prem Gaapel to every creature The Chereh, do called to mourn the lows of her ven wing Bish, the Roght Rev. J DP LED. AG! ynored in f n iotries Aa Ww r the ‘ast year w , andl whose mew ay 1 my rr nd ' <rse, as well as his ned t r, Mr. Charles T - fiecer could er man searcely, that levery r “y tion | ‘ Vt by tbe apport : 3 I THOMAS ATKINSON. —_—- = 14M ACT TO RELIEVE CER b the } 1) W Patterson, Gs ap ncher, James VieNcily, Milas Yadkin Coanty — Moses Gross, McCans | Casteocens, Thomas Hanes, George Long, E C Brown, Aquilla Speere, Thomas F ‘| Martin, Bam! © Weeh, Winston Fleming,” J H Myers, H Thomason, J N Vestal, Jesse Reives, Sexton Jones, Moses ( hap- vel, S Spcere, Jonathan Waggoner, Geo Nix, David Hatchina, J 8 Jones, William . George D Williams, Bar nett © Mvere, Willam H Rodwell, TL Falbert, John DD Lheleomb, Ro M son and Jease Lacks y M udison County—F M Lawaon, J 8 Dever, D E Freemen, James Ramsay, es Oreder and LG Brignum | Union County— William M Aastin, Ar- thar Stigall, Robert Bivens, Benjamin F A Lem- ons, Jackson Greene, Thomas W Griffin, Richard ‘Tarlton and Asa Bramblow. Rowan Couuty—J A Hawkins, Na- thaniel Boyden, George Barnhardt, Levi William I’ Atwell and Peter W illiameon Rockingham County—Thomas Settle tand Tnomas A Ragland Burke County—James H I[all, Joseph | Deaton, Ask y Mall, Jeremiah Smith, | Wm Bailey aod James Hilderbran Gaston Connty—D A Jenkins Montgomery Coanty—John K Loffiin, James Batten. James W Resene, David Wright, John © Nichols and James B Ballard. | Bancombe Coummty—James Reed, Jaa ,P Ellar, Levi Penland, P J Isreal and Amasa Roberts Hay wood County — A J Murray, Ienac Clarke, D B Ford, Henty Franklin, Sam! Dar | Trexler, TALN CiTIZENS OF NORTTI1 ¥ivagerald, J W Harbio, J M Panen, W CAROLINA OF DISA BILIs\8 TIES. Re il enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Two thirds of each House concarring therein, that the several persons hereinafter nam- ed be, and they are hereby, severally re- lieved from all disabilities imposed upon them, or either of them, by the act passed Evans, R E Medford and R 8 Owena. Jackson county—E D Brindle, L C | Hooper, Mordecai Zackey, Wilson Ens- by, J J Hooper and A Co Davie County—Unriah H Phelps, Joho Williams an! William B Mareh. McDowell Connty—James H Danean, |C S Copelend, John Eliott, Jas A Me- | Call, John Elliott, John O’Brien, Thomas | Ladbetter, Elijah Morgan, John T Greg- ory and Charles H Webb. |R CO Gulick, MB Lance, D MSnatiees!" W. Kirkman, Andrew C. Marrow, Abram |‘ Pear- | tancill, @ P Ed-jA BO McCall and e nderson iM, pee Sy 1 198 House of Representatives 11, 1868. ee Sorat Attest; Epwarp McPaxesoy, Clerk. By Quuxton Luoyp, Chief Clerk, ooo THE DOUBLE-DEALING CHIGA- GO PLATFORM. From the New jYork Times,(Rep.) In certain other respects the form sounds ironically. _D ons in favor of a rapid redaction of taxa, tion and the strictest in the administration of the Gavernment are unassailable as abstract tions. Every man not fed at lie expense will hold ap both for them. Bat a Republican Con~ vention in 1868 ought to have been able to oe something more ef- fective that promises. . The has been in power long gathered a rich store of met ep services the country with ar : purse its im rendered in regard both to ment and taxation. The public has been for yearsjal hands. It has had exelasive ment of the app’ and ° sive power over the forms and amount of taxation, Flow happens it, then, thatin a platform intended to set forth it claims to continued dence it has nothing than resolves in favor which it has obstinately and neglected? Why ts it that no ous attempt has been made even moderate economy, and. consequence, the abolition of must be followed by their reia tion, or by @ large addition e debt t are weak spots in the party’s record. They are a condem* nation of its recent career, and a sorry exem of and its fidelity and capaeity im financial affairs. From Washington. Washington, May 28, P. M. ate—W ade appointed : of Maine, Stuart, commitice to investigate ruption. Doolittle presented & conservative citizens of against the constitation. was an able paper, tem asked its references to the eration of the jadiciary A bill was introdaced my time for the completion of Pacifie Railroad. Also, a bill reducing the interesfon public debt. Arkansas admigsion was up. Drake opposed admission teenth article became a part wigta 2 ua ene Sani the if f fe Ti l t F March second, eighteen hundred and six-| ty-seven, entitled “An Act to provide for | ithe more efficient government of the rebel | Siates,” and the Acts eapplementary qth nendment of the Con thereto, and the ar stitution of the United States, known as ¥ Diverse; they are now fourteon, to wit: jon atthe § everal Charch- § “wert population at the Soath in ¢ " "| John Richard Joyner, E. Gregory Pront, es in New York, Albany and Baltimore Julian CL Hees daha Arebibald Seal, Mecting the convocation of Northern |‘, agape : . Frank J. Murdoch, Heny N. Jasper, New York in Albany, and addressing : . ‘ : 1 t bject, on which Bish-| S Pettigrew, Sages Angnetos them on the same eabject, on which oak Benjamin P. Winfield, N im with reat fi iel Hard Edmond Joyner, Jus Artiele Fourteen, namely eo | Gray, Virginins Oliver , and Charles | Wake Coanty — Wm |i Harrison, Wi Jared Curtis. jley D. Jones, Albert Jolson, Jacob Sor- I feel bound to acknowledge in this |reil, Hilliard J. Smith, ©. L. Herris, and pnblic manner several very liberal dona-| W R Richardson. tions made to me for the ase of the more Stanley County —Jozeph Marshall, Jas destitute Clergy in the Diocese. I have] E Malden, Damas Coggins, Dant Richey, | refrained from directly asking for contri | Lafayette Green, Allen Burris, Franklin ings, and contirmed T person On thé T2th Ppreached at Hillsborough ope: and Goflfifi-ed 3 persons: On the 13:h iv | at St. Mary's Chareb, Orange emnty, | aL ogg a ge Sag 5 pers pe fotind barn s. | Wn the 1 at the reqtiest of the re Anasettnoully, 1 visited the Sehool of the Mears. Bingham, in the same county, was very favorably impressed Wit. the order, cheerfulness and ap- parent progress of the popile. 1 ached to them aud-cuntirmed 6 of heir Number. Cabarras coanty—Vietor C Barringer. Cherokee county —William MeGayre, T R McCombe, Phelix T Ashley, Chris- topher Gentry, Geo W Ferguson, B K Dickey, and George W Hall. | Polk county—Martin Mambleton, Nes- bid Dinsdale. James Jackson, R 8S Ab- rame and J W Hampton. Ratherford county—G W Logan, Ru- {ns Williams, Israel P Sorrells, J E Me- | Parland, B W Andrews, Moses Wilken- sou, W B Freeman, Edward Hawkins, R J McCraw, Eli Whisnant, Mario Walk- acall of the House is progressing ss ayes and nays on every excuse. The Senate rejected Thomas Sim, as Marshall for South Carolina. Discussed Schofield. The diffeulty lies in the wording of hia nomination which reads, vice Scanton removed, . The affairs at the War office is un- changed. Drake's movement in kanses immediate ad ym han like wise who was preaent, ree ond devp aympa thy with his Soathern brethren Cree ‘In Bal: I preached at the ordina- | tion of three young Ministers of Christ | and united with Bishop Whittingham in | setting them apart for the ministry, of whom one, the Kev. Nelson Falls, has n to Ar- excites. as- G Mode, JI W el, Ly hy } due. “Tn the ish at St. James’ ® A fredell founder ia, rae On the 15th and 16th at Salishary reached twiee, inetalled the Rev. Heeske Tillihghdst, as Ree’ or ot ; (St. Lake's Church, cotfirmed 3 per leons and sdininisteted. the Jtoly Qom- binemion. ie Ath at Chnst Ch, tyr} county, L preached and con fittret 10 persons, 1 of thet eolored. Chareh, eonnty, J preached and con- y , firmed. persons, of them colored. sf) | On the £9th at Statesville, L preached »™ Jyntist Chureh, kindly off e ae? | i apf con firmed déne® he the Qlst at Gwin's Chapel, ‘Wilkes county, | baptised 4. ghiidren and ere’ since come to labor omong us About the ist of January I reached home, and during the eat of the winter remained chiefly in Wilmington. [The Bichop then gives an aocount of hig Koll visitations ] Persona confirmed during the year are 395, of whom 321 are white and 74 col- ored, This number exceeds that of the confirtaations of any — = — Epi te, while the places. visi ave ich freer than uatal, owing’ to my ab- Bente in <Karope, showing a more rapid growth in the @hureh, Itis also to be observed that ‘where the Parishes have becn Vataut, at Goldsboro.’ Elizabeth City and Kinsten, there have been few or no confirmations, showing that where bations of that sort, except in two in | A small sum was sent to Bish op Potter, of New York, by an oa bagel ance in England, for avy religious) object he saw fit to appropriate it to, | and | suggesed to him that I could well uso it in my own Diocese to} which, with his urnal kindoess of | he readily asented. In passing throngh Baltimore, by the ission of the Rec tor of Grace Oburch, F asked from the chancel contributions to be made by that congregation, on which I thonght I had some claim as its first tinister, for the relief ot some of the suffering Clergy of my Diocese, ani they sent me in re- sponse to the application $300; bat vari- ous sums have come to me unsolicited. A lady whose birth-place and home are stances. er, Willis Bradley, Ww Mode, James H Carpenter, James Me- Farland, John A Carpenter, A A & - fine, Smith McCarry, WG Wilson, RF Garpenter, C J Sparks, LL Deck, A Hol- jlerfield, H H Hopper, B W Barber, W 1O Wallace, A © Martin, J W Gibson and Jere Jackson, Randolph coanty—John Pope, Henry Pressnell, Win MeGee, Jas Lathan, Alson Jennings, BA Sel J R Ralla, Alfred Jalian, Jas T Fox Elijth Whitney. Sarry county—Drury McGee, Thomas Martin, F J Williams, GO HK Hurtz, Martin Payne, George A Lafion, and John A Morton. Davidson Coanty—Evander Davis, Ephraim Hampton, Green H Lee, David Loftin, Willis Cecil and Henderson Adams Person Coanty—John 1D Wilkerson. Caldwell County—Loyd 'T Jones, Wil- liam M Barber, A W Austin, Samuel Me- Call, Washingtou Moore, James. M_Bar- ber, Robert B Boyle and Hosea Bradford. Forsythe County—Joseph S Phipps, Joho G Sides, John M Stolta, Israel Mo- ses, William Ulinard, EA Vogler, Wn B Stipe, and Allen Spack. Transylvania “County—Jeremiah Os. boruc, J.. 0) Diékworth, Samuel Reed, Robert Hamilton, JW Clayton, William R Galloway, Perty Orr, sacc Harris, R P Kilpatrick and G0 Neil. IIenderson Connty—Benjamin id Knapp, doha U Thom 0 Wil lite, Piihiaw Hodges, BF Seott, James Joel A in, J Prange ~~ — Armbel, : weon Bryant, John, "ia toniehment. slag known who will follow hi« ead. The Senate is divided into four parties on the sabject. Senatorial eancus is + persons. |nfian & . os = Sn OL OCIS " _ Waldman & Od. Porth Siate. “ 1N. DOUBT. - iu the April number, and in the} Friend Hanes of the Old North State) a. It has been apparent for some days thap| Present issue the subject is continned, and eg Be ‘ ee ote of ‘4 : - » BY HANES & BRUNER. many of the Southern Radicals are appre- |illustrated with numerous translations and trowbile Renecinel "y: R : Roatan SALISBURY, JUNE 5, 1868. |b. admitted directly under their new Con- stitutions after all. We know. not upon BISHOP ATKINSON’S ADDRESS. Knowing that it will be highly aceept- able to our church readers, many of whom ‘might not otherwise sce it, we publish to- ‘day all the moro. interesting portions of ‘Bishop Atkinson's address to the late i Convention. Apart from our natural inclination to do so we are led to pabdlish it from the farther consideration that the Church has mot, Jike the other denominations in this State, » paper of its own through which (6 comuanicate with its memberggmany of whom read our pa- per. them, Mr. Drake is certainty not confi- | dent that the Southern States can be car- tied for the radieal ticket in the approach- ing presidential election. Consequently, he wishes to keep them out until after that contest is decided Whether he speaks for anybody but hiuself remains to be seen, but is fair to infer that he will have some followers. We notice that the last Standard is at some pains to assure the Senate that North Carolina at least may be relied apon to vote for the Radical par- ty, which gives eome coloring to the views imputed to Senator Drake. conduct of congress upon the reconstruc- tion question proceeds entirely upon the idea of party supremacy, consequently we are left to conjecture as to what course the Senate may take in regard to the mat- ter. If the radical Senators are not satis- fied that it will iuure to their advantage : ia a purely partizan point of view to ad-| : Itis pub mit the Southern States before the presi-| lished quarterly at the low price of $1 pe dential election they will not admit them. | #224. Of that we may be certain. Eprrresses—Themesian Society. oa -_—— Migs Sallie A. Bethaue, of N. Carolina Tue Case or Rorvs Lopwick.—This ag a Young man, our readers will wnrmber,| "Mag E Fat, was convicted at the last Fall Term of| B othenthetatebhZes ait te . pas | Miss Lottie R. Brown, of S. Carolina. our Superior Court of the marder of his Ida J. Whitaker, of N. Carolina. wife, and appealed to the Supreme Court,} 4 Emma Perkius, of Georgia. which affirmed the judgment of the Court below. On Tuesday last he was brought | article, A coutiunation is promised, in his usual style. ours styles it “unmitigated trash,” anoth er equally intelligent calls it “immortal, Perhaps it is a little of both. ee ARKANSAS. The bili to re-admit Arkansas into the Union passed the Senate on Monday last by a vote of $4 to 8. The Senate was not fall, se that it is impossible to (eter- mine from the vote what will be the ulti- mate fate of the bill. Uf all the Scuators who were absent should be opposed to the bill then its fate is sealed, as the af- firmative vote wants two of the two-thirds necessary to pasa the bill over the veto. Tu a full Senate, or even with one Scua- tor absent, it will require 36 votes to poss the bill, should the veto be interposed, as it dowbiless wil) be. But iv the absense of all evidence to the contrary we take it for granted that the bill will soon become alaw. And if it does, then the admission of the other Southern States, which have reorganized their governments under the reconstruction acts, will speedily follow. The Southern States, provided with a mock representation in (‘ongress, will then be called apon to take part in the coming presidential election—one of the most im- portant elecions to the Southern people that has eccarred in the whole bistory of the government. Upon the defeat of the Radical candidates in that election bangs the last hope of « restoration of the Con- stitution of our fathers —the last hope of the true friends of the Union. Such being the case it is not to be doubled that the Conservatives and Dew- crate of the South will make as mahly and vigorous fight in that contest. Who ever may be the nominces of the New York Convention they will be warmly supported by them. We have thus fas | abstained from the expression of any opin- | lishing Company, 140 Fulton St, N.Y ae neu es Tue Cararer Dove.—No. 9, of thi clever Magazine, edited by the young la dies of Mecklenburg Female College, is o The whole “The Milkmaid.” original or selected, is exeelleut and w can confidently commend it as a deserv ing candidate for public favor. a Fing.—The £ x] people of this town sentenced him te be hanged on Friday | o'clock on Sanday night the 26th of June, whén his counsel again fuund that Mr appealed on the ground that the court at | Street, was ia fl which be was coavicied had not been lc- | consumed. gally held. Judge Little was assigned | to this cireait last fall, but from indispasi- | the origin of the fire tien was unable io conclude it. No other damaze was done. substitate another judge, henee the seevnd | but nothing has cou< appeal So Ladwick will be permitted to! setile the question sults i THE SITUATION Speculations upon the political situa | have been the ol poet ronght. } -<-- Srii_ Axotnuer Frrze —On best night, hensive that the Southern States may not {running notes.on the best Odes. ‘These . translations aré made upon the prineiple of producing as exact au imitation as pos- what grounds their apprebensions are sible of the original form «f the metres based, bat we suppose that the remarks jemployed by Horace, with such modifica of Mr. Drake, ia the Senate, on the bill to {tions as are necessary to harmonize the admit Arkansas, discloses the key to rhythm to the English ear. Every clas- sical scholar will be “delighied with this | We will notice ouly one more article. Cornelius O'Dowd has a couple of papers It is difficul, to char- acterize this series, opinions are so diverse upon ite meri's ; an iutelligent friend of Published by the Leonard Scett Pub- our table. It is handsomely gotten up, and embelished by a beaatiful engraving, Its matter, whether into Court to receive seutence. ‘The court | were aroused by a cry of fire at about 12 It w ae #00n Horah’s baru on ( ooper Mistaken, friend Pell. It was our ju- nior, Mr. Brunér, who wrote the descrip» tion of Mrs. Boyden’s Garden, for, though the senior in years, he is the junior editor. Yet we are prepared to endorse all that he said in praise of Mrs, Boyden and her a Totem pene DEATH OF EX-PRES!IDENT _ BUCHANAN, Ex-Presideut Buchanan’ died at his residence, near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Monday last in the 78th year of his age. He was almost constantly in pub- lic life from the time of his firey entrance into itin 1814 until bis retirement frem the presidential office in 1861, a period of near a half a century. Iu that time he held the highest office in the gift of the nation, baving been a member of beth "| Houses of Congress, Minister to England, _ Secretary of State aud President of the United States. He did not rank in abili- ties with the highest class of American Statesmen, but he was in the front rank of the second class. There are some | passages in his life that we wish we could entirely forget; and we will so far forget them as not to speak of them on this oc- casion. He is said to have been a very popular man ia bis mative State, and tc j have been much esteemed by his immedi- ate ucighbors, ,- | e r | SE ee | Freepwen’s Savixa’s Baxx.—We | publish to-day the circalar of Gen. Miles, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's | Bureau in North Carolina, to the colored people of the State in relatioa to the im- portance and benefit of the “Freedman's Saving’s Bank.” We think the advice given to the Freedmen by Gen. Miles in {be compelled to disclose every suppressed hundreds of other grams, while those before the House Y vevea va PRRRR Sas, In his speech of Monday on Beast Butler's infamous proceedings Mr Brooks said + t : WHeelaimed that journalicne was as respectable tis nuy oiler profession; but journalists would have no right to associate with gon lomen it, iu every political excitement here they could orivate conversation held in the gre | cirele with them and pabliemen, When they thus obtained intormation. in the line of their profession, exclusively per- taining to their business pursuits, journalism became as mucha privi- BR OOKS re) ’ 5 a client and his lawyear, or a contes of his protession he would say it was the duty ot a journalist, despite of al} threats of imprisonment, or even of death, to decline to impart such privileged communications, except at the command of the Lighest courts of law, and then ouly ag to particular or specified facts. He declared and pro- claimed that the seizare of telegrams was an outrage ov private rights and liberty, The like was never known in any country whatever in time ot peace; and would never be submit- ted to in Europe, if attempted in the form it has been here. The only wonder was that, considering the freedom of using the telegraph in mutters relating to commerce, busi, ness affairs. and the most sacred do- mestic relations, the Managers had not discovered more eurions tele- grams. fle believed that they had tele- Were perverted or misrepresented. The surrender of there telegrams by the managers of the telegraph offices was most disgraceful and cow ardiy, and ought tu condemn them in the eyes of the world. oe 4 leged pro ession as the consultation of sion to the priesthood ; and in belialf ames, which was speedily; found able to There are various speeniations as te} Some thiak it was Rowan | the work of an ine: ndiary, while others : Coort was held for him, at hie request, by | think that it may have been fired accident- combination will exhibit at Salisbury on they may. ———_+--- Cot C. Jadge Gilliam. The eoansel fur Lodwick | ally by pume negroes who are frequently the 17th inet, It hae a bigh reputation, | f contend that Judge Litile had no right to known ‘0 sleep in the barns of the town ;! and if all we bear of it be irae, it is cer | leading commercial journal, remarks : to light going to| tainly one of the finest establi<hinents of The buildings were! the kind en the coatiacut live six months longer, if nothing eb: re-| somewhat isolated which goes to show | ie eaid to be equal to any, aad the My | that the deatruction of the town could not, 24gerie comprims a large and splendid {evlleetion of wild animals trom ever | q@artes of the Globe, rare birds, Ke., dx | It i@ no part of our business to urge pe | this cirealar is excellent if they should be profit by it, as we hope T. Awes’ New Oareaxs Mewaceni« axyp Circes.—This grand Citens Tue Acqcrrrat or Tue Presipext, &e.—The aequittal of the President, the final adjournment of the impeachment court, aad the resignation of Meeretary | Stauton, seem to give great felicf to the business men of the country of all parties. The New York Journal of Commerce, a! “We congratulate the country upoa the! result. The removal by impeachment of any President, auless he was admitted to! be a criminal by impartial men of all par-| ties, would be a precedent most danger. | ona to our institations, and we chink both | | the friends and focs of Mr. Johuson will! j ere long see the wisdom of this decision.” v } walks every Sanday three miles to If such old ag these cam living by work, is it not a young oars to iehee eke ee eness and ta about The Gold Mines of Gaston: Gaston. children at one birth, the local jouruals, this occurrence ere. church was crowded with and thousands of persens many god-fathers and of the ehildren, they had to be out to the baleony of the house te re- ceive an ovation from the crowd as sembled in the street. _ All the lite ones, as Well.as the mother, were do ing well. ~acncanaeiiedice cer The State of Oregou on next Mon. } day holds an eigction forthe por pose of electing a Congressman and | menmbersof the Legisisture, Six years axe the Repuhl can majority | over six thoasand, At the last Presi jdential election that mujority was | seduced te some fourteen hundred. Toe elections iu Oregon ocene biew vially, Two years since the can candidate for Governor Was gleet~ jed by two hundred maferity, and the ws Bo the|™ present member of . Que majority somewhat large liret yun after the Chicago nominas Lions aud the impeachment blander will be heard frum Oregon, -~- Rich Lagquirer, mchenetGipthicises The St. Louis Republic save the ee ees A lady of Antwerp, in Belgium, was recently delivered of fourtemale According w ated “quite « sensation in that town, When the christéving took place the yore ined the streets along which the eortege of four nurses, with their charges, and as mothers were fo pass. After rhe retnrn home Arkansas « ty mapas > to 4 The Herald considers the fiual vote on ! . eke oral : . © on 4 : whole German press of that ¢ ty,! fons of our own on the subject of the |!" “Fe U% tres. Nothing certain can be! herween eleven twelve o'clock, our) ple to visit these shows, but we think w. | iu peachmert as a defeat of the extremists Radical tatbe and -Rotanl allasee deat or Vice - ro 4 ? ' - , nominations for the reason that we did not | inferred from the Senate proc xg —e OD | citizens Were az roused by a ery of jean say to clreus goers that this ove will ® - 3 se enw! 2 . : . i that, if General Grant is elected, he auppore they would bave the least weigh: | he bill to admit Arkansas, t oases We! Gre. This time the bara of De. Cald.| be foand worthy of their patrousse, and| - a ew hk ‘ 7 me (vad. } says i *\ will have been carried to the White! with those who will have control in the |‘hink it # probable that no definite ac- |, Ul was the vietim of the dewonr'nz el- | to those wishing to se and study «ran phen (on cart aoe pneen precsrea) by Hone on thy Lack of the candidate weribed by ' } . : ithe use of mone 4 : tmatter, and we vhall express none now.— | °° * i be takea until after the adjourn. emeut. It was situated in the ceniral |edition of “animated nature’ that they The World says “by the defeat of im-| pede Vice: President, They all treat jogl ay rege | "The Nerth I ey ae ment of the Democratic national nominal part of the towu—ai jast sacha place as] will net sono bave a betier opportunity peachment we have Leen saved from ei uifan as jpg sre horse aud General | tg acts of tives are the best judges i: the matter, | ing Convention which meets iu New York an ineendiary might have selected who, See advertisoment ia ancther eolagmn tering the read to Mexican anarchy,” and | rant as the jockey. sinee the fourth of and te them we commit the daty of on the 4th of Jaly wirhed to visit as with « general confla —_ acknowledges that the defeat ia due to It is esthmated that there are aver| 4 # eo netiation of te co y of ma } TI ; , Wi) >| the manly coarse of Chief J astice Chase. ! 69 (09 Gert in T vid th i shall have been ad jadicions selection | me gration, and the opinion seems to be very He fetluwing f ‘ MING | ay : , 0, sermans in Texns, and that at | 7 cae ITHE BILL TOREMOVE DISABI Sho Hew York Timea (cop } thinks that!: 2 tares-feuribe of shactes eae ~ ae » BILL . > DISAB general that it wae fred by an incendiary [tou Svorn su v eVpresses | ihe people will be gratified at the conclo arr cap atta: scemuar “Ceei} + te “ap on nar } ITIES for snch purpose. These twa five, to mir vicws, on the sulyect disctmed sion of the impeachment trial, and hopes mh mci ae os y ae err ae , | thow ie Congress, patwuant te acts GES.GRAXT'S LETTER OF A‘ As a matter of general interest we pub-| lowing cach other ae closely, have excited STATE CONVENTION rat Congress will now proceed to basi- ve SEs half a a oe eee congress ty that behalf © © i : : if one hal whe cotte Sehnf nlered CEPTANCE |lieh in thie iseme the bill which reeently | eeneral alarm. They t inated ir \W } that : Postpes = bes rT i f Pe ‘a hae the gaarde free > * ‘ ave t t us “he t ria . ; : : 3 ; : ’ td hat Our pus Ww ar ther ¢xtrac fa crop of lexas ts now planted and se | the War ~ We give below Gen. Grant's letter of | paseed the Hoase of Represeatatives re-| puildi ge in which ther was a large + ward { a Siate it character befove aa, but want of cured by their labor. Rclofield participated ia @ full Segoe Like the Chic ago ranges ote es political disabilities - a es ae “m'sastible maticr easily i Conen a «: oe VY approved “pace : . lew se a hes all fined ck ie castor Stephens has wale- toda ‘ means anything or muthing as best euit | 2 North Uar ane, omnting the names | ted lw have = fire c ‘ 18 e pe ete fy D = 1m BY eieg entietacti: ; lette : ‘ the of the party . Gen. Grant | of those from the East ve froe . i ' are nur ‘ {thai {that the whole cubjeet of impeachment hae ‘“" 4 ‘eller to @ young mau of Se ¢ purposes e party. Gen. Grar th the E from ts ; ; : ay sas Ie ' vacnal, Ga, who contemplated feav commite himself to ne policy, ba: wishes | —_— . Gi x C ' : TRY j i ing the S'are, in which he says: “Bad “, 6 yore a ® . w! z t “be left free to exeente the will of the) Fix Sex I . pt : an apy " 2 rae ee A Garrat (x -The editor of ®8 are things now, and bad ‘ne the! people,” which means the wiilf the Rad. form as thas bx-senator Fogg of North * r “ aw trem home at thi fin Star, after paying a visit w prespeet is ahead, yet Leese or know | veal party. Nothing ean be deduerd from , ‘ A aspiree to t fice of Seeretary |... proomaip! heuld be ta li we are to have a Coneen | Up comnts, gives the following account Of ne coantry where the furmre pros thie letter beyond an inference tliat in; f the Senate, m vacant by es by a t , ‘ ree ful] | 64 great nataral enriosity of Georgia pecta of * young man are any better - is ‘ - fi borne Tiererns ich pe ; 7. Dive frat grand point of interest wae than here.” event will Gen. Grant exercise the veto) nation ally Vn ‘ vf the frmons Thandering Springs, loea . } a ! ad 4 power if elected. No matter how sabver n ste, a N ( \ ce A | : ’ a) the North-ra part of the esa? The same paper announces that ' f ® . , uu sive of the Constitution a law passed by, ian y t x i a ' selve miles from Thomaston. W.)Scuators Fowler and Van Winkle the people's representatives may be, Senator John A. bs M Se i a! Z Se NEN xpectd to find qaite a corinsity, bat “evelly appeared’ in the eaaene of mnet be approved and exeented treause 'Y w cline the i. nd s Be use “ ’ "Ore completely amazed te find so remar./ 1k pitilican Senators on Thureday " wilh it! He intends to avoid cere referred to ia Ex . PK S al s 2 fi kable a freak of wether natare as thie| last. rney seems te be in earnest the peaple i mid ana eoiianted I r “ pring. Tt ie Ioeated inthe wildest part+ehodt?trrttrthem from his party, the course whieb gave Jobovon eo mach Fogg. of | spe arm th Coulee to pirene © me * extending through the| lle cant abideawy one the least taint-|'2 ‘ trouble, He has no intention of ra Zz ——_ al ” z iv tien of puble affaires county, and there in the solitade of the od @ honesty — WAis _—— t a we . . B u M ; \ . ith honesty ig. Chief Justice Chane ee. a tmask with O , cepecially with a SLACK Wood's Maa May pt p snch acon e deemed advisa | Wikderuess presevits a most remarkable | z Ke de ps two-thieds majority against him He bas | ‘#'8* 0 many articles of interest, tbat we a Ve . the editorial fratermty, we pr <e | phenomenon Pee dim Ts of the’ Accvnntes from Soathweet G ie a guest of Jadge LG. , red the db cepts feel bound to eall the attention of our rea ¢ ‘ a! > dorrnat w representecd & proper are about five feet in diam agree in representing the wheat erc »| Preside tomorrow; a . v t of th ™m ‘ bern a by Acme A or aN scat ea wi ee ie « iS y ove r, and will go the and of an anknown depth, for ex. a8 doing finely so far. Wat ap ttre | Sutil after the tial of sont Ps the result in good taith : | / Fix cows Gms pastel o ; red a I wage s atrogyle for prrimenters have repeatedly soanded ita} Macon and Western railrondpand | "rs: Davis be Wasaixcton, Mey 29, 1968 time pa f oa f Mr omnd tes oi) welfare) ; th in vain, and no boteon: can be rrach- particnlarly in Monroe connty, plant ls The trial will postponed Gen. Joecph R. Hawley, President of the C8 wumber as it appearcd with m ( States as earnestly and ted ed. The water boils ap with great foree;| ers are complaining of moald end| = Orbem ry 70%. ‘ ~ chaise of disat fucutand « 2 bubbles of gas coustantiy rise ap throagh | net If a. ly } National Union Republican Conren ae —_- ‘ ihe Water, aod ekgleds <t ike cat rns we can only have dry weath aside; but the M imber has I RATIN G Iacom We * rand ar eto con |p asic highly exehasti * — {er for the next three weeks, we think |; ns Zz i This gas is highly combastible, and ia ae ee } In formally secepting the nominstien of euch an impression uy «that we shall pliance with the d Andi. (ieneral = cnr eecure | oie freque atly set on fire as it makes its es an abandshen will be raised to sap 2 sits Hive . A er nq : t P e » X s : , » Stat 5 iLe National ‘Sete, Republican Conven. ™t be die posed to part « pany with “(grand Ariny of Re pat ‘ ' mu * ne ia 1 NaC cape “ach is the foree with which the ply the A = An the event of the Ginn, of the 2140 of May inet, it seems read ly, eves theagh w ¥ iepationt tor graves of the Fede e a, inter D ral Conver ‘ow North water risea that a haman body cannot coutinuatiog of rains, however, the | federate tut fan gooyes that enme tatewent of views, be-jiis suceces ifectee meinen. an marten pike son c* id de‘eat the w } and | sink, ba te bacyed ap in « standing posi.\o CP © : be eat short by its old env basi 3 ‘ = i 1 t * 4 j ] arm. es ‘ } mad the were ererptance of the n * | ry of the futare, we should say vat the ed wi ra Saturday A “ ida - Radic yey hone Ic - a frmaons bathing place, and ) DY sar eet Journ * tion, should he expressed 4 ; i ver ni : | Ady ter bee { the views! we took the first oppertanity to plange ee The pmecdings of the Convention | ~*6asine '¢ about to recover eis eS roca sent Ye itiee) h will coriher this par |imto thie bottomires well. There we could! How to Pot Herring — A correspondent were matked wit! wisdom, moderation | 284 of ite early days. Web deed tha 1 pe leaded by « band of mas ave opi 1@ in cons | stand for hogrs, with nothing to sapport | of the Germantown Telegraph emewan). and patriotiem, and I believe, express the antieipations will be realized, aud that tl the nate fleg, waa f lon Ma ir contemporaries aw to[@s bat water. The earth around (he | cates to that paper the following method | cogaty of fevliage.of the great mass of those w mise of the present nember will be fol aerial o payoesy deat which we aim) spring ie a beautiful white sand, of very |io pot herring, whieh takes the bones out | Wi sartaioed the eountry throngh its mtg. ed by those that aret w. Agia ¢, we are informed, the programme are aine, e perfectly woll ve grain, giving away readily at tie!of the fish, Ae the sensan for herr ie) Fears tree) 1 endorse their ree dations. If i Ape pe eill f ; Tt , gtosnbortinaty them to their bets | i teach of the foot, bat immediately rr: apprenching, would it not be well for of stud og saddens of | Preadens te even at a part of +h ‘ ah pe was carried bai ai * ler pulernenin, “aid seamed (gis of form as before. The watla of the weli| who like pickled fich to preenvoe the re. Cai States, it will be my eiudeavor to| ficient to show that th- ia attracuion for of welearn, passed off pleasantly ote w * hitliueainenecalllanitiies|stes re perf ely *ymmetrienl, as if cipet-—Clean and scale, then pat them to admnivter all the fawe in good faith, with every reader. mand tet the sanction of o r approval W e dng by the hands of men. As low down {soak & few hours, changing the water mt ¢ om Ony tard with a view of giving prace,| The first article is an historical sketeh Beyixne Votres.—A colored barber of are determined to do “ ervihing in Per ih conld reach with our foot, we conld | least twice to draw out the blood ; take « qeiet and pratection every «here “Lord Chesterfield, the Man of the Salishary, N. 0, who voted the Demo- wale Li an ery be 1g kick « hole in ‘he wall, and as soon ts the | jar or pot, put at the bottom cloves, all- At times like the present, it is im possi World.” Many have heard of Ciester. eratie tickes in the recent election, was - i at I on f cadena oe I, as removed the wall would imme a Pepper and ealt, then a layer of be, or, at Jenst, eminently improper, to adr "7 . , wesented with a purse of $350 to estab. B00, A°d Koting to Getract from or| diately reform as before. fi , " , tf » lay down a policy to be adbered to, rnglt field's Letters, but few know anything o lish himself in business. At that rate the er wreng, throagh an adativistration of the man. The present biographical sketch || neinces of buying colored votes will Fate 5 is very readable, and will give a more cor- | prove a costly specalation.—N. ¥ Sun. | Ree ieal Peewee, Ue foreaten. a7 rect opinion of bim than is likely to be) ° This is news to as. The only Conser- COteleniy arising The views of the formed from reading his book. “ Horee-fleah “ contains a few hints to those who are making op their minds to vative eolored barber in this place, and to 5 pablic on old ones are constantly chang mg, and a purely administrative officer sheuld always be left free wo execute the willof the ec. 1 have always re- spreted that aad alv ays «hall Peace, and waiversal proeperity, its re- whom the above must refer, ie Thomas Sutherlin, who hax alerays been & strong introduce a vew article of diet. Conservative, and who has never voted “Unlucky Tim Griffie, bis Love and! the radical ticketon any oceasion,or showt his Lack,” is the commencement of u new | the slightest inclination todoso. If any | ‘and lively story, which will cause this! contribations have been made to him, and | | number to be mach called for, and we ad-| we have heard of none, they were made! vise any one hesitating about subscribing | qyter the election through a just apprecia- | to hesitate vo longer. : tion of his constancy, and not as a corrupt An article on the Odes of Horace ap-| price paid for hie rote. | U. 8. GRANT.” joint ballot of seven. weaken the ardor « friends. Screw Lovsk.—The Radicals are somewhat distarbed by the statement thatone of the Arkansas Senatare = <—o--—- has'gone over to the Democrats; and| “Why did not the Ohienago Oonven } = they are still more concerned about the state of parties in the Georgia Legislature, in whieh, it is said, on the anthority of the Macon Tele, raph, the Democrats bave @ majority on There is a tie in the Senate—22 Demoerate and 29 ‘ gering Z Your associ negroes and white Radicals—wile the | ates sont ¥ote for the second or House stands; Democrats 85; Rad.| thik “The recusant retired teal and blacks, 78,~Sentine/. The tempera the waters are in valuable, especially for diseases of skin and blood makes a low, rom it derives its name, " tion read us ut of the party (” was | the questioag pat to a delegate by one jof the Republican Senators who vot ed for the acquittal of the great nsur per, “I will answer the qaestion,” was the reply. “We still the | gar; wow take The spring constantly | jar about two j bling noise, trom whieh air ; wet the and next day the ble, and the bon On the Af the 25th wht, ae 10 o'clock, vigh ns, Ae of Da, T. Ww, had a lin- thie ish, and so on alternaxst until the jar te early full, then cover ma : ith strong” vine- bread dongl and cover the nehes thick to exelude the jar in a.warm stove over wight fish is ready for the ta es are non est. a a MARRIED: n-{eating the nd unforbidding a a ¢ for its nutritive it pee ties. Jt be- leguminous, or pod-bear and is closely allied in its tunieal affinities with clover, the » bean, lucerne, &e. generic : was given to it b ix, @ . distingnished Fren ubout the stenhin of the f<century, in honor of his d Lespedez, Governor of Flori- . There are several other species the United States, bat claim no {particular importance. The species der pe es pt be tender, nas trious plant, making it ap nee in Maj, sydiie greatiy saliehod. by all kind of It seems to be per forming the-blessed work of eradi- onsightly broom straw from.our uncultivated. land, gradual- ly improving its fertility, atfurding much nutriment to animals, shielding soil from the scorching rays of sun, and covering its surface with aw attractive betbacoous verdure, It nen ateties by botanists to be same especies. which Thunberg found, many yeare.ago, in Japan, but How awd when it found ite way to this coantry.is not certainly known, but issupposed to have been intro- duced by some trading vessel into one of our Southern ports, Be this a6 it may, it is a valuavle boon sent by a kind Providence to minister to our #aute, and. assist in building up the shattered fortunes and impover ished eunditivn of the South. = C. L, HL. eS THE GRAPE. Bilas McDowell, in a letter to the Ashe- ville News and Farmer, gives the follow- ing a» part of his experience in the grape culture : My own experi the ea Spee 9 . bas been eonfin- ed, nearly exclasively, to the Isabella and he your . viee, i ror psa he other pre sent . al economy, Bape happiness. e ¢ nod lesson for yon ‘o learn! is the ealud nud power of money. | The wealiliidat sven of our, bared | were, a few years since, among the | poorest nya ofthe coantrs. They) acquired aud in ‘epenJonce by indaery, heinesty and econwnry — To cave the fret ten, the fired hans) dred, or the rat thousand dollars is the sluguest Heuperaiie difientty onc experigutts in the task of economy. | _ Bat the @ret few dollars atved, towave Catawba, and 1 am constrained to say that reither of these Grapes can give em- ployment to indastry, where planted in our hamid valleye, that will pay. Of re +] Wilkow said he. years, : we with the Grape, for! would Southeru States were Frelinghuysen maintained “thie, Con- gress could not impose conditions;>nor could a State withdraw its:assent. to 1 Howard amendment, He eontended that fe fourteenth article was alrea+y adopt- Williams took the game view. Doolittle characterized the Arkansas Constitution as auti-Christian-and anti- Republican. 'rnmbull did not believe in the fanda- mental conditions, bat would vote for them, to save the bill. Perry’s umendwent, striking on the conditions, was lost-—20 to 20. ° Several motions to adjourn failed, until Drake commenced with a written speech. Edmunds’ amendment, reported on yes- terday, was defeated without a division. Adjourned, House—Buatler offered a resolution, for- bidding any written communications reaches ing Woolley, antil the Speake: opened “— read them. he Speaker decliued opening any scal- ed leasdens oe telegrams, he if sidered by the House, (A hard lick on the Beast. ) Blaine maintained that it would be sub- versive to the bonor of the Speakership, to make a Jailor ot the Speaker. It was finally ordered that Woolley’s communications reach him throngh the Sergeant-at-Armsa, but the family Counsel and Physician will be allowed free access for private interviews. Suaeee epprapriapions was resumed and Exteusion of the Bankrupt Bill is not probable. Vinnie Ream is preparing her models for removal. Revenue for the week $4,714,000. The following is the telegram which led to restrictions on Woolley’s corres- poudence. Meraorotsran Hort, N. Y. C. W. Woolley, Washington, D. C.: Citizen and sovereign, imprisoned b; the order of tyrants and cowards in the | Capitel of America, stand firm! Ever ‘trae man in the land, with blood in his | viens, will stand by you. Itis the last | feather that breaks the ¢amels buck | Gro. O. Joxxs. { Congress. Washington, May 30, M. - Senate.— Discussing the admission of the Southern States, Senator Connese said that he would frankly say “ that he wanted these States in the Union, because he wanted their votes for the National candidate for President. cout years | have experimented with new | varieties, and learned sufficient to know that Grape culture, when couducted in a low hawid valley is a dangerous experi ment. Notwithstanding, I am a firm believer io grape hasbandry, as profitable branch of indastry ; bat it will be where the vines are planted high ap on the warm sanny slopes of the mountains, and where the the hundret amd thomeand becomes) rgine, when they tel!, will pase immediate. easier, aod accumulating teoney, in- ly from their roots, ad before they be stead of being a tak, grwlaalls, bur rarely, gorwe ty be a ga iefeetion aud & Unless the cormmencemen' * unde, nid tie fonmdatim laid. rou will reamin in poverty and want, Le every Gent how wasted i? perchas | ing tobacca, Hiqnora, joe ry or faney chuthe le saved, placed in the Savings Lawk, aud ahen ecoough has been ntenmulated, buy. a home stead, and thes place Yours! ves its Cireametances “eth comfurialde and indepepden, Kear in mind. that ewery dollar de posited ie wartring interest ewe: y day; and while sickuesse or offer causes) suspend daily employment, the Tit thesam tn the Bauk grows larger ev “te Patticilar ‘attentiod of all cut ored people is Galled 14 this opporta nity afforded by the Government for their benefit. S Idiers, especially, should take advantage of thie offer, and thes provide for futaro interests, by depositing. enol pay day. @ portion! of their menilily pay, -thereby pro viding something to aid them when | their term of gerviee expires. Let the children be taught to lay aside every puriny they gt, and when Ht Ainoafite te fen cow's, prot it in the Sating’s Bank and when iey five) at twenty onedhey will have enffici ent funds ‘to materially aid them in) bosiness parsui.s. hi is not ouly a walter of economy, bat a wise icy, lo provide agai not mente cummnon to. all men, cha sickness, iisfortnne ard their ttendants Put every cent you can mre into the en + aed coni. ing yeus will. show the wisdom of | ‘ & eourse. . Nenson A. Mires Bet, Maj. Gen’. U. 5. A., t Onramissivner. | } ata, ston, © 0, M.—G , in te to Rees fe tha * biceps “I oe be’ piles of my own to | be Departarnu ts ace clined, oy ony, a-| wing the employees to assist ’ decura- ‘ ws « Hichmond Beho. | ; «~ Gen, , ey jon of his wef Unive eol- } «Tho backs | "ow tes come water gorged These are facts that T know to bers hes planted a be . and one of my wrigl Vinevard in feabellas, at my eurgestion, smd it bas not, and will wet fail. any vear in producing soand Grapes, ree from rot a dinense of any kind = Lach year since 1824 T have had Ieabeils vines growing iu ar bemid valley, and what has been | dix Kat one single vine has ever ot the resale ? produced a Grapes ; and thie one vine is intertwined amongst the limits of a Balm tree; nor hase it failed of a heavy load of grapes i 40 years, The fact ie, I am now ployed grafting the roots of my Isabellas dad ‘atawbad «ith more hardy varivt thet have shown tn. dixposition to rot — All my other varieties I shall graft, a+ | have no prtience to be ever working and get in retern po trait. Bat the Halro-of QGillead tree! Whe wishes to advance o theory, avid aceount for the cause of its leaves preserving the Grape from rot 1 - That the fact is so I have this farther tea- timeny: A few weeks back I spent a aight with my worthy friend, Col. Cath ey, of “Forks of Pigeon,” am! I named te him my prolific Tnabetla on the Balm tree; when the Col. remarked, “That re- miode me of an incident that transpired in my boyhood, whea my m nthe: planted aamall Balm bush in a rich spot where a perfeey sound bunch em oa, large quantity of manare had concentra-} ted, aud an Teabelia grape vine at it root ; and the conse qarnee was, the vine inter twined ineelf amongst the limbs of the) I’ Balin, and io ‘ight kept equal pace anti! the top stood 80 fect above the root, and the vine, cach year yielding a heavy crop ' of deticions Grapes. The last year tha: it fruited it was in the month of Augu-', when there wae at least 30 bushels ot gripes on the vine, just beginning to biash into matarity, when the top of the tree was heard to snap, and it fell, carrying the vine, the Grapes and all the lower, jlitbs ; both limbs, vine and grapes reach-} 114 fears uf a crevasse NC led the ground below, making one vast} pile of rain, and leaving the trunk of the} I afterwards un-| tree a tall bare shaft tangled the vive, and trained it on a long peaffuld, bat it never more bore sound gra * ra Sinas McDowsg.t. Franklin, May 16, 1868 —— From Georgia. Angusta, May 30, P, M. The citizens tied to Aiken, have been released, on the ise of giving bail for their appearance when their trial takes place. J» Clayton, an old merchant, com- m into his breast, 7 est Georgia well. — than last ‘vigorous and last onight, by firug the| Gen, Canby and the Negro Aldermen ( harleston, May 30, P. M.—The Char leston News asserts that General Canby has appointed the negro aldermen, be eanse the people did not pay him. social reepect—his motive being to punish them and hemiliate them for their ostraciem. caer scabs ick On Saturday last ~Renben Medley and Vineent Medley, (cdlured,) fath- er and ton, former slaves of Josep! Medley, Esq., were arrested and had an exatnination before Jno. Broada way and M. P. Mask, Esq., and com, mitted to jail by them, upon charges of attempting to raise an insurrecs tion, and making threats to kill cer- tain persons, one of whom, their old master, Mr. Medley, was particular- ly mentioned. From the evidence, it appears that Reuben broached the subject ata Loyal Leaques meeting, aud tried to induce one ortwo white persons to join with him and Vincent. They res fused, and one of them, Calvin Dav:s, warned him as to what would be the consequences if he persisted in his efforts. Subsequently another League meeting was held, at which negroes only were invited to be present. Mr. Davis, hearing of it, and suspecting mischief went to it, and heard Reu- ben unfold his plans for his colored brethren to join with him “in a raid on old Joe Medley aud other secesh —to kill them and divide their prop- erty.” Mr. D. again warned Reubeu, but he still persisted in trying to get volunteers to jo'n hin, and seeing that there would probably be mischief done, Mr. Dv instamly informed Mr. Medley, who, through the sheriff, had Reuben and his son arrested A large namber of witnesses Were examined both white and black, and their evis deuce, we learn, was very strong against Reuben and Vincent. The magistrates committed them ta jail to await trial at our next court. jail still being ina ruined condition they were sent to Union county. A great deal was said the latter part of last and the first of this week, relative to this case, some of the re- ports e rating it into an iveur- rection of great proportion,—that an attack had been made on Mr. Meds | party. The above are the facta, @ get vur re port from one of (he committing mag- istrates.— Wadesboro Argus. <wai—metlipniie GOVERNOR WORTH. While in Raleigh, last week, we spent pur veut rated Gov ernor “pon Vvanous lop ies and felt edified by bis frank manner wd freedom from vstentation, which in some beseis official dignity. Gov. Worth jis one of the peopl, and with hiw the | hamble aud the great, ric h aud th poor, | slike, The best jindes of a kind heart and noble mind — | We were pleased to observe that his beal.h seemed mach improved. May bis share his coudsideration asefal life be long spared to counsel and | serve bis native State.- -A meri —-- Weits — While in Coneord last Tare nm | day we called at the residence of Mr. J AN ENGLISUMAN ON EMIGR\A- TION TO THIS COUNTRY. "The Ne gland lz Journal of vas ef May b, tle “y rn I cat tier he w whose 1 sine a no delivered in that city A R. Oliver, ia thie State was {a lectare ight previens by Dr t pr in t time, mentioned in the The Doct han t een reener at the Richmand Wh@ lie aa f his extensive ada The fol mals wotier f entertamed ot eand ( from th will interest our readers “Speaki he wae Op prose the lowing pa< cr aceo towr i Stat ge political tepi t to slavery: bat tl ner in whch the elaves had been | ed eneared theit annibilation; destractio r faces; awd the Ly fifties a cattle. He had cern pemphilets circulated amonget them dur ing the civil war, telling them they were to possess their master's hones and lands, and that they were to be the masters, anid and their masters their slaves. He de ecribed the principal battle tields of the South; and said the country much depopulated that dwelling wae written in the ¥y were now herding together A six thes, in elveds like wae #0 could bay rm hone them fora few dollare av acre. Ile et ly recommended Virginiato inten: grania, ar d warned them againat t you h farms with r West, which contaias scum ot society ——-- The M aaravd pe Ri r tobe Divert y ° TY ite« ‘rom ite went Channe! e e just now exe tupendous project. whic! hantediga rrungh Bayou M hile in s the Ina port ew bed We of the scheme that it will virtually do away with the k systetu and so relieve the presenre of the great river that ed no longer eu exist. | The New Orleans papers are vio-! lently opposed to the enterprise. The proposed river route, they say is ex- \elusively within the boundaries of Lonisiana, and the people of that | State will never consent that any ench dangerous experiment shall be tried with her tenitory and her streams.— | | Besides, it is staced that it evald only | be accomplished by the sacrifice of ithat were arrested in Hamburg, and carall the low lands in Louisiaua below | | Baton Ronge, inclading a larger body | of land than can be found in the whole} State of Alabama, { St. Louis is expected to furnish most of the cwpital ty curry out the plan. Nothi ous protest their New Orleans weighoeel the Mobilians are actively moving in the matter, and seein to be | thoronghly in earnest. | | daunted by the vigor | i yne | r | The North Carol | 18 Author for several acts of kindness and atiecr indebted tion, , (to whom we are sed, to us, Me where w lof bering from Miseise whine Anew P ue It was be now meet common we ippi, where time, od is cearfally operaicd by Mesers. Williford |}& Penny. Lt isan artesian auger, cot | ting ahole about ni inebes in diame worked Ly four or five |men, completes the well in about three quarters of a day, ly dollar per foot, earbing and all ‘ it has use for sone ‘ sac- . e ter, can casily be pend Neaste ls i i vended by menne of a derric a er ia kh Not g Steel * et and ie Arawh ap by a wiadlass a wheel barrow load of d sinking a well of ordina vy depth meee tha the raised im and ase iio Can le bac HY cectptes a foot aqnare eutly dag the ! Che bucket ie al | tert bev 1 ein inches in dame a botto fixed ape sod when it strikes of which it ie filled, emerges ont of the water it closes A boy six By this tion a well ¢ apable f affording ant 1 for Ihere—all ready for ne rove e at in Rite A ot c k porch tw bony as hich is by meane Saree the and as water, goon as becomes water-tig jage can draw the water ‘ ! ] ing eapply of water can be ha m 25 to 30d ie one on Mr. Rich's lot, we wer ich affords about 1,000 gallons day i fir V thetr i convene jand ee Mr. Williford 1 a reepor a bh ! ' man, a will gnarantes t work or He d —Charlotte Times —-_- no pay ie! Cenec Over Rar Railr North Carolir aged, perhaps The a were never ao well they a Koad, Jas ADS na are at opr n the sidency of Lle Larner, | pert ’ ul wer tin all its fanetions, and proves it fc about 25 miles vever missed and aecidents never hap- pen The Wilmington and Weldon Road, under the management of ¢ ol. 8. LF re mont, secms perfect aud efficieut, aud of fers the greates: inducements to shippers in the interior, for the transportation of goods and merchandise by Goldsboro. The Western North Carvliva Road, ander the mauagement of Col. 8S. McD. Tate, is doing well, and being rapidly ox- tended wesiwardly. It would be diffieult to select better in bow econnectious are | Railroad managers thaa these three gen- tlemen, and -it might be wise policy for the incoming powers to retain them. American. ccntonthnttge recta noni i The terms of the seven Republi Our} ley, and that he had killed one oe) } Yimore of the attacki# a pleasaut half hour in conversation with | sency of that officer The epeed s| Judges cannot answer the numer- ous letters reeeived from applicants, un- til they meet to goto bat the Clerk takes the liberty ing that applicants should ngs war the first day of the term, Newspapers of the State will confer a favor upon many of their readers by no- ticing this alteration of the former rules, Sentinel. peenencenna ity —begrenpes Avyoruer Rospeny.—Oa Thursday night last, some unknown person entered the smoke-honse of Rufus 3, T'acker, Eeq., at his residence, and stole therefrom 24 pieces of bacon. ‘These occurrences are becoming too common, and especially so, that with a good police force who are vigilant, it is very seldom that any dis- coveries are mide of the articles stolen, or of the thieves. There is reason to fear that these robberies are committed by an organized band, and we know no way of breaking them up, but by a strong sak viens citizen’s gaurd, or some oth- er song force, It is high time some- thing was done to detect the perpetra- tors.— Sentinel. SALISBURY MARKETS JUNE 2, 1868. REPORTED BY BsXGHAM & CO. Bacon, per poand, | Cottee, per pound, .. Corn, per bush, of 66 lbs., .. | eal, bush. 46 Copperas, per pound, .. | Canies, Tatiow, bean Adamaatine, | Cotton, GROCERS, per pound, Yarn, per bunch, | Eggs. per dozen, ee Feathers, per pound, . Piour, per sack. | Pish, Mackeral,’ ». 1. ce a $: - 1.6) to 1.75 to 1] to be antag bas 3. oe Fruit, dried, apples pealed, .. | < . unp'ld, . j “ Peaches, peale¢. tod ba “ unpealed Leather, upper, per pound, sorghum, per gal. a West ludis, “ Pork per pound, ee Potatoes, Irish. per bushel, . . Pr Sw ‘ Sagar, Brown, per po Clanfed Crashed Pulverized ° Salt, coast, per sack, .. eee Liverpool, = wecewe * Table, Tebaceo, Leaf, per pound, . “55 Manefactured pound, “ sB s z u e n State of North Carolina, | } SURRY COUNTY | Superior Court of Law, Spring Te m, 1868 Jevse FP. G-aves ve. John J. Fraizir } | } ATTACHMENT by the ( Wa | TN thie case it is Ordere (il oneee Old North State ewspaper | he of Sal hy weeks, fe toe Defen jaunt to be and af tery t tf Co ty of Sarry. at ie ert be nm the a town ry, @2 cor extt our Super rt the seeor b t j n August next, t | r } me | ( " $a EXECUTORS SA f Se LE! ‘ 4RdGe or vf ar | Knex a large f pers ve bast will and eed | | expose te fur sale wa lary from 40 te 50 sof fine flo Corn ; Sar One thousand pounds or More of Bacon, Hogs & Cattle ; One fine Mule and Horse I Horse Wagon and gear; Fine buagy and harnesss ; {of household fur kitchen utensil r one "7 | { A fine l | , 7 ’ sand Fa ning foals of ail ken One chine, is ; | | | threshing ma and And many other articl ine horse power, 6 not enumer Tra t par ¥ can e by a z I R WM. ROSEBROUGH, Exr [w31-20] of Semnel Keon = LOOK a> @) "ER" e The Ku-Klux-Klan is About ! | | AM RBADY to exchange Leather for good i Uides, Kip and Calf Skins, Bark, Tallow | Lane, Hops, Barley, Corn, Rye, Outs, and \¢ untry produce generally. I will also Tan good Hides, Kip aud other Skins, for one-hall. I return my sineere thanks to @ generons pablie for their hberal patrumage iu ry differ ent businesses, in this eour ty, fur the last twen- ty years. Moers 1, Brown's old stand, corner of Lee and Liberty Sireet. MARTIN RICHWINE ' = wy Senators voting “not guilty” oo the Lith artiele of impeachment expire as follows : Fessenden, of Maine, 1871; Fowler, of ‘Tennessee, 1871 ; Grimes, of Iowa, 1871 ; Heudersap, of M 1869; Rosa, of Kansas, 1871; Trombull, of” Illinois, 1873; Van Winkle, of West Virginia, 1869. Salisbury, N. C., May 19, 1968 wiy OTICK.