HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolina Watchman, 1863, July-December rin of Boot & w, ber subse - by mole ebin. rER. eruaper t Happs ! reecive SON 1166 ‘atehmen » wll be 145, ROAD. traasper ent delay this Road ction with ad, which | The ry a 2P ad et 742 at 730A npect wit’ NER, N. RR 146 wanted by POARD } closes * 18 P.M nd Thure- y, Wednes ro’, Tuer M arted from their Pos! the end 0 anpelled H,P.™M 1f50) ) ELL OF FER ryicen to tl’ d the #0 “eo two dow fame on Ue Net DS )FFICH. VOL. XX Ie 4 . . iN 4 _— | WWRKEY. SALI C.. JU BURY, N. G., JULY 6, 1863. NUMBER U7 J.J, BRt EDITOR AND IP JNER, ROPRIETOR, {From the Charleston Courier | Astounding Mevelatioa—Kepadiation. ‘ him Tbad not. THe then got the paper.— © Seo here—read this, my son; this teaches you What fruits desertion brings on.” “Now, aw! says he,’ Price of the Watchman From and after this date, a chauge in the prices of provisions, | vind atl there is hever do; ” rt oo! ytnust tebuin will Innediatel suvs he ‘and conduct atucl threat 1 would This se I pro- nised hin I Doe 0) stand oy yo colots Uitl MA our cuuntiy is tiet Governor, this isa des- | repuditen It is with pain and morUficauou thut we re- you are rained—undoue forever peord the dishonoriug fact, Shut the escutcheon you | of our Young Coufederag§s *'rugghug through 'u war uf unparalleled muagwitude aud ferccity, for admission into the faaily of vations, te al- vou fall, or cuit | ready starved with breach wf faith and portal fa order to uptain the means nnd rinews of war, the Confederate Goverument is- , debi—and, by thus sustarmag her credit, tu the bend of the war, at its auspicious Close, wb in- | dependence won and faith untaroiehed, she ' would be able to borsow money, in turope, ut | 34 per ceut, aud wipe off with ease, her eutire \ wur indebiedne ss.” | We are strongly of opinion too, that all re- pudiating laws of the Confederacy are uucon- stiiutional. Although the Contederate Cousti- tuuon Contains no clause, jorbidding Congress aud other articles required to carry eu bust : elit | 4 ites P Lear : SoLtare : ‘ H 5 sow taughtine Doever esi forget, Pam actualey | ene Faye by law, ead on its f { lo violate the obligation of contracis, it does captured oa Saturday by the privateer bark . lies : ; lance Fe — ed a currency, i on) uce a “at ye ; ess, the subseription rates of this paper will sorry [done so. f will promise you T uever | ne : i es in a z pee gem t * : ws | conten a oliune, prolubiing the reveral aud Facony, whose Cuptain pas cecently, iv that A ' . Fi ‘ ‘ rats Rare oo ) ole tm ere yer Cent moc wnds ot th u - 1 reas ‘ . be to dollars tor six mouths and Uiree dul WHEY ee Ting vour pardon, I Vroderat er 1 the apn 1 ‘i tds lsoverciga States trou passing any such lews, | Ve" eland in that which he previously com- , ederale Stules, a e moo ob eT, & | g : . e ra lurs for a year want te ceturn Cody revineut, if you please without lit Ae Fired fulaith a hina mudit inuy well be usriimedial vat astate, | mauded, tuflicted each extefisive damage upon ( SF ik cnet aly 1 . * Oo ‘a ath « Li - J otal thos fun. . | a a ¥ “i ; Give me ay or something ta show, Wore ag nitieye a . : : aia vce eae il : in her plenary sovereignty, Canuolconstitulion. | Ul Wer hant tmariue. She was capured not arKo ‘ Maracts See . : actoita tese totes Obla a wide circulauon . ' H 75 Bf " Apvertisine. two dollars for the firs and ger that I back without beiter arrested. 1) @acrant breach of tb oA ie WN.) tty do, tie mere ageney of tue Couiederate ; More than 75 inilrs from the New Jersey M ty flageraay veaucho e C hatch Ne See- - : ’ he J r f , P ove dollar for ch subsequent publication Patou me t 1 tratisoressiont tr thre : " f y States, desitute of even a parlicie of sover- | shore. She was bonded for forty hour aud dol- i y 1 ! he ‘I's : ‘ t , : ; retary of the Treasury regomimencs, the Cou | ly : fa ‘fare. Noris this all The Isaac Webb b ht Say’ ay Wav Or Ue ty ees oa hve I Me von lea S eignty, is wholly imeonmpeteut to aecumplel— Baa e600 brought April th, 1863. ‘ t ) f-derate Congress euacts, fod the President of ) {the captai lere {the b U ; Wy d role ~actaan that Pneveecthe Confederacy upproveaat taw, tir y the | the power of the agent must be rudurdinate lo | PUM ORB UCE LEW At ne Ore I OTIES ) Irony _ A hit wen 1 ‘ Y ‘ acy ] juw, nip re | ‘ : = : io my tat Ny tig Bcat ihe eudlitaudubiite alittiose u bt Os tes ‘ that of the suvereiga priucipal. We may here { Sayua for Bostou, cuptured and burned by the ct on vsls ( a3 ' \ wpd ' of toese tne e oufederate eight | a} ° Rg A TO Ga tod . - ae , = | y os peoet ete oe add that one of our citizens Las in coutem- | Tacouy four days previously, ia letiiude 3 From the N.C. S far | teil \ lie 22 rom the . Standa abs tire: kat Wil jeooand: Jom iy fellow percents, to (ie 22d Aprl bret. cud even tin longitude from Greenwiein 69 57 : VYERESTING CORRESP , 5 | wut \ ; nes arntiihy or plation to Gest this queriiou of constiiulionalily, 4 wa reenwien OF 974—which is ‘ a IE Sed ! ns aM ith 1 "i ! lig ei yidal OK iegerale eVel e ¢ - A ig . a ip VES TING CORRLSPONDLNCEL ‘ bthem 4 n he wa t a u Yorte fae Be Ve p Ee mandumun. beiore Judar Macrrathy requir | about two hundred antics further south, oppo- hard el Cike Deena ¢ lace [ave peeate, te the det ¢ rusk Berl isin a plars mm i M Bite i ‘ape. Uh he The tollowing comespomdecce, which w ; : Wye har ulehtedraile iv is 2 ne the Agsisiaad Treauerio deliver eight per | site the D-taware Capes. ‘The ‘Técony has ’ 14 tied ‘ : eliader . ire ( ( I vof plighted faith@ violationof the sccred ves : s eee, ; 1 pardod tag. b wail Hi tuat ad igen k He Rane toe * He Ce eeut bonus, on a leader of eight per ecut furd- | thos inoved vorthward, auc wheu last seen was have been furnished Cor publeaton by Gos havent Hause abicalb and [el nas Ne bution « : ' : ract anddownnght repu aie. j off the coast here, just im the coarse of our “ee i . ere ] 1] | dtution, to a hinted exteut ! | LLWw i i Y y Vance, is alfke creditable to that fur ctunmary Wali fe aol us te you tr soy Be the constitutional quesiion, however, as it ships between Liverpool and New Yurk. i “ : ' : I oe ; ; : Vga. the Coufledecate Governinent issues | et ; j j Thotlferelil H | - hie Se te A , ! = iF] ib poaest { of . f may, > Clear } Ne yould be re ¢ “ha and to th Nilie “ah lise . ; ; i daaiheraineniey<tuidube by tus. aidlah el) a “ to our Anand t ae r ° 44 ' rald compleius that the Chamber of ' { nN =a) i ‘ ip bach | e ., ‘ , ae al i é { a 24it PGE Pas ‘ . : 1 diet, OMuenced by bis natu nacary Seti - con 4 au pel | Whites ippiche wind bondnal the Cuulederate le prde : CU uy Sa Ras onleceracy Commerce has appealed im vain to the govern- \ ) eb I: tC Want to vo ote Sen-ehaNe Tine Ch Tne Cree i | seeking adinission inte the iamily of gations, to eye! Weartyynn i q tine for dione. e ts 4 le Ere e ales, t . ve © war oul | “pba gtou v 4 ‘ a! JES CATR SEIU ‘ Pt docan hetpate at Deno, 2 will voy ¢ tecerat sht per cent | it i | enter into the august association with a bright BUR Ver Prutec tons agaicer : edihere ule en “4 Te Ot wR OCKsS “Hd bouds ti | e { » raide Y : mnent without deavel and Kes his iw! f teacndet i ¢, : o ’ escurcheon end unturmished faith j these raide Gud says: e\Vser [yn faith of ue fundabiliive in euch { 1 d The N D ah te) wvel-we ved low at} \ oN Veit. 1\ Poliave served two pceke and bouds, that cereney ales obtateoed | reduce enrht and reven p reents to six ‘ aN, epartment have had abundant - : A ; . ; / aes ; , 4 ie percents, we tuay add, in couclusion, weuld waning ia the ce predatious of the Tacouy.— \t Cheold naa nee a 5 1 1 Wide Curculatton, puppiving large y Che eal rs ; Fr . ed DOM: A | { ' lejract fane Can! : Bat ( ied ; prove au uueqdal as well as tatilessoppress.cn or sotue Lime bie bas been operating almost { ie xe 1 woh tl stede the oulederate . - ‘ y those tears are wt , O those s pustatned the C ey du sight of Fortress . Every q Nose tee eC: { ‘ a“ pee ee sey alan dh xe ib overmtment, oa viglaiton of pughted faith. and o tot phe have u cay d tl a: oufederacy . esx Monroe. Every day the ‘ ts hit re ted and id be dav ‘ yriWaleers are beComune dole P i bss ! on Cinit s Senn ow ave r ‘ ye et nondfalof the obligation of the contract. refus a Dues los i 74 a MTS AL wuright I ; (res becemins bader and doing great- I tis eden at rea for at spocatton and robbers he number of those ef damoge toour commercial interests. ‘Phe eae ' . ; ; espe ' aot yroreeeive Gis carresey for Confederate : ; i i « 4 : wi ay edd Line ands Ii wer - IMpubtly thes Nave enjoye y + : ' T egy ne Hitpercens ‘Vhatthey were bound i my vest ir fi hu hese securt punts \ yjoyed has so encouraged tur Pstated t . ; : a ‘ a : ee ida Fre esas compared with the great masse of them that they venture now to make their _ i" . j e ui hina 1d eval faith. as pian a ; 2 ' t i : : ‘ Pores ft i aa rae md toeul down the juterest of ther, hued ound ngbt off our Norhern harbors ] ‘ renr i l pratyret Ti the Geovernsneat bas «a role t ; im ary a ‘ { ub ; iad : estinetts Would bea t unequal tax. a and especiills the great port uf the city of New suf x Nae 1 V4 class of uote ao : : y : ‘ 8 . : rrevous oppression, Visced on those who de- | York, the ceutre of the cornmerce of the Uni- i” tiZ ‘ Hse ear reine tts femedabrin yt Ad oh is . \ ie , i. _ ; ; eve dt least Vhe rtates:en or politicians, | ted States “ we porees tare aud white at dew F Khe Federalad 1s t ; “ay shai be auWise enough (oOo sustain such a te Federal acauaistration having thus neg- ; ’ ralvenG of wothins—.reductss ad ah. \ pcicd zt 5 we ; > rit t Se) iecpn > rid dishonedug polev, alike false in Pi ed to protect our commerce, we think the bp Dewanreasyec > i; en ri (heath o fume ho Rea sand false tu econony, she ud be surl- oe o ' tat fou tu take the imat- AS ve the \ s un ES we 2 7s \ ft ine wtren $ to jumify on ow ed tram tne insb places of the Couféderaey ter in band at ouce and before any further mis- : bot . i a. i le arial aE) Peansue d to iguominous obscurniy. [tis | cbiet is doue He has seat our militia to de- . velvet - \ : . ‘ Lat ' Calne HPN tose ta inorols, beeaase nationqare o8 touch | fend the prop rty of Penusylvanians, «ho ought thet ) j , ° ; 5 t ate enCial neeers-al , 1e CAKE j , | 7 = a x Rn Nye dL DGC, a, ot ie aise s hoe \ ; bea vs andividuals to Keep fah with thesr | to have been piepared to take care of them- F eer ~- Pacis ma ot ile sbenitalheus 1 | There F P , ee . : ; - j ; dees ; : dete: ancl iaindrainy the Government | Selves. There is as much necessity for yhe i tad a V tess iV Of Che Cube 2c } = Teenie ‘ ‘ aa Choninie ' anal Epa hustle detuerahze ihe people. obtardal-e in | Provection of the shipping and cargoes of the : ’ ! XA i | ! AOR Vee met eat rT allesudliereire PMTCT) eeause ff the Government breaks | inerchants of ihis yreal Commercial metropolis . ore Bites liver ; fa Heiaii\o) dnust: pecessarily hese credit { @8 there is for the protection of the horses and ae , \ in mohes ie Pdushorer ef re- ’ | oO ie he ¢, : ; \ ’ ) \ I le pociacen Tn the Reve Peet Mie atlas (kU teow do and the discsirous | other live stock of the farmers of Pennsylvania; hi 4 A 1 _ Joss of ouihons ca the sale | aud, then, chariy begins at homme. \ ? ‘ 1 ve pad atleota mn \ Grpres tia . ‘ ; < ie Gishouest. pritul and abor- { A . ice ITA i ‘ ' CU vel Miencs. Ss nd Feceral, | ' is eae 4 : : : as : ; aWYERITE ad) Rn tor one lo save afew thousands, inthe dim. | SUPPRESSION OF NEWSPAPERS— MILITARY DICTA- ! = 7M ' 4 TORN row { « ‘Ra es re SEs CUES UIEU i teres ' nex. : vo n a 1. t ‘ tro jesidieanen. Fiat asides, rut calum, tee Uitere sts te nee | SRLS ea t or \ ' ar x ‘ 1 be tre \ th i ~ " ned : ae ; : ryan max a reread yehey of gprs RENDER OF ° ef We mentioned yesterday that the Provost 2 i ’ Sele ene s » Both coud mori. aun economy Ge 1 RENDER OF THE ATEANTA: M hal at B - j sien ence ‘ i ; : Marshal at Baliniore had issued his order pro- tre mea the jeay us preservatuu of the public 1 ~e wan of Saturday ! ‘ \ ee 1 ; J I ye pu PSU ay | hibit he B : ‘ “a ‘ fal Z ; re “ filon ae ‘biting the a.timore papers from making ex- eee ; ; ; > or he fohov fs ag + t regs ty i ‘ ms VRetuatow ; ieee eB , 5 Fy - , ss i | : ok : \V have said, however, th-t our revelu- letter from a Mic ole crew Clic eet tracts from certain New York and Westérn pa- at eo ele { yh . 7 atl foe { ary ff > j i . } : é st W . s ( 4 . ! : at had seme hain of excuse alad Go adele GH shat Grey ; Pers Supposed co be of recession procivities.— Stuls ‘ = eee ot \ i ‘ riure frome goo. tech Ii was , inn " ets . are . ari re ge : Port YAL, dune, 18 { The New York Herald deuounces this act of faces Tosel to B i vith freseurees adi the ab- Pea Serie ’ vee rat ty ecal aie entexpe Gauiaons tude Oxncctas Leen ENERIALY aud, in a long editorialon the , meio 7 ’ i abet av ot ‘ = Wa ee Gone , Subject Says: \ ‘ c . ¥ c: ig \ V4 fe . bee g OW ® y Capt Heeuers, coins | Tfextracts from New York journals ought to _ : Cire ( cress could ne ciezeu,. but ¢ e Wee WAeU 1 be protubited frown being published in the Balti- w : ti eas a Sadhana tte Si - : Oo rere a fio More papers, @ foraoert the New York papers en. i \ ‘ hii letitoue anes Wat \ yoveds i themseives cught to be prohibited from being . Sha ; i. . hy (ne ay anes eercn Cee ‘ aa ae ne suld wud circulut)din the same locality. Of LEON I d . ’ Son \ Hav ihe tis ee eG GUISE Sore How ene y Se ) Tw ¢ course the prolubition against extracts is be- esa 7 ; De : Paes era Our vouus ( edereey ae 1, i ; aS cause the papers are poisonous ¢ i aon ‘ { , ents zreclural wealth esources— - ae , shee's are admissible. The inference would ~ ¢ os bs boar »- alla " * ‘ Shia hige Soest Cpa HEP Wad atic ted ai Wi thus seem to ke that the poivon in small doses Geeta ‘ c tile * \ ; é ul tac, > recund curreney, a: SECU g » ae oe is dangerous, if ol fatal; whereas in large do- a \\ 7 t - forthe r upiion of auy de t ‘ ! . aes t uns ses it may be SWis wed withimpunity. Gen- ‘ 2 wala ( rev laay coatri be \ ndda eolots. Bee eral scherek says ‘ noextrace” will be per- = Af x ‘ WX ch y at {ier sonst fieg s boon ob tndepende mee this dasa the stip yoonerou mitted. But the order which we publish to- ‘ Ces ' Pre Cont Congres => ©, has fail © a otbe browgat to Year une t day. prohibiung extracts, but declaring that it , F ; eee ae (ih Fees ane } "NV j tiuet Was a mistake,” aud ** perhaps a misappre- att f es : 4 Yor ti ba then, fit) e > Crus Jess t heusion,” to scnvress the papers themselves, is Khe I wrlie , pretextef State or finane: IN can ; x j ttent] ewe] y s ricceutoas onthe face of it. Though it was pub- I) ' tesment the taney, and ou be shamed jyuiatianint ; Gare We diaeen ( t hehed in the official organ, the Washington Re- cor mt f ; : Palate rhea aboard eallace vt lige ae g ) \\ : 5 roila Werslt. an tne tai seaguiment ory oe fi y rt 7 v publican, of Saturday evening, and ina tele- ‘ «i. ; ‘ - ; e e i and uti HRY oe , : BS i i Miss 6 x esihis oe mil graplac vispatch tothe New York papers ves- VV md ¢ ) t t \ eo ONG Vitl he: S I a t j 1 2 The Statute of Limitatio cs tur ( 1} \ t t : t vterday, Weel the official signature of his © Lieu- ‘ . AF i . , forget Wy at Vivat statace os Part of ire so : , : . ah = ‘hod le: olonel avg Provost Marshal, William ‘ seas ae N ¢ \ va, eo rontrd fie beiougs ou fer tore l = : sed, 8. Fish,” itis new declared that ‘no sush or- 1 a yaay 4 li denies dot Onurtix e owereney 4 : aCilels les Wou ded. | cer as thus published has been issued.” That 8 ~, ve 7 VW VANRCI ein Ge Sue die lie pir. ‘ “tae Fy yur | may do to tell to horse macines. Butit is pret- ‘ ; steopr Tithe hours eh oon * an ( vous eae ty certain that the order had something to do Ad . ‘ ; “ { 4 tr aS * . poor veg ace oy mol HS ae vou ow ) With the epproaching Matylend elections. We 4 ‘ ' Cap ’ . * Pe an re - @ am Wwe ‘ A \ pe alitte ' Ula second t linevere vows sent N nad \ ne wave heard explanation of its revocatiou ’ a e ' ' \ ' J F r vit _ he a destgu|d to pootect one f tera Just time Yorn set rear trunr dae acim, | at re far more likely to be (rue than that . : w Cebt, however stale oF ant Wheat se Yours WW BaAG which as assigned. Tt is stated that oue of the ati dS 4 \ ta ’ Is S pervers bust baw aan wing | att 1 Srdhas prohibited Journals apphed to Governor Sey- st \ $ ‘ atl wl es = Lana sin bar ota re nae W ta erty Ol mour tor protection, aud that he made such caus ; . P x ; 4 al at Jule 5 Wwe once | a toyury ras m | remonstrauces as tuduced a direction to rescind : \ ‘ 7 ron | 5 or - hu wed ; ‘ \ ! wyer say to place a tre cord. "Pie wae \ | the order. Had not this been promptly done, } { 2 a » u ; ry i ree I = ’ : Wii Hie (ueieiore, Keither eer aenre C Lees i PEMONT 1 itis believed thai he would have ordered back se N \ ; , fs Clie coblcecaunoteulies het (eerion Port Roval, S. C., dune 18, 1863 { to this State the militia regimegts which he has. t Nt ji ) riya 4 st os furw A } any : ’ 4 ; : : j - tk hb vgn dy norand « mescreuee, and are = lana = War on ist sent UA SCah to assist in remedying the Va wy . : eve viliw, Coo this ewtent 10 Promise } oak We wo ed ) ect and mismanagement of Scheuch und Tasco ¢ So 1a 4 ney 1 hap pray wc a beered by the (itecin ‘ , ; | Var Department A egy! AS. s ' - \ pa F ‘hie | | ‘ ait ROA, : UP SEI : on Which arecovers at whe \ (The Herald continues Be ‘ , ‘ i old de bt caay “had at daw Listead ofawichiiamthenmovemonts nah : | \ lee é ‘ _ ! Sessa e ley oweoare condemning aneties « ‘Video cucmy in Maryland and on the borders of Penn 1, tl 1 , Y FUN has assumed » shape of emis } = : Bole! . a een ' ‘ie - ; ' 1 us Vine ap ‘ we We might hay Af ‘ A Vv vania, General Selenck, famous slike for tls Cy any matued sitleutonthesab hearers nie \ K Se iis =U t R . i : p ‘ i sue u os “ lever i q e alling into a trap of Vienna. io whieh his com. Way F - : ; , 1 a 4 ed thatasall more flagr violation of ge ve iY as wand was slaughtered by the rebels, and his ‘ . 1] ne ' yoate tart ou viihoos coutemplated, in voand tntloe rau? wqainst «newspaper of Phiadelphia, has era im ‘arene. ; ‘ | ‘ no less than are uc: of miterest \ Master Wea vee is) now ayanm entered che tleld unst the news ; i oo : : ¥ gaimst the ney zouvGS ty ' ' F - derate eightan Ven per centr te Q eee lravemuie WetCeei-and it a Papersiot New York—a scemiv and grateful : \ er eer 1” t y . ’ ‘ 4. t + “Ly Ww e 1 : al Pp vue on Sa , ‘ | i {oper annaimn Tus time then a a a etorn for che promptiode with whch New \ Mt | n, Ae v Vispeak coadvance, and Vo rnerreniage Germs Ah : Yotk troeps have hastened to the assistance of \ ' ‘ ‘ ~ Ue A er Iete rurieed, . } \ are Ale V 7 “ u : sntempleted f med Ti would have 7 Marydsnd, whieh Genera enck Snow. . shi ; ct 2 | ’ \ erexeause noe just te as We tiave alre 4 ( ( ‘ae vernutted te be overrun, eshe has cone before, ; t ly e dy shown, ether an bee resOUrees, OF LNW : t iw t ‘ Wave vg th estiucticg of the Ba e and ished ne at A ; tit ithe taxes ' : ; : : hand toe 1 it ) l i i 4 1 ts of the Gar g power We heard one, lofty ou A ! i : r nN COincietireniiciibihe mente logs ber a oda nuke eee ty ukah l intellect, pure in morals. and bigh i stat 2 ae i . ; Lous We had hoped thai the bianne Darn ‘ i ‘ 1 \ i 1 | ls lu wWowath | \\ \ ie te Ot seamen astrange hallucicion, recently jas 4 4 3 it ‘ a n suppressing the Chicago chaa been ii \ ’ ’ ' wile Oa atl ’ hic t rs | a ae : ! Wy WONG I; ‘ ‘ ACA a noWa \ wh repudiation and diszaceful polley, ou the, cat aes ore , 1 Cin suthhientiv rebuked by public of nd by la Gatesch ty elitr Ie t \ ; , cround taste would be necessary to prevent Rivsident directing nin toes che his order home He tives fie ore : : Contederste bank rapt Vhe tuahtv of soen } too prevent other gener A yr his } ! t ) Vere Ww iad S 4 rbacn he ow 1 ‘ aly esi th \ \ votiam We have dean trated > and aneotn ‘ Yample Bat there is a class ot rwhom ne bot tas , | ; ly Haste distingashed cruizen reesman postly \ vus ofthe (meseanous cucs | rods seems , it += i ; eS - is t mee ed ws rs ; , : pled toward retated saving twoop have doomed then hind of blind fave 4 L yaa ve fh : : eatowil ue ves bankia ‘dom. Eh ermbup J ness aud insanity wl ead the ( ated td Giese aye SEE seas H i { . : nd ) ) ( t s percent t ra rie 1 ' he trons of the rulers of fou e the F \ 1 | { | ) ) aud ke . CV. SIX }) t red pe cas I ch Revoluion, Wards in ecrece vi TAY and \y : A } two per eenty w ttt Gutielic ] ‘ eee way 1 Vv nd 1343 : tor ai Poephed Thad en ' Virginia f A quantity of fom A att : : . in so lo Iw eho he ; ' ; sine ma oF practied Cake a | mid 4 Ine ‘ Wanted ' all srused in | ny Rockbridge coun ; no Saar \ , more The repherdt « | : tt \ 1 De | OE TL ’ The Pension © iw Washington has ety | phed, © Tha eh rather ney y, Va. ure on ss u Lysechbuf. Phe | dite and reduce s'sa4 sto O's, let the Con ~ Tito hace cs ; ; . : ‘ totale | t yan oO Tate hou een you, than vou to Sie Republican save thee aire large and fine, | tedecaey borrow at ter cent, and thus fi li teamer Gibraltar. formerty. the pri ately recorded the nineteen It jome dn that way , estes ’ rilor { t y the p ny He Keddie } her coffers und secure independence —tav 5 : : : 1 : 5 \ ne j We i e : ; ; | nee AV , ‘ : , et a] - th seen the Gove ; f Lhad|and wi compare most favorably with any An 5 ; oe vateer Sumter, is luadtuy at Liverpool for | application of wives ma le widows by this 1 erbors proclamation ? I told | of the {in ted ve citizen to the full event necessary, prompt ’ & r PR rt ore 9, i ey - edi : : eerie por one ly and fully, to pay the iterest of the pablio | Callao, ' | war.— Boston Transer pt. 2R ahy >. ‘ Pee me . e FROM THE NORTH. THE WORK OF THE PRIVATEERS. Oar privateers seem tu be doing good work among the Yankee shipping. The New York Herald has the following votice of the recent damage inflicted by the privateer bark ‘Tacony 2 Webb from The ship Isaac Liverpool was Io AI f sae OF NORTHER VIRGINIA. Throagh private letters and persons arriving trom Martioxbarg and Winchester we have ip- | leresting, though nol late news, from General | Lee's army. Ua last Wednesday the whole of | oar forces had crossed inte Marytaud, not at | Leesbucg us previously reported, bat at Wil- | hamsport and ocher fords im that neighborhood. | At that time we had made no movemrest di- reetly or indirectly on Harper's Ferry, which was still in the possession of the enemy, who FRO was strongly eatrenched ou the Maryland heights. For a week previous to crossing the Poromac eur army was being fed exclusively ou United diales provisions—tre sh beef from Pv sy |vit- nia, aud bread and other stores lett by Milroy » COMUNSBUTY. Our furces occupy Greencastle and a num- ber of other thriving towns in) Peansylvaua, trom whieh we are daily sending back vast saaatives of shoes wnd clothing. Our cavalry have several (enes large masses of Penusylvania come upon tia, mounted occasious, upou Couueslogas, who, upoo a take to there heels before cur teu shot at them = We hive noe runored captere of Usriisburg ' tion of the public be gs there Hooker is said to have crossed the Potomac at Leesbarg shortiy ater G sueral Lee crossed Nat Wiibaaspot. Ag arrived trom the pec thborhood of Aldie, { Stuarla can pet a vatcmation oi the ind the destruc: 5 aileman who here vesterday staies thet ou tacked the en- them to- last (harsday Gener emy’s cavairy at that place Aud drove wards Centreville. There is a report. wr and Alexandfia ratroad, that our cavalry Faday approached within Bibe miles of auvyenemy June 30 “ho comes by the Or- ahge oo Ajexgandna without me Richmond Es qm PAID ON THE THE LAST YANK Last Frday morning ¢ well Kuowa gentle- @an of (his cy, bela ul the lune ou a waite aos farm ia Henover, wes taken pnsoves by the Yankee raiders, then oa ther way tothe South Anna bridge. He. with some dozen or w@pyre citizeas of Hanover. were left ander gurrd at the house of Mre. Neison. nue miles below the Cvart touse, whilst the Yaukees proceeded eo ther work of des:ruction When they biaging the thirty-odd of te- tarued that eveurng, oar meu taken al the bridye. their conimaonder, Speers, conversed very freeiy with the Sued of his conversation as has been Colouel cilmenhs. repeated lo us will, we Uhiwk, be fuund tuterest- og - "The first subject discussed was the conduct defend-d the South Anua + if ali the Con. men have dore, a@ var men who ondge. Colonel 5 ederaies fight as those nity this war will last much Jougerthau T have ever expected. Why, si, sme of them used tieir bavonets. and stabbed severat of My Men se- breasiwotk wes filled with compietely in cers bald @rerely, after their my mesa, and they power.” Speaking of his experi he remarked, * T inus: say whed at the success 0° absence of all rntersuptenu on ine part of your ersed the county of ren miles of the Con- Were our nee during the raid 1 am uilerly asion- my expedition and the antoonues. IT bave tra Hanurer, passiog withi: fejeraie Capital: have destroyed a train of three bandred “ miktery™” wagons, barnt one of your énest important bridg-s, aud am now on my way back almosi by ihe very read by which { came, aod from the t.me I set out to this mo- ment I have seew but six Confederate pickets, I intend to re- idea that I unable to aud they were all at one point. na : d have shall be interrupted. 1 utierly Le comprehend what has ceme over the ( ofed- erate authoriuies, wiew h Treas he vere ts uight, a ain have I could +ppear- dash ereiofore rds) virzilant heliewe ate Nichmond aud set fire bow’ Mr J , of arked that if aitempted aay Bucherper meat, neither t back. this civ, rem Ne wor s con Band Ww ‘Very that we reed-din destroyinz t sould, ho would be wort Io the ( Cownel freqaenatly re; i ty + preliminary rad, taimly refura. The gentiemsn the formatic we! said were al! k o if we euc- the sacrti eourse of further conversation, the vented tmat tha that he was of- would cer- whom we obiarued Aner Cilia-us were side rade vara on, and 4 wn t ried along with the r * dstance into Riog Wivam ane then wet at From our informart® account and ni son denwed trom other suurces, we are te om that the los- prop: than $ tokeu ved three w the painfa! conc y ery infl raid ine ted on us daring . unterbalanecs the value of the sp ra. — Rich in y ai keen were 6 a Ne W five Hi ce If Ma Tne r Punbeer s va usl® estimated al from len toe twenly-five P isand meu. ‘Their picke s extend io Tu ‘ s oa the York River riiwayv, 20 ules the CULV reral Weyew is said lo ven Be) 4 Nuns of eur cavalry, on Taesda: . eaptured ar Barhainsville the Yaukes niath cour ers be way froin W tosbury ty Wiote Pous il ha rom his popeeseron Adal bay ¢ wy rine of | ere aud CW Spapets Ainong th s ie tard to have been - 1G ners D » General Keves ud tert ya Richmond ‘ If any ‘ eX twas cdoub ' egued a dint rar eat . ta ni { y hes ny. af ve Vaukee cavalr Jive Chon w bh ’ 118 iutporia t th jn % Was troveht to bir ¢ . gi bv a eatizen ¥ ( New Reot, that S 4 s twelve ay hu ed oavales, left tre W (feune es da TPIT RAT on ee eo uve OTE ! @wesiwort through the county o Koos W . —Rich. Examiner, June 39 Bf Brigham Yonng.— Br aiam \ er, it aepeech in his Salt Lake Taberns re cently, sald sf the United States asked for a battalion of soldiers for the war he wou ! itin h—Il first. Too much female so F gee if ciety, says the lo Post, Mpairing } Hrigham’s sense of discretion. ea CENTRAL AlLKOAD. , one SALISBURY. N.C." MONDAY EVENIAG, JULY 6. 1868. LE Some of our farmers have suffered much by the detention of their negroes | The suggestionsjof the Treasurer fo rege < to the manner of viding against any pro- bable Joss are wellfworthy of your cousidepa- tien, and T have, weight in your deljberations. Desiring to detain you bat a few days at (this busy and incanyenient season, I refrain called for to work on furufications at Wil | mington aud other places bevond the time stipulated, Oue ge. Uerman, we learn, who hapy ened to have seven negraes and only jong them, and upon whom he Tan eet his: Wheat) off, os depended mainty te very tikely to dose the crop ob account ol the d tention of Fas boy up to this tune } Our authorities should see to re that these Devroes sre returned, THE LUGISLU PURE. bods t lis on the 80¢n altiie. ; ’ meetin tae Capttor at ewh \V querui be- ing present, both horses were declared The following Mes. The Messace Itoon the author and adds aa ready tor business BAe Was Pen ceived and read. Ly tlecis er other st ~ to the hh He emerveney, tie fume of the Gov erpor. bas shown jimeself, ta wht oman in the mgt place. IEESS 1Gae OF HIS: EXCELLENCY GOVEROR Z@ BL VAMCE, ASSEMBLY and House TO THE GEVERAL CALLEAD SBASION. Gentlemen of the Senate of Commons ween fo erat Seasoiat q hound aie | rep causarn eravity a t cConshi Hh otedeset elncets upon toe finances aad creditor the Stite, erest of the peor! the sa Cess COMME Cause, \ ust, con- sutute sn ample apology for my action in cating EL wie Teed mat say Iw. wo stained ( ho achion of he part t aad Ee 4 atfer ended tere: But Legistature of State ot Virginia. bein2 IN sessiug, Unmediately provided @eaimst these issies bene recenved in nent of tanes With a View, as Was Site, to ate operation ¢ ‘ t Congress by fhas- 10 Dros . , e Banks of the « 1 a o v F ite of Ves ’ ‘ oon ‘ a . . with erie \ . Teerisla Weber Won hot ve 4 elenee, Atel at ans “ g) is 1 ! ~ ul Sapa a> ‘ aXe ' J v t e Te ‘ iy eoeutan. bd Temes ! F 2 Treasiirer to . . ~. ew S “ Ww , } Ife tv \ 1 ‘ el 1) cine 1 ‘ y re ( lo toe Srtia , ' : tess ‘ I 1 M. A { \ ’ 4 4 ' _t 7 t i BL v ' ‘ t r r ise ' | vas ‘ : s v ‘ t I I ( i H ’ 4 ‘ 7 - 1 * i ’ Nv ‘ we V e reas | oereat a ri ( mercial « Ve a distres ' of fide world become ie 4h danger can now be stopped we fai to »>ebeck ator sion it will be beyond remedy : Leoutribute the Confederacy represents the ery of its people ‘ trom bringing before you various matters which might well claim your attention ata regular session, J wil! therefore only cal) to ir Hotice one more sulject. The President ot the Confederate States having called upon mie for seven thousand militia, it beeomes im- portant to amend the sxistag militia hws on certain peerdentars both to thorltate their rais- cand equipment wich all speed, aud to en- Jarze the bists of exeuipis lor the proper pro- tee ol State. tu regard to these ameodiments Twill take pleasure in consult- uo atid assisting your Military Comuit- the tg WS tee Permit me to thank v treat mnyoeall at for your prompt as- veonevatulate you ot our atfuirs, wipe bie rnproved ‘ litiow ™ mi Nationabh > Syour adjournment oO uitaranes hay In Won great vic- vidd driven ba with slaughter and cont! no The Vall tea ob the enemy. Phe tate suffering: te vot tood has passed (wiv. ieel tie good and merev of God HeVesC almost Un pare wovisited us witha ded) wade the grow crops everywhere se eq al bounter ines, is cather fresh we from these Di the nes and scage with renewed and independence ot NANCE: he hon the country tb Moed resiasions were antrodue Phe stl jute the Llouse of Commons, and we doubt will have great: and torch into the ene- my's Country a8.4-peace measure With the Sooth, Curolinion swe fally coincides The desire here is that the Nor- thern peuple may’ taste the bitter ose so fully administeted to the people of the South, that they ton may the better ap preciate the blessings of peace, which we have been se Larbarously deprived. There ia but one svotiment inthis section, and that is perce, but i must be upon such | terms asonvelves no surrender of hover, | an everlasuiuy separabon from the North. A SECRET POLITICAL The State Jotrnalof the ASSOCIATION. 30th ultimo, as will be seen fiom the tullowing uricle, charges that t g sume Where) av Seeret Polinecal Wouder if (here exists ii Association, oclh-buund at that. the ghost oo the Koownoeihines te haunting Une Journal agin!’ ‘There may be sueb an organ: | ization, bur the Juurnal’s disclosuce is the first | eid oof at We lear that we hove he And it may be dambdadte at that the mean object of the Journal musi be to keep up some sort of excitement to ward ott suspicion ofa move on | the part of the parfy with wheb tt seenis to be | worktug ty blicken those whom they consider) thint trom the spirit Bhoch seems to per vode the Assembiv wil! oass, We do aot fevl uneasy about the curreney question, | for We believe our people have al@ivs been Dreuly, ta upheld the hands of the Coy ernmebt, hotorivoin sending ien, bat to Tneats bo etatbe It to carry on the war successfully, and wil du We trast, the sentiments coutan SO VE recresohations will be rune from one end of the Cont-deraew to the ethegio the cara oof those who struck sneha blow AGATBst our CUTDene\, Libor tiv, we supe pose, but none the less excusal lew MeKay: inced thie t onroimembers elect te the esenta yor Senators ER FEO al of the Po Nee toy on ates to the fh ‘v of the tere Leesodved, Visat Veet e contis f ) e curreney of the con Vib = } 1 PL tae ny | fs wok areee Ne Caan ' ahrected ta conmplanee Ww noorebtnaace the Conve to rece ve Treasury Notes « v 1 atl issaes, in \ ot all tates t ro itd all lest os tosulved, TSat the ALTO ia « = ‘ ks u vol N (aire 4 Me if woos Sl ia ‘ lewde Treasney votes Ue 5 v rot t e ~ ether thre Ws Wa ta dn Ltissk Ue . are ere mera he ; ’ ‘ Rene 1 t ‘ CGE xt.oabl st an Cotmted- Crate sasare fan uM ley ‘ fin™payi \ ‘ tro thie > Treas ' v Wie taro ler and « ‘ tpovertne 4 e ye or Ve (aieli4 ~s0es ~ » sell it paror ter ‘ nia J nee t ‘ +4 t sa t ids ast the Ou : a its ay >: > 36 Ove artof ti Mies byeewt) rea-e@ teh? We Te? ve veo of ar vr ate orras anette - he coed of the veeat Pea nven ! te 3-1of 7 twas tc ' af al Vv ql . ‘ ive ousnte 7 ; Hever ‘ J , t . } shh { ’ a! erday Beas t { enant ‘ ? Anse ‘ ie ‘ mantry ‘ yin ir ‘ Tolow 4 { Tipe fie Py (or 1 ' tel ; ‘ F aril ’ wea iw 4 chia w \ n ( » | j \ | 1 ‘ } rf Ww n rising seats an] 1 han: v routs ane ¢ a wee AN t f usac f advance to Penn North till more the blessing eylvania will ceive the that they may real ze of peace. With one accord, the press of a taste of war, opponeuts, aud who ore occapyiog place by Virtoe of anerder froin the good people of Norby | Cotolina, wren the ouletcvaid ana birthright Vlas, we think, is more likely to be the result ofuuy tovesiigation, than chat any gomber of persous are bound together by an oath for the tajyury of the Statecor Conftederscy We iis. | thke allsuch penera! chirzes aud ure su > nos thing soo much gives the nicer ble WYaukees nore encouragement, than such bask! Hsuch } (reason ble orang ions Goening, ito the dary tnake the fact kKoown ofevery good ciozen bo othe proper authoutey gasgen form, as wil feud to there apprehension aod puniehment, \ minent } toe be From the fitet-atuombeerient of the ap- pointment of Maj Rrndford as Collector of the one-tenth of thé prodoeé of the Btaie, we have thought if one of the greatest errors the Administration has ecmmitted. We do pot say it was done cesignedly to wound and ine sult the feelings of the State, but we must say it looks very snuch that way and should not be submitted to by the people for a mo- “Let the Legislature take the waiter in hand aml protest against the base insinua- tion that we have no man in Necel Caroling competent to dixcharye the duties of the of- fice before it adjourns. There bas been too much of this already, and it is Gme that a stop be put to it. ‘The folowing just denun- cation sits us and we give it cheerfully: in preleicoce fo aay thing of our own on the subycoet = GROSS INJUSTICE TO NORTH-CARU. LUMA. We dearn that the chief Tithingman ap- pointed for thie State by the aduumistration at ochinend wa Vargiwiaa—a person of the name ot Boadiod: Ghoti a very inportent office Its dithett and deheate. This officer, to persoa and through his subordivuies, cucies ure boch Wie cole in Contact With the great mass of ple, will exert much power over Ide will be the our people, @ Ulvea agent through whom lowe tenth of their subsiance, or rather their moot sulbsimlenic Ile in ide Stuaie, teat will be drawn for yovern. nent Use Will porvade every neighbor. dG hur subordinates, in por- art toons Virginia and Marys ‘Hywel ewan tke the locusteof Bey pe oe Now, Vaerere ted for tie most | Wwe citefiai pofuukid fechnge towards Virgie or Virginie, and it may be that the porron appatated wolimake « pood officers bat we Gootmemt that of the one hundred and tep tooothis State nove or adopted, mii hove thouwrswud volers rome eileen ’ beea found to pefiodna the cuiies cf ibis etiive. But no, thus GG Hol ru an adimaietration Whose weus aud colon whe aay thao Gul Kind OF Jul, or pene ercus 0 Nowih Cor Wares ppepted to Guiles - A Virginian the tithes ia North sperdi WW othe SETnee cs wietiliable sperdily Any other cou is unjastiliable, 1 Cariue! and Vierganaa muet be favored with and Cosa more harm than goed alwave, Por! places under thise +r, tet be exclusion of our , ' eure Ty anki proof—srousep cole brought fore | cores bave ac bn pout A tual of one oure . S Tem iitrei word, we Wil pet beaeve nr, aod warn the pub.) & r four laer cunente, whe has teaghera twaay a baie ia Virsa heocagainst such vague toernaatene In fact, a , ihisaslunder ie people, and a disgrace to the coautry A Secret Potitical Assoeiation (morgst as. Ov the eve ol the tate election on Wergines, t weeded det or AW co propie ol ira Lobe tee wha ik or ievet te be a taek 8 Ulea eee vias vem ih rere d, aval beuned imeitieal orca Voon Pars disciositee doubriess teva te cae cofeat of Fieany ' Dre Letuarepeta eo! ertls ' Sritts. a iia tee trek alter he withherawulef Mr vu burt rtbracted btthe or tie ale Otho ootead nia Siue trol Cibiee aomatter has trausyerrd whieh leads us to tf Conviction that the Lraminer was cure ey \ secret Ofgenibalion Goes ehert, i Sc leyeci us much tere Ganitatle tau the iminer sp poe Oru her afer An roevdenee of ilies eecond secre. pouticul mage, .¢ furnish ed th ster of cur Costar’ Cap empem | Ceat. We croton the patnotie people on th State to oon the alert place aud pow er here! ¥, sre tuwelve tuna tt emt yo. Oa es the liberty and property ond even tires of the honest parrotsot the Coutederacy Developinents may shortiy be insce wihiel wat startin the mest apuths ve oe. BETTER = Pit, Our adviers from the reovements of the Con- feverace Nemy, in ssaevicod and Penusyivense, Continue to be of Uhe Most Goering character York. anton tie coud to Harnsburg, the the jate st advices roprescil ere al SVivania, ot the Siate ont eouste Capre prevails—pecpe tying betore the advance The Geo. our army wihall they can eo vote we ve bee arerportun verneret the marlin ca i) Ler proeiain rPootorver te prewe the eblesbodied amen trom ceserting (he Cape This cowardiy conduct issn striking contrat between the (wo sections as the followiog oy ble response of th le of V nate the call of the Gaverunse st te nd Reehomond Will prowe Ti oewiinis tte Gaberences iu the Most pate Madeer— the attachment of oor eople Co iherr u Carer cekersinn ebieote to deen wety bb ry wnt God hase eb bein ag eas (Me feet oh vider ly Beitr howew or, os the New born World ss- seis. binvt the pe ope lave loxt eoulue eu hed bo @eriiie a Ww Wwe are Neb alia ‘ 1 sso for via rangi oe D opi lo vibe Cirsdt« the leov , for brimeps Wee are mare ah the pw, i North are sek ee id g r pe is CoUEKE Ie otk yh Hratey Cah ad, pee stiedd bee paaiee si thias Grey and also to Coto the tyranie at Vash. ingien to op ropeace. We are “fad bhrat on mothe mater hone ( proosle e Stalew, and boupe (iat Way koow the value of pesee to the toliest extent \ Nosre Serimir —Tie Reehmond Nentinel tfveserdoy bas the folowing Duis jovtul te vee tie which anunates one pe eon if ‘ wtely dade Upou te to 0 ‘ pny thre af Ay mW Ver Otte sy ond ‘iS, he saw Cie patmowe bore mut tote abe Nobeonarle vod other Coun tee yibecie davermie hs do blankets, wi vad eom by Ole ! tditianw at Chat p r ( v opt db 1 d Among thes 4 thas ted hhoough tbe mind, mnie rpenl thear ves on the ed se ol latte war dion. Wain Co Rages, Qhiog the postet pra vale Our ntlortaa . hecould bot retreat foo gang upto ban and saying that lie | Keoo bonoininany honoratle positions, bat We coucur in Mr verinone so honorable os that sentiment. Whe oa gentleman of | Kives’ eminence, fullof yeura and fall of hon- forms te such an example to the young men the } lexs disunguithed of his countrymen, whatinay we ex eet from the land which reared him, the people among whom he was raised, and the youths tut have grown up around him. and whe tas Geen se wounedas to render bun voller woleee germice, toed to ree us on We ee By Cer ey abe tined us thot he bad apphed ab Michamod boson tor employ- Tametey bul veal De ted just learned thoi two Virgicone bad beea opp cited te athees enher Cowles tie wore eve been glad te have ob (aren, abe we ot vaere apoomtees: hod Leeo CO be feper tec duey te the Mi hoogman of tine Sate Wh Were ihe wend tnicre poked us, itiat thes v¢ collcerina eecuged Dy the enemy, Ble wiser otk eC ae te eescut ath ma enay pPoantio hie wounds ptic tun wet hers CO ek Lede be sheet sillere Poople of News tret teas uP vow diame na. cote you, bear it net You have sntnuatted eg ehuough te this nice —these ind ee BiG inealie euow,. we write, and for munthe poste te oo Bye palby wile ete eher States, having eur prope and Gmposed to Wurry che best us. frets thee State sate the wwe been vciug as et ng ficers Zo opbyricaue te aXcluson uf ys we rol betler quohied shan the rip aod now, uncer tae Pihingman, anest ibe jp Tree Lp ange seri ilient Tighia CYETY ; w De Seated Wally iow aiwarine 1 " meatier S re Wetell you, € doh Neen are th we aii haw eros, mod that vour veriumenut iw re- pebsrapcn neecharacter. DVuese menat Rich. nd whe thas inst the Stare, and show by un ‘ v Cleat the re ae why an ippe nda ( Virgrums und Maryland, are your servacis, That sthetheers. Let the theory he pula Pract te The IMth aeetion of your Boro Rights ceciares, that the people hate rreghtte asmemble tocether, teoconealt for their imal, Copier rues Ubetr re esenialives, me toapply te the Legisiature for redress of soevauces.” Tf yew ote true io yourselves snd te the character of vour State, you will exercsae bhal night.“ Nsseuide griher in vour Capta c's vistrict=, ood Cemaud the re- this Vircisan yy ond veda can go bee Ss. of vou choose, aud ex) ress your Views irweiy aud featlessty on the conden of De cowotry Ti thisos sour government, sav sol af not, ety ay fo you hive the aight to Tuw 4 fare Shake, Bay weg at, ayoue mat Gevwi puypruely ond i breicer treatmen gud te bho Virnes, wie) see at eo are Ipend of TN Lem Lp ime Vou nese the vee owe Puew inte your own | = oTt pubic men w ree Uispesed to sulin boteae these tudguies stand ca Your wa walkover ther seat Wonniateoteon wl SE this vou waelnet On LO MN teen and whoat ove Waris ol ' mh mere ‘ yes” nts be ve mee foeny ie Shale \ ver State it teagan thre wig The peape at Wa or Seath ina ar Geor- gia Would be ttorone coment te sah Joeuee it v toybare of a cotemporary weoare wot tit tee fomrown ronseripts, ‘ eoeuro wn tebes. and have Yoonen sah Cent honesty and goe cnt. to held the offices ' my tote pernonnance Of these daties hen we are nek osorth ya place mn the Confed= epacy WoC. Standard _-. Napanee Court.—Opimous were delive red . Ww Pee Vas ie Slee InN ws Ras iy ah Ww, " tl ‘ li} Va D { ! i onder reve [iW Cran peru frotia dea Oy, smell ela veel By Barter, J--In Sate ve. Morphy, Peow.n, No eres In Dana \ Divv vise In noequity, feoms Cleaveland i Meek no reverse the oidet Visits ‘ tt t Ges. Vasxen.—We regret to learn of the ness of this gallont pllicer. The Ashville News of the 2oth says Gen. Robt. B. Vauce arrived at home & fuw days since, in very feeble health. He is still unable to leave his bed. We trust our | fine climate may soon restore him, » OUR Lb. The follo Stuart does mate the va nor do more splendid Cn The fauti countable ci ter the att now, we he these add n and the repe Heal Geueral Ov No 24 The Muj hues the © Virgiuia ape d under t vias. ae Ob Comraael iwaley aud puilauleys Le prot rad plored rit af Xe Wwe You eout Nery ule free ky Fee uring three caruu, and ye al tentb, ounded wn causing the Kappabaan Nothing | vested ta Ul ipiure of ns part we nh With ae suc a Neue | es will cout neofout | repewed Gon te auly itn comnts th meiol prove 1 te CS Ge rd bea ‘ tad th rau, lia , Vie U2 | a thie S10 - Highly achsONn, ai Ade nat De pracners, C tore. yoat Pia vol slate abown Tis gives svove New Banks’ rap er patty, re pany gtear yueeg AVS mist Nothiag lear aud ¥ tog, on the itleen p Pur enc A gen aplure ol wo Daller wre ear A New Orle Jacksos rire have Vauge in he Jisi, Anyie sure, ht \ Vick ‘ ont ae 4 U ‘ 1 ia Veet ox roofing owaad tae beey Gays, out of Nah tu v jor M, hilied tant ' Hp leg “OuCK, ‘The B Ny Ph CoMNtey 4 barked a Brook here Jast Object hi they will fit take Pano Guirk, © the Yan the ille ea e is our * - i * uta 4 eee OUR LATE CAVALKY VIOTE my : F) 1 A ‘ ‘The following dongratulatary order of Bene) hile Tr re bs inuries Position. Stuart does MOky We ae convinced, over-estiy| the value and brilliancy of his late vietory's toate lena nordo more than jastice to the eduduct of bie splendid conmand. , ' The feolish rumors that found such -unac- countable circtlation and credence, shortly uf- ter the battle, have died awvy. Ln their place now, we have historic and oficial facts, and these add new lustre Lo the glory of our arms, aud the reputation of our leaders: Heapquartens Cavatny Division, ’ Juue loth, 1963. ) Geueral Order, 2? No 24. The Major General commanding, Congratus hues the Cavalry of the Ariny of Northeru Virgiuia Qpoa the victory of Fleetwood, aciiev- gd under Providence, by the power of their vis. au the Yeh tae: Comrages: Two divivions of the enemy's 1 walry aud artillery, escorted by a elrong lorce jutautiy, “tested your o etal,’ and touud proot steel. Your sabre blows iuflicted on vad lod us day have taught them agai the ritof Suuthern veuseance You coufrouted, with cavalry aod horse ar- held the iofautey to we lery wove, tins force heek, roued the cavalry uring theee pierces of Che fatter without losing cau, and addig vx flags to the Cropliies of | ve uation, besides dufhicting afoss io killed, ounded and twissig, wt least double our own, causing Ne entire furce to retire boyoud the K sppahaaneck Nothing but the enemy's infanty, sirongly vested ta the woods, saved lua caval sy trem spruce oF auguchbelation. An wot of tis part Was severely punished by rout and re loss of his artillery. With ace abiding ford in the God of battles, cushuces we w Neus cebace on the sehre, yoor success: | es will Couliete Let the eduuple @ud bero- nof out dimented fallen cosscades prompt us Hance wud daspire us Wilh Gevo- rrenewed vig Gon ta auly, J.-E. B STUART, Major Geueral Commanding Phe above we publish at the sugyesien cfriend, UC havine eseaped our holice sone Tins, foyetier Willy we the ae counts that duwe reeched us sites the meeof the battle: hace cleared Wwe, prove IO ty bawe been one, if aot the bard eh foucht battle of the wan Gen. Sue vt and the gaiisnt ten woder los cone | traud, lave covered thetiselves With a Which ®id sede as beteaant COO) eT Nae MS Ubitder wineedi Gast, TELLGHATATS NEN 8 Highly Jwportant from (he Southwest aceon, Jane 2—Oih ve despatehes trom te ceral diek Tavior, dated Ale xencia, 20ub suv ie sionined wud caried @) the porte t the tayouel, 410 Guivaded gure, tne CHEMIN oe pears moat Derwienw's Bay, capturing over 1,000 prgoners, den heavy guns, oud @ burge anieunt teoree. “The toss in Killed etd Wounded i+ te anown, The same despatches way (heir posi xy at Tisbodeuus wes slercariiwd—by @hoth soot stated, bat by @eucrel Walker supp erd lie gives gscummand of Cre Misses py Kiver vvove New Oriewus, and enabies un te cut oll Banks’ rapples Larus. Wilson, @1 he wolon- rr party, Caplured Caplaru Mausere wud wis re pany. Consisting of 23 tour “This was the party rutced @ train ul cars at Brookhaven a few meu, @loer well- g who ceplared AVA mee Nothiug feom Vicksburg ‘ear aud Very Wari. Daily Trne Delta, Mune Ath, reporte a fight ai batewscbe © rome y g,on the Qa Sematir, June 20—Uhe ' A Feueral turce engaged sa mol giten The Cootegerates charged and capiured a Ped iments of Coufede ratea—foce ra battery, balin reported homiug Ary Uhree | acid, including Cal Walker, @f the 2) Degas eho wos burted under g@ ot truce,) aad teen passuers, “The Couledersies retired Tue eve mvoare Mel pursarag A geoteman froa Pascagoula reports whe apture oi che [9th Coupectieut Reginent an wo batteries near New Orleaus Our procs wre near Alyvers (Algiers ts airectly eppusile New Orleans Jacksos, June 29.—Late advices tron Vicks ory have been received Vhey tepork ve Vacge an regard to otfairs, On the he lis, nosh ot the enemy sprung a imine to blow up end actiilery, Cap- | ‘The weather wy (ej AL A taut Witkou aud Liewten- ant Mureis dlone wok 18 privovers. ~ ‘ |, The, Yuokeos bove disuppeared from his quarter.” ‘ ; ‘ Citizens fay that thé foreé which captored Panola was 1,500. They carried away. the Star office, after plucarding that ‘the Yan- kees came aud Chalmers: ran.” | FROM THE UNITED STA‘SES. | Ricumonv, Joly 2. Baltimore papers of the the 28th reports that the Confederates were J5 miles from Harrie | borg at neon ow the 17th June. Subsequently w force appeared wt Dunc anon, 145 miles vorth of Harreburg | | A telegroin fron) headquarters, army of the | | Potomac, dated 27th, says:—The army in | | motion will soon be to the front north of Balti | | hore. bad that our Wovemenuls ure necessari’) slow Refugees from Baltimore report: that the re-* | bels declare that their one main purpore ty the Cumber- and Valley, wnd that they ave been engaged | lin this werk already and huve lad waste broad | acres Which were inch wih graner ps A letter Som Newbern, No C., duted 23d, very destruction of the grain fields in the Foster is sending all his available . | says, Gen, | forces to Fortress Monroe, to be ased in taking | | Richmond of wssistio repelitig rebel divasions Gen Franklin hos been ordered tocomimaud Admiral Foote is dead. We have nothing later from the Peninsula | this morning | | in Lonisiana ander Bauks | | | | is) |} ‘The weatheris cloudy with occasional stow- | ete erat 2 | | FROM THE WEST. Jacxsos, July te | | Capt. Kerr sank two steamboat’ on the | Misei-sippt a few dave mince We have nothiag special from the front, but brisk firing is gotny ont Porty-one negroes tdieis captured by Gen. | Port this even. | They wav they | \ teerburg. (ludsen, arnved Lyous on were forced lo take up ng Thine. BECOND DISPATCH Jackson July 2. a. dizpatch to the Missisaippian, | special | Jfated Panaissanua Joly 4, rave the New Or- | { | | (feans Beaetithe ott reports, that Col dis, of Coen. “2 Commoud, lwo Wavevite caphared V Yankee Batteries ot Baye de Sallunoude. The vical Ke \ twas also Caplurres | 1 Advices tron New Ostesoe dated 26ch ult, | Yih Couner eiipentéeut te their save ihe Coniederates wads a rod on Atgiers, | @destroved all the Government scores, captured i rthettoan the Opelousas howd and retreated aale Phe Mf ecamyppian ales learns from enthentre ! nares that Pra Wadoubtedsy wrcupied the. i LAPORTANT FROM RICHMOND General (4.1 Eacaged the Feomy. ny The Yankees Driven Back. ) Ricumoxv. July I-A cispateh wae reerived ! Fartoe War Department list nivhg which slates Ufatoa portion of Geo Hal s corps attacked the eoemy touriniles below Bolton's Bridge, ves- terday aliermenn vod drove them wiihin five 1 ides othe Witte Howse Several Prisenere ta@euetate thal the enemy is 2),@00. Large wotibers ot Youkers are in Ring Walieurec uae ty wud are reported to be. toving in the diec- wo of Hauover Cou t House j temourn her early decth BECOND DIO@PATCH Rienoyovn, Juiv 3 —TPhe latest report, deem- ef rentube, freon she Victily savethe Youukres hove talleu back of Bolton's Bridse Letiers poet tearacd Cariete, Pa, 208 June. have Ane her flag be news from t ree received to-day at isea- pecwed Lentiorraw No Ie weal of waco the Potourre to-day { THIRD DIS@ATCH. Kicumonp, July 3 The city in quiet to-day Tie Ste troops under Gov. beteher, several | hous ad stromg, have repaired to the plice se. ected for thor temporery encampment ‘Phe then. 6 The wit ce ad Prue cer an@ed wad sruied 1 Al the enemy Gave gone te the directou wf athe Junction of the Ceotral and Feeder ksborg Rail Read, with the abject: of | descroviog the brides over the South Anna. on the later road. ‘Phe Barge is well goarded mwever Wioichester POURTH DISPATCH. Ricuwosp, July 4 J Liane onthe works, winch wana complete ed trou tne Sarees dreports thas the cues Lure. hehe wonuenber of their owa net — INV Gs aalveneaor in thre ums Neohing Vir Nicksourg Cuilazen, cof the mvteeuth, furtie frouw Whew Ue Twelve got mrad 23d, have beea received. 1p neve ace boat apecc at Civ Pat ar: olor Owenlyee dave tuces-a rhroweis ved - 1 AVE Deen faced upon the city. “Poe FROM THE WEST Neel ewiiale places tie auinber ata Greas Avrtanra. Ju . W have reports, deom- but three cosualses bave oo ried. led tecabs. al bis PAN ® batacd Broya's ‘ Streets are dady tiled wall peaole. miclude ¢ Koand word Was ioc ou ChatOeioaga iy Wowenandehdden, who go aia ce lrom Blew cord Corned tra wher deara the tore Gang on “Pursday, while they were work: Ge Cha yaa Were ready foe tl . Briggs MWthev edition, a thictee tm meh eae Jrace- tis um rr torte wt “Pulhahoune and ine Unruiuh the office, scatienu. cases aud pient at Peechatd. am sire Vg postion and per Nes rone ingared Que ot the ene nyie gan { et Vv conti det Weliove ao forher particu rrateis fist ayround below the carey A Wuin- jare from bust Tennersee Pot trvnsperis joaded wok troop lave gone : ss f RECOND DistaTon owa dutiug the pawt few dave Poe cues bag bee, Uring incendiary shelly tor tacee Ayianra, Joly 2—YVanhkees an senor Gays, butcvusing no damage. Major toudiey. at Seqauatii Volley vescecday Wee ave tac toAth tOsas, Commanding the water battery. bo Communi aton te day wih Kae a Mijor Mar ii, of the Diath Lauean 1, Were Landen Tt besewed that daportant Groves Kibed jast Sunday, and Cownel Medsaueis. of | mets rang mate by Bragy aid Rosen. the 2e.h Louie, ser ously @ounded. Phe ; ewan matst Peniesses Gren coutirus the news of the heawy bom. - Heat best Savaeday, and sey ces igs was LATE, UPA ely Dor lgng All boon cud peed cw ie ' J me Wallariice vi tries Pieseencrnltons Wee hive et eronews tha moron fom boebtenabers cheertul, ‘The paperis pou the Nerth QOurornoy tal beveud the Port mn sul CHIL tose. Geeneral Barly teat Work, Penuwavtvae W. Boracue battery, at Cypress Creek. tia, and thee levied on the crurens fer Shou uo Wenly oiles below Napoleon, tired au tive 7 , . taneporie toaded with troops, on Pusey toomoney and large qacitiies of prowisiens nes png them badly. Phe troops landed en CORI for tie sugeeti cf Ine men, such us “Oto pled to gtocn they Watery, but were dit four, beel, cee, emer, We. Xe monitor back, with a loss of JOU reall to @LSU 000 more Northern papers says ; Phe Brookhaven piiouers arrived here to- E ; Hoee ; i 1\ Chey lhadcardoce to wire through AF (een -orly nave he Bioccupy tre place per- Country and destroy the rathoads ‘Phey em rtrked at Pensacola for New Orleans. here " ere last evewing, that other raids forthe sam Object have left KR niney. ‘The Yankees sa they will destroy the Mobile aud Ohio Railroad, fit takes 30,000 men Panota, June 26.—On Guirk , Brookitavey, Jane-29 —A rumor reached 1} Warr burg, the Capi l of Monday, Col. Me. ‘ ¥, of the mounted State force, fell upon | ly all the roads between Balumore and other na Savkete while feeding their horves at Hud- | points, Up tothis date, our troops are pushing “ inunently | | | e 1 thie ) Our forces have nppeared at Silver Spring five miles from Washi Thon Heavy rans have made the roade vo } Jamen. iu their ion bas been made mW) a case arsued fthe Sapreme Court on yesterday, j beeen the No news toe iy fom the Army at = ‘ ~The tranchas just arrive | We have no doubt our army has occupied Ponnsy ivauia ere g. City, and have al- 8o destroyed Rai} Road communication on near- opinion between him and Geo. Halleck as to the value of Maryland Heighte as u military positiun during the present active operations, Hooker was the sixth eommander of the Army of the Potomue STILL LATER. Battle at Gettys>urg, Pennstivani: . We stop the Press to say that information was roceiv- ed from Richmond on the 5th Instant, that a very severe Laitle was fought between our troops and the Yankees under Gen, Meade. Loss heavy on both sides. The Yankees have made a descent 00 the Wilmington and Welden Mailroad, burnt the depot at Warsaw and destroyed 20,000 Ibs, Goverament Bacon. They have oc- upied Kenansville, Duplin county. Destination supposed to be Raleigh or Fayetteville. {27- The Military Committee of the Leg- islatur® we learn are very much divided as to the best method of raising troop called for by the President. lenburg, introduced a propositivn to enrol all nen between the ages of 16 and 60 ever occur to the mover of this proposition that it is essential for some white tien to re- main at heme? Or does he suppose that the }erain will) .nee itself or that it can be sown for the next harvest without! then? Some eagerness fur notoriety, seem to forget that) there are other people in the world bat themselves. ander of the \'ife thesame. | | due will call at once aud settle ap. Confeder- | } biographical eketch of those who have done ser- Gen. Yoong trom Meck- | Did it | Both Houses have agreed to adjourn on Tuesday next, bac itis doubual whether thes will do So. *e Important Decision.—An important decis- belore On the 29th of July, T8362, J.C. Bryan of county, pat ia a substitute teri 3s age, Copseripts at thag tine t called for At the Jast enrolsnens, he was eenséribed “and ordere | to canip, lovben be filed a petition for a writot habeas | court ordered cround that phen, having wito the law ain fartisciae corpus and after argument ths ¢ the chacharge of Beyan upon ou te Was net subject to comer } compited aw substi- ny ‘ i ture. — Progress, Vhe seniis the largest of and its slumberers sleep woabeut mona. thents, All other gravevorcs ual other lands shoe seme svenbol of dsiection bes aM neh and the poor, bouton that ecenu cemetery the " uiesl and small tue 4 sane Waves roi] over all. DIED: In this town on the 15th Jone. (ultimo.) of pneugmena, Mee. DELIA CHRISSIA ME- RONEY, wite of Philip Weroney, Vearof her age ne ercetient helowed traits of character—\as warmly by those nearest tu her, eo! lett many She Was a COUSISL- ent memberof the Methodist ehuren, and died Jones | r \ bond and avproved security. the tract of Land , { ' 1 F. Owens aud others, situate in said county, all cemeteries, | Yihe folowing places for the purpose of enquir- ed, Cotton, Wool, Flour, Sugar. Molassas and return on oath. all Bank Notes and other car- the 27uh | The deceased possessed mae ro the tromoph of faita, comentttins her seal, | he kre all-suMfiernt a \ husband and friends Sus au Savieur —iC os ereiful In Salicbury.on the Sth day of Jone. of a gradually wastiog diseuse, Me WATER O WYATT on the 35.hb vearof lsise Phe | deceased Wasa native of Newbure. New York, and fora few years dust past, wasn Apohe- earvand Drusgistin our “Pown.a do tes loss willbe extensively felt by the pa to whem he was, atall tines imostebliging Oba tere, ality, the most rigid, a sumptuous vrovider for his household, an excelent husbs vad tens | der father. bis lossto his survivin fomiy, (it wife and two children.) ta ireepooatee. Pee haps, ihe prominent traits of b - iracler, were aclose attention to his bus) rss. (wich he seemed thoroughly to undersi ean unlimited chantyv. ‘Mich an an © EUMSEI. far too muct so for bis deleate tri Nene ver deserted his bustiese, without: gen neces: i sity. and was often at his counter, when he should have been in his bed. VS vest evee kind—-ever seusitiee to ane: ~ Woe, Bo needy apphoant ever left his door <a ey comforticss. VPorthe Reirgtono BHT er, he hod the derpest: veuertion, i Was of Tis church, hos l Was Weve sed inc Ne died leaning on ihe Hope un son Chisst Jesus, as tthe anehor of his rou Sus Atthe Bimmer Mics, Cabar us ¢ NOC yeu the Sth tostantoad Searlet feve GI OG CHRISTOPIPER, seaet Gab) 0 and $24 Baroharcdt, seed 2 vears 5 mouse 4 cays. A CARD TO THE PATRONS AND | PYNS OF} PLE AWWA Ye SIDE GOs. TAT. Naive i) THE Committee to whoo wos entrasie’ the managementotthe Wires Posprales tablished ay this Pown, fort renefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, be usterred ithe same to the Confederate Gav riment The Hospital tobe conducted of SSE Pre on White ut wae founded, t soars tebe d voted solely to the eofion cand wounded soldbers, that may pass 4 th this place, as vas been Cone, While ander t @ii@ebonal yout Comrnctee Tore netice itis our duty te give Loved, wi have so vebly responded A every call thot tus been mad= toate beball JAMES CUSVV EH, Pres't pr hiaselflan er Comnnttee Salsbury, NOC. daly aa sb We? Tredell Exprese amd Chocotie Balletin eo twice and send their Bills ne ODce >. | $ SAL | WILL bo sold in Salishur. Jon Saturday Pbth Joly, a vege | years old, a good BRACKS MEI i. rc ulare, enquire of Jack Hall : W. BL GRANT, Ag’t | Salisbury, July 3, 1863. tipd7 2a » AVAGO AY Ot man, abont 26 4 For par- {and conteiniug about seventy-five Acres. geet. ey “mr a Pw y =) + el ™ P N account, will eall on Mr. |, oviss, my authorized agent aud set- a % eg Rae M ALLE NDEBTED my, Book James H. ALL thawe indebted to me on my ry tion and printing accoupt will please call ou Mr. Fanisy and settle also, Some of my accounts have been standing since 1859, aud I do hope that those who are ate money is pleunty—ihere can be no excuse —I prefer to take it iu payment of dues. J.J. STEWART. July 6th, 1863. tf:7 The History of North Carolina JUBLISUED in }85t by , the undersigned, preface conceded that it cedutained omis- sons unavoidable and many imperfections. A secoud edition was then promised, which would remedy thexe defects. ‘Vhis is now called for. He will be grateful to any one who will point out aANy errors in the dates, naines or facts in the various counties of the State; and any vice in the field or State. Leiters may be seut lo me, care of Hon. D. L. Swain. JOHN H. WHEELER. Chapel Hill, N.C., June 4, 1863. 3007 Simonton House, STATESVILLE, N.C es large und commodions House is now open for the reception of boarders. The table will be supplied with the best the market | affords, and attentive servants always oa hand | to render iis patrous comfortable M. BE. HYAMS, \ Proprietor. | Qw7 | June 6, | 863. AD WINISTRATOR'S SALE. ] Sy virtue of an order of Court issued by the last County Court of Rowan couaty, begao end held on che Ist Monday in May last. Twill pro- ceed te eell at the Court House door, in the town of Salisbury, to she lighess bidder, on Monday ofthe August Term of the said Cognly Court ensoing, co a eredit of «ix months, with on wineh the late Nathan UWarrison lived, ad- jonang the lands of Burgess Cranford, Wilham The sale will be made subject to the widow's dower. TILLMAN CRANFORD, Adin’r. . July 6, 1s63. TAXES! PAX “Pe lig aad J Assessors forthe War Tax, P. N. Mei- Al Hawkins, Esqrs, will attend at ing after and procuring returns of all the fol- fowlas icles held or owned by any person in Rowan County. on the Pst of July 1863, viz: Naval Stores, Salt, Wines and spirituous) le co. nyanufactared or unmanufactur- quors Volt Syrop. Rice. and other agrcultueal products. Vhe Assessors will also require all persons to renevon hind or on @eposit, on the Ist of July, 1363, and of alt credits ld os owned on ‘the sume date, on which the interest has not beep paid. The said Assersors will also require re- tarns of alf profits male by eny person, part- nership or eceupattan, du ing the year 1862, by the purchase of Flour, Corn, Bacon, Pork, Oats, | [ay . Rice, Sait, Iron, Sugar, Molasees, Leath- er, Woolen eloths, Shoet. Bouts. Bliukets and | Corton clothe. The Assessors will attend as | follows: | p.N. Heilig. at Hartinan’s Joly 9th. | oo Laitakers. July 10th | . Millers, July 8th. a} Hoekins, at Gueen's Bridade July dil “ “ Harkevs Jojy 1th \ “ Gola Phill, July 15th ' ‘ “ Morgan's, July 16ch | . “ Hatter Shop, Joly 27th | ' 7 “ Campbell's. July 10th | ‘ “ MeC noaughey’s July Jite \ m0 oC MoU ia, July 16th \ “ og Acwell’s, daly 17th ) “ “ Mire Brown's, Jaly 20ch. } Both assessors will be at Salisbury Juty 2tet | and Qld. Pwenty-tive percent will be added to the assessed vaae of the property ofall tax pavets Who fad te aftend to thie notice : WOR FRALEY, Confederate ‘Pax Collector. 116 dune 96, 1863. Confederate Taxes? A Ll perus inentioned in the Ssh section of Cd the Vex Actet Apel 2th, 1O63, and here. reset fer do are Lereby totdied tomeet ine | made inaces for tie purpose on rege eatrue coomntat each persau. Hrnrar cor pe . erga or toterestec an the bagiies® Siti ae Ss ct tire e tor vehueh. ane ile : ee and rroeroan when the sa <to be ( cle GQ eeen etie: facts as tay bere 6 , i) onennt of Pex uper such busiaess for the pct fotar \ ’ ye ot Sard frecistay, Sab pereon wilt bere qmited ta pay the sp oertte Dacen thes bust s area on. aud sach other tix as may ‘ scars or r sin such ousiess. al ten ee rey \ Persone fathary yrerit writ . iv. will be charged Cer an : rtikhe saipforevery Uurly Gays lw ' the p vse of taking regia pus aia 4 Line tie above taveéas flows At the Court Hous Salisbuy, July teh avd l At Meu \ Jaty (6h ; \ Gein * 1 Ist VUG { FCA V HA eeech tear) at MM Sede Ne bEs por ee bo pesonstedes a c i a \ . ‘Lanes sa \p SAN «, | . i . Ba s Viv \ st doh c peaston \1 = A Ue Br rs, Sa fic D See re ated NR UNS WW «tune, Vay Sa Houses, Jug tow te, Paveryv ot Keepers, Pawn- ! ' Pedtere, VPhysteans. P geaple rs, nt Dealers, Retal D ~ in Taquor, Sur- «Theatres, tobaceonss Wholesale deal- ers, Wholesale dealers ct biqnor W. W FEALEY, Confederate ‘Pax Collector Jane 26, 1863 ub BLANA DEEDS, FOL SA L ee ii A THLS OF FICE. oa BON | _ LORILLARD’S SALT SNUFF; : ) Applby's Fresh Snuff. 1% BLADDERS—the gepuive ariick—for sale by A. A. WILLARD, Greensboro’, N.C, Jaly 6, 1863. ' 57 “ANTED TO HIRE Several Peams to haul Tobacco to the Factories ia Davie JNO. ¥. FOARD. Jaly 6, 1863. 27 ALL AT SMITH & SMITHDEAL’S for Boots, Shoex. Books, Gun Caps, Flints,, Flasks, Envelopes, Paper, Cigars, Pipes, To- bacco, @naff. Aji of tbe above articles and p great mony more. can be had ut SMITH & SMITHDEAL. June 29, 1863. 416 \O TOSMITH & SYLTHDEAL’S and MW see the New Guods they have just Re- ceived from Charleston, S.C. Consisting in partof Prints, Ginghams, Shirting, heavy Cash- mere, hat cruape, Boots and Shvex, Nutinegs, Pepper, SpicepCopperas, anda great many other goods. re MITH & SMITHDEAL. June 20,1863. 416 county. | E sure to call at SMITH & SMITH- DEAL'S before you leave Town if you want to buy anything,as they have a large lot of GOODS. They will take Confederate ino- ney for anything they have to sell 416 SMITH & SMITHDEAL. Live and Let Live. IF you have Chickens, Eggs, Batter, or any kind of produce to sel! at old prices, then bring- them to us, and we will strike a trade for thein. We will not sell at old prices woless we can buy at them 416 a SMITU & SMITHDEAL. BACH CREEK ACADEMY. ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. VENUE Fall Session of this Tnstitution will begin on Monday, Joly 20h, 1863. TUITION—From 10 to $15 per session. BOAR D—15 per month For further particulars, address the principal at Miranda, N.C. A. A. PIIPPS, Principal. June 20, 1863. Stpd:6 EP” ‘4 EE” 5- Hee ors sian ij HIS article is being manufactured largely at var‘ous poinis in the Cunfederacy, but the searcily of rags bids fair tu imterfere seriously with the manufacture. lo the manufacture of Cartridge paper used in the fabrieation of ammunition, raw cotton can be used if a certain proportion of hemp be mixed with it. I am vuthorized by the Ordnance Depart- ment to purchase tnaterial for this purpose, and Tiake this method of appealing to. the people }to ussistine in evilecting old rope, bagging, waste cordage, &c , or any kind of old hemp. A good price will be paid forthe above ma- terial, varying from 10 te 25 cents per pound, according to coudition, locality, &e. Twill also pay 4!) ceuts per pound for old ecrap Lead delivered at the Works. A. G. BRBNIZER Cupt. Art’y. Office C.S. Ord. Works, Salisbury, N.C. June 29, 1863. uf6 “Stonewall” Jackson. eJ UST PUBLISHED, and for sale by N. & MORSE & CO,, Augusta, Ga, | s COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxerten OF « STONEWALL” JACKSON. By Cuarres Hatzuock: Being a full and accurate account of the Leading Kveuts of his Life, his Dyine Moments, and the Obsequies at Rich- mond and Lexington. This work contains many anecdotes of the illustrious soldier that have never before been published For sale by all Book Stores and News Agents Price $1 00. The trade supjlied at a liberal discount. TP All orders addressed to us will be prompt- ly filled. N.S. MORSE & CO. tb Augusta, Ga. Edveworth Female Seminary. GREENSBORO’, N. C. T HE Fall Session commenee on the 4th of August next. for the sestion of 20 weeks. Board, including washing, lights, fuel. &., 200.00 English Tuition $30,00, Music on, ilie Piano, Harp or Goptar $30.00, Vocal mu- ), Ou Painting $30.00, Drewing Grecian Painting $15.00, Ancient and each $1250. or farther part culars apply oo RICHARD STERLING, Principal June wo. 1S63. S pdb £500 REWARD. of this Institution will Terms rn Languages, 5 st PUARLY IN JANUARY LAST, THE vet Mok Bo Myers was broken epen and ovine articles stolen ther trem: One tine Bi ath Gi cd bever Wateh.w th the name of lo A. inet noon the face, German Pext letters. belleved to be made by J. Johnston, Lavery wee thotmend Rung. large Diamond Re re clusie around with small Dia mands tine d Ring, with forget me not, raseribed ree ane sett Bar Rings and Breast Pin. Cera and Goldy two Gold Chata- hn Pins: one Banch Gold Charms, consisting ot the two Lockers wath miniatareé 5 slippers, Sebati. and others pot recollected s e Corral Bre ins one God Breast Pin, celt with Poort: cue Necklace with large val dets, warty ¢ sanesntre; one fine Pan: ate da ib Meera tice Maile: Emibeoide ced Hi ( sleeves. ey Bhenkets, ean rl heats, Prlow Cuses and eee : fraaur other articles of Jews rv and LL Ss opored not recollect d The bove t dot Five Handred Do «, wil be pact ery ofthe above menied arly ling, art werden fer anv part en Alias tye Jewetev can be fed dv WER Woiteon, Watebemuker at this p In my yeppee, HY LDformacoan givel aplauin A Moyers or Samuel Reeves, Sr, wil be prompt- ly attended to FE. MYERS, Satiehury, N.C. Jane fay 1863 if4 Tir The Confedersey, at Atlanta, Ga, wil copy daily one Week. and send bill to this office. ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON & ENNESS’. Diuggiste June 15,1963. 4 i fe View fs —_ ae een ene ee ee ee eee oe “STONEWALL” JACKSON'S NAME AND MEMORY. [From the Londoa Times, May 26.) The Confederate laurels won on the field of Whancellorsville must be twined with the cy- press. Probably no disaster of the war will have carned such grief to Soutbern hearts as the death of Gen. Jackson, who has succumb- ed to wounds received in the great battle of the 3d of May. Even oa this side of the ocean the gallant suldier's fate will everywhere be heard of with pity aud sympathy. Not only aga brave man fighung for his country’s idepen- deuce, but as ove of the most cousummate Gen- eral’s that this ceutury has produced, ‘* Stone- wall” Jackson will carry with him to his early grave the regrets of all who cau ad.nire great- nessand ygeuius From the carliest days of tlie war. he has been conspicuous for the most remarkable military qualues That mixture of daring and Judgmeut, whch is the magk of «Heaven boru” Generals, distinguished him beyoud any man of ts time. Although the young Confederacy has deen iltastrated by a namber of eminent soldiers, yeu the applause and devotion of his countrymen, coutirmed Sy the judgment of European mations, have®giv- en the first place to General Jackson. The maulitary feats De accoupished inoved the minds of people wiih astonishment whick itis oaly iveu to the biyhest geaius.o produce. The blows he struck al tha easy were as iernble and decisive as thuse of B uaparte hinsett — The march by which he surprised the apny of Pope last year would be evough in itself to give bum a high place in inilitary history. Bat per- Baps the crowning glory of bis life was the teat batile in which he fell. When the Fed- eral commander, by crossing the river twelve miles abuve his camp, aid Presse ou, us he thoaght, iv the rear of the Confederates, had placed him bstween two boxes of his army, be Was so Confident of saccess as io boast that the enemy was the proprrty of the army of the Potomac Lt was reserved to Jackson, bv a swift and secret inmarch, to fall upou his right Wing, cru-h ft, aud by an attack unsurpassed im flerceuess aud per inac tv, lo drive his very @mpenor torces dick ini @ position from which he could vot extneate himself except by fight @crossthe over. fu the batde of Sunday. Juck- Son received iwo wouuds, one iv the Ieft arm, and the otherin the mght hand. Amputation of the arm was uecessary, aud the Southern he tT sank under the effeet ofic. supported fast by his semple aod noble character and Grong religious faiih iuthe & PARLIAMENTARY TRIBUTE. At the annaal dinner of the Reyal Go ogra phica!l Society of Loudon, on the 23th of Mey, the Right Hoa Speocec Walpole, Mo Plat on retorwing thanks for the toast of % House ot Com nous,” seid :—Need he add that Oss the Atlaniic, tev had als) lo eonucern ¢ selves with Nerth Amenea. And in ass vou Wilh this could he forget that larmentibie mews had lo-Gav reached th scountry t t feet that one ot the aoblest descendants of tb- Eag!:sh rate—Stonewall Jack ecn—awas now ne more * Cheer +[ From the Tandon Telegraph, May 27 eS 8 & Add ts the splendid valorofa Mo- | Tat the fervid futh of © Cromwell and the un- broken SUCCES oO ite a a Hareb, aud we i Capiatyu wouse waving sword and fearless vice | the Seuth-- the pt div.-swn for ao army. fving corps fur the moss- ad evans of ine neod of Daltile, Have ben good fur who couk Pwhiles weuld have followed 1) } { | Phac he never lived toexchanse « | may perhags | his tame; bul the leader ce weak pace in Muoker’s hue A Northern paper says that thirty guos have been mopnted on earthworks around New Haven harbor, Connecticut. This louks as though the “outmegs” were get- ting frightened. HAVE received from the Clerk of the Coauty Court, a list of the Taxee due for the vear 1863, and hold the said het ready for in- spection. All persons ace requested to tuforin me of any Lands, Polls, or other Property wot giventu. I shall attend at the following places, at the time stated below, fur the parpose of col- lecting said Tax. Punctual settlements are tequired. Those who fail lo atleud lo this no- tice to settle, will have to pay costs without disuinction! ‘Town Company, Friday July 3d. Mrs. Lititia Brown's, Saturday July dih Gheen’s Bridge, ‘Uhursday ss Gilespie’s Old District, Friday as 10h McConnaughey's Old Store, Saturday Lith Moant Ulla, Thursday Jaly loth Atwell’s, Friday July 0 17th. Liutaker’s, Saturday July Irth Hartinan’s old place, Tharsday July W3d RJ. Klutts’ Company. Friday July Sch Hatters’ Shop, Saturday July 25th Gold Hill, Thursday July 30h Morgan's, Fnday July Bist Milier's, Saturdey August tai. WM. A. WALTON, Shelf Tw June 9, 1863. fA ECR HE EDa E AVING resigned my commisswa in the Confederate Army as Surgeon, TI tender wy Services to ny trends and the pubhe A.M NESBITT. 17 Cfhice, opposite the Court House June 15, 1863 tft “YO A NA ' EES BD 20.000 STAVES \ THE GOVERNMENT DISTILLE. ZK RY, formerly owned by M, & Lo My- ers) at Salisbury, as follows: To be of white oak tuober. clear of sap. Staves, J4 inches long, from 4 to 6 iiehes wide aud | inch thick j (isweeting, are reques ed ¢ { at Ciranceliorsy tie. aud Sorl his 25,000 troops | UPON Il so eon as found, as Jacksen did, would sure y naver J Peued ing afenowiued Crenera | aud Was rained in Culpeper, Vir Assurecty the: fa of tne war tethe 4 Conf ‘ates, whecher trend of tue was that whch struck « 3 psu wall Jackson—a ssidher every inch of dian, fo whatever caus: hi- conieuced Washingt. Gen. our gr: deavors tw fear and Witla Wise . nee fet and letour sarticies le teenie cit bumat ty Ludow, enhe , . sensible cit =o ee ides fe store se . : ae for the sake ot Wan ea rant On thy beloved = eve lesa tet my ow but Thue be do lee hor roe the Armnyand Navy THE Tooriia ~ ajum touLhache The Emperor. nl Ax the Emp vride, t : 4 band w ‘ ner eyes r¥) se will pias lun tior Vv. cal J smil.az; ‘ ie att i next year, I - tiwely be these. aud | I wil! stand gediau.e: tu your dret born | Heading. 24 inches Jong, frum § to 10 snches wide. and 14 ches thick TOU Staves and JOU Heading toa thousand Highest market price w spud JAS. F. JOHNSON, Medical Purveyor CLS A, tune 15, 1863 . ut Offic? af the N. AXES. | CL Ral Road Co. | To all whom it may Concery! WING to the oumber of riots, mobsytm- pressmente and thefts in the county, b feel it a duty T owe to wyself to adopt the following rules and regulations at my mille Ist. TF will gut be responsible for an Meal or any gind of Grain that may from oe by Mob rot or apressment, 2d. T will wot be responsible for any Grain stored at my mill wat! ordered to be grouud. 3d. 1 will not be responsible for any Meal or Flour, taken | Flour more than 24 hours afier it is mude; at j the same time, Twill 9th. | an he was brought (om that county. A liber- elreward will be pad for his delivery to me or tor tuformation of lis whereabouts. Let- | oers addressed to uc at Rowan Mids, will re- Compasy Suors, 10h June, 1353. PWNHE Fourreenth Annaal Weeting of the | a Stockholders of this Compeny ow be t of Greensboro’ oon Thursdan ve ninth dav of July nert, at eleve A.M Stocknolders who dy not expeet to attend he'd io the Tow luo Clocn, send their prox es, they will be supphed wito the blank forms on application at the Onmice + Agent. JOUN WH 4wd *RANAWAY pe” the subserber near Huntsv le. ¥ Kin county, Ne CO t HENILY, amolatio negro, weirhs fo any Stlatio BUY AN, Secretary em the mgago«t Lith res, Vv! LL SANG Q~ Veursofage, weg sabout 135 , and Gos rused ne \e as Pthiik the bovs may at emp get back where they were raced Iu fahveral reward for theor aporehers Wery tome, off lodged in auy yal me cit | ges thein | WAN LEONG Jane 15. 1863 (Be; Now is the time 10 vay Money. a aLt, tod te rae PERSONS EITHER IND Dv Nolte or acc pats H Unt, are req teat | cal aud pay up. A.M. SGSBITY June 15, Pek3 re WOPALS AND ROULLES WANTED, fr Wineh we will pay Ube hishemt pecice HEN DER GNSS EN NLS Draggists 0 15, 4-69 ves Notice to Debtors aad Creditors. | B\ ALL persone hisving ¢ < resinet th ' { Betate of Janes W Neely | iv, deceased, are hereby n . (Chernin terme f the law, ao - jto seid Extate ur aquented to vivvett ; Glale payment, | DOM CREWSIHAW) ' Adminvatrator June 22, 1963 Sais SAD A Wile WILL come ar + re he, Sahehucy on Toesdave, Thiredave ond Satur dave to get any Hides thot tua for we TOW UNY Nis June ®, 1663 Pa VHEAT FANS. A sewer _ G) he * Borvett’ pa edavited to be ihe best ever murano (the Southerg country. oo wore fe tfecms (hee any other artic ibihe present liane Apply soon to JOUN SHUWAN, Sr Salisbury, June 1, 1-63 RG: POCKET-BOOK LOST. tuke the best care of it that Dean, and the same care that 1 take of my own. The mill > always u wer lock wud koy when we leave il J.S. McCUBBINS. Salisbury, March 30, 1863 f45 THE UNDERSIGNED, laying been Py polated by the Coort ** ir for Rows wn County” under the Anh for the relief of ‘euldiers who ere ip iudigent cir- cumetuuces; hereby gives notice thut he will be in Salisbury on Monday dnd Tuesday of every week, commencing on Munday the 6ib of April forthe parpose uf attending to the duties of bis appoiutmeut, as directedin the fol- lowing rules, und regulations prescribed by the Court. 1. All upplicants for relief ander the Act of the Assembly for relief of indigent funnies of soldiers, nvust file with the Commissioner a cer- tificate syued by the ueurest’ Magistrateror by the School Committee of her district, setuog forth thatthe applicant is in iadigent circum stances, (he number children she has under 10 years of age ; whether she livesou her own or on rented property, and if on rented property, STRAYED \ WROM the subsenber on the | ie zach ultune, my horse, He is | ( large aud black, and bhiuod in one | - | t | eye, int tal, and has a knotoa his left hind leg. ile may be in Cabarrus co, | j | | ceive allention. | | FT. S. WOOD. March 9, 1863 2 | Concord Classical and Scientific | School, CONCORD, N.C. S. FRANTIS, Je. Paescivar | For particulars address he Prineapal. Couneord, N.€ . f] | March 16, i862 4 Om43pd SChAlr (RUN WANTED: ¢ hy P= | WE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE! paid fr vid Ca gor Scrap drow at Gaurerne | ment Foundry in Selishary Persous having | any wil please send ital ouce, or wolily me | where they cau deltper it A.B SiITEPPERSON. Superulendent | Murch 4 Attemion Soidiers Wives! Psen tf:42 I HAVE a sinall quanti yo An of soliiers’ wives tains Disiret Flonr tas rag oimoinv Cap. ! vneed of thoaur, L ates have wives of mold. rs rertitatien adiitle Woe vay dosteic do'!i's per vodred, tos Te The Can have a.ew pouuds tor tt own use gras JOUN Gy MILZERY av ES, UNOS tio2 SVGISBURY, Alichh 20, labs: To Gas Consumer, \ ‘ Mayol (3, Gis w Ye s i t Owns rr the very wreal teauc= 0 erst and trestles, the Conpa- nV are uecesstaied ta raise ine price of Ceas e works Fresintet wercedt.s Ti rstoot ve gone up 200 end Ro- sia OUU per ce i t _ { fay LEATHER. ry [ HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF sCessuly Cerlmucs to advuoce ts p Reiorts Sr per cent that prices ith d enor wtbbe newtoo veth- marred ht vetive den anus — } er, 4s fr iv willbe crue un Jess Cocsucpers sh tu Lanely warn ny aud pre re ter supply rwanis without, arch as- vw Dts levees re surpluseattie and | les veboomat j y to supply the pub me demand tor lea Bortuers, asa geueral weg. hk nore ¢ ‘ t rept pale coemt pt Tftiev woortd ta sg core 0 wsasthev co dhe | lores doinvler, o ruinber would weet witable fornia k ana butter The aurples stock might be fitemed and slaughter. | trestes a> wll in him | 1 eof leather, and | eratiomof stock -own- eoomucn godin toed Pio pov the present \ sot ¢ aud green tides | do thew sell fea t S2 the Jngheet price ' betas upto tes oe. mad at. Bataftame | wire ba hu idthem te “ te ch Sprig Bro in esc hive e wit | Nem oon the usu rs rating ? . reeit his Own share Vv Pewann enoueh te jaetify ern une lad» ht speciale, lrive rd wil do a" T arcrost il. Soany | wisiiog to have theie Hides Tanned eon ' ie mk ean road four tates, or tu Saleba f v pork et book, new {nearly in ihe spe of a puree, Confaining two ten d ! s and one five collar bul, red back, all. temoneyy | and one dollars worth of 5+ i restos | Alo G certficaten af Dr Us is old Fur- | hough Aus one tinding said | et book, wai | be liberally rewarded. af left a office | YA HEILIG.§ June 6, 1862 gwd TW. WAYNES May 15, 1863 tlo2 Furs, Hats and Hatters, | AVING opene’ a eho in Salaburs, he totofiny olf Carcaage Shop.) tor ta puctoese of manufact LHATS, PT desire rodyase ail kinds of furs rid owill pay the | whest market price Bong them on ! | lent Wate male atiny shep, but Poae't | ell U ee t 4 ' [want to employ two geod yoarnevmen Hate | o WAVE OS MICE Nornl G1 563 Sen dh 1 LARGE quaauty of TORACECY for eat zi by JNO F FOARD Siehary. Apef 93, 1H63 49 | ZN GOOD MORSE euitatte for Niny Appa. to 2 JAMES W CLARKE IN. C, White Sulphur SPRINGS. OVENS TO-DAY FOR VISTTORS ha@e the benefit of the Jas “ * pric? OF BOARD £5 per cweek; £65 for 4 weeks Noe ful supply of provision: aid A good +t » secured A daily 1° hacks mh >the Springs Ho. ROBARDS, Proonetor June d, 1804 if lief Wile Roe fone. ‘ VW Bowish to purchase a lafre lot, for whieh wewil pry +o cents per pound hi: yy must be clean and mee. | HENDERSON @&@ ENNISS Saliebu y, June 15, 1063. lt jof age whether the rentis exacted or vot. ‘Phe cer- tifieate may be seul by aw friend, accompanied with u writtenorder, audou presentation of the order aud certificate the Comimiesioner will pry the proper allowauce to whoever preseils the papers. 2. Personas who live iu their parents families and who have not more than lechild, cannot be ce nsidered int indigent circumstauces’’ « xcep iu cases Where the parenisare not able lo sup- port themselves aud their children, 3. Persons hemg with their parentsor friends who are able to give therm thei board wichoat charge, eaunot be cousidered * iudigent” jo the meaning of the Law 4. ‘The followimy allowances will be mado to theme who preseotthe propercertificutes For every soldiers’ wile or mothe. ca‘ inds gent circumstances) S2 per mouth for herself aud §l mouthiy for every chiid under 10 years Widows of those who bave died or been killed cn the service will be embraced in the above ralr. Batra allowances may be mude ine@ees of swckuess of for other good cause, un. | der the advice sit the Committee appornted for thet purpore. These allowances will be por iN thovey erin provimous whe the Cocuie- swner bas them, ot the option of the appiedant chases; froin who aade 5 aud at what price, aud publeh thesame muuth- lly 6. The Commismeneristos racted to apport Distinct for every ' sible perou aneach Bete too receive aad earey be Che d atric t proper anpueant sue provistone OF aouey ar inde’ the law eulbimek vecy effert te rite sence te om be mou p ee | s hoped tt very ¢ vie du pom ab hey pore she iay deve tear le Cod naiyeiotes orto the trues Of ear sare sot reasonable yaeesy, and coal Neeofia tag , ys Leap ' wif feawt tha > uid b st be resccrnded Camp amend 4 fer the sopoert of sebticrs a vt ee Phe Co sete Fa . Steal} wl. ve vis < (oO stare, . to dain, tht he tmav be ot vide tor Hanks of the tonules ae seioes bec se hepes Clad al witbooune up proanpriy on the eabeve me tioned aod be sure to tering Ubeir Cer aie wout which they €cnnet craw ; ito Jos, MeO CBLINS Greensborough Wutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: NicUounel C F John A. Mebane. wv. J Mendes Po Weise, Jatnes Me Cesetrett, dohu LaCuren th De W J Wan. Barri PT hs NieRurch:. Wos. Seerwood, Jed fit totes, (one oroush: WA Wright, Wil ne ae t Prov. Donibe rte \iccauver qt ro Newlern: Unadeus Me- 2 ie yerelue ot ss Jouneon, Yaucey- witteccDr Wo Raney, Wadeshorough: Kes ILC. Mavnard, Pratauntew: Dr bk. Fo War- con, Watsonville annie Oe NOW DO WILSON 2 Preed=nt JED EIN S VY >= | Vice President lc oP. MENDBESIEALE, = Attorney PETER ADAM See and Treas WV CUMMING, - Gearral Agent W oJ. McCONNELEL, - ’ I MEBANE BRerectize Com. iM. GARRET, = ~- \ AV communteatic huoness conneete ttheittee: Otter <b che addreesetto PETIA ADAMS. Secretory (lreansbOfol. Ns ( .. Stee ESE: PSU tf4 ware 4 rye vo DENTAL NOTICE. oe W. F. Bason, M. D. DEON.’ SBS.’ AN acio fee ect iW oe k h isretasen hie DENTAL ROOMWS iw Sai Nown (iat he Lurs N. BO Acute tosnit Tam tere nad thetine, firme catingiubieabernece, will best fred of bee ertvate by teaver ther names act rReow witeched tas ec of the Ole by addr se ug hint hethe Pewa Ote ' his place Pome dat, Ds62 125 JAAS HORA, Watch-Matrer and Jeweler, One doophelo@ 2. MA. Murphy SATISUCISY ON. Ge J FE iEPS con iN iment kinds Clocke BV atches t SerIplion te pairs din the best noaner theanost ree@xon ble: Vebrnearv 146.1 =6: Ranaway---S10 Reward ! (RORGE, a black "sStore, e tuntiponhund ntarge asaor. WAICHRS nnd SEWELRY of ud Jewelry ofevery de- And on Ty3n negro boy. five feet # aaund hewvy, we Moor Qauechew hieh, cto ving | ahaeht moustache, beftie thmemorniog, and wall vobably attenot toreach bis ald home in Bar county Powill give thetaheve reward for hia iptare, nod pay ailotherexpensesof hie con. fered un pa oO hisdelivery tome, fourcniles North of Salebary H.T. CRANFORD, Mar 39, 1503 Ag't for Mra A Propet BLANK SeAEDS FOR SALE « Sid OPPICE 5. That the Comimimsioner keep @ list ofpur- | tro whot guanuty , | Spcoial Notice, To all whodt may oncery, T0 ALE PERSONS IN Dipy. £D 10 U8!. A . ' LL fersons indebted to the Mm uf A: é | W. Myers und A. Myers, ure horeby respect | fully requested 10 gettle theit respective obli. | gations either in person or by titer, Without | needless deluy. They will thus save iMeresy and the inconvenience of payment when mon. ! ey may be lers abundunt then at Present. | ) hope the friends of the lute firms wil! not re. quire longer indalgence, but respond to this | urgent call, as it iv necessury that the business ' should be closed with umJittle delay as possible | A. MYRFks, Office next to Cowan's Brick Row, Sulisbury, March 30, 1863. fas OIL, OIL. ONF BARREL OF 'TANNER'S OIL 4, sale, opply to WM. WATSON, ) thse 5 miles wes of thls place. Or at this Office _ Brown's Livery Stable, j* kepiup as heretofore jy | is gratifying te bom that thet J) ‘ae evtublishment. begun, at first, ay \ a doubtfalexpermment, hus proves ‘tothe public a great desideratom aud «a con. ‘plete success. ‘Travelers, and others can ui. -vuys have thetrwants in thelive, wellsuy. : i ; plied. |! Cash prices paid for Provender. Aud the | snbscriberis always ready tosell or buy good | Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN. Jan. Ist. 1863. tt55 | { 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. | \ "ANTED i000 Dog Skine, dry, for which wil be paid $1 for medium sre, end ! smaller ones in proporiien Apply to Ro FP. Simonton, Statesville, or A | J. Mock, Salisbary. | December ®, 1562 Ry DR. HOWERTOCN | faa venea his professional servers to the Office ut che Bin. 1e€3—ur dz etizens of Salirbery cen Hou-e Mur 9. | MAAR EH" ee \ SALISBURY, Nov. 15ih, i262 ALL theseindebted tothe firm of ] MecCussixes @ Fostex will enfl atthe Bat «& Shee Manufactory of Jehu A. Brod bow, vex j deer ta the Warchoan Othee, ua ihe sobsen ther, and set'le theirs vecounts, cathe bya | ae h- corh Now weihbe ome tu pov debts 26 THOWAS J FOSTER. | . 7h | LUMBER. | ey subscr be, tiving near dead Stotionon Baske wournty, 8 prepared to furniwn an paAmMonAlofeapy tun ber, deivered or board the J careat $l Uperhondtred Hesrtlon berae per Haj)ps receive ta him Gily. N. C., « cootract Urders ndcressec | Home. Barwe ce prompt atllenlion Tle | | | Is62 tibet | GRIND STONES DONALDSON March 17. FOR SALE. guacity, wal be furmebed aon short nm tree « Lee RIVER GRIND STONES of the a . yo number and ofan. errenimonore by JOUN KING & CO, Gelf PO -Clistham Co, N.C April 6, D863. Jm4to r Chrariotte Buletin cons weekly fortiree meoths and read till woJean Ring & Co WKAGS! [2AGS!! \ | | | ' SeNp veur Coven Rave to the VWMtchmar | Pronticg Other The highest | paid foe then Maret. 30, 2-63 WESTERN N.C. RAIL ROAD, | Change of Se hedule. | pree wil: be 45 x ‘ e <> I OR the purpose of expeciing the traasper tatrien of ihe inal astwe owe to prevent delay er irons en this Re Tun so as to make clere cot ) the ai! Vrassof the NOC) Raat Read, whieh North at 13 P.M. The ‘rose this Road will leave Saleburs at 2P Moo and arave at the head of the Road at 745 POM, and leave the head of Road at 730A Movand reich Salisbary ta Umeto connect with he Maal Train | to travedlers, the prumse ny ecliau With { jarutes from the JAMES GO EURN ER, / Eug and Supt W N. RR Apri, (3 146 ( VOTTON ara April 23, 9863 LINEN RAGS wanted by JNO. F. FOARD. P49 Post Office Nutice. Saleboryv, 1 Ne ER wud Western Mail closes at . wW2M North on Mintleloses at & P MS | Cheraw,S &, sunday, Tu sday and Thure- ldav. & P.M Mocksville, Monday, Wednes- day ond Friday. & P Mo: Wilkesboro’, Toes day. 5 P.M; Troy, Thursday, WM Sunday Off ce Hours. From 12 M.,unte?2h.P MO; from? POM opti lO P.M ° Phe above rolee will not be departed from upd further notice, All persons are expected io pay their Post Office accounts wheo presented at the end of ‘the quarter, otherwise Powill be ex inpelled lo sell their papers for the postage MOSES A. SMITH, P. M May 4, 1863 tfob) Dr. J. A. CALDWELL | PESPECTFULLY OFFERS R his profermonal services ta the citizens of Salsbury and the sui rounding country Office two door below M Brown's office IP omy abseuce, [rave your name on tie Slate ey . May 4—tf:50 BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS O4elCk Frot a chan and ot ness, t be tox lars fo Ap’ one 4 Apt = man i Br and | many and have the have kinds epam Wi first « a ve were place divisi adva:! diate took king the r throt valle ceive coun ery field, the t ir. al eter A ce tp divis 100 | cam vant of : Obic char we as ade ging In ront zens inun com das| tlle e3C5 vay cou te dunn Tuas Ma vou nual é fA. & eRpeRt. ve oblj- Without Metres, ‘NW Mon. eot. | Hot re. to this business possible Row. tis JIL fur place. » Office ble. ure ody het thit first, ay S proved 4a con. can uf. rellsup. hud the uy gvod WN, 155 PED. which rae, Bud iri of Boot «& wi, bert sabsen tps a eat the er ae per Ha) receive SOON tibe Jmt6 for taree ‘o Mechmar wil: be 145 OAD. ra aeper pt delay his Road 7.30 A ect with ER, R. KR 1f46 anted by ARD. rlotes at 1 PM: | Thare- Wednes- ', Toes 7PM: led from cir Poot e end of relled to M t fol) uLL 4 FF ERS ea tothe the wo aoor P sul eo on (int —¢t:50 ’ . yiCn. ce ae” te gta a dyer pec yb wel PH BAY ——eper:~ a ee ae VOL. ————E | runaway negroes, regulating prices ofgoods, giving passports to citizens to pass the lines, also the citizens of Virginia, to get here and back. with merchiandize, which they buy here. I have several clerks, assistants and cou- | Priee of the Watchman. \riers, and am myself engaged from moruing Hl night. From and after this date, and until there is : Bvery officet or soldier in town has to a change in the prices of provisions, paper have my pass befure entering a store, I have and other articles required to carry on busi- to grant passes to all the Brigadier Generals ness, the subscription rates of this paper will in the division. When I took charge o! the be too dollars for six months, and three dol- | town there was a mob breaking open stores and committing every possible depredation lars for a year. The streets were crowded with bundreda,of Apveatisixe, two dollars for the first, and | drunken men as there are any number of bar one @dllar for each subsequent publication. ; rooms and distelleries in town. The citizens April 20th, 1863 | were shut up.in their houses and frightened aaa | nearty to death, but in Jéss thay an bour T | ~ | had order and quiet restored, the stores and houses guarded and the citrens protected.— Interesting Letters from the Advance ef Gea. | Everybody is loud jn praising my imanage- Lee's Army. ‘went, while our Geverals are perfectly sats- oo , ‘fed with my government of the city. The The following interesting letters from over, citizens, all friends and enemies, (inost of the border are trom a field officer of the 23d them are Unionists,) are highly pleased, and N. GT. to a relative, and though not writ- | offer ‘me every pussivle honor and accommo- ‘ten for publication we have been kindly per- , dation. * them. { le will} { took possession of the best hotel in town miltged Le Woe ieee Meny ue ee | for my headquarters, and we are living in fine recognize the initials of the gallant aathor | style. Our brigade 1s about two iniles from of these letters. There is no braver or better | igwn, our advance cavalry now in Penn., and man in the service. J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SS From the Raleigh Progress. ‘we are expecting every day to advance, but cannot say what is the programme at this time. The captare ot Winchester, &e., gives us 5000 prisoners, and much artillery and Brotucr Grorar:—After a long silence stores. We have also captured thousands of and maey ups and downs, long marches, horses and many hundred slaves. I have se- many exciuug lucklents, capturiug luwns veral negroes, tree and slaves, in my bands and villages, cuasing Yankees, &e, Do egans but negroes are worth noting at all. ; No have an opportumity of saying that Darn in) kind of negsoes will sell for tore une nun- the land of the living and dowg well) We dred dollas. I expect to make some pur- have had so many adventures of differeut) chases in that line jor Soutnern exportation. | kinds that J have pot the Gwe or memory to We are now busily engaged in gathering up epameraty the haif of them our itumenuse stores and seoding them back We started from Fredencksburg about the to the reaé@ Gur corps are now all cecupying first of the month ([ think it was,) and after this side of the river for tee miles, and there a very bard march reached Coipeper and is a report that Gen, Longstreet is also cross- were pear by when the cavalry fyht tock ing at some point below, but we are entrely place in which Col, Willams was kiled. Que) cut off from Southern news, and T have not | division supported Gen. Stuart. but when we beard a word trum that country since we left | advanced on the Yaukee cavairy they imine- Culpeper. | diately fell back across ihe myer Wethen Qu Division is still in front and we are | took up the line of marci for the valiey, ma- expecting to enter Pennnsylvame in @ few | king forced marches aud greatly latyueing qays Vount&e. CCB the men, we passed over the mountauis and id through the finest country Lever saw. The Orvice Provost Martiat, Wiihamsport, Md., June 18 Greencastie, Pa., Jure 23. SALISBURY, N.. fertile country. entirely of peaceable, quiet and pro are terribly alarmed at they have been weil 5 but little, only having ceived of in beauty and feruhty. The whole country, az far as the eye could reach, on ev- ery side, is an extensive meadow and clover field, with inexbaustible supphes of forage for the thousands of animals with our army, aud ir. all respects the most splendid country | ever saw After entering the valley, we divided oui corps, (Eweil's) and Early and Jobaston’s divisions attacked Winchester, and olir divis- | ion attacked Berryville, both of which was carried it fine style. vanced immediately on Martinsharg, a town ¢ inhabitants, on the which we ef 3500 Balumore ane Obio Railroad, and charged suddenly beture the Yankees knew Such a terrible yell , surrounded + we were ip the country, as was raised sstnultaneously by all the bay- ade and such a no: . giny over the numerous stone fences surro he town was never wear on earth. on and dertor, an as Was caused by mn betore | Be ) There was much con running to and trot ¥ the Yankees at zens I never before witnessed, The Y immediately set Gre to their army stores and commend cd Tunning in every direction We dashed into the down, capturing a l their ar- Mery and stores, and marry pasoners. the rest escaping as best they could. Wet in town, The whole might had arnved, our tro gav tine thang coplusion, the town and everything weein uj t Q arter- Provest ng that An ong the immediately took pugsession of the master and Conn issury stores, and Marshal's Office, and found everytl vould be desire d.an abundance hand in several large the Provost boxes namerous articles on Marshal's office were marked 12 doz Coit’s repeaters, but T tennd found on opening them that they contained each 12 doz. botles fine French brandy, which | proceeded te capture. After re maining all hight in town we advanced upon this place, but the enemy evacuated without firing gun. So, on the Doth inst. we crossed the Potomac and of the town, I was immediately appointed Provost Mar- took quiet possession Qor division then ad- | hen hada a} Brotner Grorce: After uch hard march- ing, some spirited fighting, many interesting jociavuts, adventures and episodes by the | way, we ace safely camped in jhe enemy's country, having arrived at Greencastle, « large and flourishing town, on yesterday, our division (Rhodes) being in tront—our Brig- ade being the frst brigade of infantry thal; ever entered Pensylranta. : We crossed the Potomac into Maryland onthe Lothinst, at Wilianisport. On tak- | ing possession, I was appointed Provost Mar- shal of the place, which Dheld until our army advaneed into this State. While in com- ‘mand at Wilamport, T bad full and entire control of all persons and property there, and gave enlire sutigaction to Geo. Rodes, be- side& getung a unanimous vote of taauks from We cuazens tor the manner in which I commanded the departu@ot / sion of the largest: hotel in the place tor thy- \self and aids, where IT fared ye heaving everything that I could possibly de- 1 had vreat ( we had to I took posses- ) sun tnous sire, leal of business to do, as press all the stcres and govern- ment goods in town, all of which was done } under my instructions, We | g by my order and got an immense deai of goods of all descrip- tons I could get any amount of arucles at old but had no opportunite of sending things back as the government hed @se for all the Cmusportetion we dad, pnees, We have captured tow hag pmsoners, Ke ley Wasa tri I the enemy betore us and vaptured everything they dad s, cities, Vv hal precession -the resultot the campaign being six thousand prsoaers, halta dozen town and cues villages without numther, government Stores inogreat al indance, and, all without y loss of esnsequence, We are now in the most splendid country T ever saw, eve rythm in the way of subsistence berg in th t profuse abondance, our army being ly and abandantiv sapmied from this eon and We canbal cousure one tenth of the | ples betore at Jaround us—wheat, corm, oa One march through the Vale | We swept} batter, &e, beanie a Ww ¢ have secured thousands of shal of the place, and Tam now engaged in clover, beet, the discharge of the troublesome and in por- on all sides tant duties bAlone They are moulttudinous and indisenbable, (ry direetion to buoy them ain nwa bg to that important office. | horses and cattle, sending out parties in eve: We find no onward march ity in all instances over the persons and pro- i stall bands of cavalry, There was a litth perty being absolute. brash woth them vesterday events This ie a Pourishing town about the size of | We killed two and pat the rest to theht. Warrenton, enibracing several good hotels The one bank, many stores, all fillea with the quite est goods, at old prices f ; ‘ ; embrac INP Very thing Mmaginaole, the author- | enemy to cheek ot except liete.- erazens ace all hostile but are out of to us are trightened docile, as) they v their livés, and offer us everything we wish chore Such a scramble for goods was never before seen. immedrately took possession ot all stores, hotels, bar rvome the bank and all other spectes of property, put them under guard and selected through | the Quartermaster such articles as were necd- ed by the government The stocks are very large, and goods of all descriptions cheap; I could get any quantity, but cannot at pre- 1 have visited a good many of trembling culprits and to save them frome utter destruction gave them some wholesome lectures coneern i the war ai nol ’ ey all profess themselves as in favor ot 1 Vas our territory } peace. We will move onward ina day or two, but IT don't know the programme. Our success until now Las been brillant aud im- | are using so many arts to put down MS Pees | ore, without discrimination between the sSUe8 |) Of the war, most of our cuthusiastic people sent get transportation back for them as we | posing. Our army is in splendid condition, We are just beginning to witness the fi ac dittereut dates: mL ‘ : t ee have ! ; : . , he « hi Belore | were displeased wilt him, but subsequeo ! 16 railroad, apd our teams are all em- {and tle spirite of the men better than L have } rays of peace, Jt may be sometime betore Seo 3 All fiseal agents of counties holding | } 1 } f his ployed in transporting on government ac-|ever seen them. IT think that we can con- | we enjoy their fall etulgence ; but assored!y meri (andes mand a ery Chairman of the | events bave shown the Wisco o ys count tinye our advance with slight resistance. We | the day is beginni todawn, These stx-) Riard of Superintendents of Common Schools, | course, and that in fact) Harpe: ob LEG, Tam exceedingly buisy, agour army is im- | are having béautiful weather for operations, | months after peace notes Are just beginuing | yay, in theie discretion, fund sach Treasury | cannot be bei 1 without the narty boing mediately around town, and to keep order] and everything is going on satistactorily. [|] to possess a distinc’ ive and) extraordinary , Notes in the aeven per cent Bonds of che Con- it, or attempting to bold it, rusmog & great and to manage the vanous departmenis is ve- ry troublesome indeed. I have charge of pa- roling prisovers, impressing goods, returuing as we have no mak | { 1 | | | i] | | ' | the people into selling ata ceavy sacrifice toe | | { | | { | have written once or twice home, but think it doubtful about the letters going promptly BURG Tune 25. vhave advanced Since writing the ‘ to this place, which is # Gif 0f6,000 or 7,000 inhabitaots, situated in aB beautifil and The. in ants are almost Lmtd seem to be yefous people. They ‘invasion, but a8 d have suffered mnish our army with abundant supplies of ail kinds. We see nothing of th my, but hear that they have collected 36,000 0: 20,000 militia near Harrisburg @ our pro- gress, but they will prégemt’ but slight ob- structions to our oowar@eméreh. I cannot say what our plans may) me t’ think that great resulis will be aecemphehed. I write in great haste. We are having fine times, and in good spirits. Yours, &c., utch orig C. C. B. ‘No Virginian can read the Message of Gov. Vancr without a sensatien of shaine.— The late General Assembly of Virginia, after many acts of bad faith and bad policy, crown- ed its infamy by a law discrediting the Con- federate currency. The measure was adopt- ed, no doubt, under strong influences from the brokers and their ally in the base- ment Story ; bers voted in ignorance of what they were doing, and altogether unsuspicious of the schemes which the speculators, who con- trived their actioa, were concocting. j ignorance furnishes no excuse for their pro- veeding. They voted a law for the ennch- ment of brokers, tankers and speculators at the expeuse of the people. They voted a law to discredit the currency of the Government | which ts charged with the defense of the public liberties, They enacted a meaghre de- clantg that the money whch paid. the sol- dier, and which feeds the soldier's wife aud children, unfit to pay the salaries of the au- ditors and clerks. The action of the Richmond banks was ta- ken under the shelter of Uiis law of the State. | The speculators, who perceived the order of the banks discrediuug Confederate money, no doubt had had some ayency in promoting the action of the Legislature, which furnished a color of excuse to the banks. The result result of the machinations of the Virginia Legislature and the Richinoud banks, brokers | and speculators1s gregt shame to the Com- { ey irre Pie hi tae valley far surpasses anything that I ever cun- | monwealth, and irreparalile m ' Contyderate currency. | result is, that the etty of Richmond, which jury to the Another deplorable has performed noble services during the war, | and the great body of whese population de- ; serves the respect of the country, is brought | to shame and disgrace by the acts of ber banks, brokers and speculators, There is no act so intens:.y present juncture as speculan cy; there is po crime so asworrent to the mind as an effort to put dow. the money by which our armies are Mainta sed in the Beld, our soldiers paid, and their fauilies subsisted. Yet a band of evil spintsin Richmond are engaged in the systematic practice af these Detanous chines There would be no speculation is the Con- federate currency, if those er practice, Were not assured of ifs They know it) wall be red | last dollar, They know that ¢ | be forever infamous among nai ’ They bh! selfish at the san the curren red trinsic vwal- le, e South would ns if it ts fu meet is obligttuions, { ple to sustain a much heavie: and three-fourths of the mem- | Bat} in the | med to the led | ow that the { property and resources of the South are ain- | Jebt than this planation of a fact, which under ay cee hypothesis would be inexplicable. Have the people good common sense? Are they quite willing to be fleeced by a gang of unconscion- able speculators having their head-quarters in Richmond? Does this army of evil duers deserve so well of the country, that the peo- ple should Le made poor in order that they may grow rich?—Rich, Heaminer. COLLECTION OF TAXES. Tarasuny Orrice, Raleigh, July 3, 16C3. To the Sheriffs and Tax Coltectors of North Carolina : The following is « copy of the dct just pess- ed by the General Assembly, intending to ex- pedite the collection of the Stute and county a aas SS | a premium, all the Bouds which they may re- : \UMBER 8. aud every chairman of the board of common 4 schools, snail be allowed io pay out to parties °a willing to receive them, or ‘o sell at par or for 4 ceive in lieu of notes fusduble under the provi- sions of this Aci, from time to time, at their discretion, and apply the proceeds in payment * from their several offices. ’ Src. 7. The Clerks of the several County Courte in this State shall, for the present year, make to the Comptrolier’s office on or before the 27th day of July, instant, the return required to be made in Section 37 of the Act uf the lust session of the General Assembly entitled “ Revenue.” Sec. 8. The Treasurer sha’! have printed, as early as practiouble, 200 copies of this Act and transmit one to each Sheriff and one to each Coumy Court Cierk in the State. eee. 9. This Act shail be in fall force and Revenue, in order that the issues of Coofeder- may be funded. . I congratuld@e you on the adoption of a plan. which will relieve you apd the tax-payers. und protect the State and county Treasarers from loss, growing out of the legislation of Congress, aud sustain as far as the legislation of this State can do it, the cyrrency of the Confeder- ate government. To make this plan success ful, your energetic co-operation is required ia order that the taxes may reach the hands of the Treasurer and other fiscal ugen:s, on or be- i fore the 26th instant. The State expects that | you and the tax-payers will heartily co-operate ) in carrying out the plan. | Where you may not be able to get here by j the time indicated with the money, \ou are at j liberty to earry the Confederate notes you | may have received, dated prior to. the 6th of | April, 1843, to any depository of tlt Confeder- ate government, and fund these notes in seven ver cent bonds of the Confederate government | —and these bonds, or the ceriificates of the depository, will be received at the Treasury as pay meats tnade on or beiore the 28th July, in® stant, though they may be delivered here at any time before the first day of Octobe> next. It will be due to all of you who pay intothe Treasury on or before the 28th July next the taxes due from your counties, that publication of the fact be made aad, 1 shull cause it to be done. J. F. E. Hardie, of Asheville, is appointed an agent of the treasary, in compliance with the regulacions of the 3d section of the act. The appormtment of agents at other points, under said section, is left discretionary with me, and I appoint no other, believing the object can be better xccomplished, by your funding the mo- ney and bringing bere the bond or the certifi- cate of the depository ; because, under existing laws, the Treasurer 18 anthorized to receive the taxes only upon the setilement aud certificate of the Comptroller. As 1 have not the power myself to receive J the taxes excepiin@ ou the ceriificate of the | Compiroller, I deein it best tloappoint an agent | at Asheville only; which I do because the ‘act, | as to the appointinent of an agent there, isim- Verv respecttully. JONATHAN WORTH, Public Treasmer. | perative. AN ACT | In relation to the payment of Taxes and to au- | thorize the Public Treasurer and other offi- cers of the Siate to fund certain iseues of the Confederate Treasury Notes in the seven | per cent Bonds of the Government. | | | | Src 1. Be tt enacted by the General Ae- i sembly of the State of North Carohua, and it lis hereby enacted by the authoricy of the same, That all Sherif’s aud Tax Collectors be requir- ed forthwith to proceed with collecting the tax- les due to the State, and all levied by the coua- ale currency, dated prior tu 6h of April, 1863, | effect from and after Ke ratification. Read three times and ratified in General As- sembly tbis the 3d day of July, 1363. R.S. DONNELL, S. H. C. GILES MEBANE,S.8. State or Nortw Carouina, Office of Secretary of State. y 1, John P. H. Russ, Secretary of State in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original on file in this office. Given uuder my hand, this 3d day of July, 1862. J. P. o. RUSS, Secretary of State. ° : YANKEE RAID ON WARSAW. We learn that a column of Yankee cavalry and mounted infantry entered Kenansville on Saturday night last, bav- ing been sent out from Newberon by way of Trenton through Jones County into Duplin. They proceeded to Warsaw, on the Wilmington Koad, some ten miles from \ this City. We learn sbey cut the tele- graph wires and tore up several miles of the Railroad. The estimate of their num- , bers, by Cen. Whitehead, of Duplin, in a dispateh to Gov, Vance, is about 2,000, with six pieces of artillery. We learn they seized horsas and other property, and destroyed Freolick’s armory at Kenans- ville. If we bad any troops in that quar- ter, we presume their pickets were surpris- ed aod captured. Some little excitement was caused by these reports in this City on Sunday, and steps were taken to give the enemy a warm reception, if they should sweep round in this direction. The 39th militia, Col. Stephenson, was called out, regular troops telegraphed for at Weldon, and Col. Mal- lett’s regiment of well-drilled conscripts were directed to hold themselves in readi- ness. On Monday morning, at 9 o’clock, a large meeting of our citizens was helc, May- or Harrison in the chair. Gov. Vance ad- dressed the meeting iu eloquent strains, advising the people to volunteer in defence of their bomes ; and Gov. Bragg followed, urging a general enroilment. A commit- tee Was appointed to superintend the en- rollment, which is rapidly and enthusias- tically going forward. The enemy, it Is said, declared it to be their purpose when at Kenansville to pro- veed to Fayetteville or Raleigh. \ ties, and make payment of the public taxes, as Sh Metal possibly entail, a aN know that far as they maybe collected, intu the cflice of j direct trade with Enrope wil relieve us from oy popiic ‘Treasury on or before the 28th day fan annual tribute to: the No Which IN te Fal urstant.or into such office of deposit self will tar more than epimpeusate for anv yo the sad Treasurer may cirect, and al! ) poss.ble tax that may be necessary tor the: County taxes within ihe same me to the pro- support of the Coulederate or that a good uame for honests among navous any aud fidelity t be wort Hieatloos to us than poss ble sam whict tbe gamed by repudia: too, that the latter degradir bring Upon us DeW Wars fac more some toan the debt meucred for war, It is their plan, therefore, to mass large amounts of Contederate pa Thew know They know ov meesure would burden- the present rend they seek per fiveal agent of the county to receive the ») same. as taras the suid Counly taxes may be 1 collected; and ia all such collections the said 1 affictrs may receive, ana when tendered they shal receive, the Preasary Notes of the Con- federate States of America without regurd tu the dates of ‘be issue of said Notes. sre. 2. After the 2sth day of July, instant, the sand collecting officers shal! proceed further bto collect the taxes due and vel unpaid to the State and their respecuve counties, still re- ceming, Whenever tendered, all Treasury Notes to embrace their investmest by tightening of the Confederate States of America, as de- }elared in section Ist of this Act. Upon all money which they bold. The very issues! sams pid as aforesaid on or before the Qkth Which they are endeavoring to throw out o errculation, and to buy ap for a seng, to be ; SIX is like the tost valuable oC all) Tt aap with the U me Mouls aller peace States It is payable at the ver when all of commercial enterprises Will bein process of organization, and woen their tands now peculatic to be employed in hea tiy lines of busitess The sunplest mind ca payable six: months alt Mrost engrossed by s how notes, the wECelVvVe peace, may be desirable sort of ‘ands that a obtain. Yet, str: whieh business can the Moos banks endeavor tO d Richmond edit, and which the Virgima Legislature reects in levying taxes There is but one ¢ xplacation for the discredit in spital of this money, Itis the very money this is SUL’ Richmond and oui and thats speculation prefer over all ott and itas because wid hoard it, that they which the speculators paper of the Governn they wish to engross value, Walie will become capial \ Tho speculato.s are more than ever | eager to frighten the people away, and to clutch the puze for themselves, This is the ex- | to dav of July, the collecting officers shall receive “own addition +) commission of one per eert. the taxes aforeead shall sury on or vefore or puto any at src. 3. Whenever jhe pourd ince the pablic Vee the Ysth day of July, instant, fice of deposit where he may require the same tu be paid, the Treasurer is directed t vtund the momes sa received, if paid ta fundable noiee, end also aibother tundable monres air dhe Trea- ROTV, Got Decessary OF uvatlable tor the ca rent pubic expenses. in the seven pet cent Bonds of j ( Government, when saeh mo- the Contedertte 5 . 4, mies are of anissue previous tothe 6th ofapril, S03 He shall apport agents af receipt for the taxes so pan on or belore the | fund the same, and } he shall make compensation to the ugenis | Ysih day of July, and te whom he may thus select Sec 4 inte the otfiee day of July shall after che 2c of the be ‘Tressarer held and in. making payment from his office the | either toewactiate itor be captured. When [Treasurer mery apply the said notes at his plea pa or for a premvum. Axshe@ilie | and elsewhere ta his disereGeou. to receive aud } All Confederate Treasury Notes pard | to be of equal value, federate States, and sell the Bonds or scrip al Sec. 6. The public Treasurer or fiscal agents, We shall give the latest news from this reid up to the time of going to press. Latest.— News trom Warsaw up to ten o'clock Sunday night, says the Yan- kees entered Kenansville, capturing Lane’s valry company, only five escaping.— Tuck a number of negroes. Five hundred cavalry pushed on to Warsaw. The train narrowly escaped captare. They returned to Kenansville, and re appeared at Warsaw at six o'clock Sunday evening. —V. (. Standard. Resistance to the Supreme Court !— We learn that Dr. G. L. Sellars, belonging to the 51st N.C. troops, stationed at Wil- mington, sued out through bis counsel a few days since, from the Supreme Court,a writ of hubeas corpus, and that the writ was placed in the bands of the Sheriff of | New Hanover to be executed. The Sher- ig attempted to serve the writ, bet the | Colonel of the reziment refused to permis This is a trrumph, upreme 1 him to pass his lenes. thus far, of the military over our S Yourt When the writ sball have been | retuuned to that body, or to one otf the | judges, we do not doubt that prompt ac: trou will be taken to uphoid the civit law, N.C. Standard, { Hlarper’s Ferry ssems to he one of the most untenable points in the country, aud in fact, whenever it is threatened, its gar or two alternatives-— Vel ‘vison has but cone j | Joe Johnston evacuated at the beginning risk of being taken. Its capture or evacu ation is again reported, 5 P itaky wot et as conneganoey ae a ema a tn mn ease ee 7 \ di m detdll a4 Gittysbe on Friday, the | of th "EWS Tr RYH. | dispatch da yeburg y) eca LATEST NEWS FROM ‘HE NO ae ced at The third day's baztle began this morning at | Puiape |g o'clock. [tisgow 7 o'clock, and a circle of dispaich to he | fire of musketry and artillery on the south side Nothing is yet koown as to the result, of Gettysturg describes the field of contest — The Battle Renewed at Cettysbarg—Three Days Fighuog—The Battle Sun Ragiag— Desperate Fighting—Several Yankee on- tails of the Battho—Excltement tn Peansyl- vania, Ac. : Through the kindness of Judge Ould, Com- the artillery vceupics the eltuence shoru ol | umber | burg aud Chamabersburg- ; ‘The attack was commenced by the rebels on \ The fight there has been unceas | losses in officets @nd men. ty of the fire— tack and aud then heavy andcon- | fensive. cinforcementsof both sdes Meade, and waa repulsed with heavy lo.s. are in the best ‘ot spr | | our nght | ing, and the irregul scatlerug for awh: tinucus—indicates ‘The men at this hou missioner for the exchange ol prisoners, we re: ceived lust night Northera dates the 4th.— The news is important, and brings intelligenee sf a renewal of the bloody work 0 Peunsylva- | We compress the news 10 the following yeu. “The title thus far fuughi by General Meade with equal na summary :—{ Riek. Examiner has been plunged aud eighty -foar oa the Nocthern Centsal Railroad and ¢ who has net deft the Ar prudence (ably General Butterfiele, {any of the Potoma Confederates the allacking’ party—Detasle | “The day is now of the Battle. | and cuol. Vhe rky threatens ram, ond a log The accounts we gave yesterday from the | i Northern papers of ihe 3d, brought up the bat: | nls tle at Gettysburg to the morning ot Thursday, | yesterday, is tying dead within our tines when the Grhting ceased, fur The Battle at Gettysburg Renewed—A Tervs- y crullery, Wheaee it is believed that Pleasantor ble Bettle—Severe loss on both sides— The | and courage i ogalu at work with his dashing cavalry vercast, and the air @amp | fhehtiog for the Posecssiun of the Gap { yesterday morniag ou a pass issued by Genera The | he Qu instant rumor of the deuth of Longstreet, brought’ by | 1S ~ . ’ the time, on both Thureday about half past four o'clock in the the batlie was reuewed, our forces, | pb veil siu front. with ternfic | rebel prisoners Vesterday, 18 confirmed by pit | inthe direction ef G trvsburg. lt appears that on sovers taken this morbiug Vheir officers tuld hia that Lee had vo in sides = Lougsireet’s wad | evening. making the atiack on the enemy e, and the fiyhung had been continuous avd } to remo here wat his army was destroyed o Sixteen hundred prisoners, thue far during | the engagement, bave been sent to the rear, victomious enemy waking ob effort to detain him been fought in the weigh: u. yFriday, July 3A special mlletin from Harrisburg, saye: a) the unpression’ prevails (hat the great decisive cers Killed—Siekles has a leg shot of —De- The musketry fight is wholly within the woods; | battle of the-enamping has been fought in the neighborhood of) Cashiown, between Gettys- Yesterday G@weral Meude assumed the of | head. The @ay before Lee bad attacked Lee holds a gap in South Nountain vear rits, and the geneiai oticers feel confident ot | Chatubersburg, through which he hopes to ea- cope it defeated. A guard stationed at Bridge vergetioully assisted by | heord firiog im that direction bke that of flying i seeissure, Friday, July 3—Midnighi—A already obscures the outer edge of the Held of | prow iment citizen uf Gettysburg, who left there General Barksdale. of Mississippi, wounded | Ewell to yo to Hleidleburs, met Stuart, Fitz- | hogh Lee and Ware Hampton, wih what he estunated at 10,000 cavalry, who were moving Hill's corps are said lu be figbtuug on the night, | tention of leaving Peousvivania, bat was goiug He arnved here this evening, the ; sue a The | ‘Meoting of the N. 6, RR Co., which met-at Greensboro’ last week, a4- ed, Thursday t.’ Themeeting was large, ud p! Ns conducted ‘through the dispatch of the ysual business, The foilowing gentlemen were elected Di- rectors for the next year; Thos. Webb, Paul ma nt 1c is believed thar we have suffered heavy | C. Cameron, Giles. Mebane, John L. More- After the meeting of Stockholders | had adjourned, the Directors, held a meeting for the purpose of electlng the Officers of the Company, which resulted in the choice ef the following gentlemen : »' Thos. Webb, President; P. Brown Ruftin, ; Treasurer; Jobo H. Bryan, Secretary. Thos. J. Sumner will continue to be Gen- eral Superintendent. sooo The Yankee marauders tu the Eastern part | : : . of this State have escaped back to Newberv they could lay bands upon, and what they _ could nat carry away was destroyed. call of the Governor for Lelp to fortify Ral- ' eigh against an attack our people have re- pei ‘ up to the latest advices, the aud tore ve here A Gspatch from Laudoo this morning states dence of the unity of tecliog exsung in our was suil guing vo fi Wha: the result may be to-day cannot now | that yesterday the rebels left Chambersburg. midst. battle haviug raged for three successive daye— be precicted | taking the read in tbe direction of Gettysburg _ cme Wednesda\, Thursasy and Frnday. A corres- Importont dispatches have been captured by | Betore leaving, Gey burned the depot and ats Senn toe pundent of the New York Tumes, wrung from Captain Dahlgren and the gallant scout Kine, | Workshops belonging to the railroad Louden SERIOUS FRACAS. from Jef. Davis and Cooper to General Lee | s fourteen miles west ad Chambersburg ' a r Get. ysburg, thus describes the baitie Ae dines Us 5 Uhey tudicate anxiety for the pystioa of Rich. | mond meats frou Beauregard he asked for. ‘The enemy the battle of Thursday: Both decline to seud Lee the retuforee- | vesierday. moving iu thastme direction The position of our terces: after the fight of Everything goes te show that Lee har hs Wednesday Was io the easte ard and soutiward of Gettysburg. covering the Balumore Pike, the Taneviows and Ewiniisbarg roads, and aull : The for- A correspondent of the Times, wroies from the baitic feld on Friday : j and Getyshurg. The nghting was of the most desperate de- heing uray parallel with the latter : eed O s f ' this evening, brought dowa twenty-four rebel metioa of the ground on the ngbt Bd Centre |e ee ne Or gear enue | deserters Who bad come tofrom the mountuins as they uever fought before. We had agains was excclieut for defensive purposes. Ou our exireme lef. the grouna sloped off until the po- ctuon was oo bigher than the enemy's. ‘The groand in frout of oar hne was a level, open cvauiry, tuerposed here aud there with an or- chard or a very small tract of tumber, generally ork, witn the ‘Underbrush cut away. Daring the Secon, Third aud Fifth Mhe Third aud | Fif bj xoed bands, aud fought beracalty The Second ably with great desperation. suported them, aud at the same ; o'clock thie afteru time held he own positon, Ove dtvinon of the : ; | the river Firsi was also engaged. also evacuated Shippeusdurg Whole onny coneentrated between Cashtown The treat that left Catisle at seven o'clock ' ; Porat | They know voting about the result of the s yfeal onsaush 1 Dy three c si ~ this greal onstaurht of the enem Fee COMPS. | bartle, but state that both armies are fghvug Finiog was beard from daylight op to three | wo at different points cown | We learn that a very serous fr: + tween one of nance Works of this: place. verely tujyured. used. IN UTTER DARKNESS. In April or May 1859, we think it was In its history. : ~ "4 { The fghtiug was su furious that neither par- the day, a portios of ihe troups threw ap tem- : | coer eatirnty cere AE porary “breastworks end au cbatlis wek many pesuners. We captured aboul | . , a " : \ ' Meade's headquarters were at an old house on veue or two charges. | 4 | ht A The lossed, considering the duration of the | WV ! A} l the Tancytuwa read, iomediately in rear of | Genera: coufliet, are more than usua'ly heevy on both ihe centre * sides. Many of cur most: gallant officers have | On Tharsday mor mMmonlens of au ear'y rugagement wath ihe en- ing there were strong pre- fallen General Sycklew myht leg was shot off | beiow the knee Amputatea has been per- | { forued, and he isdomg well Late wu the evening General Meade called a | couneil of bis corps commanders, and 10 was SALISBURY, N.C: se NONDAY EVENING, JULY 13. 1863. emy in force, but tne day wore away ard De positive exhitttiwo was inede by the enemy At 34 ocleca General Meade had r-crived sufficieut atsursaces to Justify him iu the be- hef that the rebels were cuouceatraliur ther ferees on var ieft dank, whieh all felt to be cere auder the pruiccuien of the invinc.ble Third corps. Ouriine 8 as mips diately strength - resolved tocontiaue the fightsu long as there . . ete eee eh si Sheriff's Natice. The total ber of preoners taken up to | this morning was about Htteen hundred—eight T WILL attend atmy Och Peach weekoam e@lay ened on that Babk. Geu Sickels’ corps being ’ hundred and tify on Weduesday, and six bun- Set ceaceine ll: seni to tis support, and several battencs from dred on Uhurday. Vhis is veltable. aaa wee = BE tae the rese.ve beiug broaght out and pieced 10} Phe enemy made tne attack yesterday. It ay ms eqrires SSH sy. the poativn | was terntic, aod they threw their whote force Ua) we fauing to pay will have At +} o'clock, P. M.. the enemy sent his free | tout, butcthey were finally repulsed with great (Y ust sure ; : 2 . siuughter. WAL AS WALTON, Sh il compu veats by a salvo uf arullery, his first erells faliing ancomfortably near Geu Meace’s neadquarters. From this hoar forth to m4 dewek. vccarred by all odds the most sangvin- av cu-agements yet chropicied ta the annals Oo toe war conmden wwiis 6bort duration. The artillery stack which was made by the enemy | 0. the I-ft and centre. was rapidly followed by the advauce of his iufantry. ‘The Third corps received the allack with great Coolness. The rebels at once made for our flank, and kept Atdaylight this morning the battle was re newed, the cononading being rapid aud heavy Ii was the determmnatioo of var Generals to Heht to the bitter end. rein favor of M tary. Law overridi: gared in the oresent w. | . ) , * > hic bee y ty OReral [nspatches of Gen. Meade. Who KNOW DO law The flowing were the official dispaiches The above weeors f out the Chari from General Meade. Judging from them he tix of the Oth instant, and wen promises ty make as good a liar as Hooker: | we are astonished a? the stand its editor take ow.ng heavy culuinne in that directhon. This Wasuintos, Fridsv. Jul. 3.— Xn eval dis. on th: sulyect. I) we had no Civil law, it o2: tated sour tree « quick! e tech was received this atternoon ff Maye é nereseitat-d soppent, wht twas quickly given p44 ‘ y f ’ WAS aera Vhee dieren’ t ' A oT. » A Y woud De Gitere stise 10 at Came. 2 21s Da oe E EMBERS oe bie PGR ue: Ine naa of General General Meade dated Ueadquartern Aris of et cae { Tuk Lecistarcun: —Pay or Mewner Barves b pent tethe magni and that of ihe Povomie, July 2, Ilu'ciook P, M, winely, Dety saweds better d. Such avowa — Both branebes of the Geeneral Assembly ‘ 1 A he : th e Bays oun te . sera! Avtes, reguiars bo ibe fell, & th Geu ys: ‘ . lead te conte , ier, @ , . rt : e i eee , , on Saturday last passed a bil bo mereuce awd i reserve oo The en attacked me about 4PM oui itates ainst rghts of the ) ; . Tie battle more became perfectly fearful.— this day. aud site Of ie neurone euuiers | ; their ven pay to &5 per day, Speakers t ~ } ' : r prt se eot, and bs The ature entazed each otherat recy short of he war. wes repuined at all pois We ‘ ' aye G7 ‘ as ’ Have oe raage, aud fur turec Jong hours the war ol muse have suffered Conederibly an killed aud woud (UE o ‘ son, which ought getey waeeivcesee tl Tbave heard wore moter. 6d Among iNeroasre Brivad a Ae mA Ar F ——* ader crashes. a whee batues, but Lomever’ Paul and Zook. and ameng the wound: ie CATV SGES : ; 1 Hon. Bedford Dbrowe anthorizes the Ed- ‘ ¢ > 4 t 4 tit » t ts van See | Oa Pp yD) -2* Vessel Vy for saw or heard of such desperate, teaser us hight: " erals Sickles, Baclow, Graiam and Warren : hia Mio ' : ep , ° : ae _— jator the Wiltoe Chronre 6 , n tog av ok piace on Liem feck. The epemy ! sticht We ene iaree (Duniberec When the war br se out every: person con tors of Uh fete ay bor bis would ofenu bring op sutcenly « heavy columea! py sien” “redin the opin. a that as we had regular | that be is notin favor of a reconstruction q na ¢ r al b \ . - } men, and wee our iiue beck, OUly to be lu A 11e di-pt b ee 4 Ly : ; . R cae : CSAS LCE hate wats 1 State 6; ents, t eo would | of the old Union foreea bick by vurcwu hur of ghiteriog | Wiser General Mead, datec ey : Pte Cispumtions of the eoemy were Fee ig ring. which sey . ta a cours, t nailar oe. . oraped. fot ioek wherve Vou Would OO that fieid “Theaction coniieued atenrly dav- fatto the Gill awa ol Government Nupplics —Froin an order tssu- chee would be adwaneng Ourde | ht upon various parte of the tne Phoceues : re eee ae Led ov the War Depariment in regard to pro taind t ' ra 1 r. ’ WW 11 asa UV now a rreegucily raped = At ba fps , Ox my us far have nie pe mpression Upon my a c z cunng supplies of provimene, Gated June 29h, Sickics wee siruck uu the deg BV & pysition gear tae peas te a iflerent sts of af a Zz p 1 A a 1 to placing their we take the following extract A pore Leos he'd 4 Be } 7 ‘ 5 5 7 ' F A PCE LEME he'd Phe. whole army here Prissvers report that Long. wre? Canthe J cor ANY one else sa great that amputawon became | gipeet eo and AP Ns frees were much in tat any thing ha reel tify it’ oI 4a “ Vo ubottd «t> 4 i a} O JOSUT a4 7 vas performed euccesefully cared vesterday, aod hac ma on 3 mne i FS r enelaar 4 dere re, Ale , beins taken off below tne knee killed er Rarke: TICUTTs 1 he hberty of qit.zen as dear to hh ha fe t y gt t nace ler “Et i te 4 The struzggie giew buiter and hotter The decd Hin Binks ue ws oe. Wehave tow as ot was be Moree sot Sern ni curps & caied ov for ad, theugt There: ¢. Lite cult as « yp aid, oe thus far sbout 1.609 pe socers, and @ small wurn- : euly impor’. fate the Ueciscdts: HC “ pewe @ Was slrougs threalteucc, Vek yer vet to ieue d - ' aed : ’ a] t boc divemon, formeriy Genera! Hancerke, ——— J als to v , eoCa Pa ques Hiagines toatl 2, ot hg fl if. i shoved sostaned. It they a won. a defer along eud aie & th 7 La os , We . The Yankers eulte ec accurate arpled a moheat the Ww Gl enetny low and suienly gave Way 4 . t . ae ig f § fe f mpcdpat secre last chirge the beigate of Geurral Cacwen, 0" wi canfe® The ce of their Billed ey commen jee] are we See nd 4 wounded ig purbe «up several 2 Cla fous tt . L Pi mies@ there poperes A \ save a ec . SILO be Foe entire lees of the > 1 bigs iw ta Not t iw ‘ ' Ta “ the wile Telau - » tint \ i TO. Us a li w ! ” 4 i th ® t ‘ wk 1 ieoheve ed r Srots Firat ‘ I ; re ‘ ’ ve } ‘ « ( acy ale G r Me bru we 4 y \ a 1 ‘ : fi - y eit nd ; sine . He . : ~ , ot phan R et e than / t n r toe eusengu V fil » ce 7 r P it (eee f ‘ r Were va u ee) 4 ’ bo verwec moetol the feld,ielodiug a great 5, iy, . gacier Generale .. ; la pun eneiny deed and wounded a“ ba 7 2 iperlven write ‘ tong the ow © Gee c S “ il wir a ‘ ' Jive $ ne of the lige by one : a 0 a's ch'es, B (s a \ ‘want \W yW ‘ cht perwowal Wiles the ter (s cues , “an ated 1 rible fer { teiie fa fro { Gener a . - : vated ve he Bulltin's t \ + » a s f A t n ' a Webs ws bidv at Geir parks e a fale. hateonce ba rotv and veveat rebel, who ae - a] 4 Arce } « . ng = ‘i ave f ap a dy , cup of water lie se Us Z 1a g pete Ver irosiean Wice: bay ile ve The following tian ctehes shaw eee feaey Wee have ) Z vl ement est Lov} ee will wounds aud must ie fe (ones i _ TAY. : A wrest and magnificen: featnee of thus higit IPamnient ne, Friday, J jl en ‘ : rpleudid use « rt Droogh 1 x ! Kove “ t title 1 ‘ ) was oly _ ene ) ‘ ' A . \| Peo} » verv Dalle gu e G | nd Pies ” | se Was nite \ t ‘4 a ctind ky he reserve ta « Mar 7 ‘ A { 1 fat nto a por tens foc me it We ; ar ¢ us i alwes une : ] rr ' , ‘ { bate moog tan é ‘ { mn ~N sui WN Mi | ' ( r a A Tac B I Lhe Figh Re a HHvurs i} I 1 3 ' * * i A | and still n e (lene ; nolic Visca kiligd— The I ‘ J Tinted | live. lave J hind t et ' ra been Oatthomnexte! PCT aiine rs ' rh noma ulc : j € ved } ‘ Athiset ‘ rigute aan bal hd ‘ < gene se gop yet hoown ae tol bot the ’ valid t | 4 tate of ver lales: avn trom the Nor A pression prevails (hat the great deciwe battle 75% siness, Really, have we any police , human ‘aws *> lung as We are et- apd witha peop tae Rule ist sav that and do then a citizen of wnuther Town east of this was rejo ced to see it announced with cop ’ that rable pomp, heen Htup with Gas? vreatly astonished most of the natives, ane all were ted to SUP fore th { from hence forth, deyAl with all its benefits f the order of the day—night, Lut we are have been avai etveloped in thick dark Why asit! Are t ote deeds evii ' fess, the I hse ’ the couvemener Which iat? tbe Town authorities ! Z fed fh ‘ter sundown! from the darkness that sucrounds them ' their duiv lace men. © No time for remussuess now ! They, as usual with them, stele everything To the sponded cheefully, and is only another evi- nas occu: red in Town on the evening of the Sth inst, be- onr ctizens, Lewis Bais, and a man named Royster an employee of the Ord- Both were se- Knives we understand were The writer of this being ,) the presence of the Yankee cavalry were to be voknown, tie good prople of Salisbury Fwo insolvent and unable to bear the or the people unwilling to be tas. of sood wilking af- W he fe wre Let them emerge Sur up) Vor some dys our community have been survewhat uneasy for the safety of the Arm of Gen. Lee, ow'account'of the bangling des. patches from Martinsburg. We are gratified in being able to give a solution of the falling buck to Hagerstown, entirely satisfactory ag we believe. The Richmond Keaminer of the 10th instant says:— Richmond was yesterday agitated by sinister rumours and pairtal emptions, which have beeg | already communicated to every part of the | Confederacy. ‘Ihe vehement and circumstan- tial assertions of a press in Federal pay, pub- | i | liwhed in Baltinere—The American—a fate | number of which wus yesterday received, that Lee had beeu defeated 10 the bast battles, and | was making « disordered retreat tu the Poto- | nae, the contradiction of the telegraphic re- | ports of a Cecisive Confederate victory said to jhave been gained on Sauday 5 and rowe pri. | vale dispatches, representing that Lee had fal. len back to Hagerstown; thatthe enemy were | pressing him; that the Federal cavalry had | burnt bis pontoon bridges, and that the Poto- | mac cvertluwed from late beavy rains; these morsels ofsnte lilgenee together formed a gloomy | prcture. As usual, the public judginent out rau |i) s diecretion, and wlarm was felt for the safety lofthe main eriny of the Confederacy. Even | Vicksburg was forgotteu in au apprebeusivn be- side which the loss of the town and troops un- der Pemmbertou was bul a seraich. We are happy to huve the means of allaying the natorul distress of the country ou this sub- Jeet. lnformatwo, certainty authentic, iat |} the hands of the Government, which leaves no | doubt of the eafeiy and trumph of the noble army. General Lee was victonous in all the combats which have taken place. He has been enguged with the whole foree of the United States and bas broken 1s backbone. He has approached Huyerstuwn only fur the reasons } suggestedin this pewrpaper on yeaterday— | namely, that be most re-open and establish his commuuecatous, winch have been mepaced | and partially sacerrupied. He i» burdened with | t | hirteen theosand prsovers, aud hason hie hoods all the wounded in -the late sanguinary betiles. Ol these he must be relieved and he the town of Salisbury wotoessed a new era could not either weakeo hiv army by a de- tatehmenlt sufficient to convey them mtu Vir- givia, or entrust them to ao ordinary guard, in Henre he has drawa near to his base with his whole force. ln a few days these arrangements will the old Towo had | be completed, and his leases will be replaced by be ke of which 14 1 than Get ysdurg Tien the campatgu will cou- jtinnve and Hage retown ts wearerto Was.ingtoo resukorcemmenis Alcohol from China Berries. — Messrs Beusse & Atnes of this piace, are now pinanutac uring alcohol from ch oa berries. sorry tu see That from some catise tuus | Phev have suceveded fs anaking it ninety F ' ‘ Toad, rer cent Tt was tested, wid pre \ nounced anedcedent article for mechanical PUT pOres Tieent rprine deserves cncuur- agement. — A tens Danner. Col. J. HL Mao at Mas tever, Le was a gal that they prefer dukwess to light! or, vs T.. died ty phowd by Reler- ous beaiteu ta “>= AN ACTIN RELAVION TOTHE MILI- TIA AND AGUAKD FOR HOME DE- FENCE Sec. | sembly of the Be uw enacted by the General As- State of North Carvbua, &e, ‘Phat the exemptions from seevice io the sabrtia F ofthe State slall be forthe same cagses ander teat. avd oo father, than ere prescribed tn the sc auf Co States, ress of the Cont-derate rowing for ihe eoroimentol men for the pub jie defuse, and gramiu g exemptions from the sime, Coninon.s called the Conseripiun aud ) BExernpten Acts See 2 Bet further euacted, That shad be the duty of the orrrnor to Canse te be en rolled, as a guard for home defeuce, all whie already eurolled tn the err Statea between the Male persons, Dot vice of the Confederate ages of iS aud OU veurs, resdeats ry the State, tuciuding torctguers pet haturahzed, who have been femdentin the Stite for thirty dave be fore such eorminent, excepting pemsons filling the offices of Governor, Judges of the Supreine sud Supenor Cuaris of law and eqaity, the > embers of the General Aseembly, aad the olicers of the several departine as of the Gov- ecrument, Inembera of Cougres, the civil aud ; mitary ofhcers of the Conlede rare Government © The acts of Congress passed on the Gch of within the State, mineters of the Gogpel of the April, bobs, and Cotes subsequent thereto. | several religous denominations of the State, baveng provided the ieans of procunpg @M0Y charged with the duvesot anch minatry, the supphes, notices hereby given to the people of 4, gh Seni andlaleiielofihelvaversl coaite of ' the Confederate sondtoreesving others. second, the puble regiterm mp the sege, al Coan: that fro t we fits pubes wy, Qe tore (iva, oud soch ther persons on “the Governor, | quer tWoeterm & o wie be reeesved under for special reasons, mo deem proper objects he appeal inade vy © Premdent and the plan ore exe Pipes (ie SCIGREGe Eeen AU DSGIC See 3) Beat further enacted, That all pete SOUP AUT TEC atlas ) TRU ay Woe as atowe tue age of ify, whe may vo upter! tay Obove telercedd . wl be paid for at ee deci eco paid ghar Melee Se wae | rb a) ie tl. sti puppies wal be obs | spall be accepted > a Captian of a company } anes mw far ae yore atre, by chase, Oriel wa chienent be dcciiedile being lite | when necessary, t Lpre wate t rnd uffier re aid ehuil te Held tc Fides lnierea calle | whew a onde d bo oteso Clo ingress at, Ww enerally of for any special datyv up evpediien ) obser e sterethy t hirementsof law, an ae the tommaphng oflicers of regnuents of ihe geoer Order & ap Department, and Companies, accoring to the nacare of fe put e reyibatnine ¢ notice (sunded: therein. ner opie’ er ie eae = | Sec & He it torher eaaete t, That the Go / creation of Cs at lie yy Vverior what yall persens eonelled ta puree aol UF ne of this act io be { City 4 M Ol tie MRY (uned data eomprnee, with bbeawey to Pasa San wh dune, 15 ie Gamntlisesinedafficere of such exit : that Gv aduimure ain baluellone in cepune tie, DEC \ ati ‘ 7%) dee and divinone, aceordinag to hie direr mul aocat t ) « rnd we shall apoont the te y Mence ol 10 » | ’ eae ' Js} San DL de Pon batterie, regiments des and davistens: { t ON f ‘ end on ane abn sur commissions io Gue form iv at the ofheers whores 1 a sac 3. Beat further enacted, “Phot uiem | SHOEDE Se ‘ cra tw ' neol beroot the Somety of Feds, comment es qa | 4 s y Quskers may be exempted irom the provist ne | Dive fo 1 thier ( pee i Inpact, by paving the eum of « Be aac Uae ar ing bo averdimee of the Ce | ‘ ; Vie IS lia Nial@s at belalr, ratitied ihe ae i 2h diy ot Mary, PNGd > Plowidted. That where ‘ vowuel Quekereholl have pade fd Te 1 | ve ! {hte propertg, (be amount of five huudereé Le dotlars, uider she afte of Congrens, called the an : s We conserian Jaw atarenaid, be elull wot be re ‘ ‘I yo went a gQuired to pay ony eto ef inoney for his exer p- |-* o Leveral Fore thre runder thimeet 7 ; ' konperor Laon ve ? Sic 6. Ne it farther enacted, That the i hie suid guarde, for home defence, may be culled | t cut for seruce by the Governor in defence of Canes ies ; : ( t oes 10 thier ¢ 1! afforded the Church party he amet GAM ny Oo suppress i ' a Sevher by regiments, hattaliions | , a pain sein Peon panies en mase® OF by drafts, in volante rr " 2 ae Dea als {Ol fron the aame, ae be in his duscretion may iain Gn tne Git bilalatne Jreet: shall be under his command, thongh the | Three newspapers had been established | oMeers appomted, as herein provided, shall BNO ee ue) of the Freuch, serve only wuhin the linus of this State, avd . on tours of yor, not © They, or' oue time. € ito infant direct, une mounted furnishing and aris, such term Sec.7. ernor may coutremon wheu calle shall presc vent the ¥ sec, 8. aud claus ug aud p' are, hereb Sec. 9. COLLMIESBIO to service ug the pe Sec-9: hall be in 7 A spec vurg, Jul The ep the fallic vomac is Yanke artillery vesterda: aller Cwe Briga Hlood, A: are certs iy killed. At lea The p lug peace bands. suuday number « The ener 3 ustetda TTe 1 ‘ lyes {u bury. i MeClella luisn tury bd A lar; vuad luo whew ut Burts iavre Gs has bee ‘rrant | Bauks ! jour ren Yankes: he ] «al reg Mvutun the For Parish, ed [sur ¥ >, UU quarter <10,004 etl 2000 b hegrowes ny Ou reports Wenes Jhane Unie Hager The tar the We epor ersty Wilha Many Poled | as to | at Ins Tin ganb Ou He ‘filing upreme mmeat (of the state, ry, the arts of | evan weroer, objects a!! pete suptert mpany the Go nn putew intante ch? at h may ca eM pa en gs ieee =~ . ours of duty te be prere \ on not oxcadhig Quiea thonths at one time They, or 60 many of them as may rhe, at an oue time. calledinto service, may: be orgeninze itoinfaotry, aptillery or cavalry, ashe may direct, und the infantry*and artillery, ‘may be mounted if he shall so determine. The men (urnishing their own horses and accouterments and asnig, wheo approved by the Governor, on such terms as he may prescribe. Sec.7. Be it fucgber enucted, That the Gov- ernor may furnish to said troops the arms ac- coutremonts and ammunition of the State wheu called as aforesaid into active service. apd shall prescribe rules for their return, and to pre- vent the waste, destruction of loss of the same. sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all laws aud clauses of laws, coming within the mean- jug aud parview of thie act, be, and the same ure, hereby repealed. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the commissions of officers of the militia, called in- to service by this act, are suspended, only, dur- | ng the period of such service. sec. 9. Be it furthereuacted, That this act hall be in foree from the date of its ratification. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FLOM THE NORTH. Ricusonp, July 9. A special to the Enquirer dated Maruns- vurg, July 7th, says: The enemy burnt the Potomac bridges over toe falling waters on Saturday. The Po wma is past fording and it is sull raining. Yankee companies of cavalry, infantry and srtillery attacked our train at Williamsport vesterday evening, but they were repulsed | vtter two hours hard dghuny. Brigadier Gens. Jones, Heath, Pender. | tlood, Anderson, Scales, Pettigrew and Sims, are certainly wounded. Armsted is certin- iy killed. ~ Atleast fifty field officers were wounded. | The people of Pennsylvania are demand- | { | iug peace. Gen. Grahain is a prisoner in our hands We bave a report of the fight on Suaday at Gettysburg. We captured a large number of prisouers, as stated aud coufiriured. Ihe enemy was occupyiog Maryland Heights | vestetday eveulng | TTe Balumore Suan of the 4th acknowl- | + Iges dhe virtual raising of the seize of Vicks- | Mayor Gen. Read has beea killed and | McClellan tas beea placed in command Tus repested that the capitulation at Vicks: | curg ts almush catversally discredited bere. | —_— Our. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Mantixsscna, July 8 | A large nuniver of the prsunert are on Ue vuad ty Richwood. Skirmisiuag at Hagers- | wh was puug on, aud @ considerable fizlit » Baiu- YOU NAYS Gen. Meade has been Wounded. The same paper says | ‘srant is retreauny trom Bauks trom New UOrleaus Vicksourg and Tuey are cally jue renfurcetmeuts, Louisiana is lost to tbe | Yankees — \ TAYLORS CAPTURES. Narcnez, July 4 The Lourswille Democrat has the last offi- | «al repurtof Gea. Taylue (7) Te says that; Moutun and Gs.een surpeised the Federals in y mM Mary 8 the ForGiticatous at Beashear ci 27tu of June, Parish, La. on the 27tu ed [800 prisoners. 33 go $3 QU0,000 Worth of coultnisaary, $15,000 6f $25,U00 of ordnance, and fo omedical stares. Also 23 1.000) tenis, aud captur- JiUINISs rte of; wis quarterinaster s €10,009 worth arisea aud regimental flags J ogaies, 7 UU new oa, TOO arias, 1G sewe gous, anda pr! uou as tomportant as Po. duds ae 2 WU0 pofses ar stands of sinta ror Vicks- Osher important movements of Gea, Tay- lar Were progtessing. A private states that Geo. Walker, 12.000 stror Delhi en route for Lake Providence was gariisoped by Federals and : They hung two officers commending the negroes befure Uiey left, etd were deiidera- letter from Conner’s ba y golelt, Delt “wTOr. Uny Ou tue Gate of 150 negroes. LATER Ricumonp, July 8. Ao official dispateh from the S IperaUten= | dent of the Telegraph w the Secretary of War, dated Martuisburg 8, seve that trom reports we gamed a decided and ted iz @d- Vetdage over Che eneny at Getvebure ou Wenesday and Tharsd: | chanred bis works aud Oo Fiiday we theta, bat were unable (o held Cueun, aud fell back towards Hagerstown There wibat dite fichtng sae then. s far the victory mon ours Mauy wers sii Mr Poled ld-day PRESIDENT DAVIS Ricumosy, detyv 9 President Davie’ as lo permit tii to at bis ollice The 4G Gar © is re AP liste unry FROM JACKSON Noss Jackson, July & Col Montgomery, and deceou etabertun with ZOO tigated mie erraved wo-day. ! Gen Green and Col Irving o Mie Were kitied Oy the eneuiy’s Grant aas sent 1c tack Gren. Price Grants army was near LO.Qo H mands imp rson the lorces fy) 80D Dispatches from Pa e@ dated Tay inst Says wehine ou Jack * Gen. Totes atta keds Helena on the 4th aud captured three t afenie | Reinforcement Mriving and the fire of the ganbuats drove out forces back Our loss is SOO, Heavy fling was heard next day ° Govers { fy. ; cluding three officers ) there to-dey Wy ate! « Orr etette mee oe RAED. y FROM JACKSON, MI88. > ; Jacuson, July 10—An attack hag beguo. Our batteries opened on the Federale finely. The enemy is evidenuy in heavy ferce Larea— A beavy infantry and artillery skir- mish is going on. The enemy is shelling the city and bis killed several soldiers and citizens. No engagement bes taken place yet Our troops are in exceRent spirits and if the enemy roukes w geveral attack 1 is believed our suc- cess will be certain. Every mao is at his post. Stine larex—Heavy skirmishing continues onthe Clinton Koad. The attack may not become general before the morning, though their troops are still pressing forward. Bat few men have been list on our side yer, The ene- my «ust be suffering for water as all the cis- terug and pyods bave been destruyed. FROM MARTINSBURG, VA. Rivusonv. July 1U—A dispatch dated Mar- tinsbarg, July 9th, says: We had heavy cav- alry Gght yesterday. We drove the euemy seven ules, Cupluiing a number of prisoners The aray was quiet at Hargerstown. Ricumonp, July 1U-—We have nothing addi- tional from Maryland The Ceatral train bas been detained by an accidcat. ATTACK ON CHARLESTON. Cuartestox, July 10.—The attack has commenced. Four iron-clads off. the bar, one at the mouth of Stouo River and forty- three other vessels off the harbor. Heavy firing Commenced at 5 a.m. continued for two hours, our Morris Island batteries reply- ing. Federals landiny troops at Grimball’s. An irvu-clud and gunboat have gone up | Stwouo River to attack Fort Pewberton. LATER. Cuarcestos, July 10.—Firing on both sidey closed at halt past 6 o'clock The principal Bghing has been with Bat- tery Wayvoer on Morris’ Island. Four muni- turs were engaged from 5 o'clock, a. 1., to 2uclock wheo they withdrew for one hour When a tug supplsed then with animuuition. Phe attack was renewed at 30 o'clock. The infantry ghtug was also severe. The Yan- kess made two assaults upon Battery Wag- ber but Were repulsed. {Uur casualties are about 150 killed, wounded and missing in- killed, viz: Capt. Haskell and Cheves, and Lieat. Bee. It ts supposed the attack will be reuewed to-mor- { Tuy. STILL LATER Cuarcestos, July 11,—The enemy, about 2,000 strooy, under Comtound of Gen. Stovy, | witacked baitery Wagner, oo Morns Island, Us morning at 3 oelock. The euciny was 95 killed ia f repulsed woud taey lelt front of our battery with 130 prisoners, Ti is belew- ed the Yaukees carried off trou two to tiree hundred wounded, Gen. Stoney is severely, Woaot mortally wounded FROM GEN. LEE’S ARMY. Ricnmvso, July 10—Ail the papecs thie mor- lay give more cheering accouuts from oar ar- my ta Maryhead The anessiuess prevating Veetercay has given place tu @ fechug of confi- deuce iu the ability of Gea. Lee w resume the offensive. The Mertiusburg correspoudeut of the Dispatch of the Sch says Chet all inforina- ‘ten ofthe battle of Geitysbury received there, was brought by Mojor Hawks, of Eweill's corps, why left Getysburg ou Saturday eveumy. He | Says our loss (he firs’ twu days was not very geal, but oa Fnday heavy, especially in Pick- eCe divinou. General Praibie fom adeg aud General Mood anannay A wound: d officerwho arrived at Kichmoud Vesterday says our army fell ose k in the greatest order aud deliberation No demoraiaatian prevailed. ois geuerally uaderstood that the filliag back was caused by + dificalcy tu obias vug supphes through so long | . | a live of commun The meu arein fine spits wud ready fur another fight sation. “artinsacna, July 9, via Richiond, 10. 4 All quiet A cavairy 6kirimish yesterday Maiy- The army wus at Hogerstown Nowofermetion of che Yaukee ermy. ) land Herghie was revceupied by a siiall force of the enemy, Av orduance train has JUS. puss- ed to Cen Lee, who is awaiting it. Soctit ANS« Bripes, Va.) July Sth, ISeS. y Mr. J. J. Beewen— The following are the casualues of Co. B for KL Coain the fat at this place on the his J ly 4rh Wounded-—Ab-ean Sloop. int severe Iy bat uo danyerousiv, bh CG. Owens righ suid s . Poomes I vib thig Pri rv—( . Wola] MeCaornys Pra Abs, San’) Mier, Wiley Miller, J) Potta \Veel a JC San Mociael Supine Win Terey, BOP Walton, Adex. England. By publishing of VOd W ene anon ¢ ne ry i au Ui ce ws the Company Yours, A OO NON FLEMING Capt Coan B, tua NOC : ce. WAY-SIDE HOSPITAL, Ne 3, ¢ Sacisnunr, N, ¢ \ Mr Bacuver Piease acknowledze the tol: lowing donatone to the Way-Side Hospital since the Ith June PON, Ubeclag. one Tavlos’ Nad se opr drawers Bue mth aia f ables, Mis Joha & Suvder, Mee Dr Long. Mra Andrew Murphy, Olra W oOM Bark cr, Mrs D A Davis, Mis Geo Mowers barrel F'ou vot sat tx esi) vewal Mrs Haughton and Mrs Feankford, for Soup for the sick Rev To Uaoghton. load of Strave Tata directed by the Ward Director te re- quest the assistecce of the Ladies in Providvag for the comfortof our seek and wounded sol. dere Dnt Vae ospita Donatous of fresh vee grtables, butter and milk, &e MOWED EITEAD, Ta charge of TMospital No. 3 Servants For Lire, IIAVE several yours women and girls for hire for the remainde: of the vear 7 JOUN WASHINGTON t Vandiets, ae YY Y % , te 3, TION-BALE. | (By WILKES MORRIS, det Catgo Sale— Dita Pnportation. eam N WEDNESDAY, daly 15th, 1863, com- mencing at 10 o'¢lock, A. Mw I will sell at my Seles Rooms, No. 2 Granite Row, the entire cargo of r BR. STEAMSPHLP # ARABIA,” prising articles of necessity, @Md which are now Very scarce, aud in demand,, Viz : 349 cerooms Muscovado Sugur. 18 barrels Crushed Sugar 15 tiereee Molasses 100 boxes Siar Candles 25 kite Mackerel 25% Salmon 20 boxes ull & Sons Brown Soap 20 boxes Extract Logwoud 25 barrel» Copperas 10 kegs Bi. Carb. Soda 20 barrels - id 5 bales Hops 18 Barrels kK peom Salts 12/cuses Sridjiiz Powders 1 case Antimony } flask Quicksilver 1 case Phosphorus, + cases Spt. Ether, Nu. P.L. Ope 14 drams Castor Oil 1 case Ether Sulph. Rect Gross Ess Peppermint, dv. Lemon 10 bales Duudee Baggevg, 2 cases Children’s Fancy Hose me 4 3 ** Ludies’ Gaiters 4 “ Note, Letter and Cap Paper 1 * Enselopes 20 cases Matches. 27 gross each 3000 ibe. Sole Leather 1 case Briar Root Pipes iG casks Ale, pints 10 ‘* quarts 20 casks E. 1. Pale do 300 cases French Ale, quarts 105 cases Geneva Gin, quarte 10 3 Pipes Hollaud Giu 10 4 ecaxks Cognac Brandy 6 4 casks Cognac Brandy, 3d proof 35 4 casks St. Croix at) Jam. Rum 10 Pipes St Croix ond Jam. Bum BU cases St Juben Claret 50 cases Cognac Braudy 10 cases Alcohol AU boxes Engtish Cheese 30 Kegs Nails - 300 sacks Turks Island Salt. July Tih, 1862.0 17 NOTICE. W E will sell at Ota, Iredell, N. Co on Thureday the 30th day of July, the fu'lowing LEATHER, Sboe Jacks, twoor three hun- dred pounds of Nails, Spog-, Tacks, Lasts, | Shoes and Shoe Tools, of vanuus kinds | tu commence at 10 v'ciock FOARD, BRO. & CO. | Joly 13, 1862, 31 pdr ~4W “S| A'S OED T the © S Distitiery ac Salisbury, N.C, Oue Thousand (1000) Busheis Charcoal. Propusals mas: be addressed to ' JAS. T. JOUNSTON, | Medical Purveyor CS. A, Charivie, N.C j duly 13, 1863 ifs Sale | Execative Deparimenc, North Carona, / { Apbsctant Geserais Ortice, Raleigh, July, 163) I R. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF Rowan County, is author zed to raise @ regumeut lo serve for six mouths, under the re- qnistiien of the President. E Vhe privices will elect jthercompany officers, the laser will elect | their field oficere The officers will be com- measioned at and from the tine rolls are Gled in this office. DAN’L G. FOWLE. Adjut mt General. company will consist of 75) men. awe UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO such of his fellow-citizens ws may choose bo Jotu bum, te report to ban at escent Salis- bury. Ti the force called fur by the President do not avail themselves of the opportunity to volunteer nod have officers ef aber own selec- boo, they willbe drafted and have officers ap- porated by the Governer ower their The ser- Rally, meu! The enemy is sow advancing upor our coast, threateniag the destruction of cur homes and the destruction of oar mesus of Subsistence, to say nothing of the disgrace and worke thag death their presence oursisters, our Wives and concen Rally to the defence of your homes aud frescoes ALM, NESDITE, July 6, 1863 [117] Salsoury, WoC WOOL WANTED. SECOND SHEARING LAMBS WooOrT, WH SMITTY Joly 13, 1863 tfs A CARD TOTHEPA TRONS ANP PRIENOS OF THE WAYSIDE HOSPITAL SALISBUR) wanted by Sausbusy, THE Committee ta ow the managementofthe Wade a) Was entros!+ e Hospi! es J tablished ta this Powa, for che bennett of ou } sick apd wounded soldiers ve trausterred (tit sate to the Confederate Government The : ne Che sete preci ip Cis--tiis tobe d Hlospetel Go be eonduac en wilich it was fowided, veced solely to Cle use of sek and wound soldiers, that may pass th Chis place, as fas been douwe, wiite ad Com This notiee i618 our dai ve direction of your thee ty give fe von have so uobly responder every call that been timede inate be bol JAMES C.SMY VED, Brent prhiunsd he Committee Salsturve NOC), Joly dd. be63 ht Tredeli Bxprese and ¢ Oe Ballet Copy {twice and send therr Bul tire OMiee MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCIAN T. SAPISBI RY NOC | genni personal ciienton given to th purchase ul Prode Hae Dia pidec oni Consignments euber tor sale un this nares for shipment to other mackels® galtetled, whiet will be sold at highest market proce aud remit- tances Brompily made. Salsbury, July 13, 1863 | | | | purchased expressly for this Market, and com- | property, viz: about 200) Ibs. Sole and Upper. Maple | the miuster- | vice tx for State defener aud for butsix moaths. | epiails upon , is | Wa i es re 8 in ys ” “ Khe * i \ 7 Terenas TUTE gers Tapani te MSE a See Me | DORs ST ALL THOSE TED TO MEON| ~ sit pigs my Budk Store seeomat, wilt call on Me. , Appleby's Fresh Sng | James &, Eaniss, my authorised agent and ses {* BEADDERS—ihe genuine ‘article—for- | He the same. ' nile by A. A, WILCAR ALL those indebted to me on my subserip- tion aud printing account will please cali on Mr. Foniss and settle alsy. Some of my accounts have been standing since 1859, und 1 do hope tha’ those who ate due wit call at once aud setite up. Confeder- ate money is plenty—there ean be no excuse —I prefer to (ake it in payment of dues. : J.J. STEWART. July 6th, 1863. tf:7 | The History of North Carolina DJUBLISUED in 1851 by the undersigned, | | | | pfelace conceded that it contained omis- sions uvavoidable and many inperfeetions. A | \ secaud edition was then promised, which would remedy these defects. This is now called for. He will be grateful to any one who will polnt oul any errorain the dates, games or {xtts ia the various counties of the State; aud any biographical sketch of those whu have dune ser- vice in the field or State. Leiters may be seut to me, care of Hon. D. L. Swain. JOHN H. WHEELER. Chapel Hill, N.C., June 4, 1863. 3unal Simonton House, STATESVILLE, N.C 6 isla larce and commodious House is pow ope fur the recéption of boarders. The table will be supplied with the best the maskei | affords, and attentive servants alwaysea hand { to render its patrous comfortable M. E. HYAMS, Proprietor. 2e7 ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ' ay virtue of an order of Court issued by the | last Couaty Court of Rowan county, began and held on the Ist Monday iu May last, I will pro- ceed tu sell at the Court House door, in the town of Salisbury, to the highest bidder, on Mouday of the August Tern of the said C santy Court ensuing, on # eredit of six months, with bond and asproved security, the tract of Land ‘on which the Jate Nathan Harrison lived, ad- punting the lands of Bargess Cranford, Willem F. Owens and others, situate in said eoun'y, and containing about seventy-five Acres. The j sale will be wnade subject to the widuw's dower. \ TILLMAN CRANFORD, Adm’r. July 6, 1663. 7 “TANBS f TAXES! TAXES 111 ry | i HE Assessors forthe War Tax, P. N. Bei- | lig and J. A. Hawkins, Esqre., will attend at | the follawing places for the parpose of enquir- | ing after apd procuring reiurps of all the ferl- | lowing srucles held or owned by any person in | Rowan County. onthe Im of Jnly 1263, via: j Naval stores, Sali, Wines and spirituous hi. | quors Vobaceo. manufactared or unmanuflaccar- ed, Cotton, Wool, Flour, Sugar, Molassas and | Syeup, Rice, and other agriealturcal products. 1 The Assessors will afo require wll persons to ‘return on oath, alt Bauk Notes and other cor- \ Jane 6, 1233. G ’ July 6, 1863. iad ‘et WANTED TO HIRE Several Peame to: haul Tobacco to the Factories in Davie JNO. F. FOARD, uy 6, 1063. gat Cale AT SMITH & SMITHDEAL'S. couaty. July 6, 1863. Flasks, Envelopes, Paper, Cigars, Pipes, To- great mony more, ean he had at SMITH & SMITHDEAL. June 29, 1863. 416 (3° TO SMITH & SMITHDEAL’S and JT see the New Guods they have jast Re- ceived from Charlestua, S. C. Consisting ia part of Prints, Ginghams, Shirting, heavy Cush- mere, hat cape, Bools and Shves, Naunegs, Pepper, Spice, Copperas, and a great maay other guods. SMITH & SMITHDEAL. Jauve 20, 1863. 416 E sare to call at SMITH & SMITH- DEAL’S before you leave Town if you want to buy anything,as they hove a large jot fey for anything they bave to seti 46 SMITH & SMITHDEAL. Live and Lét Live. IF you have Chickens, Eggs, Butter, or any kind of produce to sell at old prices, then bring them to us, and we will strike a trade for them. We wit! not sell at old prices unless we can buy at them. ; 46 SMITH & SMITHDEAL. BACK CREEK ACADEMY. ROWAN COUNTY, ¥.C. pee re Sessa of this Institation with begiu on Monday, Jaly 20th, 1563. TUITION—From $10 to $15 Per session. BOARD—$15 per month . For farther particulars, address the principal at Miranda, N.C. A. A. PHIPPS, Principal. June 20, 1863. Stpd6 = ‘© EF” ED Bee HIS article is being manafactured largely at varons points in the Confederacy, but the rcarcity of rags bids fair to interfere seriously with the manofacture. . ; In the maunfacture of Cartridge paper used in the fabrication of ammunition, raw eotten can be used if a certain proportion of hemp be mixed with it. T am avtherized by fhe Ordnance Depart- T take this method ot appealing to the people. to assist me in cvllecting old rope, bagging, waste corduge, &c., or any kind of old hemp. terial, vatying from 10 to 25 ceots per pound, according tv condition, Jocality, Me. I will also pay 40 ceats per pound for old scrap Leud delivered ut the Works. A. G. BRBNIZER Capt. Art’y. Office C. S. Ord. Works, Salisbury, N.C. ‘reney ou hand or on deposit, on the Ist of July, : (=63, and of all credits held of owned on the same date, on which the tuterest has pot been | paid. ‘Phe said Assessors will alsu require re- | turns of all profits ma'e by euy pesson, part- | nership or occupation, du ing the year 1&62. by | the purchase of Flour, Corn, Basou, Pork, Oats, ifay Rice, Salt, frou, Sugar, Molasses, Leath- { er, Woolen cloths, Shoes, Boots. Blaabets and | The Agsessore will atieud as ) Cotton cloths follows: PLN. Heilig. at Hartman's Suly 9th. “ Litakers. July 10th i Harkeve Jniy lith “ Gold Hitt, July 15th Morgan's, July 16th Hatter Shop, Jely 17 Millers, July 28th. j J A. Hawkes, at Gbeen's Bridgde July 9th Campbells, July 10th \ oo i McConuaughey’s July llth “ oi Mt. Uitte, July 16:h \ “ og Atwell's. July [vib i Mis Brown's, July 20h. Both assessars will be at Salisbery duly 2 let and 22d) Twenty-five percent will be edded to the assessed walue of the property of all tax payets who fad to diend to thie notee. W.R FRALEY, Coufederate ‘Tax Colleetor. June 26,.1863, “16 Confederate Taxes? LU, persue mentioned in the Sib eection ef the Tox Actot Apel 24th, 1063, and here- set toch, are bereby not fied to meet me taf er atthe following places tor the porpose of regus- tering a true vecoontot ea persou. firm or eor > Parrden engag door unerested tu tie Duéiners, ve for wiach, vud@ibe eand inannerto which the sugi@ es to be | and such other facts a6 map be re- | he amount of Tax epee & statement of % qs oO ascertain such business for the pastor future Atle Gitte of sant registry. subd perwwe wi'l | be required to pay tie speeite tux ou ther buss - Ve seroceup Con, aod such other taX as ay Ly dae on soles or reecsuMs mm revel busime se, af We Cie of snel regeery Persone fang te eg ster and pay the maid tax, will be charged alte tua doa like sai torevery thirty days Twill ate. forthe purpose of taking regis trvs ate Vie ro the AC! Court Hoose in Salwbuy, July Yih tual'ows > Uae TArveee AY Menine © daly 16th A Picaivor'ss dle Path { daly 30h +, duly sts Pe following are the persons, trades andoe fo be rewsiered and to pay xetas above, vies Apecheeanes, Aneuot Brokers, Buichers, wong Alleva, Biliard Rooms. Conn son Geqnor, Sur Wholesale dea iar EIA EY, “ond Vax Collector 1-63 ut ) 26; |BLANK DEEDS. FOR SALE AT TUS OFFICE. | June 29, 1863. no “Stonewall” Jackson. dust PUBLISIIED, and for sale by N. 8. MORSE & CO., Augusta, Ga, A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxercu OF = STONEWALL” JACKSON. By | Cuanres Hataeock: Being a full and accurate account of the Leading Becntsof bis Life, bis Dying Moments, end the Obsequies at Rich- mond and Lexington. d This work eontuins many anecdotes of the ilustriogs suldier that have never before been published. For saleby aj) Book Stores and News Agents’ Price $! OW. The trace eupplie@ at a liberal discount. OF All orders address-d tous will be prompt- ly filled. N.S. MORSE & CO. uf Augusta, Ga. Edgeworta Resale Seminary. GREENSBORO’, N.C. (f Pu Ball Seemion of this Institution will commence on the dthof August next. Trews for the ec@iwe of W weeks. Board, including washing, lights, fuel. &., $20,000 Boglish Tuition 930,00, Music on the Piano, Harper Guitar. $30,00, Vocal ma- sie $12.50, Oil Painting $36.00, Drewing $1250. Greean Painting 819 00, Ancient and Modern Lawgeages, each $12 50. For further particalars apply to RICHARD STERLANG, Principal. June 29, 1863. Dn | Io ary IN JANUARY LAST, THE Office of Veo a& EB. Myers was broker open and the fol ving articles: stolen theredrom: One fine Bogtsh Gold Lever Watel. wth the name of JOA. botogter on the face, German Text letters. believed te he made by J. Johaston, Laverpod; ope mamend Rung. large Dramond we centre elusteted ground wih small Dia- ny ods: ene tine Gold Rings wih furpet me not, husenibed tberecrts Bar Rings and Breast Pin. Coral and Gold; uwo Gold Chata- one Boneh Gold Chatms, censisung one sett lin Pins: Jot the two Loe kets with mintstaree ; Slippers, Cross, Mort. Shell, and others not recolleered ; one Gold Breast Pin, Necklace with large one tine Fan: ne Corral Breast Pins sett with Pearls sy one oval Jets. with cross im ¢entre 5 e barge Black Lace Mantle; Envbnvde ved tLidikerebef, Coflars, Sleeves, &es Bisokets, Lisnen and Cotton Sheets, Pitow Cases and Boleier Ships, and many other 9 esol Jdew- elev and Ladies spparel net recollected. The Hove reward of Five Handred Doiicrs, will be pa or the recovery of the abete uamed are t SOF Te proportion (ats LL ia them.— Woateft the Jewelry ca ‘ red by WLR Wotson, Wateh-make ~ ace Tho my sbeence, ANY informacen g ven fo Captain A Moyers or Sarsnel Reeves. Sr. will be prompt y «tiended fo F.. MAEBR < Salisbury, N ©. Jane 15, T8638. tfa TP? The ¢ rdecucy, at Atlvuta, Ga. wil copy daily one week d send bllto this office ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON H & ENNESS’, Druggists. June 15, 1963. bad for Boots, Shoes. Books, Gun Cops, Flints,. bacen, Snuff All of the abpve articles aud a’ of GOODS. They will take Confederate mo-’ ment-to purehase material for this purpose, and « A good price will be puid for the above mae- I Ih SI C ES si l i on s : ie t t e n a m a n ta ee ee ey ye ae r o ae et e eat LIEUT. GEN. RICHARD 8. EWELL. This great officer is, at the present mo- ment, the theme of every tongue, the cynsoure of all eyes in the Confederate States. To the Yankees be is an object of unbounded terror, His magnificent ex- plot at Winchester, and the rapidity with shich he followed it to its remotest conse- quence, prove him to be the worthy suc- cessor of the Jameoted Jaekson, to whose successes he so largely contributed, and by whom be was so properly estimated. In the words of a cotemporary, be is the true Elisha of that military Elijah. Lis man- tle bas fallea upon bim, and along with his mantle a double portioa of the spirit which, iv the darkest Lours of the Confed- eracy, shone forth to cheer aad to illumio- ate, hike the light of Saint Elmo amid the storm. Generai Ewell is a native of Prince Wil- liam county in this State. We have not been able to ascertain the year of his birth; but as be catered the Military Academy of West Point io 1836, and graduated in 1840, we presume he*is somewhat turped of forty. He is, therefore, in the very prime of life, with at least twenty cam- paigas still in him. He was appointed second lieutenant of cavalry by brevet on the Ist July, 1840, aod full second lieu- | tenant the November following. On the 18th September, 1845, be was made first liewteoant, and, with that rank, went into the Mexican war. He won his promotion tocaptata io the field, having received it “for gallant meritorivus conduct” in the bat- ues of Contreras and Cherubusco. Captain Ewell was among the first to east lis fortune with the South when his mative State seceded. His tirst appearance was at Faufax Court House, when a party of cavalry were surprsed be the enemy, and Goveroor Smith succeeded .in rally ing them. Ewell, we be icve, bad no command; but, wheo the alarm touk place, be rushed into the street, in the very midst of the daager, and by bis energetic remonstrances and fearless exposure of bis person, con- tributed grealiy tuprevent a catastropuy.— With the rank of culonel, we hext tind bum in command of tbe Camp of [nstrue- tion for Cavairy at Asbhend. His services here were invaluable, aud their effect bas been left througbout the war. His discip- line was stero anu rigid, bat bumane, and, out of-raw mounted militia, be soon form- ed a most efficient bcdy of troops. adier, was staueued with bis cavalry on the ngut. In that positiuo, he was de tained’ all day, witbuut particyating in the dangers and glory of the Bgbt. An order was sent to him to advance to Centre ville, and fall upon the flank and rear of the evemy. That order never reacbed tim. Had it arrived iu time, the cunse- quence would have been the capture of 20,000 men, the utter destruction of the Yankee army, and in all probablity, the eanture Of Washington. Soon after this battle, Ewell was made a wiajor veneral, sod placed in command ofa division, Upon dackson’s retreat after the battle W Kerostown, Ewell was seat to reinforce um. Thetwo greatsoidiers seemed form- od to act together. The utmost cordiali- y always existed between them. Each was wo noble, Loo generous, tou brave, lo eel the slightest jealousy of the other.— ‘Jpon all occasions, Jackson bure testimo- sy to theinvaluable servicee of Ewell, and Swell, io return, aiways expressed the rigest adinirauivn for Jackson. lo nearly all of Jacksou’s batiles io the Vailey, Ew- Al was a parucipant, and the part be bore | was always prominent. At Port Repub- lic, Eweil was pitted against Fremont.— He routed b m completely, and clapped an emioguishes upon vis pretensions to be! considered a soider, bas beeu coutinualy srogiog in tue Sioce that ume, be esu mation of tue Yankees, aod tas last found bis level, as ine chief uf au army of negroes: . At the | first battle of Magassas, Eweil, now a brig- ! now at! adding that he veed not send it on, for on that the general would come for it bim-’ self very shortly. 11 seems, from present appearance, as though it might be so. ng Aha he wad ot snd i force. "4 To all whom it may Concery! WING to the number of riots, mobs, Im- presements and thefts in the county, I feel it a duty I owe to wyself to adopt the following rules and re; ns at my mill: Ist. I will'mot be responsible for any Floer, Meal or any kind of Grain that muy be taken The Pope's bealth is again represented to be declining ; the story of his election (which ie not generally known) has recent-| coin me by ash riot or im a ly appeared in the papers here. When; 94. I will not be responsible, for any Grain the conclave of 1848 met, no one thought! stored at my mill antl ordered to be ground. of Cardinal Mastai, the: prominent candi- | 3d. I will mot be responsible for any Meal or dates were Cardinals Mattheia and Acten ; | Flour more than 24 hours after it is made; at : : | the same time, I will take the best care of it their adherents secretly determined to) (yay lean, and the same care that I ake of throw their votes on Cardinal Mastai, with | ivy own. ‘The mill is always uacer teck aud a view of bringing out all candidates ; in! key when we leave it. the manceuvres of voting Cardinal Mastai accidentally received a majority of two votes, and became Lope. J. S. McCUBBINS. Salisbary, March 30, 1863 1f45 Concord Classical and Scientific Nchool, CONCORD, N.C. . S. FRONTIS, Je. Princrpan For particulars address the Principal. Concord, N.C... ’ March 16, Iso3. 4 6m43 pd SURAP LKO0N WANTED. Australia is a land of contraries. ‘There tbe North wind is the hot wind, and the South the cold; the westerly wind the most unhealthy, and the east the most sa lubrious. The swans there are black, and the eagles white. Some of its tivers flow toward the centre, instead of toward tke sea, and the codfish is found in the rivers, while the perch is found in the sea. The valleys are cold, and the mountain tops warm. The nettle is a lofty tree, and Ce poplar a dwartish sirab, Such is the con- tinent of Australia. paid for old Casting or Scrap fron at Govern- ment Foundry in Salisbury. Persons having | any will please send it at once, or notify we | where they can deliver it. ; A. B. SUEPPERSON Superintendent. A Havana letter states that information bas reached there from the contraband colony on the south side of St. Domingo. that fully one-half of the Gve bundred sent ! I Y * ve . . ua > ¢ ” s there from Norfolk, Virginia, have died | u \V E a small quantity of Flour to pare : . | Any of the soldiers’ wives living in my Cap- among the malignant swamps. The re- . 2 tain’s Distnet in peed of floar, can get it atten mainder, it was learned, would soon follow | dollars per hundred, [alse have a little Wool March 4, 1863. tf:42 Attention Soldiers’ Wives! | | +" the same end. | to spare. The wives of soldiers ia my district, | can have a few pounds for their own ase grati An Engtish engineer has invented n | JOUN C. MILGER. Mav 18, 1863. SALISBURY, APRIL 20, 163. To Gas Consumers, printing press which will print 23,000) tto2 sheets of a newspaper on bon sides in an | hour. The paper from which it prints ts in the web on the reel, and passing under the type is cut in sheets The ma chine does without feeding, and the reel of i paper that it feeds from is unwound by Its ' own action. aller Ist, [863, Gas will be Owing tothe very Qs and after May R15 per LUV fee. advance of inateria! aud freaghbts, the Compa- great NV are Hecessitated to raise the price of Gras er stop the works a —— : : == | pererut.; Tron Resorts 300 per cent. ond Re- ' | sin 6UU per cent. {f49) { | . ry. ‘ ans | AXES. — LEATHER. i iy pect | I HAVE received from the Clerk of the; HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF | | County Court, a list of the Taxes due for the , priine necessilv Cuntinuss to acvance 1a price, vear 1863, and hold the said list ready for tm- | and shoe-makers ate predicis Chat paces bith | speetion. All persons are requested te inforin | me of any Lands, Polls. or other Property vo givenin. I shall attend at the fullowing places | at the time stated below. for the Purpose of eni- i leeting said Tex. Punetual reqaired. Those who failto attend to this ne- tice to seitie, will have to pay costs without | distinetion ! ; ' Town Company, Friday July 3d. erio ecconuted enormous wil be hig as compared with prospective demands — This may be so, and prob«bly will be true an- less consumers shall take Urmely waro og and settlements are ling lh hides ¢ ts believed there are surplas exttle and yough ta the country to supply (he pub e demand for leather, Fariners, asa general Mrs. Lititia Brown's, Saturday July rh, | abe muce mast pr Mtatle. [fthey wold take | Gheen’s Bndge. Vhuarsday : we Qin.) 88 Qeod care of their cows as they dby Whiced Gillespie's Old District. Friday oo Lorn, | Rorses wnd mules, one half the number weald MecConusughry’s Old Store, Saturcay bibs re profitable for inik and bauiter The Moeot Ulla, Thursday July Lei. | SUT stock amight be fattened and slaughter Atwell’'s, Friday July Irene The aadersigeed desires to de all an hee | Litaker’s, Saturday July Ixih, power to keep dows the price of leather, aud Hartman's old place, Thursday Jay age, if he caa secure Ue co-operation AC atock«nwiic fon thos di, RB. J. Klatts’ Company, Friday July CUS 0 cebaa ibe believes be cin do such goo i is He cunn: Hatters’ Shop, Saturday July DOUN ee ut rd to pay the presen, | Gold Hill, Tiorsday July 01h, ettaordi nary demands of dry and green hide, Morgan's, Friday Joly | Bpep | aud then sell Jeath- st S2.the highest price Milter’s, Saturday Aagust Jac. ; D2 has, up to this tive, sold ar. Butaf farm WM. A. WALTON, Sherif ers, who have hides, will send them to his Pan- June 9. 1863. A say | BSEy. (OF leave then at Sprague. Brothers, in | he wi the rsell his own share Tan them vatiog house!lft only reasoual Tdow't 1 Salisbury. ™ €i BBE EDe \ TLavesc reigned my commission in an + enoogh te jostfy hin the | tu se deny wieh to speculate, have Confederate Army as Sarveon, TP tender my done. and wildo a! Tern, aganet it Seans | pervices Ww my friends and the poblic one wishing to have their Hides Tanned can i A.M. NESBITT. do as abave directs ID C fice, opposite the Court House. June 15, 1863 tf 4@ © OQ EEC wD T. W. WAYNES 52 May i8, 1863 LARGE quaiity of TOBACCO for ante le a) at Te 2 why JNO. F FOARD. 20,000 oe | AV ES ' Salisbury. Apr. 23, 1663 0 49 TTHE CON, STATES 'DISTILEE- am RY, . former y Owned by MO & EE. My- 47 Wanted. ere) at Salisbury, as follows To be of whire oak ro clear of map Stal, Bt inches jony, froin 4 to Oinches Anny ' wide and bineh thick the Heading. 24 saches tong, “5 wide, and J} inches thick TOU Staves and 30" jflesd sty A GOOD HORSE suitable for Appls te IAWES W fh. dbS { CLARKE N. C. White Sulphur SPRINGS. 0B to 1D inches gv toa thousand 1 Dot o- nw all oe! , Higheet market price w e paid Geueral Ewell was in all the battles | 4 ddrese Tas. fT JOHNSON. OPENS TO-DAY FORK VISETORS around Kichinoud in which Jackson's Medical Paucecnr tes 8 c | _ corps was engaged. W ben the fatter was ! Charlotte NOC HE public can have the benefit: of these ordered to the Kiedmout country to chas Jene 15. 1863 ae MOU OCU IE A Lie ee De he - ; $ = = . PR OF BOARID: tise the miscreaut Pope, Ewell was bis, RA i ay V\ a\ \ R35 per day: RBA por ween; R79 for 4 weeks right-hand man. self greativ in the batie of Cedar moun tain, and, th and was the march Iu tle of twat Lalo’, be Wasnd severely Would: ed in the leg ty Mauassas. the wcond bat that am@pulavun was render ed necessary. He bute the operation FL AVK \V H wish to purehage a lance bot. for which | with great fortitude apd even cueerlul- oo we will pay 73 cents per pound. “Tiey A oe : a black bov. 28 veurs af rae, we ghs about 150 . Stes ot A os, pess. A» soun a he had suthcientiv er. i : i : mouat be clean and mce ' : or 160 pounds, and wos raised near Woast HENDERSON & ENNISS covered was retnoved to tls CHT, tan, N CC. S think the bove may at - ; z : i Solebary, Jno 15, 1665 {4 where in the Louse of firs friend Dar. Hane cet beck where they were pared Iw " — 4 ae —— couk, who bad been bis surrcon ou @ tur elie cal reward for their aparehenmon and co . AL + : pater feieraleewartter dion agoretenmeentees’ WHAT FANS. mer occasion, bie iAV severa meootlsa, o¢ : SaaS . get (beim \ ; ; ; casionally sutfengy gre@l pan. Uarving WY. W LONG : NUMBER of the Barcete’ pattern finally recovered, be was, but a short Gine Jane 15, 1763 113 tdeanted to be che best ever muanulactured va since, Made a ilecutenant ye nea! aod p aced —~~- ye Southern ¢ a on inare ete : . if tow thang any other articie at the present if mand ye Gail of (SUS UO : q aU . in command of one bast of Jackson's od" New is the time to pay Money. uo orps, out of which two tad been formed, 4 is Apply suon to Gen Ao Ebi cominaniing tue other, | 2M ALL PERSONS EITHER INDEBT JOUN SHUWAN, Sr Tt ws nad that Jackson, on Neathebed ed to me by nutes or account, are requested t Sausbory, June 1, is63 19 ert ; prints ct 1 cail aud pay up - , Lis ¢arbes dest if e, Wi : i ) T . 4M NESBITT “A GD A OE lca Oy me Dis SUCCESSUF Iti wis Cor Jane 15, be3 tft ee rect ot s estiipate of Ewees's CAPACI | WELD, com rc wend to Soragne Bro’ for cotmtuan) vas been rendered sutheene | Notice to Debtors and Creditors. | saneury on Torsdaya, Phuredaye and sar lv ev eaptore of Winchester | ‘ Vdavetouetany Elides that may be ther J AL persone having claire agaiet the | for tue was one of host magoificent achieve | Exe ALI ad a en , a t th l ae . py mr : ‘ Betate of Janes W Ne Dawe cu T W.HAYNES ments of lus war Ppraces IS Auttion, WL iy deceased, are hereby me ti « pre tet June &, 1s69 te once, 10 Ll tanks Of our yener them iin Cerne of the law ' rose indetted : als. [tas remarkable that) Dr. Pancock | to sad Extate are requested to inake immed V [ALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, for | vent to a cork-ley maker in Philadelphia | deve payment Which we will pay the highest pricy to whom, befure the war, he bad frequentiy sent orders, for aleg for Gederal Ewell He distinvurbed tim. } lite aud soul ot thie! \ i Cit Ve ave a plemifu A Pind whore “up ly ured OA sprigs Of provisons and | Ee hy the subscriber near H kin erounty, No ©, on the niyrht of the ' ae ‘ } ; P fo a ae and tad eo lhe BLO EEERC TST GPP RES Ho L. ROBARDS, Proprietor | LL FANT) 1 June, 1#63 tf amoletto negro, weiche aly , ~ aud Was paicid ( feud and Mb Nit Lave S kof te mee line of Gaily backs vis , Louse pepper, Virgiuta DM CRENSHAW, Administrator HENDERSON & ENNISS, Druggiate | June 22, 1863. 3ma5 June 15, 1#63. ff ryN | I HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE} Freizhts have gone up 20U | next to poth. | prepare to suppiy their wants witheut purchase. | thing, Keep more cattle than can be well kept | veal | en eae HE UNDERSIGNED been ap- er for Row- pointed by the Court ** Commiasic ley, thts ‘muder the via for the relief of the families of soldiers who are in indigent cr- cumstances, hereby gives nofice that he will ™ every week commencing on Munday the 6th of April. for the purpose of attending to the lowing rules, and regulations prescribed by the Court. 1. All applicants for relief under the Act of the Assembly for relief of indigent families of soldiers, must file with the Commissioner a ce’ tificate signed by the nearest Magistrate or by the School Committee of ber district, seting forth that the applicam is in iadigent circum stances, the vumber children she has under 10 years of age ; whether she liveson her own or on rented property, and if on rented property, whether the rent ieexacted or not. ‘he cer- | with w writtenorder, and on presentation of the | order and certificate the Commissioner will psy Lehe proper allowance to whuever presents the | papers. | Q. Persons who live in their parents families | be in Salisbury on Monday and Tuesday of duties of his appointment, as direetedin the fol- | tificate may be sent by a friend, accowpanied | oe * % " Bpéoial Notice, To all who it may Concern, TO ALL PERSONS INDEBT. ED 10 U8! Au fersons indebted to the Srm of A. & | W. Myers and A. Myers, aye hereby respect. fully requested to settle thélr respective obji- gutione either in person or by letter, without needless delay. They will thus save interes; and the inconvenience of payment when mon. ev may be Jess abundunt than at present. | hope the friends of the late firms will pot re. quire longe? indulgence, bat respond to this | urgent call, ae it is necessary that the business should be closed with as little delay as possible | A. MYFRs, Office next to Cowan’s Brick Row. | Selisbury, March 30, 1863. 1145 OIL, OIL. © | ONE BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL for | sale, apply to WM. WATSON, | u:3s 5 miles west of thip place. Or at this Office | and Who have not more than ] child, cannot be | considered in ‘* indigent circumstances” except in cases where the parents are not able to sup- port themselves and their children. charge, Curnot be considered ** indigent” inthe meaning of the Law i 4. The following allowances & ill be made to those who present the proper certificates. For every soldiers’ wife or mother im * indi- gent circumstances’ $2 per munth for herself and $1 monthly for every child voder 10 years of aye. Widows of those who have died or been killed im the service will be embraced in the above rule. Extra allowances may be made in canes of sickness or for other good cause, un- 3. Persons living with their pareatsor friends | who are able to give them their board without | { y Mi _ Brown’s Livery Stable. I keptop as heretofore. Jj is gratifying to him that this establishment. begun, at first, as a doubtfulexperiment, has proved to the public a great desideratum and a com- pletesuecess. Travelers, and others can al. | wayshave theirwauts,in thisline, wellsop- | plied. |" Cash prices paid for Provender. And the } subseriberis always ready tosell or buy good Horses: | THOMAS E.BROWN. | Jan. 1et. 1863. tf$5 der the advice of the Committee apponted for | These allowances will be paid thet purpose t provisions when the Comnty- in Mmuney orin swner bus them, at the option ofthe applicant. 5. That the Commi-soner keep a list of par- and at what price, and publish the same mooth- ly. 6. The Commissioner is inst rar ted to nppoint le persou in each School District the dstmet for every ‘some respousih to receive and carry lo proper appheant, such provieons of Money ar they may be entitled te under the law The Cominissioner willimake every effert to purchase provesious for the soldiers’ families to to proper appicants s hoped thatevery cit be sold al costor given when necessary, aud it zen wall feedis to Qe bis dury ona he nay rave lospare to the Commissioner orto the famibes o6 oar soldiers al reasonable prices, and uot be induced by 20 offer of a high to sell to speculators, articles + f too that regarded and disposed of, to sell any proves ' price should be saceedly | for the support of soldiers and their famibes The Comaisswuorr earuestiv reg restsall whe have provisiogs Lo spare, to sellie him, that he able ta provide for the wants of the He also hopes that all Fainay be fronles tor our solchers wil come up promptly on the daye abuve men- tioned and be sure to bring ther cerubhcates i wibout which they cannot draw 1.49" J. 5. McCUBBINS. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY, Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: Mebane, Wo. J. MeCovnel, Cee \icudenhallet b. Weir, Junie M. Gearredt, tiohn Lo tule’ 110 Wilson, Wan taer, David MeRuigit, M.S. Sherwood, Jed Jchn A. iu Wilmington: Mlexsudeg Muller Lindsay, Greet sborough ; W Robert BE. Troy. Lanibe rte, Newhbern; Thadeus Jonnwon, Yancey- Wadesboreagh ; Rev F. Wat- tree, Ralergh; “Thomas ville; Pre Ww. ROG. Mavoard, Praakbiatea 5 Drok son, Watsonville Ramsev. orric@as: NOD. WILSON, JED. UE LINDSAY, - oop. WENDESNELALL, - l PETER ADAMS. | Preah nt Vice-President. Attorney see and Treas WME CUMMING, - Geareal Agent WJ. McCONNELL, = 1.4. MERSNE. © - Exceative Com. 1) M-GARRE EIS. = Allcammunicatens on businers connectea | withthe: Office. should be addressecto PETER ADAMS Secretory i <ireanshota'. %. Cs, dune 19, 126 tts DENTAL NOTICE. oe - — | W.F.Bason, M. D. | ebEo @' EBS’ WW OULD reeper ‘Re ly inake known that he hasretaken his DENTAL ROOMS in Salis- Worn ‘\ B the me, fied of Awitwillnet sunt hin to remain all those Ca vale b tacned tat tletter Box a he door of the Office or Voy addressing him throngh the Post Officer, at | Vibe place Dee. let. UeG2 0 [tf28 JAMES FOR AE, Watch-Maker and Jereler, | One doorbelo@ R. @ & Morphy eStore, | SALISHURY,N.C., PET BERS « ‘Iy onstaa@thy on hand alarge assor. nent of @ARORPS and JEWELRY uf rallkiods Clocks, Watcheoand Jewelry ofevery de- coriptionce pared in the best manner and on {the most reausoniuble terms 1 Mebruaty 14,166: . ly 3 Ranaway---$19 Reward! | TRORGE, a black negro boy, five feet # | Voor Qonehes high, rtoutand heavy, Wenning la light moustache, le probably attempt to reach hes old hometn Bar. tle county i will give the above reward forhia recapture, and pay allother expenses of his con- | finement | North of Salisbory H.T. CRANFORD, Mar 30, 1863 | BLANK PREDS | FOR SALE AT T7113 OFFICE chases; from whom made, tn what quantity ; | Bariin- | A. Wright, | Me- | ngan how absence, willbe notre y leaving there names inthe | tme thie morning, and wall | nyal, or he delivery tome, fourmies | Ag't for Mrs E. A. Propet | i 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. | V ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for which | wil be paid @1 for medium size, and | gmaller dnes in proportion | Apply to R. F. Sunoaton, Statesville, or A | J. Mock, Saleebary. | December 8, 162 DR. HOWERTON TENDERS his professional serviers to the citizens of Salebury. Office at the Boy- den House. Mar 9, 1563—vf 42 Ra aD’ Ee a” Be SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1562. ALL those indebted to the firm ot McCussins & Fostea, will eall atthe Boot & Shee Manufactory of Joho A. Brad-haw, next door tu the Waichman Office, on the sabsen ber, aod settle their accounts, either bv pote Now ts the tune to pay debts. THOMAS J. FOSTER. * . LUMBER. "INGLE subscribe, living neardcard Station. Bucke ovanty, 16 prepared to foruwh ans ammount ofsap lumber, delivered on board tb- cars, 003) 6U per hundred Hear: leniberasp-: contrect. Orders addressed to bin. at Happy Home, Burke county. N. C., willreeesve prunpi atieslion T. L.C.DONALDS0ON \n62 fob | ‘ GRIND STONES | FOR SALE. 129 or the cash if 26 March 17. Dee RIVER GRIND STONED of the best quality, Will be furnished on short motice Jon any vaomber and of any denominations by Golf P. O., Chatham Co., N.C. April 6, 1863 3m46 Or Charlotte Boletin copy weekly for three monthe aed send bil toJoba King & Co. WKAGS! RAGS?! | JOHN KING & CO, 1 SEND your Cotton Rage to the Watchman Ponting Offiee The highest price will be paid for them March 30, 1663 tf45 WESTERN N. C. RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. x | I: OR the purpose of exveduing the transper tation of the mail as well as to prevent delay {to travellers, (he passeoger trains on this Road fwillean so a to tnake chose coneciion with the ‘Yall Trains of the N.C. Rail Rood, whece | arrives from the North at 1.30 P.M. The | trains on thes Road will leave Salsbury at 2 P | M., and arrive at the head of the Road ot 74: P.M, and leave the head of Road at 730A M., and reoch Salisbury io tiineto cupnectwit! the Mail Train. JAMFS ©. TURNER, Fag. and Supt WON RR 1sf3 146 Aprit fi, ( tOTTON and LINEN RAGS wanted by JNO. F. FOARD Salsthory, April 23, 2863. tf49 Post Office Notice. Mail closes at Pee THERN ond Western ‘ 12. Wot Northern Maileloees at 8 P M Cheraw, S 8., Sanday. Tuesday and Thar day *§ P Me: Mock+viile, Monday, Wedner dav and Fuday., § POWos Wikesbere’, Tues day, P.M.; Troy, Pharsday, 12 M Sunday Off Tlours. From td M,unel 2g Po Me; trom7 P.M unil to POM The obi oe rules will not {untl further notice be departed from All persons are expected ther Post homer a the quarter, ocherwise Twill be compelled \ wo pay counte When presented at the end of sell their papera for the postage ! MOSES A. SMITH, P.M May 4, 1863 tf50 | = — Dr. J. A. CALDWELL ie e e Ui ] ESPECTFULLY OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Sulisbury and the sor rounding country. Office two doof below M. Brown's office IF Un my absence, leave your name on May 4 —tf:50 . on the | Slate sf BLANK DEEDS | FOR SALN4AT THIS} OFFICE. From a a change aud other ness, the | be two do lars fora Apvag’ one dolla Conf a of A C buck —M A wot who arriv eves Sain thes of G the face o rhe Sera okonre mous, One. Nou ww or Six vl Lien Seen eit Our tad « bis ex » demear: ON: idea | ii tomar, uted at It was or that the {i Vtv Into a hne of twebure + army bel te Mary] tx and te The Po Was very erate op acperate a e| We | © List Leela ¢ Oldier. sburg ca eport tha itn the Kade, tele Wary) “st and Ported |. TOLY Wor vad's bri Neafeo lected) the fil Waggling, h »\ t loses P.M Thurs Vednes a , Tues 7 PaM ed fron sor the wo duo e on the —t6:50 V0) Wena SALISBURY, N. GRULY wn 20), | 60. oF tus J.J. BRUNER, EDITOK AND PROPRIETOR. Price of the Watchman. From and after this date, and until there is the aud other articles required to carry on busi- a change in prices of provisions, paper ness, the subscription ratesaal this paper will | be tivo dollars for six months, and Usree dol- lars for w year. i ADVERTISING, ¢wo dollars for the first, and one dollar for each subsequent publication April 20th, 1863. ' Confrderuda occonnt of the” Battles | of Gettysburg—General Lee falls: buck in good order lo Dage rataion —Maryland not to be abundone d. A wounded officer of Wretts Brigade, who artived at Rehueud Thursday evening eVeS Sune Interesting partyulars of ch entire des of Gettysburg, 0 i¢ face of he news publ TH Sede He let Geuysbury wk or Satucday mourning. Fror tthe Lremeteh ast thet haw ane 13 caval ude m of Thete of cur wounded. and OM Sey m that the Jossy sol thet while fy Wiig One of the me lon swith or six Capts vw Lientenant. the panko: Loy r ul bis expreesion demoralastion. Noaeot the wv idea Ghat Gen tomar, uted at was Lee inter aloe nor hue that by the oft rei rally and distinctly that the falling back was cans “4 Wy noblaining pros me China ne of communication as that f; o Williamsport, and ae ved that it was aute do The men wet in Q wy for another Baht with ci *~ When our informant CTOSSed] It “<p Oper lo state WE WRONG Cae above Hfortnation was ] 1 re | and not Which heancit one tu ex We hasty thte Idiers of onversed with twe Pack tOs div O'clock on Kee division wy N00, Whe } at ]2 Nalurday ax wit atl pn hheisrhits rad ' prcilse Mf pratt) oy did uot leave his fortQed ly, tie ant the field a un that day Who were } retents ed thea Worden Ow tla OM Were sey y Phe }4ih heavil 1 atte st oth MOfotmiant The o3u Va Ade, suffered heavily mMpanies Hy and K, (names lew ted) are reported killed. They say tliat ao falling oack of our army there was no aggling, and that it was done 10 excellent and the Kade, saltered Gregory Meee ol nr Vand brave . Was Ported by our rely Wounded ad's brig Nahe Hag ce order. Skirmishing was golng on when they (deft at noon Saturday. \ We were MWlormed in an authentic quarter \ late last MIE that a gentleman had artived { f ; {to Ricehtnoud frag, W asluigton yesterday Jevening, who left the latter city on Spnday He that the news received there up to that ume was decidedly unfavor- to the Federa! mos fifest feehine of Ve ports | might ! whole COMMA In Consed wence of the in- | telligence. Efforts were made to prevent the | intormation rece ed by the {rong to the puble Litde confines was Hlelt in the abiley of Meade's arniy () prevent | Lee's advanee on that city when he should anthorides from | safety of the city. juts fall, It was mmored during the afternoon of yesterday that o despatel had been veceirved by the President ty Loe lis good or ler, had Nosecurity was fell against m Gen State thos army mn bv him been received de patch was reseived, (by whom we could t : s Tt os stared however, t & warn) from the cominandant of the Post ¢ er Chat Chee s own, wath soners, and that our fi ' \ Woe, oS ate who hyed all ' UUs IZ Vig ate tds Chale Tu arn nat Hantss t he taws See shill ane ~ Inevement cannot Bh Tas ania Wiseacr TEN SOWS Paty Hiblasedt-ar fot Middle Tenne not beadone ovement ois Tem wl disastion trae: othe lessee hu eri lvte the | | Alabama, w M yr then, what could bave stopped crans from Joong Grant and the whole coun try from being overrun by raids? General ma and fc and that a deep and man- Gespondency pervaded the | ‘and Forest's cavalry, which j tHermet it, and moch anxiety was felt for the | . ol | - ' ; uy : Bragg has, therefore, not S¥ed lis army | The consequence of the bate are also sul} Tae Futare Termsef Peuee Between the Uni- but the whole country, and He now OvGgu pies a position which he can bold against the coin- Lived infidel Yankee aboliti@n army. In (all- ing back the most perfeet order and dis- | cipline bas deen preserveds and all the wa-} gons of the whole army wene brodghit sately | except two of three whidh were lost from | breaking down.. Our troops Bre in fine con- diuok aud spicis, while” pepient vonfidence ! prevails, AML future om reds hdl Bray's army ane jnvolggd iimYstery which | ume oly carr devglop. 0) 4 4 £4855 On Thorsday and Feiday last, Wheeler's | ed our rear | Atle enensy’s | patter soine | becarue warmly engaged | superior forces. and ldast,} very hard fighting, we Spemy—in | check, and whose lose waS far greater than | ours. T regret to learn the death of Col Webb of Alabama, cot imandiny a brigade af Whed- ers cavalry, who tell while calianily lead ng a charge at the head of Jus t wade. A pore nogot Hardee's Corps Was also envarat, but T have not learned of any A conrier from Roseneraus to Gen. Me- Cas alte x Cook, with desratches, was ¢ uptured at'lp the mult o: Centre, Gen. Jer\ins Cras ( thoma, McCook come Thotias tue lett cosenerans’ army, Cr aenre) itenad Hownted 1 ibeVe My ot rr vet Dees to gn ~! wy Kowa Is the dy the on Ce t Qoosomer OOD Fede land 3.0004 wouter Cont 12.000 wy i for four w eral dea toss i RVG Al Pra ny Is Wag ave y i ~ Which 4 LOG bre. ont mA Ne, “ © the ene nfederate Su Ci ndices, i Wie t Yankees f their the seve wove Mentioned “rom Var rar that Goad Wounded) can total SOO, or the de ssa killed aud wound Lo0ed, “HOSS IN prisoner MIL appear to be NN oft been done by Yanhe Y account ) Aya roo . Wie EL 3 ea 0 it will enable Vicksburg to return forth- Koownh ¢ C Complain of there new ci the yarrison at with to service. WwW to! It was a battle im whica the Con federates bad their own way dining two days, and were repulged in an attack ade i doring the Uird on certain powerlul pesitions, | They rewained a day unmolested on the ground, and thea retined in complete condi~ tion and order. Sp tar as the fighting went, all that the Federal aruyy did was to prevent ite own annihilation, The Confederates were repulsed, bat cannog at present, with jastice Or candour be sakd to have suffered defeat, | Tt may hereafier be\so said with reason, if | the offensive cumpuiyn ends with this bat- | in doubt, ted States and the Coutederate states. The New York Catholic Record has @ yery loug article on the present uspect of the war. It thinks it reqanes no Prophetic vision tw fore- Bee the result of the present conflict, © That it will,” says the Record, “ terminate in the complete judependeuce of the Southern Con- federacy, there cun, we thick, be no doubt in the mind of any ratiowal man’ The old story of the overwhelming resuurces of the North, in men sad movey, is dirsected by the Record. Ue? becanse it will be thought by the world | —Those overwhglining resources have been that the nccomplictment of Geacral Lee’s in~ | tentions in Pennsrivama was prevented ly } the resistance oma® one ertesinty: point, however js not vet decided. “General ! bosition on the | tat thos time, gne Hheation that he The moral et- 5 ref{the North: uses Wheidy mdependent i roops of the Unie owledged and tie army of North. ; THs Into ren bbe Lec holds an } yet given mot h sr feet is bunt isso frou. ’ ton Vs ve months shore and They 12, aba COMMU bres ‘spivt ‘ry to the We; fet vsburg, | riqtic~ | nen of uv de- anthy i mo- nse? We sted by the present inad, Lcaminer, ! { ' beeen lo Jusufy tbe { { rervice for six Dr. | since the | | no. mervics Mitiiste ring to the res wore ace | ‘sto jead a remiment of ! The | “now far away bat- ard the prot clean | rected towards sccuring for > it vandal los t they fray No eall has vet been nepouw Old North Caroline, and this } 0 We koow Dro Neg. The very meee te ev tim ter yet tay ; a Warts toy fol. fodgw Dro Nesbit — | { i } avetteville Saives the TOLOW ING | Tedumurie bustuerss | usiness has Geve. | Nas nrrived | ther sailed from New § on herd Neesnu vew York and Wilanngion! e, butitis uot tkely tog the frets he suvceptible ve guard fi peu Satiens tthe reaiowal of vessel on we heid, lo take (didon ta whieh they are * Venuou, it beld, will { the conver tio vee Bwill seek rehet in repudis ‘ey of the present a Vtcy j soveretc lion ot j ond the general relations that brougtit inty play. Auarny of 1,500,000 men bas ‘beeu thrown against 700,000 men, dud yet bas wot overwhelime: sbem. ohn jones have beeu sprut by the Mmovey, mifi- North where only thoorauds have been jmeusied by the Scuib. This ie, so far, the reeult of the over Whelming fesuurcer, aud that result will wot be attered by ‘hie war, ‘The Record, thus hopeless of subju- ZOOM. lurnails aiteution to the terins of peace, / 2nd gives the following condaiog + I. A ouuvention of the Northero States must MLO CourGEeraiion the new cun- ow piaced, and to de- iTieo'faniZaiion or reconfed- new Cousatuuon. ‘Phie con- be composed of delegetes WDose bass of representation Nol by States, bur by the prepor- Lon ol population — Eueh DSiale, however, be- ny severeign, Will have the power to tauty or reject the Coustituion Proposed and deopied in Lu this respect their action will now difler trom that of the Slotestiut edop- ted che old Coustuuiion aud hated the Union which has beeu cove rlurowp by the Abuhtion Adumiistration. In the we huve, Viee Meas for Ure claitou uncer ihe ‘rom each State, will be fixed. cobveulon ue doubt the suverenguty of the States will be t wnarded with the rate jealous care that mark- Conveniion to which the present Coustituuen OoWes HS ongin, TL. Vhe vasi deb ed thetr action tn cli Which DAS been accumula- fanatical one suicidal war, Will, asa Niler of Hiaiperative hecessity, be repudiated. Ln Stating this fact we do not Pilucipie of repuciation, which is alike Giehonuable in 4 Nalin or an individual. such a policy now as among the inevisabie Cousequences of the lam- entable condition in which self vafler an Abolition Crusade of over two yearm The deboot the North muy now be es- Gmated at about two thousand five hundred wuhons of dalars, aud the interest ou thie at 7 per cent would be about one hundred and eigh ty melous, whieh ts larger than the interest on the national deli of Eugiand. When it is re- menibered that the Engiish national debt was the growth of centuries, while ours bas been Created by a two Vvears’ war, the TeSliveness and impaience of the Amencan peuple, under euch & load, will be fully uuderstood aud appre- crated. We do not believe ney will stand it, “tid we entertain ne We speak of the North Gnds it- Coubt whatever that they hon . TIL. ‘the peopie ving hod, through the pol- Mitlstriakion. a preuty fair experience of a nyili ary despotisin, wail dustruct woresaid Convention to tusist Upon the mviolability of Ntaies righis, the ty of Ststes, the liberty of the press. the sreedom of speech, habeas corpus,and all the rght. Ruuranteed by the their delegates to the the present Con- stibatiens Un these Mnportant potuts they willbe so explicit and se cireet a-io leave no pussible grounds for apprehensouin the future IV. Ad itting the exsience ‘f wo Con- federaces within the limits of «ld Us on, the Ww establ 8 .cd coderthe new Consti- tunon Wil iave todeal with the an Portant quee- bouudates, cusis IDs, nyer navigation, muy spring up between the two Cone leracies. It is essen- Wal that these teiations should not be comph- eated : ilret they shoud, in faet, be simple and BO easy Undereiood as to aveid che possitility We trast that thece will be Governm furore collisions, Vemure free trode between the iwo republics, so ’ { COrresnondentd of | ! i 4 as to render border cusiom houses AN enfrrely Gne ‘The uavigation of ihe Miss -ippa Must be tree to the ot Mexco:; toyother arrangement will be Mevitabiy vro- WECERS will, ane Gait 1 duciive of future wars, rn Madison Wiies above tt we | ven oohes shove the tiendof they i bas abouttwo hundred and fifty TYerrapon N { meat the head of the bend. if eeca. | Indias Ais. ek, a tre OW Te ea. Sinih with a fe woud nat only uff ul] SEPALS -€ yt revnforeements beer -C)ny Wedine Sra Grey thor cnestetne out of for the bad compan tires into a Keep | chance is, that when the dev | flock, he will hit somebody. } the future pro<periy Peverv atiempt ta creaie hostile, aid bt }obtliceraie the pass, V. As frieudly relations between Confederactes are exsenteal to the welture and ot both. it should be the policy of the Northen, as we trust it the two will be of the Seuthern, 10 dises Orage and frown down r feel- logs between their respecuve Gov rome nis and peoples Ae forite Noh, ite commercial and profit seeking people willl be among tee first to ene too osink its vopleasant inemores tithe gulf of oblivion. It must be acknowledged that the Nortiern people are t Agreatexteut, like the English, ‘Sa muon ef ehop-Keepers,”’ amd that the Preseut wae has waced as much to retain the cusom cf the Sead as Now, we OmMnotar the Coron He Lo@ay that pone will be more apxrous tere earnest to exhibit their friendly teel Lhe the + §O rampant South than Very people { dare soll = hat vill be profuse inther P Ors dois of rood {reemeuy nr Seuthern eel ng; 2acom- and al ehaeenus Niner ‘,mMos things wh ’ h arat coms sand Engleshane h see with ivel , 8, in thes own day VIF We * Northern States as and ge ul have rejermed io mo th tmong th he conveypt mney consequences of this Wa vod the condition ta whieh the North has heen reduced. Ir sible, bat we do vot regard it as probable, that the North shall witness another Pre: ddentia election before that couvention ehall have takra po shit r ba rr / place. This is a melancholy refleation, but we are considering ouc present positions and deal- sag with the hard substantial facts that heave heen forced upon our eunsideration. If we could blot oat the memories, the ead, bitter re- collectioas of the past (wo years aud « half, eh! how williagly woald we do so. It is vot we, or such as We, who have destroyed this Uviow. ‘Ihe murderers of this nation, the as- sassin of the republic, sre to be foand iu Washb- mgtou in the members of the preseut Adiainis- Cramou, Abolitieaists, have overthrown the Uniou, aud are vow seeking lo bary ja the game grave with ( the vestzes uf Awericaa freedom. “Taking 4 for granted that the Administration has ued | ouly destroyed the republic, but that by ite mauaer of prosecating the war, 3 coufiscation and eOMancipation measures, 16 vandalism in the destruction ef Sevathern cites and Soath- ern homes, its wart epou the freemen of the North, upon State sovereiguif, as well as ite | wullideation of all the gaaran ces uf the Com | otitution—taking it for granted that the Adaun- stration has by such iusirumeutalities noWwonly destroyed the Republic, bat is vow seeking to permanently fasien a miliary despotisiy upon the North, the free States will be compelled, in their own defeuce, ad for the preservativa | of their independence, to begiu anew the pro- cess of recuastructiun aod reformation. ‘The men who have noi beea commilted lo the Ab- ulitioa policy of the Government must be selec- (ed for the perfurmance of the work. Abuh- Gevism mast be abvlished if we would preserve {friendly relations with the South, with the view 10 an offensive aud defeusve alluece of the two great Kepablics cf Amenca ayeinst the intrigues and” machinations of foreigu pow- ere. VIL. Ik is possible that the meuones of wtoag?, ind oulrages comimotted Cunug © rapa oes tavaswu of the South umay render euch an alliaace a work of dithculty for many yeare; ' bat the staieswwen of the South will, we be- lieve, be the first to perveive Lhe uecersily fur, and the benefits derivable from such relativo- ship beiween the fwo Republics. Tt would be as inach their interest as vers lo establish and preserve theac relations hetweee the North and Soath. Sech arrangemcat would du away wih the uccessily of lage standing armice aud ex eagive nares lt we mistake noi there ise sreaty between the Uauted States and Great) Briain ta regard to the great lakes, by which | ihe maiuienarce of a greal uavol force in those | waiers is readered unnecessary. As tor the eeithemeat Of Absliiouism, there will, we think, be fess trouble than when (he Suath wasiu the Unoa. We may wot have a fagitive slave law, and we may ; but, whether we shall or shall sotheve oac, we tuok uf the peuple of the North have sufficenuy showa that they are sot desirous of a fartieria- rease ia the acgro population of these Statice. Tey are excluded from Huss by legislaive excaclment, aud ta uber States such demen- trateas have been nave aygsinst the matroduc- Goaa' mai that they are ont considered dewr- able addiiwas io the p-pulatioa. dn fact, Mr. Lineoin may be queted tu proof of the reliataliy and troth of these staiements. Mis iiterview with the culored deiegatoa that wiened him about a year ago, iu which he told them that they cuuld nut live as treemeain the same country with tbe whites witha wry wuhe latter, is preity sait-factory va Lads putt, as is abe hus € Hort wo coiun ie then ta Cental Ame- nea, whether that eff or shall prove a failure or succe se. Vill. One of the most dificult questions w sctie will be that of the Termiures, which, it not setiled definit-iy and conclusively by a cun- , vention between the two Confederacice, may lead ty eadless dispu ¢¢, aud perhaps hostilities ft may be that the vid Missuun compromice Lue will be adopted: bat wietever hne way be. adgupicd ap the limits of the Norwnera and Sue- therm Terriores. that toe murt be clearly aud distinctly de aboot liese ongieute ay any will not have sufforent lands tu meet the de- made of Loew popaialivn fur iwey or .iree Ceu- veome. In fact. the growth of pepula- Geo oe thes cumtuent, aliboagh anprecedeatly espd, weil be adequate for geveraions to the cocuvauan ff the almost ilinutable domain that sireiches weet of the Missiueizp away tu the Rocky mouninus IX Ai the chine of the war a new question will cane op fur the const leraton of that por- vow thal atl remains of the old Usson. sae less a quesion than the future position of border slave Sictes tern oues, bey cerainiy cannot tear ihat either Coutederacy oS ete ihe the eleertion of their churce between the North aad the Souih, thew that qarstwa must be left by @ general election in selection o ther own decision each Siete > and with regard we bebeve that fiefientrely ant amimeled by gvvecumente! of Dayeonetl they wi’ decide by large tisyorities of their popula- rouse ty go Wi ho the Southern Cone There is ane nabstantial arriving ai The se staire are buuod luze- to the mterfereuce, Tec. — eaten for this cone amen. common sy Inps teresis, audby the wetitation of slavery, which re cominoa wall These are ff steel; bal independent of these conmdera teoos, the fact tha, adof thems. withoue excep made the thenire of war ther by hes. bx common ta Ke mo Taw bike tion, Mave bee and have been suljeeied to the full force of the Wiorhioggen tyrsuny and its military sale. ps, off ide. of ilget’, sufficseut grounds for tie be ef that hey will go withthe South. Tei ab- ia refatetsen af this postition, thal couclude tu resnaia with the Northern Siaies theic slaves wi mut be imeclerred wit! Wha view of the rampant desporic Aboliionimen that sur surge, fines wweren earth eau osesuler this ia Z bas taken pusseesmou even of the Government steelt’ Whot g@arcatee im the ewent of interference with the peculiar wel Oten they will be compensated | y have they even that Gov erninent fo- whe -naneipation of their rlaves fo this Connection int us ask what has become f the off-e to slavesin Kentucky and Miassur the freedom of ihe Do we nee ali kuow UNat the proposed manummedon, 80 far ar Missouri and Kent ky are courer ted, law purchase , turn d owt (0 be wo rniperavle (ature? OF tie whole two thoesaud fice hundred milhons of dotiars exjeuded dunng the war, ae doubt if spe mn tion was appropriated to purchase the freedom of elayes, Such ™ lie result of a sen- ume hat has convuleed the country through vu tle lire extents that haw led to the wac- afer of some ex of eeven handred thousacd vee sthet his nmede the land to resound with the wail of tows and the orphans, aud that hasovertinows the aightiest Repuld « word hasever tre Who belrevee that, wauh ithe hnuwled se of (hese facts, the border States would be willing to seman with toe Nerth uf Waking (heir dewtiny wit The Record thus conciudes the article: they are afl ded ao opportuu ty of i that of the Soath fe any one mad enough townazine that such who, with their co-conspirators, the | the great majoriy- yn Whitever disputes inay atise , The If tite prnciple of aoiversal suffrage is go prevail with regard tw a force is equal to the overthrow of the armies comnanded by Lee avd Johnstya and Bragg and Beuutegerd aud the other great Generals j of the Sourh? Ys any mau eo insane as to be- i heve that MeCledlan, even had he gemus of | Napoleon himself, would be equal to such a Sask?) Whata delusiea then, to flatter our- | welves with Che hope that a people who know i their strength, and who have tested it through | the ordeal of a two years war, the most san- | guinary, the moat disastrous, ‘he most expeu- sive on record, will be inchued to give up that | independence for which they have fought su | long, struggled ey valiantly, wud sacrificed so ‘much. Let ve accept the ‘logic of aecem- plivhed facts,” and mautully aad courayeousy i resolve that although the Union has been de- { { wireyed, our liberties whall be preserved, and { | Democratic freedom saved from the wreck of | ous once proud, free and happy republic. Let (Cus perform the tusk that remains to us, aud leave to time the work of reuainoy ta the bonds ofa powerful alliance the now severed sections of a vnce grand Coutederacy Prebable Alliance beiweea the Mexlean Gor- erumeat.and the Senthera Coufederacy. j ' moving the seat of government and the army | Northward, and quietly leawag the French in | vecupation of the capital, ingicates a tendeucy | towards the consummation ef what has so loug | been suspected—an alliance between the Mex- | teuns and the Confederates With the aid of | from twenty to thirty thousang troops of the | Confederacy, Juarez could caprure the whole Freuch army, and clear the country of every i hasule foot. La return, the Mexicans could | give great aseisiance to the Confederuey. by { } @feindispessibie tn war, wird are at present shut out by the blockade, of only admitted i tosufficke ii quantives. By the very threat of euch an alhance atthe Present moment, the Confederacf may extort @ Fecoytion af its independence from Nap ile- oo; and itis worthy of remerk that ameng the items of news brought by the China, and pub- } dished iu anoler column, ts the siguifcaat an- } moancement that * Mr. Shdell, tie Envow of f the Coutederate States, hus hod a very long } aoat reuce with the Emperor of France The Eunperor sent for him, wud had a private lefes e-tefe with him at breakfast, and did wot part with jm aot the Counet of mineste:s lad as- semmbled ‘This interview has given strength to the ranor that a renewed offer of mediation in ' Americaa affurs by the Emperor Louis Napo- leoo ts hkely to be the result of the fall of | Puebla.” «Tf such is likely to be the result of the fall of Paebla, what ts likely to be the result of the fallei the City of Mexico weelf By a prewi- we were assared by the London Times that it wae the intentha of Napoleon to ous arnval soon speak ipsuch tones to the Amencan peo- pie us thatihey would listen to hint; aud Lord | uee of contrabands a9 vuzhtio satisfy any ra. , Palmerstou hay recently stated ina speerh that France and England are in entire aceord tonch- Ainerica as weil asin the Ras- Pte poasible. therefore, thet Si- sog the warina san empre. Gell may obtain recommen from N the Svathern ( oufederacy, oo condivoa of Jeff ivaves lending bo assistance to Mexico and not laterfeiug tu any way with the French de gus south of the But, on the ether bard, if the Emperor will not speedily Consent to this arrangement, nething can be Rive Grande more provable than ih-t a matually beneficial alliance will be etfecied between Juarez and the President of the Southern Coofederacy — N.Y. Herald. The Sitvatlon off Chariestoa—Dangers of a Siege—The Loemy to be driven back at every bazard—Pfablie Spirit ia Charleston, hie. The Mercury of Monday, referring to the Bivateen at Chatleston, says: The Yankees having got possession of tin here ie babone Charleston, end that is, the speeds acdurd wh he bayo- Me pe Teisudis te be now a fight by enygweeney, contivences and cau- southern halfot Morns Teiand, | way to save the city re tise ol ict. te hyhlit ou is pow with ihe ea- the weter, and pow emy Ubeve Gens ta oer vpason of the land, wishkey to be a mere quesiion oftune. . The fail of Fort Wagoer cudarathe Sxl of Charleston kort Sumter. like Fort Wagner, will then be assail able by sand and sea, aud the fate of Fort Pu- , task: witli be that of sumter General Giiner, ‘the commander of tne Departinent, the man who reduced Fort Pulaski. Charleston neust be saved as Kichinond was. For six days our soldiers sturmed the enemy, and saved Richmond triv, the advanutsy With theiriren ends on was The great- cf partot the tuid.ers who sche ve: these tre wings by the baveret mad bever belore bees igs CNA Ze The Yauhers here ave us yet oo torumdable woes “Pies but a few theussa do troops |i our elders @d otlicers here are nolegu the hind of hgating fonghe by the Army of Virginia, sodinedby the Yan- | ere ug croet puch tirong works os Fort W 1g- rer and Secessiousiie, he Coa lepiow faile. bis peart to uss the only course of safe- ty, and we inay aid low, for au economy of | lirea Olver ineane tues protract ve hehung to duve asd Weeks, 4 Pum pone tae Lerieia- tion of che sirag No other mesne, ti oe opinion, w rave jhe ely Tt ie to bite ter eugimectmig alone Hesitation sid dreiav are Talat Toe Courier says ca the same subjec The cry stards, and the eventsofihree days of desperate ard Geliberalery planned attack and assault hes convinced, we think, even thowe mest inchued to despondency, tibet tre ety will stand if ber woe co thew do ty All cands something, apd each sould act as if assured that the city depended on lis share, however hunitie There lias been a general resyouse to the Mayers request f rejoin shores and places of business, nol abeolutely necessary for the pud- Menge oat thie Cries Pn tome Canes parties buve ehut theie doors, and have shut then. ‘ or eleewhere ea® clomely that ” adobe € 0 oe oa ‘Phere purtier incy ae wellopen again aud nave trouble Nt every stape of this war, wheo the dan- ger weemed to lige aten Chiarieston, the glorn ous old coy bas recerved outbursts and offer roygs of geuerous Co-operation 1nd 4gigeance that are valuable in themselves at ther pune ture, and especialiy and pecoanently vemalle as exhibsitous ui sprit and feel ig When we were alinost buried oat, oureouns try friends and the citizens of wdyre ont States f there wealth | to chihe and shelter our uh and deeu- | tute sufferers, Now few uimthe ago, | when a foe more ruthlessly cruel aud inore de- testuble than fire of fever threatened the city, aud of their ates. gave freely hivused and a The policy of the Mexican Government, to | } supplying torm with numerous articles which | the successive batienes uf | | our tridnds Wale pot their money but them- | Selves, * Can the | ton, native oF nod the residents of Charles- ed, do wo much for a city thus honored By the volunteer offerings of vo many defe from afar? Shame on the recreaots, if sach there be, who aftec living fer years in the cizy, and fiod- ing it very good aud pleasaat place to make mouey in, euddenly discover, in this hour of trial, tbat they have conscientious or national scruples egeingt bearing arms A city and a Country net worth fighting for, and dving fory Hf need be. ts not worth fiving ing bot these shirkers aud shulkers should have reached this edgehusion avd taken themselves otf before the wag, We think warnings enoagh to convinee the mort skeptical have beeu given thet the Yau- Lkeesor meditating und preparing for geveral and sysbeinatic paids against properly and pro- \ vieous along our fines. and wherever they can finduccess. Atl planters and farmers exposed | lo eoch invasions en sbort notice, should be es well prepared a@@ pesmble. Provisions new in | hand should be teunoved wherever possible, and j all preparations madc instantly to remove or | destroy, us the case may be. CAROLINA WATCHMAN, oe MONDAY EVEWENG, ICLY te. 1868. ° TAKE NOTICE. dehvery, and all transient advertising must be paid for in advanee. } ome = : | . | Sheriff's Notice. I WILL attend at my Office Monday and Tuesday of each week, until the 25th, for the purpose of receiving Taxes due for the vear 1863, as the law requires me to settle by the 28th July. Those failing to pay wiil have | lo pay cost, sure, WM. A. WALTON, Shift. LAST NOTICE. Tose who have failed to register and pay Specific taxes on trades and ocupations, can have their last chance of doing so by meeting me at the Court House on Thursday the 23rd inst, after that, when I call on therm, it will be to collect ouble tax \ W_R. FRALEY. ! Confederate Tax Colleetor, | t se | | SITUATION OF AFFAIRS. | Unto werting theee lines, we have no definite | ‘oformation either from the Army of Northern Virginia, or from the Sonthweat. The ouly news we have, ie contained in the following extract from the Richmond Enquirer, which is good so tar agit goes, and can but hepe it is all true , and that every thing is even betters than it jyus- Ufles usin beheving. The President received a letter from Gep- | ) eral Lee, on Satarday, Wineh puis to rest all) anxielies in felatiou to the sitnaten of our are my ta Maryland. ano confirms the statements which have beea mad-, that our army tas beev oniformily victe rene > enemy in Pennsylwauos The letter states in effect, that the engaz-ments at Getty starg re sulted to deteating the enemy completely, m ) kdhog and wounding a pomber far earrediog , our own. and tn the cactore of a large mamnber of priesners: that the falliog back of our army to Hagerstewo wae a prodentrl move, not oc. castoned by any mpecers on the part of the en- vs encounters with the emmy. and neat threagh anv a’ prehenen n uf cone tUngenres ansing whch meyht ensure his sac- } The gist of the letter, ina? e+ eheMy waseven more cut ap aod whipped than he has ever been upon Soathern sew, and that the oe- capation of Hagerstown was a movement dic | tated by stragegy and prudence, as essential to the success of the campaugn. The secretin. , volved in this movement nray aswell be left to \ Gen. Lee to develope io tis own good time — The prisoners in our hands and on the way | here, we mnderiand, extamated at be- | tween 15) and 1X10 ‘Phé army isin Sine spirits and excellent conditwn. ess at that pout. few words, is that t thoroughly are, We have just learned that a letter ha@been i rece:ved in town from an offieer in Gen. Lee's army, dated Uageretown, July 7h, an whicy j the weer evulis over the battle of Gettysburg, and elaine it mem victory. Dodeed, we do not cee Som all the accounts received how the Yauneecan claim it ae a victory, when, of they had been soncersful, they could have pernat- ted the defeated army ty wihdraw and mareh to Hegerstown without pursuing it This, we think, ie good evidence agameat them os. Ge The flowing wetake from a letter the Raters, Progress from Wonehester Va. dated Jtiy Voit: — old town of Winchester preaents a sad rance I passed two Churches this morning, complete ly riddled of Cuors and windows, uecd PT leare as stables: one of them was a Ronnsh charch and Dlearn that when it was seized for st Giese e Roman Federal Troon, were much ioforiated and were queded with CEN It © admitted, however, that the?! town oa fag ny dred than would lias eepnosed belore seeing it Thre residences Mr. Laga stance, which Was seized by s bd Mil: Vel vrvad Wwe ii} as eve Tcaw acouner yesterday aternoon, who stated that Lee's headqaarters were at Ha ger-towt Mado Lape stores of orduance are bang shipped a thea river ag \V wn port for the artiny when dis iso toe] to move avain. A centleman qast an from Saepr Owl reports at tthe at Boonboro five thousand Federals aptured I would like to go on to Maryland and [4 ) The cash must be paid for Job work on | | 1 Were used. the Vagkee commance rordered bis men te - on ee make ‘enquiries- about our North Carolina Soldiers, but passports are given ‘to Martins- burg and no farther.” 1 havé made many Lenquities about N.C. soldiers, but hear of but few wounded at this -point. A uamber of North Carolina soldiers were passing a farmer’s house in Penfsylvania and being famished asked for water. They were informed that there was no waterin the house, | but that there was abundance of milk in the spring hoase, to which they were welcome <a if they would go aud get it. They went for the milk and drank abundantly of it, but soon discovered that it contained Poison ; and ax of them died. The party then turned back in pursuitol the wreyeh who did it, but not finding him, they colleeted his Property to- gether, consisting ber of catde, «large well stored barn, and of 150 sheep, a good mein perpetrator of this hornd deed Gen, [Hill is reported at Front Royal with thirty thopsand treops, going on to Mary- land.” oer FROM CHARLESTON. So far, thé Yankees have heen satisfied tu occupy the Seniherem ead of Morris Istand. Fort Sumier cemiiaves to shell their position. Whe- ther a serwus and determined attempt ia io be | made to enptare the city is not huown, bat we (feel sure onthmg will be left aadune to frus- trate any move that may be made. We shall continme to hope for ihe best. Gen. Beaure- guard ism commend. FROM MISSISSIPPE There have been some severe skirinishes, but as yet. no regular battle has yet occurred at Jrehsen, bet avoided as long ast has we do not see how it hes been Wo feel sure it mast take place and in ailprobabi'ity before we go to press news to thes effect will be received oo. FF In our statement last week of the altercation between Mr. Lewis Buis and | Rovster, we were mistaken in saving knives Mr. Bais toformed us be had tu koife, the only one used was by Rove ter. ->e en 27 Mr. Wonerr Howarp has) oar thanks for a very fine white head of Cah Tuts the fnrgest we bate seen thie ieee, The whole would more than Bled season, w hialf bushel. . me Tr General DO H. Ubi Lieut General, avd assigned to duty in Mis. hos been wondie a ise!) pt. > - THE FICHY AT SOUTH ANNA BRIDGE, VA. The following account of thie fight from a gentleman who wit messed the whou'e transactwo from the beyinming to ite end, ated will no doubt be read sich interest by many of our teaders as the Company so gallantly, under which lure the brunt [the lead of Capt. Flemming. is mostly, we think. from Rowan: *Seath dona Bridce, Ugnever Co., Va., ) Joly 1b, 163 \ On Saturday evenug the tih July, we re- eeived positive informacion that the enemy were advancipg on the Frede iekeburg Read Road bridge accoss the South Anna River ‘The river al this pomt makes a conmderable bend, {aw range of bogh hillson nis ede, overlooking it The nveris tridged just at the ancdle of whe bend and the Ratlroed track grounds nearly in equal paris, As the emeiny advanced oo the other ade of the yeu can easily see Whal an advantage we had wath vorartillery on the hillaon this mde. We had be troops On the other mde excep Company i, 46. hegunen: N.C. VT. —Capt N. MSM Blem rng commanding. Flemuog dad his aen de- ployed as skirmishers sa the bend. which en- abled him to have early flank proleeted by the civides tha how never, niver—the centre fescowen the Ruilromd crack Phe action pened atu Durch on the eveu- sog, and did net Conse taal iwe vcloek. The eveiny made Cwo severe stiacks, the last one’ Urternined. Cape beim grepu'sed the trrst "eharve of ibe eneisy | before the second chorge dowu atd called up cl Tevegve Beiore thie fre Elenite ee ruu ell beakeaciaiivg cme eyghtor tea prisoners whe refused to fall back oreorrenger, The Yankees cursed them for bot yg ving up with great bravery aud coolness, and the Con geueraily, acter many, te Cee test ge tlaget eves te- ner. Ung great creat apeou iteelf and ve Capt the haht ao far eathe safentey officers. Plamiig bore the brout of was Concerned, We had nee rere then thirty men engaged ion the tight He tought desperately and ged de that rnd bandted bist inew otrnirabl¢ withad Veni naan few men have war rapid and heavy [tis not wQen that one has such an eppertonity for radivicual dustine ind #till ome tooure tue Uverta, more fare yet for ppertontty lo sagrest an mdvant ge as Cy Fleming, but Knowing hin awe well as vous vou wolnet be wurprs)d Pe ie a capital it rand tahes excellent care of bes inen Our batteries played on the enemy over Fleromiwg'« head Phe preonere taken from the enews report that Geenecal Roster wae io comma od bed three b woof Tntantry, PIOO Cay aleyo and three Battere sa ‘Phey could get ne position for thea Netley They met with soo rtubborn and awoexpected reswtance thot thes cetrun hiete acd burned Che Wrage over the Pumunkey after therm! ome DEATH OF GEN. PETTIGREW A dispateh has been received in this city h leaves no doubr that the pulane Gen dond, and beme in the left hand and «death will cause a feeling ofextreme «ad nese by ita sudden une xpected announce Gen ment Pettigrew ia severe tose tothe j Seevice and the country.—Slate Jovrnal borned all to ashes, House and all, and at last | accounts were hunting the mountains for the | Lieutenant Lawrence bebaved | The tiring ! his wound was not} £a The. following we copy feom the State Journal furnished that Paper by » correspondent. [twill be found interest ing, and exhibits Gov. Vanow ge th? able and patriotic promoter of every gond work, tencing lo the success of our cause « Gov. Vanee and the Ladies of Granville, | Granvitte County, N, Cc, 6th July, 1863, s John Spelman, Esq: | Dean Sin: It is with unfei ned pride Pleasure that I], as a citizen renee a | ceed to give your readers an imperfeet idea (of an occasion which hus: just transpired in ihe ‘i of our quict bat putriutic neighbor. * Trood, | About two weeks since, His Excellency | Governor ZB. Vance, was invited through Mrs Detty Wimbish, om behalf of the Co Pe dies Soldiers Relief Society” ot Witliamsboro,’ to deliver, at his earliest convenience, an ad- | dress before the Society and citizens for the benefit of the former, The character of which [may remark bas been very sneces- lubin its operations thus far—and what is not which the ladies andertake ? Governor Vance very promptly and hand- somely accepted the mvitation, and named Saturday, the 4th July, as the day most con- venient, for bts attendance. ~ by the Society, A weeting was ealled and the gentlemen of the neighborhood also assembled at Witliamsboro’; in order to co- operate with the ladies in making arrange- nents Necessary to the occasion, Committees were appointed, charged with specific dates. and a subscription taken vp. which peured abundantly, were indeed any proot weeded, the fecling of liberality existing throughoug the district Col. John Wim- lbish, George Hardy, Esq, and Col & & Cooper were appointed to receive the Gov- emur and staff at Henderson. A beautiful oak grove was selected in the ancient town of Willamsboro’ as the place best suited to (las Occasion, ) Messrs. Johan W. Wiggins, E. Haithcoek, | K Satterwhite and R. A. Jenkins were ap- ) pointed a committee to superintenmd the bar- | betue, erection of a speakers stand, sents for l the ladies, and well did they perform the doves thus imposed, as not only will the bodily comforts, bot the epieunan taste of all testify cheerfally. On the appoiwted day the crowd began early to assemble. The Governor arrived at 12 o'clock, and, baving been Randsomely in- troduced to the audiener by Georze Hardy, Esq. proceeded with hie address— of which Twill not attempt a syaapsis—beine anable to give an adequate comerption of Bis grace- | ful manner or his easy flowing and imprese five remarks Suffice tte say that hrs senti mente were highly apotumled and eppreciat- ed by the bege and intelligent: aseemblage of hearers, as sound. lectcad, patriotic and ep- He indwWeet m no mhtoneni Hoorishes of any efforts at high-flown el- i Gnenee, batin langnege comprehensive to all, portrayed onr sitoation as an /adeperdent nation, afl Mreed on all ihe necesty of s firm rehance on the Alnognty, and a itberal support of the efforts which here been and are stil Meing muse by ome gaRant aod he- roe 8 natserons mestances to ) prove that a nation ence resolved to be free, and adenenadans would surely overcome acle to that end Land well deserved tib- es throogbont onr blood- land, for the many deeds of charity and self-sacnficiag devotion to our cause, and neged most earnestly that they agent a! on conor ving we ting every ob Fle panda graywtu teofprasetothe! stained ‘their cudesvorm to amnehorate the condi ot there protectom and to disceentenanee the disper hon evineed in same to shirk the dn- tesatedl respomubdites whieh devolve ou giael men and treme.’ reboked earnestly and patrioticaRy, of recunstmetion, which may have entered) the brain of some as amworthy the consideration «fa trie Seathernor—and as- sured the people that with the proper “ port of the Government, all would eventually be well woth no After the Governor had concluded, Col "© R Eaton row to remrr him, on behalf of the soctety, their ancere thanks for his promps hance with ther reqnist, and fo an- cones the order of dinner, which be did in le-sguled manner, pay- them as¢ He ns charactenstiz wi ’ it en poem? an appropriate tribnite to tow vallant servers of the Governor m the field, and to the cglonons olf &6th NOC 2 ook wae annouyeed abont Dinne ' or and staff and his atterdiug Thee Coe ee together with the ‘ust table an elevant mored three ladies, ect ; and xomptnone repast ‘peng eveey toing whieh the seas and teh otardens wool produce. and world appetite aApartaker olthede bhos- You Mr | } Titer Who are nar- reaw cotapasd ab four brwk walls irom days have dene voor kahtonal heart an sab to bave teen nvstetes obculimary shad. Cooped up owathe the Ite ves end, bow you would have én- e benefits ansing tothé@ Sinner nan,” { wrof beaver, and the protection of chet duly’s sn, nthorded hy the noble old ‘ with, rfar reaching arois ara wreen vee! Proly, the country 1s the phace fot tal ty andats aceompany Ay eojoyaie vee. ; Was annongeed 4. tree bot with " tandioy that the Sucity weld be b torany contmbateaas w hy miswlie ' ‘| a yeondiage Suelies 4 Ny ted oa heavy fe tore, ane a ocd idea at pooved to be ofa cepanate table, wens tora specified oor when werg dispensed the lixurnes of Ue UES th tod cake Uhbave not learned the Amoort Whiek ead ce partinent ren ed, but en Comte some six hundred dollars of Thome Was contibated > foe which, DT hear, (hat Grow. Vanee has promised to furmsh the Society with szoods to be made up at cost to the State--au arrabyement mo every Way desirable | Messrs T OTL Morrow and J. i. Turner were deputed to procare Music, which would the enjoyment of have addad mune to all present, Gat Che prope ietors of both Shocco and Kittrell Springs chose to be so ufaccom- modating as to refuse to let their bands at tend, although a very liberal price was offered | both parties. Later fre tle of td Yank ported JACKSON, Kentucky | ry, is spoke jeneral, in also is that Banners ca aod 53d the [nfirusa wounded, b in them an the corps | charge was yond Ala, | kee Colonel wiber offices Jackson, last night a been but li enemy have are plainly Vur troops cess yesterd JACKsaN, ranspired t Port Huc The Vigk don to-ni there for th Cobb's B. Sunday. Jackson, change 10 a Geueral | vast might They say U Osterhaus, ( aouse}) guia uy & CaRnut Heavy sk several ha by Use eoen Jackson, Joliustoo se asking peru u troat af « wou tu sead the dead be ‘IN orm 4 were cgay vem. The iecertained, tihe flag 400 to SOU. «tare Cal. Hail, of the tay, of the Major Lain BA Jame wounded. The time z ot the e Anprove FROM TROOP. LucaMont Beers and cevtysbarg aid verbals Maryland te ww approa rasiness rec > ace (O gen Lee and fis v with the yon the | eurement ts anny will bi ture the bac LAT Jackeos, ol without eny was tr al the even * buildings vison of rrant Us e The enem he ghee oarters wil We ture © Viekat ‘audon, ment, bad ay By ley ag Jacks IN, wy dem > aller Vv stom, re PIS Cont aod our ari River uy us phan CAL) sou will be. Nota ya nine ' Vole ree Wed 1 Pavia 9 4 Ton Zuson, of Sly wa * Vesterda I Krenwoyr ! Mh the Mounieat rday sso th F] Ctaniest om ” TRLHORAPHIO NEWS. Later from Mississippi—The Bat- tle of the 12¢ hnear Jackson—T he Yankee General Osterhaus Ite ted Killed. Jackson, July 12.—The conduct of Oobb's Kentucky Battery, and Washington Artille- ry, is spoken of highly by the commanding cjeneral, in the affair of this morning. So also is that of Lovell’s Florida Brigade. The Banners captured are those of the 28th, 41st, aud 53d Thoois. Gen. Breckinridge sent the Infirusary Corps to bring off the enemys wounded, but thetr sbarp-shooters fired up- in them and Gea, Breckinridge then ordered the corps to the rear, Their loss in the charge was fully 1C00. Col Harry Manry, ind Ala, was severely wounded. A Yan- kee Colonel, two Majors and a number of wer officers were captured. * SECOND DISPATCH. Jacxsox, July 13.—[t rained hard here last night and Uas morning, and there has veen but little fring on either side. The enemy have six batteries in position, which are plainly visible from the State House.— Vur troops gre couch elated with their suc- cess yesterday, THIRD DESPATCH. Jacxsan, July 13.—Notbing important has ranspired W-day. The states t¢ unchanged. Port Hudsen surrendered on the 9th. The Vigksburg prisuners will be at Bran- don tomorrow, » Sapplies have been seut there fur thear Cobb's Battery lost 9 mien in the action on Sunday. ‘ FOURTH DISPATCH. Jacxsox, July 14—There has been no change 10 affairs since yesterday. Geuecal Pe:cberton aud Statf arrived here ast might The viticers cane with them. — They say Wiat Chey met the body of General Osterhaus, (pronounced, we supose, Ovster- avuse) guing Co Vicksturg, He was killed uy w canavn ball in the Oattle of the 12th Heavy skuinishing stall continues deveral howses were demolished yesterday by Uae eoemy's sloecils YIFTH DISPATCH. Jackson, July 14, via Mositr, 15.—Gen. Juliuston seat « Gag of truce to-day to Graut, s-king permtssoa ty bury the Yaakee dead 2 Iroat of oer works Grant asked permis- sou to sead assistance, in order wo recoguive the dead bodes. which was relushed. The | int lomms were then agreed to. were cugared all the afternoun in burying Our oops ven The exact nuuiber bas not yet been certained, bat the Yankee odicers in charge tine flag of truce admit the loss ot from | 400 to S00. { Amoug their killed and wound- Hail, of the 4bst INinvis, and facut. Aberne- tay, ofthe 3rd lowa Amony our officers Major Lainh, od aT) Ga, kidest, and Lieut. BoA James, of Cobb's Kentucky Battery, | wounded. . The time specified expired before the bury - z ot the eaumy’s dead was tinished. Anproved ) G. G. Gaanenr, Chief of Stall FROM GEN LEB S ARMY—HIS TROOPS ALL IN FINE SPIRITS. ucamMosp, July 45.—A larse anaiber of Beers and povates Who were wounded at oeitysbarg are atriving here daily, w approactuag baule. The feeling of un- rauness receally prevading here has given ; ace lO general confidence in the ability of bev and his yallantarmy to ¢ pre agecvssiul | yowaith the Yankee hordes nuw concentrat- | Belore the next en- cigement takes place, tas beleved thap our sony will be nearly ae stroug as it wis be- kere Che battle of Gettysburg goa the Potomac. LATEST FROM JACKSON, Jacweos, July 1 —Another day has pass: | ; 5 . «lwithout any new development. The en- eny was tring incendiary steily into the city | atthe evening They fired one whole block " baildings, which was destroyed. Another vision of Burnside’s 1 ‘rant Uhis evening. LATER, The enemy kept ap heasy shedlingall muht © ate paste) Caureact Gen. Julinston s ,arters witinenat tTyNriby anv one, We burned 153 of the en “THY Vester {lay cuomnmand we Viexsburg posoners* have arrived at raudon, There ian prospect of an envage- eat bach ‘avy inianicy and actllery anar- thiuy cout . ues Jacksos, July 16 —The enemy made a Wy demonstration on on rizht and cent Wath hanctsonmely Vive Mlernoou, Gen Be (sehytre Ivy ton ne Pope ulsed Cheer Nery tire Was ryceesant + el au tee ean Me our batteries re- ere nyy Some the VO Countt We Cocarive who are presse 1 11d OUR right fue the pucpode of crossing wi River above wad that aang us The eo < planutire se sand redoubes Et "Ipposed to-morrow the remainder of Jack Sa will be barat, ; STILL LATER Nota gran was tieed ty the eveny thre a Vas OE reel il vd Wothh reecsed Go tives shee (tla treet ay Ned Chinn they are t VA TG Wonk We on NeW Cava \ made an atternpyt Ss tour mates above Tnat Nosht Cc Zason,of the South Car ayer oh nae Battery, Was Tally woundert Voom of the sharp shoor * Yesterday, FROM. RICHMOND in . " 5 RicnMonr. duly 16—The Yankee gun- Men the James River have ascended to OY mies of the erty vv waier, shell- tty Nously. The faciners in Charles City thie river are removing their negroes and < No excitement. her Telegraphic MuuMeaton with Waichester wa day, A Aspatch that Gen sted the I 2 resum Lee had ’ OtoTaae has been received FROM CHARLESTON. C "i > , : WARLESTON, July 17.—Y esterday morning «fare Coll Rad, Le Col Long, and Cape. | Letters ' wid verbal reports all cepresent) oac army yn | Maryland tu be in fine spints and ready for, reached | OF Wie woods, and heavy reintonee- | « forge’ Ot ovr itfantry and artillery repulsed to the protectection of his gunboats on Sto- nofriver, We captured fifteen belonging to a Massa- chusetts negro regiment and'killed and woun- ed about fifty. - Our loss was three kifed and ten wound - ed. The bombardment of Battery Wagner by the Minitors was kept up all iy yester- day ahd was fiercely renewed this morning. One man was killed on Battery Wagner yes- terday, but the battery was uninjured. FROM RICHMOND. Ricusonv, July 17—The recurn of Lee’s ar- my to this side of the Potomac was accomplish- ed without serious molestation. ‘he artillery, cump equipage, &c., were brought over sulely. The rear guard was attacked by the enemy's cavalry. Dunng the melee General Pettigrew was budly wounded At Winchester yesterday it was reported that the Yankees were crossing the Potomac at Sheppardstown, whether in large or small numbers it isnot kuown Tbe supposed object was to watch the movement of our army — Cannovading wan heard at Wiacheseria that diseetion yesterday. The Examiner vaye that the abandonmett of the invasion gives some rehef to a majority of our pecple. The Potomac is uo longer be- tween our army and base of supplies. The Dispatch makes similar remarks. ‘The Sentinel considers the movement a mat- ter of general gratification, in wew of the awol- len coadition of the Potomac and constant raive which has surpeuded mil:tary operations.” The Whig says, politically the move ix a good one, as it takes from Lincoln all excures tor conseription. [aa military point of view it was doubiless the oo less good sense of General Lee thathe made it. These comments convey the seutimeut of thie community in regard to the movemeat. Important from the North. GREAT EXCITEMENT. TERRIBLE RIOTS. Ricumonn, July 17—Northeru dates of the Vath have just been received The Herald, of the Lath, gives the patuculors of # great riot, under a displayed capiion, occupying nearly a jcelumu: The Draft, Tremendous Excitement lin the City. Popular Opposition to the En- | forcement of the Conscription. Enrolhug Off. | cers.ih 8th and 9th Districts Demolished. Two | While Blocks of Houses on 3d Avenue aud | Broadway Burned. Military ordered omt Cit- izeus aud suldiere killed, Arrival of Police va the eneimy on James Island aud drove hime. the Ground Another Attack on the Crowd he Pole Dispersed. Some Killed and Bad. | | : i i \ ly By aten. Sapernteadeat Kennedy Severrly | Wounded. An Aninery in Second Avenue | Destroved Raid ou the Negroes Colored | , Orphau Asylum foeid in Asics Destructeon of Bui’s Head thotel ington Awenue Sacked Attacn-d Police. Two Mansionsin Lex: The Tribune Office Repulse of the Assanlanut= by the | N Negro Hanged, Ke., Kc, &e. &e. The Herald's summery savethat stone tine w uutiber of people estimated at from twenty te fifty thoasand, asseimbled at one spat, and | aGiire neenmed a eerious look. Several Build- inge were destroyed gd taany lives Lot, Several suldiers, police and ciiizens were wounded. Many | private houses, in not afew instances, were broken opea und dexpotled, The Times, of the loth. gives an account of the progrosa of the moton the preceding day. | Ut says there ts no question that there was a , vasily larger number engaged thanon Mouday, and the spectators were iucrensed also by ma- ny theasands. Several enceunters occurred between the mob, police aod military, and a inrge number of rrters were killed Colovel ‘YBren.of the Lith New York, who comman- | ded a poruen of the forces, was beaten to death | by the crowd and then hung. The streets were | barrreaded, burldings burped, atures sacked and povate buildugs plundered. All ine large dwellings plundered. AW the earge manufac: facturing establishinents were clused and every branch of business suspended Governor Seymour arrived from Aihany aad addressed the crowd from the steps of the City | Hall He announced that he had sent. to | Washington to ask the Government io stp the draft iu the city for the present. He subse- queatly issued a proclamation declaring the etty and county tn a stale of insurrection Sratycrie:p, July 14—A not has broken out in Vaetford “Troops hive been sent to protect the arsenal Conederable exetement im this ' city. A dispatch from Meade to Halleck claims thit the Federal cavalty overtook and captur- b edn brigade of infantry ot Falling Waters — The eceimny are all across the Patonae A depach froin Cineinasti etates that Mor gan erossed Che Big Went, at Venice, on Mon- dav, and barned the bridge behind him. mov ig towards Cavop Dennou, Karl Russel announced sa) Partininent that Baron Gros had nesured him that Franee bad Deintenton of propestig mediation ia the uf- farreot Amenca te Bughind Mr Roebuck had moved a resolution of res coguitioo of the South, The dedute was pro- geessing al baat account LATER FROM TUE NORTH The BReot al Staten Per tect lin — Negvoes Thouses Gutted — Liol Iana— Sic Neqroes killed —A Terroi Hlorvib'y zens Fleeing — Printing Lertending Reryn of -Riot in fhook- Malbreated — Crti- Opice Dest ryed Troops Ay ruving | Ricunoxp, July 18 The Raltimore coaerrean ot the Loch eou- Calis a dispaieds stead New Yo K, July host whi 1 sus Fhe Rioters gutted whoud a dozen houses | last naget Puts taorming acrosw oeenred on Cedar Street, but the pol usp edb the crowd ot rulliaas A serious rot has taken tlvee on Staten | Island. Last night sx negroes were hilled. | ak perfect rern of ter prevailed A considerable disturbance oecenred at Brocklyu to-day. The negroes ace hormbly maltreated | Quite a nninber of | yops are arniving and IMpression prevails at this writing, ( Wednes day, noon) thatthe worst 1s over, the rioters | fearing tried troops from the seat _ A large number of tar | from the city. The exodus is unabated In Newark, N. J., on Tuesday, the office of the Daily Mercury, and Abolition slivet, of wat \ es have removed | | | i} | | a a : - HS a : 3 os tin “ ¥ yw was gutted by them Aotally destroyed, EVACUATION OF JACKSON, Jackson, July 17.—Ouratmy quietly with drew from Jackson at 10-0'clock last night, to abc being flanked Gn the right. The sick, wounded and stotes) have all been re- moved. The enemy. did not discover the re- treat till day-tight, and-has made no effo-ts to pursue. Our army,is'i line cf battle kere. FROM EUROPE. Ricmonp, July 18—The Paris correspon- dent of the London Zimes says, on the au- thority of ‘private letters from Madrid that Proposal for recognition ‘has been made ov behalf of the Southern States and to furnish that Government with the sanction ot the Frescb Emperor. The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved a vote for 105,000 pounds fog the purcharse of the Exhibition building in Penningten, but aller a stormy discussion the vote was re- Jected by @ majority against the Government of 186 votes. The result: was received by loud cheeriug. ih tcbininr Casualties im the 4th N. Carelina. Camp wean Hac WN, Maryland, ly 8th, 1868. Mr. Bruner—You will publish the following list of killed, wounded and migsing of the 4th NC. 8. bee in the battles sround Gettesburg, Pa.,on the Ist, 2d and 3d jost.—Field and Stag, 4:Co. A: Killed—pri- vates, K. M. Brawly and ri Beri. Woun Corpl. F. M. Morrison. Privates, Massey. M. T. Clark, Eli Day, James A. Coon and M. Snow, Missing, Privates, R. Mayhew, Hugh Hal and J.M. Donahoo.... Co, B —Wounded, Capt J. F. Stansill. Yrivates, J. M. Sides, Willisom Rainey and P. 8. ivory. Hisias, Wm. Pardiea and A A Beaver,...Co. C—Killed, W. M. Chip- ‘ey. Wounded, J. A. Harkness, CL. Johpson, H. 1. Lollar, C $ Sharp, J M Rickert, J. N Brothewon, Corp's M.L. Arthurs and AM White. Missing, A PGoodman JC Norton, TM Lewis, J ALewis. ..Co. D—Wounded: privates, Wm. Gurley, Jos. Seott, Andtew Sauh and Wm Bumm. Missing, M.D. Pearsall....Co. K—K Bled, Jas. Litchfield. Wounded, W F Beal. Missing, Wm Suggs, Daniel Bailey and Moses Wollard....Co. F—K\tled, W. B. Nolly. Wounded, Capt T E Thompson. Missing, J. B Woodward....Co. @—Killed, G. H. Cunningham. Wounded, Wm Cleny ...00. H—Kiiled, Lieut. John B. Stockton, private Burgess A. Campbell, Wounded, John Farr. Missing, Henry Reeves ...Co. I—Missing, 8erg't Jarvis, vrivate R. T. Pickering ...Co. K—Wpunded, Serg't@ho Holshouser. issing, Serg’t M. Heonesy, private W. Josey, Wm. Buis, and W. Peeler. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Officers, 1 : seers Enlisted men, 6 19 18 46 I am very respectfully yours, &c., J.H. WOOD. LIST OF CASUALTIES In Captain L. M. Davie’ Company K, 5th Regiment North Cagplina State Troops, in the | late Battle of Gettysburg, Pennaylvania, Killed — Privates Jane Allen, Tobias Cruse, Teane Exrubeart, JM Eleihy, George Smith. Aaron Bostian. Wound+ed—Lieut J C Levin. head; Sergeant H T Powe, neck; privates William Lefler, shoulder; Levi Deal. mde andarm; LD Brio- gle, shoulder; E Fo Leach, arm and ley; Eli Safrit. arm; Edmund Seaterd, shoulder: All- {aon Tsppard, hand; L A Bean, neck; WoC Sugart, elbow ; E Brewer. shoulder; MioSa- frit, shoulder. : -_ o-e List of Casaaities In Co. D. 28th V.C. Kest. at Gettysbarz Pa, Capt. J. M. Randle, wounded and missing: 2nd Lr Moose, woonded ia side severe: 3d Seryt. J. M. Easly. killed on the tela. Privates —J. AL Whitaker. wounded. in thigh: J. EB. Mantden, head: WLC. Morrie, foot: COW) Sides. chin and thigh: NOC. Pi Shoulder; D2 F. Saith, left: are cil MINION, VARRIED: {n this county on the 5th July 1863. by U. Wott, Esq, MOSES ELLEK to Miss LIN- DA MILLER. On the Tth instant, by Revo S. Scherer. Mr. DANIEL UOFEMAN to Myes VARGARED in PEELER, all of Rowaa Couns. In Salsbury. N.C. on the Ddth constant. by the Rev. Mr. tha ightoo, Cap. de WeCOY.C S. Army, of Marviend, to Mises BETTIE M. GREEN, of Warwick county, Va e DITSDY: Killed by a Minnie ball, at Seven Pines, on the Sist May, 1862, Corp’) WELLIA VEU. A. BIRKHEAD, Co. Bah N© 20 years, 6 months, 29 days. Treops, aged Totus County ea the 13th iuet, JOSEPH | Y.GRAIIDAM, aged aboat 3 year: He was the only sowof Jas S. Graham, whe tell mortally wounded at Predenciksinog ‘Thus has the best one of this family pase fooun trae to Eternity. On Sunday July Tih. the tedy of another of North Carolina's sous and soluiecs was pat | uwav from hoamansoht. ROBERT OB BELL wae porn ia Saleba- GV NC ein the Year PR36. and woe mt the time of his death, whieh event took ploce Jaty Hhth, PS63, aged 26 veara and Tmouths Ue died tn the ss Wary side Hospital tocated in bite native place. When the fir sof wor began te Maze up onthe Country, and the irsteall ot the President for veluteers rang through the jaud sammoning her sous of noble birth te rally arcond heestand- ard and beat back the proud oppresser, then when so many ef the young meu ofthe South, | tired with love of country and deeds of darniug. took their place side by stde upor the great arena of strife, fighting for home, life und bberty. he, among the first, enrobled hrs pron of es country, tame as a chai. te waea member of che Cybarros Guards. June QNth, 1863, tu Gener! Hospital, Neo Dein the city of Riehmood, WELLE A MEP © EDDLEMAN, tu ths 20;h yvoaref brs age OF Apoplexy.son the 8th oust, at her pect dence, Mrs. SARAH HEILLIo. rehet of Mer George Hethg, in the G3l yew of her sage HEAD QUARTERS 120th Regt \ © Militia, July 16, 1863. TILE Commanatng Officers i of the 120th Regiment NOC Militia well have all the white men inthe beatebetween 40 and 45 years of age.in Salabary.on Fridny, the Bist instant, at 9 o'e'ock, a i Fach mon will bring with hin ene good pair of shoes, two shirts, two pair socks and one blank- et. By order of ’ MA LOCKE, €ol. C Uh McKenair, Ady'ty ne ie AP Ri Me t i a © Dey - ‘ renee . ‘ een mmr = neat Charlottesville, Virginia, * from the above Insurance Company, and am now prepared to tuke risks Om property at fea- vonable rates, uud for limited periods of time. and on different grades of property :—Such as Cotton, Tobacca, Produce, Wachivery, Mer- chandise, Buildings, &c. This Company hae been in operation but « short time, has a large Cash Capital all paid in, and held by sume of the wealihiest and best people of Virginia. A large amount of the Capital Stock of this Come pany bas already been sold for ten per ceat. premium. [ can safely recommend this Com. pany to be of the mort reliable churacter, and any losses from policiesmissued by this Compa- ny. will be promptly met according to the terms eet forth in its poiicies. Persons in Saliebury and vicinity desiring their property insured, can have an opportuni- ty ef doing so by calling on me. A. J. MOCK, Agent. Salisbary, N.C., ; July 16, :863. 19 Aps't Genenac’s Orrice, (Minitia) Ruleigh, July 10th, 1863. Genenat Orpen, | No. 13. I THE COMMANDING OFFICERS e of the Militix are ordered to enroll all able bodied white men between the eges of foriy and forty five years, who are subject w the Conscript Act. Those who ate exempt frein military duty by the Exemption Acts of Congress, are not to be enrolled under thie or- der. HI. In addition to the exemptions ander said act, heretofore published, are the following exempied under act of the Congress and ep- proved April 30i:l, 1863 :—Justices of the Peace, County Trastees, County Solieiters. Coroners, Registers, Tax Collectors, one Dep- aty Sherithin each County where there is no Tax Collector, Constables now in office, one Deputy Clerk for each Court when the Court may request it, one Coonty Commissioner for each Cooaty for distributing money and provi- sions among the soldiers’ famiies, Agents ap- pounted under act of Legislature for any public duty, Mila Officers, Mayor and Police of Ra- leigh, Wilmingtoo, Fayetieville, Salissdry and Chadotte, Counsellors of State. Board of To- ternal Emprovememe, Literary Board, and Em- ployees of the State Government in the differ- eut departments. Itt. The Commanding Officers of the Mi litia will report wih tae men ordered to be en- rolled, at Raleigh, on or be%re the Ist of Aus yurt 1V. Each man ordered above will bring with him to Camp one good pair of shoes, two , shirts, two pair of socks, and one blanket. By orderof Governor Vance: DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant General. Executive Department North inna | July 13—2w9 Executive Department ‘\. Caro- lina. Adjatant General’s Ofee. (Millta,) ? Raleigh, July 15, Lot3. 5 | GENERAL ORDER, § | NO, 15 f IN COMPLIANCE WITH AN ACT of j Be the recent Legislature, commanding Offi- leersof the Militia are ordered to enroll asa *} guerd for HOME DEFENCE all white male i persons pot already eorulled iu the service of | jthe Coufederate States. between the ages of lyR and 5C veurs, iecluding foreigners pot nat- | uralized who have been residents of the State for thirty days before said enrollment | IL. There shall be exempt from the opera- | tions of this order the Governor, the Judges of ‘the Supreme and Superior Courts of Law and | Equity, Membersof the General Aseembly, the | i] Officers of the severcu! departmentaof the Gov. | ernment. Members of Congress, Civil and Mil- } itary Officers of the Confedgrate Governaent | inche Statesthe Ministers of the Gospel of the | | eeveral Religions Denominations ef the State, | ‘charged woth the duties of such mninistry, the ‘high Sherithand Clerks of the several Courts of | | Reeordsand the Public Registers inthe several | | counties. | | TEL. After enrotlinent the men enrolled shall | j be divided into Coopanies of vot less than ve. | Pventy-fve iea, ner more than one hondred, i | wnd shall proceed to elects their Company Off- | | | | | | | The certificates of sach election will be \ forwarded to thus office with the papers of en- rllment, m order that Commiseion inay be ie. | ' \ cers | sued IV Otheers of the Milica will be enrolled } | for flome Detence, and there Commissions, when ealed into service will be suspended only | dann the period of soch service } VoVhos order is not tutended to interfere with the enr-hinent for tiemadiate service, (hove Weiween the ages of 4 nud 45 yeare ander Order No Vt B. order of Gov. Vance: DAN IEG. EOW IE: m9 Adjutant General. ‘By the Goversor of N. Carolima, | 1 PROCILAWATION. \ TREREDAS, for the proreetion of our peo- pies for as posable. against the evils obe necessity of speenl lon, there continue toomrohibit the ewesct ten of certua arucles of one produces des ond che limits of our State: Now, therefore, F ZEBULON B.VANCE, ) Governor ot North Carolina, doissue ts Proe- Tambien, counamg tie proclamation of June sthon force for thirty days from and afler the ! (Bib iostant. on regard to Cotton and Woolen | Clot, Cotton ind Woolen Warns, beather and | Shorso snbieet to seh eveeprous, de, ae hive bern erpressed dua, proclamations heretotore vu the snbp chet erpartetran i Ta witness whereat, Zeneton B REAL Vascr. Governor, Copii Cever /o. doand Commander ca-Chief, bath , rdothese neresents and cused the Great; e State to be atlived Done atthe City oof Raleigh, this LOth day, PJuly. ALD, Us63, ron Endependenes che R7tb By oh) Governor ZN VANCE Rot Borree, Ir. Private Seeiry Joly v1 Qwt Se ef th wlio the year eof Amer- Servants For lire. | THANE several yeu ‘a owemen and girls for | ! sothe reaainder of the year {oa « JOHN WASHINGTON | ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON | I & ENNESS’, Druggisis. | June 15, 1863. ud err cash dieha te naire Ahm vege? cir age TL wave ACCEPTED AN AGENCY. LCOALILESS TON om, v / TAKEN UP ae itted*lo my pen on the 14th ings. 5 ielec@potted pig 3 or es old, for de- i Upon my cows by sucking the milk. Said pig hase hole ju one ear colt nie the other. ‘The owner iv hereby notifield to come forward, prove property ot it will be dealt with as the faw directs. 8.W.JAMES. July 20, 1863. £9. Exeeqtive Departmens, North Carolina, Apsurant Genenar’s Orrice, Raleigh, July 4, 1863 I R. ARCHIBALD M. NESBI'PT, OF Rowan Coeoty, ix authorized to ruise a . regimeut to serve for six months, under the re- quisition of the P esident. Each company will consist of 75 meal The, privates will elect their company officers, the Jauer will elect their field officers, The officers will be com- missioned at and from the time the muster-~ rolls are filed in this office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant General. HE UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO. such of his fellow-citizens as may choose to join bim, to report to him at onee at Sulis- bury. If the foree called for by the President do not avail themselves of the opportunity to volunteer and have officers of their own selec- tiou, they will be drafted and have officers ap- pointed by the Governor pver them. ,The rer- vide ie for State defenee and for but six monthe.. Rally, men! The enemy is now advancing upo. cur coast, threateniug the destraction of oar homes and the destruction of our means of Subsistence, to say nothing of the disgrace and worse than death their presence entails upon our sisters, our wives and children. Rally to the defence of your homes and Gresides. A. M. NESBITT, July 6, 1863.—{«17} Salisbury, N.C. We) ‘A Ta Ec ey T the C S. Distillery at Safisbory, N.C., One Thoussnd (1000) Bushels’ Maple. Charcoal. Proposals wast be addressed to JAS. T. JOHNSTON, Medieal Purvevor C. 8S. A., Charlotte, N.C. July 13, 1863. te ~ LORILLARD’S SALT SNUFF; - Appleby’s Fresh Snuff. N BLADDERS—the genuine article—for, sale by A. A. WILLARD, Greensboro’, N.C. July 6, 1863. 57 ALL -AT SMITH & SMITHDEAL’S for Boots, Shoex. Books, Gun Caps, Flints, Flasks, Envelopes, Paper. Cigars, Pipes, To- baces, Snaff. All of the above articles and a great mony more. can be had at SMITH & SMITHDEAL. June 29, 1563 46 OTOSMITH & SMITHDEAL’S and see the New Guods they have jast Re- ceived from Charleston, 8. ©. Consisting in partof Prints, Ginghams, Shirting. heavy Caeh- mere, hat crape. Boots and Shves, Nutwnegs, Pepper, Spice, Copperas, and» great many other guode. SMI & SMITHDEAL. June 20, 1863. 416 I E sure to cal! at SMITH & SMITH-— DEALS before you leave Town if you want to buy anything, «s they have a large lot of GOODS. They will take Confederate mo- ney for anything they have to sell 416 SMITH & SMITHDEAL. BACH CREEK ACADEMY. ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. (7 WNAHE Fall Session of this Tastitation wilb begin on Monday, July 24th, 1863. TUITION—From 810 to $15 per session. BOARD—815 per menth. For further particulars, addrees the principal at Miranda, N.C. A. A. PHIPPS, Principal. June 20, 1863. Stpd:6 ra aD’ BEd" Bee ALG THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON my Book Store account, will please call on Mr. James H. Enniss, my authorized agent and set- Ue the same. ALL those indebted to me on my subscrip- tien and printiag account will please call on Mr. | Enniss and settle alse. . Some of my accoants have been standing since 1859, and I do hope that those who are due will call at once and settle ap. Confeder- aie money is plenty—there can be no excuse —I prefer to take it iu payment of dues J.J. STEWART. July 6h, RS63. U7 The History of North ‘Carolina JUBLISHED in 185t by the undersigned, pretace conerded that it ecortained omit- sons unavoidable and many imperfections, A second edition was then promised, which would remedy these defects. This is now called for. He will be grateful te any one who will point out any errors in the dates aemes or facts in the varions counties of the State 5 biogtaphien! sketch of those who have done ser- vier inthe field or State. Letters may be sent te me, care of Hon. D. LL. Swain. JOUN H. WHEELER. Chapel Hill) No C., June 4, 1863. 3n7 MICHAEL BROWN, MERCHANT SALISBURY, N.C. JROALP'T gersonal attention given ie the | parchase of Produce and Shipments — Coosonpots ether for eale in this market of for daoment toother markets echened, which wilte seld at hiphese market price and remit taaers prompuly made. Satsbury. July 13, 1863 tm NOTICE. \\ Eowillsell at Olin, Tredell, No CG. on Thorsday the 30th day of Jaly, the folowing property, viz: about 200) lbsy Sole and Upper LEATHER, Shoe Jacks, twoor three hun- dred poands of Now's. Sprigs, ‘Packs, Lasts Shoes and Shoe Too's, ot various kinds. Sal» to commence at 10 o'clock FOARD, BRO. & CO July 13, 1862 3tpcd end any | eV Meeps ae e = . ae yen now meno . 7 —- so tn ~ Ve Unglan : T | | > | Sa ee et Sh tl WV Ae) NOTICE. IW CRC ERGs Be Special Notide, ew York World hits the Yankees aN a . To all whem it may Concern! | ‘LHE UNDERSIGNED having been p- | T 1 wh it C smart rap in the following paragraph : UARLY TH JANUARY LAST. THE Wike _ poiuted by the Court + Commissioner for Row “ oa in may OnCtrhn, Ottice ef Me & Bo Myers was Broken open and { ING to the number of riots, mobs, im- |. County” under the Act for the relief! o 'TOA LL PERSONS INDEBT. ‘ re » “the r # é inj . car: UNel dls vise cerdclen. salen hers bor Onell pressmenta and thefis inthe county, | feel | the families of soldiers who are in iadigent at Phe wi the New England press is lec~ eS. reaple ot Cettoybvania tur their tiue Eaghsh Gold Lever Wateh, with the name j ita duty [T owe to myself to adopt the following cumatances, hereby gives notice that he will | E 18) EO l S/ spatove ds about the coolest instance of ofS. AL Lilbagton on the face, German Teat | rules and regulations at iny mill: be in Salisbury on Monday and ‘Tuesday of \ on Vankeu assurance Upon record, The Pennu- letters, beheved to be made by J. Johasten.| ., peel nut be ies polmibls fot amy Flour, | 8°S1y Week evemmenciie cy Munday Ve oe am Llepermond (nuseted to the Auip of x, «& Vivwicss: ata qm in waligah & <ice cyt Lovermauy due iraoton Weng, tengo Dianmind Veal or any kind of Grain that may be taken | Of April forthe purpose of attending to | is W. Myers and A. Myers, wre hereby respert. i ACiteltent as-eould + bl \ : “fan centre clumered around with smal) Diane) me by mob motor uupressment, | duties of his appodutment, as directed tu ue lol fully requested to settle their Tespective oblj- == | ep | . dean’ th Se moads; oue fine Gou Rog, with fi Lime not, 2d. Twill nat be responsyble fer any Grain | WALT PuleEe MNGEe GUIRARIN Dreeer soe 0) CUS! gativine Caner itl DS ieee by letter, Withou, oe ay eh ded trom Quan > ANd jusernbed thereon. one sett Bar Rines ao es uted at my mill aut! ordered to be ground | Court nerdlesy delay. hey will thus rave Merest 4 Yatotiued, while the nervous New Ene Breest Pin, Cora cE tro Glades 3d Twill not be responsible for any Mealor 1. All applicants for relief under the ActOO qud the incouvenienee of payment when mon ' eects APE AS “pAtheue as se taany broad lin Piney one Bur Gold Charms. eonmetue Dietituore than 24 hours atier mas made; at) the Assembly for rebet ot tadgent faaler el ey may be less ubunduot than Ye Prerent: | > toined Holic ss < ut FT ee beanie uniatures > Shipper le same time, Dwath take the best care of it) Soldiers, must file with the Commissioner eee hope the friends of the bite firm& will net = r New E Ore: ree tart Sh. sot reel tes rat Doan, and the sune care that Ttake of | Ufieate signed by the nearest: Magistrate or bY Gaire longer indulgenes, bet respond to this \ ( + meaner dy * , 1 ; 4 mi : EL ee eet Cad ,T . \ t , be UStabd seul Co beat back tie new Clrai Breacc Gold Breast Pino Wy ewe. “Phe ail e aiways uncer lock aud | the School Committee of ter district, sete Urrent call, ws itis neersary that the business UVASOM. even the reported capture of a] mest with Pearls: one Necklace with lane ®t) When we leave it forth thatthe applicant is ia dadigent creun> — ghould be closed wich om bittle celay 48 possible score or so oof tree neo t Chamber VJeis, with t F JoS. MeCUBBINS stances. the vumber chidren she has under 10 A. MYRRs —_ tt: THOS is hainbers aval Jets, Cressi ceulre s ore tie vt , F ‘ iia ; . ; : : A ae ean Dury bias fa 0 fire Ul udietation of, one lane Black | Mivatbe Embror { Salisbury, March 30), 1503 tito years ot age ; whether she liveson her own | Office next to Cowan’y Brick Row Col Andes See Gah, Hnmikecohieh fala tienes, ee cPl nian, aS un rented prnperty, aad if am tented property: " Satisbury, Maret 0, 163 14s ' : iwi tia ds Out un the : : \ Pr ee . ot 6 cthe rentieexacted or not. ‘The cot ‘ } or ea Linen and Cotton Sheets, Puluw Carex and Comcord Classical and Scientific | Whether: the rents exacted oF not. Th Ou Ms tine sure, kor a Yaukee to ac 5 tifleate may be sent by a tend, accou panies ! a Bolster Slips, aad many other articles of Jew I , é F Ol hu Olt cuse a Penusvivanian ol s yinenesa to this) clry and Ladies ap foot ecullecuadl. Nchool, with a wrtlenorder, andon presentation of tne ’ as — ; ‘ : pee bac vcal ‘ Pitre i heen aS withe (i ate } , ry on "re py emergency is enous ty wake the MRED) or Tae red Dellara willie COXCORD, XN. ¢ order anc ¢ rit ate the Cominiesionerwolpes ONE BARK | a TANNER® OIL for f ; AD: yw. © the proper allowance to whoever presents the sale, apply to WM. WATSON pole shiver. paid for the recovers of the above oamed acti . >p yey 3 ’ > . r 1 ‘ } i a Ariana ; . fon S. FRONTIS, 3e., Prisecirac. papers \ de > wiles weet of thie place re = ele eportodu for any nrioof them — = . , , f lies . Vost of the Jewelry can be denttied by WLR hour particulars adteess the Princ ipal 2. Persons who live ta their parents farilir Or at this Office ! ao be iden ! 4 ! } Turpentine usa Barnes Fiud.—A ,w and whe have net more than lLehild, canned t a chat Brown's Livery Stable, wa, Coneord, N.C. ‘ . . Joe \ ‘ Mareh 16, 18634 cortespondent of a North Carolina VEN ecctgs aa bostibt so HS OUR TID Wuik Con AOS SORTED oo : } = wh ‘ at 4 : . - 5 raxes Where the parents ace not able to st Myereor Samuel Reeves, Sry will be prompt. SCRAP TILON WANTED. In Case e © paren “ ly attended to port thenmselye sand their children son, Watch-maker at this pace Taoomy . a 6m43pd considered in indigent cir uinstasces excep writes: . w BN ’ ‘ ) ; . ryN 3. Persons living with Gaear parentsor friends i a keptap as herMofore. Js Puurpentine has been recommended in BE. MYERS I HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE ~~ is gratifying to bim that this as Sas who are able to give them their beuwrd wehoat Fa VOUr paper as a mateniat forhghbt. Alter eiee: N.C, Jane 15, 1803 tt paid for old Casting or Scrap Tron at Govern. charge, cannot beecusiccred “indigent” mthe rh ) ertablicbment. begun, at first, at — having tried vty Dam sue prised that Wore crt ne Confederney, at Atlanta, Ga Wil” ment Foundry im Salishury. Versons having meanine of the Law, a duabttulexperiment. has proved Ap wenera, USe Is Bul mgde of so Cheap abveh copy “balbs one Week id sead bi rthisoth vny will please send iatonce, or notify ine 4. The f Howotg allowanees will be made to lo the public a aes desideratum and » com. one @ easily procurable a sublitute for oni atid ny vhere they cau dedver ait ; those who preseutihe poopercertincates plete success. “Travelers, and others can al. Ap Fok ) ‘ida a Stonewall” Jackson A.B. SUBPPERSON Bie every soldiers Wite or mother eon indi: | waye have theirwants in thealipe, Bellsnp- Spits. lu iw Kerenene PARP WE Oo UOd . . Superintendent rentcorcammtanees SQ per menth for herself plied. —— derately larze burner, the climuey ber wv J USP PrChieect D. a 1 for ale bye No | March 4. R530 tf:42 5 iW KL monthly for evers chrid uuder LO veare Cash prices paid for Provender. And the Tt about two iuches du diameter, we tind t , y iegileigerGhd lute eoliauan rd t = ‘i . ’ , wf re Widews of those whe bave died of! subsertberts stways ready tosell or buy good ee V That) MORSE & CO. Augusta, Ga, \itention Soldiers’ Wives! SOHN tt eects wilco crstraced iy den ; : Soo spins irpentae, procured at astui, A COMPLETE BLOGRAPHICAL Sxeren See Nn Cuan oan Fae Pe : Aiea ne , GE “sfUNEWALL”™ ‘acksox , | . == he above tule. Batra allowances may be mad: THOMAS E. BROWN W tong the tite of roroad at 8) per calon, Sh ta eae . m By TIAVE. a mall quantity of Flour to spire jv ejaes ot sieness oc forether youd cause. ut Inn. Vat cUSC2 t(55 . =A Fy ) u RLEs t ’ sent’ @ 1 hue rats , Sields futiy as good «light as “Paimetto ee pe ue e full and aecurat Vnvof the wilitess” waves Mvioi 1d MN Can: Go, ai. advice tite Cinmimiller upp bay letter OW” or any oiler burning tloid steven | CBS easing Sventwat mis late cts Sins Disiiclin seed wf thier, ean ert i alt U ifirose \ heen wil var . “ING yaNg Pee att wilice burning Hluid whatever: | Dying Mtomiente, wind the Ubsniusen st Riche stare pechunuiteds, Taree Mage mete Wory | uct purines sie ot el! hood DOG SINS) WASTED, ten t Arp but s nol at all ¢ \} esive OF Uh invnd cid Weunelin ai weet hi i ; TH thee Vow provisions whe Uhe ormon Oar gerous, aucon the iamp used by ous. on Ties eck Contam many anecdotes of the ew are fe wanda for licme Wie Gus ont atl a eS bite ie \ ANTED 1000 Dog Skins. dry. for whiel eich ta. . : ‘ : 7 Athen Am puter die | . ~ Lik t ’ pre 4 ‘ ; i / ‘ 2” : he A Phat ine Hiitisseoner kee ge @ bint of poor wil be paid Sl for medsum s.2e, ane of th neh t IPA IS Weal Concentrated upon ES BD WJ Ue JOUN Ce MICE ' what quanti ' cee va ae * so es ae clas my yimac 528 toque stnatlet oie in ore n ry Me asthe, Ubere iS DO teeessitv too use a ee ; Roos . ‘ Vw 2 ashe ery and atwhat p t vd publish the sat month Appl : ' Stateavile, of A . tae by all Book Stores and Soa sry i wir jranse the wick, Why wl pres ca : SALISBURY, APELL 20, bs6000 1 J. Mor 7 ; ores aay. ic > . CHE IIE STR ES AGRE ROC yor nt De@biibes Bo 1-62 att \ fer rowant of w . 1 suprecie tis : en ’ A as ret cme oe! : tof ti Toe crate suprtied To Gas Consumers, Se ade “an nporitiy Sidol nae fae } ivebl ow nour reach ] 3 Al ofGuls adGresses as - i : : a Yaiff-wly win procuring a good lamp, IY flee Nod. MOKSE A 60 ( )x ee ee ee a vee * DR. HOWEBATON liam Perelnae, cise Ss! Levee Sievert rer — eee sapetien aii Pane TENDERS ba jen: * (athe “Dia Ke. arcd@ittie mure then a tulerabdy ou i) PR. oh 0 sc Nie Ties, CeO Phe Ge nitaesie a Tertite fd ettreasot 3 » Off tbe B red~ - sp ki ¥ r . “ee r - . i +4 ~ Nie la , Turpentine, & 5 _ — rE oe , hee ae coe ve ss the f o are 4 . ‘ - ; , , Sean) nN t ats The - se rr ; ‘ ! ‘e \ — . = lt x2 a A = “ae Denes S , ] a eer] ' Eid : ny . : owe a yes ) foo} ad 4@ pass SECTS ae OIA, Th Ole LO Was: . HAVE rece'y f ‘ ‘ ‘ mye ? uh oe wy ’ . STE ‘ . ' visit to Eorpt as x oceans ( ivCon sth « las ¢ ie {Ee a MEE D ieee , P Bie ' a ‘ SA ENC I) Nov. bath, bs62 of m . an Mable as poss ters HGR eer Nwtrtlye = : oe Te ASSL lee ee . ies : : LI : SeCletie treater Carl litan, ordered . Ni orten : ee a \ ti , : ! 1 : n ft fits PPPOE ANG Verbs Ol 1 \ an 1, sa XW Fe ’ * viatthe Boot & plus ss “Chi Ged as very mag! . ‘ toe mies to ees ae ee ein aS Joon A Bragehiw, ues ed f OK c 8 4 trsort it . urs OS ] 3 Weate Te : aoa “S ; . a Ue rile aa meee Cop the waed Now ' we topey debts but ADd the Urst chumarrouse in Paris has ae a eee ee \ eat niedipridn nts ye ~ 8 / gaa a . ' te PHOMAS JE POSTER re ee OCCUp ie for Weems ilo en Gory Wuexnetnn ‘ ‘ . a ae er ee ee r{. wou - - ; ee Ete cal 1 24 ’ v ver vy M tveNas } t - . ‘ ei ie eo ee eee . . eee | Lt MBER. , ~ wetcd, made of the rehest ; ; . ‘ wo Dts be teved there aoe « . ean = ' r free use Mrs Lotus Bows. S . J £ , * ' we CAT EG H ' ane _ . Bs : Hy fl ra oye , sats “ (EE wuhime rite ving nenr leaped Stetuen SAAR SUD OVEr oro doced Ly the pe Grceen es Brie. Tnurs 3 ’ ° ' : beet ahah “ wat wheeb they eas . 3] ARNE. PENCE ROLY (pierre Gee \ ty : Gy hespie'e Od Distrier, Breay . bo ee ee MARS : ea Jos, Mc UBLBTNS Bas ES , qaes roid in var tuts y inet M ( l ae 5 oo me opyest petit 1 : cotmnt sl Al perbuscred: Heart luniber pac = eee StS OSS: BORE Y OA. t + nured ae aa : cn . a + -1 ‘ t Ontere creere ed to home > Atwell, Fedex Jot wm gee at rrowsascoseo tr Greensborough Mutual jours, are al. wet ; Pee, Senet : res anil moless one @ omner ow nen MEP IN he ute es ey DARE Eh tow LonGertee is a tlower witch Wether fan coe se ey cane vere orotitable for nek oa t Th i\st RNs an 1h {Ni. prow uite ‘ i Hoartanan’s 1 Paorsday dely i ; nt. © DON SLpsan on hen tort + bare | s r3 Ro oS. Nlutie Compa br i SUT s soem teh f ree ' . ‘ . - J, ba Miso ueacc. Juy Pe oim: , March 17, ison if wet et : =" Satie rs Sli. tay digs ; Pne Ie ratyrie pee . Pays all Losses i romptly : Faret y ob i. - Walered tears : 5 r deo w ’ t 2 r = = GUE 4 Jw lears, Ceol: Be Virurpeday Jety 4 V eo he © as . ‘ : ( Dt STO? 1s Car Murase bedi dat: ase eure the ut ste Keon DURE. PIS: FANULN I? NE a ¢i'ae wel ss ae ; ; . emecraivere : ; 14 \ ML jv — F a = oe a = MI 8. Saturday Aug - a ‘ — : ; LEO LEY biorhe eo? Bm BcBee WME 4 WEEN = ee ony Ho. Sunes Mit , ae -—_- ee amice e un beaver (Seanee . Nee a mine oe ; ea oe (ie Se Wow Shere ai. REP RIVEMGEINIt STAN} of i q any < iar DK, = “ | reshed an shes tee : Hvar as thence oa a. A Gl GB BE De ie mone Ss a ie ee Ee a ae an riiiwatiats be sea » trace . ee HY ae . Moe tave bules, : ; yee Brains M. Pruy, trond ee se a Ge : : Mer US. a , : as IOUN KING € CO Mh he he ie i ANANIG responce uivecenmiies j ver ite ~iPke B : \ eer Midler - Ua RUS AS Guith (4 ( res : ; irs ; ; : . ; Meck ee day a ’ ’ s 1 - 2 g . . HN \ 2 ‘ . meu 3 Re Se part A are : ‘ Bi CUhartaete fF t nv weekly forthres Me a Bib poco f “eny OM NESPY PS) . ' ’ Rv 1 , } Dirks TONS «5s , . ' ! pro ee een ‘ Pann rR ; ' theard ty vJiobu Reeg & Co cor Uae ot as Ordoance Dejert J oO ONS Sa sags y rs . Pah) 1 tak : q ; ie BO WAR Daler oe . ce Noob Wise ; ee La a oe tor Oo ane ay, , roy SI E PoLinbs \ : t Th i eet | ae 2DOOODS \ oe pata -e ie Psi ne tev, ete the Warehnis: es i A a ayer eae oe COS SES Disitit te eae ay EER Ts ~ ee ie ea Ea ara Meaty ree | . ; a : R ecpe Hive ae ~WVeky ony io “1 SENT ft CU ND VT Cer Nein seas ‘ Ate ; ane ae | ea OR FOILS ee ak Sulcwiy. a te ino F RO\RD em dace Sr _ . Wace ti. osha 45 tal Pei sieu vas 4 yy hoy jemanthuhe o le hee ites : ee Sra) " Py MEDAN baeentive Con eee . > SOAR e scrap Lenclonaemouiine Wok, Miiveeerdd lapee- aR ca Chet IAG SEE | - \ WESTERN S. 6. RAE ROAD, co 0 ee ite ang Linch tl Wanted. ee , Scasimess connection eh th 5 : ae Head mm . . ‘ies Ne cig mercentae Chaner of Scheanle. We t (4 ena =< : . ‘ ard cng ye MU ITORSE antacte ¢ red Vi ANS t ‘ : June vy <4 te LY Sees ‘ if +# , ; ee POON at Vira Wile Pes Gt 4 bon th wee of evoe ding the transper Hl ' Wignest war Ms Ueto) 7 TAMES W CLARA TE L mM od ie bat) ne wee rs te prevent dele it * < Adc vee Ns] {tN SON Ney Ao ‘ - o{> Se to travegbere, bee pe ger tharos en thre Kou L FAdgeworth Female Seminary. x i oS N. C. White Sulphur PN eNO , clone enneeison with by GREENSBoro, NS ( . eee aan SPRINGS = seal Las fhe a ih ne Toy ms - z * * \ tear a oh mieere serene 1030 PM. The , ghee os ; RANAWAY Ly PENS TO-DAY bon VIsTPORS W. F. Bason, M. D. ee ee a 1 IF, Fatt Seamon of 0 6 Datta Rev se a) ses ey fo aa , COUN Meru arent a Pervn TRROM the «ut it . | HT pnblie «an ha bene tit of thea SDH i 3 2 Se a hi Mt a _ t ! . it ies ang bo 4 for (he mes u wee a8 Utes 82) is . fo aye ee = 2 Late leave e head at Roud at 7 ; ; Board, se £ ‘ bang, taht. ene ee 4 ee Sate TAS eRicteor nan \\ OULD reaneeita vie vent mathe Mand revel Salmbury co uimeto connect wit hi j ) ; Tl Pete 1b ete Vy Nedra sa Pee eee ee es eet ak «DENTAL ROOM Sas Mail Pra of Csurtar W3BLGO, Vo ADT TIENT?) . We tiave a otemtefal apoos of provisions a a JAME ‘ Tt RN R . ot F tae ai b ‘ . ; re Ree ares ese A 7 ae <i Caltrans enya enn - send Buy sapu WN R.K - 7 Po oainvatianegro, weiss ahem ' 5A - x y eal rire tombe { ub Parntug MEO OW, Aneeut acd aad ew ( Annes ae Ge aad ime! te the § ez) : : oe pails (he ee NIDA LASSIE. i Languages. each $12 5 ee a ‘ Wb. ROBAIDS, Bropaetar fi eA Shy iro VME TN JOA : 4 RECON te Foie NNW, Janel. 1263 oS etter Bus wil ened to the ratte Otiee or (ores i LINEN RAGS wanted ul LIOHARD STERLING. Proon biack + Pe eaies . ee : a hee eng det wer 12 Other, a iSO F FOARYD x e 5 aa fiat ipeb rl ponds. «ad wre : PeW reho cee Peed and Wate Flos Laires. thin place Der bar, 1S69 peas | Satahory, April 23, tee. fay ‘a — = nN ( bihak Caras ’ wr qv TE wieh to purchase a larce bot. for whic ' \ ' an Mon ee » 2G ice u AD WIN TRAPS me . : Le i . ME sti Fea east) ry yes v\ wil pay 69 Ce@rts pee pou a (| JA Mis MORAL Post O Micc Notice. : MEMS OR > SALE. Ree eat IS sia 1} Hate Uh Us oc OS Bn ame EY a thet tre ¢ siowvud mee : TOM TERN nnd Western) Wiarl closes = - ; a AOE EAR IC COE | HENDER GON & ENNI<S Watch-Maker and Jeweler, SX va 0 Novtcin Mol ebern at OPM . vie ue aN Crider uf C It jesnardd he Cs @iihen Salisbury, June 15, 1R@4 "ds Cheraw.™ Sane tama adocLhnene Ji lost Cau cas Recimairsomay aes Cm oc — a =e One door wh. AA Murphy eStore a Ve Ml VV cee i r u - Pry 1 ein ; , - 5 = q i , - Ae CE eee | ave ° romans, ies bes ae i é a LSE ’ _ VV HAT J: NS. SALISEUIV NOG, dav and Fueay © POM: Wilkeshore’, Tue u wn ol RM alaa: ry ne, ae \ -— TEES ee acon nT Ee diye = BOM Veaye'l ava ov = Mrs Soe a vSWOIS Che time too pay Woney. : Pe Muon (he Brn te nailer i\ WOLCHES acd JEWELRY Shin @ ioe fr . ‘ if ; A Ac IER SONS apt cae INDEBT Ser Ceri Cond Vg ON ! ’ r . ‘ Chialeony heband dewelpvcuCever ne y y Pe MMM yeu > Troms I tu , Ae OARS at i re ie i ; a run coe citier enlit ti Aare ees ‘ ‘ ; aneh too PM « an wine hie tat ‘ Ha « \ . ISTEASHAE) ! i Fiprtneng Coe foe eo best meiner and Vie von i ve departs ee \ E 7 ‘ an ; : " eh SOM NES Npply eon to ; ee ; er de eis : AT eS p e J [-04 ‘ JOUN SUE MAN _ , UTES De, Has hay Tube elie a: ie u Notices to Debtors ag Credtior Tene *, YAR ED ! ' I he compelled uJ FOI MAN CRANE 10 PeDTOrs ana Creditors, Raniwar---sl0 Reward! i Loans A CET SAGA Poa bauer eee Wee tt : . VCOSES A SMITE PS ‘ | y > ' Wal al Fe ren | J ' a ie Mav ot. 1°63 tle NEA i Vp t r Ch ' ! t WOOL WANTED. cttans , op ED WEL i ‘ u s : ye saben re J. AL CAL WE, I ' ! ES I " Pos 6 ‘ 1 fe ; WMO ‘ Dp OM ¢ ‘ { PRS TEU LLY COPPER y . ; 7 ; ‘ : iT CORANTOh € aa hy ie erat t - Vor peters \ i\ LNB Tikes WN ' Ie \ Att Pe N Prpat , S 7 At qayeae { Ciizene | t 1 ‘ 318 : ; Ee D ‘ —--— rae oe Office two door BLANK DEEDS, LTA VA DEEDS. kerf) Sl are HENDERSON & ENNI BI ANK PricDs below M town's e ‘ OR SALA AUT THIS OFFICE 7" - COP ak \. Drogyinte | Jick es ets ‘ | a7 tniny absen @eave your name ont! ' | ES { June 15, 1863 Us «KOR SALE AT OWT OFFICE | Sate ag : May 4 —tf:50 \ | { ' ; ve xxr. Sw w Sr A EE ell ‘inn » Fy » “9 SALISBURY, N on eh pe et WEEKLY. emer Ke . €., JUL ATe oe 863. J. J, BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Price ef the Watchman. From and after this date, and uatil there is a change in’ the prices of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on busi- nest, the subscription tates of this paper will | be toe dollars for six months, and three dol- tate Tora year. " : Apvektisine, two dollars for the first, and one dollar for, each subsequent publication. April20th; 1963. ~ THE GREAT VENNSYLVANIA . CAMVAIGN, We make some extratets below from a letter in the Riebhmond Hraminer, writ- tea by a Virginia officer, which gives a connected, intelligent: aud reliable account of the Pennsylvania campaign :— “Ou Friday, 26th, we took up the Ine of march through Chambersburg on the Harrisburg road, ‘The splendid band in the 4th Louisiana brigade, Colonel Wol- liams, preceded the dark columns of our galiant troops, The scene subjugated that towu. Carlisle. plunder. The troops were not alluwed to Horses were taken aud n erupt ed for by authorized agents. So with ent Ye and flour. “Foraging” was tolerated, but the soldiers were expected to pay for thetr supplies. Tt was thought, end per- baps rizhtiv, that heensed Plondenng would demuralize the army, and render it useless or great achievements, We siaid Jong enough at Carlisle to grt What we wanted. QHartisbarg. was in x panic—and some of our engiueer officers weut to the banks of the Sweg ubanna and townd thein foriats ine the enormous lights on Ue ~outhern side. Early ae Jenkins were at York and beyond, nel Ing after the bridges up as tyr as Uag river, ail of which were d steoved, On the 30th, Juhuston marehe | back from Carlisle to Favetteville, Jeaviuy ligndes at tarliste, On Wednes duy, July Bet, Ac 1) Hl inarched from South Mountain to the newhberliood ol Gellysbury, followed by Joloston. Early reached (he same vicinity on the same day from York, an! Rodes Meade’ three or corps disputed the veeu oath from Carlisle, advance of four army i m ofthe town, wing bade to the aé@rue ane east of the town, fom 10°A, M. to PM The result was a ul to the 5 to about = glor OWN VICtOry The ia lo ought ty bea Lieutenant Ge ne tal, drove the opposed to tim for niles, and vecupied the town, The Ltth corps of Chavecdlotsville Memory, yave theaaseives up by u ; Ute Coufedcrates. Early, wl force Gsatids, Cronous brigade wade What is rege at det HM tas onibant clare. tal with {r could but be SUCCESS such men aud such the Fayetteville re Ad was “cleaned ou” by Hh. Hodes swept down the | road, and Early down the York tarnpoke Phe loss of tle Confederates ink wounded was probably 600. The Yankee boss in kil PRd probably reached 400, and hie wounded 2,000, “We Captured mest of bis wounded and 5.380 ad ohers, A dewder “yr hied wad Woual pts Gettysburg is in’ Adanis county, Pena sylvanii, some where oear 8 miles from the Soute Mountain, which is the eastern boundury of the Cumberland Valley. Tt 18 @ beautiful town of some 5,000 inhabi tants, aud the eentie of the f ollowtng roads: @ read trom Pre beth on the south ern side of the town, and the Just mentionnd, betw mer roads ti from deonteh, thiee ronda cen these two tor and about three quarters ofan t! the town werg two tall bills, ow wooded and deratche fhe other, the front of a range that «wept backward to the South, These mosttiniie boldly commauded the town rand Vicinity, and Meade occupied them W edngsday, hhesawaly entrenching duriog the mobt day morning, Ewell’s corps ny beneath tbe first eminence and ne j road: A. DP. WI oceapicd 4 Position to the west of the lown and wear it. Lony Street was not yet up, i Ing, Occasional artilly mishing alone broke the si! over the expectant | wari and \ ats Daring the morn. LO8ES renuuitul, The enemy's ca€alry stretched un to the 1 soutiof the York road Uhreateniay reat, but was closely watched by the Indetatiy ible Staart, whose reeent seven days and wylts’ march from the vicinity of Washington was the most Wonderful cavalry achievement of the war. AL last, Longstreet having passed to the our the column, plaving | “Dixie” and the Marseilaise, whilst our! ' red-cross banners flauted proudly over! We passed through Sluppensborg tothe sound of martial music ayain, aud went. on to! tt ; ; UVIBCIDIe and walant | On Thurs. | | atthe Baltimore y and wfantryp skir- | ence that hung | ~The day was | j undoubtedly the fieroest cannonade of the war. This terrific tire lasted ull night.— About dark Ewell charged the position on the wooded hill. The enemy bad several lines o8 this eminence and cannon ip posi- tiot, with abattis and planted sticks in rows lo prevent our advance. The sides of the till were rocky and precipitous to almost an inaccessible degree, Our dines, how- ever, gallantly marched wp under a fearful fire of musket balls nod grape. A partial advautage was.gained”by Jobnson's troops, and lost by acetdent. Bat it was bevond | mortal endurayce tu stand befurg thai ter- | ritie blastof shot, and the men were with- | drawn, after suffering heavy loss. During ‘the afternoon the other corps had attacked the positions on the south without success. | | Oa Priday, July 3d. the battle was renew- [ed early in the morving, and, with the ex | ception of a dull from ten o'clock, A. SM. ; to one o'clock, 2: M., lasted all day. o 4 any of the crests, although one or two | Were reached; and ight: again closed on the smoke wrapped tield. tod A.M, succeeded in driving back, very handsomely the ene- my's cavalry threatening our rear, The fiyht was quite severe and loss unknown, Thus ended the great battle of Gettysburg, the must remarkable conflict of the war. Phe luss of the enemy was probably 25, 009 men—peahaps 30,000 during the ‘three dave. He was ses erely handled —for Deliewed that he fell back with the Crghcral Stuart 1t ds greater portivo of bis foree on Friday | towards Boonsboro’. What theit | paper say you know better than lL [tis ‘reported woth us that they elaim littl or nothing, bet T don't: believe it When I] turn from this to our own loss my beart sickets. It was frightful, , Aid vur wounded that could be trans- ported were removed bevond the Potomac. Phose serenely wounded bad to be left,— Phe Confede rates loss in killed abd prsoners (of which there tuust be feenty thousand, boy, are few) All day long of July 4th. our army lay | in Dune of Satle, in a thew Position over- looking the town, Seareely a picket shot broke the day long quiet. Meade withurawing, but) we did not know it. Qlur trains were quietly moving back to Wilianisport, and are now sah y parked there, with the duss of bat twenty vehicles, ‘ : eG 8 of various kinds, and teams! This) was brijhanthy exceuted, y On the might of the 4:h the army gan quretiy to fall back be Pardeld wards Haverstoan, We marched slowly, for the whole arms took one road, About 2 ALM. Juiy. 5. Dhiaited with some men be- tos near a Confederate hospital, where | found several uuburted dead—one noble form Ieing between two wounded meou—and iseveral others de ado oowthe str hoe They Were wounded, All needed water atd other at: lentlone, C¥re poor fellow lav the last agoties, with no covenne ap «nO Wa ter Another was delirious and spoke seosttiy on bat one subtecst—he wanted Water > water! which le rank with fresh thrarstoas LT held bis den I Not a nurse nor the buildings was lett! All gone, cowardly woue, deft a Su rieeon rn aed] There these poor marmed to Met Were some Yankee atleudion— poorly suppled, when twenty tive Ghousand parche d tengues demanded {i pitals, The marel back to Hag rstown, some od and water twenty four miles, occupied three days ! 4 he WIV took one road most of the way, nnd marched quietly aed with digne v back. No defeat to the ¢ onfederates Was | ' . shown on that proud, mvinemble trend, that spirited mnd bold heart, that proud and. fierce winy of freemen, morale of aan anny was utterly unaffected: but Mende dare not sayose mnehy as he potnts to has terrible loss and dis enforced telreat, One word here as to his yaeater loss. Tt may be ward sition, must suffer more than the other, — | 7 dlls, and when our eighty cannon opened on them terrifies Invision attempted the nearly every the JSauehter Was when Jolnson’s shot of our men told among their Compact ranks, eresi, The battle of Getty sburg waa a most Premarkable canthet. It that Lee attacked Meade wh when ts strate ehe | Was, { he hind Ww his pewel to choosy his own po sition and compel Meade ta fht him, As far as we can see (which isn't far) the bat R as projected and executed on 2d and 3d was a great military blunder, [f-Meale had been soundly defeated, as he would | here to the nofion that we sha)! The} Confederates did not succeed in holding | Figm 3}, » wounded | rth Carolintans—nmanuy severely) re with | les bowels out and some fingers off, in the! wait for) hows. may, it might: bave been days, for! in Yankee hose | grieved bot | The , that the attacking | wiv, especudly when asouhng such a por | Bat the Yankees were crowded ov their! So a: of A. P. Hill, opened at four P. M.,,| have been on even grovud or when he! “! followed by Hill and Ewell, Then ensued | had attacked our beights, his army couid | ' have Been cut to pieces and aissipated be- | fore he could reach Baltimore or Washing: ton, The Monogacy: could be his only j hope, and this was tod far otf. As it is, we may vet beat Lign. Most persons ad- cross the ! river, but I eannot, wills ot believe it. The | proud army of Norabera Virzinia will ter minate this bloody campaizo withig the | halls of the Federal Capitol. [Not so.— The army has re-cr ie Potomac. You all complain of -respecting -private property.” Such wag th@order from bead- | quarters and attempted to be faithfully ex- lecuted. Bat take your horse and follow the wack of our ariny up the Cumberland Valley, thence to Gettysburg and thence to Hagerstown, You will find the route inarked by the devastating trail—destroy- ed bridges, burnt fences, beat down wheat and rye fields, devoured cover fields, ran sacked stores, borseless and cattlee!ss far- At Gettysburg four houses were burnt, three large ‘brick buildings daring Pthe battle of the Ist by the explosion of Mers. shell. The vicinity of (ue city is desolate i aud trauipled and cut up —dciog, E believe, (the most marked field of the war. ‘has been no tendency to outrage, i furces Fave not plundmed, except in un | authorized squads, aud these were few. | Order bas been enforced as much as pos- sible, and well for us--but still there is the necessary, inevitable ¢ratl, whieb a | great army leaves in its ows country.” : —_>- From the Raleigh Progress. Battle of Gttyskorg—Partial List of Cassalties. Below we ptesent al! the casuahies received op tw this time. We shall continue tu pub- | lish them as they come ii: FIFTH REGIMENT. Kilied—Ist Lieat MJ Malone, Co D; 2nd Licut C C Rawls, Co G:2ud Lieut W A Carr, CoE; Private J ¥ Broun, Co A: Capt JT Morgan—Privates AU Blount, WA Jack- sou, G KR Williams, L Worreil, J King, Co B; Sergeants J M Miller, Win Steele, and private Geo Waike-, Co E; Privates N Euhridge, D LL Wiliams, JG Clitford, MP Morgau, Co G; Ueciley. Tobios Cruse, Geo Keith, Aron Bas- j en, fsaae Earnhart, Cp K. Woanded—Captain 8 B West, commauding | Regimeui, sitoulder; la FJ A 1yWood, but- tucks and thighs. Co A—LtUH H Smith, finzer: Serg: SU { Rose, arm; Sergt S Boon, aud; Corp'l J M | Fox. leg. | Robert Atkinsuu, head; NM Braddy, hip; iP 3 Burke, arm aud head; Jus Sunth, hip; M | Sisernore, arm aod heac; WB Autery, thigh; N Gee,arm; Hob. Webster. thish: LeriCook, hand; C F Harper, thigh, E Kiosaul, head; James Beal, head. Co B—Ist Li SF Cross. shoulder; Corp't ‘J Hays, face and leg; Corl RoW Hays, head 5 Corp! B FW ey.arn and thigh. Pri | vates—J A Howell, d¥m3 Calvin Hays, shoul- der; TE Matthews, head: BF ‘Thompson, | shoulder; BOF Powell, shoaluer; D Kuaight, | John Parker, stomach; Draper, joueck; ROA Saunders, thigh aad shoulder; R M Korgh:. neck. Co C~—2d Lo HE Watson. heac: Sergt J shoulder; ship; Corph A Creech. hand. Pre vates Wo Garner, shoulder: Ro Brown, neck and hand; DOW Lee, shouuder; WON) Ear- per Jones Paalk, arta: No bas shoulder: B I Deans neck : Jas Dean, tips Wo Daordam, (hand and ary N Corbet. arst; UH Sehnson, arin; J Hodson, arm end sich: By Sasser, wrist fend face; B Massingittiey, WB Jarnizan, \ shoulder: Win Rains, hips JU Withais, paces 1G & Pool, head J Foard, hand { Co D—SergeantJ WoBarrow, thigh; Pre vate C EB Tart, neck. Co E—1st Lieut M F Hont. head; 2d Lit RG NN shoulders Sern DC \domens Corpl John Seni, thiz Privates— | WJ Boud, heads Po Cun wleg; GOS Coaned, thighs J No Morgan, hand; G W Long, ! foot; DE Hewrtt. sides Wia R gusbey, laud } Co P—8d Lient WA Riuidick, bund: Corpl Ke Hobbs, testicles. Prrvates—J EF } shoulder; MM Endey, arn, bead J Peck, heeds JR Center. ! hack; GW Safely east; AOS breast, Wo Almond, hands G Kiser, (Co G=Gapd)M Gascon, T D Deeme, buttocks. Corp Junies Penington, Privates—G A DB roger, wens J Robe ins, headand arn; J Leen, bowh feet: JJ Boon, raw; WOOL Light: Ro Watson, chest: Jo Ander- eon, leg; W Dickson. leg; Mo Marsen, fey; BLL Collet D Barker, ain; WA Williauis, teg {and mouths JP Weases, hand { Co Had Lrent 8 Coop, breasts Serg’t R Powell, head and mt. Corp) D Parker, ten Privates 4 ff die M.oP Mor- ny hend and shouller: , Riddiek, ede: ROS esl, Sasinger, ab- Endey. and knees g: GD Whitley. Borriamer, breast thdumens bst Lt lay breast: M ders, sides WC 4 jtigh; Jo Copeland, arm; JJ Shaver, head: {CW Stirewalt, hip : | Co f= Ist Lt WOM Lea, neck; Seru't JE | Robertson, bead and arms: Serg’t WOR smith, | arm; Corporal BOF ‘Paompson, leg; Corp't John Taylor, shoulder Poivates—R Harlow, thigh; TJS Woke, neck: BF Bean. breasts Lo Good Sat | son. sides WOW © vend: “PT HE Wood ck and thighs ToU dba Uneh, JOP Mopions, shoulder; N OP Bert heads EK Lewis, head and | hip | Co K Qud Pe © Devine head; Serg't \W S Powe, neck, f° es—W Lefler, shouts | LD Brinkle, shoutcers BOE Leach, amy and Jleg; BooSalnt. arm, EO Saford, shonlder: 1 Deal, side and arm. A Leppard. hand; S A Bean, neck; WC Sougart, thygb; A A Bosnan, elbow: F Brewer, shoulder; M satriy shoulder. - The above is only a partial list of the aasual- tier, a Jurge portion of the wounded having fal- len into the bands of the enemy “ Very ectfull ery respe Ys s. B. w EST. Captaio 5th N.C. T. Tweaty-Eighth Regimeat. Editor State Journal : Casualties of the 28th f N. Troops, in the bate of Gettysburg, Pa.: Field and Staff—Wounded—Col Sam D Lowe, severely, Lt Col W H A Speer, Ma) W SN Stowe, Bergt Maj R W Rankin, slight- ly. egiment Y A—Killed— J Chandiepe Wound- Company Hardy, W oH Marsh. severely, BP Smith, mortally, Ranaypm Wood, severely, ky C York, severely. Missing—Sergt JW Corkerham, Cop WS Blackwood, privates J T Biach- wood, Arthar Bray, Wilson Center, Thos Spiiu- kle and WJ White. . Company B—Killed—Sergt H A Powel Wounded—Capt Thos J Saath, severely, Corp T M Foster, privates Peter Neal, A A Rhyne, HoJos Wuffeteccer, Wo Carpenter, J TF Car- There | f Privates ND Beidgers, Lo A Sones, Co Cy! Private S Riley, Cod; Private J Allen, JM! Privates—N R Gadwin, shoulder; | | ter. ortally, Juo A Floyd, George Hines, D A Lineberger, GM Logan, Jota A Morrow, Jno O Murray, Ieage LF Metntosh, A'S Nich- ols, E L Petram, severely, J R Seevine, J W Shields, Moses Stroup, severely. Missing — Seryt J E White, Corp Jas S Clomger, privates FW Leeper, W A Lawing, W F Servis, JB Crenshaw, Christopher Neal, R M Jenkins and FW Thompson. Company C—Killed—Lieut E C Austin, Sergt D Kincaide, privates Wm Miller, Frank- lin Poows, David Sipe. Woanded—Capt T | Jas Lineberger, severely, Corple M A Sigman jand PI Herman, privates ZA Abernathy, A ) Boloch, L Boloch, L Cook, 8 Connet, D Diam, [2 Kry, J. Green, E Hefner, J Houston. WwW | Martin, S Holler, J Killian. J. Poovy, S Pryor. ; Missing—A S Campbell, WA Harwell, H Miller, E Link, D Poovy, L Poovy, D Pryor, |J Frv,J Lineberger, J Reynolds-aod P Hore. } Company D—Killed—Sergt J M_ Easly. | Wounded—Lieut E Moose, severcty, privates JA Whitaker, B R Maulding, C Carpenter, JP Mauh, B Perry, A Sides, DE Smith, se- verely. Miexing—Lieot J W Ranille, privates CW sides, E Allman, J W Davis, Ho Han- neveut!), J W Wowell, D Herrin, J M Hately, A K Miller, N C Penningioa, J E Sell and W C Morris. Company E—~Killed—Noue. Wounded.— Lieut E Haciev, privates DB Allert, O C Brewer, A Smith, mortally, WoL Green, S Morris, G Ho Uansucker. Wo Gadd, severely. Missing—privetes JH Ballad, G E Weismer, JW, Wade. DW Weiser, J A Reddin, J { Sadberry. Jesiab Callais, E J McKiunis, J © ! Parker, W Phillips, N 1 Cook and J C Hastin. Company F—Killed—Saml Fortner Wound- ed—Lieut JG Trulove, Sergts P A Apperson, Randieman and JC Brown, privates Jno \ tiene, severely, G Gaagh, WS Dickson, se- iverely, 2 D Conrad, R Park, severely, James Tacket, S D Creson. Missing—Lieut WA | Marler, privates S Chophnu, 8 B Strickland, W 'D Kelley, TH Wooten, A Brown, J W Packet ‘and C A Fally. ' Company G—Kidled—None. Corp SG Ryan, privates S Crawford, L Floyd, + M Smith. PH Poiudexter, Mo Strangha.— Missing— E G Monon, Sergzt WD F | i} { ape Edwerds, privates RT Cates, J Cheek, W | Crabtree. J Ho Durham, TW Howard, J A ( Morris, WoOG W Poindexter and JL Sinith. Company H—Killed—Bieut S Ao Simms. ) Wounded—privates J L Green, MoM Jolly. J C Holland, WoC Barnett, T A Holland, 8 G H Bringers. Missing—J W Lee, J VY Wilson, JJ Rollans, JL I—hKimed—Jones Holcomb Wounded— Lieut SS Bohan- Company Jones Mackey von and Liewt J Ho Swau, and private P Barty, ! severely, NC) Dozier, siightly, Jo G Dinner. wortally, WOH Childress. M Carer. DC Hall, L WoJebnson, BOY MeKaughin E H Reece, GB Uading. Missing—SerseC PD Hencricks ind DC Casey, povates Wo Buchanan, aT Reynolds Company K—Kiled—None Wounded— Beeat JP ‘Biles, aud Lieut A W Stone, Sergts WJ Ross and D Mo Ross, Corpls SP Foust and WAC Biles, privates A © Barns. J P Rarnis, W OD Kerk, ST Nash, WF Crowell, JA Randle, G P Ross, J M Hanson Missing —Win Keriker, PD D Davis, DW Eary, JT) Howell, D A Hately, DJ Hot. Solomon Har- key. BOE Kirk, DOW Moody. Jo Wilson, G Qussell, BOF Simith, WoOS Swarringer and HC Swuarttoger. Killed, 12, wounded LET, missing 94. i ‘Phe mostly killed or wounded and leftin the Yanxee lines, and bat Missing are erher Chree fonrof the wounded are pow tit tor duty and with the Reenment WU) 4. SPEBRS, Lieut. Coleone! Commanding 2b NC. Reament YON B—Only six men ofthe Reganent strag- | gledin going into the fight, and en the chirge 7 men fought gallantly as men never fought before Vearfal Riot fa New York—The Draft Re- Sisted and Defeated, M Pool thigh: d) We regret we before’ our readers le te dav to tay full details of the rot now are nnat the i bloody and destructive progress meat the North, particalarly in the env of New York, in to the draft to Teststa supply the eall of 1 neoln for three bun dred thousand mor ns, We ave as extensive a suman the events as we ean find room: for According to the New York /ferald ot the 4th rst. th lratt: eommenced on Saturday the bith he Oth Pistriet, and Jon Suadav morning that paper published | hundred names of the Up to this. tims the matter had a list of over twelv: | Jrafted. C.! ed—Capf FE F Lovil, Lieat £ proms weverels, privates, J Q Beuson, hily, AJ Bobbi, J H Childress, slightlg, 34 Gates, J Wounded— ' B MeGinnis and JW Green. ' and i _ Nyt 5. sw Up an Yr : \ \ \ f ) ” \ ¢ \ { : = oss. ‘ oe = } » NUMBER 10. was lightly discussed. The publication of the names shows that nearly all of the digft- Thames sLowed that nearly all of the draft- (ed wery mecbanies and laborers, and then | “there was many a sad household on Sun- day in the Twenty—secand ward when the pames were read” —tbe female relatives of ‘the conscripts mingled their wildest de- nunciavons agains the conscription law, and thus gave a ‘eavilier’ motive to enact the terrible scenes” which followed. Like Saturday, Sunday passed quietly, except {that the matter was freely discussed, the Voice unanimously being against the mea- sore. On Menday few of the gons of toil entered the workshops. The masses gen- erally abstained from work. No apparent organization of resistance existed ; but yet as aif by a precoucerted arrancement, over twelve ibousand working men armed them- selves immediately with various weapons —clubs, stones, pieces of steel, bars of iron and cart rungs, appeared and_ proceeded . to patrol the city, on “ recruiting service” —one of the throng proceeded them with a gong, with which he drammed up men 10 participate in the hostilities, And they inet with a welcomeswherever they went. “Men at work deserted their occupations attd joined them. Owners of sinall stores ‘shut up and joined in; factories were emptied ; conductors and drivers teft their ,¢ars, emplovees at railroad depots—all added formidable accessions to the con> course; and on they swept like a torrent ‘to the Provost Marshal’s Office of the _Niath District, where the draft was to be resumed. | Arriving at the Marshal's Office where i the deawiug was going on, they tore the building to pieces and then set it on fire. ‘It was a handsome four story building, oc- ‘cupied as a boarding house in the upper stories, All was consumed. The fire leaped across the street and spread among the ' buildings, bat was arrested and extinguisb- (ed after great destruction ofproperty. In ‘the meautime the entire city was convuls- ed with the excitement. The squares and other public places were densely crowded with the excited masses. The newspaper offices were beseiged by thousands, among ‘whom there was not a sound but that of | approval of what was going on. t The attack on the Marshal's headquar- :ters brought out the militia. They were ;met by hooting‘and yells. Stones were thrown and ultimately the soldiers fired to the crowd, killing and weunding a , considerable number, and then fled, throw- ing down their muskets, and followed by ithe iofuriated mass. It is stated nearly every oue of the soldiers, 40 in number, were overtaken, killed or nearly beaten to death —women, in some instances, snateb- ing from them their bayonets and burying ; them in the mutilated bodies of their own- { era, After disposing , | of the Nith District quarters, the mob betook tkemselves to that of the eighth. The officers however fied at their approach. The Eighth Disuict next claimed their attention, Alter the usual discharge of volleys of bricks and rocks, the build- ‘wg was tired aud the entire block was consumed. THis office was on Broadway, ‘corner of 29th street. The excitement was now at its height. Store after store was burst open along the streets and their contents scattered to the winds, Every negro seen was pursued and beat to death or hanged. The 7'r- | bune office was attacked, but. was saved by the efforts of the police, and Greely had to ‘run for his life. The riot was resumed next dav. They } took possession of the Union Sieam Mis | Here } {in which arms had been secreted. ,a fight occurred with the police, in which 12 persons were instantly killed. A Col, ("Bnen, who offered his services to put the riot down, was beaten to death and then hanged toa Iamp posti | mour arrived and addressed a erowd from the foot of the City Hall, promised to have , the draft stopped, and declaring the City and County tn a state of riot, Tle draft \ was stopped, by order of Lincoln, and the Common Council bas voted a sum of mo- vey to purchase the legal exemption of Gov. Sv y- the persons required of the city. Thus has the Yankee conscnip! jaw {siled in New York city, and it will ful everywher fin the North, for if men in that city can be bought out, the men of other ee , Ges and towns will make a lke demand Our space to-day limits us to this ims perfeot sketch of a revolution, Noov Jot us all take heart. We have the Yaukea forces, and we beheve we shal bave nO More, to dispose of, a then th sun cfSouthern Lodependcs w Sali to shine The /Terald sums up u loss the two days not. Loss cf property 8.76 000, Loss of life 200, of whom 150 Were oe been permitted te goon smoothly and | groea . 7 ew) " Pa “rn 2 ' AP OE. Ving Med th See ea . cee am sane From the Western Democrat. VICE PRESIDEN? STEPHENS, Phe Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Vice Pre: | ident of the Confederate States, spent Friday wmehtin this plase on bis way South. \ jarge crowd of our citizens assembled in trout of the Maasion Huuse at 8 o'clock | and called for a speech. Mr. Stephens | appeared and spoke for about an hour in in cloquent and encourag ng tone. Wei will attempt no synopsis of the speech, | ut merely give an outline of the gentle: | He commenced by allud- netoth-invasion of Marviand aud Peno-, ~Vivatita by Gen, Lee's ariny —said that at aid whi ped the enemy oi their own soil our own | was bow ready CO again ineel be every on a oew field, Whatever might be the movements and object of Gen. Lee, be had entire contidence in his | ability to acco nplish what he undertook, tor in ability and intelltet be was a head nod sboulders above any man in the Yan- kee army. He commended Gen. Lee for | keeping bis own secrets, aod told the peo- | ple not tu be discouraged because they did oct hear fiom Lee over bis own sig vature. He would come out all rightiu the end. Mr. Stephens next spoke of the surren- | jer of Vicksburg, and said that it was pot ' { \ \ van’s remarks. ind obteined vast) supplies for meo, and ia Occurrence lo cause discourgement or sloom—that the loss of Vicksburg was-as j severe a blow as the loss of Fort Pillow, Island No. 10, or New Orleans. Tue Con- rederacy bad survived the loss of those | puints, and would survive the loss of Vicks: , vurg, Port Hudson and other places.— | Suppose, said he, we were to lose Mubile, Obareston and Richinond, it, would not! effect the heurt of the Confederrey—we could and would survive such lusses and dinaily secure our independence. He was not at all discoaraged at the prospect— be never bad the “&éwes” himseif, and had no sympathy ‘or croakers.” The enemy has already appropriated twenty seven hundred = mill- ons of Jollars and one millios of men tor our suljugation, and after two years’ war respect of bad utterly faicd, aud if the war continued two years longer thes would fail to ac- | somphsh our subju on. So far they had sot broken the shell of the Confederacy. in the Revolutiongry war the Britis: at} ype Ume had possession of North Carolt- na, Suuth Carviina agd ocber States; they ook Philadelphia and dispersed Conyress and fur a long ume held almost comypicte awayin the Cofonies—yet they did no our forefathers. t conquer In the war of 1R12 the Brith captured the capital of the pation, Washingtoo city, aud burnt it, vet they did conquer us: and if we are. trae tu vurselves uw, true to our birth ights tae Yaokee nation will utterly fail ubjugate us. Subjugation would be | utter ruin and eternal death to Southern peopl: and all that they bold most dear, He exhorted the people to give ithe Gov- arnment a cordial support, to trown down | ill eroakers and grumblers,and to remaro apited and fight to the bitter end for lib- | erty aud indeperdence. i \s for reconstruction, said Mr. Stephens lea st not be tolerated fur an instant. Re woul not end the war, bus ould produce a more hb a thing wascmpussitle—such ani oustruction srible war than The per- tio which we are now enczaved, on ¥ terms on bo we cau obtain Haken peace is fina! and complete sepa tac on from the North—rather than «ub on sotto anytomiy sbort of tivat ler us all re solve to die the tnen worthy of treedura In regard to foreign iotersention, Mr advised Lis hearers tu: burid po hoes on that vet awhile. TTe did not oelieve tha ng pawers ever in- verde that b and South should united —thev erred that the ton ebould be periman-ut—but they 28 54!0 msidered both sides tov strong now, and id nutdeem it cuod policy on their pare w interfere and pur an end tu the war.— Voreign nations see that the result of the war will be to establi-b s. despotism at the North, and are to aliow tt. coptunue awhile longer. | therefore wiliiny 4 whole tone of Mr. Stephens’ apes ch was very encouraging aod showel nut the ai ciilest sien of de sf ondency. es and rejated me-veral faets by ) encouragement to the Southern and Cone Ved by expressing ep- tre cootidence in the ability of the Coa federacy bag our odeoendence. cause aud achieve We Must Conjur.—We have faith in re Lee and his army. [le and they oil du all that ean be done by mer Should Lliey sade-d. they will shorten f not end the war. Should they failot wi be proluny. - doandehmitely, As the South caunot af ford be conquered, ‘omast necessarily cout e the War #6 JOU as tie yar kees prone: to Come what may we Loy vr defi ‘ mthing that we tave or An pect to lave the South, life. proper: and honor Af Debs On final trun @od we must admit uo “bat ft at w@ ealainity to lose V cksburg as the Kuchmoud Whig truly savs, ° No thing 18 to be gained 'y Jespondenc Yuau that bas been lost tiay be reyaroed by; forwmiude aod The bitter ness of heart which breeds despondency avd disaffection wins 00 triuinphs, repaarcs thou; Ot short of perse verance, Are imy,a few « ane emp =e - =—s no Gisasteré, s@gtains no cause. Greatness of soul acceptg atl the calamities of war in the spirit of defiance, aud rises superior to every misfortune, If we cannot bear de feat as well as the yankees, We are uvwor- thy to be free"— Auy. Observer. It does a true southern) man good to read such papers as the Fayettevile Ob server aud Richmond Whig. Unlike a few other payers in the Suuth, they en courage the people rather than discourage them. They see that to stop the war short Hof entre independence from the North is ron and death tothe South: therefore thes urge the people to fightoon and nev er subnt to aovthiog but flual separation They indulge in he whiping aid gloomy strains about the present coudivion ot at fairs, but, bke true men everywhere, look forward ton better day a day which wall find the Confederacy tree and indepen {dent from the vankee nation. The ene ies of the South receive no aid or com fort from such papers as the Fayetteville Observer and Richmond Whig. Weslern Demorat. CAROLINA WATCHMAN, ~ALISBURY, N. C.: ees 7 MONDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1563. TAKE NOTICE. The cask must be paid for Job work on delivery, and : be pau for in advance. | transient adverusing must ees PEACE! Some of the Dresses in our State are dis- cussinz the propriety of making somemef- fort: towards bringing about a settlement No- thing in our estimation would be as desir- 3 between the North and the South. able as peace’ Nothing, we know, 1s 0 much desired by the great mass of the people. But we would ask, in ail sincerity aod honesty, how is such a result to be brought about? Have the autborities of 1 the Kingdom of Lincolndom made any offer of terms of peace, or even asked for a suspension of hostilities with that object in view?) Dy no means, but so far as we can see and Judue, such a proposition is r not even entertained, mucn jess bave com miseioners bern appointed or a desire man- ested for at. Weilihen, by whom 's the proposition to bs made? Not certainty by the Confederate States, for from the | beginning of the contest up to the present time, we bave been protesting our desire in freedom's oause, would ery aloud frdm | the ground, and the betrayers of our coun- | try’s Lonor, would be bauuted and sub- j jected to the Jeers and taunts of an en- raged people, and their names ‘handed | down as fit te be plaeed beside. that of | Benedict Arnold, ‘To the peopie we only ; say listen not to the syren song for peace, when there can be no peace without a vile surrender of every niall dear to freemen. From such ao ignolle course may the deliver the great Ruler of the universe people of these States 1 The ettes Wile following we copy from the Fay- Observer of the 20th inst :— Under such evcumstances, andl our renders Know that we bave stated thera ‘eorrecUy, 17 18 IDLiL TO TALK OF PEACE, junul the have peace, Or atlewt lo enter upon ne- goUabens, That they are not) prepared manifest: from) their refusal even to listen to go distnyuished a éom- tor this is missroner as View President Stephens up- oot secondary pointe Werepest, IT IS IDLE TO TALK OF PEACE ye must talk of war, and wage war, unt } the enemy tires of war, History is full of noequal avd even more bloody wars, that tality resodted in the triumph of the peo [ple fihony for their rahts, ther homes, It is the will of God that We sutfer cceasional disasters. i} rere] Fand there lives. { Let us not by vurown will permit a combination of all the worst disasters that ean befall a | people—iminediat+ less of property, liber ‘ . = . ity, honor, and eventual joss of life. Cour i. aye, then Southronus ! Brave and trae men seizedthe moment of adversity, not to 10 | duly. agatost disaster, and to compel vietory.— ' Assured that we are batting for the nght, roth ne bat the willof trod should con cad that wall has , quer ous, been, so far, j tore mManhitested ip our favor than agarnst us.” —s : THE PRESS AT Rk \LEIGH. We have for a long time lamented the condinon of the political papers at Ral cigh; and we have often wished it were possible for them to see the unenviable position whieh they occupy before the f State and country, by the osperitw exhib ited towards each other There seems to be some secret disappointment at the bet- tum) uF sefie IPrepressle @ desire to yet up party divisions in amore violent form than how exists, which ai well disposed per- sons can but deprecate, and desire tu see abated. The personal ill-will exhibited, aiso looks bad, and presents the parties in North shows a willingness to | examples, for our encouragement, of more despair, but to nerve themselves ! ry : BS bar The Raleigh Progress, of the 22d inst. in an article on the late disgracefu! Yanke@ raid in the Eastern part of the State, and the apparent indisposition of | those iu command of the troops ‘in that Pection to meet and punish the Yankee | thieves, says: “ Bat to return to Raleigh and Weldon.— The other (wo lines Jeadiug from Riehmond to | the South have been cut by the enemy repeut- edly, aud for several weeks, until bridges can | be rebult, crave! and transportation ove: thea | will be slow and tedious; and as tu the line by | Weldon, Raleigh, Charlotte and Columbia is | now the only one left, i ys of great unportance to us and io the govecument that it be presery- ed. But will the evemy be unmingtul of the yreat baporlance, to thein of breaking ut | Suppose they make a descent Upon this line qt Weldon or atithis Place?) ‘Then we have {pot aw singe whole tine of railway, from Rich- | woud South, for governumentora ly other trans- | portation. ‘The enemy know our condition and will break the line tf possible. and if broken it will be at Weldon or Raleigh. ‘Phieis no very pleasing rc flection to us bul a radeon either place may be expected atany hour, and we ure hkely to huve.no assistance from the govern- ment to protect this place, every available man | | | the command et Keasion and Vicia y seems indisposed to interfere wiih such pleasure es curmons of tbe enemy, we uppeal to the people of the State—those who de vot come under any consenpt cull—to organize, dil and pre- pare to defend the Capitol, for they wall be | | being wanted at more unportaul pomls, and as needed. Raleigh isiu danger, and we appeal g ¥ 1 especaally tothe people of this erty aud coun- tv le perfect orgamagalions for the protecthoa of | this place When axswiled by such a party as the ove that visited Rocky Moont aud Worsaw.— ); A raid ow this cy may be inace next vear, ‘next mooth, next week, or it tay morrow. Certainly there is bo tine to hase, and ‘af there be any fife ia this peog le or of resistance Combe bee felt detoat show vive Citizea ofgauitations Mast proteet this city or wtowal be sacked. — Mark our predict o——e : KATADIDS. A friend who has kept atolerabiy correet record fur several years. of the appear: ance Of the above noisy insect, informs us that they did not appear this year total the 19th inst, and that it is a pretty goed } A Sindex to the ime when the first frost will appear, to wit, abyut the 19th of October. They generaiiy live about three months thinks we el have peace after the 19th October. if not before. our readers will heartily join wath him that and then disappear, Our friend In this hope we know all an event so desimatle nav take place. m=: sv Mr. Atulrew Bagzarly will Please aAcerpt our thanks for mw very present of honey ln these days of city of sweet things, we can scarcely de cde how to go abou. eating it— not know ing the best way to make it go the farthest. 1 We are also under obluations to Mr. B. for a good many additivns to our subscrip Jor peace, and only asked that we may be 4 light before tbe country not the most | Gop het. let alone to pursue the even tenor of our graufying. Ata tme, lite the present, we | way. This has been the course of even's, tand how could we approach them, with of seli-respect, and offer terms. any kind we ready to offer to lav down our artis ad submit to We degrading position before the crvilized world as slaves to \ve his MW Ti we knoe anv thing of Leneun and nions for all time to come f Our Peo- pe we do not beueve they would for a moment submit to such an insult being offered them, and the tuao who would advocate such a course, would ard should ‘lar bu-wness aod pr lf te huoted from seety. As an evidence ,of the venom aud Mrutishness of the ene-, vs ago, the Hon. A. H. Sre Vice Preside of the Confederate Slates, was sent as © otithissi ter to pro i prose tat he W we tor the tuture, be cou- ductéfoon such tertns as is ususel between evilaed ranons, Wie but a savage would bave dared to refuse such a reasonable and eclinstian offer before the world and vet, the Linecin author .es unceremoniously rejected the Proposit jj m, thereby p uply pursue any mole of warfare however bree tal and savave, bv which they can enslave and accomplish curroin. This is the treat ment and the reception extended to Mr How eneourazing the prospect of peace, except Stevess to his Aumane mission! hy alyect submission to the abvolitioniats > These are the only terms which thes refined barbarans bave xs vet he out to the eople of the South, Are tury prepared to accept of such diseraceelul aud slavish terins We belteve not, and under no circum-tancees can we recomtinend our peo. ple to think of peace, unless ‘iis other of it comes fre ti the ¢ lyr endear J with the distincs and unequivocal acknowl Jyment 5 Of the equality avd rmadepen liner of the South. These ane the only terms. ar sotlrerd| | world as | ict lawless | would stampus inthe eyes of his hase aud cring ny slaves to th and tyranical government on earth, From the acceptance of such a degiading posi- tion before the world, after two years fight | ig, the blood of the beeoes who have fall a should think, such a course ought to be avowed, and a spirt of harmony more generaliy pervade whole State. To - ° all woo lstanee we are sure Persons ats this state of things t+ asteful, and if Che partes to the upnecessw9 quarrel so long kept up doe not mind they wall lose caste wih the better thinning portion of the The Most abusive epithets which the Eaghsh COMMUnILV. ; } , eortinual use oof the langwage affords, seems to be the particu- some, by which wy may vive veat to prvate mahee, ua- ler the garb of warning the ) £9} Je, aQai test ithe uly ct of their hatred Receatly, calls have heen tnade Ly several « f the papers IN One Va to bave others put down and stance, Guy, Vance bas been appealed to in arehiculous and foo ish tirade, to inter: flere, which we opine, w have nbout as moch ®eight with that distingn shed and patotic. tcer, as the} owing of the wind. The wii object of fe offensive article was, if possive, to couple the name of He ead WMbmating to us that they intended ty “VY: Vance, w th what tie writer conceiv- ed a treasonatle pr duction of the Ntand- ard, well Knowsry at the time, that Grav. V wee Was Lo mere Fesyre ner for any thing of the kind, than is President Davis, ! We can that such attempts to involve Gov, Vance al) sach AYSIU fe mischief take ta, hHeules \ - fy! ino difficulty by base and false Inuendoes, Wil Utter vw fe ard thaty the hold owrhich tw has upon the affections of the great mass of ym oots obec will nol break the people of North Carolina, Gov. Vance has done hes duty, and wil continue to | perform vitally, without respect to the nowy croskers now sofesdeg the jand whetlber located at the seat of Governipent or at some conveniegt and sal distance from all danzer, eee Death of General Pender.—Tin Richmond Sentinel vaya that Gen Pender how died, at Stannton, of wounds received at Gettysburg, Gen. Pender was a brave and gallant officer, | and we deeply regret to Lave to announce his death? The remain of Caen. P. reached Rich- mond on Sunday — Progress. STEALING ON A LARGE SCALE We learn that on last Frujay night the stable of A.J. Mook, cow driven «ff was forced, and lis yearn aloo the an therties to du something to pula stop lo 5 } } such operations, We are also toformed that on the same night, two carnaye horses and two caddies belonging to Mr. Wiiha:n G. MeNeels were stolen, It is tu b herr thee cle predators will le droneht te eondign pun ihimernt. Ttis the duty of every man whe Valo sthe protection of property as Well as With times, are life iteelf to ald io arresting them out there aid, the jews, aac all powerless. 1-7 Cae The flows e letter Complimentary to the citizens of Sa iy Rowa 1 tit m4 pine "W D © han t Wotan , ' } Ceol , » 4 i evet fa, Voie Anee note late tor dast SG S SOR week, that all concer: Observe ite saercestions Rarsien, July 1, 1563, Majer Windsor ta Ohlorrqe of Nevyroes from Siihury Mason: —Tam direc by G Vance te reton das thanke t eutize ob Sal iny Ph pretiptse MN ‘ hey eyed ods nade hv ’ (Vir ee ty Te Traye Cieatons about tue Capitol> and torther to state that they will oe pad off as soon as ed and ctinpowered: tor Will you be kind hind enough to make th Koon to the owners of the shaves, and ae pity thanks for voorr Hisal aettert Pam very Respeettal your Obedient &ervant, ; HoT. GUTON M yor Arty and hug “2. A SEVERE STORM. Oo last Tuesday eventing, this section of Drevtoll vrortn, equal toaf at ded net was visited by a severe thurces surprise the \ fie bot. ‘ors were complet: ly inundated, cause ny Whe dhe ping was the most vivid and tocessant we one of June the Sth ot jast year. great destruction to tha crops. have witnessed for several vears. A fine horse belunying to our worthy citizen, Prof. J. H. Hill, wae struck and instantly killed; also, a mule belonging to Mr, Ta- (um, residing a few miles from this place. Iredell Express. ithe present. cE eee From the ‘4th North Carolina, Camp near Hagerstown, M4.,) duly 9th, 1863. ¢ The last two weeks are big with events of the greatest importance ; what the next two muy bring tu fight we cunnol even imagine at But of the first ] shall attempt to sketeh a brief and bastily written outline. J un) aware that the readers of the Watchman ure Wailing inpatiently, avd ia the woet pain. ful suspense for news from the bloody baitle- fields ww the North aod to relieve the anxiety in some degree | will sive at the elose of this letter a list of the curoalties im our regiment, kindly furmeher by my trend, J. E. Steele. On Mouday the 22d of Jove, we entered Penusyl- vania, by way of the Cumberland Valley, and aimnere Maytibernt country i never epw. It Jooks hke a well cultivated garden, and eo thick- Jy setiled that we were coataually traveling ia the suburbs of some city it seemed. The cilzeve are German alcicsl universally, and ig polrics ofthe eopperhead stripe. that is, for peace otany @ost. They live iv sabstantial brick or sione dwellings geuerally, and ow every farm you tiny see cCommodious and elegant barne small gram isthe staple, wheat, rye, barley sod oates bat tittle eon wp ruled. More lux- unant heldsof wheal cannot be imagined, and while we were there it was Sally Tipe and fullug down The havesting machines were lying tdle in the belds ia the very spots from which our seouts unhbitched the horses and drove thean way. ‘Thoesands of bushels of small grain will be lort fur the lack of means to suave at. The horses, mules, wagons, cattle and, ia fact, everything that could be of any use Lous was presacd in tui niles ov each side btour ne of march. ‘Phe horses, though are not suitable for cavalry use asa general thing. They are too fat and clumsy for any use, but are peepharly adapted to the farm. The citi- zeus were tightened wot of their wits, wheth- eribey had far te go or not ldo pot pretead Many fled before us wud left all they lo say. |} had rn the world af our mercy, and thome that | Our e rps , after TR OM Bewley Sane reovuued threw there doors open and told our fuanog parties lotake whetthey wanted. The consequence was that we lared sumptuoasly. Ewell. penetrated the State us far up as Canisle, and some delatchments veotur- It was geoerstly believed that the Capitol was the jaunt thas we Were wining at, bat on thm fase day of June we changed direction, and began our march ke Gettysburg; that nigbt: we en- small iowrs ip ed wibin do few mules of Harnebarg camped pear one of the many thas country, and within engbt miles of Getlye- bung Bunog the ayht some oe rumebing was gong eo, and our trope tay oa their arme, read¥ todeve at sbort notice, but the nighs prseed away amt nohiog vuusual occurred. harly gest mermag, July Ist we moved for- e maravertag formed hae By two o'clock, pom, ward, and after eens OF Battin atett m ihe bali opened ineurnest and lasted ant! vear- ly might; the enomy were dovew back two miles, through the bury, and up te the buee uf mountain Seouih-east of the town The a Mhe neatday the fight began eoriy. and raged fun- woss unt! dark. “The inhatisataof tne towa, Verified almost te dearh, Hed it confasion in eve ety curect The window such liar tn some houses, behind chinreye, &e shulters, dasrs signe, ane +c wih bullets, but the town ffi had not been for the mek own, it would have places were iid wae bet shelled aud wounded Yonkers in because ulmen inew fred ou wittde we At the close of the second day's fight the posstion of the two cerbatuly burned, our bays from the artes Wae precipely the same asin the morn- ing Dunog the greater porion of the day I was standing an eanence at one end of the batile bine nog which Fcould sce for three rnles atleast At ide ports where the fight was hottest dense colouinsof sulpharcas smoke the tree topes, shutting (rom The roar of artillery weuld nse above view everything beyond and email arins wastnceesnt and appalling to coe vet accustomed to soch mghte But on nevt day, July dd, of st coepe ate effor was taade to disiadge the @nemy trom the mugn toe on whieh they bod entrenched themselves during Ure might pres ding Vine forenoon was takes up Ceploving (rope and giviag the van ous ba len spoetio About two o'clock in the conevervthing wee ready, yd the order Tho firing began, and for viven te adwance hee bourse three hundred cannons thundered heat death messeng rein the opp wang rapke The beet wrter cn tthe universe cold pel give the fantest ideaot the Sornble conther The ruemy held thes though wear men upon them on their wpeaches and cut hem downu with there swords :—-bay oneisclash- Prmibo rushee ed tezethber, bot un gare. fall back, they did tin good order, but had suffered severely, Or forces were of- dered te though at the same time rey taught the enemy na tertibly lesmen con- Coming ine wloret Dinaa neve ‘Phe lom I sound supim is abet equal, theagh Nonhb- Prprrs set Como thbeur hss creater than ours 1,000 Daten ell cower all, mending beh low sen hes ot cosuiities inthe 4h N © Regiment Com A—Rill-d—Preates MB Mayhew and wougded, bi Day vere, JOM wey, lett de ampatered , A) i Clark, both lege teoetured below the kuee: af A Coben, md) eight; MSnow, shoulder slight, FOM Merrison, bead might Com B--Riled——neove cn wigits JM Side, lew severe ; hed serra; VS Lyerly, deg slight Wile WOM Clipless Woanded thigh ss -wioanded—Capt a Wi Whioe, sigat, EN tC rocherton, shock eds MOL Nethare, egiaiy ss UP OD Peotlar, jaw eve tet Man Dobe, shocked; € SN Sharpe. alerhit ; ¢ J. Johnston, leg severe > JUD Nyt leg weverd , JOM Rickert. elyghe. nee Com D—Rilled—none Wounded, tt Gourley, Jeg broken; W Barnhain, Andrew pA Jwe Seott, slyghtls Ceo ¢ Keled —=Powie JOD Latehhele Wounded. VSP Bewl, lead severe Com F—Rilled, W OB Nolly Wounded | Capt Phompecn, slught Cou G—Willed, Ge bb Cunni nam Wow! ed, WC tary. sly be Com UWe-Rilted, Bed DB Stocketons pr Bur Gren ( nviyptoe tI Wounded, John Farr, slight Com T—None khiled or wounded Com hK—Nilleg, none Wounded, O Tek slrouser Wht severe About twenty ousting, ontof the regiments epee to be pu soneus: among Chen are Hogh oil. Jack Mayiew, - Weisentieldt, At Goodman, Jie Norton, sou Michael Hennersy On Sunday Sth we fell back to Hagerstown NAT Casualties of 57th V. C. Regiment at Gettys barg, Pa., Jaly ist aud 2d. 1868. Co. A—Thomas Hellard killed, July 2nd Wounded—Sergeant A W Rusher, foot verely ; private Henry Lyerly, leg danye' . ' - n. seeking safety ia Cellars, im stone ously. M poral J W Co. B— Sergeant Co. C— thigh sligt S Earnhe JWAR Co. D- Hyer, nec vate A Vv Sergeant Co. E- <light; pt Missing, Lipe, Jos! Co, F- Licutenar wo A W murd Cr shght. \ sil, Caleb sergeant Co. G- dleman, § severely. Sergeant erhold, S len, A Be Co. H- * Woundec olf. Co I- Weldon. Missing, Foster, J Grayson, Nicks. Co. K Kanup. Sergeant : Lieut. Me Bz cog freely ular bus casy and Newbern sue lu ge apiured be return hemeely: root has {Fa eve Ci ze ee y more was, wh by this t ciureus ¥ —orne ot day that iuers are brakly d ‘ying le Very bas: nd Tar s.oW-Ca: velnan fi while tr sod cart ug ew at is hard, | nia, (venerah drekem,” 1oimg men Bee ry all. them no spected t e res yack wt «anany ot the refu sheen De,-3. FP 1) barre nbated | uotce ro othe when d The | rd larg hie sec '2iun @t Your bi vud fou derfully pond wi ne tre kore an to be re nueetin: ‘ually at the. Kaleigt sees | Jepress Nuence By. ‘ree. ‘I «Wear wick ec sready Poel ve pen Took ow and (s Y Tho (eta 18 trealts Inet di journe xt omy tnoRt d Ciao anh ‘Neat wear Univer thent: unet Thee vushe courts ple, ol to the kets, wwelw iddres tavitie to Gah 62, « count blow none out‘ ae ‘SE ously. Missing —Sergeant ‘W COorrell, Cor- ral J W Brock, private P H en eee | Co. B—Killed, A J Overeash. . ‘qunded, sergeant D L Warlick, finger amputated. Co. C—Wonunded, private John Black well, | thigh slight; PR Albright, thigh slight; A | 3 Earnheact, leg severely. Missing, Sergt JW A Rose. ; | Co. D~Wounded, G Mitchell, slight; 3} Hyer, neck. Missing, Capt. S W Gray, pri- vate A Vogler, NW Blackbura, NS King, Sergeant A F Teague. oo Co. E—Wounded, Sergeant W RB Self, foot slight; private John C Setzer, Guger off. — Missing, J C Bost, Henry Baker, Siducy | Lipe, Joshua Drum. : Co, F—Killed, J W Kluus Wounded, Licutenany Wm. Propst, side slightly: ; Corp | Wo A Walker, abdomen dangerously ; Ed- mucd Cress, arm slight; C Ho Pharr, lnp sight. Missing, R W Caldwell, Wilson Stan- “i Caleb Linker, HW Cress, WR Ritchie, sergeant J W Boss, Co. G—Wounded, Ligntenant J M Ren- | dieman, grein slight; Corporal A Wise, face severely. Misstug, Lieutenant CE Elmer sergeant Jolin Houser, Sergeant M W Ad- erhold, Sergeant S W Deliagher, G H Mul- len, A Farmer, Co. Hi—Killed, Corporal JH Walker. — * Wounded, J WH. Brown; Wesley Casley, arm "Co I—kiWled, Lieutenant LH Roney, Ei Weldon. Wounded, Lieut WD Ringo. Missing, WA. Blanchard, J Jd VPiniling, JM | Foster, J D Kirkpatrick, AW Harder, dohu Graysen, Curp)C F Turver, Corporal kK J Nicks, Co. K —Wouanded, Lient. J C Lentz, D A Kanup. Missing, Lieutenant MA Waaglt. Sergeant EM blutts, WOR Piokston. EC) JONES Je, Le Col. Com'dt. 57th N.C. Regt Lieut. A. IL Gray, Actug Ad t po' Goupsporo’, July 23d, 1863 Ma Bavseg: Ourcommhanit¢is agoin breath- cog freely and the peuple engaging in their res. The raiders bave find it un cay and profitable undertaking to get oul of Newbernu, but exceeeingly difficult aud buzard- Many wegrocs have beeu re. | ular business. rusty get back apiured from them aud aie expecied here —to The Yaukees iemeglves have saffered severely —tu what ca- be returned to Gheif masters. ‘oot has vel yet trauspired. ‘Lhey were cut Yaa every direcuon—by the fasthtal efforts of ciuzene aud suidiers DL pever saw a cowmut- y mure determined, yet more cod thau this was, when we expected (hat they might return | by this route on Tuesday aight. 4he uidert | cii.zeus we have, @ere out twith (heir muskets } —one ot the videst complaiaing lustily yerier- day that be was not called upow—aud Iresh cu- luvs arriving yesterday, L caw bic waskrug | bnakly duwn street with bis guu ia haud, bur- ‘viug tw she teudezveas. “Pheit conduct was Very base ww ther rad om Rocky Meougt aud nd ‘Tarboro’ —stealiug moucy—breaking wate , siew-eas s takoog homes, &c Tarboro’, Who was met by then while trang to escape. They tovk bis borses | vod carnage and tarped him iovse. Wereu aci- ug eo ateanty, (hey would say, “1 kavw this shard, bat your troops did eo tn Penunsyive- nia, '=which, yor know, ts falee— su tar as our Generale could restran. Aud ther dream,” they sometumes show a lige ol re- nagiag humanity, asia the Case of a geaile- nev pear Kenansville, whuse daughier was Ve- | ry all. He iet them tua the yard and asked them not to go ta en that account aud (hey re spected bys request. The pevple generally | have resolved to say at home and waip them hack when they ge usacall, ‘Tins, 1 think. | many others vagal to have done —for mony of the refugees have bound it @ questionable sac- nihice in teaveng their homes. Your ueigadec, Dr. J. BFoerd, acted nobly in) senGug down l bartels of fluar, some days since, bo be cis- rbuted tothe poor tefugees tram Newbere: lL uotce the Doctor's oruwiere ut cousribulions to other warthy parposes—and am thank iil when ? see enen a man prospeneg 10 burtiess The frequent and heavy rains huve manda- rd barge portiote of the neh Jow grounds i hie secuon of the Niate | Qhie of the beaver et aus ence the Dood fell here last Saturday Your humbie servant was caught down street vud found his way, (oa trying to return Cerfully blockaded by the almost unprecedented pond which dooded the streeta. Notwitistanuing he troubles and losses and (breats fean Yan- 1 baw aw yen: eiaa from “* pooun. won- kere and overfhiws, however, the frocgide secant | vbe reviving from their Vicksburg yioom wad yueeting their severe forcune firmly aud cheer- tally. Vinere ws saduess though to rome beciaie -f the disheartoiug teadenev of certara of ite Kaleigh papers. One oj; them a) net sees ty herald with dehght everything that rs Jepressing to ox They are Cectaimly downy tu Hueace aud popularity im cousequence By the blessing of Heaven, weeerpect to he free. There ve ae anuch love of ineney, soca ® eWoanhy, coomneh recklessmer and wickedvesein the jand, that we think ihev wit sreatly postpone the day of the mercial mcee Roatan ot God ta cabin Various QU Clas strife ard yiviig ve peace—but ty that day, however distant, we took wath tf hope and resolve which oar nyhte and God's promises to us elowbe! sispare Yours, &e, A o>. Those inlewesting Pereons, whose (rou is beller developed than chert reasod v Hieullies, freqwently think themeeclves aloo the Ine diich,” when it journey cages Ve diatup'! many ave They create a Crise outot the wii Propose the wildest emt dungeraue remedton, KC symptom, and aod on the ground chat (18 Gmpesmble to kilt the Pationt more dead ane ts One oof these Irae Written atnoeso ‘meat letier do the editor of thie Paper wloeh Weate not able to prt for hun Universal marvel jaw; ent; despotism ; He wane revolutioa of Govern- a levy en masse without dis Line bon of age, occupation, or bodily health — Phe ecrope are to be fe ft wngathered, the horse unehod, he rolcouds shall Coase to run. the courts be closed, the juis opened nle, All the peo \ old and young, sick and well, auxt pun ine lo the fields to fire glory owt of hetuous Mus- kets, and bye au qvaguiury bread for the next wwelve or twenly mouths. Further, our friend iddressen y private upper! to this newspaper; ‘nyitiog 10, in @ moat complimentary manner, | to take down the horn it { 62, and blow, blow, couutry blew in the spring of ; blow, Cll we thd! ies Softly, good friend! We wieh to | tow tiat horn to a Purpose, and it will serve | none if we take it down too often. ‘To seream | out wolf” when there ia none, is adinitied to segs policy. If the people are called out in the last ditch when wodiich hae been. raise | troops were thinly sprinkled along # cdntinen- ‘Tf he advunces va the internor, he will plunge ¥ ay ‘ae really ready, 4 bf Let as ditivas of the deiligerpnts is wholly different from what it was ia the days of Dudpelton aid Yorkiown and the differénce ia aff ia our fa- vor, Then the Confederacy was an empty eggshell. There wus no army, Handsfulls of tal frontier. Their line broken, the country was withont defense. But uow we have ao ar- my, terrible ariny; aod the existing laws, if euforced, furnirh the means of maintoining aud iucreasing it. The territury lust, however re- gretied, Is Certainly ¢ military gaiu. Over ev- ery part of it, the enemy musi drag supplies, march armies aid keep ap jong lines of com- menication. On every foot of tt he must leave some portion of bis strength, or imear certain ruin when reverses come. Ourcontracted line | is the casier defended What miiary advan. | tage have wo fom by the full uf Vieksburg? | ‘Vhe South has held that place for a year chief- | ly from pride We gained hothing’ from the | Mississippi. Its banks are ravaged. Vo keep an insecure puseecssion of them, the enemy must garrison them with « haadred thousend mea. into disaster. Ou the other side the Confeder- ates have their forces cousoliduted on an inte- rior line, close to thei resources of provisions and wen, and can make either defensive or of- fensive war wth beller Chances thao ever be- fore. e The Confederacy has tutely reeiyed two “face 6.” Tthas a bloody nose and a black eye—but it wus never sounder in wind and linb than it is at (6is moment Even if the Jate checks were such as to endanger the life of the nation, we are sure thet ics Coe | | would gut be improved by martal law and des- pousin, No power in this country cau pat in force martial law bat « General of an army, | and his power tu do 86 is limited by tis fines. | As to arbitrary goveroment—that ia not what | the poople bave made here. Tf arbitrary pow- ec should be inaugurated by the actiou of a | chque, i ts revylulion, aud the death of the Coutederacy. Howminy would uphold it long- er? ‘Phe people are fighting for their const. tutions, jaws, liberties. ‘They will never un dermiaud the logic of surrendering them that they way keep them. When they are guue, po matter how, all is gone. | It we had the power to muse anybody now, | we would try that power o®the Government | thatexiais. “The l:wa are sufficien: for allpur- | potes save those of seliiehuess and wickeduess Nobody frustrates the operation of those laws | Butorce the laws of the Cos ederacy with dili- | geuce sud good faith, and the most (hat human | agencies can du losave the country Will be dune. —Rwohmoad Examiner. | { Suggestions for the Army. SOMETHING FOR OUR OFFICERS | AND SOLDIERS 10 STUDY, | Gen Washington on the vices of the Camp — The value of the Christian Religion, | Jue following extracts are compiled ! from Sporks’ aod Trving’s biographies, Lt! 4 1 that Ps: Cae Eb tae Herfree Ctrag tee Odie oof pbivate ’ toeur Coblederate armies, Who lias any regard tour tie memory of the “Father of | les Country,” will pay some reverence to these solemu expressivns of his sentiments. fie second partzraph on profane swear: | tug, abd the closing one of these quota- tuos, deserve to be especially pondered by vuriwililary wen: } DIVINE WORSHIP, ' “As a chapiato is allowed to every regi- | Ment, sce that Che aneo regulariy attend divine worship.” fustructions to Brig. Oenerals, May 26th, VT —" While he was ri Boston, Wastington had prayers mocutas Vuvesting abd evemoy, wud was reguiarin das at- tendanee at the church, of which he wasa | Comtunivant. On ote oocasion, for want vt uch ryan, (be hyises Prat service Was tead tw Col Wan. afadres, one ot Waahe Mortons atdes decay, praver oi bis own COMpusthe in poace vt the obe torieniy offered up tor tae hing.” who sulstiiuled a GAMBLING. Early in the war (20th Fob) in general orders, all playing at cards and other varames of Chance was prohibited, And M lt aaa (Tostructions to Drigedier Generals.) he says “Gambling obevery hind is expressive forbrdent as the foundacen ofeval and the cause of the burnt taan a brave aud pallet officer,” VROFANITY, Tn ener orders (comtamed web ery brook) ta the ¢ sor Wander wt Cotnber- | aid, “Cal Vastoagtombas observed that the men ot dos regiment are vary profane l [he takes this op portunn atid teorabate, ) WV Go dotorin Chet ot dis pretest displeas- ure tsdet pecetices, and Co assure Chem Chat at they do tot heave thers otf they STratl] Does see Vo ptitadsive ed hive olhhecrs are destred, boy bear any man swear or thake use of an oat ob execrabon, to onder the offender 25 dashes romediate Iv, wach, oul eourt trartie Yor the second offence i he as to be more severely punished, \ Awan orderly book, Aug. 4, 1776, | “The Coneralis sorry to be intormed that | the foolish and wwickid PEaclice of profane little secearmy—ai vice heretofore AHows | mean cimertera arity ols Ynto urowing fasbien, Efe hopes the officere will by ex | ample nhl yiflacnes, TTD | thatwecan have lettl endeavor to cheek at, | retfect | of the blessing bota Chey ame Che ten wall of MMeacen an aur arux tf we iasid! it by empuety and Sfouly. Added to thas, was a }Viee so mean and low, wothoutany tern | tation, that every man of sense asd char acter detests apd ck Spses ie VICE IN GENERAL, Tnetructions to Brigadier Crencrals, May, | 1777: “Let vice and) immorality of ev ery kind be discouraged as much as pos: sible in your Brigade.” At a.previous date he wrote :: “At this fimo of. public dteveess men may find |. st thibge as they tre. The cou Fequnity, withoat abandoning thernselwes ry } uw here this morning at diy bbyicop oruing disylight pursued by | Sir Edward Ardent, (Bar't) ; mrs. Fanwy Chiliugione, (Widow) | commend of Cylonet MeCaustad { God and theit view and immorality. tis » noble cause we are engaged in; it is the cause of vir: tue ynd «mankind; everf sdvantage and comfort to us and our posterity depends vpop the vigor of our exertions; in short, freedom or slavery must be the result of our conduct; there can, therefore, be no greater inducement to men to behave well,” TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Yankee Raid tp N.C. Ricnona, July 22—The Petersburg Ex- press gives wn accout ofthe Yankee raid in North Carolina. | The gang numbered from four to six hundred, | and came from Washington. At Roeky Mount | they burned the depot, fiive thousand bales of colon, a large cotton factory owned by Win S. Battle, and captured a train on the ‘Tarboro’ | branch of the Washington road. contaming two carloads of ammanition, and thinty thousand pounds of bacon, and destroyed the br \dge over Tar river, a short distance from Kiucky Monat, Vhe track was torn up for a mile or two. ' From Charleston—Great Siaghter of Yankees. Ricnmonp, July 22.— An official dixpateh from | Gen. Beauregard, dated the 22nd saya: The enemy recommenced shelling ycster- day, with few casual ies oa our wide . 5 In the battle of the 18th we had 150 killed and wounded. The enemy including prisoners, | lost about 2,000, eight huudred were buried under @ flag of truce. | Col, Putnam, acting Brigadier, and Col | Shaw, commanding the negro segiment, were | killed. { — | The Yankee Raid in \, C. Gornssono’, July 22 —Petaileof the Yan- kee depredationsg, commencing last Monday at ! Rocky Mount, come iu slowly asd coufusedly, | While 300 of their cavalry proceeded to! Rocky Moant, 200 remained to depredate | around Tarboro’. These latter were attacked. | whipped and routed on Moudey evening by | three companies cf our eavallry numbering | about one huudred men, Moj Kennedy com- ' manding, near Daniel's Schudhouse, two end a-half miles from Tarboro’, south of Tar Riv- er. They left six dead and tifieen woanded horses and agcoutrements were captured by our boys, Our loss was three wonnded, among whom was Capt. Thompsen through his right wrist, He , The | {a the field, eigit’ dead horses, besides forty | 1 } A ball passed arrived in town | this morning. Yankees it tp said have | | carried off about five hundred negroes, besides | horses and‘other property. They camped las | | evening has not ye( arrived.* Attain, Joly 22.4.W. formation that Rose ntrans i#* organizing & for- widablé cavelry force to éttnek AUante éud’ make raids in North-westéra Georgia, The Mayor of Atlanta has issued a stiring precla- mation und active preparations are being made to defend the city and the’ Railrcad to Chat- tanooga. The time is at basd when our ability to defend ourselves will be tested. Jackson Destroyed— Mississippi Troops De- serting, Be. . Morton, July 23—4 cilizen-whv just came out states that the Yankees totally demroyed Jackson, Miss. ‘The State house was blown up. There are nove of the evemy this side of | Pearl river. Mississippi troops pre dese: ting in large nambers. . 2d N. ©. Cattalion.—Captain Henry Whee- ler’s left hand shot off, wouneed in both thighs aud taken prisoner; Ricumonp, July 21.—The city: ie very quiet to-day; no uswe from e2ny guarter, not ag ot tncircolaton. The Centre! traig dae hgte this Weather oppressively warm. DIED: On Gold Hill, of T\ phoid Fever. Jaly 2st, Mrs. MARY M, wife of D. W. Howeyeu., Beq., in tue 2th vear of her age. OUT vphoid Fever, io Cabarrus county, Jely 20th, Mixs MARY A., daughter of Chores Fisher, Bag , in the 24th year of her age. MURPHYS HALL. DRAMATIC ENTERTAINUEMT. vyEN HE cilizensof SALISBUSY are respect- fully iufurmed that Miss ELLA WREN, the beantifol and accomplished Traegedien# aod Poma Dona, assisted by Mr. CHLARLES H. MORTON the most versatile and popular Comedianand Vocalist in the Confederacy, from the Thetres of New Orleans, Mobile, Montgome-y &c-, and the principal! Comedian of the newKich- night at Grimest'y Meeting hoase, three and pmond Theatre, well give a eeries of a half miles from Snow Hill. learn, have been burm. Cu) o@ rs are oo Weir track Al. sorts of rumors as to theie whereabouta | are aflvat, Nothing definite outside of mificary circles. \ Latrst —Yankees supposed ts have escuped | ‘The bridges, we ‘aiborne and} ty way of Scuffleton. | [srecian DISPATCH TO &TATE Jot RNAL } } Tue Walders Gone. | Kixstos, July 22 —The Yankee raiders have gone back They passed the Burney plece be | our cavalry. GOOD NEWS FROM SOUTH WEST- ERN VIRGINIA. Lryscuscre, Joly 21. —Paasengers hy rhe TFeuessee train report that the Wytheville Yankee raiders were captuged on Monday. at East River Mooniain. Mercer coun'y, by the A number of negroes and horses, eaptared by the Yon- kees, were recaptured. About twenty houses were burned in Wytheville, among them the office of whe dispatch NewWepaper, with mater al, fixtures, Kc. DESTREGCTIONOFR A Yu BEE GUN. BOAT BY 4A TORPEL). i A telegram from Commander | N. Brown was received at the Navy Deparment yester } fthe Yankee gunboat DeNalboin the Yazoo pver, means of a tocpedo. “Phe DeKalb earned (hirt day. announeing the destruetion « een cuDnR, i Ne partreulars were communier edi the dis- | patch Dispatohes from Paris, reeeivedin Vienna on \ the Woof July, state that Napa: ou fhe ‘Sarre. Voeably” determined to recognize the rebel! confederacy, even withont the c Buglind Avoinvitation wall be Cabinetin W ashington lo agree t -operation of made to the | rarmstice This will be tu such a “deemive toom™ that at | must be enther rejected or arce ptr If rejeet- ed, the recognition, vtts said, wil colow. The 4 Buapecor, however, hoped that Fa sand would + aid France. at least so far ag to i preporabet, the armisiice. State Edacattonal Association OB NORTH CARCLINA ! The Annnal Meeting af cio Site Edaca- iw A Bun Avion, ot North Mot y nN Wil Ln heldin Lesungton: the ees tre 1 eight @elock on the es ob Toes das t Tsui of Ansust nes : Uhis A int Meetit a Can nt day in the vear than us rder that oa Wav pres » the meetir t the Nateaal \ Bdagaional Asso ladion te be beldi im Athar ta, Geerma, in the mont me Vibe wm! its to be hoped that t thembers ¢ int body will consider toa dey Co attend. it pos. sible : The Assoeiation has they Tessie Providence, been kepr wove daring this 1 Wy Crista, and has ne Thade ae maeans al great good io the Sic and through 8 agency teachers and tere ie ob edacation: ear doomach foe the da depos ee and prosperity of the country ‘| class of persons Ise ‘a in Pofuntaltering efforts ni bebal® of moral pes gress) aud the aecumuia ies of Gals and dit ficulties should only» tiene tp to nal strivings. , ' The delegates to tte Nescciaton will b earnicd by the Rail Roa sat hall the asnal fare, and will be ent bby the peopl of Lexington tree of charge COMeAEEE N= Sup't Cdinmon how) ” nee! J.D. CAMPBELL! Recording Secreiiry Associaton, | W.. J. PALMER, G@orresponding Secretary Executive Committee | aghbe 1 he thaef MUSICAL and DRAMATIC PERFORSNCES! FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Commencing MONDAY EVENINS Jaty 27. Mn. CHARLES MOITON wil pressde at tne Piano Brie Programme for first night toed@.nence with | the elegant Comedy of a WORNING CiILL. Mr. C. Morton. Miss Eva Wren. INTERMISSION OF TEN MINUTES. GRAND MUSICAL OLIO: 1 —Satut ala France (from the Opera of the Daughter of the Regiment,) Wies Ella Wren. Wren 2—Comic DaAty,—Bacon und Greens. Mr. Chaa Morton. 3 —Duett—Moemiring Sea. Miss Wien and Mr. Morton. 4 —Rallad—Roc\ me to Sleep, Mother, (as composed for and onkivally sung py her.) \ ) 3 Miss Eila Wren. §.—Comic Snne—1he Rat Catcher's Daagh- ter, (in characier,) \ Mr Chas. Morton §—Ballad—All quiet Noung the Potomee to- night Mies Ella Ween 7—Mr Chas. Morton, \he orginal Billy Barlow ofthe Confederacy \e ill appear ns that eminent Poilesapher, with ne things in gene- » ral—the Pencoln A@ministratn ip partiealar— ae sug by han over three hiddred nights in New Orleaue, Richmond. & , ve INTEMISSION OF TES VANUTES ToCorelode wih the Amusing Meieh of 4 LESSON FOR HUSBANDS! Me. Chas. Gorton Miss Ella Wren Mr. Simon Dalliaby. Were Simon Lullaby SECOND EVENING AN BNTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME, PRICK OF AOMISSTION §1.50 Ubitaven and Se: vante } 00. Doors open o€ 74 o'clock. Comipencing at “3 veloch preetsely July 27, 1863 It Assessar’s Notice. Har dl - a HERE are mag persons in Salisbury as Well ofan the caantry. whe have vet returned thet ixables for the Confedemiuie Pag Sach persons are hereby noted that, tor the pose af aiving Loe one mores ehanee,of making ther retarna, the noder- iUthe court-hoose, in Salisbe secured wil meet rr,on Mousay, Pueeday and Wediaeeday, 0° Aueust court, which will be on the 3d, 4th ane Srenl Angost. Tn ease any one fils to avail ne I ubis netice. we will proeeec as ihe haw direece tocobtain fran State Thos Lasts or oth: rvise the amoants such persons oaght to have tocced, and after addtury the valuatou thereet, return che sume te the tat eolleetor as good acd sofficrent ete. Pole warntuw aod eave veur money. A HIAWRKINS, YN UbLIbLiG, te A sar esore S410 REWARD. WILL be given for wo SADDLES stolen July 25, 1863 from my stables on the 24ci vast. One is black patted the other red [gather ¢ also, two Bridles codons pale martingles (supper sed ta be in the hood of Charles Welvenzie’s.) Alao. {One Hondred dalars tor the raprehensien of W én McNEELY. Juiv 25, 863° RIO BLANK DEBDS | FOR SALE AT RIX OFFIOE pur. | and the tast | wenty five per cent) Sawn! ‘ 20 FOE aiktASW,, , »; t en ane ancettintr emt Be July 25, of the [20th Regiment NC Militia will have all the white men in their beats between 18 and 45 years of age not already enrolled in Con- federate service, on the Regimental Muster Ground on Friday, the 7:h of Atgust next for enrollment. : M A LOCKE, Col. CH McKenzig, Adj’t. July 25, 1663 ltpdiv : CONSGRIPT OFFCE, Camry Houves N.C., July 22, '563. ) GENERAL ORDERS, ) No. 14, / |e accordance with the/proclamation ofthe Presiden:, issued the 1Rb inet., Colonels of Militia will, on the 20th fay of Aggost, enroll al] persons in the boundspf their regiments, be- tween the ages of 18 and45; who have got al- ready received certificays ef exemption or de- } tail. rected wWrouke theirapjoio'ments bmme diately Wiwifft the Resiments within their Distrigts, commencing on the Qi day ef August. | Notice is hereby give to all interested, that | persous liable to conscrwiwa have Me right to | volunteer in any compoy io regalar service of the Confederate sia®8 before enrollment. Af, | ter enrollinent they Mast come iv camp, where ‘they will be assigied to com-wands of their Cowice as fap as practicable. Ad persons, there \ tore, desiri.g » wuanteer, Mast do so before: J the 20th of August: (the day of enrollment). , | Vranspetationewill be furnished at this cffice. Afte enrollment substitutes eamnot be ae- | capte ONder any cireamstances exXeept at this fofie The principal. is required to appear in j peda with the substitute. Sabsiitates an- de ld or over 50 will nut be accepted. Cer- ueate. ef good moral character is required be- Pi the substitute will be taken This call is made by the President from ab- dute necessity to meet the increased force of he enemy; to strengthen and support our gab ian@and veteran eemy ; to protect and defend our homes and fireeides. and drive the invader from our soil. One veteram troops requrie the assistanee of eve-s man who cag shoulder a musket or draw a sword. The Commandant,. therefore, earnestly hopes that this call will be responded to promgilt, cheerfully. and with an unwavering determination to swell the list of our glorious and gadlaut dead, if necessary, for our freedom and independence. The Commandant takes pleasure again in. acknowledging the efficient aid rendered him by the State Officers, aud exhorts them te re- newed ztal in supplying the necessities of the- army. Ry Order of Col. PETER MALLETT. . Com’dt of Conseripts tor N.C. J.W. Maxrerr, Adjutant. July, 23, 1R63 © 21:10 MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M. BD. f I AVING studied in promi- nent Medicai Colleges and > Hospitals, botht North and: South, and having been prac- licing in the various depart- ments of h’s profession for over 10 years with good success, he ca continues to offer his services to the public where he is permanently located, and by étrict attention to his profesrion will en- deavor to merit a liberal patronage as hereto- fore, and holds himselfin readiness at aif hours, day and night, for professioual calls. OG Offer at Ruserman’s Store. For Sale---A Tract of Land. FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, CROP, &C. fot BUSHELS Wheat; 1000 bushels of \ S00 ; 200 bushels of Potatoes; Cane Molases 200 walls; Peas, &c.; 45 head of Cat- i | { { 3mpd10 tle, anioag them 20 head ef milch and breeding etock in good order; 60 or 70 hogs, 40 the site of 12 mouths old for fatting, and now in fine order. ‘The prenuses eiabrace 2 surface and j deposit GOLD MINE, GRIST and SAW } MILL. The mine will viele from a 4 to ldwt per hand a day for many years, Apply at this T. J. FORNEY. Wind Hill, Monigomery Co., N.C. July 24, 1503 Swpdl0 office. NOTICE. ] Y virtue of al eed of Trust to Avsil, 1861, by DR Bradsbaw, for the purposes therein set forth, 1 wall expose to publia sale on Satorday the 16th of Augreat, inst, at the lite resideneg of said D-& Bradshaw, deceased, a valuable plintauion, containing > Y Ly @) 216 ACRES, paged dwelhng house and ail necessary out bovldines, two mal-s, one sorrel mare, one road } wagon. one fumiy. carnage aod barvess, stock {of eat le and heas, farming (ools,ode wheat fan lone curt and all the bous:aald and kitchen fue- J miure that as not exempted by Law, in short riy real, personal and mixed ‘ \ embracing prop "Perms made known on cay of sale { ( L PARTBE, Trastee. ' July S103 Sw EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, N.C > \ Apo ® Geversa’s Orace. (Miatsa,) Rose). July Qist, 1863. \ Generis Order ¢ : No 16. ‘ 1 THE PRESIDENT OF TUE CON- fedor te States having called inte the mil- 4 Mary service all between the ages of PS and 43, subjyech ta My Consernpi Act, Gene rat Order ' Noo id vordéting the Cogmnanding officers of the Militre to enroll and desag to Ral ig! those Cand 4 years. is hereby revoked DAN'LG POWEE, July 95-1110 Aci General, { _ | NOTICE. ] \\ E wall sell at Otin, Tredell, N. €.. a Khursday the 30th dav of July, the fo'lowing riy, viz: about PUY bs. Sole and Upper LEATHER, shoe Jacks, Gwe or three hun dred pounds of Nads. Spngs, Tacks Laste, Shoee ang Shoe Pools of varrous kinds. Sala to commence at 1 o'clock , FOARD, BRO. & C¢ Bt pad }doetWween Jnty 12, 1S62 ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON. Bh & ENNESS’, Druggists June 15, 1863. fa me executed on the loth day of- * “W0th Asters mie 863. THE Commanding Feaeail Enroliing Officers of North Carolina are di- . " =F ji “g o pscrantr GEx ent: 8 00 Raleigh, Jatygy 2 _ ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF Rewau Couuty, m aalhorged to rise Sgimeut to secve for ex mouths, under the re- he President. Each eonpany will | consist of 75 ‘The privates will elect | thelr company officers, the datter wal clect thei neld officers. officers will be cou missioned at and from the tume the wuster- | rolls are Gled in this office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adgutaut Geueral. 4 + quisiion of wet The i tees UNDERSIGNED APPEALS ‘TO such of his feliaw-citizens as may choose to joiu him, Gs report to hin at ouce at Salis- bury. If the forde called for by the President do not avail theaelves of the opportunity to volunteer and have oficers of thetr own selec- tron, they will be drated aud have officers ap- pointed by the Govertur over them. The ser- vice 18 for State defepe and tor kat six mouths Rally, wen! The eniny ig now advauerng | upew our Coast, threaleuug the destruction ef bur homes and (he destuction of our meaus of ; subsistence, to say nothug of the disgrace and | worse thay death (heir vreseuc® eu var sigiers, ear wives au children: the defence uf your homme: and fireside « JulP6, 1863 [0] | Salisbury, N.C. By the Governor of N. Carolina. | A PROCLA BATION. | ‘ YHBREAS, for the proterrica of our peo- pie, a8 far as possible. Myine the evils of specalation, there COOLIPU ESM be recessit\ to prohibit the exourtatian of q@aroun facies] of our products de: ond the ‘imits*ef wor Nate sll Now, therefore. |. ZEBULON BTVAN: §, | Governor of North Caroiua, doissue thts Pay. ! Jamation, continuing Wie proclamativa of Jug { Sth iu force for uhirty days frum and atier th W3th imsiant, 10 regard to Cottoa and Woole Cloth, Cotton and Woolen Yarns, Leather aud Shoes, subject to sach exceptions, Kc, as have been expressed ta iy procian ations heretofore on the subject of exportation | | | —— ; elo wiiness whereof, Zeserx 5 {seat - Vasce, Goveruor, Capian Gener: —~ \al aud Commaader-ia-Chief, bath mgnec these presea's und caused the Great Seal of the State to be affised. Done at the Citw of Raleigh, this 10th day of Jety, A. D., 1863, and in the year vi scan Independence the e7the By the Governor: Z.B VANCE R.H. Barrue, Ja,, Private Sec'ry. July 11 . Amer- 2w9 Confederate Insurance Company, Charlottesville, Virginwa. , I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY from the above losurance Company, aud am pow prepared tu take msks oa property at rea- Bonable rates and for limited periods of tine, and oo different grades of preperiy :—Such as Cotton, Tusacev. Produce, Wachinery, Mer- ehandise, Bui ings, &c. This Company has been in eperavou bul a short time, has @ large Cash Cap.tal all paid in, and held by some uf Ube wealchiest and best people of Virginia. A large amowntof the Caprial Stock of this Com- pany has aiready been sold for ten per cent premium pan eny ny. will iptl et forth iu its p Perseus io Sabebory their property iueured “e I can safely ree he most retiab’e character, ai lieies issued 4 ies and vicinity desinng Ane P| Py h al - ty of Gaog & Dy Cahing on we A.J. MOCK, Agent. Salisbarv, N.C, ( 7 July 15, sr ei3i \ ib) LORILLARD'S SALT SALFF: - 9 F : = A prj te by & Fresh Snug. N BLADDERS—the sale by A venurne arwie—for A WILLARD, Greensboro, NC July 6, 1-63 ou GACH ULEEK ACADEILY. ROWAN COUNTY, N.C CONHE Fal! Seesun of th J: be ga on Mi uday, July 20, im TUITION — Feros $10 to 1S per session BOAR D—K15 ver monin For furtner particulars, address the pritic at Murauée, N.C A.A PHIPPS, Prineiya! Styesl me 6 le of ft OF DP Jane 20, 163 ALL THOSE INDEBTED TU WE ON my Book Store accugnt, will please call on Mr Jaines H. Enuise, my aathor.zed ageni aud ert: | ‘ g tie the same ALL tron and priuting account will ple Eapiss and setile alm. Some of my accugnix have snce 1°59, and I du hope tha wire are cue will call et voce at.d we ttle up. Cont: theme indebted ta me on my sebeery beew eta d ture ale inguey 16 plenty — here ca prefer to lames due, Peyipent J JS-SVLWARI July 6th, 1663. if7 . | iusenbed Mereon: ils u PMR -o, pabse rice ACM. NESBIT®, ®& 4 ae \ Why mm-ad this Com- ! by this Compa- . ¥ Mel arcuruing tu the leris | Vhave ay upportuui , ! » be we eacuse f ee P ~ -REWARD. PY eae : Eamy EN. JANUARY LAST, THE Office ef M. & BE, Mycrs was broken opeo and the following articles sluleu therefrom: One | tine English Gold Lever Watch, with tbe name of J. A. Lilliagten on the face, German Text letters, believed to be wade by J. Johaston, Liverpool; one viamend Riug, large Diamoud i centre clusterd afound wuh simail moads; ove fine Gold Ring, wath forget me not, one sett Ear Ruves and Breast Pin, Coral cud Gold; two Gold Chata- ha Pine; one Bunch Gold Charis, consisting | of the two Lockets with niiniatores 5 Slippers, yC ress, Hart, Shell, aud others not recollected 5 Lene Corral Breast Pin ; Breast Pin, with large one Gold sett with Pearls; one Necklace oval gets, with cross in eentre ; oue lage Black Lace Mantle ; Ewbroide ced Handkerchief, Collars, Sleeves, Ee; Blowkets, Linnea and Cotton She Pillow Bolster Slips, and many other urucles of Jew- elry and Ladies spparel not recollected. “Phe above rewardof Five Hundred Dollars, will be paid for the recovery of (he above uated ar eles, of lu propurion tor auy els, Cases wud place uomy vanfrinacon given to Captain A . FE. MYERS Salisbury, N C. Jane 15, 1863 utd OF The Confederacy, at Atlanta, Ga. will copy daily ne Week, and send bi!l to this office. TAXES. HAVE received froin the Clerk of the County Court, a list of the Taxes due for the veer :203, ang bold the said fist ready for tu- epeciou. All persons are requested ty taferin mee any Lanes, giveu iu Pola. or other Property bot I shall attend at the follows places, athe Gme stated below, dor the purpos of cal- Jecting said Tax. Punctua! s-ileurnts are equired. Those who tail to atieud to this nee | ee to @ettle, will have tu pay coasts wideout yoretions! Gwe Company, Friday July 3d Ms Liiva Brown's, Saturday | Geea'’s Bridge. ‘Vhursdiy a Yih , whepe's Old Diatnet, Frday 10 | Mc\wnnaughey’s Old Store, Saturday Tith. { Moe. Ula, Thursday July 16th Atea's, Friday Jaly yi | Litake's, Saturday July : Min. | Hartinn’s vid place, Thursday Jaly 3d (Ro. Botts’ Company. Frisay July 24th ! Hatterdshop, Saturday July 2Sth Gold HA Thursday Joly : 30:4 | Morgan’ Friday July Bist | Miber’s, Murday August Ist. | WM. A. WALTON, Shenff. June 9, R63. Sw A X= A! FE De | gl AVIN( esigned my commission tm the | Confederate Amy ax Surreon, [ teoder iy services tu wy Yiends and the pubhe . A. M. NESBITT 07 Cfice, pyeite the Court House. Jane 25, Jsu3 tft * i‘! Bw Emo oD 20.000 STAVES T THE CON. STATES DISTILLE- } ' { “ RY, formerly ae crcioy UM, & EL My. ‘ere at Salisvury, ae Powe : To be of Witte vag timber. clear of sap Scavee, 34 suche¢ juagz, ton ane Gacehes wide aud Jioch thé ) MWeading, 24 inehes long, from Sto D0 caches { wide. and 13 ructes thick ' 780 Staves ani $0 Heading toa thousand Highest warket price will be paid ; Adcress JAxr.'F JOHNSON, Mecical Purvever§ os N Charlotte No ¢ June 15, 1-65 int RANAWAY ' aaa saorerieciear Hurnisv ie. ¥ kew couuty, NOC en the uirhe Llth tastant, mo, ares, WIZE q 7+ - ( Hav fey, | regro, we vhs aboa PAO oe PSO ibe, and was rated aa “pepper, Wits at { FLA ‘ A. { a blatk bev, Qt yerrs of ees iad ‘ ae of 160 pounds and Was raed ear Wash ftom, &C. J tiiek the bess may ” (grt back wlrie they w- faised bow Jaliberal rewarc rth or livery ia Be, oF i rea & vs otirt | yet bea WM We LONG Jere 35, Int3 Us New is Che time to pay Woaey, \ A ALL PERSONS IIR UNDE Bey see Col um alr j od ay ie OV tole sunt, reqauestea to tan aud pav up Ao M NUSBITT Juve 15. Ix03 ne Netlce to Debtors and Creditors, = un | Estate of Sa ve WoNe , » The History of North (00 0000 16 ‘Carolina PeEriawep n deol by the andereged prefac , , ceded Uhatit conta ned ous » Mhpereetinot A pron Med { remedy there Cefecis ‘Vtis ce sons nyave dable dom second edition was then »Shichw now calleo He willbe grateful io avy gue who will pout out any error ia ve dees, vanes gf facts i { the varios counties o Sates aod ais | bographical sketch of those who have dune cere athe fleld or State Letters may be sent tome, care of How. D. | Pe JOUN HO OWHEELER | ( pel NO©., June d, 1-05 } MICHAEL BROWN, { COMMISSION MERCIAN oe, | Y ‘ ' i] pro ee Recnbinh Cinch, ; pure liane I: ve aad Shipne Copeiguments eher ® in thie «nm for shipment to 6 goleeied. w h) will be wold at highes ket . \ S ¢ ef pree and rent. tances promp made Raliebury, Jury 13, 1*63 we to eid Be rte are requre | i" , diate pay ine D WVCRENSTAW., Adiaanixtyator Bud V/OOL WANTED. Srconp SUEARING LAMBS WOOT wanted by WM H.SMITE Sacebury, July 13, 1e63 tfs }sO3 June 2% 4B QB OQ’ EE UD Tithe COS Dysttlers Srlisisaee N.C d One Thousand 10) Burteve Map! Charcoal Propurals must be addressed ty JAS LT. JOUNS< TON. Medical Puy (2S (Cipvoites RY July 13. 163 Servants For Hive. HAVE several young women and giles for lire for the remais der o M7 JOUN the year. WASHINGTON Dia- one tine Fan ;! ned Keeves, Sr, will be prompr | July 4th | NOTICE. |. oe | ( WING to'the number of riots, obs, Im- [Pressments and tiefs inthe éognty, } feel ) itu daty I owe to myself to adopt the lowing ' rules and segulations at my mill; j , tats 1 will not ge r sponsible for any Flour, ) Meabor any kind of Grain that may be taken frome by mob riot or mpressment, Yd. DL will not be responsible for aay Grain stored at my mill woul ordered to be grouud. 3d. T will not be responsible for any Meal or | Flour wore than 24 hour afier it is spade; at l that Lean, aud the sume care that Dtake of The mili is always uncer block and key when we leave ii | J.S. McCUBBINS. Salisbury, March 3), 1503 fas wy own Concord Classical and Seientifie) opie cos School, CONCORDAN. C: S. FRONTIS, Je, Principat. For particulars iddress thes Principal. Conturd, N.C., ’ Mareh 16, 1863 4 SCRAP TLON 6m 43 pd _ WANED. ca) Pa) \ I HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE paid for old Castiay or Scrap fron at Gorern- ment Foundry in Salisbury. Persons having auy wall please send it at oace, of notify tne ‘where they cau celiver at. : A.B. SHUBPPERSON, Sapennoatendent 1 March 4, 1863. f42 ; | Attention Soldiers’ Wives! [ HAVE a small quanuty of Flour to spare ‘Any of the solders’ wives liviag ig my Cap- taias District it weed of floar, cau gel atten dollars per hur ared, | to spare can have a few pounds for there own use grat JOHN C. MILLER. May 18, 1563 wWo2 SALISBURY, APRIL 20, 1563. To Gas Consumers, | ( Ds and after May Ist, 1863, Gas will be ) S15 per LUV feet. Owing to @e verv great tacvaner of inatenal and treignhts, the Compa- uy are necessitated Uo raise the pnee of Gas or slop Cie worgs Freights hive gone up 200 pereent.; Tron Reiorts 300 per ceat. ind Ko- “LEATHER. His IM PORTANT ARTICLE OF prime necessily Conlsucs to advance ti price, and shoe-mikers are predicting that prices hith erto accounted ebormogas willbe neat to noth- hog as compared with prospective demands — This may be se, less consumers shalt take Ginely warn og and and probably will be trae an- prepare to supply their wants without purchas- { | ! i wea To all whom it may € os | Eiaie onuceae cs terse meena! | Tis ence wine moval racy, but the Speoial Notice, To all who it may Concern, scarcity of rags bide fuir to interfere seriously | TO ALL PERSONS IN DEBT. with the manufacture. | lu the mauufacture of Cartridge paper used in the febrication of ammunition, raw colon cau be used if a cestain propustion of Aemp be mixed wiih it. I am authorised by the Ordnance Depart: | ment to purchase material for this purpose, und \Ttake this method of appealiag to the people {to asmstine in evllecting old rope, boyging, the same tine, 1} will take the best cure of it | | | waste corduge, &e., of any kind of eld hemp. A geod price will be puid forthe above mu- terial, varying from 10 to 25 cents per pound, according to condition, Wweality, de. I will also pay SU cents per pound for old scrap Lead delivered ut the Works. A. G. BRBNIZER Capt. Arty Ord. Works, Sahsbury, N.C June 29, 1563. ub : Edgeworth Female Seminary. Tals) have a litte Woo, | The wives of soldiers im my destricg, | GREENSBORO’, N. C. Tv eee HE Fal! Session of this Institution wil! commence on the 4thof Augest next. Team for the sesiion of 20 weeks ED 10 US! | A LL fersona indebted to the firm of A. & W: Myers and A. Myers, are pereby respects fully reqnested to settle their respective obli- gations either in person or by letter, without | needless delay. They will thas save interes: | and the inconvenience of payment when mon- | ev may be less abundant (ham at present. | | hope the friends of the late’ firma will not re. | quire longer indulgenee, but respond to thie | urgent call, as it is necessary that the busiuers | should be closed with as little delay as possible. ; A. MYBPRs, Office next to Cowan's Brick Row, Svlisbory, March 30, 1863. 1145 OIL, OIL. ONF. BARREL OF TANNER'S OJL for sale, upply to wWwM.W ATSON, u:3e0 5 miles west of this place. Or at this Office Brown's Livery Stable, S keptoap as heretofore. | Board, includmg waehing, lights, facl. &, I : P P " e. Is one.d 220,00 Eoghsb “Tyition @30,00, Music oo | eo is gratifying to-bin that this * as the Piano, Harpor Guitar $30.00, Voral ma. | BOF) cribs meee. at firet, at sic 812,90, Ol Parnting 830,00, Drowing | a doubtfulexpermment, has proved =— $1250, Grecian Pamntiog B15 00, Ancvent aud Modern Laugoages, each B12 5U For farther particuhin apply to KICHARD STERLING, Principal. June 29, 1563 Si pdb ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By virtue of an order of Court isaned by the to the public a great desideratum and & com. | pletesuceess. Travelers, and thers can al. | ways have theirwants 10 belie, wellsup- | plied. } Cash prices paid for Provender. And the subscriberis always ready tosell or buy good | Horses. | THOMAS E ' Jan. let. 1863. BROWN. 155 last County Court of Rowan coauty, be gun and 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED acy held ow the Ist Moaday in May tast, | wall pro. . para ceed to sell at the Court House door, inthe | VW ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for which our | ltewn of Salisbary, to the highest bidder, on | will be pad Bl for medium size, and tbe Mouday ofthe August Term ofthe sant Coanty smnaller ones in proportion eae Court eosuing, on a creditaf sx months, with | Apply to RF. Sinouten, Statesville, or A . bond and avproved seeunty. the tract of Land | J. Mock, Salabury. plow ou winch the late Nathan Harrison lived. ad- le December ®, 1-62 1129 fear pauning (he lands of Barzess Orauford Witivann | - oe ours F. Oweur and others, etduate tn aad county, | DR. HOWERTON burg und contmaing about seventy-five OS (58 Thel, YENDERS bie professional servier= to the ach sale will be made subset lo the widow sdower. | I ae : f Saliebur CMe a the Box. TILLMAN CRANFORD, Adur'e. | AEE ALAS ¢ (Re Buy were July 6, 1s03 at | der House Mar 9, 1563—11 42 Wh - | ae | ~ were “Stonewall” Jackson, | “™<» mC M@@l ES. ae - | SALISBURY, Nov. I5th, 1e62. tou, Ee ST PUBLISHED, aud fer sale by N.S. | A LL those indebted to the firm of sple MORSE & COG Segura, ee : MeCussixe & Fosten, will cal! atthe Bout & uile A COMPLET bE BIOGRAPHIC AL SMETCH | Shue Mauutectory of JohacA Bicdikee ncsy Re OF + STONEWALL” JACKSUN *Y | guor te the Waichman Office, on the sabscn- : Crates Hartocn: Being @ full and accurate | ie, and settle their accounts, ejther by note yet account of the Leading Bvcuts of his Late, his opthe eseh. Now is tbe leme tore: i dibis jars Dying Moments, aud the Obseqaics at Roch | ) tog It as beheved there are surplus catile and! hides «neugh ia the coun ry to supply the pub- jr demand for leather q Ulenig. Farmers, as @ geversl ly than ean be well kept Ifthey wootd tase : cows as they do their heep more cat and mude most profital as geod care of che j hors s and moles, ove itt Sipe Ore Pron imbte vor nak te nomber woud ava butter Phe sarpius stock mogls fattened and slaughter- eu ‘The understy: a desires to do all in ios power to heep dow ine pree of teather, aud if ike can s-cuore th: peration of stuck -owi- Neves he « ‘ He cann ers he be > omuch vmod tu this d recthen Tord to poy the prese exviraordiuary denice of dry and greet h de and then sell leathe> it ®2. the bighest price i h- has, up to ths . meld at Bat if facin- ers, who have hides. vil send them to his Pan ery. orleave therm at Sprague. Brothers, 10 PNebory, be wlll Pan them oon the usual tae rrating hoosclf te sel bis own share emough be justty tiv vf 26 THOMAS J FOSTER. ' wend aud Lexington j Tins work cootains many anecdotes of the | = beet LUMBER. lustrous suber that have never beture been | a publtishce ‘ s Te subscribe. living near tcard Station... ae t oF wile by all Book Stores and News Agenis | Bacerorcniete piepsted to (aeons this I hee Jl ; va lamoont of sap tumber, delrvered on Vearacd the evi 1 ve trade sup yd rd at a liberal diecvant | cars. at $1 WO perhendred Heart lumberas pet awh 1 Ail orders. a ghee ara Cal i coptract.¢ Orders addressed to hun at Hayy. lic lye beled , 2 OKSE 4 Home. Burke coantys. N. C., will receive . ith Augusta, Ga : tu | ee prompt attewlob TL C.DONALDSON wu! Greensborough Mutual ,; Werehlin U6. va s ve ‘O { "a * @ NEN ISURKANCE COMPANY. GRIND STONES ne a 5 ’ x iy Fe Nz ea Pays all Losses Promptly! | LOR SALE. oF J : H _ } ' DIHECTORS: [ EER RIVER GRIND STONES of the the \Johu A. Mebane, Wo J. MeCouuel, © P| best quality, wall be furnished on short m ict the Weodeiliull, DoF Wes. Jemes MW Coarrett, im any Huluoet and «of any den minaiions by per Johan b. Cole. N HD) Wilson, Wai. Barna. | JOHN BING « co, an gor, Daved MeRiogis, MoS. Sherwood, Jeo Gall P.O, Chatham Co, NOC at Ho Lecanay, Geteensperough, WON OW right, . Aipni ft, aod 3m46 : Wolaariyten s Robert ob Prov. Lomberter Jr Charlotte Rulttetin copy weekly for there “ with to specatate, has Alexander Miller, Newhera; Tiadeus Me. | me othe and seod bill toJoho King & Co qui eal Tein, ag iat ¥ Sows Gee, Raleigh: Vheinar Suhuson; Yancey: az - = - hot one w ting tuhave thei bides ‘Tanwed ean viller Dr lWW CC. Ramsey, Wadesherough; Rev RAGS ’ RA gsr ae do as abave directec sr nus RCo Maynard, Feankiintea; Vet. Fo Waet os _ bri Mav Is, 1563 TAY Mee Jeon, Watsonvill { SEN D veur Cotien Kage to the Watehme ath: oan OFFIC RBS: Ponting Ofer The highert pree will be es \ LARGE qauanucy of TOBACCO for scale NOE D WELSON, . - Presiden | paid ter thean ; y, aioe JNO F FOARD. (JED OLINDS AY. = Vice President | March 30, t863 ifs et Sclisb ony Sel els 3 etsy PCP MENDBNHALB, © Attorney fo : at PETER ADAMS, 0. Seo awe Troe | WESTERY S.C. RAIL ROAD. th 4 <F Wanted. PWR CUMMING, © 2 Gearrat Agent | aoa ini ZL oy =—— WJ. WeCONNELE, =) Chanue of Schedule. 7 Ne ‘ Ss < . ~ n 8 ¢ ZA GOD HORSE suitable fori J. A. MEBANE. . - Executve Cam. [ops en a we Asty. Apply t JM GARRETT. - SN I: OR the porpose of eapediing the transpes - ey AMES W CLARKE Atfecommuanteatoos on business connected | iii of Feat aR (> RL Sf nhtn, OT heule be addressed te ne agelieres the pees Panaceuichienk ou _ N.C. White Sulphur PETRI ADIN Serre ee eee elie enieetan © | os “1 Wa Q) Greensboro’. N. (.. Jane 19, Pab0 14 tay el Mralia tree Bait oad, whi \] RINGS. nshoro dis : uty ; ade | Heh ee th OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS. | Seon 1 ! | rernmuw tiated will leans yawsbure ale | bas Lan (2 ¢ 2 Lé 4} a q ' aptieoaet as Teed Tad ie ° ail i Aale«- . DNF uw ee: ' DENT AE NOI Lee, SM aud arnve ac the head at the Read att de bal 2 pubic n have th refit. of cae a Fano at ll A as a r Mina teave the head af i vd an 7 \ ' | Saod resebpSalebury in Uimeto connect We , ee a wen W. F. Bason, M. D. Ae en T i UAGIA RS aie eee eB sk SEA kal _ ge rat JAMES C. TURNER. - a ee ee a= a ees a2" B ; Eng and Supt WON. BR ve seed ot ee mecund OA daily lie of \\ —— OE 2 « racks and imal to the Springe | OULD reepeetfally moke Known that he | April6, 1S€3 fal = IL. L. ROBARDS, Propnetor, | haeretaken tis DENTAL ROOMS i sah a Jone L163 fe Gary (ome acd LINEN RAGS wanted ! Neb Awit wllnot sat him toremarn all JNO. F FOARD m leah vol White lhase Jaca Vee cre, thame Colley rey dee aber nes Salebury, Apel 23, 1863 £49 n ‘ 7 eat 7 F } fied of los teruivaleby beaveng their not mthe bi: ywosh to parehase a farce bot. for whe 1 4 ! c Vere mite ives the doorofthe Other . We: pay 72 cente perpound. ‘Tiey yo agececrnmp huw throagh the Poat Offer, at Post Office Notice. d inest be clean aed nice. a es . : eee WTS “RN , lower at v sles . . way 1 Dec. let. IM62z tos OUTHERN und Western Mail ele HENDER-ON & ENNISS se o" MN yt Mo. Narthiorn. Mid clowes at # POM fn Salsbory, Juue 15, 1*63 {4 - Chretien (Qeiensdecuruesdevinn Thare- - 7 Sane aa oe A) aN M ies HOR A } i P day XPM Mocksville, Monday, W edne ® te \\ \] L 3 } \ NS day and Friday. +P Moy Wilkest Tues ak DAG: , We]: ) A Ba , Hee o 4 —— Watch-Malker and Jeweler. duy.-P Wy Poy, Tharsday, 12M z i NUMBER: of the Baruett” patiern OneuInn clio BAL Mucqiiy Siar: Sunday bias Tlours. tt mited to be ihe best ever manu aetured in ; , , : ; : - . : awe . -pM the Southern country, ON Inore reasonable | SA ISIN Rise Ge ; eit " y eunul 24. Po Mo; from? i ter thie raat le ae unt ; eome thaa any other article at the present | 7 EEPS coustantly on hand olatyve assor. The aluve rales willhantine departed Coan Tr “ 4 went of WATCHES and JEWELRY of anil further notice ° n rly sown to itkinds + 7 their Post : JOUN. SELON ; , all Kina ; All persona are expected io pry a ti cides eye ne SU CAN: 5 Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- Office accounta when presented at the end 5 a ehaits tly reriptioree pare din the best munner ang ou the quarter, otherwise IT will be c nnpelied t A Zz r an} — bs) the most reasonable terme ‘well their papers for the postage qaB a Beal Be February 14, 166: by ar ‘MOSES A. SMITH, P.M a Cau ; 4 ti i" Milton emaresead Etolsiramirn linemen May 4, 1863 ‘ ed oe Ue ea Ranaway---$10 Reward! cm ae Pety Hides thatmiay be left there : . ‘al DW v 5; (ors 1 EORGE. a black negro bey, five feet § r. « ike Ji d AM 0 4OW. WAYNES Toor 9 inehes high, stoatand heavy, weannng rine ' J oe ESuia) ts alight moustache, leftime thre morning, and wall PESPEC TEULLY OE! “ ¥ V's! SAND BOPTLES WANTED, for Whee we will pay the highest prea, | HENDERSON & ENNISS, F Drugyirts June 15, 1863 if4 probably attempt to reach himeld home in Ber ue county. Db wall givesthe above reward for bis ° ceapture, apd pay allother expenses of his con- fiuement on jal, or bisdelivery tome, fourmiles North of Saliebory 1. T. CRANFORD, Mar 30, 1863 Ag't for Mrs EA. Propet VW his profeb sional service* Salebury and Office t ' eilizene of | rounding country | below M. Brown's office. Tr 'amy absence, leave your name & ' dae i) May 4.—tl-0 the for which Sze, and ie, or A 29 b firm of ne Bout & haw,nex he sabsers- 5 bY pole debts ISTER. Station,ipz Watchma 4 ce Will & eas ROAD. ee fa ve transper veot thie R wnat ad, whic M. The orvat2t id atade Meas 7304 onnect wit parted frow ° their Pos t the end cf up pelied copa Tat Minas ok > VOL. XXE. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. a ho w Price of the Watehinsa. From eed after this date, aud until there is a change i= the prives. of provisions, paper end other articles reqyjred to, carry on busi- nessy the subscription rates of this paper will be tio dollars for six mouths, and three dol- lare'for a year. Apverrisme, two dollars for the first, and” one.dollar for each subsequent publication, April 20th, 1863. Camp near Bauker’s Hill, Va., ) July 20th, 1863. § For more than two years the Confeder | acy bas been floating on a current coim- paratively smouyth ; nothing bas impeded our progress save bere wod there w suag iu the shape of Yankee animes, « few gue bouts and such Jike, but all at ouce we are plunged into a whirlpool from which I fear we shall never be able to exiricate vorselves. The news of the tall of Vicks ‘Lo our Gost burg and Port Hutson has startled us fike | a clap of Lbunder va w cloudless day. We were pol prepared for such Intelligeace. Why buve we bewn told that those places were improguable,— that they Were abane dantly supplied with ratious add ammuns tion, spd that the garrisons were io such splendid tim!) Why bave our jourualists attempted decepuioa when they koew tliat the truth must eveatually leak out! As yet we bave learned noue of the particu: jars; we only know that one of the main pillars under our bew powernment has bwen removed, and thatit removal has caused a imightly lolieniny amen otlers, the most serivuus of which is (be sagper this blow bas given tu our currency if evidently tumbling, and there is no reason why our offictats svould shut their eyes to the fact. Kat itis not expedient for me ty proceed further on this subject at pre wont, sull £ gust say that Wo every olsers vant nind a depreciauiog currency is the first atc of decay. Dunng the last two weeks a wouderful chanze las teen ethect- 3 ra ty vu vur mec in ravhs,—I did not thiok ML possible 1 so shart a leogth of time; thea, bright bopes and prospects buoyed them up and spurred them oo; now, des- poration seed (to have settled on every countenance, and « determination to push affairs tufa speedy, perbays w fearful crisis. Ja our department battle has become quite anevery day thmy. Fighting does hot vem tu do a particle uf yood, for no sooner is one bloody strugsle over than preparations ure made for another. No atragetical points are gatacd by either par- ty, and this way of standmy off and tinog ing toto each uther tor days and nights at aume, or rushiug on batteries through the horrid bissiuy of a thousand death inissifes don't pay the South; with the North it matters but litte: there, armies spring up like Joual’s gourd vine. in one night,— they seem Co tise Hike inushrootns out of the earth. There they bave Jost near half a miluoo of ten, but what of that! Their places are-hlled to # great exteut by fresh importations from Europe, while we might a» well expect reinforce- ments from the tavoa as ta jook beyond the coufives of oar own territory for Lelp. This morning | heard “ inteliyent contra band” nay that “de whites in de Souf would eon be played out, and de white army was goin’ to bust up, den dey would have an army ob niggers an’ I's goin to be a Major general, yah, yah, yab!" There as! no doubt but He negroes in the any bate Yaokees Just as iutensely as our sul diers do, White we were in I% nosylva ora if any had desired to do xe : bave left us, but instead of that they were afraid to venture be voud they could right ot ( amp fir tear they would be kiduapped. What conclusion shall we draw from what bas been ssid abows | Severs]: first that our situation is rg entical ; seecond, it is high time some method was adopted by which might be saved, and not ficed ; and, third, since butchery our mep rowing alarmingly | | not oevedlessly sacri: | acd loss | of life seems to be doing no geod whatev- | er, why is it that the diplomatists are not at work to bring about a settlement. It is folly for the North or any other people. to talk about conquering thie spirit of the people at the South. We admit that by overwhelming humbers we may be tem- portarily subjugated; and it is a fact in- dispatable that those who are laboring to depreciate our currency are doing wore for our utter ruin thee the whole Yankee nation ; but granting that thay succeed in SALISBURY, N. C.. = ee —- ertablishing their'abborrent rule over us, will rt then be a union! The peuple of tha United States remind me of # man his wife to make-ber love him. Tu the event of a failure to ,catablish the Confederacy, allow me tara prophet for a few motvents, and acting in that capauity I would predict no peace for the South for the next wwenty years, Our would be filled with accounts of tout mur- ders, insurrections, plots and rebsilions,— and the deplorable stute of affaird gener- ly would be too burrible to contemplate. ButJet us turn from the fusare to the present. It bas been said that Gen, Lee's army retired in great coufusion from Get tysburg. This is nut so, because | con- jsuteted a mite io that army oyself, and | L believe that my opportunities for seeing Vand learning were as youd as those of avy Hman iu the army. Some of the divisions |sutfered severe Jusses, but ] cau assure my | readers that our loss iv killed and wound | ed Was tio xrealer than the enemy's, while bis juss io prisovers much heavier than ours. The poiocipal reason for the | falling back was tlatuue lines of commu- nication in rearof the army were too lous ) 4 Was aud tvo much exposed, which we Jearned | Another reason was the im: Mense Humber of prisouers in our bands. They refused Pparoses ob the field, or anv where else except at Richmoud, couse quently they lad to be punrded back to ilvat pikoe, Y saw ast less Chan fen or twelve thousand, and was told that there were olber ates on their way Southward, the was colducted with remarkably woud or- Tnstead of Coufusion Whole retreat der, We seldotu travele { more than eiabt Ss er ten aniles in twenty-four hours, but (oose Marches Mhade rgb. Were mustiy afler Phe iain body of the Yankee arty attempted ly cut us off before we reached Haverstown, Md. but failed. while small detachments were coutinually liar Hassity our tear, Joins to damage lowers er, bat rather a lavor, by hurrying up our Wayous aud the few strarelers who were bebund. One d wo while Re Were yet iu Venus) ivania 2 wotiged the road black A pelt: bad and things Yo weberal worse every moment. But there Urs wHitlig ded with Wadulis ur CAO ties WE rain Was toakivg the an were, atd bad Geeu bor two die tue the wayots wo yet outot the wav. The Wel Were ge tio MWh patent, — was us term were value about whooping and Lalowiny, swear at the drivers aod hur rylug Wem up, butat did no good. Pre- sendy a Yaukee battery tuve in sieht io . 5 - touk is positica:on a hil} and bepan “toss- Ing” sheils at the whole train: they borst- ed asd whizzed aud sparkled about un- coustorabiy near, which, scine how, an ptessed el the nitds of the wavouers the idea that the atmosphere was uahealthy— and such an everlasting gett ng away nev: ! er Was beard tell of—itas well that the tran was uot loaded with vlass ware. The borses were Whipped into a yalop, and the wagoos seemed Co bounce half x rod with. out touching the ground Tn twenty muio- ules hot one could be seen, but this and smnlar skedaddles no doubt pave rise ty The infautry, the bene aud sinew of the army, was in po ine, stance huriied or hard presse }, the repotted cot fuston, Near Hagetrstowa we dav an dine of bat (le two dave and nights want ve for the enemy to attack us. Instead of advancing onus they crossed the Potomac below us, thus endeavoring to cut us ott again. Lee kept his eyes open, aud pusking hos own army acress Leaded them and beat them at ther own yame. Butarmies now con frout each other uear Bunker Hill, a small town midway between Wonefiester and Charlestown. We expect an engavement daily. NAL Blvouac near Chambersburg, Pa., ? June 2h, 1865 \ Mr. Becsen: — W nd the past few veekea bas the Ariuy of iia, from the banks of che e are now in the State of Pennsyvivania the Ving wittiessed trauster of North: mh Reng ahanoock to the vweimity of Cham- bersburg. A very few dass and the army | of the Confederate States wall agaro lave lo try sthenyth with) the Federal Army, ‘out pone on We are now in the enemy's country and several han the offensive, dred mites from our supphes, and, subsist- ' tog on the enetpy’s country. Fortunately for us itis very rich, the wheat crop here 19 DOW ready to harvost and the large and dence of the fertility of the soil. The system of Agriculture here is in a} More advanced stave than with us, but it does not near come up to my expectations. You still find nothing but the old zigzag fencing such as is familiar to every West- ern Carolinian where wood is abundant it ia far..different, woot, is becoming 0 , Lorses. scarce that smany farmers vse coul for fuel. The best improved farms that I have seco are along the turepike Jeadiug from Wil- liameport, Md.,,to re: Pa. The farms oo this soad areal fenced With wel! bailt fences of Blue Limestoue or boars nailed on Black Looust }o-ts, making of the first named materials, » fence that will last for ages, and o wecond one that wilt last for mawy years... The barng thro’ the: same acction; of eoepiry are byilt on most of the faems of Blue Liypeswoue, luid in Lime mortar which gives.them « very havdsome appearance; and on the other farms they are built of brick, ull very large and capacious, nppe of thetn less than ove hundred feet in fength and of a proportion- ute width and any that will reach from ove buodred mid fifty to two hundred feet in leogth ang proportionate width and heigbt. In ¢his country every thing is stored ju the baro aud horses and cate {are taken cate of in such a mavoner as to j be a great source of profit; a half dozen cows here constitute the stock of large arms, and the farms vary in size from ‘tweuty to one hundred aud fifty acres. | Some feware less than the least nawed and atew higher thau the highest, bat wih few exceptions they wail cone between the Uyures mentioned. The dwellings when compared with the but sufficiently large to be comfortabie and very neat, but farms are stnall build: with very few exerplons there is nothing Ocen- stogally you will Hud a cottage with some about it, but I have bot seen as vel but one cottage with tasteful or decoralve avout them. protats of the South sudo anything bke what ap architect would cal! style about it, and To iuclude the towns as well as the country bouses. They are neat and very cleauly in their appearance aud veem to be regolarty painted or white- washed, both dwelittcs aud out houses. The this re aod wuscular and | borses an country are very lar We great steenath Puere are a large number of © Penusylva tia Couscripts” as the bove temu them 4 $ . now doing servicefn our army, and I am: inchned to think that before we leave this State many more will be enlisted in our I have not yet seen aby of the fine about here : been scot off. vaya party of seitice, they have all 1 understood that vester- our cavalry surprised a pare ty of dushwackers and drove them off, and captured three hundreti asd horses fitty splendid The people bere expected much harsher treatment from they have received, our troops than If aay of our troops wish to buy avy thing they generally give them the article without charze, sometimes they take pay, bat vot often. July 17th, 1863. Again IT resume my Jetter. | order to cease firing rawg out as the long { { | ‘the second, which, was some tity orsiaty ) Was tWo guns 1 quick succession. ' from forty to fifty feet clewation above the 13, 1863. fifteen to twenty minutes on our side the Nne of infantry came 00 a line with the batteries. The Artillery ceased to belch forth the missiles of death, but held their position though under fite, to resume the work of destruction a$ 6008 as au oppor: tuuity should offer, aftér waitiug for some linté and vo opportenity offering to rey vew the fire, the guns were withdrawo, except one of Oapt. Reilly’s, which = an uxle shot off. About tive o’clock Capt. Reitly’s Battery touk a position some 4wo or three hoedred yards to the left- of in first'position, and vent forth a destructive tire of shells over the beads ef our iufautry into the yankee lines, and continued the fire until: the Confederate troops ascen:!- ed vp near the top of the first ill. Du riny the firing from this position, ove of | the three inch née guns bursted, and fur- | tunately, wounded slightly but one man. | Niyht soon closed the bloody drama for that day, and the success of our division ; was the capture of three 10 pounder Par- 1 rott Rifle Guns, and drivicg the Yankees | from the top of the first Inil, which was iow ground between the two artmies to feet higher than the tit, and iminediately nits rear, The front of both lilis was very 4 steep, amounting almost to citi, Before | datk, Captain Reilly's disabled gun was | brovebt off the field and next day was re} pcired, and one of the captured vubg twok } the place of the bursted vUuG and the Bat- tery was avain ready with us fault comple- tient of uns tor the fight on the third. On the morning of the third, early after the fizht, the evemy coinmenced making demonstrations on our right when Capts. Reij!'y and Bachinan were placed 19 posi- tion to protect that flank. The plan of at- tack first proposed, but afterwards rejected, was to turn the enemy's left flank, The pian finally adopted. a general attack along the whole hue and the sigual for the attack Lefore the signal, the two Batteries protecting the night flank were compeited to open, and t had got to be very annoy- the skirmishers rounds, scattered winch after them. Bat before this bad been aecomn plished the signal guns had been fired, and at the cessation of the fire on the Bank, the | hills seemed almost to be trembling be- | ng, a few neath the heavy concussion of the numer- | ous wuns that were then being served | iu the most vallant: maurer, Although | the infantry were actively aod butly en: | ‘waged, not a musket or a rifle could be Considera: } ble Gme has elapsed since first commenced | but it being of rather a descriptive char: acter, Tdout suppose age will injure it. But we are now at Bunker Hill near half way from Martiosburg to Winchester, be ing ten mies from the first, and twelve from the latter place, aud mail facilities ayain established, viv seene was beiue enacted, that man, tie Saget, who put ita motion these destructive Since we lett Chambersburg, Pa. we | One which io eur own country would have beeo a have fought a heavy battle. Viclory, as iC Was, our coretmissary sup plies were pearly exhausted and our ain. that the reserve Urains were emptied of all the am- munition also low, so muc! so (mumtvon for artillery use thet they con- tained, this ceonutt our forces remain iy the then held for any dength of time. and in ion were unable to Bat l will give vou some of the details of that fight of which L was an eya witness aud rsuch other parts as Tthink T bave reliable ‘information of, We left our Bivonac near Chambersburg on the morning of the 80th ultimo, and some four oF tive ules on the pike leading to Gettysburg and halted and Here we remained uli marched went into bivouac. the afternoon of the Ist agai moved forward and mountain, passing by several iron estab hshments which the flames a few that night at about 12 o'clock and on the morning of 2d at about 2 took up the line of march and arrived a the border of yesterday's battle field early in the forenoon. Here we remained til! crossed has been consumed by davs. before, we halted position we | warm receplion that they sou rbut never have LT beard such artillery heard. The roar of artillery drowned ait. T bave been in ali the heasy batdes in Virginia and Marylaod, with the exception of Cedar Mountain and Chancellorsville, firing before: the smoke aross in cloads above the tree Cops and was watted about by the breeze as the rain cloud drifts before the wind. The sturdy oaks that have stood the storms for ages trembled under the roar, and fell as they were cut off by the cannons’ shot. [tas needless for me to add, that while this horrid and auecartb- engines was suffering. The numerous lit- tle mounds that spot the ficids of Gettys- borg, bear ample testimony to the fact, and the crowded state of the Hospitals show that Winle this scene, which ] bave deseribed, was being enacted along the front line, the i Yankee cavalry attempted ty turn our lank, but in their first advance they met) Wav have won honorable FCATS, a Regiment of Gen. Anderson's Brigade, Hood's Division, which gave them such a reuired 3 they then dismounted a porgen of their ‘Hines, when they discovered a gap 1D our Most., when we | the | 4 o'clock we again | | near noon, then our Division (Gen, Hood's) | , marched to the extreme nght of the Con cupacious barns wre an unmistakable evi- | federate forces and opposite to the strong est point of the enimy’s ine. The Divis- { \ 1 men and sent them out on foot to Ce | they sud- denly dashed in with about four hundred mounted mien and ode stright tor the ! Batternes, opened on thea with | shell and canister, Were | lines between two Reerments, which and while they advancing on the Batteries a trong, the lofantry closed tn their rear ata placed them between two fires. ‘There Was none of them nearer than Carty or forty yards of our guns ys they immediately wheeled | TA Wb ilud, ed or captured, except eig! teen, which managed to get out, This affair closed | the tight on the flank, and the day closed | pou Si: to’their mbt and were ky wound with the enemy driven back at all from bis first: posinon, Atter dark, out i right was withdrawn and exterded to the . { jon arrived at this point between three and | and four o'clock. The batteries command ed by Capt. Ruler, Latham and Gorden, were \uymediaty ly placed in Position and opened fire on the ehemy, who replied with spirit, but ina short time two of his and usec without any economy, But hete | was silenced, and after a brisk fire of some nebt and rear in an obligne hne from the warn hine—here we remained. all day Sat urday, The prisoners swid that the Yao kees would give usa genteel thrashing that day, because it was the fourth of Ju- ly. But it proved otherwise; they Tay all day as mute as possible, pot even firing a national salute at meridian, Near about 4, , 2 * we es ty ry Sey — ‘te @¢ S vi oe ot ? y ie MBER 1& 1Ml sit, hot particular as to the numberof gue, as our desire: Was to disturb some of their formations whith they suffered t becbeiie visible, @ few rodmds, some tey do twenty had the desired effecty and didnot dbiw a response from Ives. The day wore quietly » stor dark we jook up the fize rp ay eer about two miles. ST sroops bad’ gathered the : wae aotbiug lo preventiour bokding >the: aud of wareb, | positiwn we cecupied, byt. the simple fact that we were- subsisting un the enemy's county, and the supply in tbe: viefony of the army was nearly ail cousumed und our Ordnance trains were pretty well exhause- ed—aearly all the Artillery ammunition was expeuded, and for sume kinds of Ar- tilery every shot was out of the trains. Su you can very easily see that there was but one course to pursue. That was to bring supplies to us or we go to the sup- plies. The first was impracticable, if pot impossible, as our communiestion was cut off aud conid be re-opened ouly by force, and hence, what would have been a suc: cess at home is tured oat a reverse abroad. Sunday the 5th, early in the norning, we started on thd road to Hagerstown and encamped on the top ef the Blue Ridge. Monday the 6th, we resumed the march and arrived in Hagerstown, where your correspondent and bis command was or- dered on picket, supported by Genérel Anderson's Brigade, at a bridge, between Funkstown avd Hagerstown. Tuesday, the 7th, we remained on picket. Wednes- day the 8th, in the afternoon, the Yan- kees were reported advancing, and I bro’t my field glass to my eye and soon discov- ered the blue uniforms. They were from a mile and a half to two miles from where U stood. A cavalry regiment, near by, immediately moved out, and after an ab- sence of two hours returned, bringing in fifty-two prisoners and an equal number of horses and herse equipments. Thursday the 9th, I was relieved and went to bivou- ac. Friday the 10th, formed line of bat~ tle. Saturday the 11th, erected some earthworks on the line in front of the cuns of the battery. Sunday the 12th, remain- ed in position. Monday the 13th, re- mained jn position till about dark, then | took up line of march for a point on the Potomac, known as the Falling Waters, marching and halting all night, in all, about four miles, Tuesday the 14th, cross- ed the Potomac on a pontoon bridge, marched six miles and bivouaced. Wed- nesday the 15th, marched eight miles and bivouaced on the road from Martinsburg to Winchester. Thursday the 161th, march- ed two miles and bivouaced at this pluce. T send you a list of the killed and wounded of the Rowan Artillery. Killed—Privates Henry Owens and Wesley Hoffner. Wounded—Sergeant J. D. J. Louder, slightly in shoulder ¢ Corp’! H. H. Crow- ell, contusion ; Corporal J. Hardister, both legs severely ; privates W. A. Campbell, left arm severely ; Moses Frick, right band severely; Andrew W. Howard, near the spine, severely ; Jesse Trexler, left foot ‘shghtly; David Trexler, right side severe- ly; Sylvester Thompson, head slightly ; Tobias Weaver, left leg severely ; M. G. Braddy, contusion slightly, from bursting of a gun. : Major McLeod Turner, of the 7th N.C, Troops, is severely, if not mortally, wound- ed, and in the hands of the enemy. The above comprise all that I have le ard of as yet from the immediate vicinity of Rowan. IOTA, A WORD FROM THE PEOPLE. The time has come when our armies must be recruited, not merely by coascrip- uon, but by volunteering, or our cause ts fost. This assertion may appear strong, hut be who will Jook attentively at the events of the past mouth, will see that it ia true. Johnston was unable to retain Vicksburg, forthe want of men. Bragg ‘fall back before Rosencrantz, for the want of meu. Lee failed in his invasion of Pennsy!vaina, for the want of men; and ‘is returning to the defence of Richmond, because there are pot men enough there to defend the city. beauregard wants more men at Charleston; and we want more men to defend the east, against the raids of the enemy, and to secure the capi tol of the State against arson and rapine. There is a class of wen who has bitherto vindicated their lovalty to the south hy urging others to go to the war; but the time has come when that subterfage wil! answer no loager, Those who sow u others to vo—who say “fight it out boy 3"— mast go themselves. Our growing desperate; and those who really re condition is that time we fired them a salute, but were prefer death to subjagation must now go single yon un the Fatkes . po ' t « what are these Sir Valients doing at home! chan that; if they do oot go (eam ; and make war tu the koife, wo the hilt, they “must follow after ie things which make for peace,” or be subjugated. Noone can now excuse himeclf wrth safe- ty. Ifany of our Editors have been, and | now are urging others to go; they should, ; they mast, go themselves. The country uaa t withdut | newspapers, but bd Phen be Spared better than the ts The oh can tll i anpof the Mivirtece of “the gospel of pasa, Ft belijvese, aud have they urged othertde go.ior Father, do they sull umge opbers-tanga, and have tbey thought, for it” —who intended “to march.in the firs} company,”—whe- would drink all the blood, and pay all the expeases of the revolutios,”—who intended to “write secession wyon the walls of the capitol, at Wasbingtou, with the poiat of the bayo- net. ia character of ining fire” Yeo we see men at home, who denuusced those, who would not madiy rush with them to this feast of carnage, as “ ” submis- signisis,” “Livcolaites,” “ ilionists 1D disguige” as “untrue Lo the souib”—es meu. upon whom they intended to place “a hideous mark,” which, should be car- ried as “« brand of infamy.” And pray Some of them are sporting their gold lace in shade offices. Some are specelating, aot simply ia liquor aad tobacco, but buy- ing up the meat and bread from the des: titate and almost starving families of the soldier ; to make gain. Some are fatten- -ag upon government contracts, and do} not care how long do pet like this Kuitor, or tbat one, because | he talks of peace. While others are bark: | ing aboat, pointing to this former political | - as unsound ; and commending | wherein conscripts are to be “assembled | and instrocted.”. Are these men, thas | themselves to “ibe powers that be” acting | as spies and informers, and barrying ott | some poor, sick, furlougbed soldier, before | heis able to go tu camp. All these fel- lows say, “yo ahead and fight it out—nev- | er surrender.” bey are wr spenodiug the | last man aod the jast dollar. Miserabie | wretches! “for they say anddonot [bey | bind beavy burdeus, and grieyous to be | borne, aod Jay them ou meus shoulders; | put they themselves, will not move tbem wih one of their fogers.” But public | opinion as po influence upon them. ‘The | pubbe prints may lash them, but their re- | ply is the government is insulted, and the } press must be muzzicd—Martial Law must be prociauned, and the President must be } clothed with more power. Tue people are exceedingly tame, or! these fellows would bein the army. But | the time bas come when the cry 1s, bavoc,” | and even the small “dogs of war must be | let loose. They have ruo out and got up ! the figat, and cow they must belp, or the | dig dugs will devour tiem, when the war | is over. The people counsel ny mov laws, | no viviegee, but the instincts of freemen,and of selfpreservation, are being fearfully de- veloped, by such «meu and sueb pruceed- ings. ‘Abe people wiil uo longer let these | men drive them to slaughier, unless they | .go with them. ‘Lhe disposition 1s strony and growing, to du so tbese no laws meu, | with their owo physic, apd when they are | tenders him to the proper authorities— | beard advocating a strong goverument | and saying “the jast maa must yo,” to | make them “doubie quick” w the artoy | between the (rovernment and themselves. { In view of the exigencies of the times, | let no man urye oilers to go to the war, | who will not go himself. ‘the time bas, pate 4 oy Totgae law," y he ) " seed, , eh wall the ‘andy as lable to conseription Second, whether if the law of Sept. 1862 did embrace sueb in its provisions, it would be valid, or null and void, as to those who had put in substitutes, as being unconsti- tational f : There are several provisions of the act of Sept. 1862, which seem directly iu ‘coo- flict with the idea, that it was intended lo Operate On any person already én verbice, whether as substitutes or otherwise: by it the President is authoriaed “to call oul and place in military service all white met deo.” “call owg:” cali owt from what! aud “place into” what! evideutly “cali out” from civil life; and “place io military” }ife ;—the act says expressly the latter; and its language and its contrat, jn my ppision, as plamly imply the former. He is to catl from ciel lye, and place in mals- tery service: as to a substitute, how is this to be dune? be is already ta miliary service: how thea can he be called out and placed in such service? Again, the persons liable to be called, under this act, are thuse “b-tween the ages of 35 aud 45, aud who, at the time the call or cal's may be made, are not legally exempted from military service.” Dues vot this show that the perseos, who had put in substitutes, were not intended tu be embraced withio the act’ Had they been so intended, would pvt the act have said, in platn, vo- tmistakalle language, that persons who had put in substitutes, who at the passing of this act, were, by age, made liable to con- scription under it, should not be deemed legally exempted? Would not the act have said so, in as plain terms as the for mer act said, that persons liable vo service might be exempted! This act of Sept. further speaks of the President’s “calling out troops into the service gf the Confed- erate States ;” sull asing language appro- igappropriate to those, who are already ip service. Further, by a subsequent law, Camps are required to be established, placed in the army as substitutes, who havealready been “drilieu and instructed,” to be withdrawn from ihe army. and to be “assembled and driled” in Canfps of Instruction !—These provisions of the law, and other considerations, satsty me that, « however general the law, may be in its terms, it cannot, by apy rule of legal in- terpretation, be so construed as to embrace within its provisions, suSstiiutes who were already in service, abd were thus bound: such men cannot be “called out,” they can- not be “placed in” miltiry service: the law does not, in my opinion, (and I say it with proper deference.) embrace sucb. Hence, as the applicant has a substitate in military service, be is not now iiable to , conscription.—I am, however, aware that conflicting opinions have been given on this subject, and I, therefore, proceed to express myself on tbe other question. A man is‘ a cunseript, or liable to con- scription, fur the war: the Government says to him, “Yont necessties—or your “pleasure, if you will—make it desirable - “yoo should remain at bome during the !“war: tf you will put into the service, for “the war, one not liable to eonseription, “you shall remain at home—be exémpted:” the conscript goes out—finds a man oot liable to conseription—pays bin a large amount to act as a substitute for him— the substitate is accepted, and the con script exempted. Is not this a ccotraot script} Is it not an executed contract? a transaction having all the qualities ofa contract known to, and required by, the Law, and on whicb the conscript has ad- come wheu such men wust go Wy war—tu | vanced his money to the substitute? In peace, ur tu subjugation. . VOX POPUL. JUDGE WEATH'S OPINION lo the mater of Kicks, brought before him on a writ of habeas corpus, Wwuching the Conscription aod Exemption Acta of | the Confederate States. When the case was opeced, I had some | doubts, whether ihe facts of the ease shuw- | ed such an impriscoment as sothoraed | the issuing a habeas corpus. As however : the enrolling officer admitted “the arrest of the petitioner, and produced hit, and : the parties seemed” to cesire a decision on | the merits, | have conciaded to entertain | jurisdiction. 1 may bere be permitted to add that, when the first applivauon fur the wrt of habeas corpus, for miliary do tention, came bvefore me, { doubted the power of the State Judges to act: exainina- tion, ‘however, satisfied me, notwih standing some conflict of autbonty, that they not enly bad the power, but were coimpelled | to entertain jurisdiction. The facts of this case are these:—l he | applicant was liable to conscription uuder | the act of April 1862, under that act ard | as thé law (hen stood, he patio a substi | tute not liable to conscriptuom: the appll- gant was therefore exempted from military | service in the Confejerate army, for the war: sutsequeniiy, in Bept. 1862, the eonseript law was 60 extended as to in- clade persons of the age of the gubstitute : and two inqtiries are prese ateds First, whether or not, on the passage of | iit bas been acted upon : my judgment, it is tota mere proffer, whieh the Government can annul, even by a repeal of the provisions of the law, after bat a coh: tract, which no power in the State—no power in the Contederacy, can aonul and make vod. . it 18 A State 19 a sovereign, and may do, ‘ what she pleases, so she is not forbidden: | the Confederaey is a limited goverument, and may do what she is by the Constitu- tion autborized to do -—no more. a State constitution 1s a disabling instru ment: you look isto tf tv see what is for: bidden, what is not forbidden by her own constitution, or the Confederacy, she may do: the Constitution of the Confederate States ia an enubling instrament: you look into that to sea what the Constitution au ‘thorizes—empowers—tue Confederacy to she may do that: Lhe States ar@ ex dot when ascertained, and nothing further. rpressiv forbidden to “pass apy law wnpatr ing the obligation of contract,” aud, there fore, Unis matter, between the Coofederate Governtoent and the conseript, cannot be anouile] by the State Government, because the Constitation forbids it: and when we look to the Constitution of the Confederate Government for the power to pass any law impairing the obugation of a contract, it ia not to be found: such power ts not granted and the non-grant of Lue power to the Confederacy 18 just as conclusive against her right to pass sich a lav, as is the prohibition of the exercise of tuch a fiowef to the State Goverumen!; the States carpool “pass any law impairing the obli- not Ora SS gatiog o bid menk having the power thorize the Séeretary “rules aud ions” y r that affect : ving ‘ she cannot delegate it to another,» . Hencey I am of opinion, the that the Jaw of Sepi. '62, sod waite his case within its provisions, that the ap- pleant is -watighd to his .di { even if this were not so, aud if bis ease wy berself, were embradéd ‘within its opinion is, thé law of Sept. 1862 would be unconstitutional and void as to him, and be would thea be entitled to his discharge. li may not be per to add that I have oever ente a doubt as, tothe coa- stitutionality of the Couseript Law as orig- wally passed, No! Morean’s expedition was not a failure, With twenty-five hundred meu he traversed two enor- mous States from end to end occapi- ed their principal towne at pleasure, cut their artenes of communication, burnt depots, destroyed enginee, | suuk steamboats inowwyrable. He threw several millions of\people into frantic consternation for\the eafety | of their property, turned }atire pop- | | | | tbe war igsts. Tkey | priate to those who are not in service, and | ulations into tugitives, ang compell- | ed w hundred thuasand mep to leave | their occupations for is and go | under arums—only as an equivalent to him aod his twenty-five hndred | troops. Whatif he has been hem- | med in at last, and* compd@led to surrender ¢ bave been added to the Yavkee ex- change list—a great matter, traly,: at this stave of the war! Is not the times, twenty times, a hundred times, the con- : ene | compensated Ly the blows they have struck, the loss they have inflicted, the panic they have created! Want of epvterprise las been the curse uf the South in war as iu peace. We succeed Letter than the stupid, cowardly Yankee in all that we try; vut we try litte. The raids of the Yankees over which they blow the tin trumpet every day, are the feats of pigmies compared-with this gi- gauuc exploit. Yet because it has at the end cost twenty-five hundred prisoners, a thousand faincants vrunt out their “tuld you sof We can’t make raids. We can’t invade. See bow itends!” If these couusel- lors are hearkeved to, our arinies tiust just encamp on a hilland wait uil the Yankees repeat their experi- wents til they discover the right way to make them retreat, give up ‘more and more territory, ull we Lave nove at all lett. Confederate cavalry inust keep safe on Confed- grate soil, till the substance of the land is devoured ; then seek a fresh tract of Confederate svil and devoor. Lhe Suuth must do nothing but par- ry—it must never presume to thrust. , But these coursels will render the cubjogation of the Sonth acertainty, uncertain only ou thequestion of tine Morgan's raid and Lee’s invasion _are both great gains of the South. — While the capture of twenty-five hundred cavalry after they had ac; complished, their splendid work, is a matter for rezret, it is a trifle in comparison with their achievement. Winle the return of Lee to Virginia, and the sudden abandonment of one of the most wnagniflcent cdmpaigns ever planned is still an inexplicable event, wn apparent inconsequence, wiat he did, and the point he reach- ed turnin solid material for hope, pand a ylorivus model for future iuni- tation. It is a casual- ; But the end of Lee's campaign puzzles the ’ more it is considered. We know ‘now from both sides what was the ‘yattle of Gettysborg. It was a powerful effort to destroy the mili- tary power of the United States by a blow attue heart. It was unenc cessful from the misconduct of one divisivog. Butit was nota victory of the Listed States. Lee was onsue- ,Cesstul, but not erippicd. Ile took ap ioprecuable position within reach jot Baltimore and Washington and heki itat ease. Why he gave up his campaizn and, came back to lis In Casily unt erstood, ity of war, often inevitable. old line of the Rapidan, ig not e@x-, | plained by any tagt how before the ;poblic. Bat though this isa disap | pointinent, it does not rob the cam: paign of its glory or its profit to us. The enemy has felt the weight of the war, and his a¢my is just where it was when the battle of Manassas was fought, two years ago.— L2ich- mond HKeaminer. . were represented by another ! Twenty-tive hundred , temporary loss of their services ten The conclusion of Morgan's affair » g MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST.a, 1863. ———— : will be seen by reference to another of thid paper, that Gen. Lee calls upon all members of the army of the Po- torepory themselves at'Head Quar- tera without delay. . His appeal is strong, and conveys tte iden of great danger to our cause. He’ ftleo calls upod every patriotic citizen of the States, whéther in the military ar not, whether liable to con- scription or not, if able to carry a mus- ket, to come to the help of those who have 80 nobly stood between them and the ene- my for wore thaa two years, This indi- cates beyond doubt that this cautious and able General believes there is « crisis at band in the affairs of our Confederacy. We can not disregard this appeal and feel secure. Every thing is at stake, and if we lose, all iv loat—liberty, country, bome, property, peace, honor and every thing cal culated to render life desirable. It will be suit his by pay such emtcedyrs = A J pags La for siness advertising. Ye don’t koow’ at present time, W the ec of the war, the ti in polities. © E San for such a course, ate fully ent to select the Patriot meant to give the old trade ofelectioneering a knoek on the bead. The people are capable of, making right selections and will doit if let alone, and not excited to array them- selves against each other in parties, We hope they will put the seal of condemnation -on party spirit and stand firmly against the enemies of a poor consolation, when all is gone and we become refugees, to reflect. that we It will bea miserable apology for those wv have sub- stitutes, that they did not resp.i.d to the call of their brethren in arms beear > they And vani- ty of vanities to those who linger at howe, toiling night and day, not to’ help our cause, but to heap up property to be con- It is no time, now, were exempt from service. sumed by the enemy. to stand at the corners of the streets aud profanely denoance this that or the other official —to Ged fault with this of that ac- | tion of the Government or to eompare the | course of this an] that public journal, and argue how inuch their respective editors deserve the halter. the enemy is advancing. Whilst we de- lay, ruin and disgrace are approaching ; | shall find ourselve@ over- whelmed teroud the hope of recovery. aud soon we Action! Action’! should be our wateb- word; and just atethe emergency inereases, | so shall our courage and determined zeal rise, until it should reach the sublimest climax of a brave aod free peop'e in the defence of their homes and independence. PUBLIC MEETINGS IN WAKE. — There have been two neighborhood gatherings in. Wake Coonty, at whieh re- solutions were passed condemning Presi- | dent Davis and the Confederate Govern- ment for mistreating North Carolina in puting ber troops under Gencrals, and other officers, from other Statesg and in assigning foreign Surgeons to attend the They also condemn the appointment of Mr. Brad- sick and wounded of our troops. ford, (a Virginian,) chief Vithiagman io this State. condemn this unwise and very impolitic But the chief object of these assemblages, we conjecture, is announced The people of the whole State measare. in the last resolution of each string, to wit: the endorsement of the Standard news. paper, and the recommendation of that print to the pubic, It looks very like Mr. Holden had a party, and that he was putuog it to work fur his especial benetit. We think nothing conld so well please tbe editors of the State Journal and Standard as to see the people of the Old North State | ‘ tles and Spellmanites. ‘Lo be sure, it would be very ridiculous in the eves of the world, but it would certainly gratify the pride and aspirations of these gentlemen, who seem to think the whole responsibility of the honor, reputation and wellfare of the State rests upon them, Is there any way to avoid such # division of the State ! owe 46in REGIMENT. The following extract of a letter from a wnember of this Regiment, date do" Camp near Aahiland, July 221," says: is arevival going on in the 16th Reyiment. Two men were converted Jast night and three thisanorning. Prayer meetings are held every night, in all che Regiments tn our Brigade. We havo a good Chaplain in our Regiment, the Rev. Chas. Dodson. * % & © Mp. Troy will leave Salis- bury the 12th of next month with boxes. | Tell those who were so anxious to send | boxes by me that he will be in Salisbury, | acd they can send as many as they wish by him.” Whilst we are trifling, | divided under the appellations of Holden- | “ There | the Confederacy. > - — GIVE YOUR NAME. We have received a well written letter from some member of the 7th Regiment 8. C. Cavalry, giving an account of its re- cent exploits in Eastern N.C.; but as he omitted to give us bis name, we have no- thing to assore us that his communication is reliable. Persons writing for the press should always give their names. oe - Bw Ns. D. A. Davis, President Ladie’s | Aid Society, acknowledges the receipt of $11.50, a donation from of Mr. R. Slater, ‘ wwauager of Hunt's Panorama -r ‘+ We call for no which wi - serve the rights of Hopp shebestes stron ay | the inetstwtiome of the South.”-Raleigh Stens- | ard, July 31. What reasons have we to suppose that call- | ing for this kin@of » peace will be respected at Washiagion? Does it, contemplating re-coa- | struction, on that base the presumption that 2 will be fistened to with favor? ‘Che Soath is opposed to re-constract‘on. We could never \ dwell in peace with those who have w long, | bitterly and so unjustly wronged as, to the ex- | tent of murdering our people, robbing them of their property and dnving them from their i homes. If that measute is not contemplated. | why shonld we go into the presence of our en- emy esking a favor when we know we shail be spurned? What advantage iw there in that” | Do we need additional incentives to resist our invaders and the despoilers of car country’ | We would returp from such a mission with » sense of degradation, rather; for the facts of | history prove that it woukd admit of no other 4 feeling. The enemy has known from the be- | gioning that we would accept an honorable | peace; but he has détermined that we shall accept voly such as he is willing to grant, lo wit: uncendilional submission to the authority of the United States, governed, nef in accord- ance with the Constitution, but of the wili f Are there any '9 If so, we are div the majonty in Congress. the Scuth ready for that? ded, and civil strife will occur amongst &9 5° soon as it shall become apparent thas that is te be the end of our struggle. oo a | TIIREATENED ATTACK ON WELDOX | We learn that the Yankee forces, in what | numbers is not known, are supposed to be ad- | vancing on both sides of the Roanoke 0 | Weldon. Col. W. J. Clarke, of the 24th. tel legraphs to (iov. Vance from Weldon, July 29th, that a part of Ransom’s brigade met the enemy in large force on the 28th, about > miles ftom Jackson, Northampton, and alter drove them | lan engagement of sour hours, back. Five cotr panies of the 24th were alum | engaged. Our loss two killed aud less thao | ten wounded. | It is also stated that our forces met the er emy on the 28th, at Fort Branch, io Mart: | county, on the south side of the nver, and drov ete m back. No particulors The la test rumor 13 that the enemy were retreatine | on both sides of the niver.— Ral Standars \ July 31. From Chariestun, we learn that on the o0Us } the enemy boinbarded Com:nings’ Port ™ | verely, beginning at 10 and lasting until abe 13 o'clock ja the afternoon, when they will \ drew. Our loss two Jollet and sy ounded. | On the Dist, a heavy bombardment w¥ | commenced by our forces ou the enem) works on Morris’ [slaud from Sumter and Wagner. . The New York papers admit @ loss of eet killed and wounded in the late attack 0" Morris’ Island. DEATH OF HON. W.L YANCEY. Mowtoomeny, July 27 Hon. W. I. Yancey died at his residet near this city, to day, after an illness of four eroeks, from the effects of Kidney disease. nce We applaud it for thedeteraiination, * and shall parsoe » simler coruse, emin pigr anh er! no! the | of a this wilt paint Soath is pever long, o the ex- them of om their mplated. pf our en- e shail be in that’ resist our country’ with a e facts of no other the be- honorable we shall O grant, lo aothority m accord- the wili of leve any iD e are divi gut ae 8 s that is te y ELDON 3, in what to be ad- panoke on » 24th. tel pidon, July de met the h, about 2 , and alter rove them were alu di less than +t the er bon Mart: river, and The la » retreatine Standar4 on the odts ls’ Port runtii abate they will sounded. ‘dment w¥ he enenis Sumter anv loss of 1500 attack v! ANCEY , July 27 js residence ness of fou! y disease. ane Liege dod “en you t you belong to the wrwy of a Rg eigen said that you deserted your comrades ina woptest in gee evatyibing you BANSHEE AND CRONSTADY, hold dear is at sta munding Gen |”, Wednesday, August 19th; 1869,8¢ 10 o'élock oral appenls to the pedple of the Confederate A Mal will sell at my Bh gy tod No. 2 | to send forth ‘every man able to bear prong the aid of the brave euldiere who huve eo often beaten back our foes/to strike « de- cisive blow for the safety and sanctity of our homes and the independence of oer country. By command of Gen..R. E. Lak. - Ro. GHILTON, Adj't Gea. WAY-SIDE HOSPITAL, NO. 3, SALIS. BURY, N. G. The, following donitions to this Hoepital since the 14th July, are gratefully acknowledg- ed, to wit: Mre'D A Davin milk gud vegetables; Mre H cabbage. beets, soup, and bjackber- 2 wigs je Long soup and,milk ; Mre F dozen ogg*, apples, aud beans; Mra A Henderson milk and cabbage; Mrs Saider wik; Mra Whiuchead cucumbers aud ; Misses Carter half bushel blackber- ries; Mre Turner milk. equashes, beets and cabbage ; Mre A ag cabbage and milk 5 . Mra & ele teeta ies loyal alg Murphy cabbage ; Mrs Robert Mur 5 iF milk ; Mrs B Fraley meals for « wounded soldier; Mrs Dr Summerell backet of plums aud cubbage ; Major Forney 1% Ibe cof- fee, rorsting-ears. potatoes, sage and pepper; Miss Julia Beard milk aad bandages; Mrs Jas Murphy one shoulder of bu, and cxbbage ; Mre Mary C Lyerly ap and cucumbers ; i Mr Thomas L Thom, chickens; Miss Kate Howard Bandages; Miss Laura K Smiih ban- dages. The Sargeon in charge returns bis thanks for the above articles, and hopes that the ledies | and citizeas genereily will cuntribute vegeta: | bles. baiter and milk for the-comfurt of our sick | and wounded soldiers. M. WHITEHEAD, In charge of Way-Sice Hospital No. 3. MARRIED: In this County on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Stepben Frontis, Mr. JOS. CS. WOODS to } Miss ADELAIDE A.C. DAVIS. . | DIED: ° In Louisburg, (her newly adopted home), on the 5th of Joly, 1863, and in her 52d year after a brief ivess of two days, Mra ELIZA | B. HEATH, wife of the Hon. R. R. Heath. Modest, unassuming, domestic, and retired, the centre of ber bappiness in this world, was Home. And her former home at Edenton, trom which she had been driven by the var- dal invading fue, had been for many years, ber earthly Elysium, where ber dear inter- esting ghildrea were wont to cluster around her. Cruelly torn from all the endearments of a home, she so much loved, with her chil- dren, for the first tine severed from ber fond embrace, and frora each other by the stern necessity of the hour—this broke her heart— and languishing under the heavy stroke, she died, a victimn gf Lincoln cruelty! The de- ceased was a lady of rare worth and exce!- | lence. With a mind, rich im native powers, | a judgment sound, an intellect bighly cultiva- ted, a discretion, rarely at fault, and a heart eminently pious, —fuil of love for her Saviour, | her ebarca, her husband, ber offxpring, ber kin—yea for all who mented it, she had not an enemy, for “ none knew her, but to love her, pone named her, but to praise.” In ber | was combined, (as much as fallen humanity would allow) ail the cardinal virtues, and all the christan graces. A fTectionate, as a chic, dutuful, asa daughter, devoted, as a sister, | faithful, as a wife, tender, as a mother, firm | ‘ as a friend, and trye to hersel!, she could not | be false to her God, or het species With | truth, ever on her lips, and principle, to ground her every act, she “dared do mgtt in all things, and left the consequences to God.” -—Integnty, was ber crowning virtue, Faith, her guide-star through life, Hope, the sure avchor of her soul, and Charity or Love the | golden key that opens the gates of Paradise | to ber and all the saints of God. Having eminently adorned the several stauions of ber pilgrimage here, she died, as she bad lived. ; an humble, pious, confiding christian. Moarn- | er! wouldst thou then wish her back? OU. no! Too “ blessed are the dead who die in | the Lord,” to be recalled, even by the prayer of mourning lore, to this world of sorrows! this “vale of tears’? “And thou O. Lord, wilt keep her in perfect: peace, now, whose ! nund was stayed on thee. —{Com ' At Gold Hill in this County, on the 9th of duly, Mrs. LORETTA FRALEY, wite ot Mr. | Samuel Fraley, in the 53d year of her age. ' She had been a consistent: member of the Methodist Church for many years. Her last | tlhness was long and lingering, which she bore with christian fortitude aud resignation. She often expressed her humble but decided confidence in the Savior, and her readiness | to depart whenever she should be summoned | to the presence of her God. *She has left a | husband and two children to mourn her loss, | bat uot as chose who have no hope. for ber last end was ; ‘ { | ' | | | wace, and their loss is her gain, (Com. MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M. D. H AVING studied in prom. | nent Medicai Colleges and Hospitals, both North and South, and huving been prao- tiefig in the various depart- | ments of his profession for over | 10 years with good success, he | continues tu offer his services to the pablic where be is permanently located, | und by striet attention to his profeasrion will en- donyor to merit a liberal patronage as hereto- ppt en doen himeelf iin sccorre atall hours, t, for professional calls. > Offies at Roseman’s Store. Utd at 10 ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON NEY WANTED AT HENDERSON June 15, 1463. OF Deyage. fa Eatire cargoes of 8 with large cousigaments Gravite Row, the entire catgoes of Steamsbips the mart extenzive sales of the veason, compris- ing articles aow in general demand. 26 boles Favey Prints, “ Scha }4 je 77 barrels Epsom Saliz | 32 Drums Castor Oil ee a KATE AND PET, WILMINGTON, 4 Kate aud Pet, with large eonsiguaients per Baushee and Cronstadi, altogether making it Attention is iaviied to the selections, vis: whes” 10 Bilek and White Priats, “Schawbes” 10 “ Grey -« “ 10 cases Ladies’ and Gent's Hosie 10 bales, Grey, Union and Electoral Fic nnel 3 * Welch Flanvel 1“ Scarlet “ 1 BSilk and Wove Flannel 4 Blue Cloth , 4 “ Liaen Cambric Handk’ fs 2 Ariel Black Checks and Stripes 3 * Mixed Mehons 5 cases sewing cutiug, Coats and Clarks, 200 2 gio i] cases pearl rew cotton a0 Flax Thread? +asoried colors 1 “ 4-4 black Crape, * 1 Sele black und white Cheek Poplin 1 bale Mottled Loatre \ bale Beaded Stripes 1 case bluck Alpacea 1 case white Malls, 1 case Barege and Challies, I bale Fancy Square Shawls, bales Negro Hdk’fe, casex White India T wills, exse Irish Linen, bales Bedtich, bales Regut'as, 1 bale Blue Denima, 7 cases Bleached Shi-tiag, © cases Long Cloth, 2 cares Saspenders, % easca Merivo Shirts, 2 cases Merine Drawers, 2 cases Silk and Wanl Shirts, 1 case L.C. Shirte, Wove fronts, 2 cases Misxes’ and Ladies’ Hats and Bon- nets. 75 doz, cases Ladies’ and Gents’ Clothing. manvfac- tured by Welsh, Margeiron & Co., Lon- den, case English Scizzors, bale Brown Bouden Duck, bales Bugging, 1 bale Twine, 10 bal-s Bed Sacks, 50 each, 10 balea Bed Cords, 50 each, 10 bales Newspaper, 36 by 49, 5 cases English Letter and Cap Paper, 2 cases Supenor Sole Leather Trunks, 4 cases French Calf Skins, 200 doz, bales Sole Leather, tranks Lacies and Children Shoes. cases Gents’ Calf and Kid Gaiters, If cases Men's Stout Bivchers, 3 cases Shoe Thread, 1 cask Mason's Blacking, 13 gross 20 bags Prime Jam. Coffee 10 bags St Domingo Coffee 8 chests Coagou Tea 5: * Ganpowder Tea 10 bags Black Pepper 9 cases Mustard 15 cases Olive O1 £5 boxes Castile Soap, 120 Ibs each 3 2 } 5 2 4 7 I \ 8 | 4 4 8 1S . « @QNy 0 oe 6 cases Honey Soap 6 “ Skin ‘s 4 cases Brown Windser and Fancy Soaps 40 boxes London Brown Soap 30 boxes Belmont’s Sperm Candles 40 boxes best Adamantine Candlee 10 baxes Star Candles 190 kegs Bi Carb Soda ' 127 casks Soda Crystale 0 casks Soda Ashe casks» Quinine, (300 a2.) Regroet i 11th, 4962, a4 so mah Hegroes, persons must comply with all the con- ditions of said act hereto anuexcd. By order uf : Col. PETER MALLETT, Commnndant of tiple fur N.C. J.W. Matuerr, Adjathi —- ay CONFEDERATE STATS OF AMERICA, Burgav or Conscasrrs, reas is published ’ Va} 14, 1863, HE following Act of Deny there is no white male adult not liable to mifi- tary service, andin States having no such jaw, vue person, a8 agent, owner or overseer on each plantation of twenty negroes. and 6n which there is so whte male adait not fiable to mil- tary service,’ ynd also the following clause of suid act, to wit: ‘and, furthermore, for addi- tioval police hr every twenty negrues, on Lwo @ more planwtions, within five miles of each vther, and edh having Jess than tweuty ne- groes, und oa which there is no white adolt nav liable to miltary duty, ove person, being ‘the oldest of the owners of overseers ou such plan- tutions,” be aud are hereby repealed. “2. For the pplice and management of tlaves there shail be exsmpted one person on each farm or plantation, the sule property of a Quuer, « pereon uf unsound mind, a feme sole, Or a persua absent from home in the miluary or uaval service of the Coofederacy, on which are twenty or more slaves: provided the per- soa 6 exempted was employed and acting as au overseer previous to the Itith uf April, 1862, aud there is no white male adult on said farm or plaatation who is not liible te military daty; which fact shall be verified by the affidavils of suid person and two respectable citizens, and shall be filed with the evrolling officer: and provided the owner of euch farm or plantation, this ageat or legal represeutstive, shall make affidavit and deliver the Beme to ihe curofling officer, that after diligent effort no overseer cau be procured for such farm or playtation not lia- bla to military duty: provided further, that Unis cluase shall not extend tu any farm or plan- tatioa ou which the gegrues lave teen placed by division from anv other farm or plantation. sioce the 11th day of Octuber, 182: provided further, that for every persou exempted as aforesaid, and during the period of such exemp- bon, there shal! be paid wunaally inty the pub- lic treasury by the owners of such slaves the sum of five hundred dollars. | ** 3. Such other pereous shall be exempted | asthe President shall be satisfied ought to be | exermp ed, in district, of coantry deprived uf | white or slave labor iudispensible tothe prodac- | tion of grain or provisons, necessary for the | support of the popalation remaining at home, | and also on account of justice, equity and ne- | cessily. ° * 4. In addition to the State officers exempt- ed by the act of October lth, 1862, there shui) also be exempted all State officers whorn | the Governor of auy State may clam to have | exempted for the administration of the govern- | meat and laws thereof: but this exemption | shail not continge in any State after the ad- | 13 barrels Copperes | Qt barrels Alebobol { 54 packages Drugs containing Camphor, Cod Liver Oil, Cream Tartar, Sapis Calamine, Red Valerian, Bal. Cobaiba | Scilla Sice, Tartaric Acid, Quicksilver, | Pulvy. Opie, Spts Amarcn Aromat, Tino, Opse, Peppermint. Blue Mass, Nitrate Silver | Citrate Mag., Calomel, Potass Iodide, \ Morphia Sulph, Ipecac, Chloroform, Mognesia, Cilric Acid, lodine, Madder, Canthorides, Blue Stone, &c., &c, &e, 1 Medicine Chest, complete, 20 boxes Extract Logwood, 1Q.tene Hoop Tron 7s kege Natla 260 pieces UHullow Ware 270 Pick Axes 72 boxes Tin Plates 25 Tugot’s Refined Tin 40 boxes Window Glase, 8 by 10,9 bv 11 by 12, 10 by 14,12 by 14, 12 by Is by 18, 16 by Is a) 210 1Qcrates Earthen Ware, containing Tex Setts, Plates, Bowls, Caps and Saucers, Ewer and Basins, Muga, Chambers, Pumblers, | Jugs. Bakers, &c, &e.. Ke Claret” Bottles at Dack Wine Bottlea 4 bales Boctle Corks, 300 gros 70 crates 15) sacks T. LE Sat 200 Liverpool fine Salt 500 cases Pure Holland Gio, 10 pipes of oo oe QA cases Cognac Brandy, various brands, IWqe carks + hace Martel Brandy, Vcask l cask choice Jamygica Ram, 1) cases Cherry Cordial, 40 cusex si. Julien Clarret, 40 pipes Ram 14 bylf pipas Rom, 70 quarter pipes Kkuim, dO eighth Re 7 caske Ale, Jéfirey's, 4 dozen J cashe Porter, Bpass, 4 AND 11 casos Bay Water Wilowogton N.C, Qed E sure to call at SMITH & SMITH DEAL'S before you leave Town if yeu want to buy anything, 6 they have a large lot of GOODS They will take Confederate mo- ney for adything the? have to sell 46 SMITH & SMITHDEAL i soual aray of the Confederate States. | Board per session, '‘Puition im Eayleh, Jit Journme nt of the next regular sesvon of iis Les gislature, unless euch Legislature shall, by law, exempt them from military daty in the provi- | [Approved May 1, 1863. | GJ. RAINS, | Brig. Generali and Superiutendent. ! July 27. Iwill | I> Register, Progress, Standard. Wertern | Democrat, Fayetteville Observer, Wilmington | Joarnal, Salsbury Watchman and Asheville | News, copy one week with this paragraph, Saiisbary Female Seminary. HE Eleventh Session of my School in this Tosistation, will open the 4ih of September, 1863. $150 00 $25 00 aod 0 00 | Music with use of Piano. 30 Bu Lain. Greek and French, extra, 210 each. Pupils required to furnish lights and towels, Payinent strictly in advance lars, address For part:cu- A. Dy WILKINSON, Principal July, 1863. wil SPELLING BOOKS. A SMALL eupply of Spelling Books on | hand, ‘Those in ueed of them had better call soon at WATCHMAN OFFICE. Auyuat 3, 1863. $10 REWARD WILL be given for wo SADDLES stolen from my stables on the 24th inst. One is black quilted the other red feathers also, two Brides | and one pair martingles (supposed to be im the neighborhood of Charles WeKenzie’s.) Oue Hundred dollars ior the apprehension of the thef WG McNEELY. July 25, 1863 tf10 For Sale---4 ‘ract of Land. j FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, CROP, &C. a BUSHELS ‘Vhewt; 1000 bushels of DOC Corn 3 200 bishels of Potatoes; Cane | Molases 200 galls; Pers, &e5 45 head of Cat- | de, among them 20 tiead of mileh wud breeding | | stock in good order; 6) or 70 hogs, 40 the size of 12 months old for atting, and now in fire order. ‘The premises embrace a surfage and deposit GOLD MINF, GRIST and SAW MILL. The mine wl vielé from a § to bdwt r hand a day for many years. Apply at this shes. 7 a Ty: FORNEY. Wind Hill Mogtgomery Co., N.C. Juby 24, 1863, Swpd lO General Order, No. 15, i | ments of wroog. ithe Worolling Officer ean endorse } and company.to which they have gone avail themselves of this mahi, Also. ; | FOR SALA AT THIS: OF FIOR. Bit Is dsehighed 3 peat me Of owne f aver seers Mallett, Commandant of © ripts for No fas been pnt by. 80 «ct approved | Carvliaa. Colonels of Wilton rigid ay let, 1663. °° of Augost, 1863, enroff all # liable to cun- To claim exemption as the overseer of 20 | B¢ription under the rgcent Proclamation of the Preside yt.of the Confedert bea, a A perrons so esirolled, will yin i) the enrolling officer aud Medical Board, at’ the* following tines and plucrs, vo’ wit : ; Cleaveland County—91st Regiment, Colonel Logan, Tuesday the 25th, and Wednesday the 26ib of August. 90th not Colonet Bie otte, Thprsday 27th, and Friday the oth of August. Liecoln County—88th Regiment, Colonel Ramseur, Monday 31st August and Tuesday ment, Colonel Mullis, Weduesday I Thursday 17th September. sab Rowan County—7tth Regiment, Col. Brad- shaw, Saturday 19h aod Monday 2st Sep- tember. 120th Regiment, Col. Locke, Tuee- day 22d and Weduyesday 23d Sepiember, Catawba County—89th Regiment. Colonel Forney, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th Sep- tember. This Call includes all who shalt have be- come 18 on or before the 20th of August, 1863, and all why are under 45 00 that day, wheth- er resideuts of any other portion of the Suate, or of avy State, or claiming to be a citizen of any foreigu State or Pewer—all who received exemplious us the owner or owners of (20) twenty negroes, as 80 wuch of the Exemption Actof October, 1862, as relates to overspers has been repealed by the act of May, 1863, to which the attention of all desiring the exemp- tun of overseers is.called All persons dis- charged from the Army from any cause, oF by any authority since the Jast enroliment. All persons lo whom temporary exemptions were grauted by the Examining Board, and all per- sons permitted by the Enrolling Officer to re- tyain at home ull further notice ; persons ex- empted or detailed ou any work for the State of North Carolina, or any department thereof, will be required to attend and exhibit the ewi- deuce of exemption or detail. ‘This cali does not include persons exempted by the Examining Board on account of physieal dirability, (unless speciaily ordered,) nur per- sons exempted by the Enrovlling Officer, at or since the jast enrollment, (except overseers a8 above mentioned,) nor persous detailed for a limited time through the Conseript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are in fall force and effect ou the 20th of August, and the par- ties are actually and dilivently engaged in the business for which they were detailed. LP Colonels will retura the Rolls to the Rn- rolling Officer, made out by Companies, with the full names plainly written, without erasion or alleration, ou large size paper, only written on one side, with one column of names near the left margin, the bal:nee of the page blenk for remarks. If the Colonels have any reason tu suspect that there ae persons holding exemp- tions from che Euroliiog Officer, or the Exam- ining Board, not eniitlea to them, obtained through fraud or mistake, ot that there are per- sons properly exempted, whose disability has ceased to exist, or who have violated the con- ditions of their exempiion by charging more than 75 per cent. by quitting or negi-cting the business or professiou for which they were ex- tod | empted, or by engaging in any other pursuit, especially specu‘ation aud extortion, they will make separate roil of them, and have them to- gether with sworn evidence before the Euroll- ing Officer. Reasonable notice must be given to all sach suspected persons, so they may pro- duce rebutting evidence, to the eud that jus- tice may be done All persons having business of any kind with the Euroiing Officer, must be present, togeth- er with all papers wnd evidence necessary for investigation aad decision, while the officer ie in the county where parties reside, then, if necessary to defer, atime and place will be appointed. Ail papers and affidavite muet be preseuted in due turm and properly attesied, to preceive atteution, as the Enrolling Officer will pot have time ta draw up OF correct inetre- Ali applicatione for exemp- | tron aad el snguirics for information muat oe addressed to the Enrolling Oyjicer only ApPHe Ans fos eXxeriphion, All on equity and necessity, niuet be presentedio the EBuroiling Officer, fortified by the sworn testi mony of al least three disinteresied and re- speciable) persons—perons whose reliability | bable ander this call, can volunteer before the Quod of August, and wil be furnished with transportation on reporting to Col. Mallett, at Camp Holmes tothe Enrolling Officer a complete roll of ail conseripts who thus volunteer, giving regiment To patues must be actually in service With their regunents on the , 2th day of August, furloughs, of penpission to renpun ont home till after that tine, by Whoemscever granted, will he cisreyorded, and the parties sent to camp as consenpte, without delay Conseripte sent to camp will have chores of reqinedte ae far as practicadle. and the ext gencierol the service wilia ow. All solmers whe hawe been transferred to Selishur Hospital, rnd permiited to return boom sore to Dr. Mall, at Sa . Ww I fromp ty re- sbury, of be arrested and reatted +s deserters 1a? Phe Burolhng Oticer vehs the ard of all oMeers of the mniditha, and of all geed crizeus tn executing the law, and to raistug men to drive the foul invaders trom our set JESSE R. MeLEAN, Capt. and Bn. Ofh. Sth Con. Distnet. Javan Bryan, Ags't. Surg, C. 5. As, } W. il. Howgerron, Mo, JR. Evus, @. D., Ex. Board \ August 3, 1863. ul BLANK DEEDS ee | GENERAL ORDERS, the greand | of oxecutive clemency, on account of jusiice. | Al} persons , Coloneis of Militia will return | we 4 Notice. notice Pe aa ya to all conceroed ; f 1, Under the.recent, call of the President, extending the ipt age, alt eubstitass have ceased to be‘valid if the substitute a by law., I. Membersbip, unless as an officer duly ae-. cepted by the War Deparment, of local or- gthizations for bome defénte or special setview;: cogfers no claim -to exempt ate service} neither does service in the militia, for the intormation af ull concerned : lat September. unless in case of officers attually in commission AN ACT.TU REPBAL CBRTAIN CLAU-| Gaston County—87th R nt, Col. Hand, | who bave qualified. eo s SES OF AN ACT ENTULLED AN ACT } Thursday 3¢, and Friday 4th of September. “1 Mi: tet So any one furnishing © éubsti TO BXEMP CERTAEN PERSONS raom Meckle: Count: th Regiment,’ Cot. tate willdecome tiable.iy his own person when- MILITARY 8BRVICE-ETC., APPKOV. | Maxwell, Monday the 7th aud ‘Tuesday thé | ever the weivicgs of the substitute are :lost4o ED 11TH OCTOBER, fe69. Sih of September. 86th Regiment,’ Colotet | the Govegnmen from.any cnuse other thas the. “ The Congress of the derate States of Brown, Weduesday 9h und ‘Thgrmday. 10th | carualtion of a America do enact, ‘Thut'so mygch of the act ap- | September. . iV. A for exemption, on‘ auy. proved Uciober 11th, 1862, ag exempts from j Cabarrus County—84th Regiment, Colguel co etever, mast first be id to. military service, ‘oue pereud, either aa agent, Barahert, Friday 1/th and Berurday 1904 Bop.’ ep enrtgpe He pbs prongs owner ur overseer, on euch plantation on which | ‘ber. : power to act, of is in doubt, will refer them to. oue whiie person is required tv be kept by the | Uaion County—82d Regiment, Col. McCain, | higher authority, with report of the facts. AlW faws or ordinances of any State, and un which | Mowdey 14:h and ‘t qesday £5th. 119th Begi- | such addressed Girect to higher authority will ne ily und invariably be referred back for- local examination and report; and the appli- cants will thus have uselestiy lost time and prolonged suspense. Appeals against adveres decisions by local officers will be forwarded by them fur hearing,. zbee any plausible ground of appeal is set rth, : V. Commandants of Conscricis will give this: their respective States. G. W. LAY, Lt. Col. A. A- G., Acting Chief of Buredu. * Joly 27. 3wil Register, Progress, Standard. Western Dem- ocrat, Fayetteville Observer, Wilmington Jowr- ual, Salisbury Wetchman and Asheville News, copy until 20th Augus! with this paragraph, COME TO THE RESCUE! Another Chance to Volunteer and Receive Bounty. HAVE BEEN SENT TO ROWAN TO. enlst recruits from those liable to Conscrip- tion, to join Capt. (now Major) P. B. Cham- bers’ Company. I shail be pleased to enroll as. many able-bodied patriotic men as possible, whether liable to the Conscription or not. We who have been fighting the Yankees, having seen more of them and their doings, know bet- | ter than others, perhaps, how important it is to majntain a vigorous defence of oar Country and cause againe the vandal hordes of the North, and @e beseech oar friends at home to take no flattering false hope to their besoms, bat seek their securify and the success of our cause in a determined, nnremitiing struggie to secure our independence. There must be no looking back, uo quaking fears, no trembling knees, but a firm, steady, and abiding faith in the jus- tice of our cause, our own valor, and most of, all, the favor of & righteous God, who always favors the brave. I will attend at the Regi-. mental muster greunds for the purpose of en-. rolling volunteers, who will be allowed to choose. their Companies and Regiments, and entitled: to the asual bounty; and I shall be bighty grai- ified that a large number of them will prefer Capt. Chambers’ Company. It is certainty much better to volunteer than to go as a Com script, and I do not, therefore, deem it neces- sary to say more. J. T. RAY, Ord. Serg’t.. Co. C, 49th Reg’t N.C. T. August 3, 1863. tfll - CONSCRIPT OFFCE, . Camry Hotugs N. CG, 2 July 22, 1863. J Ne. 14. { N ateordanee with the proclamation ofthe | eee issued the 15th inet., Colonels of Militia will, on the 20th day of August, enrol! all persons in the bounds of their regiments, be- tween the ages of 18 and 45, who have not al-. ready received certificates of exemption or de-. tail | Enrolling Officers of North Carolina are di-. | rected to make theirappointmenis immediately to vient the Regiments within their Districts, | commencing ov the 20th day of August. | Notice is hereby given to all interested, that { persons liable to ennseription have the right to voluaieer in anv company in regular service of the Confederate States before enrollment. Af- ter enrollaent they mustcome to camp, where libey wil be assigned to commands of their ‘choice na far as practicable All persons, there- | fore, desiring to volunteer, must do sbefore the 20th of August (the day of enrollment’: !-Pransportation will be furnished at ibis office. ' After enrollment substitates cannot be ac- cepted under wny circumstances except at this office. Tite principal is required to appear in person wiih the substitute. Substitutes an- der IN or over 50 will mot be wccepted. Cer- tifieate of good moral charaeter is required be- ) for the substitute will de taken ) This call is made by the President from ab- solute necessity to meet the increased force of to strepethen and support our gal- eria army 3 to protect and defend ind firerides. and drive the invader fromour sci. Our veteran troops require the issistanee of every man who can shoulder a ‘ The Commandant, his call will be the enemy: Jant and sur homes vet musket of draw a sword. therefore, earnestly hopes that t cheerfully and with an responded ty prempily, unwavering detennination to swell the list of our clyriots and gallant dead, 1 necessary, for our freedom and jndependenoce Phe Commandant tikes plessure again ie acknowledging the eficteut 4 ¢ rendered him hy the State Officers, and exhorts them to re- | nawed zeal in sopplying the necessities ot the irmy. By Order of Col PETER MA LLETT Comat. f Couseripts tor N.C. J.W. Matuert, i ots at | July, 93, 1863 gLAN& DEEDS, FOR SALE AL THIS OFFICE. ALLETT, . “ Comd’t of C A Jw, ce pe, ne OD ¥ notice extensive circulation in the local pressof CJ ‘ ‘es aie Jess than 45 yeqra old aud is not oiberwise.aae lon from Coufeder ” ST ; ew ¢H& PRICE OF NEWSPAPERS. The Sowihern Watchman puts ip the fol- towing kovck down argument im reference to the price of newspapers, to which we invite the attentivo of all readers: : It is said that owiag w the peculiar cir- cumstances of the case tt wodld now be un- fair to take gold as a standard of value. In- asmuchb as carn is the basis of our provision crop, lec as try that standard. When we pyblished our paper at $2, we oould buy four bushels of cora tor that amount Our paper was therefore worth four bushels of corn.— Four bushels of corn js now worth $12 in this‘market, and further up the coantry $20. Mo? ang therefore worth $12 Sy the corn ‘ It was formerly worth two bush- els of wheat. Wheat was selling bere a few weeks ago at $12. Measured by the wheat standard, our paper is worth $24. A year’s subscription to our paper would formerly bay tea pounds of sole leather, which at prices, amounts to $30. Our is therefore, measured by this stan , worth $30 per year. A year's subscription would formerly buy four yards of jeans, or sixteen yards of The four yards of jeans our sisters, our wives and children. cotton is worth $20, and the country homespun is $24, at this ume. According to this standard, our is now worth from $20 to $24. A year's subscription would formerly buy six- teen pounds of bacon, uich will now cost $16, or upwards Heuce our paper is worth $16 by the bacon siaudard. We might thus go on ad infinitum, in every Case, that to bring newspapers to a lc vel wita everything else would fix their price at from $12 to $20 per year. — — ese -—— “(Cheating never Thrives.” —If the yankees ever have this wholesome doctrice instilled into them in youth, they take care to discard it in wanhood. An incident bas just oceur- red which may revive their boyish recollec- tors of it and enforce the maxim that “ boo- esty i8 the best policy.” On the first day of the battle of Gettysburg General Lee cap- | tured 6,500 prisoners, and, unwilling to be encumbered with them, or to weaken ins ar- | my by seucing off a guard to take them to NOTICE. =. | A oncera! Thats erscte a ¥3* | To all whom it may | val Raleigh, daly 4, i] being A - largely BR ARCHIBALD M NESBITT, OF WING lathe number of roles at various points in the bot the D Rewan Noanty, is euthorized to reise & fre cad thefts ty the Weed soappity of rags bide fait to fare. bo ‘iously eut to werve fo six months, ander the re-/ i, @ daty 1 owe to wyself to adopt the » 3.'ee" | with the manufactire. ” "8 | In the manufactare of Carthidge’ paper used quisiuon éf the President. Buch company will | rules aud re tions at my till: consist of 75 men. The privates will elect) jy, 1 elites be responsible for Four in the fabrication of amafunition, raw cotton their company officers, the latter will elect | yZeal or any kind of Grain that ine inks * | can be used if a certeia proportion of hemp be their eld officers. The officers will be com-) from me tot or tevproahinage "| mixed with it. missioned at. and from the time (he muster-) 2d. cB be reepdasible: for aay Grain 1 am eathorized by the Ordnance Depart- rolis eve Gled in this vffice. stored at my til! until ordered to be grouud ment tu purchase material for this urpose, und DAN'L G. FOWLE, 3d. I will not be reoponelhil Ririhey Mealor | 1 take the methad uf appeating to ye people Adjutant Gene ral. Flour more than 24 hours afier it is made; at to =— = yearns ald rope,\ bagging, the same time, I will tuke the best care of it er Mages Dl be up _ of oll hemp shat cen, and the sate care that Take of| tf aiyiag tram 10 tS couch por Pond wy oWn. il] is always u * Py whea we hue ite 7 v lock gud according \o condition, locality, he a J. 8. McCUBBINS. I will aleo pay 40 cents per —_ for old Salisbary, March 30, 1863 if45 e: "Tes UNDERSIGNED APPEALS ‘TO aech of his fellow-citizens as may chovse | to join him, to report to him at once at Salis- bury. If the foree called fur by the Presidcat do not avail themecliver of the opportunity to volunteer and bave officers of their own selec- tion, they will be drafted and have officers ap- pointed by the Governor over them. The ser- vice is for State defence aud for but six months. Rally, men! The enemy is now advancing upor our coast, threateniug the destructivu of our homee aud the destructioa of out means of sabsisience, to say nothing uf the disgrace and worse thau death their presence entails upon Rally to the defence of your homes and firesides. A. M. NESBITT, Saliebury, N.C. ecrap Lead delivered at the Wo A. G. BRBNIZER SCRAP IRUN WANTED. Office C. 8. Ord. Works, Gaskets Ne : June 29, 1863. 6 Edgeworth Female Seminary. GREENSBORO, N. C. IN —_—_— T HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE paid for old Casting or Scrap [ron at Govern. ment Foundry in Salisbury. Persons having any will please send it at once, or notify me where they cag deliver it. : A. B. SHEPPERSON. Saperintendent. HE Fall Session of thie Institution will | commence on the 4th of Augest neat. Trane for the sestion of 20 weeks Board, including washing, lights, fuel. &c, $20,00. English Tuition §30,00, Music on the Piano, Harpor Guitar $30.00, Voeal ma- | sie $12,50, Oil Painting $30,00, Dee wing | $12.50, Grecian Pabating 815.00, Ancieut aud | Modern Languages, each $12 50. | For farther particulars apply to RICHARD STERLING, Principal June 29, 1563. Bipd6 July 6, 1863. —{'f7] Confederate Insurance Company, Charlottesville, Virginia. I HAVE a small quantity of Flour to spare Auy of the soldiers’ wives liviag in my Cap- tain’s District in need of floar, can get it atten | dollars per hundred, Tals have a litthe Woo | to spare. The wives of soldiete tu my distric.! | can have a few pounds for thet own use grat | JOUN ©, MILLER. | | | I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY from the above Iusurance Company, and am now ptrpared tu tuke risks ov property at rea- sonable raies, and for limited riods of, time. and on different grades of eect —Such as | May 18, 1863. 7 ‘a 1152 Se — Cotton, Tobaceo. Produce, Machinery, Mer- | SALISBURY, APRIK 20, 1563. “Stonewall” Jackson chandise, Buildings, &c. This Company bas) ° ’ ' been iu operation bat « short time, has a large | To Gas Consumery. lust PUBLISHED, and for sale by N.S | ' C ‘eptal all paid ‘s, and held by some otf | ) . Seg en é 5 pipe es and best people of Virginia. Al ( N and after May Ist, 1863, Gas will be | MORSE & COs Auge. os ae ‘ large amount of the Capital Stock of this Com- J | - ( os Sone a ae | pany has already been suld fur teu per cept | advauce of materia! and freights, the Compa- ee Be a aoe Dtaiar ea ea, premium. [ can safely recommend this: Cums) BY Ste uccessitated to raise the pee of Gas | SuARLES Hartock: Beimg a full and accurate | i Freights have gope up 200 pany to be of the most reliable character. aud eh any losses from policies issued by this Cuimpa- percent; Tron Resorts 300 per cent. end Ro- 1 315 per 1000 feet. Owing to the Wery great or stop the works account of the Leading Events of bw Lafe, his Richmond. he paroled them on the batile- field, taking their pledge of hovor pot to serve } again uoti regularly exchanged, a course | which has been often pursued by both par- ; pes during this war. This was oa the lot ot July. No svover was It beard of in Wash- ington than an order was issued by the War : tmect, daied July 3d, repudiaung this parol, and ordering th> men so paroled to re- turn to duty without waiting to be exchang- pat back in the ranks of Meade’s army. Well, it so happened that on the next day, the 4th, Vacksburg surrendered, and abuut 20.000 Coafederates were captured and paroled on | the spot. Now it willevidently be the duty 4 ed. Itis said that the 6,500 were forthwith | ; | i \ | of our government, provided the above fac‘s : ; \ Lites one on PWNHE Fall Session of this Institution will ed. The undersigned desres to do all in his can be established, to order the 20,000 Coa- federates to return at once to service. and 20 we get 2U,0U0 for 6,500.—Fay. Observer. Our seldiersare helping themselves to fresh horses ef tne Datch farmers tu Pennsylvania as they ge ziong. A correspondent of the Trs- bune describes how it is done: Vhe performences of the rebel cavalry are as shrewd as itbey are dashing. They could pot be more correcily posted if they had exact jo- ventones of every pound of borseflesh in the country. They order the farmers to bring out their siecds furthwith. Nothing less than true stetemenis avail. ty,” they say, ‘and they are sorry for it;” but mentc! reservations ure of pp ase, * Smiih, you have (ten horses, here are only eight.”— + Jones, where's the roan mare—l don't ee herhere.” Mise Martha had riddev the roan mare to meeting. They were sorry lo annoy Miss Martha, but the roan care must have a chance for ghry. They call ail the black- smiths from their devotions and irrevereuly improvise a sort of horse-shocing toarnament. | Evers where thee ere tenes of frollickiu; bra- vado mixed with humor. ‘A sbort life aud @ merry ove,” Messieurs les Butternats. Curiosities of Southern Journal. ism.—The tullowing. io the leauing leaded articie et literatim & punctu atim, of the Daily Bulletin, of Cirar lotte, North Carolina, puvlieled on the 23d instaut: “pecxs! pucks!! pecs!!! Will the friends of the editor of this paper send him a few tat Dacks, Puddle or Muscovy, for which the hest prices will be freely paid. Send us some ducks.” What a “duck” ot that editor.— Rich. Examiner. a fellow is i “EO ) Bae ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON my Bwk Store account, will please eall ou Mr James H. Eoniss, my authorized age ct and set- tle the same ALL those indebted to me on my subecrip- tion and preting account will please call on Mr Egniss aud nettle alo. Bome of inv accounts have been gpanding since 1859, and Ido hupe that thane whe ate due will cali at ouce and settle up. ufe Ger- ate money '8 pleniy—ihere can he uo eacuse —I prefer to take si 1 paytcent of dues JJ STEWART Jaly 6th, 1863. 17 The History of North Carolina | Serene in DESL by the undersigued, preface ¢ oneeded that it contaie d ome mons unavoidable and many imperfections. A secoud ediion was then promised, which would remedy there Tis 8 now called for He will be gracets out any errors i: the dates, name oF forto un the varios counties of the State , and any biog ta phica! sketeSof thus Whip have dune sere view in the field or Sale Letters may be seat to me, care of Hon. D L. Swain. defects to any one who will pednt JOHN H WHEELER. Chapel Hill, N.C., June 4, 1863. 3m7 '~ LORILLARD’s SALT S\UEFP; “Tt is a military necessi- | : 1 y > ty of dong by calling on me _ prime veeessity comipues to advance iu price A. J. MOCK, Agent. | ‘ 2 ’ Selisbe NC ) | and shoe-mukers are predicting that prices hith- Salsbury, - ’ f erty accounted euormous will be next io noth July 16, 1863. 4 9 _ling as compared with prospective demands — Price &1 v0 The trade supplied at a hbderal diecoout 7 All orders addressed ty us Will be prompt: ly filled. Nos. MORSE & CUO | This inay be so, and probably wall be true an- if Augusta, Ga. : \ less consumers shall take timely warniog and | A ppl. by's Fresh Snuff. | prepare dv supply their wants without purchas- N BLADDERS—the genuine Se hclacefor oe meeesigtlts sri ure Suet a sale b ° ACCA. Ww ILLARD, “ secnough in (he Country to supply the pudb- : Greensboro’, N.C. 5a Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. MeCoanel, €. r Mendenhall, 0. BP. Wee, James M. Garreit, Jobu L. Cole, NX HD. Wilson, Wm. Bartin- ger, David MeKaorght, Mod. Sherwood, Jed. th. Lindsey, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilunagton; Rober E. Troy, Lamberton, he demand for leather. Farmers, as a geveral thing, keep more cattle than can be well kept j and made most profitatle. If they woold take as good care of their cows as they do theer JACK CREEK A Ca DEM y. { horses and mules, one half the wuinber would ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. | be more profitable for mvk and batter. The ams = D surplus stock might be fa:tened and slaoghter- | Jaly 6, 1963. | begin on Mouday, July 20th, 163. | power to keep down the pnee of leather, aud ! | TUT 1ON—From Riu to Slo per session. i he can secure the co-operation of stuck-own- BO aARD—$15 per month ers. he belheves he can do much good ta this di “ =r TL 1D. { } _ ) rr t “a Pel sai amd address the princi; ty rection. He eanvot aff. rd to pay the present , Alexander Miller, Newtern, Thadeus Mc- ' at Miracda, N. ¢ | extraordinary demands of dry and green hide tier, Raleigh; ‘Thomas Jonnson, Yancey- t 1 : A ie | and then sell leather at $2.the highest pree | ville; Dr WoC Ramsey, Wadesborvegh; Rev. be has, up to this true, sold at. Butiffarm- RC. Maynard, Franklotes,; Dr. E. Fo Wat- (ere. who have hides, will send them to his Tan- | won, Watsonville ij hery. (or leave (her at Sprague. Brothers, ta Saliebury.) he will Tan them on the usual “A A. PHIPPs, Principal. } Jane 20, 1863. Stpd-6 1 $500 REWARD. OFFIC eRe: | : _) terms, obligating himself to F atuee NOH D. WILSON. President | Utice of M. & E. Myers was broken peo snd’ iy gy doing. “IT don't wish to speculate, have CoP. MENDENUALL, - Attorney j the fullo vag articles stolen ther trom: Ode) done. and will do all I can, agatust it. Soany PETER ADAMS, - See and Treas. | fine English Guid Lever WwW atch, w th the name | one wishing to have their Hides Tanned cen’ WM. H-CUM MING, General Ageut {uJ A. Litlegten on the face, German Fext Go-as Bihewevdisected WJ McCONNELG, - | . letters, believed to be made by Jo Johusten, T. W. HAYNES J.\. MEBANE. - - | Executive Com. Liverpool; aue Viamond Ring. large D.auond May 18, 1863. “usa 'J.M.GARRETT,- - iu centre clustered around with sinail Dia- mouds; ode fine Gold Ring, with forget me vot, | inseribed thereon; one sett bar River and { Breast Pin, Coral and Gold , two Gold Chata- tha Pins; one Bunch Gold Charnis, ¢ » sting | of the two Lockets with mimiatures : Slipper. Wanted. a a etal reuse Fins nye Goad Brews Pin Las Pe | DENTAL NOTICE. oo nz one Goid Breast Pin, A GOOD HORSE suitatle for | ee W. F. Bason, M. D. ‘Pea Eo BE Bee i A | \ OULD reapectfally make known that he hasreteken his DENTAL ROOMS in Sales LARGE quantity of TOBACCO for aale «by JNO. F. FOARD. Sahsbary. April 23,1563 49 Office. should be addreseedto PETER ADAMS Secretary Greenaboro’. N. C.. Jone 19, 1860 tf4 pwethth ; sett with Pearls; one Neekiace with large ine army. { oval Jets, with cross ia centre , one fine Fan) if fone large Black Lace Mantle, Embroide ved ~ Handkerchief, Culurs, Sl-ever, Key Bleukets, Pillow Cases and Apply to JAMES W. CLARKE. N. C. White Sulphur SPRINGS. OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS Linnen aud Cotton Sheets, | Bolster Slips, and iwany ctber articles of Jew- ciry and Ladies apparel vot recollected. “The above reward of Five Hondred Doliars, wil! be paid for the recovery of the above named artt- eles, of ww proportion for any part ¢ f them — Must of the Jewelry can be iceus tedby WL Wileow, Watch-maker ot this place In my absence, ans iwfsrinawon given to Captain A Myers or Bamuel Reeves, x1, will be prompt- ly attended ww. Al BN bury ] HE. public can have the benefit of these) N. B. valuable waters. the time, those calliogin his absence, wolbe nets. PRICE OF BOARD: $5 per day; $24 per week, 875 for 4 weeks We have a plentiful supply of provisions aud | hy a good stock of ice secured. A daily hoe of | this place ° hacks and mail to the Spnogs \ H. L. ROBARDS, Proprietor. Asitwill not sant hun te remain all fied of his anivale by ieaving the > names in the letter Box attached to the Cru ihe Office or addresenag hi through te Post Office, at Der bet, 1X62. (1-28 EoMYERS. | : . JAMES HORAH, Juve 15, )~64 tft the most reasonudle terms. 4 NUMBER of the ‘ Burnett” pattern, February 14, 186°. admitted to be ihe best ever manufactured in | the Suuthern country, on \ F tr ~ >) ‘~e SES OD tecms than any other article at the present tune Apply soon to a ( ()( > ’: f ) t HN s ' , . : : . JOHN SHUMAN, Sr | TTHE CON. STATES DISTILLE Sausbury, Jane J, 1663 fs RY. formerly ow ved by M, & E My- “=~ aD’ oH Pet a >) ce ere) at Salisbury, ae follows: Now is the time (0 pay Money. Aa. PERSONS BIPHER INDEBT ed tu me by uote or account, are reque steo tu ly3s more reasonable cal) and pay up < MONIES RUEE Jane 15, 123 fs WOOL WANTED. ’ — SECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOOL To be of white oak tcober. clear of aap Staves, 3b inches long, from + be 6 aches wide and Linch thick. Heading. 24 mches long, frum 8 to 10 inches wide, and Ld@soches thick | WILL come or send to Spragoe Bro's in Salisbury on Tuesdays, Phursdays and Satur- days to get any Hides that may be left there Druggiate. SALISBURY. N.C Si June 15, 1863 ts Notice to Debtors and Creditors. | date ay i personal attention given to the | purchase of Produce und Shipments — | = ae = m \ an t | > { = 4 y le in thee inarket or | YY Af az = | o i a aD ees ALL persone having elaima aqainet ihe Copmgoments enher for 8” for shipment to other marked solicited, whieh T the C 8. Dustil i y at Salisbury, N.C, | Betute ‘of James W Neely, lute of Dus iteone will be acld at highest market price and remit- | One Thousand 4j000) Bush: ls Maple }ty, deceased, sre hereby notified to preseut them in terme of the law, aud those indebted Charcoal. to enid Estate ace requested to make immedi. tances promptly made. Proposale must be tithre aed to Sahsbary, July 13, 1663 fs ao = JAS. T, JOHNSTON, a eo ae r - | diat 5 BLANK LEEDS Mediedl Purveyor CS: Ay ste payment _p. M CRENSHAW, POR SALE AT THEI OFFICE| suly 13, 1963. eT | jee hs: Administrator Dying Moments, and the Ubsequies at Rich - | Alleommanications on business counected | wanted by WM H. SMITH (or me Sausbury, July 13, 1663 io T W. HAYNES 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a (housand. } Jone &, 1863 : , en Highest inarket price will be paid Daa i ea Addrene JAS. T. JOHNSON, Mi HABL BROWN, z| TIALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, for Medical Purveyor ©. 8. A. COMMISSIO N M ELAG HLA N HE which we will pa the highest pnee. Charlotte N.C ] HENDERGON & ENNIsS, June 15, 1°63. 1f4 To all who it may’ Concern, Y 70 ALL PERSONS INDEBT. ED 170 U8! s ow At persons indebted to thé mw of W. Myers and A. Myers, are Naty eid fully requested to settle their respective obli- gations either in person er by letter, without needless delay. They will thus cave interest and the inconvenience of payment when mop. ey may be less abundant than at present.” 7 hope the friends of the Jute firms will not re. quire longer indulgence, but respond to this urgent call, agit is necessary that the business should be closed with as little delay as A. MYERS, Office next to Cowan’s Brick Row. Selisbary, March 30, 1863. 45 OIL, OIL. ONE BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL f; sale, apply to WM. WATSON, tt:38 5 miles west of this place. Or at thie Office Brown's Livery Stable. 5S keptap us heretofore. Is is gratifying to him that this establishment. begon, at first, at a doubtfalexperiment, has proved to the public w great devideratum and « com- plete success. Travelers, and others cap al- | ways have their wamts,im thisline, welleup- | plied. Cash prices paid for Provenuder. Aod the subscriberis always ready tosell or buy good Horses. THOMAS E.BROWN. Jaw let. 1863. ° 155 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. i \ ANTED 1000 Dog Skios, dry, for which will be paid 1 for mediom size, and smaller oaes in proportion. Apply to R. F. Swaonton, Statesville, or A J. Mock, Salisbury. il ul (Gecording tu the term { sim 600 per cent. (1149) maveud and Leximgtoao } Ki ee ond See ine LE ATH E R —< This wo ko coutuins many anecdotes of the | December 8. 1Xh@ 1f29 pert a Sslisbary and vicinity desinng | v ae 4ite Led soldier that have never befure ee D HO a their property insured, cau have an epperuin- HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF For sale by all Book Stores und News Ageate | R. WwW BR TON ; | ENDERS hee professiomal serviees to the } citizens of Salixbury. Office at the Buy- ! den Hoare. Mar 9, 1863—1142 | — ? = | Ma aD’ Ea" Eve SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 182. } | ALL those indebted to the firm of | WcCunsines & Fosten, will call at the Boot & | Shoe Manufactory of Jobo A. Bradshaw, vei: dour ty the Watchman Office, op the sabren- ber, and settle their accounts, enther by note or the cash. Now is the time to pay debts. f:26 THOMAS J. FOSTER. +E ‘ LUMBER. Ble subscribe, living near leard Station: Burke oounty, 18 prepared to fornish any | amount of sap lumber. delivered on beard the } cars,at $1.50 perhandred Heart lumber as per | contract Orders addressed to bim at Happs | Heme. Burke cearty. N. C., willreecive prompt attealion T.L.C.DONALDSON March 17, 1862 1166 | GRIND STONES FOR SALE. Deer RIVER GRIND STONES of the beet quality, will be furnished vashort p-lice lin any number and of cny denominations by . JOHN KING & CO, Gulf P. O., Chatham Co., N.C April 6, 1863. 3m46 UP Charlotte Batietin copy weekly for three months and send bill toJoho King & Co. | RAGS! RAGS!! \ ae CYEND yoor Cotton Kage to the Watchmen Printing Office The highest pree will be } paid for them | March 30, 1863. WS | ort ow : | WESTERN N. C. RAIL ROAD. ! - , : | Change of Schedule. ’ a) 4 | \ OR the porpoee of expediting the transpor | tation of the mail as well as to prevent dela} lio travellers, the passenger treins on this Rood jwikrun eo as to make close conection with | the ‘tail Trains of the N.C. Rail Road, which | arrives from the North at 130 P.M. The trains on thie Road will leave Salisbary at of. Kalisbery, N.C. Jane 15, 1-63 tf4 Janel, 1863. (nm | ' OF The Confederacy, at Atlanta, Ga. will . i 1M. and arnve at the bead of the Road et 7.4 copy daily one week. and send tal! to tine officer Red and White Rose Leavea. Watch-Maker and Jeweler, | P. M, and leave the head of Road a} 7304 2 - «€ DS me N Be gBDe : \ TE wish to purchase a large lot, for which One doorbelow R.A A Murphy's Store, | ee piace mara 19 Lime to connect wil H ae Maser ascii perpound. They | SALISBURY, N.C., | ' JAMES C. TURNER, AVING resigned my commission in the | : HENDERGON & ENNISS elem De Eng. and Sup't W.N.R.R A ah DRION & EN? EEPS constantly on hand alarge assor. | aad y . , le £ e Surgeon, A . - - J . creme Surgeon, I tender my Saishury, Jane’ 15, 186) te | Wotnent of WATCHES and JEWELRY of) A076: 186% — Se tie rst Ve Sok Wane de. 5 i. 5 Seer ~ AM NESBITT. ea er rare all kin : raw GLa . : loc y less yelry ; bh LINEN RAGS wanted by etn fethe Count tloune W } 4A: ; Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- | (Ce and LI a8 67 Gfhice, oppusiic nu i H K A I I \ NS scriptioncspairedia the best manner aud on | ; JNO. F. FOARD. Sahpbary, April 23, 1863. 1f:49 Post Office Notlee. | our. and Weatern Mail closes *! 1.9 12 M.; Northern Maicloses at 8 P.M: | Cheraw, 8.8), Sunday, Tuesday and Thor j day. 8 P.M. ; Mocksville, Wonday, Wednes ' day and Friday. & P.M.: Wilkesboro’, Tues day, & P. M.; Troy, ‘Phureday, 12 MM Sunday Ofi ce LHours. |} From 12 M., until 2) P.M. ; from? until 10 P.M. The ahove rules will not be departed from ) until further notice. : All persons ure expected io pay their Post Office accounte when presentec al the end 0! | the quarter, otherwise I will be compelled '° p.M. | sell their papers for the postage. = MOSES A. SMITH, P. M May 4, 1863. £50 i ‘Dr. J. Ae CALDWELL | ’ eietdaAl dete OFFERS bis professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and the #4" Office two door” rounding coantry. below M. Brown's office. 7 'n my absotee, leave your name 0” the Slare.0 May 4—¢f50 ales | infant caval advat brig Ham) a bris dylet dash the Y ed th the st ton’s ecomn Lieut throw Your the | Cross hand First left b brew Brat pase ain Pot list u ning by Y by | han the) The interest Mm Mon. for which ste, and lle, or A Statien,:: orpish any h beard ihe iber as per bat Happs il reecive DSON 166 Sess cab ES of the ort pulice hons by CO: One N . (0: 3m46 ly for three Co. Watchmen ce will be 1S ROAD. ie. he transpor vent delay » this Rood ection with Road, which P.M. The ry at dP Roed et 7.40 ld ay 730 A opnect wih NER, N.R.R ail closes #! at&® P.M. asd Thar y, Wednes yoru’, Teer tthe end o! ompelied 1” H, P.M £50 WELL Ny OFFERS rvices to ti" nd the ea ee two door naine on the y 4—t 50 cemrartagen 5 tm Bieame "ys donut sow % eo eed oi tnt pide Aedes oes i ae Am ia . } Bi i ed af . ‘ - j é : aa Rte 8 a a > : ; Yn Pro ee tl Se ene eee ee SN Rn ty tl at gt ne VOL. XXI. a 1.3, BRUNER, ROLTOR AND PROPRIRTOR. Price of the Watebman. From and after this da’ / aytil there is a chaiige in the prites—gf_profisions, paper and other articles requifed to carry on busi- wess, the subscription tases of this paper will be fwwe dollars for six months, and three dol- lage for @ year. Avveatisine, two dollars for the first, and | one dollar for each subsequent publicat) n. | April 20th, 1863. ; Se a From the Richmond Examiver. From General Lee's Army-— Severe Cavalry fiyht near -randy Sta-' tion— The gremy driven across the river. The Central train last evening brought | the tidings of the recommencement of bos. | tilities ow the ypper Kappahanneck.*© On | Friday afiernoon oar pickets, near Brau- | dy station, composing a portion of Geaeral | Mahone’s briagade, were driven by a large | body of the erctuy—sidd to be three brig. | ales strong —cavalry aud ariillery. Our, infantry fell back, and Geo. Hainptoo's cavalry, commanded by Liew. Coil. Baker, advaneed, Gen. W. H. F. Lee's and Jones’ | brigades being wittin supporting distaace. | Hampton's brigade fell upon the enemy at aw brisk charge. and for «a tew minutes tle fight was fierce. Hut the impetuosity and , dash of the uld brigade was too muel: for the Yankees, and they broke and recross. | ed the Rappahannock in confusion, In the short time that the battle lasted Hamp. | tun's brigade lost every Culonel of the | command by wounds, but none were killed, | Lieut. Col. Baker, in command, was shot through the left arm, ay also was Colonel Young, of Cobb's Legion; Col. Black of! tke First: South Carolina cavalry, shot | crowwise through the palm of bs right | hand by a iminne ball; Captain Blair, | First North Caroiisa, stot slightly in the left breast. Our loss in the fight was «nid to be upwards of fitty killed and wounded. N The Yankee loss was heavy, and we took ; a tuber of prisoners, aod lust but a very few. The Yankee cavalry is said been commanded by Kripatnek, but we eather expect Ro owns S:onetuan, with per-¢ hays the bulk of his force, operating ax 9 feeler fur the whereabouts of General Lee. Passengers represented General Slocum, ; of Gener! Mead’s army, on this side of | the Rappahannock, but we heard vo con- frmauon of it. It was in the first part of this engage- ment, that Capt. EW. Branch, command: ing the Behmund Greys, in the Twelfth Virginia regimert, in Gen. Mahone'’s brig- ade, was shot through by a ball in the breast. The deceased was a son of Moses Brauch, merchant of Richmond, and had passed through many of the most ensan- | gQined battles in Virginia, and bevend the to have Potuinac, to fail ia a migor skirtnish on hin native soil, His body arrived on the train Inet ene ning, aod was escorted to his late residence by a portion of the City Battalion, beaded by Capt. Smith's band, All the officers Hamed above as wounded, came dowag ou: the tra, except Col, Young, The Situation round about Freder icksburg. The Fredericksburg train, which arrived at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, bro't | ‘lown very fow passengers, and there was hardly a grain of information among them all concerning the situation of affaire in that vicihity. A portion of Meade's army bad certainly entered upper Stafford from the direction of Fauquier. None had Ap- peared in’ Fredencksbarg. The heights ot this side were secure avainst their oc cupation. . Some skirmishing had taken place be- ‘ween the rear and advauce of the two armics at points not designated, Of the whereabonts of the ditherent @orpa and divistons of Gen. Lee's army it is Got our province to speak. Their pres- ence will be made known to the enemy at the opportune moment, . Further particulars of the recent | Yankee raid in the dircetion of Weldon. | By & gentleman who reached this city yesterday from Weldon, North Carolina, we are putin porsession of some of the | at me ofthe recent Yankee raid from | Vinton to Marfroesboro’, Jackson and Boone's Mill, where they encountered Gen, Ransom, and then baek to Winton, on the Chowan, on their return route at a faster rate than they waut. The Yankees came ine | ' | Mostly gold aad ~ilver. (hundred and fitty dollars, ‘wae "on the 23d of Mat |. SALISBURY, » gallopping back to Winton at about noon | on Friday last garrciag and deagging with them a great deal of stolen property, bors- es, maules, mileh cows, negroes, wagons, baggies; in fact, a specimen of everything | chat could wajk on legs, run on wheels, or be carried in the arms. The force imme- | diately commenced embarking cn board ‘Uransports aud gunboats, They seeined | to be in a hurry, and for fear that Generel | Ransom should appeat in-pursnit, and at- tempt a ransoin of some of the stolen pro- perty, piekets were thrown back for sever- al imiles, The Yankee commander was Colonel Speers, the sane who led the raid on the Central and predeticksbuarg railroad re- cenily, and was tov badly trayghtemed to do tuch harm. ‘The forces embarked at Winton consisted of 1,700 envalry, three regiments of in- fantry, and six pieces of artillery. Dodye’s cavalry, a set of thieves, and who have never achieved an exploitin avy otber line, were along with the command. They loaded the borses, negroes, and | Wagons on the transports, but a great mae | ny horses and byuken down wagons were | left upon the shore, to be reelaimed by their owders. They carried off in all about three handred horses, same four or tive | hundred negroes, aud many wagons aud private carriages, Their robbery of private individuals was Dr. Soead and Lewis Daniels, of Hertford county, were svetematic and general, arrested by them, aud held during the pro- | yress of the raid. No resident was allow- > 9 ed iy move about, aud to commupication Was permitted bet eer one plantavion apd another. Ing party, dobn Southall, Exq., a resident of Mar- | freesboro’, and who has never been been esteetned a secessionist, per se, lost all he | Pussessed in the world, at their bands.— Horses, flour, UrAin, Negroes, Went the way of all things inthe Yankee’ path. The» hotel of James Newsom, at Jackson, was searched and ransacked from garret to ce!- lar, mod the proprictot’s desk robbed of six thousend dollars in money. Mr. Dick- son was robbed of eight thousand dollars Saniuel Coivert, a Confederate States Quartermaster, was captured and robbed of three thousand dollars, in funds. In some instances, the Yankees got drunk on the liquor stolen from gentlemen's sideboards, and acted like demons. They dashed in the mirrors with their sabres, slashed at the paintings on the walls, hacked the most elegnat fur- niture, and tore up the ladies’ and chil- , dren's clolyng. An old negro named Billy Jones they seized in the roud and robbed him of one treat the Yankees burned the Murfreesbo- to’ bridge. an! Carter's large grain mills. ‘That head * buffde,” Charles Heary Fos- | ter, was with the Yankee expedition, ani iewill afford the public a better estimate of bis despicable character, to know he married in’ mebt of the milf to which the torch was applted, and that Mr. Carter, the owner of the mill, is his father in daw! He has a Captain's com mission, and as authorized be Lineola to Talge A regiment trom wmnong the buttaloes of North Carolina—if so Many vs a regi. ment can be found. CORRESPONDENCE, We have been furnished by the Depart- ment of State with the following curres- poudetice between the Confederate au. | thorities and those of the French Govern. | /meut, relative to the assistance lately ren- dered out Charleston to the Despatch Ship Renaudin : CoxsuLatr oF France at RicuMonn, Kicumoxp, 29th July, 1863, Sin: On the happening of an accident February, in Sullivan's Pass, winch caused damage to the Steam Despatch Ship “Rensudin,” the Tmpenal Navy, the Confederate au- thorities hinstened to tender to the cotu- belonging to mander of tunt vessel the gratuitous use of the the floating dock of Charlestor , he was thus enabled to make the necessary ‘repairs and continue his voyage. The Government of the Emperor having been informed of this circumstance, desires, sir, that the expressions of his very) warm thanks should be transmitted to your Gov- erninent, as well as to tbe authories at Charteston. T bave the honor of enclosing to you a copy of the despatch just addressed to me by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on thia subject. I am happy to be thus made the interpreter of the sentiments of my Goverament upon the present occasion, whieh affords fresh evidence of the friend- ly disposition and courteous spirit of which Tain ace auts tor the secresy ; woich marked the moversents of the raid- | On their re- | and ! 1. lene | the Confederate wut liorities bud previously | i given Gs 0 many proof. | i Conformably toghe ipstructions of the | Department of Foreigm Affairs, as you will perceive in the losed copy af its despatch, I appeal to your obliging favor, sir, for the tranamission® to the Charleston authorities of the expression of the thanks due to them, and forthe assuraee that the Emperor is ¢ sensible of their gener- aaa epctect we, enabled the Dench Steamer Renandia to 'eomplete ite repairs. 1 pray you, sir to ectept the assurance, ke. ke., er RED PAUL. | To the Hon. J.P. MIN, Seeretary of State, Department of State. Copy enclosed ia foregoing: | Miristry ov Foreign AFrains, | Potrricat Buea, Parts, | F Jane 10, 1863. | Sm: On the 23d of February last, His | | Imperial Majesty’s Despatch Steamer Re- | | naudin, which had received the order to, }touck at Charleston, got aground at Sul- ! livan’s Pass, and only sneceeded in escap- | ing from this critical condition by the aid of the Milan, and of the English sloop-of- , war Petrel, On the happening of this ac- cident, the Confederate authorities were kind enough to tender to the Captain of the Renaudin the gratuitous use of the floating dock at Charleston; and he was thus enabled to make repairs that were in- dispensable to the continuanee of his voy- age. I desire, sir, that you inform the Gavernament at Richmond how sensible we have been of the kind conduet of the atthorities at Charleston, and that yon pray it to trapsmit to those authorities the expression of our lively thanks. Receive, sir, the assurance, &e., &c.. DROUYN DE L'HUYS. Cowreperate States or AMERICA, DerartMest oF Srate, ticumonp, July 31st, 1863. Sik: T have the bonor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 29th inst., en- closing copy of a cammunication address- ep to you by M. Drouyn de L’Huys, in which you are desired to convey to this Government the assurance that the Government of His Imperial Majesty is deeply sensible of the servicesjrendered by the Confederate authoriti-s in placing the use of the floating dock in Charleston at the gratuitous disposal of the Despatch Steamer “Renaudin,” belonging to the Imperial Navy, when that vessel was dam- aged by grounding in Suliivan Pass." You ‘further reqnest me to be the medium of transmitting to the authorities at Char- festun the warm thanks of His Majesty's Government for their generous conduct on the occasion. ‘ The Confederate Government is much , ! gratified, sir, at having bad an opportuni- ty of testifying to bis Imperial Majesty the sentiments of cordial regurd entertained by it for him and for the French people, and the T’resident desires me tosay that he fully appreciates the promptness which the Emperor has-displayed im responding to the manifestation of these feelings. Twill very cheerfally commumeate to the authorities at Charleston the Inessagre for them transmitted by ou: Government, and LT receive with pleasure Vour own ae Knowledgement of the trendiv courtesy which has always been displayed by this Government towards that of his Imperial ' Majesty, Lam, with yreat refpect, your obedient servant, JOP. BENDAMIN: Seeretary ot State. M. Atrren Pats, Consui of France, ) Richmend Va. MORRIS’ ISLAND. The impressivun sees almost general , that the safety of Charieston depends en i rely upon our botdins Morris Island, and that any sacrifies of ifr shold be made, ere itis abandoned. We do not in this opinion, — Tr Fort was reduced in batteries \ by us on Cummings Point, but every one concur is true Santer part a) erected Dwho is taniitian with these localities knows that no battery eau be erected ou Morris’ Island saMicienthy pear Fort Sumter, but Must be subjec ted to the contre! of that fortress. Batteries and Waaner are both under the guns of Sumter, and the amount of meta! that centrated on these, points, would render it doth uncomfortable and tagardous for the Yankees to erect guns of such size as to do material injury; but Samter is not the only battery that commands Morris’ | Island, and if it should be abandoned as a | military necessity, (which we do not be: | lieve,) the Yankees will discover they have | yet a Cifficult row to explore, ere Char- leston falls iuto their hands. The fact is, neither the abandonment of Morris’ Island nor the destruction of Fort Sumter neces Treary (ir Rtg would be con -@., AUGUST 10, 1863. | make the attempt, But why should per} hg ee soe NUMBER a EE See ae ae = 12. sarily enuses the fall: of Charleston, aud to their own friends just in proportion as our vile invaders will find this to their they have been tender to the enemy. cost, whe. with blinded-.contidence-they} Asa natoral uence, . too, of this ; weak-beaded and timid-hearted policy, the peaple excite themselves about Morris’ [s- ,embarrassments of the Government land f it isonly within twelve months that | have greatly multiplied, and it now finds any merit bas been attatched to its impor. | iteelf in preplexity that woold tax its firm. tance; besides, one of our Greatest Gener. | ness and discretion, if they were double als vow in Virginia is said to have declar | what they are. ed it quite impossible so to furtify that is- land, as to render it impresnable against in the exchange of prisoners, their inbu- | ‘manity to Urose now io their bands, and ‘enemy have learned to laugh at our threate. | ‘ : : feyery thing that exalts @ nation, lappeating to the Government for retalia- 4 formidable iron clad fleet, and such bat- teries as our enemies could ereet at will on Folly Island ; Vet witness what the vo. ble Heauregard has already done— almost stript of his entire forces, without guns, and without labor te complete his line of fortifications, with a mere handful of brave4 determined inen, his works have renisted for weeks, a bombardment such as has not been surpassed in this war, repelling two desperate land attacks, slaughtering and capturing over 3,900 of the enemy. Let us not demexo our nature by expect- ing impossibilities from those in authority, nor permit our confidence in our com- manding General to waver, His’ early deeds in our cause have so identified him | with Charleston and her peuple, that be may be said to live only in her safety.— Let us abandon all else and rally to his supsort in this his, and our time of trial, beheving that if Charleston can be saved from the vandals’ tread. he will save it 3 but if God decrees otherwise, then let us subunit as becomes a Christian people, re- | solved never to desert the noble old city i until reduced to an uninhabitable waste. | Never say die, We will yét. triumph.— ! South Carvlinian, | { e From the Richmond Whig. RETALIATION, { In an article exposing the bad faith -with which the Yankees bave acted in | the atrocity of their threat to exucte Cen. ! Fitzhugh Lee and Captain Winder, ip re- | HOW THE YANKEES HAVE REVENGED SUMTER. “The Old Guard, a monthly Jour- nal, devoted to the principles of "76 and 1778,” is pow published in New York. It is ardent in its sapport of State rights, and against the war. Under the caption, “how we are revenging Samter,” it has the fol- lowing : . The followiog are the reported casualties of this war from ite be- gining to January Ist, 1863. FEDERALS, Killed, 43,874 Wounded, 97,029 Died of disease and wounds, 259,000 Made prisoners, 63,218 Total, 459,674 CONYEDERATES. Killed, 20,863 Wounded, 59.915 Died from disease and wounds, 129,000 Made prisoners, 22,199 _ Total, 222,477 They have killed twenty-two thous- jand eight handred and seventy-four more of our men than we have of theirs. They have wounded, not mortal- ly, thirty-nine thousand four hun- dred and fonrteeu more of our men than we have of theirs. One hundred and fifiy thousand more of our men have died of disease ‘ablation fer the two coudemned men now | and wounds than of theirs. io this city, the Enquirer says: They have made prisoners of forty- “There is no use in disguising to our-; six thousand more of our men than selves the purport of the policy we hare here deserihed; It is war to the knife. — Our Government has done all that was possible to do in order to avoid the terrible ' rssue, When we bad a large excess of prisoners, we sent them away before they were exchanged. When our army has been in the enemy's country, it was strict- lv ordered to respect private property and } to spare non-combatants, thouch the prop- | erty of our people bad been systematically destroyed, and our helpless women’ and litth: ones had been driven out homeless and caked upon the world. All this for- ' bearance and chivafrous courtesy on oor part—all this ‘Christianity and. civilizs- ; tion,’ as Gren, Lee savs—has been thrown aWay upon such an enemy. We bave been casting our pearls before swine, in- deed.” With all deference to the Enquirer, ; and with proper respect for the motive that has actuated the Executive, we are sincerely of the opinion that “our Govern: ! ment tas done (about) all that was pos sttle to do” to daduce “the terrible issue.” The very course of conduct cited by the: Had we acted on the opposite policy, inflicting stern and ample retaliation, on the very first provocation, there would have been the end of this business. Instead of this, we have fulminated empty proclamations or pourd oat lachrymose protests, until the Enquirer has done the mischief. When Munford was bung at New Orleana, for doinz an act for whieh lis name will! go down with honor to posterity, we waited four or five months and then a procfama- tion which threatened vot half, enough and effected nothing that) was Lad officers then tn our bands been hung, in ee came, threatened, two of there lighes¢ i { stend, we ehould have been releved further trouble, Ten noble soung tows were drawnoup ina line in) Missonr and shot down Dke dogs, for ne other reasou than an old Umonist had disapeared from uh afier-; wards proved by his retueaing well acd | neahborhood, Canhart, as wae Psound) and vot a hair of any mortal Yan } { keels bead was mace to stiffer for the! bivody enormity, Hundreds of cases, wey might sately say thousands, have occurted, | tion—for that just punishment of the ene- my that would secare safety to our peo- ple—but if yet a single Yaukee has been brought to suffer in hinb for any of these numberless barbarities, we bave not heard of the case. It does not seem to oceur to those who have permitted thit astonishing state of things, that they have been cruel also ! we have of theirs. Onur total casnalties are two han- ‘dred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and ninety-seven more than ‘theirs—that is, our casualties have ‘been fourteen thousand more than /a3 much again as theirs. This is the way we have “revenged ithe firing on Fort Sumter.” But this isnot all. We havespent most two theusand millions more of money than they have spent. We have made one hundred thousand of our women widows. We have made one million of -@hildren fatherless. We have destroyed the Constitu- ‘tion of the country. We have brought the ferocious “savayvery of war into ever corner of ‘gociety. We have demoralized onr pulpits, eo that onr very religion is a source of immorality and blood. Instead of being servants of Christ our ministers are servants of Satan. The land is full of contractors, thieves, provost marshalls, and a thousand other illegal tools of des- potic power, as Egvpt was of vermin ‘in the days of the Pharoahs. We are rapidly degenerating im Onur civitization is perishing. We are swiftly drifting into inevi- table civil war here inthe North. We are turniog our homes into charnel honses. here is a corpse in every family. The angel of death sits in every door. The devil has removed trom Tar- tarna to Washington. We pretend, that we are panisbing the rebels bat they are punishing us. We pretend that we sre restoring the Union, but we are cestroying it We pretend that we ure enforcing the lawa, but. we are only catching negroes. ; That is the way wo are “revenge ing Sumter.” Selling our souls to the devil, and taking Lincoln & Co.'s promise to . We have it in greenback and Sly That is the way we are “reveng: ing Sumter.” . ie M TRAIT O n —— 6O mi obil {TO eos u ae e of is be rab! R IRS thei vy) Bt) wea vi a eta issi a + bury 3sissi 8a Ty5° w : ae iesip Pl ne neg Debye Sear is Oe oe dpcgroe so | y ce | ory by et ocean y al Utes by wetting isl dock in OBE . 7 m ‘é yr: ‘ aa th a do ea i fy a ke. UuGd wi ing ok w Vv ck ak sta’ i ee o 2 on es ji te POS by ror a we are upo thei nice isa meo SED . re $0: Go n ir|! y v t gle u at ali pos ver thei jay oun er tb TO row uaa | rene sive pmep c have dene pat chai Sar abeEs tiles bas pele > ly cert ts AER next a of face s Sorret a" ae: ans i sh eee or ait rat <I . . ve . ‘ . t laviog of coer ng ne mowed nrg how th oo Phy on io ¥ rhea og do mack’ casio gna e of a os cl tha sees the rmin : Ye hae ar th sane — riv the wo aa a k ov | coun s ders ihe | ul e mih "s f thes oe © res of an w _— ti en er is m) ind dat tr o s wh U ie G fre itia jou for | tli every ell . es Se Sea r s pat s Ww ce ron ¥ runs can bv of |. n oi ni aoe gift. e al 2 Junde " acne b ta - “Ee h low 4 tb auk aod ev y th ae ee § 0% rt I so ys)" Gers lit ke y life ; to au! rite @ 80 sca or ver d al ‘ on : en- ate 80 t yo the = lila 7 torrent vield of au il. “com bm ream _ . the ee gad & a bas seerns our eee hem. eetlone ri i" and t - ns of th ch m e y ba peace’ 1 eld ch mate shoes sym ao jo The: ¥ and ie are Red ° 8 t 8 6 ]- lo | d ith of : rey s ur im gre ser nave bee Re the ee A path a just a y mak of your see oe i a aioe: aad a ea oe ne sp aphe er res ec! y che f eae / 7 el. wh Ja e of ™ i ort pou ‘4 . fi Lee De Vi us or te ements eis ore ret the i ae bl pie t chest nd V fun "bar - ] coll nt are ve it 5 pephe a n : ee we ne od undans p e scan a bh mat ecti age! iaposed uu y La gu ide: h i weed « \ a ad av S d in i. ust na of pecans 4 Ma Py Loui ie e A o « all tio b ig egies N ae of a ut = on yield tock LIS ; ng i the th io i be . spe a : roe. vids and the wt owsels r when MOND BURY Hah veomnae provi . create bee ; ey 27 Sta e of tb riea 4 her inv med by Svieed - aY tY.N - sul they ‘lvee isivu ble t ne a its Yy goc > bo 6 inl “oe pa ae ua, aders b ict EV —— N.C - efi wu 7 m ‘" = - sepa hs = sal fi para s rae ’ rahe nee ; The ENING. . De —_ pug F to ntend nd our x, Pa ean v- iN ade cise ene ar essay ; m1 :eTO cou ’ = _ == | 19 ie c ‘ or i . on in ree made Peak rob er to Satt AUGE | thes val Pani cd. conn in ra i right ce e pr recy ind A yo are i c zh anca dd ut a not rec a Wi ST | s« ubje e the al are th esa eo rears tea- a to a te neat P| oe boso: aod — — cit f ent gent! orks 10.1 | on, ay ae an se ” ev e hart pia u oe is rlleings Ee peers ors phen at gg ith weed Pavo l } Morn you Are si ve the f tel rom date ema —a 2 $63, [Sie ee ear imly y be | ean t > dered angie nm th pps wi ious! aly — ach 8 ibuies dag ; 4 cra as suth yo of ng fir | lras the en , § ni pn . wl u ea and ed us we |? tai wa st oa, en auaare ly | w bel ite ape it oh ag ven we fe u be b geane es ee sta mn niv i vat iat It bo M4 to es h ur nly uty 3 and do al teens 4 tele « to Hat Rc - ; the i aie ag and Hon ae ‘@ 8 of n pas: nem wee this ale — Lba affects with und » the ie ex Op- val hav the nih ws tay ad > they were hg 1 Y. dhecs ° rn —— v hee the . C ne till ow sec y's th Pp let: | n (s Nob d to lig am T ace ng : Sou yre stor in tt the to E ork Times ——e y sac \ pes* y! odu thar pe , n l aw rai at plac t. | su nonv one en geth he ine he ees slsetaa y or can form 10) & eo n eo of th ussell — coun aes stu t aod 6 re) » th d eachi o fe: rave: id or all d eg, ot tes fi vy. an mu ymun er i of re ot u ae ur se sees oes nies we hes rf sorrep a n efedei n called” ng pidi oo ane ting Ai cect at ithe an | pore ort d tea Aree Neuen 5 [ation nye pere seaitea oe y |! off the. mere a nd Pree Jatt ts ‘ tioa ue ata that Shaper abe holy ° the ente ae tha ee Ww = Co ible way com dv cu a ae te of he mati at of ata 1 ration is Love s bee dh toe pro eri e rac dedir e e valey . ar Pre =e cl au sha you plac ct t ork untry BY Me ope lt y, and ten wee ton) the North Car Haig nt? Sin e hn ge + th he. » with : ths Rai ontls yas. AAAS p ue ‘ TI . = ned ther 3°" yh eens rat he ay ded doc had Sta Ca the iti ai nd ot ni e new aft ster ° are Posteo, any be riump Fools Sa oo Iti iE TIT of eis the rom od, i on} rest 1 neces tines of te, drolge en ae ay fier a her? Rion v b ‘00) yo a th ‘ Ss ce Tk oe 8 bess se en . , n . i ss se es ve the na, U Im .— Ss i a fi balk t -° i pb Is! a nd a of Te Il . tl aol . ay ’ 18 v ud ‘ t t a s fai : aha gh 5 a t di po Ik 1ei n we “P a u me Pp ad ry par of be le co nio por Ri at pas lo ne of at « joti BEL Y vil yo 188 rte 1IN — eir! td st ind ou X) -* act, raw | lu atio: 8 en ad mua tan Freer ar your serg e St vm the. a, there oul that NG T H ‘. espair seti n r e strug’ only fg wt els ae the aor sola Ord snd and snes, isle de da eter’ pi A al i will chlo th AX AD “ ° n g! ¥ jo wi Pinion nt i V ints the to ler Exe m nd § rate BF pubs of er’ le bol { lect’ lt o wi ner 2 i DRE __ ent ce gle f | Se Ls at et its he ghts oca C th fro ibe Bi g.2 th fel ca in ; u s u 1! sti a) wi ei : 71 2ESS in : rn, ret aw I rot ete tes be ap m t J e use, of the of chal a you fortu on, 0 smoe th thi isag his c a to th V ith \ th ee ae porat e tt a ein whic given a rea ‘Presa . " E rig pee pro and you t 1of, sel e cf ne w ais go i Pt xp KF ° ne b ue al ng ou nevi e i , fe ’ ened at dnen ent leo” og per r urpi am eat th oO ing em t od { m pe T l a the a m1 VG itebl to F gm vue _ to eG t Of y 7S ee pitud if nee ite ji at th f the Ztot bare ney deal tow a, and ml wi HE x ack- cua aN : i overam e n oy wera and ed phe inde ower of Se wound ‘ bead all the sierra aye d eas imag) ere st grav his fac assine nd th | To e noe we 1 be PRES rei rt ma Union. ae hehe al com casa rame t ed s. ries thi ed idi yet nd vil ch turb nary ou sia . ent si the next do fou SIDE pay t zht waned 4 The da alle fro: 1 lab son ek tt py hes w “ it tat oi ber ace ee tm vst pi tom an we oo es oe cot mon eerie are a ae pst th mad sa sored pan’ 1a or an e a ini | fo ole 10 h tio uy a ; Pare ul rar mec nie: i - privet Ni ipo ex tio . s th ee that ~ foo ve ic ritic. rmo un} y ca cla Dis- orm maly hav ne voco notl Gov oll 108e aa “ ard 1€ Lin the rot | ee a ile a an tin hea M est, e big: te Soa cao Is your aun al. O ny of Just, aise racler aot ‘ pte oe all ven | ea e kein re ahiohia t ces nea Pr he one or va Mfrs with Kew te cae os ee pee ue ae f us au iti rel or aad " call uty eee i — it ews Hee: ale ion a the consti a en on plas agra al the s pore ; de > vo sti 2 )! o : ve e ied sub re c ose y t ven 0 - 10) ied tei 1 you ravi pr stark stage a ey A pth of 3 a fall and ; may ESS dis- | fath AK and if fully ieee serv : Rie. iaained,. © aha ran the I Ex “ cual e s Ds dived yO: vip ev est of nist on , sou it hi! : di - be ati | fri ere. all if th yy oh ves ice rt Won ed FE pea tra red ared . ti Wan a a. cial ews ay t ad ps gw pro aad the ne, Maca cid ' sho ivid tru tim rie , mo , the ey is lo ; of al 1 8 io. w or “declar a t s tot give is the A UTIV nd . di proc be Le primis a Wi posing the game aren ° nena uld it ed, tl ly said | re nds, tl thers good valu a very per bu tre ont Ca vee was d suincre Ma three i eal \ ; | Wi : : gait of eve ia 3TO ; the ee of isis be tis Arbee ioe as out e 8u tion hap ney fa a vey st “al opi e life vou ie acon ae powe r Cac - a ts protect i n of N, —_ teving eve y the the gubdbl real s { to aren w m of has peo Wey en! & fost 10uld $i nor a ho the Ste) enu toa ruct wh sen ne as, ver! tot nck to 1 eV uly 30 jan and Noth w phil ed issi j to th . af oe, of i nu . TI ish .. hwi n ste v of med pos n of vse nd 10 wh a t r) 3 in hose lor, i ery 0 G. upe ar— ' 10) | e ter i ex it, wi t r If. wi ot rs ae vu ut cla a, a y seule on th 0 A et 1863. . en ruio. fi arty lo iosopt up b oO of Tt ton eit tendi , will yet bens ; vald b oO th to lose , bro thei the su, on W re C. who am nd beld rvile ita sed who ” CO aE et pec rom of seize iy a y th i 1e vb in \as lng be n shield ne los moth thei a thers Fre old she eon thre to ad forf ove u ied th padl: are sondi “ns, ro ) uen ” yr re the hry Pes, ; ehie so earri to al ny th sti eit irr mor or = Ui nual uy dt ont) rate dec ferti s oytion. a by rea ao dul tiot Get ad Li Bri a n m¢ oo ee | ae it het ttn . ied ov ebild jong \ ie geo rem “. will aCoo gouet t s r e eet ee es eat ae pg ie poate ad 2 pias vie peti and Ww to or las : to fis: at di Mt “tio nd rgr ren’ (as erat om aval aunt My ® ela van . mee si ecla ured 8: . By us Rae © thre ad ¢ Ti nized 4 to Ma , = £ - bank sav j wh is *€ ost dis ay me ; eon 10) a the we ul eres get red trot ate mpl Fal 5 ale y bis ve een ie Y ust ag as the Kuck’s z area 7 ru ve | ed ent ie t waster arced yrace hairs igno = anes 8 con bem * cae ' iad WAL : ws ese i ae i to of iw ke cca p ah Vowera . pe _ of toate the 7 es pat a picy | . op orn, rae Pay i Tl to thi : <ih my att : ine tha them notin Gee | ee dies So r oe and tired is ee ee tw thei se 2 aie ‘sae , of vo! Thered of | here in Pay “ je ron - tax is ane Minch t we t they yet ‘e wat chai ie her had Bat ie ie oly oa : scree a , 7 aan toy A : tle i] Vv co "O eri er ge. toe “ ’ i } is ’ of ren! 8. , th th Bea iuptee Thi ies the ba whi . eat in «6 r dos © trai ass al m- the a cond rae se age 1 G ap haling eae ilabalgette T : vn > ba nod guided co} Bese mired bij r- pee ber: field BUG veh tt say: * lis tou eld b a: Nor ure th id hav enon t wu avin nist as wise | the e une = of cy tito rhea ps ftp At pie sta by annie : pena ie Mo mani and but ie We vey ar the of _ amd far Baie and ae ‘ e bas - tsar sao : PO cae eae ed oc ome ot ten bels or as ae ie pan of Region apt. | aed Co by th there ul an mn all and “ pine cael ‘ entnd caer’ hes Rai akg He 7 chan : t- ae e bie shiall ion Cost of ir “law Soe fie ui y= - ‘Og ~ ent and haf mn © ot er we , e uc an ne ie ters, with u test ver uc be | bis A m y re vol sell all Su we nd xa r t | b imi v re) be ® us n t t ae o . s in at xte tu ch L , Da ne ov t lor, . 1 age i . ork Icom cum are _ all cs eat jean ce See raed eee eon tase vi a nvolea hea it Iv is Lessa hd tela fates wil The ces stat = noel eee ol & irk 1 cant ving + een ; Qu ; self or " all of ace to a ye ¢ the i goo ‘UF stew 3 ae he ny What seer Gore an brain ace ep eM ce cela give vnable Ww roceed ort y cal - og noe me of ut att of t art pr ill be me th h Hy u to p disg’ eo | Tae _ Yu sae aa vent th ce? VES le the he lore a yn tt ce ar and j ing t m ; Ra: a | ies Oo) are 8 le pe ome the G er-M eservi nts— e Pres you your the grace jon every rs teint sole ; weet xect “ela orde ce eared eee the -H ing yal , Bi rn 1 {T tarvi Op in sOve aste ing witt do K to } chi! gr tho re y bs ood Usd he Cn shall ne ene ited, bese ibe emy” be b : to b ' w be 1D ple . rs S vt v e ne B) avell a ot tu ‘ ght (e d u 8 m , a , : t ys pu ice aes re res y pe! sea if mos: 8 em tmen sand earth hat G our d at. G ed th ren, I ey “ ad ny u . bel our pag patel ‘ad ! ie Ange od { warate ry fe Pesan pr sergio fs Aeuguen Esau rnd . Se ee ee —ho} oa dots ant oe vat the e eae rede aes sre ne every a? w ¢aki oes, i D _— e 1s ut sand A rv 7) oe vd v | hrwagh et Vus 8 ow stars Gone: 4 an sed ito reves in : t tM ki sing par of ia a re so u and tt eff ent og 0 le you ties agi you og ¢ m ar wi to I v d s a | ee he a ing M- fiv g ap ty th {it rm p cer ed go} hu he Oy tho gu rul eav ar tuna ga v g yo “ ait ¢ No decp pen sha cor at say Ser dics : J Tar eee ; ony sar Hoe = : and ua oe . the arenas try a - nl tbe in ‘ whe i iT ae Annes mt ane ade oie ae we mined by be van Ro: : s% . y > » | : bee ee " v ole . ast ‘ : ere y's bom mee raided aaa leartly our on, tax verred army be ks Let t half of may ugh eo Isr ie Ng ts y fee hae chai LE By ond a vin nae we bons by the : ining o it inte eS ion brig: cre NIT ! ho , Ore y So use wo et y- fi indh he fi you Vv 800 us an hall Vs po wit we: hav wita and s ui DT er ever anil n Jat th soldi . tb. is ga v- wil oO rd oe als h fv) led 3 ur n ule i wie we w mw ak e ress at | of A ro r va © er Fr er th tt a ut de men _ rob iil nse Ae the 1 be at - af ree no c ere ae esa er Ack or heen { de ow fe BR 4 ece i publ T RC at ee nd & Aas of While ie »b ther panel is +b y woul enefit and aie oe . as ifui ye th yo 0s ene du ore et vou H Act mses, BRATAM eho t <a male : no me t i “A y ju th ale. at n a vy ut d wh ok » aL 1e\re jeri yo yev u aoaey, th arrel ie ced unt ou | od AEG ee dd ™ trai ins! - mpi 1 \ Dor of. rde y pa to pa w: el th 3d vol ing ur rN wv your et It ap re nto Um of Ast ta> ul rea posec otb doubt me Lat Oo ie ne: | T eth oar he m | y ith aL e@ ti witt uti co Uaies ac enc pepe ioe qui ine a7 Aare NOO - dee a. e e atl . gf =| bi Det mi ne pered yay ” 8 th id ’ ion on: | e he im 00 orn rn ct ven= | He T AX uy aw é ar rs ° neg ¢ hear y ok rol 5 isi n ADI D e 7006 ig! oi e on ary : I is F 8 8 u ad tn n- n . he vit tG LX. oe s eal w dai ar| k aS a is s is 81 the wi ttoi off it 1 val in of em) v t Suit to arolk vl abs 4 tol m « rent tr N / er Be: an re ba ; as ail ore a anger 5 th db illed. shut 7 antict sim yoca 1g stow om heial pat alt defe soler our fr migh war | o the sup lee ~ = mot eur ‘that, th any vos 5 a ret dered ae we C (et soe Il br ous! trad zl our TI sp ie tpat bly n be ks Oo press is roti e, we eat. toY everse ty ef. ayia tut loneios e ‘all ni pend shat corn. win tp ate! hase York Atel ; psa « uot ugin ne; cobk des iles pick ne ren ing rg ar,” fp , oF dent call ear \ ank ‘ | ate eed Lt ake ous ads os Mow Ara ee u ‘ ay . het plee ? co BG M4 ZT OES at ou % et da q ey ud. ke rod J y ea All ee an a Una uw, n pe LL pe 1 ha m iW wrapl t nd ur “ f gh 1— yghai o Dn od s | m an u gy c. uc : Javi res ure w d a ra w te we v 18 ve t 4 \ oe ter Md sts for ie ' to 5 ff d th d n ¢ 1\ v } wb d w ! ott! ia tal h ph i . ‘ boa ; en o, a8 J. D aod ate ed. ae tliat ron Fast Gelor qihe — athe is. pond t _ will 10 iad bel tail vw nee ce a” we ese ? Th, iL ae ul th beta tr ‘thank oi eral my - . : e , t lor ‘ ae thie Ta se : ee 3. apn Meee a} co s Tt be | ring th uch i mo ¥ com the ev case. | a nae! o this nee n ' “ ee » oc aba oe f Siew tl ; of ! ere ane ne ¢ cn vng fe weer u cece th a ea vn y rs it CO! be w ’ re ref. m a1 : th of sci ly Ta aliie orn w m me ot icc ; ve wi cere ror ee rh- rei ppone d th u of ak 4y E pgn y | a is Ww du fat ub it t not 10 oO all va «@ iis ar th wl v< il th on raa as a an ole ed bab to rr a @ Te th ny oq ized ra ar ce | al « ug self ane dimen ugl oro of P nc eri! smi ney hee a i Gar me ¥ ds Mi ry an tiie vual erat rty . le ‘ ) t BSI; t ley ture vet 2pm aM , possit gre elt sas | vil g one! A mt " » the wnS resi » he ye possi! , ake sd we “ Ty dS uot exe exe) us yu . tke crit nek Ss ee rot rt add rs bh at be i at area, the 0 i ire » sh n St Si: Cc re ible Ne io bert “ont vied ° tha Vv re th ~. Det he ny gus im th ot , _; shot e dea ve en t lf vid) ine ged AY ate. shoul , , ‘ ve 1 este fede er t . Us td ) wi } keeping bo. Crecv a fo usk © pis tle res onbte to av al of Iv ai wu aS tr met be crease ~ bu seem sue ere then Cee edet eracy hat boat a . t vay Jou - GR f eth og u als mk ais ey ae Baie ed, in as tr oid 3 was im eSS ated i "?P ak qual t Bad) : as tl ato ons | — eat to at! Bel Mie ee ! jeep be tps ated a d J da Con * al ing « Th ga expe pa abe inte tb ere} Ay | er be bC. ue, ti toe te, Amp au- ai the ny o et e ad Ua it tat ani hou' an Dye Stat ot Slaw SAF : A ‘0 anh is laa the ay’ sem er i . tha edi i; 3 : We utl me , that nt ‘a e qo ie th tb ‘ dith ar tse ie inv de i astl ow be ad wae At is OGL] (iw, al hd v nt } 34, mane re night this itd Yar ard, aan % 2 CNS at oth irely. nd i ABs qiered. a ne in a our d itheult ee ae to be ing i hacen, eon oo On aN oe erobd - vee Wicket ri Was pa <* he Kees = teely , N Boalt crale A ie ‘| our Let so opl ren eter ae es acte ae aE ne the S pea vt ba- hea ve eke soil dow is fru t sat oan o ed iF ped Y c Ni . « od ot pr e be le rev m OCcu} rr m ( y S. f . ines " ee ais ae 4 f ou w ol it a i et are dav € ead ne ho ( wi s ins ily pe Istie sro: () 2 w Or Bi rt ev nes pea cis " th m ma te 4 ee ell Galt jun ql ind Ith ther nil vere it is sei dou = del (ree ho i, are aly Pay tPa sot Ned bia feria : andl ° ay ae rau af said c Mar days o NIC fi cone 7 are juuest publie us raya) a | ae Fhe ed, a Outer deluv v e oe a vat 4 batt yun by : 4 os hast = eens ve nA Bes. ein : m pperbe e d peaks ; ’ t : oH " ; t e 4 oa ir ey cb ’ ol a} er T, k LI : oe ver. Erntr that ie nu ne wy ow ) da it, ant be your haa © ioee i. vito 7 me ven + the pare el wer m es for fale pertin endl Tn ae mtn ad <tsee| o the i TITLE : n Go aml tw TAN they ab long EE) RES wa hon fore ruin, ous , hei cane ite o an ut jus ie or host ‘laser wt the mms adt dt ees dud were pe D fad Coke T -_ urte ith ene wot me un oid: [fei orab we ar but fo td any ay re we set ar a bens Ay ea h Uni MS navies yh : a Shame toiey” dies ~ ened aaye RAN 7 , els as - the sel eee se i Th. the | le ar 7 ha eg ‘frm \* ar eee . oh nines ta . rd Conte bees, 4 he ages biema har } to 2 10 re NS ce be iD “) ot vent nee lp he F al ri rd r ve | isu Ly 0 St JI fou iad i a) Ki en j w f, : v ' Sau 4) t _—A t J AC yaad y) n ha m ‘ Fu rd las | m: U All 4 w t i rs de: \ wr rac Al . ty an\ t, th p pee i gedase uly 3 CTI 1 ‘iol 7 ei dis iad th eee oe ida ane Frey sata W go resp bea ss corte wh fort ee key me ee sot afi Aes has a n a be « Po es (in ane cha le Go : he F Ma fit and pe ilea l eee od m sect y rie De- | ng br the vn fi head ‘he kee 06 ‘ai ich pa er : 6 be oO the sbur Cy ee ue ale raven —* her wil (tu ters Orys on Pp & ity, ech ape t o wht r val 1UT ed irra i sen 8 ah fa ee ie tl 3. 1° “er oS who offic eee anid i do ‘ein f, ic ha Noble a cee we pind nurs er hme | 7 tore | aide i fees ve eee pie Ns tr w ' © ’ Wi pe om st : ose cre eae of oth cra mC J ve ble Ci ay pay pain. Ur pos itr eA mai not ym e Sov, wy . but e Sout e ee 8 se i ah ne nieve oul ck ric ae iow rvs muat veran ¢ fear that aid . Capt aerte ier one upon ae oie ma “ bit y wart i pee her her vate te _ al Lager cts the 7 | it fon oem sing e vou ecesna nat atch otatl oe y oth eae ance F JN FE witk favor as ; hen rs of we us trot ante ; v- es ae S, tle rel a ote ntorall co ar eee te ven cA 1e0 ry equ the ey: atcl ett y a It "lo soM . rt ed Soll pa wiv (his does gh ing fe hol d Py ret w i ney ne shox he j m a be or] tm an Y of t t ol ev eb m, : vi are se C8 sth ts da rudd ail ete ist att ¢ view mo b tis the (rc 01-1 dolls ne’ des ne doe “ . ther ret : ne at oo ven 2 laa Mu i" ema h si vie tt 1463 dated ott ight Conde ae at 0 eer ee afer ne inc ve yon eres T!. s ‘shh poat J nk 3 ry » & Mw re Py i . edy i . t Vv d , ‘ hdres ex Tj > NS Tue " > Hi telvad an tes . a ame ene o . " rhe in Le on was G ps e e ul , a nd te erks) wa tb we y G te! tl par 1 pres i en chil Co ‘ neg cils a a8 ve “ 7e ot,” ® tle me eur ! all tun oie hn ay age (ory om +e re Of mutt I) as ATE aver Vie ea re oT ern mete ne le nan nidce he acy, rit -— ‘me brit Won. ve ‘ Pappe r : bo n ine eur bette _ by node b nad. l tl ° i] € n t 7 v 8 t t \ t é Y r e wa ‘o fo dal ed t je 1° ur em pos gul me ya iter hes we} s of ter CO nit 5 now went Pir ye mi ygin va e eat eet! fad ter ed Tt part Pee th their df pe het ed t owns ‘e TI sible, f ate a ols ig. - vilow nave t at} sa 1 Braz i? see ut i Bi a i wer t ‘a aon ; vl cort “i na the p d Station rr) r : . Wy ele ley ,f n ae ; ing 10 teeta mee a r att a en a ais ett o cle eiscs ss oe ir) Depar t ae lie ee evorm e d j “e nee those nee are ur we ne _e ee ee ver 8 an hone f Jel of winery ' u satis o ie re fio loyal we hed - tily te Le s ian oe emy a 1 e 2 € $y ‘ “t n ot ; G : OY est { ! : : . Bu® so Cs ae sme Png sone oe i then : theref wisot or hay Benes elit. 2 an fa le well cis OF > Cf this —s a ‘one a wie ci ae Hes ee C UE nee bh ae? ne ent, e N 1 ith re | w he or 1 Ww el arally do ry \e: od ¢ 8:.W Noa re of yu ne ¢ or tes ee ota moat : avd a to ex he foi sa] C cand aned van s c! ii) el th or t e @ ee x pirits he on a nd - Lat | 3) aus Weed ce nib a n “s uw sunt AOR pacha re , o ae , . é he Jdout a 4 1 ne us , Ve iat ry : ( re « Sie ranet cist te Me an | ey ae i ae ; off ol Se Ped a al rom vol Nay it od Kui not ruts Biel and es tw “ h py ne rece y W ane J, Wl busy te m uy ee ao ee ” ai ue ; 2 is. for Won tt ime oa Ace sup” c., fd Ue. the as dd y ry re in re tis belt 5 low eH od app) nE ived il Ww nd y abe eaten ee elf, nd Tet oF alber ~ 1 mice ri hel . 4 v pick yy io ie igi . he oer, Ita ot ling gard slows BMD IGDe Kove wwe oe he 12 a ee alee ia ve pen y th picl ae “ a ker us ms nf tw ae ' bes - Une a a . nakes RO "I i he sta —_ " ” jac ann. of ‘ ata tc to th " hem ther mitt a ho hark, fron by ees cs we ‘ oy agate on <cler i the all). wee a oe the pn tee f } y ip , bk jan ket pnel { pro lute caADn ewan guilt watt di-wa Eee tro. ve br au Aue ee i tu ¢ , wh ar = oe ene 4 ar tus (A ain Iv» ie HUES Lb the res) will T ices. or stig ihe e the Th ae | read visio ely n ol al Mleot Ity yo . ar se, and yed a it the you Saat . oe - ae mi ie —— : ae 1 yee mene i. he I peer me cit je res ec di ti yt ns % eCess. wa pre of t be Fl it ty elud 9.7K cour Fl tor wb fre Cure cor Sie orice bd tu 1X. oto 8. dou of Tes! b f, a y t fh ul o t ys ) u I d e ’ or 5 oe rr \- ( J at : 4 t ae “ti Ze rk iF aaa baler rout ary tl be visio Lt aa la ‘ori ari i ne re wu ; va A NO Grist ion tuo) Wen aac ialy tes 0, a 4A Vv) Mead ese nes at , awd Pat ong hey } nt wh be cx vat la avoid : i: % ut Lip . and "y ie Ms a y wy! vie POR’ TH aoe aia oe | tage ° . tol te, fro ‘ io Gov rt ae ei SAS alee me ea. shee: i a Lehi Alab enn Bel mint orth new TAN’ o+ CA vet inde- | Mins wna “ : vt ne ¢ ei soil hed th 2Me ver led atc a Salt R othe A ans Une ie ct er ow NT ° R¢ rp N Ls) * : : selt jus’ e ap ea be ne t ores ux to ey r, | pt vad ome al jth er Oune ° F I ars NG Ip : 10 Ito ‘i d t e 0 ret t gard: lt te \ ’ I ge R . AN ( , ‘ f ly n fico, th her ke de getl bu Ly iter rds but ) ' la er 1° per tf oO NI S ar “ : ; 104 cel bel pa provisi eir oe pt a ier | th ee the on to ie : iw ara carded. rec e he e AN | y ee i : 5.000 fore "4 gb islo! age as ou 7) ‘ Foal atu , (as . o Ma har te [Ged dia the uf fa Ke SUR a oe et oh . : : 1.2 tar : fro ¢ to ne Dts te, han a , dut Cai * p to s it ce 1 Vs enw mgt cA) th ths pel rope OPE Ly Nese id : : 1 200 — | m thi som wo , OY Ic. dt pl ys nnot this m ’ al te ixty a) els he trel ree tere wn (th An cx ee : : 22 ux e ald a} ( on ys ve wri da ay vd t t re co y \ ‘ po row V s “ ; 81 ur is ca alow be dd fo! Sa TnI > | pov ical ry te rite ora net ave lew vert funee niece ane ipene fi rtant igh wee: : 8.0 ay ; 4 sasdad l re a oe oe ole ae ee Sy “ dip tonal ee coe uae att sover em the ! guia 7 : 9 0 7 as 6 gu w are or ity: le at are mi r | te ou vd yer ne act P. ne srec P ,00 wor B ar h en tl y ” m w ee th au ue nt ke or w eve : 1 0 ns ut d en lear 9 ro > b on y ve 1 ne ere we by a d y er ay M : : 4 : th ae ra h ct t wri be ut ae pla il ¢ or anal for : iy tt ur fo Ww = 10 lo nk . . : 000 wt N ere i he jong uld rite nei am ence Wee yn | the oe cone ae rR Sel “Ww ing Lo 6.5 ania wa Ww y ace > MOT t of do The nre— ther . * an eee word tice ng er the e ia atc : A 00 a g' ast us i M se the ne nti the ee poet the terlug Bort an le at ne r: yay rel ‘ ‘000 ! at eat e J ; a le (6 all al d ree tiv im re ngln nd line paar du th Pic of 5 nay dea U oh _ aptly mt teat } be we P. mls how wh ud afie p! ‘ cad oof wd 00 yk Y ni nT . od’ ete ed 0 1 p er iwe ar tr val a rw tan he toh m7 | 0 wu ited t ce ‘ t ‘ ” 1 ‘ , t ad vd 1 " 1 : 8 eC b ‘om and nleas eV rac ny rk ite ain rea th tnk ne: iA ard ve " wr ton 000 h urg Sy om : vou 4 y- j cue sug ne 4 own Al e. neur ust Ly) and ”e enc! re the ees ° sot the ariece n y ick nh - nee lief pimple ‘ tveahie ane we ty third St « f retn 98 arm ont __ rity nid ae on oOo fd nd edb vm caley. a giv is ptt sup tl ee or tl irae 994 y y Chi _ ‘ re us h ne ex y I ” y 0 cn. jot pp ird he \ AS if . , was ina Eng! et iy be prese von Times alae oh ee 9 oF vee } nm Ve pret 1880 la va e . of! , : ’ iY \, wose ‘ slat man j ees pies slona n the cores re pur { the thos pr Vv Vher Roe ding A. 5 at in vok oe aud don tthe dd fac pom ge : ain en vl ney Cra Any 46 tak kx Get the In “ it they Frao Pe ia deepe r nating | nny w emy wos - fe ey See we G tye drat e aoe y word rs ce sla ling yin e oa or ae anit nakin ne . odd po thi oa te u eo ou ne efi , t] t ur th hue fu a five 0 n nti r pon i thi Poet, |i 0 he na ° t! rit Py en ot ed i the me will th one aL o vere c 7M te tl ne “ Ve pe po Ge itd Pol the sed aoe aad th pti. 00 ase onee rn tient nit» enon re ved paran g - tee oe on it Ol me the pal ; . “ et ela har a Peri phe sil at the ry n.” venaih ta mt ‘ OU a ob- (vas } pfelpaics eoh nib RL gre 294 nding gh 45 toby are 4! rs ol dato’ as rotated per ufo years aan «tint chad vay bee : tb prit Tr ura nsw tend Spo ee ves say he 982-900, ery inet ‘ong y 70, la ve Troan Ga bla dias ‘ “0 ’ ten sur 1s pl hav etw re ville in 3: y ac © een w oe ree ry te in bt . the “bhad ceed 200 ie °o f te Peay sas per © loder of ed ha emowat sorre $1,5 be fo nt 2 res 93,300. TE pps fed . A 40.—. Apri ’ re ert lesa re - (@ ; Cont a —_ coed its ot nko it nvern. berty, ff the 1 with eaye annis ige, at seerne Marion rbead is were grove. biema, It, aod taken urrab trailor uthero lat owl) pident's of 40 in data bi te, ub 10,304 5.000 1,200 12,261 8.000 9,000 14,000 6,600. 6,000 8,000 18,000 95,324 of 1880 vevding taken Pa nensee king, a the por <aeasiOw rue ob- are a! extend we only by 70, eon the in fatded ¢ conte, mount of |, whieh, Od April. Faystte- TO. CONSER! ‘ ) F ? oan a ee “%- “ . rv Ne aaae velion wanes mass ond at ANN 6. hs ot pion rhoieny rn t bation anism. —_ Rida ae Ry So ee SR: Qk a wae rts Ss y DT . a f Aa reibonaPhro Nawe . \ CABREED: 9 Wer ies MB Cot VOTE. ue. An ee i % i Wate eer 4 Wea bee wate -thdaiettedd ° pt Fight ja w, . Mr. | ‘ ’ “<3 SRA CRE JER: ” , : Nef? pecn Rroumonn, Aug. 2 —Theréawas a Cavalry t yesterday pt Brandy Station betweea Raat ace Brigade and three of the enemy, lasting several hoors. Confed- erates fell back-upon infantry cuppa and the enemy were then repulsed, toss less than one handred killed and wounded, Col Baker, commanding brigade was severely wounded in the right arm. Col. lst 3. C,, wounded in right hand, Both arrived hace this afternoon. Col. Young also woun- ded. Weather intensely hot to-day. Baltimore American 1st has the following telegram : Wasninotoy, July 31.—Information re- veived to-day from the army of the Potomac say Lee had wwassed his forces in Culpepper on Wednesday and ma:te other preparations to give us batue on the Rappatannock and Ra- pidam, He is torufied South of Culpepper. General Strouy died at New York from wounds received in the attack on Fort Wag- uen ~*Lincola is about to visit the New Eag- land States. A Matamoras letter, of the 10ih of June, to the New Orleans “ra, mentiros a tumor that seven thousand French troops are on their way there trom Vera Crux Vieksburg advices, 24th, say that General Herrou’s di- visiog bas gobe lu parucpate in ths attack on Mobile. Rebels under Pegram were defeated in an at- | tempt to destroy jlie radroad bridge at Paris, Ky, and sudsequencly defeated at Lancaster. Loss one @andred prisoners, Nassau advi- ces state that (vo sicamers returned there, voable to get tuty Charleston. Ten blockad- ‘og Meamers cieaved frou, Naseau on the 8th .lumBO. . BRIDGE KEBUILT. Wirmiscton, Ang. 1.-~-The Bridge over the Tar River on the Wilmington and Wel- doa Road has been repained and waivs are runoing Uarvugh. No other news. FROM GENERAL LEE'S ARMY. The arrival of (he Fredericksburg aud Cen. | tral trains yeelerday alieracou placed us in posecsaion of very litie information frum Gea. | dee’s army. beyoud general movements ren- dered weceseary by (aure of Meade'sarmy. It | effort success may atlength be reached. | was reported the exemy had in eome force re- eccapled Staffed heighia, and that Niarye’s keighis had beeu vecupied vy @ poctiog of oat forsee. General Lee's army was rapidly recu- perating and getting into erecieut fighting tim sace the wrurch to Le new pumtons, and pre- | Parations belokeiied a bute possible, if not pro- beable. There is vetting of interest from the wcmity of Calm pe. GRANT REINFORCING MEADE. There i nu lonyer a coub but that General Grant, upaedately after the surrender of Viekesbarg, reingced Gen. Meade to the ex- Cent of 13.009 16 20040 reope The troupe were gent ou beard traveports at Vicksbarg two days afier sts fill, and arrived in the Chexa- peake shout a@ forinight since. The Fifth U. States artilicry. batteaes E and 8, the i6ih Penasylvania. end ihe 3°d Massacheerstis in- fentey accompanying the reinforcing cuolumu, | Shea wax onder the command of Geverale | South and Kelley. GUNBOAT DISABLED. We leaen fou the Iucumond Examiner of | age, or to listen ton suggestion for cou: | the 7th inst. tuat on the worning of the Gth a Yankee Guuteat was badly disabled by a battery commanded by Col PLR. Page. The ! boat passed City Point in tow of twe other | (und0ats. There Was anuiher cavalry fight al Brandy | Station on Tuesday evening the 4th, the en- emy appeared to be more daring in their re- connoigance daily. Tie Ines of the Rappa- hannock and Lapidaa are again occupied by sen. Lez and the enemy ere in Stafford and Fauquier. FROM THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. The Central train brought no news of 1o- terest from the array of Northern Vingima, Meade wastuassing iis arny a AGiaryoua front of Geter selt of all ot uature’s for ticadous that Uwice vefore dave bendercu ton invinadle agaist tance lis umber Tie army is suvststiny exunously on Coe dite ol the Peunsylvama “VaMOR, aud the co Gone, The peor ie Hoy rest assured the aPmy of Northery Visgana wil Prove itsell move ° ‘an equalto thee way be, When the emet gency arrives, wuch is sufficien: nei gency, whatever that Rich. Ceaminer, Aug 8 Yankee Ogicers and th tate raid the Yankees Ex-Gov. Clark wd wedding present eir Honesty —In the took from his wile the f jewelry ber husband had Winch of course, she pnred. One of the men rem Shard: but sad je tive - ‘ civen her, anu highly arked he thought Cough our othicers pro- {38 otherwise, i: stealing these things we are slay strictly under orders—we must obey. State Journal’ ‘Coming Frente caat their Shadows before.” \ — Two incidkate of recent vecurance may be “bhadowa” of & Coumug recognition of the Con- federacy by France. Sorrespondence betweenthe French and Con- federate goveruments in regard to the astiatance rendered Lo a French ship stranded off Charies- toa; and to an excha f t Confederate steamer , wikaed co Poe - Nat one of. the West India e oecartance of the kind, remember -— Fayetteville Ohewter: ie —+ Lee, wig bad availed him | Mignary iesues tual rae | Tius | catered the dwelling of ' We allude to the offteial | Ko thie county on 2d inst., wo, Eq, Mr CHARLES W LIPARD Mie MARGARET A, DOBBIN. , DIED: Tn thts County July}i 6th, JAMPS FRANK- LIN, iofunt of Jneub F. and Rebsoes Barber, aged | year, 3 mouths and 24 days. In this County, onthe 28th of June, MARY FOSTER, deagher of T. F. and 8. E. Hall, aged | yrar, 4 mouths and 8 deys. In thie County, on the Ist of Jaly, Mr. DA; VID Ro BRADSHAW, aged 52 years, 3 moothe and 25 days At Ge'd Aill,on the 28th alt., CARISTIAN BKINGLE, in the 80th year of his age. In Salisbary, Angart let, BETTIE, daaghter of A. L. and L. E Young, aged four years and ten months. nn Southern Express Company. 4% HIS Company having made arrengemenis to extend the line over the Westera N.C. Rait Read. is wow prepared to forward daisy FREIGH IS, MONEY PACKAGES, &c., to all porgts on this Rond, J.O. WHITE, Agent. Aag. 10, 1863—2mo12 . Address of the Presideat to she seidiers of the Coulederate States, After more than two years of a warfare scarcely equalled in the number, magur- tude, and tearful carnage of its battles; a warfare in which your courage and forti- tude have iilustrated vour country aud at- tracted notonly yrattitude at home, but admiration abroad, your enemies continue astrusgle in which our final triomph must be inevitable, Unduly elated with their Fecent successes, they imagine that tem porery reverses can quell sour spirit or J. Thome, | delay beyond 20 jon of ese proe- which the absen- tee may be nt the date’of the publication.” This amnesty and patdon shall extend to all who have been netused, or who have been convigted and are undergoing sen- tion, ¢reepting only those who have been twice convicted of désertion. Finally, | eoajure my couvtrymen—the wiver, mothers, sisters @nd-danghters of the Confederaey —to use their all-power fal influevee in aid of thia call, to add one crowning sacritice to those which their pa- triotism has so freely and constantly other ed on their country’s altar, and to take care that none who owe service in the field shall be sheltered at bome from the dis- grace uf having deserted their duty to their families, to their coantry, and to their God. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Confederate State, at Richmond, [Seat.] this Ist day of Apgust, in the year of our Lourd one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-three, JEFFEKSON DAVIS. By the President: J.P. Buxsamry, Secretary of State. August 3, 1863 —2w}) CONSCRIPT OFFICE, } Camr Hotes, August 5, 1463. § GENERAL ORDERS, + NU. 17. { N ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE Proclamation of amnesty and pardon by the President, an earnest invitation is extended w all persons absent without leave from the army to report Chemsetvee at the Comp of Enstruc- tion immediately, to’ be forwarded to their reg- iments. All guud citizens are instracied t. use every meaus in their power io prevail apon_per- snes of the class named to fetarn to their hy. They will be well treated and past offeuces for- shake your determination, and they are vow gathering heavy masses for a general Invasion in the vain hope that a desperate You know teo well, my countrymen, what they mean by success, Their ma- gotten. Transportation will be faraished to | their commands. Bat it must be distinctly undetsiond tbat af- ter the expiration of the time set by the Presi- dent, the most vigorous mrzsares in the power of the Government will be institaied for the ar- rest and punishment of ali absent f-om their hynaat cage aims at nothing leas than the extermination of courelves, yomr wives, leet elildren. They seck to destroy what they cannot planter. They propose as: \ Ue Aporls of Vielory that vour homes alia! be portiuened among the weetches whose | atrocions crueltios have stamped mnfamy | on their Governmeat. They design to | inte servile insurrection and light the j Gres of iucendiatism whenever they can! reach your homes, and they debaach the | lnfertor race, hitherto docile and contented, | by promising indulgenee of the vilest pas- | | | { ; ' | | stone as the price uf trenchery. Conscious | of there inability. to prevail by legitimate j wartare, wot daring Co make peace lest they j Should be lured from their seatk of power ithe men who aow rule in Washington re- | fuse even to confer on the subject of pat Ung an.end to outrages which disgrace our | jeucting the war according to the usages | Vf eiviization. Fellow ciizens, no alternative ia jeft you | hut victors, or subjugation, slavery and | j the otter ruin of yourselves, vour fumilies | ‘ant Your country, The vetory is within | You poed but stretch forth {your bands to grasp it. For this and all, j Vat is necessary is that those who are call- | cd to Ghe tieid by every motive that ean | {move the human heart, should promptiy reparrte the postof date, should stand by leomrades now in front of the foe, and (thus se strengthen tle armies of the Con- fedeiaey Vuour reach . ws tu ensure success, The men how absent from their posts would, of pre- sentin the field, suffieesto create numeri Lealequalty between oar force and that of | waders —and when. with any ap- veoh equality, lave we failed ta tee vitorious ! ' pres pete T believe that bot few of tucre absent are netonted by uowil IMerhess foorerve Ulere Country: Vow that ANG Pave toned it CMeutt te resist he te mptay ‘ fOonef asi to Chern homes and the loved ones trom whom they have been so lows keparaced > Uist others lave deft for tem. | porary attention ty theie affarre wath the | ‘yptentron of relurniuyy, mtd have | jaliunk the comsequences of their violation ' thet tof duty; that others wah dave deft their ! Posts from mere restlessness and desire of pchange, exch quieting the upbrandings of | his conserence, by persuading himself that lis individual services cowlu have no io flucnes onthe general result, These and other enuses (although far less disgraceful than the desire to avoid | danger, or to eseane fom the sientices res | quired by patriots): are, neverthelenrs, | Syrievous faults, ane Place the enuse of our | bellowed cyuutry, and of everyUhing we I repeat that the tren who now owe duty to their | ) country, who have been exiled out and have | DOL Yel reported for duty, or who have ab- boll dear in vnminent peril sented theenselves from. their Posty are sufficient in pumber to secure os victory in the struggle now impending. I calidon you then, ny countrymen, ta hasten to your qumps, in obedience to the dictates of honor and daty, and summon those who bave absented themselves with- out leave, or who have remainod absent be- yood the period allowed by their furloughs, to repair without delay to their respective commands, and I do hereby declare that I gramt a general pardon and amnesty to | Camp Vance. | July. 1663, MONROE VARNER., , or 13 years old jin his shirt sleeves comm inds without leave. None need expect to evade longer the service which they jusily owe to their country, Let them feporl at once to their Militia officers t. be sent to cainp, or | come in person wihout delay. 62) A Camp of Lastracioa will be opened ac “Camp Vauce,” near Morganton, on the Wih of Aagust. All perros subject to con- seripuon in the 9th and len District: will re- port to Capt. James C. McRae, Commanding By order of COV... PETER MALLETT, Com. of Conecripte for NC. J.W. Matrerr, Adjutant. 2wiQ ADMINISTRATORS i Sn OP N THE 1s17 OF SEPTEMBER next, we will offer a small portion of the PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging tu the eatate of Sarah Heileg, dec'd, for sale, AT HER LATE RESIDENCE, and ifthe sate is not concluded in one day. we will heidit open until all the Property we wish te well, ts disposed of There will be such a delay, rewin sa} ! 4 eS Is obedience to General Order, No. 14, and wace for absence without leave, or deser- f ; tbove meuiioned,) nee persous detailed for a. variety of artictes sold, that we do net deem it Necessary to name any of them—they being | such as are usually fuwnd on well furnished Plantations. Terms of sale made known before the sate | commences. ‘ \ P.N. HEILIG, | L.G HEILIG, | R.J. HOLMES, G. M.BARNHARDT, Aug. 5—Aw12 Adunnistratore, | LANAWAY | FROM the subscriber on the morning the 9th | about 12! He had ona cap when he left, | T suppose he is lurkiag | about Salsbury. as bis mether lives there. 1! will give a liberal reward for his opprehension and confinement in biborit deivered tome S toler West of Salibury.on the Staicsville rend DANIEL LYERLY. Angus 3, 1862—3w19 Exeentive Department Vo:ih Carolina, Aust Gesenat’s Orrice. (Miri) Raleigh, Ang 3, let3. Generar Onper, / No. U7. 4 ALL COMMUNICATIONS ON WILT. , @ tyey matiert intended for Wis Excellency, the Governor, must be writea and went to the Adjutant General, whe wis lay them before the Governor and return hix anewer Vl. For the Presert the Governor declinesto issne any exemptione fran liane defence duty, and all appheauons for such exemption to en- eure niteptor muet be forwarded through the ! { commanding officer of the regiment with his approval. By order of Gov. Vance: * RK 3. TUCKER, Mej and ANAC re vr. NOTICE. - ] Y virtue of 0 1 eed of ‘Teast to Me executed on the ICth eay of April, 1861, by DR Brodsbuse, for the purposes therein wet forth, L wil! expore lo public sale on Saturday the 1Sth of Avjust, inet, at the late residence of aaid DR Bradshaw, deceused, a valuable pantation, contaming ‘ \ 216 ACKKS, a good dwelling hense and ail necessary out | buildings, two mules, one surrel mare, one road | wagon, one family carriage and harness, aiock | of cattle and hogs, farming tools,one wheat fan ove cart and all the hourehold and kitchen fur. nituce that is not exempted by Law, in short, | embracing properly real, personal and mixed, | Terms made known 02 day of eale. CL PARITEE, Trustee, { July 20, 1863 3010 | Ang 4—2w12 j especiaily speculation nnd extortion, they will ling Ofeer. | he Bareting Officer. must be present, togeth- apposite d Borothag Odicer, fortuied by the sworn testi- , 20a div of Auguat; furloughs, or peruiasion AND. MILITIA OFYIGR or vue ; 5: Sih Congressional Dixtriet4 General Order, No. 15, tesued by Col Peter Mallett, Commandant of Conscripts fur North Carolina, Colonels of Militia will, on the 20th of Augost, 1863, enroll ull persons liable to eon- scription ander the reeent mation of the Presideut of the Confederate States, gad aii persons so enroiled,, will repeet themselves to the enrolting officer and Medieal Board, at the following times and places, a wit: Cleavrland County—9iat Regiment, Colonel Logan, Tuesday the 25th, and Wedoeeday the 26h of August. 90th Regiment, Colunel EMi- otte, Thursday 27th, and Friday the Qdth of August Liscala County—88th Regimeut, Colonel Ramecur, Monday 31st August and Tnesduy ist September. F Gaston County—87th Regiment, Col. Hand, Thursday 3¢, snd Friday 4th of September. Mecklenbarg County—85th Regiment, Col. Maxwell, Mouday the Ah and L'uesday the Sih of September. 86th Regiment, Colonel Brown, Wednesday . 9th and ‘harsdzy 10th September. : - Cabsrrus County—B4th Regiment, Colonel Barnhart, Friday 1. th aud Saturday Ith Sep- teinber. Union County—82d Regiment, Col. McCain, Monday i4th and ‘tuesday 15th. 159th Regi- ment, Coonel Multis, Wednesday 16th aud Thursday 17th September. rae Rowan County—itith Regiment, Col. Brad- thiw, Saturday j9h and Monday Qlet Sep- tember. 120th Regiment, Col. Locke, Tues day 22d and Wednesday 23d September. Catawba Couniy—89th Regiment, Colonel Forney, Friday 25:h and Saturday 26:h Dep- tember. This Call includes xii who shalt have be- come 18 vn or before the 20th of August, 1863, aud all who are under 45 oa that duy, wheth- er resideuts of aay other portion of the Siate, or of any state, or claiming wo be a citizen of any forgign State or Power—all who received exemptions as the owner or owners of (20) twenty negroes, a8 80 much of the Exemption Actof Ociobder, 1862, an relates lo overseers has been repealed by the act of May, 1863, to which the alteution of all desiring the exemp- tion of overseers is culled All persuus dis- charged from the Army trom any Cause, or. by any authority siace the last enrollment. All persons to whom temporary exemptiona were gravied by the Examiniog Board, end ail per- sons permitted by the Enroltiog Officer to re- main at home ull further notice ; persons ex empted ur detailed ou any work for the State of Novth Carolina, or any department thereof, wiil ve required to ultend and exhibit the eyt- dence of exemption or detail ‘This ail does nt include persons exempted by the Examining Board cu account of physical disability, (unless specially ordered,) nor per- sons etempird Sy the Korvlling Officer, at or 4 stace the last enrollment, (except averseers as limited ume Uevagh she Conscript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are in fall force aud effect on the 201", of Auguet, and the par- Wes are actunily and diliven ly engaged in the basiness ‘or which they were detailed, LP Colonels will return the Rolls to the En- rolling Officer, made out by Companies, with the fall unwes plainly written, withoat erasion or alteration, on large ize paper, only written on one side. with ove coluinn of names neat the left margin, the bal nee of the page biank for remurks. It the Colonels have any reason to- Suspect thot there @ @ persons holding ‘«xemp- Hous from the Enrutliag Officer, or the Exam- ining Board, uot entilea to them, obtained (hroagh fraud or mistake, or that there ure per- sous properly exempted, whose disability has ceased to exist, or who have violated the con- ditions of their exemption by charging mere than 75 per cent.. by quitting or negi-cung the business or profession for which they were ex- empted, or by engaging im any other pursuit, make separate ruil of them, and have them to- gether with sworn evidence before the Euro. Reasonable aoiiae must be given to all such suspected Peorscue, so Chev may pro- dnee cebutinny evidence, to the eud that jus- (ice may de cone All persons having basiness of any kind with erwith all papers and evidence necessary for | tovetivaton and decision, wile the officer is |} in the county where Puriies reside, then, if | aecersary to defer, a tine and place will he | All papers and affidavi's muet be | V due formand propery mitesed, ta! reccive atteation. as the Eorolling Officer will nov have tune te drawiup of correct metre. | Ino ntaol w ing. ar man t a presented All applicat:oas for excmp- | seommries for amfowraten must be | aagressed (9 tue Enrolling Ofirer only Al} appueaaens jor etemptuen, on the grenud | uuive elemenuey. on account of Jusice, | equity apd necessity, moet be presentedto the } ob exes mony of at lowst three disateresied eud re-; speciable persone. —persoos the Enroiing Officer enn endorse. halle under this call, Whose relrabilrty | All persons | Cu vovunteer before the | ‘20th of Augret, vod will be farnished with e trausporiation on reporting tu Col Mallett, at | Caup Bo'mes Colonela of Militia will recurn | tothe Baroling Officer a Complete roll of all Conseripis who thus volunteer, giving regiment | and company. to which they have gone avi) themselves of thie righ:, parGex< wmust be! actualy in service with their reqinents on the teoremuin wt home tii! ufier that time, by wheotamoever gragted, wilihe cisregarded. and ihe parties sentto Camp are consertpts, without delay Consenpta sent to ounp will bave chace of reginente as far ne practicable. and the exi- All soldiers who Pave been toausferred to Selshucy Hospice, and peractead to return home, wit promegpily re. to Dr. Hall, ac Salebary, or be arrested | rented na deserters | Li 'Phe Marotliug Officer asks the aid of all oficermof the militga, and of all good riizens | in execotiur the law, and in raising mea to drive the foul invaders from our soil JESSE R&R. WcLEAN, Capt.and En. OM). 8:b Con. District Javan Bavan, Ana't Surg, C. 8. A. } W oH Howrrrox, M.D, JR Exue, M. D., Ba. Board, \ Avgust 3, 1863. rr grneresefihe service will alow | | | | BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICR, | FIVE org eater £ fye hah ame ~ a7 a Soe. ed ‘4 *“* coNScRIPT OFFICE. be . Car Henpes, July BG, 1863 E following Notice iv hereby publisheg for the information of ait conge med, By. order of ie . Col. PETER MACLETT, Comd’t of Couseripts tur Ni C:. J. W. Mateerr,/Agj't. Natice, BUREAU OF CONSCRIPTION, ). Richmond, Va., July 2st, 1863 apewer numerous inquiries, and to cors.* Feqi. errors: yt ancommon, the Rotice ia published io pil Cnaverned: I. Under the recemt cali of the President, extending the comecript aye, all subst itations have ceased to be valid if the substitate be~ less thay 45 years.old and is not otheswise ex- empt by law. IE. Membership, uniess as an officer duly ae- cepted by the Way Department, of local or- ge vizations fon home defence or special service, confers no elaim to exemption from Confeder- nle service ; neither does service inthe militia, unless in case of officers act uully ia commission, who have daly qaalified, III. Wereafier any one furnishing a substi- tute will become hable iv his own peresos when- éver the services of the substitute. are lost to~ the Government from any cause other than the Cusualties of war. IV. Applications for exemption, on any ground whatever, must first be addressed to- the local enrolling officer, who, if he hus not: Power to act, or ix in doubt, will refer them to. bigher authority, with report of the facts. All such addressed direct to» higher authority wild, necessarily aod invariably be reterred back fer local examination aud report; and the appli- cants will thas havé- uselessly fost time and Prolonged suspense. Appeals against advesse derisions by local officers will be forwarded by them for hearing. when any plausible ground of appeal is set forth. V. Commandante of Conserigts will give this noice extensive circulaiion in the local press of © their respective States. G. W. LAY, Lt. Col. A. Ar GG, Aciing Chief of Baream Joly 27. Swily Register, Progress, Standard. Westeri Dem- oorat, Fayetteville Observer, Witmingron Jdnr- . nal, Salisbury Watchman and Ash@Ville News, copy until 20th Augnst with this paragraph, COME TO THE RESCUE! Another Chance te Volunteer and” Leeceive Bounty. é HAVE BEEN SENT TO ROWAN TQ. enl'st recruits from thoee liable to Couserip- tion, to join Capt. (now Major) P. B. Cham- bers’ Company. fF shalt be pleased to enroll as. muny able-bodied patriefic men as possible, : whether liabe to tire Conscription or not. We who have been tighting the Yankees, having Seen more of titem and their doings, know bet- ter than others, perhops, how important it ia to, Maintain a vigorous defenge of our Country and + cause agveinst the vandal hordes of the North, and we beseech our friends at home to take no flattering false hope to their bosoms, bat seek. their security and the- snecess of our cause in a determiued, nnremit:ing straggie to secure our indspendence. ‘There mast be no looking. back. ne quaking fears, na trembling knees, but « firm, steady, and abiding faith in the ju- tice of our cause, our own valor, and most of ali, the favor ofa righteons God, who always favors the brave. I will attend at the Regi- - mental muster grounds fur tbe purpose of en-- rolling volunteers, who will be allowed to choose their Companies and Regiments, and entitled, ta the asual bounty; and I shall be highly grat- ified that a lerge number of them will prefer - Capt. Chambers” Company. It is certainly much better to volunteer than to go as a Con- script, and T do not, therefore, deem it necea- sary to say more . J. T. RAY, Ord. Serg’t.. Co. C, ih Regt N.C. T. August 3, 1863. tfll Saiisbury Female Seminary, (ay i TEE Eleventh Session ef my Scheol in this Tostitwuon, will open the 4th of September, 1363. Board per session, $150 00 Taition in Enghsh, $25 00 and 30 00 Maste with use of Piano. 30 00 Lana. Greek and French, extra, $10 exch. Pupils reqnired to furnish fights and towels. Puymeat strictly in advanee. For particu . lars, oddress A. D. WILKINSON, Principal. July, 1863, uid a2) ITIOUN? R S10 REWARD WILL he yiven for two SADDLES stolen froan tay stabies on the 24th inst. Oue is blaelr qiatted the acverted tewther: also, (wo Bridles andcve peit martingles (suppesed to be im the vetrhhorhana of Charles) MeKenzie’s.) Also, Ove Keodred dolars for the apprehensium of the thief W G McNEELY Jo'y 25,1853 16:10 ; For Sale---\ Traet ef Land. HUNDRED ACRES, CROP, &C BUSHELS Whent; 1006 bushels of INO bushels of Potatoes; Cane Molases 200 yalis; Peas, @e.; 45 head of Cat- then 20 heed of mileh and breediag stack on good order; 60 of 70 hogs, 40 the site of P2anosths old for fatting, and now in fine order. ‘ihe premises embrace a turface and: deposit GOLD MINE, GRIST and SAW. d(( Cel ameog MILL. The mine wal vield trom a to rch per hand a doy tor many years, Apply at thie toe , T J. FORNEY. Wind Hin, Montgomery CaeeNeC. Jaly 4. T8638 Swpdl0 NA 2 D'S" BG" Ete ALL THOSE INOEBTED TO ME ON my Book Store uerount, will pleage call va Mr, James FP Boniss, my authorized agent and set tle tho same . ALL thoes indebted to me on my sadecti tien and prirunz eeconnt will plouse calton Mr. Bairine anid settioc aloo ; Some of my uccounta hate been standing sirce 185% and [ do hope that those who are due will cull at once and settle ep. Confeder- ate moncy is plenty—theére can be no excnee —I prefer to take in payment of dnes J.J. STEWART: July 6th, 1862 667 following - oe a Se y OO EL CR — ae ag r se e d ; oe MW ts “pee h AUCTION. SALE phe ‘ iv prom ey both North and} Cargo sale of Imported Goods at Auction, a WILMINGTON, N.€. Euyre cargoes of Steamships KATE AND PET, tieing in (be various depart- meus of his professiwa for over TU years with wood wacc-és, be | wi large consigamenis r continues to offer his oe. Is > % .. o tu the pablic where he | permanently located, oo oUeS fee ERONSTAD at aud ty teed albention to bis protess ion will eae | On Wednesday, Augusi 12¢h, 1863 at MWe'clock | deevor ts merit a liberal patronage ay hereto- | A. M.. T will sell at my Gales Rooms, No. 2 | fore, and holds hime! (in readiness at all hours, 4zranite Row, the entire cargoes of Steamehips | day aud night, for professional calle | Kate and Pei, with large consigaménts per) gy Office at Ryseman’s Siore Sinpd io | Banshee and Cr dt, attovether making it - fe peut Modigui Colleges and ( Ny, aad having been peeo- | it adusy T owe to myself to adapt the rules and regelatiegs at iny gull; stored at my mill agtil ordered te be groaud. the mort exteanive sales of the -eason, compris- ung articles vow in genera! demand. Attention is iaviied to the selections, viz: 26 boles Fancy Prints, Schawbes” 10 * Bllek,and White Prints, ‘“Schawbes” 10 “ Grey “ “ 10 canes Ladies’ ayd Gent's Hosiery 10 bales, Grey, Umon und Electoral Fiennel « Welen Fianuel “ Searlet “ ** Suk and Wove Flannel Blue Cloth “Liven Cambric Handk' fs “Ariel Black Checks and Stripes “ Mixed Meitons cases sewing cotton, Conte and Clarks, 200 yards cases pear| sewing cotton “ Flax Thread, »-soried colors ‘© 4-4 black Crape. bale blick and white Check Poplia bale Mot:ied Lasue bale ease black Alpacca case white Mulls, case Barege and Challies, bale Fancy Square Shaws, bales Negro Huk ‘fs, wawes White India wills, case Irish Linea, w -~ he i r Se kn ee Se ) Exceative Mepartmees, Verth Caredaa, i ADoUTANT General's Orricr, { Raleigh, July 4, wes) | R. ARCHIBALD M NESBITT, OF | I Rowan County, is authorized to raise a) regiment to serve fur ix months, under the re- quisition of the President. Each company will i cansist of 75 men. The privates will etect their company officers, the latier will eleet their field officers The officers will be com- missioned at and from the ime the muster- rolig are filed in ihis office. DAN’L G. FOWLF, Acjutant General. 6 a UNDERSIGNED APPEALS ‘so! apch of his fellow-cuizens as may choose | to join hinn, te report to him at once at Salis bury. If the force called for by the President do not wvail themselves of the opportuaity te ' volunteer and have officers of their own selec: | tion, they will be drafied and have officers ap- ' poiuted by the Governor over them Yhe ser- | viee ix for State defeace aud for bat six months. | Rally. men! The enemy is now advaucing | upon. our coast, threatening the destruction of | our homes and the destraction of owr meus of subsinie nce, to say nothing of the disgrace and | worse (hau death their presence entails upen | oursisiers, our wites and children Rally to ! S bales Bedtch, 2 bales Regat'as, 1 bale Blue Denims, 7 eases Blesched Shi; ting, 4 cases Long Cth, 2 cares Suspenders, 2 cases Merino Shirts, 2 casse Werino Drawers, 2 cases Silk and Wani Shirts, 1 case L.(. Shirts, Wove fronts, 2 cases Mises’ and Ladies’ Hats and Bon- ! nets, 75 diz, 7 cases Ladies’ and Gents’ Clothing. marofac- tared by Weish, Margeiron & Co., Lus- , don. 8 case Eug!'sh Seizzors, } bale Browa Bouden Duck, 1 bales Bagging, 1 bale Twine, 10 bales Bed Sacks, 50 each, 10 bales Bed Cords, 50 each, 10 bales Newspaper. 86 by 49, 5 cases Engish Letter aud Cap Paper, 2 cases Superio: Sole Leather Tranks, 4 cases Prench Calf Skins, 200 dez. 4 belex Sole Leather, , 4 trunks Ladies and Children Shoes, S cases Genis’ Calf and Kid Gaiters, 11 eases Men's Stout Blachers, 3 canes Shoe Thread, 1 cask Mason's Blacking, 1 20 bags Prime Jam. Coffee = 1@ bags St Dogiazo Coffee 5 chests Conageu Tea 3 *€ Ganpowder Tea 10 bags Plack Pepper 9 cases Mastard 15 cases Oliee Ou “ boxes Casiile Soap, 120 Ibs each 6 cases Honey Say 6 “ Skin + 4 cases Brown Wirds-t and Fancy Soaps 46 boxes London Brown Soap a 49 boxes Belinunt’s Sperm Candles 39 boses bes: Adamantine Candles 10 bezes Star Concles 190 kegs Bi Cach soda 127 casks Suda Crystals 40 cashs Soda Ash- 3 casks Quinine. (300 02) T7 barrels Epes Sal:z 13 barrels Copp-ras Zi barrels Alehoho! 32 Drums Castor Oi! ~ 54 packages Dros containing Camphur, ( ON ae « Laver OFF. Cream Tartar, Sap.s Calemne, Red Valerian, Bal. Cobaiba Bells Sie. Tactarie Acid, Quickalver, Pely, Gwe. Spits Ammon Aromat, Citrate Wag Potass Jodide. Morphin Salon, Ipecac, Chioroferm, Neagnesin, Cririt Aced. Lodine, Wadder, Cantherices, Bue Stone .&c., &e,. 1 Bevicine Chew. 20 boxes Hyirset Lagwood. 10 ume Hoop fron 78 kegs Nas 260 pieces Hutiow Ware 270 Pick Axee 72 hoges Tin Piates 25 Logot’s Refined Tin » Calumet, complete @ buges Window Glace, & by 10,9 bv 11.10, by 12, 1 by 14,12 by i4, 12 by Ir, 14 by 16,16 by 15 1Qerstes Eacthen Ware, containing Tea Sette, | Piates, Bow'e, Curse and 6, Maze. Chambers, Jugs. Boxers. dc, Xe. &eo 70 crmen “Clare” Bottles 57 '* Viera Wine Bottles A bales Bote Corks, 300 groes 150 sacks T. 1. Salt [00 88 Liverrynil fine Sale $00 eases Pure ic 10 pipes cH ana Gian, 214 cases Cornac Brandy, vanons brande, 10 qr casas “** i 1 eash chee Martel Prondy, l cask choice Jumuaica Kor., Ll raves Cherry Cordial. 40 casesSt Julien Clarret, 0 pipes og 14 yal prnee Ren, TO qnaner pore Rom, 10 eimbta a 7 casks Al-,. Qeeske Puri: i-ffrey's, 4 dozen AND 11 casoe Bay Water Wil rgton N C., B31) SPELLING BOOKS. A BMALL euppiy of Spelling Books on hand. Thuse in weed of them had better call soun at WATCHMAN OFFICE. Augua 3, 1363. ' yee _ _ "Confederate Imsuracee ¢oaapun ! Charlottesville, Virginia, \ ' I HAVE \ from ihe above Insurance Company, and am Tine Opes, Pe periinut. Bine Waee. Nurate Silver Siuces, Ewar Tuuiblere, | the defence of your hones aad Breades | A. M. NESBITT, i] Salisbury, N. ( July 6, 1863.—(tf7] ACCEPTED AN AGENCY, { now prepared to take mske on property at reas, sonable rates, and for Limited penecs of tine, yand on different grades of preperiy i—Such as! Cotton, Tobaceo. Produce, Machmery. Mer- j | chandise, Builtings, &e. This Congany has | S been in operation bat a shert + Cash Capstal all paid in, and he Id by some of! | the wealihbiest and best people of Virginity, Al large amount of the Gapi:s! Stock of this Come pany has already neen sold for ten ner eant premium lean safely reeommene this Com- } pany to be of the moet rehable choracter. and pany coxses from policies issued by this Compa- ry. will be prnptly met according tu the terme 4 vet forth in its poucies Persons in Salsbary end vicinity desiring j Uherr properts insured, can hate an opportais- i by of doing su by calbag on mine A. J. MOCK, Agent , Salisbury, NA Ge, ’ \ July 16, 6663. 4 (9 :._— ane ra ei ———— . | Sa PEW ALD ; SoVU REWAQD. t eS. i Tearcy IN JANUARY LAST. THE | OfBce of M. & E. Myers was broken open ane! the fallo ving articles stolen ther frm: Que Gane Lugish Gold Lever Waich. © thibe name tof J. A. Liltngtoa on the face, Gerinen Pex leuter@ believed to be mace bv J i Liverpool; ove Vein od Ring. large Diamoud in centre cluscered around with small Dia- ' mond; one fine Gold Rioz, wito forget me not. inseribed thereon; one sett Ear Rings and Breast Pin, Coral and Gola: twe Gold Chata- yet Jonnstel, sof the two Lockers woh mintatares ; “Irypers. Crees, Hart, Shell. and others not recollected; one Corral Breast Pia one Ga'd Breast Pin, jeett with Pearl 2 one Necklace with lirge oval Jets, with crose in centre, one fine Fan: Lene large Black Lace Mantle; Embroidered ' Manckerchief, Collar. Sleeves. Xe > Bivokets, Priow Cases and other articies of Jew- elrv and Ladies The » aveve reward of Bice Handred Jrtiare, wril be Linnen and Cotton Sheets. Balster Sips, and mins woirel not reeoltected paid forthe recovery of the above named arti eles. ort for nev part of them — Progen ' L) Mast of the Jewelry cau be dentined by Wok Wilson, Wateli-maker at ine p In ny given to Captain A. HA aheence, auy inforuacjen Miers or samuel Reeves, Se, will be pre tly attended to. t. MYERS Balahary, N.C. tare 1a, 131? ft Ov The Confedersey, at A ta, Ga. will cone daily one week.nud send b Mro this ofiee. _ A @€s A HBAEDe TY - @ BAVING cecign:d mv commesen in the Cont-derace Army a6 Surgeon. FP tender my ervicee to my friends and the muhiie ! A MW NESBITT ’ CT Giro, anposite the Court House. Jone 15, 1403 tft New is the time 16 pay Money. ‘ we ALL PERSONS EDCH ER INDEST ed ty ma hy note ce aceonat, are requested tot ymetted so heat ever mvcnfactured in eal acd pay up oe eNouthery comntiry, of more reasenuble ! LS NESBITT teense than any other artice atthe present Jnne 15, 1903 th tame , Apn'y enon to . : iT JONN SHE MAN, Sr WOOL WANTED. eee, dine), 1abA ti NE COND SHEAVRISG LAMBS WOOL “A dD EB “BE lBCe wasted by Wold SMITd i —~— f cbary, Joie (3. teed tf \ WHILE wore or rend | rSprsgne Sra oan ! Salis ones 1 Varadiya, Phorsdaye and Satur- in . 5 an Pad eQQily peat ae Hides that may bea Tet) ther | ME RIEL BROWS, ae : {COMMISSION MERCHANT; cee Will ks eee June &, 18 tf SALISBURY, Nv | or TEAS 43ND TOTTLES WANTED, ft: ' pe pers inal attenton givento the} \ wih ow ’ : ae hithes sa oak? itera oltre Rat a page HENDERSON & ENNESS, | Consigameuts esther for sale in thee asorket or Drivsists jee pert te other murkere solicited, wher | June 15, {x62 a tt Pwit be sold af laghest market proce and conte ca bee | tancre promp 1 mode. 63 WAR ys-~- (Sal “3 By m< KD 13, 16: uf 7 | Salichury, July I i EY W ANTED AG HENDERSON & ENNESS’, Drugziste. June 15. 1663. 4 BLANK jtths POR SALE AT THI3 OFFICE ; ment Feundry in Ss! { This may be a, and prob ims, kas a large | lees co sumers shall Cake timely lia Pros; one Baoch Gold Charms. consisting , aa it mar € WING to the number: of riete,;mube, im- press mentegnd the fie inthe a om feel following | Ist. E will not be resporeible for any Floor, Neal of any hutof Grain thet may be taken | trom me by mob fot or impresement, | 2d. T will vet be responsible for aay Graia ; 3d. I will not be responsible flr any Mealor Floar more thaw?4 hours afer it ts made; at the same time, A will iuke (the best eure of it | that Lean, and the same care that I take of | }imyown. The mill is always unter lock and sey when we leave it. ‘ ue J. S. MeCUBBINS. Salsbury, Mandh 3:), 1863 fa, | SCRAP IRUN WANTED. | —_— a ohh _HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL B } paid for old Casting or Scrap Iron at Govern- hebury. Persons having b any will please send it at once, or notify me wher@w they can deliver it A.B. SHEPPERSON. . Superintendent. March 4. 1PE3. 1642 Attention Soldiers’ Wives! I HAVE a small quantity of Flour to spare Anv of the soldiers’ wives liviag in my Cap- tain’s District in need of flour, can get hatin dollars per hundred, Tals» have a little Woo, to spare. The wives of soldiers m my dimtrie. can have a few pounds for their own use grat JOUN C. MILLER. May 18, 1863 i 52 SALISBURY, APRIL 20, 1863. To Gas Consumers, ( )s and after May lst, 1863, Gas will be 315 per LOU feet. Owing to the very great adyance of matena! aad treignts, the Compa- ny arenecessitate 1 to raise the price of Gas or Stop Cie works Freights tove gone up 200 percent; Tron Retorts 300 per cent. cad Ro- [449 } “LEATHERS id —_ Re IMPORPANT ARTICLE OF prime Necessity CONAPS to advance ta price, and shoe-makere are prediciing that prices hith- erie ac counted ehermons wil be nett to woth. ine as compared woh prospective demands— ly will be true uf. 4 warn and prepare to eupply their wante without pucchas- ing. [tis believed there are surpliag cattle and hides enough in the eoantry to supply the pab- he demand for leather. Farmers, as a zenernl thing. keep more cattle than can be well kept nd made nost profitable. Tf they won'd take | ns good cire of their cows as they do their horses and motes, one half the aumber woald he more profitable for muk and butter. The surpins stock might be fattened and slaughter- ed The andermgoed dewres to do all in hrs nower ty keep down the pave of leather, snd if he can secure the Co-operation of stuck -ow tv. ers. he believes be can do mach good in this di- Vrection Ele eanaot affect to pag the prereng extraordinary demands ot dry and green de and then sell leather a€ $2.the highest price he has, upto ths tere, sold at. Bat if farm- ers, wie have hides, will send them to hrs Tan. nervy, orleave them at Sprague. Brothers, to he will Tao them on the terms. odbhgating himer!(to sell his own share ply reasounnic enough te jastify hen I don't wich to speculate, howe ve and will do all Pero, agaist ot one wsbing to have their Hides Tanned can dv as abave directed. Saiebury, neuasl wa rae ¢ In so dowag. ch Soany T. W. IPAYNES May 18, 1863 (52 LARGE quantity of TOBACCO for wale sb JNO. F. FOARD. Sahsbory, April 23, 1863 tf09 ~———B Wanted. ne 3 4 GOOD ITURSE saitable for the Atiny. Apply te 9 JAMES W. CLARKE. W. C, White Sulphur SURINGs. OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS r | { "VE pnblie can have the benefit waters PRICK OF ROURD: 5 perday; $2" per weed, 875 for A Wehave a plentiful seo ry of provimtous and le . A daily neo of there viltabie weeks nw A ate kof wre secur d. vacks and mail to the Sori igs H. L. ROBARDS, Proprietor June ld, 1263 tf2 Red and White Rose Lvarea. y > F wieh to puretase a darze lot, for which ¥oowe will pay 75 cents por pound. “They lean aed mee HENDERION & ENNISS Salebury, June 25, 1°65. f4 WHEAT FANS. met be ‘ox Leprp > ” 2’ NUMBER of the Purnett™ patter T the © 8. Disttery at Xalebary, N.C, LR One ‘Thousand (1600) Bushels Maple Charroal . Proposals munt be addressed to JAS. T. JOHNSTON, Medieal ParveyorC. 8 A,, , Cha lotte, N.C. Jaly 13, 1863. 18 tig the fabrication of amm@nitinn, raw colton enn be used it a Certain proportion “of hemp be with the munufucture, , to the manofaeture of Cartridge paper vet A LL permone. indebted to the Srmnf A, & mixed with it. | W. Myere apd A. Sryaye brreby repens, Tam suthorized by the Ordnance Depart | a gan ox hansen nif cree es, ment to pure material for thie purpose, wad | Z8Ue ie er, without I tuke this method of appeating Here people | needles delay. They bp thon rave interes to assist ne in collecting eld rope, bagzing, and the inconveniepee of paywent then mop- P H ropes bagziOk: | oy may be lesa abubinnt then al present. 1 in ave es oi be ped page prolieige | hope ae a iy the aor firms bai not re- “ ae um 30 5 , | quire nget ulgenee, bet respend to this terial, varying from $0 to 25 cents per pooud | urgent call; ae it ie ueceeror, that the business ‘the Prawo, He ;OF «+ STONEWALL” uncerding to condition, locally, de. I will also pay 40 conte per pouad for ol jecrup Leud delivered at the Works, A. G. BRBNIZER Capt. Art’y Office C. 8S. Ord. Works, Sahabury, N.C June 29, 1863. 6 | Edgeworth Female Seminary. GREENSBORO’, N. C. | N —— T HE Fail Session of this Tnastitation will | commeuce on the 4thof August next. Traus for the seston of 20 weeks. | Board, incladivg washing, lighta, fuel. kc, 820,00 — Engfteh Traition 830,00, Mase on or Guitar §30.00, Vocal mo- sir 912,50, Gil Parutmg 930,00, Drewing | £12.50, Grecian Painting iS 00, Ancient aud | Modern Languages, each 812.50. | wale, apply to \ 4 should be closed with ne little delay oe pastible. A. MYERS, Office next to Cowan's Brick Row. Selisbury, March 30, 1663. 145 OIL, OIL. - ONF. BARREL OF TANNER’S OIL fu WM. WATSON, 5 miles weet of this place. Or at this Offiee ! ’ Brown's Livery Stable. i keptnp ap-beretofore. IJ» is qretifyiug to him that this establishiveot. begunm,at fires, at a doubtiulexperimeat, has preyed to the publie a great desideratwm aud a eom- plete sucess. Travelers, and others can al- 123% | ways have their wants in thistine, welleap- For further partcatars apply to | RICHARD STERLING, Prncipa. plied. June 29, 1o63. 4 8ipdb Cash prices paid for Provender. And the _ . —- | “Stonewall” Jeokson. | i] e} UST PUBLISUIED, and for mie by N.S | MORSE & CO, Augusta, Ga. { | A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxeten JACKSON By Cuaaces Hactvtocx: Being a fall and accorate subseriberis always reudy tosell or bay good Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN. Jan. 1at. 1863. 1655 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. \ TANTED 1000 Dog Siins, dry, for whieh will be paid $1 for meeinm size, and account of the Leading Kvents of be Late. has | smgller ones in propo rion . Dying Moments, and the Obsequies at Rich. | Appt to R. F. Sunonton, Statesville, os A mord and Lestugten | J. Mock. Salisbury Thies work coptuins toany anecdotes of the | December 8, 1862 1 lastrious selier that have never before been | . sa bleshe d } t For sale by all Book Stores and News Ageats | DR. How ERTCN Price 31 U0. TIRENDERS bis professicnal services te the The trace suppiied at a tibern! drscoont ] citizens af Selihury Cffice at the Bos TP Atlorcers addressed to ue will be poem pt | den Hoese. Mar 9, 1A63—1f 42 ly filled. N 8S. MORSH & 10 \ _ ” Avgowss Ge | ET DM ME > Be Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays ali Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. MeConne!, C. P. Mendenhall, uv. U. Weir, James M. Gearrett, Johe L. Cote, No HD. Wilson, Wm. Barun. ger, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed He. Lindsay, Gerrensborowgh ; WHA Waight, Wilmangton; Robert FE. Troy, Lamberton. Alexander Miller, Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yancey- ville; De. W.C. Rameey, Wadesboroagh; hey RC Maynard, Feankiinten; Dr. FF. Wat- <on, \Satsonville. OFTICERe: iN. HW DD, WILSON, - JED. H LINDSAY. - - CP. VENDBNHALL, PETERADAMS, - - WMH. CUMMING... - W.J. MeCONNELL, - J. A. MEBANE. - J W.GARRETT,- - Alleommounjcations on business connected withthe Office, should be addresses to PETER ADAMS. Seeretary (sreensborn', Ne C.. June 19. 1860 ifs DIN SAL NOTICE. oe President Vice-President Attorney See. and Treas General Agewt Execative Com. W. F. Bason, M. D. BD Bs Qe” o &e’ 2 \ OULD respectfully make known that he haere aken be DENTAL ROOMS vi Saas: j laary NOB the tine, those ea Qectowilll not eait hem to remain all fied of Wes ecuivals by waving ther baie im the letter Hex attached to the door ofthe Otee ar be addresemg hen throagh the Post Offre. at thie plore Dec Tat. Pate Les JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One doorhclow Rh. & A. Marphy's@tore, SVE SUI Na Ns Ce. | > EEPS constantly on hand alarge assort X ment of WATCHES and JEWKLRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofavery des | the qnarter, aihers se bs i seriptioure paired in the best mainuoer and On | self their papers for tie pasts re ! the most reasonable terms. Februouty 14, 16°. ly3® 4G A BW HAO EP °0.0 I STAVES 4 TTHE CON. STATES DISTILLE- RY. formerly owned by M, & ba Aly re oat Sole yay followers Tote ot whire ok timber, cleat of aay Staves, 34 tuehee lung, from 4 to b chee wide mod baneb thok Hleacma. 2tanehes tong, from B® ty lO aches Fowide, and D4 cnehes threk . ind 400 Heading ton thousand Pichest market price will be prid TOO Btaves Address JAS. T. JOHNEGON. Medical Parvevor ©. 8. A Charlotte N.C June 15 163 1f4 ‘Notice to Debtors and Creditors, A ALL pereone having qivime reainst the | Betate of Javes WV Neely, fate of Diavie coun- | ty, deecased, are hereby notified to present them in termaaf the law, and those indebted to vid Eeiate nro requested to make immedi- diate payment. D. M CRENSHAW, , Adwunietrator. Jane 22, 1983 3m5 Newdern: Thadeos Me.) avo hm thsence, weil be moth ! SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 162. ALL thoee indebted to the firm of | McCuasise & Fostas, wii call atthe Boot & | Shee Manafactory of Jobe A Bind-hirw, next { door to the Watelh nan Office, oa ibe sabseti- | ber, and settle the.r aceanpts, esther by mete orthe cash. Now > the t me to pay debe f-26 THOMAS J. FOSTER we LUMBER. oh E subscrite. living weal dowd Statioa,on Burke owunts, o farmed aay amoant of emp funder, deliweied wu hard tae fears at Ql.aUperbondred. Heariteu beras per }eoatract. Orders a ham at Happy | Home. Burke county. No C., willreeeive j Prompt atieuiion i] - prepetes resece te LC DONALDSON | Maren 17, 1862 Lbs ‘ WESTERN S.C. RAIL BROAD. | | Change of Schedule. im oy — iy OR the purpore of expediting the arangpur limtion of the malas wel as to prevent driay te Uravellers, the passenger (rius cy this Roa | willeun go ae to woke clove conectwn wrth the ‘ail Trainsof he N.C Ral Road, whic Jarnvee from the Yorih wt 130 PLM. The trameon this Road will leave Sabstory at SF M.. and arnve at the head of the Road st 1A , P.M, and beave the head of Read at 730A | Mo. aud reneh Satebary ie tine bo connect @ith the Mai! Train JAMUS C. TURNER, ; Bug cid Supt WNL BR ; Apni6, ees 146 | ‘ SOTTON acd LISEN BAGS wanted by | ( JNO VY FOARD Saksbury, Apr! 23, 1964. 1h 9 Pest Office Nutice. | QOUTHERN nad Weetein Mash clacer a: PN 19 Moc Noten ce Malch ers ut & POM ’ Cheraw, SS. Sunday. Tuescoy and Thare- \day.® Po Mos WMeckeville, Miendny, Wedcnee dav and Friday. POM: Wilkesbore’, Teer day, 8 P.M; Trey, Thorevav, 12 M Sunday Offre Tluurs. | : i |. From 12 Mo. ued 2g P.M. trom7 P.M | onl OP. M. | The ahove rules will not be ceparted from uma fnarther note Ald persone are ¢* 1.0 psy ther Pasi Office aeeounta when presgued at the end © the compelled te ~MITH, P.M | MUskLS A 1f50 | May 4, 1863 ‘Dr. J. A. CALDWELL eae pear fs Luv and the 9°: Other two dente eilizes sentry rourcer below M. Browa’® otfice Ti nmy absesce, leave your name om the Slate. May 4.—tt5e Tho History of North Carolina JURLISUED in tot by the undersigne?, preface eonerded that rt comtained om'* mane unavoidable aid many unperfections A arcond editlon wae then proms re d, which would remedy these defects. Thie snow called bud He will be grate(vl to any one who will pein ont any errore in the dares, Be ines of jact#'* the various cornices 0! the States and ery biographical rkete> ofthese who have dene et vice in the field or Rtate. Lettérs may be sent to me, care of Hos. P ow JOHN i. WHEELER. Chapel Hitt, N.C., Juve 4, 1863. SmT It i that u they | tenths ter he serted ingint In | tou paper that f day Presi rel; his r of the follow allege lishec “lt hone sort once guay' four sanct of the Gen. the d there at lea tion « comp est ft Getty Ne of a twee! ande vived office slight down feelin try, { defen We Lee j Woul, sonal VOL. XXI. “SALISBURY, i __j Pa a = N. G., AUGUST. 