—A Special Term of the Sn N Court of Law and Coart of Equity, will be held for the eoenty of Caldwell, at the Court House in +, comm on the third Monday in Jaly 1868, and continue for two weeks ot until the business of said courts is despatched. | RR WAKEFIELD, 8.6 May 14, 1868. wtw I *) Of almoste | Rear e one | « | cated Mules, . " ¥ os . ! bl THE DAYS OF ROMAN CHIVALBY ECLIPSED St LIONS CONQUERED BY. m. Royal Bengal Tigers Subdued The Monsters loose in the Streets of Salisbury, Wednesday, June 17th. COL. C. T. AMES’ MENAGERIE, Cireus, or TROPICAL AVIARY!! A tripple confederation, almost ilimitable in its and more gorg ly and elegant- ly equipped than any lnadred Exhibition extant. The — active uambers THIRTY-SEVEN ACCOMPLISHED ARTISTS, Male and Fe male representatives of the most clegant, grace- fal and pleasing Olympian Sports, ineluding uestrianixm, Gymnastics, Pantomimies, Ac- matics, Moristatios and Athletics, Among the most distinguished of the troupe, are— Mlle Estelle Zoyarra. Victoria De [ee. Madame Elizabeth. Mr. Thos. Watson. Mr. W. Naylor. Mr. Lewis Uarr. Mr. lorace Sinith. Signor Tbs. Mr. E. Winne The Uratilion Brothers. Mr. k. Banker. Master Frank. Maater Georga. and the Jwo Intene ly Humorous Clowna LAWTON. The Zoolegix al Department Is of immenee magnitade, and « Hundreds of Wild Beasts! sical range braces very species, and geograp ELEPHANT of Africa, to the W or the Bison of onr frewm the te e Aret ‘ own Western Wilds * added an anusually Aviary ! rds and Powls matiexs nwmn- Tet Large 4 ¢ be rilliant Bi is Meo 7 fal and keys 5 an bers a every tribe 4 Band of Masicians thst acknow! dg» no saperiers ia the rendition of trae har- pate Perform Borses, Trick Ponies, Ede- g Monkeys, Sagazivus Dogs, 1 only Cc ing A ete LION uw The Rean‘ifol and Peiry-Like Signorita Bila Bagenie, snd the dittinguidnd Natar- | alis. and Accomplished Tiger Slayer, HERR BLIJAN LENGEL. Accompanies thie Colossal Combination, wd at each Exhibition d.eplay their miraculous power and indomitable courage, by entering the dens of Pisere, Lions. Panthers & Leop- Por List of Animals and genere! parti ulars, see Pictorial Posters, Descriptive Bills, Balletins, ete A WOMAN 1] 7.2 tof Land ILL be sold at Sat the Court Wee ese re os on the 16th of June next, the valuable House and Let known as the Julian place, now Mr. Ritz. Tt will be a full sale, i widow’. dower. The House is large, 4) good store room on Main street, and seveu rooms for use. Teras—Notes with see t the first, wary Ist, 1869; 2a, Jan. payable Jan Ist, 1870; the Jan. Ist. 1871—fnteres: VEACH’S. MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE—Daily. Schedule from High Point to Salem. EAVES High P at x i t thet tt 4 Arrives at Salem at will spared to make all who travelen line com Special attention will be given to all Bxpress the hands of Mr, Joho F. fin Fg A y settlement is required ilu by Oo * hoes RITEMEAD & HEKDEREON. of Dr. Whitehead will continue the practi his Calls in his be left jession. at Dr. Henderson's office, or athis rexidente oo Fulton street. " June Ist, 1868, Southern Shoe a Shelly Brothers & THOMASVILLE, M,C. re SUCCESSORS of J. Shelly & Son—es- <1. tablished in'1809—We are manafactaring | Men's Boys, Women's, Misses and Obildren’s | peaged Shoes of the best quality sad at prices to mit the times, | Our Shoes are mrde of materials and io them. | warranted to have ao | Particular attention paid to ordern Geed | for price treat, may 7 twawScn SDE CEEES ihaasien Country Merchants, Dairymen, Farmers, And Others. CONSIGN: YOUR _ Ashes, Beeswax, Beane. F Dalle, Ce Be Plas Bors and chine, Dried and Green Fruits, | fieneral Commission Merchant, #42 444 & 446 Washington St, NEW YORK CITy, And receive his weekly Price Current of Pre dace nd Groceries the mest complete price eur- rent pallished in the United States. fora Price Carrent. Marking Pintes and Cards Porwiehed Free. Liberal advances made on ( i Established, May 1st, 1860. First class references given when required. March 5, 1e88. twly Vogler & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Mens, Women, Boys & Misses SHors, SALDBLor ©. OUR Shoes are well made, and of the very Setioba ir eee ine o. 3 sand will wet 5 Pavor- ABLY as to Quarry and Price, with any ever broaght into the State. : 2-3in-WO a ae The Grand Procession on the morning of the day of Exhibition, will be ‘unnsually gor- geons and grand. In it will be borne two tri- perior | mmphal Cars, on the nie or, seated by See) Xe h’ march 2-2. | FOR SALES TWO B OF THE Grafton Mineral Paint at New York Cost, ° ly at this Office. 19, watwtf = Just Received.“ @. B, POULSON & 60's Wyatt's ON Stew Seieimty * Drug Bive ‘ and. Nelson, of the .President’s coun-| husband; sel apparcotly uamoved by the great events transpiring around thea, ee AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSION SOCIETY. New Yorx, May 26.—At the ses- sien af the American Baptist Home Mission Society, the Oonvention took up the matter of delegates from she Southern Baptist Convention. At the last meeting of the Home Mission Society, held last year at Chicago, a delegation wag sent to visit the South Take them -alb-in» all, they were well matched and were doubtless —— made for cach other, He said ovly one’ thing was lacking to make his happiness | complete and that-was the fulfilment of the latter part of his dream. Ctevetand Leader. —— Resignation of Mr. Stauton —R eee of the War Department, Archieves, Property, be ,— Congratulations of the Presiden. Wasurxcton, ) THE PRESIDENTS ACQUITAL— HOW IT HAPPENED, Frm the Baltimore Gazette, we atherthe following concerning the nal vote on the impeachment ; Jnst before the hour of 12 o'clock Senator Edinunds came in and an- nounced confitiently to a few friends around him that the voting would be med, such being the determina tion of the caucus. A few momerits later theother Senators entered the Cham ber with an air of indifference, and were soon engaged in conversation, groups being formed—daring which {ern Convention, and effect a recon ume the action of the caucus was dis-{ciliation between the Northern and cussed and speculations freely offered Southern Baptists, Dr. Hagne of a5 to the probable effect of the contem-| Boston, ehairmman of the Northern plated postponement on party inter | delegates, reported that the Southern ests. Atthis time no Senator doubted | Convention had received them for a moment that the vote would be very gordia] mann postyponed— the managers had reques-|eyates to attend ted itand the caucus had voted to grant | meeting. [Applanse.} * ed ak no We, it—yet the vote was taken and the} On inotion, the Southern delegates rd beveltbihe ee thee Wars et President acquitted. flow was it!/ were invited to the platform, and on | papers roperty in my custody as Secre- The details will furn’sh an interesi- |: iking their positions were warmly Ita yot War in care of Brevet “Major Gen ing page for the future h'storian.— | applauded. | Townsend, the ser or assistant adjutant gene- deun after the Court had organized; Dr. Jeter, of Richmond, ane of the |!) s4bicet to your ake ues. 8 for business and al) the dramatis per | Southern delegates, nade an address. | eae sone were in position, Senator Ed-} After reviewing Cie separation of the | s . 4 NEW YORK OOLU MN, A Virginia and Southorn Its Funds are kept in It has met with unprecedented success. te % Me ak b> ok Its fortunes are: established beyond” ; a * ay 26.—A: about half-past 3 o'clock this afternoon, the President reveived the following communication from Mr. Stanton: THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, That.old, limg known and well tried remedy for al Bilious diseases, caused by a DISEASED LIVER. They are made and sold by G. W. DEEMS, the discoverer, who has removed to Battunore, Ma, where he can have access to the purest and best medicines, on the most favorable terms, He will aiways keep on hand a large supply, aud will sel to his customers, wholesJde and retail, at the shortest notice. Tn the preparation of these very saperior and exectleat Pile, no cost or trouble is spared to ngure the greatest possible degree of pet feetion in point of otilty, excellence and comfort.— They cortain one article which bas probably Wank Depanraenr, Washington City, May 26, 1863. 5 Sir: The resolution of the Senate of the U. | States of the 2ist February last, declaring that | he President has no pawer ta reinove the Se- cretary of War and designate aay other officer . Jto perform the duties of the office ad taterim ima j hating this day failed to be supported by two- er and had sent del- j thirds of the Seuators present and voting on this “Anniversary } the articles of impeachment preferred ayain-~! “ | you by the House of Representatives, I bave contingency, rf : The Company has capita! aud asseta, again ft Niability that wil compare favorably with ! Insurance Company on the continent, whieh ts the |, true test of responsibility, ‘ts affairs are cautiousl Direetors, of rexponsibiti It has established ita ¢! | Amini : by id basi . im to Southera Petounge. OFFICERS : PRESIDENT, JOHN BE, EDWARDS, srcurragy, ” D. J. Hangsook, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES. H. SMITH, M.D, LEGAL ADVISER, GRNBRAL a 4 Tee \ 4 partment, f¢ Sate anid the books, archives, VICR PRESIDENT, Wu. B. Isaacs, To the Presilent never before been used asa medicine, aad H.C. CABELL Jno. H reSti: ® ae: ? mands rose slowly from his seat, and} Northern and Southern [ iptists, and | The President to-night received the congrat- (whi zh cage ig ate fb tena ean ese | “ drawing from his pocket otiered a/the canses which Jed the eto, he eon. |" a copservabye met sbere of the Sen > ike Pah Kereushare coca to the pabiin) Th! DIRECTORS ; resolation rescinding all previous|tinned: “Whatever have been the !* on N _ = ain awacce vcomoosition ased in these Pills is carefully pre- + gry hoes Hoe = Napeen) a A 4 r) ; ih . sion Nv general demonstratio YAS Mp: ¥ 3 . rules on the gahject of voting. TheJevil results of the war, ono 1! iw it ae a pared by the hand of the discoverer, and way | samuel 8. Cottrell, AR, C. Baskerville, Chief Jusiice thonght the resolution |did was to blot oat the occasion. of t Streak of Luck.—The Newbern lie oe rentarel viata rym my” . es ' Ee, Paes : ; nh ak | leheate thet Je > > and | Charles T. Wortham, i Jacobs, was not in order, the Radical majoriy |thigstrife. Slavery is dead.” | Cheers. ]| , ; : retenges? saprarran' Rak euabied . neg sity | Willing Witt Jr, J. We AMeon, : . . be ead ae r ; ) ;, |¢our. ef Com. makes the following rom their peentiar combination are highly] san geain Keorge S..Palmer, of the Court thought otherwise, and} Whatever might have been said i | ‘ ae men g trengtheniog, mild in ther action on the bow- | Fagg Mele A- De Chockley, the rules were rescinded. Mext came} ite favor, itis dead, and in the name j statement, We hope it is true and ris, and indeed, in a climate like ours where | James 4. &-ott, HH. CO Cabell, resolution postponing the vote onfof God, let it be buried {Marked ap-!that our friend Pierce will live long colds and coaghs are almost an unfailing con- | - 4% oe ‘ os 4. Hartenok, » pi 223d of Jur 4 fay | : «quence of the sudica changes to- whieh all] WU. Tyler, oha C, impeachment antil the 23d of Jun’. {plause.]- We at the South do not de- |to enjoy it: ~ wilkvch, everp ons at’ lobe taceiiie menstt: he ere Wittiam @. Taylor, ; : See Pe fy DRIER es eee pee a , . wre subject, every one b A. ¥. Stokes, « PL Albelh, The Chief Justice considered this | sire to restore it, even if we could.—| (,,, respected townsman, W. 1 he inflacace of these causes, will find the great-| J. G. Morton, Wm, B, out of order, bat was again ove: ruled {{ Long and continued applanse ihe} Pi orce Eey., was fortunate ¢ hongh est seeurity in having his liver and bowels well! R.M. Dibrell, George 1 tid, by the cancusing Senators. On each prevalent feeling of the whites of the 123 \ . Ao nen oe im chee cleansed by these invaluable Pills. William Hi. Palmer, Samael M. Price, af these propositions Senator Ross, of |Sonth toward the colored race iso! Aanas, vot with the impeachers,| kindness. We sha}! pray and labo: and a deeided sensation among them | for their salvation in the very neces was? ible. Radical Senators| sity of the case. We desire their con were bobbing their heads at each oth-| version. At present there is a little er, and a effort made to comu jestrangement; it is but natural; bat nicate confer one with another.| we ex Where these Pils are known, especially in the southern States, where they have been cir culated so extensively, they peed no recom- mendation—their merits are go well known by their :evalts, which have given them a repeta- Hon that kas brouzht them into great demand They therefore are destined to be, at no distan: day, the only remedy recugnized and med by the people where bilhuns diseases are = preva- lent jing, at Bridgebort, Conn., a Holland named Yondz Yonebsien. For jmore Chap 22 years neither resener or {rescued has heard of each other | La-t night Mr. Pierce learded that he whom he had saved was dead, and Aiieated the} pect anc eat eolrangement)),. 4 beqneathed te him a large estate Rosa “had defeated them on the{will pass away. e at the South) of roa) and persupal property in Bea- eleventh article, and vitaperative) will be the earliest and most success-|_-, il. abose had been heaped upon him —| fal ingtractors of th LEWIS C. HANES. Ao’r. Jan17 —twk&wif Lexiyorox, N. C | For Life Insurance Only. PIEDMONT] of The aulvantace in tow treatment there. | REAL ESTATE INSERANCE COMPANY fore, is, that a eure must be radical and com- |} plete without the necessity of breaking down | OF VIRGINIA.. ler “COSTARS”. Preparations e@ colored people \ ! —_—-a- j ; t le. he ait < . a the system in one tto remove a dé D v Was its possible be had repented a the We auccept the situation the war has! How to Get Leid of Pate.—lt lhas bd omer dete i OBe part to ¢ ‘erate in AUTUORIZED CAPITAL eseventh honr, if not on the eleventh! broaght. We bow to the dispensation! oo ; J " © ili Based bsti Bape f - | been discovered that rats can be got . They can be sent to any puint im the United article! Conkling offered a substi-/of High Heaven. I: is the ianifest il ky caveniog ine Manrasae ke Everybody Tries Them! | stu by sai or Kapreea ONE MILLION DOLLARS. tute for the motion to adjoarn, which purpose of Gjod thar these States shal! | rat hole with a thi to daver of mm ist 916--One Gregn gioteree Oo ay = ees Ore ore i" . : ° paps | ole a thie o e ai, ‘ 2 ided that the Senate, sitting as a} not be divided. [Cheers.) And sinee eee ; Whe A Everybody Uses Them | The cacy tanh citer esosmney the roe he On ee OFFICERS. ‘> of I 1 t h j | } i ; t 1 Care le po ash. hen the rate walk } of 18 @ell be emt C0. 0. Orters should be address + mpeachment, should pro-| our destinies are to ¢ linked fOgerh te thiasit neakea llets feet core, these! Bversbedy-~-Beltevex in Them ! jo be u. W. Dams, W. C. CARRINGTON, President. coed atonce to vote on the remaining jer, and if we are to live Fogelber, O87 they lick with their tongues; it makes a J =* al { He. UO, Soe re Connon Crm, J. J. HOPKINS, Seeretarg. articles of impeachment. This was| we most, it is better that we should btheir wiouth care. and ae ang te { Samus Me, 1. H PERROW, M. D., Med. Advisor, f supposed by many to be a motion of- [live in friendship than in conttict le) t} ) bie hucatina - per se Are you troabled by Mats. Mire. Roaches, | “he's ey si Se sony a apt poten Denagivts , fered ig good faith by the Senator/ better in harinony than in diseord —| 01a! tH V sliun this locality, Ate attend: Aner So.) EP Hay 0 She. or bGe. Box of| everywhere, cad on all the Drumpistohe Bexammes This liberal and solvent Southern Company . ’ Sher York and when it «as re i. \. ys fe Balle rB }but appear teil a e ne ghbering Costar's Exterminators - JOHN H. ENXLSS, pays to ite policy holders annually 'roms gh Poses Menon : wee ease etna male ~ rats al tan eventinally the leone Only Infailibie Kemeties know ' » * jected by an overwhelming vote.) tnore, and others followed in addiess lig entirely: ali eS diivlihers lai shsean Presem o the He lewarety Sreaia Apecial Agvet. | = 874 Per Cent. of ite Profits. many of the spectators left the gals} ces Leal chan teed hy eter were er of they | Se lesies, smpposing the days pertor —_——_—_ ie avin IN Me faked Lally clumete. > REEVES’ AMBROSIA | 1 operant ai ite patrons by taking notes mances satan end. The newspapo: A *TRANGE DREAM AND A at ‘ j atom Turn It allows ‘ts patrons to pay all cash if dedred men in their anxiety to outstriy all WEDDING } we : - ~ Ape you auunved [will inna Senet Fi dR I HE HAIR, ; it lesrtoan ino poleems 0s bikanh tee teamek one competition, flashed the news over! (Ine of the happiest men thatever joar State of N ort hh ( arolina, mah sights ar ° Be et Improved ! yy on their pelicios the wires “impeachment postponed | ved a hundred miles from Miehiga 7 { COUNTY “COSTARS’ mH Ol ( ; \1 \ ir i aie . from one place to another until the of Jane.” No one) took the Toledo expreea on Saturday, : AT A ma ASH P A tke p «and prerenta fed | 16 ie an elegant Dressing tur the Hair. [4 Policy bolders are not restricted as to tre rept the parties! Fr nt. bnveimd fe Pie dt hie hae Con f Pieas ard Quarter Sess Apri .. eve “ = vel uf romGence doabted oe ae — e |} ; t - t a ; i : and his } r 2 raha lgseh : wns Apri ; a N _ |! eausce the Mair te curt Leaetifally It offers the following certificate a» to ite eal- engaged despe: e gane on-| eliga ole etrange story, of . : -_——- veacy: ling’s purpose proved to be to draw [: ch lowing ia are sabstance 1 Bro, ) ; a OW aun taco «. t hewpa the Sealp ( lean ond Healthy. Nass Covey Toews. Va { om Russ, : Some weeks since, while a ine , d & yr itay a2 to Fiask of | te iavig he Recte of the Meir. s. Jo a = . agp ss | Miehieanl kelreiirea iairest at A etal) “COSTAIS® INSkO THROW DER oO een ee | ycint, Sndersigned, ofivets of the county of | understanding the game, in tarn se’ lage Jol) ] ew be ( Liestress immtatis blew and aii inepeta om; "forces the Hair and Roan! to grow tuxeriamtly. | Yelena, and State of Virginia, take plesswre in| a trap for the impeacher- Rose v Laer e eee : rch tT a DF re ate 8 2 | fecomnmending as a elrent and refishle Co narel inst Conkling’s subeti-) °°" He appeare oe 78 It 19 of 10 immediately stupe ian Falling Out. | 2Y- “The Piedmont Real Estate Insuranee Com na 7 oge 4 long joarney from “bome,” where he bad at . ae } pany.” of this county; and besides the merit of tote; another buzz was jeard on the bern Ineated for years, and | acare A ~ } ‘. ne Vas testify to ite t Leepn the Hair & anging Color from age Htasatyency, iterates apd terme for Life Ineur. Radieal side of the Chainter. Sum }; , pie” Leradas Dereseaas ; fee noe { merited re jh ortic. Mex ea ul . ance are such as to commend it to public pat. : bot eight of, and where he h lis " x ay, a P Sr er ; stores Grey He Calor | ronage ner left his seat and harniediy pa-ce {happy old bach,” h never merge fat peel Ue — A ti « 7 ce NT | Its Stockholders, Directors and Officers are ome to the seats of Senators bo linund« | matrimony ‘ » « i ais that has been hale bigh ititegrity, end patrons can rely on an| Williams,and othere, belding bric In that dreama vieien ay peered ant Ie - wl atoms cheer pon eee goto ‘ 5 . t “ j = R " roe ul Be have «tox in | con ference with each. (her 5 ‘a iy im He arrix dat a place im Obi . } a Pre Lebabel 7 pie and parety vegetay| thie company, and simply give this as disinter | leaned towards each and Pp**s | which was ca ta It appeare ae | e teati to the merits of a good inetite- | ger] by che Coort that he mace ed harried words. Spectators « soon after his ar tt ner | ot) ers wh 7 Bay 8 Be or br Rox of —— Gant a tevem Goa cs . | for sit weeks id’ the Warchoan & North tioned leaving, aod the telegraph ha ' 1 the acq fier | COS T MRS BECK ITHORN Say _s ere las © moe Civonit @onrt | State, ‘ow bent Goan a ae a stready epread the news in every d ' but hapny e A h {t TODD. Cheek . are «.redhale ete bern. Wit 4 RAL mercer pehr at our ext Court of Pleas “4 ' ea ’ : { M4 a ri poor many of which are from phy? rs vI8U, (ler Seevions to be Lekd foe the of sétllita that the Senate had tos = lichis ; : : gteree H. Lovrea, Cler¥ Connty Qoert a Pate peo * yatpone, which was virtrally the] becar ealthy, lived | . = | ao men rere ne | ve GA. Bingham & Oo. Agente Ralisbury ‘ Chart -tee Theme, on wood te ' \ } ate was taken tu land raised a a family State of North Carolina } a ; We alew ha orency for good Fire Come | Monday in Joly newt, then aad where shew c © vote w ta > FE . a ‘ 4 7 ase, when th a | - the mame blnwn | Pa onvese ot ahy they have why the land levied oa ey 4, at tr i gra i . . ‘ ‘ae ed »t a . ee a tee WATALGA COUNTY, | a cin a tyes winaals'sy | TAUNTS atl Apple te |_| sell wt benedeni to ee es pose corrent was: seen and | theugi ite} : * - edamuniehare a ‘ ap ci A Ca piles <= 5 eee . exac:character was k | be favlight, and b her w I ter S ! ° & ‘ . ct tat in ee cama oe Witoess, J. BoPed’, Cletk of oor sali court #t Some new derek, was 2 | dror ca soon COSTARS” BISHOL PILLS wT on eee Dose. S< deve hap was & 1 Are fase i ‘ ral ; ; ng made. ‘The countenances ot] 4 At the brrakla ; Hinary AD, THD EQUITASLD sable deal DU, Check the fwpeachers seemed to brig! aan ei ( ite? Ua) Ww coh - ty end some unexpect Bees MRS | LIFE ASSUR AVC State of North Carolin Sums seident|¢y e ' ' ‘ £ « t ‘ on ae oe | | HIN A WATAUCA . mp aoe tell pal : IF YOU WANT pe wbiees- : ) " specia iM, a | * _ o ‘om, 1 . every preliminary q | fire be rear wiih t SOCIETY Wm. Horton, Guarding ve Thomas & RK. eemed to be acting 1 “ means io ¢ i f ae ‘| tant telat Oyryotal ates scant “seontvicscoraininsios | ROSADALIS, — QRTHRUNITRD STATES! .. axons said the impeacher+, Lut w Rows ys ny way, * ile rit. ite a “Ret 5 | Les the ia voting right we g hy Set oe ty a. thee - wat ". whorping VILSON.S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION No. 92 Deoapwar, New Yorx, reside beyond ben its of chamee on the second a | ’ . ; ae a . otis < | leved by the voted down their ows ‘ wot 2 : } nF : ¢ ’ . Cash A sets , tor sit weeks iy the mit postpone fees bia ieage R aA . "| Ayer'’s Sarsaparilla, —[ itmeat Sess incom”. | State, wovityiog seid Jege and tnoved Ader place hes ; Sam aneured dering bib? pear at our next Comet of , ape: rorieed ' at th JB TODD, Clerk. | | ; | Number of Policies iasned jn ome Feat—10 4GG on thesecond artic © ti eet place, » ale $3 OF } | All profits divided among the Policy holdersan. rhe sepaeners heerlen edly der | beryite,me comiaen. evre | Ay@r’s Ague Cure, |< ceaj renee ade teal bec iad . bitaee ms . : a ty h A. li the chine arent fre« 2 | Hividend Febrnary Jat, 1967—Cach raloe $616, ly wel : — « State of North Carolina Notties $10 45 gactly how Tomes $ d general ap corres . ecos TARS" BITTER SWEET Sandfi rd‘ Li I $ | The largert Mutual Life Inenrance Company in supposed, and cow joededt ex 2 vision. He put LURKE COUNTY AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. | ord s Liver nvigorator, | whe wars. ; if dolineon certa i ap at the K House and t hie _ . “4 the k Lon spate ans! ail —— mee os = Single Life from $850 te Wapect! that there were par feearch, For two three day« } was r Tan, Freckles. — a Ae ’ ° ° . ii thes game. and qu @ litte} aneueersstul, but finally, jast before he Ladies, Try a bottle, and see its won Hall Ss Hair Renewer, zg Mye Hutchison & Co., Aqsa. repected ti m re t j wae on the point « f returni pome, be Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, = ty { | No i, Cowan's Brick Row, ener wh th wlest, times i ’ Foe 1 = ; Lise . ed Senator fr am Kansas of intending | came face to face with a maiden at the4 Spring Term, 1868 —f 5 s Who are al rae tS py . | onet ofbe “'Tie sh said he, all to : a ——} » AFe Bie0 the Five Satna han sce ee | tree tem wan Hostetter’s Bitters, »2ssreuszeneut ed le ns 4 fe roll at mal iamia}" meelf, aod then be walked ap mantully Meott, deceased 3 = C#” //! Reware!!! of all VW orthlesa! Os e er S | ers, poor’ " ree, tn the United oats t , Siem , j nd the inte t jand told her bie et Ty; his dream, and of vavitiel ¥0 “ni case Imitations | ———— sn eee he ee oe ¢ t es et j hie place in Michigan, and frankly asked . | Nome genuine without “Costar's” Signa. | Perry Davis’ Pain Killer N= CAMOLINA RADL ROAD. 4 heightened as the votes 7. ; at doab ther to share his lot with him | In Die cane it appearing ta the satisfaction of the ture. ’ Company Swops, N. C., April hy 1868, fi ful Senato@ rere reached —c sO AT-| Whe said something aboot its being and Pee seia ice wor moe Teen Be | 25 and 50c sizes kept by all Druggiste On and after this datethe ing will be ' ng whe mene of Kenator ibaa! den, he would rather wait a few daya\, od ( Xeott. are non residents of this} $1 00 sizes sent by mail om receipt of price Radway’s Ready Relief. he Schedule fur Passenger Traius over this é was oe Now came | KOT be fore giving an answer; bnt he wae deter “*t ie in lore or ree on poetices on be | $2.00 pays for any three $100 sizes sent , Road + , é d - a . Ly oaT .. . + y War immpeachers had hazarded | mined wo have it there and then, and she aed ta tip bon ot ome by Express ee ee re ty ee BS by everythivgmpow thie vote— could it finaily said she was all bis own He ae-| for six anceeasive weekn notifying said def $5,00 pays for eight $1,00 sizes by Er : Mem Nedicins, p peaker ys >” See” i ™. oaks bo para blo Apt thirty five pelitieians| companied ber t her home, and that eve. = eed sbvewt i the net term ofthe oar] © °9 Pam | = aden 7 wd been overreached by ne manF ning he told her fond parents all aboat | iionme in Morvanton. on the let Monday after the Address. CALL AT Arrive at Gol ebro... 12.95 re , : — ; The | 4th Monday in May then and there to ane .¢€ * 4 ot? cee OS ie ies a} Heme had yet his trap, | it A they br » anced it — : be | Hh Monday iil mp adieyodteb oor ‘ogc RENRY bes > _— z. -| @ B PO ON & 7 reave Goldsboro’, . -+ S280 p.m. aug cougiit the whole party, and |day following they were married, and at he heard ex parte and judgment rendered pr . 2 Hroadway, Y. . . ULS co 8. Raleigh. . 2 320 & eiten be anewered in a clear ringing once commenced their jourvey Michigan- | corffeso a+ to them. . FOR SALE BY Greenaburo’,....747. + > Aiclued bats ’ H ar | Witues. F Dosey, clerk of ont sald Coart Salisbury... oe eu tnice, “not guiity, there were eoun- | ¥* as i . } at of “ t the 3h dey of March, A We ‘ oetee "fb {| The man was a fine looking filiow, in 3 JOHN H ENNISS rrive at Charlotte,...91.05 + TOHANEES-OF — icra sagt h oe that he could searcely (ie yw £88 F. W. DORSEY, curee. Salisbury, N. Cc Wyatt's 0 ’ Through »assengets by thisline have¢hitice hice pepe llvaat sin Pgh Salt nal jhimeclt. He protested roandly that ic} ————~ — — ~ Sold by alt poe RelA iat in oll yatt's Cid Stand, psf rac via Greensboro’ apd Danville tw ed ealjcets worthy of Hoxarth. Im was the woman he saw in bis dream that Milo A. J. Roseman M.D xa me wteremsed| f ® | ISBU | Richmond or Po = Eh egeighh SY GEN. 0.1, ttt peachinent had been y dem! and it. teil met and marricd, and that all, from : ’ eo -er yt an be 4a, RY, N.C, uta north.ge ihchaseeh a atriving at ail ise, . now it was buried. Gingivan and{¢ ‘] » pie-| ()PFERS his profersions! services to the pub-| SEWING WANTED re atthe saine time by | PROPRIETORS: : r 1 | fret to lest, bad been exactly ae be pie- i( ) lic. He may be found, when not absent pins . Mareb 17, ‘68. tw7t:wl4e either route. Connection is made at G, . Boutwel! hurried from the Chamber. tnred in his dream. The indy was of a| ; h - \ ‘J boro with Passenger trains Woe tatler retained hie seat citi! the ‘ d comely looking, |. "ters, where he has been practising 16| VLTSS MARY HOWARD, Cornet of Main Rond ty nd trom Wihniagton , : her vet 2 | pleasing appearance, and comely looking,| ...-. AI] those indebted to him -| and Cemetery streets, will nake shirts for gen < ; Ww. i and by Freighs hird article was voted down and the!s few years younger thao be, and eeem-| an): their interest by paying uy - | tlemen with linen fronts, for Sreymty Are ert trains to Weldon. rs abandoned. On the opposite |ed to be brim fall of fan and to enjoy the} Office at Roseman's Store each. JAMES ANDERsON. Oharlotte, N. os tat at F Stanberv'n of the thing fally as much as her} May 19 whee! Feb 26th 1°98 wif Me . uperiatendent. F : table sat Evarta, Stanbery! novelty of the thing fally 1 t Neatl 1 . Ga , ' ® year, io or 4, 2 Y KMaecuted at this Office. Office N, C. Rail Road, April J, 1868. tf tL the end of the year, oral eee ryhad $s ‘Onsly foward them as the generation oraeles| Other Jeading Republican Senators m " ; cliffs of Arabia, the ills of Palestine—in the bylon, and jn the dan- such nimyared fall Ay cave anin iiness and accar iney. that we are placed ns advant , URY, rkansas a since, Mr.j; erry. one of the Radical Senators icut, expressed his utter disbelief in the doctrine that Con- grees had any rightto resirict the the oh the people of the Southern : wont stls boom SS rap ae = er, “While,” sai sof shall yote for the bill, as it stands, Ido not consider the conditions worth more than so mnch blank paper.” — concurred in the opinion. The New York Times (Republi- can,) also says: “Each State can modify its laws as the emergency re- quires.” That is our doctrive,—the doctrine masees of the coantry. The Howard amendment will soon hich bong.an the lips of Jesns, as He recited a parable on the shores of the Gallileat lake, on those churches Which rectived fren Paul or Peter! wne of their epistles of warning ex-| become « part of the Constitution, and it expressly guarantees to each State the right tu regulate suffrage jfor iteclf, wich “tlie sole restriction jihat the non-voting. population shall seized with a cold that followed salivation, which his constitation became dis-\it; indee * the State, from the smoke that is to be death he beard the bugle sonnd of the of the Conservative and Democratic] » position. the excluded from the raito of repre ES Es t e e te lf a tressingly withered ; he nevertheless has faith br the medicine. Northen robb-r and “smelt treason pon the tainted iat He died rae soon af- ter from Mercari ysis, ‘T' - er son F. WP, eee: powerful, we trong fellow; he claimed to be “born in- Canale’ be lines” be saw a star in the West; fired upon it; his gun barst, the coueussion of which left him afflicted with asthma and palpitation of the heart. His dangbter Caroline S., married her first cousin of the same, Robert Y. Chivalry. He was of Englich ancestry and plamed hinself upon his cont of arms—a rope and a seaffold, Tho family were proad re at Ji Ebney work the lands upon h terms as in. their judgment would cem to be most secure. i va 6 faye et by anote which I have just received from 1 'a rebel flag 3.x 6 inches had been found ‘in the p sss guise bolt sete | evidence ; joyalty, consequently she would-be denied the usual. honors of lagers * His orders are, that her re- mains be placed ia. a cart drawn by a white horse, driven by ‘a colored Por man,”* in Potter’s field, con: the back streets. At pod ges paces polaris Pac ; ven, i i iY; Sena- ats been bitten by a Kansas animal, Amid thé covfasion and alarny her ‘ coffin was overturned. A W physi- cian standing by discovered and pro- nounced ber in astate of trance. Her bu- rial is therefore indefinitely J have the honor to be, r morons “ge. 6 ‘our 6 IZiD, ie stig hcte ots COLUMBIA. P. S3.—Charleston is terribly infested with Federal ticks, the inbabitants are se- annoyéd by them ; they have en- riously deavored to destroy them by Mercurial ointment, but without the slightest effect ; the sting ie almost avtala ; Post pe rify t on Bd spreading charcoal over nal to that of a ‘T'ar- are a filthy vermin. The , however, is trying to pa- is erecting coal kilns all over seou. Cc er ae ree IMPORTANT. The following is important, if true : A Telegram ia the //erald, profes- sing to originate with a person enjoy ing intimate relations with Judge Ohage, represents that he would only ta noniination when the natiou was jn its utmost peril, and not then &ta sacrifice of his honest convic- tions. Headmits that the Radical party and himéelf differ widely, and, as parties are now organized, he is with the Democratic party. Le dif fere from them only on ove point- that of universal manhood sufleage. Lie agrees with them on all other Administrator that } Pompxn -of the'details of these disco contained in the journal of the a ow escape was the wretched man lived we know not how long. ing been. disturbed therefore, vived his Ina shop connecied with the public baths, not far from the foram, were also found two skeletons of persons who had died each other’s embrace, were both tiquarian bosom, aud the bony twain were ebristened ‘The Lovers.’ of Jane, of the same year, ei were found under the rains indications of a banquet, ou a them. One of them had seized cial axe with which to effect his but sank down exbausted, or saffocated by the mephitic accomplishing this purpose. ment made by several writers, and ated by M. Mounier aud Dr. Dyer, the priest actually cut his’ way thro’ two walls, is entirely erroneous ; the walls, do not exhibit any traces of such opera- who Jay in the centre of the adjacent fo rum triangulore, This man, whom Bal carrying off sdme of the rich silver farni- ture of the temple when death overtook him. As the journal makes no meution of the cireumstances, the reader will re- American Iteviow. y sheserved for | the ity of ec athe geotamen, a her faithfo fe ‘ - PER a ahe be'smancipated: whic : “trae wi he Tas t ot hor’ deash,: dhe’ "tot finally sank ueaal but reiter- | ; fall daty, seldom a tions. Tradition tells of another priest) onog ig wer celle Calevas, was said to have been | = From Washington Washington Jané 4 ceive the account cum grano salis.— North | After hk *Yes! the river of life, which ix-|scntation, Before a provision of the Sresout from beneath the throne of | Constitution, the empty tulmisation Ged “nnd the Land, as. it« flows) of Congress, eontained in the Arkan- the spinal cord gave weay. through ao hiany conntries, sometimes’ tus and ¢ dnnibas bills, will bardly The othee d aughter Jessamine lived to beara with if the earthly evidences of rise to the dignity of “a Lull agains! | be an old waid before she married, end at ite conqueste, Latihe great volume of| the comet |” —NSentinel. Inst “cast her perfume upon the desert great issnes, and, if clected by that party, be wonld certainly carry out their policy. _The deplorable conii- tion of the Soathern States demands proper Oongressional consideration, | ; and also material ald from the vener-| ase, and ran away,—dashing the vebi ee ae Runaway Accident.—Yesterday morn- | j ing, in the vicinity of the Central Depot, the horses attached to the Omnibus of the Exchange Hotel took fright, from some | Falls of St Anthony, . On motion of Stevens, the Home of him — it was a goed rope epou which they relied until 1865, when it broke and 3 rs it ag e s a x pa l ki ins. Ghe'sar down f toome ta w awhile then she ed, ner dimmed bi i's transparency, | hor-béreft of its heeling virtue.” <<>>. TUE VOMIO CUIICAGO PLAT e FORM. Gilbert Alsbott A’Reckett made very jew things out of the Cuinie Piacktione, Comic Mythology, & But at we said ast week. the London Punch wever imagined anything astunny.as tho Chicago Convention aud ite platform As we also said "Llast week, it won't do to exhaust the Bemic platform ata single go. The euried Authony “might swallow the wived pearis of the sedactive Cleo- tra at one intemperate draught ; mt Anthony was, afier all, a kind ot nperial pig, and the dasky Queen of the Nile no t evter than she shou! be Bat the comic pearls of the Chicago wel m must be kept carefully away Cider vinegar, or any other el on the coffe of the people's siee: es, add tossed from hand to hand, so that everybody may have their fair Now, then, ladies and gentlemen, we will have the great pigeon trick,” or Section No. 2. Lere it is: “ The gaarantee by Congress of equal su to all Joyal men at the South, was demanded by every con- sideration of public safety. of grati tude and of justice, and must be Wahintained, while the qrenies of t suffrage in all the loyal States prop. erly belongs to the people of these States.” 6a, yousce, we cut off the heads of the two pigeons, We don’t plack them gow. A word in your ear:— We postpone that until after the elec tiot, Bat we cut off their heads. — Then #a put them in this bag, and ifs wateré has weither bee Aimini-'-| feat, tiKen ap one by one, polished | share of honest laughter over them. | 2) ps IPS GENERAL STONEMAN. | This aceowplished and distingnish jed officer will leave for Richmond to- | dav, to asenine command of the First | Mil tare District. The telegrams are jnot sufficiently clear, up to the hous j ,Of our present writing Ay U8 int ling aj} We are present, his assur a gq we hi ent, gard, tur the command as simply rank. In any event, wecannot permit the opperinnity to pases without express ing ow regret at General Steueman's de; arture, Lie adininistration of the affairs of thia enb district Ins been marked by « singular wisdom, delis cacy and devotion during hs sojourn in owt midst, he hag evinced a digni ty of character, both in «cial aud official intercourse, alike honorable to himself and gratifying to the people. If “Virginia mast remain onder military rule, we should be giad al ways to re ceive the infliction at the hands of euch officers, who, while true tothe service in which they are engaged, jean administer justice to the captive with ao impartial haod. Petersburg Express. —_——_— —~—ae_ -- OUR oadinaes aclu SENA- To Senator Wiley, after along wrang- ling with his conscience, at last yield. ed to the devil and peachment. Lle is at least consistent, as many of our citizens can attest who heard his delivered in front of the court-house in 1860 after hie return from the Richmond Cons vention. Ile said : “Tf there is one man upon earth | would desire te see hung above another, that man is Abraham Lin- coln.”"—Morgantown Constitution. |my reeol P| stewar ' and at “; or ® | john voted for inns | of air; having by aceident made the ac quaintanec of av up coantey “pled,” which reevalted in a clandestine alfiance . | thiok] his mame was JJN.D = The fawily how-| ever were very mach mortified at ber coa- descension ; but to make the best of a bad bargain, as a prelude to social iuter hint a littl: appoietment, it} rection serves me, of judicial Ile was a friend to Bacehns d his reputation upon a demi couree pave ahent the There was also a litle fellaw family mansion—they called him Jimmi J., sometimes nick-named General. He heard of seme intruding squatters on Mra ( hivalry “a land about Beaufort. He swore that he'd “run them off with corn stalks.” Sa trae to hie declaration, he went down with a lot of them, when he met aboat 5000 there. Me. did ran the whole of shem; that is At ren and they ran after hive, although pany-built, he travelled at the rate of 2-40, and never stopped antil he reached the family mansion aud therc took sheher ander « Chestnud tree to evel off, believing with ILadebrae that, “He tho fights and runs eway, May live to ficht another day.” Tie was a sort of supernumerary, yet he lad a key to the family pantry. They however, dismissed him- -a good riddena, for he was a ltuman moth. Tam gratified, gentlemen, to iaform you that your mother maintained ber men- tal faculties to the last. Bhe spoke freely an to the cause of her ure death, and attributed it to the indisereet applica- tien of Mercury. She admonie' ber frieuds to guard against the too free use it. During the old lady's illness, ber confi- dential bouse-boy, F. J. M. Jodas, ran away from the neighborhood in which he was raised, and obtained a situati the ring-atreaked and striped tribe. She heard of him, bat he swore he never be- longed to Mrs. Chivalry, They dressed him ap in a livery, and indeed, I understand they put epaulettes on him. He pats on a great many aire as all freed- men do. I is supposed that be had been al Government. There is no Consti tutional anthority for holding the Southern States in subjection—it is alike unwise and anjust. Lle favors enfranchiscemen’ and the removal of cefrom every white Ile thir dom and manhood suffrage are un pulitieal disabil:' man in the South iks questionably right, bat conutroverts any other power than the States them selves to confer the right al government having wo co the matter. Ile “5 wlirien eesty, egarde g-neral amnesty as almelutely necessary and arges libers al aid to the Seuthern Railroads and navigalle rivers. Ile thinks Government sieuld build levees from Cairo to the Gulf, and arges an early return of specie payment. Condemns in strong terms the trial of citizens by mil tary commissions, during peace, and hopes, if Johnson reorganizes the Cabinet be will appoint a due propor- tion from the Southern States Replying to a question, Chase said : “Congress had no power to abridge the President's pardoning power.” the The Danville Times says that a gontle- man in Rockingham county went from home, a few days since, leaving a little negro bey in charge. A negro man came near the premises, and asked the little boy who was in the house. Being inform- that no one was at home, he insisted on ia. was made, and he hold of the boy and whipped him.— little fellow then ran to the honse, ing there before the man, picked up a gun and shot bim dead. When the own- %\ er of the premises came home, he reported what he bad done. Faithful guard, that! A HAIL STURM. On Wednesday night last, a hail storm, very severe for a few minutes, fre« | ele violently agaiust the platform and | concurred in the Senate completely mpeetting aud shattering it. — the Arkansas bill aud sind s Cones Committee | ‘I'he Rev. II. T. Hudson of this city, and | of Couference. ‘The tax bill was cesumed. Mrs. Wharton and chbild,.of Salisbury, were the ouly persons ia the Omnibas at the time. | first reported to be serisualy hurt, received jonly a few bruises and cuts, which, wo | trust, will not disable himlong. ‘Thedan- er Was great and the escape wonderful. YT the colored driver of the Omnibus, was very painfully, if not seriously, injured, — Sentinel. _>- Kit Carson, whose death is just announ- wild adventare and daring to all Ameri- cans of the present generation. The death of the renowned and redoubtable 23d of May, of a rapture of an artery in the neck. His career has been one of ro mantic interest, as a trapper, guide and mountaineer. He was born in Kentacky in 1809. In 1847 he was appointed lieu- tenant in the rifle corps a the United States army. In 1853 he drove sheep over the mountains to California, this being then considered a very hagard- ows undertaking, and, on his retarn to Taos, was appointed Ladian agent to New Mexico. . i tal in brin the United on a niission of this kind he visited Wash- ington not long ago in company with deputation of the red men, ms f toar of several of the northern ern cities, Family made Sick by Drinking milk.— A singalar and semew ing occurrence took at the of Mr. G. W. Wightman in this town Friday last. At dinner some Mr. Allison, dise We are rejoiced 16 state that! said: “Praadalent neither the lady nor child were injured at | such an extent, in, Ri all, and that M@ Hudson, although at ——— ermine bas been viained.” sections, the a] power on a Commissioner, rere ov! to recess. The Departménts are all closed. The city is perfectly The Democratic uiet. y in Ovegon fs thousand. The Late Kit Garson.—The name of | the following : ced, is ene that has been the synonym of | the city in twenty-for the track of one mére. Si t is stated that others “ Kis” took place at Fort Lynn, om the] similar missives, +, ‘ have received - visited several sections of the coun, try roandaboat us. In the sarroand ings of Snatchburg it was quite heavy —beat out sixteen panes of window | P” glass from the house of Mr. Falling- ton, and levelled vegetation. to the ground. Around this neighborhood some of the stones are said to have been the size of hen eggs, and to have left their print on the roo’s of houses. Ia a portion of Person connty, it was equally severe: eat. the blades from the corn, and beat down al! the vege- tation of the gardens. The storm rattled go lnstily in one section; that a young man, was was np stairs when it commenced, harried down, for the purpore, as he said, of dying along with his father.—dilion Chronicle. pe A few months ago Greeley said: “Pros hably General Grantican afford to be a deaf and dumb catdidate, but this coun- try, cannot afford to elect a deaf and daub President, ‘| shake thom ny be Nee as fly—the white pigeon with t pigeon’s head = and the black pigeon with white p'geon'’s head on. You *t goe throagh the trick, eh? Very ‘ae it niay be as well to n that Mr. H. Greeley is sup- pe ed to be delivering this fecture.) So ladies and. , Fou see expr: ssion—"Eqnal rage to ath”—is what pretty coowndraom. We thar might barcenlde “South Pele,” bat 1 told the Gomnnitttee on Resol ations that L considered that as carrying the joke a little too far. For, ‘you see, when we make a conundtim, welike rouething definite. We cant’t: bear eT to beequivoeal. . Now, that Section 4 No. Bis what J call-exact; for, einee *Fho Wah cat give: a definition of it, no ae Wndérstand it, there ins’t the'Slightest, danger of anybody's be- ing misled by ity: And as coon as the lecture’s over, and gentlemen, (Mr. Wiley resides in Morgan- town.]} —-~—— The Wilmin,.on Star says that it is blicly rumored that Qol. kd. Cantwell been requested to move to that city, with the view of receiving the appoint- ment, by Gen. Canby, of Judge of New Hanover Criminal Court, vice Judge Meares, to be displaced. This is hardly ao. Ganby"s appointees have to wke the test oath, whieh Cantwell can't begin to do. ‘There can be no objection to Jad enticed away by a tellow in the neighbor- hoot known as A. J. McPeter, who is said to belong to a secret association, of which it ie anid there are fifteen handred dollars missing. He is a eon of old Peter everybody knows what he did; the family rilver was aleo missing, and there are various surtnises as to ita whereabouts Old Mr. Chivalry left two illegitimate sons of whom 1 will advise yon in my next, Having died intestate, General Canby j j. |adminietered upon_the estate, which is bmg ate ot Sar OC ene generally believed to be insolvent. The ——~ admiuistrator had appointed several Pole- The New Seeretary of War—General' cat agents totake an inventory of her Schofield is perhaps the yonngest man | Oharleston asaéts, He isa conscientions who has océupied the porition of Seereta- | qaaker—he is of opinion that his commis- ty of War... He #3 not yet thirty-sevon | sion will abeorb the ehtire interest if wot cars of age, Me- graduated at West the corpus, after diseatnting funeral ex- Pointin 1853. He was made “@ Brevet | penses and $11 por diem for the grave Major General iv 1865, and was snbke- | diggers and other incidentals. If, how- poe raised to the full rank, Ip May jever, there me Ke sey on —_ R67, Was assigned to duty as General ing, be is under conacientious y Comw the first ateny district, | conviction," that itshould be divided among consisting of the State of Virginia. \the Ethiopian family as the rightfal heirs ; re awe btn in a very short while after were taken It was supposed to have been cansed by something eaten by the cow. Dr. Robinson made a chemical} and ahalysis—with what resalt we have not learned. —F agetterile News. —— pe TUE TAX BILL There is a general ‘conearrence of }man who opinion among members of Congress} tuous. Hearing that the tax bill as reported by the | I would not comibittee of Ways and Means will | earth so not be disposed of this session ; bat that portions of it—namely, stam An tax on whiskey and tobaceo, will beaten in @ y enacted int’ a separate law, the re-] foams; stit im sufticient foarte make mainder or nearly all of the remain-}a tafin batter; a little “salt; and der of the bill going over to the next }bake in inuflin rings or roll pan. You session.—Pialtimore Sun. will find it an excellent tel-¢ake. ~~ + eae te Ritts sc nto an Watchman & Ob Korth State. fin the several States. This isthe doctrine{ ‘Che Southorn heart ts fired with the!” Tnftueneing the Votes y Senators on NATIONAL DEMOORATIC CON-- a pell, [for which the Southern people have al- Seteerrenil Pia are amyenes be-| Impeachment.—Thé Washington corres," VENTION. / ways contended and still contend. ~ goa wiese ont Saat ke tte = _ hoe sg Journal jae $ irae wha we hear, por ¥ ‘ very © following Jaconi¢ messages,’ general desire on the part of the delegates tice and the Conservative people of the! tee? society, the tongue of slander pursues d over the wires between Parson vlect, and others, in the Southern States, South, it will be seen, is a mere abstrac- | them to retirement and spares not the wife rownlow, of Te anid Gen. s‘to attend the National Demeeratic Con- . : : i 5 or daughter. The bullet of the assassin will be produced by the Democrats, if vention, whieh meet in New York, on the + tion, and is practically one of no impor- 8 bullet o : H “ : and loving smiles, Me. 1-0, Badger: @eeret o. ae hes As a citizen of the State |2"4 the torch of the incendiary are ever they can get a hearing before the nosing 4th of July next, ‘The determination of Mr. BR. ©, Ba \ retaty o e)¥ . Ss : ; . (ready for them and their property. ‘They committee ; /Some, perhaps, will be influenced b the State Conservative Executive Committee, of Ohio he voted for universal suffrage in| are made aliens in the laud ot their birth, ‘expenses of the trip, aud hence a desire requests that Sceretarics of Congression- be State, but held that it could only be |and so far as the power of their enemies {has been felt, that arrangements would be al District Convestions forward to him conferred by a vote of the majority of the | soca, life is rendercd miserable. mado with the Rail Road and Steamboat |” Kind words and gentle tone ; the Nation rat- | present voters of the State. Such is his Standard. Companies, to allow) persone attending |: all their native freshness aud the credentials of the National Demoerat- | present voters o ate, Su ee ee that Convention to do so-at- half fare, or te ie Convention, exeept in cases where the | View of State rights, and he claims that} The italien in the above sentence. are one fare going and returning, ss apie bd ome t overflow credential have been already delivered to | the State of North Carolina possesses the | OUT W © do not quote is for the reer Wo regret to learn, from po oe , bed Nhe-she-edinin the delegates. same rights as the State of Ohio or any of refuting the slander which it contains seagi $ myo Re * The difference between the Chief Jus- of thought. They are driven out of gen- Knoxvitie, May 3. How will Fowler vote? W. G. Brown ow. ing hi Wasuixeron, ay 2. Think he’s all right. W. B. Sroxxs. Kyoxviix, May 4. Don’t know. quarters, 4 + | _ . that all efforts to procure such an arrange- ever fe , . f State |—it carries with it its own refutation—| If you ain’t certain, pamp him. ment have failed We make this state-| oP" nohly fanning the eaten i # ———.e-- jother State. On the subject of State orig : eee W. G. Baowstow mast, for the laforeation’ af itt partis brow—the re -HE BIGNS OF THE TIvEs Ice nee eding all that i -} but to ask the question which it suggests. . . “ 4 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. [rights this is eonceding all es is == pest se pliale saad ie aa. Wasuixoroy, May 4. |'Those who attend the Convention ina s tog One of the two great partics which di- ded in relation to enffrage. Carry out his ‘it that fa 1 sate” aathe Tean’t. He wou't discuss the question. | therefore, expect ny, full fare on of the vides the people af the country has ita | Vows ee ee ee ee I fear he is shaky. usual roazes of -travel. found in their own party—that it ie eon- presidential ticket fairly in the Geld. ‘The | Soutbern Btates will very soon settle the lle Gicae. names of Grant and Colfax are foating Ge for themselves just as the people ket lines from Norfolk, ancy 5, |Newbern, Wilmington and Charleston W. B. Stoxzs. The Steam ae ; = Kyoxvitue, May 5. the masthead of every Republican paper | Ohie did. Whai more do we of the} “Life is rendered miserable” only tol ‘Pell bim if he'll resign and let wre rete ere Dotr JA ster Pray. nar .osh oS in the land. But thus far they have ex.| Sh ack than to have the matter left to those who have been actuated by base ope ir gt tha place, I'll make bim mcg rane he od ptm ects: va ne lees es than aie ever be. {the Coustitutional voters of the Southern and selfish motives, never to those whose |jzdge of the Supreme Court, in place of Harrison, who will make way for him. W. G. Brown1ow. W asHINGToN, May 6, ae inationa | tates? Nothing. fore produced by any similar nominations | States - a inoen of high y. excitement. It is sapposed by many that the diver- In the absence of any evidence of capaci- ganee of the Chief Justice from the Re- sea-trip at that season would be desirable and beneficial. _——- NEGRO.SUFFRAGE, condact has been upright aad honorable. ———~-—__. Enprror1ay Convention.—It has beev He won't resign. ty for civil employments, Gen. Grant's military prestige doea not promise to aid the Radical party materially iu the ap- proaching election, Colfax is a man of pereonal popularity with his friends, but he has ueither the abilities nor the force of character to add any thing to the } sirength of the ticket. Both Grant and Colfax are identified with, and were nom- The publican party commenced with the pas- sage of ths impeachment 1esolutions.— This is a mistake. It commenced at least ayearago when he declared from the beneh, on opening the Circuit Caurt of the United States in Raleigh, that North Carolina was still a State in the Union, and that peace having been restored she was entitled to all her rights and_privi- leges as such. That declaration fell like to the advertisement Springs, which appears in our columne to- decided that the Conservative editors of North Carolina assemble in Convention at Raleigh next weck. Tho Watchman & Old North State expects to be represent- ed. W. B. Stroxzs. Kwoxviie, May 6. Not profanely, bu’ religiously, tell him to go to hell. Weed rebels against the Obi strange in a gove W. G. Browxtow. |ple.” Thisis trae : pe Tue Sparkirinc Catawsa Sprines. —We invite the attention of our readers of these famous The Butler Inquisition.—The question has repeatedly been asked why Butler did not call before him Mr. Hugh J, Hastings, who has publicly demanded a hearing. — the coantry where colored su Even the stomach of Tharlow platform, which he says “sounds ment of the peo- A plat- form which, in the langaago of Mr. Weed, “Declares that in one art of| mingle the kind ies is likely to prove ru nous it may be es. tablished and eufurced by superior gaze upon the often retract the tear stigmatize as cold, proad and gelfish 4; 5 pp mata lies ex- posed to the ai cag r, we would : har cone serare ert icism, and une! le opinion, ex- ae tend the warm of friendship and i ot PF icn of sympathy for| monse crowd. ‘The tea the one bowed down by some bitter sor-jeured- 5 row, unknown to thé world, so ready to” A from the, Bay inated by, the impeachment party. failure of that infamous political scheme day. The place of their location is fa- miliar to our readers, ‘The medical pro- perties of the waters is surpassed by that of few, if any, watering places in the Uni- ted States. Every inducement to the health or pleasure seeker is held out by New and commodious buildings have been erected ; a lake has been formed for bathing, and We do not believe that he has yet bren summoned ; bnt we find in the New York Sun, which may account for tho hesita- tion of Batler to bring this witness for-| the people whe have already declar ward: ed against it, does indeed sound It is reported from Washiagton that strange in & government of the peos Geveral Butler's committee have summon- ple. ed Hugh J. Hastings to testify with re. gard to the alleged impeachment. corrup- }tion; bat Mr. Hastiugs bas not yet re. ; ceived their subpena. He opeuly regrete the springs are surrounded with beaatiful | ips failure to arrive, and declares’ himself The | anxious w appear and testify. We are, climate is delightful and the fenrrounding | of course, not aware what his testimony See yonder weary traveller ready to fal- | ¥8* to tory the ware He set sot bay The Bil. i autly, hopefully with noble aspiratious br eae and lofty ambition, bat lacked the sporal a courage, the energy toovercome the res temptations, and disappointments of life, 1 2 . He is weary, heqeishaoh an and ready tof Senate.—Mrs, despair—for him there ia no bright ee Us ’ —_— ing ray to relieve the gloomy furare; not} {# suport of Up power, while at another, where such suffrages woald be too inconsider- able to be noticed, it may he left to a thunderbolt upon the ears of the Radical has greatly weakened the party which cal leaders. ‘That declaration, if trne, as otiginated it, and has, in a corresponding the conservative men of the whole country degree, strengthened the party in opposi- believe it was, at once convicted those tion to it. And thoagh it seems to be| leaders of the grossest usurpation in the pretty certain that the Southero States| Passage of the so-called Reconstruction will pe admitted under thrir new bogus Acts. oo Coastitations, yet the that those acta were unconstitutional, and strong that the Conservatives will carry the Presidential cleetion notwithstanding The first great gun of the campaign was fired last Monday. Ou that day the election for a member of Congress and State officers tock place in the State of Oregos. At the last election the State went radical by about one thousand m jority, and the Radicals filied a majority af the State offices. Now it ges Con the enterprising proprietor. It was equivalent to a declaration A writer in the “Southern Plantor| one star of hope to dawn on the troubled the and Farmer,” adverts to the fact that | waters of the soul. He falters, faints by aod family the branch and creek bottom lands | the wayside—when lo! a brother's ready, The are becoming lesa valuable year by | willing hand of sympathy is stretched ‘ime. A year, in consequence of the increas | forth to raine him; kind, gente words fall Isbame was’ Il really be: but i 1 1 that! 