17, 1863. NUMBER 13. eas on J.J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ona 1 aE Price of the Watchman. From and after this date, and until there is a change in the prices of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on busi- ness, te subscription rates of this paper will ve two dollars for six months, and three dol- bars for a year. Apverrising, two dollars for the frst, and one dolla: for each subsequent publication. April 20, 1863. : GENERAL LEE. It is natural for the people to be- lieve that no one will, in such a time as this, make an assertion that is calculated to distress and dispirit the public without full authority for his statement. Hence it is, that those who give circulation to error are enabled to work so large an amount of mischief. It is oar duty to warn the people | that unless they would be deceived, they must have a deaf ear for nine- tenths of what is told them, no mat ter how confidently it may be as- serted, or huw plausibly it may be insinuated. In alate oumber of the Charles- tou Mercury, a correspoudent of that | paper gave to the public a repert that flouted Cirough our streets for a day or two, to the effect that the President and Gen. Lee had a quar rel; aod that Gen. Lee liad tendered his resignaiton, In the Mercury, of the 3d instant, the correspondent follows up the sulject, threats the alleged disayreemend as an estab- lished fact, and assizos the reason: “Ie ig waid the difficalty between Davis aud Lee gr fusal of the former to sanction the trial by court martial of the delin- vent Brigadiers at Gettygbarg, as ee desired.” It would give great distress and uneasiness to he country to believe that Gen. Lee wis ut war with the Presiden’, and thireatentag to resign, By the whole force of the great es teem which the people feel tor Gen, Lee, and their coatidence in him, it woald dishearten them to hear of euch a estate of things. We have taken the pains Coiutorm ourselves ! on the subject, and wieh how to be understood ontradicting the whole stucy in allits extent, aud by the fallest authority. The few briet as lines which we live quoted fromm | the Mereurys conmuuication are indeed a curious i lusteation of the, number of eytl and baseless agrusa- tong which can te tuserted in 60 Sort a space. once of terse and misechieveous lan. guage. They contain no less then four averments, the trath of every one of which the facts authorize us! to contradict in tie broadest manner. Fret, then, the country will be pleas: | ed to learn there bas not been even the slightest unpleasantness between the President and Gen. Lee. accord than are these two distin- guished patriots, a difficulty between them, Second, President’ Davis sanction the tral by conrt martial of the delinguint Brigadees. Third, Gen. Lee never desired the trial of the delingnent Drigadiers. Fourth, there Were no delinquent Brigadiers: at least Gen. Lee has made ho meu tion of any such, but in his report, Complimeuts bits troops to the high est terms for there gallantry “at Gettysburg. Now, what must the people think ofa writer who alleyes a feud tween the Presicent and Gen, J and charyes vived at Ly the President, on high officers in “Ue army, without the slightest authority ¢ It must be set ,OWO a8 a crituinal trifling with the feelings and the welfare of the coun- "Y, and the honor of ita rulers and Cefenders. We take occasion @ is not one of Would aban Sonal irritat be- Cy n to say that Gen. those ofticers who lon his country on a per: jon, even if there had = woat of the re: | Ther are a model nt) ‘ of Thursday last says: No! {Wo persons could be in more perfect | There never was! the least foundation, for the story of never did refuse to} crave delinquency, con- | rr ee wo nn been anything of the kind. He has shown himtelf ready cheerfully to accept any position to which he may be ordered. The ranking General of the army, so fer as campaign ser- vice is concerned, he has led a hand- ful in the mpantains of Virginia, or done engincer’s duty in the State of South Caroliua, or led the Army of the Potomae with equal cheerfulness. He has no complaints, no envyings, no marmaringsto indulge. He is content to do his best withithe means given him., We repeat, he is nut a rr 4 man to abandon the defence of his country on a personal pigne. ({ Richmond Sentinel. The retaliation farce is about over and the curtain bad aa well go down. The want oftack bone at Richinond has giveu theenemy the advantage of us, and the best thing that can avw be done would be to own up, release the two Captains selected tor hanging, aud thus procure the | release of Lee and Winder, held as | bustayes for them, and Morgan and plis officers, who are incarcerated in (the Ohio Peuitentiary. We had the ‘advantage in prisoners when the ten | Confederates were massacred in Mis: }sourt; we liad it also woaen Mum- ford was hung in New Orleans, and we had it wheu Barnside commenced his murders in Kentucky, but the Vassalating, hesitating, weak policy ef the Government has let all slip, | ) sud now to talk of hanging is ridic- ‘'uious. Had it been the intention ofthe government to hang Sawyer and Flynn, io retaliation for the two otticers murdered by Burnside in ‘Kentucky, the execution should have followed the selection of the vicuiins, iinmediately, in the sane hour. TLesitution and delay betray: ed weakness aud fear, and the hold- ing of these two men, who ought to { der, or Morgan aud bis men were “captored, keeps them all iu solitary confipement. It Flynn aod Sawyer are hung, so mast a sou of General Lee and a son ot General Winder, besides Morgan and a ecore of his otticers. The ex- ecution having been delayed too, 7 5 o v = a . 7 Ke ae gh : long, they never will be hung, and Counterfert Enterprise —We hear | : ) that quite recently one of the vessels | they bad as wel! be released, so our oflicers may regain their liberty. — We heve had it in our power at one i time to have relatiated for the bru , tal murders of the enemy, but that 4 tine has passed, noless we want to hoist the black flag and commence a war of extermination.— Daily Progress. se" The Richmond “Enquirer” We are in possession of a copy of the New York “Herald” of the 3d inst. chp the followin, : we's army is undoubtedly in force between the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers. [fe is said to have been largely reinforced, and is pro bably moving to his old position near Fredericksburg. Everything is qmetat Vicksburg and vicinity. left there a few days ago has arnived at Port Hudson. of course anknown. The disatfection of North Caroli- na to the Richmond government, so long indicated, bas taken a bold phase in the recent declaration of the “Standard,” the Jeading paper | of Raleigh, the capital, It openly denounces Jet? Davis as a repudia- tor, in whom no confidence placed, and whose efforts to-est&b- lish a Southern Confederacy will be | have been hang before Lee, Win. , From the situation article we | The expedition which t tothe mn is! : F A Its destinati 9 rected, is a photograph or picture ‘gallery establishment, and that the can be} “ue a | five thousadd soldiegs for the causless war, forty thousafd of whom are killed and wounded} andthat she shonld send a delpgation to Wash- ington at once, an@ see what terms can be obtaived, gad not wait for Jeff. Davis. Neal Dow's Standing Among the Federals.—A correspondent of the World, under date’of the 4h, writes from New Orleans: ; : The Federal offigers who came dowa by the Sallie Robinson, Jast evening, say that Thursday morning, the farm house, two or three miles Dow was convalescing from his wounds, was surroanded by Confed- rate cavalry, and Dow was carried away a prisoner. The World has published « portion of Neat Dow’s history inthis department. Every statementsent by your correspon- dent with regard to Dow’s systematic Louisiana and Florida can be sub- stautiated by affidavits sufticient to fill two copies of a triple sheeted World witha guarter supplemen- tal to each. He has been convicted of theft ina Federal court of justice iu this city. There isa mass of evi- dence against him in Washington, colonel of a Cossack regiment, and send hin to Siberia for fife. worthless frot one division atter another, and jiterally “strack into” | the division in which he served with | his brigade, May 27th, without the fcousent of the General command: ling that division. He was no sol- | dier, and nothing indeed but one of (those “patriots” whose patriotism is | measured by the amount of private ) property their positions enable them to lay bands upon, jbe has our sympathy. But if the | Confederates knew only one tenth bef what is known of Neal Dow in the Federal department, he is now past syuipathy, past prayers, past | hope. engayed in ranning the blockade be tween Charleston and Nassau | brought through a gmail box or, | package, addressed to a firm in Ma- jcon, Gu., to the care of a commis- } sion house in Charleston. By some , neans, the nature of the contents | was ascertained or suspected when it was opened and found to be some | | $200,000 of counterfeit Contederate | notes. We have seen one bill of this lot. ! Duncan plate, and is by far the best ;executed and most dangerous coun- erfeil Weeversaw, We coald piven | the points of differences, but prefer not to doso—thinking it best for the pubhe good. We say this, however, don't take any more of the Duncan plate $2C unless you know them to be genuine, or get them from a man ! whom you know to be reliable and responsible. : It is said that the honse in Macon, | to which these counterfeits were di- lustructions was to bay cotton with it aud ship the same to Nassau. We hear the members of this firm in Macon have been arrested.-— Atlanta Conftod: rdcy. PRIGA DE, received from CLINGMAN'S A letter has been : Sullivan’ ‘ from 3 ‘dic atailure. dn reply tothe Richmond | Wivan’s Island, trom a medical \ . ’ f . + re x at Ti ay ery y “Enquirer,” which calls upon Jeff, | efticer of Clingman’s brigade, in| Re . Davis “to “suppress the Raleigh | which he says: ‘Standard’ and wipe vat the Supreme Courtot North Carolina,” the “Stan- dard” says that Gov. Vance will stand by the Supreme Court, and thatif Jeff. Davis attempts to use physical force to suppress the “Stan- dard,” be wil! be met with physical force; and @ revolution in the State will be the regult. The “Standard” also says that menced, and, North Carolina has furnished ninety- “General Clingman’s — brigade, composed of four North Carolina; regiments, has been in. this place /siuce thé commencement of the bom- ;bardment of Moris Island, They have undergone more hardships, and more terrific shelling forthe same | . ‘ | length of time than any troops in the Confederate States since the war com- notwithstanding all this, our sick soldiers—made sick back of Baton Rouge, in which Neal | ic course of plunder and pillage in | which, in Russia, would remove the. Asai | General, he was actually rejected as | Nevertheless, for all these things, , It isa counterfeit $20, of the; ‘by exposure on the Island—are re- \ fused admittance in the hospitals in Charleston. The Surgeons of Hos- pitals say if our men are sick enoagh to send to hospitals they mnet be sent home; and General Clingman says if men are to be sent home from hospitals in Charleston they shall not be furloughed.” There are large vuambers of sick ip the brigade, for the letter from which we quote says there are two handred sick in one :-c'ment. The letter suggests that Geo, Warren establish a temporary hospital in Charleston for the accommodation of our sick soldiers, and we trust that the snygestion will be acted up- on, if practicable.— Daily Progress. The Baltimore American men- tions among Confederate prisoners | the following, sent to Johnson’s Is- land, Sandusky Bay: Maj. H.. G. Lewis, 34 N.C., Lt. Crawford, Cp. K, Sth N.C., Lt. J. T. Martin, Co. I, 2iss N.C. Lt. M. F. Jones, Co. D, 28d N. C., Lt. 8. J. Evans, Co. B, 47th N.C. Lt. J. D., Newsom, Co. H, 47th N.C. Lr. G. M. Whit- ine, Co. C, 47th N.C. Lt. Col. M. 'A. Parks, Adj’t F. ©. Powell, Le. G. W. Nixon, and Surgeon C. B. | Harrison were at-West’s Building Hospital, Baltimore. We are grati- fied to learn that Lieuts. lowa Roys ‘ter and Gastun Broughton, of this | City, reported dead, are both living, thoagh in the hands of the enemy, jand likely to recover. We regret ito leare that Col. Leventhorpe and ‘his Adjutant, Henderson Lucas, (son of the late Captain Lucas, of Raleich,\ have died of wounds re- ceived in the battles ot Gettysburg. N.C. Standard. Sizth North Carolin Reyiment.— We publish today, from the pen of a correspondent who took part in the action, au interesting account of the storming of Gettysburg heights by the glorivas old) North-Carolina '6th. The men ofthis regiment were | conspicuous in clubbing their mus- kets and using their bayonets in taking the Stone wall. Our corres- ;pondent, who has been in all the battles in which this regiment has participated since the war comm- 'menced, says he never witnessed isach fighting as that at Gettysburg ‘by Hoke’s brigade, to whieh the 6b belongs.—. C. Standard. More Colored Troops.—A telegraphic ‘dispatch from Washington to the New York Tribune says: The War Department ie pushing the organization oF colored troops vigorously. Phe successes of our forces West have giv en atresh impetus to enlistment among the Blacks, and by autumn itis estimated that at least 100,009 negroes will be in arms, in the Valley of the Mississippi. It has been decided to raise four colored re- wiments In this District. The first is com- plete, and the second rapidly approaching completion. As we have before stated, the only ef.| fectul way to prevent Northern negroes from enlisting, and white officers from commanding them after enlisted, is not to take either prisoners, Leave them on the battle field. If our troops are in a hurry to pursue their retreating foes, ther need | hot wive the black rasealy and their black- er-hearted officers ANY more attention than the Scotch soldier did the Freenehman who cannot “but = quarter.” al ; was begging for he remarked, ‘stop to quarter ye,” ) Til cut ve in two.” tions to his words passed on, The above extract froin the Augtsta | Chronicle of the 6th, contains matter for al- | ways ready to acknowledge the equality yrave consideration. Tha Abolitionists, bofthe black race with the white, seem de | } termined to forca us to do the same or ac cept the results of the black flag which Abe last order bas hoisted to the What will our authorities do in the premises? Will they tamely submit to this encroachment upon our rights, the most flagrant yet committed, and*thus ac- knowiedge our own slaves our equals, er will they take the other horn of the di- lamma, and subject our brave countrymen to be slaughtered like swine or yoked im Lincoln's breeze. And suigog hia ac- | hard Jabor with: the ass in the pit? These are questions we capnot decide, nor can we divine what will be the fiual result of eitber course ; time alone can determine, The Lord save us and our country? Daily Progress. & : ANOTHER YANKEE LIE Among the items io the late Northern Papers as copied into the Riehmond pa- pers, are sundry statements as to recent arucles 10 the Raleigh Standard. One of these statements is that the Standard had declared the war “caussless.” Of course this is “a fie manufactured out of the whole cloth,” as the saying is. The Edi- tor of the Standard was 4 member of thy Convention which, for cause, unanimously voted North Carolina into this war, and ip recording tbat vote be truly and emphati- cally said io the Standard: ~ “ Thus was the anniversary of the Meck- lemburg Declaration of ludependence glo- riously celebrated by the delegates of the - people ta Convention assembled. North Carolina has been slow to act, but she has ac.ed finidly. We think she bas acted wisely froin first to last. Hencefurth her destinies are with the States of the South; aud she will make good her act of the 20th ot May 1861, with ber last dollar and her last map, if such a sacrifice should be re- quired at ber bands.” The Editor of the Standard is crying out lustily for peace now, and is evidently anxious to avoid the extreme of the last dullar and the last man. A Yankee Omission to be supplied.— The constitution of the United States pro- vides that the property of a person con- victed of treason shall not be furfeited by his heirs, but only by bimself during bis life-time, The yankees having become so elated by their late successes as to imagine that the revolution will speedily be put down, are devising means to set aside this provision, as they have already done most of the other essential provisions of the Constitution. The N. Y. Times says: “ The Confiscation Act.—The question of av amendment to the Confiscation act, so that the property of traitors once con- fiscated shall pass from them and their heirs forever, is being discussed ty Con- gressmen, and will be brought up early in the next session. Tie Jaw is now con- strued that after the death of the traitor, the estate reverts to his heirs, which ren- ders the inteaded working of the act practi- cally void.” Southern men who dream of reconstruc- tion, if such there be, shguld study this little paragraph. The yankee Congress has already passa a law to confiscate all the property, real and personal, of every man, women and child in the Confederate States. And if we were to allow them to conquer us, the law would unq vestionably be enforced, with the addition proposed by the Times. There would be no Copstita- tion for the South, as there is precious lit- tle for the North. From New Orleans.—AtTLaxta, Ave, 7.—~— New Orleaus dates of the 3d received. The S:’r Continental arrived from Vicks- burg with 600 sick and wounded prison- ers. A few prisoners remained at Vicks- burg, unable to be removed. Secretary Chase bas issued orders toclear boats with cargoes at St. Louis for New Orleans, except prohibited articles, and giving bonds pot to load goods for intermediate points ex- cept under a permit. Small lots of cotton are selling at auction at 43c. Coroner's Inquest showed that several negroes died of starvation. North Carolina Soldiers.—Per- sons visiting Richmond to see their { friends—sick or wounded soldiers ‘trom North Carolina—will find them }in General Hospital No. 24, corner of Main aud 6th streets; and in 3d, 4th, and 5th divisions,» Winder Hospital, West terminus of Cary | street.— Daily Progress. The question of the Southern tan ig whether he had not detter live on j bread and water twenty years and {tight the North, than live perpetnal- bly on bread and water and sacbh privileges asa Yankee master will afford, The Fayetteville Observer gays, several hundred soldiers confined at Castle Thunder, are rejoiced at the general pardon and amnesty an pounced in the President’: Procla- mation, for they will be discharged, and will forthwith join their regi ments, no doubt satisfled to serve their country. —Lyy. Observer. po t e n Abrabam Lincoln, the tative chicf of the people who have kidwapped our slaves, armed them, incited them lo murdcr the wasters who raised them, and | pai v the huuses ia which they were born, Menaces us with retaliation if the ne~ groes are punished for domestic treason or returned to cheir lawful labors, Forevery negro taken prisoner and put td labor, be will reduce to slavery a Southero soldter. Kor every one that is shot, be will hang | a white man. This infamy of insoleace witl surprise noone lias the natural consequence of that impunity with which SS ee 3 ——— Northern Vandals with a wholesome ter ror by devastating invasion, There is neither Chrixtianity nor reli- givn of any kind in this war, We prose | eute it in self defense, for the preservation | of our hberty, our homes aid our negroes, | and since the enemy abrogate all the cus ‘ 1 toms and observances of christian uations, p | justice and common sense demand that | we, who have for two years forborne, plead ed and protested, should henceforth wage the contest with their own Weapons, since | these alone ean inumidate, Tt is unques | Vonably a most a melancholy necessity, ths enemy has been permitted lo exereine Had Gen gruelty on the Southern people. Tt is the | Lee's army struck terror into the Datech natural consequence of the von fulfilment) farmers of Penusylyamia and laid) wsate iu the oft repeated threat of retaliation by} their fruitful terntory, Virginians could Prevident Davis. Better, far better, had | now with sterner fortitade comtemp late he neverthreatengd. If he did uot intend | the devastation of theit own beloved State. to do it why did he say anything Kich. kraminer. about it! The sole reply of the Yankee - to ail the menaces from Richmond was,; 4 WESTERN OPINION ABOUT THE / r " sO1Ce PEI SAY. you dare not! ; And we durst bot. Now MISSISSIPPI BEING OPEN. having ascertained the weakness of Nr. - : : Davis, he proceeds to threaten and brow- The Chicago Times, commenting on Soe a cure the great rejuicings at the East—for they This, and much more to come, are re- are even greater in New England than sults of the long persisience of the South- they are in Tilinois—over the re opening ‘ of the Mississippi River, says: The vast expectations which have been bat none the less imperative. ern Government io what may be called the whitecravated policy; the practice, 1n a deadly struggle with the devil's own brood, of the Christian precept of doing good for e@il; of turming another cheek when sinitten; of heaping coals of tire on | in the South west will now receive the test of fulfilment or non-fulfidiment. The open lug of the Mississippi has been looked for the enemies beads by returving justice and | ward to as the consummation of all the | kindness for injustice and barbarity, Alas | hopes ou Western men. With that great for » cant deluded poopie! We lave cast | 8 tery of commerce once more navigable, pearls before swine, that have trampled the old prosperity was to bave returned, upou them and turned again to rend us. and the blessings of peace were to bave What was supposed to bave beeu an iv- vasion of the «nemy’s country lately, turn- ‘ : ; ed out to be only a gigantic sHopping | POssesstun of the North, from its source to EXPEDITION. While Southeru women aud ihe Gulf and what hag the Pror pects 1 We children were driven out from their houses, have 1,400 mies of navigable Water in an the'r provisions seized, their homes des- troyed, while Grant was in the act of rav aging Mississippi as Virginia bad long | de? lo secure the most remote possibiity been ravaged, our magnanimous troops | of saety, either of property or life. These paid tor ail they yot from the people who patrol boats can command all permanent are ieagued to aunitilaté us. While Jack- obstrucuons, such as fixed batteries; but sou was blazing, Lee's army could not the guernila detachments, which fly bitt- baro d+ pots or arsenals, because, forsooth, in asumimer shower. Jt as pow in the enemy's territory, which we must guard with a constant patrol of gunboats In or er and thither with hght fteld guns, ap the flames might spread to private proper- | Peas sudden'y on the nver bank aud ty! Now, bear the New York Z'ribune’s nddling or capturing a passing boat, and accuunt ot lke proceedings of these same then scampering uff tu luaccessible swam ps negro troups, in whose bebalf Lincoln and bayoss, they cannot control, There threatens retaliation on the cftizens of the ; Wii bence be no satety, and merchants South, during their raid up the Combahee will fiud the investment a hazardous one. Fiver and thelouast of Carolus: Cotton buyers, itis true, will keep up their “The soldiers acattered in every direc- trate, fur they have tecome aceustomed “tion, and burned acd destroyed every. | bazards, and know weil that he who “thing af value they came across. Thirty: | nsks nothing makes nothing. Ordinary “four large mansivos, known to belong to ; merchants cannot find a profitable market “notorious revel, with all their ncb furni- | for their goods iv an honest way, because “ture acd rare works of art, were bu:ned | they are forbidden to trade with the reb “to tue ground. Nothing Lut smouider- tels, and there are bo others, unless we ex- ‘ing ruins, aod parched, crisp skeletons of ; CPS New Orleans, which receives supplies “ouce magnificent cid oak and palmetto | from New York. We have, in point of “groves, muw temain of those delightful | fact, been as well prepared fur legitimate “country seate. Sluices were opened, trade ever smoce the river was opened to “plautations funded, and broad ponds and | Memphis as now. The trade has been ° “lakes were made, where, but a few bours | contined to such stocks as were needed to “beiure, luxuriant crops of rice and corn |- furnish the erty, and soch other stocks as “were putting forth their leaves. We! Were sinuggled through to the rebels. So “proaght within our lines pearly 800: 't will be lower down, The towrs occn “valuable slave; having destroyed proper pied by our troops will be replenished, and “ty to te amount of two million most of | through them a vreat quanuty of articles “which belonged @o nutorivus leaders in | will goto the rebels; but this is outerde “rebel jon.” the pale of leyiuinate trade, aod the ma It 1s an indisputable fact, thar the Gov- | Jonty of merchants will not engage io ie ernment at Wasint yton lung since ignored | The keen-wisaged, hook nused speculators, the usage of civilimd wartare ; set aside | Who swarin up and down the river, will du ali the received maxims of international | the business, and Cucle Sam may jook Jaw, and sanctioned ail concejvabie eoor- | Sharply after them, for they will turn a mities, from tbe orders of Butler to the peDuy wherever the opportunity offers. — systematic aitempt to locite servile waur- ; With them it is good Federal secessionist rections. Are Indian depredatioms charac-, —4!] game that comes to the net, terized by any greater borors! In Indian | Now, therefore, is the time for your warfare we deemed it nght to carry fire | sbrewed and adventurous wen, who can an] sword ivto the Leart of the enemy’s | trade with a pistul in one band, and the terntwory ; to burn wigwatps and to de- | gold in the other— why siroy crops; because only their own weap- One can be used with effect on savages,— | Laeuvre cotton passes trom coumandip Whiere would bave been the injustice or Generals. That there is already uo lack impropnety of placing the present enemy of them, the reader tn ty wei ty heve, Yount in the same category ¢ Our authorities that toere will be more, none need doubt, yuer > CAL a dee ¥ ; ‘ niias, wheedle post commaucers, avd ma at locbmond lave protested until protes- for they are create! wiih tt tation bas becomes bLumiliatug farce. cote as natnrally to ban} as anv of the We tam: ly endure tLe outrags, aud plan- , other peculiae products of war tines, Tut 1% occasion, and tively cali upon Europe fo be shocked at for the everyday, plodding mer hant, who the brovality of our enemy. honest protits, we trans Atlanue nations fur the method in) have only one word of advice, aud that is. wiich this war is prosecuted ! What care believes in Siow and Poland to burid py hopes spon the opening of the acd Hungary were tory lin’ from himb, Mississippt. No tan who is too honest aud Chretan Europe sailed approbavon, ty cbarze 500 per cent mrofita, tou conse Irclaud was trampled under the tron heel envious to stanzyie booty and «: of Evgish domination, and thoag! liberty the ine, too tiavid to fade a one wucrila and Justice, veiling their faces, wept fe. baud in tucir native s@amps, or too patri gether—the civiized world foidted its meek utile to make money ondgs country’s Mis bands and nodded assent. England coun- > fortunes, need try the venture. . pot even affect a Lorror of Federal enor : mites, for the bloody butcberies in down . . trodden Ludia are still tuo red in récostee Srocks.— Od N, C a tion to render that ¢@>gree of hypocrisy are worth $25 in Rabets possible. Neither is European cou-ence CXNts, Hew iaaue, 150) six per cents, thin hinned oo the subject of internation. NEW iBeie, 145, Bank notes 8255 al isw, as witness its studification in per i ¥ id, one doilar for ten dollar and sisteutiv ignoriug the fourth clause of the titty cents C mifederate eurrerney,— “Soremt Declaration” at Pans, namely: N.C. Standard. “Biockades, in order to be biudir gy, minal “be effective: that is to say, maintained . Bs “by a furce sufficient peally to prevent ag. | Justice to North cess. bo the coast of the enemy. Wow onderstand that the recent interview msny bundred vessels have run the block ade, briagivg cargoes of Freneb and Kug lish goods to Southern markets? eis is ambitious of iropressing callous an: parties. He Ove? Ipon bonds tilt per Curdolina—We ‘betwen Governor Vance and the If this be sv, much geod careless Earope with admiration for ou | to this State and to the Confederate be listen now ? g cotleness and forbearance , but the peo- built upon the events of the past few weeks | fallen upon us as pleoutully as rain drops | « ae " ae ae ee eee " . : 4 on ‘ory, . ma ~~ Ske an rae eS CAROLIN WATCHMAN pipiens eh antit- 3 thio thee; ie suflisient for our purpose, and : ° , : a | the every day, with th ia, that it is encouraging the enemy, He “a cannon, the (orch of the incetidiary Zhe march | 14. and rejoices in’ our divisi s vayar ~~ | of his black and (blackér) white Goops, the : bea SALISBURY. N. C.: ~ | hopes that it may result in outhreaks,— desolation of our land, and the trarpportation ih ‘ing bi te bi . ae = . es n&bli im ie to distant prisons of our most valu@d citizens. theredy @ ' ng © eabjagate ms, We. MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17, 1863. Peace! The very mention of it felaxes ef- then agpeal to our people to lay aside per- == oe fort. While we deceive our hear§ with the sonal and party feeling until we bare : . >i A ry PEACE— AGAIN, pleasing dream, our hands fall idle from their | cleare 1] Southera soil of the barbarians of . . | : : And : | ; i We suppose there is not a man in Westend | *PPropriate work ; and soon we shall be star: | the North. Theo, and not till then, ought | North Caroling who is not anxious for “an tled from it by the grim visage @f despair | we to think of waging an implacable war ” ° rack . tae A - | " , | Prack! How shall we obtain it?) [tis vot! in our own mMdst. To accormptith this honorable peace” with the Northern States, | : | : | to be bad by asking for it The enemy has | very desirable object, —so essential to the | against whom those of the South have de- | eve scarde ’ ow yar- | : | j even discarded the usages of cvihzed war | sucess of Southern independenee, let the ; fended themselves fer more than two years | fare in lis course towards us. He is givirg tay : ‘ . lis-dail i hourlye@) V devial patriotic of all parties set their faces againss Ati tlosuchi heros ‘yotion and painful sacri- | US daily and hourly a thousand denials, anc . : | eroie devotio painful sacri | shail ae afilboey i a : disturbers of the public peace from every } flees iu a war the most cruel and unjust: selt ail au i Lrnarhin) Ah! that is not the quarter . . . | wor t will arrest > sirite, 2 | . ever waged against anv people on earth. | . the ‘ ‘ tothe sine, and those ce = ( : : } who are amusing (eu yes au Ts W | 5 *@ | However we may have differed in views and | th bs ’ nse ; . d laa a NO DESPONDENCY. SS ae . - bes : e vain hope of “ an honorable peace, know on . . : j teelinzs just before, or even just after hosuli- | it very © : CURRENT CE i: “ | The Richmond Dispatch revives the Be ne: x et SU NDE » word. : | ties commenced in Sovth Carolina; however | If the Sout? a ; is ; Ore! well known anecdote of Payl Jones. We be Southern peo wal peace, re 1s | > : . * careless of consequences were those of our | | . . , there is copy it. Every man witb blood iv his ; own State wh tat Goldsboro’ ch, | Ob of two ways only, in which they can ob- | | ing can make the application. U | Oo met ro’ in March, lt tL Oneisb ‘ by tt ; e a ‘ ain it. ne is by , } . ; and appointed a State Convention to assem- | k : . y wloning ‘ y their valor, | thers, examples as well as precep's are | ble at Charlotte, the 20th May following, for | va t etee onice bas ae humble trust 10 | MirowD away : ; | the avowed purpose of secession, whether or God, as the avenger of their wrongs, Ob- While Paul Jones, in the wretched old | 3 . ssion, . \ > : | Herc hoersverdctan ani even resblen Il tained in this way, we shall have an hentage | hulk of an Indiaman a hundred years old, rot; re cy ant evel reckles ne ‘ e = . a . sont | of honor and a Country of glorious fame for } (the Bon Homme Richard,) was en ! most ultra secessionists of that date, we pre- y a : . ' i t t : if) ourselves and our posterity alter us The | 10 bie desperate conflict with thq Seeapia, sume there are none of them, who w | y 5 i ‘ . ae 19 WOUK POU) other Way to get it, Is by SCRRENDERING [— | ¥ DEW Englieh frigate of the first, class, how rejoices ith all their heerts at the re- throwing down our arms —subrnission—un- } Just out of port—a'ter ts single broadside ! establishment of peace on such térms as We are Fe | ids . “ ately ‘ : ae conditional subnission-— ~gung befure our en- } had riddled ber so mpl i. ly vot he was j justly enutled to—* an hororalle peace’— |} ences icing. hi ne | compelled to lash ber to the Eeylisbman seecrnntiardand Prosress = jeny Upon oar knees—telling bin we have | ; ‘ Py ie sarlyentli la as the Standard and Progress are asking for. \ lto avaid sinking—when pearly all bis gone : done wrong—that all our seus, fathers and : Those who were then reckless atl who did | bean Peet : te- | had bursted, and half bis crew had fal- not, as we Choucht and still think, do all they | Ee “en ts War " “lena momentary cessation of firing iv~ : ia , 7 aCe ink 7 tense of our lives anil homes, were justly | duced his adversary. to hal him and in could to avvcd a conflict, have since got} | \ | to enough of war-—have seen enough of its hor slain—giving up erery thing we possess— | ouire whether he had struck. “We have c of cond 6b Se epougl 3 T- " { ° ° . ee ras . pauently beanny al the burdeus he chouses | not yet begun to fight,” was the lseonie rors and its hazards, and felt enough ot its — eee I the | mith Iw pad atte i Weeribleburder The worst of tl . tolay upon us, and submutugg to all the jand pithy reply, and after two bours more e je burdens orst ¢ em—-those : \ a | as nabed ‘ ’ Se shame and disgrace of the inexcusable of mortal combat he bad the proud satis | whose positious cuabed them to distnbute cowardige, Either one of these ways will fx tion of walking the Engiishiman’s deck, t rewards to party tnends and punishipents to : , “ | ; . oe | ; : f no i ' ensure peace. Tuere is no other within our | n victor under cireninstances so desperate party enemies—to seize the places of prefer- Darian hy submission we lose all. | that at ove time there appeared no chance , . eact Jotained by submission, we lose al! Tneut aud pay to the exclusion of the worthy r : a pe ndeed | of escape. . he ner snot yet portrayed, OF TN ees —not to sav more worthy—of the then cou- Beant tes ube Nie , * WwW }the above to th - 5 can it, the mental moral and physical suffer- ' e recommend the above to thoee servative portion of our people, even they — hae i : = “es a a have d pea Geary 7 eerianee 1B winch that act will ental on us and of oor countrymen who have began save doubties en broug! o repentance, . . ; . . antl crenitnecete ere dn ees - ar end (Oe Chikiren. We shall not attempt it. Bat te despair and are alinos: ready tu— mn ould now Bde gad P the W nd ss . on honorable terms, though it took away the ifitewersa thousand deaths we are in dan- | guprender. We hope they will profrt y : a 7 ; SeComint m No serep c . ocenpation of a irfavored partizan frien, | &°" - Hy geno oo aid by it, and for once remember that hes hl + nw struck ainore seductive and delustve note : ' e believe that Government contractors, : . . ' not always do loweriny clouds por- and Government otheers of all gradea even Te A ERECT HOI OUT NERIASER ai) t ] t t bat that ften i men ivi t ta yraues, n, / + ‘ 7 ee end certarn) storth ve ry 0 would aleo heartily noi Pat sci a peace as sotfortng people spell-bound with the seuse- | : ‘ i. , rropesed by tl ah es at Raleish. Nuyone MTS but cruel pruttle about peace. j times when we think danger nighest is proposed Dy Ue press 3 eigh. Noone foo, , tiie t . ; . Bat-asaf feanog Us of itself may not be itis dissipated when we lenst expect Knows Uns better than the editors of the pa- : nerarehrrad to anliweicl kaowithactrocn coficaent to paralyze Coe arins of our people it, and hispe—ves, Vorteriit and vleam- per t , an é na rou ‘ ‘a x - : a: neure the: roon, th re those wo, - TT , the beginning of the war until now, almost CHR GE ig aA? She tte ° ing hope breaks forth. Then, let not . oo i ; at have eoaneelled reastance to the laws of the ; every man and woman of Whatever posivon C ; . : a nay our people fear, bot let eve Ty one in hte. have been in favor of r Ane Oni onfedereacy ;—the tix laws aor he coe . . , e, nav Nin tave Peack and oppos- scription atts. [tas deplorably true that the do his duty, and the dav is net dis- to war, and sanctioned and abetted the eh ee . A “ ow : aw sanctioned and ahetted th s aaudiinn ne Rut bax porn nile tant when peace and independence latter only from ali zh ense of duty to them- Oia ahs ab ede 7 = uf ; : : 2 - gals ) aH 4 nl ° selves, to untry, and the God of Jusuce or jess cause for daesatishacty have seme will break forth inn | its g! ry up , to Ce , and the ni to dustice, : _ umes needlesdy tracsmled upon State auc our own sunny South. They were not ignorant of the causes which Ue pee Hesdy tras.pled upon State aud J be 1 i shite> care yer sotmpeth tog hke had Seen gradually leaging to a disruption of dividual nghts; and oven ret reg es ere aes the old Union for the ‘ast. twenty or thirty | TYASUH to fear dhat our Coost.tuheaal form of TELECGRAPIIIC NEWS. he old Unte he ‘ast } ut CATS wr jenor . “Government, itself, was Jeaberately menaced aa years: they were net ignorant of the fla- : ; Farpenicrancac, Angest 9 —A centleman grant violations, by tue Northern States, of All tits has been seized with a too greedy goo Was ngton, Wedneslay save that 50,- the Constitution whic i expressed the terms of 8! lity, and enlarged upon and rang into the | @a0) ninaway negroes are aroand the city.— union: they were net ignorant of the fe] ears ol the people ubt.l dsapporatment, fear Line dn as enreling the negroes——free and nurn 7 of the party who came into power and despair have, in syne instances, taken slave—ia Maryland. Since the battle of Get- tos ; Unt Wie tikes TH ey + hy cont lieesivart tysbarg twenty one rew batteries have been with Abraham Line: plainly avowed as . PIAce Oe OTe, : Lady nee created. At Baltimore 3000 negroes are at } { 7 . » t woethe tt , re . . they were: they wer not blind tothe many 74" A OUT Cais Sod akegether they are work on the fort feation: around the city. ecidentaicnsid the Nochrofioa fixet deter cee oe tee 0: diviaen and conten The people of Mary'anl are in despair, and minationlonithercattiol iliatecommunilyeat ck Ue Open! mngstua, and just an subject to the inost unreenung tyranny aod ; Noy fy - proportiun as this state of things increases, SU*plowo. | . . no distant day to use either their supemor Pot” ; _ New York, New Jermev, and the New fi ‘ ' Fi 1 roportion is our de ate peace ue ‘ : Ps polincal or physical power to deprive the " that propos our Gomes Peack) England States are boying ay out of Sonth of nearly one half its entire property, endangered, and the success Of our great the army. The Governor of New Jersey re- In direct violation of Constitutional oy ar re b struggle for indepeu jeopardized. Up fises to let: single mar gow ithont his au- tes for ite protection and security ir lernp (2 Cus Uine, by the roodness of Gud, we have thority, The Governorot New York is pre- ETB EE | RD AA, ee eee ST ata re it . ; Le nay) Paring to test the constitationahty of the con- allt - phich led to 2 | een abie to oka Che enenmv in heck : tut - all the causes which led te a dissolution were . : a ; fs, ar soript ar @ . 1 pas } ut yi "Ted far deere ua tit sage patent, and it was in til view of them, and vs cue cules atte A darce number of oops have been sent , 7 4 eee CS mate rthe force of ther flagrant wrongs to ra ol inom, those of domeste diss to New York and New Eogland to preserve he South, that her poonte resolved upon a rand strite. we shall be speedry over- order, . Goceear “Inte trsiconan ie 'whelned, and our ruin wil come in hke a A terrific storm oourred recently arorind JOSEFO MII Wet tie CONSEAULNCES Bood Reading, Pennevivana A vast amount of , _ cr was destroyed : - ary metebury | been nearly consomed by Vere tiey mistaken in) their estimate of TO ‘ “y- SLAM SAIS MICS tad as tae LAN ist ‘ * tey mistanea cin’ their esomaes LET THER BR OHARMONY, ‘auees at thet diasolution was el- ; ¢ ‘ } nt . en ah ee Ai ; re Anemat 9 Ln intelhigen feted? [tjanocwhere p étenied that they We aobecrve that there ner er IS hs ld Paella ener M } lleburg. we Cran i pasts and the war,on in the army, meetings, in whiet theese at vlaet Wednesday ippart if purely defenawe. Fb iti rit! tome who d Mer about the condition of ; ia _ew uuing the whea raman to defend hia fe against: ase fo o4 ‘ ee atau efeme ‘ ne ‘Via) ‘ the country, and the mode ta bee porsas | Tiney had eatae} od all the ertizens ther phos property avainst a robber itis nohe for . Peoulbeaotace, omecladig two ttde boys camgnt us to defend ourselves and property againet bring abuser cement of ou) ditfead i acehing, Afse, ad Uae ives tile and our Noréhern enemies, Tf then, we were ties are denounced ve traitor, dee Neto ae cad ; we P ‘ \ ar] Ve reporta that Meadea headqictem are Z =f gf US | Paints ‘ tad the right of pers ns to mmeet and CUprese | at Cathert ss Stat meres v at War- breken the tends of uolon, aod we bvOW ; , . ; : ton, Pleasanton 7 are at Wartet- edly preps ty outrage ue to the extent « their views on tatters of public interest, | Aca RHETT ha property , if t eeand when ite not detrreenatal to the public} The Yankees have sent back a oeetarm pie , rr Stor ' , , patuber from ea ( pany to rafaer COD H ites, WE WTS OA wood, there i ono doubt; but oftem the Qa nr Th dt Bucy: Save PIAL IN UEle. st ve iw’ } he ONT 4 25 . 1 } ‘US ! : ae ee = : : pohev of such a cours we Giink ousht to | ey ae BUSTA han sovernment of or own, Go any Now repent? Five whi yo aegtica to Roen f lias } We know of none—we be consulted. Fur, if by pursamyg a course, ) mond ‘ = , ; : ; \ } 1K 7 TE AL TSSTSSIPPL t eis ' whose jadvment and by which the troubles wil be increased, | BLOCKADING TUE MISSI Mt ensity ecent the) to respect, We ea . oy Mortox, Angie & —Col, Mart. Johnson , the good of all crily dictates that such j anuk one teanapoct oad dabbled two od then, gu hack ecause Oar convichons of . . ee 7 lace f! bev. Saree Chat PA ome re J f reanect forbiad it steps slroutd tne abe aine b.from, ippostte Grrecavibs dase Bus cd ‘i fee uy an pet MEUS N ° Vern thet Ttune he has caused to tura back same (weve : ; hoy ihe e ootnbot he n Weeannot change the fags on which were oO tnap, ee | UTES EE MB | <teaunboate | nowith mecehaba. ) predicated the aet of separahon, nor can we ry or the bos uty of those: who took partin The vanker gunboats carie up nnd shelled afford to crore there existence by any vole the ineeunys referred to, for all know vat | ie We «da furiou ly for miles, webaout dong untary act of ours The enemy bas not they have roved ton many a bard fought | any, darniage, ' ; | cause : ; i 7 ae a | Phe saccesea of thi movement will cau changes toeia, and so far as we have Brule field: but it is the crimination and | oumibers of hyht artillery: battertes to be ef (ae areal event nee [we , . aL wy a few. Aves rill see to believe, never will, On the contrary, he recrimination amongst those who should | 78" zed, at once, atd a hav weeks w has aggravated their eharacter by ten thon- sand acts of shameless barbarity, and increas ed their number by every conesivable wrong Peace! Lt he was deaf to all car appeal for Mr. Ja. | President, was gatisfac tory to both justice and right while yet in the Union with him; if obdurate end unyicldiog then, will If as proud, hauglity and | hard, after more than two years of most dis- ple of the Confederacy would have pre- en may result from it.—Daily | gracetul war as before it begun, and he -is ferred, if permitted by him, to impress | /rogreas. | still bent on dur subjugation or annihilation, ‘the Misstasippi more efeetualy blockaded alarm: Our) ean ever before. be friends that excites object, in referring to the subject, in this a ! FRQM LOUISIANA. Attanta, Auguet 8.—A sper ial dispatch to wet the Appeal, from Brandon, Miss, Gth instant | sens@ and patriotism of all to remember | says : . | that no good can come of it, but on the Ransom's division of Grant's army, ne seven “ musyuito gunboats, descended t other hand a vast amount of damage will Mississippi and opened fire on the bayous be done to the country. There are many | Wes: Bouisiana. the 8. reasons that might be urged, bat one at} A heavy yankee force ssce way, is to express our regret at this state of affaira, and by appealing to the sound — Charles riv kansas. Dunt, br no a meee Lake Johnston's captured 6 The yar Big Black, Louisiana. THE DRA ON Kyoxvil of the 4th The draft i out Kentu Gov. Te opportuni to Gen. M the latter lumbus Morgan. about Mo readiness 3 yan and h FROM Passen ning com to the “s Qur cav the enem uop, ia ed and © Our loss surprised our smal immediat force at gradually ground,” Gener n the V, and Tues ed their he figh our side the killes wained treated 1 hace a f. Itis affairs th brougbt of the * less he si battle is will not wills it. ofthe * his army herousis at the yy went. Soldie because surprise “kpectat Norther tuller, n prospect ceolL— rs The ¢ down a ters of G the cond Norther sausty tl amy w from On ‘0 towa ters wey Army sullon | quietude TH Caar tor the | spirited. aee bat Fort So adee, bomber ides w nside gq French Ad qui The place pired in (rene Diek He rug a tan Neadaws nthe ¢ partmer the V5u Vhe with 10 headqui em DAVE | rN | UR Septem ver sea Boar Toiti Paint Lats Papite cAsen, t not do | gent e) The Hon, ar his au- k is pre- the con- er cov in where Johnson » other? yeoee Chaat i} y re twelve to be of will see blockaded Charles river, in search of our forces ine Ar- kansas. . ’ Dunt, brother-in-law and er cf Grant in 2 apprentices, was recently captured ey SR rovidence, La, by Col Matt F, Johuston'’s guerrillas’ The Confederates re- captured several theusand slaves with Dunt, The yankee force is at Montcastle, on the Big Black, except (he expendition to West Louisiana, THE DRAFT IN KENTUCKY-MORGAN ON HIS WAY TO PRISON. Kyotvinig, Angust 7.—Cincinnati papers of the 4th instant tate been received here.— The draft i§ to be speedity enforced through- out Kentucky. Gov. Todd and Gen. Mason improved the opportunity of presenting their, compliments co Gen. Morgan while the train conveying the latter to Cincinnati was stopping at Co- tumbus.) Gov. Todd shook hands with Gen, Morgan. He visits Gey. Burnside to consult about Morgan’s surrender. Quarters are in readiness at the Ohio Penitentiary for Mor- | van and his officers captured in Ohio. FROM GENERAL LEE’S ARMY. Passengers by the Central cars last eve- ning communicated nothing new in regard to the “situation” on the Kappahsonock. Our cavalry had asevere skirmish with the enemy oh Monday, near Brandy sta- sv wcmreree tae Sey a | A SMALL eupply of Spelling Books on vod, ia which the eacmy tost cwenty kill { ed and wounded, sad fifteen captured.— Our loss was three wounded only. surprised the cnemy, Which accounts for our small juss, as the Yankees retreated momediately. General Meade was in heavy . ' e fearful carnage of its battles > a’ force at Warrenton, aud his Army Was | tud 5 as i 4 wail Sela ao Ws eee gradually approaching its old * stainping | dear ua " Cy ae oe ed tal Ae : ; : ave rater ‘unntey aud at. ground,” Statford, aud Falmouth heights, | tude have Wastrated youk coantey aud at { 4 We | General finbodon, and our other (orcen| lontabriatleyGurienemicnecncnen a the Valley, met the enemy on Menday admiration abroad, your chemies continu ONFEDERATE BONDS. : j C Depository Office Greensboro, N CO. Alf persone’ hgving cr riificates bexring date PrivP1o B5th July, $863, ea hve thew ex- changed for buade, by presenting their eerstifi- cates properly ip peer ai ts office RALPH GORRELL, Depositary, August Bih, B63 NSANE ASYLOM—THE BOARD UF DI- RECTORS of thiy Institution wish ta fill le office of Matroa, now now vacant. None oth- er (han Uaeucugbered females need apply. For information, rerpecting the duties, &c., of the office, apply to the undersigued, ED. C. FISHER. Physician and Suporintendant. Raleigh, July 30, 1-63 —1f:13 SPELLING BOOKS. hand. ‘Those in need of them had better cull sourr at WATCHMAN OFFICE. Avgust 3, 1863 | Southern Express Company. { T HTS Company having made arrenzements to extend the line aver the Western N.C. Rail Road. is now prepared to forward daity FREIGH TS, MONEY PACKAGES, &e., to all points oo this Road. J.O. WHITE, Agent. Aug. 10, 1863—2inetz Address of the President (9 She soldiers of the Confederate States. After more than two years of a warfare | scarcely equalled in the n@inber, magnr | ) ! 1 ) | + trackxl notonly grattiqude at home, but ole ur fin np _ and Tuesday Inston the Valiev, and ebeck | #sttuggl in which our final tiginph most ; MEV be ble, ed their advance towards Harrisonburg. | be inevitable ‘ 1 pee 1Ce<se q awine at recent successes, thev imagine that tein | sons of the claw anmed to refirn totheir duty. The fighting was severe, but the loss on our side was vot estimated, Several of the killed and wounded of the enemy te wained ta our hands. The Yankees re treated towards Woruchester, where they have a force. Itis very evidept from the posinoa of affairs that 2 tle is doubtful, unless it is brought ow by Gen. Lee, of the “ stow coaches,” Meade is one and wou't fglt us less he sigtabies upou an vppertuaity. A battle is noel wien September, but it will mot be foun tel wills it. ve, unless Gen. Lee f the “situation,” bis arty. cory They are jo- fietousiy distetuted, and they will appear ure located. at the Jtejper plice, aud at the proper mo- went, Soldiers who came dowa on furlough, because of siekness or wounds, expre Pol surprise thatacy bat the must <anguige “xpectations should be felt for the army of Northern Virginia Lts ranks were never fuller, noe Che meu more broyant im the prospect of a tight. This much is suth- cant Aramincr, Jug. 13. FROM GEN’ LER'S ARMY. The Ceutral cars last evening brought He is tow en poatically master | tdowt matter where | ) Ung an end to outrages which disyruce our down a gent oan divect from the beadquar- | ters of Genaral Lee, Tle reports concerning the condition ward nudaihers of the Army ot Northern Viryinia are cheering, and this must susty the puke for the present. Meade's amy was saul to be lag along the country from Orange Court Hoose to Culpeper, and wo towards Fredevicksburg. [is headquar- ters Were sippersed to be at Warrenton. Amy movements 4 still on both, aes quietude. —- Rich. 7c were intense heat enforemg viner, Aug, 15. THE SLEGE OF CHARLESTON, Caarussros, July for the last two ar pirited. Twa ary nee batlens« « iM 14.—The bombardment sant and tors and ove of the Van- ris Island were firing at ats has been ince pand children, Cnduly elated with their porary reverses can quell sour spirit or shake your determination, and the Vv are now gathenng heavy niasses fur a general , invasion in the cain Nope that a desperate { effort success may at length be reas hed. You know teo well, Dy countrymen, what they mean by success, Their ma liguant rage aims at nothing teas than the extermination of vourelves, your wives, They seek to destroy what! They the spoth of victory that your homes shall | Wey cannot planider, Dr pete as be partitioned. among the wretches whose atrocious crucities have stamped infamy They design to nee servile “tusutrection aid light the fires of incendiirism on there Government. Whenever toey can reach your hones, and they dehauch the Inferior race, bitherto docile and contented, | by promising indulgence of the viJest pass sions as the price of treachery, ot their Mability warfare, not daring tomake peace lest they should be hurled trom their seats of power the men who now rule in Was Vngton re. fuse even to confer on the subject of put Cotiscious | bo prevanl by lewstimate t ‘A - age, or fo listen tow suggestion for eon- dacting the war according to the usages of emihgation, Fellow-ctuzens, no alternative is teft you ‘ bot victory, or subjugation, slavery and {the utter cuin of yourselves, your families ! your reach. ata perfect stand | Fort Seater on Saturday at 4,000) vards dis- | adee, Tare \ that another Certtle born tard: cme epee daly began VoeTron es w eX monctore and five oats are nade and tuyere \ French war ste Ail quiet tins 1 Sprorte ates i styl \ anchor off Sunater, The tro Pe sent Grant were to re- P'2C@ the tren. dowu by enw Cie of service hus ex. pied in Barks’ acisy ‘seneral Pare im at Pine Balff Arkansus. Diek Taylor's hey wat Bervick's Bay — He sunk tive ep, syerte near Doouwideonville 0 fast Puedes, General Kirby simth's Neadawarternrre .c Shreveport. tle huncalled the Gove; Dorm ofthe Prame- Mreaise pp De- partment to meet iy the Lith inet The Governor of Texas han taken the field with 10,000 s1 le tro pa General Magruder's headquarie Ts are st (ealves DAVENPORT VE «ALE COLLEGE. LENOIR, CALDWELL Co., \. c vat Varshall, fexas, ou tou ‘ WE FALL SEsston w ILL commence September Lat an fend December Qd. Ch (ures PCr Beanio.), Payable wirictly in advance, Board, Inelndimg room and fered, 8! Toition iy, reguur course, €24, Music, & Painting in Oi $24. Drawing & » atm, Greek, French or German, ale Papite wit) rash beatae, and rheets, pitlow- CREM, LoWel<, Loilet xo ip,ete Those whocan- ot du xo w gent CXpenses, The Institution is now in successfal opera- CMs and popile will he received ut uny time. The quiet titile Town vf Lenoir is near the MOUNtaine, 2) iniles North of Hickory Tavern (daily) stage. Application for admission made soon, as ouly a limited number of pupils can tow be received, on Po particulars, apply to Wm. Overman, Esq. A. G. STACEY, Pres’. Aug. 17, 1862—2wpdig3 oat, te . th and your country. The sietory is within You Deed but your hands to grasp at. stretety forth For this and all that ts Necussary os that Chose who are eall ed to the fleld by every motive that ean move the buman leart, should protntly | repalr lo the Post of haty, sliowl? stand comrades pow an tront: of the foe, and thus so strengthen the arnies of the Con federacy as tu ensure success The Men now absent from thetr posts wonld, of pre sentin the field, suffice to ereate nameri- cal equalty between enn fores and that of the invaders--and when, with gay an. prunes to such eqadiy, have ae faced to movietatious DP beleve that but few of Ubsentnre aetoated by unw: Trness fo serves their comntey s bot that many have togod moaitheale to presse the tenrpas toa efacert te Cher toares i flowed ovles fram shom they baee bb Se CO » se pamateds : ai others lave Jett tor teeny porary atertnon ta therm ataers wrt the Mtentow of returning, mod thea lave shronk the « plenees al their viehuien aot duty: Voothers areata dias hen posts from Hie restiossneas ni) esire Chatiyen, cn jdieting Che usie ada es of hs comecieties tay persoadit se aiiiniss Sint Was theives HW SePsoCesS Com have ua in uence on he reveral result, These nnd other causes (though far less disuracctufthan the deare to avoid anger, ort sane from the sacrtives pes quired by poaroienay) ates veverth errevats faults, nod pitee (be canse of curt beloved couniiy, and of everythae we bold) dear Hinent sper Preps bbe charged additionat for eontin- | that theonen wis now owe duty ter Ciserr country, whe have been caded ontand have NOt Vel reported tor datv, or who have ab therr sufficient in number to secure us Victory sented themselves rom posts, are in the struggle now impending, Tealion you then, my countryman, to | hasten to your camps, in obedieunvs to the diciates of honor and duty, and summon those who bave absented Hiemselves with- | out lefve, or who have remained absent be- | yond the Period allowed by their furloug)is, | to repair without delay to their respective | commands, and I do hereby declare that I grant a general pardon and amnesty to wid ‘ , ail-officers and men with wy, bow absent without Te tee may beat the date of the publication. This amnesty and pardon shall extend to all who have been accused, or who have been convicted and are undergoing sen- tencd for xbsence without leave, or deser- tion, ex epting only those who have been twice convicted of desertion. Finally, I conjare ary cosntrymen—the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of the Confederacy—to use tee all-power fal inflaeuce in aid of this eall, to add ong crowning sacrifice to.those which their pa triotisim bas so freely apd constantly offer ed on their country’s altar, and to take care that pone who owe service in the field | shall be shelterel at homé from the dis- uzrace of having deserted their duty to their families, to their country, and to their God. Given under my hand, andjthe seal of the Confederate States, jat Riehmond, {Seac.} this Ist day of Augpat, in the year of our Lourd obe fhousand eight hundred and sixty-three, ° JEFFERSON DAVIS. By the President: J.P. Bessamin, Secretary of State. A ugust J, 1863—2w1] CONSCRIPT OFFICE, } Camp Hormés, August 5, 2063. § GENER \L ORDERS, t NO_ 17. ‘ N ACCORDANCE WET THE ABOVE Proclametion fd ampesty and pirdon by the, ) President, an camest inviiation ix extended to ) atl persons absent withomt Jeave from the army to report themedves @tithe Comp of Instrue- tioa immediately, 0 be forwerded to their reg- iments. All god ciczens are eutreated ty use every ineans intheir puwerto prevail tipog pere They will he wel treated and past off aces (or- gotten. Transportation wi be furnished to ther commande. But ic mast be distine'ly understood that af- ter the expiration of the Cine eet Ly the Presi- | dent. the mast vigurous Measures in the power ) ofthe Government will be iustitated for the ar- rest and puuishtneut of all absent fron theie comrnmoanie without leave. owe to their couutry. Let them report at once wo their Militia: officers ty b sent to cap, or Come to person witht delay . Th A Camp of Lustructen will be opened | fat “Cain Dp Vance,” aear Morganton, on the 1th of Angust. All Persecs subject to eon- serouonin the 9th end eth Pysernet will re- port to Cant. James C. Metae, Commandiag i Cap Varce. By order of COL. PETER MALLETT, Com of Censenpts for N.C. J.W. Mater, Adjutant. lwl2 Nona need expect | toevale longer the service which they jusily | P4 y jasily ‘TO CONSCRIPTS | AND MILITIA OFFICERS oy THE . Sth Congressional District! In obedience to General Order, No. 14, and General Order, No. 15, isaued by Col Peter Mallett, Commandant of Covseripts for North Carolina, Colonels of Militia will, oa the 20th of Auguat, 1863, enroll ull persons liable to eon- scription onder the recent Proclamation of the President of the Coufederate States, and all persons 60 enrviled, will report themselves to the enrolling officer aud Medical Bourd, at the following limes and places, to wit - leateland County—91st Regiment, Colonel Logan, Tacsday the 25th, and Wedoesduy the 26th of Angust. 90th_Regiment, Colonel Elli- otte, Thursday 27th, aud Friday jhe Qoth of August. | Lincoln County—88th Regiment, Colonel Rauseur, Monday 31st August and Tnesday dst September. Gastow County—87th Regiment, Col. Hand, Thursday 3¢, aud Friday 4th of September. Mecklenburg County—8sih Regiment, Col. Maxwell, Monday the 7th and ‘Kuesday the Sih of September. 86eh Regime Ar, Colovel | Brown, Wednesday 9th and Tharsday 10ib | September. | Cadurrus Countu—8tih Regiment, Colonel Barnbart, Fricay 1.thand Saturday 12h Sep- tember. Union County—82d Regiment, Col. McCain, Mondoy 4h ad ‘uesday 15th. 119th Regi- j ment, Colonel Matis, Wediesday 16th aud {| Phoreday i7th Sepiember. j Rowan County—7t0h Reyiment, Col. Brad- { shaw, Suturdsy 19h aud Monday 2let Sep- (tember. 120th Regiment, Cal. Locke, ‘fues- day 22d and Weduesday 23d Sepiemboer. Catawha Cauuty—e9th Regiment, Colonel | Forney, Friday 23:b and Saturday 26th Sep- tember. . This Cullinelades all who-shall haye be- ‘come 13 uu or before the 20th of August, 1863, and-all who are under 45 ou that day, wheth- er ressdeuts of aay other portion of the Siate, or of auy State for claiming to bea citizen of any forergn State of Pewer—all who received exemptions as the owner or owners of (20) tweuly negroes, as so mach of the Exemption Actot Qevoder. 1862, as relates ta overmcers has heen rapeaied by the aci of May, 1563, to which the attention ef af} desinng the exemp- lien of overseers is called ALL persons dis- charged from the Army from any sense, or by any nuidorty since the last enrotment. All persons (o whouw temporary exemptions were granted Ly the Examining Board, anc all per- seas pennited bv the Enroliing Officer to rea wnuret home ull farther autice ; persons ex empied ot detailed on any work for the State of North Carolins, or any department thereof, Wil be required to auend and exhibit the evi- deuce of exempion or detail. | This cuil Goes not invlude persons exempted by the Examioing Boardon account of physical divability, (uuless specially ordered,) nor per- sous exempi by the Buroliing Officer, at or Le gee the lest enridlment. (exe epl overseers as alove merCooed,) nor persous detailed fora | Ipilec Une through the Conseript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are in full force ‘and eVect on the 261 of A ugust, and the par- AD WINISTIA TOPS “les are actualiv and diligen ly engaged in the 35 A MB .RCe ‘eh THE IST OF SEPTEWZER we wiloofer a small Portion of the ERSONAL PROPERTY uext, belonging to ihe estate of Sarah Heileg, dee'd, | for sale, AT HER LATE RESIDENCE. and ifthe «ale ww not conciuded in one d ‘y.we! will build (open until al! the property we wish to sell, is disposed of. There wil Vaniety of articles gold, thatwe oy necessary to name any of them—they being such as are usualy fouad ou well furnished plaatagons, 7 Terms of sale made known before the sale Comme news, be sucha kot decom it PLN. HEILIG, LG HRILIG, R.J. HOBMES, G. M.BARNELAKDT, Adininis RANA WAY Aaz. $—4wt? trttore FROM the sobser:ber « nthe morvng the 9th | July. 1863, MONROE VARNER. or 13 vearsold in hee shite bout 12 He nad onaweap when he left, steeves Fo sappose he is lurking ahout Salisbury, as hig mother lives there. will give a liseral reward for hie and confinement on yuloeit d tito mek milea Westot Salisourveon tha ta esy DANI August 3, 1869—3a 12 pore henaion lenin iL LA EARLY. Eveentive Denertuseut Vert é srotiaa, 4 Avs't Genenoan's Oprre, Vonitia Raleigh, Aae 4, E8C3. \ Gesrrat Ornver, ) oO V7, 4 I ALL COMMUNICATIONS OX SEIGIE @ Urry miler vatemded & the Goveraer seatto the Adjutant General, abe wil lay them bo fure tie Wov rior and toler lia enewet ({. Fortine Dremeat the Governor dechnesto Ree GOV exetpiions from m Has Meeetieney, srmct he written aid defener duty, Aha wh uppleanona for eich sure atbentoa must be fos fing oMicer of uj mXxeaptioN to en ded Urrouch the commet nent with his apore val By order of Gov. Vases hs. TUCKEY, Aur $—2r12 M WOU NTA ACE MEAD QUAX VERS 76th Ree’) Vo Vihidia. ins. £7, 1883 A al. PER A( INS enrolled tor Horne Ocfenre Within she eorparyta lente Solehucy, will aseeint'te at the Covrt Blouse os { iet., weuts of JO aad 2 between Purp ese ol vlset sand the remaind rot tne enrolled pe f the Rovitnent wil meet at Reg- k for the Officers Rona & 1g Cw pens our ‘mental muster ground 260) Aujgzast, iuatant, for cdvof BRADSHAW, Col. Conmancant, B.F. Crostann, Adjatant. Augaist 17. the same purpose sy) JNO. A 13 WANTED 6 PURCHASE OR RENT; AN IM. proved Lot ia the West or North Ward. Apply at this Office. Aug. 10¢h 1863 thi busiuess tor which they were detuiled. ( UT * Colonels will recarn the Rolle te the Ene roiling OrEver, made cut by Companies, with the full canes plainty written, without erasion or alteration, on large size paper, ooly written ; on one side, With nue column of oantes near the left margin, the balinge of the page blank for remarks. Lf the Colonels have any reason to ) Suspect Chat there ave persous holding exemp- tous trou che Enrolling Officer, or the Exam- jtuing Board, not enuiiwa to. them, obtained through fraud or iniaiake, or that (here are per- soit properiy excinpted, whose disability has cen ditious of their exempiinn by charging more ) than 75 per crat., by quitting or uegiecting the business or profession for which they were ex- , especialy specu'atiou apd ex:ortinn, they will | make separate ruil of them, and have them to- | gether with sworn evi'ence before the Eorel!- tang Officer, Rewecacble avotice must be given to nll such suspected persons, xo they Niey pro- | duce rebutting evidenee, to the eud that jus- ! tice may be done All peysous having bosiness of any kind with the Buroling Onicer, mast be preseal, togeth- ev withsall papers and evidence nec weary for -d to exist, or who have violated the con- | eupted, or by engaging io any other pursuit. } ghia pt RE Sit Sorts & At espe mesmersepeares — —— CONSCRIPT OFFICE, 's \ Camp Houmes. July 25th, 1863. WE following Notice is hereby published df for the foformition of ail concerned. ° By order of . Col. PETER MALLETT, Cowmd’t of Couseripts for N.C J.W. Mauuert, Adj't “2 - Notice. BUREAU OF CONSCRIPTION, Riehmend, V:z., July ist, 1863 fat answer pumeroys inquiries, and to cor- A Yect errors not uncommon, the following notice is published to all concerned: {. Wonder the reeent eall of the President, extendigg the conseript age, all substi! utions have ceased to be vulid if. the subsite be- less than 45 years old und is not Othe swise ex- empt by low. : IL Membership, unless ae an officer duly ac- cepted by the War Deparment, of local or. ge niaations for home defense or specin) servies ,. confers no clan to exemption from Coniedere unless in case of officers actual who have daly qualified. ILL. Hereafter any one fprniehing a substi- luge will become bable iy his cwa persvo whens over the services of the substitute are los: to the Government frome any cause other than the castalties of war. IV. Applicutions for exemption, on any ground whatever, must first be addressed to the loca) eurolling officer, who, if he hus not power to act, or is in doubt, will refer them to higher aatbority. with report of the facia. All euch addrepeed direct to higher authority will necessarily and invariably be referred back for local examination and report; and tle appli- rants Will thus have usclessiy Just time and prolonged suspense. Appeals against adverse officers will be forwarded by when auy plausible grodnd forth. VY Commandants of Conseripts wilP give this notice extensive circulation in the ldcal press of, their respective States. G.W. LAY, Lt. Col. A. AG, Acting Chief of Bureau. July 27. 3wil Register, Progress, Standard. Western Dem- ocrat, Payettevi'le Observer, Wihnington Joar- nal, Safiebary Watchman end Asheville News, copy until 2thh Augast with this paragre ph. COME.TO THE RESCUER! Another Chance to Volunteer and Receive Bounty. ly in commission decisions by local them for bea. ing, of appeal is set. J HAVE BEEN SENT TO ROWAN TO erlst reervits from these liable to Cooserip- tia, to join Capt. (now Major) P. B: Cham- bers’ Company. I sha!l be pleased to enroll ag. many able-bodiad patriotic men as pussible, whether liable to the Conseription or not.’ We who have been fiyhtinz the Yankees, having seen more of them and their doings, know bet-. ter than others, perhaps, how inportant it is to maintain a vigorous defence of our Country and cause igeins: the vandal hordes of the North,, and we beseech our friends at home to take nos flattering false hope to their besoms, bat seek. their seeoriy andthe success of ovr cause in- a deisrmined, nnremitring aicuggie bo secure oar independence. There aust be no looking back, 10 quakirg fears, no trombling lnees, but a firm, steady, and abiding faith in the jus tice of our exnse, oureown valor, and most of all, the favor of a righteous God; who always. favors the brave, I will attend at the Regi- Mental master grounds for the purpose of en- rolling volunteers, who wil! be allowed to choose their Companies and Regiments, and entitled: to the usual-bounty; and I shall be highly grat- ified that a large number of them will prefer Capt. Chambers’ Company. It is certainly noch better to volunteer than to go as a Con- script, and F do not, therefore, deein it neces-. sary to say mere. J.T. RAY, Ord. Serg’t?, Co. C, 49th Reg't N.C. T. Auguet 3, 1863. tfll Saii-bary Female Seminary. ri pocee l HE Eleventh Session of my School in this Tusitution, will open ihe 4th of Septémber, 1&63. \ INVesigavon wad decrsioa, while the officer is} ig the | Deeassacy io defer, atime @ud piace wiil be i appowete d. county [eset ted in dde forutang property attested. to rece ati ution, asthe Borolliag Omeer will ted brave Cine sof writing. oO draw ko or ewrteet instru. ment All anpheatio as for exem p- ton aad 426 ergiirtes for ln‘ormation must ce avureséed (2 the Enraciime Ofieer only All Ay NCH NR fOr exempttog, on the Aull papers and affidavics moet be t lars, address | round | Board per session, $150 06 ‘Paition in Eugtish, $25 00 and 30 00 Music wlth use of Piano. 30 00 Lana. Greek and French, extra, $10 eroh. where peries reside, them. it | Pupils required te Trairh lights and toweie. ) » , F 1 Payment strictly ia advance. For particn- ' A. D. WILKINSON, Priveipal. tfll 810 REWARD WILL he given for (woSADDLES sbtolen " LRAd. corxecative cletmency, on oeeeuut of justice, | Gomony stables on the Qdthaist. One is black equiyeand necesety, niet he piesentedto the | quilted the other red lexther: also, two Bridles Kure tug Officer, forded by the swern testi | ane one pare mortingtes (21ppcerd te be in the Wronvootal feast thoes isiater sted and re. } neighborhood of Charles McKenzie’s.) Also. w@eciabss perro —pere whose relisbility | One Hoodred doflass lor the apprehension of Vhe tnrofltag Quieres can endorse. All persans | the taiet WG McNERSLY. putlenncerduseall, en ve roleer : Jaly 25. 1283 unto 2 hoof Agest, ail apt bs fee = Sones Tae ~ = transoocreu a reporting to ¢ For Nale---4 Traet of Land. Cee Oe 2k Mika will etn, Give HUNDRED ACRES, CROP, &C. tothe Ba w Oiheer a coeplte rol of all | CONsertip & hott us valine rhving reguaent | S00" SURI s Wheat : 1000 er of til cenmiw. to whieh they fone bok ep ye rny ZOO bushelaof Potatoea; | ane tall Uheameetvet of this tele. partes mest he. Vaolaces G0) galls: Peas, Ke; 45 head of Cat- ctoatly ca series with their regiments on the | tle, amoow them 20 head of mileh and breeding " d YW oNuyest: fire dgis or peroassion ft crek a good orders 6U or TU hogs, 40 ine size teorewan oat heme cab after that ume. be Papa amoutios old for farting, aud vow in fine Wy onvsaever in will? isrewarced,. and | o der The prenvses enthrace a surface and ley © pa bpls Suhout | ceposit GOLD MEE, GRIST and SAW we « < S SPH toe " vevecThoee MEG. ‘Phe mine wil viele from a 4 to l dwt A haus vole, ard tie ex: | per hand a aay for many Years. Apply at this ' he saryye we Vienders whe | office : TLIOEORNBY: \ toansterted to oS pury despa Wind Hin, Monrgomery Con, N.C. 1 ty reiaumn bore. ow I promot re- Joly S44, 1862 Swpedt0 Hdat Saleboes, op be arrested Sorectem 8 decerters »Hareibas Offeer yeke the spl of a euhitia, and ao } ; rerssenbng the law, sand Pdnve the toul tavaders fiom our sou JESSE Ro McLEAN. Capt. and En. Off cih Con. Disteict. Jivan Bavas, Aan'(. Surg, ©. 5. As, , W oii. Howsaros, W. Ds, JR Exo, W. D., Ey. Bowrd \ Acgnat 8, 1862. uu BLANK DEEDS { FOR SALE AT THIS OFF{CE. etl good cinzens | rasng iment tof iv Book Sture ac | | ae — = a BB” EN Es ice ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON vent, will please cell on Mr. James H, Foniss, ny anthonsed agent and set- de the game. AUD: those iudebted te me on my rbbacm'- tio and printing account will ploase cali ou Enniss and settie also. ‘ Some of mv acecut’s have been stand since 1859, and I do hope tha! the oY ho are due wiff call ac oree and rettte up. Confeder- ut® money is pleaty—there ern . bo excuse - r to takeil in payment of durs a 3. J. STEWART July Gih, 1863. tf:7 ate service ; neither does service jn the militia, . Operations in Ledisiapaa and the Lower Mississippi. A correspondence of the Mobile Terebune, who bas beer a close ob- server of the military operations in Louisiana and the lower Mississippi, writes of the situation : The Federa! forces on the Missis sippi ure greatly exaggerated, From autheutic sources, I have formed es- timatcs which yon will find more re liable than the extravagant state- ments published. The disposadle force of Grant does not exceed 40,- a “MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M. 0. AVING wt uJiedin prom- I nent Mediew Colleges and Hospitals, both North and South, and having beea pric- ticiog in the varions depart- meuts of his profession for over LO years with good sucess, he coutinues to offer his services to the pablic where he is permanently located, and by strict attention to his profesrion will en- deavor to merit a liberal patronage as bereto- | fore, and holde himselfin readiness at all hours, day and aight, for professional calls, OF Office at Roseman's Store. Simpdi0 Execatlve Department, Nerth Caredaa, Apyutant Genenat’s Orrice, “NOTICE. ~~ To all whom it may Concern! WING tothe number of riots, mobs, Im- preesmente and (hefis in the gonaty, | feel ita duty T owe'to inyself to adopt the following rules and regulations at my mull; | lat. 1 will wot be responsible for any Flour, Meal or any kind of Grain that may be taken from me by mob riot or upressmeat, 2d. T will wot be respoasible for auy Grain | stored at my mill woul ordered to be grouud. 3d. 1 will not be responsible for any Mealor Flour more than 24 hours after it is made; at the same time, 1 will take the best cere of it that Teen, and the sane care that I take of my own. The mil! is always un’er lock and wey when we leave J.8. McCUBBINS. | at various polats in the Confedeme ‘in the fabrication of amuyanition,|raw cotton |; mixed with it, | E take this method of appealing to the people Tihs aricle ie being manufuciured largely’ vy, but the scarelty of rags bids fait to iutertore serious! y with the manufacture. } In the macufacture of Cartridgg paper used can be used if a certain proportion! of hemp be Tam authorized by the Ordoagce Depart- ment io purchase material for this purpose, and to ussist me in collecting old rope, bagging: waste cordage, &c , or any kind of old hemp. A good price will be ra for the above ma- terial, varying from 10 to 25 cente pet pound, according \o condition, locality, &c. I will uleo pay 40 cents per ad for old ecrup Lead delivered at the Won. ‘Speoiul Notice, To all who it may Concern, TO ALL PERSONS INDERT. ED 10 U8! Au Fersons indebted to the frm of A, & W. Myere and A. Myers, are bereby respect. fully requested to settle their respective obi. gations either in person or by letter, withont needless delay. They will thas save interes, and the inconvenience of payment when mon. ey may be less abundant than at present. 1 hope the friends of the lete firms will uot re. quire longer indulgeoce, but respond to this urgent call, as it ix necessary that the business should be closed with ag tittle delay ae A. MYERS, 000 men. With these he will have Raleigh, July 4, 1863 “pipe A ¥ = i Salisbary, 30, 1863 ’ ; to defend the two banks ofthe river,| JR. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF ee A. G. BRBNIZER Solis eg nett te Cowan's Brick Row. and to pursue and destroy Johnston Rowan County, is authorized to raise a SCRAP TRON WANTED. Capt. Art’y. ahs th March 30, 1863. a5 and Kirby Smith’s armies, and to maintain a strong garrison at Vicks- ‘burg and at other points. He can get oo reinforcements—he has ex- hausted these. Banks has not 15,- 000 all told, to hold Louisiana, and he has to garrison New Orleans, Port Hudson, Donaldson and the forts. The force in the field does not exceed that which Taylor and Magruder can bring to bear against him. These Generals already hold the western part of Louisiana; if Banks parsues them into the interi- or he leaves a weak force on the riv- er and our light furce can operate with great effect. Whilst oar ar- mies must increase, those of the ene- my must diminish. Vicksburg bas already cost General Grant half of his origival army. Bank's casualties before Port Hudson are set down at the lowest estimate at 7,000 or 8,000. There are more than 12,000 sick and regiment to serve fur six moaths, ander the re- quisition of the President, Ewch company will consist of 75 men. The privates will elect their company officers, the latter will elect their field officers. ‘The officers will be com- missioned at and from the time the muster- rolls are Giled in this office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant General. HE UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO such of his Tellow-ciiizens as may choose to jain him, to report to him at once at Salis- bury. If the force called for by the Presidcnt do not avai] themselves of the opportanity to volunteer and have officers of their own selec- tion, they will be drafted and have officers ap- poiuted by the Gevernor over then. The ser- vice is for State defence and for but six months. Rally, meu! The enemy is now advancing apo our coast, threateniag the destraction of our haumes and the destruction of our means of subsistence, to say nothiug of the disgrace and worse (hau deash their presence eutails upoa our sisters, our wives aod children. Rally to the defence of your hommes aad firesites. A. M. NESBITT, July 6, 1863.—{tf7] Salisbury, N.C. Confederate Insurance Company, Charlottesville, Virginia. I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY on HE HIGHEsT PRICES WILL BE paid for old Casting or Scrap row at Govern. ment Foundry in Silisbury. Persons having any will pleage send it at once, or notify me where they can deliver it. A.B. SHEPPERSON. Superiatepdent. March 4, 1863. (f:42 — Attention Soldiers’ Wives! — I HAVE a smaliquaatity of Flour to spare Any of the soldier? wives living in my Cap- tain’s District ia need of flour, can get it atten | doliars per hundred, | also have a little Woo, lo spare. The wives of widiers in my dixtrie, can have a few pounds fot their own use grat » JOAN C. MILLER. 52 SALISBURY, APRIL 20, 1863. To Gas Consumers, Ox and after May Ist, 1883, Gas will be $15 per 1000 feet. Owing to the very great advance of materia! and freights, the Compa- ny are necessitated to raise the pnce of Gas or stop the works. Freights have gone up 200 per ceot.; Tron Retorts 300 per cant. end Ro- May 18, 1863. | the Piano, Harpor Guitar §30,00, Vocal anu- | $12.50, Grecian Painting 915.00, Ancient a Office C. 8S. Ord. Works, Sahsbary, N.C. June 29, 1863. f6 Edgeworth Female Seminary. GREENSBORO’, N. C. HE Fall Session of thie Institution wil! commence oo the 4th of August next. Teams for the sestion of 20 weeks Board, including washing, lights, fuel, &c., $20,00. English Tuition 830,00, Music on sic $t2,50, Oil Painting $30,060, rsa u Modern Languages, each $12.50. For further particulars apply to RICHARD STERLING, Principal. June 29, 1863. Bipd6 ~ “Stonewall” Jaokson. e} UST PUBLISHED, and for sale by N.S. MORSE & CO, Augousia, Ga, . A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxetcn OF « STUNEWALL” JACKSON. By Crances Harvocn: Being a fall and accurate account of the Leading Events of baw Lile, hie Dying Momeuts, and the Obsequies at Rich sin 6U0 per cent. {:f49) LEATHER. moad aad Lexington. This work contains many anecdotes of the llustnoas soldier that have pever befure been OIL, OIL. ONE BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL for sale, apply to WM. WATSON, 38 5 miles west of this Or at this Office S keptop as heretofore. I is gratifying to him that tiie ertablishmem, begen, at fives, at a doubt fulexperimeat, bas proved to the public a great desideratom aad a com. plete success. Travelers, and others Can al- ways have their wants ,in thistine, wellsap- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. And the subscriberis always ready tosell or buy good Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN Jan. 18t.1863. tS 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. V 7 ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for which will be paid $1 fer medium size, and smaller ones in proportion. Apply to R. F. Simvaton, Statesville, os A J. Mock, Salisbury. * December 8, 1462. 129 a change i aad other ness, the s be two doll nuipervy: haareding bling wn abd river wounded Federals in the hospitals r | published _enenees a in New Orleans. The negro ist- | from the above [nsurance Company, and am s ; al : . ; wre al in me t fail Ba Ae h enlis now prepared tu take risks on property at rea- foo adcatuenkdutall liad ATI LE OF | For sale by ali Book Stores aod News Ageats DR. HO W ER T ON Coun He ment scheme fails. nks has nev prime Y Continues to advancy ia price, | Price $1 UU. f Lise ada! his professional serviees to the will retin er been able to organize more than three regiments, and they are com- poses of the free quadroous of New leans. Port Hudson demonstrat- ed the unfitness of the negro for mili- tary operations, and the attempt so to employ him produced great dis- satisfaction and digsension in the Federal army. At present the slaves are a.barden to the Federals. There is no work for them whioh will pay fortheir maintenance. The abstrac- tion of their labor from the planta heh © wealihiest and best people of Virginia. A svaable rates, and for limited peneds uf time, and on different grades of preperty :—Such as Cotton, Tobaceo. Prodace, Wachinery, Mer- chandise, Bui'dings, &c. This Company has been in operation bat a short time, has a large Cash Capital all paid in, and held by some of large amount of the Capito! Stock of this Com- pany has already been suld for ten per cent premiam. [I can safely recommend this Com- pany to be of the most @liable character, and any losses from policies issaed “by this Compa- ny. will be promptly met according to the terms set forih in its poricies. . Persons in Salisbury and vicinity desiring their property insured, can have an opportuni- | ty of doing so by calling on me. A. J. MOCK, Agent. and shoe-makers are predicting that prices bith. | erto accuunted enormous will be next to noth- ing as compared with prospective demands.— This may be 80, and probably will be true an- | less consumers shall take Umrly warning and } prepare to supply théf® wants without purchas- | tng. Itis believed there are surplus cattle and hides enuugh io the eoantry4o supply the pab- jie demand for leather. Farmers. as a geveral thing, keep more cattle than can be well kept and made most profitatle. If they would take as good care of their cowmas they do their horses and mules, one half the namber would be more profitable for milk and buiter. The | surplus stuck might be fattened and staughter- | ed. The undersigned desires to do all in his | power to keep duwn the price of leather, aud | The trade supplied at a liberal discount P All orders addreseed tous will be prompt- by filled. N.3. MORSE & ©O 116 Augusta, Ga. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnel, C. P Mendenhall. ). P. Weir, James M. Garrett, Joho L. Cole, N.H. D. Wrison, Wm. Bariin- ger, David MeRKuight, M.S. Shgrwood, Jed. citizeus of Salmbury. Office ut the Boy- den Hoase. Mar 9, 18€3-~1f42 te le a tos OP SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1862. ALL those indebted to the firm of McCvasine & Fostex, will caf atthe Boot & Shee Manufactory of Jubn A Bradshaw, next doot to the Waichmas Office, on ithe sadseri- ber, and seitle their accocnts, cither by note orthe cash. Now ts the time to pay debts. 1f 26 THOMAS J. FUSTER, stou's di aruiy is ~ud, but single ui wherealx sitcte We ile ever ; MUATS shi bad the if be can secure the co-operation of stuck-own- ers. he believes he cag do mach guod in this di- rection. He cannot afford to pay the presen; extraordinary demands of dry | H. Lindsay, Greensborough ; W. A. Wright, | Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lamberton; | Alexander Miller, Newbern; Thadeus Mc. "THE subscribe, !iving near lcard Station, in Burke oounty, 1» prepared to furnish any amount of aap lumber, dehvered on board the cars, at $1.50 perhundred. Heart lamberas per tions is not so great an injury, as Q ‘A Salisbury, N.C., there is no cotton and little sugar to July 16, 3563. 19 enltivate, aud the corn, potatoes, -nd pea c are already made. The fall of Visksburg and Port Hodson will give the enemy no ad- $500 REWARD. Office of Mi. & E. Myers was broken open and the fullo ving articles stolen ther from: Oue vantage from the command of the river which they did not have be: fore. They already held the river, and deprived us of all ose of it. They are compelled now to pursue oor fine English Guid Lever Watch, w th (he name of J. A. Lilliagtoa on the face, German Text} letters, believed to be made by J. Johnston, | Liverpool; one viemond Ring. large Diamond in centre clustered around with smaif Dia- arm . moods ; one fine Gold Ring, with furget me not, ies and fight them ve their own imecribed thereon; one lth Ear Rings and! idea which will at Breast Pia, Coral and Gold ; two Gold Chata- ground. The ret produce considerable jubilation j ua Pine; ove Banch Gold Charms, consisting | ' amo | of the two Lockets with miniatures ; Slipper-. h "e iy that they uate opened Cruse, Hart, Shell, and others not recollected ; the river for commercial use, will | (oe Corral Breast Pin; one Gold Breast Pin. | prove a wretehed infatnation. The | sett with Peart-; one Necklace with large | smull bodies cf troops infesting the oval Jets, with cross in centre; one fine Fan; banks of the river will be a greater | sre lee Linge ee abe Bata Handkerchief, Collars, Sleeves. &e; Blankets, aad then sell leatherat #2,the highest price he has, up to thia time, sold at. Bat if farm- ers, who have hides, will send them to bia Tan- nery, ‘orleave them ai Sprague. Brothers, in | Salisbory,) he will Tan them on the usaal | terms, obligating bimse!fto sell his own share | ala rate only reasonable enough te jostify him | in so doing. [don’t wish to speculate, have | dune. and wiil do all I can, against it. Soany | one wishing to have their Hides Tanned can | do as abave directed. T. W. HAYNES. May 18, 1863. 152 LARGE quantity of TOBACCO for «ale by JNO. F FOARD. Sulisbary. April 23,1363. £49 = = ce eee ee | fe Wanted. ESS ye GOOD HORSE Bvitable for | and green hide) Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yance-- | ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey, Wadesboroagh ; Re R.C. Maynard, Franklimtoa; Dr. E. F. Wat. son, Watsonville OFFICERS: N.H.D.WILSON, ~ - President. JED. H LINDSAY, - Vice-President C.P. MENDENHALL, - Attorney PETER ADAMS, Sec. and Treas. WM.H. CUMMING, - General Agent W.J. McCONNELL, - J.A. MEBANE, - J.M.GARRETT,- - Allecommunications on basiness connected withthir Office. should be addressedto PETER ADAMS, Secretary Greensboro’, N. C., June 19, 1860. tf4 DENTAL NOTICE. » Executive Com. contract. Orders addressed to hem at Happy Home. Burke county. N. C., will receive prompt atlention T. L.C. DONALDSON March 17, 1862 166 WESTERN N.C. RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. >| <a I OR the purpose of expediting the transper tation of the marl as well as to prevent delay to travellers, the passenger traias un this Read willrun 20 as to nuke close concetion with the ‘‘ai Trains of the N.C. Rail Road, which strives from the North at 130 P.M. The trains on this Road will leave Szjishary at 2 P- M., and arrive at the head of the Road of 7.45 P.M, and leave the head of Ruad at 730A. M.,and reach Salmbary in time lo connect with terror to their transports than the! Linnen and Cotton Sheets, Pilow Cases and | the Army. Apply to ane \ ihe Maa Train forts ever were. There will be the fragt let oelantbdme Nal | fila 1 JAMES W CLARKE. W. F. Bason, M. D. "JAMES C. TURNER Gr - y ollec he | _ . oe fe ‘ Sree d tio ere bol Sie Lt} > “ie os Tle & sia ae ld Lahapsing danger and no inducements abave reward of Five Handred Dollars, wil! be whatever to traders. Thie people | paid for the reeovery of the above named arti- have an abundance of everything eles. or in proportion fur any part of them — they usually get from the West, and! Most of the Jewelry can be identified by W.R hav t he h | Wilson, Watch-maker at this place In my € no money to pay what they absence, any informacion given to Captain A may need. The armies of the ene-| Myers or xamuel Reeves, Sr, will be prompt- my are not large enonyl: to divide. | !7 attended to. They will have to keep together or be cat offin detail. If they keep near the river sickness, will destroy and demoralize them. If they ad- vance far into the interior our army will be badly managed if it docs not cut them off effectnally. : E. MYERS. Salisbury, N.C., Jane 15, 1463. us {2 The Confederacy, at Atiania, Ga. will copy daily one week. and send bill to thisuffice. a qd A BE De \ H AVING resigned my commission in the | Coufederate Army as Surgeon, [ tender my | services tu my friends and the public \ A. M. NESBITT, I? Cfice, opposite the Court House. Jane 15, 1863 Now is the time to pay Money. We learn that the Secretary of War has appointed Joho Deverenx, Eeq., of this City, chief Tithingman for this State, in place of Maj. Brad- | ford, removed. Mr. Devereux is a A Poy . native of the State—a gentleman of = : yoy eae Seeileaiausmi sais z ne . 0 me Dy Note or account, are requested tu inteiligence and business habits, and | ea! and pay up. | wil no doubt perform the duties of A.M. NESBITT. | the office as acceptably as any one a whe coald have been appointed. ic ‘ apmess WOOL WANTED. | RINC | N.C. Standard. | Mr. Devereux, has declined | x, bas decline i Seconn SHEARING LAMBS WOOL wanted by WM H.SMITH Sansbury, July 13, 1663 tf MICHIEL BROWN. tf4 June 15, [xt3. P.S. the appointment. | The Democratic State Convention of Maine, which assembled at Port- _N. C, White Sulphur SPRINGS. OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS. | Wn ] HE publie can valaable waters. PRICE OF BOARD: &5 per day; $28 per week: 875 for 4 weeks We have a pleatiful rupply of provisions and | a good mock of ice secured. A daily line of hacks and mail to the Springs. H. L. ROBARDS, Proprietor. Janel, 1863. tf2 Red and White Rose Leaves. have the benefit of these | W E. wish to purchase a large lot, for which we will pay 75 cents per poand. They muat be clean and nice. HENDERSON & ENNISS. Salisbury June 15, 1863. tfa , ’ a] b) +c WHEAT FANS. LAX NUMBER of the “ Burnett” pattern, admitted to be the best ever manafactured in | the Southern coantry, Of more reasonable terms than any other article at the present | time. | | | | | { | Apply sgon to JOHN SHUMAN, Sr Salisbury, June t, 1863. if | MM 42RD’ EB“ B@*> ice WILL come or send to Sprague Bro’s. in Salishury on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days to get any Hides that may be feft there fea RY, formerly owned by M, & E. My. + W OULD respectfully make known that be hasrevaken his DENTAL ROOMS*in Salts. bary N. BL Asit wilhnot suit him toremain all the time, those calling in his absence, will be nets- fied of his arrivals by leaving their names in the letter Box attuched to the doer of the Office or bv addressing bim throogh the Post Office. at this piace, Dee. let, 1862. [tf:28 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One doorbelow R.& A. Marphy'sStore, SALISBURY,N.C., ” EEPS constantly on hand alarge assori ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- scriptiorrepairedin the best manmer and on the most reasonable terms. February 14, 186:. “ww 2 QWs we wD 20.090 STAVES TTHE CON. STATES DISTILLE. ly3h ers) at Salisbury, as follows: To be of white oak timber. clear of sap 146 Cor aod LINEN RAGS wanted by JNO. F FOARD. Saliebory, Apri! 23, 1583. 1649 April6, 1863 we Post Office Netice. SOUTHERN and Western Mail closes at 4912 M.; Northern Mad eloses at 8 P.M; Cheraw, S.S., Sanday, Tuesday and Thure- day. 8 P. M.; Mock»+ville, Movday, Wednes- day and Friday, 8 P M.; Witkesboro’, Tues- day, 8 P.M.; Troy, Thursday, 12 M. Sunday Off ce Ifvurs. From 12 M., until 24 P. M.; from7 P. ™.. enul 10 P.M. The above rules will not be departed from anil farther notice. All persons are expected io pay their Post Office aceounta when presented at the ead ot the quarter, otherwise I will be compelled to se{t theit papers for the postege MOSES A. SMITH, P. M. May 4, 1863. 1f50 Dr. J. A. CALDWELL DESPECTFULLY OFFERS © his professional services to the . citizens of Salisbury and the sur rounding coontry. Office two doort Staves, 34 inches long, from 4 to 6 oches wide and 1 inch thick. NWeading, 24 inches long, from B to 10 inches wide, and 14 inches thick. below M. Brown's office Tr 'n my absence, leave your name on the Slats. May 4.—t£50 land on the 6th, was composed of | 7 Hs : for me 700 Stay “01 : : ‘ oO} SSION MERCHANT TW HAYNES 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a thousand nine hundred deleyates. and adopted C tM / Uh ¢ IA VI June 8, 1863 19 | Highest market ne gt 7 ee On The History of Worth JAS.“ OHNSON, SALISBURY, N.C resolutious in favor of terminating pRUUrE ei ati ] personal attention given to the the present desolating war, declaring JIALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, for which we will pay the highest price, Addresa Medical Purveyor ©. S.A Charlotte N.C. Carolina | JIUBLISHED in 1851 by the undersigned, h ? ne purchase of Produce and Stipments — SANA eee ax ‘ | - (é ss the | nion eer be preserved | Consignments either for sale in this Ae UENDERSON & ee NISS, June 15, 1563 te} preface conceded thal it contained iar witbout conceasion and comnpromise, | for stupment to other markets siicited, which rugsrietn, ; sions unavoidable and many Imperfections. t , . r \j al ? June 15, 1963. (4 | Notice to Debtors and Creditors, | second edition was then promised, which would will be sold at highest market price and remit- tadces promptly made. and Genoancing Lincalo’s adin{njs.- * : Sahsbury, July 13, 1863. trations 6. An Englisi private soldier is now paid about $110 a year; French one abont $50 a year. A Colonel fs HY EY WANTED AT iJ EN DERSON & ENNESS’, Druggists June 15, 1663. 4 SW ‘A TARE BceD T the C 8. Distillery at Salisbury, N.C., | One Thousand (1000) Bushels Maple | Charcoal ; Proposa!s mast be addressed to JAS. T. JOHNSTON, | A ALL persons having claims against the Evinte of James W Neely, late of Davie coun- ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them in terms of the law, and those indebted to said Estate are requested to make immedi- diate payment. remedy these defects. This is now called for He will be grateful to any one who will point ont any errors in the dates, names of facts 10 the vurious counties of the State; and any biographical sketch of those who have done ser vice in the field or State. Letters may be sent to me, care of Hon. D. Fogland boat 96,000." $1,600, in| BLANK MitsDs | Medical Part late NC De ana ne JOHN H. WHEELER ‘ k ”y 7 EY * tharlotte, N.C. : } : SELER. g | FOR SALE AT T:313 OFFICE jay 13, 1963 i | June 29, 1869: ems | Chapel Hit, N.C., Juve 4, 1863, 3m udering! Lhe mez arther, ) Dibeg “4 wet i loper Virgin LAr uine “arey| akeu ) ta the eB ation, in ish any pard the eras per | Happy receive SON (166 DAD. FFERS ‘en to the the sar- wo doort e on the —t:50 ersigned, red omis- son 8. A ch would ‘alled for will point facts in and any done sere Hon. D. >LER. 3m7 _ z ; =e wid ere cc theeett hg... ree ene Y 'e VOL. .XXI. ; ras J. J. BRUNE j hundreds of niles under assumed umes eortoa a io | aud of North Caroliua credit, It males ND : , aut blood boil to hear Nurth Carolina U6 ete aati aliens | gotnced an a harbor for desetters aud trilt- Price of the Watehman. lors wheu in feet, there are’ fally as°many From aud after this date, and until thereis | in ether slutes. One unan bas just arrived a change iy the prices of provisions, paper | fram Sulwbury, ie suys thet the! lastenlt aad other articles required to carry ov busi- ness, the subscription rates of this paper will ve two dollars for six months, and three dol- ‘ars for @ year. . left in bis sectiuu of country, Sate are brought out whose legs have been broken, - their hands off, gue wan had his uegk dis- Apvertisine, two dollars for the first, and jointed 5 and be sage it is « fact that blind one dolige for each sulsequent publication. | wen have been taken te Raleigh, their April 20uys, 1863. rom the: 4th” North Carolina. aspects | OY. | Benerally beheved, { Ouaxce Courr Housr, Va, ) Jury 3ist, 1863, | August 2d, 1868. | _ | Camp wear Madison Court Lowe Mos: ee us T finished the last | 5 : | ence ile - " 3 as! Expected to remain sume bime but sentence above, orders came to move iM | left at short warning—Fight at ) ; _ Cae Hcausnis yep “P the Shenendo Vucarly everyonan tad been washing his | ah— lecruits—Something about) oioties aud they w f but tro wl. | l te H. t i ie tre ‘ 1¢ vibes Alice wey Were slid Wel, bul no al- } pes 18——£E00 Qh — USE cBBUNY | Jowances were wade, and in fifteen mine | thirst— Our fare—new clothes. Ulew all were ready, amd on their way high, the men about half done cooking, | \ SALISBURY taxes the few ue whe have been huwfally ten Notbers their aris broken, some out with | the State Jour ; boro’ Patriot a request thut they, und albthe of the State favorsble 10 the. gause picase copy. ; j eyes operated on, and then sept to the ar- | Mie mecting then Mau 4 Cc i 4 | son, company H; Sergt. J. Me He is my wathority—of" course ft i bs a ead Privecx i Br ’ | as delegutes to said Cogventiou, efter which it; ‘ adjourned. : Jinediately. The sun was hardly an hour | MEETING OF THE 141i N.C. TROOPS. | nent held this day in its camp, to exp: WE gmiedrd or. * ie iw 3, ee U P i Al an a Pe ae ae pie Se wre © nad eh re ae fa gurl NUMBER 14. “of the vodd old | United States. “ £3 Resolved, 3rd, That we have ever manifest- ee an eorgest desire for wy amicable adjustment ot the difficulties now existing between us, and for the discontinuance this of war when let alone. Resolved, 4th, That while we are willing wo ° “L rmavent pence, . What we conceive bay’ “i pi ity Hey” ” js the uptraue | o28ertain proporitions from the enemy for ar- jou af p On liberty and freedom of these Cott wa. Srna glare socal nhobas hair we era: Hederate States, snd nothing’ -ahort of pa from us to the enemy, and deelare that Tithe! this will begin io. satiety us. The “polit. | in our opinion any scheme for the reeonstruc- teresa an olen there ty ty | elt Unni rd Green» | out for anything cle they please but tf . , 2 : ; Resoleed, Sth, That for - Cata J ras Q Oe | the soldiers are Grm. iw their resolve to be ering peepecetion of rig qx oat ek t freer dig, Three elieers for Jeff., Davis be ‘eseblished on terms honorable to the 4 j sod Robert EK. Lee. “t,$, LEMAY, | South and our ind d is acknowledged . T Luw- | : ar Lad t family of nations,“ dae es reas Wns be |. . quite aut veices with Hiitin, com | MEETING OF TILE 28700N. C. TROOPS. | insse of unr Preset gtipsees : Paps a? | 281u N.C. Kxe., Any, 16th, 1863. calling upon all true Patriots and our fair coun- A. nhumlitee waa oreanmed thie day in| tly, oomen to exert their influence in driving ‘+ benaldat Se iidenic! nad ot . 2 | back to their duty all who have sy basely de- said regiment: by cstiliny tosthe chair Capt) sorted it, togethr with those who owe their G G Holland, whb explained the objects | service to their cosntry, but are now tamely uf Ure uieelio. \‘and submissively standing aloof in this hour «1 a s | : : : Y ae ' linen ittes | her peril, for the suke of shielding their own Upou pena tue ie pea Coen | worthless carcass from Yankee bullets, and to Camp l4ta N.C. Troovs ) was appointed to dratt resoub0as or the | cousigu io (deterred infamy iboaslw hovers Auvust il 1863 st action of the mectipg, to wit: company | shamelessly endeavoring to fasien the stigma a rae Ath je ee : A, Sergt Hollytield ; company L, Sergt | of dishonor and to rivit the chains of servitude Ata meeting of the 14th N.C. Regie! white: company E. Cavt Clark: coim- | 2pea them and their posterity. ig ee a ee at | Resolved, 7th, That the above resolations be Capt Apperson; company G, | pablished in all North Carolina papears favor- (Signed) H. A. ROGER:s, Chm’n. Ww. ¥ Robinson, } Secretaries. J. D. Bason, pany k, : i theie seutiment respecting che reconstruc |G. ce RGA Y rival t “ : A day's rest atfords me an opportanity (to Madison. through which we passed at) tion aud ~honors bie pene” proslivitics a 7 rs Morrow: ¢ Bile . : y gsi H js the ucject of the meeting. ~ votrelueet . . . U yar . ai . eee, bh . i SOT Matheny 5 company 1, Gap : an-! “ . tu wrile again for the gratification of my dusk. Taking the Orauge road we went | 4 portion of the press of North: Caraiiua, y COMMITTEE. about four imiles farther and at LO cloek at bight struck camp, having travelled about seven oitles. we mnoved | the morning was warm, but . friends; bitherty — jacessant uarching bas prevented a. After scram: blog amoung mountains and wading Creeks aud rivers fue ten days da suecessiou, we | wte at Inst within three miles of Madison Coun House, where itis possible That we | most intense, to winch add the suthocatiuy Jolie | dust, sud vou will have sume idea of our L~a's Lityps, army is tu the viemntty of Culpeper it is sutistroke, misudderable said, bus Lb doubt very ranel whether acid the heart paut after the water brook single wsanin our ’corps kuows its evact more ardently hau we did; such thirst, We have had no tightivg since we left, Front Royal, vear witch, vu | ihe evening of the 23d inst, we bad a! sharp skirmish with some Yankees who | Orange Cuurt House, Today we have uad the audacity tu attentpt ty cut us off.) ramor= of a skirmish near Culpeper, aud In the fray we bad one sharp shuoter out | the eneny advancing. ft our regiment killed, viz: Marck Hall, wember of Co, A. ee tight tuvk place Pyrepared to teaich at a imoment’s notice. atthe entraves of Manes yep in ce) ft is loo extremely hot ty tight, bat if we Blue Ridge, and though tt) wis Very se: trust we must though our pewter buttons nung business, Vet the scene Was sutne- nuibervus ( At four neat morte asthe sun rose digher the beat became will remainder of Eariy'’s, Nodes’ at ston’s divisiuna, “The reauainder o Mauy ten Caled from extaustion, | sal, de. abd never whereabouts, al they eapericnoe it We have jusi re : ea : ' ceived Turders to remain in eamp and be shoald melt and drop frou cur coats. thing inere Wuae ordinarily cxaciing aud We fare sumptovusiy on beef, bread imossfal At midmyht we were aruused and olach Cerries, the diet cousGtuting the and marched quietly Gve or six nmles up larger halfuer living by far; aud wherev: the road to Lur “y whieh follows thegue er we we we Cod them io tie wreatest uderings of the charauiug Shenendosl.—- | abundance — isa thost jortanate thins lhe mea were exhausted and could yoo ono for us, (hoagh the fact betowetus a colutrs x uv bd 1 1 i anther, During the day preceding we welts to wreek. Driers, tlisties aid thorns | tel inarehesd| apwards of (weuty inies, and grow luxuriautly where afew yours age | then the fight im the evemoy, and the We agave but atte sick. bess, and what we have is caused be the warclang at night, was positively more I never belore saw mn 60 thorvughly worn out and it was 9 ‘look the next day before all ar ived, When we stepped io ie duwo it lacked tan howe or two of day break, and wot) ing vore than GOW\anen of our rigiment were ip with wa, se ineved on up the river, and have been | vuving ever sites uot the 20th inst, | when we landed bere. icceatly received cousilerable accessions ‘rum bume and the hospi ttle, or rusthug corn. than we coald bear oppressive heat Today we received an them badiy. When we inarel from here the ray pickers would do a profitable About 9 ao in.on the 24th business by gor w through the woods and NAGE: poching up whats det, MEETING OF THE 13m N.C T. Near Onwasce CL, Va, Aug. 8, 1863. 13th reget. N A. Rowers, coms | Oue brigade dius | The larger : : " Ata tall meeting of the (OF, Troops, Le Coll IL tuanding, eld ( apoun lees was called to preside ever the meelne and Cant WOW burg, ind Le Jax 1D) Gascon, of Alamance, ; portion reached our camp vesterdas, lw. ug wandered two or thice weeks in tuese lh h (tis day, vb woeton of one, Sullwe would have it disunetly indemtood ‘nounlains or cudeavoring to wet . 1 oh Learou, Ltt hovers int ah deserters are not from North Cat- ua; though the old state has a bad epOtation im kat respeet, Vet more is im puted (nan she restiy deserves. There is ctrick prevalent Uhat should be made pub cand now is as good a time to du it as T wilhever yet. Yesterday au old member Co. C) armved in camp, who had been letuled as a scout to arrest deserters. He was assivned tu duty in the neirhborkood of Farmville, Va, where, by keeping a} Robinson, of Meeklen Were appoluted Secrelanes, The Chainman having axplamed the ob- Jectot the meeting, a committee qousst+ wig of Capt Www Rebiuson, co DB, sheck- lenburg county ; Sergt Maj. Win Howard, co A, Caswell county; Prvate JW Me Cain, co C, Casweil county 5 Private Ro J Joues co b, Person cuunly ; Lz J ly Ba sea, co BE, Alamance county; Sergt LC x Wil- capluning severnl fellows who belonged tO ’ be Lb | the * Wood's He | Juans, co DT, Rockingham county, were ap ilant look out, be «oom suceeeded in Foster, co F, Davie county 3 Rooster battalion.” ae : : suluted to dric is HR _EXIITORSIVG ‘sked them where Ciey were from, their Potted OSU GAIUS ULUUUlis <x] Chel ot reply was, North Carolina. ké Inquiries ard received the same reply; | the seuse of the meeing, “The comme Others inade ; fouiwitg resulutioas, wbieb were uuatiuously adupted tee reported ile but when (hey were brought before the proper authorves, and the truth forced | uty the very otlcers examining them were Resolved, Vinut we. the members of said Regiment, have witnessed weth morttication and devp sorrow, Wie Course pursued by 4 por- stotnded to fearo that they were tianefthe cities 0! genuime alew counties tn our Virginians sane belonged to the ‘e Va. Kesunment. A few dave later a squad of, WiUh certain oe afsofthe State, have, and ind diss patriotic old State, im that they, in couuection ut i , } are still exciting a spurtlo ciscauaten ‘nore North Carolinians wers arrested, 3'"* Wexeitns gclian Co Po rscrsi lent Dati loyally among both ver Citize@s amd soidiers— ulin the end turned out to be Geornans, ‘ a course which, if persisted in, will brug re- “areely n day pussed but ‘deserters were proach upouw her good name, und disaster lo | “ken up, Who invariably reported them- | the Confederate Goverumenut | selves from North Carolina attirst, but af: Resolved, Vhar we believe this state of af. |} fairs has been maugurated by ceruun journals | ‘erwards proved to be from some ar : | | ue 6 othe of the State, amoung wiich ranks must con- ' spicuously the Ralegh Stauda> tl, whose colors | ‘ate, A tew, perlaps ooe-tifth, my friend says, Were indeed from tha old North State, | are unfurled displaying more stripes Chan bars. | hut by far the larger proportion were from Resolved, ‘That we have most unbounded Vinginia, These facts can be proven be- contidence in the Governor of North Carolina | vo : | and the Administrators of the Confederate | : od adoubt. I do not wake these state-| (;.,,, rnwent, believing that if North Carolini- ents at random, simply to tarnish the ansand thee brethren dotheir duty in the cone | ‘air Dames of our sister states, but 1 do it | test, ae they da ¢heire, our efforts will untima- | ‘0 vindicate our own honor. I am sorry | tely be crowned with suegess. that a single soul has ever deserted from the |, Revelved, That as North Carolinians, we Confeder ° have asserted our rights from the bloody field ei chess meal f but since men will &% | of Witliamebarg, Va., to that of Gettysburg, © not right that-they eboald.travel for | Pevss, so willwe euptinue fo do in every vmer- | Oo motion, J. W. ‘Tracy was called to the | thair and T.S. Deumy aud N.C. Jenkins ,appaointed Secretaries. Ved, and on motion of Capt. J. M. Gudyer, | cointuittee of fogr was appointed to draft , ts ! ' “d resulutions fur the vuidance of, and ex- pressive of the feelings of this regiment. | g4uized. who wre dexpondent, and seem to| Private Wm. J. Harris, Co. K. The following named gentlemen coustitut | ced the commuittee : a speech, ate aud Lappy remarks, touching the ob ject fur whieh the mectuy assembled, and | dict with che Government of the Confederate letuing the whole world he South, Capt k Lify aud Dr JW Tra- | SIF DUDES CREE cy also eutertaiued the reginent with sume nuble senlipeuts, cotminittee reported the fulluwing preamble & and resuluuions, which were anandeocsly adujred suparately aud col) tabie sources that a feeling is the ficlds were covered with golden wheat | self amoag the peuple ia portwus of N.C, winch if vane has been showered upon the [x-cutive of the | Coufederate States by a portion of the press of abundant supply of clothing and shoes, the State, Therefure, we Sonn eit ‘ bers of the Lath N.C. ‘I aud none tuo soon either, for we were need. | menrbers of We ew following: the udmiuisteation of Cov. Vance and President ! Ca Davis, in the general officers of cur army und | (the unequivocal determination of our soldiery. | untieigued regret that a portion of the public of | North Caroliaa entertain eenticcuts docking io reconstruction, aud what they desiguate ‘us | au lionurable peace,” unqtestioual kees and Northern citizens. datention of imperiously or otherwee arrogatius yrolation of the course of certain persons , to ourselves the privilege of dictuuiug teras te” the people Of North Carolina, attempted erad: eation of that) mischivous Spit Low Wunifest- men of the North Carolinu regiments, reminds lug our countrymen that they weuld be wuilty of base ingratitude Were they to deny those the Stale to give the necessary support to pubs yy yy eurs to the syren songef that poriou of the la small portion of nan; company K, Licvut Scone. \ The Comtnittee then retired. During | ther absenes Ube necting was entertained | ps : sh . _ | by a speech from Lieut Lurley, after, which, Phe object of the meeting was explain- | Ia. G. H. Lindsay, Chairman; Capt. D, A. Culbreth, Capt. G. F. Smith {Private John H. Swicegood, Co. A, Sergt. W. W. : | Edwards, Co.D, Private Wm. H. Young, the Committee uumalnously reported theta, E, Serat. Sum'l. Stock, Co: F, Sergt fullowing resulutious, That, ptegteed at tee esd te Pot hall Wueceas, [t has been brought to cur atten- | H. t, Felts, Co. G, Corpl. D. V. Davis, iow that a party in North Carolina is being} Go. H, Sergt. W-n. H. McFarland, Co. I, be williug fur peace upun auy terms, the effects! Capt. D. S. Cockerham, Lieut. G. H. vf which will be to bring upon the fair name of Tadsay uud Private Wm. H. Young, in és . our glorious old State dishonor and infamy, boa rs Ce Ie WJ Pugs, Sergt Mo H. Cross, ! and cause ber prond battletlags, which bave so | # Patnotic mannar, then addressed the such intolerable tlirst vone can kuew ub- Sery G Stavback, Licat D Harman, Le| vicioriously floated over so many a bloody field, | audience, urging upon them the impor- At 1 p.m. we: J L Mutchell, Corp'l WM Gudger, Serg't | 7 be disrespgeted in the presence of our eom- | tanee of united and determined effors at went inte camp obe aud a balf miles from | J \y Ramley, Serg't © Shat kle Capt T | races in arms from our sister States ofthe Con- | this particular juncture, for securing our * —o : ’ “ Beall and Serg’t F W = Bodeker. jfederacy. And, whereas, we being the first . { yolunieer regiment srom our State that went Duriuy the abseoce of tie committee, a jin furthe war, we deem :t proper to express independence. . On motion of Capt. J. B. DeBerry, to call was made upoo Cant JM Guadyer tor | our ullerand deeded disapproval of such a appoint delegates to represent this meet- course. ing of North Carolina soldiers, to be held Resviced, That those who seek thus to bring | g¢ Orange Court House the 12th inst., the j the Commonwealth of North Carolina, in con- | Chairman appointed Capt. J. B. DeBerry and N. B. Hampton. this contest fur the freedom or! b4uces at home, aud turnish our decested foe} On motion of Lt. Ogburn the meeting menttowards ourfarther | adjourned, with three cheers for Presideut jwubjagation, und prevem our depleed ranks | yy.vis and Governor Vance. (froin being filled, asthe law directs, are not? A liy ARTTN Wee The chairinan of the | only guilty of giviug aid aud comfort to our en- CAT fr. A. H. MARTIN, Chairman. i Carr. Samw’t. J. ParuaM, } ; >. but are Weetog the North Carolina sol- pee Secretaries uv the fied with aeither cousideration vor} La, W. We. Cone, f he replied aa few appropri- | know where de) States, who thus create discurd and disture Bucs i VALLANDIGHAM. vension of North Carobua troups.on the 12th’ Among the late Northern items Cuart-Houre, Va, to ax Sig one that “a crowd of visitors have pprovalof the conduct at home, ; : oi. Solis i. h Wit. wecuuccordingiy uppoiut Capt. J. M. Crowell, ; driven Vallandigham from we Clif Lieut. BLD. Rhyue, Sergis Hollyield avd {ton House into the country.” the Morrow to represent as im said Convention. ' Clifton House isin Canada, within Resolced 3rd, That we heartily endorse the . Ta ary i" prey Bini tre \ coudect of the Lcvoruite Z B Vance, in whom | gun-shot of the U aS eae Val _, . we ieliove we ave a high minded and patiot- ; landigham went there with the evi- conpidence iM) ve Governor, aud trae to the interests of North } dent expectation ot being able readi- eee iat ‘Sly to communicate with his party leed Ath, That w quest all t pa- 4a : : Beso nea ee enna ee’ friends in Ohio who had nominated pers tn the Stale fren ts to us aud our cause, { : ‘ x a lo publish che above proceedings aad resolutions. | hisg for Governor. Without know- above proveccings Were | jmy positively, we suspect that some ee ps tof Lincoln’s tools have beset Val- Ou motion, the meeting then adjourued, { af ay Anguet 1Cth, Is63. jJaudigham and threatened his life, clively : fred, Qnd. That we hail with pride and ; Wirereas, We bave learicd from indispu- pleasure che proposition te hold a general Con- } mauifesting * tart... ab Ora not checked will discrace its fair’ and, whereas, reflection upon reflection the decided dise uncersigued Resolred, 1st. That we have Resoleed 2nd, That) we have learned with | Ou inotton, the ly equivolent | te submission, i G.G. HOLLAND, Chairman. Sand that he has retired to gome sa- Resolred, 3rd. Taat we are atteriy and ine | R. D. Ruyae. Seerelery : comngibly opposed tu tu setilimicutsutrecuns | - a ae ee woh ‘fer lace. rt wibly epposed le yese Benlimeuls of recuus | ‘ = . < * yrucuon and “pretended hones ale peace.” MEETING OF THE sésn N.C. TROOPS. | he election in Ohio comes ott 2 ." ; Ppt ING 4 JH Pais Ces ‘ S. 5 O r Resolved 4th. Tiet tha ceaus of Wood thats 14 FI ° if early ia October. Should Vallan- have flow: s a—the maimed ! Camp 54th N.C. Reer., ) oes a J have tow " from Southern vei the manne amp o4 Bae 1 | dicham be elected. the United States monuments thatevery day atest dy their press) Near Oran oe CoE, Vi Mug. LO, 1863. y i & ’ ae ence in society the despernticu of cur eonthet— Wena j ; thes will be exposed to one of the seyer- - i ‘ y etihe eve iy TAN y rs 1e : : precludes the possibility af affivatou wath Yaus) ACS ne coe ee ey est trials it has over eneountered.— Moers and men ofthe d4th N.C, Regt, | ern : ; vestion whether Lincola Resolved, Sth. That) while we disclaim any for the purpose of expressing their disape | Bi will be aq SS 5 : ; : twill Gare to seize the Governor elect OX Carolina, who are advocatiug peace | Of a great State and prevent his in- mneasutes detnimental to the interest of the | aaguration. We inciéne to oc think South, op motion of Captain d. B. DeBer- he will And then, will BS ios ry, Captun A, HL Martin wasentled tothe) ple submit?) That is more doxbtfal. Clair. Capt. Martin, on taking the Chair, £€ they should ‘not, a civil) war appropriate and Well, will exist which will give our North- ing itself, und tending to Giscousole the gaifant who stand between themselves aud the ene. | ae i ae ve a | q . ) } \ pues bullets tea living wall of steel” ihe sup- tened remaras, setting ford the ob): ctotters brethren enous. to do at home, port so gulantly deserved the meeting. On motion of Las G. He! gitbout devoting much of their time Resolved Gch. That we exhort the people of Lindsay, Capt. Sanvl S: Parham and Le: le t . Cole were the Confederacy. The whok me tcl Mecasdlucice.. Ahora on Oye Mice rea “*\ Nerthwest, already dissatisfied with Sn aE al ee oo" the war, and not making money out syand re cotbmssioped officers fi ‘ y af - Coy Mpausy pana three cx TUT sStor doc Cer of it, like the Northern and New fuel States, will be most Likely Resolved, 7th. That we hereby appoint Cel cart suitable resolutions toe the cceasion, , eeelee nie i \ ” d even N at RV Bennett and Capt Joseph Jones detepates (leo cmiiinitteceatter lec Reamal (inane te side with Obio; and eve New ee = inay take the same we pervants such as deserve, sud to stat their ve frome ca press that advises recoustraction over the corpses of their kinsinen then apposed by the Choorman tot to represent this regimens ty ihe Convention of . i State . os a) ee “ne Cl .Yerk > z { yacr os re alt their iv . f - x North Carohua regiaenss at Orange ou the Te EE Ete. rere ts te can * eomrne Let us nope for the best 12.h proximo. Wat Tee lo Wi bee Westie bay TUCO Were ¢ . } } ! f Vallancigham . ry - ) ) . ? act! a) Lhe }@QS Kesclecd, 8th. That a copy of these resolie uranimousiy adopted ) trons the eleerion cle ae 2 tiont be forwarced to; atid pubbshed inthe State Wienras, We the ofticers und menof the, Wiel is sure to. take pince unless Journal and Raleigh Prezress with a request miN © (lect lave te 'woh ouch mor-. nrevyoted by the presence of yankee 2 4 that all of the North Cacolina papers copy. On motion, the meeting addjourned J.W. PRACY, Chairman. TS. L I Lenay, 4 Secrelarica’, N.E.Jenxxins, § mhoadon of the course pursued by eertamn per- troops at the ballot boxes ba) the eons ot North Carolina, which, ta our opinion, is! ar iaiporiant arte af Oho. And calculated to Work detriment to our cause and most Imp ae ulate our brutal foe to greater efforts for! that, teo, May be u very, dangerous experiment.— Puyetleville Observer car subjugation and ruin, Resolred, ist ‘That Jer Providence,) to Mr. Evorror; It will be nothing amiss ident of onr ability, | for me to state that vot adopted nor the meating attended by the regiment, but) that a peace und es- | t ! The Queen of Evgland, iu ber re tthess Slates, apons, speech prorocuing Parliament vsolid and equitable basis, we reject with scorn cent specc V pre rm v g ; Ont, aod indignation, and regard as aishonorable any | Baya: “The civil war continues in every Man present Was there to Jet us propositivn from us te the Federal authorities | Aeriea, infiicting much evil not know by their bearty yes that their whole | loohing 0 peage or « cossation uf hostilities. |@nly on the contending parties, but approbation was given to the sentiments | Resolved, 2d, That while we do earnestly | : Wes set forth in these resolutions. God rant | desire the termination of this cruel, bloody and! on Other nations, e see no ears ° n these r ied . - grac | unumtural war, we willnever consent to it up Dewever, to depart from our stri that we may never Luve cause BGAN | on any other conditions than the cdimplete and pen ity.” say aught against the course pursued by | sternat sepuration of these States from the wal (hese resolutions were u tabli@h the independence o ey 0 ey ae Dees NORTH CAROLINA POLITICS. It can go longer be doubted or Genipd viere is # division in public sentiment in tarolina—on the one hand a determination to vvsist subjugation “by the yankee govern- .eut, and to achieve the indepeardence of the Conlederacy ; onthe other, a “ peace party,” as it is falsely called, that would be willing to uave independence, but clamors for peace, w:tuout indepeadence. Those first meuuoned are unmistakably headed by Gov. Vance.— T..c others by the Raleigh Standard, though raat paper does not itself go the length of me of its followers, fer it has very recent- leclared itself opposed to a reconstruction | ~ the Union. Betore addressing ar Siundard to consider we' vendency of the so-called Peace Party, we tevl it right and just to say, that we do net | \ old that paper primarily responsible for the : ost unfortunate condition ia which the State | ~.avolved. The rea! authors of the mischel ace those who refused to recognize the palpa- ee fact that, after Lincoln’s Proclamation of April 1861, North Cataina was theroughlv united in the determination to resis: the sub- gation of the South under the policy fore~ shadowed by that Proclamation. We say t.oroughly united, and know what we say. With more sorrow, than we ever did any sablic act, this paper promptly and unbesita- y resolved to resist subiugation. With- Waillug to see what the members of the PI at party with which we had been ident- ; i would do, and feariug indeed that many ; them would adhere to their love of the on come to nom that at which we Gad arnved. we felt i tue existence of the South as a peopl: vid the sewurity of their liserte and pre perty ‘enanded instant and etfective resistauce. abd Within sue hours aiter the receipt of that | Proclamation, without cousulung with a ha- man being, for there was no need of consul- atrou about so self-evident a proposition, we noted na determination uaasnimeusly made Dy w creat meeung in this town, to © lake "coper steps to maintain, secure and defend t.- mghts of North Carolina as one of the ern States,” and to support the author- { the State in “asserting our mghts and iening our soil” We had the inexpresi- > gratification to fad that tas action met h a cordial and unaainons response frow old political inera® The Standars, vi day, with equal promptitade, tok the ne stand. And five weeks afterwards as i t.ember of the State Convention, its Filiter voted for and deliberately put his name to the t'divance which forever separated North Carohua trom the Federal Umon, and incen- ted her. in intevest and honor, as she was atrvady identified in jacatiun and homogenei- : ty of mstituuens, with the Soufbern Confed- cracy. We have go doubt aow, and never wi, tpat the Bditor of the Standard was rfeetly sincere in his course, an@in the -dge he then gave of ~ the last dollar and ty last man” of North Carolina to maintain Jeclaratoa then made by him and his a:- > ates in the Convention. and approved by whole people, aa was abunJandy w2stfed the promptness with which her “best aud {mea rushed to arma iulortunately the Stare Admsnistra- tuat day and its organs and aalvisers ‘ apable of comprehending the avaazing s-tacie of a danided pengle united in one nent by a corgmon imy alse of self preses- vitou, The eomution of things deraande ) } teat party Admimistration should as iostantly ~ tow oU every ghackle of party. see nothing e 2° a united people. and tolerate no proscrip- a ~ or denunciatwon—no war bata war upon call. They held no peace meetings when thew ? common enemy. There was not wal youager neighoure were carried off to the arvay: ugh in the whole set that then controll] . but ate suddealy great peage men now that State to realize the inpportance of this they themveives are catled to the Beeld. And eed policy. Every ran who had been y “Ui sgainw a frien dias stated to as the argu- Tren man was sedulously proscribed. Cer- went of ove of the ~o-ealled peace mea. which ea inahgnant organs ot the powers that he aeel te aye peace one rier “ce, talked of “putting a mark upon the. wy HE iS aM TS hte SAL) re Leet ; ; aud as he and many otoers owted a slaves, heals” of those who hud heen their polit Tao penal ete \ ; ee chet : é 5 ot ed their property woaid be safe. vppoaents but had become their Co say gothing of the base tess of such « mo- in the work of defences against Lincu!n. uve of reuon, 1 18 falee uv fact. ‘Whe vankee mosi eminent men of the vid Whig party confiseauou law embraces wery kina of proper. 4 as Messrs. Badger, Graham. Vance. and ty, negroes, land, turuitune, eoods, everything. iner, were faliw and | ally denounce ‘There ie wo exception whatever, and he ‘3 amM- a oaug with the E:i:tor of the Standard as piv a fuol who imagines wat the fuw will be 2.tabese to the Somt. oppiRed to the war, varied ty sat how own case) The Conrt in a favor of reccastrucaon. Even we, Waeungton City hoe already expressiy decided : (..¥ about a year ago, were charged Dy one Otherwise. in tweuly Cases that came before it, « these contempuble organs with favoring al} the property, none of which consisted of North because: we {avonal the Giccuion ot lee, Was 6 Mie mnned semides. the express Wance as Got Welt; preter to the Nortneca 6eldiers has beeu shal vatauion with scorn, amd <) did pr cece esa ane a) hes Senteras : ie ; ee . . prome aller Conquetiay inegu. And, while th ¢ dave Gamed except tne o 7 ee ar ay ae: Re ok ser officers toc® Use tarre possessions of the Mandard. who uclortinately del mot oy ‘ , e Wealthy pantera, ite sail plattatwous of tne wuoese to sufter the incessant abuse heaped an giweaulders would be the WEEN Chidit tenaie ‘pom him above all others. lo to the brutal yankee wodvegs, whe have bees The result oi ali this, to say nothing of t ZHU Of every eort of vateage, ftoe sewing bo and comdort iveu to tae tna tu r Let ao nian delude fiuns- fw lewis s by the untortunate course of tt Con. ideo, which the Staudard is loo senmiile to gn rate Adrainistration towards Nort! Car- tertase tur meres, (sk tee tou-slavehaoid- —a Course evideudy ye mupted by tl ere woulda be exempted 1! they should be so an. sans aod which might have been apo. ded Wise +8 bo take any peace stort of indepen ‘resent himself bad «+ far recast © any of the country astoeall iota t Bur snppos: they eroaid be se faccred usieo even one onan that had the sag of cxcape confiacation, we ask thats how they Opponents—was to 1132 Woke manage to live su each @ Keale ut sorely t ymenile in aud out of 7% 4 Ad be the turenur ruce, hep down by State t that acre wus pe ty Yee bayonete? tN to the war and toa disc But pethape toey might purchase a temporary mo! the Unwon And when the veg py Crepres by domi what Kentuekv and Mis- ed] at the alieyend | aders of that pretena roar aad Marv gh are doing, thetis, by alow: , soarty, and toundthaerg to be men emin Mle nemec ier Unie cons abed sue the va akce ar ihre lorie tained aie army Phatse the fice ad theme three Stas : } mo Piiey undertook to stand neutral. and the Cea = at more Nausres than aati they she se paence im they nave thoascids of unmwidlle luds that there was reas for hostity : ade ’ he : i eoldiert iia te vankee army. Dat what advaor > war and to dissobition, ole sarely «nei tage aoue het be to our peace men? if ! good men, wi! wd so great stake oboyed to fight at all. nett met car bette: te fiyhe mmanity, Wout not entertain <uca om the mde of their werghwors aud Ciende, their As we. have ss CST t honor aud thew property, thaw on the ade of v did ersertain suelion is Ibut the caedo and bane apd maliguant and tiveviels 1B sant dingdng itiote toc ears of Cry yankees! Ube: must fighs on one ade or the <7 . bednle pegs mal macy ri Tas that itywae wther: whics saad it be? Can any sensible foe. And’ so meh have beech educsts i by Man. tomy Betting shout patriot, hesitate er Lait | papers and bad memon NX Cus ~ to wike his taal agatuet the sufecual vanker a) joe Mod! belief tierce were. weiliy ren Mach are vcsee of the views which we take sons for Opposing the war and dein. of Lee present aondiion of thiogs There are ‘-netion. othees of inere delicacy to which werefraiu to With inexpressihle regret we have seen tie | allude. They ure presented, not inthe vewnl Standard giving \ betore the assaults of its a bad adelerasutigaen wate visualdadat pst remies, which it) ould so welblsave afforded calepdy. appealogly, even besrechingy. Nome j © disregard, and Jendiny its adamitted aoility wed a * ee bare i Sed mv Agente , mn the Standard. We do not. The peace of the ; vod unflueuce to the malcontents thus created | State and the ndeace of our country are i cy the teachings of Uiose enemies. We hare | objeete of inealealable valac. They would have ecttul appeal to the , the character aud | a diferent conelusion | bem - uEAsonve. war, We de not denounce it now. We rather appeal to.it, to ils good senge, its love of country, its every feeling of humanity, to ) use its influence to discountenance the meet- | ings which its friends are holding in various ; parts of the State. The immediate cause of | the earlier of these mee‘ings was the appeint- iment of a Virginian to an inmportant ctvil office in this State. That cause has beea re- moved by the removal of the Virginian. An- other cause was the vindication of the Editor of the Standard fron, those sssaults which he aud they would Lave been wose to have treat- Fed with comempt The thira and last avow ‘ed cause of these meyUngs isa desire tor { peace. Everybody in the Confederacy de- sires peace. The quesuens are, what sory of a peace, and how is it to be obtained ? The Standard bas very receatly denred, Wu euphasis, that ad mvoers a reconstruction of de Coxon. Of course it does not, What } it saad, oo the Joth of May L861, it still wise- ly bolds to, viz: that North Carolina then Ssacted rinauey.” and “wisety.” But some of its trigads, not so discreet as the Standard, have goge bevond it on this quesuca Wit ness the treasonable resulution that disgraced the action of the mecting in Surry county which we were morutied to find in the Stand- ard, of the Ith vse That resoluuon will do more dor tie yankees than any army that I Is not that meeting they have | Gay will eucourage Gee. All the resdutions can eet adout pea auc SeUdIES COMMAS adler to ) Megouate, are hut se many iustigatvors to the J enemy se persevery, so tnany indications that fiwal ft rs sud) by the Standard and others, with great plausibility, there can be no peace without :adciminary vegetations, But itis pertecuy ‘3 Govanment vasthifest Unat deneols Is Mow ulterly unw dans tu Negoulate Upon | apy terus sort ot noconditenal suleaission. posed too that and no meeting bac dus one ia Surry binted at sucediseracetal terias, Why U.atetose encouragy the enemy : courage i ) thing 7 or series of vietones, or if var been recognized had gotten to figuting amouy thewselves ovet ) their eoaseription, nere would be sqme sense In propsaing to negotiate. And di the Stand- ard ane its fmends will.wait ull some of these ‘things Cecur,—and we duu’t unok thev need to wait loog,—we will jour Wien in the hope that the Contederate Adinmistration, (the 1 Guly power Uhat can law! sev) shall age@& pronuse terms of peace aod independence. or negotiauuns, or an armistice and dis- ur own sold:ers, all for no- It we had vained some great victory, agonahity had the yankees abroad, oc tt i tolead to them, notwitlstanding the refusal ; even tohsten tu the forma positpomcarriest nisslover uo less eminent tha. toaber by acon Viae President Stephens viously refused to listere to Gag propes ition ce Preadeot Davis.’ The Starard may not possibly Pe aware cc some of the influences that have le@to and cor. troded some of these meotiugs. We have rea. sun to believe thal iu at ‘east ome ‘case a meei- : INnZ Was in great part computed of the immedi- ale telaons and friends of a number of deserte ra Whi.ate prowlug about the wocds in that neigh- borbaed. and that its mun object was to coua- teunnce the dartardiy conduct of those dese ri- ers. Agauwe have heard that the pame moves of sou of the meetings are men between WW aud 45, whe are thus muddying the waters wr the purpose of devimig sume mode of acree ning themselves frow obediemee tu their country = 1. however, denounced the Standard, s+ | heewfar more hkely to he secure if we had lens ‘any have dene and do, Leeause we still | of denunciation aud more of reason andipersun- ythey may Lope to Gnd tnenud<in Necth Caro- The Standard ts naturally and proper. op- | yor properly do | a> they Lad pre. ra pats es $5 ia, olence. It is poms e to ‘ : ver be . ‘A. reason, ‘ We we that it Eee make an appenl, ‘ know how ge and pa- triotism of : dard, be Ahose forego the gratification of their en- dorsoment of its Gomrse, aed thereby prowe-that meetings, to itis iu the reuse respe¢t apd praise ;—!o euance they ageaaits upon | | owe common jvistraion and theig worse i than idle talk ef peace. which the Standard knows they bate no prospect of outcining Ww such illeguivmate wad insulicica: Means. Cawetings are jess (ur good, valy pro- | ductive of dat nue and of eneou mge inent to var common enemy, Se far av the Confederate Adwmigisimtion weopeersed, it is understoud Yaat Norwh Caroina will have no facther reason to ¢omplain—that the late cou- ference betweéw Gov. Vance and the President ted to the most @erdiv: yood feeling, producing + results perfectly sutisfuetury 'e Gow Wunce. ‘The Standard hag tor ma ay years past Lreat. ed the Observer wah uaiibam marked courtes¢. ‘Che Obse wer appeals wit, implores ¥, not Ww past OBheediogly by this opportunity to save wee State, which we think ks Editor loves, from a biltdr personal and party contest. and possibly fram auarshy or civil wer, xnd | thereby to make fag jixelf and hig a repataiion above the value of ten thousand resolutions. Kt | is possible sach a Course will shaw evea to those | who own aud thase who control the pam y press. | ex which seem to have vo ethe rs joed than abose | of the Standard, (hat they may be better employed Bateveu if it should fail of au seu able an effeet. the Standard, if it pursue so sen- sible aud paariotic & course, may well afford to | Irvat thew with scozu aud coutempt. After tae ubove veas wrilten, we received u | letter from an aged amdemineat citizen, who has filled with great honvr and usefulness some of the inmost impertaat offices inthe State, from which we are tempted to make some extracts, omitting the complimentary passages, which, howevew grateful from such a source, are of no | public @apertance. La old party tines the wre | ter was 4 Democrat, though Wola secessionist. He apeaas for those “Whe feel a deep conesrn in the success of our proseut cause by Une estubli-hmest of our Indeperdence. and have w other taietest ia passiug evenl> Louw that anergy ouled (be wel- fare va our country: deperdent, as it seems | to me, av maternally —so entiwly—upen ibe ex. | | istence of harmony of feeling and co-speration | in action amoug our people. of all clases and | ealliugs, tending ty the great end of relieving bus trom yankee legisbetion avd demiuation. God ” kucaws. we deplored the wal froin the begin- ming. and, stil more, the dire urceseity for it on our part; and bo eveat # sv carsesily wieh- ed for and so devoutly aod universally proved for by all good men oe “a sperdy, honorable | ; y Peace.” Batis peace to be gamed or Freeney 8.— do tmeaus to defer and laste by divisions aineng ourselves FE Thalisthe very method «: pactheaiion—'o desiroy ali hope of it: espe. ‘ tally whey influeow vl ew y= pe ce aro Coustant- ly presenting to the untaloriged and uuretle ot- Mig the Cangerons and onceonstitutienal sure of “State and “ popnlar” ms with the fee with a view to local psreticathwes, Without the agency of the regular organs of government, namely, the beneral Coogress and Execuiive, aod, to that end, to indame the nunds of the peogle bv a suceseson of public nieeiings to register fers 'oueng against the fo- ‘Phat course of mw as Oped ® veruimwnt and administration. a portion of the press and in some of ihe cous. tes is obvioasly working a gene m! mischief, rnd. inthe coadition ot ihe coun.eyNindieuses result» sul more mirechevous thee are as appareat. We d@ein the «fonts alluded to biva- ly Or pau riotic Gy . : * No wan isof amportance enough ta be mide in-such Umex as phete ihe sobject of opposi tien, tn place of the great que-teus which tovote eur nght of slfgovernment and the securuy ot our people iu theit persons and property. 2) trust and believe, that, duly mapresmed as youu are with the immense magnitude of the bless ings and the dire saffenngs of our ceuntry, as} she may prosper and fallin thie great straggie for liberty an! tWe. you wJi net be drawn into a qnared with orgy mau by any provoeation, boa, will raa@imntain the cause for is own sake and withowt rancer towards any bot the gigantw and great foe with whntn we have to contend ; and such domesie foes as make clear, beyoad alicoubt, ther treachery (e their eonntey amd ther trasts. [ deprecair, if premble te avd in, all names tmportiag otfenwely party ce- They only serve ic. Meet and toe Videw—to make heat without gat We are all atleast he who is ned ia nol and why reproach ose another for hawwig become ro ate period of another. For pa HLIN, tor ur Syauous Be Leamonists ROW with ue; Lown 8 -aae ore aeceaesionial origin atatv time; tesuae we adepied a the f preservation. — gorermvmentin the constitution of aited Sates, ahieh bound uy to ste Cheer the tenne of that sastrament, neo retire at will frown its we come obligeatwoue Bat bs celds of civil zed moon, we had oghteod power to overthrow thay Goverument. an por vast eas orn Gorerameni, became intolercaAy oppressive under | Che rule of a see ional ma prty over the weak- hy amy teereiadl regaletions, levymg tribute from !» the -rouger, aad by iucapient uces and graver shrears play inparing constitc- property i a kulyecd Constittne Haye the greater gurt of the substance of the weaker The plandered postiou of a people must feo! the wrong done thera: and. 1; they do. they resent, or worhy to hold property or elas aay franchine Tre vefore Louk we are engaged and Righteous Rewulutou, tao wore. from tie bectumg. Pfeil, that we put everviliog to woe for which «tuke T feel, that DP and ry one else who deserves the uaine of Free- man, ought tofizht to the biter eud—especial- ly agwinet an enemy who ba» prosecuted the earsied ja'u aete, which pluinty prove. int, # they shows regain their conutroboverus, we shall belong lo « couutry, rowhieh netonly Ure law will mot be supreine, but there will be no daw for us but the arbitra- ry will of the impoverished, embittered, and fanatical foc, without one feeliag of brother- hued foros, but chershing towards us abe bit- terest hatred “ How can are offer to or ark from sacha, | people peace’ They refuse even to confer on | pthe applaation of civilized oenger to the ex- chaage «f prieoners! Then, how can one of the States propose terms of peace’? Let Gov- ernor Vance's reply to Stanly be consulted for ananswer, Whatcan we do in mach siraits bet with one necond and with resolved minds fight and fight oa until the enemy feels our ite jaw of nature and tive when it a7 ee tion, stem «+ bounties and com- ! weamer for tional myits of people te deemed un- Maw now Crrewt SLtne, Wor ipo principles > shown a sincere and jaustcanse of the Confederacy, dike creddita- , sons aed brothers Lmeelinga wineh have been held on y * ) MAN, | | | | | AROLINA’ WATE SALISBURY, N, C.: MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1863. ! , PUBLIC MEETING. The freemen of Rowan are invited, ay will be seen below, ty meet at the Court House in | Salisbury, on Saturday the 2%&b August, in- j stant, for tho purpose of deliberating on the state of jhe Country, and giving such an ex- pression of their views and feelings in rela- tion thereto, as peculiar circumstances and exigencies demand. We have been engaged for more than two years in one of the most unjust and crsel | wars ever waged against any people. We have pat forth energies, expended resources, | and boeae privations to an extent far beyoral | any expectation at the beginning ef this war. And yet the war coutinues ;—oar enemy, | though deaten iu hundreds of baules, stul presses upou ue—still detnands our blood cv »subjugation > val witita barbarity cbsyracetal ; a } ae ordinance appropriating theee milhons dol ) tars to exempt the poor mew from the draft to this age of crvilization, is desolaung every foot of oor country, Which ae the fortunes of war, falls within his lines. No people ever displayed a higher degree of patniousm in defence of their rights than we have since | Rach this strug commenced, man and ; ) Woiman, witha few rare exceptions, have zealous devotion to the ble to vim or hersel§ and wortis the heirs of | textowal of money, provisions clothing and labor; ia the Constituueral liberty. Ta the sacrender of personal ease, comlort, and sell | qratifieaben : in giving up their sens, arothy | ees, avd husbands, to conirent the enemy ia battle, and to die, if need be, in the bloody , strife: oan tears ard pravers, and in tasting samighty Ged. ohh ail taese thurs have cau people exerciess! and bumilatiou betore fthenwlves 2 more thaa two years apd a | ¢ that Forteses siioulé eventaally be bettered ball: awd yet. strange ta say, they have ne- wer in this county, asseabhed themselves to- wether for the purpose of taht . taking evun- se of evel other, anu consulting tor their mu- | tus Wellare, and the sucess of the ered ! Work to which they have piven so mate sacred pledges of devotion, Our busbands who have taller, on thie strovule, exsluer DV sickness er by th Kane the Anieb oot the enea@y, Were Chev pemaitted to «ving. thaize wit the lweceg. would ch jlotless : qe to see they friends gat el <S% er set Chis meeting, Those of +], who still isve a: wie have: 3 in (Wee sand the ene e oaut destrict Wwe know will teyoias to bearot this mecloy DRE ik oe t—evmmne f acOad, therelore, who ean duo «w, batter of duty to attend war stad Who leel deepiy toe wnpertaner ape: secret) Male rest they have at stake ~ wel Clee veces of deing ali they ean lo promote the acted cate lor which We have aireami¥ tade | wmany sacrifices. invited to attend LAS LOPE RELY GS: ee TO THE CITIZENS OF ROW.LV AT this tine of nanenal naxteemity, and and the gloom that surrounds us. perfeet anienand hare ny among cure lvee ia mn peratively ne- cemsary By divisions we shall desiroy each, other Ry h 5477 Ladies are speci noted and harmany we sholl pre- Country reecure mere per serve oorselves ane deliver cur freorn the hand of the enemy fect unanamity of theughe and Co-operation of) t, now so eesental to our welfare, the ct- tzene of Rowan » re nily sm eked to meet at the Coant-eMons: on sal@baryv. ON S.VEURDANY.. 29th ACGEST, for the purprse ol a fren expression of epmien ou the reel prem el wud conddeou of our beloved Cauntry., and to take suen setuon as will promet = her best interest, wand oar ow harivany, peace ats! hoppryeas MANY CITIZENS. Auyuet 1M, 1-64. sm. = DEPRRRED AREICLES We have been conipetied., for Mok fooomit several valttable arucles which we were We were particularly desirous ot spreading before of room, aoxione to get site this week's paper, the people at home the resolutions of the mitt tary Convention whieh met at Orange Court House, Vaon the b2thof thie month. ‘Phat Convention was composed of delegates from all the Regiments of North Carolina Proope on Virgina; and their proceedings condemn iia reapectfol but anygaalhied tranver, the peace thin State Vhev may, the ineviteble consequences wilt be to inerense their hardships find protraet the wir—dingrace Ue State sod damage the Con- frderazte cause, We will publish the proceed Ings im our NeXt pape, 6 Lexington” ‘aoreply tos! Davideon” Intely published au the Standard, hasbeen received but too late for this iesue. Tt will appear next week. ome --- Lateet from Charicston.—We learn from the Bulletin of this morning, that the southern face of | Yor) Bampter ie a mage of ruins. Brick and mortar | cannat withstand the heavy gupt New 10 Use, ‘The eas- tern Mee was also badly da and the Post had | ceased to tepty to the enemy's Battery Wagner Aoes not seem hurt, but with the batteries oh James Ie nd " LJ fre, Sev. eral shel.s had bees: thrown into Charleston from a dis- tance of five rv Chatiestun Courier is conf deft tat the citg will be saccesefully defended: pmuch exasperated at the course 4 re another colemn AD arty. ele fi yettoville Observer of the 17th instant beaded “ North Caroling Po} ities,” which we commend with all due deference to the honest, attentive and care. ful perusal of every man in the State. No calm, considerate aud: reflecting ian 2 _read the article without soknowledging its truthfulness anc its peculiar fitness to the present condition of aflairs in our State and of the whole South, - we Later frow te North and Europe. Ricusonn, August 19—Northern d the 17th have cn received. ae General Dix has issued an address to the eit. ‘zens of New York, imploring thein to preserve | order and offer uo resistance to the draft, and warns the public that ample preparation hag beeu made to vindicate the authority of the gu. veroment by military force. The quota to be urawa is twa thousand from each district which ia lesa than the pumber previousty call. | ed for. Coreespoade nts of she Philadeiphia Preagin- dicate that another riot is observable. A call has beea issued by Thomas MacSed- don for a mass meeting of riizens in the 19ch Ward to form a segiment of National Guards, to be plowed at the disposal of the yovernment }to repel » foreigu foe ef maintain the righisof abe Empive Stase * The City Council « New York has passed? ‘Khe Mayor will sign it. Seward, accompanied by a diplomatia eorpe, has gone on a pleasure tour among the Lakes } of Northern New York The Hibernian with Liverpool dates w the Lith, has arrwed. The politiess news is animportay!. The Coukedrrate loan closed ut 26 cents dis- count, Coarse advancing tendency under the were gencml beltef that the Polish question will not resald in a wwr. The harvest was progressing satisfactorily Cotton bad Geclined a quarter of « penny. . Froca Chariestoup—The Fuemy's Gans bezta— ulegto ‘ellen Semter Cruanaeston, August 20—The enemy's ope- rations du@aq Mast twepty-foar boars have bren mostiy confwed to sieady and continuous bom- batdwent of Bort Santer from their Parrot guns ea Morne Island. Their fire begins we tell npon Samer, which replies at long sater- vale, The défenre of the thiuat of this harbor dees not depend mainly upon Sumeer Eves Geen the Marber esiasace in sill eileetualiy guarded by powerful sand Batteries on Sull- vans Islund wud elsewhere. “Theo were but | feve casualties yexterday. Bald o8 the Wississippi Centra! Rall Read, Moeatox, Aegun l9—Nofurther news from the Varnbew roid Missaeipp: Cecutra Railroad. The rad consised of Uaelve bun- dred and eaty men, who varied from Yazoo Cite leintereept two trace ot Durkee The Inet heard of them they were tokieg the trains W hithiele’s cavalry on the ap the road and Gee ral were in het pareait. The Alabama Legisiatore—Governar's sage, &e. Arcata, Angust 19- Montgame ty neglect Wes - ed ik The Legislature of Alabsina met to-d®y im ‘The Giuvernor’s message pte- seutedthe tollowimg svprpws For obrcus rea- soue the commanicaton wus coufined to sub- yeteof mintary defence, now that supenor gam~ rere of the enemys arein the field: The Preseat wisely called on for their relative portion of men reqarsilion of seud the fellowinz report : eeitia Se omen. the Srates He had re- Alabaina for cerved a military | seven thousand for sig months’ server. Before ‘ibe draft came the VPresideat's proclamation, calljeg all ander forty-five, which claw alone can compose the militia ofthe Stare. The Go- vernor reviews the question of classes exemple undee State ond Conlederute enactment, anc substitute inthe army. Has ne means of as- certaming the namber of there clusses in the State: but supposed to be several thonsand. ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. Purssengers by the Central train last evemog gave the onifam answer to inte rrogattous COR- : : hina cerving the army of General Vers noth ig FROM THE no tMevements, ete Meade hed certainly Plen His cav- tiry were at Watotlon and Orleane.in Fauquiet, and hia intintey corps at Worrente Juncima, Vicvendnn I's 'pe ” neu, beck nether pomtean tt rostromd. A seout fron Ge etal onerak wiht has Ne body of the Vunkee araiy was co fen moving back i the disection af Centrevice » Orsuge a: ane v degree of assurances, ee FLAG OF TRUCK BOAT ATRIVED. Commisiener Quid wae ru recess t ef na uite patch las ewenn efrom City Pivrtet tations Vacs Wotroce boat fron, Fortress Menree 4 treet. signallad and waste eght offthe Post, sme ing wp The beat ved cure t night, bot wos nok uscerlatued, up test fit bev? whether at broaght anv paroled Cantederite prisogjers oF net, aginiientites a resiption of tt corwel_-- Examiner. tug. 20 -_- Wee notre tn our North € Voronuvhave bei meetinus and cond APO Sadie ts rthe army 90 mn- ed the conduct of those \"" reorient IDE who have bee hosdie ine tings anf pss embarrassiie the Croverd Verge Peescrhatiats mest and vivir ge ad and enoournse rent be comings of the to tae ebemy, Phe soldier are rom biers and growlers who are slaying at home and discouraging others from ew tering the Army.— West, Democrat. mae . Gov. Letcher has summoned the Logi lature of Virginia to weet in extra seselOm in Richmond, on Moudag, the ith day of | next month, The total number of privoners dischagerd. tre Richmond ender the recent amnasty to ere, amounts to 4.080 LET" We huve in the 46th burg, Augt the followi “The m be expocte: are many | late reve re us al, Th ing, espect bute this m tu beares | ny are dyil that et er, wad th of the Rale . ‘ Another N.€. Troo “«Thave old North | ple at hom are’ giving uc. That of resisting courageme thing», eve ed the har« willing to « battle field: ou on wBy ever.” Ata me Troops, He following M. U. Ho exprtasive on the qu ininds of th Renvlvec the course North Cae highest des Resolved wen of the peace as Au wetepl recut trou Resoive 4 ind friends Uppress th Lose cise: to the tng hereby den Resolved is OW Ep Nornh Can firma in the we inttual lessing of reunqaishy t a pcournd. Resolves g be putl North © WAY E1¢ Mr. Ed thanks of & pital to Uh for dunatin use of the « Beard vege item: Mes Murpley im Boowe ban Ane Whit. ie les, toe miabless, tr Daneel Mrw Peggy M Barker Murphy Haughton > Mes aalf bashed ! ‘ etublles, | Lope vickles, | Crostagd 4 Davie co ne bushel Pearson @ Mr« adie ander ny We Meets wart rt wo inte ‘ Tatiens Vanee a it thee Nachod \ sub | 0 Tne J Vhotmas horof Al Johp Gil lov, She Vol. Wa an Elect ett ticket against 1 of “he | heen de ple of Al Conserss ago. asa " an fe % . » ? Sees LETTERS FRC M Tar s We bave a private. fetter ile in the 46th N. C.. burg, August 6th, from whieh the following: “The morale of the army iw ae good as could be expected under the circemslanbes. Te are many thiags to eT ut late reverses press heavily upon the of us al, There are goodly number aohy | ing, especially North Curoliviaus. © attris | bute this much to the banefyl influences brought | to bearen them from home. The wives of ma- | ny are dyily writing iv them to Aecome home, | that is the only way tw stop the wer. Anoth- | er, und the most patent evil, is Ahe circulation { of the Raleigh, N. C., Standard. * = * . * . . * e . Another, a member of the 57th Regiment, N.C. Troops, wriies: “TL have heard very bad reports about the old North Suate — 1 is told to us that the peo- ple ut home talk of going back inty the Uaion ; | ure giving ugion dinners ; ‘hoisting aoion flags, | vc. That the men who have substitutes talk | of resisting the coascript law. Lt is poor ea.) couragement to ur in the army to heas such | thing», even if they be false. We have eacur- ed the hardships of the war thus far, and are | willing to die and let our bones bleach wa the battle fields ruther than go buck into the Un- | ion on wpy terms; for if we do, all is gone fur- ever.” ‘| Came Neaw Onance C H., Va., } Aagust Sth, 1563. § Ata meeting of the 57th Regiment N.C.5 Troops, Hoke's Brigade, ‘Farly’s Division, the following resolutions were presented by Capt. M. UW. Hoaater, und unanimously adopted, as exprtasve oi the seulments of the Regiment on the question whieh is now agitating the ininds of the people of North Carotina. Kewlved, ‘That we have learned with regret the course pursued by sume of the pupers io North Caroline, aud deew their course, in the highest degree, treasunable. Resolved, That thoagh we, the offierrs and wenof the S7th North Carolina Regimeat, love peace as touch as the croukers at home, yet, Au uctepl ho peace, except on au honorable | recognition of our nativgaly and independence Resvived, That we call upon our Goeveruor ind frieads at home to use every endeavor tu ppress those treasonable sentiments, which those unserable croakers woald try to instill in- to the tntads of oar fnende at home, and we hereby denuduce them as cowards and torirs Resolved, Thatta view of the crisis which Is DUW Upon us, Wwe Urge upon the troupe frou Nonh Carchoa snd her seter States, to stand filma in their resistance to the iaweding foe. and weanttually pledge each other, uuder the | dessing of Niughty God, that we will oever relinqaish the struggle antilour independence a pceucad. Resolved, That the proceedings of thixy mect- g be pablehes in all the papers itn the State North Caroutn iaveorable to Che object im Ww Lieut. |. W. MILLER, Ch'a. th N. Horains, See. WAY HOSVUPAL, No 3, SALISBURY. | Mr Editor :—Pernic me w retarm the thanks of tae inmates and patieats of this Hos. pital to the following Ladres aud Gentle men for dunalinus cof fresh vegetables, &c., for the use of the ack and wouaded soldiers: Withosma Rice b bashel Irish potatoes: Mes Macy Headerson milk, soap aud vegetables ; Mre Poszy Lverty bauduges; Mre Mehuda Varbor saudages; Mere Charlotte Gullick ban- ages aed Vayelibles; Mre Helea Murphy ve- grtabies: Mis DOA Daven unlk aud vegetables, nee De Lon, milk and vegetables; Mies Julia beard vegetables; Miss Leah Quilaan veget- thles: Mire O Woudaon vegetables; Mes Robt Murphey mutk aud vegetables; Mrs Toomas E Brown biudages aud vegetables; Mere Sarah Ane Whitinas juaf bread, fresh butter, cide?. vickles, milk vnd ples; Mrs Win Murphy ve- riables: Mis James C Turner vegetables ; tr Daneel Cornter 1 bashel Irish potutues ; Mrs Peggy Sinih apples and eider; Mrs W M Barkec vegetdbles and pekles ; Mie James Murphy Bacou sod vegetables; Mes POG Haughton soup. aulk, vegetables and bag of wpe s Mra Lioton milks Ves Sarah Co Darber aalfbashel beets; Mire S Frankford soup, ve tubes, & lbs. feesh beef, floar, cordial, | jar pickles, | jar preserves, spire, yinger, muilou st tud pair linen sheets for lint: Mere BF Crosland milk , Mea lt) Ro Austin | Mocksville, vegeiables: Me Johu Maria soe bushel potatoes, | shoulder breon: Mire EE Pearson vegetables; VWew No Boyden vegeta: Nem @ Mire Coors Kaits chickens and ve gela- vee; Me Johu Frieze 1 bushel cucumbers ivr Davie coanty ne Khem; BoE Fraley resi) batter aad evgus; Mre TOA \idson cue ainberns ond ~qiuashes; Mex Wood Wille vegetables: Wes Judo Shaver Vevetnbles: mye Mowry vegetables: Mes P With. vegetables, Mes J Rauple vegecabies: Ville Barker dried sage. Tam teniv gruteint for these mauifeetations seomck and wounded soldiers M OWHTPEEAD, Mob. ta charge Way Hostal Noo 3 We tecrived Meeting held in Caastou connaty, taveth the proeeedines of aw pub. Powathy the presentinent of the Grand Jury, yO Tale for coeertion this week The re Hattots ple dice a cordial Support to Gow, Yanee ated VPrestedene Davis, ane deelare woth my il “Goistunenre wileatternhe Tactoud ty Cre Coulederate: cause aed \ stmt to omeathios short of ine per | amt North— Wrat, Denweret ome Ink Avamawa Exeetios.—The Ton, Thorns HE. \Woatte lets been elected (rover oro! Alabama by a large Majority over Johp Gul Shorts r, the present incumbent, Cow, Shorter is a regular tire eater, while Voi. Watts i8 nore tnoderate, Laving been au Elector in 1860 on the Bell and Kver- ett ticket. Mr, Curry, who took ground against negotiations for peace and in favor vt “the last man and the last dollar,” bas hwen defeated for Congress. The peo- ple of Alabama are evidently much more Consersative than they were a year or two ago. a Ni ai sie a an » can honed a iP iat "ey ve WETS 7 a, cmt < < Pg . wk (we extras the | gi Wis AW Bune beets and pies; Mis, oe Meee i » ‘TE f Sxcrion pte gion Gl Assembly of the State of linaond hia he enacted thortty of the same, That any shall knowingly aid, assist, barbor-or mains tain, under any pretence whatever, any deserters from the military sérvice of the State or of the Confederate States, shall be guilty of » high misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the Superior Court, shall be fined of imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the Court, the fine pot to exceed five hundred dollars, nor the im- imprisonment to exceed four months, See. 2. Beit further enacted, That any person who shall under any preyence what- ever, knowingly aid, assist, harbor or maintain any person enrolled and ordered to report fur duty as 4 conseript, in refus ing to obey such order, stall be -guilty of aligh misdemeanor, and upon conviction ju the Superior Court, shall be fined or imprisoned or both, ia the discretion of the Court, the five not to exceed five hundred dollars, vor the imprisonment four months, See. 3. Be it further enacted, That for ‘the purpose of enforeing the ecuscript law of the Confederate States and arresting deserters aud conscripts, the Governor shall bave power to cal) out the mialitia. Sec. 4. Bert further enacted, That this bill stoal! have force from its ratification. Read three times and ratifed in General Asseanbly, the 7th day of Jaly A.D. 1863, “ ROS. DONNELL, S. H.C. GILES MEBANE, S. s. Soldier's Clothing.—The Confederate Quartermaster at Raleigh has paid for. the | following described clothing, chiefly for | North Carolina troops, from the Ist. of January to the 30th June, 1863: 2.676 hats, 34.854 cays, 66,363 jackets, 81,424 pairs of pants, 29.718 pairs of drawers, 25,923 shirts, 65,846 pairs of socks, 2.258 blankets, 14,719 pair shoes. The aggregate cost to the Government for the foregoing, is $2,022,012.55. Habeas Corpus cases.— Wa learn from the Petersburg Express that Judge Joynes has cecided against the applicants for ex: emption from militia daty on plea of hav- ing substitates in the Confedrate service, in Ube habeas corpus enses recently pend- ing before that tebanal We snppose a siniler opinion will be maintained by the Court of this State, — Progress. ae ~-_e FOR THE WATCHMAN, GOD BLESS THELA DIES OF HILLS. : BORON. C, On arriving at Viillsboro’, on the eve wing ofthe Tth inst. the train had «carce- Iv ceased Lo move, when it was bourded by some beautiful young ladies—or rather angels without) wings, who were laden with an ample supply of nourishments fur They on- stantly enquired for the Riek ana wounded, and gave each a bountiful supply of the “sick and wounded Soldiers.” good things of hfe, winch made us almost LF of our early youth, rev ourselves at home among the frends Long may these angelic beauties and beneiwetum live in peave and prosperity, and onay they soon witttess the cessation of exosting hestilities, and tnay they long enjoy the dlessings of a free aud united South. May their path-way ever be strewn with toses, and may their companions throaagh life be soldiers «ho are brave, courrageous und kind hearted and affentiouate, ay they are genie and sweet, We thank the Laches from our heart Por couforts such as these Wea from on Adeb tied Us feetat ease, wounds relieved the smart At Grettysour., we loaght apd bled Bat when ch wont ij ‘ Weel sa Oa iy rod on et roth ON OF TUE Wot Ne. MPORTANT SSLE OF REIL ESTATE — By wo reselaiien of the inst Grand Lodge of North Caroli thorized nid empowered tasellin the town of Oxford, NOG. that veluble property known as Nt. JOUN'S MASONTCO COLLEGE Said property, with some bundred acres ofland | vy, We, the andersigaed, were wae attnched thereto will be offered forsale foreash, on Phureday the Pstday of October next. The building is large wud coumedious, eoutaming & aboot eighty rooms, and well adapted for vmate or temale College, with all necessary oathuild- tags. “Phose who may be desirous to purchase will apply ta Robert W. Lassiter and JOP. Lit Hejyohay Bags, of Oxtord, who will take great Pleasure dao shewing them the property FOR WATSON, Grand Mucter Ge. WLD HE RCHINGS, Grand Treas Nig: 20, 2868 Olt VEGHKOELS FOR SALE. IWILDL SELL AT PUBLIC SALE AT the Market House i Sabebury. on Werdestay, Anguet 26th, several likely NEGROES, Sale to commence wat 2 o'clock t would also eell a few privately. Apply atthe Bovdeu Houne, Aug. 20--ltpl4 W.H. BAKER. | TAN VOTICE. | | ALL persons who made: returns of profits | made in the year 1862 ow Sud, Bacon, Flour, | Molases, Leather, Oats and Hay, are notified that such taxes are due. Persons having said taxes to pay, are hereby uotified to meet me in Salisbury at the Court-houee on Saturday the 5th of Septomber ne» , prepared to pay the same. * a. FRALEY, Collector, Augum 28d." 4 —Qwi4 of defend of the mefi bebswe were culled out mation of the’ ident. We can well anderstand how. this isin some of its aspects an adpleasant duty. It is unpleasant to Feave one’s fami- ly, or bnsiness, or tb encounter the hardsbips of camp: fife, cr to expose one’s person to the danyers uf bat- tle. Bat in other respects it would be most uupleasat té&avoid the duty. In the firet plaew, no true nan gliould furget that he is. always right in the performanee of his duty, whatever that may be. He has no promise or reasonable hope in any other path. The Sapreme Ruler of the Universe andoubtedly looks with approbation gpen the Wan who does his daty to himself, his country, and his God, and with’ aversion, up- of this, every nan of observation has }seen in his own experience, or in that of his friends, that duties which jhe considered the must unplyagant jand antoward, have resulted in {blessing the most remarkable. [nv the next place, how unreasonable for arran whose Lilie and liberty 'and property have been defended {so far by the yoany men, to refuse | on him who avoids it, ‘ As evidence } a R McLEA® .” Capt and En OF 8th Con Dist ‘ CONSCRIPT hd ~ Camry Hoxstes, July 27th, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 1€. Enrolling Officers are hereby instructed to order all men who have been temporasily de- tailed as Overseers to report at Camp of In- struction by la pole man yg 9 . PET#R MALLETT, Com, of Conscripts for N C. JW Mauerr, Adjutant. -Executive Department N. Caro- lina Adjutant General’s Office,’ Raleigh, ? ‘ August 18, 1863. 4 GENERAL ORDER, § NO, 1}. a ‘ 1. The following persons are exempt from duty in the Guard for “Home Denfence,” ex cept from drill or service, withiu their counties when tnvaded by the cnemy: Fixer Crass —All physicians who now are | and for the last five years have been. practic- | ing in their professions; Railroad Officers and employees, not to include laborers, (except two expert track hands for each section for eight miles, who are exempt,) porters and messen- gers: one miller to each mill; mail earriers ; | the commanding officers of cach Brigade, Reg- i ; iment and Company of the Militia, and Adja- | tant of the Regiment. Where any of these | Officers have accepted a commission in the , | Guard for**Home Defence,” the next officers jin rank will be exempted. ‘This class is also | exempt from drill. his own aid when the exhaustion of | Secoxp Ciass—Coutractors with the State the yonny makes it necessary to call or Confederate Government and their neces. | ; upon him also? jot dislike and contempt will he be regarded by the veterans npon their /retupn frown the war, if lig ghall re- fuse to du Ads duty. Bat above all, the men whom we rthe yovernment have decided that it , 18 indispensably necessary to the ! public safety that the army shall be reinforced. As the whole people /entrusted this matter to President Davis, 80 the whole people owe it to themselves, as well as to him ana | to their country, to respect his de- “Cision that the time lascome when a certain additional class of men Must yo into the army. The friends (ef the seldiers already in the field, therefore, shoald) pet tolerate the idea that any of Jhose now cailed shall failor refuse to obey. It is unjust to these who have fought and suffered heretofore, and are still Hyhting and suffering, that any man now Nable svoulk refuse to go to their help. Let the friends of the soldiers point the finger of scorn at those who now skulk, especially at: those of the eluss new called to the battle Held whe getup and unite i, meetings the object and efeet of which are to make nngatory all that the glorious band of dead and living have done and struggled and sutfer ed for. Shakespeare, that great painter of the human passions and daties, pats this advice into the mouth of a fath- er te his son: Beware OF eatrance lo a quarrel, but, being in. Rear wthat the opposer my beware of thee’ vt : So far, of atruth, North Caroiins chas obeyed She was notin haste to cuter inte this guarrel : she stood tothe last moment the advocate of pence. Bat when all hope of that was cone— Whe. sishonor and sabjul won were With what feelings: this wise lajunetion, , sary employees; one Deputy Saeriff in each | , county where there is no Tax Collector; one Editor to each Newspaper, and all necessary compositors ; Pvofessurs in Colleges and Teach- ers in Academies. If Post Masters are civil officers of the ' Confederate Government, aud are exempt by | law. Quakers, who have or may pay the tax einpt from military duty upon sargeon’s certi- fiacte of disability, approved at this office, are exempta from all mititary daly. ILI. The Commanding officers will order Company drills once évery week,on Saturday | afternoon, and Battalion drill ovee a month. | By order of Gevernor Vance: | DAN’LG. FOWLE. \ Adjutant General. $300 REWARD. aN REWARD OF TAIRTY DOLLARS each will be paid for the arrest of the fodowing men, who deserted from my Company, viz: ! Sergeant JA Klotts, Corporal C D Faris, A J ' Craver. C B Dickson, R M Thomason, W C Fniss, J A Kepley, G B Swink, T C Winders. ; David Shaver. All good citizens are ecruestly called upon to aid in arresting and sending back ! these men. GA JSECHLER, Capt Co K, 57th NC T.! Camp uear Orange C H. Va., r August 9, 1863. \ 3ul4 ETTER PAPER—A siaall lot of first rate 4 Letter papes for sale At the WATCHMAN OFFICE. Aagust 34, 1863. a VNONFEDERATE BONDS. ( } Depository Office Greensbero, N.C.’ All persons having evrtificates bearing date prierto 25th July, 1863, can have them ex- changed tor boads, by presenting their cerrtifi- cates properly endorsed at this office. ; RALPH GORRELL, Depositary. | Angust Sth, 1863—3w12 NSAVE AsdLEMK CHE BOARD OF btI- RECTORS of this Tnstitation wish to fill the office of Matron. now now vacant. Noue oth- er than unencumbered females need apply. For informatio®, respecting the duties, &c., of the ofhee, apply te the undersiqned, ED. C. FISHER. Physician und Superintendant. Raleigh, Juiv 30, 1863 —tf:13 SPELLING BOOKS. x SMALL supply of Spelling Books on ! sein need of them had better call hand. ‘Th WATCHMAN OFFICE. | } | \ soon at Anan 3. IS63 sowtiera Express Compagy, remarks. i the only possible resuit (of longer tered inc? the quacrel, and thus far soc borne herself as to show that ‘se be trampled on. Letnot tier fair torbearance—then she. WHEL viet FRVUTS Company roving made . . 5 PAN VOM ates fame be tatnished? maw ovo faction, hexthid hedmeeaverthe ‘Western Nt talteving or skutking. Let ne mea: Rhet Read. is nese p pred te terward: danty indnlwe the idea that he contd, die PREIGHTES. MONEY PACKAGIS, gee. : 4 f tol? pecnts on iis Revd would, restore hitse!! ind the State ' JOO WHITE, Apent even to the condition i which they (as, 10) Ie08=22nel! were before the war oroke ont, DAVENPOR? PROALE QOLLDae. Even thatos impossiite. tSsu fa Se bos LENOIR, CALDWELL co Me G tal delusion. Bat it ble as it is IMpossi lle. iscas Vodesina ’ Besides the { WE PALE SESSION WILL commence foul dishonor which sucit a condi September Iss andend December 2d Charges : cs . An persession, puvable simetly in advance tion would entail Ty OS co hc ieee aiden Butt Tint 895 and his posterity, we say platy aie Panchen mice ninco, ese Ninttee cal emphatically, that nucer he teria of Porno i OE SQ Dewi $! restoration, whether velontary ci Totia, Greek, Freneh or German, fle . Pop's will formset tgbhts, and sheets. pillow sucu a thing were possible) eras a conquered people, vo ran, wees or child would have a rehtte an ‘ article of the properiy, of any kind, een ee ee wirich he may now possess. Lt is Pie quiet htie ‘Town oth all, everything, now forfeited. Amd no man who bas watched the course of the robbers who have plondered and wantonly destroyed, can doubt ; to Wm. Ove that they would literally exeeute eee 1869 Hine ie gs their confiscation Jaws if they had ie serenade the power. But there are even WANTED darker features than this in the pic: | T° PURCHASE OR RENT, AN [M- ture, which we need not again refer proved Lot in the West or North Ward. . 9)! Apuly at this Office. to.— Fuyetteville Qobser var. | Aug. 10th 1969 9 hanes Cowels, Co cel seap, ele Those who can toda soowell he hited additonal for concurs one CEN CRUG hs attecessfal opera ue is near the mounts, 2uaites North of Hrekory ‘Pavern rv thely) stage. shoald be made soon, as only a limited number oft pupils can new be received Applieation for adarission , | For partica/ars, apply to Wm. Overman, Esq | ( AND’ MILITIA OFFICE Or THE : : Sth Congressional District ! In obedience to General Order, No. 14, and Gegeral Qrder, No. 15, issued by Col Peter Mallett, Commandant of Couseripts for North Carolina, Colovels of Militia will, on the 20th of August, 1863, enroll all persous liable to coh. scription ander the recent Proclamation of the President of the Confederate States, aud all persons so enrolled, will report themselves to the enrolling offeer aud Medical Board, at the. following times and places, to wit: Cleaveland County—91st Reyiment, Cobong> Logan, Tuesday the 25th, and Wednesday the 26th of August. 90th Regiment, Colonel Ellie otte, Thursday 27th, and Friday the 28tp of August. Lincoln County—88th Regiment, Colonet Ramseur, Moyday 3Ist August and Tuesday Ist September. Geston County—87th Regiment, Col. Hand, Thorsday 3d, and Friday 4th of September. Mecklenbyrg County—85th Regiment, Cel. Maxwell, Monday the 7th and Tuesday the 8th of September. 86th Regiment, Colonel Brown, Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th September. Caberrus County—84th Regiment, Colouet Barnhart, Friday 11th and Satarday 12th Sep- tember. Union County—82d Regiment, Col. McCuin, Monday 14th and ‘tuesday 15th. 119th Regi- ment, Colonel Mullis, Weduesday 16th and Tharsday 17th September. Rowan County—76ih Regiment, Col. Brad- shaw, Saturday 19th and Mouday 21st Sep- tember. 120th Regiment, Col. Locke, Tues- day 22d and Wednesday 23d September. Catawba County—89th Regiment, Colonet Forney, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th Sep- tember. This Callincludes all who shalt have be- ; come 13 un or before the 20th of August, 1863, aod all who are under 45 on that day, wheth- er residents of any other pertion of the State, or of any Sate, or claiming to be a citizen of any foreign State or Power—al! who received exemptions as the owner or owners of (20) twenty negroes, xs se much of the Exemption Actot Octoder. 1862, as relates to overseers hus been repealed by the act of May, 1863, to | which the attention of all dasiring the exemp- all united in potting at the head af | inpord by law, and thore who have heen ex- tion of overseers is culled. All persons dis- charged from the Arniy from any cause, or by any anthority since the last enrollment. Alt persons to whom temporary exemptions were granted by the Examining Board, and all per- sons permitted by the Enrolling Officer to re- main at home till further notice; persoas ex. empted omdetailed on any work for the State of North Carolina, or any department tnereof, will be required 1) attend and exhibit the evi- deuce of exemption or detail. This eall does not include persons exempted: by the Examining Board on account of physica} disability, (uuless spec’ally ordered,) nor pers sons exempted by the Eorolling Officer, at or since the last enroliment, (except overseers us above mentioned, nor persous detailed fora limited time through tie Conseript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are in full fores and effeet on the 20th of Angust, and the par- ties are actually and diliventy engaged in the business for. which they were detailed. LF Colonels wiil zetura the Rolls to the En- ‘rolling Officer, made owt by Companies, with the tull naires plataby written, without erasion or alteration, ou large size paper, oaly written ion one side, with one colamn of names near the leit margin, the balrnce of the page blank for If the Colonels have any reason to suspect that there ave persons holding exemp- ‘ious from che Enrolling Officer, or the Exam- ining Board, not entitled to them, obtained ‘through frand or mistake, or that there are per | sons properly exempted, whese disability hax | ceased to exuxt, or who have violated the con- ditions of their exemption by charging more than 75 per cent.. by guitting or neglecting the business or profession for which they were ex- Sempted, or by engaging in auy other pursuit. es speciation and extortion, they will parate rail of them, aud have them to- gether with sworn evidence before the Enroll ing Officer. Reasonsble notice nfaust be given ; to all such suspected persons, so they may pro- { duce reba ing evidence, to the end that jas- tee may be done . * - e : Aly persons having business of soy kindwith | the Enrohing Officer, must be present, togeth- erwith all papers and evidence necessary for investigation and decision, while the officer is in Ure county where parties reside, then, if nece io deter, a time and place will be appointed. Ail papers and affidavits must be presented ia due form aud property jttested, to r Officer will instra- tyipiications for exemp= nfovmation must be Officer only All on the ground » &cCcoNNt of Justice, eestty. ruet be preset tedto ihe torrined by the sworn testi= recerwe attention, as the Enrol Not have Cime to draw ap oor e >et Interesie@] and res speciable parsous-—pe whose relability the Morvling Oificereanu enderse All persons liable ny ihis call, can volunteer before lhe 2th 4 Nugast, agd will be foraighed with transporcation on ceporting te Col Madleit, at Crimp Holiies opels of Militia will return to thre deat srr complete roll of all . eonseripts Who thas volo g Ving recinrent inl eompany. te whieh are goue. Te avail themselves of this mghi, parties must be rclualfy raserviers with their regiments on fhe 20th divoet August: furloughs, er permission to cremom oat heave til after that rime. be wheomsoever granted, willbe cisregarced, and he parties sont co camp es eonseripts, without delay Censenpis sent to edaap will have choice Proments as taras powelreable. and the exis Pgeneresapthe sorvies willailow. AN slQers who eve bee transferred ta Salisbury Hospital, afl permuted to retard home. will promptly res wort to Dy t ind cpeated as deserters {2° The Burotiinag Otheer “esks the aid of ak officers of the militia, and of oll geod citizens moexeeuling the law, and im raising men ¢ drive the foal invaders jrem our sei. * JVSSE R. McLBRAN, Capt. and En. Of. 8th Con. District Javan Baya, Asvt. Surg, ©. 8. As, ) Hail, at Salisbury, or be arrested W.H. Howxaton, M. D., JOR. Exus, WV. D.. Ex. Board \ August 3, 1203 un BLANK DEEDS . | FOR SALA AT THIS. OFPICR. Can Hones, July 863 ae following Nindice bs a cc for Ube information of all concerned. By order of Col. PETER MALLBTT, Comd’t of Couseri N.C. J. W. Matrerr, Adj't. anne N otioe. BUREAU OF CONSCRIPTION, ? Richwong, Va., July Qist, i563 § ao Nie auswer numerous iuquiries, ang to cor- rect errors vot uncummoa, the following aouice ts published !0 2!/ concerned : 1 Under the receut call of the President, Xtending the conscript age, ull substiiutions have ceased to be valid if the substitute be less Chan 45 years old and is not viherwise ex- eupt by law. II. Membership, anless as an officer duly ac- septed by the War Departinent,of local or- genizations for home defeuce vt special service, oaferg no claim to exemption from Contedere rte service 5 weither dues service inthe militia, unless in case of officers actually in commission who have daly qualitied. . {U. Uereafter wey vue furuishiug a substi- tate will become lable iy his owa person when- ever the serviees of the substituie are lost to the Gow -cnment froin auy cause other than the casualuics of war. IV. Applications for eXemption, on any ground whatever, mus: irst’ be addressed to the local enrolhiug uidcer, who, if he has not power to «cy of ts ia doubl, will refer them to higher authority, with report of the facts. AJl suca addressed direct tu higher, authority will uecessanly und invariably be referred back for Jocal examination and report; and the appli- cents wijl thus bave us essiy lost time aud prolonged suspeuse. Appeals against adverse decisions by local adficers will be forwardeu by them for hearing, whea auy plaugble ground of appeal is set conacauraonneatrn + , d | roe 10. years with good sugoeng, he Qentinucs to offer his services to the public where he is permanently located, and by strict attention tu his profesrion will en- deavor to merit a liberal patrnaage as hereto- fore, and holde himeeifiu readiness atall hours. day and night, for professivual calla. U7 Office at Rusewau’s Store, 3mpd 10 Execative Department, North Carojina, Apuurant Genermat’s Orrice, > Raleigh, July 4, 1863 § R. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF ] Rowan Cewaty, is authorized (0 ruise a regiment to serve for sx mouths, under the re- quisition of the President. Ewch compaay will consist of T men. The privates will elect their company officers, the latter will elect their fietd officers, ‘The officers will be com- missioned at and from the time the muster- rolis are filed ia this office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant Geueral. TRUE UNDERSIGNED APPEALS ‘TO I such of his fellow-citizens as may choose to join bim, to report to him at once at S ttis- bary. If the force called for by the President do net avai! themselves of the opportunity to volunteer and have officers of thete own selec- ton, they will be drafled and have otlicers ap- pointed by the Govertor over thent. Yhe ver- vice is for Stote defence and for but six moaths Rally, meu! The enemy is now advancing upos our coast, threatemug the destruction of our homes and the destraetion of our Inesus of sabsisience, to say nothag ol the disgrace and worse thaa death their prescuce eulails upon oar sisters. our wives and children) Bally to Vs nouce extensive circulation iu the luca! press of | ber respecuve States. GW.LAY, Lt. Col AAG, | t | } forth Com mandants of Couserigts will vive this | ty 97 Acting Chief of Bureau. July 97. 3wll Re gisier, Progress, Standard. Westera Dei- wrat, Fayetteville Observer, Wilmiuoton J t miagton Jc ial, Salisbury Wetehman copy und 20th August with ibis paragraph, = { Saiisbury Female Seminary. HE Eleventh Ses.on of mv Sehool ia ius | Tusiitavon, will open ine 4th of September, | ire z | aud Ashewhe News, 1>63 | Board per session, $150 60 Tuition 1a English, 825 00 and 30 00 | Music with us of Pia Lana. Greck aud F Pupils required tu furn 3U OD | 1, extra, $10 exer \ : hiights and tow-is. Payment strictly in advance. For paricn- fars, address A. D. WILKINSON, i es Peincips!. July, 1863 *; S10 REWARD WILL be gives for two SADDLES stuleu trora may stables on ibe Z4th rast Que ts viack ju led the other red leather Buc One parr marting!e» > also, two Braiies SUpDused to be iu the | vagkborhud of Charles Mehenzie's. Nieuw, Oee Haadred do.tars tue thief Ju'y 25. 1863 hy (he appreheis on NG MoNE RLY For Sale---i Tract of Land. FIVE HUNDRED Ac RES, CROP, XC. = (i y BUSHEL Wheat: 1000 Lassels ] UV Corn ; 200 bushels of Putaroes: Ca Molases 200 galis; Peas, wc: 43 ne. Le, amuog them 29 est ot mich ai Mock in good order: GU or TU Ik vf 12 months old for fartirc anger The premises einbr GRIST The mine wil vic deposit GOLD MINE, MILL. Ctr a sto baat ZaG4y for mauy yours <p the defence ot your homes and firesides A. M. NESBITT, Jaly 6b, 1863 —l1t7] Salisbury, NOC Confederate Insurance Company, Vel dD 1 Crerwdcsvide, bud [ HAVE ACCE(TED AN AGENCY chand:se, Buildings, &c. ‘This Coopany has been in operation bat a sbert ine, has a large Cash Capel all paid tn, and held by seme of the wealihiest aud best people of Virginia. A large amoant of the Capit! Stoek of tes (ome pany has already been sold ter ten per cent premiom pany to be of the most reliable é any losses from policies issued by this Coimpa- ny. will be promptly met aceurdimg to the terns set forth in ils poucies Persons wa Salisbory acd vicinity Cesinog character, and their property insured, can have sa opportaos- | ty of doing 80 by calling ont A.J. MOCK, Agent. Salisbary, N.C, ’ July 16, 2763. S500 REWARD. re INT TAN CARY fy BASE GLb Offre of Mi EL Myers was broken open the follo vine articles 8% 1 ) fime English Grold Lever P wwth of J. A. Lallingten ou the faee, Gerneiu Tt tetiers, believed ta be trad eeeelratt Laverpuoly ane Uramead Riaz. ge Pauper 1 re clastered around with siiad Pea- Inonds; one fine Geli orgebaime as inserbed Uieres Breast Pin, Coral vind Crote Pins; one Buouch ‘harms, e af the two Lockets 0 atures 5 MN: Croes, Hart. Sheil one Corral Breast sett with Pearle; ore Necklace wita ove! Jete. with cross in cent ope large Black I, Tecan safely recommend this Cote | i Floar, Meal or any i May be taken responsible for any. | stored at my mill yatil ordeced to. be ground. 3d. T will nut be responsible for any Mealor { Flour more 24 hours after it is made; at | the same time, Fwilt take the beétoard of it | that Leau, and the same care that I take of my own. The mill is always neater lock aud | key when we leave it. | J. 8. MeCUBBINS. Salisbury, Mareh 30, 1863 145 | | SCRAP YRoN WANTED. ry . ] HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE | paid for old Casting or Scrap Iron at Govern. | ment Foundry in Salisbery. Persons having any wilt please send it at on@, or notify me where thev can @efiver it A.B SHEPPERSON. Seperinteadent. March 4, 1863. 1:42 _ Attention’ Soldiers’ Wives! WAVE a small quantity of Flour to spare Any of the soldieg? wives living in my Cap- tata s District ta aeed of flour, can gee atten dollars per huuadsed, [also have a little Woo, The wives of soldiers in my distric, can have a few pouuds for their own use grat > JOUN C. MILLER. May 18, 1863. 1152 SALISBURY, APRIL 20, 1863. | Yo Gas Consumers, tu spare. | ( )s and after May Ist, 1863, Gas will be Y 15 per 1000 fer 1aVance ol inate Owing to the very great and freights, the Compa- WY are teCessitated Co raise the price of Gas | er stop tae works Tron Retorts 300 ner cent. cond Rov (149) pereen.: , sh BOO pec cent LEATH ER, from the above Insurance Company. aid ani | Hs £MPORTANT ARTICLE OF J now prepared to take msks or oroperty at rea. Pooeinie wecmenty adaues fo advance tn pree, J sonable rates, red for limited perias of tune. y og oe biker are predicung that poces hith- and on different graces of pro, Se couwted enormous willbe next to noth | Cotion, Tobaceu. Produce. Vachinercy, Mer deaurands — This pray be ss. and probably willbe true ua- | Jess cousumers sa) ’ , Ng as COUDAFEG Wilh prospee ave fake Uaely waeianug end prepare to supy (heir wauls without purchas- | i tog. Leas beise Dihere ure surplus eatt'e aud | | hides enough io the country to supply the pub- | he demand for leather. Fanners, as a general | thing, keep more catile than can be well kept } and made musi prontatle. Tf they woald take } as goed care of their cows as tev co their | horses und mates, one half the number would | pro for milk and butter. The xt t tbe fattened and slaughter- a “d desires to do all an hie power to seep down the pace of leather, «ud can secure the cosope ration uf stock-owne | ree beieves be can do inach good ta this db. He cannot atforc in pay the present | Xt vary demands of vound green bide t en sell leather at 82 othe hithest price” 2 upto tits tune, sad at. Butof fare ers ho hawe hides, will send them to bis Tau rve Ubem at Sorague. Brohers, i Swlebars. ire will “Pau them oon the wend! guuig hee osell his own snare ors reas bough te rastity #rcoutz. | dont Loto speculate. ve ‘ ce, anc wil de alt E ny againe it. Sows , 3 ng to have thee Hides Tanned can do as abave directed TW. DAYNES May t=, 1862. (2 \ LARGE quanut. of TOBACCO for sate ' ak hy JNO F. FOARD. | Sah birv. Spml 23, 1863 49 OF Wanted. | Le OS ren Freights beve gone up 200 | ile aleeani \J.\ MEBANE ra A eR Gogtedemey, bur ihe fair 40) | uftued with it. Se } I wm aatborized by the Ordaunee Depari- ment to purchase materiatfor this parpose , und | I talke this method uf appeating tg the people } to umsist ine in collecting old rope, boyging, | Waste cordage, dke., ur any hind afield hemp. A good price will be paid for the above ma- | teria, varying fran £6 tv 25 eoute per pound, aecording to condition, locality, &e, 1 will also pay 40 ceuts per pound for vld | serep Lead delivered ut the Worka, A. G. BRBNIZER Caps. Art’y. | Office C. 8S. Ord. Works, Sahebary, NoC j June 29, 1863. 6 GREENSBORO’, N. C. HE Fall Session of this Lustitution will commence on the 4thof Augast next. Trams - | for the sestion of 20 weeks Beard, ucluding washiug, lights, fuel. &eo., $20,00. Vie 812,50, OF Paiuting 830,00, Drewing $12.50, Grecian Painting SIS 00, Ancient aud Moderna Languages, each 81250. Por farther particulars apply to RICHARD STERLING, Prneipal June 29, 1563 Sipdb . “Stonewall” Jackson. es UST PUBLISITED, aad for sale by N.S MORSE & CO., Augusta, Ga.. A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxeveu OF = STUNEWALL” JACKSON By Ceirces tMactocnk: Beiag o full at “ sccarate the Lesding Mveutsot his Lafe, hos Dy ti tlomeats, aud the Obsequies at Rich- thond and Leaiwgtoa Pins work coutuims tuny avecdotes of the account WSET OLS me pe Mastied } Pocsae by oll Rook Storesund News Agecats | Pree xt 1 ata hoe cal Giecouns. Gear J teas will be prompt. y tiled MORSE & 60 'u Nueusta, Gea. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Lesses Prompily! PIRECTGHRS: Jou A. Mebane, W. Meuderhatic £.. BP. Wear, James M. Gurreit, deities Cule, ger, Davia MeWouicht, MoS. Sherwood, Jed ff. Lendscy, Greet eborough » WA. Wright, Wobrocigt Robert Bo Troy. Lumberton, Nlexwneer Mees Cree, Teale > ‘Phewas Jot Newberns Voadeur Ve- : Yuuges- unsey, Wadesborvugh: Res isktioted; Dro Bo F. Wat. eee RTT ° OFFICERS : NU DO WILSON, JEDIT LINDSAY.- - CP MENDENEPALL, - Neto PETE ADAMS. =: Seeoand Tre AWWA HH CIieM MING, - Woo NcCONNELES- } President Vice-President Geperral Agent Execative Com. JMGARKETE,- < \ one on Wuste ee Connecter Xi EMU ICY treo ta be with tin: Omer, addressecio PETHiv UDAMS. Secretar Greansbors, Ns Cx Jowe 19,186. oc DENTAL NOTICE. seriously - | Edgeworth Female Seminary. Eoglish ‘Tuition 330,00, Music on | the Piano, Harpor Guitar 330,00, Voeul mu- | J. MeConnel, C. P.| NEL. D. Wi itso, Wa. Berisa- | ry CORN E \ Nauckerchief a RO LP LA GOOD WORSE suitable foe | ae Woat lig Mine n a XG Lanuen and Cotton sheets. Pre Cases he Army. Apply to — | Jaly 24, 1203 Se poi ° ° i “| Boleter <hpe, and netny oF rtintes of J tee JAMES W CLARKE. | W. F. Bason, M. D. => elev and Lates v te Weeted Uh ~ e | = aL al ~ ‘a =] 5 rn 4 ~~ NE Ole Bee q ~ Zs j ebeve reward of Five Heudred Datars, wilt W. GC; White Sulphur | o D zm i : | a ty) .-2 _ = —é ead i (Wa coins en ie aanause Aah) 1 TNS onan ae ne pete Ui eda te ; SPRINGS. \\ OULD cenpettuly make koown that he | ALL THOSE INDEBTED ‘TO ME ON 0t8. 081 preperten yt Ae OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS ljiascommken his DENTAL ROOMS in suis mv Book Sore acecnui will pleas call ag Vr.) Most of tue Jewry can te dt : yt gy __ \ Se ee Bee Nay ed ager d set Ee aN io inf mace woven fo Car \ HY, ie have the benefit of these | a4} \sot ' Sunk thieae wis thiaby ral TUG res mtiite Gn any cutmarn 2 Myers ur Samuel Revved, So, 060) be pret eeniesth ’ thane salt be ae , = , n Ay eg ib tecltpem tbe le 1 and pr 28 r will re ra ly avieuced io. ; one e Son aan. 2 eS ; v oe a _ i aul i r \ Tp p per aN £55 for weeks ce wate ie tne at's he OMWee of Eunise aud weti'e o ; Yh - Wee have a plentitat oy Vv of provisious a” ik eae | ongh the Bet Omee. at Some of wy ac t f Batieburs, NOC Jane Ta. tata aged stock of vee secured. A daily | ) Dee. bot, S62 (0 Is J 1559, aud Jd the whe are | 27 The Contec - ay A mee Poe hacks aid mail to the Springs . | , — re will call at one m Conteder., copy daily one wee “ Una ofiee H. LL. ROBARDS, Proprietor | Nuvey is pler v— oh ( - ret Jie, 1=63 m4 Jj \ ns bd men er wo At a A BR Be Ie PAMES HOR AH, Ld SNE i* re hy Ly ae Gira) Lye Ralss poly Gti, 18637 ee ved and White Boxe f, | Wateh-Maker and Jeweler, ; _ C dese A “ ! LVL sw ish fo prrehase al lent, for winch | (nedaarietiett kA MecphytaRtore, ALALNISTIZA Fates Faery penny f VV we will may 73 conte per pur They | SALISBURY. &. € ! A ME NESBEE if yw clean and nice — on a on SP trot are ifn HENDEKGON & ENNISS TT REPS const wivand glare assur. ree Pa 136 1 Solishary, June 15, 13% if mat oof 4 CHES « LWE * ()R THE ter OF SEPTEMBER gest! a Milli shia Bet ESE et SEER Ya! ce wi offer a tne! eee oof H14 my aut hyy fare Wc Wane “Tin 0 Tea ‘ ‘ } ms o i Sow Nhe Unie Te Hay Money. WEE \] Ss Ciocks, Watches tad Jewelry ofevery dee PERSONAL PROPER1 } 4 = i foe I Bg a tate « lurrepaomredu e best manner and ov Bug Wy oly emia uf Sarah (ered. decd, 2 a ALE PERSONS FEVER GS DET NUMBER of the © Harnett oattern, |! os : Hs 1 od to ne ‘ tnited to be ihe best ever manutiet UE Reali Tyas SES ay SIVENECI Cad Be wos r aenuey, 6 Le Pet of tie pale ae Hot ery oe VOW NESBITT Hoos ather aries ctthe poset | WN UR Sa SS iat oper a } ene 1a. Io 4 hive | ‘ ry Sk done i . ve a OO NPAVES a car Ne . JOHN SEHUVWAN, Sr vet ‘ ar re aS WOOL WANTED. Re ie PON et ai he Dish Die y : ; hOKY. forme wed by Mok i My. acute SS ecicn SHEARING LAMBS Wood, “Th aD A RG SMe | | eas ae roofs Per os . we iced bys WEEE SVET; : ate \ , lene 2 ae 1 taneb Jiily 13. T5469 WILT « mie or rend to Sprague Bew'a on | nt ae peas from 40 6 riches AEE Salisbury Vueadave, Phor sand Satur. |") rae Nr ue ok ' ‘ CLilG yar 5 Ww faye toget any [ides that may be left there | res nee ' ne fry S té huches ‘ ‘LMI Wit HAEL BROW X, ay | Crimes ek at ' = Vike ; <= Varn pax s TOW oy YNES ‘it 90 Hleading toa thousand ij od) c OM MM / MLZ Mi, ROPES od j eH, 156 : iy evtomarket poce will be pad | . us : SALISBER ( | Auldrean IAS. ‘I. JOUNSON, eS PAN ht VEN a TINGS SNP BOTTLES WAN TES Wedieal Parveyor ©8 A J j Fe ee) ' r ; ' t ‘ \ ns Fare le Mi , ran ve pay the liglewt , | Charlotte NOC Rov wala lier ‘ nes rays pureta wuce Ship EN DEREON oe Tete : Perea : Fark SON KOE VARS uo od2 Conag este ur pale 4 bos merke Wt DERS N ys faa | ut ood oe Pa 1. ] 10a tt, for shipaeut ss eranarkriw so downeh q e, Pehle ye \ . , ' 7 : hi te eee | aires aut doh, Mavke\ orineandceied . Ce ee ‘4 Notice (0 Debiors and Creditors, tbe Sar s bibs erscther bey { {| tanees promp: v iiade ‘WW , TF { ah _ Py) { ‘ oa wil give a ward fer his : ; Banebury eu 13, 163 tts | — : . = = = < aD, ie ALL, persoue having eclaitis againat the 10d confinemes ‘ rut deliver = PtheC S§ DistWery at Salisbury, NOC, | stute of Jantew WW ‘veely, late of Davie coun- Von the Slateswille roud He: WANTED AT HENDERSON f Ove Thousand (1600) Bashels DANTEG LYERLY & ENNESS, Drogyists ones Augost 3, 1862—iw i» 1 Jene 15, 1463 us Propusais mut be addressed to eh | i] > San : eee es ' JAS. T. JOHNSTON, q@LANK DEEDS, FOR SALB|” ~ BLANK BEDS Medal Perveyor C8. A., AT THIS OFFICE. {FOR SALK AT THI8 OFFICE Maple | ty, | them iu terms of the Jaw, and Chose indebted ty mtid Ewtate are requested to maké immedi. | | diate payment D. M CRENSHAW, Administrator June 22, 1863! 3m5 s0—9 W Sia limbee decensed, are hereby notified to present ee eat o! 4 Chariotie, N.C. July 13, 1863. te Aw persons: indobeed to the frm of A. W. Myers an@-Av Myers, ate hereby oe fully requésted tw settle their rempectivy oli. gations eitherin peteow or by letter, without | aeediosa delay. ‘They will thumrave ipieres: | and the ineouvenience of payment when mon. ;e¥ may be lespabundent “than ot preent, | | hope the fttendwor'the lute Grins “will not re. | quire bemger: indulgener. bat reepond to this argent call, as it ix necessary that the business | should be closed with us little delay as possible. , Ai MYERS. Office next to Cowan’s Brick Row. Solisbury, Mureh 30, 1863. 45 OIL, OIL. ONE BARREL OF TANNER'S O14, for sule, epply to WM. WATSON, a8 5 miles weet of this place. Or at this Office SL Stab _ Brown's Livery Stable, # keprap aw heretofore. J, is gratifying to him that this establixhiment. begun, at firei, at £__udoubtfulexpermment, has proved tothe public a great desideratum aad & com. plete success. ‘Travelers, and others cau at. | ways have theirwanie lin thisliue, we) sup- | plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. And the | subseribesis always ready tose!) or buy good | Horses. THOMAS E.BROWN Jan. ist, 1863. t(55 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. VW ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for which 1 will be pad SI tor mediam site, and sinaller ones in proportion. Apply to R. Fo Simonton, Statesville, or A J. Moék, Salisbury December 8. 1 "62 try DR. HOWERTON ' Ne tale his professionel services to tbe | Offiee ut tie Bor. Mar 9, 2663—c¢42 ter that have peyer before been |} evizens of Salisbury i dea Houre | NW CD BRET Ecce SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, is6z ! } } ALL those indebted to the firm of McCuscins & Fosten,. will call at the Boot & Shoe Munufaciory of Juba A. Bradelow, next | door to the Watchman Office, va ihe subecn- | ber, and settle iheif wecvents, either by uote forthe cash. Now is the time to pay debts, f:26 THOMAS J. FOSTER LUMBER. id ie EI sabserive. tivine near beard Sia: Burke oounty, is prepared to fur Gebvered on bocce ty } Penwnst of sap lanber cars at Slo perhoodred Weert lnusber rontract Irders adereased to ham Hay Burke county. No Co, willreceiye | prompt atleulionu i Home, TOL C.DONALDSON March 17, }862 GE WESTERN N.C. RAL ROAD, Chanin of Schedule. A — |: OR the purpose of evpediiiag the tropsper ‘taheonu of the matics weli an te prevent cela to (raveliers, the passeuge: (rasp the KR willrun so ae fo banks chee conection wilt fthe ‘Sal Pramas ofthe NOC. Rail Reed, wi arcves from the Nerth at 230 P.M. The rains on this Roa! wil leave Salisbary at 2 P Moo and ernve at ihe bead of the Read et 745 BOM, aud leave the head of Read at T7304 M..and reseh Salhabary co jime lo connest wilt the Maol Train. JAMES C. TURNER, \ Bug and Sop't WON. RR Apnit, 1863. tae ( YOTTON and LINEN RAGS wanted b JNO. F. FOAKI Salietary, Apri 24, 6°69. 16.49 Post Office Nottee. WLOUTHTERN sad Western Maal e'oses at ‘ 12 M.; Neither Mipleloses as & P OM.; i Cheruaw, S.S.. Sneed’, Fue edey and They day. 8 POM: Moecksvilie, Monday, Wecurs day and Friday. * P Mls Woikesborn’, Tues day, © Poe Cre yt hursday, 12M Sunday Of ce Tlours. From ieM pout Op. M. unui 24 PL Mo from POM The above miles will not be departed fro nud further notices oO pay ther Post Officer secounts when orem uted at the end } Ali persone are 6 xpected t qoarter otherwise Po lt be emapeie sell their papers fer (he postage MOSES AO SMITH, P.M May 4, 1863 thot ‘Dr. J. A. CALDWELL PESPECTEELLY OFFERS \ Lis profes sen ab wervicens t the Creag Solbeabury nnd the sur >” ane , ; Officer two coer below Mi Brows ies ~TF Fa my absence, leave your name ont stato o | May b—~thol The History of North Carolina JUBLISUBD wn dsot hy preface conegded thet mone ubavoidable and many lnpertections secoud edition was thea promise d, which wou Phis ts now called for the undersigned, ( contained omis 4 remedy these defcets He wall be grateful te any one W ho will pott out ANDY errors in the dates, Natnes or fuctel lthe various counties of the State; and un) boograpbical sketch uf those who have done sets vice in the field or State. ) Letters may be sent to me, care of Hon. | L. Swain. A “ JOUN H. WHEELER. Chapel Hifl, N.C., June 4, 1863. bar a “S e E e So o n er t ha which » and m of ot o Bext beer y ote “ua, aN ne ser fon. D ER. Bor uid “ 4 ha ee sf pediaine ; rE, Age : i qe ’ por tie "iol ; : Tey ee hase (oS gg od 5 4 Nd Seid hs “paki oa Mi ae ets “eae My 5 7 en ea ¥ . ne 4 ay + a re be Rt PF ae * t za ; i me wath : yee yd a - . é ," oy ej ob Or eee Sto fy oom Z ‘ony " vie rabies Ae todd if hii é Mga ; 4 5 atin, dal : ce my Vi ehh Cat Wh foun ‘ ; — : : of , + neadiaathaaiins aided \naienaaian 4 = e a ma fe ae Ky > #5 Tob ie ar * ' - £ 5 ‘, 4 ; : ft Pi ¢ % Se ined hited ‘ ? ie if b's wd n- vas , ‘ , gy we a4 ay * Re + & a! ie ri d é i i gti me i } . yr a . “4 Wiehe a fy ye , ‘ . . -? > t”" 4 ws "Tad . Fae { bd ’ ——- a ase 7, ayes a WwE LY as 9 | F . t ay ee Ce From and ater this date, and until chere is a change in the’ prices of provisions, paper and other articles , to eatry oo busi- ness, the subscription-iates of thus paper will ve two-dollars for six mouths, and three dol- lars for a year. . Avvaatiaasa, two dollars for the firs. and one doller for each subsequent publication. April 20th, 1868, a ne At a Convention of the North Carolina | troops {u the army of Northern Virginia, | assembled at Orange Court House, Vu, at) delock a in, on the 12th August, 1863, Col. Bryen Grimes, 4th N.C. T, upon motion of Capt. J. C. Turner, 6tb N,C.T., was cdlea to the chair, who ex- plained the object of the mecting iu afew | vemarka Upee motion of Cul. J. D. Barry, 18th N.C. &, a Committee of one from cach brigade was appointed upon the permx vent orguuizaties of the Convention, which, after u short imtermission reported as fol lows: Col Bryan Grimes, 4th N CT, Pesadont Col RT Bennett, d4th NCT, ) Li-Cal RF Webb, GthN © T, > ¥ Maj Wai Parsley, 34N CT, Ly-Col Jobe Ashford, 38th NC Capt K Phammer, 12th NC Capt J J Jopes, ith NC T, Capt T MeG Sasth, 45th NC T, Dr W W (Gaither, 26th NC T, Licat Irwia Jones, 34 N CT, Lieut Chas RB Jones, 55th N CT, Li J Justice, A DC, Gea Hoke, Lieut PC Carlton TthN CT, Maj J A Eagelhart, A AG, Gen Peuder's Sto, J The deinguies preseat then presented their credentiats, and their uames were curolled as fylows: rv: toe Pres'te. CT, T. > Hee'ge. Lane's paicaDe. Lieut P C Cariwa, co A, 7th Regiment, iredell coanty. Sergt W B Smith, ool, 7th Regt Iredell county Col Joga D Barry, pth Bogimest, Yew Hanover county. : Capt F M Wootea, oe H, 18th Regument Bladen county. Capt J M Crowell, oo K, 28th NC T, Stan- fey county. Lieut K BD Rhyne, oo B, 25un NC T, Sar- ry couaty. Sergt D F Marrow, 20th NC T. Lieut H P Lyou, w B, 33d NC T, Edge- combe county. sergt F Batner,co J 33d NC T, Forsythe sounly. Lieut TJ Armstroog, co K,8ith NC T, Iredell county. : Priva W 8 McGee, co H, 8%h NCT, Wilkes county. _ PETTICRW'S BRIGADS. Capt F W Bird, 11th Regyment, Bertie county. Lieut L J Hoyle, Jach Regiment, Lincola county. Capt Jaa Mclver, Bth Regiment. Dr W W Gaither 26th Regiment, Caldwell county. Capt R Hl Singletary 441b Regiment, Pitt eounty. Capt Caines, 44th Regiment, Montgomery couny. Capt W J Laukford, 47th Reg’t Frauklia * eouaty. Capt RH Faucet, 47th Reg't Alamance county. . Capt J M Alexander, 52nd Reg’t, Cabarrus county. Capt J W Goslin, 53ad Regiment, Forsythe county. IVERSON'S BRIGADB. Col Themas M Gurrett, Sta Reg’t, Bertie county. Col B Robineou, co A, Sth Regiment Cum- beriand county Col K Plummer,co C, 12th Regiment, War- rea county Lieut P Durham, co E, (2th Regiment, Cleavelund county Lieut H A Bizzell, co Do, 20th Regiment, Sampson county. , Capt W J Stanley, co A, 20th Regiment, Colambas county. Liew John R Leach, coC, 23d Regiment, Montgomery counly Lieut W © Wall, co F, 23d Regiment, Rich- toad county. RAMBECR'S BRIGADB. Capt JC Gorman, Co B, 2d Regt, Wilson county. : Sergeant HL Davenport oo H, 2d Regt, Wayne county Col B Grmes, 4th Regt, Pit county. CaptS A Kelly, coG, 4th Regt, Davie county. Cot RT Bennett, 14th Regt, Anson county. Capt JJ Jones, co K, 14th Regt, Wake county. Sergeant Miles B Sampeon county. Private J B Cobb, 30th Regt, Edgecombe county. Dranghou, 30th Regt HOKE'S BRIGADE. Lt Col R F Webb, 6th Regt, Orange county. Capt R W York, co I, 6th Regt, Wake county. CaptJ C Turner, co A, 6th Regt, Rowan e@ounty- their report, through Lt 8 P Hill, co H, 6th Regt, Caswell county: A SE SST Or F Uardey, 6th Regt, Buncombe county. dC UC Jones, 67 ee Regt, Rowaw cuanty. ts Cot-A Ete, 54th Regt, Rowan eounty. (W ddustion, A D C Gog Hoke, Lincola ] delegates from the 2ist, 54th aud 57th Reyients omitted to bund im their names) ‘ SCALES’ BRIGADE. Captain T T Lawson, 13th Regt, Rocking- lige county.. Private A R Brwio, 13th Regiment, Meck- county. . R Mugphy. 16th Regt, Polt county. Private JP Murtin, 16th Regt, Heuderson ers : Dr BA Check, 22d Regr, Warreg county. 4 C F Biler, 22d Regi, Randvips county. Dr Suo F Milier) 34th Regt, Cleavelund coumty. Captutn Joke A Kaberte, 34ih Bagt. Cleuve~ jand county. Lt Col Jne Ashford, 36th Regt, Sampeon couaty. Cupt G W Flowers, 38th Regt, Alexander county. Corpal Jas D Geddie, 26th Regt, Cumber- land couuty. DEOVis’ BRIGADE. Lieut Chas R Jones co G, 5th Regiment, Iredell county. Lieut T J Hadley. co A, 55th Regt. Wilson county. : STUARTS BIUGADE. Lieut Col T Brown, Ist Regiment, Wilkes county. Capt WH Thomson, Ist Regiment, New Hanover coanty. Capt LC Latham, let Regiment, Cravee county. Maj Wm Parsley, 3rd Regiment, New Hep- over connty. Licat Irwin Johes, 3rd Regiment. DANIEL’S BRIGADE. Lieut Col D G Cowan, 32nd Regiment, Washington comnty. Cupt P F Smith, co F 32nd Reg’t Catawba county Capt H Beverly, co HM, 43rd Reg't, Anson | county. | Lieut A W Bridges, co C, 48rd Regiment, | Frunkho coaaty. : Sergi G W Wills, co F, 43rd Regt, Halifux county. } Sergt Robt Barbour, co K, 43rd Regiment, | Ansum coanty. ‘ | Capi MG Smid, col, 45th Regiment, | Caswell coerty. | Lieat RC Donald, oo C, 45th Regiment, | Gailford county. Liewt S A Sutton, co F, 45th Regt, Bertie | county. Sergt J HW Rankin, co B. 54th Regimen, | Guilford county. | Sergt H Watson, co E 45th Regiment, Rock- | Ingham county Liewt Sucve, co A 53rd Regiment Bertie | county. Lica Lee, co I, 53rd Regimeat. Setgt Fall, co 1, 53ed Re vient. Sergt Strat, co C, 53rd Regiment. Upou motion of Col. Bennett, 14tb Regiment, all officers and men trom North | Carolina, prewat, were invited to take seats in the Convention, and act as dele- gates from their respective comands, Upon motion of Col Garrett, 5th Reg- iment, @ committee of one from each Brig- gude was appointed to draft resolutions for the action of the Convention, to be select- ed by the delegates from the respective Brigades. The following names were reported as composing the committee : Stuart's Bugade,'Capt LC Latham, Ist Regt. Davis’ Brigade, WT J Hadley, 55th Regt. Hoke's Brigade, Lt S P Hill, 5th Regt. Lane's Bngade, Col J D Barry, 18th Regt. Pettigrew's Brigade, CaptgR H Singletary. 44th Regt. Iverson's Brigade, Col T M Garrett, Hh Reg. Ramsear’s Brigade, Capt J C Gorman, 2nd Regt. - Daniel's Brigade, Lt Col DG Cowan, 32d gt Scales’ Brigade, Dr J} F Miller, 34th Regt. Upon motion the Convention adjourned vol three o'clock. P.M. At 8 o'clock the Convention re-as- ~embled and wae called to order by the Preaident. The committee not being ready to report, La Col H © Jones, Col Ben- nett, Col Cor and Capt Gales responded to calls made apon them, in brief and eloqueat speeches, The committee on resolutions then made their Chairman, Col Garrett, who read the following reso- lutions, which were, on motion of Capt Bird, 11th Regiment, read and adopted scrtalum : Resolved, That. onr separation from the Northern Gove suinent wae, trom the beginning, intended to be final andetermat. For thie have we suffered and endarea mueh; for this have so many of oer comrades fallen, end for thie do we will intend to endere all and every iil; nor do we intend that the setive of amy portion of our people at home shali eo bind oer hands as to make farther resietance on our part impoe- sible. That we are daily coa@rmed ie eur de- terminatwo by ihe unneteral teachings ef the Northern pres@, by the insane and fanaticul actaof the Northern people, by the inhuman and unprincipled acte of the Northere Govern- ment, the crowning one ot which 18 shown in the late prociamation of Lincola, threatening rotaljation on our soldiery for oar treatment of slaves found in insurrection, and by the ina- merable acts of savage barbarity of the North- ern soldiery in every part of our land. Resolved, That earnestly as we desire peace and long for a return of its blessings, we do ul- lerly repudiate all acts of persons or authorities tending to a peace upon the basis ofreconstiac- SALISBURY, N. ally dampe “and gloom on their tion or submixsion ; and ipt, while we are aud have alwayy been, wusions for un honurable vettionent of oec diffealiies, the agitutive of the sebject on wuy bg thea. our per fect independence of bern rute is in the highest degree i ibe With the honor and inteseats of the good of North Caroline. Nor can we comprehend base feeling that would prompt & return tthe embraces of an enpmy who has casrigd. OD & war of invasiod aguinst us for mere thal two years, coupled with every savage inflietiom. which he has had the power to impese, eMfmimating w the en- ployment of oar slaves and the free negroes of the North to marder odr'€itizens aad oppose us in komorable contbac-espeldiers. — «, Reeolued, That whi soldiers are fight- dur independence, it is wrong that some be con- Linually ving thelr , custing a chill for tive centest by eatimely repininge and base feanings oward submission ; that w@ would be nutrue to our principles. autrue to our wives und childeen, who would be the greatest suf- ferers by submission, witrue lo our noble dead, votrue lo our interests, Untrae toour Slate, Oi true to oar Confederacy, aud wulrue to the cause of freedom, now to submil to the dumina- tiou of such as rule the Northern peopie, and that we fear their rule more thaa we fear their wrath. / Resolced, That we have learned with deep mortification and regret that several meetings of citizeas have beew held iv North Careliua, in which resulutrons have been adopted declar- ing upposition to the further enforcement of the conseript law iu out State 5 that we canpot te- gard such action, taken by a portion of our peo- ple, in any othe: light than as favoring the oanse of our enemies, with whom we are cou- | tending, and in tbis point of view as disloyal, und to vs who have been relying upon those at | home for support and sympaty, a¢ treacherous in the extreme; that we cannot regard the ap- pointment of an obnoxious tithingman, or the | failure of the othér States to do theie daty pat- | rioticallys as any excuse for North Carolina to | refuse to perform theirsia uny respect ; that the alleging sach un excuse shows that they do | nwt plead amy inability to comply with the re- | quirements of the law, but that it is a species of ' canting hypoericy, employed by those who de- | sire Lo escape the duagers and hardships of the | war. Resolved, That the course of the Raleigh | Standard and ite supponers in North Carolina \ |in encouraging this spint among our speople | meets with our ungaalified condemuation, and | | we denounce the statement of the editor of that paper tbat his course is approved by a large majority of the oops from North Carolina, as utterly false, aud that for the fair feme and reputation of North Carolina, we sincerely hope that no such statement will be reiterated. | Resolved, Thhtin a etraggie of the ter in which we are engaged, inwulving ab it | does the preservation or destruction of all oor { nights as freemen the freeduur of the press, does | not demand that any sentiments, however | treasonable, may be uttered with impanity;, that this inestimable right inevery well regu- lated government, ie and should be restricted withia such limits ae to forbid this; and if it should be found that trae patriotisin in North Curolina had so far lost its hold apon the minds aud hearts of her people ax to be unable to check the coarse of the Standayd and other papers who are giving witerauce lv such eenti- mente, then the public aathorities would be re- creant to the cause of the country. if they should fail to take measures for their suppress- ion. Resolved, That we heartily approve of the noble and patriotic course of Gov. Vance in this struggle for owr independence ; that we wilting- ly confide the honor and integnty of our State in his hands, and that we ere certain he will not betray hie trust. Resolved, That while the resolutions adopt- ed show truly the sentiments of the Conven- tion upon all the points embraced in them, in- | asmuch as it és impossible in this form to em- 1 body all that the Convention and those whom they repreeent deaire should be suid to the people of oar State, with the arguments and | considerations which might be broaght forward | to sustain them, the President of the Conven- | tion be authorized to apprint a committee of seven members of the Convention, who asbull | be entrusted with the preparstion and pubhica- tion of an address to the people of the State, specially appealing to the good and the putriot- ic to rise in their tnight and pat down the emall | (as we believe,) but treasonable faction im their | inidet, whose machinations we have more { trouble to resiet than the power of our enemics | The resolutions were unavimously and | enthusiastically adopted. Pending their | adoption, remarks were submitted by Col. | Garrett, Col Bennet, Lieut-Col Jones, Capt | Bird and Lt Hill. Capt R W York, 6th regiment, respond: | ed to calls and entertained ihe Conven | uon in ap eloquent address, and handling | the teaitors and reconstructionists without | gloves. The spesker wae frequently inter- | rupted by the epthusiastic applause of the | Convention, Under the 8th resolution the Chairman | appointed Col TM Garrett, Sth regiment ; | Col John D Barry, 18th regunent, Lae | Col HC Jones, S7th regiment; Dr F Hardy, 6th regnnent, Lieut S P Lil, 6th | regiment; Capt Seaton Gales, AoA Ramseure brigace, and ou motion Col | Bryan Grimes, 4th regiment, was added | to the committee. Upon motion of Dr J F Miller, 34th i regiment, the proceedings of the Conven | tion were ordered to be published 10 the North Carolina and Richmond papers; and by motion of Dr W W Gaither, 26th regiment, the proceedings, with the address to be prepared by the Committee appoint- ed for thas purpose, were ordered to be ©., AUGUST 31, 1863. { published ia pamphlet 1 Staudara, al the time appuinted there was quite pfrom duty, at thie fine of danger to our coun- “NUMBER 15. furin for general distribution. : | ' The proceedings of the Couvention were frequently enlivened by delighttal mesic Oa motion, the meeting adjourned. ; A C. LATHAM, Chairman. J. F, Woomwanp, Rec. : from the bands of the 4t: and 20th regi- | ae" ; ments. Ater « motion returning thanks to the officers thereof, the Convention adjourned sine die. ‘BRYAN GRIMES, President Secretaries. —Juo Ashford, L-Col 38th N.C. 1.3 J. A. Engleliard, Maj. & A.A. G. Maj. Gen, Pender’s Staif; W. W. Gai- ther, “Asst Surg. .26th Regiment ; Jos. Jongs, Capt. Co. ¥, 140 Regiment ; K. Plummer, Capt.Co. O, 12th Regiment F: McG. Smith, Capt+—46ih Regiment ; Ivring Jones, Li. —— 3rd Regiment ; Chase K Jones, Lt. Co. G, 55th Regiment; Jno Justice, Lt. & A. D.C. Gem Hoke, ; P. C. Carlton, Lt Co. A, 7th N.C. T., pcm ares Camp at Hamiltou’s Crossings, Va., August 19th, 1863- { The officers and members of Captain Reil- ly’s and Latham’s Batteries, N. C. Troops, determined to hold a meewing on the 19th of August, in regard to the action of the Raleigh i Ay a meeting of the citizens of Row- an, beld at Thiatira eburch on Saturday the 22d of August, 1865, On motion, Dr. Kerr was called to the Chair, and Jobo MqConnanghey, Esq., re- quested to act 2s Secretary, . The object of the meeting being explain- ed, the iollowing resolutions were presented ‘and unavimonsly adopted: er Whereas, Meetings bave been held throughout the State prejudicial to the cause of the Confederacy, aod discourag- ing to the soldiers who bave bravely de- fended us, ther2fure, Resolved, That while we have, always been anxious for peace upon such terms as would secure our Rights, Liberty and Independence, yet we deyounce the sev- eral meetings that have been beid as dis- yraceful to the State aod subversive of all - the dearest rights for which’ we are eon- tending. ‘ Resolved, That the course pursued by W. W. Holden, Editor of the Raleigh Standard, in encouraging such meetings, is damaging seriously our straggle for In- dependence, and is sowing discord among our acldiers, thereby causing dissatisfac- tion and desertion. Resolved, That his press is a vursance to the State ane ought to be suppressed. Resolved, T! at every loyal eitizen ought to look more upon our country’s cause, and denounce as a traitor every man who does not seek his country’s glory and bis country’s good. : Resolved, That the scheme of clubbing adopted by his followers to scatter his pa- per throughout the State is a species of villainy that ought to be denounced, and that we will give our support to no mem- ber of such “ club,” for we regard them as disloyal to the Confedérate Government. Resolved, That we assure our brave sol- diers that we have entire confidence in their loyalty,.as the past will prove, and we urge them to reject the vile, wilful per~ versions of truth as set forth by the “Stan- dard.” , : Resolved, Tbat we cordially endorse the administration of our worthy Governor, Z. B. Vance, and that he be urged to remem~ ber that a“ man canoot take fire in bis bosom and his clothes not be burned.” Resolved, That we appeal to our patri- otic Governor to use all his influence and power in forwarding reinforcements to the army, and in arresting deserters and re- turning them to the same, to all of which we pledge our support and influence. Resolved, That we approve and endorse the administration of our Chief Executive, President Davis. a large ussemblage present, a8 the strength of the two Battenes is between three and four hundred men On motion of Captain James Reilly, Captain A C€ Latham was called apun to act as Chair- map. Captain Latham on taking the Chair, made a few per remarks, explaining the ob- ject of the meeting, in a clear and lucid man- ver. On Motion of Lieutenaat Myers, Lieateaant Woodward was requested tu act a8 Secretary. On motion of Lieutenant Myers, the Chair- mau was requested to appoint a commitiee of sixteen, to draft Resolutions to be submitted to the meeting. ‘Fhe Chairman appoiuted the ful- luwing geotlemen: From Captain Reilly's Battcry—Cupt Jas Reilly, New Hanover cuanty; Laeut John A Ramsay, Rewan county 5 Janes A Garman, Rowan county ; Alfred M Peeler, Kowan co. , Henry S Cooper, Halifax county 5 James H Griffin, Edgecome couuty ; Joseph W Pittman, Edgecomb county; JR Johnson, Sampson county. From Capt. Latham's *Battery—Lieutenant John M Perry, Carterett county; G A La- tham, Beaufort county ; W K Styron, Car- teret county; G W Bryan, Craven county ; G Maulpas, Lenoir county ; R B Saddler, Hyde county ; Joho Collins, Jobnsun county ; B Pool, Wake county. - After the committee retired; the action of the Standard was discassed at tength, in a maneer very uncomplimentary to its conductor. In ubout an hour the committee returned, and re- ported through their chairman, Capt Reilly, that they had performed the task assigned them; whereupon, the resclntiens were called for, and were read by Lient Ramsay as follows ; Whereas, itis with the greatest regret that we, far from home, and. every thing we hold near und dear, find ourselves uuder the beces- sity of giving atterance to our feelings, in re- gard to certain civilians of ont State, whose course and action should fill the heart of every good citizen with the greatest contempt and indiznation— Resolved 1st. That the present course of the Standard god ite satelite and protege the Pro- gress, (papere published in Ruleigh,) are at va- nance with one feelings, and, in our estimation, merite our supreme disgust end indignation. Qd. That though we have been separated for more than two years from home, and those for whose wel/ere, our hearte most earnesity yearn, and suffering the greatest privations and tuils, yet we cannot and will rot entertain the idea of reconstruction in any form ; and prefer to spend the remainder of ovr days exposed to the storms of battle, to crouching at the feet of Yankee oppressors. 3d, That we earnestly entreat every citizen of the old North State to sparn from their pre- sence as rile traitore every one who entertains the idea of recovetrection in any form 5 and not ullow a few exempte end conscripts, lo disturb affairs of State, as their only desire is to skulk SAM. KERR, Ch’n. J. M. McConnacauey, See. ¢ MAJ. J; McLEOD TURNER. The many friends of Major J. McLeod Turner (who was reported mortally wound- ed in the last charge on the enemy’s works al Gettysburg, then jn command of the 7th Regiment, N. C. T..) will be pleased to learn that by letters received by flag of truce, that though terribly wounded strong hopes are entertaived of bis recovery. The letters states that he was wounded by a minnie ball evtering his right side and passing out on his left. He bad pre- viously received 8 flesh wound in the leg while leading his regiment to the charge, and but for his andaunted bravery aud self sacrificing devotion to the noble 7th. Major Tarner in alb proba tticy Would not have receivéd the last’ dreadfil “wound ; for instead of leaving the field ou receiving the first wound, be walked the entire Gth. That we earnestly entreat every citt- length ofthe regiment to give up the com- zen of the State, to bend their enengiee to the mand and place it in charge of the officer utmost, to support and increase the Confeder- | next in rank, having done so he was re ate arinies, 80 that with the tavor of the great { turning when struck down by a ania Governor of Nations, we may be able to wrest x Bhi se t ; from treacherour enemies a speedy and lasting ball, passing throug » Lim. ac Was bor De peace, which shall free us forever from their | a ebort distance from the enemy's works ; power and fluence. hie condition not permitning lum being earned from the field. He rey sted te try. Bat we ack the officers of the State to ae- sist the officere of the Confederate States in placing every delinqaent in the ficld, where he may do hie éaty. 4th. That we earnestly desire peace, but cunyot consent to eny, except a final separa- tion, which will make us free, forever free, from our oppressors. 5th That in oar present Governor, 2. BR Vance, we find an eminent gatesman and pat- riotie leader, in whose zeal, integrity aud abili- tv, we have the greatest confidence. And whose uble management of the uffaire of State, merit our nngaatified approbavon. After the resolutione were rend. the Chair- man announced that they were open for dis-} h¢ Jaid ina ditch bear by aud desired cussion. Bat it seemed that no one hac any i ho i him cif to leave hi | thing to say anfavorable to their reception. | the nen who vore fim . : They were adopted by acclemation, and if the and go to their regiment, sav ng every Standard man and his friends hud been present | man Was required at fis) post. So he and heard the ready and cheerful endorsement | wag left. Our forees Soon after retiring, of the resolutions by those War-worn, yet stern, and detormined spiiis. they would have forgot- ten the terror of the Yankees, and looked at those forced to be their opposers at home. On motion of Liout Myers, the proceedings of the meeting were requested tu_ be published in the following papers, Raleigh Regtster, Wil- mington Journal, Salisbury Watchman, Fay- etieville Observer and Richmond Baquirer, with the request thas all other papere ia the and thinking he ws lying, Maj. Turner yave bis watch and other valuables about his person to soldier Who was pass!ng, with the request that thev should be take: to his mother. The soldier may have tal len, or be a prisoner, a8 the sacred request hae v2 Vreached Hts destination or been haned of — Charlotte Bulletin. i ¥ CAN THE SOUTH BE JU WAGING THIS WAB? Mr. Editor -—For more than’ two years tae North has invaded the South ¢with fire and sword. For more than two years the South has resisted the invasiéa with an ea- ergy and beroism unsurpassed in the annals ¥ time. Has the South no justification in this resistance ?, Has her treasure béen squan- dered in vain? Has the best Blood of her noblest sons been freely shed in an unjust cause—a causeless war against the “ best go- verument the world ever saw?’ It would seem so, jucging from the spirit and dnit of an article that lately a in the “ Stan- dard,’ over the signature of “ Davidson.” The whole article is fol of pendantry and blind partizan batred, and emanated from a mind incapable of rising above its liule pre- judices, and taking a patriotic view of the grandest contest in which men can engage— the struggle for rightful independence. The writer labors to put the Soush in the wrong— to show that her martyred heroes have died mM an upjust cause. Np one who has reaa historv impartially; no ove who believes it wrong to invade an unoffending people with fire and sword ; no one who believes it nght to resist unconstitutional cocercion could have written such an article He attempts to fill the heart of the South- am patriot with gloore, by cutting him off from the bight examples of Swiss gallantry IN auccesstully contending against Austrian des- | potism, and the heroic example of our fore- tathers tnumphantly resisung British tyran- uy; by charging Southern peuple with being the sole cause of the war; by keeping in the back ground the wickedness of aboliuon agr tauou; by indirectly justifytng Lincolt ; by suggesting doubts of our victories; by imply- tag that we are wasticg eur blood and trea- sure tor a mere punculio; and lastly, by try ing to delude the unthinking and ignorant by the crv of peace—peace—when there 14 mo peace, and can be none, without our snde- pendence. To tollow “ Davidson” through all his la- bored attempts to convict the South of be- ginning a wicked and unjust war, would re- quire too much Ume and space, but let us glauce at them as we pass. He asserts that there is vo “analogy” be- tween our struggle aud that of our tor f- thers. To the Sovihern patriot in arms agains? the principles and acts of the despot- in, it would seem that there ig not only a girony analogy, but where the analogy ‘ails it is much more strongly :n our favor. Colonies owtng allegiance to the British Crown Were justified in their resistance, then are the tuirtegn Sovereign States, who never acknow- coustrucuvn of the Constituuon more tian jusufied—jusufied in resting the open vio- | avon vi # written compact, the boid.robding | af neir property, the avowed destractiva of their viial interests. Our forefathers “ took up arms” to “redress their griewances” The Southera States Instead of taking up arms ‘to redress their grievances, quietly and Geen faijulessly abused and ~ assumed their delegau-d powers” —instcad of the sword, i Herei the free vavizgauon cz: the Mis sppi—instead of ; clash of | | | | | en the pesition takea by ledzed adegiance to the Northern despouc | solemn Convention. @xnintons. Wha, but “Davideon” oould be found, in all the South, to Renee ck a. monster, of the plea that he was sworu to protect the Ogustitation ; that he * disclaic- ed any other than constitutional means in the | accompli of his objects!" Who but} he could be found to doubt that our gallant | defenders had gained glorious vietories over | our brutal foes and had won immortel fame ? | “They profess to have gained victories,” are | his words “Who but he would suggest that we are pouring out ope blood and treasure | for vo greater cause thad a mere “ punctilio.” | * Are we to pay in blood and treasure of the | people for punctilio?” he asks) Why not | address that question to Lincola? He is the party that “disclaims to negouate.” He is | the party that stands upon the punctilio, “no | terms with rebels." Are North Carolinians | fighung for a “ punctilio” when they see a} brutal foe invade their soil, burn their houses, | destroy their crops, insult their wives and | sisters, and steal the very ipwels from their) fingers? Did the glorious hero Jackson, the great Johnstoa, the accompl.shed Petugrew, | the gallant Pender, and the long line ef he- Toes who have cnmsoned their native soil with patnotic gore, sacrificed themselves for | a punctilio? But this patriowe writer, after disparaging our cause, apologizing for Lin- | colo, sneering at our victories, drawing an imaginary picture of our desperate condition, and confessing that he, at least, is ready for submission—says Uiat “ peace, speedy peace, is the remedy.” Seme © may perhaps prefer that the independenee of the South be ac- knowledged—but f£independence canmmot be obtaired, then they are for terms that are— honoraiie.” Livave the reader to reflect upon | the Aonor that is without its basis, tndepen- dence. Though not claiming to be an “ able states- man. ver indeed a statestman at all, buta plain man, once devoted to the * Dnion,” now <a uting “reconstruction,” I beg leave to make a few sugzpstions. Let those who chime 9 with the spintof “ Davidson,” cease their camplaints against “ secessiog,” which cannot be undoue now, and cease their fore- bedings of a “cenual despousm at Rich- moi. and pat forth albtbeir ene egies against the = central despotisia™ at “‘hushington, Which seeks to enslave them and their chil- dren. Let them discourage spe nolaiion on liquor, cotten yarn, and other © necessaries” — frown upon desertion and encourage the sol- | diers—put down demagogu visions—sustain the currency, supnort Gove ernor Wance, tight the Yankees whenever they can meet them, aad we will have peace| among ourselvesat least. Tomy country- { ‘sand raise pro | Ifthe }| men, I wouid say—Let it be the sacred duty of every public man, of every private citizen, to do no act, to utter no word that will weak- Nosth Carolina in Let os vaspire cheerful- ness in ihe gloomy, al heoefulness in the timid—iet us be united against onr toes, then Lincoln, with all bis hosts, cannot overcome us. Then in the good providence of God, peace, a solid, endunewg peace, will come to bless us, and our Coniederacy, young in days, but full grown in power, in honor, in impersh- }eble resown, will taxe her plece among the arms, wey of- , sered au eGu.lalne u of the pubue pro- | pty. Is tuere no analogy baweea the | accoWw-minded munarcu | and and others,” and the aud Ine laQetical Who allemipted ty coerce the Soutu Qs ne advice of the ablest <tatesmen of wwe ana—ot Douglas. ot Gacuer. of Bell and | Koes? [Ts tnere nu anslozy between the cru- | atx st | va, and the Barbiri- ! ges of Line elngs Is there no aual- ; KY a of our leaders, the cour- ar our soldiers and the oer nmueidg patnousm of oar far d The eye bunded by parti-« fap hate cannct ses it Waoen you wound expect frotn so astnte | @ hiscwan as ° Davison” a piuilowmphical | reas ution, he telis you that "7g —be tell- Jou (Lat the people are so simple that mere ! party cocks mere party sclanes, could up- tr their @fechong and atter the Mgniy pars the nation He must dab- heh among the ~curn ust floats In the dirty peo 13 of slang—whow eeiiuce to Gnd no greater cause of this wa? je on Une -urtece ap O r e n Eesolotiun than a forgery, and that forgery Witovut a reason, Why cid he not go be- Death. tue surlace and ~e that it found it CBA o> rf the deep irrepressible auupathies of ro di terent abliavotismM wia- nuderysround radl-roads by Juan Brown ra.des? That thas i been foxte independent nations of the earth. LEXINGTON. | CAROLINA WATCHMAN, RALISBURY, N.C.: | -—-~— ome — WOVDtT EVENING, AEGUST 81. 1863. | VOICE OF N. CAROLINA TROOPS. We publish to this paper the proceed- jugs cf oar Troops in General Convention at Orange Coast Howse, oa the 123h of this month ; and we invee te them che atten 1. will be who have Lorne non of all our people at home. seen “that oor Troupe, the heat and bu-dew of the struggle for independence, bave no sywpathy with the Movement v@ portigns gf the State, insu gated by the Staw/erd and Progress at Ralerzh, televing that its tendeney will protract the war. increase thare berdspips, aud diuainise® the chances fur “an hovcra- Vie peace.” No vue wis deoy but that our’ \ Troupe have a rivht to be beard ia # cae aulagonistical yx ype? Whi ‘ 2 | hiberty bills. by neilements to sn- | red by the poison of like thie, apd that thee opinion is emtitle d tu the bighest ‘respect. To deng it, is” to subject them to the condition of beasts of burden, aud uiteriy deprive them of the rizht to influence thei® own destiny, and accomplish the work of their councey’s in- dependence. The authers of this new, and dangermus | trouble in our affairs, are now attempting to make the peopla at home belrewe that the private members of our Trooja were not alowed a faire xpression of their views lo the Convention re.erred to. The officers of Companies and Regi- | Ineuts are assailed as tyrants, lording it over the privates, whom, it ie said, they treat as mnevials ;—and the privates have | | a case tnade up for them, on which they } se soot Looks, the atheism ot their pul- mt anl the hendish teachyigs of a loug ist Acta ous names from Beecher wo Lincoin ? Wh did he not tell you tthe South had Bevel co pesistacye in a Ututional way x Cw > fur ove Jorty years “by re; euiaus, remor es apd repeat q Ba > lorbearance ceased Ww Dew vir- tut Wiican tLe South wanted the war to be- gu? Wao among the wisest expected it Would ital ce present maguitudg P [ doubt ; { Davicseo. with all lies pres ence, had any Duception Cl tue Vastuess to woich it would | grow : Upon a portion of tha South the causes of the war when they Delong tuo the stupendons beduess of the ‘Worth Lincoln hitended t) vesmre the Union by tl wint of the | ay- Biet © Reestance was made the pretext for ; wy ons more unjust 4 Hie threatens | scamen as pirates and hand-cug , as felons: he propos pradual amit ton, then proclam- universal free- fom tne uegro, aud invites hom to murder and so] geeranters to protect brs RAY toeir fiendsh work; be raves the head yor greatest heroes and } puts then +r tentuanes when (hey fall oto ls baou. acd then mak2s aniversal con- fiscauun of Soutuern property the law of bis are twitted, appareotly for the purpove of | arousing indigcation and exciting them tu They are toid—“ they | were yiven a seat iu the kitchen, but not | insubordination. allowed to enter the big house.” The unprejudiced, intelligent portion of the people, cognisant of all the facts, aod the private soldiers themselves, cannot} fal to place a proper estimate upon this Doubtless there have been, since this war confmenced, many instan- artful dodge. | beea the cuatrary, characterised by a just | beiag beard? ‘ceive themselves and their friends at home , by such base means? | of our country. ienemy, who greediiy accepts all such ces of brainless and Heartless officiel tyran—| ny, serving the ‘evil purposes of ir dinte harm to the suthors sod subdjects of it, and to our cause in producing discontent sod |: affording fraitfal pretexts to evemies in | eays— our midet to foment mischief. But those who will take the. trouble to think, will readily perovive that these are exeeptional cases; aod that the rude ia our army has seuse of the respect due to the privates, whom, the officers know, they must some day meet as equals in the private walks of life. I: is unreasooable to believe other- wise, and there are no proofs. sustaining. the charge of useless tyranry as a prevailr ing evil among the officets of our Troope. In the matter of this army Convention, what real or imaginary. good: could possi- bly be supposed to result froma deliberate suppression Omfulsitication of whe true sen- timents of the privates! Look at the list of those who tok part in it. They are the. delegates sent up br the different Regi- ments, in eachy yf which, 8 public meeting, was held to express the views of the men, lo appoint members to represent them at this Vonventicus Is it to be supposed that the officers of all these corps acted the corrupt and disgraceful part of so manag- ing the primary meetings as to prevent the true sentiments of the privates from Would they attempt to de- Are al! the officers cotrupt, unprincipled tyrants | who believess such an absurdity—or af | fects to believe it—is no friend to either | The man officers o privates, and bas need toexam | ine himself, as with a lighted candle, to see if be has in him any faith io the cause He is boping to sow the | ,seeds of jealousy, distruet and discord } amongst ourselves, Hers weakening the hearts and ;avalysing the arms of our peo- | ple. He is gwing aid and comfort to the | things as encouragements to press o@ in bis etdorts for owr sabjuyation. With these remarks we submit the pro- | ceedings of the Convention referred to, , hoping that all at home will heed them ; and resolve to discountensece any and ev- ery thiog calculated te disturb the peace and weaken the opetidence of our brave defeoders, Vbey require our sympathy | eod our md in the ardueus services they are reodsting. Let us pot distress them by wounding ther bearts and increasing their burdens. eee ee DESERTERS. We have frequently beard that there were a great many deserters in Yadkin, Surry and Wilkes counties, but we lave seen a private bester, receatiy, and also had. verbal statements, which represent the matter in even a worse light than we had supposed. Deserters go about all through | Yedkin, mingling with their acquajntan crs, and so memerons are they, that the militia vot only makes po effort to arrest them, but are afraid to speed of doing so. A eommuaicatwn in the /’rogreas of the 25th, corruborates all we have beard from ~ources on the subpct. Netther have the | CGooscripis gone itty the army from some The deserters and con scrip'® toucther, ia Yaukia alone, is esti- mated to be between $00 anda 1000 in number. of these countes. Thie is a deplorable inte of things, as | es” Ff derogatory to the reputation of the coun ties concerned @s it 18 prejuaicial to the cause, and unjust te those parts of the State which have responded faithfully to the cails of the Government. But we are also sorry to aay that there | flome | have re cently come forward and availed | themselves of the ‘pardon offered by the | President, and are a few deserters in this county. returned to the army. There are some others, we hear, lurkieg | about, who are @ painful source of anxiety | to their friends, and must themeelven feel | the inoessant reproaches of an outrage! conscience, We have alao heard of numbera cross- | ing through the porthern edge of this county, with arms in their bands, making their way South-west. Some of them eaid they belonged to York J)istriet, 8. C.; buthere is no reliance on auch statements. Militia officers in many of the counties bave not done their duty, or this ewil of , desertion would never have attained ita | And although the most favorable time for arrestung it has present importance. passed, pet it should be done, and that | , Col. Peran Matrere. Laie “It is useless: to cowceal thé fact: any longer; our cause will ere | become hopeless, if the evil of absenteeiam is not arrested. Men who would be ready to sacrifice all they are worth for the success of our cause strangely convive im not a few instances at this evil. They refuse from mistaken sympathy and a sort of maudlin sensitiveness, which only decrees death to many a gallant hero io the field; taexpose deserters aud render them amenable to the penalties of their awful offence. The patriotism and self-sacrificing spirit of our people, po matter to. what extremities it may be carried, avail nothing so long as the evil of desertiun continues, To arrest that, should be the imperative duty of ev- ery man. The man who conpives at de- sertion, or fails to use proper efforts to hare the deserter seut to bis command, is ac- cessory to the murder of those who remain at the post of duty and vneonseciously a traitor to the cause of Southern Indepens dence. Cad FROM CHARLESTON. Up to thip writing, the Citys still bolds out, Sumter, though very much injured, is still held, and we learn that it is the in- tention of the authonties tu bold it even at the point of the bavonet. The brutal enemy bas cot as yet, thrown any more shell icte ine Citv, and the few that were : Tt bao been determined upon to hold on to the thrown in did no material damage. City to the last, and if by supenor uum- bers, we are furced to give up, the Cig shat be a heap of smoulderiog reins. The | citizeus of Charlestou and of the State of | South Carolina koow well the fateof New Orleans, and of every other piace where the Yankees have had the power to roan: gurate the tyranny whooh they have im- ; We al mire the berumm and seif-sacnflcioy spirt of the people of the Queen City. posed upoa defenceless enizens. Tnew Yankee worse, deither- the pero raal under barbarity, and © whet ri pa, of wetther male por female bave any protection azainet the Sencdeness of ine All who the Country are dmven ous ebemy. maintain ther je- legrity bo jaud weir property confecated aod sto len, ‘Therefore we adaairg the epiritof the Charlestomans and hope, if the City has to fall, that not one stems wnt be left apoe the other, to give thea Ube leumt sheiter froma the burueg rays of the oun or the porting rains OF RLows of winter. The following dispatch was sent by Capt. E. Mallett to Col P. Mallett, @t Mba: } eyh, on the 27th, aud gives information decidedby eucourag py. CHakLEstON August 3 yb N.C Tam now on ty third viet of sax days to this fort (Wagner) loam very weil The fortis mucit delace The troops aren goed spirits and tight th mMeEMY well. nuwered. The otle nv to the city, | hatteries on Sullivan 4 now teiag ak Our I-lawd Lave teen trengthened ast, Charlestun barvor exticmeciy doo tal Capt k. MALLETP. Approved Ly (ren. Beacuaoann me WESTERN N.C. RALL BROAD. The Stockbolicrs of the road met 10) ie Row J. kumple. Hon. Bur | Ont os” me rong a ever | . . jon a beef and appropmate gapner by We Lave no mien of Kmeng ovcr- Lave Uwe @G sfeils ine | ' taee (08 eLirabee 1uto | c | Farmers er it or ell tact Shlinder doer BOR Os tere their bosoms tothe enemy,. and sacrificing their lives in defence of theinrighty and pro-. perty, that thep.are refusing Confederate mo- ney: for theirr produce? Will’ our ‘farmers. longer cast reproach om the army by giving sid and comfort to those wh are damaging us as much as the Yankees) by the insane ery of peace? Let them show theinselyes worthy of those who have-died, and of thoss who are stilhready to give-ap their lives in defence of alF that ig dear to freemen in the country : “ We hear thar things are trauspi in the good Qid North Stete, j np her bright name, but I do sincerely are untrue. Some of the men bave reseived letters here from bome, stating that bay nothing with Confederate re sh aaen the farmers have-refused to sejl, and that de- serters ly stay at home, and are not ihe og ae Ei If such is the case, what is to become of our cause? We have commenced the war, and iv will do no good pow to debate who commenced it, but the war is here, and our syccess, asa State and Confederacy, depends on our abilty to defend ourselves from the wretches who seek w drive us from our possestiong What the de luded persons at home mean by asking for re- constrnction, I am ata lows to If they hope to reysose the sane state of affairs tha: was before the war broke out, I can tell them that they are very moch mistaken. The Yankees are determined to wrest from the South the control of every thing. They are determined to make DO peace with revels in arms; and what can the South do without arms? She has arms, and letber fight to the last. or be tree. Has our good old State for got ber struggles “the days that tuned men's souls 7" Have the great sacrifises the State has made been furgutten ?” AR The roeeting on Saturday was larg and harmonious The proceedings will be seen in this colomn = They speak the sentiments of our people, whe will doubtles carry them out in their actions hereafter they have done heretofore. Al seemed w& teei the necewity for harmony in fecling and unity of action, and. desiroas fo promote thes sentiments among ourselves. The meet was intended for goad, and iftall who partu:- pated in its calm detberations will try, they can make it productrve of moch good Its ‘lives bor property would be worth nothing | owe most sacred duty to sustain the Govern ie | Ment io all ite efforts for the achievement of our independence. It is very certain the Go vernment can do nothing without the hearty cr operatoce of the people. Let as all then from this nme forth, do all we can to encour- age each other, sustain oor army and the Government, and permit no root of bitterness to disturtd our barmooy or endanger the sue cee of cus atruggie for independence We Lave every thing to gain by thix course and nothing tedwee And if need be. let exempts old met esd all, shoulder their gons and ge ont in detemee of thetnselves, their property aod thew evnntry, metber than submit to the disgrace, shawe and ruio whieh he ebemy will unpose onus if we submit. or suffer om wives to be subtugateL z —- em PCBLIC MWRETING IN GOWAN COCNTS. Agreenh!y to prevrons notice a very ian meeting of the citizens of Rowan, was id n the Court House in Sebebury Sutnr- Jay, dm 29th mstant,. when, eu meton, Dr Manvel Kerr wan appointed Charman, and Wiham Ik Arwe!!, James Bo (risen and’ Obahah Woudlson were requested to acta Secretaries. The omect of the meeting was explanedc Chawman (m mouos of Charles L. Parter, Fac, the Chairman was njeested to apr » Com mittum of ive tu dralt: resotat AN press ve ftoe sene of tie ineeting, whiete ripen the harman appomted the $ flowing asa lom- anctwe, vias Meer. Clartes Lo Pat Hl. ¢ Jones, Sen, Jobo J. Bruser, Mos Mehen- ne wed Archibald Henderson Dunng the interval oecupied by the Com tmhaller Ub Trsqutions t raliiresnes wer delivered by Res ton Crave H @uognebt and pa woe my this Town, on Thursday lant, bet for lack 1 C. Jones bieay and ROA Cakiwo, Bag. at of a imajority of the stock berg represen- ted, either in person of be proxy, were unable lo orgsuize of trapaaet soy busi- Dess. the eonclusion of winch, the Committe tbroagh HOC Jones, bis. lowing resolutions which were adopted wiih oul a dissenting voice reported the tok Rewived That we fully aporien ate the As will be seen from an advertisemend | basiwips that war has browza' upon the poo in another coluran, anotber meeting m lhe hoped that the stockboldere will uses called for the Ith September pert promptly, of put herr proxvea ie the hands of such men as wii] attend vo the basiness of the road. There are vanous surmise an to the failure of the meeting tw onan ize, which, if trie, do not apeak mueh to the credit of those im pleased, From the report of Ube l’ramdout aad ‘Treasurer, we iearn that the rowd isin a very foerishing endition, The total earn ings of the road fur the year ending June 1, were $162,760 55, avd the total e» pense of operating the road for the sane period, wa, 863,604 14, leaving a» nett earnings, $80,040 14. The Board of In- reetors lave deelared a dividend of 4 per cent. The road is in good condition. ; cae - FBOM THE ARMY. The following wo extract from a letter just received (rom a frepd, who has been in the jarmy from the beginning of the war, and who bas done as mucb. hard fighting as any | { | | | | | | pe ofevenu this, comparatively favored Fe Kiet, and we are more than ow r that ne yotianons for peace be opened Worrever cul eoemie agoily thew rea wnese tor ceat ve upon that subject, bat \ wa to bebewe that a propesal of thats fron: os to thern would be treated) woth io tuee arm mdicule: we can see na sense ¢ : ty wurging Bpease policy Upon the po yn ab this tine Rewlred, That any peace short © dependeocy of the Conted@rare States #! ald be ruinous and dh graceful te the States and hard ae the war is apou Cae country g pene bas ed upon a surreader of the principle ot inde- pendence, would make those hardships more iptolerable: becanse they would de euibitter- ed by a sense of dishonor. Resolved, That a peace based on our xub- jugation would make us the scorn at world, and would bring upon this land woes and humiliations-of which we eau only ! idea from what our enemies have already done, when they have parually prevaile: with their forces, We are pot aware that the party now in power at the North, have biel said, directly or indirectly, that any mercy : pardou or anmesty would be granted tol upon @ craven submission | to their eek on the contrary, emancipation of slaves, 00! fiscation of oar homes and chattel property trials for treason and death under the set tence of the law, are but too plainly wntter pr poe { the W- orm an un H i } fal serv Fy if | FE E ep e d b y e i ‘ large will Be k the ubties fier a» ned w& pent of he Go hearty then *DVCcOUr- nd the terLess he sue We re and (etn pts abd ge roperty to the t hemy er OUR e Corn atria =. Afi- vce, H Bee), al nnitiee the tok mi wath ate the the pao yresed FR at 1M erou eat wilh y rea at ral in propos yo pes ye of ther 1- a wl ald hes and vee ba Hot nde ips more punbitver- our “ub- » of the wid woes y form al already prevailed » that the ave ever merey OF ted to us r terms, ves, com opetty— the set y wnitteD PS certali : field, and sustain the law. ‘Resoloed, That we do not feel called upon to arreign t vt mouth of the Rappahannock; after a sharp resistance by the crews of both boats. The the ranks of the army—to bed reo eretiny and losubor- | prisoners have been sent to Richmond. ¢ motives with which the Editor of the Standard bas been’ actuated, in tng § a + andoaneg belo ave no tation in saying we Prov Bs from White Sulphur Springs, on the 26th and defested him after fighting near two days, taking’ 150 prisoners and one piece of artille- ry. Our loss about 200 killed and wounded, The Yankees attempted to make an advance up the Peninsala on the 27th, but after meet- Wood of the Navy, a few days ago captured our prospects are brighteuing, and all that is ai wR + VIR on ng with some opposition fell back. Lieut wo gun boats and two schooners at the To our people, we would say in candor, to & peace. , That we regard Governor Vance as a Narly Atted for the this have elev best interests of the Republic. Q Resolved, That we feel gratified for the true and faith fal services of the Press of North Carolina for the man- ty end enlightened seal and ability with which they have advocated the cause cause of the Sucthern Con- Besoleed, That the of this meeting be published in the Ca ené thet other papers in the State friendly te the cause, be requested to copy. |, That the thanks of the meeting be returned | wo the Cheirman and Secretaries. SAMUEL KERR, Chatrman. bseoraarian Wutiss L. Arweut, Jaunzs B, Ginson, Osapun Woovsos, CIRCULAR. To the Voters -of the Faghth Con- gressional District of LVorth Car- | olina : { | I respectfully announce myself to you as a | candidate for re-election. | | By your kind partiality I have the honor | of @ seat in the First Cougress of the Couled- erase Sates. From the ume of ny election the Confederacy bas been engaged in a stu- peadous war, for (he purpose ol dnving back the ruthless invaders of its son), and establish- wag the peace and independence to whieh it rs @o justly entitled. Overtures having been repeatedly made by our Government, to ter- | Ininate bostilities and settle the exisung diffi- | culties by negotiatvon and houvrable adyust- ment, and these overtures Laving heen as ol- | tea indignantly rejected, nu elternetive re- | mained to us but to dnve baek the invaders and conquer a peace by force of arris, While in Conyzress, theretore, as your rep- regentauve, | used every exertion ip wy pow- e to strengthen ‘and increase the erwy, & | ive proper assistance and encourageiuent lo the kxcoutive, and to prevent, as Gir as pos- able, Uiose disastrous collisions between she ewil and tbe mihtary authornues which are so ept te occur and so difficult to adjust in ume of war I voted ior both Couseription acts, not be- wuse I desured w force the Buutbero ateo from his home and teaily Ww Wwe cemp ead asttle-feid. but because T ooneidered them : iudispeustbié to the jodejpeodenee of the vountry. I voted to raise the pav of the pen-com rolawuned officers end pnvates im the aruny, because To behevest that they both deve rved | and needed it —" T voted against the Exemption acts, not! because | was opposed to all exemptious. but because Toconsdered those ecte wrong 10 pancipls, dangerous in policy, and unjust 10 wmuany Of Weir discrimi ahoue I voted tor the Funding bill) because } thought i necessary to dauiuisa We volume vf the curreney aud thereby lo yive bealthy actin fo las : mere finabees of the couutry T voted tor Che Taw bill of the House, w ich was rejected dy ate: but, vonfer his the preseut Tax lew, asme up toracton in the House, 1 was cail- od away by aftheGon ia iny dary, and berce | Thad aa opportumty ty vote either foro against that , In tine, 1 voted fur every measure which 1 thougit woald give - Vigor to the (he Se belure tine nee bal whi Deasiire, estretagtiy mimnent to OW ety i Gove and coufidtuce tu the country Should you endorse my course as vo representative by ew re-election ty Cong : shall be guided by the same principles aud pohey whieh my record indicates, aod T shall devote MY best energies and attention to se- | cure your igterest aud, although. IT desire peace as ardently @& any one, and. shall use | every bono able means to obtain it, vec L wil} consent to na adjustinent not bonne watt ne in dependence vf the Con- ederate > ' total Keparation from the United States, and all the blesstecs of ib- ty to whieh we are entided by mien and tor wlich we ere pow conten fing Our canse re just. Oar trust em God. Ont destiny, Lf which ous thet rroly beleve. as to be victorious ) . ’ TUL Stree and to enjoy a career glon ous bevorn parallel in all past: tustory Tact ma prove ourselves worthy of our cause, and Wwortuy of one desting. Tet ug be united in vureborta and the whole world combined eaRnot « lave ue I ar, Very re sneetfally : ! ¥, Your oe Went servant, W, LANDER Tancolnton, NC, ) August 27, Dog. § THE FAYETIEVILLE OBSERVER, Prompted by aw sincere desire to sce the predomnance of truth, right’ principles aod genuine patriotism throughout this g | State: and feeling deeply impressed with the importance, at this hour, of correct views and right feelings in regard to the great strugyle in which we are engaged, we take this occasion to commend to our fellaw citizens of Western North Carolina, vhe Favetrvinne Onserver,as one of the most worthy and ably edited papers in we State. pow net hold up the hands of our men in the field, and a brighter day will soon dawn upon - the South. Have confidence in each other, and for the present, let the triamph of our cause eb the polar star instead of speculation and ex- tortion. | course, it will undoubtedly be ten-fold V plein thet they have Geen anjustly adver- | umed by Capt. G. A. J. Boctler, as desert- @hould be thus needlessly wounded and y, is for the pedple toa man to — ‘eve —— La We give up much of owr space to- day to Communicationns from Correspon- dents, on the subject of ;-eace, which seems tw be aguating the public at this time, more tian any other; and we-do sincerely bope the good people of North Carolina will seriously weigh the inportanee of the matter, avd consider what kind of a pesce they have w fight Lo expect from Abe the first. Indeed, bas be offered any terms short of abject submission f That is the ueation for sensible meo to decide! Our vonditiow is bad enough, but by such worse. . Not Deserters.—Corporal C. D. Faris nad private J, N. Kepley, Co. K, 57th Re- giment, have called at our office to com- ers, They bave papers whigh acqert therm of the disgraceful charye, and desire the Coach, one RockaWay, one two horse Buggy, one one horse do, énd- * s A ¢ i Ale woe oe | dsr to close out, Sasinons, we will offer Arve rae B on Thursday the 24th of September ; next, the following valaable property, a No. 1 wei” ogists Ortnan s , J ” Blacksmith, John Brown, | nowt , Veela, Jobo P ‘formerly the property of George W. Brown, = ong gla Pets Ovrinoph er Enq, of Salisbury. ‘He is ode of the best Coach OW apard, J WA Smiths in the State, and ewn do any kind of | Bredtord, } Lyerins Lc work ip iron and steel. 4s 4 horse shoer, he Basak Csiee Lynch, L has no equal in this State, He is a boy of qx- | Brown, Sarah Tenney, 2 ws cellent character, honest ‘indusirious and obe+ Bean, Marthe Long, J ld 4 dient. We will also eell the thorvugh-bred | Bevilaa 1 ta eS yw pre be Bean, rly, Mary & MORGAN STALLION YOUNG |pe0 Mary & Lyerky, Tobias J AMERICA. Brows, W erly Joba rown, He was seven: yeara old on the dth of Ja- one, — Maxey, 8 aa ca last, is a jet black without 4 white hair— | pont” MeLass, ( =f Without fear of coniradiction, we pronounce coach dread Mowens), Ylrginia him the finest looking and most perfect formed | Brown, H Morrison, Moryan Horse in yae Confederate States. As stage tae weortg M a foal getter, he te sure, amd can produce in Bact Bnbare Miller, @ A this county some two and ene yeur old colts, Capon ee Mabaly, Saiaae ‘Uthat cannot be surpassed im any country. He | Baraet. 0, A Gaede is perfeetly broken (o-hurwess, and: his sullsey abate a -dllid-eaeey and harness will be soltt with hin. Also,.on Booe, JT eS Miller, Joshus 3 i S ,z thell, James ae day, nee full setts Blaek Daly Liste ier, rd ‘cole 4 ’ arndea: , He CONCORD, W. H. COACHES, | Borden. Mlacoheimer, Harries . , . , v 14 passenger, } do. wmell 9 passenger, 2 six Berring?s, Ra Marley, TT passenger Hacka, aad one six passenger Troy TWO ROAD WAGONS, The attention of Coweh and Wagon Makers is culled w this sale. The ruonwg works of all these coaches and hacks are in good repair, and can easily be converted into good wagons. The twolarge coachee,by some repai(s lo the bodies, can be made good use of for several yearson 4 stuge line. We will also sell a good Corn Bhetler,.a large size Thompson’s Straw Cutter, and a large Cast Kettle. 120 gallons, which is nearly new, having been bat little used. Terms of sale—Cush. or, if, desired, six months time will be given. Noteand approv- ed'security. with interest from date. BROWN & McCONNAUGHEY. Morgamon, N.C., Aug. 24, 1563. 45 TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN N.C. BONDS YOR SALE. Treasurer’s Office. Wesrean No. Ca. Raw Roan, Crateswile, Aug 10th 1863 BY ORDER of the Board of Directors of the public to know tt | Mr. Kepley states further, that Sergeant | J. A. Kiutts, who is also advertised te the same botio, is at the Hospital in Kaleigh, unfit for duty. Mr. R. Mf. Thomason, we are informed, is also uvable to perform service, aud bas been ia the Hosgreal four mouths. Ht is very cruel that honest, good men wronged, and all because seme Surgeco neglects lo repurt the extension of fur- Tough. ADMINISTRATORS | as AH. Wte I AVING taken out leticrs of Adainistra- | ton on the Estate of Mra. Jane C Knog, | deceased, 1 will expose al public sale ihe tollow- | ing property, an the 18th Day of September, at ber late residepee: a crop of growing Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye, 3 Wates. 1 Horse. 9 or 10 head of Cattle, 30 ur 40 bead of Hogs, 10 0- 12 head of Sheep; Carriage and Mrnuess, Bug gy and Harnes*. | four-tome Wagon, Thresher ing Mache, Farming Toole. and various other other articias W.P. CALDWELL, Adm’r. At the same time and place, the undersign. ed,. Executor of Jue G Kron ¢ ceased, will sell the property of the wud deceased, Dot wiked: One fine Prane. TP feoelorse Wagon, Hourehold and Ketelen Foracure, with a namber o: other a Carcon Gan, Blacksimith’s ‘Pouds, nruicles, WPL BURKE, Paecutor Augroat 27, 1-63. 3015; = — . = fo the Farmers of Rowan. | AM anxions to bay corn, wheat, flour, meal aed bacon cor the soldiers families of Rowan, Some of them are afmosl suffering and [have the money to pay market proces forthese things, and Edo hope teat the Parnere of the county will give the poot soldiers faniiies the preferance J.-S McCUBBIN, Com. for Rowan. au, 3 1, 1563. wets SALISH), \ Esnociine Orrice, 8th Con Dist.) Nugust 22, i663, y LIN obience to Oorder No 16 he all persons in the Sth Congressional District, re appended, who have been temporarily detaried as Over were, will repert at Caloip [oimes by Septem ber Ist, be 63 J ih MclBAN, \ Capt and Ea OF Sta Con Dist CONSCRIPT OFFICE, ) { Casr Houmes, July 27th, 1553 4 | GENERAL ORDERS, } | NO. 1E. Enrolling Officers are hereby instructed to order all men who have been temporarily de- tailed as Overseers to report at Camp of In- struction by Istcf September PETER MALLETT, | Com, of Consenpts for NC. { J W Maurer, Adjutun: NSANK ASYLUM—THE BOARD OF DI- RECTORS of thas Institation wish to fill he | office of Matron, now new vacanl None oth | a than unencumbered females need apply. For information, respecting the duties, &c., of the office, apply to the undersigned, | ED. C. FISHER Physician and Superintendant. Raleigh, July 30; 1663.—tf:13° \ TREASURERS OFFICE, Western N.C. RR. Co, sealed proposals will be received at this Office till the 15th Septem- ber next, for Tweaty N.C. Six per cent Cou- pon Bonds) fone thousand dollars each, dated October 1461—issued under authority of an act of the Legislatare incurpurating euid Com- ovens, passed 1855. Communuicatiogs to be endorsed on the back ‘\ Bids far N.C. Bonda” ; Bids will be opened in the presence of ther President of thie Conrpany and the President and Caebier of the Agency of the Bauk of N. C. at this place. Successful bidders will be notiffed and re- quired to deposit tthe amount of their bids iu the Bank of N.C. at Raleigh, Branch Bank of N Clinard, Joho Cole, William Carter, Lousia ° MeGeeliee, Dan McKenzie, Susan Miller, Mary Milter, Jennie O Moore, Moses Malden, Martha Owens, Tayrod Owens, Armstead Overton, William ¢ Osborne, Walter W Peirce, Armstead Paliskie, Charles @ Plummer, G Pohlen, Winney Phillips, T M Page, Wesley 2 Vropst, Jacob Patterson, John J Pane, Kliza 3 Page, Carley Page, Barbary Phillips, 8 C Pame, Peony Patten, Montiville Parmole, Flora Portiaux, Capt M P* Patterson, Jobn Reeves, Margret Robertson, Henry Russell, Berg’t J W Ramsour, DF Clilden, Annanday Cazine, Jane E Calb, WR Cauble, Edward Cauble, John Sr Cannon, F J: Conner, Henry Correll, Christian Carry dline Carter, Mrs Lise Cochran, Jane E% Carbor, Caty Churchhjll, L EB Cane, PH Coggins, Dr WW Christian, James Clark, Joho Celeman, Charles- Coil, Eliza Conder, Sarah Dornell, T L Davis, LC Daley, James Don, Samuel Davis, EH Davis, Alexander Sr Efird, George D Elliott, J K Elias, L Rice, John Ellis, Wiley Robards, Phos M En Of* Enis, Dr JR Row, Joe Fisher, TO Roburry, H Fry, ME Rough Blizabeth Furchtsa, P L Fowler, JI W Fisher, MC Rainy, Fanny 0 Kunown, L P Rockster, J W Fisher, SE Scott, Elizabeth Festerman, Milberry Shupping, MariabS Fite, Ivy W Simpson, Peter 2 Seager, Josiah M Simpsons J B Smith, Martha 4 Stiller, Jacob Smith, C Swink, Johnson Smith, Gapt WN Stiller, J As Sikes, Dr Theodore Swisher, Rebecca 3 Smith, Nicholas Smith, W George Stuard, & Simmons, WS &echeuch, DCS A Rec’r Sowers, David Swicegood, Mr Sr Suvioa, Siferd Stacklether, John M Stewart, Somuel French, Stephen Goodman, J C Gladson, om Gillian, WL8 Grifid, 8am Goodman, Catherine 4 Gillean, WC Graves, Daniel Godley, EM Garner, Burgess 8 Glover, Abram Gvonare, Prof T Garner, W Gardoer, J Gwynn, General Grubb, Michael Graham, William Goodman, Mary L Harkey, Christopher” Martley, U H Miss 3 Coat Charlotte of at this place. or wah J A. | Luncaster & Co., Richmond, Va. sus R. F. SIMONTON, Treasurer. Weetern N.C Rail Read Statesville, NvC. 1th Aug., 1o63. THE BOARD of Directors of the Western N.C. RR: Co. have this day declared aw divi- dead of four (4) per cent. ow the Capital Stock of the Company, payable ia Confegerate mc- ney ot the Office co and-atter the 2lst Sept next. Steuckholdere must present their certifi- cates of Stock. Thosa sending power of attor- will make the same to ‘POH. Wekore. Clerk. 3ul5 R. F. SIMONTON, Treas. 2 2 = Administrator's Notice. ry I HE subscriber having at the August Term of the County Court of Rowan, (aken Letters | of Administration according to law, on the es- tate of Christian Bringie, dec’d.. hereby gives uvtice to all creditore ¢f suid estate, lo present | their claims duly authenticated within the time Vunted by law, for Chat purpose. olerwiee this notice will be plead ig: bir ot thetr Debtors to the estate WW also please mpuke pay- ) ment tuemediately D. L. BRINGLE, Sdin’r. Aug. 29th, 1263.—th5 recovery FARM WANED. I DESIRE to buy arich and hi-bly improv- ed Wheat and Grass Farm, situatedin Western N C., containing from 400 to 700 acres of land Any who has such a farm whieh they would vell, wilh please write tome at Peters burg, giving a troe and accurate deser:puon o their furm, its locality aud the lowest price demanded for it. No one need put himself to the trouble te write unless his farm is rei and productive and hns fair building improvements on it. B BE VAUCGUAN, Petersburg, Va Wo. 0. RAIL ROAD. SALISBURY, Aug. 28th [st3 THE Annual Meet of the Western NOC one 5wlh wr of the Stockholders R. Round & mpany Ww i] be held in Sabsbury.con Friday. the Pith dus of September next Vhe Aanual meeting hav ing tated to organize ove Un 27th, for wank o a majority of Stock QS AM. POWELL, Peres't Head Quarters (6th Leg. NV. Sanrscery, Augast 8ist, 1863 Regr- h I. The commaneing officers of this ment, ere hereby ordere dito call out umm: ately their compaues, and to arrest all dese ers and persons absent W ithout Jeave from the army within the bounds of the Regiment. a d to report with said persons lo these Head Quar- ters. LL. It is expected, and enjoyned, that the foregoing order be carried out with fidelity and promptness, tember, the manner in which you have execu- ted this order. By order of r JNO A. BRADSHAW, Col. Commandant { BF Gaoerayp, Adjutant. Q15 _ | HeNerd, Lear Jesse | Hall, Jacop You will report on the 19th Sep- | Sallamand, W 8 Swyler, Alfred Stovers, 8 C Capt Schadwick, Mrs Linda Stedb uo, William Smith, BC - Smith, KR M2 Searlett, Thomas J Shoan, Capt. Hest, Anna } Hunter, Robert | ilarrisonJohn McCarry llare, Mary all, Mrs Howard, George Holderby, ME Monday, William mmith, Jerwina Jape Hamsburger, L J Trexler, Mlen 3 | Huffman, ME Thomas,CK ; Hall, LB Tarnee. Mandy H | Haynes, Wilson Trexler, Sophia O Hunt, Daniel Trotten, Miss Cassidy Halman, WM Turner, Winey Hutin, Tobitha Tremter, Adrien Harrison, Harrie Turner, James Helbroow’, Elisba & Thompson, Jale W Hooks, Anb Thompson, Levina Hicks, WM Teage, Vander Hall, John W Thomas, Luveoa Heath, JM Wise, WA Hunt. Henry W Walker, Harry Handel Nancy Wallace, Wilham Howard, WT Weaver, Mary Henry, Fd Whitehurst, SW Hil, Kasannah, 3 Waller, Barbara Hendermar, Lucy M Wileht, IG Hollabaugh James Wright, Mariah 2 Holson, Lt J M Wilson, Profs J Howel, Jane M Walker, Hartz Holsouser, b L Wagner, Martha D Lagle, Eline ison, AW Jones, Mary T Winter, H A { Jones, Jobo Weaver, RP | Jounsten, Watkias, RH | Jamison, 3 Weant, Elizabeth A \ Jor Capt © R, CS Navy Whirlow, Alexander { J ton, Win Co Ht 45th ii Jones, WA ¥ | Sones, Ud {Jo J tMT Walker, Mary J . Logan Weils, KH Weil, David 3 Waller, Marcret B Wootten, Cousel ¥ Withe HS Veaial, William B Young, ( W Col Kern, J D Kynaster, Thomas Klutts, Elisibeth Kim | Kanap, Neab | \ { Persone calling for theabove | otters, will say they are | advertised. MOSES A. SMITH, P.M. ‘PO CONSCRIPTS: AND MILITIA OFFICERS’ Or THE Sth Congressional ‘District ! Tx obedience (o General Order, No. 14. and : General Order, No. 35, issued by Col Peter Mallett, Commundant of Conscripts for Norttty Carolina, Colonels of Militia will,on the 20tb of Aagust, 1863, enroll all persons liable to com, 4 scription upder the recent Proclamation of Ur Presideut of the Confederate States, und al} persons so enrolled, will report Lleuwelves the following times and places, to wit + rolling officer and Medicab Board, at th» Cleaveland County—9\st Regiment, Colonel Logan, Tuesday the 25th, and Wednesday the 26th of Augast., 90th Regiment, Colonel Elie otte, Thursday 2th, and Friday the 2dth of August. Lincolm County—88th Regiment, Colones Ramseur, Monday 3Iet August and Tnesday lst September. Gaston County—8Tth Regiment, Col. Hand, Thursday 3d, and Friday 4th of September. Mecklenbnrg County—85th Regiment, Cob Mexwell, Monday the 7th and Tuesday the Bih of September. 86th Regiment, Colonet Brown, Wednesday 9th and Titarsday 10th September. Caburrus County—84th Regiment, Colongl Bambhart, Friday 1 ith and Saterday 12th Sep tember. Union County—82d Regiment, Col. M7Cain, Mondey 14th and ‘Tuesday 15th. 119th Rege ment, Colonel Mullis, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th September. Rowan County—76th Regiment, Col. Brad-- shaw, Saturday 19th and Monday Qlet Sep tember. 120th Regimemt, Col. Locke, Tues day 29d and Wednesday 23d Semember. Catawba County—89th Regiment, Colonel Forney, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th Sep- tember. This Call mcludes all whv shall have be- come 18 on or before the 20th of August, 1863, and al! who are under 45 on that day, wheth- er residé:(s of any other portion of the State, or of any Staie, or claiming to bea eitizen of any foreign State or Power—all who received exemptions as ihe owner om owners of (20) twenly negroes, ar 60 much of the Exemption Actof Ociober. 1862, as relates to overseers ~ has been repealed by the act of May, 1863, tw which the attention of all desiring the exemp- tion of overseers is: culled All persons dis- charged from the Army from any cause, oF by any authority since the last enroljment. All persons to whom temporary exemptions were granted by the Exymining Board, and al! per- sons permitied by the Enrolling Officer to re- main at home till further notice ; persuns eX- empted or detailed on any work for the State of North €arolina, or any department thereof. will be required to attend and exhibit the evi- dence of exemption or detail. This call does not include persons exempted ° by the Examining Board on account of physical divability, (uuless specially ordered,) nor per- sons exempt-d by the Enrolling Officer, at or since the last enrollment, (except overseers a8 above mentioned,) nor persons detuiled fora fimited time through the Conseript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are in full force and effec: on the 20th of August, and the par- ties are actually and diligently engaged iu the business for which they were detailed. (LF Colonels will return the Rolls to the En- rolling Oticer, made out by Companies, with the full names plainly written, without erasion or alieration, on large size paper, only wrajen on one side. with one culumn of names near the left margin, the bal-nce of the page blaok for remarks. Lf the Colonels have any reason bo suspect that there a e persons holding exemp- tions from the Eurolliug Officer, or the Exam- ining Board, not e ‘!sa to them, obtained, through fraud or mista. or that there are per sols properly exempted, whose disability hae ceased to exist, or who have violated the cob- ditions of their exempiion by charging more than 75 per cent., by quitlag or neglecung the business or profession tor which they were ex- empted, or by engaging in any other pursuit, especially speculation and exiortion, they’ will make separate roll of them, and bave them to- cether with sworn evidence before the FE nroll- ing Officer. Reasonable notiee must be yiven to alt such suspected persons, so they may pro- duce rebutiug evidenes, to the end that jus- tice may ve done All persons having business of any kind with the Enroting Otheer. nus be present, togeth- er with ail p tpers and evidence necessary for invesugation and decision, while the ofiicer is tn fhe county Where porcies reside, then, if necessary vo defer, a time and place will be appointed. Ail papers «nd affidavits must be preseuied in dae fore and property attested, to receive 4, asthe Enrolling Officer will not bave time to diuw pp or correct imstra- ments of wnting. All applications for exemp- tron ane ab ingiterres tor informadion must be addressed to the Enrolling Officer only All applications for exemption, on the ground of executive clemency, on a¢ecount of jusuce, equity and necessity, muet be presented to the Euroliing Otlicer, forcitied by the sworn testi- mony of at disinterested and re- reliabiligy All persons ean volunteer before the and will be furnished with attentio least ihree spestable perse whose tbe Wurellt liable unde Is persons r Otiicerean endorse s cali, QWih of Augeast. CCORDING te instructions issued by the 2X Commissioner of ‘Taxes, Miiere, Maautac- tures of Cotton and Woden Yarns and Cloths, Leather, Hais., Shoes, Pion pave the Ac, wust regts- ver and taxol ainvautot Sales, trom ach ot Ape vo Tet of July 1863, aad quarterly Whereafter | Manuftccurers of Sadlery. Harness &c. aud for the meat, Who sall tou under eontreet, are deem- ed wholesele Sfaounen TAX. | | | | \ Manufactorers of Fire-sarins Goveru- \ Cealers Woder che aci, aud lable fuX as si vito registry tins Phe ineome derived frou the “fauufaeturiag youn, Dax Act the N.C are now { bustiess in also taxed by Sees | All businesses 1b aul Rowan Courts persons elyayed R45 CM. | tied to meet me at the Court House in why: | |) bury ou Saturday the llth ot September next land register and pay the tix to July Ist bo63 | LL? Assessors will please attend as above. | W R. FRALEY, | Coufederate Tax Collector for Rowan County. | 2:15 Aug 29, 1863. SALT! SALT! ! BUSNELS tor Sale. This Salt is ware ranted equal io any made ia the South Icis very dry having been in an ware -house |} for pine Months apply to R.& A MURPHY, Agte. Ang. 31, 1863 | 304 } 61S. per Ceol, ob gross | above noon reporting to Col Mallett, at eisef Mitta will return u roll of al! olunteer, giveng regiment ta winch they have goue. Te Javea Ihemse wosof this right, parues must be mmenis on tbe | transporau {Camp Elolmes tothe Fare lete COUSCTIP ss WE Vand company. \ . oF Dermissie jto \ er that trime@y j whe tsoever granted, Wt cisregarde ns MNSCT Ws, W h = camp asc t | 4 Co gscris sent to camp will have choice atx Te Use aa practacable and the e ! geueiese ewul alow, Allecicrers whe Fhave bee cfeved to Saispury Tfuspital, aud perinstited to return home, will prot tly re- port to Ur tlhail, at Salisbary, oF be arrested and treated a3 deserters Loc 'The Furolhng Officer asks the aid of al! officers of che ameditia, and of all roe a citizens ino ev\eceting the law, ane tno nstug meo ise drive ihe foul vaders trom our seu, JESSE Ro MeLEAN, Capt. and En Ont sci Con Distret Javan Brava, Asst Surg, ©. 5. Any W.oH. Horweeros, MOD, JOR. Ena, VED. Ex. Board \ Nogust 3, 1-63 ut! BLANK DEEDS FOR SALA AT THIS. V*AiCK. Hoaitutiou, will opea the 4th of September, Salisbury Female Seminary. CEN <r l HE Eleveath Session of my Sehool in this ix63 Board per sessiou, $150 00 Tuition in Bagtish, $25 00 cd 30 00 Music with use of Piano. 30 v0 Lawn. Greek and French, extra, §1U each. Pupils required to furnish lights aud towelo: . Payment sirictly in advauce. For partica- lara, address A. D. WILKINSON, Principal. Jaly, 1863. ull For Sale---A Tract ef Lard. FIVE HUNDRED ACREs, CROP, &C. = (0( BUSHELS Wheat; 1000 bushels of >) Corn: 200 bashe!s of Potatoes; Cene Jlolares 2UU galls; Peas, &c.; 45 head of Cat | Ue, emoag (hem 20 head of mich and breeding stock iu yood order, 60 or 7U hogs, 40 the aize | of LZ imenths old for fatuag, and vow ia five { arder. ‘The premises embrace a surface aud deposit GOLD MIN E, GRIST and SAW MILL. The mine will vielc from a 4 to I dwt tr hand a day for many years. Apply at this adiice T.J.FORNEY. | Wind Hill, Monomery Co., N.C Juiv 24, Pood Swyddi) Tal 2D EEG Be ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON my Book Store account, will please call ou Me. | James H. Enmss, my asttonzed age at and se:- tle the saine | ALL those indebted to me vn my eubsert tion and printiag account will please cail on \ Enniss and settle als Some of my accounts have been stand: since 1859, and J do bape that those who asc due will call atanee and setile ap. Confeder- ale money is pleuty—there can be no excuse —I prefer to tukeil in payment of dues. J.J. STEWART. fuly Sth. 1363.0 th7 ADMINISTRATOBS Gu A HU He ( N THE Ist} OF SEPTEMBER text, SJ we will ofer 2 smal! portion of the PERSONAL PROPERTY nelouging to the esiate of Sarah Heileg, dec’d, wosale. AT HER LATE RESIDENCE, and ifthe sale is not coneloded in one day, we | will bold it open until all Uke property we wish to sell, ia disposed of. There well be such a | variety of aricies sold, that we do not deca it necessary to name any of them—they being sach aswre asaaily feand on well furnished Dlantaitons Teriws of sale made known before the sale som me D0 8. ' P.N. HEILIG, LG HEILLIG, R.J. HOLMES, G. M.BARNHARDT, Admuimsirators Aug. 5—41wl2 Execative Department North Carolina, ) Asst Gexesac’s Ornice, (Micitia) > Raleigh, Aug 3, 1863 \ GENERAL Oanver, ¢ No. 17. \ ALL COMMUNICATIONS ON MILI- e lary matiers intended for Hie Excellency, the Governor, mast be written aud seul w the Adjutant General, wine wii tay them before the Governor and retarm hs answer. II. For the present the Governor deelinesto sue any exemptions from home defence daty. and a}! applications for such exemption to en- sure attention must be forwarded throagh the with his commanding efficer of the regiment appreval By order of Gov. Vance R S. TUCKER, Aag 4—2wil2 May and AA AC. Execative Department Ne Caro: : lina Adjutant General’: Office. Bale'zh, ) August Is, inn iy GENERAL ORDEER. y NOD! ( 1. The following from duty in the Guard for * Home Denfenee,” ex cept from dnillurseryvice, wihia their coacties when invaded by the eveniy: Finer Crass —Al physicians who wow are and for the iast tive years have deeu practi img io their professions: Officers and employees, vol! eacept (wo expert track hancs foreach seeton to wuilese, who are rxetnpt, persons are exempt Ralroad rinelude Jalorers porters aud tie one miller {fs neswil oc gere { al m ie 2 the commandiug ofierrs of each Bagade, Reg - ment aud Compary of the Miliua, aun Avye- cantof the Regiment. Wrere any of thes aficers have accepted a cunnissiou ta the Gaard for Home Defence, the ext officers ip rank will be exempted. This efass is ainu exempt from drill Secosp Crise —Contrartors with the State Grove rinicul ate Depuiy Soenff in ecch here ws no Vax Co'le op Confederate eary emoployeew: one county where Editor to eaeh elors one Newspaper, compositors: Professors a ( ers in Academmee ole ges and Teach- I] Post) Masters are civil officers of the } Confederate Gaovertinen \ exempt by law Quakers, wing heve of ay pay tie lax unpobed by (aW, BUG Dore w hier (have: Breet 7x emp from milcary Guly Upot aurgeutis Cert flacte of Gimability, approved at thos office, are exempe ib tury dul TD Tie Comesancony her Ww Company ¢ . ervey week on Saturday afternoon, and |) na (once a meuto By order of Goveruor Vance PAS Li FOWLE, Auta (seuerel PAN TIVNOLICE. ALL persuus w mod turns of p \ . ve Vear Im Pac four ‘I es, Leather, Oot) and bi truch taxes are due | moa id opay, are herely us . »? \ ie ¢ rt - Pee ~ r : 4 wll plemover he te jre anune WORK AEE) Augu> $—uwld SELLING BOGS al SMALL, supply of Spelling Books on hand. Those in veed of them had better call soun at WATCHMAN OFFICE. August 3, 1663 a ' ny. will be promptly met according { set forih itct in Sabsburv end vieints demmng | \ Earty IN \ wal Jets, with crosein centre; | one large Black Lace Mantle; | Handkerchief, Collars, Sleeves. X05 Blank: ts. ‘ I . ar + Tannen and Co Bolster Slips, and inany other arucles of Jew- errbt i their neces und all necessary | I AVING studied iv promi- nent Medieai Collegesund Hospitals, both North aud South, and having been prac- ticiug in the varius depart- meuts of his profession for over 10 years with geod success, he continues to offer hie services to the pablic where he 's permanently located, and by strict attention to his profesron will eu- deavor to merit a liberal patronage us bereto- | fore, and holds himself in readiness at all hours, day and night, for professional cults. LF Office at Rose mau's Store. Binpd lo Execatae Department, North Carothaa, ) ApauTant Genera's Orvice, > | Raleigh, July 4, 1563 I R. ABCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF Rowan County, is authorized (o raise a regimeut do gerve for six months, under the re- | quisition of the President. Each company will consist of 75 men. The privates will elect ‘their company officers, the latter will eleat their field officers The officers will be cot- | missioned at and from the Ume the muster- rolls are Gled in this ofhve DANL G. FOWLE, Adjutant General phe FNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO such of his fellow-eitizens as may choose | to join ban, ty report to him at once at Saks \ bury. Ifthe force called for by the President | do not avail themselves of the upportuuity to | | voluuteer and have officers of their own selec: | | tien, they will be drafted and have officers ap- | pointed by the Governor over them Vhe ser- Vice is for State defence aud for butsix mouths Raliv, men! The enemy ts advancing apou cur coast, threatewug the Gestructiou of our homes aud the destruction of our neans © subsistence, to say nothing of the disgrace and worse than death their presence cutails upon | oar sisiers, our wives aud Children Rally to the defeuce of your humes and ‘resides A&A. M. NESBITT, \ Salsbury, NG. | LoL July 6, 1863. —{17] Confederate Insurance Compagy, Charlotiesville, Vir: via. I HAVE ACCEPLED AN AGENCY from the above Insurance Company. and am now prepared to take nsks or property al rea- sonable rates. and fer limited periods of line, and ou different grades of preperty:—Such as Cotton, Tobacco, Produce, Wachinery, Mer- chandise, Bunidings, Ke. This Company has been in operation bata skort ume, bas « large Cash Capita! all paid in, and held be some of | the wealthiest and best people of Wirgwram. A large amount of the Capital stock of this Com. pany has alre idv. been sold for teu per cent [cau safely reconmmend Uns Com- charemder, aod premiam. pany to be of the most reliable J any loases from policies issued by thes Compa- lu Che lerms ' } s poncies Persons their property ineured, can have an opporteni- ty of doing so by calling o@ me A.J. MOCh, Agem. Salisbury, N.C., ( - July 16, #63. 4 _ uy S500 REWARD. JANUARY CAST, TIlE Office of Mo & E. Myers was broken open aad the folio ving articles stole: One Sine English Gold Lever Waceh, w th the name of J. A. Lalhagtea oa the face, letters, believed te be made by ther from German Teri Leverpool ; uw centre ooe tine Gold Ring, with forge ine not, Rinses and clasvered around win siall Tae NGS y necnbed Breast Pin, Coral and Gold ; hn Pine; one Bunch Gold Charms, cousisting of the two Lockets wi iniatares ¢ Cnms, Hart. Shell, and others net rece! one Gold Breast Pir with lorge thereon; one sett Fir Sipper:. 4 one Corral Breast Pin: sett with Peart): one Necklace one tine Faun Embroid= ted in Sheets, Prilow Cases and The elry and Laces apparet vot recollected paid for the recovery of the above mame d arti. | eles, of in preport Most of the Jewelry Wilson, Wateh-: abeence, any informacion given to Captain A Myere or Semurd Reeves, Sr, will or ply attended te safer any pari of can be idenutied by WOR prompt. FE. MYERS 15, 1763 uf4 v, at Atlauta, Ga, will ndsend ntite this offies /’ G&S A Th Ode YH AVING rer Inv commission tn the Confederate Arny TT tender my services tomy f us Sure nds and th able AM NUESRITE I> Chee, ‘euse June 25, JK64 ut opposite the Court Now is the time (0 pay Weney. 1 Nar PERSONS ELIHU ed tu ine by vote or accnunt, BR APS by AE r regi tea lo j cum ape payne 4M NESBITT Jane 15, 1x03 4 | | WOOL WANTED. SECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOOL WAL H SMITH | Sansbucy. Joly 13, Int ifs WICBAEL BROWS, MOLT ECTS IN GL. Y wanted by ‘COMMISSION BLOWPT perce! - p poreunaeat | - ( wie ‘ her ft Ne . whine oihert « h v oe ® whese um r 2 arces | privy mac Salisbury. Jn 13,. [Ros ta t | ara WANTED AT HENDERSON & EXNESS', Droge June 15. 1663 a BLANK JiivkiDS FOR SALE AT 7.75.3 OF FICE ' prune uecesaly continues to advance in price, | less consumers shall take Limely warning and ers. he believes he cam cd J. Johusten, | one Diamond Ring. large DPiatueud | Dia- two Gold Chata- ! ected: above reward of Five Handeed Dollars, will be them — ! aker at thie plice Eu my! “ANOTICE. To all whom it may Co ! WING to the vumber of riets, mobs, lm- presements and thefieda the couaty, | feel it a duty I owe to wyself 40 adapt the following rales and regulatinus ot wny anills Ist. 1 will not be coqpensible forany Flour, Meal or any kimé of Grain that may be taken from me by mob riot or 1wpressement. Qd. I will not &e reaponsible for any Grain stored at any mill until ordered to be ground. 3d. 1 will not be responsible for any Meal or Fidur more than 24 bowrs afier it is made; at the same time, I will take the best care of it that Lean, and the same care that I take of iny own. The mill is always aocer tock aad ney when we leave il. J. S. McCUBBINS. Salisbury, Merch 30, 1863 (f45 SCRAP IRON WANTED. ° rqN - ! I HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE paid for old Casting or Scrap fron at Govern- ment Foundry wm Salisbury. Persons baving | any will pleawe seud it at once, or notify me where they can deliver at. \. B. SHEPPERSON. Superintendent. March 4, 1863. 42 SALISBURY, APRIL 20, 1863. To Gas Consumers, ()s and after May Ist, 1563, Gas will be S15 per 1000 feet. Owing to the very great ' ° Pus article is being large! at various points in the y, abt the scarcity of rage bide fair to-iuterfore seripusly with the manafacture. lo the manufacture of Cattridge paper used in the fabrication of ammunition, raw cotton can be used if a certain proportion of Aemp be mixed with ét. I am authorized by the Ordnance Depart- ment to purchase material for thia e,and I take this method of appealing to the people to ussisteue in collecting old rope, bagging, waste oorduge, &c., or any kind of old hemp. | A good price will be paid for the wbove ma- terial, varying from 10 to 25 eents per pound, | according to condition, locality, &c. 1 will also pay 40 cents per pound for old scrap Lead delivered ut the Works. A. G. BRBNIZER Capt. Arty. Office C. S. Ord. Works, Sahsbury, N.C | June 29, 1863. 1f6 “Stonewali” Jaokson. eJ UST PUBLISITED, and for sale by N. 3. MORSE & CO., Augustz, Ga., A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Seren OF « STONEWALL” JACKSON. — By | Cuances Hacrock: Being a fall and accurate | account of the Leading Eventsof hiv Life, his | Dyiag Moments, aud the Obsequies ai Rich. | advance of matena! aud fteights, the Compa- | HV are necessitated to raise the price of Gas or stop the works. Freivhts have gone up 200 lroa Retorts 300 per cent. end Ro- si BUU per cent. LEATHE RL La Dias IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF per ceul., aud shee -makers are prediciing thal prices hith- erlo accounted evormous will be next to noth- ing as compared with prospective demands — This may be sv, and probsbly will be true un- ; (49) | | mond aud Lexington. This work contains many anecdotes of the | Wostrous soldier that have tever before been published For sale by al! Rook Stores aad News Ageats | Price &l UU. | The (rade supplied at a"ivera! discoont LP AL orders addressed (ous will be promept- ly filled N.s. MORSE &'O ub Augusta, ea. Greensborough: Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: prepare to sapply thetr wants without parchas- | yoy A. Mebenc, W. J. McCunnet, C P ing. Leis beleved there are surplus cattle aud hides © nougn in Che country to supp the pub- lie demand for leather. Farmers. as a geveral thing, Keep more cattle than can be well kept and inede most profttable. If they would take as gued care of their cows as they do their horses and mules, ene half the wumber would be mere projitable for mik aud batter. The | surplis stuck might be fattened aud slaughter- ed ‘Phe undersigaed desires to do abl in his power lu keep dowa the pice of the can secure the Co leather, wna eration of stuck-uwn- mach good ta Unis di, He cannot affird to paw the presen, extraucdinary demaeds of dry and green hide_ and then sell leather at €2.the highest price. he has, up to this tame, solid at. Bot if farm- ers. who have hides, will send them to his Tan- nery, for leave (rem at Sprague Brothers, 10 Salisbury, be will Tan soem oon the esual rbligating himse if to sell his own share rector terms rCa rate ouly reasonabd!: in se dog all Pecan, against it Soany one wishing to have done, and wil do do as abave directed. To. HAYNES Mav 18, 1863 tf52 LARGE quanuty of TOBACCO for sale a Aby JNO F FOARD. Salisbury. Apn! 23, Ps63 0 hag Wanted. 3 A GOOD HORSE suiable for the Army. Apply 1f2 JAMES W CLARKE SPRINGS. OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS. | WN. C. White Sulphur ¢: . t i] I HE public can have the benefit of these valuable waters. PRICK OF BOARD: 35 per day: R24 per week; 875 for 4 weeks We have a plentiful supply of provistons and a good stock of we secured. A daily hne of hacks and mail to the Spnogs H. L. ROBARDS, Proprietor June l, 1863. f2 Reed and White Rose Leaves. \ 7 FE wish to purchase a large lot, for which we will pay 75 cents per pound. They ) must be clean and nice, : | HENDERSON & ENNISS. Salsbury, Jane 15, 1463 4 rdiniited to be the best ever manafactared tn the Southern country, on reasonable ma than any other article at the present more j tiene t Apply soon to | , JOUN SHUMAN, Sr Saliebury. June 1, 1R63 fd ~~’ ab 2 Was Ce I SVE enn Tuesdays, Tr to Sprague Bro's in Sali bury dave to get any Hides that may be left there | fu (ne T W. HAYNES June &, 163 13 V! Vhs AS) HOTILES MAN TID, Ge winely will pay ttre tate price HENDERSON AS ENNISS, Drogyists \ Jue 15, be6s ft ‘SW 2 Oa’ EEC RD Salisbury, No ¢ Maj DistWlery at OOo { @ Tithe Cs Aine Proussad Susheis Pron scale mun be uddresaed ti. JAS Uh JOUNS TON. | Medical Paurvesor (oS A, C, te, Not Joy Va. DRGs “ | Sto REWARD MOE eu for twoSADDLES arolter fromm staldes on the 24th inst, Que | ack quilted the other ord leather: also, two Bridie and one pase martingles (FUppored to he in the neighborhood of Charles McKenzies) Alno One Wundred dollars for the apprehenmon of the thief. WG McNEELY July 25, 1663 f.10 Mendenhall, 1. Po Weir, James M. Garrett, John Lo Cole, NOH D. Wilson, Win, Bafin- ger, Daved McKinght, MoS. Sherwood, Jed. H. Lindsay, Greensborough ; W. A Wright, Wilmington; Robert K. Troy, Lamberton, Alexander Miller, Newbern: Thadeas Me- Gee, Raleigh; Vhomas Johowon, Yancey- ville; Dr WC. Ramsey, Wade sborough ; Rev ROC. Mavoard, Franklintea; Deo EB. Fo Wac- son, Watsonville orricaas: XN.H.D WILSON, - President bJED. I LINDSAY, - Vice President }PETER ADAMS. © +) Sec CoP. MENDENHALL, Attorney and Treas enough to justify tim | T don't wi-b to qpeculate, have | vursdays and Satur. | WME CUMMING, - W J. McCONNELL, - PA- VEBANE = J MeGARKETET.-.. Allcommunications of business connected withthi: Office. should be addressecto PETER ADAMS .Seceetary 1 Greensboro’. N.C... Jane 19, 160 tts DENTAL NOTICE. W. F. Bason, M. D. General Agent Exrrentive Com. their Hides Tanned can | oo p>) Dm “ie Os Tt ie Be | \\ OULD respectfully make known that he hasretaken his DES TAL ROOMS in Salis- bury N Bo Asatwill cot sat him toremain all thetiume, those callinzin tes absence, willbe vol) fed of his erivals hy leaving their names inthe | letter Bow attached to the dour of the Office of by addressing bin through the Post Office, at Pee. at. 1862. (tf:28 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeteler, One door bel« SAUCISBURY N. €., | 7 EEPS constantly on hand alarge assor { ' { | | this place. | TR.2A.Marphy'sStore, ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all ksnds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- j) scriptionce pairedin the best manner and on j the most reasoouble terms. | Febroary 14, 166°. | QS’ 2 “ATC OD 7 : , 20.000 STAVES T THE CON, STATES DISTILLE- RY. formerly owned by M, & bo My- ere) at Nolisbory, aw fidlows timber. clear of sap 34 inches loug; from 4 to 6 ioches wide aud boinach thiek 24 inehesloug, from 5 to 10 inches wide, and TA inches thick TOO Staves and 400 Heading to a thousand Highest market price will Be paid ly3s Te be of white ouk Staves, Heading, | Addrews JAS. T JOHNSON, Medical Purvevor € SA Charlotte NOC Sune bo, ced tft Notice to Debtors and Creditors. “A ALL persons huving elaime# against the Betare of Jace. WoNeely, bite of Digie coun- ty, deceased, are ereby notified to present Tthemnta tern of th rw, and those indebted requested to make wunimed to sad Batate are j dinte payiicit DM C2ENSHAW, Administrator 3m5 CO) RAVAWAY PROM the wsaheer Suty, 1863, MONROP VARNER, PAS vearold He bad oaacap when he left is Jarking about 12 bods ahirt afeeven [ auppeone he hoe Salbary, as ble imother lives there. 1 w nye a Wberal reward fog his appre henson sod coutinement on paloral delivered to me > iniles Weatof Salebury, on the Statesville road DANIEL LYERLY. August 3, 162--Iwl2 qLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE | AT THIS OFFICE. ber on the morning the Oth | To all whe it may Concern. TO ALL PERSONS IN DERT. £D 10 U8}? LL persons indebted to the firm W. Myerd and A. Myers, are bane may fully requested to settle their Tespective gations either iu person or by etter, withors aa delay. ey will thus save and the ineenvenienee of HeRt, ey may be less abundant then a pb ted hope the frieuds of the late firms wil} bot, quire longer ipdulgevce, but respond to oi urgent call, as fi is necessury that the Pea dould be closed with ap little delay as A. MYERS, Mice next to Cowan's Bri ‘Selisbury, March 30, 1863. a pet OIL, OTL. ‘ONE BARREL OF TANNER's oj, b sale, apply to WM. WATSON, ‘ 11:38 5 miles weet of this place. Or at this Office Brown's Livery Stable, : 1° keptap as heretofore. Jy is gratifying to him that this establishment. began, at firet, ay a doabtfulexpermment, bus proved totwe public a great desideratum and a com plete success) Travelers, and oiners can al- wavehave thei:rwants,in thsline, wellomp- plied. Cash prices uid for Provender And the subsecriberis always ready tosell or bey good | Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN Jan Im. 163. tf54 1000.DOG SKINS WANTED. Vy ieee Dog Simns, dry, for wine, wil be paid 8) for medium size, end sinaller ones in proportion Apply to Ro Fo Simoutoa, Statesville, ov A J. Mock, Salisbury. December 8, 1-62. 19 DR. HOWERTON TTRRENDERS hue professional services to tee citizens of Salivbary. Office at the Bn den Houre Mar 9, 1863—1142 Ma] 2D BE“ HG" Ble SALISBURY, Nov. loth, 1562. ALL those aqndebted te the firm o | McCunpise & Fosrea will eall at the Boot & | Shire Wanultctors of John A. Bracehaw, goa the Watchman Office, op ihe subsen- door to | her, and settte the:r wccuunts, eilier by Bolas Now is the tame to pay debts | | | | | op ihe cosh | tf :26 THOMAS J FOSTER LUMBER, Lwing near Icas Station... Te subscribe Burke wounty, Famoantefanp tumber, deliverre } cars,at @) furpieh ap on Duard the is prepared to oer Contract Orders addressed to him a! Home, Barke eoauty. N.C. will reeen- prompt attention . T LC. DONALDSON [ste fee | \ { March 17. WESTERN N. €. RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. >) —s } k OR the purpese of expediung ihe tra pape: ltatien of the marl as well as to prevent delay | to travellers, the passeuger trains on this Roav pe fun eo as to muke close conection witt the ‘tail Trains of the NOC. Rail Road, which arnves from the North at 1.30 P.M. The trains on this Road will leave Solmbury at 2 I M.. and arnve at the head of the Road et 7.45 P Mand leave the head of Road at 7.304 M.. and reach Salsbary in lime to comnect wit the Mail Tran JAMES C. TURNER, Eng. and Sup't WN. RR April 6, 1863. 1f46 (eto and LINEN RAGS® wanted JNO F FOARD Salwhery, Apri} 23, 1863. tf4y Poxt Office Notice. OE Laie and Western Mail closes a! ‘ 12 Mo. Northern Warlecloses ot B P.M:. Cheraw, & “4. Sunday, Tucedny aid Thar- day. ® P Wi: Mock-vitle, Moncay, Wednee dav and Friday. = POW; Wilkesboro’, Tees day, 5 P Wi; ‘Prov, Thureday, | i) Sundiy Of ve Hours. From 12 Wi, onal 2g P. Mo: from? P M antl 10OP MM The xhove ru'ee will pot be de} unis! further notice All persons are expected io poy irted frou their Pos 1 Office acenpnty when presented al the end « Bihe quarter, otherwise I will be compelled § vell their papers for the postage MOSES A. SMITH, PM May 4, 1-63 trou Dr. J. A. CALDWELI r. e {Be Sk 4 | )ESPECTEULLY OFFERS Vote yp protal services toll ! Citizeue at Saltire ana une @¢ | rounding country Ottice two door Vielow M Brown's other. GF Mamy sbsence, leave your ph ime on th i May 4 — 150 Slate. Carolina the undermgped ntained omit PUBLISHED in Peol by tat 6 | The History of North | needed that pre ce ¢ \ sons ubaverdable aed many bnpe ree tions seqond edition wan then prowised, which fy remedy these detects Thisis now called fo ho will poln! eta in any He will be grateful to any one W 7 dates, names or fa the State; and lone ser ont any errors ya the en of the various coun (those who have d hographreal skete ho dor State vice in the fiele {Letters may be sent to me, car ~ & ; ~ Ts JOUN H. WHEELER 3m eof Hon. 2 Chapel Hill, N.C.» June 4, 1863. Fro a chat and ol ness, ( he tw lars fc Ap’ one d Jot gr ol Ler. candi By ofas orate the C pend. the r met 1s 30 repped rina varie ment reser er to ive we } <iiyte. civil sO ay time 1: "aus from bactl pads coun I miss veca aod that this 1 first, at 4S proved 4a com ean al. wellsmp- NTED. » for wine), size, Obed | lle, ow A UfR9 IN ces ty tee t the BR. 142 ice b562. » firm o he Boot & rhaw, Be. ne subse. vr by Bola Station... furpieh an » Dem rd the hor sop: Happ: «rece: J .DSON cf6e ROAD. © tra nap vent dele» 1 this Roa. ection witt oad, which > M. The ury at 21 oad et 7.45 at 730A pmare@ct wil NER, N.RR 1f46 wanted bv FOARD | clowes at 8 POM. uid Thar 1, Wednes rv’, Toe MI 4 m7 ig M irted frou: their Poo the end « anpelled \ H,PM 10 ELL OFFERS wicen tort! othe #0 oe two door ymeon th 4.—10.50 Vorth ndermgne? ained omir ec tions A chich wou w called fo o will poln! or facts i" » and any ye done ser of Hon. EELER e 3m7 m ad ® VOL. XXI. Laer oe ee ii Ning all i ga it in te Sah) iene ae “SALISBURY, N. J. J. BRUNER, PKOPRIETOR. % A Pi > Price of the Watehman. From and after this date, and until there is a change in_the prices of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on bust- EDITOR AND aess, the subscription rates of this paper will he two dollars for six months, and three dol- lary for a year. ApvExtisinG, two dollars for the first, and one dollar for each subsequent publication. April 20th, 1863. ——— ~—w CIRCULAR, Zo the Voters of the laghth Con- gre ssional District of North Car- olinad . L respectfully announce myself to vou as 8 candidate foc re-election, By your kind parnality I have the honor of a seat in the First Congress of the Confed- erate States. From the ume ef my election the Coufederacy has been en@aved in a stu- nendous war, for the porpose of driving back che ruthless iavaders of its soil, and establiss- mg the to which at ' having been peace a soendenee IS $0 JUSUV ent Overtures - by our Geeveruine a Sete Lue e meut, at schures Lavi tem lodiguaniiv rgected. no altecuative re named ti batto drive back the mvaders and ¢ qeer a Peace OY lorce of arias While in Coturess, thereto eo as Vuor rep resentative, | u- er to str ive prop. ube Execuuve, ar uctease the eran, 6o ASS iahCe Wd enConragemeat Co ito preve ut, as fears sible, those dtvastrous collisions betwe che civil and the military authorities which are so apt to vecur and « » Gattic uit to adjust im time of war I voted for both Coaseription acts, not be rause I desires] to force the Southern gituzen from his home and family to the camp and battle-field. but because J considered them jadispensable to the independence of the country. I voted to raixe the pay of the missioned offi non-com- raud privates in the anny, because | obeteved that Chey both dese: ved aod need { L voted avast fhe Exemption pecause [ov ipposed ta all exer ipue because | trovtdered these acts wrort 10 poneipis, Gesgecous in poley. and unjust in Dany hi 1 “ I voted ¢ the Fond og Uill) becanse J Bugz rock sa thie ov ‘ it the curren y y ‘o ine Healthy ac ite the nagees of the co I voted tus ue Tax i {the House, winch Was rejectan Gy i conlereance bia, Wie is ¢ came up tori ed away by \ vobouily. and heroe [had ne oppert { "ved aoe against Waal treasure Iu fine, T voted for every measure whieh I though? would wwe steeueth to our ariny, vivor tothe Govertcocnt, and contide . ae te Should vou eadame niy course as v represen tate Cann el ate ; dial! be ear \ Re aat Vee myo Dances vd | eucrmes and at fh ests and, altveugh TP desire nily as any one saiince every honor) ve mea to olt tvet Ll will consant to no ad eon ny with nen ( tederate States Scire (Rae the Viuted & le cy to which we - and for whicu: we are now contending Qur cause is pust. istisan diod. Our destiny, [fr heve, is to be wete nouns in this stru Ito enjoy a career glort- ous be inall past history. Let U8 prove ourselves wordy of our cause, and word lesany. Let us whole be unmeaead in our forts, aud the earnot enslave us, world combined Tam. very respectfully Your obedient servant W. LANDSR Janeolnton, Not 4 Augusi 27, 1563. 4 , , af = NALISB EL} 2 Esrouuise Orrnicr. 8th Con. Dist, ) Avenet 22,1863 \ IN oblence to Oorder No LG here appended, all persous in the Sth Congressional Disrraiet, vho have been Cenporanly detutled as Oyrr- wera, will report at Calmp Holiness by Septem ber Jat, 1863 TR MeLE YS, Capt and Ea OF &th Con Diat CONSCRIPT OFFICE, ) Camp Homes, July 27th, 1863 \ GENERAL ORDERS, ¢ NO. IC \ Enrolling Officers are hereby imetructed to | order all men who have been temporarily de- tailed as Overseers to report at Camp of In- struction by Ist of Neptember PETER MALLETT, Com, of Conserpta for NC. Iw Macusrr, Adjutant. gq LA NE D EEDS, FOR SALE| ment immediately. AT THIS OFFICE. °* ees | | EE order to close gur business, we will offer for sele on Thursday the 24th of September next, the fullowing valuable property, @ No. 1 Blacksmith, John Brown, formerly the property. of George W. Brown, Esq., of Salisbury. He is one of the best Coach VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE! At Morganton, N. C. Smiths iu the State, and can do any kind of | work ju iruu aod steel. Asa horse shoer, he has vo equal iu this State. He is a boy of ex- cellent character, honest industrious and obe- dient. We will also sell the thorough-bred MORGAN STALLION YOUNG AMERICA. “He was seven years old on the 4th of Ja- ly leet, in @ jet black without a white haer — Washout fear of contradiction, we pronounce hun the finest looking aud most perfect formed Morgau Horse tn the Confederate States a foal getter, he is sure, and can produce in thin county some two and one vear old colts, that cannot be surpassed in any country. ' |" IST of letters remaing in the Post Office at Salisbu- ry, N.C., August 26th, 1868, Ashe, Anas Ketner, Margret Allison, Robert mao Arrendel, Bridges Allen, M’A Ketney Margret Betts, 0 P, En Officer K » Fannie Beaver, 8 M, 3 Lewon, Wilham | Bassinger, J W., 8 Lefier, Neison | Bost, Sophias Leclé, Jobo P ! Boochill, Capt T L Lingle, John Balian, Jane Lyerly, Christopher Blair, CW ld J oWik Bradford, Maj erly, 1 0 Builey, Calisten ‘Lewis, J W Brown & Cain agh, | | Brown, Sarah Lenpey, J W 2 ' Bean, Marthe Esther | Bost, Moses A dW Dr? \ Bostian, L M ow, W lr C LH | Bean, Alexander Mary A Warrthger, Mary A L , Tobias | Brown, W P Lyerly John Brown, TC Moon, TA ' Bond, Amos Maxey, 88 Brown, EC Morrison, Martha As; ile | ix perieclly broken to harness, and bis sulkey | and haroess wil be sold with him. Also, on the same day, will be sold two full setts Black- sawvth Took. Alsou, two large CONCORD, N. H. COACHES, 140 passenger, 1 do. emull 9 passenger, 2. six passenger Hacks, and one six passenger Troy Conch, one Rockaway, eae two horse Bugyy, ove one horse do, and TWO ROAD WAGONS, The attention of C&ch and Wagon Makers is called to thes sale. ‘The rauning aorks of all these coaches and hacks are in good repair, and | f ) Correll, Christian The two large coaches, by sume repairs to Che bodies, can casily be converted inte good wagons cau be made good use ef for several vearson a stage fine We wil abso sell yg good Corn Shellier, aderge size “sheapeou's Straw Cutter, rlarge Cast Kettle. aad $20 yallons, which te nearly new, havews been but littie ased ‘Perms of sate—Carh. desired, six months time will be given. Note and approv- ed security, with iaterest from date BROWN & McCONNAUGHEY. Morganton, N.C., Aug. 24, 1863. 4015 ADMINISTRATOR'S ss AMES. , | AVING taken out levers of Adininistea- tion on the Estate of Mrs. Jane C. Kroz, deceused, 1 will expose at pablic sule the fullow- tng property, on the ISth Day of September, or, af i Cole, Wiluam | Cochran, Jane E2 it her ie remdence: a efop of growing Corn, | Wheat, Oats, Rye, 3 Mules. 1) Wore. Yor 10 head of C 30 of 400 head of Hogs, 10 0- 12 head of Sheep, Carnage and Haruers, Bey gv and Harness. U foor-horse Wagon, Thresher alule, og Machine, Farmiog ‘Tools. aud various other odber articles W.P CALDWELL, Adm'r. Ai the seine time and place, the undersign ed, Executor of Jas. G. Anoz, the property of the said not One tine Piano, L foar-horse Wagon, non Gio. Blacksmith’s Tools, Household hea Furaitore, witha number of other 4 xe}! deceased, W.P. BURKE, Evecutor Averet 27, 863 3t:15. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS INN COB OADS FOR SALE. Treasarer’s OMice, Werereras No. Ca. Rare Roan, Statesville Aug 10th 1s63 ; Gilian, WL2 } Gillean, WC } Garner, W deceased, will ! { Harkey, Christopher | Hartley, UH Miss 2 | Hest, Anna | 1 Harrisongohu McCarry BY ORDER of the Board of Directors of the | Western N.C. R Ro Coa, sealed proposals will he received at this Office pill the Lath Septem. ber next, for Twenty N.C. Six per cent: Cou- pon Bonds of one thenseand dollars each, dated October 186)—'ssued onder of actot the Leg: pany, passed 1655. authority an Comraunications to be endorsed on the back ' Bide for NOC Bide will be opened in the presence of the President of this Company and the President and Cashier of the Agency of the Bank of N. Coat this plice. bidders will be notified re quired to deposit (he amount of their bids in the Bank of N.C. at Raleigh, Branch Bank of N Coat Cherlotte or at this place, or with JOA Lancaster & Co, Kiehmond, Va. als R. Fo SIMONTON, Treasurer. TREASURERS OFFICE, Jonds.” Successful and Western N.C. Rail Read. H Statesville, NOCo1Oth Aug , 1863. § TUK BOARD of Directors of the Western NOCOR R Co. gave this day declared a divi- dend of fonr (4) per cent. on the Capital Stock ofthe Compuny, parable in Confederate me- bey at thie OMice on and after the Qist Sept Chext. Stockholders must present there certfi- cates of Stock. Those eending power of attor- will make the same to T. He MeRorie. Clerk ' tls R. F. SIMONTON, Treas Administrator's Notice. r x eee \ ] HE subecriber having at the August Term laf the Coanty Court of Rowan, taken Letters of Administration according to law, on the er- i tate of Christian Bringle, dec’d., hereby gives notice to all creditors of said estate, to present their claime duly authenticated within the time limited by law, for that purpose, otherwise this notice will be plead in barof their recovery. Debtors to the estate will also please make pay- D.1L. BRINGLE, Adm’r. Alig: 29th, 1863.—t£:15 | Heath, JM lature tncurperatipg said Com. | ; | Handel Nancy “ aD List of Blackwell, Martha Brown, Markey C., SEPTEMBER 7, 1863. NUMBER 16. Letters. McLean, @ W 2 MeNeely, Virginia Morrison, J L Miller, L M Merrick, Susan Miller, GA Mahaly, Alexander Mickey, Mra A Brown, H Britton, JJ Boggs, Kelty Bryant, Richard Brown, Thomas Baroes, H J Boyd AC Miller, Jacob Brown, Adam MeGec, Lemuel Booe, J T Miller, Joshua 2 Bradford, EW Bell, Lishie Barndeart, John Borden, FB Bost, Zena Barringer, RA Clinard, Joho J lat James Miller, Adam Miller, Henry Misenheimer, Harri Marley, MeGechee, Dan McKeuzie, Susannah Miller, Mary Mil'-r, Jennie C Moore, Moses Mulden, Martha Ovens, Tayrod Owens, Armstead Overton, Wiliam Osborne, Walter W Peirce, Armstead Paliskie, Charles @ Plununer, G Pohicn, Winney Carter, Loasia Clilden, Annanday Carine, Jane E Caubte, John 8r Cannon, FJ Conner, Henry Carry sdline Carter, Mrs Lise Curbor, Caty Charehbill, L EB Cane, PH Coggins, Dr WW Chrestrun, James Clark, Joho . Coleman, Charles Pige, Barbary Coil, Eliza Paillips, 8 Conder, Sarah Peme, Peny Dornell, T L Davis, LC Daley, James Don, Samuel Davis, EH Davis, Alexander St Purole, Flora Portiaux, Capt MP e Petterson, Jobn Reeves, Margret Robertson, Heory Efird, George D Rassell, Serg’t J W Eliott, J K Hatnsour, D F Elias, L Rice, John Ellis, Wiley Robards, Thos M En OF ,DrJR Low, Joe Fisher, TC Roburry, H Fry, HE Rough, Elizabeth Furchiss, P L Rainy, Fanny € Fowler, J W Roeewn, LP ¢ Fisher, MC Rocks:er, J W : Fisher, SE Seott, Elizabeth Festerman, Milberry Shappong. MariahS Fite, Ivy W French, Stephen Goodman, JC Gladson, JM Simp. Seage Simp: Smith, Stiller, Smith. c Swink Smith, (a Stier, J AL Griffin, Sam Goodman, Catherine 4 Graves, Daniel Godley, EM Sikes, br Pheods Garner, Burgess $ Swisher. le Glover, Abram Brith, Nicholas Gonnare, Prof T Smith, W George Segard, A Simmons, WS Beheuch, DCS A Rec’r Rowers, David Bwiee good, Mr Sr Gardner, J Gwynn, General Grubb, Michael Graham, William Goodman, Mary L Hunter, Robert Schadwick, Mrs Linds Stedham, William Hellerd, Lear Jesse Hall, Jacop Hare, Mary Smith, bc Hall, Mrs Smith, kh a Howard, George Holderby, ME Monday, William Hamsburger, LJ Waffnan, MF Hall, LB Haynes, Wilson Hunt, Daniel Halman, WM Hulin, Tobitha Harrison, Harris Holbrooks, Elisha Hooks, Ana Hicks, W M Mall, John W as, | . . Mandy H ua C Mise Cassidy . Winey Sant Hunt, Henry W | Howard, WT Mary Henry, Ed Whitehurst, 8 W Hall, Kasannah, 3 We Barbara Hendermar, Lucy M Wright, JG Hollabaugh James Wright, Mariah 3 | Johnston, Logan ! Kern, JD | Kynaster, Thomas Holson, Lt JM Howe), Jane M Holsouser, D L Ingle, Bliza ones, Mary T Jones, Jobn We rof JJ aver, RP Johnston, HC Watkins, RIE Jamison, 8 W Wea Niraheth A Jones, Capt C R, CS Navy W! yw, Alexander Wilson James Wallis, William Wyatt, Eriline Walks, Isaac Johnston, Wm Co H 48th Jones, WA Jones, L A Jones, W Jones, LUM T Klutts, Rtisibeth Klutta, Uriah 2 ‘ 4 Hs ; Ketchum, Jonathan Veatal William iF Kanup, Larina Young GW Col Kanup, Noah Persons calling for the above | advertised. MO Head Quarters vi Rea, N.C. M. Rist, R63 tters, will say they are AW SMITH, P.M Sarisraray, August I. The commaneine officers of this Ree ment, ere hereby ordered to call out immedi ately Weir companies rnd te ers and persons absent “ ithont lerve from the army within the bounds of the Regiment, and to report with said persons to these Head Quar- ters IL. It is expogted, and enjoyned, that the foregoing order be cared out with fidelity and promptness. Yu will reporton the 19th Sep- tember, the manner in hich you have execu- ted thisorder By order of JNO A. BRADSHAW, Col. Commandant BF Crosrann; Adjutant. 215 arrest all desert - a NT ADDRESS TO PARENTS axv TEACH- ERS. 1 * The Committee bave been appointed by the State Educationa: Assouiation of Nurtb Caroliua to prepare an address'to pareuls and Teachers upon tbe subject’ of ‘Fext- books. In the performance of the task thus im- posed upon us, we feel it to be our duty to speak out plainly, the senuments of the State Association, aud also, of very many able and taithfel teachers and inseructors amongst vs, and to fix these, if possible, in the tminds and bearts of prarenis and teach- ere at large. ° ‘Tbe views to which we allude are these : That it is kighty expedient that Text-Looks of Southeru authorship and manafaciure be used iu our sekouls and colleges— when ‘suitable ones cau be founds and that we | should discourage aud frowu upon all at. j tempts ty import or republish any foreign text bouk, when works equally valuable may te bad at home. } he reasous a conclusion are | obvious aud will be multiplied by reflec: juon We think it proper, however, to ‘stale afew which present themselves most for such uaturally, and earnestly bey the publ to | | censider them Well: to see it they be rea sous and to act accuruingly. We disclaitu al the outset any intention toconvey the Wea that litegature, in the lughest sense, 8 sectional or ratienal, be- that 1038 an effort of the race to j reach something ebler aud holwer, and, as WOW Dae such, but addressetl to us as socially deter- iniued, but ads belonging to the eoimmon | Brotherhood of Humanity | = We would arge, potwithstanding' \ First, That gitted to prepare Lext-books for Southern p use, They are peuetrated with the spirit )of our tustituvions, acquainted with our ‘habits, cur modes of thought, our social relavions &e; hence itis evident that they Southern writers are best} . | “It is announced that if Vallandigham is ,and the Contederate | can su express themselves, that pupils will | Inore reac ly understand and appreciate lessons in such beuks, than in those whose writers are destitute of such advantages. Take but one example, for we toust be brief— Take for instance the mass of books which have bees it common use for cbil- dren, when the exercises aud ifustrations the barbour, the crowded mart } are taken from and such ake scenes with® which ovr elidren, { thoroughfare, the commercial wenerally, ale Det tuuniar, and®@vinel are so Untiteresdug abd irksome to them.— How different Ure impressten, how much | | ygars past, while we were drinkiog at their fountains of knowledge, been proclaiming us tu the world a8 au iguorat, rude and barbarous people $ Does itnot retlect se verely on the intelligent patriofisin of our people, a8 rue and as noble as ever breath- ed on earth, thus to patronize the people that are straining every nerve to crush us beneath the heel of despotic power? How does it present our character for consisten- cy in the eyes of the civilized world to see along side the same bulletin that pro- claims a glorious victory over our foe, wou at the cost of otir most precious blood and the anguish of Leart of our mothers, wives and sisters, the advert'sement of a reprint of Webster's spelling book, or some other successfy] Yankee speculation? Let us, if possible, correct this thing. We feel certain that such reprints of Northern text books Lave been made and encouraged for the most part without proper reflection by our people, and by -adesire to meet the pressing demana for books. But there is really no necessity for this. tis as easy to print our own books as it is to re- print Northern “Bublications ; honor and patriousta demand that the preference be given to Southern books which in point of excellence, every way, are better adapted for our people than any otbers, May we wot hope tbat this appeal will not be lost on the rmpartial and enlighten- ed judgement of our people and especial- parents of our State States. J.C. McLEOD, j rH JOHNSTON, Wa. M. COLEMAN. j ly the teachers and Lom. Vallandiyiam.—Tha N.Y. World says : | elected Governor of Ohio, the Lient. Gov- — ernor, George ©. Pugh, will place himself at the head of two hundred thousand mep, march to Canada, and escort the new Ex- ecutive to Columbus.” CONFEDERATE TAX. Pe toSnstructions issued by the Commissioner of Taxes, Millers, Manufac- tares of Cotton and Woolen Yams and Cloths, Leather, Hats, Shoes, Flour &c., must regts- ter and pay the tax of 24 per cent, on gross amount of Sales, from 24thof April to Ist of jJuly i863, and quarterly thereafter. happier the effect were these exercises and | Hiustravious taken trom the scenes of rurat \ In village, from our { flelds of corn, our breadths of wheat, our | harvest festivals: from the associations of hfe ao country and farm Ife and is repose; from -the rill, the school-bouse, the quiet church on the bili, the graveyard: hard by, and a thous- But i { and thins, wineh would suggest drem- jselves toa writer of youd judyment. oor Limits prevent uy from developing the idea further. ) Another eration is this t reason we addace for That the present time, if lanyoais the most favourable ter carrying into Heel plans wich contemplate the crea- ‘tonof a bome hiterature, particularly it the department of primary education. We cut trom the foreu world, and that are stint " especnaiiv: from source on Which consid= | we ) Nave hitherto relied almost exclosively for; the sup pun of Text-books on ali the branch If we are have text bouks of our own production, ces of education, ever then to Providence never granted to us a more volden opportunity, and if the support of your people is not withheld, the ditheulties | which embarass the speedy manptacture of books —stel as the scarcity of paper, printing facile, &e., will be the more readily metand overcome, and capital will be risked in the enterprise with far less fea of failure. AIL that js assurance of patriotic and. faithtal «apport on the partet those who are traiy pterest foam this shole subject, the teachers, ‘harente ane? cuardians of the south of our mal Cor thin’ and only other retson we tiee) bond to menton is a oral ote. If we bave forever cast off all poitieal asso atian with the peo: Ye whore Tow 1 re und b ood cue d vading our coufitry with remorseless ervelty, win ydenv tous the naht to govern Ourselves, to chet sloat defend our own institutions, aud: even te think for onrselves—aceording to con science and the word of God; then we submit it to the candid judgment of every lover of his country on this trying hour, whether it would not be degrading to us in the extreme to sutter | children to depend on them any longer the means of mental and moral culture | Would it not be, to say the least, highly ? \ wanted, is the | ‘ 1 Manafacturers uf Sadtery, Harness &c. and Manufacturers of Fire-arms for the (vovern- ment, who sall to it under contract, are deem- ed wholesale dealers uuder tke act, and liable to registry and tax as such. The income derivee trom the Manufactaring, business is also taxed by Section Sth, Tax Act. All persons eugaged in any of the above businesses in Rowan County N.C. are noti- fied to meet me at the Court House in Salis- bury op Saturday the 12th of September next and register and pay the tax to July Ist 1863 (3 Assessors will please attend as above. W. R. FRALEY, Confederate Tax Collector for Rowan County. 15 _ Aug. 29, 1863. a FARM WANTED. I DESIRE to buy a rich and hiehly ‘mprov- ed Wheat and Grass Farm, situatedin Western N_ C., containing from 400 to 700 acres of Jand. Any one who has such a farm which they would vell, will please write tome at Peters- burg, giving a true and aceuraty description o f their farm, its locaJity and the lowest price demanded for it. : . No one need put Rimeelf to the trouble to write unless his farm ts rich and and has fair building improvements on it. BL B. VAUGHAN, 5wl5 Peter ‘ Wo V.C. RAIL ROAD. SALISBURY, Aug THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Western N.C. R. Road Company will be held in Salisbury, on Friday, thee 11th day of September next. ‘The Annual meeting har- ing faved to organize on the Birth, for want of a majority of Stock. 215 A.M. POWELL, Prest. SALI SALT BUSHELS for Sale ranted equal to any made inthe Send productive, 2th 1263. 1 . . This Salt is wre SO In is very dry having been in an ware ne tor pine months apply to R.& A MURPHY. iz: Aug. 31, 1863 iy : WEL NEED i ke PURCHASE OR RENT. AN IM proved Lotin the West o Nar War Apply ar thos Mice Aug. 10th 1863 thle. rat ra’ \ ourselves or our inconsistent in us as a people, to use the | reprints of their pubheations who have, for I ETTER PAPER—A smallleter ti 4 Letter paper for sale ac the ; WATCHVAN OFFICE August 24, 1263 NSANE ASYLIM THE BOARD OF Dl RECTORS of this Tostitution wrsit! is othee of Matron, now now vicant er than unencumbert liemales need a) p For respecting the duties, & information, office, apply to Ure dersianed,. . ED- GC. FISHER: Physician and Supe Raleigh, July 30, 1863.—tt:13 S a a g EE 1 i . ear | THE TITHE LAW. Ja the Raleigh Standard of Friday last we | . we following Submission to Law.—We regret to ob- ve Usat -uime of due mechOgs held ing) the t tu the thing lay Poe. catch resistance Lhe ihe last Congress That thir law Isvial: Oppressive, and unjyus. Giese cat joublt. bulyaecording ly the sol th Constitauon, thes the law, snd to re>st ce is to cause strife and L.codsuecd Valo phes obedtence (oa. hi be property Teaisted Gy toree, so ther wod the end of soci fesist- would Ge abarchy Of the cesizuctiod of aw Sut tus tithing law, ity Ne at to be repealed. Let se Whe are Of 1to it reg MS repeal wean w le sub e tet as the law land. Let them man for Congress who will not we lila self to vote to repeal it Bat re- auce ty it OV foree, W epoatl Ww Oecd HAMIL tole ear GINONG OUrsciVes vur Conservative [reds tv act woderanon. They lave , the State—the power of over- nbers—and they gan, therefore, ww Aa - calm and firm. Let them sustain 4 ae vted authorities in all just efforts to yromote the common cause, and avoid every ticg which may teud to anarchy and blood- | sted \ We respecttully submit to the Standard coat the proposed resistance to Us law ts the result of its ven teachings. azo the Standard plainly told President Da- t unless Bradtord were removed trom Not two months | Wis Uf Gerd net be collected in North Carolina, [ts rea- dors of course undgsstood the Standard to an that i would not be and ought not to We quote trou memory, and unk It otherwise, we will be happy to sav so on intormauon. We are gtid to see vn the Standard even so much of ar swacuen aithe above True, the injunction ty respect e law is coupled with a denupoiauon ct it a: “unusual, oppressive and unust,” aud we fear that many of the less theughttul of its readers will look more to @hé denune: than lo the injunction 5 ivr can they, or auy ndeed, see any difference (so far as obe- ence to law i3 concerned) between a relu- sal to pay tue tax to Maj. Bradford and a re- tusal to pay it t0 Maj. anybody else? But is the law nusual, oppressive and me rea Oty We propose 0 discuss Wial yues- cco with the Standap Unusual. in the present day, we aciait it De paid. correctly. oe 80. a-- oppressive. and ne farther. Unari. we Get’ Uhat it is, and have no tear but tuat the power of overwhel:uing numbers —il it be as the Standard claims—wiil be changed tu tau other side by a plain statemert uf the acts We are not aware that the Standard i 4s stated any grounds oa which it contends shat the law ts oppressive and unjgst Sv that st WOTK is, DOL tO Compal any arguments azanst the law, but to show its equal.ty, as compared with other taxes. Bat first a word as to the origin of th ta of taxanon. That which is now denounc- ei by oue ui the Stapdard’s favorite candi- ates for Cunyress as an “ odious Jew law,” & . bY tne Stanéard itseif as + Is Sut Ube sate SSy3- oppressive and { tax asx the ot wnich we read. either on ¢ protane nistery—the tax laid by God higi- >if upon the de Its true that betore that, had given Melcinzidex, King of 3 een, & Utbe of the spons he had taken in us rst one add sacred Sa- 4oraham t cut that was a voluntary offer h cow of the mast high Gud. aX, a~ we bave said, Was a tax in kind of a + we :tentu) of all the produce uf the iands, of we trees, and of the tlucks See Leviucus. 27*u Chapter, May it not be on: the causes of the ternble vengeance now ‘eted upou Cus land, that we have not on- i tromn the ori a t accustomed oursadves to speak of “mm WIth irreverance, as udiows aud unjust? 2ULG Verse leparter nal ordluauces ther interests or pursuits. iow tiat 13, (and we reler our rea- derstiu tte lawil ed on the 4.0 pa p22 Tel jor Some Siu. Which we have publish- f the Senu- Weekly Ob- S past.) Tne trthe baw does not reach the pour nan Ever o- woman at all. y oue 18 eautled fest reserve for bis or her own use SU vusiels weet potatoes, 50 bushels ot Insh pota- e- otai 1) bushels of OA) bushels corn (ur of wheat.) also 20) bushels of peas or beans. Here is, at present market rates, ueariy a yiousand Collars worth uf produce of the taru no tax whatever is levied. 't ‘than many poor families wane, wo bread a good sized family; and for meats, the tax is one-tenth of ail the 20D ‘ or nuy 1 facun € ’ peck, awieeas 100 tbs. of pork-will inake uearly 70 Ibs. of bacon besides the parts not cured inte bacon. So that out of every LOO wme 15 or 2Q lbs. are untaxed uthe tax 14 vot laid—it 1 per value. vst trom this statement, (for the y of wich see the law itself. that the wt reach the poyrer cuss f cent ony the accura tape Law dev ‘semere: Ulougn from the mages: in wink toe matter is Landed by some, Zo might be eu) posed that :l was wo protect this class trom pressiog abd .ujustice that tbe lu nounced and its repeal demanded. The law upol is dee erates of the larger farmers, who want other way by the law that i, ne th- er their lands por thes peygroes, nue their in- oie fi he sale of the surp'us produc uot. of ther fecmns, are lamed. itis Uthe tar erpefore Cle only way in wt riners are called upon to CUuu bate to of the government au miv way wm whch their ui Lisesse: Welle ode the support tue war, lands wwe negre can te taxed, Tbe oonstituroo whids th: tax.og of lands and pegroes ull a ~emeus 18 Uns! avensus cannot be taken cu- eng the war Cais quently, but for this tithe law, land and negroes, the great wealth )f tbe South, would escape taxauen at 4... Is hus the object of the Standard? We cannot dieve it, however mach “ may be the ob- ° H gov eran ¢ of Chiet-Tithingmas the tax could | Oppressive, too, su far as ai taxes 5 een * the law. Is it contended that the amount of the tax | is unjust by comparisou wth the taxes apo other property and business % Hardly. Let our readers examine tie law and see bow heavily every other business, and all desc: ip- tions ot property are taxed, awd we think they wil come to the sue concussion With Solves that the Gite tax on farmers ts less ours LadXes OU propecty, And be it obser luau the average ¢ et prod ed, Gaal Chese stmall lar iiel vis and eens sare (he vly chips eacepl altos tanratiga te. CNT plo fous salaries Under Love Jats and iucules Gude Too dolars. Everytaue cise, every body ase The tthe tax ts syldier in the are my, because Hl does tol Tan lis land whica is Iyiug idic at home, Gul chevy taxes the surplus produchuns uf these al tome. Ttis: just tu j toa also, because co will furuish a certain and itis hyped adequate suop.y Of lyued tor bis Sup} Oo the arn y timeawd ol the liade- quate Pa0ons be has heretoloce been olteu vblized to tto. And only think of it e raising &@ Clalhor ayailist le provide food tor the suldiers in the army ! | Thoeiaw is a Wise aud a Just One toc the peop. at home a law winch is ebacted expressly ed ty putan cud to speculaugn iby provisiot tis Well kuown (oat wen have accumulated princely fortunes by yulng over Uae cvuntry and buy: jp aia WwW teh tiev kbew tae t pelied to have, and alte: Qopely toahing the yovernment This wail now be stop- Ue pro urrency and ol pur C Wass COU gelung a pay ener nou ped, wad souy gressive (lb a Weasul ces, aud U te wd tue give wav to, to board ut eS Ise ject of some interested versons who are en- | i? deavoring to exeite public prejudice against | MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 7, 1863. publish marriages ot to come out and define his; tinguished and true fellow citizen done, or failed to do, le @ that he should have suspicwu thrown on bim ? not whenever duty ealled him to act, showo himeelf true ‘ to North Carolina and the South ? ed* Must he, as was said of Geo. Scott in the beginaing of the war, be subjected ¢ oath of allegiance eve Jay? Must he degrade bim- self by answering aad arguing with those whe insalt him with impded, aod Openly cxpressed, dou bis of his devo- | people to be loyal, patciotic and honest, and if : tien? faith that is infhim, (because he oever settles down on a question without Argt thoroughly examining it,) scora- now assafls him with growadiess slanderous saspicivos, | reason also, thal itis partol a systeg iutedu- | yYatiou Waieh su iauy othe | Uneir supposes under the eretotore owt Gat eX pectat rise im prices, Neither the speculate: vor the producer will pereatter be sure a geeat Customer Whoo wia be com- pelled uy Laein at any price, buWever ex: (ravacin: The governinent wii be saved by this jaw, from: the geceess:ty of Issa ft obe wo hundred niMons more of treasury totes. Those unles, cou spou af alread) red Gaul currensy, woula necessarily sul furtue: th heavie: tepreciale Conlederate money, ¢ to vresent ev debt upon posterity. lois We iutet- s add ls and entail a stu estol every tua ly Beep Gown that Geut ana pn. dhere- ry tiag to suslap ty puta stop ty turthera ist Ube interest of eve this uthe uuequal or unjust. E Wr’ TER reuuainiog nipe- gun than the est of the pfoducer, Whore tend wae ther depreciate tbe currency in whiel t be Liveessary if ot prov swas, After he Standard will, ws will be Wort inere to further 2 would bu Issues. should fur- » he is patd. ang those issues the Gevermm paud all, conceding. as Goubt'ex that the e K pe use of cat ry be paid, and that a por ya ativast on It Gught ;to be paid by taxat we would like tu know what advaniage lee farurers w lu inuney Che valu rive from payiby produce which they are required by othe WW Lo pay 2 Since in Propertion ot the gene.a vw! IL seems to us suleuiV U at, that 1c Wwe th pt (4 e5) . prouuce cuniay of pwerut tue voverniment tu sed Is Netteous W the Standard, with si of the Whole State, voted at May, 1s61.— fuyets vile us un the 2ucu Observer FROM EAST TENNESSEE. We have notleng additional from Chat- a. The train that left there yester ip the evening, did tanoo vo thue hieres day mornin not arrive Until momming, aod the train due On Ti side" Was fore Uiat it Was cleeitied pradent tu Mla The report ursday, it became known that Burn advabouy on the city i sueb some eempavals of stores, cte Was tuat bis advance was only engbs abiles ofthc bd toward Daiton, distant. Via ten Shap ay ! post closed artd Tinan has { | | | law, Wule) We have show ls uul | Slt the ioter- | : . ee CT Ler and obedient te the commands of bis: ) on Ube War tust! thing else bas gone fron 600 to 1,000 pry j Let him alone, and im due time he will prove the absurd- , | Will the Editowalow us to reply that thi: , is decidedly un-Penningioniar, It smacks of ' partyism, a hideous monster the Progress has spent his editorial strength in denouncing. Who are the “ friends” we have abandoned ? SALISBURY, N. C.: _—- - -- and the “faction” we have joined ? ets, unless accompa | paruzan ; and, it would seem, considered us as We have abandoned ‘no true friends of the Country, and will join nicd by w responsible s.yne. delonging to his party. . 2 BAD.—What means the calls made on Gov. Graham sition? What has that dis - no enemy to vur cause, We make one uicve extract ftom the /’ro Has he gress, as follows What more is want- the odious part of taking the want to ho! i war or | e,c@meetings we say,im the nam. God, as the pphave the constitutional! right, let them dow The people are sovercign ; they wake governments, laws and appoint rulers, aod they have a right to changer, modify ami rerucve (em at pleasure, Wm. A QGrakam is 4 man who woul! die for the sg, in the hour of egtre any, any personal degradation. “Thisis a free e ar nonle have vty of that malice, or needless fear, as it may be, which | Thi a Irce cerntry 3 a the ane ie bave a right :o do as they please, is a popular sen- ' . _ foe j timent which demagoyues very often use, ao We have jest Been a letter from a) acd the foregorny extract 1s only avery slight private member of Company K, 4th N.C.) moditicauion of it, We advise our readers al- in wliearde lays it pa nzht acd left on) ways to suspect the man why tloarishes this \ ir tages. It leads inevitably to those who desert their alors. ile says— speech in th r mee licsecty im anit “The men should watch for them every the grosses Hiceutwustiess, aad uproots laws chance they have, acd @ weed be shoot them.” This sense of the word talk, and it is an bovor and governments It is) vething more por less than the law of force. Tt is) the very principle which led to the destruction of the is the way solders in the true td Union, and brought on the present term- . bh war. The elack republicans having come to the weiter. He pa member of the: % ' ; — 7 3 into power, opeay declared: what diey bad * Rowan Rifle Guards,” that every wan, : ee . a ‘ ten thousand Gases threatencd, te wits ther woman aod child is Rowan may well be ) determined purpese of iberatd roud of —1t has been io almost every bat } the South. Slavery was guaranteed by Con- t ein Nordbern Virginia, and we have pot) sutatien and laws, so that >was up to this momens heard that a stog!e indirect vi gut they had » resolved to use it The deserted. Let all our Rowan che power, and e bovs imitate the noble axample. aght of the people to make and change gov- cae ernments and laws and appeint rulers, was Ie Killed in Batty Wayner a few days ago, Gitwert Iver Wyatt, a mete °°" spoke ot just what they claimed. Thew turned a deni to the minonty of the Saath when they iar of Company Ky Capt. Reanerly, 8th | N.C. TT. He was said to be a guod Sol- their own way the mehtor the people to have theft —that ta, the Otieers. Yow? tin the eve by A : hee He aa stot the eye ya stitunon and laws, desiyned asa restraint, veos minnie ball He did bravely defending ot po effect, and so, warestriamed, the people hy Nat've soll avainst the iavasion of the) plan Northern barbarian. ed into this war t tad where there is no restruin! cw = -o- to property, chastity, or ide itself, where It will be seeu om reference to adver~( there is no government reatruuied or t will just as surely dest Useinent tue Gas Company have advanced each other as the san shincx Talk of toerr &ec., as you Lyee if not restrowmed by laws and the price of Gas; yebitis not advanced honesty much as patniotism,, ih proportion to ober articles, The price n is itereased but 400 pe cent. while every! “a correct popadar sent su-ely run inte the grossest ousness. It fieer all material usel in the manu- cent. and ; ; 3 bev ase INAD 18 @ Seisa. endo creature and facture ot Gas has sone up over BU0 per rerasthe snacks to flv uy poome toe Cent. and itis to restrain ome ~ : 1 that laws and goveroment® were inst “To will be seen that cur roops, who have borne the heat and burden o! ine sruggle for indepen- have po sympathy with the movement in portions of the Sta‘r,inst.gated by the Stan- dard aud Progress, at Raleigh, beheving that its tendency will protract the war, increase there hardships, and dunioish the chances for Restraint, therefore, when designed for the pebtie : good, is legitimate, And if we weed the word at alin Gence. | our brief cunversation with the editor of the Progress, it was in the sense of moral restraint. We have just of- ganieeda new Government { which mach of th for the firm establishmens best bieaad in the South hag teen bed , and in the midst of t} struggle a part of the pec © a » Mies 7 i ; ah houvrable peace Salsbury Watchman. i pie propose to surrender to the rnemy—re back inte the \ Were lacvesd andthe Express Cotnpany ty Wed its cat fice Fastward. \ tht was expected withe | out much delav, We can learn nothin r g of the probable force of Che enemy, oF by which route bis alvanee was made. To meet the tovenments of the Federals aware vow on, and we earnestly lope: they will we are some Movement& ase not be called upon to record the anhounce | Metit—Llov iates the are just !--Adanss Appeal. | The Fighting Strength —Mr. De Bow, Editor ot Ja Bou's Review, has if the Confederacy i bier Voeht ' nated at 60 Ibs. of bacou ty U0 los. th pushed expeditiousiy su that wo ahiall Mouotain fastuesses | breaking in epoo the usual rmonotony of their | camps and svrring them ap to hold meetings | ) ’ and a Convention to den ovance it reel! ait union—like the chikiren The Watchmen dors ur gross injustice. wee rificiog, Volantartly, has picked up the prejuiices of a few gold-iaced blackguards against us and assaile as without the slightest provocacon. We have written more, talked mare aoJ worked more to put nen io the field than tne editor of the Watch- , | have a common destiny with them” man ever has, and w- kiow we have made a eacrii forthele P io right to counsel a return to the old anion, others e use — | bore Gacrinees Shem rogre certainly have an equairight t. show thal that will be de- every hop@wot the present and the future feof a but shall they be caccuragrd do pursue a course whech will bring spon us all a greater evil, or shall they be re They are tire war as all of us are strained by the opposing voice and counsel! of those who And it was to harmon meeting in Salisbury was Under ordinary umstances it would . structive te our every interest fee t re@ that the conce@ us much t e accused by the Pro- | (= ih sltersove at © < helt. We oaght to he as one man, otherwise interns T | strife may epring upin car mide, and our destruction made sure beyond the hope % nedy. _-> yres, of any other journal, of doing a Hroth ntitor “gross ingust «or cf slandered tum But this 1s no ordinary case, Our sserben | Advices from Knoxville to the 2d, so . Iroere or. | force in Bast Tenocsece is variously rep Une ac no the OZTESS CUM- | count says that but by came to Wartsburg, 9 any pat ticular wu d! Hoeaie across ihe mougtaine on tbe advance of } Another, thatthe Yankees are stronger, and have aot by either of the pa- | fallen back. Private telegrams from Chatta rouge to-day | sav the enemy ie fi pers natned > but to tue tendency and natural | in the extract on) Ww ments, do73 not reier tt or act published or u z pg the town Atcasva, Sept. 2 in North Georgia yesterday, Precauthenary measures were taken in the city, and to-day the aspect of affairs is more calm.. Wo information of the approach of the | enemy ie received. A force of cavalry ie repotted at has elicited wide- | Trenton, Ga. Advice the lat are re There are no Yankees there. The city is quiet and business going yn as aeual, Mt last accouats Burn- side wae sti ®west of the mountain, At Chattanooga | yesterday, the Yankee sharpshooters inthe rife pite were trying to pick out stragglers, No operatioma of the , | enemy touk place ip front. Partice of cavebry are still cited aud alarmed our truops in the field, | reported to the direetion of Oridgeport | A epecial to the Appeal, dated Cantos, Mth, says effect of their course, :unmiog through weeks | and uooths—a course, and the spint of that course, Which spread attenOby and produced a deep feeling of ugeasiness ‘rvm one end of the Con- federacy to the othee ;--@ course which ex- North. Three army cerperemain at Vicksburg. In the recent engagement on White river, Price captured four We there | failed completely. fore, do not feel called upon to show words | io command. wtions in vindication of oUF OPIN | IMPORTANT FROM THE ENEMY, lon that the Standard and gpgress havadone | Price succeeded lloimes, deceased, Vict B00 Gene luch ini-chvef Their course has been in the | letters to friends at home, dated as late asthe 29th inet ‘ , | Doated ashore on Sullivan's [sland beach Sanday, and is pelit« san and we bave gained our ifu- | now in possession of our milnary officials at headquar- reas 7 ' beliet g the have | tere by letters from Capt. Whiting to his wife, wna let- Cssiol abd come to out bener as OMNES HAVE | Leg of other ufficers, we are informed that the Yankees tnade a caleniaton be tahting popaauon efor countey., Ele aaa very tan dedue- | fy “* n ' ff of the co =IC 4 } | Moissoun and shart oil | ( ‘ Louis aga g anid 4 Hee thes s~ that oar caale mulation. betwee the ages of TR and 45 | | ! the Contederaay eae | . Pey | tue eaitor has abou PLAS) Dean fourth Tor ox iar} fa Aaa u 4 we 1 Wave sib diy) ve W ¢ VG d iV men 1 bat the tat ‘ xt nhas cone far to recace them. During ult © years of hustlities vot less than 120, O00 tieles have passed trons uncer to over 1M years of age Mr Det) these figures, that “ip po estimates, from vent duong a loug war can the Confederate strength be reduced under 700,000 men if the peuple are in earn- ext This ie an army ar | sible necessities © loc all Our pos- | State Government of Missumyji.— We learn that the officers of the State of Mississippi | have determined to remove the government | of the State t) Macon Noxubee Co., Miss, j have eniertained the ides of breaking up car harbor ob- structions Dy Hight operations, aod actually made the attempt last Wednesday neght, with theif monitors and gun-boate, of which the Otawsa was one The programme, as we learn, wae for the lronsices te engage Fort Moultrie while the mooitors run by. Bo- lent squalls of wind and rain are given as the reasce for turning back before reaching the obsteuctions, of which | our Yankee neighbors hare apparently sach a wholesome dove—by readin these papers, the spirit of Which, more Usan any tiny ise, excite the apprehe nsion of opposition to the cause of It is true, no doubt, that | “written more, talked tore jand worked trere to put mien an phe field | dread and high estimate The iecttars state the atteraps was to be revewed om the night of the 29th instant, Gaturday.) Ae it did not take } . . , ; ; te ep | Place, itis presumed that heavy weather again inter pu’ Wat is nv evidence that he bas done more vened between the monitors and our obstructions, which yet stand intact. | We observe by the letters that the Captain of the OF sy, wordy and swaggering, qualities that are | tawa wae sick on the 37th. Thie fact, howeven, did not ° “bad prevent him from writing howe model lellere for hue not pe nerally very highly coinmended by any | banda, in his lovg and minute deseription of Mie daily life and e how of his ardent con- respectable whiter that we ca@ think of at pre- | ecu mmrcuce’ ns "the eapramine obs arven’ con rom these effesions we.dearn, 08+ anticipated, that very mauy of the officessin the fleet are breakiog down and being sent home eootinually from the inees- sant wear and tear of them in this hot climate.” than the editor of the Waterman ever has He has always been fus- good or less harm. sent But says the Progress—" Will the ed- itor excuse us for telling him tbat he has a feats dipole ‘ ee . Te appears, too, io attempt jestroy our obstrue- abandoned bis friends and joined a tact@” | tions, the monitor Passise got , and came poar that have done and are doing tnore to keep | being abaadoned by her crew. up digsensions in this State than any body | The Ottawa hae thrown 80,000 of shot ena TCHMAN, else.,” die. ’ | aad wpparentiy 11,008 pounds of powtar, A neepennt There- 4 te We again give notce that we donot by hangs a tail, The Progress has turned a! w the slaves of | the anjory they woelJ snstain, and Went on Weta (rer preparabio ds (or enforcing There Snogovernment bo secunty The people must be | vent, they will moss! of beemal atthe Red sea— | Uf any have the There are rumors of a Yankee raid | The whole of Barnside's corps hae certainly gone | | Yankee regiments. Grant's expeditition to cut of Price | A Jettor bag of the United States gunboat Otlawa, witts | important d ats w< of Pocket ey CLE eee | Extract from a letter, dated Camp near , Orange C. H., Va, August 19, 1863, to G | A. Heilig, from Otho Holshouser, of the Row- an Ritle Guards. “ Gporge:—We hear that you have Union meeungs in Norta Carolina, Is it 80? Ty | hope the people «& home are not in favor of, reconstruction, that will never do. Georze Tam just as tired of the war as any one, but T say let us fizlit rather than yo back in the old Union, Tsay never submit to Lineota— Uwould ten tines rather be a negro at once “7 suppose you are sware thot | was wounded at Gettysbua, Pa. but my wound is nearly well, and Tam again with my Re- gunen(.” , From the 4th North Carolina. Bring go Salisbury lase Saturday, the Bditor of the Wultchman said to ua, in the presence of another gentle man, that he wanted to readraén the peaple. Lt was not so much what the Slandard aud Progress had sai.i, but they—rpeaking of the meeting held that day— wanted to restrain the people. The Wafchsnan fs afraid of the people and hence wants them silenced. We believe the Camp sean Onanur C,H, Vay} August 2%, 18638, 4 Negligent Commissaries make sulitvers steai— Our fare, Who ws respousible— Pust Day und tts vbservance— Religious exercises, — All goes op smvothly and quietly with us. The only complaint J hear, 13 concerning the quality of our rations, Nothing but cern tmieal and beet, witha little bacon onee in israther hard diet dan the dog It unght: be better, and could be, 4f we had a brigade commissary worth his room jiu purgatory, but as itis, he is too bopeless- Vly lazy tu make an effort to procure the arti- | cles prescribed by onder Ne which says HOrigade commitveanes are authorized to pur- awhile, days. clause green corn, potatoes, Ae. trom the far- thborhood, We. —or Now, Du which les near us, has been feast ers in the ne thong to that amount some- s brigade, gon there ' 1 energetic cututinissary, WR We have been endeavor- tag tu keep a protracted fast on this loath- { be Gras ross thos na Fe things tor a week, procured by ; sane cornbread Ast eXpected, the result yavetment is stealing Searce Oday Of a tit puesses but tables are The wen erv where, and some are roastiny-ears and veg clandestine- lv brought inte camp rrutpble ev- 4 told as io threat- Jen desertion asa last food ap- » suet, food could SUC OTC USSAry ought less of bis cwa case and mote of Ube Phe officer yyistoo the troops, propriate to the season, whet be bad in abondance vuitoct of the sbose Dusiness HOES tee pre Bs ooDe of the test giukous and osponsible positions ip (he arty thousands of nea feel and bit- the lenst ot bos part, er such De y curse VO Van sew rretiisas sf Juauiies ota his table aud turn \ wuh Gisvust lo our oWO Mpeagte dir yel we bewther belpless | we credit, and af oge our ei accomtuudating and Gur appetites incunt: ola- ie The sentineis eluded which, by the way NOt require much tTmooey nor snees bevone blockade is rot wink att, ¢ keep both eyes shut.) age! thas a change ot det Qods tus way icto carap. Place the dis- vrace, OF SIN, Whatever Hobe Where it pro- erly telongs—we are gui fess A new hand shrewdtess—they genesally al the wWheet for the last twee Weeks fas, pron baiely Deve. bye Cue at aif tiene chet: — Vwe look for getter things sooee Masor Miller has ones nore reauneu the dos harge of hue tetday Was lastuay the <ervance of , Was aut St a Lewessiby Witla bs Pte { camp Was Protoundly quel, as fucd SO a so} the af- datyv was sospended, ar aov Sar yi have eve Wise tmy. All dabor ane! rom congiegauons ww vine service, We incor brygade, Mr. Beas Powera of tne 4th. bod: lelrivered very toe men assembled tetpe hear and * ave twe we m BOUL IN Toe ‘ Approyy ate and foredoon aod in toe ese Sap datniyrnt (ie {tue ay Were Cunt ad- soem eTetaohieos ¢ haa! t a WO Ludbets gute ! { ’ Jed with Use boly so ! upwards of | never wWwa scene of Ue aind J dup pressing, and bombiy trast t { inay be tbe | country was brougit vis dly 1 reranlt The oo rf the hearers, and serch Ing: Drab tears Were seen chosing each Jew: not a lew saubrowned cheeks Oo and » waste ng fart BR Uriah aod sr | tnack Che coager trod ven node deots baaek rows nce ston ba tt 1 Sprots Where with. their thousane pleasant ae Vianaly crvules are broken sctoe of Che one ; Cased Lappy teeters be unburwd atorcoign laAnG, or tll bDloudy graves io our own, and Cie vee {ev atmeospbens im burthened wth the walls and prayers of discus aohater Wosbe feel Rock were amie of Ue sand or- poaned children appeals tnade to the hearke o who would not be atteutand 2 SGi scarce a ray of Lope sheds ite live Upon us revetTs. —cabednity ale aller reverse: allesds Oud os tis, | ter calamity belalls oor naten—ail, (ue just chasueerments of a nyliteous Grod for our tas Voonalsins, OF when whhicbe sud enouyt | Peace !—and the same voter, tat stilled the ocean’« storm, willere hong, sll the tumult to our own ubhappy land, Let us par tently bide our time, and do our daty faite . evil way, and Ugly j fully. Let us renounee every Sneerely follow the dictates 6l a pure cole : what will, whether be aseared that in the Nas lacierce , then det come j saccess of tuiatortane end all will se tor good For the Watchman, Cour orth N, © T:, Near Orange C,H August 22, [S65 ! The taellow days of auton are al hand Nature's verdue is already tadin, and the coul dews of moonlight evenings refresh us as we lay aside the cares and duties of camp to sing the songs we ve sung belore when other fiends were ‘round us Wenre evjoy ing artay lite as well as we ever did, Step in and see ns, you will find us merry, cheer ful, full of fun, and though not eager for s fight, yet fully recovered from the weannet and disbeartening effects of the Pennsylvan™ campaign. Of that trip, I shall not ddl present, the events have been described el other hands and heroes have been chronicled by other pens. Yestet uley met served, a than Sat the servi dress-pa had neit! the day that set I have torial w ritand f have mec the who von arti of a tool sce 80 und eve’ [nstead ause, u fortune. Vicksbu earth—, west co Veeksbi there Ww wet, Well UNEXpe omen right ye SION, « the Yau sault, d A tev Weill, (: Vieksbi as has | acl ot Aga ( ande \urowrt probab heir te teu 10 ry Is ssiand, up. — tor Unb ence: peo yee oe Uie rae cul ondut COU Grathet voluut are tus ust th AK vo, tl NI 5 et the oes UNC Che Wi you x sanes’ clerks can s& too, f ibe had o “Bppo by a: nroll hear | delwe prupe ron Fre Th by th we ci wron their (rene tod. teers rine hance bear s00N (5 aor Har pres T plies will meu whit disp { cet, lage thes trot to t AC Ss vale = IRS c. 6 slain” j anal a ean rep y } yreg.* ae ye igen iy enema . — — Pa ‘ip ff and saw some service sol-' County, on N ny a shell, Yesterday was our N tionsh Fast: Day =} 4 ndés Geo. Wm. Walker duri pea be GAKET LANGLE, wite A lO. ALE ye may mention that it was sorupulously oh | eee iia Central Agjonon. At the put Seety beara Soe tel Aya 7 te ig . commence- n na ema i i a pecined more, lice the Sabbath | poigh i Ceatral Atmerca At the pommenoe-| grey We teare, ei BY ViLKES MORKIS, Auct’r. TO CONSCRIPTS an Sabbath bas done since I have been in | ment lites; be was residing ay yeors, and by examplery had endeared herself ; ‘ AD MELT TT '‘RICERS | Ce than Sat a inspection and | towa of Asheville, N.C., pursuing his occu- | to all who knew her. . ‘ Auction Sale of Imported Good ° EEE eT near the service, We always have z rday. we | pation of carpenter, and joining the company | | In this Nore Py! Typhoid fever, on the ist instant, | DUC Mg per ov THE to G dress-parade on Buuday, but yesterday. hich 1 had the honor to raise, he was made | Mise MARGARET ©. ¥ vin the 20th year of her | Ex Steamship Gen’ Beuregard, Arabia ond | : d neither, Whether it is better to observe © whic ’ | age. The deceased was amiable in disposition, and Sth Congressional District ! Row- ear ; ‘-tby mau id preference to orderly sergeant, and by good conduct and | esteemed by all who knew her, | Flora. ba Tadh Pet, Y . the day set ee ls ate hard fighting won his way to first heutenant. | Sareea Vee ON WEDNESDAY, Sept. 9th, 1863, com- . ie that set apar” Dy “0 vd e Ae 17th, its ed- Though without kindred in this, bis adop- | N | mencing at 9 o'clock, A. M., I will sell at my N obedience to General Order, No. 14, ard Union Pere ee fae api i io the right spi- | ted State, I assure you she will be proud to Notice. | Sales Krooms, No. 2, Granite Row, Wilming- | General Order, No. 15, iesued by Col Peter 4 e : ‘elve : . : ze of . yw . . « ’ . J Ido torial nye ge i shen, Oh! that we could | see him placed on the long list of her heroic | CONSCRIPT OFFICE, ) toa, N. C, the entire cargoes of Steamships Mallett, paraaiaeey Conseripts for North w ofa ncand frankly spoken. hroughout | dead, and all will welcowe his memory among | Camr Homes, Aug. 27th, 1863, § General Beauregard, Arabian and Flora, to- | Carolina, Colonels of Militia will, on the 20th “Ore ave more like it from the press Varoug? OUT) ‘icir braveal song and mourn pith we 0 noble ai = gether with xuudry consignments Ex Mary | of August 1863, enroll all persong tiable to con- , but the whole land, instead” ot so many" situa- hee lata Par defence THOSE persons enrolled or liable to eurol- | Aun and Margaret and Jessie, Making alto | scription under the recent Proclamation of the n the tion articles,’ most of which are the works | brother . ) net : r + b e@ ment who can furnish horse» will, for the gether the most important sale ever beld im tha| President of the Cenfederate States, und all oln— ita toolish imagivation. Lt is ridiculous to I wu sir, very respectiully yours, Vice present, be accepted with their horses, aud | Confederacy, viz: persons s0 enrolled, will report themselves Lo 4 once — so much sifu and twisting, wrangling, Z. B. Vanck, | teceive cavalry pay, to be temporarily employ- |g pales printed Saxenies the enrolling officer und Medical Board, at the 4 ee Woven ee oe in our Kditorial corps. | | ed. 48 mounted men while the uecesety con-| 4 pales while Sa uviex, following times and places, to wit: road i : | of k epiug tine to the music of the yoR THE WATCHMAN. | tinues, remaining for the time ou duty in this | § bules Oxford Cloths , Cleaveland County—S1a Regiment, Colone! Re He ; t t ce step at each change of | , ee State, for purposes of guard and patrol. It is | 15 cases Madde: Prinis Logan, Tuesday the 25th, and Wednesday the Y los ause, they chaige slep % FOr eee nce) ME; DOB) AY (BOUS O ue | dexired that they report with their horses with- : : 26th of August. 90th Regiment, Colouel Elli- ; . For instance. three months ago | ort UID | 11 cases Mourning do., . ao ortuue. ‘ Ihe | Taney # ObIoUs ComBR! AW, out delay at this Camp or Catp Vance, near | 3¢ ¢ Felt V ree otte, Thursday 27th, and Friday the 2dth of Vicksburg was culled the strong hold of the oikce | : cases Felt Wool und Casimere Hats cksbury Wd ule ble—all our Soutb- Now, really, friend, are those your sentiments ? \ Morganton, ws may be most Convenient. 6 cases Dark Delaines ’ August. ha. eurth—pertectly eal ¢ ae the deintise Fe Laas staat eee seam cae eel ae 11. Citizens who desire to ated the sate- | 4 cases Black Lustre ‘7 dapeaie SOON veda ndeltiueg coone west country depended upc hile | “7—* law to which so many ‘housands of your brave | iy and interests of the army by discouraging |) cage Drab ‘ Ramseur, Monday 3Ist August and Tnesday 4 Veeksburg, and it was to detended wht a“ countrymen have yielded a cheerful obedience—a law | desertion, or who desire to Bave their neigh- | | cage Black Alpucca let September. alle there was atnan in the diteh to fire &@ MUS") Ciich has certainly thus far saved the country from & | borhoods from the inevitable Mmischiefs of ma- Ary & i ater am Gaston County—87th Regiment, Col. Hand, » Ss ket. No danger, therejore, in that quarter. | gisgraceful subjugation? Do you indeed covet | ravding, terror and insecurity tha: must grow, 2 causes Black and WE é Plad Thursday 3d, and Friday 4th of September. leal— Well, a short Ume passed. The city WS | such a death as will load your memory with in-out of the presence of lawless deseriers and | 5 ry aud Se ee et Mecklenburg County—85ith Regiment, Col: t Lay unexpectedly beleaguered and surrendered— | delible disgrace and give vecasion to every one who pass | gkuikers, can be made useful bv tendering their | 3 Giceg Frescl Eine. (vars yee Maxwell, Monday the 7th ead ‘Tuesday th® = ommmunication cat oft, Never mind its all | es your last resting place to say—" There lies a traitor | aid to the enrolling officers, ‘They can render) | Quy, Black Frilled Shae. costs) Sth of September. 86th Regiment, Colonel ith us rieht yet—the garrison has six mouths pro- | in @ brattor's dishonored grave?” Can you find it | service us guides and in swelling the numbers A ay Bae eu Nall Brown, Wednesday 9th and Tharsday 10th ne the vision Johnston will flo Grant in. the rear, | your heart to be willing to die such a death, that your | Gf jairols sent oul by authority. A few days| 7) cay. Gescad Cinchama September. “cern the Yankees are getup > worsted 1a each as- | cldren, and children’s children, in distaut generations, | absence, at most, ouly would be required of | 9 cases Wave Fidea ghams, Cabarrus County—84th Regiment, Colonel Met itil by Wi da of disease, &c. shall blush at the bare mention of your name, and curse | them—There is no provisian Of law under! 9 Cises Prnted a Burnhart, Friday 1ithand Saturday 12th Sep- ee In sault, dying | ry t Soe Viekender isgone ! the hour in which you blighted all their prospects of re- | Which pay can be given them, but ail their ex- 3 cues M re ee tember e dog ras on) uae ane he ri : i rr vl : it, but spectAbility and honor among the men of their day ? “| peuses of subsistence, lodging and forage will @ cases Pina oi one, Union Couhty—82d Regiment, Col. McCain, | be, xf Well, (say Che pep is) ” : es oe eae |, | $0 'tis a pity, "tis a wondrous pity. _ | be paid, and a liberal hire sduwed for the use icesetKicn: J assimeres, Monday 14th and ‘Tuesday 15th. 129th Regi- $ rooin Vicksburg was bot oF Such) Vast HNPOTTAUCE | Aine give me any other death than this. Let me die | uf their horses. “pends pe neers colors; ment, Colonel Mullis, Wednesday 16th and peless- as has been represented, Ut cuables U3 LO CON | ig ihe wild desert, where no eye but Gud's can see my | By order of 1 a ee raids, Thursday 17th September. we arti- act our lines, tinaliy, we shall be more ben- death-struggle ;—let me die in some low hove: of pores: Col. PETER MALLE1T, 1 eure Mone SH Rowan County—76th Regiment, Col. Brad- th says Sted than injured ey ee Ic ig ere ty, wheré untender and stranger hands alove me min- ; Comunandaut of Conseripts for No GC. ays Black Bye thuw, Satarday 19th and Monday 21st Sep- 1) pur Again: sixty days ago, Fort Sumter ¢ ister to wy dying wants; —let me die of wasting disease J. W. Maccert, Adjutant. Metuee Fiaibel as ’ ts | tember. 120th Regimem, Col. Locke, Tues- he far- canded the eutran © to Charleston, It was | ja the thronged hospital ;—let me die on the goary field Aug. 28 3t16 ® caree Neds ea Shirts, | day 22¢ aid Wednesda. 23d September. some- valuable —IAon clads and movitors were bu- | with arms in my bands ;—vet me die any where and ip sone 1 ean CaaS ic Ms, x ; Catawha County—89th Regiment, Colonel g vhere —they had Lecu tied and proved a | apy manver, buc let it be in obedience to the laws of my | Eyeeative Department North Carolina, ) ‘ ; : ; pvel Cotton, 200 yards, blaek ; Forney, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th Sep- culure. Now we leacu that the heavy metal | coantry and im bebalfof liberty and hamsnity and truth, Apsutant Generat’s Orrice. (EH. D.,) _— ar w ae ; Veaiher. * POW wailst Suniter is telling—that it will | Let me die a patriot's—uot @ felon's—pot a traitors | Raleigh, August 3161, 1863. ( le a ak ttons, 300 Gt. Gross, This Callincludes all who shalt have be- nrababl 5 by the board. ‘The papers change | death. And though humble be my sepulcher, let chil: | General Order, 3 bale Grey Hise see Glee, come 18 onor before the 20th of August, 1863, te rm ee wan a rs TUae is but a small | ¢7ea and acquaintance bless my memory, and mand ay No. d § 1 ee ee t pee Nha ei Fad apa ha their to gun, and Sumter 1s an a (danaore [era velg nad rrocdiyiencalthey, remember : e Satc aud Portmonies, er residents of any olber portion of the State teu io the det nees . agian ae their connection with the still sleeper in that humble pean ale ie penne aes 1 case Tooth Brushes and Purves, Br op anyistatel Or cluodiup ta be stciaen of Dent is Ny is lo be delended bil oy nd, island ov ioe * N. e/ 5 . ) a v a | a0 = : : . pe ~ nea 5 Ne va - Bry Gaciee Lee bene resting place. SOUTHRO uatheg oficér of cack Company of tie NOle 32 cases Cotton Cards, Nos. 88, 98 anc 10s, any foreign State or Power—all who received ses GUL sian t ) ) Det Vel - ~ = 4 i" | 1 cuses Euuclish Cardio s 4 exemptions as the owner or owners of (20) stite- apo) Thisas very good, bat T hope the Ed- ; tia, and Adjutant of the Regiment” from Home i es Bugis e Carding aud Filletts, twentv negroes, as so much of the Exemption leer: jor may ve there when the fighting com- Iw Mr. Cicexo Moore will leave Salis- Driers duty, ie hereby ree | 33 batce Sra Ininad aed Gunny Bagging pene Once 162 an telstes Gs ices oes threat- ences "street by St towill show bit | bury ot Phursday the 10th of September | By order of eG on FOOTE {120 evils Manilla Rope, . , hus been repealed by the act of May, 1863, to odlEo rie yeauty of that kind of warfare, aud he can | i / ean a Winrinia Per Ve ia t Ad} i General | . p which the attention of all desiring the exemp- ‘l could ee the thing Well doue—perhaps he will save | instant, for the Aroy L a © | Sepeniat el eR ti 1s , ee tached Letter aud Cap Paper, tion of overseers is culled. All persens dis- nisgary weeity. Such Editors know more of the | sous having boxes for their friends in the | TSP& Lo eee spay ee charged from the Army from any cause, or by - % Lu ce? , eer - . pe ' " 4 : +i sangre aaa é cases Ca encils, 9 th ity th ! t | q hee onuues ah Nee oy oo ral as ra | 4th, 5th, Gth, 7th, 34th, and 57th Regt. | E_LHd@PDa@s’ He | 3 cases Envelopes, feraive Cree cuca Rechte were othcer tot sahaer-in let, saV bring La aut, es . Se by 4 pai c rete them ont Give them a chance oe ments cau have them attended te. He ) 2 cases Playing Cards, granted by the Examining Board, and all per- hh "I ret belore ve vuscept them, They | t ~ those having boxes will pay a pore | ( N Monday ihe 3lst Aug., at the county A eases i eteotandurs Bloke) occ, sons permitted by the Enrolling Officer to re- a ins vet F ic bria i. 1 7 nay ee here's ropes oe z . I") I Salt room a black Worsted Shawl. The finder ee ous Berk ote Coe Parchment Paper, wain at home ut further notice ; persons ex- a or are rs ie o wo oh a ca . - ° | Geo of the expenses ta tint, wit do me « faver by returping it to this oftice 94 cases Gent s, Ladies’ and Children’s Boote: empted or detailed on any work for the State ‘ eel wa Rs oe ae }onot ten days | ; | A reward of five dollrrs will be paid. and Shore, of North Carolina, or any department thereof, Vall sew 2 uchinen: fas “dno en Gays | ud turn Wie : i : | Aug. 31, 1863. Qtpd:l $ j 4 bales Super Sole Leather. dence of exemption or detail. yet we both to fall England and France would re- presented to us a specimen of ber Sorgbo ——————— : =| wan eseeree This eall does not inclade persons exempted : yenize the Soto in dess Gian two moaths” |, ; , } ie - ieee “ae : : j \19 barrels Mackerel, . ; ; ai . _ el alee i ‘ ‘ ial man, why not | SYP which is really excellent, Itisas) SUBSTITUTE WANTED. 234 bays Prime Cottee ap nay, (aalese pica peeves ot ie anOtie For God's sae, d stchinan, : ‘ | ' ' isa ess y ordere 0. - = : SS = 3 sae , ) ’ sitr ola let then, fall? Well, tncousisteney as well) thick as boury, and equally as yuod, She | LIBERAL reward wil! be paid, for a sub- | oe ues offee, sons exempted by the Enrolling Officer, at or> Fea Avert, nr Nianticwe By. , i ° . Ss . 7 2 do. do. rown Sugar ‘ ; leve eluded us inconstancy. is a very brilliant jews I. By Uses no lime oreodaiu the manutactutes | LM stitute. He must be 45 vears of age and | 5U do. Crashed s gare since the last enrollment, (except overseers as Tey tie way, bow tinapy “extra duty” men have | | of good character. He can sélect his own eum- | ae ae & € a ugar, above mentioned,) nor persons detailed fora tat, or you gut wn the Quarter-tma-ter and Commus- ~ — | pany—apply at this office. n | 21 eee ongoe nen limited time through the Conseript Office, at ange of sanes’ department i Salisbury? Agents, | FROM CHALESTON. | Sept 2, 1863. th 6* \"9 sa ere Spenn Ou, Raleigh, provided the details are in full foree : : ; te? ay | . |——— ee cee a | + erusone Oil, and effect on the 20th of August, and the par the dis- clerks tellers auu ivalers T uuderstana yuu ; een ' how. D had | rm) ‘ ae : can spareatew. Tie Raul-coad empoovees UO e eee Re ateL cpariene ats hed) Ten Dollars Reward ! 2 cases Mustard Mise ore panes gy oe oe a t aia are suffi leitly numerously tocn- | Fecerved no dispatches from Gen. Beauregard is ° | business for which they were detailed. wh oa, ™ ae suf versely vat Isy loecn- x . —_— . 2 , % a é AS, pru- wnber the tran Well) the Roads are in | atl warleston, nor from Gen. Bragg in Tennes. | STOLEN from the subseriber oa Monday oat pees Be pak noe, i inf Once a aaa a ti i = ai det: — had order and the rollicg stock worse, and [| eee, which would tadicate that oper.dions were | the Bint of August last, an uld SareLe with a petra nae (¢ pole . the fail ci Pangan Sey ee \ r F an z . . j { xes Extract Logw: : ’ r Miller suppose the pouey is to sopply the deficiency | progressiog qaretly at these two points, towards | ead ire eres ios rehed ae Pate | 13 bbls Epsom Stee ane or alteration, on large size paper, only written 5 ‘ rivhe! > the . was br na wed wi a leather string. | 2 > ’ : ; , ot hus oy a surplus ob baci VIL aght. save (he witch the ever of the ( onfederacy are no earn- pou . er Haan with “« es halter at- 2 Dbd!s. Gtauber Salts, on ove sidé, with one column of names near the 7 :. Cot ible vo “y : ’ le 3 tei = y nroliing oTicer ald tac touble you can, b vee redirected: \ tached. I will give the above reward tor the {| Cask Jsefined Borax, left margin, the bal:nce of the page blank for . ‘ rear thal wore very centlemen living ; ibe i ft 5 cases d remarks. If the Colonels have any reason to ey ; S ; soe cn of It will swt, perhaps, be transgressing on ign- | above articies if delivered tome, 8 miles west (ECs v. v. : : « The wiween Yadkin and Catawba nvers, mea of Ar Saitbarny f let au ihe “Waichman?l bbis. do. de. suspect that there a‘e persons holding exemp- cl yo as pruperty aod sia tao, Who peter saw af | Peper beands to stave that ove of the great | i oe ury, ve te af ile ulc : I bbl. Glue, tions from the Enrolling Officer, or the Exam- the ar- ron mine in their Ute, bave yone up ty the; guns received at Charleston, has been mount: | - JOHN CREss. 2 casks Sugar Lead, ining Board, not entitled to them, obtained ie Rrench Broad lin Socks “lor ie war ed—no matter at what point—and i pow! Sept. 7, 1899. 3U:16 6 cases Chloroform, throagh ae or einer nila taal hed i , rotectcal | ‘ | 6s Cruci sons tly exempted, whos (li ions They expect their property to be protected | peady to speak io any uf the Monitors that come | ae — a casks Cruc tbles, sous ees e ary ; w aide re ity We by the army—al Course: we shall do the best Sh } : { SA LISBORY, BEPT 7, LkxéR 2 cases Maguuta ( rystals, coeees ras xist, ae Ae HANS violate _the con- , é Tore ae ae ies Mi (within speaking distance. Tt is calculated that | a a 2 cases Dover's Powders ditions of their exempiion by charging more ° tts 2 —I[-shiil not say vy i * the ; ae . . { , ats re be = eee vay - ial Y ; ; docoed ail | 00% shot, fair upon the turret, will settle the ; To Gas Consumers, ‘2 causes Caioine! and Jalap than 75 per cent.. by quitting or neglecung the bot ony way, Lull the larukees s { : : : a ? ; worth, Hac eecety aka thee tieat not blame os, heel Of sey Monitet (i: Commoders Dahigren's: sh ; — (case India Rhubarb, business or profession for which they were ex- al very SNEVES OPE ELY i ONey Ut yu tl “TH lect ereuthe lronad tse —Ric. E HE price of Gas from Spt. Ist, will be 12 cases Cakimel and Ipecue, empted, or by engaging in atiy other pursuit, ‘rane be . : a ronsides itself — Ric. Exromincr. | $25 per 1000 feet. Per Order ; | | case Quinine, especially specutation aud extortion, they wil! tthe | S.E LINTON, 11 case Phosphorus, pues ee ruil of aos and have ee to- pune wd- Interesting Correspoudenee. 1 ‘DIUDYW . Supt Gas Works. | 1 ease Castor Oil, gether with sworm evidence befgre the Enrolb tered Ww \Waoare indebtrdite Gut Vanceleayerthe SALISBL RY MALE ACADEMY. | Sept. 7, 1m:16. | 3 cases Tiuct. Opium, ing Officer. Reasonable notice must be given ants I ; : ae Ry ab eer eae . . ' . im ae , | | ease Comp. Ext. Colocynth, to all such suspected persons; so they may pro- deeply Raleigh Progress, for a copy of che following | 4 THE TEN TE SESSION of this School CONTRCOTORS NOTICE | L ease Sulphate Morphis, duce rebutling evicence, tothe end that jus a iriod correspondence will re openin the Male Academy on Tuesday Pose Ornica Salabarn eNCC } | 1 cave Adgesive Plaster tice may be done. eat UOC ? burv, N.C. cs 23 ’ i vo, that * 164 estonand Kichmond were | Ricuwosp, Va. Aug. 19th, Lass. Hs Excellency, Z Bo Vance. Grovernar of N. Carofina Sorgho Molaeses, ~Mre. Mary A. Setzer | the 15th instant. Tuition per session of five ) months. from 820 to 825. Contingent fee 2. Pupiis will be charged from time of entrance tall nove for lost time ooly in case of sickness. close of session, and me deduction will de | | No. 2,226. SARAH E CARTER. Sept. 1, 1863. § | PROPOSALS will be received to the 15th of this month, to carry ibe Mail on Route : From Salisbury, N.C to Lincotn- 4 cases French Waxed Calf Skins, 3 casks Soda Ash. | 6 cases Briar Root Pipes. 250 sacks Liverpool Salt. will be required to attend and exhibit the eve All persons having business of any kind with the Enrolling Officer, must be present, togeth- er with all papers and evidénce neceésary for investigation and deeision, while the officer is . , iu the county where parties reside, then, if vs. Sirf the acnon of the Isto: July, near A.W OWEN. { ton, N.C. oncess weegk—to leave Salisbury, 100 kegs cut Nails Assorted {necessary to defer. # time and place will be sellt heed tb Getty-burz, the Sharpshouters of Bergadier Salsbury, Sept. Sth, 1863. swlo | Tuesday at 6 a. m.—to leave Lincolutou next ~ an . } appointed. All papers and affidavits must be ark the (genera ears boeade. under cumtuand | day by 12 m—arive at Salrsbary. Thursday at 479 cases Tinported Brandy, Pinet, 1848. | presented in due furm aud property attested, to cotager to Lieut, FLOM. Tfarney 4th N.C. Volou- 7 Pp. ™- .. ; 7 7 : i receive attention, as the Enrolling Officer will Cltiulis teers dispersed the )ooth Pennsylvania Re- WA RRIED . Proposals % be sent to me do carry said mail a . - ‘ pid ike br Od {not have time to draw up or correct instra fae on mment The galbet olieer, with his own “ OAR EE* for the next ix months. ee q 49 , © Brisscvu, + ments of wring. All applications for exem in land, hands, w ea the standard fiom the eclor Phe Weeden Phere, Mtl \ Mea ST me 4000" “ Gin. ae aud ie a ates dee eb taael betes ithe ve bearer ot the Pennsylvania Regiment aud , | - _ oe "40 04 “ Champaigwe, Anchor, and | tl fe ee cnrolling Officer only. All . ye Waals soon afterwards teil, ceoctally wounded , pirentiosy OMee Greensboro. V. C. Coston COD. Banner & Co. : sel hea vd See ous o8 ie pera Sand or- General Ranscur, we communicating tie DIED fy | | INTEREST BONDS. a0 cases Imported Claret, St Julie: . ae De a eae ees ike uot Cie above parueulars, informed me that it was At her home, in Surry County, on ‘Se 18th of August | The rate of six per cant Corton ‘Ixrerest 36 Poucheens Rum, Extra, \ Enrolling Officer, fartifed by the sworn test iets, Harney's last request that the flag should be) last, VICTORIA AUGUSTA, wife of N. A. Boyden, Eeq. | Bonps of the Governme at, having been fined! 2 pipes Coguac Brandy. | mony of at least three disinterested and re- scarce & presented to his name to the President oe vi ose lord lpar al Reser ah j at fifty per cent. prem:om, purchases of the = ahasie casks Cognac Brandy. | speetable persons—persons whose reliability reverse he wreh of the dying bero has been com- | And sister of Gen JE RiewAH ke euch dindepeiin: | same may be wade at that rite at this office % chuice Whiskey, | the Eurolling Officercan endorse. All persons ainity al- plied with. ‘The flag isn my possesann and ed in the Revolutionary struggle now going on. Our unl the 18th September, 1883 ae Anan i D lable under this call, can volonteer before the tue just Will be treasured by me as an tonurable me- MET oe Eno ruNscL cl he aice, bhi abel | One fourth of the purchase money will be re. =? casks Alcohol. ‘Quth ef Acgust, und wit 52 faraished with rout uae meutoof the valor and patrioug devotion — tired in her habits, and content to do her uty without | quired in ‘Treasary notes issued since the Istof) Wikmington, Aug. 27th, 1863. | transportation oa reporting to: Col. Mallett, at enyurtt wiiel the soldiers of North Carolina lave ae heres ust ane fee Hie she Holt eiaaty: i April lust; the remaining three fourths will be --. —! Camp Holmes. Colonels of Militia will return lee, rat displayed on many hacd-tought fields. : papharsceate tal received in any nontnterest bearing notes. / y, sll the at us par pty farther way. atl ure colr { have thought it doe to the lamented oftfi- eer, with whose tamiuy To bave not the advan lage of ‘ these erreniist: trate of tis bey acquainted hees Ce you, , to communicate aa Clhiet) Magis- State on her hasbamd, her child and on her Maker. Not that she was insensible to the beauties and attractions of thé | work! for she had read and observed much and stored her mad with a knowledge of people and things and of course Jit ne degrec, these clatned her sympathies ; but all these were subordinate tothe one predominant idew of duty Deposits will be recewed and certificates | granted for all Treasury Notes issued siice the Ist of April last, within twelve months after , the date of suid notes, Yearng six percent, in- terest pavable semi-annually. PUBLIC SALE, . AVING cisposed of our Plantation, we will rei oa the premises, two miles trom Phird tothe Enrolling Officer a complete roll of all ! conseripts who thus volunteer, giving regimens } and company, to which they have gone. To { avail themselves of this right, parties must be actually in service with their regements on the ; : . Creek Dejnit. uth div of August t furloughs, or permission and toe xpress Chroagh you The hone of the deceased was at the foot of that re- | Deposit» will be received and certificates = . to remoam oat hore tll after that ume. by ret ¢ Ve Rosner ia as Pe : 7 bie aterfr ¢ y Yet an’ A 6 Ose . Aor : _ a 5 whetoe! > his State, brs eon and his taiily, dhe le He a erfall in the a len es ee Tianiedilartallivotenianicdnnncheiandaliecens On Wednesday 18, Neplemrer, whomseever granted, will Be disrégarded. and ry ¢ a 1 4 | m ‘6 ’ e bg bs ‘ U . ve * , = atin u ‘ anicere sympathy Toteel with them lor the) pocks for some miles at Iéngth apread themselves out in; ber, 1862, bearing four percent. interest paya- Vine Mle xoone Llove, Cors, the pariies sent to camp as conseripts, without NAVE oss of one so Worthy of there aduncatton and samooth and beautiful basin, and then tike their! ble semi-annually. 1 Hi . delay Conserpts sent to camp will have choice esteem eo ere ne er eek ee 1 Bonds are now on hand forall deposits fivgs, Corn, Thay, Oats, of regiments as far as practicable, and the exr Such deeds ilustrate a people's bistory, jus- | cluded from congenial society, Mare it waa, devoted to | made at this office; and the holders of certili- foodies Straw, ail over reaciesofihe service will skow. All soldiers who ily wa peoples pode amd sustain a country’s e cares of her fainily and the service of her God, that | cates are requested to bring them forward aud ; a oC. Hl S } 19 hand CHliseE I remain, very vespectully and truly yours, Jerrerson Davis. her married life waa spent. form, invaded their house-hold, One after another her whole fainily were smitten; but she nursed and tended Tt was a calm and pleasant | life she Was lending when sicknes,, in the most ruthless | receive the bonde jmexchange. The holders o! these certificates are required to write their re- spective names accruss the back. FARMING CTENSILS, three Wagmmeand x UPing. have been transferred io Salisbury Hoepital, and permitted to return home, will promptly re- port to Dr. Hall, at Salisbary, or be arrested and treated as deserters + and the pean | A Rebate ace ta Roca Gree areca: with I RALPH GORRELL, Depository. 03° Terms made known on the d ry of sa.) Ls The Barolling Officer ask’ the aid ef al! refresh us Ration, N.C. Aug. 28th, 1963, | TyPheld fever, For long days she suffered with paticace | 15-3w \ x. A. HOBSON, ' officers of the militia, and of all good citizens f camp . : ; and resignation, und at length her spirit calmly aed | —— a ee | T. A. BURKE, in exeeuting the Jaw, and in raising men to an ‘ : si peecney. saferson Davia, President bee ei our pil Lah pis ne eee a I ay 32D. JOUNSTON drive the foul invaders from our soil. ye when Yo . dwelt, took its course to the devan of eternity. A = ae . 4 wi kS Confederate States : Mra, Be Src hoat a6 14 of fair end I QO R IN A JE. | Sopt. 1, 1863. 2:16 ! JESSE R. McLEAN, are evjoy- a . Wesracts A ecnies aad psa ply ad lar Noh left her ; Ste: | ee ee Capt. and En. Off. 8th Con. District. lid, | Step Sin:—Your letter of the 19th inytaut, has | pushand and one infant dnughter, besides many deveted Oe eight and half horse Steam Engine | tere 5 , ai sae OS A ry, cheer been received, informing me of the gallant | fricods to mourn over her prematare grave. ry and boiler (Locomotive tlew boiler 35 flews) Administrator's Notice } Javan VAN, as s - LO AO } mr for s conduct and heroic death of Lt. F. M. Harney nee Intelligencer please pablioh and send bill te | nearly new amd in good sunning order can be | : . . ' ; he ev a Ex. Board ry ge 7 Oy in. : ey : ’ joe, eacily moved. Aleo au Eccentrieflathe or lust . ae o PLB, ME. 271) Rake : weannett de NoG. Troops, on the field at Gettys- | an this county, from brain fevers om the STth Angas’, ee ap Apletons Paton which eh tern oe | ALL persons having chims against the es-| August 3, 1863. unt insylvani® arg, and asking me to make known to bis | Me. tae Ki, wife of George F. Smith, raed bry. huedred Shoe or Boot lnete per day. It is betied ‘tate of William L Barber deceaced. are re-( _——— —-—-——- - t write at eee rs *yinpathy with them for the loss edo ad bien feat ina lg ‘Daptiot of | and in good order. Adrees | quested lo present their claims, authenticated | ANK DEEDS cribed by I ee pares pia ithe of their parece bemrry on nang ar ytd Pp a-endiryeqedl U J.A.CORNISH, | according to law, for, immediate setlement. BL: ‘iS chronicled do not know that he has any relatives | death, She leaves « husband and five c _— Lexington, N.C. JOS, A. HAUKINS, 4dm’r. ; whatever in North Caroliag He: waa borr tae roperenne Neem. Wat wnat is Baie fem be Det over Sept. 7, 18635 Bw pd:15-° Aug! 31, 18638 "Suis FOR SALK A? THIS OFFICE BIG GUNS. The following intelligence has been cur- reat bere for several days, but we have thought proper to withhold it, We do 10t see how is republication bere can do parm, and we therefore publish it. We copy from the Mobile Tribune ‘thas been stated that two guns, carry- rving 600 pounds of metal —both fourteen feet long and of fearful appearance received at. Charlestoc. we are told, Bi tkely to encounter the best trou-e cap be constructed. They have, theroughly tested and tire with the accu racy of the best smaller ord mueb greater distance. It is stated, that Charleston bas just been supplicu with a score or so of these miscltevous it struments, the Parrott @8 greal range, penetrating effect. by hed on by -have deen 1 hey are guus, made especial! ad vessels tha too, bee! lance, and tu a also, gun, which posses: accuracy, and an enormou power, lt Grant at was used with grea Vicksburg, and the enerny at Charleston. I Te- The Spirit of the Ace, commenting on the eflects of liquor drinking in ofticia arcle8 as one of the causes of the present wal, “And is blood-thirsty mands are nfe in the South at this day— among vur officers in the tield, in the cab- inet, in the Quartermasters, Commissary and otber departinenis. Let i take notice who has anv business, or in any Manner comes in contact with gov ernment ottice ageois, and be wii ting that a larze majority of them bear th. brand of the beast upon their faces, ard its disgust: reeking from their half-rotten carcasses at every breath. They savs— ravages and des everv ope rs or py fumes come are notorious on account of the and the they take. seen ani here, aud ae seems to be their god and t worsh! Ai at Ms altar tasts t 1 MUMETOUS } : big Jrinks Dhev ate } 1 knawn every Wher } ; With a fervor that ai- heir love devotion.” MPORTANT SALE OF EAL bs fila — By « resolution of the ‘ast Grant Lode o North-Carclina, we. the undersigned, we thoreed and empowered tosell in the tow Oxford, N.C., that vacuable property kane as Si. JOHN'S MASONIC COULLEGE— Said property, with seme hundred acres of land attached thereto will b- offered for sale for cash. on Thursdey the ist day uf October next. The building is isrge and conmedious, ec ntatning well adapted al! necessary outbuild about e:zhty rooms, a fora male or femi'e C re, weit Those who may mys. be desirous to purchase wih apply to Robert W. Lassiter and J To Lit uejobn, Esqs, of Oxford, who will take great pleasure in showing them the property F.F. WATSON, Grind Master G. W. D. HUTCHINGS, Grand Trers: Aug 2, :563. 6ul4 REWARD OF THIRTY DOLLARS | the tue Ex of tne each &1!! men. be paid tor the arrest who deserted m my ¢ ‘ollowing MILO A, J. ROSEMAN, M. 0. AVING studiedin prom:- nent Medicai Colleges aud Hospitals, both North an d South, and baving been prac- licing in the various depart- meuts of his profession for over 10 years with good success, he coauinues lo offer hie services tu the pablic where he 15 permanently located, and by striet attention to his profesrion will en- deavor lo merit a liberal patronage as hereto- fore, and holds himself iu readiness atall hours, day aud night, for prot ssional calls. Ua? Office at Roseman’s Store. Exeedtive Department, North Caretina, Apautayt GeneraL’s Orrice, Raleigh, July a, 1563 I Rk. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, O Rowan County, is authorized to raise a reg:meul to serve for six months, under the re- quisition of the President. Each company will consist of 75 men. ‘The privates will elect their company officers, the latter will elect their field officers The officers will be coin- misstoned at and from the time the muster- rolls are filed in this office DAN’'L G. FOWLE, Adjutant General. 3mpd 10 Bbses UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO such of his fellow-citizens as may choose to Join bum, to report to him at once al Salis If the force called for by the President do not avail thempeWes of the opportunity to velunteer and have officers of their own selec tien, they will be drafted and have officers ap- pointed by the Governor over them. The ser view is for State defenee aud for but six months Rally, mei! ‘The enemy is now advancing upou our coast, threateniug the destruction of oar hom: aud the destruction of our means ot subsisteuce, to say nothing of the disgrace and worse (iia death their presence eutails upou eur wives and children. Rally to of your homes and fresides. A. M. NESBITT, Salisbury, N.C. hury. our sisters the detence July 6, 1863.17 Confederate Insurance Company, Cheariottesville, Vire { HAVE ACCEPTED from tne ubove Insurance Cf IN Pav. and am t prepared to take msks oupr at rea. sonabie rates. and for limited periods of ume. AN AGENCY w yperty ano on different grades of preperty:—Such as Cotton, Tobacco. Produce, Wachinery, Mer Lise, Buildings, &e. Tnis Company has Ccan been in operation bat a short Une, h Cap-tal all paid in, and held by some of vealibest and best: people of Virginia. A large amount of the Capitai Stock of this C pany has already been soid for ten per cent premium. I can safely recommend ths Com- pany to be of che most rehabie anv losses from policies issued by this Compa- ny. will be promptly met according to the terms has a large om- character, and set forla in i's poneies, Salisbury insured, ¢ and vieinity desiring Persons in t ) have ao opportuni- ir property of doing so by calling on me A. J. MOCK, Agent. Salsbury. N.C., ’ Juiv 16, 1263. a3!) S500 RE W BOE Fearty IN JANUARY LAST, THE Office of Mo & Eo Mvyerte was pen and tollo ving articies stolen ther: frum: ver Wate broken « witht agi.so Gok Ones Re OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS = a. Tag article is being ing wileiatliared largely at various points inthe Confederacy, but the | scarcity of rags bids fair todnterione, seriously with the manufecture. ln the manufacture of Cartridge paper used in the fabrication of ammunition, raw cotton can be used if a cestain proportion of hemp o mixed with it. {um authorized ‘by the Ordnance Depart: | ment to purchase material for this purpose, and NOTICE. To all whom it may Concern! WING to the number of riots, mobs, hm- pressmente and thefis inthe county, | feel | it a duty I owe to myself to adopt the following | rules and regulations at my mill: Ist. 1 will wot be responsible for any Flour, | Meal or any kind of Grain that may be taken | from me by mob riot or mpresement, | 2d. I will net be responsible for any Grain | stored at my mill until ordered to be grouud. 3d. I will wot be responsible for any Mealor Flour more than 24 hours after it is made; at the same time, I wil] take the best care of it that Lean, and the same care that I take of | wy own. The mill is always uncer jock and | xey when we leave 1( to assist ine in collecting old rope, baggittg, waste cordage, &c., or any kind of old hemp. terial, varying from 10 to'®5 cepts per pound, according to condition, locality, &e. . ‘ 4 I will also pay 40 cents per pound for old . Sal , - t 5: McC UBBINS. ecrap Lead delivered at the Works. alisbury, March 30, 1863 tf4s A. G. BRBNIZER , yr rp Capt. Arty y ) - SCRAP [RUN WANTED. Office C. 8. Ord. Works, Sakebary, N.C —— June 29, 1863. f6 ryN = = I HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE paid for old Casting or Scrap fron at Govern- ment Foundry in Sulishury. Persons having any will please send it at once, or notify me where they can deliver (t. A.B. SHEPPERSON. Saperintendent. | ‘Stonewall” Tackaon: UST PUBLISHED, and for sale by N.S MORSE & CO., Augusta, Ga., ‘A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxereor | OF + STONEWALL” JACKSON By | — | Coarces Hattocx: Being a full and accurate } account of the Leading Events of bis Life, his Tr my a, a LEA I H ER. | Dymg Moments, and the Obsequies at Rich- —— | HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF | Butd and Lexington. priine neces@ly continuss to adeance in price, | illastrious soldier that and shoe -makere are predicting that prices bth- iiched erto accoudted enormous will be vext to noth- ae ae 1 lt Book Stores and News Agents ing as compared with prospective demands — | Pea pad . ” oe . | nuesas be sv, and probably will be true on- | ‘Phe trade supplied at a literal diseount less consumers shall take timely warn.og and | Lr All-order eddressed tous will be prompt: prepare to sepply their wants without purchas- | , fill d N S. MYURSE & CUO tug. [tis beheved there are surplus cattle and a. oa So “Au usta. Ga hides enough ia the country to supply the pub- a one , hie demand for Jeather. Farmers, as a general | thing, keep more cattle than can be well kept | sraimiale muse blabla freee anid vale Greensborough Mutual as good care of their cows us they do their | INSURANCE COMPANY. horses and mules, one hail the number would be more profitable for miuk and The | surplus stock meght be faitenad and slaughter. | ed. The undersigned desires io do all tn tos i power to keep down the price of March 4, 1863. 42 have never before becu butter Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: leather, and | iW Sd. McCONNBEL, = TA MEBANE.- - Exeeutive Com aN LARGE quanuty of TOBACCO for sale by JNO F Eanes | DENTAL NOTICE. N. C. White Sulp hur | SPRINGS. 2ee Salsbury. April 23, 1869 of J. MW. GARRETTE.- = AH cammunications on business connectec | Wanted. withth: Office, shoud be addressecto | hom PETER ADAMS Secretory | “fe fF 4 Goon HORS E suitable for | Gresuehoro’, NLC . Jane 19, Ts60 tf | tne es Apply to \ | JAMES W CLARKE. | | ‘ W. F. Bason, M. D. T HE pnbbe can hase che bet I take this method of appealing to the peuple | A good price will be paid for the above mu- | ‘This work contains many aneedotes of the | t} u ; John A. Mebane, W. J. MeConnel, © P ifhe can seer e suberetion ute. Wen : “a : c ot ? ae ration of stor pe WO ondenhall. ». P. Weir, James N. Garrett, ers. he ieves hec fy eh good adi : 8.n ne a he he Han h good io thie di Jonna Lo koe Se Witson, Wm. Bari eenon e canbet afford to pay the se are . 3 a fe O pay h pre ) r, David MeRKuight, MoS. Sherwood, Seu ettraordipary demands of dry and green b art, , i 4 ie >! EL. Liodsay,sGreensborough ; W. A. Wright, amd then sell feather at &2.the hoghest pnee ; be Acliatl bh 1a r . Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lambert: > has. upto this tune, sold at. Butif farm. | e vi < t Th heded Se ers, who have hides, will send them to hus Tan- Alexander Hidler, New pits ge ' » oh Uh: P onhuse ‘ : ei leave them at Sprague. Brathers, in Ger, Raleigh A. } ae ie ns oF Sausdury,) he Tan them on the usual) Vis Abr. 7 S ouiee eee ve ie EG WW ie » of ri K o a 4 terms, obligating himself to sei! his own share R.¢ May narc » Frankhot a; Der at ata rate only reasopable anvagh to jostify hun | son, Watsonville uso doing. I don't wish to speculate, have | OFFICERS: done. and will do all Lean, againstat. Soanv}NoH.D WILSON, - -) President one wishing to have their Hides Tauned can | JED. LINDSAY, - Vice-President dv as abave direeted. 1c P. VMENDENHALL, Attorey T WOHAYNES. | pefTER ADAMS, - - See. and Treas May IS, 1563. 192 | WMH CUMMING, ~~ General Agent ce. Dm ae Os EF. ie Be _ PS ~ Speoial Notice, - To all who it may Cncden. TO ALL PERSONS INDEBT. ED IO U8! | Au Fereons indebted to the 4rm of A, « W. Myersand A. Myers, are hereby respect. | fully requested to settle their respective obj. | gations either in person or by letter, without | needlass delay. They will thus cave interes; | and the inconvenience of payment when mou | ev may be less abundant than at present. ] |-hope the friends of the late firms will not re | quire longer indulgence, but respond to {hie l urgent call, as it i necessary thet the busines: ; should be closed-with as little delay as possible A. MYERs, Office next to Cowan’s Brick Row. ' Salisbury, March 30, 8863. 1145 OIL, OFL. ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL for WM. WATSON, 5 miles west of this place Or at this Office - Brown's Livery Stable, I" kept ap us berelofore Jy ie gratifyiog to him that thie establishment begun, at first, ar "Se adoubtfulexpermment, has provec ‘tothe pubhe a great de sider atum aud a com- plete success. Traveli rs, and ways have thetr wants | plied Cash prices paid for Provender And the | subseriberis always ready tose Ybor bay good Horses sale, ¢oply to } thd others can al. vin theeline, wellsap THOMAS E BROWN Jan. Ist. 1863 t(55 i} | | | 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. \ PANTED 1000 Dog Skins. dry, for which wih be pad S1 for ineaiuin: size, and | smaller ones in proportion | Apply to R. F. Simonton, Statesville, er A | J. Mock, Saliebury December &, 1 -t2 1m9 DR. HOWERTON TENDERS his proiesswou Office ot the Bay 1lo63—1f42 s] services te ise woof Salisbury Mar 9, eitizes den House ~ “© ie Be: Oa Dr) SALISBURY, Not ALL VicCunsine & Shoe Manufactory of Joho A Brac doorto the Watchman Office, on ihe sabecr YSth, 1862 e firm of ¢ Boos & shaw. neu those indebted tat Foster. will ealiait ber, aud settle their occouole, eiiher bv note | orthe cash. Now ts the ‘ime to pay debts. uf 26 THOMAS J POSTER : Aa be, hiv lex wre Sqauor Burke oounty.is prepared to fornteh so on hoard th “es umber, delivere amount of aap cars,at GQ) LUperber Orders ae ed Eearttumbersa ontract reseed to bin at Happ: ; Home. Burke comuty N Ow prompt attention lirecerve DONALDSON 1f66 RAL ROAD. Tak G Isb2 March 17, WESTERN N.C. | | | SergeantJ A Kiut rf | Jo Johnetor -| Finer uihess | AG emltnes Craver. € B Dicksor M | nye large Pamord | valuable waters OULD reapectfolly make known that he Chonan & Neal sities Ga elated B Swi | with small Dra- | PRICE OF BOARD hesreiaken bis DENTAL ROOMS to San URIS! TOSARSTER SS Bend Shaver. Al! puod eitize \ 7, with forget me not. | £5 per day; RIN per weeks RTS for 4 weeks | bury |° — ealied upon to aid in arresting a! dine back e sett Ear Rings and | We hase a plentifu provisrons and | N. Bo Asat will oot) suit hon toremarn ail 4 OR the purpose of expeaiing the trans these men. GAISEC iL E R, sla two Gold Chata- 4 a good siock of ice secu A daily line of th time, those calling 1 hia absence, will be pet tation of the mar! as well as te prevent Gea CaptCo kK. 57th NC T h Gold Charms, censisturg | hacks and mail to the Spnuge i fied of hia amivals by leaving (heir names in it lo travellers, the puseenger trams on this to Camp near Orange C H. Va.) | of the two ‘Loe keis with miniatares ; S “| 4. L. ROBARDS, Proprietor. | fetter Rox attached the door ofthe Office or bwillron so as to minmke chee concebon wilh Augus: 9. 63. \ 3ul4 Cc are i art, Sheil, and others not recollected : | Janel, 1863. if2 tov addresmiug hin tor ugh the Post Office. a the tail Trasos of the N. ¢ Kari Kone, wae = ; Vs 1 Breast Pins one Gold Breast Pin, | . =p pis place Dec Tet, DRG2. (28 | arrives from the North at 130. P. M. The Southera Express Company jet with P e Necklace with lege | Peed and Wiste Rose Leaves. trae on this Road will lenve Buiieburs at 2) : : = val Jets, with cross in 200 or a TR ; nel Moo and arrive at the bend of the Road at 4 i Black ; \ F. wish to pure).ise a large jot. for which ow : ee oe Senn fe r lack it a : halle we wilh pay 7) cents per poand. They JAMES HOR AH, POM. and tenve the head of Bond at od } Handkerchief, Collars, Sleeves, &e Blankets 1 3 Mo onnd reach Salisbury in tine te connect wit! z ; 1) must be clean and nv 1 var } J le : | Tannen and Cotton Sheets, Pitow Cases and | HENDERSON © ENNISS. | Watch-Maker and Jewelers: ine Ms : dolater Ships. and imaay other articles.of Jew-! Sausbary, June 15 <3. ee a | ; SAMES C TURNER, | wry and Lacies ony trecollected. The | cise ‘ One doorhelow 2. & A. Morphy's Store, Bog apd Supt W N.R.R = a : ‘ | neney ; . a | alove reward of F ve Elundred Dollars, will be SALISIURY | Ne April6, 1863 wb 6 z HIS Company ving made nis pas for the rer ; ‘the ahave ae urtie { W H 1K A‘ I EF A Ny S: BPE! a - dt ne f i reo pie ‘ ¢ , } { —~ kK EPS rons tly en hand alarge assor. wo extend tt : er eles, of in prepor fer anv part of them— p re a . iy Rail Riad. 1s now prepared eee en ee ee a Barre ne Nomeat of WATCHES and JEWELRY of ( COTTON and LINEN RAGS wanted FREIGHTS, WONEY PACKAGES, ae. | Wilson. Wateh-maker st this p aan : imtted to be the bea ever manulactured in. ail kiads JNOTE FOARD ho ali poms oocthin Iai ae fa . ee aad ie the Southern Country. on more reasonable Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- Salabury. Apr S63. of 49 , , JO WHITE. Scent | oe uel anes, So eull ([tecms than any other article atthe preseot scrptorreparedin the best manner and op ~- ; a Ls a | time Klien ra Ganniilent erore Ang. 10, P6322 ly attended to re eee Fe SAAS A Post Office Notice. MYERS pply soo HATER OMAN Vebroary 14,176. ices fe re nt et S OE ; Ju s AN, Sr +O | and Weston M avers DAV ENPORT EE 3 JALE { QLERGE. eA ILEN Es C.J oe ce Salsboary, Jave 1. i003 tfo _ >) > oS fp Northe tr My: cies at PM : ‘ : r Tr < ; 1 eee LENOIR, CALDWELL fo. N.C. ibs Ulster valine \ ul «ans? a Ars CW “DR Wi MS BD iw Ss Sis, Taredy Thun _ copy Gai mew oe a Te fm rys ' » i Wednes ») ! day SPM Mock valle, Meguat. HE FALL SESSION WILD commence ‘~ «> |e we eD | H 20.000 STA ES ay ce Friday 8 POMos Wiikesbore’, Tues September Jat andend December 24 Ch inger st 1 | @ | WILL come or e+ to Spracne Bro'’s. in T LHE CON STATES DISTILLE day, * PM Trov, Tiuurscay. a2 M. per session, puyable etrnietiv in advauce | | _ _ ; | Sausoury on Teele: . Thursdays and Satur.) 4 RY, (formerly owned by M.& &. MM; . : ree yt Beat ietanice room aid fuel 10 Sue AVENG resized my coinm ena the | days to get any Hides that may be left there ere) at Sabshory, ae follows Sunday f HEA ¢ louis. en Tustioa in regular 524, Musiq £24 onfederate os ee T tender my | form To be of white oak tunber, clear of any From 12 M until 24. M rom 7 I Pasotung io Oi % | SEINIC HSC MIN) GC Ser Vat T.W. HAYNES en, V4 inches long, from Sto Ginchee until ld Pw Latin, Greek, At &): AM aie rm June *, 1463. 13 Rede Andolich thick, 0 The above rules will not be departed fron ; : T> Gre, opporite the Court House APs : Pupils will furnien ’ heete, we 2 | 2 = . en ; eading, 2 ches long, from § to 10 inches | unt further notice ee ee eee June 35, 1563 14 | VIALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, for Se ee ee Mii drosene dix eupecied ie pe tbr E> . e ping oe ‘ : chia It pay the hicheat prica he eal Uh hy . he endo not du so will be charze ronal for conti: - ne ; ; why . wi pe rpeate “OO Staves and 390 Heading toa thousar Office scoounte when presenied at the ‘ ‘ gent expe nees ' N is the ‘ime 16 pay Money, { HENDERSON & ENNIS, Highest market price wall be paid he quarter, oi herwise I will be compelled The Tostituuon is pow i <ueceseal opere areas ly - as Druggiats. \ddrene JAS, T JOHNSON, well there papers tor the postage tion, and pups will be rere ced at auy Gime ca PERSONS EITHER aNDERT.| Jane 15, 1-63 hs Medical Purveyor (8 A MOSES AO SMITH, PM The quiee tile. rails te WEP or account, are requested to | . . aN ( May 1-63 tied! i os. 2 mien Cwor cny ae Eas 1, 8 ‘ ) | ged ~~ 1 Va es DED oe Charlott fay 4, . nou 21) m i eh : . aay | Juae lh. 1303 ( = = by ly stage App. VeNESBIPI i Al At S Pistilery at Salisbary, NG ’ 1 m fl shoald be uiade Soon. anon t unber June 15. 2-65 hy isand 109), Bush sls Maple H ; i Dr J 4 ( All pW I I Sfipuoe ie ncere Cd Chareoal Notice to Debtors and Crediiors. 7 A UA 4d For particusars,cppls do Wr Ber aT eS aly . - Oa Proposais mu ye addreseed { AY = ' oO oRs } 1 184 . : L i epee! 1 PEER: op address <2 Gr STACEY err nil VW QOL Y \ | ED. JASE JOHNSTON, a EL A reone haying claims againet the lak os Ht ey th Aug 1VF62—vwpdl 3s bm Medical Purvevor Cos Ne Kistate « ' WoNeely, Inte of Davie ¢ ae ie ay a 1 the ent ry . th 7 . LL OEVGND SHEAIING LAMBS WOOT Charlotte, NOC decensed, ore hereby notified Co press SA Mee : arene Saiisbury Femaic Seiad fie J WMH. SMiEPu | ! 1363 {~ them on terme! the law, and those indelted nee rae x Ts > , Ji 1 re tod Betate are req reated to make tamer belie i ees re he ine on tl me Kleventh s my Ne rp s | Ny A i 1) diate payment I ATE TE CTT SOR 0:50 ay Septoaimb Mts All ' ) | ak vie D. WCCENSIAW Slate t May MiitHiehl BROWN WEED be give for two SADDLES water Administration i . . from ms stables on the 24thinst. One is bla 4 : m5 2 FORK. 1 Oe ' A Bs , June 22, 1863 bm 5 ° To preeeie ; nt CO) VVISSION V Ele ITALY / quilted the therroed leather: also, two Bridles a | v The History of North iaties 5 AEE) ~ and « parrenartiogles (supposed to be in the Muse w se of Prane ( Vat } rarting pi 0 bein th a a _ = ; ee nd Fee oer muionindd) a (Cleo Minenvinen) A wap we EQ" ce Carolina url Ge Bi cenntemili Hundred doliars for the apprehension « aN | undersigned, a araish ie Ss apse amet WG M. cE ELY ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON JUBLISHED io ino} by the paces ! CM I ‘ 1 " ly 25, 1663 tf.10 aa ny Book Store account, will please call wa Mr preface concedes Liens . “tone “ , D. WILKI r shipmoes other ima < ‘ ' | James HP Finniss, my authorized agent and set voneunnvorduble and many inp! . i ch woul’ Aw KL -1N will be Beli | Market t Ge ‘ | ' second edition wae then pronieed, wil lib leu ‘ pnece andr te J oF. ore 7 tle the sane ’ led for " ‘agora se | 0 the Farme rs of Rowan. ALL those indebted to me on my subaee remedy those defects This os ee eat aie? j Galen nds 13, 1463 tf TL 4 i Anxious to buy corn, wheat, flonr, mea) tion and printing account will ple are callons He will be grateful to any one = ee for the soldiers fatnibes ot Rowan Ennise and settle alec out any errors in the dates Heinen 0 ans SPELLING A SMALL supp of hand. Those in soon at August 3, 1663 BOOKS Spelling Books peed of them had better eal WATCHMAN OFFICE | ee WANTED AT HI & ENVESS’, Druggi«ts {| June 15, 1"63 tft BLANK LitkDSs FOR BALE AT T5I3 OFFICE -NDERSON been stand those who are Confeder- of my accounts have 59, and I doe hope that (Rone ce almoal soffering and PE have | the tnoney to pay market prices forthess things, I do hope that the Fariners of them are Some since IS! | and due will call at once and settle ap the county will give the poor suldiers families the preferance J.S.McCUBRIN, Com. for Rowan. ig | -I prefer to take il in payment of dues J.J. STEWART. 3163 culy 6th, 1863. th? ale money is plenty—there can be no excuse the State; and { the various counter 0 roe who have done pet hographical sketch of those view in the field or State Letters may be sent (om aaa JOHN H. WHEELER. Chapel Hill, N.C., June 4, 163. 3m7 ’ 6, care of Hon | « rom | a change and othe ness, the ve two d ars for 1 ApveEt ove doll April. N ord for sal next, the formerly Keq., of 3 Smiths | work in has Ho @ cellent c dient. | MOR He w 'y last, Withoat him (he Morgaa a foal ¢g' this cou thal can is perlec and har the sam smith ‘T CG. 14 pass ng Coach, one one t J The ati culled t these c can eas two lary can be stage | DSheiler and a li nearty | Tern moaths ed secu H: doceag ing pre at her Wheat head o 12 hea ay aud mg M. other | Ait ed, Fi: welt ub willed a Cou and K arucle Aut TW! BY © West he rec Der ne pon Octol actol yany, Cor 9 ye Bad Presi and ( Cat Sn Wired Bank Coat Lance 3tl bY office er thy infor: othee Ra A. pect. : Obli- thou lores, Mou nt. | bt re. » thie Binens S8ible ow, 145 e. \s it this rst, at OVEC com- an al- Neap vd the ¥ good VN 55 raged, og omie Dike h would led for il} point facta |! nd am one ser Hon \ LER 3m7 VOL. XXL SALISBURY, N. WEERLY. — mi at net J. §. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. . Price of the Watehaian. rom and after this alate, and until there 1s a change in the prices of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on busi- ness, the subscription rates of this paper will ge two dollars for six months, and three deb ars for a year. Apvertis(nc, twe dollars for the fires, and ove dollar tor each subsequent publication. April 20th, 1863. VALUABLE PROPERTY &OR SALE! At Morganton, N. C, oe oF — aS — ween oe | Notice. CONSCRIPT OF FACE, } Caw Homes, Aag 27th, 1863. § THOSE persons enrolled or liable to eurel- e ment who can furnish horses will, for the present, be acpepted with their horses, aud receive Cavalry pay, to be i imporarily employ- ed us mounted Jaen white the necessity con- tinues, remaining fur the time on duty in this State, for pur; pees of guard and patrol. It is desired that th¢y report with their horses with- out delay ut tts Camp or Camp Vance, uear Morganton, away be most convenient. 11. Citizens who desire te promote tbe sute- ty and intereds of the army by discearaying desertion, orwhu desire 40 save their neigh- boruoods from the inewAable mischiefs of ma- ravding, terrut aod imecceriuy tha: must grow out of the présence gluwless deveriors aud skuikess, cap pe wade peeful by tendering their uid to uhe enrolling officers. They can render | service as guides and in swelling the numbers of patruls sent out by aathority. A few days lubsence, at most, only would be required of N order’e close our business, we will offer | them—There i» no provision of law uader for salen Thursday the 24th of September | which pay can be given them, but all their ex- neat, the following valuable property, a No. | | penses of subsistence, lodging aud forage will Blacksmith, Joho Brown, | formerly the property of George W. Brown, Baq.,of Salisbury. tle isoue of the best Coach Smiths in the Stace, and cau do any kind of work in trun and see! Asa horse shoer, he }of theirhorsea. be paid, and a liberal hire allowed for tbe ase a cea | | By order of Col. PETER MALLE1T, J. W. Matviert, Adjutaut. | Commandant of Conseripts for N.C. ! | | has wo equal in this State. He is a boy of ex- | Aug. 28 31:16 cellent character, heuest indusirioas and ube - | - dient. We will also sell the thorough-bred ! SALISBURY, SEPT 7, 1863 | SALI: ae ; 2. MORGAN STALLION YOUNG | Goa . hi spree "| To Gas Consumers, AMERICA. \ He wns seven years old on the th of Ju- | | HE price of Gas from Sept. Ist, will be | ty last, ts a yet Mack withowt a white baw — Withoat fertr of contradicuva, we prouoance hum the finest looking and most perfect formed Morgana thors a foal getter, he is sure, and can thiscoauty some tivo wud one veat old colts, that cannot be surpassed iu any count He is perfectly brokea to harhess, aud his enlkey and harness wiibe sold with hen. Also, on the same day, will be suld two full setts Black- | emith ‘Toovis. Also, two large CGONUORD, N. H. COACHES, , 14 passenger, L do. small 9 passenger, 2 six passenger Hacks, and one mx passenger Troy Coach, one Rockaway, one two horse Buggy, one one horse do, and TWO ROAD WAGONS, The atienton of Coach and Wagon Makers is culled ty tiie sate. The ranning works of all these coaches and hacks are iageood r pair, aod can easily be converted into guud wagons. Tie two large coaches, by suine repairs to Che bodies, can be made good ase of for several yeutsou a plage lrue Dheiler, a large size Thompson's Steaw Catter, and @ large Cast Kettle, 120 gallons, which is nearty new, having been but little used. Terms of sale—Cash. or, if desired, six moaths ime will be given. Note aud approv- ed security, with interest from date BROWN & McCONNALGHEY Morgantoa, N.C., Aug. 24, 1563. 4015 ADMINISTRATOR'S ap A Hi. iKXe } AVING taken out leviers of Administra tion on the state of Mre Jane C. Knox, doceaged, T will exposeat public sale the fullow- jag property, on Che 1Sih Day of September, at her late residence: a crop of growing Corn, Wheat, Os, Kye, 3 Mules, ]) Horse, door 10 head of Cattle, 80 or WW head of Hags, 12 head of Sheep; Cartage nnd Haruees, Beg ev and Harness. | foursome Wagon, Plreste ing Mactooe, Farming Pools. and various other other articles Wo PLCALDWELL, Adm'r At the rame (ime and place, the undersign ed, Fxecutor of Jas. G. Kuox, deceased, will sell the praperty of the said deceased, not willed: Que fine Pingo, 1 four-horse Wagon, @ Cotion Gin, Blacksaath's Tools, Household and Kichea Furniture, with a pumber of other articles, W. P.BURKE, Augnst 27, 1563 Executor. 3G75; TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IVAN. G. BONDS FOR SALE. Treasarer's Office, Wreatenv No. Ca. Rate Roan, Statesville, Aug UWth 1863 4 BY ORDER ot the Board of Directors of the Western NOCLR Ro Co, sealed proposals will be received at this Ree tll the 15th Svptem Der next, for Pweniy NOC Six per vent Cou- pon Bonudswofone thousand dollars eaeh, daced October Ist] ssued under actotthe Legislature tneurporaling said Cons ANY, parsed Issa ruthomt(y yf au . Communes iia to be endorsed on the back Bide dar NOC Ronda” Bide will be opoucd ia the presenee of the President ot this Sorypuny and the Preadent and Casuier of i the Ageuey of the Bank of N Contthis place. + Y Suceesstul bidders will be notitied and re red to deposit the amount of their bide in the Bank of No Coat Raleigh, Branch Bank of N Coat Charlotte Lancaster W Co., Richmond, Va 3u15 RoE SIMONTON, Treasurer. SANE ASYLIW—THE BOARD OF DI. R ECTORS of thiw Tostitution wish to fill the office of Matron, now pow vacant None oth- er thru unencambered femalos nee apply. For information, respecting the duties, &o., of the othee, apply to the onde rsigned. Ph ED. C. FISHER. ysician and Superintend Raleigh, July 30, 1668——1f:13. | $25 per 1000 feet. We wil also sell a good Cornu | Mo! Per Order. s. E. LINTON, y Supt. Gas Works. tithe Coufederate States. As yrodace in! Sept. 7, 1m:16. EVTER PA ?ER—A small lot of first rate 4 Letter paper for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. Augost 24, 1563 caesar unr eatin aesnpeemncieests A DESERTER'’S CONFESSION. \ | ' | Wa published tn Saturday's issue the | late fl of Gen. Lee establisbing a sys- item of furlonghs, which we are sure will ibe very beneficial to hisarmy. Of course afew unprncipled soldiers may tke ad- jvantaze of it, but we are persuaded that | Mibeteeo in every twenty thes Surloughed will be made better instead of worse. [Datly Progress. In connection with that order, rand the following confession of a deserter, taken from the Savannal Republican, and say if | you do not beheve that a short) furlough would have saved him the burning dis- ytace nuder which Le writhed so loag: conscience forces me to make the follow- mg coufession : 1 ara a soldier in the-Con- | federate service. | was a volunteer 60 the | 4th of March, 1862, and received my boun- ty of 850. T should bave been among the tirst volunteers without bounty, but thet I i hada large family and was a poor man. But To was as anxious to be freed from the ; Evrror Revcestican—Dear Sir:—My | { ' : ’ ' | Yoke of the \ MUKeCES as ANY Che, SO AM i | | now. | was ready to peril my lite for tree. | mobey to buy up property, and we shafi | dom —ITam vow. Bat I loved home and jbtde frm which had furnished us an a@- | a nee C., SEPTEMBCR 4, but that Gen. Lee knew me a8 well as my | own captain. When # neighbor came about he was sore to ask, “how lony is your furlough ! L evaded 9 some way. | was alinost mad. | C saw but a moment's bapbiness— when my wife first greeted we—vnul your pa- per reached me the otber day with that glorious proclamation of oar glorious Pre siden. [sat down and © like a child. “God bless the President! swelled up from my heart with my s be. After all, he ewnderstands the trials pid tongings for home of the poor soldiers and does not attribute their absence fo i desertion of the cause. May God él i right. My wife read it ¢ we dried togeth- er. My arrangewents Were speedily made, nod L.am now ip your city ou my way to join wy regiment in Virginia. [have ne- ver been reprimanded by an officer. Was in the second battle of Manassas, at Antie tam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. I yo again to retarn vo more, even if life is spared, until independence is gained. A Soupiku. WHAT WE MAY EXPECT. Many of the people of the Confederate | States do not seem fully to apprebend the | cousequenoes to themselves and their coun- try in the event of our subjugation by eur Northern eremies. Some few even ap pear to be ready to surrender the cause, | aud give up the contest for independence | dreaming of tome possible terms by which we can save ourselves, and be restored to the same position we held before seces sion! Butat bas become manifest that this is impossible, and that we have ao choice between victory and independence | on the one hand, and on the other a ruin | to all we vakue, utter and universal. It would be easy to show by the enactments of the Northern Congress, by the avowed policy and purposes of the Northern gov- erpment, and by the actual doings of our territory which have fallen into their pow- er, the following are some of the inevita- ble consequences, should they tnumph over us. Let our people consider and re- tnember them : 1. They bave enacted and are enforcing | wherever they bave-the -power, a law to! confiscate all the property of every man | who basin any way aided 0: encouraged | what they call the rebellion. This Jaw the } London Times called “a monument of in- | tamy to those who passed it,” and said | “no ruler will ever date to put in force this scandalous law.” But our Northern | rulers do dare to enforce it, and are doing | so. This is the means by which they ex- pect to pay the immense debt they have | incurred in the war. The lands and other property of the whole Sewhbern people will be confiscated ; that of the poor as well as the rich. Hordes of Yankees ard European immigrants will flock into our couptry with their pockets full of Northern all be turned out of house and home, beg the dear wity and children, and the snug | gars and vagabonds on the arth. 2. Every man who is rot base enongh { | ple sapport. 1 was sent to Vieginia with | to commit perjury, and take a false oath | my reqiinent scon after the battles around | of allegiance to the Yarkre government, | iclaond. We weat with Gen, Lee (God bless the glorious old chief,) in the cam- pen in Northern Virgioia and Maryland. My Captain always selected me xs one for any nnportant duty. This brought many hardsbips aud perils, notwithstanding I | was proud to be thus distinguished among 'iny comrades, for I went to discharge my duty and help to gain my independence as far as T could. But in an evil bour I beyan to give way to dreams of home. — Phe dear wife, «1x lovely childrea, the snug little home—were they all dotne well? ' Lteared not. | bad not heard from home 1 asked for a fariough for ; thirty davs. T thought it would and ought Fina long tine, to be granted. will be deprived of all cvil and politieak | rights, lose his position ay a freeman and: citwen. and become aserf and au outlaw, 3. No mau will be permitted tu prac- tice any profession, or to follow any trade or mechanical art, or to buy ard sell, up- less he takes the same infamous oath. No lawyer physician or teacher, no merchant or mechanic, will be allowed to pursue his avocation without the oath. 4. Congregations will not be suffered to engage in public worsinp, no ministers | to preach, unless they pray for Lincoln and | his government. | 5. Universal emane pation ot all our | slaves will immediatety tollow, | 6. Every State will by put under mili. | — do pot like the life of a soldier. They wish | They cannot free the | to make mouey. slave and make bim work, He is the cheapest suldier they can get. Ar ds this isthe use they will put him to. They are now rapidly forcing the poor negroes whom thev have taken frow us isto this business, and when they conquer us they will fill the land with these negro troops to keep us in subjugation, and to carry out tbeir schemes of plunder aud ruin, Every man of us who is not hung or banished will be deprived of arms and ammunition, and we shall be utterly helpless. Such is a bare outline of some things whick are certuin to follow our subjuga- tion. The imagination of oer readers cen fill up the pictnre with the ineffable bor- rors wud sufferings which must inevitably aceompany them, Let us all ponder these things, and say what ought we bot to do <== =: os ----—-—+ 2+ ne AO has poured forth into the lap ef the Con- federacy resources commensurate with her other sacrifices. And whether we toessure these sacrifices by the amoun? of waterials of war and means of subsistance fernished, the spirit and determination of ber people, the pumber of her men given to the cause, the talents, courage and fortitude of those who have fought, or the number and vir- tues of her noble dead, we are obliged to recognize ber sisters leaning on her for support in every emergency of the event ful struggle. Nor bave these sacrifices been made in vaiu! They have enriched her hietory, exalted ber fame aod iucreased her renown; and though her material strength bas been to some extent diminished, she is to- day relatively more powerful for defence of the integrity of her territory, and of ber rights and honor, than when the contest and to suffer in order to avert them. Eve | began. Distraction, despoudency and des- ry heart should be strong and eygry bawu | pair reign in the counsels of the Northern swift to help, whether by service or sacri- |vovernment. The hopes at first entertain- fice, our beloved country. The @ause of | ed of our speedy conquest bave sank in that country is tbe cause of every man’s own private and dearest interests. It in- cludes them all, his property, bis family, his honor and his religicn. If ais coun- try perish, he and all that he loves will go dowu with it. , From the North Carolina Presbyterian | TO THE PEOPLE OF N. CAROLINA. A General Convention of delegates from each Regiment of Troops from North Carolioa, in the army of Northern Virgin- ia, held at Orange C. H., on the 12th inst., did us, the andersigned, the boner to ap- | point us as a Committee to prepare and publish to you an address, invoking your aid in the accomplishment of an object very dear to those whom they represent, and of unsurpassed interest and conse- quence to you aad to them. They desire that the irresistible influeoce of the pub- lic opinion of all good and patriottc men in the State may be invoked to put down and destroy, and to silence forever the voice of a faction which is believed to ex- ist in no inconstderable strength in yeur midst, who are growing daily bolder io the expression of treasonable and mischiev~ ous sentiments, and whose machinations have been, and still are directed towards poisoning the minds aed hearts of our so!- diers and people, and breaking down the courage and confidence of you aud of us who are sustaining the cause ef our coun- try in the great struggie for independence }in which we are engaged. It was esteemed a most fortunate cir cumstapce for the bonor aod welfare of North Carolina, that such perfect unaai mity prevailed in her councils when she resulved to break the bonds which had bownd her to a government which had ceased to be the representation of the true interest of her people, and which she could po longer respect, and to make, common cause with her sister States of the South. Then it was that her-great and honored names were found uimted in the glorious purpose. Her Badger, ber Rayner. her Miller, ber Graham, ber Morebead and her Gilmer, her Edwards, her OQuilaw and her Smith, ber Winstow, ber Shepherd, ber Davis, her Ellis and her Vance, ber states- nen and ‘en of power, were found to have quit for « time the area of adminis- trative and party politics, and woited in the work of layiag anew the foundations of a government ot our choice. Her quiet farmers, her honest tradesmen and arti- zans, her civil magistrates, her lawyers and men of learning, vay, all ber plata, sober, thoughtful people, who have always been slow to give their pledge to a cause, yet know so well how to bonor it with true loyalty when given, were in happy accord. There was at least no Carlisle, nor Crit- tenden, vor Andy Johnson, to bead a roll | of infamy. within the whole of ber wide at thie place, or yuh JAP | | } | | The appheation failed. I | ¢ os appototed, and yielding nan | tary government until ut contains Yankees evil bour, | dvwerted. Every man who | and traitors enough to form a government | looked me on the face seemed to say, “de- | loyal to Linecln, and’ martial Jaw wall be | nance of Seeesston y tov way | everywhere enfors ele pinveirh agaist rt. . ' al : facuion in Opposiben to it The fairest of hands made appropriate banners, was sadly « extended borders. _ | There was no voice of serter” to dutmsclf, as To was) on Phere 4S ole home, | Was ever half ao unl wwyV ip | qe The Negroes will be put Oona level raised my tile, notwithstanding the near prospect | civil and political with the whites, be xl Twenton, thinking the pleas- ) ‘ 1) : rive sontribut ye ures of rome would queil the voadings of are allowed.) to emove all the myahts and | reves 4 and private cont buuous, from neh of home, | lowed to vote, to ston juries (when junes and wove rich garlands for expectant he- privileges of freemen, and fo give test ivos | aud poor, Were bestowed without stint or Chev fmitain furtherance of the COUS CVE HE When l arrived, such a wel Rentioue on the face of my es in any case aan ct the whites. COMMON CAUse, How happy for the | will be the chict witnesses to prove Cie said my | parucipation ot every Cole ; wife and clisdreu! Lhe sens of our noble old) State, supposed moment!" My to possess very few of Uie lements of mar dear James,” white mannan the wile, seating herself upon my knee and put: | rebellion, to enstre the confiseation of ais) lal character, came forward with astonish- ting ler arm around my neck, “ hew glad | property and his disfranchisementas a Ot Ing alacrity and in very astonishing num- If the reader hears any one say the | bers. Those who had mocked her before crop, and Gaol lias blessed us s0 while you | poo! white men of ths Country are not 1n- beheld with staring eves her splendid reg) have been in the army. How long is your, terested in the results of the war, tell bim | ments, with fall ranks, substantially clad furlough 7” 1) started as though stung | these things. Ask the poor man if he 1s | and equipped, aud governed by a ne “What's the | willing for our slaves to be placed in this | disetpline, which betokened the dread with which the enemy has always been inspired when they were known to be upon the field. Sinee then out of the vast store- house of her wealth, litthe known before or We are to see you, we have such g good | 1ze0. | with the fang of a serpent, matter, Jaraes !” said my wife, “have you | position, a wound?” | was obliged to confess the 8. Tell him further that the Yankee whole. “Oh! James! what sball we do? | rule over us will be eaforced by negro sol- There was tro vote against the Orci | there was DO press to | certain elements of discontent and pariy | feeling into afaction, to make war for the hearts of our enemies, and as a direct consequence we find such resistance to the administration at Washington, and mob violetce so rife in the towns and cities, that a measure of that government, most essential to the furtber prosecutiop of the war, is opecly resisted and set at naught, Popula: assembhes have openly declared for peace, and the press and some of the most influential public men -speak now with a freedom and boldness which clear] marks 4 change ia the state of public feel. ing upon the all absorbing topic. The people have ceased to prosecute the war, and the government is dealing its blows with an exhausted energy and with fanati- cal blindness. ‘he despot who would en- slave us has found a lion in his path in the shape of oppssition to his despotic power, and the courage of him and his minious has been broken down. Voluateering for the armies of our ene- my has entirely ceased. Only a small namber of the conscripts drafted can be forced inte the service, and these will cer- tainly be discontented, mutinous and worth- hess as soldiers. His armies in the: field have been depleted by destruction, humili- ated and dispirited by repeated defeats, and all their trusted leaders been driven in disgrace from command. Even the par- tial discomfiture in the attempt to invade bis territory, and oar loss of the strong- holdson the Mississippi have failed to re- vive his hopes of success, or to change in any material point of view this discourag- ing aspect of his affairs. His armies can- uot be recruited so as to add to their ma- terial strength during this campaign. He is daily sending to the rear detachments, ia some cases whole regiments and brig- ades, (doubtless his best troops) to keep down by terror of arms a spirtt, of discon- tent amoung his own subjects, which stops little short of actual rebellion. Add to this the rapid exhaustion of his material resources and you cannot fail to see very powerful causes at work to bring about the separation fer “which we are contend~ ing upon terws which will secure to us Independerce and the blessing of peace. Whose sacrifices have tended more to produce these results than those of North Carolinaf When the hope of our ene- mies were sought to be inspired by stories of Union feelings among her people, the reacy wnswer ever among them was, “It is impossible! Look to the number of her troops in the field and bow fiercely they fight?” This answer was then com- plete. Can the same be said of it now? That there is an Union feeling prope among her people we cannot believe. On the contrary, there is we believe a very unanimous sentiment of hostility to any settlement of our difficulties except upon terms that sha] secure to us indepeneence and peace upon a lasting basis. But while this is our belief we cannot shut our eyes | to the conviction that there are parties.n our State who are endeavoring to combine unholy purpose upon the public author- ‘ties, to bring the righteous cause in which we are engaged into disrepute among our people and tawart the designs of patriotic fmen in ther labers for the public | find utterance pringipaily througs the cal umos of the Raleigh § ord. “Movements for pea e have been pr | posed in North Carolina, taxing the shan / (di generally of a proposition to hold conyen- trons of the people of the South, invitiue | similar conventions of the people ef tie | North to meet them for an adyustin our difficulties. In nore of these sitions are the terms upon which thar au thors propose to agree upon a peace | ven dimly shadowed forth. In some it is true the term “honorable peace” is employ ed, =a £5 ie s Ri c a m t e s r e t t i n n ps st b i e a s e at what will the neighbors sag? what will) ders. This fs the use they find for the General Lee think?” She déd pot now poor black neem The Yankees generally appreciated by even her own people, she but their views upon other points are so =— as EN RT E eanly the preaptings of a discontented aud despowdiug spirit, if not of actual Uicasob and disloyalty, that we cangot | witubold oar minds from the convichon | wuatat their ideas of au bouorable peace wore ude known, they woulc fall far shut of the dictates of a manly spurt and | ihe wishes aud expectauons of patriots, lu furtherance of their common desizu, apparcnol se parities take bold of every feehoy of discouleul | le excile a towards 1use aud suldiets, the Confederate Niales. | hey re; that the our | state has been willfully neglected, avd our coast abd a porlion of our territory will- | ‘ully absudoued to the euvemy. They say yur soldiers do ul procure a fair share of unony oF beaple e aulboutics of tescul defence ot niltary honors in the shape of promotions, - and even that newspaprer Correspoudents uf administrative oizaus fail to) award to North Carolina valor aud ment their just , meeed of plaloe. We are painfully conscious of waking an abdivnified descent ju voticiug this last opie of complaiut, and the only reply we suali offer is that the soldiers of North | Caroliva do not feel so poor in fame as to | tind it necessary to rely upon the ephemeral | putts of ignorant Dewspaper correspondents maiuteaance of their claum to a! They are con ‘or the just share of repulaceou. tant to abide the criticisms of the Gever als who command them, aod the impar- tial judgement of history. The complaints of injustice to North Carolina othcers we are pot inclined to discuss, lest we render ourselves obuvxrious to the censure of daiming more fur them than is awarded | by the smpartial judgweat of others. The complaint that the deteoce uf N. | Carcliua bas been veglected is, iv our | judgwenk wholiy without foundation. | Tirat all bas not been accomplished up- | on the soil of our own State which was ap- | pareotiy within the power of the forces | left there may be questionable, but even | upon this poiot we do pot profess Lave | a sufficient kuowledge of the situation of things to discuss it, even if we arrogated | to ourselves the wilxary skill to make a | just criticism ; but there cannot dX the jeast doubt that ip concentrating the troops | | untrue. had « mot giheral voice of his couutry- men, of bis ememics and of the world to ascribe to them great politival wisdom, firmoess, integrity and dignity in the ad- wivistration of a goveriment under the most Urying circuws Mts. And bere we may take occasion to re wark Ubat it is to him we may ascribe the preservation ef Geuls. Lee, Johnston, Beau reguid aod Brace, our armies; since disaster tu the cateer ol each one of these great military chiefluius bas compelled tuem iu turu to pass under aclound, when popular clamor called tor their distuissal, Happily tor the country aod us, be did not imitate to this the example of bis Llundering Coleus porary at Washington But beyond these demounstArions ol hosulity lo the present adunloisteation, the faction declare “Luat more Is demanded of N. Carolina than of any of bee sisier Sttles aud tbat some of called upon, or have bot turnished as inany suldiers fur the feid ja proportion to pep ulation as North Carvlina; aud that this and utber reasons they resolve that N. Caroliaa will send be more treops tu the fieid.” That N. Caroliua has beeo Vespect them bave not been for called | upou for a larger quota of troops than tbe other States you may be well assured i bil lor ho parucular huluber trou Slate, ages 10 *y the Siales} and this is suthcieut wand reckless wen be- come when they yleid themseives wo the Spirit ol facliun. [tthe peuple of avy of the othe. States have tailed to respond to the cali, Wen they cannot escape the charge aud a ot their -s Made at the beyieminy of the con- to suow how faise of Vivlaiion pled Lest. disloy aily, This is the accusation made by “the factivn” io North Carciiua and thes pro pose themselves ta adopt the same disloyal course of couuduct.—Their avowed seuu- meots lead w this. All men must be held morally aud Jegally to intend the batural aod necessary cuusequences of their acts, aod if tuese be so the conclusion Is irresisuble, that when tiese men are }ealled upon to render support to the cause po Pi of the country and they refuse to do so, from North Carolina upon the soil of Vir- | but threaten violeul resistance Wo the law, ginia for our own defence, the trae mili | tary principle bas been adopted ; and it they are prepared fur submissiou—- for re- union!) Nor dues it matter whether they is to be hoped that when the fact is oace | V0 these sentiments or deny them; if pointed out, that twice m the history of | they are prepared for resistauce to a law this war this plan of operations has com | of the laud, most essential w the defence pelled the enemy to withdraw his at trom our coast for the safety of bis main invaiding ariny, this aseless caviltug will be forever beshed. Burnside was witt drawn in consequence of McClellan's de feat befure Richmond, and Foster was withdrawn in consequeoce of Hooker's de- feat at Chancellossville aud the operations which followed. And that our people nave experienced few of the horrors of war compared with the people of large districts | of Virginia, is ettribetable to the adoption | of this principle in our defence » and God forbid that it should be abandoned except upon the most imperative Decessity. If it shall be said that the enemy ought never to have been allowed to gain a foot: | hold upon oar soil, it nay be answered : We had not the time and means tu enab!+ us to place Hatteras ina proper state of defence before it was atlacked disaster, the fall of Newbern became in- evitab.e, unless more troops coud have been spared froma points of more impor tavce. And it may well be doobsed whether the means at the command of the General of the Departinent of Norfolk were safiicient ty have saved Roanoke Is land. Certain itis toat be wasthen re- garded as a General of skill, and all the available means of the trovernment were placed at Ins disposal. Wik the lights which expenetuce has atforded, and with even the scant means then at command, , these places might possibly bave all been veld; but itts buman to err, and we have uo reason to suppose North Carvlinians qcertainly nut the parties whose sentiments | we are combatiius.) are exempt from‘ the commen frailty. A large aud productive region of our State, by those disasters, has falicn mnto the hands of toe enemy and teen occupied by him, but tw show conclu sivevy Low factiuus and unworthy of North Taruliniaps his complaint, we bave ooly ve fact that the largest aud city of the South tas falleo the esemy, a of ufied vieided t Sate t in Lousiana or Mississippi that Ot Ure Mississippi had to be ptis ravages. Is there any faction AU palin that New (r.eaus or Vicksburg, or Port After this | and the for- | » him, openipy the whole of that. of the country, does not their couduct iead directly to this result! j It would be unwise as it would be un j Just to attempt tu miaguily Lue lnbporlauce | ot these manitestauvus of disloyalty, but | they cabbot be without evil tendency in vencouragiog our svldiers to desert their , Colors and abandon their comrades, in re | pressing their ardor, in sowing the seeds fof distrust. aud despondency among the people of our Sister Siates, aud in eneour- agiuy the ebewy io pefrisc in iis desiyus rol couquest, proousing thereby the bor- Bevond this » Wb ds pussibie that the conduct of these men id ‘s rors abd distress uf (ue war, way bring vb usa calamity to be deplured even by thetmoeves. tis put iinpyssible | that these inee should succeed iu hyuiuy the blaze of intestine civil war iu our own The fate of Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri is beture us fur solemn waru ling. Be assured the North Carouna troops bot tury wuich i tuey bave pursued hithertu. | Slale, , will back j0 the course Their hovor this. Hardsuips amd dangers we kuow ie iB our opward path, but # ruin worse thau igoomibiuus death we kuow to betn- for the leadership of | Calis Lave been wade for troupes, | each | Yue call is for ail between certain | } | are in the rupks by the mde of at home atd'the main authors of our Ga- lamities the hatred aad revenge which we cherished for our public enemy ! But let us invite to a policy which shall avoid all apprehensions of evil and disas ter, Let all (be good and patriotic people | of the State Qnite jn a public avowal of their vpinionsin denunciation of the sentt- nent: and dedigns of this faction. This eatuot fail to destroy it. If errors iu the couduet of our) athe have beeo commit tea, detus bragh then from our memory or throw oveitbers eke mantle of chanty. Let the disgugting (ickerings of partizans sud poliuciags be obese Were banished areda, Let the unidat the feartal dangers (hat surround us, re bew our pledgy of the of the country,a@od ilit upoa her altars tires. Tt the beers gathered together or wasted, let us make m of te boy who, when trot the us in ot vollol to CAUSE elertial blag materils of war whieh hat have misappli lhe wh hee bias lust au apron, “Sheots a fellow of the sylf same flight The self same way, with more advised watch, To fad the otger forth, and adveut’ring both He ott finds both” Let us above all not permit N. Carolina tu recoil trom the Let her not become aw laggard iu the confhet, and let bo stan rest upon her eseutcheoo , aud then we shall be able through ail time to use of cullest, aay with true and just pride “Though the scomer may sueer at and wit- lings delame Ber, Our hearis swell with gladness whenever we name ver.” Most respectfully, Your obedient servants, Tnos. WM. Ganeert, Col. sth N.C. Troops. Bertie coanty. Bayan Grimes, Col 4 NC. ‘Troops, Pitt county. H.C. Jones, Ja, Le. Col. S7th N.C. ‘Troop, Salisbury SEATON GALES, Capt. AJA. Gen. Remscur's Brigace, Raleigh. Samy. P. Hirt, Le: 6th N.C. Troops, Qaswell. J. G Uarpy, Surgeon 6th N.C. T., Buncombe. | AN APPEAL TO THE PLANTERS OF THR COUNTRY. | Permit a citizen of the South—one born and | rais dameonug you, idevufied with every thing | that can contribute to the sucess or the glory ol our present straggle, and one whose children your own gal- | lant suos—permit such a one tu say a few plain | words lo.you. If strong of apparenily harsh lenguage be , used, let me say, to the outset, that my wish is to convince, and not to offend. IL have ne mo uve to wound the self-love of any oue. Tie chief evil under which this effort to win our todependence, has been | cud stilis the high price of wing. So great o e we all labor in nas this ertgrowan, that our Congress has deem- edit proper to fesurt lo im pressing, where it | shall become necessary ‘ Lei me ave tbe planters of the South a few phon queetcas, Dam confident they are vet patnove eucagh to pouder well the auswers. What causes four whe eo bigh? [tas ihe pree you ask fac your wheat. What causes meal tu be re h gh? It sthe price you ask for yourcorn Wheat causes meat to be so high * lias the price you asx ior your cattle, sheep and hogs. What caeees colton goods tu be wo high? Ttisthe pice you ask fur your raw cotton — What causes shoca to be so high?) It is the | price, agai, you ask for your cattle, What causes bving. generally, to be «o high ” Tt isthe price you planters are asking for eve- | is loo deeply pledged in bivod to admit of rything you raise or procuce ; forthe firsépnee | goverus all spbseque I do not mean | that you clane are responsible for these high pric +s. I do vot meas causes tending tothis Bat [do meanto say, uuhesitavogly, that you planters are mainiy— | ones that there are no other \ alinost solely—to blame tor unis fightfal evil of volved in turning back, and such must | Those the ene be the fate of all patnoce men, j Who refuse to aid us, aud invite (NY w var cubyuest, woud nol escape i t ue general wreek Of vur povitical fortunes. t bout there ts Jela Comsideration ty whic! hie your athention has bol becu invited. sy#lematic violation of ali the laws of civil ‘ ized warfare by the evemy bas not been | witbvut its watural influence in inthamins our fexentipeut, and exciting towards lin extreme Latred. io respect Hi “Aas paid t to the Iuvigiabiity of private property or the persoual hiberty of noo combatants. He bas made war upou innocest ab feuceless old men, Woden abled chdren, by cewing thedi as retu Ar homes, Gurbiug their dws from therm their me ss 6 bas elupivyed in his service, in comand ot his artnies, beasts in bumman shape, wi laave bul hesitated to intlict Ipoo va ~ the preavest reloetuent Cae most era suits. Lin crustties to « AP pred one \ mei Limited Omiy bY bis power Surely Hudson were w, tune uegiect door sur liers CADUOL oe a Inkl Of DbOuOralie mh rendered? = And cau it te supposed that) pues or velerous baturs tn our whole the President of the Coufederrcy tas Ce SL # Whio has ves fect islet swell beraiely chusei ty inflict by bis neglec C4 mdi tnauon al L recitiar ot tae dian greater iojanies upou tisown State and barbaritivs of our sue. Du ti rp people than upon even the poor, cast: off| ty You asa tnaiter exciting tue 2 pers of North Crrolina’ No. our coun- | @tuuishinent. that the CIhpOVINed. Oo try 1, We Ale pereu fee wil Views to the | xtaves of the South and ¢ ‘ nergy VOUS lantv apd reasou aid say with the aS orth, “to tueder our 7 Fool con ae ollie Valent isnot sealliiie. Tle! pose uso honorable comoatias soli Pe may un stances bave « iu the | Suwuld not have tired the GY aetna choices of ou sud of means. tle may | Man in the South and raised every strony have been ul vy influenced by the judy- | armon ber defence. He who beare this went of olu. + seat surely he cogil 1 et enornity wilh patience 4“ coward ora Lave been so sible to the preservat vrule, “whom it would be base lati ry to his own repat.cou and influence (it calla map.” And can Le who counsels were possible to deny tedium higher and | submission or whose courte of conduct nobler motives of conduct) as to willfully | tends to this result escape this coudemna- »glect the defence of any portion of the | ton f uutey. Certaia it is that few men have And could we fail uoder such circumstances | | | to transfer to our enemies | per high prices and consequrnt depreciated carren- cy now carsiag this otheraiwe afflicted land I know its customary to damn the mer- chants for the prevalent hgh pmeer ; and none | sre ipere re@ay by Jorn) tae ery against them | ‘than you are. Bat ris as unjost Tam tot and never but anintumate ae qaaintance with that | asilie une rue enart 5 Cass of men top twenty veers large commer- cial cities, bas sabished ine that we have eral and patriotie citi- > pid tlion, neo tore public wgeritec, zen ainoog var entire Toeir vocation is trade—to buy at one price sod sell at an advasee > but, asa peneral rule, they are eitistied with a reasonable profit on their uccunl outlay. Tt ihey buy cheap they sell so. Ufihey buy at liga rates they sell so There are exceptions to (his as toallother oth- errules; oof is wtimeant to aipelude, as mer- chants, the thousands of lth Jew hucksters | who are nowinfesiing allour large towus, and preparing to becyine good loval Vankees when- rC hbaneston, SaVanuan or Mobile shall fal! Phere in also a class of itive boru Nouthern | meneven worse iha@ these Jews They ere the apeculatora who are orowllag about the Ving Up, ta personorby agents, ali they cau | ther anelean bands on, and hoarding ty atsp ter high “4 But sien ie do not belong te our h ming d, ty abi inercantile clases and Tre. prat % toor merchant are nol Peepotie mite for the | AL PUP t x plat ‘ Vour extortion, are done OUr Cause im | damage sail the Van- Kore metcomb ted You oe e oman, bie prucipal, tn diy, the firs mage oof the togh prices now cuzeing the + te. demmoral ming the ev ences ofour eitizene and paral vaing the arms and the heart« our gallant wicters You are the chief Cause of tiie, as can be ensly cemeovatrated \ Dake the arocie of shees You denounee tie morchant te ve high pore whe for them But did vou everceflect that you atart ed this high price What did you ak for caltle two veare ayo? Pweuty aud thirty deo! Jare a head What did the shoemaier ask for shoes them! boar and five dollars a pair What do you nek jor cattle now?) One and two hundred dollare ahead. The butcher bas fopay yontlie,or ,ou will not sell them is the consequence of this firal The butcher mast make his profit un your “high prees;” and he has advanced most to fifty, seventy five, mnety cents and a doflay | pound, just as you have eet him the exam- | What ‘high price?” he then sells them to you with all these profits | Vance bis pnee, though he has had to pay | factory man Ave pront, whe ha» had first to pay | | all those ; The country looks to y- have been @ mere pu: Meat from . } also ; nid as cannot have it on the meat und the four, and the lard he eats, and for which be hay to pay high prices becuuse you have first established them, he puis it on hie hides which he sells to the shoemaker. The latter murt haye his pro- fit also ; and ashe has to pay the same high prices which you have inaugurated for flour, meal, meat and wood, be puts his profit on his labor in converting the hides inte shoes; and edded. Bat you are the last men whe hive any just cause for grumbling. Youshave got your ‘uigh price” wag since. Not because | you had to buy wheat aud corn and cattle and | j hogs ot high figared—for you had them ull be- | fore—but because you alone had them and could usk for them any prise you may mre Uhought proper. There was ao necessity for your high price. | —You had cotton, your cattle your sheep, | your hogs. your wood, your be gmirs two years | ago Your labor bas not Beg, increased, because of any extra attention y@u have be | stuwed upou faisiug Vour cuttle, your wheal | or yourcorn God Almighty basPharged you no more for the rains, for the wetbBud the dry, | the cold and the warm seasons tha he did two | yearsugo. Yet you have msen inl your pices of all the necessaries of Ife, fous @ five litnes | the cost of two years ago. Bat for your “high prices,” Qhe butcher would have sold meut und hides at low rates; the tonne, would have sold leather at lower rates, and the shoerakers would bave sold you his shoes at lower rates. This ie the case too with the cotton goods vou buy from the wer dnant or the Yoo do not hesitate to denounce the bigh price you have to pay for then; and you cell all ex who are connected with thistratic. factory torioners” Bat do you recollect’ that two years aud even one year age, domesies seld at forty aud fifty ceuls per Vad, thal now sell for one dollar aud fifty ceuts per yard’ Have you had no ugen- cy in benying about this high pree % You are, in truth, the real cause of ut. ‘These good- sold low, a year agg because you then asked | but fifteen aud twenty cents per pound forcot Now, you ark forty and ofty cents, aud do not care to sell at that figure Is the facto- ! | ton | | ry man to be censured for asking twenty or] thirty per ceat proht on Avs outlay, when vou are asking him one and two hundred per ceat | on your outlay > Your cottou bas been under | your giie (wo years. ft hos cost you vo more | to-day they it had cost veu at firs, adinary | You depremrabios excepled have vot bought from a therd party. Tt is ube same cotton | vou have had and hold since the fall of In6l Bot vou have not thought 4. wrong ital you | shouid coustant!), from menth to month, ad- Vanee your pace, though thas votoner chang- ed hande/ while vou think oan Outrage ou common honesty that ibe ierchant should ad the | you your “ingh price ii “ You have put enormous figures ua your wheat, corp, cattle, sheep, hogs, cotton and wood; and can yoo wonder that the man whe inapufactures cotton guods, and who Ras to Duy becessaries at your pnees, should charge “high prices” for his geuoda? of he markets of Chaylesteo You compiam joudly and lard in bah and mobile. same Hgnres vow sold them last vear’ The through the whole catalogue of necerearies.— | ‘ato sUpporlour artes Your pansatu our onief resources Of sioply the pee of bacon . Navan. | Do you seli your bogs atthe | Give argue it rus | 2b boneet answer suine aud our people pleafucts are Upon these you } j have put extravagant ra before they have changed handy at all, org when the, are cove | verted toto the Varons e'emenits ot lwing, yee deneonce the ‘high pr harged jor therm | strangely fo getting tliat yaw have ~ put this ballin metion,” and that your protite are four fold greater than the profits of any other class You are nea as painoue Yuikee I intend no offemee in rayig Tam only The Yankee vus- tacos Aas Goverument t allt at nearly the Sgurcs of f He shows | versoment by taking ite | we the thir, stating a lumentable fect needs | seliuug at | rihes Lines his confidence in hie t You snow | isuesas readily axe the world thas you have no coufhdence in your for i nothing it t would gold Government » you will weil ator prosseuting dus war to lee protect your rizhta, anless it will pay you four of five tines its former value . . ‘ Charleston is endangered for the want of pe ® labor, and your Commanding General has called and called, and called in vain upon you He has just had to netfy you thar bh Wil DoW amiprematiis a cor Tsnot thew burn: tne for st yshame to the S that wee strip for the fight. aod the joudes: her firet te toeall upou sister States ie ww oherteadin braving The Yankee has now come Hewat ve Youre tae consequences sure enough ur door, cemandiog eulraner onto mine reread cagrinl, and While You Can mate a ne and gere thal await then, brothers to brave the toate and da {you cannot atferd to rieh your dagkies! Oat, upen such patrivtian , But whatis the inevilubie ecosecueece of this steady inflates prices? Dh we fail oan this struggle, the sz of our debt willbe a mors. terof ie ined for the fined Untention ef In foe te to confiscate all your property, and thos nay off the mn We Vo vote pucecens Who wil pay our ee tt * You farm re will have to pay eloen tWwentiethe of at, for Meh om yeoter prrergin ty fod whole popartate wid taxable property Then why willyen n- creane at by cha cur Groverument four or fee times the rea f every article ot hae P purchase from vou! These high prees con V Becoming ver ty POW NE RNCH Ons Coan bee ue maly ba su lditiooalon “ned fdebt. whith vou vat, or your Clilaren, Talat pray ! fe there nor for thre froghtfl evil Phere is, oo so your banda. Pot vour Wheat ot Sto f yrnat B10 per bash foureatth: at 2500 eaeh, your horses af 1600 md MPG each. your cotton at RP pet pound vou Wood at B20 oer cord, and what wall be scrmale” Wealh ane he pree of living yom borher? Contd you cleo bay meat toon the butchers flour, neal bacon ond dard Com the wcere, bides from the tanner; shoe® from he shoemaker; cottom goods, irom, tials, amith, at the prees that Would tings eyon go beyoud the re achoof the middle fran the Inerchent o weeven now current! not all theee and poor clases ? But reverse thise Pat all these artelen that you raise of prodage from the soil or itm yield at figures, then the price of lie- | ig will cong duwn to a reasonable standard, reasonable | the credit of the Government will go up, and! the soldier in the field will have the pleawant assurnoce that hie wife and his littleones at home need not suffer. The remedy is youre You ean apply it if ua) ing the act a@ unbecoming and, we suppose, in retaliation for the ghia of the pevate of the do 20, you will Gnd. sin bief » because F oaceeadn Tf you get less fbr your tow muterials, you will pay lea forthe ed articles ; aad yOur reduction of Prices thes cpmes back to you in the furm of direct bene ’Tis time you should seriously ‘think of ihiy for if you persist in your preseut course of de. preciating your Goverument’s credit, the soun. er you sell out to the Yankees the better you. COMMON SENSE . Charleston, August 30, 1863. CAROL WATCH SALISBURY, N. C,: MONDAY] EVENING, SE@TEMBER 14. 1 8e3. GOV. VANCE'S PROCLAMATION. This able and eloquent appeal tu the people of the State, will be found ia to. days paper. To iv we ask the honest and serious consideration of every inan in the Sute, for it most intimately and concerns all. the State depends the life and property of the peopre. be den ied. Gpon the supremacy of the laws of This is a fact which cannot Another fact is also beyond dispute, and thatas, the war is upon us, and we can make nothing by crimination Moreover, all abd reenipinabon, move- ; ° “ments, as the Governor says, which look bevoud the regularly constituted authori- les for redress of rewl or supposed ynev- ubees, ure tregsonable. and those who en- vein them are amenable to the laws of We feel conv ibeed, that bardly ainan whe bas engayed ia the State therefor. them, das ever thought over the matter, or of the consequences. Not one we thiok, ever thought bow much encouragement be bas been giving to the Vankyes to per- severe for the subjugaton of the South, and of themselves, their To « terrible disaster, our duty the oenslavemens such In unton there is strength -—in division among Ineteds and postenty. avert Is plain. ourselves there ts sure defeat. We once more appeal to the yood peo ple of all stindes of politics to take the ad- wod in the futare, to vice of Gov Vance, let a merciless evemny, Who is laying Waste hour country without respect to persons or ‘sex. or political sentiment fod us united as one Mian, ome @QOB VIOLENCE IN RALIEGH We learn from the Progrese of the 10th inet thata portion of Benowg's Bogade of Georgts ‘Troupe.cn passing throogh Raleigh West, made an attack oo the Staudard office and injured overy much, destroying type, Saturee, Ke scene of destructmn Gos Wence reached the afver inest of the damage was duoe—addressec ervin a most effective speech denowne- Sod wholly withoal the sok a precedent except m the duwn- trodden domin- wns ot Abe Lancola The troops denisted, form- Aline andafier giving three cheers fur Gov. On ihe wer ed Vance, went to ther quarters. morning between 7 and 4 o'clock @ crowd of cilizens repaired to the State Joarmal cfiee. injury dove te the Standard office, demolished that | As | peady to uphold the majesty of the laws and tbe onthe former oceasen, Gov Vance ever Ntate exerted his at- most efforte to induce the ertirens to disperse ‘The t wasoniy through the and refrain from dang further violence Trogre-s further says ppeals of the Governor that the Register of- hice wae saved We will only add, that we do most exames:'y deprecate such eunduct, whether committed by the military or by citizens.” and trast: for the geod name of vor beloved Sinte, the lke may fever cecur again Every thing we hold dear is unsafe whenever euch a spr rim permitted to rule We appetite the pre prea the State to remember the good char- acier they hiwe Deretofore bere ae taw-abicong ertzene! : "To remember that ruch scenes are the atronves§$eacourngement, exer pt ac tua the service of Laneola, ng inte rive to onr were enemies khees, who spare nether sex or property) he’ devastating suyvamson of your sacred a soe yeas rede ' EDWARD J: YALE. bs : veer We observe a card patiidied ta Che fas Presbytenan, signed by neariy two tt Font ' ; ; rare) dred gentlemen of all poutearpariies, 1" 1 ie f the posing this ventleman te the peop on om : 4 fourth Conyressiot nl [ARAtrict as oa cand : , A eepnnyaolt vt date for Conyress This ds a compli well doserved, and owe lepe te wil os yd elected by acelymation, No man has act : eet 0 more n@bly in thisour day ot trial, Ma ! wre’. of bis mora} worth are needed mn Congre For business he haa no equal. nd Ia Fie“ Watchman avd Harbingers 5 5 . 1D is the ttle of a pewspaper just issued to the interests ol Greensboro’, devoted the Methodist Protestant Chureh in th State. It ie well edited by the Rew J Michaox.. is L.' Messrs. sented ut their mat growth. though | havea a tions for | ty extens West of $ Road. 4 who will Mr. Ri 1s pulling einity, an to begin vicinity, of their ¢ their adv MOKR. lo rey the Laud the Rich snakes tb vo doubt readers. Morris {acl Coup uer aud & No detail su general enemy bu of @ final provided f{ viously tr the meu safely. The an than para ever @ ain von by uw sap had a uer Ifa 4 taast bh assault, prisdanery willing the defeu that Mor Hatteras Bucit we of Beauc owuths ; erected, uo the de! hey wer the door. sold it al cucmy © ticle of ts of blood The f ee than tetand. | which su uver th pototta the syste post s— But the tence, alli and repe a Mege fr cre uma Such a by 4a ari starved, ts the mi Bai w of the re One st ern popu of great unpleasa encouras the poss. enemy t fired Lime depress whether the com, Nassau. SPLEN and det OY ASSA The | Dattale i al battene guanboa out. T and cd post / L the iM to- t and nD the cerns ws of rty ot aboot vond On wa, yaloD nove- look thori- yriev- 10 en- we of inced, ed ia batter, think, 2TNeDs O per- hy and their such \s Io Mmovg j }ro- ie ad- re, tO wask 28 OF sited H h inet eorgta , made nyured », Ke ructmn lrensec OW ne - yithoa! Jomin- , forn- ip Gov. © wer ows of cffiee, injury d that e ever ind the his ot- isperee ‘The gh the ter of- mes'y mitted ust for cy tle thing a epi ingen, ued 10 ests of in this wah be nfavee ‘ghee, emt Messrs. Whitman &, Clifford. haw seoted us a specittion of Borgho Syrup of heir manufacture from cane of this year’s growth. The sample is decidedly good, though itis of the first boiling. They have a mill and other necessary prepare tions for the manufacture of mulasses pret- ty extensively, ‘Their mill is eight miles West of Salisbury, un the Statesvite Plaok Road. They will manufacture for any who will take the cane to their mill. Mr. Ransom C, Clifford, of this Town, 1s putting up a will and kettles iu this vi three volors, Nobody hart.on: : . Ga. BEAU ARD. Gen. Commacding, —— OPO The ivtelligence, we have the pleasure to fay before the public this day, will cheer the heart of every reader. ‘The enemy huve dis- covered that the siege of Charlestou has only commesced ; wud thet afier two months, of bombardment, sumething more then » bluster. ing demand is uecessary tu give them pusses- sium oven of Sumters ruioa, Aceordingly, in the eull hours of night, thirty barges, laden witb trvops, allerapied the assauls They pro- posed @ surprise, but the prepsrations of Geuer- al Beauregard were thea equal to their inge- | einity, and will be ready in « day or two to begin operations, ‘Litose in town, or Its vicinity, not having facilities of this kind of their own, would doubsless find it to their advautage to seud their cane to him. oe - MORRIS’ ISLAND —CHARLESTON, In regard to the fall of this Island into the Lauds of the bated Yankee barbarians the Ruchwond Azaminer of the 8th lust, swakgs the fuliowing remarks, which will vo doubt relieve the uads of tuauy of our readers. Morris Island has beew evacuated. ‘The (acl CUmprises ibe evacuatiun of baile mes \ ay- uer aud Geegy, loug aud glonvusly defeuded. No details lave reached us, but we ure ussured vu general that nothiug was abaudoved to the | enewy bul the saudy gruuud. The wecesrty of @ filual evacuation lad loug beeu forseru and provided for. Every bing of value bad been pre- viously Lranspuried by uight to the main, aud the meu were at jest drawn off in order aud safety. The annouucemeut occasons rather relief than paras The impussibiliy of defeudtug fur- ever asinall isiaud, cut of from communica- wow by wu euorious fleet, was palpable. ‘The sap had approacied within a few yards of Wag- ver Df tts evacuation had beew luug delayed iadst bave suon fallea ix an overwheliniag assault, wad its defenders beea skilled or iakeu prisdaery While ho Coutageous persous were willing to citer thew apprehension se loag as the defeuce cuntinued, few did not feel aud think that Morris detand might at last prove auother Hatteras, sucther Roauvke, another Vicksburg But it was safe ta the able and fortunate hauds of Beauregard. He fought that island for wwo mouths: bed it while works were etsewhere erected, whic tendered it Wholly Gunecessary wo the defeare LEChaneston; held it sil, when hey were quite dove. tu the last moment whe the duorof hon ureble retreat was open, aud suid it at last deariy, deed. [thas cost tue cuemy ananny and hetta fleet. Nota par- cle of us saud has not been pad for with troups of blood The fortification of Charlestou is now strong- ecthan when (be firs: shot was fired on the ieland. Batteries have muce then been erected, which supercede the uulityof Waguer. Itwas vever the-key of Charleston. Indeed no one pototia iis fortincauen can be so called. la the system of Vauvan there wax alwevs such a point ;—voce takeo, it commanded ‘the rest But the excelieuce ul the vew ev etem of de- tence, illustrated ut Comorn and Sebastopol. and repeated at Chariesion.is the necesmty of a mege forevery batlery. ia which the besreg- ere are always exposed to the fire of Such a defeace, i conducted with courage, by woarny which cannot be surrounded Wad starved, inay be canity rendered ts the siege of Charleston will be others. — tuberminable, Bat we must not blind our eyes nor those of the resder, to We Consequences ofthis event One ws the munil effect on the ignorant North- ern populace unpleasant to kuew encouragement that they have so much The other ww the fact that the posseseion of Morris Island will enable the enemy ta close the port of Charleston, fur the firsts time inthe war. depress mercantile speculation, we doubt whether the Confederacy wil be injured by 1 the comparative diminuuou of smugg! | cA : ; peek Se eeiion from | A Vietory in Teanessee—Captare of Several | "!! have felt, ina greater or jess degree, the | A reward of fire dolirrs will be paid. t N awsau. SPLENDiDSUCCESS AT CHARLESTON | The Enemy attempts a niyglé uttack on Fort Sumter — Onur Hatteries Upen on Uieiv trons , ' ; os splendid success—Severalof their boats Sun, ind many Prisuners taken — Con- ) . ron , pede deteat of he eney “yes plan, CHARLES TON September 9—At half pect me Uasmottns, the enemy tmds and deternyned effurt to darry Fort Suites i Ti \ approached in abo iy Ken \ On as Chey were ser), fou aod Baclery Bee opened ape noalt UV Wilt tae intaotry ain kort NIT} : . Tie \ Kut acest obbudiny ay roll i al Cae Wo ila ! if ‘ Powdlnen the ¢ Battalion tout yo with x n ithe \ friven { wid Ni “ \ ' ede uti \ aed we el tut wr ala arty 4 ‘ “s { ‘ Mee ne edie wo rauk and tile i Prisouens are VOW ining up to the crt NO COS OBE OM GUE Sie) OU Men TaaValL rd Cove Ally i thorntog, Ach tree is ying ap from the fleet, owrug te reccot mistanees af fisiay on our Ar UO ive, Che s widnot be received, OFFICIAL DISPATCH, CHARLESTON, Sept. 9, 1863 To Cen, Couper Doring dast night attacked Fort beer made for Ata concerted signal all the battenes. bearing on Suinter, asssted by one guaboat ram Properly located, wore thrown out. The Zarrison behaved witit gallantry and ed \ness, Maj. Eliott commanding the post. The enemy was completely repulsed, thirty of the one Sumte P sueh ati hy launches eparstions bad Vent {ou every shore opened ou the unfortunate | barges. | \ | | ed their urined crews, who were svon deud, or | | | but the musketry from the fort, the shells and | | ft wail, of course, be the sigaal | of great bul temporary exultation; sud it is | Bat while this result may | outy. Al @ preconeeried sguul, the balterics Through ail the fire, however, some of them forced their way tu thp fort, and land- captives tu the hauds of the garrivon. blow mauy of the barges were sunk, of what bom- ¥ Donne LAIR Oh pe ty Nl, 2 ” i.“ ’ Page Ty aa | ihe 4 PROCLAMATION.» | Wuraxas, « iunber ry meétings have recently been held in v portions of the Siute, in come of wi threais have been mude of combined résistatiee (0 the execution of the laws of Congress, ta regard to couserip- tivn and the collection of taxes, thereby eudan- gering the public peace and tranquility as well as the common cuase of pndepsudence, which we have so solemuly engeged to defend: And whereas, it is my sworn daty toiee ull the laws of the land faithfall¥ exeemted, ind quiet and order maintained within oof borders, Now, therefore, I ZEBULON B. VANCE, reins 1 Mk, ‘ * I UY doe Mel Fa BA — 4% shal ake HE FARMERS AND PLA : Rotan County are hereby notified ip at the following places fof the purpose ft ug returns of ail the Wheat, Outs and Wook dueed by them in the year 1863, of whi y will be required to pay, the Governmeut Tenth, after reperving for their own use the amounts allowed them by law. . For the purpose of taking. said returps, the Assessors, Pua! N. Ueiligand Joseph A. Haw, kins, Esqrs , will attead as follows, viz: Governor of the State of North Carolina, do ivsue thiv my proclamation, Commanding all : such petsons co revounce sdch evil intentions, | end warning them to beware of the criminal | And fatal conseque aces of carrying such threats tuto execulion. The inalhenable and invaluable right of the people to assemble tog ther and consalt forthe comown geod, together witbits necessary cou- ber of men were killed io them, is nut known 5 cauister from tbe batteries, must have sent mauvy a Yaokee to feed the fish of Charleston waters. Not a mauin Sumter was killed of woutded; and the capacity of the position to | maintain deelf amply demonstrated. | Whatever may be the conclusion of the druinain which thisuight scene wasan episode; whether Sumter is finally abauduued, or Char- lestun shelled to ruims; vothing cau now de- prive the (wo gerrmeone of thal celebrated island jot thete right wo the applause cf their country ; or tuke from the great commander whose skull | aud vigslance has thas fur yproveu more than a j match jor the coueeutrated might wud exhuust- tess resources of wu empire, his just tule low new wreath oftmaiortal glory. Lf, indeed, a the enemy pretends; he was seut fromthe head of an army tu the guard of a city as @ punish- ineut or disgrace, he bas reudered it the ust sulid foundation of his uulitary reputaioa — Stripped of his (roops to relieve Pemberton, be could wut prevent the anny and fleet of the Nocth trom effecting a disembarkation ou Mor tis Islund ; but by « defence of unparalled re- Biuion and ability, he reudered that dearly bought acquistiion nearly useless Lo the chef desyu. te inay not be ube to prevent fur- ther contests and simidar steps in advance 5 butif be can, as we coufideatiy’ hupe, render each as dedt und costly us the last, the siege of Chaclestou may be prolouged Ulbit rivals that of troy and surpasses that of Sebastupol Riukmond Exarhiner “ome WL NOC, R ROAD COMPANY. comilauts the freedom of speech and the press, are secured to you, my cvanirymen, by the inst sacred compacts. They shall uever find a disturber in me Yet you will rememberthat the same iustraments which guarantee these great righis, algo lunit you to the exercise of them, withia the bownds of law, and impose upon me the soleomoa duty of seeing that these bounds be not transgrexsed The Constitauion of the Confederate States, apd all luws passed in parsuapee thereof, are the tupreme law of the land ; resistance to then by combination is treason, umd without combigation, wa high cilme against the laws of your counyy. Let no one be deceived. cuted. Surely, ny evuntrymen, you woald not seek to eure the evils of one revolution hy plunging the country into another You will nut knowingly, to the present desolating war with the cominon enemy. add the borrers of toterual strifs aud entire subversion of law and ewil watherity ! You must not forget the en- viable character which yuu have always main- tained, as a suber, conservative and law-ab.d- ing people ; nor would T have you to forget the plain, easy and constitutional wethod of re- dressing yeur grievances. Meet and denounce any existence laws if you think proper—you have that right—and instruct: your representa the Case may be, to repeal them. Your own chosen servants made those vbacxous laws— thes can repeal them, tf such are your instruc- tons. If you regard them as unconsiitutioual, our Supreme Court sits ready to decide upon all cases properly brought before it. Its deci- sions are finalin the Stute of North Carolina, The called saecting of tis Company met In tlas town oo Frday last, and orgauzed ' and proceeded to business, Owing lo a press of basiness, we Were unsble to attend, but jwe ‘vara that the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensning year, viz: A. Henderson, RB. A. Cadwell, Jonas Chine, Board, Dr. A. M RF Si- Recreaary and Treasurer, At a meeting of the s Usesident. Powell was) re-elected Nouton, ) Wilson, Engineer and Superintendent. | - oe ad Who else thinks sv ?—The Charlotte Bulle- tn says Gov, Vance is responsible for the + mob vicienee done wo the S: lard printing Mee, on the ground taat he did not previeusiy \ aappress that paper, as one Would at first suppose. The Bulletin js in faver ot uulitary law, and) therefore ‘thinks the Governor ought to do every thing | t deetus necestury, Whether Gere is any law bor itor not Itis tobe hoped the Bulletin is singular IN Its Views on ‘this subject. me Nandred Prisoners LyacupunG, Sept. 10. —On Tuesdcy morning {a fight occurred ac Telford's, a station ou the | East Tennessee and Virgioia Railroad. 33 miles | from Brsvel and 93 from Knoxville. The ene- my was dnven back six ines to Limestone. — ) There ours torces came up with them, aod af. tera short engagement cuptured several huu- dred Yankees and about WC Bast Tennessee who had yottea mtow block house, from which they were delivering a pretly hea sy fire On Our troops, Our casnalves were slight. The | lores, Jove of the euciny isnot Known, as ther dead and wound. | ed were carried off lo the rearin a trun oa the 4 ral Pwo handred and fifty-five of the prisoners J arrived here this eventag Tre romored capture of Crowl-v, Montyom- ! as 1 . ery, and Nelsou proves uafouanded Phev all fesesged and have come Richio Disjates SALISBURY, NG, Sept. 14, “62. pe —“Vhe following named « of ke Company A, S7th Regiment NC 7 Oph, ; report to yi ag Salisbury, NC) werhirten | this dates or be considered! deserters. | pprehension the usaai reward of rent DZ Grav, Deeg Well, Dredtell county : Way Rutty, near Sabebury, NOC A A Shain iat Silas os (OR 1D YY Sites Sali bars, NOs J Te tetehey, tear saleburv, N Coy WG Wire. Voir anda, Predeteematy: MOA White, Miranaa, fredell county; oUF Baver- hart, Davidson county, NO Ee ALS AVE Car Ae orth No \ VW NTED at my Shoe store 10> Green i Hides, for which the Dighast prcee will | | | | be paid in cash | JNO. A. BRADSITAW, | | Salisbury, Sept 14, 1S63 ttl7 | ies SALE—A 60) HORSE and al! the Machinery of Rowan Mills, conristing of three French Burs, sinut Ma- chone, Bolts, Blevator«, Belts, Saw Vi and Geanng, &e., &e , ali in cood ruamny order Payment may be made vow, but tor delivered vaul 25th December next Also, 1000 BONES TOBACCO JNO. F. FOWRD. Salisbury, Sept 14, 1365. 5tl7 | J. C. McDowell Directors om the part of | J the State, N. W. Woodfin, Jas. Cathey, B.S | Erwin, G. F. Davidson, Wea. Murphy, F. E. | Shober. | | James This is not so strange | through voto aur lanes. | ENGINE | and shall be executed while the power reninins jtu your Exeeutive w entorce any law There | is ho yrievance Lo redress and no proposition to be made, but can be mosi-benetoally effete! Jiu the way our fathers marked gat by the bal- { lot-box, and the other coustitutionally appoint- jed means. In times of great public se usibihty {like the present, any departure from this legal j chanselos revolutionary aod dangerous, sud | {tends to the diviewon and detracuou of our peo- ple. | Its my great desire, and, I hope, that of all | good ciizens, that cur people should remaiu ‘united, befall us what may. Should we tne jumph ta the great siruggie for independence ‘tet no feellugs of revenge. uo bitlerness mar | the rejorcing of that glorious day. Should we Vall, and. come short of that great object for fea ww lous which we have stru freely. bel nul our strites ana Gomertic feuds ‘add tothe b tterness of defeat Attempts sucdeoly to chanze the existing order of things would only result in bloodshed ane ran I theretore implore you, my ecoun- trymen, ot ail shades of polos! opimion, to ab- stain from assembing together for ihe purpose of denouncing each other, whether at bome or Fin the army, and to avoid seek j for the evils of the times by means aod through the prope ry thoriies. Weare enbatked in all causes which can stir the hearts of patriots , —the cause of liberty and ince } are commmetted to uw by every ue that ean bind an honorable people. Maltituses of our brav- est and best have already seahd oo woh their blood, whilsC others, giving uj all carthly pos- sessions, are either lawguishing in dungeons or | are homeless wanderere throoyh the lund, and a r than legal constituted au trou band of war. A great aud giorous nation is struggling to be born and wondering king- | doms and diste.t empires are siilied with lis- (ones hope and admination., watching this | greatest of human events. et Mem now, I | pray you, be shocked with the spectacle of do- | mestic strife snd perty malignant feuds Let { hot our eneiny be rejoiced to beheiad our strony | made him tremble, torned Let us rather show that the ¢rod of Liberty is Vin hie Holy Temple—the hearts af freemen— wraith silence betore Tian. Instead of engaging in hisunboly and unpai- | notice strife and threatening to resist the lows tof the land and eadangering the peace of socie- (ty, tet us prepare diligently | hearts for the hardships and saiferings of Uh und with nepefial j commug watter. Tleaven has Messed ue with unable Co purchase. se every eilurt to provide (or them and secure jem agaist suffering. Aud det us exert avr j selves to the alinast lo return to duty the ise ny brave boi misguided men who bave fer their country’s Hag inthe bourof danger, one | God will vet otess us, and ourchildeen. a children’s cho@dren will cicuk U8 for tet des purring of the Republic ita darkest hours « i disaster, and sila radhenny to aad pre- serviner fiid the the meso ware \ five sentiments and the cigiis aad civii re rte ot the young Contes Vv. Vee) fn witness whereof, Zuncto, | LoS. > Vaner oar Governor, Captomn ts \ a Woand Connanderinee sieg, HA signed there presents vid Caused Cie G Seolot the State tet faved Done aut the city ot \ len, this: Tth. { September, ALD. Tso, | i) | vd the year arth 4 2B American Tndependesce the VANCE By the Governor: ROW Bartree, Ja, Private See'ry Qwlt STRAY CALVES. RAVED ff, September & | | | m the subseriber vthe toorning of the 2d inst three aalegrown calves vis one red and one white heifer , and ome steer, white on t, back and belly and redish brindleon the sides. They went up the Lincoln road for several miles, nod may have tarmed to the right or left. They are believed to be somewhere within five or six mies of town. Informa- tion of them will be thinkfully received, or a suitable re- waid paid for their return tome. i. J. BRUNER, So long as theseluws re- * main upon the statute book they shuf be exe- | P.N. Heilig at Hartassn’s, September 23 “ ii Litaker’s, “ 24 " at Harkey’s, os 25 ee at Gold Hitt, se Qf Ge at Morgan’s, “ 28 $i at Hatter Shop, ‘“ 29 + at Miller's, * 30 J. A. Hawkins, at Gheen’s Bridge, Sepi. 23 ce at Campbell's, ss 24 ee at MceCounnaughey’s, = «* 25 “ at Mount Ulla, + 26 ee at Atwell’s, ue 28 cs at Mrs. Brown's “ 29 “ at Salisbury, " 30 T most respectfully bey that the Farmers in the Coanty act promptly in making their re- turns. The Government is in great need of the articles named above, for the support and comfort of our brave soldiers who are im the field battling for vur liberties and independence. Promptnese, therefore, will accomplish much for our counmon cause, excite afresh the confi- dence and zea! of our gallant troops. Prompt- uess will also save,the Collectors mach trouble and ubuecessary expense on the part of the tux-payern. W.R. FRALEY, Tax Colleetor. 3t17 CONTRACTORS NOTICE. Post Orrice Sulfsbury, N. C Sept. 1, 1863. Sepyember 9, 18C3. No. 2.226. Frown Salisbury. N.C to Lineotn- tives in Congress or the State Legislatare, as | and bled so | ny remedy | the hotest of } vcndence. Wet arms and stronger devotion, whish have often | ourselves. | and bid all the pecey bickerugs of earth keep ; abundant crops, but thousiods of cue poor are | Le tur begin iu time ana | ton, N C. onge a week—to leave Salisbury, | Tuesday at 6 a.m—to leave Lincoluton pext | day by 12 m.—arrive at Salisbury, Thursday at 7 p.m. | Proposale to be sent to me to carry said mail ' for the next six monthe. McA: SMITH, P.M: [21:16] HRIST CHURCH ACADEMY.—THE next session of this institution will com- menee on Tuesday, the 6th of Oct: ber. The Aucient Languages and Hwher Mathematics are taught according to the strietest standard pof improved classical svetems. Thorough drill- i ‘wall the branches, accompanied by con stant ai igorous explanation, is the chief charactd“stic of th > course of study. For full particulars as te r+ salations, text-books in use, modes of instruction and iflustration, terms of tuition, &c., plense apply tothe principal. EDWARD PAYSON HALL, Sept. 12th 1863. 4upd:.7 Ten Dollars Reward 1 - Soren from the subseriberon Monday the 39st of August ast, an old Sappie with a quilted seat atjuched and leather girth which was brokea and sowed with a leather string. Also, an old Bridie with a leather halter-at- tached, To will give the above reward for the \ | above articles if de'ivered to me, 8 miles west ‘of Salisbury, ori? Jeft at the ‘Watehman’ | Office. | JOHN CRESS. | ' 7 Sept. 7. 1863. 3U:16 SUBSTITUTE WANTED. | LIBERAL, reward will he paid. for a snb- | i 1 stitate. He must be 45 vears of age und \ of good character. Uecan select his own com- vay at this office Sept 2. 1563 th16 | LGD Ses te \ | Ox Monday the 31st Aug., at the county Salt room « black Worsted Shawl. The finder will do me ¢ favor by returning it to this ofice | SARAH E. CARTER. Aug. 31, 1263. 2Qtpd:16 7 Z PUBLIC SALE, — ; AVING disposed of our Plantation, we | will sell on the premises, two miles from Third Creek Depot, On Wednesday 16, September, | Vine Mil NOG TTore, Cy 108, ' Tloys, Corn, Lay, Ovrte, folder, Ntrone, «atl! ante FALRMING © TENSELS. eee Wegonenel omen . J.° Terms made known ee nthe deviof sale S A HODSON, TOA BURKE J.D. JOUNSTON tho Natier (ICE. ‘ © vsuestedt te t o4 ns Vin 1 ore S Oo Ww myn Fos. Ay PEA \ 17s a PMI DNE ALS git vey SUUINBE BEY WAG GOLDS ry _ A CUE VN Sts Vin Sehuy WV Y op ‘ Ma \ ‘ th mn) A t r . rmenths. from S20) te SI Continent fee 1 Popes will be charged from time of entrance close of session, and no deddetan wall be mace ior dost time only co corse ef sie ess 4. WW. OWEN, Salisbury, Sept. Sth, 1868. swlb FOR SALE. \NE eicht and half horse Steam Engine | , thd boder. Locomotive tlew boiler 35 flews pearly new and we goed canning order can be easily moved iimchine Apletons Patent, which will turn one | hundred Shoe or Boot lasts per days It is belted vad in good order. Adress J. A. CORNISH, Lexingion, N.C, Swpd:15 ', Sept. 7, 1963. * NOE TO CONSCRIPTS — ” AND ‘MILITIA’ OFFICERS or THE 8th Congressional District ! ie obedience tv General Order, Nu. 14, and General Order, No. 15, ieaued by Col Peter Mallett, Commandant of Consaripta for Nosh Carolina, Colonels of Militia will, on the 20th of August, 1863, euroll ull persous liable to com scription under the receut Proclumution of the Presideyt of the Confederate States, and aif. persons 60 eprolled, will report themselves ur the enrolling offieer wd Medical Bourd, at the following Limes and places, to wit: + Cleaveland County—91s Reyiment, Colonel Logan, Tuesday the 25th, end Wednesday the 26th of August. 90th Reginent, Colonel Bhi- otte, Bhursday 27th, and. Friday the Qed» August. Lincoln County—88th Regimem, Colone Ramseur, Monday 3Ist August and Tuesday Ist September. Gaston County—87th Regiment, Col. Hand, Thursday 3d, and Friday 4th of September. Meeklenbnrg County—85th Regiment, Co Maxwell, Monday the 7th and ‘tuesday th* 8th of September, 86th Regiment; Culone™ Brown, Wednesday 9th and Thareday 10th, Se pte mber. Caberrus County—84th Regimeut, Colonel Barnhest, Friday 1ithand Saturday 12th Sep~ tember. Caion Couuty—82d Regiment, Col. MeCuin,- Monday 14th apd ‘i uesday 15th. 139th Regi- ment, Colonel Multis, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th September, Rowan County—76th Regimen, Col. Brad- shaw, Saiordsy 19th and Monday 2ist Sep— tember. 120th Regimett, Col. Locke, Toes day 22d and Wedoreday 23d September. Catawha County—®89th Regiment. Colonel Forney, Friduy 25th and Suturday 26th 5ep- tember. This Callinclodes all who shalt have, be- DJROPOSALS will be received to the 15th llesine le union velure the 20th of August, 1863, of this month, to carry the Mailon Roate | and all who are under 45 on that day, wheth- er residents of wuy uther portion of the Siete, or of any State, or claiming to be a citizen of any fore:gu State or Power—uall gwho received. exemptions us the owner or owners of (20) twenty negroes, »* eo much of the Exemptian Actof October. 1862, as relates to overseers hos been repealed by the act of Mav, 1863, to which the attention of all desirmg the exemp- tian of overseers is called. All persone dis- charged from the Army from any cause, or by any anthority since the last enrollment. -All persons to whom. temporary exemptions wese granted by the Examiuing Board, aud all per sous permitied by the Eurolhug Officer to re- main at bome ull further notice ; persons ex- empted or detailed on any work for the State of North Caroi‘na, or uny department thereof, will be reqnired to attend and exhibit the evi- dence of exemptionvor detail This call Goes now include persons exempted by the Examining Roard on account of physical disability, (unless specially ordered,) nor per sone exempted by the -Enrelling Officer, at or since the tast enrollment. (except overseers as above mentioned,) nor persons detailed fora limited time through the Couseript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are in full force and effect on the 20th of August, and the par- ties are actully ard dilivently engaged in the business for which they were detailed. (LF Colonels will return the Rolls to the En- roiling Officer, made out by Companies, with the full names plainly wr'ten, without erasion oralleration, on Jarge size paper, ouly written on one side, with one column of names near the left margin, the bal-nee of the page blank for If the Colonels have any reason to suspect ihat there a-e persons holding exemp- tious from the Eorolling Officer, or the Exam- Board, vot entitled to them, obtained | through frasd or mistake, or that there are per- sons proper'y exempted, whose disability has eeused to exist, or who have violated the eon- ditions of their exemption oy charging mere than 75 pereent.. by quittiug.or negl-cting the remarks. iniog | WwW . | Also an Eccentric lathe or last , business or professioa for which they were ex- | empted, or by engaging in auy other pursuit, | especially specutatiou sud extortion, they will’ i make separate roll of them, und have them to- { cether with sworn evidence before the Bnrell- iog Officer. Reasonable notice must be given \ to all such suspected persons, so they may pro- | duce rebatiing evidenee, to the end that jus- tice may be done. All persons having business of any kind with | the Eurcting Offeer, must be present, togeth- | er with all papers and evidence necessary for (investigation and decision. while the officer is | in the county where parties reside, then, if | necessary | { ] \ ; \ \ to defer, atime and place will be appointed. All papers and affidavits must be presented in due tormand properiy attested, to receive attention, as the Enrolling Officer will hot have time to driw up or correct instro- lmeots of wring. All applications far exemp- tionawrd oll iqutries for information must ber | addressed to the Enrolling Officer only Ali for exempuiou, on the greund Yappiications obexecutive clemeney. on eeeount of 3 iV and tevess'ty, muet be presented t } tortined by the sworn te Tony three disinteresied and res spe wey —persons whose retability the Ieenviling Othoereaendorse All persons ean volunteer Sefore the furacehed with ttiug to Col. Maliewt, at Cotonels at Mita \ ng Otfcera Pe tpiet 7 unger t Ss Cnit, ) will be Wil return ie! of all + voluuteer, (Mev ovuve gone ‘To » parues must be : woth cher regiments ou the \necust y furloughs, or pe t crm oat) Tove i strer that en ver grand, will be Cisregerced. and s, without sehorce pas conser Consecpts sent to camp will bas wacticnhle u the exi- drers who verred to Salis y th mptly re- irrested pila., y return home, w Hail, at Salisbury. or be cated as deserters | ia’ The Enrolling Otheer asks the aid ot alt officers of the unlitie, baat good cilizens executing the law, and iar from eur soil IBsSE RR. WelEFaAN Canto and Boa Oth. Sth Con. Dist Javan Bryas, isst. Surg, C. 5. AL ) H. Howenros, M.D. J.R. Enis, VM. D., Ex. Board \ August 3, 1°63 wht BLANK DEEDS ROR:SALKk AT PHIS OFFICE, Listy Meh & drive the foul invaders i on sy * rt } : q ok ¥ * ; Le aT eR eT CI R Sa m tr ar e em ow e mag as s eke RR eh " cmetuak. ~~ To the Voters of the Bighth Con- greasional District of North Car. olina : { respectfully announce myself to you as a candidate for re-election. By your kind partiality [have the honor of a seat in the First Congress of the Couted- erate States. From the ume of my election the Coufederacy bas been engaged in a sta- peudous war, for the parpose of driving back “he ruthless invaders of its soil, and establish- ng the peace and independence to which it is so justly entitled. Overtures having been repeatedly made by owr Goveruiuent, lo ter minate bustiliues and settle the exustog diffi- culties by negotiation and honorable adjust- ment, and these overtures Laving been as of- ten indignantly rejected. no alternative re- mained to us but to drive back the invaders and conquer a peace ty force of arms. White in Congress, therefore, as your rep- resentative, I used every exertion in my pow- er to streagtheu and increase the army, to give r assistance and encouragement to the Executive, and to preyent, as far as pos- sible, those disastrous collisions between the avil and the military authoriues which are sq apt to occur and so difficult to adjust in time of war. I voted for both Consctiption acts, not be- cause I desired to foree the Southern citizen from his home and fanuly to the camp and battle-field, but because I considered them indispensable to the independence ot the country. 1 voted t raise the pay of the non-com- miss: ved officers and privates in the army, because I believed that they both deserved needed it l. voted agains: the Exemption acts, not because I was opposed to all exemptious. but because I considered those acts wrong it pnaciple, dangesous ia pol'cy, and unjust 10 many of their discriminations. I voted for the Funding bill. because I thought it necessary to diminish the volume of the currency and thereby to give ‘pore | ealthy actionto the finances of the country. 1 voted for the Tax bill of the House, which was rejected by the Senate: bat, before the eonference bill which is the present Tax law, came up for action tn, the House, I was call- ed away by affliction ia my family, and bence | Lhad no opportunity to vote eitherdor or | inst that measure. In fine, { voted for every measure which I | though? would give strength to our aruy. | vigor to the Government, and confidence to | country. | hould you endorse my course as your r atativé by a re-elect.on to Congress, I shall be guided by the same princip)-s and | policy which my record indieates, and I shall | devote my best energies and attention to se- | cure your interest: and, althongh I desire | peace as ardently as any one, azd siall use | @very honorable means to votain w, yet T will | consent to no adjustment which devs not! onpg with it the independence of tie Con- | ‘ederate States, their wtal separafiou from the United States, and all the blesegs ou! vito which we are entitled by b 34 wd wr witch we are sow ¢ nien ding Qur cause is just. Our trust is in God. Gur iesuny, [ Ermly believe. 1s tot etoniens n this struggle. and to sus beyuud paralic: 8 prove ourselves worthy ur our cause, j rorthy of our destiny. Let us be on ar efforts, aud whole worl@ cowl: erpot enslave us. ] am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. LANDER enjoy a career ely ast. li.storv ot ted ip the ged “sacvinton, NC / August 27, 1565.) "MPORTANT SALE OF REAL ESTATE — By a resolation of the ‘ast Grand Ladge of acth Carolina, we, the undersigned, were au wined and empowered ‘osel! in the town of skf.ed, N.€ « that ‘va property known s xt JOHN'S MASONTO CoLLEGE— said property, with sone hundeed acresofland tached thereto will be off-rc ore le foreass, mo Thursday the st day Ocolercext. The saldrug is large and com medious, Contammiug aboat egity rooms, and well adapied for aime uc female Coliege. w necessary outbarld- ings. “Those who snay be desirous to purchase wifl apply to Robert Wo Lassiter end JOT. Lit ‘ejoha, Eags. of Oxford, who will take great pleasure in shgwing them the property F. F. WATSON, Grind Master G. W. D. HUTCHINGS, Grand Trees Aag. 20, :863. o Guld Soathern Express Comnany r HIS Company havics inace extend the firme over hie arreagements W extera N. 6 tail Road, is nuw prepared torward daily FREIGHTS. MONEY PACKAGES, &e., to all points on Unis Road : J.0. WHITE, Agent Aug. 10, 1563—2moel2 Saiisbary Female Seminary. a — | HE Eleventh s+ olny Seve tie Inet.tntiou, Wil Ope cue toa of Seprerst 1963 Board per semicon, Rou 49 Taition ia Engle. vy Of and Ju U0 Manic with use oi Bis 30 yy Firaiehereers “aun. Greek anc ENO each Vupitl« required to farn hits © towels Pacment strculv in ads Fur partico- address A DM LENS ON, Py ase J . #63 t SPELLING BOOMS A sSMALI earpply of Books Spelling hand. ‘Those in need of them had better call soon at WATCHMAN OFFICE. Asyust 3, 1863 BLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE| AT THIS OFFICE. | chandise, Bui'dings, Kc. ‘the follo ving arucles siolen | inseribed on | ae ti ospitals, h North toad “Gu South, cod having been prac- Pay ticing jn the various depart- Se oncuts of his profession for over 10 years with good success, he | gvntinues to offer his services | t to Ube pablic where he is permanently located, | and by etriet atteution to bis profeerion will eu- | deavor to merit a liberal patronage as hereto- fore, and holds himselfin readiness at all hours, day aed night, for professioual calls. > Office at Roseinan's Store. 3mpd tO Exeeative Department, North Careiina, ) Apoutayt Generar’s Orrice, Raleigh, July 4, 1463 ie ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF Rowan Couuty, is authorized to raise a reviment to serve for six mooths, under the re quisition of the President. Each company il consist of 75 men. The privates will eleet | their company officers, the latter will elect their field officers. The officers will be com- miesioned at and from the time the muster- rolis are filed in this office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, Adjatant General. HE UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO such of his felluw-citizens as may choose | to join bim, to report to him at once at Salis: | bury. If the force ealied for by the President | do not avai! themselves of the oppertumiy to volunteer and have officers of their own selec- tion, they will be drafted and have officers ap- | pointed by the Govervor over them. The ver- | vice is for State defevee and for but six months | Rally, men! The enemy is now advancing | apo. our ceast, threatemiug the destruction of our homes and the destruction of our means of Subsistence, to say nothing of the disgrace and worse than death their presence cuta:ls upon oor sisters, our wives and children. Kully to} the defence of your hoines and firesiles j ‘A. M. NESBITT, July 6, 1863.—{1f7) Salisbury. N.C. Confederate Insurance Compary, - ” a Charlottesville, Virqiita. I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGEXNC) | from the above Losurance Company. vow prepared Ww lake risks on property at rea- sonable rates, end for limited penods of ume} and on different grades of preperty:—Such as | Cotton, Tobacco. Produce. Machinery, Mer- | This Company hos | has a 1d held by «ome of | eof Virginia. A | and am beed in operation but a short rime, inrye Cash Cap tal all paid in, the wealihiest auc best peop Jarge amount of the Capital Sc.ck of this Com- pany has already been sold for ten per cent premiam. If can safely recommend this Com- pany to be of the most reiiabie character, aod | any losses from policies issued by thy Compa- | ny. will be promptly met according to the terms set forth in its povicies Persons in Salisbury and vieinity desinog | their property insured, can have an oppertuul- ' ty of doing so by caling on me A. J. MOCK, Agent. Salisbury, N. C., / July 16, 2863. fy $500 REWARI Ss0O REWARD. N Kearty IN JANUARY LAST. THE Office of M. & E. Myers was broken open and ther Wn tine Enghsh Goid Lever Watch. w th the naine of J. A. tallogt Germirn Ter letters, heiteved io be made by Jo Johiu-ton, iret on the fate, Liverpool: one Diamond Ring. ! Dra- monds: one fine Goid Ring, with forgetine noi thereon: Far Breast Pin, Coral aod Gold; two Gold Chata- iin Pins; one Bunch Gold Charms. consisting ta centre clusiered aroand wiih sing one sett Rings and sof the two Lockets with miniatures: Slippers, Cross, Hart. Shell, and x oot recollected : tone Corral Breast Pin: one Gold Breas: Pio sett with Pearl ong Necklace with tary oval Jets, with crossin creutres one due Fa one large Binek Lace Emre Mantle ; Handkerchief, Cours, Sleeves. &eoy Blankets, Line@en and Cotion Steets, Pilow Cages and Beleier Shps, and many other arucies of Jew tele and Ladies spoarei net recollected. T above reward of F Dollirs, with » Handree t paid tor the recovery Vee wove eles, or in Proportion tor i Vist of the Jeweiry can te many Wibon, Wateb-naker at this ' abeence, anv inioneaueu mven to Capram Miers or Samuel Reeves. =r, will be prompe- ly atwnded w. FE. MYERS Sabeburg. N C.. Jane 15. 1563 uf4 UP The Confederacy. at Anuta, Ga, will | copy daily one week. and send till to thisoffice. 14 sia : i { a ee oF ea H AVISG resigned ms commission tn tne Cunfeceraie as Sarreon, DP tender servicew tommy frie tela { OM NESBITT Tr Omee, apyesite tre Coan THonee, Sane 15, 1HGS. (es) Now is the time to pay Money. A AT PERSONS EVPRAER IN DLT ed to me rarcoult, ate recnested ty dV martes 6 call and pay up AM. NESEITE June 15, F503 tft WOOT, Sicastn <I wanted by WH Saveur { WANTED. PAYER Wiartof MiGs cr bses \ av WH BROWN, COM MISSTO SBUR one \ es ronal : mare . Prot ~ Consguroenis erther for r for shiptnent her mar “6 ) willbe wold at highest Markel pree ance te | tances promptly made | Sabebory, July 13, 1863 ti" \ ae WANTED AT HENDERSON & ENNESS', Draggi«:s June 15, 1563. BLANK VPiEEDS fs FOR SALE AT T&S OFFICE | that Teun, and | ny own. large Diamond ! WOE LECTIA NY St Aaa tld To dit whed WENGdlthe member of riots, tebe, in- pressments and \befis in the county, | fee! it a duty I owe to myeelf to adopt the following | rales and at my mill; lst. Iw be responsible for any Flour, Neal or avy kind of Gruin that may be taken | from me by map riot or impressment, | 2d. I will be responsible for any Grain stored ot my mill woul ordered to be grouud. 3d. 1 will not be responsible for any Mealor | Flour more thag 24 hours afler it is made; at the same tines | will jake the beet care of it he same care that I take of ‘The mill is always uncer lock aud ney when we lepve ir J.S.McCUBBINS. | Salisbury, Maych 30, 1863 f43 SCRAP TRON WANTED. ry __ I HE HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE | paid for old ‘Caating or Scrap roa at Govern. | ment Foundry im Salisbury. Pereous having any will please send it at ence, or notify me where they can deliver it. | A.B SHEPPERSON. Superintendent. March 4, 186% ifi2 i > ry. ~~ LEA l Hi ER. HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF | prime necessity Coutinuss to advance in price, tod shoe-makers are predicuwg that prices hud- ecto accougted enormous will be next to natb- ing a8 compared with prospective demands.— Uhis may oe 80, and probably will be true ue- less coneum@ers sball take Unely waroloy abd prepare Gasupply their wants without purchas- It is believed there are surplus cattle and hides enough ia the country to supply the pub- he demane for leather. Farmers, as a general thing, keep more cattle than ean be well kepe and made most profitatle. Tf they would take as good care of their cows as they do their horses and mules, one half the numoer would de more prodtable for milk and butter. The surplus stuck might be fattened and slaughier- ed) The undersigned dewres to do all in his power to keep down the price of leather, and | if he can seeure the Co-operation of stuck-own- | ie believes he can do mach good in this di | He canonut afford to pay the presen, extraordinary dettands of dry and green hide | and then sel! feather at R2.ths he haus, upto thes tune, sold at. lng ers recth: @ highest pnee Bat if farm- ers, who have hides, will sead them to his Tan- | nervy. lor leave them at Sprague. Brothers, 1 Salebory, will Tan them oa the usual terms, obgating himself to sell his own share be aia rae only rsonable enoagh to jusufy him I don’t wish to apeculate, have in se doing done. avd wil do all Dean, againet it one wishing 'o have their Hides Tanned can do as abave directed. Soany | T. W. HAYNES. { (52 | LARGE quantity of TOBACCO for aale i’ by JNO. F FOARP. | Sibebury. Apr! 23, DRAB E49 May £8, 1°63. ae Wanted. Z ) pee. — { Fa) { A GOOD HORSE suuable for | Lie Arm Apply go 5) JAMES W CLARKE, White Sulphur : it Oe aaa’ . | ment to purchase material fer this perpose, and | | I wake this method of appealing to the people | waste cordage, &o., or a verial, varying from 10 to 25 cents pee pound, | according to condition, becality, &e. | Price &1 00 ae ! Alexander Miller, Newbern ; | Gee, Raleigh; | R.C. Maynard, } son, Watsonyille. 1c. P. MENDENHALL, - 1J.™M SPRINGS. | OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS. ry. seen I HE pobuc cian have the benefit of these valuable waters PRICE OF B5 perciay; R2m per week: We have a plenifu a good stock of ice secured hacks aed mail to the Sonngs H. L. ROGARDs, Proprietor. Jonel, 1863. f2 Red and Whit Leaver. W Fo wish to perce we will pay 74 BOARD R73 for 4 weeks A éaily hoe of Pore euts per pound. They must be cleau and HENDERSON & ENNISS Salsbury, Jane 15. N63 {4 WHEAT FANS. \ NUMBER 0! artted to be the © Bornete”’ “, bent ever manulattored in / Noothern eounts , on more reasonable . ecins thau® any other article at the present erat Apply soon w JOHN SHUMAN, Sr Seudpney. Jone 1, 1565 tf ~a] 2B’ EEE * Eve | WILL come or send to Sprague Bro’s. in Salisbury on Tuesdays, Thursday« and Satur- cays to get any Hides chat mav be left: there Cat ane Rew HAYNES June @, 1263 113 (INES AND BOTTLES WANTED, for ’ which we will pay HENDERSON & ENNISS, Drogyints ft the b ghest price. June 15, 1363. 4) the COS Dratitlery ot Salebary, NOC JR One Thousand 1000 Bosheia Maple re pas monet be address to 14s. Fo JGUN STON, Medical Purvesor © OS A, ( 1 mee OO: ] }-+ tf™ 10 EW ARI SIG hide v1) Vad rtwoe SADDLES wolen | the 29thanet One ye black 1 death wi, two Brid’ les ( it he \ sft ‘ en MeKer Z Ale we for ‘ ‘ won 4 Woe MeN TERY jee nl 1" n Yo the Farmers of Rowan, WAM an «to hay coro, wheat, flour, mea A ' poor toe soldiers far it Rowan worse fthem dino! euler snd DT have | Che mmo to pay market preee forthewa things, and Dido hope that the Fariners of the tounty willgvethe poorsoldvers families the preferance. J.S.McCUBBIN, Com. for Rowan. 31663 tf:18 aPk = ; W OULD respect’ \hasreteken his DENTAL ROC IN in Saiis- \ bury supply of provisions and | | | | ase a large lot, for which | | SS BB HR ECRD. Side: i ing ma er Phy. te can be used if a certain proportion of hemp be mixed with it. Tam euthorized by the Ordnange Depart- | to assist ine in collecting old rope, bugzing. kind af old hemp. A good price will be paid for the above ma- I will also pay 4U cents per pound for old serup Lead delivered ut the Worka, A. G. BRBNIZER ~ Capt. Arty Office C. S. Ord. Works, Saltebury, N.C June 29, L863. fe | “Stonewall” J ealnent | e) UST PUBLISHED, and for sale by N.S. | | MORSE & CO., Augusta, Ga, A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxzetcn | OF © STONEWALL” JACKSON by | | Cuarces Hacuoce: Being a full and accurate | | account of the Leading Kvents of bis Life, his | Dying Moments, and the Obsequies at Ruch. | mend and Lexiugton. This work cootains many aneodotes of the illustrious soldier that have never before been published. For sale by all Book Stores and News Ageats: The (rade supplied at a hocral discount | IP All orders address. d tous will be pron pt- ly filled. N.S MORSE & CO fb Augusta, Ga. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnell, € P Mendenhall, D. P. Weie, James M. Garrett, Jehu L. Cole, No H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barnu- ger, David McKuight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed Lindsay, Greensborough ; WA. Wright, Wilmingtou; Robert E. Troy, Lambertou, Thaders Me- Vhomas Jeiunson, Yancey- ville: Dr.W C. Ramsey, Wadesboronagh ; Rev Fruaktntea; Dro BF. Wat- OFFICERS : N.H.D. WILSON, <= - JED. H LINDSAY,- - President Vice-President Attorney Sec. and Treas. General Agent PETER ADAMS, - - WM.H CUMMING,- - W.J. McCONNELL, - 3.A.MEBANE. - - GARRETT,- = - Execative Com. | W. Myers and A. Myers, — 1 To all who it may Concern, TO ALL PERSONS INDEBY. ED 10 Us! Aw Fersone indebted to the Srm of A, & are hereb: spert fully requested to settle their ohana obli gations either in person or by letter, without needless dejay. They will thus save interes: and the inconvenienes of payment when mon ey may be less abundant than at present, 1 hape the friends of the inte firms wll not re quire longer indulgence, but respend to this urgent call, ae it ix necessary that the business should be closed with as little delay we . A. MYERS, Ofuce next to Cowan’s Brick Row Salisbury, Mareh 30, 1963. 145 OIL, OIL. | ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL f&, sale, apply to WM. WATSON, ude 5 miles west of this place. Or at this Office Brown's Livery Stable ‘ 8S keptup as heretofare. J, is gratifying to him that this establishment. begun, at first, at a doubt fulexperime nt, bas proved to the public a great desideratum and a com. plete success. Travelers, and othert can a). ways have their want» jin thistine, wellsup. plied. Cash prices paid for Provender subscribeiis always ready tose!! Horses. yey) y And the or buy good THOMAS E. BROWN Jan. let. 1863. tf$5 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. \ TANTED 1000 Dog Skine, dry, for whieh will be paid $1 for medium site, apd smaller ones in preportion Apply to RF. Sumonton, Statesville, or A J. Mock. Salisbury. December 8. 1#62. DR. HOWERTON ENDERS Ps professional rervices th the citizens of Salisbury. Office at the Ber den Houre. Mar 9, 1563—1f42 <6 ie ms ft OF Dr SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1862 A LL those indebted to the firm of MeCensixs & Fooren, will call ot the Boot & Shoe Manofactory of John A. Brodshaw, next door to the Watchman Officer, on the sebser ber, and settle their accounts, either by pote or the cash. Now is the time to pay debts 1:26 THOMAS J. FOSTER {29 Allcommnanieations on business connected | withthe Office. should be addressecto { PETER ADAMS. Secretary Greensboro’, N.C.. June 19, 1860 t{4 DENTAL NOTICE. see W. F. Bason, M. D. ae ti & \inake known that he No Bo Asitwillnot suit him toremain all the time, those calling in hie absence, will be not:- WESTERN N. €. RAIL ROAD. | Change of Scheule. expediung the transpor prevent detay ro this Road a] | Ba OR sre purpose ot talon of the mas! ae well ae te | to travellers, the peseeigrs train lwollron po ae te make chose copeetun with j the ad Trame of the N C. Rall Road. whieh arcves frem the North at 130 PM The trasweon this Koad will leave Salishory at 2 P Mo. and arrve at the head of the Road et 745 | P Mand Jeave the head of Riad at 730A WM oo ant resch Salsbury io line to commect with the Mai Train JAMES OC) EURNER, Eng. avd Supt WL N. RR Apnl6, IS€3. 1f46 fied of his werwals by leaving their names inthe the door of the Officer of ugh the Post Office, at let, IN62. [tF-28 Jetter Box attached to by addressing hun tt this place Dec JAMES FORALL, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, kA Marphy'sstore, Wiehe hie ae One door below R SALISL, ~ BEEPS constaatiy on band alarge assoc. pattern, iy ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds Clocks, Watchesand Jewelry ofevery de- Crootyereenaired the best monner and on the most reason Sle terms Vebruary 14, 166° Iv3e | ~W ES A’ B'S BD £0,000 STAVES T THE CON. STATES JDISTILLE- Sabebney, ae ye ae folk we tk timber. clear of sap bie To be of whit Sraves, 34 useless long, from Ginches wide ard Linch threk Weading, and 1 TOO Stay wide, ches thiek ex and JOY Heading to a thoosand Mizhest market pree will be paid JAS T JOUNSON, Medical Purveyor ©. S A Charlotte NOC {4 Address June 15. 1863 Notice to Debtors and Creditors. | the of Davie eoon- faime soninet vereby poihed fo preee nt 1 fernis 1 nv rod the@e indehted Ha werd Flac ate requested ta ke inmedi- ' ee \ } 1 M GRENSTAW. Adminiatrator j June 29, S63 3m5 = = >) “~ 2B’ a Bas ce ALE THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON \ Book Store account, will please call on Mr James He Buniwesmy authorized agent and aet- tle che sate ALD, thoae indebted to me et my subecr Hon and proating sunt will please eallon Eines and mettle abe Some of my seeounts have been stand, since 4°59, and PE do hope tha’ those who are due will call at unee and settle ap. Confeder- | ate inoney ys plenty—there can he no éxcuse —I prefer to (uke it in payment of dues. p. J. STEWART. uly 6th, 1863. 67 EE RY, (forinerly owned by M, & E. My- | Jtinches tong, from sto JO inehes | ( VOTTON and LINEN RAGS wanted by JNO F. POARD Salebory, April 23, .s63 tg Post Office Notice, ey RN and Weetera Math closes 8 SY 12M: Northern Masbctoees at & PM Cheraw, SS. Sunday, furrcay end Thure- dav. * Y. Wo: Mock-wille Monday, Wednes dav and €riday. » P MW day. s PO M.;, Teay, Thorsday, Sunday OFF e Thears. From 12 Movuntl 23 .b. Moy from7 PM unt} lO P. Ww The above rules will 1 WwW Uhesboro’, Toes 2”M . oe departed frou onl farther notice. All persona are exper ted Office accoonts when presented the qaorter, otherwise LT wil te compelled & sell their papers for the pustage MOSES 3. SMITH, P.M May 4, 1863 1150 Dr. J. A. CALDWELL OFFERS th vo pty their Pos at the end o DESPECTFULLY r h.« profess daliebary ane Office two door nial wervices te {4 the sor citizens of rounding country below M. Brown's office U7 tn my absence, leave your name es the? r May dtl Slate. ST FARM WANTED. — UL DESIRE to buy rich vd highly impres eo} Wheat nnd Grae Borsa, sith tedin Wester 700 neres of 1ao NC, containipg from b00 te Any one who has auch a torin whie h they would eell, will pleame write tome al Peters: borg, giving 1 trie ond weer desenipben ! there farm, itm local ty and the jowest pric’ demanded for at No one need pat mself to the trouble t write untese hie farm as ned pr rductive ‘aod hae fair burlding improvements oo it. BBVAI CHHEAING jw Petersburg, Va SALT!) SALT! BUSHELS forsale Th sSaltiswar ny made inthe Soatn ware house | ( ranted equal ton Iti very dry ‘having bern ‘for nine months apply to ; R&A MI RPHY, Agte Aug. 31, 1k63 6nd WAVILD OR RENT, AN IM: Weert or North ae Apply at thie Office - 9:12 { ye PURCHASE proved Lot in the Avg. 10th 1863 From @ chang and ofh ness, th be two | ders (or N ore for next, | B: formeriy Eq. of Saastibs work tu has Do ¢ eellent : dieat. MOk He w ly lam, Wihua! hun the Morgau a foal 2 this eva inal cat (@ per e@: aad ha. the sau emul | Ca. id pas pase’: Coach. ape our The et stalled t thes ceo cas twu lar, ean be atage | Rhelier and al neany Ter mouths ed secu Morga Ti @ tre present receive ed ws 0 tipues, State, demired wut dei Morga [vant ty and desert burhow reavading out of skulke ad to | eervn ¢ of paca absence thew whieh Penses be | a of the By JOM Aug 2 TRIE deud o of the ney at next cates i will m Belo TEN i Hl of the of Adn tate of notice their « limited Hotice Debtor ment | Aug a] 4@ 62 rm of Root & w, next vo beer by pole rbts TER AD. anspor t delay s Road ym with which The at 2P PEERS «0 door yon thed tf.) mprey Wester yof lane rh they Peters pene! st price rouble t ductive te g, Va |r is wate ye South re houst Agte t:15 iN IM Ward Office. 12 / o epregte “Tete XT. @. eee rt oe VOL. J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Price of the Watchman, From and after this date, aud gotil there is a change in the prives of provisions, paper and other articles required to carfy on busi- ness, the subscription rates of this paper will be two dollars for six mouths, and thre¢ dol- éars (or o year. Apvexrisina, two dollars for the first, and one dollar for each subsequent publication. April 20th, 1863. : VALUABLE... PROPERTY. FOR SALE? At Morganton, N. C. erage een aad iB order to close our business, we will offer for saje on Thursday the 24th of September next, the followiug valuable proveriy, a Nu. | Blacksmith, Joka Brown, formeriy the property of George W Brown, | Eeg.. of Salisbury. (le is vet of the best Coach Sustibsia the State, aud cau du auy ktad of work tuccrua end steel. has po eQoal iu this State. He iv a boy of ex- eelleut character, honest industrious and ube - dieut. We will als» sell the thurough-bred MORGAN STALLION YOUNG AMERICA. He wes seven yearn old on the dh of Ja- | ly Jawt, ts «jet black without a white hair — | Wihuat fear of coulradicuon, we promvunce hun the Gaert louking aud must perfect formed | Morgau terse in the Coufederate Siutes As a foal getier, be is sure, aud can produce iw this county sume two and one year old colis, that caumut be surpassed in auy count. tle ve perecuy broken by harness, and his eulkey aad hurness wut be sold with huw. Also, va the same day, will be sold two full setis Black- smith MoM Also, two large CONCORD, N. H. COACHES, 14 passeager, | do. saiall 9 pa-seuger, 2 max pass-ascr Uacks, aud ope mx passenger Troy Coach. one Rockaway, one leo hume Buggy, ape oue horse duo, aud TWO ROAD WAGONS, ‘The atiedtiion of Cosch and W agou Makers ve called tothe sale “Phe recuing works of all these couches and hatas are iu ceed 6 p.ir, and cao eam'y be converted ole gud wigoas Toe sto the bodies, ean be nade gut um ol for cereral yearsou a stage tye We will aso reil a gwod Coro Rhelier, o large aize Phompsou Straw Catter, and a lircge Casi Rettic. 120 gallons, which is nesniy vew, baving heen bul allie used twularge coaches, by sine reps Terms of wate—Carh. ur, fo deswed, mix moaith=s ume will be yuress Note aad approv- ed securiy, with interest fron cyte BROWN & BWeCONNALGHEY Morganton, N-©), Vay 24, is63 45 Notice. CONSCRAIPTORPFICR 7 Camp Houwes, Aug 2oih, isu3. 4 THOSE: persous ewrolied or ilable to carol- e@ meat whu cau facuish borer will, tee Che preseut, be accepid receive caval(y pay, to ve Comp carly employ- wiih their beorsee, and ed as mounted men while the orcesity con. ! tipues, remaruug fur ihe Gre on duty tu this State, fot purp.wew of guard und patrol Teas denied that they report wiih wher oases with. oul delay atthis Camp or ¢ Morgauiou, a» may be most \ JL. Citizens whe dence fo poo ty and iterests of the ary by wp Vance. neat wt * the satle- mee uraging deserlian, of who dese tosave thei veh burhoods froin the anew Gable tos (> of wna- revding, terror wud ineccun.y Ole ust grow outef the Presence of iawless de-eriers and skulkers, can be mude useful bv wond-nog their audio the eordlliug othicers servic as guides and in swell They cau render » nuciberm of patrols seal out by wurbersy \ few days absence, at mast, only we Phe required af theu—There is no provision of jaw ouder which pay cag: be given (hem, bat «li thear ex- Penses of subsatence, dodging and forage will be pad. and a lberal hire ai of thew horses: Ky order ot wed for ihe use Col PETER WALLET, Commandant ot pts for NOC JW. Marcerr, Aug 23 Cons Adjuiant 31:16 TREASURERS OFLTICE, Westero NOC Ra Stateaville, NOC lucy Aug, 1863 Asa horse vhoer, he | \ ER he 8 i Peg tltaas: ie . ve fe" © tea we * THE :.RIGHT SIDE. “ I COUNT ONLY THE HOURS THAT suing.” —In- scrption ona Sun Lral. 4 ogg a light iaeverytbing, * t know son if it’s there, Or if ury pleased imagining Makes ever) thing vo fuir; And being no philosupher It tnatters wot w whit, Whether the beadty of the @ar Residew in use or it. So long as I cen see the light— And revel ia its bewin 1 care at fan Auchorite Con prove it all wu dream! So long ag. L cam sco « salle Aud feel it warm to me too, It anewers justaswellthe while. i lee hls, alk eee game. oo ‘ ALet others reawn sad exphin— With faces long snd nad— How all that’s bright is * false aud vain,” Aad all tbut’s pleasing bad. ln such refined philosophies ! My seul can take no par— | 1 reeme al! falsehood to my eyes, All treasou to my heart. { And vet I do nol quite forget Earth's glories son are past, | And that the brighieet day may set ; lo angry clouds ut last. But—while if shines—I must, I wal! SALISBURY, SST BOT SS a a SSRs m, ve WEEKLY. ———— aa N. C., crides his own life secure ite triumph, he assures the infuriated mov of his devo- tion t0 the lows of big Stete and of his de- votion to the laws of Bis State and of bis determination to protest the rights df eve ry citieen. All feel that they bave a man to deal with whose herb is filled with the most roble and patriotic impulse®, nod who bas the cogragé t do his whole «duty in every emergency, ¢Corfidence is in a yreal mensure, rest i Passion yields to more kindly sentinels 5; rexpect for their “ise even handed that distrust and found their way d an era of bet- Inazurated wn- i der the auspices uf the only man who has the nerve avd the gevies to contol the discordant elements of those tempesiuoes times. Having thus succeedec in restrainiag the violeuce of the suldiers and in allaying the excitement of the people, we learn that he immediately communicated with the Vresident— protesting in the vame of an ‘outraged and insulted Siate against the repetition of such lawless acts by the per- Keciprecate the glow, | Safficiewt-onio we the ills That on life's sarface grow. \ ( “+ Louly counc the hours that shine,” \ Ail others go for blasas,— At darkness I would ne’er repine, Bat for th- ght give thanks. "Tis thas the birds and flowers ubey Thetringeiuet for the light, Breathing out songs aac sweets all day, But hushed and closed at night ! HAVE WE a2 GOVEKNOR AMONG US? e ; . | The experremes of the last week in Ral- eigh Chonh pxaintul in the extreme has h@ad at least one redeeming feature. The | fact lay tee made patent that we have a man in toe Gabernatunal chair.” All mast ackvowledye thal the citizeos of Yuis plave, the peuple of the whule State, and the au. thoritics of the Confederacy have fouud in rved them fucly aid most ethciertly. 4sov, Vance’ a fretd who has + re atlessiy, th The reek pause tu tee im tscot thelr lawleas vie lemee, to listen to fis cloguent vindication vf the dignity ot the Stace and the nuclis of hee cnozens, ty by los burning ndoare awed ato propre words aud gacant bear: tug. Porgettge tor the momeut the sting tag rebuke Whien even their Uhreatening , bayunets had wot restrained, ther enthu- catstic admiration breaks forth io prolyng edand hearty cheers, Though enyayed ina must disreputable work, they are sull Southern soodters, amd delight ‘to. honor the chivairy. amd course and the loval mea Suresy ty of awtruc , athore subline ever witnessed, than that unarmed and supported by Do slow of force, ° specbrbic wats a staple ci standin y age in the midst of acrowd of angry soldiers, and by “ mo- cal Sunsivt” alone restraining thet excited | passtons, traustorming their hatred of an other soto admiration of bimsel€ aod ja dactoy then to retuues to their quarters without furthee demousirntions of violence! Cau words escunate the sevice rendered State of North Caroli tin and tu the Contederat: hty this ety, to the canse bn the Gov. Vance whepd the work of destruction bad exnmmeneed, awd there wee both tue power and the will to completes Mm! restraining ufcconee which vexerted om that iemorabee nih Again, when puble indignatow at the | first act of viet rsutital to eX press itself in deeds CQ © as re preb nsible, an ap veal for succor is immediately made to Governor Vaan soeven by those who had ; How does iyber the tn- e stop to make 1 n once gloried im traduire ham. Does be ore juries Of the past | ) } he respoua! i? as | terms with Lis euemies © Dtaes be mani fest anytuihe of that “truculeney and va Cetiintion owhooth lave been so basely mb: tributed to tam vocorrapt parizans for ees soldiers of another State! on their oWa unlely purpoees £ Now thous THE BOARD of Directors ot che Western. aT ; re y tit ther hand N.C KOR Co. have this day derinied a dei. mls Che , " STUARTS dend of fone (4) percent on ihe Cantal Stock [Mt lasts to theescene et xetian, He: of the Compuny, pavablein Conf Ta Ceaint cCommatids tlie t ves to aispetse 1 terms ney wt this Office oniand after ihe Qin Sept winch curry 4 ne with) Chen. He . St ere on tp at arr next t ckhold: re must por tothe cert | wunmounces | oP the champaon of the cates of Stock. Those seudine powerof attor- |) , TT aw ; i Trea uuli willmoke the same to POU WoRane. Clerk. | Haw SUNG er: ‘ : - aud equally 35 ROBO SIMON TON. Preag. | ugatnst friend He declares bis de fermmination Co Ht WT Curate nee Administrator's Notice J and retaliation. oveu if the coereeive bavo- ‘ . : yak La\,| eee J uets of Ne Caroltunm Somdiers” have to HE subeerber having at the Angust Term | be brought inte 4 quisition, And, in a of the County Court of Rowan, taken L tters | word, by hh deeision of character, his of Administration according to law, on the ex tate of Christian Bringle, dec'd., hereby gives Notice to all creditors of aed estate, to present , their claims duly auchenticated within the time | Mob, in preventing the further destruction limited by law, for that purposeyotherwise thie | of Property and in saving perhaps the ef notice will be plead in bar ol their recovery . Debtors to the estate will also please make puy- ment immediately, D. L. BRINGLE, Adm’r. Aug. 29th, 1869.—1f15 | ready eloquence ana bls consummate tact, | he succeeds im carbong the pass.oos of the sion of fraternal blood. Just a8 he had convinced the soldiers of his loyalty to the sacred cause of Southern independence and of his willingness to sa- sons in the service ul the Covfederacy--- | and thyt, 1 response to hrs appeals, prompt j and efficieut measures lave beeo adopted | by the administratou to prevent: the per: ! | petration of similar dreds of violence. If this be correct, and we are couvinced 8f {the accuracy of the information, we feel | fuily persuaded chat, thomgh there mav be | apy amenug us whose besoms burn with H iudignauion apd resevtineut ato what they j esteem the grossest of outrages, and the | | most unprovoked of insults, there wall be ‘no further develupmeuts of the “mob spirit” in North Carolina, and that her . peuple, true (o their instincts of lovalty and colservatismn, will quetly submit them- selves to the guidance of tbeir wise and patriotic Govergor. What-ver the envy of baffled rivals or the enalice of disappointed politicians may vise against Governor Vance, in’ the fu- ture, po nytt minded man will deny, that in this emergency, be acted the part of a pure patriyt and an awole statesnan—that he saved this ety incetabary, recaed his State from thy bor- civil war, and posed Tinsel? the favoatul inend of the Sou tern cause in the Pots os darkest and wost feactua curof its destiny It is true that one ople h bbe b en : : driven almost to despera u by the vusnlts Ubey have received and the wre fave sudered at the ban’s of the Admin istration, aud it inay be inate hourof imation Lave been betraved es thes uatsome of thet Into dndiscreet words ang deeds of doubt ful propriety; bat, that te North Carochoa is sti teval and true, ne disceriiug man With au un- Mecedented unmalmity, and a sayacity credit, the Goverbor will deuy Which does them (he giratest cit ns of this State beuive cn Vance aod are willing to trust concerns there bonor and Let the Aduimstratio appreciation of his character and inten no all that show the sane tions—let them tisten to bis suggestions, his couuse®, and strenethen his : e We shal. not attempt to paint the other side of the respect hands, and all will vet be weil. pieture, bat wrlonty say that ats back vround is a dark ene, and that its outintoss are traced in crimson,— Aul. Progress. Duel Between Ladies —We find the follow- ing paragraph in the Philadelphia fuquirer ot the 2d: On Monday forenoon s Jon avisitto a frend’s house, | from Gray's Perry, were wmusing thempee!ver by singing and dancing, when voe of them a resideut of Baltimore, sang a verse of the Bon- me Blue Flag: one of the ether ladies jesting!y said. ** You urea rebed,” at which an veeal Indies, while ashort distance ther com meneed the Southern Vavsellarse ¢ finished, the lady who ! ward “ET wish we had pistals, Pd fight a do with you for calling 1 arebel’’ At this. a daughter of the geutl nat Whore house they ad been Cahed a red were, said: {We have prools i the house, but they are net tonded They were | DOS one u en wounded. These were atl estes Viale Be oe . contside the forton the rocks. tances Were measu athe room. the | . ; } ‘ tok their places. « Wik Giveie ole t \ el the Rederais, at auy time, per three, when Chet da hone des'led the otter ithe work, aotul brought"in ws prs tepebel, sand * hw this chair, as I cay liwechecLolourihrerannes. to die easy Wor sagan given, aud Sos usknown, but from the seut Balrnere lady, v doa selfecoching | pulled the trdyer on ing went the pest { wereiog, SeCream Wii urd, and taoan insta w u the reom wars tilled ich the members of farnily, when itwrs coscovered that two ladies had swhones he Baltumore lady wa standing motions: se dthe one who wished to "die ensy,’ sit 2 pile with terror in he chairs ene ball h vossed throagh her dress ou the left side, oo g¢ the skin, while mt! leaf of a table on wluch she had rested | arm were eight « net shot bullet embedded. ie The pistol hae y on the sth of July. but wood. been loaded by a | the charge had vv were soun restored to Cousciousness, and com- menced to realize the danger of meddling with fire-arme, a warning, it is needless tosay, they will not disregard fur the future. ore eee ct 72S SEPTEM from the torch of the wreat heart of their "utetest,— | When it Was [BCR 21, 1863. From the Chariesion Coarier. The Assault on Fort Sumter. ! | GLORIOUS REPULSE oy tuz ENEMY. | The news of the assault on Fort Som- ‘ter and the repulse of the enemy announc- ‘ed Wednesday inorving, was the subject ‘of general congratulation among our €iti- ‘geos. ‘Lhe greatest enthusiasm was ex- | hibited. The capture of one buodred and | fifteen Yankees, including several (romi- {pent navat officers, wilt have an important ‘ bearing on the future progress of the siege ‘aud the conduct of the enemy ander flags | of truce. 1. will alsy add acother ty the \lexsons they have learned, that however ; mech superior ty their antagonists, they , are in weight of metal and furcetof pro-' jectiles the contest. whenever it cames | jdown ‘> an actual trail of individual pluck, | always plauts the victory on our banner. \ Perhaps, however, in this instanee they ' | were deceived, and although prepared to | ‘fiyht, they did not expect to meet more , than an insignificant geard, who were to x xpeedily overpowered. Be thie as it! | may, they were egregidusly mistaken, and , | when with « thousand men and a score or ' | more of bauges, they arrived at the base of | | : | | i Sumter, it was to receive a punishment , j at the hands of our brave troops thar | will add to, if mot illustrate, the already | | disgraceful record of Yankee defeats, | The yood buok tells us that “the battle is not to the strong”—aud the Seripture | was verified by thy events of We@nesday night.” Fort. Semter was" garrivhed by | the Charfestou Battalion, Maj. Julius A. ' Blake, Cemmanding, and nerhaps one or ‘two other companies, whose names we liave not learred—the whole under the comand of Maj. Stephen Elliot, Jr. whose | gallantry eretofore has already made him familar tu all who watebed the progress iol e-ents in this State. | Throughout the fierce bumbardment of | the day they bad remained silent specta tors of the fight going on around them, and patient'y endured the steady shelling froin the feet. At night, however prepa- rations were made for the anticipated as- saull. Compames were posted at various points within the ruins, and with watehful eyes, they commenced their carefa! vigrls over the Gime honored old piie conkined to their Keeping, a4 Suc was the condition of affairs until 'f past ote, when suddenly irom] Ure South fice there was espied ad: aucing through the gloom, a number of barges, estiinated about thirty, each one, in the language of au eve witness, “black wich The alarm was instantly given, | and in amoment more Forts Moultrie, Jubnston and the gunboat Chicora opened fire in the direction of the approach, Vh tishion lined the walls of Surmeer, and as ihe Federals Janded on the rocks, reevived them with sharp volties of nins- ‘ketry, which added confusion te their al- yteady bewrldereé movements. A strong ‘party of the euemy tow hastiiv: gathered to climb over the rains of the sally port, whieb bad been torn i down by the tremendous fire of ther land Our men received them breast to breast, pelung them with brick-bats and olnig iia splattering shower of balls. ; colder than the othersjdashed for: i seiting Yankees, ope in each | hind, dragged them by main torce inside. | fous the figbt raged for twenty or thirty | minntes, When the Federals, fincing them- | seyes overpowered, and hkely to be cut to | boos, threw down their arms, retreated to shelter of the Who remaibed in the boaty not al- tvuded, made their escape under the | night, followed, however, by | the spiteful bills of the batteries above | nated ’ tout | ” Web. aid made an aliempt batteries. sor ward, an walls and surrendered. Phas the ongagement brie? but decisive, Lhe remainder of the story is toid Vb it ve Wi G Oo our part oot aman was hurt. On: bof the enemy one was found killed biog boards and the outenes of a wfrom the fact that two or thie Lap ee a ee eee os NUMBER 18. — — ' of old Svott; and finally brought back ‘an. der‘dath that it should be victoriously re- piahted over the walls where it was first lowered jp recognition of the Southern Confederagy. For this purpose, under the srmed guard of a thousand men, it was brought to Fort Sumter on Wednes- day night. For this reason we prize the memorial, and shall take good eare that the relic thus reatcred to its rightful own- ers shall be reljgously preserved among the mementoes of this retiarkable strugyle. The, incident, simple 8 it is, shows that there is a Divine ‘Providence carving out for us our destiny, and may be ominous in these our -dark hours of the glorious success which will eventually reward our The enemy were quiet all day yester- day. The monitors were lying behind Morris’ Island, evidently undergoing re- pairs. Most of the firing’ dous was by oor batteries on Jame’s Island, which an- upyed the workers‘on Cummings’ Point by a steady stream ‘of roued shot and shel} , al intervals of ten or fifteen minutes. Dering the day a large number of empty ammunition boxes, thrown overboard by the enemy during the engagement, were picked up in the harbor. A portion of a vesse! was also found badly marked by a shell. It had evidently been torn off from one of the members of the fleet. The enemy sent in a flag of truce yes- terday morning and was met bya boat. fiom Fort Somter. -The bearer of the Yankee flag of truce was informed that no flag of truce boats could be received un-~ il satisfactory explanation was gives why they fired upon our flag of trace.” We learn tbat the enemy’s boat brought a let- ter bag and dispatches tur Gen. Beaure- gard. A proposition was made by the Admiral to send a Surgeon to attend to the Federal wounded, which was declined, a Sargeon having been already detailed for that work. The follu wing is a list of the officers cap- tured in the assault on Fort Sumter. EP. Williams, commanding gunboat Wissahickon. Robert L. Meade, Lieut. U. S. Marines. C. P. Hovey, Master’s Mate, U.S. steam- er Powhatan. a Benj. H. Porter, Ensign U. S. New Lronsides. Edwin T. Brewer, Lieut, U. S. sloop of war Housatonic. | Lieut. 8. W. Preston, U. S. Admiral’s Flay Ship Philadelphia. Lieut. Geo. C. Roamey, gunboat Capan- daigua. Ensign S.C. McCauley, gunboat Canan- daigus. oe Lieut Charles H. Bradford, U.S. Ma- ripes, wounded. E. G. Dayton, Executive officer on board the Wissahickon. The prisovers were all brought over to the city last evening. bey were taken iw charge by Capt. W. J. Gayer, Provost Marshall, who entered their names, &c., after which they were lodged in jail. A Joke on the Quartermaster.— A cor- respondent of the Mobile Tribune tells the tollowing: — ¢ : The iotlowing good story is told on my good looking friend, Maj. M., Chief Quar- termaster of the Department of Mississippi and East Lousiana. Shortly after the evacuation of Jackson, Major M. was or dered to Demopolis, and whilst ou the cars en route, he was showing to some ‘friends a magnificent watch which he had ° lately purchased, All’were Joud in their praise of the elaborate chasings and gen- eral appearance of the watch. “What did it cost you #” asked one of the party. : “Fifteen hundred dollars” replied the Major. A dilapidated looking Georgian, who had bis “furlough” io bis pocket, and was making tracks for Hall County, bad been sitting quietly listening to the conversa “ou sy vke up, saving: “Mister, will you ploase let me see that wateh “Certawuly,” rephed the Major, handing 1LrOVCE, After jooking atait very if ostin amazement for som had caused the Major to attentively, as vene—which several holes, and ones been fired. The ladies | lang in New York shortly after, talked, logs Were subsequenty seen floating of geotiemen and call their attention to the manner iv which he was examining t— Georgia, suddenly looking un. asked : “How much did ‘vouans’ give for it did Mois’ Island, iis believed that the Bis} great (ur captures, besides thirteen officers and tsoveen Very ndred and two mea, consists of four you say PAPO ind three flags. One of the [ster “kifteen bundred usates for all the bricks and bullet Major. thrown, being no less than the ident:cal “Then ‘youans’ must either be a gridiron” vcarried from Fort Sumter in! fool or a quarternmster,” replied Ceorsis. 1861: exhibited to a monster mass meet- | handing it back. If the Major did not stand the drinks, cheered and prayed over until almost| we shall always think he ought to have sanctified, wrapped around the gouty limbs doe so. ° dollars," rephed tue ‘ a me "HE YANKEE PLANTERS IN LOUISI- ANA. Figm tle N. O. Correspondent of the N. Y¥, World.) * * * es. ®@ * . The Opelouses road rouse gpromg hie rich- at reyon in the State is widsummer uw, the fobaye gs at its full, development, aud the woods and fields are fairly luxunant i leat-lte. Alvag the live of the track, 00 eather side, tor almost the enure distauce be- tween Algiers and Brasuear, Ubere is 4 wall of ting greew, but it tg a weed growth. — (he garuen of Louisiana has beeowe au alle zator pleasure srouud The farms, anarain- aud uncultivated, are reverung lo the oft oni, or aboriginal, swampagam. Here and vere, there is a show of culuvation, acres vi oor aad cabe, but these are vow “ Govern- ment plantauons, or * Government ageuts” nlantatiods, of estates in the hands of the Government's” nuinerous and disinterested imends. Of course the “ Goverument” does uot own slaves—it merely works them ; aud vere and there | saw a tew uegre wien aud uore negro Women Weediug the cane vf corn When Taylor's meif wont rough the distiict cenment” negroes they could lay hagids upou touched, and the rank growth of weeds has: vu some places overlopped and choked the crop. In a few places the cane looked Loler- ably, but it was small for the seasou, and the speculators’ hopes of one crup anybow may ‘ail 1 wrote you last winter about the raw race of planters—tbe speculaung Maxsactiu- setts shoemakers—who are auxious to be- come Louisiana sugar makers. To the labor system is destroyed: the «ole bo- be sure, ued © boys” are*gobbied lor army purpose— | tor servants, earthwork builders, “ soldiers, aud ~ officers.” There 1s scarcely an orderly | Ss sergeant or 2d heulenant whg bas not | poot blacking or bourse teuchug—-not © slave” vut fellow Amerivap ciuzen of African scent. The Government plantauon Negroes are old and ~ played out” buvs, that do their work in a shiftiess, careless nianner. Ine North was to “ infuse a new life,” to bring Northern energy, enterprise and capital to the South, The New. York Jndepesdent, that apows all about the South, says su Bat as far as the country is concerned. its tevelopment, its retury in crops, in wealth, | amounts to less than nothing. Another year of » restorativa” will complete the ruin of the Souch, One more year of this “new: lile” and there will be notning lett for the hand of death. Louisiana has taken a dittie more | chan tify years to shut out the Mississippi by evelling its bauks, to drain and redecin tue ywainp lacds, to make itsei! a grpat pros- perous wealth producing State, Fy uas re- quired only afew monibs for the * A wauen to prepare the State for its ret ts onginial worth:!gsspess ; to © restore parbansin; to re-peopie it in spots, with Lalt im tO itto ); 2 We wil dgeveryet For weeks, when the came should have ee PON es the poor of the land to been hoed and weeded, the fields were un- | GC=) ing in extenuatiOn of. their mean, seliistiness, that it is right (@mthem taido because, psec: Sto pay Wat Wt sock lux. uries as tea, that run the e ere sold By reckless | tiver jn comman speculators only @thigh prices ; 5 fanities of Soldiers to toil and be impoverish ed around them, while Wey roll ip case and tuxury. Alas! this is a work in the midst of | a struggle for independence we vever ex pect- ed to see Southern people performing! That WROLINA WATCHMAN | Yankees should do so—that they should laugh | CAROLIN e| and dance aod grow lat aud bay snbsatutes and speculace at the capeuse of the public yvod, aud extortion on a new seale and dis- jytace Lunmily gencially, Would be not sui prising; bat that Southern ten and Wwemen should do Uhese things, is strange and intolera- rbly sharietul, Ii we appreciate var poston Low shall we Ce 2 1 We will do everyting, privately aud publicly, in our power lo euhauee and tall tain the credit Qk the Cou ‘edeiacy, Bin val power » save men Who l. at cheer and encourage Lie fetel bbl Coy. far us ately, they summarily gobbled all the “Gos- | : 3. We will help to the uuermost exten us sustaad themselves ina tolerable degree of combust , durtug buese oppressive days of war. : 4. We wall weicuiwe ie refuzees fr borders, and share with Chea the last crust ot bread in the house. 5. We will remember the commandments \ of the Mosh Haugh God. and not call down tins retmbutve wrath ou our seuseless foibles and cumes.— dich. Christian Advocate. vil gar A DANGEROUS CHARACTER RESTED. \ - Officer H. H. Hicks, from Charleston, S. C., asresicd, \esterday moming, in thie Cla, w ‘pung mau yy the oume of Mathew Nortoa, who, atthe ume Of his arreal, was i posses: | stow of $7,000 counterfeits, in Contederate | Preasury notes. ‘Phis young couuterteiter is ‘alo a spy, Raving been observed bs ufficer | Hicks, torseveral days, mmspecting the furtinca- } tius.s about Chagleston. tle bad among hie } Papers a record of his vaih uY allegiance to the Danecd States Goverumeut, aod a passport giv- lug him permission bo go cut of Memphis wits a wagon and team. After bis arrest, Mathew | Norwu confessed that he had passed ablut $3 of these counterfeits iu the eny of Cnariesiun, S.C. We bave been shown these daugerous imitations, anu append below sugh a | description of them as will insure their recognt- | uon. Norton will be taken to Churiestun, and \ will. we have no doibt, speedily meet with the | pomshment due to his crunes AR. | $LU0, 2 cents per day — This counterfesom of the suc of J.T. Patterson, Cuumba.s. C, | Dated July 4. )e6200 In the geauine but one { of the masts of the ship rou up tv the telegripa 2 | . OS | wire; in the counterfeit both masts run up to | } that wire; jatnhs genome tse woman's hand 18 flat on the pail she is carrying; tu the coun- { tertert she holds a kKucb ur handie of the pail ; sugaryor becaudge goods | With a skilful, ing the | would make in tion of this ho doubt take tero Carolina ic and determined Of festern Oxrolina could atid a costly exneriment, nd ater by whom attempted.—d sheville (N. C_) News. SALISBURY. N.C. j MONDAY! EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1863. GOVERNOR VANCE* J ) Arnved iu ‘Town on Friday lest fron the West and rematued fora bait day. At myht, a con- siderable vamdeeof cur us made a call ou hin, nod in response itis suid (uufortunately we were uot present) he imade a most excel- We leat: vor ol the prosecution of the war toa final and lent speech. he spoke warinly in fa- thumphant ackvowledginent of the tdepen- dence of the South. We further learn his Ex- celiency took the broad grouad that the Quar- ter Master's and Commissary deparunents of | the country coutalmed ot least an anny of thir- ty thous:nd able-bodied meu. who should now | be iu the field, and then plrees filled by thoce over the Couseript age “This is a matter, we thiok, which deserves the eenousx allention of l the Goverument, and an evile hieh (he Author- | ites sboald reamedy forthwith, and enforee the | law of Congress, requinug (hese cepartmeyts | to be filled by persousowrage, and disubled sol- dierx, Willihe Governumat never wake up fully | to the true iuteresisuf the country wud faith. | ve teduty Werope ee, Whata digerence | Lee could wah safety atiack Meade and anni hilate his army and couquer an honorable peace in a short ine. THE WAY TO DO IT. The way Lo do what? Why, the vag Vondependence, is te stand te car Govern nent tee mat, and do sii ee can to Reep eur peop e ubited at hore. This as the pduty of every wood man, \ and af all were te vet uben this probe pre, therets no doube of our sucess, and Chat speedily Wil not the people—we mead the creat mass of greed bastard; to drive out every vestige of | in tbe genuine the sguaiure of JW Fo Grysonis the Confederacy lend a helping Land in svilzation and to make the paradise vt tue South a rank rotten, miasinatie, alligator, aud moccasin swamp ground avaio. It will be some consolanon, however, to | lantbropist to kauw that the megro has ceawd to be a slave, and that he ha: the ulest “ hberty” to become a barbaman. APPRECIATING OUR POSITION. It seems to be singulariy difficul: tur some veopie in the Confederac tu appreciate their Alauion to their country at the present te meme of them, because @ey are not Vv. seem tO Cousider thei v tree from all ob ! They live exclusive for ty sil tuey cao, save all they can. « JTuW bervous about every ouuurrei 1atary malgrs loa oes pul WOW. ‘Oimipg prownise of immedisie cur juences: which they desire to see ace nuip.sh- ed, retail and exaggerate ai] vad news. doubt everyUnng cheenng, and vet cannot puint to act or word of their own. during the : tuat will be remembered by ther childnn with hopor wien they have gove to rest in their graves. . The coutrast between them and the sol- ders is very stinking. They make nundred+ ut dollars per day, the soldiers yet clevets dollars per month. They live in comfortable noiwes. aod dwell in sealed houses, and eat of We vest of the land; abe sojdiers dwell in tbe cpen field or forest. aud eat their cuarse Dread apd tat oniddling. Tay rave their wives or daughters or mothers to nurse them if they havea togtuacix toe, the soldiers if sick are tu bea L can in @ poor tent. or be jJoied over i roads in ad ambussice or wacon { ues to some hospital They are Wuere they please, do as tht Y pieace _luy social life. the soldiers are to oiey the stnictest discipliue of acmy life, and do ity nseiVes as coure- “al ‘wall lV OO wid See pty and vbe war, or until mnaimaed and releved iro They. 10 a word, already ony Vv iree- iudependence, wealth and OO] SOLE - the solders Gyht for them and che nd ho Leir defence. Do sach opie realze t ‘un two their country? De th batat Une struggle of selt-de‘e: a) al. that their homes would be property taken from tmem, mei endered utolerable. aod ur bie beyyars at the feet Maeve miseria Cf Yaniee master suine peaple, itis said. in New Orleaus and Nasu ville, supposed it would be preierable surrender those towns ratber thau have the shelled by te enemy. Abt bow bitterty lave they repented this fully! bow wair ly they would now prefer the bluody { the tortaring agony of insult and deyrada- uon they suffer at the hands of the ruthiess aud godless miscreants whe march about awoog them arm in arm with negro ynards., sul heap on them every species of mdignity ! What! can any man or wor at be cold, cal- | Jous and absorbed in exglusiv.y seltish pur suits while the land of Uuir nativity is drenched in the blood of their j What a glorious work they are er yaredin (') depreciaung the currency of thea country, aod thos chiiiing the very life biyod of the Conlgderacy. by their eagerness ie speculate b silyer aud gold, and nygrcbandize, buying up afticles of prine necegsity, and holding thetg for prices too high for the poor to give, hoarding the mch products of the soil and starving the iadigent people, and then plead- mudred {— | jin a euund hand; in the counterfeit the fame signature is iw a runiuing hand; in the geruine j the numbers reston a ie made for the pur- | pose ; im the counterfeit theve i> no fine for ihe ) numbers to restou Yellow Ground 2 cents per day 3100—. The | date uf this cuunterfeu is September], |o2, i and 16 oearly ove ‘the genome was dune on Stole, that of che eounierelt oa wood. The face of Vr cuted, especialy the appearaice eigoth inch verrower ¢ The engraving of the genuine Caihou 18 UsGiv exg- abaul having ofa Cuttun the uegroes he eyes. thes Very heavy frown Th. are working oa 1 ts Gather the couotertent (han ioe ip ihe wesuine Vue tnedelioa th the Gpper eit Maud Corie the Comunierle it, is opeu aud byok, on "ule the same ts dura —A8S Cark a* lhalwilich c tasur thebkeuersof Me Calhoun. Tn the cow tetfert, the words “une haudred dollars” er +s pribted Gu Cwse Logether a- tu appear alder? hike one word. The word s'wiih” na the pores swith iiterest’” us badly Gone ’ QIU Balle —The lard aud remaining class f counterfeits which Were 1 possemeion of Mois of the denomimacon of e102 Lo the couptertert of this issue the two XX's ecu suid red 3 an the genuine, the same iet- open work. ‘The faces Mr. Memuninger and Me. Orr (we bedirve) is vidly execated, being much lighter, thaw ip the ; ee nuler. levs gre in Mr. Meraninger’s eyes appear in | the counterfeit raihe: popped, imstead of suok- )en,asinthe genuine ‘I'he date of this coun- terfent is September 2. 161. Atlanta Intelligencer, 15th THE SITUATION, From the best intors iewy—a la ge Nou hormation we cau obtain yer ot whom arr 1 santo this section — Kurnswde occupier Kn Weth Mee of twenty thousand ti goys Hey forces pave aso advaueerd e conuty, certainty as fac as Moi tows A yY hie above Kuoxvil 7. calets aU tO SVie We lave now ns silt ecuou. and lepiination yyatee em and often cootieting.: B ‘sla at Rooxyille depends al the no tue ve suit of Lue great batty weh isk Sto) tit the vi Tyour Calan wa | tween Bragg and Ruseveranus. Sosa forces successful Sowa ” hie <eern Very Conid tua ke Ww BEN Bast Tennessee by Uie etigt te t Ke ~taute, Og the other tang i rage ie aeteat ioor should fall back. bast Tennessee to the Confederacy iM op rently ccupias by the enersv. Oyce we “a Line SEN ti a te Dents, ana , Must eli ice sely tw ¢ The PEO? He A, 4 Mar cot ic oi lust stry as such as to rendai so sas eprible being nade impregnable, oad Bartade w { doubtless avail himself of siural ad Vanlayes presented, The coudition of Western North Carolina ! (if bart Petnesser be pentiuasently occ ip by the e¢ yby, DecuoInes Critical in the ex treme aa bas uotunlikely we chuoli realise Vall tne porrars ta which o CX po 6b eC We have along range of expwsed border, winch nay Locuri | the scane of frequeiut raids from Tennessee | Our papulation in the border countic. being ( Sparse, and a large proportion of our fgubng }rygnin the army, but litte resistance could | be afforded by the inhabitants Que militia | Uons tave been subjected laws require every man up to the age of 50, to pat himself upon a “ war footing,” which will doubtless be done as speedily as possible. | Governor Vance who understands the condi- fe prt 4 vf both | Wil! they net ad bveshowing their contidence this mest ali step! IMperaul o t ° - In our carreney BO This is cone of the mest lanverous evils we basé io contend wiih, As every persetr well Kiowa At Tail know } F : eh ON sehiol gy obs Croverhitent tiave a they Dace ty seblerias tauch we il hewds, avd take Ue notes at par, they coult yet ong as wellas they pow, ane besides ire waive the Gsowentrnpe. 5 Lee teeter siiye ~u Ihe tere totes te meet exurbtant ce Ian WRITE. ¢ HEERINGLY Many of the wives of suldiers have been in he habioot wining very discouraging letters to thei burebawds tu the army > und we hive seen several Jetters trou army officerr ssmigu- ing that as one of the causes of duseriion We have notdea thet those whe have dove thes have muturely consin-ered the consequences. They have felt bad, 1 doubt, and m some eas- es may have been sudenug by the absence of Bat of tneir distiese is doing no good, and may do ther husbands »writethem an account harm. Tf they should cause thear husbands to desert, the muschief woud be great, and might be tee incanrkof subjectag bem to disgrace, and death uself. caforeover, if the men leave wietr places in the aruy, the eneny will have 0 ny lo prevent his comimg in to destroy our property wod take peoseseon of the country There oe, theres behing te gain bot every - Gary to bose be owntlg discouraging leters. Some wives have even advised their husbands Cer desert We have se: oue such Jeter, prek- ecdapat the depot in thm place; butit is bop South who would be williag to see (het husbands par- ed there are wery few womenin the wied und treated as a desertey Sarely itis very titetaken love tuel would enuce to cs. vrace and pain Tf you are in Gistiees go to Your bes neiohhors aud te! ihemof it, and ark Chem (o Apkiel YUa, OF Pepor. your case to the Commissioners in each county appointed to re- ese you aud there ome little doubt but you will flud relief Bat never advme any one to desert heir Cohore, tor that othe worst shing ha eonli be done 2ee Drought —We have experienced a distrenn- bug drougat in thes pore of the State, there having been vo rain in MANS Places for mix, we- The very abort, in ven, aud ecighs weeke late corm, couse. quently, ie cut off Bowe Caney amounting to almost a total farlure Karly corm is very fine Pe 18, potatoes aod lurbips are \ also a partial failure, though it is not too late for there to be benefitted by a gwd cain. Our people will be under the necessily, dowever, of economising in evory article for the supply of the table, in ordor “to make both ends of the year mee.’ e | ome 17 The waters ure eo low inall our small | | streams ae to render it quite difficult tu get | { grinding done. 'to back up the falsehood and corruption of | Beef, 40 to 30 ele there would be af this aany of 30,000 able-bod- | ied nen were in the fieldsow deing duty. Gen, | : - to whip out the Yankers, and achieve our; Patpongers by Init pvewing”s Coinral train bro’ faielligence of xetive movements in Get Leg'y Labmiy, and alge in that of the enemy, who were in furee beyond the Rapidun. General Loe’s forces were in line of battio the whole of you. terday, between Orange Court House ond the Rapidau, aad mavevering to bring an engege- meut. The enemy were reluctant to take up the gauntled and fell back upon every indien- ton of an advance of the Confederate troope,. A little sprinkle of firing along the front picket hues was the ouly indication they yuve of » willingness to fight, If Meade was in come mand, it wae plaiindy his object not to bring forty-eight hours, and we hope thedesson will deter them from furthe’ atiempts to deveive and impose upon the peo, the army or athome. It is time t bitterness and re- criunipation should cease, aad that we should have peac® ayd hatmony among ourselves that we may the better contend with the conmen enemg,”— Progress, Sept. 11. Why, then, do you criminate or re-crim)- nate? Think you it,is no msult to the offi- cers of the army to be accased of corruption, falsehowd and tyfapny ? That it is po insult on # general battle, but by setting our corps in motion, tv escertuin the number uf our Lroops and their positions. to the privates to be told that they were used Is at supposed the regpecta- those officers ? - . ; te SIS The enemy had made no determined effort ta cose the river up to noon By scouts who went within the enemv’s lines and returned, it has been ascertuiued that the Yankees had cooked five da\s rations, show) { that the novement was one that contemplated would pot reiterate this offensive lauguage. | either a marete or a baule. A dispatch received at the War Department , duniug yesterday, Confirms the foregoing os far ax regurds the readiness of Gen. Lee to meet the advance of Meade's forces. 1. is supposed there will be eavugh ) A dispatch to Commissioner Ould, lart vighs, anpowoced the arrival off City Poot, of o Yan. hee flog of truce steamer, from Fortress Moy- roe, with five hundred and thirty convalescent paroled Goufedesate prisoners und five ladies, | us pussrgers, banned frou their homes, via, Vrs. Diuiis und tree daughters, and Mrs. Ben. } tou. The steamer also broupht dixpatches for our Commussoner, and files of tate Northern papers for the Richmoad prere ‘ The stecmer Schuliz will go down to City \ vt this moruiag, for the purpose of bo nging jup the returped prisoners and passengela ly | Richinoad. ble men coucerbed jn the nultary Cooven- tion cau read your remarks aod feel compla- cent? You know they canuot, and if you wanted to bartnonise the publie mind yuu -. OF ‘The season for waking cane syrup, is at band, and many of our farmers are busily en- gauged at i. mude to supply the wants of the people. > aad Brices. —Apples aud peaches, greea, 25 cts per dozen, and $4 per bushe!|—apples scarce Bacon, $1 to BI 50. Bat- ter @1 to1.Q5. Coro. $416 $5 per bushel All Candles. all avy one will pay for them Fiour, fan $27 50 to BU Leather. from 3 te peet> Tron. from 65 to 75 cis, Nails, 125 two $150, Exgs, from 40 to 50 cts. per | duzen. Shoes, dry goods, Ke. in proportion Every thing sull nsiag higher and higher. ‘ arnrce vn ‘The bod v of Mayer Ross. afthe Second Geor- gia Battalion, who died of woennds, was bought upon the steamer, and will zeech this city to Gay The intelbgence from the seene of military operatious tu the army of Northern Virgina liecewe d by the Central trai: lust eveuing did hel iyaterally change affairs vo that quarter ‘Our arwy woe etll in lene of butile ou thie mde of the Kapidaa, ready to ceerive the cormy, | should Meade wauke up bes miod and beygoge to advance. Thu it wes pretty certain he would wt do at present, theagh seme of the passen- Bere expressed the opiniwa tivet » batile would come off this week The two arming te abnom within sheltwy distance with bog renge gune Very few offers and sohuerm came duwne, 5 Late tedicutes bust- New Music.—We are iadebted to Geo. Dunn & Co, Richinend, Va, for the following pieces | of new Mame:— Whea his cruel war i | over,” a fine smooth fowtog melody: whte noth words aud muri express a spirit of an ta fections, maestom sivle of pathos: Anme of the Vale” solo and chorus,—a plain, easy sug, but of an exceeding winning sod chantant style. and certo to be popular The ocemmpancanents te both are ever\ where siople, but judmiouay conceived and very ef feetive. ee the train, wfact winch we EXTRACT of a letter ‘remathe Army of the Potomac, vere in the cuny, on whoch all will have » duiy Camp, woae Tavloasviiia, Va., l4th, 1568. dated lo perform. “Tam not a favor of a despetiom but | believe that Captain MeNeal. of the Paruzen Rai gers it woald be a blesmng to the Conteleracy, ifthe Military operating ta the Valley. came on the power was catended in a way as to embrace the whole ytrain, in charge of one huos ted and forty poe bealy poliue—et tject every man, woman, and child lois ” . control, and make jt the Louaden duly of all joditidual ty lo sustain the war and leuor for the suppertef the as- wy and fourtry. Under a military cule, we could as- sume the power to reguiat> prices and stor speculattun,. This would be worth lo uw an arty of w hundred thegs end men... The efvil code be too liberal be grapple sac cresfully wath the pecesuties cf the present timers There tween the two laws, and shouk! net be spiicaude to @he times ff prace as the Rept Cowh ' eoners, captuced by bee ¢ ougpand MopHyUKess re with Mey Woivie’es at Movredie ia, Hardy cou ty. Qo Friday nigat tant, with one bu dred and saveulren tlce, Ticere ccuwted tote caspp of the Vaukecs at midnight, th ogh Conde bie of fired wot ® cad cut dowu the teats upeu the sleeping mebbers, whe the two « peheis one is as ' ' other is tle otern realities of war. Bot rushed our ef the tente, helf rahe, erving he word c apeculators Ib woukd amuse you lobrar e+ wwe surrender, we surrendss” Beendes ibe f er sr th y 3 1 - fi one ee pooonere®, our men (ok Hit -s, gaih- ard sharks. Ut se abo’) re crea up ears hundred ano for nea ot humas ali th Weguus, tenia, and sg the eunere ate lar ran hey wight Aun g the prewre Py se crs Saves yY vin a blertiog seed etheers One ofthe oe . cues Lacey areodwhe bave hired iy iied, of) fwants fan swat "‘yne Yankees eubsiisut eund theonsett. «jut: shay offees, al- ; a pecund : Scere. % pubes ere veett tee husdred meu Several to the matinda ofcers. 1 ere ewest thet these : Woustere ehall wot bw the aristocricy of The evauntr of them wete aolled ono wounded an their tepte They way theese men te acquired mches, and Ouse bem wes tao men vunded sulecrgur ily Ove crying lor prace Mm er. tCthevy may Grn a whale coring ff the wegon: rein a c. Sy pra to fall, in case of 6 or cut n : : : ish our independence, and th hece who eacepe! were rein toed, ond how iches shail be divited anwcg the wrbows and « edoamiuscadiag them iu the toed once, ead en oO stds mf the spoeniator bia bibtren of the geld 1 prcal stor b showliog seventeen of the capture d A Wel ” ges be hanged up by the tors and hie flewh pulled from oi j Withe ’ leave the coun- them, charge cr the rear Ciapereed hot pincers, Rome they will permit to try after rendering ‘wp allthey have made en this ear woo.v War goilen s felv inte the ineuntiacas peculator bas pe friends here, gud as sure as a pact Richmond Esamiunc, Sept 7 retches will euder when e. evetia forfeiture of Heaven these vil sged susdiers return t God rales it the ears allthey bave made gill warcely be saffigarnt to save ther L have learned through the Richmood papers, sume Fron Caprain C28 White “of Mosby's Com- iculary of the rietin Raleigh. it te pronoenced a) quad. we have the p wrticula-e of a recent gal- 4 t outrage, bab the pal sou ce of ecrrow is, 1 APY 5 that the work of demolition was not mor@compicte. We lant and successful pe rhormance of twe cape condemn the niggardly, low bred motives that actaated nies of the same. Ou Friday morning last, those who destreyed spelman'’s fice. But we would Captain McNary flobseon, with eighty-five have ‘een very wilyog to counpromise the matter by the ; . z hed T 1 t ~altac © fie, had the work of destruction on Holden's been HEN: and Captan McNeill with fifty, atte ough nfamp of teu husdred Yankee sofautry at There ts a Court-martial Mooreteld, Hardy county, killing twenty, cap- Ret ee asta ung one hundred and forty-re ren prisoners, d eratiering che balance three the woude MuUSBY'S MEN IN TARDY in session In our brigade thie inber of cases to be tried —'the fon, and the majority will on H kteng * greater number fur dree doubtheas be shot. This =:ll be more bho! head Many of the gor Dwretches deserted wih Phe Yunkee Colonel exe ape Pesmaure by a pre: arms in thetr handle. The cause fetrarrddirecrty to bt estate flraht virwogh Mooretiekf ya his olen den They read the st 4 They "re persuaded ; : he that North Carolina was for peace, that the time had tail ¢ roe uf Moorefictd, se they saw U come for the warty atop o terme, that thes wed xopartion pass hhe the woud down tle maid grt sym; abhy at bon ese arc men uf betlittle gireet ig the wecertam grey of the morning. character, put) Moldea's te pe fese enormwue fo i hal) (aMeuts cous is iaily eslculaled tnclelaie thie OmUght at firm they t caughy a gin; sel 6 Boo ant apd Decasee He hve no evenpethisers e helsted ghost returmig te hos tetub ng ten of character, yet a very email nam f ine were Returwiog trom the expedite eu ambusecadesd bu arother and very buperid fo.ce of tbe enon base unjsineipled ufacere ond privates agree with hom VL have heard n any tense. | th eome particulars, th they were for recumstract helleve Mere ne eay that bay beang used fy enel wieden @ pile disconcerted and msnages peace of piste here ourinen were s mach more spirited than a ve tl! oh F A t i vnt wold avery interesting revisal | hew a splendat Gietery out fowl ff progressing in the brigade Tt prompecete do mugh gud have seemed deroeral COTO Osa Mees ve Indeed, I beheve, that a de-p pervading eense of oue-t Yaukees had permitted Caran Horan, whe ter dependence Ura Gxt ‘oc oar national existence ve 1 ' ‘ y ws ~ to é tinder (bel jeation of a th gh chriatleu spirit throughout the | Vee te rdvuuce, purse t a i ine Shoe army, will do we more good, toward cequiring cur Mow the centre ef the line with judependence and bringiug thee war to a epeedy wind ot paracng our two companies and succeesful esae, than all € ¢ teide of thewe of the P , 2 wrvet, on bible inthe world It will et un fora cons hberatiog ine pilethets Habeos. | a af enews ma rt j 4 tend eillnetdeet the onstant of the eneiny e urack inate © the colors ov bie cou Youthie her dork gloomy boar turmpg short reuad rode one slot dintenee, he will net p vo bine. jolati the « heh ig 5 hn bot perjare hi by violating aN eae ad then moking a rapid detour tell wen hee taken to stand by hie ry ag a faith/ul eobth Yeu ba on viot verily, relighon is whatwe heed. Let the panthe ot | rear with preat fury Phe enemy br ited Speer, the de.st scoff, the Me doabt, it remains t'e | himself murrounded, broke and flea in greutout acne self-deveting, ennobir true or falae-—the mere parifing mystery, Be it 1on of hur we ingengity, it «ef whoa influence ie fusion cata code of lnae, We seyret te dearn hata S nke. Wiqor es the signal for the aypea sof all the evile that | ouped daring the first attack of the enemy Jo beeet the human rare that ie destructiv@al he 7 had kill aly «heer ef Gan libcHy SAA Lauancer, inaiceile peace cam nations! | bob affeine We fad noite KileeAitti) quiet. [ta benign tofluence, ave ee ennobling so pab four wounded.— Rich. Exa-naer. fying thateven devile are compelled to reepect them I th@ Bible from ence and such a moral darkuevs Id be entatled, to say nothing of one apiritua 4 . : > “OLIMZEN ns could not be canalied were the sun by one fel erp DEATH OF AW ORTHY ¢ 1 {7° stricken from Phe centre of the system. Pithable, sad From tbe funeral notice in another cohumna indeed ie the condition of any peopie whose God ia not the lord °° ito will be seen that the Rev. Tomas d oer | Leway has pasaed away. Mr. Lemay wage Tine enemy, by the possession of Cum | native of Granville county but tor many rings’ Point, is aow within four niles and! years resided in this city, where he raised & three hundred yards of the city of Charleston. | large family and where his many virtoet He is busy petung np works and will, no! have been known and appreciated For @ donbt, again combard the ety trom a pesi- | pumber of years deceased was editor and from which shells have already been thrown into it. His object. will possible be to set it on fire and render it untenable. as the shells for- merly throwa were ofa highly incendiary character. ton almost @ mie less distant’ than propmetor of the Raleigh Star, a \yading newspaper in the State at that time, though jt was discontinued & few years alter Mr. Leway severed his connection with it. Rateigh Progra The Balt jnetant, ful sey Under tt American, thern papel which may J true”; There is s being de Bragg. U posilive ev now reduc this effect che corresy who write ordered W it going to division, if this carps, ericksbury 3 o'clock, by the sel A column can, da ou Virginia a or to Gree What ts ioe Repo at logyerh the rebels couveuttyt this quest iumitmary t pubbean | he pe tiles « Thes clay Upe them. T joany Xe a hen pot peopie ob are, there al obhiwati rebellious We Wena rea eogummitte: Taticn this Line Drak I usd tte th Ves Cabie vble tar b tacted the me service, nan by t marty ol bitvage the Coturades eowills if, Rar The babres, b erty and to have 3 whole,» ed them: anges, p lemonade couree & about the pleasent ed the gr they had long time would be nd a fig! Ore dies ane the shou their sah with kot ficht ens verely w how may did vot t savy] Detnoe WOO we lenst | One 4, ia WAlV, wis one evils exns of entirely dvyuan posed Oinem and. ot sell . Gx Tribun left Li that Hoime that he mend of the thern | aa not Apring were, rode olor » the maid Igy. Pclé were fur.o@ deve nage wi nk! ‘The win teeir » the , and erent d of ener, vo be le Viog tcoub jumna as d yaea many ised & irtoe For a and ading rough Mr. 4 frresT NEWS PROM P28 NORPH. The Bultimgre papers of Saturday, : 12th wstant, furnish the following ; “DEPLETION OF Li's ARMY.” Under the foregoing head the Baltimore, American, New York Times, and other Nor- thern papers have the following piece of news which may be charadterized as inpertant J true”: There is scarcely a doubt that Lee's army s being depleted to reimiorce Beauregard abd Bragg. .Up to within a week there Was DO postive evidetuce that this was so, but if ly now reduced to a certainly. Lacciugence vy) this effect is corroborated by LN. Crounse, che eorrespohdent of (he New York Times, who writes tbat Lonystreet’s corps has been ordered west and south, the larger portion of it going to Bragy, the balance, probably our | division, to Charleston. Hood's dévision, ot | this corps, moved thor thelr canap teat Fred- ericksbury Ca Thursday moruing, the Bih, at 3 o'clock, aud was quite geverally understood | by the seldiery that i was go lo Charleston. | XN column vf fifteeo or twenty thousand wen can, id one week, be easily Uirown by the Virginia and Bast Tenuessé@ road, to Bris@l, orto Greensville in Kast ‘Tennesyee. & What ts to be dune with us.—In Minnesota the RepnBlean aud Democrave partes ate | at logyerheads as tv what shall be dune with | the rebels when they are subjdpated. The | couveuttvos of these parties Lave discussed | this question without settlag that lirst pre | mtimary toro hare.’ ‘The Re- pubboan party thus lays dow ts parpewe 10 | he poociple ob tere platlerns: \ © These lurtented all clay upon th. people, and their rylts to rule cooking tbe revel States have | them Phe poople thereat awe bo allegmnce | voany exceptthe yovernmental the Ul states. | Fhe poittical situation b prec isely Chatol the | peopie ob the snorganiaed Cerntones, We | are, thereiore, ulider uo lepad or Constitution | al obhiwation revellious States, nor extend to thet any po- } In fact they have | / | tro recognize the exisleace uf Cie tics. TAC Wore Ved ) ooummitted poliieal suicide.” Let croakers and sabunissivnists think el | this Lineoto JNo_yrasone. { Krom the Raleigh Progrers. | Cosaorp, Sept 16th, 1863. | Drak Proc A muider was comuet xsi usd in this en owodays since, the ei. | eounstanecs of wiih, as far as Thave Geen sble tor be are as Jollows, A ue Backed roigs MeCN Was i prayers ii | bowers ptt Uhats ce ty ts a, stad Ube ne ews turned oot Goat thicrtat service Wi returtiny botne, W younys ‘nan by the are iof Brothers pace ap tea varty Of fates auab gentiedien, abe ! hittag the fet ccom the bead os ose ab bis bame os Gay, dashed ou OtUrades Was owl vecovertook another party ul \ us who were a shert distanen ahead beet whom be gave the hat, woth | the reqaest Chat tbe ret ed to Gray Gray, bower or flew into a violent: ra sg eviul famiiaety on the parcot Brothers, aud expr sstag wis deterination to hill bin wed ca conssnt Yi oa dew imeanuents OW Was bind roada a saline es aivuaer ‘ \ Sums, WI art Evie VE ise Spank ‘ sta Oth ‘ vil is ol bartse ‘ ‘ poessed ont nes ado that Corav? tise ue ib, saha kel Dacn. Ww er bserel iste tly e c Celt Youre SINChEELY, ROW AT A NEGRO BARBACUE The nesives of Ue caty, their wives and babres, bed a barbacue vesterday north ofitie erty and near the canal. They bad fixed ap to have a goud time. “Vhey had a calf ranted whole. wud alse a pig acd a sheep, and provid ed themselves splendidly wireh pine apples, or anges, peaches, cakes, &e . and buckets of ‘emonade and They say (we cf couree Know vothing bat what we acre about the fuse) that they were having a very ple vwent Gime. when twenty cavalrvinen enter: ed the groand and peched into the wee thiogs they had provide, long lime, and until they found ofl tharrluxurtea would be consumed, whea they remonsirated nda fight ensued One darkey acecream told wassehot inthe breast aod well dies another wae ehet ithe whi. another an the shoulder Atierthe firing the soidiers drew their sabres, and the durkevearmed thenmelves with ke fight ensued s+ ives and Wudgeaus. dnd «a handte haod vera! ou both mdeea were -a- verely wean! feet grevieel eriaele. bas how many or how bed deev goa be hae ve dd got learn. —Jndianapoda Sentinel fag 1s LORCA EXGLEEMEN | A Cinema corre ~prorsde nt onthe tin cao Times me ee ee ee -. ( aveieay Os, “Bept. 2is August, « purtion of Rosencrans’ The negroes siged mt for a | ve 7 wy ios aie Q ql riday, ie fired acres the Tenpesser, river ipio Ch 4 nooge) Foss few days feiuts were, made at Harrison, tweniy miles above Clusjanooga and bekw at Badgeport. By the 26, the enemy hud crossed ut Bridgport, (he small force there falling bsek on Chatianougu, which was aban- duned by the titizeos. The edemy’s move- mene Were sow and ewutious, but at length they parsed down Wil’s Valley through Dade couuty, Ga, in considerable’ furee to flank Bragg’ ary oo che left by way of Rome — The cavoliy reacaed Alpe, in Chattooga county. Ga. near th Alabuina line, 25 miles northweet of Rowe, on the 9th Sept.. and had « skiriush with Col Avery commanding the 3d andtth Georgia cavalty, who fell back uf- terubord fight. ‘The movement was antici posted. Meaitune most or Yaruside’s forces are wuderstued to have joined Rosencrans and pressed a cousiderable force- on towards Bragg thromgh the gaprofthbe mountains in Walker and Chattooga counties. Ga. Sinall parcies of the enemy's cavalry have visited Tunnel Hill in ©. toss county and Dalivu. oa the State Road. Th isrejorted thas Gen. Forrest was wounded ia a -kirmivh near Dation yesterday. army hae falleu back to Chattsuouga, Ue has» refused aod it in believed sull refuses tu vive Broge batile. bat will ain at wintermg mn Chat- taneoga [So Coattanooga is undoubtedly tu the hands of the Yankees, having been quiey evacusted by the Confederates. Vill they be allowed to hold it aud winder (here 2 We shadl per} SKIRMISH NEAR LAFAYETTE. ATLANTA, Ga, Sept. 177A special dis- patch ty the Intelligencer, dated 16th, frou Kesaca, states that heavy Being was heard Ruadsay, waich procces {| from a skirmish lus north of Latayette. The enemy was driven back by Stewarts arullery, Cheat- hawu’s division fine om No loss on vur side. The enemy's loss was derable, including thirty prisoners, On esate day, Wheeler had a skirmish pear Summerville, and drove the eneray back two soda bell capturing twenty prisoners, ‘The enemy has a lorge force of mounted in- foutry in lots neyhbdorhood, ‘Phe late inovements io Wille Valley were ealy mede with the toteviion of getuag posse @- sono! Chatt.oooga, where Rusenoracz in now fortifving evidently not choumey tw aak a buitie. aud cars are pow runuing to Cleveland, Tenucenre, All aie sanguine. CONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE Thus school operstou the 2nd inst. with Very Coeeriige prospects, there berng a yreat ec toumber of voung ladies eutered any than, al During the first week be Season Heariy SxXty POeVLOUS @eSsiOun boarders arrived, Added and every Gay Chere are accessions, to shia, the day schodare swell (he number at preset to Nearly of deats ~-dredell Lapress, Infunticude —-We learn thiet yesterday morning the body oF a uew born white te teale iufaut was fognd in the Cape Fear Ri- ves Just above the whart of the Wiluunyton & Weldon KOR Co Woyece of Hanbel neathy: toned, with a paces haut POOH TTA DOER, WSO A Tope & Whey Woes aeled of area, which AY ea) OO Ce Yee eh PT tae body duwi “Ashen at swelled) and ame buoyant \\ et Neard oot any part ulars that been diss owered deadise to its idenuti Cations, t io prerorearey aad Ube d 1 aie. C4 leave ao daubt of vagteormd noo have been over forty-eight hoursold An omquest was held by Coroner Pervin, no facts ie votond those ramMeceedd witha the the body. In- dered Me Witnesses appeared o could be found, sive by Whoa the body was discover- marngqlait f yurnad, Foe tun Warcnwan, GETTYSBURG. Firm stood our columasymid the storm Ot teadeo death of shot and shell; Firm wae each step aid fixed each eye, As their brave lenders galloped by. , Phe noble First * vodaunted stood, One of she far-famed © Stone” Brigade: Till © On,” their leader siouted, Ou,” Aud noi a heart of step de layed ! Dire was the conflict. Wand to hand, ied 5 wood din Nor thend vor toe could be surveyed. On cones the foe, : Aww eve locyer that never qu For nid the dust and smoke wiion, aid oo, ‘erpower our little band; Down, down, they fadl, our nation's pade, ‘Phe twnuskets clasped with dying hand! Nuinbe rs “ Ball biek, Came the fall brek, "Us useless all,” stern ordes long delayed 5 And bacuwatd moved the dauvations band, Solftighvng as they slowly obeyed. Bot he hed fatten, oar noble boy! Ve beard not the } Forere steam Owe bovis lave dread word, Retreat : shin work was done, haxrt has ceased to beat SUVS A tts Meeting of the Detroersteey took Prace at Manunt Gilend ho, on the Qhet Aaanst oat wlyeh 20, HOO Were present. Thais cot puted hot of Jemst ball a dozen iuass conventions oat. enc political party ace oem beh an Olin daly. AC intre VIO POUS CEO EU Whas. wad never before known an Oboe. There sevident fearon the vee al 1] bes in cans of a detent, whis thee Phe rRy ote eaticely sane of the eloetron Ch V Abae hyuam by 80000 im jority [Yeo tina posed to have a tremendous meet i | Vinemnatt soon, at whth Gov. Sevrmonr and olmer lead Statesmen wil be pes sent. — Jel, Arpress . Grex. Hotses sor Dean.—The Mobile Pribune. is informed by a gentleman who ! left Lite Rogk, Ark. on the 20th ult. that the rumor of the death of Geperal Hoimes is not true, Our informant says that he bad been very ill, but was rapidly mendiog. Geo. Price was in command of the forces in that quarter, Latest Nor- thern accounts also represent Gen. Holmes an not dead, but convalescent at tho Hot Aprings, Ark. “ Reand hack, And elooped tor Histeader held be clammy hand, Aud kuelt beside til be wae dead Phase ts Those Los will speak tens ne mere Not elena look Has ahe to they said, Jonve lin air,” shis dying head: who that vouug he rausare evounore | ee She cannot deck bis grave with flowers, £ She cannot rome the marbly stone: Abiuo, be sleeps tis leat loog sleep, Bar, far uway. Tn dreams shir se tho’ net alone # the unequal xtrfe.— Th dreatig whe leare the coafliet dire -— In dreai« she secs her daring fall,— To drains ste sees hae boy expire! Post mourner! raise thine eves above, To where loves ties are never riven: Ne seught in early south his God,— He sought, he's found, a home in Heaven Chearfaland @pefully he wrote, The fast lines that he ever sent, | God has preserved me Mother dear, “Sweet Mosher, Sisters, do not fear.” *First Regiment N.C. Troops, Oct. Brown. { LAURA L.- | Lengeyne, N. C. quite one bandred stu- It was wrapped in as eiteyes closed. that pulae wie sil, | Li is believed that the mau body of Roseneraus’ | | | | ‘ we G enteréd Wilkesboro’ one, day last ‘week ai threatened to murder Lieut, Peden, who is now at home on detaghed service. They threatened to take his egat off bin, but did not do so, and also requested |in to’ make them a speech in the t House. He de- clined doing so, as they would not let him utter Lis true sentiments, and against his,! country’s cause he would not pollute his lips with one Word.— Jredell Bcpress a MARRIED: If Davie county, on the Let Septenber, by C. W. Rich, Esq, Mr. JACOB B OL WAN of the 63d Regiment N. ©. Cavaloy, to HENRIETTA LL. POWEL!. | | i] DIED: Of Fever, al Oaks, in this county, on the 8th inst, JAMES E. BONG, olde-t son of Dr O. F. and Helen Long; in the “3d yeur of his age. ‘The pe eee was a young man of mach promise an affectionate eon aud brother, and yreotly beloved by all who knew him. Being a child of the Covenant, he wus dedic sted to God iu infancy, aud cheerfglly iustructed iu the | Scriptures, which ure able to wake wise unto salvation. During hie, illpess, while in the full possersivo of bir facalties of mind, he becaine, deeply cuuvineed of the reasovableness of the Savivor'’s claims upoo him. His views of the essential doctrines of Grace were clear, and he readily yielded his heart toCbnet More thaw once, ve expressed the peace aud comfort he fouud iu benieving. Conseious of tis approueh- tug end, he met death wah a calm and colleci- ed -pirit, and entered its mysterious gates with- vat @ strugyte, oud ‘fell gsleep ii Jesus” with the Culinuese of au infaut on its mother’s bosom The early close of thes promising life ie a dark mrysteruus provideuce ; but God dves all chings well ‘He closed life’s journey Assets the mourning stur, which goes Not down behind the darkeued west. nor hides Ubscured amoug the temperis of the sky, But melts away ia the light of Heaven” Hillsboro’ Recorder. Wounded in a skirmish vear Hagerstown, Pa, DAVIB C. MOOSE, in the 22d Year ol | chosen xervants made those vbnoxous laws— | his uge—he was seul to one of the jin Wahamsburg, where he remained until bet | tons | instant, obtained aw furlouy! for 3U days, arniv Hospials ed at hit bruther-in-law's, Mr Solomon Klutts Rowan county, where he receivedevery atten- tou, thgt humanity coul@ diciste. and jurt os the sun shed his last lingeray ray over the ; Western hills, Sthimstant, he fell adeep in che ariusof Jesus. The weiter of thie humble tribute knew hrm | inthe way our fathers marked out by the bal- } from early childhood, uniformiy a good boy. a | lot-bex, and Che other constitutionally appoint j most excellent young man, and no better sol- | ed aeans tdier has sacrifed his fein deteuce of South- | like the present, any departure from this legal } ern Rights, than David C. Moose | At the opening of the war, he jorned 41h Re- j ded Virginie | through | 'T., and marched to defend tuva- There he pu unscathed battles, untul the rand into Pennsylvania, where a dendly imicsde struck gmeut N.C reveral { hinvou tus brad whieh give hia lis final our- | lough for ' from trouble and the Heaven, where the wicked cease weary are tor ever al Mo soM Gettysburg, on dst fem Killed atthe battle of | the can repeal them, tf yeh are your instruc- ‘our Supmme, Court sts ready to decide upon | | , in your Executive to enforce auy law ‘chanuel is cevolntionary and dangerous, aud \ | | | (day of July, HENRY ROLAND - TAR SES, | ,inember of Co { ) the hard-t Ww. hte N.C] possessed of (his world’s guces, bul xe a pure We was net patriot, he gave his fe free'y for the deuce of his Countess He Ve Taunus psof the soldier> ce. but cheecul WNoobeved the commands hy Supe rors Peace to bis ashes—honor teorane. Me deft a wite and two children. 94 a three ses- }tersaud four brothers to dame at tis loss. Crehangze Notice. So. 6 Ricumonp, Sep: 12. 1003. TANHE FOLLOWING CONFEDERATE officers aod men, captured | Miss. it Vicksborg, July 4. 1863, aud subsequesicy pated Dest and best have atreadsy have been duly exchanged, and are hereby» ; ‘ deelared: 1. The officersand men of Gen. C son's division. 2. The officers ana mer of Geo | divison. 3. The officers and men of Brigadier General Moore's brigade. 4 he officers and meu of (ie 2d Regiment. . | 5. The officers and men of Wauls Legion. { 6. Also. all Confederate other rs ; who have been delivered at C).\ Ps Vuime previous to July Q5ch i L. Steven. Bowen's Texas id omen atany Pr03. thave geen duly exchanged, and are hereby so Clare Sept. 1e-6t Agent ot a 7 = Nal aD BB = Woe F any perso has an mecca rst Capt. WoC. bard. dee'd, he is vested ¢ tee sent it tome for payment Pachanye cf ib T. G WAUGHTPON 1 \ TANTED —A good ’ i 12 er ink, for whiea aw siin price will be patd Apply atti os Office, ea PROPOSALS \ TULL be received tora building tobe ere ed at China Grove Siabion toe dred as a Governinent Ware-house. Sard ta te ' be 25 by 65 feet. Vertical weither-hoarding, well battened, 10 fro sll ote iver SS feet puch. ‘Po ba sens cucted oe tamber a “the rough, and to be b Pa stroug sabysca al mauner. Proposals for barding the sam will be received at the office of WoL Mills Bag Salisbury. Naile will be fornebed bv the Geovernn sit B.A. PROPST, Agent Paxin Kind, Noo ® {tf 1} “a aD’ BB ad— Hce WILL reat the bighest bidder on the prem | Aces, on the 13th day of October the planta- ‘tion belonging to the Heim of Manah Choon, ' Dee d., for the term of iwelve me, ths | Person wanting to reuia good piantation would } do well to be present ou that day (Terma made kaown ou that day tide PC. UY DE. BLANK DEEDS FOR: SALA AT THIS: OFFICE. Any { | fimestic strife and petty melignant feuds State, in some of mude of combined of the laws of Congress, in tegart te tiva and (he coltctiot of lames. thereby, gering the public peace add tranquility as (he common cadse Of Yiide pande ace... we buve wo solemnly engeged tw defend | wherets, it is my sworn daly to tee al the wwe | Governor of the State of Nerth Caroliga, do such persous..o renoupes ageh evil intenions, | eud warning them to beware of the criminal and fatal consequeuc. sof carryiuy: such threats into execution ‘ people to axsemble tug ther and consult forthe common good, together with its necessary eon- eomitants, the freedom of apeech and the press, are secured to you, my eountrymen, by the Inost sacred compacts. a disturber ia me the same iustraments which guarantee these great rigbis, also limit you to the exercise of them, within the bounds of law ; apon me the sulomn duty of seeing that these hounds be not transgressed of tthe Confederate States, aud all laws passed ; the reyvemng of that glorous day. { { \ | \ | | peay you, be shocked with the spectacle of do- | | \ | \ { meetings have i of the been. 0: | ell | f the lund faithfiMy executed, ond quiet and | order maintuined within mit borders, j Now, therefore, |] ZEBUWON B VANCE, ssue this my preelumation, commande all The inalienable und invafusble right of the They shall never find Yet you will remember that and impose The Coustitation jo pursunnee theteof, are the supreme law of the lavid; resistauyce to ikem by combination is treason, and without combination, is a high crime against thé laws of. your country. Let no one be deceived. So long as these jaws re- main upoMthe e:atute book they sha!l he ex: euled. Surely. my countrymen, you would net seek to cure the evils of one revolution hy plunging the country int another | You wil! not knowimgly, tu the preseot desolating war with the communen enemy. add the horrors ef toternal strif* and entire subversion of law anc civiFautherity ! You must not forget the eu viable character which you have always main tatned, as a Rober, Conservative and law-abdid- ing people 5 ner woulu Ihave you to forget the plain, easy and coustitutconal method of. re- dressing your grievances. Meee and denmnce any existence laws if you think proper—you have that nyght—and instruct your representa- tivesin Congress or the State Levisiatare, as the cure may be, to repeal tiem. Your own 1 | If you regard them as unconstitutiony!. all cases properly brought before it. [ts deci sone are finalin the State of North Carolina, and shall be executed while the power remains | There | Is no gltevance Lo redress aude proposition to be made, bat cau be most beneficially effected In times of yreat publie sensibility tends to the division and detraction of our peo- pie. It is my great desire, and, [ hope, that of all good cuuzens, that cur people should remain united, befall us what may. Should we tri- ump in the great struggle for independence let no feelings of reveugs, no bitierness mar Should we fall, and come short of that great object for which we have struggled so long and bled so freely. let pot our striles and domestic feuds add tothe bitterness of deleat Attempts suddenly to chiage’ the existing order of things would only result in bloodshed ané rain. T therefore impiere you, my coun- tryvinen. of all shades ofpeliieal opimon. to ab- stain from assembling together for the purpose of denounciog each other, whether at home or amy, i remedy 1 for the evils of the times by other than fogal the tia thre dio avoid seeking any UJ ee TOS CMTE Le OF PAE ro“PIPTHING TAX: — a NOTICE. Dax FARMERS AND PLANTERS OF. wan Connty ate hereby notified to attend at thé following places for, (ie purpose of making tetoros of all the Whea', Outs and Wool, pro- duced by them in the year 1863, of whieh they whl Be'reguited to pay the Government One Tenth, after reserving for their own use the” amounts allowed them by law. . For the purpose of taking said reterne, the Assessors, Paul N. Heiligand Joseph A. Haw- kine,’ Heqrs , will attend us follows, vin: Pp. Ny Hejlig at Hartmnu'’s, September 23. “ at Litaker’s, “ 24, “ ut Harkey’s, “ 25 “ w Gold Hill, “ 2K “ at Margmu’s, “ 26° “ at Hatter Shop, 29° “ at Millet’s, i 30° J. A. Hawkins,at Gheeu’s Bridge, Sept. 23. OY at Crmpbell’s, #6 24 se at McConnaughey’s, “ 25 “ “at Mounot Ulla, cb 26 ee at Atwell’s, os 2° wD at Mrs. Brown’s “ 39 se at Salisbury, es 30 — must respectfully bey that the Farmers iu the Coanty act promptly in making their re- turns. The Government is in grest need of ° the aftieles nanted above, for the support and’ comfort of our brave soldiers who are in the field battling: for oar lie ng§ee and mde pendence. Promptuess. therefore. will accomplish mach for our common cause, excite afresh the eonfi- dence and zeal of our gallant troops. Prompt. ness will also save the Collectors much trouble and Qonegessary expense on the part of the tax-payere. W.R. FRALEY, Tax Collector. September 9, 18€3. 