'ng difficalty of keeping them drain. | %othingly on hie ear—loving glanece . article for the parpose of advocating the | cconery is grand and picturesqne in the| Wi really be; but it can be proved that : ing ‘1 | meet his own enkindling the last faint : a , 4 he positively and publicly affirms that hejed. Ile suys the ditches, and the| , : ; nomination of the Chief Justice for the} highest degree. Every variety of indoar|; : ; | spark of goodaces in his breast—he arises {hig g y ia not ouly ready to swear that all his ef-| streams inte which they run, are more with renewed strehgth and id : “juanseinentis also provided. In short,| forts in W ashington were ia favor of cou-} and more liable to fill and hinder the himself and 5 okt s or > ki. lod cided by the Northern Conservatives who} ey erything bas been dune to wake it one vietion, bat thar Mr. Woolley toh) him drainage than formerly; and then} to battle wich lige pee seen tak pot that the tioping depres rtd hae ra le to} points ont a reason for it; which, it led victor at last, raise money {to help t ‘resident, beeause | is obviona, is in the main trae, to Kind we ‘ i i “they had been obliged to pay so damn- wit: Shallow plonghing on the adja- | * tir eatchelin! gpa dl» ¥. edly to Butler and other prominent mem- f indications are from that deelaration dates the disagree- ment between him and the ultra radicals. acd shady walks for promenades. We have sot commenced writing this Presidene y That question must be d are the best judges of bis availability. If] o¢ the most desir ablo places during the be is the «nly available man wiih whom summer months in tue country. to defeat the Chicago nominces, then we We hope our people who are disposed think the nomination should be consetred ° P ant Var 2 ROT to retire from the busy scenes of life in cent uplands, the soil aervative by at least one thoasand major aty im the election fur a member of Can gress, and the Conservatives bave a deci ded majority of al) the State offices. This inseres the election of a Conservative Uni ted States Senator from that State. This election ia ominons. I: ie bat the bezia ing of the end, if the Democrats and Con eervatives bring oat their most available apon him ; but of this we have no means|, of forming an opinion. We have no means of knowing whether, in the event of his nomination, the democracy of the North] If the Northern Demoeracy could be nuited np would uuite upon him or uot ; on him, then we should have uo hesitation |, in proneancing him the most availal'e candidate that could be selected. J: he tor . ™ fe } t oO 4 «re < > as candidates for the Presidency and i ter, accommodated at home F There is no oath for a siugie day Jplonghing on the wijacent aplands, Vies Prnsidency ehh worckel ilies should receive the nomination at the New reason for it at all, that we can sece.— = wee a and watchful guarding against wash: ail will do York Convention on the fourth of July, Spead your money among your own peo Hay.— Let any one visit onr wharfe and | es by setting the lands with grase 6 And dchieties in Pre rsalblican ranks and the people of North Carolina should ple, and seck health and pleasure where | ece the large quantity of hay brought crops. This wonld reqnire concert, a 5 < ae i ul be called upon to participage in the clee you can enjoy congenial society and ben | from New York. Baltimore and Philadel or general agreement in the system of | does not promise to confined to the vo-| d PD 4 J 5 ting masses. There ie unmistakable evi forget the claims of the “Sparkling Ca | Hastings proposes togive evidence of this g tawba Springs.” be encouraged. your money where it will never return to| he presames to circulate rc perts of an in- when you can be quite as well, if not bet- tion, we would support him with great] (+ bers of the House to keep the whiskey be pursuit of health or pleasure will not} tax at two dollars.” The tict that Mr. ditches. The creeks sort is another reason why he should be summoned im reality and spe edily. He performed a conspieaous part in the 1! Home enterprises should | Why ge to Saratoga, or! nels are diminished in depth; the wa - Jari . : moeber he he pockets of our ita poverished people Juriwus patare reapectiag sor s of th ; committee, we do not sve how they can} rendered more uncertain for agricul. afford to postpone his examination under! tural purpeses. Remedy | phia by every «teamer and vesscl whieh! farmir } t your neighbors while von are bencfit eae) - = raches tet : - : z hy all the ocenpants of any * piace trom Uros@ cities, an k di given ¥ Ney. One lish j cheerfulness. And, in that event, we be-|:, if : {Z'ven valley. One molish man in the dence that many men who have heretofore : : |S — we would suppose the qnestion woeld! community would de much mischiet A lieve trat be would reecive the votes of | —— suggest iteclf cannot all this hay be raised - ranked as leaders of that party are b« i yer ® p , Davin F Carowect, Eeq, has dis X ; ; ,; i that the | {Others and himself by non confor. ‘ . on cd of | (O0Geands of men in estern arouna jin North srolua bis ataiesl tha ve sme Oy Ait seer who voted the Radical ticket in the Late | Pte of the : \ p of New York ia worth as mach shee { , { its revolationary measures. Foremost t [* JW. Al ou erp of the Soath. Every | U%S' fo provide some remedy é : c| election s '.... a ee among these is Chief Justice Chase, of i H thay browzint to North Carol =< a * But there is one point on which we | ictal Li 1, kee out of the State (neve thane tof FOR SALE OR TO LET the Supreme Court. Frow the Mmenee . the ~~ {th ak ma the 4 ’ r perhay to} F. ; would like to hear from thet hief Justice, retory) at Jenss three dollare aud fifty! Th y have higt ts ala N O ment of the impeachment procerdings be le vat " Rad y oa gO rents also in New ()r a A 1 = and on that peint we would like to bear | > s including freight. With the slight | leana, and the Aalletin of that city reeent has parewed @ manly ead iadeprnden from him as Chief Justice. As it iaknown |™*2 9 Mr. Caldws ahould at effort on the part of one hundred far-)} © coarse which bas drawn down bim the « the Vditorsal: frateriite we that he regards the rec strucuion acts ae upconstitational we woald verest denunciations of his fomocr f a Tt ie aspect certain the: he ie no longer ir sccord with the Rrpablican party, and jodicial opinion from him to that effect.— » pan Py ty, }} | Bat if each that te ot support the candidates of tx eo cae ie pane opposition. high quarters of cominating the Chief Justice himeelf as the opposition car tj ste for the Presidency. But this is done or not, the weight of Mr Chase's name will weigh very greatly agriust radicaliom, and way, of ito If, b suibcient te tarn the scale. Ile mo ter and an e . . ; ; be can point to @ practieal plan by which convected with the Republican party A+ ’ ae, b b mn sembenaunn Gage a0 Cham ave (civatica |e curry cmt that theory « much as the | | like to have a rs t be obtained 5 re the Supreme: Indeed there is mach talk ix F ‘ Court we would like to have Mr. Chase's opinion as to how those acta, and what has | z been done under them, can be set aside whether and gotten rid of, and how the qnestion af | t suffrage can be submitted to thi t constita tional voters only of the Southern States Aa Mr. Chase has laid down a theory for s th t the settlement of the perplexing question ’ int ‘ . Southern people desire to see x universai : i pr ; : i ra nto his house, has po further weed | haw in abilities. None of them have in a new scries of this iagazine for young | Cedts contracted prior ta the lat of Jaue, | of hie splendid and eommodious ash hole, greake dagres possessed the eon ides | amnesty proclaimed, they will yet not be peaple @ wcndily ga gin popular fa 1865, which clause will undoubted! y be| which hes been cleared out suerly regard a . ened afider a ; ; F e dily gainix “ | ji ’ ‘ satisfied witl re} t t basi jexpanged by Congress. (yl two claases | | f the Northern masses. He will doubtless | “t*Sed with a settlement upon the basis vor. Sabeeription pries 81,50 per year.| 2? gee by & J ess of dirt and expense, and will now be jof “uaiversal a 1aesty and universal suf be able to explain hie reasons fur bis pre frage.”” Nor will the Northern people be . Ys yrs - use seater cag vi gande head lodgings in @ quiet and retired situa ent coarse to the satisfaction of all, a H. B Faller, Publisher, Boston, Mase. | the Senate ( omimittee, those coniraeted|tion ‘Terms made known on application ye a ee, | satistied with a settlement upon that basic tegen jin aid of the rebellion, and those for the | George Gripe, 34 Balletin aveaue aay ip a er saP, P ste + 1 ' } z Jaga fe > | any more than will the Southern peopl. tH A duel was fought Savannah, | purchase or hire of slaves. All other} = General Residence for Sale.—A splend = anearvanry — , . | That has alre ady beeu demonstrated by | Ga, on the 3d inst, oue of them was| debts are to be held snered. id Saratoga trunk, formerly the property labor: he ; I the vote oa n gro suffrage in Obio, Michi-|cilkd Forncy's Ohromicle. | of M se Fitaflutcer, has been moved upon | semis ato! chert ’ gan and other States. For, as Mr. (hase Sp Oesct The W ' . the pew land, its roof raised, and the key country, we yet think that the eens i , at 7 r , R bE. | Rock WELL aso heen The Wilmington Star says that it is bole mate ally eularged ; these alterations } J ' ; netit ational : i ; a times judicate etron rly the el " "A nme hahaa ited tliat dd te hipaa * elected President of the Female C | publicly rumored that Col. Edw Cant- | with the differer {compartments in com . sid — og. | State rights man, we take it for granted eel - well has been requesved to move to that! plete order, reuder it one of the finest re the _————— aus ne é \ihet. when b speaks of “aniversal suf ge a ates ville, i o jlace of y, wih the view of receiving the ap | sidences fora gentleman of wealth now er at the next election, and it ) age.’ he means quivers! sufrace in giiileey. 6. Me MM. Catowsis. resisned. | poinunent, by Gen. Canby, of Jadge of in maiket Pree $182,000. For key their elevation to power that we ean hop: ls Thiet 1" Seal eciie chick tie | Mir. Rockwell has not yet significd hie} New Hanover Conrt, rire Jodge Meara, | 2pr ty to Knockemorf & Co » auctioneers for relief from our present covditio aah il eet aida ' 7 ie ay to Le dieplaced Vhie is hardly so. Can-; $100,000 maet Le paid down to the auc : , { Svatbern penple and ihe Northern ¢ rceeptance of the new place, tor {bys appointees have to take the test: tioneers before entering - : - servatives are deeply iuterceted, and we {wh wtowever, be is usdeutl, Oly boath, which Cantwell can’t begia to do Sasa —_— © "7 e ¢ ae ; { PRIEF JUSTICE CHASE | repeat, we would be glad to ace Mr. Chaae’a} well qaalitied. | Phere ean be no objection tw Jarge Execution oy A Caiminar—At the It is mow certain that this dieting ie apa __ an Mears, other than that he is opposed to pigs term of the Superior Conrt for the i ot deen . : } ica} . man has severed his connection with { P.8. Since the above was ir ty pe we CF The Board of Trastees, which met | Radicali«m county of Lenoir, held at Kinston, George 8. { 1 ) ceed arenas : : Repablican party, We has re Vinee rrecived the Lvichtece x f the [&t the Univerecty, daring Commence: ment | Washington a negro boy abont eighteen » fe rave reecived the Lyuch EB avew3 of the : clas emivent gro » Nv years of age, Was convieted of the erime ifthe NX et h That able and reliable conservative Worth, President Swain, Gov. Gr tham,! = The Richmond Dispateh, in an ac-,° Arson, and yesterday paid the penalt corres poneryt wL Gre nal, ia the course of a leading article, Judge Ruffin, Judge Battle, Treasarer count of the memorial ceremonies at Of bit crime upon the gallows. It will he vu extract from whiner letter we | Ide the following language ; jitatile ,llon. D. M. Barringer, Hon. 8. F Ashland, Va., eays that one incident be rememberrd that there was another a ey ieee, Gere “Todeed, all things considered, we re. | Phillipe, P. C. Cameron, Ee)., D. M.j negro suspicioned of having a hand in . } n—~that be te fa accord | ss forth his postti gard Jadge Chase as by far the m y - ; cere mas - i B : was towolved by this Board, as heretofore hoe z oot - . satee sentence aa Washington; bat who with the Democratic party on ev é © lavailable and desirable candidate—als ay" | otate d, ts reqnest the Faculty of the Uni.) Clk #84 a } ner aid nah wae reprieved a few days since by the aye sting the country except thai of premising that the V/rruld has re presented | versity to continue at their poste and af-| this grave Said & bady, OF BNO Governor. Washington made a fuli con- eaffrage. Heise for universal suffrage | jis views correetly. While we do not ae-| fer to the young men of North Carolina! ment there was silenee, and then with him elf, but denies the power of Congress |eept without dissent and protest many of} th é J Louth- pov 10 the people of tf <A a A = of the mote when elected, we are willingto make © €Zleusion ie the most lbera! concessions to defeat our! b tive franchice, le coutends, arch-enemy, Gen. Grant. ade by the consent of what We will publish the atiele from the | i been the goverung clasg News iv our uext feasion to which he will hereafter duvote | I self 1 jy | om ne of the ablust one of the most accomplished editors iv | qniries from Wilmington and Fayetteville by Messrs. Taylor d& Foster in the Backwoods, by an old Hunter,” with a full page illastration by Billings The King Bird, by ' Spe citocn nambers, 10 centa werk, consisted of is Fxcelleney, Gov { the ideas he bolds and will vo doubt pro- | sion. the public may expect the cxercises of the |diera now sirewed flowers over the ly 17, 1866.—Scminel. wish hiw! mers in Craven county ten thousaud alee (12 printed the follewing wpe f hay could easily be raised. Cannot ove bundred be found who this Fall will put | five reres of land ia grasses, if go the jabove quantity will be raised in Craven couuty alone. —Newtern Jour. oe Com. | We copy the above for the purpose of direeting the attention of farmers in this j section to the matter. We bave had iv- | which seem to hint tbat house-builders eould find profitable employment in the Crescent ( uy: For Sale A splendid hogsbead, jan vacated by the former cccupaut, who leaves it for no fault. The premises are 2 eweet location for a family with young childrev ; are in thorough repair, with bung hole centrally situated and hoope in good order. Asely to Richard Figgs, Grocer, 144 Cinnamon street. To Let.—One roost on the mill recent- ly pat up at Hantamville, in the building formerly occapied by Henry Fowle.— Price $350 per anvam and taxes. Apply to A. Kuhster, on the premises. Rare Chance.—The subscriber, having recently introduced steam heating appa very success in the } ractice of hie pro _————— Tags CHARLorresvittx Caroxicur, ef oar Virginia exchan } j Southall, es, has changed hauds. Mr he coantey, retires, and will be succceded | merchants to know if baled hay could be o | purchased in thie market. Uf oar farmers ao Laeaeaies | will pat their hay into bales, we are cer- Merary's Misecm, for Jane, contains | tain that any quantity ean be sold in the he first part of “Mink Curtias; or, Life } aa al ace — y lamps pe The Constitation of Georgia, as framed by the convention and ratified by the The | people, contains a clause repudiating all elia Thaxter; Litthe *rarl, the “Star” story; ete, cic | of debts will be excladed from the jarie we leased to a few single gentlemen, who de- aarese, |. AN INCIDENT, : oceurted whieh touched the feel : arter, Ke and F.E. Bhober, Keg. Ute ail The grave. uf @ Federal ty the same crime who also seesived the Deep | [ of which is} beod’s sweet simplicity and loving trast, swept off by the heavy rains into the! can =A pei the power of kindness as creeks and branches, low lands and | the hits |lovingly around the neek. ing eyes. | happiness ; kindly to the low! when harsh measures avail pothing. Let as then away with anger, detrne- | tion, and despondeney, and erces the at |tars of love, charity and faith. | atious until we beeome @ souree of annoy- | ance to oursvlves aud others. Les as 4 er extract the aweets of life ip such profa- sion around, and mar not the joyous pres- cut by anticipatmg to-morrew's storms that perchance may never come. A word, « look, aloue conveys eo mach happiness or misery,” The word, | gentle tone, loving giance, aad the gamer. } ous little acts of kindness and affection in | the every day davies of life aré the gems that shine brigh est in the christian’s dis | dem —out weighing by far the eold, formal | prayer iesuing from the bps and not the heart, in yonder proad and lofty cathe | dral with the light streaming throagh the | stained windows, and falling around the altar like burnished go Cheerfally | then let us go forth on missions of love and | kindness with an ing word to the | desponding and weary, breathing words of og and consolation to the seffering Jy and dying. Kind words and loving smiles to afl they enst ne nothing, though pricelous | gets to ourselves and others—and not Jouly bring the approval of oar own econ science here, but are recorded by angel hauda above and help fit us for tmatortal- \" ; } } Ae nall gees cieeaeas Coxriscatiox.—Da wo wonder tha the Congress of the Northern States de not pase a Confiacation Act when we ob- jferve that the lands of the South are be- jing sold every day at unparalleled sacrifi- jeee! ‘Think of a tenet af land, in Rock- ingham enanty, containing 330 eres, | with a mill on it, selling tor 6330; of a | traet on the Piedmont railrond eclling for } $1 per acre; and another which sold for ) $1500, sinee the war, being “knocked | Mt’ at $260. Is thia not practical confiscation proda- erd by Kadical rule? We imve before suggested that the real plan of that fofa- property of the Seuth by the tinposition of taxes which no people on the globe, in ont impoverished condition, caw pay If Radicalism shall eoutinae to ruls the country, millions of aeres of land in the Soath wilt be soid by the tax-gathorer, and the shrewd Yankee will be. oo hand to buy them at one-tenth of their value, He will thos get oar lands. virtaall for nothing, and still say, “how mMagnanimons | , " feation ou the gallows in which he eaid ve usual instruction daring the next ses-|ONe voice all said, “Yea, for he sleeps that he alone committed the crime. He |now side by side with onrown dead.” stated that be had made his peace with his As it is understood that the Faculty | And the same fair hands which dec-| God, and believed that ave granted this request of the Trustees, orated the graves of the Southern eol-/ed. Washington only lived a few seconds his sonl vas say- Jniversity to begin again on Friday, Je we are, not to confiscate your property |" Wilmington Star, ieee A badly banged ap Irishman, in r- sponse to the ingniry, “where have you wake, and an tHlegant time we had it. Fourteen fights in minnttes nly rave of their enemy, sleeping 0 «i | Miter the drop fell, the fall breaking his Heatly by their sides. , aeck.—Newbern Journal of Commerce. one whole nose left in the honse, end that e one glances Jovingly into the and branches | cyes bent in teuderness upon it; claps the being filled with the sands the chan-| tiny hands and twines the dimpled arms | id willing? bill that oy ia other Northern wateriug places, and epend| grame which have been published; and if] (€'s faised nearer the surface, back |C°8!d willingly ebs : Sweet young 6p ! s 4 es I up the ditches, and the Landa, thus| ’*s aad bring tears into those pare lov- ae <a a o 4 a made more liable to overtt wa, are Speak hindly to the erring, it may yet lead him back to the paths of virtue and menial, for their's is a weary bot of toil at best, and the rudest natures are keenly enseep- tible to the power of kindness. F.ven the j inatioct of darub animals acknowledge ite | sigh power by yielding to kinduess Inetead mity—au offence for whieh the law) of narsing the selfiehness in our own | breast thet magnifies petty cares and wex- been ?” said “down to Mra, Mulrooney’s | ~ A ae = ze et | mous party was to confiseate the landed | *” The proprietor af the tel had Woolley’s pas oy. mor one hundred dolflarwtn the Oometistee Datler counted #) 4 ‘ Municipal affvies are fy state quo. = See DIED; in this ebanty. émthe éth Mrg. Jane Crongeten, wife of Mr. one belonged to the tay-ketsle."’ ¥. Clodfelter. Aged Mout 54 5 r< f ; é 1 5 ri Hi ae i F & I e 4 ; i F ing rr his hia 1 E F E = e of what 4 ig the remsum for the chango al- if rE falls of rain greater or more . forinerly? The mo | ae met, The rivers than formerly to $3 Pg r F e s : realily than for- their banks are lewer, the = much more cou- with water and ron- i. all the be due generally been { : z if to mills th elianges which have the cultivat. ro been} and the cunhon ve, must be of a t io its applica~ careful aitention to the growth has prevailed hither. ho uall forllity of out wasted. nll, and ai flats from the domains | © ically in their beauty —* energet back ir face of our country. Tux Usrveasrry.—The exercises of the Gunmencement of the Univer sity of North Oarvlina closed ou Thareday afiernoon last. We ijearu that the Commencement was well at, tended, and the exercises are highly spoken of. There were twonty gradu ates, and the class is rogarded asa talenied une, and above the average clasges of the Institution. Anticipa ting a full acevant of the exorcises from a highly competent source, we suspend a further notice. We learn that the Lyard of Trus teea resolved to continue the exercise. ee ot ihe Institation, until their pow ors were superseded by higher author jity. ‘The entire Faculty resigned itheir positions, last fal., but the board unanimously requested them to cons _} tinue in their several relations for the present.— Sentinel. ee A Funny Story.—TVhe Detroit A dver- tiser la epousor for the following : About “_ one of our business men visit- New York City, and while there or- dered half a dozen cartes do visites of himeclf, which he distributed among hir friends in that place. A few days ago he was sarprised to find one of these “coun- terfrit blance ” in po jon of the family cook, An ap ony woe into the a disclosed the fact she bad re- céived it from a fortane-teller in New York City, who advertised to send a cor- * of their the sar- being wash of superficial their sides torn and res * every imagin- widt The soil of the hills fe 118 longer care seems to no other growth protection from the Watereshonid be allowed. — the — hasbeen — a few inches, ¢, that FGeind “net pom off by sink : ry ow! must ! apen the surfece.— No have been taken to auppls o ‘and fertilize soil, while the agricnls taking from it his : wheat, corn and appid succession. Tho little il has been kept light ble by the method of cultlva- opted, hea therefore been com- “Mery “vif the rains to it Woald, The hills » heen borne to botioma by the waters flowing in ies ahd ditéhes, Tire rmaterials could be Gasily carried away ator moving down the inelined tinces of ont Ifa. cannet he eo dily moved where tho elope is di- tished, OF course, then, the wasth- of the hills ‘must fill up diches U Greek channels on the flats and Theat; has ] ny + tat reduce these flats to unproBtable| rect like of any young lady's future husband, all for the sam cf fifty centa, which amount the cook had remiticd, and received her employer's likences in re- tarn. — —-- Ocr Rartacavs.—The Railroads in Nerth Oaroliaa were never so well man- perbaps, as they are at present — Ciena Caroline Teed, aus the Pre ridency of Hon. Josiah Turner, eceme perfect in all its fanctions, and proves the eficieney of that officer. The speed is about 24 miles au hour, connections are never mnisecd aud accidents never hap- peu. Sea A SMALL BUSINESS Mr, James Sinall, an employee o the Wash ngton (D.C.) Post ottice, voted the Conservative ticket becanee he was a white wan, On going to the Post office the next day for the pur- pose of resuming hie duties he was informed that he conld “git"—in oth or words, that he was discharged for toting the Oonsorvative ticket This isanice little piece of parti aan generveity in Washington ; but if Me. Small had been a Southern Rad eal and had been. discharged for | voting with his party, ho! how some | ttle military head-centre would have raved about “febel. proseription.”— Great eountry, thie! People as free as caged hons!~Morning Star. { _---—>-- | The Standard says: “We learn that | Jadge Brooks haa determined to ‘hold a | United States Distriet Court at Salisbury, ‘on the first Monday in August next, and j at ville.on the second Wednesday | afw@the first Monday in August. This | will be » great convenience to many par- | ies who have business in this Court by more «thorough | M -| Williams chants are among the victims the California Meehanic and, also, three thousand citizens, North and South, for cight hours work in Government shops, were present- The Omuibas bill was up. Trambull explained why Alabama was erased. Regarding Florida, which was added, Trumbull said: “Meade reported the ma- jority for the Consititution at five thous- and fifty.” Sherman favored the amendment. Morton favored an early adwission of Alabama, but feared the insertion would pa ange the whole bill. He would vote inet the amendment, but would favor & separate bill for Alabama's immediate admission. Wilson denounecd the which Alabama voted, in as absard. Quite a harsh debate arose atoong the Republicans who had favored the clause requiring 4 majority of the registered vo- ters to ratify the Constitutions. Withoat action, the Senate went into) Exective session and adjourned Wade ted ‘Trumball, Drake and Committee on the Arkaneas and Stewart ision under b terms, as Bill. House.—After unimportant business the Tax bill was resumed. Wood moved that the Cotmmissioner shall not appoint a Revenue officer, in any Distriet, without consulting ite Congress- ioual representative ; which was rejected. IY | 4,109 officials, whose salaries from: ‘, ; wt i a ¥ Gigantic Powers and Patronage. Washington, June 5, M.—The first section of the Tax Bill ie” , 80 ean neither be suspended nor remoyed, except The Commissioners’s is $6,000. He will aggregate $6,500,000, and who handle $200,000,000 per annum. Mr. Garfield, in moving to strike out Congress and Other Matters. Washington, June 6, M—The House last night, reached the 23d section of the hi 1, with innumerable amendments have sent @ delegation here to urge Con- ono beer hops De, Waris brewing between Pern and Chili, growing out of the settlement of the accounts of the Spanish War. The Ottawa authorities continue to re- ceive information of Fenian preparations along the frontier. From Washington. Washington, June 6, M—The Senate, on yesterday, in Executive session, re- jected Gen. Geo. B, McClellan, as Minis- ter to England, and confirmed Alfred 'T’. Lacy, as Collector for the first Revenue District of Louisiana. ‘The Conference Committee on Arkan- BAS — to the original House bill, with the additional stipulation that any altera- tion in said Constitution, prospective in its effects, may be made in regard to the time and place of the residence of voters. The conference report on the Arkansas admission bill will certainly be adopted in the House, on Monday. Bat little interest is taken in the Tax Bill. Itis the positive opinion that it will not this session, thongh a epe- cial Bill, redacing the Whiskey and modi- fying the Tebaeeo Tax, is cer- tain. Sechenck’s Bill, which he regarded a complete machine—one seetion depending upon another, and oye che as unless adop- ted as a whole,—is already torn to pieces. Its consideration will probably eid by striking out the enacting clause, Funding the seven thirties delays th debt statement. 1s will chow a reduction of seven millions. The Customs fur the weck ending the thirtieth, were wearly three millious. The Con aption Committee don't acem Batler said: “When he believed what would benefit bis party would not beoe- fit the country, be would leave his coun- wry.” (Cries from Democrats, * Don't come on our side.” Butler opposed the bill and denied the | as head of the Dopartincnt. Sehenck said: “If Butler's views pre vailed the whole bill would be destroyed. He opposed the continuance of the sys- tem allowing the President to make all appointments.” eters wanted the section stricken ont Ilo believed the bal was wrong in ciple. ‘The best way to prevent was to redace the whiekry tax. Several members argued that the pas- sage of the law would legirlato Rullins out of office. Finally the sixth ecetion, conferred the appointing power on Rollins, was stricken oat—64 to 45. After farther discassion, indicating wide diversity of \iowa regarding details bur no indication of opposition to the redue- tes of the Whiskey Tax, the House took & recess to 7 o'clock. From Washington. Washington, June 6, P. M—The President .reociwed Mr. Barlingame and the Chinese Commission tsie evening. Fall ( abinet meeting to-day. The President bas nominated John H Mileon as United States Attorney for Virginia. Oapt. dohn L. Warden, of Monitor no- toriety, was confirmed as Comainderr, and Commodore Thomas Turner as Rear Ad- miral. prin saad From California, New York, Jane 5, P. M.—The “Oce an Qaeen” has arrived with one million and two hundred thousand dellars in gold The Yellow Fever kills two hundred daily at Lima. Business is suspended. Capt Blakely, inventor of the Blakely gan, hie wife, and several promiacnt mer- Canada— Fenian Scare Ins From creasing. Montreal, Jane 5, P. M.—The Fenian scare is increasing. A flying eolamn, of four companics of regulars and two Battalions of Volan- teers, are here, under orders to move ata moment's notice. Quebee Volunteers are prepared in every respect for the cam- y - yeh gree furee of Regulars go to Pres- cott next week. At Athlone, Canada the Fenian sym- pathizere are jabilant. They expect an invasion before the 20th, instant. Two men were arrested at Sweetsburg, with mape and papers; implicativog them as Fenians. Malone, N. Y. Jane 5, P. M.—Fenian fairs are to be getton up here aud at St. Albans to cover movements of the Feni- anes. Lai nantities of arms are arriving here hed aerahie. Prominent Fentans gay that with this month they will have a large force and | Ottawa, Jane 5, P eure, footing in Canada right of Congress to legistato any man in ha Vamcndeecat leak ba | “here after” was lost, a disposed to distarb Woolley iu bis prison. Gorbam has announced that be will make po changes in the Secretary's ofSce Sherman's ill relative to United States notes legalizes and wakes valid guld con- coutracts, which may be made bereafter out the word the Lill pasecd the Benate, on yesterday. Congress. Gorham was sworn in ae Secretary The Omnibas admission bill was re sumed, and an amendiwent ineclading Ala bama was discasecd all day Mr. Morton eaid be bad changed his mind about the danger of the def-at of the bill, by including Alabama, and should vote for the amendment. The debate was scaitering—moetly confined to the rceord of opposing Sena tore on negro capacity. ithout « vote oa the Amendment, the Senate edjoura ed. The eonfereneo report regarding Ar- kaneas, and after Excoutive Session ad- journed. Honse— After unimportant basiness, od, and idera the attendance the Tax Bill wae: was slim and all important points were ble progress made, bat held in abeyance. The Conference Committee on Arkan sas reported, but on motion to table the report, no quorum was voted aid the House adjourned w Monday. From New York. New York, Jane 6, P. M.—Oollicott, Wright and Allen were sentenced to-day in accordance with the verdict. The crowd was immense and seenc impressive. The convie:s were men of standing, who had defraude! the Government of immense amoant of whiskey tax —_— : Supreme Covurt.—This tribunal con- vened in thie city, on yesterday—Chief Geter -Ohepeer wae by the advice and consent of the Senate, | "i the section, denounced it ag awfully mon- strous, X ts. Wie Petoder’ Aiphiigten of N. York | Salt, z Se s s s s : . ot Sr SA S S T . S S R I e E R e BS Z S S R S E R S SS S T T E S - . J TI S T E S ea n k F a s s B Sk e Ss s e s s s ss s e - 8 s . se s z e s y Se c s e c e s -— oe NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. | 2,000 LBS. SEESWAX, for which the highst market price will be paid. Also a large quantity of GINSENG and SENEKA Roots. C. F. RITZ. Opposite the Market-House, Salisbuy, N. C. June 12, 1868. [3t-w-23.] Fresh Arrivals at SMITH, FOSTER & CO. 100 | og Dry Goods Assorte:l, 10 Boots & Shoes, 300 Sacks Salt, 15,00 yds 4-4 Sheetings at Factory prices 40,000 Iba. Rolled, Haihmered auu ass't. Iron, 5 Hhds Molasses. We buy Rags and all kinds of Country Pro duce, and call attention of tbe public to the largest Stuck of Goods in this imaiket. We are also agents for Wheelers, Mellick & Co's. Tareshers and Cleaners, Ca!l at Spragne's ol] stand, near the Market Hons SMITH, FOSTER & CO twlm June 11, 1868, 2 Sparkling Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COENTY, XK. C. ‘13 Ceuxpaareo WATERING PLACE will be epea fur visitors frum June lt uw December Ist. Sulphar and Calybeate, earivalled, Accotnuw dations oosurpassed, aud a bealtiuer and more delightfol place not to be found. The Proprietor bas gone to great expense to improve aad beaatily the Springs, with ao eye to the comfort of his guesta, and pr ery thing will be done to add to the pleasure of ali who may honor him with @ viet Take the Western N.C. Railroad at Salis bury, either on Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning, to Hickory Station, where y w find Hacks for the Springs, a distance of inises ev ox 8 sr e e bk e e oe Oe Se enn ‘ een ene e Royal Bengal Tigers Subdued The Monsters loose in the Streets of Salisbury, Wednesday, June 17th. COL. C. T. AMES’ NEW ORLEANS (4 AND TROPICAL AVIARY!! A tripple confederation, almost {Iimitable in its resources, and more gorgeously and elegant- ly equipped than any kindred Exhibition extant The aed active aynbers THIKTY-SEVEN ACCOMPLISHED) ARTISTS, Male and Fe- male representatives of the most elegant, grace- fal and pleasing Olympian Sports, including Equestriani«m, (iymnastics, Pantomimics, Ac- robatics, Mortstaties and Athbletica Among the must distinguished of the troape, aro— M'lle Extelle Zoyarra. Victoria De Jee. Madame Elizabeth. Mr. Thos. Watson. Mr. W. Naylor. Mr. Lewia Carr. Mr. Horace Smith. Signor Tibbe. Mr. KE. Winne. The Castilion Brothers. Mr, EF. Banker. Master Frank. Master George. and the Two Intens ly Llumorous Cloons. Washington, Jane 6, P. M.—Senate.— ro silat JLVDEN WYATT rooms d.G Sparkling Catawba Spr ¥ Catawba county, N.C. watwidm TY EYOTIT ‘ ‘ ‘ EX EC U | ORS SA LE ! AS Brecutor of the lat will and Testament of Samael Kuox, deo'd. 1 will etpose « large amount of perenal property. belonging to his estate for rale, at bis late residence on Wednes day the 10th day of June next) Among which property will be a large quantity uf Corn ; from 40 to 50 Sacks of fine flour ; One thousand pounds or More df Bacon, logs & Cattle ; One fine Mule and Llorse. one Four Horse Wagon and gear; one Fine buggy and harnesss ; A fine lot of household fer- miture, kitchen utensils and Farming tools of ail kinds ; One fine threshing ma- chine, and horse power, And many other articles not enamer ated. Also, alot of North Carolina Rank ills will be sold at the Coert) Howe in Saliebury on Setarday the 13th day of Jane Terms of Sale, Six Jane |. the credit, with bond and approved w< Saretic Nt required to have more | law exenipta nity Ww = y thas what the Jastice Pearson, aud Jadges Battle and The Coart, conferenee and argament, docide<] that its | Reade, being present. alter powers, as now constituted, were not in terrupted by anything which bas as yet} transpired, and procecded, in the morn-| tng, to the cramination of applicants for | County Coart license,— some twenty -tw: | in number—all of whom passed. We learn that it was left to the candidates to decide whether they would apply for li cense and pay the tax fer, in view of the fact that, ander tho probable in-coming re- gime, there will be no Coanty Oourts.— They decided to stand the examination. In the afternoon, applicants for Sape- thor Court lieouse were examined. Raleigh Sentinel. —— employees | | have been arrested, and committed; for trial at Wilmington, for removing the rails of the track ao as to throw) off the train. The train was thor- | oughly smasiied, bat neither passen< gera nor traiu hands were injared. | M.—Anthentic in Cause—malice against a conductor. Ithe t | ‘ The sale will be « { a mile f Third Creck Stat {, aud Train Ros day. w* that pm n = } BROUGH. Eer | Kwox | RM. ROS! (w3t-20) 4 Sane Southern Shoe Factory !| Sheliy Brothers & Ce., | THOMASVILLE, nc S RUCCESSORS of JS EL tablished in 1979 —We ar Men's Boys Women's Mi pegged Shoes of the best qual y and at prives | to suit the times, | Qur Shoes are mrde of good matenals and warranted to bave no ehem)dy im th | Particular attention paid te orders for price list may 7 twaw3in elly & Soa tranttact uring oe es and Obiktren’s | a fal Prawo Tuxer will receive orders by mail |from the country as well as from Town, and stop about the middle of July at each places from which orders have been reeeived, send orders immediately. Terms reasonable Address, PIANO AGENT tw3t 3561 Rox 95, Charlotte, N. 0. | aliet and Accomplished Tiger Slayer, | and indomitable eour BOB SMITH & Johnny LAWTON. The Zoological Department Ts of immouse magnitade, and embraces HMundredsof Wild Beasts! Of almost every species, and geographical range from the ELEPHANT Of the barning desert of Africa, to the White Bear of the Arctic Seas, or the Bison of oar own Western Wilde. To this is added an unaenally Large Aviary ! Of most beaatiful and brilliant Birds and Fowl Monkeys Apes and Babvons iu countless num bers and every tribe. A Band of Masicians ‘hs! aknort- edge wo superiors in the rendition of true har- mony Horses, Trick Ponies, Edo- coated Males, Acting Movkeys, Sagazivus Doge, only The Besu‘ifal and Pairy-Like Signorita Bila B je, and the distinguished Natur- HERR ELIJAH LENGEL Acco ach Bx panies thie Coleexa]l Combination, and at vibities & their miraculous powrr by entering the dens THE DAYS. F ROMAN CHIVALRY ECLIPSED 1 | yond the limits of this State blication be made for six. weeks in the MENAGERIE, Circus, =" marie, on the lst Monday in and there to answer or demur to t STANLY COUNTY. Court of Equity, Spring Term, 1868. Thomas Biles aod wife Elisabeth, af al. v. George M. Sides, ef. al. PETITION FOR SALE G7 LARD, T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the deiendants, C, G. Melebor, Wan. 11. Melchor, Green Melton and wife Caroline, son Sides, Henry Marsball and wife Sallie, Car- ohne Hearne, F is” 2 and Anderson Porter and wile Polly, beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered that publication be made forsix weeks in the “ Watchman & Old North State,” noti- fying said defendants to be and next Superior Court marie, on the 1st Monday in September next, then and there to show cause if any, why the lands mentioned ia the Petition that not be said Coart at office, wad ag or yy in March, YADKIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ped Dorm, 1808 A. Speer es. W, Hl. Bodwell. ATTAGU MENT LEVIED OF LAZD. N tbig ease it appearing to,the satisfaction of the Conrt that the defendant is not resi- dent of the State of North Oarolien, It is or- dered, therefore, by the that be made for six weeks ‘np the Old North State,” ' of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be hekifor the county of Yadkin, at the court-house 4p Yad- ALEXANDER COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1808. Ma W.L MILSAP3; Alexander county, N. C., wherein tiff and you are defeodant, when you may be preseat and crus see proper. This, 10th Ji A MARGARET E MILSA 23.61:$8 \] 071 CE—The Copartnership-of Whitehesd N & Henderson is this day cimolved. The bovks, notes and accounts of the frm are in the hands of Mr. John F. Moose for settlement WIITEHEAD & HENDERSON. Jane 1, 1966. Dr. Whitehead will continne the practice of his profession. Calls in hee abseave aan be left at Dr. Headersoa’s office, or at «ts revideuce vo Falton street. June bist, 1968, tw3tow2w Vogler & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Mens, Women, Boys & Misses of S , Tdons -_ For List of Animals and Pretorial Pest ete par. tlare, ace Tills, Dalletine genera Descrij | SALEM, fC. OUR Shoes are well ade, and of the very rest Materials. We invite mescahotetoeram - ne oat SHOES ; they will speak fof them- selves, an@ will we think. Compare Favoe- ABLY both as to QUALITY and Pysom, with j any ever brought inte the State. — The Grand Procession on the morning of the day of Exhibition, will be wanayally gor- geous and grand. Ig it will be borne two tri- umphal Cars, on the top of one will be Bage- nie surrou 1 On the oth- er, seated «ide by side, el and a Roy- @iger! Th ily one pecies » ob parma bimeelf to Yield to the wa a mah. Bear it in your mind that this is etrict- ly a Southern enterprise, and the Proorietor and Grafton Mineral York Cost. march 2-3m-—220 FOR SALE! TWO BARRELS OF THE aint at New at this Office, May 19, eat JOB PRINTING Neatly Execwied at this Offce, e e without its disagreeable smell. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Cabbage ina) Bag.—Cabbage cut up and boiled in a bag like a pud- ding is superior te that prepared in the cnstomary. way, It is tenderer and of better flavor. Griddle Greasing.—lt is stated! muskets. that a griddle. may. be, prepared for their yells, and defied the power baking cakes withont the use of| police. The mob yelled for Grant and) PN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of grease. Cat a wrnip in two parts|( olfax, while robbing, plandering, and |4the Court that the de tendant Phomas D, and pass one over'the warm griddle.| murdering. Grant and Colfax is the watch- | Foxworth is ation resident of this State: Ibis It answers the purpose of grease, word of “these demous let Joose.” Grant ets are 0! sterysl th aT be made for and Colfax is all they know, except the |“* 1" Ae un he MW atehunaties 0 u North State local name of Bowee.”” Grant Qolfax AM Jnotifymg said defendant to be and appear at > ap rhite: a Jour ne Yor ot Pleas and larter Sessio Choclate sneer the whites of Bowen will he, betiip-commanity, held yur next Court of Pleas aod Quarter Sessions, | subjected to the foulest abuse, and aren el sso cars were'agsailed with showers WATAUGA COUNTY. of stones and missiles. ee ‘58 . p The negroes were armed with clubs, Court ef Dicus and Quarter Sessions Aprit razors, kuives and pistols, and with them Lerm 1868. marched whole companies armed. with} Reuven Farthing They made night hideous with vs. Attachment. of the | Thos D Foxworth. . echiaten = S0re b 7 to be heldfor the county cf Watanga at the = muh peice xb agar, gr ored responsible for all. the terrible outrages |. nels iu Bueeion aye br ‘eadas a Se sere Or ran pe wert z Lock > committed by their mob of negro suppor-} July next, then aod there shew cause if any make water chocolate, very thick, and \ ters, who rush from a Grant and Coltax | be has why the property levied on shall not be when cold beat it ap with the es | ratificatio rapine and murder, | condemned to the use of the plaintiff “ : n meeting to rap > b i Y gnd sugar. Use the white of one egg as an exemplifieation of the liberty they | Witness J. B. Told, clerk, of ouy said court at and one stick of checolate for each expel to enjoy under such leaders. office, the 2d =, yates Sr m person. the city of Washington bas been made, J B TODD, Clerk. Choosing Meat.—In__ purchasing | by the Radical majority in Congress, a political experimental garden. Iu the re- prady $8 00—19 meat by the quarter or in less qnans . a . tities’ select such pieces as have the tults of the last few days we have an ev- State of North Carolina, Jidence of the consequences of Congres- : : a WATAUCA COUNTY. smallest, thinnest and flatiest bones, | cisnal rule, and Grant and Colfax as the] Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April covered by fine-grained flesh with ; ; et ; : . . > an nominees of negro-equality Radicalism. : Term, 1868. tat intermixed be thin ibe aks ce lay- | National Futelligencer. | Wm. Horton, Guardian vs. Thomas & RE. ers with the lean, Such pieces will Bien : Prophecy.— Attachment levied on land. Barney and Stevens.—A . LC appearing to the satisfaction of the Court ;W nung to one of his “two papers, both that the defendants, Thomas & R. E. Brown daily, 2 ou the close of the impeachment reside beyond the limits of this State: It is or- trial, Col. Forney, ¢ lerk of the “high | dered by the Court that pudhcation be made court,” made chis prophecy : for six weeks in the Watciinan & Old North “Should the Senate of the United | State, notifying said defendants to be aud ap- States fail to convict Andrew Juhnson on|pear at oar next Conrt of Pleas and Quarter oon of soda, two of cream of tar the accusations of the House, not an =. to acpi Se be baoar tar, And flour enough to make batter lectoral vote, with the exception of the Teetiay ia daly went, thee and there shew about like pound-cake. Bake in a vote of West Virginia, Missouri, and CD | cause why the land levied oo shall net be con- loaf, nesse, will be given to Gen. Grant in the | q.mned to the use of the plaintiff Ei re Ger | Southeastefn States next November.” Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk, of our said court tverton Tafie.—Put into a pre | So Stevens prophesied: That “if the} at office, the 24 Monday in April, A D. 1868 pen OF kettle three vances of | President was not convicted, the Radical be found tender, juicy and most pro fitable. Good Molasses Pound Cake.—One cup of butter, one ot brown sugar, one of molasses, three eggs one table- spoon of ginger, two tablespoons of cinnamon, acnp of cream, one tea~ J.B. TODD, Clerk. very p Dutter ; as soon 43 it i8 eandidate would carry but two Northern] pr adv $8 00—19 add a apricin of brown | 5tates—Massachusetts aud Vermont.” e - a men sine sngar. When half done add the —»——— State of North Carolina, JUNE. grated rind of a lemon; keep it stirs red gently on a very clear fire tor| fifteen minutes, or avtil if you drop it on a plate it will break quickly. Washing Prints —To WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term 1868. S J Ce T y«& Bro, / vs > Attachment T n } xKwWwor } a) quantity of hot water for washing a! Legielature of Georgia elect twol ki ee ntidaction of 3 e = ue wn ; vas D Foaworte dreas, add a tablespoon of beefs . a gall. Let the dress rematt his @| Democrats to the United States Senate. few minutes, then c enot ' wash } immediately i: quickly as possible if there are epots ty be removed, ajr iw toy e his iends. tele | ply soap when dry la took “his servant girl tol, aid eee Aue ty epit ar vt he Russians bav nronerty le Lemon Frittere.—Mix with six ob A , Vhe E . 1 1 | yd ontces of very fine breal « n! ptory of a widow who maolabl Z f heel caet i . » . forr th husband, that she took | our 0 of suet mine ae chia 5 : pean) four of beef su n bas ‘8 another to keep from fretuag hereelf to , ie possible, four ounces of sagar, ‘avie- af poonful of flo four eggs |gitly ie State of North beaten, and the grated rind of « COUNT) “Leng she hea in wait, Makes many 8 feint, per)= forth. draws coyly back | Thea from some soathern ambush in the sky, | Wits one great gush of Liossems storms the orld.” . , ! (James Resset Lowxn.. T a sufficient | as edicted that the) the Conrt! re | \ State: Itive » weeks oat like othe prints. Rinse ROTC ai ure Was #0 Ine ourt at lek loss of h i, clerk of our sa J,B. TODD, ¢ death. e } act $3 ) two lemone with half or she Carolina, | State of North Carolina, | the juice; before this is stirred i URRY iwe spoonfuls of mil } ( NTX. creety, and, whe Lire, Spring Term, 1368. | (ry the mixture in «tall fr eor six minutes. " ay a dole J, Fraizre. | avta wewr i e e shel: an ° ; buord Preaereing 1 Qua py the Ors thas fills the st 1 mae Warechone nowe When shar lia eatian boem as ' ™ shar y r wx a poruom of Uke ave 4} : by trasspuastion--a@ parca ’ ~ 7° om t wilt be created, and | iv egg diminished rappiiiv Spe ee till it becomes rotier. [i * ‘ a ) be wholly execlud J alot see cae” a lered that -.blieatior * the egg it would remo wn eata » f ; ble state for rears. Ji nf ary preservative ” wo pin t egge gprs in lime, spex downward, a hel ’ ise hee alah wna vi AH. FREEMAN, (Yk crock or tub with water. | sat | th Mooder ty May next. then and there to anewer | SOS | pM AIONS SALE! of the oo a Munday r wr penn to te a they will keep quite well for tion ts.) TW heard ex _—-—— oun toon ae to them Witaens, £. W. Done of <@mh day of March, A BADICAL RULE os olen fp Morganton 6 ‘The city of Washington, the eapital of Sseeye (08 bE. W. DORSEY, czas Great Sale of Land!! State of North Carolina, |!" a great nation of freemen, presents tray to she GoGhtry and to the world a ead pic mare of social disorder, on account enaply : La” CereeT erate sé ; : i of the re ‘ed eocorse of a candidate f W Al AUGA ¢ ot N ry f ver =e File om ‘ The mar} : a te <i Universe! IManer PU" engar cated) Geet epee Jed. wt per bow ggg edhe Life Jusatance Company the Radical pegro party for the Mayora Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Apr aptaap lina) Seater See os a) cours edminisanted in a Poyticinn’s Prec Demas. Bornes & to. VC. Welle & 00. Sebiet < | ey. Marder and repine are rif ‘Thee: Term 1868 tay of July art e - wing tracts ot lend fee. _ Kir the and 600 Boxenef) tun & Co. New York. merchi@iw ly fs e : on Hoston. Garda. en Theme &ARK| OO esestate to et: COSTARS” BISHOP PILLS. — = ae nai OF VIRGINIA. crimes are perpetrated Ly negro m te,| — ae The home tract. © t to the wnbrw's| Of extraordinary efficacy hut ive. CUSHINGS & BAILEY ches to prev wer. lymg on Py F be | y a ae gh On pie om parame ee Attachment levied on land. ie a gan) news, iedigretion, nerves end sivt ame ; ee : rap the commie-ion of these omtragrs, or to i arpeureg | Mt Ficke Caael rahe ate \ ‘ | = dyepepeia, eaagt ag ais A Virginia and Southern Institution . hy e appearing » ibe ant mtaction o ’ Fock and others, « es ol detafity, liver complaints, chill«, fe- aarest the oBienders. ven whew when! T.2%io ichmiane Townes & RE Browe| | ALS, the Sowem uel oe ee RaGnaG Guk Booksellers and Stationers : rar ae wes pr page 7 8 MCFTO reede beyond the baits of thm Stare: [ts Or: | 26 gad Greek, adjoining Charles 5 <cecidl nel poesia No. 262 Baltimore Sir., opposite Han Ita Funds are kept in the South. met from hands of the officers of the) derei by the Court that publication be made! vider Brock aod Jato Lill, co ; ee _ ’ peace, and’ defy arrest or identification — for wx weeks in the Wa'chmen & (id North |. . . . . i __ ee Ba TIMORE, It has met with Py thetr fraite shall they be jadgrd The tfyong said defendants to be and ap - MO CS fo pene > : R — RE prepere) to offer to the Country Trade, unprecedented success. a of the Madical Gen at Pies ao Guerre [ace ee ei ae, That Cough #11 Kil you. Don't ne-| LL Goods im their live, at prices that will esmenet pretended ' . adical negra’ ee ee tobe be leecearict W ateapel Rerand Creek . siesta itch pou anti j gieet it. Se bad Sie Sisee—|crnpare favorably with those of amy ether Its fortunes are beyond any party is hardly forty-eight hours old, and | ~ | ander Pad ard thers containing 105 sere | «COSTAR'S” COUGH REMEDY. | ame e bave te reeord in our jocal col Po no tg zd sein Boune, on the second AL~O. the Mieenhaaer Tract, os “er lenis : wee ‘ oe w e : olnWNS) Wociay in Joly next, thew and there ebew| ay Crock. atponing Leonard Hi. five ne enliven ory Sor Bets Beste heir Bios contingency. bratal marders, felonious bouse-breakings |... any they bave why the land levied ‘epee poake ae blah Sart ved “e « a For conghs. colds, hoarseucas SCHOOL. LAW. MEDIC . se by an infariated mob, murderous aseaulis shall not be condemned to the use of the plain Par Gite he posed oc it cock A. Mil = — b sy bal ; 4 AL, The Company bas capital ond seet le without provocation apen uneGrading cit a oe fe - h =a, —— iat affections ingere Habitity that will compare favorably with amy Life aed t Tb ’ IR Todd, cand 5 i | Ui faag bnecnend tlactas | peakers, and all troubled with Throat and | Imeuramce Company on the continent, which is the bzene, and ootrage * tmowume;rable ey Witness moan . > AL~O, on T . wth of July Con platate will find thie s beneficial pare ayes . true test of ore aniy 0 debe of aint has been sport - ul mriay ip — A D REA) vege cf M Iteecant, Coberrue Ca. ! Tectorel Remedy M Isc ELLAN EOUS BOOKS Its affairs are ccatinany etmtplitened by selected od to 00, and we inciade only theer © h : oon cr b. TODD, Clerk ql! wil a Howse an) Lit belonging t and a — is large and well selected rapg oot ee see bave been property voached for by —_ ah. ; ee \\ ~ s estale, - «At les ear the Feu = ~ ——- —_— A large and varied assortment of Foreign & Patronage. ble witnesses. If we were to pal C4 ee YY ’ ' nary. bas a good (wo story dwenng aud oth | Ieantifies the Complerion, giving to} American Btationery can always be found at ; eviews 1 ee tate of North Carobima, | 722225 tating, 201 contains one and | oa cen Wacker ane Beara , OFFICERS: : ey a ee . : WATAUGA COUNTY { tourth) acres ak a 3 ee ; : Bottles $1 wo They keep constantly on hand a fn!) sepply PRKOIDENT, might be f - — t ' ; a e y ; e known a “COSTARS” BITTER SWEET 4 BLANK BOOKS of diferent aty lew and ot | ow outrages. Bat these will entice to ourt of Pleasand Qaarter Sessions April) prranedesnog to | ny of sad AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. | thet own manufacture. Ganiog « Biodery | JOHN E. EDWARDS, whet is to be expec from RK e Term, 1568 ® ee oR t1.¢ eale Pender the ski | ebrer, arnuth and eat moested with their Store they are, at all | ee eee rule” — law -breek ing. ma v. ro Farthing A Co. ve Thomas & RE Erown. |! Tha & . } Removes Tan, Freekles, Pimples. de mes. able at slent note, to fill orders tor) Wa 1. Isaacs D Say peat bery, and violence, withemt siint aul w Attachment levied on land | KRLFRALEY | Ladies, Try a bottle, and eee its wou) Blank Books, roled to any pattern, or of any ’ - Hartsook, onraring ta ta satierten a ¢ May 4 ay ze Af t ' 1 etyle of hing a area the death of fi Be a ag —- Orde re i J by marl, will me «t@itt MEINCAL EXAMINED, u addnion tothe death of one af tl bow : . ra, received by A atone IN victime of the negro net of Friday wi i f f ZC yO) Ix rer = odlowhy EM tical H. suiTH, M. D. rad re? » are ree ted to call em ’ . s . sna ger ese i gag . Od Noah miS oe 6 ae eee eae wot rock cul Price belore yarchena ree 1 ©: Canrtt, — Jwo. H. Crazomse the City Hail, when a rhoe “ y : . - ' e Tmitutions See ee ee eee ; : elendaniete te and appe pe , : ; . whe twktw4t . . sacked merely for piauder, and its "i Sep e The hu-Kilur-Khlan is About !) None t “Costar's’” Signa-| = — ae Bie <r tan DIRECTORS: pants beaten eo severely that er f ther: <a ; MMIRKATIY 1a onchange [ea he ; lines : Noere CAROLINA B4A5L ROAD | 4 hn Endera, Henry K. Ellysom has sinee died, we find recorded the mur i PsN orrdng ce Ll) | Kip and Cait ®k us, J bow 25 and 50 sizes kept by all Drugaists Courany Stops. N.C.. April 1, 1868. come! 7. Cotuil Hob. 0, BoskersiMe der by wegroes on ‘Jurrday right, at t ew cs any vil Past Corn, Rye, | and $1.00 acre sent by mail on receript of price On and after this datethe following will be | Jobe lee ey Samnel(. Tardy, : their feaet of i flamm-* : o | yy} generally ; $2,00 paws for any three $1,00 siers sent he oe for Passenger Trains over this a ee Fee al (seg horney, Bowen, and Con ' t . ¢ se ot . | pe “ 7 gvod Hilee Kip and other | by E-rpress t ry ive Chaclotie daily. 1138 FA. A. Smith sete Be Poimet, poor vietim of their inmeane howe my mu, X 185,00 pays for e ght 1,00 sizes by Ex- “ €,) ania ee cara rida het. 3. Brat, A.D, Chocktey, the wost pablie avenar of the ey: 1 é Apel. A. I } | re thanks ty a g as | ie : 3 alisbory.......2.07 a. M. James A, K-ott, H.C. Cabell, y } Senne ad J. B. TODD. Cicck | rt «ral palronage my or | f ahi id Greensbore’.... 5.05 ™ - a ae pd Harteook, eovere wonndimg and beat of « ' Pe : . iia nie lod tha leech ons | Address, Raleigh,....... 941° «A. Tyler, John C. Willioms, others ; the wanton sacking of drag-+\orrs st ® | MENRY R. COSTAR, Arrive at Goldsboro,.. 12.25 p.m. Hi . ropdesten! et at + Taylor, restaorants, and groceries, wherever liquor Sale of Valuable Lends. Moe f, Keown’'s old stand, enrner of Lea! 482 Broadway, N. Y Leave Goldshoro’,..... 12.90 Pp. w. J.B. Morton, ‘ie. B. ee was enpieaed to be had; and the report. - : and Leberty Street FOR SALE BY Raleigh... .... 320 Wigon rot George I, Bidvood, ed murder of three other anoffending 3°; eee of the ¢ rel Court MARTIN RICHWINE. | Greensboro’,....7.17 iltiam H. Palmer, Samge! M. Price. white men in various parts of the exy— ._. June ats : ts te aC cR C o | _Selistrury. N = Mey £9; LOG. _ Delts, | JOHN H. ENNISS, Arrive hig dai ig ert LEWIS C. TANES.“Ae’r. Phe residences of Conservative private |. ahs bekelrca i . x : t | Salisbur i N. Lin Tiosest — \« rea i ; Jani? —wkwef LevGterba' NC qrtlesihe Ghd Consctvatiza jadges of the Land on the Yedkin rive 1 eet {| fold by all the Whotesale sin all gh passengers by thislinehaveehoiee) 00 ra » TT: j a © tract | | y a! mall of rout G es : slits eleetion were vieited with violence by thu ‘asta abeot S08 acre ata er liven i the large cities. feb atts |e Tomes Te Ureonssery aod Danville to} ray Teast < et 4 pe ptitet te Ae aa eee res | Riehmond ot via Kaleigh avd Weldon to . 8 ie ws fas por) intovieated | wards of 400 acres arge qnantity of firat Richmond or Portsmouth, arriving at all , need of irresponsible negrocs, with the liquor from the stores they had sacked, and inferiated by the incendiary speeches made to them by white men, whe dared not participate in the “playful | rate bottom ow each tract. The lands will be vided tu suit parchasers Know and Believe Aiso, several other tracts of upland. Terms|/[‘HAT G. B. PUULSON & CO’ DRUG made known on the day of sa ! Store is the cheapest place to buy Drugs 1 JARRATT ) land Medicines in this section of North Caroli- vagaries” of tbeir igaorant dapes, aod ex 7_P.CLINGMAN. § Adm'ra|®@ Try then: !