3017 Cee CHURCH ACADEMY.—THE- / next session of this: institutian will com- inence on Taorsday, the 6th of October. The Ancient Languages and Higher Mathematics laure taught wecording to the strietest standard - of improved classical systems. Thorough drill- ing in all the branches, accompanied by con- stant und vigurous explanation, is the chief charactaristie of this course of stady. For fulf particn! ire as to regulations, text-books in ase, modes of instruction aud illustratiog, terms of” tuition, &e, pleaze apply tothe principal EDWARD PAYSON HALL. Sept. 12th 1863. 4uipd:17 Tew Dollars Reward! TOLEN from the sobseriber on’ Monday’ the 34$+t of August last, an old SappLe with a quilted seat attached and leather girth whieb- was broken and sowed with a leather string. Adso, an old Bridle with a leather halter at-' inched, I will give the above reward for the above articles if delivered to me, @ miles west: of Salisbury, or if left at the ‘*Watchman” Office. © JOHN CRESS. Sept. 7, 1863. , 31:16 ~ SUBSTITUTE WANTED. LIBERAL reward will be paid, for a sub- PR stitate. He must be 45 vears of age and of good character He can select his own com- pany—apply at this office. . Sept 2. 1863. thl6 SALISBUBRY MALE ACADEWY. TJ THE TENTH SESSION of this School will re open in the Male Academy on Tuesday the L5th instant. Tuition per session of five months. from 820 to &25 Contingent fee $2. Papi's Will be charged from time of entrance till close of session, and no dedaction will be made for lost tine only in case of sickness. A.W OWEN. menne and through the property constitnted au thonnes Weare embatked in We 4 that cai baud Multitaudes of our bra. sealed it woh blood, whilst others, prving up all earthy pos- sessions, are cither Jawgotshing in dungeons or ‘are homeless Wanderers through the faad, and all have felt, trou hand of war. > cunse of liberty and imdepeadence are camintted to it by ev rv ue at honatable peeple. their ina greater or Jess degree, the A great aud glorious nadon is stiuggling to be bora and wondering ,king- doms and aistant empires are stified with Its- hope and admiration. watching this of human events. Let them vot, I teniug yreatesi Let be rejoiced to behold our strong stronger devotion, Which bave often made him tremble, not our enen) arins and turned ag paclves. Letus rather show that the God of Liberty i¢ in his Hels Pemple—the hearts of freemen— | vod bed all tre petoy biskerings of earch keep stiienee before Etim Tnstend of enzaging in hisuahely ond unpat netic strfe and threatening to resist Che Laws of tne dane god endaucerng the peace of soeie- iwedetus p re clingenthy and wath vearts for ae teidshipsand seflermyges of the ooming Wiieter. deaven has blessed us with ab ntcrope. bat thousands ef the poor are nushle to pnrehase., betas bean in time and is very effort teoproside for them: and cecore | them acctust suffer And let us exert our- seolvae ta the utmect to return te duty the ma- ny brove bat uae wtced omen whe have let ttheer country’s Rag in Hone of dagger, and i God will vet bless us. aad curchildreu. and our pehildren’s cauldron wall thank us for met des. Famaring at or Repab rots darkest Roars, of and std mere. for adhert Loan pres servi vat the teary tris of ow couserva- tive scutimeids and the Nts eval tber- tres ot tre can Conieg \ Vor any Pr Wess whores!) Zertton B Gs { Vanek our (scveruor Cot in Gener- +] d Aw Nab and ConuniederieChief, hath bargned these precemts aed caused the Great fSealbofthe State tebe win d Done ae tae entvof Rajetah. this Tth day of | September, A Do 1863. and in the year of i Americans Independence the asth. | ZL RoVANGCH? | By the Governor: | R. H. Bayrus, da. Prive See'rs, | September R. lw STRAY CALVES. STRAYED from the sudectiber ov the morning of the 2d inst. thre@half-grown calves vir: one red and one white heifer ; and one steeg, white on the back and belly and redish brindle on the sides. They went up the’ Lincotm road for several miles, and thay have turned to the right or left. They are believed to be somewhere within five or six miles of town. Informa- tion of them will be thinkfully received, or a sultdble re- | J. BRUNER | wed paid for their return to me, the hovwest of | all erases which can str the hearis of patriots | | | | FE. A. SEMPLE, Capt. | hope fal | Salisbury, Sept. 5th. 1863. swl6 SALISBURY. N. C., Sept. 14, ’63. TOTICH—The following named men of a Company A, 57:bh Regiment N C Troeps, will report to me at Naltsbury, NC, withinten days from this date, or be considered deserters, for whose apprehension tho usual reward of $30 with be paid: DZ Gray, Deep Well. Tredell county; Wm Rofiy, near Salisbury, NC; A A Shuping, near Salisbury, NC; D A Miller, near Satis- bury. NC; 3 L Keichey, near Salisbury, N CW G White, Miranda, Iredell county; MA White, Miranda, Freceil county; F H Eaver hart, Davidson county, NC. 417 \ *ANTED at my Shoe Store 109 Green Hides. for which the higrest price will | be paid in cash Co. A, 57th N. C. Regiment. JNO. A. BRADSHAW. | Salisbury. Sept. 14, 1803. 1117 por SALE—A 60 HORSE ENGINE™ and all the Machinery of Rowan Milla, three French Burs, Smut Ma- Bhevators, Belts, Saw Mill and | Ges it . &e, all in good running order. 1 Payment may be nude vow, but not delivered | cousisting of until 28th December next. ; Also, 1000 BOXES TOBACCO | JNO. F. FOARD. | Salisbury, Sept. 14, 28655 5tl7 j | Jereniter: Office Greensboro, N. €: Cotton: | INTEREST BONDS. The rate of six per cent Cotton [NTERES? \ Boxvs ot the Government, having been fixed lactifiy ner cent. prenadim, purchases of the may be made at that rate al this office uatline isth September, 1863 J sarae ae eed: j One fourth of the purchase money will be re- Vquiredi ‘Treasury uctes issued since the Ist of | Ay lust: the remoining three fourths willbe received in aay noninterest beating uetes will be and certificates granted for all Treasury Notes issued smee lithe Tstof April lat. within twely > moutns after the Cate pl said notes, bearing six per cent, ip terest parable semi-aonually. . Deposits will be received and certificates cranted for all notes iksued on the 2nd Decem- ber, 1862, bearing lour pereenc, interest paya ble semi-nnnoally TP Bonds ere now on hand forall deposits made at this office ; and the holders of certif- cates-are requested to bring (hem forward auc receive the bonds in exchange. The holders of these certificates sre required to write their re- spective names accinasthe back. RALPH GORRELE, Depository. Deposits received 15-3w ETTER PAPER—A smal loi ot first rate Letter paper for eale at the WATGHMAN OFFICE. Anvgust 24, 1863. < ti g : 4 ) CIRCULAR Yo the Voters of the Eighth Con gressional District of North Car- olina : I respectfully announce myself to you as @ @andidaic for re-election. By your kiud partiality [have the bowor ef a seat a the First Congress of the Coofed- erate States. From the Ume of my election the Coulsderacy has been engaged in a stu- pendous war, for the purpose of driving bawk the ruthless invaders of its soil, aod establish- ing the peace and 1udependeace to which it B 80 jusily entitled. Overtures having been eatedly made by our Government, to ter- mjnate hostilities and settle the existing diti- aulties by negotiation and honorable adjust- ment, and these overtures having been as of- tep jndizuaudy reyected. no alternauve re- mained to us bat to dye back tbe invaders gad conquer a peace by force of aris, While in Congress, therefore, as your rep- TéGentative, | used every exertion in my pow- @ to streagthen aud inciease the army, W | @ proper assistance and encouragement to bxecutive, and to prevent as far as pos- able, those disastrous collisous between tbe aivil and the military auteriues which are | @o apt to vecur and ap dulk time of war. I voted for both Conscrpuon acts, not be- eanse I desired to force the Southern ciuzen from his home and family to the camp aod battle-field. but because I considered ther: ind':nensable to the iudependence of the coun. Vv. I voted to raise the pay of the non-conr missioned yfficers aud privates in the army, cult to adjust uae MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M. 0. ‘ AVING studied ia prom- af I newt Medicai Colleges und Hospitals, both North and Bowth, aad having been pruc- tieing in the varioas depart- meouis of his ign fur over 10 years with good success, he eonuues to offer his services to the pablic where he is permanently located, | aud by strict afte mtion to his profesrivu will eu- deavor lo merit @ liberal patronage as heret> fore, and holds himeselfin readiness at ail hours, day aud nigbt, for professional calls, : UF Offices at Roseinan’s Store. _Swpd 10 Execative Departmeat, Nerth Careilaa, ( Apserant Geneaar’s Orrice, Raleigh, July a, 1863 R. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF regiment to serve for six Moths, under the re- quisition pf the Preside at. Each compauy will consist of 75 men. The privates will elect their company officers, the latter will elect | their field officers The officers will be cam- | missioned at end from the time the musier- rolls are filed in this office DAN'’L G. FOWLE, Adjutant Genera} HE UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO such of his fellow-citizere as may choose u him, to-ceport to him at once at Salis | bury. If dhe & ree called for by the Presidcut | do not avajl themselves of the oppertuarty to volunteer and have officers of their own selec- tiog, they will be drafted and have oicers ap- painted by the Governor over then The ser- vice ts fo: Slate defeuce aud for but 4x moaths Rally. meu! The enemy is now advancing apo. our coast, threateniug the destractioan of | eer homes and the destruction of our means ot | | to ei Rowan Coaaty, is authorized to raise a | 1-\ WING 10 the number of riots,. wobs, lm- preasments and wefts iu the cusnty, | feel it a duty E owe to myself to adopt the following rules and ons at my mill t let. 1 will not be responsible for Flous, Meal or any kind of Grain that may be taken from me. by mab riot or im | , 2d. I will-not be responsible for any Grain stored at my mill aati ordered to be ground. 3d. ‘I will nut be responsible for yny Meal or Flour more thaa 24 hours after it ée made; at the same-time,tevill take the best care of it | that I can, and the same care that I take of my own, The.amifiis alwaye uader lock and | wey when we leave 1. J. 8. McCUBBINS. | Salisbury, Mareh 30, 1863 fas | SCRAP IRON WANTS). A] — I HE HIGHEsS paid for old Casting or Scrap [roa at Govern- meat Foundry im Sahsbury. Persons having any will please send it at oace, or notify me where they can deliver it. A.B. SHEPPERSON. Superintendem. x March 4, 1863. £42 yy LEATHER. | HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF prime uecessity Contiages to advance ia price, and shoe -makers are predicting that prices hith- erto accoubted enormeas will be next to noth- ing as compared with prospective demands — Thie may be se, and probably will be true un- less consumers shall take timely warning aud prepare to supply their wants without purchas- It is believed there ure sarpluse cattle and “ g ing T PRICES WILL BE tn the manufacture of Cartridge paper vecd ie ly deeb yp ———— faw cotton oan a cen proportign of hemp be | mixed with it. | fam authorized by the Ordnance Depart- | Ment to purchase material for this purpose, and | f wake thin method ut appealing to the people | to ussist ine in coliveting old rope, bugging, | waste corduge, &c., of any kind of old hemp. | A geed price will be paid for the above ma- terial, varying from 10 to 25 cents per puund, | according to Condition, locality, &c. | I will sleo pay 40 cents per pound for vld | ecrap Lead delivered at the Works. A. G. BRENIZER j Capt. Art’y. |. Office C. 8. Ord. Works, Suhsbary, N.C. June 29, 1863. 6 ——— a | “Stonewal:” Jaokson. J ust PUBLISHED, and for sale by N.S. To all who it may: Concern. 70 ALL PERSONS IN DEgr. ED 10 U8! Au persons indebird to the W.Myere and A. Myers, are th had eg fally requested to settle their respective obip. gations either in person or by letter, without, needless delay. ‘They will thus save interes, and the inconvenience of payment When mon ev may be les abundant than ut present, l hope the friends of the lute firms will not re quire lounger indulgence, but respond w this urgent call, as it i+ necemmury that the business should be closed with as little delay as possible A. MYERS Office next to Cowan's Brick ie! Svlisbury, March 30, 1863. ads ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S O1, fer sale, apply to WM. WATSON, u:3e 5 miles weet of this place. On at thin Offies | MORSE & CO., Augusta, Ga, | A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxercu | OF « STONEWALL” JACKSON By | | Cuarnces Hacvocn: Being a full and accurate | account of the Leading Eveuts of hiv Life, his | Dying Woments, aed the Obsequics at Rich. | j mond aad Leximgwa. | | ‘This work cvatains many anecdotes of the | iustnous soldier that have never before beca | published tur sale by ali Book Stores und News Agents Price $1 vv. | The (rade supplied at a liberal discount | OT All orders addressed to us will be proapt- —. a = 's Li ’ Brown's Livery Stable, I; kepiap us heretofore |, ie gratifyrag to him that this establivhineni. begun, at firet, ay a doubifwexperimen:, hae proved to the public @ great desideratum rnd & com. plete success. Traveters, and others can aj. ways have their wants in th'sline, wellaup- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. Aud the subscriberis always ready tosell or buy good Horses. sabsistence, to say nothing ofthe disgrace gad | hides enough oo bh country to supply the pub- | because I believed tuat they both deserved 1 needed it. voted agains! the Exemption acts, not because 1 was opposed to all exemptions tut because I considered those acts wrong 0 principle, dangerous in policy, and anjug in many of their discrimtnauons. I voted for ibe Funding bill, because I thouzht it necessary to dinunish the volume of the currency and thereby to give wore healthy action to the fiuances of the country. I voted for tke Tax ill of the House, whieh was rejectal by the Senate: bat, before the eonference bill, which is the present Tax law, came up turaction in the House, I was eall- ed away by afflievoa in my family, and bence Lhad no opportanity akains: that weasure In fine, I voted fer every measure which | though: would give strength to our army, Agor to tue Government, and contideace to the coubtry.* Shoult vou endorse My course at your | pauy to be of the most retiible charmecter, and | répresentauve by a re-election to Congress, | tha! be guided by the same principles and pohey which cure your interest: apd, although | des:re peace as ardently as any one, and shal! 13 | every honorable means to obtain it, yet [ will consent to no adjustment which does not briug with it the independence of the Cen- federate States their total separation, trecn | the Gaited States, and all the biessiegs of lio- | yt Wee isded by inhentance aNd wor WLIO We are DOW COontenuiny Ou Yue trust isin Gud. Qu Jesirny | is to be victorious | o Uns < to enjoy a carrer glon- 06 Deven all past history Let ay pros Seve worthy of uur cause, and sors graestuy. Let us be united 1b edr etiorts aud ue wo dg world comtined QAD Le ay BS I ain. very resze- ally, Your ube t servant, W. LANDER Lanco/nton, No / August 27, 1353.4 . TMPOKTANT SALh OF BEAL ESTATE — -By « fe wrul poof the orth-Carohisa, the u wonzed anc eimoowered cosell on the tuwn of waferd, N C., tnat v- property kaown #0 Su JOHN'S MASONIC COLLEGE— Bald property, with some haodied acres ofland attacked thereto will be off red for sale fur cash, on Thursday the ls: day of October next. The building is fsrge ard connie dius, containing about eighty ros, and well adapted for a inale as) Grand Latge of « nders gned, were au- Qa e aw femate Colege, with a. uecessary outbaild- inge. Theme who siay iesirous to parchase will apply te Rober W snerand J.T. Lit Uejoha, Baye OrSort wno will take great pleasore in show og ciein the property. F.F. WATSON, .srand Waeter. G.W.D HUTCHINGS, Grand Trees Aog. 20, '*13. 6u:l4 Souihera Express Comnany VINHIS Co npaoy hev to extent the eoverihe Westera N.C Rail Road. ieniw pr red toa forward danny AtL PERSONS EIVHER ENDERE FREICHTS WONEY PACKAGES, &e,! ed toine hy note or account, are requester ty to all pornts on thus K ce enon Jo0 WHITE, Agent Aug. 10, 1-63—21101 ’ Saiisbury Fem ) afe Seminary. Taek eee eee to vote eitber for or | wy record indweates, acd [ shall |! devote iny best euecgies and attenticu w se- | | their peoperty insared, can have au opportuni g piade arrengements | worse thau death their presence entails upon our sisiers, our wives and children Rally to the defence of your homes and firesides A. M. NESBITT, Sahsbury. N.C July 6, 1863 —{117] sah FP caer y Confederate Fasurance Charlottesville, Virginia. . | I HAVE ACCEPTED AN from the above Insarance Company, rnc | pow prepared to take nsks 00 property at rea- sonable rates. and for limited prrids of Ume. AGENCY 4 am {| Cotton, ‘Tobacco. Produce, Wachinery, Mer } crandise, Buildings, Xe. been in operation bat w short time, has a large ‘ Cash Cap:tal all paid in, and held by some of | the wealihiest »1d best people of Virginia. A | large amount of the Capital Stock of this Com. | pany has alread, been sold for ten per cent | premium = I can safely recommend this Corn- | any bosses from policies issurd by this Compa- av. will be promptly met according to the terns forth ia its porees Persons in Salt-bary and viewnty set ty of duing 80 by calling on me | A.J. MOCh, Agent. Salisbary, N.C, ) | Jaly 16, 2863. 4 fy $500 REWARD. is ARLY IN JANCARY UAST, (ilb Oticee of Mok B. Maers was broken opt the todo viay articles stolen ther from © flue bE aglish Gold Lever Watch. w th the nei CJ A delhagtoa on the face, Gernen Poy tters, Deleved to be made by Jo Jovhnet od Laverpoci; one Uiam ceutre cluscered around woh email Dia- monds; one fine Gow Ring, with forgetine vet, tnsenbed thereon: one sett Bar Riven and Breast (0, Coral aud Goldy wwe Gold Chata- fin Peooes one Buneh Gold Charms. cor Zz {of the two Lockeis wth iiniatures y “foo. | Cross, Hort. Shed. and others not reeniiee ene Cory) Breast Pray one Bresst P Veett with Pearl; one N- wth i j opal Jets. with crossin centres one flue Fan: one larse Blick Lae Maote ; Brahe j ! enakerchef, Collars eves, Op Blank Lionen and Cotton speeds. Prlow Carre a | Balsier Slips, and many other utticjes of Jew- { elry and Ladies spourel ne recollected. “The ) above reward of Fixe Handred Duilara, will b paid for the recavery of the avove mained art eles. OFtn proportion for any ther is part of Vin. of ihe JSeweiry can be rdentitted by W. is Wileon. Wateh-miaker at pliee Ju b thos bxener. any saforiacon gen to Capramn A Myers op samuel Keeved, or, will be prow ly atienued tu FE My ERS Malis y. & € dane to, 164. 4 Tr The Confederacy Atlanta, Ga,u copy dav one week. aud send tiiltothisof, ‘& @=5 &EE AD ING resiceed me ecmmisson on sale iyvooas Surge I teuder r wervic~s tomy frreuds aru the he | A.M NESBITT. i TG fice, opposite the Court House { Jane io, HG: carte Now is the tine to pay Money. up NESEIEYT tft A M June 15, 1203 / WOOL WANTED. luc tation. * th of September, | vp PRARTNG LAMBS “S 1863 warte WM TF SSL Board per ses: BlI0 00! PASO July do, Unt Tartion in Eugi-! $25 OU and 30 04) ghee with wine et | 3 MHAEL BRO, asatin, (or } £1 each | . , 1 ‘7 , Pumierecuced : ote CONS) AN MV Led Payvin (Oty Fur part.en- PIA IY ( are, * 4] ILIA INSON, Ve | ee Pi Ju ti ure BGS Os Te a EE . fir ' rimarke'< # | Ry 23 7 5 ae “" f trhes. Marnet price ay ry PELELING BOUORS | bance. pr rade A os } Se iab Jucy 13, 1863 a SMAI pp fo Spelliug Vooke Ded | hand. Those in pot thea bad better call , ne eas os 3 ONLY WANTED AT HENDERSON 4 ( y soon al \TCHMAN OFFICE, I | & ENNESS’, Druggists August 3, 1563 BLA NK D FEEDS. AT THIS UFFICE. FOR SALE\ June 15, 1%63 BLANK FE: hi LEDS FOR SALK AT TAIA OFFICE and on different grades of prep-rty:—Nuch as | Thix Company bas | desirnry Ring. barge Diatsonn he demand for ct Farmers, as a geveral { thiug, Keep mo € cattle than can be well kept | and made most profitable. Ef they would take 1s geod care of their cows as they do their t horses xnd mules, one half che namber would | oe more proiitable foe milk and batter. The | surplus stock might be fattened and slaughter- ‘The anderigned desires to do all in his | power to keep down the pare of leather, and {if be can secure the co-operation of stuck-own- ers he believes be can do mach goed in this di frectivu fle cannot affird to pay the presen, | extraordinary demands of dry and green hide | and thea sell leather at §2.the highest price” b+ has, up to this Gime, sold at. Bat if farm- | ers, who have hides, will seud them to his Tan- orleave them at Spragae. Brothers, io | Salebury. he will Pan them on the usual terns, obigatiag himself to sell his own share | | ed nervy, atarate only reasouable enodgh te jonufy bin tn so doing and wil de all Dean, against it woshing dane Soany to have their ilides Tanned can do as nbave directed T. Wo HAYNES Sve te, 1863 (52 LARGE quantity of TOBACCO for aale zoe bY JNO F FOARD. | Salixbory. Apt 23, 1863 49 Wanted. pat ante Pee : : re ae aa 4 GOOD HORSE snitable for | A omy Nuoply te » JAMES W CLARKE. WN. C, White Sulphur SPRINGS OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISEPORS ave the benedt of these raD | HWE pabhe -aa h valuable walers PRICE OF BOARD $28 per week, 855 for 4 We have a pleanfu £5 per dav: weeks “upply of provisions and id wtock of see secured. A daily - rings ROBAKDS, Propnetor fd White Rose Leaves. wish to purthase a larce bot. for which They a ri hone of ks and mail to the HL 1863 Janel Led and We teat fee will pay 7) cents per pouad ean and wire HENDERSON & ENNISS Salabacy, Suge BS. [REI 1t4 WHEAT FANS. A NUMBER of © Burnett” duced to be the best ever manatactured tu ern any other article the pailern soUntry. On mare at the reasonal prese Apply soon te JOHN SHUWAN, _ June 1, 1X63 rca) sr by burs ~~ 2 DP’ EER G@* Bila | WHEL come of send to Sprague Bro'w 4 . yon Toeadays, Pharsdays and Satu tany Hides that may be left there T.W WAYSNES . 1863 13 ! ~ A IALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, fur Yo. howe will pay the highest price HENDERSON & ENNISS, Drogygiats. June 15, 1863 et 4@ CO MEA ' EB‘ HC ED * Lohse © 8S. Distiflery at Salwhary, No ¢ B® Oe Thousand (L000, Basti is Mayle { ~ saat be addressed to ‘ INST. JOUNSTON Medical Purvesor OC OS A, Charlo N EWARKD en for (WONSADOLES + seit) i? he Q4tt a) ! feather: a aol rronyles (BUPpored be {of Charles Wekeugie's « pdedlire for the ay er Wie WeNE Ey ' m3 010 iarmers of Rowan. ] isto buy coru, whe | the » soldiers farn flour. men er ot Raw and [ heve pry market prices for these things, ' tnd T do hope that the Farmers of the county will give the jwtrcldiets familes the preferance. J, 8. MceCURBIN, Com. for Rowan. tes mare almosh soffering the 31% 63 Pe don’t wish io specalate, have | i John A. Mebane, W. J. McCouuel, C. P VWendenbal!, U.P. Weir, James M. Garrett, i John L. Cole, N.H. D. Wilson, Wm. Barito- ger, David McKnight, M. 5. Sherwood, Jed th. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A Wright, Wilmington; Rober E. ‘Troy, Lumberton, Aleannuder Miller, Newbern, [hadeus Me- Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Jonasou, Yancey- ville; Dr WC. Ramsey. SV adesborough ; Rev R.C. Mayoard, Frankiaten; Deb. Fo Wat. son, Watsonville. OrricEas : 'N H D WILSON - President JED.H LINDSA®, - Vice-President ;C.P WMENDENHALL, PETER ADAMS. WW.H CUMMWMING,. - WJ. McCONNEC!, - J.A.MFBANE, - - J.M. GARRETT, -— - Allcommunications on bussness connecter withth:: Office, shoald be addressed to PETER ADAMS. Secretary Greevebors’, N.C... Jane 19, 160 14 Noah NOTICE. wee W. F. Bason, M. D. EDR A’ Sk Gee Attorney Seer and Treas General Agent Exvcative Com. 1) \\ OULD reepeett: | he known that he hasretaken his DENTAL KOUMWS ta Sans. bary NB. Asit willoot suit han toremarn all ce, wii be peotr- names so the '¢ Offew or ot Offer. ac bine the the tine, thease calling in lie « fied of his arrivals by leaving etter Box attnched te tthe decref i bv addressing baw theooch tlre Be » tis place ptf 8 JAMES HORATL, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, aa SALISBURY N.C... 1” KEPS constantly on hand olurge axsor (ANC nent of WATCHES and JEWELBY of sli kinds: Ciocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- scrptlioreeparedin the best maduer and on One doorbelor Ff Marphy'> Store terme Vebruary 14, 1.%b: My he unvcrst re iamertatels ye we A MES BD 20.0 '0 STAVES 7 THE CON WSTATES DISTILLE- KY. M & E. My- at Salisbury, as follows To be of white as formerly owned by er tunber. clear of sap staves, 34 inches long, from 4 to G inches wide and Tineh thiek Heading wide, and 14 inches thick Q4 inchestoug, frowns & to LO inches | ty filled. N 8. MQRSE & CO. THOMAS FE. BROWN. } +f6 Augusta, Ga. Jan. let. 1863. t(53 | - ; : eee oe | 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. | Greensborough Mutual ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, fo he | co. in ‘ . 4 rg Skins, dry, for whie | INSURANCE COMPANY. WV iG pea G1 oe env ce ce ! aa smaller ones in proportion | Pays all Lesses Promptly! Apply to B. F. Simoutou, Statesville, or A \ — J. Moek, Salisbary . } DIRECTORS: December 8, 1562 1f29 DR. HOWERTON fatten his professional servicer to the citizens of Salisbury Office at the Boy Mar 9, 1863—t142 ‘ den Hoare. ae 6 le Bs EC Oe Dr SALIS BUR), Now. 15th, 1662, ALL those indebted to the firm of MeCcssins & Fosten. will call atthe Boot & Shoe Wanefacrory ef John A Bredsbhaw, vest door to the Waichinan Office, on ine sabsen ber, and settle their veeounts. either bv nove or the cash Now ts the me to pev debts uf 26 THOMAS J FOSTER VOTTON and LINEN RAGRS wented by ( JNO F. FOAKD Salebury, April 23, 18F3) 149 | Post Officer Netice. wt THERN and Wesiera Mail choseo at my 12M. Nerh rn Matichoors at PM. | Cheraw, tmptns ui day, Vuerday ane ‘There jday 3 Pas! Mieck 3 Monday, Wecnes Jdys and Pris NM With aber’, Toes i la Mo; Troy. The rectay, 12 4 | Smasebe. Or Cr Thinera From 12 Mout 2PM from 7 PM opti tO P.M The above rules wil pot be departed from untel fasther potice All perse ne a ¢ » pay their Pom raipected Office accounts when presente? at the end of the quarter, o berwime Powell he es wnpelied te sell their papery for the postage WOSES A. SMITH, P. & May 4, 563 1150 | a - . = . - Dr. J. A. CALDWELL r. oe ie PS A PESPECTEULLY OFFERS Ly +1 services to the citize oe of Sabstuss and the sor- Office (wo goorr bis profess fore das g cowntry below Mo Rrown’- office LP fnme absence! State.c § FA soar name on the May 4 —th50 eave e | RM WANTLD. | I DESIRE to buy }ed Wheat and Gros t | N €, contamorg fr | ch ane hie bly impror sstnaledin Wertera so 6 700 weres of land a farin which (hey rim, Anv one whe has such | would vell, el please witle tome al Peters | borg. giving a troe m accarite deaM®ipbon 0! } these fart. its bc ty avd the lowest price ; demanded for it No one ueed pot himee'f to the trouble te wrie nnlesa hk farms rel and productive and hae fair building voprovementeon il AU VAUGHAN. bw Petersburg, Va 70) Staves and 300 Heading toa thousand ; - ys Hishest market pice wiilbe pod SA L 7 fei it J £ 4 Adie en JAS. T JONSON, a BUSTED S for Sa! Tee salts wer STESHASTTE Tio as very dry having ran ware- hose June 15. 1663 tf4 for nine tt snthe apply co ‘ Ro& A MURPHY, Age. Notice to Debtors and Credifors.). | aug ai. aes 6115 A ALL persone havicg eles aganet the WAS 77 ) is incest caa ur OU pa, PERCHASE CGD RENT, AN IM devemsed Are ticruly miciied ty frercity [ ved [od ii the Moai re Noch: Wert hein terme of the tid these Ned AN st this Office owed Eatate are requ edtoom thee Rag 10th 1S63 (ce ve payment . — \ a ‘ hui SAVE (SVEN TUITE BOARD OF DI {dramnietrator 3m June 92, 1863 “@ GB E'HBA SECs ALL THOSE EX OEBYTED Ti WE ON S$mk Store aeconri, & ou Mr Jaines HB. Banus, ta whore tand set- he same ADD, ome indebted i rye on my ubeur and privting accoudt wabpocure ¢ lion and wettie alan some of my accounts have been stand pines 1859, and DE do hope tha! those who are due will call at oace and settle up. Confeder- ale money 16 pleuty—there can be no excuse —I prefer to takeil in payment of daas. J.J. STEWART. fie nn | faly 6th, 1663. th7 livin wish to fill the Iiueror taba Tate officer of Mit \ ant None ob reed apply Fer neuint Gg Tenn dutwe, &e, of the er than une information, reypechoy ottice, apply te Che andersirned . ED C FISHER Srperintend Phy cieian ond Raleigh, July FO, 1663 eleata SALISBURY, SEPT 7, 1863 To Gas Consumers, fran Sept. dat, will be E HE price of Gas } 925 per 1000 feet. Per aia LINTON, Sapt Gas Works Sept. 7 1m:16. From a a change and other ness, the | be two do lars fora ADvER’ one dollar April 2 <i As ux Goo are | their ser commun luna bus ( tains mu have plat My 0 making : a few da: his syrup fair ia © people s After down ne day, lest Starts ¢a rapidly a» he begins jutce to L through 3 then, wh it ayain s is boiled quanuty like a cor mer whet syrum ar five or si lowered | pan, and ibe sV¥rup ost on the up is (ake as fast as cold wate kettle, an tis wash This pres erwise wi ing the t sane tea tr the k would th last, hor the boilin 4 perforat particle o ile puts aud the | that at @ to tell Sagar, an tacture. by one o’ o'elock at bands ar: CH In the communh leseribes Dozier for ter stripp cuts dowt ina day, Chis is an it does na Two dé grading | broke, lea grinding Caned the but heari King) alw tore grind away in b Ten my mall, Iry that i zround, a of Jules’ c lowa fron This, be onty of m ineasured thiety gall | realized ‘o any Tb Chinese o: me that M ing of cat than 24 h cane, T wil ‘yrup, B put in ope tally, that ‘o that of ally, 1 thit Mprov evters f land ) they Peter? ron o! price uble te uctive 69 " . ¢ . ; A NA say AES te 0 dey mw ila al VOL.XXI =. SALISBURY, ase = “NUMBER 19. J. J. BRUNER, | Penge, el syrup but save on AN See I agree with Mr. D. that fresh juice should ™ "| never be added to a kettle alter it has boil: ed long, as the syrup will be imperfectly ly ripe you lose no Price of the Watehman. From and after this date, and until there is | cooled and be more liable to sour. A a change in the prices of provisions, paper | blavket 1 consider the best strainer, ap one and other articles required to carry on busi- | Straining throagh it is sufficiem, There ness, the subscription rates of this paper will Lt wave afloat, among some syrup ma- be two dollars for six months, and three dol- | kere, * tkut it will never do to commence and time in boiling. | lars for a year. AbvVERTIsING, two dollars for the first, and | one dollar for each subsequent publication. | April 20th, 1863. ese entdanesetatsberaeeGREO A Sr SYRUP MAKING. ' | boiling » kettle cf juice ualess you cum- plete it.” Sixty gallons of juive is the to- tal eupacity of ay boilers, and I average | from 50 to 60 gallons of syrup duily, working from daylight to 9 o'clock, P. M,, Lt whieh boar I fill my builers with fresh Jetee, fire up-wed leave them tilt morning. As the planters in: this section are sec- | Oe fire will prevent the juice from sour- Goo are now all About to engage in boiling |! and give al] hands work at daylight. their surghum sugar cane tbe following | By this plan 1 keep the mill and boilers communication, which we tind in the Co- lutabus (Ceo.) Sun, of a recent date, con- tains much valuable information to all who have planted the Sugar cane : My veighbors are busily eogaged in making syrup. I was ac Mr. J. B. Dozier’s a few days ayo, and ss | am satistied that his syrup would take (he prize at any syrap | fair iw Georgia, I think [am doing the people s service in diseribing bis method. After stripping the blades off he cuts dewh no mors than he can grind in a day, lest it should sour ia the stalk. He starts carly in the morning, and grinds rapidly as much as will fill a kettle before he begins tu botl, aud never adds any more jurce to Unt kettle. He strains the juice through a course cloth into a barrel, and then, when be puts it in the kettle strains it again as he pours itio. When the juice 1s boiled down to one-fifth of its original quanuty it begins to make big wrinkles like a cow’s maw, and ropes from the skim- mer when itis poured out syrum are thrown frum the botlug surface fve or six inches lich. The tires are now lowered and some syrup is pul ip a dry pan, and the pau io cold water to see how ibe syrup ruas. A glossy appearance, like oil on the surface, is observed, and the ser- up is (aken out of the kettle with buckets, A bucket or two of cold water is immediately thrown into the kettle, and before any more Juice 1s added itis washed ovt as clean as it was at first. This prevents the burot syrup which oth erwise would stick to the kettle from spotl- ing the taste of the fresh juice. For the sane reason he does pot beyin to bol un tt the kettle as Glled with Juice, as be would thus cook the first mure than the last, nor does be add any fresh joiee to as fant as possible, going all day. If you don’t believe the | Chinese cane will make a guod syrup, try jit I send you a jug of it. | A. H. FLEWELLEN. {| Chattahoochee Co. Ga, Sept. 12. | IMPORTANT CONTRIVANCE We wituessed, on Thursday, the perfor- mance of a very important invention of Rev. James Peeler, by which, in a short | time, be cuntrives to make a pair of old Theo jets of | woru out cards card wool or cotton as good as new vues. Mr. P. resets these teeth of the old cards by a means so siinple, and in such a short time, that it is really wonder- ful these who witness the operation that itowas not dircovered before. Mr. P. has ! vbuaued a patent for the invention, and | Proposes Co sel! the right of using it in | counties or distnets oo such terms as will | trot prevent the public frour reaping a large | share of the advantage. He charges one dollar to citizens for mending a pair of | cards—ftitty cents for soldiers’ tamies who | own slaves or olber prop -rtv—and to the poor, not able to pay, be mends for noth- log. He will not sell the patent to any. ‘one who will not mend cards on whe same | i as the mate of a vessel. the boiling syrup. A man stands by with | a perforated skitomer and skims off every particle of froth tbat comes to the surface. ile puts us no lime, vor potash, nor soda, | aud the svrup tastes so much lke sugar, that at dinner neither be nur I was able to tel which pastry was sweetened with “Sagar, and which with syrup of his maou- tacture. The first kettles are boiled down by one o'cluek, and the second by 8 or 9 o'clock at night; thus giving ume for the bands and teams to rest unttl norniug. From the Colambus (Ga.) Times. CHINESE SUGAR CANE. In the Sua of the 10th instant, was a terms, We understand that citizens of several counties in our State have agreed to pay for mending the cards of soldiers’ families, | aod hope those of other counties will fol- | luw so laudabie an exatople. Tallahassee Floridian, Mandann Ward, who was recently killed by the Taepings at Ruaypoo, was an Ame- nean. He had fought uoder Walker, the tiillibuster, and afterwards went to China When the rebels held Soonkong, and threatened Shanghai, Ward contracted with the Chinese Gov- ernment to retake the one and relieve the other for so much cash down. He raised and equiped an army of Chinamen and foreigners, and in a few weeks restored | Soonkong to the Impenal Government. | | Ile was made a general and a mandarip { | ‘for this service, and empowered to raise | | whatever armies and retake from the rebels | | pgsed aud afterwards assisted hin, what towus he chose, at bis own price, | The English and French admirals first op: | Ward | ( having increased and thoroughly drilled | ‘his army, was about to form a Chinese na- communication signed “G.” in wheeh he | feseribes the mode adopted by Mr. Jy i. Dozer for syrup making. ier strippimg the blades off be (Mr. D.) cuts down'ny more cane than hecan grind | Mount I ina day, lest it should sour in the stalk. He states, “af. | | vy, and had giver orders for gun boats in ' England and America, when a sbot putas Stop to bis caress. Kruption of Mount Etna.— Accounts | from Messina state that the volcano of | S.oa is again vomiting fire and la-— “THE WASTH OF WAR. Give me the gold that war hus cost, Before this peace expandiog day : The wasied skill, the labor loxi— The mental treasure thrown away ; And | will bay each ryt of « il In every yet discovered laud ;— Where hunters roams, where peasants toil, Where many peopled cities stand. Pl clothe each shivering wretch on earth, In needtul, nay, io brave uitire ; Vesture befitting banquet wirth Which kings might emvy aod admire. In every vale, on every pluin, A school shall giad fazer’s sight ; Where every poor maga ehiid may gaia Pure knowledge, fee jus air und light. I'll build asylums for the poor, By age or ailment made foflorn ; And none shall (hrust them from the door, Or sting with looks and words of scorn, Pil tink each alien hemisphert ! Help honest men to conquer wrong § Ant, Scieace, Labor, verve apd cheer ; Reward the Poet for bis foig. In every crowded town shall ri Halls Academic, amply griced ; Where ignorance may soon be wise, And coarseness learn both prt and taste, To every province shall belogg Collegiate structures, and gut few— Filled with a trith-exploring throng, And teachers of the good and true. ln every true and peopled clime A vast Walhalla hall shall etand, A marble edifice sablime, For the illustrious of the land ; A Partheou for the truly great, va. A vew eruption is threatened in the | Chis 1s an error, I think, of Mr. 1)., at least | direction of Mounte. The inbabitaots of it does not agree with My experience, ‘Two days afier I had commenced the grinding of my cane this season my mill broke, leaving me on hand nearly a day's groding of cut cane. 1 then ‘ (Cuued the same opinion that Mr. D. does, but hearing a citizen of this county (Mr. King) always cut his cane a few days be- tore grinding it, L eoncladed to pack mine away in balk and experoeot a littl with it. Tea days elapsed before [ could start my mull, by which Ome, my cane was so Iry that it rattled when handled. It was zround, and, to 'DY Astonisment, a stream ' | | enters | | { \ { | ‘ | of Juice’ came forth larger even than had | lowa from the fresh cut cane. This, however, I ascribed to the superi onty of my second mill over the first. I ineasured the juice myself, and from every uses, is Jikely to have yet another. In ; men speak of the wealth of others, they thitty gallons, (the capacity of my bofler,) | | realized eight gullons of Ayrup, superior ‘o any T had ever seen obtained from the hinese cane. This experiment. satistied me that Mr. D. is in error as to the sour- ing of cane if allowed to remain longer than 24 hours after being cut. The fresh cane, T will state had yielded only a fifth in ‘yrup. By the time my second mill was put in operation ‘my cane had ripened so tully, that its yield of syrup is about equal ‘o that of the @ry cane. Planters gener: ally, 1 think, grind up their cane too soon, j saints are to be exposed to the piety of the Catauia are terntied at the formidable } noise and tbe shower of ashes and stones | falling in that direction. The population | of the mountain have made preperations 4 to quit their dwellings. Tbeir horses are saddled, their cattle gathered, and all their household furniture packed up to be ready | for immediate removal, Drayers are of fered in the churches, and the relies of | faithful. Terror prevails atony the entire population, i (Getting Lech during the War,—Chro- nology, which has had many iM portant “the good ume (of peace.) coming,’ when When amassed ? And if the answer be, that they will ask, How old 1s it} was it gathered it during the war, this fact will strip it of all respectability. To have grown 1862 or 1863 will be accounted a disbonor then. rich in It ,will pass for robbery of the country at large, of the families of In other words, it will be seen as itts. No @isguise will cover it Op; no apology extenuate it. Religious Herald. soldiers, of the poor. . The wise, benificent and just ; A place of wide and tfiy state ‘To honor or to hold their dust. A temple to attract and teach Shall lift, us «pire un every hill, Where pious meo shall teel and preach Pe@te, mercy, tolerance, good wiil : Music of bells on Sabbath days, Round the whole earth shall gladly rise, And vie great Christian song of praise Stream sweetly upward to the skies! — — ome - Avery Qrieus thing and quite XLent. I am no wit with ready Q, And ne’er a line have peuned B4; And I do not Xpect 2.0 © U wink at faults, or pass them o’er. Some evi! * hath Jed me on; Buc pot 2 gently by the 17 O'er craggy moantains, ce aid lakes, lye y<'d in hopes a YF 2 find. No MA’DR, nor LN foud, On © or laud, for me doth sigh: UR hearts R cold, UR HR blind; And hke a J from me U fly. Ab! Tam 1 who ne'er shall C Nor “ curling ips” nor beaming II— No fond M~— from KT fair. For all, [ find, R much 2 YY. Yet why 2 crue] LNR, Must we for U neglecied B; And like a@ pair of science 1-2'd, Our days of Uth thus wasting C? “Oh! were UR love but — 2 The 1000 oains that I \dure, U'd listen 2 my tale of. love. Nor blush NU 2 lend and ER. Butif UR ER BDF ne'er y My path, more sore 2 cred ; Alas! not l among U aii, Willdeign 2 B my DR AS Thus I have ‘d till T can ~ No more—sad ID that destroys My peace aud XTC of love, And puts a. 2 my joys ANOTHER YANKEE DEFEAT. Through late Yankee journals, we are in possession of New Orleans dates to the 13{h September. Gen. Franklin's mand which had sailed for Sabine Pass, colmM- had retumed to New Orleans in conse: | quence of the repulse and capture of the gunbsats Clifton and Suchen. The corps under Franklin left New Orleans on’ the 4th instant, with the ivtention of orcupy- ing Sabine City, a very unpottant post in Texas, as a base for future operations. — Ao attack was fixed for ‘fie morning of the 6th, snd the accompany sz ed tbe ball without « gunboats open- cine a oreply for leun support and live within tlself. It some time until the vessels catne within | easy range, when the ( ontederate batteries |opened fire with heavy shot and after « sharp engagement so cippled the Sacoen that she had to lower her flag. The other gunboats then engaged the batteries for the purpose of covering the landing ot { ; States will perform their whole duty.— tfoops when ashot struck the Cliston, de steving her boiler and making her a wreck. She was also compelled to surrender, — This was more than the Yankees bargained for, so they withdrew the rest of the boats and put back to New (rleans. The crews of both boats, and about seventy-five sharp- shooters on each, fell into our hands. A large number of the enemy were killed aod wounded—our batteries raking the decks of the steamer from stem to stern. Petersburg Krpress = ee = — From the Fayetieville Observer. forced upoo us. We must fight! Prove if AN ELOQUENT APPEAL. yourselves worty of those wha fought and The columns of the Observer in the ‘!! at the Alamance und King’s Mountain, Spring and Summer of 1861 show how | ##¢ of those who, surviving, toiled and greatly we admired the eloquence and *Uélered through a seven years’ war— | abitity with which the Raleigh Stan- | Panaticiem and unjust power are on one dard and its Editor, with pen and | tide —“God sed sur aative land” rans | tongue, urged the papers of North Caroli * the éther. And may He who rales ia the | pa to separate from Lincoln's Government, | **™S of beaven, and who disposes of ‘unite with the Confederate States, and | ™€" and nations, nerve every arm for the jit have a common bead around which to rrally in their onset on the South. | Jatter section has but asmall at my=—indeed, }ou regulap ariny—and it has no navy.— men, as brave as ever charged bayonet, or S ‘fight the Yankees “as long ag the foot of | a Federal soldier rests on our soil.” any, ' beside ourselves, will recollect the able ar- ‘ticles of this character eupied. the ; Standard into the Obserever of; that day. | With po paliry unotive of convicting | the Standard of inconsistency, we have | thought i would be usetul and “refresh- | ing” to “the peopte who bold the. go-called | peace meetings und denounce, this war for life, liberty and property, as anbuly j and wicked and brought on by seecssion- ; ists, to read what the Standard thought ' of ali these things when there was yet time | to pause. Accordingly we have, from ; "ime, republished some of its sayings. | And we annex another article from the | Standard of April 24, 1861, when it was (urging the people to separate from the | North, uoite with the South, and fight jout this “just aud bonorabte war,” i ‘appeals were heeded, and on the 0th May, 1861, its Editor, with the unanimous | approval of our people, bad the satisfaction of voling us into the war he had advoeat- ‘ed with so much zeal aud ability. But read the appeal, ye croakers, and take fresb courage. We “can no more be subjugated than the winds or the sea.” | From the Raleigh Standard of April 24, 1861. , “We Mcsr Fieut !’—The proclamation jf Me. Lincoln bas left to the people of the border States né alternative but resis- {tance or aneonditional subutission. Tke i Southern mau who would quietly submit to the doctrine enunciated in that doce- | meut, 1s fit only for a slave. We do not go behind that dvcument, and it is not our purpose to go behind it as long as this war shall last. We have fabored for ‘peace on honorable terms, with profound ‘salietaction ; but auch as we deprecate , war, war must be encountered, and must be continued as long as the foot of a Feder- ai soldier rests on our soil. Its true odds appear to be against us. ‘Tue army and navy are inthe bands of ithe old federal government. That govern- Went tou laa uame among the nations, | :[t bas the commard of more ready means for offeasive purpose in the way of money, men avd arms than the South has; and the nou-slaveholding States which uphoid | The It has one government of seven States, un- recognized among the nations, and eight separate Sule goveruiments making com- mon cause with the former. But though i the odds are agalust us, they are not pear so great as Letween Engiand and the | colonies. ‘The siaveholding States can | bring into the field one million of fighting drew sword. These meu can be sup ported by tos» Who remain at bome, and by the labor of our slaves. Zhe South ‘battle and give vietory to those who are | struggling for ali they hold dear. |MOVEMENTS OF THE FRENCH IN ' . MEXICO. ; | ‘The correspendentt of the Herald, at the ‘city of Mexico, under date pf the 20tb, wriles : | The political operations have followed | their course under the guidance of the ,; Count de Saligny. After the manifest | good will displayed by the people of this | capital towards the intervention, it was not | difficult to foresee that the programme of ithe French Mioister would be followed | to the end without much jarring.- The | Junta Superior was filled up to two bun- | dred and fifty members. They were in- | stalled on the 8th, when Gen. Almonte and Senor Lores made addresses to the Junta. The speech of the latter reviewed the stor- my seas through which the Republie had passed, tnul it had wreeked on the break- ers of a general anarchy, and is now the object of the benevolent intervention of France, This speech was loudly cheered from the galleries. The Juuta at once set to work, only » few of its members declin- ing to adopt the monarchical proelrvities of the rest. On the afternoon of the 10th, the report of a commission named for that purpose was made in favor of a monarchi- cal form of government. This report was adopted unanimously, amidst loud applause from the benches and from the galleries. The following article was then proposed : Article 1.—The nation adopts for form of government a temperate heicditary incnarchy, with a Catholic Prince: . This article was adopted by 220 ayes against 2 noes. The session was then ad- journed to 5 P. M, at which hour two hundred anc twepty-six members took their seats, and the following additional J articles were propoged, and the first two were adopted uvanimously, and without discussion ! Article 2.—The sovereigu shall take the title of Emperor of Mexico. Article 4.--Ybe Imperial crown of Mexico, is offered to His Imperial Highness, the Prince Ferdinand Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, for-bim and bis descendants. Article 4.—In tbe case that, for reasons which canoct be foreseen, the Archduke Maximilian may not take possession of the thrope which is offered bim, the Mexican nation trusts to the benevolence of His Majesty Napoleon IIL, “Emperor of the French, tbat be will designate another Catholic prince to whom the crown may be offered. To this last article there were pine dis- senting voices, The session then closed with a vote of thanks to the Emperor of the French for the generous protection which be bas extended to the Mexican people. On the 11th the acts of the Junta of the can furnish itself with every article neces sary for subsistence, and it wants no luxu- nes in a time jike this, To addition to previous day were ratified, and the event announced to the inbabitants of this cap: ital by one hundred and one guns. The act rine | Junta resolyed that the bust of Napoleon this our people will 4ght for Constitutional I THe should) bs placed in their assembly liberty agaiust arbitrary power—for their | homes and hearthstoues, and, it may be, | Such a people cannot be conquered. They may bé overrun—their untry may be laid waste, and their blood may flow like water, but they can no more i he Ssubjugated” than the winds or the sea. | of North Carolina! a call has Virginia and for existence, People been tmade for voiubleers, Marylatd are encountermng the first burst of the storm. Their peuple wre roused and ready for action, but they must bave ad. Ifwe would keep the battle from our own doors we must upite with Vircwinia, | Marviand, Kentucky aud Teuuessee in of | A united and vigor: ous demonstration may lead to an able peace, but faring in that, at will place ; usin line with an adequate force to sus- | sister States. ' The Confederate tensive operalions, honor- Lae our thy legions that conquered at Buena Vista, | Cerro Gorda, Contreras aud Cherubusco, | wil! soon turn their faces porthward = to | unite their efforts with their allies of the | border States. The constituted authorities | of the State have called; let our citizen soldiery answer. Z'hey wtll! One here- tofore tor peace and the Union comes tor. ward to say to you that this 19 @ just and honorable war, It is a war which could not bave been avoided, It has been ‘until the arrival of Maximilian I. toom—the ancient Hall of Congress. It was also resolved that the constitutive ar- ticles of the Junta should be sent to the sovereign Pontiff for his benedication. It was also resolved to change the title of the Triumvirate from that of “Executive Power” to “the Regency,” to bold power The session then closed by votes of thanks to ithe Empress of the French, to General _Forey, to the Count de Saligny, to the ¢ . army, anv to others. who have been the | advocates and the supporters of the inter- vention. 5 fomorrow there is to bea grand Ze Deum to solemnize the whole matter, and after that a commission will be named to wo aud brivg the Emperor, who, it 1s ex- pected, will he here by the beginning of December next, Certaipiy if ths mon- archy does not get on well it will aot be far the want of prayers and holy water. A Delegation trom the Northwest.—The Central train last evening brought down | thirteen Yankee soldiers, captured in Brax- ton and Upshur counties, in this State, and seventy-three of the Upshur county “Union” mhtia. They were a sorry lovk- ing set, and no credit to the county which they represent.— Axzaminer. - Fa t t +: Pr e ee ee e ee po t e s t ‘ a ere Ce aes ing the day’ the firing is inces- abloody day coming,—-). may be to-morrow? We in a pine thieket withia | s-— ntain (which some of my SS ciaiahiiel tes From the 4th North Carolina. co Onaxoe ©. HL, Va, Sept 9, 1863. {u the absence of all excitement whatever, ja : ‘ a oulitary nature, or political either at pre- | age ) and Lge eed ne ent, we bave nothing to write sbout unless : i ; it mi : Rapidan ver, gome seven‘or eight miles be- we light on the great revival again. It <8 | Jow Orange Court House. It is very uncer- | MONDAY EVENING, SEPTREBER 88. 1863, 8A BY.N.C.: et —==a = <== = > SE A ah : g or ; uames, On the contrary, we believe that be would now waste time and influence in attempts to perpetuate them with all their oe _ | Qa We have been authorised to anmoance Cel. Wu. P | | Byam, a candidate to represent this (the 6th) District | in the mext Oonfederate (00g 98. \ a ZF Our thanks xre due Mr. W. W. | | Foote, of Olie, Iredell county, for a list of | nine new subseribers. For bis encourag- ing words, be has ow best wishes, and we assure him, that it shall be our aim in the arily attendant distractions, is either a fool or an enemy to the Confederacy. Bat “Vide” fuether charger ue xs fol- | lows: “The Watchmea woul) “ restrain the peo- ple.” But why, restrain the Conservatives and eo loose rein to the Aome war horses o! the Destructive party? Why publish the proceedings of the meetings of the latter and edagnbaeed refuse to do so for the former? "he request of the meeting, ‘held some time stnce, at Fhyatira, composed of a few cod-fish anistucravy, to publish their proceedings, wus comphed with most chevsfully, while the same request, coming fro Conservative meetings, have been pereuptorily refused | le : . | tw be gathering strength daily and nightly, | tain wi we remain here till to-morrow's | = - owing wider and deeper, and now | leara | sunrise or pot, our movements are uent- We Oe ee Dr. J. G. ~e} , he rel .x-\ ly sudden and incomprehensible, and I may | Bamssy. Smnounce! by % friends om rehable authority that the religious ex a . ay | ew mage wos ck ; add very disagreeable sometimes to boot. For extern Demoor Congress. ) teme. srevails throughout the army cf : abet | know whether he will censco! to rua of pet. he should, Soe 8 Y “| instance, if we shouki be roused at midnight | , * irgini dd also i » divisions pane a 6: ; | however, we presum he will meet Mr. Lander a1 his ep- Northern Virginia, an in some to-night, marched, quick time, to the river, | nsfiblcallreig ah aie a oh a the army of the ‘West. Itistruly encour- and then have to pitch in and _wade— there | its coe aad ne Tae e ning. and froin its effects we hope ere long | ret ie wreag _ std — in ae es: | . | 1 . ; A . pecially if the Yankees should amuse ther- me tie oes eee ae ' selves by throwing shells at us while we are wee weeks past scarce a day or a night staggering about in the water or slipping and assed in whch we have not had divine ser- | falling on the banks. But we will not trou- | yoes in camp. At firsta small arbur was | ble ourselves about the future, self-preserva- oe 1 ; constructed, sufficient to acc cumodate two | Yon at the present is 4 soldier's’ first. duty, F addi- | #94 one which we never fail to perform lacus 65 ae elaine em - A man was shot to-day for desertion, he { cons and improvements have been made, un- | bolonged to the 2nd N. C., our brigade. vt now, at least two thousand persons can be | There is no mercy shown to deserters now, | comfortably seated; aud yet large numbers |. sure as they are caught, that sure will they are Obliged to stand around the outside or | squat like tailors on the ground. Some four | or five scaffolds have been erected around the hallowed spot on which blazing fires of pine knots are kept buring during night | services, and many of the might scenes p seated are of the most affecung and thrilling | vatare. Soon after sunset squads from other origades come in—they flock together fram every quarter, and by tbe time thedrams are done beating tattoe every seat beneath the | of @fteen miles on this ruad, and that the amongst ourselves, we fall intoa vassul- arbor is occupied as well as every tot of| oom about Se firestands on the the vutside. And the mea listen to what is said, they are not prom by curiosity or the vain nation of Latent 5 seen, a most worderful cuotive power in some sections Here we see no gaudy dress or jewelry, no hooung and howling and yelling of fast young meu on the outskirts of camp—anor fast young la- dies either. The altar here is not an improve- “nent ou the Ancient Roman An phitheatre, _ ake we Lave seen in by-gone days, where cue gladiators and gladiatoresses made might | ‘ideous with unearthly shouts and disgusted | every seusible person with their shall 1 | sav it?—covortings. We have no loafers, | -g pleasure seekers, vor shriekers, nor gaine- | inaking—all feel an interest in the great work | sow going on, and all alike express. them- | selves as convinced of its thoroughness and | socerity. Notwithstanding, the addition of | aa equal number of females might bring some | vils, yet we painfully miss them, and listen avain fora lady’s voice when a thousand ; pugh soldiers begin to sing a bymp or sm- tual song. And such singing—Ob ! 1t is in- iesenbable! It is overwhelming. It seems -xe a flood of the most seraphie music is bear- | ag uson, Se grand! So sublime! | can- | aot account for it, except it be the feeling | with which the men sing, and that feeling | svems to be imparted to all within hearing uistance j The meeting goes on—the interest upaba- | -xd. Some mights near a hundred penitenis | come forward to the altar; it does seem that "Is goiug to werk a thorough and most hap- | vy revolution in the morale of the army. and | ay we express the hope that the goud in- ' Sgences of this “ revival in the army.” may | eact Ure hearts of the massy people at home | aod work a beneficial change there, where # | = certainly as much needed as bere. Conteut reigns supreme among the soldiers —vour Lill of tare ercbraces all we can expect nce Mure—Wwe bave good health, well shoed i and clad. and four months wages :u our pock- 4s—Ii mean what uf iz lett of it, alter hqu- iating our debts, and paying for a watermel- ‘ JD atthe present NAT. | Baccoox Forp, Raripay, Va, / September 16th 1 863. s At early dawn on Monday morning last | ve bade adieu to our quiet camp, taking up} cur marth for ths place where a battle was expected boarly. The eaemy in heavy force we are told) advanced from Culpepper C. H. and, pertiaps, would have crossed at this ford out for the obstructions placed in the way by we rebels. During Monday afternoon sharp | skirmishing and pretty hot artillery finng was | kept up between the advance of the two ar- mes. (nr pickets held the north bank of the Kapidan, winle uur artillery occupied po- Swons Ua the heights on this (the south) side. All day yesterday occasional finny was kept up, and to-day aiso at intervals heavy reports ar the stillness of the autumnalair. The cas- values, so far as I bave been able to learn, have beor quite slizht oa our side, some doz- eo kilied aud twenty-five or thirty wounded, principally arallery me It 1s hard to tell what will turu ap her = ome think we will uave @ general enge~ vent, others think we will put. From all indicanons I am inclined favor the former opinion. For tbe last «ix vurs a heavy colamn of Confederate infantry | sad cavalry have beeu seen apgroachtng the «ver, and it would not surprise we at all if they should cross to night, indeed. L think it very probable; and so sure as we cross, that sure will we have a fight, unless the Yankees vack Gown and get out of the way entirely The eremy no doubt thinks we are weak ance Loustreet with his whole corps has Jeft_us. but o! they engage us they will be apt to find wut mistake We expected a1 their stupus: these grand re kei bee I E views by Ewe! end Lee were infallible <ivne of a march or a battle: many of us eaid so then, and pow wi to be a fact Within the last en days Gen. Lee, together: with Geo. Ewell, has reviewed the entre ar- my of Northern Virginia. and tis said they yressed themselves highly pieased with its discipline and condition LUrws d be in- prudent for me to say any thing about our Bumber. but the reader may rest assured that itas sufiterer Uy large to repel any force which the enctny can bring againstus. There is no doubt but our army is vastly improved since | our retur. from Maryland, and i! we should | ineet Meet tue cnemy in battle we confident- ly hope for a coranlete tru —nor weed the people at home be surprise po bear of our | cugagement soon. The sun is pow notrwore | Know it 4 than an hour high, and at this moment the | bringing wath them rations, Uicir arms and|the new Government, a work which re- | cannopading is heavier than it: has been at| ver it strikes. ‘ counted a dishonor then. be executed ; their day of grace is past. Let me warn all good ciuzens against harboring men abseut without leave, by so doing they are run@iog a great risk—the law is positive. VAT, 6 ; = PIEDMONT KAILROAD. We leara from the Danville papers that the rails bave been laid for a distance worrk is progressing finely. [tis thought the road will be completed to half-way between Greensborough and Dan- ville, by the middle of October, when pas senyer trains will be put op the ruad, con- necting with this place by Harvey's stage hne. The Directors held a meeting in Dau- ville on Wednesday lasi, and located the | first depot at “Len’s Old Field,” about Leight miles from Danville, giving it the tame of Pelham, in bovor of Maj. Pelbam, | who fell at Kelly's Ford on the 18th of March last. We believe Maj. Pelham was a native of Person county, but bad resided io Alabama, the greater portion of | his life.— Greensborough Patriot. ADMISSION OF WEAKNESS. The New York Tribune, of the 25th | nt, bas the following in reterence to the | French conquest of Mexico: “There are many who blame our Gov- eroment for ogt bearding bim (the Empe- | for) more promptly and fiercely, In| view of bis Mexican adventure. We non-coo- cur. We have ayreat and momentous war on our hams, which, for two years, bas taxed all our everyies. We bave bad no fieets por armies to spare for operations in and around Mexico, aod we think our Government bas consulted its own dignity and the cations interest by keeping silence. That silence bas not been misinterpreted. No-body believes our Government are re- conciled or indifferent to the subjugation of Mexico by French arms, and a diplomat- ie procest, nothing belind it, would bave been a contessivn of importance. Let us calwly bide our tune. POISONED BALLS. The Yankee papere sey that their ar- mories are pow eogayed in the manufac- \ ture of # potsoned bail which will prove “a fatal extinguisher to rebellion” whenev- It is a tmome ball io three parts -the point being of some hard metal, coated with a poisonous solution of cop per. When the ball strikes the three parts separate, and the poisuned point penetrat- ing deeply beyond the collar and cup which makes up the remainder of tbe ball, can not be extracted, and will inflict an incura- bie woqnd, the copper coating producing yangrene in a few hour. GETTING RICH DURING THE WAR. Chronology, which has bad many im- portant uses, is lkeiv to have yet another. In “the good tine (of peace) coming,” when meno speak of tue wealth of oteers, they will ask, Blow old is it! When was it amassed > And if the answer be, that they gathered & daring the war, this fact will strip itof all rexpectabiily. To have grown fich in 3342 of 1863 will be ac- Tt will pass for robbery of the country at large, of the farmilies of soldiers, of the pour. In other words, it will be seen as itis. Reliyious Herald. FROM WESTERN VIRGINIA. We have no change to report io the ©. uavion of affairs ou the Kapidan. asses gers by the Central train report that fining that Yesterday mourning, aud with this vague and uncer was beard on direcuion talb information we are compelled to be coptent. A small body of the enemy's cavalry made (ueir appearance in Madison county ou Monday, drowe in our pickets, and oc- cupied Madson Court House at last ac- counts. — Rich, Hramuiner. ATTENTION! HOME GUARD! The Home Guard of the following coun Iredell, Wilkes, Alexander, Yadkin, thes | Surry and Ashe, are hereby ordered to report to Colonel Faison, in the vicinity of Gwinn’'s Factory, at the earhest posable moment, auumuntiode—/pedell Express Reidaville, | No disguise | will cover it up; no apology extentuate it. without a single exception.” | This is simply false. ‘The proceedings | of but ove “peace meeting” have ever | been sent to os—those of the meeting held | at Stirewalt’s, in Rowan. We did not publish them b , 1D oUF , they contained treasubable matter, No one bas ever called to ask why they were not pub- | lage more slavish than that of our negroes, | lished. So * Vido's” assertions are so wuch future, as it hag been in the past, to labor ‘for the welfare of our State and the best “interest of the whole tountry. We have | never been so much impressed with the truth of the saying what “ United we stand, divided we fall,” as m the present condi- If we fall by division | tion uf affairs, | while there is mot a doubt, they (the ne- | fxRehood, nothing more nor vuthing less. | grees) will be made to lord ‘t over us and | Buy if they were true, and bad reference jour children with an impadeoce unparal- | to the meetings whic he missnames “Con leled in the history of the world. Letoor | servative,” and by others missuamed “peace | people take eouzage for a brighter day is meetings,” we would not be without most | iawn. we bope, upon ourcountry. Ov- excellent reasons for refusing to adit | | them ipto oar columns. Some of them j are absolutely treasonabla; many of them To those, wre, in a measure, bold the | highly mischievous, and all of them buet- watter in their hands, we appeal. We ful w the cause of the Confederacy. mean the Farmer and Planter. Let pat- , | Fiotism aud chatty and liberality, govern | Iv let us be tree to ourselves and He who | governs the Usiverse, will deliver us. oe - -—— £V The followwy communication we | you in this emergency, in the disposition | cheerfully publish, feeling that we as do- ef the good thiogs, with which God has '0g our own State and cyaoty but sheer erowped your efforts, and all will be weld justice insu doing. The editors of the | Patriot we feel, have been guilty of slan- | Tke Daly Progress discloses an alurra- der in even intimating that such a potice wow state of things in that city having re- as 's appended to the arucle below, was | lation to high prices, scarcity of cemmo- ever stuck up in old Kowan for a “ pece | ities and the soffering of the poor, We meating” io this county! We de tot be hope its description may not fall under the leve a word of ut, and we call wpon the | eyes of any who will rejorce at it and take Patriot to retract the foul imputation upon , the intelligence and loyalty of ver people ! We can sesy well, to some extent, under: | courage for inflicting additional distress. bn the mean time, we hope the Commis. sinners of Salisbury will, at the earliest. stand the grudge of the Guilford buys | ‘ mement, call 2 meeting of their body to They have not yet forgotten the old “Town cousider what may be done to vrovide Clock” serape—how they were fried in agaist suffering in this commurity. We mention tbe Commissioners, because they honered” piece. Having failed in this, ev- are the pubdic guardians of the Town, and ery httle opportunity is greedily caught at | their atem pi to chesed vs out of our * time aay movement with the objec? referred to, to beap up opprobium on us. But we will wach them better. The next meet- ing held hew will not bea “ pece meat-: proper!) ewinates frum them. | zee A correspondent of the Raleigh Pro- wg,” but ome in which the * hull on 'em,” | gress, signing himself “ Vido,” takes us to the editor included, will be made to stand | task, for haviog, as it alleges, deserted the up and answer for their conduct before thes ’ ranks of the “Conservatives,” &c. But sovereigns of Kowan. ' we quote * Vido,” as follows : ‘* The Salisbory Watehman.”’ Ma. Warcuman :—I had ywa: concladed the | reading of a long and—fummy artiobe in the | “Mr. Evrror Sahin read the above Progresa,in which the editor ‘apread him. | named paper and carefully watched the course — geif” in vindication of the good old North State, | | destroved. This notable place, reduced to a mass of rains, as the enemy supposes, and as ig faet is almost the exse; forms the uf an interesting tee by Personne, the correspondent of the Charlestou Courier vathee long for our columns, but iting which we wake the following extract, giv. ing incidents of the reeéut assault by the Yankees, in whiety they were handsomely repulsed and lost 120 men in prisoners: Port Sumter.—There is cotbing in the enUire range of facts or favey to which the ruins of Sumter can be likened, that would convey an idea of their external Appear. ance. On the sen face scarcely a brick ip to be seen. Bushel by bushel, cart-load by cart-load, the wall bas beew ebipped off upul vething is lef but a grey, ragged toags of mortar, from which project the ovtlines of former casemates, heavy beame and iron bars, The berme or base is liter. ally covered with the debris, amid which al every step ax you climb over the great fraginents pf stone and brick that have | fallew from the parapet, you tread on bro- ken projectiles of the enemy evattered: in pieces whose weight varies frem an ounce to a hundred peunds, The Sullivan’s Isi- aud face is less shattered; but even bere the pits are deep, and huge piles of mate- rial turn from tbe edge of the parapet by the overshot bails have fallen on the rocks below. On the Morris’ Island face the spectacle bails all description. For a din- tance, roughly guessed, of thirty yards, the wall is little less than s steep hill that de- sevods fromm the parapet to the waters’ edge. This, too, is a ghastly pile of the once magoificent shape, from which stand! oat, in almost sickening aspect, fragments of guns, gun carnages, masses of “machin- ery, balls, bolts, rammers, sponges, all bound and mixed together withthe iron, bnck wod mortar, in lumpe avd in dust, that have been wrenched from their long time honored places. Here, tuo, lie the myriad fragments of projeetilen. Un the parapet, as you giarce around the pleasant walk that has beem tbe scene of so many socin! eptsodes, engerly rememu- ed by our fair ones, you observe that the demon of destrucKon bas hkewrse lad his hand. One sohtary gee, looming high ; above all else, keeps tte ‘enely watch, and thts bas been partially covered by the dint dashed over it in the passage of a sbot. Other guns broken in every conceivable toanner he around, their curnages io sphp ters, and every vestige of their former ese Of the interior of the fort we Must intentionally preserve silentium ed- tur. One siguitiennt fact, powever, may be stated. There m not a seroas bread. ip the structure amywhere to be observed. The etleot of the enemy's tire, though de | structive, bas tended to fortily the walis with their owo debris, so that whils. the efficienoy uf Fest Sumter for offences. de stroyed, the same means employed as im- proved its cagacity for defence agn.net ev- [ery infantry assault that may be~-made against it. Incidents.— During, the day fc.loming the assanit, [the ixst on Fort sumter] the of its Editor for the last two years, and it was our mother, against all malicions enemies or, prisuber Were fed on the same rations is with profound regret 1 observed a change wittings who have, or may, defame her troops, | sued to our own tnen. gradually coming “over the spirit of his) or impeach her devotion to the Confederate | dreams” In comment:ag on the same fact cause. This has been dene eo often by the | as presented to his nuuce in a recent editcr- mewspapers, that, of late, & iavanably experi. al of the Progress ‘he editor vociferousty once & sense of mortifiestion that avy man v asks: “ Who are the trends we have aban- | Who reelly loves her should sofar compromiae honed 2” We answe: »mphatically the con- her dignity and self-resneot as to heed the slan- servative party with whom he acted in the dere cf tale ee No really sensible mao elecuon of Gov. Vance” would indite a calumny against the State, sod we think vo other shoud be esteemed worthy to call forth a serious «rt on the part of any of her intelligeut sons to defend her But droppieg the Progress and tay.og op the then “Vido” is righ: in allegiag a sepa: | Greenapera’ Patriot, the fest article whieb met my eye contaiued « paragraph beginning thus: ** Bat the studied effurts ou the part of soane at they still adbere to our excellent Govern | Richinend, to cast odiam on the repataten of oor native State.” &e., led me tu exolaim— ' “therest is-again'” And giaecing slong the eowmes of Pat excellent paper, | lighted apon the foluwaag, which omawged the whele cur- | rent of wy feelings, erovgng my indignation and leading me off into x moed to resotve apon And the separation, if it has occurred, was. @mething desperate Bue experience admon- : : , , ished me to keep cool, and net to yo off halt by no change in us or in our editaria: cocked ; 80 [ rammed the Patriet in my pock course. Let, and walked off into the country to see a new ‘machine crushing sugar cane; (I felt lke | crushing every body that dared to stigmatire correspondent speaks, wo must confess to my céunty ;) in the mean time making up my ‘mind what I should do, and it is this: The Greensboro’ Patriot mast throw more hight on the authorship of the notice it publivhed from Now if the “conservatives” who sup- ported Governor Vance differ with him, ration between them aod *-ousaelf. But if ' or, be is wrong. For we are not aware that we differ with the Governor on a sin- gle snbjeet relating tothe policy whieh sbould rule in this the day of our trial. As to the “conservatives” of whom this an inadequate knowledge of them and of what they profess. Wy were a” consere Rowan, disclaim all inteution to stigmatize the county, or he held personally reeponmble | Here is the affrout gwen the county, which I believe will be disowned by every—inan, wo- man and child within tts limits. alive” before the Union was dissolved, and whee we believed that the democrats were anwews to bring about disunion, We were a cuesevative ayainst them in advocating | ROWAN the angient principles and practices of the! The subjoined notice of a public meet- old: ‘eoveminent in its best days; and then ing to be held at Sohkool House No, 14, though’, ard still think, we were cght. |! Kowan County, did not reach us in But after President Lincoln made war on™ @ the meeting to be benefitted by its insertion; but lest the writer should the Sovth, aod the States asserted ther wink we neglected him intentionally, we | soveretynty by withdrawing from a Union | give ita plaee ip our columns ;— Pat, { which bad failed to secure and defend ele Sebtember | rigt : : Gove rights, anc set up ».new iment cid | chosthonse Movber 14 (us 19 ol duleacath things passed away with.os, and we felt it | for A peace meating for the ladie to meat and | cur fr ty o wid in rely nahin] 7 fu mbes ca oat wa | ed to come to the meating and help as to speak quired the undivided, undistracted, eco: One of tbe yao- keer expected somthing better, and vent- ed his disappointment in curses of abdom- inal origio. Onptain Molvaney happen ed to be a listever, and turming to the dis cortited fellow, promply answered—*Tbe neXt Lime yoo come visitiag, sir, without an invitation, you tad beater brng your vwn provisions, We d ifrtexpect you, or ‘we might have had sanething cooked Doaaibly you'd like anuubes brick pudding.” The pleasant sally turned the Imugh 60 the officer, and that was tie bast of the yram- blers The meanness of the genus yankee sticks out on every oceasion. After the assault, while Mr. Huger, of ¢4a Sygual Cotps, was goiny around the | mw of the fort, he sud denly espied a mar doubled. up.in one o! the lower ter of pork boles, who as svoh ax discovered cried ont with considerable industry, * f surrender, | eurrender; heres my arins; don’, shoot.” Then Jowerng his voice, as be delivered up his weapons. he confidentially remarked, “ Tsay, Gap there's another felless in the next hole— take him too.” Efe was of course inyspe- diately * took.” P srsonne, INTERVIEW BETWEEN THE © ™- MISSIONERS. ‘The interview between Col. Ould aail Gen. Mendith, at City Point, on Moncas. resulted in nothing really substantial, al: though Col. Ould mada a proposition to the Kederal Commissioner relative to the exchange of officers, whieb, if accepted, rm ‘will secure tha release of all our office Nolis at one oclock Pablic Meating at the | | ing clothed with no power over now ip captivity at the North. We do not know tbe nature of the propa though we may say tbat Gen. nate i 1 ,b ver, ded it with favor. He pene bas to consult the Government at Wasb and try for a epeedy und lasting pece thare has | ington in regard to it.—Egaminer.. supporte ion mac trom the We ke thall are agaio in breast h There ry. Ge clock. Roser vicinity liame W It iss sug amo that the atroyed. Privat verday e driving | tains be: either m the var uooga, \ will be | It see puursher vanlage be embr retreat, wounder The ene his cent forces ta 1oTmng vesult ca Hans of were mu & Moto « appointe Gov. army W been mi ree ane not jor torced, \ wake a even if | Of cours wind to. to Goss, ss simp some ul: being hi probablj er strug, river. Our 1 lowing | fensive | Chris is giving t while th defeat, : time to country Appeal, dove: in this ¢ severely astonish the fact bot pers has bee: thenta ted witl were ab ance, ay take th wounde hons at down tl line. T sccomu peal, 22 Near GoLp. — uns bee! Gen. with gr on, The | eo Mus The r 'nvorabl Our | ®en, ot We } J6 prece lected ¢ and abo and wo (Sign Sever ded hay Repo but we Chattan tiles of Office flags of dead an Bragg that he et by rocks ¢ the a dis- 8, the at de- aters’ of Ube stand! Me Dts whin- all Iron, dust, long e the round scene mewn - t the id bis high 1, and e dirt shot. able splin of ese wt we m ol- , May reach, erves. th de walls oming r} the »Ds is- yao- | vent: bdom- ppen re dis ~“The wthout your ou, OF woked ding.” 60 the yrmen- sticks ssault, ms, WAS p sud one 0! $0! erable here's wOriNhs apons. Capp, nole— yDe ~ i d aad oncas, lal, al- ron lo to the cepted. officers Ve do paition. gredith er, be patter. Wasb Le, iat? barn Sw is B89 lean the following addition particulars of the battle of Chickamage * t 0 The held of Sunday's fight was thick! wooded like that of ville, w Gen. Lee called the battle of the Wilderness, and afforded no play for attillery, in conse- quenge of which most of the woands received by our men on that day were alight, and only pee) atiagirv of our logs is killed. We rn that Hood’s division and the | Yankees who tought them, both took to the trees during the engagement, and fought in Indian style, when Benning’s brigade, which supported the Texas brigade of trom their skulking holes. We learo that Generals Wofford aud Wal- thall are unhurt, aad that Gen. Benning was agaic in the saddle, after bis wound in the breast had been dressed. There 1s also‘hupe of Gen. Hood's recove- ry. Gen. Prestcn died yesterday at 11 o'- cloc! Rosencraus has beeu driveo back to the vicinity of the west Chickamauga, an Indian name which weans “ the Stream of Death.” It is stated that we Have-an immense cav- alry force on the North side of the Tennessee river Wo cut off the evemy’s retreat, and that among the incidents of yesterday, two thousand prisoners who revolted against their yuards were slaughtered. It is also stated that the enemy's killed, wounded and iss- ‘ug amounts to tweaty-five thousaud, and ; that their pontoon bridges have all been de- atroyed. Private dispatches were also received yes- verday evening, aououncing that we~were | <iriving the enemy before us, and fighting 4g iv the streets of Chattanooga — Atlanta | Register, 22d. The eneniy is now pressed back, perhaps to West Cluckamauga, in the range of moun- tains beyond it. In this position they must either maintain themselves or retreat through the varioas yaps in the direction of Chatus- aooga, where it is (huught the decisive battie will be tougiit,— Cow , 25th. It seems that the coemy was so badly pausbed up to Sunday evening, aad the ad- vantage we had’gained was so dectgive, that be embraced the opportunity of darkness to retreat, which be did, leaving bis dead and wounded behiad. This was unexpected. — The eneniy Lad beld comparatively firm io his centre, and a disposition was made of our forces to assail tus iuon early Monday mormng. Had the dnt been renewed the iesut cannot be doubted, but the expecta- vens of our trovpa, which we understand were raised to the highest pitch, of sterming » more decisive blow, were doomed tu be dis- appointed. The yame had fled. Gov. Harris says the whole of Roseserans army was engaged. We hope he bas not been minntoiiwed. If the statement is cor- reeG and Reecncrans bas uo reserve, and is not joined by Buruside or otherwise rein- torced, we do not believe he will be able to. wake auother stand thus side of the river, evea if be should have fortifications prepared. (Ofcourse be relied upon something of the miod ¢o fall back upon, or had fontouns ready to Gross, in tbe eveut of dewat Our dispatch- os Simply announce him in full retreat, though some distance frum the nvar, and that he was being hotly pa. -d. Nightfall, last evecing, probably solved the problema whether anoth- er struggle will take place this side of the river. Our information is that the policy of fol- lowing up this victory by the most active ot- fensive mnuverments, has been deternmmed. — This is good news. These is no necessity of giving the enemy time to recuperate. Now, while the fue 1s dispirived by so disastrous a defeat, and before he can be reinforced, 1s the time to push hun to the wall. The whole country expects tis to be done.—Memphis Appeal, 22d. veral of the wouuded who have arrived in this city, say the proportion ot killed and severely wounded in the total of casualties 1s astonishingly small [his is accounted for by the fact that the nature of the couutry did bot permit of such general use of artillery as has been the cate in all our previous enyage- ments, The contest was principally conduc- fed with smallarms Most of cur wounded were able to leave the Geld without assist- ance, and bandreds of them will be ready to take the field ina very short ume. The wounded: were being sent to the railroad sta- hons at Rioggold and Catousa, and thence down the road to the various bospitals on the ine. The prepatatioas tor their comfortabh secommodanun ave ample.—- Memphis Ap peal, ‘12d. Near Cuarrasxooca, Sept. 21, via Kine- Gobv.—Qur victory a complete — The enemy sas been couted and is now in full retreat. | Geo. Forrest is now attacking their rear WIUh great vigor, and our lurees are pressing on, The low is nut as large as at eithe: Shiloh o Mus fieeshorough a “=e — Near CHartaxooga. via Ringgold, Sept. 24. Phe report from Gen. Hood last uight was invorable, Qur prisoners will reach seven thoneand men, of whom two thousand are woanded We have 25 stands o colors and gyidons 36 pteces of arnilery and have already col jected over 15,000 stand of small arias, over and above those lefton tle diel by the killed and wourded (Signed) and more age being found Braxtox Baago FROM ATLANTA, ATLANTA, Sept: 28: Several trains with the prisoners and woun ded have arnved., Reports received are somewhat conflicting, but we couclude tuat the enemy is fortifying Chattanooga, our lines being within four miles of that place. Officers state that Rosencrang had sent two flags of truce asking permission to bury their dead and relieve their wounded, bat General Bragg rejected both propositions, replying that he had enough Yankee prisoners to bury pa THE’ WATHLI S. ys WA From gat'Atlaate and leche exolanges Wwe | Fort Smith, driving out Cabell. ood's divis- | duel with Marmaduke is dead, ion made a charge and drove the Yankees | | Gap. , Louis, by rebel incendiaries. | and won a great battle in Northern Georgia | ground, very led. The fight was to be renewed yestorday. The ya s ee pm a ta 3 of, count money. . Some wary Srevge Rufrone Far having ppaeed euieg FROM MEMPHIS. Moniz, September 24. The Advertiser ¢ Register has « special dis- patch, dated Memphia, 17th inst , which says; Kirby Smith heap been repulsed and fallen back from Little Rock. The Federsis ander Blunt, bad eccupied Gen. Marsh Walker recently wounded in Burusides claims to have captured 3,000 pri- sovers aud 14 pieces of artillery at Cunberlund The Imperial, Hiawatha. Post Boy and Belle, were burut om the 13ih instant, at St FROM VIRGINIA. Ricumonp, September 25. Io the late cavalry fight at Liberty Mills, one handred and sixteen of the 2d New York regiment, including the Major, were captured. The latter had violated his paroly. All the prisoners have been broaght to Rich- muad. Advices from the Rupidan, this evening, is unimportant, except the renewal of the report that a geveral engagement is expected daily Skirmiching continues active at the fords — The river ts nuw fordable. All of Meade’s army is said to be this side of the Ruppshannock. ; Spencer and Kellogg, Yuukee spies, were executed at Camp Lee, near this city to-day. FROM THE WEST. The forces under Gen. Bragg, bas fonght He has met and defeated Rosencranz, taking some 7,000 prisoners and killing and wouad- | ing over 25,000 of the Yankee Army. We have captured near 40 pieces of Artillery, and from the following, it will be seen Rosencranz is in @ very unpleasant situation and likely to | becaptured. We truse eur Generals will be equal to the emergency, and that the whole force of the enciny way Le bagged. We | learn that General Wheeler Us crossed the | Tennessee River, and umt Forrest is also where he ought tobe. A heavy Confederate | force was before Chattanooga. Our Cavalry are suai w occupy the Gaps in the Mountains | Ww force, | Tt is not thought Gen. Bragg will attack | old Rosey in his intrenchmeate as he com- | was the situation and gecd not sacrifice | bis men. The latest news icforms us that cannonad- | ing had begun. On Yhursday night the 24th, the enemy | atlemnped twice to break the Confederate | lnex, Lat were driven bagk to bis forutica- | uous. Our loss in killed aod wounded does hot exceed 12,000. From Virginia, a bate is immiment. FROM TENNESSEE. | We learn through the Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, that the latest advices from Gen. Buckner in Kast Tennessee, isethat be had wet Burnside and thrashed him out, killing, wounding and capturing 4000 of the Federal aruly. From Texas, we learn that Gen. Magruder | has thrashed Franklin, sinking two gunboats, disabling several transports and driven the his shattered army. LATEST NORTHERN NEWS. Ricumonp, Sept. 22.—Northern papers of | the 2let have been receveed. They contain | nething of interest, excepa the Yankee version of the first day's fight at Chickamauga. The Philadelphia Enquirer gives the Sullowirg sam- mary: A despatch from Reseacrnnz’s ariny an- gounces an engrgemeul between his forces and the enemy, near Crawtish Spring, North-west | Georgia. The battle began at )1 o'clock oa | Saturday, with an attack by the evemy apon our left wing, under Thomas, composed of Mc- Cord’s and Criitendee's corps, the main portion of which were on the march at the time. The fighting was desperate, aud the enemy driven | back a mile; but upon being reinforced, they | regained their position, only to lose it again. | Being thus defeated in the attack upon our led at 2e'chock they made a dash at our centre, composed of Vancleve's and Reynold’s dint sions, Vancleve was obhge to fall back, on | breaking the centre, hot VPhomas, on the left, and Davis, ou the mys, threw forward their forces, aud after a hard fight secovered the lost ground ‘The fightuug on the extreme right was light. The enemy was evidently intent upon getting between us and Chattrnooga. A general eugagement lasied until seven oc eek. when Paltiner and Negley pushed forwarwand succeeded in re-establishing onr line as iv had been be fore—paratiel with and along the C lack - ameoga Creek. Owing to the nature of the little artillery was used. Our wounded are many. Mo general officer umjur- | General Lee ts reported to be in command of ! | the rebels The World. of the 2ist, hasa despatch, da- ted Louisville, 21st, whieh says: Qurarmy un-, det Rosencranz has been badly beaten and compelled to retreat to Chattanoogs by Bragg. with heavy -emtorcements froin Lee, Beaure- gard and Johnston The military occupation of the lines: prevents the transmisston of particolars to-night New Orleans adwees, of the Lath, say itis known to thea Freoeh Consalin New Orleans that the Preach had occupted Matamorns with 4,000 to 5.000 troops The feehug in regard lo intervention ts indi- cated by an advance of five per cent. im Con- ' federate bonds. CASUALTLES [IN CO. K, &th N.C T. Mr. Brune>. ~-Piease poblish the following | list of casuafties w my Company during the siege at Battery Wagner, on Morris’ near Charleston, S. C.: | August 2% —Killed—Gilbert 1. Wyatt. | Wounded—F M Farrhyby shell, on the 30th; | Coporal Samnel B Colly, slightly in. side, on | the 3lst; Johy.R Holshouser, slightly in leg. K(¥ed— Milton F Rimer. Island, P. A. KENNERLY, Capt. Co. K, 8th N.C. T. Youre Respectfally, | | ed in the most cowardly maanpr, not making ih 93 y is NTN eH" pit In the wonptls cane referred ta. by us the other day, hid! Justice Pearson has that memb rs of the State force buown as the Home Ghard cannot be re~ ilred te perforre ordigury wilitia duty, and therefore cxnnot-be ed by the Gove eruor for the’ urrest | deserters aod re— cusset conscripts, ‘The opinion is one of much interest and we may publish it bere— after, , , This decision makes a distinction be- tween the Home” Guard and militia, in fact declares that the Home Guard are pyt militia. This jeaves the Governor 00 militia but the officers, and of course he can do nothing with them unless he turns theta over to the enrolling officers, We have no douls the dieision of Judge Pear. son is made in conformity with the law, but it is to be regretted that tbe Legisla: ture should have passed a law that deprives the Governor of the right to call out the militia—for the Home Guard is vothing clse really—to assist in wrresting deserters and sending conscripts to the camp. The decision renders the Govervor powerless as far as the outrages being commitied by deserters are concerned.— Daily Progress. ——__—_--+>e——__ A Crack New York Regiment.—There was a good deal of stir in New York among the upper ten when a regiment called the © [ron- sides” was being raised. It was the subject of prayer for all the Beechers and Tyngs of Gotham, and, taken altogether, was the most genteel fanatical body of mea tat have gone into the war from that city. The New Or- leans correspondent of the Cinginnati Com- mercial, in an aceount of the capture of Bra- shear City, La. by the Confeferates, gives the following first-rate notice g the impene- trable “ Ironsides :” A New York regiment, + number of | which I do not recollect, but known as the | * Tronsides” regiment, 1s said (> have behav- | even the shadow of a fizlt. This regiment | was sent out under the auspices of the Young | Men's Christiati Association, and was cousid- ered the very pink of perfection in morality. They prayed and sang, ani held persistently | aloot from association with the common sol- dier and his vices, among which the shedding ot blood may be enumerated. The World and Herald correspondents forgot to aYude to the performance of Uns regiment in their reports of the affair. ooe QUERR FASHION, The Empresa Eugesie has introduced | | the fashion of appearius with «long walk- | ing stick, and the Pars shopkeepers are | displaving a varied assortinent of caaes for ladies’ use. After aleempuny in’ vain, | with the use of hoops, to keep the men at | a respectable distance, ufle French ladies will now employ stick» for that purpose. | _ Shoes, Blankets and Overcouts.—We lenrn from a gentleman from the army, that ur troops are as well provided with cloth ing as could reasonably be expected, with _ the exctption of shoes, biaukets and ower: | coats. Winter, thouga approaching, is | Mot vet upon our gallant defenders and | | there w time to. make provision for these “Yankee General back to New Orleans with sodispensable necessaries.-- Aich, VW Tay. Vicksburg Prisoners Krchanged.—Vhe , Confederate prisoners paroled at Vicksarg belonging to Stevensn’s and Bower’s Di vison, bave been: officially notitied of their exchange. The other Vicksburg prisoners were not exchanged, owins to the absence ef their muster lists. Stevenson's | Gen, Mivision are ravdezvousing at present, at | Decatur. Bowen's Divison are at Lemopo- | lis. Nota buadred of this Division, we | learn, are absent, arid they are agnin eager | for the fray. | Troops Send to field by Fiarida. —By | an estimate made by the Adjutant Gene- | ral of the State, it appears that Florida tas’ furnished 16,092 soldiers to the Army of the Confederate States. The laruvest vote j ever polled in this State was 12.898.— Florida, then, bas furnished to the Con tederate Army 3,194 troogs in excess of her entire voting populauon. PRAISEWORTHY OFFER. Thirty-two of the principal firms in Mo- \ bile addressed a card to ihe Mayor of that H | city, dated the 7th instant, in which ihey { offer all the goods in their stores suitable | » for food or clotbing, at first cost to the | families of soldiers and ali the necessitous , in Mobile. The Mayor has appointed a! special. relief association to receive the goods — provisions, shoes, calicoes, dommes: ties aud = woolens—and_ distribote umong the people. This noble example everywhere.— Aplin rut Gouardian, them should be followe! d We saw Coi. D. hk. McRae, Esq. on th streets yesterday for the first: time sine his ruturon from Europe, ip tine health an > spirits, Mt. McRae bas been abroad on a missien for the government. We had) but little conversation with hun and have’ no means. of knowing what his opinions | are relative to the feeling abroad as re | garis the Confederacy.—Datly Progress. | | Rosencranz bas ordered all the negroes within bis lines to be organized into regi | ments at once, The East Tennessee tories are shootin all the persons in their midst that sympa- | tbize with the South. | (xf 19 in the direction of the Rapidan yesterday morning. . It oe Make: was in progress yeste in the vicinity ere county, but we could learn nothiog ite. in regard to it. If Meade is in a condition to fight, and is ambitious. to retrieve the honor of the ‘Grand Army of the Union,” @ portion of which has been so badly whi by Gen. Bragg, a general engagement will not mach longer be delayed.— Rich, Heaminer, INVASION. We learn through a reliable source that a courier arrived at Morganton, N.C., on Weds nesday night tast, with dispatches, stating that the Yankees, in force, were advancing upoo taut point. That they bad destroyed the plan- tation of Col. Isaac Avery, aod drove off uil his cattle, males, horses, &c—Charlotte Bulletin, September 26. To the People of the Eighth Con- gressional District of North Carolina. Yielding to the wishes of my friends? I re- spectfully announce myself a Candidate for election in the next Congress of the Confeder- ate States Could J have endorsed the course of yous former Representative, I woald not have been prompted to have offered. And I do consider that he, like many others, has not devoted evough of his time and labors to our common eeuse. Asito the repeated overtures that he speaks of in his Card, I wish you to mark, and give it, with other things, your grave ecnsider- ation. ‘ Nothing left us bat to conquef a peace by force of arms.” God help as! Now Mr. Lander had but little to do with the overtares of which he speake. they having been made pre- vious to his election, and I Selieve that mach eould have beea done by such overtures in our | own first Congress. But, why stand ye idle? pat other men ia their place, aud let something be dune. Our Country is bleeding at every pore. An army of the best men that ever tred the earth, are sufferiug the greatest of privations, and grow- | ing weary on account of the inactivity, of these whom we have chesen to Legislate for us; and judging the future by the past, can we even look for any thing from the first Congress of the Confederate States. Yet mach could be done for our good, and to secure tp us peace and Independeace. Now our Country is dis- | quieted on two extremes, I hate one and des- pise the other. One is Mace on any terms, and submit to be enslaved. ‘The cher is war to the last, and: be forced to wear the yoke. These feelings, my Countrymen, ace not true to a patriot. My plan is to legistate and fight when the chances are against, and & legislate the more when we have the advantage ; or in other words, fight with the peu as as well as sword, and we will scon bring peace. ; Sc I conclude by saying, if you are satisfied | with the course of Mr. Lander, vote for him. | [f not. my vame is before you,.and I pledge myself in the name of my bleeding Country to be faithful'for its good. Now I cannot boast of being’a first class se- cessionist. [| stood by the Union to the last, bat answered to the first call of the Governor of North Carolina for Troops ; and now having been in service for more than two years, I can- not think, that. the only way, for us to prove ourselves worthy, is by uniting by force of erms, but believe in the most desperate efforts by legislation. J. F. STANSILL, Capt. Ca B, 4th N.C, T. September 38, 1863. 6t19 7 Charlotte Bulletin and Democrat, and | Mountain Eagle, are requested to publish two wee SB, MARRIED: At the residence of T. S. Martin. Eeq., in Huntsville, on Thursday evening, the 17th in- stant, by the Rev. S. S. Barber, Col. L. W. HUMPHREY of Onslow county, to Miss IDA M., only daughter of Dr. Henry Cling- marof Grand Glaize, Aridansas. : £7 Church Intelligencer please copy. DIED: In this county, on the 27th June last, Miss ANNETTE ATWELL, daughter of William | A.well of tins county. ! Also—SA ‘UEL L. TORRENCE, a mem- ber ot Co. D. 34th Regiment N.C. T. In this connty, on the 13th instant, MARY ALICE, daughter of Joseph and Rachel Rish- er, aged 7 months and 22 days. , ’ _ WANTED Te BUY OR RENT A PLANTATION contaloag from 200 to 400 acres of open j laud, with a good Dwelling and necessary out- | The Place must be heal:ay, affording | good water. T. G. HAUGATON, Salisbury. September 28. 1863. tng “a aD’ Ea - Ee F auy person has an account against Capt. W.. Lord, dee’d, he is requested to pre- agitit tome for payment. «fir T™ G. HAUGHTON SALE OF SLAVES. ~ houses N pursvance of. an order¥ of the County Court had for that purpose, Twill sell fae the purpose of division among the next of xn of Jaue Allison, the following Slaves: Onernegro woman, about 35 years old, and her female child eight years old, and one other girt about thirteen years old. The sale will, bea at An- drew ING 1863, at six months credit, veh bond and se- curity from purchaser. T. W. AUASON, Adm’r. + Falistown, Iredell county, / Sept. 26th, 1863 \ 3wil9 ~ —— SALT! SALT!! SALTIN Subststonce Departme at, }: Salisbury, N.C. Sept.26, 1863. § WILL exchange salt for bacon, giving two pounds ofgood ealt for.one of bacon. Tow. A. MNERS. Capt, & AE. 8. | | well 8 feet piteh. To be construeted of lumber in Atlison’s, Jr, ou the 17:h October, : Apply at my effice next to Cowan's brick : ye ag i “TITHING TAX. NOTICE. Ts FARMERS AND PLANTERS OF Fred- goad Oty are hereby notified to attend at the followiag piaces for the purpése of making retorna of all the Wheat, Oats and Wool, pro~ duced by them in the year 1863, of which they will Be required to pay the Government One Tenth, after reserving for their own use the amounts allowed them by law. For the purpose of taking said returns, the Assessors, Paul N. Heilig and Joseph A. Haw- kine, Eegrs., will attend as follows, viz = P.N. Heilig at Hartman's, September 23 “ at Litaker’s, 24 “ at Harkey’s, “ Di as at Gold Hill, “ 26 “ at Morgan’s, “ $8 “ at Hatter Shop, 29 ee at Miller’s, “ 30 J. A. Hawkins, at Gheen’s Bridge, Sept. 23 se at Campbell's, “ 24 “ at McConnaughey’s, « 25 se at Mount Ulla, “ 26 oG at Atwell’s, “6 28 ss at Mrs. Brown’s “ 29 be at Salisbury, “ 30 P; by ness will also save the Callectors much peers of the and wanecessesy expense on the part tax-payery. W.R. FRALEY, Tax Collector. September 9,.18C3. Srp. HRIST CHURCH ACADEMY.—THE next session of this institotion will com- mence on Tuesday, the 6th of October. The Ancient Languages and Higher Mathematics are taught according to the atzetest standard of improved classical systems. Thorough drill- ing ih ali the branches, accompanied by con stant und vigurous explanation, is the chief eharactdriatic of this course of stady. For full particulars as to regulations, text-books in ase, — ef instruction and ilfustration, terms of tuition, &e., please apply to the principal. : EDWARD PAYSON HALL.” Sept. 12th 1863. 4t:pd:t7 - SUBSTITUTE WANTED. A LIBERAL reward will be paid, for « sub- stitute. He must be 45 years of age and of good cbaracter. He can selecthis own com- peny—apply at this office. Sept. Secs, th16 SALISBURY, N. C., Sept. 14, 63. Na E—The following named men of Company A, 57th Regiment N C Troops, will report to me at Salisbury, N C, within ten days from this date, or be considered deserters, for whose apprehension the usaul reward of $30 wit! be paid: D Z Gray, Deep Weil, Iredell county; Wm Rofty, near Salisbury, NC; A A Shuping, near Salisbury, NC ;.D A Miller, near Salis- bary.N C; J L Ketthey, near Salisbury, N C; W G White, Miranda, Tredell county; M A White, Miranda, Iredell county; F H Kaver- hart, Davidson county, N C. E. A. SEMPLE, Capt. 417 Co. A, 57th N. C. Regiment. ANTED at my Shoe Store 100 Green Hices, for which the kighest price will. be paid in cash. JNO. A. BRADSHAW. Salisbury, Sept. 14, 1863. fT Administrator’s Notice. I HE subscriber having at the August Term of the County Court of Rowan, taken betters of Administration according to law, on the es- tate of Christian Bringle, dec’d., hereby gives notice to all creditors of saidvestate, to present their claims duly authenticated within the time limited by law, for that purpose, otherwise this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the estate will also please make pay- ment inmediataly. __ D. BE. BRINGLE, Adm’r. Aug. 29th, 1863. —tf:15 ' Exehange Notice, Ne. 6. 2; Ricumonp, Sept. 12, 1663. ¢. HE FOLLOWING CONFEDERATB officers-and men, captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863, and subsequently paroled, have been duly exchanged, and are.hereby so declared : 1. The officersand men of Gen. C. I. Steven- seu’s division. 2 The officers una men of Gen. Bowen’s divison. 3. The officers and men of Brigadier General Moore’s brigade. 4 The officers and meu- of the 2d Texas Regiment. 5. The officers and men-; of Waal’s Legion. 6. Also, all Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point at any time previous to July 25th, 1863, have been duly exchanged, ang are hereby so declarec. RO OULD. Agent of Exchange. ETTER PAPER—A small jot of first rate 4 Lettecpaner for sale at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. August 24, i863. Sept. 15-6t W ILL be received for a building to be ereet- ed at Cina Grove Station to be used as a Governmeat Ware-bouse. Said building to be 25 by 65 feet. Vertical weather-boarding, battened, 10 feet from sill to eaves the rough, and (o be built in a strong sabstavti- al manner. Proposals for bueding the same will Be received at the office of W J. Mills Exq., Salistury. Nails will be furniahed By ths Government E. A. PROPST, Agent Tax in Kind, No 8. | ’ (tf-18) THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE- ceived the following articles, to wit: 50 dozen Coate§ Cord Thread, 5000 Needles, assorted Bik and White English Ginghams ... Salt, Nails, §; 10 ‘and 6, Shovel Moulds. MICHAEL BROWN On consigoraent’ 60 Boxes fine eweat baceo. } : Salisbury, Sept. 28, 1863. tfld ¢ . ¢ si » ap tlbtel ab RE Mert v oy dy a * RAD AN A. + Pony ~ Oe ay gressional District of North Car- olina ; I respectfully announce myself to you as a @amdidatc for re-election. * By your kind paruality I have the hoaor of a seat in the First Cougress of the Couted- erate States, From the ume of my election the Coufederacy bas been engaged in a stu- pendous war, for the purpese of driving back the ruthless invaders of its soil, and establish- ‘ag the peace and independence to which it | 8 so jusly enuUed. Overtures having been tedly made by our Goverumeut, W ter- minate hostiliues aod settle be existing difi- culues by negotianon and honors le adjust- ment, and these overtures Laving been as of- + ten indignantly rejected no alternative re- | mained to us but to drive back the invaders aad conquer a peace by force of arms. While in Congress, therefore, as your rep- resentative, I used every exertion in my pow- er to strengthen and increase the army, to give proper assistance and encourag:ment to the Executive, and to prevent, as far as pos- sible, those disasirous collisions between che civil and the’ miliary sutbornues which are 30 apt to oocur and so cifficult to adjast in ume of war. . I voted for both Conscription acts, not be- cause I desired to foree the Southern citizon from his home and family to the eémp and bvattle-field, but becanse I considered them indispensable to the independence of the country. I voted to raise the pay of the non-com- missioned officers and privates in the army, because I believed that they both deserved needed it. voted against the Exemption acts, not because I was opposed to all exemptions. but bevause I considered those acts wrong in principle. dangerous in policy, and unjust in many of their discriminations, I voted for the Funding bill, because I shouzht it necessary to diminish the volume of the currency and thereby to give wore uealthy action to the finances of t!. country. { voted for the Tax bill of the House, which | quisitioa of the President. ——oe a . ee CIRCULAR MILO A. J. ROSEMAN, M. D. To the Voters of the Fighth Con, BT a Nodeed Gabeges and Ospit th, and paren Toes prac- Meing in tbe _ depart - euts of his profeesioa for over 0 years with good success, he Coatinues to offer his services ‘fore, and holde hiwse!fiu readiness at all hours, day and night, for professional calls, U7 Office at Rogpman's Store. Execative Department, North Carotina, Apsutant Ganenat’s Orrice, Raleigh, July 1, 1863 Rowan Coenty, is authorized to reise a regiment to serve for six months, under thd re- Each company will consist of 75 men. The privates will elect | their field officers rolls are Gled in (hia office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, ‘ Adjatant General. HE UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO sych of bis fellow-ci:izens as may choose to join bim, to report to him at once xt Salis- bury. If the force called fur by the President do not avail themselves of the opportunity to voluateer avd have officers of their own selec- tion, they will be drafted and have officers ap- pointed by the Governor over them. The eer- Vice is for State defence and for but six months. Rally, mea! The enemy is now advancing wpou cur coast, threateniug the destruction of oar homes and the destruction of our means of subsistence, to say nothing of the disgrace and worse thao death their presence entails upon oar sisters, our wives aud children. Rally to the defence of your homes and firesides. A. M. NESBITT, Salisbury, N.C. July 6, 1863:—{tf7] Confederate Insurance (mpaay,. Charlotiesville, Virginia. HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY from the above Insurance Company, and an was rejected by the Sevate: bat, before the conference bill, which is the present Tux law, | came up for action in the House, I was call- ed away by affliction in my family, and hence | T tad no opportunity to vote either for or | against that measure. 1 In fine, I voted for every measure which I | thought would give strength to our army. | vigor to the Government, and confidence to the country. | Should you endorse my course as your representative by a re-election to Cor zress, I shall be guided by the same principles and policy which my record indicates, and | shall | devote my best energies and attention to se- cure your interest: aud, although | desire | peace as ardently as any one, and snal! use every honorable means to obtain it, yet I will | consent to no adjustment which does not} bring with @ the independence of the Con- tederate States, their total separation from | the United States, and all the biessiegs of tib- | ty to which we are enutied by inbertane: , aod for which we are now contending Our cause is just. Uur trust is in God. Our destiny, I firmly believe. is to be victomous a this struggle, and to enjoy a career glori- ous beyond parallel iu all past history. Let ws prove ourselves worthy of our cause, and worthy of our destiny. Let us be united in oar efforts, aad the whele world combined Ca@pnot enslave us. 1 am, very respecuully, Your obedient servant, W. LANDER Lincointon, NC, 3 August 27. 1263.) MPORTANT SALE OF REAL ESTATE — By a resolution of the jast Grand Lodge of Nerth-Caroliaa, we. the undersigned, were au- | thorized and empowered ‘uy seii ia the town of Oxford, N.C.. that vataable prouerty koowa | as Su JOHN’S MASONIC COLLEGE— | Said property, with some hondred acres of land attached thereto will be «ffered for sale fur cash, on Tharsday the Ist day of October next. The balding is Isrge and commdious, contamuing , sett with about eighty rooms, aod well adapted for a male | or famaie Colle ze, with all necessary outbuild- | ings. Those who may be desirous to purchase will apply to Robert W. Lassiter and J.T. Lit- uejohn, Esgs , of Oxford, who will take great pleasure to showing them the property. F. F. WATSON, Graud Master. G. W. D. HUTCHINGS, Grand Trees: Aug 20, -563. 6t:14 ‘Southern Express Company “FNUIS Company having mace arrangements w extend the line over » Western NOC Rasl Road, « now prepared to forward daily FREIGHTS, MONFY PACKAGES, &c., to ail punts on this Road J O. WHITE, Azent Aug. 10, 1*63—2ol2 Sali-bury Female Seminary. ¢ OF E Eleventh Session of my School in thu Institntion, wi!! 1863 Board per seesin, Bi50 00 Taition in Eng!ish. $25 00 and 30 00 Manc with use of Piano 30 00 Leaun. Greek and French, extra, KIU each. Papile required ty forme) Shin Pavineat strictly in advance men tae 4th of September, 1 tuwets For partenu- tare, address AY) WILKINSON Principal ttl @ July, 1x63 SPELLING BOOKS A SMALL supply of Spelling Books on hand. Those in need of them had better call swoon at WATCHMAN OFFICE. August 3, )*t3 BLANE VEEDS, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. | of the two Lockets with muiniatores : Slipper-, Jone darge Black Lace Maite ; , paid for the recovery + pow prepared to take risks o0 property at rea- sonuble rates. and for limited periods of ume. ' | and on different grades of property :—Such as | Cotton, Tobaceo. Prodace, Machinery, Mer- | ehandise, Buildings, &c. This Company has | been in operation but a short time, has a large | Cash Capital all paid in, and held by some of | the wealthiest and best peqple of Virginia. A | large amount of the Capital Stock of this Com- | pany bas already been sold for ten per cent | premiam I ean safely recommend this Comm- | pany to be of the most reliable character. and | any losses from policies issued by this Compa- | ay. will be prompély met according to the terms | set forth in its poxcies. { Persons in Salisbury 2nd vicinity desiring | their property insared, can have an opportuar- | ty ef doing so by calling on me A.J. MOCK, Agent. Salisbary, N.C., ( July 16. 1863. 4 fy 500 REWARD. ARLY IN JANUARY LAST, THE) Office of Mo & E. Myrrs was broken open aud the fello ving articles stolen (her from: fine Engitsh Guid Lever Watch, w th the pame of J. A. Lildagton on the face, German Text letters, beleeved to be made by J. Joha-ten, Liverpool, one viamond Ring. large Diamond ; ta centre clastered around with Dia- monde; one tine Gold Ring, with forget me noi, juseribed thereon: sett Ear Rings aa! Breast Pin, Coral and Gold, two Gold Chata- fin Pins; one Bunch Gold Charms, consisung , arial] one Crues, Hart. Shell, and others not recollected ; one Corral Breast Pin: one Gotd Brevet Pin, | Pearls: one Necklace with large oval Jeta, with cross ia centres one ttue Fan: Embroide sed Handkerchief Collics, Sleeves, Key Bhaokets, Linnen aud Cotton Sheets, Piilow Cases and i Bolster Slips, and many other articles of Jew- elry and Ladies apparel not recollected. “The above reward of Five Hundred Dollars, wil the above named arti eles, of in proporvon for any part of them — Most of the Jewelry cau be identified by WLR Wilson, Wateh-maker at this piace In my abrenee, any infurinacon given to Captain A 1 Myers or Samuel Reeves, Sr, will be prompt. | ly attended w. be ' BE. MYERS salisbury, N.C, June 15. 163. tf4 L> The Coofederacy, at Atlanta, Ga, will | i | copy daly ome week, and seud bill to this office. | : = || | <-~ @&> BE HE De Uae resigned my cormmission in the | Confederate Army as Surgeon, T tender wy | services tu my friends and the pubire { * A. M. NESBITT. | TP Office, opposite the Court House. June 15, 1863. tf4 | Now is the time to pay Money. Nau PERSONS EITHER IN DEBT ed to me by note or account, age reqmested to i call and pay up. ° | A. MV. NESBITT | June 15, 1x63 ti4 | | ze - ae oe oh) WOOL WANTED. iS YECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOOL WM H.SMITS -63 ify wanted by Sansbury. July 13.5 b | MICHAEL BROWN, | co MMISSION MTSE OL ALN 1 \ SALISBURY, NOC | pean personal attention given to the | | purchase of Produce nd Shipmedte { Consguments either for sale in this tn rket or for shipment ty other markets solruted, which wili be sold at highest market price and remite lances promp'ly made Sahsbory, July 13, 1863 tf I eens WANTED AT HENDERSON & ENNESS’, Druggist» June 15, 163. if | “BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THI8 OFFICE to the pablic Where he is permanently located, | and by strict attention Ww his profestioa will en- | deavor tw merit @ liberal patronage as herets- | SmgdlO | D> ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF | Da One| NOTICE... Te all whom it may Concern! rules and re, at my mill: I will aa be responsible fr any Ist, from me by mob riot or impressment. stored at my mill until ordered (o be ground. the same time, IE will take the best care of it iny own. | bey when we leave it. J. S. MoCUBBINS. 1f45 LEATHER. Salisbury, Mareh. 30), 1863 ing as compared with prospective demands.—— This may be s0, and probably will be true un- less consamers shal] take timely warning and prepare to sapplytheir wants without parchas- ing. It is believed there are surplus cattle and hides cuvugh ip the country to supply the pub- lic demand for leather Farmers, as a geueral thing, keep méré @atile than can be well kept and mude most profitable. If they would take as good care of (heir cows as they do their horses .ud iaglea, one half the number would be more profitayle for milk and batter. The surploy stock méght be fattened and slaughter- ed. ‘The undessigned desires to do all in his power to keep down the price of leather, aud if he can secur the co-operation of stuck -own. ers. he believes he can do mech good in this di_ rection. He q@annot afford to pay the presen, extraordinary demands of dry and green hide, and then sell leather at €2..the hig hevt price he has, up to tais time, sold at. Bat if farm- cis, who have bides, will send them to his Tan- uety, (or leave ‘hem at Sprague. Brothers, in Salirbory,) be will Tan them on the asual terms, obkgating himself to sell his own shar: tLa rate culy reasouable enough to jostify him in so doing. I ¢en't wish to speculate, have done. and will do all I can, against it. Soany ve wishiag to have their Hides Tanned can du as abave directed. T. W. HAYNES. May 18, 1863. (52 LARGE quanuty of TOBACCO for sale iXby JNO. F FOARD. Salisburv. April 23, 1863 thd =e Wanted. fe — | ‘ A GOOD HORSE suitable for the Army Apply to 2" JAMES W. CLARKE. N. C. White Sulphur SPRINGS. OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS. , | | HE pablic can have the benefit of these valuable waters. PRICK OP BOARD: So per day, $24 per week. O75 for 4 weeks We have a plentifal eupp!y of protisious and a goed stock of ice secured A daily hone of hacks aud@ mail to the Spnogs. H. L. ROBARDS, Propnetor. Jauel, 1463 if2 Peel and White Rowe Leaves. + TE wish to parchase a large lot, for which we will pay 75 cents per pouud. They mast be clean and pice HENDERSON & ENNISS. Salisbury, June 15, 163. fa WHEAT FANS. a NUMBER we Barnett” pattern. ndmitted to be the best ever manufactured in the Southern coantry. on more CO Wee nunber of riots, mobs, lm- pressmente and thefts in the county, | fee! it a duty I owe-to myself to adopt the following Flour, Meal or any kind of Grain that may be (uken | i. og with it. 2d. I will not be responsible for any Grain 3d. I will nat be responsible for any Meal or Flour more thag 24 boars @fier it is made; at that Lean, and the same care’ that I take of Tee-aill is always water lock and | according to condition, tecality, &e. { | | =e { HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF their company officers, the latter will olect | prime necessity Contfiues to advance in price, The officers will be com- | und s0e-makers are predicting that prices hith- missioned at and from the time the muster- | ero accounted epormous will be next to noth- reasonable | can be used if a gertain proportion of hemp be I dm authorized by the Ordnange Deperi- ment to purchase material for this Thiyecs, and I take this method of appealing to the people to assist ne in collecting old , bagging, waste cordage, &¢:, or auy kind of old hemp. A good price will be paid for the above ma- terial, varying from 10 to 25 cents per pound, I will also pay 40 cents per ad for old ecrap Lead delivered at the Works. A. G. BRENIZER | Capt. Art'y. | Office C. 8. Ord. Works, Sahsbary, N.C. June 29, 1863. 16 “Stonewall” Jackson. Just PUBLISO ED, aud for sale by N. S. MORSE &CO.,A ta, Gd., ‘ A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxgreu Or « STONEWALL” JACKSON. hy Cuarces Hartoce: Being a full and accurate accugut of the Leading Evouts of his Life, his Dying Momenis, and the Ubsequies ai Rich- mood aad Lexwgtwa. This work contains many aveedotes of the | Wlustr.ous soldier that have never before been | published. For sale by all Book Stores and News Ageate Price $1 U0. -The (rade supplied at a liberal di t LN iedy: ' y peated ROR BR rn Mi * ; a r To all Whe i tay Concern, TO ALL PERSONS INDER?. ED 10 Us! A nee LL persone indebted to the firm of A. & W. Myers and A. Myers, are. he reaper, fully requested to e¢itle their pon A te ge aren baaven ne by letter, wuhent needlegs delay. ¥ will thus save interes: and the inconVenienge of payment when Mon ey may be less abundant then at present. } the friends of the lete firms will not re quire longer indulgence, hat respond urgent call, as it is neeemury that the Raskh ad should be closed with ap little delay as possible ’ A. MYERS, — Office next to Cowan's Brick Row. Solisbury, Mareh 30, 1863, 145 own ea ily OL. Jeclesapplyes WM Wareone ™ 4:38 5 miles west of this place, OF hl One | Brown's Livery Stable, 8S Keptap as heretofore 1, is gratifying to bim thas this establishment, begun, at first, a; « doubt fulexperime nt, has proved to the public u great desideratem and « com. pletesnceess. Travelers, and others can a). ways have thelr wants im thistine, wellsup- ica : Cash prices paid for Provender. And the 7 Alt orders addressed to ue will be prom pt- ty filled. N. 8. MORSE & CO. fb Augusta. Ga. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. | Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnel, C. P- ; Mendenhall. D. BP. Weir, James M. Garrejt, i John L. Cole, N.H. D. Wilson, Wm. Bariiu- i ger, David MeKaight, M. 5. Sherwood, Jed. | Hl. Lindsay, Greensborough ; WA. Wright, | Wilmiugton; Robes E. Troy, Lumberton, | Alexander Miller, Newbern; Thadeas Mc- | Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yancey- | ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey, Wadesborough ; Rev | R.C. Maynard, Fraakliatea ; Dr. EF. F. Wat- | sou, Watsonville. OFFICERS : iNOH.D.WILSON, - - Presiden. I\JED.H LINDSAY,- - Vice-President |C.P.MENDENHALL, - Attorney | PETER ADAMS, - - Ser.and Treas. WM.H.CUMMING,- Geoeral Agent | W.J. McCONNELL, - 'J. a4. MEBANE, - |} J. M.GARRETT,- - | Alleommanications on business connected withthi> Office, should be addressecto } PETER ADAMS, Secretary Greensboro’,N. C., Jeane 19. 1860 tf4 DENTAL NOTICE. W. F: Bason, M. D. me) Dh ia On Cia. j \W OULD cespeetfolly make known that he ‘ hasretaken his DENTAL ROOMS in Saits- | bury - { oN. 8B. Assit willneot sot him toremain all the ume, those calling in his absence, will be nou- | fied pf his aciivale by leaving (beg names in the \ letter Box attached to the door of the Office or | pv addressing bem through the Post Office, at | this place Dec. lot. 1662. (17:28 JAMES HORAR, - Executive Com. ‘e-tas than apy other article at the present | + me. Apply soon to _ JOHN SHUMAN, Sr Salisbury, Jane 1, 1=53 tS “a 2D’ ESQ > cea if WILL come of send to Spragee Bro's. in Salishury on Taesdays, Thursdays and Satar- | fave to get any Hides that may be left there } for mer T WOHAYNES . 1863. (3 TIALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, for | which we will pav the highest price, HENDERSON & ENNISS, | Druggists. | June 15, 1#63. ve} ‘SW AA EE ECED { A the CS. Distillery at Sahsbory, N.C, | l One Thousand (1000) Bushels Maple <Chareoal. Proposals must be addressed to JA8.T JOHNSTON, Medica! Purveyor C. 8. A., ' Charlotte, N.C. Joly 13, 1863. tf $10 REWARD WILL be given for two SADDLES stolen Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One doorbelow R.& A Murphy'sMtore, SALISBURY, N.C.., | | ” EEPS constantly on hand alarge asnor. A incot of WATCHES and JEWELRY o( all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ufevery de- scriptionrepairedin the best manner and op the most reasonable terms Febraary 14, 1%6° ly3e “WwW A QE Be BD 20.000 STAVES T THE CON °STATES DISTILLE- SX RY. (forme » owned by M, & E. My- Vers) at Salishury, as ‘ollows : To be of white orw timber. clear of sap. Siaves, 34 inches long, from 4 to 6 ipchee wide and Linch thick | Heading, 24 inches long, from & to 10 inches wide, and I} inches thick 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a thousaud Highest market price will be paid Address JAM. T. JOHNSON, Medical Purseyar C S.A Charlotte N.C Jane 15, 1AF3 tf4 Et 6 ie as Ef Oe Dr from my stables on the 24th inst. One ie black | quilted the otner red leather ; neighborhood af Charles MeKenne's) Ala One Hundred dolians for the apprehensiga of the thief WG McNEELY Julv 25 1-63 1610 To the Farmers of Rowan. | AM anxious to buy corn, wheat, flour, neal apd baeen for the soldiers families of Rowan Some of them are almost suffering and [have and I do hope that the Farmers of the county will give the poorsoldiers families the preferance J. 8 McCURBIN. Com fur Rowan this 31-63 Pe SALE—A 60 HORSE ENGINE and all the Machinery of Rowan Mille, three Prench Kure, Smut Ma- chine, Bolts, Elevators, Belts, Saw Mill and Gearing, &e, &e, all in good ronneny order Payment may be made now, but not delivered unul 25th December next. Also, 100 BOXES TOBACCO ‘ JNO. F. FOARD. Salisbury, Sept. 14, 1865. SUT consmting of also, two Bridles aadone pair martingles (supposed to be in the the money to pay market prices furthese things, | my Book Store account, will please call ou Mr James H Ennies, mye suthgrized agent and set. tle the sure ALL those indebted to me on mv aubecr - Hon and pnoting account will please cadlon Finniss and settle ale Some of ny accoante have bern siand since 1559, and [ do hope tha! those who are | cue will call at once and settle up. Confeder- ate money im plenty —there can be no excuse -I prefer to (akeit in payment of dors e J.J. STEWART puly 6th, 864. Uf7 “= 2D’ EB @> Be WILT rent the highest bidder on the premi- ces. on the 13th day of October the planta- Gon belonging to the Heirs of Mariah Chunn, Dee d., for the term of twelve months a d person wanting lo renta good plantation wou do well to be present on that day. Terms made known on that day T.C. HYDE, Adm'r | BLANK DEEDS At: ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO ME ON | becriberis always ready tosell or buy good Horses. THOMAS E.BROWN. Jan. let, 1863. 55 1000 DOG SKINS . WANTED. \ ANTED 1Q00 Dog Skins, dry, for which will be paid @1 for mediom size, avd smaller ones in proportion. Apply to R. F. Simonton, Statesville, or A J. Mock, Salisbéry. December 8, 1562. 18 DR. HOWERTON ENDERS his professional services to the citizens of Salisbury. Office at the Boy- den House. Mar 9, 1863-1542 Ra aR’ E'S @ "Eco SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1862. ALL those indebted to the firm of McCunssine & Footes, wil! callat the Boot & Shee Manofaciory of Joho A. Bradshaw, oer: door to the Waichman Office, on ihe sabser ber, and settle their accodnts, either by note or the cash. Now is the time to pay debts. f26 THOMAS J. FOSTER. Cc and LINEN RAGS wanted by J JNU F FOARD. Salebory, April 23, 1663. 1649 Post Office Notice. SOE! HERN and Western Mail closes at 12 Mo; Ne@tthern Marl closes at & P.M: Cheraw, S.5., Sunday, Tuesdsv and Thare- day. 8 P M ; Mock>vitle, Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, 5 P Wo; Witkesbory’, Tuee- day, § P.M.; Troy, Thursday, 12 M Sunday €/;) ce Hours. From 14M, unwl 2g P. Mo: from7 P.M, vnti 10 P.M The above rules will mot be departed from vutsl farther police All persone tre expected io pay their Pow Office acecoents when presented at the ead of the quarter, otherwise I will be compelled to sell their papers for the postage. MOSES A. SMITH, P.M May 4, 1863. 11S Dr. J. A. CALDWELL ] ESPECTFULLY OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Salisburv and the saz- rounding country. Office two doorr below M. Brown's office. TT amy absence, leave your name on the Slate. of May +—tf50 FARM WANTED. 1 DESIRE. to buy arch anc hi; bly improv- ed Wheat and Grass Farm, sitaated in Westera N C., containing from 400 to 700 aeres of land Any one who has such a farm which they would sell, will please write to me at Peters borg. giving a true and accurate descriptwn o ' ) therr farm, its locabty and the lowest price | demanded for it | No one need put himself to the troable to write unless his farm ie rich and productive. aod has fair bariding improvements on it. B. B. VAUGHAN, Petersburg, Va meee aa | SALT! SALT; ! | ( BUSHELS for Sale This Salt is war- | o) ranted equal to any made in the South It is very dry having been in an ware -house | for une months apply to R.& A MURPHY, Age. 615 | 5Swi5 | Aug. 31, 1463 | WANTED Te PURCHASE OR RENT, AN IM- | proved Loti the West or North Ward Apply at tha Offioe. ' Aag. LOth 1863 1f:12 RECTORS of thie Institution wish to fill the | office of Matron, now now vacant. Noné oth- | er than unencainhered females need apply For information, respecting the duties, &c, of the | office, apply to the undersigned. ED. C. FISHER. Phveician and Superintend Raleigh, July 30; b&63 —tf:13 | yee ASYLLM—THE BOARD OF DI- | | | _ SALISBURY, SEPT 7, 1868 To Gas Consumers, T HE price of Gas from Sept. Tet, will be ‘ 000 . Per Order. B25 per 1000 feet SE LINTON, Supt. Gas Worke Sept. 7, 1m:16. | FOR SALKk AT THIS OFFICE. Fro: a chan and ot ness, ( ve two ‘ars fo Apv ope de Apr NOR A Bniga aod 4 the 2 4th / Varol On of Cb w su sorely don, great W het ade tv North led b Way, not be 4yrey Inost van Seth war. fon | port, ibrou delds stret real haus Greg tbe t Iu Origa Divas work A ed uy a des vhar, ~ CL mute vank the « ered wou Tat the } Thre cod Not berle: taker noon to or mun ahe butte Wit Divi the | fight the « trom posi ol di Tart : es Sette oe nae weer grape eectee Seppe pater - Se eae ee re ran meiecen ans So coremenenanmnnene somes naomeietaedeomelion aaa mee wamaaper orek one nies VOL. XXL _casncesset sane eNO nee ee ee ee J. J. BRUNER, KDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, mE Price of the Watehman. From and after this date, and vatil thereis a change in the prices of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on busi- ness, the subscription rates of this paper will ve two dollars for six months, and three dot- | wounded was about forty pertent. The Seer se enlace === : Ce CASS Tee ay a tae SO eee Coe ee, 1+ sogity <o-0 SALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 12, 1863... NUMBER 21. SOME OF THE EFFECTS OF ITS bows or the arguments, the diplo- heard of the exchonge that had bees wade, TEACHING. i matie tact or personal popularity of it was received with universal acclamation.” 39th North Cprolina eutered ihe fight with 288 men, and lost over 100. Of.the | | whole brigade there are left abort 800; We cannot, in jastice to ‘ourselves men. Col. Coleman's coat was pieroed by ‘and the people of this State, refrain a ball, but he iw whharmed. When the history of the battle of Chick- awaoga is written it will be found thal no | body of troops vn that bloody field fought | more gallantly ner won more honor than | MoNair’s Briynde. And when the war ‘has closed, the vietory echieved oa the ‘ars for a year. Apverttsina, two dollars for the firet, and | ope dollar for each subseqaent pubheatios. Apri 20th, La63. ; + Sat s--SSS - = NORTH CAROLINIANS ar CHICK. | AMAUGA. ‘ ' A baud of berves copstitute McNair's | Brigade. It is composed of the Ist, 2d, | aod 4th Arkansas divmouated cavalry, and the 2lst and 3)st Arkavsas infantry, the | 4th Arkansas ba.ialliuo, and the 39tb N, | Varoliua, Col, Coleman, On Saturday, the first day of the battle | of Chicainaaga, this brigade was ordered | vo support Gen, Gragg’s command, then sorely pressed, on the Jeft of Hood's divis ron, Gregg was holding bis posiuion with great difticuliy agaiast tremendous odds. When ordered to advance, McNair’s brig- ade rushed over Greyy’s columa, the 39ta North Carolina aod 25th Arkansas being | ied by Col. Coleman. The Yaukees gave way, butin yood order, nud were driven not less Chan wuree forthe of a mile. Gea 4sreyy pronoveced this ebange one of the mnost britiant achievements of the day. A vanhee regiment which cengountered the 3eth Nort Carolina and 25th Arkansas was wlurostanotiilated. These two skele fon regimeais balted once to await sup port, bul nol receiving it they advanced iLrougl te woods aud into the open corn- delds, where their own weakness and the strength of the federal line became appa rent, Coreaiat’s command, having ex- hausied thee ammuraiticna, withdrew to Greggs live of battle and encamped for (be bith. Iu the great battle of Sunday, McoNanr’s brigale were on ttre eft mext to Head's Division, Iyie g bebird aa ronperfect breast > work of fallen Crees, A strong eolumo of the enemy advance They were recetved with a destructive fire, and falling back, were charred by McNaie's Brigade and doven ¢ confusion over two fines of breastworks ed upon them. vito the open fields On an eminence two vankee baitenes comeaunoded the whole of the opea space. Just before his men en ered this broad field Gen. McNair was wounded, The yallaat Col. Harper, of Tat Arkansas, was killed ard command of the Brig sde devolved Upon Col. Coleman. The Brigade oow diverged to the right, cad ounder the leadership of the gallant North Carolimau, captured bot the bat tertes, RishCof the pieces wer at once taken to the rear, and two others were af lerwards removed, Gren. Bragg gave Col Goleman au order for Circe of tuese guns o attach to lis comtaand, These: by Cteries were sinported by a ve Vv Stree Hae Poder ra foree, but MoN ues bn s wade charced so rapidiy, loading vod firrng as they went, that the yankees were Surprised and vouted Peasant is anid to Nave lwen feroctous, aod the victory wl piete, . ufinitely better than wher infaatry supports, actual Phe Kederal artdlerists fougit MW Vo throwing shot and shells with their the frees of our tien w nds ihites Ten (hey wet load therr pire Lhe two att tured were ahout LOW yards VemeC ated when the yur ser coaptieed OUT Lae ere comp oth wath the wtraest ray Lity Vo Coben was Ul ips? ta place his han ton a Pe leral tel preee, and the Sanne ol the 39th North are first onfuded above thet Hind Was the heer after cheer aguounced the Greamply of ome gal mot men and then ene the hurred with drawal at Ure wanes trom vie places in the Fodera nee, ‘ Bt. Cah Reyrolds cand Vy. by Dba hii we te Jas helimd (ooh. 4 tan rn, when Nhe ceached the Federal guns. Thardin was shot rough the neck d ing the after noon, When the briande had fallen back to ont tines andlobtuines Supplies and am Munition it was avato ordered forward to ®hehs ou the left to support Robinson's; battery on the Lookout Valley Rond.— , With Jobnson's brigade and Hindman's | Division on the right aud Manigault’s on the left, Coleman advanced to the closing fight of the day. Dy successive char the enemy wers driver’ slowly but eleadily trom the chain of hills which formed his position, and the battle closed. Two hours ol daylight and this portion of Rosencrans’ army would bave been aunihilated. The loss of the brigade in killed and _advantage of a move to desert. “ Stream of Death” will be pronounced the mast complete of any that has been wou from the beginuing of the revolution. Atlunta (Ga.) Register. FROM THE N. C. SOLDIERS. From the Fayetteville Observer. Camp 18rH Kee't. N.C. Troops, }* Liberty Mills, Va. Sept. 27, 1863, Messrs. Editurs : Yesterday our Brigade | was called upon to witness the execution of seven men, members of this Brigade ; three were members of this Regiment, ! * 18th, three of the 37th, and one of the 28th. »Their crimes were desertion and cowardice. . "Twas a sad spectacle, The order condemning them to death was pub lished to the Briguds last Saturday. One week was allowed them to prepare for death, At 10 o'clock, A. M., vesterday, the Brigade was marched out to the ap- pointed place without arma, and formed inte a hotfow sQun we facing tue seven stakes to which the unfortunate men were to be bound ; a few ininutes before 11 the pri- soners were brougbt out and marched rowod the line, the drums performing the dead march. Having accomplished the circuit of the line, they were placed each vpposti.e one of the stakes. The Chaplain having performed the funeral services over them, bid them farewell aod departed ; twelve men were drawn up opposite to ench, halt of the muskets loaded with ball, the remainder with blank cartridges. The prisoners were ther pioioned to the stakes, a white bandage placer over Their eves, the offie: commands “Ready,” every mus het drops to that pesition , * Aim,” and they are leveled at the breasts of the un- fortunate men. Fire,” every gua flashes dnstantiy, the seventh received tive balls ip luis bowels, but they were aimed too low to cause lostant death, He was again bound to the stake, six nen were brought forward and fminediately ended Mis’ sufferings. — One of them, at the flash of the guns, ; Jumped to bis full height, breaking the! cord that bound hin, aud tell forward per- fectly dead. The troops were now march- ed by the corpses aud back to camp. Thus ended this mournful traredy. It! Isto be latuented that our autherites are | compelled to resort to such extreme mea- sures, but it as absolutely Necessary, aud the result thus fer bas been very satistac- tory fo dlostrate this fact, our troops were thoved the other dav, a fight was ex- pected, and ater returning to camp hot a asiogie mao was missiiy, This has nev. er occurred before. A few always take It would be advisable for all qeserters to return ine Niedintely and voluntanly, and thus escape the certain doom awaiting those brought back under guard. Our Brigade (Lane's) is now detailed from the main ariny and placed here to ‘guard the ford across the Rapidan and, prevent cavalry raids from this) direction on the VoCl RR. dary the winter, We may remain bere “of the men would Every etmploved fie a comfortable be perfectly content: { to do so. body ots In; tentsare not to be bad, and mauv are the devices for shelter, some of them quite original, Phe tnen are all in good spirits and tol erably well clad, but overcoats and blank: ms aredin dedaiand, many of them not hav Vereeitiier | xod Lean assure vou it ts any thang but pleasant to spend a night here without covering, We have had several heavy frosts aud the weather 1 quite cool, Urye the peuple to do wll they ean for the poor soldiers. Winter ts fast approaching, and without a supply of blankets we will have much suffering iu the army, k. S. Alcohol and Frost, —The Russian au- thorities refuse alcohol to their troops when about to be exposed to extreme cold —the duty of the corporals being to smell each man’s breath, and, if it) be tainted with liquor, he is not allowed to march, as he is soon to be frostbitten. Ten soldiers, in one night, died in Canada, frozen thro’ drink.— Ghurch of England Temperance Magazine. | froin publishing the following letter fram a Saggeon in the Army of Northern Virginia, and one whom every citizen in this section is well acquainted with, congerning the prin- ciple reason why so many Cesertions have been cansed frow thie State. He sttes that we may rely upon the facts ae true, aggdie had thew from those who mere ainted with the facts. We also publish it to show what are the consequences attending those who are perenaded to follow wrong teachings; and we are satisfied that the brave veterans in Lee’s army are a unit with us ov the subject. Came in THE Figxp, Army N. Va., September 23, 1863. { “Messrs Editors'—On |..t Saturday, two men in our Brigade, bw Fugit and Allen Absher, both from Wilkes county, and both belonging to the 33d North Carolina Troops, were “executed near this place for desertion. Seveo others belong- ing toour Brigade have since been tried ‘for the same offenee, five of them have ' been convicted, and as their sentence have | been approved by Gen. Lee, they will be shot next Saturday. The cases of the |-cther two came under the Proclamation and they were released. — Nearly every one of them stated while upon trial that, they were induced to de- sert by the teachings of the North Caroli- |na Standurd. One of them whose name | is Greer, from Watauga counly, a memn- | ber of Co. B., 37th N.C. TL gave thei | teachings of the Standard as the sole reas | son for his desertion. Others said they ‘read the Standard, believed it be true, janud thought they were doing their duty | when they deserted. large majority of the privates are wgth him fin bis present traitorous course. Messrs. arn and see those tner who lave basely de- serted their colors receive a dishonorable think, bard as is his beart and seared as is his conscience, wie Would pause and re- flect ere he again sent his baneful teach- ings to delude bis ignorant followers to | bloody graves. | A Norty Carointay,” brought up againsta man professing to be Southern and having the cause | of his fellow-conntrymen at heart, in the great day of Judgment, when he shall be called upon te answer for the lives of these poor delnded fol- lowers of lis wronyteaclongs. [tis sickening to a lover ot his Country and Liberty !—Jredell Kep-ress. Whether the report tiat) Mr. Ma- son, the Confederate Conimissioner in England. has notified Karl Rns- sell of orders to withdraw from Low in fact or in faney, few can doubt that sach orders were more than ex pedient. The Confederacy has been pilloried for two yeurs on the person of its ambasador. No earthly good has or could result: trom exposing its representative the “conddnauod rudeness” of Earl Russeli. Bat. if We xre to judge by the unexpected deteution af the iron clacs an the Mersey, the irritatron of Mr. Mason’ presence near the loritish ment has been the cause of material barm to our interests. Tle has been a stimulant fo the enemy's activity, and his sewni-ofticial position im Lon don demanded an offset of direct in jury to appease te and the English Aboutionrst party The chances of the rams will prov twenty better suould Mason with draw than they were previously to that event. The remark that Mr. Mason was not the right man in the right place ' has been frequently heard of lute, ‘and will now be repeated with more | confiidence thai ever. But the ill | success of his mission by no means | proves ita justice. Ignorance only don and repair to Paris. is founded Govern United states suppose that great negotations, in volving the vital interests of nations, fail or succeed because of the tilent or want of talent in theagent. The President's | “T understand Holden boasts that a Editors, were Holden compelled on next | Saturday, as we will be, to march out! . : ‘death from the bands of their comrade together; six of the coudemned are killed | pie ides, 1 Great God! what arecord to be: the minister who is the bearer of nr ones ~ messages from one government to Sere Shooting A ffray.—Y es- another, weighs nothing at all in such if ay ssl ae shooting affairs. : alfray occured in frout of the Libb No other man would have done! abies ne) ele? three get agh of bett than Mr. Mason with the |e Uity ttalien were shot, on Paletqumiiens| cabinet, Theap | maimed for life and another a anny poiatment was not personally inju- | ly wounded. ft appears shat dur. « dicious. LHe is just the person to! ng the afternoon Jas. P, Newson, anit the apper classes of England ; | of Oo. C, 32d N.O., waa on gourd possesses a strong understanding | iD front of Castle Thander, and had and a manly character; and al} acts | eons grorde pais A member of the rand words of bte-whiet treve-been { battalion. Shortly after made pudlie daring his: sojourn | being off duty, but having bis mus. in England bave been eminently | ket with him, was passing the pa- proper and reasonable.— Richmend | oe ground ‘al the City Battalion Examiner. . when come altereation occurred be- tween him and Martin Gripp, Oo. LATFST NORTHERN NEWS, |; iv which Gripp strack him in the The Baltimore American, of the 2d in- | tating peal ah a t has bee ceived. W its | 8 an ist se ea en prarded america From Washington, it is stated that in; 89d tearing off the flesh as far as military circles there is supposed that no | the shoulder. The builet then struck serious inpedimeot will interfere with re- | private Forey, Co. A, shattering his wforcing the army of the Cumberland.| arin, (which was ampitated last. From Cairo we learn that General Sher | night,) and finally lo ged in the mav’s corps, of Grant's army, is on the | bowels of privdte Richard Morris move, but whither it is not known. (Co. D, inflicting a mortal won ; | The Indianapolis Journal, of Monday, ! Newsom then ran a few steps, nd. i ! | States tbat 15,000 .troops are to be sent | was overtak . . ep al | forward to General Rosencrance immedi- | - by two of the battal- i ately from that place. | Pa fm aes in Castle hander. The artillery lost in the reeent battles is| bela vapatch 3d. | being rapidly replaced by new batteries | ee | from se i = | THE FORT SUMTER FLAG. Advices from the army of the Potog hs | mac represent affairs there unchanged. done’ arneee goal to | A large force of the rebels is supposed to and bh t A © Mage cap- be concentrating in the Valley. 1 7 OOF Sroops daring the as- A plot to burn all the Government | 8#4/¢ Upon Sumter on the night of | steamers on the Western rivers is said to the 8th ult was the flag that Major | have beeu discovered in St. Louis, Severl Anderson’ had carried off from. the | parties have been arrested there, and the | fort in April 1861,’ when he surren- maiter will be investigated. dered the place to Gen. Beauregard A terrible accident occurred in Nash- | has settled the point by stating that ville on Wednesday, by which about one | he is satistied it is the same, and hundred rebel prisuuers were more or less presenting it, in an ap priate !et- lujured and jour killed. The prisoners, | ter, to the Governor of South Caroli- to the number of three huodred, made alng, The Governor has presented.it rush to breakfast, and the temporary stair! to the Legistatare, and the Legisla- way of the building in which they were | ture has ordered it be deposited for cottined (an uutigished hotel- known as ' safe keeping in the Ex : + the Waxwell House) gave way, precipitat. | ber ping be eS ing them from the dfth to the second story : of the building. “I It is altogethera pleasant incident. The city authorities of Baltimore have The yankees had preserved the flag appointed a committee to New York and | with care, had sent it out to Gillmore invite the officers of the Russian fleet to |! the confident expectation of rais- ‘visit Baltimore and partake of its bospitali- | Ng It again in trinmgh over the re- lies. captured fort, to the most extreme The officers of the French men of-war in mortification of the “Confederates, i New York are said to fell a little nettled | especially the Charlestonians. But at the public receptions given to the. their malignant purpose is défeated Russian officer, and let slip no opportuni | the flag is wrested from them, the ty to Wa eies their chagriz. Already ! fort preserved, and their assault re- iach mqiahiles base pas pee pelled with disaster and disgrace. sila geil one Niner een tall ails Aes Fayetteville Observer. | | of New York state that they consider itin \ a pertect state of defence, and that a bos- 7 Convictions of _Napoleon.— | heexposed to the fire of eight huedred) know men, said Napoleon, at St. guns of the heaviest calibre. Helena, to Count de Monoholon, “I . A deserter fom ihe Richmond My know men, and I tell you that Jesus ki Soe amet tates is got aman! The religion a : oe yee AS ; Christ isa mystery, which subsists : e hed Military - ita AAD force, and proceeds from Governor of Norfolk, ariwed in that) eity is mind which nes human mind. on Thursday, ané entered upon the duties W < find In is marked individ uality, Ne faneerathicel which originated a train of words The St. Louis Repabhean denies that 2d actions anknown before. Jesas , ether Sherman's corps or Suith’s division '8 bot a philosopher, for his proofs has cone to Chattanooga, ure miracles and from the. first his (rold was quoted in New York, Foday, , disciples adored him. at 1435p atthe First Board, and 1422 at “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne. the Second Board, Virginia sixes, 614, and myself. founded empires; but North Carolina sixes, 664, ‘on what foundation did we rest the creations of them?” : Gle vessel, ih attempting to enter ny would. ron, Meator General Barnes FROM MISSISSLRD EL. Phere are at present no Yankee forces Nacr ile. With shame be it said ther nearer Jackson, Miss. than La Grange.-- are nersons in Charlotte so low, depraved These are continually making reds sod and regardless of the consequences of com comonttiing every species of depredetion. untuog sacrilege, as to have entered the Presbyterian Chureh in Charlotte, on the velt ot the Sthoair A geod many of the negroes ae ott, bave returned, but are so vorahized st., and turned over the thatuhevare of hte valine to ther owners Soff and chairs in the polpitas well as [here are about 8,800 Vatkees at Co listhgur dooby marks on the cover of the noth —and the trains are ramming recular Bobi. ‘The dog ought to be bal’ bung, Iv between this place and Memphis, theo drawn and quartered aud thrown npon ethe green to potson mange sheep “Gen. Lee is in command ot killing hounds.— Bulletin che eavalry, has hts lines trom above Gre = nada to Port Hudson. He immediateiv, on taking command of tle cavalry, advance ed his pickets, and every dav bring in some Yankees, and very often wagons and There are no Yankees east of bry lack or Yazoo rivers. ‘I'he conscript | 2 stout fellow. | ; , agents are doing good business in this de- | ‘If two kh aa als Bene | partment now. The forty-five year call how much wil. a large he we ae has brought out a great many. The pa- | ‘Jamp into the scales, was the i roled soldiers are reporting back very fast| ply, ‘and I'll teil yon in a minote 7 to their commands, When those in camp| The mathematician ‘had him ther! A gentleman whiting from Enterprise, Miss. says: \lere follows a retort, although it can hardly be cailed a retort courte ous: A mathematicity being asked by teauns, OCTOBER 5, 1863 41S31NG AAI. VOL. posses cee J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, sary Price of the Watchman. From and after this date, and until thereis a change in the prices of provisions, paper ; aad other articles required to carry on busi- ness, the subscription rates of this paper will oe two dollars for six months, and three dot- ars for a year. Apverttsing, two dollars fur the first, and | ope dollar tor each subseqaent pubhecarion. | April 20th, 1963. NORTH CAROLINIANS at CHICK- AMAUGA. 4 A band of berves covstitute McNair's Krigade. It is composed of the Est, 2d, | and 4th Arkansas divmounted cavalry, and | the 2lst and $)st Arkansas infantry, the | 4th Arkansas barallivuo, and the 39th N, | Varoliva, Col, Coleman. On Saturday, the first day of the battle | of Chicainauga, this brigade was ordered | wo support Gen, Gregg’s command, then ; sorely pressed, on the Jeft of Hood's divis on, Gregg was holding hs position with great dithculty against tremendoas odds. When ordered to advance, MeNair’s brig- ade rusned over Gregy’s column, the 39ta North Carolina and 25th Arkansas being ved by Col. Coleman. The Yaukres gave way, butin yood order, sud were driven bot less Chan wree fourthe of a mile. Gen Gregg pronoveced this ebarge one of the inost briiiant achievements of the dav. A which cnucountered ihe 3yth Noriti Carolina and 25th Arkansas was alipostanntiitlated. These two skele Nn regiMects halted once to await sup port, but Dol receiving it they advanced .uruugl Yue woods aud into the open corn- veids, where their own weakness and the streuuth ot the federal line became Appa en } | Vabace regiment Coiemat’s command, having ex- Lausied thee ammueition, withdrew to Greggs live of batde and encaniped for (be bitit. Iu the great battle of Sunday, McNanr's brigade were on tire deft next to Head's - Divison, [ying bebind ag imperfect breast ° work of fallen trees, A strong column of the enemy advane with a destructive fire, and falling back, were {by McNair’s Brigade and daven i ion over two fines of breastworks ‘ute the open fields, On an eminence two vankee baitenes cotamanded ihe whole of the opea space. Just before his men en- ered this broad field Gen. McNair was wounded, The gallant Col. Harper, of ist Arkansas, was killed acd command of ed upon them. They were received are the Brigade devolved upon Col. Corman. the right, niler the leadership of the gallant Caroliman, captured bot the bat fouhtof the pieces were at once Ti Brigade av0OwW diverged lo Nievt tettes, ken to the rear, and two others were af terwards removed. Gran. Bragg vave Cot man au order for Uhree of these Zunes tach to bis command, he tlertes were sepported by a ve foree, but MeNair’s bri used so rapidity, loading aad firing weol, that the ind routed, Oe o yankees were HSH ods said wee ferocious, aud the victory eral artillerists fuugit infinitely bauaherr infantry supports, actual c shot ands) with their eis lie faces of our tien woen they load their ig lhe two ed were al "100 yards aprnred th with the gon compmedpead t ve, and thre ‘arolina Was the hern—heer after OM ph of one yal othe hurried with ar places in the sh NAC Le bline i +e stencd ¢ ( n, when through the mug the When the brigade bad lines aneLobtaine | « Hardin was after. | fallen bask py dere red forward to boon the deft to support Robinson's | the Lookout Valley Road.— , ith Jobnson'’s brigade and Hindman’ | deral iyi neek anudam fool was ayato ord attery ony SS vision on the right and Manigault’s on the Jeft, Coleman advanced to the closing | fight of the day By successive charges | enemy were driven slowly bat steadily ‘rom Une of hills which formed his postion, and the battle closed. Two hours ot dayhght and this portion of Rosencraus’ army would have been annihilated. The loss of the brigade in killed and chain | wounded was about forty per Gent. death. _advantage of a move tu desert. SALISBURY, N. Cy OCTOBER 2, 1863, -:—- ~ — sptingtr se NUMBER 21. i | hla ec ll tlt teal 39th North Carolina entered the fight with 238 men, and lost over 100: Of the whole brigade there .are left abort 800 | ~~ cect oe | TEACHING, We cannot, in justice to ‘ourselves men. Col. Coleman's coat was pierced by) 80d the people of this State, refrain |» ball, but be i whharmed. When the history of the battle of Chick- amaoga is written it will be found that no budy of troops on that bloody field fought more gallantly nor won more honor than McNair’s Briyede. And when the war has closed, victory achieved oo the * Stream of Death” will be pronounced the mast co @ of any that has been wou from the beginuing of the revolution. Atlunta (Ga.) Register. FROM THE N. C. SOLDIERS. From the Fayetteville Observer. Camp 18vH Reo't. N.C. Troops, ) Liberty Mills, Va, Sept. 27, 1863. { Messrs. Editors : Yesterday our Brigade * ' was called upon to witness the execution of seven men, members of this Brigade ; three were members of this Regiment, 18th, three of the 37th, and one of the 28th. »Their crimes were desertion and The order condemning them to death was pub One week was allowed them to prepare for At 10 o'clock, A. M., yesterday, the Brigade was toarched out to the ap- cowardice. . "Twas a sad spectacle, lished to the Briguds last Saturday. pointed place without arma, and formed into a hollow squaw facing the seven stakes to which the unfortunate meno were to be bound ; a few minutes before 11 the pri- sovers were brougbt out xod marched rouod the line, the drums performing the dead march. Having accomplhsbed the eireuit of the line, they were placed each vpposie one of the stakes. The Chaplain having performed the funeral services over | them, bid them farewell aod departed ; | twelve men were drawn up opposite to each, halt of the muskets loaded wrth hall, | the remainder with blank cartridges. The prisoners were (hea pinioned to the stakes, a white bandage placetlover their eves, the offiegr commands “Ready,” every mus ket drops to that: pesttion ; “ Aim,” and they are leveled at the breasts of the un- fortunate men. © Fire,” every guo flashes together, six of the condemned are killed lustantiy, the seventh received five balls ip his bowels, but they were aimed too low to cause lostant death. to the stake, six men were brought forward and fminediately ended bis) sufferings. — ne of them, at the flash of the guns, jumped to his full height, breaking the cord that bound hin, anc fell forward per- fectly dead. The troops were now iarch- ed by the corpses aud back to camp. It tutheorities ar Thus ended this mournful tragedy. Is to be lamented that our compelled to resort tu such extreme mea- sures, but itis absolutely necessary, aud | the result thos fee bas been verv satistac- tory. do ilostrate this fact, our troops We ! ’ pected, and after returnoo to camp hota a single man was TO ssp before. This has nev- er occurred A few always take It would be advisable for all ceserters to return iin mediately and voluntarily, and thus escape the certain doom awaiting those brought back under guard, Our Brigade (Lane's) is now detailed from the main ariny and placed here to ‘guard the tord across the Rapidan and, this direction We snay remain bere prevent CAVAITV ralds trom on the VC, RK durthy the winter, All of the men would do ly emploved fide a comfortable be perfectly contented to so. Every body place to sleep in) tents are not to be had, and magv are the deviers for shelter, some of them quite original. Phe inen are allin good spirits and tol ertbly well elad, but overcoats and blank ite aren demand, many of them not hav toy eitier: aod [can assure vou Ib is ans thing broe | leasant to spend a oight bere Woe lrave e weather Without covering, had several heavy frosts aue tl aquite cool, Urye the people tu do wll thev can for the poor soldiers, Winter 6 fast approaching, aud without a supply of blankets we wall have much suffering in the army, . 8. Alcohol and Frost. —The Russian au- to when about to be exposed to extreme cold —the duty of the corporals being to smell each man's breath, and, if it be tainved with liquor, he is not allowed to march, as he is soon to be frostbitten. in one night, died in Canada, frozen thro thorities refuse alcohol their troops He was again bound , re inoved the other dav, a fight was ex- d | froin pablishing the follewing letter fram a Sapgeon in the Army of Northern Virginia, andone whom every citizen in this section is well acquainted w'th, concesitig the prin- ciple reason why so many esertions have been canaed frowi thie State. He stetes that we mayy rely upon the facts a6 true, ase had thew from those whe were ainted with the facts. We alao publish it to show whet are the consequences attending those wko are perenaded | to follow wrong teachings; and we | are satisfied that thelrave veterans | in Lee’s army are a unit with us ov the subject. Camp in tHe Figo, Army N. Va. September 23, 1863. § | “Messrs Kditors'—Oun |. Saturday, , two men in our Brigade, bs Fugit and Alleo Absher, both from Wiikes county, and both belonging w the 33d North place for desertion. ty toour Brigade have since been tried The SOME OF THE EFFECTS OF ITS bows or the i matie tact or personal popularity of it was received wit { Carolina Troops, were “executed near this } From Cairo we learo that General Sher Seveo others belong- | man's corps, of Grant's army, is on the ‘for the same offenge, five of them have | | been convicted, and as their sentence have | | been approved by | shot next Saturday, The cases of the ;cther two came under the President's Geo. Lee, they will be | | Proclamation and they were released. — Nearly every one of them stated while | upon trial that, they were induced to de- | sert by the teachings of the North Carolt- | na Stapdard. | | Ove of them whose name | | is Greer, from Watauga county, a mem- | j ber of Co. B. 37th N.C. TL gave the teachiogs of the Standard as the sole rea: + son for bis desertion. Others said they ‘read the Standard, beleved it be true, jand thonght they were domg their duty ‘when they deserted. “[ understand Holden bousts that a large majority of the privates are wth him fin his present Uraitorous coarse. Messra, | Editors, were Holden compelled on next "Saturday, as we will be, to march out and see those ter who lave basely de- serted their colors dishonorable , death from the bands of their comrades, | think, hard ass his beat and seared as is receive a ; bis conscience, dhe would pause and re 'flect ere he again sent hie baneful teach- ings to delude bis ignorant followers to | bloody graves. A Nort Caronintay,” (sreat God! what arecord to be brought up againsta man professing to be Southern and having the cause lof his fellow-conntrymen at beart, in the yreat day of Judgment, when he shall be called Upon te answer for the lives of these poor deluded fol- lowers of his wrong teachongs. [ris sickening toa lover of his Country and Liberty !— Tred ll harpress, Whether the report that) Mr. Ma son, the Confedarate Corimissioner in England. bas nottied Marl sell of orders to withdraw trom Pon don and repair to Paris, is founder In factor in fancy, few can doube that such orders were more than ex pedient. pilloried for two yeurs in the person of its ambasador. has or could result) trom ite representative the “conmddnnued rudeness” of Earl Russell. But if we are to judge by the unexpected deteytion of the tron ela im the Mersey, the irritatton of Mr. Mason’ Lorttish tns- The Confederacy has been ; at ‘ No earthy yvood eXposing re presence tear the Govern ment has been the cause of material harm to our interests He has been acstimulant fo the enemy's and bis sem-ofticial position om Lon aclivity, don demanded an offset of direct in jury to appease the United states and the English Abolition: purty The chances of the rans will pr twenty better should Mason with draw than they were previously to that event. The remark that Mr. not the ght man in the right place has been frequently heard of late, and will now be repeated with more | confiidence than ever. But the ill | success of his mission by no means | proves its justice. Ignorance only s ye | volving the vital interests of nations, b ———— =_-- the minister who is the bearer of messages from one government to another, weighs nothing atall in such affaires. . No other man would have done! better than Mr. Mason with the Palmerstun-Ruesel cabinet. The ap poiatment was not personally inju- | dicious. He is just the person to! suit the upper clagses of England ; | possesses a strong understanding and a inanly character; and all acte and words of bts-whiet treve~ been made pudlie daring his: sojourn in England have been eminently proper and reasonable.— Richmend Examiner. LATFST NORTHERN NEWS. The Baltimore American, of the 2d in- stant, has been received. We cupy its summary of news: . From Washington, it is stated that in military circles there is supposed that no serious impediment will interfere with re- iwforcing the army of the Cumberland. move, but whither it is not koown. The Indianapolis Journal, of Monday, states tbat 15,000 troops are to be sent forward to General Rosencrance immedi: | ately from that place. | The artillery lost in the reeent battles is | being rapidly replaced by new batteries | from Nashville. | Advices from the army of the Poto- | mac represent affairs there uschanged. | A large force of the rebels is supposed ed | be concentrating in the Valley, | A plot to burn all the Government | steamers on the Western rivers is said to | have been discovered 1 St. Louis, Sever! | parties have been arrested there, and tbe | maiter will be investigated. | A terrible accident occurred in Nash- | ville oo Wednesday, oy Which about one | hundred rubel prisuvers were more or less Wjured and dour killed. The prisoners, | to the number of three buadred, made a} rush to breakfast, and the temporary stair. | way of the building in whieh they were ef ued (an | unfuished totel- known as | the Waxwell House) Kave way, precipilat | tiny them from the gtth to the second story of the building. : The cuy auiborities of Baltimore have Appointed a committee to New York and | Mason was: invite the officers of tbe Russian fleet to visit Baltimore and partake of its Lospitali- lies, The offices s of the Freneb men of-war in New York are said to feel a little netthed at pubhe receplons given to the Russian officer, and let slp vo opportun ty their chagne. Alrendy neveral squabbles hase taken place, . the to manifest The committee to examioe the barbour of New York state that they consider iti “ perfect Slate of defence, and that a bos i tle vessel in altempiung to enter it, would Iecexposed to the fire of eigbt hundred guns of the heaviest calibre. Ao deserer the Richmond City Mahon, naned Charles Hutchens, af New York, has artved in Wash- from Major General Barnes, the new Military Norfolk, arwed mm that) enty on Thursday, and entered upon the duties f hie office. Croverpor of The St. Lows Repabhean denies that either Sherman's corps or Svith's division has gone to Chattanooga, (rold was quoted in’ New York, Vriday, at 143h at the 42g at the Seeond Virginia sixes, 614 : North Carolina sixes, 064. ° First Board, and Voard, FROM MISSISSIPPE. [here are at present no Yankee forces ever dlackson, Miss. than La Grange, -- These continually making rads wod COMMITTING evel species of depr sdation \ tke oft, have demonized are yoodsmany of the neyroes retuned, bat are wo Hiatihevoare of litte valae to there owners There are about 8,800 Yankees at Co noth und the trains are rnin regular Iv between this plaice and Memptis, A yentleman writing from Enterprise, Miss., say “Cran, Lee ie in command of the cavalry, has hfs lines from above Gre- | nada to Port Hudson. He immediateiy, | on taking command of tle cavalry, advanc ed his pickets, and every day bring in | some Yankees, and very often wagons and teams. There are no Yankees east of Lig | Black or Yazoo rivers. ‘The conscript | Says; ’ 'Y | agents are doing good business in this de- Ten soldiers, | SUppose that great negotations, in- | artment now, ‘The forty-five year call as brought out a great many. The pa- h arguments, the diplo:, heard of the exchomge that had bees wade, | presenting it, in an a b universal acclamation.” Serious Shooting Affray.—Y es- terday afternoon a serious shooti affray occured in frout of the Libby prison, in which three members of the City Battalien were shot, ‘éne maimed for life and another mortal- ly wounded. ft appears shat dur-« ing the afternoon Jas. P, Newéon, of Oo. C, 324 N.O., waa én gaard in front of Castle Thonder, and had some words with a spetnber of the battalion. Shortly afterNe being off duty, but having his mue- ket with him, was passing the rade ground of the City Battalion when come altereation occurred be- tween him and Martin Gripp, Co. F, in which Gripp etrack him in the face. Newsom sprang back, and taking aim at his antagonist fired, the ball striking him in the breast and tearing off the fl as far as the shoulder. The builet .hen strack private Forey, Co. A, shattering his arin, (which was amp itated last. night,) and finally in the bowels of private Bichurd Morris, Co. D, inflicting a mortal wound. Newsom then ran a few steps, buat was overtaken by two of the battal- iow and lodged in Castle Thander, Richmond Dispatch 3d. THE FORT SUMTER FLAG. The yankees have attempted to deny that one of the flags cap- tured by our troops daring the as. sault upon Samter on the night of the Sth ult was the flag that Major Anderson had carried off from. the fort in April 1861, when he surren- dered the place to Gen. Beauregard has settled the point by stating that he is satistied it is the same, and Ppropriate !et- ter, to the Governor of South Caroli. na. The Governor has presented it to the Legistatnre, and the Legisla- ture has ordered it be deposited for ve keeping in the Executive tham- yer It is altogether a pleasant incident, The yankees had preserved the flag with care, had sent it out to Gillmore jin the confident expectation of rais- ing it again in triamgh over the re- captared fort, to the most extreme ‘mortification of the “Confederates, especially the Charlestonians. But their malignant porpose is défeated, ‘the flag is wrested from them, the fort preserved, and their assault re- pelled with disaster and disgrace. Fayetteville Observer. Convictions of Neapoleon.—“ } know men, said Napoleon, at St. Helena, to Count de Monoholon, “J know men, and I tell you that Jesus is not a man! The religion of Christ isa mystery, which subsists bv its own foree, and proceeds from amind which is not a human mind. We findin ita marked individuality, which originated a train of worde and actions onknown before. Jesus , is vot a philosopher, for his proofs are miracles and from the. first. his _ disciples adored him. * Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself, founded empires; but on what foundation did we rest the creations of them ?” e Sacrtlege.— With shame be it said there are persons in Charlotte so low, depraved. and regardless of the consequences of com mitting sacrilege, as to have entered the Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, on the niht of the Sth inst.. and turned over the sofa and chaira in the pulpit as well as dishgured by marks on the cover of the Bibie, The dog ought to be balf bung, then drawn and quartered aud thrown upon -the green to poison mange sheep killing hounds.— Bulletin. te es {Tere follows a retort, although it lean hardly be called a retort courte- ous: A mathematicitn being asked by a stout fellow. ‘If two pigs weigh twenty pounds, how much wil! a large hog weigh? ‘Jamp into the scales,’ was the re- drink.—Church of England Temperance | fail or succoed because of the thlent | roled soldiers are reporting back very fast| ply, ‘and I'll tell yon in a minate !" ; or want of talent in theagent. The | to their commands, When those in camp Magazine. The mathematician ‘had him ther!’ 1 Ba From the Patriot. ; LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT. iy Aecellency Jefferson Davis, Noudent of the Confederate States of America Yhe motive which prompts this address, + the xpelogy offered for the inberty 1) uave taken, I desire to engaye the at- ~tioa of my countrymen, and through | © use of yout booored uame I bupe to wo it ‘Phe sotle array of Liberty of whieh | vu ute the Ciicl, haseprung ilo exis: + nee as if by magic, aud their deeds of | wor apd beroism rival the most brilliant | «ats of arms that History has recorded. The young Republic, at the bead of | waieh you arg placed, came into existence | “about an army, withoula navy, without | acms aad mgsitions of war, without money, ~ finaucial organization or foreign credit ; and forthwith had to encounter, on many | + bloady field the power of one of the | greatest vations of the earth, and whose | liens for war were complete, and | | That young Republic, now io th: Uhird ogo i existence, has in tbe beld sraws, eq od, whieh never ‘fail to prove v @toriods @ver the “best armies on the wce of the planet,” when they caa meet gem op terms bordering or equality. It aus arms and muaitions of warn aban Jance. Its little navy is ube terrot of the eDemy's commercial warive avd insurance | ompanies. It bas a well organized Gov- | srament, where life, liberty and properiy | ave duly protected; and its financial opera- | 4ons, by which ali this bas beea effected, | ss yet have scarcely been felt by its citi. | zens; aud the only thiag oeeded to in- sure our independence, is to place the credit of the Republic as high in the esti- mation of the people, as its valor bas been placec. Can this be done? Uugquestion- | sbiv. [t would be a reflection vo the pat ots at home to believe that they will uot: achieve the former, as nobly as the patriots 2 the army have achieved the fatter. And it is to this subject I wish to draw the attention of my fellow-citizens. Congress must stop the running of the Slockade unless for tke beuefit of the Gov -ramest, aod permit o0 importations, up- ess it may be of articles of prime ueces- sity, which cannot be produced in our | »wa country, aud for the importance of | vbich, a permit shall be granted by the, 2sovernMent upuyo such terms as may be mposed. | Cougrers must cease to diseredi: any | ssues of Coufederate notes by its legisia- | vou, and put them all oo an equality, re- zardless of the dates of their issue; it must viace its issue UPON au equality (at icast #gh its own people) with apy currency whatever, whether metalic or otherwise. | t must stop the export of cold, and treat avery dollar of ils own issue as uf value squai to avy doliar in existence. To effect 0 desirable an object, it’ may | be said, is impossible, ‘while the Conteder- Me curreney is so redundant. Then re tuce that redundancy. Can this be doue? « think 11 can be effeeted, and that quickly, four people will take itan band = And ‘bis brings me to the subject matter to which ] wish to direct the attention of the Government, Congress avd the peopie of the Confederate States. thousand shares of stock, of one huodred thousand doi.ars each be sub- seribed, to Le paid into the Treasury, in Gonfederate Treasury Notes, wheo the whole stock is subscribed, and the subscr Ip hon oot to be obligatory unless the whole is Subscribed; but any subscriber aay pay iM any portion of bis subscription at bis pleasure. } | Let fo Let Congress authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Confederate Hounds tthe amount of four hundred Jouars in payment of sad subscript per anti THOUS us, to car au loterest of six per cert * > payav.e Sem) abnualiv, ava to ve ine irom ay. taxation whatever, Tow) uive one fortn aosubserntion list whict w ndicate tLe cuaracter ef the subscription aud the eyisialion Lihat Mav become neccessary viz: We the subseribers bereusto bind our ~ ves lo pay to We Conutederate (rovers, ment toe sum of one bundred thousand doi- wior each sluare of stuck by us su meri bed, ts Soon as four tnoUsAUC Shares stial! be re Ded by individuats, Coll patiies, or v 3 CQy poral or ponlic . whieb suusenp ~ slall be forwarded to the Sseretary fiue Treasury of the Confederate States tim duly made known by on 48 soon as the four thousand shares proca ar subscribed : l’rovided that Congress sha aubbourize the S«cretrry of - [reas ty yssue Lond. (Coup 0 wore istered, atthe open Of the subseribersy bearinu ‘test af the rate of six perce tL per ane um, pavable semm-anoually, aud the prin pal pavable thirty vears after date, which Is abiail be free from ali taxation what avet, OV the Confederate, or Mate Crovern- men's or any other authoriiv, and shall ~ odecvered Ip payment al par iw subseri- ubseribers only) upon the pay- ment of their hers (at subseription in Confedarate Currency of any issue, (or aDy other ecnr- rency the Treasury Department inny ac apt) and shal: be iu sums of one thousand joitars, five hundred dollars, two bundred follars and ope hundred dollars each as subsdribers mnsy prefer, and the interest sccurriny op said bonds shall be subject to taxation whatever, until one year after | ber currency a ee a af ote shall on the stibeoriber un- less the w receive boads to the amoant thus paid, and shall not be held bound to pay the balance of his .ubscription, unless the | whole foer thousand shares are subse ribed: | tend at the subscriptions to be paid in instalments we the Secretary of the Treasury may re- wre. Good reasons exist why the subserip- aod EAST MOMENTS OP THE LATE G 4 tha we subscription) ; «The JOHN BFLOYD. | | be subseribed; bui any subseribers may! Holston (Metbodiet Kpiscopal) Conference, at ang time pay into the Confederate Treas. | | ury all or any part of bis subscription, aud | who was the officiating clergymap at the funeral of Geueral Floyd. We make the | following extract : | 1 was gummoned by telegrapl tw at. bedside, xnd reached bim four ‘days before his deat! . land peacefol—bis mind as oleae ‘and his | Judgment as sound as ever in hie life He took me by the hand telling me he 2 Advocste ‘publishes the #0 r thousand ehares shall! marks of the Rev. F. E. Wexter, of the | | | \ i} i 1 found him calm | te bext | tion should be in shares, aud uove but! could vot survive more than afew days. | F He spoke df his religious feelings and | his speech at this place, the types made us subscribers be entitled to receive the bonds. To assign these reasous will go wo much moto detail; but they will be readily sug- esied to these who think on the subject. Can these subscriptions be obtained | do not doebt it, Let every individual able to subscribe one of more shares do so; let companies combice to take a share, and : 5 the more petsyns forming the company | -o Which we lad so largely cuntributed. | tine butien,s let every prune whe can apare) (ba Lard Sous Chest 1u s0Ms6. Colm ove haadred dollars unije prospects in the mox( beautiful and satis: factory mannee, | wish [ could recaj) lis _ lwuguage, but ean do se ooly yery imper- feeuy. He said be was aot id to die ; that he had the suopgeat assurance of his i acceptance with bis Maker! He felt that he was a sinner, and that bis only hope was in the infinite mercy of God through As he spoke of ‘the goodoess of God bis heart seemed to | pany so tbat all may avail themvelves ef) viow with-gratidyde and love, and as I BON-tax-paying ievestmens, and render sef- | repeated the promises’of the Bible, suited viee to their country, by aiding to improve and strengthen her credit.— every lucotporaled company, ciby, town, bamlet, village railroad, and bank, | take sliares to the full extent of their credit. If they Lave the funds ready, so uch the better; if nut, let them borrow and loan to the Government, receiving in return the same interest they have to pay out. lo otber words, they have loaned their coun- ury their credid to the extent of their sub- scription. But those bodies corporate or politic, whose bonds will commavd a premium, what an opportunity for speculation, if the sordid principle of gain must be substitut: | ed for patriotism ! Take the city of Richmond or Colurabia, for instance. Say their bonds are at one hundred per cent. premium, or ome hun _ dred dollars of their bonds will command | in the market two bundred dollars of Con- | federate currency. Let either of those ciues subscribe one hundred of these shares teo milhons of dollars. The sale of tive millions of ber bonds will rase the Confed- erate currency, to pay for the tea millions ! of Confederate bonds Sbe will receive annually on these beads six handred wou sand dollars of interest, and pay out three hundred thooeand dollars leaving three hun- dred thousand dollars as a sinkipy tund, which will extoegawh the debt in some tweive Vears. Let the whole income of thousand dotiars, after the debt te pun otf, be compounded fur the baianee of the uhbirty years tte bonds have to run, and that city will bave betweeep twenty and thirty millions of dollars, pracpal and ip- terest, raised upon the loan of her credit to ber country upoa five miilions. The bonds of most of our States a larze premiam ; sbould they pursue a similar course, similar results wi!) ensue. — But can we donbt, should such result, not ensue that every State of the Contederacy stands ready to subseribe to those shares, aud joan tu the Getieral Government the: credit to anv amount the subscription ? the motey, or a large portion of it paid ID, the volume of currency will be greatly re- duced, money will rise in value, Property will fallin pee. and the war will be car- rivd on atone halfor one fourth of its cost. Then will a Confederate dullar epual a gold doilar, when latter shall not be allowed tu run the block- ade. To bring about a consummation of this de n, now begun people are al trecessary (0 close Thos being done, and present the sirabie state of things, Jet us bewi —delay nota moment. Let the in ther primary meetings. cory the meetings of their Directors, Legislators ATAUIOIS Itt to the Hais of Leyis ation, signify to you, the Secretary of the ‘Treasury, the amounts eael wetlne to through aod ail are subscribe, before Conuress shail meet. and man : Ui lay (his applieation of your fullow ecttigens I feel assured that you wii, ow slensnte, belore that honoreble body and ask the legislation necessary to effect the object. Should this scheme be consummated what a sublime spectacle to bebold! The ground swell ol ine y.ople, the upheaval of the masses, sing in thetr tmoight and tender ing, unasked, to their country four hundred tations dollars. Let the affrighted, de graded North stand aghast and tremble : that North whieh bas enslaved itself that we met pot be free. Let Eurgpe look on with amazement and wonder > Mat Ea- rope within whose coufines, no nation, great orsimail has yet been found woth soul lo reco the Inde pendence of such a peopie, wihiat eXpansive enough NIZA sul care wef Our trust 16 in the justice of our causes in the our own ngh: arin, Holy Being who controis the nations. With sach @ reliance as this, we are pow a free aod independent and ere long | hope, will be a bappy people. With this distinguished consideration, your obedient servant, J. M. MOREHEAD Greensborough, N. C., Sept. 5th, 1863. strengt! al and do the pevtection of that destines of Eight thousand Irishmen are to be en- rolied in the new Mexican empire. wx hundred fp ; to bw ease, brs eye kitdled with interest ) and the large teardrops flowed copiously over the tnanly faee of the battle-scared warrior. | He said that in pubhe life ke had many euemies ; that he had been wronged — deeply wronged—yet he fully and freely forgave it all; that before that God in whose presence he expected very soon to | stand he could say that be had no malice , or ought in his heart ayainst any map.— portance of connecting bimself with the Church, but had been hindered from doing so by various causes, buthe vow wished to receive the holy sacrement, and | SAW No rood reason why his wishes should not be granted ; accordingly he was re ceived tnto the church and the sacrament admioistered. These sol-mn and impres- sive services being performed, much to the gratification of himself and frends, he \ pow felt that his work was done. After thes be conversed but hile, being very weak. and much of the time suffering se- vet he retained full POSSession and the Vere pain: of bos faculties to the same can, peaceful state of mind, of the time be was engaged iv prayer aud olen seetved anxious that his departore Jnst, should be bastened. Thus has passed away one of the noblest of bis kind. We mourn bis low: country | services: his friends wil! feel —devply Noel — that bereavement Lut they sorrow fot as those who have Fisey believe that,in the all wise aud gracious providenee of God, he Is taken away from, the evi) to come and housed on the site Ta above. And they in the glorious anticipation of a re- union at Gol’s right his heeds bu hope. jive hand oo high. Op the 16th August, 1863, Mr. HE. Pin chery Walker, Her Brtanie Majesty's Act- ing Consul at the port of Charleston, ad- dressed a communication to Col. E. Ma- srath, commaoding [st Regiment Charles- ton Cruard, concerning the lability of Brn ish subjects to bear arms against the for- ces of the United States. Mr. Walker aays he has advised British subjects generally to acquiesee in Lhe Mb- hita oryganizavens, but at the same time he infurtoed them that in the event the He bad lung been impressed with the im- | } | { } | | { | Much | ‘ bfe” militia should be brought into confhet with : the forces of the United States, either be- fore or alter being turned over to the Con- federate (rovernment, the services required of them would be such as British subjects could not be expected to perform. The jetter nm quesuen was forwarded through the proper chaunel to the Secre Wart and Mate, Woo by him referred to the it with iry of Secre ary of returned the following endorsed opinion, which os concurred on Uy Che >. cretary of War, aml is published for the wrormation of all cou cerned ¢ The views of Acting Consol Walker do hot meet the approval of this Department. Wintle the Government claims no military service from mere sojournars, those who have acqmred resifence in the Confedera cy are bourd by lnw to aid in tts deferce. J.P. BENJAMIN. Sewetary of Stato, Official: E Kearney, A.D). C, and A. A. A. G. Rickmond, Sept. 22, 1863 Singed It scenes thata faulty Comnissary Departinent was at the bottom of Bragy's tardy progress after the late battles. The correspondent of an Atlanta paper writes: “Bot for the want of rations, Gren, Bragy would have followed lis vie- but vere Ubable to move unti) our Bup plies came up.” tory the next day, our troops We learn that on Tuesday Jast, while a train containing Yankee prisoners was standing at High Point, a Jew named Weith, was detected in the act of chang = SALISBURY, NG. ——-—~ gy ——— MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1863. Another Candidate iu the Field. al District in a, Democrat and Retietin | Standard, Progress, Western See a es creme and forward bills w this <. “In oor fast, speaking of Mr. Lander and “We do not know whether Mr. Laxpen will have opposition or nut,” &c., when it should have been, “We do not know whether Mr. Lanner will have an opponent to meet him on the stump, in ean- vassing the district.” He has opposition already, in Capt. STANsILL, whose card is 7m our columns; and who, we are pleased v0 say, is an excellent citizen and a beave sol- dier, We th’pk it is pot his intention to leave bis post ia the army to canvass the district. aay: Dr. Edward Warren, is a candidate for His eard in the Progress of the 6th inst, is interestiny. see Congress in the first District. Sweet and Irish potato crops arourd Petersburg reported to be abundant. _ >. R@ “ Not worth shucks ™ is a cormseun expression of contempt for things esteem- ed of novalue. Strange to tell, we have recently seev about 4 ounces, of shucks sell An for 12 —nat for cow feed, to-be-sure. artistic and tasty hand (Mn. A.D. Woh | kivson’s) had inanipulated them, and brought out one ofthe most beautiful hats imaginable. It was designed for ladies’ wear, aud is tkely to become fashionable. . e FOR COOK'S BRIGADE, Rev. Tol. Troy will leave Salisbury § or this Brigade with sunplies on the T3th Ortober, Packoues left at the depots be- tween Salisbury aod Raleigh, direcsed to his care, will be taken oo by him. os “ALB. C"~Over find in the Greensboro’ Palrio!, an article this SuAtare we headed —~ a smail pecteare on Salisbury Ty we av ides tly the prodee of some one who wembittersd and envenomed by aisappointment. Under the innocent pre ture of sketching human frailties and ex posiog a prewaling en the author mak 4 a vahcious and pibel ous atteek upon Sals- bury as a Town, Lrur, we are not inform. wt some pa it the publication of such an urticle in the ed whether Salisbury, on N.C. other place of that name is ineant, (yreenshore’ Patriot, iw we ighburiog town,) will tovanably produce the Unpression that this is the place whom this sianderer un- deriakes to prieture. The Patriot bes made itse'f a party to this wojust aod malicious attack on a who} community with po other motive, we pre- sume, than simpiv to grathy the author of pit. The editors, themselves, would bardly write and print acool, deliberate libel [ke this, though (he sbambing gat of their wil touching the « nnty of Rowan, aa the same number of their paper, Go veto. spire very high opinion ember of ett dis cretion of Chere exit in Che tee of Janae Wail it fis cons When they arn to te Patriot munity who wtois tlrat fubny sho (be Cre RO NIt CG eetty Ullers Ubrougty its Columus Chis Slander ot Saisbuev ? “@e BRASS. COPEL ANT) ZING The advertisements of ¢ ipt. Barsizrn to be found in another column. will not fail, we feel sure, to strike the attention of of the above narrred! 1 The bare all who bave either articles on bian ct that Gro vernment needs them tor defence, ought to be sufficient inducement to make all hriny them in. Cupl. Wi Aly tham, Jr —W wrt that ¢ apt. Williaa Al Graham, Jr... ¢ om pany Ky 24 N2C. Cavalry Regiment, has been appomled Aseastant “Adjutant freter niof this State, and bas accepted the ny porntinent Hon. Witham A. rabam, bas been in service ever since the Capt. Gis ason of commencetnent of hostilities and leaves the field, via: Mayor John W. Graham, 56th tegiment, Capt, Joseph Graham, Light Battery “OC. Louth tegiment , Capt. Robert D. Graham, 56th | tegiment; and First Lieutenant Jas, A Graham 27th Regiment N.C. Troops. — four brothers in ing Confederate for Yankee currency, giv- Ral. Progress. ’ ing five for one. rested.— (/reensboro’ Patriot. Good for the High Point people ! He was immediately ar- | | | 1 Captain Graham was wounded at Get- tysburg. Five sons imaperiling their lives im the “ tt. ions demandivg words or 8 -altest his devotion 19 the Confederute enune, found ready; and yet’ | Joes, yet !—there are persons in North _ Carolina who affect to doubt, or fear, thas | Wa. A. Guanan isnot right! There can be bo better proof that these doubters Are | themselves wroog—wrong somehow, and they ought to try to get right. And they ought to repent their error and pray to be delivered from a doubting mind and a has. j ty spirit. ome ‘ £@ Wb perhape one single impor- | tant exception, the present prospect of the cause of the Confederacy is decidedly en- | couraging. We bave strong and conf- ‘ dent armies confronting the enemy at al! | points, who is compelled to pause in bis | attempts to advance. The recent conflicts lof arms have ught them thapthe Con Our (army corps are fuller pow than they have | beew fora year, and there » more unity: ‘federates are yet terribly im earnest. jof sentiment and aw better spirit Amongst | the people at home. Indeed, there is but j one very important point‘on which hangs a } seasonable fear of serous consequence, and | that te the question 4 supplies for the ae- |my. From every quarter we hear the ‘ complaint that farigers will not sel) their | produee. Some are unwilling to take the | Goverment price, prefernny to threw j their produgts tito the markets wod ges the highest possibile rates. Others are wo- | willing to sell now, because they know bs waiting prices will run Bp, Aba they inay , tonke a furtuoe out of a single crop. Oth- ers have as much Confederate megey m they waot, and prefer to beld op and wat for something to turm ep. Altogether there can be nv doubt of the fact that the lack of sapplies comseqowat upon these and other similar causes is the most threaten ing danger whseh atthis teoe mars the prospect of the Confederate can Now, all wild wdasit: that this onght nu: sotote. All who know the cons ques ees of ie fulure of ourccause, Know thas we wll be uttesiv and forever ruined > and ther also Kae that rt bs iewpcnsitebe for scr ' cese without am army well sapphed ow the provisions apd clothing necessary tf their bealtb and effitency. How danger eus ts our situation! ft depeoes on Che faith, the loershty and the patnotsm of the people at betne. The eourage of our troops hasbeen so thoroughly. tested that that wm outul the qucsvius, Can it be por sible that the people at home el prove be th Surel¥_ surely no‘ Uetuscives unworthy, and thus cause of their rom! We ough: aff to feel that we beve a per sonal responsibility —as if the entire Psu! bung on oar indiwidun) exemsons and sac ritiews, and come up to the work of the weak against the stroug with full assur Stall any bany back and complain that the Government awee 0 Grod as oor help. has taken a tithe of their produce already and that thoy oaght to be alldwed to make ail they can of the remainder? Ifthe Go Sernmeat coald do the work required ot MonOG perrak Mos, there i no doubt it would be done Bat let sach Derons ma Curely consider the work required ot tbe Croverninent and the ineans they have to ly ih ated oat be be a trae Confederate hie Will kee Cliat Chere ts great need for erers tpan to but bis hand and beset iete Worm, «tA i pte Vouverspegbe tit Lip Ohne an weitoof lias abtlity Phere te ote moon ! BYATiCe In otir reagles be at ator, and, at nay be, Wi prove oorove ethno. “=. BT Pre dent bere a ak Vaca oe tae Testa way heedquarters of (eon Bragy le was Morven) wrth @our } eealer Ute st b pevple all along Uhe route TI ‘ \ at ey of {rer Ma: + nt Pa at Pass, Texas.-was cornpiete, only 42 Conted erates were Sard Co Deon the fort at the Ome t the defeat of Franklin the Yankee Geners Ory three Dente vile. Cee Cereen ont sUpero: turce Qear the month of and detested the enemy, and has commen of the Ruy Goal stoad in New York the th at 147$ andon W eduasday 7th, at Ling The Yankees bold seven Contederate (66 crals, and 1900 other Conledermte officers A Yankee correspondent, writing from Charleston, saya Admiral Dahlgren bas found out enough of the obstractions ip Charleston barbor to know that “his mob itors would be blown higher than a kite if he attempted to run iv.” Gov. Brown hav been re-eleeted Governor of Georgia. Thirty-five thousand French troops are re ported at Matomoras. Owen ee words 19 the d yet’ North ir, thas Te Can Bry fire Ww, and d they to be a» has- 1M por- of the ly en- confi- at al! 1) bis 0 flicts . Con Ou- + have unitv a. | eo Chere ke the throw od ges Are wo jow bs y way O!- ery a mw) wid gether bat the se WE fealen urs Ube ‘ht No . quel Ww 1D ) 3) abe for stn 1 wit ary for lange? on (he ism ot of our ef} that be pos prom be th Iv no: aper : Pesui nd sis of the assur y bany rbmeny Iready o make be Go ired ot yubt it ms Ma of the have to rate: bie roerery meritqia! ter Cet ject I'4 from ren bas ons it is mob a kite if overnor sare re mare aR SS souers in the Bat! . re Camp Douglas § f eae has At auetion on the 9th inst,, bondd.df the } 100 million loag, Jong date, ktought 1124.— Fifteen million loan 1874. ; Gen. Polk in his address oa Waving bis corps, says he feels confideot upon investiga- tion, his conduct ow the field will be amply vindicated, nese cane coptinnes to employ many of our people. We have no means of knowing the quantity that Will be made in this. county, but almost every family bas endeavoured to inake sNfficient for their owa use. We have received several specimens of late—one from Mr. Richard Cowan, one from Cranford and Uwen, aod one from Charles Holtshouser; all very good, but ail differing in some particu- are. -e = A Soldier of the © True Grit.” —We are informed that a soldier belonging to a North Carolina regiment, whuse name we could nat leare, displayed his pacriot ism Wentost exemplary manner 8 few) days sinee. He obtained a furlougt of eigt= wen days to visit bis wife and children whom he had not seen fur two years, and had come as far as Gordonsville on bie way home, wheo he heard a report that the Yan- Southward, and in answet ‘to thé loud boas prolonged calls of namerods citizens, [hes that he sent the * multam in parvo" pum, <f ee President has retired aod says wants you to bush ‘your fuss” Now, I wasn't one who called for him—bat I don’t think be used those very words, They were no nore an a crowd of eurious manwor- shippers deserved—and if he did speak them, they taoght the crowd they are very foolish to worship a mere man who can talk that way. wey no doubt feel ‘that they ure spobs—Thackeray would tell them so—the President doubtless thinks so—and I am sure the whéle crowd were literally snobved. The truth 1s, great men are not so such greater than otber wen as they seem to be—-and too often it happens that greatness consists in deceiving well But I like our President— think it questionable whether his, could be so well filled by any other in the Confed- eracy, but he has his faults, aad there is no doubt in my miad bat if Thackeray had heard his reply to his féllow citizens, be would have dubbed him a sngd of the first water. To-day the Candidates for Congress in this District met at the Coart House, aud address- ed the citizens (or the most of the day. Col ‘Moltae’s speech was the onty one I not all of that Hig offyrt was a success, aad had a very encoufuying effect on the crowd- edusseinbly. He prophesied the early ter- tiiavon ot the war—said it was io its last keeg were advancing in force, and a gen eral engagement looked for, Although the train was about ty start for Riehinond, this gallant soldier resolved to return to his regiment and take part in the expected fight. Such aman is worth a brigade of skulkers gr deserters, — Rich. Whig. From the 4th North Carolina. Camry wean tos Raprvan, } Fiteen miles below Orauge C. H., Va, September 24th, 1863. 4 Another week has shpped away, and con- | trary tu all expectauious, itis gone without | a geueral Vautle in Uns section. There has | heal sutne little etirmmshing, reconnoitering. | feeling round sod so va, but when that is sud | all ix aid. Its presumed that General Lee | mn wang to gee what will be the result of the choounter betworn Bragg and ola R my: {that Gurrs out tavorably, Pmean i what we { think if woal-f be ade to bet taat duh aruny assumes the agyres- rive in less Chan a furtaighbt Bato as | vave rinackest veat Larus oul to be tue teture utterly useless -—to guess of conjecture auwutarny upovemecnats a breath Wasted, ~0 weight as well save our pas for other and swore profitable purpcses. Two or three daw sud oagtés we lav inline of battie on the auye of bills overiooking the bevad and fer- le valley of the Rapwan ; for antes aloug tue line temporary earthworks were theowa | t te ‘ ’ cul away Where they would coxa the get , sedeeted pane ob Gur as, positeus and cleared away fur batteres, and iu tact every thing dune that could be a beneutin any wine to vur hardy soldiers, who were hou Iv ex pecuug an advance ty be made by the enemy Dapog the dayirae we could see uutherous Yaukee cavalr dhe Ulerl paced Uiear weary: round” pus.le our pickets. meu scuuuog about beyond white cuated sentries on the bank op No firing was allowed Catia sutme mstances tnendly salutatious aud nver blue jecular remarks Were tnterchaayed, as well! asa hide of the everlasung tre en cothee and lebacco, sWapping of Netvspapers, &c At tattos lu Une evening ai Gurniog the ratde/ ot inaam droms 1s borne on (be breeze trom yankeedom, inten- ced no doubt to give var boys an awtfal itn reviled the ' able pression of their nambers, as well as a whote- some dread of their prowess a pane at which Tdon't think at Lived. iskely that taey will make Gor Generals (here Was te yreat Ganger to be ed Trot an advaner Ob the eneuiy, bave taken Ure troops tran the fiililary proguestications ¢ stage. . His reasons were these: We have twelve masterly vessels buildiug in Kogland | eight ta the yards of Great Britaio—fvar in | those of France. They will soon be ready— the ulficers of “ the right stamp” are there to command them, and those that Col. M. saw, he thinks capable of knocking the most for- midable of the Yankee craft mto the most contounded confusion. He has uo doubt of their being allowed by both Governments to | sai! unmolested —having ascertaiced the opin- { ) tons of legal gentkemen during bis recent vi- | sit Kagluud. Aoother reason for his opin- | jon is the evident exbausuon of the enemy's | | resources—as proved by the utter failure of | ‘the Yaokee draft aad the pitiful depeudence | ot the North on negre soldiers to finish the struggle. Furtber, be is assured that recog- nitivn is certainly wt band, From plausible | arguinents, be copeludes that) Maxismulian’s | acvessoo and the announcement of oar re- | cogmtion will be siupnultaneously on the Lst | ot January. Seward, in lis famous circular, | objected to Euflopean interference in Mexi- cau alace to auythiug like conquest, ae vie- lane the Mouroe doctrine, Kipoleon re- pied by conquenug Mexico, Seward added thatal they saeald get a auld anc establish a | government in Mexieo—that goverument Napoleon replied by | shiag a ceal monarchy, Seward con- tended Uiat bo toretener should be placed | should be Republican ' esau -over Mexico in auy event; and Napoleon re- pled by making an Austrian—one of a na- Uow especially odious to the United States— kcoperior of Mexien. He stated the real ob- , ject of France to be to secure Mexico for ber uoderbeveb and groted OF Omior were amall grit prodocts—it> theng truce that | Fraoee cannot raise enough wheat for her wwD peopte. She also pruws the Conledera- cy lor her Cottvuu—and would like too lave her for anally. She would think it a grand advanutase to have ber Mexican interests pro- tected by Wie inferpoaitiog of our young Re- poblican, All'us sigue. The whole seeecu was refresoing and Dope-inspining Let og chertsh We hope toat his procnostications are true ! F No turther news, Dry weather and abund- aul Cor Erups s suows the Eiaperior’s de- If the people would do thetr daty avd trust a meceiul God: bow soon the war wouki cod! ARGUS. Wanted at the Froat.--Tie tollowing refrestine couversation between a Federal and a Contederate vificer at Mariettn depot touk pitce yes terday : peisoner da tbe Cars, Confederate. —So you are bagged ure you ! Fuderal.—Yes, bagged. what of itt Counted. —Nothiay, only Lougtreet’s corps has yone to Bragy aud wail bau your lea pers ractiiworks acd put Ubeui an camp im wooed Federal.—You can't tell me anvth ng ida Mota “ lo the tea ied} about E, Dyustreeteimen, Phey have made 4 ve t > f 4 7 ‘ in \ 4 ! ’ ’ we trotoften betore this, Bat iv rebe GOS Parades, CONSeyUCcHaly wee (everviondy “ f { 3 ¥ A Inend, Pi tell vou what ois tbe tact. I Se thet al tay yoity Amo oeasy tiie } ue na Nene aan cathe Chrotih vour ariny on my way tere, enon t am ov Wy celyes Und vour frends up vonder are needing as tees ow 1 nigh the day. sp sins telp badly You can deo your esuse a ed gine i ali Mares alc, reat deal more good upoatine trout than Sarmicur Co V these | Yoomett down tere Quizz Polsolwees, ~ and w Crete) oars wes om the Othcer cispersed and weut off in’ dif r atomy m our bilataets we ¢ F , erent directions a i weap Dey Tye mies yovawn = 2 tase Clotpwtig there own requietis Noting can excuse a waut of charity to erg he) ONE te aed serena et bunel- a fellow ceeature in distress, Ele is puor, Ak t \ tree by 4 Vv Peay ¥ ‘ vt t wou au ‘ peeliaps, throngl Ins own folly or that of e viliny ts so calm! » franqull soomuch : eth f lis vnecestors; and we are rich. perhaps, RY peace Tights spenCice oar alo troduight Che VESEY mow of Cannons par the bracitiy at tiowphere, bat Yon heads 1G save the ever Vatentnl sentinel, who thinks i nota sath ent reasod to justtty tana an distarbiog oar ibe Add tetsu sleep ou “ io sweet, est reatiny s OV a aobed kuow Aid Tovw: teautit wud rae He ois tae queeo Oygato as she sailsonoall her wucuurant spoen foraver taese Oattle-tamed hide! Phoned Se ilamines: thie wreek of a& onee happy Contry with hee anellow, raya, vet we can aurne that she looks down with weold pity ! Alat Boon the and tuily ‘Uus Vite (han human Tia ness tiles in the Catation of people Whi wre more We wonder when our insane enemies will yan their reasou! Dut their existence 1s staked ou our overthrow, hence, hke the ekless gambler, they must play ull ad is tier lost or won; thece is nu half-way ound. Tf we are umited as a band ot bro- hers should be, not many more fall moons | Davidson College, daily meetings of | Will roll over us till we shall moon from our own cottage | perhaps bet throngh @s and lattice work, but Yirough tears of Inexpressible joy and grati- ‘ude, for we will be at home and free. through guar own rozuery or that of our Aneestors: we teed vot often insist on the difference of ment as the reason for a dif terenee of condition, LF Col James Bo Gordon, of the Iss Noe at vy tists been promoted to Brig adiet Gdteral. 7 eis a af lant soldier and makes a good officer. kn consequence of the promotion of Colonel Gordou, Photnas Rutlin will be Colonel of the [st Cavalry, Dearnigger Lacutenant Colonel. Democrat, and Rutus Charlotte Good News.— bv a private letter we learn that the church at Statesville, under the pastoral charge of Rev. >W.W. Phare. is experiencing a re- vival of extraordinary power. As- bk. Rockwell, of | sisted by Prot. Is. a fortnight past, and sixty persons have been hopefully converted, while | many more were anxiously inquiring a ers en ae rae Bd ‘Vistriet, Col. Duwean K.-McRae, T: 1. Faison. ; 4th Wistrict, Robert Strange, O. P. Meares, Thomas CO, Faller. Sth District, How, AH. Arriugion, Jo- siab Tuaner, Capt. J. J. Davis. 6th District, Hon. Johw A. Gitmer. “7th Distwct, Hon, Thomas 8, Asie, Samuel.H. Christian. Sth District, How. Ww. Lander, J. F. Stausill, 9th District, Hon. B. 8. Gaither. 10th District, Hon. A. T. Davidson, Dr. Samuel Love, aod others Bot recollected. MARRIED: At the residence of Mr. Joseph Fisher, in Rowan coanty, ou Tuesday evening, 6th inst., by the Rev. M. M. Miller, Mr JOHN C. FISH ER of Rowan, to Miss MARY ANN LIVENGOOD, of. Davie covoty, drughter of John Livengooll. eee DIED*%. Iu bredell a Augdst Bit, from the ef- fectsof diptheria, ELIZABETH A. BAILEY. daughter of Miles and Zelpha Bailey, aged three yeare and 25 days. She was u lovely, intefligent und an attruetive child. The Sav- ioar’s gracious promise, “ Suffer little children to come unto me,” is w great suluce to the be- reaved parents and relatives. 8s 8S.M. $25 REWARD. ANAWAY fread bs isdtearibor on San- day night, Sth of Ocluber, a mulatto boy name MACK, abeat 18 yearsold, 5 feet 4 or 5 iuch- . | es high, free spoken, with pleasing counien- | ance. Said boy was raised wear the Yadkin Lostitute, in Davidson coanty. I will give the above reward for the confinement in jail or de- | livered to me, nine miles S ath of Mocksville. PB. J. CRUMP: fh October 12, 1863 Administrator's Notice. I Lavine administered on the estate of Isaac Lyerly, deceased, this is to give notice tu those indebted to his estate to come forward and make payment, and tw those having claims against il, (o preseut (hem witht the time pre- seribed by taw, or this notice will be plead in: ! bar of recovery they aleo cure Billious pia, Chifle und Fevers, and Worms. They area perfectly safe medi- Oates Vadeu, .Esq.. of Dinwiddie C ' Virginia, after deseribing femerkuble cures ded by the pooprinian 0, prod pores ig eases of the Liver, . meetin, Pa that hie family of Biliogn Rhewniatiem add Pleurivy. says: ' My Doctors bill Was been heretofore from $175 Lo $200 per gear.’ Theve used them (these pills) for family, which cousists of eighteen white and colored, aud huve noi call- ina Doctog Thisiea ving. They certainly are the bert medieive over dis- covered.” Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greene county, North Carglina, had saffered twee years from a diseased liver, which the physiciaus hud not been able to cure. He says: ‘I commenced taking the Hepatic Pills with no confidente in them. They actedlike aeharm on me. From that bour I have improved. I have persever- ed in their use until now, by Gad’s blessing, | aur wettand Leany. J had a nego mae sth, ast believe, was saved fypm. death by a dose of these pills, My Doctor's bili wus annoaliy from $100 to $200, bat I have had go use fora physician since.” Thomas H. Ranevy,.Esq., Granville county, N.C..eays: * I find your pills to be the bext family medicine I have ever used. have praved very beneficial in my own case. Ihave been very much afflicted for 15 years, and haye tried every kind ef medicine that f could get, bat have more relief from your pills than all others. My disease is a bronchial affisetion. a complete prustration of the nervous system. I nave used them in ten or fifteen cures in my | fainuy, and find them to be the very medicine | for nearly all family diseases.” | Pryce—$i,50 a bos. For $15 a dozen boxes will be vent prepaid to amy part of the Confed- jeracy. Those who desire less than a dozen | boxes, must apply to the droggists—Great re- | dvetion made to Druygists and Merchants who boy by the gross. Cush must always accom- pauy orders. Addres«, GEORGE W. DEEMS, ’ Wilson, N. C For sale in Salisbury by Henderson & En- ) niss, and in Lexington by J. P. Simpson. , October 12, 1863. 3mpd21 Brass, Copper, Lead and Zine. { €ertaift note of hand drawn payable to the said | . \ LIBERAL, price will be paid for any kind of old I woald also ask information concerning a | A BRASS, COFPER, LEAD and ZINC, delivered at the nearest Rai!-Road Station. Any persun wishing to sel will please notify me of the quantity, pricc, and Isanc Lyerly aod signed by Damel Shaver, for | y ¥ where to be delivered. the sum of four hundred dHars, collected.) supposed to be lost or mislad. If any ove of the frends of the deceased were eutrusied with the keeping of suid note, or if it be held by any une upon wiarever pretext or claim, he or She ix requested tu report (he same either to the undersigned or tu Mr. D. Shaver. JEREMIAH BARRINGER, Adininist rator. October 12, 1X63 3121 WAVTZED. NE geod SHOP MAKER to make sewed { Boots and Shoes and one good CLOSER to which the higbest prices will be paid. = For further pariuculars inguire of MP Keyes, opposite the Baltetin Office. in the Shop re- ceuily occupied by Mr. Suew asa Haisiess Shop. Charloite, Oct. 5. lw2l 54). & Lnspeetor Geuerals Office, Richinond, Sept. 8, 18€3 4 (Extract) SpreciaL Orpers, / No. 213. § 6 bane BUREAU of Conseniption is author- ized tu raise and equip in each of the Sates of Georgia, Sveth Carolina, North Carolina and Virgina, one Battalou of Sa Companies ot mounted mean, who tarnish their own horses, and who ere ned liable to coascriplion, tu be under the ordersof the Bureau for the purposes of Consenption, the arrest of deserters aud tor local defence, oaustered for ove year Companies to elect their own Officers. The Field Offieerto be assigned irom officers be- longing to the Enrolling Service. Companies not tu exceed one hundred rank and file By command of the Seccetary of War, Signed JNO. WETHERS, Ass. Ady i Gen'l. OIE Constript Oflice \. C. / Raleigh, Oc 4, isos \ THE Commandaat ioviies ive all persous expable of bearing of attention of buf ure exempt trom milidary duty uirder the pres: ent regulations, to the above order ol the Sec- retary of War Tc will be seen that itis the ingeaiion of the was, who * Department lo mise a Batiaiioa of inonuted men, for special serview in No. and the Com- mandant hopes that all able-bodied men, who may be exempt by reasom «i turnshed snbstitutes or otherwise, will not this call, but will hasten to eulistin the detease of their homes, their tire-sides and the Stale that gave them virth. Parties enlisting ia this Batirlion will be ex empt from duty inthe Miiiaund thome- Gaurd, and will receive the pay and allowance of cay- alry-men. The Enrolling Offer r+ are authorized to receive report directly struction By oider of Col Comurandaat ot | HUGd L COLE, Capt. & A. AL ALG eee WANTED FgNO PURCHASE, or shares. 500 Hogs atthe C8. Distillery, Salisbury, Apply to Surg. Jas ‘TP. Jonyson Med. Pur Charlotte, N.C “ALL ALITEND. HERB will be «& Rowan County, at (ie Court House, i Salts thas utes shirtuk trom throughout the State ecomis, or lav mrss aterther of the Camps ot ba PETER MALLE re oBsCr pls lor Noe to fatten on NoG meetiag of the on that} great interest have beeu held during ‘bury, on Saturday the t+th of October, to raise funds for the benefit of those in need, and aleo for the benefit of oor brave soldiers’ families, | | embracing those in Town and County. MANY CITIZENS. NAT. | the way of lit’.—J. C. Presbyterian, | Saliebary, Oct. 7, 1863. ‘date vot re- : cilizens of A. G. BRENIZER, Capt. Art’y Com’'d’g. | C.8. Ord. Works, Salisbugy, N. C., Oct. 2, 1863. f WANTED! WANT to hire TEN or FIFTEEN NEGROBS, stout active boys, as laborers. Those having negroes to hire, will please apply to me at the Confederate States Ordnance Works, dalisbury. t A. G. BRENIZER. ____ Caps. Art’'y Com’d’g. WANTED! £20 WANT to hire FWO BOYS, (white) oamake sores 4u | the Poundry attached to the C. 8. Ord. Works, Sal‘s- | bury. A. G. BRENIZER, Cap®. Art’y Com’d’g. " ’ . . ope lo Soldiers’ Families! NHERE will be no more money id to families o Soldiers after October. 1 have thought it best to invest the balance of the Fund in provisions, which will be given out instead of money. It may take all the \ month of November to get a stock of provisions on hand ' I will use every effort to ubtain supplies as early as pos- | sible. J. S. McCUBBINS. Salisbury, Oct. 2, 1943 tf20 Com’r. * <i ; {a Government Wure-house. { Auother Great: Victory! HAVE tor nlp, and wil vend post paid, the ‘following Receipts to avy ‘one for mek » Blac, Red aud Bine Toke and Shoe Kitty. Also, « receipt for waking u ovmpo- . jou for welding casi pteel. one He Ver. for varnishing Lroo. 1 will send ell the above receipts for one dollar single, or all for five dol- lare avn iy weotioa! Mockibe axaitce, Oe as Cotton +t am prepared to furnish a re- ceipt for making hoaddlg varnish, which I ob- tained from the North loug before the war— This reeeipt I will send, pest paid, for five dob ars. Addresa, M. L. MULINIX, Stowesvitle, Gustwon Co., N.C. OUT of Marphy's lot, my bay MARE and } HARNESS. The Mare is abvat twelve years old, blood bay, sixteea hunds high, in fine oedey, one white hind foot, shod all round ; a little hipped, which is only perceprible when trotting. Harness half worn. silver plate, pad late'y mended, red webbing on the lines ; had on hulter whew taken. 1 will give FIFTY DOLLARS rewerd for ber delivery in Salisbu- ry, and ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for the apprehension of the thief. ; R. H. COWAN. Salisbury, Sepe. 28, 1863. 20 LOOSE. COTTON — OR SALB, AT HENDERSON & ENNISS’. October }, 186% _ (£20 WANTED at my Shoe Store 190 Green Hices, for which the highess price wilt be paid in cash. 3NO. A. BRADSHAW. Salsbury, Sept 14, 1863. fT Administrator's Notiee. HE subscriber having a the August Term of the County Court of Rewan, taken Letters of Administration according to law, on the es- tate of Christiun Bringle, dec’d., hereby gives notice to all creditors of said estate, to present theit claime duly authenticated within the time limited by law, for that parpose, otherwise this uvtice will be plead in bur of their recovery. Debtors to the estate will also please make pay- maeut iutnediately. D. L. BRINGLE, Adm’r. Aug. 29%h, 1863 —t&15 Exehange Netice, No. 6. { Ricumonp, Sept. 12, 1663. TFNHE FOLLOWING CONFEDERATE officers and men, eaptured at Vieksburg, \ Miss. July 4, 1863, and subsequently paroled, have been duly exchanged, nud are hereby so declared = 1. The officersand men of Gen. C. L. Steven- son’s division. 2. The officers and men of Gen Bowen’s- divison. 3. The officers and mea of Brigadier Genera! Moore’s hrigade 4 Yhe officers and meu of the 2d Texas Regiment. : & The officers and men of Waul’s Legion. 6& Also, all Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at Oity Pome at any tinse previous to July 25th, 1863, have been daly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. : RO OULD, Agent of Exchange. ETTER PAPER—A small lot of first rate Letter paper for sale at the WATCIOMAN OFFICE. August 24, 1863. - : Sept. 13-6t 7 ELL be received fora building to be erect- To the People of the Eighth Con- | Carolina. Yielding to the wirhes of my friends. I re- spect fally myself a Candidate for election in the neat Congress of the Confeder- anbounce , ate States Could Po have endorsed the course of your tormer Representative, T would not have been | I do consider | not devoted | Aud has prompted to have offe red. that he, tik others, Re many gressional District of North’ enough of his time and tabers te onr commen | “ cause. speaks of in bis Card, FE wish vou to mark, and give it, with other things, vour grave consider- Asio the repeated overtures that he | tten. Nothing eft us but lo conquer a peace by force ot arms.’ God help ns! Now Vir Lender bad bot little to do with the overtures of : whielt he speaks. they having been made pre- viogs to des election, and LT bebeve that nuete , coud Have beea done by such overtures in our own fist Congress, Bat, why stand ve idle * put other men in therr place. and tet someshtng be douwe. Our Courirvos bleeding at every pore Ab army of the best men thet ever trad oie suffering the greatess of pevatious, la weary on accennt of the iacecivity of theses Wiens we have chosen to Legistite tor us; and judging the future by the past, cna we even Jook tor any thie fron the first Congress of the Contederate States Yet uch contd be | done fer our good, ia oto secure to Us peace ind fndenendenes. Now our Courtry is die- Qaieted on two extremes, Phare one and des: ee the other. Ome is peace of any terms, and subrni io be eustaved Che other is war to the last. and be torced to wear the yoke These feelogs, my Countryinen, are not pve \ logisinte and fight ton petriot. Mav phangis te Wheo the ehimces are ag timst. ane tie nrore when we hive the advantsge poor tis crher words, fight with Che peo as as well as swerd, and we will soon b Se beonclid™ by saving. it you are satisfied with the conse of Mr lander, vote for tian Ht netomy name as before voo, and TP pledge mnvselfin the name of my bleeding Coungry lo? be futhful tor its good Now Teanner boast of beng T stood by the Emon te bot answered to the Arst of North Carolina for ‘I been in service for more (han two years, Tcgn not thik, that the only way, for us to prove ourselves worthy, /4 by uwong by force of arms, the ‘orte by ‘asase first « the Tast, COESSIONISL, oops; and now having Ibut beliewe in most desperate t egislation. J. F. STANSILS, Capt. Co. B, 4th N. €. T. September 28, 1863 6119 C7 Charlotte Bulletin and Democrat, and | Mountain. Bagle, are requested to publish two | Tow: | weeks, earth, are Tiow- | ) houses. ‘PROPOSALS \ ed at China Grove Station to be used as Said building to be 25 by 65 feet. Vertical weather-boarding, well Battened, 10 feet from sill to eaves. 8 feet pitch. To be construeted of lumber in the roagh. and to Je built in a strong substanti- al mennkr. Proposals for building the same will be received at the office of Ve.J. Mills Esq., Salisbury. 4 Nails willbe farnished by the Government : E. A. PROPST, Agent Taxin Kind, No. 2. feof. 18) Tee SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE~ ceived the following urtictes, to wit: 00 dozen Coats 6 Cord Thread, 5000 Needles, assorted ‘ Bik and White English Ginghams, Salt, Nails, 8. 10 und 6, Shovel Muulds. MICHAEL BROWN. On cousignment 6 Boxes fine chewing To~ bacco. M. B Salsbary, Sept. Qe, 1863. tflg , ~ Y ‘ WANTED OR RENT A PLANTATION troin 200 to 400 acres of open land, with » good Dwelling and necessary out- — The Place must be healthy, affording T.G. HAUGHTON, ay BUY coutaling | good water. | Salisbury. to legestate | ealbef the Governor | September 25, 1863 (fg “a DBD EE @ = te } . i ! PF ang person has an account against Capt i W.C. Lord, dee'd, he is requeated tt pre H sentit tome for payisent. ue T. G. HAUGHTON SALE OF SLAVES. i | No puysoanee ot of the County Court had for chat qorpose, Do will sell for the purpose of division among the next of kin of Jone Allison, the tollowing Slaves: One negro woman, about 35 vears old, and her female child eight tears old and one other girl about thirteen veare old. ‘The sale will bes at Ap- drew N. Allison's, Jr. on the [7th Actoder, JX63. ut sx months credit, with bond and se- erder trom purchaser, T. W. ALLISON, Adm’r. Falistown, [redeli county, ¢ Sept. Wirth, 1263 \ cumy 3wl9 SALT! SILT!! SALT!!! Sabsistenee Department, / M Satsbury, N.C. Sept. 26, 1863.) WILL exchange salt for bacon, giving (we pounds of good salt for one of bacon ly at ofhice next to Cowan's brick — A. MYERS. Capt, & A.C.S ref 19 a} a! CIRCULAR ; > . 7 To the Voters of the Eighth Con- qresstoreal District of North Car- olina : } respectially announce myself to you as a eandidate for re-clection. By your Kiad partiality T have the honor | Wa scatin the First Congress of the C nfed- etate States From thé dime of quy eiecuon nett Medical Colleges and Hospitals, beth North aad Bouih, and having been prac- tieing in the vations depart- me's of bis profeasion for over 10 yea.* with good success, he comiinues to offer his services to the pablic where he ts permanently located, ! and by strict attention iv his profosnon willen- | he Confederacy has beeu eugaged ia stu-* 3 | fore, and holde himeelfin readiness at all hours, pendous war, for the purpose of drawing back » day and night, for profe sonal calls. ae IP Office at Rosediau’s Store. Execative Beparimenc, Nerth Mvbetgne Apsuranr Generaz's Orrice, Raleigh, July a, 1803 } | R. ARCHIBALD ; Rowan Couaty, » authonzed to reise a regiment to serve for six mouths, under the re- | quis’ wa of the Prende nt. the ruchless wivaders of its soil, and esta ny the peace aud independence to which it} a3 so pusy enytied. Overtures having beep | repeatedly made by our Governinent, to ter- mitiate busctiues and settle the exisuiug dit | eulues by negotiation and bonurable adjust- ‘uent, and these overtures Laving been as of- ten indignantly rejected. oo alternanve re- Taine ; live back the le pate to = but to : ve back the invaders conviet of 75 men, The privates will elect and conquer & peace Dy their comphny officers, the latter will elect : “ bike to Congress, therefore, a8 your rep- { their field officers The officers will be com- fwsentative, ] used every eXerGOD ID DY POW- | i gsianed at and from the time the uueler- ec to streagthen and juctease the army, W | ais are filed ia this office wt¥e proper assistance aud encouragement to} DAN'L G. FOWLE, the Execuuve, and to prevent, as far as pos- Adjatant General. sible, Chose disastrous collisions between ‘he { Avil and the military auWwonues which are 6 Nees UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO 80 apt Go occur and so difficult to adjust in such of his fellow-citizens as may choose time of war. . a to yan hen, t » report to him at once at Sahs- I voted for both Cons: iption acts, wot be- | bary. Tf the force called ee by the Aaiceneen ° fy 3 » wause J desired to forge the Southern citimert | 8 Bet ee of agra speak ; : fee : ‘ 5 trom his home and family to tae cainp and | vol@atecr at BS ence er ns ; R tion, they will be drafted aod have officers ap- battle-field. but because | considered them A ‘ ; fs %od sabi h i udenc {the peinted by the Governor over them Vhe ser- sett ha me LO thes QUE peogence yO viee is for State defence aud for but six months. country. . Rally, men! The enemy is now advancing I voted to raise the pay of the non-com- : nee : apoy our coast, threateniug the destruction of missioned officers and privates in the anny, | oer homes and the destruction of oar me*ne of Bmpd lo loree ot arms. because I believed that they both deserved | subsistence, to say nothing uf the disgrace and | and needed it. | worse than death their presence entails upon 1 voted ayainst the Exempton acts, not | oar sisters, oar wives and children because I was opposed to all exemptions. but | the defence of your homes and firesides. because 1 considered those acts wrong in | A. M.N ESBITT. : prine:ple, dangerous in policy, and unjust en | Salisbury, N.C. many of their discriminauuns I voted tor the Funding bill, because | choughtit necessary to dinpnisl the volume , of the curreucy aud thereby lo give more healthy action to the finances ef the country I voted for the Tax bill of die House, which Jaly 6, 1863.—{1f7)} Charlottesville, Virgin:a, was rejected by the Senate: but, belore the" pow prepared to take nsks oo property at rea- conterence bill, which is the present Tax law, | sonable rates. end for limited periods of ime, and on different grades of praperty:—Such as came up foraction in the House, I was call- ed away by affliction 10 my family, a: Thad no opportunity to vote cit! against that measure. In fine, 1 voted for every measure which I | thougne would give strength to our army, } Sige? to 1be(zovemnmient, Rid eonhienc 1 pany has already been sold for ten per cent the country. | 5 =} Th own oe _. . - . | premiam Should you endorse my course as your | pany to be of the mast reliable characier. and representauve by a re-election to Congress. || any losses from policies issued by this Compa- shall be guided by tbe same prinerples and | ay. wit be prompuly met according to the rerms pokcy which my record indicates, and I shall) se: forth in its poucies. devote my vest energies and atlention to se- | Persoas in Saltebary aud views desiring cure your “and, although I desire | their property insured, can have dn opportuus- peace as ardenily as any one, and siall use | ty of doing so by calling va me. every honorable means to obtain it, yet L will | A.J. MOCK, Agent. ’ t Salisbury, N.C, ; Juiv 16, in63. 4 uy Cotton, Tobaccu. Produce, Wachinery, Mer chandise, Buildings, &e. laecnee for ot Cash Capstal ali paid io, and held by «ome of the wealthiest and best people of Virgins. A interest SonsebDt to mo adjustmeat which dove no bring with it the independence of the Con- __ tederate States, their total separation trou) S bd ( ) R E VW ‘ R I) the mited States. and all ihe blessievs ut hb- ae) L a \. e ty to whieh we are entided bv sod tor which we are bow conten ings trust isin (rod. Our 4 Doertacce j “4ARLY IN JANUARY LAST, THE Office of Mo & Fo Myers was broacn open anc the faillo ving aficles stolen iher from: One : fine Engst Gold Lever Watch, © ch the dame ae , of DOA. fillinagt oa yn the face, German Tent letters, behe ved ide nade by J. Jonusten, Ring. barge Diamoud (hur Cause 18 just, Our I ficnily beneve, is ta be vieturioas Lesuuy, ole irselves worth is pTOVe?G worthy of oar destiay. Let us be united is Liverpool: one wn mond _ . 2 om centre clustered around with sinall Dia- Whole world cotubined eects and : A > \ Our efforts. abd the mopds; ope fine Guid Ring, with forget me pot, CACDUL EDsiave us. . inseribed thereon: one sett Ear Rives and ] am, very respectfully Beeant Pin, Coral ond Geld; twe Gold Chata- Your obedient se-vant, in Ping: one Buneh Gold Charms. consimung W. LANDER. of the two Locks .s with teimatores > Sipoer . Lancolnton, NC, 4 Crs, Hart. Shed. acd others net recoliented : August 27. 1863.49 ¢ Cora! Breast P me trod Bresst Pin = z sett with Peork . ope Neentnes with darge — . ove! Jets. with Gross ou centies ane Dne Fan Salisbury Female Seminary. (one tare Block Lace Mootle, Boner Horuckerehief ¢ o, Meeves, & 2 De nenaud Ce ry. | HE Eleventh Session «' [nsi.tution, wii Vv Sehootinithe bt September borister Sits, afid tian Ofte open the 4ch 1563 ” Board per sesso, KISd Oe, tt red w Tatton ia Eozieh. 625 40 aud 3) OO 4 iN t eon Misc with are of Piano su 0 4 pcr ‘ - Lain. Greek aod French, extra. 8) escn € t entitied by WOR Pawsle required to furuish how aid towede isp {» , Pay ine ut strietiy 1 agvauce Fier parieu a 1 Yee ‘ apla \ lars, address evea, Sr, W mony ASD. WEHGREN SUN et 1 Proocipa PMA GUS duly, 1563 uid mie coe © odie Vo. Pant rs Tr? Piree ¢ fr tA Gin .w “THE |. ps da ghee Wee hk st otis offic Cue ii ex. semsqon of this ACADEMY u t , menee on Toesdav. the Gof OGetber. Phe Aa @i A Ancient Danguages and Werner Wa Walce ‘| as Are LAUT aeci rycen the ee ‘ A AV INE, ‘ " ‘ of improved Chsasmcal svs j fri Tene ' A; ~ ee. nginallthe brauweches wine Yoocot ' v { a t stant end Vigorous <i te the cine VON ESBITY charactdrretic of chis cones fecudy For fu UG aoe ance he Cou fos particulars a8 to re text-book» vi us } modes of instruct ( 400. terns 6 . tuition, Ee. pleate appl erpal » Now is ‘Se time tv pay Woney, EDWARD Payson HALT = . Sept lith i263 eye AT x Lib VER<O%s EPTHE iN Up 7 cone we ouOte OF nt r t SALISBURY. No . Seat 14.63 Day up Nore E71), Meer] wien: Gf 40M VESBITY 4 Com v Avot Rewiment NO Props, June 15, pxe3 will reper: teme at Melebary NO with eI fave froin th « cat ithe ary UF ei pre oD x . HVE Ty for whose apytehens feo. ah, et WOOL WANTED. $30 willbe p . PZ Gray, Deep W i eas Wan bon leet (1ESRING (eM ye) Rut y, near bao wa by Wit s Wir ar Salisbury. NV is \ Malte aroSa Sastry dans 14, 1863 3 Sry Nt.) ER saliabury, N | C.WG Whore, V j counts. MOA . Th A ) 5 \4 Miranda, J . } uk oe Wt Hib BRON .7 eae Avig ne Gee [COMMISSION MERCHANT I \ (ey Gant | IPE Py NOG Co Aad fino SBURY N i eal PET pesca attention given to To the Farmers of Rowan gua rey _ Conmgrments ether for sale in this miurket or [ HE PHOROUGH-BRED MORGAN | { ie on { ii eles ean wh) ah STAULION YOUNG AMERICA, will sonsid | oo ee eee meee Pee eyes the present I Season iin Salishor dat | see tase 9 tl aeg f fir John t | f.rm H Salisbury, July 33, de bad C. 8. BROWN , J. F FUOAKD [ pe ky WANTED AT HENDERSON October 1, 63 bw & ENNESS’, Deuggista June 15, 1*63 f4 BLANK DEEDS, FORSALE\ BLANK DREKDS AT THIS OFFICE. ~ AVING stadjed in proa- | ! deavor to merit a Gberal patronage as hereto- | M. NESBITT, OF Each cympany will ! Rally wo! Confrderate Insurance Company, I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY |; from the above Insurance Company, and am | Tnx Company has” been ip operation bat a short time, has uw large i jarge amount of the Capital Stock of this Come | I can safely recommend this Com- | FOR SALK AT THUY OFFICE NOTICE. To all whom ji may Concera)- | Ch eden totHG namber of riots; mobs, n- pressments tad (hefis in the county, | feel it a duty 1 uwe be myself to udopt the following rules and regulatwns at my mill: Let. 1 wil! not be responsible for apy Flour, taken Meal of auy hin@ of Grain that may from me by’ mob rot or nipressment. | 2d. Twill vot be responsible for auy Groin | siored at py mill @nu! ordered tu be ground. 3d. TL will not be respounitto for auy Mealor ) Flour more than 24 hours afier it is abade; at the same tine, Twill take the be& care of it that Peau, and the same care that FT take of my own. The agit is always uoter block and {wey when we leave i¢ J.-S. McCUBBINS. Salisbury, March 30. 1863 if435 NAT] >) LEATHER. j HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF priine Wecessily Comtinues to advanee in price, and shoe-makers are predicting that prices hith- erto accounted enormous will ke mext (o noth. | ing a8 compared with prospective demands — This may be 80, amd probably will be true an- | leas consumers shall (uke timely warning and prepare to sapply their wants without purchas- fing [tas beheved there are surplus cattle and hides enough in tke couatry to supply the pub- lic demand for leather Farmers, as a geueral thing, keep more gaigle than gan be well kept ‘and made must profitable. If they would take as good cure of their cows as they do their | horses and mules, ove half the number would be more profitable for milk and batter. The surplus stock might be faiteaed and slaughter- | ed. The undersigned desires to “do all in his | power to keep down the price of leather, and if he cao secure the co-operation of stueck-own_ | ere. he believes he can do much good ia this di, recuon He cannot afford to pay the presen, e\traordiuary demaads of dry and green hide aod then se}l Jeatherat @2,the highest price ) he has, up to this time, sold at. | ers, who have hides, will send them to his Tan- | nety, (or leave them alt Sprague. Brothers, in | Saliebury,) be will Tan them on the asual | terms, obligatiny | tiumeelf to sell his own share | ala rate only reasouable enough ta justify him | in eo doing IT don't wish to speculate, have done. aud will do all Dean, agatuet it Sonny their Hides Tanne! can | one wishiag to have do as abave directed, : T. W. HAYNES May [8 1563 (f32 ! LARGE guavuty of TOBACCO for sale | a Xby JNO. F. FOARD. Salsbary. Apnl 23, 1863 Uf49 | N. C. White Sulphur SPRINGS. OPENS TO-DAY FOR VISITORS have the benefit of these | r bh | | HE poblie can valuable waters. | PRICE OF BOARD $5 per day, 28 per week: 875 for 4 weeks We have a plennful supply of pryvisions and | a good stock uf ice secured A daily line of | \ becas aud mal to the Spnoge.. H H. L. ROBARDS, Propnetor June). 1R63 12 Tie A and Wh ile AL 2rnme Le hte x, 7 Oo W Bowish to pusehase a larze bot. for winch we will pay Th cents perpoand They 1 muat be cleo and wee ! HENDFRION & BNNISS Salebury, June 15. 1963. fs “ NUMBER of ine - Buruett” pattern, admitted to be ihe best ever manufactured in the Nouthera eo@ntry. on reasonable | te-ms than any other article at the present tims ete Apply soon to JOHN SHUMAN, Sr ry, Jane Bb, 1963 fo | “Se 2P’ EE 8G > Bie WILE come or send on Taesdays. Chorsdays and Satur. days to get any Hides tiat may be left there | forme Saiiah to Sorague Bros. in | NSalishary Ty. W. HAYNES 1563 . 1f3 oc INP BOTTLES WANTED, foc wiich we will pay the nighest pice HPENDELOON & ENNISS, Druggist» 15, PRe3 tft “au BE O'ER ECED 4 r LCoS. De Salisbury, N.C, Ray Vonarend Ou Sushels Maple ( ’ Prop sronet be a [ane 1 rewsed to 1AS. T JOUNSTON, Medical Purvesor © 8S A, Charkitte, NOC Ju i I-63. tf -, ) x , ) 310 REWARD VILE oe given for two SADDLES stole ' stab m ithe @4athoust One ie black per Ct hie ered feather, aims, two Brides r 1 horiingtee fsuppeaed to be in the mrad of Charts Welenuzte’a Alm, a) Huodred dollSew for tbe apprehenwon of Wie MeNEELY Ta) To the Farmers of Rowan, | ] {oanigions to bay com, wheat, flour, meal t vacon for the eoluiere “anihes ot Rowa pare atmoal xuft gy and J have ‘ yas ther pre these tt toat the Farin € the con Idlers families the preferance JS MeCURBIN, Com for Rowan 11<63 tl) FCO -ALE—A 60° HORSE NGINE i b the Wachimery of Rowan Mile Comet hree Fregeh Bur smut Wa aah e vice, Bette, Saw Mill and (ees 4 we allan good cuininig order Pa be made now, hee v delivered one December next Veo 1000 BOXES TOBACCH JNO FO FOARD Na ty. Sept. 14, [R65 Suey SPELLING BOOKS. A SMALL supply of Spelling Books on | hand. Those in need of them had better call nat WATCHMAN OFFICE. August 3, 1863. Bat if farm- | . ae intpe ce ?: we BF ae iy HIS ariicie is being manufactured hese ‘ the seriously In the maoufectore of Cartridge paper used io the fabrication of aunmunition, rew cotton can be used if u certain proportion of hemp be mixed with it. a Tam euthorized by the Ordvance Depart- ment to purchase material for this parpose , and T take this method of appeating to the people to yasisi roe in cullecting old rope, bagging, waaie cordage, &c., or nay kind of old hemp. A good price will be paid for the above ma- terial, varying from 10 to 25 cents per pound, according 'o condition, locality, &e. I will sfso pay 40 cents per pound for old scrap Lead delivered at the Works, A. G. BRENIZEQ - Capt. Ant’y. Office C. 8S. Ord. Works, Salisbury, N.C June 29, 1863. HBSib Oct “Stonewall” Jaokson. J usr PUBLISHED, and for sale by N. 5. MORSE & CU.,A ta, Ga, A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sxgatci OF « STONEWALL” JACKSON. By Cuances Hariocn: Being a full and accurate acevuni of the Leading Events of bw Life, hu Dying Moments, aud the Obseequies at Rich- mond and Lexington. This work containe many anecdotes of the iWastrious soldier that have never before been published. For sale by al! Book Stores wad News Agents” Price $1 U0. The (rade supplied at a tiveral discount. LP All orders addressed to us will be pronspt- ly filled. N. 8. MORSE & CO. ub Augusta, Ga. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: Johu A. Mebane, W. J. McConnel, C. P- Meudeuhall. 0. P. Weir, James M. Garrett, Johu L. Cole, No H. D. Wilson, Wm. Bariin gem David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed H. Lindsay, Greensborough; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert BE. Troy, Lamberton fexander Miller, Newbern; VThadeur Me- Gee, Raleigh: Thomas Jonnson, Yancey- ville; Dr. W.C Ramaey, Wadesborough ; Rev R.C. Maynard, Frankiatea;, Dro EGP. Wat- son, Watsonville. orvicens : NH D WILSON, - - JED.H LINDSAY,- - C.P. WBENDENHALL, PETER ADAMS, - WMH. CUMMING, - WJ. McCONNELL, - J. A. WERANE.. - J.W.GARRETT,- - Alleommunications on basiness connected withth: Office, should be addressedto PETER ADAMS. Secretary Greenaboto’. N.&.. Jane 19, 1560 tf4 DENTAL NOTICE. W. F. Bason, M. D. EDR CA’ BE Oe’ BO President Vice-Presideut Attorney Sec. aud Treas Genegal Ageut Execative Com. \\ OULD respeetfoly maky knew bathe | hasretaken ts DENTAL RUOMS io Sats bury r N.B Awl wall et the ume, those calling suit him to remain afl his abeence, willbe pots fied of tus acnieals bY feaveng ther names inthe etter Box attached to the deerofthe Otee of yy addressing bum through the Post Office, at this place Dee der PROGR [1628 JAMES HORA, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One 'oor wR BA Murphys ss SANGISEU BRYON 4 y” BERS coanta iN meni of ke, Watches and Jewelry ofevert de- of bane 4 e assor WATCUES aud JEWELRY © arreelim th Dest noe rer and or brow 4S’ CB BW’ O'S BD PO O00 STAVES is THE CUN *STATES DIS TILGE RY. formerly owned by M v & oR My ts frry 1s f howe To he of white trnber, cloariot p¢ vew, 44 Cig oug, from 4 Ginches {d}inueh et [t ' Winches from os i) * oe, 1 } i} 8 y TOs sand SOO Fle want VWorhest a arket eo owill he nee \ “a IAS. V JONSON, Medien! Purveyor © SNS A Charicotta NN. ¢ Jane 15. 1aF3 rf “a GB B'S @ lke ALL THOSE INDENTED TO WE ON my Book Store aceonot, will please ont Mr James HO Bovis, thoraed nyent and wet he gree AGL. theme 4 ' Oo me on my ayhece tien and pret Lecount will plage « Beiise aid wattle a Some of om ee its have beet stand ce JES, and Pde hope that thor why ore ne well call at ones and mettle up Coufeder.- Ie onvey 38 plenty there Q@an be no excuse I] prefer to takeai su payment of does J.J STEWART pauly 6th. 1=63 167 ~ 6 ia ae ft OF DP | WILE rent the highest bidder on the premi- cea, onthe ith day of Oetober the planta Gon belonging to the Heirs of Marah Chann, Dee d., for the term of twelve perton wantog to reuta good platwion would do well to be present on thagday i+ Terms made kuown on that day 46:18 T.C. HYDE, Adm'r BLANK DEEDS FOR SALK AT THIS’ OF FICK. months Any ! To all whe TO ALL PERSONS INDEB?. | ED 10 US! Aw Fereons igdebted to the irm of A. & | W. Myers and.A. Myers, ure hereby respoet. | fulty requestéd to eettlo their respective obli- | gations either in person or by letter,’ without needless delay. They will thus save interest and the inconvenienee of payment when mon. | ey may be less ubondant theo at present. | hope the friends of the tute “firms will not re. quire longer indolgence, but respond to thie urgent call, as it i» necessary that the business should be closed with as little delay as possible ; A. MYERs, | Office next to Cowan’s Brick Row. Selisbury, March 30, 1863. 1145 - OIL, OIL. | | | ONE BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL for | sale, apply to WM. WATSON, ) Be 5 miles weet of this place. Or at this Offies _ Brown's Livery Stable. | 1° keptap as heretofore le } is gratifying to him that thie establishment, begun, at first, at a doabtfulexperime nt, has proved te the public a great desideratam and a com. plete success. Travelers, and others can al- ways have their wants in th-eline, wellsop plied. Cash prices paid for Provender. And the subscriber» always ready tosell or buy good Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN. tf85 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. % ’ ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for whied "will be paid @1 for medium site, and amatler ones in proportion Apply to R. F Simonton, Statesville, of A J. Mock, Salisbary. December 8, 1862. DR. HOWERTON | "TRENDERS bie professions! services to the eitizeng of Salisbury Office at the Boy- den Houre. Mar 9, 1863—1/42 Jan. 1at. 1863. (fo yy 6 le Bs TE Os Dr SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1862 A CE those indebted to the firm of McCusains & Fosten, will call atthe Boot & Shee Manofeetory of John A Bradshaw, nex door lo the Watehman Office, on ihe sabsern ber, and settle their sceount®, either by vow orihe caeh. Now is the tume to pay debia e (f:26 THOMAS J FOSTER. SOTTON and LINEN RAGS wonted be ( JNO F FUARD Sakshory, Apr) 2, 1663 1f49 . Poxt Office Notice. | CIOUTHERN and Western Mal choses at Ss | 12 Moy Neh ru Masboh-wee ai 8 PM Cheraw, SS. Suondey, Toesdey and Thur- day =~ P Ws Mockoville, Monday, Wednee daward Friday. 8 P Mia Wilkeshors Ture day. s P.M ; Troy, Thorsday, 12 U } Sunday Office Hours. From 12 Ye uu 2g PL OM froma POM upul OY. M The above rales will not be deparied from voul further noler All persons are expected vo poy their Post Office access when presented at the ead o the quarter, otherwme Twill be compelled ie sell their papers for the postage MOSES A. SMITH, P.M May 4, 1563, um) Dr. J. A. CALDWELL Rieu eee sof Subhebury aud the sar Office two dawe { citizes freunding eomnlry helow M Brown's «fice Tir tomy absence, ieave von name op the Siate J | Ma, 4—1fO NALT SALT BUSTELS for saie ‘This Salt isu e- aM bie verv dev baving ranted equal wan ede oinihe Souk been in an ware -hyuse } for gine mopthe apply to R&A MOKPHY. Ags . et as Wat ie TT PURCTIASE OP RENT, AN TM rroved Eatin tire Weeror North Waru Appiv at thos Office Aug Win ond tea ' pe ISVETH THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS of thre Tastitution wish to Hl oy | office of Matron, now now varunt None ob ee (han noepcuinbered females necd anply fe information, frerpe he duties, Ac, or we ofiee. app y t clug the ange rertnet Ab FISHER Phveruo and Supenite Raleigh, duty 40, 1863 — 16:13 SALISBURY, SEPT 7, 1608 Yo Gas Consumers, T TIE price os MW per LUMO feet Gases fiom Sept. Det wil be LPer Order SE. EINTON, Works Im:16 | Supt Gea dept 7 Sonthern Express Company { FENWIS Company having made acrangemen * to extend the line over the Western \ ' Rai) Royd, is now prepared to forward daily FREIGHTS, MONEY PACKAGES, &- 6 all pointe on this Road. ; 3.0. WHITE, Ageot * Aug. 10, 18693—2mol2 KB. fA.& espeet. vt obli- without interet nm mon- ent. | not re- to this business poosible. Sy Row. tf45 OIL for place. s Offies ble. fore ole shat thie first, at 1s proved | & fom. pean al-— wellsop- And the buy good OWN. 1155 TED. for whiee size, and Ne, of A (fa N ee tothe the Boy- firm of ¢ Buot & haw, nex e sabser roby poe debis STER. wanted be VARD mi PM iied {am their Post the end uo npelied ie i, P.M ud ELL OFFERE vices to the i the sur rp two dawe me OD the 4—0r. , Salt is we- he Souk ware «hy use \. Ags f bbe ‘ AN TM ho Wara ce ORG @ tec Nn oF eho fll None oh Dapply. be Ac, of we LEER { crangemen ® estorn NS ward daily \GES, &°- F., Ageot pothied gad? wees whl ——— —— ae by > ——. a ' 7 4 P pie mb d uf wit 0 ‘etimetinns 097s BAND kw Goda i .' 4 VEFALY. VOL. XXL 5. J. BRONER, on SRE Ser TSH i a eee ang wer were mainly due to Southern oe telect and valor, and the to ETO produe- eee tions of Southern labor aod soil.— Every page of the now closed jistory of what was the United States is Justrous with the genius of the Soa- thern minds aud the achievements of Southern courage. As the old Union drew near the hour otf its dissolution, a Southern Senator put ov record a claim, which impartial history will allow to be just, in behalf of the genins ree patnotism which had at tbat ; So = nion “the admiration of the world,” THE FUTORE OF THE CON-4 vefore the malign spirit of Northern FEDERACY. fanaticism becaine potent enough tor The geveral judgment of mankind mischief, “You complain,” said sustains the cupvietion whieh is uni- |Senator Hammond, of South Caro- versal with our people, that the lina, addressing himself to the lead- Confederate States cannot be. pre. | ers of the Republican party, on the vented from obtaiging the imdepen- | 4th of March, 1858, “you complain denee for which they ure so bravely | of the rule of the Sour. Pit has Price of the Watchman. From and after this date, and until there is achange in the prices of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on busi- ness, the subscription rates of this paper will be two dollars for six ‘months, and three del- vars for a year. Apvearisixu, two dollars for the first, and ove dollar for each subsequent publiatios. April 20th, 1863. in —— lias SALISBURY, | sttruggling. Their success is, cer been another cause whic: pre- SSS tinies, what will|he wanting to ena- ble the Confede States to vecu- py a front rankj among the great: powers of the pf Great in ca-| pabitities, they would soon become great in reality.) We presume that no reasonable mag will deny that they are capable of supporting at least sv dense a population, in pro- portion, as Massachusetts. The ani. , ber there to the aquare mile is 126. This namber, maltiplied by tte: square miles cor@posing our territe- , rial area, wouald:give a population of more ena mdred inillious. We may there | maintain a population to satisfy either vanity or ambition. | Baty recurring to our present con- idition, and leaving the future to ' take care of itself, the staple produc- tions of our soil, our cotton, tobacco, C., OCTOBER 19, 1863. Ce withely det Bgl 4 ; DR. PS SE FE SS aS Not that indeed, for he tempted the State to buy thein off from the pay- ment of anything by deducting 10 per cent. from the amount assessed upon any State that would pay the 9@ per cent, out of its own Treasury, With this uetion of the poverty and stinginess of a peaple whom he gup- posed ouly lavisli of their blood, he went on issaing paper promises to pay with an unsparing hapd, until | the land was filled to overflowing, and it bas become indispeneable that some remedy shall be devieed, if we would save the treasury from: assurne that the | bankruptcy and the: eaase frou | ‘Confederacy is abundantly able to! failure. of one hun: | | dred millions—a number sufficient | Other man would have done better ; It is possible, however, that no than Mr. Memminyer. His path jas been in wany respects throagh | ‘a wilderness, with no safficieot land- jmwarks to guide him in so difficult | NUMBER come forward and voluntarily ten- der to their country the loan of a third or @ fourth of the amount that Mr. Gregy proposes to. exact. It is in the nature of that most popular and wise measure of Napoleon, who called upon the people of France in iis day of need for a loan, asking everybody to coutribute ‘4h portion, even, if we recollect aright, a8 smal: as 50 frances (10 dollars.) The re- ‘sult was that everybody did sub- scribe, it became emphatically the peopie's loan, giving a pecuniary Interest to every man, woman and child m the country in. favor of the _ government. The people of onr coun- try have every interest at stake, bac it is doubtfal whether many of them would not feel it more intensely if they had a government bond in their pocket. | , ,We commend Gov. Morchead’s , and dangerous a way. He appears; views to the consideration of our 4 tainly, to themselves, not a matter | served you. We have kept the) rice, sugar and breadstafls, consti- | at any rate to be now in search of | reuders.— Fayetteville Obs Pr of question. It will not, therefore, Governinent .conservative tu the} tate the bassis of a foreign trade } propec directions, for we find in the; ee be considered that we are “building great purpose of Government. Wei that must make commercial alliances Charleston Courier a letter froin : castles in the alr’ if wo glanee at, bave placed her and kept her upon From the South Carolinian. some of the advantages we will pos | the Constitution, and that has been. sess xs a people, and upon which | the cause of your peace and pros- we base the expectation of becom- perity. The Senator from New ing & prosperous and powerful Con- | York (Mr. Seward) says that this is, Or course, in the bref; abont tw end; that you intend to urticle, we can | take the Govevument from as; that it will pass from oor hands. Per- haps what he says is true—it nay federacy. apace of an editorial ofly nutice afew of hese advan- tages. We assume that, as the result our secession and the war that > has | be 1s written on the "followed, all the States that adhere | brightest page of haman history — to the iwstitution of slavery will; that we, the slavebolders o the svoner or jater swing louse from the Seath, touk oor country im ber in- “old wreck, and range themselves fancy, and after ruling her for sixty alongside of those with which they ‘ontot seventy vears of her existence, havea comiuon interest aud destiny. We shall then, without including foryotten—it outa stain upen her honor, bound- territories, cover an area of about, less in prosperity, incalculable in 800, OU square miles, embracing a her strength, the wonder and the ad- population cf 12,000,000, including | miration of the world. Time will 4,000,000 of glaves—a land possess ' show what you will make of ber, but ing every desirable variety of cli- inate and of soil; with agricu.tural or your responsibility.” capacities almost unlimited , with A braver and more warlike. peo- ulities for dutnestic manufactures ple probably never existed on the d fereign commerce surpassed by | face of the earth. the tace of the globe. The Eastern gaged, the South contributed largely limit of this vast territory is formed | more thao her rateadle proportion by the Atlantic Ocean, which wash of fighting men, and her soldiery | been distinguished alike for: os its shores from the mouth of Dela. lave ware Bay tothe Cape of Florida, | itapetnous valor and patient enda- adistance of 1,500 miles. Its South-) rance.. The common rerpark that ern boundary Cape of Florida, along the shores of , deficient in physical energy, and in the Gulf of Mexico, to the mouth of | warlike prowess, the Rio Grande, a distance of 1,200 | applied te extreme Southern lati- miles. This immense line of sea’ tudes. The annuals of the past aod coast is dotted with convenient bays the daily evidence of our sei.ses! and hatbors, and is intersected at stamp it as false, 60 far as our own short intervals by large and naviga- people are concerned. If the belief ble rivers whose branches spread was ever really entertained in the and ramify through every part of the interior, Among these nay be) equal fields have dispelled it. There mentioned the great) Mississippi, need be no apprehension that the which for the ‘ast 1.200 inmiles of Sonthern people Jack the ability | of its course flows throagh slave ter either to aciveve or inaintain their ritory and belongs exclusively to the | independence. Confederate States, An extensive! With sucha country inhabited by system of railway already extends a people capable of defending it, its Briarean arms through the land, | and capable, ton, of turning its great and the day is not distant when the | natural advantages to the most pro- whole country will be covered with ductive ases, nothing is needed to a net-work of these artificial chan- secure the highest prosperity and nels of commanication, and when) happiness, but wise, judicious legis- the means of rapnd intercourse and lation, and a prudent administration exchange will be established be-| of public affairs. In these respects, tween ite remotest extremities. Of! it is our good fortune to have had the productions of the Seuth, it is the teaching of some of the wisest only necessary to say that they con- | statesmen, and the examples of some stituted nore than three fourths of | of the purest patriots, the exports of the old Government, | ever seen Washington, Madison and and that the whole civilized world , Mason, Taylor of Carolina, and Ran. dependent upon her great staple, dolph of Roanoke, : cotton—for the most indispensable from a single one of these States, | have left imperishable legacies of | statesmanship and patriotisn forthe In addi- a country, | tion, we lave as a stern and perpet- ual warning the shipwreck of the the result of radi- dema-! that the Secretary of the article of clothing. Such are some of the physical ad- vantages we possess. Who shall guidance of all after ages. ventnre to say that such in the hands of a brave, intelligent, | enterprising liberty-loving race, may | Northern States, not attain the very acme of national | cal’and agrarian theroies, of prosperity and grandeur? And with- | gogical agitations, and knavish prac out arrogance, such a race we may | tices. of) be—but do pot forget—it can never | we shall surrender her to you with- ' no time can ever diminish oar glory ; In all the wars. no other country of equal extention in which the United States were en- | stretches from the ‘the natives of Southern climes are | is true ouly willing | North, a hundred victynices on une the world has { learns how to fight. ; ™ jagement of the finances of, an infant; | pation, suddenly plunged into a war 1 lions of dollars, he haa no doubt of Add to these the great con- rable to all commercial nations.— soil, is the most important article of commerce in the world. Cotton i clothes one-half the European race, ‘that is, about 500,000,000 of hainan | beings, and two thirds ofall the cot ton of the world has been grown in the Confederate States. The foreign commerce of Great , Britain consists alwost entirely in the exchange of her manufactures for the rude pro- ducts of other countries, and nearly one-half of her exports are manu: factures of cotton. It is estimated that the manufacture of this matert- al employs acapital of 400,000,000, and gives empleyment to at 5,000,000 of her people. It is evi- dent from this statement that the Confederacy has its hand on the mane of the British lien, and that the beast, so formidable to all the rest of the world, must finally crouch | to her. We need not advert to the coin- wercial advantages which the Con- ‘federacy will derive trom the estab- | lishment of a direct trade with for- | eign countries, nor facilities which we possess for navigation and manu factures. It will be a singular ano- maly, indeed, if with a seacoast of nearly three thousand milgs In ex- tent, the Confederate States do not | become a great Daval power, and it will be equally strange if they fail to turn to account. the abundant ele ‘with which they are so bountifully endowed by nature. Indeed, are dwelling on subjects with which iar, and which those of other coun: tries ure beginning rapidiy to com prehend. We therefore thi article without _opeved the door to the and smiling prospect on which it looks.-- Richmond Whig. having more than THE CURRENCY: Our soldiers io the field have for two.and a half years: preven their will and ability to do their part an Courave ‘this mighty revolution. ;and patriotism are inherent in man. He is always ready to fight for” fis i rights and liberties, and he soon | But the man and many others, in which bundreds of milhons stand | in the place of tens of thousands, Is: altogether a different sort of matter, in which mere skill ts required, and yet in which the Coufederacy had fewer resources and no expericnce | Added to the difficulties of the situ | was the man for the times. Cotton, the principal product of our | ‘ply to a letter from the lattcr re- least | ments of manufacturing prosperity | we | oor own people are venerally famil- | ene 5 Cigse wuiils Ubinitable claim to be—in proof of which we servative aubstratam of slavery, a8) and treaties of trade with us desi- | Win. Gregg, keq., an eminently in- SMUT IN | telligent and practical man, in which / he addresses Mr. Memminger t» -e- i questing his “views as to a remedy ‘for the financial embarrassment of ‘our government.” We would pab- lish the wole letter but for the un- usual inflox of advertisements which cannot properly be omitted, and may do so at some future day. He “does not consider the case a hope- less one,” only one that “requires bold met, and bold measures.” He i thinks the currency ought to be re- duced as speedily as possible to one (hundred millions ; that this ought | to have “been done heretofore by selling 7 and 8 per cent. bonds as | long as they would gell at reasonable | rates; bat that now it can only be i done by a forced loan.” First, he re- commends a continued money tax ,to pay the interest on the public ‘debt; and second, a tax or forced Joan of 25 per cent, or more upon the property of the country, the tax payer to receive eitber 7 or 8 per fcent. bonds for such forced loans. The tax to be collected firet in suf- jticient amuunt to absorb the present i Currency, and then to provide for ithe future wants of the government | upto fifteen hundred millions [which ‘of what was the weaith of the Con- federacy before the war.) Cush | would not be required to pay this tax. A tax note, having a prior lien overall other debts, wouid com- ‘and money any where, and be neg- Sach av assumption of the national debt would forever prevent repudia- all. equal toaspecie currency, we could ‘éndure aten years’ war and yet be able to-pay our national debt. He thinks the tax in kind too comph and hold treasury notes. ‘untainted, without the slightest dis position to repudiate. If kept with inthe limits of two thonsand mil and that wonld come, toe, out of the .| pockets of foreign nations. ion this question. to the Presi i we take to be only 12 or 15 per cent. | otiable in this or any other country. | tion, and raise Confederate bonds to the highest standard in Europe. 3 \ [t is better, saya Mr. Gregg, to give | f° the State of North Carolin, has apa part of our estate than to be- come a conquered people and lose. t ¢ If we can get back to what is) D0 impropriety in mentioning the cated a job for the government, and that it encourages the agriculturists in withholding their surplus from market and in disliking to receive He is par: ticnlarly anxions that the credit of| the Confederacy should be preserved | An export duty on cotton alone would de it, Such is a brief outline of a very | }ation, it can hardly be contenced | interesting contribution to the cause | Treasury He had WHEAT—A SURE PREVENTIVE. Doyxuin, Greenvitee, S. C., October 5, 1868. Mx. Evrror: I saw twelve months ago, in a newspaper, an article taken from some old German or English paper, on the use of chamber lye as a preventive to smut in wheat.— Blue stone being very dear, and dif- ficult to obtain, I resolved apon try- ing the lye with my seed last fal) which I did, the resnit proving it to be a certain and sure remedy; for of a yield of some 300 bushels made from the seed nsed with the lye I did not find a single head of sm it. A neighbor and friend of mine made the same experiment, giving it a fairer trial, sowing the same kind of seed, using the lye with some, while the rest hesowed withont it—that he ased the lye with resulting as mine the other seed badly smutted. The directions as to using the lye in the article referred to, was, to put the seed in a basket and sink it in a barrel containing the lye, not allow- ing it to remain but a few seconds: then; after draining it over the bar. rel, toroll the seed on a floor in | slacked lime or strong wood ashes. iI, however, let my seed remain in the liquid some two or three min- utes { would further state, by keep- ing it several weeks does not injure the strength of the lye. . Wheat sowing being near at hand, Mr. Editor, I give the above infor- | mation as rendering aservice to the country. TITHEMAN. eee eee eee | IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. | The steamer Advance, belonging just made her third trip into Wil- finingtor from Bermuda. There is ' fact, as we learn she was chased and | fired at by the blockaders, but got jin sately. It is supposed, that be- ‘sides her usual cargo of clothes, _ blankets and shves for the North , Carolina soldiers, she bas brought ‘many thousand pairs of cotton and | wool cards, to be sold to the people lof the State at cost and cbharges.— The sagacity of our Governor and Leyislature, in thus providing tor /both soldiers and people, at a pro- bable saving of millious of doliars in the cost, is worthy of all praise. Fayetteville Observer. ft the abundant ability of the country = - - to pay the public debt. Exchange of Prisoners.—X Rich- mond dispatch says that Commis- * gioner Ould had another interview ‘on Monday at City Point with Com- missiover Meredith on the subjec* | of the exchange of otlicers. No con But we find another in the last | clusion was arrived at, but it is be not the nerve to call upon the peo- | Greensboro’ Patriot, from Governor |: ..64 that the Yankee governmen' ple to pay largely for the support of | Morehead, addressed will ultimately agree to some equit- He lacked faith in their} dent, and for this we make reom. They had given the) It strikes ug more favorably than the war. able arrangement. Surgeons wil cite the fact, not only of the develop- | the basis of our society and institu- ment, progress and culture exhibit- ed in the States composing the Con- tederacy, but the indisputable fact that the wealth of the old Govern- ment, the wisdom of ite laws, the , glory of ite arms, its prestige and tions, and we may fairly indulge) patriotism. the hope that the people of the Con- | flower of their federate States will not permit them- selves to be misgoverned. Let this hope be realized, and, with the favor of the Gteat Disposer of human des- would not give—-the whole South ern Confederacy ,—more than twelve | odious necessity. millions of dollars a year in taxes! | ple might proudly and cheerfally young men to the | the plan of a forced loan. Such a cause, and yet he supposed that they | loan may become a necessity, bu ; -|it can never be otherwise than an Whereas the peo- probably be exchanged at an early tlday. The Yankees hold seven Gen erals and nineteen hundred otfe: Confederate officers as prisoners. We ary rejoiced wio-has bad good opportunities for form- cag an opiniva, aad ia whobe judgment we bave great confidence, tbat the re-elec- toa of the Hoa. Thos. S, Ashe is regard- hetber to goveroment or patriotic to be tories, as to them and their rights, and the old vilified by s and though the Waicman ood, i Oe ap ON . Risa he aoe 7 the man they believe best fitted’ to dil*the pluee.. ‘Por onr partjwe deo candidate's particular friend and wil! wot use our col- umns tothe prejudice of any. “ ' we 2 oe Sth inst. ‘The Mem tapped, 8 communies a Saturday, the bOth abtig ae ei as ceriaa. There is perhaps vo elec | 7, . ; ‘bility. H hopest | have sold themaelves o this faction the Wek y weil to ob Chalmers — to do the same for the Loa in the State in which 86 general an a wotio feed infaliigent ana brave | shrinks from the ‘dirty vor that y eaypetel | “fees i dttince of enrages Nueshville reilrond—Bieaminer, 18th. » ay ene etree ea sper | £08 out from among the Megat yaly-of such mar Wa A. Granau rights of citizens, d&e., aod in deacsctne Be: LB - nanee Difi aie ee eer dh peace men, and “North Carolina is hersel Sieber the'tinnd icne-ter" Pe Oi ae neral Bragg ina Difficulty with a the ae te valuable =~ | again—the same sober, honest, law-abid | pen fale Fons wean leet oo théte who seemed at one timedixpneed to} 4, Officers — Arrest’ of "B showhi ne Wk ke rae oe: ing, patriotic and intelligent old State, | The above is @ most gratuitous and’ to tramp! these uoder their feet, If the Pre Polk, Rie ‘ a ne = — b . - au fe which bas given her treasure and her blood | . he edier‘at & gress and Standardinferred fromoer course 7 : wr — one ar —s qj for independence, and will have nothing | Mugaled falsehoud, ad the editor of the on those subjects that we were hare It is no seeret—for the telegraph hae = afluence jn Congress, as one where, ra sieviur adeesadeac their price. | Progress was fully. ware of. w when he Aa Sative” (a . | already told in that Gen, . ome two b effect Lepor upon the people who select Fayetteville Observer. | penued the artich, Mat it ia ie keeping of their “conservative” (deatruetive as it diately after the battle of Chickamauga, in wo im W represen, them—it must be a! : . ; i consequence of some d’ ’ used worthy and iotelligent community that ee eats : ; with the hee way the ive = hes he To the people of Rowan and’ of the | Gen, Polk and other dtheken . be a chooses such’ a man as is a A CAROLINA WATCHMAN pursuing in ity flowndrrings ad strike t the whole State, we would say, remember | *lieved of their eommands and placed un. I would avt by wise, iu a me oF di ood #) popular breeze from is first issue. will the traitorous conduct of ihe editor of (he der arrest, The act has called forth con: sad dauger, to discard a faithful Repre one a a | the Hon. Wa. A. Grapan feel compli | on 8 ae 2 rideral aniimadversion. The correspondent our sentative, familiar with his duties and hav ng . Standard in 1842 of '42. He then de- ithe Ailanta Cénfed. ; with ae > y N.C. | mented by the fulsome praise of another of tb ante vfederacy, Io some Ape ag the confidence of those with. whom be | SALISBURY, N. C.: | ; “ scare out setted vou and went baz and baggage | ulations as to the cause of this step : ofe s associated, Zea HEERIA ROMY MM, SNL TSE UE Lower to tbe then dersoctatic , | pee Aw ' " : party, and ue) =A member of Gen. Braye's staff, wh w We feara that Mr. Ashe bas everywhere | yoxpAy RVENING OCTOBER 19 186. [ (iat he is w very great, as well 99.9 EFT Te was tov mean to be apphed even | at these hendquarters a short time winee opil 2 the canvass, whilst expressing Un watts é enn -« ..} good mant This the Watchman has | to such men as Graham, Morehead, Vance | ‘tated that Gen..Pulk is reapobsible for the = ust desire for peace, waintained that the oe = \ told the people of North Carolina for more | . ae ~— | present: position of Roseneranz’s army: “peace meetings” ia this State, so far fruad } Another Candidate In the Fieid, i and others; and he will dd it again, whem | e - 3 ' i f directly opposite | We are authorised, by the friends of Dr. J. G. Ram- | than twenty five years, and has had uo he feel L-with that if the orders given to Gen. Polk bad ert row pling. peace, were of directly opposi ioe Slay a cadecees, Ghat genous onc Gall Sach eectiecy cine aaah teat ever be feels fe is mot regarded with coo | Qoen obeved at tbe proper time Rosen- “a iendence, calculated to encourage the ene- | date to t this the 8th Congressional District ia | featol [O : ee ‘ t , fidence enough tv be entrusted with pow- | crauz's anny would have been cut to pie { rq py and to.prolong the war. There can be | ‘ee aext Congress of the Confederate States. no opportanity to impress apon the people - : . : Pp ee os . | Standard, Progress, Western Democrat and Bulletin : : er and place. He bar proved false to | cer and captured; that Gen. Polk wae. ave x0 doubt about Py ied of aa and oe | please insert until the eleetion and forward bills to th | the importance of selecting Just such men | xhmuat every profeson of bis lite, Beware ordered peremptonily by Gen Bragg to peo country owes a debt of grallude lo fr. | offige. I ; : ; le@son of te, y ae ' Ashe for making it plaio 4 seclhyns veers | SS adorn the Counsels of the ees j ten fellow-citizens, He deceived you eevee WOR) Bah ot jslses 01s) Sunday de tl 5 ee: pO We call the attention of all imter-{} But not so with the wew fledged admirer | . morning, the 20th, and that at ten o'csock 3 la se ° & pei myetings” were at first popular. : . : once, that was Ais fault ;. fhe deceives you Sonday morning tly: attack had wot t Je ourselves Lave seen written evidence | ested to the notice of Capt. H. McCoy, t | of this erratic sheet. The editor bus been j again, it will be your owm-fault nade + that he (this staff officer) es nt A P . ’ . ’ ' e se ope chat they have caused deseruions from vur | be found iv another column. , jumping fom one hobby to anotker to oe he Gek be : f _ A _ ’ : gg to Gen. Polk to know w r army ; anc'the yankee papers abundantly 20 —_— make x air in the world to such an ee | 4 LETTER FROM GC - \ : , Niet St : a . . : \ LE GARBL. MAFFITT, | the attack bad not heea made. He found show that they bave possessed all yankee- THE PROSPECT. tent, that at one time it was thought he | ; oF Gea, Polk on this side (svuth side) dof bot dom with hopes of speedily regaining Gapt. Maffic, of the Florida, at Brest, | 0°: , < aa From every quarter of the Gonfederacy | oi) yy CU And Out wane | —- , Chickamauga reading a peaspaper. Hie ; would at last turn up an ya F la P > . the North Carojioa, and encouraged saew to ; : writes acletter to atrie, (Paris) ex ; . : 2 the state of our affairs are satisfactory. . bal sag t 1. Herod a a answer was be could not tell why the at : call for more troops to invade the inte- ee kee ; aut wow he te trying t» oul Herod | plaining the position of bis ship accordin mith : : ; : = ak cat Our Arms have been vieturious upon. ev- — he | f g : & } tack had not been made ; that be had i» ab rior of the State in the expectation o| find acai Be ell H®rod in. Lis support of men erie “Fe “to international law. He says: sued the necessary orders the ove? night, ing Sem) bare are sliced betcha s ans a wren! gees ae uaifurm'y, epposed,and because their con Brest, Sept. 12, 1863. that he wae very anxious the attack should ’ aolders of. these meetings. These meet- | toss and ignoble defeat, We. bave seen | 30. advocates for a quarter of a centu . . be mady, aud that he would go dé are 4 ings, therefyre, ia most of which we have | and conversed with a friend just from the : : bb. © Sia: Your numberaof the 10th instamt, aalficudlecemboetit : for ao doubt good and patriotic men partici- } rR ’ ry past does bot fall ‘o with his gyaodiag coulaits (wo error, which I beg permis : . r pated under the delusive expectation that scene of Gea, Braoe’s field of operations, nousense, be has the unblushing inpa | sion to rectify. Lt states > * Pwo iocidents t hota Le ee! ett informed ray + a : he Peo ae sae : A . ae wore t ght of Cha nau, : cbey might in some way or otber promote | and the account he gives of it is decided- jdence to we the word sold reapecting ; have Just teket place in France and Eng Sy ee Ges Hvedinan, ac ey chat end which we al so. ardently desire, now seems) party, it was no fault of ours. land which iutere (be Atnenicam queston ly interesting, and affords astrony hope | ‘hen . Ba = fs tae . have really and manifestly weakened our; that we will make the Yankees yet feel | far more ae army, divided. our people to some extent, | i). power of our arma in she capture of | Qut upon such men. They are | | body of the enemy, which, if be had done urse to any cause ian advan | as ordered, he would line enptured Thom- t or md 4 : rliive mu la, w “t it : j The first is the sesture at Beest bp a F monet viet soit nadine arin catararcali = | st f. the Confed . w ship owner, of. the Confederate privateer » and encouraged the enemy. Such effecis ; od Rosy's whole army or worst it more tage. Let the people beware of such wolves Florida, whe ataiims froin ber an judemonity jas’ corps, numbering 13,000 men, Hind. | : could ouly jead to a prolongation of the : : jinsbeeps clothing, _ OF 100,000 frauce for the joss of x vesse! it gv woes, would hav A ' ; ite of wh ; dg. | than any cue of their armies lave ever : venth | belonging to mi alo wlichiwas k by | man: by moving two miles, would have emt war, the very opposite of what was intend: | A | The Standard, tov, another eleventh | belonging to oy, an Heb was sank by | pp aa willy avense uf escare, for be i re. If as we bape, Geo. Bragy | ran : 3th i the said privateen™ On this fi t . : oie h od. It gives us more pleasure than we | been before. If as we b eo. B age hour tuan, in his sage of the 13th instant, | U dp h first porn i | wean-etlerwies “icronnded. pat hin wader ic oan express to learn that even the partici” | can capture or disperse this force, the war i 4 have the hopur t-assure vou that, in spite | é : . \ A) vies | undertakes to read asa lecture, cotipled | t ; : arty st. 0 pants in this movement bave become | _. ,); ‘J hi} | of the threats of certain persons who pre | 5 7 4 : we think must soon end, Yat while we ex- | | Pibreats \Vo @ fl informal | rom the above sonree J yet also the aware of its Lurtfal tendewey, and that | — . ; | with a rort 0 reat. e { tend ty bave chim agaiust the corvette | fafocrmuiion (hal lienl's Hranc wed Beech ‘ . ive ’ ’ : . » . ic i" tehie AGL « - cousequentiy peace meetiogs are in disfa- | PFe* this opinion, let vo. effort be relaxed uch, hat we aro wader no obligations to Florida, she has aot been yet seized, caraiea Goricd she bal he tha ak . 5 : ee ‘ . t : al pave burted ‘Ne hate hert— |, af vor, even in. countics where they wese in bebalf of our cause by every one, aud | jy... Our duty is plain, We prefer the | I protest in the most formal and ener: | ter the figh: was over, and Gee. Be w moe i : ;: j . 4 ) vos { : Ju : ee ae Lai cope . eens te we are sure of a triumph in the end. welfare of the country far nore, than the Or Pladds toe ost 7 oes rani | was riding along the hie of Breckinrid zee bo! is DaLuraj th It sbo z e/ ) eis A = , , . re Florida las never hac tawny reason for a see b i : bs po ree ie From Mississippi oar troops have had making of great men out of those who slukiae w Frvech vessel? i in siciel | encampment, Ala given aiynal three beat es Nort p A . . roch vesse FY . 1s . beriaii evel a hago rie a “| some severe skirmishing, and have captur- (4.4.4 | -peivfore mepersed the character of fsine and | refer yon un rae sat te the ty cheers, along the whale bine, for“ tree. “a pee - An is 108e | 7 : . . xf } & reatit vo 1e@ r ” who jncuosiderately proposed that “the ed a large number of prisoners, and col) ach men as Wm. A. Grabam for more loiter pubsished by BM. Pacquet du Bullet, | sa) ne - ge rpeerea eae maid . | am 7 #4 ” . ev. ki ’ 9 people” should open neyotiativus for peace, the eoemy’s rail way communication be- 4), twenty years: and nom, when they ie Oceume ut Lat. «inal ccnteua « eas - ge matin ad = = 5 7 : : : ee ¢ : : i - : f eer : x ee || utee ubecis , aile tieh he or agers State oats so o0 its ae sides destroying any number uf wagens jay. failed to seowre that for whieh they oo bran ° i" nin acts of the took awfrrendly shake of,the hand, and Gay { Dart. withuul seeurs ‘Ae Co-operation oF - > ~ counter which loo ace betweee the ; ; ¢ = Ms Hag . with stores. deserted these Verge men, are avai aticmnpt- op te Ok blue ourls: ave, fragrant curls%went a ber sister States which have with ber borne . . . ied - ! Fiortda and the French vecsel, the Bre- : > é the sbock: of this great struggle, it was In Virgiuia, as will be seen, things are ing to attach thea-~eves tw their cuat tai's sagntier. As to the qualificaten of priva: | fro the pipe cf pence. ud ’ § - 5 ‘ ‘ . é 4 4 a ¥ 4 c 1 = ’ . . Bs | = ‘ only necessary to remind ath i iw-alnd: not staliovary. Meade, the Yankee Gen- to reach places of honor aud trust, which tees which you give (> the corvette I bave | ie ieee aoa fees, ia : . As . nes } e have heard Various reasons AsMgD- . wg people timat ueitber they nor their State eral, is uti the backward movement, and wins are atterly wpworthy to dll, Sued the boner ty command, t anses, pe doubs } a ahy Geo Bragg fund ‘. . ie f lly ; sued vA . rhs j mele . ‘ ‘ r yur baving bee i 3 : Papen could laws y or honorably do any 1 Gen. Lee in pursuit of bum. And if Mead tran receive aolnidihommocmeluend fron the fact of your baving wen ill-ie fetes cues nice wih Gen Polk. A thing. ‘bey bad wisely delegated the 4. eniidal r better tha: tol : - formed as to the armament of the Flonda. | : a : ’ Che ; © dovs not mind hisawea r 1 Dost dition to this, the recont course of the 4 very current ruiner is that Gen, Polk was treaiy making powes—whick they coul¥ . A privateer, acconing to the definition | vot use themselves—to the Confederat his predecessors have gone, he may fird | srondard in giving place to su@h arlchs iyveu og Nael and Ciupeal, is av | ordered to rave the attack ow the e6eRy sol Ves — ce L : iste ‘ poe rt Nae ui dpa Se yeheerl | ’ . : : <a ‘ - z Veee " ore a : — ' ooagpek Sunds f hattle, President and Senate: made them their S9e pretty rougit customers to coownd © 40 = Daeideon,” whose author is ktown (armed Oy private iodividdals with the au | aD ee asl beets ioe ts °C lish this dex with , | ‘ le G "oq Vand thot he did not make the assault op : ; agetls blo accomplish this ae deur to, With. te an avowed enemy to the’ Coofederaey, tLortzaiionm of the Governmeot hat till alte Soc! be in comequence of bis is s ible en'lV See . ae ahi ; De : “ar Velevevad: bite | ‘ oO Cm. i f a a nines ani au » Poesid tS Hoe y Upon the whole, the skies are brighter, and who, upon all occasions, in speaking ee ise 2 i pen ee i by delay, other orders, whict were tu be exe- IOHOTabIe Peace — es ace iat WoUuiICc vite ¢ Set all Wrilers Who hate treated on the inter - i iS ' nh ; é : and we feel convinced, that by united, ene, Jenyen “s (Crepes . Gee : le hier Gen, Polle's tt bad cotn- us independence, without which there can a _ ay f the Coniederate Government to those | i ational law, but it accords but litte with | ed after Gei, Polk's aeanalt bad be po peace. The sober secood thoaght ersete effo-:, var independence will be se opposed to him in sentiinent, seve your the real situation of the Flond That mrverd, could bot be esrcuted. The ; D pe C. Je me . uur . 5 at 2 - 4 sable OF a 1© ae » § das deeply lppressed) these truths upon cured in yood twme, and then, the fulure yover ment, smacks tuo strongiv of Van. corvette bas, ia tact, bec a built and armed} eile eae ail Thay wight averteck P { oh inds of tl . 1 : | be bright. ™ parth © ' rok by the Gus we CA Snot tire arias before the roar of she enemy E che minds of the peop, even mithe sec. will be bight. No nation on earth ever fecrem, for ns, and unleas the Standard ; bY the Govertivent of the Confederate could be effected. The delay im the morn- p ps wi “peace lings” have been : Bae . +f ; States inerica, and he ice ) eS: Sd 4 a a a nave: Geel “Had suclicw prospect for greatness and pow- eyeludes all sach infamous productions pencs of Rene a ter offic oe , ing gave bin ancple time to pot everything held; aud the result is, as we bearm ver- : ie ; } : their commissions from that Government. | 8 Fo” poli : : licsauithralettemootmtbatthordenrel(or ef, since the warld gan, as is vow be from its columns hereafter, itcan have po Rhu curios | in preparation to recette the assault, whilst ‘ ut e , OC t esire It bs ‘ tie , ‘s speedy, an honorable, and a lasting P Ossess fore the Southern Cou‘ederacy. cause tocomplain, if it is known and re i vatonal flag and the peonant carned by vessels of war, and re- also postponed the vietory to sacha late peace” is dying out—God forbid! —bur © of actimate suitable for nearly every counised as an enemy to cur cause, and ceives ber instructions directly from the | bour mn the dav that it wus iM possible for tbat the restless desire to usurp the power deseninbou of luxury to be esc by 4 one which strould a: specail dispensed MGtristers of) Marines hel Coufelerate| c- ine to gather ax nonch frost . eine delegated to the authorities is dying OV} Gece, aud prodaang four of tie proaues Pei : : States Phe baroywean Powers hb avoeegr | vu ed eliy have sot secured had the Sensilie people bave become satisfied thar ahlvun far eins wencie — F the Watchonen shall not recognized the popsession by the Govern. | 2UM™ Joa hd le arent, that power is io the right hands, an] that ae yo oo a For ourself the HCE SO DO ment of Hichitot. Obie elie nt bella fhe parting of Gen. Polk with his com it will be exerted at the very first momen, [MEY depenuent upon us. bow cau tie wie undexoureontrel, be the echo of any Crepts, Rinony Which are there of forming | NANG Ws said to bene been affecting io the ~ ~ extreme, 80 @nbenreed bead dic peneele term ta which it cau be made effective. The Souh fail to rank among the firat natioss tof men or party tat does bot come up aries abd Tibi ont vessels of war, Pam warwill uot lastune day lounger than is of the varth far power acd wealth ios principles ®e tace teretufure faite ala loas to undersoudl iat the fact of my (eed UU lem. Firs parting: meddress to bs oo a pe [edsee hah nbepen very other chasacterisue which nite fury Isbored and atroggled fur. So such Goverument not bow yet otberatly ae, Heeps oe truly eequens, ot ue on ls : a 4 UBL t z pusittor sduen{ t Cert ' INA ADOMIILY As A scciel vw oPA\S. ue hear oe fas oy Me ke havion respected and feared ? menus Gov. Vance, Wm. A Graham, and ie a es - we righta ° ra ~“ . cue al uncnuforioiate dies a ’ ee t y defacto Goteminent, ¢ yu au the government might tender the olive braveb to the Lincoln government gained by us The after aby great advantage Cor, Wa &. Geanam Jn —\We tain Waliam A. Giawan., Jr. ( here we might Meution, sue the course they base done, wil re- exer give a ready and cordial support while they pure | and place on the category of a pryvate todividual fiCiay outa prvateer, xnd thus Change the natore and true character of ite between mmyeelt and the con t Mises ariment, ] have commmacd, wand am Qreetnest magider to ctart beer renteved of my B pany K. Zod Ne @. Cavalry Rearine P President might tender st under such a Geen appruied Agsigtact AG.! : for pel but for the good we hop national navy. Such an interpretation of; about to retire trom the army, Wirber } aate of Unogs with honor to bimeelf and of this Sute, and bas aceepied | by hel , nabonal daw appears tee ty be unten ailempiay to exon The cneumnstanert \ - t . t ‘ ‘ \ Sh gts her? 7 P Sauee ant »render our country > elping tO e,e 1 ‘ ' ' th : with a faint shadow of b »pe that L nee a a (Hon Wil ., a: ue 2 : vle. Relying on Your ippartiahiy, TP bey | ot this dosayrect . or prejudie Vay the would acceptit. [t wasat first thought — apt (3 19:8 SUN OL that Bd vate pare and pateiotic tues bo Bil Che LHS ourtoineent Uline tie earliest nun pubde mind by a premature appeal tons Hani tae been inservice cecr since (he. A : probabic this was the oceasion of Mr sae pene heatilities a ie se ; piices ov the country. ber of your estimabie journal. ‘Judgment, | must be permitted to expres One edict +} rer, ceme of ne es and Jeaver fou ' ’ . Ashe’s taking that position—that the bat E ha Gald wie Aha | \ ; . Fate te Accept, sit, tbe assurance of iny perfect ty unqualified conviciou of the recinude a way Dine a e ; ae i in the field, viz: Ma) wre i Dens) 4s to the charge of the Standard that a B \ : Foal’ Pi de of Chickamauga was such a “complete” jin Sétt Reciment; Cant, down! G wore. : consideration of my conduct, sud that time and inves ‘ victory as would jusuty the President lie Mecwey “Go lau! the Watefonan was ever committed to tb JON. MAFFITI pation will stp vicdhiente amy action EO B th ate ry c LY Tgeey . . + ed i) Whois Ne ACCU wey {! sow waking much overtures, But that Robe i D Graham, 56th Repent ] support of Mr. Joboswn for (rovernor, sod the fei of Chickamauga ; ine? ; } { hr tro. af - <2 ye [hoy . . . L battle i, to be fought ov Varn f 4 yevenant Jas AL Graban, 27 2 Prey Sia » on bh ' ; Pa , ’ ” hi: : a TASES LER UU - ee Ae ee ‘ * only “detached by the tannation of Mr. Cavalry 1 ghee in Lenneasce-- ho After the usual expressron of "regret +: -Lhould agawa result, through thy blesang © Troops — Rac. Progress Gime be vat en a : : : Soop ; Afte ’ | pi § ¢ ! God, in our fayvor—if Roseocranz j Captain Gratesm was woutided at Le OTA Dy LAL DADO C a IS wiCOUl Liye: wenerane & Rail Road Coimmund-) atthe severance frou hie eonamand Geo ot God, ip our fay f Roscocranz shou { ; ; \ , j at ‘i im starved into a surrender, or dis aru.s least funndation in truth. in the articie, cations cut Polk says: Jrivep into the Tennessee, or “destroyed,” I sons inpenllng their lives in tue we refering to bis nomunacen, we apoke of ; : fie cue nd on a!) occasions demanding w Or is a ; | We annoanced some days ago Uint Maj. “Soldiers who atruggiw ivauch a cand, thea to for another teader of peace, not } \ - ( humm? ne 4 vontlemat of an. genes aol Gey. S. D. Le with a considerable | ly d tl hi x never be cul ‘ 7 ae atiest Dis wotion to the ry . ee, ' SUNS W@ LOdY ' J yentts, SCAR by itresponei ble todividuals, but by Ue a abe pe ee ' an bigh amory haracter, to w \ ‘ Wave f Irv. w } i aad ’ ' fee meet ep Drendendoci le Contderer cies at ise, found ready, and yet !—yea, yer!-- Zi anora, character, lool we sullad- | of cavalry, Was operating aygainat the Mein- quered. Clouds and darkoes® may : esident the € 2 Slates, : : : or ee : ! ; . f Anotber reason for the aisiavor int ae nd is sear ien ae 4 Ne ae Cea a> here. If that committed ts, we were com , phis and Nashyile railroads in Rosencrang | ahroud you for a time, but the nenlizpt © ali “ IAVOF INUG | fect to doubt, or fear, thet Wa AL Giana, 7 \ rear. Official information bas been r lowing ; #9 . : “dit way : \ . . } e- « 0 ’ which (hese “peace meetings” Lave fallen, mitted. We think an « nonay speak | the futuac is bright and g 8 's, (bat Lonest met were nob iochned to the association of persons who claimed vw belong to thar party and yet anbinshing ly resolved that they would “pay uo tithes (9 Bradford op to avy body olse;* anc: of traitors who tesolves that they were “for the [yankee] constitution as it ie and the Juion at it was.” Ninety-nine hundred- ‘as not mgbt! There cau be no better prot that these doubters are themselves wrong — wrouigz somehow, and they onght to tiy to | get ight. And they ought to repect their lerror and pray to be delivered trom a doubt- ling imind and @ hasiy spiit——Salisbury | Watchman. | Yes, aod who is it that has dared to whis | per treason against this great and good man, | aa of the purest and best that the Statc bas well of a candidate without uecessrrily supporting hia election. And so far xs , part: was concerned in that ection, it will be recollected that as # means of over- { raring party, we were jn favor of any | number of candidates being brought out, from one to five hundred. We believe ceived here that Brigadser General Chal- mer’s, of Gen. Lee's command, had an encounter with the enemy, on Thursday, at Salem, Franklin county, Tennessee, in which the Jatter were badly beaten and driven off. Our loss wastbree killed aod thirty wounded ; that of the enemy more than thre® times as great. = - Salem is midway between the railroads | blood of patriots is never sbed in vaio, an | our final victory i certain and assured.— | Whoeve r commands you, my eurnest es hortation and heey to eae i ei on and fightever, with true bearts, your ingapeodaioos is achieved. that ands of hearts may fall crushed and b! wa ing under the hie i of thé foe, 0? ik —e of inis of friends, bub pb hae nome ug”, in caused e, for he in under also the 1 Breck- ~thar, af- ». Bragg cinrid zee ree hemr- lor “ tree. ra.” were peli gave id Bragg vand Upy went Up — ns assign: orsdary te Polk. A Polk was he enemy the battle, ssault wp ‘nce of bie to be exe- had cotm- ted. The nvertook fly enemy the moro- everything au!t, whilst sucha late wasible for tas would do hrad the ho live com ting 10 the yoreeler bet \ 1 td lo ‘) ntteats | * aAVS 2 Diate isa Yule com vent, | have d. and am Wirhers ummetaper® idievag Ube {peal toes Jto expres® be ree iniude and invest! yy nection eo ole regret” ymand reo uch a cand, ever be cul sa may ©? ] sunlight of lowing 5 the ip vaio, ap 4 nssured.— 7 earnest ¢% , in, to fight bearts, axti ved. Thoo 1d and bleed: 6 foe, op the nds, bub the your ‘Country un io the bedvens.”) | Petco w-Crtizens: Having, at tenyt!, af wer much unavoidable delay and with much difidence, accedud to the wishes of ury friends, to becoute a candidate fer texi I hasten to announce the fact; and take this method | of publishing a synupsis of my views, ou the | most prominent shbjects of public interest. | I was ardently attached to the Union of our fathers, and labored for its preset vation | with the most untiring zeal, until “ the logic vf events,” and tie famous proclamation of Al Lincoln, Weft no alternative, m my opi bat tb take vp arma, with the sece- Sod Doct, for the defenée of oor eoinn0n nights C oly, I iesced in the separation of North Scalia bent the North- ert’ States; and sow, holding their people “as enemies in war, and in peace, friends” I regard a vigorous prosecution of a delen- sre war as the best avenue to natioual inde- peadence, and an honorable peace. A christian people, fowever, should not de two sensitive on the subject of honor, wheu principle is nos involved ; and a. brave peo- ple should carry iffe olive branch of peace in one hand and the sword in the ster. And, wwasmuch, as Mr. Lincoln has receutly an pounced that “any peace compromise shal! pot be rejected,” if proposed by any of those eontroliing the army, I think it advisable that the President should instruct thuse having this power to open negotiations for peace; subject, however, to the supervision of the treaty-naking powe- of the Governinent, or the Here of the people. When our armies to his own wants, sod those of bis | Seebted- for the @bore ielormetions we Lally: cneune in théee me of epuculation Weare that Genurabilire bas, fromduy to and 'xtdriién; and I am in*fevor oftheir im | d#y, endenvoared- tw" bring Mende to a one a but vould the cortesey b8 redaved, | general engagement, but that the ‘latter of life increased; this | shriwks gemy on casi i would not be ponecessary. Speculationvand | the cae. si Sella ass Toe Ween of in wdidlocase estaplgasds> ily, extortwna, also; would in a great measure E re The righis of the States should be guarded = Y‘AND HIS MEN. with uytinug vigilance, while the powers del- A correspondent of the Kiehinoad: W big egated to the CGeakdanle government should | writing from <Gordonaville, Va., October be duly ubserved. Heave I dewand for the | 5, furnishes the following refreshing infor- pny reli eames my Executive decisions |.mation : : orth Carola, full faith, credit and re- | w ; i x gpect ; and regarding her soldiers, in the field aeuing Poe wrath a Orange Coort eqnially trave and patriotic with any in| Gov. Pore ii. + soo Se A to tie world; and ber poopie: at hetee, both | FOr: Furmont. ie was arrested » few patriotic and egmpetent:'T Insiat thas, they be | days ago, a short distance this side of Alex- appointed to Gill (he offices within thd State, | andria, by Mosby and his gallant band. — He Adiinistration of the Govérnment | Major Mosby having ancertained the Col.’s shall receive from me, if elected, all proper | headquarters, rude up at night with a few and due assistance, and I shall not fail to urge | of Lis men and inqutfed * that was Col. all needful reforins, and bold the adiministra- Dulaney’s headquartersthat he bad tion up to tke condemnation of the people | 4, patch forliinne The Calte : < sbould it, in my opinion, deserve it To the y me eae to the Awmny, 1 shall give every constitutional en- loor, and remnarked:that he was Col. Du- Janey. Mosby thewmtroduced himself, as ovuragement, comfort and succor—to the peo- : ple every possivie peotection in their ancient Major Mosby, and told the Col. that he WAS A prisoner. : liberties, iPassailed; and I shall use all lawful Col. Bulaney was en route for Richmond aod hunvravle efforts to bring sbout the hal- | thes me beavenly blessings of Oe under charge of his son, wha is a member with independence, p %w& Indulging the hope that some one would rie . pera Pa Pi src { become a candidate wiio would fully re- ee eee Ped eavedt y alee present these view's, and feeling an almost |' old timés ; bot when asked by Mfriend | insuperable diffidetice ty undertake even the why dt was that he remained in the Yan | lal management of the interests at stake, | kee army, when his son, his brother and | In these appalling times of strife and carnage, | all hig relatives and friends were South ; T have tuo long delayed becoming a candi-| his only reply was that he did not care to ou the first day of Jane imeuch year. ‘house, Room No. 2. Slate. Oct. 16, 1863. are Victorious, as they now are, propositions date to canvuse the whole district. A parual for peace, un the.base of our national inde- c&bvass even if desirable, may be prevented pendence, inay pe :nade and received, wth by Professional duties and obligations. Un- the least picjudice to our interests and hon- der Uiese disudvautagevos circumstances, [| ‘pis bridge on the Orange and Alexan-s wained grotod by their real value. (7° More dria Railroad, within two miles of Alex- {| pudera. or; but it dues seem to me that (hose in must appeal (> those who endorse these views | power, cannot be entirely acquitted of per- to see to it that they are as widely dissemi- mitting opportunities of this sort to pass oy Dated as possible, both at home aod in the | talk about the war. Mosby's men destroyed, on the same | SOUTHEKN HEPATIC PILLS have OR SALE, AT been ordered in one day. Wherever kuown HENDERSON &, ENNISS’.- their use c@ytinues. Without poffing, they aave October }, 1863. ry without proper inprovement. Enteriaioing the opiniva that (he uccessity alleged for the enactmen of the Cunsenpt lawe—if, indeed, A ever existed, was the result of want of fore- east on the part of those who managed pub- he affairs, and regarding those laws uf doubt- fal constitationality and expedieucy. 1 cvuld rot have voted for them, if ] bad. ovea in Congress, But [ do not propose thew i epeal, aod advise a prompt and cheerful acquies- eence in their requirements, foc reasons which must be appx@vnt to all Should: the war cuntinue much longer, 12 will be neces- sary to modify, if not entirely abslint the Exemption acts Neither the Tithe, the Funding, nor the fpressment laws are vecessary, 10 Wy opin- toB, IN any other sense than as the result of wmprovident, lepslanon. The “tax in kad.’ portion of Wie Tithe law, should be toditied as to Operate more particularly oa th <e pro- ducts, not necessary tf the support of animal bfe upon the faruier, The surplus should be taken; those who have pone, shoal not be forced togive what they cannot spare; while those who have, sbould give tt all, if necessa- ry. Let the currency be placed upon a se- eure footing and the Tithe laws will be no necersar y. the Impressment law is not repented, it will be necessary to provide, with more cer- tainty, that the provision of the Consthation which declares, that" private property Mall not be taken for public use without jut com- pensation,” sball nut be violated. Tt adimits of a grave doubt, whether property can be taken for consumption, under a Consutugon which limite its takang to the “ use” of Uhat Pp erty. he power of Congress to suspend the pn- vilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, ts lim- uted, but T cannet: agree to ts exe: rise—the ptivilege of the wnt is too invalaable to tree mep. Much leas would I clothe the Prea- dent with this power ul the people syeok! vthe keeping of aXy one man, Wowerter pare ur exalted Mr. Jeflerson was oan favor of “the ctemal and anreanthoag toree ol habeas cor pir laws,” and history has mot yet proven that te was wrong. Letus take care bow we part with hberty in Ooder to Obtaim tnore ; in tual way we may, sore [ The personal libert: not ba pobuca! power i verted in, and derived (roa wd therm vaght: to tie wen Ob speech. au the people unly, 2 tu afiee Prose: to keep and to bear arms, woosull for thes be deprived of life wut due process « COM AUGH 32008 | iber(y, or property, witl- tolaw—all these and more, are @onstituconal cigits, ° formdable tu ty rants ouly, ywineh Poturn wech altnost ido! atroas dey otion—ner can they De suspended or abolished vy a tree people, or their repre- eefilalives. Toere ave those--T hope tung are few— who desire a strony veverament—-who advo- wate the clo relative: hiatls and Courts of dust the overcding of ail other maws by Military law---the concentration of the whele love of th a military Cl. people ur the Lands ot fo and ihe reduction of (he ar- wy as hear & posssbee@ loca perfect toachine ' —in a word, ther want a Dictator, and would obtain a Militwy despotsin, Whee erin or outof Congress, such views shall re- Vveive no aid or comfort from me Military law should, and does apply to the army only. | Ovil law controls civilians, and soldiers also ; but Marnal law, which means the abolition of all civil laws, cannot exist in the Confed- eracy, Let the laws, Oivil and Military, be enforced within their respective spheres, and thelr inajesty vindicated against all offenders, whether of citizens or soldiers; especially let wa eee to it, that Mepublicati liberty suffers no ba ger the habit of legislating in secret, is incom- patible with that strict moommebilit , of the vepreaeutative.to his constitneuta, which is of lay, lose what we pave “Alt 3 trew- , te assemble together tos aod vot tot do no dance | THECAVALRY FIGHT AT WARREN army Blecturs at home vote on the 4th of No- Vernber, 1a the ariny on the 29th of October, | making ceturnswithin 20 days. Most Respeettuily JAMES G. RAMSAY. Oct. 16:1, 1863. OMENS IN THE SKY. A friend suggests to the Riehmond Dis- | patch, that the late phenomenun witressed iv the atmosphere in Westerss Virgivia, of | armies quarching in the sky may be of | bappy augane, The armes-sre described | jas marching on the doulle quick to the i THE WARIN NORTHERN VIRGINIA. | North, and) as being without arms. Let | Wee leniw from the Richmond Bzamainer us vope that prognusticals the speedy re- | of the P4in that by reeent arrivals from (turn of the Vandals, deprived of their) Culpeper Court House we have interest- means of destruction to their homes. ome ing wtelliaence from the army of Northero } ey eee ar Virginia, Meade as still tetreating if ins NEW MUSIC © H bac\ dcareer has not) been checked | , . sain eiaain rf i PUBLISHED BY youl Loops petting ilo bis rear. | ' A y m= trawellins over ihe same ground WO Very teo.-Vuan & Ca,, Richmond, Va., mochthe same swile with ins predecesscr, | AND , Pope. He left Culpeper Coart House on JULIAN A. SELBY, Co'wmbla, S. C. Sunday eveuiny, and is belfeved to have : | Annie of the Vale—Mase by J. R Thowas, | crossed the K tppalaunock the next day. ! suthor of In my Cottage by the Sea” Phe oavalry fight ineouoned in our last’) When this Cruel War is Over—Musie by Heu- issue did rot tike place at Raccoon ford. ; ty Cucker. but iv the newtbourhud of Cu! peper We have Parted—Poetry and Music by Miss 5 Aa — , sputty. Eola Wren. . Court Wouse, snd was a ve ry considerabl KathleenMavourneen—F. N. Croach affair, We took a number of prisoners in| Harp of the South! Avwake—C 1) -Peticolas the engagement, Uiee hundred of whoo My Wife and Chilé—Poetry by Gen Jackson, were brougut to the oty m the Central . of Ga., sa yu chil alee ' , . .' See at Your Feet a Supplivnt One alfe Se ea Rock me to Steep, sores em by J. H. Hewett. . Another Mn portant ouvalry achon took Mother is the Battle Over’ place nea Culpeper Court House on Mon-+ Virginian Marsetllaise—Cnginal French Atu- | trary basi “We fa evening, Gerurans and Tnsh. Do have used them iv ten or fifteen cases in uy | RO OULD i ; i ; ; sic rea ore ch ‘ day evening, op whiel Che ebemy were s : , fami. an! find them to be the very medicine | gone 18.6t A Bick : ie ¢ i ; ae ait ? . 1. gent of Exchange. rotted and driven across the Rayppetuin: | Keep Me Awake, Mother—-Denck ! for nearly ull family disewses.” — * | P The South—J. H. Hewitt All Quict along the Potomae To-myhi—J. U Hewitt. ed op both sides was-heavy in both of those A ll prin ted on good paper, with Or- engayements, though the respective num namental Biles. bers nol ascertained. Mustof our wound RETAIL PRICE, $1 EACH. edn both fights 2 broughe {O' The trade supplied at ‘half off. with on and some few have arrived , addiuon five per cent. whenobe huudsed of any mece is ordered. Blank Music Lines onthe best cop paper, Bl per sheet of tour payes—foity per cent. Bie to the trade Rechmend, Va, Sept, 103 puck with a doss of two lundred and fifty prisubers. ‘Tbe loss in killed and wound have been sordousvyiiie, se the city Ainong the JaGer is Colorne! Jehan Person of the Sixth Virinia eat p Teer ved a” flesh the Cop te witha oa Mime ball. Nilje reciitiny thre Becrerceriaverses aliy, ®i would throusn 2w 22 cween the Rapidiaa saad : ee Conseript OMee 7 : Raleiwh, N.C , Oet. loth, Ps0s \ from Mende’s ania, whe ae being pichod Geserat Orpeas ] up in large nornbers by om cavalry. No 26 4 Pla Meade’s retreat was) basty may le IN ACCORDANCE with ‘ustroctions tr ® ' ’ Kos filed with stragviers judged froue OP tact Hat be bead time to the War Department, persons ‘ible scription will Le assigned, atthe Cauep of i sroetion, lo regiments of their choice ral Lee's or Bragg'’s anny vet tarcowr ordes§ By order of Col. PETER ‘ALLETY, Commandant of Conscripts for N. | J. M. Mancarr. to the rartroad; Rapidan aod ; i) Gene. Rapp! wngpock bedges are both alan tis Ms foorder, Qlur trams ran Court Mit have natal vu Culpe put Hlouse on Momdavy, and vone to R (ppahanvoek station Vester Adis soe It was reported ou the atreehryesterday me cytnut : ee : ~ that Specs tad taken possessten of sone MILIRBPARY NOTICE. pont on tue Cencral radroaa, bac the Saliebary Oct. 19, Ps62 Blory PHAN CCL in Salisbury the Wd and Mh ist Geer. amine those chaning exemption trom there Guard duty ou accoant of phisicw! sitionity, ta the Couuty of Rowan Down trait, wiotel there Wer Ssevet ] | } 1 Ys On vector d ov, teacited breve at Chere isu hour, W fave nothing wutherte from Spear ‘ appearange Surday kt lene Port ho Hooraay bave gone to jor wer Mende, ana it ts pesdible itwas hie force Quarter-Masters Office that our ovat encaged at Culpeper oo Monday Svlisbury N.C. Oct 7. i805 ‘ Ses ' \ LL persons having elaims against this De- —— Apartment will present them atonce ax i rire to close all accounts before leaving H McC OY Capt. & A. @.M TON, | A letter has been received | officer of bigh rank in General Lee's army, | | giving sotne details of the cavalry fight at | Warrenton on Monday. Our cavalry, we | from an (31:22) are glad to learn, behaved very bandsome- | ly actually charging upoo the enemy re: | u MMe a , id , in Saliebu N. Con the 17 eh peatedly. Worwolt seven handred prison: | 7" “Bg "Ore TOWN FYROARD.: era, with tlrwir- bowmes and acocoutrememts. | Oet, 17, 1969. 1-22 WILL expoee to public Sale from One 100 to Ten Hundred pounds me nu fitetared Tobac- ) (these pills) for my family, which consists of | Jimited by law, for that parpose, otherwise thie ! certainly are the beet family medicine ever dis- ‘ covered.” ‘taking the Hepatic Pills with no confidence in ‘them. They actedlike x charin on ote. From ‘ed iu their us¢ until now, by God's blessing, I ‘ as I believe, was saved from death by a dose - a complete prostration of the nerveus system. to be hate, WW al ibe pe MEDIC AL examining bowid wil ive! ever 1 either to the wmdersigned or to Mr have been relieved of duty at this Post, and de- | | 100,000 Ihs Tobacco at Auction. | P. J. CRUMP. CON FEDERATE, (6 SIX PER CENP BONDS.» Setibatyet in 17, 1863 DV Pi apart rersriaipences igh DM pipes 8H publish ten days and send bill 6 thie office. "A | ‘i ‘Another Great! Vietory ! Dake Sea” wae ee™ A PAVE te ales acd oil sed pan pak the following Receipts to any one for mek Dr J A CALDWELL Matches, Black, Red and Ba Inks hong rd o We Me : ripe ae a receipt for muking a ecmpo- ; sition : carn ateliy oe ae welding cast steel, one for Jupan Var- bis professional services @ the a pipiens J Tron. I will send ull the above’ receipts for one dollar single, I citizens of Salisbury and the sur- . ‘eaatieel Wecaiesruaber ka ene ] fare. Being « practice! Headtle-maker. fur the roanding country. Cotton Mills, am prepared to furnish a re- OFFIC E—Bnick Bow, oppovite the Coart- | Sept for meking headdie varnish, which I ob- tained fromm the North long before the war — &F 'n my abseuce, leave your name on the This receive I will send, post paid, for fivesdet- Oct. 16—1f:22 | 8°. Addreve, ae ee ee eae M. L. MULINIX, NOTICE! Stoweaville, Gaston Co., N. 0. NEGRES FOR HIRE OF DIFFER. | October's, 1663. 3tpd20 ent descriptions. Apply tu the uo- ‘ ’ : <- dersigned at Third Creek Station oo S rOLEN, the W. N.C. Rail Road. UT of Murphy’s lot, my bay MARE une : _W. si SON. HARNESS. The Mare is aboit twelve 1 a ie yoors uid; blood bay, dstecn hands high, ia Sue wpd order. wee white hing fout, shed ol round; & ee : Ijitle hipped, which is reeptible whea Tanner's al For Sale. trotting. Harness at sors amas plate, pad TILE starr hay, 25 of 30 gatas Tas. | mt wed rdwotBingom the te Ko Clee Gm kee Call on him near DOLLARS reward fo: her delivery in Salisbe-- WM. C. MILLER. : Out 19. 1863. 4w22 -y, and ONE HUNDRED DOLBARS for the - apprebension of the thief. acm pestle east R-- AN. TO THE AFFLICTED ! \HOUSANDS OF BOXES OF THE G. v ANCKER & CO* pply at the Bank of N- Carolina in Salis- |- Saifbary, Sept. 28, 1863. 1£20 ROOSECOTTON than five handred persons are known to have been cured by t Pills. 4 Thix excellent family medicine is -ecommen- ded by the proprietor as good only fur dis- Bae at my Shoe Store 100 Green‘ Hices, for which the highest price will ‘ be paid in cash. JNO. A. BRADSHAW. eases of the Liver. His correspomdents say that Salisbary, Sept. 14, 1863. tf7 they alse cure Billious Rheumatism, Pneumo- ~ nia, Chills an@ Fevers, Billious Fevers, Pites Administrator’s Notice... and Worms. They are a perfectly safe medi- ok ; cine. HE subscriber havivg-ai,the August Term * Peter Vadeu, Esq.. of Ditiddie County, Virginia, after describing remarkable cures in his family of Bilious Rheamatiem aad Plearisy> snyx: ** My Doctor’s bill has betn heretofore from $175 tp $200 per vear. I have ased them of the County Court of Rowan, taken Letters’ of Administration accorting to law, on the es- tate of Christian Bringle, dec’d., hereby gives” notice to all creditors: f said estate, io present > their claims duly authenticated within the time eighteen white and colored, aud have not call- nutice wilkbe plead in bar of their recovery. edin a Doctor? Thisis a great saving. They Debtors tb the estate will also please make pay- meat iu:mediatel y. D. L. BREINGLE, Adm’r. Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greene county, Aug. 29th, 1863 —tf:15 North Carviina, had saffered twelve years from a diseased fiver, which the physicianshad vot . been uble to cure. He says: ‘* 1 commenced Exchange Notice, Neo. @ }: Ricumonp, Sept. 12, 16637 t, HE FOLLOWING CONFEDERATE* officers and men, captured at Vicksburg, - Mies., July 4, 1863, and subsequently peroled, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared : . hy The officers and men of Gen. C. L. Steven- son's division. 2°The officers ana mec of Gen. Bowen's ~ divison. : 3. The officers and men of Brigadier General *' Moore’s brigade. 4 The offiéers and meu of the 2d Texas~ Regiment. 5. The officers and men of Waul’s Legion. - 6. Also, all Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Poiit at any | time previous to July 25th, 1868, bave been. i duly exchanged, and are hereby so declarec. that hour [:hawe improved. I have persever- am well and hearty. J had anegro man who, of these pills. My Doctor’s bill was anoualiy from $1U0 to $200, but I have had no use for a physiciar since.” Thouns Ho Raney, Eeq., Granvileé cdanty, N.C.. says: [find your pills to be the best family medicine I have ever used. ‘Phey have proved very beneficial in my ywu case. [have been very mach afflicted for L5years,and have tried every kind of medicme that f could get, but have rnore relief from) your pillé* than all vihers. My disease is 2 bronchial affliction, ; s 'AWNHE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE Puice—€l.o0 mbox: Rar $s 4 dren Sone?) So the following urticies, to wit: < will be sent prepaid to any part of the Confed- j Olsen Coates rine Thread . Prac Thos ; I ss tha dozen ns a » mae ee Suge re 5000 Needles, assorted ; “ PE Lime) = : “ . : - duction made t@ Druggists and Merchants who | Bik and White English Ginghams, E Salt, Nails, 8, 10 and 6, Shovel Moulds. MICHAEL BROWN. On consigument 60 Boxes fine chewing To-- ' bacco. M. B. | _Satisiuny, Sept. 28, 1863. tng caaenernrL an =a .MNMnNH rene | WANTED ee ee PPO BOY, OF RENT A PLANTATION LIBERAL, price will be paid for any kiqd of old edhe en A BRASS, COLTER, BEAD Lea i JCuaelicered at conta tye ft m 200 to 400 acres of oper fe caret Rail-Road Station, Any person wishing to | land, with x god Dwelling and necessary gat- tell Wild please notify me of the quautity, price, and ; houses. fhe Place must be healthy, affording buy by the gr dss. pany orders. Cash mas: ‘always uccom- + Address, \ GEORGE W. DEEMS, ie Wiisou. N.C | Por sale in Salisbury by EH saderson & Bir hiss. and in Lexington by J.P. simpsed. Ociober 12, 1s62. 3arpd2t where to be delivered. AoW BRENIZER, | goud water. TG. HAUG HTON, Capt. Art’y Com’d’g. } Saliebe C8. Ord, Wo: Ya, Salisbary, N.0., i Sah ry. ‘ Ost. 2, 163. \ “#20 | “Sapmember 22. 1863 « afte | - Administrators Sotice, _AabD EB Eas mF any person has an uccount against Capt. estate of BW OC. Lord, dec’d. he is teeuested to pre- sentit to me for payment te these tndebled to his estate fo eotue lorward trie PT G. HAUGHTON. | bavine administered on the Leaae Lyerly. decensed, tits is to give not . : , . To Soldiers’ Families! QHERE will be no m re money paid to families o Soldiers after October. I have thought [t best to invest the dDalanc. # the Fund in provisious, which will be given out instead of money, Jt may tak all the month of Novembee to get a stock of provisions on hand. and make payment, aad to Chose having clans, Spyorths a bay present Like a witha tine scribed by 3+ tine pre- ‘or this wotice will be mead in bar ef recove’y Towcould arise asa wn formatern cercarn note of hand draws po vu dle concermmng a to the sad Jsace Leerty and signed by Daniel Shaver, tor enum ool four huodred do late not re. . Twill use every edort io vdteaa sacar tees pe pa, S. Me 8. collected.) suoposed (oO be fori or ma staid 1¢: sible. oy vee balls : ) SaNabary, Oct 2, [S88 tre Som’ re owe of the friends of th deceased were eutcusced with the Keepray or gant note, ort WANTED FENO PURCHASE, or to fattea on ahares: 1 500 Mogs at the CS Pkstillery, Salisbury j Soe. be hela by auto one upon wielever pretevt or cum, he on she is requested Co repo thu. ®. ttle D. shaver JEREMIAH BARRINGEL. Administrator October 12, 1863 ave) $25 REWARD. AN AWAY from the subseriber on Sune day night, Sth of Oclober, & malatto boy name MACK, about 1s years old, 5 feet 4 ors much. ex high, free spoken, with pleating coouten- wnce. Said boy was raised pear the Yadkin Institute, im Davideon county. I will give the above reward for the cunfinement in jail er de- livered tome, nine iniles Soeth of Mocksville. Apply to Surg Jas TP Jouss@n. Med. Par. Charlotte, N.C WANTED! WANT to hire TEN. or PIFTERN NEGROBS, stow ae: -. tive boys, as labovers Those having negroes hire, will pleare apply tome at the Confederate States dea als A. G. BRENIZER. a2 Capt. art’y Com'dg fies — ' — WANTED! T to hire TWO BOYS, (white) to make cores ta ig vel a attached to the 0. 8. Ord. Work Salle bery. a. 8. ane , Capa Tom's. October 12, 1863. +f) ‘oe. , CIRCULAR To the Voters of the Kighth Cot gressional District of North Car- olina : espitele, both North god , and having heea prac- tein in the various depart- To all wiltin it may Cosentt () remmentnna ota nti ei hea A CACY CO ben re we net be responsible plone Berea to the Wishes ee See’ U tedtaeensecan ED 10 U8! Au Fereqnea, indebted te the firm of A. & T respectful of hin profession fur over eutaicedcie 1 a ae 10 yeare with good syecem, he | Meal or any bind of Graiw that Telia Short witatid the bento of yoar | Mi. Myers ond A. Mire, are Unreby reepen. continues tw offer hie services | from me by mob riet former Representative, I would wot hare been full ested to agitle their respective obh. By your kind partiality I have the bonor of a seat in che First Congress of the Confed- culties by negotiation and honorable adjust. | | to the public where he ia permapently docated, | and by striet atgention to his profesriupn will en- || R. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, O Rowan Couuty, iv authorized to raise a Qd. 1 will wat be aay Grain segs ay a | stored at my mil} util ordered to be LEATI HER. | prompted to have offered. Aud bdo cousider Unat he, like mapy others, has not devoted v ious to his election, and [ Seheve thut much gat either in person or by letter, wn needioss delay. ‘They will thus save ae tas f arate Staves, row the ume of iy election deavor lo merit a fiber! patrogege as hereto-| 3d. I will not be responsible Sor any Mealer tape tebere and the ineonyanionce of payment whe she Confederacy has been @agaged in a stu- | \ tere, ced hakke biesaatfia readiness at all hours, | Floar mere than 26 hoarse efter it ie made; at euangh of his ont a h | ey may be lens abyodant as at a | t pendous war, for the purpose of driving back | day and night, for professional calle. che same time, J will tke the beat care of it | “S'S: Pid oe ir aoatly ied that s| hupe the friends SP the late firme will dehy the ruthless invaders af its soil, and establish- LF Office at Roseman’ » Store. Smpdi0 | chat lean, and the same care that I take of | ‘uh pots rl hye ed paata quire longer indulgence, hat respond to this ing the peace and indepengence to which st my own. The mill is always wocer lock and | #8 % "e ye ence | UTE*Dt call, ap it is necessary that the bush jasc Exeeative Department, North Caredaa, ative. “ Nothing left us bat to ra peace hy } :3 So jusuly entitied. Overtures having been | wey when we leave it. area’ should be closed with es little detay we posesble | repeatedly made by our Goverument, to ter- Auierity Géneexe sero ) — J. 5. MeCUBBINS. rear 2 fi es oth h te ae A. MYERS, mainace hosdlities and settle the existing diffi- | ops geste F Salisbary, March 30, 1863 f45 ertarede gael bare ala ole gol capa natnerel dn Office next to Cowan's Brick Row. - Salisbury, March 30, 1863 | ament, and these Overtures having been as of- ten indignantly rejected. no alternative re- mained to us but to drive back the invaders and conquer a peace by force of arms, While in Congress, theretore, as your rep- | resentauve, I used every exeruon ip my pow- & to Strengthen and increase the army, w } Jive proper assistance and ene vuragement (0 regunenut to serve for sx months, under the re- quisition of the President. Exch company will coasist of 75 men. The privaics will elect their company officers, the latter wil! elect | their field officere The officers will be com- Ifetesioned at and from the tume the maeeter- } rolls are filed ia thie office. DAN’L G. FOWLE, ‘ | I HIS IMPORTANT ARTICLE OF | prime necessity coutiuuce to advance éa price, | ' and shoe-makera are predicting that prices hith- | erto accoanted enormous will be next to noth. | ing a8 compared with prospective demands. — ( This may be so, and probably will be true un- | ! less consumers shall (ake timely warning and | could have been dune by such overtures in our | their place, aud let something be done. | Country is bleeding at every pore. An army | of the best men that ever trod the earth, ure | which he speaks. they having been made pre- | | | own first Congress. Bat, why stand ye idle? put other men in | Our suffering the greatest of privations, and grow- ing weary on account of the iuactivily of those | sale, wpply to OIL, OIL. ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL f& WM. WATSON, 5 milea west of this place. Or at this Offine ide whom we have chosen to Legislute for us; aud - Brown's Livery Stable judging the (uture by jhe pest, can we even , look for any thing from the first Congress of ies kept ap as heretofore |p the Contederate States Yet much could be | io gratifying to him that thie dove for ous good, and to secure lu us peace establishment. begon, at first, a: and Indepeudence. Now our Country ts dir a doubt falexperimept, has proved quieted on two extreines, | hate one und des- | tothe publie a great desideratum and a com- pise the other. Que ix peace on any tera, | plete saccess. Travelers, and others can a! Adjutant General prepare tu supply their wants without purchas- | tng It is believed there are surplas cattle and tides enough in the country to supply the pub- | | &c demand for leather. Farmers, as a geueral ; } thing, keep more cattle than can be well kept | and made most profitable. If they would take as good care of their cowe as they do ther the bxecative, and to prevent, as far as pos- mble, those disastrous collisions between the | ‘ @ivil and the military auciorities which are | ~ apt to occur and so dificult to adjust in | such of his fellow-ciiizens &s may choose ume of war. { to join bim, to report to him at once at Satis I Poted for both Covecription acts, not be- ; bury. Ifthe force called for by the Presideut cause I destred to tures the Southern citizen | $2,Ret S¥ad. themeeclves of the oppertunity to 6 es UNDERSIGNED APPEALS ‘TO ta g st a n , ne s t e en c e from his home and faumuily battie-field, but Because I considered cbem indispensable co the independence of the | to tbe camp and } | volunteer and have officers of ther own selec- j ton, they wifl be drafted and have officers ap- | pointed by the Governor over them. The ser- | vice ix for St ate defence aud for but@x Months | horses and mutes, one half the number woald be more protiable for milk and butter. The surplus stock might be fattened and slaughter- ed. The uadersigned desires to do all in his These feehage, mo od subinit io be enslaved. » the bast, and be forced to wear the yuke. my Couatryuen, are net true | >a patnot. My plants to legwiate and fight The oiberse war | ways have their waats,in th-sline, wollenp. plied. Cash prices paid for Provender And the | subseriberis always seady tosell or buy good try: as J iz ; . Rally. meu! The evemy is now advunciag power to Keep down the price of leather, aud \ ; Hw . vated to -Taise the pay of the non-com- apo. our coast, threatening the destruction of | if he ean secure the co-operation of stock-own when the chances are against, and te legwlate ores ae missioned oificers and privates in the army, | our homes and the destruction of our means of | . 76 he believes he can do much good in this di | the more when we have the advantage 5 or in THOMAS E. BROWN because I bebeved that they both deserved subsistence, to saygothing of the disgrace and | recto He cannot afford to pay the presen, ict Sores, Hight Wika ie bee) ssjes melee | Jan. tet. 1863 655 and needed it. worse thao death their presence eutails upon | tow i we will aon bring peace } > ) extraordinary demands of dry and green tide. : rll , CYPING , TL be ata against the Exempti ion acts, not | oar swiers, we re and vie ldren Rally to | and then sell feather at @2 .the highest price’ - , io actade oa pa ing nae oe { 1000 pet 1G SKINS WA N TED. cause | was o the defence of your haynes and firesides. . Hh ve CoUrbe oO +anc jor { y sere as oy opposed to all exemptions. but } e ol AM NESBITT } he has, up to this tine, sold at. But if farm- Lit uat say wame 1 beRew vos and 1 picdac | \ TANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for whites ee ’ will be paid §1 for mediam site, and considered those aets wrong in pnneiple, many of their discriminations. I voted for the Funding bill, because I dangerous in poh cy, and unjust iv | July 6, 1863.—{1f7] Salisbury, N.C. | Confederate Insurance Company, | ers, who have hides, will send them to his Tan- nery, (or leave them al Sprague. Brothers, in | Salisary,) he will Tan them on the usual | terms, obligating himself to sell his own share | wt a rate only reasonable enoagh to jostify him myseifin che name of my bleeding Cowatry to | be fauhfuf for its good Now T cannot boast of being @ first clase se- | ¥ wok. c esswnist. [stood by the Union to the last, | smaller ones in proportion Apply to R. F. Simonton, Statesville, of A Salisbury. December &, 1862. {29 thouzht it necessary to « liminish the volume b Charlottesville, Virginia i aaa 1 } but aoewered to the first call of the Governor | wf the eurreacy and th efeby Wo give tore | = | ee wend ail d nal { . n : sine an pave | Lt North Carolina for Troops ; and now having | aealtby action to the finances e | I , SCEPTE : Sroneann || Caen AUG spe ty Sebbanes teen aa LST nae ae ; pean eler ee e : pea iste sae try | HAVE ACCEPTED ; AN AGENCY } one wishing tv have their Hides Tanned can been : ue ie f yey re ae ea yee te: lean } DR. HOWERTON > wea, pe gc Our®, WOHA | from the above Insurance Company. and am | do as abave directed. epee me oe | pre aoe i. s ae Coe ENDERS hie professions! services to the 3 c ae ‘ a sea ut belore the | pow prepared io take sks on ey We al rea-} T. W. HAYNES | Nee ne wo! : “Dy renee ea. f ery eitizen@ of Saliebury Office at the Boy. gonference bill, which is the preseot Tax laW, | sonable rates, and for limued peridis of ume.! Way 18, 1563 152 ee ee et Oe re eee Sa dant House Mar 9, [S63—tf4e : dame up for action in the House, | a call- | and on diferent grades of preperty:—Sach as } _egislation. ae ed away by eae ‘uon ia my family, and hence | Cotton, ‘Tobacco, Produce, Wachinery, Mer. | LARGE nuauutv of TOBACCO fir sale J. FE. STANSILL, y: . z : | 1 c ‘ Vc.T a Thad no ouportunity to vote either for or , chaadise, Buidings, &e. This Company has} ae ’ JNO F FOARD. : 5 apt. Co. B, 4th Ge ; “a ap pt 5 | @ | against that measure been in operation but aw short time, has a large Saliebarv. Vpn! 23, 18630 h49 September 2%, 163. es | SALISBURY, Nov 15th a In Ane. I voted for every measure which I Cash Cap.tal all paid in, and held by some of Tr Charlitte Butetin and Detiorrat. acd 1 14 ) , . - Virgins A z ‘’a Meunltain Bagle, are cequested to publish two A LE those indebted tothe firm of | AGUA. 1 thought would give strength to our army, pihe wealshiest suc best people of Red and White Rose oerred ‘+ WeCunaine & Foerre. wil! call atthe Boot & vigor to the Government, and confidence to | loge atmeutit of the Cepek he Cans TE -wish to purchase « large fot. forwhich | “" tha county | pans has already been sold for ten per cent | nal pee d Th : Shoe Manufactory of John A Bradehow, next ie ye) } an satel ppraee ’ his (Ge { we wil pay (2 cents per peunc ey 5 eye si) le i) ’ fon 4 aE o ray a ’ he r Should you «endorse my course as your | premam I cat anak if . dale Aue ne 3 muet be clean and uice . SILI . SALI ! . SULT : ! i } Gop eine crenene ie sae eateeiy re orice he a reclecton Ct I | pany to be of the most retiable character, and HENDERGON & ENNISS ber, and settle their sccounts, either by pote ee b id rite OD 10 Lor ese. 1! any losses from policies issued by this Compa- _ j 5 . 281 : ee Subsistence Department.) | op ihe cash. Now in the time (o pay debts. , fe ag ed DY . os ay ny. will be promptly met according tu the terms, _ ~*sbur¥, Sune 4s. 1e6: fa Salsbury, NC Sept.26, Intd } f26 THOMAS J FOSTER. pohcy whien my record indicates, awd I shal forth in its poncies “r = =~ Ppl v eact it fe ’ ving | devote my best energies and t ero a 1 » ap , 8 | a 4 a Ee MILL eactange sait for bse Or eNing (eo | - ote my besi energies aad attenliun to se- | Persons tn Salsbury and vicinity desir ng pounds of good ralt for one of bac or ! CN OTTON d LINEN RAC d eure your interest: and. alth I desire | . 4 , ae TE : : , Cowst’e oy RD DTA Ub eR dl Mi aaa of seats 2 a ai ; ough ne e i there ie perty eat i, i an have au »pporlunt WiLUaime or d to Spregee Bro's- in Appiy at my office vexi ts wat J brick i JNO F FOARD ated z om J . any ae an ee i ty of doing so by ca iis a oe ie ; l Sabehorvion Tnesdayel Thoredays and Sartore 1 (0% P ¢ A ee ERs / Salebory, Apr! 23, 1463 149 bie means t ‘ ve.lw : , Age 2 & < ¥, ; y GRAN Reheat bathe) tain i, yet. wil 4 vi ES h Liat | days w get aay Hides that mav be left there Os Cet Si - consent to bo adjusument which dovs not! Salisbury, N.C, ( eae 7) ry eee ite eget : b ci 86 ‘ Ww fon nie &. ne ding with it the independence of the Can-) July 16, 2563. y T W. HAYNES m” S&B” RCHES SALT! SALT?: peg enehe ia er total separation from 5 \ June R&, 1863. 3 it HI: : P 3( i ) BUSNEELS for sale Thee Salt is war- mite ates, and all the blessiegs of hib- Ss, ) 4 ). S article w bemg menufectured largely |, iad : halk : | ’ equal io any mede inthe South Se ee ane E PAy ACS ASO BUT CES WANTED ce Oi ca Ge iment wroce |e? 1) ater (ecw ts ice war heme df pik ena anw sac : se ye ide fart ton ° rus. |, : 7 an os w which we aprons conten jing. SVARLY IN JANWARY LAST. THE! which we will pay the highest price | nese ae panda coctn! 1 pfor oie a ooths apply to Our cause is just Our trust is ta God. Our | Office of M&F VMvers was broken onen and | HENDERSON & ENNISS eee PS R & A MUKPHY, Ago. y Grm 4 l ' n ? mantlsa a of t yape Pr use a, desuny. I &: iV Beleve, is to be vietumous | the follo ving articles stolen her fram: Ope Drugg ae in th ductare of artidwe |) epe tue: 0 Sug 31, 1R63 6145S nS ? - > y . 1 See ' hep rater ot ' i " be Croulen LE ‘ n this struggie. and to enjoy a career glom- | fine Englsi Goid Lever Watch, wth the name June 15, 1°62 ff ‘a ae oi ; Hs ° “ _ ee . " ye Rather! = ous beyond paraliel in all past history J. A. Lillingt.a on the fare, Gernan Te can be osed it a certain proportion of Agmp be | - 5 Ly ay omye curse wore De tain ee 4” BR! ERC sh ie ae us ft OU TSel Ves orth t ' Cau and eUlers. Hy d to te v J ohnsten “ 4 StL Are x . worthy of oo i ie I ao = re Liverpool; one uiamonod Ring, large Diamond = A \ Tam aathonsed by the Ordnance Depart. | TT: PURCHASE OR RENT, AN Ut ° of oor deaun ot us) De uted er 5 on tumoan zg. large Dranwnd “ es ; is | orthy Many. Let be u nted in ; ; ee oe T the C SS. Dist ery at Salisbary, NOC), | ment to purchase wnaterol for this purpose, and proved Lovin the Wes or Noth W ard ce ani the « React in . in centre clustered arownd with sma!l Dia-) * - our aod the whvle world combined J . : os : y te rid comet: minds; uae fine Gold Ring, with foreet me val \ One Thousand 1000. Bashels Maple | Liake thus methed ot appealing to the people Apps at thee Ofhee 7 ees save us fusoribed thereon; one Rett Ear Rings or ) Charcot ty ammat ine in elldeting old rope, begging | Aug 1th IM6I tei { I Si re Uauily, Breast Bia Coral aaG ae ow G td’ rat ‘ Proposals mast be sddressed to waste cordage, Ke oor any kind of old hemp | ~ Pour ober t servaz senenuels eA el Sand a, cate | te is ; ' i Dae ion | : : > ies t ae Son ho Pins; one Bunch Gold Charms, consisting | JAS I an NSTON, 4 ‘lags pce wi t seid f rihe above ma. | NSOVE CSSLEM—PHE HOARD OF DI la ) vr W. LANDER of the two Lock-.s with miniateres; SI pper : Medica’ | aca ‘ a A a eh mm a Nclaes aes a ia RES TRS of rel isitutions ih a Al :he wapenianis Fe 7 f Cross, Hart. Shell, and others not recollected; , . Charlotte, N ¢ i atisili eine Seana tone le paeekie nap| office «f Matron, now now vacsnt Nowe oth Augusi 27, 1563. { one Corral Breast Pin: ane Gold Breast Pin, | July 13, 1863. ifr Towel ste pay denis pee pound for eld | ep than unencumbered fetraies need apply Par 4 + , + A ee Eee welt witho Pearle: cone) Necklace with Inres serap Lead deliver dg a. the _ RESIZE R vformoaten, rerpeeting she dutres, &c, of the saan Aha $ a ‘ , A. G. BRE LE ! ' $ oval Jets, with crossin centre; one fine Fan 5 | 1, |: \\ \ R 1) flice ply te the ondersoned | Salisbury Female Seminary. 00 0 Back Lore Mantes Fntandeney SIO hub \ a . Cape Arts EDC PIStER Handkerchief Collars, Sleewee, @e: Blephets WILL be given fer two SADDLES stolen | Othce C8 Ord Work, daliebury, No Phvettian and Supenotead HE Eleveuth Session of my Schoolin this’ Einnen and Cotton Sheets. Pillow Cases ang) fom ms stables on ‘he 24th inet One is black June 29, im6s Loh Cer Kale gh. July 30, 163 —0113 hat will open tre 4th of Beptember, Bo ister Shps, and inany other articles of Jew. | 4" nat Pe ther; also, two Brad nad - oe vand Ladies apparel not recnMected The | ee one pare martingtes (supprsed to be in the ta . Board per sesso $150 00 Nhgse reward of Five Handred Dollars, wil le) Beighterhaod of Charles WeKenze’s) Almo “Stonewall” Jackson. SE are ital eet ; Tu tion in Eegixh, $25 OC and 30 00 paid far the recovery of he above p ert One Hundred dollart for the apprehension of | —— ; Richmoad Sept 8, 18CF 4 Mase wich use of Pisno. SUS eles npin propamion ior anv part nt then pe volel WG MceNEELY OF UST PO BLISULD, aud forsale by NS Featract Latin. Greek and Fre ch, extra, $10 eacn Viet ollie Jewelry canherdentihed be ws. Jury 25, 1863 tf: MORSE & CO. Auzesin, Ga ; SPeciat Onavgns ' Cade ara ans :. ower Wilson, Wateh-maker at thee abies Ta ni 1A CUMPLETE BtoGRAPHIC AL seeren | No 213 ‘ avyvmen wuv 1 avauce OF ParliCU- aber ie Shy iofocma~ as Cenc 7 Or © STONEWALL INO kK {OS VY PE BUREAU of Conscription is agther erste. any infoemaeion grven ty Cap ain othe Farmers owan, : [oe aU ; 4 pare ec coe : rk . Wiers or Samuel Reeve, Sr, wi! ee mie ’ of R =s Chances Hatreck Being a fo Bed wer ural: | red to pase and equip in each of the Sates AD WIEKINSON, stiend:d to AM anricus te buy corn, wheat. floor. meal | afecun oo the Lecuing bweute v dae tis bof Georgia, South Carchua, North Canina aad ; i Priucipa! KE MYERS aud bacen for th socers famibes ot Rowan Dying Moments, and the Obsequee at Kies | Virgin. one Battalion of Sin Companies ef July, 1863 tt Nalishary, N ( ink td of them wre anon eufferog and Phave ja od and bLewingt mounted men, whe furnish cher own heres aes fe : the money tep prices forthese thincs, Dive Work coutune may mie tes and whe cre in ble is eunseoption, to be 3 pe ‘ ere : Di Tne Confed Solana. fla ne iy is i . ’ and wh c RIST CHURCH A ADEMY.—THE Ponca aie lwee) Gee laa ry and [co hope that the Farmers of the coanty jutruus sider that havenever be (ore beri llunder ihe trdere dl (he Hureeu “ir the parposee wexi aly mn of tis cusstution will e ony py daly ou a Wdtalito this oMee wl give toe pow rwildiersfamiles the preferance Parleshe { nf aperipunn. ibe arrest of ileswslers and or meace on Tuesday, the 6th of Oct ber. The J.-S MeCUBBIN bor sa v all Book eaend NeweA » | foen!l defence, nu. \ ve eo. 3 iN. or sue bv al x Stores end we ven ' fe efence, etered jor ane vear Ancient Languages and Hogner Matoeimmtire a a ~ we EBDo Gon for Ravan Price $1) U (idiianiee 1avcleec iheinnen Olicers) cIbe ere taught acenrding tu the sti teat stand 31+ €3 flo Toe Ceadte supplied at ral discount ‘eld Officerty t yned from officera be of imuroved classica! syetem>. Thor ug! dr o AVING resened my cominesion mn the ] . ice ad pe oe = be vee tape m a Z Ae gaulng Hers — * ing in aif the branches, acecmpanied by eon — Coufederate Ary as Surgeon, [tender a ores f yet 1 : : ~ arc o iy - , “sf! ra ¥ filleg Nos MORSE & CO Co es pot to one hundred rage stant and vigurous explanation, m™ the ch af | Mervices ly My friend» and the putly \ SPELELN ry BOOKS. ft . ‘icons ton and fle eo : ah, eine of this cawree ot ody Kos fal! — iM. SESRITT. ‘ ae By commandof the Secretary of Wat, P Mars a3 to regu lane: +) texb-bouts in une, IP Offic poesite se orry Hin we, i SMALL supply of Spelling Books on | : Bigued JNU. WETHERS 4 modes wf instruction and Wustrauen, terms of June 15, 1663 ty hand. Those in pred of them had better call | Greensborough Mutual Awa: Adj Gen’ ‘ tuiben, &c. phase apply isthe principal . oun al WATCHMAN OFFICE. ;* IN URA PA - : EDWARD PAYSON HALL. c -t ay . t August 3, 1863. NS NCE COMPANY. Tae! Be Sept. 12th 1663 ee Now is the dime (6 pay Money, : uy NOTICk - De wee - = ave; . ) ' Conseript OMeer V. C./ k T XY ALL PERSONS ELPUER INDERT DENTAL NOTICE Pays all Losses Promptly ! Raleigh, Ori 7, 1663.) o the Farmers of Rowan (4 to ine by note ur acount, are requesten to a 4k LSD : | rN — eall and pny up oe : DIRECTORSA: THE Commandant invites the atiantona ° “5 HE THOROUGH-BRED MORGAN A M NESBITT John A. Mebane, WS 5. MeCownel, © PB all persue capable of bearug arme, bac whe m STALLION abe NG AMERIO A, will ent June 15, PX63 {4 W . F. Bason, M. D. : utah 1 P Were, Jamee Mio Cearrett.! are exempt from miliary duty under a pree the present F.! ason io Sausbury d Pp) aa ~ eww John D Coles N HD) Wilson, Wim. Barrin ent reguiggiona, to the above oroet of the nee Dr. Joho F Po <farin ae = . a» ax =~ a La ed x ager, David MeRnight, MoS. Sherwood, Jed. retary of oF j -rEV Es ‘ ; ; + j CoN BROWN, VW ()( Vir \\ A \ | ED. W QUEM esoreitaly niece knownanert {He Lindsay, Greensborough; Wo A Wrght, Li will be ween thatitus the intention en : ; . h o e » . aed p tr t te x at ” f F JOP Fostp ~ . nS sxcecaken hie DENTAL KOOMS in Salis- ee Scat 2 ey ened bie sebueia Te ar De fcpelom October J, 1563 bw » TECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOor, | burs is Mexniuder Miller, Newhern, Phadeos ‘fe then, for special tee ( vars ’ an eS i > Gree, Raleiehs ‘Vhorns Johnson, Y ey. Mandant hopes that all able-bodied men, 7 . wauted bys Www 1 Np A i re : bagi bes a8 u, anery , WICHAEI BROW \ ) aed os a WOSWITH \ sit will not nuit him toremain all | Ville DW Wuasey, Wadeuborough oR iia Beaeusniph by mami cf haciog (HER shee ak, . atisbu Jaty 13, 1863 tfR thetime those calling in his absence, willbe notr | : he ‘ hnink {row fied of 1 ‘ “ROC. Maynard, Frankhbaten; Dr kb OF W at aubstituler or otherwyre, will pot shop le heenciicals by leaving theirnames inthe | Cee bat will ecient ieaterin the defense COMMISSION MERCHIIANI letter Box attached to the door of the Office or ve Wxtsonville the Ntave their fire-sides and ra SPprpy Vy _% Ve Z Fle ~ ~ - aie homes, SALISBi \ _{ “J } | | S>y EP, The eddrwen: we hin through the Post Office. at OVRIC Kaan ee sd a ans r( rr a my 165 ' : , , ’ e f ee eel T Pome: as alle givenito the 20,000 S ] A VY ES LnuaDls Dec. Jat. 162 [t¢-28 1 N a DW ILSON, Premdent Partiew enlisting im this Battahon will bee : se oof Produce nad Shipmente { TTR COX. epirrs a4 JED H LEN DSAY Vice-President empt from duty in the Milica and Home- -(suard. ; Coternments either Corwile Hanae A , ATES DISTILLE- JAMES FOR AH] CP MENDENITALL.. Attorney y h 1 allowance of ca ; RY. ‘formerty owned b Mer: rin as are ror nD é ise and will receive the pay aud als i for shipivest ty olber markets ®ol ied, wmeh + Seis y ie ’ y M,& EF. My-} . PETER ADAMS, = Sec. and Treas airy-men " dat hiche Sunes anit | rw) wedury, a8 follows yr Wy CU: (ae a / oie on 1 . Nahe mareet whe sd ER ALLL | To be of white oak timber, cle arof rap W atch. Maker and Jeweler W : By ee nie ‘ ‘ EESBStAl 2 went The Eareinne iil cs sada pad eae t niv 93 . Staves, 34 inches long, fro c | c . ’ ‘ . easier > : are authorized to receive recruli®, oF (0 Sahsbu Inivy 13, 1663 tf eee ck ce, ong, from 410 6 inches | One doorbelow R.& A. Murphy'* Store, a ane » Executive Com report directly at either of the Camps of In 1s ia WANTED AT HENDERSON | ENNEss, Druggists Jane 15, 1463 uf4 Heading, 24 inches long, from 5 to 10 inches wide, and 14 inches thick. 700 Staves and 300 Heading to a thousand Highest market price wil! be paid SALISBURY, N.C y EEPS constantly on hand alarge assor, ment of WATCHERS and JEWELRY «| all kinds. Allcommunications op bosiness ronnacted | { withthr Office, should be addrexsedto PETER ADAMS, Secretary ‘ Greansboro’',N, C.. Jane 19, 1860 tf4 4 } struction By order of Col P ETE R M AL L ETT Commandany of Conscripts for - HUGH L COLE, Capt & A. A.A. ° Swit , be ne . ’ Address JAS. T. JOHNSON, Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofev BLANK [EDS Medical Parveyor (.8.'A. | seript taeihsl aces DE urve ‘or A: iptionrepairedin the best manner and on NJ a F FOR SALB AT T2849 OFFICE eres Chafloite a ioe reasonable terms. " BLANK DEEDS BLANK DEEDS, ee Soe bransy 14, 166: 1y3s | FOR SALB AT THIS OFFICE. AT THIS OFFICE. ofore. be » that thie t fired, ac has proved nd a com- Te can al- » Wellsup- And the t buy good ROWN (55 NTED. ‘for whfee size, and ville, or A {29 IN fees to the tthe Bey tf ta Ese , REZ « firm of the Boot & phew, next he sebecy er bv note y debts. OSTER. wepted by PFOARD / Salt is War- nthe South ware -bqmee Y, Ago. 6r15 ~ \N La h Ward 1s () thee 2412 DOF DI hic fll Spee None ore Japply Por &c, of the ih ntend ~ Mee. 7] 1, RCI nis vgthes ofthe Sater arolina 206 ompamesr ef wwii horee® on, to be ile purposes rters and fos ar ficers. The officers be uodred rage : eee HERS. {yur Gen ee N.C. )-63 \ atiantion °° ne, but whe der the pree tol the pet rention of the of mounted andthe fom -dimen, whe ing (urnehed shrink from n the defense nd the Stave yn will bee Home-Gouard- vance of cat out the Suse vorthey may Campa of Ir VOL. XXL. SALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 26, 1863. J. J., BONER, EDITOR ARD PROPRIETOR. | Ofdbolished by a free peaple, or their repre- | { Priee of the Waichmas. — ee ee dor the Watchman. SONG. BY aMive Wee. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. serftati ves. There are those—I hope they are few— who desire a strong goveroment—who adve- eate the closing of our Legislative halls and | Courts of Justice+the overriding of all other From and after twiy date, and until there is laws by Militagy law—the concentration of | GaaaTen THAN TEN THOUSAND TAILORS, OR any a changedn Ube puiees of provisions, paper | the whole force of the people in the hands of | QUANTITY OF CoMMON Yankreg. and other articles required to carry on busi- ness, the subseription rates of this paper will ve to dollars for six mouths, and three dol- lars for a year, Apvertisine, two dollars for the firs, aod ove dollar fer each subsequent publgation. A CIRCULAR. * To the Freeman of the Kighth Congresmona Tiisty id, composed of the Counties of tow- an, Cabarrw, Union, Mecklenburg. Gas- ton, Lincoln, Catawba and C'leaveland. Feccow-Citizexs:—Having, at length, af- i® military Chief, and the reduction of the ar- | Tune--The Bogus Moreh. * | my-as near as possible, to a perfect machine | ‘ |—1n s word, they want a Dictator, and | rence paler eee | would obtain & Military despotiem. Wheth-| An is name i Sat as T can | et in or out of Congress, such views shall re- | But you'll find it a strabge ote Pm thinking , ecive no aid or comfdrt from me.- Military | Se ie as Wade cee eee (Raw should, and does apply to ube army only. | Theve are men of renews Civil law controls civilians, aud soldiers also ; { , In cach hamiet and town but Marna! law, which mems the abolition , like great Abrahay Lincola ! |@f all civil laws, cannut exist in the Conled- eee ' ‘eravy. Lat the laws, Civil and Military, be OS ee — adler | enforced within their respective spheres, and aia ange petyearmiptatbire eas [teste j their majesty vindicated agamst all ofienders, And set fire one day to that eiwr ; whether of citizens or soldiers; especially let | 6 Abraham Lincola! marvelous Ayraham Livcoln, | We see Lo it, that republican liberty suffer no Nine tailors, they say { detriment. Make a man, but! pray, The habit of legislating in secret. is incom- | Would ten thousand make Abraham Lineoin. ' patible with that strict accountability, of the | | representative to his constituents, which is of flies daddy ‘gan teach him all science pnd arts, oo = ES /a fight ensued, in which five ur ox reyub- diation, as well to save theirmelves as ‘te | one were xbot, two mortally. Threne were made that the delégutjon should: not retura home by that road. The delegation have armed themselves, and will that road or lay Camdey if ashes. Further didficulties in that lovality are looked for. These troubles are brewing in various ' portions of the State, and so badly scared _are the opposition that they will resort to i extraurdinary Measures to carry Ube elec ‘uon. That they will import soldiers and |woters into the State, there is po doubt ; while tomates in bospitals, all of which are | full, will be given liberty to vote. | One hundred Dead Rabbits, from the (Five Pointe of New York, who jinssed ‘through Ciucinwati lust night, were afl ar- _ rested upon the arrival of the train at Lex- jingwun to-dhy, and placed in jail, They | were destived fur Danville, to work om the Kooxville Raitroad. They acted outra- ‘ geously in the cars and worse in Lexing- ltoo. They were arrested in Lexington by spite you. And the men out of the army, who you are pow bleeding at every will freely join them, if, indeed, they do not take the lead. This is the danger that threatens Confederate movey—you carry the danger in your own hands. And that danger is extortion. As wise men, then, we vonjure you to pause and think. But we have digressed.— Milton Chronicle. SOUTHERN GREEK FIRE. Capt. Travis, of Mobile, whose celebrity ip the manufacture and vse of firearms is Caily ipcreasing, invented a modern Greek Fire which will prove ipvaluable to the Confederncy.in the conduct of this war. ‘Two experiments recently tried néar Mo- bile were crowned with success. A cor- respondent of the Register says: On Tuesday evening last, near the Bay Road, in the suburbs. of this city, in the presence of several scientific professors, ter much unaveidable delay and with auch | the very essence of free government; and noth- diffidence, acceded to the washes of tuy friends, | ing but the most inexorable necessity, affect- | to becowe a candidate for Congress, I hasten | ing the very salvation of the country, can | to announce the fact? and take this methed | of publishing a syuopss of my views, on the | wost promigest subjects of public interest. 1 was ardently attached to the Union of | eur fathers, and labored for its preservation | with the mest unuring zeal, unul “the logic | of events,” and the ftanous proclamation of ' Abrahain Lancoln, left vo alternative, in wy opimen, but to take up arms, with the scoc- ded States, for the defence of var commun rights. Corsequeotly, | acquiesced in the separation of North Carolina trom ge North- ern States; and now,. bolding their people “es sretnies 10 war, and in peace, fnends” } .vrd 2 vigorous heat ee of a deten- wre whr a i best avenue (b natiottal inde- peodeuce, and ar onorable peace. A chrisuan 4 °* gle, bewever, should aot be tuo senlive on the subject of boucr, when | principle is not involved ; and a brave peo- pie should carry the olbwe branch uf peace in ene hand and the swordia thevther. Ard, mpasmuch, as Mr. Lincela has reocntly ao nounced that “any peace compromise shall not be rejected,” if proposed oy anv of those eontroling the army, Luenk itadrisable that tbe President showd inetruct those havieg | this power to open aegouatons for peace ; subject, however, w the supervimen of the weaty-traking power of the Government, or the decison of (he people. When our armnees are victomous, as theg Bow are, propositives tor peace. on the baus of our national inde- pendence, may be wade and reerived with the least prejudice to ogr interests and hoae- or; bul et dues seein to the that Ubase 10 power, cannot be entirely acquitted of per- mitting opportunites of this sort to pass vy without proper inprovement. Entetumoiag the oprnian that the becessty allezed for the anactmentof the Consenpt iaws—i! indeed, 4 ever existed, was the result of want of fore- cast on the part of those who managed pub- Ke affairs, aod regarding tiiese ans of donbt- ful consutationality and expediency, L could mot have voted for Coen, it Thad been in Congress Bath 4o not propos: and advise a proinpt and ce their thear repeat, erful moqutes- @eence In requirements, tor reasons which Must de apparent to a! Should the War continue Qaaeh touye wih | neces rary to iedify, if not entirely abolish the Raemprtion acts Nester the Tithe, the Fuuding. nor the Impressment laws ave Drcessary, Woiuy opine jon, in any other sense than as the result of mprovident legistation. The tax in kind portion of the Tithe law, should be modited as to upe cate more partQeular iwoou those pro ducts. not necessary to the support of aninial fe upon the farmer. The surplus should be taken; those who have none, should not be forced to give what they cannot spare, while Tove who have, shoukd give it all, if necessa- ty. Let the currency be placed open a se- cure fooung apd the Tithe laws will be no longer necessat y. Th the Impressment law is uot repealed, it will be necessary to provide, with more. cer- tainty, that the provision of the Coustitudon which declares, that “private property shall pot be taken tor public use without just com- pensation,” shall not be violated. [t admits ofa grave doubt,.whether property can be taken for consumption, under «a Constitution which lenite ite takong to the © property. The power of Congress to sngpend the pri- vilege of the Writ ot Hubeas Corpus. is lim- ted, but L cannot ayree Coils exercise —the privileye of the writ ts foo invaluable to tree- men. Much less would ft clothe the Presi- dent with this power. The personal liberty | tthe people should not be in the keeping of | any one man, however pure or exalted. Mr Jefferson was in favor of “the eternal | and mremitting force of habeas corpus laws,” and history has not yet proven that he was wrong. liberty in order to obtain more; in that wa we may, some day, lose what we have. “All political power is vested in, and derived from the people only,” and their mght to the free- dom of speech, and to afree Press; to keep and to bear arms; to assemble together to éonsult for their common good; and not to be deprived of life, liberty, or property, with- out due process of law—all these and more, are constitutional rights, ‘ formidable to ty- rants only,” to which I turn with almost idol- use’ of that { atrous devotion—nor can they be suspended jusuly its copunuance, ! The oryavwation of the Confederate Gov- | ernment should be completed, as svon as pos- | | Stble, by the ursutution, upon a proper basis, | of a Supreme Court. This, in’ my opinion, | has been too long delayed. Unctil it is done, | no complaint should be made that the Stute guveroineots interpret the laws for them- , selves. ' The wages of the soldier are utterly inace- | quate to hie own wants, and those of his family, especially in these times of speculation and extorgeo, and I am in favor of their in- crease > but could the currency be reduced, and Zhe yevessarics of life increased, this | would not be so necessary. Speculation and | extorboa, also, would in a great measure abate. ; The nyhts of the States should-be guarded with unuring vigilance, while the powers del- | egated to the Confederate government should be duly observed. Henge I demand for the | Legisiauve, Judicial and Executive decisions | of North Carolina, full faith, credit and re- spect; aod regarding her soldiers, in the field equially brave and patriotic with any in the world; and ker people, at home, both | patnouc and competent, I insist that they be | appointed to fill the offives within the State. The Adumnistration of the Government | shall receive trom. me, if elected, all proper | and due assistance, aud I shall not fail to urge all needful reforms, and wold the ad:ministra- von up to the condemnation ofe the people should it, in my opinion, deserve it, To the Army. I shall give every constituvonal en- cuuragement, comfort and succor —to the peo- ple every possible protection ia ther ancient liberties, if assailed; and [ shall ase alt lawtal and honurable efforts to bring about the bal- cyon days aod heavenly blessings of peace woh independence. Indulging the bope that some one would become a candidate who would fully re- present thea views and techog an almost insuperable diffidence to undertake even the partial manayement of the interests at stake, in these appalling tumes of strife and carnage, | ’ ; i have too wong delayed becoming a candi- : Gate to canvass the whole disteict. A partial | cauvass even it desirable, may be prevented | by Professional duties and ohligatious. Un- dec Uiese dinwd Van tageous circutustances, I tus} appeal to those who endorse these views to see toc Chat they are as widely dissémi- nated as pussible, both at home and in the | army lectors at bome vote on the 4th of No- ve:nber, In the army on the 29th of October, making returnewitgin ZO days Most: Respecttully, 7 JAMES G. RAMSAY. Oct. 16th, 1863 AT LYUAT TONEAN NEW MUSIC: PUBLISHED BY teo. Dunn & Co,, Richmond, Va., AND \ JULIAN A. SELBY, Colombia, S. €. | Anmie of the Vale—Masic by J. R Thomas} author of * fu inv Cottage by the Sea” | When thie Cruel War ws Orer—Munic by Hen- ; ty Lacker We have Parted—Poetry and Musc by Mire Ella Wren. Kathleen Marourneen—F.N. Crouch ' Harp of the South: L. Peticola . | Awake—C And his mammy the science of knitting ; But soon it was found that a boy of such parts Could take well to mo science but splitting. © Abraham Lincoln! Rail-epiitting Abraham Liacoln! Fifty Yanks, it is said, Ch ee Wont mabe one good Confed Would a million make Abraham Linewis! So to splitting he goes, as his genius was bent, And anon he outsplit all creation >— Split this thing and that thing, wherever be went, Till he split ap the whole Yankee nation ;— On the country he made an intrusiont; spiét it all inte fuss and confusion ; And he split, and he split, Til he left not a bit Of its infidel old ceustitution ! This Abraham Lincola, they say, s a man Of most singular aspect and figure For he tooks not like Ape nor like Orang Outang Nor like baboon, gorilla, nor niger, But ie made up of things not quite human Neithér Chimpauzee, gibbon or true man, But is a mixture of each Having powers of specch, But stil! menting ie mach that is due man ! His manners and mein, are qeite singular too, For sometimes he acts much like a monkey ; Like a possum he smiies ; like an ow! cries boo, hoo! When he lauchs, or brays out like a donkey. He bows at on angle of eighty In walking tramps sturdy and weighty ; He's as grim as a ghost, And as stiff as a post, And as gram as a savage from Hayti. O Abraham, Abraham, Absabam Linc! On the future we beg your reflection ; And while there's yet time we beseech you to think Of some matters which need your correction ! Lay aside all this fuss ‘bout the niggers, And stop all this palling of triggers ; Send home your gun-boats, sir, Wherever one floats, sir, : And then you'll not need oar grave diggers. * Should be sung in very quick time. +tWae elected by a minority. Raleigh, October 2nd 1868. ordwance and artillery officers, Col. Miller, commanding this Volunteer and Conscript Bureau, other officers of the army aod na- vy, a score of ladies and at least one resentative of the press, Capt. Travis mea two distinct experiments of bis fire or com- position, using on each occasion less than half a piut of the preparation—a fluid. Both were eminently successful, eliciting universal commendation. Instantaneous on being exposed to the air the fluid be- came a blaze of fire with heat intense, re- sembling that of a liquid metal in the smelting process. A pile of green wood into which it was thrown ignited immedi- ately like tinder. Witbout delay, within ten seconds, a number of buckets full of water were thrown upon the flames—a dense volume of smoke ascended, the hiss- ing and singing sound of a quenched fire was heard, the burning fluid lickéd fp the water, destroying its oxygen, a fu . ingly added to the flame, and the wood cracked and the flames arose again definant- ly unquenchable. Oo the occasion of these experiments, “Travis’ Greek Fire” burned for sumething over a quarter of an hour in full vigor and force. Its heat is intense, and it flies at once into the body of the substance it touches. | order of the military. They kept the peo- ple iu the cars awake all night, aod stole every thing coming in their way. SORGHUM SYRUP. | Just as we expected, many of the far- | mere are ratiog this article so bigh that | the poor caunot buy it. We hear of some | folks who are askng fully as mach for it i as Louisiana molasses sells foe in Rich- moud! We had supposed our farmers | could afford it at $2u gallon. We hear of ‘it selling in Chatham at these figures, by the wnen of couscietive, while those who have as little conscience as they have pat- riotisom are Asking $8 per gallon, in the satve neighborhood, and sume $4 and $5. Farmers, listen to us: It is to your inter- est to sell your products at the lowest price possible, for ow you hangs the destigy of | this Southern Confederacy, You bave the von-prodacing classes flat oo their backs, and your fees upon thir necks—will you crush them because you have the power ! Tbe tavner and shoemaker can alone cope with you—they cao get your products, no | matter bow bigh you charge, and you can ‘swap for theirs, So, too, can’ merchants. | But for your Ceuntry’s sake, if not for hu- manily’s, pause and think bow those who | have everything to buy and nothing to sell /are to yet along. Kemember that the ‘soldrer who is bareing bis bosom to the “arvest of death” to protect and defend yuu and your property, Is not receiving a ; cent more (ban was allowed him when you ,sold your producis ten times cheaper than ; yuu vow ask. Why should your labor | advauee five or ten times higher, aod that of the soldier remain at $11 per month ¢ Tax 1s Kinp—Importart.—In a recent letter from the commissioner of taxes at Richmond, an important rule ig laid down for the guidance of collectors and producers. By sec tion XI of the Tax Act each farmer and planter of the Confederate States is required to pay one-tenth of the products ennumerated therein, save |certain reservations to the Govern- | Ohio nexy Monday. i half « million of bayonets, and a thousane | and quadruple your present prices, ~ ee ; - ; THE COMING ELECTION IN OHIO. ; Perhap# you reply, increase bis pay! To | ment. do this, bia pay must be increased in pro- Phe election of Governor takes place in! portion to your advance, say $100 a mouth; It is not to be ex-! this sould make mooey as abundant as pected that a Government thoruughly re- ‘the leaves in the forest, and about us little gardless of jaw, and having at its disposal! account: Besides you would then double The This tax is imposed on all, | whether gathered or not, except hay {and fodder, which must be cured, ;and peas, beans and ground-peas, | which must first be gathered. It, i therefore, follows that if a farmer milhous of money a year, will the election of a man it has already banished from the country. But itis not doubled by the supporters of Vallandiguam, that a ma- jority of the people of the State desire bis elvction. The only important: thing to be ascertained is whether, beheving them- reives to be a majority, they will qmetiy submit to be robbed of their trauctises as citizens and their soverenrnty as a Slate. — Our own expectation is that they wall, but there arc some rather promising man ‘ifestations of spirit among the friends of i Vallandigham. We shall soon know what they amount to. The Chicayo Times, of Sept. 21st, gives the following special dis- | patch from Cincinnati : Rich. Whig, 8th. An immense Democratic mass meeting was held in Carthage to-day, to hear a great speech from Vorhees, of Indiana, — To-mybt an equally great meeting was held in Fifth street market space, to hear a speech from Judge Bartley. At Lebanon, yesterday, a Democratic My Wife and Chuld—Puetry by Gen. Jackson, | PTOCESSION Was Moving tbrough the streets, of Ga, Mare by Fo W. Romer. See at your Feet a Supplivnt One—Balfe. Rock me to Sleep, Mother—\wic by J H.| Hewett. . Mother is the Battle Over? } Virginian Mar setliasse—Onginal French Mu- | Bic. Keep Me Awake, Mother—Denck. ! The South—J. H. Hewitt. - Hewitt. Let us take care how we part with f AU printed on good Ss (aa with Or | namental Titles. \ stones, Republicans were iusolent and threw The Democracy rallied, and ove republican was sbot dead. The excitement in Lebanon is very great, and further blood shed is anticipated. At Deerfield, to-day, a Republican nam- ed Trumb was sbot dead by a Democrat | . ) AU Quiet alony the Potomac To-night—J. H. | named Lucas. At Eaton, to day, a very large mecting was held. One thousand ladies ‘and gen- tlemen were on hurseback. As a part of : i s passing the depot, an RETAIL PRICE, 1 BACH, | the procession was | g the depo The trade supplied at ‘half off,” with an | addition five pet cent. when oue hundred of any piece be ordered indiscriminate attack was commenced by | throwing stones into the procession. The democracy dismounted from their horses Blank Music Lines on the best cap paper, | and out of their wagons and took after the $1 per sheet of four pages—forty per cent. off crowd which fed. to the trade. Richmond, Va., Sept., 1863. lw 22 BLANK Jif DS FOR SALE AT T1G OFFICE | mocracy undertook to move the saine, and | have grown rich—they will ge for Repu- A delegation from Camden were interrupted by the republi cans of the place, running a wagon with o saw log on it across the road.. The de- soldier's $100 would then buy no more | gather none of the latter, but turns bread and meat for bis family than his 11! his hogs into the field, and the crop doitis will now buy. It wout do for you | is consumed in that way, then, 98 ty plead as an excuse for your exorbitant nope has been gathered, there will prices that “Confederate money is uo ac-! be ao tax. So, then, the tithe is on- “count.” You fib when you putin this’ ly required upon the hog and fodder plea, I{it cs no account why take ic at) evred, and the peas, beans & ground alif Why not say, pay me to brick-bats } peas gathered—these are all the ex- or leaves P Confederste money is deemed } ceptions. If a man turns hogs on coud enough to pay suldiera tor eatebing | his potatoes, corn, etc., he must save tallest eas alts sty me UT evough of each to pay the tithe on eoougt fer youl) Eterm Golar vol Wit ie whole. ‘hie 1 theta, and if worth a dollar 1p pur gold or it is worth ie by that that we most all be gov- nothing at all. Mark that. If it be worth- / : bs less, why do you take it? If it be worth- erned. By section XII the farmer, less, why are you $0 anxious to get it ALL? planter or grazier 18 required to Bh We repeat, every dollar of it is worth a’ one-tenth of his pork—that is, of ¢ dollar, or it isn’t worth a pinch of snuff.— the hogs slaughtered, reckoning six- It is far preferable to the State Bank | ty pounds of bacon from one hundred money, whick you seem 40 xnxious to get pounds of pork. There is no dedue- (pretending that you will take a great deal tion to be made. No inquiry, as to less for your products if paid in State) how the hogs were fattened, whether money, but knowing this money cannot be by corn from the crib, corn in the had!) We say itis) preferable, we inean tield, or peas, ground peas and pota Confederate money stands on & more sol! toes fed in the field, it is all the same. Why?) Because all that the Col. Guardian. Stale Banks-are worth is pledged for this a And don't you see Mr. E. W. Smith, a young man ot the States Bank money must prove worth “ingenuity and industry, has put ap less BEFORE Confederate mouey is “no xe arn Rock Itiver, near Lowndesville, count.” — Hf Confederate money falls. it wall S. C., two power looms, a machine fall upon the ruins of the State Banks aud for resetting cotton cards, and also aes nae we I But we tell yous. machine for pricking holes through furmers mechanics, merchants, extortroners 5 oe a and acaualstors that mad ambition some- leather for cards, all ol which are : Se) his own invention. His two looms times overleaps itself, and your ambition peste? daar dice sloth per to make money out of this war by exorbi- | W eave sixty ane - Seca cne tant charges may prove your ruin—te this | dav—his little danghter a pone way! We will sappose that our gallant | of the looms. ILe has reset over a | troops, in spite of your high charges acd | 000 pairs of cards this year, at P = | the eneiny’s balls conquer the Yankees— | ces ravging from fifty to seventy-five these troofs returning home and finding | cents. | you rich and themselves poor—finding an | enormous debt saddled on the Country by | your high charges and tapacity~finding | that while they have beem made poor you vent basis, Contederate mency. _—— & Goldiers must be fearfully dishonest, ° says Mr. Partington, “as it seems to be 3 nightly occurrence for a sentry to be re- lieved of his watch.” ee e ——— HOW TO CLOSE THE WAR.. President Davis, iu a speech to uf the soldiers of Bragg’s army, o have said that a signal vi Rosecrangz would effectually being the war to a ciose. Of the truth of this assertion we thiog there can be no doubt. Made up as the present army of Rosencranz is, | by heavy detachments from both Meade and Grant, it constitutes the ghief hope of tbe Federals for opr defeat and subjugation. a - MONDAY BYBNANG. OCTOBER 26. 1868, Another Candidate in the Field. We are authorised, by the friends of Dr. J. G. Ram- : . say of Rowan, that gentleman as a candi- A disaster to it would be a disaster lo the | date to sth Distri¢t in unholy cause in which it is engaged, [ts | Se next We Conledartine ; cs ar) fe deral Standard, Western Democrat and Bulletin destraction would leave no other Feder | please insert wail Wen-icction and forward bills te this army te the field worthy of the name, and | Lincoln would find bitnself utterly power: | jess to raise another to serd against us. In this view of the case, then, how im | portant is it that a prompt concentratiog of our forces be made and pushed against | him whom we hope ere long to be justi- fied iu calling the “fying Dutehmao. His forces are to some extent scattered, and be | would be unable to resist a concentrated | and evergetic advance of oar troops. It! will surely not speak well eitber for our} generalship or knowledge of the art of war, if he is permitted to maiacaim an immense | army on the live of the Tennessee, with his line of communication extending from Louisville to Chattanooga. This we most certainly would not do if we bad « Stone- | wall Jackson to operate upon his rear, and even without one we have some inkliugs, | through Federal source, that Wheeler is | already dowug some good werk between | Chattanooga and Nashville. But bis forte | is too smal to resist tbe ouward tide of reinforcements fowing iato Rosencrsnz, and | to make a complete job of the work he was sent to perform. We need a heavy infantry as well as eavalry force to operate upon the rear lines , of the enemy, and if President Davis 1s fuily convinced of the trath of the remark he 1s reported to have made, we have a right to infer that he wil! place at the dis posal of the commanding general a force adequate to the task he 1s expected to per form. The army of Rosencranz should uever be permitted to recross the Cumber | iand Mountains in safety, even if troops | have to be withdrawn from all other points | to prevent it’ If held where he is, he wil ; be compelled either to surrender or starve | during the wvoter, as from all the informa | tigp we can gather from the best informed, | it wilf be impossible for him to provision bis army at such a distance from his base | of supplies. | The path of duty js, therefore, plain. | Co-operating together, let the Confederate | aad State Government of Georgia, Ala- | | experiment of calling God a liar! office. sa We have eae! compassion: on file, which shall appear next week. “@e SUNDAY MalILs.—Rev. E. W. Miller, ‘rian, that the regent revival ta Statesville, learu from a letter iu the N. C. Presbyte- resulted in the Bapefu! contersigh of some | | 40 or 50 persons, many of them pupils ll { { | in the Army and Navy Messenger, states, oD , authority ofa gentleman jong resident in Lon- don, that not a singie mail is opened on the Lord's day in that city. How inexcusable, then, is the desecration of the Sabbath by the Sabbath mails of our country! The old U.S. Government persisted in the flagrant violation of the law of God ia regard to the Sabbath througheut its probation among the nations of the earth, all the while hypocriti- cally professing 40 be a Christian republic. ‘are unable ta buy by the wholesale Sabbath after sabbath for more than eighty | years did that government practically ceclare that God was not in earnest when He said, © Remember the sabbath day to keep tt holy,” | &e. Wonderful forbearance! that the great Gevernor of the universe should so long suf- ter the contradiction of sinners against him- _gurated there by the rich and car. | the Female College of that plage. The | exercises of the. protracted meeting were | conducted by Prot, E. F. Roekwell, Reva. | Wm. W. Phar §. 1. Parks, JOS Bir, | aud S. ©. Mbllea, with the pastor, Walter W. Pharr. | heprehensible / ractice.—In these i tines of scarcity aud want, it surely becomes all ta be more economical liberal. But we learn that reroute labit is. ip ket house to sel! the tu rich men. Now, bat itis the intion- weats to the wark tumodate those who and the very an vogue at the beef iu qaarte itis supposed tion of carryia et house, to ac batif the practice but lately: inasa- | | ned cut by che batehers, We poorer | to do wethout. It} class will have ,onght to be put down at all hazards. | self. But his patience ended at last, and then | came his fury. Who will say how much or bow little of bts wrath, bow being poured | tion of this law? Jt is safe to keep the com- | mandment, which bemg done there is ground upon which faith may rest. It ts dangerous to rebel because none can withstand the fury of the Judge. Shall the Soathern Confederacy renew the you say, reader? The people—eact, individ- man and woman—nuist decide this ques- tioa, and abide the consequences of a wrong decison. Tt is tor you and your children. HEALTHINESS OF Sassery.—lIt is | no @common thing to hear Salis- bary spoken of as au unhealtly place. It is trae we do have “the chills” here in the fall of the year, and pow bama and Mississippi concentrate all tbeir! and then the children lave the twea- energies and available resources for a for: } midable aad prompt movement against | Rosencranz, and before the Christmas | sels, hooping cough, &e., and grown people the rheuraati$, with an oc- noudays are upon us, we may behold the | casional brash of fevers. But on the enemy on the retreat to the Ohio and spend ‘whole the health of this place is net thoce days in rejoicing that the back bone of the war has been broken. So mote it be. ° Atlanta Appeal. Ninetu-Highth Day of the Seige.—A grand review of the troops of Gen. Tallia- fero’s division, on James’ Island, touk piace on Fuday morning Gea. Beauregard, ac companied by Geo. Pierre Soule and staff, op horseback, rode over tothe is!nud, and reached the ground about 12 o'clock. The troops bad been Jrawn up in !ine in an open field, and extended several “iles.— As far as the eye could reach the cunspic uous battle flags of the differeut reyiments were to be observed flying in the breeze, <a at the head of each a fine band of tousic. On the arrival of the Greneral Command. wg, the baads commenced playing and the artillery fired a sainte of thirteen guns. The troops were then formed for rgview i open order. when the General and staff tode along and around the whole line, the bauds discoursing most excellent macsic as they passed. After this the Jiue was brokeo into colump by companies, and the troojs marched in review jast the Genera}, who had taken a posiGen on the eft. The scene at this time was magaifi- cent. The steady uniform tread of the veterans who had passed through various campaigos in Virginia, their regimental banpers covered with the inscriptions of the battles in which they bad participated and exhibiting the marks of the enemy's vullets, the artillery, with their long line cf men, borses and guns, the hearty, im posing and cheerful appearance of the troups, as they filed past their beloved and favorite commander, all rendered it one of the fioest military pageants and brilliant spectacles we have ever wiloessed, The review over, Gen. Beauregard and staff, with Gens. Colquitt, Haguod and their different staffs, accompanied Gen. Talliafero and staff to keadquarters, and afterwards visited a number of the new fortifications. Gen, Beauregaed, Gen. Soule, and the staff of the former, returned to the city shortly before dusk. There was nothing aousual from the batteries yesterday. The enemy was, worse than that of other towns lying within a certain belt of territory stretching from Mocksville, north, to Cheraw, senth; and from Peters- burg, east, to Atianta, west, all sto ries to the contrary, notwithstandiny, As evidence of this, one of our old- est inhabitants bas furmishy! us a list of eleven white residents, peariy all natives, whose aggregate ave is 832 years !—an averave of more thaa 75 years. Can any other town of the same population beat it? No ae- count has been taken of the negroes, of whom we have some who were ~stoat girls umd boys at the tine of Let the few of onr town who now have the chills the revolutionary war. take courage. They lave a loug tine to stay here if we can only keep the yankees off -'a thing easily done if we will oli work together with hearty youd will. ZT Ne do not desire to be trouble- some to apy one, and especialy to our But the comnmitted a grave neizhbors and brother editors Greensburo’ Patriot todiscretion both in regard to Rowan coun ty aad the town of Salisbury, for which it 18 his duty to atone in proper spirit. We nor apy one else care anything aboud the publication of the “ notis” from District No. 14, whatever the feeling prompting the editor's viving it literally as written. Bat when, even in fan, that editor speaks of the county asthe land yiven (oa chagrace fal practice, implicating all its fernales, the pretence of wid suited to the sup- posed calibre of po. one is any apology for the offenge. The Patriot denies having published a malicious slander on this Town in the ar- again si'eat, making ne reply to the firing ticle signed A. B. C., having no reason or from Moultrie, Simkins, Cheves, &c. {| motive: for such an action. His denia! is Charleston Courier, \7 th. There will be two one armed men in | the next Congress, as representatives from Georgia—Hon. Mark Blanford appears in bis columns; and if this com- rounity is willing to accept it, the protesta- tions of the editor’s respect for our town are out upon the American people, is in vindica- | INTERESTING LETTER. Major Rreces Bargincek, of Con- | curd, whe has been gallantly serving the Confederacy in the field ever | since war begun, having been strony- ly solicited to permit his name to be used asa candidate tor Congres, has What do | \ é written the sabjoined bandseme let We put iton recerd to his credst, for when the dave of peace shal] retorn, Mr. BakRINGER i» One of the nen whom the people will deligat to honor, ter in reply t fils friends. ORANGE €. BL, Via, Oct. 17, 1883 I Lave recently secetved numerous solicita- hons to become a eandidate @e Congress in the Sth District. These suftcitations, I hace snitocroly declined. Within the last fw days, I learn that many of my fnends still propose voting for me. whether a candidate or uot. Whikt I aru deeply gratelul to all who have thus manifested an lateresc in uy behalt and pose giving me this testimonial of thet idence. | deem it due ahke to them and to myself to state, that for many reasons | tiaueh prefer my pame should not be thus useu. 1 entered] the artny from a sense of duty I «cand knowing the aa- Yee is fet y t consistent with my ept any civil or political I think it better for sand by their be, countug the ¢ t odl{amed: colors, se at home <ocld all ur n acor- Deacnest supperct of the authonties in jing, clothing and «(uerwise sustaimoz the gallant meo (and thew fanless) whe are ight- not valy tor our r sts, but for the safety 0: our bomes and fresdes, My chief dbsare is ty see all party bics-rings adayed, 2 least y this moments struggle. The army = w-hearted add will nobly pertorm its othe country. 17 croakers, growlers biers, who torment themselves and yuad them with inagi . } sy aside their fraes: if hoarders, specu ters and money-maxers could only be in- duced to forget thetr fish ends for @ season pta, skulkers and deserters, could t to their commands, and all come ft cons: ruts and men, the ar Y God, would sova we Ob! that thos the error of the hearts to the eall of onr vraver i that all di« h- Carolina may be healed, and that vencelorth we will lave eoparty there, Guat headed by our sworn ' nal leaders—-Prevident Dayis and ts00er f hog alike ty Pre i and our ate ty e parcy now consecrated by the blood of our herore dead proclaiming wart we death, rather than submission to the crue! fanatical, hated despotiscy of the North. Ra ther at 1 deaths, fisting for my tative gation by such a people. — that. Let this war stop ndependence, and Federal conserip- short of on awaits every able-bodied man amongst us to ght their battles against the Frenei: in Mexico. There is no alternatve but to con- que: + peace, aud uie s@oner the whole cositi- try arouses itself to thiegreat truth, the soon er will victory crown our .fforts, and the blessine of peace gladden our hearts, Respectfally yor fellow-citizen, RUFUS BARRINGER, Maj. Ist N.C. Cav. Woirny oF Ivrration.-The batch. ers in Richmond have agreed. to pur- chase their beef at 25 cents gross and sell it at 50-cents nett. Can't the Columbia butcber® adopt edtne , made im the face of the article itself which , Similar arrangement to redage the ir ire upon the pour during these | ard tines !—(Col. Guardian. | from the 8d, and Oupt. G. N. Lester | worth all that the respectability of the edi- | are not to be sneezed at, even aceord- from the 8th. | tor cam give thes. Hib refases to give the | ing to this prepositian.. Mercifal butchers! Their profits | Fismine's Company, which is composed largaly of men from Rowan county, We sincerely sy:mpatbize with those who have bad the misfortune to have friends wound | ed qud killed a | Barrie Freid Serween Wamaenton axp 1 Manassas, Viaginia, Orwber 18; 1663.) Dean Baortura -—1 again have the privilege | of writing yoy a few lines, though [ eannot tell | whether you will ever get it or nol. We were eugaged yesterday a few hours; our Brigude | lost pretty heavy. Gea. Cook was wounded, had his fey broken below the knee. We huda very bad position, had to charge the enensy. | who were posted ina Raitroe@ eat, aad had, several pieces of artillery in position, which | inowed our men down. We charged up wo withia a ehort distauee of the Rabiroad, but | were compelled to fall back us we had no sup- port, aud us we moved back « good many of oar men were wounded. | don’t think there , wasa general eogageme®. I canny tell you | ‘mach of the fight, as I boow nothing more | than what was done by our Brigade. Out, sroops acted most galluatly, bat evuld wot carry the Railroad. I will give you a list of the killed end wennd- ed of our Company. Sergennt Klutis. flesh wouad, seriously in Uugh; Sergeent Marry- mau, flesh wouad, seriously in thigh ; Sergeant, Basinger, wounded by the explosion of a shell ; P. C. Cranford, through the ear; Alexander England, serivusly tarough side; W. G. Har- ris, seriously, flesh wound through thigh; J Hornberger, seriously in hip; Joho MeNeely, seriously in head; Mouroe Peeler. ander right arm badly ; Wm. Suller, [learn was wound- ed, but cannot hear how he was wounded; Rufus Trexler, struck by a prece of sheifon the leg; Frederick Walier, stightiy. forehead ; €. H. Waggoner, leg, he was strack by a piece of shell, and L cannot te how badly he was hurt; Milas Wiliams, mortally wounded in the bow- els ; Daniel Miller wasabot through the throat bya shell, instantly killed Several others of the company were slightly tovehed, but I will net mention them. Capt Fleming and I es caped untouched. This list ts as Corregt as { could make, asthe wounded were all carned to the rear and EI did not get to see them. Wil- ham Dunn te missing, he went in the fight with the company. 19 the last I can hear from tum Dear Brother, EP feel very thavkful that I have been spared when a mauy hare been shor duwn by my ecle. Lexpect we will be into i again inafewdaive Youcanhave che list of hohed sud woanded published ty the Wateh- man. Your brother, GEORGE The following, if true, will have al very Im portact beanby upon the war in Louis ana, at feast, if it does nat clear out the State and N. Orleans. We hope every word Is Ur tte, GOOD NEWS FROM LOUISIANA The Mobile Tribune of the 17th inst, cun- tains a reportola batde in Svuth western, Louisiana bet ween Gen Dick Taglor’s farces and Gen. Banks st. The -epeort comes trom several Giter sources, ail cou firming the statement wtiat Gen. Banks aud his staff nad deen caytuced wide 14 regiments abodiuen The Tribune of the Lita comtans the Jol- lowing ¢ 3wrohboraton : Teport Tie operators at the Western Telegraph office reevived dispatches last mygit corrobor- abng the renort of t aptun® of Gep Hanks and his staff and sey inend prisoners gentleman had tae Trans- Mississipi Chat @ a9 true eaiepertety BAVS trial « that a yentlesat with a New OUrteans paper, which give fac tes We are endeaveomoy or uetthe full account and w publis ‘ as recesy Comin Lidlerent s we must beleve that tue re is Sume trutt vit the report FROM TRANS-MIESSISSIP ET . Carper wn oonhinanwe messenger to artive mtne Trans- Misses p ‘ the following t a tie ee Gen, Pr sand stro ‘ mel H 4 onlVv a ix nak itv arteiien ; cements t re 4 Kk ati bttgae Db t lf (re KOR s ates that G Prove as on Way to Mise 5 Vay and M er are atG) ‘ ‘ Tavtort 1 Banks a Ue + Cag th ty .Y ’ t { pi weedy tely ronting Baik La The repost of Gen se brags vactory caus d fetietate money go up, and pat thous - ands of resaforcenents m our army. Rvervbody 14 sanguine aboot var ability to take care of the Trans Misewmppt Depart ment, and it is beleved that before the win ter sets ain, Gen. Kirby Smith will have the Abolition army pretty wel cleaned ont of that part of the country. Gen, Holmes is stil too umwell to taRe sommmadad, = ee Circumstances Alter Casea,— Before tha war, tnd when the prives of every thing were regulated with more exact reference wo the relative value of articles, our pate rons in the vieinity of our town, then com paratively few in number, were always pleased to bring us fire-wood in exchange | for the Watchman. Now, however, they never say wood once. Loads which they formerly sold for 75 cts, they now sell for trom $4 to $6; and those they sold at $1;- 25, from $7 to $8. They sell their wood and then come and give us about one-half the price, o-horse loaf to pay for a v bad advaneed, at 2) Vankee tnade fibres ge every one who sets his heart on torking haste to be rich, and not the least of it is in tempting him to be unjust in bis dealings. ~— +++ owe — Vrom the Presbyterian. Momberm of the Sydod 6f North Caroline wre hereby curdially invited to avsemble in the Presbyterian charch in Salisbury, at 3 0’ P. M., the 26th of October, Lo engage in devou prayer to God jn behalf of the spirival and temporal welfare of our beloved country. The train from the Seuth wilf reach this piace at W o'clock, A. M,, and from the East at | eclock, P. M,, and henee the appoimiment wi not require the brethren to: deave home any souner than will be required to be present at the opeving of the sqesions of Synod. J RUMPLE, Pastor. ~-~e The Situation in Kast Tennessee. The Bristol Advocate of the 8th inst., says the cloud whieh, for some time, has ob- scured Upper Tennessee from our vision is gradually sing away. Our troo - the Iatest scene to Midway, some sixty miles from Bristol, and eigiaeen miles from the Rodgerwille Jenction. Ball's Gap, where it was sap- posed the enemy woudl maky a stand, is this side ef the juncaon, Some of our troops, commanded by Col. J. E Canter, had a pretty severe skirmish with the en- emy near the gap on Saturday last, and routed him completely. The retaking of Cumberland Gap by our forces in a consamination very much to be dared at this time, and one to whieh our aughorities tannot attend too In order to save the pork and oth- er suppiics frum the portions of Virginin aul Tenuesgee contiguoas to the gap, we should at once reciam the position, with out waiting upon the moventents ef Gen, Bragg. ANOTHER FICTORY IN TENNESSER —CAPTURE OF SEVEN HUNDRED PRISONERS, SIX PIECES OF ARTIL- LERY, &e LOPFICIAL Disra toa. } Cwick amavaa, October 2) To General S Cooper : The fullowing dispatches hare bevn reeriy- ed trom Major-General Stevenson Craaisstus, (Teunesee,) Oct. 20 —The cavalry, under Morrison and Dyboord, attack- ed the enemy 5 cavalry 19 foree at Philade!- phia to-day, captanug abeat foor hundre-t prsonen, ther autiilery, small arins, camy equippage, Ae. Uur loss nothing They arr IN pursod wi roated. . Chantasaon, Oct 2). -—The enemy were pursued to thetr detences at Loudon, and ar- nved tere after Jack. The force Unsere is 20% known, Their loss is sever bundred proon- ers, fits wagods foaded witb stores, tet an bulauees, san pieces of artillery, a lot of hocs- eo aod olher property Siusep) Haaxron Hraca the evetoy, who ave eulire) es, nu “-. Gaov. Ssarma at Danvittr — trov- erbor Smith, Gor Virginia.) in his ad- dress te the ciiaens of Danville, on Saturday evening, besongbt the peo- pie of albayes, sexes gid conditions too practice BOUNOMY —the mnep to qa weanng there tine paicapnernta- hanand to clothe themselves th babil- itinents more becoming a people eo- yayed dp snch a struggle as we have on oar banda, te vcor otnine hot ooly in raiment, but alse gn foad, even recommending the discontinuance of the nee of mfent ¢ Xceept onee A dav. To theelacdies be uppenied, to pursue and told them as be heich , ) yinet Garth and the same poley, tise told “the fine tend” that thes lisedies oof double darn there oldh dresses, ane hever bav wny of the tew famgies tempting y lsplayed in the shep- windows ol the mere irvine PUBLIC: MEETING. Previous butice yoweb, 4 Aceording to gevdiy number of the emtizens of Saltoe ry and a few from the county, met in the Coart House, aud upon motion, Hon. I Craige was cailed to the Chair, and J. H John DD. On woton, ® Committee of three ing of Maj. JOE. Kerr, Jobin Fo Foard and L. Hlackmer. was appointed to prepare Ennis wate Brown, Seeretaties. eobsiel- business forthe meeting, whe reported the following resolutions, which were ananNn- otsty adopted, viz: Wherkas, we, the citizens of Rowan cover ty are desirous of doing all in oar power to relieve the neceamties of the families. of 08! soldiers and other needy persons, who are fighting for us in onr armias. Therefore be ps Vaid ies we Leni reagan ther as the Rowan Relief Society, , — fands ax toay be placed in our bands ~ the purpose of purchasing. provisions, — ing, shtth bad fice weed of the poor of of county, to be sold to them at a price to cov er cost and carriage. ne Resolved, That we appoint a Treasurer ie hold thé funds that may be advanced, » sell to u our Con power fF their in The ed Ww © jutions, bios, poiut d The aud th much 4 Oa scriber the mal Le) Ww at O the ba en Sa at th highe Plaot Th \wo uw ad poe will- erly, habs. | for king ‘isin ings. an. rolica in the et | and The ace at atl at wi any at the lor. ee. —~ , Saye “8 ob- visions oops ounts ristol, neville “ sap- ind, is Ff our Jarter, he en- My aud oap by much phe to id too d oth- ingiois Ap, WE . with fF Gen. ESSES ‘DRED .RTIL- 2) Feces 1—The attack - hi mde! - nundre.t 4, Cat } ‘hey arr enor) bj Wit aod ar- fe is Dot 1 pricen- ten ain at hoc SRAGA — tyov- iis ad- ilfe, on he peo- ditions nen TD Herma nh habil- ple en- ve lave aot ooly }, even rance of er, duv. pursne mas he f deeb honed aus, whe Sropegrlers+ ppetarngly dorwe in , oyiven, 4 , Salon net in the — Hon. I aired 3: H eurrelaries. “, cobs: Foard and Teh aS ported the e onanwn- ywan counr cdl needy of ru Rae Fee Pe ee gery xy , 0 bet tober 2d, | in, a i ee ae Sg ‘ y tion of wal Fuad, | ‘ Bua. pu ee 4 Cite iielay Dus ~ ia A ee oe ONO “yaiNeles| , ‘ ik nar) tae oe Re R wy? ple “% th + pte Hoc nes M SOH * VE for sale, and will “xbud le gid, / R fo any one for making latches, Black, Ked and Blor Inks and Shor fp Dy “ 18, ry . At} Mra. p's, Saturday, . 21° Saliebury, Monday and Tygnday, 23d and 24th. Weduesday, Movember 25. taker’s Thuvsday, a. 26. Harkey’s, Friday, 3 27. Gold Hill, Saturday, ue 2a. »Morgan’s, Monduy, am 30. Hatter’s shop, Wednesday, Deeenber 2. Miller's, Thureday, se 3. October uutil the 7th November. Persons de- siring to appeal from axséngmenis.fcan see the lists during that time, on Mepday’s and Satur- day’s, at the ( ourt House, iv Salisbury, and on other days at my residence, after which time, no appeal. After the 7th November, the lists will be closed. All who fail to pay their tuxeg us above, are notified that they will be charyed ten per eent additional. TAX IN KIND! The Assessors will be with me at the thes and places above mentioned, to tuke additional retoros of the Tax in Kind of all additional ar- ticles vot heretofore returned; sueh as Corn, Potatoes, Peas, Beans, and the like. All per- sons are notified to do so then, or the iaw will be rigidly enforced wgainst them. WILLIAM R. FRALEY, Tax Collector for Rowam Io the mean tive, I will hold the lists in my | bands ready for inspectiohy from the 24th of | al a6 DOTY» 5 teyded to apply tothe m ed, 206 nob lo the o fenee. . I. The Commissions of are suspended only while Guard organization and not on duty, they may be r meanders of their Regimeuts ibe execution of orders from thi . LIL. The officers and men of the Goard for Home Defence will be to the Rules and Artieles of War and the General Regalations of the Confederate Staves: Army, when eaglled out by orders frum this office, either for dll or for special or general service. By order of Governor Vance: ; R. ©. CATLIN, Adjutant General 22 October 17. - JOS. B. RUSSELL Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give prompt aod personal attention to the sale of produce, and purchasing Salt, We. Consignments and orders rer pectfally solicit- ed—udvances made when required. Reference—T. J. Foster, Salisbary. Oct. 12, 1863. 6mpd22 ' FOR SALE. | CONFEDERATE COTTON INTEREST | SIX PER CENT BONDS. \ Those Bonds are issued only in sums $1,000 | Octeber, 15, 1862 4023 WANTED SUBSTITUTE FOR THE WAR FOR .) LOCAL DEFENCE —A liberal price will be paid for a good and reliable man over fifiy years of age, who will not be required to yo into the field—good references required — Enquire at this Office. Octeter 26. 1563. tf23 $10 REWARD. last of September, a young yellowish looking COW, with a large white blaze in the face, and very good size. No other mark recollected, but if marked, it is a helf crop out of each ear. me io get her. JEREMIAH BARRINGER. October 26, 1963. 4123 EXCHANGE NOTICE, No. 7. ( Ricnmosp, Va‘, Oct. 16, '863. 4 Fund. . The Counties: Clay, Mitebeland Transy!- : vaniawith receive .ahwir share from the Coun- ask of | tiew out of which were respectively formed. all persoas to. abstaid from ES i gen, ARR areetint ei provisions with the view of ain at a| R- th. Barras, Jn, Seeretary to the Board. profit counriss rep, POF. SPAMO Dis, FALL DIS, TOTALDM That we ask of all Preachers of | Alamance, 10,475 $1917 68 $1522 10 g2T8> Gea Tistboes obabe Peace, and Mililia — , saiea 186 3 1681 58 tus Bt pi ~ ager wl enriped > nl 4 Se sis cs somite in collegting funds, in inducing producers tO) pears, 12/8 1464 1S 1805 948200 09 sell to us at bow priews and in furnishing to | pertic, , 11,086 . 1282 91 "1608 64 2886 5S vur Committee all the if tion in sel Bronswick An 4 * iolo 4 iors power relative to the wants of the poor iD | pyncombe, 11888 1881 26 1796 BF «107 83 sir in iate neighborhoods. Burke, $208 «068 46 «1904 BE 2167 18 cet semen | @absrrus, > «978801084 01855 TA 40 8S The following Commitide was appotnt- | Caldwell, 7064 «O2117 108646 1847 63 * 4 Camden, 4498 «908319 «866974 =| 1174 98 ed wv carry into operation the above reso | Carteret, Tus 860 a vl 1085 02 ; af 3. McCub- Caswell, d 18473 1446 % «1612 440-9262 89 luliona, Viz: Wa. Overman, J. 8. McCa Conagye, ¢ 10,064 18 a sea oe 2083 a0 bios, M. A. Smith, M. W. Jarvis, ap : peed Ou ie @ 06 jimed Trasre |e, ee ee isle . val ‘ The sum of $10,000 was soon raised = inset F— i —— bo head a ? 5 14,087 1681 76 2089 70 «© 8671 46 aud the prospect was very good for as p semaine oy tiop tas ge 90005 «1675 OS much money a» Dycessary, Poviecns$ eer eth né | lus 0 IWtt 86 Oa motion, it was reaulved that the sub- | Duptia,s ‘ teens pr My abd a Lyeed rH w », scribers meet ouce ip every four weeks for foregt, ed me Fe va ua sim c ranklin, the management of the business, Gaston, m 8,484 - 6S 1925 10 «= 2205 18 : : are Gates, 6,388 18 1000 16 =: 1800 29 Bb. CRAIGE, Ch'n. Granville, 18.962 220498 2755 86 «4950 64 . Greene, 6346 «T8771 «(9923 14 «= 109 85 1D. Baowe, { Secretaries Mouse's ieoot Ue Hem dma . . Halifax, = 15 iy J. D. Brows, Harnett, 0 Tous «814 BB «101T 90 ds 22 Hay wood, 5.616 | 650 24 17 aoe ue z Henderson, 9 1150 27 = 1487 54 roa MARRIED: Sn aS tae = ae Hyde, ¥ 7 ; . Iredel 13,676 1589 81 1987 26 ©8577 07 On the 15th instaot, at the resideace of Cul —— sary ‘toe eo fetes 1616 HI T. D. Meares, in Rowan coauty bv Rev. Geo | jonnsten, 13,690 1591 44 1989 30 ©8580 Wetmore, Dr. W. J. DeROSSEL,P. AO. 5 | Jones, 4,965 507 42 Foti ‘es “ to Miss ADDIE, only daughter of the late w rpsor Ll ae 4 id oi es B. Meares, Eeq. ; | Macon, 5196 673 GT «BHR OD «ADL 76 | Madison, S58 676.91 «846 141588 05 . Martin, 81468 984-35 «1980 44 SS DIED A | MeDowell, 6,597 167 00 9538 6S 1725 75 Lhe | Mecklenburg, 14788 1715 59 214 e bao) = Montgomery, 6920 80443 1 mug 97 la Rowan county, on the 14th iust.. JOHN | Moore, 10,420 1211 By 1514 19, #785 34 &. CARSON, in the 65th year of his age. 4 ee lncwever yet aes 4 oro 2 rl " At the residence of Mra. Sledge, near Gas- | Northampton, 10,653 1288 3d pa! 98 sted : ion, N.C., 28d September, 1863, LELIA JU- | Oases, 7457 866 86 1088 57 3 . ' i gs : . 782 67 > 8398 5 SEPHINB, infant daughter of E. C-aud 8. L | jes Lacey sped . bibs “ty nob 2 Lentz, aged 11 months and 22 days | Verquimans,e 5,820 67656 34> 70 1582 26 Fic \xelv dower haw nded | Perso, 6 91431062 SS 1388 v6 sae a e ely aded. } Piet, 12,691 475 30) 1844 1 BIg 42 Vanished trom ber home on earth 5 | Pur, 1,785 pa ig Ba = Foe . oe ; audelpe, 16,185 z 2 Exchanged this @urld of sarruw Seca isda as 23 L2RY 79 S800 OL For « b ighter more heavenly berth. Kobeeun, 18,307 «1546 vO 1988 GZ A450 52 One hak oi the chaiv iv broken. | oe teeta Lees ~ Nery PH ar id Qae voice to be heard ue more ; ' Ratherford, OITA 1H TD ¥eie = » | sasng . 1ASI2 164 62 QUT OB B6L2 lo tleaven she snye sweet sorgs | erie e oes ae a “a ue Of the Savivur we love and adore 1 mokee 94is Loos 85 STT 4 2h 29 . Surry, #871 1148 64 «1483 BOSSA 44 Ww © rhould not weep for ber, see led das oS ST Nor with her buck again; | Ueivn, 103 4 197 6% 1497 34 9696 21 For catare has proven to us ve rr ar WT ign - et s veh) on, ST 7 om Thal a Heuvee he man reme® | Warrenne 1166 1846 St 1980 6S ORS IT A Friexp. | Watauga, 4915 ST13> 0 T14 BU 185 SD aa eee Wayne, * 13,726 i 36 190 a ~ 5 | Wilkes, + oe a 2 i FOR SA L E. Yadkin, 10,783 1178 51 1478 15 265i 61 “ +h ' Yaneey. spi0 1286 SJ BBS 8S 1 Bol. Red Wood. For wale at HENDERSON & ENNSSS October 26, 1563. sf24 WHITE LEAD. 100 Ibe White Lead, ia oil, for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS October 26, N63 23 x aan QUAKER MEADOWS FOR RENT. ‘Or BRILALF of tue Widow aod Heirs of the bate Col James C28. MeDowell, [shall oa Satarday the 4th dav of November near, atthe court boase so Morgamon, lease to tre highest bidder for twy yrare (he Lande ang Plantation kavwe ae Quaker Meadows.” The place is on the Catawba River, two miles from Morganton, and is cansidered woe of the bea plantauoos in Burke couuty — ‘The Tract connate of about 1600 acres, one half of which is cleared, and of that more Chan a) neresis river button The place witl be fet in (wo parcers Homestead contains a large two ory Dwelling, with the oat we © alarge plantation. Che othor rect geod Dwelhug Heaee aud wartable oa Al the same’ ume vod place will quantity of cosa, Wheat, Kye. Fodder, Hay, ke Also, a few Staves iv be hired at che same we CWAS, WANLY October 26, 1863 28 R.R. ROBERTS. COMMISSION MERCILANT, CORVER OF 13TH AND CARY STREETS, RUCHIMOND, VAL, wy LICEPS eonmngameat> of Manu factared *) Tobacco, Wakes, Brandy. We. te the sale of which he plodyors hamself to wise purtic ular atte uCios. He begs leave to rater to Dr. Win S Green, Premdent of the Fariners Bank, and Mesars G. l. Pace & Seu, Danville, Va. Me. Johan H. Pecuberton, of Draville, Va. sill attend tu euy business connected with thie hoane, 5023 . YT . no FARM NGOS Wan TEU, A GBNTLEMAN in Montgomery econty, Wishes tu hire frum mx to eight farm hevde, wow or atthe Imt of Junvary wen. tle tokhe whole families un proper teria. Apply at this Office for further information. October 26, 1863. 3.93 OFFICE N.C. BR; R. Oo. Vance, October 23, 1963. A LARGE aalc of-vligible town lots will be 4 Mheld at thia place on Thareday Nov. 5th \o63. The town is finely situated immediately eo the Rail Road near Graham, the lots are lid off 200 feet square, the streers 100 feet wide with twolarge open sqoates, and the sale olwime the atlention of all wishing to secure u pleusunt and hy hume., Terns cash or provedbovd at 6 Months with Interest from date. THOMAS. W EBB, Prest, abnor The Broek es usually fouud on hasa houses tre mada a will {4i-23}, onthe With Ne \ { | | | 109,000 00 125,000 06 22,000 00 | PEDUCT FOR DEF AND DCMB AXD BLEND. @ David J. Watson, Elisa J. C. Watson aod Jos. Wat- son, Deaf and Dumb, $225 00 b Magzie Brumley, Blind, TS oo eo Sarah W. Busbali, Buod, TS yo d Mimerva A. Walker, Deafand Dumb, 7S Ov « Caswell M. Cobb, Deaf and Dumb 75 ov / William C. Abernatby, Deaf and Dbumb,Sarah C, Fuoshee, Blind, 130 Ov g George W. Hartie, Blind, Join McCorquadale and Mary MeCorqnadale, Deaf aod Dumb, 22S tm) A James Swing. Blind, TS 0 ¢ Bace’s Orrell, Bind, Tow j Nancy J. Blanchard, Ellen Jcboron, Deaf aod Dumb 140 00 & John WC. Laper, Deaf and Duwh, i Jonas M. Corta Bind, m Grorge L. Jones, Blind, a Witham H James Holt, Deal and Damb, o Jasper Jamison, Mary M. Nichols, Deal Dumb, p Christopher Seevers, Deaf and Dumb, ¢ isabella Pegrau A Pegram, Deaf and Dumb rJawes © Lane, Deaf and Dumb, « Cornelit Hbarn, Bind, tJoho HH. Belton, Benjamiu Beiwn, Dumb, w John Bo Wateon, Bl.nd, eM. A. Mall, Lizzie Hall, Blind eo George Harris, N. J. Hill. Deaf agd Dumb, @N.J. Dupree, Joho Sitepsen, Bind, €reo. Har ward, R. Clements, Deaf and Damb, y Seseph J. Reid, Bilnd, Th 90 2J.L Sameriin, 8. W. Bumerlin, NB. Sumer- , 159 90 and Deaf and \ lin, th Samertin, Deaf and Dumb, Roo o9 “8. A. Owens, M. Owens, Betsy Owens, Blind, 225 00 i was ordered that the above tabalar «+ published in the Ralergh Stundard, Tarbor Wilmington Journal, Fayetteville Observer, Argus, Western Detaverat, Greensbor’ Patriot, Ashe- ville News, Mendepsonrite Times, Saliebu:y Watchman aml Mitten Chrontcie, twice At the meeting of the Beard h NB ld in March Laat, ft was ordered that §2o should be yard for alvtertiong Spring ciel #40 for advertising Fall distribution, October 19, Psti. 2w-23 Qaarier-Wasiers Ollice Sulebury N.C. Oct. 7. 1863 LL persous having clauns agaross this De- s partment will have been relieved present Cham atonce ns of dvty at this Post, and de - sire teclose all accouui# befure leaving H MeCOY Capt & A-QM Alera 100.000 LBs. Of Tobacco at Aaction. WILL expore to pubic sale, two hundred thousand pounds from one bo nonutactar. tured Tobacco at my store. in Salisbury, NOC. rvemmoer, 183 JOUN FO FOARD October 23, 1863. 4123 Ranaway—%325 Reward. » _—_— ii ANAWAY from the subscriber, October 10th, a very bkely negto man, CUFFEE, aged about 26 years, black complexion, 6 feet 2or3 inches high, quick spoken, rotelligens, but ra | ther a duwn cast look; weighs 200 [bs or over He was hired to me in Concord, und may be Yurking in that vicinity. ‘The above rew ard will be paid for hix delivery to me to this place, ot for his confinement in some jail wo chat T get him agato SAWL RRBVES, Jr. _ Salisbury, Oct. 26, 1863 ; TA N iV ERS O LE. 10 bbls, Tangera’ Vil for sale at HENDERSON & ENNISS. Ocetober 26, 1863. 4123 ifs 7) to include any officer are hereby declared daiy exchanged : 1. All officers and men captored aud paroled j at any tune previous to the Int of September, { 186%. This section, bowever. is not imtended or men captured at | Vieksburg July 4th. 1863, except such as were aeclared exchanged by Exchange Notice No. 6. Sept. 12th, PR63. or are specifically narned in this notice. j made at City Point or other pinces before Sep- ‘ tember Lot. 1S63, and with the linitation above ‘ named, all captures at Port Hudsen or any oth- er place where the parties were released un parole 2 The Staffof Genends Pembderton, vensen, Bowen, Moore, Barton. S. D. Lee, Cummings, Harris and Baldwin, and of Colo- nels Reynolds, Cockrell and Dockery: the of- ficers und men belonging to the Eagieer Corps and Sappers and Miners, anc the 4th and 46th Mississippt Regiments, all captuced burg, July 4th, [863 3 The general officers cz; tured at Vicke- burg, Jaly 4th, 1863, were declared exchanged July U3th, 1863. Ste- at Vicks vo | ROBFRT OULD, Agent of Exchange. Souther» papers publish six times and send bills to the War Department (6123 \ Raleigh, N. C., Oct. Lath, 1863. Generat Onpvers | No 26 \ IN ACCORDANCE with ostructions from the War Department, persous ltuble to con- scription will be assigned, at che Camp of ie struction, to regiine ats of th: ral Lee's or Brayy’s army uit! varcher orde®. By -Conscript Ofice. 7 ) choice ib Gene- wer of Col. PETER 'ALLETT, Commancant of Conser pls for Nee J.M. Mateart. Adjitant. fo PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTA | ryN I HE undersigned will sell eon November, at hie reridenc . :¢ twelve miles Nor. hwaest. 0! lowing valuoble Property, to wi. a tity of Corn, Wheat, Catt’e, Sheep : Bee Llives, Wih of Miils. Saasbory. the foi ttre reels awege quan Se Ve rat besides Wagons, Farming Impleisents. and a grenut many. other articles not hecessary tomen tion, bot asally foand on a well stocked farm Those in want of su to attend this sale. Conditions of sale mede Kuewn on the day. i) JACOB CORRELL October 22, 1863 4423 nariicles would do weil | Execative Department Vo Uaen- lina Adjatant Gencral’s OMee. Milita.) Raleigh. October U7, L363. \ “GENERAL ORDER, / NO, 19. 4 MMHE Militia officers in each county where the Guard for (lome Defeacée has been or may hereafter be fully organized, Wii tarmover to the commander of the latter all arms, a¢ coutremenis and anmurition in their posses. sion belonging to the State, taking receipts for \ the same. | By order of Governor Vance: \ RK. CG, CATLIN, (2123). A Adjntant General, STRAYED from the eubscriber about the | The above reward will be paid for her delwery | lo me in Salisbury, er foc information to enable Te E following Confederate officers and men Busi doex embrace all deliteries ; each. with interest, payable in Cotton or Coin, | oa the first day of June iv each year. Apply at the Bank of N. Caroline ju Salis- bury, where particulars, &c., will be geven. Het. 16, 1863. 3w22 ‘ | ) | Dr. J. A. CALDWELL ] ESPECTFULLY OFFERS his profersioual services to the citizevs ef Salisbury and the sur- rounding country. OFFIC E—Bnick Row, opposite the Coart- house, Room No. 2. 17 'n my absence, leave your name on the Slate.£1 Oct. 16.—tf22 Tanner's Oil For Sale. | THE subscriber has 25 or 30-gallans Tan- ner’s Ou which he will sell. Calf on him neat Chia Greve, Rowan Co WM. C. MILLER. 4w22 TO THE APFLICTED! . eat ae OF BOXES OF THE SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS have been ordered in one day. Wherever known their use continues. Without puffing, they aave gained ground by their real value. JG" More than five hundred persons are known to have been cured by these Pills. 2% This excellent family medicine is recommen- ded by the proprietor as good only for dis eases of the Liver. His correspondents say that they alse cure Billious Rheumatism, Pneamo- nia, Chills and Fevers, Billious Fevers. Piles aud Worms. They are a perfeculy safe meat- cine Peter Vadeu, Esq,. of Dinwiddie County, Ve ginia, after deseribing remarkable cares if | lus family of Biaious Rheamatiem aad Plearisy- ! Miu Doctor's bill has been heretofore | from $175 to $200 per year. Khave used them | these pills) for my famiy, whieh coneists of | eightean white and colured, aad have not calle | This is a great saving. They ! certuiniy are the bert family nvedicine ever dis- covered.” Rey Jahn W. Potter. of Greene county, | North Corclina, had suffered twelve years from Cut 19, 1863. BAYS 2% edin a Doctor. been abi. eure ° them. that hour [have unproved. am well and hearty vas L believe. was saved frum cealp by a ¢ of these pills. Wy Deetor’s bill wae annual] from a0 to R200. bot I have had no yse for a | ——— plysiciae stace” : Foomas Eh Ranevi Esq. Grenville county, N.C csave: © TP tind your. pills to be the best family medicine Thave ever used. “They have proved very benefien! in ny awn cage. Lhave becn very mneh aftheted tor Liye cra, and have tred every atud.al medieme thot bcould get, but have urere rele! trom vou puis Uno al others, My dysenss ite Sronelie adfliction. Vote “Veta. or fifteen cases Un may very mnedicme a ocomplete prostracan of tile ne T have used them teu Tamas. amd! find-them to be ih for nearly all family diseases” © Prick 81.50 a boy. Por $15 1 dozen boxes Wil be seat prepoed ta any part of the Confed- srae ye Whose wite than a dozen yowes. tamat appby te the dru st.—Creant te- Cueto ana: to Pyrirggets aid Vierehante wit byv by eee fash mast always aewemn- pany orders. dares, GhOR <<, DEEMS. Wilson, NOC For eale in Sehisbory by Henderson & Ba- nisa. and in Le vington by J.P. Sian.sen, Octohker 12. 1°63 Sivpd2! , pe Brass, Gepper, Lead aad Zine. LIBERAL price will be perid for any kind of off x PRASS, COFPER, LE YO and ZINC, delivered at the nearest aii: Rod Station. Any person wishing to sell will please notify me of the qnvotity, price, and where to bo delivered. A. G. BRENIZER, Capt. Ari'y Com'd'g. C. 8. Ord, Works, Salistary, N.C, | Qer. 2, 1868. 4 uo WANTED Ve PURCHASE, op a fatten on shares: 500 Hogs at the C. 5. Distillery, Salisbury, Apply to Surg. Jas. T. Jon&sox, Med. Par. Chartette, N.C. WANTED! WANT to hire TEN or FIPTERN NEGRORS, stout N.G¢ ' active boys, a8 laborers. Those hayigg negroes to hire, will please tome at the Cantelerate Btates | Ordnance Works, bury. | A. G. BRENTZER. \ 00. Capt. Art’? Gom'd'g ' houses. a diseased liver. whieh the physicians had not | ye i He saya: “1 commenced | tsking the Hepoue Pills with no confidence int Phev actedlike a charm on me. From | ~- LT have persever- | ed in their use ontil now, by God's blessing. I} [ had anegre man who, | *¢ hg.) Ale. 's receipt for makings cotipo- for melding casi steel, one for n Var- nisly for'varnishing trod. F wil send ian. rege oe dollar single, or all for dol- jars. Being @ practice! le-maker, for the Cotton Mills. { am prepured to furvish @ re- coipt for making hcaddle varnish, which 1 ‘ob- Tun nches ‘ed bite long before the @ur— wi d, id, Log send, post paid, for five dol- M. L. MULINIX, Stowesville, Gaswa Co., N.«'.. October 5, 1863. 3ipd20 STOLEN, * OF of Murphy's Jot, wy bay MARE andi HARNESS. The Mare is about twelve years old, bleod bay, sixteen hands high, in fine’ order, one white bind feot, shod all round; & little hipped, which is only perceptible whem tretting. Harness half worn, silver plate, pad late!y mended, red webbing on the lines ; had? ow helter when taken I will give “HETY DOLLARS rewurd for iter delivery in Salisbu- ry, and ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS fer the appretension of the. thief. ; R. H. COWAN. Salsbury, Sept. 28, 1863. tf 20 mabe SOI | LOOSECOTTON — OR SALE, AT ; HENDERSON & ENNIS”: October ¥, 3863: 1120 ANTED at Shee Store 100 Greewm Hides, for which the. highest price will! be paid in: cash. = JNO. A. BRADSHAW. Salisbury, Sept. 14). 1863. ny _ Administrator’s Notice. HE subseriber having at the August Term: of the Couaty Court of Rewa», taken Letters: of Administration according to law, on the es- tate of Christian Bringle, dec’d., hereby. gives- netice (o all orediturs of said esta(e, to present’ their claims duly authenticated within the time: limited by law, for that purpose, otherwise this: notice will be plendin barof their recovery.. Debtors to the vatate wil!l-also please make pay- ment immediately. ~° D. L.. BRENGLE; Adm’r. Aug. 29th. 1863 —tf:15 Exehange Notice, No. 6. (- Ricamonp, Sept. 12; 1663. ’ HE FOLLOWING CONFEDERATE: officers and men, captured at Vieksbarg,. Mias., July 4, 1863, and subsequently. aan § have been duly exchanged, and are liereby_so declared? 1. The officers and men of Gen. C. L. Steven- son’s division 2 The offcers anamenr of Gen. Bowen’s- divison. 3. The officers and men of Brigadier GeneraF Moore’s brigade 4 The officers and meu of the 2d Texas Regiment. 5. The officers and men of Waul’s Legion. 6. Also, ull Confederate officers and men- who have been delivered at City Point at any time previous to July 25th, 1863, have been: daly exchanged, and are hereby so declarec. RO OULD, Sept. 18-6t Agent of Exchange. | ie SUBSCRIBER AAS JUST RE~ ceived the following articies, to wit : 50 dozen Coats § Cord Threed, 5000 Needles, assorted Bik and White English Gingtams, Sah, Nails, 8, 10 and 6, Shovel Moulds. MICHAEL BROWN. On consignment 60 Boxes fine chewing Tar- bacco. M. B. Salisbury, Sept. 28, 1868. WANTED ite BUY OR RENT A PLANTATIO: containing from 200 to 400 acres of ope™ land, with a good Dwelling and necessary: out- The Place must be healthy, affording: d water. T. G HAUGHTON, Salisbury, September 28, 1863. foe mo © le Bs @s > G Peany person has aneaccount against: Sapt.. ” W. CC. Lord dee’d, he is reqnested to pre- ‘ seut it to me for payment. t. rat T. G. HAUGHTON. fe Soldiers’ Familtes! YT BNHERE will be no more money paid te families o Soldiers after October. I have thought it best te invest the balance of the Pand in provisions, which will be given ont instead offmoney. It may take all the itonth of November to get a stock of provisions on hand lewill use every effort to obtain supplies as early a3 pos- sible. J. 8. McOUBBINS. Salisbury, Oct. 2, 1868 120 Cor’. Adminjstra tor's “Notiee. } Lavine idministered on the estate of Iraae Lverly. ceceased, this is to give netice to those jnde vied lo his estate to come forward and ake payment, and to those having claims aqainet if. to present Cheam within the time pre~ scribed by irw. or this: notice will be plead in bar of recovery I wowrtd also ask information concerning a ceriain pote of hand drawn payable to the said ‘Isaac Lyerly and sizned by Daniel Shaver, for the sum of four hundred dollars, (date not re- collected.) styposed to be lost or aislad. It any one of the friends of the deceased were ewtructed with the keeping of said note, or fi be held Dy any one upon whatever pretext 0% clan. be or she is requested to report the same either th the undersigned or to Mr. D. Shaver. JEREMIAH BARRINGSR,- Adamnistratoar. Ortober 12, 1963 3121 625 REWARD. R ANAWAY from-ite subseriber on San day veeht, oth of Oclober, a mulatto boy name MAGK, about 18 yearrole, 5 feet 4 or 5 inch- jes high, free spoken, with pleasing. coanten- ance, Said boy warreised near the Yadkin Thstitute, in Davidaon county. Twill give the ‘ above reward for the confinement in jail or de- hvered to me, nine niles South of Mocksville P. J. CRUMP. tf2l Oetaber 12, 1863. i; WANTED! WANT to hire TWO BOYS, (white) to make cores i the Poundry attached to the ©. 8. Ord. Works, Salie- bury. A. G. BRENIZER, Capt. Art’y Com'd’g- —o + ot e « Nahe uriaienl bakin’ ihe ve rr * tiRCULAR CS To the Votera of the Eighth Con- gressional District af North Car- ‘T respectfully announee enygelf to you as a candidate for re-election. By your kiud partiality [have te honor of w seat in the First Congress of tie Cented- wate States. From the ume of my election vue Confederacy has been enzayed in a stu- pendous war, for the parpuse of criviez back the ruthless invaders of its sad, aud estabhsh- ing the peaee and independence to which it is so justly entitled. QOvertnres having been repeatedly nade by our Government, to ter- minate hostitiues and setile the exisung dith- cules by negouation and hoverable adjast- nent, and these overtures having been as of- tan indigbantly rejected. no alternauve re- mained to us but to drive back the invaders aed conquer a peave Yy force of arme. While in Congress, theretore, as your rep- resentative, I used every exertion in my pow- er¢o strengthea and increase the army, to ve proper assistance ard encouragement to xeeutive, and to prevent, as far as pos- able, those disastrous collisigns between the aivil and the military aut‘iorities which are | Ns UNDERSIGNED APPEALS TO! hides enough in the cowatry to supply the pub- $0 apt to oceur and so difficult two adjust in tume of war. I toted for both Conscription acts, pot be- cause I desired to force the Southern citizen from his home and faseily to the camp and battle-field, but because 1 considered them -adispensable to the independence of the country. I voted to raise the pay of the nor-com- missioned officers and pnvates in the army, because I believed that they both desgrved and needed it : 1 voted agaitist the Exemption acta, not because | was opposed to all exemptious. but because I considered those acts wrong in pnociple, dangerous in policy, and unjust in many of their discriminations. : I voted for the Funding bill because I thouzht it necessary to diminish the volume of the currency and thereby to give wore healthy action to the finances of the couatry. I voted for the Tax bill of the House, which was rejected by the Senate: but, before the eonference bill, which is the present Tax law, came up fer action in the House, I was call- ed away by affliction in my family. and hence I had no opportunity to vote either for or against that measure. In fine, I voted for every measure which I though: would give strength to our army, vigor to the Government, and confidence to the country. Should you endorse uy..course as your representative by a re-election to Congress, I ball be guided by the same priscipies and policy which my record indicatys, and I shall devote my best energies and attention to se- your interest: and, although I desire as ardently as any one, aad shall use honorable means to obtain #, yet I will eonsent to ne adjustment which does not bring with it the independence of the Con- tederate Gtatea, their total separation from the Unite States, and all the blessiegs of lib- | peen ia operation but a short time, basa large ; Cash Capital all paid in, and held by some of ‘promt s f ante and WING to the number oF riots, bm- preseuentt and ihefein the somaty, 1 feel ath, and having been prac | ic seus t orn —e ig ticing in the various depart- | rules an ey gro my : meute of his profession for over! let. I responsible for Flour, 16 years with goed success, he | Meal or any ibd of Grain thet’ may be taken eontinues tw offer his services | from me by riot or impressiment, to the pablic where he is permanently located, 24. 1 will nat be responsible “for “ary Grain and by strict altention to his profesrion will en- | stored at my mit ent! ordered to be ad. deavor to merit a liberal patronage as hereto- 3d. I will net be responsible pice salar fore, and holds himectfin readiness at all houg, | Fleer more thag 24 hours after-it ie made; at day and night, for professional calls. | the saine time, I will take the beat care of it 1™ Office at Roseimau’s Store. Smpd lO that Leen, andthe same care that: I tnke of Trosntive - = a Nerth Cared j way own. The mill 1s always uocer lock and Asautant Genanat’s Ornice, soy when we lgave i. J. S. McCUBBINS. Raleigh, July 4, 1863 | Salisbury, Mareh 30, 1863 1f43 I R. ARCHIBALD M. NESBITT, OF | 7h Ghee J Rowan County, is authorized to raise al LEA I HER. regiment lo serve for six months, under the re- | 4 Sa quisition of the President. Each company will) HIS IMBORTANT ARTICLE OF consist of 75 men. The privates will elect! rrine necessity gputinucs to advance in price, their company officers, the latter will elect and shoe-makereare predicting that prices hith- | | their field officera The officers will be com | eriy accounted egormons will be next to noth- missiened at and from the time the inaster- | j49 as compared wiih prospective deuiands — rolls are filed in this office. — | This may be a,. gud probably will be true ua- DAN’L G. FOWLE, | Jess consurpers shal) take timely warning aad Adjutant General. prepare to sapply their wants without purchas- ling It is believed there are surplus cattle and such of his fellew-citizens as may chovee | |). demand for leather. Farmers, asa general | to join him, to report to him at once at Sahe-! thing, keep morecgside than can be well kept vary. If the force ealled for by the Presiécot | ynd made moat profiuble. If they would take do not avail themselves of the opportunity (6 | xg good care of their cows as they do their volunteer and have officers of their own setec- | Horses and anoles, one half the uumber would tion, they will be drafted and have officers 4p- | he more profitable for milk aad batter. The { Pointed by the ernor over them The eér- | surplus wock might be fattened and slaughter. | Vice is for State defence and for bul ix montus | 44 The undersigned desires to do all ta his Rally, men! The enemy is now advanciag power Wl keep down the price of leather, and wpo. our coast, threatening the destruction of | if he can secure the co-uperation of stuck-own, our homes and the destruction of our means of | ors he believes he cap do much good in this di_ subsistence, to say nothing of the disgrace aud | rection He cannot affurd to pay the presea, worse thau death their presence entails Upon | extraordinary demands of dry and green hide oor sisiers, our wives and children. Rally to) and them sell leather ut §2,the highest price” the defence of your homes and firesides. | he bas, up to this time, sold at. But if farm- A.M. NESBITT, | ets, who have hides, will send them to his Tan- Salisbury, N.C. nety, (or Jeave them at Sprague. Brothers, in Salsbury.) he witt Tan them on the osaal terms, otdigatiog himeelf to sell hie ewn share | ata rate only reasonable enough to justify hen | ines doing. 1 dou't wish to specalate, have I <n . («| Gone. and will de all Lean, against #. Soany HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY | one wishing to have their Hides Teaned can from the above Insurance Company. and am { do as abave directed. now prepared tu take risks on property at rea- | July 6, 1863,—{1f7) Confederate Iusurance Company, Charlottesville, Virginia. T. W. HAYNES. oa? en com neti b4 pert i i eh) eh ; . am a te yee ‘ . A 4 opreeeatative prompted to have: oftered. And. I do consider that he, like many others, has abt devoied enough of hie time sad labors to oer common cause. As io the repeated overtates that he speaks uf in hie Cord, 1 wieh you to mark, aud give it, with other things, your grave cunsider- ation. * Nothing left es bar to ru peace by ferce of arms.” God with us! Now Mr Lander bad bat little to do with the overtures of which he speaks. they having been made pre- vious to his election, and I Selieve the: much could have been done by such evertures ip our own firet Congress. Bat, why staad ye idle? put other men ia their place, and let something be doae. Our Country is bleeding a every pore Ap army of the best men that ever trod the earth, are suffering the greatest of privations, aud grow- ing weary on account of the insctivily of these whom we have chosen to Legistute fur us; aud judging the futaca by the pest, oan we even rr fot any thing from the ret Congress of the Coatederate States. Yet mach could be done for our good, eyd to secure lu us peace and Independence. Now our Country ws die- quieted on two extremes, 1 hate one and dee pise the other. One is peace on any (erme, and submit to ec ecustaved. ‘The viher ie war to the jast, aud be forced to wear the yoke. These feelings, my Coeairywen, are not true to a pair’ '. My plan is to Iegisiate and fight when the chances are against, and to legwtate the more when we have the advantage ; or iu other words. fight with the peo as as well as sword, and we will evon bring peace. ; * Sol conclude by saying, if you are satisfied with the ceurse of Wr. Lander, vote for bm. If not, my name is before yoo, and I pledge myseif in the name of my bleeding Country ww be faithful for its good. Now I cannot boast of being 0 first clusese- cessionist. | stood by the Union to the last, bat agswered tu the firet call of the Governor of North Carolina for Tyoops ; and now having | beedt in service fur more than two years, I can- | wat think, that the only way, for as to prove ourselves worthy ,i« by suiting by force of erms, sonable rates, and for limited periods of time. | and on different grades of property :—Such as | Cotton, Tebacess Produce, Wachinery, Mer- | -chandise, Buildings, &c. This Company hos May 18, 1863 (52 LARGE quantity ef TOBACCO for sate Aby JNO. F. FOARD. Selisbury. April 23, 1863 .f49 Red and White Rose Leaves. E wish to purchaee a large lot. for which we will pay 75 cents per pound. They mast be cleau and nice. HENDERSON & ENNISS Salisbury, Jane 15, 1863. uf Mal aR’ EEG” He the wealthiest and best le of Virginia. A | large amount of the Capital Stock of this Com | pany bas already Géen sold for ten per cent | \ premium. I can safely recommend this Com- | pany to be of the most reliable character. and any losses from policies issued by this Compe- | ay. will be promptly met according tu the terms set forth in its poiicies. Persons in Salisbary and vicinity desinug their property insared, can have an oppertun- ty of doing so by calling om me. A. J, MOUK, Agent. Salisbury, N.C, ' July 16, 3863. 500 REWARD. | days to get any Hides thai spay be left there | for ove. - T. W. HAYNES. June 8, 1863. 1f3 ty to which we are entitled by inkeritance for whiehou we are _ow contending. Fanny IN JANUARY LAST, THE which we will pay the highest price. HENDERSON & ENNISS, I WILL come ot nend to Sprague Bro's. in | | Salishory on Taesdays, Thoredavs and Satur- | Med Visas AND BOTTLES WANTED, for | Our cause « § just O- trust is 18 God. Our | Office of M. & E. Myers was broken open and stiny, I firmy bel Ye, is to be victorious | the folloviag articles stolen ther from: Que this struggle, and rillo enjoy a career glori- | gine Engtish Gold Lever Watch, wth the naine eas beyond paralle! in all past history. Let { of J. A. Lilngton on the face, German Text us prove ourselves worthy of our cause, and ' letters. hefieved to be made by J Johnston, Druggists. June 15, 1863. ft { 44) CDE ECED | ean be ased if a certain proportion uf hemp be Ibut believe in the mest desperate effurts by | egidation. | J. F. STANSILL, } Capt. Co. B, 4th N.C, UE | September 28, 1863. 6119 | UT Charintie Bulletin and Deinoe rat. aad | Mountain Eagle, are requesied to publish two | weeks. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! | Sabsisicnce Departmest, | Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 26, 1863. | WILL exchange sal! for bacon, giving (wo | pounds of goud ealt for one of bacon | Appiy at my office next to Cowan's brek w A. MYERS. tu 19 Cant. & AC.D. = - BE” EC Bee HIS ariicle is being manufactured largely at varous points ia the Confederacy, but the scarcity of rags bids fair to interfere seriously | with the manufacture { lu the manufacture of Cartndge paper weed | lim the fabreation of ammanitien, raw Cotten mixed worth at. 4 . ‘ Ns thats oak a aia iy T0 ALLP. Vee indebted to the Sem of A. @ |W. Myers aud A. Myers, ane horeby ‘ fly reeeeae to settle a ge eather in pereon of letter, withow needless delay. They will this save idaste and the ineonveniente of paymem when mon. ey may be leré ebendant than at present. | hope the friends of the late firma will not re. quive longer indulgence, but respond to this urgent call, as itis necessary that the should be closed with as little delay an possible. A. MYERS, Office next to Cowan's Brick Row. Selisbary, Marck 30, 1863. . 15 OIL, OIL. ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL fer sale, apply to - WM. WATSON, 1:38 5 miles west of this place. Or at this Offee Brown's Livery Stab is gratifying to him that this establishmeut. begun, at first, ai a doabtfulexperiment, has proved to the public e great desideratum and a com- plete snecess. Travelers, and others can ‘ni- ways have theirwauts in th-sline, wellsap- lied. . Cash prices paid* for Provender. And the subscriberis always ready tosell or bay good Horses. THOMAS E.BROWN. Jan. let. 2863. 1155 "1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. ANTED 1000 Skins, dry, for which witi be paid $1 medium size, and emailer ones in gp sani Apply to R. F. Simonton, Statesville, or A. J. Mock, Salisbury. : December 8, 1 862. 129 DR. HOWERTON ENDERS hie professions! services to the citizens of Salisbary. Office at the Boy. dea House. Mar 9, 1863—1/42 te la af os te SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1862. ALL those indelted tothe firm of McCussixe & Fosrven, will cali at the Boot & Shee Manufeciory of John A. Bradshaw, nem door to the Watchman Office, om the subseri- ber, and settle their seccoants, eithes by pete or the cash. Now is the time to pay debts. 1f 26 THOMAS J. FOSTER. (oTres aod LINEN RAGS wanted by J JNO F. FOARD. Salibary, April Y3, 1F63. 149 SALTZ! SALT?? 300) BUSNELS for Sale This Salt is Wwo.- ° “J ranted equal to auy made in the South li iw very dry having becn in au ware-huuse fur nine months apply to R. & 4 MURPHY, Ago. | Avg. 31, 1863 GS WANTED ~ - - I am euthorited by the Orduaace Depart. worthy of our desuny. Let us be uatted in oure! eannot enstave us. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. LANDER Lincoluten, (5 —. 3 Augnst 27. 103. f Salisbury Femac Seminary. ME Eleventh Sessien of my Sehoo! ja this Lastitation, will open the 4th of Septeinber, 1863. Board per session. $150 00 Tuition in English, $25 00 and 30 Ov Masic with use of Pisano. 30 00 Lain. Greek and Freach, extra, $10 each Papils required to furvieh Lights and trw-le. Paymeat strictly in advanee. For particu- jars, address A. D. WILKINSON, Prinespal Jaly, 1863. . wil To the Farmers of Rowan r —— Tue THOROUGH-BRED MORGAN STALLION YOUNG AMERICA, will stand the present Fall Season in Salisbury and at Dr. John F. Foard’s farm C. 8. BROWN, J. F. FOARD. October 1, 1863 6w20 MICHAEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCHANT SALISBURY, X.€ pret personal allertion given to the purchase of Produce and Shipmenta— Consigntuents either for sale in this market or for gripment to other markets solteited, whieh will be sold at highes: Market price and remite tances promptly tnade Salisbury. July 13, 1844 fx I ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON & ENNESS’, Druggists June 15, 1663 4 PROPOSALS \ TILL be received for abaiiding tube ereet ed at Chiva Grove Station to be used as a Government Ware-house. Suid building te | be 25 by 65 feet a Vertical weather-boa rding, well batiened (10 feet from wil to eaves. S feet pitch To be construeted of ‘urnber ia the rougb, and uw be built in « etrung substanti- | a manner, Propossle for building the ame will be reeeived st the office of W.J. Mills Eeg., Salibury. Nails will be farumhed by Ihe Government. | E A PROPST, Agent, | Tax in Kind, No.8 f~— le. | aod the whole world combined {in eentre elumered around with sinall Dia- | monds ; one fine Gold Ring, with forget me not, ) Liverpool; aane vimond Ring. large Diatnend | Charcoal Proposals mast be addressed to JAS T. JOHNSTON, Medics! Purveyor C.S A., : C hariotte, N, Cc July 13, 1863. ifs $10 REWARD WILL be given tor two SADDLES stolen {inscribed thereon; one seit Ear Rings and Breast Pin, Coral and Gold ; wwe Gold Ciiata- lin Pins: one Bunch Gold Charms, coussting ; ‘of the two Lockets with miniatures: Slipper . | Ceves, Hart. Shell, and others not recolicere |; one Corral Breast Pin; one Gold Brenst Pin, sett with Pearl<; one Necklace with large | owal Jets, with crossin centre; one for Fan: one large Black Lace Mantle; Embrodeied Handkerchief, Collars, Sleever. & eo; Blankets, } Linnen and Cotton Sheets. Plow Cares and | Bolater Slips, and many other articles of Jew- elry and Ladies apparel not recollected. “Phe | ahowe reward of Five Handred Dollars, will be | paid for the reeavery of the above nained aril- hes. or in progortion for any part of them — | Most of the Jewelry can be identified by WK Wileqn. Wateh-maker -t thie piace In my absence, any informavion gicen to Captain A ’ Mvers or Saninel Reeves, Sr, will be promyt- by attended to. . quilted the otoerred icwther; also, (wo Bridles and one pair martingles (supposed to be in the neighherhond of Charles McKenszie’®) Also. the thief WG July 25, bu630 flo eNEELY. To the Parmer of Rowan. AM anxions to boy corn, wheat, flour. meal aad bacon for the s-idiers families of Rowan Some of them are almosl saffering and [ have the money te pay marke: pices for these things, and I do hope that the Farmers of the evanty will give the poorsoldiers families the preferance. J.8.McCUBBIN, F. MYERS BSahiehory, N C.. Jane 15. 1565. ifs TP The Confederacy, at A'ianta, Ga, will copy daily one week, and send bill to thisoffice. Com. for Rowan. Ja a2 = A HE De 31> 63 614 AVING resigned my commission in the = Confederate Army as Surgeon. I tender iny > Wal ro services to my friends and the public SPELLING BOOKS. A. M. NESBITT . ID Gffice, opposite the Court House. ‘ June 15, 1®63 1f4 hand, moon at Theme in ueed of them had better call WATCHMAN OFFICE. August 3, 1863. DENTAL NOTICE, oo | Now is the time (0 pay Money. ! A ALL PERSONS EITHER IN DEBT. ed to me by note or account, afe requested to eall and pay up A. M NESBITT Jane 15, 1x63 tf WOOL WANTED. W. F. Bason, M. D. EDEO W'S 8 ow \\ OULD respeetfaily wake known that he fy = nasretakeun hie DENTAL ROOMS in Salis- LYECOND SHEARING LAWBS Woos,: hrs wanted by WMH. SMITH NB? Asot will not suit him torgmain all Xanebury. Jaly 13, 1m63 if» the tine, those calling in his absence, willbe noti- fled of jis oerivals by leaving theirnames inthe letter Box athached to the door of the Office or ay A CO 'E | Sm 8 by addressing hiw through the Post Office, at 20,000 STAVES Deen 16a, (0 TTHE CON. STATES DISTILLE: “~A RY, ‘formerly ownes by M. & E. My- | ers) at Salisbury, as follows | To be of white oak timber, clear of fap. | | | this place JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, . One doorbelow R. & A.Murphy'+ Store, SALISBURY, N.C., 7 BEEPS constantly vi hand alarge assoc. ment of WATCHES «ud JEWELBY uf all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- Staves, 34 inches long, from 4 to 6 inches | wide and | inch thtek. Heading, 24 inches jong, from * to 10 inches wide, and 1j inches thick. 700 Staves and 300 Heading to 2 thousand Highest market price will be paid. Addrems JA8. T. JOHNSON, Medical Purveyor C. 8. A. Charlotte N.C. June 15, 1863. uf the mostreasonable terms February 14, 186:. ly3e & T the C.S. Distitery at Sahksbury, N.C., | i One Thousand 1000) Boshels Maple | from my stables om the 24th inst. One is black | One Handred doliars for the apprehension of | SMALL supply of Spelling Books on | seriptionwspairedin the best manner and on | L take this method uf appesling to the people to assist ine in collecting old rope, begging. waste cordage, &e oor eny kind of ola hemp terial, varying from 10 to 25 cents per poeod, aceording (oO condition, locahty, &e Twill sleu pay 4% en's per poand for old | scrap Lead dehwerrd at the Works. A G. BRENIZER Capt. Art's Office © S Ord Works, Salebury, NOC June 29, Im6d nhdih Oct “Stonewall” J aokson. MORSE & CU. Augoma, Ga, | A COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sarren 'OrF «| STONEWALL” JACKSON Wy Crances Hatiocn: Being a fall and sccarate | account of the Leading Events ot hw Late, hie | Dying Moments, and the Obseqnies at Rieh- ‘amend and Lexington "This work contains many anecdotes of the lustrous soldier that huve never before been | | published tor «ale by all Book Stores and News Agents Price $1 UU. The (rade supplied at a loeral diecoont 12 All orders addressed to as will be prompt ly filled. db. Ss. MORSE & CO fh Augusta, Ga .Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, Wo J. WeConnel, ©. P Mendenhall §. P. Weir, Jumee M. Garrett, Join L. Coles N th D. Wileon, Win, Barrin- ger, David? MeRKauight, Mos Sherwood, Jed. HP. Lindsay, Greensborough ; Wo A Wright, Wilminytens Bobect Bo Proy, Lamberton; Alexunder Miiler, Newbern; Phadeas Me- Gee, Raleigh; ‘Thomas Johnson, Yaneey- ville; Dr WoC. Rausey, Wadesborough ; Rev R.C.. Maynard, Franklotoa; De. BE. Fo Was son, Watsonville. orricraa? N.H.D. WILSON, [- 4 President JED. H LINDSAY,- - Viee-President C.P.MENDENHALL, - Attorney PETER ADAMS, - - = See.and Treus. WM.H. CUMMING, - Genernl Agent WJ. McCONNELL, - J.A.MEBANE, - - J.M.GARRETT,- «& » Exeentive Com. Allcommanications on baviness connected ‘withth» Office, should be addresredto PETER ADAMS, Secretary Greanshoro’,N, C.. June 19,1860. tf4 BLANK DEEDS | FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE. meni to purchase maternal for this parpose, and | A good price will be pad forthe above ma- | J Url PUBLISHED, and for sale by N.S TXO PURCHASE OR RENT, AN IM l proved Lan in the West or North Ward Apply at ths Office. | Aag. 10th 1863 1612 NSANE ASYLEM—THE BOARD OF DI- | RECTORS of thie Tnstituloo wish to Gill the | office of Matron, now now vacant. None oth- | er than anencuinbe red females need apply. For informaton, reepecting the duties, &c, of -the ( ofhee, apply te the undermened. ED C FISHER Phyeecinn and Sepenntend Raleigh, July 30, 1-63 —tf 13 . ao Adj't. & taspeetor Generals Office. | Richrovnd, Sept. 8, 15C3 6 Extract Srectar Onvars. } No. 213 “ERSHE BUREAU of Conscription ie author l ined Wo raise nud equip wm each of the Raice \ of Georgia, South Caroiins, Nunth Carolina and | Virginia, one Batahou of Six Compames o ‘ nonated men. who farneh ther own homes land who ere nut buble to conacriptwu, to b under the order of the Bureau fur the parposre | of Consenption, the arrest of deserters and for loca! defence, mustered for one year. . Compames to elect their own Officer» The Field Officer to be assigned trom officers be wnging to the Enrolling Service. Companies pot to exceed ene handred rant and file By command of the Secretary of Was, . Sigued = INO. WITHERS. Aset Adj’: Ger NOTICE. | Cousertpt Offlee N. C.’ ' Raleigh, Oct. 7, 1863. 5 THE Commandant invites the atrentior Jf all persyne eapable of bearing aria, but who are exempt from mibtary duty ander the pres ent regalations, to the above order of the See retary of War Tt will be ween thar itis the mtention of the Departawot to raise a Betintion of monntee nent, for apecial service in N.C, aud the @ a mandant hopes that oll able-bodied men, © ° muy be exempt by reason of having farnishe substitutes or otherwise, will not shriak fro this coll, but will hasten to anliet in the defener of their homes, their fire-sides and the Sut that gave them orth. @ ; Piriice enlisting in this Battahon will be “ empt from duty inthe Militia and Rome Geer and will receive the pay and allowance of © alry-men. The Borolling Officers through are uuthoriaed to receive recrulls, report difectly at either of the ' stroetion. . By order of Col. PETER MALLE ti Commandant of Conscript® for } HUGH L COLE, ; Capt. @ A A. A.G. bw BLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. j | ut the Siale orthey ma’ Samps of In Frou a chant aad gth ness, th be two lars fur Ab enc dy! ter mn diffider 10 beee to aulx of puul vost p Iw: our fat with t ol eves Abcah pridebart ded St rychits, reparu: eit Su “ase if wy rae W pendet Acl be tuo princi je she oue ba inet ‘oUlee tot be amtro he Pr this fp salgec treaty tue de are vit fut prea vc thbe thier bes ot; & mowet rusty withe thie op voack deve cast o Nig alf, fal cor Hut bh 4 Jong aud ¢ weacs whach Ware ey ( xem: Ne Linpre anh vt Jnpeu purtie ie Ove luets, life up taken torced those ry: ] ure { } Nyerert Itt will b and dy wrong Wert We mn) voli tic the pe dom | sd eons] be dey out de are‘cu rants | alpous OF DI- oO Gn the one oth- ply. Fer -, of the nd author he Sates viina and pames of » bores su, ie be parpoore re and for Tr Th fhcers be dred rank ERS, ‘Gem Nv. C.? 63. ' tention 4 but whe the pree fthe See on of the mounte the Com ne, whe furnished nak from ye defense the State will be #% ne-(suare ce of 08" the State they mat nps of Im crt. or N c bw 2k NA LE h. VOL. XXL iv SSS sot ty eercr eee 4 __ SALISBURY, N.-G, NOVEMBER 2, 156. a 5a 7 2 q. J. BRONER, EvITOR ‘AXD PROPRIETOR. ~ Ben cl ME Price of the Watchman. From and after this date, and until there is | a change in the .poives of provisions, paper aad gtber'artidivs ‘required to carry on busi- ness, the subscription tates of this paper will be two dollurs for six moutis, and three dol- lars lor w year, ; Apvertisine, two dollars for the first, and eec duller tor each subsequent publoatan. April 20th, 1HG3. A CIRCULAR. - Fo the Freemen af the kighth Congressiona District, componad af the Countes of Low cam, Cubarrus, Union, Mecklenburg, Gur ton, Lincoln, ‘Catawba and Cleaveland. Feccow-Citizense—Having, at leagth, af- ter mnch uvavoidable delay and with much diffideace, accede] to the wish < ef iy frietsds, to becowe a caudate for Congress, [hasten to awbuunce Wie tact; and take this method of publishing a syuupsis of my views, oo thy west pruauneut subjects of public tolerest. [ was ardently atteched to tHe Union of oar fathers, and labored for its preset vation with thy teust eutiring zeal, uaul “the logic vl eveuts,” avd the famous proclamation of Abraham Liveoln, It no alteruative, in ny pian, but ty take up arty, wilh the sece- ded States, tuc Che defenoe of our cunmnot ryhts, Cousequeutly, TL awpnesced in the separation uf North Carolina frou: the North- erm States; and new, bolding ther people “As euemies 49 war, and jo peace, trends” ' vegard 4 Viguioss prosecution Uf a deten- rese War a8 Ue best avenue Ww national inde pendeneoe, aud an hogurable peace. A christian people, Luwever, should not be tuo sensitive ou the subject of boner, when principle ix Got tovolved; and a brave peo- pte should carry the olive branch ot peace in oue baod and the awordin thevther. Aud, inestuuch, as Mr. Lincolu bas recently an ‘nuuuced Haat “any peace comprouise shall W proposed OF auy of those ontrolia, Ue army. Podunk icadvisable that he President shoald iastruct those having bot be rejedie |” this powet ta obeth pieyvottations for peace ; sulgect, however, fo tle Supervision cf the treaty Making power of the Government, or tue decimve ul de peuple, When vor annies are visioridus, as they wow ace tur peace, un the basin +! prreapwosu tiotas national tide Our nendence, av be tnads and receved. with the beast vregatioe to owe jaterests and tou- oo, Gatlin dues seein te ue Chat those on power, caunot be entirely aaquitted of per- nutong opporuroities ot this suct lo pass ov Withoul proper Luprovets Entettaininy the opinion Chad Che neces i feprend bo voactineutal the Couscnpt laws—il, indeed, ly the ever existed, atas the coalt of wautof ture cast ou the partef these who tmanazed pab- Vig aMuirs, aud regarding those Jaws fal consuustionalety an expedenes, DP coatd not bave voted ler them it TP bad been in Congres Batl danitaropose thetr repeal, aud advise a peamp! aod cheerful aaypurs- of doubt- ovaes io their reyioements lor coasons wiach mast Ge agpercut to all Should Uae War continue tunel Jor ner, twill Ge ueces- ery to modify, af aoc eutirely abulish che xem pita acts Neither the Tithe, the Funding, nee the Cinpresecent laves ete tiecessary in ay apne on, itt any uv result of Jupeow dent legal ation, Kom wend,” portion of the Tithe ! moditied as ly vperate mare | niaity oa Chose pro- lucts, uot Gecessery to tye suppor) of acimal life upon the farmer. The surplus shold be taken; those who have none, <hould eet be } Wd ae hl Vive ber sense th S would be torced tu sye what (hey cannot sare those woo Lave, Hall at nevesa- ry. Let te « urreucy be pola vd npan a se ure foouny and the Tithe laws veill be louver noeesaa: ¢. . , Waile shoud give nu Ifthe Imoressment law is not repealed, x will be necessary to provide, tainty, tuat th with: more cuff provscon of the Constituon tineds des be taken tos puebde tse Wathont pust oan lates tha ooprivate property: aball bensatiot tl not be viclated. Lt admits Agtave dowd Whether property can be beur conmumytion, wader a metitution {fy atunite ile took ny to the use ol that 4 a \ The power of Congress to suspend the pr Vileve of the Writ ot ddabeas 0% rpms, ts Trae fobat Peannot agree to ite ¢ —thie Pre ce of the warts too invaliable to tree. im Much less would belothe the Pres Cowal this power The personal liberty people should tot be a the Keeping of 40 one man, however pure ov exalted. Mer Jellerson Was oun “the aud onremitiing lorve ol habeas corpus laws,” flavor ool and lastory hase not yet provew that he was wrong. Let us take care how we part with ‘bertyin order to obtain mores én that way We may, sore day, lose what we have “All rolitical power 1s vessed in, and derived from ‘he people onty,” and their mht tv the free- dom of speech, and to a free Press; to keep | ‘nd to bear arms; to assemble together to | vousult for their common good ; and not. to be deprived of life, liberty, or property, with- out due, process of law—all these and more, are‘constitutional rights, ‘formidable to ty- rants only,” to whieh I turn with almest idol- atrous devoti eternal | ion—nor.can they be suspended | “OR SALE ‘or abolisled by. free people, or their repre- | sentatives, { ; ‘Torre are those—I bupe they are few— | | who desire a strong governiient— who advo- ‘ eute the closing of our Legislative balls aud ; Coarts of Justice—the overriding of all other | laws by Military law—sthe concentration of | the whole toree of the peaple in the hands of | ta nabtery Chief, and the reduction of the ar- my as‘ovar as possible, to a perlect machine | pote a word, they want w Dictator, and | ) would obtain a Military despotisin, = Whetle | per ig or out of Congress, such eiews shall re certve to aid or comfort from une, Miltary law should, and does apply to the ariny only. | i his pl x ; Civil law controls civilians, Aud soldiers also. | i ' ag Ba . ri } bat Mamial kuy, which means the abolitien rea voluntesred ja of all civil iaws, cannot exist ii the Cuuted- ‘ eragy. - Let the laws, Cn enforced within their respective spheres, aud (heir tnajesty vindicated ugusist all offenders, s whether of eruizeus or soldiers; especially let ; Me see Fo 1G Chat repudhicau kbecty sutlers uo det tment. The habit of legisiating in secret. 1s incem- ‘patible with that strict accountability, of the Iepresentalve to lis constituents, which is of the very esseuce of tree government; and poth- ing but the most inexurable necessity, adbect- ing the very salvation 6€ the country, can jusuly ils continuaiuce, Lae organizauvu of the Confederate Gev- ernment should be completed, as soon as pos- sible, ‘by the Jnsdtation, upon a proper basis, ota Supreme Court. This, in my opinion, has pect too long delaved. Uutil it is done, it should be made that the State EMerniveuts iaterpret the laws for them- seives - Tue wages of the soldier are utterly inace- 4yuate tu lis own wants, and those of bis dauuby, especially io these Cimes of speculation end @xtociiow aud Pani in favor of thew in- diese > but conld the curreucy be redeced, end the necerxsaries of lle creased, chis Sould vot be so necessary, eculation and: eXlorbon, "red abate _* The rights gd the States should be guarded with oubrog Madance, while the powers del- eguted te theGontederate government shonld be duly observed. Hence 1 demand for the Legistatrve, Jadicial and Execotive decisiuns of North Carolina, fall Guth, credit and re- spect: and cegaidinug hev soldiers, i the field equally brave and patriotic with any in the weodd> and her people, at home, both patoioke aad competent, 1 insist that they be appoiseed to All the offices withim the Suste. The Aduiuistraten of the Government shall recene trom tue, if clecied, all proper alse, would ina lueasure and due assistance, aud [ shail not tail to uige all needial ceforms, and lichd the adiministra- wou condempbation of shoubdiit, in ney open, deserve up to the the people t } it. ‘To the Avtuy, Po still Rivero very coustitahonal en- seuragement, comer and suceo. —-to the peo- pie every possitne Beselecton in their ancient liberties, assailed: aud [shall ose ali lawtol and Louorable efforts to bring about the bal- cyon deve aad heaveuly bh sings of peace Ws tence. the bepe that sore one would a caudidaie sho would fully re- poesent these wiews and fechny an almost ) Aa | Uiastbpoeratedes loduleiuy Secon {Mhdence to undertake even the partuel management @f Che interests at stake, in these appalliag tines of strife L have too and cara wom cate A partial venvass even it desirakte, may be prevented OV Professional duties wend tobligut ms. Un- dey these disadvantaceens erregmstances, | delayed beconin cate to canvase the whole district. mast appeal to those whe endorse these views to see to it that they areas widely dissemi- Rated ay possible, both at howe and in the army Mlectors al the 4th of No- vember, in the army on the 29tk of Ocrober, heme vote en taking cefucnewrdiin 2O days, Must Respecttally, , JAMES G. RAMSAY, Oct. 16th, 1863. WOOL WANTED. = 4 \ i Miltary, be | | \ ” mee eT. I Y- NUMBER 24. HABEAS COLP US. IN THE MATTER OF BOYDEN. Iu Febraary 1863, Capt. Jutins.wwas raising & cavalry company for the Cvulederate service « pencil as they were sworn in; dues not recul- lect hut the ewtry, as to McLeudou, differed original paper, he stated that he bad searched : snot fe 4 i for it, it was lost, being # rough drwft it was ws nod Copt. Hull an infaatey ow, in the County | eaual to keep much papers. Buyden makes wf- of Ausou, Boyden valemteeryd in Johnsons | gagvit that the entry was, “Johu A, Buyden co. und on the let. of Moreh. ‘procured saad | by Lewis McLendon,” whew Hall made R, he McLendon to euter Hall's Gu. w hix tobsinate. | waced if that would de? to which Boyden te- On the 4thhof March Polly Ca. militia, certi- | pig oy .” Witness, Smith, swat fice as follows. “Thinks ww eerufy Uni Jubn A. | {ig he aw Boyden on the tet of Murch at Boydeu « member of Cedar HiM militia cv. hax | Wadesbore'. aboot 12 o'clock, take MeLeadon cunployed a substitote 06 Berve Tr him and in _ from ihe others—being uetified to prodace the | Escape of Desperate churacters from Castle Thumder— A Sentined mur- ‘dered. On Thursday morving, between the hours of two and theee o'clock, four men succeeded iv effectgg their escape from Castle Thunder, A previous attempt of the same parties baving been discovered and frustrated by the vigilance of the of- ace duriug the presgnt spe pith ibe Upi- ted States, and be i» Regigt from mili- tia duty for the space juf a Johanson certifies us follows. ° esburo May, 25th 1563. ‘Phis certifies thafJohu A. Boyden the ApropTreups hao, by furnishing a substitute in a dept da, and a horse to supply a member af me-cu., discharged | his duty ae a rulanieer of N.C. de the Cone federate States. DL. A. doluson, Capt. of the | Ausou ‘Troups.” ‘There certificates together with the receipt of Mclendon fur §50L for tak - iug Boyden’s place ay « substitute for the war, preved by Grimsly the attesting witucss ure wt- : tached tu each other with this endorsemvat. “Case of exemption” Juo, Boyden *“turuistred | setstiiate,” ‘upproved, exempjed” J. M. Liwle | E.O. &c.” “4 certify that these are the orig- | ‘inal papers tiled in the office by’ Lieut. Little. | ' Oct. 6, 1863.” Outhe 26th Febuary 1863 Lieut. s epproved al those several datps. | was raising his company ; that a tew dave af- terwards, McLendon tola witness he bad gone ‘ Second SHEARING LAMBS WOOS. | wanted by WM HOSMITH, Sanabury. July (3. 1S63. fs Ae A AO’ EB ' He BD 20.000 STAVES se T THE CON. STATES BISTILLE- RY. formerly owned by Mok Bo My- ere) at Neksbury, as follower: To be of wiheite ok tinber. clas of sup, 34 anehes long, from & to 6 inches Staves, wide and }ineh thick. Heading. Viinekes long, frome to 10 wches wide, and 12 mehee thick. 700 Staves and YOO Heading tea thousand. Highem market price will be pad Address JAS. ‘T JOHNSON, Medical Purvevor GC. S.A. Charlotte No June 18, 1563 fd OFFICE N.C. BR. RR. Co. Vance, Octoher 23, 1863. LARGE sale of eligible towa lots will be 1 Meld at the olvee on Thursday Nov. Sth } [863.0 The town is finely sitwated immedtately lon the Rail | lid off 200 feet square, the streets 100. fee wide with two large open equares, nnd the sale claims the attenuon of all persons wishing to xecure #« plensunt aad healthy home. ‘Terms cash or proved bovd at 6 Monthe with Interest from dace, THOMAS WEBB, Prest. [4t-23) BLANK JHt&DS AT TRIS OFFICE ‘told him that , before entering asa substitute some people had ! told him so, -bat others said the county woaid _case bas already undergoue an examination, | would not provide for hie wite und children us Peter Mallet, Col. Comanding Cons. N.C. | Little gave Boyden a certificate as tullows. ‘Joha Boyden is hereby exeinpt from veilitary duty oy reasen of having furiished «a svbestitite 51 yeurs of age. When he ceases tube em- | ploved as such this exemption is declared void"—endorsed “UC. E.G, May 2let 1863.” | “CE O July 6th 1863,” mpaning that it was! In Aug. 1663 | Col. Mallett read a letter frou Lient. Col. Polk, | calling uttention to a fraud practiced wpan an | old wan iu his Regt. and the government by | oue Jobu Boydet of Auson county,” this leer ws referred to Lieut. Litile, 3ist Auyust, 1863, who will have this party sent to camp, W. L. Cole, Cupt. Cammaudiog.” It was returned with the foilowiug endorsement. * Barolliag Office, Ptasboru’, Sept. 3d, 1563, respectfully returved to Commandant of Conseripts. This i 1 j } t 1 ' \ and the papers found correct, By reference to | the papers of the Sist Kegument North Carole pa Militia, you will find bis eubstiiate papers correct, J. M. Little, Lieutepant and Eftroiling Otiicer, Teh N.C. Conscript District. Upon the receipt of & letter from Maj. Boggan, retter- atmg the charges of fraud by Buyden on Me- Lendon and the governmeut and the affiéwvit of Capt. Hull, stating that w»cLendon had en- listed tu hin company ov or about the 25th of Febraury 1°62 as a volunteer aud was cousid- ered a velunteer and vot a substitute im his company. That he did not believe Boyden liad engaged McLendon until afier he had been swor to asa substituie. Boyden was ar- rested a a couscript, und sued out a wrtof habeas corpus, which war returned before me Oct. 3d ¢&63. and ofter auch of the evidence was heard, adjourned vu) loth Oct. and was decided afier arguinent by Gen. Fowle for pe- titiens and writea argameut by Gov, Bragg for the governmem. ‘Phree grounds were ta ken to exclude Boyden from exemption; Ist invalidity of the substitution by reason of fraud oa MeCendon; 2nd fraud ua the government; 31d wamt of power in Polk and Johneon to dis- charge Boyden. | ist. The fraud alleged to have beeu practiced | by Boyden on McLendon tty this, that Boy- den uuder pretence of making Fim a present of | $50, as &® reward for his patriotism iv going as a voluetyer. had induced bin tu sign the re- csipt we vat above, he being en ignorant man and not apprised of its contents. flow far this allegutton if proven would affect the validity of the substitution as between Boyden and the government, itis not mecersary lo consider, because after a full examination the osllegation so fur from being proved was clearly disproved, The witness Clarke swore that hearing Boy- dew wished to peocare a subsutute, and being told by MclLenden that he would go ws a sub- stitute gn a foot company for $50 he objected toa Cavalry Company. nut being a ood rider,) he communicated the fact to Boyden wt Wades- boro’, en the Pst of March, 1s62. wheu Hdl into Hall’s company as Boyden’s substitute, | and asked himetfil was true that the county he was usubstitute and nova volunteer? Clark i Was so. MeLeaden rephed.! provide for the wives and children ot ail soldiers, go matter how they went to the war, and he Deleved so when he becaine Boyes substi- wate, but did not intimate shat Bowden had ev. } } nature of the provision made by Road near Graham, the lots are | | ersaid any thing tp him en the subjees pa few dave afterwards, McLendon applied to Boyden | to let hun off} whieh Boyden declined. ‘The other evidence confirms thie state of frets. aud shows that McLendon did become Boydew substitute, wud made tc abent it until he found out that he was mistaken by the county, in > clamor as to the respect to which he had been putea tis guerre before becommag a subsatnte. and even thea ber toade ve complaing thet Boydea had ted hia loto error, his alleganon bemny that be neve had ugreed to become a substituie, bat had ea- tered ux a volunteer aud received the Bou of Boyden as a present. Qnd. The fraud alleged to have been prac- ticed by Boyden on the government is in this, that he procured McLendon to berome his sub- atitote after he had voltuteered wud was swort in Captain Halls company Capt. Ha swore thatafter the men, who were gommy to Join his company, had beer drawn up before the hotel door to be sworn in, Boyden approached Mc- Lendon and wanted to sperk to him, which he prohibited, saying, he must wait untilahe men were all sworn inc-they were then sworn in, and soon afterwards MeLendon stepped off with Boyden—he had no recollection that McLen- don was sworn in vs Boyden’s eudstitate—it was dong atoat 3 o'clock in the evening, he took down the wames on a piece of paper wich ) Off and have «talk to themselves, and it was genersily understood that McLendon had agreed to become Boyden’s substilute end joiued Hall's coy pany us such. Grimsly, the witness to the receipt. swore that while the men were drawn up before the huted door, he is not certain whether it was just ‘before, or just ofier they were sworn iv, Boyde tind Metendos stepp- cd inte his room, Boyde u suid he wan going w give MeLendon @50 for binpatriot nen. Boy den drew the receipt, McLendon signed itand Bev- | den paid him the money and he witnessed it, He supposed the parties understood each other, ax the receipt was read over, and that MeLeudon either had, or os just about to one as ur Boydeu-s sdbstituie. There was evi- dence tending to show that ueLaay had agreed to become Boyden’e snbstitute before he was sworn in, and that he was sworn iu ux his satstivute and that the money wexpaid und the receipt vigned, a few inoments afterwards, which circumstance I um satistied gave color tuand was suggestiveof the rumor that hedid vot beconre Boyden’s substitute until after be was sworn in asa volowteer, when, of eoarse, it would have been too late. Capt: Hall was mis- tuken us to the date uf the transaction, it wus on the Ist of Marca and not oo the 25th of February. 3rd As Boyden had not beem drafted by Col. Potk, the case does come within the deci- sion in the matter of Ritter, so the dischuage by Polk is of no effeet. ‘The case turum on the validity of the discharge by Captain Johuson. Hud Boyden putin McLendon as his substi- tute in Johuson'*® company, the case woulda hawe come under the decision of the Supreme Court in the watter of Kenady, a recruiting officer. Now, suppose Boyden had on the Ist of March, hinself, joiusd Captain Hall’s com- puny with the vssent of Captain Johneon, pre- viously given, as preseaned from his subsequent discharge ou the eecript of the Horse, under the maxim, ‘ Oneois retibabitia retrotrahitur et mandata equifautar,” would the transfer have been valid?) Lam convinced that it would, by giving to the regulatio@ in respect to transfers, the sume liberal construction that the regula- tiots iu respect lo substitutes (October, 1563,) received in the matter of Ritter und Keunady. The regolatton isin these words, Article 15th, 42, ‘The Colonels may, upon the applica- tion of the Captains, trausfer a soldier from one company te-avother of his regiment. wheu soldiere are authorized to be tranferred, the irausfer will take place on the Ist of a mouth, with the view to the more correct set- | 144. In wll cares of tlement of thetr accounts. transfer, a complete descriptive hst will aecom- pany the eoldier transferred, which roll will contain an account ot his pay, ciuthing and oth- er allowaarces fulsu all stoppages to be made on account of the government and debts due the Jaundress us well as such other facts as muy be neceesury to show lis character and military history.” It is clear, that while companies are in the act of being formed. a compliance with these details, which ure made material, when | the party ix in service, tn order to prevent con- fusion, as back pay, indebtedness, description. Art. 143, | ficers, they were contiped it the coudemn- ed cell, before which a guard is kept con- inually walking tw and fro, and which, from its position, in the very centre of tbe buildiug, was deemed the must secure place in the prison. Obtaining, by some eam, the neeeseary lools, they cut thro’ the flour into the commissaty'’s room be. veath, descending intu which, they secured the arms placed ibere for safe keeping, then, in a body, rushing owtintw the room used fur the recepuon of, visitors, they over- threyy the sentinel.on guard inside the door, who, being disabled by the fall, could | Dotsurther arrest their fight. They next encountered the sentinel én -front of the prison un Cary sirect. He bappening to be immediately iu their path, one of the number rushed upon him, and placing the muzzle of his gun close to the head of the guard, whoin vain attempted to stop their egress, discharged the piece: the whole Igad entered tbe tower portion of the bead, inflicting a frightful wound, and of course causing instant death. Three or four she‘s were fired in rapid succession ai tbe flee- ing murderers, but with what success is not known. A crowd of soldiers, on duty at the prison, were soon coljeeted around the sceve of this lamentable disaster. But here a singular incident occurred: tbe targe dog (belonging to Captain Alexan- der, the commandant of the prison,) whom doubtless, all have seen who have ever vis: ited the Castle, took a position alongside the dead body and would permit no one to approach until the proper officers came | up and relieved him of bis charge; even | then he followed the corpse into the build. | ing, seemingly determined to keep watch- | ful guard over the remains until the Jast. | This exhibition of affection for the deceas- / ed soldier was truly touching and, indeed, ; remarkable. The uame of the deceased was Suttea | Byrd, a private in Co. C, 53d N.C. troops. The names of the parties who commit- ies this cold’ blooded murder are E. D. | Boone, Edward Carney, Thomas Cole and Juhu A. Chapman. The first is a noted |eufhian, having made several escapes from iditferent places, and was closely ‘confined |a few days ago for an attempted escape. | The others were of a like character, being , coptined upon serious charges. Several recent attempts to break out by the last _bamed parties had been discovered and frastrated by the ofticers. cnel ) aud the other an Rifantey company, cannot pre- V trea ot Col Ist day of the month. character and military, oA o e history, &e., is not necessary, and should be | The poor boy 8 father ies here and ac- dispensed with by a liberal consirnetion, for Companies the remains to his home. Gen. when the companies are in the act of being | Windgr very promptly and kindly ordered formed, ao cynsideraiions of that nature are! awescurt to accompany the remains to the presented, and the purpose is fully anewered if | Carn : the two Captains consent that the man may i ‘ withdraw ret one company and join the oth | When the lid of the coffin was about to er. certainly there can be no necessity for an’ be placed on, the poor old tather krelt appliention Co the Colonel of the regiment, and, down, aud fixing his lips to the cold ones the matter must rest in the discretion of the ‘of bis murdered bov, remained for some Captains who are endeavoring to raise the ovmn- merit. STRYTY tle me vanes, because the companies are juan in- MOMEI Is Ap aren ay iD Prayer. choute state nnd there is no regiment or Colo- | Rich, Examiner, 23d. It wems tome the analogy is perfect. | --— —— - and that the transfer in the case supposed, | Resiynation of General N. B inust be beld to be valid, or the principle estab- . ~ ra a : lished by the decisions in the cases of Ritver Forrest.—It seems to be established and Kennady must be overruled or disregard- that he has tendered bisresignation to ed. ‘The fact, that the one was to be cavalry | the War Department. With us the ,country will regret to learn that such vent the application of the principle, because Laether company was organized o attrched to, 18 the case, as le has rendered ser- areviment. In our case Boyden did not him- self jain Boll's eompany, bat put in a substi- tute, which fact, raines the case only to the ex- tent of requiring a directapplicavon of the same principle tact in regard te the treosferand then to che ela ae Fe, it makes Bi has been taken after mature delibera- cuse mote cum) rcated, the conclusion must — . . " . . on precisely the sane, as the result in compound ! tion, and is the ue ot serious dis- nas troe asin simple mattipkeation. Lam. ayreements between? him’ and§ his fortunate in having mv conclusions as to the ranking superiors. It some step is constroction ef he army regelatous confirm vi . ~_ A a ed, by the fact. that Mr. Boyden’s substitute not pre mptly taken to end thesé dit papers have beer time and again passed on by ficulties at once and forever, the re- Liratenant Little. BE. On. aod adjudged by him guilt w ill be disastrous, for we can- aed { } are 5 Pharos A : verte ae have received the sive at snare our best officers at this cri- Mallett, commandant of conscripts, W al a i Nat whe Aled them in he office withoutexception : EC are Pp case to ; earn t a and Tihiuk it clear, the Gen. Forrest will take immediate have been surred) but fer the suggestions of crens to raise a hew cavatry com- fraud, which upon fall exaimmation turn oat to ee Kerr - . . be untrue, although tu respect ty beth ehur es, mand, which will be terdered to the upon the clamor of MeLendon, there may have Grovernment, and that he will suc- been sufficient color to make an investigation, ceed without delay we have ao doubt. One: ‘here are thonsands of young men It is, therefore. Considered by me, that John | Phe re . e thonsands of af Mo e who will eagerly embrace the op- > A. Boyden be forthworth discharged, with leave to go wheresosver he will, the costs to be tux) portunity of enrolling themselves ed by the agit the Sane noe — Ay an i under s0 bold and dashing a leader, fon county, wi e pau vy . arte y. : we : clerk will file the papers in his office and give | whose name 1s 8 guarantee of suc copies. R. M. PEARSON, C.J.8.C. | cess -fer our canse, and a terro! October 17th, 1863. ¢ | to the enemy, whenever and where At Ricnaye4 Hill. § ever he leads.— Atlanta Appeal. The Bank of Cepe Fear bas declared « semi-annual dividend of five per cont. vices inferior to those of ng other of- ‘ficer in the service, and ‘has very justly been regarded as one of the inost efficient. The step we learn to be alse Sis, Inatter ever would The bill to regulate prices, has been defeated in the Virginia Senate—ayes 16, nays 24. THE CAPTURE OF GLASGOW. A letter from Nashville to a Tankee yurnal gives the following rs of peare'ea toe recent vebel raid ou Glasgow, Tean.: partments of yateh from Bowhog Green informed us tbat a force of rebels had that morning al- tacked and taken Glasgow —an important noint, only seven wiles from the railroad —and orderiug us to proceed very cau- tously, xs it was expected that they would | : xitempt to exptare our rain, We feit our | latter lately called the army of the Cum way aloay slowly all we reached Cave berland. These grand corps are sub di- City, ab whicli point we found a lot of fu- vided into stnaller ones, oftivéred aud i tives just ia from Glasgow. | manned as formerly with the exveption The whole adair is a most shameful one | of Thouws’ corps, whack how falls to Gen, | Glasgow was garrisoned by 220 twolve | L. H. Rowssena, Gen, Grant of course | months’ men of the $Tth Kentucky volun.) r-mains iv command ot the whole force. teers, under Col. Mastin, They bad for He leaves to morrow for Nasbville, wecui: | Lifications, two pieces of artillery, and saf- | panied by Secretary Stanton. es ficient supplies to have held this place a The Wasbingtoa Chronicle wakes ¢ ve wonth against 5.000 men. The rebels following statement relative tu the removal | were mounted, numbered eigbty two, and | of Gen. Roseneranz : ; . were commanded by Col. Hughes. At We are in revsipt of the astowndiag in- day break yesterday morning they dashed | tchigence, in regard to the rumoual of Gen, into the towu, completely surprixed the | Rosencrana. The whole countsy will be varrison and captured i without half aj stirred at what we shall chroncie. | dosea shots being fired. They wmained! is rumored that three charges are | an hour or two, took $40,000 from tbe | made against this late popular command: | e town, took what good | el. . unalone find, and thee Icft south- | The first charge is preferred by Gen'ls | wards. | Critteaden and McCook, to the etfeot that Our traia reached Bowling Green and! Roseneraug left the battle field Garing the | came on withoat being disturbed. Just | crisis wad fed to Chattanooga, am! report: before dark we passed a small siaiion call | ed to otticers there that the dax was lost. ed Fraoflia, at which there are s@me) — Itis reported that subseqacutix, through Federal troops. We had passed it act | opium, be Secome inseosible. more than a quarter of ausile when we} The seeond charge, it is rumored, fs | Mississippi, and to be wuder command’ of | Maj. Gen. U. 8. Grant. The anny intend: ed for operation iu this grand department | will consist of fhe grand ne of Burn- side, Shertnan, Hooker and Thonsas, the { reached, an open field, in which, and not ‘made by che Guverument, to the ctheet ° more thao fifty yards from the track, }) that bis orders wese to remain a Chatta- | saw a body of Mounted men drawn ap in | uoogs uutil reinforcements should arrive. Kine close to the timber. Lsat in the door| The thud charge as rumored, is to the | ef the baggage car, 2ud was lookiag at | effect that he declined to move fom Mur . them and waodering what son of fun | freesburo, in Jave last, when ordered to do | they found it to be to sit out in such a] so by the Goverument, as an opportunity cold rain, whee suddenly a big feliow with | was offered to crush Bragg, a large portion | a blue overcoat, raised bis revolver and | ot his aemy baving been withdrawn to | took aim at the cars. I supposed he was | succor Jobostou, who was operating ayainat | getting. off some sort of a comairy rural; (raat. - Kentucky joke, when I saw a puff of smoke If these charges are true, it is mort "+ | from his pistol, and at the same instant fortunate, as the name of Rosencranz was | heard the crash of a bullet passing through | a talisman of iiameuse weight. | the car. Quicker than thought the oe Vallandighan to his Ohio Friends. nace of the perty raised their revolvers and | on. tatiowing is Hon. C. L. Vallandige| i i and then the whole gan bel rare timber and Pend hamis address to his fnends ia Ohio siace the election : The entire affair did not oceuny three secoads, and was all over before I had | Democrats of Ohio: You have bees time to do the dodging proper under the | beaten; by what means it is idle uow to circumstances. ‘fhe bullets passed thro’ | jaquire. it is enoagh that while tens of | Ube car. Paper others Piper int» the | thousands of soldierse were sent or kept | wood wor glanced off, without pene- wating to the ivterior. Fortunately no- body was hurt, and as I was the only one who saw ee! onl there was nobody | itol of your country. except m sca You were beaten ; bat a nobler battle eee ae aa an soni lant for constitutional ota een ee popular rebels sho oper | Government, never was fought by any view to interrupt the line of communica | ple And your uacon edie redid : ame | Pie. yo . querable e tion between Louisville and Rosencrauz | and courage, even io the midst of armed | rag A iba Refugees, from | military force, secured you these first of asgow informed us that tue rebels sta-| freedom’s nghts—free speech and a free re that Bragg ce apes paeny tne bet batlot! This conspiracy of thy. 5th of May Roseneranz, an succeeded in flank | fell before you. Be not discouraged ; des- ing him ; this intelligence is furtber shown. pair uot of the Republic; maintain your to be truthful from wformation from other | rights; stand firm to your position ; never vources. If this be 20, we shali soon hawe | sield by your principles or your orgaiza- a repetition of the Bragg and Buell cam- | tion; listen not to aby one who would paign, whoee character bed still fresh in the | have you lower your standasd ip the buur mind of every person ip the North. | Gf Getaat: elsewhere to vote against you, the Confed- erate enemy were marching upon the cap allention, ‘fore any importams moves could be made. i kuow that Br Standard, | please insert until Um election and ferward bills to this within your State, or held in active camp | Qe year ago last February, I visited | Nashville, while the bridge which the re- | treating rebels had fired was stili smoking. | [ then succeeded in finding but one Union , citizen. Truth compels me to add. that No mellowsng of your opinions upon any question, even of policy, will avail any- thing to conciliate your poiitical fors— Thev demand vothing less than an abso lute surrender of your principles and if these | after.a lapse of vearly two years, during: oar organization. Moreover, which the people bave enjoyed all the’ te any hope for the Constitution or rights and blessings of Federal occupation, |ibertv, it is in the Demveratic party there is pot quite as much resident Union , gione, and you fellow-citizens in a lit: septiment as there was. during my first jittie while longer will see it. Time and visit. . events will forae it upou all, eacept those “Your Administration bas dane Jef, wig profit by the calamities of their aeun- Davis good service since that time,” said. try. a citizen this morviug. Just at the tune “Lihaak you, one and all, fas your sym- when the whole South was undecideu sand : : patbies and your suffrages. [Se assured canvassing the expediency of deserting the | that though in exile for no oPeuee but my rotteu Confederacy aod restoniug the old poliveal opinioss, and the fres expression Union, the Coafiscation act was passed.— of them to you in peaceable public asseim- Thea your “sovernment, fearing that the iy, you eril! find ime ever steadfast 10 whole South might sot yet be united ana | those opinions, and true toche Conatitu: determined ia tbeir rebeilico, ixeued (he Emancipation proclamation. After this, for fear there might gnc remain a sin- ale ease of Unionism or loyalty in the South, the Pedera!l Coverpment detuzmip- \ i 1 according: Sach, in brief, is the reason given by A correspondent ia the army, writing to | the citizens for the absence of the Union ' the Columbus San, from Missionary Ridge seotiment in this city and other portions Tenn, Oct. 13th, forcibly recapitulates tne of the Sou.b. , difficulties in Like all Southern subjugated cities, pressiug: the enemy, after the battle of Nashville runs to dirt, poor hotels, whisky Chicamauga, as closely as the impatient shops, bawdy houses, faro banks, shoulder , *pirtt of our people desired. The straps and general dilapidatior. A per Ig 1s au extract {rot the letter sou can scarcely. recognize in it a sinyle “Those that are distan: from the theatre feature which belonged to this city before of active operations. of an army have oo the war began. bon and to the State and country of my birth. C. L. VALLANDIGHAM. Wiapsor, C. W., Oct. 14, 1863. WHY BKAGG HAS NOT YET FIN. ! the way of Gen. Bragy's fultow 'conerption of Abe amount of Jabor required | Saker tu move it, especially afler it bas passed GEN. BOBERT RANSOM. through | atemible bale, Luke, for in nance, Chicarmauga. Lt required two days This gallant officer (says. the Petersburg ee fighting to disludge the enewy from Register.) bas been assigned to the com- , their position: then the men were wearied mand of the troops in Southwestort Vir- | and exbausted, so much s0 that they were | ginia wd East Tennessee. We learn from | not able (although flashed with victory) 2 private letter received bere that a part of | to pursue their routed aud fleeing foe ; our cavalry engaged (he Yankees near | 6,000 well and uninjured prisoners to look Tollicoffer 90 the 19th inst. and took for- | after, 2,000 wounded ones to send to the ty-three prisoners, with horses and accou-| rear for treatment; the cannon we cap- ements, with a loss to us of only one pri- | stared were to be taken to the railrosd, an vate and Col. Battle, a very gallant man | enormous quantity of guos to be picked | frown lack of supplies, ly the batteries, auld oF whieh thet’ werd a vem- ber; al our, wovoded bad to be sent to the railroad t) be forwarded to the-va- rious /apspitals, Fhese, and many ether matters ef prithé jmjortancey bad vo Have Jo addizion to this, Longstreet's corps was without transportation } this had to be gottea ap and furnished bim be Now if people would unly take all phiy in- to consideration before passing judgment upon Bragg ang the operations of hin ar- clamor would cease. | bas dove all that a man could do to further the interests of the Coufederacy.” | my, this sense RON WARM SALISBURY, N. C.: MONDAY EVEAING, NOVEMBER &. 1863. Another Candidate in the Field We are authorised, Dy the friends of Dr. J. G. Ram- say of Rowan, to announce that gentieman as a candi- date to re t thay the Gth Congressional District in fhm the the next Progress, Western Democrai and Bulletin office. tae Is compliance with the re- quest of a number of the citizens of Satsbury, Rev. D. T. LACY éwho served as Gen. Jackson's Chaplain) WILL DELIVER AN ADDRESS ob the military and religious char- acter of GENERAL “STONEWALL” JACKSON on Monday eveaing Nov. 2d, at 7 o'clocy, in the Presbytenan Uburch. ome An important deeision has lately been | made by the French Tribunal in the case | of the Alabama, to the effect that French iusnravce offices ace not liable for the val- | ue of goods claimed by our Northern ene- | tases, destroved byevessels carrying the Confederate flag, in their transit across the | seas, unless said insurance offices expressly | stipulate to make yood all losses happen- ing in that way. Om the ground, that the Northern and the Southern States of the American Union are belligerenta, that is - to say, two nations at war,—a fact we) | the world = and that those | who ignore tts existence, and fail to pro- known to all vide expressly agains. the incidental risks in shipping goods,cannot recover the ir- | surauce offices which do business in the! usoal way, in their goods are lost by an | act resognized by the be!ligerents them. | selves as a legal act of war. The Alabama cannot be regarded, as a pirate, but a pri- vateer, since she respects neutrals, and makes use of force against none but the en- | emies of the Confederates. lence the burn- ing of a ship and eargo at sea, constitutes | an act of warfare for which insurers are | not responsible without .a specific agree- ment. The Bristow Station battle, on the 14th rid 26th October, was a very serious af. fair to the 27h, 48th, 15th, 46th and 47th Regiments of N.C. Troops, participating in it. The number Killed was not so yreayz es in some other battles, but the loss im wounded looks disproportionately large. We regret our limited space forbids our wiving the lists of casualties whieh would Bil a page of this paper. The first North Carolina Cavalry. has been in several enyayements since the | 16h or October, and also sustained pretty serous ke ms, Lieut. Col. Thomas Kaftin, of this corps, was mortally wounded and captured,and has sinee Uied at Alexandria. And Major Rufus Barringer was ayain wounded, but siigatly this time in the thigh. There os uothing new in the situation at Chattanooga, Ger. Grant, who has succeed- ed Tusencranz, holds that place, but is evi- eantly uneasy. Has line of connection with lug base of operations, is too long and too as- saslabie by var cavalry to render the gpestion of supplies sure, and he aay at any tune find his army in a starving condition Indeed, reports trom Gen, Bragg’s army represent thery as already cxperienemng great privations There is no probabili- ty that the enemy soou will atterupt a for- ward jnoverment, unless he s'aould Se largely reioforved—an attempt which will be fraught with great danger under the most favorable circomnstances possible, Nor ia it believed | the enemy will be allowed to spend the win- ter in his present quarters without interrup- tions. Gen. Bragg will hardly permit this, 80 that we shall not be serprised to hear stir- ring news from that quarter at.any time. the enemy wre | Obio, Camberland and | to be buried; Horses to be Ty at : _ | Tennessee bave been consolidated into one | from somewhere to sappl place When ve reached Mumfordaville, u des | sigs “slled Military “District of the | those that were killed and disabled ia our | abe riptions. | Uea) man. city. . | is nothing v¢w. from Mead’s army. | Gen. Lee has fallen back, leaving a pretty wide waste of country between the two ar- | mies, There will not probably, be any more serious work between them this winter. ‘Fhe enemy wall no doubt attempt to pen- | etrate from Tennessee: which is vew al:nost | certainly under their panda into Western North Cavolina and Western Vieginia, Their | reetpot appearance at, and capture of ther Warm Springs in this State; aad theindemon- | trations in Western Virginia, have.directed | the attention of the Government to those’! quarters, and troops have been put in motion: | to meet therm. me The Currency quesvon is now engaging | the serious attention of our peeple in all parts of the Confederacy. It is of vital importance, and something must be done and that right | varly te save us from very serious couseqnen- ces. Several schemes have been suggested in differeat parts of the Confederacy for re- heving ws of this embarfassment, and it is ae tbat the urgent necessity of the case will yet bring oft something which shall; prove svecesstul, The Western Democrat of | the 270i gives a plan which it seems to fs | would answer the purpose, and is freer of ob- | Jections than any we have yet seen. ~ The | great difficulty, however, 1s te be found in | the lack of public confidence. The peaple ust come to the point of » firm and unani- | mous reselve to sustain the Government at | all hazards; and as one of the saresy ways of doing this, is to snstan the curren- | ey. Can ths be done? Rapfd and sig- | tal success of our arms against the ene- my would do more than apy thing else to- wards restonog confidence. And this back- ed up by adoption of some wise plan for ab- serbing the redundancy of currency would | accomplish the work. Caa we not bave these ? | oer Congressional Vote; 40th Regt. N. (. T. | Bawsear’s Brigade. | x 3 = TP e | 2. = $23 | z 3 : ar BS - 7 \ Sth B, Cleaveland, 1 le “ C, Bowan, 13 3B 2 « FL Mecklenburg, ry 29 “ G, Cleareland, 34 “ Hl) Gaston, 23. Ww “J, Catawba, 3, 44 K' Lincolu, §. 3y MS 22 2 General Heapital, No.7, Maiegh.—8th Dis- ’ tnct—J. G. Ramsay 13; Win. Lander 3. Camp Holmes.— sth Detrat—Lander 3; Ramsay 21. | NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA VOL WAVY CO. WHEREAS, I have been apopented Soliest- ' ing Ageat by the abuve Company. for this Stair, l hereby most respectfuly invite tie cimens of Sahkebury, and viewnity to attend at the Comrt House Nov. 22 at the hour of 1pm at which | time and place | will deliver: an addres upon the great and impurti nt subject of Volunicer Navy. After whichour Books will be open for REV. WILLDAMSON HARRIS, Agent We publish the turegoing notier, with | the single remark that the subject ts Dew | tous. [tis doubtless of tinportant interest to our country atths time, and we be speak the attendance of Ue public to hear Mr. Harris, whom we koow to be a prac- Sati sry, Oct. 26th, 1863, Mr. Bditor :—1 bave just finished read. ing the * Right of Secession,” published ip the Raleigh Standard, as viewed by a per. sonage who signs himself “Davidson” ; and ama curious to know the object the anthor and the Standard “Have in view by giving publicity t such articles wt this late da of our most wobaypy crisis, Lia not there fore my purpose te enter into gp disenssion with Dmvidson, but will stam briefly what this tory lxbom long and bard to prove, name!® ! , That the right of secession under the old United States sytem, is special pro- hibited and guarded against by the pro- visions ef the constitution; that the fact was known and discussed by the several Suartes at the time of its ratification: that we, then, the people of the United’ State, were a compact Union, a consolidated go- vernipent, rendered! so by virtse of the constitution, it having been ratitled by the people acting in ther individoal character, as forming n single community, and not by the States acting in their sovereign ca- pacity | consequently that, the States ia tatifying the conatitation lust the Confed- crate character witeh they possessed when they matitied it; and that. therefore, a Sove sould uot withdraw or secede with- out the consent of the whole, and in case did, coercion was the constitutional and rightfab remedy. These are the conelasions to which every man bas doubtless come who bas read ig the Standard this elameteristic article an- der the signature of Jevidson. You will perceive that these siews are ideutieal with those held by our enemies, and contrary to those entertained by the mlest' and best men of the country, North and Sooth, ever since the constitution had a Dame. But, Mr. Editor. adin® Davidson is cor rect,—which I dv not—I again ask what object is to be obtammed by spreading | suct news before oer people at this un- Umely season} They oon prodace no good. that @evident. Thes will produce much evil, filet is erident, Wehare nothing now todo with the United States, The right of Reevssion with us, is a» foregone conclusion. We fe!r that we had the constitntional wig WM: that | We were jusuBable, indaking the course we | did, and we certainly were, if any people ever were justifiable iv rebelling against oppression and usurparbon of puwer. But the question wth os, ix, not wheth- er we were night or justifiable in seceding from a goveroment that had cemed wo protect var interests ancb inetitationa, bet whether we wild de slaves or freemen. We have set out to make good oor declaration that we will he free and inde pendent. Ho requires the undivided eners ‘gies of ons whole people to aecom pists this noble Owe prose, The agitation of questions @retyn tu the real object cau only redouwd: to our disadvantage— pro- duce dsorgmnization and disaffection. Dn- vidson and the Standard are labormg to bring wbout this Ina: state of affairs — put- | Ung argamesta in the mouths of our ene- | Mies myainst us and aiding and abetting bim ia every, way in which it is possible | Walton to give aotice that the next Superior | Coart of Rower® will commence on Monday | ER We Leve been requested by Sbenff } ' to do so by eaposition aad misrepresenta- Hoe. Now, if these men do not deserve to be sent North or hanged, if they are not | tories and spies, then Benedict Arnold and | Major. Andre were loyal men aad uojusdy the 16th of Nov. instant. “ Our Own lementary Grammar,” by C | W. Smythe, A. M., from the poblishir.g House of Sterling, Campbetl & Albright, Greensbo-€8 ro’, is now out. It 14 a book of 148 pages, and has been bh ghiy approved by competent judges. We have one down copies on hand The North Casolina Sy od of the Presby tenan chorch metin this place last Wednes- KR. N Davis, of Lincoin- ton, was elected Mus day evening, Res ator. The opening ser- Mon Was preached by Rev. J) Mo Sherwood of Payetteville, The attendance was good but not large. Busine dispatch, s“ was transacted with aod oharieny aed pleasantness reiaed throughout, Seversb interesting and able addresses wer delivered on imssonacy and educational suljects. The labors of we nod weré closes Saturday afternoen, We regret we are unable to give arom satisfactory account of this interesting meet Ing at present An adjourned meeting of Concord Preshy- tery was also held and several sub jeote Of interest to the eh on. Among othe: idieenssed and pases call frou. tbe church on Charlotte, tor the pastoral seryrw of Rev. Alex. Sinclair ame up, and by a vote of che Presbytery was placed in his hands things the es C. Th Lamar, President of the Bank of« Commerce, and Inte of the Bank Conven Gon at. Richmond, in conjunction with of ficers of the Banks in other States, requests that a nweting of the representatives of the banks, in the Confedernte State, and mem- bers elect to Congress, be held in Angus. | | ta, on the 6th November, to consider and { | Bet ON questions reinting to the currency. | | ,of the Press Association to give the sub- ject such notice as they may deem consist. entiwith the best interest of our country. Timasum, persecuted, [€ thia is not so, then what vod are we to expect from a course of copdoct iadulged by them which all good and loyal mem unite in condemping as treasonable § JOUATPNES. sos A NOBL§ EXAMPLS:° Dear * Watchinun”: Asan example worthy of nitation ip these days of exborbiumt pr ces apd: depreemtion of our enrrency, | Must Mention a noble uctr tn th person of Mrs. Rural McNeely, of Rowan County A refugee nm our Coanty had) cecasiun bo Deopply himeedf with seme uanentionables (Pants) of dosestie manufactore, vad afer inaking many galls on persone who were holding back Jnrye quantiies of Jong, ke, for long prices he called on the above lady who peruaps, makes the handsutnest Jeuns North Mrs Me- Neely cemarked that she felb on vp'd Let ‘ than a price for Any articles of her inanufactare, md woule ander the in Western Carolina, Fecetves inete tnoderate accommodate auy ote calling cireumatauces, at such fiyures ~ wae ene tirely satiyfactory to the purchaser. | he person being supplied, told the Indy he would pay her N.C. Bank notes, seppow vag abe likenine- tenths of all others, lool- ed upon the same as being wort far more than Confederate Notes, Whereupon Mr. Mchleely replied, that all prices had be- come exborbitant, from the fact of spect lation in oar carreney, and that: in order to sustain our Government, a Corfederate Dy request I respectfuity ask the members | doliar must be worth as much as that of oar Bank Notes. Thin lady has given two sons to the Confederate cause in the beginning of or sraggle for our rights under the ° tatlea. O other atill ing seoute shrark-like this noble MRS, Y - De . Litthe mother When I thi Tho’ haply of the stroke pat the days What it 6o k How wuch o! Since thy mq} And ‘tis for 1 loved her, Oue wish of Perhaps for q (Though hap Or faulty a Hath atter’d he pervsal Of her child ‘Twas io How the Attracted Ab!a Anon sparki A favrite w As though 11} Seme years jj ‘Twas a few The’ time h Loved friend Yor the Bei Was prepar|| In the furn And she to As conver At each o Neo thought Hew soon al Bhe spoke Lwok'd ap ii Threagh A beve to t I famey e'en Oe tat lard When knee ier tomes We parted Ta the Rae jotneia For her h They te Nhe pation Co kowvatinog ‘Twas hen Aethe Yo the ki Kepeating Mer death Ou the bro Troma b Saad When the “Mid the We dare That ne'er They are We're sale rat is d le His kis May yoo Paiew, 8 T In th (reg. N C. Chv de, gr charge inet, oO ber of that Lt ringer tbrougt Col. KR being After b mand worinae Tait, wu charge atpatr ported Vtiee wit ver of Prison ithe, In { ale CAN toraidiaat the 24¢ (een. | hese a wry, yallant honor the wae Vird bury \ Wo alae on the yinia, horce ensy rq fortities fle pital boing atl ony POsttio 'o the flew a defence be fel point d my ip hy of wpe ney, | person yunly ton bo nables lafur ) were Si: ke . - lady Jeans Me- ny tee for wou wy op the as ene ‘lhe dy he Ip) Puee look- ; more in Mre. ad be- spec®- order derate that of to the of oer Lone atten. One. aber atill era l ing seoure ftom: therfopl | af slark-like Waukee may be be proud this noble example for Rowan. ‘ Yours, d&e., Muirum ix Parvo. cro eee ot yy IN MEMORIAM. MRS, VICTORIA HOYDEM, Gate servant.) : Dedicated to har little daughter, Inmate. ‘ BY OConNeiLtsa. © Little motherless one! my ¢yes Al) with tears when I thivk of the loss that no shades thy young years, Tho’ haply wneoauscious as yet of the weight Of the strake, that has rendered thy home degolate. pot the days will @it onward, and time will reveal What it 6o kindly from thee deth conceal, Low much of the joy of thy father's life's gone Since thy mother has left bim and thee, here alone. And ‘tis for Ae sake that this hag been penn'd— | loved her, amd feel, I have joes a dear friend; Ove wish of gr death-bed I thas do fuflli— Perhaps for the stricken some bali ‘twill distill. (Though imperfeet a tribate it be to the worth Or faulty a memoir of her, who to earth Hath utter’d ‘ farewell,’ yet, at some future day, he pervsal to Lamuile may comfort convey.) Of her childhood, I know pot, for when we first wet ‘Twas ip days of her girthood, nor can { forget How the bright happy face which gazed up in wy own, attracted me, loug ere she’ uttered a tone. Ab! a wealth of deep feeling was hid ia those eyes, Anon sparkling with arth, or thoughtfally wise, A (awrite wlth all, she mov'd mid the throng As though life were to her a blithe saramer song. seme years interven'd ere acain we did meet, Twas a few months age, | with joy ber did greet, The’ time had brought changes, and thoughts ofthe past Loved friends we had lost, made cach brow overcast. Yor the Being whose thoughts are far higher than ours, Was preparing her then for more beautiful bowers; In the furnace of sorrow ber heart had Been tried, And she told me how child, sister, futher had died. As converse we held of joys, grief, days gone by, At each other we guzed with an eft moisten'd eye ; Ne thought bad I then, as she spoke of God's love, Hew soon she wunld taste of its fullness above. the spoke of you, darting, while you standing there Lwok'd up in her faer, or eat by in your chair Through grace "twas she trusted, ia you to instili A love to the Saviver, your young heart to Hil. | famey e'en now, that I Near her sweet voice Go that last Sabbath morn, and K made we rejoice When kneeling togther in God's house of prayer, \ler tomes of response told ber heart too was there. We parted that day pever more bere to meet! In the teenple aleve where she now hath Ler seat, Rke joins in Henven's Anthems, aad waiteth for you, Yor her hasbisl end all whom she lov'd and ciung to. They tell me, when sickness seized hid of her freme, Ree patiently suGere:l, stil prateing God's name, Commending her husband aad [rieuds to His care, kuweatiog them all for their end to prepare. ‘Twas tLen deep emotion ybar mother’s heart atirr'd Abethe wiemnly gave you with mauy a foud word, To the kind loving arms of voe, she held dear, Repeating again, “ as a christian her rear’’! Mer death is bemoan'é by many a fond heart | Ou the broad field of batue, methinks, tears did gtart Trom a brows soldier's cyes,( whom his country bokts ar) When the vews of her demth was borne to his ear. Mid the tarmoils and duties of thée worid of strife, We dare not forget Unai our souls have a life That ne'er can be qeench'd , and as friends pass away They are warning shots telling we're etil] in the fray, We're safe if Christ's Crase ie the banner anfurl'd Trat is dearer to us thaa sught cise in this world, Im Hts kiagdor of peace, when life's battle is o'er, May you weet dearest Lamaix, your mother once mort ' Param, Sept. 1868. -=e = THE IST. N.C. CAVALRY, In the late pursait of the evemy ander Greg. Meade, this zallantcurps, the TaN. . Otvalry, which tas so often been in bat de, greatly distnyurmbed itvelf In the charge on the enemy's infantry on the 14, inet, Gear Bristoe it capiated a ftarge num- ber of prisouers. that Lt. Col. Raftio fel, be and Maj. Bar ringer and tive others having dashed clean \brough the enemy's lines. Col. Raffin is ne longer in doubt his death being announced elsewhere mi this paper After bis tall, Major Barringer took com” mand of the Regiment, though woonded an the thigh, ia thie Len tilunt at . twin, aud ded the Regrinent an the brillant charge Of the 10th tust. when i routed a tpatnick command, and bravely san ported by the 2dl NOC. Cavalry, rursued Vie ehemy 5 or Smiles, capturing ao nim rol Wayone and ambulances om 250 prisoners, with the lassef ouly Qe. Le <ibed, Wounded atid inissiug ou Our side Sn this whole campwgn the Conder ate cavalry rendered the mest asetul and BAO ot ‘he 2400 prisoners. sentto Lochimetnd: by CAD service, caprunay ROME (een Lees aud cobspicdous amuuy nil ‘hese nobl. deeda, was the Ist Noo WY. AN poise, Chen, te this wetter and . Cav gallant corps which has dou honor tha Old North State aud to serve Che sacred cause in which were enraged e Virwara Salt Works The Leteh vary Ving Wlate save Lire yp ble teed (eel WO War Ob wcCOUDL OF the on the Salt Chores of tales Works io Southwestern Vir Shey are detonded by a syroug horce with anple retnforestnemta within eMsy rene!s, wena, as Besides, the place is well Yortitied by casernates, field works, aust ri- fle pis, Lt is miso aniutaily very strong, boing surrounded by #« cordon of high tills andl snuuntaina, upow whieh commanding positions can be taken. The approaches 'o the Salt basin are through” narrow de flew and passes, where the advantages of defence aré incaleulable. No fears need be felt tor the safety of that important porMt except from .anm advance of the ene- my in forge.” At wan in Chis) charge | } ( UR ACCOUNTS are all ready for setile- bi P | . ¢'4 _ a 4 i On Felbedey cect tas poke, tet : 3 4 yy , Voomnyy. + soca Tag ¢ by the Rey. 8. 8, Liou. R. Foo AIN LEL! A TAYLOR for zie aa (Payetieville Observer please copy.) Te DIED: Of chronic diarrhewon the 19th of Dee. 1862, in Righwoud in the 25th year of bie age. N. C. WILLIAMS, youngest son of Richard ond Nuncy Williams of this County, ; The deceased was & member of the 5th N.C. Regt. Ln the death of this young man, the army ‘eet a good faithful suldier, the couniry oue of 14% Most promising youths end his aged peretts @ duufnl, devoted son. Hie remains were brooght home and after an appropriate funeral discourse, they were imered at Jerusalem church ia Davie. 8. NEW MUSIC; PUBLISHED BY Geo. Dunn & o,, Richmond, Va., AND JCLIAN A. SELBY, Colambia, 8. C. All printed on good paper, with Or namentad Titles. RETALL PRICE, $1 EACH. The trade supplied at hulf off” with an addition five per cent. when one hundred of any piece is ordered. : Blank Music Lines on the best cap pap-r. Bl per sheet of Sour pryes—furty per cout. off to the trade. NEW SONGS, NOW READY: ‘Southern Soldier Boy” —Assung ai the Rich- moud New Theatre, in the ‘Virginia Caval- ter.” by Mise Sallie Parting.on. Wordce by Captain G. W. Alexander, A. A-G. & A.P. M. Atr—The boy with the Aubarn Hair. ‘Whe Will Care For Mother New”—Poeiry by C.-C. Sawyer, Author of “When this Cruel War is Over.” Music by C. F. “Thomps.o. IN THE PREss, 4 Aad will be readyin "pew days— In'Towo Parts—Part lof C.% A. Improved Honmn’s Tustractons (or the Piano Forte ; and NEW BALLAD—Farewell Enchening Hope Masic by Lessing POUSLISAHED AY GED. DUN & CO., RICU MOND, VA., AND JULIAN A SELBY, COLEMBTA, 8.C. NOTICE, ment aod we wieh ali persvos indebted. to cone wand pavup. On wad afterthe first vas of Noveuber we will keep ne teuks, nor will we charge anythiug. Oar aales must and will be for cash and cash alune utier that date. Cull and settle tp ax our business has been ervacucted on the credit system tou log, ard saw will be stopped: HENDERSON & ENNISS. Oct. 27th 1863. 40.24 \O TLE TO SPECULATE. | NX Dye subscriber hae thrown his Tan-yard | opeu to the public and wishes the citizeng to brag or send their Uides to hun and fill it ap Vf hey will do su he obhyates himself to sell his share of the leather another year at $2, beng ae high as he has sold any op to this ume Ads Chose bringing bides to hin shall | wave the preference inteather for their own | COnSU TION another year. te dont wish to | buy hides at tae present enormove prices and | sell ihe leuther at RG or YX per th. So bring | your hides in and we will keep one scccrmo- | davou Tau-yard eey how in the Confederacy fur curowe vee } Leave your hides at Sprague Bro's. aa here- | tofore directed. T.W HAYNES | Nov 2, 1863. 1f.24 4 “| STK AY ED the subscriber about thr-e weeks Dekey ago from ny Farm adjoining Mai. N. F horns, a white siresk down her fice and a The fate of ®bainp on her side Ten dollars reward wil be puid tea any one \ for informauen of her wheteabout+ | \ } | Hall, ae large reddish brind!e Cow with wide | \ { | | J.W. WALL. Oct Ww, 1863. 3t:24 Quarter Masters (Mee, / Salisbary, No &., Mow 2, 1e63 4 Po. will be receseed ’ at thie office until the Mthonst. dar the dehvery atthe Con. Distillery und oheewhere tne federace Stes Saleh av of five hundred cords wood, all to be) (delivered by January bat R64, soomuch to | Blaeking | | \ | above receipts dor oue dollar single, or nlifor five il, WeCOY, | Cap. & A.Q. M. ) a Apartment will) present ASTRAY | i PRAYED from my Pinntaton two and VOTICT. | a halt motes Crom Salt sone white and red also a large while nud red spot, fis belied they reckled cow: ea ateer, with wide horus aresomewhere in the peigthornved of Organ A rewara of TAN DOLLARS Church each-will be prd te any percan who will take them wp wad tiform me of the same, or 340 or the delive of thea tomeda Salsbury, or, atant Pianiaoeu oe Dot. BRINGLE New Qa, N68. ld Another Great Victory! we He | TAPE for eate, and will send pont pid the followimy Receipts ty anyone tor making Matcher, Black. Red and Brue Luks and shoe Ale, «receipt for making a com: position for weftding cast steel. one for Japan Varmah for varnehing Frou, Twill xend all the dollars. Being a practical Hy Addie-maker, for the Cotton Milli Lam prepared to furnish | receipt for making herddle varnish, which FE ob- | tained from the Norih loog before the wari | This receipt 1 will send, post paid, for five dol- oS VoL. MULINIX, | Stowesville, Gaston Co., NLC. | Oetobder 5, 1469. Stnpd20 | .¢ was ordered that $20 pe The Counties «{ Chay, Mitebell and Transyl- vania will receive thett rom the Coyn- ties ont of which ab Woe set pectively formed, Z. B.VA FOE, President ex-officio. R. H. Barring, Jn, Seeresery to the Board. cousTmas FaD, por. sengiee®. Falinw. rorat pig Alamanes, 10,415 @901T OB $1522 10 92780 78 Alexander, 5,778 0-671 GBs BBN GO :1511 28 Ansgp, 1 be 4 1581 56-2346 81 Alleghany, 8 9 49 (OF 06 Asbe, 7,800 0644 1188 42 9040 16 seer lise ps4 % ice Pri 3250 bod . NH Bladen,* 9,864 iia ¥ 16m 84 S880 OP Brunswick, ‘ 6,96@« 806 88 lv10 4% ©1618 85 Buncombe, 4,882 «1381! 1726 5% = @LOT 58 Burke, 8,288 968 1204 82-9167 78 Cabarrus, b 9,330 1084 1355 74 944) 33 Caldwell, 7066 «62117 «1028 46 =—-1847 68 Camden, 492 «022 19 1174 98 Garteret,o 7,308 «=§=6©860 OL = «1075 Of 1085 02 Caswell, 4 12,478 M469 ls12 44 = S262 89 Catawba, ¢ 10,064 1169 91 1448 89 264% Su Chatham,/ 16,66% 1980 3 U8 15 4343 67 Cherokee, 8.968 1061 1301 69 2843 04 Chowan, | 597 689 14 «178 421401 16 Cleavelund, 11,495 1886 296 1670 30 3006 56 Columbus, 1013 = 884 8S HOG 10 1990 9& Craven, WA9T «1608 ST 004 848608 1 Cumberland,g 14,087 1681 76 8970 3671. 46 Currituck, A 6406 144° 39980 85 1675 58 Davidson, ¢ 15,871 1786 84 = 9283 55 2663 00 Davie,j T 587 876 16 = 1u% 20 1971 36 Duplio,& 12,986 1508 76 1578 78 8383 60 Edgecombe, / 14,333 1540°93 1987. 41 B48T 34 Gorsyth, H,965 1898 4 = 1741 54 3184 17 Fraukiip, H,2t} 1311 04 = 1488 80 2040 64 Gaston, 8434 980 0S 1825 10-2805 18. Gates, 6,588 80013 1000 16 1800 29 Granville, 18,962 2204235 2755 36 4950 64 Greene, 6346 TET 71 92214 OOH 8S Guilford, 16,606 2162 91 8708 64 4566 55 Halifax, = 15,801 1178 70 2228 37 «4002 OT Harnett, o 7,005 $14 82 «61017 90 1833 28 Haywood, 56676 659 62 0a 9 1484 59 Henderson,, 9,595 115047 1487 84 2588 11 Mertford, 126 898 18 «1422 66 2020 79 Hyde, 6,617 769 21 961 SL 1780 72 Iredell, 18,676 «1589 311987 26 B5TT 07 Jackson, 5,416 629 60 «= 787 00 ~—«1416 60 Johnston,- 18,690 1501 44 1969 30 3580 74 Jones, OoT 4: 684.27) ~—1141 64 Lenoir, $,158 948 35 1185 44 2183 79 Liseotn, 7349 9854 30-1 06T 8ST 19%2 17 Macon, 6,796 673 67 S42 OF 1315 7 Madison, 5,53 89676 91 646 14 1623 05 Martin, 8468 98455 1280 4% 8814 85 McDowell, 6,507 167 Ww 958 65 1725 75 Meckienburg,. 14758 «(1715 5B 2144 49 3360 08 Montgomery, 6920 804 43) 105 54 1809 97 Moore, 16.490 1211 380 «1514 12 Vi3s 24 Nash, r 9,515 114097 1426 21 2567 18 New Hanover,. 13,582 2043 87 2554 55 4598 72 Northampton,. 10,658 1288 481547 98 2786 86 Onsiew, BAST 866 56 =1083 57 1050 48 Orange, 14,905 1732 67 2165 84 3898 51 Pasquotank, T3470 900 ST) 1125 71 26 26 Perqaimans,s 620 676.56 «B45 70152 26 Person, ¢ 9,148 106255 1828 56 2391 41 Pitt, 12,691 1475 30) 1544 12 8819 42 Polk, 8,795 441 «(16 551 45 993 SI Randolph, 16,185 1875 66 «2344.57 9«9— 4220 2S Kietrmond, 8.528 1026 23 1282 79 2309 02 Robeson, w 13,307 1546 90 = 1933 62 B48u 52 Rookingham, 14,219 1652 93 «2066 16 3717 09 Rowan,e 18,014 1512 3 1801 06 3403 91 Rutherford, 10,617 123424 «1542 7h |= ST76 fampson, we 18,812 1605 62 07 U2 3612 64 Stanly, 7 833 Sot 44 1065 55 1917 99 Stokes, 9.414 109435 1877 2463 29 Surry,o 9,871 lids 1435 80 W844 44 Tyrrell, 4,304 500 625°42 11% 74 Unien, 184 1197 ot «1497 266 31 Wakey 24,334 28xS 17 858596 6364 78 Washington, 6,871 634 37 O80 46 Mod 83 Warren,s 11,566 134452 1936 66 8025 17 Watanga, 4915 87135 714% «1285 55 Wayne, * 18,726 1479 361549 210 8323 57 Wilkes, + $321 . 1909 12 © 2176 41 Yadkin, 10788 «1178 51 «1473 15-2651 61 Yancey. b,b10 987 261286 ST BD5 SS 109,000 00 125,000 00 32,000 00 DEDUCT POR DEF AXD DUMB AND BLIND. a David J. Wateon, Elisa J.C. Watson and Jos. Wat- son, Deaf and Dumb, $225 00 + Maggie Bromley, Blind, TS 00 c Sarah W. Bushall, Blind, 75 00 d Minerva A. Walker, Deafand Dumb, 75 00 ¢ Caswell M. Cobb, Deaf aod Dumb, TS 00 J William C. Abernathy, Deaf and Dumb, Sarah C, Pooshee, Blind, 150 00 g George W. Hartie, Blind Sehr MeCorquadaie and Maty MeCorquadaie, Deaf aad DP «mt, 225 00 A James Swing, Blind, 4 Enoct, Orreli, Blind, Jj Nancy J. Blanchard, Ellen Jobnvon, Desf and Domb, 160 90 k John W.C. Luper, Deat and Dum - 75 Ww tJooas M. Cortnen, Blind, 75 ou m George 4. Jones, Blind, 15 | n William Holt, Jathes Holt, Deaf and Dumo,, 150 0v o Jasper Jamison, Mary M. Nichols, Deaf and Domb, 150 00 p Christopher Seevers, Deaf and Dumb, TB oo | q Isabella Pegram, Z. A. Pegram, Deafand Dumb, ‘3000 r James C. Lane, Deaf and Dumb, 75 00 # Oornelius W. Willbarn, Blind, 73 00 tJohn H. Belton, Benjamin Belton, Deaf and Dumb, wu Jehn B. Watson, Bind, eo Mi A. Hall, Lizzie Hall, Blind erGeorge Harris, N. Ji HIM, Deaf and Dumb, @N-J. Dupree, Jon Simpaon, Blind, Geo. B. Harward, R. Clements, Deafand Dub, Boo 00 y Joseph J. Reid, Bitnd, 73 00 ¢J.L. Sumeriin, 8. W. Samertin, N. B. Sumer- 150 00 the purpose of dollecting the’dume, as follows: Gheen’s Bridge, Saturday Notember *y4. Cesaghairh Mendey a nai 16. McGonnuughey’s, Tuesday, “ 17, Mouat Ulla, Wednesday, bet 18. Atwell’s, Tharsday,” te 19, Mrs. Brown's, Stturday, ” A. Salisbury, Monday and Tuesday, 23d.and 24th, Hartman's, Wedtresday, November as. Litakes's Thearedwy, ' e 2%. Harkey's, Friday, " 27. Gold Hill, Saturday, ba WB. Morgaa’s, Monday, t 30, Hatter’s Shop, Weduesday,- December 2 Miller's, Thursday, ae “ -% In the mean time, E will het the lists in ary hands ready for inspection, from the 24th of Octoberuutil the 7th Novensbyr. Personsde- siring to appeal from assesements.fcan see the lists during that time, on Monday’s and Sator- day's; at the Court House, in Salisbury ,aud on other days at my residence, after which time, vo appeah Alter the ith November, the lists Will be closed. ; All who fuil to pay their taxes ae above, are additional. TAX IN KIND‘ The Assersors will be with me at the times and places above mentioned, jw tuke additional retucusof the Tax iv Kind of all additional ar- ticles vot heretofore returned; such as Corn, Potatoes, Peus, Beans, and the like. All per- sons are notified to du so: then, or the law will be rigidly enforced egainat them. WILLiaw R. FRABEY, Tax-Collectos for Rowane Octeber, 15, 1862. 4123: mens ua Lance WANTED Ge BSTITUTE FOR THE WAR FOR LOCAL DEFENCE—A liberal price will be paid for a good and reliable man over fifty years of age, who will not be required to gerinto the field—good references required-— Enquire at this Offiee. GttoLer 26, 1663: tf23 $10 REWARD. WOITRAYED from the subscriber aboat the last of September, a young yellowish Jooking COW, with a large white blaze in the face, and very yood size. No other mark recolected, but if marked, it is a-half crop out of each ear. ‘The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me io Salisbury, or for information to enable me'to get her. JERE MFAH BARRINGER. October 26, 1863.- 423 EXCHANGK NOTICE, No. 7.2 Ricnmonp, ¥a-, Oct. 16, 1563. ,) NHE following Confederate officers and men are hereby dectared duly exchanged > 1. A!l officers and men captured and paroled at auy time previous tothe Ist of Seprember, 1563. This section, however, isnot intended to include any offieers or men captured at Vicksburg July 4th, 1863, except such us were declared exchanged by Exchange Notice No. §, Sept. 12th, 1863, or are specifically named m this notice. But it does embrace all detiveries made at City Point or other places before Sep- tenmer Ist, 1863, and with the limitation above vamed, all captures at Port’tludson or auy oth- er place where the parties were released on role. . 2. The Staffof Generals Pemberton, Ste- venson, Bowen, Moore, Barton, S. D. Lee, Comnongs, Harris and Baldwin, and of Colo- nels Reynolds, Cockrell and Dockery ; the of- ficers and menu Lelongiug tothe Eagineer Corps and Sappere and Mineré, wnd-the 4th and {6th Missiseipp: Reginrents, al:'cnptured at Vicks- barg, July 4th, 1863, by 3. The general officers cxpivred at Vicks- burg, Jaly 4th, 1803, were declared exchanged Juby 13th, 1863. r) ROBFRT OULD, Agent of Exchange. Southern papers publish six tinws and sertd bis to the War Department. Conseript Omiee. | Raleigh, N. C.,-Oet. 15th, 1863 5 GeneraL Orvsns ?) No 26. §- lin, H. Sumerlin, Deaf and Dumb, S00 00 *S. A. Owens, M. Owens, Betsy Owens, Blind, 225 00 | It was ordercd that the above tabwtar statement be | | published in the Ruleigh Standard, Tarbor Scutherner, Wilmington Journal, Fayetteville Obeerver, Wadesbure’ ' Argus, Western Democrat, Greeneboro’ Patriot, Ashe- | ville News, Hendersonville Times, Sallubury Watchman and Milton Chronicte, twice, N. Be At the meeting of the Bovrd held in Marci last. | should be taid for advtertising | Spring and $40 for advertising Fa |. ‘tribution October 19, 163, 2w-28 Quarter-Masters Uffice | in wv LL persens having claims against thie De- | Salisbury NOG. Oct 7 them atonce ap | have been reheved of duty at this Port, and de- | sire to close all accouute belore leaving. ' H MceCOY Cavt. & A. Q M (3422) tOO0,0Q0 LBs. Of Tobaceo at Auciioa. WILL expose to pobdlic sate, two hundred thousnod pounds minufactia from ene to iss : Fete tured ‘Tobaceo at my store. i) Saltsoury. N. on the L7th November. 1563 ° JOHN FO FOARD October 23, 1A63 : 4123 TANNERS O1L. preosate ont 10 bbls. Tanners’ ©: HENDERSON & ENNESS. October 26, 1x63. ims FOL SALT. 1 Bh Red Wow For sate ut HENDERSON & BNNISS October 26, id03. 12% WUE LEAD- 300 Iba, White Lead. in oil, for enle at .H BN DERSON& EN NESS October 26, 1863 tm3 “WANTED! Ww TWO VOVS, (white) to make cores i | I oo long cece tothe C. 3. Ord, Works, Salis- | A. G: BREN Lats pay leinn, Wert. ¢ yr Militia officers i IN ACCORDANCE with inst-actions from the War Department, persons Liable to con- ecription will bes aemgned, at the Camp of In- struction, to regimeute of their chore in Gene- ral Lee's or Bragg’ army auul furher orders. By order of Cal PETER ‘ALCETT, Commande icof Consempte for NOC. J. M. Macierr. Adjiiam, 41:22 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PROPSary! oN —— 3 HWE undersigned wil selbon the 17th of N wember. at hie residence. (Corceli’a Mills.) iwelwe antes Nor haweat oof Satiehury, the fol- oymag vale ble Veoperty, to wih, ae lacgequan- tity ot C “attler, Bee Hines, Sheep, several besides Wagons, rreal many over ara q fouud ona well elocked farm ry Wait of euch arteles would do well Lis mele tron, but usunly Vhore te attend Coneicens of sale nade known on ihe day. JACOB CORRELL, October 22. Leos HA | Executive Departoent \. Uaioe: lina Adjatant General's Offlee, (Militia, 7 Raleigh, October 17, 1963 \ GENERAL ORDER, + NO, 19 \ each: county where the Gaard for Hone may hereatrer be fally orgeited, WU turnover to the cammandér op the latter all arms, ac- coutrements aud ammonitiew tn their posse s- sion belonging to: the Stare, taking > receipts tor the sume By order of Governor Vanee: R. C. CATLIN, (2123) Adjutant Gqneral. nugitied that they will be charged ten per cent | aN gee ae f prin mn as ‘ ? “{ / . P . a2, Raleigh, O 6; 1863 y ww Onvess, } ' yy ” me wee | , r pons a nectiow-of the Act afithe Géoer-- a) Assembly, pessed July 7th,-1863, was in-- tended wt apply wtife militia as them biguniz~ edwand not to the orgenisationdur Home \De- fence. ¢ EL, Thec@enimissions of the Militia Officers: are suspended only while nembersof the Home Guard organizetion and doing duty in it.. When not on duty,'Uley may be reqnired by the Com- maoders of thelt Regiments to uwesist (hem ip ihe execution of orders from this office. P 11%. ‘The offfeers and men of the Guard for? Home Defeneé will Ye subject to the Rules and® Articles of Wér aad ttte Generut Regulations* of the Confederate Staies Army. when called out by orders from this office, either for drill or’ for special or general service. By order of Governor Vance: R. C. CATBIN, Adjutant General. 2123 Ottober 17. ‘ ‘J98. B. RUSSELL Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL gtve prompt and personal attention® 0° the sale of ptoduce, and purchasing Salt, - &e Consignments and orders ree pectfully solicit-~ ed—advanees made when required. Reference—T. J. Foster, Salisbury. Oct. 12, 1863. 6nmpd22 _FOR SALE. _ COMFEDBRATE COTTON: INTEREST StX PER CENT BONDS. Those Bonds are issued only-it sums $1,000" each, with interest, payable in Cotton or Coin, ~ on the first day of June in each year. Apply at the Bank of N. Carolina iv Salie- - | bury, where pacticulars, &c-, will be giver Oct It, 18363. 3w22- Dr. J. A. CALDWEEL. ESPECTFULLY: OFFER8&* his professional services to the > citizens of Salisbury and: the sur-- rounding country. OFFIC E—Bnick Row, opposite the Court-~ house, Room No. 2. OF 'n my absence, leave your name on the: Slate. Oct. 16.—tf:22 Tanner's Oil For Sale. TRE subscriber has 25 or 30 gallans Tan-- ner’s Oi which he will sell. Call ou him near™ China Grove, Rowan Co. . WM. C. MILLER. Out 19%1863. 4w22 TO THE AFFLICTED!: .- ‘PHOUSANDS OF BOXES OF THE- SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS have - been ordered in une day. Wherever known> their use continues. Without puffing, they nave~ gained ground by their real value. (7 More~ than five hundred persons are known to havs~ been cured by these Pills. £9 . This excetient family wedicine is recommen. ~ ded by the proprietor‘as good only for dis-~ eases of the Liver. His correspogdentssay that they also cure Billious Rheumatism, Pneumo- - nia;-Chills and» Fevers; Billious Fevers, Piles and Worms. ‘They are # perfectly safe medi- cine. Peter Vadeu, Esq.. of Dinwiddie County, Virginia; after describmg remarkable cures in‘ his famiby of Bilidus Rheumatiem aad Pleurisy +r says: ** My Doctor’s bill las been heretofore from $175 to $200 per year. I have used them (these pills) for my family, which consists of eighteen white end colored, aud:bave not call-- edin aw Doctor. Thisie a greatsaving They certainly are the best family mediciue ever dis-- covered.” Rev. Jahn W. Potter, of Greene county, - North Carolina, had sufferedbtwelve years from - a diseased liver, which the physicians had not been able to cure. He says: ‘* Il commenced tehing the Hepatic Pills with no‘confidence in them. ‘They actedlike «charm on me. From ‘ that hour I have improved. L have persever- ed in their use until now, by God‘s blessing, I aim well and hearty. [ had anegro man who, - us I believe, was saved from death by a dose of these pills. My Doctor’s bill was annualiy from $100 to $200, but L have had no use for a- Parnoy Tupemente, anda ! tesuct necessary to mew Deteuce has been or | physician since.” | Thomas H. Ranev,-Esq., Granville county, - | NEC. savs:°* [ find'your pills to be the bes. { family medicine L have ever ased. They have | proved very beneficial in my own case. fhave- j been very imuach afflicted fur [5 yeare, and have | tried every kind of medicine that L could get, bat have more relief crom your: pills than all others. chia! affhetion, | a complete: prostration of t nervous system. | nave ased them in teno, teem cases in my \Yanulv, an? find them to be the ver) medicine ‘for nearly all family drseuses.” . 1 Paree—$t.50 a box. or $15 2 dozen boxes will be sent preoaid to any part of the Cenfed- \eracy. Those who destre less than a dozen | bores. must apply to the druggists.—Great re- duction made to Druggisis and Merchants whe boy by the gross, Cash must alWays accom- pany orders Address, ' GEORGE W. DEEMS, Witsony N. C For sale ia Stisbury dy Herderson & Ex- nisx. and in Lexington by J. P. Simpson. October 12, 1563. 3mpd21 Brass, Copper, Lead and Zine. LIBERAL, price will be paid for any kind of old My disease is af Lt K COFPER, LEAD and ZINC, delivered ag the ne ail-Road Station. Any person wisiring te sell will ‘ase notify me of the quactity, price, aud where to be delivered A. G. BRENIZER, Capt, Art'y Com'd’g. C. &. Ord, Works, Satisbary, N.C. | Oct. 2, 188, \ WANTED 7539 PURCHASE, or.to fatten or share \ 500 Hogs at the C. 5. Distillery, Salisbury Apply to Surg. Jas. T. Jounsox. Mod. Part : Charlotte, NOC t£20 N.C. _ WANTED! WANT to hire TEN or PEFTERN NEGROES, stows active boys, as laborers. Those having uegroes te hire, will please apply to me at the Confederate States rdnance Werks, Salisbury. i] iia A. G. BRENIZER. Capt. Art’y Oom'dgs. { ) t) ume of war. bas Pree poms es meme, TAY a . € wok , R an : : o 0. Sept. 2, 1663 t aie fyYVue LOWING CONFEDBRATES To the Voters of the : Hianeu, copared wt Vieksberg, ° . 4 ° Mi G3, a - grestional District of Marth Car- pean ud eabsoquently press olina: 1 rerpecufully announce a candidate for re-election, —_ 2" Y By your kind partialiiy T have the honor Ped officére wna mec of Gen. Bowen's | ’ of a seat in the First Congress af the Confed- j 3. ‘The offieere aud men ol Brigadier General i | ; 1. The officersend men of Gen, C.-L. Steven- © OU 88 eons division. erate States From the time of wy clectiod the Confederacy has been egua_cd ia 6 stu- pendous war, for the purpose of driving back the ruthless invaders of its soil, aud establish- ug the Peace and w dence to which | 6. Also, all Confederate officers aud men 6 90 jusuy entitled. wertures having been | Who have been delivered at Gity Poiat at aay repeatedly made by cur Goveruiment, to ter | Ume previoas to July 25th, 1868, have deen ininate bostiiues and settle the exisung dul- | duly «xchawged, and are hereby #0 deetured. | culties by negotiation aud Lonorable sdjust |. RO OULD. | ment, and these overtures Laving been as of | Sept. 10-e : ten indignantly rejected. no alternative re- | cae SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RK- | mained to us bat te drive back the invaders | ceived the following articles, to wit: aod conquer a peace by force of arms. 50 dozen Coats 6 Cord Thread, While in Congress, therefore, as your rep-4 5000 Needles, nemorted reseatauve, I used every exection in my pow- | Bik and Whae English Gingbaors, ee to strengthen wud incieare tae army, to Salt, RE he a assisteace and encouragement to Sealy hed t, e¢ Kkxecutive, and to prevent, as far as pos- | ovel Muulds ok : aible, those disastrovs Pallinous a if : MICHAEL ts. = a, aivil and the military authorities which are | yOu consignment 60 Boxes fine chewing Toe e ‘ a : | bheco. M. OB. so apt to occur and so dithcult to adjust in | “pSalisbary. Sept. £8, 1863. 19 Regiment. 5. ‘The officers aud men of Waul’s Legion. | Ageat of Exchange. | I voted for both Conscription acts, not be- | \ LOTT y } cause I destred to force ‘ks Southern citizen | yt LOOSE CO I 1 ON ‘ from his bome aad family to the camp aod ALE AE o Se battle-field, but because I considered ie id ENDERSON be eA aol :adispensable to the indepeudence ot the | nega pdb as country. \ Ww ANTED at wy Shee Stare 100 Green I voted to raise the pav of the non-com- Hides, fac which the highest pnee will missioned officers and privates in the a:my, Me paid. in cash. because I believed chat they both deserved aod needed it _ 1 voted against the Exemption acts, not | because I was opposed te all exempuons. but | because I considered those act wrong w | 7 : | pnaciple, dangerous in policy, and anjust in | BE ieee ee Bien ot eee Tete | many of their disenuliisucik of the Coanty Court of Rowan, caken Letters I ‘voted for the Puniing Dill, begause I of Adiuuittrativa according to jaw. on the es- choaght it neces fo dinuitisi ile ecleme tate of Christian Bringle. dec’d . hereby gives oft the currency and thereby to vive more stein - guano pee ee ee nealthy eevee Guineee oF ra entry. j mer claims duis authenticated within the time nee s \ fimited by law, for that purpose, otherwise this I. voted for tbe Tax bill of the House, whieh | putice will be plead tu barol their recovery JNO A. BRADSHAW. Sakebury, Sep® 14, 1563. na | Admininrator’s Notice. eachauged, and are hereby 8 | ® , declared: sules | the same time, @ will take the best cure of it | | wy own, The will « always unter lock aud A phi iu, with | LARGE dieasis of Aw . ) One Hundred doltars for the apprehension of TG Y aah ae ' Yividing rt os Wickes tinue. I re- | spoctfully aDeUNCce wyself « Cundidate for Flour, | *etion tn the vest. Congres of the Cuufeder- in, @ | ate States. . paging _— | Could I have endorwed the course of your | former Representative, | would-uab huye boew swored at my willfuoti!: : Liang door huve naps - hors pate { Pi i : that be, mayy others, has ev Sd. 1 will tut be reqvousible for any Mealor irk of hie time and leburd to our eumune | cause. As to the repeated overtures (hat he | speak» of in bie Card, I wish you tw mark, aed | other things, sour gfeve couskier- | ativan. +> Nuthing let ae bur to cubques ayesee | by force of arms.” Sod help ust Now Mr. | Lander bad bat tittle 2u do with the overtures of | ___ | whch he speuks. they having been made pre- TOBACCO for xale | Vous tu bis election, and J Seheve thet gech | | could have beeu dong by such overtures ii our own dret Congress. | Bali . Apel) 23, 1863 thas ee ‘ But, why stand ye idle? pat other meu iu | their place, aud let something be dane. Oar Pay); , Ser, Red and White Rose Leaves. Country is bleeding at every pore An army | \ € wish to purchase « large lot, for whieh | of the best mou that ever trod the earih, are we will pay 75 cents per puund. They | suthering the greatest of privatious, aud grow- Qd. Twill that’ wah, and the cane cars that I inke ef | ney whan we leave i. 3.8. MWeoCUBBINS. Salisbary, Mawch 30, 4663 fas JNO. F. FOARD. must be clea nice = ing weary va accupal of the inactivity of these HENDERSON & ENNISS. | whom we have chusea to Legisiate for ve; and Salisbury, Jane J5, 1863. ¢ 4 judging (he future by the pas’ can we evel: ema : - |fouk fer avy thing from the first Congress ul V IALS ARD BoOITLEs WANTED, for) the Coutederate States. Yet wach cvuld be which we wil! puy the bighest price, ‘AENDERSOS & EXNISS; Drugygists. June €5, 1863. itt quieted on two ekifemecs, I hate vue wud dea pise the viber. Une is peace vu any leruis, aud subunit to be cuslaved. “The ober is war | ay a Na” ES aD Mas the lest, aud be turced tu Wear the Yorke. | T the C. 8. Distillery at Salisbury NC. ‘These feelings, my Countrvaen, ate not true | A One Thouse urd 1080) Bashe ls ‘ Maple Twa parmot. My plea is to legrsiate and tight when the ahunces ote againol, and te legrelate ‘the more when we have the advanlaye 5 of iu | JAS. T. JOHNSTON, othee words. fight with the peo as os well as Medica! Purvevor C. 3. A., sword, aud we will son briug peace | Charloue, N.C. Se Levuactude by saying, if you are satist Na | with the course af Mr Lander, vote for bran. _ | If uot, any vane is before you, and I pledge mmyrelf in the wane of my blecding Country ty be fauinful fur ite goud. Now | cannot beast of being @ bret clase se- cessonist. Lstnd by the Unien to ihe lam, but auewered te the tiret call of the Gevernor | of North Caroioa for Troops, aud new having | been ia service fur iture than two years, Ecan- | bot Ubrok, that the ooly way, for us to prove | Chareoal Proposals must be addressed to July 13, 1863. $10 REWARD WELL be gives for two SADDLES stolen from as stables or the 24th inst. Ove is black quited the other red leather ; also, two Bridles and one par martingles (suppased to be in the neightorhoed of Charles McKenzie’s) Also. was rejected by the Senate. bat, delore the | Debrors to the estate will also please make pay- | ; WG MeNEELY ourselves worthy, ie by wuriug by force uf sure, | conference bill, which is the present Tax law, | went tumediately. } aa ae Is63 Pay a az Ibut ucheve tu the most desperate effurts by | came up for action in tae House, I was call- | “D. L. BRINGLE, Adi'r psd hans eginiation ' ed away by affliction ia my family,and hence! Aug. 29cb, 1563 —t6£15 j = . cat er 3. FO STANSILL. | ] bed ne -epportunity tu vote eitaer for or | eee . . Yo the Farmers of Rowan. i Capt. Co. b, 4m ae 6 t agaiost that mdasure. : fi I OL iN ’ | J &M anxious to buy corn, whe@, four. meal si ptcuber 22 ote G- oS In fine, I voted for every measure which I | though: weuld give strength to our army. | vigor to the Goverrmert, and contideuce to , years old, blood bay, sixtecu hands high, in foe the country. ' 3 | order, one white hind foot, sluxt al! round; a Should yea endorse My course. as your i little hipped, which is only perceptible when representeuve by a reelection to Gouzress, [| wotumg. Harwese half » iri, silver plate, pad | shall be guided by the same princi p'es and | lately anended, red webbing oa the hues; had | policy which my record indicates, ani I shall, on katter when taken. Powell give FIPTY devote my best energies and attention to se- | DOLLARS reward for her delivery in Salisbu- Smre your interest: and, .although I desire | 'Y> aad ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the peace as ardeauy as any one, and shall use | appreheasion of the ubiel. every honotable means to obtain it, yet I will | consent to no edjustment whick does nou} __ briug with it the independence of the Coa- | ry TE tederate States, Uheir total separation from | W A N I ED the United States, and all the blessiegs of lib- | "TU BUY OR RENT A PLANTATIOS ty to which we are euutled by inheritance | comtasming from 20U to 400 acres of ope | for-whchau we ave ow contending land, wath a god Doe UT of Murphy's lot, my bay MARE ayd | HARNESS. The Mare is about twelve ; R. H. COWAN. Sehsbery, Sept. 28,1563. uf 0 g and necessary wai Our came 1 # jus, O° (rust is in Gor Our houses. The Place musi be healthy, affording | suny, 1 firmy tel = Ye, is to be vietorious | goud water. 1G UAUGHTON, Q | the struggle, and rtUo enjoy a ca = aa #® strugyle, and ) enjoy a career glori September 28, 1863. igs out beyoud parallel in all past bistury. Lets ws prove ourselves worthy of our cause, and worthy ef our desusy. Let us be united w out efforts. and the whole wurld combined { y } BW... Lord, dee'd, he is ree . : ' . quested W pre- a euslave nial - Seutit to me for payment am, very respectfully, , fle T.G. HACGHTON Your obedient servant, ee coy Sines EN a ce 2 . x ' . 3 X eas a W. LANDER fo soldiers’ Families! MHERE will be no more money paid to famile< Boldiers after October. | bare th invest the balance of the Fund in prov: be given out instead of money. It may month of November to get a stoc Salisbury Femae Seminary. vee ase every effurt tu vbtain supplies as iy ae pus WED OMe oace FP any person has an accouvt agsinst Capt iamcolnton, 1 OU, 4 Sugost 27, 1863. ( ° it beet to J. S$. McCUBBINS Salisbury, Oct. 2, 1365 tte Com'r QUAKER MEADOWS FOR RENT. HE Eleventh Session of my School in this Lnet.tatson, wit! open the 4th of September, | 1363. } Board per session, $150 00 | Tuition in Enghsh, $25 00 avd 30 00'( )y py. iar Masic with ase of Piano. 30 OW: N BEHALF of toe Widow and Heirs of the Inte Cot JamexC,S. WebDowerl), [shail jen Saturday the Lith cay of Noveinber hea atthe evar Regse in Morganton, lease to the tighest bidder for two veaure the Lauds aud Piattation Known ae? Qunker Weadows.” Laua, Greek and French, extra. JU exch. — required tu farmish lights and towels. ayMeut strictly in advauce. Fur particu- lars, address A.D. WILKINSON, ; Principal. July, 1863. fl The place ivan the Caiswby River. abont iwo tutles frow Morganton. and i considered ane of the best plawatiousin Burke county.— Vine Pract consists of about 1600 neres, one To the Parmers of Rowan | walt of which is cleared, and of tust more than . OU acresis fiver bottom CONE The place wilt be le ror arcela 8 fe T HE THOROUGH-BRED MORGAN: Hoe ee ae 2 Hs STALLION YOUNG AMERICA, will stand | Dee! ec tla the present Fall Season in Salisbury and at Ve De. Jobo F. Foard’s fasion . \. : Cos. BROWN, | good Dwetimg House aud saitab : At tbe same time aud place will be sold a J. F. POARD. quantity ofeura, Wheai, Rye. Fodder, Hay. with the oat hoases vanally foond on sarge p'antation Phe othor weetiusn tas cont Bouse October 1, 1863. 6w20 &e. z Also, a few Slaves i, be bired at the same MICHAEL BROWN, 1 ewher 96,1963 NR OMMISSION MERCHANT. SALISBUBY. N.C pe PT personal attention giver to the purchase of Produce and Shipments — R.R. ROBERTS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Conmiguineuta cihe, for sale in thee enskbe or) COBNER OF 13TH AND CARY STREETS, for shipment ty other markete we oicned. which Ric HMON DD Vy will be, @old at bighes iatkel proce aud remuite lauees promptly made we EACLE S ec netgunie ts of Masufacto Salisbory. Joly 13, .*13 t(—™ ©) Pobaces, Winskey. BD cn to aie oF Ww litedy te pre lyem (flo give pars ular attenty: Hees WANTED AT HENDERSON | tL. by hair etre fetes DraSMimiSe Cre & EN NESS , Drugyist« Preside A ihe Barmers Gack gad Mesere ( June 15,163 (4 T. Pace a& Son, Danydle. Vn ss Mr. Joho Hh Pembert Danville, Va., PROPOSALS Sil tend te any businers co ete witht hous APOE | 4 ts ee Toby peeeived far abuliiog tobeercet ev at (hin spWe Malo shea 2 af fh . | 4d Oe Guv neat " een xa ' aa e F \RW ME AROES W 1N I ED. Vertical woullerlcaetive: | \ epee rae ; syee 4 GENTLEMAN sn Montgomery counry, | “yp wishes to hire from ete to eoght tacia han tn, wewor atthe is of January gen He will téke whole fainilies oo proper (erins pply at this Office for farther saformation | etobes 26, 1863 3123 | BLANK DEEDS FOR BALL ATTHIS OFFICK re 25 by 65 feet vell battened, m feet pitch fo be 10 feet from ell constructed o whe reagh. aud to be bunt ia a wtroug subetante al manner Pooposals for barding the same | will be reeeived «(the office of W.J. Mille Fag. | fs Salebury. ) Nails will be furnished by the Goverament E A PROPST, Agent. Tax in Kind, No.8 omoer in f—18. DENTAL Tr Chadute Bullen vod Democrat. and | and Qacon for the soldiers (atuhes of Rowan. | Miuatasn Eagle, are requesed to pubb-h twe | Some of them are almori suffering and [ have the monary lo pay marke: proces for these things, weeks SALT!! SALT!!! nnd Ede hope that the Farmers of the county will give the poorsoldiers families the preference. Si LT ! Subsistence Departmeat,) = | Salsbury, N.C Sept 6, 1863. 5 j JS. McCUBBIN, Com. for Rawan. 31-63 Nan) WILL exchauge sal for bacon, giving three pounds el good salt for one of bhecon { Appiy ab omy office next to Cowan's brick | . MYERS. SVELLING BOOKS. tow. * SMALL sappy of Spelling Rooks on “af 9 Cau. & AC 8. hand. Those ta need of them had better call i f voon at WATCHMAN OFFICE, Aususe3% 1863 “Stonewall” Jackson. J UT PUBLISHED. and for mle by NES=| MORSE & CUO, Augusta, fre } L OOMPLETE BIOGKAPHICAL Saerce STONEWALL” JACKSON Uy = = z W Yt . : F. Bason, M. D. wances theca: Beis 0 full sod erraret Zz D> Roc “a ‘a i Ge’ E secu flue Leading ive Weot Dew (ale. hie Dyrny Mone nis, aod NOTICE. be Oveequirea av Kien \\ OULD respeetfuily ake known that he ; 8nd aad Lesngien hasretakeu his DENT ,L ROOMS in Salie- This work contuine wamy anecdotes ue bury ' N. B. Asit willnet <ait him woremai all the Gane, tinge Calhag ti his a bee vee, wild be noti- fied of tus vrivals by joaving their names in the | letter Bos altuehed io the door of the Office or ; ee rte by adderrsing hum through the Post Office, at SAM Olas eee ee ey Aga Lec Iet, 1#62. {ef:28 | be tiles Se aoa { 4h Nacusia, dea iveteeeus soldier that ave vabiahed Foreate vy alt Book Stores e d News Ageuts Yree $i ut be (tare sept bi ae toa Capers drecoant this olaee JAMES HORAH, h Mutual Watch-Maker and Jeweler, .Greensboroug INSURANCE COMPANY. One doorbelow R.& 4. Murphy's Store, , — SALISBURY, N.C.. Pays‘all Losses Promptly ! 7” BEEPS cogstantly on hand alarge asour. age 2 "2 ; DIKELCTORS: WA sacar of WATCHES and JEWRURY of Jehu A. Mebane, \. J. MeConael, C. P all kings. ‘hocks, Watches ond Jewelry ofevery de- se repties* -pairedin the best muuner and on Wengeuhélt. 1. 0. Weir, Jnme~ M. Gareeit, ger, David MeRuigin, Mom. Sherwood, Jea rh, WA. Wright, Lainberten. fhudeoe Me the most reasonuble te ms Febraaty 14, 1867. ° ly38 He. Landeay, Gree asturcn Wilmngton; Roped b. Troy, 500 REWARD. elesnoder Miller Newlhern, oarty IN JANUARY LAST, THE tere, beuletgh; Dhomas Johnsen, Yancey. ville; De We Ramsey, Wadesborough ; Kev Office of Mo & E. Myers was broken dpen and the follo ving articles stolen ther: from : One KC. Mavanard, Freanktiaten, Dro Be Be Wat- sou, Watsonville fine English Gold Lever Wateh,w ththename N Hf. D WILSON (J A. Lillington oa the face, German Text JEL. H LINDS AY etiers, believed to be made by J Johnston, 4 C. P.M EXSDENHALL, Liverpool; oane vimond Rang. large Diamond PETER ADAMS, 2 .opentpe elnstered aronad wth small Dia- WMH CUMMING, - General Agent monds: one fine Gold Ring, with furget me not, W oJ. MCCONNELL, - wenbed thereon; one sett Bar Rings and JON MEBANE Breast Pro, Coral and Gold; two Gold Chata- J. W.GARRETT.- + Allcommitnications on buasene st connected orriceae® President Vice-President Attorney Kee. and Treas Ficeculive Com, lin Pins: one Buneh Gold Charis, consmtiy oft the iwo Lee kas with miniatoros 5 Come, Hart. Shell, and others not recollected ; sine Corral Breast Ping one Gold Breéust: Pin eett with Pearle; one Necwlace with large oval dete. with croxpin centre > one tine Fan: one lacze Black Lace Waitle : withtt Wffice. sheold he addressecto PETER ADAMS .Seecretury June 29, 1860 tf4 Sbpper-. Greausboro’, Ne € Coufedera e Insurance Company, Mintaoide sed Handwerchiet Collars, Sleeves. 0 7 Blenkets, Charlitteerife, Virginia Lonnen and Cotton Sheets. Pogw Cures aie Bolster Sipe, and many other a ielva wt Jew i HAVE ACCEPP ED AN AGENCY eley and Ladies spparel not ce colected The < 4 ‘ Lasarmnee Cot Fe i . Py on e Rie s ‘ . ye \ Mi ma shove reward ot Five Hagdted Dollars, will be : i , . how prepared & Lake treks cnn prentee riv ol rea- paid for the recovery of the above named art . ‘4 sonable cates, nnd for dimiteed pertoce of tine, eles, orin proportion for any part of them - Moat of tie Jewelry can be idawecfied by W R Wileon, Wateh-tnaker at thie place Inomy to Captain A amon ditferent grades of property i—Sach as Cotton, Vobaces, Produce, Wachinery, Mer. This Company hae been i eperation bat a short time, bas a large handise, Burdinge, Ke aheence. any infonmagdon given ‘ Mouyeraor saniuel Reeves, Sr, 1 wil he promot 5 \ Banh Cash Capital all pad in, and held by some of PET ART Let: E MYERS cenlohest and best people of Virginin A Salisbury. NC, Jane 15, 1663 “en Midge amount of the Capital Stock of Us Come i ‘ pamy bat already been mold fur ten per cent Ir The Confederacy, at Atlanta, Ga, will premium Pca safely recommend this Com- copy daly one week, and send bill 'o this office pany to be of the Inovt reliable character, and iny losses from policies issued by thie Compa: io, | /~ « — Ton ae | Deo ny. wilh be poomptly inet according bo the terms | | rte i” eel forth i ike poucies AVING rengned my Svumnmirmon in the Persons in Malisbery meal civiivadesane Confederate ae sory eral tender my their property insured, can have an opportaur- services io my frends and the padiic Ly of doing 0 by calling on me prised pameisill A. J. MOCK, Agent. £7 Office, the Court House. | Sehebary, N.C. ) Jona )5, 18 tf July 16, 2863. § fy Ane, sar vod y and ta secure lu Be peace | and Tnde pendence. Now our Coontfy is dir veg before been | SGhu te Cole,’ tl “D. Wilseo, Wav. Barri. | Mt miny Concern, ERSONS IN DEBT. ED 10 U8! Auw persons indebted to the frm of A. & W. Myers and A. Myers; are tereby reopen. fully requested to *6 thelr féspective obj. gation either in pereun or by letter, wiuhou needlous delay, They will thas save interes and the iIncouvenience of payment when mon. ev muy be less ubunemt dhan at present. | hope the friends of the lute Grus will aw te. quire longer igdulgence, bat respond tw this ucgent call, os it ie peetoemry thal the business should be closed with as little delay a8 possible. ‘ A. MYERS, Office next to Cowan's Briek Row. Suliebury, Mareh 30, 1863. 1fa5 OIL, OIL. ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL for sale, apply te WM. WATSON, 35 5 miles weet of thé place. Or at this Offies 's Livery Stab Brown's Livery Stable. S kep' ep as heretofore ie B iy gratifying to him that this establi wt. begun, at firsi, a4 a doubifulexperiment, bas proved to the public w great deaideratum snd a com. plete success. Travelers, and others can al- wayshave theirwaute io th sfime, wellsup- plied. Cash prices paid for Provender, Aud the aubscriberis always ready tesellor buy gond Horses. , THOMAS E.BROWN Jan. Tet. 1863. 155 1000 POG SKINS WANTED. VW ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for which will be ‘paid @1 for medinm ze, and smaller one? iv proportien e Apply to R. F. Simouton, Statesville, of A. J. Mock, Salisbary < December &, 1°62. 129 DR. HOWERTON TENDERS bis professions! servier> to ihe citizens of Salisbary. Office at the Boy- den Hoare. Mar 9, 1863—1142 Tal aD’ Ee SB a@- Ete SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1862. — ALL these indebfed tothe firm of MeCranse & Fosvun. will entl at the Boot & i Shee Manufactory of Jeho A Srodvbew. next dour to the Watchman Offier, on gbe evlscti- ber, and settle their netounts. cither by pote or the cash. Now is the time to pav debts tf 26 THOMAS J FOSTER. SOTTON and LINEN RAGS wonted by JNU F FOARD Salebary, April 23, Iet3. thA9 WAVTED. abe PURCHASE OR RENT, AN IM- pooved Lan um ibe Wen or North Wasa Apply at th.s Office Avg. l0va In63 tol? NSANE SSVLOM—THE BOARD «© * DE- RE! TORS of the Tostngtioe wehin she offer of Mairoo, vew new veczat. Nose oth- er than anevcoiubered females need apply | a Inforimaten, terpeeting the detes, &e, uf ihe | office, apply to the ande mugued. ED.C FISHER Phyacin aad Sepenptend Kalengh, Juiy 30, 1-63 —s,-13 Adj't. & Inspeetor Generals OGiee, / Richmond, Sept. 6, 15G. 4 (Bairset) . Sreciat. Opens, ) No. 2t3. 4 “PRELE BUREAU of Conscription is anther | ined to reme abe equip im esch of the Sates of Georgia, Routh Carvina, North Carvlina ane Virginie, ope Batson of Su Companes ot \inewoteg) men. who furneb thei owe heres, and who ere mot lable te eonseriptun, to he onder the ordersef the Boresa for the purposes {of Consenption, the arrest of deserter oud bo ‘toon! defenee, muttered tut une year. . Compaimes ty elect ther owe Officers The Field Officer io be assigned trom aticers be- waging tothe Enrolling Serviee. Conrpa nies nol to exceed one hundred rank and file. By command of tine See, etary of War, Syord = JNO WITHERS. Asst Ady Gew! NOTICE. Conscript Office N. C./ Raleigh, Oct 7, 1863 ‘ THE Commandant invites the atrention of all permons capable of bennng arms, bot wh afe exempt from miltarv daty ueder the pres ent regniations, tothe above order of tbe See: retary of War. [t will be seen that it is the intemtion of the Departmen! to rite a Battalion of moountre inen, for speci) service in N.C, andthe Cem inmndent hopes that all abie-bedied men. whe thay he exeinpt By reason of having furwehed pubatetntes or ctherwine, will met shrink from thin coll, bat wail hasten te enhetin the defeum of their homes, their Hre-stdes and the State that gave them pith Parties entiet@e pn this Battolen will be 3 wood [loune-euard empt from duty io he Motu wre of CaF nod will receive Che pay aid glows alry-men The Euralliog Officers throagheat s. or they may sof In- the State nre authonzed to receive reer report directly at eather of the Camp stinetion a By order of Col. PETER M ALLETT Commar pant of Conscrpty for’ HUGH LCOLE, Capt & A ALALG a Now is the time to pay Money. ANAL PERKONS EITHER INDEBT squested ed tu ne by wtte of account, are req ef call and puy up AM. NESBITT tf4 Sw:22pd Jane 15, 1683. YLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Fro e chal aad o ess, be lo Jars fe Pe had 62. Irn of Bout & wonext ewlineii- by vote ebts rEk. nied by AKD anthor- he Sates vane Bae panies a » heres, an, io he purpeses > aud bor rs. The cers be- read rank Rs. Geu! q js Ce 3 i) ention of bot whe the pres tbe Sec- won of the moontre en, {privehe: nok frome e defeum he Siate ili be @ eo Asuard e ol Car he State bev may pa of In- 11 I pd one): SDEBT juerted Ln BITT f4 SALE 5 — js ‘ wai ot \ bas , er yj a adie eA eye shy aoe " ahs 4 igi es a nae oes: + a ta r | ee ae Oe a re ere i me , cee HR oe WPane veoh ay Se ey 3 ’ RN Ae ate 2 Eh Gah ADAMS Bde vor 3 ih, ‘ pi ley ae elles ud Os i bs “, . : . . ‘ ‘ i PUL NT ee One ete er pipeing oa seahananitanath 4 eaeaemnedennia Aare d ‘ > ¥ apt pager eo mile KA ae ‘ ao x sad AER Nicks 1 Gog p OE A Bp sale <9 In ge MM po cet er , 4 , +. A * ( ce ‘ ' ‘ 4 # here? haa j . ; an EPO . fe. % a ba) 1 oye We b * F 2 : ’ 4 : Phe t /. oe i : , te os? | Ke ; aan ¥ y ib Vy ‘ ery / : / Sl ; a i ja BEeva a e “us a }f pe fi se ty i P / is + me : . f et +% 0 : Zz) ' - “ ye ee Et EEA ERE IS LTE IER BG a en ee cee aE cyte et eagtt eee reemer 4 | WEERLY. ° j uy whe i i Apo are - nr Stim = ~s 7 - Sr ny ar TN SS Se eae rr aS ee ee eo ae a5, 9 te woe vt teat og ee a nt ee e+ € SALISBURY, NoiC., NOVEMBER 9, 1863 NUMBER, 25 \ OL. XXI. . 9 o yee J . j ‘ ee 4! 4 4 ade ‘ 80 San VERN : —— L J. BRONER, KvIf@st AND PROPRIBPOR. Price of the Watehmen. From and after this date, and yatil there is enough to convince us that our shells the rail ax we went ow we xaw dehd’ and bright evening stm chmped them far ty the prompted by the fear of the loss of! Is ese < : ° ae si arcely fine to form a correct ep wounded nen avd horses, all, with » few east where they were banked up like a} property aud the hope of proteetion. ltimate of the Jate events on the RKapidan | exceptions, belonging to the enentry. The | darkness was getuing ¢o thick that we could | not se¢ objects distinctly, but we could see and | a change in the prices of provisions, paper | cavalry together had done he little mis: | and other articles required to carry on busi- ovss, the subscriptien rates of this paper will be tive dollars for #x months, and three dol- fars for w year, | chief. Syme of the bors were counting | jthe dend yankees as we were jogging on | ‘a tate hittly short of doable quick, when | some one yelled out * Phere Jies another”, | pointing at the sume time to a dark objeet | buye black pall, Fot two or three days after this we loitered Beng the railrond, acting as rear ganrd for our working pur- ties, working a littl, ourselves, and so on until we got down omtiie sonth side of the Rappahannock, where, after destroying the bridge seross that stream, the work of Cestruction ceased, &eaving the railrondsa &reck from Manassas to the Rappabwn- nook, a distance of sotrie thirty miles. At Apventisixa, two dollars for the first, and | lying by an elm not more than eight steps | noon on the 19th, the anny of Northern one dollar for each subseqnent publication. April 20th, 1863. ie ina North Uarolime. From Left camp on the Raprdan— Cireuttous and exhausting marching — Obstucles at ‘from the road. * Na-rve dend,” growled | Virginia was encamped ow th bills be: renvalry [ * Are you hurt f” “ Yes,” | tweem Brandy Station and the above men jclear it of the Yonkee rabble that “Tur shot bat not dead by a tioned river, and in all'thatevast multitude ) vow jufest it. Stbe blame cont. { he replied, ) bornful.” j mortal Dlearned afterwards. His wound was severe but vot | We traveled on ll eight or nine olvlock at night when we “turned in” The night was reglt cool and as soon as as we have it out here. Warrenton Springs— How we crowf, our “jodging” was deposited we went to weivers—Incedeels + Cannunading some distance off — Unhealthy atmosphere near Warrenton—The cuemy gove— Our return labor — Wruter quurters. On the morning of the 9th tast. ae the Gist poeepr at day reddened the enst, we evacuated the banks uf the Rapidan aud look Myr wall hue of mare west aard.-- Doesing through the suburbs of Orne we crossed the Rapidan (forded of course) ati weal lou Milis: thenee bearmy a north we lef. rite Co war heft: four miles farther beoug iit iste Hualexousniver, from the worth back Miadisou Crsurt- louse tialfia of which the epemy'’s outposts tad bleed OU arias we hencd the firing quite distinctly, aud with. vit taki Ute Co undress, of so tnuch as Niven afew roars before -ull up owe patit legs, we crossed and push vboau ly yret That @tzlt; bul at wars useless, he made uriskiy sctera: diles further, bupaing up in Ume to ene the enecny better Gine than we, and was entitely ott of reach, if not vut of hearty before we arrived at the scene of action. “Phis was on che myht of tie 1O:h, the darkness was lost uleose, mud tn our exhwasted gh ts Sou it was iatpussible & gu further: ww the two ass marching we had come about jorty five Oiitesjatic we literaits fell and siept ull daylaht the newt moriites. On Sanday the Lith, we te weied nies only, when fur reasons eat known ty Geen. Lee, we went inte caty tive Ries from Culpeper en the Sperry: Ni yles t ad , we mash } ho Q¥ertions about i, Gut were glad enough to wel bo rest Ot amt (ertt.s, Rations were ussued, with orders tu bave Chea cooned nnd everythiog ready to lenve at 3 cloek Wheo the time Came os loth to pet the vert mworting, we fell excerd op, batt lad te be done aud by suntise we were far on our way towards Warren ton. The tielda were covered with a iwost that aoked Like a mimatace snow, which brick walking About over, Wine, \ Ong trade the ate so cool LUlbwt wes tecessary to our colbion boot we came to the Zazel eestcders was Craw swollen be the diate beta on stat streany tani, r@is iu the in the broad touptans Whee we arrive | Jow luuds bordering Che over we foun two or more bripades alrendy congregated whieh with the adden of ours imade ses Neral thousand omen, all wondernng how we were to vel across > prescatiy, however, the urder Vrum Gea, a dott Uether yarvents,”’ vo sooner sad we were relleved by odes, vr somebody else, to our tran done, aud the seepe which tullowed % bey: gars all desernipuen” as the novelists say Wat we hive ren dieadiey all (he morbing turned out o bea regain frolic, and in thescourse of tote deheate sabjects, in bour all were over safely: and on our way for the whieh we { Warrenton (oF Phos, though tient fwe nuiles further on at Witte Sulphur) spruss. Not sa barge ol othe river, posse ws the Abazel, PE beiteve as cali Rappahannock, Here the enemvoin pretty strony force, boldimy i : we found ve port bank and oie oa tad amor be vem Liner sharpstroul rs Opened On Us Gwootmies trom the iver oo the santh side, ut fe Hack with considerable floss as we otvaned andl they wot over the river where they were Jomed by the reserves Phis was somewhat in our way, but meas divs Were taken tediately, whieh to clean therm out amine was oon done wher ff Oo eaunons opened stinuluitteousty on eM ussisted by a heavy corps of sharp ' svooters, Thetr guns rephed feebly at first 'Ut were soon stienced altogether, and tit | fee Minutes fater we sawia blue column fvankeos on ther wioding w ay over the ils Beyond the river.“ Forward” was houted from one end of our line to the ther. The cavalry dashed on, leaving a, cloud of dust and smoke behind them, through whieh We groped our way tothe nv- er and crossed on the bridge partially des- troyed by the enemy. Qn both sides of | ceased falling, the clouds broke and the dawn . ,work buibding fires of suck Wings as we could find. While at this epe of our fel- lows picked up arail whiok he thoayht be would break ever a stamp and drawing jaway with all dus night be lit avother | ddead moan, tered over many portious of vorthern Vir This is the way meu are seat- yinia—" vowel,” Gu, bot anwept, [will not eav that. for the bare mention of their Wattnes Venrs hence will cxuse tears of suro- ny tu flow.-—teat Towall say unknelbed, uncottined and avknown,” The ueat day, Tuesday 13th, we moved through Warceuton, and strack catp three | Nites bevend th town, without comug in Contact with dhe encinv ourselees, though Heavy caunonadiir was beard in frout aud fauk. Sere prepare d that macht, and at4 o'clock eon eur clit Thee days ratiots on the following worung: of the P4th we red upeoand off ata trot: for two | retles, when suddenly and very unexpect- were | ig before ot was quite light) the enen.y’s sharp shooters opened a calling fire on &s, Some four or fe tmepb im our regiment were wounded, aud ove kilked—viz: Da vid Hunter of Co. A, (the Eredell Biues)— | Sqirmishers were seat forward, artillery frought up. and evety Decessary prepara Gon made for batile whitch seemed inevi- ‘Lhe muskeiry grew heavier every dezen Yirass peces opened like surly bull dogs, La lee, nipate, aud presently soine hai tak 1 the calin and trosty atnosphere resowud for uaties, The tire vas kept up hot dunng an hour and a had wien ot ceased entirely and our column was pusi- i \ ed quick Gime after the fleeing vankees. The toree we bad engwezed iis morning, thoagh pretty strong, was nothing more | than the enemy's rear yruard —lis main body was at that time retresting towards Manassas as rapidly as ther heels would let them, whither our corps followed toa point eight uniles from the Junction, (Ma HhAssas.) Late this evening, the 14th, Cook's and Rirkiand’s bneades, of Hill's corps, engaged the enemy on the railroad hear Piste, six tattes from) Manassas, and nomest desperate fight ensued, in which, Lrather fear, the Confederates lost more | tom they gained, —let those who were present sav. But the enemy liad made i good his escape, with the loss of some two thousaud Prisoners, some WaZODS, und a large quantity of bay gaye burned up on ’ the railrond, besides “4 good many killed and wounded During the Ddth cf this mouth we lay adie du a thicket of pines, while around us on almost: every side was avast forest of wagons and artillery, be- ing very nearly the entire crop belnoging to both corps, ALP. Hill and Ewell’s, At intervals heavy cannonading was baard in the direction of Dunifries, sixteen miles south east of Manassas, bot it) vecasioned no alarm in camp, and the day and meht passed off quietly with the excepuen ofa severe drenching from a thunder shower, aliichserms 10) succerd a linttle or heavy discharges of artillery invariably. On toe woreng of the 16th mao was im Vig he dearf oaks formed a labyrinth through AVY ae dars, puues and which dt was almost tinpossible fo make our way. and these dy with water yop ‘ from every dent aud twit gether with the germss and mud shoe mouth deep, soon trom hend to foot but saturated our wartnents IW a way by vo tiestos comfortable 5 we traveled on slowly im an easterly di Freetion two miles, when we Tound our- vselves on the Orange and Alexander: rail- road, down which we turned towards Rich. | mood, We made Ute greeable flight, sod) after following the raitroad four or five miles we halted, stack- ed ating, anid pro eeded to tear up the track. The very elements seemed ¢o con- ‘spire against us: such torrents of rain xs | | fell for wo hours, and just while we were best of our disa | at work too, were enough to make us think | another food had broken loose upon us, By three o'clock, p. m. we were done ont contract, and about the same time the rain | Holston Valley this | ment, scarcely a dry thread’ of clothing—sa in. | cessant. and terrible had been the fall of | rain and hail for the preceding twelve | hours, We built large fires, and by them | warmed and dried vurselves asx best we) could ull near sunset when the various di- | visions dispersed “tu their respective pla ces of abode” LT seppose, 1 know sothing | about any save our own, (Rodes’,) which | moved down in the neigiborhood of Kel- | ly’s ford on the Rappabaunock, five miles | j below the rail road bridge, where we have | | bee ket 1 putin: winter quar- ; ‘ : ata ech enn caclal ee erence to the exportation ot a con- | We have no tdea how loug we will remain here, perbaps ull Christinas, but we would like to SLAY all winter if possible, since with our suuny sliantes we are well NAT. lets, prepared for eotd weather, October 24th, 1863. EAST TENNESSEE, Notwithstanding the daify rnmors of the advance of the Yankees trom toward Zollicotfer and Blonntville, there ip not, as far as the Abingdon Virginian can learn, a single blue- belly this side of either place. The Virginian of Friday last says: There are none, we believe, in the side of Rogers- ville, apd the nearest point at which they may be found on the railroad, Carter Depot, some 20 miles below Bristol. Since their iate raid to this ‘vicinity and their return te the Wa- tauya, they have occasionally sent scouting partics as.farup as Zollicot- ter, But Col. Wither liandied them so rougiiy at the dattur point: last week, they have wot advanced that farsince. [tmav be said at preeent, that Burnside’s forces, ander jimeself, Shackletord and THartsutl occupy East Tennessee from the Watauga to Loudon, a distance cf abont 140 ties. East of the Wetanga our forces hold them im check aud will very soon hurry them: toward Knox: ville, and west of Loudon, Morri- son's Georgia cavalry occasionally “stampede them into their fortifica- tions on the bank of the Tennessee. Even this limited space wid be too hot to hold them much longer, if we can draw proper conclusions from evident mdications. For some time, autil within a week past, Burnside held East Tennessee trom the Virginialine to the Hyawas- sic, a distance of about 200 und some of his ueniais issued a few numbers of newspapers at Ath ens, filed with strony appeals and false assumptions as to the present as well as theultimate designs of the invader. From the preceedings uf Union meeting at Athens, we were surprised to sce that a nninber of persons were silly enoueh to be gal lod by the blandishments and faise promises of the tyrants among them. and if their pillows for all the future ure not filled with therns, 1! be becanse they donot deserve such a fate, bor for the want ef a dispes tiod on the part of their task-maste:s to atHict and degrade them. The first number of the paper they issued was filled with “raw head an | Woody bone,” stories of the ernetties of Con tiles, will net federate soldiers to the unprotected, but not a word of the barbarities © the Yankee brutes allover the land. But their paper was short-lived, for Forrest and his command rode in among them, and Yankee legs soo ' showed what Yankee legs were made | for, That) portion of the therefore, from Hiawassie, is now 1p our possession A great many of the citizens ot Tennessee, it is said, took the oath of allegiance to the Lincoln Govern- Many of these are Southern men, whose sympathies are all with country, | the South, and their weakness was the Tennessee to, This, however, is ud excuse, and we are peithar sorry vor disappolated to learn ihat every wan of them able to perform cervives, between the age of 18 and 45, have Seen pat inty the Yankee ranks. . Our force from this direction are how on the march weatward, and we expect to know by the time o onr wext issue, that we will havea THE FRENCH TOBACGO AT ©. RICHMOND. The Courier dew Etats Unis thus explains the recent statement, rele. | tive to negotiation tor the export of . tobacco in Richmond alleged to be- lony to the French Government : Tire Washington correspondents of the News Press have been great- ly exercised fur some da: 8 past, in re- lation to certdin negotiations in r f- siderable quantity of tobacco belong: | fine to the French factories, and stor- } ed in Richmond since the commence- imentof the war. As nearly all the versions published on thissnbject are Int so many errors, we deem it op- portane to replace the facts upon their right footing, The negotiation refered to date back about four months. They had, without great diflieulty, arrived ata double consent given by the Cabi- nets of Washington and Richinund respectively, for the export of the to- bacco in question, One condition -ovly had been imposed by the Fed- | cralGovernment, viz: That England should be notitied, and should pledge herself not to convert the conces- ion to Franee into a precedent to be | invoked by her hereafter. The pre mnise having, been easily obtained at London, everything appeared to be settled, aud the vessels of our navy | charged with the duty of presrding | at the embarkation of the tobacco, | were about repairing to City Point, : Adimiunistra- tiow shadeuly withdrew the cousent ithad given, We are not acqualit- ed with the real or alleged motives of this unexpected change of attitude, bat thing ourselves entitled so affirm that things have gone from step to ster ag we have just stated. It isa wistake also, te connect with this affair the recent presence at Richmond of a tourist named M. De Saint Romain, to whoo lias been when the Washington ascribed the qaality of special agent | of the Impenal Government. M. De Saint Romain was charged nei- ther with this negotiation nor any other, and had neither official posi- tien, fille or mission, The object of excursion to the Confederate Capital was conneeted with ques: lions of private interest exctusively, in whieh the French Government had absolutely no eentrol whatever. MOSBY ON ANOTHER RAID. hile Passengers whe reached Lynch- ' burg by the Orange and Alexandria | tran Thursday night state that the ubignitons Mosby made a foray ups on the Yankees, within arnile of Meade’s headquarters, near Warren- ton,on Thursday last, killed three, | Wounded seven and captnred thirty: ex white Yankees, sqine eighteen or | twenty black ones, and ong hundred and thirty mules and horses. The eepubiican learns that the gnemy were on the mareh at the time of he attack, and thengh namberme twenty to one of our gallant band, were so) comnpletely taken by eur prise that they searmpered In all dhe Mosby Jost net ae tman Kfiled or wounded. The prisoners, horses had all reached reChious, mates, and oar dines oa Wednesday evening, Mr. Buchanan tin London,—A London newspaper has the following report; “Mr, James Buchanan, for- merly Minister Plenlpotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of St. Jumes from the United States, and afterwards President of the Re- public, arrived in London a few days AGO. force alone in Tennesse to | ‘and the Rappatianootk, Nob full sxccount ‘of ibe facts, or exphinationsof the éeauses which led to the failure, bas yet been. re weived froma Confederate source. The enemy's accounts are equally minute and exultant, and they are #0 far confirmed by | the abbreviated and deadcated telegrams jseut under “military eensorghip,” that we are only justified im describing the lag | atfair ws an attempt=by Lee to inlerpose | a corps of his army between a large ° por tion Of Mewde’s force in Culpeper, and | Washington. If he had have’ sutceéded,’ the result would bave permaneftly cured ‘the army of the Potomee of its chronic ‘disease, thy Prarigo Sichmondiensis, ot Itch tur p Sry Unfottanately the enemy became vognizant of the plan at the moment of its execution, apd rélreated with sufficieat deliberation to destroy al} the stores that they did pot carry off, to , the fortifications of Centreville. It is im- ' possible to follow them, for the country is a desert in which our army could pot live, while the enemy would be at the ddor of i the magazines in Washington. Oue fight—apparently between a divi- , sion of the Confederate army and a larger body of the enemy—occurred daring this movement, in which we lost four hundred and fifty prisoners, five pieces of cannon, | and were generally worsted. Why such a fight oecurred cannot pow be said. It {can scarcely have been the intention of | Lee to pit one division against two army ‘corps. At present the collision bears tke | appearance of an ambuscade, or of a b!un- | der, which was not redeemed by energy or conduct. Yhere are generals who have | the gift of inspiring their troops with their } | | i) own gallantry, and there are generals who have not that gift. It would appear that Lewisburg, Gettysburg, and Bristow Sta- tion are illustrations of this truth. In the meantime, tbe loss at that place was far more than counterbalanced by successes elsewhere. Against Meade’s 450 | prisoners, Lee has placed 1,200; and the | campaign in Northern Virginiahas ciosed, for the season, nearly at the spot where it began two years ago, with the enemy in | retreat, and our own army victorious though { baffled. — Richmond Examiner. WESTERN NORTH-CAROLINA, We had information a day or two since that a movement bad been made by the “enemy towards Asheville, by way of the Warin Sprivgs, abdat 36 miles west of the ‘former place. It is stated that Col. John |W. Woodtin, who commanded our force of mounted men in the fight at Warm ‘Springs, was killed, together with several of his command, and several wounded. lutelligence from Asheville, under date of the 26th, received on Thursday, is to the effect that another figbt had taken ‘place at Warm Springs, Gen. Robt. B. | Vance in command of our forees. Sever- al kil'ed and wounded on each side. Full | particulars not received. Gov, Vance Kat this City on Tuesday tur the scene of operations. His presence ‘will be valuable in embodying the Home Guard, and adding to the regular forces under Gen. Vance. The force of the ene- my is not known, but we have every con- \ fidence that be will be checked and driven back, Gov Vance will probably be absent some ten or twelve days.—Ral. Standard. From the Tennessee Valley. A despatch to the Atlanta Appeal, dated Tennessee Valley, October 22nd, says the Federals have com- ‘pleted the repairs on the ‘Memphis ‘and Chattanooga [Railroad as far exst as Bear Creek, dnd are how en- gaved in building trestle bridges that stream. Their working parties wre protected by two divis- ions of Sherman’s corps in advauce The entire corps is supposed to be on the read. Gen. Stephen D. Lee is engaged in retarding the advance, and also in effectually destroying the road in their front. OVGE » Lincoln’s Body Guar!.—A_ gen- tleman who left Washington City on the 18th October, informs the editor of the Abingdon Verginan, that Lincoln never leaves the Wite House wihout a body guard of 16 soldiers. | When he rides in his carriage the gnard are mounted on handsome ; black horses. Made Brigadier.—Col. Jou T, Cox, of Gen. Wharton’s cavalry, has been made cavalry. Brigadier General of 4 { oe _ ——— ot 7 Krom Louisiana Bold Speeck from | Gen. Magruder. ‘| Abexandria (La.) dates ofthe 10th | October, have been received at Mo- bile. The Sentinel bas Gea. Leoni- das Polk's nante hoisted for Gover- nor, avd a correspondent says that there are assurance that he will un- doubtedly accept, if it be the wish of the people. These is nothing di- rectly or indirectly said about the | \ lndeed, we know that Gen. Banks | was all safe among his friends. Pri- vate letters via Pascagoula, eo state. | There had been a flag presenta- | tion at which Geo. Magruder spoke | oat in a very decided tone. He is| thus reposted : “There have been demagogues | "who bave harangued you abvat this | being the rich man’s war and the) poor man’s fight The man who} says so isa scoundrel! I use the| term ounderstandingly aud in its broadest significativn. He is a scoun- | drel, and yoor worst enemy, ou | are fightng for yourselves, to pre- serve yourselves from slavery the | moet hatefal to be eonceived. The! object of the Yaukees ie tu enslave | this people and place the white nau | beveaih the negro in the social scale. | Better far would be our slavery to, the English, for they are noble aud brave ; better slavery tu the French, | for they are gatlant and chivalrous, | aye, even Letter to our own hegroes, | for they at least koow what labor is, | and would have some compassivn | as task masters. Soldiers, regard | the man talks to you of rich aud poor | men, ag your bitterestepemy. Whet: | next such aman comes among you, | uang bim to the highest tree, and | cub! stand by you.” The Confederate casualties in the | Fordoche fight are twenty-two killed and eighty nine wounded, and four- | teen missing. The wounded are| mostly slight wounds: the missing | mistook the cavalry of the enemy tor ours. The loss of the .eneugy | sums ap over seve: hundred, among | them 461 prisoners arrived here. | Among the Federals captured and | brought here are twenty-one comn- | wissioned officers. We captured two fine 12 pound Parrott guns and three regimental colors. and 20th and 26th Indiana. a Ps a bers. Ht net fail, hie army ton —<Pluin tal will do ite Rick Let as hope that! Beleaguered the new military organization me The fight ‘ invented by oar military resident | ground Wasbi . Wedtape Lee may soppy the want of a Lee and | Jace movements, gadses great ‘ae Jackson; and the able plans otf } in the North, and revives the fears of the Lieutenant-General Longstreet, ‘Cun-| safety of Washingtoa. Hear how the der the supervision of General | Wasbingtoa cr resp ord at of the New Bragg,” unay achieve all that we | York Times speaks of it, He talks out | hope in. the important operations | boldly and plainly, Says he: | how govn to by executed. +A great disaster las befallen Whe army jMeantiwe the mutistrous bombard ve ks Petuinn, If @ ‘were possible to l cover the Adininistrtion with » deeper | pid rage on that mound of breken j eve it or not. ey belong to the 19 lowa, j i impat of Sammter continues With WMA. TT” T Ceivtuny ‘thao that wader whieh it famous victory of Gen, Dick Tayler.’ Qated vigour, but never did 90 rent | 1 jorge staggered, ie events of last week a noise attract s» little attention. | Perbaps it was never made til) now | for so little purpose. What the ene- my expect to do or to gain by this | limitless expenditure of fixed amumu nition cannot exnsily be imagined, | unless it is the gratification of wastu brick and stone. If they could strike | every fragment, one by one, into the water, hot a step to the capture of) Charleston would be achieved, for | the position ig untenable, even fer! an hour, against the batteries which | command it. But what a glory | will sett!e on that ruined maes if it | should continue, after all their shor and all their shell, to bear lngh in! the air the standard of the Conteder: | ate States ! LATEST FROM THE NORTH. | We have one day’s later intelligence | from the North—dates of the 30th ulliny. The following is « suminary of the news: | SENSATION RUMOURS AN THE NORTH. The whole North had » new, anc doubt less pleasant, sensation over a rumour that had been started, to the effect that the | people of Richinund had risen in tasurrec: | tion ayainst che authorities, released the | Yankee prisoners, seized the arsenals, and | held the “Rebel Capital” in their control, | The Yankees were delighted over the | news,” but the trouble was whether to be- | The N. ¥. Herald, in Lrealing it, says: “These rumours have vot, up to this time, received xny positive confirmation, but the desperate condition of want aud | privation to which the citizens have been reduced might warrent their truth.” | ) YROM THE ARMY IN VIRGINIA. The only news from General mheade’s army, 3s that the work on the repairs of the railroad is going om briskly, under the protection of a strony force. One of the | Yankee correspondents at the front reports | the railroad completed to Catlett's station, and ready for trains to that point. There | are Do Movements reported on either side ' beyond the driving in of the enewy’s pick- ets on Jast Thursday. The position of as the Goveritnent would lead the public | Hing entirely cut off from Washingtvoe. du it. “Lee has not brea ‘viled in bis designs, to beliuve; on the contrary, be defeated Meade in eigist engagements 1p as many dave, aud compelled huin to tall back from Curpeper to Waskjng ion with such precipi ‘ation ax obliged jen to leave his dead and wounded ie the eyegiy's hands. “His weary and exhausted traops only , find reat and shelter under the deleuces of | the capitol. The, country may congratu: | late itself that the whole army escaped be- | | “Nothing saved the ariny from utter | annititation but the wood geveralship of | ot Meade. When Congress meets this | winter 1 will tud itself 1a beleaguered ca} iol.” -__— FROM TENNESSEE. | The Northern papers say that there are vicmnity of Chattanoogs, They claun to| have driven us from the ridge of mountains | ou the south side of the Teanessee revert by a furce of the Beventh Obno, under Col. | Stanley, who cromed in podtovu hoats, | le floated down the stream to Brown's ferry, I this way they say we | are flanked, and our withdrawal from Look vul thounlain rendered aliust indis pensas ble. The communiaation between Chattanoo- which mcdiately ° FROM CUARLESTON. ‘There iv vo news from Charleston, Th Yankees sevm to rest all twecir hones MW the buimbardtwent that is bu ¥ going vb. THE FIKE ON CHARLESTON. The curresondent of the Balutmore Ameri: can, who is with the fleet off Charleston, is in favor of giving “a little more yrape.” Hesse Lim : Fhe vpinivo of both army and navy in, that au active, decisive, deternuned com-— mander could quckir remove the ohatrac- tons and go alongside the wharves of Charlewon. To take Charleston this must be dove. The parabolic drooping of shell above the routs uf the city tay. destroy single bunses or bear up the street, but Charleston requines, and must Lave, ahon-— nigh pe j 1 1 " i} ; ' | Keg NM he aps “SALI wRY i. BY ee MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMORR 9, 1563. SS —_—— COMMISSARY SUPPLIES. The question of army supplies is one witich ig new ‘e:Aming mach anxiety both to our Government and peop, Produ: | core still hold out in their refusal to sell | to the Government, aud supplies for the army are growing smaller each day, with & prospeet in the tutere wt once distegssing to the soldiers and alarming to the Coun- trv. We learn from Capt. Myers, Com- missavy at shis post, that he has found it almoss impossible to obtain provisions 19 | quantities at all commuenserate with the | requirements of the service, only some | eight or ten farmers in Rowan having res- i ponded to his oft repeated appeals, We shal) make free to give their pames, 90 tikes | it may be seea who amongst Us seem to | of aiding the this important DevesaiV appreciate the Gorernament in matter. Hon, B. Craige sold his whole crop of wheat to the Government at the Govern: went price. John 1. Shaver, 1000 bus | hes; Pb. W: Hairton, 400 barrels flour; \ 4 wly Vv i‘ yong ’ . Ssome lively movemeoias going on In the) James E. Kerr, all the wheat he had to | spare; Win. Powe, Capt. Win. McNeely, Dr. J. W. Hall, (floue,) Jos. Henderson , and Jos. Blackwell—all sold at Govern. | ment prices. And this we believe, ts the | ventire list!— what a theatrical would call | a beggarly showing of empty boxes, There eight naces should be maltiphed bs 25 at Jeast, for Rowan alone. And what is, true of Kowan, is also true of the adjoming | | ya and Bridgeport will pow ve opened 18 counties. Now what is Yo be aone in this case! Our svidiers cannot live and fyht ea wa- ter and air, They must have provisions. Will the people at home supply thein cheerfully and of their own free will, oF will they compell tle Government to send out its ofBeers to impress provisions | One . or the other they must do. Cotmissanes linve alacady received orders to impress, acd unless they obtain supplies without it, will io» few days issue notice to those who are suppemed lo have surolse provis- wns, requiring them to furnish them to the Government. Surely the farmers cf Western North Carcova will not sulyect the Gowernment to the’ uppleseant duty uf this bast resort. <= A veny interesting and eloquent address The Riehmond Examiner of the Meade's army is considesed to be a song 4th says : Northern jourrfals of the 31st pro- claim that a portion uf Grant’s army has possession of Lookvut mountain, but this boast has little appearance of foundation ip fact. The telegram, whatever may be its wortl—from Atlanta, this morning, is very dis- unet io declaring that active opera- tions continue in Lookout Valley, which locality intervenes between the mountain and the Tennessee river. Bat setting as do the tele- gram, the Northern falsehood may be alike rejected from its extreme improbability. After a.l the paios taken to fortify Lookout mountain, it could scarceiy be surrendered witbout resistance of a very decided character; and the prodigious rains which have lately deluged that re- zivo reoder it impossible that a yzen- eral action could have occured. Tne same journals claim that the army of Grant, late of Rosencrauz, has been reinforced by fifty thors aod effective men since the battle of Chiekamauga, and now nuinbders one huodred and ten thousand tnus- kets; while they pretend that Brayg bas pot more than sixty thougand, all told. Hence, thes hold it certain that the latter will be eommpelled to retire witbout a battle. It is far from probable tha these nainbers are exact; but even if they are, the dedaction is not at all necessx7y, nor do they furnish any ground for ve spondency on our side. A veteran ary of sixty thousand Confederate, f handled by an able general, 18 4 “all match for aoy saperiour nuinber of Yankees. Sixty thousand men make a fall army, more men than those cannot be manmuvered by one man. The general who posses- ses that number of real soldiers has all that he needs for any niilitaey operation. With that number Lee ‘and better prepared for a general engage- one, and is said to be mere coaceatrated ment than ever before. Mis line of opera- sions is pow quite contracted, and at acon: venient distance from his base of supplies, which arrive partly by rail and partiv by | wayoos, A Yankee correspondent says that “the physical condition of our army here, are nbout on a par, either are first— rate, nor bave we any advaolages over the rebels, except in the superionty of our equipment avd supply.” Speaking of the situation, this correspundeut cuntinues : “Fbe positiun of atfairs ts not very inter= esting at present. Tbe enemy seetns res | | live and uneasy. in front, and especially on our right. General Lee is evidently very anxious to keep our army back, and makes the best show of the few men he has now under bis command that is practicable. — Ou Monday be made a bell push forward lu recusnoitre, bis spies having toformed hin) that vur anny was advancing from Warrenton in force. ‘Uhis had to cease Iminediately, #o he sheHed our outposts aud drove in avew advanced pickets and videttes IL think this desultors nyhbung : will contiaue fur some tne, bat that the rebels will be forced into a yereral engage ment in tae end seems to adinit of little doubt.” c . Our guerrillas continue to-larrass Meade's crear and flanks, doing inuch misclie’. The Yankee recommended the policy of Mar- _ sball Soult in regard tu thein—hang every wao of them. The Washington Star re- ports the following: Lieutenant, McCandless, commanding Lown yuard at Burke's station, reports that about twenty five guerrillas attacked the tralia whieh be was guarding on the af- ternwon of ‘buesday Jast, and captured a waguninaster, two lealns of mules, and tbe wagonmaster'’s hore. “Tuey held thea but a while, however, for Lieutenant MyCandless’ men —ouly thirteen —rushed upon them, re captursd the waoumaster, his horse and the mules, , wounded two or three of the rebels, “and captured one. the woods, mounted made their escape. “A train of twenty-four wagons was cap their animals, and zontal tire from the iron—clads, which shai! erash large projectiles Uirough Whole blucks was delivered in the DPresbytesan charch ‘of houses, and inspire repenlabce for a in thi@ place, last Monday evening, by quartr of a inile from the wozzles of the Rev. Beverty TL Lacy, of Virginia, on . the character and services of the brave avd lameoted Gen. T. J. Jacnsox. Mr. Lacy The New Yok Heraid gives the follow- Was Chaplin to Gen. Jackson, and being ng AS an “approximate” siemeinert of she on faintiar terins, was in daily intercourse pubhe debt ot the United States on the Ist ? of September last, bat adds that “it is im possible at present to arrive at an accurale staterment of the whole debt, as it 1s shft- private, as well ns the publbe character of He fe gited many interesting circumstances and yuus. THE PUBLLC DEBT OF THE NORTH. wah linn. and consequently enjoyed eve- ry desirable opportunity of knowing the ing froin day to day”: , this. distingimshed military leader. Old public debi, avrage inte- rest five and half per cent.. § 67,221,591 ; Three year's 7 3-10th bonds. . 139,996,950 | Mets, which, althoush not many of them Two years’ 6 percent. bonds. : 276.200 were new to lis audience, being” presented United States notes...--- a 395.924 ,360 ei Fractional curreocy...-— Le 18,625,856 suceinctly and minutely by au eve witness, Twenty years’ bunds x per were clothed with new interest. The speak- rT ccncoouad cchoCuLRe , 50,060,000 Ore poaiway Get ce 450.876 ° eochamed bes audience toa date hour, Cernfieatedofiudebtedness, six his rapid and eloquent: manuer adtrtiiny : sf 158 436,437 : per cent... ... A ° ’ x ji . ; Of Dellber weariness Oor ibaliention, and 256,089 231 Five-tweniy bonds, 6 percent.. 41,600) closed Ly improving the opportunity to Old past due Treasury notes. Hnpress oa all tae importance of doimy Totabicccccceeeee cones woe $1,229,832,771 o-e every Uhing ia human power lo give suc cess to the sacred cause to which such a. MISCELLAN EOL 8. Tie official returns of Federal casual- ties at Chickamauga foot up sixteen thou sand anck thirty six pieces of artillery. Pamon Brownlow left Covington, Ken jzens, who desired to bear from the lips of tueky, last weelt, with acar fond of prot | ay jutimate friend of te lamented hero Ing mate ctl, bound for Knoxville. , ‘Admiral Mijne and Lord Lord Lyons, « short tine since, paid their homage to the tom) of Washington. The Memphis Buielin eye sare out of try's need, to shed upon the world the fifteen hundred votes in the Obio hospital, jj, ; Vallandizbaw yot only one bundred and igh olapenam pleas Bro ae 1 mime gy en : apd brilliant, fifteen. \ The following were the quotations of “= the Memphis cotton market on the 6th October: Ordinary, 55 to 60, Low Mid- man us Jackson lind dedicated bis life. This address was delivered in comph- ance with #» request from many of uur cit- inore of the ebaracter of that hamble- minded inaividual who su suddenly etnerg ed from obscurity in the bour of 18 coun- | The Southern Cultivator will be pob- | tismed monthly, next year, at $3 per an- | dhny, 65; Middiing, 70; Good Middling, | num, in advance. Ww. N. Waite, of 76; Maddling Fair, 7&, in crop. Athens, Ga., atethor of © Gardening forthe The Pennsylvania radicals have caused g, " ‘ \ . : c South,” having purchased an interest 4 the removal of Dr. McClellan from a posi- , ae ee re tion he beld in the Philadelphia: hospital. i this valuable journal, willi hereafter give | | mation of the friends of the suldie having accept the prected by Napuleon qiiy be ly seated before the 4, belvden the NOrthero and Southern Sta, shat! end. The European Courts are q ready and waiting to acknowledge his Gow ernment, and thus whilst war is devasta ting us, Mexico emergies from her long continued gloom and adurchy. Tu the pride of her powet npdsglory the United States despoiled Mexico o%a portiun of her territory a few years ago, und now she, in her turn, is bleeding al every-pore ; am) if the ‘war continges mueh longer, may be- come a prey of the powerful nations which stand neady to tuke advantage of her min fortunes. Napoleon's movement iv Mes- co is ture important than most persone suppose, as futare events will doubtless. prove. TAKE. COURAGE Our Northern esemies have san up » debt of more than two thousand millions in trying to subdue the South! [fit were all in silver dollara Wt would reggire 40,- 000 four-borse teams to haul tt. The Yan- \ kees are beginning Co count the cost of” the Union as they see this’ immensd debs Increasing at the rate of two or three nnlb ious » day, and iv can't be lony before they will sing out, stand from ander! Gok forbid thar the South should be caayht be, neath the burden when 1 falls, ay fall it must, on sone body. We ean bear oer own, but let us see tu it that ths Yankees du not drop their burden on us. ae SUGAR CANE. Col. John B. Walker, of Madison, ra., lad 500 acres planted im Chinevse soyar cane this year. He as the ploceer in tbe cultivation of this plant io Georgia > and having feusd if to be a valoable prodact,. has piven alpost hts whole attention tol He manutactures lagge gor ates ot ssi: and vinegar, The vinegar is mate froin the jure of the cane, botbng it lemy enemhe to skorm off the feculent matter which ms- es to the surface, then posing it ntu har rels. The Lung left out, 10 sctlifies in the usugl way, maiing very sireuys Vimar. Mr. Walker saves all the fodder and sce) of his cane, which De anys pay the whole eust of the grup. Le Me Soshern Cohtivator bas ap exeeblent article on wheat Brew, Slo With tbat «p-far as hevith is comeerned, embod ed wheat flour ia far beter than the fnew flove ‘wR cuminun use, Thr on alse the tentinrony of all intelligent fhyseins Ang in addiiun te thos, there Ison sayin of rbowt 25 per cent ju the quawuty which in these umes of seareity and bogt prices, Is an tem werth canu_ for, os Rew ‘We woite alteniton to onother plan for the relef of our finances, as will be seen in another columu. Suffice so say, itis from she pen of one woo has bad for rears, much familiarity wh tinaneial af- faim, and bis saygestions ave therefore ea- Liled to mort than ancrely passing notice. Sate LT The Yankees bave deft the Warm Spsinys. in Buncombe county, and yove towards Tennessee. LG A writer a the Progress, of bis 6th instant, proposes that the Govern ® salary be raised, asi. totally sn teint for these times of dinde porters, Vie suse yestion is ayood one, and we beope Lov hevidature wall met rg ii 2 LT Vie Raleigh Standard has sera set of lrepaess made A cancuss, of which it oxpenks 1a fagurable terns, * Canvases hitroess will saree leather for slicing out Two ote Hrchanye of Deuth Records, — {\ 18 #0a- ted that an exchange of deatp records hae been effected between the two Covert ments, North and South, These records embrace the names uf all soldiers on boil sides who bave died ip prison The re conds of the Libby prison, Nave been aeod North, and the officinis ave looking tur "he return list. When they arrive, we undet- stand ihey will be bulletined for Nie iater ( ra and suldiers—an object worth aiming at. the public. _ “of The rest of them fled: to | The cause » that be is the brother of Gen. McCle! fan. Sent to Castle Thunder.