—at ceutors of the ineendiarism they bad in-| H. & PUKYEAR, § | WYATT'S OLD STAND ealeated. White ladies who dared to! May 72, 1868 wot | May7 u Sal.sbery, N.C. | show themselves at their windows were | State of Nortli Carolina,! __ NEW YORK COLUMN. Wxpersiowoeaicun Everybody Tries Them | we! Everybody Uses Them ! “\y) Every body--Believes in Them ! «Cit 40° Years ‘Before the Pu ——— } } THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, That old, long known and well tried remedy for all Bilious diseases, caused by a DISEASED They are made ’and sold by GQ. W. DREMS, the discoverer: who ‘has removed to Baltimore, Md., where be can have access to the purest and best medicines, on the most, favorable. terms, He will aiways keep on-hand a large supply, and will sell to his customers, wholes.le and retail, at the shortest notice, {n the ation of these very superior and excellent Pills; no cost or trouble is to insure the ible degree of perfectivn, greatest in point of utility, excellence and. comfort.— They coctaia one article which bas probably never before been used as nimaticiety ned r which is a powerfylagent in cleansing the Liver, (which gives them an adyantage over every other Pill heretofore offered to the public.) The composition used in these Pills is sarefully pre- pared by the hand of the discoverer, may be used by the most feeble patient in the most delwate situation, either. male or female ; and from ibeir peculiar combination. ave highly strengthening, mild in their action on the bow- els, and indeed, in a climate like ours where colds and coughs are almost an ubfailing con- sequence of the suddeo changes to which all are subject, every one at all liable to suffer trom the infaence of causes, will find the great- est security in having bis liver and bowels well 1 J by these invaluable Pill, * Where these Pills are known, especially in the southern States, where they have beeu cir- culated so extensively, they need no recom- mendation—tbeir merits are so well known by bli¢.” Ayer's Sarsaparilla; a Ayer’s Ague Cure, Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, Hall's Hair Renewer, Hostetter’s Bitters, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer er, Radway’s Ready Relief, Or any other Patent Medicine, CALL AT G. B. POULSON & CO's: DRUG. STORE Wyatt's Old Stand, SALISBURY, N. ©. March. 17, ‘68. tw7twl4t their resalts, which bave given them a reputa- tion that bas brought them into great demand day, thé only remedy recogmmed and ured by the people where biliens diseases are so preve- leat. The advantave in this treatment (here- fore, is, that a cure aust be radical and com plete withoat the ucceswity of bre aking down the systen: in oue part tu remove & disease Ip another, They ean be sent to any point in the United States by Mail or Express. “COSTARS”’ Preparations ! oe, $15—Tiree Grow, $50—Five Grow, 6 wast ofther accompany the arder fe the Mesti ib wrtl be peat ©. 0. D. Or ‘ere should be ac ds oes oO. W. DeRMs, Ne 28, sours C.Lsous Sraner, Baurtmone M., where they will be prempt!y atiended to, hse Medicines ¢.M on respectable Draggiste vie ip Maceemeey ENNISS, Druggts, Bpeetal Agrat. Mice, Roaches. or bbe. Dox of Are you troubled by Pats Anta, dc.? § prituy a CSc. ra E-sterminators ve failit medics known.” from Potewn Nut daagero@s to the bin man Fam ly.” tate e ont of their| _ )@vately “| RAVES AMBROSIA FOR THE UWAIR, evergunere. and om all the Dru JOHN H nie J “Free yous yed with Ve sleep at nights } Saaeaen P huya te. ort f Improccd ! CCOSTARS ® BED ECG EXTER _— 4 8 T AY | Hed a t Tre g ford air. Never jaie.” ao tea tLe Hair te eer! beaatifelly. . ors eee ae It keeps the Scalp Clear i Healthy. rn * =k of oat +, | It tavigorates the Reots of the Mair. Cl LS" INshed POWDEL . eae t tos 6 sects ov | 1t forces the Hair and Bear! to grow tuveriant!y 1s immediately slope Hair Falling (at testify to ite— | It keeps the Halt from «» og Color from age rte ryt aah or We. Rex of a “COS) AB” COLN BOLVENT. t restores Grey Lair fh rig.mal ( ' =. Buawas, Warts, d« iry & t brings ow: the Hair on Meals thet has been bald - f yrare Lenfler Pan’ Wonderte! power —— of Me a rT) &mily adouid keep it u | [t iecomposed entirely of sumple and purely vegeta Us i — = TP Ray a Be or We Box of Die rabstances. ‘COSTAR’S” BUCKTHORN Satya = er 4x Leoassnd voluntary testimo It hae r ic Ite efiects ore immediate. Wer cots. Lorne seri acd wounds, sore breasts, piles, ulcers. old sores iteh, ecrofela and culsneous eruptions chapped hands, lige, Ac . bites of animals anette ad nials of ite excellence many of «bicb are from phy siciaps in high «tae ling. It ts sold in belf-pownd bottles, (the pers A. J. Roseman, M. D. PFERS his professional services to the prib- lic. He may be foand, when not absent, at his fathers, where he hae been practising 16 years. All thoee indebted to him, woa'd con- sult theit interest by paying up ahd save cost, Office at Roseman's Store. j 1 May 19, wStpd j either route. Road to and from Wilmington and by Freig! trains to Weldon. * by Freig JAMES ANDERSON, . Saperintendent. Office N, C. Rail Road, April 1, 1068. ef They theretore are destined to be, at no distant | ' PRICE — Por one bon, 25 cewta —Drg, $2.50—Hall Grves, me blown points north of Richmond at the same time by | ENNEDY'S Pw i Connection is made at Golds- (in emia Apa bore with Paseonger trains on W. & W. Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford, Conn. | statement, peo. 31, 1867. ACCUMULATED ASSETS | $17 670,288,88. | INCOME FOR. 1867. | $7,726,526,53. FOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, } as | FOR INTEREST, | $1.393,711,568 LOSSES PAID IN 1867, $1,268,75818, | DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. €643,005,00 } Interest received more than pays beware Devidends average ever per cent All polices nen-forfettabie fer astated amount be done lat » style that con be sary + a) yds a. ‘ WATCHMAN & Old Netih State, FOR 1868. ictigtde tenteas TUE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE having beew condelidated ty the banda of the undertigned, and the Battxus bavisy sanpended publication, hereafer there wil) be bu ome pape publuhed in Saliabory, which ql! be A--uraner can be effected in all forme decired | og SAML. DOUGLAS WATT, | General Agent, j Rakigh. N.C. J. A. Viradshaw, Agent, Salisbary, N.C. mar 3—wktwif Tri Weekly & Weekly, wher the above names. 1 cemneqoence of + lotion referred te, this paper | The Ariington Mutual closed after Jane 30th, for thesonimer season Those wishing Pietares, would do well to + »t | SOON, large Photographs, Cartes de Visite « other styles of Photographie ehanp. PHILLIP B. KENNEDY. n to be met win ht part the Mate. aay a 111) be ener the management of Mm, we us Méeys Proce : fo np if not the best paper of ite clase in the State. Im the @otities of the paper there will be = chango—th will contions te be ¢ firm eed ‘onmrvatire Journal, but ® will wet bey devoted “lai rely to polities, IV-will asso te dbveted to material intertate of the State, and to Literary Miereilaneons Reading, Domestic Beonomy, &¢ (idving wiv reoneciinby epenaialiaty o8 x tothe pablie for s Wbern! shate of ite serens by enbeription and edvertianpente. 4 ae ok Aetichory, N.C. @amaary 16, | SEWING WANTEL M 188 MARY HOWARD, Camnde » and er streets, Wilt. Uemen with linen fronts, for i May 29 1868. {3¢-3°.2) each. “ Fel, 20th 1*65, a y Pr a t t ul i pi t Fr of 3 it y i} “— < a * Fe <3 rT eh it i se a ot : ai d s il 7 ET T z ap i i t uj a3 2° Yr _ it e AI pe s P L E r e Li g : ef HE E i: a i f 2 2 5 if 5 zt il Rompe ampere in’ coghaarmuas athe: aes Sy Pita ffee We have also arranged to selections rench, German, other Contineatal Pen HA sted for the Eclectic to costes of moat historical events. Splendid Premiums for 1868. oo ieee tt mcotre ether of the following beautiful chrome oil paintings BASKET OF PEACHES, Siee9 X11; PIPER AND NUT CRACKERS, Siee7 X 8. Re est style of the art, or, in of them we will send either of our Fine Steel wings, Washington at pica cadmas Market, Sunday Morn- Gor Two subscribers and $10.00, we will send the beautiful Chrome, a Lif®—Size 61-2 x 8. For Three subscribers $15.00, a copy of Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary, one Volume of 1,440 conteining ever 609 pic torisl illustrations, 96,00; or a fy 4 of Ross Bonhear’s Celebrated piece, Shetland Ponies—Sise O13 131-4. Terms of the Eclectic : oe Single. 46 cla, one copy, one year, two pooetlaparatnder~y Py five copies one year $20,00 Acarese W. H. BIDWELL. v 6 Beekman St., New York. The London Quarterly Review, (Con servative.) The Edinburg [eview, ( Whig.) The Westminster leview, (Radical.) The North British Review, (Free Charch.) AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, (fory.) eas THE S0U DISEASED composition used in these Pills is and coughs are almost an uv sequence of the sudden changes to are subject, every ove at all liable tosuffer States by Mail or PRICE—For one pare aerompany the eine or it will be seat ©.0.D. Orters edte @ W. DERMa, HEPATIC PILLS, That = pnp bony! and well ws Ad LIVER. They are made and sold by G. W. DEEMS, ther Pill heretofore affered to the public.) The carefully pre- the influence of these causes, will find the t- another. They can be sent to any point in the United 95 conte —Deoa. $2.50— Half Grose, we order forthe Hed should be address ide . . all from well March 17, '68, + e « oi? WILSON ser ookecurnor, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, wwe Bes Ayer’s Ague Cure, |“"="™ Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, CALL AT G. B. POULSON & CO'S. DRUGASTORE, Wyatt's Old Stand, SALISBURY, N. C. ~ Or any other Patent Medicine, tw7t:wlét = INSURANCE COMPANY == $17 670,288,88. INCOME FOR 1867. i} - er.””—Gaston. 1) (CT RI-WEEKLY! " KPPRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: £4 MiS—CASH IN , ADVANCE, — « Pe ereeretion & aap ese some cceses shia eeeeeaeeeeeteeeowneee Advertising Rates. TRANSIENT RATES Forall periods lessthan one month Square, First on : One insertion $1.00 the discoverer, who has removed to Baltimore, ’ e Each insertion 50 Md., where be can have to the purest and . bs wed ; “me ave sccess to the Hall’s Hair Renewer, bear tres of gue ers sree 0 ee ae wd ar of Bw achr J; a sol 00 21.00 | 27,00 and will sell to his customers, w and 3 . 5 eee, wh iat dt 96.00) 3400 retail, at the shortest notice, ARES, 24,00 | 28,00 ux ie tone ee” a | Hostetter’s Bitters, |: Reine] Rel a) i csastont Pin, an songs trash is spared Perry’ Davis’ ‘Pais Eille Sevan som 3600 3300} 20.00| 4500| 50,00 im point of utility, 1h dnd at ITy Vv18 Pai r, ONE Con 30,00 | 42,00} 52,00] 40,00] 70,00 em Sa cd ve dlpton pporypgglior os Written forthe Watchman & Old North State. never as a 1c} an +4 Michie powertelageet inckeosog tbe Liver.| Radway’s Ready,Relief, | rar Twin sisTERS—NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. Corumara, 8. C., June 8, 1868. North and South Carolina, they are of — ancestry, born to positions—of thy, athletic North Caro- lina, pomessed cs Boule life, assamed im and declared her intention on the 20th of May, 1775. I: was a bold and daring en- terprise; but she had made up ber miud anmoved by opposition, with a will of her own, she soon distinguished herself tor ber capacity to master all difficulties and eschew no In character and brave, same time stern, prompt and dignified in the dis- charge of her duties, always maintaining her self-respect, slow to act bat unaltera- ble im her resolves. Her efforts were crowned with success ; for iategrity and lapse of fourteen —— dividends on such as stimulated assachusetis to a : Very soon after which, on the 4th Jaly, 1776, invitations were extended to all The jeals are ably sustained by the contr! friendly to the measure, to meet at Phila- bathe Of che best eats eines mene ae | ee Oy “Ee pee Draggists 53 delphia, the Pennsylvania residence, for wend of ino tadpole te vere TL agai . $7,726,516, oe Nort Carolina To this oe : , ed eleven others and the entire ding man a4, furnish « better record of the car- Qpeanl Agvet. _ res ‘ Hteratare of the day than can be obtained from = ~/ PE 7 stock was taken, consisting of thirteen REEVES’ AMBROSIA tioned according to the terms set forth by Per any ae tt oe eoeee a R THE HAIR, $6,332,804,95, j the teins ant ieante = eth gh Oy ae Se = er by her under the firm Ps Waeretiaebecee = ae FOR TBE ee 2 Ao For Blackwood's Magazine,...... 4.00 2 Improved ! , scribed their lives, their fortunes their For Blackwood and one Review, 7.00 to ves cer- seetweed and sytec stite ee $1.393,711, 5 B | ssered honor, reserving to themes! Reviews, edverte ssovw thous 10.00 Is is an elegant Dressitig for the Hair. tain individual and privileges to be = x lhe dlegroctbedier- ft he Hair te cari beautifull si equally SSpamneed ak” ee a meager d LOSSES -PAED LN 1867 “Se sister, South Carolina, was = A. = auetene Shes .cscocth@ 864 It keeps the Scalp Cigan and Healthy. ° com a dwarf, bat and <teothone a , i of CLUBS. It invigorates the Roots of the Hair. $1,268,75818, i _ Sate omy he A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to It forces the Mair ané Beard to grow Juxuriantly. DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. ey ee at ler Clubeof foar or mare Thus, tour copies of = nity, to customs Blackwood, or of one , Will be sent to one It immediately stops Meir Palling Ovt. mother country, she alwa pointed to address for $19.88. Four copies of the four Be- $643,005,00 ter ann of Gea, tht Pelinette, "She views and , for $48.0, and oo on. Tt Keepd the Hair from Color from age rervenhgentinaingeslie! 9 hhapgaa is of & pervous excitable and sanguine Gabeeribesltboatd a ~~ It restores Grey Hele to te Original Color, All policies non rae raat arcond | em panetilious to a fault, her , ‘the Pemtage ' Heads that has been bald ssurance can be effected in all forms desired. most folks sensitive ie he oe ee ee Ee | oe SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, | oftentook exceptions woe nothing wns pen: qouage & aouble - manent = — x.c intended. This led to frequent discord, Promiune to New Subscribers, | **emvomtcahettyat ont purty verte] 5.4. Bradshaw, Agent, Salisbury, NU. | Whieiadnvelved ber friends most seriogsly. iS eis it sala ire geen | petty een lacie, she wae subjected pela salt the Pour Reviews for 1887 New ecrien It has received over x thousand voluntary testimo- ORTH CAROLINA BRATL BROAD. “bill and fever”; this a free = trot Go Sertosiente Re ee ear Fe, | ste of Ha bxeeilonte, taaky of which are from phyj| _ Comraitr Suors,N. C., i. 5 aoe Sey, eS oe ts b — On and after this datethe following will be | Salivation that sufficed to effect her eqaan- Su may obtain back numbers at the fol siciane in high stan jing. he Schedale for Passenger Trains over thai innity. Ia her disordered health she ac- Tact orth Beteah od to Decem-| It ia sold in name blown ? eused her Federal partners of pocketing rhe, 1967, inclusive j ae in the giass,) and in Fancy Leave Charlotte, daily 11.36 Pr. x. more of tho dividends than ‘rightfally be- 1884, to . 1867, Ine. Goods bottle. Wholesale Salis bury,...... 2.07 a. m. longed to them. For this there and the Lo the years 1965, 1866 | Demas, Barnes & Co; FP. C. Wells & Co. . Greensboro’,... $.05 * a When and 1967, at the rate 60 yea foreach sx any felin & Go., New York. march12twly Raleigh... eee 941 “ ov some foundation. vexed 50a Naver Gaaan for#.0. Arrtve at Goldsboro,.. 12.25 p. vould things Teicher prosfiseaste Be nor discount . Leave Goldsboro’ 12.30 cially to ber sister N. to bring her to to ibe nor teduced prices for lack nawbers, ean State of North Carolina, saa Raleigh,...-.-- 3.20 co aid; ve ie Va she Prest-on, proclaim- SOc ee WATAUCA COUNTY. Greensboro'.....7.17 ed the Rip Van Winkle of the Bouth premiams can be given to Clubs. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Selisbury....... “ ith a Ne prenithe Leonard Seott Pub. Co, ¢ Pee eee Pr) Arrive at Charlotie,...11.35 « smile upon her face replied, “lit- 140 Fulton, 8t,.N. Y. | Wm. Horton, ‘an va. Thomas & R.B.| _ Through passengers by thislinehagechoice | tle sister 8., | would sooner sleep forever we. of routes via Greensboro’ and to| than wake up to treason.” Family dis- The L. S. PUB. O0., sles publish the Auetanest loriod on lent a enue rg -_ a ok sentions are to be deplored—“‘a house di- FARMERS GUIDE, | Tosi Sousea"ttoea sk © ores | rns mh of ora tans ek? |” tt hs mnt liao , tg | seven nn | eet Coe Wy | be nates ermal ihrer 2 Old Not trea vo and fom Wiaiogton and by from the concern, and open a retail busi- to be and ap- | trains to Weldon. ness on her own accomnt, and to this ef oust Ooo Pleas and Quarter JAMES ee, nnn Oe Eu te a fall o Id be county of . perin jen however, ‘ st te ooor-house ‘Boone “on the 2od Ottee N.C. Rail Reed: ApAl 1, 1608. 00. 1 Sp ouaet nel edGnd: be ddenmenes — next, there : r called ildren levied osha not be con _ Just Received —"hAtht pray white mquiangepe tar the in ’ of’ our said court | Lexd, and Paint of all colors, at act of fomily voraip invoking aid from i ipae. D. 1008 @. B POULGON & 008 jo the front repeal and D, Clerk. Drag Store Watt's Gd Stand, The servant being in a : mog28—ir2tiw8s Sahubery, N. ©. card was. bended. He gave it , to, the | along the frontier. ; ’ es a ae ail “Virginia,” of the frat family, ® time aed administered ah opia! dvmperatively weik nail 1662, whgn she co _* a ted wih an attack of “se- tession” fever, Her family ph. y interest. Her diplomatic sons, however, (three in one) were high- of Sodom and Gomorrah, F t F : i a { ; A f if | i FL Hy : i Somerame ror tHe Sicx.—Freqa- ently we find rae people whose 68 reject all kinds of nourishments unfil conditions follow that in many instances terminate fatally. In twen- ty instances in Which we have heard popular sick-bed » enfeebled never known the saucer of parched corn pudding or boiled grael refased. The corn is roasted brown precisely as we roast coffee, n as fine aemeal, in a coffee ‘and made either into mash, gruel, or thin cakes, baked lightly brown, and giv- én either warm or cold, in cleat wa- ter, or whatever dressing the stoimn- ach will receive or retain. corn and meal oiled in skimmed milk and fed frequently to children suffe from enuimer diarrhe, will almost always cure, as it will dyeen- tery in adults, and, we believe cholera in i earliest stages. —_——__— ~~ —_—_—— War is brewing between Pern and Ohili, growing out of the settlement of the aceounts of the Spanish War. The Ottawa authorities continue to. re- ceive information of Fenian preparations _ | too, the seed finds a congenial -| patch of conch grass to grow; there is shade, @# rich goil, and they are undisturbed by machin- ery. Often the rabbish or stone piles are so dense as to protect ‘the weeds inet the farmer’s efforts: to uproot them. vently, they, mature their Pre yee it % pins mals A t may exist for aan 8 meet corner unnoticed ; at when its ing roots strike out far enough for the plough to tear them, they are buted far and rapidly over the field, and every _| joint becomes a new plant wherever it permanently lodges. then, is nearly impossible. The road- sides, which ought to be serapulonsly kept clean, are too often safe harbor« ing places for weeds. Manure ee na these seeds are frequen neglected until the vigorous th induced has broaght the to maturity; and many spots around farm buildings and yards are unsight- ly from a dense annual growth of weeds. In short, the farmer :.ay set it down po a0 m. £ grow, a weed will flourish and ceca. py the room. Natare abbors an uns prolific soil. It is the farmer’s busi- ness to see that all plants which grow on his premises are beneficial to his interests. HOW WEEDS WORK INJURY. If farmers would more closely con- sider the detriment to their interests which arises from the preseace and growth of weeds in the soil, they would be incited to greater and more guited effurt to accomplish ther ex- ee Aa ar : the soil is di- minished mainly by the crope wr on and remov ion it. Teste eb it of mach plant food without returning any equivalent to the farmer, and in most svils available plant food is not so abundant but that the wth of weeds diminishes the yi of the cultivated crop exactly in i to the amonnt (of the elements of that crop thas abstracted, Let any farmer observe his fields at harvest time, noting the great and mass of plants whieh the the crap he cultis bocreased their comparative weeds this result may be chiefly as eribed. And. here we will tive labor. In fitting the ground for sowing the seed, in vesting and cleani presence of weeds crops canses much extra performed, Loss also oconrs ve the deterioration ¢ a in value when weeds or other are mixed freely with them. Moore’s Rural Néw- YK se —_—~$oror———— A party of twelve gentleman most- ly lawyers, stepped a the cars at the Brooklyn court-honse. One of the number remarked : “How do we stand as to Président?” A vote was taken, an@ they stood; Grant 9; Soy- monr 3. Ong of the number then spoke up; “Su Chase is nom- inated by the moorats, how will the party stand then!” The vote was taken, aod it stood 8 for Chase and 5 for Grant, the twelfth refusing,to yote.—New York tee President tg be General aneock, “t aca calm Setar 5. 7M. D., Med. Adeioor Gistiuct et announcomant to that feat | after dl as he! ould have done in the McArdle case, | has as he h tak: etand : Yeats bo sot Seas ts wp retenet, we 60.908 s00 SO eae ot uk ?) patina i if be aes |: eT | cts ay san Wath” Oa. ha Gh “ave ake iat a ) tRe aay my D mha ign bait Rade or . _pleasur 4S need | re en Kiote » -Feeel cither On Menta, Wedkeody or F — 00 ( ae neo) , beindiple ae porting Sati eres | benides the Ps sacrifice a dea! inorder to aceon: ional debt, even % ty soto Jaa cinta a por gre oy the : ‘ Be ee NE di. son, Gah gin ai he Chie Pee a | A ool ban tet re eect nr be . lie coat y stractions to the jury. nen ; ah REIES, i8 come of die dblest ‘Peliablo’con-| ‘Lynchuarg News, adaclriip. + +9 If f t pape W tha ia anes Mower o Serena ct South “ave’die.| | CHIEF JUST CE CHASE. gmeel ves ido “ my ‘of arin , N. O., wile within the ice tub recrke to'favor his nomination as the most If the views vecenlly .aseribed to the ' ce tow. PB Aap mer se oye alg “available Candidate against Gen, Grant, | Chie/ Justice are really his, would it not | Divisions and brigad this for~ ate lies at she tine Sef woe, dpm, | 53 SVL Geom, BE. Gro. 8. Starke, Clark Cireus Crust, ewhere we give extracts from two | be well for all friends of the restored reign | midable organization . figatet » formed | coutrol of the F - bey wa Sparkling Catawba Springs, Wa. A. Hith,Surveyor, ; ‘ enews Samat Sep Eat of the Constitution, and of “Unity, Peace in the Eastern and Middle: be- He: said » ip Catawba county, N. a ' H. alin son aircdeioedieatl> and Concord ” ‘throughout the Union to) fore or during the canvass, and the sprains aceon: He aid ; Jone 1. watwele GA. Bgl 8 6b. Ape, Sala calit Gia er unite their suffrages on him for President | uty pion White Boys in Blue” are des- ok ow kind drawa ied: te tas he PP iad oa good Fire .« os one tres Mis i cad Impeachment approved ined. to petform & inoet {siportant | Sg t are EQUITY SALE ‘Traveling agouti wasted. Apphy to © edj--Will (sobu -hecouie'a ‘law. -Shortly views now putitatihes bis, show | Presi in the election of @ Democratic | Boge te Of a Valu ye Gold Mine Special Aggnt, Charlotte, 8: ¢. Ar ieliaiieh tha Liesl ) ofa Maeih bi wise, sane nd patriotic: resident.— Wilmington. Journal. phe d Jan. 7, 1908. watwly ‘era. States, ‘lected under the how Odile: Both bear evidence of his discrimina-|- ‘ _— ee X ner of the Quart of Baty of Ra The Arlington 1 8 @ “vill be convened, If the toot] enbctet ike Ped rare-pacs , eden. pat From the Anti-Slavery Standard to pred penny ors ly aieag at sonal ity of the Ubite Mining Company : ie ~ Ui eink a 4p be gotton.rid of, so as| eroments, aud of his equal devotion to ‘tions’ of an Ultra Radical | ¥e owen 5 ote ta’ the prone i ad - oar ary Ya fife Snsurance® ' | 4 admit a quroram to. their’ seats, the | both. pati “about Impeachment ‘dhd General BA ish o> ba foci hp at| 30th day of Jane, at TY Ocoee. AM.” "The OF VIRGINIA... , Mesratd:pmdaiddbens :will. be ratified by Daabets yoy pasiligs Mb ane Grant—Senator Henderson's Views. | the time the draft. was made, wo gen tnd ee i Lonenes ralusble Gold Mine sine et re ey rt cack of thems very soon, and the Senators | ., the spirit. of Washington hi the | . Washiagton, June 1. Tha Repub. bbe oe C., eed pA a will be aotd subject a jodlgcstlt tel Woithnge A Virginia and Southern Institution ——. tatives elvet’ will be’ aamit- | Pounder—might bail as worthy to be the| lican. Senators yoting for aggurttal | °° 0k -"e ™ Veins, which will bé stated in (all on the day . t6d (6 their seats. Universal suffrage, so | Savior of an imperilled country } claim the failare of impeaghment as om, of sale.—Terms cash, lta Funds are kept in the South, ‘PAAR Meade Ad Tad’ walgpscn ‘are cottcerned, Under the elevating inflaaneee of the i Winne of. Be Oe poy shy men. ag Ceortakey Anatier Lal May iaih, weet a at a ’ will then be, engrafted on. the Southem : y-be coating to have riged wp} A0Cy Wore HIDAaELEE An. {haiF Cqumme —A few years ago one soot | — —— : ’ oa o “the of-the great argument.” .| by a, desi aid in the enccess of | was el t te slato : State Constitutions. The Reepnatrue- _ He rises superior to party——ead, plant- | General t-and. his West Voint | in = tnt “Baer ig i oan MULASSES! Its fortunes are ¢stablished beyond any tion poliey.of Congress will be, to all ap- | ing himself, on a rock, on that. Conefitu- policy. Geheral Grant desired con- | Deinovratic majority in the Tes Hones, op MOLASSES. ; pearances, consamated. tion.whichiorganized and anaintained, in| viction wotilihe vote u the ele | that a change uf one vote would give at ® mr | contingency pos. ge z landing Ex, Schooner “ Alaska,” di- vu De apinion of the Conservative mew perry mg mad por Hara Nene ry ee time it is |the Ascorbate thactations J Calli Noes ay Soe dann a The Com any bas capital ond Heeete, againet Rs of the dotintry is that these ‘forced Con- ccataty slike Yetional end Senta reported jas fav, en acquittal) ost sold out to them™ f Risd0.. Th 220 Hogsheads, ) Sweet Cla Molasses Viebitity that compare favorably with any Life ‘gtitatiod’® wit Gly BS" tdtagorary— thes ee ee mw e uport the remainder of the articles.— | fact.was-proved beyond doubt, ra 30 Tne "10 prime pew fack- eye on the continent, which is the ‘hey capil Bo tong ‘maiptalaed. Sach i ae : these. gt er Bhat been told comely Rows daa the Radicals nominated him for re 40 Barrity a Chacieriitee omens edesinintred by soloed B. aA hed 1 t his pan’ Tis scton e!cotion the + dbutohe was lers wil be fifled at Totvis! cur-| Tt has eaabl clalth to Southern Hetronage. hew thay oan bo.igetion sid of for sorerel Gregtey |rem manent ret ers Rang eer ae Er : ministration of Go weald "dedi. General Grant. Ttis adihit at beteck to him and fia "'O) Q°PARSLRY & Co. eT +7 years. the supreaic Court should pro- | case himeelf, and Wy abilities, | Gen. Grant used his influence to pre-| gutting bina. fs pares sneooeded pr Wilmington, N. 0, Tun ane rete ean i noancethe geconsteaction. Aets of Con- entantaiieda rdenée ta hie ‘country, %ent an adjourpuept to the 23d ef | Gren E venue under Mr, Lincol . : . tis a 2 : prion wore mary = the re-admie- sare ia se on ber eae June thus WAY AUAE a possi bil: R, of | It 8081 Bedame ‘apparent that he was SALT ! SALT ‘ ! JOHN &. EDWARDS, sion nt fates’ what will it issensions—to soothe her A convigtion ere. ip yer ttle | defrauding the gow tand Jol _ effect t Perr. atall that We can see, bdralngs-~te veotenn, bar broken friend «| doubt Unt the President wonld bave } eon removed hin ; againet the elang- 2,000 ce yom civenpedt, Wa. B. Isaacs, D.J Haxrsoox a0 long a9'thd ‘radicals retain control of | sr. nr ee md rons et industries — —— had theadjourament | orvus efforts uty tase Greeleyites to : , aaa ha ancient prestige—-recdnetruct,/ taken place: have him retaiddd. Te hag just bee J MEMICAL EXAMINER, a 4 af Si ett Birga Jean power, ne ANGment her, then:.pacts} » The campaign is opening ae timid. | trigd in Court upon Achar £ de-| eatery Ler a ih eB print re id een 7 ele tho Eddidot Will aint fives, tbat: tne bern a mal hi, the Obiaf Jiastios be, '4- be Bird tld alex semper atte HK 5 wot, fotnd gu. rent fers ir fr ko 100 hots H CO. Casas, Jno. H. CLatpoaxs. « idond under it without the assistance of y manifested, cay whom ean} General rant 0 potes the uatra tent be fi Mla abou . ata Dees CTORS: legishition by Congress. And what @n re high Gai wonpner como ee of the Senators VFortig weasit the | = Pen aa ot oa A RSLEY & Co. | John Enders, 2 Mant Eliysoa, Congtess'de in’ the promizes 1 Wiere is | asserted for all’ athers whe have been}. "e#Jent, and has more ‘confidence SALISBURY MA ETS |e enies, =O. Jose To. twr:12 comet B.C HE, C, Masherviile, to be found its power to interfere with the| named for the Presidency, he addé that |? 44y in Hendersoii and Triinball ers) a Southern Shoe Factory ! Jobe Dooley. Rampel C.. Tardy, governments ia the peveral Bintes? Wal ience in the ion of than in. Wade and Snmeer. If elec | na”; = ‘Whine Witte De it, when, the Conservatives acquire the ataiea wh whieh woald: mote smooth- eh ol have were hive dopbt bet | men PROM en, Me a Shelly Brothers & Co., EA. A. Nenith ae Gane 8 Pie, y, and (where time is 80 enderson wi the Secretary of | Cotes, per ~ebicche: & yw 5 aA : control, repeal the present Jaws and pro-| ant) pot Governcent Sebold the laterior, and have the. ion Sto 1.58 BH Qoarien sion, a . ee Or will as | of peace and hi y, order | of the Federal patronage ip Mi ri s2's pees Fe runiom@, Teste, tgndre nstitations of govern- w, could be hoped free from | aridthe West. qual Wto @ r F AY olen Pe neh. ment which have just been framed, and | '### experienced bunds. lads Gen Grentis lavodog: i hard to se. Wie $e : Ab hod RH. Dine pi i bee those which were framed |. 4! **preme 4 moment of the public} dure the eoufirmatiow inf Gen, Scho- 09 to 2.00 AS svccessoms Shelly & Soo—es- | wittiam H. Palmer, Mt, Price the Con fortanes, may not a regard alone for the! field ae” Secretary of War: — _ 12 to A tablished in THeDLgr ware manufacturing ; , . " Votes hae And what | pablie good, swallow up all lesser matives| 4 > & Men's Women's Himes sod Chikiren's LEWIS 0. HANES. Ao'r. \ gress have tolake such a| and alike sclieh -eopiratiane| reawal lads. Fish, $25.00 | Peeged Shoe Gnal'y"an'at prices | Jan17—twaewif, Legaeron, N. C § cap "ht. take sugh aq and party preferencea—as well it on pe gro ‘Sohofield Wt 2 to scit the times. ; amd) 647 bose . : atep as antipathies, under a fs a Oonservative Kepabtican and te Oar Shoes are mre of good materials and ied F we eae te powers?» Cen nny Of 00t| Tn that spirit. we. offer the: + he ap and berato’ A _ Last wi oe = tor price bot oe Re ee aa nna marks, Asa nag an 1g AN oe cleat fom the wie ic poe tet se nit apap Sao ee eat ADMINISTRATOR MAB re t so os . ro ae 2 Great Sale of Land!! ie 3 [WursvaNoe aa des decree of the County} 7% to ia at public sale at the} > readence 2 = ; the Qed to oS tracts of land 0.00 iles estate, to wit y dower om River, Abraham Hill's ses Lemly, Alexander Frick and others,’ “caulaining 22% acres. Pe) Meany tho Beaver Tract, ying Pod area i faclitibe or VE’ & ADVERTISEMLITS. Cre, nifiing Gate Stony, 1 atiy” Coutervati sation, now sheltered within Re wan: ANE aes PAIN’ + seer Bock tad | diers of the Federal armies, hie been} that fic dering General G poeta of “TAISO, the Hartman Tract, lying ow Dutch " ee successful and | ministration, enblasedtipeteutied at This Mont %. ‘ male Second, Oreek, ; Hoffver, ba m.groat measere for thn recent. re] Souier? Riess sliould tp Juve 1sthanet aes Beat Twi A [yf wations dim that section, aad aspen | hs , “of Congress to remove them ? _} localit The “Union W itary, ralions, Fetard af'5 p: m., forthe accommo- h d the "Vu" GF Joly in the Tee | Said wks garg | ea ea dina aa Mag ete fe | vie, Mgt en Care Ct From the Chsrlottesrilie(Va.) Chronicle. |48tiou is known, 4s reorganiz ng-the tacks from t nrg Fa Bee: TATE, Pres’, Fille’ estate, enid bot lies near the Pemale Fem- SUE Giusy,” fuming clone Shaan are ace | emt Fn Rs eas eag ont oc eutetam Seen hee short eow-| has mat — a aa | Maid is good for other reasons that} SCHOOL, wee oe 11 o'clock, Terme ] test against the ently Sues that.it will tend largely to eqni might be stated: Linchbubg News. a DErOes, oO. Poanavaating ido pean” eng of-apid Chane, lef thetmotioliewoaon rmy + aig nha yd regan y; Wil plains eadine before thevelp | , ‘a ieal milita M Ha lo, ) Bev. 4 D. D., Reotor. The terme will ‘be liberal. uate a Wel sis aha ati bind tho pop of organization under therleadership of . ne dayne Davis, of Statesville Rev, peat Sueors, A.M, Assistant. May wine pet FRALBY, Adm’r. : eae 5 dapess will Pg have | Generals John A. Logan’ and Daniel| can, afew day sinee, deckan bering} dey Wy FIPTY-THIRD TERM will Goinmence , pint Be a ' a virtuous |E. Bickles. Major General John |dusuenafura, It isa chicken having Jal fe eee ee ip et ) meres Love, of In is doing mash er- | four fet, four wings two tails, two 0.” sad Rngieh Teition ie) JOB PRINTING ' piwad | vine in the organ of the “On. | neek-bonee ond: one head of one)’ Eee or oe ert ne ak i Meare iE LL twaiys | Neatly Mptel at. this Often) - o° ea 28 ° © «< wey d 2 ¢@ . > . : ar #3 . ° « “ae at, a i Sy - te e= ; : 3 F F i z Li ba t i f fi g af f = of | ‘s ay country, og poiated to ‘ her cont of vay teed -eraper She ; fe of @ nervous, sanguine | LD poRtH temperament to « fank, but | fu the Whe most little folks very sensitive and often wok when nothing was Rite teres TE intended. This led to frequent discord, | ae which iavolved ber friends m #t seriously. | Having, however, located in « malar ove | hike > TE istiude, she was eubjected to political | ‘ chill and tever” + this introduced « free, eekly, use of Mercury, whieh resalted in severe | Sy salivation that sufficed to effeet her equan- Rous 8, cused hee Federal of pocketing | —— more of the dividends than rightfally be- aes longed to them. For thie t may be some foundation. When vexed | Orie xe, the would atter things es cially to her sleter N. t6 bring her ts her | ~ t aid ; Mod yA er peng ed her the Kip Van Winkle of the South ; 4 raaniag apha tapes fee Sek opted, “Be meaning b - xd tio ate OT weal cscane chery favover than wakeup to treason.” Family dis- j Media Fh swtions are to be deploed—"s house di . EE ee era Rtete. From the incessant flow of calivasion | <t) the nevertheless determined to withdraw or from the eovcern, and open a retafl basi Lay ness on her own account, and to this ef feet notified the Washingfoa ners, Ia advance, however, she laid ire fel eargo of and coffer, te commence the en- aod allied her children up to i t While were im lamlywerhip.veting Roos the front bell was heard to rng servant being in attendance « was handed. Hoe gave it to the who pronounced it General Jack. sdk en of the firm. To sar Ho bom be bd from et EF it knees them he had « ship a battery close at be thought would restore her, antidote to Lape He her from de- he aleo serv the sugar “Family LE E He id i i F *: pyot comparati anti] 1852, when she ene again ith attack of “wee cession” fever. family physician re- flowed tha dee of har ectustomed Sredi- salivation, goon followed, and the ef si s | iE h i t 2 F el i F for * re ed to truth and virtue.— Nev +8, they their stethe scope and care a hopeless _ J one—her | were nearly sor This HN eiategbaa tea sesoas Listes § ', a of the liver, followed taper consti the use of Mercury was forbidden ; how- ever in extreme cases desperate remedies are often resorted to with magical results. Croton oil might be taken bat the chances isive farmer. ' ' of mach plant food without returning | most soils available plant .ood is not -} weeds diminishes the yield of the -| enltivated crop exactly in proportion ‘ito the amount .' feel in his pocket how detrimental to * t | They however made known their mission : ' . t | desanttied "| graiu crops be cultivated at different comes em are’ sep pseu stages of their growth. was forming around their moth- ; bat Dr. Stevens, however, was bat the working out of the exhausting the and divested all interest.. Her di ever, (three In oye) were bigh- with their efforts to restore ne, but not satisfied with Ball Run No, 2.” This in part purified the political atmosphere, and breathed Se Ma te Get Seleg etebar nd oneal pature can supply enough of these — Ge —‘sident too, and lived to chrovicle ities to stand it for four more. It will be (hei: en glory apon the of immor- | ™Uch better to sacrifice alate prejudice tal Horatios of a age «1 |now, if that is necessary to defeat the have woanded them that they are not able to rise. ‘They are fallen wi my teet.” Saith they. COLUMBIA. ee eee ABOUT WEED§.—NO. 2. MARBORING PLACES. The bye-places, of the farm where- | in weeds Larbor comparatively uns | ie uo re ¢ | canno’ su noticed and anharm source whence they strongholds last taken by the aggres- To the easy, elothful are impregnable, and » are prolith farmer, they trom their commanding position, held : his passions forever under dominion. Prominent among these harboring when partly filled with rubbieh or be eleeted—bat identified as be was with} contrary, that the same “lawful stone trom the fields. ‘here new va the peace party during the war, we cannet | moucy,” which is used by the Gov rieties are often first introduced by thiol his ehanees very good. We need ernment to liqn date “the claims of means of birda, or from the fence above all other things a man that can | disabled soldiers, widows and of opposing * barricr to these downy, whip the radicals, an ought to be willing phans of the war, 1s equally a just eves thet float inthe air. There, © sacniice a gre at deal iu order Ww accum- equivalent for the claims of the iad ton, the eced finds a congen al place plieh thie end lholde:”--thas agreeing with the t» grow; there ie shade, a rich soil, Pr Sirrety epee | friends of Mr. Pendleton in their ear: | ie : : om the Lynebtorg News Ladd : ! and they are andistarbed by machin ; CHIEF JUSTICE CHAS dinal prine ple in regard to the wal yeare unnoticed; bat when its cree; far enongh for the them, they are distributed far a: rapidly over the field. and every joint becomes a new plant « it permanently ledges. Eradication, then, is nearly iunporsible. The road sides, which ought to be scropulousty , kept clean, are too often safe harbor ing places for weeds. Manure or containing these seeds are freqnently negiec'ed antil the vigorous growth ae. si has brought the plants to matarity ; and many spots aroand farm buildings and sards are unsight ly from a dense anneal growth of weeds. In ehort, the farmer may ect it down asan axiom, that wherevor on his soil a asefnl plant: does not grow, a weed will flourish and oceu- py the ream. Nature abhors an uns | prolific soil, Tt is the farmer's brsi | mess to eee that all plants which grow joa his premises are boveticial tv his | interests. NOW WEEDS WORK LYJTRY. | | It farmers would more closely con | | sider the detriment to their interests j which arises from the preseuce and growth of weeds in the soil, they would be incited to greater and more anited effort to accomplish ther ex tradition. Fertility of the soil is di- minished mainly by the crops grown on and temoved from it. Weeds rob it ploagh to tear ' any equivalent to the farmer, and in| so abundant: but that the growth of of the elements that crop thus abstracted. Let any farmer observe his fields closely at harvest time, noting the great varicty d mass of plants whieh the soil te, besides the crop he cnltis then estimate the increased yield which would have resulted bad the elements which formed these been given to the crop, and he will the cultivator by diminishing the yield of his crops, they impose on hima large amount of upremuneras .|tive labor. In fitting the ground for sowing the seed, in cultivating, har- vesting and cleaning the grain, the presence of weeds in tho soil and crops canses mach extra work to be performed. Loss also occurs through the deterioration of cro when weéds or other seeds are mixed freel Yor munication from a friend enclosing a pro- _ against the nomination of Judge . the “conscientious support of a virtuous courage and spect,” and are very sure that “the proud fortitude of an honest eudeavor” is about all that most of us have left since the war. This is all very pretty talk, but if it means that we had better lose with Pendleton than win with Chase, it seems to us very anwise talk. 1: has taken a vast amount of “virtuous courage” and “proud tude” to stand radical rule for the last three years, and we doubt whether haman Radicals, than to be brought to this.— Thoagh Mr. Chase weut from the Demo- erats to the Republicans aud from the Re- jehoald have done ia the still as be has now, taken a stand against the plans of the Radicals from which there spread, and|* then if he will leave this question to the white men vote in ita decision, we had as well have Grant. places are the feace corners, and they |y prefer Pendleton and Lope that the {are especially favorable t» the weeds Northern sentiment is euch that he may of| ly, and mo ant) pat the f that faculty — i crops yield most abandantly, and to er use of rop. “Oa Stanly on,” thelr comparative freedom from . rms " , but like # disti ished | weeds this result may be chiefly ass } ancient times, “marched up|eribed. And here we will suggest | hat good farming demands that all | ides the loss weeds occasion in value Sieg them. Moore's Rural New From the Charlottesville ( Va.) Chronicle. JUDGE CHASF. We pablish this morning a short com- hase. We hope and believe that the people of ia, at any rate, will always bave an uacompro self-re- forti- blicans to the Democrats, and though did fail to declare his opinion as be cArdle case, treat, we do not sce why the South ppert bim provided bie position satisfactory on the negro suffrage ques- No matter what his own views are, of the States, he will do, bat if the vernmerts as now organized are to tand, and black as well as white are to We would, of course very great- Hie course 1» Impeachment approved ing rete e'rike out hie just, firm and fearlese | The views now pat forth as hie, show id him wier, humane, and patriotic Both bear evidence of hie diecrimina- hererer, ting perception of the Rights and powers, alike, of the Federal and the State Gov- ernmenis, and of Lie equal devotion to both If these be really his views, what more | ia necded to constitute a President, sach as the spirit of Washington bimself —the Founder—might hail as worthy to be the Savior of an imperilied country | Under the elevating influences of the | Dablie Danger, be seems to have risen ap to “the height of the great argument.” Hie rises superior to party—and, plant ing himeelf, on a rock, on that Covetito- tion which organized and maintained, in harmonioas working for three-quarters of a centary, alike National and State Power and Progress, and individual Prosperity and Happinese ; and on these great an- derlying principles of Moderatwn, Jus- tice, and Hamanity, which ever, and ever where, accompany and aphold, a wise od. ministration of Government, would dedi- cate himself, and all hie great abilities, and valuab!* experience to hie country, alone —to pour balw on her wounds —tw heal her dissensions—to soothe her heart- barvings—to restore her broken friend ships—rovive her languishing indastries —renew her ancient prestige — reconstruct, consolidate, and augment her, thea peer- leas powers. If, m all this, the Chief Justice be, in- deed, rightly manifested, on whom ean his coantry more safely lean? For to all the high elaims on the public confidence asserted for all others who have been named for the Presidency, be adds that larger experience in tho administration of ablic affairs which would more smooth- ly, (where time is so import- Covernesent again on the old beaten ways of peace and barmony, o and rage bt could be hoped free from leas ex hands. At so eu a moment of the public fortunes, aay oak a regard alone for the public good, swallow up all lesser motives and smother, alike selfish pin gy and personal Y preferences—as we as dh astee rol goss a generous pagriot- ism | |} tional debt, even if they differ as to — e — — nor have sym ized, poli ‘ fore with the a af ihe, But wide as Heaven is from Hell, we hold the two t jes, now organizing, separated tise oe rt pe pe = yg er of Cohservatism and the Constitution can be offered by the Convention at New York, whose success we shall not ardent- ly pray for, and plead for—the ovly form of aid—which causeless hate and ven- gris inflamed by self-reproach, have to us to employ. —_— UNION WHITE BOYS IN BLUE. Throughout the Northwestern States a most formidable political organi- zation, com d of the former sol- diers of the Federal armies, has been formed, and is now in successful and enthusiastic operation, rendering vals uable service to the cause of Consers vatism in that section, and accounts in a great measure for the recent re- markable Democratic suecesses in that locality. The “Union White Boys in Bloe,” under which name the organi zation is known, is reorganizing the ex-military element of these States into societies, or encampmenta, and bas met with such marked success that it will tend largely to equipoise the inflnence of the “Grand Army of the Republic,” a Radical military organization ander the leadership of Generals John A. Logan and Daniel E. Sickles. Major General John Love, of Indiana, is doing much ser vice in the organization of the “Un- ion White Boys in Blue,” which has now over one hundred thousand en rolled members, and its ranks are be- ing heavily recruited with each pass» ing day. The uniform of the order is a blae blouse, black antaloons, white rosette on the left reast, and an army forage cap.— When the organization rades through any city or town, each mem ber carries @ small national flag ats tached to astaff six feet lung. The effect is said to Le extremely pretty. The personal choice of the * Boys in Blue’ for T'resident ie understood to be General Laneock, though no distinct announcemnnt to that effect has been made In regard to the im- portant question of the national debt —the overshaduwing one out West— they are in favor of paying tin good faith, bat are opposed to angmenting ite vast Lurden beyond the expressed termeon which it was contracted.— They therefore believe, in the ab sence of any disect stipulation to the Speculations of an Ultra Radical a trinowph of the original Grant men. They were influen hy a desire to aid in the snccess of General Grant and bis West Point policy. General Grant desired con- General Grant. June thas preventing a possibility of doubt but the President wonld have From the Anti-Slavery Standard. about Impeachment and General Grant—Senator Henderson's Views. Washington, June 1.—The Repub lican Senators voting for sequittal claim the failure of impeachment as in their course viction antilthe vote upon the ele venth article, since which time it is reported he has favored an nittal npon the remainder of the articles.— I have been told Senator Ross claims that his vote upon the second and third articles received the sanction of It is admitted that Gen. Grant used his influence to pre- vent an adjournment to the 23d of a conviction, There is very little been convicted had the adjournment taken place. The campaign is opening as timid ly on the part of the Republicans as can be desired by Fessenden himself. General grant opposes the ostracism of the Senators voting to acquit the President, and has more confidence today in Henderson and Tramball than in Wade and Sumner, If elec ted, I have very little doubt bat Henderson will be the Secretary of the Interior, and have the disposition of the Federal patronage in Missouri and the West. Gen. Grant is laboring hard to se- cure the confirmation of Gen. Scho- field as Secretary of War. He has visited Radical senators and request- ed it on personal grounds. Schofield is a Conservative Republican and warm friend of Gen. Frank Biair and senator Henderson. Last win- ter a Radical delegation from the Virginia State Convention called up- on him and reqnested] the removal of certain rebel ofticers and appuint~ ment of Radical Republicans in their place. Gen. Schofield replied to the committee that he could not appoint a “tree Radical Repoblican, of the State Convention who claimed | to he present as one of the delegates. | Notwithstanding Schofield thus hates Radicalism, he is to go to the War Department and prevent any “true Radical Republican” from hart- ing the feelings of any Couservative now sheltered within the walls of that office durigg Geveral Grant's ad- tainistration. Imroxtaxt Decsston By Tus Cuier Jvusrice.—Chief Justice Chase, pow pre- siding at the United States Oireuit court in this city, rendered a decision in the case of Moore & Brother, of Baltimore, against Foster & Moore, of Norfolk, which will | the cheice of a candidate. It woald seem that this latrer difference, even | f it is very serious, may be readily reconciled, and we should net be sur in favor of Pendletou Divisions and brigades of this for widable organization will be formed | executed their note for $920 to Moore & and hi lin the kastern and Middle Sicates lx fore or during the canvas, “Union White Boye in Blae” are des tine] to per'drm a most important art in the election of a Democratic Peccideat ~Wiumington Journal. -_—_ — —<—-—_ -—-- Someruino ror THE Sick —Freqa ently we find «ck people whose stom | ty instances in which we have heard the popular eick-bed nourishiments prescribed, and rejected by an inva lid’s enfeebled sitomache we have never known the simple sancer of | parched corn padding or boiled gruel jrefused. The corn ia roasted brown, precisely ae we roust enffee, groand as fine as meal, ina coffee mill. and wade either into mash, groel, or thn | cakea, baked lightly brown, and giv en either warm or cold, in clear wa- ter, or whatever dressing the stoim- ach will receive or retain. Parched corn and meal boiled in skimmed milk and fed freqnently to children suffering from summer diarrha, will almost always cure, agit will dysen- | tery in adalts, and, we believe cholera Jin it earliest stages. _- | The Montgomery Mad thinks the Southern press should refrain from | all attacks apon the personal charcter ‘and military operationa of General Grant, “on the groand that such at- tacks from that quarter will be elec- ‘ | hie supporters.” The advice of the der | Mail is good for other reasons that ' might be stated.—Linchburg News. Major Hayne Davis, of Statesville, exhibited to the Editor of the Ameri- oan, a few day since, a remarkable luaus natura. It is a chicken having four feet, four wings two tails, two neck-bones and one head on one body, tioneering argnments in the hands of have a very important bearing on the set- tlement of drafts, negotiable notes and oth- er commercial paper sent from the Con- federate to the United States daring the | war prised it they yet proclaim themselves | The case in which thie decision was [given ie ar follows: Just before the war Foster & Moore, who lived iu Norfolk, | Brother, of Baltimore. ‘This note fell due and the |after the war had commenced, and while| was a general gathering at the Meth- Norf lk was in the possession of the Con- |federate troops. After the evacuation of | Norfolk, Moore & Bro., agreed to receive | from Foster & Moore Virginia Bank notes Jin payment of their debt. Foster & Moore | thereapon paid $1,000 in Virginia bank |notes for @ draft drawn by the Bank of it. They then brought suit on the origi nal debt,fignoring the draft The cage was heard yesterday before the Chief Justice. Each party offered in- stractions to the jary | The Chief Jastice then instructed the |jary that if they believed that the town of Windsor, N. C., was within the Canfeder- ate lines at the time the draft was drawn, or if it was not permanently under the control of the Federal authorities, the draft was void and no account. He said any draft or negotiable note or commercial per of any kiod drawn during the war, by any bank or person in the Confederate | lines a any bank or in the F lines, was in violation of an act of Congress and of the at the President thereupon, and was void as to makers and endorsers, and could not be received as satisfaction for any debt. The point to be decided in which this was rendered, waa, Windsor, N. C., was within the Federal or Uonfederate lines.—Richmond Ezam- iner, 10th. War is Pera and bet weeu the Spanish War. The Ottawa anthorities continge to re- slong the frontier. as it would not satisfy the people”—| inch long, the steel point may be re The stutement I have from a inember | prodacing them so emall as to be in the time the draft was made, the town of brewing Chili, growing out of the settlement of the of ceive information of Fevian preparations ENGRAVING BY MACHINERY. Two citzens of Leakesville, N. C., engaged’in the watch and jewel business, having occasion to much engraving on metal, and findin, ssort of work rather slow by sought to invent @ machine for the | put purpose. Their names aro J. Guerrant and B. J.» Field. Truly necessity is the mother of invention ; for withont any familiarity with the mechanical arts, outside of their par- ticular line, and with nothing to guide them but their own talents, they con strncted an apparatus that supplied their want. ne of its earliest achievements was to engrave the Lord’s Prayer in microscopic chatac- ters inside of a wedding ring. Under a powerful magnifier all the letters are seen distinct and perfect. One thing leads to another, and in the conree of their labors they discover- ed that the same mechanical princi- »le could be applied 1 the making of he engravings on stecl, or copper, or wood ; to the executiun of the most ing. No arrests have been are loge fi ers, who is a poor ment of two little two years burnt to death in Richmon a few days since. \It seems tliat tio mother of the. children left them Play an house in flames, it being rescue them. It is conjeetured that the children, during her absence, got cas _NO. 24 ‘made nor re Ga the negroes known. The very heavily on Mr. Weath- a ‘ Mon, netige- vagrant a, in the something better, would r these frequent out~ ori negroes. Raleig Sentinel. —_— aor Bernt to Deata.—We learn that children, one about old another younger, were county, (VOL. I ing in the house, to go to mill, upon returning found the whole too late to ing with the fire, and. thus the catastrophe.— Wid. Star. EO The Taw Bill—The Municipal Board. Washington, June 11, M.—The House delicate medallion and geometrical | is determined roug! lathe work; in faet,to the perfor The probability ons We >. mance of every task where a graver| House will pote Ay ag to the Ber te, Ilaving no knowledge is required, where the Finance Committee will strike of contrivances now exclusively em-|out all whiskey and tobacco, in ployed by bank note engravers for| which the House is expeeted to concur. roling and varions ornamentatione, | and the reduction in the whiskey tax wii! they got up a machine which incmd- probably be consummated daririg the first ed a inastery of all that, and all the} second week in Jaly. cominon everyday toil of the barin The city council bas organized with » besides. Such drudgery as engrav-| ) Ss majority, and, will ing the rollers for calico printing, or an od interim Mayor. door plates, is done as easily as slic~ ¥ lo FF ing cucumbers. Pictures or desi New York, Jane 11, M—The Guiding ean be reduced with the precision of the photographic camera. The wor'- er, who can learn the whole art in two or three hoars, has nothing to do bat follow with a tracer the lines of ary design, anda sl point of steel at other end of a serics of levers cutsa plate of metal or a block of wood. His hand moves with a free sweep of a good penman, and the graver onerringly obeys him. The adjustment of of a rod determines whether the copy shall be the same size in all respects as the original, or amaller to alinost ipfinite extent.— While his hand is outlining letters an visible = by the iniervecope. The apparatus, though very simple, coo~ sidering the diverse kinds of service ly be described without diagrams.— While it reminds one of Blanchard’s lathe, the pantograph and ruling ma | chine in some respects, it is clearly an | original invention, and has sumer. | ons aseful capacities peculiar to itself. Persons who are interested in works { mechanical ingenni'y and art may be gratified by a call a Messrs. 'Gaerrant & Field, at No. 207 Pearl Istreet, where two of the machines are in operation.—N. Y. Journal of | Commerce. Seeger Cowmencement Exerctszs or Nowru Capotxa Corttos.—The annual ex- amination of the students of this in stitution took place on Wednesday and Thareday, the 27th and 28th of !last month, in the presence of a large ghly interested aadience. On |Thareday afternoon, 3 o'clock, there oO } } odist Charch to hear the address of Oapt. R. P. Waring, of th's city, who \had been selected Orator for the oc- leasion. Escorted by the Board and Facalty of the College, Captain War- ing entered the Church, and ascend- ing the pulpit delivered an eloquent and exceedingly appropriate address, which was received with well merit-| ed applanse. The evenings of the two day of the which it can perform, cannot clear-| i re at N weoves then Sexe Minister of For with it. It is Congress. Washington, Jaze 11, P. M.—Senate A bill relieving certain naval contractors The Bill extending the Freedmen's Bu- reau passed. It gees te the House for concurrence: A joint removing Roderick R. Butler’s political disabilities, and a!- lowing him to hold any office, witbont ‘a- king iron elad, An Amendment, ecunting eg tenet of the joint resolatien to all College last sesston | bat amuch larger number is expect jat the opening of the mext term, which will be on the first Monday in August next.— Hvangelical Lutheran. ' ee A party of twelve gentleman most- lly lawyers, stepped aboard the cars Jat the Brooklyn court house. One of the namber remarked : “How do we stand as to President!” A vote was taken, and they stood: Grant 9; Bey monr 8. One of the namber then spoke up: “Sappose Chase is nom- inated by the Deusen how will the party stand then!” The vote was taken, and it stood 8 for Chase and 5 for Grant, the twelfth refusing to vote.—New York World. 4 Axoruge Ovraaoe ar Neonoms.— We leart that, on Friday, as Mr. J. T. Weathers, a very worthy man, resid ing in the vicinity of Rolesville, was retarning homowarda from that place, he was surrounded and set upon by eight armed who demanded his money, e econld, of econree, make bat slight resistance to sach a gang of ruftians, and was speedily m and robbed of §102 in greenbacks and a part of his cloth. | From Washington. athington, Juve 11, P. M.—The Chief of Police were refused admittdice delatchman ¢ @ld Rorth State. RY HANES & BRUNER. SALISBURY, JUNE 19, 1868, — THE OMNIBUS BILL. We publish elsewere to day the — {tion policy of Congress will be, to all ap- far'at beast-as ihe negress are coucesped, jhad information that mua! 9 it his da- will then be engrafted on the Souther ty to do go. The evidence against State Constitutions. ‘The Reconstrue- | him, mainly cireumstantial, was such that the Mayor committed him to pearances, coasumated. The opinion of the Conservative men of the conutry is that these forced Con- stitutions will ouly be temporary—that the Superior Gunrt. If he realy be the ga‘ity party, or one of them, we jhope there will be sufticient cvidence Oo bus Billas. it passed Congress on Wednesday, the 1th inst. Ag) We joiderstand the bill it re Nieves all ve officers elect from the necessi'y | tuk ng the test oath, as required by | proclamation of Gen, Cauby,| ines not relieve them from the ities imposed by the Howard | Vineudment. We have ‘iid that those disabilities could not heretofore €\ist uptil said ameondarent became a part of the Constitution of the Unit ed States, and that, conseqnently, ad rsons electad vic Constitution would be eligible | that time. And such undonbr. | oily would have been the case but tor the provisions of this bill, which exproesly excludes all who come uns der the ban of the said proposed awendment without waiting for ite ratification by a sufficient number of Siates to make it operative as a part «t the Organic law. Sach is radical icg station. to office under the ————> JUDGE CHASE AGAIN, In another column to-day will be found a letter from Judge Chase, which, if gen- uine,places him ina materialy different position to that assigned him by the cor rspondent of the New York Herald, aud we imagine disposes pretty effectual- ly of hie chance for the Democratic nom- ination. Im thie letter be scems to re- eoguive the principle of nuiversal suffrage a-'. g already established in eighs of ti. Seathera States. How he can so re- suse it in the face of the declaration im- d to him, that negro snffrage cannot foveed upon any State against the » Lishes of its own people, we cannot un- cerstamd, Igdoes not exist in any of te Southern States by the consent of the Cowmitutiona) voters of said Stat: s, and ¥ ithoat sneh consent it tannet, according to the views imputed to him, existed at | That Jadge | i 1 «'l, in legal contemplation se regards the reconstruction acts of | sress, eo-called, as being une tional we have mot a doubt. And if they “: cnconstitutional they are utte tly void onstita. | { in law ag in right Acy goverom | shed by their agency in the S wth States are clearly Levolutior ary ge ments and can only ex siby suff-ranes «: be apheld by force, antil a raj rity of white people in those States c ,wiese in them as legitimat: govern Where there bas been so great a/ wrong perpetraicd i: would als tovre must be an adequate leg : Wiest that remedy is, or | ot plied we wil] not aadertake ¢ ’ the aim, a treat Comeervative part thall wis. seem that} fay. t d one of ’ ly, whatever « ee, im the letter t> + a red, thie ferms to ques n-gro euffrage in Soath as amune * ed iesuce of the Cuntry wth the grea: bods bhey oti) regard it as of + t Po regard g —living sues aan who does 1 kely to reerive the nomination at New Y ork om the 14th of Jaly Since the appesranee of thie letter we cumerve that those of oar Soathern ex chaeges whieh bad taken ' ame bave abandoned him -— SNOT SATISFIED the ¢ ators Semner and Yates both took ie Platform Yates specially, was remarkable for its He taunted his as '@ votung to ground for YD bate on the Omnihas B with Chicago ch zy 2nd boldacas ates with inconsistency in pose pegre eaffrace upon the Roathern States and dechinins +o do it at the Nort n are both regarded ae brilliant their Wilhout € compaiga t e y, and toay be eail of these ure ge comaietency mnet The great box f the rad- s to be hoped + fr themseclves a qurerdm tw streedment will rery 600n, a ators tives alect w we admit Universal) enfire = | effect 2 they cannot be long maintained. Snch js /to cotviet him. our own opinion, but still we do not see The Witnesses against | hier were all colored pernc how they can be goiten rid of for several | nS. The second ease was that of W. EF. years. It the supreme Court should PO") Linebargor 4 ger, : arrested for stealing a ounce the reconstruction Acts of Con- gress unconstitutional after the re-admis- sion of the Seathern States what will it wateh from the jewelry Store af Lu- ther M. Davis on the day that Robin tas son’s G.cus Was in town, He Was Nothing at all that we can sec, likewise comun'tted, bat st gave bail. will take better : ; bseqnently so long as the radicals retain control ot ! . either House of Congress. Tho law it- self will then have been executed and the decision will uot effect what has been done under it without the assistance of legislation by Congress. And what ean Congress do in the premises? Where is to be found its power tointerfere with the governments in the several States? Will it, when the Conservatives acquire the control, repeal the present laws and pro- ceed to another reconstruction } Or will it ignore the Constitutions of govern- ment which have just been framed, and recongnise those which were framed by the Coaventious of 18651 And what right will Congress have to take such a step! Andcan it take such « step and still act within the limits of its Constitutional powers? (Can any of our contemporaries answer these questions } Can any of the presidential aspirants solve them / Is there any decision by our Supreme Court that meets the case { If there is it is to be found in the opinion of the court in the famous case of Lather ts. Borden, growing out of the Dorr rebellion. There there were two rival governments ePisting in the same State, each claiming to be the legitimate government. The court held, if we are not mistaken, that it was a po- litieal question, and one with which that tribanal had nothing to do—that it de- volved upon Congress in such cases to de- termine which was the legitimate govern- ment, and to recognize it accordingly. Would it not be well, then, We snppose Capt. Davis care of lvs shop tos morrow, Ho! ror New Youk.—We announe- ed on yesterday that we had official ia- formation of the fact that delegates and visitors to the National Democratic Con- vention, at New York, would be carried to and fro, over all the routes for one fare Sach is the fact. ‘The following roads and steamboat lines have consented to this arrangement, viz: Camden and Am- boy, Philadelphia, Wilmingtou and Balti- more, Baltimore and Ohio Braneh, (be- tween Baltimore and Washington,) Rich- mond and F redericksbarg, Petersbarg and Richmond, Petersburg and Roanoke, and Bay Line of Steamships, and the Old Do- minion Steamship Company, (between Norfolk and New York.) To Dr. Hawkins, President of the Ral- eigh and Gaston Road, is due the credit, we think, of having secured this arrange- ment. We presume that the other lines in North Carolina, and those in the States Soath of as will extend the same facili- tics.— Ral. Sentinel 12th. ——_--e- IMMIGRATION, This subject is again exciting some in- terest among our contemporaries. The qnestion of reconstruction has been dis- posed of, at least for a time, aud the press is disposed to urn its attention to the ma- interests of the State. And there ing that can be more beneficial to the Site than an iufnx of small capital lista w for Gov Worrs, and the Governors ef the other Soathern States, to vacate their offices un- } are atthe same time hardy le- der solemn protesi—yiclding to the power Without borers. The system of ha her agrieukare which iB any way recognizing the right of ( ongress to remove them ? —_- CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE AND THE PRESIDENCY took occas tofore prevailed in this State mnt be changed. Jiistead of large and poorly cullivated farms in « « mistam precesa of the » We wut emall farwe iv a constant exbaastion, as has heretofore been on on T hureday to com process of improvement Bat this ch ayer ment up the present political views of s not likely to take place until o landhold wr large Jadge Chase p. far as they might affect ts become willing to sell a P t =o ' he South ia the event of his rleetion , Von of their large domain to settlers {, > - : I. ; the Pres dency Differing wid: J. A* We/ other States and from Europe, who do, trom the Chief Justice in his pions | introduce here the system of agricaltare, on the question of suffrage, we yet regard ed that difference as of no practical impor wil | which hae made the Northern “tates « bat Phis, we frel they are pow ready tn d f y » that reepect tance, considered in couneetion w h hbi- om the sabje« Without ted views righte, Nn We exnrerzecd tinguished juris der the gard to the rigt circamet arried int Jecticn can fork ¢ ver bility and es tienee he eerta nly hae no superior, if a qual, among the present Reneration of | can mak observe that American statesmen, and we real estate t rome of the ablest and moet reliable CON: | that th are dis! m as the moet At they will } OF per, some subscqucr me w eervative journals of the 8. classes of posed to favor bis nominatic available candidate againet (jen. Grant r e the euahj--ct some lengih, and ous bear Elsewhere we discuss it in all give extracts from two ‘a ear a of our Virginia exchanges on the subject a a T Horse The Lond n Yuar w is at hand with an inter Prriome ata LEN Petre, near in Mecklenbuargh C. on Wednesday n ght lasi. On Tharsday he went to Charlo: [lows ; ree — Wal) an Mallard Creek } inty had a A terly Berie ney esiding e@ting table of contents We were } ‘ se particniariv interested the article spe aolen Lord MeCan ey, and the article on Kad'cal Lt: Periodicals, is ecvnducted with } am line all the British i ed eh . ; very ‘liegraptied the fact, tegether wiin ae i description of the Missing anima’. to The he by the de. ’ , e that had jaet be of great ability These publications ! jthe Mayur of this town nast necessarily be more inferesting ? : } was at once recognised to the American reader thai t e of € Pription any other country } Add nin the J} , me ’ ser anda In a very tew minutes! a@ a@rar . ver « the Leonard Sent a 4 Bt, New York ern / Cm waa frying > Re n f0 @ Fe { « ntl zene our ta the were fos str inger Centente are Was arrested I ief. Ile confess of his gu Nir name he gavea It he inother hora alter as usenal, A ddreas ( rand Pr priet subsegian’ 5 i Wil Kidi-}~ ve. Richmond Ya. -_- / MAYORS Court. / iW. G. Glenn cares otrome ifis| | s conrt on Satur-!he y aries J) ame, should ever ere we two ithe Ma; The first, and 1 atof Will 4 arrested or we imagine tia: I not follow the t legra; h line ost Important. |» W a char; in having 1 othe ns of dition to the p © Selscst > " ! this booty. Ney, eo) Honece is this place will soon be ¢ tupleted \ view to the de | The building will then be quite large well adapted o the purpose for which it was erect Frida 1. The Commissioners deserve ered- sent there for! it forthe energy whieh they have dia- » Who! played in the matter on of the town of Saiishory a and commodeous, and ri time sivce rested at Trinity Col Va Police officer, Woodley was ar ege of @ ty Mayor Foste answer the charge at the next term of Raleigh and Gaston Railroads; and the | good te 4/ account of a blondy fight ee From Washinton. enormously, All the © Oui Washington, Jane 13,—Seeretary Mo. | have’ ood repntation for av Saat Culloch responds ta Rollins, whose resig- |and re iability and rer , ie » uation is again returned ; “This commu-|zens hare beeh profitably sonptoyes ! nication is pariin), because it atuributes | as Agents. We have heard it esti: the present deranged condition ot the Tn- mated that $1,000,000 are now ternal Revenue seiviee to the removals annually for premiums on life ingar- and appoiutments made by the Prosident, | ance, ost of which is sent oat of the regulate Suffrage. But in contrast to| while it mast be clear to tho mind of the State: to be rotarned again at inter- jthis he isin fuver, us a principle of | Commissiorer that this demoralization 1s | cule in the payment of losbes. | Negro Sulaye. aod started in his; attributable in part to the antagonism be- | Our readers wi)! career as au abolitionist of the Gid-| tween the Executive and Legistative bran- tice has been given, in our colamng, idings, Jou P. Hale sehool —and for | ches of the Government, which has a a application will be madete (es | nineteen years had been of the me vented harmony of action ee eis apatite Gaueral Aseem bly for 4 popimor. Since then, however, Sla- pin regard to “aula ayaa ad jal i the |Charter for the North Oaroliag : Life | very has been abolished, and no man| aap erat creel ay ligene a | Assurance, Annuity and Tras} Guat Fee pas ae eat hat uli eon | hg &e., v hieh have created an irresistible! pany. I he idea is an ben arty ony, | pee nog jeeniae mec Lev OM un | temptation to fraud on the part of Reve-/aud the principle upon which it is) mediate emancipation was the worst) nue officers as well as on the part of man- ufacturers, dealers aud others, CHASE~PRO AND CON. The strong po nts in Chase's favor (are his alleged opposition to the Res {construction policy of Qongress, his known support of General Amnesty, his opposition to Impeachment, and his belief’ in the right of the Srates to possible thing both for the Negroes | and White men of the Sonth. The! It is incorrect in that it alleges thatthe Sucand Timea, both moderate Re: | nuwmcrous recommendations of the Com- |publican journals, speak of Chase 4&3] missioner for removals of Assessors and the strougest possible candidate, but) Collectors, even for the grossest miscon- Mill they support him if nomituated ? duct, had been almost alw ays disregarded, The Western Democratic journals] while the truth is that in all cases in Companies of this State were doing speak in just the other strain, as is} which recommendations for removals were well. ‘heir responsibility was uns lwatural with their lorg avowed and accompanied by evidenee of oe ae a danbied and their basiness was raps | known attachments for Mr. Pendles | ¢y or misconduct on the part of the offi- idly extendise ' ton. Allin good time this question | cers, the recommendations Were promptly ('e"y € will be settled, und wisely, we hope. | Fesponded to by = ef hecoten 1 to the shared the misfortanes of all others Success is most desirable in a Pres Peoe cee ihe Ba. affected by that unfortunate event.— eg d Election if it is noun 4 | Fean show that the falling off of the reve-| We think the time has arrived when oe briceyot principle. The demands nues in the districts in which removals! similar institutions should be revived for peace, restoration, restored busi-| yo. made by the President in 1866 was among us, based upon undoubted re- hess, renewed coutidences, mutual re [net comparatively greater than in the dis. |Sponsibility and conducted apon safe spect and syinpathies between the | triets in which no changes took place ; | principlea.— Ral. Sentinel. two riage of country are a Bos | that in fact, the Revenue of prs 7! _ am ing, but a mere truce wou v DO | ending Jane 30, 1867, during which the » r : - The poliey of Congress in the vaanavels were made, were po Fa satis- BISHOP ATKINSON, | question of suffrage is inst reason | factory, coming closely to the liberal esti- Our attention lias been directed to and against nature, an » therefore, | mates of the department, while the demor- a scarriloas and vindictive attack cannot succeed. Its tem suc- | alization of the service and the decline of npov Bishop’ Atkinson in the New Ceas is but an extension of a terrible | revenae have chiefly occurred during the Bern Repeliiven, This disreputable sheet bases the article upon certain jtothe favorable consideration of the people. Many ot ouriuost substans tial citizens will doubtless connect themselves with the enterprise, Up ito the beginuing of the war, the Life Insurance and Mutnal Fire Inserance: evil. What we would not im present fiscal year, long after the Upon oar white neighbors North, and | "emoved by the —. had been vor —_ we would not sabmit eel race dulcsar lige phasragg ery ceng selves, we ought not insist sha the rule of eo allele for the Soath. oe of the appointees of the Presi Express. It was for these reasons, and no others, ee the communication could sara re- A Fuxxy Cask.—A very amnsing| ceived and was returned to the mis- , case was bronght before ef tv <e eleacr. The return of it is also jestified | because of presnmed il! New Albany a few days The | *Y the fact that copies of it were ent to! wards the n y po vege ports it as follows : the prese before it was handed to the See-/ Bishop Atkinson has devoted mach eye vs hard WG retary. 1t must, therefore, have been in-! time al ect to the moral and Ee tigereslgg shew der desc abate POTTA ei p nope ager egret onl ( } wellary of the eslored’ Ginn over whose head the frosts of about Glss'eé the departunsat social welfare of th colored pedple, feesanty winters have passed, was ar- aah eee : }and his present visit North is entire- b : : } HUGH McCULLOCH, ly for thi tle hes deveted [rested lust night by officer Sandford | Secretary of Treasury, ||Y for this purpose. tle has lcharged with stealing a hen from | “' (more tine and met with more success in the press of that city, we have published, The editor abuses this |distingaished and venerable divine -feeling tas . . ~ tl observe that- no- proposed to operate will commend it 3 r 8 ws If the resul’s of the, om | War proved fatal to them, they only | no Domini, 1 the been chsen FH t Fe E Treasury Dep't, June 13, 1868, ; ~ Mary Uowen. The otticer found the The House disposed of bat ten pages | (0 his labors fur hare agri : ichicken in a basket in his house, and of the tax bill to-day. W hiskey ia sev. the negroes probably than any per hit being proot positive that A petit enty pages off. tt will take « fortnight seo in this State. Some of his laceny had been cuum tted, he was Yet to dispose of the bill. P aced in jail The Senate refased to sustain the Pres- j The prisomer, ident's suspension of Wm James, Inter he is met by a most cowardly and | coutioedin a basket, w nal Revenue Colleetor at Hichmond, Va.' false attack by one professing pecali. | Justive Baxter, and Thie — a James and ousts | ay love tifere eee, wee rae n The Mayor ad interim called the Coun- erento Jackson, sering cil together and finding the Chamber lock hen had teen felon rely ed, met in an adjoiuing building. A res. the prisoner, Wheu the charge wos { pow an of the basket by Rein | uoeel, it was diecose ed that she bad laid an egy. The counsel fe oved to quash the ivdietment. on! he ground that liad done too much in this war, yet! the chicken as taken beture the with for the negro ( The editor of the Republican has! just been elected Sceretary of the State upoa the Radical ticket, and charge of * ; Gen up by pros forth that « taken by } read the hen dence is in strict keep ng with the cackled, an t bank where the corperation fands are kept to honer no drafts at preacnt ; . 3 ae teat C ae a Texas Bareag | ¢™ Into whose hands North Caroling eheving Samuc arter, va hae been placed, throagh the ignor ance und preyidice of ne grees. — Who this mau is we know hot, publication ina N CXEM alien jcharacter of the miserable adventar hardt’s ¢ functionary, was passed e that he nittee to lorate the of the he people of Washius b Logan gave not would Monday move ac on ft “Aah rthern sheet is ty idl wet eet forth in f en @4 faker Thee preteen Capital elsewhere j sequence c : freling af believeds u ried, aracter ot] ackrd dirloyal of in€amous IVis cowardly and oink p Arkin} ta de; y wickheduesa ead pes ' . . { tor er seen « he ia r A et ack upon , | aved heart] ple who areen /t a : ef the Bish» his cowardice, falsehoods and EPO | meet twent olution was parsed requiring officers of the | cause we believe in literal d which we have nev toad —laleigh Sentinel. all politieal Legislature twenty friends and admirers have thought he | feel, in those fixed by the mngleny be Ponsa id not fir the j meet, it strikes as Jmoibus bill should be therefare, the “Governor elect” » have waited aptil the bill “took effeec” « }4 law, and then called the Logislatace days thereafter. We allade w these tuatteth in no es. tious spirit, with no desire to ereute dif culties of raise obstructions te oar poline opponents’ enjoy ing what cheir souls lon for, but simply WE aro anxious fx restoration of order, and & compliance wab be full ee \ CHASE MEETING IN Pulls DELPHIA. On Wedacaday a meeting of eis sens ¢ tes throaghout the com ry, favorable to the cominathan of ("biel Justive Chase as President of the Unied States by the Democrtie Convention hich meets in New York on the Fowt of duly vent, was held atthe Goutinestd Notelin Philadelphia. "The Age says “Cha motion of John Welsh, Hon. Fad ‘\erick P Stanton, of Virginia, was called é rae ws tbe minesion A that t STiC HAPPINESS 1 DM popalati being eparee aud th Ww} fraseliing, ai few nly a few weeks siner, datas neal pti hope } proved by the ek tution that hie eendition fal and claim of the pec ple A bi!! amend erimee ment ble years after the offence has been commit ted, was passed K Senatorships are not the might be in eX perienced she tain there Hie mind eerwrurly affected, of Jaze hy and re verses, growing oat of taagters of the times, and thie bodily lected 804, deelaring ned in that act not } unisha taf} treatment which ot K act of } aver had len unless persone are indieted within five hie tranblee the healtn had been corr *pondingly Sut he ! ‘ ‘riday F lad «! > gut he sank rapidly aud died on I ribeye) ot all day and a bill passed which, in ef.) hear a glad shout from @ little Yoice ae stated. Hos remains were earrried, or Satarday, to bie home iu Halitax, for tn interment. Dr. Joyner's death ie not only a rad : j ] ‘| ate adjourned sad bereavement to an afflicted family, ee - —-- - bat it is « public ines. He was an intel | LIFE INSURANCE r Sif : Ath mre coe wee AFE INSURA) : ather raised the re nicing child in hig Fed nt, ob pega. — Per and | The business of Life Inen rance,' arms, and gave io jews ead es ad served the people acceptably in Any | rom small beginnings, has grown 10 sounding smacks. another one had ‘eapacicies. H evileut h- | tra Khar, "fhonlgrenty he te the n’a reonaefdin, ein mag aot, on had : , age and! was lifted also, aud ite little cheek companion.— | Poriant enterprises of this jcountry, Itis probable that the ag laid tenderly the shoulder, —— | gregate asectta of the Insurance Com. ' 4 ch wae be sr EF" The Mercury gives the following | ranies of the United States now en: close tn that Ia Ames’ cir. C&€d several linndred wil ms, andj time the cus and menagerie, as we are informed by the annual tax Jur ihe jone of the troupe, a great row occurred | people of the United among the attimais ou Tuerday pight,—| the It seems that the wind blew down @ part, ree nue, of the pavilion, ard cise frightened | panies are the |! In onel eage were confined a pauther, or Bragil- ian tiger, and two or three Afriean Je ip a sort of hay py family These sav- age brutes generally got aloug well ogh together, bat if by any -aceident ' gamtoling, or otherwise, blood was drawn, they immediately beeame enraged, quired the utmost promptness ann a cong on the part of the k * to subdne them and restore order. Doing | to the great noise and coufusion, on Tues- day night, it was a long time before it | ¥ae discovered that there had been « rom: jpasin the “happy family.” When the }eages was at length examined, it was foand that the panther had killed and half caten one of the leopards “Daddy was ¢-ming,” and { took np IN¥ point of observation jin hartnics« and admiring scrutiny of the well governed honse. On the way in, the Majority on joint ballot | After short Executive ec ssion, the Sen and a genial, admirable | Pea !--Raleigh Sentinel to bie ashes applying now ow the shoal. e ones, and Low on condacted apon Proper | the broad, fatherly ones, and while yrinciples, it is not only a legitimate! the husband gave a last rnb of the business, bat one in which the peo~| hard, roagh hands, he stretehet ont ple at large haven great etake.—! his nek and kissed the Pretty girlish Amid the conatant fluctnations of | wife, who woald be hovering near wealth in this country, where many him. They eaid grace, they dined are rich to-day and poor to-morrow,! at tho plain, wholesome board Life Insorauce becomes a Powitive more thay , duty, and a necessity to every one ng them a who has the responsibilities of a fan my eyes, ily or other dependante, whe may be out @ redaced to want upon des tnise, fn this State, Life Insurance las cheery one, neat As & Hew fin been prosecuted with great vigor Ly | very chatty, 1 thoughe the varions Companies which © | dert ( ‘ P have | derfully well matcher ‘ established agencies among 1s, fince ino moroseness in the man vor levity! the war. The bns' nese Nine : ncreased tin the wowan, and when Sunda a tie ewate and set them fizhting ards, and benediction with tears in| wore Giver. The hosband srave man, and the wife a | his or her Great was ai © them won. incl) interested ia ane af} 0’ Briea, New York; Wm. so f these, a h that no soon r did || Y; John Oberty Iinoie. The Washington election was disenss seine nase phd don na j of nine wae H feet, seats Bowen and gives fadicals q than I knew it was meal time, tia t “ mittee of one h omote bis nomination by the and | Convention which meets in New York once T found myself watt. on the 4i of Jaly next,” It is so brutish to pass with | dred, of recognition of the | a", was iy emer eonyry the pro: » the chair, A Committee of three ow ec Jahn Pant, M. i | Rheade Island; T rezier, Ph 3 Jobe J. 4. Hawley, 5. A Latham, Fred. eeiney ory whe the on, ard Chief Jor “Resolved, That we desire Afier which, a committees of one bar with Charles g, Halpine as chair tedings ta Demoefatie Convention i é | New York The meeting then ad jour: di° The Asknes Constitntion sends for there was anybody to jail who prosames to kee? 2 stallion without having taken the electoral oath, any ¢ while great to just done ect, Thi ito" tyma tole, evn @ or fea invest of his may E tu sue «lual hea ww rated rty na we alt head ty theerat } aig ty to oth more F. intd to obt REM All} tare, sen i State, ty, and, gr — the di nets, y same qnali aatha ton last desk 22 8 n hole s clo = 2 @ Roman let- wir ~ e ital om B boxes Con-| States of the right to vote in said State.} for hfe now, not for abstractions or to get tynes are a titled to vote by the constitu-|a verdiet upon transactions already barr- ized, except as}ed by statute of limitations of inevitable as are now | and inexorable destiny. at common law, whereof they shall} “There never was a time when excite- convicted under laws} ment and personal feeling were more pos- to all the inbabitants|itively criminal, There never has been provided that any altera-| assembled a Convention in the United in| States that more imperatively d ded the reeenre Basen’ 6 se compo iy ‘petenien aelneoytee like the ch are q Tr 38 great facility, yet all of them. fail tv justify the line. This has to be done by a hand after the type are get, This invention docs great cred it to the genios of our young coun- tyman, and is the more remarka- ble, as it iv the invention of his own brain —he never having seen or read of the various muchines invented, but he devixed the plan of his own, may be able to bring bis machine tu such perfection as to render u sluable to the profession. Sach no invent may lessen the de- 7 resentation in mu Curling h Carolina, yp, | bama.and Florida have ,in’ “| the provisions an act entith "| the more efficient government of the rebel ved March 2, 1867, aud the act supplementary thereto, framed consti- tutions of a State government, which are —_ and ny 0 ~ | tutions by large maj cast at the elections. held for the ratifiea- g of the same; thcrefore, 2 that each of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louis-|can win, he is the mau for us. iana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida shall |Chase is that man, well and good. If sentation | General Sherman is that man, so be it.— nion when | If General Hancock is that man, amen! the Legislatare of such State eball have|Abstractly considered, Mr. Pendleton is duly ratified the amendment tothe conati-| probably first favorite with a large major- by | ity of the Southern people, but they can- the Thirty-ninth Congress and known as | not and they will not sacrifice the future article fourteen, upon the following funda-jon the altar of the. past, to gratify that mental conditions :—That the constitu- | preference.” ra re tion of neither of said States shall ever be ed ots D POMS, | 50 amended or changed as to deprive any | be of the ties, memories and prejudices of ads, then the caps, | citizen or class of citizens of the United| the days that aré.gons: We are fighting 1 Sout! States,” tion or be it enacted all connect-| whe are entitled | t ora? Pei W Sito , be entitled and admitted to re % within Congress as a State of the tution of the United States, pro; a role Seal ted said consti- ze the «psi are ar-|have been dul pe port fs. tion of said constitutions, ishment for such crimes may be made wi nd admitted to ib rogue to of residence of voters; of Georgia shall only be en- ninth Cow werous, intelligent men, who be to other more remunerative @id more healthy emploprocnts. Mr.{DELEGA1 DEMOCRATK The following named persons bh ted delegates from this State to th F. intends going to Washington| to obtain @ patent. | Kaleigh Sentinel. | Qeiowal Democratic Couvention, to be Theld in New York, on the 4th day of Ja ly meat, viz _ -_ - REMOVAL OF DISABILITIES | All the members of the Legisla tare, and all the State officers ely. seen in the late election, in thie State, were elected under the anthori ty, and by the direction, of ihe Con | gressional Recongtrnction Acts A namber af the members elect! to the lature and the Stare offices, bor) | ical and Conservative, lie ander the disabilities of the teennatrnctivn | nets, yet they were all elected by the | same aathority and hy the registered qualified voters of Carolina, as authorized by Cor gress. The Bill before Congress, and which | has passed the [onse, removing dis | Abilities, embraces such names as| partizan Radicala thonglt proper to recommend for Congressiunal clei ‘dagp & purty? It seems | , re ordinary rules of pro-| Priety,.as well as a proper regard for | t its ows truction m ‘Oy to sectire from Oongress the removal of all disabilities from every person elected nnder those Acts.— /’aleigh Sentinel. ——e Augusta, Ga, Jute 13,—A United States soldier was cut with a ragor in tho bowels by a negro barber, in an alzerea- tion last night, and died this morning. United States proposed by the Thirt ; and as ke State o Georgia, it shall, in addition, give the assent of said State to the fandamen- tal condition hereinbefore imposed apon the same, and thereupon the officers of | each State duly eleeted and qualified un-| der the constitution thereof shall be inaa- |gerated without de exh pod sar 4 . hibited from holding office ander the “e°Her- tire ben ted States or pa Se State by section three of the proposed amendment to constitution of the United States known as article foarteen shall be deemed eligi- | ble te any office in either of said States, mand for compositors but the sup- anlese relieved from disability as provided | , i ’ ly now exceeds the demand, and) wade the duty of the Presideat, w we shall not regret it, wou shalt | reo days after rveciving oficial intorma- head to the direction of the nu- tien of the ratifieation of sud amendment by the I egislature or either of said States, | amendment; and to issue a proclamation an: long to the profession of printers, ¢ —_—- STATF AT LARC Deleaates Hon WwW N i Smith, (iew. W. RB. Cox, Win. A, Wright, E-q Col. Johan Fo Hoke First District Gen M. W. Ransom, Col. D, M. Carter, P. H. Wineton, Esq : RH. Smith, Keq Second District. Hos. M. E. Manly, Hon. Geo. Howard. Third District. Col. Robert Strange, Col. N. A, MeLean. Fourth District. Col. W. J. Green, Dr. R. B. Haywood. Fifth District. Hon. Bed. Brown, Hon. J. M. Leach. District. Hon. T. L. Col, 8, MeD, Tate. en ALTERNATES—OTATE AT LARGE. Maj. Joba H John A. A. 0. Cow , A. T. Aug. M. Moore, Dr. P, T. ca M. Whedbee, Eeq. Ool. D. D. Ferebee. Second District Ram’l. Radeliff, Keq. Wm. 8. Battle, Eeq. Third District. Capt. H. C Brock, Col. W. L. Steele. Geo. F. Davidson, Esq. Dr. A. M. Powell. ‘ES TO THE NATIONAT CONVENTION ‘| >. WORDS O¥ GOLD: |. The Macon (Ga.) Journal ‘and Messen- the sevéral lead- ger has an article : “If any sacrifice has to be made let it ing candidates for the Presidential’ nomi- nation at New York, fromwhich we ex- «© tract most earnest and excellent sugges- of North Carolina, tions, jana, Georgia, Ala- as toddegan from Georgia will go to reuance of New York without choice, except {or the best man, and that man, to them, is the man who can win. He is Georgia’s choiee, and none other. If it turns out that such a man is found among those who have written their hostility to our ple in blood and fire, let him be se- ected, Construct a platform of one sin- ge plank, if you please—opposition to adicalism—and put him upon it. If he can stand square and firm upon that, and If Mr. From the Milton Chronicle. same. section of this set an senigi te tech State, exeept| FARMERS’ MEETING IN CaS. WELL, N. C. Yawxcerrvittg, N. C., } June 1, 1868. man, and W. B. Bowe and meeting having been briefly explained, the following declarations and resolutions _| Were unanimously adopted, as expressive jof the sense of the meeting, to-wit : At a meeting of the farmers and land- | holders of the County of Caswell, held in the Court House, in this place, on the let | punished promptly and severely. day of June, 1865, for the purpose of pro-; ; : ; noting the Agricultgral intervats of this; ‘rom Miasiasippi— Removal of Gow ernor Humph: tee and section, and inviting emigran’s from the amine for themselves, and cast in their! Canties, T j lots with us, pledging ourselves to supply | them with lande at reasonable prices and | promising them a cordial! reception and a) Pee per | hearty co-operation iv the advancement of oar metaal interest. | Resolved, That a copy of the proeced- | ings of this meeting be forwarded to the Rev. Albert Nevin, D. D., of Peunsylva- nia, who lately visived this place with a view of selecting a desirable loeation as a} permanent settlement, and that he be re- quested to give them publicity in his State and elsewhere, as be may have op- portunity of so doing. Resolved, as a most important means of developing the resources and of = the agricultural interest of this |: y, efforts should be exerted to frase as as practicable, a rom j emer to some point on the Richmond and wille Railroad, a charter for which has already been obtained. That the Milton Chromicle, Raleigh Sentinel, Danvillc (Va.) papers, Richmond Whig, Baltimore Sun, avd Col- umbia (Pa.) Spy, be requested to publish the proceedings of thie meeting, and that all other papers North and South, friend- ly to Southern enterprises, will oblige by copying. ; Tt was ascertained, among the farmers t, thut there ie between twelve and retey prices thousand aeres of land for sale, at ranging from $5 to $15 per acre, according to quality, improvements, &e. On motion, Dr. N. M. Roan, Col. Geo. Williameon and W. 1. Bowe, were ap- pointed a committee of correspondence. On motion the mecting adjourned. PHILIP HODNE l, Ch'n, * Ww». B. Bows, ’ ' L. L. M. Torrey, § Secretaries Purseant to notice previously given, a f| meeting of the farmers of Caswell county held in the Coart House the Ist day of Jane, 1868, and organized by the appoiut- ment of Philip Hodnett, sf fe as Chair- » L. M. Tut- ten, as Sceretaries. ‘The object of the oy NS SPREOHS Grant made the following speech on being visited by the committee appointed to inform him of his nomi- “You'd scarce expect one of my age, speak in public on the stage. d if Lchanee to fall below arles Sumrer and Galusha Grow, Don't view me with Ben Butler's eye, But pass my imperfections From Marshal's pups great From little colts great horses grow. As you'll agree, it is too late For me to try to cultivate The art of speaking, Therefore, I Will let the little job go by, T'lLonly say that L'll fulfill, Whatever you, my friends, may will. And it is now my full intent, If Lam chosen President, To so discharge official duty, That every act, my friends, will suit you. Latest News. Congress. Washington, June 16.- Senate—A bill was introduced promoting commerce be- tween the States and dispensing with freights on mails and military and naval It contemplates the construction of railroads, centering in Washington [Telegram closes the sentence thus ab- ruptly, without saying whether the bill was only introduced or whether it passed. We take it the latter, as, we learn, a pri vate telegram has been to that effect. | The bill covers about twelve hundred, ineluding Governors Brown and Holden, From Washington. Washington, June 16.—It i that General Martin MeMahon, of New| York, will be appointed Mexican Minis- | United Gates Indian Agent Leaven worth, in bis report, narrates vumereus outrages on the part of the Camanches Thry seem wo have a spe- cial predelecsion for raids into ‘Texas. Leavenworth recommends that they be mal Gover y General Hooker is relieved by | Northern and other portions of the | sited | L [looker ' States, to settle in our midst, and aid in | the promotion of the objects contempl .ted,| Jackson, June the following declarations and resolutions | has been removed. were unanimously adopted as the scnec Uhert {this meeting— Warenkas, We regard this | nn of Nonh Carelina as one of the most desira Captain Jasper Myers ble actions of the State for profitable in Pi vestments in Agricaltar:! porenits, on ac e Puderal Anny coant of the variety of the t the eoil, and bh althfulaces o a —especially would we cali’ att t be fact that the finest Tobac grown je the United States ia produced 1 this te County, and, b. fore the Late war, was a lanarce of immense profit. And, » tthere is not now more than one foruth of Ithe lands of this county annually cultiva jtedg ita, th mn fore lesizable that thie SALISBI Rt» fenrplue should be bronght ander enltiva JUNI ion by men of energy and eapital, as . |epeedily as practicable. Therrtore Resolced, That we most cord lly in wite capital a and farmers from other sections | to vieit this portion of the State and ex r pound per sack. 1 2 ° . 3. - Frait, dried, apples pealed. sos anp'ld, 20.2.2... “ Peaches. peated. ..... unpeated. .. per pound, .. Molawes, sorghum. per al West India, poend, SS red, ~NEW ADVERTISE received in this ascertain ' the heart. Nine out of sixty-six had died from appoplexy, while there were forty- six cases of congestion of the lungs—that is, the lungs were so full of blood they could not work, there upt being room enough for « sufficient quantity of air to enter to support life. The causes that roduced congestion of the lungs are :— Jold feet, tight clothing, eostive bowels, sitting still until chilled after being warm- ed with labor or rapid walk, going too suddenly from a close, heated room inte the cold air, especially after speaking, and sudden depressing news operating on the blood, These causes of sudden death being known, avoidance of them may serve to lengthen many valuable lives which would otherwise be lost under verdict of heart complaint. That disease is supposed to be inevitable and iucura- | ble; hence many may not take the pains The bill removing the disabilities of cer-| they would to avoid sudden death if they tain citizens in North and 3outh Carolina, | kuew it lay in their power. Alabama and Georgia, and a few from oth- Seay SOR apr a SESE i U. States Int’al. Revenue, CoLLecror’s OFrrice, 6th Dist. North Carolina. Sauisaury, June 15, 1868. jets property described in the following schedule, has been seized as being liable to forteiture for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States. Any person or persons clainnng any portion of the said pro- perty, are hereby required to appear and make such claim within thirty days from the date of this notice. . » ae oe “ @ a Me - *. ee ee = % 14-8 Bellis 10 Stands. Kerr & Rick. © 19-4 Bilis 10 Stands... Adam ©. Troutmas. BAML. H. WILEY, Collector (e240) Great Sale of Land!!" N PURSUANCE of a decree of the County Court of Rowan, I will sell at public sale at the residence of Mra. Melinda File, late residence of Jacob File, deceased, on Thursday the 2nd | per week or $3 per day. Chikiren under ten | houses complete for poul, plucge, shower or gal ae pea of Jaly next, the fullowmg tracts of land belonging to said Jacob Files estate, to wit The ye treet. sabject to the widow's dower, lying o@ the Yadkin River, adjoining Abraham Hill's heirs, Mo-es Lemly, Alexander Frek and others, containing 227 acres ALSO, the Beaver Tract, lying on Dutch Second Creek, adjoining Charles Sto Alog ander Frick and Juba Lill, cog g 136 acres ALSO, the Hartman Tract, lying on Duteb Secor 1 Creek ad) MDiNng Rdwacd Ratty Alex ander Pol and others, conta AL“O, the 105 scree Moss Lenily and ont ¢ 250 acres CW sale io take place at 1] k AM Ter:ns made known at sale ALSO, on Thareday the 7th of July in the lage cf Mowut Pleasant, Cabarrne Co, I tall and Le q . h - m Fe ale = ‘ “ \ 2 t mary rt 1 ' Sparkling Catawba Springs, CATIWGS COUNTY. 50°C x v thing will be . who may , Take the Weetern N ( berv, ether on Munday, V waing: io flick mtn ind Hacks for tie x wiles, overt a beantiinl, « lade A good bend of Mcew will be at the entire seasva.— Board $50 per month; $12 years of age, aud servants half price. Bath twb baths, and sulphar baths, cold or hot. J. GOLDEN WYATT, Proprietor. Sparkling Catawba Springs, Catawba county, NC. Jane 1. watw:3m ss e s s s t s s s s s e s ss —- e s 2 : ST S E S S R E S S S S AS S T . ST R A a T s . su s s e s e s r e s s s s s oe | Mens, Women, | EQUITY SALE Of a Valuable Gold Mine Y order of the Court of Equity of Rowan county, 1 will offer the real estate and per- sonal property of the Union Mining Company of Baltimore city, for tale at public auction, at [the court-howse in Sali-bury, ou Tuesday, the any ever brought into the State. fal Praxo Tonge will receive orders by 30th day of Jane, at L1 o'clock, A.M. The! mail from the conntry as well as from sale will comprise a valuable Gold Mine situa- | ‘Town, and stop about the middle of July ted in Rowan aad Cabarrus counties, which | will be aokl eabject to judgment and leina, whieh will be stated in full on the day | of sale,.—Terms ensh | LUKE BLACKMER, ome at such places from which orders have been received, send orders immediately. Vogler & Co., MANUFACTORERS OF Boys & Misses SHOES, SALEM, © 0. OUR Shoes are well made, and of the very best Materials. We invite mereahnteto exam - ine our SHOPS ; they will speak for them- ! Ed selves, and will we think, Compare Favor- ABLY both as to QUALITY and Price, with mareh 2-3-2320 AN EXPERIENCED AND CARE- Terms reasonable Address, PIAN) AGENT, tw3t 351 Box 95, Charlotte, N. G cause. i of sudden. deaths the experiment fi held’ pe abd a scientific congress held at Stras' ; Sixty-six feases of sudden death were ‘made the subject of a thorough post mor- tem examination. In these cases only two were found who had died from disease of | pany.” ef this county ; The eh mcf ation of tJ un to assume. q) te sin enclted t was, at one time, pnp Gen. Abbott would walk for the highest offices in the State. Senators, why isi: that, after a life long residence in Olio and New Hampshire, they were not considered qualified to represent those States ? PIEDMON1 S== | REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY bs OF VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITA] =| ONE MILLION DOLLARS. "ADMINISTRATOR SALE OFFICERS. W. C. CARRINGTON, President. J. J. HOPKINS, . pays to its policy holders annually 874 Per Cent. of ite Profits. for one half of the premiums It allows ‘ts patrons to pay all cash if deaited tlements and see their rights protected from one place to another vel or residence. vency Nets» » Cownt Hover, Va ¢ March %, 1867 ‘ ny.“The Piedmoat Keal E«tate Insurance Com ron Ite Stuekhakders, Directors and Officers are men ; of high mtegnty. and patrons can rely on an honorable, «fficre t management of ite affaires None of as have stock or personal interest in a simply give this ae dixinter Gro S Srevans, Clerk ( nt Covnrt, ges Pire Com Trave g ageutea wanted Apply ¢ CAPT JAMES PF. JOHNSOW Special Agent, Charlotte, N. ( Jan. 7, 1A watwir | ' Tne Ashi g rn Mutaal” Life Iusurance Company OF VIRGINIA. A Vurginia walauk rn Institution Its Funds are kept in the South Tt has mel with unprecedented success The Company has capita! and aaete, againat ite liability that will compere favereliy eth any Lite Inseraece Comper J ow the -wotiment, shich is the trae test of respons: bifit Its affairs are cactiousty administered by selected Directors. of responsibility and basiness capacity . It has established its claim to Southern OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, VICR PRESIDENT, Seceerany, Ww. B. Isaacs, D. J. Haxtsoox, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. Leeak apvises, @Rrenal seEKr, H. ©. Canetti, Jxo. H. CLarnoryz. DIRECTORS : Jobe Enders, Henry kK. Eltysen, William FP. Taytor, Asa Sayder, Samael 5. Cottrell, HM. B.C. Baskervil John ara Samuel C. Tardy T. Wortham, William Willis, Jr., 4. W. Alfimon, . A. Smith, George 8. Palmer, Thos. J. Bran, A.D, Chockiey. soe A. Scout, He €. Cabell, ° .d v. i. tye Joba C. Williams, J.B, Rawards, William @. Taylor, A. Y. Stokes, A. P. Abell, 4. B. Mortoa, Wm. B. isaacs, R. 8. Dibrell, George L. William H. Palmer, Samael M. Price LEWIS C. HANES. Ao’s. Jani7—twkwif Lexixetoy, N. 0 Nea'l, FExeouted at this Office. that over the track for the ‘ choice of —- ships, viz: the long term. It is con- ee deshow, we Ctonay that some Yankee is to have that choice; aa the ‘Northern element controls the party in the State and d'ctates terms; but Col. Heaton is suidto have entered the lists actively against Gen. Abbott, And thus we have it: Ohiv vs New Hampshire and New LUatmpshire ve. Ohio, in the great scrub race for the Senatorship from North Carolina? We have heard that Col. Heaton has addressed a circular to the members of the incoming Legislatures urging his claims tojthe position,—the chiet of which is that 4e has been in the State five years, while other impor- ted aspirants have only been in the State three years! If any of them had any modesty, they would not i i An: Hatinéet Race.—Ove of most remarkable races that ever inhabited the earth is now extinct. They were known'as the Gaunches, and werd the ines of the Canary Island. In the sixteenth century, pestilence, sla: ery,and the cruelty of the Span- ng them. They. are described as having been gig: in stature, but of singularly. and gentle uss ture. heir food consisted of barlc), wheat, and goat’s milk, and their « riculture of the rudest kind. They phad a religion which tanght them of a futare state of rewards and punis!:- ment after death, and of and evil spirits, They regarded the vo! - cano of Toneriffe as punishment for the bad. The bodies of their dead were carefally embalmed and depos, ited in catacombs, which still contin, ue tobe an objeet of curiosity to those who visit the islands. . Their marriages were véry solemn, and, bo- fore engaging in them, the brides were fattened on milk, presume, after so brief a residence, and without any identification with th interests of our people, to clamor If Gen. Abbott’s three years so~ journ, and Col. Heaton’s five years sojourn, in North Carolina, have qualitied them to be our United States However, we have no disposition to interfere. We had as soow see this class of Radicals sent to the Senate as the indigenous material. When it comes to carget-bag ve. scalawag, it “| is a bear fight.—Sentinel. ; Por Life Insurance Only. Secretarg. 0. H. PERROW,M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Company aE IF YOU WANT ROSADALIS, WILSON,S REMEDY for CONSUMPTION Ayer's Sareapatils, Ayer’s Ague Cure, Sandford’s Liver Invigorator, Hall’s Hair Renewer, Hostetter’s:Bitters, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, RadWay’s Ready@Relief, Or any other Patent Medicine, CALL AT G. B. POULSON & CO's. It pro to aid its patrovs by taking notes It invites ite patrons to attend its annual set- It alice: ite patrons to change their policies 'ta Policy holders are not restricted as to tra- It offers the following certificate as to its sol- } The undersigned, officers of the coanty of Nelson, and State of Virginia, take pleasure in | recommending as a solvent and reliable compa: | aad besides the merit of tte selveney, its rates and terme fur Life Laaus- ance are such a lo commend it to pablie pat to the mentsof @ good institu- DRUG STORE Wyatt's Old Stand, § SALISBURY, N. C. March 17, 68 twTtew 1 4c INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Hartford, Conn. STATEMENT, D&C. 31, 1887. ACCUM ULATED ASSETS $17 670,288,88. INCOME FOR 1867.4 $7,726,516,53. FOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, FOR INTEREST, $1.393,719,68 LOSSES PAID IN 1367, $1,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1567. $643,005,00 Interest received more than pays losses Dividends average over 50 per cent. All policies nen-forfeitable for astated amount Assurance ean be effected in all forms decired SAML. DOUGLAS WAIT, General t, nafiet. N.C J. A. Bradshaw, Agent, Salisbary, N.C. mar 3-wdttwtf oo Loed, 22d Paint of all colors, at Nw = CARBGLINA Bast BROAD. Comraxy Snops,N.., April 1, 1°68. On and after this datethe wing will be he Schedule for Passenger Trains over this Leave Charlatte, daily 11.96 P. ™. 5.65 ecoecee D4) “ isa 12.25 p. mu. Leave Goldsboro’... ...12.30 p.m. Raleigh,....... 320 « Richmond via and Weldon Richmond or planes at au points narth of Richmond at the same time by either route. Comnection is made at Golds- boro with trains on W. & W. Road to and from lov and by Freight trains to Weldon. JAMES ANDERSON, Superintendent. Office N, C. Rail Road, April 4, 1868. tf - = “en Rocelved.—-".hAnet Turpentine, Linseed (7, ‘ Ite @. B POULS@® & COB Drag Stove Wyatt's Old S44 mag?d -oxttwht Saisoury NY succeeded in. totally extermina'- © ie "S a r e e “. on el e So s ta ac e se es FF Se e r ge d From the Witmingtos Journal From the Raral New Yorker. G 1G b h-! . . *° Resrvor to THe Mxwoxy or tue) CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. ler darkey. One ot the eammites State of North Carolina,|State of North Carolina, eas We 4 NEW YORK COLUMN, cat Ex Prestpent Bocuanan.—The While reading, a few days since, some |@ppoiuted by the Chicago Convention WATAUCA COUNTY. YADKIN COUNTY. national ensign at Post Headquarters | accoant of the snd aiukel i our| to apprise him officially of his nome | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, in this city was yesterday displayed | cities for the prevention of cruelty to ani- | ination was 8 negro named Harris, of | Term, 1868. April Term, 1868, st halt mast. The following order, | male, I wondered why the same measures} North Carolina. How he fared, a re-| Y® Horton, Guardian vs, Thomas & RE. A. Speer vs. W. H. Rodwell. received by the Commandant, will should not as well be adopted in the coun- | porter tells : explain the cause. No salute wasjtry. Surely something might be done to | hred, as directed, at this Post, because | prevent the cruel sights which so often | ' there being no heavy ordinance at | meet our eyes. Every day dumb beasts at the garrison here: Hvq'ss Seconp Mrurrary Dist, Chileston, 8 C., June 8, 1068. <iFNERAL ORDERS, { No. 99. ‘ . The following General Order from; The poor animals live and toil, uutil too stagger beneath their heavy burdens, and when, in uncomplaining silence, they sink | jby the cruel lash. What a pity that ev- know Brother. Uarris. The com ery wicked blow inflicted cannot react up-|P&9Y at one Une |on the back of the wretch who gives a ihe in the back parlor, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant, much worn out to work, when they are! and alone ina corner of the front par General's Offie, is republished for the in- formation and guidance of all concerned: Apsutant GENERALS OFFIcE, Washington, June 8, 1868. GENERAL ORDERS, } No, 25. 4 H'DO'RS OF ''HE ARMY, great: President, with deep regret, announces to the people of the United States the de- cease, at Wheatland, Pennslvania, on the let instant, of his benored predesessor, James Bachanan. This event will occasion mourning in netion forthe loss of an eniinent citi- v-» and honored publie servant Aga merk of respect for his memory, | 31 is ordered that the Executive Depart- nents be immediately placed in mourning and businers be euspeuded on the day of | the funeral It is further ordered that the War and Navy Departments cause suitable military nd naval honors to be paid on this oc- sion tothe memory of tbe illustrions dead. Anogsw Jonxson. 1]. Ia compliance with the instractions of the President, and of the Secretary of War, op the day after the reeeipt of this rcer at each military post, tee troops will be paraded at 10 o'clock, A. M., and the erder read to them, after which all labors for the day wi!) cease. The national flag will be displayed at bal! wast At dawn of day thirteen gnns will be fred; and aflerwards at intervals of thirty misutes between the rising and set- tog sun, a single gan; and at the close of the day a national salute of thirty- seven guus. The officers of the army wil] wear rape on the eft arm and on their swords, d the colors of the several regiments wi'l be pat in meaming for the period of #.X monthe. By command of General Grane: E. D. Towsees Assi. ‘an: Adjatant Geieral By commas! of Bvt. Major General Fx. B.S. Caxsr Locis V. Cazias Aid-a mp, Act Seet. Adjt. tecnl ceclntioe UN Washington Correspondence NX Y [e-ald CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE ON THE SITIU ATION The following confidential lerte from Chief Justice Chase toa ys sonal friend has been handed me. It eo distinetly marks the pres position and sent ments of Mr. Chase en important | Teal nea that lo do not feel a: |. ber * j ite pablieation : W asutnotox, May 25, 1868 Mr Deag Ste :—Yon are right ir believing that ] “s!all never aban don the great principles for thes cess of which | have given my entire fife.” Tadbere tomy “old creed of equ! rights.” without one jot or tit ‘le of abatement. [ shall be glad if the new professors of that creed ad ere to it as laitihfal.s Tam amazed by the torrent of ins vectives by w h bam drene! ed Alm “i every! ng aieg ac falsehood on ew Where an allega hae a A it, the fact is 6 perve Jos traves:ied that it »vecomes {al +« I knew no motive fer allt disappointment—that impea bas not thas far proved ai euecess conpled w rabelefthatliiased something to prevent ite he ny as Cese ] have riot been @ part s47 impeachioent certainiy, ve Bot been @ part.car Che er side. As presiding er ne fmai my conscience testifies have been etrict!s mipartia am sure that any one u report will say «9 Individnall: I have my convictions and op 5 bat I have verv seldom given ater ancetothem. Indecd. [dot honk that the ca-e, in ans ® a-ypoc's bias been the subject: of comer ation hetween mi se.t and more an o five Se: nly ca= ally aud br Orn w ea that I haves rag! The real ground denonciation js that Lhave not been a partear { conviction; and tie ’ Py i am walling to bear. diey tmas uounee and abuse ine und read ine ont of the party, if they « se. | follow ing old lights, not the nev What the deve pmente of the f ture tuay be To know mn I neither expectuor desire tobe a candidate for office again It would, however, uralify me exceedingly it the demo cratic party would take ground which would assure the party against all at tewpts to subvert the principie + universal euffrage estal,lehed in eight t e extablie the futare e which J Ve AUOred b& + be secure, and! should ts Tiey > my abeence ! p CA, hi ° BALMON P CHA and the friendly cow must bear their share. ‘The dog and cat are too often ill- used by those devoid of kinder feelings. — cent kittens, to deprive flics of their wings | during the evening. and legs, and to practice many other un- |spend that day in pain because some giant | ing on General Graut.