—J. W. Mc- | sil SALISBURY RELIGF SOUIBDY. while all matters pertaining to its isue,| 4 meeting of the subscribers to this fund will be uoder the care of Mr, Redmond, ~| will be held at the Court House on Satur- There is no paper in tbe Country of | day the 14th inst. at 10 o'clock. A fall his attention tu its editorial departinent, | and Jackson won the victory of ' 604 os Wednesday, near Gainesville, by Fredericksburg; with less than that | popels dressed in Union uniforms. They number they whipped Hooker with | wok eighteen teamsters aud all the horses ap army fally equal to that under | of the train, leaving the wagons in the Grant. bas the choice of po- | road.” iow, f net the advantage of nam- | Lee's Late Movement towards — Washi ng- Broom. the superintendent of the subma- | more real value to our people thao this, tine batteries on the James, was arrested | and it should be in the bands of every far- | \in Petersbueg.on Saturday, and sent tw | mer in the State. We believe its wide | Kiebmond, op a charge of neglest of duty, | circulation would increase the agricultural | He was committed w Caatle Thuader. | ; results of the State 10 per oont., at least. attendance is desired. Twenty-five per cent. on the Stock subscribed will be called for between now and then. ae Wu. OVERMA N, J. 8 MeOUBKINS, M. A. SMITH. ——_ Mr. best m subject empha day. inform: to rem lation j wn hun to offe: a fow inost p order from t ovediny circula The mn hie | is @ ve oul, at if the enowg' vperal eves, | banedl of thos the w: a lary large x only o of thei yay i se | tio eulnpe aod gi will 1 course va | lLrustes luleres The vt Dn litthe quai le unset adupe head, deuly vubdil Maven will w fact, 4 this, 4 es, V pidly bas L but |) yet wud 4 but Lad iv cael aby ! thal Lables baud is blac aug tou ! areal lin pass ils pi bear pou uuall iree > year by « leh 2 fuse | all hole eet wou Mee ball \ua No. ae y be- vhich min Mes- rsone these. up » [leone wer - 40,- Yan- val of debs é ante “they God ht be. fall it r oer ik cee , tra... sayar in tbe 5 and ondact wit s¥rtny> fori hers be ch ms. u bane: in the Mr. ro ane ny thew YAS AID WAS ya bed be be tine so the melntiis se ee aw LY J bog mother sein] at- ere ea- nylice. Warn: do yobe fotos wrth ® yificie wt fe wUm pe Lie .ac+t 2 ' which CANV ace ny oul ils hoe aia: ds hae Tovern- records on Lott The re ven aco r tor "he ’ andere ve lator: ere and ary. his fund pn Satur- A full five per be called N, INS, FOR THE warouMan. . Ma. Eprror t-~ dest men are offering suggestions on the subject of the currency, which may be emphatically called the question of the dav, That it is full of diffleulties every informed, thinking man, admits; bat how to remedy the evils of « redundant circu- lation ix not so easily discovered. Permit an humble citizen through your columos, to offer for the consideration of the people » few thoaghts in*egard to the best and inost practicable course to be parsued, in order that our country may be relened from the great evils growing out of an ex. | eedingiy large and constantly increwsing circulaion of paper nroney. The plan proposed by Gov. Morehead, in hig letter addressed to President Davis, is @ very good one, if it would be ewrried | out; and would produce the desired results if there was patriotism and true wisdom enovwgh in the Confederacy to insure its operation, The defect in the plan how- ever, is to be found in the fact, that it be bane enGrely upon the volantary action of those who have'the power, if they had the will to give it aucoemm, Unturtunately | a large proportion of the men whe hold large amounts of Confederate nutes, think | only of what they deem (he advancement ; of their private juterests, withoateven be- | wy infludnced by patrivtic feeluoys ur un. scitish imotives, Curpurativns are often composed of Fearful, tunid stockholders, | wod governed by shrinking Directors whe | will not veature> on a pew and auusual course of activa, that wav fo Chetir estinia- tuvo result io Juss to those who lave en! trusted to theta tie management of their | lulerests, ’ Tbose who are fainiar with the acsiun | vt Directors aud Stucklividers, bave but | lithe Lupe of exteuswve funding frum this : quater. The truly wise, the patrivtic, the | will duublleas ty sume exteut adopt the cuurse indicated by Gov, More head, while (huss who bage become sud deuly ceb by (he calamities of uur preseul wubduus, wad who of all olbers wuglt to Mnvest their yains ia Coblerberate Doudes, will wot take a dollar, lt isa well kuown fact, that there are a auinber of meu in this, and we pfesume up ther communi ues, who have accumulated muucy su mm pidly as to astuoish thetuselves, and tis bas been dybe tn a very short Une, wiih but little dabur, and wiltuwl bagard, anid yet Uney keep Uber money for specuiation, aud are williug wud anxivus lbatevery une but themseives spuuld invest their Treasu ry uwtes tu Bouds, while they are very } uuseitish, carclul wot ly aid io tlie way by tuvesting aby purties of their ineaus, well Kuowing that every unitivn funded by others, en lauces the value of the thuusands i their bands. But cau so remedy be fuuud, aud Is there nu way lu reduce the present large aud sccumulaling woluine of tie cireuia- out We tuina there is. b sud with great delereqce the lolluwing plan. linwediately vn asscaubling, let Congress pass a law watiorziug, fur six muuths trou is passage, lue funding of all vut-interest bearing Lreasury nutes iu six pep cent cuu- pou Buuds, (the iuterest payable sean an- uually) baving twenty veam ty run, and tree Trom taxation by avy authooly for five years, and after five years only tu be lared by Congress, On the passaye of Hits law, let all the Banks im tue Couledesacy, re- fuse Lu fecetve in paymeul of vn deposit, ail ‘Treasury notes issued before Mie Ist day of June, 1803, and let the State au- (borities refuse lo receive the same ciass of | Vontederaie votes in payment of Taxes aud other Cowaly and State duest. Wat would be the cesult, Ltis class of holes would then be reevived univ in pay went tor Bonds and Coulederate ‘Pace and would sOun cense lo be circulated tuo the weal Lransacuuus of busitess. [tis pro bable Chres vf tour hundred milligns would ‘ua lew thuntlis be retired from creuistion. No one SUppuses Thal muy plau CHU be les ised that is tree from objection, but it seems to the writer, Ghat this pba wril ac cuimglish the desired object, and lowolves we tile difficulty wa any proygosed. Phere ts no repudiation in the schewe ; Udegd, Chis as inere bawurabls wo the wold er of ‘Treasury netes than the present haw, Many of owe winest wed | | vernipent being in any way coupromined, (without effect. A Lereased, as tuatual, in vigor, and as the day { wore ole fatretuysh: aud furv. | altogether vo Sumter, James aud Saltivan’s Ne arocienn (ar Sf; “There was a ruimor gurtent, which, ever, lacks contire Monitors burpted «4 how. ‘ ag of the : aud lint she te: pyesasston frils to prodace a great public i guod, thet appeals to thie iuterest of thoke we ilesite to move to right activg must be made, apd when patriotism and interest are appealed .o in vain, then poercion from some svurce aud in the slighiest dejgree necessary to effect the object, may proper- ly be resorted to, in order te save the coun- try from the evils now serrounding us, growing cul of a greatly inflated curreycy; aud | cau think of vo quarver frou whence proper wud usefal action in vur present céudition may more appoprintely conre, | ty, From the rest of the district it will then from the Banks and State Leyiste- | ulsu be observed, he haw defeated Mr. Lan- tures, who can bring about the desired re- | der in all but one county, (Mecklenbury,) sult without the faith and credit of the Go- | with Cleaveland to hear from. How that county will be itis not easily 10 say as things have changed round “mightily” within a very short time. So far ns we ure able to determine from reyurns © befure us, Dr. Ramsay is now 166 yotes alread. VOTE OF ROWAN. Oor Island batteries replied tu the ene- my with deliberation. ‘The contest was still going on atm late hour of the nizht. THE ELECTION Passed off very quietly in this county un Wednesday Jast. It will be seen from the returns below that Dr. James G. Kamsay, has carried the county by a large majuri- VO. b. News frum the Islands—One Hun- dred and tenth Dug of the Siege. The Charlestun Courier of Tharsday last : ; Ramsay, Lanpea. furnishes the following : Salisbury, 238 ind A heavy -and iveessant fire from Gregg Nera Mn i e and the Mouiturs upon the sea face of Furt | Morgan's, 9 Sumter was kept op Tuesday, doing con: | M’t. Ulla, 42 : 4 | sidecutle damage tu the sea wall. On | Atwell’s, 66 13 | Wednesday iyorting all the enemy's bat- ee 46 > 7 | terivs on Cammings’ Point again opening SUG; al Vt | tire upuu Furl» Sumter, Johuson, Battery 531 Vit Sunkius, wud the fortificativns on Sullivan's | Army vote: 161 “17 \ Islnud. A bitie alter ten o’eloek, three | — oo \ Muunturs stemmed up and commenced tir: | 712 Ao { ry | wy oo Sunster, which they kept wp steadi ase ly unul between six aud seven mothe eve.) Ramsay,s naj. 464 ing, Wheo they drew off, appearenthy fer a | realiny spell of about and hour, : ne . : Batteries Gregy and Wyuer kept up a CErtalts that Turner has beaten Arringtun | Guntinued tire from some furor flee two | in ‘the Wake district and that Gilmer iu | aod three humbed pounder Darrutts. — | the 6th, is elected without regular oppor: The sbot and shell were poured into Sum- | sition, From the other districts, we think it is Sinith is probably re-ciected in the ler al toe rate of alimust une every minute | first, throughout Wednesday. - The finng upou Fort Jubnson, though | For General Lee’s irmy 5 | Several 4 shots were fred at the Observatory, but | hol ay acvere, has been steady, ; Wat. A. Lyerty will leave Salisbu-w to few shots were alse | Carry clothing and provisions for the 6th, \ tired at Fort Mouline and the Sullivan's | 54 and 57th Regimens N.C. T. Monday hiand batteries. , | the 16th inst. Persons having articles for | ‘The aumber of shots tired at Fort Sum.) auy of these regunents, would do well to ter Wednesday ups to seven iu Wie evening, have their boxes plainly marked, was sik hundred fad seventy enght passed nothing cooked. wand five hundred Wuety ote | z | struck, tustiy ow the sea tace and some | MARRIED: wall ot the fort. Beyond the injury tothe | Ta Salem, N.C., 00 the 4th November, by | wail, huwever, Use tremendous quantity ef) Rev W. Kimball, the Rev. Mo Wo WILLER, | taetal Chrown has been but only a loss of ef Rowan, to Mrs, SARATE R. PINKSTON, . 5 j of Salem, N.C. | sootuch amimuurden, and trom our pre | Bring | ovet, and \ oe ern et DIED: paratioua, this confidently pyedicted will | continue lo be us fraitiess avd unprotily ble. \ ‘The reports frum Ports Sumter, Johnsen » MIC HAEL ANDERSON, aged 78 years. | On the let July. Mrs. JANE KNOX, iv her | Slat year. For a nuinber of vears Mra. Knox | ice iust weue wad nodaniage woe. Tete consistent member of the Presbyterian eee ee eva a Re church. fu accurdanee with tne doctrines of | burter that church, ste endeavored to train the chil- , Moultrie aud dubnson aad Battery Stem dren God bedi grven: her. ‘The fewest of woe; kins have keptup a steady tre, making | men, as the sofe head of a household, have . suceceded as well ys she in training and edu- ; eating her daughters, She was given to fos- pitality. Her suns «te all in the service of | for observation state the WOCUTACY of our their Coantry, One of whom hae aut beru : tire is far superior ty Unt of the eneuy.— , heard from since the buttle of Gettysburg : the Que ef the enemy's guns tu Grey was re: other two still remaming at the post of duty. ' ) - et a Her three daughters, young and inexperienc- potted sileweed last eveulng by a snot from a ‘ ' oi ed, are now the representatives of the Henne. | Fort Moultrie, . hold. May the God of their mother sustain One of the shells theewn dato the cis them under titeir ufflictien.—[Com. was picked up Wednesday inurning up. exploded? and the contents STS) “ADMINISTRATOR'S to; whet tt Was focud to contain the celebrat | _ : 2 ere ne es A MUS. Ther dr has i et tak ace tear . ' Pies Lronsides tas as yet taken ne ace Has EN Gilukeu onl batten of Adinineires | Uve part iu the eugagembent, bul remMAals:: Gon on the estate of Phillip S. Beeker, deceas- quiet at ber old anchorage. Heavy fring | ed. [will sell at his lateresidence, near Rowen is stil! progressing from the: Mouitors and Mills, on Thursday, December 3d, at Pubtic | Battery Gregy open Fort Sumter. Auction, the following property, to wit : abd our ballemes, show Chat vot a single casualty has cecurred from the enemy’, fre thy of note dune to the works. excellent sivts oo the enemy's works.— Foose who tave had the best opportunity } A good crop of Corn, Oats, Fodder, ' THE SIEGE —ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVRNTH flay and Wheat on number ot 5 ’ ; DAN: Cows, Hogs, Sheep. and The Mercury of Friday furnishes the Horses 3 all his [ouse- following + ! hold and Kitchen Furniture, FARMING TOOLS, Xe. mntoed borgardment of Sumter, By mourns | Phere also wilt be two Negroes to hire ont for Wig, LAG shots bad Geen tired atthe fort, the remainder of the year. Y A dispatel, however, recetved on Chursdav merninggy reported that ug te that tiote wone of the Wedaesday mult bronght bata com- parative relaxation in the enemy's deter Those indebted to the estate are hese cty no- tiled to call and settle the same and Chose having claims against A. mast present then within the tune preseribyd by law. or chis ae. boil ploots had been at all endangereS toe will be plead in bar of their recovery. At davitult the flee of the enenry on WILLIAM HW. TROTT, Acu’r. - November 2, 1563 dw25 oo which seven ouly tnissed. 4 ; r 5 adel tne U ae d . Hi aremial 10 gather asleitional Negros Woma to ‘Hire. Was concentrated | ke woman and house aer- and if a yood etfeet is paaxduced, 1 wall be | [stands not recerving aestngle shot, About vant to bree out until the Ist January ext OV the action of those why in Uhis partic ular wre got yoverned by any law ot Con- srese, but whose course uf wetion will bring about a state of things yroajly desired by “We Coufederate authorities, as well ax by every youd aud well iuformed citizen, There ws ong class of our people whoee Mlerests we should carefully tard faoru ‘oyary, nud whose welfare we should al- Vays eudeavor ty protnete—we mneau the soldier wud Lys frimily. Would the phan vroposed iojurioustly alfect this ciass i We ‘hink not. ‘The soldiers are always paid u the latest issue, and their families sel- Jom bave much money on hand, and the ‘uuding of the old issues would have a leudetcy to increase the value of the new —would render money less abundant, aud would cheapen provisions, and as the mo- ey in the bands of the soldier and his 'ainily is the best in: circulation, this clmss ould only be. benefited by the plan now proposed Aleo, a servant girl aboot [4 veareold, train ed to house service, Apply wt the WATCHMAN OFFICE. November 9, 1863. U2 LEATHER. [ WILL BARTER LEATHER for Hides Sole Leather at 45 cents; Unper at 60 ceris | for Hides at 64 centryreen sy Dry 15 coats, or Dotterer, Sileox aud | Finee, assisted by \ for Corn at 45 cents per burhed Captain Carson, of the Washington Light | Wl Intantey. officer, with Davie Co., Nov. 9, 1863. sharpshouoters, has, for the last) two days, PIANO FOR SALE. ’ , sucmy considerably with rifles es ee ) ° . VERY excellent second hand Piano for {wb long TOU KE: : a © fA for sale. Also, one good Mich Cow. At tive, p.m, the monitors withdrew, Apply at this officr 4625 but they returned before oighitali, ‘The |. — - : | report of the evening states Lhat 779 shots! Head Quarters 57th ‘Battalion ; rt hty of gwhich |” ’ were fired at the fort, eighty of gw | Home Guard friled!to strike, One man, whose name | COMMANDING Officers of Companies 57th Battalion bas not reacted us was killed. Oo the | of Home Guard are hereby ordered to have their Com : 5 | ‘ \ We 7 A. Goodwim,.Compan nies in Salisbury November 20th inst., at 10 o’elek, day fore I debaias , . a7 hi rd is inspection and artil, whén all vacancies will be filled | D., 13th Georgia Battalion, was slightip | by new elections JNO. A. BRADSHAW, wounded, while on guard. Major 67th Bat, Home Quard. half past owelve threes monitors moved up, and wile one appeared to be reconnoiter- ing, the other two hurled their heavy ims siles against the see face of the fort, Phetr tire reached the meme of its seventy al, tweu'cluck. Early du the day the fay stall was shot away. but it was woulbuutly replaced by Sergeant: McLeod, Privates ~COUK This brave three ‘ Re) } ] ' as we noe tired with Ger turret datwnged by the ex- In this county, on the 23d October last. Mr. | GONFEDERATE TAXES! Addtijoiml Notice. A 5 T phe timen aud plugew already appointed for the collection of Taxes, all persons in the several districws ure wutified to render to the Asaesnors, an account on.outh of the value of all peat catile, horses, males (not used in eal- tivation) and asses owned by each person in his district, on which the owners will be taxed one percentum, to be paid yn or before the Lat day of Jquvary next. by ALSO—AIl persons are count of all beeves sold . eon the 24th of April and the let day of mber, 1863. W.R. FRALEY, + ‘Tax Collector. ~ AUCTION SALE. — I will sell at Public Sale, on Tues- day the 17th day of Nuvember, all my Stock of HORSES, to give un uc- uf :25 Carriages, Buggjes and Harness, Conmsting of LO head of guod and desirable WORK HORSES, Oue Close Carriage, 4 Ul acks, 8 open Baggies, 5 Top do., 2 Sulkies, 2 four horse Wagous, one of them av extra good [ron Axle Wayon, 8 Setts Sinule Harness, 8 double do., and inauy other articles not enumerated, thet are desirable in carrying on a Livery Stable. The stable aod Lot is fur rent for one or two years. Also. 4 LIKELY BOYS, whieh 1 wilt hire. No property will be disposed of antil the dey of sale. at which time the sale will be pos- itive. Terms Cah. THOMAS E. BROWN, Salisbury, Nov. 4 1363. Qw25 ADMINISTRATOR'S. ea A HB. Ce Hi AVING taken out Letters of Adiminis- i tration ou the estate of James MeKuight Kerr, deceased, bewilt gell at his late resideace, near Rowan Mille, on Tuesday, the 24tb tistant, at public auction, the following property,to wit: Horses, Mules, Cows. SHEEP, HOGS, (1Gvr 18 of which, are fattening,) Wheat, Corn, Oats, Tay, Fodder and Straw, one Buoyyy and Har- ness, Wagon and Gear, Farm- ing Tools, &e., all his Honse- hold and Kithen Furniture. Terms made known on the day. T. A. BURA, Adm’. Noversber 2, 1863, 3w25 NEW MUSIC; PUBLISHED BY Geo. Duna & o., Richmond, Va., AND JULIAN 4. SELBY, Colnorbia, S. C. s All printed on good paper, with Or- namental Titles. RETAIL PRICE, $l EACH. ‘half off.’ with an addigon five per ceut. when one hundred of apy nece is ordered. Blauk Missic Lines on the best cap paper, $1 per sheet of four pages—forty per cent. off to the trade. NIW SONGS, NOW The trade supplied at READ: ‘Southern Sotdier Boy” —Assuny at the Rich- mond New Fheatre, in the * Virginia Saval- ier.’ by Miss Sallie Partinguon. Captain G. We Alexander, A. ALG. & A. P. M. Atr—Vhe boy with the Aubarn Hair. “Who Will Cure For Mother Now?—Roetry by CLC. Sawyer, Aathor of “When this Crocl War ts Over.” Music by €. F. Thompsou. IN THU PRESS, Aad will be readyin « few dayr— In Tio Parts —Part Lof C. 35. A. Teyproved Hooton’s Lostrocdons tor the Piano Forte > and NEW BYLLAD—Farewell Enchanting Hope | Music Sv Lesing PUBLIQIRIP AY “ GEO. DUN & CO., RICHMOND, VA., AND . JULIAN A SESBY, COLUMBIA. S.C. STHKAY ED | ee tte subscriber mbout three weeks Farin adjommug Maj. No FB. a large reddish wide *Xee and a seo frome may Hall, horns, briadte Cow with aawhite sicreak down her biunp on tier wide. Ten dolliacs cewaed wilhbe pud te any one for ilurmeation of her whereabauts. J.W. STALL. 3:24 Ocr 26, 1E6B. Quarter Masters OMlee, / Salisbary, N.oC., Nov, 2, 1863 \ perce willbe received at this office until the Sthoinst. for the delwery at the Con- lederate states Distillery Salisbury, of tive hundred cords wood, oll to be delivered by January 1st 1X64. . WeCOY, Cap. & AQ. M. Clie) Public Sale. , | AVING been apporited Commissioner by the County Court cf Rowan county, to ake suleof the valuable plantation on which Col, MeCorkle formerly resided, adjouing Michael Goodtaan and others, [ will offer the said plan- taion for sale, on the premises. on Wednesday the 2ud day of Deeember next, at 12 0’eloek, Moo ‘The terms of eule will be cash or a credit of Gor 12 months, with interest from date, as the purchaser may desire. WILLIAM B. ATWELL, Commissioner. 3ipd2S November 2, 1963. Wows by 1 CRT IR A IY -*- ——-ss * S. WAMTEB Gi ER TTOTE FOR THE WAR F LOCAL DEFENCE-A, liberal, prec with be puid for a yuod apd oligble man over Gfty years of age, who will noi be required tor ge into, the licld—gund references required’ — inire’ at \his Office. clwber 26. 1563. » $10 REWARR TRAYED from the subscriber abvet the last of September, « young yellowish looki COW, with a lyrge white blaze in the face, very good size. No other mark recollected, bat if marked, it is a half crop out of each ear. ‘The above reward will be paid for her delivery, tome im Salisbury, or fur information to enabler me to get ber. JEREMIAH BARRINGER... October 26, 1963, 4123 100,000 LBS. @ Tobacco at Auction I WILL expose to public sule, from one to- two hundred thousand pounds manufactur- tured ‘Tobacco at my store. io Salisbury, N. C.,- on the 17th November, 1863. JOHN F. FOARD: 4123 123 __Oetober 23, 1A63. WANTED! =. I WANT to hire TWO BOYS, (white) to make cores im> the Pouwdry attached to. the C. 8. Ord. Works, Salte- bury. A. G. BRENIZER Vance, Octoher 23, 1863. LARC sale offeligible town lots will be- held at this place on Thursday Nov. 5th 1863. The town is finely sitaated immediate! on the Rail Ruad near Grabam, the lots arY huid off 200 feet square, the streets 100 feee wide with tWwolarge open edaares, and the sale claims the attention of af persons wishing to wecure « pleasant und healthy hume. Terms eash or proved bovd ut 6 Mouths with Interest from date. THOMA’ WEBB, Prest. (41-23) ‘@ WOOL WANTED. Seconp SHEARING LAMBS: WOOL wanted by ; - WMH. SMPTH. Saiixbury. July 13, 1863. : fe \ ~ Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc. A LIBERAL price will be paid for any kind ’sf-old' BRASS, COFPER, LEAD and ZINC, delivered as? the nearest Rail-Road Station. Any person wishing to - sell will please notify me of the quantity, price, and’ where to be delivered. A. G. BRENIZER,- Capt. Art’y Com'd’g. C. 8. Ord. Wor'ss, Salidbury, N. C., 156. f 1.2, WANTED 7ANO PURCHASE, or to fatten or share: 500 Boys at the C.5. Distillery, Salisbury’ N.C., Apply to Surg. Jas. T: Jonnson. Med. Pur. Charlotte, N.C. WANTED! WANT to hire TEN or FIFTEEN NEGROES, stout” active boys, as laborers. Those having negroes to~ hire, will please apply to me at the Confederate States ~ Ordnance Werks, Salisbury. tr20 A. @. BRENIZER. ; Capt. Art’y Com’d'g PUBLIC SALE: OF VALUABLE SROPERTY! FEN , I HE: undersigned will sell on the 17th of November; at his residence, (Correll’s Mills,) twelve mes Northwest of Salisbury, the fol-- lowing valuable Property, to wit, a large quan-- tity of . Corn, Wheat, Cattle, Sheep, several Bee [ives, besides- Wagons, Farming Implements, and a great thany other uriicles not necessary to men- { tionabat usually found on a well stocked farm. Those in want of such amicles would do well’ | to attend this sale. Conditions of salé made known on the day. JACOB CORRELL. 3123 _ Obtober 22. 1863. NOTICE, 6 ‘YR ACCOUNTS are all ready for settle- | C iment and we wish all persons indebted, to come in and pay up. On and after the first- day of Noveaiber we will keep no pooks, nor will we charge anything. Oar sales must and | will Se for cash and cash alone after that date. | Calland settle up as our business has, been conducted on the credit system too long, and? | now will be stopped. HENDERSON & ENNISS. | Bet. Wh 1863 41:24 NO THIE PO SPECULATE. { tm = i HI13: subscriber Yas thrown his Tan-yarc open to the public and wishes the citizens to> bring or send ther Hides to hin and fill 1 up. It they will do xa he obkgates himself to sel!’ hie share of the leather another year ul $2, being as high asx He has suld any up to this tune. Also those bringing bides to him aball! | have the prefer@nce iu leather for their Swr , cCossumpuion aiother year. me dont wish te i bey hides wt the present enormous prices anc sell the leather at Bt or $8 per Rh. So bring . your hides in and we will keep one = acecmmo- dation Tan-yurd any how in the Confederacy: \ for oor own use. Leave your hides at Sprague Bro’s. as here | tofore directed. T. W. HAYNES Nov. 2, 1863. tf-24 and elaewhere to! “Another Great Getory! HAVE for sale, und will send post) paic ‘the followtag Receipts w any one fur makings Maiches, Block, Red and Blne Inks and Shoe Blucking Also, a receipt for making 2com-- poution for welding cast steel, one for Japan Varnish for vernishing Iron. [ will send all the ubove receipts for one doar single, or alt for five dullars. Being a practicul Headdle-maker, for the Cytton Mills, Lam = prepared to furnish « receipt for nraking headdle varnish, which I ob- tained from the North loag before the war— This receipt I wil! send, post paid, fur five cot lars. Address, ©. L MULININ, | A Stowesville, Gaston Co. N.C. 1 Ocwber 5, 18-8" 3mpd20 | BLANK RREDS _ FOR SALE AF 8 U3 OFFICE “n e . 2 Se OR R Se . T° BUY —— — et ¥ Siisbdry Femae Seminary. UE Eleventh Seevion of my School iv this Aetitition, will opeu the 4th uf September, Board per seesion, $150 08 Tuition in Euglish, $25 00 und 30 WO Muse with ase of Pinno. 30 vO Loetin., Greek und French, extra, $10 each. Pupils required wy furuieh lighus end Wwwols. Puymeat strictly in advance. For partioa- lars, address A. D. WILKINSON, Priveipad. July, 1863. e My ‘To the Farmers of Rowan HE THOROUGH-BREL MORGAN STALLION YOUNG aMERICA, will stead the present Fall Season in Salisbury and at Dr. John F. Foard’ farw C. 8. BROWN, | i. BF. FOARD. | Gw20 October 1, 1863. MICHAEL BROWN, OMMISSION MERCHANT SALISBURY, N.C. PROMPT personal atlentien given to the parchase of Produee aad Shipmentae Consignments either tor sale in this market or for shipment to other markets suliciied, whieh will be sold at highest market price and remite | tances promptly made. Salisbury, July 13, 1863. 18 HH’ EY WANTED AT HENDERSON | & ENNESS’, Drugyists. June 15, 1863. uf PROPOSALS Wie received for a building tu be erect- | A T the € ed at China Grove Station to be used as Suid building te Vertice! weather-boarding, | well battened, 10 feet from silk to eaves. | 8 feet pitch. To be cousiructed of lumber in the rough. aud to oe built ine atrong substauti- | al manner. Proposals %# building the «amg! will be reeeved at the office of WJ. Mills Esq. | Salisbury ! Nails will be furnished bv the Government. E A. PROPST, Agent, Tes a Kind, No 8 . \ a Guverament Ware-house. } be 25 by 65 feet. t{—18. ae SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST BE- ceived the following upticies, to wit: 50 dozen Coats § Cerd ‘Thread, 5000 Needles, assorted Bik and White Engish Gioghams, Salt, Nails, 8. 10 aud 6, Shovel Moulds. VMICHAEL BROWN Ou coasigawent 60 Boxes fine chewisg Toe | 2ACCU. MR Salisbury, Sept. 28, 1063 uns LOOSE COTTON | ae SALE, AT HENDERBON & ENNIss’. October 1, 1863. 10 \ "ANTED at my Nbve Store 100 Green Hides, fur wach the highest poner wil ¢ paid ia cash. JNO A. BRADSHAW. Salisbury, Sept. 14, 1563. uh? Administrator's Notice. rnN an | HE sabseriber having ¢: the of the County Court of Rewan, Anguet Tern iuakea Letters ” Adminetraiwon eaccorcrny te law. on the es- hereby notice to al! creditors ef auid eacate tate of Christian Bringte, dec'd., gives +10 pre ment their claums duly awtheniicaied withmn the tune imited by law, for that purpose. u ice willbe plesaein burt rerweer thee these recuvers Debtors tu the estate will ul-oplease mane pay- ment iomediately DOL. BRINGLE, Aug. 29th, 1863 —t6:13 Pe ONES 5 ( Me T of Werphy’s bot, inv bas MARE ane HARNESS. The Mar. years ald, blood bay. sateen hands high, im On Gd font, shod a undte is onty pereeprible when Adui'r. « wabeul twelve jer, one white lise title hipped, which trovling Harese half ween. eiver olate, ad jatetv mended, red wetding on ine Luess had sn halter when taken fowill giv- dal Bl 2 BS DOLLARS reward for her delivery in Sahebu- rv, and ONE HUNDRED POLL Alls tor the sporehenston of the thef RH fray WANTED OK RENT A PLANTATIO: contatoing fram 200 ty 400 Gere ot ope. d Dwell ; The Place tnust be he COW AEN. if 20 Salisbury, Sent. 25, land, with a gor i and enry oud houses rivera ‘ UAE GHPON, : : patie sury 1-63 nig “a 2D’ EE 62> ce oe Vy Person haw an wecoun! Cent 1 W.C. Lord, decd, he is re quested Us pre- seutit tone for payment ‘ tf in T.G HAULHELON good water VoG Seplember 2, Vo Soldiers’ Families! A lees willbe no more mouey poi fa evo so * Ortcbor. tt Yongh! it beat w 1 st the bante of the Band in provision ow howill even out instead of money Pt necy . owl the f Novernt t te x ‘ Mm trots ! se every effort to obtain « \e- ae early ae poe JOS. MeCUBBING, Malishury, Oct. 2, 1S6B they Cow'r R.R. ROBERTS, COMMISSION MERCIAN i, CORYER OF 13TH AND CRY sichcrs, RICH MONT, VON Qo Lcres conmgoment® of Miisafsetared . vecu, Whinkey. Beaudy. a&e. to the anle of whieh be pledges himeelf-to cave onrtie : i alan stlemtion He begs leave to refer co De. Win Green, Prewmdent of the TP Pace & Son, D Mr Joho Hi Ai\b attend to any bumuers connected ville, Vw Pemberton, of Douville, Va honee FOR SALk ATTHIS OFFICE. \ | HENDERSON & ENNISS, | froin ins stables on the Zdta ast Ouse i} i] Farmera Bank, and Mewrne G | | arith Ohia | | | AVING resigned my 524 | Confederate eee eee QUAKER MEADOW FOR RENT. On meaty at tuo Widow sud Moire of ww Saturday the 4th day of Nevember vexr, @t the court. house in Murguaton, lease to the highest bidder fur two yeure the Lands and Phretetion hwowu a Quaker Meadowa” ‘The place isan the Catawba River, about | | (wo milesfeom Muryantou, sod i# considered ave of the best plagtaioneaw Burke comaty— Vhe Trai nguare a abu NGUU acres, one | Wulf of whieh is-ele . aod of that more than 50 acresis river bathus Ihe place will be let iu two parcels. ‘The Humestead contains a large two story Brick Dwelling, with the out houses asually found ow alwge plantation. ‘he othor section pas a good Dwelling House wud suitable out houses. At the sume Uae aud place will be sold a | fuantity of corn, Wheat, Rye. Fodder, Huy, | &e. Also, a few Slaves tu be hired at the same CHAS. MANLY 31.23 } tiene October 26, }863 FIR’ NEGROES WANTED, A GENTLEMAN io Mowigowery county, wirhes to hire from mx to eight farm hands ‘wow ot at the Ist of January next. He will teke whole families ou proper terme, Appiv at this Office for further tuformation. } October 26, 1x63. 3123 | | | | | | | TIALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, fu which we will pay the brgheat price Druggiste June 15, 1663. fd | “SS -O MOA)’ EE ED S Disdlery at Sabeburvy, NC, | One Thousand (1000) Bueh- is Maple Chareoal Proposals wast be addressed to JASE JOHNS TON. Medical Purvevor C NS A, Charieite, NC Juty 33, 1603. ums * bee be M » S10 REWARD WILL be given for two SAD ULEN aoiens ve blak | quilted the other red leather: ales tt Boaidtes and one pate ynartingles (suppesed (6 be Su the neighborhood of Charles Mekeurie’s Alm One Hundred doitac for the apprehension the thief. Wits teNRELY July 25, 1863 if10 fo the Farmers of Rowan. AM anziwus te bav com, wheat, four me> and bacon for the soltiers familie rio! Rowen Some of them are alinval soffenoe and bE have the mogey io pay marke: prices foe ihere things. wid be bope tral the Farnere of the ; ty will gee Che poorsulciere mut! en t profes JN M-UURRIS, Com. for Rairan ube 31-63 SPELLING A SWALL supply of Speitag MWe he hand. 4 no weed of thei soul at WATCHUWAN OFFICE Auguea 3, 1s63 DENTAL NOLICK, W. F. Bason, M. D. ODEs A’ Ee ow we MY cet en eee eemeasle che DENTAL ROOMS in sas , BOONS. Thome hive wh heas retake lary NR Sectow let cae he oreuw Wa he te bose Ca Vth te ahs bee f8 4 D ’ ’ . in eltes Box aitactnes the dem of tive Oy hy veo ten through the Poet cnt ‘ ree Dee det, band nis PASTES TEOIREAIT Watch-Maker and sewelcr, One doorbete Ma A Murnly ts Store S\LISBE RY. Nt Gee veretantiy {aah tens meat oot WITCHES wid SEWER alikinas ay eer Ry Clockea. Watches and Jewelry of ts seriplior to paired a the bes power wlth he pent reaseioble termes Vehrowty 14. 186" : lyits SHOO REWARD. le any IN JQNUARY fast. mi OR. of M & he My ra Was bee rope AS TAR fan Were foam oO fine Bante Goeid Dever Woteh fS XN Ut eho en Che fare, Comrtiani Lee Vettern, beleve \ le stile n oS j ‘ Lavete prove pe tn Rin {) ‘ v6 u aoe) willy a mn ene th (s K ' ine d r | Breast Vin. Coral sce Ce Cae fon Vie e Raneh Gerold € have “ie y ‘the rwo Ll, iH > Cre, Wirt. Sige ‘a t ¢ { e Corra! Breast Prat ome Goold Breawet Bu “paul mah (eos atin “onli i. vt deta, with erosean centres ane t felarge Hiuck die Maas Uireinnee ( r ‘ Wee L sich r shee itd we ta 5 Bosterer prow wat CoM ‘ ‘ viel f rarel ’ ‘ ! ") shove reward of Five Hoidred Dalare, vw paid foe the recovery of the alewe weed eles, in prepertian for any part f thre | Moat of the Jewelry eau bead fied by Wook Wilson. Watchmaker at this place I y Y abee nie rh\ informacion given to ¢ a| 4 Mveraor Simmel Reevew, Sr, y utiended to villilie jecaties ! BE MYERS Salisbury, N.C, Jone 15.°1563 td Vr The Confederney, at Atlanta, Gia. weil copy daily one week, and send bill te thisoMer ‘A 2s A BE BDO commision in the as Surgeon, Arnvy I tender wy | wervices to my friends and the puble BLANK DEE Ds | AM: NESBITT LT Offiles, ofiposite the Court Howse. a June 15, 1863 tf4 ee ee a Oe = STONEWALL” “NOTICE. | To all whOm it may Concern! WING 40 the nanber of riots, mobs, dae pressments and thefis in the yoy A I feel loweng the Inte Cob James C.8. McDowell, 1 shall, | ity duty | owe to myself to the rules aud lations at my 3 loa. A not be responsible for Fleer, Meal or auy lead cf Grain that may be taken from me by mab siat er impresement. 2d. O will not be reaponsitite fur any Grain stored at my Tail! wou! ordered to be grownd. 3d. J will not be responsible for avy Meaher Floar more than 24 hours after it be made; wt the samestine, | will take the best care of it that Lean, and the same care that L take of uty own. The mill ie alweys porter lock wad ney when we leave it J, 8. MoCUBBINS. Salisbury, March 30, 1863 1f45 LARGE quanity of TOBACCO far nale iXby INO. F. FOARD. Salisbury. Apni 23, 1863) u:49 SALT! SALTI! SALT!!! Subsistence Department, } } Salisbury, N.C Bept. 26, 1663. § WILL exchange salt for bacon, giving three | pounds of good +a!t for one of bacon. ; Apply at uy utfice next to Cowan's briek w A. MYERS. Capt, & A.C.S. ' H 019 “Stonewall” Jackson. \ a UST PUBLIS(ED., aud for sale by N.S | MOKSE & CO, Augusta, Ga, \ COMPLETE BIOGRAPHICAL Sartcu JAU KSON. My Chances Harvocy: Being a fall and accurate eacesuntof the Leading Kventsof his Life, hee Dying Moments, and the Oberquies al Rich- mood and Leasmgiou Pius work coutasue many anecdotes of the lustrous meldier that have never before been publrete d For «ale by all Buok Stores aod News Agents Pree gl Ov e Vie traue suppdied at a liberal discowul J Ali orders addresecd to ue will ke pronpt- Vv filec Nos MORSE & CO t Augusta, doa, Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIREC TORS: Jolu A. Me bai. Wood. MeCounel, OP Menuecuhett 1. U. Weir, James M. Garrett. Jotn Lb. Cote, N HD Wilson, Wan, Bartin- Sherwood, Jeu A. Weight, rer, David MehWorght, MS toreensborough 5 Ww th. Levdeav, Wolin ogteu: Robert Eo Prov, Lamberton, | Views ee Miller, Newbern: Thadear Me- tere, Raleigh: ‘Thomas Joinson, Yuneey- ithe: Or AY Ramey NS adesborough ; Kev., RoC Mavaard, Prankliotea ; Dee. Wat: cou, Watsonville OFFICERS: S 1 1 WILSON President IE WW EEX OSAY Vice-President cP MENDENITALL. Aitarnes VETER SUS MS. : Sec and Treas NUM HU YOM IU Nite Gseneeal Agent WJ, WeCONNELES = ) J A MEERANE Eaccative Com. J MW GARRETT - \ AT communeations business connected then. Obie heald he addreasecta PETER VD AWS .N. croters bereanabora NCO. Juue 19, 1860 if4 Confederate Insurance Company Charl Meer le J ied | (EAN E CACGRUIELE DANI CAGENCY from 1 bove Tosarance Company. and an wopretared to take Ae ou property al rea- rates ond for limited periods of tine, sad diffe cent grades ul prepenvi—Soch ae ¢ 1. Tobareu. Poxtoes, Machinery, Mer mn -, Burcinge, Ac Thee Cennpany hae eraten bot a shert tune, has a large Caer Cape ’ fran out sid tid by = me of o wealiest ann best peopie of Virginer A =~ amountef the Capital Steck of thie Come has altro teen meld for ten per cent reeeebeny fran safely recommend tins Corm- rweoof Che mort telhatle rharacter, nud aera! poucwemissoed by the Con pa Nye pore tvptiy * rding tothe tecmes Oh Pouices Preemie ro Saulebuev and viemty demnng Hreperky posure can have an enponans UG tag mee Dy Ca On ie Aas ALOCK AS at SUrSbUey NN OO, ’ July 16, 1667 \ ty “JOS. B.- RUSSELL Commission Merchant. WEE MINGTON, N.C WELD. give prompt and pereaonab utter t= va foe Gt roof produer, prurchaeng Salt, Ww and ordersgeepectfally molest a ‘ qore ‘ i: Weve C J bee on, Salembury o fe “9 ' ae) Dr. J. A. CALDWELL ¢ th I ret : ryt Ue Ser (OEE E Wriek Riew womite the Cort t eo, Room Noo "a mv ube e, eave yo hate on the shoe 1 re it tea Tanner's Oi For Sale. Ptdt etherrtber hee 2a or 0 vatiane Is Wy owe ty bre wall wel Callon Wim wear 4 Corove, Rowanila WM © WILLER VANVARS OIL. @ by bote | oUt fone HENDERSON & ENNISS October 26, 1863 nas FOR SALE 1 Bhi Red Wand. For anle at HENDERSON & ENNIS. October 26, 1863. (3 Notice, Toall whe Wmay Concern, 70 ALL PERSONS INDE Ii7. RED10 U8! To Te APLACTT Uriel ny Bet Pag wd A sores | dw the mel A @ pereone ve are known to he ea a WEGR. css Wises toons is -eoummen- | fut requebied fy dettle their remperiive opn 7 either in person or by letier, wi hon neediews deluy. Mhey will thas reve inser This exoationt family ded hy the proprietor ae good vnly fur die cuses of the Liver, His correspondents suy that they ule» care Billions Kheamation, Puenme- | aud the lnoontenl nee of puyment when me nia, Chills and Fevers, Billious Fevers, Pilee | ey may be leve nlmudant thon mt prrerii | and Worms. They ere « perfivetly safe medi- wpe | ¢ friends of the late Arnon will sia cue. quire longer indulgener. bat respond vo hi Peter Vaden, .. «of Dinwiddie County, | urgent call. a itis Gecemrary thet the Lanne. Virginia, efter desgribing remarkuble cages in | ehuuld be clored with we little delay oe paowidh his family of Bilioas Rheamatien wad Pleariey- A MY BRR, euys: *¢ M \ Doctor's bill has been hereiofure | ; Office nest to Cowan's Brick Mew from $175 to $200 per year. Lhaveasedthem | Svlirbury, Mareh 30, 1663 Hy (these pills) fur my family, which consis of | cighteeu white und colored, aud have nut call | Ol L Ol ] ed ina Doctor. Thisis a great enving. They | Z Jd ‘ Nor ke . | certainly are the best family medicine ever die | ONF BARREL OF TAN} ER LL covered.” eule, apply to WM. WATSON | 5 miler weet of thin pinng, GDe wt thie CO Mes Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greene county, | 3s North Carolina, had saffered twelve years from | a diveased liver, whieh the ear ee had we ' been uble to cure. He saya: L commence B Li y 1) | teking the Hepatic Pills with no confidence in | rown 8 ver Sta @. |them. They actedlike a charm on ine. From | 1° heplup am hereto de that hour I huve inproved. Lhave persever- je gratifyiug to hon that ube led in their use until now, by God's blessing, f | establishment begon. nt tire ay | —_ ain well aod hearty. | had anegro man who, adoubtinler periment bose” ae I believe, wae saved from death by «a dose | 1, the public a great demideratins iv mn of there pills My Doctor's os,“ anneahy | plete success. Travelers. amd where . fac $100 te 200, but I have hI no use for a) wayshave their wonts in Woo dine, s “y physiciin piace.” | plied. Thomas Ho Ravev, Esq. Granville coanty, | Cagh prices paid for Provender Vol ihe |N.C., eave: * TE find your pill» tu be the beet | neeriberis always rendy walls aa family medicine 1] have ever ueed.. They have | 47, ..4 proved very beneficalen uy own Case have been very innch afflicted for 15 years,nod have tned every kind of nredieipe that | could get, | but have more relief from vour pills than ot! others. My disease is a bronchial affherion. | | a complete pretretion of the nervous ryneie 1!) nave used them sa teu of fifleen caree in ny will be paid Bl ter meus ar } fuavly, ane? fiud them to be the very utedicine | smaller ones in proportics | for nearly all family diseases.” | Apply to ROOF Simenion, st \ Paice—@).50 a hos. For $15 a dozen boxes |) J. Mock, Salisbury ) will be sent prepaid to apy part of the Cor. fed- December 8. 1s 64u eracy. Those who desire leas than a dozen bores, must apply to the droggwta—lreal re- doction made to Druggists aod Merchants who DR. HOW BRTON | bay by the gross, Cosh most alwaye arcom- 6 Neca a ctate hie pArecnin | ne une pany orders A deires-, eiizeum of Salishary Mf | GEORGE W Mora, dat THOMAS BE BROWS Jau Tet. 1863 ' 1800 DOG SKINS WANTED \ JANTED 1000 Dog sh - den Heuse DER Ma. Wiese, NC For sale in Selishury by Hendereom & ba- ou by aed 2 Sn pea “>A GRR“ BEB. SALISBWRY Nov vf paten andin Leasing Octaber 12, lmo4 Bupa ’ on aa ’ a ae Al L, thremes tereladtes tie { ONE EDERA | i MeCusaine & Festen. will on ! 4 TA AN NO T1¢ Uy Rhee Manafmerony of dein AR the Waiehman Ofer settle their Now se the sie dour to ryN i UE CONFEDERATE TAXES are now 1 will attend for ber, and fennnte orthe carb , dne, and ready for evileetion the purpose of collecting the same, a8 tubuows tf Qt THOOWAN J De | Cheers Kndge, Saturday November 14 Campbells, Monday ” ie ( SOTTON and LINEN ve ; McConnoughey's, Tuesday, V7 PRO CaN ey Moont Ula, Wednesday, Is Ralsbary, Apr I, Psb4 i Atwell’. Thursday, a i Mere. Brown's, Saturday, fo 21 WANTED Sahebury, Monday and Taesday, 23d and J4h CRY PURCIVAESE, GR i NI Hartman's, Wednesday, November WSs | , i : “ x rs wved b. whe ’ \ Lutaker's Thurs av, : Qe P Aree , tharkes’s, Fricay 2 om Comid Hill * aturdey, : Q~ EAL BAR ALD els Morgan's, Mand. ° iw Uaticr’s Stop, Wednesday, Deere niber 2 NSANE AsVbtM at Se oy 4 Miller's, Thureday 9 RECTOR thon! . ‘ office of Me ‘ In the mean troe. bow veld the beets pee ney iT rer lee F hance veady for inspec sid m the hth ita an pete a A Octoberuntl the Tih Nowearber Perwonede a + othee , apply the unde re ' sing te appeal four asses re nie foun eee the kn © FIUstrnt tole ducal venom Wendy s wn Sate Phos < ’ way a, at che Fo cseeri Cleve, tn Saeed e an hot T eget 1g IN Tesitence. afte wheel) tate te atte Newer cber, the liate (dj"t. A Inspector Generals Ofer / pes ther Wes us alive, are Hire laniomd Sept Bm, beri y acted that they wall be eharaed i per cent Bausraet adaditioa. d : Sree: Unnewe 7 —— = No ass ‘ TAN IN RIND} PPE WER EAL og ceo red ty) free son eeehe - The Aeeeee ere will he wi hone at the tunes oe ren ‘ ' North Care . and places abeve tention, | we anit N iron, one te Sia Com) peiurne obtie Pan ve Wendt of ati ode cual at ae Ath - Iheirew co Ht Were dolore ‘ Fouche Car “aa « ble revmeery . t stocs J « B. es, and ihe AN per A m Ure ate bers F mat) ~ a ei to » hy rthe law will Cl ax celal Vow fipnly ete ere yarmne thein haul defence, miu e ‘ re MILLIAW & FRAEEY (eetia ee Pon wat La Cidleaiir tc Nem am Fietd Of PA ’ t October, ba, Ista of: nl: ‘eatin. Satan PNCHANGH NOTICE, Vet) soa SS) ORY UT RK : cuwonn, Keg | t a ate bl “ . ' ‘ : By con the Nor vot MW | HE, following Confede Pete iieess and men | Sioned JNO WETHER are feereby dee ured duly eachanged : Nene A Vee) {7A any and mee Piote do paroled ~«! UV Piece rewrite te he dat at Septet er, pf [S63 Phin ser oon, ne wever, m4 ended ' a i f tis 4 rhe any offleers of men captured a Conseript flier Vs Cs Viessbarg Judy doh. INAS, eee cd euch usw Kale " : : acclareduuches Phy BMachAnge Noviee Nut THE Comn ‘ mept. 12th, (NOT or wee apeeifically Tae ' Ine notices, Rarit does canhen veres nay 7 Hinde at City Porat t ces befor Sep reg e ve b OF, ESOD, ered with tbem beeme tents aterve revary “ ed, pe a i t Be \ h 1 los h = th nt erplace wher le parties were ft ave Depa ¢ Watia von men, Bye ‘ ay ) The Sitoffef Generale Pemberton, Sir trandant t ' ble Veueon, Bowen. Miore, Bart SV Lee me \ be eget ¢ f Cummings, Hare and Bo ldw t (Gu. aeebater t w veil ' “KK ‘ tell os Ph hery . Che og Thinve : ’ * er beter ‘ BE Coo nt pom th ' = ho Pl ww ve peat Geh cies a) Mismims ngs Re ganiee ’ Vicks Var !! borg. day 4 bet Py M Wt ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Vike ‘ ) bs ee “th, wer hat Inly 3h, PSH ! 1 on he ROBERT OLD ar \ . Avent ot bia hange report dir yoo ' ot \ Sou Papers pabush as toes and mend etruete Vict De partarent fen Ry on PETER WALES ber ; thao tl Conseript OMNee ’ HUGH cit Riteigh NC. odes. Sth, Pe \ Capt HV VG wee (or nmaat Onpene @ No 2 \ Now is the thine to pay Money: IN ACCORDANCE wath cnetructiume from the War Department, permis ble to aor cn Atl PRRAONG CHTHER INDE! ptron w le essigned, at the ( snp oof bn ed tu me by mote or ete eiructh nn, to regimente of (her choice in Gene Call ane pay np ral Lee's ot Brogg's ariny wnt urther orders VW XRstit! By order of Sune to, Met : Col PRTER MALLETT, | * Commandant of Conseriis for N.C (J M Matter. mt aia { Adjiant BLANA DEFKDS, BOL SALS 4:99 AT TUS OFFICE * 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ¥e n 2 wadd tee 6 Bl een Ot ai qamane, eee Veo yak t hobig. ¢ 4 xt D r : 2. tern ences: a a TF : = ae sts 3 : | : , Ss ge eR we ae at axe ee eter rn es ail oO" SALISBURY, N. Gy NOVEMBER 16.868. UE j finpi tate Yeo Agi es VoL. XXL Tha . pi Ore my HE Wort a “4 ty! \ ve cuidbin thes forty in aaa hendthand, CHG ba te effyrts aud oleh J. J. BRUNER, were dtawh, iu order to make eare The Rev. De. Moves BD. Hege's Sdareas ber’ ig Uy j . ; EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ot We bgudeed, Geu. Fry says that! fre whe OF i Opie py’ gov Mer, lie optannsl wh of thogedrawy 80, per cent. bave re | ‘The Rineastle (Va.) apres of Friday | atremtion to the | Hepes tiene und “Abdul dow Hiinidted and Gity‘of owr med, a d “| ported 5 Sree reid reported | last furolsbes the following outlines of the wolfate of fle gutrivon itive the de. who were ‘wounded dtu the Uartle at Kelly’s Price of the Watchman. ‘jor every 150 drawa, Or those ree) Rev. M. D. Hoge’s address before the Sy-, fence of tlie pleee, udbly sustained ford, dw Sati the Th Metant, veached Feom and afver this date, aud uaul there is or liug, le vave that 30 per cent. | nod of Virginia, which wes held » ter | by ol. Rhett, Oomprandant vf Bort tite" city ob yes ny ‘ thornlng. n days since at Salem : | ’ Snwter'and the city's ; } thelr reports, | fafurmation derived from the enemy's, otheF sorirees;"wé make: up sottve account ein the prices of provisions paper are uxetipl d tor physical diewbility | rthe seeond| We lind dhe pleasure of attending tlre. | Ax bur last acep Otay | slower and | of the effdrs 4-7) ths veas, the subseription rates of tus paper will gectiuu of the acts leaving 40 per | Seasons yi ibis Budy, «bh Sglete lyst week, | fife: was yelling to he | » two dollars for six months, and @iree dol cent, who have been Jedd to warvice. [aud whilst we met mary -arued Doctors | slower, and sincgg the has narrowed Hoxte’s dnd Hare’ brigades, of Banir’s rs tor a VeOOr. burly percent. of 1¥0 ts forty-one fadd beard varus disdap revs, Uere we dow to at oeasionat RM, with haw. | division, with two “batteries of ‘artillery, Apvextisina, two dollars for the first, and and uf these le cays one halt lave | Sotbing which excited Opremeral iujerwet | yi then somemadic sinterva icket,north’of the Rappabanaock ye dullar fur each subsequent publication. paid comuTatadeb—se that the 150 | rie DE us ~ win parealion NA jierre agtivaty. in thy papa whe Ma : ww, M.D. Lege, of vie tes exsiae Ww lay P 3) j one A Aprd 2Uth, 1863. wen drawn aie reduced tv twenty: eo Stee viKuro if A ‘Ll ‘bar jor Kitionaud thaws BATA anak ole (12 bf ‘the ‘enemy m te wevdden web tour. Of thig suiasl reuaindgr Gen. ‘ t wa i \ legted und gent We city a large , “ . ; N ERN NEWS ¥ x inf hi rative, unadorned by any Haig of the Ubi Ywainber of the varjons élrots und | tne 1d ieiiek “Vo sch force Hint their NORTUERN NE : Bry states that abyat une third have ling eloquence pith whiot Le i eeinainnd | eile of alt a ec ; ivi ; <dinihishers alone veemed 10 Outntins ber ob Assistant Comm iasuner of Ke | svne 1D person wud two thirds Hae | by yeneral repute, be eo@tertaued the \ sheils at aa a ah vena a whole toree, atid eo quietly had they ap- hanye.—Lient, Gol, Levine, former lurtieled subs Kules, The BUDS | cruwded audienow willl the Tacideals vo | files im the ee: ; hey j i "y ‘ proached that they seemed to our then to Ly eeusber of Congress, bas eet subsequent business wad | night, but wixly exit Mifed SHOTS) have risen out of the grodud. They were : with varios associations | Wiske fired halal Gregg, twenty Hie | evidently well informed of our force and lot which failed to explode, OF x postion, and had come down to surround Conmmiissioner sion ip Louduu aud oth: } av morn- | ploded after pessiug over. jand capture Us. With this intent, their , of| The nainber of vessels reported | first effort was to cut us off from the river. | Our men fought with the greatest cool- |} inside the bar Saturday mornitys Was) inaddition to the Lron- | oes. aod gallnotry, aud maintained the | huis arrival ship, | tight for several hours with a good ‘pros- naptitude, bad judgment and waut appear before (he Huard of Lulet, | pect of victory, and it is thought would iuayp rf by ru Gythhett ve a . | . 2 } a yee , wii ah di a ie pre (presided over by Lord Shaftsbur) 8 oo) iventy-one in Folly River, four in | bave repulsed and driven off the enemy - - ‘ ; DT), atten etening with profound daterest ty bie Folly Creek, three in Stone, twelve | bat for tbe giving out of their ammunition, ’ both for cannon and sma} arms. adtuinistrauion f If: ariiti ey : ; j I tatement of our comditivn up Ue s fe UN} rincboats, besides uauunber of | neta Our artillery is said to have played ter- a shang cad other articles required to cacry a busi! gud SU per cebl, uude ules are of Culloe Vealatilcela y the, | lus voyage apd KY intuthe army vot by courpulsion, | social Inder Course Dut ol their owu accytd, induced by | avd mea of distin the bounties they receive; seo that | er places, for two bours, vu Fad Le siated briclle, the purposes net resuld of araltiny 150,000 | '"8- his cordial recepho ane Lis inissteb and How uat yo | twenty eign, hberal treatinent at Nassau. in London be was invited tol eides, fear genters, the flag, Publestio® btwo aaortar hutke a Folly (ppotuted Assistant a ctleet: an exchange of] aud WHE report to Gen. Meredith. — Lie hiss lett Washington tor Fortress | Ue Monroe. Lrving was a prisover at ten is to Richmmead four months, The New (und bo more, itile Ube arisry. there De aw teere olf kit x preos of the yPinoners, bring SU, conser pts, | Could | York 2 tures sity 3: ‘bue rebeis, as well ns We, Hos aiarge moanber of Vola reapectls cay Feru-ate dithcaltieds cecgules ol the woof books sate | risoners; abd t promaulys ut regald Te tae mater of Ub) had really ut perstocd Che Une) ie water-—retused ty sel tim apy books, | scnoanets, Transports, &e | ‘ } CF | o . . ' t et . X o PTs . . . . Te quicker These dith- . chine they Were putoiys ine, erallon, |) awnvuneng their deverminauon to inake | Sat ? wT estl rib.e havoc jn the heavy columns of the Dariny Saturday night, eixiy-three | me 4 . : Af os enetny, bot the ammunition being entirely ekchauge. cquidies vat) honor woy u iquestionally. c acued J,8uy per cent. The draft inoiead of aduing AY) pes cent. te, hun a mayuifeent Cotas 4 iy ' { tir wails of or soldiers (migstly en is re Point Brtcet , - | exhausted nothing == left but retreat or Phin grit was subsequently pro Trou Cumming 5 vint Bakery, & X-| Surrender. As they were forcing their teen of whieh missed. On Sunday, way towards the river the enemy closed a- from the rifled round them and a hand-to-hand fight en- yuu wt Gres were fired, twenty: | sued, io which numbers on both sides were Serene. tired passtog avec ne undred and | killed. Abovt six hundred of our men sheila trem the aertar bat- sucoveded in reaching tbe river and eseap- he sued, the yetter fur Us, dest wer deficiencies, they would have able tw the Chureston Ticrouyh a Gliss.— A correspoudent ol the Baltinvware’ wanet . writing trot the Reels ist Dring oily vbe Coles pe pen Qabene- he ipetaticr OF sutne CW Quaker ‘ A + , sere? . *¢ i } Absottiomiats, waenebets of the ffoard, to uinery three shots en inte the ariny, the President, to} et BUY UU cor scrip in, OUT Lite tiave choy with certaa coduitions of Ame: eeu, Ciuariestou, pays: . rdered 5. (UG. GUU ‘vy to be ? be : Lying well up, nearly opporite aan ee - St ee ° ee ace Cig dounon, mA qua! Sed, D ctor Hi el Lteel Fort Wagner, we have nerees The =n iy : ts “ aie “ a id ‘| poly very promptly rejectae —-aeeundg then tery, of winch forty-five missed ; and | ing. Many are said to have been drowned narrow part ot Morris lelana, ov tu ale : ae _ “ eae" a . that we we re better aquaitied tw provide eleven show trou thw Monitors, tive | io the crossing. a view af Charleston tat L have 246 voluatects, thene 1,068,769 for the egeritua: Swote OF CUT sees, and | usipeinge toe fort. Lieut. T. Davie It is stated that the two batteries with studied the aspect at tie y ee - ee bu cae eae ake ai tie sate Une, Wig as Hie disposed | Waties, Ist South Carotius Artillery, the brigades were the second and third has qiown failiar te ues. Wp; les ott lading 3d J Valubleers, OF iy dy seas they coud be a beet! Goneusnton, shat, One negro Was companies of Richmond Howitzers. But can see the elippilg, What vere iw. Maen 2 YOU eure tires aie way fer then to on ahale ta lhe +pintual | oeopely itl onedangerously wound: this is doubtful. Our whole loss in this of it. at the wharves, tee plying ot kos Tee ee apd 164,257 Urree | was of our saves whe to pot ihe ie” ed —¢ narleston Courier 9th uaforianate affair, in killed, wounded and ne ortwo sinall steamers fo ihe, Ue New (Yotw® tan Far inte the bande of ther master f tant mil : _ . missing, could not have beeu more than rroz trace the sireets uj trom We wished LUZ NGG veluntvern, of eli aiivve 1h thie GUDDUEY who Gott Use at AMPRESSMENTS— AUGUSTA (GA) fifteen bandred. Havs’ brigade only num- battery, and, aid aimmost Janey We 30131 were La yearn, and 15.022 de-tred ty have a copy of the ae ONVENTION bered nine handred men st the battle of ae te vqaple moving in Sheth (arec months nen, [hoor has set, cae! sivas otisin 7 erent wis CONVENTION. Gatetare.as Tt js not likely its strength hue call Mesties at (rrHety (Ol aut 135.440 VOLUnteers ; Maseniclia)) tat tS BUC LS Se made ateolute and uh! ]y accordance witht the request of tee ul much palate since. Hoxe’s Mt cel Rau Christe chur -he- have petio 1S. Kentucky ms Cole coud, slau aa a vite verlugs euntfie |. tart af War, the Comonissione:s ap | eg e, : is ui ke 7, bembered mogre : aye oe) elie. litl Litee tributed 43,008 men, and M seen | stiutie praced at Bir det poss He pUcctiawn ds eed at tie reat State der the thao a (hopsind oF twelve hundred. Of grown accusteted: ei5 aur Teale hes Lo . ora (wy te stn vatof fands on hand,--amoane ated in the differeat States, ander '5¢ | the two brigades six hundred men escaped. ju the Alevt who have Geel Taretbdas a - Ps : us ree ‘ a ie me a nie mn tae arareugaie, 6 Vb larger apps Vet of Congres, 7 to regulate [anpress Col. Gopwix, formerly one of the Pro wiiths Clarlesfon ia other Gavs proont ‘ tai vl dl it, w 4 i bean) were tnap we bese @¥eF Deed TD prmses Wn teh. opie Tee ‘y Cantention It Augusta, on vost Marshals of Richmond, was in com- ut prominent hinidines, ated specus TPCE 28" Hist, PP TE ICO OT TNS reap to elgalr es mS 100 sty the che Qoth of Ortuber, aet North Ceroh | mend of Hoxe's brigade, and is said to vate as ty the fale ol oid fiends 40" Bio Uta ee The | Chrscans in Euglind regarded the ren "ua wos rey eaented therain by HK. Bar ‘have been wounded.— Rich. Examiner. war has swept inte the eee statement Gas been Com pPUC! gous aiutude vi our emery b Doctor Ho awsn nnd K.VB vekstucks, We extract Tins anexpected misadventure on the “rom the procerdiugs ¢ { the Conventiod,! banks of the Rappabannock occupies pub- whet the VE | asserts that It is warversaly looked Upon vortex of treasub and frog oibicial evurces, aud may hetny correct, up to t vreales y ” mn of i ¥ ect, Uf as the greatest pheourr enon of \ he attention 10 @ most disagreeable man- tines, the following— REPORT. | ver, but the scanty intelligence received dislovally .— ‘ reed Obl as But, though Charleston is Ueue near | yt oN lu ts, the same pias Laat scene ai. dsouary 1, 1563. ane profmed chrisuacs of She UE | iost to piace Jt within our grasp The Rebel Rus. —The question of adopt a meeieer conduct so at varlanes | The Comanties of ube from each State | from that quarter is still insufficient to un- of the eo called rebel with the teachings of the creed Phat, viom Was re ferred the preamble aod | derstand or estimate if fully. It is said \<{| tbat the cavalry had been ordered to the us Sumter, rusned yetue the seizure whilst there are GO pro rarely uth Nw tations offered by Commissioner Ba rear for the purpose of recruiting their sluws to fant; the threatening etn! ures of rains bad aot been wiyu lieated.— E ; : ; Fort dohuston, and the eng line of Frou the ued now getot them, ew an aurne © oe ae Hes pwns of North Cocotion, bave bad ue 1. vatteries Which fringe the chore of its net dimprababie, Uiat ieatead ot “ Se soe ad Sl pu aie woe sang under consideration, and beg leave | horses, avd hence the enemy was enabled did not avow decided ermpathy 8 U6 ay peport favorably tbereon, & recommend | to attack without ordinary warning or pre- paration. [tis also reported that Hays’ defending Charleston of devaslanng | oy, : ee NGrih 3 hi cause of the South, agerost he - orth. cis adoption by the Convention. Wyiir W. Masox, Ch’m. | brigade did pot namber more than five or ' 1 [sland frou Mowitre vp: y > "7 ti . o + Le rice ) } New York, these forundaiie on PS our tremendous stoggie tur exielet Bate Sullivans six hundred men, and that the loss in pris- warda, Ulli these sandy euthne host in the woode about Mount Pheus- may, before qahy Weeas Have pans! Acairere grateful eae Gun Uiecer wit, These are the rentinete that ud, mount geard in tie Bospliorus | ff. that contrary to the arsertions of Yau-! PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS. opers was, therefore, very much below what sure the toad fo the cry. They sor the Dardanelics, Lhe Levant: kee papers and correspomdents — Spur yet Whereag, it is obviows that 10 the strug-! jae been supposed. However these ines wiif ve v¥ercolne, humbled, and cap- tan ky ) Herald says: the aisnoguisbed Bapust revivalist ws cet ule Letweett the sf eclators on the one part | may be, let us hope that au event so ser ired—net # deutt of that—but A telegraphic correspundence bas comply vow, decided and severe i his cou qo gratify their avarice, even 10 Jeopwral.| gus amd inortifying may have the good bear, | just passed between (he Porte atid deanation of the Vankes Gaovert.men! in the exfety of our COUNTY, and the Gove | etivet of patting # conclusion to the series be " the wip ment Sister oernme ‘ey erat et . , . : Aud iikemiye. that © a erin ition the other, ty protect thateoun | of similar aceidents which have renderea whist they retnald, though jat tustrengthen the | the neighborbood of Brandy Station aod vu endive toe i becoties Tin] ‘Her M uorty ‘ew forego office, tarodgs (Cuareston is Det ours, i Yunkee Speculations - ~A special the Tork sl. hu Pee POUR Le ar ee ( eae is Hi — ite he neigh , iepacch CO tue New York Times, | ve duljectal tiie strccstee eS atte a pa nee ae are lee aaenadeaaiunie me lia beti) Kelly's Ford an ll-omeped yrourd, What ve Ottoman Gove, wederste y at the mention of he mod tn of the Legislatures and ibe peopey therm: | Gice may eome of 16 will be 40 spaniily New York, banging toe negrors to the tor be it known that speculation would be impru- 27th, via | 1 the Mersey. engntae wets browzh! seed : Two siqatacant tacts brow! Pesodved, | | dent. Naturally, tt might be supposed ye requested to pass suc IAS | thar (his saccess should tempt Meade te eae tacy it Kod take such measures 85 will most effect | wimediate battle ou an extensive scale.— vehle mont t rive effect to ’ A : ‘ cn Hee eating aad Bee a “nt an oe ; us biog Sea eae : But he 1s caatious. He is unwilling te ocean of . el ‘ % el area 2 ae Mmissioneta oO spre Panes ! ; »\ tread the peth of his predecessors. he - slaves ip the Country , and that the ovet pie he observed by sellers and purcnasers, | « capture of two brigades : may be suff- Goverment as ptiun is of the opinion that letent to give bim a ew lense of tbat lite attached te thie owt the moat effeciye mode of a ing tb) winch the next general action, undertaken he for the Legislatere to ym pose #1 by vider from Washington, will probly sold over the scbedule | terminate. —Zb. : coms Cpblauooga, October G | tire oy) ‘ * te mrelle . He} . ats been Shae That the several States of this received at | willing te purchase ersnent le £130; Ressels wl Mr. Laird’s prices, Ia, sl > : oud each, aud bar! Russel, ’ RIND puss. oul bY Dr. li *s Oblse ty stlOoos even in well Wfueiied citcles ol ree ually ceuse Nishi Vliet, wre that there | Ca teviyence bas been u Lougetreet ia wowing tp the Tenn- though cou river, with the 1otention ot porate a calnet Burnaide, and ites we eved that bwell is meving On | wavy of Lynecbary, reser tlre e@xibedny ctl Hens Gey promote it at rendered | Aya thie Cote aot deutesmee oy argy cab DY Te: | throw of vut lrsoved, them iminoderately ; , the sale pl rps. establsbmenut,~ -and bence opposed to any would must din | iax om abl arty ves Kuotuer Chatianouga dispatch, ; eee ane \ \ ced gta, vie Naolivisie, 25, paye- OUK ARMY IN MOTION. war measures that may have (De aa : ‘ yt a) ¥ t pertawurncy. Joorece fe . e, ¢ i mount o Ine euemy’@ .CUOR Indicates that | y nkee papers Bay tial Lonuystreets tant b a! vg Upow the pertna cy - i the a0 5 ies to — ount of _ : = { -_ ) z . —_ ea tthe difference between the rohefnic price Brom the R } 1E “ Pos tmawiig a large force oll) cor hes crossed the river above ee oa. . é ; m the Richmond scammer. ' nr fee HAST toda : BOM BARDMENT OF FORT | and that at which the arcele w sod. The bijht Near Kelley's Ford Sai ‘Ga 1F e , SOs ; 2 ’ by . Resolved, That the Coramisiovets 00) wrday—Kurther Particulars. ca clapd. Tennensee, with the in | Chattanooga, and ates ipposed to be SUMTER concerned WW & flank movement by ov sas Sra mA | na : Morrie lal the sevebal States be requested to Lave | pe i : ie Yankees on Morrin 18 anid The excited reports circulated in the city of bruaning Cul Pati beleveu brag May alan stute ¢ ea jt is yeneraily believes | rag. They also state that Ais . : ee | these Resolations laid betore there resyecs | : Hill or Kwell is coming down lpans are evidently grewing weary CFOICTE Ol. State Legislatures paren about the capture of two whole =, 4 , bw » 1 . R a ‘ » ineffectual and dieapport do fe rt The Preamble wid Resolutiona were une brigades of Confederates cn the Rappa Piorteesa With | i ously adapted | hannock by the Yankees, turn out to tmve al no ¥ 4 tec, i ) , bent) greatly exagerated, We are enabled ince ol tinal ] Im ¢ wroper sled db ee maaovetrectt movil Darnside at Rauoxvilic, while ollie tite ol [yews WITTEN a Lyncnburg abd Bristol, with aby troupe (te weueats and Cheatham’), to reduce the grand vo. trom Louden on the stubborn ard ounceaquerable | ae | Workine Wee. The late yeperal or | from conversation with a number of wound- ont ofl are advancitys Kuox ville. We beleve for . | ed officers and men who were In the fight tte reure trout Ciattanoo Za, ¢ that the Yankees may be right and | mission, ; yt it tare notlying, and rat te drive Durbsce apsee, Bauk tne Uneon ariny and once | Major Eliivte and yarnsen to sab j ; y | ; i der frow Gen. Bragy’s headquarters, pro- ny a ; F endl me oped officer | to give a fuller and more reliable narrative fi Act wal Leesult of th Late The preet ut bowbardinent, ; onsid " cone we " ishe " ‘| thea Prarie ae ne to | Indi stones meel, tue yrindiog pro vering the tremendous aud unprece- secures a recruit aud | ae pera Sones pe ven. Kry’a report to the United | cess will commence, wineb is to} dented weight ot metal fired at ee hall be entitled to » fustough of not less | forces being on the further aide of the riv. Staten Sedretary of War, dated the pulverize Grants army. Our own | sltort range of between twelva aut han forty days, is clraady working edioi- | 8% aad the Yankees appearing apmnle 1Qth vost.. the couscription brings indaves the belief that fifteen huudred yards aed page rably. Within three houre after the re. drive them off and force a passage ot the “y dhe covscripted men in- of being a) failed after 4 period of ourteen Gays | ontion of the order, upwarda of fifty men | stream. The Confederates engaged were for every nineteen to accomplish ite object, farnishes | <7 one regiment alone, had fastened their | Haye's brigade, consisting of the 5th, 7tb enta at nome, and | and 9th Louisiana regiments, commande by Gen. Hays; and the 6th and 30ch 4 York World gives | spirit moves iim, Le is most likely | not ouly @ brilliant but a valuable clutches upon delingn under influence at present. Yea, | and highly important record to fu-| had eritten to their relations to adopt C., regiments of Hoke’s brigade, commana: verity, the artay is in motion. ture historians. Major Elliott, when | measures for their immediate transfer ,to South Carolintan. offered, deolined to relieved, and | the army. ed by Col. Archibald C. Godwin. viding thatevery 0 aud soldier who | causes him to be mustered into the service, when the Ir ¢ iIpformatvop ALY ote Gep. Bragg, suspected o the anny gort of Quaker, hus spelly when the | drawn. lhe New @ synopeis of the statement in his re- . For every 100 men wanted 150 PL E AE I © : yield to the public good; ag exe | hame. r treat, which was dpoe ander very great. ililed te thet uatcl eacae ' i title: inf: hi disadvantages. The bridge crossivy the pa in igllns samamat age pri am | ey haw moe or how Httie ; Rappabaanock being comasanded by the | proporty, either for the euppert of ence the coursdef the Standard and i enemy in such & manner as lo Sangacl Wi the army, or for the stippty of any » Progress exertéd on the public mind 3 taaduess to atte to eryss by that means : ree : - rf : ~ — ey vacate i ae ee oy Ue publie necessity. That the ‘ofthe North, towards uniting them = river, which they forded. oaly thing about it is, that the Gov- AGAINST US | bat it is neterions that ? The aumber which fell into the bands ernment would have tg wake jest | copions extracts were made from the - a apr. eats pa ‘compensation for the injary dene, Standard bw Northern journals, for e learu a vo Yrs - . ey : : : ‘ment cative, fell inte their hands, and thar 88 #5 | does ils eos jthe purpose of encouraging the war about 400 cf Hay’s brigade also failed to private property to public use. | party of the North, The result bas ; escape. cdtoh ; Gov. Brown’s views on this sub- been broaght about, and no donbt Fic dlog| da heeds pr ai ject are strongly presented; aud if} these extracts hed their influence, take into consideration the great dispar we are not mistaken he has cracked | Now we can see that oar men in i agement in the two forces engaged it 1s | this bard natat last, and that we! oye artny will have plenty of hard 7 remarkable that any of our gallawt men | shal! soon find Congress at work 60 | work todo. escaped at all. For the space of three | bil) to provide for the conscription | es miles in tbe open field, we learo, that the | Loe : = cromad seemed geahe cammick with Of the principals of substitutes. per John F. Heke, has been e Yankees, who, to adopt the expression of ' We will give this portion of Gov. | elected Senator from Lincoln, Gas- one of the wounded, seemed to rise up out) Brown’s message in our next issue, | ton and Catawha, to fill a vacancy. | ze of the ground. In thie fight their artlle: | . . - | — a Sik F Maiacy mee i go that our readers may see for them- Mr. Harris, of Katherford, has al: | Ls =a ¥ anes | selves the line of argument employ- | so beea elected Senator from Rath | unlike what has hitherto been their prac- ' 8 plos : ° tice, it was used at shorter rapze than | ed in the sapport of his views. erford, Cleaveland and Polk, to fill) usval. Part of the time the conti . . . Part time contict was | : oe - a vacancy. ! voy to hand, and was in this a that! The Richmond Examiner of the 10th o- the most of our meg were pressed Upon | ; ‘tock! rae The Conference of the Meth- | by ovepowering numbers and compelled ome, wy" Beh plies vent ncaa ey ine ae. eee on Sunday aight, Geo. Harris, o ni, | odist E. Chureh will mee i o yield up to them, Sunday night, Geo. H f Missouri, | odiat E.C h will tin Greens- It is regretted that our artillery were | (member of Congress,) fell over & railing» bore’, on the 2d December next. uot supplied with shrapnel shot, as it is! in the back porch of the Linwood Howse, | ove believed greater destruction cowl have | g distance of between jorty and fifty feet, yet The Lon. Join A. Giliner been done with them than solid shot which | f H ; \ . ; were used. Never were guns more stub- | on the stone pavement below. @ WAS has been elected to Congresa by a tornly defended or more efficieat!y raa- | found lying face downwards, bis nose badly majority of 1400 over all others in peabiengaras —T eon was , cut, i ~ insensible ae a we he Gh cistrict. repu sre the enemy y succeed- ' removed to his lodyiugs, and bv the next e.- ed in capturing them. C : by . : re ne stage of the battie the impetu i= sade overes wii ed The Winston Sentinel is down } roe een ST ae Presideat Davis returned to Riehmond on” Gow. Vance because he dows not eart 8 rac e be ' : litdh oe ri He % was aware of it be was hemmed ia oo all ; C the 7th. He addressed the people of er a duty ‘ : aed with : * ag sides. Drawing hus sword and putting Wilmington, on bis arrival there, in a cent decision of Chief Justice coat iY spurs to his horse, be dasted through them handsome speech. After visiting all the sonin regard to employing the Home | eee finally escapeed relay Io a ' forta below the city he resumed his jour- Guard to arrest deserters, &e. A ie leaped's: parapet os considerable Deg) ney to the capital, where he arrived wa = The Sentinel may be right in its an and plunging bis horse imto tke river ; : : ie z reazbed the south bank of the Rappahan- bove sinted. views on this subject ; but is it not i nock uninjured. 7 oO avreat pity that there is so much i spon gale py pieeg scale Alvi aa one i ie fault-finding, complaining and mis- | +e ent. | = o @ same regiment, says the nfederate steamer, Cornubia, ae. Ling amongst us at # time | } ; and Lieat. Col. Terry of the 7th Louisiana | was captured yesterday morning by the, chief. making =e oa 4 regiment, were also taken prisoners at oue | d a ° when all should be actaat rv ‘ ‘ ; as : blockaders, while attempting to com= in... : a; time, but sueceeded in making their es- i liberal views avd forbearance for | ‘§ cape. i The Banshee inadsa narrow escape eom- : ; ‘Among the prisoners are Col. Penn, of | ing in the next morning, but got ia sale. the sake of barmony ¢ A; the 7th Louisiana regiment, and Captain ; eG - ; Jobn Aogel, commanding the 4th Louisi- Ergbt buadred and Bfty Yankees, cap- tas The next Confederate Con- th ana regiment. Itis believed that Col. A. | tured neaz Morristown, Teon., on the 7th, ; ‘ he frat 3 C. Godwin is s prisoner, as on Sunday. | by Jones’ and Gilmer's brigades, bave been ooh bl eunepiiaa hUnaiae: ; the day after the battle. both brigades” p. brigades, bave been’ Monday in December. The newly 1) were wader the charge of Gen. Hayes. stg na iveilactattan Heel areloal 1,000 elected members do not go in until The list of killed and wounded oo our , horses and 60 wagons were also captured. 4) ooqg Feb . ‘ ‘ the 22d February. ig side will prabably not exceed three or four ao an hundred, a very emal! proportton being A slight sprinkle of snow fell at Rich — ; officers. Col. Seliers, of the 30th North mond on the 9th. The Secretary of War has given ; screen Poe rere in pha — instructions to Tithe collectors in re- | : wound mt night breast. ris Offige r CHAKLESTON many > . aa 4s lef bis men into the fight on foot. and is iamnaiede gard to Sweet Potatoes, where they | : represemted to have showed great fearless- The situation at Charleston remains as cannot be nosed before endangered ness and courage. In the early part of | it has for weeks past. There is no mate. by rot, to commute them at Asses- the emgagement be received A severe The Yankees keep up their ' These treops bad been stat ' forth side of the picket service, whei, Saturday - moraing, the : quarters, and orders Were, } paw amust fall into ranks and be a : prepared for ap immediate attack. Ina very short time our outpost pickets aad. the enemy's ; ekirmisbers were botly our own ‘ pickets gradually; oy ; ground to supetine-naditierss ' mai bedy of the 4 enemy was not long in making i's appear aged! cinerging™ from the woods, and seve » our small force were sted by over- wheliming aumbers, exfimated at between | -10 aad 15 thousand: a terrific battle, whick.coatiaued mibout iatenuisszou. from Apo o'clock in the afler- noose till dark, at which ume, jp seas, we uad been entirely, surrounded. and a large portion. of owt, had alread ieto the bands of the Yankees, The site- ution becoming desperate, and it appear ug thet-the longer resistance was cuntin hed op pur. side the less chance there would te of escape, orders were giveo fur a re- f wound m the arm, bat refased to leave H the field, and continued tu ckeer on his | men till later in the evening. whea be § was struck a second tme, and had to be i borne off the field. poon, of company K, 30th N.C. regiment, Capt. John Wethers 4 was also severrly wounded. Among the Yankees i: is believed that sevetal General officers were killed, as a | | a) short time before the close of the day, anc when perhaps the enemy thoaght they had captured all our troops, a group of moanted officers evidently prominent lead- ‘ a ers, rode right into a party of our troops A sa i who were in a ravine, when they imme diatety rose up and fired. Not one of them escaped, as they were seen to fall appa rently lifeless from their horses. Previ- ous to this one Waukee officer was sven to fal! wounded, and afterwards, in a pros- trate condition, continued for several min- utes to fire st our men till a well directed shot succeeded in ending bis career on | earth. | There was no fighting yesterday, but information was received through the wounded that on Sunday a heavy fight ‘ ! , ' ee ee \ | } commenced | needs their “servicer, afi Phat! HE | an at any h | Government has the | Private eralracts cua ' | viduals, ifembsequent qventy demon: | our people, eacouraged to it by the y fle | gipate that the public good calla dowit. | Standard and (Progress, were hold. | He enforeés this view of the cise'y jing “peace theenngs ” denonucing 1 : \ tha feet if Nort nee on ging it means We W that thr orth was of | the war, that they could get no more men, ‘and that the Democrats woukd-sweepieve- ise ale SRR MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 16, 1868. ———— the prinei of snbstita should | The war on the South is hur more papular comeer heal Poy a } i the Great year hostilities, our en roy of the gtownd thar the SMNET) i. are lh tong Sa oe : er period, Seo let our wes to'gniyn! | people be Hot diecivcd.— Kal, Pegyrens with” indi-} And this has taken plage while showing that the Government has! their awn gowernment, and tinding : A > | : ‘ : ‘the right to make all private rights | tuult with algost eve.y thing at We wi! nat undertake to a |W term brecgedlipser: that the Republicans have | | Gay , 5, of G bi mes: | me . wage Sl keadarts : Ta yA ate caer bore ‘annals of warfare. rial ebange. sors valuation for money, or sell fire continuously, day and night, and the them at auction. whole thiog is now reduced wo one of the [aa It will be seen by reference to onr advertising columns, that Ad. jutant General R. ©. Gathn, iasned an order to dispense with drilling tne Home Guard until the 10th day of December, to allow far- mers tine to sow thetr grain. most terrific bombardments known in the So far but littl: loss or iojury has oceurred, and the spirit of cou has fidence is as strong and buoyant with the people of Charleston as ever, The enemy has slackened his fire somewhat, within the last few days. [tis not apprehended that y pp he will attempt a land attack ontil the question of an advance fromm Chattanooga --: - is settled. Tuy. Roos Sprert.—Throughout South Messrs. Wilkes & Cuo., Contruc- tors commenced laying the iron on tbe ruad from Greensboro’, to Dan- ville, Va.,on Wednesday last. [tis thought the whole of the iron will be | laid down in a few weeks, as the} distance is only about fifty miles. which is worthy of invitation. families are supported by the several coun- ties; bat when they purchase corn, the in- per busheh To refugees who have. tost their property, the price is two dollars and ahalf per bushel; while those refugees who either have secured their negroes, or have not vuffered severely, the price is five _ ae dollars. tay The Legislatare of this State | This is a good example, How much ceearred about a mile beyond Culpepper | will meet in Kaleigh according to | eveouragement and hope would be inspir- OC. H. From all indications we may rea- soaabiy look for s revewsl of the eoafiict 2 10 9 few days on a general scale. adjournment, on Monday the 23d | ed every where if the South Carolina rule instant. was prevalent throughout the South. Carolina arule is very generally observed | Soldiers’ ; ‘variable price to them is only one dollar | (eo ee OS ee M4 ; Magrath, h wes ios written for publica: tion, bul it will “be font! to Contain since | ments whieh deeply coucera us all. Says Col. Ariston : “ You ean searcely man idea of, the conceutrated des 'pitinn sof whvir [the Lineulu} govern | nent unless you were to yo among them f and pat thto the ar. tthe Nerthang, thaw at anytime Aiarinst+ind-see, ning, the vauees tieloare likely | | lo render (bis desycotinit perauanpng, at least | fur some time. First an! most impor: nut | is the character of their discipline in their army. A corporal dy a sergeant has the | aamie of greater power than would be ex j ercived by ove of our Generals. They buck nod gay or Ue up + the thumbs for the slightest off-nee, and se on wp to the high est grade, Consequently, a ineividuelity is entirely crushed gat, and their army i bo lotyer an army of volunteers but regu tara, a vast imachioe that tights and aneves without thought, and can, therefore, be as easily employed against themselves as a gaiust us, The faaliry with whieh they lave hiherto been able to oo this has al most extiogutrhed the spint of liberty a teeny the opponents of the administrations, and if the defeat of Rosecrans bad not ve curred? when it did, all spirit of resistance at home would have been sy entirely qaell ed that bdo vot think we would agen have beard of “ pence democrats.” Yet it is wy content optniow that they are io the ma jority 2 lodiana, Linens, and even ia Ohi, [knew very well that Vallandigham wonid De Beaten, because the Government hod determined that be should be, aud but tor their being compelled lo save the army of Rosecrans by withdrawing their forces, they bad sent troops there as they had in Kentneky to asrest every prominent: man who dared to vote for hite, aad shook? we | lose a great battly suun, T fear the pressure | of the Government will be so great, with such bold champions as Pugh and Vorhees | will be obliged etther to keep silent or be | driven into a violent support of the war. [ remarked ode day toa prominent Fel i eral officer in Ube presence uf several other officers, where we bad been discussing this | matter, why they allowed Pugh to ve at H large amd to deauunes Order No. 38, salt defy Its evecuton, &e, when Valiandiyham j had been arrested and couvieted for say wy thaif so much! Ele very erndidly and earuestly replied, “ Str, we made two great mistakes when we arrested Vallandigbam: Ist, in arresting! bum at all. al the time. 2d, after we did arrest how that we did not ‘bang him ; for surnng events would have suceredec| each olber so rapidly that he soon have bero forgotten; now, we du wot intend (o commit ibe saune blunder with Pugs as ioag as he is so promigent ns the standard bearer Jb tins approaching elee- bave carrie? this nw himoil i he dares to upro bis mouth, of down mot Don; but wat until ve election, and then, G—d d Open it ip support of tte war, we will hang | bim as bigh as Hamen | You see here is the danger, all the weak- | | kneed leaders will either be buught of or | driven by fear into the sapport of the (aus erament. The Republicans are periectiy | anited, not oniv in their vindictive hatred | of the Suuth, but alsoin the wigorom pro secution of the war, but | earnestly be lieve that their entire confidence in ther ability to couqaer us and what must inev itably be the final reselt, are equal, ff not greater, than our own hopes uf resistance. all with whom I have ever conversed, and tkat is extermination of the leaders and utter subjagation of tha masses. They have neither hope or desire for reconstruc tion, and would not lise to proposals of j ject submission. They say, “(r--d d——no you, we in- tend to conquer you, we iotead to yveri son evers wown In the South with your owa we intend to subsert your Whyle heyroes * i social system, and people your lenritory | with an entire new race of men. The coo quest shail be as compdete as that of the Normans over the Siuxoi, aod those of vou ‘who wil not assinilate shail perish.” This, Judg-. is the uaiversal sentiment of the donmnant party, aod [would to God I could speak to every man, worman and child in the Confeurrate Stustes and im pres upon them the ternble consequences of peace onjany terrus short of an upcondr , tonal recogainon of our independence, and an eternal separation trom the hybrid athe Fistieal red Repablean tanatios of the North. For God's sake, let all differences bet wern our people aud our yeoernls cease ; let ev lery man gird on his armor and resolve to perish with wil that 1s dear to bim rather | than cherish for a moment the slightest | thoughts of compromise. . * ° * | At this tiuse, however, the North bie | never thoughé of peace, and every word ot | discussion and every hint at recons‘ruction. only makes them run wild with the hope | of our speedy overthrow. It has nade my | heart sick since my return to the South to | find so many complaining, to hear men talk about'the right of secession and the hopes of compromise, and looking so com- fidently to help from the Northwest. Now the sooner we realize the fact that apon ourselves alooe depends our salvation, the the habeas corpus suspended, that even | There is but one sentiment expressed by | to work in*earnest to BP know we have friends hy la: prominent. men there Bey looked upon us as the mders of Constitutional free. } dom, and if we failed, they of the North bas well a» ourselves, would become \he slaves of the vilest despotism on earth > but | what does this avail, when the Yankee gev- ‘ernment has » tremendous army in the i field and the power taytnlat another ¢ A, de ; F ode A For the Watghoan,. | My, Bditor :—1 see in the Staodaed’ of {the B&th instant, a gare vindication of bis | i toryisin awd that of Davison, aa exposed by me if » late nonber of the Watchman, whieh, with your poemission, J desire to notice through your papers 1 desive no discussion with the Standard, and will have none 5 but i order to set myself right, Loni compelled, this one lune, te Condescend te combat the low iu- stuiacts of whew bred man, The Editor of the Standard exhibits yreat sensibility when addressed by thow appel ations of infamy, which he nw richly mented and by whieh all good and loyal men are constrained ty call bit, o tory amt n apes . t will be remembered that mm my pre- vious arbele, Lo merely smamed up rhe conclusions to Le drawer from “Dav alson's” article ow the “Right of Secession,” rer ark tng at the same tine, that auch seat tneuts were caleulated tado much harn— prodace disatiecliign aud disorjautzrtin— jand that their pabhieation was, therelure, Jtreasonabley and intoberalh. Here the Stamland takes issue with nie, and makes the folleewing paltry exewse for his dupl— wiky, am) that of his correspondent, fel erence by the alleyatious preferred aygained them : “The discussion was rather sbstract j than practical, and was so rezarded by our | correspondent; but it was not of our eor- reapordent’s. serking. for the Prestders, | humsels, vpworc the discussion.” This exteact is sufficient to shew the low Feunning tatrigae of the poltroon, Bot the Standand furiker semarks 2 7 The mis | erable slave, who wrote The commnnication, jaygned ‘Jehannes,” for cannot bear to see an abetract, Cheon beat opinen of President Dase contreverted or disputed.” Now, [ are no apologist fs Mer. Dass, even were this the eu! jeet mat. iter of against the general comrse ol the airbard the Watchman . discusston, Joomereiy protested nad the sentimens of is correspondent, Vwhiel: | cousidered dangerous in te ex- treme. Bat [will say, even supposing the President erred tn lis reference to listory, Jto, onan ot the Cetther as regards the feels alice the vee hee sine ob diem, ih wast oltice of a lsuc Inend of car cause to a conituverst about il, wbet, tte ot ty re- sults of that coure were Inevitably mim chievous at bome aud emevuraging fo oF | hava Tape telentiess fren in arnis agaist fs witnessed the evil fruiv othe Staudard and i his correspondents, L bare seen in the Bitter tears and angoish of the poor desert- er, who had been deluded frou the Lanner of bis Couatry, and & beheld it in the North Carolina peace tweelings. I think L see it in the tramph of the Black Ke- , poblvans over the demourncy of the North. But of Mer. Holden aod bis correspom— ident are loval men, why do they persist in in a course of coudact that makes our sol diers desert their post of duty — take to the wouds to be hunted down an! bot like i doge! Why inculente sentiments which produce disaffection among uur people! Wury, rw THky ARK NOT TORHS AND SPIES, ARK THEY ORJRCTS OF SUSPICION BY OUK OWN PROPLE AND ESTREMED LOVAL MEF py ovum eNexars? Wall Mr. Lelden an- JOHANNES. - awer! peace on any Cerise short of the tmust ab For the Watchman Mr. Bavser:—Ay serious outrage Oc: carre-d near Cotion Grove, 4Onvulaen coun- ty, this morning. e . Captain J. Henderson Miller, of the 2 bet Regt. who has bevn very ethicrent in arrest jing deserters in Yadkin eonaty, and whose company is now enyaged in the seme ser Vicw 1m thes county, was attacked by three Le was alone and on ins was A bey roahed deserters, to his company af the ime, at him to drag bine from his horse he drew his pistol bat before be could min Jit, received a blow on bis arin, whieh camsed l the change to lodge io bis thigh With a heavy clod they cut a serroas yash across : blow erelimoe wheo his forehead and gave hin a heavy on the baek of bis head. Da the ime his horse plunged and broke awry frow them, pnd he escaped lo mile distant, with the lows of his lint, blank- ne father’s, et and pistol, | Thev told a woman just before that they | lived tifty miles beyond Salisbury, and said they were from the 45th Regt. Actve ineasures have been taken lo arrest them, and it ia hoped they may be successful. h is singular that Capt. Miller, after bearing a gallant partin all the at battles 10 Virginia, Maryland and —Penasylvania, should receive his first wound within # mile of his home. j Yours-twaly. “ Freedom's battle once begun, Bequeathed by bleeding sire to sob; Though baffled of is ever won.” —— taking dtsch was bh The fromm | midst er he seen ¢ Nu Th by th Tr yon A estay ing d tem « Kent dered fom regin after murd Fede oY kh. ehen Ulat Chet E: A sets Loh hor | brow {roti A aud pris mer that rele of side rep! tem the ns | the aud (dul lacy » ur cbeshi line ie x 4 ead, at to 1m hy here » the free- lurth \Re ; but gcv- » the 10 set } Phe ww iu: hibies those mm hw t and ier, ae pre- >» ele —” “ols » eh pe gal y—- ttt hk mipret yy our ' eor- welded, ne low Bot e mie ation, hman, reties? ted or et fos i mat- ested, bard nilent, e ex- t g the islOry 7% », ib Ot the » Taper ty re- mie fo OD | have rd and in the emer rt Lao Ret in the | think BY OUK 1 MEE en aD- vES. mal gy Ol » COU! lyr Vlat arrest | whose ye SOT: v three ns was rnshed when nd arin cased With ) across vy blow entinee y frow vers, blank: vat they ind sai Active uthem, fal. hh The Yankees wih necer laxt might from the, raft ine Cu mings Point, ilfweniuating and Port Sumter. “Fart Maatine? kudeked it over anor, bat it was aliOrtly replaged. i The firing wus heavy. durjig. lav, and this moroing. : Only out ere ct rd neryennt siigady| Tee wounded, ’ Adi said from Part Johnson rts a Yankee fight: om Morris Tsland, a veut 10 o'otgh: lyst night swe detachments met betwen Gregg nnd Wagner and mis taking @ach other for the eneny, fired. A discharge ef several hundred ‘small arma was beard. Cuantestox, Nov. 12. The enemy has kept up a moderate fire froin their mortar hatery and twy. mun- tors ow Sumice all dey, One monitor aed a wooden guoboat moved ap Sullivans Island, about 12 e'choek, aud shelled our batteries about ant hour, bot did nv damage. A shell fam Simpkins exploded iv the midst of a party engaged mounting aveth, er heavy gun at Gregy. Several were seen carried away ut litters, No report frum the Fort this evening. The harbor is aygaon Hlampnated to-night by the Yankee caleham ligit. The shelling from the mortars is stl | youn, on, . FRUM ABINGDON, VA. Amwapox, Va., Nov. 11. A number ot Morgan's mea, who have escaped from Notthera prisons, are arti: ing daily. “They -tate that n terrible sys- tem of yuerilla warfare ts beim: wage din Kentucky. The cifizens are being mur dered and their houses barned. Private [om Carter and Janes Keller, of Dukes regiment, bave been shot by the enewy, after being takea prisonen, fur the alleged 4 murder of M ue Whitman, of the 18ch | Federal, (Ke-ntacky,) regiment, | All ts quiet In east Tetinesec, —_——— FROM THE FRONT. Arpaxta, Nov, BI. Reports fran the frout state tat the | enemy is advadeing lis line of works arouud | ‘hatlanouga, wand Uat he ts supplysmy them with wew batteries. Evervilinny retiius quiet, A Yankee inert of cavalry Asan escudt, Went up) tome trnin, with .twou reg! Lovkuut valley aod returned. Supylies ter Coanhnouvsa are Cuuslanly Crussiuy thrown's Ferry. Our cavalry are reported as berg at Leno's Stauvn, Rooxsitle A spect! dispatch tu the Juteddegencer i twenty vbe miles trom save Ubat the works of the enemy are wil in six banurcd and fity yards irom yur trot B ——— FROM RICHMOND. iiicimonsp, Nov. 11. There ws no offictal report, as vet, trom Gen. Lev, of Ure atbur at Kedly’s Ford, Some beheve that Meade will oot at tack Lee in front, but will atempt a flank movement lo Fredencksoury. Aiwong the recent arrivals here is Sen ator Johnston, of Aarkanaas. A further correspondent between Ould aud Meredith, relauve to the exchamge of | prisoners lias been published. ~The for- | met, under date of October 20, proposes that all offcere and men, on both sides, be) relensed 10 conformity with the pevisions | of he cartel, and the excess on the one Meredith replies at lenuth, mad charges that a sve- tem of exthanyges was first ruterrupted by the Confelerate Covermment, in declaring side of Uhe other to be paroled. Hs purpose to Wm ake certaio destingdoor If the treatm t of paruicalar class of troops, and here refers oniso to the charges that Ould uuproperly declared exchanged» large pot uon oe the troups eaptured: and paruled by tos nauds, Le frroprises the deshiverrtingy of privobers in) our (Yankee) imnds, fur whom (here are or comparatively few The proposal was, thereture not accept ead, Onid, on the sbst, exposes the falsity o tw eUUValcals, the various statements of tlie Yankee Con Woe oner, und relukes bis waoton and INAN LOAN Asperalion of the nrutives of the Coptederate authorities in making tie pro posals attained ino the letter of the 20tb, He says, an conelusion, det me tell you, the purpose of your letter apparent, lt has be your authorities at : . 1 well Larawusfor along thine thet ‘opposed toa fair and regular exchange of posooars ander th: cartel, and in rejections ah ny prapesitiaay you have endeavored te Comceal under a closed vague, charges and uatonnded stute ments of the determination at which your Whi no Why wot say, without Government long since arrived, be frank at once | 4 furthor subtifage, that vor lave reached the conclusion that our officers ate! soldiers are inore valuable men for war thaa yours! Ricumonp, Nov, 12. The Yankees who recently appeared in New Kent, wag a foraging party, and af- | ler securing a considerable quantity of Corn they returned to Williamsburg. There was suthing of interest from the Rapidan iast night or this morning. esars, Ould and Meredith have agreed | ascertained to be tucorreet. Lone battery porth of the mver, aud that (the Louisiasa Gaard Artillery. \ afinee woouHS, ' on Lee.” i ‘ tk MU oe ede < . See UA! Ph Nek ee si ted sesdenaieitan edediceasatiae wate S sdpventann fight onnued: ~ Oor tons war heavy, “Atwong the billed are t Major: Bailey, conitiaidiny the Twelity-decond Virginia —vhtia body in the hands of the, enemy. Captain Ruder and Captain Roffier, of tee sate regiment ¢ Captain ‘Thompson, vf the same reginieut, with nlf lid compar uy officers, were wounded. | dieutenant Rand, of the swave regiment, wounded and in She lands of the enemy. We lost one picee of artillery, and sav- ed all our waguus. General Echols, hear jog # force, suvposed to be uyder Seam med, was apprumching trom Kanawha to cut bins off, fell back towards-Salt Pood Mouvtsin, avd passed through Lewisburg on Friday eventng. The furee expected from Kaoawha acrived there next morn— ny. THE WAR IN VIRGINIA. The anoy of Northern Viryinia was quiet yesterlay, awaiting an attack from Meade, There is a ditherence of opinion whether Meads will atiack us ie our pre rent position, Some think be will leave our front and make a dank movement to wards Fredericksburg, No official report of the alPur at Ketly’s ford Jast Saturday has yet been received; and private accounts ntford as bite add, tional intelligence. Tt is said: by soins that our whole loss vo killed, wounded and miss- ny will not exeved pine hundred nen, bat th the almence of wu utficial siateaent it is Wn pussible to make an estimate of our juss | with any relinble aevuracy, We oventioned the report resterdar that two cumpauies of the Richinond Ho az ere were with Hoke's aad Haves’ brigades, beyund the Rappabannock; mthK is vow There was byt Persons engaged an the fight represen | tas having been stubbornly contesced, { mudd that the epbuly Tosi vast uuitbers of men itn kilied and woandert. poblesbed va Peuiaoin, 1 wail be seen Ubat they clan ai- mosta blood ess victory. It appears the enemy onthe York Pen Insuia are again makiog a demotstralion, | | jiiiwemation was received vesterday morn ing by parties iu Kighmond that they were wi considersble furce, comsistiog of cavairy, wotantes a pornt some tocty mnties east of Richins, and that they ‘The York wioel: reacted ber: at five Yeluck last evenimy, brougit the report Kem wo Barhamssiile, Phe ob and arOllery, at Diascond briduee, ot the Wiiaadisturgy read, Were mowoy ou bachimeund. Revere train, that (he enemy were between New Court House Jeetoof Cis demonstration ts, duabtiess, to distenct General Lee's attention, amd em Darrass lis movements, by threatening hits commnvnications, abd wots probable tinal these are sorge of the same troops that, ast Week, rnd a show of landing vo the Caroline Aoast. augmentd by the addition of Spears’ cav- alex white and black. From Southwestero Virgiua there has i been oo intelligence since Lhe announce- | ment that General Echols liad reached Union, Monroe county.— Araminer, 11. FROM NORTHERN VIRGINIA. There is nothing aew from the armies on the Raprd Ann, Maowv have bebeved twas the desigu of Meade “lu advance 1, and etve hin battle wherever ne found haan Ged Yat Che beller Op titot scems to be that tas fis destin, not to bring on a bat. | tle, bat to inake Will pravent Gren. bee steak a show oof Hyint aS ssemling any por. -Atam., 12th. Lhoteot dis army elsewiers, Latterr hy flag or Lruce.—For | veneral information, we publish the following regubations bad down by the Federal commander at Portress Monroe, ta regard te letters: patssiie toned tre fram the South: “Birst, Ne lest page ofa letter sheet, oor relate to other than pureiy domestig mattora “Second. Every writer's tame dn fil, cromustexcecd one jetter tmnst de sighed vy thas “Thora. AL detters ioust be owe with five vote Ricimond, and ten cents u by voud, —Bourth. All leturs must be en- closed to the Cour an ling General of the Departinedt of Virginie and North Carolina, at Fortress Monroy, marked on the outside ‘Por Flag of | Truce.’ No letters sent to any other ‘address will be forwarded.’ The same rules will be applied by Gen. J. H. Winder to all letters sent from the Sonth to Fortress Monroe for parties in the United States. All letters to go North should be addressed to Gou. Winder, at Rich- hey apne changes aro land. ing the liberality éf the Graniteville’ Manofactaring Opmpany of Sonth Carolina for offer £ to sell to that State 10,000 varcy per week of their goods at $1 10 eedte 4 yard, whieh is lesx than half of whattie yands are selling at; This, thiengh liheral, need not eal dawnt rach exclasive admiration from Nort! Carolina Ed- the faet that.a nuneber of the facto ries in North Carolin: are and have been selling the same kind of goods to the State at 3C to $0 cents a yard, thongh they conld ge in the market We donbt not that the Factories in this State have thuaturnished more than ae illion varde, ata saving to the State of probably that many dol ute ; ber next. mei on keg . froin three to fone tines as mueh.— , ee, che %: + Hh Pte, Corn, Cate, Hay ead Fd. der, Horses; Cuttle’ fad Hogs,’ Ha Faw. hac ‘Gears, 1 Honsehotd “nt KitciewPtrniiare, Also, a ithe same time and place, Twili rent the Plan- tution and hire the Negrues, belonging, to ahe ow dy for aa ee’: Berns pote: ae inn wriens gre All persons indebted to the onats sal Michael | Ander-on, decuabedy are requested to make immediate poywirvait; aad al perdoos having claims agutust the estaté of anid deceused, must presen them within the time limited by law, or this notice will be pleaa io bar of their.re- j ¢ CRANFORD, Ex’r. November 3 1863. Sw 26 $30 REWARD. nes undersigned will give a reward of $50 for the recovery of bis uegro-woman, REBECCA, who abseunded from bis premises on Wednes- day morning, Nov. JL. The said woman is | about 22 or 23 years old, black complesieu. 5 fect 3 or dinches high, and quite atoat. She has a sear ou her right cheek. aud another amwnd itora, unless thoy are wnconscions of beevery- F lars.— Fury. Observer. A earionn saring from De Tocqueville | is quoted in the London Saturday Review | as prophetic of al is oceurring in’ the Unitec States. * Democratic nations are soon brought to tenonnce voluntary colist ments and to resort to conseription. The neeessity of their conditign obliges them to take this step, and that all will adept it.” tis easy to foretell eos = —— ~ (\ REWARD. ot CONSRIPT OFFICE, ) Raugwon, N.C.. Nov. 5.1863. § The above reware will be paid for the appre- be secared, of ane A. Vancannon, 4th Tenne’- Frou the | another ! If so, their numbers are, | as the Yonkers Hewspapers lawe | celts postage enclosed ifto { see Regioent, (Yankee) 32 years old. dark | eves and has, sallow complexion. 5 feet 9b | j inches high, a citizen of Watauga Canatthy NN | @., and by yecupstion a fe rmer. The suid Vancennon was brooght to Camp ! Holmes the 39th of October, and tnade his es- | | cape on Qre night of the 4th of November inst. We was arrested near the ‘Cennessee fine, and tis supposed will try te mse his way back to j the Yankees. By order of COLPETER MALLETT: Commd’t of Conseripte for NLC, J. W. Maacerr. Adjacant. 1t-26 Execative Depariment North Carelina, ) Apscrant Genear's rrice. (FE G. Raeiwh, Nov l0th. 1263. GENRRAL Oavers, / Nie 8: \ THE OPERATIVES IN WOOLEN , e and Cotton Factories that farnieh Goods for the Confederate and Sti» Government are exempt from daty in the “suard for Hone De- | fenee. exeept when their coauties are invaded by vhe enemy: “TE The dr [i of the Guard will be dispensed with aan!! the th day of December next te atiow the farmers time to sow their grain ‘ By order of Gov. Vanee. : LC. GATUIN, 21-26 Adjatant General. ~ Wap ECB aL woe |. HE andersiqned Physionns of the town } \ of Salisbury, find it nec: their charges. because of the exerbitaut prie#s demanded for all the aecesscries of life, and in order that there may be no misunderst: andlug, “ssary te increase | poblich the following as the mintmum rates of | charges from and after the Sth day of Novem ber, 1463. Day visits in the Country, Out side of Corporate limits, 0a- | der one mile, With an additianal charege for prescription aud medicine, to be in no instance bese then &1 00 Day vieite in town, each vist $2 00 Night. 24 00 Obstetrical and Surgies! cnaarges nr sume proportion, Those of oar patrons who pay their bille in $3. 00 per visit. country produce atold prices, will Qt their bills nude owt atold prices | C. & HENDERSON. M.D: A.M NESBITT. WD. 1 W. JONES, WOOD. M WHITEHEAD, WD J J SUWMERECL. W.D. J. A. CALDWELL, M.D Nov. 23, 1863. fib6pd NOTLGE. 10.000 Lbs tags Wanied. amount. We will per vouin goods or the mo money jastas you choose il. Brug them ia as Soon as possible SMiVil & SMIPEDEATL, Noveinber 16, Ds64 de Administrator’ s Sale, W ULL be sold to the are wdder, at lie Court House, in salisbury, on Monday, | 30th day of Novemb rv. at LQo'cloek, Mt Bonds of 81000 easeh. of the State of North Carolina, of the old issne. beating 6 per erent | interest, and 12 shacesoft the stock of the Bank ) of North Carolina, belonging to the estate o! | the late Wm. ER. Horah. ALL persoas having claims against the estate, will preseat thew within the time dimcied by law. 7 Terme of sale—6 monthe oredit, inter- est from daie, with approved security, or cash, at the option of the purchaser. Ww. H. HORAH, JNO. M. HORAH, JAMES HORAH, a 4 Admr's mond, Va., endorsed “Flag of Trace.” | November 14, 1862 3126 nn anf om i= Pte eno tReet NR A een TN ITI hension and return to Camp Holmes, or $30 | for his confinement in any jail so tat he can | | 1-25 { for Home Defence S2 06 per mile. | W Fowill pay the burhest prices for tis ove of her arms near the wrist, eatsed by a \ burn. She is anexcellent spinner and is beleved to de ageud weaver. She took several dres-es; white bonpet. Bought her in Richmond. Any person arresting the suid woman wad de- | livering her tome or confining her so that | jcan get her. wil reeeive the abova ceward. | She might have goue tu Satisbary, where rhe | haw wequaintancer. EF. B. DRAKE. 1% Statesville, N.C. } Noy, 12, 1863. 1696 ere Se | CONSCRIPT OFFICE, | | Ranesou. Nov. 4.1863. 4 The folowing Special Order from the Adja- tantand [nspeetor General's Office is hereny | published for the information of all concerued. | By order of | COL. P. MALLETT, Commandantof Conseript, N.C. J.W. Matierr, Adj’t. | Apasutant ann Inerecror Gens’s Orrice, ; Richnwnd, Oct. 29, 1863. (F xiraet.) ) zs SPECIAL ORDER, > No 257. XX. Passes given by Commandants of Con- scripts on furlough, from their Camp Guards, of while awarting decisions and collecung tes- ‘timeony in ceases where the hahility to military \eerviee is doubtful, will be respected. Indul- | gence to all oot falling within these classes are } furthddeu by General Orders No. 135, Current { Series | By commetud of the Secretarv of War. JNO. WETHERS., A.A. Gon'l. | 4 A “A EEC BD YN TU‘Q 20.000 STAVES VTTHE ECON. STATES DISTILLE- \ RY. formerly owned by M, & E. My- | ers) a! Salisbury, as follows : To be of white ouk timber.“clear of sup. { Staves, 34 inches louz, frown 4 to 6 inches | wide and 1 inch thick. eet: g. 24 inches long, from 8 to IO paches ! wide. and I$ incbes thick. \ 700 Stavex and 300 Heading to a thoasand | his vhext market price will be pwid . { Address JAS. T. FOUNSON, { Medical Purveyor ©. 38. A. | - (Signed,) . Charlotte N.C. June 15, $863. ; uf4 ESTRAY NOTIC#! “ ee t PUSTRAYED from my Plantation two and a half miles from Salixbnry, une waite and rec | freekled cow; alse a large white and red spot- | ted steer, with wide horns. ft is believed they lure somewhere in the neighbornood of Organ Chureh. A reward of | TEN DOLLARS j each wil! be puid to any person, who will take {them up and inform me of the same, o¢ $30 | for the delivery of them to me in Salisbury, or }at my Plantation. D. L. BRINGLE. Nov. Qd, 863. Ud AD MINISTRATOR’S | Gp RW & 4 hte BHhavine taken ont betters of Adminis: | sof James MeKanght Kerr, | travion on the est deceased, L will sell at his late residence, near Rowan Mills, on Tuesday, the 24th tnsant, at, public auction, the tolowing property, ba wits | ciorse-, Wiules, Cows, SHEP. HOGS. 16 or TR cf which, are fattenue.) Wheat, Coen, Oats, Hay, and Straw, one Bu@yy and Har- ness, Waxron and Gear, Farm- ine Toois,du.. all his Tlouse- hold awd Rithen Furniture. Terms made known on the d&y, fr. A. BURKE, Adin’r. November 2. PRGA, Jwt5 Public Sale. q b = AVING deen ay one d Commissioner bv the Conoty Court of Rowan eoamty to nia ke saleoor tbe walaable aia ation on which Col. MeCokia cormerty resided, adjoming Michael HENCE mand others, E will ofter the vad phaue ; (ation for sale, on tee premises. on Wednesday ve Jad day of December next, at 12 0'etoek, M Tho terms of sule wal be cash or a credit -*of 6 or 12 months, wih interest from date, as the purchaser may desire. WILLIAM B. ATWELCE, Commissioner. Sipd25 November 2, 1863. He JND—A pair af new Bhes, which the owner cam have by identifying the same, and paying for this advertisement. SARAH E. RUFF. | Salisbury, Nov. 13. 1863° 3tpa®é iggittA At: ‘ne Mat Lae Wehr, Vee Be ‘Gem, Lakme Kodder | , 1 phe the eniate of coe Sie 3. Beeker, lh eel ct his tate residence ae an urstiay,* Dede orbur $y at @roji Wheat Oats, Fodder, 1 se meget of. atid: ® « oN Blanes Saib nit Howes = " ohn Ls al Der ers »6 we diel and +b, tgs ‘oft; ae AED ITMER. o> s Fr. TOOLS, &e. * There wite witb two Negrors to hire out for the < yea are hewby no- Thorn indahteaees Ue tified tor enll and peitic the same and those having elaing ugali® it, must present them within the time presefited by law, Srvhis Go thee will ber plead ii burof their reedvery. WILLIAM 4. TROTT, Aaw's November 2, 1363... dws: Negro Womaa ie Hire, Aw cusbhout Caak det womah and house eet vant 4o-bere oat wotil the tet Janaary. next. * Also; 9 senvan’ Ree vin ed to Howse Lae es irae ate Wate MAN OFFICE. November 9, 1863. (125 PIANO FOR SALE. VERY excellent seeond’ Wavd Piano for for sule. . Also, ome good Milckh Cow. Apply at this offier, 4w25 100.000 LBS. Of Tobacco at Auefion. I WILL expose to public sale, fiom one to- two handted tiousand pounds maeufactur- tamed Tobaceo at my store, in SalisBary, N.C., on the 17th November, 1863. ; JOHN F. FOARP. October 23, 1863: « 4123 WANTED! WANT to hire TWO BOYS, (wiiite)'to nmake cores im the Foundry attached to the ¢ 8. ot ae Salie- sabi IZER, * capt ary Com'ay: - OFFICE N C. RB. RP. Co. Vanee, October 23, 13963. LARGF sale of eligible town lots wilt b, 1863. The town is finely situate d immediately. on the Rail Road near Graham, the lots are laid off 200 feet square, the streets 100 fee wide with two large open equares, and the sale seeure a pleasant aod healthy heme. Terms eush or proved bord at.6 Moaths with Interest from date. THOMAS WEBB, Prest. [41-23] WOOL WANTED. — wanted by WM H. SMITH. _Saiisbary. Joly 1 13, 1863. _ _ 18 Brass, Copper, Lead and Zine. 4 LIBERAL price wilt be paid for any kind of old BRASS, COFPER, LEAD and ZINC, delivered at the nearest Rail-Road Station. Any person wishing to sell will plezse notify me of the quantity, price, and where to be delivered, A. @. BRENIZER, C. §. Ord. Works; Salisbury, N. C., Oct. 2, 1863. tf20 VO PURCHASE, or to fatten on share 500 Hogs at the C.S. Distillery, Salisbury N.C. Apply to Surg. Jas. T. Jounsox. Med. Par. Charlotte, N.C. WANTED! WANT to hire TEN or BIFTEEN NEGROBS, stout hire, will please apply to me at the Confederate States Ordnance Werks, Salisbury. A. G. BRENIZER. Capt. Arty Com’ds N OTICE., UR ACCOUNTS are all ready for settle- ment and we wish all persons indebted, to come in and pay up. On and after the first day of November we will keep no books, nor will we charge anything. Our sales must and | will be for cash and cash alone atter that date. Calland settle up as out-business has- been | conducted on the credit system too leug, and — | tow will be stopped. \ HENDERSON & ENNISS. } Oct. 27th 1863. 41:24 { NO TIE TO SPECULATE. WE {sabecriber has thrown his Tan-yard open to the public and wishes the citizens to bring or send their Aides to him and fill it up- If they will do se he obligates himself to sell | his share of the leather another year at $2. | being as highas he has sold any ep to this time. Alse those bringing hides to him shal! ) huve the: preference in leather for their own | consumpiton another year. ‘Ho dont wish te buy hides atthe present enormvns prices anc sell the leather at 86 or BR per Ib. So bring | your hides in and we will keep one acecmmo- dation Tan-yard avy. bow ia the Confederacy for our own use. Leave your ides at Spragud Bro’s. »s here | ofore directed, T. W. HAYNES Nov. 2. 1863 the i : 77 | —s Amother G seat Vietory! ' HAVE for sale? and will send post paic ‘the dtlowimg Receipts to any one for making ' Matehes, Black. Red and Blue Inks and Shoe Blacking Also, a receipt for making \.com- | Position for welding caec steel, one for Japan Varnish for varnishing iron. [will send all the ' above reeeipts for one dollar single, or all fog five dollars. Being x ie cal Heeddle-mawer, for | the Gotton Mitty Tam prepared to furnish a ! receipt for waking he addle varnish, whieh [ ob- | tained from the North lowg before tire w ar — | This receipt F will send, posi paid, for five dol- ‘lare. Address, \. L. MULINIX, Stowesville, Gaston Co, N.C. _Octader 5, 1863. 3ImpdW - BL ANK DREDS FOR SALE AT #UG OFPICk eee Aucueb, the following: property, matt prem hel at thie place on Tharedey ov. th éluims the attention of a'l persous wisiing to- ECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOOL. Capt. Art’y Com’d’g— active boys, as laborers. Those having negroes te: a Phas ge n t a ? CONFEDERATE TAXES !5 * “ FARM NEG ssnaty,| TO atl whem it ) aaxns OF DORS OF Tun ne) Oe ee eee ae ey Palen h way” yet Moines eee At ae oe Additional Notice, - AL GENTLEMAN ic Mosigomery county. E A —_— erp yg ; = w eight ag - ic mM UL “py LAT eke «i ad places already appoiited | WoW ot Ht It of Jeneary ext, He wi orev iy fe for the collccnien al cog all persous in the | tobe whole familias on ty wa da ar . ED 70 Us! several districts are gotiied to vender to the setty ot oe ae -v lea. F haye A chown ii abled ta the 9% : q 7 a . i , sererors, au acovuat oa oath of the value of ' Meal o¢ any i" ra al Man Wreth wk ve of A.B all neat catile, horses, mules (wot used in cul- Uivation) and asses uwned by each perwe ia his district, on which'the ownete will be taxed gue percentam, to be paid we or befire the lot day of Janeary mext : Viaus AND BOTTLES WANTED, for | hap on IS mob, be stored at my millgnti! ordered Sd. 1 will cme ‘ Flour more than which we Wilt pay the highest price. HENDERSON & ENNISS, 6 Draggists, “9 ve full pean tetile their * ga ul pemeon or lotter,. w say thet | needless dely. They ition cites Pyeumo- ; and the incgnvesience of payment when mon- ‘Pres | oy may be lere abundant than ot preeent. 1 to be groand. for auy Mealor | they ale eure Billions Kt hours after it te somde; at | nin, Chills, and Fevers, Billioas, Fe very, ALSO—AN required - ‘ count of all leases a rs Sub of eS oe —-—-~ ees... the — —. 1 uke the jel oll | and Worms. They area perfectly safe meci- | hupe the friends of the Tate firms will pot te- Agsil and the let dug of 3h | 1363 that bean, an same care that f take of | cine. ; | quire longer indulgenge, bat to ss : ' w. wRALeY. wy A Te wy owa. The he} is always unéer lock aad Peter Vadoo, . of Dinwitidle County, | urgeat call, as it iv necersury thal the Pot 25 Tax Collector. A* the C. 8. Distitlery at Satisbary, N.C.,| ney when we leave it. \ Virgiaia, after deeortbi remerkuble gures in | vbuuld be closed with ue fittle detay ae = eee Eaed Thowsand (1000) Bushels Maple | : J. Lae opel hia reg A of —— Rheumatiem aad Pleurisy- A. MYERS |’ a Cha : | Salisbury, M 30,1 5 supe: * My or's bill has been heretulore Office net to Cowan's B . AUC I ION SA LE. Proposals maet b= uddreseed to | . a noees = | from $175 to $200 per year. I have ated them Svlisbary, Mave 30, 1863. —_ aS Jas. T. JOHNSTON, LARGE quagiity of TOBACCO for vale (these pills) for ys | family, whieh comaimt> of | : ee eet 1 will sell at Pubiic Sale, on Tues- Medical Purveyor C.3. A, — | by JNO, F. FOARD, cs ig white and colured, aud heve aot call- | Ol day the 17th dav ot Nuvember. al Charlotte, N.C. | Salisbary. April 83, 1863. 1649 ed in a Doctor, Thisie a great saving, They | 4 OIL. . a Rieck ot 3s ’ Joly 13, 1863. 18 | pian Serr rae certainly are the bert family medicine ever die | ONK BARREL OF TANNER'S OLL tor S : ° . h : +e ‘tt & tt! covered.” . sale, upply to WM. V ATSOR, HORSES $10 REWA RD | SALT! TU SALT Rev Jaha W, Potter, of Greene county,| 1:38 5 miles wert of this pl O S Wie ; ; ; ~ é sistenee Departmeat, t North Carolina, had auffered twelve years from Or at this Oillee WILL be gives for two SADDLES siolen \ Salisbery, (es Sept. 26, 1863. a diseosed liver. whieh the physicians hed uot Carriages, Buggies and Harness, Céussting of 10 head of good aad desirable Que-Close Carriage, 4 Hacks, 8 open Buggies, 5 Top de, 2 Sulkies, 2 four horse Wagons, ore of them an extra good Iron Axle Wagun, 8 Setts Single Harness, 8 double do., - and many other articles net enamerated, that are desirable ia carrying va a Livery Stable. The stable avd Lot js for reat for one of two years. Als, 4 LIKELY BOYS, v rich I will hire. No property will be disposed of anti! the dey of sale, at which time the sale will be pos- tive. Terms Cash. THOMAS E BROWN, Sulisbud, Nov. 4, 1863. Qw25 NEW MUSIC: PUBLISHED BY Geo. Dunn & o., Richmond, Va., AND JULIAN SELBY, Cotambia, S. Ali printed on good paper; with Or namental Titles. RETAIL PRICE,31 EACH. The trade supplied ai ‘‘ half off,” with an adduion five per ceat. whea one haadred of any piece is ordered. Biaak Music Lines on the best cap paper, $1 per sheet of foar pages—forty per ceut off from my stables on tbe 24th inst. One is black | quilted the other red leather ; also, two Bridles | aad one pair martingles (supposed to be ia the | | AM auxivus to buy cora, wheat, flour, meal ighborhood of Charles McKentic’s) Also. | G MeNEELY. July 25. 18631010 ‘To the Farmers of Rowan. | ,@ bacon for the soldiers families of Rowan. t J.S.McCWBBIN, |! Com. for Rowan. uly NOTICE. 3103 ~pENTAL oo j v $1 00. W. F. Bason, M. nH. Tie ee supped a a lioe ral discoant wD Ea’ EES ET Y W OULD respeetfully make known that he | has reiakeu his DENTAL ROOMS tn Saiis- bary N.B. Asit willuat suit hin to remata all the time, those ealhag in his absence, witt be noti- fied of tus vrrivats by leaving their naimes in the letter Bax aituched to the door of the Uthce or by addressing him throagh the Post Office. a this place Dec. Ist. 182 [tf:28 JAMES HORAR, Watch-Maker and Jenceier, | One doorbelow R.& A.Murphy'sStore, SALISBURY, N. C.. Apply at wy « ORSES, neigh : H Ove Huadred dollars 7. apprehension of" Need the thief. , | : \ PPE wae a tee salt for bacoa, giving three | been able to cure. He aye: ** I commenced : it for owe of hacon. | taking the Hepatic Pills with no coufidence in Brown's Livery Stable. «next to Cowan's brick | them. They acted like a charm on me. From ‘ ‘ A. MYERs. | that hour I have improved. L have persever- | yi peas nara ein to | ed in their use antil now, by God’s blessing, # | poke Ae ea an tate am well aod hearty. | had avegro mau whe, | vs dcehtiienoueeses pa aca “eg Cunt, & A.C. 5. te » Tank ~ | as L beliewe, wae saved from death by « dure | | ; Stonewall” Jackson. | ote public u great desideratnm and « com- | of these pills My Doctor's bill war wpnualiy Iesovscoues. ‘Travelers. end othéve can el- ;. | from $100 to $200. but I buve bad vo use for « weer have theirwauts .iw thisline, welloup. pounds uf good WORSE & CO., Augusta, Ga. : ETE B Same of them are almosi suffering and I have he OMPLETE Bl the money to pay market proces for these things, and | do hope that the Farmers of the coanty will gve the poorsoldiers fannles the preferauce. ‘wannes Hartock: Uping a full and accurate account vl the Leading Evouts of bis Life, hie Hustrous soldier (hat amve, never before been be complete prestratiod of the wervoue system. published. | oe Gllea Join A. Mebane. W Mendenhall | ’ John L. Cole. N H. D. Wilson. Wm. Bariia- ger, David MeKuight, M5. Sherwood, Jed. HH. Lindsey, Wilmington; Alexander Willer, Gere. Raleigh s J b.. UST PUBLISiT HD, and for sale by N.S. | op veicinn aimee.” Thomas H Raney, Esq, Granville coauly, N.C..eaye: ‘ [find your pills to be the best family medicine [ have ever used. begs | have proved very beneficial in my own case. have been very much afflicted fur LS years, and have trigd every kind of aedrewe that i cvald get, but have sore rehet from yvar pills than oll vihers My dixease is a bronchial atfhetion, JRAPHICAL Suetrew . STONEWALL” JACKSON. By vying Moments, aid the Obsequies ul Rich- road and Leamgton This work coultuias Many anecdotes of the D*nave used them ia ten of fifteen cams in my family, an! fiod thes jo be the very medicine for nearly !! femily diseases.” Paice—$1.50 a bor. For $15 a dozen boxes Ls All orde:s adureesed vo us will ve prompt | wil) be sen! prepaid to any part of ihe Cooted- N.&. MOKSE & ¢ 0. eracy. Those who derire less than & dezrs fo Augusta, Ga. | bogcs, musi apply to the druggists —Greal re- Greensborough Mutual | duction mude to Druggiets and Merchants who — buy ‘by the gross, Cosh mast always eecom- INSURANCE COMPANY . | pany orders ANCE us. Pays all Losses Promptly! DIRECTORS: Wien, NC For sale%n Salisbury by Uenuderssn & Koe- J. MeConne!, CP | Vv. Weir, James M. Gurrett, bor sale by all Book Stores nad News Ageats | pine, and 19 Leaimegrou by J.P. sapere October 12, Le 64 Simpd2t CONFEDERATE TAX NOTICE. Greensborough 5 WA. Wright, | rp : Robert E. Troy, Lamberton: Dae on FEDERATE TAXES are now Newbern; Thadeas Me- \ cal niined he ‘ duc, end ready for collection. Vhomas Johason, Yaueey- | ihe purpose of collecting the sume, os foluwe: plied. Cash prices paid for Proveader. And the subseribesis always ready tosell or bey good Horses. THOMAS E. BROWN. Jan. ist. 1863. 1fSS i000 DOG SKINS WANTED. y } ANTED 1000 Dog Skins, dry, for which will be paid $1} for mediom size, and amaller ones ip proportion, Apply to R. F. Simouton, Stateaville, or A J. Mock, Saliebary. | | | | Ve the) trace. y BEEPS conetandly on hand alarge a $ W adesb h; Rk seen coe . . 7 . © a jarge assor. ville: Dr. W.C€ Ramsey. adesborough, Kev Gh 's Bridge, Sat 1 Nou h 14 NEW SONGS, NOW READY: ment of WATCHES «ud JEWELRY of C. Wavaard. Fraablintea ; Dr. EF. Wet! pena stac- daa ble tal ‘e. -: Southern Soldier Boy” —As sung at the Rich- all kinds. son, Waisonville. a eG eer . 17 wnond New Theatre, in the ** Virginia C aval- Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- ‘ OFFICERS: | gsc esas, SS. 18. rer.” by Movs Sefhe Partingion. Words by | ppt ties pace the best magner and on \ HOD WILSON. x Eset Atweil’s. Thursday, oe 19, Sia ae Riexneoes: AAG &AF.|* rae ret Cea _— jet UIs OSAY. 0 - MD ee dent Mrs. Brown's, Saturday, 5 21. M.- on * boy with the _— Hair. Led tae) _ Lee CoP WENDENHALL, Attorney — | Selsburv, Monday and Tuesday. 23¢ avd 24th vig Ay rare For oan Bipot S()( ) : R E W \ P 1) PETER ADAMS, — Sec aud Treas | Hartman's. Wednesday. November 95. ey C. = Sawyer. aibor hea this | +) : i 4 i \ ; WM. H. CUMMENG,- - Ge eral Ayeut Litaber's Thuredey, e. ae Cracl War vs Over.” Mame by C. F-| E 'WoJ. McCONNELL, - Harhey's, Friday, es 17 Toumpesve. | KUARLY IN JANUARY LAST, THE 3. A. MEBANE. - »Execotive Com. | (suid Hill, Setucday, o» IN THE PRESS, | Office of M. & E Weers was broken openand JOM GARRETT, - < Morgan's. Me nies, . nO And will be readyin a few daye— | the follo ving articles stolen therefrom: One A!leommunieation: vo business connected | Haters ship, Wednesday, Decenibe 2) : if | fine Engiish Goig Lever Watch, withthe name withtn: Office. shon'c be addressec to ' Witer’s, Thoreday. dn 3 In Two Parte —Part of C.5. A. Tmproved | og J a Lithiagten on the face, German Text PETBR & DAMS. Secretary | Tetthetncan fie 1 aril badil the recov en} fleaten’s Eostractions foc the Piano Forte , and NEW BALLAD—Farewel!l Eacheuting Hope Mume dy Lessing PUBLISHED ay GEO. DUN & CO, RICHMOND, VA., AKD JULIAN A SELBY, COLU MBIA, 8.C. STK AY ED ROW the sabecriber «bout thre weeks ago from my Farm adjoinag Way. N.F Baill, a large reddish bindle Cow with wide horns, awhile siresk duwn her face and a bemp on her wile Ten d-diars reward wi'l be paid to any one for \ufeormatson of her whereabouls J.W. HALL. 31:24 LE ATI HER. I WILL BARTER LEATHER for Hides. Sote Leather at 45 centa; Upper at 60 cents for Hides at 64 cems green, Ury |5 cents, or far Corn at 45 cents per bushel 1}. COOK. Davie Co, Nov. 9, 1863. 3mz5 I HE Eleventh Session of ny Sch vol th ah ] | ‘ ) ee QVING remgr Inetitniion, will opea the 4th of Septeinber 1563 Board per season, Biso oo Tastion in Engish, $25 00 and 34 Mase with ase of Piano. Lawn. Greek and French, extra, $10 exch Puyiis required ww faraish tights aud towels Paymeat etnetly in advanée. For particu 30 uv letters, believed to be made by Jo J hasten, | Liverpool; vane vimoud Ring. large Diamond ‘in centre clustered around with smal] D.a- monds ; one fine Gold Ring, With forget me vot, | ineeribed thereon; one sett Ear Rings and Breast Pin, Coral and Gold, two Gold Chata- “din Pins; one Banch Gold Charms, cotisisting of the two Lockets with miniatares ; Slipper -| Cross, Hart, Shell. and others not rr cillected «| \ one Corra! Breast Pin; one Gold Breast Pio, sett with Pearls; one Necklace with large | oval Jets, with cross in centre; one fine Fan: one large Black Lace Mantle; Exnbroide sed i Handkerebief, Collars, Sleeves. Key Bla nkei- | Linnen and Cotton Sheets, Pillow Cases and Bolster Slips, and ma.y other articles of Jew- elry and Ladies =pparel not reenllected. The | ahove reward of Five Handr-d Dollars, will be paid for the recovery of the alove named arti- | eles, of in proportion for any part of them.-— | Mast of the Jewetry can be .dentitied by wk Wilson, Watch-maker at this place ‘In my absence, any informasion given to Captain 4 Myers or Namuel Reeves, Sr, will tie prompt- ly attended to. KE MYERS Salishary, N.C., Jane 15, 103. uf4 IT The Confederacy, at Atlanta, Ga, wil! copy day one week. and sene till te this office A @= A BED. ed my commission in the *| Confederate Army ae Surzeon, PT tender my services ty my friends tnd the oublic A. WM. NESBITT. T7 Office, opposite the Court House June 15, Jn63. fs ) Administrator's Notice. Greensborat.N. C= Jose 19. 1860 ft » the L4tth of | hence ready | Octoberantd the 7th November Veer thes pee ae > Persous de- Confe ‘eraie Insurarce Company’ siring tu appeal! from assessments "can eee the : : ~ . jets dunog that ime. oa Monday's and Natar- Charlottesmille, Virginia. | day's, at the Court Hove. ip Sairbary, and ve td eM . sever peye | OtRee dave at my ree lence, affer which time. | HAVE ACCErrkED AN AGENCY], appre! Atcrlinel shi Nowcuber: tbe lists from the above Inecranee Company. and am | 4) be closed Low prepared to take risks on property al rea- AM" ela (ednoips sonable rates, and for limited pereeda of Hme. > niitied that they wy'l be charged teu per cent and on different graces of preperty —Boch a | ddiional Cottop, Tobacco. Produce, “Machinery, Mer chandiee, Baildinge, & This Company hos | been in operation bat a short ume, has a large | Cash Cap:t-! afl pad in, and held by sme of | 4 the wealibiest and best people of Virginia. A | and places abuve ne large amount uf the Capital Stock of this Com. | pany has already been sold for ten per cent | premuum | can gafely recommend this Com- pany to be ef the most reliable charueter. and vv josees from policies issaed by this Compa- py. wl be promptly met according to the terms . eet fort in its parce lhetr tares ns above, are TAA IN BIND)! nuioned, tolake additional All per so then, of the Jaw will wiatoes, Peas, Beon-, and the tke rons are notified to ue be rigidiy enforced vyninst them } WILLIAM &. FRALEY, Tis Collector for Kowan 4 | Virgrara, December 8. 1862. 123 Dik. HOWERTON © TTRENDERS hie professions! services to the den Hoare citizens of Salisbury Office at the Boy. Mar 9, 1863—142 i. 0 ie os ft Os DT SALISBURY, Nov. !5th, #62. ALL those indebted te the firm of MeChsvine & Fosren. will call atthe Boot «& Shoe Manafactory of John A Bradvhaw, next door to the Watehmay Office, on .be sat . her, and seitie ther vecounts, either rage Now ie the ‘ime to pay debts. THOMAS J FOSTER. or the carb f-26 SOTTON avd LINEN RAGS wopted by JNO F FOARD Relisbory, Apri 23, 1863. 149 WANTED ae PURCHASE OR KENT, AN IM. proved Lai in the Werver North Ward Apply at th.e Office Aaog. 101m 1563 tee Adj't. & Inspector beecrals Ofer. / Ruch mood Dept b, inC3. ¢ (Ex:raet Sreciat Oxpens, } No 213 \ fae BUREAU of Copseription te aothes- ized to foime ard eqorp i exch of the Mats | of Georgia, South Cerokas, North Cercliae aed one Battabou of Six Compames of mogated meo, who furneh ther oen — | and pot bable to conscription, le wh: cre | under the orders of the Bereau for the perpe ofC unscription, the arrest of deserters aod ken! defence, mmumered fet one year. , Companes to elect thei own Office re. | Feld Officer ito be avoegned trom ofhcers The Assessors will be with me at the times | { } i wageug to the Furelieg Service. Compe rier not to exceed one handred yank returns cf the Tarin Kind of all epdouiunal ar- | and Gle ticles nowhere: fore returned; such as Core. | By command ofthe See, etary of Wa’, = : JNO. WITHERS, Aes Ady’ Gent. signed NOTICR. Conseript Officer V. G! the + property ingarec, Octeber, 14, 1sb2 325 } Raleigh, Oct. 7, 1863. THE Comsasndeet meee the atiention of Vl alt perms capable cf beanung ame, but whe Persons in Sakebury and vieinits desinng cap have af epportuni- ; ¢ by callingon me EXCAMANGH NOTICE, No. y | tv of doing #° DY dd Ricnmosy, Va. Oct Lb, bnt3 1 A. J. MOCK, Agent. THE following € ontederate othe are hereby ce 1. Ail officers a Saliebury, N Cy, f] July 16, 5863 4 fg aredg duly eachatged: Somen capiored and paroled re wad men | are exempt from tistory de ty ander ibe pres | ent regulations, & the above ordet of the See | ‘ R.R. ROBERTS. in Tce, homcver ma miender COMMISSION MERCHANT, | ts vtade any sticers or men eapared at) \ Vicksburg Joly 4th. 1863, eacept such us were jeccaredexchanged by Exchange Notice No 6, j sept. 12th, bH63, or CoRNER OF 13TH AND’ CARY STREETS, ' RICHMOND, VA, are specifically named in his notice. Batt does embrace ali delivene SOLICITS consignments of Manufactured | i : " pa W k B d & ‘ : invade at Cnty Pornt or other places before Sep , ‘ I 5 t . &C., the rae hidaee ite pared eae mi esober bot, b=63, and with the imitation above exle of which he pledges himself to give parur named, all capturee at Port Wedssnurany oh: reiary of War Ti will be ween that it 8 the intention of the Departinent to raise a Bettahoa of mounted men, for epecial service in N.C, and theCom- mandent hopes thar all able-bodied meu, whe may be exempt by reason of basing furnts aubpitutes or otherwise, will not shnnk from ; lar attenteon lars, addreas T aie ont . r} ; er piace where the parties were released on ! ‘ yaa 7 fe fer Yr. Wm. Creer, 7 Ute ! A. D. WILKINSON, HE. sabseriber having at the Augnet Term P uv “ are . os bees and Ace jl (per i q dencott rme .an ers Gs oo : See Prinespal of the Coonty Ctart of Rowan, (taken Letters are . nd a lle. V o The Statlof Generals Pemberton, Ste- F ace Ry le, Via: July, 1863 th of Adminutration according to law. on the es- “4 . } eo a. bat a (Dabville, Van veusoo, Bowen, Moore, Harton, & Lee, . ' oobvt em on o an a... . a) pander ys - : tate of Christ Bringle. .° hereby gis Eee Lad : Commmge, Harr id Baidwin, and of Cob PISA AUBACHISE RD AS uat cm (ie 0 ce seed ames Romer eee a Fe isis CAsetl ene Tekenc tet ceived fol erDClAs. ta wit fa . ia es OL Sal ad hese 5122 ; f a | oD ee wd a ae - yr) Pe = 4 “ thelr claims duly authenticated within the tir - ae i heeim and menb ooging tothe Bagueer Corps Hf lone n s Y igead ie Co . ote 2 : ft . mited bs law, for tha! parnase, otherwiee this cad Suppere ond Miners, and the 4th and 6th I lea, Re ’ aCtey A Ae > | Bik aad White E “ ; t co will be plesdin bor Ot ther TAN El. ») OLL. Wiwwin< pp: Reguoenia, all captured at Verke- co uo 4) 4) At wf P ’ t ' ? Salt, . Debtors to the eetale will slat please make py 10 Sble Lannere’ Ob for sale wt bogs daly deh, Unt ; Nails, 8.10 and 6 twentarnernediately HENDERSON & ENNIS The geveral officers captured at Vicks io Oetober 26, 163. ans burg, Joly din. 1603, were declared «tohanged Shovel Moulds MICHAEL BROWN On conrigument 60 ores fite chatirig To buctu wiob Salisbary, Sept. ye Si 19 To Soldiers’ Famiiies! (MNHERE O18 be ne more moa-y , yROMP pe personal attention gigen to the Kouiiers afves Octber. leaner jek Wal to pore'va-e of Produce aud Shipments — a O BUY OR RENT A PLANTA rios j Se ee es Asad ¥ ; pls - vA Consignments euher for sale in this market of ng cutaoing froto 200 to 400 acres of ope | ) EX PEA VEULEY OOEREY month of November to get 2 «tock uf pr aeonhaed. | Lr pment to other markets soheted, which land, with a good Dwelling and necessary ot UL his profersonal services to the | I will use every effort K ubtaic supp ariy as pos. willbe acid at highest Maraet price and remit “ The Place must be healthy, affording | citizene of Sulisbary and the sur- Gaiisba ry, Oct. 2, 1863 Ar “ EELS | tances promptly made good water Tt. G. UALGHTON, rounding coonfry. ' ) 2, 1863 2 a'r. | z ‘ mnie se Salisbury. Jaty 13, 1863 ifn enon) FICE 7 r , ¢ cr . oO 4 . : ; 7 STRAYED September 28, 1663. unl? FRICE—Binek Raw: opposite the Wont house, Room No 2 ROM the subscriber, sometime 9 Sep a black boar, aboot 4 year and a half ould Mark: twe emoth crops. I will give a reward | of §5 fox the recovery of this boar. : JOHN CL. MORRIBON. Nov. 13, 1863. Aipd26 1. BRINGLE, Ndr Aug. 2h, 1263 —thils , WICHIEL BROWS. COMMISSION MERCHANT SALISBURY. N.C | |e ieee EY WANTED AT HENDERSON | & ENN ESS’, Draggi-ts ' Jane 15, 1463. . us AT THIS OFFICE. BLANK DEEDS, FOR SALB| July A3ch, MOF ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchange Southern papers publish six: tines and send (6:23 FOR SALE. 1 {bot Red Wood For «ale at HENDERSON & ENNISS October 26, 1863. WANTED bille to the War Department. * “aD EEE - BCe F. auy person has an accoant against Capt. W.. Lord, dec’d, he is requested U pre- sent it to me fur payment. 18 T.G. HAUGHTON. | Slate. {2 BLANK DEEDS FOR SALA AT? HIS OFFICE. ‘call and pay up Dr. J. A. CALDWELL thee call, but will hasten to entetin the defeqse of there homes, their fire-edes and the Btate that gave then terth Parties eniistrg sa the Battalen will be ex- empt from duty inthe Militia and Home-Guard and will receive the pay and allowance of ear alry-tren The Enrolling Officers throughout the State are authonzed to receive recrune, orthey may, report directly at esther. of the Campe of te struction By order of Col, PETER MALOETT. Comma dsot of Consorpts for N- HUGH L COLE, Capt & A AALG 5 w22pd Now is the time (0 pay Money. AVALL PERSONS EITHER INDEBT ed to me by note or accoant, are requested to A.M. NESBITT 1 June 15, In63 Jon. B. RUSSELL Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N.© WILL give prompt and personal haa lo the sale of produce, and parchuang TY 'umy absence, leave your name on the lee Oct. 16.-—tf22 { C jgnments and orders rerpectfully policit a4 h ired. dvances meg Festi? alisbary: Re lannn erred bapa wher surpe nent belo Pear c.*. ‘ Si AS “ semieed in, se y ay | els Ty eee le oe) ott ‘a, s othe th i a mite sdb hy sj ‘ny J Hh ~a aie nen aeiees wal a to teks ce Re spp al SS nr =< = yOL Xxk J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Price of the Watchman. From and after.this date, and uatil there is a change in the prives of provisions, paper aod other articles required ‘to carry on busi- uess, the subseriptien rates‘of this paper will be two dollars for six induths, and three dol- lene for s year, . Apverriaixa, two doller for the first, aad ee dollar fr each subsequent publication april 20th, 1863. { Ss coe : From the dh North Carolina, = . Came on tux Raetpaw st ‘ Now. dich, 1863. hen the alan was gives oo Satupday, evening all struck out, pedl anell for the Rapidan. No time was .mdking tnquirics ubout anybody or any thing tied, —nor was ang time bost usking questions about roads or fords—it was @ raew for life or death, and by noon gn Suo- day { presume every wagon belunging Jo the division trains was safe on the dafe side of the Rapidao. The wagonx aud baggnge were saved, su far so youd ;, but by ineans of the panic the oops, many of them, bad to fast for forty-eight” hours. I do pot think Lever saw » set of men so sorely ap with banger. One rations were de oer chunp at, ’s ford upcooked. “We bad tot « Pasta A ack O fir parations were made for any sort of w# move, nod for these and other reisons the couyietion forses itself on our miuds tbat <A calm precedes a storm— Unweltomeas | er! vo cought napping. vt & man in our regiment was hurt, well os unexpected visitors— Unhealthy | their escape is miraculous—each of the @tmasphere— A general row— Falling | other regiments iv our brigade saffered back - Was somebody ngpping /—A | more or less severely. Lt. Col. Sellers of psnicon a small scale—Safe at Lact | the 30th received a mortal wound, and ve _ _| bas died since I learn—a few were killed | a the 6th— Rother cool- in the $4 N.C. sine woupded anil abuat | i half the reufsioder captured, —some casu- | Qa last Satarday, the 7th jest. at 11 allies also in the 14th. 1 bave not learn- | o'clock, a.m. Mr. Kosser, corps Chaplsin, | ed the extent. Huke's and Huy's brigade in our eamp | were hotly engayed on the beft, and fam | preached to a large audtenve near Kelly's ford ow the Rappahannock. | of Northern Virginia now occupies the | At the clone of she msmoan notice was giv-, same tine which it left ou Ure 8th aud 9th | eo that on the next day a uuinber of per. | of Octuber. The varivas brigades, so far | SALISBURY, - ng, bo fire: } told snffered severely. The whole army | Simpsov. T R Smart, C W Swisher, 4 it as hag MO A hid seals, Me And tein anh, swu og ~ - —- = : : ae oe = = : ors cut: at: aaa “ , ‘ i pane dopey gd eae hak dite ee. os T% ey . a WAR #6 Pawn cu « pring wlan gis "A Te a a maa goad : t- Sere —— >. ET EETTTR AT pot yeti — etter ae i .) / UNUM BER ‘27. - Cer TGS tk aed) yp le od 1 ray he axes d t be VEMBER' 23, , wha > ot N&€.°NO = 1863.’ vian, Johe Bo “3 A Levi,’ A Lenin) Grid 4 hi fe : m 4 H MoGee,d S McGeraW H Olli, DW! "der Fatraondynery Csaye ioe el ee erat Seat Ow Sap: forbou se ee ae MeO pu : 4 y wie olley, isten- Toh ” . t . Ai mn the arm, > . buut and Benj Willis. Fe ee eo pat eit y to a fear- pa Ebr Fan, ehied bel cocoate gazed incalling the,morging rell ful. extent among the fugitive blacks Wik Lk He Mh en ~ A ivf the prisuners, were eonsiderably and @ large. tal has been egtab- vite, ¥>t | aken aback at finding thirty-three | lished.» fewimiles from. Beaufort for Sergis A Tute, J Hat land John Trol- {| : ‘ener Corpis’W M Kivbydtrick, J W Ba. | M&Ms on thre roll of Yaokeo desert- son aud J H Thowspedb4 Privates G W ) ers for which no owners if Anthouy, N Bivens,od Bradshaw, J | persona’ coald be found. At the i reception and.4reatment.. xtensive preparation. is. makin for aw caputlitech-dimtadrvnnt Cardwell, Jang AD Carsaell, sathe Coie it was apparent to’ the | front whet ourteformmarconkdleara Thos Cook, GF Digoe, 8) Derham,; BF | eye, from the xreatly redticed nim- at : cers, simultaneous ap Fitch, Lhes. E. ; Gibson, Jno | ber yf prisoners of this clase, that shiek tbr gy de od Ai LNieks, | chore, had. pen aghand,lsnkin.oper | ‘20 08 Sauna rhe of Ba gag thot Ray, Jd) ation duriug the Rat. cio ABs obs dd Ch ae ae Ste Pt a ft Ray, C aw, Jno y * Win Sykes, J) Juvestigation was at ence inade’ pet: ae Te ee eae, Sa Whitley, W Wright, and \W G Johusos ; with a view to the discovery of the | Military Execution in the sap d wounded. - | set tals p of Northern Virginia.—Three sol- Co. G—Killed — Private J, C Graham. | . in aehich 4 Tankee | diers of the. Forty-second Virginia Wousded—Corpla CF Ateyll and SM The room in which the Yankee | &' Yoni Pires dow Bound. imi ™ | deserters, between eighty and one | regiment, Genera Jones’ brigade, Capt BR Smith, Licute L. aaa | hundred in namber, are confined, is | who, by trial of court-martial, had nee H Miller Sergts H C Owens RA‘°? the first*floor of the Castle, which ineurred the death penalty for the Miller and J F Heilig. Corpt J Briegle; ‘is about ten ur twelve feet below the | heinous crime of desertion, ander: Privates B Alten, J C Berebart. A Bos. | evel of the alley way, which rons! repeated and vated «circum. — tian, JN Baker, N Canipe, MCynipe, Wj along the rear of the Castle, from | stances, paid the penalty® of their Cauble, HB G Earabart, Jas Hidsoo, H Zighteenth to Nineteenth streets.— | lives on Friday in General Lee’s © Jobuson, E Miller, EH Miller,J ® Over-| The prisoners removed the mason army, by being “shot to death with cash,J W Overcash, J F Owena E J (ary from the rear wall, facing the | masketry.” The execation ground Pogue, J M Richy, Juo Stephon Ljalley mined directly across it, in a | was located off the road leading from CD! line about six feet below the surface, Orange Court-House to Fredericks- \directly under the treat of the sen- | burg, about six miles from the court- house and in sight of Monat Pisgah clarch, The eondemned were bound Starrett, M Trexlar and E Upright. |tinels, and@emerged io the yard of Wounded— Private W R Williams. Mis-} WeCoriwnick’s restaurant, on Maig sons would be baptised, some would join the gharch, aad in the evening the facta ment would be adiministered,—all passed off as solemn and systematic as a quarterly meeting, so far as the anvouneements were concernel, and the congregation as- sembled ;—all was qaiet and calm; but the benediction was hardly pronounced when all at ones, aod very mach to the surprise of every body a farious bombar.d- inent begun at the ford,—also atove aod below it, not more than a mile and a half from camp. Every moment it grew heavier —shetis went sparkjing and hissing taro’ the air in aff directiotis, exploding above and aronnd, scattering fragments nucom- fortably wear on all sides, Prencutly the small arms onened thick and fast down ia femt; this raised the excitement higher, drunve beat, horses were saddled, yuns loaded, kuapsacks packed, and the cotn- mand resouaded throayh the entire camp —* fall io.” In lena time than it takes me to write it the troops were in line and’ tuarching tewards the scene of action.— From the summit of the till oo which we Were cucamped we could see what was duing the whole mischief. The enemy had crosecd and were advancing. * There was no mistake though it hardly secined pos- sible. the blue coats in the low yroands this side We could see a dense columa of of the river, while the hill Leyond was Several Yan- kee batteries held very strony as wel as glittenny fail of layoucts, ddvaulagouus positions un the Opposite bluffs froin which they raked us “fore aud aft” for a distance of two miles or mores It was impussible to bold the place, ac- cordingly the programine was to“ fall back” to sume sale position, which could not be fouod nurth of the Rapidav. The two rivers bere are froin ten to fifteen miles apart, and the country between them an unbroken level, ur gently rolling, with the exception of Pooy and Slaughter moun tains, both considerable elevations, the tirst 9 iniles southeast uf Culpeper Court house, the last about six ur englit south west. On Saturday evening vur troops held the ene- my at bay woul the most of the baggaye, camp equipage, do, was moved to the rear, atil| some valuable cluding wilh other camp faruiture was lost. No geueral vn Cagement, wy vet, had taken place along yur portion of the line, aud dang Satur day night our forces quietly retrented to Pony mounsain, mentioned above, where we forme lite of batfle belure day on Banduy Morning, raised temporary breast Works, expecting the enemy to advance rapidly,-whieb, however they did nut do, .40d at 3 o'clock p.m. Sunday, we evac- uated agaim, ‘aking up our line of march for the bills suuth of the Rapidan, distant eleven miles, which we reached about 12 o'clock the same night afier an exhausting march without food or rest. Not even a'J McNeelp, J A MeGallhard, M Pangle, 1 | Carthy, A Murphy, PA Morgan, M Moses, | Daring Friday night the onmber of | nearly all of whom would joyfully as I kaow, are in their same old camps. aud that they calculate on yiving us bat le here, how true [ don't pretend to any, bat if suvh a thing is attempted lot work may be expected. We have no quarters, nor sheRer of aoy kind, but fortunately, are abundantly sapphed with clothing, shoes and blankets; when once it is settled where we shall re ‘main this winter, why in a week « perfect town of litte shanties will spring up. The weather is excvedingly disagreeable. On , Monday last we had a regular snow storm thowgh none lay on the ground yet it has reduced the temperature of the atwosphere jw the freezing point, Sqealis of wind drive the smvke ia our eyes and pierce our clothiag to the skin, “bile black clouds sead acruss the sky spitting a little snow as they go, giving us rather au uopleasant foretasta of what 1s to come. NAT. LIST OF CASUALTIES Of the 6th Reg't. N. CU. Troops in the Battle of Rappahannock Railroad Bridge, Nov. 7th, 1863, Co. A--Killed—Serg’t Juhn W Wil liams.— Wounded — Private SL Straller. Missing —Capt J C Turner, Licuts Price and Cox, Serg’t JR Dickson, Corpls JC Wiley and E Sinuh, Privates Jas M Bow- wan, J T brown, JS Brown, | W Bar- yess, JK Burgess, LM Coltrane, W Croker, ZC Croker, J Cutung, Juo Goble, S Hedgecock, W A Leousrd, Geo Lence, Jno Mourn, TL Morrison, Joo Knott, Wm O Dooell, LR Rich, Jno P Stout aod I W Turner. Co. B—Killed—none. Wounded— Private Acadinus Mangum. Missing— Capt WK Parnsh, Liewt SL Cooley, Serg't Thos Wilson, Corpl Wille Mead. ‘ows, Privates HC Bachelor, AS Canny: tuo, Jno Carington, Jno Cates, Wille Cates, Dewit Davis, Jno Davis, Bushrod Duke, Nash Duke, L Franklin, HS Jack- sun, Jno James, 1? Latta, Wim Latta, A E Laws, G Laws, G T Laws, Wo Laws, Juo Manyam, Wille Mangam, A Parker, D. Parnsh, N Parrish, J A Rayfield, WOK Roberts, Win Stuumy, Dewit Tilley, James Vanbook, Win E Veazey, Wo DP Waguer, Ws Wateon and Alex Wilkerson. Co, C—Killed—veue. Wounded —Lt. W SChuoton, Missing —Wapt WG Guesa. Li WJ Chrtsuan, Sergis A J Carroil, W Y Phipps. Corpls EW Pickett, J W Carl- tov, Hiram Vickers, J W McKerall, DPri- vates Wo HL Adams, VC Glena, Jas W Holloway, WOH Herndon, MC Herndon, Juo Huskey, WJ Laycock, Levi Mark- haw, JC Marray, Weff May, Jas H May, Jas Carroll, das T Hall aud J W ‘Turner. Co. 1)—Kiiled —none. Wounded — Sergt D Ho Fritts and Private G Bery. | Misaing—Lt L Warlick, Sergts © C Cook, A W = Houk and JS Curtis, Corpls T'S Seabolt, Privates M Baker, J D Berry, J 1Q Brittain, JL Brtuan, HC Branch, D | Cook, R Coon, A G Curtis, G Duckworth, JB Davis, J Hildebrand, Ed Ferrill, WG Houk, R Keller, © Kale, @ Lewis, J’ Me- halt was at Raccoon ford, where our di-| Powell, W Powell, W Poteet, H Speagle, vision marobed across the river ia , close coluimas, avd knee deep in water cold as ie itself, Meanwhile the quartermasters and commissari seca onan te poe cated oe W Team and A J Warlick. Co. E—-Killed—-none. Wounded— nove. Missing—ia W G Turner, Sergt T Wright, Corps G W Bates and W J Loving, Pfivates Joo Chapman, H Chap- i lsing—Capt J A Lee; Lieut S P It is rumured that the enemy if advancing. Sergts A P Rudd, WL Bouldin, and\ N | ' W Hester; Corpls W W Murray, Cc ‘Ryall and H Maleae; Privates J R At- i dridge, A J Briostield, J E Covingtoa, ZZ Compton, J © Chatham, TL Evans, ZR, | Grinstead, S Hensley, | Hooper, J L Kersey, S King, A Moore, |G ‘Oliver, W D Riehmoud, H Rascoe, L } Co. , H—Killed—Private N airs al; J | Sawyers, P H Simpson. RB Swift, A ‘Tucker, J Walker, W S Walker, W F Wells and W Wrea. Co.: [—Killed—none. Wounded— Pri ‘vates M Herndon, J H Williams, J M Cheek. Missing—Lieuts W B Allen and | Thos M Jenkins; Sergt W H Lyon; Pri- street. The aperture created was | to three stakes, and six brigades of about two feet in diameter, and was | iafautry were draw ap in hollow inade to rise as its termtuus was ap- roached. Noa tools were. found abont the tunnel, and if the prisoners W A Hughes, Nj employed any, save their fingers and | nails, ‘them in their flight. giving the exact distance from the | they carried them off with prison wall wo the moath of the ex- cavation was found, which shows that everything was worked on scien- tific principles. Thirty-three prisoners are all that A guage line, 'W J Fitch, Jas G are known to have escaped, and, but vates N M Allen, Wm Burgess, Jno A baa pees y Booth; G P Cheeck, §Chapell, E Chapel, A A Lewis, Win Lawfence, W L Mourns, Sindey Mulhollon, Jno Roberts, Aron the escape of every prisoner ip the ;room from which rad this extraor- for the too sudden coming of cay- | light; there was nothing to prevent | square to. witness the spectacle, which was effecting indeed. At the firet discharge of the firing party the heads of the coudemned dropped | forward, and their bats tell off to the ground; but they were not dead, and a second platoon stepped up and fired, and also a third platoon, when the work of death was com- pleted. The military then marched in review past the corpses, and re- tarned to camp, and the bodies were buriec where they fell. The victims were all Virginians, two hailing from county, and-one from Pat- rick. One was a very young, fine looking youth, named Cooper. He dinary tunnel. ‘Three of the escaped prisoners were re-captnred on Satarday lark- ing about the city. It is probable that the whole par- ty are broken up singly, or into Thos H Sm th, Dapiel Smith, Winship Upeburch, Mark Wigberly, L B Yates, W M Yairgsin and C Kubanks. Co. K—-Killed-+oone. Wounded— | none. Missing —Ltjdas T Burton; Sergt G S$ Holt, Corpls A Halland M A Hesse; Privates B Aldridge, JS Al- | 9q dridga, G M Bird, J L Browning, JW way to the Yankee lines. Christopher, G W Qheeks, G G Dailey,; Up to lust night Wyatt"Hartt, WJ Maru, R Hughes, EL durdie, H C KingjG@ W Mason, W B Muithis, Alvis McAdams, Jno G McAd | ams; Jobn McGalli H McGalliard, JT: Merritt, J Bb Mooney, J M Murray, Madi- ' son Marry,B Marry,|W A Tarpley, James | Turner, G W wa By command of Ca D. G. GUNTER. Act. Adj't. ;and tive more were on their way to the city, having been taken near the captured by our cavalry pickets. York, comd’g Regt. | tag must have occupied the prison- ithe shape of a parulel approach, ‘ viyzag in forin, se that a shot) from “ (oe BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER. Nothing unusual has occurred since our last account to vary the monot onous bombardment of Fort Sumter, | The enemy’s firing has been mostly from the mortar Battery at Cum. , inings’ Point, and one uifled gun at ‘Gregg. It has lony since ceased to | do any more material injury to the fort, and only adds tv oar coll-ction | of shots and shells which they have been so liberally farmishing as for fature service, ° . The following shows the namber ot shots fired for three days fast week up to suodown Saturday.— Number of rifled shots tired Thurs-’ day, 144, of which 34 missed 5 nuin- ber of mortar shells 159, of which) 59 missed. The monitors only tired | twice, striking the tort both: tones. | ‘One shot passed through the flay. read out a notice te the black troops During Thareday night 180 mfled purporting to come from across the shots were tired, of which 51 aniss lines, to the effect that all negroes ‘ed; and 282 mortar shells, 110 of who retarn tb the Confederate terri- ‘which missed. i tory will be bang immediately upon On Friday, 74 rifled shote were | their arrival. By this infamone sys- ‘fired, nine of which missea, and 215! tem of lying they are succeeding ‘mortar shells, of which 128 missed. | pretty well in retaining the fugitive, harined none of the workmen nor escaping prisoners, had they been ' detected. out business. FROM BEBUFORT. at Beaufort, who arrived here a day or two since, gives gome Interesting items of information, The present force of the enemy at Beaufort is about 10,000 white troops inostly foreigners, and six regiments of black, three of which have re- cently been organized, Every week the Yankee officers ‘rifled shots fired was 115, 36 missed. | return to their masters ifthey believ- On Saturday, only 25 rifled shots|ed it conld be dove with safety.— were thrown, nine ot which failed | They are thoroughly disgusted with to atrike, and 225 mortar shells, of|the brutal rule of the Yankees, and hich 96 missed. . Char. Cowrier, 15th. w long to get home agen. new vonsctipt jers nearly.a week. The work is in‘ H fu. med by a ' passed up the ‘the cutrances would would have;ter, bave passed over through Lon- -don and Fanquier, and that the Yan- | kees have re-occupied Charlestown The work is as perfect as|in force, and send scouting partres thoagh performed by a corps of sap- | of New York cavalry to Strasburg pers‘and miners, and from its sac- and Front Royal, to gather up strag- cess it is inferred that seme of | gling Confederates, steal horses, and Grant’s men who-worked into Vicks- | plunder hen roosts and pig stys.— burg were encyged in thie digging | Capt. Blackford, Surgeon Guild and , Chaplain Morton escaped from _pris- /on and came over the Potomac in ‘couspany. The Federals were much A deserter from the enemy’s camp | infuriated with the people of Charles- ' town eince their late mishap there, ; and in their rage, set fire toa nuin- | ber of buildings in the place, which | were fortunately extinguished by the ‘citizens, with the exception of two ‘ore and inj on haa been ot wept much during the ceremony, jand every soldier present felt for jhim. But the gravest ofall military 'crimes had been committed, and | could only be atoned for his blood. |The names of the two other men wads of twos, andare making tueir/ Were unknown to our informant, | who.saw the execution. eighteen of the | honorably perished three men, who, stead, John Hartt, escaped prisoners had been caught, | #fter passing unscathed in honor or | patriotism through many. battles, | facing death by ballet and steel, by Old Church, in Hanover. All were | 09e false step aside from the path ‘ot principle and duty, were brought From observations made yester- | '0 die miserably at the musket point and WJ) Walker,/ day, it was apparent that the min-, Of their comrades in aryes. Thus dis- From the Valley.—We ate in- geieeen who lately alley from Winches- orthree. The wifeof Major Hawks, while remonstrating with them, was struck bya trooper with his sa- ured severely. , Rich. Sentinel, 14th. | — | Atayep.—The Atlanta Register has a private letter from General Bragy’s army, written by a distin- guished citizen of Tennessee, which assures it that the recent disgatisfac- tion among general officers has been allayed.—There are bat few who growl, and the purpose of all seems to be the promotion of harmony, and thus the perfect efficiency of the in- vincible Army of Tennessee. / B ie Oe oe ee ; } pia! Legisiatare—Gev. the Te George Laghlatar ter open oe won bot fey ; stitutes. the Govein certain aias muc That portion of the conscript act whieb right to “this vaeibge vs ft has to authorizes those within conseript age to ' take frow me my land, or my provisions, employ substitutes has, in my opinion, bee® | or osher propery, for public ase ; and all active of the most unfortenate results. (ne person who employed the sub- If conscription is right, or Hf it is to be ae ‘ stitue could demand would be just eom-~ viesced in as a matter of pecessity, %95| nunsation for the injury. The mensure of eortainly just shat it sct appa al: alike, Gamage might be the amount paid by the whether rich or poor. With the svbstitu | priocinal fur bis substituse, less a just pro ton priveipal in the act, its efbect bas beet | pytu for the time the substitate has served, vo eottpel the poorer classy who have PO! and upon the ‘payinent of the damage or money with which to employ suboiitutes, | phe just compegsation for-it, the Govern co enter the army, vo matter what May | meat would bave Ue right to retain the be the condition of their families at home, | substitute, x3 well as the prineipal, in ser while the nch, who have moury Wit) vice, as the substitute has been paid by the wuich lo employ substicutes, have often principal for the ser.ice, and the priveipal escaped compulsory service, This 1 BOL) has been eompensated for the damage dune ‘ust as between man and man. While | j hia by urderuy hima into service, dt trast I have shown that the poorest MAR! would be competent, however, 10 estimat 1a the Coefederacy has such interest ®t} jay the damage in such case, to take into stake as should stimulate bim to eud¥re | ihe acovunt the interest the principal has apy amount of hardship or danger tur the in the success of our cause and the estab success ef our cause, 1t cannot be dented | | shmeut of our independence, as Recesary that the wealiby are under as great oble | io the perpetuity of bis liverties and the zation to du service, as they have, in d+ | seeuriiy of all bis rights, It would. also ditiun bo the rights and hberties of tbew- | be coinpetent to inquire whether he has selves and their childrea, a large amvovl | jagecd suffered any pecuoiary boss. If he of property to protect. Mevery wealthy | bas paid three thousand dollars for a sub- man woud do bis duty, and share his part | jitute, aud bas brew kept out of the army publie safety requires it, oi rs a, ef bproper sobsti- Odea § for the |o88 of liberty ; the death or metilation of hundréds of thousands of buman beings ; for the increase Of exasperation and ha- tred ; for th@ @eabtation of large territories; for the substitution of paper credit for regular and lucra tive industry, and fur the tenfold | iniseries whieh the war has hitherto inflicted on the black race as well us on the white—these are the things {tor which President Lincoln would have to thank Providence if the day jof th Haat She me been fixed on ‘the 3d of October. For what bless- lings will he have to retarn thanks jon the 26th of November? How \can he—how e@gn any man—foreeast what in 3ixX weeks hence will be the pusition of the Awerican repablic —whoetber it wil be one demanding thanksgiving of more eeitably com- memorated by fasting aud humilia- tion? ds the dgurse of events flow- ing so enOrely in one directiou—are the indicationsof prosperity sosteady and assured that Mr. Lincoln is jus- Standard of Nov. 18, oaye we read it a lecture in our pa- pot of 19th Oetober, aboatold whigs and democrats. A s'ight mistake: We told the editar of hie treach- ery to thuse two old parties, and of = | our belief that he would also desert the Conservatives the woreut they failed to reward hitm as he thinks he deserves. Tt would do no good to read him a lecture on any onbject. But this vindictivey writhing apos tate, still inflated with the idea that ee Ps a SALISBURY, N. C.: . meee eceee MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23. | 563. Ligut. Cor. H. C. JONES, Ju The friends of this highly esteem ed gentleman, (and they are numer ons in this eommonity,) have fur a few days past been disturbed with reports of bie death ; and it is with great pleasure, therefore, that we) le can “kil and make alive’ whom state npon the authority of aletter| be pleases, after saying that the received from an officer who was! Watchman has identified itself with himeelf engaged in the fight at Kel: | the “ Destractives,” adds: “It hae ly’s Ford, that be is moet proba ly choven to do so, and must abide the a prieoner. The auther of the letter consequences. Weesball henceforth referred to says thar he behaved | treat it asa destrnetive journal, av- most yallantly : ¢hat after the col lesa it shail give in the fntore an- umaos of the enemy bad succeeded mistakeable indications cf repen~ by mere numbers, in getting into the breast works, and our men be- | gan to give back, Co). Jones seized ; tance and retormation.” Now, jen’t that terrible! Why he has cursed us fike a priget—ex- of the dangers of the war, but few com. | plaints would be heard from the poor.— But if the money of the nich ts lo continue wo secure bim from the fardships, priva ions and dangers lv whieh the poor are, exposed, discontent, aud more of less de | moraligation in the army must be the 1s | evitable result. He who has paid two or three thous | sand doliars for bis substitute, bas often | made it back in a singie moath by specu | lation, and it has not uofrequently happened | that the families of those in service al even | dollars per moath, have been the most | unfortunate victims of bis speculation and | extortion. | A very large oumber of stout, able. | bodied youog men, between eightees ani | forty-five years of age, are Bow ou: of the | army, and in their places the Goseroment | as aecepted old meu over forty-tive, whe | have, ia most cases, beeu vaable to under- go loag warebes, pnvation aad fatigue. | Thousands of these bave suok by te way, | gitber 1oto the kospitals or into thc grave. It is also understood that mueh th- larger aumber of deserters and stragglers from the ariuwy have been substitutes, who have | entered it for bire aod after receiving | stipulated price, have sought the fra op- | portunity lo escape, which they have te some instanees been permitted to do, with | the acquiesepace and encouragement 0°) officers, who have been their partners io guilty speculation. Thus thé same indi- | vidual bas been accepted as a subsutute for each of several able bodied young men, who have been left at home to seek for | gain aod enjoy comfort, while our enemies | aave gained advantages on occount of the | weakness of our armies. Lf we expect to be successful in our) struggle, the law must be so changed as | wo place ia service the tens of thousands of | young men, who are now at home. This ' would reisforce our armies, 80 a3 to enab!- us to dnve back the enemy upon every, part of oar borders. After this change tn tbe law the Government could provide for the protection of the most important in- verests at home, by making proper details of such persons as are indispensably neces: | sary. is would be much better than | the extension of the conscription act op to fy or fifty-five, as it would bring into the : tield young men able to eodure service, in | place of ole mes who must soon fail when, exposed to great fatigue and bardships, | many of whom are as competent as young | men to overscer plantations and attend to other bome isicrests. } Bat it may be denied that the Govero- | ment can vow so change the law as to make those who have furmissed substi- tates liable to service, as it is beund by its cyotract to execppt them aud they bave | acquired vested mgbts under the contract, which itis not in the power of the Gov-: ernment to divest. Let us exaiuine this ‘or armoment. I purchase a jut of land! ‘rom the State of Georgia, and pay her one thousand dollars for it, and she cun- | veys it to me by grant under her grea! sea!. The contract is as solema, and bind: | ing a» the Guveroment can make it. My few simple title is vested aud complete. But while I bavethe grant in my poeket and the State has my tmoney in her treas ary itis discovered that the public neces- sity requires the State to repossess beveeif | of the land; I refuse to sell to ber, she ray pay me just compensation, ant take tbe land without tay consent, and sbe vio- ats vo fundamental principle, as all our private rights must yield to the public geod, ao Mf owe are injured we can only equire just compensation for the injury. Ayaiu, suppose I have labored hard aud | made upon my land a susplus ef provis- 10n4, which are my own nght and proper- ty, and | refuse to sel} them to the Gov-, erument, when the army is ic need of | them ; it may take them withvut my con | sent and pay me juet compensation, and L| bave been deprived of noe of my consti- | wuooal riglits. The sight of a person who has employed | a substiiute to be exempted from military gervioe can Certainly stand upoo Be bigher groved, The Government bas extended vo such persons the privilige of exeasption for that sum for ove year, and during tbat | Utied in proneusemmy with certainty time be lias made ten thousaad dollars) that bis affairs on the 26th Novem. | inure Ly speculatien or othurwise than be | ber wall ‘eal for thanksgiving and would have made had be been in the ar) yout humibation? To thank Provi the colors of the regiment and plant ed them in front of the enemy, when he rallied and formed a new line of communicated us from the polities? Our very clouies will cer- ‘tainly abhor us after this. Gh! Bile , church, ty, al cleven dollars per month, the ac | Qeuce tur blessings not received is his men, who fought then potil re- ly llolden, the apoet te High Priest tual amount ef compeusativa due from the Gove. oment to lain mygbt be very smal) in- ! deed, fl anything. Believing that the pobite neessity re: quires 1, aud eutertmuiag no doubt tbat Congress possesses the power t> remedy the evil, without violatiug vested nights, I respectfully recommend the passage of a joict resolutiun by tbe General Assembly, requesuny Congress to repeal that part of the conscript act whieh autburizes the em- ployment of substitutes, and, as conserip- eon ie the preseus poliey of gbe govern- ment, to require all persons able to do military service of the Coofederacy with the least possible delay, and to provide ' some jast rule of compensation to those who may be injured by ihe enactinent of such alaw. I| also recommend that said resolusiun iustruct our Senators and Rep- reseptalives in Congress tu vote for aud urge the passage of this neasure at the earliest possible day. FROM EUROPE. The following extracts are from the Paris correspoudent of the New York World: There is an important moveinent on foot to indace tie Pope to come out witha buil, ao edict, or some sort fa unciamento, the object of which shall be to turn the tide of | Irish emigration trom the United | States to Mexicu. Iu the former country they are ased as food for powder; ip the latter they will be prowised free fartns, exermaptuion from taxation fur a Certain stipulated pe riud; and they will also receive the especial blessing of the Pope for ‘giving preference to the land of the: church. Already the Mexican em- igration fever is becowivg an epi- dewic. The last steamer that left Sc. Nazaire for Vera Cruz tovk oat 625 passengers, aud refused, for want of room, abmpost as many more. We have news by telegraio from New York to the 10th, which places sreenbacks at a yreater discount in Wall street than the Confederate loan in Europe. Many of vour shrewd rich men are converting their effects inte bills of exehanye, and rcoming to Eureye tur good. Of crse, these bills bave to be drawn against yold which is now arriving at the rate of Z,QuU,00U a week. We are daily expecting to hear that the Caar Abraham has issued an order profibiting the export of precious , tuetal ! A French gentleman who came pessenger in the China has visited Chattanooga, Charleston and Rietr mond siuce the defeat of Losencrans. The accoanis he brings of the gen- | era! condition of things in the South are exceedingly encouraging to the: rebel cause. He says Vrayy’s ariny is the largest and Bacst body of mar in the wosld ; that Charleston is iin-, preguatle, and Richmond jubilant. This gentleman, Coun: — , pase ed through New York, and repre- sents the people of Gotham as utter: ly blind to disayreealle facie, and | says that they will believe nothing that is not favorable to the unholy work of subjngation. The European press treats Presi- dent Lincoln’s pet, thanksyiving as blasphemons irony. The Times, | whieh strikes the keynote not only fer England but for the continent, exclaims as follows - Thanksgiving for what? Vor ciyil war, the very t of calamities; for the destraction by rude hands of ag tear a approach to blasphemy us to rwibe against the chastise- ments duly merited, | dtr. Slidell in Paris—Ferocious state of Suciety.—Mr. Siidell cannot be very Lusy now, or be sammoned very trequently tu the Tolleries, for tion ef bis time in the courtyard of |Graed Hotel. He looks a littls blue jand melancholy since his bosom | triends, Mason and Gwin, have gone ;to England. The Grand Hotel is {an amusing place to look in at occa- | It is the headquarters of | | sioually. | the secessionist, many of whom bave | fvotms there in the fourth story, and ) ecuonounse by going out for meals at lcheap restaurants. There are a num- ‘ber of Northerners there, but the! j linea are very closely drawn, and there is vo association between the two. tn fact, some of the Southern ladies, ag they sweep by Northern era, scorpfully gather in their skirts as though they fear to be contami. uated by touching even the nem of a Northerner’s garment. The secessionists, composed of Southers born and a few bastard Northerners, cuitvate the English amazingly, and the English sisters ip return extendto them all their sympathy, while tieir hate is reserv- ed for people from the North. The | extent and bitteriess of this feeling is really rewarkible. I beard an amiable looking English female state the other day that sbe bad rather see a dozen Nortlerners torn to pie: | ces than the little tinger of a South. . eroer Lurt.—Cor. V. Y. Tomes. The condition o* the Neyroea in the South.—** Au the South,” calls the atteation of a London paper to the following state meot: “ There were imported into the British West Indiea 4,000,000 negro slaves, and when they were twanamitted there were 800,000.— [ute the Southern States 400,000 were imported, an! there were, be- fore the war 4,090,000. crease in the foriner and increase in the latter are strong facte; the eh- matic influence is on the side of the West Indies ; there must then have been a very different treatment, and | perience, is false as to vores. accurate research gives the nutnber of white commanieants in the South- ‘ern States at 1,550,000—one in three | of the adult popalation, Of the eo- of their adalts. Serety the blessing of God must be with ench a state of things. War won the Gardders in Goor | gra.— A bill was introduced last week in the Senate of Georgia, by Mr. Gaulden, to rid the State of gain blers. lashes and confinement at hard labor in the penitentiary foe a term of nos! | }ese than one year nor ore than five jyeare it will, probably, pass intoa | law. [That is right—emoke them out.— Ruch. Examiner. | ~ A fire damp-explosron oceur- red at the Egypt Coal fine, in Chat. ham covoty, A C., on Tuesday last, killing oom men aod injuring the ma- ebinery. Englishwoman, | who has lved nearly thirty years in , This de: the views of the anti slavery party, probably, based upon their own ex- | Again, | lored people—500,000—one in four | The penaity is thirty nine | i sistance was hopeless. Ile then jplonged into the river, but finding | from the coldness of the water he ; could not ewim, hy pat back and (was taken prisoner. | This correspoads, in relation to | linend Examiner's accuont, so that this friends have a reasonable hope ‘that leis safe, though untortunately hia the hands of the heartless eneiny. “-_e - ty relates tbe particulars of the case of a ‘man who charged a poor Cischarged sl- der 88 for a quart of Brandy, which he required for medical purposes. It is sta- ted that the man whe suld the brandy has two sons iv Waakee land, who are doubt- ess on congenial terms with the enem:-s i of the South, be wonderful if the father, bere m North Tie bein, so, it would not Carvlina, is “vot exactly sound on the! goose ;” or that be shouid eatort ou our worn-out, broken down soldiers who come limping in from the battle field. I’, bow- ever, be be true to our cause, ihen his un- generovs dealings with the poor suldter indieates a degree of meanness whieh will show uself in other ways: We veuture to say be is too niggardiy to subserite and pay Sor a newspaper, but that be will steal an editor's labors by borrowings ReWspa- pers from « peigbbor , or by Suing to the Poat-office and feading them bere, of bear sume one else read them. Fire. —We Sear: that on Mondny the 16th inst. the dwelling house and all it contained, of Mr. David Wormington, was destroyed by Bre. ‘ted is unknown. We learn that Dy. W. is in very needy circumstances, and @ fit | subject of charity. His wife and three children are now deprived of all comforts, How the fire origion and entirely dependent. Interesting to disbled Soldiers, —The Postmaster at this place, hns handed ue the following lete : fur publication : Confederate States of America, POST OPFICE DEPARIEMEN #, APPOINTMENT BUREAU, Rienmoxn, Wa., Nov. 6, 1863. Postmaster ot Salishary, N.C Sin :--The Postrnaster General bas al- lowed an adcational agent on Route $176, from Salisbury @ feurd’s Station, N.C, You will please give public notice (with make appheation fur it. Prefereqee will be given to Cisabled soldiers or tmaen dis- charged from de ariny on account of phy- sical disability. The salary allowed ww ving handred dollars per anvom. Vory respectfully, Bb. N. CLEMENTS, Chef of Appt. Bureau | Advance im Negroes.-- Notwith- \etanding the precarious sitnation in | which alarmists would wake the | people believe the “ peculiar institu- | tion” has fallen, negroes sold higher _ yesterday by three or four hundred dollars than they did last week.— Likely negro: womon brought fear thonsand four handred dollars, and there ‘was a general advance in ail descriptions offered. — Examiner. A friend writing to us from [redell coun- } out expense to the Department) of the! fact, that perscns desiring the posivun may j of demovracy, do, if you piease, pive You can’t j imagine how yon have slarmed vs Las absolution speedily. | —how gou have almost &illed us. | Be pleased to sprinkle us with holy Ywater, dropped from your holy he spends a very considerable por-! in. fate of Col. Jones, with the Rich: | priestly fingers aw! we sill live | wyuin. den, ol! Oh! Billy, Billy, Bally Hol- How onven more repent- jance dv you want? We are very , busy most of our time, but we thidk we ean hire some twocr three of those discontented, foult-finding patriote who yoo have ’ ° cotip wining, | wannfactured, to stand and cry unto , you in our bebalf, like the prieste of j Baat frou the sisting of tue sur unto the going Gow thereof. Will you | not hear them 7” However, we whall ner fear to go ont—yo out aXe the cold!—for we We had just as soon be a (oldenite as a Spetionnite, and? a Spellmanite as a Holderite. They have been, both of them, public nai- are nsed to it sances in North Carolina. Dy their bitter personal warfare, conducted from personal hatred, and perverted! to party ends, they pat the State to a false position and brought on ns disgrace; and we will absolutely shiver in the cold the remainder of oar days rather than pnt ourself to rauch trouble to get inty the cou- pany of eitber of them. But bow came this man, Ho den, acting party ¢ Who gave hun that author's? How ‘amd when did the wolf enter the sheep- fold! We rejected him and his officioas- We told our readers that Vance would | se been Eigh Priest of the Conservative ness ut the Governor's election. elected more surely without, than with: bun. The people of North Coretina be- Heved at that time that the democratic party were greatly to blame for Longing oa the war; and go where vou would, you ih oula hear them protesting 1a the most soenno manner, that they woald never ayalh support the candidates of vlrat party, Holden bas reputation fur great shrewd: bess, ade rendy percephon of the popular janed. Rats fy from a stoking shop ore burning barn, and his shrewdness consisted in leaving the democratic petty wheo he | found they bad incurred the odiom of | bringing on the war, although he himself, bad advocated secession for ten yenrs be- fore. He entered the fold a bye, unprio cipled deserter, cursed by brs old associates from Dan to Beer Sheba, He deserved it. He was not needed by the Conservatives, but was readily wccepted by many who have more rmehinnoe of license uw elec- ani they bave fem on position in the Con- pervative ranks as vonnstural as they will ultimately find it hurtful. suppor how, that Hholden's infihence car ned the recent election for them and he bas the “tact” toravail himself of thie de- ception by “ putting on nies,” or playtog lion. He did the Comservatives ae a party, |e deal of barm. He is redponsible, in : | great measure, for the “ peace meetings, | and especially for the most disloyal de- \ monstratious of the kind in this State. He had the “ tact” to pervert a universal sent menvto a party purpose, when there was no need of it, tu promote the election of ean- didates opposing tHe old democrats. They would have been elected without that ds | graceful wriekery. He endangered th tions than the force of truth , led * ! gonewrue a May of them. — pence 0 ey In t disaffec showa traitor, of Cons of the whieh Goverw have sb power | apostal Sinee ernmen war, We Watchs spirit— that we victions Juslrate cause Souther case th the firs: our Vie though aball ex the fate of all. and do C Mr. fuliowir 54th R ith No Janes Hall, J sion, J A Met Sharf, | Wilha: Yorke, Ther as far ¢ Ga Fifty. oue of the N was v Peter by tw for a: ives | was h Inetan lug th to red Mn cir comn (Grove cou pu thous, at 6 } coin ; ana the in this t coupu the bi the ee meut for th W&e., ¢ that $1,001 ed to funds be le. durin, We sela h formi. fleet « that ¢ their rigid dict t vesse| of the most er e —™ , pence of the State. ey ‘in the gate, and inet a dea} of disaffection which otherwise hever had showa itself, and which he, auther aed traitor, will some duy cast into the faces of Conservatives. The same stern resolve of the people to oppose the democrats which showed itself in the election for Govervor, is uaabated ; a0d we assert would havesbown itseiflu this with more decided power but for the compounding with the apostate of the North Caroliia Standard. Sivee the breaking up of the old Gov- ernment and the commencement of the war, we bave cudeavored to conduct the Watchman with the Jenst possible party spirit—have tried tu ignore party—not that we do not stl entertain our old con- vicions aud preferences, and expect to i! justrate thei on proper vecasions, but be- exuse wo believe the great struggle for Southera independence in which we are engaged, shou! mot be warred, hindered or jeopardised by party strife; und beenune we think that old differences should be lost 1u the common Ixbor, privations, sacrifees and sufferings to be encoantered by all in etablishiog a new Guverument. Somme of our old political associates have not appre- eiated these motives; and some of those with whom we never acted politically, have misowpstrued car course. In either case the fault is their's; for this is pot the first Line we have yiven utterance to our views and feelings on this eubject, though we think it shall be the last We aball continue to pursuc our own Course tu the future, as to the past, regardiess alike of all. We are under vbhyation to uone and do not intend to be to woy. eee ~ Camp xean Kaccoox Forp, Va, 1d of the Confedern. . Aeawra, Nov, 18-—Advices from the front give nothing new, A Correspondent of the Register, at Lit: tle Tenuesses river, says that Gen. Wheel- er has intercepted » letter from Burnside’s Adjataui General to bis Quartermaster in days’ ratious, aad God only koows where the next would come from. A special dispaich mentions a roimor that Sherman has crossed the Tennessee river at White's Bluff with twenty thoa- saud men and is moving towards Rome. Anuther special dispatch says the Louk- out battery opened on the caemy’s trains crossing ut Brown's Ferry. Louisville dates to the 12th have beeo received by flag of trace. The enemy bave been on quarter ra- lions. The citizens of Chattanooga are suffer- ing wreatly, und are being semt North to keep from starving. A train on the Bardstown road was burved by the rebels. Cinciooati dispatches state that the re be! privawwers were cruising near Saudus dy, swppused for the object of the release Of the prisomers ot Jubostou’s Island and lo acl a» pirates. Louystreet's furces have eroseed the Ten nessee at Loudon. Hin cavalry are report: ce 10 nive tikes of Kuoxville, my are falling back before them. The ene- suidiers Lo prefer an lonurable death oo the battle Geld to languishing in Ny:there | duayevos ull the close uf the war. Stl Later From the Nertin Kentucky, stating that he bad only ten | learo from Sheriff Waytom thay Spon a Gos! compurison of the Notes in this Dis- trict, lant Wednesday, at Charlotte, it was found to foot up as follows : James G. Ranweay, William Lander, 3536 8277 _ Majority for Rameay, 259 THE LATEST NEWS FROM RICHMOND. Ricamoxp, Nov. 20.—On Wednesday, about daylight, Geo. Hampton surprised a cavalry camp of the evemy four miles fromm Stevemsburg, near Culpepper county, and captured owe hundred and seventy- five men, with hurses aod equipinents. — One Major, with two or three privates, were killed on the enemy’s side. Our loss ude killed and five wougded, Our cavalry also captured thirty-nine Yaukees at Kiy’s Furd, a'tew days ayo. Nearly all of Meade’s forces are repre- sented to be South of the Urange railroad. FROM CHAKLESTON, Cwarveston, Nov 20—Between two and three o'clock this moraipg the evemy, ro several barges, approached Bort Suuxter, aud upou being hailed from tke Fort, au- swered with oaths. They discharged sev Giva, Brayy's General Order ch ie jeral volleys of musketry, which were re- al phed to by the yarrison, the engayement lasting from fifteen “to twenty uninutes, when the barges withdrew. Forts Muultne, Bee aud Johosipn ato opened on the barges, but it is not kuown with what damage to the Yankves. ” The Bisetion, in the BA Disthict, ~We| Ricamonp, Nov. 19.—Baltimore papers Noveinber 10th, 1863. Mr. Editor -—vir: Please publish the | of the 17tu bave beeo received. The expedition under Bunk’s bas land- fullowing list uf prisugers taken in Co. A, 54th Rey:ment North Carolina Troops, on 7th Nov. 1863, fur the information of the friends of the members of the Company : Capt G@ F Sinith, Lies: HP P Levill, Serg’t W T Stoner, Serg’t F H Traathain, eorp'l J F Beck, corp) G W Miller, corp’! Jas Longseor)'l| H J Palmer. Prvaies, D W Broadaway, L C Carter, Jaines W Davis, J P Hodsun, Raleigh Hatl, JF Meactdey, J K Heartley, J Jobo | swa, JE Kej.ty, Wa Koonts, J Long, A McUarn, TP Mebrnde, G F Owen, W Sharf, bP Sunesoa, JW Toukins, RA Wilharus, AK Will aus, J A Ward, Jas Yorke, J York. There was none killed in the company as far as known, nor auy wounded. Your ob’t servant, J. A. FITZGERALD, Lt. Ca. A, 54th Reg. N.C. T. Garroted.—W. T. Simpson, of the Fifty third Virginia regiment, aud one of the exchanged prisoners froin | the North by the last flay of trace, was waylaid and rovbed near thee Petersburg depot on Mouday night, by two wen, who accompanied hun for a short distance ap the canal, an- der the pretence of showing him a drinking shop. te was considera- bly injured, and lost forty dollars, | partly in Yankee cwrreacy.— Rich. Examiner. We copy this that persons going | to Richmond inay be ou their guard. | me 2 A convention of representa: | tives of the Banks of South Carolina was held in Coluunbm on the LOth Instant, for the purpose of consider: ing the curreucy question. Lu order to reduce the Confederate currency | In circulation to $200,000.C 00, a re commendation was tmade that the Government make s new issue of coupon bends to the umount of one thousand miiiions of dotlara, interest at Oper cent. payable annowlly i coin; fata law be passed levying an anunal Cox of SBU,000,0U00 to pay the interest on the bonds, and that this tax be paid in coin or with the coupons of the above bunds; that the bonds be suld to the peuple of the several States by the apportion- Ment at pur, receiving in payment for them treasury notes of all issues, We, &e. [t was alse recommended that bille of $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 be issu- e¢ to facilitate the tranemission of funds; and that un increased docy be levied on all iuporte wad exports during the war. TUE BLOCKADE. We learn that tive additioual ves: sela have recgutly been noticed as forming a part of the blockading fleet off the coast, going to show | that the Yankees are in earnest in their threats to catablish the most rigid guard over this-port. We pre- dict i vessels will go ont and come in, but of the risks capture or destruction, mast be largely increased. Umingion Journas. the denomination of | iat, spite of all their efforts, | ed safely on the Texas sbure of the Rio Grande, wher experiencing very heavy weailier, The government works at’ Fort Brown were destryyed by the Confederates. — | Wien they saw the Yankees bad lauded | the towa of Brownsville was set on tire by | the Confederates, but the Unionists resist- Major Eltiott save it was a feigned ass sauk, Batteries Gregg and Cummings Point opened avery beavy fire on Suimter this toorning. Two or three more shells were throws into the city last night, Lut no person was injured. e Artaxts, Nov. 20.—The Appeal learng from Colonel Chester that Longtstreet had ed them ard a bloouy fight vecurred. The j loth Maine Regunent ws ordered tu sup- | port the Unionists, Geu. W.H. F. Lee. confined at Fortress | Monroe for several inouths, bas been sent | to Fort Lafayette. | The steamer Suuny Sede was destroy- jed Ly tice a few days ayy uear isiand No. 16. Ciatrgo eonsisted of 1,300 bales cot- | jton, whmeh, logetber with the buat, is a! {total leas, wight indies, were drowned in atteupting Ww ge »sbore. Rumored that Gov, Gamble and Lieut. ‘Goverver Hill, of Missoun, wiib shortly | | tender their resignation. Au arrival from Havana brings later advices from Mexico. 1; is said that the Interventonists have been defeated in va- rious engagements by the troops of the Juarez Government. Jt is also anid the party of the Republic will gain streagth | wih the people by putuny Gen, Comon- | port great suffering for want of food and ' fuel. One-hundred aed thirty six Yan- fort at the head of the National troops. The arrival of Maxnotllian is anxiously looked fur by the fnemds of monarchy. The Confederate steamer Geurgia, put Intu Santa Cruza, Tenerite. on the bath | wlutmo, te obtaia supplies of cual and pro- visions. A lot of Rebel Documents were captur- frown KE. DeLevo, Paria, to Presideat Davia, | mone of which he expresses the belief j that there is no intention on the part of | Frauce to recognize the Confederacy. Gold in New York Mouday, 1474. Earl Russell has proposed « base of ne- guuiation between Germany and Denmark on the Holdstein gaestion. Fe in stated that authority to bud the Rebel rams in Wrauce was given under eassurancy thal they were intended tor the Chinese. From East Tonnessee—Iimportant Knamers. Autseapos, Nov. 19.—The tina repor- | ted at Ball's Gap was at Kuooxville. Pleo. | ty of rutpors afloat of its re occupation by our forces, but no otfeial eontirusation. Luroside bas two regiments of cavalry nt Lick Creek, 12 1utles below Greenville. From the Trans-Misstssippi—The Yankees Again Whipped. ' Monte, Nov. 19.—A_ special dispatch from Tangipaboa, dated 16th, save that a letter received from a member of General tireen’s staff announces the defeat of two Franklin's ., ’ Alston encountered a portion of [ wilor'y Yankee columns in Louisiana. weiny under Gren. Green, near Alexandna | on the Sth, and atter a stupborn fight the Varkees were routed with loss of stores wud etx hundred: prisoners, Wetzei's division ois reported to have been routed by Gen. Paylor near Opelous hee. The expecioon is said to be aban- doued, a porkoa of the {ruops bavtay re- torned to Yort Hadaon and Baton Rouge. | From Charleston. | Cuanwaston, Nov. 19.—Knemy Sring | slowly from Gregg upon Sumter. Noth: | | ug new this morning. | The Mom phis Journal says that on the night of the 27th ult., eleven prominent citizens of thad city were arrested and sent 10 prieow for being out too late. Thirty passengers, including | gud W! jing the negroes. ,to the sacramental table. ' go.—Char. Bulletin. captared Kaoxville, routiug the enemy, | and taking 1,200 or 1,500 prisoners. 140 , Plisopers arrived on the anme train with | Colonel Chester. Wheeler is reported to be in the enemy's rear, and Lomystreet | Was pressing Sheir front. 230 privor ers | came down tbis eveniny, and mauy more on their way down. An officer who left Loudon onthe 18th, j reports that Longstreet captared 1,600, reeler 600 Yaukees. On the 18th | Longstreet was a mile anda half from | Knoxville, evtrenchioy. In their retreat | from Loudon the Yankee army, about five thousand, were greatly demoralized. They ‘left about one hendred wagons of commis- sary and ordnance stores on the road, Ro- j binson’s brigade left Loudon vesterday to | fepair the pontoon left by the Yankees on | the Little ‘leonessee leading into Blount county, Persons liberated from. Chattanooza re- kees, furming Rosengran?’ rear guard, revebed Dalton inst night. They say ‘ Kooxville is another Harper's Ferry trap, and Burnside must evacuate. The Abolition Methodists. The ed io Vie Curnubia 5 among theo letters) Methodists of [linois recently me, | }in Conference at §pricytield, and passed a resolntion. in favor of arm- Gov. Yates and Gen. McClernan were introduced to the Conference, and were received with founds of applause. The oath }of allegiance was administered to, the members by Gov. Yates, who spoke for two hones, His seech abounded in profanity and was loud ‘y cheered. Gen McClernenempt ied himself of a political harangne, Radical delevates were ciected to the General Conference. The ven- jerable Peter Cartwright, whe had been elected to twelye General Con ferences, was rejected for the reason that he was not sufficiently radical. A distinguished minister in Cincin- vatt has refused to admit Democrats So they Axtonixshing,-- Tne New York Herald has discovered an “astonish: Ing revolution in orduance.” — [tsays that upon a trial recentiy ofthe new Perris gun, a range of nite miles was obtained. An exchanve suv i westethat ifthe Yaukees get to shoot iny balls nine miles, they will have | jto send a mamalong with the bail ro, show it where to lit. Barn Birnt.—The barn of Mr. Isauc A. Frazier, near this- place, was destroyed by fire week before last, together with his whole crop of corn and wheat. Mr. Fragieris ab- The following General Order, No, 141, Adj't and Fusp't Gen'te Office, is herby publithed for the information of alteoacerned. Attention \w also tavited tv Special Order, Nu. 8, Medi- cal Directors Office, Raleigh, N.C. By order uf COL. P. MALLETT, Comd’t Conecrijis, N.C. J. W. Mateert, Adjutant. ADJ"! AND INSP’F ENG’3 OFFICE, } Kicumonn, October 20, 1063. General Orders. , No. 14i. : I. The practice of reeviving officers from commands uv woich they have been eppuinied and asemgoed, und ordering them wo report in perso lo thes office for further asmgament, wilh Cease unless specially required by orders from this office. II. Soldiers returning home ou farlough, ot on reaching places at whi¢h they wh! stay dur- ing furloagh, will imaredimely tepurt tu the ter of their naates, descriptive hsi, plage where stutivoed, by whuin the furlough was granted and the time at Which it expires. HHL. When at the expiration of his farloagh, and beiug at a distance from un Hospital Ex- twining Board, a svidier is anable to travel, the enrolling officer will order bum before ibe Board of Examivers fur cimeeripts, nad the med- weal officer and vow of the physieidte “employ- ed” cuncurriug, they will furward wo his com- manding General, with # statement of his onse, 4 recommendation fur un extevsiva uf furlough not Lo exceed thirty duys, doptieuies being” also sent to the Surgeorm General. But whew the suldier is accessible to ¢ geueral hespual, he wit be seut befure the Hospital Exanduing | Board, who will conform Ww ite preceding jn. structions, LV. lu caset of sickness ur wounds, which, from any Cause, are uegleeted. or do uot receive proper treatment, the disability in Pan nearest enrolliug officer, who will keep a regis- | va a te e@nbscriber having tor of thetast Will and Andersug, deceased, will veil at public sale of | bin Ime tesidence, op Pueuday the ig Fines ber semt, oii of his persouxt property, to wit Wheat, Qorn, Oats, Hay and Fod- der, Horses, Cattle and Hoga, One Wagon and Gear, urming Tools, Houschotd and Riichen Purwittre. Also, att the ns ened — F wifl rent the vy tatiow n ire » belonging to z p saci er one Seat Vones made khuow:d: on dey of sale. ' T. CRANFORD, By’r.. | November 2, 1863. Andemoa, 4 d, are req d to make immediuse payment; and all persons having” Claims aguinst the estate of suid deceased, ust | present them within tHe time limited by law,. or this notice will be pleagin bar of their re-* | Covery. T. CRANFORD, Ex’r. Novenrber 2, 1863. . 3w26 | $56 REWARD. Te avide rsigtied will give & reward ‘of $50° ; for the recovery of his uegro-woman, " REBECOA, | who abecontied from his premises on Wednes- | day morning, Nov. ¥1.- The said womao is | about 92 or 23 years-old,- black complexion. 5 | feet 3 or inches Mgh; end quite stour. She has | a seaton her right cheek and' another around one of her arfrs near fie wrist, caused by a burn. She is an excellent spinner and is beleved’ | to Seu good weaver. She took several dresses; white bonnet. Bought her im E Any person a-resting the said woman and de- | livering her to me or confining her so that ¥ can get her, will receive the abova reward. She might have gone to Salisbury, where she ha s jntances. being prolonged, the sutdier will be sent, by the | Gon for treatment in hospricl. V. %ecommendation for extension of leave to officers aud furloughs tw suldiers, and medical certificates co officers, aad c grtiticutes of disa- bility tu soldiers, will unly be given by amher- ized Boards of Examiners; or, in cases om- braced in the first section of Paragraph IIL; of this ordet, by the Board of /xamiuers for cea- scripts. Recommendations or certificates from private physicians or frem a medicu) offieer singly, will not be reegived Paragreph, 171 and 173, General Regalatious, and Paragraph I, General Order, No 51, Curren: Series from this office, are amended to accord with this paragraph. V1. Furloughed soldiers will not be permitied tu go within the linesof the enemy. VIL. Lu the medical examination of sabsti- tutes, the instructions and requirements of: Parsgraph 1,'92, General Regulations, (Para- graph 43, Medicet Regulations,) will be fally adherred to; und ifa subsiitute faile to meet the coaditious of that paragraph he will be re- jetied. By order, (Signed,) S. COOPER, Adjutant and Tospectar General. (Extraet.) OFFICE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Generat, Hosritat, N.C., Rateigh, Nov. 12; 1863. Spetial Order, No. 8. 1V. Hereafter the Hospital Examining Boards wilbmeet at the hour and places herein designat- ed Wiz: At General Hospital No. 2, Wilson, om Taes- day and ‘Thursday at 3 o’clock p. m. of every week. At Generul Hospital No. 3, Goldsboro’, on Taesdoy nd Thursday at 3 o’cluck p.m. of | every weels | At Generat Hospital Nu. 4, Wilmington, on | Tueeday and Thursday at 3 o'clock p.m. of ‘every week. | At General Hospital No. 5, Wilmington, on | Wednesday and Friday at 3 o'clock p.m. of | every week. At General Hospital No. 6, Fayetteville, on Tuesday and ‘Thursday at 3 o'clock p.m. of | every steel. | At General Hospital No.7, Raleigh, ou | Toesday and Thursdwy at 3 o’elock p. m. of | every week. At Genera! Hospita) No. 8, Raleigh on Wed- nesday and Friday at 3 o'clock, p m, of every week. At General Huspital No 9, Satishary, on Tuesday and ‘Thursdey at 3 o'clock, p m, of every week. (Sigued,) Nov 20—!w27 \ | P E- HINES. Surgeon, Medical Directeur. \4A GULD MINE FUR $ALE! Oy Saturday the 5th day of December next, [will offer for sale, at the Cour. House, in| Salisbury, the valuable real estate beiougiug lo the heirs of Jacob Trouuonan, ceceased, on which'there te a vatuable Gold Miue, where large quantities of yeid can be obtained by ju- dicwous working. “Phere are about tive handred acres of land in thee tracts, in Rowan and Ca- barrus counties, uear Gold Hill, adjoining the lands of Joho Powlis, E Mauney, David Cuip and ofher. The widow has adower on a part, nad it will be sold subject therevo: A credit of twelve Mouths wii be given. L. BLACKMER, C. M. E. 2-27-prad F10 VO NOTICE. 10,000 Lbs Rags Wanted. \\ E will pay the highest peices for this vmount. We will pay yoain goods or the mo- Inouey Just as You chuvae it. Bring tem in ae svOn ax DOsBIbIE SVEVH & SMITHDEAL. November 16, 163. u26 OVERSEER WANTED. ) Nore, 18. be63. year tlolive on my Planiation, fourmiles from Salisbury, on the Western Railroad. . I woal prefer one whois not a conscript nora Home | Guard MARY MURPHY, | PR W. MURPHY, Ag’. | Nov. 23, 1863. 27 { OTICE. | { THE Stockholders of Montanem Female enrolling offieer, (o the nearest Cainp of inetac- | . Statesvifie, N.C. Nov. 123 1863. £26 -ESTRAY NOTICE! Eersaven from oty Plarration two and: « half miles from Salisbury, one white and red: freckled cow; ulso a large white and red epot- ted steer, with wide horns. [t is belieyed they . are somewhere in the neighbornood of Organ Charch. A«reward of . TEN DOLLARS each will be'puid to any person who will take- them up and inform me of: the same, or $30" for the delivery of them to ure ia Salisbit.y, or at my. Planfaiion. D. L+ BRINGLE. Nov. 2d, 1863. tf:24 Public Sale. A avine been appointed Commissi by the County Court of Rowan cdanty, to nmke sale df the-valuuble plantation on which Col.~ McCorkle formerly resided, adjoining Michael Goodman and others,I will uffer the said plane - tation for sule, on the premises, on Wednesday the Bad day of December next, at 12 o’cloek, - M. The terms of swe will be cash or a credit of 6 or 12 months, with interest from date. as - the purchaser may desire. ee wi M B.-ATWELB, Commission er. Nevember 2, 1563. ‘Sepd25 FroexD—a pair of new Shoes, wifich the owner can have by identifying (i same, . and“paying for this advertisement. SARAH E. RUFF. Salisbury, Nov. J3. 1863. 3tpd26 Executive Department North Carolina, t i ( Apsotaxu Gestear’s Oveice, (Ff. G.,) Raleigh, Nov. 10th, 7863. Genera Orpens; ; Ne. 5. THE OPERATIVES IN WOOLEN- e and Cotton Factories that farnish Goode - fur the Confederate and State Government are~ exempt from duty in the Guard for Home De-- fence, except When their tounties*tre invaded® by the enemys II. The drift of the Guard for. Home Defence - Will be dispensed with untill the 10th day of December next to allow the farmers time to~ | sow their grain By order of Gov. Vance. R. C. GATLIN, Adjutant General. 4 wes ewe me id ly undersigued Physicians of the towd: of Salisbury, find it necessary to increase ' their charges, because of the exorbitaui prices: {| demanded fur all the necessaries of life, and in | ordee that ihere may be nu misunderstanding, | pubiish ths following as-the rinimum rates of | charges from and after the 8th'day of Novem- Jer, 1X63 Day visits in the Coumry, | Night. | Out side of Cor,* rate limits, an- | der one mile | With? an additianal charege for Prescription and medicine, to 21-26 $2 00 permile. $4 00 $8 00 per views be in no instance Ics than $i 00 | Day visitsin town, each viet $2.00 Night. $4 00 Obstetrical and Surgical chaargesin same } proportion. | Those of our patrons who pay their Sills in country produce atold prices, wil! have their | bills rvmde out at old prices. | C. A. HENDERSON, M.D. A.M. NESBITT, M. D. | I. W. JONES, M. D. \ M. WHITEHEAD, M.D. \ J.J. SUMMERELL, M. D | J. A. CALDWELL, M. D. | Nv. 13, 1863. 6e26pe Administrator's Sale. M —_— ! W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, arthée- | Court House, in Satisbury, on Monday, the | N 20’ WISH (oempluy an Overseer forthe eeal’| 30th day of November, at 12 o'clock, M., three Bonds of $1000 each, of the State of Nerth Carolina, of the old issue, bearing 6 per cont interest, and 1% shares of the stock of the Bank of North Carotina, belonging’ to: the estate of the late Wm. H. Horah. j fea Waving claims against the estate, will present them within the time directed by law. £7 Terms of sale—6 montis credit; tater- est from daie, with approved sewurity, of cash, Seminary are hereby notified to callom the an- bat the option of the purchaser. sent in the army, serving 28a aol- << aa and! get the Se ae oe 7 . . . Y eo 5 5 =? Mtoe : dier, and the loss to hie family ia ve- | “™°"™ % Money due A. FOIL, Peasurer |, JAMES HORAN, | * ry serious.— Char. | Nowember Q1et 1863 —4w27 +} Novemtier 14, 1863. wow 5 Cd - —_ — pateninstr eas ws ne o P ee nee I Adi persous indebted to the estnie of Michael! E.B. DRAKE. ° & ea ia ee e a Ba r ig r e ee s li g St e s ADMINISTRA‘FOR'S Se A B. BDe ] Lavine takep owt Letters of Adm nist ra- dou on the estate Of Phillip 3. Beeker, deceas- od. 1 will wedi at his late residence, neer Rowan Mills, on Thursday, December 3d, at Pablic Auction, the following property, to wil : A vood crop of Corn, Oats, Fodder, Hav and Wheat; a anmber of Cows, flogs, Sheep, an! Horses 3 all his House- hold aud Kitenen Furniture, FARWING TOOLS, &e. There also wilt be two Negroes to hire out for GENTLEMAN io Montgomery county, wishes to hire from six to eight feam hunde, now ot at che st of January next. He will teke whole families on proper (terms. Apply at this Office for further iuformation. Ociober 26, 1863. 2 TIALS AND BOTTLES WANTED, for which we will pay the highest price. HENDERSON & ENNISS, Draggists. ‘ Juue 15, 1863. ft $10 REWARD WILL be given for two SADDLES stolen fron mv stables on tke 24th inst. One is black SS FARM NEGROES WANTED. | } the same time, Ewill take the best TY &) ° NOTICE. To all whom it may Concern! WING to the number of riots, mobs, lm- presementmand \iefis iz the county, § feel it a duty [ owe to myself to adopt the following cules and regufatens at my mill: Ist. 1 will net be reapousible fer any Flour, Meal or any kiod of Grain that may be taken | from me by mob riot or mprevemeat. 2d. I will wot be sponsible for any Grain stored at chy mill aut) ordered to be grouud 3d. 1 will nog be responsible for any Meal or Flour more thag Q4 buure afler it ia made; at are of rl | that Lean, and the same care that 1 take o/ | The will is always voter lock and \ noy when we leave it | J.S. McCUBBINS. | ay oWa, (f45 been ordered in obe day. > nn tet atte TO THE AFFLACTRD! * f ———e ae 5 ’ Tone OF EBS OF THE SOUTHBGN HEPATIC PILLS have Wherever kuowa their uee continues, Without puffing, they aave gained ground by their real value, Gy More than five hundred persone are known to have beeu cured by these Pills.y This excellent (amily medicine is recommen- ded hy the proprietor as good only for dit eases of the Liver. His correspondents say that they nisu cure Bkhous Rheumatism, Paeuio- | and the inconvenience of payment when mon nia, Chile wud Fevers, Billions Fevers, Piles | ey may be less abundant than at present. | and Worms. “They area perfectly aafe medt- | hope the frieude of the late firms will net re- Cine. quire longer indulgence, but respoud to thie Peter Vadeu, Esq., of Dinwiddie County, | argent call, as it it necesoury that the business Virginia, after describing remarkable cures in | should be closed with us little delay us possible his family of Bitioes Rheumatiem ead Pleurizy> | A. MYFRs, Speoial Notice, To all who it may Concern, TO ALL PERSONS INDEBT FD 10 US! Au Fereous indebted to the frm of A: & W. Myers aod A. Myers, are hereby re : folly requested to veetile their respective py gations either iv person or by letter, wiahont needless deluy. They will thas enve interes: Se aat , the remaiuder of the year. Bslitary, Mam 9 1663 Those indebted to the estate are hereby no- tufied to eal! and settle (he same and (hove hawiag claims agains it. mast present them j quilted the other red leather; also, (wo Bridies | and ope pair marungles (sepposed to be in the! neighborhood of Charles McKenazie's.) Also. | One Hundred dollars for the apprehension ol SILT! SALT!! SALTI!! | Sudsisiewce Department, ) =| withia the ume prescribed by law, or this no- iheltiok WG McNEELY. | Salisbury, N.C. Sept. 26, 1863. tice will oer ard aiy eco July 25, 1863 thl0 WILL exchange sali fur bacon, giving three | — = » Acm’r. ; — - a punds of goed ea tur one of bacoa. } pees, toe ade To the Farmers of Rowan. eer al ny office vext ty Cowan's brick PIINO FOR SALE . rows A MYERS. | saa : . | AM anxious to buy coru, wheat, flour, meal | Wat) Cavt. & A.C. VERY excellent see.nd hand Piano for and bacon for the soldiers families ui Rowan. | . | Some of them are almosl suffering and I hitve | the meuey to pay marke: prices for these things, | nnd I du hope that the Fanners uf the couuty | wulgive the poorsuldiers families the preferance. | J.S.McCUBBIN, Com for Rowan. Greensborough Mutual ! INSURANCE COMPANY. | Pays aH Lowes Promptly! <A for saie Also, one good Miich Cow Apply at this office. 4w25 WOOL WANTED. — ‘ SECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOOL | 3163 ia = wanted by WMH. SMITH. ce DIRECTORS: Sansbary, Jaly 13; 1863. tf peyt 1 ie NOTICE. { Johu A. Mebgme, W. J. McConne!, C. ig =e Mendeuball. U.P. Weir, James M. Garrett, } Zi . | i x ». Wilsou, Wm. Barrin- SS ‘ < | John L. Cole, N 8.1 tlsou, 1 Bras, Copper, Lead and Zine. W. F. Bason, M. D. seen e Se katie SN ot Stew cg will be paid fer any kind of old ' 7 » gb: W i BRASS, COPPER, LEAD and ZINC, delivered at , 8) | SD a 5 EE &=p ee ' H. Lindsay, Gree neborougb > WA. Wright, o ¢ Rail-Road Station. Any perseu wishing to Yr —— | Wimingtoa; Robert EB. Troy, Lamberton; prbeliriacx a soy = mage Se = W OULD respectfully oakeknown thathe) Alexander Miller, Newbern: Thadens Nc- ered. oG) > " . f \ i : hasretaken his DENTAL ROOMS in Salis- | Gee, Raldgh;, Thomes Johnson, Yancey- bary ville: Dr.W-C. Ramsey, Wadesborough ; Rev Aa a on Art'y Oom'd’g. - 8. Ord. Works, Salisbury, N.C., Re = ; N. Bo Asitwillnot suit bim toreutmian ally RC Maynard, Frankliates ; Dr. B. F. Wats Wr [the tine, those calling in his absense, will be uoti- | soa. Warsouville. Oct. 2, WANTED i fied of his artivals by leaving their names t tthe OFFICERS : O PURCHASE, or tu fetten ua share | fetter Box attached to tie dowr af the Otlice ’r a HOD. WELSON, - - President. 500 Hogs at the C. 5. Distillery, Salisbury | by addressing him through the ie] Office. “EDL LINDSAY. ~~ Apply to ! this place. Dec Ist. 1802. (tr28 i |. P. WENDENHALL, tf 20 Vice President. XC. Attorney , tried every kind of medicipe that f could get, | others. | says: ** My Doctor's dill bas been hereiufure | frou $175 to E200 per year. I have ased them | (these pills) for my family, which congias of | - eighteen white and colored, aud have not call- | edin a Doctor’ This is a great saving, ‘They | ceriainly are the bert family medicine ever dis- | covered.” | Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greene county, ; North Carolina, had suffered \welve years from a diseased liver. which ibe physicians had vot | been able to cure. He rays: ** ft commenced | (king the Hepatic Pills with no confidence i ; them. They actedlike acharm ea me. Frow | that hour I have wnproved. | have persever- | ed in their use until now. by God's blessing. | am welfand hearty. 1} had anegro man who, as 1 believe, was saved from death by « dose of these pills My Doctor's bil was annually | from §100 to 2200. but I have had no use fora | : : ‘wayehave theit wants in theline, wellsny phvatcien since.” Thomas Ho Ranev, Eeq.. Granv ile coanty N.C. eays: ¢ Tid your pills so be the best { family medicine | bave ever used ‘They bave | proved very beneficial im my own case Thave | beenvery mach afflicted for LS years, and have | bet have more relief from your pills than oll My disease is a bronchial attlietion. | aconp cle prosirauiou of the pervour system. | 1 nave used them in tenor Gifieen causes in in) family, en! find them to be the very medicine | for wearty ail family diseases.” : Prick—$1.50 a bor. For g15 a dozen boxes will ve s4nt prepard to any part of the Confed- | erac\ Those who derive teas thau a dogen surg Jas T. Jounson. Med. Par _— Charlotte, N.C. WANTED! : WANT to hire TEN or FIFTEEN NEGROES, stom | active boys, as laborers. Those having negroes te | Lire, will please apply to me at the Comfedcrate States | Ordnance Works, Salisbury A. G. BRENIZER. Capt. Art'y Com'd'g - NOTICE. UR ACCOUNTS are al! ready for setthe- | meni and we wish ail persons indebted, to | eceme in and payup. On and after the first | day of November we will keep no boks, nor will we charge anvihing. Our sales inust and | will be for cash and cask tlone after that date. + Call and settle up as our basiness sas been | conducted on the credit system too jong, and | aow will be stepped. i HENDERSON & ENNISS. Oct. 27th 1863. 4-24 \ NO TIWE T SPECULATE. Due subsenber has thrown his Tan-yard open to the public and wishes the citizens to ring or sead their Hides to him and fill mt up Vf uwev will do sv he oblivates himself to sell , his sbare of the leather another year at §2,/ being as bgh as he has sold any up to this ume. Also those bringing bides to bim shall have the preference in leather for their own consampwonu another vear. le dout wish to buy hides at the present enornwas prices and sell the leather at 86 or $5 per th. So bring yoor hides im aad we will keep oue aeeceimo- davon Tan-yard euy how ia the Coulederacy for oar own use Leave your hides at Sprvwe Bros as here- tefore directed T.W. HAYNES Nov. 2, 1863. tf 24 Another Great Victory! HAVRE, for sale, and will aed post paid the following Receipts io anyone for making Watches, Black, Red and Hiue liks and Shoe Blacking Also, 4 receipt (or making a com- posmtiow for welding cast steel, one fur Japan Varnish for varniehing Trou. Twill send alt ibe above receipts for one dolar sing!e.or al for five doliars. Being a practics) Weadiie-maker, for the Coton Mills. Pam prepared to fartisi receip: for making headdle vernish, whi ch J ob- tained from the Nerthtoag before the warn— Phie recespt 1 will seud, pnt paid, for five dol lars. Address, tf MULINIX, .fraston Co NLC, 3:nper20 ADMINISTRATOR’S =p OQ HB ce BAVING taken ee Admins tration op the esate of Jere. Wekingii Keer, deceased, I wil! seil at ha tuie cee Stowesvii!- October 5, 1863. foe tere ut feuce, near Rowan Wiile, on Tneeds.. ie Qiohseeant, a pablic auction, the fothiweie creoerty, to wits Horses, Mu’es, Cows, SHEEP, HOGS, (16 of 1B of wineh, are fattenins. Wheat, Corn, Oats, Hay. Boulder and Straw, one Bueyy ay! fi! ness, Wagon and Cre a a k Pee) Uh yg Tools, c., aid tits 1! , held aod Kithen Buen i Terms made brome on te day V2 A BURKE, Acin'r Nuwenpher 2. 1264 Sw WANTED! WANT to hire TWO BOTH wtites the Foundry attached to the CK Grd Workn, Malis bury AG. BRENIZER Capt. art'y Com'd'g LEATHER. WILL BARTER LEATHER f1° Hites Gole Leather ut 45 cente; Upper at 60 cents for Hid + 1 64 cents green; Dry for Corn at 45 cents per buchel ymnake cores in 15 ceate, or UO. COOK Nov. 9, 1864, ° ames BLANK Dru Ds FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Davie Co, JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeiceler, One doordelow R.& A. Maurphy*sStore, SALISBURY... > EEPS cvastantly op hand alarge assor i ment of WATCHES and JEWELRY of all kinds. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de- scriptionrepaitedin the best inanaer and on the most reasonable terms February 14, 186°. sm a A HE ED- AVING resigve) my commission in the Confederate Army as Surgeon, I tender my services to my friends and the public. A. M. NESBITT. I> Cffice, opposite the Court House. Jane 15, 3563. tf4 ly3s Administrator's Notice. ror | HE sabecriber having at the August Term” of the County Coart of Rowan, taken Leiters of Aéministration acenrding to law. on the ex- tate of Christian Bringle, dee’d., hereby gives pouce to all creditors. f said estate, (0 pree*u! their claims duly authenticated within the time limned by law, for that parpose, otherwise this notice will be plead in barof their recovery. Debtors to the estate will also please make pay- ment immediately D. L. BRUNGLE, Adan’. Aug. 29th, 1863 —tf:15 Salisbury Femae © eminary. rzN at | HE Eleveoth Session of my Schools thes Lost.tetion, will open the 4th of Sepren 1863 : Board per session B56 4 Twuouin Eugtish. $25 00 and su 0 Moso with ase of Prone 36 WO Latin. Ge-eek and Fr Poor's required te faris-h | Payment sineciy lars, address ch, extra. $10 eech nis oid leweis In ndvance For particu- 4. D. WILKINSON, Prive.sal Saly. 1H63 pe OT | RR As StF yorriitied, too Wil: TPAHE SUBSCRIBER | eoyved the tolls a denen Crate Cord a oread, 5000 Needles, aamorted Bik and White Bugis Salt, Nails, 8.19 aud 6, (y pgh ns, Shovel Moulos MICHAEL BROWN On coasgoient 60 Boxes tne chewtog TLo- bsec. MoB Salsbury. S- yi 2%, 1563 en To Soldters’ Families! habla res be more Money a to Camrites o imvest se paléebury, Oct. 2, 1964 CONFEDERATE TANES! Additional votice. A Tithe tuares and obaces already rye for the collection of Tax--, all persons on tle weveral dimtncie are we ified te render ty ine Asersoors, af acQount ou oath of the “ ali neat entitle. horses, ules not weed tivalw tnd aseen owned hy each permee bos district. on which the owners w be tare one pereeatom, toa be paid on or before the day of January next ALSUO— Ad! perecos are required togive an ne countof ail beeves sold between the 24th of April aud the let day of November. 1563 | AThore who are not prepared '« lof their corn, &e., will ineet the | Thicd Creek Station Deere make recvurnae Apeemmorn al mber 10th and T)tn | at Miller's, vs 12th. | “ Salsbury, 14th and 15th | The term, ‘' neat cattle,” is conatroed to mean all doniesuc animals of the bovine kiad, and inefudes milch cows, calves and the like WR FRALEY, uf 25 Tax Collector. PETER ADAWS, - - See.and Treas. {WMH CUMMING.- - General Agent {W.J. MCCONNELL, - } boxes, must apply to phe draggisia—Great re- | duction made to Druggixts and Merchants who | -K . buy by the grossa, Coeh must always accom: } : Fi er pauy orndera, Address, ! a ' GEORGE W. DEES, Allcommanicationr »n basiness counected Witeon, NC withthe Othee, should be addressecto uulienderen & Ea: PETER ADAMS .Reeretary i adin Leaingies by JP. Sap ot | Greensboro .N.C.. Inne 19, 1860 th | Getober 12, Init 2 topddt | $500 REWARD. | Executive Com. For wate in Selwebury ! : [3 | Confederate lnsurarece Company’ | Charlotteserle, Virgint : ‘ : iE YIN JANUARY LAST, THE | I HAVE acc EPrED AN AGENCY | pliers & Fo Myers was broken open and \ from the above Insoranee Company, and am | the follo ving articlas stolen ther frum: Ose \ now prepared to take reks oa proverty at rea- | gie English Gold Lever Watch, with the name | sourble rates. end foe bmiued pernats of Ume. ve J AL, thagt-a om the facc, German Text, undon different grates o! preperty:—Sech as letters, beleved to be made by J Jobasten, | Cotton, * Procure, Wuchinery, Mer- Liverpool; cave wimewd Riug. large Dianesad chandise, Bui! ings, &e. This Company has. centre clunered aroand wih small Dia. | heen in operation bat # short time, has a large moads; une fine Gold Riag, with forget me nots ; Cash Capital ali pad in, and held by seme of | inscribed ooe sett Ear Riuge aod the wealihiest and beet people of Virgina. A) Brepat Pin, Coral and Gold; wwe Gold Chate- large amount of the Cepial Stock of the Come oo, Pipes one Baneh Gold Charms, consmung pany has already been sold for ten per cent | oy the iwo Ldckeis wrth ministures , S!pper-. premitn T can safely reeomme nd this Com- Cruse, Mart. Shell, and others a0t recollected ; pany (o be of the mort rehahle character. and one Cogal Breast Pin; one Gold Breen Poa. any losses from pohces iexued by thee Compa) ceiy with Pearls: one Necklace with lerve ny. will be promptly vet according tu the terms | yay Jota, with eras in centre; one fine Pan: ret forth in ite patieres one large Black Lace Enibrowde sed Persons tn Safetery and vicinity desnue ! ttandkerebel Cudlare, i cewes ther property insures, enn have an oppernuani- ty ef doing so by eallig on me A.J. MOCK, Agent. ohbacen, thereon: Mantle; &e, Blevacte, Linoen and Cotion SI sets. Plow Caves and Bolster Ships, and many other articies of Jew. elry and Ladies appar | vot recollected The shove reward of Five t'oodred Dollars, wal! be paid fer the reenve ry ‘ Sahsbury. N.C., ] Jaly 16. 3863 ( 9 J eles. OF 1D Progetto 1 6 R. R. ROB ERTS, | Wowt of the Jewelry ca COMMISSION MERCHANT, | Wileon, Wateb-mimker ot this plaee Tp my | aber sce. any infor vane given to Captain A CORVER OF ISTH AND CARY STREETS, | Mycct or samacd Reeves, Se, will be prounpt- ; , by attended to. RICHMOND, VA, i. E OMYERS Soot consigoments of Manufactured NC... Jane 15, 1863 AG Tobacco, Whiskey, Brandy, &c.. to the ' Qi The Cunfedosiey, at Ad ale of whieh he pledees himee'f to give partic. nd send tallio thisafice ‘the above named arti- any part of them — be identified by WOR Srtmhary ania, (ca. w.'t copy daly one week ular atlentrona, : tle be ey leave to er to Dr. Win. S Green, jeot ef the Farmers Bank, and Wess & T. Psce & Son, Deville. Va. Wa Joba EP Percerton, of Danville, Va. vee Glowing Conte ferale officers and men aid attend to anv bur cess connected with thin + are hereby dec ared doly exchanged ENCUASCEH NOTICE, Ne. 7. / Ricnwerso, Va. Oet 16, 1663. \ Prex her ag 5123 1 Alb officers acd men captored and panded : atavy time press us to the let of September. 4 TH8b This eertion. however. i not intended on an CR ee) , TAN VERS OTLS te seclide any Leer oar men captured at LO bie LPannees® ¢ for sale mt Viewsburg Jute ith 1* 63, except anch as were PEN DIKSON & ENNISS neclaredeachanged bh. Bachanee he uce Neo é Vecibey 96. 1h69 1f2s Sept i2th, Ist, are epeerAicesiy smi Cue hie notice Batu does emibence al! de’ ceries Fu /, NA 4 EB. unde at City P - pluree before Sep ember tpt NER ai woh the Gineation ah ve byl Red Wand For ente at HENDERSON & ENNESS Oe ier 26, 1§63 ime p named, ali capture ot Port Hudson or any och er place where parties were reivaeed on pir le The Stoff. , oryvs a Ccvernta Peinbertonu, Ste W A N I ED vera, Bowen, Mes i artan, & DD. Lec ra) BLY OR RENT A VPLANTATIO Waiiaaestiacri Goo Gialdwin pent ols } containing fram 200 to 400 acres of ope reise We \nde Cocere i and Dechmety , Che of Mes CN Cu Derlliog and necesnary om fieers and ten betas ’ oth e}iug neers Ce pe euses The Puce matt be heathy, aflerding gad Suppers and Moves, and the 4th and ech jad GO. WACGHTOAN, Saliebuory tare, Inly 4th ny 7 3 Water Mis om pepe Keine nis, all captured at Vicks a Septeaber 28, 1963 Vhe generat officers captured at Views burg, July 400, 1364, mre dvciared exchanged Se 2 EC OES Ble iiy bin, tres ' . ROBERT OLLN, Foany person hae an account against Capt Paes vente chan TON Lard. deetd, hen requested to pre Ayent of Eachange : > Her pm pert rel s « i ee a ine for payment Feut vey i ’ kK timee and vend Dille do tise War De oartune nl b 23 Dr. J. 4. CALDWELL PESPECTREECLEY OFEERS 1 ar) ermonal services tn the TG WEL BROWN, COMMISSION MERCH AN 1 <\LISBURY. NC je IPT perenal alleccon given to the rote taee of Produce nd HAUGHTON Shipments einen of Soltebury and the sur Cone sam sevher for 6 Hothes onareket or eunding eaantry reg nent touwher mark ta soheted, which OFFICE—Hrick Row, opponte the Court. will Lat higher marke’ nee andr mt: foyer, Room No 2 Cece Bip ange {FT vay abeevce, leave your name on the Sai clear July 13, 1863 t{r “late . Oct. 16 16-22 ONEY WANTED AT HENDERSON Pree | | .4 ENNESS8’, Dragygsets STAAY EL aboul eo weeks} June 15. 166% tt Fue the subecritrer 9 hay Fed ay ie ka sdjouning M STRA } ED rm sdjoning fT] brindte Cow with | eee the sobeeriber, aometime thack boar, about a year and a half onid [ will give a reward “go fromomy Nob (ell, wide horas, a white etrenk Gown her face and a « large reddish in Sept a bummp on her side | Ten dollars reward wil be paid to any one | for information of her whe ‘ecbouts | J.W. HALL 31:24 | Mark. two smuth crops. of $5 for the recovery of thre boar JOHN. L. MORRISON, 4 pd2h | Nov. 13, 1863. Oct. 26, 1868. jer the caeh Office next to Cowan's Brick Row. Sekebury, March 30, 1863. MAS OIL, OIL. ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S OIL te sale, apply to WM. WATSON, 1438 5 miles west of this place. Or at this Offiee Brown's Livery Stable. S keptup as heretofore ie is gratifying to him thet this establichwne ut, began, ut firsi, ai adoubtfulexperiment. has proved to the pablic « great desideratum and a com plete success. Travelers. and others can a’- plied. Cash prices paid for Proveuder And the sabscribeiis always teady tosell of buy gona Horses THOMAS E Tat. 163. BROWN. 1155 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. W ANTED 1000 Dog Skias, dry, fur which will be paid $1 for mediom ste, and smaller ones 1D proporind Apply to R F. Sunonton, Statesville, of A Mock, Salibery. Deeember 8, 1862. Jan (f2n DR. HOWERTON 6 betes bis profermonn! servicer to the citizens of Salisbury. Office at ihe Boy Mar 9. 18€3—1/42 . a CP’ Ea Be SALISBURY. Nov 15th, 1862. ALL those indebted tothe firm of WeCusarse & Foerta. will co!) atthe Boot & Shee Manufectory of Joba A Brac-hew, ves! door ty the Waichman Offer, on the subecn- ber, and #eitle ‘theis-accoants, either by me Now is the me to pay debts THOMWAS J FOSTER. den House tf :26 YOTTON and LINEN RAGS weoted by JNO F FOARD Selwbory, April 23, 1563 f49 WANTED Te PURCHASE OR RENT, AN EM. } proved Lot in the West or North Ward ® Apply at ibos Office Ang ifin 1563 t€£12 Adj't. & laspeetor Generals Gfice. / Richmond Sept. 8, Ist3 4 ‘Fairact Special Onpuas, } No 213 4 Tue BUREAU of Conscription is nather- ited to peive and eqorp in eech uo’ the Seirs 1 of Georgia, South Carvhna, Nerh Carchoa and Virgrotar ope Batishon of Six Companies of mognted wee, eb farneh ther own hore and whe arte wot dinble [o cunscriytan. to be ‘andes the orders of the Bureau for tbe purposes of Consenption, the arrest of deserter apd for becni defeuce, mustered for ube Year Compames te elect Uheo own Officers Toe Field Offilerr to be peeiguec Com ctheers be ongog (othe EFornthng Service Companies pet to exceed one hundred mus aod hie by command afthe Seertary of War, , JNO. WITHERS, Arei Ags t Geni Signed NOTICE. Consertpt Office N.C. Ralriyh, Ocr 7, 1863. \ THE Comawadant invites thg atientinn of all perenne capeoe of beeing ome, but whe afe exempt from miliary duty onder the pree ent regolations, tothe wbove onde tof the See retary of War » the n of the to mse a Battalion of mounted and he Com whe Ti will be even that it nle nite Deparinen nen, for special errvice in NN ( hat all abie-bodred neo, basioy furnabedt shrink froo this cou, pot wall hasten to epbet in the defeuse fice-widew and the State Manne nt Neues may te ec teinpt by reason of sobetitctes or otherwiee wall net of th hemes, (herr that geve them beth Perites evisting im the Batiote n will be et rmotorromdusv inthe Milton an Home-Guaard snd wii receive the pay aud elawauce of cas alry men The Eoraliiog Officers throughoo' the State are anthonted to receive recenis, or they Mw f ihe Camper of In repect directly ab ether struction . By wider ef Col PETER WALLETT Commandaut of Consenpte for N HUGE COLE, Cant & 4A AG Sw. Wpd Now is the time to pay Money. A ALL, PERSONS EITHER INDEBT ed ‘vu ine by note of account, are requested cull avd pay up 1M NESBITT June 15, Iné3 td JOS. B. RUSSELL . Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N.C WILL give prompt and personal attenvow to the sule of prodace, and purchasing salt &e ; Consignments and orders rerpectfally solreht ed—advances made when required Reference—T- J. Foster, Salisbury. Oct. 12, 1869. Gmpd22 VO “onal From a clay and oth ness, th be (wo ars tor Apv. one do) Ape Mt Ty the Nort ‘Lhe passit ser bl! Vario aud ¥ sidera By ander which and tt (he tn sor bes “yuan tel, etghle fow jx gVeu dtecre ekere) Clie ia with | the ca dent | wo git 1a pA bards vithe your howe of art wtdin jaw, that use | fore the ( drove Teel the u as lu fu mark canes ecull Sale auth. dour bul « he maa eotu mili the | aud is bi ther (nove Upul thor exter bigh of di taal | esl the Vali cour livel this Clint resu gray titne ever ind mov sul Bur Dec Jud pow rE & aah. hont Bien Don t. 3 i re- thie inegs sible L, foe ce. fie le. > is t this wt, at roved con- nt 8 : leur d the rN. Ct. 3) Leven of tL whe - prree p See of the untied Con whe nvabert froo efe tse State be #* suard fcas State \n@g of In r 0 rd ey. EBT ated - Te te nt, penuom ; salt solreh VOL. XXII. : SALISBURY, N.{C., NOVEMBER 30, 1863. Ps = Se er a erie + NUMBER 27. oats ccm J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Price of Ube Watehmau. From and after Unis date, and until there 1s a change in the prices: of provisions, paper and other articles required to carry on busi- ness, the subseripvon tates of this paper will be (wo dollars for six months, and three dol- ars for # year. Apvertising, two dollars for the first, and one dollar tor each subsequent publicagon. Apr 20ph, 1863. MENSAGE OF GOV. VANCE, SECOND EXINKA SESDIUN, Dy the Honorable the General Assembly of North ‘Lie passiuy eveuls reuder your frequett As Curolina rapidity and tnportance ef the sembling boll decesmary 1 | Appropriate, Various thatters demand oo costative action aud wui i Lupe reorive } ul speed col sideration. By the call of the President for di meo ander the age of torty tive years — bevoud wiich vote were subject to mihta curvy — and tle exemptiog act of your late session the mriitta of the State was virtually ab sorbed. Ta lieu thereof you Created “yuard tur home defence,” embracny ail teu, Not subjeet te conseripiuoe trom eighteen lo Gily years of age. fow perons were exempted nod power was Oniva ver given ibe Govergur lu excuse yllior at tis discretion. 1 found that by refusing to exercise thts diseret.oo aud by ex cuuny (ie iaw strictly, | would seriously iutertere ! pursues of with (he must vital industrial the country, and yell has appeared evt- dent tu te that your tulentiua was ouly va give We the power lo yraut exeinplious ta purticudar cases of Decessily oF greet bardships, aud Bot by excuse whole Classes vi the cumununily, Tecomimecud Wat (he diet of exempoous be ehleuded lw such cimwes as may appear to yuu W be lod ispensabie. I therefore respecifuily Doubts bate arteen a6 lo @bethor 1 was. your intentivy to permit the guard for howe defence to be used fur (be purpose wf arresting, deserters from tbe ary and wfding ‘0 ue execabon i baw. aud vac ot our dudyes has decided of the consernipt that tbe baccutive bas bot the power to use Luetu tur this purpuse. 1 would there- fore recummmend tual the act organizing the (ruwd be amedued s0 aa lo davest the Qrovernee will Ube same puwer over thas receal offal gauion a Was iveo lim over tbe tia, au thud (here Wey be oo doubt astu tbe nygittul posers of tue Evecuuve, fu this coauectiun I bey demve lore mark tuat [ain lrequentiy eenbarrassed by Cares ul Appareil counties beiween the Ex ecuttve and Juve Departiients of the Sale, authurailative decisiou of the from) whoch volltug less than wo Supreme flour can rebieve ine As ial body sits but otic a Vedra titlie Ua tow vlbenu ot Rhee yrealent Wiothent a aprypertes that miagy vernprre and qeestluus, precy cul ecoruing Lie abiiky od panies to tender tniliiary service, feimaln lous the pubone seovice, 1 CObseqanuce, sulfers apd ibe baccutive 8 bis duly aud the law, | (labo Groveruur and Counc, of tbe Cuiet Justice, 5 alt tus to atom wWhal recommend, therefore, tach Special cases the upou ihe request vl tue Grosvenor, be au thorized to couvene Lbe Supreme Court, i eXtra session, to order lo vblarn, from our Dighest official Uibunal, @ speedy suction of deubilui quesiiuns, and tu ypive uuitor- tuaty ty (ue decisions uf thy Judges. I aisu reoo:mimend, yeullemen, thost ear- Desliy Lue restorative of the spony Cen ot the Superior Courts. Atver careful obser- Valluttiun for tue past lwelve thouths ban cobvinced thal lhe yood OF surely post Lively) ceiiaeaeds Clits this teri ties bee productive at evil and Cla vr mter evil suid will resuiG ih ib is trol Wien grawing distey VEY a) Oe ary a feslored McTeaAso ye cle saa ie Ate ’ Clive when Cle viehuous atid Cle wise ever where fear ul Coal law and onder sre in danger of vvertitow, thal we scoald re move further suutas sumugely. This Bu lo restore Che courds will invalve the the lie law from Che people should not be DECessily Ul lucreasiig sMiaty ool the Judges. | now that | presume ny ope can vbyect lo Liu may be effected by We. without perceptibly tue burdens of the people. Your attention is also invited tosu much o{ the leyislauion of Congress as provides Ix Hotutously so roadequate Ws lucrenace taxing suilors, Increaslog Ubdectied, | that the atoliion off 4nd a, rin sen lying Wibin the limits of ts State, Te still T see ne cauke forplarin, and my dass need Oot b: denied that the power tu des | Year's experience has Peneouraged me to clare wie coufers Upon the Couteds rate yoverbitent the right of deeianng Lands held by ahen enemies to be vaca Its thought however, that Upon such vacancy the nyhtof the Sutte, OF Tep legen lave of such pranior, Uecessart ly InteWenes—a breschaet the condition nupexed ty such rant bavi occurred Very hugh wullontion consider that itas Ae Oovilai pranlor Hol Competent tor Gutytress to contro: the direetiog ta whieh land bay ny within North Girokos slrall yo a Case x Vuncaney occur, from avy caus, The importauce of this | question camnot well be exaggerated. -Con- siderations as lo the person ia whom is vested the uitipiate right ty the soil are of Vital importanee in every soctety. Pt oas prio that grave contests between tlie Soles and the Coulederate Sortes will Cuen upon bis juries, nba that the whole theory of the two the relations ol governments are to be greatly aftected by tts deciston, — Winst TP do not su; prose that ang acuon eb our part cat seitie, dircctiv, this ques- lon, { subinit whether some proceedings which it [tis important upon all accounts tat it stall be settled, aodeit will teud to the suppression of hu may not be set on foot by slinll teach an eany selubon, gation and the qineting of valuable utles Unt it be settled ently. Mr. Wiley, the energetic and faithful aj nittendant of Comunou Schools, ayalo cotoes forward, through the Literary Board, recommmendation—- for the estatbiushoent of a system of graded witb eA ln perbant scbools, one or More ie each couuty, of which one-half the expeuses tu be defrayed frote the Literary Fund, the otber by the county, Phe plan is set forth in a till Board and seutan te the Committee ou hducation, Pheidea meets my hearty ap prubation, and in urgog it upon your fx vorable notice, | hope Vou will consider bor antimely. Its in fact a facoruble Qme to act io this the pelther impractcalle taller. make every possive arrangement for the future support and comfort of our mutilat- ed and disabled suldiers, aod Ubetr cliidren, By quahfving them for teachers — which canbut be done in schools of no higher yrade than our Common Scbools—tnapy | can be provided tor. In the great plente- onsnes of trones, the counties and iodi- viduals will now yive hberally for sucba Lastly, sts not imimedest noble object. for us to clan that North Carolina oceu- pies a lagh postion amoog ber sisters to | regard lo puble education) and by ex ening Ourse)/ves Row, thal pesitiod May be so improved abd fathed as to chatie our pate shiers educated met and indas ious tu exercise vo little INfluenoe te Cle fortis bon, ih bappier times. oF Souther: sont Ment—aA meats of power al ore eudur By the pudierens tad tow rtd: georteus, agement of the Fund, 19 colsequence of the yreativ togreased Value ofits seed the Board bope tose ada toot, Coho decrease In the setnh aftual disthibatlobs shall occur Some won is aise required on your the Found ag eost the course por bo protee Dow pu sted by tie bolders of drafts up ou tar the Vaneus counbtes, m refusing to pre ott Uevecrts pay tbe Ve the dutentvou Oo go tise beta to denend a aiterent cure reney from that wiieh the bressater bow Phe Ire wsurer oof reer ives ated pays oul, Chi les the detined respon sr bilities oo) thie I Dteed Aol set forth with greater parteularity, should wisg be mere faly Jie very My portant sal jreg, of feeding | the poor, whe supporfers wna protectors areou tlie anuv, agatn demands our at lento Puce resuits OpersQons are most encouraging and should Serve Co give our people confidence in the resoarees of their State Greal anxiely wae felt jast tad, as vou know, on the sub of tood ; abd tears were enlertarned sulening Wilnyssed ia jeel Clint not actus! starvation, would b maby Qua: ters, — Loder the auibonty Gouferred GQ prod) tbe by yeur body. b purchased and store 1 away about 0,000 bushels ateora, 250,000 Tbs ob Dace a prendty of ftee, We, winch | expect d woaut yo but little way ta sap j plying the general wants, Wheo the SeMsOu osed and che new crop came 1p, Substatence, bad ouiv issued to the County Cominisioners about one third of te ba con, less than one ball of the corn and but very dittle of the ree, hand some 70,000 Ibs. of bacon, having | fed a number of begroes engayed on the pubhe works an 1 sold tothe army 100,000 Ibs. with 20,000 bushels of corn. He reports sullen suttunited lo and approved by tbe Literary | It is exerecroysy important to! and | of the past year's \ however, to Uy Surprise and yrauiheation, [found that Major How, Comussary of) | bave | for the aisposal by sequestration, 5 of real estate in North Carohoa. Very serious doubis are widely eotertained as to the power of Congress to dispose of lands ruasun to believe (bat trom various Causes, the crops this year have not been as abunt dant as usual, and shat the public will be called on todo more than last season. But belleve that all can bebfed from our own Teeoieces, br proper pr lenee ant ecuho* ny TP respecttully recommend a liberal ap | Veral counties, ae ir Aliis purpose — at vear—and that | propriavion amony the cording to popolation, least double that of ta te allowed to buy ang Store away corp, ; fore, : woer “Advatce, din running the blockade, Inay be ay pad 1 wo this purpose, lo meet our debt flour and bacow em here Phe ea tings ofthe & ue which bas beeo emple as they cannot be uw abroad. ‘Tey will without taxing the pe tetbod of distributing” the duties of the sub sents and the prop er reaaplents should be wore detinitely set forth; and provision showd be tiade for those families Of soldiers Who, according to present arrangement, forfeyt Wie clatn to assistance by ranovingfrom one COUNLY to anotber, which is freqeeutly almost uo- avoidable. Reports are submitted herewith of the operations of the Orduaice, Subsistence and I trust you will find saugactory. terprise of runuing the Mockade and im | poring army supplies from abroad, has proven @ complete succes. ‘trom: the report Quartermaster [Pkoartinents, which , ‘Phe en You will see that large quenuuies of clothing, leatber and shoes, (ubneating ots, ’ factory findings, sheet fron and Un, arms) ammunluon, blankets, cotton bagging aud rope, spirits, acd mnqiicmee, dye stufts, coffee, &e., have been safely brouytit in, | besides considerable ‘eeiuht for the Con federacy. ten ba cottun have been seat to Liverpool, the proceeds of which are deposited to the Two thousand aud esol With what we bave (improved and the purebasesin our home ‘inarkets, T think Tean safely say that the North Carolina trodus wii be comlortably clothed to January [s63—should God in | his providence su long see fit to afflict us | | | penses of the vessel. with a continuance ot the war—excepl as to shoes and blankets. Neither the Ord juance nor Quartermaster’s Departinents | placed top much reliance vo foreign impor: | {tavion, but every etfost Las been made to | bume production, Both the quality and quantity of arts and muni | tions mauafactured bave beeo in the past twelve menths. Since the tall of Vicksburg cutus cff from the wool of Pexps, every exertion tas stimulate prove . been made to secur: tr the State the snail | ots in the bands of gar farmers, aud with suc success as to keep our milis all And bere ] oud beg your assis tance in the protectiag aed growth of sheep | run y hing, by such enactinents as will best tend to | promote the objet. (CerGunly there is no J branch of farming tudusiry of greater im- j portance how, Our gue fo which a more Cbenetieal stunulus ao Our dinvous legistatea, western tills are admerablv adapted to} were sheep culture, and pou’) we once get it} agencies other than their own, credit of the State, less the amount of ex b amply sufficient, | had w pay sivee Liberty was knows among | lis’ dollar. “The i the sons of: mep—sufferty 7 and. sacri fice. ’ +The hope, wiieb suaiated many of our _ of reconstruction, the arrogant people vo! | totore, Cote firinly up to the full tneasure federate velling’ powers. -not tal them. They will pot crucify afiest be apphed by ju- | been for some tine apparent to cit midland) and! zeus who have lost slaves, that they | “Started under such auspices as are bow | * \ Hresented, 1 would grew into an im por- tant element of @ealth and strength, { Lam unable at present to furnish you with a statement of pur odebledness. ur | p jebasag, de. in Europe. not taving recotd vas Vel (le necessary dnlormateb froca our aveots. I herewith send you a communicabon from a Committee of be Legisiatare of | Virginia ip relation to tne currency, This Mnportant subject, upor which so greatly depends the successtul yrosecution of the national | I Joun W. Davis, of the M ayor's po- ishall, 8 ‘tng Slaves toescape from their own- war for our independence, Leommend to! your wisest: deliberativos. Although remedy for its great depreciation les wath the Confederate Congress, rather (han with your body, yet there mht be moch done by the States ro aid of the etforts of Con aress. Leonfess my inability to suggest any remedy for redundant: paper issues. other than to take (hem up by Oana 1 ‘taxation, and by she ; exhibition of toe most myid good fath yn rerard to ths redempuon, With nations as wih viduals, thts often constitutes expital | poor should be especialy cations to ptesery: Ib. T have to thank vou, gentlemen, for the i cordial and contiding support which Lhave earnestly ask its copumuanee, Surely po Executive can bout of more zealous and warmer Co-operilion of a co ordinate branch of government than [have expert enced from your body. I shall need more io the future. your sustalminyg arm The most: dangerous rensis of the war Is Upon Us —the crisis which is incident to all revolation sand to surmount. The novelty, confusion aud | enthusiasm which tilled our armies and the heretofore recerved at your bands, and to, shill, }which is most difticalt for pubhe ofherrs ; a sa i aaa junssedl away, the winnowing tan uf want escape doubted by reason of the and privation and suffering begins tu sep: proximity of the pubsic enemy and The nuisy are silent, | (he extra inducements held oug to the faint of heart begin to despair and the them by that enemy for the convey- disloy al, though few, to grew bold io the ance of information. presence of Nationa: ills’ The restless and Capital execution would not tran- the discontented strive of course tu imbue seend the emergencies of the case all others wil their own gloomy forebod- | in the above instanees of negro con- ings. The great mass, thank God, con |. oan spiracy and fuithlessness. tinues hopelul and Let us all . labor with oue accord to sustain the na: | CLINGMAN'’S BRIGADE. tion's hope, aud to show that we are ®OT | We have heard an fndistinet rumor that Hy Ot Mii erie Py Leing willing to | there was sume probability of tbe return of pay for tthe price which every people has | General Clunginan’s Brigade to North Car- olina, perbaps to this point. We do not know whether the rumor is entitled to any weight, but. we have no doubt but that sae weeaveciens wontd be beartily-wel- _ourned by the brigade, and that they would be heartily weleomed by the people here, The brigade tras seen some pretty rough service about Charleston, and has stood up inapfully to its work, apd wili no doubt contioue to do so. Still, we feel assured that its members long to get back to the old State, and that po service could be wore grateful than that which they might be enabled to do in defence of ber princi- pal town and only remaining seaport, if attacked. It is to be hoped that at tbe first con- venient and fittiag seasou the general wish of the brigade may be gratified, so far as their returo to this point is concerned. As is sil there, and though driven back alit- | dudly meee ee pai ere bow lon va le, he bas grown more watchful, and will | 5. postponed, and should not be very sor- ry if it uever came.—- Wil. Journal. arate ibe particles. cvltest. people, thal ovr eueny was commg tothe sober thought aud Chat iiany of them were favorable to pacific overtures, has been dashed to the ground avd the originates ut that hope at the North are trampled ua der the foet ot reckless aud blood thirs'y majoriies. So far from treating with uss ou the basis of our judependence, of ever the North are launtngiv proclaiming on the bustings that no peace can be made with us—no peace talked of —ull the Jast Au jusule | vet mpke | them regret this haugity languaye, which wrongs bumauity aud outrages eivilizavon. The hon which to Southero cotiquest for near three years, | rebel bas Jaid down his arms! ed abd outraged people will las couched io their pato fight more nercely 8 he approaches bis | iain, We know at last precisely what we | ee would get by submission, and therein has | The Yells of our Army.—The soldier youd service—Aboll | of the army of Northern Virginia is essen- uon of slavery, confiscation of property and | tally a velling avimal, He has a yell pe- These are the terms | gujias Dunself, by whlch bis success in Now when our brothers | pattle is denoved even at the momeut of bleed aud mothers and little ones ery for! victory. When b::> pleased, he yells, as bread, we can point them back 10 the) an outlet for bis exubriant spirits ; when brick kilus of E2ypt—thanks to Mr. Sew: | be is displeased, he yells at the offending ard !—plainly in view, ard show them the | official as an opening of the safety valve beautiful clusters of Eschol, which grow in “restraining bis peat up passions, If be is the land of Independence, whither we go | cold, he yells, in ordér to force bis blood to possess them. Aud we can remind them | jnto more rapid circulation ; if he is too 1oo, bow the ptilar of tire and tbe cloud, | warm, be vells out tke heat, and thefeby the vouchsated yuidon of Jehovah, went) retieves his excited feelings. The history ever before the hungering wultiude, lead-| of the Confederate yell requires a skillful our ehemy doe Us territorial vassalage ! to win us back. ling away, with apparent cruelty, trom the | pen to portray it, in all its peculiarities, so tuliness of servitude, With such a pros || wili drop the subject by merely noticing pect beiure them, our people will, as bere-| the latest subject for the exercise of Con- Whenever a sur- geou approaches a regiment a bystander _ would think that the annual migration of vail the ducks in the uoiverse bad com- meoced, avd that they were concentrated in that particular spot, for the air resounds al independence. Z. B. VANCE. “quack, quack, quack,” and the un- Executive Chamber, Nov. 25, 1863. | fortunate quack—L beg bis pardon, I mean - surgeon —rides off, endeavoring to pre- serve lis dignity as best he can,— <Irmy Letter. of then duty, if their trusted servants do their ou sous, slain in their behait, or put their gallant shades to open sbame, by stopping short of tuil and complete nation Swith Important arrest of Negroes for Auding Slaves to Escape. It has Soe _ SAVING STOCK. In impressing: beef and hogs for the army, av eye should be had to the importance Ov preserving a sufh- ‘ciency of stock for breeding purpo- In some sections of the coun- try nearly all the mileh cows have : : Vet been taken for beef cattle and in oth- lree, who had apphed himself with ope bearcels w howl to be fad, UU Nene (0 ING WHER Wite ty the War continues two or three by the arrestof two ne- veats longer—as it proi ably ill, the vreat tiass of §peo; ve will be com- pelled to live on lite or no meats 5 and in order to do this they ought to plant oat orchards and vineyards, cultivate Chinese sugar cane cxten- sively and devote great care to the raising vi poultry of every descrip- tion. Weare inforalong and wast- ing waryand to come out of it sne- leestully those who are pot ft for tield service must determine to five jtrogally, and to spare no efforts to ‘teed and cothe the soldiers who have tods tie tighting.— Petersburg hupre SS, assisted in their flight by A i} £hC- cordingly, a plan was set on foot te apprehend and bring these agents to justice, and on Satarday otticer | ser, reWarded groes (Joe Holiand, slave of Messrs. Talbott & Brother, and Robert Mar- 1 of Charles Rose.) who were charged with aiding and abet- uve ers, by giving them passes to go | within the Yankee lines. Holland, | the brighter rascal of the two, made a clear coufession of lis crime, afer Heis a very yood pen- man, and admitted the writing of the his arrest. passes for several negroes who sub sequentls rau away. Both pezroes were locked wp in the cage to awall au e¢ Xatination be fore the Mayor this morning. = Advice to Plantera.—The recom- mendacon tas been made, that the pamters should immediately take TMeEASETES for Winter Crops to relteve Piuere as no telling vet waoat ammount of toss these bWo hey roes owners of have entaned oon the erases, DV LAC Vici escalie lnotoe tnatner described > and thei} the demand tor grain and provisions, punishoent shouit be adequate to | and that they should make their own Glothing and supphes. The alvice is pertinent. We have a war of un- certain lenyth before us, and conse- quent hard times. Provision, cloth shoes, etc., are high and in de- ahd at the same tree calculated, by its severity, to. strike CECE SCENE. a Wholesome terror inte the minds of all negroes inclued to meddle in the atfurs of their masters. ny, Under the present law, the penal- | mand. These tuings our planters ty for writing «slave a pass is lashes |can make. Let the planter enlarge and transportation beyond the limits | the grain crop, sow wheat, rve. bar- This punish |ley ; save peas, potatoes, pumpkins, make their own elothing tor family of the Conteder acy. nent, palpably inadequate at any ‘period, is vlaringly insuticient now, exhilirated our people, having long since” in these diatarded tines, when run- away negroes have their facilities of and negroes; and have hides and wake shoes ‘for themselves and siaves.— Pet. Hapress. € an e u Se c a er og ee aa a na n e s From the Fayetteville Observer. “ ELEGANT KX TRACTS.” We copied from the Raleigh Standard oo the 27th Aagust its reply to our ap peal that it should change its couse and resture peace to the State agd good lecling towaids the Confederacy. Reader ol the Observer have scarcely forgotten the ong and bitter denunciatioa of the Con tederate Admimistravion ® from ifs hau. garauion at Montgomery to the preseut moment,” winch taade up the Struudard’s @spouse ty our appeal, We the S audard, most conclusively We thous hi! until a day or two ago, when we stum bled upon a reply that throws vurs alto gether in the shade. We ask particular atiention to it, Wecopy it tn full, tor ev ery word of it is too yuod for one to be vost. It is the leading edivurial article. From the Raleigh Standard of Aug. 21, 1561. “ Tie Permanent Government. —lu_ the month of February vext, the government of the Coufederate States of Amenca will eutet upou the exercise of all its powers and funcuions, under the Permnanent Constuguen. The Pro- Vistoual goverament so far, has beeu emiuently saciesstvl. lo mew of the obstacles iu tte way itm afficall to conceive buw it could have beea more sv. Experieoce may have b vught lo ligh some instances ip which errors have been commited, but the wonder is thal they dave act been more numerous The important trasts of the South were com Milied to mes able to err, with a weight of responsibility, demaudiug great wisdou, tore. thoughi aod patuetem Ac ively with the partizin contests of the ceaniry du- tog oor of the most diticalt and exciung pe- nods im the history of American poliucs, i Was te pled ta connected aalural to bwk—had they been small men— Meu of a hwse patrons, tor ne nranite- tae tivo, ev ¢ aud atop al jeast, Of a paruzen spire at Loscinces of this sprit may hive vecurred, but i! ai all, they have b eu rare The period is rapid:y cpprewenicg whe the machinery of the perman: ul govr uiment must De seta invion. bor ourself we vave flequeit- y declar o, that during the continuance of ihe Dieseul war, we were po partizen—Wwoeuld obey Do pariy Mciation, or be coutrotlec by any oth ac pr .ciple of purpare thau the wii be:ny of North Carolina aod of the south. Ono these grounds, the refure, woh the pre- sent hghis before us, having entire cortiae ce nthe abhty, integnty and patnotism of the distinguished chiefs at ihe head of the Provis- ona! Goveroment of the Coufederste and for the further reasen thats: fi judge. itis the wil 6 atvanece of suggestions trou cligqa-s. caucuses 2 conveulions—as we have incid-niatiy duve States, if weean | | | meals, way eveu lupert! Whe exisicu | | — er the public vuiee of aa error i their calculations. But that just and useful vigilance of, and iierest in, the achon of (he Execauve, which the couufry anc the repre- seutatives ofthe coustry should uever lay aside is wholly differen: trom the continual autagen- tem and constant animosity of alleck which ate the characteriqucs of « parliamentary oppoe- toa, urganized wlio party. A party of the opposition is indispensable and inevitable feature of a free Goverumentiu line of peace, Wile affairs pursue (her of disary current, wis even benebcial to the | state, wud preveus mach corruptiou. But iu reasons ke these it is iet ther Beneficial nor is preserved try aff the magnitude oi ime exteruaidiagers—aud has in tls own govermiment Uroat permussible. Government yeoce and coplupiton by uO need of a memento mort house Phe sole effect oi a pariy of opposiion iit « givse tn Chie cis will be to delay Ue tie asu es required by the public safety, and weaken the force of the pubic reso ution tess Come, aud soul oF some, war being tall of ¢ feals, a8 Weil a> of such @ party, udames by that hatred whe grows with the caracrcise Whenua: disas- fuler we must have hances, acetic: ts, de- Viclornes—the elissetee of et antayourtio neti Confederacy ‘ Ttthe cuoadion of permatted, a hundred guanswerable fearcus | might be urged why all seusible meu tu and oul of Congress should set thetr faces agaisi | any party of faction (hatis dixposed (to make abluyvnisin to the Gov ica palpacie, thal even these columns to-aay naent a hasis of poltt- orgaoizalion Boo chese reastous are ee ose whe are disposed to allemipt it. are duwning too adant thete pur Dose Boas the firec duty oof every Southern Statesman oo offerd the present adualuisteation atrank and he eV SUpport oi the great and fleur ous task at bes underiakei. thot the Mu Who cotipose ioare riucere tu ther pus pow, itis pure folly ts woubl, for af there be wiv difference ibe Couple tu he worst dale wilbe theirs Obtheir ability, they bave give | euthe best proot ca the fs steady saeccess from j the hour they were Calied to p werup io ihe {wert hoted and io the tiiaediate prescul momeas Auy obe Who will eXaunne lee Malenals for an Actouistrot om now te be haciu the Southeru Stites, will probaloy com te the concrusien thay fess opeu to ebjreiton sald scarceiy be drawn fran them With diticuluies setdeus « teredin the histerys of gauions, With jewos dhe another Ceove rns ut, coun preseuce of a tremeudous adversary, :t has accomplished the nost spiendid results, serured 10 power to achieve others yet greater. [i iweven less just than wise of patn tic, Lo and the assatl! this | | Government, because an army such as the vid- the people. ve wow in! tepeaied!y——deciare our readiness, sould they | ul.nue, as we belteve thev will, to same painwiic aud anti-partizan sprit) which xhibit the | gas hicherto marked their courte, |) give the honor d names of Jefferan Davis a) 4d Alexan- der H Stephens our hearty support for the | chief offices in the permaneat Goverument of the Confederate States of Ameriea. We desire to witness no conflict of aational parties, pur be a participator in it, s long as thre war lasts: and therefore, beheving that the Soath shoald bave but oné feehng, one aim, | one cause, we coaid wish that no viher pames shueld be broaght in confle: withtheirs The sooth combined as one man, under the blessing inviacible—divided she will become weak and impotent f God, is est and most experienced of cuuld scarcely inatulatn withoul a strata of ev- ery nerve, Called tute existeuce at a moment's Muna ry Navons Waroing, when previous preparation eud provi- sion Was in possible, has net thateomplete sys- tem ef supply, and that mathematical order which charactenzes the legrons of France and Germany. [lt was necessary to have this ar- my ; itis beyond huinin power lo give any ar- My perfect orguatatiou without many yearsof jabour; and hence it is certain thai our rangements should be cefective in many points Bat evas that cannot be avoided, if burde with patience and cheerfulness, cease tu be inistor- tunes ; and if ever a penod has occurred iu the history of mankind when matual sympathy, ar- | forbearance, and support between the people, , Caninted 12 the prosecuuon and support of a | common Cause, every ais will be Jett free to the fud) exertme of bisown jucgment, to ot condem: any opipens, measures or actscuf the guveruent orctte ofb- rere e Ruch, isn’t it? So, the Raleigh Stind ard not only supported Mr Dasts for the pruve particular Presideney with all the wroked dongs of of the sud Davis at Montgomery fresii te ‘ore it, bet was so pleased with those wiek ed doings for the Presidency of th- Perinanent Cros Instead ot “king” bun, ot made bum “altve™? And at ver which bas been * changing its coat,” that it become his venminator ernment! 19 the (rimer Tie Standard of Auy. 21, 1861. froin which the above 1s copied and woich hase tefore us. is so full of guod Confed erate feeling that we hanliv kuow bow to make our extracts. We oO repriot the whole paper, but Lave mt soace nor tune. Cannot the Standard so the wa Bp rvieg by reprinting atl its from tbe day un whic! down to the date at wh tts coat ("We must content ours-loes wibexracts. And next we copy is bonored with che place of dize Wyte From the Raleigh Standard, Aug. 71, 144! We do must uuvhesitaung ly endorse tne fol- ug eevlmenrts oy ably wud strong ¥ express- be Reeumoud Exauiner mnfederate Cougress de! ck 4 deere, avd nv well advised woe (eit nemmone to be the arena of © € 2 ators aud the epectacle of the populace — Bu g- We wish ¢ tub. rAlie® (te war tera hort st chareesd tle ae- eecond ticle whieh we e: by Cre he rates with perro coud ea ucra! elalemente ol (he temoer and ia parhameutary bodies will, fiud their pitic, and generally coutain tore or truta | is now currently believed, d<rees by judieras in-n te teens of deepite Of every cauiton way before the eee ot with mach there ix a seal! mi venty of Cougrese disposed to ory warding Oppos ou lo the ot the Cogtederacy We are happy to throk, however, thai th hat nize a present Execu ive Moor y iti emal! and to clearly wieheut Bopper in pubs seuginemt, to create a seneous ath ulty in any of the auctiie ef oe Coven mou aod every erandinceilect thai ie ineper e " patnouct earl @ u = ulooown a f tocreale Bu O'Ya nits Ot party for , 1 rods lie net desirable that a4 foowero ment e meofecr! warand rey tions ehoud be ve and beyond the reach srlame uta ry jucctions, © a mination and , ft 1 u eulabenal dary of Cougee@ iid the wae a shee privilege of free pubblie opinion ty © aol (peveriinen fo the Soutnern Cag fe ye tec ers the path of error or p ee Mesrures hal inavy CaaBe Berne 1D c nenee aud ainecesmary harden, to the P VQ new () veruinenl, comuenring Wwe 0 pweth aoloed means, and anud aopar a cu nectoces, from vecesety make eirpe, and the meo who hold the ap- | the Congress and the Exeeuuve, was required - by the interest of a couuiry, ‘tts surely that tp which we now live.” We bave pretty well used up our space. Bot one thing more remains which must bave a place. lu those days whea the Standard found roc ty praise our own rulers tt found room also tu denounces van Kee misdeeds. One of these cenudeia ons fond tor thought winei we hope will yratity the Ye copy, as it contains appetite ot the Standard’s secession fiends ut the Peace frarly o— 1361 Confiscatwon of Southern Property —When otd Jobo Brown was on tral, be said in reply to @ quesiog. that he “inended freesy Av ap- Proprate the property of slave-heiders” ryiog oot his object. “Uhis is the sprnitin which the warts pow waged avainst ihe Seurh by Lineetu, His Couzress has just passed an act which copfiseates ai! property used by South erm meu in defending their homes and liberties This, of coarse, amounts lo an attempt tu con- fixcate of Steal every duilar's worth of property which the Seu h has. for every dollar's worth will be used, if necessary, (or purposes of de- fence. Lanedo ts al the head of the Ment Oujust, Wicked, end rapaciwas govern: world Prom the Raleigh Standard, August 71 iu Car- one of theate iu ihe PIECE GEN DUGAN DAIS PAR EY KE PORTED CAPTURED. Yue New York /feradd, of etant, bas the follow dispatei: Nov. 15, 1663.—A d pateh' Schenck Hoo Leakwood, dated hasiern Shure, Virginia, the 16th io DaALriMoKe, (setieral from Gremeral Drauwmootown, November both, fe) fis bended cn the © thea pe ake shore Vesterday, {tat a smiail party Ol Pebel raiders bute tore they could yet toto the totenor they were metand coplured by the coast tu the yuan. 7 hey belony wang of the bolgtious Captain Deall, of the rebel navy A secoud Uispateh says that oue of our ity witli & aplain Deali corsting Vesseis fell abd captured bin, with tis whole party, Cousisting uf Mec omuissioned offeers and SIX Y Mere. Phe heft Maehenoad sarty referred ty orm thos dispatch about a4 inonth siuce oo a second secrete xpegiCon, Havin Deen <1 cessful ii the tirat Atmomg the number ar wy parti-a Be kKhowo on beeb mood Araminer. A Gord hill —Amony the bills intro- Juced before the Leyi-latuce of Mis ®ls< pp Now 1D session, Lhere 1 One ID quir | iny juke the expediency aud propriety of tang all persons who refose to receive vent of debts leone hundred per centor inure upon the Coutederate money 10 pas value of such debt, and of stopping the io SALIS-URY, N. C.: oe MONDAY EVENIN. NOVEMBER 30. 1863. + = : eet Our Swerior Court: was in session dust wek lis Eon, Jidye A zood deal of ‘ussitess Was nrosaeted, bat mostly Jucob W. Moiph. conve dot the murder of DatLky, presiduy. wetheat poblie nterest, declan Cope at former term, whose ts Motil pet «ys Supreme Court, on SVednesday, te vais (orether ato clus sentene Thy of December. into tiim.— Will eds te be hung onyt Friday thre Tee Lesisiature osttute a rigid investi hot the valton inte the Maire of factories of | Various Kinds vith a view to ascer- Tatbing phethe they are net charg Ing thote Cham the 4S per centon the Cost oof pope cuetion of ther woods Soune Cotton factories are new sel iy Vartis aml crot!s at from tem te hed . orty tines old rates, Can itbe pos sihde Tat Ube are only tnakiug pel cent “2. A member of Criglature cias presented 4 pream the South Carolina neoahd resoluthoms to that body, Whieh were reeered to the Comenit tee ot Wars and Means, expressing the bebef tat nearly all the out standing cirenhtion of the Banks. of i that State, las passed into the biastids of the enemies of the Confederacy, and proposing te sequestrate them ment ofthe Confeder The aproviso added, requiring trom Gu ter tha Grower ate States, Ot coarse there w to YO days netice to be viven, eo that citizens ofthe Coufederacy hold- ing bills on he banks tray send them forward and have them redeem ed in gold and siver. Otherwise, bo more unjust and disgraceful law could be enaeted ; for it woold be a Virtwal repodiatiun ef catetanding debts. vers The Governors Message to the convened Monday lat, wil be found in this Levislature, which on paper. ltis ewere way worthy of Grow. Vanee ; ard will readily com mand the carefu perusal of our rea ders. Tt is shor, aod therefore ne sVnepsis is deemed necessary. oe srayy's army vas been defeated ar 3 J t lefeated Chattanooga, ant compelled to fall back to the old battle fleld of Chick amauga. He reports a heavy loss mone division of his artnv, in lis struygle te hold Look-ont Monntain. It is tine, now, to settle the ques tion of Gen. Brigy’e capacity for coutnanding ageatariny, He las been singularly cnfortunate, and the public mind craves a change of com- manders in the ‘West. vere We vive a few extracts from the proceedings of the Legislature, to show onr readers what are the sub- Jects of yeneral interest envaging the attention af that body. Some of therm are highly tinportant, and itis hoped will be maturely consid: ered and perfected nec Distilling Grain, ~The Wilming- ton Journal bas heard that one or more whiskey dist: the neil borhood of Fay: Veville are en- eries In gaved oo distilling grain, contrary to law. [tos satd that the Grand Jory has heard the same reports, and «pent a large partof the past | week truth of the «tories. To what con clason they arrived, we have not heard The Joarnalsa ‘youd aa thority” wonld have dong well to make his before the appearance Grand Jury, rather thanin the Jour nal otlice,-Fuy. OB. | There is an establistiment of thie kind in full blast near this place. j The Grand Jury of Rowan had the GD { array In the mean |try is being converted intd whisky. And who gets the whisky # | Not the soldiers, that is certain. is as | serted by sharp, observant) men in the army” service, that th¢ Army ‘Surgeons, Commissaries and A. Q. | M.'s intercept every drop of it, for Ufeir own especial use. { | -_e Cunflict.— We heart: that one Capiaro Lewne Hinpressed the tran going Bast, on | Friday vight Jaust, for the Purpose Ot seud- toy forwat ) sete troops ander aby com® mand. That the Conductor and otlger per- jsons in-charge of the train, eudsielett IL; abd Ubatit stood oa the track atghis de- | pul all might. They COM alte Gof bine 1% | feretvee to the President of he Road wire Ws said, advised: the Conductor UO lemee Vth Crate gn the bands ot Ulvermves who bad order d®) | Capt. Lane to release che train, &e, &e. | The crppty (oun Was in the possession of seized it. Phat Gov. Vinee tad hthe tnilitary about 12 o'clock, My ou Sate | urday. . 2. From the Kiehmond W hug OUR PRISONERS. The most Chinstian and tum ete people that ever blessed thre terrestrial ball with Chea holy presence. are vow much agitated j tow thoes Qeudishy erueUes: pracierd upou (heir prisobers ta the spacious and clewuly spaerlidbe tals ob the Libby prisou, an Lou the beauritul heastits of Belle babe. OF course L these anaotntad vices, ZioWig will every ptralt Chat takes tea auble and houurable, eheir Ow Cun gets Mito sO may Paradises and Biv. are sirabing every terse ly turn wets lis nw onew sous Wwe lear suny ve toe Zion of coditsh, aud ib becomes Us lo eat be Peroaps there are some false votes in it, the key nete of truth, sid some moons of eroteh sotne dever lines above or beiow bets whieh oolv the theury of the “double wilh yustty In the New York Datly News, of No vernber 10th, wil be found ao article from the ¢ bass Times, which runs in beau this wise: “Tbe new sewer al Camp Douyias Is cormpieted, abd a perfect drunaye bas ation sth beet established. Tbe grounds hay vow toe expected tu be something 1) hae passabe dunug the winler, presentiog a tnarked cugtrast to thetr qoudiion Jest > a-oo, when all over the squares the mud was sudeep as to make the place seem ke ainorsss, The pew feuee of fourteen feet in betgbt is alsy built all arowod the camp. Rvery etfort i being made to nn prove the sauilary cooditieo of the preva er, though this acto may periaps be dictate by a desire lo preserve the heaith of the Cutter) States soldiers, whick would lDevilably asstiilate to (bat of the prison erm. the number of prsvvers reported sick ou the bovks of Lr, Whelan, the camp surgeon, last wmonth, was 4.419, which, | with 307 undischarged at the close of Sep ternber, wade 4,726 lint October, nui ber priaooers an camp is about 6.200,” on the sick tor The total 1 Su, two years and a half are allowed to elapse before (he morass iato which the rebel singers were plunged by the com- The bealth ot the prisupers is, we are told, “touch bet passionate snts js drained. ter than could be expected, considers the madequate fuciitie for avoudiag dainp ness, infectun aad filth,” aud every ethort "s being nade to ITD ves the sau ary vou ditay, “though this acta may perlape be dicluted bi a desre lo preserve the health of the Uarted States soldiers.” — Nevertheless, oul of “about 6,200 prison erin camp, 4.700 were sick to the mouth of October,” ated of these, as We asceruin by counting ast of dewtis appended to the nbowe extract, 82 died wi dhe same Month. Piseeres were jruas Uimon feasous, No doubt, wines compelled Une santa ty put the fr SiH aAswarnp in the fret inelaues, lory ved tyad at appeared above the M Hood tears whieh they wept over the Sictins of this cruel war, Byangetical ARQYUID 1s Were found for postponing the Uratvale of Unis swarnp, Winch was prayer fully done at the best moment, W tat 4 lessons bere conveyed to Utne Sepoy authorities at Richmond, who yive “the watlant suldiers of the Union” precine ly the same rations yiven to their own suldiers, only better cooked 5 whe seller them so lung as a vaewul house is to be hw! for love orimoney, sud cot short ther whee threes of thre the rebel Capital, lin borazu and | AND Winder and Jeckson fuod ou y arent bospteals m Yankee Noh lo rise ats one tan and sweep awag the Lite withoul partele ot teas, Papers ¢ all Upon Che People ool Ubbe hornble gest of trartors at Richeaood. ot whieh loyal soldvers are sutferioy such tor tures and a tale is told ou the streets of yreal plots amony the prisoners to deliver themselves aud pot every aod child in the cy to the sword, Man, woman Euther lot these deliverances would be voces ota loles We do not wish to eat the Yan- kee prisoners, but if their deliverets do hot to us ter-st op the same frou the day of such case before them week before last >| tnake baste, we wil be compelled to do it telusal | pending certain Conrta, &e. Me ineire aid its melody. — | (fy Os remsion - ora = wy. powers of ow ‘ation have evimeed their readi- ‘CAROLINA WATGHMAN | upon which to act. eroding and inodify their measures | r) | time, the precious grain of he coun- v with @ams and pompkins shall deter us from the dread re Positi will not starve, ~ = vely, we Proceedings of the ‘Legislature. “SENATE. Turspay, Nov. 24th 3863, Mr, Sharpe, » bill to repeal the law sus. Referred. Mr. ‘Tavlor, of Chathan, a bill to regu- late the prices of artivlee in this State {Lunits prices to those allowed by the Commissioners of tie Confederate Guvern- iDebl | Reetes red. Mr. Sharpe, « resolution Mnatructmy the Jucheiary committee to enquire into the evpedency of increasing the fees anc nies of puble officers. Referred. 1 rala HOUSE OF COMMONS, Mr. Kobbins having received a Majority of the votes cast was declared duly elected Speaker pro lem. : BILLS AND KESOLUTIONS — Fiast PENDI\G. Mr. Kirby wtroduced a teaolution to False w colminiitee of ten, (one from each Congressional Distret.) to take into con- siderativa the dearth uf provisions and ils remedy. Adopted. Mr. McKay, a bill to amend an act en- Utled an acco relation te the Mibtuy and a Crvard toe Home Detenee.” [Provides that Vie Ebotne Guard staid bee heajpiired to muster but once la sin weeks on connpany brill, and bat Onee every three mon tis to batlown of regiinental dlls Uvat they draw de pavoaod patton al'owed in ; Cooledertle States Army while io the av val server, and thet Wrew Shall not be em ploy ed to arrest deserters hex oil the Its of their trespective U sptatn’s Districts ] Me. Sherwood, « toll ty aime ned ind eg. Pao moat reiative tu the Militus and a Guard for Home Defenes. [ Provides that the Home Guards shall got be ented cat ofteper than onve io three months, ex et fut actual service; that they shall nat be emplored to arrest deserters beyond the Hants ot their Captaro’s Distinct, thar per S008 appointed by Coanty Courts to attend Ww the wants of sokhers’ families and the poor woeraliy, shall be exempt from Home Guard duty, acd that the Surpeal Board of eacd wnilitia regimwot shall have the sole Power of yraouoy eremptious vn aceount vf inental of pnysteal draability. | Mr. Peeples. a btil to lim the produc. twa of cotton and tobaceo in the year 1864.) [Provades that no one shal! raise twore than 2,800 lbs. of colton in the seed, vr BOO Ibs. uf leaf tubscev.| Urdered to be printed. SENATE Wrepxesvar, Nov. 25th, 1863. Mr. Paison, a resolution instructiug our Senators and Kepresetiatives 1p Coayress, ‘0 urge the increase uf the pay of soldiers. Mr. Wright, a bill fixing thy first Thurs- day in August as the day for bulding elec- tigos tor wembers of Congress, HOUSE OF COMMONS, BILLS ON FIRST RLADING. Mr. WeCormick, a bill to amend ap art entitled an act for the relief of the wives and fainiites of sutchers in the army. [Pro- pores lo appropnate Ubree millions of dul lars aotually instead of one milhoo—the amount beretolors appropriated for that purpose. | Keterred to select commitee aod ordered ta be proted. P Mr. Waddiil, » bell inaking Conteder- pate Notes a leyal tender tor the pay meat of debts. Reterred to eummittee ou the Judiciary. Tutrkspar, November 26. On motion of Mr. McKay, so much of the Governor's nessage as relates tu) pro- Visivus fut toe relief of wives and tarniles ot soldier, was referred to the Select Com Inter Lo which was referred tbe bell bere- tufore Introddeed for that purpose. Mr. Avera tatroduced a series of resolu- Uons, asserting the mygbtot the | meet aod consult for the goud of the coun cople lo try —denouncioy mob vielence and mille freedom of the pledygroyg the State to a frre main tenance of the decastons of sts heya tribe bie Upon Ulver presa , nals and Upplauding Gov Vance tor Mate Judiciary. Phey turther compliment the ariny for ie manly defences of the gallantry and heros, and urge A tuithtul discharge of duty in viyorvasly prosecuti og the war for navonal independence. They further declare that formal oe ydtiatic ue for peace on the basis of separanion from the United Ststes abouid be instituted: by the treatyonskiag power, and arse our lepresentilives io Conyress bo exert (hem selves to bring about such beyoliaions Paey further recommetd proposals from Inendeavoring to ascertain the are obliged to yo for aday or tno ata) the Cootegerate authori ies to the Federal Congress looking to the bolding of 4 Peace Convention fur the adjastmeut of ditteul- ties, Whose action shall be subyech tw the ratification of the people. Mi. Avera moved that these resolutioas be printed and made the special order for Wediresd ay next at ll o'clock A. M. | Mr. Waddell expresmed his regret al hearing such #@ paper read in the Hlouse— | hoped the resolutians would not be euler | tained fur a moment, sud mnuved their it- definite postponement, Mr. Allison was not prepared to vole ij but we anderstand found nothing | Nv fastidious prejudice against meats fla | either for these resolutivas or for their 10- aman definite jiberat lie on! Mr. request referebs mittee. vote fo uo one doubt moat Vv inten referen Mr. be ref should Mr. me the » -~ED The It ture Vanke Hol Cli real ca Curres| dish ti sc uebite lever We p! . the Ne promu iothete mond us wat A femtsl of the « Cor inte: govern hie yi ii mm £ oa hy must t Li will high FF tow th oany anol @ychan Templ no it on the! would Ho wal mands matter Uefoes while | The ww trast if War, at power hee in tland keener these e “ W these t om, | for the the m: dren, | dings the ser Repat, the an (tod — Confess at wha Tet parties take ac CATO Me ments that nm On. louk a It is fn Yar the ste eaves erchas @ork « (roy tr serene repeal bis Ne vened The wOaw the art the tie! or late euce kk espeerx ayatern bodted have w tutew 1 Stale Arrivec Contec be rep Clana, t 'ereet | Ten for the omtitle award 6. +h of pro- yihes ‘mM here - solu- le to “OUD rhita Y the natd riba r bie Ve i is thtul og I hey 41008 from “1 by » our hein ons from deral ort thyl- » the 11008 et for rehab 86 — euler ve id ) vote gir )O- defivite postpgnement, They required de- | jiberation, He therefore moved that they | lie on the table, } Mr. Allison withdrew his motion at the request of Mr. Grissom, who suygested a reference of the resolutions to a select corp: mittee. He said he was Hot prepared to vole for or against them. Some of them no one could object to, Others were of doubtful) propriety. They involved the most vital interests of the eople and the integrity of the State, He sgalu urged a reference Co a select Comittee. Mr. Avera was willity that thev should be referred but was desirous chat they should be printed. Mr. Allison renewed his motion to lay m the Gable, whieh motion prevailed, Fom the Kichmend Enquirer. EXCHANGE OF PRISONEKS. The exchaaye will protably be renewed, It tures out that: Mered ch, Supposed lo be Vankee Camnittissiguer lor eachanye, was not Che Cominissioner, but an agent Pie real commiasiouer ts Gea, Hitchoock. Une corres potidenee ut Ju tue Ould and Mere (ith tins terminated by nn offemave and scurtilous letler written ov the Letter whieh: Jiisce Ould very properly returned. A few cocrespuotdence las commenced with il teheoek, Tt wound seem that the Yaokee frlot be Keeps our ytscuers tram the ted, and leave theirs to oie bets, to be treater as We plemee, does not sat sty the people of tie Pave very talne hoods po freely promulpated wheat barbanGes aud vutrage totlieted oa the VY anaee prisoters at biel: trond, awe detented there owe byt, — Lustead of Waspertiag ma bunny qeision tor A femtstless crusade of the to awoep fro Cie bace earth chat det of femmes, Kiet, too itherate the Pls thers by turce of artus, and deliver the ity perl Ubergtes, the Bect has been pie Cente om tiie severum@ent to rescue them Wy Che reason fe New York Tomes expounds Che matter thus: the Unto tmust not be left douger to there agutiies thie 1 r0eess of ex Nate. "These noble defenders of Towill be a crime before humanity and high Heaven for our Goveroment to al cow this thing ta goon Al auve cart, Woany saceifies, itnmust be etded We ANNO teasag Cleme detnons tate any jist éychange, and ayain to at: Tempe et Po undertake lo frighten therm 1h 18 Useless nto it by Practstay similar harhbarives up for it would but make us devils aleu. We have fo way but to yield. Give them their de manda. Coneede anvthing, everything, no in their Prisoners is lipoma ble, matter what, if it will only ransoin these beroes from the gripe of thelr tormenters while life yet fiewer We can afford it. The world will take aceouat of the eon trast in the sprotol the two parties to this war, and it will eniure vastly lo the mura! power of the national cause. hee in the field will also take account of toand his merves will he steung to a vet Every wul- Kepner vigue for a juet retabutiua upoo these enetmies of bis country. “We adjure tha government to deliver these thirteen thousand Rickinoud posen erm. To the name of thet gallant ceeds for their country’s flag —in the oasne of the mothers and wives and aaters andehal- dren, whose hearts are wrung with the udings of there suttenn gs —in the name of the sensibilities of every loval mann the Repathe —in the name of civilization —m the name of hungmoity—iu the Lame of (tod —we demand that vietuins of Confederate flendishness stall be rea ted, at whatever cost.” Ulbewes Te the “contrast inthe spontof the twe partios,” which the world is ealied on to take account of, the world will take good care Nat to form its opimiot upon the state ments of The ¢ that nobody beheves Yarkees now OUP tbe rt tees, satort is, On the resumption of exchange, we may louk a fread. Judge Ould will have to fook stiarp It is aaticfactory, tou, to find that even 0 Yankeeland the audatious lars lave not new andl ever varving «schemes of the story all their own way. The © World” eave editorially that the stoppae of the | erchange of prisoners bas been solely the @ork of the Fed&eal Government Gov Booham, of South Carolina, it will heeseen, follows Grow, Browo tavoniny the bis Messaye to the Leyielacure, which con repeal of all laws allowing substitutes vened on Monday last, Gov. Bonham says: The permission of substitution ts suited tO a war in which a amall proportion. of the arts bemriny population ry requ ted tor the tield —not toa war whiet may sconer or later require every mat, without reter- euce tu aye, Co sheaider tis iusket: and especially is ik unsuited toa Couseription system which purports to take oll able- bodied menu yiven You have wisely declared those basing subst bet weea ayes, tutes Tn Confederate service still liable to: tliat Consequently Slate service, The time, b suggest. bas arrived when all laws, whether State or Confederate, allowing substuitution, should be repented, They operate :p favor of a class, than whom none have a deeper ia ‘vreat in the success of the cause. Tennessee has furnished! 112,900 troops for the Confederate service. and is troly | years, should the war last so emtitled to the appellation awarded her'of the“ Volunteer State.” a FROM CHARLESTON. Cranrusron, Nov! 24. Pt up & constant mortar day, necasionally opening The enemy has ke shelling on Sumter to upon Moulirie, Simkins an rifled guns and moriare. d Jobnaon with both ‘ one of tus officers, The Yuukee's negroes were workiag brickly on Gregy co day. It is reported they have uomasked four nore guns. A three tudred poonder Perro at middle b-tery. was turned opou Moultrie tne morning, and two or three additional mortars upon Simbius. During Won- day night one hundred and seventy rifletl shells were fired ut Sumter,of which sixty: (wo mite- ed. Capt. Warleston died atlodf past ten this monmiog. The Tronsides and Monitors have been imactive for the Past three of four daye No sheliog the cily to-day. FROM VIRGINIA. Onanov C,H .Va., Nov 23 All qriet tu frout. day cold auc (reatening rain and snow Davie avived on Saturday and (ty ; 4 be [oF President ud is staying with Liye, nnd wall probrbly review the army De leaves Nothiuy from the ebemy. Gok vonsvitte, Nov. 24. Peemdent Davis and stafflefi for Richmond this imerniog. ‘The bulk ofthe Yankee army Indo Faquier Moutlaine sua € ulpepper County FROM ABINGDON, V4 w Nae , 23. Vinous rumors of the eccupetion of Kuox ville by oor forces ar officer! bo tive possed Koyersville, and five regiments Jickmouboro, eu route for Kentucky Our lorees are Very active au f Abincvon, Va * Coming via, tat hothiog Two thoustnd Federale are reported through st NORTHERN NEWS Ricumoxp, Nov United rtaten to the 23 Vist dust O09 flag of (ruce. has Seen received tor might Notuvag tate from Kooxville Daten from the Telegraphic com. Mates tien ie be sug tore crupted, a despateh te Borboursville ou the 19th, says (hat Myhting i afl about Raoxvelle. Ricumonn, Now Q4 Additional from late Northern papers received, Raye ihe Fiat rene fussan feet will prose tne wratersat Momroe large mee ings herve been held tn Boston to encourage STM ar Me Vement wel be dade throughout the Nu prisoners received to- { The ronds ace heavy. and the weather | /4 Northern man, | Ultbes. Browietow wn | bof Georgia, Volunteering A | State Jehua Giddings was arrested at Mon teed, and held tobel tu B30 000, tor hiduap- | pg Phe st. Petersburg correspondent of the Piuiee save Russia os tnakiag preparations for waronwa very large ecol Gecnuerst Bouke’ headquarters are at ville, the ¢ Aniome a tier fro Gren, Hrowns- lu Sar of Navy has received ah derales having reticed The Seeretary Wasruder enel ‘sig ano in tercepted letter from Commodore Rola ido. of the Seiningie, CXpreseiiiy Wieasiiess at the m- simepebelity assained by him in the seizure of the Britieh shiv Sie Win Peel off the Rio Ceragde on the Pith of Seprember Magruder toforme Mallory, thatthe orginal hasbeen sent t> Mr Mason. in London, audta copy to the Briush Admiral in the Gut we addremed to the Amat Navy at Washington FROM RICHMOND. Ricnmonp, Novy. 23. The following was received at the War De- Parimeut to oyht: Kelaudo's Secretary of the Mrasioxany River, } via Chickamauga, Nov 23 \ To Gen S. Courae :—We hold all the pads leading into Knoxville except the une between the Holstea and French Broad Gen. Jones lecter | | year, They Unk nothws of paying three ERN, that we consi- der reliable, that Batled bas been to New- heron and returned to tress Monroe. He was there two or gree days (he first of the past week, was fated, serenaded, de. We learn from a gentl4nan right up from the lines that the ® Begst” has shut down upon all retnrning to; Newbern by our people, He says that they shall nut re- tur éven though they taka the oath.— 5 These are pretty bard papers ou these out | siders who are so anxious to yet back, but | We Bee no help for it. must grit and bear it, We suppose the best way to get back to Newbern is to or- unit a force and whip) Butler out.— Who'll volunteer !— Progress, We suppose they | | The Richmond correspondent of the t Charleston Mercury say® that there is a! wiisper about charges being preferred | | against the Confederate agent in) Enuland | for the purchase of aris, whois said tu be | A cloe to the athur In, | ay small salary—nothing wnusual these war | of tweuty thowsand dollars a Year on [This is nothing, There wre quartere | Masters and clerks in Richmord, whose | salaries are but fifteen hundred dollars, liv- My at the rate of filly thousand doliars a | hundred dollars tora Supperor a couple ol thousand lor a gold) watet, They ive on | the fat of the tand, and throw their Modes abuuat as if they had uplinited credit on the Confederate Treasuty ] —AWraminer, \ | We must be Frea—Guov. Brown, Was tiangurated Gov. erior of the State faethe fourth teria om the try He closes bis an adsural address as follows: tus. Remembering the sacrifices we, 4s a people, have made, the suffer mgs whieh we have endured, the! noble Southern olgod whieh our en eines have spilt, the deadly hate | which they feel toward us, the ernel | Wrongs Which ounfemales have en- coantered, tie deyradations, | bondaye and charts whieh awart ue \ and and our posterity if we are subjuga ted, let us homblp aud fervently ine | voke the aid of Aimigiity Power, | and laving aside gil past differences and personal commderations, let Us | wetier around oe country's altar, | and while we ardently desire peace upon honorable terms, let us here | avalon renew the solemn pledge tu peach other that come bfe or death, cavally im right case upon thacofthe enemy's + Theee cavniry iv almost broken op. aad Wheeler haseat of hes tra from Cuaben vod Gap ty noxrville / Sigurd Braxton trace. Bat” Phe notorious rocne, Join Miocey, Who Wots re cently tried and whipped IN THIS place for steahiung at wateh and pocket book, and whe broke outot Jay and Wits arrested at Wihinington aud again Whipped tor steniity, and then sent back here for further punishment, was delivered np fast week te muitary awathority and carried to Virginia, where he is tobe tried for desertion and killing It appears that to BS. Inet, from which le Meserte he belon ved the Revi 1 oatvout ten tenths age tle ds tue vreatest royue and yrandest rascal ever wong Th Cas section of the Gouatey Charcuth Deimucrat, Groot Signs The Reehoy ond En quirer states thatat Wine coster, or anywhere Northoof the Roppahaa- noek, Satlems of the vank Arty recerve Confederate: bills aobalt the Value oof them own sreenbaeka.” So that comunate Chavon Leveled, they more (here Bnqairer, the vankee wll baw ne landoin the parts ot Virgint) oeen pred by them, atany pree, and ne body estuer baveorsella toad an the Western purtef Virginiag wien has ' pre separate St “Wined: foset ouefor ised’ asa ale. From these faers the Ee querer infers, and apparently Woboth vankees ane Western \ Irv titans Deltewe that the Seulu WITT Peasy tbe Canned be subypag ated ane vankte transac trons to dan will the void and worth- Jess, aud Coutederate money good, Fu Observer, | The Creorgia HLouse of Re yresentatives, lon Wednesday : passed n bill Appropriadiag | ten thousand dollars per anouto for three long, to pay heretofore | the rent of faimilics of indigent soldiers io Savannah, come Wealor woe, we will never sheath the sword tll coustitational liberty is established, Georgia is tree, and these Confederate States are re- cognized by all the world au inde- pendent power. Big Prices: —A trend who at tended a sale of neproes belonging to the estate of Dr. Ro Devlin, deed, in Abbeville Distret, Ss, C., on the L2th tostant, tas farnisned us with a listof the prices at woich some of the negroes sold: John, 22 Years oid, 'B4,70U 5; George, 19 vears, $4,500; i g8.15U; Martha and one child, $ Also, pays the : ‘Ouse, 230 years, $4,100; Lewis, 34 years, $4,025; Laura 84.050; Ra- chael, $4,000 5 Eiiza and # children, WO, Rady and 5 chiriren, $6,500 ; Malissa, 10° years, $3.150; Alfred, 12 years, $3,250; Oharles, Lz years, $3,400. Forty Negroes, old and young, brougit $88,880.—CAurlotte Democrat. DIED: On the I8th of this month, PAUL WISEN. HEI WER, of bihuas fever, in tis. sixty -thard year, He wasarualing Blderin the Ev. baa. Mt Paul's church (Rowan) foe a vumber ot yeurs —his pious and duvoted hfe, and the calrness and willtogness with which he leaves tis wife and children to (hese who have ne hope ly lost a kind devoted nine which are met death, Weep vol as His wit} has At on. hudand—his children, living, an affectuouate father and counsellor, but the church has lost one of ICR Most pours devoted menbers. ourtoss is his etermal yan. We have rood reason to believe Chat he is gone io sleep with Jesxus—yone to the pilgrim's home W. KIMBALL Bur what te | TAKE NOTICE. + N OTICE is hereby given that the firm ot Richwine & Plummer this day dissolved by mutual consent. AL persons having clans aguinat the sod firm, are hereby notified 1 pre- sent them for payment, forthwith, to Me Rich. wine; and al Persons tadebted io sad acon are also notified to come forward tnmediately aod pay the sane to M. Richwine M RICHIWINE, WM.J.PLUWMWER Nov Ist, 1863 NOTICE. rN os | HE undersigned will continne to carry on the business of the old firm of Richwine & Plummer, under the Brown at the oid stand We will exhange leather tor hides, bark, corn, tallow, pork, &c., aud will pay the high- | vamne of Richwine & -est market price in cash for green and dry | hides. MRL WINE: THOS. E. BROWN Nov. Qlset, 1863. 4ipd28 atin eon FF ae | this oecusion to make a Jina. To the Farmers of North Carolina. | Moat he is changed with living at the rate | yand their pickets extend inte the | | for the subsistence of the Arr ) Patoouic farmers of the land, | bravery and saff- rings of their ht feed | they may do ge, bur j tu Case they will oot sell, j wait for it to be taken by foree, | Borer OF THE COURT 1X3 ACRES at j within Che tine preseribed by A CARD To the people of Rowan, Cabarrus, Davie, Stanly, thes s bey to call the attention of Farmers aud oth. ers to the advertisement of tly Chief Com- missury for the State, by whow I have been ordered to iinpress ip «all cuses where I exnnot purchase the supplies of Wheat, and other sup- plies in the above named Counties, for the use of the army. This order has been rendered necessary bv the refusal of Persons generally to sell to the Government. I therefore take Iredell. Yadkia, aud Davidson Coas- LIST LETTERS Remaining in the Office at@alisbury, N. C.. New. 27th, 1863, f appeal to all ww sellto me at wuce. or to MY aUthoriz d agents, their surpfus of Wheat, Flour. Bacon, Pork, | Peas. and other subvis ence. Stores. and | themselves the mortification of impressment, | for vuless thes respond Ht onee, the authority to imprese will he exercised Most rigidly, and without distinction, A. MYERS, Captain & A.C. Ss: BBITENCE Department, ) Blix -ugy, Nov 30,1863. 4 127 save Su PMIIE undersiened Chief C Deoartinent of North with the important daty of ommissary for the Carolina, charged Procuring supplies ny, begs leave two | Farmers of North Car- | Deeply anxwus tu avoid impress ment Whenever it is possible tu do 60, he has forborne thus jouw. in the ernest frupe that the glorying in the Own noble su.8, and veoluutorily come forward them according to the means with woich God has blessed them. He yet ‘rusts | feels bound to warp them that he will seize a+ 4, and will ne no re- Are vou afraid Where will ihat and all else be with wut the Army, and where will that wv be, ailese ibis fed? T aud open your hearts and V appeal ounce more to the olina for aid. Would promptly a aa the law empowers hun two ¢ speccer of persons. of the car- aency? { vallant ar- hiok of these things our stores, rich and poor, to the Ageutsof the Goverument. Do not let vot your patriotism: be stained by a s-ifish reluctance. bat rather sauctified and eouobled by the DRess- | ing which hath been Promised to him who giv. eth cheerfully ; JAMES SLOAN, Maj. & Chief Com fur N Carolina. Orricg Cuter Commissary Der'ryN C,) : : : \ cee Ne ‘ EQUITY SALE OF _ LAND. OF Equi- tv, Twill expose the following lands for sate at the Court House, in Salisbury, on Saturday, the 26th day of December next, at 1] o'’eluck, A.M, town: 108 Acres, ~ Sold apon the Petition of William B. Atwell, koown as the Withein place, at the head of Buffalo creek, adjoining the lands of James A. Atwell, Moses Weaver and others. This tract is nearly all weod land. Credit of SiX mouths with interest from date—and if a fair Price is offered, the sale will stand confirmed frum the day of Sale —{Price adv. 88 50) 60 ACRES, Sold upon the petition of ihe Heirs-at-Law of George Hartman, dec'd., adjomning the lands ot A. L. Johoson, William Murphy, the heirs of Johu MecRorie and vihers. situated cue mile from Salisbury. ‘LVerus of sale lo suit purchas- er, elther casu. or a credit with interest from date. ‘Phe sate to stand confirmed from the day of sale if a fur pree tsoffered —{Pr. adv §8 50. 113 ACRES, Sold opoa the pe iiion of Thomas A. Burke and othe, adyuuing the lauds of Ja_ob Krider, Joho G. Flemming and others, on the waters of dth Creek A creditot six thouths with interest from date will be viven ithe purch sires, tt. The sile will stand confirmed from the day of sale if w fair price is given.—[Pr adv $8 5U} A House aud Lot in Sulisbury, Sold by order of Court upen the petition of sun- dry creditors ot Horace L. Robadrs. The House ison Shinny Hill, the one formerly owned by IN Earuhart, to which Eacubarthad a deed in fee to two-thirds, and was tenant by the Courtesy of the other third. Sach is the Inter- est to be sold, and the sale will stand contirin- ed from the div of sale if a far price is offered —(Price adv. xx 50) Nn . The House and Lot in Salisbury, \ opposite tothe Coart: Hease, belonging to the hetrs of JW Bits and other — Also, one une ft divided tourth part of the sty tine Kniek Oftees coppestie the Court heres of Jona Ww, There is an order of Court that these sales thay be coufivmed ttihe parties desire il, frou the day of sale.