— Mich. Whig. hand may, perhaps thoughtlessly, half . A —_———_— crush it. Aod yet when merely au insect maimed. God gave us life. We cling to deed. True, God gives ua some animals} the Assembly to the Radicals. Calli for food, and life is fed by death,—but is cot sold oat to them for $1300. The ae cg Pompeii we should despise any | tact was proved beyond doubt, yet of The st der Buildclalwattintenee Goon the Radicals nom nated him = for re ) > JA you sweep down hia work,—a work verwhiel ,| lclented a atts | which all your wisdom could never con \0 ay ‘ ae a ‘ Sie es cote) stract,—and crush him beneath your feet. StU to hiu and finally succeeded in | Why not rather take him down and say, ess bitn appointed Collector of “Mr. Spider, you are encroaching on my nterval Revenue onder Mr. Lincoln. premises; the world is wide enough for It soon becatne apparent that he was lyou aud me; I will put you out, and you, defrauding the goverument and John ling the little life which the Creator has|orous efforts of the Greel yiles to given aswell as yourown! Is He, who| have bim retained. He has Just been | notes the fall of even a sparrow, whose! tried in Court upon the charge of de- | value is bat half a farthing, pleased when fraudiug the {one tortares or tramples under foot the! , j little life which He has made 1? — when one treats with cruelty the faithful beast H« gives us to bear our burdens? No, it ae —— : . eannot be; nor does He suffer ove ta go| Masonic. ~ Phe regular election off aupaniehed for sueh wicked acts. ~uch| &°™ of the Grand Royal Arch ( bapier of wrongs must be redressed t North Carolina, uow in session at Wil We hope persons of kindness and influ- | @iPgton, tuok place ou Weduesday. The ence will take up this metter, and intro: | following were chosen for the casuiag duce some wethod of reform. We are PY°S") VIF: | ) glad to learn that Dr. Drummond of Ire | Dr WG Hi), Raleigh, G HP \land has written a work entitled, ‘Ihe Wm Murdock, al ebury, DG HE Kighte of Animale.” We wish it might! Henry K Nash Hilsbore, GK he cirenlated, and widely cireulated, in| 1 bos M Gardner, Wiliningten, GS his country, and tt » would inter: | Thos W Brow 7 G Vreas'r f beasis Ir Thos HK ¢ arr, ad EF. See'y } Jno J) Flanner, Newbern, G Mar-hal Thos B neogh, Greensboro, G PS EL Wine, Charkotte, G RA ¢ W A Smith, Wadesboro, G M 3d V | 1) W Bain, GM 2d V and when they shall not despise these | Fward Dalby, Granville, G M let V “ | §£. Turlington, Wilmington, ( ‘I'y kk , A proposition t» remove the place of | mee guverninent, found guil y bythe jury, aud sentenced tu the Peu fentiary | est themselves in behalf of the poor whieh are the daily victims of man's i: humanity. May the time eu.n come when | these anfeeling hearts shall grow more | ,* nd, and learn to treat with kindness (shatever ie placed within their power lives whose existence ie 00 brief. and « > them eo ewret BE. Mens iNE F wecting of the Grand ( hapter frou W mirgton to Raleigh was defeated, —_ ————-___ ‘lowers —It is said that almost al kinds of flowers sleep in the night marigoid gees to bed with the ean aud! Ars Circve eill certainly be bere rises weeping. Many piante are so sen- °? Toesday. It iv a mammoth concern sitive that their leavee close duris g the d the performances are ertainly supe passage facioud The dandelion openr rior to any that bave ¥ rine d the South at five or aif in the morning and closes as pines — It will only exh bit one nine in the evening. The daisy opens ;C*Y )) 6 8eF from owr exehangrs that its day's eye to meet the morning san — | SVEN prom ecd is etrictly ned The croeas, tal p, and mang others clos. | °"' Wherever it has bre "ne their bloseome at different bourse toward a wde Lave gow to enjoy the rac feate evening The ivy leaved lettuce open st horeemanship robates, &e It io Seathern Company, aud the yttformers erght in the morning, and cloees forever at : foar ia the afternoor The night-bloom eae na Vis ie in their dd ok hid ng cereas tarns night into day ; it begins *POCTe® —* Bar lotic Times to expand it» magnificent, eweet-ecented ——2->__. blossoms in the twilight, it ie in fall bloom Passage of the Omnibus Bill at midnight, and closes never te ope Vashiegton, Jane ll, M —The Senate age tthe daw day In a clover paseed the Omnibus admission [!!, late feld not a af opens till after ennris * aetnight, by a etrct party vote It goes saye aceicbrated au ark edit the tause (or. concert 1 8 a ach timer to the s fy ante foes ten watched them t cr slumbers ~ Alabama is inc! d. Whe int na Vhoee plante which seem to be swake all) atthe Howard Amendment are t night, he etyles the bate a c (yet the manguriig the State egetable kingdom Phe Greorgia Ke 1wear i _- rree ew? io A t ‘ A Wonderful Dome —The dome of the noe Arky tee rapit at Wast ngton is the most amt estracture in Ameren Jt isa hu and eight fret higher than the Waeh State of North Carolina, gion monument at Baliim gtv eight ; gher than that of Bunk r BD '!, a Neher che | vor Con rE 6 1 Term che f Y ork It 10 : « er 4 cone " 1° ie a vast satilere of wey . gz 8,200,004 + & Thee | ‘ More than four and eur kn fi ~ ue a . the weight of seven'y "1 4 rabent vthhous ad ia I ‘ “ara den coal cars, which ' gfurtone a rt te Soper ior ( Law piece, would reach two miles a @ haf. eld y ot urTV w Di -retly ever your head ie a fignre in| Hove in Dy the second Monday alter | bronae, “Amenea,” weighing 14.085 lie [he last Morcta Auguet pextt ni! there Ie preasnre of th dome ucon ite pelts eaattiala! rede tee MAN LIK | & - Be pro om/ess « ak { piers and pillars‘ 13.477 poande tw, the ; |. Freeman. ck +, are foot, and St. Genevieve, at Paria (eloMne Dobson. the a . “ Nas 66.000 pounds wnore. It wonld require ster tie tact Monday in February. bees eruch the -upporta of onr domea pres A. H. FREEMAN k sure of 775,280 pounde to the eqaare foot 22 6t: pre f $8 The cost was about $1,100,000. The now ms = ae mings cost about $6,509,000 Thearchi- State of North Carolina. | tect bas @ plan for rebuilding the old cen = ui tral part of the eapital, and enlarging the WATAUGA COUNTY P } P © park, whieh will cost about 3,200,000 Court of D'leas and Quarter Sessions April} : —- erm 1368. | From Richmond. | a. J. Coffey & Bro, ) Fivchmond, June 11, 1’. M.—Gen. Stone- vs Attachment et ai ian, to-day, removed Joseph M Hum-|7 ses D Foxworth, a | phre:e as City Courciiman, and revoked Seti one rial a of the Conrt the appointment of H. S Wigand, recent. | _ vee ; ve 7 si re oS ae D Woxe sia 3 y D thy nits of thie Btate 1! 19 oF appointed Tax Collector lered that publication be made for six weeks era = ‘int Watehman & Old North Btate, netifving Marketa sand defendant to be & appear atour next Court New York, June 11, P. M —Cotton | of Pieas and Quarter Sesviona tobe belt for dull and heavy. Salve of 650 bales at| the county of Watauga at the court-house in a Boone, on the 2nd Monday io Jaly next, and | cp 450454 Sine on and there shew cause { any he has, why! ances ‘ | operty levied « not be condemoed ie z Hey esa oo © of the plaintiffs } Bale more, vsne ji, ft fon 26 ‘| \.tneaa, J.B. Todd, clerk of our said court at ars | Oflon, the 3d Monday n Apnl, 1968. | F et and slow, hat pricag un-| J.B. TODD, Clerts 3 ! 4 19 i 6” ( pracy 6% 06—19 He wag introduced, of course, by TT appearing co the satisfaction of the Court i; this case it appearing to the satisfretion of the immense Manager Washburne, | that the defendants, Thomas & RK. E. Brown ‘bat neither General Graut, Colfax, | reside beyond the limits of this State: ‘the ladies present, nor any one of the : | beneath their weight, they are urged on great Radical Mogals seemed to | State, notilying said defendants to be and ap- Old Norib State,” notitying said defendant to { i of Pleas avd Quarter Sessions to be beld for the were nearly all | Sessions to be held for the county of Wataa- ais . chile |ga at the court-house in Boone, on the 2nd | COUntY of Yadkin, at the court-house in Yad- Harris was observed standing solitary turned aside with no further care, and too lur room. There he reinained for over | Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk, of our said court | P@rte, the judgment confirmed, the land levied often are left to suffer, even in want of|half an hour, the observed of no one| t office, the 2d Monday in April, A. D. 1868 | 08 cape pac ar a aaa tae Ls food. — ; except the reporters, who proceeded | . Ne is es atl ny oie lapel | years side notes of Brother Harrie’s _Prady $8 00—19 a ___ | at office . Yadkiaville, the second Monday in jee eruel treatmen © patient OX / gulitary condition. It was a fact to Q4, : April, A.D. 1868. J. G. Marter, 0.0.4 | which many can testify, that neither State of North Caroliua, |Grant nor Coolfax, save at the intro- ! ALEXANDER COUNTY. WANTED s . S | oti , i i 7 Super ‘ i », Sprit 86x. {, ‘The following order of the President Childrea are allowed to torture the inao-| UU ion, took any notice of Harris, Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 136% 1 ec cived f the War D - ey re been reccived from the War Depart ALSO, Bayne, }1arris—all treated Wansixctox, June 2, 1868 —The | feeling acts. Even the emallest insect, | with contempt. We should think take the depositions of James Burchem and| “Also a large quantity of GINSENG and which exists but fora day, is liable to|the negroes would get tired of call- | others, ou the Sih day of August next, at the|SENEKA Roots. - is injured by some r: ugh hand, a life is| Justice Ovurtakes Another Padi- {iW euitleyous are’ defendant whoa “and where en ae lan eng — cul.— A few years Geo one Callicot you aay be present and cross examine if yeu 1867 Ho! for the West i7 |it with a tenacity with which we bold to} was elected tu the State Legislature sce proper. This, lth June, A.D. 1868. jnothing else, and yet we can torture or}in New York. There was just one MARGARET E. MILSAPS. crush out a little life like that, with no! Democratic majority in the House, su thought that we are committing an unkind that a change of one vote would give | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April! BALTIMORE h OHIO election the vext year, but he was Term 1868. may build elsewhere,” instead of destrey- son removed him, against the clainy ax weeks in the Watchman & Old North State TWO jecll, Witness, Jaa D. Hesrne, clerk of our| yearn, AN those indebted to him would con- | York ry oe at office, the Ist Moaday in Marcy | sult thete interest by pa Ag ap aod sare tom. - A at om | pablighed at Charlotte, . O., for Phree wos eth Moy 19 a ence ert stamens is rg a0 Pl ay 19, 5 WHEWEL Wii Hee ud of tho year, Brown. ; : LAND, Attachment levied on land. bh enable ehh ol el the Court that the defeudant is pot a resi- It is or-| Sent of the State of North Carolina, {tis or- dered, therefore, by the Court, that pubbeation be made for six weeks iv the * Watchinan aod | dered by the Court that publicatiun be made | for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North -}pear at our next Cont of Pleas and Quarter be and appear belore the Justices of our Court Nonday in July next, then and there shew] kinville, on the second Monday in July next, cause why the jand levied on shall not be con-| ‘ben and there to plead, answer or demur to |demned to the use of the plaintiff. said attachment, or the same will be beard ex | 1, an order of sale granted. J. B. TODD, Clock. Witness, J, G. Marler, clerk of our said Court 23:6t:$8 = 6 — te W. L. MILSAPS: 2,000 LBS. BEESWAX, for which the You are hereby notified that [ will highst market price will be paid | court house in Washington county, Indiana, C. F. RITZ. } touching a certain matter of controversy bow | g posite the Market-Hpuse, Salisbay, N. C. {pend g in the said Superior Court, of said a ee 12, 1868. [3t-w-23.} Alexander county, N. C., wherein I am plain- State of North Carolina,| By the Great National WATAUGA COUNTY. | DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE! Reuben Farthing ) Mis r Attachment Rail Road, AND (dale etches ITS CONNECTIONS. N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of | Arreogements huye beeu made by Shieh Paesea- the Coart that the defendant Thomas D. | &f/4 48 procure Through wckew a: Salsdary Foxworth is a aon- resident of this State: Tre) Ne ©: for . (heretore ordered that pubhieaton be made for ladanepelis, Lod, ,* Low-ville, Ky, Ca cago, I, Nashville, Teanesace, wilying. said defeindagt to be and! appear at ed he wis ha es oe “COSTARS” var vext Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, | Ons peg tn Tones Ub i tot “ld fo: @ cout at re | nahh 1 : mb ) » be held for the county of Ws ange at th | Bartivgion, Lowe, Colembes, Ohio, ‘ ! ourt- house in Boone, on the 2d Monday in Ceiro Dayton, Ob re arations Jaty next, chen and there <hbew canse if any | Miwphia Tees Lafayete I diane, a he has why the property levie! on shall not be | And all Points tn the Great Weat } condemue! to the vse of the pluannff. 1a . Wiitoena, J.B. Tiadd, chet ic “ii mir said coart at By the ase ete eee Rave unty | Everybody Tries Them | | ofBew, the 2.1 Munday in Apa, 1868 | TWO CHANGES JB TODD, Clerk, jof Carsbetwrea Washington City and Ludien | Everybody Uses Them | pradv $3 00-19 lapele, two ehanges (o Cigeinmati, and three 1 . oe bem Every body--Believexiin Them ! State of North Carolina, | 7) from Washington to Indian wnt AO oats ty . (3 ‘y ? | apolis 36 hours; Cincinnati 36 hou WATAUGA COUNTY. sit 36 . ure; gee a7 ati 6 hor pay Are you troubled by Rats, Mice, Roschen | "por thts Memeiecs sel’ on en tomes Dep Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April , 2" ae LAE IE OA DONTE CONG D2 Sua Be.) Ei Buy & Be. oF Be. Box of | everywhere. ond va all the Draggio ie Term 1868 hours; and Memphis, Zenn., 62\' Costar’s Exterminators e = Geaid a Thoras 27 houre. Infallibte pemedins Deows “Free 1: "| The Baliwore & Ohio Raleved and connee ff agp ectgdnp raphe Attachment luevie don land tag (oade are the waly routes which con cheek lw proved to heep tm any ro. : r segege throug) fron Washington Cry to cthmate . | aptes od ol the Const) joie vest.—Vacsengere ehwuld be oare |. . - ' e defendants Thomas & RE Bown) ¢,y bete ere Katine & Ono Kanrmed,ee | — - “<= — — ash SALI LA out e tes ihe nearesiand most cireciruate. Passengers Are you snsoyed with Bed-Begs) (Caa't by ihe C t . a e tade | perchasng Weelern thes tickets have the pur sleep ot nights ' + weeks in the Wie & UGS Nie C2 tu vot Baltimore and thea reoame thes! 7. ne > $F ber.® She. oF Be, Bettie of “tale z* atite be and af | ner ey Weet, ere Baliiimre a Ome Rad “COSTARS BED Bl G EXTER. oor a = (g Ponate Qoarter | ened. A Liquid «Destroys And prevents Bed ° be hebd for wy Watauga! bs Perce @whiaz Fengrate toamyofthe| ssa Never fails.” _ 2 art se b t second | Western ce suuth We » Sistes can, by get Mo y daly ae ecaad e ohe wag ep e pany of If fe Passengers and up- : - ~— — ae — Mileve wile ae, t | Cards pricere Veigrent) Tekete | DENUE er Metin io Vote, Wootres, “e ete, Be vs eroten ned 19 ie use of ‘be plasn-| FOSTER, Bay. geet, Nerwh Coretion, ot Sele /uCONTARS” INSECT POWDER ‘K Dnt P waid a ledvepapole, tnd Chose, mm | pects, eagetat Fieas end all lnaccts on si . Crmevamacts. ¢ hes, *t Logis, Mo — : = wine ¢ M ¥ Arel AD 1868 | Memphe. Tews, Nepuleoo, Ark, | J.B. TODD, Clerk New-(rieces, La, Peducab, Ky., “fare thing.” ‘Tends tontily to to pr aly $8 00 9 | ot greatly reduced prees | merits IPB onsh or te. Box of ‘ ~ wT ) ° | Pacer agrre shoakl 1» ali cesses parchore Th-eagh | “COSTAR'S” CORN SOLVENT. State ot N ort hi ( arolina, Acie frum (he piece they start from te wher. 1 For Corns. Bestons, Were, Ac. Try it hev are prong ae by oe dom t wil mare mee = a WATAUGA COUNTY rm 65 to $10 im money, beodes they are mt) Court f Pleasand Quarter Sessions April, °*'!°"* sanvsence 1a reloring beggage and | Don't sufier with Pain! Woederte! power Term. 1868 Prving (rameter charges, By: Rowe, whee of Healing’ bvery family showld keep it in lewe Passenger has pur have hreegh wehbe, | the hoase Fart g& Co. T “ARE Rrown he cfeol ©rmpamee ascome ell charges «4 Ear Bay 0 Be oF Ste Box of Attachment levied on land ranst-rs of Parseagersend begrege. EF Every) “COSTAR'S” BUCKTHORN Satyr I* appearing to the eatile a the Court | Faceraret -e elkew. d (0 ihe of haggege tree j Its e@ects are immediate. For cot. berna at the defendants TI wk i © roe All over (welve years are fol! Perven gers Be | wounds. sore breasts. piles. sicers. cid sores ey ae TR ene 4 20d 1d years pay ball pree. Al ender, ftch. ecrofeia and cutaneous etuptions | * areilee | chapped hands. lips, Be. bites of animeis ¥ —_ = Se ka WE weeks! ween all farther informe's n oldrese ' sanarte, de Vatcnman & Ubi North Staie nottying LoUIs ZIMMER, lire = sto be aod appear at our nex Gea Scarbers Agi. Het. & ObioR. B | ~ as af & arter Neasione te teetet | teres nebero’, N ( | Lotversai [tener PUL” (seger-comted) Watauva at the w = | 3 years sdministered ip a Physician s Prac nthe 2nd M ay om July neat! LW Cose JL Wuee, ree coms TPB and We Hoses of ami there shew enti aT ee Gen. Treket (gn Mesioret Treaspene |“COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILLS. avewhy > le j elell not te Ber 20 UR BRB. @ORR | Of extraordinary efficacy for costire t pla 4 Belumore B Jtimeore Dew. indigestion, nerwwar and sick Pass hh T eal onesie a Fae headache Surpepes, Sy enter ener iM y 4 sD }aGR t- Se = Sues a al de ys ty, Label complaints, cbilie, fe a vers, dc Not griping Geatle. mild, J.B. TODD. Clerk LOOK | and eawthirg P | _ = : ae \ . | eo wTe That ( Tk i ; State of North Carolina,! The Ku-Klux-Klan is About !| tau elie z | tered STANLY COUNTY AM READY to exchange Leather for good | ‘COSTAR'S” COUGH REMEDY } Butter, Cheese mary. ah v lw vena | Idee Kip and Calf Skins, Bark, Tallow | The children ery for it- ite « “Seothing | ie) . ng one che Fi Teo Hoge. Barley, Corn, Rye, Oats, and Syrup.” For coughs. colds, bearsenes, | —— rence i ; Salis seeee J | cure threat vers wheuping cough | Flax, Cotton, Baie . = aac! : - i asthma, bronchia: affections ager, Furs ee cathe | 1 will also Tan gud Hides, Kip and other Speakers, and all troubled with Throat | = uit af kins, for one ha | Complaints will find this « benetictal | Dried and Green Fruits, - eer . fivetGune Tretura my sincere thanks to @ generoas Perteral Remedy Grain, Wool, Game, “genes Ja i : aes » for tier beral patronage in tny differ | i St we pred . ; mS i” tena nt bueivessea, in this county, for the last twen z | of N . y feel te ‘ we State: Te ; vi j 5 - ‘ops, Ginseng, Feathers, T. * eer cts “| “ Sfoses L. Brown's old stand, corner of Lee Bractifieg the Cumplerion, giving to co cy an & UY h State n Red Ge ie 3 the skin a transparent freshness Oile Lard, Tallow rere in . tw a ppear at our ne ag nate . . ptthes $1.00 9 4 Cort of Taw fibe bed fir tel gig g «MARTIN RICHWINE. [“COSTARS” BITTERSWEET | 7 rely gy Pipi ry of Stanly at the Cont House n Abe | _Raleimey. SC. May 18,1868 wy AND ORANGE BLossoMs | ere Oh les Pe ‘a ma the T«t SM ny far next, the ~ | Kenders the ski | clear, smooth and soft, | a me andtheret we € to the plainuf. GUHFORD LAND AGENCY OF | Removes Tan, Preekles, Pimples, de. | To rench | Pt i thor wise e tame w te heard NORTH CA ROLINA. Ladies, Try @ bottle, and sce its won. derfal qnality W iinere, Jamee [) Hearne, cletk of our said | ; . — - ——— ——— ( ree © let Monday in March. 1964 | 24ANDHOLDERS who wish to Sef Se re ee __} : ‘ Agricultural or Mineral Lancs, Water Powers ory , f PS 23008 J.D. Hearse, ome eh » We ir Beware!!! of all Worthless , Sn acy Ti Tao Ba iia ! a] us 1 . di tbetr advan ° , i 1 Aye AP } State of N orth ( arolina, place :heir property in eur hanvle for sale Boe yonuine without “Costar's’ Signa. | 7 , wx tt Sree We bave great facilities for procurin ar ure. | STANLY COUNTY | chesera Sor sil-teck property. "6 POF | 25 and 50¢ sizes kept by all Druggiste, Court of Equity, Spring Terin, 1868 | For information, addresa | $1 00 sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. i —- | JNO. B. GRETTER, | $2,00 pays for any three $1,00 sites sent) Thomas Biles and wife Elizabeth, of. al Atbdatbe: Agent, | by Express. | s areensboro, N.C : = George M Sides. et al | Dee 2, 1867 ‘ iy 85,00 pays for eight $1,00 siecs by Ex. PETITION FOR SALE OF LAND | : wg are | T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court] XTOTICE.—A Special Term of 7S re ee | —A pects the Supe: * thes las defer ot 19, C. G. Me CD, Win A | N Coart of Law and Court of Sens, deel HENRY R. COSTAR, Meichor, Green Melton and wile Caroline, Nel-| be held fur the conniy of Caldwell, at the| 482 Broadway, N. ¥.! son Sides, Heary Marsha!l and wife Sallie, Car-| Court House in Lenorr, commencing on the | FOR SALE BY oline Hearne, Harrie Crowell and wile Mary, | third Monday in Jul | and Anderson Porter and wife Polly, remde sy in July 1968, ond cvetines ger beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore os. ee “ee JOHN H. ENN ISS, bs le “" | ! t ‘ ts despatched ordered that publieation be maide for siz weeks RM WAKE 8 . n the “ Watchman & Uld North State,” noti May 14, 1988 FIELD, C bP _ Seld by sil Ge Wictarite repaint m all fying said defendants to be and appear at our 5 - | jorge eitine, a whenty | next Saperior Court of Law, to be held for the ageq le ey" ae county of Btanly, at the evnrt-hoose in Albe- Milo A. J. Roseman, M. D. : FOR SALE ! marte, on tbe ist Monday in September next, (vi: his profemiona! services to the pub- | then and there to show cause if any, why the| lic. He may be foued, when now LS OF Jands tentioned ia the Petitiqa ehall not be! at his fathers, where he bas been oie ineraf ‘aint at pt | 7D. Heseme oun contamning @ | ¥en ute of tated ot Backend mh ny Hd RS ae =. © ne e oe F3 2 4 a y A t l i i t i 5 i i t H y ir j i fi l it F Fe i & if t i ji 3 i Ff i E 5 f i i i 4 7 & Hi ag i cine on Ut will be cent C. 0. Ly baal FOR THE HAIR, BB oo are Improved ! ; neboeg Ie te on legnet Dreming for the Mair. Pe mio k | couse the Hair te cor benetttiy. oieing Jt keeps the Sealp Clean sed Healthy. tudly 1 invigorates the Rowis of the Hair. ' large be —— * ER of «hie 10 forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxeriaaty peci 1 immediately stops Hair Failing Ovt, —~and h | 10 Keeps the Hair from Changing Color trom age entil j { tained, | 1h restores Grey Hole to ite Orginal Cater. | The It brings owt the Mair on Heads that has bees bell aspar Regpom af plant — flants e 10 com and entirely of semple and parety vegeal space of bie eubetences. allowed i fe hes reveived over ots sheusand votuntery tema nidle of its excellence many of which ave Gom piyf thon is nul rie { we strong } sciane in high stan ting. s sho Th le potd tm bat bottion howe “a, t (eed every? dette. eee e fomee Hececs 2 vo. vc. Welle & Co. Rebel t pl jin & Co. New York. march! ter ly th pa (cane * The F ‘Country Merchants, he appl nliar, warfed| long i hree fee his wi ree is tr Dairymen, Farmers. And Others, CONSIGN YOUR JOSIAH CARPENTER * rn of General Commission Merchant, 442 444 & 446 Washington St, MP lls, 4; NEW. YORK OMY. “ye hfal for duce reat Piates , ibe: ' ation of irronnd: 9 large THE LAND WELOVE ———fhyy- ae Nevetalte Lon p Bs s 6 Intelligenae, and compriain te of bt noolotes | Ri tes, Incilonta and A hes the Wer, never hefore publiahed., OY OF" DH UL, Late Or Tie soDrHrRE set PROPRIRTORS. J. P.ERWIN & DH OTL o_tacamenulploetleage TERMS :—Tae Lamp We Lore, 0 Mag* leavy ri p i i s af sgt wd : FE E 2 ee e i ci f Hi t e ¥ ‘Nomination to the Virginia Sens ates ” * In a convention of the Conservatives of Fle Va., held at Goochland Court House on the 3d inst., Gew. Charles P. SRE Traces ex reasons letter : ‘ Gentlemen: I received yoar letter in- sme that in « Convention of dele- pores from the counties of ‘owbatan and Fluvanna, I ly chosen as the candidate this Senatoria] District in the ly of Virginia, should the Gor wis now before the people be rat- ified. While e: ing my thanks to the Convention for this expression of con- fidence, and to you, geutlemen, for your tring communication of its action, I ly decline the nomination, will surely be satisfac- ‘ow and to the Convention, a m for a psag choice from nike der ft : ‘H H fF F L I E E #3 5 man may pos- red one te perteet! that ina Virginia ing three a free choice should sct aside all men who were bora and bred in and who have l'ved honored woe up, and select one, who, while ig ti no one in a sincere and ready to epread as eon ae the mel-| 4. ecagtied Wevetlen 6 Wag seller, ond tnt one are gathered, Betweelt the runs 5 desire to protect the rights, end advance | of acparagnes © planted early pote | the interest of the of the district, toes, lettuce, Gc, in Suh a manner! yet bas been a resident in it only twoand « asto keep the grogud cunstan:ly half years; one who was born a Yankee, fruitful, awd when the weather be io Yankee land, and who looks back to comes freety, aid the sun loses a five generations of Yankee anecstors, edly share of ite forcing power, glowing i the lineage. Public duty de- large bell ginteée dre employed, one mands of a man that be shall, if necessa- of whieh is plaged over each plant | for the goed, ‘sacrifice every- —especially imahe ease of the sulade rs that is om ao his self-respect. — —and heat t¢ thie emecnirated upon | That can vever required, and if requir. ground to lie falluw ; erep succeeds! (Pe crop iu endless potativn ; the cauli |) dower is eon among the melon b ils. a: Will an Anti-war platform and candidate + SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE 26, 1868, Papers of the phat “will pantie ilesing on this, alas too. numer- ‘elass—North South, East and a ons West—by publishing the above re- om uguata Chronicle and Sen- eee rs Written for the Watchman 4 Old North State, of the South ought to leave this matter to be determined by the delegates of the Northern States mainly, I have thought that the presentation of certain views en- tertained by myself as a Southern Demo- erat and Confederate soldier might do no harm,—perbaps might, indeed, be of some value, on aceount of the local and_politi- cal -stand-poiut oceupied by the hamble individual who presents them. Tt will be impolitic tenominateany man who made himself prominent as a North- ero Anti-war man, Why! Because it is unreasonable to expect a majority of that section which is proud aud exultant over the triumph they achieved in the war to wheel about now, condemn the war, and pronounce themselves criminals, by sapporting an Anti-war man against the General who led their armies to victo- tonch them if this commanieation: t ever policy may be adopted on other is- sues, Lam strongly persuaded that any ma terial deviation ee i in this communication as to certain ing matters, will in all probability- result disastrously tous. Ihave spoken with frankness,—perhaps it may be deemed with presumption, as to the kind of man we should have. Let others name the in- dividual. DIXIE. ~~ FERTILIZERS IN N,. CAROLINA. We have been favored with the follow- ing correspondenee between a Committee of the State Agricultural Society and Prof. Kerr, the State Geologist. It speaks for itself, and wé need do no more than call attention to it. The letter of Prof. Kerr is fall of valuable infurmation and suggestions, which are apropos and time- ly. !t establishes the fact that we have native fertilizers in abundance, to meet all the exigencies of our Agricultural condi- tion and necessities :—Sentinel. Ravezien, N. C., Feb. 12, 1867. Prof. WS . Kerr: Sin :—The State Agiicaltnral Society, at its last meeting, passed the following resolution, to-wit: “Resolved, That a Committee be ap- pointed to investigate the subject of pro- ducing fertilizers iw this State, for sale to the farmers of the State at fair remunera- ting prices.” The object of the Society is, first, to ascertain whether the waterials exist out of which fertilizers can be manufactured ; they ran him on an Anti-war platform.— Tho war was then raging with all its bor- rors and with ite issue still doabtful.— | do better vow, when victory bas come with all its eclat ahd rvjoicing? Suppose the South had won in the contest, would & Union man and Anti-Secessionist have been the successor of Jefferson Davie ar Confederate President Would we Con tederate soldiers have supported sach « ryan as @ candidate against Gen. Lee |— Whoever thinks that, may believe that a dly, to ascertain whether they cau be procured in such quantity and form as to compensate the manufacturer and _re- manerate the farmer. Any information that you could give subject, would be gratefally reecived. With much respect, Geo. W. Wurrrieco, D. M. Barrixorr, J. L. Brivorr« Committee. Ratzica, June 10, 1868 Geo W. Whitfield, Esq., Hon. D. M. Bur- ringer, Col. John L. Bridgers, Com miltec, fe Northera Anti-war man will be the nex: | President of the United States. Bat men | of common sense mast know that such an idea is preposterous. It will be equally impolitie to nominat-| a man who endorecs any of the lawless | and revolutionary doctrines and proceed: | ings of the Radical party since tho war the marle of the Easteru counties, and, in | which, besides the prineipal ingredients, connection with them, to discnss the w bole | LT have not yet had time to give the sabj ct of your communication Gentlemen : the attention which tie importance de i wholly occa; the survey of the Weetern section of the Stat aher completing the etamination of that region, to take up, in derail, the stady of mands, having bi vied with It ie ny purpose, in afew mouthe, from the course indicated the Committee, at your leisure, upon this | [VOL. INO. 25 ae so EDILORIAL OONVENTION, Although the a'tendance of our brethren of the Conservative press of the State, on yesterday, was not 60 full as we atti oped, the “hardness -of the times,” especially with the craft, constitnes a sufficient explanas tion to be present. aie vere ory ie winbes t» y the haud, our-w rand ex: cellent friends and co-la ; Hon. shat ; - oan othe: Balisbary Old may be profitably transported over State; Maj. J. whole State, by water and rail. These | of the Wilusingtoa irra irra ene ar | Me, Waving ai tons MSP a! an 4 ¥ ° 2 ; : which are vow Iku, better shan thrown | Wenrefn "Pinslicnion'y Cant Went away. Consider the composition of these mate- rials: ‘The marls contain, besides lime, which is the principal ingredient, irou, magnesia, phorphate of lime and organie matter, and some of them, also, potash and soda. Here is an analysis of a stone marl near Wilmington, grven by Dr. Emmons : Silex 20 per cent., phosphate 5, magnesia 4 carbonate of lime 72, organic matter, &e., 2. When the sand constitutes a large pro- obets of the marl, ic may be separated y simple means, sv as to concentrate the more valuable ingredieuts, as lime, potash, phosphates, &c. The composition of peat may be stated (as an average of many analyses) to be as follows, viz: Homus, Potash, Soda, Lime, Magnesia, Alumina, Iron, Salpharie Acid, Chlorine, Phosphoric Acid, Silex, 44 An analysis of the fish offal following, viz: In 120 parts. Oil, Other organic matter, Lime, Potash, Boda, ash, &e., to bear Y (and whene they are not, they might, in some cases be trated, by some . mechanical tensivel ewJersey. — But am the enterprise ie J. W, Albright, Esq., of the Greenss boro’ Times and Patriot; R. M. Furman, Esq., of the Roanoke /nden; Jordan Stone, Esq., of the Roanoke News ; and Jno. B. Robinson, ~: of the Goldbero’ Rough Notes. e are pleased tosee them all in good health, and to bear that the respec- tive journals, over which they 80 ably and efficiently preside, are, in the main, duing as well as circum- stances w?!! allow. The Convention was organized, on yesterday, and had two pleasant seasions. Matiers of much interest to the profession, he public, and the cause, were ander advisement and consideration, of which dae note will be made in all good time.— Sentinel. ats. Ce MANY WAYS OF DENYING CHRIST. Sishop Ileber said :—“It is a fatal mistuke to suppose that there cau be no apostacy from Christ. where we are not absolutely called on to deny his name, or to burn incense to an idol. We deny our Lord whenever, like that Deinas, we through love of this present world forsake the course of dug which Christ has plainly poiuted out to ug, We deny our Lord whenover we lend the sanction of oar 84.3 per cent. “ o - — Om Ae Be OM oS — gives the per cent. of the Tarboro’ Southernor ;} re 7 Washington, June 18, P. M.— Senate: a Fae yin 9 annie reported fa- vorably on establishing a contin- uous railroad hence to Mobile. The bill allowing the United States to appeal suits from District Courts, withont security, passed. | "ALI slowing the. tals of armed vee to rente for commercial pus- A. Engelhard, The Journal ; ) the Ghasiotte | ! Br cance denounced this ac- tion ly partizan. No Senator ventured sion and adjourned. House.—The Clerks’: bon tabled—68 to 64. This ac‘ion ly kills it. Resoli dian treaty ratified by the di ! hat the meses socaee ee ee i”. * I ade ror Pasha it is aoe a t, as combined - direct attack on of - ama and Senate to tities The bill, and limiting the Pores. ot ha eon A relieving Carrying thine ies iv from liability for the loss or iota to goods caused by the Union or Confeder- ate forces, 80 to 42. This bill, if it becomes a law, will protect Ex Companies against innv- merable pm The River and Harbor bill was post- poned to Tuesday next. Adjourned. Florida Legislature— United States ie Senate. Tallahaseee, Jane 18, ?. M.—~In tho sh eagiihe vur praise, or even our silence, to mc asnres or opinions which may be popular or fashionable, but! which we ourselves believe to be sin ful in themselves or tending to sin. | We deny our Lord whenever we centration of the former when neccesary.) od P ‘ | and the addition of fish offal, and in soi fore ake ~ man in afitietion, cases, if desirable, a small portion of guano | and refuse to give countenance, en- and gypsum,) an anlimited quantity may | Semen. ale and support to thee | | be made of a fertilizer superior to moet of | Whe. for Gods sake and for the faith-| the imported articles, at a trifling fraction | ful discharge of their daty, are ex«|! | of their cost, and capable of trans; yrtat posed to pereveution and slander. }to all parts of the State, ————~a-— HANDWRITING PECULIARI Chlorine, Silica, Thus it is evident that by a jadiciogs | selection of marls aud peats, (and the con- | ! | | Phosphoric Acid, { grad -a fertilizer, } Legislature, t» day, T. W. Osborne was elected United States Senator for four years. The vote waa 51 to 18, Osborne, and Welch, who was elected jon yesterday, are both ultra radicals. The question of the election of Scna- tor, for six years from the 4th af March next, will be taken up to-morrow. All the proceedings are in advance of the action of Congress, and withoat the sanction of Generel Meade. DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIDS. New York, June 18, M.—Dangerous it entil ite tall growth fs fairly at-| tained. The enormous size of the French asparages is chiefly duc to the manner of planting. Tustead of setting the lane clescly together, ae we do, a epace of al six inches equare is allowed to each “stool.” which en bles isto anck @ bar Pelranent tren aii ated become astrong and eelid plant, Each stool sao matured repeatedly every a, the evil being carefally soray away down te the feots, the com- t placed “them and the th pat in. The French systent of cage N@ apple, achis « Fa vies ok grafied a warfed, A wire ie stretched jong in front téeh rot, about hree feet above the gronnd. Upon his wire a single branch of each: ree is trained, and, as soon as well fared, this branch is made, by) avy pruning, theouly fruit bear- ng one on the tre The conse rence is that the eotire strength of he tree guea te the nourishment of uit apon this branch, and this frait e-omes large and tair in proportion. | his process. bythe by, ie borrowed rom the Uhinése, Tne pear, hewerer, is ales largely rere in the pyramidal and other rns bat almost always from dwarf. stock, In the cultivation of the peach, the rench gardeners hate shown a curi ue and pees. skill. Near the wn of Mont 8 few miles only om Paris, there ie « large awmber of rden:, @nelosed in white-washed alle, againat the surface of which each trees aré trained in many fan fal forma, One at there. is Fnown the "Ny, peach.’ This a men so trained as to figure in ery large let‘erthe tianie of slaps on, a sidgle branch guing to the for «tion of eagh letter, and the whole rounded by a wrea'h composed ot Q large boughs oh Var Dress. LS te Pont ielikely to become a Valuable ar- to re oaks ben bea Machinery has inven in operation at Chi- » by whieh Tt» velteed 4 & con- ient and economical eondition for wee, that it can be auld for one-fifth the coal, while it will generate more heat, » ton for ton, last as long aa the best ity of coal. The are destroying the ~~ and farm erepot Cantenl . pests swarm over tho fields leave devastation behind. amsoant of mit that ed cannot be yielded. I should lose mine did I accept a pab- ‘Tie trust not freely offered, ond dak t ofSer by reason of the present peculiar condition of pablic affairs } While, by tts Constitetion, oar country tlaims to be « free Republic, resting upon thé ennsent of al! the whole ste no | volap’ set of mine shall « to ad- ~ 5 dex lattpeontiers nocd be | appereat, should I now be selected from among my peers for the trast in question, that one strong point ing the choice ie wy mere ability to iy take an abom- inchle tast-esth which and trest-worthy voters and tax pa within ite limits. | Lean wever accept office ander euch | conditions. } I have the honor to be, gentlemen, with great reepeet, your obedient servan', signed. CHARLES P. 8TONE. EE TO CONSUMPTIVES EVERY WHERE. Naving seen mnch euffering trom consuinptidn, and knowing thousands of dollars are vearly spent by invas lide traveling fort eir health, and no [medicine and physicians, we propose asimple recipe by which patients jmay became their own physicians, land if not too far gone, will guaran jee a perfect cme if made and regu Hlarly taken according to directions The ingredients are hoarhound, mal jlein and molasses—ingredients that are in reach of all, the maliein crow in almost every garden, and molas seato be had at any grocery. The directions to making are to take a large handfsi of hoarhound and boi! assirongs tea as possibly can be made. Take op, then boil an equal quantity of mollein in the same way, inke a enpful of tea of the hoarhound, copfal of tea of the mallein and pix together ina enitable vessel, then add a cupfal of molasses and stew asyrup —the thicker the better. Take a tablespoonfal, or a large awallow, three times a day, Be particular in following directions. aa to makins and also as to taking it, and we will guarantee relief in all casea not too far advanced, The writer dues not claim this re- ceipe as original with himeelf, but has recommended it in matiy cases always with good resnite. As the in gredignts are so common and bo ranean it is best wot to make mo 0 4 qnart at a time particu- larly {n warm Weathor, aa the fresh- of it is the betior « fect will be pro~ duced. . | ed for them a splendid victory. The mas- | ing wild in every field, the hoarhonn: | Their reckless disregard of the Coustita- | tien, their miserable abortion in the mat. | ter of restoring the Union, their fatal and | perverse folly and fanaticiem in couferring the elective franchise on autatored barba rians,—theee are the crimes for which that execrable party is about to be baried from its seat of power by a cheated and indig- nant people. Rivers of Northern blood, poaret ont from hearts which, even we their foemen know, palpitaced with the same honest love of coantry which warm- ed our own bosoms in the «trifr, purchar joes of the Northern people expected that | vietory to be appl.td to voble and exalted uses, They caw init the restoration of jthe pristine glory of the Repablie upon saver foundations of harmony and homo- | geneousness. How bave they not been | jdisappoinited! To what vile parposes| has not their victory been applied! In-| stead of peace, universal disquiet and un- | Tastead of a homoge certainty reign. nous Union, tea black etare dia the con ' stellation Against all this the people are | ready to thunder their analthemas at the | November polle. Woald it be good renee, | then, to eeleet as our candidate a man who} belic vee in Universal Negro Saffrage, and kindred heresies 1 A man who deems it wiee, or even nnendurable, to make Afri. | cans rulers of these Anglo-raron States? Sach a nomination would paralyze ai once the mighty host now panting to throt- | | the Radicaliew. Our candidate must be a man who sap ported the war apon the principles for which it was ostensibly begun by the! Northern leaders, and really sustained by | the Northern masses,—that is, “for the preservation of she Union, with the rights of the States unimpaired.” Buch a can didate would be personally invulnerable. And then he must be an anc quivocal ad vocate of a White Man's Government in jthiscountry. Le must be a Caucasion in heart as well as skin, whose every breath is freighted with deep damnation against! the Ultima Thule of Radical erimes,—the | Africanization of ten great Anglo-Ameri-| can Commonwealths. This will bo hie) grand offensive weapon. With this pois- oned arrow he can pierce the Achilles’ heel of even Grant himaclf, and bear of the trophies of the contest. t am aware there are other points wor- thy of miore or less consideration iu deei- ding the important question of the candi- dacy. But I do not deem it important to saljeci of our resources of fertilizvtion in | tains all the ather clemente of stabl this Stuse and the best methods of antiliz- | uure, or the best guanos. ing them. Bat it his ocearnd tone that| Here, thea, you have all the necessary it might be worth while, preliminarily, to | materials in aulimited abandance, with- call the attention of your Committee and | out cost, in immediate proximity to each | at the Agricultural Society to some gen- | other, ou navigable waters, and connect. | eral cousiderations which mast direct and | ed with all paris of the State by railroad | limit our investigations and cipcrimente | It is not easy to ere what better condi- | in thie direction. to s could exist anywhere for a profitable | Without going into the general sabject enterprise of the kind you contemplate. of m&hures and tbe theory of thrice ae.vn | It will give me pleasure to aid you in | upon the enil, it will be sufficiewt to stare | any manner in farthering such an under. | im general, that the principal problem of | taking Very Reepectfally, | practical naialiaes cur State and te- | W.C. KERR. | gion is, leew to restore and maintain the supply of lime and humus in our soils.— This ia so, partly because these are £ WORLD. the most im, ortant ingredients, and, at We had occasion, some time siner, to | the same time, the mo«t liable to exhaus- | comment upon a “Tea Party in Charch,” | tion, and partly because, whatever meth- | and then upen a “Bar” bebind the scene | od ia adopted of supply these, the other! at a church fair. Since that, our atten- | exhauetible clemeuts are also restored in- | tien has heen drawn to divers Raffl-s, | cide ntally , Grab Bags, Balle, ef td omne genus, for | The metheds of supplying bemns are | the purpose of raising money for benevo ‘ | i wanting in our soils, lime and huinus, con | ma: { epee THE CHURCH SUBSIDIZING THE | TIES ominhh $100 bills on the Central Na ;mMancan ever get rid of the style of letyle ; if German, Italian or Spanieh, It is a remarkable fact that no| handswriting peculiar to hie evantry. If he be English, be always writes in English style; if French, in French in the style peculiar to his pation Professor B states: “I am ac quainied with a Frenchman who has passed ail his life in England, who speaks English like one of our own countrymen, and writes it with ten times the correctness of ninety-nine in a handred of as; bat yet who cannot, for the life of him, imitate our mode of writing. | new a Scotch tional Bank New York, and the Ohio National Bank, Cincinnati, are in cirenla- tion. —_—__ +~g>o- Waeat Hanvest.—Larvesting has commenced in this region of country, and, from what we can tometer wheat crog is fair.—say an @ one. As usnal, there some plaint ; and no doubt occassional in- different fields of wheat can be found, bat generally speaking, the quality and yield are es Salem. oath, who was edacated entirely in| hui > that country, mixed exclosively with French people—bat who, althoagh he had a French writiag master, and perhaps never saw anything bat) rance, and resided eighteen years in |j point of the common measare of life, but half are still upon the road. Faster and faster, as the ranks grow thinner, they thet | ucrative busincas mainly wwo: Ficst, the plowing in of green crops ; and, cecond, the direct addi tion of ttm wh> furm of stable manure, peat, mack, Ac Lime may be reaturcd direeily, as lime or inthe form of marler gypsuin And eH better, either or both of these may b the peat, Kc Siuce the procers of improv composied with ngs plowing ta green crnps, however adv i*a ble, will not readily nor speedily be adopt ed Wy*.ar farmers, and since of stock in our region is and mast long re main utterly imadequate to furmish a sup ply of stable manare, it is important to en 2 | L ' _ 7 FP} quire whether there are other available The t our const region will at once ocear le by the qaantity eourers® beds « to you as capable of furnishing unlimited quantities for an indefinite period. tn fact, there ia enoagh to sapply for one hundred years every f&ere of cultivated f eupply immense peat land within ten miles of a Railroad or nav- | igable river. As for lime, of couree the maribeds of the sawe region farnish an inexhaustible | supply. ‘Ihe manufactare of lime fur ag- Ticaltural purposes ought to become at once a large and lucrative basinesa. The manutactare of lime for agricultural pur- | A oht to beconie at oncea large aud The evils of a very large proportion ot the State, being of granitic origin, are generally very defi- cient in this most important clement. It wight be supplied to a large part of the eastern and middle sections of the State poses !foom the matls near the coast, which are often almost pare limestone, This is one manufacture that your Society would do well to encourage. As to the matiar of transportation of eat and marl to considerable gditances, I ave no doubt that much might profitabl he done jn that way. Peat, air dried, loses from § to § of its weight. The marls of the coast are in many places rich enongh li fertilizing ingredients, phosphates, pot- lent parposes. Hut, with all the strides that have been made of late years amongst ' as in these pious efforts for God and th behind ” Read the rv late nomber of the Tex It is partieularls eee from church, we are still a good ways our otler parts vf the w 'd followir g from as CAristian Advocate teresting just pew, as we our exchanges that there are two C.rens con s now perambnlatir g our State.- speaks for the firat benefit? There »timet pa Whe ist >» be lost “In the town where our friend resides,” says the Advorale, the members of a cer jtain echnreh desired to building; and being weak they had t We now i ve t words of our correspondent : “Orton's circus was exbibiting in the place. A happy thoaght came into the | be ad of ove of the leading members, who suggested it to others and i¢ was prompt- ly accepted. ‘We mast have the circas | to give the Charcha benetit.” Their eyn- ' dition was made known to the manager, whose generous heart reaponded to thei appeal; and tothe surprise of all and the mortification of many, the morning papera contained the following advertisement “Orton's Cireas will perform for tho ben: fit of the Church. Como ap to the help of the Lord againet the mighty.” That evening the band of music was heard | all over the place, erying, “Uome ap io the help of the Lord againat the mighty.” But i: was a strange tongue, and very fow could seemingly understand it. tome snid it is something new ander the sun, and ovght not'to be, Others eaid they loved to go to the eirous but could not go to achurch cireus. Tho circus however gave the benefit. Horses performed, the alown pronounced his worn-out jokes and people laughed at them aa usnal. Some say the charch eame ont fifty do!lare ahead and others eny it came out behind. We cannot say—only that Orton’: circus per- formed fur the Churok.” erect ao charch seek out inventions | State, ia acertained to Le between 1,200 remain till now, become re? and lio | down and rise no more. At | and-ten, a band of some four hundred yet jstraggle. At ninety, those bave been re- | duced to a bandfal of thirty trembling pa- \ triarchs. Year after year they fall in di- vail they can) minishing nambers. One lingers, per- never get their pupils to adopt any | haps, a lonely yearvel, till the century i+ bntt vinped hand of the Prench./over. We look again, and the work of —_— | death is finished.— Bishop Burgess. LIN’ Evectnox.—The!} ——__-@ es How to Destroy your Enemies.—“Why slow that the | do you show favor to your enemies instead arte ithe of cestroying them 7?” said 4 ehieftian to the Emperor Sigismund. “Do! not de stroy my encmies by making them my ttc County elvction#. | friends 1 was the Emperor's noble re- accomplished | ply. Kindness is the best weapea with which to beat adversaries Fur in hal cA very learned man has said: “The amost imploring appeal to the | three eeingeat fa the Ea fob lan- “Southern Republicans” 2 be aciive and ae Gee ce rego e h yrecae industrione, which exhibits the alarm in {just lost a great battle, and it was entire- the Radical camp already. The frightis|ly my own fault,” Goldsmith fays: not without reason. We tell them, in ad-|“Thie confession die played more great- vanee, that every weapon of legi.imate! than all his victories. warfare, which can possiblbly be employ- a Lear pray fonr names te Chrie- ed. will t alee oe oe 8 ans taken from the four carding] greees. Did ahs ee ee se <a | Saints, for their holiness ; Believers, ‘for a We their faith; Brethren, for their lores and French writing in hie life, yet wrote exactly in the English style; it was really uational instinet.” In Paris all the writing-masters profees to teach the k style ighieh of writing, but wil their exertions, Serta Car complete retoris freaa uve th rty one Dis- | t Soath Carelies tricts ID rata” have car hows what may be by proper cflirt Bv the Chronic! way, ey primts the hands Destructives and to \ place them in the Natioual Democratic | Disciples, for their knowledge. colamn in the Preeidential election. = A New Manvfacture..The manofae- ae ne" ture of rubber boel stiffening, a new thing = jin boot and shoe mauufacture, has recent- Onroow-—The majority forthe Domo. | ly been begun at Chelsea, Massachusetts. cratic candidate for Congress, in this These «tiffenings are said to be 5 | to leather, for the reason that they will jnot “ran down,” and are unaffected by ant 1,500. The votal vote in the State water. was nearly 22,000,—tho largest ever} lied. The Senate wil : : ¢ f to no Benate will etend: [emo enpfal of sugar, 1 of flonr. Beat the crata 12, Redicale 10. The House Dem- egy, then beat themn with the sugar, ocrate #8, Radicals 19 Oregon is eafe! then stir in the flour, adding a spoon- for we National Democratic nowines. |ful of wasur, to prevent them being Sentinel | 'vugh Sponge Cake. —Three eggs, 1 tea- i! aia = — = Paws: SMatcman € OD Harty “ EDITORIAL CONYEN- TION. We publish clsewhere the proceed- jugs of the Editurial Convention held are anxious to abandon that party if comes supreme and the Constitution abol- Raleigh on the 18th which speak ter themselves. The confereuce was — yeas harmoniously together by the nomina-| body is the supreme. law, The mis- tion of a SraxsMan whose integrity and abilities are such as to give as- chief already done, enormous as itis, ig nothing in comparison with those that w Il follow if Congress is to pers surance that he will administer the petually override the other depart: goverument according to the Consti-!ments of the Government and bea tution, and who at the same time will {law unto itsel! le to secure the vote of the thous: | : : be able to secure the vote « @ thous: | Federal and State Governments is broken ands of wavering Republicans who To secure this result no impracticable a decent pretext can be found. The partition of powers between the down from the woment that Congress be- ished by the prostration of the Exeeu- tive and Judiviary, By the Constitution the Federal Governmeut is one of limit- nyt ms Agiocrously atteuded as could issue should be allowed to stand in| eq powers, and all powers not granted to Jiave been wished, but it was one of te most pleasant and agreable meet- igs We ever attenced. The discas- jons were conducted with the best tevling and the ulmost harmony pre- Vailed throughout. AN present ceemn-| ed :o be actuated by the same spirit, | and lo agree perfectly in the objects t be attained—the defeat of radical. ion and the promony o! the materi~ al interests of the State, as well as| apr professional interests. Yhe thanks of the fraternity are «tue to d. Golden Weatt of th ‘Sparkling Catawba Springs” for an} i tation to partake af his hospitali- ties after their adjournmeu!, and also w Mr. Blair of the Yarboro iouse,! tur the splendid dinner te which he 1a ited them on Friday, and to which such of themas remained did ample jusiiee. Success to both of chew in racit_enterprises. _—— LEARN WISDOM FROM EX, PERIENCE. Ithas been truly said of the Dour ins of France thar Sihey never for | . icomes to what it regards as the great gotany thing and nevee fearped wo Soe : 5* : ’ ru r issue the rvation ‘Eau Garry thing.” Louis X VIII was driven from ee bona alee ScUTy : ; , jOf free government And, touch as ‘\s coantry in the latter part of the aoe j | iwe are, and have ever be o} posed t ceniury an deprive eo! thet 7 J ‘ to onivessal sathiage, we ¢ vot buat «wa which, according to the auci < Wonted a“ - . - > t ay Wi 1e@ 4 in tue para «\.t constitution of France, was bis! © He . ' ; oO yportance whi) saches right by the most territic revolus| \ : iN te this The 2 ‘ } ; ' tas : ords Yuring ues which bistory ree ~ Daring What, thea. are t yrea 168? period of hie exice Le rewded io They are ticee wv 1 rcha t ‘eign country. At lengih lie prmne ples and s!ruciur eg ed to the throne of hisancestors, Vernment and the perpete tou ) H } bus tons f our colo t L the armed intervention of all |! ' | . 2 : een incurred ina J Aur M A we. Hie people, tired ie waliee ot Euripe rien oil and strife which Lad lasted) y ebelboriels irciar Y tur nearly @ qmarter of a ceniury, Ss negro sulfreg ad t e prepared to receive bin aixi/'! rv v ary ! } oy » “ j 4 juiese cheertally oo bis ¢ ad if i peiie \ ] went. Thies they did for . ’ © ba oa ] evils and if be bad een a stutes ~ ms “ e enlarged and liberal v cw n cbt wey a ©. ingaisbed the founder getiom ovher sources 2 t se, the descendents of Li eheaded consequences ol Ley : ttrage. Our great expertise Live great and the G ‘ . eriaientcel - He ewayites the eceptre ot | Vent eilcatslan tact. ke «he Great. end io ruin; and ow tw t fre - t ti ‘ Dat when be retarced kr strated the deares es ' 1 nan tace The ma v ml er the revolation be re'ucved wil i . ' YMipiex eVveren of zg erninernts « same ideas © had! ompletely out of order, and it iste left ig twenty years befor.— deas re important te ja and re ad ff ancora which had puss! Just ittban to 1 » e par a The France of 1515 was niechiefs w thave thas far bee y r ru € | r¢ 4 - France of 1792. The France wee Th es will = Ire ate ar ' Pr, kK . t fa he ad left = , F eater until t MAL ‘ gone which be return A ¢ plete eces. unless chan had taken @ " ran according t eorwginal pla overs thing —ench ac tre as such ; ile enctete of « 7 poit-cal svete a revolat mig!.t tie een expect | SPER tpon es : ik ’ % etween t . | rai ls ed to prounte Ma ‘ mente distriba dad been effected. and new Je " ere among veral depart wentially different ideas of G nentact tle tat j ‘ anent prevailed Bat Jou wae en Coty , y ’ : »! peet < viomts of the faet, or woo ‘ LO 4 . edie par ‘ ‘ ze if. Ilia ete me . ate au ape i} him in the footete pe tis ar * we r of a a before the revolu ar eA wna alance ca ) > Pele ! ver s what might have be aor the F ral G . f 189 winaby ¢ a i rey huon f 1830 d ’ € equal de} “ ther from the th e, a A band) tres 1=48 banished t streigt , vs J Sta bed the Zz 4 ; tranefor j ; s family frown the kingd (onyresa 4 ; 1 learned Ps tad sisting - t orgitten g t w A ‘ i Ity of their J , x ive a . e been s rate r 1 alan the hacer f x e * eof a a f To y par a 1u$* I , { ard » * j } wht a ; 7. Z pow { if A ter tl . y i . « ! ‘ t a ¢ i ~ + { ¥ sthean 4 i 4: 4gth of tame cy of » \ ft is to be hep » |} Ar tyr stnpped * pow P ' 5 Pfrom + g re qurty im tlie Country « |» p gie vote, and ‘ ese examples. and ' . ee niece : e itself entirely ancect aa . J e present he pia "4 n of Supren ( . Letra nite d : g ess oostentat ous, i6 ‘ It is we known that, ‘ Wonate ! 1! * t Ca a GECISION Was print ! - because the Court durat not a6 j yehae 1 ce the Reeonstraction acts " xz f ‘ y i. 1} y of ‘ A y t ! i i'w ta “vy . - i, 1 fe xo lest Cony om al to staud 1 No candida Vv eubs g ite onld be p ‘ ) became eis the nbjuga‘i of the t. ‘ ‘ tative of ant / 1” oe e depas t xs of the (5 Ns ‘ prNeiplee this } not 4 entea and pir pores j Among thine expe wweabeltuon of the Constitution \ ik written constitution is no better than ® pr le 406 neee wiil » ; : Agriedes ToS Lt ons. a pwece of blank paper if Congress men of various shades o } * has the eole power to construe it, In d the representatises of J al ¢ 16 Gonetitution ieane ' POVE nent at ever existed (head. { After remarking u the way. >> SUES. the States. Ly the new theory, the States have no rights but such as Con- jgress may choose to concede to them, THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION | —MAJOR AND MINOR IS-! | withdraw. uove that Congress may not @ any time peal to the Constitution when the Presi- It is in vain for States to ap-| Stats, These should all be brought to work| meap, and the absolute «will of that |'The promiag ofland and ‘nals, by worthy jless, lying seamps perambnlating the eountry is something they can understand ; /and has, and will, we believe, out-weigh any argument or reason that may be pro- jpounded to them froma truly hovest ;stand point, { Or (THE PRESIDENT AND CON: GRESS. Contray to the opinion of many well informed persons the President has vetoed the Arkansas admission bill. No one supposed tor a moment | that he wonld sign it, Ont many thought that he would permit it to {become a law without bis signature The New York World of the 18th dent is deprived of anthority and the Su-) by failing to return it) within ten conta It admits that the highest place. suffrage question came properly with- importance, but denies that it isa For taking this last view the World has been inuch censured, and however Me ie | |much we may hope thatit isin error, | we must confess that we have not yet| at controverting them. df it can be shown thatthe Word is in error, hope it will be done soon. on the financial and suffrage questions the World On grees c! ne an able article under this’ the fieancial | /questions are of mach importance, | powers of the Executive, the amhority of tency, and interposed his prerogative | ‘but does not consider thein as holding | the Supreme Court, and the rights of the between tho Constitution and the It says that if the} preeme Court cowed into silence, We conclude, therefore, that the early, great issues of the coming coutest are the States, which together amount to the question whether constitutional govern- | | ment in this country is a failure. in the scope of Federal jurisdigtion | we can restore the pillars of the Constitu-;the veto, as every one expected it litwould be a question of first-rate] tion and re-establish its supremacy, we! would. Unless shall lack the machinery both for reme ferment has any right to intermedle.| we are threatened. — —-_- - ; COLORADO AND THE HOWARD AMENDMENT, It seems that Congress isa hesitating teeen its positions controverted, thongh | about the admission of Colorado on the | | |we have seen several attempts made! ground that such admiasion will probably Th! \ Southern States soon to be admitted will defeat the Heward Amendment. furnish exaetly cuo 25) to ratify the if no others should be admit- It feared amendment, ted that are opposed to it is that Colorado will be a Democratic Stats | ae a , secmns ty as, must admire his intre which would defea it It is theref 1 ; F Jirs proposed to add the ¢ hat she ° yen ee ratity the amendment first, 10 the Lill a ee : F ' JUDGE CIASE. mitting ber Phis is the mort ehaum poy ,ewer ¥ evalaiior We } iblish below the platforin arv | v Col Yo je a territury (upon winiely it in said. Mr. Chase w and « bec ber oer | tt Thora cer utre nanation twission by C e i Ou the BO prew iou rl ds corti comes a Btate she cannot have any v ly sulistactory, viewed in the ab inthe matter. Yet rravely proposed erract All that the Senchern pecple that if. in ber t rial condition, ehe' hay. ever claimed was the nghto will whats v as a ale ¢ Cs to regulate com eball t ‘ » buame . Sand . ro sal where is thy blusl.! Ticiecre Syn + -- . ‘ ‘ toh “ | 1 OT Le rh tlendet ’ ) hep ‘ . ‘ j for ! J rem at ‘ 5 riuin Seon.! ' \ 1 ec! \ ed by the HMeward <A \ . > ‘4 ot | ec Reennetructien Ac at G e 1 rro nt , t s * r s. was defeated in the I] “< & ” enican to aden ‘ ‘ nce I y ast ] a; pears : : fa d y of Siates mube A rad ae ( ry $ us 4 Wiel t € Op pre it va e es ‘ th S ties of any i $ D ‘ s . : ch elld bo, tha: 0 h ‘ ‘ arr c t - ' , } ( ® ie) , ’ i becnsirch-.” t « W ‘ A y 1 : ny ( een * ! ! a : 2 Sou rS au ° Ps k re 1 i af Nfeasrea be ‘ ~ we a , " ‘ ) \ i ' co ; should lik ear * and XK jn Pi ~~ « * : We eapp ) ri - ' ; “ . liese as P rm knows 4 , ; ™ tae York. and nt ( ver t 1 “ ‘ : ‘ ’ x ‘ ‘ 4 i Z ‘ < Aparna { * | * rr ‘ e ‘ AY a " aie ; > ar” ( ‘ - . x a € ‘ . f ' ] >w In e pla r « ‘ chines fit ’ . Wasi vw, June [8, 1868 . ye sare ! “ ” we pin ta ( Cha dis sad Ps « res . r « 1 t t adi ef ree € £ 16 ¥ wt 1 { r anr y ( . } e menial cratic pr } f Pte - t n between the two ea will 5 wich . ; ( f | 1 State . * the er I t 2 fre! ard C t a4 4 ¢ = 6 { - pome 4 } lee I ! 1 ‘ ’ ae ro = AM “ au A) . ‘ ’ - t « . k _ Pa bee ‘ ta ’ } ’ ft the negro, beeanae he is x fete Hoh, hu war hthe Un k a will be eulkerer & Abe oF sil eatie fs prac \\ me apy ved of the eaneces which a ananet , Staten with ledit «resulta of the reeent cleetion in’ other States of the No can Unio iv r tate, r of the tlarana ¢ p! y t t wer any Conecrvatives, if any. to cl fed Are ot t princi ples o the « nt of popular feeling a z ihe . ‘ prinesy es of ‘ ° 1 lishe« by the rains blacke We have hitherto « r ed ¢ ene sed ae : : ; on, norcan the trial of private the opir thatreason and argument were ’ ' ; , jeitizens by smilttary commissions be pewericns aelmcans inanen & See, ORC i tolerated hy a people jealone of their ‘ ae : P Ling vow toslake it. Neverthe. freedom and desiring to be free less, if in error, po one w to acknowledge it than we proof mast be tortrd denial There act in elections with their most iil be more ready though the ofa nature go clear as to s any amount of reason whey the blacks of the South should nataral ; friends, the whites of the South, bat up sve it te this time they haw neat perceived it.— days. In returning it with his ob- ijeciivun he has vindicated his consis- usurpers, though to little purpose. The bill was promptly passed over The omnibus bill will doubt ; : : : Mess travel the same rowd, : ; : < {dying saeh evils as admit of remedy and question with which the Federal Gov | form sisting the greater evils with which | This act of Mr. Johnson’s dispels the idea, eo freqnently an understanding between him and those Repablexn Senators whe vot ed for was said to have his acquittal, by whieh he waived opposition to the excention of there Pt Ir preserved his CONSTFECTION acts, now appcure that he has inve ty unscathed and that, within the Con- stitution, he continues to fight Con gress as tearless!y as ever, and to ne Even ittle purpose. his enemies, it Taxes should be practicable, collected impart u! with strict eeonomy, and tioned as to bear on property than npon labor, and while all 9 and cxactly falfilled no special pri leges should be allowed to any class es of individnals or wry) ations.” We mage Sou recei ved atk wood’s Magazingfer June, and as many of our readers ate no doubt sabsaribers to this, periodical, they need few sng- gestions’ frorw us. ‘The fiter Impulee | when it €omes te -hand, however busy | one may be, is to glivco over its pages, and note certain articles to be | read at the @arlicét Yppdriunity. Ir) is not unlikely that we shall read the whole of the present nuaiber, and we give, for the benetit of all, the list of | contents as fullows:—Grace Cuane) Engagement, Part L. The Latest Lawyiver (refering to Mer, Raskin, | and his recent snggestions for the re-| construction of society) Unlneky | Tom Griftin—(Cenclasion), The A- wnerican§ Constitution and the tna advanced, of all further! reduced aa far as ? and £0 appor- tathes | , 4‘ the Emperor Sigismund, tional obligutions should be honesty | stray my enemies vi peachment of -the President (con- | be anticipated). Letters frown a Staff | Officer with the Abyssinian Expedi- ition, Cornelius O'Dowd, Dreams in Geor fish Gypsy, (with copions extracts, and calculated to make every reader [desirous to sce the work itself). Alto lthe Invalides. gether a very varied and juterestiag nutcber. —_—— —--— “ Locars.”"—'The local editors of o«r Wilmington exchanges secm to be at no loss for “items,” in tact they seem to be manufactured to their hands. The last local of the Journal records the arrest of a uegro for stealing a pair of shace from the store of Messrs. Blumenthal & Levy which led to a riot and reseuc; also the bad behaviour of a crowd ef negro boys on Sunday afternoons ; also, that a negro was detected in the act of stealing two hate at the store of Walker & Bradley on also, the faet that here evidently exists in that city an or- saturday night best; ganized gang of negro thieves, known among the potice as the “whieling gang’; iko, an im prope r arrest of a white man by the city Marshal whitch should have been made by the U.S. Marshal; also, of the : to! arrest of one of the rioters referred above, a negro aamed Louis Douglas ; al of a robbery which took place on Son day morning ia wh ch the b amount ed lo forty coppers; aleo, of a eoronet’s priest overt the bedy of a Hite t toy who had been drowurd We are aware thal lecal items givetoa ver t eat, bat at the same ) ND bat ee that we fiud e« wiof above character in onr iy H “e hy {" t! v* H soon craee ta be fond iv une sleies f Wilmington PS. uh la- ght occurred since | the above was in tvy ~ 6-6 =a iW We adopt the tollowing from the Wilmington Journal a+ ont own Yarsororon Horse. —Having bern a gucet dacing aur brief visit in Raleigh, f Blair, of the Yauborengh Howse, we ea ti her pPpartankty pare rfo-rring ty t many eterler o of atotel Te nperiors rt * equal 1 N 2 ear leR and for the ecm {¢ . le ie tery tener of th . a model Mr B planed bie wag fieent Draw g fw prveee no the Editors tn 10h meting, which wae ci fall pid Phe inner nran a F ‘ d: fat tgable | { s vis { » th tn at of wrath honwtfully {1 Th re hat few men w keow haw kerp «} bat Balt amort palpa ee ption ——-- Asc | Our town wae the C of al en flag ieton last x About 2 « ck thia om 1 P bar 1} prenives of More Morplrs Hasteru ward of the 'OWD, Dow ¢ pied by JOM MeCor k Faq, was dis | he « f and wae speed snmed ne $19 4 1 ty ‘ 4 ‘ eilw he Fig The baru was an dated burldir and t general of on is that it was ured by a incendiary, Yet, unleas eit Ja wd come private nal € 7 1 « dithen mccoy er emotive which led to the deed a4 t would aot have common vied itell toon 1y other huilding, ¥ vd net been discovered se Aontpetty. —Mr. John L. Legwin, a ony man employed in the Journal office had the imieeortane to shoot hiinself wbroagh the right hand while peace examining a loaded pistol late yes lthe aun. Ce Y —lematneimmmaiinmege)).\\ \yassed through the fleshy part of the haud between the thumb and foretinger, breaking wo bones, rut Causing a wound. —~ Wil. Journal. your Enemies.-—"' Why | do you show faver to your enemir ¥ poate | How to Destroy % mperor’s noble re- Kindness is the best friends 1” was the | pl j |e Riet to beat sdverearics ly or two of the demning the Impenchinent, ax might | » Eliot's Span- barrus, error. making them my|ansions than myself” this ection of the State han been gouerally harvested, In thie, and one nding eountics, we ave sorry to learn the erep. is. light, mot amountiog to more than halt"an average crop. {un othe? counties east of this we learn that the yield will be much ‘betters Scpremu opinions have been delivered : ws Mack Williams, from dismissing the bill; In Baie va. Stew- art and wite, from Richmond, de- marrer overruled; In Blossom ae. Van Aimvringe, trom New Lanover, order reversed, and deeree according to the award; In Ranson ws Lewis. from Tyrreil, no error, judgment af- firmed. By Barrie, J.~In State ex, Lud wick, from Rowan, petion refnsed ; In Sumpter vs. Piercey, from Cherokee, judyinent aftirmed; ln Griffin, from Robeson, judgment — reversed ; In DeRosset vs, Bradley, from New Hanover, judgment affirmed. By Reape, J.—In Tayloe vv. Jobn- | cotton son, from Berte; In Devines ve. Phillips, from Camberland, error; n State vs. Hampton, from Guilford, error; In Gibson va Groner, from Ca \ Venire de novo, Ral. Sentinel. — Davipson Cotteos.—The 30th An- nual Commencemest will be held ou Thursday, the 16thof July. The ex ercises of Commencement week will be as as follows: \* July v, the classes. 10, 13.—Exatmination of : Sunday, 12th.—Bacealanreate Ser- mon, by President MeVha:l. 7 tte eday, 14¢h.— Meeting of Board Tenstecs, - Wednesday, 15th.-—-th A. ML, An- noal Sermon before the Williana Aa | secation of Inquiry, by the Rew. Dr. George LTlowe, of the Columbia Theol. Sem 3 1’. M.—Oration before the Lit. | erary Societies, by the Rev. Dr. | L. Dabney, of Union Theol. Sem 7 2’. BM —Specches by the repres| sentatives of the Societies Thurelay, 16th.—Orationa by Ja nior aud Senior class. 6, and confer ing ot degrees, Ise police are Ans unusually interesting tin The literary ex inde pendently at the an thay be expected, er cises, of other al fie be highest , weil -_ Congrera Vashington, June 22,1? M—Senate A joint resolaiwa parsed, dropping from he colls army officers abecut withowt | leave Mr Samner presented a memorial for! —~ the eetablislment of a Government Bank, Th contemplatiog the payment af the Natiow- | al debs without further taxation Referred | to the Comaitice of Finane« ‘Lhe Colorado admission bill was ap, bat wernt over Mr. Merit, of Malne, wanted some eyatom in tdmitting teritaries. Noteith standing Mr. Nye's sasarances that Col stada werld rote right Morrell bad no doabt that Colorade aonld be Democratic Lhe Arkansas admission bill pasned | wire ever th Adj Hoan vetobya party rete arned —Inder the regular call, a ree declaring that the prblic debt ald be redaerd to a simple and aniform m, more carily understood by the tereeat thrreoa reduced, the Ways and Means rlepen, eho ovate prople, and the avd strecting (ommities to report a Bill agreeably uere to, wae intradue d \ om mg the abewe ta she Wayeand Me Comrtticer failed. 67 to} an The Committee of Waye and Means vore inetrw sed to enquire inte the ezpe- liewey of appropriating ity millions to bey the atnred and maturing cvin debt, 1 debted neces sod no new to be created { millions The Co>ference re pert, removing dina wenty ave bilities, was reconsider-d aud paseed— 98 tm 44 nly one vete more than twe-} hirda.) le bill. ae now pases by both leases, | pows lo the President, Phe Blection Comunitier report, seating MeKe radifal,) from Mayeville, (Kew-| acky,) Destriet, was adopted. Foartern Radicals, inetading Thad. stevens, voted hay The Tax Bill was taken “p Night) sessions were ordered bereafier, and the! Vax Lal will have aniute trupted poreee | sion of the House, until finisbed. Adjourned —— ~<ape = Lerrer rrom Me. J. Q. Anaus — A letier has been received in Washington by a prominent Democratic member Congress fram Joby (Quiney Adame, of Magseachnaetts, from which the following pextract is made, } of may natne in counection with the setond | place on the Democeatic ticket to be ee- lected by the Fourth of July Conve niion, that l am an applic ant for no office under My course at home jas been} | dictated by the moat dixinterested « blige tions of Pi and prelerence. the aeeic J feel that! @nt of birth bas thraet we upon the pablic attention rather before my tine, and also that this prominenes, counectes | with the accident of birth, involeosa great deal of a certain kind of reaponsibjliry — tf Lean aequit myself ere Htably ander these cirenmeatances, aud come off with all sinstead | the old family: hovors free of tazgnie jof destroying them 7” said a chieftian to| shall he tlonn, aod the View ris ‘Dol not de- may find some one worthier more’ tt is the general belief that Adams will, weapon with} be nominated by acclamation if Pendleton | is pominated for the first place, 4 ~ Se s s st t s s s s e e s e bi s + | Ss t s sugar, Giniede ey den s Se e e s i s a s e t w e r s e c k . | rH ee YEW ADVERTISEMLNTS. LAND SALE. | TN obatience to ag onder of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesions far David- # county, at May Term, 1868, we will wil [at public aection, on the +f Angust next, at 12 o’eluek, am, od a ered invited to attend, ,of a nw Valuable Tracts of Land ‘elenging to the estate of Win, Owen, 4.<" < tract of S00 aerew, slteated ip the Jevrey , ovlet.camed for tet then will The yg om the Yotkia Kiver, contacing +~—hoth Gnely improted aed wel war vow dvewing vabtebte teal eta At the mind time aud place @ Lexingtow, N.C, June 2 LAGA. e GRIFFITH Lands g FOR SALE. RY verte of a deere of the Coanty Cat ft Rowan county, will be euld et the toer- ose deer in Salabary, on Toredar. the i lay of Awgast neat, fee Landred and nmery ve acters of land belonging to the estar « ~" part of the county, @ithes depot at Rowan Mille, ant oo A turther deveripimn of thew © thoaght (6 be wane quevary as they hawe ' rte’! before. — Terese made kneven on the Z GRIFPTH, Ade Strayed--83 Reward. ETHAYED from my plete, § villet ath 4 Gud hl, @ Cows. Lowther, rel, wok the heck ame sitet the taer red uly, atearlowd «They were all giving ok —e) went together, and are sapposed © taetiog pet. 1 will poy $3 for intormat enabbog me fo get there agein, | Gokd-Ial, Jone 24 F Irish Potatoes BU bushels Fall Potatoes, pay est on barter MERUNEY & BRO Euseanere Lremr votil he eon on the Treagary i¢ reduced For planting, Wil KERVERSVILLE MGW SCHOOL, Male and Female, At Kernersville. Forsythe County ¥. 4. ¥. URITMAN, A.B, Princip. RP. KERNER, Asstant. ‘ne Pave Sept will commence July and close Devember Tai, 1868. Spetling, Reading and Writing. Arithmetic, Ofammar, Geography, } 5 - os Higher Mathematics & Languages, 20 0 Toition charged frory time of entrance che Of session, exer. im cases of prot | Beard ean be hod at fom $8 to Fi? of} tooth, exchure of hghts, Oue ot ject «it be to aiske pupils 4 ig what we andertake to teach them. For further partienlars address the P | “Lean eay, in respeet to the mention |&t Kernersville, N.C, WILSON SCHOOL, MELVILLE ALAMANCE COUNTY, N C HE next Sessic toommenees July (6 continges 20 weeks“, Boord aint Taion,., .« Kael popil will furnieh 2 sheets, 2 pilio# ses and t tlanket, For circular apply to the Principal. 408N WiLaox, Jn ew FINLEY HIGH s8cHO00 LENOIR, CALDWELL COUNTY, N. ©. ‘we Fav Team in this Fastitution will ® duly 27th, 1868, For further partie™ apply for a circular, KE. W, PAUCKTT wy e s e s E e c g e s e s k u e s ab = es s e gk e t a s e e s at t wl te te to te we >e SES 60 we 6.00 ww & BDte 1. on, via [MENTS. Se e y e i c a ¥ e t . e s r z o - c t . & ier, contanm” ml ad wel wae pihe teal exten une and places Poreday. fhe fr tired avd nenery te the pile ate oy wnty, we » Mile, ont a of thew e they hate owt dle kneven on Ot crt pet penen oder « FPTH, Adm ae eo, Sy vllet ayat) Chow, all whee rel, wok oh oe The tend ell ebich our haber were all giving 3. Reseleed, That we hereby inetract } are sappowd WHE the President ofthis meeting to appoin B3 for iniormat asern Lremr ltpd Potatoes HTED. Potatocs, ) of Harter INKY & BRO. Syd A SCHOOL, me of entranct caecs of prot on $3 to $10 pke pupils ¢ ach them Mires the P @w2xtf theese, 2 pillow CHOOL, -e INTY,N C. senees July 16 Principal. i; WILSON, Ts Pe i SCcHOt INTY, N. C. natitution will? further parte™ AUORTTE, Pr wi A r al ceived, inviting cation to ding with bim as bia Hotel, to- vO i BE SO? : The © took « recess un- 18 o'clock, P, M. int We, a portian of the conductors of the ratic aval Conscrvative Prese of the ate of North Cardlina, ia eonfererice as- d, after @ cardial and thorough in- thauge of have deewed it pro- to embody, in tho following resole iene, our Views ta the present ecsigeney of affaice : L. Resolved, That ¥e hereby pledge Frou Washington—The President's ‘| Veto af the Arkansas Bill. .' -| 1865, instead. of lation of dangerous, -| since have beev accomplished. jon its ratification, by tests agknown in 4 ‘ vention arbor- (ou of Me.. Part ‘the Y: ‘and sof to Mr. B numerous nextnndd hy i And the | groan ie n the Convention ad Me WM, F. PELL, Presiden jission that “the act more efficiently srning the rebel States,” and the acts jentary thereto, were per and tutional, whereas the President's ix unchanged in this respect, but ; strevigthened by theeesults attend- ing their ewecntion, ~ Af Arkapsas is notaState, this bill don’t admit her. If she is a State, no legisla- tion is i fy to her rep tation in Cangress. Each Honse, under the Cyn- judges of the election returus i of its own members, and nothing is to restore Arkanss bat the decision, by each Hoase, of the a of those presenting credentials. is the plain and simple plan of the Constitution. Had it been adopted in joubt{ul and, therefore, unwise constitationality, and , restoration would lobg "The President again recommends the adoption of the Constitutional plan, ‘The terms are seareely applicable to al ; and certainly not to a State, which has occupied 4 place in the Union over & quarter of acentary. The jent is anable to find authori of the bill in the ar” “Twelve fran- ‘thé ation to the States themselves, The bil fails to liow ‘Arkaneas shall signify her acceptance of the funda mental conditions, nor does it prescribe penaltire for their gullification. It ie se riously questioned whether the Conatitn- tlon has bees ratifiud, according’ te the law arsumed to be iu force before hs adop- tion. ‘The Constitution restricts the franchise the Reconstruction actse—among them the acceptance of the political and civil rights and fat the i were in 1851. Most of the irds feed upon these locusts, aud the North-western tribes of Indians consider them a rare when fried, ‘The lo- cust is never found in the pine woods.— They will neither light upon nor deposit their eggs in the limbs of the pine. trees. ‘The locuste commenced making their ap- pearanee in this part of the State about the 25th of May. Their numbers have been steadily increasing every day since, and they will apse remain with us until the middle of Jaly, or first of Au~ forts when they will disappear as sudden- 'y as they made their advent. ese POE tar The duplici:y of the Chicago plat- form has been a subject of much remark, it is followed up by Radical legislation. To the Eastern capitalists and bond-hol- ders the promise is held out that the bonds shall be paid ia gold. ‘Their cupidity is whetted to the sharpest edge by this pro- mise, and they are uow expecting to see the vaults of the Treasury opened for the payment in gold of the five-twenty bonds that ave about to beeome payable—i. ¢., the bonds of 1868. Mr. Ciseo has about a hundred millions in gold, and this is beld in reserve to keep the greedy expec- tants in a good hamor with the Chicago platform and its nominees. Bonds are ri- sing daily here and abroad upon the faith ot the third article of the Chicago plat- form. hea omy at forty per cent. pre- mium, the lucky bondholder will fill his coffers upon the maturity of eS of the ebeterres issues, ()f course, the bouds must rise in the expectation of this great haul. The bonds tend to an advanee, for the reason that few more are likely to be issued for the parpose of absorbing the ebort obligations of the Government. ‘The supply is likely to cease, and the gold of all men. Lt is well known that a large portion, if not a large majority of the cleetors don't North, there is reason to believe that many of them would remain away trom the polls, rather than comply with its de ontes conditions. The President eonchudes ar carnest and gealius support to the ominews, for the offers of President and Vice Peesident of ther United Stace, of) Nat. Demotentic Convention whieh «to assembly ia the City of New York, | the é:h prox. 2 Resoleed, "That we hereby take the Mherty of suggreting to the delegation ira North Carolina, in that Convention, the propriety ef eounaelfing with the otb- ot delegatiows from the South, oe to the | ncersvity of ineaing, then avd there, an eddrves Wo the pewple of the North, setting light, the ion of affaire in the Soath pede g: Sher legiclation ; that forth, wa trong aud proper eusting we leliewe thils to be the more indwpensa ie, beenuee tothe’ sense of jurter, pe iotiom and love of constitutional liberty ed the Northern masses, de we look for) redemption from the grievous evils ander! The Lacuat two representatives of the Press, (uh al ternates,) to attend the National Con veo tion aforesaid, for the parpose of convey ing oor sentiqnents, ag expressed in pri vate interchange of Oplulen<. ar d in there | past ccutary— we have condenerd from resolutions, to the dei gation trem thie} various authorities, the following facts — |Many have enppoer d that the insccts with “Mate fore, dgsire to regniate the clective fran- | chiee #0 os to make it conform to the con- stitations of a large roportion of the Ptatee lad the North and West, modify the pro visions referred to bathe fandameutal con dition, what is to be the consequence | Is it iuterded that a denial of representation at eouie fature day, @ reearrence of thn Constization, rather than resort to mene hich may, in a flew years, fenew in a cauerd by the legielatiion which has prov ed te be il!-tumed and unfortanate I” -_- Locust — The Present Vielation | (Prom the New Albany (iad ) Commercial } tw anewer to the many inquires in ref l erente te the preeeut visitation of locusts - | ag vieltation th-t promises to ereced, tr i lghe abundance of the ir ‘4 Resoleed, That ve berely pledge tel which the woods and ficlds of the cour each other out Bore ithing and cordial la-/ try, {he trees and gardens of the city hore to sustain (hecheriehed objecia we | so rapidly Gling, were the cicada, or Am- | This, however, is a have at hearts and do wot beeiace to ex prees the conviction shat, by proper snd | misapprehension. tnited efforts, the Stale can be carried, im | that is the Fall elections, in the interest of Con-| on the sutotional Government. On mation of Mr Fatman, of the Hen-| hard probose derson Inditz, the follwing rerelation, f-) ter some diseur “lon, war od, vis : Resolved, Thar as vier rates of advertioig, #* parblished,- - deviation from which will be deemed 1 Protessional. : Maj. Gales, af the Sentinel, submitted the following, which wae aleo adoptec vig: Resolved, “Pha we'd thern ad vert commend the Panied b yment in adlvaner, nt do not ruanate’ fee bien and entirely reliable resourees of thie character, and toch as do. not fally correspond with es- tablished rates. The President designated, in p Ride? from the Committee. P Waring, of the Charlotte Times, we recommend to the} Preas of the State, ve adoption of the jas the seventeen year cash system Ii gegard to Qwart advertise- | tact that they make mente, and @ #rict adherence te their reg nance the! was the ease tris year. practice Af feéélving, thd inately, ad-| coming oat of the ground they are in the; vertizementa, through the arediom of Nor-| papa state, agencies, and would te- jon of eoch, usnaccom | begin to May, or in the second week in Jane, ac- d These} West Maj. Seaton Gales, of the Sentinel, as del egates to New York, with Hon. Lewie Hanes, of the Walchman & Old North State, and Capt. Wim. Biggs, of the South- couragement of immigration and the pro- leriean barvest-fly. It ia the real locas now upon as. The cicada sulsist substaners their appearance | certain sections of the United States, an a rt Gaewherr, every sevenicent | year. The aeventeen year locusts begi ‘to emerge from the groand about the ls 1,| cold and backward, they do not begin t sppear antil about the middle of May, a On their first) i ithe perfeet Ineust soon appears. lay their eggs about the cording to the heat of the season. linehes long inthe tender apt ot tree As eoomaa the young attaiu their grow! conformi-|in the grab state they fall to the ground, with the third-resolarian of the serice|wnd make theit way two or three tect un-| + apt. R. | derneath the earface, ih order to undergo and | their change into the pupa form. Soon last tranformation | steey are found in geeat humbers overt large districts of country. They appear every seventeen years, though itis probable, ac- their after attaining bricks of a pavement. © Notwithstandi acerpt this teat, and, if applied to voters | “Blhould the people of Arkanans, there- | shall fullow, and, if 20, may we mot dre ad, troubles which have eo long agitated the country? Would it not be she port of wisdom to take for our guide the Federal aeve which look on'y to the present, and agytavated form, the atrife and bitterness Year — History of the ecets, any for the are leaves of trees and other vegetable They are fornished with @ | States were payable and should be paid | is, capable of boring wood This inecet ie common in some sections of but the backs soon burst, aud They end of} the gunpowder exper iment at ns which eggs are deposited in close lines of two *.1Grant aleo certifies Batler to be a mine opened at Chicago will suffice for| | their payment in full upon their matarity, | lor be ie The Chieago Convention struck | \a gold vein, and all the Easteru political | | speeulators have rushed with their usual | j Teck lesences into the speculation Bat! | oan | show that the miners of the party have} “hoet the lead.” } The Westeru Rusticale anderetand that {the Chicago platform means paper and not ig There is no promise of payment in | gold in the —— declaration. The! lecetion was intended to be read in one | | way by the Eastern bondholders, and ia anéther way by the Western plow halders Some of the Radical organs have under- taken lately to explain the Chicago puz hale by stating that payment ja gold means payment in paper, which shall, by the law of hambag, be pronounced to be “as good ae gold” When a return to a pe cie etandard shall be effected, all paper iseuce will be taken as , ey One doblar in gold to five in paper bas been tuand ne cossaty Wo reatore a convertible currency | fre time at least, while canfidence is as } blind as fortune is said to be All the bonds nay be paid « f in paper, wointially as good as gold, tur a few daye ot weeks | gold lat least. Then comes the crash, a id tor jthe paper an ounce of geki cannot be Vl teand in the vanits uf the Treasury or the banks All the national banks will be nominal rly specie pa ying, and all their paper, uo matter how much of it may be afleat, ae well as the greenbecks, will be bronzht up to a specie standard. Thus the bonds may be psid off, not io gold, indeed, bat wn what will be held as ite equivalent— may be worthless the next It is well known that the committee ap t| pointed by the Chieago Convention to #\ draw up the platform rejected a re rolution declaring that the bonde of the United in gold. An cqnivoeal resoluticn was adopted in its stead. — National’ Intetli- the country, sppearing annually. yencer | Our present visitors are w hat are known | - - locusts, from the| Butler and Grant.—These two aud unuataral hear, at last a! worthies, afier a brict dj estrangement, have, we hl en leseed, like k ndred gtreanma meer The tion is te! nd to have been of the most aflect "ling into one reconcili { P * Alter end of April; bat if the evason be jug characier, aud heal ba were drank The condi | al hwith moeh) enthreiacn alliance are It ia reporte | that Gen tiene ot the matters of fconjecture cal | matter of Buder being “bottled up, Fort Fisher, and the other allus Pointers are so apt to make i reference to volunteers his personal honorthat Grant is amar of lawinons intellect. a yreat strate ficulties in the way of an exchang: rebels, [is card some years age or this suject was written take. “How pleasant it is for breth ng of ammunition. Marrell and the Reporter of the Times. barque Courtland collided on. Lake, Eric. Boi been discharged on the original indict- ment. new indictment. edly be raised and Surratt released. paper, which thoagh convertible ove day, Grant makes the asmende in the Genera! | ekillful e@oldier : and Ba ler atatea onl, gist and statesman, and that the dits aprung net from Graat, bat trom the under a inis America, fe. 22, M.—Venesuelian révolution gaining A negro ivsangction in St. Thomas The steamer Morning Star aud the) sank. ‘I'wenty lives lost. The Surratt Case, Washington, Jane 22, M.—Surratt{has He is held to $20,000 bail on the The hail will andoubt From Washington, Washington, June’ 22, P. M.—John Bogue, R. H. Parre!!, Owen Thoias and | Michacl Shea, are Surratt’s boudsmen. The President has nominated Mr. Evarts as Attorney General, and General Malford as Collector of the third Virginia Revenue District. On the presentation of the Arkanens | delegation, to-morrow, the Democrats will offer a protest, signed by all. General Meade was at the war office | to-day. From Georgia. Augusta, Jane 22, P. M — Hon. Alex.| H. Stephens and Herschell V. Johnson are urged to be preset at the meeting of the National Democratic Conveution. | -_— The A rhansas Delegati m | Washington, June 23, M.—In the Sen | ate, the credentials of the Arkansas Sen- ators were preeented aud read. No ac- tion as yet. ' In the House, Paine offered a resolu-; tion that the ath be administered to the } Arkanaas members, bat, on the sugges-| tion of Maynard, and others, the resnla- | tion was medified and passed, referring | their credentials to the Committes Eleetivas. j on Con greae. Washington Jane 23, P. M.—Senate. | Sumner reported the Ilease bill tor the} devebipments recent!y wtade woald! protection o ‘ ‘ lev p y t protection f American ciiizens abroad, that “The Tiwce” with all its occ with amend mente \ Mr. Hendricks re sented a protest from Beventy-ecveg Citizens Washi ot rtou City, whom the bill now in the hands of the President dietruichises. | Referred to the District Committee The Jadiciary Committee was instruct ed to consider the expediency of allowing Indians to veetify in marder and ra;e cases betwee and soldiers themselves and the whites The Arkansas Senators were erated, on motion of Senator Howard, without a division The appropriation bill was reenmed, and, afier Kaceutive session, the Senate adjourned. House. —After referring the cre leutials of the Ackansae d kK »to the Eleetion Corum the House revumed the Tax , wl An amendment, fixing the direct W kev tasatf ts, was ad pied 87 a) amen lments were discuss ' fu ac Rex From Washington Ww gton, Jane 23,1’ M Sy t's. amend tt ec bill protecting An ean “ ab 1 eraswa, the clause thers: gt l dent to mmprisen ft cieners int ation uring the ¢ negion, & Conkhnag that bis) mannera ee House better than the Senate ! "The Senate today, mjreted 5.9 Cox ae Minister \ustria | Heber vall, second President of the Mormoa sarch, i dead. | = Markets ; New York, June 23, P. M.— Cottor | etendy —Upland 30 Sales of 1,500 balce 1 Geld 1,403 faalion most useful, agquisiton to his domes) tic comforts, bo she went and piiry | tionate wife, ean easily shorten it to snit you.” low Second street and were very mery; and every one admired the bentutiful dressing gown, had gone to bed the wind and the rain made such a no‘se that the wife could not sleep; her hasband, how- ever snored, musically. dressing gown and commenced her }gown !- -Evanye. residesin is ei They had a party-in the evenihg in After they She arose wthout disturbing him—took the work, cutting off about the length of ten inches to make it snit her hus band’s stature, and then weut to bed again. In the morning she was up early | to make some arrangements with hei housekeeper, as several friends were expecied to dinner that day. Scarce ly had the lady left the room, when her sister—a good natured old lady} who lived with them—etepped in on} tipstoe, in order not to disturb the steeper, took the dressing gown, and, lastening to her own reom, cut ott too long the night before. was Dow anxious to sarprise fectionate wife. aud have Inches. tailor ten gown toa it made | ( shorter by Lhe wife was detained longer than she ex the dress pected ; and ecarcely lad from ing gown returned when she caine in the rovin. husband had just risen, aud proposed | now te surprise lie wife aud enjoy his comfort. Then how surprised was bis better half to eee her husband in| a tine Persian pattern shooting jack» et instead of a com -urtable dresein oe Ax Apwiks1ox.—We hardly expected | onal | conservatism would admit the course of f what the Republicans to be the caase it aseumes to be the uyloy al condition of the Southern Braves. It admits fally in the following paragraph that oar peop! could bave been trusted with their Sta governments direetly after the war, but asscris that they ¢annot be trusted now — in conseq urnec of a change of sentiment majority in Congress ; “The contests and collisions | which have siuce occarred, — the extension | of suffrage to the blacks,—the torer the South of military authority, and exasperm teaye: establieh met —and the various heated ting coutraversivs that have grown out of this state of things, have ¢ vm pletely chan ged the tone and temper of the Souther wed; and pewer which might w have been pat tr a the hands of the S ern whites three year: age, would now 4 wielded in a far different epirit and for tne 1 t fa rent ends.’ Wt ve th a } onic hav pied a g faith a are r “ yal iat ie pular word), as any y, t tisas gc comr tary ont iqu vand injustice of the acta of Congres that thev shoold have al ‘ ple in the oj fa} ! sg alwate justified th e though it may hav Opposed ' eginning This ia said, too, in an article, the ob etof whieh ia to urge the clect of Grant, by wh a aety j prrpetaate the very | yvowhich he a» mits to have been « yarions, upto t ne —4 harlottesrille Chronu MUNSEY, THE PREACHER, was an bt make her hnebe say a werd oF: preseut 4n'the occasion of his Rossel! is the” mest Met day, some Weeks since, and & ‘I preacher we ever saw, so Munsey is ing gown, yshe thouglt, would be @| the ngliest. “1 o- gorry to have to th gay this, and I was sorry ; b But what a pragber he is er heard him preach Drew and that we had bothered him i preparation of, so.that be bad note fliciently mastercd it. Bat even th we suw the gleamin ( patnral power, which God ouly fla es into the intellects of the greatm tere. ot his-eloquence lies. voice, for that has | DOF Compass. ltion, for wnany a school bey surp jhim in that. | unearthly power ty there, beating throbbing along the great thongtirte, leaping like Alping jechoes along the heights and deeps of his sublime imagery, and sweepii ithe hearis of his audiences tike a gu fot music from the spint shere. 2 great as greater | Baltimore, Papend a portion of every duy wit : ; hiaiin bis) study, about ten inches, as she know it was) busy. We tf vund him without a gral ot An hour after the gentleman awoke.! gentle and sdnple-learted as a child, > ‘ise hes afy| fall of affection, magnanimity, chari- R nging for the ser |ty and syinpath vaut he was told to take the dressing those extraordinary £004) keeping of his church. is execedingly frail, and oaght pot to bier required to preach much, the talors| the Chureh never will see that, and Her} will eoonr work hiw tu death. | For Life Insurance Only. * REAL ESTATE [NM RNNCE COMPANY, tarof isthe M ig Liold Munsey, at itean't. be helped. with as-much ge- sermon, ? of that p We know not where the It is not ink neither melod lt is not in his elegy And vet the won chords of asa preacher, het While we were made ita rule he is us a oan. we when he was egotism or vanity in his natare, : in a word, one of uatares that then to the But Mansey rd gives note -aud Bat PIEDMON1 OF VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAI ~~ | ONE M:LLION DOLL | OFFICERS. } wi. c CARRINGTON, President | J. J. HOPKINS, Secretarg | H. PERROW, M. D., Med. Adcisor. | This liberal + ve une half of t tlements avd see th 87 Ler Cent. of tts Profits lite patrons by taking votes om 1a te pay all cash if desired to attend its anpaal set- t« protected yposes tu i Tt px {t allews ‘ts 1 I It invites it« pat « 1 solvent Southern Company , | brough about by the acts of the Radical] | pays to its pebey boiders annually Wx. B. Isaacs, a+ ; | has same the inauguration of stringent — . Siury Byres palterhs - The. fact - no mati . : ; ~ a -& corh. or “of | regulations. j ti _»\well wadded.. Not remembering t iueas Munsey possesses has any lan tancock.—Gene- Oats Were ielured’ ia thaforedes The Bragilian Beaperor, on opening the }exaet height of her husbaud, - she) right to, be | looking, Tall, slim, ee pea a letter’ however; it was different, “"Thé tenderest| General Assembly said that t Tnited| thonght it beat to parchase ove rath=!jean and ghasily, he Tooks as if he} trom Eo to Gen." , stat - leayes were eager Mibeding Semen levee, States had agait proposed mediation, | er too long than too ®bort, to make} wore trying to climb into heaven bes} ing th er be will arrive ia -conn- particalarly ov those trees. upon which| Which was refused with thanks. eJ'be | Sure of ite usefulness.’ The day-wns| (org his time, Lc. is hald alsa; bat ing pag edie om on ope thé leaves were slightly acidwlated. The| Paraguayans have armed four thousand | wer jer husband -retutned in the af| not in the way in, which you oat yi Rn Lager so + bey pall 0 ones Be 1 A gh women to guard gommanications. ternoon and she presented him with| ure bald. The tuet is, is if the trath ion with the Presidency. - He ears". pecies 8. tm : yr ns te pe } nb a are z bs . s Ror® dey-etetgh trem ths, gey-< Aiele deren |SCEE ticle ot comer we, tae tan t7 coup | an coat en ee ny i , em a i ¥ J > A Ap other the rae iho hw a Ta eed oid ihe Jun¢ 22, M.—The life-boat| ter he had pat off his wet garments! yion where the hair ought to grow, ! wt che July Convention tn gerly devoured by equirrels. All our old : ged on the telal trim, drowning Oa ry a Laat Mt (OO long. i. . pad hod then suddenly popped above | ty the Radical notninations, and will hunters will eall to mind how abundans| (ere petals g Capt) “Ont never mind,” said the alfees Ty pérsaitoould make ile sppetranee.| take the stump in chats behalf, e nev- ate cad ey thm OG “s Pe BM The Arlington Mutual Life Insurance Company or VIRGINIG, A Virginia and Southern Institution Ita Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyoud any contingency. The Company has capita! and aaset, against ite liability that will compare favorably with any Life Insurance Company of the contine ut, which is the trne test of responsibility Its affairs are cautiously administered by selected Directors, of responsibility aad business capacity. It has established ite claim to Southers Patronage OFFICERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN £. EDWARDS, SecRET ARTY, D. J. Hamtsoox, VICR FRESIDEYT, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. 8MITH, M. D. Leos aDvissR, @GRFERAL ACERT, H. C. Casgt, Jo. H. Crarponsn. DIRECTORS : John Enders, rony | K. Eliyeon, Io a ‘ < lie Po ters are not restricted as to tra | Joha Doo *t, Semee! ©. Tardy, elu Chartes T. SEP ¢ Jacobda, sf wing fieate as to ite aol | William Willis, Jr., a Se” . | Ba. A. Smith, elt x tT Horsx, Va 0 | Thee. J. Brees A.D. Chockiay, March 2, 1-67 ‘ | James A. Brest, H.C. Gabel, oy Decne tke conan) ot| B.M Quartes D. J. Hartook, d . county W. H. Tyler John ©. Wititame, tak | non, & a, take pleasure ID! 3, £. Edwards, William @. Taylor, t uc a col IL reliatte compa- | a. Y. Stokes A. P. Abell, I Predmoat Real Be«tate in-arance Com | J, B. Mort We. B. leaace, t and besides the merit of | R. B. Dibreti, George L. ! and terms fet Lafe Ineur- | Wilfiem M. l'almer, Gamoel M. Price ak are " nel it t © pa-| ee LEWIS C.\HANE \o’r. 1 &s 1 OF ! “4 sigh reare men | Janl7—twewtf Lexusetos, N. 0 ‘afare. | ——— -_ ‘ I wal interest in ; ; vproral inter’ | » Sparkling Catawba t " { a guod ieatite- at ate) a iat He eevee lat oman oot | Springs, \DWINISTIRATOR'S SILE! ececccee oece pecs Liverpool, June 23, Po M —Cot " s ; ' ¢ Fe . | alee 7.000 bales. Uplands 1p. Or Great Sale of Land!! helly Brothers & Co., leane DL} . , ] Ee TH MASTILLE, | PU RSU AN a ' y ‘ . t Y . ( ‘R ‘ ) &s State of North Carolina, sche et nef ye eat = CATAWBA COUNTY J - dics ty ut " UCCESSORS of J. Shelly & Son—es ' Cert aft . » Term. 185% x ' PES 1s) 9— We are manutacturing t sat Aeye arene . Miers and Chidrea’s jMeew . ) tal) : i — ¢ best quali ¥ aa! at prices ly Fry at \ ew \ A : I reins, Muses Le Nie xas sos coe pare of gow! materials aod | a] : Bon z red ie D ‘ o bave vo shoddy in | Thos FLL LA : . es vigiln oe Parneviar atienbon pari to ere Sen = es af : . S ot ‘ x . Tee < ; 7 . a | r os tarteon of t ( oy andle Ly x ! « ta g too : : — — E : : Toapneanng © «auctartion of the A w Wie ral 1 ne se = : he R ie a Ae Hariama Tse 19g on tees Vogler & Co. eat this Prate, Tors theretores orden Sheoem i) Creek & ax belward it Joe J \ ion baimlohe nx wehksinthet oo OUR Oe a nan and Old Ne State,” etendants to be and appear Court ot Law, tu be Lehi for the coa | \ te vo! Catawba at the courthoose m the 2b Monday in August next, then ant Vi there to plend to, aaswer or demure, or jodg ment pro eonfesso will be taken as to thew. W itpeas, 0. Campbell, elerk of our said Conr on Newton, | Duteh Tw e place Terms made known at sale ALSO, on Thareday the 7 Village cf Monut Pleasant, Cabarrus Co, 1 will sell a Louse and | File's estate, said lot lies war the Female Sem | t et Ll volock A. M h of July in the; sre as alterbates. cording to some writers, that the vriods ten thae to dwell together in nnity”! at efice, 24 Monday of Februnry, 1868 linary, hae a quod two story dwelling anc oth rary i o re 3 ~ ogetie » £0 a: . i a sas A story ¢ lang and ot i,m per cea offs che cod oc etme el teres mis” SSR anrimewe [amr Saga oes amr bm ¥ : - arta three fourth acres abstract of Which itis not necessary to in-| ted by a writer that these insects aaa Just Received.—* LARGE | nade kuown ot sale . corporate in Uhie report. Tt may be en. known to make their appear- Philadelphia, Jane : 23, | yw M.< The of Spirite Terpentine, Lijvseed Se Wine Persons desing to parchase any of said clent to state, that a earicet desire and iu Philadelphia, Boston, and other | Democratic Congressional Nominating Ett aad Zeint of alloolore, 9 property, will please exainine belure the sale pa were ex te en te with | cities in nambers, penetrating from | Conventions are harmonious. 'Q. B. PQULSON & Co's The terms will be Eberal . each other and qith the in the en-|their subterranean residence between Resalutions tanding President Jobnson Deng Store Wyatt's Dd Stand, 4 W. P.RRALEY, Adm’. with the people he : . were adopted, mayts—v rib att Sausvary,N C.! May 21s, 1862 wOt-20 MANUFACTURERS OF Mens, Women, Boys § Misses SorsS, SALEM, N C. OUR Shoes are well made, and of the very Lot belonging to sati beat Materials. We invite mereah nts toexam- | 15,000 ine oar SHOES ; they will speak for them- selves, and will we think, Compare Favor- . mareh 2-3in-O ——- —_—_-_____—_— | ~ JOB PRINTING Yeatly Mecouted at this Offos. Quatrry and Preca, with | Sali at 1! o'clock, Terms! aay exer brought inte the State. a CATAWBA COUNTY, B.C. ‘| 143 Ceteneaten WATERING PLACE will be open for visiturs from June lst to December lat. The medseal properties of the waters, both 2u'phur and Chlybeate, anrivalied. Accommo- Int surpassed, and a healthier and more lelightfal place not to be found | +The Proprietor bas gone to great expense to rove aod beaatify the Springs, with ao eye e comfort of bis guests. and promises ev- g will be done tu add to the pleasure uf at) who may bonor him with @ visit. Take the Western N. C. Railroad at Salis- bory, either on Moaday Wedvesday or Friday morwng, to Hickory Station, where you will | find Hacks for the Springs, a distance of six | miles, over a beautiful, well-sheded road. A good baad of Mcme will be at the Spring: | the entire season. — Board $50 per month; $.3 } } wns u t 0 ry thi on $3 per day. Cbidren ander ten >, and servants, half price. Bath per week years of age —_ dete for pool, plunge, shower «ur t « an! snivur baths, or hot J. GOLDEN WYATT. Proprietor 1 Sparkling Catawba Bpriaga, Catawba county, YC June } when [Fresh Arrivalsat = SMITH, FOSTER & CO. 100 pieces Dry Goods Assorted, | 10 Secs ane & Shoes, | 300 Sacks Salt, yds 4-4 Sheeting= at Factory prices. | ese oa. Rolled. Hauwnmered and ass't. Lron | 5 Bhds Molasses, We bay Rags and all kinds of Congtry Pro- | duce, and call attention of the pablie w the | largest Stock of Goods in this market. | We are also agents for Wheclera, Mellick & Co's. Toreahera.and Cleaners. (n!! at Spravw's old stand, near the Market tHoore SMITH, FOST! ) Jane 11, 1368 oJu x Se pe ae ee Wiitten'ferthe Watchman ¢ Old North CELEBRATION. Messrs. Editors :—1 had the of «.vending a celebration at Codd Church Academy on last Friday the 14th instant, It was @ nice day and the crowd War quite a large one for such an occasion, | #von from the gray-headed maw tothe in- | fant ebild were present. at 10 A, ~ with prayer by ‘astor of Cetter! audience | Clarkson, Clendenning, and Parish, were addressed by some of the stu-|!™mediately exposed the whole tran d--ute fer pear two hours, which was quite S8ctions to the “higher” authorities evtertaining,’ We were ‘hen dismissed | Without reward or favor. for « sliort'titme to partake of the good |testimon things which was prepared for the peo-| against a revenue officers aforesaid, paces dis-jand they were duly convicted and We were then sentenced. mee , - fame State. tillers and officials for the carrying on |lector of the fourth Ghaurch, after which ple in a nice grove about a few tant from the Academy. lovited se go forward and help ourselves, | at the same time the stadents were busily i chaiee dishes among theladies whe a backward in going ap to - _ jing his wife and generous hearted! San Aocipenr. n banding round | 71) inet. a jon, in which Col. Jas. E. Matthews’ PW. Caldwell, of Ohio, was to-day con- P ‘The indictment for murder is abandon- conspiracy, (pevalty ten years imprison- | Which the ratifying S ate is practical | . Rel. —_ : — P. 8. Young ladies remember this is bap year and some one ought to sympa-;July represents two little girls talk- firine ‘with our friend Mr, Kerr, and assisting to each other over thet tle “Not hia im bis sehoal if required. —_— —_-—_—_ {t » be Leaten.” lhe j with prde on CHAPTER IN TIE) mamma has a carriage! WHISGEY FRAUDS. The recent sentence chief justice upon Messrs. Anderson I’atterson, Elsom and Gouldinan, still | tracts attention in certain circles. - ut’em back again! 5 h bold relief at tho late trial stir. {at West whiskey tall, hne looking nan, abd attracts) * “ ' ywing facts, w ned, may be here recorde the parties, «. « ates government the distilleries on anuaia for illicit docementsffered by the tor the constrnet: light, and broke in pieces in a few hours Her Captain and crew, 39 in namber were ali drowned bat four. Newbern Journal of Commerce. 1966-7, at a cost of was made with ram of $10,000 December, a contra 090 to the collect r, and 85 he inspector of each distillery. Vebruars, 1907, teh all th esit which all the distilleries were withont prez., £52,900 a8 agreed the “Governor elect” , cal and negro jubilee on the 4th lat when seized t ciared by the oulicia Shortly after these «« l'nited States court sat hear kinsman (Jgtin Misor bo JM. the rind of two the necessity of being firm and trne ; ito thew the consequences of s rg all thin time etains on tbe m, before being pat into soap sade, ebonid have boiling water tarned on them, and remaia in it until the water is hers) would Gr cold rangewents which they ( agents) expressed themselves as be-4:has no subsequent washing will remove sug eatiefied existed between tle reel Jeon \ — f iNicit distillation, iscountenaced any sach proposition, Shortly after this “indies ent work preferred against the distillers; and one of these indictments was founded jupon the~testimony of Gouldman '(the inspector) and of Anderson (col district.) Learn. the distillers, Messrs. The distillers ing these points, war Upon their indictments were framed —WRich. Enquirer. ———_>—___. —On Sanday, the tnule attached to a wag Lnvalid’s Bisquit. of butte 4 Poar iton When cool --Melt 2 | oun bake them. then beat the whites of the very light, and rub in some earrant cake, and you will havea nice des- ert. family was riding, “ranawayd , nrow - children out Ce yolks Corn Batter Cok , Beat separately and well the whites and four eggs, stir into the yolks a Uaue pint of milk, add a quart of meal and an- Ponverance. Mre. Matthews two of the children, were only ghly injured, bat the third, a lit- girl aboat three years of age, ws post instantly killed by one of the Pheels of the wagon- running across er breast. Salem Press. es » Washingten, June 18, P. M.—Jobn ed as Minister to Boliva. in Surratt’s case, and an indictment tor | ment and ten thousand dollars,) will be ~~ The Strangest Thing on Record.— A “Governor elect,” who nota Goverror, nor, as vet, eligible to the fice of Goovernor, conven ng | is Legislature, which is nota Legisla mre, under a law, which is not ali amendment to the! Government, Ww, fo ratity stitution an of vu! a ly declared to be nof a part !—Senti-| —_—-__ — | A picture in the last nnmber of | ! first one says,} her brow: “Ah, my | coud replies, with more pride on} lier brow: “Oh, that’s nothing; mr] mother can take ber teeth out and} Colonel Jerome Patterson Bona-~ 1 e e jose thet pe bii-nat Li Miaae Sik Week. Ve. } y/ mneb attentiva. Watchman & Ost Nora State wonfyine State Of North Carolina, There ie great excitement in Bath « a ant to te & appeer atoor ucat WATAUGA COUNTY. Virginia, on aceonat of the recent dis eeuae vr Beets 2 vf Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April very of valuable silver mines there a he a : ae . Term 1868 ¢ 2nd Mom'!ay in y¥ bext, an . Mr. Dickens’ neighbors all turned out and tere chew couse it Ady Le hekiwhy (7 Lonwa, Guar : ati vs Thomas & RB.) at ad's H'll when he got heme. The Me all not be detmue: + gts tt : wd on land Is rang and the peasantry danced up ae Pr _ A ae t hevied on a d — ae = ; a 1 erat \ vse, J. B. Told, clerks of onr « mwuete:i §* Shire itn’ Toathdamnatelatbile: secreted ee ely ~— ais the 3.1 Monday m Ap 3 I e * det-mbamie Thomas & KE tous beer. J.B. TODD, Cterk erile wy - Pies ” esd thes Stare : “ Stanton realizes exactly the instanec ’ o Cont at poi-beation be made) f the old pig in the rhyme : While he lired. he lived ie ¢ When be deed, he died al! ever ———_ over; Dceixe the heavy gale on our coast, “0 Wednesday night week, the barqae! Isteia, for New Yo k, with 1900 bales of sJq | cotton and a lot of tobaceo, went ashore on Diamond Shoals, of Cape Hatteras | —_— proper anthority, on the let isthat the Howard amendment may it. f | to raise it resede beyond the dere | by the Cort that pabbeates "| for mx weeks in the So says the | State, notifying seid defendants to te and ap | pear at our next Conrt of Pleas and Quarte | Seasons to be held for the county of lyn at the cnart hone in Boone, on ibe 2nd! Pocrta or Jcrv.—It is undersiood Nooday in July next, then ard that the reason why the Omnibes bill bas | camse why the land levied 09 strsii been assumed to be law, when it is, as! vet, nolaw, aod the Legislatare convened, demoed to the ase of the other pint of milk; lastly, stir in the whites. Have the griddle hot and greas- ed of course, and put in with a spoon. My advise is—vever mix flour with meal—never put yeast or molasses with Kentuckian. Yankee Cake—Take 2 pints of flour, 4 small teaspoonfuls of cream tartar mix- ed in the flour, 24 caps of sugar, 2 cups of cream, (sour is besi,) 2 teaspooufuls of soda, dissolved in the ercam, two eggs, a piece of butter the size of an egg. Rub the sugar, butter, cream and eggs (when beaten) together; then stir in the flour, and bake in two pans half an hour. Let them stand in the pans a few minutes af- ter done. and then turn «ut carefully, to preveut them becoming sad. Hop Yeast.—Please insert, for the ben- | alefit of your numerous patrons, the follow- | ing receipt fur Hop Yeust that will keep in warm weather uatil used up; y quarts water; 12 potatoes; a handful of hope. done take out the bag of hops, press the ter from it; add 1 teacup of white cof- fee sugar and a handful of salt. Boil a strain through a colander When cool enough, add yeast Two wa ew minntes ; into a jar og bread with this yeast.— tural New Yorker. And the State of North Carolina, *juar next Cou WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleas ard Quarter Sessions April Term 1868. Thos. J. Coffey & Bro, ) vs Attachmeat a : Thos D Foxrwor etal) oat in! parte, aid to the French Emperor, is} I" aopearing te faction af the Cort Point. He is described aa a) 4that i mas D Fotworth re pralv $8 00—19 State of North Carolina, 2.2 WATAUCA COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April - 1868 Thomas & R F. Term, m. Horton, Guarchan vs Brow: Attachment levied on bard Tappeanng to the satrslaction u! hat the defendants, Thomas A RE Br mits of this State: It ie or w the Court w Watenmar Wats there shew ut 2A oe plainer Witnesa, J.B Tokl. clerk. of oar eai:! ai office, the 21 Mumday im Ay AD J. B. TODD, Clerk 19 corer 18 pr adv $8 00 be adopted in time for the inanguration of State of North Carolina, and a grand Radi If the lemons grated. Pur f elft some white sugar haves shapes. andth petitiot jand grarted WATAUGA COUNTY Court of Pleasand Qairter Sessions April patriote of °76. who signed, on that day Term, 1868 the great Deelaration, could look apon, Farthing & Cn. v3 Thomas & RE Browr the matilation of their noble work involv r Atinghmes| levied om Med . acrre: tie ¢ es time! the ( a the Radieal abomination, called RAR FE. Baw Reeonstructi.n,” they would tarn f “tate [119 oF r very graves, and forbid thie dese : sae nannies ees ae nliglt Va N ate wy eration of t day which immortalized yearn 5 = (—Sralinel ( : - mrt- pon ee ; £ Dox c , y July next DOMESIIC ECONOMY and won any they Corn Bread eat 3 eggs we why the lar « ath . S - enue me qua ; k. enh ’ i‘ : IRT = form a thick batts \ teasp . M < . Tr 1968 f salt and soda, the la d J.B TODD. Clerk solved a ocup berare nilk pr ade && ¢ ) jrease your pans we 1 | . ~\r , . ~ ime i State of North Carolina, 4 TS. > at - STANLY COUNTY J }, } yt ‘1 Vteake | ery ty Jn ' \ T-+m a ar A t ‘ r A j v e Endy ve Ja Fridy @ of Lread J, nud ¢ ped eT te Roe ale () 7 Q e mreley. ry nay season T oar alia Pavecep Pbail tl \ 1 butteed pa s rite t . er with crams and herve. ory ‘ Jered siihout, according to taste at on be ws n the ' Wat ‘ y Sponge Biscuits —Add the whites oe . & Old of } § n < f w Le a , xi 1 yolks of e:ght eggs. Weil beaten, ' ( Liaw, to he hed ‘ l pound finely powdered snyar; co Stanly. at tle Coart- House in Albe 1 !d l pou do of fine flonr, anu ar\e e lst Moday in March next, then panewer or demar to the plaints Otherwise, the sane will be heard ver them, and bake in tin moulds Witness, James D. Hearfic, clerk of oor said for sone time. Court at office. the let Monday in March, 1868. 2? GBS] To Remove Stains —Ta\le | ite elothes that nen any coffee or fruit have If they are put into soap ends with year. FERS his professiona! services to (he pub- lie. hi , where he has been ising 16 the stains on, they will be set by it 80! enic thelr interest by payicn np aod save cost. ores, Ft ioe d rina pint ‘of hew mk, and! 2 pound of white /sugar 5! put in” halt a& Messert: | Spoontul of yeast, aud a wholy one of! caraway scéds; add flour /sufficient! to make it inte’ a stitf pas'e to roll thin; prie& wad cut ind shapes, and A Pretty Desert.