— Price ady Sx 5: Heuse, dslongs gy to ihe Bilis tuterested P| On the Prerise 8, On the Loch dey of December neat, I will sell | land, Upou the petition of Co- lumbus Atwell, adpiing the lanus of Obadiah Atweil, Joseph Atwell, Joh Bradford ond oth- ers, betoy a part of a tract. of owned by land Atwell, deceased. Ota Credit With interest as er ay formerty "Terms, the parchas- will be Locke cash, desire Vis sale from the dav of sale coahrmed fa saftcrent price ts of- fered.—| Pure adv gS SUR) LUKE BLACKWER,G. ' OE November 25, 1863 4126 ADMINISTRATORS SALE | | AVING taken out te Nloninestra- Uenon the extate of Chratopher Graham, de- ceased, Ewil sll atn s residence, near Row an Malls. on ‘Tuesday December (oth, at pub- he avetlon, the following property, to wat: Wheat, Corn, Oats, F dder, Hogs, Sheep, Cows, and Horses > all his hongehold oud kuch. en furniture, and Many otherarticles too tedi ous to mention, . ters of Those indebted to the estate are tied to calland settle the having clawne against it hereby no- sume and those must present them law, or this ao- tice will be plead in bar of their recovery JANE GRAHAM, Adm'r. Nov. 25, 1863. 3w27 BLANK DEEDS ° FOR SALE ATZHIS OFFICR. Se ee Allen, Amelian Lence, E Arendell, Dr M ¥ Lents, Christina Anderson, M Sippeard, John Addrews, Capt J Ladd, 8urgeon C B Albright Mrs L H 2 AJbright. Bason & Co Adams, Joel T Beaver, Mary Ano Beaver, George M Baslenger, C F itch reieelr Bean, Edma Yon, Mies J CO Burke, John A Bean, Martha A Brown, Crissy Brein, LF Bok, WL | Brown, Henry Bucinger, J W | Basinger, ME Bostian, Margaret Brown, Baley, T Blackwell, A Blackwelder, H 2 Basinger, C Beaver, Jesse Boanile, M Brown, H Badford, E W Basingcr, J Barker, CW Brown, Mrs EW2 Bauston, MA | Bostion, M8 Brinkley Reding Basinger, i L Barringer, Mary E Brown, Tsebel C Bean. Lucy A | Bishop, Kebecar Basinger, Eli 2 Browu, Loretta M Brown, Mary M Brown, Allice 2 Brown, Surhia M Baume, Pepa Boroughs, Richard Bo-tian, Mo-es Brown, David M Bowers, Bettie ; Barker, Martia Boker, J8 Brown, TB Boit-a, WTL Boshine, M Basinger, C Basinger Mollie C Barger, Rebeccar é Barger, Mary Barger, Jesse Bost, Sophia Clif-on, Tilman Campell. J & Barter, Lt KR Chiswell, George Cux, +2 Cowan, Stephen F Christopher, M Casper, MC Crowell, B Cobble, 3 A Cobble, Catharine Corre, F B Cruse, Paul Copening, JN 2 Craven, F Crisweil, JA Crews, Lt LB Clark, Col J B Casper, Sop hia Dobney ME Dunbar, W A2 Davis, OH Davis, Alston Douthite, Wm Donehue, John A Dudley, & RY Dables, A Earnheart, R Elier, Fany Ervis,8 B Earnheart, J A Edmondson, J H Edmondson, M C Kagte, George Eggborn, Capt P J Earnheart, G . vast, D Faison, Annie 2 Fes; ermag, Sally 2 Fields, 7c Fisher, Leah L Faucette, Lt A Fly, Tobias Fesperman, Mile Faisen, Thos J Freeman, Sarah Goodman, Moses Graham, ME Gambul, AM 3 Graham, C Gay, Thos Grant, Nancy M Graham, Sophia Glover, Abram \ Gardner, Jno Gooding, WB Gheen, Thomas Garner, M Hobson, Laura Himes, Capt J M Hartly, Nancy Helfer, Wm Howell, Jethro 2 Herners, Hartman, Adam Holt, CA Harlin, Bettie Hewlin, Clementine Hinton, CA Hickmony Joe Hendrix, Jas BR Howk, Hi Hunter, C Houston, WH Harman, MA xolsheuser, A Holshouser, M Huffman, WK Hooks, Jno Harkey, M Hinton, WH Hill, HP id Howell, SM Handy, HR Hoke, Gren ! Tugle, Mliza Jerett, MA Jobson, Susan Jones, Nerah Jones, WF Johnsen, WW Johuson JG | Joboson, S.osan | Jones, Mary Col Janble, Wm Josey M Joknsen, AB Johnsen, Fisebeth Henry A Indey Jefeoat, 3 W Josey, Sarah Kimball, Rey W Kelly, M Riets, CD ) Koap, Minty 2 Kester, Salomon Koon Richard Knipe, JW Kerrn, Jas D Klauttss Klatts WL Kendall, HD Knup, Biaaheth Litaker, RSo Ladd, Geo Lewis, Noah Linebarger, Wm Lyerly Elina Link, 8 Persons calling for the above letters | polease say they are advertised, aye on the above le 3w28 Lanier, WB Egq ne, HA Lueas, John H Linster Larah | Lyerly, MH Lilly, Charlies Litaker, WK Langdon, Capt P & Lyerly M Murphy, Samuel 9 Makepeace, George Marks, CC McCombs, MC Misenheimer, A N 2 Milter, Joshua Mebane, Lizzie Moore, A 8 McKensaie, Joha Macuskee, Mary Menis, MG MeClelland, Elisa Moore, Salley McCombs, Mary Meb.n, Henry Matheus, Jas M Minnis, MA Maunally, Jas F 2 Moore, BA Miller, MA Menis, M Miller, FM Miller, Miss J C Maybin, Henry 2 Minor, Susan McNeely, urs M A Maddox, Dr TC Martin, P P Miller, Francis McLoard, WL Norris, MA Owéns, Laare Overcash, ME Overton, Wm Oddie, H EB Orr, Mary Overcash, Sarah Polk, Emily Parker, JN Pi: kst.n, Thos Propst, Annie Pinkston, NB P irks, George Parks, DW Pennington, C Rice, E Rufty,J R Richie, Bichie Ribclin, Mary Rug, SE Rainy, 8J Rayner, DA Robison, ML Roseman, Z Richie, MM Rich, C M Bhelly, WA Smith, Jane B Starret, JL Safrit, Rebecha, Skinner, Sprigs, J Saullers, Ann Seafird, AL Sloan, 8 N Sha yer, Robert Starnes, I Sloan, a4 E Stuart, E L Smith, EC Smith, Geo W Segaver, Bry Smith, Ano Sowers, RC Saffrett, S Stiwalt, EL Speets, Saferd, Sifford, Dr P A &mith,J 8 Shuping, C Starrett, JL Stiller, A Safret, R Sm.th, af Swicegood, P Af Swisher, 8 Smith, FA Short, Col RH Swing, O Shuping, EE Stiller, 8 Smith, D L Saffert, R Shupi v4 Smith, E Sanders, E Safret, 8 Turner, William 4 Thomas, G J2 Troftman, A Trexler, MJ Thomas, RN Thomason, Celie Tonsel, M Turver, Taylor, H Townsley, MD Taff, L Trexler, P Towell, MJ Tortn, George Trexler, MJ Thinby, G A Thomason, MRK Valentine, C Vaneaton, WL Witheim, Henry 2 Worth, B G Wiltiard, WC 2 Walker, 9 Witkerson, C Wiles, Susan Wadkin, Mary Williamson, Capt E & Withelm, Mary Wise, Sophia Wright, BB Walks, Isnac Wallace, Mf Wiley, MA Wiot, H West, Inly Wilson Susannab Wilhelm. M A Willard, AA Waher, ME Ward, w Walker, wary Wyatt, R Walker, WR ny JH» Walker, Harry Wilkimson, Nannie The post- tters is five cents each 1. A. SMITH, P. M. pou ~—A pair of new Shoes, which the ownercan have by identifying (be same and paying for this advertisement Salisbary, Nov. 13. 1863. SARAH E. RUFF. 3tpd2Q6 BLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. te ne e ne e , a —- = eS . — a ES From Western North Carolina.| ADMINISTRATOR —Gen. Varuce’s forces have been = A a DP down in Vonnesse daring the past _ week. Ile bada pretty severe skir- ] { avine taken out Letters of Administra- mish with the enemy, vear Parrotts- | Hon o8 the estate of Phillip 8. Beeker, dece «>- : ed, 1 will sell at his late residence, near Rowan ville, one day Inet week losing ove | Wins, on Thursday, December 3d, at Public man killed, aud two or three wound: | Auction, the folowing property, to wit: ed. He empted several Yankee sad- | 4 yood crop ef Corn, Oata, Fodder, dle : [lay and Wheat; a number of Gen. Vance has been helping the Cows, Hogs, Sheep, and Tennesaee Unionists to: gather their Horses: all his House- log crop. Neariv a thousand tat hotd and Kitehen hoge have been driven out Some | Furniture, of them have passed here en ruule | . 1g. 4 . : to the great Confederate smoke | FARMING TOOLS, &e. house. — Asheville Veics, 19th. S Tiere also will be two Negroes to hire out for | the remainder of the Vear. Those tudebted to the estate are hereby bo aa ~ | uted to call and settle the same and os | hoveug clatins aginst 1. mast present them EXECUTOR'S SALE. | within the time prescribed by law, or this e- | ry I HE subscriber having qualfied as Exccus tice will be plead in bar of their recovery becri g qualfiec > - : wane « . +5 WILLIAM EH. TROTT, Acin't id ‘Testament of Michael : tor of the last Will and Testament of fichae Neen anes dws Anderson, deceased, wil! scl! at pabhe sate at nie late residence, ou Tuesday the Ist Decem- | PIANO FOR SILE: ber next, all of bis personal property, lo wit: ee ; = =~ a | VERY excellent second haud Piano for W heat, Corn, Oats, Tlay and fod | A for sale Also, one good Miich Cow der, Horses, Cattle and Hogs, | Apply at this office 4w5 NOTICE. TO THE AFFLICTED! Special Notice To all whom i may Concern! rPHOUSANDS OF BOXES OP THE | To all who it may Concern. QO WING to the opuber of riots, mobs, Im- SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS hove} TO ALL PERSONS INDEBT pressments and tiefis in the county, I fee! been ordered in ove day. Wherever kuown , ita duty Lowe te anyelf to adopt the following their wee continaes. Without puffing, they auve HD 10 U8! rules and regulations s( my mill: gained ground by their real value. (7 More ——e lst. 1 will not be responsible for any Flour, than five hundred persons are known to lave | LALL fersons indebted to the frmof A. & Meal or auy kindof Grain thet may be taken been cured by these Pills. cy W. Myers and A” Myers, wre hereby rea ~ trou me by mob fot’ Hupressme at. This excellent family medicine is secommen- | fully requested to settle their femeciler on. Qd. T will not be re-ponsible for any Grain ded +y the proprietor as good only for dis- | gations either in person or by letter. wiho stored at ny mill woul ordered to be ground. euses of the Liver. His correspoudeutesay (hal | needless deluy ‘They will thus suve haisies 3d Twill uot be responsible for any Mealor they «le cure Billlous Rhevuatiom, Pheumeo- | and the inconvemence of payment when ne Flour more than 24 bears after it is made; at nia, Chills and Fevers, Biilious Fevers, Puce |e) may be lere wbundant than at present 4 the some time, L will ‘ake the beet care of it and Worms. They wre a perfectly safe merci: ) hope the friends of the late firme will not re that Lean, and the same care that Ttake of cine. quire longer indulgence, bot respond to Tie The milf is always uncer lock aud Peter Vadeu, Eaqg.. of Dinwitdie County, | urgent call, ae it i» necessary that the Business Virginia, afler describing remarkable cyies (| should be clored with ue little deloy ae Possible J.8. MeCUBBINS. his tamily of Bihous Rheumatiens aad Pleun-y> A. MYERS Salisbury, Mareh ji). 1863 f45 soya: M\ Doctor's bill hus been hereiotore Office unex! to Cawan's Brick Rew. , ; - i from @175 to BQU0 per veur, Dhave used thom | Sulsburv, March 30, 163 145 SILT! SALT?! SALT!!! (these pills’ for my faunily, w hich cousets «1 Sybdsivience Department, / ( yLI ( I ] +5 4e eighteen white aod colored, aud have nat oo! Salisbury, N Sept. 26, 1863. 4 ed he . sa ale - a Be vad cea a They . cermlaiy are the mi freely Medicine evens i> » : . . | WILL exchange -ai! for bacon, giving threen eed” ; ils ae L, art ge vee for ; . ; ; sale, apply to i f SON, pounds of zood @a\( for one of bacua. | Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greeve eounty the ¥ Snrlevkwencatihis gles Apply at omy offiee vext tu ¢ owans brick North Carolin, had suffered twelve years fret eat ae ee . c ae aw diseased liver whieh the plyrtciane hed s te wf Us apt, <S d. been ate to cure He save: % DL comucence: 5 ae a one - ~ : taking he Hepate Pills wah ne cot fidenee in 1000 DOG > KINS WANTED. Greensborough Mutual them ‘They actedtike wrharn on ine Peon ‘ TANTED 1000 Dag Shins, dry, for whieb INSURANCE COMPANY. that hours bie unproved. TP have perm vet wih be paid $2) tor medium size, and ed in there use until now, bv Gad’s bleretg. | sinaller Quer ih proportion, amy own. nev when we leave il row One Wagon and Gears, - 17 TYE | Furming Tools W Ol YL W A N I ED. ! . — ' am weil and hearty Po had wneygre uiar whe, Apply to RF. Simonton, Kinlesvitle. or A A , aie cae : Pays all Losses Promptly ! OO ie. wv waved ich eect by ete yk altebers He ce Be SECOND SHEARING LAMBS WOOL | oa ae et there pills My Doctor's BL war anus Deeeuber &, 162 129 the same time and place Iw fen the Plea | ocd ba WAH. SMITH. DIRECTORS: ; tre S10 te BQ06, Dut PE have hac ne use tore tation aud hire the Negroes, belonging to the 3 iy. July 13. 1863 | John A. Mebane, W. J. MeCounel, ©. Po pty siecis ance.” isbury. Jal An ral 1X seo ning aa one yeu! Terms made kuown | : rss Mendenhall. Wb. Weir, James M. Gsarreit Fronas UW Ranev, Bay. Gecordle county a. ap’ | « >» DP on day of sale. | : Ti Jot L. Cole, NH. D. Wilson Wm. Barto) NOC owave: ¢ Ptad r rhe the be wt - 3 . . ey | Pred ( Lez y . | ohu L. eee My Dy SOAS tad your pe othe 5 n / “LT CRANFORD, Ear, gate eee ead and Zine | ger, David MeKuight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. tomty mnediene L have ever us They heve bALISBURY. Nov. 15th, IF 62 November 2, Ui ' f BRASS COPPER Tek oat dll Bengt te | H. Lindsay, Gree neborougt DW.A Wright, proved very benefious i my owt case Ihave ALL those uncedted te the firm ot Alt persous indebted to the estaie of Michael | the nearest Kail-Road Staton. Ady perneo wishing ve | Wilmington, Robea E Proy. Lumberton been very uw ich attheted tor bio ye cre, anad | ave MeCunsine & Footman, wii! eall at ihe Bost & Anderson. decreased, are requested to tnake | Sel! wil please nouly me the quanuty, prce,and | Afexanuder Miller Newtern; Uhadeos We tred every kind ef medeune tha { wid get cary Wis any J | AR \ iimimediat ; 1 ail 4 where to be delivered A. G. BRESTEER, | ie ae ee hee anufeciens of del Mendel we. aes mediaie payment; and ail persoos having ; Caps. Art's Com'd’g, | tier. Raleigh; Tbhanas Jonson, Yancey: buthave more rehet from your jets than | door te the Waretman Office. oo the sabsrn claims agaiust the estate of said deceased, must UC. 3. Ord. Works, Salisbury, N.C, ¢ . el vine: De WC. Ramey. ‘Wadesborough; Rev others My disease is @ brone hial atheros | ber, and peitte ibeus¢ cenants, either hy nate present them within the time limied by law, Oct. 2, 1563. \ tfto RoC. Mavoard, Franklintes 5 Dr. E. F. Wat. a complete prostravon of the mervour -vstem. | oe the eanh Now pe the lume te pay debts or this notice will be pleagin bar of their re-' n. Watsonville L nave used them in tenor file cases ii my | , . i mm, Watsonvi 7 . {| tf:26 THOMAS J FOSTER covery. T. CRANFORD, E WANTED ovucers faut, ane Gnd them to be the very medicine \ ike Ad IRD, Ex'r } - ape for nearly ail anniv diseanes”” \ — November 2.1863: 3w26 r ae) PUR( HASE, or ep (orien CH vt i es ae eee , Parcr—$).50 a box For $15 a deren boxes | qc! TON and LINEN BAGS weated bs Seen nee, 500 Hoge at tne C28. Dial ory, salisbury JED ae cee eter resident. | ii he erat prepaid wv any pert of the Conted: | JNO F ROAKD ~-* er —* = NC. Apply to | c t _ M 2NDE ALL, AMLOTDE y: erocy ‘Those who desire levee than a dozen | Salsbury, Apoi 23, Po63 UENS ~~ <p Bd@—H<e Sarg Jas T. Jounsoy Med. Pur PPETERIADAMS: (= See and Treas hoves. must apply to the druggrte.—Great te: ' Chirkaite, NOC Wid CUMMING... - General Agent duction made to Druggists and Merchants whe | i oer 7 WANTED FYNHE andersigued Physicians of the town s of Salisbory, find it necessary {v increase ~~ 7 Faeus their charges, because of the exurtiaul prices W AN | ED ! demanded for all the necessancs of life. audio WANT to hire TEN or SIFTEEN NEGEORS, stout order that there may de vo unsunc: rstanding, | active boys, as laborers. Those having oe oes Re publish the following as the mmiuimum rates of | hire, wiil please apply to me at the Confederate States nanor Werks, Salisbury. ’ -harges from and after the Sth day of N - Snes . she *“y al A. G. BRENIZER ’ | Capt. Act'y Com’? Day visiis in the Country, $2 0 per mie. — NOTICE, Night. $4 vv $3 00 per visit \ QO‘ R ACCOUNTS are all ready for set le- Oat side of Corporate limits, uu- der one mile, With an additianal charege for prescription aad medicine, to meat and we wish ai! persons iidebted. to come in and payup. Ovand after the first be in no instance less than R100 day of Noveniber we will keep no beoks, por Dav visits in town, each visit = =82 V0 will we charge anything. Our sales riu-t and Night. $4 v0 will be for cash and cash alone atter that date Obstetrical and Sargicsl chaarges in same Cuil and settle up asour business has be- proportion conducted on the credit system too long, aid Those our patrons who pay thew bil’s in pow will be stopped. country produce at cid prices, will have their HENDERSON & ENNISS. oWis inade out at old pnars Oct. 27th 1803 4u24 C.’a. HENDERSON, ©. D. _ ; - - A.M NESBITT, MD NO TIWE TO SPECULATE. I. W JONES, M.D M WHITEWHEAD, MD "nN Due subscriber has thrown bis Tan-vard iw J. McCONNELE, - Neda MEBANE. - J) W.GARRETT,- - Sj buy by the gross. Cosh must alwaye accom- ; Executive Com pany orders Addres=, PPro PERE HASSE OR BENT, AN IM. GEORGE W DERMS | proved Latin (be Wot or Norih Ward ex ° ’ ‘ : Allcommunicat@nt n basiness counectec Ne NC Neely ai ie Gre withth: Offier, shoult be addressee: to k ; pet’ by It ~E Ag ees } eS TREr : : wr Bal Beliebur irre & fea | ug ( » [mee 2 PETERADAMS Secretary ne oa oa a fi Pos ; : oot £ . Lies anc ih tay oon sap trae ore’ m 1 ID ) > _ : : nsbor N.C. Jane 19, R66 tf October 12, 1°62 Jeipartt ‘ CONFEDERATE TAXES! eri Y ) R E \\ \ R | ) Now is the time to pay Money. : ; Dd ee ALIN. | A ia person EITHER IN DEBT- \dditiong! Notice. ) loon IN JANUARY LAST. THE led te me by note of Beevunl, ate requesied lo a . \ T the times and paces already apponited dae J i is hi bi alee ee ti salrree A. M. NESRITT for thre collection of Taxes, all pers sus in thems E oS uty es slice St e st loge. June 135. Ine3 tts several distnets are naified tu render to the fine Engish Gold Lever Watch. wth ihe name | Aseessts, an account oe oath of the value of ah JA. Saltagten on the face: German Tear} ail gest cattle horses, siuies <pol ape yank letiery, beheved to be pn ace AE J Johost tivaten and asses ewaed by rach persnin : 5 oe ee rari his distnet, on which the owaers will be pared mn ce Us chus Se d Aindl: A te 1a one percentum, ty be pud on of before the let mendes ; une fing sold Ring, with forget me net, day of Javuary next Usted bed therenn ; one: sett Bar Ringe and ALSO All ey Nrateouredtogive an er Breast Pia, Cora and Gold i tw » Cold Chata- \ WILL give promt are rs count of all beeves sold between the 24thef ” | - Le ee ae per ime : the wale of predwer, snd perchameg Sah . « the two DLockete with miniatures; Slipper | € acts 3 ue ist = of heel: Magen Crces, Hart, Shell. and others oot recullected , ! Coasgoment> aud erdere rege alas Adhd tet has pec Deled etchant ts one Corra! Breast Pic. one rod Breast Pin, | ed—edvances mace when tragied call and pay Up Jos. B. RUSSELL Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, NOC mittens atlerhon Laverpuad, cane wDraner ctfaty sohbet J.J. SUWWERELL. ¥. D : Seen ce a fn to the puriie and wishes the eitize: ee me 7 re J. A. CALDWELL, M. D. 8 . bi ea bal addres Wes ett to of their cora, &e., sill inert os Arcee ° a ertt with Pearle; one Necklace with lirge Reference—T J broer, Salsharys Nav. 13, 1863 626 bring or send ther fides tu bum and fll woup Third Creek Statue Decembhe, 10th and ‘ith : : : . # Ba Deine a pd If they will dey he obbgates himself to weil at Miller's, oe 2th ee a: ts; Poe : able = 4 ‘ ine Pan; Wet 12, =f Fm pet2 (a —————— his share of the leather another vear at &. * Salsbur 1 sa es one terest sale ane antle ; Embendered . 2 S-. s wv 4th and loth rh . é Public Sale. bemg ue bigh as he has aud any apie this The term, ‘met cuttle,” is eunsirued io paige onence ene ree oe Confederate Insurance Company YW oe -—- time. Also these bringing tides to hun shall mean all domeste aiinals of the bowie kiod, crauitied a , “ ve : oa i nie i ‘: : j +t har lutterrite, Virginia. ~ RAVING been appointed Commission: r by have the preference itleather for ther own ang inciudes totich Cows. calves and the hie. - 7 4 eengenee i pean ames 4 sat the Coanty Coun cf Rowan cvunty to foake consnMmpto aneiner year. de dunt wish to . 5 ee etry and Ladies spparel not rece leeted The ] —_— ‘ i : ae Wo R ALEY. . ' eae ae < -E buy hides atthe present enormoos prices and >: R A ide : Y shove reward of Five Handred Duilare, wal! be | HAVE ACCEIEED AN AGEN \ uf ax Collector paid forthe recuvers ofthe abewe ceed artis | frum the above Jueorence Compan) aud on sale of the valuable plantation on which Con McCorkie formert¥ resided, cdiouing M hae sell the leather 1: Bb of GO per Ih No bring Goedman and vthers, I wi'l uffer the said Plane Yuur hides in ant we wt Lkeep one accent Tan-sard aay how io the Con‘ederacy tavion jor sale, on the premises. on Wedorsday dats the Qad day of December next, at 12 cieck, for our own use M. The tering of sale will be cush or a credit Leave yonr fides at Sprague Bros as here to tohe tree uy property at fre rpo tee bmuted pe recs of time. —nrach a ' them — row prepared y A) ~ : ’ - cles OPIN premertion § fF avy ps ° Rk S10 kW A RD Went ofthe Jewel y can he dentitied by WOR © son sble rat WILDL be given or two SADDLES stolen Wile n, Wateh-make: this priser T mv | and on dfferent grates of pipe me) from ms stables on he 24th pet. Que is black aber ce. any informa, given te Cnpia a) Cotton, Tobarce. Prodece, Machinery, ae qu ited the atherpres leather; also, two Bridles Miverser Sauuel bees se, wil! tee pre -anieet chance, Bursings. be The Compery hes hoeoperate # bat » short time, has a large of 6 of 12 months, with inierest from date. as lofore directed Tew MAY NES the purchaser may desire. Nov 2, 1*63 wm) acdone parr martingles (supposed to be in the ly attended to been P 24 p PF oe : WILLIAM 6 ATWELL. . neighhorhend of Chirtes MeKenzie's Also. ; bP MYERS Cash Capmtel tt pad ta, sod hela by me’ Commissioner. Jaother reat J iclury ' One Hondred dolla for the apprehension of Salibary. NC. Jane 15, bea fs the weal. brent end best people of Virginia. A November 2, 1563. 3ipd25 if Sea the thief WG MeENEELY. IP The Canfederses, at Atanta, Ga ow Wo darge #m watef the Capirt Steck ef th « Com i ee me = HAVE for sate. and will end pat pad July 27. 18630 0 copy daly one week and send Hl thieoficer pans bas alresdy beep roid for ten per cet as ‘ 4 Com 3 the following Reeespts io avyvone oor Bar nm i. prema Lean anfely reecmmeng thes Worators Sale ee el ee lo the Farmers of Rowan. ; PACH NGS NOTICH, Nee Tet pans ts he of the moet Mluhle rheracier. anc \ : Blacking Also a reeeipt fer makiog acon Jicmmovo, Va. Ger, bb, p63 \ any knees from poheres weacd by this Compe ; ILL be sold to the highest bidder, atihe pamtien fie weldins a cae . , ! | AM anweus tu ny com, wheat, floor meal | SHE icasiee Conicuereieaficcr snd men 0 willbe promptly met according lo the terme Court Hoase, in Salisbury. on Wooday. the Varnish & aaaiee: : fol) acd bac oe the elders families of Ro wan ] ‘ “ e * ous Sees sel fneih in ite pouleme 30th day ou Nouveinber, at I2o'clock Siliree ae i if ae var i yune brat lw endal Some of thei mre 4 Mem softening ard I hive : ‘ h i ° oc ared duly eauchar ard ay Vor Fc ineury) wed onal’ Renae bove rece:pt< forone che lar aims cr Ps . PSR) TEE en ait erie Prenhe ale 1 Bonds of $ 1000 cach. ef the Stzt- of North Geol ars te vy c J : hermoney ta pay ith Gl POCee fur hese things, } Ze " t f hd f < ii t ‘ there p operty insare d, ean have ap oppols Carolina, of the atd issue, beat Oo per cent : 4 ve t pra ts Meude-t eff ndtivus lee tht le Farineresf the county »' «a ° pre ve tu the bet of Sepretnber. , ; ; oes the Carton Mite. Pace Cory {i : “Ad Thee eeetu leececr ie nat lendce. Us ULGANg eo by calling oo me interest, and 12 snares.’ tie stock ofithe Bink, pe, Sere toer erie oe * wilgive the poursol ers tanihes the peeterance ' i : ; ' A J. MOUK, Agent oNudh Caroliis: beleusig ts met & EE Sha Ss id ened ule TS MCLHAIS, ee ee - a : ee Le aiuied from ihe Nenblong bt Pe : Victshuty July a 1=ti9, except auch ua were Salebary, NC, ‘ the lete Wm H. Hori. Alo perce haven? Pig ceeecnt Dwi! ts Com for Ruwan e ‘ ' uae Nile July 16, ,h63 ( Ww eiaimne against the e-1 a jrereut them | Kn a" ie ‘ gE Aid ar, VEN Cae 3:63 1% CoG eacharg. dhy Exchs . HG: i) = . caglene me ninernom tt, ee ans dress, a - fn sent 12th . rae epee fies beamed i WK Hil BROW \ 12 Verne of sale—6 months eredit, mmter- Swesvill Ag ; Ve a DEN ] \ l, NQ | 1 kK ne “ 7 . poncues . emt se ave BS yeaviile. (a rston ! ‘ . . . ve ” puenth eo ; : j : -y est we. with approved secanty, or cash, Oeighen Boia ae ed ; ; ace : Wy ae HERS nrg : oe COMM) SION MER LAS j tthe «pen of th ' Med Tal pew Lenher Io cod woth the bernitaben ab : : “ Ht HORA W. F. Bason, M. D. ied, 0 beaptaree at Port Hudson ar any th ~ALISUURY, NS. ' he WoW. HOOKAH, / INO Mo HORAH, Acdmr'e ADMINISTRATOR ’S OS A rrr ree ee REET penal an mente purchase of Produce and Shipments- JAMES HORAH, \ Cag ~ —— November 14. 1863 3126 BE Bce OULD re ape « yomake known that he Phe SraTof Coeveruie Pemberton, Se. co simente ether fer maie i this marketer : ~ Phase. ; fe ecoe rite Dre (oO Mrst eRe 5 ee stn ee e Oe g ecient el : : LS yianen wu etter at Mh m Hars Cunanciges srrie mt laidwin, andef Cate ' ae ’ Peer Te A DAE PUREE Gi cen un runce, ogee een Nora at = asl nent bnchen, toa RPE pine eas ioe tie - \ B Nait wal tosuit hin torenmarne all k . lances promptly mede ae lk ae Boe RU esis ace kc he tree. tyme CA nileatnence willbe unth) mocte whC le 4 the Bugrneer ( - a, Via (eee the Sth dav of Decenther next, Rowan Willson Poesday. che Bt h ise ant, a ie ; ne a Ds ; : supe aud Mace cuddle Ube 161) sal-bory, Joly 13, Debs { a \ att . F ty ot tive octevale by avin | mies cette i} ‘ ort ° bie ur use he auetion, the to pe anuert ee i she Oe < ae i, . . are ‘i he i } : 1 : A P’ wis tern joture thw altura! dimerntine tUbpe at M ‘ 2 ‘ plered \ STRA } kp i : leads meee a . Ov addressing bh terongh the Pos Office ' arg ‘ ty bs te) th ( Jacob T arsed. on Horses, Mules. Cows, rh ‘ : : " i ‘ lel i“ ul 3 Vie general officers eat tared at Vieks | YROM the sebecriher, snne time 1p Sept 8 . re et, é 4 f yld hel is val (, “ x Po Gy) ‘ VCS burg. Jity 4 1-63, were dectared exchanged bi-s e leer, abet a venue ang A mos a j « fgold ‘ d ty SHEEP. HOGS, er] > ° july ry Vata ov “ - Wark aw " athe ape 1 willpivee rowel: dieccus working There are cieut tye handred Thi or 1X of wench, are faitening J AM is HOR A] le RORERT OULD of RD far the recovery of ‘tee bes P are fiand Hreetrartes 6 how anda Wiheat. On ( : r April ut Rach ge JOUN EL MORRTSO ae ee, he reat, Corn, As Hav, Fodder Wateh- Waker and Jeweler, eon inn we lunes sod eed: Maye cme? supe landset Soon Powhe. BE Wangey. Povid Co and Straw,one Buggy and tar ; AUR AEN HEAL ' tadhe Sop Deparinet: 2s ° au e Fels ort fee, cee we ea. Bs . an yi ste . . | an will be pd cuts : Moarrail o | ik hie (I SALISBU RK Nt 4 ay salisbury Femae Seminary. a! ce ee oe Died. A. CALDWELL “7 rae L REA RAVER WE ee Peat nt WOTQIRS cod JEWELED of HE, Kireernth Remon of uy Rebel Oe ~ =f" 4 rhe d ‘ t= . t \ 1 | 7 o . { et . “ hres he ack sane emt DESPECTEULLY OFFERS tee.tnten, wil apen se sth of Depron SU aK, Adin'r wka, Watehorand lewelry ofevery de DR te protees cel eet c3oa te the Bb. . " (Fe mit - Ue . v ' 0 00 my EDS Ye Nove Ne fw eeripyt ae poredin the beet nanner and on eiizena ot Sohebors ant the war Board per seseon, A y 10 000 Lb ' x thes , re) rt round Vu in Baghsb $29 00 and 30 00 AY TES \ anted, W {\ PED! 5 ial me ‘ ae wae Miste with owe of Prine 30 00 VW I WANT Ww) I — : ? OFFICE —Brick Row oppority the Court Loin. Gereek aad Peeuch, extra ta F. owilt 4 ' ) aoe A tai hire TWO LY (ar) nse ee in t Veer, tae 2 (uwcls . hits the Foundry attarhed t ets ea ' Z a Hh) “tt ’ BREE ese a Buyile required to furtarty tights met be Nn wt” ps Weekes d AO RS Pa Soldiers’ Families! 1 Samvabacnce, leave your Fame ot the eC eaicinciiys inademuce Por henley j ; . Cape acy Cow lg a thos ele btn fa oy Shire of et 6 -Uad lars, ndderen : ~ : TOD i Ae oh ae A.D. WILKINSON, ~\ Wok net Wid fe : iad OMESIN Ie) Ul vie te wos CEXtlh SUBS BER HAS JUST KE zane eH & VID vt LEATHER. a eats ere ee ite | Ie SU Re 1h { jenctpal N ro 600864 ) tN io ; ceived the following wrbictea, to wit Joly. 163 il a sues : J wil neo every tt tain en rien i dagan Conta S Cord VWiread, : s Dy, : | I WILL BARTER LEATHER fo Miles. . Paes panties rr, anne en ‘ , / ' \ ff) So ther at 45 . a ay ' rtcoarr ett oe , ; ef odie, am ; = 1 1 / le Leather at 45 cents. Vip 1t HO cents bury, 0 1s63 ‘ Kik and White ogheh Gioghame, _ «qs. | 4 BDe ] WIsii oe 7 for Hides at 64 cents green. Dry la ceata, of . Z. : { x i t b UTEE. salt sess - aie _ aie ea : A al ails N A FE Katdera of Ment Hiatkemal Nala, 8,10 and 6 | | AVING resigned my cemmieren tt { > ‘ ‘ Sek olde ’ ‘ tale : ’ : . Sa! ‘wry, u Woes K { weld D ( NX « ¢ HONS Se oary ore Wh oreby on ath od ter catlor the an Shovel Moulds Confederate Army a8 Sargeon, J tender © wre ong where nn Cope mer ene eer er not i leemened Mount Pieassut and get the MICHAEL BROWN services iu my friends and the jt fxRIT! tu Maky Mik Pay ] nu : ted Y i) 60 Boxee f ’ A. M. NE= lanes ae oe n consignment & mee fine chewing To- | PK W MUKPHY Ag't BLA N K EDS ainanisul monzy Cua! A FOU Treesarer bacco M. 2B. Ur Gflice, oppoete the Cuurt House N 23, 1863 ire) FOR SALE AT UY OFFICE November 21+¢ 1463—4w27 al Saliebory, Sept. 28, 1863 tly Juve 15, 1863 mK &a ~ Be ee MF Ae &- ~- Cw a t t : vw ae oS a on (t r e ae s Oe ce ce s ~ 3 ar © po m a2 Pp . -— VOL. XXL, J. 3. BRD NER, EDITOR AND PROPEL EVOR. From and after this date, sad untit there is a change in the prives of provisions, paper add other articles required te carry on basi- neag the subscription rates. of thrs paper will be tapo dellars for six months, and throes dol- tars for a year. a Apveariaing, two dollars for the first, and ong dollar fur each subsequent pablication. . Apel 20th. 1863. 4 sea waT :cateblama eke en ao *Froan the Papeete ete ) * WAGANT EXTRACTS, | | Th replying to the Standard’s man- ifestu of the 25th of August last, pablished in the’ ODsurver of the 27th, cuoutradictad its notion that this war was made Ly the “veces: | sivnivts.” (1 was the act uf the old Union men, forced upow them by Ligevin after they bad utterly de stroyed the secession party ip North | Carvlina. [t dows vot suit the pres: | eat purpose of the Standard to take | this view, but it was the Standard’s | own declarativa in 1861. See the} following: — Prow the Raleigh Standard, Oct. 9, 1861. | “We meade the revolution,” snye the | ultra scoessivaints, “and we alone have the i rgAl lo conduct tt.” Is this sof Leaving ; out of view the action of the States which \ seceded ‘firs:, aud the proclamation of Lin. | evla, wud Woking lowe to Virgiuia, and | North Carolina, and Teonesser, aud Arkan- | ees, wo ask, who made the revole tion! — | Not the secessionists, for they were ia the | enynority uolil Ligcula’s proclamauion, Ac- cording Wo ths view the old Union men) made the revolution, for the middle States | inehuaing North Carolina which seceded | ig May, were 00t pernitied to more until | the old Umon men gave the word, Every | body knows this to be so. What, then, , beeoutes of this arrugaut—this insuling | c'aim @hich is made by a portion of the | mwonsioniats ? | “Bat we take no such grownd as this. | We utterly repudiate the idea that this ts «party war. [tiv a war waged by the Southern people for their liberties, aad there stivuid be ny party to 1” We do not care to atteapt a defi, nition of the Standard’s present “con- | eervatisin.” People are turmiliar with | ite teaching, which is at varianée with the teeling vfthe great body of , these wheat bas heretofore styled | ‘eonservatives.” These have not, chauged: they are as (true us ever. , Has the Standard changed? One | year age it published a long article | xlerifying the “conservative” victory ' io Vance's election. it wound up! ite statement of the tneauing of that: victory with the following emphatic | and emplasized declaratiou :— \ Fron the Raleigh Standard, Aug. 16, 1862. “Aud that the war shail be waged with | renewed vigur, and waged uatil the separa | hem uf the Southern from the Northern | States shall be complete and final. These Were (he principles lavulved in (the contest, | and this is the judgment of the people.— | From this judgment there is nu appeal. | Kbuse who question it are facuonists, and those whu denounce it and attempt lo, thwart 11s operation, are eveimies to the. State, to the South, and to she public re- | pose and salety, ; “Such is the meaning snd the moral of the signal political victory ever achieved in this State.” ) most The Standard had something to | gay about “Veace” ia 1861, and bas a good deal to say about it uw, — | This we suppose, justitivs a claim to | cousistency, at least In the subject! of consideration. Burt what was the Staudard’s talk in those dave¢ yey froma Northern paper cute despondent paragraph, urging au honorable peace, the Staudard made | some Very biood thirsty as follows: From the Raleigh Staudard, Aug. 10, 1861 “These, it is true, are frank admissions, and they betcav doubts, anxieties, aod fears; but the main object of the writer in giving expression to them ia to rouse the Northern people still more againat us. It is also true that Lincoln's government is embarrassed for money, but le will issue treasury nutes and borrow on Wall Street, whieb will enable him to bold out for some wie to come, There are two things, however, which canvot fail to operate powerfully against the war, to bay sothing Cop- | commuents | just now. The South cannot make over ed, fur the redemption of the pledge, and | tysbarg.] | daily teadered “for the war.” In all the } *the Standard did not svlemaly in |; ,form President Davis that if wv and | | ing tt we support the government, we fur- ls ov tagenedal o: 1 tty wired best pats wool * ] yd ma He ya i on iy 40) he | “H 4 wid & juke) volo & Gere tues ear al | eo) go T cat Po er SALISBURY thepyare. | ly enemies in the ore a ee ‘oH shy ox P+? ye a es Pao. 9 a give oe is as = OF Ae trllay | oktarvnyees x! beldé>g States and the exceedingly low prices of agricultural products; sod these are, firat, the depressing ¢fixet which will bé produced oh the Nonbern mind by the twenty thousand returned volunteers, and the heavy. dirget tag justJevied-by Lin- colo's Congress. But these agencies must have me to vperate, Meanwhile the war will youn, There is no prospect of pence sia wv’ , o iia temopenll ulomgiin Gin anineed a paint rr ‘WITH iititiaty tnt tablinii> thelr SM hereto } 8,8 auhorinie Abia reepects | yo. pa: any" iu ‘thi ‘who ot . We are glad te awe by wedallow. ol F sche to: 188 4 A ing order trom the War B 1 gr} Cat the iatter 16 a , pattedtion ae ee tures. for she ix fighting for existence, and any on' her part lo treet would be ) orders frown the War De ' posts itd hor Tb" thie” Helis, fie but one horee each. “In lieu ‘of forage, ight doliacem mouth may he allow- ed: fur each. hors , to which,the offi- éer may be entitled. A certificate in éach case will be given, that the * horses are actually kept in service and mustered.’” im Instead of allowing eight dollars a month for feeding all horses over ove kept by an officer, it would have been more just to reqaire him to dispense with all bat one. . Western Democrat. Georges Revolving Cannon.— Gov. Bonham, in his late to the Legislature of Sonth Carolina SMEWih demroction” were for the contained, the vietory ut Manassis, V6 Ve Over wirel ming Bid the yankee efforts would be wuworthy uf the spirit aad man- hood of her people. But with the buch- mond Whig we say.— “There is a pledge upredeemed—a promise unperformied by President Davis, that if the Nurthers people would | not let “ . us have peace, and if they would persist | for oor enbjagetion, The .“refresh- in having war, they should have it in‘their | ing’ in favor..of “the own country. 1t 1s to be fulfilled. Every | Union ad it Was” were passed after verve will be strained, every hour employ- | the disasters at Vicksburg and Get- | and like we learn from a reliable suuree, that no | bese than 5000. brave men of the South are | Prow the Western Democrat. wusld's Lintury-coch @, opeatocia was saver Impresting Southern men into the | before preseuted. An entire people, oc- Yankee Army—It has been repeut- cupying the space of a thousand miles | edly said, and trathfully, too, that square, Msing vp spoulmeously “for the | i¢ yj i : f the : Ooo oa he eee ae sab | if this war is stopped ae a the | tus speaks of the gun invented by pose likely to be a» sbort one. | independence of the Confederate! yur townsinan, Capt. Asa George: We must | States, the Yankees would force) « Five of George’s revolving ean- Then va to Washington ! ae bisrangs air or lose Richmond. And ; Southern men into the Lincoln army | non have been constracted, under if we take Washington, tbe foe will be? og make tl Sulit eith inst | your resolution, and inspected’ and rn : (and make them fight either against | Y Hon, dhl ah ee. ang le | their own people or against England (inspected and) approved by the ord- vance otticer of the State, whose re- vur faces will be towards Philade|pbia.— : Bat if we cannot take Washingwn, this! und France, lo fact, the impress: port, together with the reports far- 'nisbed by Gen. Hampton and Capt. paula ph oa eneyny will concentrate an + ment of Sonthern citizens into the seit be Mmpocanty ovecstclencd Virgicie Yankee army has already coinwene- | Thomas as to the utility ot the arm, i : Jed in localities where the enemy j|are herewith communicated. The retaining two will be completed by bers, Peace t impracticable—it is an | inpossibility. The enemy prefers to wade | hiuld pessessivn, as will be seen b eed the ee extract froin an ard |Capt. George at an early day. Ip ‘order to have them fully tested, I through, or be submerged in an ocean of bood, rathe back. tao!” . lamas es | issued by Gen. Harlburt, the Yan-| gent one to Gen. Béauregard, aad ‘kee commander at Memphis Ten-| another I delivered to-Gen. Hamp- There were taxes in 1861. In resenting ils readers with yDOp- : pani: on heel ton, to be carried to Virginia, where it can be tested inthe field. He sis uf the firs: Coufederate Tax Law, ) Dessee: proposed to rep!ace it with another, Headquarters gsi Army Corps, Memphis, Nov. 14th, 1863. 1 ev were Dot removed from the oftice | All orsone residing under the cb ae acerca to be irieragiend of collector ie would get no taxes | protection of the Uuited States, and ij § Nl tt Arlen He from North Carolina. On the con | physically capable of military duty, ; mee gn any sent e h ine ‘king trary. Oar readers may suppose the | arg liable to perform the same un- | gar y at is ee e py Bee tollowing to be one of those shock- ‘der martial law, and particularly them na Ge rd sna ve fifth ing aricles in the Observer which 80 | in the city of Memphis, where it is pas = ay 2 bon Lie ee noch offend the Standard and con- | known many have fied to escape |i : the mi ear. Neen Te- verte io "Destrcctven”” Batt aay utr) earvies x tae 9 SO rte nation on 1 cou), Mai ay tle { By eee Raleigh Standard, Aug. 24, 1861. | as rele will te ee tres) »pplied. ordnance officer, herewith commu ’ ’ pursuance, therefore, of orders | . bb] “Thies law is necessary to support the} to this effect from Major Gen. W. ; nicated. guvernment and carry on the war. Every | T. Sherman, commanding the De: | We understand that the reports of true may—all the women are true—will | partment aod the Ar:ny of Tennes- /Gen, Hampton and of the ordnance pay (his tax promptiy and cheerfully, /¢! see, all officers commanding districts | officer, are highly favorable to Capt. tsa part of the price of liberty. 1a pay- | divisions, and detached brigades of |George’s gun. Capt. George de- mel ; gt sta ; 863.-" Ula we a. tena } to UR , TORE « obs “ vlee) 4 mar feds Mi by wk a od cis baraeg.and nobheep " is actually necessary q" oS Forage.ip kind aailt be mB) i jugs, pacporting to be attended by ‘were present—and declared for “the | vish means lo defeat the yankees, we sup-- port aud sustaio our brave troops in the ; ticid, and we purcbase our hberties tn this | struggle with arbitrary power. Two hun- | dred thousand gallant volunteers are pay- | ing their part of Ubis: purchase in blood | and wounds, and suffering, and death, let | us pour out our money as freely as water | or the eommon air.” Some people in North Carolina, friends and tollowers of the Raleigh Standard, have held “peace” ineet- large noambers—in one instance the Standard’s report said 500 to 600 Constitution as it ie and the Union | us it was.” We asked the Standard | tu puta stop to tis sort of talk among “the people” who wet td en- doree ite Editor, bat it would not listen toads, “Let the people speak,” | said the Standard; “ad is refreshing | w hear them,” Whatsaid the Stan . . : : ] = 5 this corps will immediately proceed | serves success, for he has spent a impress into the service of the U.! great deal of tine and labor in per- States such able-bodied persons, lia- \ fecting his invention, The gan will ble to military duty, as may be re- ; quired to fill up the existing regi-' ineuts and batteries to their maxi: | mun, These persons levied upon if they enlist for three yeare or the | | war, will be entitled to the fall ben: | | efita provided by the acts of Con- ' gress; if not, they will receive cloth- ing and rations, and be borne at the foot of exch company roll, with! retnarks stating their time of service | and the advancements made by- Government in clothing. The ques- tion of pay or other compensations will be settled by the proper author: ities hereafter. charged when vo further uilitary necessity appears for their euforced service. By order of Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbart. Would it not have been mach bet- fire trem 30 to 50 shots in a thinate. Western Demverat. All are agreed that taxation mast be em- ployed as a means to uphold the credit of the currency and reduce prices. But tax- ation alone will not suffice. If the Gov- ernment bring its Treasury notes to the par value of gold. it must be put upon the legal footing of gold, and be endowed with its functions as a business inediam, The fact is, the country is withvat any such legal medium at) present, aud witl coptinuy to be without one for » long pe- riod of time, uuless Treasury notes be made a legal lender. oor uanae nie aks * SY aah to gals tetas yt wATA Re io avant onld ba | * ! oO boaet A Dabs sf bonds, And it. is in vain. tsilitar es | ob Fath cnuse the'ercditor Ste : red eB rae Ren, B ay SR PS ‘ , ‘ we ul . in Ub ive ping Ms.ng of money # creditor class, and to@.aeve that harmless amid the general #uin whidh ‘they prog- nostivate. will overwhelm the finances! $f that be the reason, it is no wonder that Treg- sury notes deprecigte when the \power that isanes them stamps them with its own want of confidence. The debt will be paid gnd el on eo says the brave: hearted But tie of the recommended measure ; denied. One fact Within the brief I experience of the Govern- ment will refute this notion, if what we have alrgady said has not done so. When these Confedetate notes were first issued; the business commuuity ‘were at a loss what virtue to attah to them. The’ far- mers, some were joath, others positively refused, to receive them for any supplies, Bat a cvnvention of the dents of the Southern banks assembled at Richmond, aod Mr, Gaskie, who saw to the bottom of the busiress, proposed that Con- federate currency should be taken in set- tlement of bal: due the banks, In a spirit of patriotism, which is worthy of imitatign, tbe proposition was adopted, and at onee Treasury notes passed everywhere as money, 8o powerful was the patronage of those corporations. What Was this but making Treasury notes a lefal’ tender in the business of the banks? If the banks bad continued to do their usual amount of business their action would, to a great ex- tent, bave sustained the value of the Trea- sury Beles. But after they closed up bu- siness the force of their action ceased'to be felt. Itvis not difficult to conceive the dwastrous effects upoh the public credit aud upon the war which a contrary course ou the part of the banks would have pro- daced. But seeing their way elearly in the business, the banks did for the Gov- eruiment what the Government ongbt to Save done for itself, If the banks bad refused to receive Trea- sury notes in settlement of balances, one gvod result would have ensued: Congress would bave been compelled to have de clared their notes endowed with the legal characteristics of money. How did the Northern Congress act in respect to this vital point! They did not imitate our Southern sages, and flood the country with a currency which they neg- lected, and afterwards refused, to make money, but broadly and distinctly, upon its. furebead, each note was declared to be a legal tender. | ion of the superior credit of greenbacks. Sach is the efficacy, that ander a series of tailitary disasters United Siaies Treasury notes fur a long time stood at par with gold.— Rich. Kraminer. Yankee Prisoners.—The morning report of the Libby Prison at Rich- woud Friday, shows the following number of Yankee prisoners now in confinement in and around Rich- mond :—Prisoners of war, 12,741; citizen prisoners, 3; uegroes 22—~ ot minh gdiusinanmice wadp Y s ed. fo bu pictibdds carla be ‘sees: hte he? id off Ls Me le oe pristie: Is it from tenderness te the: - Southern Presi-- This lies at the founda- — They will be dis: } Aud yet the States beg total 12,775. Among these ure 958 expressly prohibited by the Coostitudun | gounmissioned officers of different from taking anything but the precious | oraides, from Brig. General down to metals a legal tender, itis the iniperstive duty of Congress, both morally and con- sutuuonaily, to supply one. Congress, by prodical issues of paper money, having driven oat of circulation gold aod silver, 1! Third Lientévant. Thera are also | 84 Surgeonsin the lot. Seven hon- | dred. ot these prisoners were on Fri- day last sent to Danville, and 7uU dard to thissertof “people” in 18612 | Let us see:-— From the Roleigh Standard, Jaly 24, 1861. “The Old Un ion.— We concur with the Weetern Seutinel, that “ng matter how much we may have loved the old Union and the government of the United States, | while it was administered according to the Constitution and tbe laws, that Union is vow severed forever, and the government has become an engine of oppression 10 tyrant’ bands.” “There are traitors to the South in Vir- ginia, RKeotucky, and Tennessee, but we trast there ‘are one in North Carolinay If there afe tet them beware! He that is not for the Sourh in this cdntest isagninst ter for these Southeru men Mempliis to have joined the Con- | tederate army, than be forced into | the Yankee army to fiyht against their kinemen, neighbors and friends who are straggling for liberty ¢ Reform Needed.—Considering the great demand of the people and armny for corn, we think mach might be saved if the Secretary of War would compel Quartermasters, Com- migsaries, and other officers station- ed at posts (uotin active service in the field) te dispeise with some of about! Is MMply Impossible, for that reason, if for} will be sent daily to that. point, un- bo other, any longer to Jook tu, that suurce , til 4000 are thus disposed of. It is | fora legal teader, Is there, thea, to be | stated that several thousand will! al- no legal tender in the country dunog the 'g0 be sent to Lynebbury.— Pet. Ex. war, and fur an indetinite time afterwarce? | a I, the eating canker of interest to be al- { Revival in Greensboro’ — We learn that lowed to go of with its tsatinble appetite! | the charch in Greensboro” has been visited The public interest, as well as justice, | with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and demands that every class, and, if possible, | that many have been brought to a know! every man, certainly every property-bolder, | edge of the Saviour. Edgewarth Female should be interested in the public debt. This will be one of the surest pledges of its ultimate’redemption. Every property- holder not 90 interested will be interested in relieving his property from the burthens of taxation by repudiation, This every man ades who is invited to invest in Con- Seminary bas shared largely in the bless- ings of this revival.~ NV. C. Presbyterian. Ata late aaction sale in Abbevil)y District, 8. O., a Wt of about forty negroes were sdld at an average of about 9,600, Proceedings of the Le - > lem i, . Hes senate. &. & rt Sarvuapar, Nov, 28. t ‘ Mr. Ourter, knowledge of Mr. Pitebford, from the Connmiittee on . —— i the comm ics Goan sae Laulere ngage case, statement contain of Georgia, teported a resolution author: | dorsed on the floor of the Senate by tbe izin, the Governor to appoint, by procia- Senator from Beaufort. The prisoners’ loy- maton, fh . the 2b of Pesember, | alty was morpowe attested’ chaos of he ast day of fasting humiliation and prayer | best citidens of the coubty.’ itt his a ~ fies R car i see Not to. Ou motion of Me. Pecbles, the word “ hat- pect Mr. W tion by providing the Ath sec- Guard shall be ew only i pony = | ed in the arrest of deserters, &c. me long Latham “ew og ‘ Loet the Stoic. whiny oct 520% | sem oma a letter soa a highly respectable — out, to perform their duty. Rejected. pension of the rules, ngs | ical bom he H 4 was recei t ouse prisvaseens (renemitting am eugrossed bill edo at first ia Salisbury, bas boeu cemoved from ee an oe at their re- | t2¢ State, and ap vow said to be Ww pnson in + ads ae 3 a” (Lega gas oe its | the City of Richmond. His removal carried méval in cases of emergency.) him not ocly beyond the jarlediction of = readings. the Oourts of wns Stare but beyoud Bills, etc,, Introduced. pede ear arena rae oar RnR ea Roa ; ding tk iding of elections | the Coofederate States themselves, the Dis- Feces ct of ved badge Ae first Thurs- | trict Court of Norih Carolina alone having i passed its third reading, also | power lo try him. ad » oil pret for the punishment of! On motion of Mr. Carter the House re- glaves for ter, &c. solved itself into a caminittee of the whole Mr, Wooley—A realation instructing the | and the Speaker called Mr. Love (o the chair. Judiciary Committee to enquire what rehef Mr. Fleming rephed opposing its adoption. tor the relief of Executors | The committee then rose aud reported pro- i the de- | gress. agua can paged. Mr. Person offered a substitute for the pre- ion in re- | amble which was —— = then moved ; diem and mileage of members | to strike out the preem ut agreed to. ah aa TEaabube the per diem The quesuioa recurring the ayes and nves at $12 and the mileage at thirty centa)— | were ordered and the resulutwwn was adopted ed. by the following vote: sere ee Thase who voted in the affirmative were HOUSE OF COMMONS. ; Messes. Allison, Albritton, Altred, Amis, Ave- - Sarurpar, Nov. 28 | ra, Barnhardt, Barringer, Beall, Berry, Best, Mr. Harris of Cabarrus—A_ bill to provide | son, Carter, Craiz, Crawford, Boad, Bryan, Burgin. Burns, Carpenter, Car- ke, Dunn, for the establishment of Graded Schvols in North Carolina, and for other purposes. Re- Flynt, Frances, Fous:, Foy, Gentry, Glenn, Greene, Hampion, Harris, of Chatham, Har- ferred to the Committee on Edueatua and iuttee. substituting rte dtr physicians of five years practic’ the words “ precti¢ing physi- rire Not agreed to. Mr, Peebles mewad 10. strike. out in the 3d secuun the words * two physicians,” apd in- sect the words “ege physician.” Not agreed to, Mr. McCotmick Ynoved to amend by the addition of & secon, requiting Mat the rules and articles of war of the Confederate States be printed with the bill, Not .; On metion of MroCarter the je recon- sidered the vote by which wae rejected the | amendment to sectwo 4, proposed by Mr. Walser, and the quexuoo reourring on that amendinent it was adopted. Mr, Ingram moved to amend the Sth sec- uon by requtring the appointmem of soder examining phys ; Mr. Auis opposed the amendment. If of- fered im earnest it was a reflection on the Governor and the present examising board. If offered in jest it was an ill- timed ry. Mr. Grissom said that if by this smend- Ment was intended any imputation oo hm as a member of one of the examining boards or upoe those associated with him in that ca- pacity, he desounced its aathor a scoundrel and polrooa, i tation was made at the suggestion of others the mover was the more despicable from al- lowing Limeelt to be made the wol of cow- as And if such im liar, pu- ards. Mr. Iugram disclaimed the slightest inten- tion to reflect on the geoUemaa trom Gran- Villes, Mr. Grissom. J aim giad to hear 1t. The quesuon recurmng the amendment | was rejected. | The bill then passed its third reading, and. ) On. tnoGon of Mr. Mana, of Pasquotank, the The special order, “a bill to amend an act for the relief of the wives and fomilies of sol- diers in the army,” reported by Mr, McKay, was put on its second reading. Mr. McKay explained the ject of bill, which, having ts second rena as, op motion of Mr. McCormick, the béen suspended, put vn its third reading. Un - motiwa. of ameuded by providing that the Appropria- tion shall cease with the present war. The bill as amended them passed its wird pe and ob- A. bill to limit the production of getioa and tobacce in the year 1864 was pat oa ils sevoud reading. Swindling the Gavernment.—Tie Richmond Dispatch mentions the detection of a werchant of that city oan attempt by falee swearing to reduce the amount of hia tases on sales, He had two stores in the city and gave in the gross sales at one of them as $600, and at the other as $375. Being closely questioned ani brveght to the oath, he ineregsed these amodnts to $1560 and $1375. Satistied tliat this was a false state- arent the officer porsued bis inqui- ries, and finally found a rebeipt in the hands of ove gentleman for over $10,000 worth of goods bought from the merchant in September. The man, M. Kraker, has been arrested and bound over in 000 for trial. the ball was SALISBURY, N. ¢.: : eer -— MONDAY RVENING, DECEMBER 7, i593 The subject of i tepments of produce is very properly ep Ube attention of our State Legislature, fur there are few others Of tore ‘Wi pSrtaties” tothe peophy of thiv State. Bt in greatly to be hoped that that body may ‘do something which will-eeliewe the anziety. of tbe people with Out prejudice ta the public service: bet we confess me do not know how they can doit Mf the diffeulty of supplying provi- sions for the army in really owing to the scaréity of provisions in the country, thes , it is & most serioes one. If it were a fact ) that there are not enough for army and people, thea, it would seem, starvation fe the army or amowg the people at home, would be inevitable. To take away pro visivns from the people would save the army nnd keep out the enemy but is wauld leave the people in destitution, aod whimately to starve. To withhold eup- plive from the army will be the mosg ef- | fectual means posable af destruving it, and | the eweiny would then rush in with fee j aad sword like a Good, laying waste eveny | thing io the land. It is to be feared that there are i Now, supposing this tobe our situation similar cases of trand in other parte, # is certainly a deplorable one, and we of tke coontry, The insatiate greed | may wath confidence look fur a speed of guin, the supposed difficulty of} solution of the questions involved in this detectivu, and the absence of patriot: | terrible war. Hut we du pot believe ii. win 1 maby, leads, to sack a SUPP ! There may be a scarcity of provisions, but. sition, dt isnot only the duty OF! he best oreed mesa’ crsouaey sl Gl the otticers to detect the fraud when ' ‘ possible, but nleu the daty and the! contiloms that there is enewgh for both ar- interest of others to assist in ite de- tection, for every case ef the kind NIGHT SESSION. (suites additional burthens upon | honest people who pay aceording to | Howse adjourned. , my aad people, and that the only real diffiealtty ia our ense is to diatnibute them in sagh a way as that all may be supplied. It will be very difficult, to du thia And SSNATE. Wrowrsiar, Dec. 2. Mr. Warren, from the Judicary Committee | reported a bilt prohibiting trading with slaves for salt. A bill to incorporate the Pettigrew Mone- meat Associauen. Passed its several read- aah Wiggins, from the Finance Committee reported a bill in relation to the uniform tax- son of slaves, asking to be discharged from itg further consideranoa. : Mr. Arendell, from the Committee on Cor- ‘porati a bill to incorporate the N.C. Express Co, and a bil to incorporate the N. C. Voluateer Navy Co., recommend- .ag their passage. Ar Youug, trom the Commiuee on the Growth of Wool, reported a bill to promote. ine raising of sheep and the growth of wool, : ecoumendi eXportation sinicts the preambdlations of dogs tu their \oasters’ own plantauon.} The bill in relauoo to the salanes of State officers was taken up. Mr..Pamsay moved to insert $2,000 as the salary of the Supt of Common Schovls m place of $1500. Agreed to. Mr. Hoke moved to insert $2500 as the salary of the Judzes. ) Mr. Quilaw moved an amendment that | tue Joages shall receive their actual expenses co thew earcmts in additiwa to their preset: salary. bi Mr. Slaugister—A provision that the Judges spall hold courts or attempt to bold cuurts in , all counties practicable. jected. 'The tif! then passed its Ourd reading by a’ vot¢ of 21 to 22—the Speaker vuting in the affirmative. A wessage was received from the House ptopusing Ww appoint a yunt select cofhinitiee or the sulyect of impressweuis. Coveurred a A bill allowing the depositions of Pros- dents, &e.. of Colleges to be taken as cv idence. Vassed its several readings. A resohuten in MW (0 sine die mijourn- ineat was las on the table. HOUSE orGoustoss Evxxrsparx, Deo 2. Mfr. McKoy, from a Belect Comuuttee, re- morwd a bill to amend an “act for the rehef wf tle wives and families of soldiers,” which passed it« Ist reading and was made the spe- cval orde: ior to-morrow, !2 o'clock. Mr. Waddell—A bill to authorize the Gov- etuor Ww invest surplus moneys’ m the Treas- ary in cotton, Referred to abe Camumutter | on Finance. Mr. Shober—A bili to amend Sec. 20 Chapter 34, Revised Code, Heferred to the Committee on we Judiciary. A message was received from the Senate ausaiung sundry Eogrossed Bills aud Ieso- | wationa, The Eugrossed Resolation requesting our Scuators and Representatives in Congress to are an iverease of the pay of swidiers was aahuplea An engrossed resoluuioa from the Sevate n relation to the arrest aod iunprisvomens of | Ui Bwarver, a citizen of Beaufort county, on | a charge | distoyalty was read the 1] st time. Authorizes the @overnor to demand of the Ooalederate sutbornues his return to this Mate for tnal) Mr. Flempgung opposed the resolution on ue ground ghet the House tad no evidence eget arco” weed cheer © substantiate allegations made the preansble, as to sours o marae we loyalty of the prisoner. The srisower, it wrooged, bed bis remedy im the wnt of ha- its passage. [Prohibits the | sheep for slaughter, and re- | 'H M ny, P Robiasoo, Stan- jot Fea ‘eebles, ab SENATE Turspar, Dec. 1. Mr. Rawnsay, from the Committee on the ye Asylum, presented a report, with a il appropriating an additional sum ¢{ $87,- | 500 for the support ot the Insutauon. Pass- | ed its several readings | . The resolution requesting our Representp- tives in Congress to urge the increase of the | pay of our soldiers passed its third and last | | Swanoer, a citizen of Beaufort county, was | taken up on its second reading. | Mr. moved to strike out the preamble consisting of an ellegatiou of the illegal arrest of the party. Mr. Warren made 4 statement sbowing | that the prisoner was arrested without duc process of law and cootended that it was done in defiance of both State and Conteder- | ate law. These being the facts he thought the reasons for demand) oy bis delivery to the civil uibuuals shouid be expressed in the re- solutions, Mc. Hall argued that the resolution of :ts- self was amply sufficent w carry out the in- tentioc of the Senator fnan Beautort—tho't that the allegauuns of the preamble had pot been proven. Mr. Sharpe opposed the striking out, hold- ing the same opimons ia regard to the pre- amble as Mr. Warren. The amendment of Mr. Hall was rejected. Ayes 14, noes 29. Mr. Outlaw moved to amend the pream- ble by striking our the preamble and insert- ing abother, stating merely that the Legisla- ture had been tulormed of the Wlegal arrest | of Mr. Swanner, &e. Boes 24. Rejected. Ayes 18, HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tvrsvay, Dec. 1. Mr. Shober, from the Coumutiee on Edu- + cauen, reported back the bill tu establish Graded Schools in North Caroloa and tor other purposes, recommending mts passage. Mr. Peebles, froin a Select Committee, re- rte] as a substitute for the bills reterred © a ll to bnot the production of cotton and to- j baces in the year 14645 [Protubits the enal- tivauon of mote Uian one aere in colton tu the hand and raure than acre ty the hand im tabaccu. } Mr. Nisson—A bill to protect the personal liberty of free white men and better to secure ype fourth of aw the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus. Re | ferred to the committee on the Judwiary. Mr. Foy—A dill to provide for restoring the Spnug Term of the Supenor and Su pretmme Courts, Referred to the same Com- Imi there. The bill to ainend an act in relation to the militia and guard for Home Defence was put un its 3d reading. Mr. McKay tnoved to amend the 3 see- | ton by adding to the list of exeroptioas cer- tain employees uf radcved companies Nut agreed to. Mr. George moved to strike out the Sih section aod substi(ule # provisiog authorizinz the Governor to appoint @ physician in each coonty ty examine anplicamts for exemption, { on the groand of physical or meatal disdbili- j ty. Not agreed to, Mr. Kirby moved to amend the éh seo- | Goa by ag at its close the words “ and | shall be subject to the rules and artieles of |, war of the Confederate States.” Adopted. Mr. Foy moved to amead by inserting an cada! laste: au ing three justices im any county to call out the pices (fee ce suppress disturbances, disperse unlewtul as- ; A resolution w regard to the arrest of Eh | | to divude the Senate jatu-tea Congressional | giyuld be rigidly ewlorced aguiust | en: 4 a bay Jd reading 61) sueis swindlers.— Fuy. Ob | District ! [This of: or thé holding of fature } Congression Hots on the tirst Thursday of August. fs . , | An eugroased resolution to increase the | Pay and per diem of the members of the Le- | gistature for the present session was put on | | its second reading. [Increases the per diem { to $12 and grants 20 cents per mile. | On tmotien of Mr. Carter, the resolation | was ameoded by increasing, in the same rates l the pay of the Prngipal and Assistant Clerks of the two Houses, and that of the Eogross- | j ing Clerks. ' The resoluuon then passed its 2d and 3d | | readings under s suspension of the roles. Mr. McKay introduced the following reso- | | lunons : ~ Waeraeas, Armed bands of men, sent oat | | as they allege, fur the purpose of arresting | consempts and deserters, in certain counties j of thts State, instead of lawfully discharging | the duties ‘mposed on them, and in vivlano | ot the Bill of Rights, whch says, that no mao | snould be deprived of his property bat by | | the law of the land, have burnt down houses | and destroyed property. go one being pre- | wut bat defenveless women and children. | Therefore, be 1t— | ltesolved, By the General Assembly now w session, that the Governor of this State is , hereby directed agd instructed, that whnist lhe sbould afford every faciity in accordance | ‘ with law, to arrest all recusant conscripts and | | deserters, to protect the private property of | euizens of this State from wantoo aad law- | hss destrucuon, and he is hereby authomsed, | U uecessary to prevent tbe same, to call out ' any pertion of the military foree of ths State. | Phe ruies were suspended and the ayes and | ways baving been ordered, the resobation | passed its second reading by the following ! vole. Aave 72, nays 3] | The resolotion then passed its third read- (ing, and the House adjourned until to-mor- | row 1) oetock. —— | SENATE Wipoxespay, Dec. 2 | Mr. Young. from the Committee on regu- | lating the prices of articles sold in the State | prisoners who have been convicted by sen-: reported a bill taxing the seller for the amount over the Comtuussioaers’ prices which he may | sell | Mr. War-eo, from the Judiovary Committee, reported a vil re-establisbing the spring term of the Superior Court Ordered to be prut- ed porationa, reported a bill to incorporate the Salem aod High Point Plawkroad Company, frecotmpitanding ils passage. A bili to incorporate the N.C. Volanteer Navy Company was put o@ its second read- ' Ing. Mr. Warren objeeted to the general scope of the bitl—thongta it legalized’bloctaade min- nog . Mr. Hall soadic was intended only to fa- citate the raising of fands for the laudable purpose of cruwwng against the enemy s com- inevee and was atnctly sa accordance with the act A Congress | A billan relation to the emme of arson, | {Extends the | passed its several readings. crime to the offence of barging stables } The bill to promote the growth of wool Was rejected on its second readiog. HOUSE -OF COMMONS. Tacusnay, Dee 3 The following engrossed bills, froma the Renate, passed their lst reading aad were placed on the caleaciar : 4 RAS . i | An ¥ugtossed bill from the Senate to re- | law. Mr. Arendell. from the Com nittee on Cor- | The penalties of fine, impris- oument, and indictment tor perjury, Give wp your Subshiute Papers. — There seems to by a misapprehension on | the part of some regurdimy a» receut order from the Bureau of Comseription at Mueh mond, requiring all substitute papers to be given up to the Comseript OMibcer for examination at varters, [i in cer- taiuly intended by this order pot tu de- 6troy, of interfere with, the nights of any cilizen, but simply to detect the frauds an! forgeries that have been practiced upon tbe government by bad crizens, mm the substutute business. Some seem lo ima- gine that their papers are beiny taken away new, in order that hereafter they may be forced into the service because they have bo papers, Those who imagine this, cer tainly have a poor opin of a govern- meat that would practice sach ticks on i's ciizeos, Besides, a govermment, bie a! other parties and powers, m bound by the acts of its agents; and the receipt or cer Uficate yiven for such papers, will protect the parties wherever the juepers itself wil!. | No citizen, whose papers are nght and will bear investigation, has anything to fear. These papers will be returned as soon as they can be examined by the War le- | partment, and the receipts taken up, It ia, in our judgment, one of the best moves made by the government, a it is the only | way that frauds can be detected ; the only way ip which the innocent ean be protect- ed and the guilty made to sntfer, HEADQUARTERS, C.S. MILTARY PRISON, Sacisncry, N.C Dee 2, 1862. A Caureyten, Coorgea, Kiacksmiri, Snormaker aod Taiton, well skilled i | their respective trades, are wanjed as Fure- men to direct and overseer the work of tence of courts-martial and sent to the Military Prison at this post to serve out their ume. commended for skill aad sobruty can ob Those who will come well re~ tain constant employmeut and will re-: ceive yood wayer. Apply tmmnediately te, Capt. SWIFT GALLOWAY, Commandifig Post. Headquarters, U. S, MIL. Privom, Sarisavay, N,C., Dee 7 1863 To Non-Conacripte. LEUT. HENRY P. ALLEN has been au- 4 thonted by the Neeretary of War We rasce a Company of Now-Consenpis for local seasvice as Pron (sanrde at Sulisbury kt 18 probable that the present Congres will exiend the ages of evuseription, and that it will authorize the eousenpivs of «ll who have face nished eubstiiutes. Now ie a time fine opportunity forall these who ure lable to be eouseripted as above sta- ted, and they shoeld immedialsly apply to Laeut. H.P. Allen, of Fi Capt. 8. GALLOWAY, (£29 Commanding Pus ANTED.—The eabseriber wishes to pur- ; — Rabbit, Meckrat and Koon Skine, or which the highest priess will be given. o~ WM. H. SMITH. | Baliebery, Dec. 7, 1883. (f 29 Yel 4 must be dowe, or there will be sof- fering. Private interests, aad even private rights will doobdtiess have to yield, in ma | BY cases, lo the poblic meeesmity. Are the people wawilling that tha should be! Will Ady vemt thermeeives in compiaiuts againat the Cosgress or Legwtatese, fimdioy faalt with the lawe they have made Sr accom- plobing thie distritution, or the ageats they employ 1 Will they go upon the hoase tems, and preeiarm with bitterness thew wromgs, divert the attention of the people from the true source of our evils aod the nght means for semovng them f All such will be miscbief makers, and as teal enemies as they can possibly make themaelves. Better, fae better for ua, if they would pick up their ° traps” and leave ua, even if they go over to the enemy. Wj!) avy ope arnomgst ws rise up and call on bie neighbors to resist the measures , whieh may have been adopted to effeet | this object? That will inerense the diffi- calty and multiply our dangers: and he may @ell he esteemed a pobhe enemy who will do it! Aad yet it qill be very hard after a mao has paid bis tithe tu be denied the nght to dispose of bis surplus provi- sions as he pleases. Ne ove will deny this. Bat as it is a ehuice between two evils, and anquestionably the lesser of the j two, where is the ground of complaint! We must do the beat we enn, and after we have slone that, [he case is hard. It ia ordered, in the providenee of God, and we should viekP to the necessity with all rev- erence and patience. Thanks to His good- neas, he has given, acd will continne to be Setow on ws is mercies in proportion to oor faith ane efforts to obtain them. Then let us all Be patient, bumble ininded, iv- dustrious, persevering, economical and trustful; mad soon we may have a reali- zation of our better hopes, oe On Thumday taet, at an eleetion held te Catawba coanty, for member of House of Com mone, in pleee of Geo Hooper, resigned. Cel- WL. Robards wae elected, beating hie oppe- nent, Casper Wileon, 1K) votes Intolerable, if True.—We \eato that a portiow of the Aame yuard, engaged in orresting deserters and Tecnsand conscripts in Davidson Oo., have committed the prosseat outra- gen on the private property of citi- zena, They have taken forcible poe session and carried off, chockens, ,meul, leather, guns, ke, &e. OF course all this is utterly wrong, and we would advise all persons who have suffered ‘lose in this way, to re port the commandant of such corps ) to the Governor. The Yankees Lave pillaged every house in central and Kast Tennessee; and burnt every thing in the roete of their retreat from Ohicainanygna. They are also conseripting every 7 | Ww huow e.gat fese« befor (wa Nx drove beth vf the wel uv p (Uth ing, ing ut ple of be ew ryme thems tee, aulo been Muy | speed sand, glory fareu ~~ A) Sh trom wind Let Bofpre | at hig paren aaa able bodied citizen of | wry ih ou the si rORAR Tg dle pe PTS She see, there fe no escape from fighting to those who fell ftite the hande of the enewy, hoping to get. elearof thé angers of war. — o-me- - The Daily Progress is doloreue) nick over the “ sitantion” Of public affairs evepeciallyin the West: dt ie gloomy iudved, an@ fuirly makes one dark inthe face to readit. -We are oar prised ag the Progress uqually ses the bright ue well as the dark aside ofa cluud. Look, man, for the silvery Wwargin. The Wadesboru’ Argus says a tav- | ero keeper in Salisbury, a short time egy, charysed a poor, wounded, sick soldier, (uy Anson tman,) one dollar for sitting Ly hie fire. The Argus thinks this is meaner than the man; who charged a euldier $8 for a quart of brandy. We have no defense to make, fur- ther than this: firewuud cvsts us $10 | a four borse load. en ge eee 5™ Lt will Le seen that the La- dies of this place propose Ww give a Tableanx aud Coucert Entertaia- weut, at Town Llall, to-worrow eve: ning, for the relief of the pour, Of course the Hall will be packed, as itehould be. The Entertainment wil! duubtless Le excellent ; the cause to be serveu by it appeals strongly te all. | - coe GOV. VANCES ?7ROCLAMATION, The North Carvlina Presbytense of the | Jih instant says :—La our columns to day will be fuuad the proclamation of Gov. Vanee, appuintiag Thursday of next week, | Lec, Pith, a day of fain, buses latvon | aod prayer thruughut the State. There | s power 1u earnest, dated prayer, and it | 1s hopéd that tins repymmvadavos of our | excellent Governor will be fartbfully ob | served by ail vur people. As difficulties | aod dangers thicken, let thew drive us to | the true source of strength for help. Whea | the Lord slall bave acovw plished bis pur- | pose in uur chasusement, ue baud that bas rested vo us 10 puwutsbincus av jong | aud eo beavily will certaoly be removed, | and with (buse who have sought vur ruia | aad who have been the rod iw His bands, | He will ther Jealin jaudgment We bave | every coubdeuce In this, ie; \ es . Riesuomp, Dec. 3. «Wie ogvens miter ans Guvenat 8. Qoorga, |” Dwiates Des 2. ‘The cocmy ‘bas fallen beck, serose the nn enemy retreated during last night. Pursuit wes made this. morning but the enemy had recrossed the Rapidan before we reached it, * ‘atmauga, destroying everything-on their } ; route, including the Raileed ered antl brides jays ; | ‘Their loss was very yw & id’ the attack | “i,, ' esa ttle wtp mre on Of reat gaurd under Olebuif'n. Wagner bearing on hor hy f (Sigued.) Baaxpow Basco. |, new bates 2 OFFICIAL. FROM KNOXVILLE. The following was received at fear The seige of Kno : =e e Seige of evillg is progrespiag, and mie. i Onin Gir Dee. 2. | ibe caqnopedtag is regrepenigd os being very Gex. 8. Coorgn: vo heavy. ~ Gen. yi reported as having capt red ‘a large aintcunition train en route for Knoxville. ‘The Railroad wih to Dhened in a few days to Strawberry Plains. The work oa the bridges is progressing finely. A few more prisovers were captured. FROM VIRGINIA Kk Len a Queres C. H., Deo. 4 FROM CHARLESTON. Cnarteston, Dec. 3. Between 3 or 4 o'clock this morning the evemy gpeved with three guos aud threw 26 shelis into the city. Several buildings were struck but no per- son injured, Cuant.ustox, Dee. 3. There has been no further shelling of the 3 Aa this morning. The mortar shelling of Suaiter continued all day from Cumming’s Point. Our batteries on James {sland cun- Unues Wo keep up an occasional artillery duel. Some excelent practice was made by our bat- teries to-day. FYROM ATLANTA, Aranta, Deo. 3. The Register says Lieut. Martin Quéher- taster ib Cobb's Legion, who left Louysireet’s comumaod on Saturday last at 12 o'clock, re- pocis that Gen, Ransum's and Buckner’s di- visious, under Gen. Bushrod Jobnstwu, bad juined Lougstreet ;—that @ portion of Long- ; Sueep's forves were on the nurth side of the Holstoa nvec near Kooxville aud Usat Buru- side waz completely surrounded. Prsvoers as well as ciuzeus were constant- ly arriving withio our lines The report that tue epethy Was courely ont of breed aad but a small gdanuty of meal remained tor their su lsistauce. The euemy barn hooses every night to preveut the city being stormed. Brownlow bad escaped with his Press but vur forces captured lis type aod paper 30 uules from Kooxville. “ Qur troops bare an abundance of supplies exavepuny salt All die Lawn famibes on Sweet Water | Valiey have lett, Some of our lorces are euroute for thus powt, they captured at Licoss Stauva, 10) wagons with bagyage, &c, of every descrip- Gun, A special dispatch to the /ntelkigencer, dat- ed Dalwn, Dec. 2d, says: Gea. Bragg was seresaded last night. He has beco relieved Ly the President at his owe Tequeat, Jue baad of the 4:h Plonda brigade sere- | paded Gen. Bragg, who, being called out said. “Accept ielluw suldiers my grautude and Two hundred and fifty more prigoners were received last night, picked ap by our cavalry on their pursuit.of the enemy, repre- senting five corps of infaptry and three divis- wns of cavalry. , Our scouts report the enemys infantry force to have fallen back to signs uel beyond the a i Baa leaving only one division of cavalry in Culpeper county. enemy burnt and destroyed everything in. the country they occupied during their stay thig side of the Rapidan, reducing vearly all the imbabitants to beggary. —— FROM THE WEST. Mosius, Dee. 4. A ial to the Evening News, dated Gre’ Dec, 3d. says the Keogh: Argus of the 2d, has a dispatch from Cleveland con- firming the of Morgan and all his staff from the Obio Pevitentiary by digging thronuh the walls. One thousand dollars reward is offered for Morgan. Guerillds are numerous on the Missisippi. The steamer Black Hawk was fired into be- low Red River and the pilot killed. Horlburk hasisgued orders that all military gocds, not in Yankee regulations be shipped North trom Memphis. Also ten or twelve houses are named as required te ship their goods North. | Firing was heard yesterday in the direc- | toy of Cleveland. 11 is supposed that Whee- | bers cavalry were removed yesterday. The report of the enemy's cavalry advance on Ringgold is without foundation. mrA * w« erate $i ‘ FINANCEX Of NORTH CAROLIN the Cofpgeamuetn] tact oe ee sbeg.iv cail the attention of Fomase and , Captain & A.C! 8. Baliovery, Nov. 0, 1Oad, ef 87 $29,910,105 oe ; y To the Farmers éf North Garelina.. Of the balance on hand, there is due to the Literary 7: ° tbe sishing Feed lb evoraeee Sera se HE dorsigued Chie( Cos Phd aaa Fund receipts were, e Tides NA wee vy eden Erect meets ERS S| ih the serena day of procuring soprng frie of sid ¢ por coat. bende, te appeal oes more te the alan: — is oe baad olina fur aid. Decply anxious to avoid impress: Puichaces te pomges | 09 | ment whenever it is possible to dé so; he hits i. SE $. ou ov furborne thus loug, in the earnest hope that the- Pema onthe ee Coa” - i patton farmers of the land, im the pking Funds ‘doer of v saffe ci i noble sone, eee nee Serene, and f aod hnymadh Us would prdtehety wre te aha Lo forward: eller tend to feed them according to. means with, Book dividend, Eee sete 488 89} whieh God bee blessed Medan yet tragie Wabw. is Meigen | oes hey ou i eee ee . 1, interest on bonds, anetion and ether axes, pa t ac. &c., the The above is the substance of the twe umas of the Report published so far. eee Gen, Winder's Mother Arrested.—The Yaukee journals state that Mrs. Genrude Winder, mother of Brig. Gen. J. H. Win- der, was arrested by the military authori-. tics, on Saturday, the 21st ultimo, at the boarding house of Mrs. Hughes, Nu. 77, North Charles street, Baltimore. Ste was liken to the offiee uf Col. Fish, accumpa- pied by ber sow, Charles H. Win ier, Esq., who resides ia Washington, and who bap- pened tu be im the city un professional bu- siness. After an examination of her case she was sent te ber boarding house aod placed under military guard. She is said to be eighty siz years of age. One of the charges against her is for correspund- lug with varigus persons in the South. SELF CONDEMNED. We vontioue our “Ele_ant Extracts from the Raleigh Standard of 1861. They are exceedingly rich. If ever there was a ca<e of self condem- nativn it is that of the Standard as we Lave exposed it. Iw 1864, its Editor voted the State into the war and into the Southern. Confed- | eracy, and pledged “the last dullar and the v last man” to maintain that war and that Confederacy. In 1868, he is the leader of @ party intent upou geting North Caro- jlina to negotiate for x peace for herself Let us truly, beartielt thauks tor the compliment The as- | without melading her sister States; and yt i ee ; humble vurselres before Him, confess with | Svemaen with you long éxusung is BOW to be | ridicules and denounces those whe pledged siveerty our sus, aud His ari will sovo be etteuded fur our deliverance, Keimeu- | ber Tuwraday the 10th. | By the Goveraor of North Care- lima. A PROCLIMATION. } severed EF regret to say, yet 1 oiaall recall the ; tegullecuoas of the past with pleasure aud pote. Gen. Bragg alluded te the many bloody batdes fought by tke brave wien he had the | hwoer wo command, 1b a tust feeling aud touching inanver. , Secation with We nuble army of Tennessee would ever be held fresh wi dis imentory. He took leave of them in | a touching manner and assured them his as- | | “the last dollar and the last inan”—that id, himeelf, | In 1862, the Standard had “entire con | tidence in the ability, imtegrity ‘and patri | otism” of the Confederme Adminimtration, which it pronounced “eminently. success. ful,” and nominated President Davis for reelection. [n 1863, 1 is w bitter oppo ! i 1 : i sj Gen, Bates was thea called lor acd he | U0Ht Of President Davis and the Adu comecutcweemaiie In Mocksville on the 29th inst., by the Rey- Mr. Barrett, Sesg't T. A. MERONEY, of De- Sausure’s Li; Artillery, Beauregard’s army, tv Miss MULLIE L. BAILEY, Seathamp- tou Cu., Va. * DIED: Iu West Hospitwl, Baltimore, July 34th, 1863, | of wounds received in the battle of Gettysburg, HUGH TORENCE POWE, uf Rowan eoun- ty, N.C., aged32. [He was shui through the left lung } ~ $50 REWARD. Pocket BOOK LOST—in the town of | Salisbury, a small black ‘eather Pucket | Book, containing trom B225 to $250 in iwen- | lies, Lens and fives of Confederate States bills, I ) and » spall amount of N, C. ‘Treasury notes | Vie 50, 25, 10, and 5 é¢euts bills. The above re- | | ward will be paid for the recovery of the above | { | j \ MEREAS, [If BECOMES A CNRISTIIN taade a tuust besutilul allusion to the career SEAROth, aod denounces all that it then | peuple wader all carcuustauces to ac. | of Geo, Bragy, ending wilh an assurance that praised. ; | Ta 186), it was determined to have no ! huowledge the superuteudag care and suver- | ‘ egaty of Alanghiy Grud, aad especiatly to eve- jsovn ve redeemed, whereapou Bragg and | party, 8o long as this war lacis. fese uur ireusygresa@ous and humble varselves before thie chasieniug baad (u,seasuds uf afflic. | (wa aod calamity: | Now thecefuew, 1, ZERBULON B VANCE, Govern ofthe State of North Caroma, unmoved Ls these cuusiderauoue, a0 ales by (he fequest vf the Geuersl Asseoroly aad lu coucarin the wrtwu of oher Mowtberu States, do issue (his wy proclamation setting apact Thureday the | (Uth day uf December west, as a day of Fam og, Hamutaten, aud Prayer; earnestly request, Ag se sacere ubservanee by all the guud pev- ple of the Stale; chat all worldly osaphos mcate be suspended, aia that all Mimeters and Uler- rymen of whatsoever denomination, will upea | their Churches, aud assesabiing tet congrega- | terefe, make earuest wud ferveut suplicatwus auto Gud that He wil stay ine eraib which bas been heavy upou us, aud especially, toot He way tu thie wisduin, apea the way for the speedy resiotation uf peace to our denolaied i} sand, on such enna as an will best promote His glory and both the epiniual an! teuporal wel- | Jere of bia creatures \\ aoe fo tostunvay wheres, I, Zeevron | Lo8? BL Vasce, Governor, C pram Geueral | ( ea Vat Commauder-vn-Chief, bath eet | my hand and caused the great sealof the State | v be affixed Done at our Ciry of Raleigh on the 30th day ef November, A.D, 1805. Z. 6. VANCE By the Governur: RH. Barne, Ja. Private Secretary Nov 30-1 BE NOL DECEIVED. She auncaed paragraph which we copy trom the Savannah ews is worthy «pes einl consideration, Let no nan delude himself with the hope that be May ecsoape by investinents ac high prices in real estate or otherwise, “ie calaimities which will inevitably attend » Lulure ot the Bowth finanonlly or ja the Svld. Every citizew a necessarily an ea: Jorser and supporter of the Confederate sredit, and currency, and caonet, if he » Loagstreet. would, evade or transfer this responsibility. with union aud barinoay Teunessee, would greatest euthustasin prevailed. Gens Breckenridge and Hardee were al- sv serenaded and made appropnate speeches. A corps of 15,000 passed throug!? Cleve- land yepterfay ou their way to Benton. The reporter of the Savannali Republican says the report that Col Holonguist, of Beagy’s Stat bad deserted is basely false. — He acted inost gallaadly at Chattanvoga as | , Cael of Aruiery. | Nouung vibcial has been received from FROM RICHMOND. | Ricuwosp, Dec. 3, | The cofomunity has been in good spirits | tw day at the ehaoyed aspect of aur con- sequent upon the reireat of Grant's artay, aud : . | the recrossing of the Rapidan by Gen Meade. Some reyred ig expressed atthe escape of the | latter rua) beauhabou and defeat which awatted lim, but the retreat ta regarded as au evidence of weakness as well as uimiity. The President's inessage, when completed, i suid will be lowger hau bis last ipessage to | ' Conyresa Toe Flag of Traee boat arrived at City | Pours to day The Herald of the Ist, adinits | a loss of 40,000 in sactous battles aad skir- muses iu Northern Georgra, Phe Signal officers at City Point telegraphs | that northern papers conta accuuuts of the | vseape of Jolin Morgan wad et other Conted: | erate offers frour the, Ohio Pemtentiary.— Morgan reached Toronto, Canada, on the Seek. The Herald says Grant's entire loss in re- cent fights, balled wounded amd massing is 40,000 FROM TENNESSEE. Brrsrou, Dec. 2 A courier frogs the Front states that Loag- street had carfied the enemy's works on the northern portion of Kaoxville, capturing two Tennessee recitvents, and bad demanded the surreuder of the city by Monday. In 1863, | Bates were must vociferously cheered. The | it is at the head of a so called “peace par. | ty,” whose “refreshing” resolutious are v hailed with Joy be the yankees and en- courage them to new efforts for oar sob- ; ugaton—or rather, as they conciude from ‘the resolutions uf the Scandard’s frieads, ‘for our liberation from “Jetf Davis military \yranny.” In 1861, it approved of the aeeret nes: In 1863, sions of Congress. that is ove | of the chief causes of exmphuat by ite par. ty against Coogress. In 1862. it wrged the people to pay their taxes “promptly and heertully.” In 1863, it told President Dawe that he could getuo cas from North Caroboa unless an obnosxpous collector: were removed, i \ i} | i i jp etgh. for the benefit of the Chatham Red Road | Geuston ROR Company, aud the Cuy of Ral- W. MURPHY. | 29:1 $30,000 Ieternal Improvement N. | C. State Bonds for Sale. Orrick Cuatuam R. R. Company, ) | Raleigh, November 19th, 1863. § | N Tuesday, the 15th dav of Deeemher, | 1663, will be suld at public auction, at the | Sales Room of Creech & Litchford, in the city \ of Raleigh, Thirty Thousand Dollars Nosth | and ao questions asked. Dec. 7, 1863, } Carolina six per cent Stace Bonds, the interest \ lof which is payable semi-annually, on the fret | day* of Jnnuary and Jaly ia each year, and the pnoneipal on the Ist day of Jnnuary, 1882 \ These Bounds were issued tu the Rateagh and j t 1 in case they will not sell, that the law empowers him to do, and be no re- vpecier ic wanes Are you afraid of the cur- aeucy? Where will that and altelse be with- out the Army, and where will that gellant as- my be, ugless itis fed? Think Ubeve (bi and open yoar beartwand pins by rich pe poor, to the Agents of the Goverpmeat, Do paw wan for it tobe taken by forée; let het yor patriotism be stwiued by a selfish reluctanée.~ but rather sunciified and ennddléd by the bless- ing witich hath been promised to him whe giv-- eth cheerfully. > ; JAMES SLOAN, Maj. & Chief Com for N. Carolina. Ornce Curr Commissany Drry't N. Cc, Greensboro’ N Os. ; - EQUITY SALE OF size ae, bs geuun or 1weceeet oe Equi-. ty, I will xpusy-tilt following lands for sale at. the Court House, in Safiebury, op Saturdey;. ee day of December vert; att] u’cloek, . A.M, towit: 108. Aores, oe of William: B. Atwell kyown as the Wilhetm piace, at the - head of Buffalo eveek, adjeming the lands of James A- Atwell, Mevses Weaver and others. This tract is nearly all weed land. Credit of six moathe with interest from date—and if a fair price is offered, the sale will stand confirmed from the day of Sale.—[Price udv. $8 50.] g 60: ACRES; |, Sold upon the petition of the Heirs-at-Law OF George Hartman, dec’d., adjoining’ the land of A. ks Johasow, Willian Murphy, the heir” .. of John MecRorie and uthe fs siwated one miles fron Satebury. ‘Terme of sale to suit purchas- er, ehher cash. or a credit with interest from date. ‘Fhe sule to siand confirmed fromthe day. of sale if a Gi price is offered —{Pr. adv $8 50. 113 ACRES, Sold apom the petiiion of Themas A. Burke aod others, adjoining the lands of Jacob Ksider,. John Gq Flenuny aud others, on the waters of 4th Creek. A creditof six months with interest: from date will be given if the purchuser dvsires it, The ste wit stand comirined from the day | Of eobe if'& fair price is giveu.—[Pr. adv $8 50>] A House aud Lot in Salisbury, Feld by order of Court upun the petition of sun- dry creditors of Horace L. Robadrs. The House eon Shinny Hill, the one formerly owned by LS. Earubart, to which Earhart bad a deed to lee to two-thirds, and was temant by the courtesy of the other third. Sach is the inter- est to be old, and the sale will stand confirm- ed from the day of sale if a fair price is uffered- —[Price adv gx 50.) The [House and Lot én Salisbury, opposite to the Court Howse, beloagiag to the In T8611, it sid, that “he who wonld encourage our deadly eoenries iw the effort | they are anaking to trample us dowo and | one vear. KR. B SMITH, Adminiatrator. Deceinber 7, 1863 2.3 destroy us, deserves to dte a traitor’s death.” | i To 1863, it is at the bead of a party which has sv encouraged our deadly enemies, and prvote acticles uullions of which are circulsted as eanspagn documents by Ube Northern Black Republicans, aa the Stan durd knows. with muewed vigor, mad waged until che | bw 3863) it te for an acnmetion and fur | | stopping the war belure any seach complete | and tinal separation. : } In JBBL, it said the South could make no overtures, fue they would be consicher- led aaign of weakness and fear. In Tas, | it shows that sign of wenkness and fear by | proposing to make overtures, ever overtures by those who have no authority aad no power to make them. ) Te 7861, it enid it was m Fittle as ths | South could do to Aight just ve long as the \ i ; ward will be puid if the dog ie left at the atore Iu "OY, it said that “the warahall be waged | °F Mr J A. MeConnamchey, or fer any infos separation of the Southern from the North | ern States shall be complete umd final.” | { | gro Boys and one Negsw Girt and Child, fe ) Company, wad vn addition to the genera? evredit pot the State, have the security of special ) Sinking Fuod. Copes of the laws authoring {the issue ney be had on application tothe un- | dermigned. KEMP P. BATTLE, Premde mt. Noveimber 28—2wQ9. ' AT EGROES TO [IRE Ae Adminietcator é of James S. Graham, deceased. | will Lhire on the Tet day of Pannary next, ‘Two Ne- ) DOG LOST. un) {0 REWA&RD.—My dog. Pile, a large bs) lwer coloured and white Setter left Mr. J. ©) MeCounagghey'’s vo te aight of Wednesday, November 25:h. The above re- mation which will lead to his recovery. THOS. UILL. 2w29 EXECUTRIX NOTICE. AY ’ { HOSE indebted wo the ertate of John &. Carsou, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment ; and thase having claims aguiust said vaate, are hereby notified to present the seme for puyment within the time allowed, or this notice will be plead in Bar of reonvery. JANE BL CARSON, December 7. here of J. WW EB Iis wud vthere.— Also, ene un+ Givided fourth purt of the sis fine Brick Offices opposite the Court House, belonging to the heirs of Jobo W. Elis. ‘Fhere is an order of Court that these sales may be eoufirmed if the parties interested desire it, frum the day of psule.——( Pree adv $8 5U.} On the Premises, On the 1®&h diy of Decernsber next, I will seh 83 ACRES of land, upow the petition of Co- lumbar Alwell, adjomeg the lands of Obadiah Atwell, Juseph Atweth, Johu Bradford and oth- era, being a part of = tract of lated farmerty owned by Loeke Atwell, deceased. Terms. cush, uf 2 Credit with jnterest as the purchas- erimay demre. This sale will be emrtined fromm (tte day uf sale if a eafficrent price iv of- fered—(Pnee adv $8 50.) LUKE BLACKMER,C. M. EB. November 25, 1863. ue WANTED? WANT to hire TWO BOTS, (white)to umke cores tn = Foundry attached te the C. Paget Works, Salis y. a. 6. Mey getlge . _, Capt. Are’y Com'é’'p } TICE—1 will hire for one year, at Mrs. LN Marga-e: Eitie’ pladinion, um Wedece dav, 30th day of December, iastam, 20or 2% Negroes, rey % Mary Eittis, minor G. FOARD, Guardian December 7, 1863. a9 BGRO HIRING—The Negroes of the \ Betate of Solomon Hall densadedy-wilthe hired for ove youn, ia Saliebary, on the Ist aay Excouiria. | of Jamanry, 1864. Desens: 7) 008) shal 3..W. MALL, . BLANK DEEDS. ag 203 FOR SALB AT 1 HIS OPFICK. | Decomber 7, 1963. rey | Pa ea s e ge we ee e 4 * es mt fol Pee A their charges, be 7 of the “ M poet prea y te Antewle: mahi. ’ peblish the flowing es the munimem rales ay Og the 6th day of Novem ber, 1863. Day-sicas in the Goumry, 8 06 per mile. 4 e r ide of Carpurate this, on- var aule, @® 00 per viait. Wid 20 additianal charege for iptium and mecicive, te ju m@insiance less then g! 00 Day visits in tewa, each visit 2 00 Nj 4 v0 triend and Sergieal chaarges in came PDhose of our patgas who pay their bills ia equessy produce told prices, will have their bile made out ot ald prices. C. A. HENDERSON, “1. D. A.M. NESBITT, M. D. LAW. JONES, M. D. M. WHITEHESD, M.D. J. J. SUMWRRELL, M. D. J. A. CALDWELL, AM, D. E will pay the bizhest prices fer this amonat. We will pay yuuio or the mo- magey just as fou choose it. jug them in as Raslager. bf #QQR, es possibile Brews. 4 M SMITH & SMITHDEAL. Brown, M November 16,1063. 86 | Brava Sra ~ OVERSEER WANTED. | doremstw Richart WISH twemploy en Overseer fur the next David M year to live ou my Ptaniation, four miles from — Salisbury, ou the Western Railroad. I would | Raker, J 8 ptefer one whois not a co t nor a Home | Brown, T B Guard. MARY MURPRY, sory ~The PR W. MURPHY: Ag’t. | pasinger, C Nov. 23, 1863. (£27 Basinger Mollie C tr - Barger, R WOOL WANTED eager, deme Y a Bost, Sophia a aa Seconp SHEARING LAMBS WOOL | Campell, JK wanted by Wem. suite. | eee Saisbery, July 13,1863. - mB | Cox, E22 B Lead and Zine. |& o” rass, Copper, Lead and Zinc. Felon LIBERAL WiR ve paid for Croweii, B A haan co LEAD wa eae acerca | Cobia, 8 A ; S vin please me of app ol Correil. ’ B weore whe ahteteed. AG BRENIZER, | Cres, Paal Cs . Copening, C. 8. Opd, Works, Seebery, 8.0. YO" S| Craven, F Oct. 2, 1988; } wae Crisweil, J a = 2 “ ____ | Crews, Lt hB WANTED Casper, Sop hi Casper, Sop bia PURCHASE, +> to fette share Dasaer wat . Pa zd . _— ) ii 500 Huge ai the C.5. Distillery, Salisbary | pave O8, N.C. Apply to Douthite, Wm Surg. Jas. T. Jounses. Med. Par. Donebee, Joba H Charlotte, N.C. a a eee ae = = Earnheart, R WANTED! | Eller, Fang WANT to hire TN or FIFTEEN NEGROES, | Rarebeart, 3 Coe eee" rg nes ren a Gace vate ——— George A.G. BRENIZER | Capt. art’y Comes | "NO THE TO SPECULATE. Bass. | Farghes, 8 | T HE subscriber has throwy his Tan-yard open to in and wisars tie citizens te) y. bring or sepd their Hides to him and fill it ap. ; Uf they will do s he obligates himself to sell Eggbora, Capt P J Earnneart,G bhawards, George Plier, A Paucetic, Lt a his share of the leather anvier year al 7.) ©: béing as high as he has sold any up to this cite. Also those bringing tudes ty him shai; huve the prefefence in leather for their own. eensumptio4 duother year. de dont wish to bay hides at the present enorous prices and se!l the leather at $6 er Bx per fh. Xo bring your hides in and we .1/1 Keep one accemm- dation Tan-yard any how in the Cou ederacy for our own use. Leave your hides at Sprayve Br.’ 26 here- vofore directed. T. W. HAYNES Nov. 2. 1863. if 24 favine takea oul jetiers of Adminictra- ea on the estate of Chriatopher Graham, de- @wased, | will sl at nis residence. near Row. ep Wills. on Teesday D-rember i sth, at pub- #8 avction, the following p-uperty, to wit: Wheat, Corn, Oats, Pidder, Hogs, Sheep Coes, and Hores al! nis ho usehi'd and hiich- on facritare, and many other articles tn tedi Fas to He Hiton. Thure indebted to the estate are hereby no- tified to call and settle the same and jhose having chums ageinst it mus! preseat them witme the teme preseribed by law, or thie po- tee will be p’- din bir of their recovery JANE GRAHAM, Aan'r Nov. 25,° 33. 3w27 _. WARE NOVICE N OTICE ts hereby given that the firrn of? Kuehwine & Plammern thu day dissolved ny mutual eonsent. All persous hawog clans ageinat the sasd firm. are hereby notified in pre- cont them for payment, forthaith, io Mo Kich- wiee , and al. persons indebted io sad firin gre also votified lo come forward iinmedistely bod pay the sante to M. Reehwine , | M. RICHWINE, WM. J. PLUMMER. Nov. 214, 1563 : NOTICE T Pee, HEE andersened wiileontinne to earry on the hustnese off the oid firin of Bichwine & | Pleminer, under the name of Kiewe ne & Brows at ihe und stand We will exhange lewher for hides, berks, corn, alow, pork. Be. aud will pay the ugh emt market pree im cash for vice and dry hides WRT HWINE® ° THOS BE BROWN Nov. 2let, ise3 4pu 28 | LEATHER. WILL BARTER LEAPHER tor Mides Bale Leather 1 45 cents; Upper at 60 ceuts | Gar Hues at64 cents green ; Dry 16 ee ats, or | Gar Core at 46 ce ute pot bachet : =e ff. COOK Devee Co., Nov. 9. 1 >64. Benz BLANK BitkDS FOR BALK AT THIA O£LFICE Pesperman, Mile Faison, Theos J Freeman, Sarah Gamou!, AMS Graham, C Gay, Thes Grant, Nancy M Grabom, So,bia Glover, Abram Gardn rv, Jno Gewlog WB Grern, Themes Gate: M Haobeon, Laura ines, Capts iar vv. Nancy Urnec, Wm Howel , Jethro 3 Harun, Bettie Hew im, Clementine Hinton, C A Hictow nm, Joe Heoarix, Joo RB How’. I! Hanter,C Hee ica, WH Herman, MA = ay Hoxe, Gen Johuson, Biredeth Henry & indey Jeteyat, 8 W Josey, Sarah Kimball, Rev W Kelly, M4 Kiuop, Minty 9 Kiatts BC Kiste WL Kenial!, uD me Litake-, EBS Ladd, Gre Lewis, Noah Linebarger, Win | Lyerty Pites Liok, l'ersons calling for | please oay tbey are advertised, age ov the above letters is tive ceuts each. M. A. SMITH, P.M. F* UND Vee of new bhace. whieh AG 3w28 Toall w Osan cts it 0 dung Lometet qyeelf rules bd : but : Flour adére theb GP hours ahér it the edihe time, 1 WHT take ‘the Beet i that Geena, aad the dame cate that I téke of my owa. The mill ig always uater lock wud sey when we leave it. J. & MeCUBBINS. Sahksbury, March. 30, 1863 145 SALT! SALT!! SALPI!! Selidary Re Sop [ WILL 1 for bapon, giving three pounds af good fur ene of bacon. Apply at my dffiee next to Cowan's brick row. A. MYERS. iue-19 Capt, & 4.C. 8. Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Lemes Promptly ! DIRECTORS: John A. Mebane, W. J. McConnell, C. P Mendenhall. U. P. Weir, James M. Garrett, John L. Cole, N.H. D. Wilson, Wm. Baniu- er, Dayid McKnight, M. 5. Sherwood, Jed. . Lindsay, Greensborough ; W. A. Wright, Wilmiugtun; Robert E. Troy, Lamberton; Alexander Miller, Newbern; Thadees Me- Gee, Raleigh; ‘Thomas Johason, Yaseey- ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey, Wadesborough ; Rev. R.C. Maynard, Frankliaton ; Dr. E. F. Wat- son, W ataoaville. orricens : . N.H.D.WILSON, - - President. JED.H LINDSAY,- - Vice-President. C.P. MENDBENHALL, - Attorney. HOUBAN DS " OF THE ITA, oye sotmue ett wae are ute have been cured Pills. This exce family ecomme f- ded by the @ good anly. for die eases of the they alm cure Billions Rhenwaliem, Pueumo- via, Exit ood, Femme Billions, Fevers, Pile and Worme.: y ate & perfectly enfe medi- cine. Peter Veda ., of Dinwiddie County, Virginia, after ing remarkable ceres in his family of Bilious Riheamatiem aad Plearisy. evys! ot Pr Dotter’s bill has bevn heretofore frum $478 to $900 per sear. 1 havewsrd them (these pilis) for my family, which consiate of eighteen white calured, aud have not call- ro pe a Doctor. This is a great eaving., They certainly are the bert family meditiue ever dis- bovered.” Rev Jeha W. Potter, of Greene county, North Cirolina, hed suffered twelve yearefrom a dineased liver. which the physicians hed aot been able to cure. He reyes: “ | commenced tekiag the Hepetic Pills with no confidence in them. They actedlike a charm oa me. From that hoer I have improved. | have pers-ver- od iw their uge waiil now, by God's blessing. | am well und beorty. J hed anegre man who, as I believe, wae saved from death by « dose of these pitts. My Doctor's bili Was wnuvelly from $100 to 9800. bar I have hed ao ese fora Thomas H. Reney, Esq. Granville comaty. N.C... enys: * I Gad. pills to be the best family medicine | have ¢ ver ued. have proved very bencficia! in my own case. have been very mach afllicted for |S years, and bave tried every hind of medicige the: | could get, but have mare relief from P wwf thas of othera, My disrase w a affiction. a complete prostration of the nervous system. 1 nave used them in ten of fifiecn cases in my family, an! find them to be the very meditine for nearty oll family diseares.” Pasoe-$1.50ebes. For $15 0 dozen boxes vy AR erTng ana j Y i An "y seme ; ? ity % » feenatyt lc Se n te i be may Concern,” ly TO ALL PARSONS INDERY ‘as 0 Md TR MRL, - Myers and N Maem ae Dosey rage fully requested tw settle their reapectioc ake gations ejther in pereod 6F by letter, Withowt neediogs dele y.' Winwyt will ‘shes wits ineides y e sapcarscrs mrs Sass ricodaiol the late Grme Willi nn ' te 4 fudulgence. but rerpund to i ‘ call, us ii is hetestery tha: ihe thould be caooh w nb ea taele éces apo ‘ 5, Seliobaty, Mareh 320, 1863, tow ONF BARREL OF TANNER'S O16 fy sale, apply to WM. WATSON, (286 thilee wert of this place, Or at this Offa ee 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. Ww ANTED 1000 Tog Skins, dry, fur whiee willbe paid @) for medium size, and aay ed my rion. to R. F. witon, St ; : . on Btesville, oF B. Decembe: 8, 1862. (fs i 6 a fC Os OP SALISBURY, Nov. 15th, 1869. ALL those indebted to the firm of MeCesains & Foren, will ¢.1 at the Boot & Shee Meuefsevory afdohna A. Bradshow, mene duct to the Waichman Office, op the enbseri- ber, ead settle their secounts, either by nate or she cash. Now ia the time to debts. 11:26 THOMAS J. FOSTER. OTTON std LINEN RAGS wenied by JNO. F. FUARD. PETER ADAMS, - - See.and Treas. Ww. J. McCONNELL, - J.A.MEBANE,.- - | ececaume Com. J.M.GARRETT,- - withth: Office, sheald be addressedto PETER ADAMS Seceretury ) Greeasbora’,N. C.. June 19, 1a6e ef4 CONFEDERATE TAXES! | Additional Notice. | ! | LAT the times and places already appointed With-hn, Henry 9 WiWiamern, Capt R ® Wilkinson, Nannie above letters, for the collection of Taxes, all pereowe ia the | several districts are notified t» render to the \seeseors, an account 6b oath of the value of | all neat catile, horses, mules (not used in col- | tivation) and asses ewaed by each pereve in j his district, on whiok the owners will be taxed | one percentom, to be paid on of before the lot ; day «i Janvary next. | ALSO—AN persons are required lo give an ac ‘count of al! begges mid between the 24th of j April aud the Ist day of November, 1663 | Thore who are not prepared to make retarne Loftherr een. &e., wil! meet the Assesanrs at | Therd Creek Staton December 10th and bith. | at Miller's, ee 12th. | ** Salsbury, se 14th and 15th. The term, * mest cattle,” is construed to tmean all domeste anvoals of the bovine kied, and inciades milch cows, calves and the like. W.R FRALEY, 6.25 Tax Collector. i) > ; $10 REWARD WILL be gies for two SADDLES stolen from my stables op the 24th inst. One is black qu lied the utherred feather; also, two Bridles | and one pair martingl+s (suppesed to be im the neighborhood af Charies MeKenzie’s) Also. Allcommanications on besiness connected | wil beeen! to any pert of the Confed- eracy, fy oe device less then es d WM.H.CUMMING,- - General Agent. | Soret: er, apply te the dreggioneGrent | bay by the gross. Cash must always accom- ggists sad Merchants who Addres-, GEORGE W. DEEMS. Wien, N.C Por sale in Salishery by Neuderer & En- pany orders. | isn, and in Lexington by J. P. Siempeou. October 12. 168. = $500 REWARD. ARBLY IN JANUARY LAST, THE | Office of M & E. Myers was brokeo open and ‘the follo.wiag articles stolen ther. from: Ope | fine English Gold Lever Watch. w th the name of J. A. Lithagt.a on the face, German Tert leuterd, believed to be made by J Johnston, Liverpool, oene Vitnond Ring, hurge Diamond tn centre clasered around with smell Dia- monds ; une fine Gold Ring, with forget me vot, | ivecribed thereon; one sett Bar Rings aad) Breest Pin, Coral aad Gold ; two Guid Chata- | lia Pine; owe Bamch (eid Charms, consisting | of the two Lockets with minatores ; Slipper, | Creme, Hart, Shell, and others not recollected ; | coe Corral Boragt Pia; one Goid Breast Pio, | sett with Penris; one Necklace with large | © yal Jets, with crussin centre; ore five Fan; | ope large Black Lace Mantle; Embrosdered | Handkerchief Collars, Sl-rvee, &c; Blonkets, Linnen and Cottoe Sheets. Pillow Cases and Bolster Ships, aad many other articles of Jew- elry and Ladies appar not recollected. The | above reward of Five Hondred Dollars, will be peid for the recovery of the above samed arti- | eles. of in prepertine fr any parvef them— West of the Jewelry cau be identified by W. R. Witem, Wateh-maker at this place Ip my absences, any informacen given to Captain A. | Myers or Xamoel Reeves, Sr, will be prompi-— ly attended to. RB. MYERS Sahsbery. NC. Juve 15. 1863. 4 Ove Handred dollars (or the appre ied of the tte f. W G MeNEELY. July 25. 1°63 (#19 To the Farmers of Rowan. | AM anxioos to bay corm, wheat, flous, mes! and bacon for the endiers fambes ot Rowan. Some of them are atmos! saffernng aad | have the money to pav marke: prices fort thags, and | do hape that the Farmers of the coaacy will give the poursuldsers families the preferance. J.8 M-CUBBIN, Com for Rowan. 3163 64d DENTAL, NOTICE. W. F. Bason, M. D. ESBEC Se)’ S* 3 op’ \\ OULD reapeetfully make known that he | laeretaken his DENTAL ROOMS in Salis. | bars NB. Asit witlmet suit him toremain all he wine, these catlopg in his absence, will be nots fied of tie scrivalaby leaving their names inthe letter Box attached to the doorof the Office or by addressing bum throagh the Post Office, at Dec ist, 1862. {0:28 JAMES HORAH, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One door below R.& A.Marphy'sBtore, SALISBURY. N.C... thie place " REPS coustantly ov hand alarge assor. Hone of WATCHES wid JEWELRY of allkrods. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ofevery de- scriplio:repairedin the bert inunner and op the most reasonable terme Vebrowry 14, 1R6*. yd» , \ ‘ , : Ta Soldiers’ Families! HERE wil be ne more momry pid to families o ¢ Bokiers alter Ocuuber, 1 have thouagitt it beat to Phe post invest the balance of the Pund in provisions, whieh witt | be given oat inetead of money. It may take all the month f November to get a stock of provisions on hand T will use every effort to ubtain sopplics as early as pos | sitrte. J #. McCUBBINE | Balisbury, Ont 2, 1568 2 Com'r owner cap have by iMeuifying the same, | a ichehlaos and paying (or thie advertiae in: i Geisbury, Nov. 13 1863. ‘THE Stockholders of Montanena Female Sennuary ure hereby notified to ealion the ane | derwygned, at Wount Pleasant ead get the | BLANK DEEDS, FURBSALE amount of money due TOIL. Heceaier | AT THIS OF FICK. Movember 2)0¢ 1863—4027 IT The Confederacy, at Atlanta, Ga. will copy daily one week and send bill to this office BXCHINGR NOTICE, Ne. 7.) Ricnmonn, Va-, Oct 16, 1663. ‘ Te following Coafederate officers and men are hereby deciared duly exchanged : 1. All offieers and men cepiored aud paroled at ony tte previews tothe Ist of September, 1863) This section, however, is not intended to include anv offieer of mén ceptared ot | Vielksburg Joly 4th. 1N63, except sach us were | oeciared exchanged by Eachange Notice No. 6, | Sept. Ah, 1863. oF are epecifiestly pemed iv thee notuece. Bets does embrace idl deliveries made at City Pennt of otter places befdre Sep. | tember bot, 1863. and with the limitation abive | named, all captorcs at Port Hadson of apy oth- er place where the parties were releared on | nile. A 2 The Staffiof Generals Pemberton, Ste- venena, Bowen, Moore, Rertow, S. D. Lee, | Commings, Harns and Baldwin, and of Coto- nels Reynulds, Cockrett end Dechery , the of ficers and mew belonging tothe Eagineer Corps and Seppers end Miners, «nd the 4th and 46h Vieni ne prt Regimenia, all captured at Vicke- burg. Jnty 4th, 1*63 i 3 The general offlcefe captured at Vicks barg, Joly 4th, 1863, were dretared exchanged July 13h, 1863 ROBFRT OULD, Ageut of Bachange. Sovtherp papers publish sa tines and seed bulla to the War Departarent. 60s Dr. J. A. CALDWELL | ESPEC TFULLY OFFERS | hie profersmoncdt services Wo the enizens of Mabebury and the sar. , roanding euunbiry OFFIC E—Borick Row, opponite the Coart- TF ‘amy absence, leave your maine on the Slate. f Oct 16—thk@d house, Room No. 2 | pe SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE- | erived the following articles. to wit: 5 deen Conte § Cord Thread, $000 Needles, assorted Bik and White Eaghsh Ginghame, Salt, Nails, 8, 10 and 6, | Shovel Mopide. MICHAPRL BROWN On consignment 60 Boxes fine chewing To- bacco. M. B. Batisbery, Sept. 28, 1969! re ee April 2%, 1863. 1f49 WANTED le PURCHASE OR RENT, AN IX proved Lut im the Wee or North Ward Apply.et this Offiea Aag. 10h 1863 thd rg Now is the time to pay Money. Aauw PERSONS EITHER 1NDEBT_- ed to me by pote oF acceunl, are requesics tu call end pay ap A.M. NESBITR Jane 15, 1n63. . JOS, RUSSELL Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N.C. WILL give prompt and persona! atientoe to the eale of produce, and perchamng Sak, &e. Coasizgamen's and orders respectfully anisn- ed—edvances made when requied. Reference —T. J. Poster, Salisbury Oe 12, i+ @. Cempddu Confederate Insuratce Company Charlottesrille, Virginia. I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY from the above insurance Company, and sm | pow prepared lo take risks on property at res sonable raics. wad fer limited perwds of Ume. and on differen! gredes uf property -—Sech ae Catton, Tebseco, Produce, Machinery, Mer- chandive, Buildings, &e. Thier Company hee been in ope ratice bat a abort time, bas a lerge Cash Captel ell pad in, and held by sme of the wealhiest and best perple of Virginia. A large ameuntef the Cupirmt Steck of thu Com - pan) bar alteads beep sold for tem per cen. preaiem temp eafely rreemmend the Com- pen) io be (the more felbabie character. ond any knees from pobees word by thee Compe ny. will b- promptly met aeceording by the erm cel fori am ite pewirwes. Perens in Selibbary and veeinity desising their property insared, can have dn opportant ty ef desng ow: by calling on me A J MOCK, Agent Salsbury, N.C, ’ July 36, 28FI § Cd MICHAEL BROWN, . COMMISSION MERCHANI SALSSBURY, N.C DRUMPT personal attenion given to tbe purchase of Produce end Shipmeats— Conmgomenie enher for sule im the markel or | for shipment to other markets sulicied, whied | will be euld ot highest market price and rem- taners promptly made. Balisbory, Jaty 13, 1863. 1s STRAYED Rroe the subscriber, sometime in Sept & binck boar, about a year and a half onlé Wark. two senoth rrops $ will gira reward of $5 forthe recovery of thie boar JOUN LL. MORRISON Nov. 13, 1FC3 41 pu26 Another Great Vietory! | HAVE for sale, wud will send poet ped the following Kecerpts ie any one lor making Matches, Bleck. Kea and Dine Tanke and Shoe Biacking Aims, a rece ipa for making a com: prrortiens fur wel ing est steel, one for Japae Varinel for varniohing Iron. Twill vend all the above receipts forome dollargaingle, of oli for five dolinre Bev gn practest Headdie-maker, for the Cotton Wille. foam prepared to furnish » receipt for making headdle varpivh, which fod iained from the Neh long before the w ar This receipt 1 will send, post pad, for five & lara. Addieer, L. MULINIX, ; Stowesville, Gaston Co, N. October 5, 1663. Impd® ‘a& «a> e Be wD- I AVING resigned my esnmnission in th Confederate Army as Surgeon, I tender #9 services to my friends and the pubic. A. M. NESBITT i Cfice, @ the Court Houre Jane 15, 1063. us i de ae ee ee ee a _ = =~ hw e r l U m M ™ ® S ] atteatwe ang Sek, ally anlames - vv wrasy GENCY y, and s= rty at res eof ume. Such a ery, Mer- pypany hee as» large by = me of rginie. A thus Com - pee cen. ime Com: acter, ome » (om pe » the term \, destsing opporia = Agem LANI onto the pmenta— market of ed, whied ad rem- T) in Sept 8 half onld a reward RisON h psze iy. post pe we making and Shoe og sour for Japae nd all the oli for five maker, for furnish » hich Lob e war five & NIX, Naina, mpd 20 VoL. | A THRILLING REVOLUTION A- : RY TALE. ater a God is everywhere. His words Price of the Paper! areinthe heart. Heison the battle- | jtield, or in our peaceful home. We find it absolutely necessary to ensure Praise ve tu his holy nawe | ourselves against joss in publishing the paper, J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. It was in the wild of Wissahieon, @ uavancé tha voles of wchecription The! on the day of the battle, 46 te noon: will, therefore, be, from the th instant, day sua came through the thick THREE DOLLARS ior Six months, For | ©l'astered leaves, that two wen met we < sebipcdoms wil eat berecnir- (1° * deadly couffict newr the reef f . . | which rose like some primeval world, . at least a thousand feet above the = vk waters of the Wiesahicon. ne wan with datk browii face, STAT = ENCOU RAGING. land darker gray eye, dasa with The annexed which we copy from | deadly light, and » muscuiar form, the Auyasts Comstitutionalist i® ay clad in a blue frock of the Revolu- trathful statement of facts and they pas ig a Coutineutal uauned War- reu. . oaght to pepe _ despondent | oinelcther niuintwith) lenge wieck wo battle for av well as anticipate 4,;, droping along, hia eadaverous | happy results: ; fuce is clad in the half military “© We have suffered nothing vet costume of a tory refugee. This is eowpared with what our fathers suf. a murderer of Paoli uamed Dehan- sec the first war for indepen- | 4y- dence. Then we had the savage In They met by accMeut, and now dian at our backs, the tories over they fought, not with sword and oar own hearth-etones anda fair and rifle, but with tong and deadly bout: vpen enemy inour front, Augasta, ing knife they struggled, twining and Savannah, Charleston, Cagiden and isting on the green sward. “Ninety Six,” were all teu Britioh At last the tory is down—down rots, aud Georgia and South Ouro! on the turn, with the knee of the Con- ina were occupied almost entirely tinental on lys bre st—the upraised for three long dreary years. Yet, a knite flayed death in his face. heroie ancestry rose from our valleys Quarter! 1 yield!” gasped the and descended from our bills, trust. tory, ae the kuee was preesed on his ing in Ggd, and resolved to perish breast. “Spare me—I yield ?” rather than sarvive as slaves, and “My brother,” said the patriot, in they drove our conquerors from the @ tone of deadly hate, “my brother soil; and so we can do, even should cried for quarter on the night of our land be overran by vandals. If Paoli, and even as he clung to your we are nota bastard race vur free) knees yuo struck that knife ip his dom is oar owa, even if every male beart. O, | will give you the quar- has tu sleep on his bright eword, and ter of Paoli.” every female wear at her side a And ae his hand was raised for | gleaming dagge.. Lvis agrest mis- the bluw, and his teeth were clenched | take to suppuse that this war isto with deadly hate, be paused for a ‘eettied by long range cannon of, womentl, abd thea pinioned the tory’s heavy shell, Even if our tortifiea- arms, and with a rapid stride dragy- tions fall and our towns ure taken, ed him to the verge of the rock, and we will come at lust to cluee quar- held him quivering over the abyse. ters, with the battle axe and bowie “Mercy!” gasped the tory, turn knife, and fight under the black flay ing ashy pale by turns, as that aw- in every glen and swamp. The ful gult yawned below. “Mercy! 1 watch word then shall be warto the lave a wife apd child at hoine— koite aud the knife to the hilt.” spare me }” — The Continental, with a muscular Mr. Resolution. —We Strength gathered for the effort, publish the resolutions which made shook the murderer OLCE over the abyss, and then hissed his bitter sneer ip his face. Averu's astir in the House of Countuons oa URY, Nfc., DECEMBER 14 little son place, fingers at ran- dom npoa a Hinged by that you shall live or die. This was a strange proposal, made in good faith, @f}a mild and dark superstition of oben times. For a moment thé toryg pale as ashes, was wrapped:in deep,tiought—then in a faint voiee h ified his consent. _ Raising’ the mother Father to di \ finger-.of her eon. She closed ti hnok-—she hand- ed it to the. gwhore cheek red- dened with ‘ashe gazed np- on his father’s. mu the Bible, and openel its holy pages at random, and placed his fiuger ap- on a verse, : There was a silenee. The Conti- nental soldier, who had-sworn to avenge his brother’s death, stood with dilating eyes and parted lips. The culprit, kneeling upan the floor, with his face like discobred clay, felt his heart leap to his tproat. Then in aciear, bold foice, the widow read this line from the Old Testament. it was short, yet ter- ribte: “That man shall surely die.” Look! The brother springs for ward ta plunge the knife into the murderer’s heart; bat the terv, pin 1863. a — 7 ee <p rt = i | *97 wD ad ot unl ; gti od) Ye -eqeaye” ; by® ewele? “b, 7 three tems ed Street NUMBER .30. ” ‘retary replies, and ways tat he has yet, be saved, despite. the Marin , done all in bis power to capture the and cimival,, delays of those. ¥ | privatcers ; (that swift steamers hyve { huve promised. ns protection,. constantly been in pursuit of them; and hopea to be soon able to die patch a larger force to pursue the pirates. The Herald says that the subject hae long wonnded the pride‘of eve- ry citizen of the republi¢, despairs of Secretary Welles dying abyth tig ag the ‘pl: and trusts to Congress “ rates.” i The following fetter of Cot. Stand Watie to the Governor of the Choe- ; taw and Chickasaw nations bas been Landed us for poblication. It shows a spirit of determined resistance to our enemées which we commend to oor, faint-barted patriots. When ‘itis known that the homes of our faithful aliies in the country of the | Cherokees have been laid waste with | with fire and sword, and that offers’ ‘of Yankee gold and Yankee protec- tion have been spurned by them ‘over and ove again, we muet ad- | mit their constaucy in deserving of | the highest praise. Col. Stand Watie THR ANDIAN NATIONS. . ,:| she “It isa mistake thet the oecopa- tion of the Cherokee Nation by the enemy is of .emall..personal. cubase quence to the Oboetaw people. - If the Cherokee Nation is abandon by te; the Oreel eountry talls the next victim, arid fa speedy tarn your pir ewtedal will’ elaré thé* eatne ate. aes i condition of Indian matters hereto the Commissioner.of Indian Affairs and to Lieutenant General E. L. Smith. 1 expeet te bear from them | both in a few weeks. ; I am, very respectfully, Your obidient servant, STAND WATIE, Principal Chief the Cherokees.” The Conititution of the United States a Dead Letter.—Thia war has fnruished abundant evidence. of the utter disregard of tbe U.S, Consti- ; tution by the Lineoln Congress and | Exeetitive, but the Judiciary ~ has ioned as he is, clings to the widow’s | is well known in the West as a brave | sometimes remembered that obso- knees. He begs that one more trial may be made by the little girl, that child of five vears old, with golden hair and langhing eyes. The widow consents. There is an awfnl pause. With a simile in her eye, and without_knowing what she was doing, the little girl opened the Bible as it lay ov mother’s knee ; ebe tarned her face away and placed her tinver upon a line. The awful silence grows deeper. The deep drawn breath of the broth. er, and the broken gasp of the maur- derer, alone disturbed the stillness. | The widow and dark-haired boy were breathless. The little girl, as she caught a feeling of awe from those around her, stood breathless, her face turned aside, and her tiny fingers resting on the line of life and | death. : At length, gathering courage, the widow bent her eyes upon the page, | land read. It was a line from New Testament: Love your enemies!” the | (officer and unflinching patriot; he ig the only survivor of the signers of | the treaty of 1835, by which the | Cherokee ceded all their lands east ‘ofthe Mississippi river, and remov- ed to the country they are now fight- ing for. “Exxcutive Orrcs Cugroxer Nation, August 9, 1863. | To His Excelency, Governor of the Choctaw 'and Chickasaw Nations : | Sir: 1 wish through you to pre- eent to the people of your country @ few thoughts, which the present con- | dition and prospects of the Indians ‘has brought to my mind, I bave -entertained the confident but delu- sive hope for the last year that ordi- ‘nary energy and acuvity would take the place of slaggishness and delay ‘in the military movements in this ‘country, aud that @ proper use cf the means in our portion of oar ter- ritory which has been overrun by ‘our enemies. Reliet avd protection | lete instrument. In the Eastern Dis- | trict of Virginia, however, (that is, we suppose, at Norfolk,) the U.S. | District Court has decided that a law of the present abolition Congress is of higher anthority than the Con- stitution. "The latter expressly. pro- vides that “ The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of. blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person’ attatnéd.?. ‘The Gonrt has, in defiance of this, decided in the case of Hugh Latham, that the sale of rebel estates ander the con- fiscation act is not limited to the term of the traitor’s life, and ordered a sale and the execution of a deed in fee by the sheriff to the purchaser. Every man in the Confederate States will thus be able to see what he wonld incur by subjugation, for every man who bas in any way whatever aided or abetted the revo- lution is, according to the yankee !contiscation law, a traitor, and he Thursday last. of unquestioned generalities, and They assert a veries recommend negotiations, by the pro- per autho: ttics, for peace and scpart ation. The difficulty would be, to yet Lincola to consent to such ne- yotiations. Tf that ditheulty could be overcume, we do not see what woud be the use of Che proporseé ** peace Convention,” nor how it could make a treat, vor low ‘the But be sides these, the stronyest oljections people” could ratty one. that occur to ue are those urged sowe tine ago by the Standard, as tollows: “The South cannot make over- ture, for she is fightuy tor existence, “My brother had a wile and two children. The morning after the coghtof Puch that wite was a wid- ow: those children orphans! Ask merc’ from them!” The proposal inade by the Conti: | neutal in touckery and bitter bate was taken 1p serious earnest: by the terror stricken tory, He begyed to be taken te the widow and ber chil dred, und to have the privilege of After a moment of serious thought the patriot soldier consented. [le bound the tory’s arms still tighter, placed him on his leet, and Jed him through the woods, A quiet cottage embossed among the trees broken on ther eyes.— They entered the cottage. There, beeide the desolate hearthstone, sat a widow and her children. beygying lis life. | door. Oh! book of terrible majesty, and child-like love, of sublimity that crushes the heart with rapture, 3t ;never shone more strongly than \there, in that lonely }sachicon, when it saved the murder- er’s heart. | Now look haw wonderful are the | jways of Heaven. That very might las the widow eat by her fireside— | sat there with a crushed heart) and | hot eyelids, thinking of her husband, who now lay on the drenched seil . | of Paoli—there was a tap at the She opened it, and that hus- band, living, thongh covored with wounds, was in her arms. He had fallen at Paoli, but not in jdeath. Ile was alive, and his wite ' panting on his bosom. ;P g hut of Wie. | igo often cheeringly promised, has: and his posterity wonld be stripped not been afforded as; our forces, of every thing they possess should instead of being coucentrated avd! they be snch dastards as tu allow the operating with vigour against our: yankees to conqnerthem. Both sec- enemies, have beeu scattered over | tions are thas fighting for the pro- ithe country, and their strength frit- | perty of the people of the Confeder- tered away without accowplishing | ate States.— Fay. Observer. any good. eee alee eee Experience has taught ue that the; Northern News.—The “ Copper- Indians trae to the South shonld | heads” bave carried the day in the ‘place little confidence or reliance | late election in Hartford, Ct., the upon the promises of assistance from | home of the gallant and brave Gov. abroad—they have in every instance; Thomas H. Seymour. proved valueless. lo am willing to| New York papers of the 27th No- cast behind us all expection of etti-] vember have reached Richmond, i cient aid trom the Confederate Gov-| where Yankee prisoners and Yan- ernment, and test our unsupported | kee papers are always received and | courage aud ability to defeud our! treated with distinguished attentions | homes. Lam contident we can de- | They contein farther dispatches from ‘fend them against the mongrel bands | Thomas and Grant, which confirm of negroes, hostiie Indians and Kan- | their victory at Lookout Mountain. und any offer on ber part to trent She sat there, a matronly woman | That pep ie eee oN | sas Jaybawkers, who have been snf-| They claim forty pieces of cannon praise in the wood-cmbowered col-| god tg ravage our coantry with (but still mention only/two thousand woud be considered a sign of weak vess and fear. Ailslie aks is to be Jet alone. She ds vet let alone us long asthe footof an enemy is on her soil, Just eo long asa sityde coe may is on her ail just so fom will phe fiyht. This te as little as she can de. If she were to offer less to her enemies, or atletppt todo less, ele would be unworthy of the spirit ahd manuood of ber people.” Mr. Avera is mistaken ng to the Jarge minjorty at bullot box, but he might have eaid with trath that eve, ry body in North Curolina desires that all honorable means should be used to stop the strife, &c., provid- ded we secure the separation which ! it requires.— ay. Observer. _ Over loved Mercies are seldom long: lived mercies, The way to lose, is to in- dulge them. Make a God of them, and you destroy them. of about 28 years, with a face taded by care; a deep, dark eve, and long | black hair, hanging ina disheveled state about ber shoulders. On one igide was a dark haired boy cf some six yearss onthe other side, a girl one year younger, with light biue eyes. The Bible-—an old and ven- erable volume—lay open uponythe mother’s kuee. And the pale faced | tory flung himself upon lis knees, , Pand confessed that be had batchered -her husband on the night of Paoli, ‘and begged lis life at Ler hands. | “Spare me, for the sake of my wife—child !” | He had expected thie pitiful moan would touch the widow’s heart, but not one relenting gleam softened her | face. “The Lord shall judge between os,” she said, in a cold, icy tone, that froze the morderer’s beart.— “Look, the Bible is in my lap. I will close the volume, and let my j tage of Wissahicon. | That Terrible Confederata Navy. |—The merchants of New York are joutin a long ap ens to the Yankee Secretary of the Navy, begging him j to pat down the rebel privateers. — , They complain most bitterly of the ‘havoc done by them on the Yankee lehipping. The Yankee merchants say that apart from the loss, it 1s jbamiliating to our pride as citizens lof the first naval power om the earth | that a couple of indifferently equip | ped rebel cruisers could tor so leng | a period threaten our commerce with apnibilation. The letter again says it is “humiliating that their com: merce on the high seas should have been left so unprotected as to induce rebel insolence to attack our flay almost at the entrance of our har bors, and to actually bloekade ou merchantmen at the oe ot Good Hope recently.” The Yankee Sec }impunity for the last five months. | prisoners. Press dispatches speak All is vot lost becaase officers inj of six thonsand prisouers ; they also control have refused to strike aj say that the Guverument at Wash- blow in oar behalf; we tiave snffer-! ington hears of three thousand ; bar ed much, and I fear are destined to! the Generais claim only two thous- suffer more by reason of theif want! and. The Washington correspon of energy; butif we are Mill to be fdents declare that the Government the victims of incapable and sloth | has issued peremptory orders to fal leaders, aud our whole country !Grant to “ porene Bragg and crush is to be devastated by our foes, we have one consolation in) knowing that even then, by a united and un- vielding opposition of Indian forces alone, we can make our fair country why unpleasant, if not an untenable, home for onr enemies, “The galiant Seminols have shown what folly it ts to try to sub- jugate and destroy a people deter. mined to uefend theif ngbts. The bravery of the Choctaw and Chick- asaw troops has not been excelled by any other soldiers in the service, and by a proper understanding among ourselves Our country may him, or compel a surrender.” According to tbe Philadelphia pa | pers, recruiting in that city is ‘rath Jerslow.” Another draft is spoken jof. In New York they are paying $750 bounty wouey. In New Jer: ser from $800 to $1,000. If we gain our independence and redee the currency in gold, as we hope we sha secession will pay some of the precipitate indifferently well, We learn that one : them realized stety-one dollars a gallon [or barrel of apple brandy, on yesterday. course be has confidence in the currency | Raleigh Progress - en e r oo ae PM E ' - a 4 4 * 4 ‘ ‘ ee eS From the Daily Progress. Synopsi: of the Presideng’s 4 ? ‘ sage. Ricamonn, Dee. 8.—The President rap- idly reviews events of the past year, and | says tbat whilst our successes have vot | ib pret our expeo ations, we have check- the enum pperty is advances Ga ae with nigh son is | discussed at considerable length. The | Presiient regrets thet there-has boon. nu; adequaie laxaliod, b> Syl! improvement since his last message in Jan wary, aud says that the oonduct of Ku ropeao nations is lets inmpartial and in some cases has assutned the ‘character of posi- titely wnfrieodly. Our Comurissiouers Were sent abroad for the purpose of enter- | img into negotiations proper to fix the re | lative fights aud obligahons between the’ om ee Cab pre “ | i amount thas made necessary in pe con: | duct of tke war, those prices will reach | rates more extravagant and the whole sys- tem fail under its own weight, thus ren dering a reduction of the debt impossible | and destroying its whole value in the bands of Ale ee If, pe the opojrdrs| a fanded de ith inte Secured by tituted for the | outstanding currency, Is entire amount will be availableto the boldeg, and the Government will bern a condition eyabliag | it, beyond the reach of avy probable con Litigéoey, lu! prosecute the warp iqa suc cessful issue. [i an therefore demanded, as well by the interest ef the credior as of the country at large, gited States under, be couverted into bunds bearing adequaie by Mr. Enniss, where PW. TOM AN. RALISBDRY AN, Cs 7 cf | H a F MONDAY EN ENING, DECEMBER 41, 1868. i pallies | SIE es Rewovar.—We have been reques- ted by Capt. Mikes, to say that he has removed his Office to the brick buicding nearly “opposite Yhe Man- that treasury notes | shou Hotel and formerly ocean pied he will be treaties entered inte with furciga powers | interest, with » provision for taxation sath | happy to see all wlio may be diapos: prior lo the separaiiog which has taken | place, but ahig tender on our part was de Clived. Hence, as we bave been refused | the benefits of these treaties, Ahey certainly | have ceased to be binding and in the opia- ion of the ident our reiations with Eiropean powers are now codtrolled ex- clasively by the general rules of the law of nations, Legislation upon the subject of fnance cient Lo ensure punctual payment and fiual redemption of the whole debt. i The President recommends to the cot | sideration of Congress te report yf the | Secretary of the Treasury, aod hopes we will engross (he cub-ideration of that body | until disposed of in a proper Manner aud the, important results which the country auti¢ipates from ils actton altained. The President believes the army to be | led to aul the ca by bringing in o Captain ie very desirous te ~purehise pork, and ap- peais to the hamdgity as well as the patriotisin of on ML gofite. -2e t their produce. Execrrep.—facob Marph, who way sentenced ‘at lust) November is earnestly recommended. Aithough the | in a better evodition than at aay previous | Term, of Rowan Superior Court, by magnitude and duration of the war was, not at first apticipated, still the resuurces | of the country are so ample and (Le spirit | of the people so devotee to the cause that | rehef-is withia our reach, The fvaneiai | policy of the Government since tls fora on 1s discussed, and the President con- } teads that whilst tbe provision of the Per- maveot Constitution iw regard to dirret taxalign caanol be carried into effect in the mode pointed oat, it is plain that the duty of Conzress is lo execute the general | inteat of the Constitation by making the | tax umform throughout the covntry.— | These evusitgrations are greatly enforced | by the reflectién Uiat ao atteinpt w ap | portion. the taxes. amongst the States, sume | of which are wholly or partially in the oe cupation of the enemy, would subvert the | whole intention of the framers of the Con- stitution and be productive of myst revolt- ing injustice, instead of that just correfa- | tion between taxation and repreaeniation ; which ‘was their purpose to secure, With large portions of some of the States ocszu- Pied by the enemy, whiat jastice would | there be in impusing on the remainder the | whole amount of taxation of the entire | State? What etse would this be in etfect but to jmeresse the burden of thoge who! p< ipctagtae | Bafferersy by the war, and ‘ake our dwil fuability goer ie from invasion, as-we are required to i by the Constitution, the ground for ad | He recommends Lie | pertod of the war, resterauon 10 the army of all who are ino: properly abseut, pultia gan end to subsea tution, modifying the exempfton law, re- | siricting details and placing iv the ranks | | abiebudied mea uow employed as wagun- ems, purses, couks, and other employes | doing service for which negroes may be | fouod competent. He conears io the opin. | ton expressed by the Secretary of War (bat Ubere is no groud for objection that a! uew provisiya, to tuciude those who have furnished substitutes under former calls, would be a breach of coutract. The ac uve of the several Executive Departinents Is reviewed, and the yralliying announce: | is made that the receipts of the Post Office t five thousand dollars in exccess of expen- dares, ; Tbe communication with the trans- Mos sissippi is obstructed so as to render i difficult to comply with the Executive peeds. Legislation is required providing for the exercise of temporary authority, | especially in the Postal and Treasury De pariment, for whicao sub Secretaries are recommindéd; while for military affairs 1 would seem to be sufficient to aath« nize the President and Secretary of War iv, delegate to commanding Generals so auch of the powers vesied 0 them as the ex gencies of the service shall require. The President adverts to the savage , his bkonordJudge Bailey, to be hang: ed, for the marder of Cope, suffered the penaltyofthe law on Friday last, A large crowd es witnessed the execation, FORGEN. LEE’S ARMY! Mr. C. A. Moore will be at Tliird Creek Stativea on the Sth January, 1864, te take charge of any bexes or packazes, and at Salisbyry onthe 6th, for tue same purpose. Persons near this place. having boxes, &c., are informed thai | | Departinent are six hundred and seventy four dollars will be charged for ev- ery box to pay expénses, “ Nat” wants a box, and desires the Edit- ors of che Iredell Exprese to notify his friemls. We.aure sure “ Nat” will yet it, too. ee Tue Concert aND TABLEAUX, men- tioned in oor last, came off on Tues. day exod Wednesday evenings last, On bots evenings the bail was filled al- The musie and was a complete success, mest) to overffow iene. " » kK (ey + ol ; « p eciviole UREA grea charters to make. and. thus doing mani injury te the public interest,” Mr. Costner's resolution is a proper one for something is really demanded to pro- tect the people against the exiortionate } amano carry. frelchis as cantly ae the Express company dogs, and at & great deal dower fates, And thea uinkel reniyu- erating profit, ‘Phys people who are ail the time Udking about the * rights of the peuple,” ‘we hope Will wow ‘rally to the support of Mr. Costher's object wud help ip remedying a growing evil. It will aley be ove) that Mr. Brown, (he Cowmuuer from this county, iteduted a bill w amend the Revenue Act seas ly tax Express Coupons $500 in each coun ty w which they receive ur dehver pack agen We repeal, whri we have ofien said beretufure, that the Express Compa- ny as now wabaged is a monopyly tbat vught pot to be tolerated. The ecxrges are enormously bigh, but people are cum pelied ty subs i because the railtonds trave “farmed out” their hoes to the Express Cowpany, and the only Gay toget fre ght transported with any sort ul certauty 1s to hire the Express Company to do it and pay whatever prices are charged. We bke Mr. Brown's till, but) we would hke It better if tt restricted the Express Com- pavy ty carrying sinall packages —say un- der 50 ibs. in weight—or restrict the charges to a fair compensating, For our own part we have always found the Aga@ats of the Express Company very accommodating and obliging to us, and it is pot against the Ayeuts of employees that we make complaint, but agarest the | Company xs a Company, etnploying a monupoly nod exercing &- power wineh \shoskt pot be allowed. The Ratlroad companies should be eompelled to carry lo the Express company,and tbe basines and charges of the Expres¢ company should be limited and restricted. In saysog what we bave san! in this article, we think we | @Xpress the sentiments of nine tenths of the people of the State. — Western Democrat. | WE SECOND IT. Every word of the above is true ‘to the letter. The thing Aas become absalutely intolerable, and amounts 'to bare fuced swindling. We call | upon the Leyislature in the came of the People to remedy this great aud of rajlrond companies in which the 4 id a tkbokler, And there is bo g' reasoy” why the milroad compa | freights instead of farming vat their roads | was excellent, and the Tableaux we: yrowing evil, and make the roads ie “ates al sine j ’ Py pe it, we lia The earn, ab any id ee ty r inc oN ontied “« fier never brighter. mode of instruction pursved in teach) pupils fully elavidated in the Potton ed examinations heki; and it was : see how heppy and, contented ried | tunate beings wv Nene rare tail to perewive t wb iitsirco by thig Institution, The exercises consisted of rou- sie pon be pian,..¥iulin 4D, Swyging abstruse question in ment arithmetic and | ea which weré performin torrectly and swiltly, questions iis yeograpiy, histor the reading of the Bible wal ges ee ‘bY: biint pupitsy ete, upom the black be b the dea! mates, and ap exbibition of ngage of sikis. Ral. Standurd TELEGRAPHIC. FYROM THE WEST. Dattow, December 7. The Yankee prisoners, captured by Wheek ers cavalry near Chark-svow and Cleateland, reached beresto-day. Sis oftiem : the pickets of the rear guard, One husdred and twenty-five men were statiuned at the former place. Our forces passed Ciravetaad twelve hourp alter the evemy's supply train, which was 12 miles ah the rear. Lts army officers report oo enemy at vitker place. Two vt the eneiny's corps passed through Cleave- jand and have goue wo Gcorgetown, ¢n ronte for Knoxville, their advance have reached Loudon. Reports trom Knoxville are cone theting. The enemy are laying waste the vouunty on their mareh. ° Darron. December & The enemy's cavalry a red yesterda at Ringgold, but being pier by » pane under Val Gnggsby were routed and driven back, Nv casualiies, The weather cid and rainy. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR { Ricuwosp, December 9. |} The report of the Seuretary of War is very thy, and wa highly important document. iw chietly refers to the prinespal operatens of | the arina in its several departinents, gnd says | that the carppaign in Qlisstmpp: was certain- ly disestrous, Tt is diicuht’ tw resist the im- preston that those dasters weye not imeri- | tale, but that the coart of enginry invest- | fabon of the whole campaign, whieh met in Atlanta in September, (but ip coneeq uence of te sicumty of the eneany demaning the | presence of witnesses, judges, other points hare been sispended temporarily.) but they | expect soon (o reassemble. The defimeocy in resooroe and nun, and the ; want of provisions, raaber than reverses of j the battle, cared the wahdrawal of ear neo } from Middle Tenness@. He tiext alindes to | deserting, stragwhng and absentwes, Hesays \ the effective force of the army iw the later battle was not over half, nearly two-thirds of rious classes: was paey rer tid Pre | bd ding to their losses by an aitempied «+ | ferocity of the eveimy in conducting the are sure could not be surpassed, and what they were designed by their hereace to the letter, in violation of the spint of tbat instrument. No such pur- | pose could have beeo entertained and no! such resalt wrs contemplated by the fram- ers of the Constitution. We may add weight to those coasiderations if we reflect | that although the Constitution provided that it shoald go into operation with a re Presentation temporarily distributed among | the States, it expressly ordains that after providing for a census within three years | after this temporary distribution the rep- resentative power is to ead unui such enu meration shall be made, Would any one aigue thar because the census cannot be made within the fixed period, the govern ment, at the expiration of that period, shall perish for {be want of a representative body. Io any aspeet in which the subject can be viewed, [ am led to the conclusion al ready snavunced, and whieh is understood to be ia aceordanee with the vote taken in war, and holds up to pablte execratiun the refusal of the Livcolu Government to ex ecule the eartel Yor exchange uf prisoners. but the patrivusin of the pecple bad proved equal to every satrifice demanded Uy the | country’s need, aud God Dad blessed us with stccess in disproportion lo our means, and under hes divine favor vur labors must at last be crowned with success, FROM TENNESSEE We get very little from this quarter, The following items imay prove of interest If General Jubnstun has beer placed io command, we louk fur the rapid restora: ton of the army. Pubie conodenee wil be anmistakeably inaniiested, and the ef fect of it vpon the army uryganization and efhciency wil! be speedy and decisive. The dispatches below show, if not what has been done, at least what was designed the receipts we are informed amount- ed to avery handsome sam, and will relieve the wants of many whe itis feared might save euffered. The Legislature will most proba- bly atjourn te-day, We will ive a synopsis of the acts and reso- lutions passed incur next. The bill amending the Home and is pending inthe Senate. We ’ ' , Wan ite the people may have an opportanity of seeing at once the changes made. A Vew Judge.—The Legislature of this State has elected Hon. Ed- | projectors, a means of accommoda ’ : tion to the public. “oe IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. Inthe Spoth Carolina Leyislature, | | bon the Sth metant, the following in- | portant resolutions were presented | i tees: Mr Croft ntrodiuerd the folowing resolo- ' Guard law has pa:sed the Commons | gona, which was referred tw the Comittee | on Confederate Relations: | the necessaries Of le have aivanced tmany } fold; sod whereas the ta:nilies of our soldiers | remain in some arm of the sernier and reterred to appropriate Communit. f % : | Whereas our currency bas depreciated in will pablish this Iaw in’ fall, 60 that) such a degree that the standard valve of al) snould be retained, allowing thor | the men were va the rowis Je next r-com- tncnds te repeal of the substitutes and ex- erption laws, and that provision be made for fall having sutetitates to be immediucty te | quired to eater the ficki, that the sovidege i whoeb Congress grauted te pat in suosii lates, | cau be regularly worl comsutohonally abodg- ai He says the compact entered into be tween the Government aod persons furnish- ing substtotes, as alleged! can be regarded j only w privilege accomled, instead of coor planing of the abcogatiou they sh vatd be vratefol that what was heretofore allowed {them He recommends the abridgement of exemptions by Congress of all, makin. details to meet the wants of somtety at hotine i He eyes three gears men, whose tern e2- { pire caupot Le tinally discharged ,—tlat they esting “nt organtizaltun, to 11 COP DAT 8 onder 7 H ve re are supported by the pay of the soldber, which | commends the consolidation of companies and is now reodered iosnfticent lor that parpose, | regiments be pot reduced below a certam | and whereas it 1s against reason and bamaw) complement. { nature to suppose that our brave and gallant, He pays a glowing tribute to the heroism by Gen. Longs:reet. We suppose that one or both Houses at the last session. ciecumstances were uufavorable to their shalt, therefure, uutil we are able to pur- sue the precise mode required by the Con- sti-ution. deem it my duty tu approve any | law levyiag taxativs, which 5 0u are bouud to impuse ia defence of the evantry, in any has Leen pending for sevetal days between other practicable mude; which Shall als the President, Generale Hardee, Johnston suceessinl prosecution, atid he was com- peled to raise the siege of Kuorville : We learn that a correspondenes which ond > . | sokbers cane. otenied.y remain attherr post” endurance aud unfaltermg devouon of the win G. Reade, of Person County, a! of duty, Knowing tiat their families are at Judge of the Superior Courts of Law | home suffering to the necestaries of life, in ae : the form of food and cothiog > therefore, bert) a4 a ancrifice upon the altar of Liberty nd Equity. j lnc ae ? | aul} tae Oe et Jadge Bs, Resolved, That the General Assernbly of He closes hy saying, ont very reverent ate Mr. Reade is a good | South Carolina nespectioly advise and recom: | «bowing a onited determmnauen fo enduse tnend the Secreta yo of War, and the Con verythig that we iney establish oor inde gress of the Confederate States, that: the pay) pendence, and that must convince the enemy ) eoldhiers, ' 1 Tire lamented dead have viekled teu lives ley, resigned. lawyer, possesses a fine jadgment, | tribuie the burthen unjformiy and inpar- Ually om the whole property of the peuple. In your forther leyisiauon you have soa zht to avoid an increase of the volume uf nutes in ciredlation, offering inducements of vol~. untary funding and measures were adopted for that purpose, but proved only partially” successful, amd the evil bas now reached auch a mageitude as to perinit no other rem-ly than a cumpalsory reduction of Ube currency to the amouat required by | the business of the country. This reduc- on should be accompanied by a pledy. , that vader no stress of cireummslaaces will that amowat be exceeded. mole of ang the credit of ihe yovern ment cau be so disastrous as (he one which disturbs the basis of all exchanges. [1 ren ders impossible all calculations of the fa ture values, augments io constantly in creasing proportions the price of all com modities, and so deprecates all fixed wagus salaries and incomes, a to render them inadequate toa bare subbistence. ff to these be added the still more fatal influ ence On the moral elaracter of the people, ] am persuated that you will concur im the | conclusion tat an infiexible adbereace to | a heitation of the carreney, af a fixed | sum, is an indispensable elemeot io any | system of finance now to be adopted. The | holders ef eurrency 20w outstanding can only protected in the re: overy of just ifns by subsututing for nous some other qecu- rity. Lf the curreocy ie not greatly and No possible | dusaster. | and Bragy has culminated in an arranged reorganization of the evinmand of the army above, General Joseph E. dobnson is to take suyteime head of affairs, with General ' Bragg as chic’ of statf—a) eomianation Jong sought by the couatry, and presen! toy a ebheering front wy the future, We have po words to express our delist at so equitable, popular and proper au adjast ment of the vexed problem, Wath Jolin ston to plan, supervise and direct, and with Bragg to conduct the office details and peice of the anny, it will restore cou fidence ae it will be itself restored. Chie people and the sutdiers will aecept this tardy tribute to their discerning «nee, with gratitude and esittfidence.— Adlanta Confederacy 8th. Dattox, Dec. 6.—There is nothing re- liable from (sen, Longstreet. One account ‘says lie nesanlt oo Knoxville was unsuc wessfal; another, and the latest received, states that the ememy had suffered o The commuemcation is and hence notinng direct avd reliable is received, two, have Jf, Chattanoogs and been sent towards Knoxville. Amother corjm ha» been seat in an anknow direction. All is quiet bere. The Uonfedehate broken, { and isa deveted friend to eivil ibe | of the solders be increased to twenty dotlars | per month, and that our menbders to Cou- gress from (bis State be instructed to use their influence tu the furthenng of this end Mr. Thowipeon introineed the following erty, [le will prove an ornament | to the bench. ome New Method of Tansiag Leather. We have jist seen some three ve- Goo 00 Monday next: E | Whereas, oor ports are now said to be blockaded by the enemy, and our mints hos. ed by tue refusal or neglect of the Govern- ment at Receuond to oases the necessary and . prone Save cot Chat @ ibject, and aa the States Mr. Harrison Cook’s Yard ! hase surreadered Uns power of comming iie- ry tine specimens of Leather tanned npen a new method discovered by S.A. Mickel, of Roane County, Va. | One iu in Davie county, in 44 days, the oth. | ers in from 23 to 33. Mesers. [ick | elo & Thomason, the proprieturs of theretore, Resolved by the Senate and Howse of [tep- ~ ' ‘ General Assembly, That oor Senators and the Patent are now here, and are! members of the House of Repretentatives, o9 ready to dispose of either Shop, State | the Contederate Congress, be, and they are * : ney ! SPOT Ww Vv ‘i or county rights. Fr hat wehave | quested to use ail proper means in their pow seen, the system appears to he good } er during next wssion of Congress, to bave the minta of Chatlotte, North Carcina, au} pits _ | at Dablonega, Gedryia, pot im operaluvn as lurvely. The leather is soft and pli- | soon asinay be practicable, of at least, one of able, and to the pablic must be of | them; and that the Governor be, and be vs ‘ | hereby, requested tv send a copy of tis res- immense importance. It sarely mer- | jjution to each of the Senators and members and maat gave in time and expense 4 ; , ite the wttention of every person in- | of the House of Represestatives in the Can- Fuur Federal gorps, consolidated into | | grews at Richmond, | notice thereof, terested in the leather business, may bavd due or -— A GOOD MOVE. | roe . The Fichthitton at the Deafand Dumb and Blind Asylam.—The Chapel of uva Institu- -e ~ It will be seen by the proceedings of the bold Rieweold. Legulatere, that Mr. Custnes, the Com-| i aa. dency 6! Briday aight last Gen. Be nckioridy wee not smpedded, | mover from Lincoly counts, bes introduc: | ine " de etigntive Ao imeem g ie a resolation to inquire into the Megat toe ae fs odttibed tlie ta but replaced (superseded /) in the botn- ’ \ | resolution, winch wis ordered for considers }ney to the Coolederace Governmeyt, ve tt, | resentatices of Nonth Carolina, now mirling tu! | hereby, expressly, cacnestly, aad atgently re- | of tine foubty of bus efforts to sebabee 4s FROM VIRGINIA Ricnmoxo, Dern ber 9 was delivered ) yemerday belore the Virgie Ljyposlature. hk ; ; 5 cubmers a long renew of Slate ales hyertedd WIth y are bis te The Governor's Mesaage Tha: only poonts of witerest cy the general policy of the count maths upon the antettutes and the correucy He anys sunbatitaies have bea three years under laws passed by j aud Confuderate Governments end Cb accepted tor bath Stare “calle ,@ binding couliact, aud should be respeck ub that no guserninent, whic 1. vicdates contract? between iMself and tndi@idualsy can Marae 4 character. | On ‘the currency he saya, our bs wes Of pm ' nin | per lave been reguiatet by Boe pein pee oe | the eousequecce of our jawnes are Causitig Ube that we ltrustin wew of their rederiptiun | must reure the exaess exeupl fur farther ‘sues and adopt a wise system of taxalhe® cotnbined with bout ; Cuancestos, Dee. ¥ Tho Yankees between three and fow o'clock ed fre on the City and threw eight shells, Moultrie aod James Island ber leries returned the fire and silenced the ene my‘s fire. Five baildings were struck. Only six shots were fired at Suinter to-day One tiiseed, No casualties, : Brisrou, December ¥ ‘Bothing defisitetrém Longstreet to-lay Gilwore’s brigade enedantered the advanwe ec r a r c e 4 qs Wheet tela d humired wt the avelaad y train, ts ary Le. ‘Two Cleave- h reote reached e@ cone ste the ber & terday & lorce } driven cd ao Y OF ber 9. is very ument, huens of nd says crrtain- the im- inevi- mvrest- met in juepee ing the points vat they and the urses ‘of ea; feo Hinde to Hesays the late thirds of { regom- and ex- mae for ately te anvilege ai totes, abrdg- into be- furniah- regarded al coor vould be allowed “ment of ve details erie ©2- that they esting atm, 1 He re- aries and a certaiD heroism ln of the heir lives ty vraean ale » emluve om ie we enemy ole veered ature. Lt wes Sted) with kre his te correucy * piel tor wth Stare { Devan spuected— contract? natn tae ws of pa aint r sug dae thar we jurther t (axalhe® : Dee. ¥. and fow nd thre® island bar ~d the ent ruck. ter to-day wber 9 to-day ihe advan? ” ! Proposeuern mt some de routing eae 2) -s phic eommunjeation rite fre son Telegraphic = ed wie Rogersville Junction. SALE OF BONDS, Be * / syne Rucumonn, Dec. 9., At adction to-day, Bonds of the $15,000,- 000 Loan Coupons ght 162} to 194) in terest added registered 150 and interest vig ht ver. Cent Numerous tobacco tierchants héld a meet- ing yesterday and appointed a couimittee to investigate the subjest of the removal of the French tobacra, apd repoft the result to the authorities, The action is ssi® to be based on developments net proper tomake public wii (ae ke vestigation ts closed. NORTH EIN NEWS. Rretsoxn, Deceinber 8, The Baltimore Guretle of the Ird, ways the seport of Murgan's escape into Canada 1s con- spe RT, near Mi of 0 "ROM GENE, | ROM GEN, nceled with Wat ‘com inand ve bave Cheer ity iisiatfiseeas fram Gereral someol the wisty thisstat ements that haxe appeared it the Nortlern pa- pers concerning the raising of the novi Rieiitind: on - busitvevs cons }/ a ; W oGulbsiag Tar Reiner, TP | in cboacqupnee of sd vprésving moponity, jaet Longstreet’s arthy; whieh elears op | ae ; Hi | Do to ss. ee nit ot ‘ Ps ThA ”* — U ix, #: Sie: Rowahe:- ble , Da gn, WH Whiceos |) Caldwell and sBuarke Countion s H " Colored SENHE Farmers and ns of thecforege-.j Moore, |. Ml ing Contities* are ‘hereby informed, that now, in our Armies,for short und forage, Outs, Corn, Huy and Fodder, tepecially, 1 ‘have in- structed my Agents Ww eXert every energy pos- sible in secufing @t once, a large quantity of these supplies: Arid, while I earnestly ‘hope © Wilson—Cironity Wma nour; ‘Gen Miss to D’p'nef N. C., Wm Closs; Pear, Jno Ne Andrews ; Mission- ary Chaplain to Hoke's Brigade, J J Hines; siege ut Knoxvitle: and Gon. Loug- strev’’s retreat froin that place in the Ve oy with Gen. on 4 subsequent order, ville. tradicted ; it is supposed he weat 40 Une Obio civer aud crossed into Virginia. Lincoln has not recavered from bis loess. Ao ollicial dispacch fiyin Danks, dated Brownsville, Yuh, says hid wostsath alle ex - pectations were sore Un renied, The wife of Ex-Presidrat Pierce is dead. A catrespondent of the Tribune writing frem Washington, says so far as can be ascer- taiped the censorship of che War Deparusent over the Telegraph no longer exists, this afternoon wii New York papers of the 7h instant . The army news is unimportant The expedition seut to relieve Burnside, is under Sherman. The steamer Isane Newton, wes burned pear Yaukers, ow Saturday evening. The} tion to Rogersville, and whose troops ‘see A Cuuninggim; Kast Rowa' aumber of hives lo« is aot known, The Steamer Columbia, with Liverpeol dates of the 2471, tras arrived at &t John’s The London Post co utadicis the report of! the resiguauivu ol Lord Kassell The argu | ing at Kouoxville on the Jed iWstant, | MB Sherrill; Saurratown—to be supplied ; sufficiently dear and sucred to all, to induce, | or General Longstreet would not | Statesville, James B Bobbitt, C P Jones nom. | even the roost parrimoninus, to be beral and \bave urged General angen to has: | ment iu the Alexnadma case is coucluded. Cottoa irm and adewnced 4d. FROM BRISTOL Batsrot, Dec. 10. Cur latest advices frou the front are that Lougstreets forces were in time of battle at! Hutledge, bis gear guard skirmishing with the | every, whose pursuit had not beea vigor- ous since our ferees bef Mormstow a. cavalry were skicimisuing al? day on Mouday with Gree advance of Witeox’s forces vo Cloch river Capt. Everet's raving paruy retemtied to Abingdon yesterday. He attacked) Uw ene- tny at Nouut Steriag, Ky, and couted them afier a stubborn resistance, driving them Lack. banuag the Court Houseand Jail He captuoe! a large vuimber of Gine bores and $ivv000 in green barks The eaemy seouiing heavy reinforcements Our troops rretmated rapidly theuugh Pound Gap closely persoed by 1200 mrary, who arr Teparied Wo be at Gladeas we, Va NORTHERN NEWS Ricuwosn, Dee 10, Telegrams from East: Tenuessee valy con- Grin L ndetrects viteal Thispatehes fracn Puscer, of Che 7th tush, a in. eave that Wilso dias Qeea sent to Black the eueny and dank Beaus Sauna, Linevin has peued a proclamation recom- mending that the peoplefender speetal hom- age am! gratitude to God for the dishodge- meat of Ua from kant Tennessee. Thre latest quotation for gold rs USL, Meu genirs CONFEDERATE CONGRESS Ricumeon, Dec. 9. The Senate evinced to-day a epint te make diligent tuquiry into the acts of the Adniinrs- tragon on the salty Ment of provesious ander orders of the Com. | Missary General, and ie course of the Sec: | retary of the Treasa:y in paymenc af iiterest | on Ure cotton bonds which weer made sab H jects ot resaintions of inquiry tw Mr Orv and tavorably onusilered by the Seaate, Mr. Orr i oxpla, ed Uhe resulugens by very strong bacts en each nomat. The House went tuto couimpettes whole eu Che President’ < mescave sels Of arbitrary toaproxs: | f othe The por Gous perbauiuy le huanees aud Cie ceport of the Secrebuy ot the Preasury wore referred to a special Committee of one fromeach atate A Pereasbirtpere Was iteCt ae tic vowed intextioa af testing ¢ ech wads the a t@o secre al toe House, aastraetiog the Commniiies to report a till levying a tax oo the value of the reab per- _ sonal property, wiuet wus a lopled—yers 42 nave 14 The report of Ure Crinmissioner of the , War Tax feach $100,000,.000) and conilans of the defective Working of Cie Tx Act embarrasses tlie collections Dec. 10,—Seasutor do troduced a ball tnembere of the estimates the reeetyte to w troge materially ns Wf Arkansas, tn- tu lunit the testa of office of Caliurt tr tou years, at the | expiraGon of wlueh time they tight bere. | efigible, but slould bo ce-app firmed bv the ited and eon- Senate He supported the | rech The House is asseouing wade through the mase cud lo get atic ref) nlar work. \ ad sposition to Levi Short, the iventor of the: in Poot idelp inion Che 2eth alt. This reinninds us of a stury of the wife of anothér maker of fire works. She bud seen and admired an epi- tap which eaid “ fle had gotte to a place where, ouly, his virtage are } excelled.” When her husband died | dies either a pauper or a criminal, | she put npon fia tomb the inserip- tion: “fe has gone to.w place wihiare, only, his reworks are ex- eelled.”— Kay. Observer, . route and, ou Wednesday, the 2 justaat, General Ransom, with his splendid | | force, was again at lebout (arty miles frou Kuexville, place he dispatched a courier to Gen, | | Loustreet, anueuncing bis proxint | ley, and expected to torm the june: | | hav. The announcement in’ the | j Nerthern papers of General Long jun the refrogaude movement niade by General Ransom from Bean sta: | / were fistaken for x portion of Gen- | i era! Longsts eet’s forces. ‘the steye was certainly progress- ten his Junction with bine at tbat puint.— Lraminer, Dee. 7. | THE NEWS. We have to day ouly one piece of news of interest, and that relates to lL the present position of Gen. Long. | We are at fast able to in- | An slret/ forma our readers where he is. (otticudl dispaieh was received from Had Veeterday, dated “* Rutledge, Deceiuber 6th.” triles north-eastot Knoxville on the road te and one luudred wiies from the latter place. At the Bristol, dat of lis dispatch he had halted at: Rutledge, but ne will inevitably fall ‘back lo Bristel on the approach of | the {nun his preseut posi- tion liable te an attack ip front from Jbarnside, io flank irom Cumberland Gap, and in rear from ‘the puts dug terces of Grant, who, the telegraph informs ws, are mak: enemy, he is ing their way towards his rear by the same route by which he himsell Not- Wilstancng fis apparently eriteal proceeded wcualiist Duraside. pusitien, we think we tay regard lhe betere dime to Southwesteru tit as sate. has the shortest Virgiia and a clear start of bis pur: sucts. What Longstreet has ctfect- jedi bust Tennessee may Ge suain- ed upin the word vetoing, Rich. Ezaminer, Dee. 8. RESLUTIONS ON IMPRESSMENT. The following resolutions on impressment, introduced by Mr, Avera, of Jolnstog, from } the committee on the subject. have passed both house of the General Asscasbly Wareiies, This Legisleture has been iun- ‘formed that certain persons claiming to be | vlltcers and suidiers the Coulederate and are now goluy Uicouzh portions of the State mak- ay Lapresinents of Cora, Pocky and other abates, lave been articles of food exscrittal ty che support of the inhabitants of Che said localities; tn addicon vo the othes demanded by the guverniuent, even belore the tithes are collected | and whereas, asthe duty of the authories ol the State to protect 14 erizens tin the enjoy- thentoof their cousututonal riyats aod puuvi- lees, aS We Vas che sulyeet to render obedi- ! ri } . pence Coils coustitudeual aud legal require- teats, LUG eloEe, Rewdved, That his Excellency, the Gover- nor, 1s bereby ruquested to correspoud with the autiorttes of the Conlederate States Gov- erbineni iu regard to such tmpressments, and ascertain cape whether they are directed and apeed by taem, and to make an ef tort to prevail upou sand aathoities Co patie atop to such tiegal proceedings aud pabhe ferences. Resolved further, That in’ considertion of | the searciiy of provieons ation the tithes shall be withdrawn trom the Stal®, his Excellency, | ie eee ia ‘ A ; A reer y “ me v ihe hav Greek fire ased on Charleston, died) the Governor, be requested to use every | We have gund reason for Beheving thi howorabie means to Keep in the Stare the baance ol provisions ; otherwise, great ani alaaoss Quiversal sulleriig Must ensue, The Enghsh Registrar General's | report shows that neatly one in elo- von deaths in London vevcnr iu work- houses, and that every sixth person London now covers 1Q0equare miles. The population which increases one thoweund-arwevk, is now three imill- ious, Nirection of Virginia, General Ran, | SOUVE Ary Was in motion to ford a| ville ty) Bean station, bat acting ap- | | made a Te- d If there be any, as I learn there are, who troyade movement back to Rogers: . ; SUD} Bean station, | se ee | an :Couterenke , Marg Ju Wybd, Miss. to- eee pressing forward. Frow this | Chiua. | . . : | Leveis; Ashboro’, Charles H Philips; Frank- A flag of wucy boat ariived at Gey Point | tionron Friday night or lust Satur: ) liusville, Isham H Hill, Thaddeus L Troy, | GM Pepper; Thomasville anc if - y nilfor | streets retreat was evidently vay, HD Wikon; Suuth Guilford, | Parker; Jonesville, Janes F Smoot; Wilkes, = | plied. Roauoke, TB Kiugabury, N A HH God- Ratledye is thirty. the good Farmers and Citizens of these Cray- ties will spare my Agents, av also Lbemsclves, the unplessaut necessity of impressment, by selling to me or them, at the schedule pfices fixed from tyne to time by the Commisen ners uf Appraisement for North Carvliva > yet. if | parties refuse U sell at these prices, THERE- | BY MAKING IMPESSMENT NECEsSa.- RY. itisu DUTY, whith, in all sack cases, my Agents will proceed TO PROMPLY Waraeer DISCRIMINATION suppose the seath will be as much as the Goy- erument should require,“I beg to inform such persous, that is order to susein our noble, de- voted and self-syerificing Armies, gos only the teath of prodaction, butwery near. if not ALL of their snrplas will be necessary Gy ‘ ‘Vbe important fact, that the tenth, tor r over lw the Government; is not for the bd of any part, cause or Governmerft, separate from ourselves. but expressly for ougowo Gov- erminent, our cause, atid ourselves, should not ger, P. E be furgoticu, a8 we fearilis, in many cases Trinity College and High Point, Jno W. | What is, not the teaip or surpius, bu: each and all of oar productivas’ worth, even at the extortioner’s price, compared with the great, graud aad overwhelming . importance and object of sustaining our armies, sons, broth- ers, husbands: aud friends, now stundiug be- tween us and our blood: thirsty, atrecioty aod implacable epemy, protecting, shielding vot only yur property. bat var honor, var ali. Can we lose sight of all these facis? Shall our con- elauttbope, pride, huwer and patrinism, sink beneath the grovelling passion of greedy gain and avarice? Surety i: cannot, must wot, will ; not. Lis to be hoped “thet our righteous cafise is Trinity OoLLece Doqtasar—W mn. *Bagriv- uom; Ubarrie, Isaac F Keeraus, Davidson, yington, N well W King; Alamance. Wm H Barnes,\ Sauissury Disrgict—lra T Wyshe, Bo EB Salisbury, David K Bruton; Rowan, Jes- Jno KR Brooks; Mocksville, Rubert G Bartett; Ire- dell, Lawrence F Way ; Nlezanael Carson | Thos 8 Tripleett; Surry to be supplied; Ellin, Wasuincton Disrnior—L L Heudrea, PE. | Prompt in letting the Govermment bave their Washingtou—Avent Chape}; Bath, Matta- surplus without heritation. , muskeet, Neuse, Columbia; Portsmouth, Vera- Ly The following are my authorized Agents: coke and Hatteras; and Ply mouth—to be sup A.J. YORK, at Coueord, for Cabarras-and { . Stanly counties, * | dia, nom.; Warren, Lemua Shell, TB Reeks, | J- &. SI MONTON, at Statesville, for Ire- supernumary, B F Long, nom.; Warreatoa, | dell, Catawba, Caldwell aud Barke comaties. { Joba B Willraros; Henderson, Jon H Wheeler. | _J. B. FITZGERALD, at Holtsbarg, for Da- | James Reid, nom.; Granville, ‘Pheuphilus W ) Vidson, Rowan and Davie counties. g to the heirs of deceased, will be hired in | Salisbury on ist day January, 1864. | R. Z. JOHNSTON, Agent. December 14, 1863. 3130 | Headqudriers, €. 5, Mil. Prison | Sautsgprr, N,C., Dee. 7, 1863. To Non-Consecripts. | IEUT. HENRY P. ALLEN has been an- | 4 thonzed by the Secretary of War to rate | «a Company of Non-Couserip:s for local seavice as Prison Guards at Sallsvary. It is probabie that the present Congress will a thon, Davie,” re N, Cata sh ee XECUTE |~ r sn ORS. consisting of Two Mea, Two, Boy: Wohnen ‘and Girls, Bed and, nutes of Schook Books, one ble barrel shot Gan and ra~ tes. Terms made koown on the day ofa: : ‘ ae O. GILLESPTE, yeh 3 Decembér 7, ‘1863. ‘ gw N.B. AW persons having claims against. said egtute. will present them for paysneat? also. al! person» owing said estate, must settle: up, as indulgence will pot be given. .O. GILLESPIE, Adm‘r December 7, 1863. I beg to caffihe attention of Farmers and oth-: érs to the advertisement of the Chief Com- missary for a i py Sahat have been ordered to imprery iv all cases where Leannos. watuilie te? mpploe dt Wheat, fo Bm sai pies in the above named Conntica, fir.the use of the arty. This order has been rendered. netessary by the refusal of persops geyerally to sell to the Government." 1 iherefure take. this occasion to make a final opps ta gil to reltto me uf once, or to my authorized agents, their sarplus of Wheat, Flur, Bacoa, Pork, Peas, and other subsis‘ence stores, and save, themseives the mortification of impr: emetit,, for anless they respond-at five, the iythoritv to impress will be exercised most rigidly, apdt without distinction. : ; A. RS, Céptain & ACS. Sussrrence Deranrrmest, : Salis-ary, Nov. 30, 1863. « $23 To the Farmers of NerthCarolina. CPMIB wadersigned ChiefCommissary for the. Devartmem of -Nortlh Carolina, charged with the importwnt duty of procuring supplies. for the subsistente.of ihe Army, begs leave to. appeal once more to the Farmers of North Cay-. oling foraid. Deeply anxious to avoid impregs- ment whenever it is possible to.dd 80; he has forborne thus loug, in the earnest hope that the patriotic. fatmers of the land. glorying in the bravery &ud sefferings of theirown noble sone, would promptly and voluntarily come forward to feed them according tothe means with which God hus blessed them. He yet trusts. they may do so. but feels boaud to warn them iu-cuse they will not cell, that he will seize as the law ie mpowers his to do, and will be no re- epecier of persons, Are you afraid of the cor- aene¢y? Where will that and all else be with- \ out the Army, and where will that gallant ar- my be, unless itis fed? = Thivk of these things and open your hearts and your stores, rich and poor, to the Agentsof the Government. Do not wait for it lo be taken by forge, fet not your patriotism be ' stvined ‘by ‘a selfish reluctance. | but rather senctified and ennobied-by the bless- ing which hath been promised to him who giv~ eth cheerfally. JAMES SLOAN, Maj. & Chief Com for N. Caroliga. Orrice Curr Commissary Dar’t N.C., Greensboro’ N C, $50 REWARD. IOCKET BOOK LOST—in the town of Sahsbury, a sinall black leather Packet Book, containing from $225 ta $250 in twen~ | ties, teus and fives of Confederate States bills, utd a small amount of N, C. Treasury notes vuore ; Nashville, Moses J Hunt; Varboro’, J. P. BREIDGBR, Edwin A Yates; Greeaville, E A Wilwa. o Cupt. and A. Q. M. Neweseen Dissaict—C F Deems. P E. Salisbary, Dee. 14, 1563. iw30 Newbern—Cenienary, Andrew Chapels, ~ Speen a ' Nelsons Circuit—to be Cad Treat, Wm | FURS, FURS, FURS. F Clegg; B-aufort—Ann St John Sours; Par- W AN TED.—The subseriber wishes to por- vie Chapel, Straits, Cape Lookat. Murehoud \ chase Rabbit, Muskrat and Koou Skins Cuy—to be supplied ; Jones Mission, Wm M | 5u¢ which the highest prices wit be given. ’ Walsh ; Kiastow and Lenoir, Nathan A Hook- | WAL A. SMITH er; Snow Hilt, Jos Wheeler; Walson, oo Salisoury. Dee. 7, 1863. : 19 Wheeler; Goldsboro’, A Wo Mauguin; Ever- | ; | pee ge ee ently ettcorities Doegan C Johnson, Ge W Deems, | HIRING Of NEG ROES. nom; Smithtield, LS Burkhead; Contentnea, | "Er B BCulbreth ; Ageut fur the Soldier's ‘Pract | HE Servants belongin Assweiation, M C Thomas; L W Marun, in| Rufus D. dJohusiou, the inex of the enemy. Winwineton Distarctr—D B Nicnorson, PE. , Wilm ngton—Froot Street, KS Moran, Sth | Street Mission, 8 D Peeler: Vopseil aud North | Hanover, Wm H Moore; Ouslow, Win Alex- ander Smith; Daplin and Magnolia, Jos B Thownas; Sampson, Wesley Mo Reby, Daniel Culbreth. vom ; Bladen, Jus B Bayley 5 South j iver Mission, Robert P Bibb: Ehzabethtown, Samuel Mo Frost; Whiteville, Jonathan di Dallp; Smubuaille, Thomas J Gaitiss, ww D Moore, not 5 Cape Fear Mission to be sap- pled. | Paverrevitce Distrior—W H Bobbi, PE. | Fayetteville, thE Hudson—Evans Chapel ‘to be supplied; Fayeteville Cireant, Juo W Tin- nin; Cape Fear, WS Chaffin, Caston Barcar, pom. Haw Rriver, Jos Bo Martin; Piitebore’ : Oscar J Brent; Deep Raver, 8 D Adame, ye extend the ages of conseriplion, and that it will Vanthorize the couseription of oll who have fare nished substitutes. Yow tsa fine opportanity for all those , in OM, 25, 10, aad 5 cents bills’ The above re- ; ward will be paid for the recuvery of the above. who tre lieble to be conscripted as above sta- | in the military service of CU Mores, nom; Roekinghom, H HW Gibbons, Montgomery, [sage W Avent; Troy, George | E Wyche ; Robeson, PH Scoville ; Capel Hill. Rob’t A Will, \ The next Conference will be held at Mocks- ' ville, Davie County N.C. tec, and they should dinmediately apply to Lieut. 11, P. Anes, or Capt. 8. GALLOWAY, tf 29. Commanding Post. Li The Daily State Journal, aud Wilming- | ton Daily Jouruil, aod Chaslotte Baketia, will | copy two weeks, and send bills to tins office. » ATOTICE Slave owueres . the Grand Lodge of the Masonic fraternity N ; aa See phasis tia The Gran rdge of the Mas at yg of Rowan county, who have farished la of tre State of North Carolina has been in ' bor for the Pablie Detence at Weldoa, Raleigh { session in this city tor several days, aud we | and Wihniagton, ‘are uaderstand was eypeeted to close last night. | Satisbary The principal officers clect for te ensuiny Powers of Acornes to collect their money. year are as follows: Grand WL AL, Deo W. Weeember td. 863 1130 F. W: f Ali ey Gri 3s Wd - = F. » atson, of Alamance: ; Grand im 1 x OTK vr. MeCormic, of Cumberland. and Grand J. ray IN\ Moy. CL W. Best, Esq. of Green Coanty.—/hly ‘ __ Progress. GRAND LODGE. requested to meet in. December [9ih, tnstamt. Ge exeette | Nill seid at public voetion tS getesville ev saturday the [Qobtiast one five mileh Cow +. 4nd household funiture. consosiapa of bedstencda, Wart stands, Xe, jatnd calf, one pesewood Guitar and kuechenu chur MARRIED: On the 3rd of December, at the residence of , Rey J. A. Ginn, by the exme, We MoM. HOLDSHOUSER, private inthe gallant old Sih Regunent, Noo State Troaps, to Wiss DELIA T. TROUTMAN, of Rowan county. taboew, ) Doand LO Also dS yarce of wollen Jeane Sale te commence at fl It the wea- | sale will toke | 4. Mn. ther shatl be toe cele cieut, tbe place on Mondey the 21sc C.JONES, Iwau 20 REWARD. DIED: In Rowan county, N.C, onthe Qist Nov. 163, Mre HARRIET 3S. PUOWASON, | wile of Mr. Jerse Thomason, aged 33 years, 6 ) months and 25 days Mre. ‘Thomassen had been a consistent und | exemplary memberot the Methodist & Church S South. for nearly 20 yeara Tt was net the | privilege of the wrier to be with her duriog | iup her fast Wnees, bot he leneae from others that when death stared hen in the face her ouly anxiety wae for her children—ehe deared te live only that she might: (rain them propery Statesville, Dee. 12, PR62, Salisbury vroken offi te hed a waite starun the forehead shot in one hips ti recattected whieh. ‘Phe wbove reward wilbbe pwd for the delivery of the eo't, saddle and bridle ude Po L BARRINGER i Ss VION WANTED. —The KV etgied daviag hod considerable empe rience axan Overseer, would like trou as ruck ing escaped from the cares and sorrows ofearih, she has eutered upon her teward in the Parn dise above. May God in his merey comfort and bless the | husband and children of the depurted! (Communicaten | He hae been following gt for ten octwelve veara Letteniinwy be addreward to hun at Leakswile, No C., or application made | w Mic, BOM Eanes, veven miles and « half ===> | nhove Sahabury. PD. WALL. “PORK W A N'TED. | December 14, 1863. 3upd30 (gy | HEADQUARTERS 6%e Bat. HOME GUARD. | HLS Aruy isin want of meat, ead T wish | e ; . : ) -SALISBURY, Dec. 12, 1863. sali the PORK I can, for which the | ’ re tech | i THE Commanding officers of companies of higty be paid ial gen fe Home Guerd are hereby. ordered to resame |= be hud, and T Farmers Pi ear ir heapbaege suve me tol pero weekly drill on and alter pees pe 19th. impressing it. A. MYERS, | a laches AW, “30 ‘ Oupiaia & A.C, 8. 1130 ajor Commanding. | bary. ; one year -' day pi Mr. J | Weduesday, Nevenber 25th. vward will be paic ifthe dog ie feft at the store A LSGQ—25 bunches of span cotton, Nee, B.j. ‘ = \ Svrray ED or selen from Marpry's Jet in | sa sorrel COLT two sears old and | Vpramty Wad a maddie and bobte on with the horn | vaders lo secere a stiun- | and no questions asked, Dec. 7, 1863. W. MURPHY. 29uf? WANTED! WANT to hire TWO.BOYS, (white) to make cores in the Foundry attached te the C. 8. Ord. Works, Salia- A. G. .. a Capt. Art’y Comjd’s. eae ee gee alee Ps N EGROES TO HIRE.—As Administrator AN of James S. Graham, deceased, .f will hire on the Ist day of January next, Twa Ne- gro Boy» and one Negro Girl and Child, for R. L. SM1'A, Administrator. December 7, )863 * 2x29 REWARD —My dog. Filo, @ large liver coloured and white Setter left » ©. MeConnaughey'’s on the night of The above re- of Mr JA. MeConnaughey, or for any infor- fahation whieh wil heay to his reenvery. THOS. BILL. December 7. 2Qw29 rEgN A [ HOSE indebted to the estate of Johu S. | Carson, deceased. are hereby notified to make. payment > ne those having claims againet said Vemmir, are hereby motified to present the sume for payment within the time ellowed, or this noii¢e will be plead in bar of reeovery. | JANE L, CARSON, Executrix. December 7, 1863. fwd TEGRO HIRING —The Negroes of the | LN Bstate of Sotsmen Hat, deceased. will be hired for one year. in Saksbury, onthe ist aay of Janaary, Lob, J.W HALL, B. CRAIGE, Execitors. December 7, [863 3nd ~ FLAL SEED WANTED. t Tus highest cash prices paid for Flax Seed | Apply to Dr. Wm. H. Howerteam, at the Boy- \ den House. | Salisbory Dre. 14. 1863, 4wWO ; ‘ WANTED YPPo BUY OR RENT A PLAN TATIO containing from 200 to 400 acres of ope» land, with a good Dwelling and necessery out- houses. The Place must be healthy, affurdi good water. TV. G. HAUGATYN, Salebary. September 28, 1963. ng, ’ Se ee F ! EQUITY SALE LAND. By ORDER OF THE COURT OF Equi- expose the following lands for sale at the Coan H in Salisbury, ea Saturda ° a y» rape hy we Oc wext, at 1d o'cluck, »towin: 108 Aores, tation of Willian B. Atwell, 4 Known as the Wilbeim place, at the head of Buffalu creok, adjoining the Jands of James A. Atwell, Moses Weaver auduthern ‘Uhis tract fs neurly all wood laud. Credit of six months with Mierest from dute—aend if « fair price is offered, the sale will stand conficued from the day of Sale —{ Price adv. $8 50.) 60 ACHES, Sold upon the petition of the Heirs-at-Law o George Hartman, dec’d., adjoming the laudf of A L. Johason, William Murphy, the heirs of Joho MeRaucie and thers. situated ove miles from Salisbary. ‘Termes of sale tosait parenun- er, either cash. of a credit with apes from date. The sale lo siuad coufirmed from the day of sale if a fair price 18 offered.—j Pr. adv 68 50. 1138 ACRES, Sold upoa the petition of Thomas A. Burke and others, adj-iniug the lauds of Jacob Krider, Joha G. Pleming and others, on the waters of 4th Creek. A creditof nx munths with interest from date will be giveu u ihe purchaser desires It. The sale will stanc contiracd frem the day of vale if « fair price iayiven.—[Pr. adv $8 50.) A House aud Lot in Salisbury, by order of Court upun the petition of sun- worsof Horace L. Kobadrs. The House ey Hit, the une furmerty owned by LN. rt, lo which Earnhart had a deed ia fee to twe-thirds, and was tenant by the courtesy uf the uther third. Sach is the iater- @0t to be sold, and the sale will stand coefirm- ed from the day of sale if a fair price is offered. —{Price adv. $8 50.) The House and Lot tn Salisbury, opposite tothe Coart Hc ese, belonging to the heirs of J. W. Ellis and sired rele Sr - divided sant part of the six fine Brick Uffices opposite the Court House, beloagiug to the heirs of Jona W. Ellis. There is Agia tg Coart that these salés may be confirmed if the parties interested desire it, from the da sale.—{Price adv $8 5U,] = On the Premises, On the 10th dey of December t, I will GPACEVS af land ages ike Goce af oe lombus Atwell, adjvining the lands of Obadiai ch Joseph Atwell, Jehu Bradford and oth- ors, being a part of a tract of land formert owned by Loexe Atwell, deceased. ocak Cash, or a eredit with interest as the parchas- dig, roe This sale will be confirmed t y of sale if a saffici is of- Tered.—| Price adv #8 50.1 ee : LUKE BLACKMER,C. \'. November 25, 1863. iss $30,000 Faternal Improvement N. C. State Bonds for Sale. Ornce Cuataam R. R. Companr, } Raleigh, November 19ib, 1363. 5 N Tuesda » the 15th O 1863, will day of December, + will be suld at public auction, at the | Sales Ruom of Creech & Litchford, in the cit . : ’ y of Raleigh, Thirty Thousand Dotlers North C arolina @X per cet State Bonds, the iuterest of which is payable sem'-enuoally,on the first KEMP P. BATTLE, Ncveater 8 8use Preside ut. Oo ICE —I will hire for one year, at Mra De -ember 7, 1563. 4129 ohare sadermgucd Physieruns of the town of Sufisbury, find it urcesary lu increase thew charges, beeaose of the exoriut aut prices demanded for all the neecesa ties of Ife 4 aud in order thai there may be ru misunderstanding. pabirsh the ftiowing as the minimum rates of charges from and after the 8th day cf Novem- ber, 1563. . Day vies in the Country, Night. . Qat side of Corporate limits, an- der ove mile, With an edditianal charege for Preacriplion” and meoicine, to $2 00 per mile. $4 00 $3 00 per visit be ia ne iustavce less than $i 00 Day visits in town, each viet = $2 UO Nigh. $i wu Obetetrical ead Surgice! chaarges in same ‘Ihre uf our patrons who pay their bill in country produce atuld prices, will treve their bills ssade out ai old prices C.A- HENDERSON, YD A.“ NESBITT. WD. 1.W JONES, M D M WHITEIIEAD, MOD J N.SUMMEKELL. Wb J. A. CALDWELL. M.D. Nov. 13, 1863. 6. 26 pd OTIC 10,000 Lb» Rags Wanted, LL LLL EN ALLE NC . O F T T T H e e | Earaheart, | Edwards, George | Eiler. a 8L3 | Fr bd Faison, Annie 3 Fiy, Tobias Feaspermaa, Mile Faison, Thos J Freeman, Sarah Goodman, Moses | Graham, ME | Gambul, AMS | Hobsen, Laara | | | Harlin, Betcie + Hew.in, Clementine Hinton,C A | Hiekmon, Joe | Mendrix, Jas R ) Howk, If Hastie ,C v@seun, WA Harman, MA molshuuser, A | Mot shoaser, M Huffman, WK , Jae | Harkey, M | Himen, WH | Hin, HP Howell, 3 M | Mandy, HD Hoke, Gen ingic, Enza Jerett, MA | Johsvn, Sosaa Jones, Mary Cvi Jantte, Wm domey M Johneon, A B Jotiimon, Kisebeth Menry A Indey defevat, 8 W Jomy, Sarah Kimball, Rev W Kelly, M Kinser, CD Knep, Minty $ Kevier, Soluapem Koon Richard Koip, JW Kerra, Jas D { Miatts 8 C Kietts WIL Kendall, HD Knup, Bitzabeth Liteker, E88 Lasid, Geo Lewi-, Noah E will pay the bighest prices fur thie | Linetarger, Wm emMeoun money jet as vou « eogn as jproonible them rae ot Bring ‘heen in as SMITH & SMITHDEAL, Novet@ber |%, 1-63 1126 ‘ WOOL WANTED. | Secon D SAEARING LAMBs WwooL| wamed by WMH SMITH Suiitbary, Jely 13, iC3 tfs BLANK LFEDS FOR SAL& AT TULS OFFICE We will pay vowin gedeor the mo- | Wperty Hise Mink, 5 Versuns cailiag fur tie nbove letters, | please say they are advertised. | age on the above letters in five cents wach. M. A. SMITH, P. M. 3028 Menis, M Miller, F M Miller, Miss J C iv Shaping, C Starret, Jb Stiller, MA Safret, K Su.th, Swicegud, P Swisher. 5 Smith, AL Broil, F Smith. & C Smith, A Short, Col Swing, U Shup.uog, EB Btitler, & bmith, DL Saffert, Shuping Af Smith, ME Sanders, i Bafrei S Turbe:, Wiliam 6 Thomae,(; J3 Tratinan, A Trexier, MJ Thomas, KN Thomasun, Celle Tonsel, M Turner, M Taylor, W Townsley, MD Taff, & Trexier, P Towell, MJ Turta, George Trexier, Md Thinby,G aA Tiemnasen, MR Valentine, C Vaneatun, WL Witvelm, Henry 2 Worth, BG Wiiliard, WC 8 Walker, af Wilkerson, C Wiies, Susan Wadkin. Mary Williamenn, Capt 2 8 Withetm, Mary Wise, > hia Wright, BB Walks, Ise Wallace, M Wiley, MA Wing tt West, lnty Wilsen Susannah Wiilhe-im. MA Willard, AA Waker ME Ward, = Walker, mary Wyott B Walker, WR Weant, JH Walker, Harry Wikineon, Nanale LEATHER. ] WILL BARTER_LEATIIER for Hides: | Ordnance ¥'-r ue, Balisbary. | Bole Lewther at 45 cents; Upper at 60 cents for Hidew at 64 cents green; Dry 15 centa, or for Cort at 45 cents per bushel Davie Ce, Nev. 9, 1843. H. COOK. dened tet YY ' a To all whom it may C WING to the dumber of riots, pressments abd thefis iu the county, ! feel it a duty I upe to myself toadopt the rales and te ut my ail; Ist. 1 will wot be responsible for ‘Fioer, Meal or any kind of Grain that may be takea from me by mob fot or impressmeat, 2d. I will not be responsible for any Greia stored at any mill wptil ordered to be gevund. 3d. I will not be responsible forany Mealer | Flour more than 24 hours afier it is made; at | the same time, I wilt take the best gare of it that Lean, and the sawe care that I take of inyown. The mill is always uocer lock and wey wiren we leave it J. 8. McCUBBINS. Salisbury, March 30, 1863 143 SILT! SALT!! SALT!!! | dake EC tee teieee : WILL exchang@>al for becon, giving three pounds of good e@h for ove of bacon. Apply at my offiee next to Cowan's brick row. A. MYERs. (erg ' Pays all Losses Promptly ! DIRECTORS: Johu A. Mebane, W. J. McConnel, C. P- Mendenhall, D, ?. Weir, James M. Garrett, Jeha L. Cola, N.H. D. Wilson, Wm. Banin- ger, David MeKnight, M. 3. Sherwood, Jed. H. Lindsay, Greensborough ; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Robert E. Troy, Lumberton; Alexauder Miller, Newbern; Thadeas Mc- Gee, Ruleigh; ‘Thomas Jonnson, Yancey- ville; Dr.W.C. Ramsey, Waderborough ; Kev. The post. ' R.C. Waymard, Frankfintoa; Dr. E. F. Wat- son, Watsonville. , ovrrcena: N.H.D, WILSON, - - President. JED. H LINDSAY,- - Vice-President gente, poem or ra been ordered in one day, Wherever known, their Without y aave Poh pte by their hors Cone More Mee Oe handred persons’ are knuwa to have been cuted by these This fomily ie recommen- ded by the proprietor as good only for dis- eases of thé Liver. His correspondentseny thet they ale: care Billious Rheumatiom, Padumo- nis, Chis and Fevers, Billions Fevers, Pilve and Worms. They are « perfectly safe medi- cine. % Peter Vaden, Esq.. of arabian ey Virginia, after devoribing remark utes iv his femily of Bilioas Rheamatwo aed Pleasiry. seys: ** My Doctor's bill has betn heretofore from $175 to $200 per year. I have asedt he: TO ALL PERSONS INDER? ” FDT0Usr - LL persons indebied to the W. Myers and A. Myers, are oh ohh “6 requested tw settle their respective obk- Inoger indulgence, but respond to urgent call, as it i# beeesemry that the He ea ebunld be closed with a0 little delay ap A. MYFRs, Office next to Cowtn’s Brick Row. Selisbery, Merch 30, 1869. as (these pills)-for my family, which iets eighteen white end colored, aud bave set cail- edin a Dictor, Thisig a great saving, They certumly are the best family medicine ever div- covered.” Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greeae county. North Carolina, hed suffered twelve yearsfrom a diseased liver. which the physicians had pot been able to cure. He rays: * I commence taking the Hepatic Pills with no confidence in them. They actedtike acharm on me. From that hoar I heve improved. I have persever- od in their use entil now, by God's blessing, | am well aad bearty.. § had a negro cme pho, as I believe, wan saved from death by a dose of these:pilla. My Doctor's bill was annealiy from $100 to $200, bat I have had no use fore yaicia® since.” gg ce H. Raney, Esq . Granville county, N.C..says: ‘I fiad your pills to be the beat family medicine I have ever ved. heave. proved very beneficialin my own case. I have been very mach afflicted for | Syenre, and have tried every kind of medicioe that | could get, bat have more relief from your pills than all others. My disease is ial affliction. a complete prustration of the nervous system. 1 nave used them iv ten of fifteen cases in my family, an? find them to be the very medicine for nearty «il family diseases.” - “ Paice—@1,50 a bos. For $15 a dozen boxes ie | N. c.P. WENDENHALL, - Attorney. | PETER ADAMS, -- See.and Treas. WM.H. CUMMING,- - General Agent W.J. McCONNELL, - {J. A. MEBANE, - - 13. W.GARRETT,- - | Allcommunications on business connected | withthe. Office, should be addressedto PETER ADAMS. Secretary ctreansboro’.N, C,. Jone 19, 1860. ¢f4 > f. y | 310 REWARD | WILL be gives for two SADDLES stolen | from my stables on the 24th inst. Oue is black \ quilted the other red leather; alsu, two Bridles | and ove pair martingls (suppesed to be in the neighborhood of Charlies McKenzie’) Also. | One Hundred dollars for the apprehension of the thief W G MeNEELY. July 25. 1863 t£10 Execatiwe Com. To the Farmers of Revan. AM anxious to buy cora, wheat, flows, meal apd bacon for the soldiers families vt Rowan j Some of them are almos! suffering and I have the muney to pay market prices for these things, and I do hope that the Farmers uf the eveaty will give the puorsuldiers families the preferance. ‘ J.S McCUBBIN, \0 TIME TO SPECULATE. bring ur send their Hides to bin and Gil ut up If they wit! do so be obhgstes himself to eell ‘ his share of the leather avother year at $2. being as high as he has sold any up to this time. Also those brnging bides to him shall , have the preference in leather for their own eonsumpuion anuiner year. tf* dout wish to buy hides at the present enormous prices and | sell the leather at QE of BS per B. So bring your hides «and we will keep one acecmmo- for our own use Leave yoor hides at Sprague Bro’s. as here- ‘ ofore directed T.W. HAYNES Now 2. 1863. uf 24 TAKE NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given that the firm of » Kiehwine & Plummer ie this day dissolved by ‘anutuol consent. Al persons having cleime against the gard firms. are hereby notified to pre- sent them for payment, forthwib,to M Kich- wite; and al persons indebted to said firm are aleo notified to come forward immediately aud | pay the same to M. Richwine { M. RICHWINE, WM. J. PLUMMER. Nov fst, 1863. NOTICE. 4 r HE. andersigned will continne to earry on the business of the old firm of Richwine & Plummer, under the name of Hichwine & Brown at the old tthnd. We will exbange leather for hides, bark, corn, tallow, pork, &e., aud will pay the high- eet market pnce in eash for greeu and dry | hides. 4 1. WINES THOS. E BROWN Nov. Qiet, 1963. 4ipa28 ‘ Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc. 4A LIBERAL price will be paid for any kind of old L&E LUASS, COPPER, LEAD ond ZINC, defivered at the urarest Rall-Road station. Any persun wishing to , sel will please potify ge of the quanti'y, price, and where to be delivered. 4.4. BRENIZER, Capt. Art’y Com'd'g. C.F Ord, Works, Salisvery, N.C, 1 4 Get. 3, 1568, i) f 20 WANTED — ve PURCHASE, of to fatien on share 500 Hogs at the C. 3. Distillery, Saliebury N.C. Apply to surg Jas T. Jounsow Med. Par. Charkute, NOC. oye ' WANTED! WANT to hive TRN of FIVTEEN NFGROMS, stout active boys, as laborers, Those having negroes to | hire, will please apply te me at the Confederate States a. G. BRENIZER. Capt. Arty Com'é’g a Pm) l HE subscriber has throwa his Tan-yard | {open to the public aod wishes the citizens Ww | ‘davon Tan-yard any bow ia the Confederacy ! copy daily one week, and send billie this office. will be Sent prepaid io any part of the Confed- jeracy. Those who ,devire less than e dozen | boxes, musi apply to the druggista—Great re- | duction nade to Druggists and Merchants who | buy by the grosa, Cash mest always sccom- | pany orders. Address, GEORGE W. DEEMS. Wilea, N.C For sale in Salishery by Henderenn & En- piss, and in Lexington by J. P. Simpwe. October 12, 1663. Sunpd21 $500 REWARD. Ean IN JANUARY LAST, THE Uffice of E. Myers wae broken open and the follo ving ertictes sioten ther fram: One fine English Gold Lever Watch, with the name of J. A. Lilliogta on the face, German Text | letters, believed to be made by J. Johoston, | Liverpool; nene vimond Ring, large Diamond jim centre clustered atoend with email Dia- | monde; one fine Gold Ring, with forget me not, | inberibed thereon; one sett Ear Rings and | Breast Pin, Coral aad Gold ; two Gold Chata- | hin Pins; one Banch Gold Charms, consisting i of the two Lockets eth minateres ; Slippers. i Cross, Hart, Shell, and others sot recollected ; one Corral Breast Pic; o@e Gold Breass Pia, i sett with Pearis; one Necklace with large | oval Jets, with eross in centre; ore fine Fan; | one large Black Lace Mantle ; Embroidered Handkerchief, Collars, Sleeves. &e; Bienkets, | Linnen and Cotton Sheets, Pillow Cases and | Bolster Ships, and many other arucles of Jew- elry and Ladies apparel dt recollected. The above reward of Five flondred Dollars, will be | paid for the tecovery of the above named arti- | eles. of in proportion for any part of them — | Moat of the Jewelry can be identified by W. R. | Wilson, Watch-maker at this place In my | absence, any infurmasion given to Captain A. | Myers or Mamuel Reeves, Sr., will be prompt- |dy attended to. | FE. MYERS. Salisbury, N C.. Jane 15, 1963. 14 | gr The Confederacy, at Attama, Ga., will | saenchasemanteee ‘Dr. J. A. CALDWELL \ | pubic hilar da OFFERS | hes profes monal services to ih | citizens of Salebary aud the eer- roovding country. OFFIC E—finek Row, opposite the Coart- house, Room No 2. | D7 ‘amy absence, leave your name on the | Slate SB Oct. 16 —tf22 | Nees SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE- | ceived the follwing articies, to wit: 50 doten Coats § Cord Thtead, $000 Needirs, eseorted, Bik aod White English Gingheme, Solt, Nwil<, 8, 10 and 6, | Shovel Mualde. : | MICHAEL BROWN. On consignment 60 Boxes fine chewing To- 1000 DOG SKINS. WANTED. W ANTED 1000 Dog Skine, dry, for whieh will be paid @1 for mediom size, and t ones jn jon, priy to R. F. Simonton, Statesville, or a: Salisbu comber 8. 1068. +f29 allie sve i ft 6 ea es tf os De SALISBURY, Nov, fSth, 1962. ALL indebted to the McCwnnmne & Fosren. an see af a » Shoe Manefectory of John A Bradshaw, next door to the Waichman Office, on the spbacri- ber, and settle their aeenunts, ether by nae or the caub. NoW® is the time to debts. +f:26 THOMAS J. FOSTER. 2 CKorron and LINEN RAGS wanted by J JNO. F. FOARD. Salisbery, Apri? 23, 1863. th49 , WANTED : PURCHASE OR RENT, AN Me proved Lot in the Went or North Ward. : Apply at thie Offies: Aug. 10th 1863 112 —---—- a New is the time to pay Money. A ALL PERSONS FITHER INDEBR ed to me by note of account, are requesieedo call and up. atl A. M. NESBITER Jue 15, 163. es ee ~~ JOS. B. RUSSELL. Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N.C. WILL give prompt and prreenal stiention to the sale of prodece, and perchasing Sah, &e. Consignments and orders ret pectfully solinit - ed—edvances made when required. Keference—T. J. Foster, Salisbury. Oct 12, 1663, Cmpd22 Confederate Invararce Company” Charlottesville, Virginia. I HAVE acc EFTED AN AGENCY from the above Inseranee Company, and am now prepared tu inke reks on property at 1ea- sonable rates. and for limited perme of time. and on different grades of prepeny :—Secb ne Cutten, Tobdacev. Produce, Wachinery, Mer- chandise, Buildings, &e. Thie Company bee been in operaticn bet e short time, has a large Cash Capital all peid im, and beld by rome of the wealibiest ond beet people of Virgin. A large amovnt of the Capitn! Steek of this Com pany bas already been sold fer ten per eent. premiom | can oafely rrecmmend this Com- pany to be of the mors reliable sharactes, end any looses from policies issued by this Compe- ny. will be promptly met aceordiang to the terme set forth in its potieiee. ; Persons M Sebsbery ray poappae enact 3 their property insered, ean have an = of dk by caltinfPon me. ° oY A. J. MOCK, Age. Salisbary, N.C, } July 16, 2563. i) ee MICHAEL BROWN, | COMMISSION MERCILANT ' SALISBURY, N.C. RUMPT perronal attention given to (be P atl i Produce ond Shipmente— Consignments enher fur sale in thee market or for ar ate to other markets enlicted, whied will be sold at highes market price and regph- tances promptly made. 8a y. July 33, 1863. 18 ~~ faother Great Vietory! — I HAVE for sale, sod will send post ped the following Receipts ie any one for making Matches, Bleck, Ked and Bive Inks and Sbde Biacking Also, # receipt for making 8 com- peition for welding east ster. one fur ee Varnish for verniehing Iron. I will rend an above receipts for ane dollar single, oF ah forive aul wee bacew, MOB Seliebury, Sept. 28, 1963. ng JAMES HORAH, | Watch-Maker and Jeweler, One doorbelow R. BA. Merphy'sBtore, SALISBUKY,N.C., | ' | ” EELPS coustently on hand alarge aasore A ment of WATCHES and JRWKLBY of allends. Clocks, Watches and Jewélry vfevery de- seriptios cepairedin the best mauner and on the most reasonable terms. Vebraary 14, 186: To Soldiers’ Families! HERE will be no more money paid to families o Boidiers after October. I have thougkt it best to | invest the balance of the Pund in provisions, which will be given out instead of money, It may take all the moath of November to get s of provisions on hand, | 1 w Oil use every effort to vbtain sepplics as early as pos- sible J. 8. McCUBBING. Salisbury, Oot. 2, 1868 20 Com'r ly3# | OTi¢k. LN THE Stockholders of Montanana Pomate Seniinury ure hereby notified to call on the an- , at Moeat Pleasant and get the QLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE | amount of movey due ree a | November 21st 1863—4w27 AT THIS OFFICE. | the Cotton Mille, Lam prepa ios addie-maker, for dollars. Being a preeless noe to fornish « i h I od- reevipt for moking headdle vermeh, whie! lead ee the Neri long before the gt Thie receipt J will send, post paid, for five fae Reece i. MULINIA, | : | Stowesville, Gaston Co N.C | October 5, 1863. * Imp s& «> e BEEP I] AVING resigned my extnmission in the Confederate Anny ov Bergeon, I tender My ; d th bhe services to my friends att WN EXBIT?. | ET Cffice, opposite the Court Houre Jane 15, 1863. ~ DENTAL, NOTICE. W. F. Bason, M. D. Wourn respectfoily make known that he is _ | haeretaken bie DENTAL ROOMS 19 Salle: be ; al! N. B. Antt will not son him Lalrssaett hetime, gach * 584 a hie rege ae dg of bis ancivgle aving the letter Box cated ia the door of the Office addressing the Post Office, eee se a ise. (11198 4e 4 r , se @¢ 7 Be r ii i s s f s wm » ed t s 4 e 0 8 es e a r e p a p h e t a r t y v r a k H oe bp u h t o e - e *e @ r a S Se r e eg y 2 74 NTED. - y for whieh » size, and ville, or # AGENCY py, and om erty at sea- de of time. ~—Beecb es ery, Mer- unpany hee hes a large by some of /ieyinaa. A { thie Com- n per cent. ithis Com- practer, and his Compe- to the terme c, Ageti. @ — LAN T iven to tbe bipmente— s market or tied, whies p and remph- o fornish @ which f ob- the wate— for five do!- AUNDA, Uo, N.C. Impl ssion in the | render my ve Ex BITS. laure “ “Pelée of, the Paper! We find it absolutely necessary two ensure ourselves agaiast loss in publishing the paper, to. adyange. the rates of sabseription, The price will, therefore, be, from the 7th, instant THREE DOLLARS for Six months, Camp on tux Rartoax, Va, Dec, 5th, 1843 Ashort campaign— Rather coolish and blue tike— Hacly birds— Another move—‘‘ Smell a mice” —Bullets and ‘' quarter-master hunters” —Eneaner.int with (se Sharpshooters— A big Aat in dificulty-—A night march—ZIn line of batile—Incidents— Yankee’ retreat txichout a fght— Our joyous return to camp, cc. We bave just been put ttroegt another eampaige, the results of which, though not what they might have been, are yet more fa- vorable than these which attended our re- treat from the Kappahannock. To give & detailed account of our recent eperatious would require more paper and time than I cau appropriate to that purpose ; but for the gratificauon of my numerous read- we I wil! eudeavor to give a few bref sketch- es and outiimes, the reinainder, whicn is of miner importance, can be supphed from im- agination. * About 2 o'clock on last Friday morming, the 27th ult, we were quietly roused from our comfortable bunks and marched briskly Ww an eastecty direction some Ove miles, when we halicd and proceeded to throw up tem- porary breast works befure the morning star appeared abyve the horizon. The ground was frozen Lard, ice was spouted up in wet places, our uoses blue, (a leas! they felt so, we coukin't see) our ears frost-bitten, hands = sabe feet Genembed, bot none of it was taken | Wes sure w “draw a dozen into consideration ; a battle was expected at i | F i Gg two-hendred yards of each other. We ex- ted the enemy to advance with a rush t they did not, sll we did not know how soon they might and to make onrselves more secure we fell back fifty yards farther, to Ute | toot of the hill on which we had bivouaced the preceding night, and, screened by the thick underbrush in front, we (brow up earth works with all poss‘ble haste. By voon the rain ceased, the clonds broke, partially cleared away, leaving the air chill and trusty so that our frozen garments rattled | hke dry raw-hides. After dark oar sharp- shooters were relieved by fresh corps. Our | boys who came’in were well nigh frozen, | (“gone up the spout” they said) aud crouch- bing round the pinful fires related some amus- | ingincidents, The pickets were so rear each ‘ other that they could converse with all ease, | and an inerssant jawing was the consequence. '* An’ faith you reb,” said an old yankee | “wouldu't you like to have a cup af bot cof- | fee thts cold morning ?’—with a peculiar irish j broguc. “Got plenty Confederate coffee,” j said reb in reply, “ wouldn't you like to have } a chew of tobaceo 7” “ Dop't care if I do,” ‘gud yank. “ Well, here are some of o'd Jeff's | aay in advance"—anj away would go a vol- ; ley of balls that made the yank dig his nails in- | w the ground trying tw he close. Both par- i Yes were lying fai in an old field—rather an ‘uncomfortable posiuon dunng a pelting rain of hve or mx hours, but the slightest move bullets, hence, it was to the interest of each that be should EE E | $ Fy st RE S to daylight and preparations must be made for | keep perfectly stl, Qa another point of stj—I dont ttank T ever saw men work with euch vim, and when day dawned the work q@as done, to be left half an hour atterwanis past as we expected; weil, all we could do | Was to hype that other poor rebels (devils) might be benefited Ly them some day. At eanrise we again took up our line of march | eastwan), acd after many halts we foand our- | selves, at LO och» k, a ns, in the vicinity of | Locust Grove (LI believe they cali it) on the | wuropike 'eaderg from Orange C. H. to Fred- | ersbu g—amden the wenity of yankees also, | I may add; war of your peaceable sort ei- { ther, fer Do seoner were they apprised of our wherealnnits than they began patching minnie balls tity the trees around us and tending | ermaster Aunters (shells) away over us | “the way Ward's ducks “went” Our first , corps of sharp-shooters wure “sent forward who were soon hotly cogaged and called tor | reinforcements; the second corps was sent! to thear assistance, which, wiih Ube first, du- Py Clee re tnaioder ot the day held the ene- tay at bay ami thus prevented a cencral en- gagement theugh the fire was hepe up with spirit between the skirmishers unul dark put: amop tort While tis was gong on in front, ou ove left Maj. Geo. Johnson was bard pressed and beset on all sides with blue bellies. Ordinarily the old gentleman (Jobn- | #0n) bas his head swamped in a huge, black | bat, aad ov (his ococasion eyes, thas enabling | the yaukees to get in his rear; be this as it | may the geucral got bis eyes open in time to | fight lis way out. During two hours battle | raged furiously; the woods iq) which we fought look hke they had been visited by a | youny toruado. The enemy found they had enught atactar and were glad enonglk to let | bm poo Tlave never heard a correct: ace | eount of hie loss, bot the blow he dealt the | yankees was se\ere, Inany of thetr dead lay | on the fichi uuburied last Thursday tnormng. | After the retveat of the enemy aud Johnsons | Gvliverance everything became perfectly quiet | along the lines/ Nigut had set tn,—at inter. | vals a preket van werd fire, but) with that! eXCPplion cota sonnd was heard save the Moeootonvrs combing of the anbulances over | the eoeven poke as they bore the wounded off the bate Geld to tie hospitals in the rear At midnight we (Ramseur's brigade) stdod in | the road two hundred yards in rear of the bat- | tle ine > the rebels had fled to parts anknown, | Thad no idea where they were pone, we could | hear of nove except the few around os and | we had videis to keep very quiet—the ene- MY's scouts were prowling pear, and at any moment a whole column of yankees might deh on us, Presently we began our march southward, parallel to the enemy's line and but a few hondred yards distant from it; i oould hardly eall it niarching, tt was more Klee creeping, so much caution was necegsar & prevent the least possible uoise. The still- ness was really painfol—it made us fell chil- ty. The mew conversed in tones scarvely above a Whisper or were ayed into the most profound silence; no rattling of tin cupe or { | marched, quick time, in pursuit. the !:o¢ a few sh came straggling between the pickets; a yankee shot one and calling gut toa rebel opposite sad,“ Don’t you want to go halvers in surne motton?” “Yes, I wouldn't mind it.” Coma aver then,” aud each threw down his gua and walked up to the sbeep, where they had a good, jolly ume over their bowie knives and mutton for an hour, Meantime the pickets on each side were peppening away at each other, careful, however, not to disturb the butchers who were working with might, chatting good bu- tneredly aud as much unconcerned as though ‘there were neither abolitionists nor begroes tn America; and when dove they divided the meat tatrly and honestly ; each taking his halfand bidding the other good-bye, with much guod luck, returned to his respective “hol” and spent the eveniag amusing them- selves with their Entields. (7 wo much bar- ned and mixed up to éorrect grammatical | errors.) Saturday, Sunday, Mouday and Tuesday the aspect of affairs remained un- changed. The two armies lay in. sight of each other, while the sharpshooters were in- cessantly tinny between. behind splenaid breastworks and were very anxious for the enemny to advauce. Our sus- pense was great, and situation not an enviable ove by any ineans, A httle shelling was go- tng op on both sides but rothing serious oc- | curred, On Tuesday night, Dec. Ist, the en- ey began to retreat, unknown however to ug until about 3 o'clock on the pext morning, when yur division, with Karly's also, was brigade was in the van aud picked up several hundred stagylers, broken down, Ke, as we advanced towards Germana ford, where the | yaukees had barely crossed ere we arrived in sight on the south side. Tn their retreat they destroyed all the peoperty belonging to cite zens along the rout. 1 counted the smoking ruins of five different tarm hoases,—some of which had been costly duildings For 12 miles seaice atail, bara, or other outhouse, was lett nearly all the stock and poultry tn the whole country had been killed ' All, ot to feed the starving horde, and, and yet the | | [ Appropriates ong milion, six handred and | prisoners said for lack of rations they retreat: ed; about true I puess, since one of the pri- soners offered a silver watch tor a dozen ol crackers, whrely uotoctuuately, could not be raised among the rebels etuer. People at home Can tora no idea of the straits to whieh We are Solneclitines recdlaced. ; When within sight of the river farther pursait: was deemed inexpedient, and the whole column “was turned homewards. So many glad fellows I never saw before. A bloodless vietory! On Tharaday morning last we arrived in the same old shanties we had lett, and above the confusion in camp cheerily rang the song, “So, let the wide world wag as it will, [ll be gay and happy still, Gay and happy. zay and happy, ‘ll be gay and bappy still’ NAT. Ramseur's ! Our troops were | ! State and the people.” 6. An act to repeal ss seetion of an act entited “au act © devide the State in- to ten CongressionaliDistricts.” 7. Avact concerapg Kutberford Acade- my, } 8. An act in rel tioa of the tax co! ty. \ < 9. An act to amfad section 85 chapter 34 of Revised Cody 10. An act to athorize A. J. McBride, Sheriff of Wataugd county, to collect ar rears of taxes. ; 11. an act to gplain and amend sec- tion 68, chapter 197 of Revised Code. 12. An act conjerning the Insane Asy lum. \ n to the compenss- or af Jobnston coun- robbery. 14. An act to iscrease the pay of wit- nesses and jurors, Message, ville Kerosene Company. 19. An act to increase the fees of the Special Magistrate of thetown of Wilming- ton. a Mining and Manufaetugng Company. aod High Reint Plantroad Cow pany. 22. Ab act to incurporate the Pender Monument Association. 23. Au act to amend an aet entitled ary 15363, 24. An act to incorsorate the North Carolina Volunteer Navy Company. surance Company in Faretteville. 26. An act conceraing slave labor on public works. 27. An act to reguine the fees of the ford. 30. An act to ameud an act approved 20th September 1861, catitled Militia. aod: Teriminer. 32, An act to allow a fee to the Assis- tant Cierk in the Treasury for registration of State bonds. | out of thy State. [Aut cmminitted in connties where Superior Courts cannot be held by reason of the Presence or proximity of the enemy, be fore the Superior Courts of adjacent coun- ties. A An act to provide against a possible deficieney in Treasury, [Authorizes an issue of State Bonds, a sale of State Treas- ury Notes, er both, to the ainount of §$2,- | | ! | ‘ { | | | 13. An act io elation to larceny and ' | ' 15. An act comerning impressments. | 16. Ao actio relation to the Governor's | | 17. An act to incorporate the town of | Hickory Tavern in the evuuty of Catawba. | ofthe Treasnrer’s Report. 18. Ao act to incorporate the Fayette- | 000.900.] 57. An act making an appropriation to purchase cotton to be applied to purchases in Europe. [Appropriates $324.000.] 58. An act io incorporate Palmyra Lodge of A. Y. Masons No. 147, located in Averasboro’, Harnett county. 59. An act concerning the Governor's salary. ’ 60. An act outhorizing fonr Justices of tke counties of Carteret and Craven to ap- point a Commissioner and for other pur- purposes, RESOLUTIONS. 1. A resolution concerning the printing 2. Resolution requesting our Senators , and Representatives in Congress to secure | 4D increase of the pay of soldiers, ; 8. Resolution in favor of John W. Hin- 20. An act to incorperate the Lockville | , son, Sheriff of Duplin County, : 4. Resolution in relation to the arrest , and imprisonment of Eli Swanner of Beau- 21. Au aet to incorporate- the Salem || fort county. 5. Resolulion concerning the per diem -and mileage of the members of the Gener: , al Assembly, Revenue,” ratified the t 1th day of Febu- : 25. An act in regard to the Mutual In- | 6. Resolution in relation to sequestered and confiseated lands in North Carofina. 7. Resolntion in favor of sick an wounded soldiers. : 8. Resolution in favor of Joseph Cobb, Sheriff of Edgecombe county. 9. Resolution in favor of Wm. Patter- ‘son, late, Sheriff of Alamance county, Clerks and Sheriff iu the county of Guils | 10. Resolution in favor of Council Wooten. 11. Resolution requiring certain Sher- | ffs to refund money into the Public Treas- 28. Ap act concerning Cherokee Lands. | 29. An act in relation to deposition. ury. _—— 12. Resolution in favor of Levi Dawson. 13. Resolution in favor of Hevery H. Sandlin of Onslow county, 31. An act to authorge courts of Over | 14. Resolution in favor of Drury King. | 15. Resolution in favor of the Speakers, | Clerks, and Doorkeepers. 33. An act explanatory of an act toad \ mit proof of the handwriting of attartioy | Witnesses in certain cases, 16. Resolution in relation to im presg- ‘iments, 17. Resolotion in favor of Charles Kelly. IS. Resolution relative to Wi. B 34. An act to incorporate the Miners’ j : ) itor of Public Accounts to inquire whether Mining and Smelting Compans, 35. An act to provide tor the pay of | : : | of disbursing officers, apd. better cheeks on | Judges, holding courts of Oyer and Ter miner, 36. An act to incorporate the Trustees of the North Carotina Endowment Fand, 38. An act to repeal the T]th section | of chapter 23 Revised Code. 35. An act in relation to the crime of arson, Carolina Express Company, 40. An act to amend the Otb section of chapter 101 Revised Code. 41. An act to regulate office hours in certain offiees. 42. Au act making appropriations the military establishment of the Stare for nifty thousand doliarns— sl 650.000] 43. An act concerning the cfhce of sher if and Clerk of the County Courtof Chero- kee county. 44. An act authorizing the Governor to accept the service of Cherokee Lndians to repel invasiog or insurrection, 45. ‘An act to amend an act entitled “Revenue.” [Taxes Express Companies five per cent on gross receipts. | 46. An act to amend chapter 36 Re- vised Code entitled “Currency.” 47. An act to amend an act in rclation to the Militia and a Guard for Home De- fence, 48. An act to restore the Courts and for other purposes. } | | 39. An act to incorporate the North: Wynne, 19. Resolutions instructing the Audi- | a better system of keeping the secounts their accountability may not be introduced, and whether a bette mode of cancelling the vouchers of the Public Treasury may not be adopted. 20 Resolution in favor of Elizabeth A. Gordon of Gates county, We are requested to state that a sinall deaf mute boy, left the Insti- tution in this City on Sunday last, and is supposed to be endeavoring | ito take his to his home Gilford county. He ip about Lz Veuts old, Spare Ide, and wore ia way Wh soldier's cap, an oold pair of panta- looms, miuel worn and patched, and vhad a stnall bundle in his iand. He Pean hear a little and also endeavore | to articutate, jis whereabouts will be gladiv re jeeived by the Principal of the Insti } | | | Any information of tution. — Progress 16th. There was another explosion at the Powder Mills of Messrs. Water- house and Bowes, on yesterday af- ternoon. We learn that the énacor- porating house was again blown up. No lives lost. We have not been able to ascertain the amount of dam- age.— Progress 16th. horiaes trials far times | such service nor Shall any substitute be received, enlisted or enroled in the wilitary service of the Confederate passed permitting or allowing: per-’ sons liable to military servic@’to fur-' nisl substitutes for the same, of an- thorizing the acceptance, enlistment or enrollmént of any sach shbetitates in the military service, be and the sume are hereby repealed.” There are two constructions put upon theabove bill. Sdme conte that it is only intended % mean tha’ hereafter no ‘person liable to mitita- ry service shall be allowed to furnish ;a sabstitute, while others contend that, us it repeals all laws heretofore passed, permitting or allowing per- sons liable to military service to far- nish substitutes, those who have done so will be required to enter the army, should the bill become a law. The following proceedings on the substitate question whieh took place in the House of Representatives Fri- day, may throw additional light on the subject. The House took up the Senate bill putting a stop to substitution, and providingthat no more substi- tutes shall hereafter, be received in = army. , Mr. Miles, of South Carolina urg- ed the immediate passage of the bill illastrating in the course of his re- | marks, the.evils of substitution. He | thought there coald be no donbt as , to the necessity of putting a step to \it. The only question was whether , those persons who previously fur- i Nished substitutes should be made {to goin the army. Many thoughs, , and the President himself, there was (no obligation on the part of the Go vernment which could be regarded’ |48 preventing such a course, if it ‘saw proper to doso, and he, perhaps | acyulesced in this view. Mr. Collier, of Virginia, thought that the effect of the Lill just passed ‘by the Senate would be to put in iservice all persons who have already substitutes in the army. He had talked with a number of senators on { “the subject, and ‘they told him that ‘such was the object of the bill—to -inelude these who now have substi- ‘tutes in the army. Mr. Lyons was opposed to the bill passing in its present form. It | was not well guarded in its language. If it should pass in ifs present form, ‘its effect would be to repeal the | whole of the conscript law, and turn ‘Joose onr army. le thought it bac ‘better. first be considered by th: , Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Foote said he was satisfiec ‘that Congress had the constitutions right to cancel all obligations with _persons who have put in substitates. ‘and compel them to go into the ar my. ‘There was no contract on the part of the Government; it was but a privilege that the Government had generously granted them, with the 'imphed understanding that if it Ishould hereatter become necessary to avail itself of their services, it ‘shoud have the right to do so.— There was no contract except be tween the principal and substitute. The subject of substitution had giv- en rise to nothing but discontent, and wished to set all laws on the subject swept into oblivion? The bill was finally referred to the Military Committee, and order ed to be printed. Pet, Eaprese. States; und that all-laws-heretofore’. ¢ . the Yankees can do like- FINANCES NORTH AND SOUTH. There gre some who will. say, in reply to this, that we are fighting, with-a currency far mvre depreciat- ed than the Yankee currency is, or ‘s likely to be—and that if we can keep the war, with a depreciated wiee. Re they can—if they chouse to do it. But they will: not choose so to du. The North is fighting fur conquest and empire. We are fight- ‘ng wa eelf-defence and for in lepen- a We are in the same posi- tion as the Colonies i: iin time of the Revolution, Their currency ‘wes worth litthe or vothing—but kept on fighting, and finally suddeeded in winning their indepen- dence. Money has been inaptly called “the sinews of war”—we say “inaptly,” because it is a mistake. The sinews of war are enough food and raiment to snstain human life, and an anconquerable resolution to perish rather than be conqaered. The value of Yankee money, on the other hand, depends exélusively apon their ability to conqner the South—that is in their opinion, it depends apon that. In our opinion, it depends upon nothing at all; and | nas basis of redemption more unsab stantial than the “fabric of a vision.” Whether they succeed or not, their money is equally worthless. The last golden dollar that jingles in Mr. Chase's Treasury will be worth more in five years from torday than the accumulated millions of “green. backs” that he has uttered, all put together. Uur own people—wiee in general politics but lagna ignorant in | that especial branch of politics which relates to financee—are to blame for the present depreciation of Conted- erate currency. A singular spectacle 8 indeed presented—that we can negotiate a luan in Europe at oearly par, while the North cannut negoti- ate one at all. Our bonde—worth- triotiem in clamoring for heavy tax- atiop, and eulightened self-interest admonishes the capitalist that he will be richly repaid for the apparent contribation of a portion of his wealth, in order to enhance the val- ne of the remainder, and to give sta- bility to the operations of sommerce. So strongly tixed is the public opinion on this subject, and so well defined the general nature of the measures to be adopted for the pur- pose of restoring our financial health that questions of detai: alone remain to be considerod. The leading fea- tures of all the plana recommended for consideration have a strony re- seinblance to each other, and all de- note the belief of the necessity for a thorough and comprehensive reform, The importance of promptitude um the adoption of a avstem of relief is more thoroughly fixed in the pres- ent condition of affairs than a nice discrimination in the selection of the means for accompliehing the work. Better that alaw should be framed at once, which will remove the great incubus of depreciated currency, rather than-the. seasion should be wasted in windy debate in the pur- suit of a perfect plan. Inany scheme that may be devised, experince will suggest improvements and modifi cauons. If a substantial and radi- cal reform is effected, these inprove- | ments in detail can be made at lei- sure. Delay, aggravating the dis- euse with fearful rapidity, will ren- der ail plans alike abortive. Some of the advantages which are expect- ed to screne from legislation upon the subject have already made them selves felt. The expectation of a speedy improvement of the curren- amelivration. uot fail to produce a re-action. i . cy has caused these symptoms of | generously authorized ; Vrocrastination wi! | to supply those anabldto pay at his : Se), hve, allmmenind actae to snq; movements as may be pending i} a few days. SSE eee ee CAROUIN| Wit SALI§BURY. N. C.: MONDAY EVEND SSeS “= G2™ In order to affpep the hands in this office a lit- tle recreation, theme wife ne paper issued from this office next week. ¢ 7 hee — Splits.—Notica is called to the notice of Capt. Brroorr, Quarter. | master at this plice, for splits fur bailing hay. Abo, to his adver- tisement calling fr Corn, long and | short forage tor tle Army. Let the surplus, over and above home con- sumption be tibeally brought in and disposed of t the Government for the use of the Army, as it is ane of the means of prtection to the fur- mers, ased by whe Government, to shieid us frow theimroads of the de- tested Yankee invader, and without which aLL is Lost IRRETRIEVABLY, ‘ AND THE SOUTH BEOURES A NATION OF | SLAVES TO THK YANK Commenpasis.—WVe learn that | Mr. John Whitman brooght in a | luad of Meal a few days since, and }suld it to those unable to pay the enormous price demaded by oth- ers, at three, dollare,\and that oar | Townsman, Mr. Jobn Snider, very r. Whitman ! own individual expeng. This is a water ? Ey ond which oath shall it eomtaitié is importdnt ts Fight permanent preservation, | anderstandi of the igen aud shall be-of the tenor aod effect follow: | of the war, we have ing, to wit: ; it entire, to the exclasion “ar waeh I do solemnly swear, In presence of Al-! other matter, «4 rag God, that I will heaveforth faith-| “In etyle it ie bare as a leaf y Support, protect and defead the Cun- edger. Sach derisive ] rath : been excited by thé H 8 apn stitution ef the United States, and the Union of the States thereunder, and that 1 will ia hke = manner abide by and faith- vious i at fine Writing be fully support all acts of Congress he has ag anger to show himeelf, The tone i¢ eubdned dry and Plain; the briefas arithmetic, oon ne the yenernl Of thia “State Paper” ie fur i wonder over the conelasion eae it arrives and the proclaination ap- pended thereto. “After reafticmin, the universal abolitioy of lav . without compensation, in the broad. hel poretne exoepied (rim ibe besesi: oot seanter, Abraham Lincoln offers of the foregoing provisious are all who are ® pardon toall Pereous in the Con- or shall bave been civil or chplomatie ofB | federacy, under the rank of colonel cers or agents uf the sv-called Confederate | and who have tort hetd any civil Government, all who. have left judicial uttice, execulive, judicial, legislative stations under the United States to aid the | ut diplomatic in the Oontederate rebellion, all who are or shall bave been | States, who will give themselves . toilitay or ovval officers of said eu-calied, | And swear oaths af allegiance t the Confederaie Guveromens, plove the rank United States, whicb contain ah ob of colunel in the army, of lieutenant im the ligution to accept the proclamation nave; all who have left seats ia the Unair- emuncipetiog the sluves, W hen one- ed States Congress to md the rebellion, all | tenth of the population of any State who resizned commissions in the anny or) has sworn this oath the j i bavy of the United States and afterwards : eat a AUG Me er ah shall congtitute a State Government ’ een |} and send members te the Cony ese xaged in any way in treating culoared ie : persons or white persons in charge of anch, at Washiaytou, On condition of Otherwive than lawfully as prsoners of w euch aubiaission, the Creatures who ar} : aud which persons may have been found javake Holm] be pertitted to craw! in the United States service as solciers, | 0" the fuce of the earth and Possess seamen or in any otber capacity. And |) property, with the exception of do further proclaim, Jeclare and make | claves. These ure to de enrolled in known that whenever, in any ofthe S:ates | the ar vy of the United S ites and of Arkansas, Texas, Loustana, Misissippi, | quartered ager the con red States, Tennasee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, | . Seuth Carolina and North Carolina, al in every bouse, and negr provoer number uf perons not less than one teath warshale lord in every Village. in number of the votes cast in such States Spch are the first terins of peace at the Prenidential election of the year uf | offered by the United Staies i the during the existing rebellion with reference tu slaves, so long and so Gar aa not repeat- ed, modified or held void — by Congress or by the decision of the Supreine Court, and that [will in like manuer abide by and faithfully support all proclamations of the President, made during the existing re bella, having reference Lo slaves, se long and so far as not moditicd or declared yoid by decision of the Supreme Court. Sy ae me God. 5 the langna OXposition is But all refleo- characteristics where neyro soldiers will be hilleted ’ Our financial distress is Ly far the | green spot in the desed which seems gluotmiest shadow in the picture — | to have spread itself aver the whole Whatever reverses bad generalship , face of our conntry, and reflects or wantot foresight in the adunnis | honor on the headsand hearte ef .e88 if we are whipped—sell for near- ‘y their face, while Yankee bonds | are a drag apon the foreign market, | aud not even a bid is made tor them. Yet when we look at home, Yan- cee money is worth nearly its face | in gold, while Cuufederate money is | ata ruinous discount. We repeat | ‘tis our own fault—uot the fault of | the North, not the fault of Europe. | We have been 60 lony the commer- | cial and financial slaves and vassals | of the Nurth, that a!l wie manhood of our own natures seems to be ta- | xen out of ns, and we are yet the cringing, servile followers, in ali | j8estions of finance, of the dishen- est operaturs of wall street. We, must drive them and their operators, aud their fraudulent Operation, trom our minds, even as our Holy Savi | our drove the money changers trom | the Temple which they defiled and. lesecrated. { The South mast assert i‘self finan: | cially, as it has asserted itself politi | cally. The Government has cotton | enough to make a heavy inroad up: ! on the pablie debt. Add to this re- source w system of taxation—abso. | ‘ute, direct taxation—that will re} duce the volume of the currency, — Let our people cease to make money | Sy preying upon the neceasities of vur soldiers and their fam ies, and resolve to sacrifie all, sooner than. ‘hia bratal and inhinnan war pet 1s should encceed. We iiave a conn-! try such as God Almighty, in’ fis: goodness, has not voucisafed to any other on bis foot stoo;. All that is aeeded is patience, endurance, furti-' tnde—aun absy.ote yielding of every thing, as secondary to the final tri- amph of the eanse. That triuinpi, sooner or later, is one of those things | written down in the book of Fate, and neither Northern enemies or Svathern traitors can prévail ayainst t.— Rich. Eraminer. a Notwithstanding the serious re. | sponsibility and the grave difticul. les which eviron the action of Con- gress at this mo:nentous jancture, ite task is materially lightened by the ruiversal conviction uf the people that heavy burdens snnst necessari ‘y be imposed upon them, and by their willingness to bear them. Lony continued discussion of the causes which have produced, the tost seri 20% difficuly under which we are | latorimg, and steady consideration | of the means necesaary to their re- moval, have ripened the pablic mind to an extent which fite it for the ap- led into West Tennessee to look af ication of the most potent reme- iter Forrest, who taken apt adean dies The must insatiable avarice |taze of the sbeence of Sherman's unites with the must generous pa | corps. We shall, however receive band vacertain. The piysical strength lof the Confederacy amoly suth ‘by no means involves conquest or bof the enemy. \ The tration of affairs, have produced, | these two gentlemen. Well do their may be corrected by that change of names adorn the Roll of Honor! furtune which has so often, in the, oe present war, shifted the relative po- | Liacoln’s Proclamation. sitions of the belligerents. Calmly) Below we give this fair specimen considered, they are, in epite of their | ¢ Lineolndom liberality and ura- serivus nature, but of trivial iinpor- clousness to the people of the South, tance in coinpari3zon with the end, , the enemy propose to attain by their The only effect itcan have, we think, 18 to produce a more deep and last arins. The great wave of invasion has spent its fury; and wide as is! ing cuntempt for the man and the the devastation of its track, it is fart people who have shown 60 little frow overspreading the whole coun- | sense. or respect for the rights of the try. The advantages the enemy section which lags made them what reap from victory are now partial they are, and without which the whele of Yankeedom must go down to ity proper depth of insignificance as to power and tesonrces, hereafter before the whole world: THE PROGLAMATION, The following isthe Proclamation re- ferred toon the Mem re: cient, under proper organization, ty cheek hos further even Without & resort to the extreme pol icy and sweeping measures which Wear the appearance of desperation, Disorganization and depreciation in the monetary system, thougir st progress, PROCLAMATION. Whereas, in and by the Constitution of the United States it is provided that the President shall have power to grant re- prieves aod parduns for offeuces against the United States, except in casses of im- ruin, is yeta terrible drawback im the prosecation of the war and the securing of our independence. — [ts resturation toa healthful state, and peachment; and whereas, a rebellion now estavlishiiment, upon a solid basis, | exists whereby the loval State government will du more for us than the gain of of veveral States have, for a long time, half a dozen barren victories. A been subverted, and many persons have , cheering tone ot contidence will be committed, and are now guilty of, treason | diffused Ceroughout tue country and aganst the Waited States: and abeee| a clill cast upow the exultant hopes | with reference to said rebellion and treason, | Such an exhibition | 44s lave been enacted by Congress de. Of Visorons national life ane recupe caring forfertares aad cunfiscat:op of Piola erty and liberation of slaves, all upon terms and condinous therein stated > and also | deciaring thatthe President was thereby | vuthorized af any Une thereafter, by proc { lanetion, lo extend to persons who may have participated im the existing rebellion in aty Stot+, part thereof, pardon and am hesty with such exceptions, and at such | times, and on sach combivionsa, as he may | devin expedient fur the pyhic welfare: and ence. In the present Disposition OL, whereas, the Congresous| declaration fur the cooutry, this preatend can be linited and conditional pardon accords | attained, and the sooner itis doue| with the well established Judicial asposi | the better will it be for all parties, ) Won of the pardouing power; and where j Rich. Efuminer, 17th. as, with reference tu the sad rebellion the | | President of the United States had iasued | rative enerszy, under the pressure of adverse circumstancea, and in the midstetfise terrible a war, will both elevate cur standing as an indepen dent power au! consolidate the re- sources, the free exercise of which IS Necessary to develop the forces and consistency required tor the estab- lishinent of am independent exist FROM TUE FRONT, Atxvasta, Duc. 11.—- Advices from Dalton declare that day before yes- terday our cavalry advanced above { heretofore engaged in anid rebellion to re. | i | sume ther alleyranes to the United States, | Ringgold, finding the CONMITY Clear | and to re inaugurate loyal State govern: Hto Lookout Mountain agd Missions: | ments within aod for their respective ry Ridge Here they found nothing | States: therefore, [ Ammainam Liscoun, | but the debris of the enennry'e cainp. President of the United. States, do pro. | powition seemed to have been | clam, declare and make known to all per deserfed on Saturday last. In the | seus tho bave directly. of by implication, town of Ciattanooga below the ene participated in the exisusy rebellion, | my had visibly decreased his force. | "XP's hereafter excepted, that The ascuription ia that a heavy col "e full juin is hereby granted to winn has been sent in purevit’ of — re emch of tham, with restora Longstreet, aud an expedition start nino san edad ih ole i a aes xatreel, pe slaves, and in Property cases where the rights of third Parties shall have intervened, and upon the coadition that every such person shall take and subscribe an oath, and thence!orward keep and maiojaion vur Lord 1860 —each having taken the | vath aforesaid, and uot having since vio- | lated it, and being a qualified vuter by the | election law of the State existing immedi alely betore the so called act of Accession, people of the Confederate States. — These terms are joined with many Vague intiumations that they may be | withdrawn or woditted as occasion and exeluding all others —shall re es ablish | requires, “Those inwe and procia- 1 a State gusernment, wich shall be repub- | ations are enacted and pot forth,” licen, and in nuwise contraving said oath, | $8 the shallow knave, “for the por | auch shail be recoyvized as the true gow | pose of aiding tn the Sap pression of jerminent of the State, and the State shail | the rebellien.” Bot in vain is the receive thereunder the benetit uf the con | trap sein sight of any bird. Even sUltutional provision which declares that | geese would scorn the chaff wish “the United States shall guarantee to every wiich itis baited, and shan the snare State in this Union a republican form of! wiich shows the noose en the sur- guvernmeat, and shall protecteach of them: (ace. The Proclamation of Pardow | Against invasion, on application of the Leg j wil bave us mach, avd no mere ef- j slatare, or of the Exm-utive when the Leg- | ; , | Sldluse capbed tbe designed 21 again | feet than the Proclawetion of Ema | domestic vislewee” cipation, aud the Proclamation “te | And I do further proclaim, declare and | disperee,” which began the war. | make known that ANY provision which may Ne document lita, however, one be adopted by such State gurernment {fait ot real importance. Lt rus eale | 18 relation tothe freed people ot such State, , the degline of the mania for war in |which shall recognize and declare their | the United States. permanent freedom, provide for their ed | sents Lis people now as he did two | Weativn, and which may yet be consent, yeare age. Then, all was loody. ) aS @ LetMpurary arrangement with therr + Contiseation, subjnyation, extermé- | preseot cundition as a labvunng, landlesa | Nation were the ony mensuces he | and huusetess clasa, will not be objected to! and they thuaght or spoke of. Great | by the aational Executive. And ft is en lis the distance between those days j Saged ae not improper that, in construct and these. Instead of serushing the. tug a loyal State yovernment in any State, I rebellion” in “einty chys,” by xi- the naine of the State, the tuunudary, the ms . ” . seb divewee. sha Cagistus eat the | Sante Union anioy,” the chief hope general code of hws, as before the rebel pow, restein a juggle. There ia a hoo, be maintained, sulgect only to the | time for all things, AD time for ModiGcations made neceseary by the con. fightiny, and that tia is nearly past; diuoas hereinbefore stated, and such others, a ume for cheating, and that time Lincoln repre . if any, not contravening said eunditions, | and which may te deveined expedient by | those framing the new State government, To avord misundermtanding, i may ry | proper to say that this prociamation, eo ! far ag it reletes tu State Yovernpinenta: has nO reference to States wherein loyal State governments hase sil the while been mein tained. And for the aame reason it may , be proper ‘o further say that whether mem bers seat to Congress fruin a ‘Ly State shali be adiniited ty seats consuitutionally, rete | exclusively with the Pespective houses, ands nut lo any exteut with the Evecutives and, i sull further, that this proclamation isia | tended to present tu the people of Ube | States wherein the wational authority hae | been suspended, and loyel State govern Mente have been subverted, a mode in and: by which the national authority and loyal | State governments may be re established | within saul States, or in any of them; and, | . Ld . several proclamations with provisions | in \ while the tnode presented is the beet the | regard to the literation of slaves; and | Executive ean suggest with bs present iin whereas itis now desired by some Persons | pressions, ikanust uot he nniderstood that ' ho other possib.e Mate would be mccepla | ble. | Given under my band, at the city of; Washiogton, the enghth day of December, | A. D. one thousand enght: hundred and sixty three, and of the Inde penaence of the | United States of America the eighty enghth. | ABRAHAM LINCOLN, By the President , Wicuam HL. Sewanp, Seoretary of State. ome The message of Abraham Lincoln isto be found in this journal this tnorning. So much curiosity ex- iste relative to this document, and so mach of the information which ia nearly come.— Bish. Keaminer. SIEGE OF CHARLESTON. The enemy, in the netion of Fri day, npon the discovers of the tires opened, for the trae it dasred, the. pleuwiest fire npon the feat yet reoqpe Irienced, direetiny their slots pon ithe angle from owhweh the Hames ' issuing. 250 rifled shete und mor tar shells were tired to ail of whieh the brave yarrison were unavorde- bly exposed. denee simoke and great bent of the jlace. Notwithstanding this, the uly casualty by the eneniy's tire In Consequence ofthe ; wae thatef Lieut. Col. Bdbort, whe wus slightly worded hy a Parrot shell knocking off some bricks, one of which stroeck him in the head and another inthe foot. Ife woonds, weure lappy to etary, ipewe not be cCapacitated hin from tory, and be soll remains to comand. Tho total namber of casuaitios, the ‘deplorable ocenrrence waa, We wre informed, eleven killed aod for ty wounded, We have been vimble as yet to oltuina frail hist, the otheial report not having been received at | headquarters up tu: LL o'clock last night. Ainong the killed are Oapt. Froet. A. U.8., of Lucns’ Battalion, and son of our eatoorned fellow-citizen, Judge Frost; Sergt. Swanston, of Company K, Firet Regiment 8. 0. Artillery, aud three privates of Capt Gaillard’s o ny of regnlurs.— Several of the dead bodies hare avt a: +: oe ie ee ee P Ce n e e e c w w A r v u n r s wa k n a w n c w r a e a s e i Ld Sr a e r r tr ep e e a e r a e | a4 Re 2 24 the ut neh pa of wach af. from a ghter has en's pres ting that himeelf, language sition is Cleristics vOrten in al whieh tion ap- firming lav A ie broad. tn offers the Uen- f colonel, ny civil zislative federate lve Bp, se I» the Hah ob atuation hen one- ny State id tenth erhinent Jong) ese tien of res who oO craw! } Possens tion of viled in ites and | States, hilleted ‘ provoer re, tf peace ) te the tates.— h any may be x CASION procla- forth,” Mie por Spies of in the Even fF with ie share he sur- Pardow wore ef. -Enan ion “te ris fof, onbe rus éale War in repre id two loody. cteurin- eed be Great « days ing the. y & xi sf hope re ig & ne for y past, ' time Viner. IN, f Frt- vee tire. ly the. xX per pon Hames iomor whieh vordie- of the of the a, the '. tire tC, white : oe arrove 8, ONG d and node, yok bas a 2 et, hy ia, We id for: bbe thecial ved at k laos Frost. » and tigen, mn, 8. 0. Oapt uré.— re owt 1 ® send it 10 to me, wad save me the trouble of , Mpressing it. W320 yet beon recovered. * The fire was not completely extinguished anti! Sunday morning, the wood having then burnt ont. The strength of the fort has not been diminished, and with the ex- eeption of sone inconvenience in the avay of quarters, it is as good as be. fore the tire. The origin of the fire was purely accidental. Most of the easualties occurred: trom the explo- sion ofa small inayazine in the west angle, containing small arma and awmunition. Since Friday theenemy bas cens wd fire wltogether upon Santer, and the firing between the batteries has been much less ¢laan usaal. Betweee eleven and twelve o'clock Saturday wight, the enemy opened spitefully from foar Parrott yons, gi- multaneonsiyy on the city. Twelve shells were thrown; several of them itis reposted, containing Greek Fire, which Sarned fur about tea minutes aiter the explosion of the shell. Ve- ry little damaye was done, and vo person injured. Sunday afternoon, hetween two and three w’choek, four more shells were thrown énto the city, which did ne damage Gar batteries have kept ap axteady reply to the enemy when shelling tee city. Sinew the atbove report Urere lus been no fur- ther firing between Ute parties up ty the hour of closing the report. Charleston Courier 14th. Camp, San Rac'r, N.C. Troops, Near Kinston, Dee 11, 1863. Editor Watchman -—Since I last wrote, we have béen ordered from Charleston, 3. C., wo the od North State. Os the 29th of No- wember, we received veders on Sulhvan's keland, to quok three jays rations, and for The first ine ma month or two we gota wnall amount of Bacon, having hved nearly all the time in’Charle:of, 99 fresh beef and nota great quantity of that On the night of the 29th, oar Regiment yot aboard the warn and moved off tur this place, the wea- ther was exceedingly cold, and it was with aifieulty that some uf the mea could keep rom freemng We are new out of the hear- ng of cannes, aad we all feel a little more Ne We were @uce inure wearer home-—-bow tong our Regiment will remain at thie Place, | duine only can deteripine very well contented her:, as we are wu excel- Went winter quartem: the cabins arc all | roomy, and with excellent chimneys We | have mu duty scarcely io do now, as I learg! FROM) CHARLESTON—LOSS OF A wiles beyood Lynehbury, most of the picket duty ss dune by Cavalry | and Artillery. The enemy appear to be ve- | 4Y quiet dowa in the direction of Newbern, | as 1 have heard nething of then since we! day and nothing anasual, except that we | have been &cre ber of truops are ia thas perton of this State, eod I do pot thok it would be proper fo make the mumber public, but the au- thontues, [ supper, I have no idea what num- | ! ; | are keeping their eyes | open, and will give the enemy a hearty re- |! : : f 7 Pl ing of the mouitor Weekaioken, in a gale eepuion at (hia place, etonid they attempt ap- ether raid in this sechon of country. { We are. ali uf ux, getuay tired of the war, | but nene of us are wilhuz to give up the eountry, end ket fall onto the hands of a werciless and Cyannical toe—we are wilhrg © ita few years louger at any rate, but we have adark looking picture before us, | wl we Koow there isa bright day, aud we \ are guing to wait gatiecotly until that day ap- | pears So we know that our famibes are uot | suffering, we can nat bere contented, and [} aM sorry WO vay i bot iis Mevertheless true, | @hat the epeculator is Wie cause of suffering bow, there are no doubt inany faanbes, who | have not the means ty buy the necessanes of Ble, and were vt nog for some patnotic citi- | meng, (hey would be bound to suffer. [wish | t0 speak bere @f one in particular from Row- | t an county, Mr Joho Whitinan, who brougtt | ‘ ‘ ' } ; | Mis meal ty Nalisbury, and cuquired for the , ats eaid that every American felt! families of seldicr, and took the ineal to | heir houses and wAL it to them tor the small | qurm of tires doilare per bushel while they | @ould Hot purchase (any where sn the place | Bor Jess than séven dollars per bushel, Such | ects as thus, Me. Beuner, we call patnotie, acd | are prood to koow toatl there are atl some i seen of Che tigut maternal in the Contederacy. | May snc men as dhe one TD have nanied, | Mog hice to emey the Lidependence of the | Soutbera C milederac 5 TE wishiit wasn my i wer to record thaueaands of such wets. but | | am serry tu say Chet it ois not often you find such A lady wi Florence. Lam aniora | ed by one of WY Maewinates, Created a dee | tachinent of our Bayade, very kindly iodeed, | while they were waiuny for Wansportauon, | thew ravons gate ont, and no COMI SBA | was thore to deaw frog, this lady (1 am eor- lable to act with Vigour and effect } ry [have not bee name.) sent to thea a quan- | my of bacon and potatoes, ecuough for seven- | ty-five or atinndred men. We often meet | ®p with patrute gentlemen and ladies, but seldom tneet them who send such @ quantity | £8 the one meationea. | The bealih of the Stu is very oud now, | west of the steknews is thom cod —a grest | wany ofthe boys are without shoes but weure | daily looking for then. It they are to be | bad, our Qhartermaster will have them, tor he Walways busy in Lenale of the enyeidin Three Regiments of our Briyade are Bow at Wellou, and there ty a rumor afloat Be 8th will soon Joo them, bat T cannot vouch for its truthfulness LT tear T have al- wady taken up toe much space, 0 L will re- werve a few ideas for a future letter. N. PORK WANTED. Ae HE Army is in want of meat, end I wish Wo perchiee all the PUK IL can, fur which the hughes price will be paid The ment mast be had, and I beg Farmers A. MYERS, “Captain & AO. 8. LATER FROM THE NORTH AND EDROPE, ‘ Ricauonp, Dee. 15. — Northern of the 12ih, according to Chase's res, estimates that the national debt will amount on the Ist-July, 1864, to 1.687,- 000,000 ; and on the Ist July 1865, to. ‘2,232,000,000. The captured steamer, Chesupeake, call- ed off the harbor of St. Jolus and took on board Captain Parker, of the privateer, Retribution, who touk ecommani. The lntest advices represent ber sear Cape Sable. Bauks arrived wt New Orleans, on the 3d instant, from Brazos. No further news’ concerning the expedition. Official reports show « deficlency in the curt crop of the United States uf 140,000... 000 bushels, i iy vee of. Lis h . _ Liver » the Paigparins Yo. in Ae Lakes has been ‘eddressiny: large eulogtsing the honesty’and fidelity f r, r ere Mr. weiter Soathern independence. He orged in inviting the Enropean powers to intervene in the American war. The Southern Iqdependence As- seciation of Manchyster have invited Mr. Cornell Fae sin deliver au ad- dress before them daring December. Mr. Jewett accepted, conditional on his not being coufiped to the sub- Ject of the Sonthem right to inde. Mpeudence, vor compromised as a | Southern sopporter. The Zémes,-in an article on Mr. | Adams’ praises of President Lincoln, Result of draft, so fir'as ascertained, ! seers at the present pogition of the 60,000 men, and 312,000,009, The Navy Departinent: has thirteea ves sels in pursuit of he Ehesu peake. Geu, Comonfort was killed near San Louis Potosi ina fight with the Juares troops. ‘The French had pusseasion of the Queretaro. The Jusree government is powerless. Anarchy reigns’ within its ju- risliction Lincoln has pardoned E. W. Gantt, of Arkunsas, from the penalty of treason for accepting the office of Brigadier General 10 the rebel service, The Canada arrived at Halifax with Liverpool dutes tu the 28th. ; The steamer Auppahannock, one of the four vessels lately suld in England to the Confederates, sailed fruin Sheerness on the 26:h, to Galais, in an unfinished state.— She had a yang of carpenters aboard. She iy pierced fur eight guus. She was seized by the French custom bouse authoritics end subsequently released. French deficit owing to Mexican ang Chinese wars reported to be ten million pounds, Two divisions of Whe Kussinn army were uoder orders to take the field. The Wurteinbury government urges the imntnediate occupation of Holstein. Polish athairs unchanged. Dispatches frum Undis announce the itl: | . Froin information received in this No hopes of his re CY Yesterday, there is vo doubt! . ness of Lord Eigis. cuvery, j American Government and Mr. Lincoln’s incapacity. Ata stormy meeting held at Pree- ton, it was resolved to temorslize Parliament to stop the \American war by means of demangtrances The resolution was strongly opposed, but it was finally carried. The rebel ageuts in London have recently purchised four steam ves- sels, which were formerly Brinsh inen-of-war, and three of them ure said to be refitting in the Thamea, to be used us privateers. The formal reply of Russia to the ‘propositivn for a Earopean Congress was received on the 26th, and it is denied that she demards that the drawn up. It is kind that Eng- land’s refusal to take part in the | Congress will lead France to torm a j Wew and intimate alliauce with some | other vation. eer Srom Southoest Virgin. | —A Raid on the Viryiniaand Tennessee Railroad. j that the Yankees have at dast suc. meetings in Glasgow in “favour of | P° that England should take the lead’ programine of the Congregs shall be | He has also issued an providing for the enlistment. of fede colored troops ip Virginia and’ North Carolina, and the éare of theit families. “He sys the recruitment of cvlored has becume the settled licy of the goveroment, and declares it is to be the duty of every officer and. pri- vate (0 nid in carrying ot that purpose, irrespective of personal predileetion. OfB- cers are forbidden to employ able-bodied egroes as servants,— Progress, The Act to Restore the Courts.— The 5th section of thie act, passed at the last session of the Legis ature, provides for two terms of the Su- preme Conrt to be held hereafter as heretofore ; but us there is no pro- vision in the act that it shall go into effect immediately, and ag the gen- eral law requires that thirty days shall elapse before the act can go into effect, it is'said to be ¢lear, by legal gentlemen with whom we have conversed,that no term of the Court pcan he held in Deeember of the pre- sent yesr.— Mal. Standard. A MUNIFICENT DONATION. During the recent meeting’ df the North Carolina Conference, in this place, Messrs. O. G. and J. F. Foard donated to the Conference the Olin High School property, eansisting of ten acres of land, thé school build. ing and two professors’ honses, and an endowment of forty thonsand dollare, ; This donation seenres to the Con- ference, in addition to the valuable property, a charter fur a eolleye.— Greensboro’ World. | MARRIED: | In Statesville, on the evening of the Sth in- | etunt, ut the residence of Mr. Nathan MeDan- i iel, by Kev. C. P. Jones, Mr. JOHN £. COLE. i MAN, of Concord, N. C., to Miss JOs E- ; PHINE W. HERRING, of Florida. In Statesville, at the McLean House, on the !veaing of the 9th instant, by Rev. Carson | Parker, Mr.G. F. HERRING, of the Con- j federate Army, Miss HATTIE A. WIL- LIAMSON, both of Mecklenharg. DIED: At his residence in Rowan County, on the | The Times says the English Cabinet ' ceeded in reaching the Virginia and | 7th Dee. 1863, in the 68th year of his age, J. grees. YANKEE MONITOR. Caaacegron, Dec. 14.—No firing to- have one monitor less to fight. An offi- cial dispatch frum Gen. Walker, at Poco- taligo, 14th, says the Vankee paper, Mew | Yesterday morning at Salem, the county seat of Roanoke, fitty-eeven potnt, it is understood, they burned | the court-house aud railroad depot. The-torce which accomplished thie 118 that of the Yankee Genera! Ave- : rill, which lett Beverly, Randolph | county, early, last week, and, on Sun- At this! We are all of us| hes declued to jon the proposed Con.) Tennessee railroad, which they did | CHAMBERS McCONNAUGHEY, Esq. , By the death of this most estimable gen- j Ueman, a vacunm hag been created in our {midsit, which cannot easily be filled; and his loss will be the more deeply aud extensively felt, when we cousider the various relations | of life, which he so eminently adorned. The } Wife, has lost a faithful husband, the children, | a tender and indulgent father, the servants, a } geod and just master, the pour, a hberal ben- ‘ vlactor, the aeighborhood a true friend, the ‘country, one of its most valued citizens, and | South, published at Beaufort, received by | Gay murving last, encoantered Gen- | agnculture ong-of its chief ornaments, Such flag of true, contains a report of the sink off Charleston harbor, Monday, December Ttb. 28 lives were lost. INTERESTING FROM EUROPE. The Northern papers bring as ta- ter advices from Buran The news id Interesting : The Yankee residents in London daly observed the day appointed by President Lincoln foe national tanks- giving, aud a grand bangaer, presid- ed over by Hon. Robert J. Walker, was yiven at St. James’ Hall, where Minister Adams was among the speakers. In his address Mr. Ad that this was the hour of calaroity, but it was to be regarded asimach of Ww Oecessary evil as if it had been an eartaquake onan inundation. Un. der Unese circumstances, a! they could do was te apply themselves promptly te) the pertection of the remedy and the restoration of the Union, This could only be done through perseveranee in the war. He chumerated the great things Which hud been accomplished since the rebellion broke wut. Phe Gov ernment at thattime was almost dig Inleyrated—now itissolid and tirtm, Whenever and however :t pleaced. The people have raflied roand the Government and maintained the pohey of the President, They have wieney, they have mep, and they have ideas which they inean to ess tabboel on fhe only trae and saceesa- fal conchinion of the siriyle. We how stand firinly, and have every relianee that the Government now able, and the people willing, te go through the trial trivmplanthy,— The einancipation procladation and enlistment of negro troops are the two great instraments by which emancipation withoat revolution will be carried out. And here we are now atthe end of two years and a halt, having made slow but regular progress in this movement antil it has taken stiape distinctly before us, 80 that we can foresee the ultimate issne. Mr. Adams concladed by , eral Echols atv Greenbrier bridge, a} | few miles from Lewishurg, detvat- ‘ing General Echols, who withdrew }to Union, Monore county, then ad.) rvanced to the Swect Springs, and | thence on to Salem, which is onl. ‘ torty-seven imiles from the Monroe | line. | Leis a little singular.that, with all | the Warulngs the Goverument has | had, from the repented demonstra: | Gdns of Averill sand other Yankee | commanders, that be should have | been permitted to march from Bev- erly to Salem, a distance of nearly | two hundred uiilesy without-nateri: | lal interruption, From the day he | abundance of time was given for a | sutticient force to have been gatlier- led to resist his advance. If he had , had an energetic commanderin that ‘deparduent be uever would bave | | been allowed to defeat Gen. Eehots (at Greenbrier bridge.— Richmoud “xvaminer, Dec. 17. . oo Many ot the Yankee officers now continedin Richmond have votnta | rily pHered to Capt. Turner, Con: tandant of the Prisons, a cart de j"y the Yankee reports of the erulty and all ill treatment and starvation. What is the ose of such duniads, be long as by accepting supplies tren the Yankees fur the prisoucrs we adiuit all they charge ? ! Sate of State Bonds..—Fitay thous. and @ per cent. bonds, issned for the benefit of the Chathau Cotopany, were sold iu this ely, by Messrs. Creech & Liteliford,” ane. us follows: $10.00 at 305; S19 500 290—averaging about 298. At the sane time 82,000 new State sixes brouy)it 205, and 32,Quo brought 240.— Progress. ORDER FROM BUTLER, Butler has issned orders from Norfolk, prebibiting, uuder the penalty of tive or ImMprieopMent, or both, the transfer of all property poless the persou transfering bas pptyrned to bie “ allegiance” to the United Btates. lett. Beverly until ue reached Salein-| Railroad | tioneers, ou vester. The prices were | at 300; 810,500 at 295; 810,000 ac! | was (he soundriess of bis judgment, sach the {energy of his character, that success tgllowed leffore, Of large experience, spund discretion and practical mind, he was often the chosen arbitrator, in cases of doubtinl action. Of | that true venerority, so befitting and bea utify- “ing the character of the successful farmer, his large-hearted Lospitality will long live in the grateful metuories of its recipients. Modest aud unassuming, his many charities, were never biazoned to the world. but scattered with a sceret hand, and the Great Almoner of us all, “who, seeth in secret, will reward him openly.” = Mourner, why Weepesi thou ? \ Let the Psalinigt of Israel, svothe and com fort thee j “Onr term of time is seveuty years, | “An age that tew survive ; | Bue Is, With more than common struggle, » © To eighty we arrive— “Yet then our boasted struggle decays, “To sorrow turn'd and pain, [Com. FOR SALE. pees and two horwe. | Patent Seed Sowers. Bolts, Nuts aud Washers, assorted mzesand ‘ grent Varieties. | Tron Kettles, 40 gallons, 89 gallons and 120 | gralbone, ; Plow Beans, Plow Handles and Plow Irons, ‘ Aleo, Unfiuithed) Corn Shel rs, Siraw Cat- ters and Horse Powers. For gale hy A. BL. SHEPPERSON, Salisbury, NOC Dee. 21, JHO3. fF Notice to Farmers and o(hers. 12.000 WHITE OAK SPLITS, YUITABLE for Balerug H ty. wall be pur Nas chased or contracted tor at liberal prices Contract< willbe made for any number, that applicants aay dese to furnish, provided they call immediately. J.P. BRIDGER, Capt. and A. Q. WV. Sahaburv, Doe. 2b, PSb3 AUCTION. | 50 SACKS SALT. WILT rel at my office on Thnreday, the 194th instant, 50 Sacke Sal . MICHAEL BROWN. Sahebury, Dec. 21, 1863 Ik FARMERS. — WILL pay liberal prices for a sapply of Pork, Beef, Lard and Tallow forthe use of the North Carolina Rail Road Company. I wil receive either of the above articles at the sev- eral Depoty on our Road and on the Western North Curolina RaW Rowd. Persous wishing to sell esther of the above artcles, will addreva me atonce at thie place, and T, J. Somner, ¥ ny Shops, aball have prompt altentian. Company . THO i FOSTE?, Purcha-iag Agent N. C.R. R. Co. Balisbary. Dee. 21, 1863. i gt | f all ery Au Act amend an set in relotion te the Ms- ‘aid a Gaard for Hoste Defones. Sec. ly Be it enacted by the General Ap sembly of the State of North Carolina,:and @ . ie hereby enacted by the authority of the Satta, That her the Goveruor of thie State, ’ the officers acting under an Defence, Gall out for drill or muster tie Persons enr@lied under ssid act, oftener than Once a month ia compyny drill, gr uftener thais twice « year in battalion drill, whieh battalion: drills shail take the place of the company drille- for the month in whieh they are appointed, on- less when called into actual service tu repel in~ vasion or suppress insurrection, or ‘to the laws of the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Gow vernor shail have the power to use the Guards for Home Defence for the purpose of ar onecripts and d ws ; Provided, they not be ordered upon thie duty beyoad the lim-. its of the counties in which they reside or the counties adjaceat thereto. Sec. 3. Be ic further enacted, Thatin which th:s isan emendment, there shall be eMpt county comniltsioners appointed noder act entitled “ Aw act for the relief of wivesand families of evldiors.in the army,” regalar mil- ere, blucksmiths who have established Recessury operatives i@ factories and found- ries, the Attorney: General, Solicitors of the veveral circuits and counties, Physicians of five years’ practice, contractors with the State or Confedersie Government, one editor to each. he wepaper and the vecessary compositors, mail, carriers, professors in colleges and teachers in academies; Provided, that this mpti eh: Monty apply to the drills specified in this bill und not to serviee when the Guard for Home Defence is culled into the field. Sxc. 4. Be it further enacted, That the fail-. ure to attend at battalion or regimental drill, each field officer shall forfeit and puy one han- dred dollars, esch Captain and other officers who shail (ai! to mamer and drill their compa- nies the Limes wppoinred, shall forfeit aud pay for each failure fifty dollars, and if a non-com-. Missioned officer of pfivate shall failto attend at any drill, he shall forfeit and pay not less than five nor more than twenty five dullars > Provided, that every ‘absentee shall be allowed until the next master to make his excuse. The. fines thall be edjudged by Tegimental and com- Fany courts-niartial, and judgments are to be entered up and the fines collected in the same mode and in accordance with the provisions of the Milizia Law of North Carolina, passed at. the second extra session of the General Assem- bly, 186}. Sec. 5. Beit further enaeted, That the Sur- Zeon General by and with the advice and con- seul of the Governor, may appoint surgical boards, not exereding three, composed of two physicians each. who shall declare by their. certificates those who shall be exempt from ser~ vice ander the act.to which this is an amend- ment, ca account of mental or physical disabil- ity, and they shall reccive the pay of their rank and traveling expenses, tu be determined by the Adjotant General. Sec. 6, Be it: further enacted, That the Guard for home detence, should they be called into service by the Governor, shall receive the sume pay, rations and allowanges as soldiers in the Confederate States’ service, and shall be subject to the rules and articles of war of the Coafecerate Rites. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That when the preseure of public danger shall not prevent the observance of such a rule, the said Gua for home defence shall not be called into ser Vice en masse, but by drafis of «a numberof mea trom each convement compuny, sv as to make. up the aggregate force required. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That thin act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification. Read three timer and ratifiedin General Ae sembly,.this the 14th day of December, A. D. 1863. R. S. DONNELL, 8. H.C. GILES MEBANE, S. 8. Stare or Nortu Carona, 1, JNO. P. H. RUSS, Secretary of State, im and for the Stute of North Carolina do hereby certify, thet the foregoing is a true copy of the original on file in this office. J. P. H. RUSS, See. of State. IL. The company drills required by the let section of the foregoing act will take place on the second Saturday in the moaths of January, February, March, May, June, July, Auguet, Neptember, November, und lecember, and the Basttetiun dritis on the second Saturday in the mouths of “Pal und October. TEE. ‘Phe 3d section of the foregoing act construed to mean that the parties euumerated are exempt from drills, »pprehending deserters, aml other ordinary duty of the Guard for heme defence, bat are not exempt from dutv wher the Guord for home defence is called into sere vice to repel invasion, sapprees imewrrection ov to etecule the laws of the State. By order of Governor Vance: , R. C. GATLIN, Adjutant General. Dee. 17, 1863. 2w31 tteadquarters, C.S, Mil. Privom Sacispory, N,C., Dee. 7, 1863. To Non-Conscripts. f ILUT. HENRY P. ALLEN has been ae _d thorized by the Sccretary of War to raise « Company of Non-Conscripts for local seaviee as Preon Guards at Salisbury. Tc is probable that the present Congress wit extend the ages of conscription, and that it will authorize the conseription of all who bave fam nish: d substitutes. Now is a fine opportunity for all thoes who are liable to be cousermpted as above sta- ted, and they should immedately apply te Lieut. H. P. Allen, or Capt. 8 GALLOWAY, tf 2. Commanding Boat, iF The Daily State Joornal, and Wilmi ton Daily Journal, and (ha bette Bul etin, copy two weeks, and eend hills to this effee. HIRING OF NEQROES. — N I ——-= ; HE Servants belonging to she heire @ Rufas D. Joinston. deceased, will be hired ia Saheb tt day January, 1864 woe" 2 2 JORNSTOR, December 14, 1863. 7th duy of July, 1863, entitled “ An lation to Militia and a Guard for: Wat « tion to the exemptions contained in she ect te -. * , - Re eoee me ss Seine hai “. ta sa go Fy a daeide se ¢ wg ” SRA a ee EQUITY SALE OF A CARD NOTICE. TO THE. AFFLICTED ! ». To the efsgowes, Cabarras, Iredet LN tooreal ial aoe bea mae rpmousanns ‘OF BOXES OF THE By ORDER OF THE COURT OF Equi- ty, J will expose the fullowing lands for sale at Court House, in Sulisbary, ontSaturday, 26th day of December ext, até) o'clock, A.M, wwit; 108 Aores, @old upon the petition of William B. Atwell, Buown as the Wilhelm place, ut.sie-t Buffulu creek, adjoining ui » of James A. Atwell, Moses Weaver anduthers. “This tract 4s nearly all wood land. Credit of six mouthe With interest from date—aud if « (air price is effored, the sale will staud confirmed from the day of Sale —{Price adv. $8 50.) QU ACLES, Bold upon the petition of the Heirs-at-Law o George Hartman, dec’, adjowiug the landf of AL. Johoson, Willian Murphy, the beirs ef John McRorie and others, situated one mijes frum Salisbury. ‘Lerins of sale to suit purchaa- er, either cash. or actedit with ioterest from date. The sale to stand confirmed from the day of sale if « fair price inoffered —{ Pr. adv $8 50. 113 AVRES, Bold apon the petition of Thomas A. Burke end uthere, adpduing the lauds of Jacol Knder, Joba G. Flemiug and others, vn the waters of 4th Crock A creditof six months with interest from date will be give: ii ilfe purchaser deares it. The sale will stand coutiraaed from thdday ef eale if a fair price is giveu.—(Pr adv §5 5U | A Mouse aud Lotin Salisbury, Sold by order of Court upen the petition of sua- dry crediorsof Momee L Robadrs. Tne House on Shinoy Hill, ni ove forme ly owued by LN Earnhary ‘which Barcuhart had a deod ta fee ty two-!” is. and was tenant by ihe @ourteey of ihe ther third = Such is the tuler- est tv be sold, and ihe sale will said confirm. ed fromthe diy of sale if a fair price is offered —{Prive adv $5 50) The House and Lot in Salisbury, Opposiie to the Court He use, belonging to the | heirs of J WE Mix and other.— Also, une ua- divided fuarth part uf the sixtine Brick Offices oppusiie the Court Meuse, delong.ug to the heirs of Johan W. Eilis Court that these sales ina\ be coufismed ifthe parties interested desire Wty frum the day of sale —{Price adv §> 5.) On the L'reisines, On the 10th diy of December SS ACRES of tand, apn pelitwon of Co- a 9 Alweli, adjuining the lands uf Obadiah Algeil, Joseph Aiweil, Joho Beadfurd and uth- Deing a part of attrac: of land formerty ownad by Locke Atwell, deceased Terns, ca hg Or a@icredit with ioidrést'as the parchas- ot v desire ve xt, [Twill sell oe x i Phin sare will be conti. med mA pew ie day of sale if a sufhesent price te of- “© fered —( Price adv $8 50 ; LUKE BLACK MER, C MOE November 25, 1563 4.28 $30,600 Internal Improvement N. C. State Bonds for Sale. Ornce Costoam 2. Ro Company. } Raleigh, November 19ih, bs63. N Tuesdey, the 15th dav of Decer. ber 1063. witi be mid at puble auction. at the Bales Rom of Creeeh & Lacrhford, in theeny | of Raleigh, Thirty ‘Phousid Dullars North Caruliae mx per com Stace Bonds, the itereat of which is rihe firs: days of January and Jo Vv in each vear. and the principal on the Ist doy of Jaunary, [ex These Bonde were issued tn the Kale igh and Gaston R RK Company, acdithe City of Ral- eagh, for the benefit of the Chatian Rail Rows Company, and ia addition to the Coe ta red) wVyabie semi-annually of the Sinte, have the secant of a specie Soaking Fund Cupres ot the lews autionnung the ieee inay be hed dn application te ihe an dersig ved ‘ KEMP OP BN TEGCE, Presiceut November 2x—2w 29 4s a sey wili hire f - yee al Mn DN Wacgn ot Elie’ pliner, or Wednes da BOtH day ot Peerinber, reece. Mar 25 Nesroes, bebo ising ts) May Bhis (Hh Ge FOAL, Gracies December 7, 1-63 4u0 Ma aD B'S a ace FAYUE, acuderscgs d Payers of toe tow AM Sabstrury. God ul news ary tierenee therr changes. DeGinee Clipe sm want pre demanied for wil tie ueee order that there tay inn peblish the fillowiig am the ebarges from and alter ihe = tiimside stands Mion rates of vday ef Niwein ber, 1nt3 Day viedts id Che Cousins, B20 ome site Night. $i vu Out ede of Corporate lanis,a der oue mir, $3 UU pers With an edd: ianal coarcge Prrecniplion a da be in ue taste ce reve $! Ov Day viele tu “nh, v4 vo a “ Mogh OO Obatetrwal and ans Vm cee in came proporuen. ‘Those of oar patrons ow . e@oun'ry produce at w ay hes balls inude out atcid pre CON EN DES ONT AU Ty A.MONE~RIUI 1D IW JONES Mob MoMWtEI PEO, Meo A) ed a au at vio) FALC ARON IELG, M D Nov. 13, i463 ed ed NOLICE 10,000 Lbs tags Vo. nted. WY pen perv the tigi e amoant We will ns Money jast as you ely mm NM 1 Goon as preamble SWITH & November 16, 1-63 WOOL WANTED. at SECOND SHEARING LAWBS Woot, wanted by Ww lt swine: Banabary. July 13, | 663 (fs BLANK BPE kiDS FOR SALE AT TUB OFFICE noon wa BMITH DEAL. (f2Q6 Tiere ws an order ot | Ae Ain people Davie, Staaly, Yadkin, and Davidson Cous- thes: , I beg to call the attention of Farmers and oth- ers to the advertisement of the Chief Com- missury for the State, by whom I huve been ordered to impress in wll eases where I cannot | purchase the sypplirs of Wheat, aud othe: sup- | pice iv the aboye named Counties, for the use The army. ‘This order has been rendered sary by the refusal of persons generally sell iv the Goveroment, 1 therefore twke us uccasion lou make @ final appeal to all to sell to me at vace, of to my auchoria: d ageuts, their surplus of Wheat, Flour, Beeon, Pork, Peas, and other subsis ecuce stores, and save themselves the mortification of impressament, fot unless they respond at once, the authority to impress will be exercised moet rigidly, and without distinction, | t A. MYERS, Captain & A.C.S. Sussirence Derantment, ( 127 Salis\ury, Nov. 3, 163. 4 ~ To the Farmers of North Carolina. | CPU andersigned Chief Commissary for the | Deoartweut of Nonh Carolina, charged | with the important duty of procuring supplies | for the subeistence of the Ariny, begs leave tu | npp-al ones more te the Parmersuof North Car- | vitna raid. Deeply auceoustoavord impress | | ineut whenever it iw pussibl- i do ev, he har! furborne thus loug,in the esrocst hupe that the pater le laud. glorying io the | bravery and sufferings of therrown uwobie sous, would promptly aud velunteridy come forward }to feed them according tothe means with | Ywhirh God haw blessed then He yet trusts | | they may co eo. bu: feels bound to wara them | j ta case they wil mrigwell, that he will size as | the law empowers bia to de, end will be no re | jepecierof penis Are you alratd of the cur- | Paedcy? Where will that obd ail else be with Jeout the Army, aed where will (hal gallant ar- | mv be, woul itie fed’ farmers of the Tinok of three and open your heattsand your stores, nich and | por, to the Agenisof (be Ceovernment Do vot wait for atto be iaken by tet j painetism be stained by as her saneified and ennobled bs things force pol Four Ital: re shee. but rt the bese ing whieh hath been promised to hun whe give beth cheerfaly | JAMES SLOAN, May & Chief tom for N Carnchna Ornce Cuiey Comwissany Dery NO C7 (rreensooro NC Va : ry. Hl Bl | NO] i( KE. I Tavine tak Leuers of Adin in ale Fon tneesiate fJ Po Cowan, deceased, lw pelivatthe houee «f Mee Mary Karki. vn the Shernil Pord coad, mxteen mules weet of Satie bury. on Pueeday. the 29.0 Decewioer, the fol- lowing peoperty, viz SUL LIRELY NEGROES, ennesting of Tee Yea, Tw Heove, W yen and Garis. Bed and Burancore {Nhe Beobs, one double barre! shot lsun aud anera } tus Terms nade haown onthe day of atte O GILLES PIE, Ade December 7, 1-63 Jet N\.B Ail peceone having efauns ayainet ' card eotate. wil prevent theo Ger paymen also. al’) petrenns owing gitd colar, uel enitie up. as indulgroce wily ‘we heen O. GILLESPLE. Adm's December 7, bead , U WANTED! WANT to hire PWO BOYS, write nhuaee ws the Poundry stm bed tothe (8 ou Wii-te & bery. A db BRENIZOR Vays a r | 1k wens : a oe BONA LE FETC AV) IPT AEO Tee ce ie ae HOST indebted to the evtaie of Ju s , Carn, deeeamd. mre he o's mified ts payment) ao. (hose nanny owe of seit eeate, aceherrby oh { . the escape Lor pavine wit tone % ce thee police Wiebe pead Dat ' ery JANE EC AUSON Ex c Deca sher 7. 1h t3 st) Vo HIRING. Pie Nepeces e . eiale seol og { ocers 1. t NIP ONE Ur Na OTe, 5 nh leva fda vy. IMbd J ONY tA d,, Big NEeet bs te ' rasta 3u2! ; roe s 7 PLANA SEED WAN SED BE ohigheet-cach p . Big Seed . Db Wan HE thewer ty che Bay eu Ubeus mn bois iw baa , ‘ ’ i" TV OC TURING NAN Tea ita eos ciaryg fran 2e t ‘ te . 1 d, z ? yvoand ceresanry in cure Phe | 1 ’ it water Pos WAT EEE OON See EY Ce rere eed f $20 REWAKD > [SES AY cenit ry Mur i CS bra | ‘ veal “ re « " yo ow ‘ aren : t . 1 ° y = ” ‘ gtk dow ' eu y h ead @ Nie 130 Pou, BAURKINGERK LEATHER. eo thin I WIL BARTER LEATHER far Utes ' 7 Nile Die cther 1 fir Hulesat Gf cnut forCorm at 45 at 60 cenia greeny Dey 15 cente ente per bu-te P if Davelo, Nov 9 1e63. Lair Ls aw an Overeerr, ATION WANTED Che mgned having had conmderable expereues would like to secnre ae j Wop as sach. He hae been follwrog ortwelve years. Letiers may | hiew at Leahevile, NO OC., of appheation wade to Ar BLH. Banee, saven miles anda half above Salisbury PD WACE, December 14, 1863. 3ipd30 inder. Ga- | be addrewsed to | | | | tJ I WING to the number of riots, mobs, lm- pressments and thefie inthe county, | feel it a duty I owe te myself to adopt the following rules aud regulations at my mill: lst. 1 will not be responsible for any Flour, Meal or any kind of Grain that may ‘be taken from me by mob riot or inipressment. 2d. I will not be responsible fur any Graia stored at my mill adil ordered to be ground, 3d. I will not be responsible for any Mealor Flour more thue 24 boers afier it is made; at THERN HEPATIC PILLS have been ordered in one day. Wherever known their use continues. Without poffing, they aeve ground by their real value. (7 More n five hundred persons are known to have been cured by these Pilis.9 This excelient family medicineis recommen- ded by the proprietor as good only for dis- eases of the Liver. His correspondents say that they aleo cure Bitious Rheamatiem, Pneamo- ‘pie, Chills avd Fevers, Billious Fevers, Piles the sume time, 1 will take the best care of it that I can, and the @me care that I tnke of | myown. The mill i¢ always uoder lock aod | key when we leave jf. | J. 8. MeCUBBINS. Salisbury, March 30, 1863 1f45 SALT! SALT!! SALT Sabsisionce Department, Salisbary, N.C. Sept. 26, 1863. WILL exchange cali fur bacon, giving three pounds uf good sak for one of bacon. Apply at my office aext to Cowan's brick row A. MYERs. UH HT eee uf 19 Greensborough Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all Lenses Promptly! DIRECTORS: | John A. Mebane, W. J. MeConnel, C. P- | Mengeha!!. DP Weir, James M. Garrett, | Joho L. Cole, ¥ HD. Wilson, Wm. Bariiu- | ger, David McKnight, M.S. Sherwood, Jed. | Hl Lindsay, Grensboroagh; W. A. Wright, Wilmiagton; Rebert E. Troy, Luambertun; Alexander Milley, Newbern; Thedeus Mc- | Gee, Raleigh; Thomas Johnson, Yancey- ville; Dr. W.C. Qamsey, Wadesboroagh ; Rev. RC. Maynard, Franklintoa ; Dr. E-. sou, Watsoaville. OrTiCcERs: N H.D. WILSCN, - - President. JED WH LINDSAY,- - Vice-President. Cc P MENDENRALL, Attorney Sec. and Treas. General Agent PETER ADAMS Watt! CUMMING,. - W J. McCONNELL, - \ MEBANE.- - J MU GARRETT, - Lilcommauanicatons on busness conpected withth: Office showld be addressecto PETER ADAMS. Secretary (3-aaneboro’ N.C... Jove 19, 1860 tf4 310 REWARD Execative Com. WILL be given for two SADDLES siolen | froca moe stables on the 24th iast. One ie block ited the otherred leather; aleo, two Brdiee ne parr martingles (euppowed to be in the Aleo. of 7" aod cighhorhoad of Chapiee McKenue's Ove Huodred dollags tur the apprehension ref WG MeNEELY 13, eG 10 thet Jais To the Farmers of Rowan, AM saxwoe to bay core, wheat, floor, meal and baton fur the elders femmes o' Riwan Some of them are alnroel suffering and I have the money to pay marker: prees fir these things, {Joo bape tuet the Fanners 4 the coonly ere ‘amis the pre'erance JS W@CUBBIN, Cem. for Rowan wre \O TIME TO SPECULATE. x i HE suhecnher has thrwn hw Teo-yard sperm to the pablic aod wishes the cHluzens to Hides to bum and All it up Tithe, will de oe he obbgates himself to sell hie share id the leather another year at §. z se high as he hae ‘wold any up to thw wilg ve the perce ve wend their ne Nie: those benging hides to him shail have the preference inbeather for thar owa roopampie canoer sear, He dont wish to bus hides at the present eaorpune pnees and se lithe leather ot Bb or Bt per Bh So bring nee sn aad we eill keep one accemae- ‘Tan-verd avy bow ia the Confederacy for oor own nee Leave yoor hides at Sprague Bro's. as here- T.W HAYNES tf 24 tetore directed Nov 2. 1863 TARE NOTICE Neri Eoin hereos given that the firm ot V@, heaiie & Plommeris thie day diseclveo dy nel coosent Ail persone having cians ayaa the sadtrm. are sereby notihed tc pre- f owt Ure tey toe pony. ee , forthath, to M Rich. wine tos LP peracns iodeht-d ty ead fim are snotted to come forward unmmediately and pry the eame to M. Richeine M RICTIWINE, WM J PLUMWER Nov het, 1663 NOLICE rqN ~ { HES andere gned will eontinne to earry on the hosteees of the old fice of Rrehwine & le ’ under the name of Richwine & Brown at the ond stand Weowill exhange leather for bi lee, bark, con, tattog, perk. &e., and wili pay the high eel mareel pres in cash fer green and dry hues MORE UWIN ES THOS. BO BROWN Now Jet, INAD Sy Chea! Biss, Copper, Lead and Zine, 4 LIN RIAL price will be part for any wind of olf < Lh ASM, COPPER LKAD and ZINC denne dat hen. Kath Road station, Aoy perean wiahtng t ~t« emer nottfy me of Ue quaan 4 1 , and wire la he delivered A BRENT ZY RR, $ Capt. Ari'y Com'd'g £ Ord Works, Melishury,N C, | (rev 2, Isée { tf 20 YO PURCHASE, of te fatten ion ahare AbD deme at the & | Nirols surg Jae T. Jonseow Wed, Pur NC S Disttiery, Sebenury N ( learl tte, WANTED! WAST io Dire TEN or PIPTERN NRGRORS, stont active boys, ae laborers Those having neg oes tc hire, will please apply to me at the Confederate States it for ten | Ordinance Yorks, Saliebury A QO. VRENTZER . Capt. Art'y Com'd'g * BLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ~ | from $175 to $200 per vear. . Wat-| and Worms. They ere» perfectly safe medi- cine, Pet-- Vadeuw, Esq.. of Dinwiddie County, Virgiuia, after describing remarkable cures in hie femily of Bilioan Rheumatiwm aad Plearisy, evys: * M. Doctor's bill has been heretofore 1 have esed them (these pille) fur my family, which cousins» of | os isa white and culored, aud bave not call- ed in a Doctor. Thisis a greatsnving. They certuinly are the best family medicine ever div- | covered.” Rev Jahn W. Potter, of Greene eoanty, | North Carvlina, had saffered twelve years from | a disevsed liver. which the physicians had uot | been uble to cure. He rays: ‘I commenced taking the Hepatic Pills with no confidence in them. They actedlike xeharm on me From that hoar I have improved. | have pererver- ‘ad im their use wniil now, by God's blessing, | am well aod hearty. I had avegro mau who, as | believe, war saved from teath by a dose of these pills. My Doetor’s bill wae anvualiy from #100 to $200. bat I have had no wee for a hvsiciak since.” Thomas H Raney, Esq.. Granville coanty, N.C.. save: ¢ [find your pills to be the best family medicine I have ever used. They have proved very beneficialin my own Case. Ihave | been very much afflicted for 1S years, and have tned every kind of medicine that | could get, bat have more relipf from your pills than wll others. My disease is bronchial affliction. a complete pretration of the nervour system } nave used them in (en or fifteen cures in my family, ane find them to be the very medicine ‘for wearly all family diseases.” Parce—Q@1,50 a bos. For $15 a dozen boxes will be sen! prepaid to apy part of the Confed- eracy. Phose who derire less than a dozen bores. must eppty to the druggists —Great re- duction made to Druggets and Merchants who buy by the gross, Cosh must always atcom- pany ordere Addres, , GEORGE W DEEMS, Wileon, NOC For esate in Salisbury by Henderewn & En- mise and in Lesington by J.P. Sumpaon October 12. 1664 Impd2t $500 REWARD. Ear Y IN JANUARY LAST, THE Office of Mk EF Moers was be ken open and the follo ving articles stolen ther from: One fiue Engioh Gold Lever Watch. w th the name IJ A Llathagt-a om the face, Germeon Text | letters, beheved tr be made by J Jobnsten, Laverpudl, oaue unmond Ring. large Diamend centre clusters d around with sia wll Dia. one fine Gold Ring, with forget me nol, one sett Bar Rings and Gold Chata- in Monde | ineenbed thereon, Breast Pin, Coral and Gold, tw hin Pine; of the two Lockers with mimatares . Slipper, Creme, Hart and othera not receflected ; ene Corral Breast Pia; Breast Pin eett e@ith Pearts ) one Necklace with large ova! Jete, with crasein centre, one fine Fan; one large Bleck Lace Mantle: Embnudered Handkerchief Collas, Sleeree. fe, Blankets, La Sheets, Pitow Rolster % aus other articles of J-w- elry and Lacies apparel pot recollected. The above reward of Fire Handred Dotara, will be Shell one Goold nen and Cotten ( geee wo pr, and i paid for the terovers eles. of in prepertion for ane part of them — Wiest of the leweirs can be identified by W R- Wile, Wateh mater st the place Ta omy aheence. any informacion geen te Captan A. Myers or Samuel Reeves, Sr, will be prompt- ly ‘attended to E MYERS | Salehary, N © Jane 15. 1862 4 oP The Confeceracy, at Atlanta, Ga. will copy dary one week. and send bi! ro thie office Dr. J.A. CALDWELL DESPRE: TFULLY OFFERS \ hee pro comenal services to the the I & e ( re gene of Sal ebury and sue ru ding coantes OFFICE — ack Row, opporite the Court. | house, Rem No 2 Te niu abeence, leave Vour naine on the Slate L Oct Joe tee “RHE SURSCRIBER TAS JUST RE- ceived the teblowirg urtietee, te wu v0 deren Coate & Cord Viread, StH) Nerdive, memorted, Bre aod White Bugleh Ginghams, salt Nasls, 8. 10 and 6, Shovel Meualds MICHAEL BROWS On cong uinent GO Bayes fine chewrog Po- bacen MOR Saliabury, Sept Qa, 162 rg BASICS TOIAT, Watch- Waker and Jeweler, One door pw RR. dA Morphy eet re, PR eguetantly on hand alarye @sseor. ke, Vatches and Jewelry -fevery de- puredia ve beet ncener aed on sarmoaduble Lerms y 14, ist Lyd 7 a . , a | ait Io Soldiers’ Families! THVIUERE will be no more money paid to farmillee o Roljiee after Octuber, 1 have thought ft Deve to invest the batance of the Fund in provier@¢, which will be given out instend of money. It may tako all the nonth of November to get aatock of provisions on hand, btaln supplies 4® ently as poe J. 8. McCUBBINS if a0 Com'r T wiih use every effort to sttle Saliebary, Oot. 3, 1868 Torice. 4 THE Stockholders of Wontan@ue Female Senuary are hereby notified wo callon the an- dersigued, at Mount Pleasant and get the amount of muney due them A. FOIL, Tresearer November 2iet 1863—4w2? Spcoial Notice, To all who it may Concern. TO ALL PERSONS INDEBT ‘ED 10 US! Au fereons indebted to the irmof A. & W. Myersand A. Myers, wre hereby respery- fully requested to settle their reepective obje- gations either in person or by letter, withowe peediess delay. They will thas rive interers and the ineonvenience of pavnent when mor- ev may be lers abusdant than ot prerent. 7 hope the friends of the late firms will wot re- quire longer indulgence, but respond to thee urgent call, as ite necesrery that the busine sbould be elosed with aF little delay ae possible A A. MYERs, Office next to Cowan's Brick Row. Salisbury, March 30, 1863 145 1000 DOG SKINS WANTED. W ANTET? 1000 Dog Shins, dry. fur whiet will be paid 81 for mehom size, and smaller ones in proportion Apply to R. F. Simonton, Statesviile, or A J. Mock, Salisbury. December 8, 1462. 1f29 Te PRP’ EB @ > Be SALISBURY, Nev. Lith. 1662. ALL those inde)ited tothe tirm ef ene Bonch Gold Charins, consmtiing | ofthe above oamed arti- | WATCKES and JEWRLEY af MeCossine & Fosrea. wil! eal! at the Boot & | Shoe Manafeetory of John A Bradshaw, nex | doar to the Wate oman Office, on ihe suber , ber. and settle their necount», either Ly note or the eash. Now im the ime to pay dette | 0f:26 TROMAS J FOSTER. Coe aud T° Y RAGS wanted ty 10 F FOARD | Saliebory, April. 1tt3 1:49 WANTED lr O PURCHASF ©R RENT, AN J | proved Lot inthe West or North Wara Apply at this Office £2 Aug. 10th 1863 | Now is the time 10 pay Mopey. jLNALL PERSONS KITHER JN DEBR- ed to me by pole ur acewuLt, ure requestes te | call and pay up. | a. MONESBITT. ' Jane 15, 1X63. ifs | JOS. B. RUSSEL. | Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. ¢ WILL give prompt and prrsens! | to the sale of produce, amd purchasny | &e Consignments and orders rerpect(a'\ sokeit> | | ed—edvahces made when required | Reference—T J bovter, Selpiu’ | ! 1 | treutioe Mal Oct 12, 1863. Empd2z Charlotiesril/s, Virginia { — | I HAVE ACCEPTED AN AGENCY | from the abaye Insuravee Compimy. arc am | pow prepared tu take risks oa property et rra- | rates. ond for limited perids of lime preperts -pork ae» Mac! Mer Thie Cor yoov bee wonchle and on dfferent graces | Conen, Tedagen. Produc: lehandee, Burvings. We. been cnoperntion bute shert iiane, has a large Cash Cap tol all ped rn, and he'd by sme w ner the wealstrest mnd beet pecple of Virgina. A large ameant of the Copiral Steck of stie Come pany bas already deen rold for ten prt com 1 cen safely rrecemime nd his Com | preonem | pany to be of the mort rel | any losses from pohcics issaed ba buy. will be promptly taci acer rd ag le yet forth an ide peacies | Persone tn Salibs Ty und vicinity Cesirtng ther prepert, ieeurnd, eae LAS D1 ube chara: ler, ape the Compe ihe erm cas have | iy of doing ow by celing «ane A. 3 MOCK, Agen | Saliebory, NOC, 1 July 16, 3863. 4 Re] Another Great bietory: | I HAVE for sale, wnd will seat post) pws the follwing Recespte te arvne ac | Matches, Bleck Kec ond Bine | be and > hoe | Blackong Ales, a recent nrebing & col fertiton for melding Gust ster r Jape 1 Vernish for vernehing Do }w adn im nteive rece pts ferane dolce rl ‘S dolisre. Berng & preci Ye e the Corton Mil. bam prepared t : ‘s » \ reeript for nemking herddle ram she wheeh bob \ ained from the Nerb tong bef wal This receipt PE will sead. post } hve m jlare Address, . | i ieee Ss Siowesville, Geasten €e Be ( October 5, 1563. 3m | sw @o “A BE HDe- | J | AVING resigned my commyse cu le Lae 1 Coufedernie Army as Surgeon. 1 cr ee J servicea tomy frends ard hepa 7 ce . a WO ONES RUE IT GMiee, opposite the Coo Tlouee ie dune 15, Dod DENTAL NOLICE: oon W. F. Bason, M. D. . BRRco™M’ BBS’ { \\ OULD reapretfuity mele hret hot me ihestetakcat hia (ENTE WL COO) Meats alte soba 7 hl | NB Aaitowillnot auc hen ‘ HAG Y » \ the time, those culling ian this we Ce be al are inthe fied of hiwartivalaby leaving the ’ ay ‘" ' e J tetter Rox attached to the dear e! ws a i bv addreesing aun through the Bixtec a mid } eles Dee Ist. l Q ee. | =e 5 yf) | FURS, FURS, FURS. ~The subreriber wisest OF ah hoon Shine woven METH ve ANTED. chase Rabbit, Muekret en Wh Ww for whieh the highest press ¥! w™M Saliabury, Dec 7, 1863. ~~ BLANK DEEDS POR SALE AT! I'S ye RICA DECEMBE CEMBER 26, 1663 y a MESSING \ licrofilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History: Bivision of Archives and Manuscripts Kaleigh, North Carolina aes ne! —nseichadlnnpenagpeenciremmmnnete oye senna “—— ae * LINA. WATCHMAN i \ mead ww wwe em Re 6 oo em RAARB EDI RD a AAR Pept y sevecnanana ASSIS Ee eananseesseel 1864 WI 19 1960 Keven ntl en