~Take the yolks of tour egys and bear till they are light, adding four spooutuls of sugar; boil one quart of milk. and season with rose or lemon brandy; pour this mixture on stale sponge cake ; eggs Jelly ; with this cover the top of the When the potatoes are Bla Ie 9 of- | he mad- & Wd Nort KS 34a He may be found, when not absent, z All those indebted to him, wou'd con- , 4 State. ¢ or BRANLM OquNTY. Court of Hguity; Spritg Term, 1968, Sad Thomas Biles and via igabeth, et, ad vs, , George M. Sides, ef. al, Petition Por SAL@or LAND, that the defendants, QG Melchor, Wim A. Melehor, Green Melton andavife Caroline, Nel- son Suivs, Henry Marshall aba wife Sallie Car- obneé Hearne, Harris Crowell and wile and Anierson Porter and Wife Polly, vordered that in the * Watchman & Old Noi th Staté,” pois fying said defendants to be and at our next Superior Court of Law yt county of Stanly, at the ovart-house in Albe- marle, on, the 1st Monday ia September next, then and there to show cause if any, why the lands mentioned in. the Petition shall og ord, itness, Jas. U. Hearne, clerk of our sqid Court at office, the Ist Monday in March, 868, J, D, Heaans, cae. 23:61:88. T appearing (o the satisf§-tion of the Court pide resi beyond the limit of this Sate: It is therefore publication be made forsix weeks appear o be beld for the the discoverer, who bas removed to PILLS, OO pee hes toma eeaige :|INSBASED LIVER ~ They are made and sold by G. W, DEENS Bahimore, Md., where he can have access to the j.urest and beat thedicines, on the most favorable terms. State of North Carolina, SURRY COUNTY, Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1868. Jesse F. Graves vs. John J. Fraizure.” ATTACTIMENT, N this case it is Ordered by the Coart that publication be made in the “ Watchman aad Uld North State,” a sewspaper published in the town of Salisbary, for six consecutive ' weeks, for toe Defeoisui to be and appear at Jthe ext term of our Superior Coart ot Law to | be held for the county of Surry, at the Court j the last Monday in August next, then and there to plead, answer or demar in this ease, oc judg- | meat pro confesso will be taken agaiust him, Witness, A. H. Freeman, clerk of our sairl Comt at office in Dubson, the sevond Monday jafter the last Monday in Febrnary, 1868 A. I. FREEMAN, Clk. 22-6t: prs. «$8 . . Yo 4 State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April { Term 1868. | Reuben Farthing «wt Thos D Foxworth. } Attachmevt. No soda is required in mak- N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the dcfendant Thomas D. | Foxworth is @ non-resident of this State: Iris ri red that publication be made for | ‘he system ia one part to remyte « disrese ig ‘therefore orde: x wecks iu the Watchnan & O'd North State sais! defendant to be and appear at tot Pleas and Quarter Sessians, the county of Watanga at the m the 2d Monday m notify mg to be bell for sourt house io Boone July vext, then aud there shew cause it any | og shail not ve jcondemued to the use of the plantilf, | Waness, J.B Todd, elerk. of our sand court at ollie, the 24 Monelay April, 1868 , J B'TODD, Clerk. he has why the property levied or prady $2 00-1 the ¥ xt Ve inean & Oh) North beferdants ty be end ap Oourt of Pleas eed Quarter OX weeks san | Neen te ve held tor tLe wemniy of Weteage i the cuurt-Leuse im Haune, ug ihe eeend ay m July pet . ere shew ar’ any they have w y . levies! on shall nut be eomdem wed to the use uf the plate nf. | Witness, JB Tet’, Clerk of vor cand eonrt at | office, the 2nd Monday m Awol A BD. 1808 J.B. TODD, Clerk | prats 88 0@—19 tate of North ‘Caroliua, ALEXANDER COUNTY Supertor Court of Law, Spring Term, 1964 Me W L MILSAP Yom are hereby avtifie! 1 1 wi take the depusrions of James Burchem and 2 Sh day of Angna vent o ye in Wasbeegton coonty, Tociane tung a certain matte nin werey “ fog in the seed Sopemer Court, of «as | Alenarder coanty N C. wherein bam plate Wf and you are fomiant, ahen end may be present and cress examine if you wr prope T 1h Janae, AD 186s MAKGAKET E MILSal’s 226-98 State of North Carolina, YADKIN COUNTY. Cowrt of Pires and Quarter Seanona, A pred Term, 1368 A Speer oo. WH. Rodwell ATTACHMENT LEVIED O8 LawD ie lis case « appearing to the catickestion of | the Court that the defendant is not « resi tof tle State of North Carolina, It ie or | re heretore. by the Coert, thet pobbeaiion | ade for six weeks in the ~ Watchman aod \ State ) ne said defendant to} and appear betore the Justices of owr Coart f Pleas and Quarter Seemons io be hebl for the county of Vaclkoo, at the courthouse m Yel kine ere ay in July next, hens wre te fr answer or demur te sar! atta lruent, or the same will be heard eg parte Jedgieent eumfi: mel, tae land levied satiety plaion fs debt, and at eof sale geanted Witness, J @ Marler, clerks of our said Court} at off n Yadkinvilie, the second Monday m \ \.D. 1868 3 G. Mantea coc 23:6 $8 EQUITY SALE Of a Valuable Gold Mine, Y order coonty, | will offer the real estate and per al property of the Unton Mining Company of Balumore city, for sule at putdie anetion, at the conrt-honse im Sal-bury, om Tuesday, the 30th day of dune, at Lt o'clock, WM. The sale wil! conrprise a salnatble Gold Mine sitan ted in Rowan and Caberrns counties, which will be ani satfect tg jodgment and mortgage leina, wich wri be staed in full on the day of tale. —Terins cash. LUKE BLACKMER, owe May 18th, 1868. Z3:tw:ts JOB PRINTING | “or Heatly Bracstal at this Offiae. Dep. 2 isef. | House in Dobson, on the second Monday alter | 610— One Grose, 9) 6— of the Court of Equity of Rowse place she He will aiways keep on hand » large supply, and will bell tv py ee tascarad whols.le and retail, at the shortest notive, To the ation of these xery superior and excellent RO cost or trouble is to insure the greatest possible degree vf perfrctiun, in poiut of ntility, excellence and comfort.— {They cortain one article which has |never before been used as a medicine, and probably whieh is a powertulagent in cleansing the Liver, (which gives (hem an advantage over every other Pill heretofore offered to the public.) The comousition used in these Pills is carefully pre pared by the band of the discoverer, aad may be used by the most feeble petient in the must deheate situation, eiihe: male or fewale ; and from their pecnliar combinativa are bigbly strengthening, mild in their action op the bow- els, and indeed. in a climate like ours where colds and cougiss are almost an unfailing con- | sequence of the sudden ehanges to whieh all ate subject, every ove at all liable tosuffer from the influence of these causes, will find the est sevarity io having his liver and bowels well | i by these invaluable Pills, Where these Pills are known, especially in the southern States, where they bave been cir- culated so extevsively, they need no recom- mendation—their ments are so well known by their results, which have given them » reputa- tion that bas brought them into great cemand. They therelore are destined to be, at no distant day, the only remedy recugniaed aod ured by the people where bilous diseases are so preva- leat. The sifvantage in this treatment there- fore, is, that a cure mos be radical and com- plete without the necessity of breaking down another, They can be sent to any puiat in the United | States by Mail or Expresa. PRICE —Fer one box, 15 ce: 8. — Dow, §9.50—M all Grows, ree Grove, 60—Five Urow, $13. the onder for the Medi. “ere should be address The cach mact elibrr scoompeny cine or tt ull be eet CU. 0. Or o. Ww, Ne. 08, Soers Cacaoun Grazee, Bacrucns Mo, | where they oil be promptly attended to. | eu nvree Metietercs ll on aff re everywhere. sod ow all the Draggists ie Satmover JOUN H. ENNISS, Dragg'+t, Bpeeial Agrees REEVES’ AMBROSIA FOR TUE HAIR, Improred ! {s (© am elegant Dressing for the Halr. Brown | 't causes the Hair to cari besatifally. * Of | te keeps the Scalp Clean aed Healthy. it tavigorstes the Roots of the Mair. it feces the Hair aed Beard te grew lsxertent!y. | It immediately stops ‘Hair Falling Ont. It keeps the Hair fom (hanging Color fom age Mt restores Grey Mair te Origioal Oster. Tt brings out the Hetr on Heads that bes bees bald fe pene. ft be compoerd cativety of ample end pure'y vegetal Tt has recetved over a2 thousand voluntary testine | minis of ite excellence many of which are bom phy!) cians tn high ota ting. Tt in anid tn ball-poand betiies (the name blows te the gia) by Praggiate ond Ieelers tp Peary | Goods every where at Gi-per bottle. Wheiensie Demas Refers 20. F.C. Wels & Oe. Schie tein & CO, New Tork Country Merchants, Dairymen, Farmers. And Others. CONSIGH: YOUR Beeswar, Beans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Piour and Meal, Flaz, Cotton, Furs and okins, Ashes, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oile, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, ke, ke, ke., TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, > 77; 442 444 & 446 Washington St. NEW YORK CITY. And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro | doce ‘nd Groceries the most complete price oar rent putdiahed in the United States. for a Price Carrent. Marking | Plates and Cards Potnished Pree Liberal advances made on Consignments. Established, May 1st, 1860. First class references given when required March 5, 1868. twly GUNFORD LAND AGENCY OF | NORTH CAROLINA. | L akonotoens who wish to Sell Agricultural dr Mineral Landa, Water Powers, | Stills, Town Lota, or Kewl Extate f any kind wii find it to their advantage te! ' property in out hands for sale, | ‘or infor “ 480. B. GRETTER Groasen’ HO. “COSTARS” Preparations! Everybody Tries Them]; Everybody Uses Them | Kverybegy--Belioves be Tem ! we you wybled by See ncoshen: . ats, So.1 TP Beye Me, or We. Box of “ Costar's Exterminators “Unity infallible Remedies known.” “Pree “Not dangerous te the Ho- man Family.” “Rate come oot of their holes to die.” luproved to keep in any Are you Baveyed with Bed-Bugs! Cast jay 8 Se. or Be. Bottle of ~ LD-BUG EXTER. A Liquid “Destoys sad preveste Bed tr 8 “COSTARS” B For Moths in Perm, Woolena, C ac iy & Sie. oF We. Pinsk SECT POWDEK Destroys instantly Fleas and all Ineects on oa |“COSTAR'S” of Carshewwren Washington City ond I TR ectage bo Cee eet, ond three ms Time from Washington to Indi a vi hey yea and St. Lowis WO howra; Curio ® mag and Memphis, Tenn, re. The Rahheore & Obie Mairead and | eg ronda ere the only oatre ehh con | merits. KE oush or ite. Box }“COSTAR’S” COKN SOLVENT. | Vor Cores, Bunions, Wart, Ae. Try &. Dow't suffer with Pain’ Wondertel power of Healing’ Bvery family should herp 1 in : OO he « f cao )“COSTAR'S” BUCKTHORN Batre ite eects ore immediate. For cute, berms, | soins wourds sore breasts, piles, alcers, oldeares itch, sorvefela eed cutaneous banda, Nips, Ac. bites states “Usiverse! Dianer Pul™ BO years edmimmered in a eee ae LPB and BISHUP PI Of extraerdinary efficacy tor contire | 7 indigestion, nerrous end in| ewe headache, dyspepsia, dyveptery, . 4 el debility, liver complaints, cbf V estcre ot Beet marchi@ety!) Looe T " a ot 10 fall COSTA R'S | ing oe = pany _fiect it Te and We 1-COSTAR’S” COUGH KEME The children ery for it- ite a “Soothing Syrup.” For coughs. colds, hoarseness, | p+ying tfaneter sore throat, croup, whooping eongh, asthma, bouneblas Speakers, and all troubled with Threat Complaints will find this @ beteficial paseeerr i+ clew. 4 100 the Pectoral Remedy | fret $5 te CIO it money |ewhjgect to anmeyamee te 8 a Fi parchinee thagive,| the 6-8-r00t Sreppaniog ope Lou i” Gen. Rewthorn Agi. Halt. Gret nateers’ AND ORANGE BLOSSUMS. | Rendere the ski | clear, smooth and soft. Rewores Tan, Freckles, Phuples, de. | & buttle, and see its won-)} swgipert Beware 11 of ali Worthless | "| None genuine without “Costar's” Signa-| 2 25 and 50¢ sizes kept by all Druggists. | $1 00 sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. | ys Sor any three $1,00 sizes sent | LBS. SERSWAX, for which | bighst market price will be Also qvantit SENEKA Raat? Opposite the Market-Flouse, Salisbuy, N.C. LOOK , “> GT “M" « ¢ Ku-Kluz-Klan is About ! | $5,00 pays for cight $1,00 sizce by Ex HENRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway, N. Y. FOR SALE BY - » IV, U, pot eh’ gieti in all = dew iy OTICK.—A Special Teri of the Superior LN Conrt of Law and Court w the county of Caldwell Lenorr, third Monday io July 1868, and « two weeks or ontil page Faengh per eourt= BR WAKEFIELD, 3.6 | the large eftien else Tan good a Kip and other be | public tor their L. Brown's old wt of lar ’ land, certer MARTIN RICRWING Salsbory, MO; May 19, 1968. —— die. » ; — shes By MANES & BRUNER, Pie tg _ me VOL I. Nv. 74 ECLECTIC MAGAZINE FOREIGN LITERATURE, SELECTED FHOM ndon Quarterly, Revue des Deux M british 9 terly, ° f cause n awe ty, : See esis.. Seat ae Saturday Review, Fraser's Magazine, Westminster Review, Leisure Hour, Chamber's Journal, Temple Bar, Art Journal, London Review, Contemporary Review, Christian Society, All the Year Round, Dublin University, Macmillan's Magazine, Belgravia. Iso afranged to secure choice selections cn te Fa Scnua. and other Continental Periodicals, translzted especial! for the Eclectic to the variety and value of th work. . oe ak BuEsher L embellished with one or more Fine _—————— SS Sao RR tenemos THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, That eld, long known and well tried remedy | Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk, of our said court | at office, the 2d Monday im April, A. D. 1868 for all Bilious diseases, caused by a Steel Engravings—portraits of eminent men, or illua- | DISEASED LIVER. trative of important historical events. Splendid Premiums for 1868. Ev ‘ry new subscriber to the Eclectic 1868. paying $5 in advance, will receive either of the following beautiful chromo oil paintings BASKET OF PEACHES, Sizee9 X11; PIPER AND NUT CRACKE oe Size7X 8. The above are exact copies of original oil paint- ings, and are execated by Prang & Co., inthe high- | est style of the art, or, in place of them we will send either of var Fine Steel Kugravings, Washiugton at Valley Forge, Return from Market, Sunday Morn- ing. ; Fer Two subscribers and $10,00, we will send the beautiful Chromo, Poultry Life—Size 51-2 x 8. For Three subscribers and $15.00, a copy of Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary, ene Volome of 1,940 pages. containing over 600 pic | torial illustrations price $600: or acopy of Rosa Bonheur’s Celebrated piece, Shetland Ponies—Size 81-3 x 13 1-2. Terms of the Eclectic : Single copies 46 cts: one copy, one year, 3% 0 tvo copies one year $9.00: five comes one year $20,00 | Adiress ‘ W. 1. BIDWELL, 7 5. Beckman St... New York. British Periodicals. The London Quarterly Review, (Con servative ) The Edinburg Review, (Whig.) The Westindtaster Leview, (R dient.) The North British Riview, (Fi ee Charch ) AND ; Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, (tory .)> - The perioslicals are ably sustained by the contri butions of the best writers on Science, Religion and General Literature, and stand unrivalled in the world of letters. They are indispensable to the | #eholar and the professional man, and to every rea- ding man as, they furnish a better record of the cur- rent literature ef the day than can be obtaiued from | any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. For any one ofthe Reviews...... $4.00 perannum. For any two of the Reviews...... 7.00 - For any three of the Reviews. ...10.00 For all four of the Keviews,...... 12.00 For Blackwood's Magazine,...... 4.00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7.00 For Blackwood and any two of the Mewlews o..2- .c6cces- secs. 10.00 * For Blackwood and three of the RevieWA Ee oh cane ges cence scce 13.00 ‘e For Blackwood and the four Re- VIB WE, ccc veces cc cses es cocegce 15.00 3 CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persous. Thus. tour copies of Blaek wood, or of One Review, will be sent to oue address for $12.80, Four copies of the four Re- views and Blackwood. for $48.00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should p-epay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The Postage to any part of the United Statés is Two CentTs‘a nuuwber. This rate only applies to curreutsubscriptions. For back num- bers the postage is double. . Premiums to New Subseribers. cals for 1868 will be one of the Four. Reviews for 1867. New Subscribers to all five of the Périodicals for 1868 mcy receive, Blackwood or any two of the Four Reviews rt 1867. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the fol- 1 reduced rates, viz: The Worth British trom January, 1863, to Decem- rbe, 1867, inclusive ; Edinburgh and the Westmin- ster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, and the pe wade fortthe years 1865, 1866 50a for each or for and 1867, for $2 1867, at the of8i aoe also, Bieckooed 50 tag 2 hp two years to for $4.0. Clabs, ner-redaced prices for back numbers, can te af ‘inless the money is remitted direct to iets be n to Clubs. ihe Leonard Scott Pub. Co., 140 Fulton, 8t., N. Y. The L. S. PUB. COs}, also publigh the ps ¢ Prete FARMERS GUIDE,» ~ vege Sorarmagieiarns ft Sain Price @7 De tes tek telamal ey Mail, pata 38.00. mas a ae ae ‘DB. (i Be ay be og pes wo st All those-indebted 'y Stere. | They are made and sold by G. W. DEEMS | the discoverer, who has removed to Baltimore, | Md., where he can have access to the purest and best medicines, on the imost favorable terms. He will aiways keep on hand a large supply, | and will sell to his customers, Wholesale and retail, at the shortest notice. premiums to Su bers, nor discount paying up and save cost. excellent Pills, no cost or trouble is spared to | insure the greatest possible degree of perfectiun, |} in point of utility, excellence and comfort.— | They coctain one article which bas probably | never before been used as a medicine, and whichis a powertulagent iu cleansing the Liver. (which gives them an advantage over every | other Pill heretofore offered to the public.) The ! comoosition used in these Pills is carefully pre- pared by the hand of the discoverer, and may be nsed by the most feeble patient in the most | deheate situation, either male or female; and: 'from their peenliar combination are highly ' . . . | strengthening, mild in their action on the bow- xeqnence of the sudden changes to which all are Subject, every one at all hable to suffer from | the influence of these causes, will find the great- : : } est security ia having his liver and bowels well | ' cleansed by these invaluable Pills. ' the southern States, where they have beeu cir- cnlated so extensively, they need no reeoin- |-mendation—their merits are so well known by \ | their results, which have given them a reputa- | | iow Chat has brought them into great aemand. | They theretore are destined to be, at vo distant | | day, the ouly remedy recognized and nsed by the people where billoug diseases are so preva- llebt. The advantage in this treatment there- | ture, ia, that a cure must be radical and com- | plete without the necessity of breaking down | the system in one part tu remove a disease in | another. | They can be sent to any pvint in the United | States by Mail or Express, PRICE—For one box, 25 cents.—Dus. $2.50—Talf Gross, $10—One Gross, $)8—Three Gross, $50—Vive Gross, $75. The cash mast either accompany the order for the Medi- | cine or it will be sent 0.0.D. Or ters should be address | ed to G. W. DEEMS, No. ¥8, Sovrm CaLuoun Sraxer, Battimoans Mo., | where they will be premptly attended to. everywhere. and on all the Draggists in Sartsory. JOUN H. ENNISS, } Druggist, Speeial Agent h lO:wétwly REEVES’ AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR, Improved ! , [t is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It causes the Hair to curl beautifully. ay keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. ' It invigorates the Roots of the Hair. | It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly | It imme diately stops Hair Falling Out. | It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from age. | It restores Grey Hair to its Uriginal Color. It brings out the Hair on Heads that las been hald for years. er a ble eubstances. a It has received over six thousand voluntary testimo- sicians in high standing. Tt is sold in half-pound bottles, (the name blown in the glass,) by Druggists and Dealers in Goods everywhere at $1 per bottle. Wholesale b Demas, Barnes & Co.: FP. C. Wells & Co.: Schie. felin & Co., New York. - marchI9twily State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Term 1868. Thos, J. Coffey & Bro., vs Attachment. Thos D Foxworth, et al that the d nt Thomas D Foxworth re. 40 Years Before the Public, Srrmg aed a for six weeks cause why the | els, and indeed, iv a climate like ours where | | colds and conghs are almost an unfailing con- | Where these Pills are known, especially in | it ig rae sy of simple and purely vegetag nials of its excellence. many of which are from phy§ Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April T to the sitisfaction of the Court sides beyond the limits of this State: It is or- dered that publication be made for six weeks She — hod Me ep sony. notifying defendant to appear at our next Court of Pleas and Sessions to be held for the county of Watauga at the court-house in Semend tne er peen tang teenie t cause demned to the use of the plaintiff. J. B. TODD, Olerk. _pr adv $8 00—19 ‘State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court of Pleasand Quarter Sessions April Term, 1868. | Farthing & Co., vs. Thomas & R. E. Brown. In the preparation of these very superior and | Attachment levied on land. C appearing to the satifaction of the Court that the defendants, Thomas & R. E. Brown reside beyond the limits of this State: Itis or- dered that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North State notifying said defendants to be and appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Watauga, at the conrt-house in Boone, on the 2nd Monday in July next, and then and there shew cause if any they have why the land levied on shall not be con- demned to the use of the plaintiff. Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk of our said court at office the 2d Monday in April, A. D. 1868. J. B. ‘TODD, Clerk pr adv $8 00—19. State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. In Equity, September Term, 1868. Adaline Eudy vs. Jacob Endy. PRTTTION FOR DITORCE. ~ T appearing to the satizfaction of the Court that the defendant Jacob Endy, resides be- yond the limits of this State: It is ordered that publivation be made tor six weeks in the “Watchman & Old North State,” notifying said defendant to be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stanly, at the Court-House in Albe- marie, on the lst Monday in March next, then and there to answer or demur to the plaintiff's petition ; otherwise, the same will be heard and granted. Witness, James D. Hearne, clerk of onr said Conrt at office, the 1st Monday in March, 1868. 23:6t:$8} J.D. Hearne, 0.M.5. ‘State of North Carolina, For th-se Medicines cx}! on all respectable Drugygists | YADKIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1868. A. Speer vs. W, H. Rodwell. ATTACHMENT LEVIED ON LAND, N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is not a resi- dent af the State of North Carolina, It is or- dered, therefore, by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the ‘‘ Watchman and Old North State,” notifying said defendant to be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Yadkin, at the court-house in Yad- kinville on the second Monday in July next, thea and there to plead, answer or demur tu said attachment, or the same will be heard ex parte, the judgment confirmed, the land levied on condemned to satisty plaintiff's debt, and an order of sale granted. Witness, J. G. Marler, clerk of our said Court at office in Yadkinville, the second Monday in April, A.D. 1868. J. G. Maker, c.c.0. 23:6u$8 State. t i ALEX R COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1868. Ma W. L. MILSAPS: , You are hereby notified that I will take the itions of Tames Barchem and others, on the.5th day of August next, at the Pancy | court-house_in Washington coynty, Lodiana, |"; cuntroversy now a certain ‘matter of pendi~g in the said Superior Court, of said Alexander county, N. ©., wherein I am _plain- tiff and you are defendant, when and where you may be present and cross examine if you see proper, This, 10th A.D. 1868. MAR TE. MILSAPS. 23:61:$8 ; ond the fim its of thie State: Itisor-| o.. se | OR YOR Bee ! dered by the Court that pubheation be sede LY WATCHMAN AND NORTH STATE. in the Watchman & Old North eC State, notifying seid defendants to be and ap- pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Watau- gaat the coart-house in Boone, on the 2nd Nonday in July. next, then and there shew fond levied on shall not be con- paper indicates the expiration of on which the “OLp Nort Stare,” is entirely new. No pains will be make it a welcome Visitor to every family. to do this we have accomplished literary contributors. Advertising Rates. “TRANSIENT RATES For all periods less than one month One Square, First insertion Each subsequent insertion Contract ratesfor periods of one to fou: months, | 2mo.| Smo.| 4mo. | 6u0 $8.50 | $12,00 $20,00 | 16 was betrothed to her proud, handsome the services of ableand 3 sQUARES, 4 SQUARES, § QUAR. COL. GOOD NEWS FROM HOME.—No. 2. Cotumsia, S C. June 28th, 1868. Messrs. Thomas, Gibbs & Childs, Diplo- matic Sons of South Carolina Chival- rg, Washington City. Gents :—In my letter to you of the 25:h inst , contained, as I had sup- posed, of your most excellent and highly esteemed and christian grand-mothber Chiv alry, I have, however, took the precaution to note that it was the impression of a Washington Physician then present pro- | nounced her to be in a state of trance. It is with unqualified I am now cnabled to revea wistaken in his conclusion, h-you will ulations, an may long ‘live to witness the bright and glorious future that seems to await you as a confidential friend of your family. L was invited last evening to the old la- die’s private apartment, my heart dilated with joy when [ found her seated in her stately chair, and more especially, from the very agreeable and ‘interesting man- ner she entertained me,-although very feeble from her long spell of T'yphoid and Asthma to which she is yet a martyr, nevertheless, her mind seems vivid her tongue elastic, and her conversational powers as fascinaiing as that of her palm- She spoke freely of passing events, and as I am informed by the family physician, thefirst word she uttered when aroused from her slumber verifying the old Proverb that “out of the abundance of the Heart the mouth speaketh,” with the natural instinct of a devoted Mother, she exclaimed, where is my grandson Thomas? On being informed that he had, in company with his brother Jimmy and her half brother Leander had been commissioned Pleuipotentiaries to Wash- ington to remonstrate against the further use of Black drop. In the plentitude of | her heart she expressed delight and satis- faction, she alluded to Tommy’s intcllect- ual and logical strength, and indeed, in- dicated that he was a political Sun. moreover congratulated herself on having educated them each to a ‘l'rade that in the event of adversity would avail themselves of it; but, ‘Tommy seemed to be the prose of all thought, and was by profession a ripe Mathematical Calculator and Politi- eal Architect and Contractor, naving al- ways on hand a full supply of seasoned ible manner and dispateh, any his vocation. erect a Democratic leasure that the fact that a that ale lest days. thing in the line of rs an h i E ER S Se q en- 5 | plowing a bet for a + d : oad m4 4 = = “dl for ig . Eis etx. oo £2 gare Phe ; TEBE s ; v it 3 : ‘ : ; sn fe correspondent and friend; I am constrain- 1,60 | ed to advise you of passing events as they transpire during your absence. - Actuated from the highest consideration and sense of duty to you for the many ob ns to which I feel myself largely indebted —the interest you havealways manifested in my behalf would stamp me with ingra- titude were I todo otherwise. As this communication is. strietly confidential I shall proceed to give you a synopsis of passing events, now the goasip I will 60| tell, You areaware that your little Cous- in Colombia, an interesting lilly just sweet but naughty Cousin Charleston, to which their friends gave consent, and staked their hopes upon events—the nuptial day was proclaimed and invitations to the Charch were largely given to meet at half past 9, but. to the Mansion and the Supper they were few and strictly chosen. The day had thus arrived, the compa- ny in part assembled, the Priest was rebed in splendor to tie the Silken Cord of Union, and faith. ‘The bride was dressed in white, for the fascinations of the night (save) her veil was tipped with Black, with her Maids of honor at her side with strips upon their skirts, this un- expected change of costume, the Groom ignored and claimed a change of dress, for in white alone she should appear, and thus the wedding was postponed. Equity decreed him the right to arrange in part the nuptial dress “ but true love never vuns smooihe”’ as has-been especially in this instance. It is however with exquisite pleasure that I am at liberty to announce the fact that a re union has taken and objections buried in compromise, their ulse now beat with irregular unison and Last to heart responsive echoes, the ha py hour has now arrived and the Groom with his 9 attendants have assembled on this the 6th, last night in the presence of some 15 ur 20 of his interested friends and relatives, having been divested of their resources by the vicissitade of. cir- cumstances to which I will not refer, were not able to engage a Priest to dignify the occasion according to the wealthy posi- tion to which the parties were born and educated, the parties howeve? in the most solemn and imposing manner proclaimed themselves to be Man and Wife accord- ing to the laws of South Carolina, and thus saved the nuptial fee, ‘‘ Resignation in adversity and humbleness in prosperi- ty bespeak a noble mind.” In conformi- ty with the paraphanalia of the evening and self benediction Lemonade was hand- ed around, the Bride and Groom partak- ing first. After the nsual congratulations and inierchange wishing the happy eouple along life and prosperity in her new sphere of usefulness. A half past nine, an early hour, the guest bid them adieu, invoking for them hapy dreams and slumbers light The Bride and Groom then preceeded with their Locomotive to the poor-house with “Mrs, P-H,” marked upon her ring. The Groom on his wifding way whis- red in her ear “‘ My Love, my heart and ute is all the store that I can give to thee tho’ poor the offering be.” Towhich she as with a cheering and angelic voice “Tis all I ask, and merrily may the boat row tliat my lads in.” To this he reepond- ed with new look of love, My darling let ns. ek atthe ie dirs pe Sip ; OF . Fp sie rae Fey rer d £6 the * I have the honor to be Sir, ¢ with the greatest i P, 8. During their engagesnent am ex- a intimacy was i ‘Philoso- om on nent , @ beautiful Brunett she —~—-< po SUBSOILING:AND DEEP PLOW. wet Oe Some years ago.it was quite general. ly the sentdee l sgeieghucst witteat and teachers to: advocate deep plow- ing without mach reference to cir- the charge of shallow = Se Soran first deep of your. darling old G ms mother, a8 | there is a Way to do the soil deep. © Subsoiling, on the majoiity of soils’ on all which ere ereeny porous and leechy—is the-kind of deep plow- ing which will pe the most satisfac- tory results. It would already be. merally adopted by all progressiv farmers were it not 80 expensive, ins — volving, a8 it doek, the “use of extra teams, plows, and mén. But the principle of enktare is right; the sur- face mold forms the bed, fresh,. rich, lively, just right to. posh along the plant in the first. stages of its growth, while the soil below is made loose for the admission of air, water and roots. This kind of deep plow ing is adapted to all crops and seasons. Subsoiling may be done in the spring or early summer with Jess expense than later, when the earth beeomes dryer.and firmer. Several devices have been tried for attaching a sab-~ soiler to the common plow, so that one hand, at least, with snfficient team, can break up the svil to the de- sired depth. A successful plow. of this description wonld be received with favor. Whether good results flow froin deep plowing with the ordinary plow, will depend a great deal on the kind of crop, the time of year when the work is done, and the nature of the previ- ous tillage. In planting corn on sod land, for instanee, it is aot advisable well done, and. dirt enough turned over the sod to work readily in and P-/to cover the grass roots, but twoor three inches in depth of cold subsoil —previously unplowed earth,—will not benefit the crop if bronght to the surface. But the subsoil plow might be nsed to advantage. Supposing the corn crop be followed,. the -next year, by one of spring grain, the plow should then be run deep enough to bring the decayed sod and an inch orso fresh earth or subsoil, tothe surface. This will demand eomewhat deeper plowing than forcorn. If winter wheat follows the spring grain the depth of plowing may be increas- ed twu or three inches, A top dressing ing of manure should be pllied which willaidin forminga good soil. In this way the arable soil is gradually deepened, and permanent improve-. ? meut made.—lural New Yorker. ~~ RAISING BUCK WHEAT. This crop is regarded by many as a profitable one on land designed for winter wheat, ina twofold way—as a fertilizer in retaining moisture, in the manurial agencies floating in the atmosphere, and, at the same time, furnishing, .as a. result,.a welcome portion ot bread material for tamily consumption without detriment to the crop of winter wheat which is to snc- ceed. Instead of letting the ground ~~ rest, as it is “ termed, ‘0 a fallowed | : a crop eonntediawecvapech ‘clear; It would be absurd. to assume tl er which cribed to buckwheat by many: have grown thearticle and_ the effect on the. On a certain occasion. acres—an old pasture to plow-deepy the work” ehoylawwe™ attracting and conveying fo the soil — - of arriving at a correct conclusion in the! attempt to ans pretwises. In aspirit of frankness as well | as kinduexs we propose to make sach in- vestigations as will aid in placing the question in ite proper light, and in ena- bling our readers te see all the difficultics which surround it. In doing this we know that we are emborking in a ficld of free inquiry wat promises no popularity, but we are ig@pelled to it by a sense of duty. Oar objeet is the elimination of error and the arrival at truth. For surely no party should, at the supreme crisis of the Coun- try’s fate, allow itself to be deceived as to what the real and Constitutional issues involved realy are. Upon a false issue the battle may be fought and lost, while upon the only living issues it may be fought and won. Our State contempora- ry referred to above, the Raleigh Sentinel, says that this is a conteat between the Constitationalists on the one hand and the Revolutionis!s ou the other, and we are determined as far as possible to be found on tho side of the Constitation. This discussion first sprang up in con- ghow the utter want of analugy between tthe two cases. |and a very thorough cestoration of the old requence wf the expreszion of an opinion by the New York Worldthat the question of suffrage in the Southern States would | pasa from the control of the Federal Go- verument upon the admission of their Senators and Representatives to their seata in Congress, and ander the new Constitutions just framed therein. The Conservarivs peo of the Routh, and indeed of the anx- iously duoking forward to the time when 7 whole nation, are the Democratic party shall obtain coutrol of the government-and relieve us of the very odivus consiituiions which have been established for as againad our will, as Uider circumstanges dhe expreseion of euch an seems to be it= intention. auch opinion, by a paper of such antecedents | asthe World, was well calculated to pro- and not duce excitement. But reasou declamation should be bronght to bear against it, and by reason it should be over- thrown, if possible, as we greatly fear it! in existence who is to deeide which is the | js not. If it cannot be overthrown by legitimate government and which is not? | : | reason then the fact should be recognized. and acted upon, and we should make the mogt we can of the situation. The doctrine maintained by the Con- servatives 1s that Congress has no power noder the Constitution to juterfere with the question of suffrage fn the States, and | to this doctrine no one gives a hearticr | endorsement than we do. From these | premises it uaquestionably follows that | the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, so- called, were unconstitutional. Of. them» selves the States were not bounsl to re- organize their governments under them, and under ordinary circumstanees they would not have done so. But, in conse- quence of che defection from their race of a portion of the white population ; they did re-organize under them, and .in a short time the governments thus re-or- ganized will be the only governments in the Southern Stateg. Senators and Re- presentatives recently elected under them | are universally adiwitted to have been un- ie. eape wer these questions will lt is also true, as the Whig says, that upon the Restoration of Charles II there was almost a wholesale repeal of the Acts of Parliament passed im Cromwell's time, But does it follow that because such changes were made by the Eng'ish Parliament in the exercise of its Oonstitutional functions the same thing order of things. can be done by the American Congress? W henee are ihe powers of the two bodies derived and in what do they differ? The powers of Cougrees are derived from, or couferred by, a written Constitution and those powers it cannot exceed. Ia our country the sovereignty resides with the people of the states who have limited the powers of Congress, but in England the whole sovercighty is vested in the King, Lords stricted in those powers by any written | | aud Commons. ‘They are not re- Constitution. They, indeed, are checks upon each other, but in every thing in which they may agree they are omnipo- tent. Having agreed in the changes made their | ‘They are a law unto themselves.” | power could not be questioned, and was | not questioned. Nor is the English gov- ernment, like ours, but one body in a sys- tem that must work harmoniously or be | destroyed, but it is a + yatem complete and should they evet.cotme into power, inter- fere in any way with the republican gov- ernments which they may find in exie- tence in the States without being guilty of the same usurpation which they have so vehemently denounced? And, if not, claiming to be “the Constitution party” will they attempt to do any such thing? self as follows. correction, in ‘the best government the On this point the Sentinel expresses it- Bat is it true, that there is no power of a} | dissatisfaction, and would imposé a useless and heavy {ax on our people who are already overburdene taxes. We hope nosuch silly and un- called for act will be committed by the Legislature, but that expencses and expenditures will be diminished rather than increased. tional Convemiion have arrived in New York, and have put up at the Fifth Ave- nue Hotel. GB é ee - eg. ae ws hbee? ‘5 s ‘ 4 % ~ "7 Bios , 2) 4 MGET ‘ ithaal ae ae ‘ + ne administration of the State ernment will be in the hands of Repnblican party for four years, 1 be condacted cc harmony an > - : ; =? UINTDIStifr: é ait eee prosperity among peaple, or to , Con- feand opt 1. It has been tim led that-a State militia force id be organiz armed to te >= ) + * ry ‘i *~ WEES, b gba with ——__—_+ go —_———_—— The California delegation to the Na- perfect within ttectt, The Reconstruction Aets of Congres: constitutional, but is it not claimed that | the Southern States re-organized their | gevernments under them nevertheless ? Was any forcible resjstance offered to the execution of them by the goveruments in existence in those States at the time of their passage ? Will not the governments thus claimed to have been organized soon be the only govcruments in existence in the Southern States / And even if they were not—if there were rival governments | This latter by the Supreme Court in its opinion in the case of Luther vs Borden, all the question has been answered Judges present concurring except Mr. Justice Woodbury. In that case Chief Justice Taney, who delivered the opinion of the Court, saya: ‘* Noone, we believe, has ever doubted the proposition that, according to the institutions of this country, the sovereignty in every State resides in the people of the State, and that they may alter and change ‘heir form of government at their own pleasure. But whether they have changed it or not, by abol- ishing an old government, and establishing a new one tn iis place, is a qnestion to be set- tled by the poktical power. And when that take notice of its deeision, and to follow it.” Have the people of the Southern States “ehanged their governments by estab- lishing new ones in their places’? .We do not delieve that they have, but that is a question for the politicai power to de- cide, and it will soon decide it in the ca- sea of seven'of the States by the admiss- will soon be admittel to their seats jn Congress. W)j)} not that fix these as the established governments in those States? ‘This is an jimportaut question, for upon the answer to be given to it the whole question hinges If the answer be an affirmative ove it settles the question in favor of the World’s views Jf in the negative then the opponents of the World have triumphed in the discussion whether any thing practical ever resulis from it er not. It is contended on the part of those who oppose the opinion adganced by the World that what has been done in pursuance of the Reconstruction Acts can be undone by Congagss, even after the lapse of four | ‘years, for no ong supposes the Democrats and Conservatives cau. obtain a majority in both Houses af Congress in a sborter time. Some of them seem to think that a repeal of those acts by asubsequent Congress, ora decision by the Supreme 4 ion of their Senators and Represcntatives to their seata in Congress. And when they do so cecide are not “ the Courts bound to take notice of the decision and to follow it’! Who, im the face of the this ques ion in the negative ? And when | | | to remove them may incur still greater evils! power has decided, the Courts are bound to | decision. we have quoted, can answer the political power has once decided the question can it at a subsequent period re- view its decision and reverse it, especially when such reversal will leave the States without any government at allf Can this question be answered in the affirmative? And if the Supreme Court should, after the reconstruction Acts haye become Sunc- tus officio by the admission of the Soutb- ern States, deeidethat they were ancon- atitutional what will auch decision amount to? Will it amount to anything more than to say that the States were nut bound to obey them? Will it amount toe de cision that the people of the Southern States having, as isclaimed, obeyed thosy If therefore, it be true that the consequences of the Reconstruction Acts upon the South- ern States are beyond the reach of the Fed- eral government, this government must be clearly and madically defective. This all sounds very pretty as a picce of declamation, but is it any refutation of the World’s position to say that its as- Is it any an- swer to its argument to exelaim, “What an admission”? And does it necessarily | follow from an admission of the World’s | position that “this government must be | radieally defective’? Congress may re- | peal the Acts eomplained, orthe Supreme | Court may decide that they were uncon- stitutional, it is true, but what relicf wili either or beth bring? Is it what Con- grees Las done that we wish to rid our- selves of, or is what the States themselves have done in obedience to behests of Con- gress which they were not buund to obey, but which they did obey never the less though the defection of a portion of their white population? Are not the States sovereign within the limits of their re- served powers, and are they not bound by their own acts? And will not the politi- cal power decide that these are their acts, grits Not Stel decision” Nia, Unless The’ people of States themselves chose to Tuer verse it in the exercise of their soyereign powers? lf there be avy radical defect in our form of governntent, then, it is in the federal feature of it, which we sup- pose will not be admitted by our contem- porary. , ‘These interogatives have been propound. ed in a spirit of ingairy rather than of controversy. Further than they answer themselves, sr are answered by judicia decisions we have not attempted to an- swer them. We would rejoice eapeeding. ly to see them ail answered insuch a way as to show that we have a constijtation. al mode of escape from our preséut don dition through the “intervenntiod ‘oP the Federal government, and we hope “they ean be so answered. But we oonfess tha; we find ourself unable so to answer them, as-we apprehend others will. The above article was prepared some days since, but we hesitated to publsh it until we were advised to do 80 by friends | sumption “is. monstrous’? Yard: =. iAthetiount Pate Se ee AE A ~°rr a C4 ane s ne he pct if NO % NORTH WATER ST: _Coutecror’s Orrice, 6th Dist. North Carolina. ~ Laws of the United States. Any person or} persons pad oe of a pro: | this notice. 28 eh : Wilmington, N.C.| % res da ‘8 + nas jas. ; r : aa out i oe pr EZ ny.“The Piedmont Real Estate Inst ¢ arrel, eg, °. ac ns. ny ” of this county ; and besides the . « & : &__1 Still 10 Stands............ Lewis Privett. H * F Mo WL Ste Bands. ees ccee eee L. Speaks, | 1t8 Solvency, its rates and. terms for Life Inxur- «4 Still § Stands.....,.... [{Wiljon Speake, | ance are such as to coummend it_te publie pat “Ss S ims Still, 8 Stands, 4 Kegs..... 7 peak ronage. st at es OSOAE: F< < cccsacsces Richmo aks. 5 - _.“ May 1-1 Still 10 Stands......... Thomas Gregory. ee pee pres and Officers are inc o> “ se" 94 StiN® Stands.......... Nancy Mitchell, | Of high integrity, and patrons can rely on “4% 4-1 Still 9 Stauds..,......... Eius Anderson. | honorable, efficient management of its affairs. begs 2—1 Still 9 Stands..... ; ....Nancy Mayberry None of us have stock or interest in “4 g_1 Still. 11 Stands, 1 . : : Bu-h. Meal... 00.0... Wm. G. Deodvite, | this company, and simply give this as oe 449 Stills 10 Stands... Kerr & Rich, Foster | ested testimony to the mefits of a good institu- -“ 19—2 Stills 108 ands....Adam C. Troutman | tion. (3tw-24 ee ee Gro. 8. Stevens, Clerk Cireuit Gonrt, [pesdatiad, Joun F. Hux, Sheriff Millenery and Dress Making. | | Mas correct | , begs to inform the Ladies | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. @& DR. BASON, DENTIST. Office : Corner of Innis and Church strs | TEETH, extracted and nerves destroyed | without pain. ArttFictAL TEETH, on short notice. N. B. The best cheap Family Sewing Ma- chines in the U.S. Every fain‘ly should have one. Call and see them. Jnue 30, 1863. THE CAROLINA FARMER, BELIEVING that the interests of the Far- mers and Planters of this section demand the publication of a periodical to be devoted to the advancement of Agriculture in the two Caroli- nas, we have d termined to establish such a periodical under the title of THE CAROLINA FARMER, and will issue the first number as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained to pay a reasongble share ef the ex- pense ef publication, ‘Phe Farmer will be issued monthly at $2 per anngm, in advance; will contain not less than thirty-two large double-column pages of read- ing matter, bound in handsome covers; and in typographical execution will not be surpassed by any Agricultura] Monthly jn the country. Being determined to do whatever energy will accomplish in making the Farmer worthyothe support of the intclli,,-nt Planters and Farmers cf North Carolina a3 | South Carolina; and de- sirin introduce it into,every county in those Stata ere wha. UMpLOP” Aative “Agents at wtrw 2w world ever saw.” of great evils and injnstice of Salisbur ene fl ey a - gee Ae Y + ‘ of Salisbury and vicinity that she has opene inflicted opon a down-trodden ininority e SALISBURY MA RK ETS anew Millenery, nearly opposite the Drag the States and poeple, by the enforcement © JONE 30, 1868. Store of John. H. Enniss, where she will be unconstitutional laws by the Legislative ’ | able at all ti $6 ceamodate: than with : REPORTED BY BiNGHAM & CO., GROCERS pia A hs A ries wer of the government, simply because ; - a any ching in her lise. She solicits a call. Li j jmi Bacon er pound to 90 | AY we we e : those laws have ceased to exist by limita- Coffee, Loa! Soaail eet 95 to 30 ress-nakivg done at the same establish- | tion ? Are the cousequences of the uncon- | Gorn per bush, of 66 Ibs., .......0.. 1.35 to 1.38] mentin the best styie by stitutional action of a dominant power of} + ‘Meal, bush. 46% .......++ 1.35 to 1.38 MRS. WILSON, and Copgress interminable, or beyond the cor- | Copperas, per pound, ......... . aS to vt MRS. MARTHA SPEARS, rection of all the powers of the government ae ee aaa aaa fs 7 Bat each on her individual responsibity and ac- ! itself? Weknow that all the laws. good] . 65, per pound, -......... 38 to 16| count. | and bad, passed by one Congress, may be rey Yarn, per bosch, .......-; 2.00 to 2.00 Salisbury, April if 18¢8. tw-tf-330 rescinded by any subseqnent Congress. and, | Eggs, per dozen, cigeevest - Wto 1b =< = of course such evils as exist by their re~| Feathers, per ponnd, ....++.-.- 40 to 50 L AN D eA LK. - ss ve | q | Fiour, persack., =. ..eeeceee 5.00 tu 5.50 mainingson the statute book may be cured) yi \raokeral, 9. Ie aeeeee 225.00 by ae pi _ 1 aie the dostring nt : i” 2. settee reese 20 to 22 IN obedience to an order of the suined Dy WG 77 Orie Chak) now es ee , Prnit, dried, apples ae seeeesees . i 4 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for David- or wicked, ur derogatory, or estas te sels ala cept Teest""""" 00 to 05 | Son county, at May Term, 1868, we will sell effects of the anconstitational acts of Cun- S ** Peaches, pealet, ......-..- 10 to 12) at public auction, on the premises, the 4rh day grees may be to a portion of the States and{ « “unpenied. .......+++ Bto 6) of August next, at 12 v'cluck, m., on a credit people of the Union, they. are interminable, | Leather, upper, per pound, ........- - 62to 75) of six months. two ; ay he reach of the arin of the * sole, eee 33 to 35 | a : Ben ey woe ee ee ee | tron bar eeaae estes sto | Valuable Tracts of Land | government iteelf,—that a new party, eomn- Titan 7” ‘ : i > : : . * castings, «Sw eee eeeeee 8to 0 Bol : | . WwW i ryt ing into power,*although its predecessors did | vais cut, ee. 6 to 7 | Delonging to the estate of Wm. Owen, dec'd. | | wrong, violated the Constitution and ought | Molasses, sorghum, per gal .........- 6¢ | One tract of 800 acres, situated in the Jersey 'to have been ashamed of such conduct, yet West India, “ ....---- .- 60to 00} Setttement, celebrated for its ricn soil, The | has nu remedy in its hands to correet the Syrup, SN eee e eee eee 1.00 to 1.20 | other, lying on the Yadkin River, containing . ‘ ’ : -) | Onions, per bnshel, =... 0 eee BU t6 161 Gog acros—both Anely j Sorel ad wall @: evil, since the acts which prodaced the evil | 5, )\ per pound TTT lg te 1g | 220 acres—both finely improved and well wa- | |are no longer in @xistence,—is monstrous. | Potatoes, Irish, per bushel, .........- 78 to 100 tered. Laake, | * = Bweet, © wee ee eeee 5) to «60| snould attend. At the same time and place a i) 3 ; col ail lal bccecaleeine i? hes 3 quantity of Grain. ‘alati Son —— “. ‘larified. PT Socsosoce . 8to % A.J. OWEN . islation, but for its conseque _—— ng % se Crushed Pulverized .......... 22 to 25) ; . eae Adm'rs. | | the evil consequences remald, and it does Salt. coast, per sack, .ccccccces 0.00 to 0.00 . : 20. % f . } seein to us that the onus of removing those Liverpool, i” Bketooodor 3.00 to 3.00 Lexington, N.C, Jnne 23, 1868. Q5w:3t | evil consequences cannot be shifted from the} “Table, | eee e ee eee 5.50 to 6.00 a) we aif Sy Hf nding | Tobacco, Leaf, per pound, ..,.....-- OOto 00 shoulders of the responsible and offending gecenenieds de 50 to 1.50 The GRIFFITH Lands party upon the weaker party, whose efforts ‘“ Smoking, ..ccoccece 40 to 1.00 FOR SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the County Court of Rowan county, will be sold at the court- house door in Salisbury, on Tuesday, the 4th day of Angust next, five hundred and ninety- five acres of land belonging to the estate of R. W. Griffith, dec’d. Said lands are situated in the Western part of the county, within two miles of the depot at Rowan Mills, and ‘are very valuable. A further description of them is thought to be unnecessary as they have Seen advertised before.—Terms made known on the day of sale. Z. GRIFFTH, Adinr. June 23, 1568. w25:6t State of North Carolina, SURRY COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1868. Jesse F. Graves vs. Jolin J. Fraizure. ATTACHMENT. N this case it is Ordered by the Coart that publication be made in the “ Watchman and the town of Salisbury, for six consecutive wecks, for tne Defendant to be and appear at the next term of our Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Surry, at the Court- Honse in Dobson, on the second Munday alter the last Monday in August next, then and there to plead, answer or demur in this case, or judg- ment pro confesso will be taken againet him. Witness, A. H. Freeman, cler« of our said Comt at office in Dobson, the second Monday after the last Monday in February, 1868 A. H. FREEMAN, Clk. 22:Gt: prs. 7. $8 every Post office, to whom the most liberal in- ducements will be offered. Address all communications to WM. H. BERNARD, je27—w:tw:tf Wilmington, N. C. Thomasville Female College, THOMASVILLE, N. C. MMHE FALL SESSION of this institution Augast, and continue twenty weeks. Boarp : $10 per month, and other charg- as proportionally low. SIXTY DOLLARS must be prepaid by each young lady on en- tering, and the balance at the close of the terms The Faealty is full and com gud experienced ‘Teabbers. extensive, embracing all the solid and orna- mental branches taught in other Female Colleges. The religious advantages gre un- surpassed. =. . This College is loeated between Salisbury and Greensboro’, in one of the most beau- tifyl and healthy towns on the N. C. Central Railroad, and is in two miles of the ceje- of able in whose conservatism, judgment and pat- riotism we baye every confidence, willcommence on Tuesday, the 4th of he Course is State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. | Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April | : Term 1868. | Reuben Farthing ? vs. Thos D Foxworth. 5 ; ; N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant Thomas D. Foxworth is a non-resident of this State: It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Watchman & Old North State notifying said defendant to be and appear at | our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, | to be held for the county of Watanga at the | court-house in Boone, on t ( July next, then and there shew cause if any he has why the property levied on shall not be condemned to the use of the plaintiff. Witness, J. B. Todd, clerk, of our said court at office, the 2d Monday in April, 1868. ) ~ J B TODD, Clerk. Attachment. pr ady $8 00—19 0 s Know and Believe It Old North State,” a newspaper published in | ‘| morning, to Hickory | he 2d Monday in | Wa. A. HILL, Surveyor, S. H. Lovina, Clerk County Court. G A. Bingham & Co., Agents, Sai isbury We also have the agency fur gvod Fire Com- panies. Traveling agents wanted. A to CAPT. JAMES F. PBNSoN, Special Agent, Charlotte, X. C Jan. 7, 1863. wétwly The Arlington Mutual Life Susurance Company OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. s fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Company has capital and assets, against its liability that will compare favorably with any Lifo | Insurance Company on the continent, which is the | true test of respons: bility. Its affairs are cautiously administered by selected Persons desiring valuable real estate | Directors, of responsibility and basiness capacity. lt has estabiished its claim to Southern Patronage OFFICERS: PREBIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, SECREFAKY, D. J. Haxrsoox, VICE PRESIDENT, Wu. B. Isaacs, MEDICAL EXAMINER, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D LEGAL ADVISER, GENERAL AGENT, H.C.Capett, Jno. H. CLarnogyes. DIRECTORS: Henry K. Ellyson. Asa Snyder, H. E, C. Baskerville, Samuel C. Tardy, George Jacobs, J. W. Allison, George S. Paimer, A.D. Chockier, H.C. Cabeil. D. J. Hartscok, John C. Willisme, William G. Tavior; John Enders, William F. Taylor, Samuel S. Cottrell, John vere Charles T. Wortham, William Willis; Jr, Ed. A. Smith, Thos. J. Evans, James A. S-ott, B.M Quarles, W. H. Tyler, JE. Edwards, | | A. Y. Stokes, A. P. Abell, | J. B. Morton, Wm. B. Isaaca, | RH. Dibrell, George L. Bidenod, | William H. Palmer, Samael M. rico. LEWIS C. HANES. Ac’. Jan17—tw&wtf LexixeTox, N. C Sparkling Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, 5. ©. Tas CetesrateoD WATERING PLACE will be open for visitors from June ist to Deceinber Ist. The medica) properties of the waters, both Sulphur and Calybeate, unrivalled, Accommo- dations unsurpassed, and a healthier aud more delightfal place not to be found. The Proprietor ‘has to great expense to improve ait beautity , with an eye to the comfort of bis guests, and promises ev~ ery thing will be done to add to the pleasure of ali who may honor him with @ visit. Take the Western N. C. Railroad at Salis- bury, either on Monday, Wednesday or Friday ation, where you will find Hacks for the Springs, a distance of six miles, over a beautiful, well-shaded road. A good band of Music will Beat the Springs the entire season.— month; $:8 per week or $3 per day. Children under ten years of age, and servants, half price. Bath houses complete for pool, plorge, shower. or tab baths, end sulphar baths,-cold or-hot. J. GOLDEN WYATT, . Proprietor, Sparkling Catawbe Springs, Catawba county, N. C. Jane i. watw:3m Vogler & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Mens, Women, Boys & Misses | » 2 = Pa % OUR Shoes are wall made, igen “Hae S aly 3 spp past G@. B. POULSON & CO'S. DRUG | , pages » and of a n= | day, atty of the - girls” can tit Store is the cheapest place to buy Drugs eeqpmey invite - pe hee) t pee of the water. and Medicines in this section of North Cafoli- pa pore a . fall _| na. ‘Try them !—at P Prat Rev. D. BURTON, WYATT’S OLD STAND 42 both eee June 27 -4w-w-tm President, | May7. =f Salishory, N.C. |” gnayph 2-3en va